J*^ -V* A^.. • ,**■.•■ r^. v:4.^% LIBRARY UNIVERSITY or C*UF0RN1A SAN DIEGO ■... !> 1 Pi>-«9>T'Vl INDEX TO THE CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE BATES HALL PUBLIC LIBRARY CITY OF BOSTON. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. BOSTON: J. E. FARWELL & CO., PEINTERS TO THE CITY, No. 37 Congress Street. 1 8 6 G . TH- NE PUBUC TiLoSr'OONDATlONa, 1904 * PREFATORY NOTICE. The Trustees of the Public Library have much satisfaction in offering to their fellow-citizens an important additional or supplementary Index of books contained in the Institution committed to their care. The Index published in July, 1861, comprised, — excluding duplicates, — about fifty-five thousand volumes, which had been placed in the Upper or Bates Hall previous to October, 1859 ; all received after that date not having come in season to find their appropriate positions under the aljihabetical arrangement adopted. Since that period there have, by the report of the officers of the Institution, been received in the Bates Hall forty-four thousand and seventy volumes, forty-one hundred and twenty of which again came to hand too late to be inserted in the present Index, although each 1% entered in ihe interleaved copy of the Index of 1861, open to all in the Library. Fifty-nine hundred and eighty- three more are duplicates, chiefly donations, — indeed almost entirely such, — many of which, though desirable and important, do not, of course, need to be a second time announced. There remain, therefore, thirty-three thousand nine hundred and sixty-six volumes, which are represented in the present Index. Of the whole number above mentioned, — viz., forty-four thousand and seventy volumes,— eleven thousand one hundred and ninety were received under a bequest of the late Rev. Theodore Parker, besides twenty-five hundred pamphlets received under the same bequest which have since been bound, and are now accounted as books. Fourteen thousand six hundred and sixty-seven out of eighteen thousand one hundred and forty- nine volumes, purchased during this interval from the income of funds given to the Library at different times by its well-known benefactors, have been placed in the Bates Hall ; and three thousand four hundred and eighty-two volumes, purchased from the income of the same funds, have been placed in the Lower Hall. Of "those incorporated with the collection in the Bates Hall, all of which are included in the present Index, there were obtained from the Bates Fund, eight thousand one hundred and ninety- eight volumes ; from the Bigelow Fund, one hundred and eighty-four; from the Franklin Club Fund, fifty-four ; from the Lawrence Fund, two thousand three hundred and nineteen ; from the Phillips Fund, three thousand one hundred and fourteen ; and from the Townsend Fund, seven hundred and ninety-eight. The remainder of the books have come almost entirely from the multitude of generous individuals whose names may be found recorded in the published Reports of the Trustees between 1860 and 186-5, and whose donations, ranging from above three thousand volumes, in one case, down in many cases to a single volume or a single pamphlet, have been gratefully acknowledged from time to time as they were presented. The Trustees are not aware that an account more honorable to the friends and benefactors of the Library could be asked, or one more full of promise for its continued progress and success. The Index itself, it is believed, needs no explanation. It has been prepared, as the last was, under the faithful care of Mr. Charles C. Jewett, the Superintendent of the Library, assisted by efficient collaborators, and especially by Mr. Frederic Vinton in the earlier part, and later by Mr. William E. Jillson. It is constructed whoUy for practical use, as was its predecessor, which has been accepted as iv ' PREFATORY NOTICE. excellent in its kind by the most competent judges at home and abroad, and which many thousands in our ovra community have found so well suited to their wants, that no change has on the present occasion seemed needful either in regard to principle or to detail. Xothing, therefore, now remains for the Trustees except to commend this Supplementary Index to all who are interested in the culture and advancement of om- city, and then leave it to do its proper work, that of making easily and pleasantly accessible to all, an excellent collection of books, large enough by itself to constitute a respectable library ; and which, added to the still ampler collections on our shelves, places the whole Institution in the front rank of the practical and beneficent class to which it belongs. WILLIAM W. GREENOUGH, GEO. TICKNOR, JOHN P. BIGELOW, NATH'L B. SHURTLEFF, HENRY I. BOWDITCH, JOHN S. TYLER, JOSEPH STORY. Public Libbary, 24 July, 18GG. EXPLANATIONS One ST.Ul denotes that the book so marked can be taken out only by special permission. Two STARS, prefixed to the shelf number, denote that the book was given on condition that it should not be taken from the library building. These stars are prefixed to the principal title only, — the title which Jias the imprint, — and not to other brief entries of the book called cross-references. Brackets, enclosing titles, indicate that the work was published anonymously ; brackets, within titles, denote that the words included are added to the title, or changed in form. AiiBREVlATloNS peculiar to certain long articles are explained in notes prefixed to the articles. Other • abbreviations used in the Index are indeed numerous and various, but they are thought to be so common or so obvious as not to require explanation. 8°, 12°, etc., indicate the apparent size of the book, not always the exact fold of the sheet. Pph. and M.Pph., i-espectively designate pamphlet.s and medical pamphlets. Learned societies and public institutions are catalogued under the names of the places where they are established. During the progress of the index, the titles of new books have been inserted whenever the title and cross-references came under letters not already printed, but in some cases, e. g. under the names of Boston authors, titles have been inserted wlien it was too late for the cross-references, and under the names of Mr. Everett and Pres. Lincoln the cross-references were inserted when the titles could not be. The Index to the City Documents, from 1834- to 1865, appended by permission to this Index, was prepared by Mr. James M. Bugbee, now Clerk of Committees of the City Council. INDEX. Shelf. No. Aagaard, C. Lfliinis Ciinbrica, Manea Cimbrici, Thieni Hyperborei,et carmlna varia. [Rost- giinrd. Delidx poetarum Danorum] . . . 4229a. 19 AB.ELAitnrs, F. Opera recensuit V. Cousin, aflju- vantibus C. JourdaUi et E. Despois. ParULis, 1840-59. 2v. 4" *6(H2.3 CofUcntt.— Vol. I. Epistolfc ; Heloissfe problemata cum Abwlanlt eolutionibus; Carmina; Sermoncs; Expositio orationia Dominica; ; Expositio symbol!; Expositio fitk-i In symbotum Atbannsti ; Epistoln ad dirum Bt-rnftrdum ; Exposilto in Hexaroeron; Epistola et fidei confessio ad Hcloiesam ; Epi^tula adversus eoB qui ox auotoritate Beds arpuere conantur Uiyuysiwni Areopagitam fuisso Dionysiuin Curintbiorum episcopum; Contra tiucmdara canonicum roguIarL-m, rjui monasticum ordincm deini- mebat qI suum ilH antefcrebat; luvectiva in quemdom ignarum dialccticcs qui ttim«n ejus studium rcpreben- debal, >;t omnia ejus do|fmatn putubat sopliismata ct duccptiont's; Appcudix. II. Introductio ad thcolotnnm; Commenlariorum Buper S. PauU epistobim ad Romanos libri V; Theulogia Obriatinna; Exct-rpta ex fpitome theologitD Christiana;; Ethica, seu liber dictus: Scito tcipsum; Dialogus inter pbiloeophum, Judoeum ct Chriatianum; Apologia, seu confessio fidei; Expositio super Pealtorium; E Hbro incerto; Tracffttus do iutcl- Icctibus; Glosaultc super I'orpbj-rium; Appt-ndix. — RitbmusdeS.trinitate. [Marteae. Vet. script., V. 0] 4150.1 — and llcloise. Lettres. Tr.nouv.parlebiblioph. Jacob [P. Lacroix], pr^c. d'un travail par Villenave. Paris, 186'^. VZ" 4GG7.17 ABAXnoNEiJ, The: a [poetical] sketch of life in Xew England. Boston, 1&4S. pp. 32. 12° . B.lOOb.48 Abarbexel, or Abrabeuel, I. Dissertationes aliquot de quibusdam V. T. locis. See Uuxtorf, J. . G027.7 Abarrategui y Figueroa, G. Vida. [Torres Vil- larroel. Obras, v. 14] .......... . 3105.10 Abbadie, J. Treatise on the divinity of ^'hrist. New edition of the English translation, by A. Booth. Charlestown, 1817. 12' . . . . . 54C3.10 Abbey of Wcyliill, a romance. From the London edition, n.p.,1832. 16= 4579a. 29 Abbo, abbot o/Fleury. Qurestiones grammaticales. [3Iai. Class, auct., V.5] B. 172.3 Abbo, of Xeustria. Libri tres metrici de bellis Pa- risiacs iirbis. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 2]. 4210.2 — Sermoues selecti. [^U?hery. .Spicilegium, v. 9] . 4152.7 Abbot, Abiel, of Beverly, Mass., b. 1770, d. 1828. Discourse before the annual convention of congregational ministers of Massachusetts, May 3i, 1&27. Boston, 1827. 8° 4.357.10 — Permon on the death of. A'ec Flint, J 5440a. 1 Abbot, Abiel, of Peierboro^, K. H. History of Andover, [Mass.], from its settlement to 1829. Andover, 1S29. 12° 2357.11 — and Ephraim. Genealogical register of the descendants of (ieorge Abbot of Andover, George A. of Kowley, Thomas A. of An- dover, Arthur A. of Ipswich, Robert A. of Branlbrd, Ct., and George A. of Xonvalk, Ct. Boston, 1847. S" ^333. 21 .Shelf. No. Abbot, C, lord Colchester. Diary and corre- spondence. Edited by his son. London, 1861, 3v. 8" 2457.17 Abbot, Ezra. Literature of the doctrine of a future life. See Alger, \V. K 3453.44 Abbot, H. L. Physics and hydraulics of the Mis- sissippi river. See United States. War de- partment 3941.19 Abbot, J. L., Addi-ess at the funeral of. See Everett, E 4300a.33 Abbot, — Remarks on the cotton plant. See Dexter,— B.170.16 Abbot family. 5^eeAbbot,A 2333.21 Abbott, E. L. Notes on the Acts of the apostles, in Sgau Karen. Maulraain, 1853. 12" , . . . 5429.5 — Notes on the epistle to the Hebrews, in Karen. Tavoy, 1851. 12^ 5429.13 Abbott, Jacob. The teacher. Boston, ia33. 12*. 6080.19 — The young Christian. Philadelphia, 1834. 12" . 5447.2 — Evidences of Christianity. [Holbrook. Scien- tiCc tracts, y. 2] 3939.4 Abbott, James. Book of the schools for British youth. 2d ed. London, 1857. 8" 3593.10 Abbott, John S. C. Child at home. 2d ed. Bos- ton, 1834. 16'' 5447.31 — History of the civil war in America. Vol. I. New York, 1803. 8" 4322.1 — Mother at home. [Translated into Mahratta.] Bombay, 1852. 18° 5447.51 — School-girl, or the principles of Christian duty. Boston, 1840. 10' 3588.31 Abbreviations. Dictionnaire des abbreviations latines et fran^aises. Chassant, L. A. . . . 2115.31 Abbt, T. Vermischte Werke. Fraulcfurt, 1783. 6 Th.in2v. 16' " **2878.16 Co/Uents.—Yol, I. Vom Verdienate; Vom Tode tun Vaterland; Fragment der portugieBischen Geschiehte; Frpundscbaftliche Coirespondenz ; Anmerkungcn zu A.'s Correspondenz von M. Mendelssohn. 11. Ueber die Freundschaften der Fraucnzimmer; Vom Einfluasa des SchOnen auf die streiigen Wissenschaften ; Von der Gemssheit in 8innlicben,theoretiscben, and moralischen Wabrhciten; Ueber die Vorurtheile; Von der Furcht bey Sonnen-und Mondtinsternisson ; Leben und Char- akter Alexander Gottlieb Baunigartens; Erfreuliche ^ Nachricht von einem evangelischlutberischen Auto 6fi. Fe; Geschichte der Gral'en vou Schaumburg und von dcFLippe; Einrichtung der ersten Studien cines jungen Herm vom Stande ; Briet'c: An" Blum, Gau6e, Gleim, Klotz, zwischen Abbt, Moaea und Nicolai, nebst den Antworten; Briefe; Fragmente. Abclag beder Konigen von Franckreych vnd En- gelandt. Auch Roniischer Kay, May. Ant- wort zu Burgos, 1528. n.p.,n.d. pp.32. 4°.*6055.10 Abdy, M. An eligible match, a tale of a country house. [Smith, Weekly volume, v. 1] . . . 8030.3 Abeille, L', pour les enfans,ou lemons fran(;aises. Philadelphia, 1835. 16° 4fi89.37 Aberen, B. R. Goethe in den Jahren 1771-75. Hannover, 1861. 8' 2844.9 ABEL ACHERY Shelf. No. Abkl, Dtath of. See Gessncr, S Tph- v-335 Abex, U. F. O. Die deutschen Personen-Xanicn. Berlin, 1853. S° 4129.43 ASEL, H. I. Geopraplucal, peologicil and statistical chart of Wifi-oiisin aud Iowa. Philadelphia, IM.*. Folded -'4' 23"9-2S Abel.\, G. F. Descriptio Mclit."e atquc acUacentium insularom. [Gra;vius. Thcs. autiq. Ital., T. 10, V.15J. . . 4710-1 Abeixy, L. La vie dc Vincent de Paul. 2e ed. Paris, IOCS. 2v. in 1. sm.S° 00/0.13 Xass Sina. See Abu Ali Al Chasin Ihn Abdallah. ABERCICS. Msra^fiaais cif ror 0tcti «iii ra Saviiara AlicpKiaf. [Boissonade. Anecdota Gr.Tca, v.o].B.161.3 Abekcon WAT, Abbey of, licgister and clirouiclc of. 2410.39 ABEECRHMBlE, J. Harmony of Cliristian faith and character, and the culture of the mind. New yorli, 1S39. 1S° . 5417.37 — JIunoffaith. FromSdEdin.cd. M.Y., 1835. 18°. 6447.27 Abekdf.kn. Antiquarian gleanings from Aber- deensliiie records. Tmretl', G 2477.22 Abisgtox, ^^ass., lli.itorical slietch of. Hobart, A. 2:350.34 Abipoxes. Geschichte der Abiponer in Paraguay. Dobrizholler, M 4307.12 Abolitiux of slavery the right of the government under the war power. Boston, 1S62. pp. 24. 12° 5572.50 Abolitionism as viewed by a Georgia slave. Ber- ry, H 5572.10 Abrau.\>i.son, W. H. F., Nyerup, K., and Ralibek, C. L. Udvalgte danske Viscr fra Middelal- deren, efter A. S. Vcdel og P. Syv. Kjiiben- havn, 1812-14. 5v. 12° •*2870.5 Conlenu. — Vol. I. KJaorapPTiscr; Viser om Trvllori, ForvnncIIIii^r, GJL-ngnnpt-Te og nndro spldsomme Evcntyr. ]I. HisIorisVo Viser. lU, IV. KomautBcr og Bullittlcr. V. Muiiik; Beslutning. Abr^;g ('. de I'histoire romaine, ii Pusage de I't^cole niililnire. 8e ed. Paris, 1810. 12° ITSOa.l ABK^.oi; de inytliologie, ii I'usage de Pecole mili- taire. New York, 1820. pp. 88. 12° 7009.47 AiiRiiX'Ei) history of tlie United States of jVjnerica. Boston, l&:il. 12° 4325.14 Abridgkjiknt of the laws in force and use in her majesty's plantations; (viz.) of Virginia, Ja- maica, llarbadoes, fllaryland, New-F.ngland, New- York, Caroluia, etc. London, 1701. 12°. .30.15.19 Aii.soLVixi; power of the clnnch. Lowe, T. H. . Ppli.v.34S ABSTK.Mir.s. 5''C Astemio, L. Auf Abtlallali M(»lianimed Ben Omar. 5eeMoliam- med Hen Omar. Abu Ali .\1 Cliasin Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina. Trnctatu- his de congelatione et conglulinatione laiiidis ; Deulchinila. .Sre Artis aurifernc vol. tres . . 5979.21 Anu Ilafs Omar Men Mohuunned Eu-Nasefi. Creed of the ."Junuites. See Abu-'l-Berekat Abdallali Hen Ahmed .3022.19 ABUJnufar Ebn Tnphnil. Improvement of human reason exhiliiled in the life of llai Ebn Yok- dhan ; from tlic Arnbick. Tr. by S. Ockley. London, 17(>s. 8° *.3480.22 ABU-'L-ltT;iiKK.\T Abdullah Ben Ahmed, ct4/(?o IIo- lit/. i'.d-deu En-Nasell. Pillar of the creed of the .•r oriental texts] .3022.18 — nell)flon»iiarlhelen und Philosophcnschulen. ('btT-et/.t, ndt AnnuTkungen von T. Ilaai-- bnlcker. Halle, ls.'>i>..'il. ;;v. h° 0098. Am 'I. Fi.iiA, f»iiiap rebus India- loci. ,S'rc(;ildeniel«ler, J. . . . 3(m.21 — lJ«>j(crlij|lon-glonuni NiRrltarum. Aic Makrizl. .3(125.20 » Shelf. No. Abu-'l-Kasim Mabmud Ben Omar Ez Zamakh- shari. Anthologia sententiarum Arahicarum. Ed. vertit, etc., H. A. Schultens. Lugd. Bat., 1772. sm.4° *4245.18 Abh-'L-Welid Mohammed Ben Ahmed Ibn Roshd, known as Averroes. Averrofes et I'averro- isme. See Renan, J. E 3602.6 Abo Mohammed El Kasim Ben Ah Hariri. Lexicon Arabicum in Consessus quinquaginta Hariril. SeeWillmet.J 6030.13 Abu Temmam Habil Ben Aus Et Tayi. Hamasa, Oder die jiltcsten arabischen Volkslieder, iibers. u. erliiut. von F. RUckert. Stuttgart, 184<;. 2v. 8° 4240.25 Abu 'Tthayyib Ahmed Ben Hosain Almotenabbi. Extraits dn Diwan de, en arabe et en fran^ais. ■See Gr.ingerct de Lagrange, J. B. A 4240.26 Abu YOsuf Yakiib Ibn Isbak Ibn As Sabbah, called Alkindi. Al-Kindi genannt " der Philosoph derAraber." Sec Fliigel, G. L 5025.10 AcciAiOLi, or Acciaiuoli, D. Vita Caroli Magni. [Mcncke. Script. Germ., v. 1] 4201.2 Accius, L. Fragmenta cum vita, ex Lilio Giraldo. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.101.9 — Reliquia;. See Ribbeck, O B.199.4 ACCOLTI, B. De pra-stantia virorum sui .-evi. [Gr:c- rius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 0] 4710.1 Accordion. Cunnabell, J. S. Lessons for the French accordion 8052.48 — Ditson, O. New method for tlie 8052.42 — Howe, E. Preceptor for the 8052.49 — .Tewett, J. P. Accordion teacher 8052. 13 Accordion at home. Boston, n. d. pp.04. obl.4°. 8052.44 Account of the trial of sLx witches, at Mividstone, 1652. Added, the trial, etc., of three witches executed at Feversham, 1015. London, 1837. pp.28. 8° *4103.11 Accuji, F. Analysis of minerals. 1st Am. from Lond. ed. Philadelphia, 1809. 12° 3869.28 AcHARir.s, E. Lichenographia universalis. Got- ting.T!, 1810. 4° »3850. 12 AciifeKY, ,1. L. d'. Veterum aliquot scrijitorum ipii in Gallia' bibliotliecis maxime Benedictorum latucraut spicilegium. Paris., 1055-77. 13v. 4°. *4152.7 Content*. — Vol. I. .Tonm Aurollnncnsts cpiscopl libii trcs do hiiftuutionc Intcnll; Chrodogniigi sivo Crodo- (riiiidi Mi'tcnsium upiscoj)! roguhv ciiiiriiiicoriim ; Isldoii lliBptllwiisia ojiiscoiii do ordtnc crpatiinirum liber; E)>iB- toln: divcrsoruiii ; natrnmui Corholonsis monuclil de nativitato Cliri^ti ojmsculum ; lAitnet Linfronoiifis opia- co]>i opiatola prolixii do cnitoiio iiiisiitv ; Vptua chronlcon Dbhutito 3. Bonigui ljivioneiitil.4; JonnnU inuunchi chnjidoon Boeuoiiso. II. Rnlrniniil libi'i Iv contra Grrecos; Kflthoril VorononslB t-piscopi opiiNculn; Aruulll Loxovionsls opUcopI trActntus do Achlsmato orlo post Honoril II papiD dtfces-^um contru olrnvduni Eiigolie- nionsom ppiitcopiim; MiBcollnneu oplstoltirum ; Vnria Gnllirc concllin ; Vila 8. Itomttiiiw virg. et ninrt. nvcnoD Aiinlutio iibbetiio S. Qiiiiitini BclunconsiB ; Vitii Hllde- biirgis aomina> GRllitrdoiilH; Vltii S. Fclrl do Chnvnnou, fliiidiitoi'lH iibbatiiu do ripoi-tico ; Chroiiloon votun S. I'ctrl VIvi SononoiiKln aucloro Clnrio inonuoho; Chroiiicou 6. MudnrdI ; Cbronicoii 8. DIonyHll in I'Vanola; Fmg- nicnttim obronici ocolCHln; HotomilgollBiti; Epiatola Iliiicmuri ItvnioDiiiN iirchiopiao. ; Kplslola I-'ulbortl CnniotoiiNlH. III. Trnotdlue NioottI opiacopl dc vlgftiiH itorvonim l)oi ; l^usdoin Irnot. do bono pnnjmodlic ; 8. Tbi'odorl SttidiKv Bonno do 8. BKriholonia'O; 8. Anaoliut traotntui) nitcotlcuB; roll"! ColIonNin Iniotatttn do dlnol- pliiin pInuHtnili; MlHOflhiiien opiHtolnriiiii ; Chronlcon I'ontnnolloiino ; Cliroiiicoii SonoiilonNo, nuotoro Itloborlo BfiK-dlodno; Ilinluriii VlKoliAconNiH iiioniiiitorii Itonod. nncloro Illifrinic I'iotiivlno. IV. 8tntiltn iinttiptn nb- biiMir Cnrbolrniilii n 8. Adnlnrdo nbbiito oi-diniH 8. Ilon- rdioti prnvBcrtptn ; Anllipiiorox cooMvcluitinon Clnni- noonHlH nniiinHtorU Itcn. cnllootoro 8. Vdiilriro nionncho llonoiliclino; bcnlontliu LinilVnnol nrchiopiHcopl Ciin- tiiuronBlii; MiBrolinnon opiHiolnnini, conrlllornnir|uo nllrluol, no di|iloiniitnni; CIn'oiiioun ooolottiiu ConOilon- hIn, bIvo 8. lUi'lmrlJ, o. It. nnrtoro lliirhiifo; Mnrl.vrolo- ginni vottiNllK.iniiini 8. lliiToiiyinl iifimlno inHigiiltuin. V. Smnrngdi iibbiUtH vin rogln; .lonio Anrolliinonnii oplacojd npnkoulum do liiMllluliono rcgin ; 'loatiiinontnin i'orpolui 'I'lniinciiiiiB o|ili,copl; ColliLlJo oplncoptirum coram rcge Gundcbaldo ndvor»UB ArlnnoB; TUoodulfl AvirellAnenBia epiacopl acmioneB aliquot; Conollla ACHERY ADAMS ACHltRY, J. L. d', continued, Scnonenaln iltio; Invcntlo Rftnctor. a Doodcrico Mctenai cpisoopo; Vita S. P.llfril npiscoiii Noviomaitri, ftuthorc S. Auiluiiio; I'uikIuDu iibbatiiu ItlicincensiH a Cloilovuo i Frnncorum rogo; VnmlalbiTti niartjTulop-ium! Chroni- — con CnsAiirifiitil!*, dive PliacurionHl? monaaturij (luctoro Johnnno Itcrnrd! ; Misctillnnoii opistolarum; Tcstnmcii- tum B. Jolmmin' ilHiv Lmlovld XI ducisam Ilitiirigum; Tcstamcntum MurtruroUi) tixoris ItonHtin diicis de Aleii- conio. VI. Vftriii couoUIh ; Synodi CnrthnpiiK'iisis si'Hsio scoiindn; Llttcmi ot nota noniiulln qiiii; ad schisinii (itiod Qonoilium rimiiDum pnt'CCAttit iilttiient; Concilium risn- num; Coiiollliim riMtviist!; Sintiitn auti(|iiioi-a acndcmia'' pHi-lHicDSiH; MlHci'llaiiva oplHtoInnim ac diplomatum; Tvatainentn comituin Cvrritjiiiunitiuui; Eructio acndu- tDlw Cadoiiit'tiHlM; Cliroiiii'iin Grmblncenslum; Clironi- con Lohlciiso auctoro Puloviino abbato ; Chronicon upis- eop. Helens. ; TcstAmuntuin Grcgotil papic XI; Capita- lam Ahytonis Unsilvcusiii opiscopl. VH. -ICuetc Paris- Icnsis I'pUcopi libor ndvorsua Grajcos; S. Petri Dninitmi cardinnlls scrmoncfi V du omtione Dominica; Kicdlni de Cliuncngii8 libor do studio tlicolo^co; MiseclliLnca epistolarum; Ebonis nrchicpiscopi Kcmensis apolopefi- oum; Chronicon episcoporum Albit^ensium, et abbatuiu Ca^trensium; Gcsta nbbatum I'rudoncnsium, auctore Rodutfo abbato; Chronicon Valciodoronso ; Genealog-in) Balduini do Avennis; Chronicon Mosomcnso. VIII. Attonts VercoIIonsis cplscopl cnpitulare; Attonis epis- copi Ijbolliia in trcs partes divisus do prossuris cedes!- asticiH, i. e. Do judiciis cpiscoporum, do ordinationibus eorundcm, et do facultatlbua ccclcsiarum; Ejusdt-m epistolfc ; Misoi^llniirn epistolarum, chartarum, diploma- turn, etc. ; Vila S. Mi-dardi Noviomcnsis cpiseopi, auctore Fortunato presbytoro ; Actus ejusdem sancti ab anon- j-mo monaclio; Chronicon Nicolai Trivuthi, ab anno JiCXXXVl ad Mcccvii. IX. Capitula Bclecta ex antiqua canonura collcetione facta in Uibemia; Alia capitula Theodori Cantuariensisarchiep. ; Stat^ita qua>- dam S. Bonifacii archiopiscopi Moguntini; Concilium Romanum praesidonto Gregorio papa V ; Statuta seu conetitutiones ccclcsin: Luf^dunensis; Ordlnatio facta per prpelatos pro clcricis eonjugatia et non conjugaiis; Sermoncs select! Abbonia monaclii; Miscellanea episto- larum, variaruinque chartarum; Chronicon Andrensia monu3lerii in difocesi Tarvunnonsi; Vita S. Lictberti Cameracensis cpiscopl. X. Consul tationum Zaccha;i Christian! et Ajiollunii philu»ophi liliri tres; Venerabilis Bednj martj'rologium horoico carmine; Ordo solaria nnni cum Httons a 8. liicrynymo superposilis, etc., sive vetiis calondiirium ; Miacellanca epistolarum ; Gcsta Guillclmi Miijoris cpiscopi Andegavensis ab ipsomet; Historta eccleslro Bcatai Mariic do Fontanis a Pere- grino abbato; Ilistoria comitum Andegavensium per Fulconem cnmitom ; Gcsta eousulura Andegavensium atictore monacho Bcoodictino; Liber de compositione caatri AmbasiiE, et ipsius dominoruni gesti^; Historite Afflegemensis tiber unua; Continuatio ejuadera'histo- ri(c ; Chronicon Barcinonense ; Addenda in luisceltaneis. XI. Collectio antiqua canonum pcenitentialium ; Statuta eynodalia Nicolai Gelant, et Guillclmi Majoris episcopo- mm Andegavensium ; Sermo vetuati auctoria do natali Domini contra Ncstorium; Miscellanea epistolarum ac diplomatum; Chronicon Guilleltni de Xangis; Continu- atio ^nsdem prima et altera, monachis 8. Dionysii in Francia auctoribua. XII. S. Paachasii Ratberti abbatia Corboiic opuaculum du partu rir^ois; Uaimonis lial- berstatena. epiacopi tractatus de corpore et snnguinu Domini ; Adrevaldus Floriacensis de cori^ore et saufirnine Domini contra inoptiiia Johannis Scoti ; Epistola ffiithcrii Veroncnais do corpore ut sanguine Domini ; Kesponsio cujuadam de coriioro et aan^ino Domini ; Responsa Ni- colai pnpn: I ad consulta Arduici archiepiac. Vesontio- notisis; i*Iori viri prudcntis collecta ex lege et canoue; Statuta Xoaocomij Ambianensla facta ab Gaufrido epis- copo; Historia Trerirensia; Bertarii presbyterii historia epUcoporum Virdunensium ; IllHtoria Virdun. episc. auc- ton- Lauren tio de Leodio; Nurrutio restaurationis abbatio) S.Martini Turn a censia auctore Herimanno abbato ; Ilisto- ria monaaterii Ciaonienais ; ilistoria Viconienais ccenobii ; Statuta antiqua rogni Anglio: ; Ordtnationes Johaniiis rviris Anglin; ; Historia de fundatione monaaterii S. Vili In Glad bach. XII I . Synodus Atrobatcnais a Gerardo epis- copo colcbrata ; Vita haireticorum sivehtcresea Cntbaro- nim; Anavlml Havolbergunsitt upiscopi dialogvrum ad- versua (Inccoa libri trcs; Miacellanca epiatolanini, etc. ; Murtyruloglura Gollonenee purvetuatum ; Ilistoria abha- tln; Condumen»H nunc episcopatus; Anmlfi Lexovieiisis «piNcopl Ncrmoin annuntiatione B.V. f^tcpiatolie V ; Hil- dBb«TtiCenomaneni»i«poMt archicpiscopiTuronenaiscpia- tol(D XV ; IndicvH trun omnium tomorum generalca. AOIIII.I.F.S Tatius. De ClUophontis et Lcucippes anioribus IH»ri viii. [MiUcherlich. Script. t'lot. (Jr., v.'l] I1.1G2.4 Shelf. No. AciliLi.ES Tatius, contimied. — GH ainoi-i di Lcucippe e Clitofontc. [Collczionc dr-.di «'n>(u-i ijrp.'i, V. 1] B.162.3 AcirrKiu-KLDT, J. II. v., Ilniun, J. W. J., and others. Zeitschrift tur IMiilosopliie u. katliol. Theologie. Hefte 1-L'n. Kiiln, 1KVJ-.1G. lOv. 8'. *00:9.1 — - .Sanie. Hefte 77-'<4. Neue Folge 12r, i;Jr .Thrjr. Bonn, ISSl-S."!. 2v. 8' *6070.1 ACKKKMANN, C. Die Beicbto, besonders die Privat- Beicbte. Hamburg, 1853. 12° B.160b.7 — Die ( 'lii'istliche in Phito unrt in der platonischen Pbilosopbie. Hamburg, 1835. 8" B.1G2.12 — Bibel-Atlas. See Wieland, C. F G021.10 AcitEKMANX, R. Historical sketcb of Moscow. Loudon, 1813. pp.27. 12 pi. col. 4* . . . . 3060.4 AcLAND, Henry W. Biograpliical sketch of Sir Benjamin Brodie. Loudon, 180-1. pp.31. 12°. 2540.14 — Memoir on tbe cbolera at Oxford, in^l}554. London, 1856. 4" *3800.10 ACLAND, Hugh D. Compendious history of the Vaudois. See Arnaud, H 3528.11 AcQUi, 07' Aquino, J. Bellingeri d'. Cronaca dell* imagine del nioudo. [Sardinia. Hist.mouum., V. 3] 4800.1 Acton, Mass. Address on the centennial anniver- sary of its organization. Adams, Josiab . . 4163.13 AcuNA, C. d'. DiscoYery of tbe great river of tbe Amazons, in 1639. See Slarkbam, C. U. . . 2264.23 Ad.t:us, or Addjeus. Epigrammata. [Bruuck. Anal. vet. poet. Gr., v, 2] B.1G2.7 Adagia, id est proverbiorum parccmiarum et para- bolarum omnium, qave apud Grgecos, Lat- inos, Hcbrjcos, xU-abas, etc., in usu fucrunt. [Ilauovia!],1629. f *415D.2 Contents. — Dea. Erasmi Rotorodami chiliadea; Hadri- ani Junii medici adagia; Joiin. Alexandri Brassicani symmicta; Joannis Ulpii epitome; Petri Godofredi Carcasaonensis proverbia; Gulielrai Cantcri ada^a juridica; Victoria Giselini specimen adagionim ; Henrici Stephanianimadversionesin Erasmum ; Gilbert! Coguati Nozarcni syllogo ; M. Grunnii Corocotta; Porcelli teata- mcntum; Polydori Vergilii ada^a; Caroli Bovilli pro- verbia; Hadriani Tumebi et M. Antonii Mureti oxcerpta adngia; GuHelmi Gentii ada^a. juridica; Molchioria Neipei Brcdenani ada^a. Adalard, or Adalhard, St. Statutanntirjuaabbatife Corbeiensis. [AcUery. Spirilcirinin, v. 4] . 4152.7 Adalbert, St. De S, Adalbertu I'ragensi epis- copo. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 3, p. 1] . . 4140.3 Adalbold. Vita Henrici ii imperatoris. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., V.4] 4210.2 Adalhais, or Adelais, St. De Adalbaide conjuge Ottonis I imp. libri duo, auctore Odilone. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 3, p. 1] 4140.3 Adam, Book of. See Apocrj^iha. — Life and death of. See Klopstock, F. G. . . rph.v.335 AD^vai, of Bi'emeii. Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiu; pontificum usque ad 1072. [Fraukfurt. Socie- tas, etc., V. 7] 4210.2 Adam, of Eynsham. Magna vita S. Hugonis epis- copi Liucolnieusis. Ed. by J. F. Dimock. London, 1864. S". [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] 2423.3 Ada:\i, a. Rudiments of Latin and English gram- mar. 2dAm.ed. Boston, 1803. 12" . . . . 4939a. 7 — - Same. Abridged. By W. Russell. New H.aven, 1824. 18^ 4939a. 35 — - Same. 2d ed. New Haven, 1825. 18^ . . • 4939a. 36 — - Same. With exercises, by A. Flsk. 2d ed. New York, 1824. 8° , . . . 4937.1 ADjVJI, W. Speeches at the trial of Warren Hast- ings. SeeBond, E. A 2572.5 Adamann, or Adanman, Si. Libri tres de S. Co- lumba Scoto. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 1] . . 4140.3 Adajvii, F. De rebus gestis in civitate Firmana. [Grievius. Thes. autiq. Ital.,T.7, p.2] . . . 4710.1 Ad.vms, Cliarles B. First annual report on tbe geol- ogy of Vermont. Burlington, 1845. 8° . . . 5873.25 Adams, Charles F. Address before tlie schools and the citizen.'* of Quincy, July 4, 1856. Boston, lb5G. 'S" B.170a.53 ADAMS ADAMS Shelf. No. Adams, Charles F.. continued. — Conservatism and reform. Speech in Xational hall, I'hiladelphia, Aug. 28, ISGO. [>'o title- page.] 8° 4390a. 2 — Oration at Fall River, July 4, 18G0. Fail Kiver, 1860. 8' 4390a. 2 — Texas and the Massachusetts resolutions. Bos- ton, 1844. pp. 54. S° 4390a. 2 — VThat makes slavery a question of national concern? A lecture. Boston, 1855. 8" . . . B.160.24 AX)Aiis, Charles S. Poem on the use of tobacco. Boston, 1852. pp.:24. 8° 4390a.l Adams, D. Agricultural reader for schools. Boston, 1824. 12' 7029.14 — Kew arithmetic. Keene, N. H., 1830. 12° . . 7019.39 — Scholar's arithmetic. Ster. ed. Keene, N. H., 1825. 8° 7058.10 Adams, Ediyin. Geography classilied ; a manual of physical and poUticul geography. London, 18113. 12° 2283.10 Adams, Edwin G. Discourse, lOCith anniversiiry of the first congregational church in Temple- ton. With a survey of the atfairs of the town. Boston, 1857. 8° 4390a. 3 Ad^vsis, Ezra E. Government and rebellion. A sermon, April 28, 1861. Philadelphia, 1801. 8°. 5440a. 15 — The pulpit a civllizer. [Oration in Tamworth, N. H.j Pliiladelphia, 1802. 8" 5440a.l3 — Symbols of thouglit. Reprinted from the Presb. quart, review, vVpril, 1802. i)p.30. 8** . . .5440a. 12 — The temple and the throne ; a sermon, Sept. 20, 1801. Philadelphia, 1861. 8" 5440a. 14 AdAAIS, F, Queries, problems, and theorems upon the doctriue of the holy Trinity. Lomion, n.d. pp.34. 8'' *Pph.v.341 ADA^^ts, G. Almanac and business directory of the environs of Boston for 1&48. Boston, 1848. 16°. 2389.33 Note— Tor Directories published by G. A., see Albany, Bristol county, Chnrlo Blown, Fall River, Lowell, Lynn, Koxbury, Sulem ; and for Re^stcrs, see Maine, Massa- chusetts, Rliode Island, Adams, H. G. Nests and eggs of familiar British birds, described and illustrated. I..i)ndon, 1801. i)p. 78. 12° 3905.13 Adams, .Jasper, Sermon on Sunday, Nov. 30, 1834, the day of the total eclipse of the suu. Charleston, 18:J5. 8* 5440a. 2 Adams, John. Correspondence, originally published in the Boston patriot. Boston, ls09. 8* • . 4327.3 — Brackt-uridgt', H. M. Eulogy on 24O6;30 — Colman, H, Sketch of his ciiaracter 4390a, 4 — C ranch, W. Memoir of 4390a. 4 — Spragire, J. E. Eulogy on B.i:0a.21 — and Jefferson, T. Selection of eulogies in honor of A. and J. Hurt^wrd, 1820. b° 2312.27 ContrHtti. — Eulfipicii by J. Tylor, C. C"sblng, C. C. Cambri-'linp, Smnut^'l Siiiitli, Sheldon Smith, J. Svr- grniit. W. A. DiitT, H. I'oiter, P. Sprnpuc, J. A. Shaw, 8. L. Knnpp, D. Wob»tiT, J. K. Sprasnio, E. Turner, 1'. Grundy, W. Juhnaon, W. F. Tbonitiiii, W. Wilkins, W. Wirt. Adams, John Clark. Appeal to the Whig national convention in favor of the nomination of WehsttT. New York, ltvl8. jip. 50. h" . . B.170a.31 — A norlhirrn No I Addi'essed to the di'h'gates from the free statef*. n.p., Isl8. pp. 10. 8" . . B. 100.01 Adams, John Couch. Exphinulion <>f the observed irregularities of the motion of llraims, wilh the nm.'tt), orbit, etc., uf the ilisturbing body. Ix)ndon, IMrt. 8" 5910a.] Adams, John G. Our country, and itM claims upon us. <^ralh)n before the aulhorilleH of Provi- dence, July 4, IstW. Providence, 1S0;{. h* . . 4310a .47 Adams, John Q. Address to bis constUueutH of the 12th eoiigressloual district, at Braintrec. Boston, I^12. 8* *Pph.v,3S2 — ArguiMi-nt in the oasi- nf the U. S. rfl. ('hi(|iie, and ollii-r.'«, Atrh-iuiH.etiptureil in I lie Aniihiud. With H review of tlie rawe of the AntcUipe. A'ew Vork, IMl. b* ♦Pph.v.382 Sholf. No. AiiAMs, John Q., continued, — Address before the Massachusetts charitable fire society, May 28, 1802. Boston. 1S02. 8° . . 4390a. 5 — Discourse on education, delivered at Braintree, Oct. 24, 1S30, Boston, 1840. 8° 4390a. 5 — Letters on the masonic institution. Boston, 1847. 8° 3507.35 — New England confederacy of 1643. A discourse. Boston, 1843. 8° *Pph.v.334 — Oration, Dec. 22, 1802, at the anniversary of the first landing at Pljinouth. Republished, Plymouth, 1820. 8° 6087.131 — Social compact exemplified in the constitution of Massachusetts. A lecture. Providence, 1.^2. 8° *l'ph.v.3S2 — Speech in the House on the case of A. McLeod, Sept. 4, 1841. Washington, 1841. 8° . . . . 4390a.6 — Substance of the speech in the House upon the bill to ensure the execution of the laws relat- ing to the collection of duties. Boston, 1840. S" 4390a, 5 — [Letter to J. Q. A., occasioned by his letter to Mr. Otis, By Alfred. America [Boston], 1808.] 8° 4390a.31 — [Remarks and criticisms on J. Q. A.'s letter to H.G.Otis. Boston, 1808.] 8" 4390a. 32 — 'Addi'esses in congress, etc., on the death of. See United States. Miscellaneous documents. 0087. 120 — Allen, J. H. Discourse on the death' of . . . 4390a.6 — Everett, E. Eulogy on 4390a.6 — Farley, F, A. Discourse on the life and charac- ter of 4390a. 6 — Hammond, J. D. Life and character of . . . 4278.19 — Lunt . W. P. Discourse at the interment of . 4390a. G — ProcfL-dings on tlie occasion of the death of. See Wasiuugton, D. C 4390a. — Storrs, R, S. Discourse on occasion of the death of 4390a. — Walker, T. Oration ou the life and charac- ter of 4290a. 6 — Waterston, R. C. Discourse on the life and chaiacterof 4390a.6 Ada:ms, .John S. Boston temperance glee book. Boston, n.d. pp.48, 0^.8° 8043.51 — Dictionary of 5,000 musical terms. Boston, n.d. 12* 4036.4 — Letter to the Chestnut Street congregational churcli, Chelsea, Massachusetts. Boston, iN'Jl. pp. 50. 8* 0088.35 — Narrative of the advancement of a spirit from darkness to light. Boston, 1854. pp. 72. 8° . 6088.47 — Pt^alnis of life ; a compilation ol" hymns, an- thems, etc, Boston, n.d. 12° 6067.7 — Same. 4th ed. Boston, [1857]. 12° 8046.24 Adams, Josiah. Address at Acton, [on] the first . centennial anniversary of the organization of that town, Boston, 1835. 8° *4163,13 Adams, N. JJertha and her baptism. Revised edi- tion. Boston, 1803. 12" 5440.23 — Catharine. Revised edition. Boston, 1803. 12°. 0146.24 — Church pastorals: hymns and tunes for public and social worslnp. Huston, 18(11. 1.8°. . . 5142.0 — God is love. A .supplement to the author's dis- course on the reasonableness of future, end- less punishment. With a brief notice of Rev. T. S. King's two discourses. Boston, 1858. pp. 48. 12°. [Truths for the times. No. 4] . 5450a. 2 — Injuries done to ('hrist. Sermon preached March 21, 1^41. Boston, 1811. 12" 5450a.3 — Insliinlaneous conversion and its connection wilhpioty. Boston, iN'Ja. pp.24. 12". [Truths lor the times, No. 2] 5460a. 8 — Jnslilicalion, and lis consequences. Boston, Ih.')S. pp. 'Zi. 12", [Truths for the times, No. 3] . C450a.2 — Leiler to Rev. E. S. Gannett, occasioned by his tract on atoncuient. Fourth edition. Bos- ton, 1K.0. 12° fi460H.25 — Our Bible. Boston, is5s. j)p. (VI. 12". [Truths for the times, No. 5J ^ 5450R.2 ADAMS ADVENTURES Sheir. No. Adams, X., continued. — ReiisoimbUniess of future, endless punishment. [A scnnon.] Boston, 1858. 12". [Truths lor the times, No. 1] .M:)0a.2 — Scripdinil iirjcument for future, endless punisti- ment. Itoston, 18;"iS. pp. 5S. 1^°. [Truths for the times. No. fl] . 5450a. 2 — Sermon atYer the interment of his mother. Boston, ISI7. 8" 5-l40a.4 — Sermon occiisioned by the death of Rev. W. J. Armstrong, D. D., delivered Dec. 9, 184(5. Bo.ston/ls-HK 8" 5440a, 4 — Sermon preached to Rowdoin Street congrega- tioiiul sodeiy, Boston, on clOi^iug their house of worsliip. Boston, 18(V*. S" 5440a. 3 — Sermon before the convention of congregational ministers in Slassachusctts, May 31, 1840. Boston, 1849. 8° 4357.12 — Twenty-lifth anniversary of the installation of. 5ee Boston, Essex Street church 2354.16 Adams, S. F. Vivia Perpetua. A dramatic poem. Loudon, ISU. 12° 2575.39 Adam* William, D. D. Christianity and civil government. A discourse, Nov. 10, 1850. Xeu- York, 1851. 8* 5440a,5 — Life and services of Rev. J. C. Brigham. Dis- course by request of the managers of the Am. Bible society. New York, 1803. 8° 5A40a.43 — Prayers for rulers : or duty of Christian pa- triots. A discourse, Jan. 4, 1861. New York, 18iil. 12' 5450a.4 — Biographical sketch of Isaac Taylor. See Tay- lor, 1 3425.4 Adams, William, F.R.C.S. Reparative process in human tendons after subcutaneous division. Londun, 1800. 8° 3744.1 Adams, W. B. Roads and rails and their sequences. London, 1S(V2. 12" 4014.10 Adams, W. E. The slaveholdefs* war : an argument for the Nortii and the negro. London, 1863. pp.21. 8" 4322.24 Adams, W. H. D. JVIemorable battles In English history. London, 1803. 8° 2528.25 Adams, Z. Oui; lapse in Adam, and redemption by Christ; two sermons at Sterling. Boston, 1791. 8' *4163.5 — Sermon before J. Hancock, governor, etc.. May 29, 1782, the day of general election. Boston, 17S2. 8" 4356.1 Adam SON, J. Bibli()theca Lusitana; Catalogue of -books relating to the liistory, literature, etc. of Portugal. Newcastle on Tyne, 1836. 8° . *3093.10 — Selection of [Portuguese] sonnets, with sketches of the authors. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1842. 8".*3093.10 Adax, J. R. Report on the memorials of the Seneca Indians and others [to] the council of Massi, Boston, 1840. pp.28. 8° *Pph.v.383 Add.eus. See Adams. Addisox, J. Poetical works, nitlx life. See Ander- son. Poets of Great Britain, V. 7 4604.1 Contents. — Coto, u tragedy ; Rosamond, an opera ; The crnnpni^Ti; Odf»; Hjinns; Translations, etc. — Sec Bell, J. British theatre, v. 3, 22 4179a. 1 CofUmu. — \o\. HI. Cato, a tragedy. XXII. The drummer, or the haunted house, u comedy. — H Catone, Iragedia, tradotta da A. M. Salviui. [Kng. and Ital.l Firenze, 1725. smA" . . . **2575.27 — Travels ihrougb Italy and Switzerland. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 13] 6267.1 Address concerning the more frequent dispensing of the Lord's supper. Clasgow, 1795. 12" . *Pph.v.214 Addrkss of members of tlie House of Rep's of the United States on the war with Great Britain, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8° »2327.10 Address of the free constitutionalists to the people of the United States. Boston, ISGO. 8", . .4300a. 17 Address on the past, present, and eventual rela- tions of the United States to France. New York, 1803. 8' *Pph.v,40 Shelf. No. Address to Christians throughout the world. By theclergy of the Confederate States of Amer- ica. Loudon, 1803. 8° 4322.37 — - Same. Philadelphia, ISG3. 8° 4390a. 2 1 Addrkss to the dt'inocratie citizens of Pennsylvania. Philadi'lp)iia, [1812]. 8° '. . . *Pph.v.3G Address to the electors of Great Britain [on the choice of a new parliament]. London. 1790. S" *Pph.v.348 Address to the physicians of Philadelphia on the decline of the medical character, etc. n.p., n.d. 8' *JI.Pph.v.ll2 Address to the reformers. By a Briton. Exeter. [No title-page] 10° •Pph.v.349 Adei,, i>or; was er urspriioglich war, was er jetzt ist, und was er kiinftig soyn soil. Berlin, 1808. pp.79. 12° 2819.0 Adelagus. Epistola consolatoria ad Flodoardum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr.,v. 17] B.1I0.2 Adelman. Deveritate corporis et sanguinis Christi 'in eucharistia, epistola ad Berengarium. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 18] B.U0.3 Adelung, J. C. Geschichte der Schiffahrten nnd Versuche znr Entdeckung des nordostlichcn Wegesnach Japan nnd China, llalle, irns. 4". 4253.3 AdemaR. Historic Francorum, a. d. 5os-]uii7. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 4] 4210.2 Adijiari, L. Satira contra le donne. See Raccolta dl poesie satiriche 4808.9 Adler, G. J. German reader, adapted to Ollen- dorff's grammar. New York, 1848. 12°. . . 4889.3 Ado, archbishop of Vienna. Bre\iarium chronico- rum de sex mundi aitatibns ; Libellus de festiv- itatibus apostolorum, etc.; 3Iartyrologiiim. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 10] B.110.2 — Excerpta ejus chronico, A. D.527-8G9. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., v. 2] 4210.2 — Martyrium S. Desiderii Viennensis in Gallia episcopi. [Canisius. Thes*iin'us, v. 2, p. .3] . 4140.3 ■ — Martyrologium. See Roman Catholic church . B. 110.4 Adolphus, J. Biographical memoirs of the French revolution. Xondon, 1799. 2v. 8° 4043.14 Contents. — Vol. I. Lnnis xvr, the quenn, and ttio dauphin ; 3. 8. BaiHy ; P. G. Benoit ; E. C. de Lomenie do Brienne; J. P. Brissot; Chabot; Anaohari^U Clootz; M. J. A. N. C. de Condorcet ; G. J. Danton ; C. Desmou- liiis; C. F. Dnmoiirioz; P. F. N. Fabre d'Eglantine; T. Mahe, marq. de Fo\tos ; Marquis de La Fayette ; Oobet ; J. R. Ilebert; F. Ilenriot. II. M. Lepelletier dc Saint Farg'eau; P. Manuel; J. P. Marat; G. H. de Mimbeau; J. Necker; L. P. J. dac d'Orleans; T. Paine; J. Pction; M. Robespierre. Adrevald, monJc. of Fleury. De corpore et san- guine Domini contra ineptias Johannis Scoti. [Ach^ry. Spicilegium, v. 12] 4152.7 Adrian I, pope. Epitome cauonum quos Adrianus Carolo Maguo Romte obtulit. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 2, p. IJ 4140.3 Adrian VI, pope [Adrian Boyers]. Correspond- . ance de Charles-Quint et d'A. See Gachard, L. P •. . 2853.11 — EpistoliE aliquot. [Matthiei. Analecta, v. G] . 4139a. 1 — Leben. [Schrockh. Allgem.biogr., v. 2, 3] . . 4143.6 — Vita. 5'ee Giovio, P 2800.7 Adrianus de Veteri Busco, or A. von Odenbosch. Kemm Leodiensium sub Johanne Ileiu'^ber- gioet LudoyicoBorbonioepiscopis. [Martene. Vet. script., V. 4] 4150.1 Adrianus imperator. See Hadrianus. Adshead, J. I'risons and prisoners, with illustra- tions. London, 1845. 8' 4300.1 Adts, N. Le Monitor et le merriniac [avec autres pieces]. Paris, 1S02. pp.41. 8" 3954.22 Adult schools, Origin and progress of. Pole, T. 3599.5 Adventup.es of Signer Gaudentio di Lucca, being his examination before the Inquisition. Dublin, 1821. 12° 2570.16 N(ttc. '—Thongh this hook has been attributed to Bishop Berkeley, the authr)r of th« artiole, " Berkeley," in Chalnifrs'd biographical dictionary, saya it wan cer- tainly not hi*. ^AKUS AGNELLUS Sholf. No. iEAKUS. Oder Fragmeute aus deu Gerichtsakten der Ilolle iiber die Xenieu, von J. A. Reben- stock. Deutscldand, 1797. ir.° »*2907.8 Aery, C. Untor-^uclnm^en iiher ilie Fortpflanzunirs- geschwhuligkeit. der Keizuit^. Urauuschweig, 1S«2. PI). r.S. S' • 3802.39 J5GII11US AiireiE Vallis. See Gilles de Lii5ge. iEGiDius Viterbiensis. See Viterbo, E. da." JEgyitius, M. See Eglzio, M. .fflLl-iXUS, C. Varia historia [Gr. and Lat.] cuin no- tis [variorum] et iuterpr. Lat. J. Vulteji. Cur. A. Grono\'io. Lugd. liatav., 1731. 4° . . . *4200.16 JElianxts Tacticus. De instruendis aciebus. See Tcgetius Eenatus, F B.17S.1 .^LRED, of Rievaulx. See Ailred. .^MiLics, Paulus. See Einili, P. .^NEAS, of Gaza. Theoplirastus, give de animarura immortalitate et corporuni resurrectione dia- logus. [Ma.vimabiblioth. vet.patr.jV. S] . . B.110.2 .ffiNEAS, of Paris. Liber adversus Grajcos. [Ach^- ry. Spicilegium, V.7] 4152.7 MSE\S Tacticus. De toleranda obsidione. See Vegetius Kenatus, F B.178.1 AERSDTE-LlED fUr das Jallr 1772. Leipzig, n.d. pp.13. 6m.4° 2S78.6 Aerolites. Uber den Urspruug der Metecrsteine. Kcsselmeyer, P. A 5S03.14 jEscniNES. CEuvres completes d'Eschine, See De- mosthenes ; . . 2974.19 — Orationes tres; Epistolaj. [Dobson. Oratores Attici, V. 12, Ifi] B. 163.1 .^SCHYLUS. Traganlia; qua: super.'^unt, ad lextum C. G. Schiitzii. Ace. vers. Lat. Londini, 1823. 2v. sm.b" B.IOS.S Cnfttcnta. — Vol. I. Prometheus vinctu»;Scptcm contra Tliobas; Persx. II. Agamemnon; Choephorco; Euuio- nidOB ; Supplices. — Tragojdiffi. Recensuit et lexicon vEschyleum adjecit A. Wellauer. Lipsiae, 1823-31. 4v. in 2. 8° 'B. 108.4 Contcnla. — Vol. I. Prometheus vinctus; Septem contra Thehiis; Suppliccs; Agiimomnon; Choephorcc; Eu- mcnulcs; Perso). II. Lexicon ^sohyloum. — Tragcrdiai septem, Gr. et Lat. [Lect. Poeta; Gr.Tci, v. 2] . . . . ■ 4200.7 — Tragiidien, verdeutsclit von C. ICraus. Keut- liiigen, 1822. 2v.ini. 8° 2978.21 — [Tragiidien, libers.] von J. H. Voss. Heidel- berg, 1820. 8° 2979.37 — [Dramas]. Translated by Rev. K. Potter. New York, 18.311. 1«° 2979.28 — Agamemnon, witli notes, etc., by C. C. Felton. Newed. Boston, 1859. 12° 2978.7 — Eunieniden griechiscli und deutacli mit Anmer- kungen von K. O. Sliiller. Anliang. Giitting- cn, KB, 31. 2v. iu 1. 4' M200.17 — Prometlieus,witli Eng. notes. London, 1831. 8". 4978.22 — .I'rontetheus. Notes by T. D. Woolsey. Boston, 18.37. pp. viii and 90. 12° 2978.10 — I'rometlieus ami Agamemnon, translated into English verse, by U . W. Herbert. Caml)ridge, 1819. 12° 2978.12,and B.1C8.0 — T/>a>(;'c<;toMlRAtici; Do imngl- uitius; Di< dlsppnitntiODO occl. n-ns, C. W. Inquiry into the history of . 3992.22 — Malcolm, J. Modern husbandry 3991.20 — Liebig, J. V. Relations of chemistry to . . . 5979.19 — Richard, A. Dictiouuaire raisoune d'agriculture. 3983.4 — Schleiden, "M. J. Encyclopiidie d. gesanimten Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Auwcudung auf die Landwirthschaft 3835.4 PeHodicats. — American agriculturist .3190.2 — Birru, U. S. Year-book of agr.fVict.s, 1862 . . . 5999a. 1 — Country gentleman, a journal for the farm . .3990.2 — Fessenden, T. (i. New England farmer . . . 7991.1 — Journal of agriculture 7983.1 — Journal of the Royal agi-icultural society. See Loudon 3996.1 — New England farmer 8001.1 — Transactions of the llighlaud society of Scot- land. 5ee Edinburgh 798G.1 See also: Botany, Domesticated animals, Farm, Far- mer, Gardeninp, llorliouUure, Hothouse, Uusbuudry, Manured, Rural economy, Veterinary art. See also: the names of countries and states of the union, the eoremracnts of which have published agri- eulturel documents. Agrippa Castor. Excerpta ex ejus tractatu contra Basilidem. [Grabe. Spicilegium] 0029.3 Agrippa von Nettesheim, H. C. Operum pars pos- terior. Lugduni, 1500. 2 parts in Iv. sm.S" . *4229.11 Contents. — De incertitudino et vanitate scientiarum; ' In artem broveni Raymundi LuJlii commcntaria; Liber dc triplici rulionc cnt-Tio^ccndi Dcum; Dohortatio Gcn- tillstheologia- ; Espostulatio super exposilione sua in li- brum do vcrbo mirifico; Declamatio de pvfpcellrntia fceminei sexus ; De sacramento matrimonii ; De ori^nnli peccato ; De vita monnstica ; De inveotioue i-cliquiarum B. Antonii; Contra pt-stem antidota; Epistolaruni libri aoptem; Orationes decern; De dupUci coronntiune Ccv- snris apud Bononinm lilstoriola; Epigrrammata. — Eitelkeit aller menschlichen Weisheit ; Lob des Esels. See Francke, S 6064.22 Gt'EssKAC, U. X^. d'. Sur la vie et la mort de M. d'.Vguesseau, suivi de lettres sur I'idee que les anciensonteuedelacrtl'ation. raris,1812. 12". 4629a. 3 Condulte et idees politiques du chaucelier d' Aguessoau. ."^ee Mounier, F 2655.13 AOUIRKK, L. de. Expedition of, in search of EI Do- raddandOniagua, 150(J-61. 5cc Simon, 1'. . . 2264.25 Ahlwardt, i\ W. (.ialische Sprachlehre. [Vatcr. Vergleichungstafeln, u.s.w.] 4207.6 AllMKD Ben Mohammed Ibn ^Vrabshah. Lexicon Arabicum in Ajabschabi vitam Timuri. See Willmet, J 5030.13 Sholf. No. Anx, F. Concise grammar of the Dutch languiige, translated from tlie loth German edition by H.VanLaun. London, 1S02. 12' 48S9.M' — French commercial letter-writer. London, ISiil. 12*' 4688.31 — German connnercial letter-writer. London, 1861. 12" 4889.13 — Key to the practical German grammar. Lon- don, 1861. pp.70. 12" 4.S89.11 — Manual of German conversation. London, 1861. 12" 4889.12 — Neue hoUandische Sprachlehre. 3e Aufl. Cre- feld, 1836. 12" 2S85.23 — New method of learning the French language. London, 1861. 12° 4688.30 — Practical grammar of the German language. London, 1861. pr 4889.10 Ahrens, H. Cours de droit naturel ou de philoso- phic du droit. 2eSee Mathias, T. J 4773.17 — De' piaceri delP immaginazione,'!n verso sciolto italiano. [Mazza. Opere, v. 2] 4791.1 Akekman, J. Y. Numismatic chronicle. Vols. 2-20. New series, vol. 1. Loudon, 1839-61. 21v. in 13. 8" 2223.3 Akra. Vejledning til Akra-Sproget pa Kysten Ginea. Uask, R. C. . ." 5034.28 Akroyd, B. Improved dwellings for the working classes. London, 1862. pp.22. 10 pi. 8° . 5570.1 " ALADAiiA," The. Statement of facts fi-om official documents, with the sections of the foieign enlistment act violated by her equipmeut. London, 1863. pp. 16. S° 5«18.22 Alain, R. L'^preuve r^ciproque. [Theatre fran- ^ais, V. 37] 4708.1 Alamanni, A. Lji rapresentatione dolla con^c'r- siouc di S. ^Mariu Madaleua. Nuov. stam- pata. n.p., n.d. 62 pp. 1 2° 4798.47 Alamanni, L. Novella di Bianca. [Raccolta di nov. ital., v. 1] 2773.14 — - Same. [Raccolta di novelle, v. 2] 4e<»8.i2 alamax:ni ALCIPHRON Shelf. No. Alamassi, L., continued. — Orazioae delle lodi di Filippo Sassetti. [Rac- colta di prose italiane, v. 1] 4S0S.10 — Satire dodici. [Saiisonno. ^ettelibri di satii-ej. 47*.K».26 — Sonetti. [Cironi. Raccolta di Urici italiani] . 4S0S.S — Satira ad Alessandra Seristora. [Raccolta di poesie satiriclie] 480S.9 — and Rucellai, G. La coltivazione di L. A., e le api di G. R., con anuotazioni" del dottor G. Bianchini da Frato sopra la coltivazione, e di R. Titi sopra le api. Milano, 180i. [Classici iTal., v.o:i] **4S02.I0 Alba, or Alva, F. A. dc Toledo d', Correspoudauce gur PinvaSion du comte Louis de Nassau en Frise, en loC8, publ. pai- M. Gachard. Briix- elles, 1S50. 8* 2813.16 Albania, Tour in. Wingfield, W. F. . ...... 3083.10 Albaxiax lan^agc. Grammatik der albauesische Spraclie. [Vater.Vergleichuugstafeln,u.s.w.]. 4207.6 Albany. Dudley ohservatory. Address from a committee of citizens, on the recent proceed- ings of the ti-ustees. Albany, 185S. pp.32. 8^B.170a.l8 — - Gould, B. X. GarbHng of letters by the majority of the trustees 4358.3 _ - _ Keply to the "Statement of the trustees," 4357.1 — - Letter to the majority of the trustees . . . 4358.2 — - Thaclier, G. H. Letters to the trustees . . 42S9.53 Albany directory for 1857-51*, compiled by G. Adams. Albany, 1^7-59. 3v. 8° 43S5.3 Albarelli Vordoni, T. II pellegriuo dell' Adige. 5eeScoIari, F 2773.15 Alberdingk Thijin, J. A. De la litt(?rature nt5er- landaise a 5es difl'erentes epoques. Amster- dam, 1S;H. 8- •*2S70.24 ALBf-na,E.. Del papatoe dell' Italia. Firenze, 1S47. pp.71. p.S" . . . .■ 4718.10 — L'ltalia uscente Tanno 18G0. Firenze, 1860. pp. 56. 8° 4713.7 — La politica napoleonica e quella del governo toscano. [Firenze], 1859. pp.23. 8°.. . . 4713.7 — Kelazioni degli ambasciatori veneti durante il secolo decimosesto. Fij-enze, 18;!'J-G3. ISv-S"". 4722.1 — Tesoro della prosa itaTiana. Ed. 2a. Fircuze, 1841. l.S' 2771.20 CofUcnta. — Dino CompngTil, Cojiiosi brniii di-Iln Rua rronacn; D. Cnvnlrn, Vit« HCclte; R, da Knn Concordio, Gli nmnii»e»tr«nifnti dffzM iiiitlflii; J. Prttisnvanii, Tnit- tnti dclln supcrbiu, dclla lunlltil (^ ddliv vnnnirldrla; G. Boccucclu, 11 iJccamcrono CHjmr^ato; A. PuiKloKliii, Pel Bovcmo di'Un fumlt?lla; N. Jlftchlftvi'lli, II grtveruo dl L. do' MfdtkI<' dl I,, n. AUxTll, lotto In Tlrvuzu di liitlf lU-H preiliculeiirfi fruiii^iilN, dtiiU lett iter* iiioiift, prOnes, etc. nunt linprlmiifl. Lyon, 1767. 16' •2183.11 Sbelf. No. Albert, H. Auserlesene Gedichte. [Miiller. Bib- lioth. deutsch. Dichter 17 .lahrh., V. 5] . . . 2870.10 Albert, J. ¥'. M. Principes foudamentaux de la classification bibliographique. Paris, 1847. pp.63. 8** 2124.13 Albert Edward, prince of Wales. [Collection of London newspapers, datcfl March llth, 18(k3, containing notices of the marriage of the prince with Alexandi'a, princess of Den- mark.] f° 24.J.1 Contents — Times; Morning post; Morning adver- tiflor; Daily news; Morning herald; Daily telegraph; Standard; Iron times; Express; Globe; Evening slur; Sun ; Nonconformist; Court journal, March 7, 11; Guar- dian; Record; Watchman ; and Weslcyan advertiser. — New England tour of tlie prince of Wales. 3d ed. Boston, 1800. pp. 48. 8" 4363. 4 Albert, Franz August Carl Eraanuel, prince con- so7't. Speeclies and addresses, with some out- lines of his character. London, 1802. 8". . 2563.13 Albert von Beham und Regesten Pabst Innocenz IV. Herausgeg. von C. Hofler. Stuttgart, 1817. 8'., [Stuttgart. Bibliothek liter. Ver- eins] . .* **28r4,21, and v.l6of4226.1 Alberti, L. B. Arcliitecture, painting and statuary. Tr. by J. Leoni. [Italian aud English.] Lou- don, 1726. 3v. f " M080.4 — Delia pittura e della statna [trad, da C. Bartoli colla vita dal cav. llraboschi]. Blilano, 1804. 8^ [Classici italiani, v. 34] **4S02.3 Alberti di Vilhmova, F. d'. Grand dictionnaire fran^ais-italien [et italien-frananol, v. 1] 3104.19 Alciik.mv. AVc Artis aurlferne vol. tres. ■ 5970.21 AL('Hi:itirs, or Arclierius, J. De dlversis colorlbua, [.Mcrrilh-jrl. Palnliug, v. 1] 4066.23 Aloiati, a. I>t' magisi rati bus ei\ Mibusfjue el niili- taiihus ofllcils libellus. [Illstoriie Konmna: Hcriptores, V. 2] 4240.3 — llenini palri:c, seu hlHtoriic Mcriiolanensls, llbrl iv. [(Jnevius. Thes. antltp Ital., T.2, p. I]. 4710.1 Al* ii>AMAs. Dfchinialioiu'M duo. [Dobsou. <>ra- (ores Atllei, V. 4, 14] B. 103.1 Ai.ciPHiioN. Kpistola; Gr. el Lat. ad editlonem S. Beiglcrl. TrHJectiad Rhenuin, 1791. am.**' . •B. 160.7 ALCMAN ALEXANDRE Bholf. No. Alcmax. Frftjrmenta, roc. F. T. Welckcrua. rGiesscii], 1SI5. pp. '.10. sin.r **2978.2 — Carnunii. fLcct. Tocto; Gra;ci, v.3] 4200.7 — Fra^mens. [Falcoimet. Lea petits po^mes grecsl B.161.1 AlCock, R. Capital of tho Tycoon: three years' rt'jiiijcnec in .lapnn. Loudon, IHiVl. "^v. K" . 3017.17 Alcohol. I^allL-maud, L. Du role de ralcool Uaua rorgranismo 3977.10 — Youmans, E. L. Alcohol and the constitution of man .* B.160b.72 Alcott, W, a. Charles Uartland, tlie village mis- sionary. Boston, is;j'j. IS' 2397.41 — Tlie house I live in. [Tranplatod into Burmese, by Mrs. S. K.Bcnm'tt.] Tiivoy, 11^3. 10". 3038.22 — Advantages of early rising. [.Scientific tracts]. 3939.0 Alcuin, F. A. Honiilie dnctornm ecclesinsticoru in evangeliu doniinicalia ac temporanea vna cu sermonibus ornatissimis in vuu rcdactacodice. Lupduni, 1625. 2v. in 1. 4^ [Black letter] . *5442.1 — Annales Lindisfarnenses et Cantuaricnses. [Frank-furt. Societas, etc, v. 4] 4210.2 — i^pistola-; Ilomiliain natalem S.Ayinibrordi,et liber metricus de vita S. Willibrordi ; Dialec- tica et grammatica ; De cteremoniis baptismi ; Epistola. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 2, p. 1] . 4140.3 Aldbn, T. Account of the several religious socie- ties in Portsmouth, N. H., to Jan. 1, 1805. Boston, 1808. pp. 40. 8° 4390a.7 ALDENBRik'K, A. Geschichte des Urspnings und der Religion der alien Llbier. Aus dem Lat. Ubers. von J. W. Brewer. Coin, 1819, 20. 2v. In 1. 8" 4228.2 Alder, R. nie power of the Gospel. See Ser- mons on important subjects 5442.14 Aldhel:m, bishop of Sherhurn. Carmina veterum Christianorum de septenario, el de re gram- matica ac metrica. [Mai. Class, auct., v. 5] . B. 172.3 — De laude virginum et de octo principalibus vitiis. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 1] 4140.3 — De laude virginum carmen ; De octo principali- bus vitiis carmen ; Poeticanonnulla; Delaudi- bus virginitatis liber. [Maxima bibliotb. vet. patr., V. 13] , . . B.110.2 Aldbidge, W. Sermon at Jewry-Street chapel, Aid- gate, fast^ay, Feb. 4, 1780. London, n.d. 8'. 5440a. 8 Alemanxi, N. De Lateranensibus parietiuis. [GraeWus. Tbes.antiq. Ital., T. 8, p. 4] . . . 4710.1 Alembekt, J. le R. d'. Mi^-langes de litterature, d'histoire, et de philosopliie. Nouv. ^d. Amsterdam, 17GO-C8. 5v. 12° 4189.11 Coiu^nts. — Vol. I. Discours prcliminairo do I'en'cy- clopero do religion; Do la liberie de la mnsique. V. feclairclssemens sur les Clemens de philosophie; Sur le calcal Ues prubnbiUtes ; Reflexions sur I'application du calcQl des probahilitrs a rinoculnticm, ou Ton montro I'insufflsanee des raisons en favour do cetto pratique; Bvfloxiona sur la poieio ; Sur I'odc ; Sur I'histoiro ; Apol- opio (Ic I'etude; Sur rtidrmonie des lanpucs et eur la Latlnili des modonit-H; D£claratIon des pasteurs do GenC'vc; Jastiflcation do rarttclti (ionvvo du I'oncyelg- p&die. — L' esprit de r encyclopedic. 5e€ Diderot, D. . . 4143.1 Alick, r. (jradus ad rumassum, sive novus synony- moruiu, epithetorum, plirasium poeticai'um, ac veriiuum thesaurus. LondJui, 1700. 10". . 4933.10 2 Shelf. No. Alessandri, or Alessandro, A. d'. Genialium dierum libri sex. Lugduni Bat., 1073. 2v. 8". *420i).(J Alessanuro, abbot of St. Sahmdore in Teleae. Rogerii, Siciliie regis, rerum gestarum libri fjuatuor. [Gra;vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 5] 4710.1 NUe. — This chronicle is usually ascribed to Alesaan- dro abnto di Coplio, but Tirnboschi denies tho correct- ness of so doing, and gives tho name found above. Alessandro, p. d\ Monte Auburno, poemetto, Cambrigia, 1835. pp.22. 12° 4708.33 ALETHKrs, Theophilus, pseud. See Lyser, J. Alex A n n f, r JEi olus . Epigrammata. [Brunck. AiiJiIirtapn.'t. Crr., V. 1] B.li>2.7 — Comnientatioms de. See Meineke, J. A. F. A. 4205.^ Alexander Atheniensis. Fabularum quinque per- ditarum reliquiic. [Jleineke. Fragm. com. Gr., V. 5] B.1C2.8 Alexander Lycopnlita. Tractatus contra Mani- chrcorum errores, interp. Combetis. [Maxima bibliotb. vet. patr., V. 27] B.110.2 Alexander the Great. Arrianus, F. Expedi- tion of 2978.30 — Curtius Rufus, Q. Life and reigu of 2926.3 — Droysen, J.G. Gesch. Alexanders des Grossen. 4252.7 — Itiuerarium Alexandri iucerto auctore; Julii Valerii res gesta; Alexandri Macedonis trans- lat;e ex .Esopo Gr. [Mai. Class, auct., v. 7]. B.172.3 — Lambert Li Tors. Li romans d'Alixaudre . . 2874.11 — Lamprecht der PfaflTe. Alexander. EinGedicht derl2ten Jahrhunderts 2900. .35 Alexander I, emperor of Russia. Reminiscences sur I'empereur Alexandre I. See Cboiseul- Gouflier, La comtesse tie 2641.5 Alexander III, pope [Rolando Bandinelli]. Epis- tola de schismate illius temporis, [Maxima bibliotb. vet. patr., V. 2-i] B.110.2 — Registrum epistolarum ccccxcv. [Martfene. Vet. script., V. 2] 4150.1 — Renter, H. Geschichte Alexanders des Dritten. 3552.7 Alen an der de Villa Dei, or A. Grammaticus. See Alexandre de Villedieu. Alexander, A. Counsels of the aged to the young. Philadelphia, 1833. 32° . . 3440.66 — History of the Israelites, from the death of Jo- seph to the death of Moses. Phila., 1834. 18°. 3429. .30 — Outlines of moral science. New York, 1858. 12°. 3588.12 — The pastoral office. A sermon before the alumni of Princeton theol.sem. PhiJa., 1834. 8° . *Ppb.v.379 — Selections of hymns. New York, la'Jl. 24° . 5449a. 31 AleXvVnder, C. Grammatical system of the Eng- lish language. Boston, 1792. 6m.l2° . . . . 4589a. 25 — Granimatical system of the Grecian language. Worcester, 1792. 12° 4989.18 Alexander, James E. Sketches in Portugal, dur- ing the civil war of 1834. London, 1835. 8°. 3091.8 — Travels to the seat of war in the East, through Russia and the Crimea, in 1829. London, 1830. 2v. 8° 3065.18 Alexander, James W., and J. A. Geography of the Bible. Philadelphia, 1830. 12° 3429.21 Alexander, W. History of women, from the ear- liest antiquity to the present time. London, 1779. 2v. 4° 2240.15 Alexandra, steam vessel. Report of the trial of the case of. See Great Britain. Court of ex- chequer 3013.9 ALf:xANDRE, N., or A. Natalis. Historiaecclesias- tica Veteris Novique Testamenti, ad annum 1600. Ed. noviss. opera et studio C. Roncaglia. Parisiis, 1740-44. ISv. iu 9. 4°. *6052.1 — Theologia dogmaticaet moralis. Parisiis, 1G94. lOv. S° . . .' *C028.1 ConUrUs. — Vol. I. De fide et Bymbolo. II. Do aaora- meiilis in geuere, bnptismu et conflrmatione. III. De ouchariHtia, et eacrificio missa'. IV. De pa'iiitentia, V, De eensuria, indolgentiia, cxtrema unctione et ordine. VI. Do beiieficiia, de aimonln, de horis canonicts, et do matrimonio. VII, VIII. De peccatls. IX, X. De dcca- logo ; Ue oratluue domiuicR. ALEXANDRE 10 ALLEN Sliclf. No. Alexandre de Bernay. Li remans d'Alixandre. See Lambert Li Tors **28<4.11 AXEX^VSDRE de yilledieii, or A. de Dole. Doctrinale [lingiite Latins'] nouellis clericulis. C)pus iii- interjiretatii a L. de Guascliis. Koiue, Stephen Planclj, 14S8. lis leaves. .8° »a934.4 jV(*f. — Gothic type, no pagination, sipnatures, or cotchworijs. Alexasdbi, V. Ballades et chants populaires de la Roiimanie. Avec une introd. par A. Ubicini. Paris, 1S55. 12° 4253.22 Alexandria, school of. Matter, A. J. Histoire de Pecole de I'Alexandric «095.18 — Simon, J. F. S. Histoire de I'^cole d'Alex- andrie 5003.20 — Vaclierot, E. Histoire critique de IVcole d'Alexandrie 0095.10 Alexis Tlmrius. Comocdiarum doperditarum frag- menta. [Meiuelce. Fragni. com. (jr., v.4] . B.102.8 Alexis, or Alexius L [Comucnus]. De donariis et rebus sacris rescriptum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 19] B.110.2 ALFAC.E5IE. O alfageme de .Sautarem ou a espada do Condestavel. Lisboa, \»K. >i° »3093.10 Alfieri, V. M«rope, Kilippo, with translation. See Capuzzi, E 4196.5 — Un' a\Tentura dclla sua vita. [Alberi. Tesoro della prosa italiana] 2771.20 Alfonso, Alt'unsi, or Alphonsus, 1'. Dialogus contra Juda;os. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., T.2I] B-110.2 j\V«e. — Before hia conversion this iiullior wns known as Rabbi Moses Scphurdi. Alford, II. Commeutaiy on the New Testament. See Bible 5422.10 Alfred tha Great. Kiinig Aelfrcd und seine §telle in der tieschichte Englands. See Pauli, K. . 2418.16 Alfred; an epic poem. Pye, J.H 4569a. 32 Alg.e, Collection of. Durkee, .S 3iioi).24 Algebra. Bailey E. Algebra in Hawaiian . . . SU.W.ll — Colbum, W. Introduction to 7019.30 — Cossali, P. Primi progress! in Italia, dcH'A. . 5911.1 — Pcirce, B. Elementary treatise on 3936.13 — Sherwin, T. Elementary treatise on 3936.12 Si"*; aUo : Eimatiuns. Ai.CiER, F. Claim of the hvtc Cyrus Alger for renm- neralion for the use, by tlie United Slates, of his inventions relative to fuzes and shells. Washington, 1802. pp. 69. h" 6910a. 3 — Cry.«tallized gold from California. New Haven, 18.10. pp. 7. 8° 5910a. 2 Alger, I., jr. Elements of orthography. Boston, 1821. pp. 72. sm.VJ" 45S9a.40 Alger, W. K. An American voice on tlte late war in the East. Boston, 1856. pp. 47. 8° . . . B. 170. 30 — Charities of Boston, or twenty years at the Warren St. chapel. Boston, 1850. pp. 28. 8°.B.170.33 — Critical history of a future life. '\\'itli a com- ph-te bililiograjiliy of the sulyect [Ijy K. Ab- bot). Philiulelpll'ia, 18(i4. 8° 3453.44 — Discourse delivered [tjefore .1. A. Andrew, gov- ernor, etc.] at the annual election, .Ian. 1, 1862. Boston, 1862. 8° 1360.14 — Facts of intemperance, and their clniuiH on the ]>ui)lie action of the people. Boston, 1852. pp.37. S° 11.170.79 — Genius and posture of America. Anoration be- fore the citizens of Boston, July 4, 1857. Bos- ton, 1857. 8° B.170a..37 — Historic i)urchase of fre(!dom. An oration })c- fori' llie I'>at<^niity, Boaton, Dec. 22, 1809. BoKton, 1859. 8° 6440a. 9 — Tiri'erenci-s from the ])estllence and the fa«t; a discourse preached in Koxbliry, Aug. 3, 1849. Boston, lH-19. 8° MKla.tl — Our civil warns seen from the pulpit: u sermon, April 2H, 1861. lio"lon, 1861. 8" filloa.9 — Tribute to aioses (trant. From a discourse de- livered Jan. 21), ISIVi. n.p., n.d. 12° 6llnn.il Shelf. No. Algeria. Carette, A. E. H. Commerce de I'Al- giSrie 3054.4 — De regno Aigeriano commentarius. See Turcici imperii status 4249a. 10 — Ditson, a. .L. Crescent and French crusaders. .30.)7.8 — Nettement, A. F. Conquete d' Alger 36.i4.5 — Produits de I'AlgiSrie. See France. Ministry of war 3054.7 — Shaw, T. Vovage dans la rijgence d'Alger . . 3059.31 — Voyage de Na'poWon in en Algt-rie, Sept., 1860. 3050.26 Algerus. De sacramento corporis et sanguinis Domini, libri tres. [Maxima bibliotlt. vet. patr., v. 21] B.110.2 Ali Ben Abi Taleb, caliph. Carmina, Arab. et. Lat., edidit et notis illustravit G. Kuypcrs. Lugd. Bat., 1745. 8° ♦4243.4 Ali Bey, Revolt of. See Lusignan, S 3U52.8 Ali Bey, El Abassi, psaid. See Badia y Leblich, D. Ali Pacha, Life and character of. See Guillaume de Vaudoncourt, F. F 3078.20 Alison, Alexander. Pliilosophy and history of civilisation. London, ISOO. 8° ....'.. . 36(H.24 Alison, Archibald, LL.T)., b. 1757, d. 18.39. Ser- mons, chiefly on particular occasions. Edin- burgh, 1814, 15. 2v. 8° 5443.7 — See Dibdin. Sunday library, v. 2, 6, CeTirenfj*. — Vol. 11. The Lord's prayer: three sermons. V. Winter, as the seoson of social anlnsoniont, and as tlio season of religious thought: two sermons. Alison, Sir Archibald, 6. 1792. Political revolu- tions of 1860 and ISOl in Europe and Amer- ica. Loudon, 1861. pp. 'iS. 8° 4323.40 Alison, S. S. Medication of the larynx and tracliea. London, 1853. pp.49. 12° 3795.38 Alkindi. See Abu Yflsuf Yakllb. All the year round; a weekly journal. Dickens, C. 7312.1 Allacci, L. Drammaturgia, accresciuta e contin- uata lino all' anno 1755. Venezia, 1756. 4° . *2175.21 — De libris ecclesiasticis Gnecorum, dissertationes Ause. Ad ed. Cramoisianam, 1644, cura J. A. Fabricii. Hamlmrgi, 1712. sm.4° . . . v.5of 49.V1.1 Allaixv.vl, L. J. C. S. d'. L'i5cole des bourgeois. [Th^itre fran^ais, V. 37] 4708.1 Allantois. Over de Allantois en Hare Vorining en Veranderingon in den Mcusch. Schroeder van der Kolk, ,J. L. C 3771.24 Alleine, J. Saint's pocket-book, being a view of the promises. 1st American edition. New York, 1833. 12° .3110.68 Allen, Benjamin. P.irent's counsellor; a narrative of the Newton family. Pliila., 18'25. 24° . . 2.397.40 Allen, Benjamin U. The const it ntion and the union. Sermon in Mai'blehead, on occasion of the national fast, ,lan. 4, 1861. Boston, 1861. 8° 6'H0a.46 Allen, Charles, jMrfjre. Speech, in Worcester, Oct. 5, 1850. [No title-page.] 8° 6087.10 Allen, Charles, esq. licports of cases argued in the supreme court of Wassaclmsetts, [1861-63]. Boston, 1S61»6-1. liv. 8° .3700.8 Allen, D. O. India, ancient and modern, lios- ton, 1856. 8° 4'263.1 Allen, Edward A. II. Means of producing a sym- metrical develojuuent of the mental facilities. Bosttm, IKJl. pp. '25. 1'-'°. ....... . .B. 160b. 86 Allen, Ilev. Ethan. Marylaml toleration ; or sketches of tlle early history of Maryland, to iraii. llaltimore, is'55. pp.61. s° 4129.65 Allen, llcr. (ieorge. Tlie Aiulover fuss: or, Dr. Woiuls rcr.fus Dr. Dnua, on the imjiutatlon of heresy, against I'rof. I'liik, respect ing origi- nal sin. Boston, 1853. pp.31. 8° 6'!40a.44 — Report tm American slavery, read to the Wor- eesti'r cent nil association, March 2, 1817. Bos- t(ui, 1817. pp.40. 8° :1573.41 Al.I.F.N, /'ro/. George. Life of IMiilidor. With an essay on riiilldor as chess-iiiilhor iiml I'liess- pliiver by T. V. Ileyilehniiid u. liir l.asa. I'hiladelphla, 1863. 1.12° 4(101.12 ALLEN 11 ALJ.GEMEINES Hholf. No. ALMiN, .lost'pli. Addretis in LoominsttT, June 21, l^;^l4, on the '^oth annivcniry of tlu- Worct's- ter Sunday school society. Worcester, [1854]. 12° 5450a. 5 — Centennial discourse in commemoration of the orpiinization of tlie 1st congregational church in Xorthborough, etc. Hoston, 1S4G. S° . . 60SS.54 — Sermon preached in Northborough, Oct. 31, 1841, on tlie completion of the twenty-fifth year of his ministry in that place. Cam- bridge, 1842. S° *4163.0 Allen, Joseph II. The account rendered. A sermon at .lanniica IMain, %'. ; Reise des Heixn dc Lisle nach Beresow, in 1740. XX. Griinland; Kamtschatka; Entdeckungen Idngst den Kiiaten des Eismeerea von dera Herm Miiller; P. Castclls Abhand- lung Ubcr die Lander Kamtschatka und Jesso i Beobach- tungcn iiber die Lago der nordlichen Liindor von Asien * u. America; Reise des Abtes Chappo d'Autorocho nach Sibirien ; Sch^vedi8Che3 Lappland von Petor HOgstrom ; Ehrenmalma Ileiae durch Weetnordland nach dor Lapp- mark Asele. XXI. Des Heirn von Kerguelon Tremarec Nachricht von seiner Reise in dioNordaee; Alphabot- isches Verzeichnias aller in dieser Sammlung enthal- tenen Rcisen und Beechreibungen; Geographiscbcs Verzeichniss der darinnen vorkommenden Liinder, luseln, Stiidte und anderer Oerter. Allgemeink Zeitung. .Tan.-Mar., 1854, July, 1856- Sept., 1863. Augsburg, 1854-03. 30v. 4". . *62I0.1 Allge.meines deutsches Lieder-Lexikon. Leipzig, l&44-4fi. 4v. 16' *4219a.5 Co«:e;iM.— Vol. I. A— E. II. F— M. HI. N— V. IV. w— z. ALLGEMEIXES 12 AJIALTEO Shelf. No. ALLGE5tEiNES evangelisclies Gcsang- und Gebet- buch. Hamburg, 1.V10. 8° 6067.12 Allgemeixes historisch und geographisciies Lex- icon. .Sec Xeu-vermelirtes. Alliance, The : a weekly journal of moral and social reform. Manchester, 1851, 55. 2v. in 1. f = *3130.2 Allihx, r. II.T. Die Gnmdlehren der allgemeineu Ethilt. Leipzig, 1801. 8° 3588.5 Allln, T. Jubilee of the Methodist new connexion. See Hidine, S 3517.28 Allmax, G. J. Monograph of the fresh-water poly- zoa. London, 1856. i'. [Ray society] . . . *3SS0.13 Allston, W. Sylphs of the seasons, with other poems. Is'tAm. cd. Boston, I8I3. 13° . . . 2.397.13 — Sermon after the death of. iSee Albro, J. A.-. 5110a. 7 Allyx, J. .Sermon preached in the autUence of C. Strong, governor, etc.. May 29, 1805, on the anniversary election. Boston, 1805. 8° . . . 4356.8 — Memoir of. .Sec Francis, C 4163.10 Almaxac [in Chinese, containing Biblical narra- tives, and fragments of European science. Pub. by Gutzlafl'.] Hong Kong, 1816. 1.8°. 3039.19 Almanac. See Almanac in the i>riucipal Index, See alxt: Almauach, AIpcnroscD, Auuuairo, Calen- dar, Xftttonal almanac. Almanach de France, publie par la socicte nation- ale. 2Se annec. I'aris, ISOO. sq.Kj" .... 41S9a.32 Alman.vch de Gotha. See Gothaischer genealogi- scher Hof-Kalender, Almanach des progres de Pindustrie et de I'agricul- ture. Laboulaye, C. P. L 8019a. 1 AL5LANACH encyclopedique recreatif et populaire, pour 1860. Paris, 1860. sq.lO" 4189a. 33 Almeida, J. C. d'. Cours (;lementaii-e de physirjue. See Boutan, A 3913.29 Almon, J. Memoir of John Wilkes. AeeWilkes, J. 2148.26 Alnwick, Xorihumherland. Ajipeal to the public on the grievances of the burgesses or free- men of the borough. Alnwick, 1819. pp. 27. 12° *Pph.v.3C5 Aloe, S. d'. Guide pour la galerie des tableaux du must^-e" Bourbon. le-2e partie. Naples, 1842,13. 12° 6080.14 — Guide pour la'precieuse collection des tableaux de S. A. IS. le prince de Salerne. Naples, 1842. 'pp. 24. 12° 0086.14 — Naples, i*es monumens, et ses curiosity's, avec un catalogue detaille du musee royal Bourbon. Naples, 185G. ,]6" 2735.23 Alpknuuug, J. N. v. Mythen und .Sagen Tirols, Mit einem cinleitenden Vorwort v. L. Beuh- 8tein. Ziiricli, 1857. 8° 4224.2 ALPENRbsciiEN. Schweizerisches Taschen-Lieder- Buch. Bern, n.d. 24° 4229a. 22 ALPKNK09EN, clii .Schwclzer Almanaclt anf das Jahr 1811, 1815, 1816, 1818, 182U, von G. J. Kuhn, Meisner, J. 11. Wyss, u. a. Bern, 1811-20. 6v. 811.24° 2879.27 Ali'IIAUkts. Ballhorn, F. Alphabete orientalischer und occldentalischer Sprachen 4240.13 — Lipsius, K. Una allgemeine Unguistischc Alphabet 4202.2 — MiiUcr, F. M. Proposals for a missionary alphabet 2955.21 ALPIiyfius Mitylenjcus. Kpigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr„ v. 2] B.162.7 Alpiien, I), van. Beschryving der Stad Lc^ydeu, ,Sm Mlerls, F. V 4270.6 Alphkn, H. van. De sacerdote castrensi veterum Ikbra?orum. |OelrIcli8. Coll. opusc, v. 2]. 60611.1 Alpiionsi) a .Spina. .Sec Spina, A. de. ALPIIONHI'K, 1'. Scr Alfonso, P. Ai.PH. Ball, J. Guide lo the wwtern 2861. 82 — Ucrlepsch, H. Life and iiulure Inihe 2763.U — Schlugliitwell, A. PhyHlcalische Geographic und Geoli>gled(T Alpei 2H6I.(I — TschudI, F. V. Da»Tlilerlebrnder Alpenwelt . 1276.6 ^ea aUo: P4-niilne Alpt, Rlintlnn Alpt. Shelf. No. Als.vce. Schoepflin, J. D. Alsatia illustrata . . . 4250.3 — Stober, A. Die Sagen des Elsasses 2875.5 — - Oberrheinisches Sagenbuch 4222.2 Alsleben, J. Abriss der Gescliichte der Musik. Berlin, 1862. 8° 4048.23 Alsted, J. H. Encyclopaedia, serie pra^ceptorum, regidamm, et commentai"iorum. Herbornse Nassoriorum, 1630. f°. *A.140.2 — Thesaurus clironologiffi. Editio quarta. Her- borna; Nassoviorum, 1650. 8° *2236.22 ALSTEDT. AntiquitatesAlstcdenses. Leuckfeld, J.G. 4210.9 Alston, A. H. Seamanship, and itJ5 associated duties in the royal navy. Loudon, 1860. 16°. 3952.38 Alston Moor, Mining districts of. AVallace, W. .'5865.22, and 3867.9 Alt, H. Theater und Kirche in ihrem gegenseitigen Verhiilfniss historisch dargestellt. Berlin, 1840. 8° •»2173.19 Altai. Ethnologische Vorlesuugeu iiber die Altai- echen Talker. Castren, 3I.A 4240.14 Alte, Die, Heidelberger Liederbaudschrift. Her- ausgegebeu von F. I'feirter. Stuttgart, 184-1. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek liter. Vereius]. ._ *«2S74.S, and v. 9of*4225.1 Alte und neue Sohwarm-Geister-Bruth. n.p., 1702. pp. 84. f°. [Anabaptisticum Pantheon]. . . »B.130.5 Alter, F. C. Ueber Georgiauische Litteratur. Wien, 1798. sm.8° 4253.17 Altfrid. Vita 8. Liudgeri, seu Ludigeri. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., V. 2] 4210.2 Althans, U. Scripture natiuiU history. 3d ed. London, 1828. 2v. 10° 3429.31 Althaus, J. The spas of Europe. London, 1862. 8°. 3808.22 Altilio, G. Carmina ; Epithalamium in nuptial Galeatii Sforti^ et Isabella? Aragoniie. See Sannazaro, G. . 4199.8 — Carmina. See Warning, P 4938.6 Alting, J.,andOtho, G. Fundamenta punctationis linguai sanctJE. Accedit Synopsis i'nslitu- tiouuin Chald. et Syr. Ed. 7a. G. dthonis Synopsis institutionum Samarit., Kabbin., Arab., iEthi.etPers. Ed. 2a. Francolurti ad Moenuin, 1717. 8° *5037.16 Alt^iakiv, Worterbuch der altniiii-kisch-platt- deutsclien Mundart. Danncil. .I.F 2884.2 Altmeyek, il. J. Lne succursaU? du tribunal de sang. Bruxelles, 1853. 12° 2815.18 Alton, ///., Narrative of riots at. Beecher, E. . . 2373.17 Alton Towers, Stnjfitrdshirc, Catalogue of the contents of. Talbot, 11. A 4074.30 Altorf. Uistoria Crypto-Socinismi Altorlina; aca- demix. Zeltner, G. G 0035.3 Altswert. Meister Altswert, herausgegeben von W. Holland und A. Keller. Stuttgart, 1850. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek liter. Vereins]. »*2,S74.16, and V. 21 of*4226.1 Alva, or Alba, F. A. de Toledo d'. Notice sur le conseil des troubles institue par le due d'Albe. See Gachard, L. P 2817.26 Alvarez, or Alvaro, E. I'rosody |of the Latin poets]. Translated by V. 11. Barber. Fred- erick, Md., 18;13. 32° ; . 4939a.34 Alvaro, o/ Cordova. Eiiistola; ad S. Eulogium, [Maxima bibliolli. vet. patr., v. 25] B.110.2 Alvino, F. Anilteulio canipaiio. 3a ed. NapoU, 1842. pp.20. 16 pi. f° •27.J.4 AmaDkis VII, comit of Siwoj/. Chronbiue du conile Uouge, par P. Du Pin. | Sanllnia. Hist, nionuni., V. I] 4800.1 Amadis aus Kranckreich [or, A. de Gaule], 5ce Lobelra, V. de 42.35.1 AMALARins VoHmniiwit^ bishop of Affts, Dedivinis ofllctis, librl IV ; De ordine antiplionarii. 1 Maxima liiblloth. vet. patr., v. 14] B.110.2 AMAl.ll, Delle antic-liiliid'. Volpicella, S 27.14.6 Amai.ti:*!, C, Ctinnina. .See A'laming, r 49."t8.6 Amai.tko, (ilambattisla. Carmina. .See Vlaming, P. 4938.6 Amaltko, (ilrolamo. Carmina. ,S'ee Vlaniing, P! . 4938.6 A.MALTico, hroihcrH. Memoirs of the Amalthel. ,Scc Grcswell, W. P 2743.20 AM ANTE 13 AMERICAN Shelf. No. Amante, I/, del nacro cuoro di Geeii, occnpato in esorcizi di piotii. Konift, 1S4<>. Hi" . . . . *B.127.15 AjlANTUrs, B. l*olyaiit!io:v-novissimis floribus sparsa;. See Nam, U 4160.3 Amari, 51, BibHutt'ca Arabo-SiciUa ; raccolta di testiarnbici. [In Arabic] 1-ipsia, 1857. 8*.*3025.20 Amaicu. Antholofiit' Orotique. Tcxte Sanscrit, tra- duction, notes ct gloses par A. L. Apudy. Taris. ls;n. pp.92. 8° 5024.4 Amazon. Htrmlon, W. L. Exploration of the valley of the 2365.13 — Slarkham, C. R. Explorations into the valley of the ; 2264.23 Amazons. Chaiisipol, F. de. Histoirc des Ama- zones 428S).10 — Guyon, Q. M. llistoiredes Aniazonesancieunes et moderues 2308. 9 Ambassadoks. Juge competent des ambassadeiirs. Byukcrshoek, C. van 3616.15 AmbOISE. Liber de compositioue castri Ambasiit, et ipsius doniinonun gestis. [Achery. Spici- leglura, V. 10] 4152.7 Ambraskr Liederbuch vom Jahre 1582. Heraus- gegeben von J. Bergmann. Stuttgart, 1S45. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliotliek liter. Vcreiiis]. **2874.1, and V- 12of *4225.1 AsiBRlsTEK, R. C, Trial and execution of. iSee Nar- rative of a voyage, etc 2365.19 Ambrosius, St., bishop of Milan. Opera selecta emend. K. O. Gilbert. Lipsisp, is'iO, 40. 2v. in 1. p.S". [Gersdorf. liibliotheca patr., V.4] 6039.7 Cotttenl«, — Vita 8, Aiiibrosii a PauUuo acripta; De officiis, clericonmi, libri tn-d; Ucxa-mcri, libri sex. A3IBROSIUS Autpertus, abbot of Benevento, Liber de cupiditate; Sormo in purificatione S. Ma- ria' ; lloniilia in trans figuratione Domini. [Marteiie. Vet. script., v. 9] 4150.1 — In Apocaiypsim, libri x. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V.13J ■ B.110.2 — In S. Johannis Apocaiypsim, librix. See Bible. B. 110. 10 Ajvibrosil'S Camalduleii.sis, or Ambrogio Camaldo- lese. See Traversari, A 4150.1 Ambkun, p., pseud. See Simon, R. AMBf LANCE. Bowditch, H. I. Plea for an ambu- lance system 5790.12 — Palfrey, F. G. Ambulance system 4310a, 47 Ambulance surgeon. Appia, P. L 3749.5 Amedecs, bishop of Lausanne. Homiliae octo de laudibus B. Virginis. •[Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v.20] B.110.2 Ameilhon, H. P. Histoire du Bas-empiie. SeeLe- beau, C .■ 5079.1 A>rELGARr), o/Z/te^e. See Basin, T. Amelunxburn, Brunsicick. Autiquitates Ame- lunxbornenses. Leuckfeld, J. G 422S.7 America. Description^ geography, travels, etc. — Herrera, A. de. Descriptiro Indise occidentalis. 4170.1 — - llechos de los Castellanos en las islas i tierra firme 4161.2 — Humboldt, F. H. A. v. Entwickelung der geo- graphischen Kenutnissevon der Neuen Welt. 4316.1 — - Hist, de la geographie du nouv. continent . 2316.10 — Jefferys, T. American atlas B. 180.1 — Kohl, J. G. 31aps, mentioned in Haklu>-t . . 4355.19 — Las Casas, B. de. Discoveries and cruelties of the Spaniards in 2316.6 — Martire d'Angliiera, P. De rebua oceanicis . 4169a. 1 — Uricoechea, E. Mapotcca Colombiana . . . . 2152.15 — Winterbotham W. American atlas .,,... 23.J.4 nisiory. — Benzoni, G. History of the new world. . . . 22(M.18 — . Engel, S. Quand et comment TAmerique a-t- elleete peupke 2369.20 — ,Palacio. Revolution in Spanish A 2369.15 — Holgate, J. B. Atlas of American history . • 23S0.7 — Sainsbury, W. N. Calendar of state papers, colonial series 7062.11 3635.19 4363.16 4363.2 4326.7 2^]68.15 2307.9 4311.6 2:i82.3 4 169a. 5 4305.18 2310.9 2363.22 4169a. 4 3350.2 3350.2 3907.15 3350.2 3350.2 3350.2 3902.10 3895.14 3845.13 3895.15 5S44.4 4307.16 Shelf. No. America, North. DescHptiSn, geography, travels, etc. — Abridgement of laws of the American colonies in 1704 — Anburey, T. Voyages dans les parties lnt6- rieures de I'Amerique, 1770-Sl — Audree, C. Nord-Anierika in geograpbischen and geschichtliclKn I'nni^sen — Bernard, F, Select letters on the trade and government of the American colonies .... — Bromme, T. Hand-und Reisebuch fur Auswan- derer nach Nord-Amerika — Chappell, E. North-eastern coast of — Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Voyage dans I'Ami^r- ique septentrionalo — Davenport, B. Gazetteer of — Frobel, J. Aus Anierika — - A travers I'Amerique — Gordon, J. B. Geographical memoir of. . . — Hall, B. Travels in, 1827, 28 — Wagner, M. Reisen in Nord-Amerika in 1852, 53. Natural history. — Buird, S. F. Catalogue of N. American bii'ds . — - Catalogue of North American reptiles . . . — Godman, J. D. American natural history . . — Hagen, H. Synopsis of the neuroptera of. . . — Lea, i. Check lists of the shells of — Le Coute, J. L. Classification of the coleop- tera of — Maximilian Alexander PhiUpp. Verzeichnisa der Siiugetliiere in N. A. beobacliteten . . . — Jlorris, J. G. Catalogue of lepidoptera of . . . — Muhlenbm'g, H. Descriptio uberior gramiuum AmericBC Septentrionalis — Osten Sacken, R. Catalogue of diptera of . . — Plunder, C, Nova plantarum Aniericanamm gt-uera — Revoil, B. H. Peches dans I'Amerique du Nord. See also: Baffin's bay, Barrow straits, Canada, Cape Breton, Central America, Greenland, Guatimala, Hud- Bou'a bay, Mexico, Nicaragua, Nova Scotia, Rocky mountains, Bufisian possossious, United States, West Intlios. America, South. — Bosch Spencer, H. Commerce de la cflte occi- dentale _, . 2365.27 — Brackenridge, H. M. Voyage to, in 1817, 18. . 2305.11 — Chase, W, Voyage to, 1821-23 2305.12 — Federmann, N. Reisen in Stidamerica, 1529-55. - 42:i5.1 — Grimshaw, H. History of 2369.12 — List of shells of. .SeeLondon. British museum. 5879.9 — Maury, M. F. Amazon, and Atlantic slopes of. 6087.13 — Voyages and travels in. ,9ee Stories 23(i9.l8 — St. Clair, T. L. Residence in 23135.24 See also: Abipones, Amazon, Boli\-ia, Brazil, Colom- bia, New Granada, Orinoco, Peru, Rio du la Plata, Suri- nam, Venezuela. American advertising directory for 1831. New York, 1831. V2° 2-379.19 American agi-iculturist, A. B. Allen and O. Judd, eds. Vols. 12-20. New York, 1854-61. Sv. 4°. 3190.2 A3IERICAN almanac for 1830-61. Boston, 1830-61, 32v. 12^ **A.11S.1 AaiERiCAN amials of the deaf and dumb. Hartford, 1848,49. 2v, inl. 8' 3591.11 American annual cyclopaedia and register of events for 1861, 62. New York, 1802, 63. 2v. 1.8". *4313.1 American anti-slavery society. Declaration of sen- timents adopted Dec. 4, 1S33. New York, n.d. pp. 4. 8" 5572.30 — lst-7th, 22d-27t.h annual report, with speechee. New York, 1834-40, 55-61. 8° 5171.1 — Letter to Louis Kossuth coin;erniiig freedom and slavery in the United States. Boston, 1832. 8° 5572.3 — Platform. New York, 1855. pp.35. 12° . . B. 160b. 26 — Proceedings at its 2d, 3d decade, Philadelphia, 1853-63. New York, 1854-04. 2v. 8°. . . B. 160. 116 AJIERICAN 14 ASraEEST Shelf. No. A3IERICAS and foreign anti-slavery society. Ad- dj-ess to tlie non-slaveliolders of tlie South, on the evils of slavery. New York, 1S43. l.S°. 5572.2 — Strictures on. A reply to certain charges against. Webb, K. D B.160.109 AsiEKIc.iX association for the advancement of sci- ence. Proceedings Ist-Htb meeting. Phi- ladelphia, [etc.], 1849-00. llv. 8° .3935.1 Amekic.vs Baptist missionary union. 32d-49th an- nual report, etc. Boston, IS-Hi-03. 2v. 8° . 5165.5 — The missionarv magazine. Vol. 1-11, 14, 10-21, 23-44. Boston, 1817-63. 40v. «° »5166.1 Amekic^vn Bible society. Address of the managers in regard to the general supply of the United States with the sacred Scriptures. New York, 1860. pp. 14. 8° 542.S.2 — Ist-t7th annual report. New York, 1817-63. 8°. 3420.5 — Eecord, containing correspondence, receipts, etc. Vols. 1-7. New York, 1856-62. 7v. 8°. 7441.1 Eeport on the history and recent collation of the English version of the Bible, 1851. [New York], 1852. 8° 5428.2 — Testimony of distinguished la>Tnen to the value of the Scriptures. New York, 1855. pp.64. 8°. 5428.2 AmeriCjVjj board of commissioners for foreign mis- sions. SIcmoriiil volume of the first fifty years. 4th ed. Boston, 1861. 8° 3535.2 — Missionary herald. Vols. 17-59. Boston, 1821- 63. 42v. ff *5167.2 JWc— Vol. XVII is the flret of the eories bearing tho title of "The Missionftry Herald." The work is a con- tiiiuntiOQ of the " Panoplist and MissionaiT.- Herald," of which 16 vols, were published. 5ee Panoplist. — Eeport of the special committee on the deputa- tion to India. 2d cd. N. Y., 1856. 1)13.61. 8°. 60.S8.32 — Merrick, J. L. Appeal to the 0088.9 Paxton, J. D. Appeal from the ui^ust meas- ures of the secretaries, etc 6088.55 — 'Whipple, C. K. Relation of the, to slavery . . 3573.39 Amekic.vn Chesterfield, The. By a member of the bar. PhUadelphia, 1833. 24° 3589.33 American church. The, in the disruption. From the Christian remembrancer for Jan., 1863. Lou- don, 1863. pp. 32. 8" 4323.34 Ameek-an coWniization society. Mdmoire relatif k ['abolition de la traite africainc, par 0. F. Mercer. Traduit de I'Anglais, par II. Vutte- maro'. Paris, 1865. pp.20. 4° 3571.10 Ajierican congregational union. Year-book for 1854-59. New York, 1854-59. Ov. 8° . . . . 7516.1 Set also: Coiipreffational iiuarlorly. Americas education society. Quarterly register and journal. Vols. 1-15. [Conducted by K. Corneliux, I!. B. Edwards, \V. Cogswell, and S, II. UiddilL] Andover and Boston, 1829- 43. 15v. in K. 8° •5175.0 — 3d-47th report of the directors. Andover and Boston, 1818-03. 5v. 8° *6175.3 jVrtfl, — The first report was publfuhod only in connec- tion with a sermon by Itov. Samuel Worcester, D.D. ; the second only with a sennou of K«v. J. Chlckering, U.D., whltji is in the Library. American cphemerls for 1865, 50. See United States. Navy department 4270.17 American first class book. Pierpont, J 45S9a.O American institute of hoinn'iipatliy. Tnijographi- ciil anatomy. Keport nuide at Albany, N. Y., June 12, IWiO. n.p., n.d. pp. 72. 16° .... 3769.26 American jotirnul of dental science. Edited by C. A. Harris and A. S. I'iggot. New serleii, vols. 4-10. I'liilailelpliiit, lN.5:i-«0. 7v. 8° ♦6776.1 American jounial nf insanity. [ I'.dited by olllcers of the New York lunatic asylum.] Vols. 10-19. lltlca, N. y., 18.VI-lHKRST, Maxa. Amherst collrirc, continvrd. — - C:itiilo£tus eorum qui nlicigiis frni^lus laurea douati sunt, 1857, 63. Amherstin', IKi/.m. 8^ 4.187.21 — - Di!-coiirs<^s at tlio iniiujrunition of tlif Kev, W. A. Stearns as presidtMit. Amhefst, 1855. 8*. '1387.22 ContfntJi.^ Scnnoii by J. LoQvitt ; Charge by R. IlUch- cock ; Atlilrosa on relirins iVom the prcsldi'iicy, by E. IlUtlieock; Inaui^uml ailtlrosit by W. A. Slt'nms. — - Ucminiscrnees of. See Hitchcock, E. . . . 2387.20 — Ladies' collfjriatc institute, Circular of the. Amherst, 1854. pp.11. 12" B.170b.8;i Amhurst, N. Terrae-tilius : or, the secret history of the university of Oxford, 2d cd. London, 1726. 2v.ini, 12" *2490.35 Sfe also .■ Craftsraan. Ami, L', de I'enfance, journal dcs salles d'asilc. 3me .scr. T. 0, 7. Paris, 1859-61. 2v. 8" .5594.1 Amico, a. di. De urbls Syracusamm antiqiio archi- episcopatu. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 2] 4710.1 AxnPslAS. Sexcomoediarumfragmenta. [Meincke, Fragm. eom.Gr., V.3] B.162.8 Amis et Amiles und Jourdains dc Blaivies. Zwci alt- franziisischc Heldeugedichte des kerlingi- schen Sagcnkreises, herausgegeben von C. Hofmann. Erlangen, 1852. 8" **2687.9 AsnsTAD, scAooHcr. Adams, .T.Q. Argumentinthe supreme court of the United States in the case of the Africans captured in the Pph.v.382 — Barber, J. W. History of the A. captives . . . 5572.14 AMMi.VNfs. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.162.7 Ammianus Marcellinus. Quae supersunt, cum notis [variorum] quibus suas adjecit J. A. \Vagner. Ed. absolvit C. G. A. Erfurdt. Lipsise, 1808. 3v. 8" *420G.7 — Remm gcstarum qua; supersunt. [Historise Romanx scriptores, V. 2] 4240.3 Ammon, C. F. v. Die Fortbildung des Christen- thums zur Welt religion. 2te Ausg. Leipzig, 1835-40. 4v. 8* 6056.1 — Gcschichte des Lebens Jesu. Leipzig, 1842-^7. 3v. 8° 6037.3 — Novaopusculatheologica. Gottingae, 1603. 16", 6060.7 — Die wahre und falsche Orthodoxie. Leipzig, 1840. 8° 6063.12,13 AMMONirs Alexandrinus. EvangeUoi-umharmonia [Victore Capuano interprete]. [Maxima bib- liotli. vet. patr., V.3] B.110.2 Amm*)XIIIs Atheniensis. VitaAristotelis. [Aristo- teles. Opera, v.l] B.164.13 Ammonius Saccas, Sur la vie et la doctrine d'. See Dehaut, L.J 5601.5 Amoretti, C. Memorie storiche su la vita, gli studj, e le opere di L, da Yinci. See Vinci, L.da 4802.2 Amory, Thomas, 6. 1691, rf. 1789. Memoirs of eev- cral ladies of Great Britain. London, 1766- 00. 2v. 12° ^ 2458.39 Amory, Rev. Thomas, b. 1701, d. 1774. Sermons on various subjects. 2d ed., corrected. London, 1758. 8" 5445.3 — Twenty-two sermons. London, 1766. 8° . . . 5445.4 Amos, A. Observations on the statutes of the refor- mation parliament in the reign of King Henry theEighth. lrf)ndon and Cambridge, 1859. 8°. 2515.8 AMPfcBE J. J. A. Des castes et de la transmission her^ditaire des professions dans I'ancienne figypte. Paris, 1848. pp.21. 8" 4191.13 — Cesar, sct^nes historiques [en forme dramat- ique]. Paris, 1859. a" 4703.7 — L'histoire romainc ii Rome. Paris, 1862. 2v. 8*. 2758.5 AMPiiiLOCUirs, St., bishop of Iconium, Orationes, Homili:e, Sententire, Epistola iambica. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 5] B.110.2 Amphis. Comccdiarum viginti tres perditarumfrng- menta. [Meiueke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 4] . B.Ui2.8 AMPnifiiE.\TREri, History oftheancicnt. Maflei, S. 4950.32 Shcir. No. Amprima Icctnra par la ginvontogna da scola e 'gl cantun Griscimn. Cuera, 1834. 8* , . . . **2885.20 Amputation. Des amputations partielles. Robert, C. A :\l.Pph.v.l.37 Amru' Ikais Ben Hojr El Kindi. Mnnlliikah nun sclioliis Zuzenii. Ed. Latiiie vert, et illustr. 1-^ G. Uengstenberg. ISonnit, 1823. 4" . , . . 3023.13 Amste^idam. Genootschap Natura ai-ys magistra. Gids voor de Bezoekers der zoologisclie Tui- nen. Amsterdam, 1843. pp. 68. 8"* B. 170. 17 — Vereeniging ter bevordering van de bclangen des Boekhandels. Catalogus van de Biblio- tlieek, opgeraaakt door F, Muller. Amster- dam, 1855. -8° 2152.32 Amthor, G. M. De apostasia liber singidaris. Co- burgi, 1833. 8° GOCyi.23 Amulo, or Amolon. Epistola?; Opuscula duo de priedestinatlone, libero arbilrio, etc. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 14] B.110.2 Amusements. Bellows, H. W. Relation of public amusements to public morality B.lOfib.OO — Thomason, D. R. Fashionable amusements . 3587.8 Sec also: Games, Rccrefttivo arts, Sports, Stago. Amy Robsart, Particulars connected with the death of. See Pettigrew, T. J 2452.9 Amyot, T. Life of Wiudliam. See Windham, W. 2572.3 Anauaptisticum und enthusiasticum Pantheon nnd Geistliches Riist-Hauss, wider die alteu Quacker und neuen Frey-Geister. n.p., 1701, 2. f" *B.130.5 Contents. — ^Dcr rSmiachcn kayserlichcn MajostSt Edict an die Aebtisscn zu Hcrfordt, die Widcrtauffer, u.a.w., zuschaffenund nicht mehr zu dulden; Der alteu und neucn Schwarmer Widcrtaufferiacher Geiat, das ist, Glaubwiirdigrer Bericlit waa Jammer, Eleiid, Angst. Noth und Auffruhr, die altcn Schwarmer und Widcr- tauffer pestifftet und angcricbtet baben, verfertiget von Zacharia Theobaldo fsee Theobald]; Ilistoria fnnati- conim, oder eine vollkommeno Relation und Wissen- schafft von denen Schivarmern, als alton Annbaptisten und neuen Quakem[see HiatoriaFanaticorum]; Kiinig- licbo, Chur-und Furatlichc Edicto und Verordnungcn wider die neuen einachleichenden Sch^viinner [sec also Konigrliche, u.s.w.]; Alte und neue Scbwann-Geister- Brufh und Quackcr-Greuel [sec also Alte, u, 9. w.]; Tractaten: O. Cromwell, ncbenat Hugro Petersen und John Coocken samt Anhange von Joh. Labadie; Fvir- stcllung vier neuer Welt-Weiaen nabmentlich, Rena- ti Des-Cartea, Thomaj Hobbes, Benidicti Spinosa, Bal- thasar Beckers; Sabatai-Sevi, Oliger Paulli, novus in Belgio JudoBorum rex ; J.C. Hullem Greuel der faUchon Mcssicn, \Arie auch Schatz-Kammer dcs wabren Messitc Jeau Christi ; Erachrokliche Briiderschafft der alten und neuenWiedertauffer, Quacker, Schwarmer und Frey.Gei- etcr mit denen Juden [see Quackcr-Greuel]; Weile, or Weisse, (F. R. von), Die Herrlichkcit dea wahren Mea- BJffi, ubera. a. d. Holl. Johann Christoph Mullem. ANACREON. [Carmina, Gr. et Lat.] opera et studio J. Barnes. Ed. altera. Cantabrigire, 1721. sm.S* **2979.27 — Carmina quae exstant, opera A. Brumek. Lon- don, 1820. i2° B.ir.9.1 — First twenty-eight odes, in Greek and English ; with variorum notes and lexicon. By J. B. Roche. London, 1827. S° > . . . 2077. 2G — Odes, with a literal interlinear translation. 2d ed. London, 1830. pp.93. 12° 4909.2 — Odes, trad, en vers languedociens, par M. Au- ' banel. Nismes, 1814. 10° **i;979.2fi — Carmina lyrica. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 1] B.lfi2.7 — Carmina, Grtecfe et Latin6. [Lect. Poeta; Grajci , V. 1] 4200.7 — Odes; fragmens. See Falconnet, P< B.I01.2 — Odes, translated from the Greek, by F. Fawkes. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 13] . 4004.1 — and others. Carmina. Accedunt selecta qufc- dam e lyricorum reliquiis. Lipsiae, 1811. 8m.l6°. '. 49gna.26 — - Anacreontis, quse feruntur, carmina, Sap- phus et Eriunje fragmenta, illustravit E. A. Moebius. Gothae et Erfordioe, 1820. 8^ . . . 4205,22 ANESTHESIA 16 ANDERSON Shelf. No. Ax-ESTHESIA. HajTvard, G. Comparative value of the different anaesthetic agents 60S7.S1 — Lalleraand, L. Du role des anesthe^iqucs dans I'organisme 3977.10 See also: Ether, Etherization. AXANirs. Frag7U»?nta. .See Hipponax 29SS.19 Anastasius, abbot of St. E nth y mill m. Liber contra Jud.TOSjinterp. F. Turriano. [Canisius. ThCi saurus, v. 2, p. .3] 4H0.3 — - Same. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 13] . B.110.2 Anastasius, L. R. E., opocrisarius at Rome. Epis- tola de obltu S. Maximi, etc. [Maxima bibUoth. vet. patr,, v, 12] B.110.2 Asastasics bibUothecarius. Collectanea de iis qax spectant ad lustoriam Monotlielitarum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 12] B.no.2 AnASTA'sil'S .Sinaita, monk. Oratio in sextum Psal- mum ; Oratio de sacra synaxi, Gr. et Lat. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 1] 4140.3 — 'OJrjj'iJs, seuduxvijeadversusAcephaloSjinterp. J. Gretsero ; Anagogicanim contemplationura in liexameron, libri xi ; Quspstiones varise et respousiones ad casdem ; Sermones in trans- figiirationem, et in anuunciationem : Compen- diaria orthodoxaj fidei expUcatio. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 9] B.110.2 Anastasius Sinaita, patriarch of Antioch. Ora- tiones de trinitate de incircumscripto, de incamatione, de passione et impassibilitate Christi, de resurrecdone. [Canisius. The- saurus, v. 1] 4140.3 Kate. — Grent clisafrreement respecting the worhs ns- crilied to the persons kno^vn under the nurao of Anns- tasius Sinaita, exists amoug authorities. Wo have fol- lowed Fabricius. Anatomy. Andral, G. Pri^cis d'A. pathologique . 3744.4 — Bernard, C. Precis iconographique d'anatomie chirurgicale 3745.32 — Bichat, M. F. X. Anatomic descriptive . . . 5744.1 — - Anatomie g^n^rale 6744.2 — Bourgery, J. M. Traits complet de I'anatomie derhomme 3720.3 — Cruveilhier, J, Trait<5 d'anatomie descriptive . 3743.il — Eble, B. Geschichte der Anatonue, 1800-25 . . 3753.2 — EUis, G. V. Demonsl rations of 3749.2 — Gray, H. Descriptive and surgical 3753.15 — Hallcr, A. V. Disputationcs anatomica) . . . . 3720.10 — LebertjH. Trait^'d'anatomiepathologifiue . . 3720.1 — Leveling, H. P. ErkliirungdrrOrigiual-Figuren von A. Vcsal 3750.16 — Lizars, J. System of unutoniical plates . . , 3750.14 — Mascagni, P. Anatoniia universa 3720.2 — Morgagni, G. B. Kpistolrc anatoniicac .... 3752.18 — Morion, S. G. Illustrated system of human . 3752.14 — Nouveau nianuul (i'anatomie descriptive . . . 3759.24 — Paxton, J. Study of human 3752.21 — Ituvoth, F. SclUemm's Operation 8-Uebungen am Cadaver dargestellt 3749.1 — Rokitansky, C. Lehrbuch der pathologlschcn Anatomie 3791.10 — Smith, J.V. C. Class book of 3749.20 — Topograghical anatomy. See American insti- tute of homoeopathy 3759.25 — Vesale, A. De luiniani corporis fabrica . . . . 3740.34 — Walter, J. G. J>ie trockeuen Km)clien des menschlichen Kiirpers 8759.23 — WllHon, E. Anatomist'H vade mecum .... 3749 15 We altft; Comimrutlvo nnutoniy, l\UU>\ti^y, Prttliol- ofty, I'liynloliigy, 8urircry. Anaxani>kii>i:s. Triginta sex comcedlarum ft-ag' HHiita. [Meiueke. Frngm. com. V. Voyages round the world. Loudon, n.d. f° 0200.1 Coiitfnta. — Cook's three voynpes; Byron's voynpo; Wftllis' voynpo; Cnrtorct'a voyage; I^nl Mulgrnve's voyage; Lord Anson's voyage; Sir I'raneiK Drake's voyages. Anderson, H. Historical narrative of the colony of Georgia. [Georgia. Historical society collections, v. 2] 2375.25 Anderson, J. Dura Den. A monograph of the yel- low sandstone and its fossil remains. Edin- burgii, 1859. pp.90. 8° 3863.14 Anderson, Robert. Complete edition of the poets of Great Britain. London, 1792-95. I3v. 8°. * 1601.1 C'orU^ita. — Vol.1. Chaucer; 6uiT0y ; Wyatt ; Sack- vllle. II. Spenser; Shakeipuare; Davlos; Hall. III. DniylOn ; Carew ; Biiekllng. IV. Donne ; Daniel; Brawno; P.Fletcher; G. Fietcber; 1). Jonson; Urum- mond; CrnHhaw; Davonant. V. MOton; Cowley; Wal- ler; Butler; Uunbain, VI. Dryden; Hoohester; Koii- coniniou; Otway; foinfret; Sti'jmey; rhlHps; Walsh; Smith; Duke; King; Sprat; Montague; Halifax. VII. pHrn*?ll; litirth; Howe; Addison; Hughes; ShelJIold ; Prior; Congrevo; Itlnekmori-; Kunton; OranvUlo; Yal- drn. VIll. Pope; Gay; Pattison; Hammond; Savage; IliU; Tlekell; Sumurvilu; liruonie; Pitt; Bluir. IX. Swift; Tbonison; Watts; HanilUon; A. Phillpn; (1. Wi'st; Collins; Dyer; Slienstono; Mallet; Akonslilv; llarte. X. Young; dray; U. West; Lyttletou; Moore; Iltiyce; Thompson; Cnwthonio; Churcblll; Falc^onor; Lloyd; Cunninghiim; Green; Cooper; Ooldsniith; P. Whileht'ad; Drown; (Iraingur; Smollot; Annstsong. XI. Wllklo ; Dudotry: Hbaw ; Smart; I,anglK>rn* ; Jlnicej Chiitlertoii; (Jnemo; Olover; I.ovlhond ; l*mi- rose; MIrkle; .lagx; H.-ott ; .Tolinson j W'. W)>iti.dii'tid; Jonyns ; I.iigan ; Warton ; Cotton ; Uhieklock . XII, Pope's llhid iind OdyitBoy; West's Pindar; Hryden's Vir- gil, Juvuniil nnd Pki'nIuh; Pitt's A^ncld; Itotvo's I,uean; Hom.ir's llynni to Ceres, trans, by U. Hole [Six 01yini»lo Od<-s of Pliitlitr, trans, by H. J. Vyo. .MM. Cook n Mr. flod ; I'awkes'fl TlieocHlUR, Anai-reon, Illon, Mori-Iiu", Hiipidio, Musn'us, Apiillonlus Hlioillus; Tlie Kni»' of lli'leti; Crooeh's Luorellus; (iniiitger's Tlhiillus. ANDERSON 17 ANGELOTTI Shelf. No. AiTDERsbs, Robert, continued. — Memoirs of the life and writinp3 of John Moore. See Moore, .1 liCu-i.5 Ander.sox, Rnfiis. ,^erinon on tlie promised advent of the Spirit, lioston, 1.S4I. IS° *rph.v.3S3 — The missionary ape : a half-centnry discourse. Boston, ISol". fi° 5440.a.ll Anderson, T. D. The Iiome and the nation. A ser- mon, at tlie annuiil election, .January 4, 1860, Boston, IWin. n° 43.')6.13 Andocides. Orationes quatuor. [Dobson. Ora- tores Attici, V. 1, 1.3] B.lfl3.1 ASDOVER, Mass. History of. Abbot, A 2.357.11 — South church, Historical manual of the. Mooar, (i 2357.17 — Theological seminary. Laws. Andover, 1827. pp. 31. 8° 4390a. 9 — - Triennial catalogue, 18-39. Andover, 1839. 8°; 4390a. 8 — - Jlemoriul of the senii-centenniiil celebration offoimding the seminary. Andover, 18.59. 8°. 2387.14 — - The Andover fuss. Allen, G 6440a. 44 Andover husking. The; a political tale. Boston, 1842. pp. 27. 8° *Pph.v..3S2 AxDRAL, G. Precis d'anatomiepathologique. Paris, 1829. 2v. in 3. .S° 3744.4 Andran, p. G. Grammaire arabe en tableaux. Paris, 1818. pp.54. 4° 50.34.11 Andrea, of Bergamo. Chronicon, A. D. 568-877. [Frankfurt.. Societas, etc., v. 3] 4210.2 — Chronicon, A. d. 50S-874. [Mencke. Script. ^ Germ., v. 1] 4261.2 Andrea, G. d', canonist. Apparatus ad constitu- tiones Clementinas. See Clement V 4290.5 — Commentaria in decretales. See Bonifacius Vril 4290.5 Andrea, G., cnrrlinal. Liverani, F., and Reali, E. La curia romana e i Gesniti. Firenze, 1861. 12° 4718.18 Andreas Cfcsariensis. In Apocah-psim commenta- . rius, interprete Theodoro Peltano. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 6] B.110.2 Andreas Cretensis. In salutationem angeli sermo, Gr. et Lat. [Grj-najus. Mon. patr.] .... B.141.3 — Orationes, selectique canones et triodia, inter- prete Combeflsio. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 10] B.110.2 — Vltpl Ttr; Tt.lv ayitov ctK0Vl-fi4. 8' 4.390a. IS — Addresses by [him and others] delivered jit the mass meeting in aid of recruiting, Aug. 27, 1862. Boston, I8(>2. 8° 4.390a. 18 — [Letter to S. F. Wetmore on the discharge of her duty, by Massachusetts, during the pres- ent war.] n.p., n.d. pp.8. 8° 4390a.l8 3 Shelf. No. Andrew, J. A., continued. — Argument in behalf of T. Hyatt. See Sewall, S. E 4390a. 10 — and Butler, B. F. Correspondence [on a con- tlicf of military authorities]. Boston, 1862. pp. ."^li. 8° 4390a. 19 Andrew, W. History of Wintcrton and the ad- joining villages. Hull, 1836. 16" 2499.6 Andrews, E. A. Latin exercises. 2d ed. Boston, 18.39. 1'2° 4939.1 Andriws, I. D. Trade and commerce of the Brit- ish North American colonies, [etc.], Wash- ington, 1853. 2v. S° 2361.24 Andrews, .lames P. History of Great Britain, from the death of Henry VIII to the acces.sion of James VI of Scotland. 3d ed. London, 1806. 2t. 8° 4173.4 Andrews, John. Sermon delivered Nov. 26, 1808, at the interment of the Kev. T. Cary. New- buryport, 1808. 12° 5450a. 1 Andrews, or Andrewes, L., bishop of Winchester. Passion week. Three sermons. New York, 18.35. 12° 3475.21 — Life and works of. .See Russell, A. T 2543.15 Andrews, Samuel J. Life of our Lord upon the earth. New Tork, 1862. 8° 3475.14 Andrews, Stephen P. Science of society. No. 1, 2. New York, 1852. 12° 4306.28 Contents. — Ti-ue constitution of government ; Cost the limit of price. — Discussion on love, marriage, divorce, etc. See James, H B.170b.66 Andrews, W. S. Cnitarianism, or liberal Christi- anity, explained. Boston, 1854. pp. 29. 12°. B. 170b. 9 Andronicus Callistus. Ht^oi TaBoiv. See Andro- nicus Rhodius B. 167. 18 — Eis Tov KVpiov riiiifiytov IlaXato\oynp tov Stav- Ttarov. [Boissonade. Auecdota Gneca, v. 5]. B.161.3 Andronicus Camaterus. Dialogus contra Judaeos. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 4] 4140.3 — - Same. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 26] . B.110.2 Andronicus Livius. See Livius Andronicus. Andronicus Rhodius. [Aristotelis] ethicorum Nichomacheorum paraphrasis. Interpret. D. Heinsius. C'antabrigis, 1079. 8° *B.167.18 Koce. — Bulile and others confidently assert that this paraphrase is not the work of Andronicus Rhodius. Smith's dictionary of Greek and Roman bio^aphy, etc., Bupi^csts that it is to be ascribed to Andronicus Callis- tus, who tauf^ht Greek at Rome, Florence, Bologna, and Paris, and died in 1478. Andrt, F. Diagnostic des maladies du coeur. Paris, 1843. 12° 3803.32 Anecdota Gra;ca. Bachmann, G. L. E B.162.6 — Boissonade, J. F B.161.3 — Siebenkees, J. P B.162.5 Aneurism, Practical essay on. Coale, W. E. . . . 5796.10 Angeberg, Le comte d\ Recueil des trait^s, etc., concernant la Pologne, 1762-1862. Paris, 1862. 8° 3064.3 Angela de Fulginio, B. Visionum et instmctionum liber. Kec. J. H. Lammertz. Colonije, 1851. 32° [Bibliotheca myst. et ascet.] 6069a. 30 Angelerio, I. De antiquitate urbis Atestinse. [Gra:vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 7, p. 1] . . . 4710.1 Angeli, D. De depraidatione Castrensium, et suae patrife historia. [Gravius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 8, p. 3] 4710.1 Angelita, G. F. Urbis Recineti origines, historia et descriptio. Ex Italico Latine vertit J. L. Mosheim. [Grajvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 7, p. -2] 4710.1 Angelomus, monh of Luxeuil. Enarrationes in quatuor libros Kegum ; In Cantiea canticonim enarrationes. [Jlaxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 15] B.110.2 Angelotti, p. Descriptio et antiquitates urbis Reate. Lat. vertit S. Havercampus. [Graevlus. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 8, p. 3] 4710.1 ANGELUS 18 ANSELM Shelf. No. AxGELrs de Curribus Sabinis. De excidio civitatis Leodiensis, librisex metrici. [Martene. Vet. script., V. 4] 4150.1 Augers. GestaconstilumAndegavensium. [Achf- ry. Spicilegium, v. 10] 4152.7 Axghieba, p. JI. d'. See Martire d'Anghiera. P. Asgilbekt, St.. abbot of St. Richmns. Cavmen de Karolo imperatore. [Fi-ankfurt. Societas, etc., V. 2] «10.2 Angling. Bronner, F. X. Fischergedichte und Erzahlungen 2878.29 — Pulman, G. P. R. Rliymes on 4580.2 AA'GLO-ATEir.iX magazine. Vol. 1. New York, 1859. [No title-page.] 8° 7572.1 Anglo-Saxon chronicle. The, according to the orig- inal authorities. Edited, with a translation, by B. Thorpe. London, LWl. 2v. 1.8°. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] »2414.15 Anglo-Saxon language and literature. Anglo- Saxon versions of the Scriptures ante A. D. 1500. SfcBiWe. New Testament 5411.2 — Barnes, W. Anglo-Saxon delectus 2587.27 — Bosworth, J. Dictlonaryof the A. S. language. 25.S5. 12 — - Grammar of the A. S. language 2585.13 — Grein, C. W. M. Bibliotbek der angelsachsi- schen Poesie 2587.31 — Leo, H. Altsachsische und AngelsachsiscUe Sprachproben 2587.32 — Miiller, I.. C. Collectanea Anglo-Saxonica . . 2587.21 — Rask, E. Grammar of the A. S. tongue . . . 2587.23 Anglo-Saxons. Haigh, D. H. The Anglo-Saxon sagas; their value as aids to history .... 2418.12 — Kemble, J. M. English commonwealth till the Normau conquest 4175.13 — Marquardsen, H. LTeber Haft und Biirgschaft bei den Angelsachsen 4289.32 — Palgrave, F. History of the 4178.13 — Schmid, R. Die Gesctze der Angelsachsen . . 4301.18 — Thnipp, J. Anglo-Saxon home 2418.11 — Turner, S. History, to the Norman conquest. 4175.12 Anguillara, G. a. Le raetamorfosi d'Ovidio ri- dotte in ottava rima. See Ovidius Naso, P. . 4802.9 — Che gli uomini virtuosi oggi sono in poco pregio. [Raccolta di poesie satiriche] 4808.9 Anguillesi, G. D. Poesie. Pisa, 1807. 18°. [Par- naso degl' Ital. viventi, v. 15] 4799a. 2 Angus, J. Hand-bookof the English tongue. Lon- don, 1SI52. 12° 4586.22 Anianus. Fables. See L'Estrange, R 4970.10 Animal substances used in the arts. Dexter, T. E. 4019.10 Annales de chimie et de physique, le siSr. '1769- 1815, v. 1-90 in iSv.; 2e ser. 181(1-40, v. 1-75; 3e st-r. I&ll-fi2, V. l-fi8. Paris, 1789-1803. 191V. 8° »3959.2 — Table g«n«rale, v. 1-90, 1789-1815. Paris, 1801- 21. 2y. 8° •3959.1 — Table gf'ndralc, 2e ser. v. 1-75, 1810-40. Paris, 1831-41. 8° •3989.2 — TablcB,3esi?r.v. 1-30, [1841-5(1]. Paris, 1851. 8°. •3999.2 Annales d'hvgiine publiquc et de nuidecine legale. T. 49, 50; 2e sir. T. 1-19. Paris, 1853-03. 21v. 8' »3715.2 Annales de la propagation de la fol. T. 1-30, 32-34. Lyon,1827-«2. 3,1v. 8° *3538.1 Annales des pouts et clmu8S(^08. lc-3e ser. Tables. Paris, 1831-01. 93v. S° 'SSlO.l Annales des sciences naturelles : r(''dig(^'es par MM. Milne-Edwards, A. Bronguiart et .1. De- caisne. Botaniquo. 3e ai'r. T. 19, 20; 4e scSr. T. 1-13, 15, 10, 18. Paris, IS.M-nS. 18v. S" . •S80S.1 — - Same. Zoologie. .3e sm-ia. 62V. 8" •.•)810.2 Shelf. No. ANNALS of the army ol the Cumberland. By an oflBcer. Phila(ielphia, 18153. 8° 4322.4 Annapolis, 3/rf. History of the United States na- val academy. Marshall, E. C 4328.6 Anne, of Austria. Memoires pour servir '& I'hist. d'Anne d'Autriche. SeeMotteville, F. B. de. 4090.1 Ajs'S'E,, of Brittany. Vie de Anne de Bretagne. See Leroux de Lincy, A. J. V 4(i05.5 Ann^e Utteraire et dramatique. Vapereau, G. . . 6113.2 ANNfeE musicale. Scudo, P 4039.10 Ann£e scientilique et industrielle. Figuier, L. . . 3934.16 Anneessens, F. Proems de F. A., publie par L. Galesloot. T. 1. Bruxelles, 1802. 8° . . . . 2820.33 Annoaire de la librairie, etc. See Paris. Cercle de la librairie . 2118.1 ANNr.viRE de I'^conomie politique pour 1859. Block, M 6C)49a.l Annuaire des artistes et des amateurs. Lacroix.P. 4097.1 Annuaire des deux moudes. Histoire gi^nerale des divers 6tat«. [Fonde par F. Buloz.] 1851- 61. Paris, 1851-02. llv. 8° 'SIOS.S Annuaire diplomatique de I'empire fran9ais pour I'annte 185!>-CI. Paris, 1S5S-01. 4v. 24° . . 'eOWa.! Annuaire du bibliophile, du bibliothecaire et de I'archiviste. Lacour, L 2119.1 Annuaire du Cosmos [et] Manuel de la science [publi(5 par H. Tramblav]. Paris, 1859-01. 4v. In3. 24° •5049a. 1 Annuaire g^n(5ral du commerce, on almanach des 500,000 addresses, publie par Fu-min Didot freres. Paris, 1854. 1.8° 4631.1 Annuaire historique universel, on histoire poli- tique, fonde par C. L. Lesur, publie par T. Desplaces, 1818-58. Paris, 1819-62. 41v. 8°. *22C8.1 Annuaire medical et pharmaceutique dela France. Roubaud, F 5n9a.5 Annuaire scientifique. Deherain, P. P 5149.3 Annuaire statistique et historique beige. 5e anu^e, par A. Scheler. Bruxelles, 1858. 6m.l2° . . *4819a.l Annual register, The, 1758-1S03. London, 1759- 1801. 105v. 8° •2218.1 — Index, 1758-1819. London, 1820. 8° *2258.a Annual retrospect of engineering and architecture. Burnell, G. R 8026.1 Annuities. .Jones, J. Tables of 3923.33 — Thoman, F. Theory of 3923.20 — Yioleine. A. P. Guide du rentier 3048.10 Sdo aUo: Anoiirniipe, Insurnnco. Anonimiana, ou nu'lang* de po(5sies, d'dloquence et d'Orudition. Pai'is, 1700. sm.8° **4095.6 Anquetil-Duperron, a. H. Abhandlungen iiber wichtige Gegenstiinde der persischen Relig- ion, Philosophie und (Jeschichte. See Zend- Avesta 3014.30 Anscharius, S., mnnl: ofHamhurgh. Vita S. Wil- lehadi. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 2] . . 4210.2 Anseaujie, N. Mazet, comddie en vers. Paris, 1771. pp. 4S. 12° 4099a. 4 Anselm, or Anshelni, of Polanil. Descriptio Terr.T; Sanct.T. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 4] . . . . 4140.3 Anselm, S,, archbi.ihop of Canterbury. Cur Deus homo, Oder Warum ein Gott Slensch. Aus d. Lat.von B. Scliirlilz. (Juedlinburg, 1801. 12°. .1409.28 — Liber medilntionum. ItecogUDvil A. Uuse. Co- loniae, 1851. 32°. [Hiblioth. myst. et Bscet.].0009a.27 — Monologlum et proslogium : ou. Sur I'essence divine, tr. i>ar H.Bouchitlc''. Paris, 1842. 8°. 6066.3 — Trnctiitusasceticus. [Aclury. Spicilegium, v. 3]. 4152.7 — Select eouteiupliitious. St e August inns . . . 0050.13 Anselm, bisho/i of IlnvcUicrg. Dialognruni ndversus Gra^coslihrl tres. (Acli(Ty.Spicilegiiim,v. 13], 4162.7 Anselm, hinhop of Lurm. Contra (iuitbertum aut Wilicrlmn iiulipainini; Colleclanen. [Canis- ius. llicMinnis, V, :i, p. I| 4140.3 — Sec Maxima bibllolh. vet. pair., V. 18,27 . . . B.110.2 rffM/cTiM. — Vol. XVril. Cmitrft OiiUhertuin nntlpn- pnni. llbrl duo. -WVII. Meclllndoncr In orotloncm nfiliiln(<-nn1 ! T>«' •(lllltntlonf Mnrln-; Super 8«lv<» Hi'ljl- nn. *tr. ; Mprtltntlonen nietrlffw (1« gritli Domini noitrl. ANSELM 19 ANTONIO Shelf. No. Anselm, canon of Liege. Gesta pontilicum Traiec- tensium et Lrodiensium. [ChapeauviUe. Gestii pontif. Tiinpronsium; v. 1] 2813.5 — Gesta t'piscoporuin Tungrensiiini, Tnijecten- siuin ft L('otlii'nsinin,juIauiuim lU-IS. [Frank- furt. SocU'tas, i'tc, V. ~] 4210.2 A^SON, G., lord. Voyage round tlu' world. See Anderson, G. \V 6260.1 — - Same. [Mavor. Voyapos, v. "^J 6267.1 Ansted, D. T. Ionian islands in 1863, London, 1863. 8" 3074.10 Anstkutiier, J. Spevolics at tlie trial of Wai-ren Hastings. See Hond, E. A 2572.5 Antremiits. Novellfficonstitutiones. .S'^eNovellx. 4300.6 Anthems. Kreissmann, A. Anthems set to music. 8047.27 — Taylor, A'. C. Choral anthems 8047.3 — "Webb, G.J. Cantica ecclesiastica 8042.58 Anthoixe, a. I. Essai histor. sur le commerce et la navigation do la Mer-Noire. Paris, 1805, 8*. 3082.9 AntHOLOGIA. Ai'doXo) la Staipopdtv cni) pafiijartov, Florilcgium variorum epigrammatum, inter- prete E. Lubino. [Heidelberg, Commelin, 1604.] 8m.4° *B.162.1 — - Same. [With some addition.] [Lect. Poeta; Gripci, V. :i] 4200.7 Antholoc.i.v Grieca, ex recensione Bninckii. Com- mentarium adjecit F. Jacobs. Lipsise, 1794- 1814. 13v. in II, 8" *B.161,5 Antholooia GriEca, cum versioneLatinan.Grotii. Edita ab H. de Bosch. Ultrajecti, 1795-98. 3v. 4" *B.161.1 Anthologia Gra;ca, ad Palatini codicts fidem ed- ita. Ed. stereot. Lipsia, 1829. 3v. 32° . *B.169a.l Anthologia veterum Latinorum epigrammatum etpoematuni. Ed. Bnrmannianam digessit et auxit A. Meyerus. Lipsi*^, 18.15, 2v, 8". . *B.162.2 Anthon, C. Ancient and mediaeval geography. New York, 1855. S" *2283.8 Anthracite, Use of, in the manufacture of iron. Johnson, W. R 3S67.5 Anthropology. Baumer, G. F. Anthropologis- mus uud Kritieismus der Gegeuwart . . . . 6065.4 — Kant, I. Anthropologic in pragmatiseher Hin- sicht abgefasst 5608.10 — Suabedissen, D. T. A. Lehre von dem Men- schen 6105.17 — Vollgraff, C. Anthropognosie oder zur Kunde des Menschen iiberhaupt 4146.7 — "Waitz, T. Anthropologic der Naturvblker . . 2235.9 — - Introduction to 2235.19 Sec also: EHiiiology, Man, Pliysiology. Anti-GalliCvVN, The; or standard of British loy- alty, etc., including papers on the threatened invasion. Loudon, 1804, 8* 2548.14 Auti-slavery society of Canada. First annual report, March 24, 1852. Toronto, 1852. pp.24. S" B. 160a. 7 Antias, F. Fragmentacumvita,exP.Crinito. See Gottfried, D B,191.9 Antichrist, Trial of, for high treason against the son of God. G»*egory, W 3464.-30 Antidotus. Comocdiarum deperditarum duarum fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm.com.Gr.,v.4]. B.162.8 Antigonus Carystius. Historiarum mirabilium collectanea [cum. interp. Lat. XylandriJ, rec. J. Meui'sius. Lugduni Batav., 1619. sm.4° . *4205.25 — Historiarum mirabilium collectanea exphcata aJ. Beckmann. Lipsiae, 1791. sm.4° . . . *4205.11 AntigI'edades arabes de Espana : los letreros ara- bigos,publicados por Pablo Lozano. Madrid, [1780]-18(H. 2 parts in Iv. Atlas f '. 25 pp. text, and .59 plates *3100.20 Antilles. Derrotero de las islas Antillas. See Spain. Ministry of marine -. . . . 2365.22 See aUo: Bftrhados, Cuba. Jamaica, Martinique, St. Domingo, Trinidad. Antimachus Colophonius. Reliquise, ed. ab I, A. Giles. Londini, 1838. 8° B. 177. 12 Shelf. No. Antinori, V, ElogiostoricodiL.Nobili. Firenze, 1836. pp.50. 8* 2745.16 Antiochcs Monachus. Homilim centum triginta; Exoraologesis ; Ad Eustathium de cogitation- ibus, G. Tilmanno interprete. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. I.3J B.110.2 Antipater Sidonius. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analectapoet. Gr., v. 2] B.162.7 Antipater Thossalonicensis. Kpigrammata. [Brunck. Analeeta poet, (ir., v. 2j B.162.7 Antiphanes. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 2] B.162.7 Antiphanes Atheniensis, Fragmenta comoediarum centum triginta septcm deperditaiimi. [Meiueke. Fragm. com, Gr., v. 4] B.162.8 Aj^tipiiihts. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.162.7 Antiphon. Orationes sex. [Dohson. Oratores Attici, V. 1, 13] B.163.1 Antiphonaire et graduel de Paris. Paris, 1788. 12^ 3447.18 Antiquitates Christiana : or, life and death of the holy Jesus, by J. Taylor; also, Uves of his apostles, etc. [with introduction], by W. Cave. 7th edition. London, 1684. t'° . . . *B.130.3 Antiquities. Chambers, R. Miscellany of popular. 2220.13 — Fabricius, J. A. Introductio in notitiam scrip- toruni qui antiquitates Hebraicas, Graecas, Romanas, et Christianas illustrarimt .... 2195.17 See also: Armour, Coins, Cotitiimo, Hieroglyphics, In- scriptions, Manners and customs, Sepulchral emtilems. Antisthenes Atlienieusis. Declamationes duo. [Dobson. Oratores Attici, V. 4] B.163.1 Antommarchi, C. F. M^moires, ou les derniers momens de Napoleon, Paris, 1825. 2v. 8". 2042.9 A^ton, H. S. Doctriua de natura hominis ab Aris- totele in scriptis ethicis proposita. Berolini, 1652. pp.39. 8" B.170a.lD5 Antoniano, S. Dell' educazione cristiana e politi- co de' figliuoli. Firenze, 1852. 8° 3588.1 Antonino, F. Descriptio antiquissima urbis Um- brorum veterum, Sassina olim, nunc Sarsina dictK. Latinitate donavit S. Havercampus. [Grjevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 7, p. 2] . . . 4710.1 A-NTONINO [di Forciglioni], St. Summa theologi® moralis. Pars i, ii. Niirnberg, 1477, 78. 2v. l.f\ [Black letter] *5450.1 Antoninus [Augustus]. Iter Britanniarum com- mentariis illustratum T. Gale. Accessit an- onymi Ravennatis Britannise chorograpliia. Londini, 1709. 4° 4175.15 Antoninus, M. Aurelius. De rebus suis, libri xii. Vers. Lat. nova; opera T, Gatakeri. Pluic 2£e ed. ace. annotationes A. D'Acerii Lat. dona- tae, necnon M. Antonini vita, a G. Stanhope. Londini, 1697. 4° *B.172.4 — Thoughts, trans, by G.Long. London,1862. 16°. 2979.34 — - Same. Boston, 1864. 16" 4979.5 Antoninus Honoratus, bishop of Constanfia. Epis- tola consolatoria ad Arcadium actum in ex- ilium. 5ee Herold, B. J B.I20.3 — - Same. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 8] . B.110.2 Antoninus Liberalis. Tran.sformationum conge- ries [GrseceJ, interp. G. Xylandro, rec. T. Muncker. Amstelodami, 167G. 24* .... *B.179.8 — Transformationum congeries, cum notis [vari- orum]. Accesserunt Aesopi fabul« aliquot, et Babrii nonnullEe. Curavlt L. II. Teucherus, Lipsiae, 1796. 8"* *4205.24 — Transformationum synagoge, Gr. et Lat., G. Xylandro interprete. 5ee Gale, T 6072.14 — Epistola critica super A. L. See Bast, F. J. . . 4955.4 Antonio, G. d'. Le opere. Napoli, 1788. 18°, See Coll. di tutti i poemi in lingua napoletana. v. 23 of 4799a. 1 Contcjtts, — Lo Mandracchio alletterato ; Lo Mandrac- cbio asiliato; Lo Mandracchio repatriato; Lo Mandrac- chio nnemmorato ; Scola cavajola; Scola curialesca Qcantata; La vita « morte de lo Sciatamone mp«trato. ANTONIUS 20 APOLLODORUS Shelf. No. Antoxivs, St., of Egypt. Epistolceadfratres suos, [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 4] B. 110.2 — Ad fratres suos epistolie; Ad Arsenoitas, etc. [Grynseus. Mon. patr.] B.H1.3 Antrobi's, J. Wrongs of Poland, a poem. Witli historical notes. London, 1849. 12' .... 4178.5 AxTS.TMiite, their manners and habits. Lardner,D. 5898.28 ANT^VERP. Origines Antwerpianse. Becan, J. . . 4240.7 Antwoord op de Vraag, door Het Zeeuwsche Ge- nootschap der Wetenschappen voorgest. de DeaBurorina. n.p., n.d. pp.24. 8°.. .B.160a.ll3 Anus. Bodenhamer, ^y . Malformations of the . . 3790.36 — Warren, J. M. Operation for artificial . . M.Pph.v.l34 Anvar-i-Suhaili. See Bidpai- AxYTES. Epigrammata. [Brimck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. IJ B.162.7 APHTHONirs. Fabulae Grseco-Latinie xd. Sec Ne- velet, I. N B.179.6 ApJOHN, J. Manual of the metalloids. London, 18&4. 18= 3869.17 Apocrypha. The Apocrj-pha, with observations prefixed; also two introductory discourses. By C. Wilson, Edinburgh, 1801. 8° . . . . 3428.9 — Commentary on the Apocrj-pha, with disserta- tions on Maccabees and Esdras, by R. Arnald. 2ded. London, 1748-60. 3v.ini. f. , . . *5440.C Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti, illustr. a J. A. Fabricio. Ed. 2a. Hamburgi, 1722-41. 2v. 16" 6019a.l — Eichhorn, J. G. Einleitung in die apokryphi- scheu Schriften des Alten Testaments . . , 6037.11 Fritzsche, O. F. llandbuch zu den Apokry- phendesA. T 6038-1 — Hilgeiifeld, A. Die judische Apokalyptik in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung 6018.4 — Prophets. Prophetfe veteres pseudepigraphi, ed. A. F. Gfrcerer. Stuttgardire, 1840. 8°. .6018.5 ContfnU. — Ascensio Isnite vntis, Esdrtc liber qunrtus, Enoehi liber, ab Lawrentio primum editi, jam recusi; Liber de vite et morte Mosis; Vaticinia Merlini vatis; Vaticinia Herman! nionaclii ab Lebuiii; Vaticinia Mak- achifc Hibenii dc Papia Romanin. _ Die Offenbamngen der Propheten Henoch, Esra, u. Jesaia im Jahrhunderte des Heils. Herausg. v. K. Clemens. 8tuttgart, 1850. 3v. in 1. 16° ri019a.l0 Single hooks. Adam. Das christliche Adaiu- buch des Morgenlandfs [odcrDcr Kani])f des Adam and der Eva]. Aus dem .Ethiopischen, libers. V. A. Dilhnann. Giittingen, 1853. 8°. 6088.233 - - Fragments du livre gnoslique iiifitult- : Apocalypse d'Adam. l*ublii; par E. IWuan. Paris, 1854. pp.47. 8° 6018,12 - Book of Wisdom. Commcntar liber das Buch der Weishe^t, von C. L. W. Grimm. [Auch cincUebersetzung.] Leipzig, ISJ?. 8° . . . 6018.10 — - Enoch. Liber Henoch, Aethiopice, edltus. Cura A.DiHmanu. Lipsire, 1851. 4' . . . . B.190.66 — - - Das Buch Henocli in vollstandiger Ueber- setzungniitCommcntar, von A. G. Hoflniann. Jena, 18:13-38. 2v, 8" 6018.9 — - - Das Huch Henoch. Uebcrsctzt und erk- liirt von A. Dillmann. Leipzig, 1853. 8°. . 6018.8 — - Maccabees. Five books of .Maccabees in En- glish. With notes and illustrations by Henry Cotton. Cxford, 1KJ2. 8° 0018.1 ApOCRVimiai- New Tewtament. Codex apocryphus K; ProlrvntiKt'lluni Jiiculil, Urdicti «t LatttiA; Kvniif((.'lluiil Thuniir, Uricci «t LatlnA ; KvaiiRellura liiraiitln) ox Amlilru vrniiim, I.nllii(; CvRnRcHtitn Nleoilrtnl, l.attiu''; BpUl<>la< I'llnll (luir nil Tlberiiini lmp.,I'i>lii>nim; Untlniii'* nUi-- goric0 Teterum qunro non p1tir« ncc pnnolora qunm finstiior slnt evAnRella; Afxltv Ilnbylonll lilMoria enr- tMnluU •puitollol In dooem llbros dUlrihuts, Latint; Sbelf. No. Apocryphal New Testament, continued. Fi-agmenta et notitia Actuum npostoliconim sex et tri- ginta apoco'phorum ; S. Maria; Virpinis epistoisc tres, Latin^; Epistoltc S. Paul! ad Laodicenses, Latine et Gra?c6; Epistolaj S. Pauli ad Scnecam una cum huju3 ad illas responsoriis ; S. Petri epistola ad .Tacobnra ; S. Jobnnnis epistola ad hydropicura qucndnm ; Dc aliis epistolis et upocryphis scriptis sub apostolorum nomine jactatis; Frngrmenta apostolorum a Stcph. IVffiterio vul- gata; Dodecas apocalypseon apocrj'phorum ; Liturgiaa apostolis Jaeobo, Petro. Joanni, Mnttbroo, et apostolicis viris Marco ac Lucfe tributtr, Grrece et Luting; Synod! apostolorum Antiochenn- canones novem ; Dc cvangelio Bamabffi quod MS, exstat Italice in bibliotheca Sabau- din; dueis £ug;enii; Dicta Jesu qua; ex Muhamedanis scriptoribus congessit Lerinus Wamcrus; De historia sub Claudia; Prociilfe, Pilati uxoris nomine edita; Par- alipomena, addenda iis qua' de evnngeliis npocr>'phi8i commcmorata sunt ; Do Aramo quinti effictore evnngelii ; Passio 8. Johannisevanpelistm.sub Mcllitinomino edita; Marcelli de mirifieis rebus et actibus Petri et Pauli ; Do epistolis S. Mariw tributis paraliporaena; De epistola S. PnuU tcrtia ad Corinthios, et Corinthiorum ad Pautum, quffi ipsro exhibcntur ex Armonico versa; ; Epistola com- posita a J. Camerario sub Pauli nomine ad Ephcsios, et Ephesiorum ad Panlum, Gr(cc6 et Latine; Dc epistola Pauli ad Laodicenses, et epistolis ad Scnecam; Prophe- tia Joliannis evangelistic do consummationo mundi; Catalogus apocrj'pborum scriptorum in cnveraia Grana- tensibus ut ajunt effossorum; S. Hormas, vixi apostolici, pastor. — Codex apocryphus Nov! Testamenti, opera et studio J. C.Thilo. T. 1. Lipsiae, 1832. 8°.*6018.11 Coule-nti. — Prolegomena de codtcibus, editionibus et vcrsionibuB evangeliorum apocrjphorum ; Historia Jo- sephi, fabri lignarii, Arabic^, cum versione Latina ; Evangelium inl'antia) Sen-atoris, Arabic^, cum Latina versione ; Protevangelium Jacobi, sive De natalibuB Jesu Christ! et ipaius raatris, Grrecti et Latini ; Evange- lium Thoma; Israelite, sive liber do his, qua) adhucpuer patravit Dominus, Gra^ce et Latin(> ; Evangelium de nat- ivilate a. Maria-, Latinij Historia dc nntiviialo Marias ctde infantift Sftlvatoris,Latiu6; Evangelium Miircionis dcseripsit Aug. Habn, Graec6; Evangelium Kicodoml, Grwciict Latine; Ai'(i0oija, et lltipadufTi^ XliXaTOV, Codex Evangelii .loaimci, Latine ; Liber S. Joanois apocryphus, Latinfi. — Evangelia apocrypha, edidit C. Tischendorf. Lipsia;, 1853. 8" 6018.2 Contt^nts. — Protevangelium Jacobi, Grnjci; Peeudo- Mtittha-i evangelium, Latlnt^; Evangelium dc nativitate Maria', Latine; Historia JosephI fabri lignarii, ex Ara- lilco, Latine ; Evangeliiuii Thoma*, GnKce, bis ; Evange- lium Tliomtc, Latinfi; Evangelium infantias, ex Arableo, Latini; Gesta Pilati, Gra-ce, bis; Deacensus Christi ad inferos, Grn>ci; Gcsta Pilati, Latine; Dcseensus Christi ad inferos, LatinO, bia; Epistola Pilati, Latino, bis; An- apbora Pilati, Grtect^, bis; Paradosis Pilati, Grn:ct; Mors Pilati, Latinfe; Narratio .losephl ArimathionBis, Grajofi; Vindicta Snlvatoris, Latind. — Gospel of Jesus, by Matthew, and those of Peter, Luke, Mark, and John; also, acts of the elev- en disciples; I'cter to the Chapelites ; Aels of Paul, etc. Edited by G.Smith. South Shafts- bury, Vt., 1858. 12" 6026.25 — De evaugeliorum apocryphorum origine et usu. Tischendorf, L. F. C. 6016.3 — Acta apostolorum apocrypha, edidit C. Tischen- dorf. Lipsia-, 1851. 8" Co)i(c)i(«.— Acta Petri ot Pftiill; Acta Pauli ct Thoeleo; Aeta BamaltiK auetore Mnreo; Acta Plilllj'pi; Acta I'hitlpj)! In Hcllade; Aeta Andrea^ Acta Aiulrenj ot Maltbla!; Aeta ct martyrlum Mattlia'l; Aeta Thonino ; Con»umnia(io'rh-anaus. EpistoL-c. S^cPhilostratus. 4190.5 — ApoUouius von Tyaiui und Chrlstus. See Baur, F. C C037.18 — Apollonius de Tyaue, sa vie et ses lettres. See Philostratus 2994.21 Apollophanes Atlieniensis. Trium comoidiarum fragnienta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v.3J. B.l(>2.8 Apologie des Adels. Berlin, 1^07. 12° 2819.9 Aponius. Expositionis in Cantica Canticorum libri sex. [Maxima bihlioth. vet, patr., V. 14] . . B. 110.2 Apoplexy. Statistica delle morti per apoplessia nella cittade Milano, 1750-1834. Ferrario, G. 3806.21 Apostacy. De apostasia liber siiigiUaris. Am- thor, G. M 60r>4.23 Apostlks. Cave, W. Lives of the B.130.3 — Weld, H. H. Scenes in the lives of the .... 5429.1 Apostolic age, Baumgarten, M. History of the church in the 3427.7 — Lechler, G. V. Das apo>;tolische Zeitalter . . 6040.3 — Keander, J. A. W. Pflanzung und Leitung der christlichen Kirche 6043.10 — Wieseler, C. Chronologic des apostolischen Zeitalters 6043.12 Apostolic canons. Canones apostolici, Grsecfe et Latin^. [Cotelier. Patrumapost.opera, v.l]. 6020.2 — Canones apostolorum per Clementem congesti, G.Hoffmanno inter. [Grynicus. Mon.patr.]. B.141.3 Apostolic constitutions. See Constitutiones sanc- torum apostolorum. Apostolic fathers of the church. Cotelier, J. B. SS. patrum qui temporibus apostolicis florue- runt opera 6020.2 — Dressell, A.R. M. Patrum apostolicorum opera. 6040.22 — Hefele,C.J. Patrum apostolicorum opera . . 6050.20 — Jacobson, W. dementis Romani, Ignatii, et Polycarpi qua supersunt 6040.12 — Wake, W. Epistles and lives of the 6040.23 AnodriKn Thiv ui(pc\iii(ov yvMaci'W. Topio^ a — £, ^'. Rv Sm"/"'^, 1837-43. 6v. in5. 4° *7231.3 Apparitions. Brierrede Boismont, A. J.F. His- tory and explanation of 5609a. 5 — Verpoortenn, W. P. De visa manium viventi- busque facto 4163.24 Appeal from the protestant association concerning the tendency of the late act in favour of the papists. Newed.' London, 1780. pp.67. 8'.*4163.15 Appeal of the independent democrats in congress. Shall slavery be permitted in Nebraska ? [Washington, 1854. No title-page.] pp.S. 8°.B.160.73 Appeal to philosophers, philanthropists, and leg- islators, ffin the laws of marriage, etc.]. n.p., 1857. pp.8, h" *B.170.25 Appet, J. Der Ritter unterm Zuber. [Hagen. Gesammtabenteuer, v. 2] 2900.29 ApplA, p. L. Ambulance surgeon. Ed. by T. W. Jsuunand A.M. Edwards. Edinb.,18G2. 12°. 3749.5 Applasts. Histoiredesguerres civilesde larepub- lique romaine. trad, du grec par J. J. Combes- Dounous. Paris, 1808. 3v. 8* 2977.2 Shelf. No. Appleton, J. "Works, with memoir of his life and character [by A. S. Packard]. Andover, 18:J7. 2v. 8° 5502.7 Contrnts.—\o\.l. Memoir. I, II. Throlopical loc- tunis, 11. gprmons; APturo on the vnhie of time; Adrlvesscs; Dissertation on the quofition, " Wliiit coiifititutes good use of a word in tho English language ?" — Sermon preached at the annual election, before C. Strong, governor, etc., May 25, 1814. Bos- ton, 1H14. 8° 4356.9 Appleti)X, Nathan. Doctrines of original sin and the trinity, discussed. Boston, 1859. pp. 50. 8° 3462.30 — Introduction of the power loom, and origin of Lowell. Lowell, 1858. pp.36. 8° 4390a. 11 — Labor, its relations in Europe and the United States compared. Boston, 1844. pp. 16. 8*.4390a.l>l — Letter to the Hon. W. C. Rives, of Virginia, on slavery and the union. Boston, 1860. pp. 17. 8" 4390a.ll — Memoir of the Hon. Abbott Lawrence, prepared for the Massacliusetts historical society. Bos- ton, 1850. pp.21. 8° 4390a. 11 — Remarks on currency and banking. 2d edition. Bo.ston, 1841. pp.52. 8° 4390a.H — - Same. 3d edition, with an appendix. Bos- ton, 1857. pp.63. 8° 4390a.ll — "What is a revenue standard? and a Review of secretary Walker's report on the tariff. Bos- ton, 184C. pp.23. 8° 4390a. 11 — Gannett, E. S. Sermon after the funeral of . 431'0a. 12 — Winthrop, R. C. Memoir of 4390a. 12 — and Lowell, J. A. Correspondence in relation to the early Iiistory of Lowell. Boston, 1848. pp. 19. 8° 4390a.ll — and Palfrey, J. G. Correspondence. Supple- ment to P.'s pamphlet on the slave power. Boston, 1846. pp.20. 8" 4390a.ll Appleton, Nathaniel. Sermon at the ordination of M. Bridge in Framingham, Feb. 19, 1745, 6. . Boston, 1746. 8° *4163.5 Appleton, Nathaniel W., Discourse after the in- terment of. See Clarke, J 6440a. 35 Appleton, S. Will, with remarks by one of the executors. Boston, 1853. pp.32. 8" . . . .4300a. 13 Appleton, W. Robbins, C. Memoir of 2347.43 — Wells, E. M. P. Discourse occasioned by the death of 5440a.48 Appuleius Barbarus. Herbarium, in Anglo-Saxon and English. [Cockayne. Leechdoms, etc., V. 1] ) 2423.4 Apthorp, E. Discourses on prophecy; read in the chapel of Lincoin's-Inn. Lond,,1786, 2v. 8". 3434.12 Apuleius Madaurensis, L. Opera omnia ex ed. Oudendorpiana, cum notis et interp. in usum Delphini, etc. Cur. A. J. Valpy. Londini, 1825. 7v. 8° B.175.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Julian i Floridi epietola serenisfiimo Dclphino; Pi'icfntio Ruhnkenii; Apuleii vita pt scriptft, ex Wowerio. I, II. Metamorphoseon liber 1, 2. IL Floridorum liber 1-4; De Deo Socratis liber. III. De dopmute Platonia, Hber 1-3 ; Liber de mundo ; Apologia, sive de magia liber; Fragmenta. IV-VII. Notne vario- rum in Apuleii opera. VH. Notitia literaria de Apuleio, aucirire ,1. Bosscba ; Elenchus codicum MSS. ; Recensua editionum Apuleii; Recensus codicum MSS. Apuleii; Index. — Asino d'oro traslatato in lingua Toscana. [Fi- > renzuola. Opere, v. 3] 4803.6 Apuleius Platonicus. De remediis salutaribus fragmentum v. 5 of B. 175. 3 Arabia. Geography, history, etc. — Andree, C. Forschungsreisen in Arabien und Ost-Afrika 3056.5 — Badiay Leblich, D. Travels in 3040.13 — CaussindePerceval, A. P. Histoire des Arabes. 4243.1 — Fabri, F. Peregrinatio in Arabiam 4225.1 — Lacroix de Marias. Histoire de la domination des Arabes en Espagne et en Portugal . . . , 3102.11 22 ARCHIVIO Arabia, contimied. Language. — Andran, P. G. Granimaire arabe en tableaux. 5034.11 — Bled de Braine, J. F. Cours de lang^ie arabe . 4110.10 — Bocthor, E. Dictionnaire frau^ais-arabe . . . 3032.10 — Biirgess, T. Arabick alphabet 3034.33 — Ciadyrgy, A. Dizionario turco, arabo e per- siano 3030.9 — Erpenius, T. Grammatica Arabica 4122.7 — - Rudiments de la langue arabe 3034.40 — Fans El-Sludiac. Practical grammar of the . 3038.29 — Golius, J. Lexicon Arabico-Latimim .... 30S0.9 — Hirt, J.F. Institutiones Arabicse linguse . . . 5039.12 — Lepsius, R. Uber die arabischen Sprachlaute und deren Umschrift 5030.8 — Meniiiski,F. Lexicon Arab. -Fers.-Turcicura . • .3080. 7 — Richardson, J. Grammar of the 5030.10 — Rosenmiiller, E. F. C. Institutiones ad funda- meuta linguae Arabicpe 5030.12 — Silvestre de 8acy, A. I. Grammalre arabe . . 4240.20 — "Willmet, J. Lexicon linguff Arabica in Cora- num, Haririimi, et \"itam Timuri ...... 5030.13 Literature. — Abu-l'-Kasim Mahmud. Authologia sententia- riim Arabicarum 4245.18 — Abu Temmani. Hamasa, oder die altesten arabischen Volkslieder 4240.25 — Amari, M. BibUoteca Arabo-Sicula 3025.20 — Fabricius, C. C. De studio philosophiaE GrieciB inter Arabes 4163.30 — Gildenieister, J. Scriptorum Arabum de rebus Indicis opuscula 3044.21 — Grangeret de Lagrange, J. B. A. Anthologie arabe 4240.26 Hammer-Purgstall, J.F.v. Litoraturgescliichte der Arabcr 4241.4 Rossi, G. B. de. Dizionario storico degli autori arabi 2ir>4.14 Silvestre de Sacy, A. I. Chrestomathie arabe. 4240.21 Arabian nights' entertainments. New ed. Phila- delphia, 1842. 8° 3024.15 Arabius Scholasticus. Epigrammata. [Bruuck. Analectapoct. Gr., V. 3j B. 102.7 Arabshah. 5ec Ahmed Ben Mohamm,edIbn Arab- shah. Arago, 1). F. J. Popidar treati.se on comets. Translated and edited by W. H. Smyth a^d R.Grant. London, 1861. 8" 3024.24 — Tract on comets, particularly on the comet of 1832. Translated by J. Farrar. Boston, 1832. pp.89. 12" . : 4163.3 Abam.ean language. Synopsis institutlonum Chal- da:arum ct Syrarum. Alting, J 5037.16 Abaros. Quinque como-'diarum fragmeuta. [Mei- neke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 1] B.162.8 Abator. Historian apostolica; libri duo, heroico carmine; Ad Parthcnium epistola. [Maxi- ma biblioth. vet. patr., v. 10] B.110.2 ARA>'GUKKN, M., Sermon on the death of. ^ec Al- len, J. H 416;{.3 Aratus Solensis. Pliainomena et Diosemea, Gr. et Lat. Accedunt Theonis scholia, Leontiiis de Bphicra Aratea, et versionum Arati poctica- rum (piae Hupersunt. Cur. J. T. Buhle. Lip- 8iff, 17a;-ls01. 2v. 8" • •*2977.3 Apparcnthi, I.atinfea.T. Ceporlno. [Lect. Foe- taiGriPci, V. 1] 4200.7 — Apparrntium pars. .9f(? Vorst,.! B.IOO.O Abbutiinot, A., Trial and execution of. See Nar- rotive of a voyage, etc 2365.19 ARCf^RK, L. fe. Illstoirc de la ville de la Uochelle et du payn d'Aulnis, Uochelle, 1756, 57. 2v. 4" 4621^.1 Abchbold, J. F. Criminal procedure, pleading and evidence. Notes by .J. W. Waterman, 7th ed. New York, IKW). 2v. l.H" ♦afl3ft.l Abchedicus. FabiilarumduarumtVagmenta. Me!- nek«. Fragm. com. Gr., V.6] B.162.8 Shelf. No. Archenholz, J. W. v. Annalen der brittischen Geschichte, 1788-96. Register von J. S.Ersch. Braunschweig und Tub., 1789-1800. 20v. 16°. 4519a. 5 — Histoire de Gustave Wasa, roi de Su&de. Trad. de PAIlemand par J. F. G. Propiac. Paris, 1803. 2v. 8° 2852.25 — Histoire des flibustiers, trad, de I'AUemand [par J. F.Bourgoing]. Paris, 1804. 8° . . . 2312.13 Archer. Memorials of families of the surname of Archer. Loudon, 1861. pp.75. 4" *2435.30 Arches. La misura delle volte rette di Vincenzo Lamberti. Astolfi, G 3926.28 Archiac, E. J. A. Desmier de Saint Simon d*. Fossils of the older deposits in the Rhenish provinces. .SVe Sedgwick, A 5863.13 Archias. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Aualecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.162.7 ARCmLOCHUS. Carmina. [Lect.PoetaeGraeci,v.3]. 4200.7 — Fragmenta. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 1] . B.162.7 Akchiisiedes. Quae supersunt omnia cum Eutocii Ascalonitre commentariis ex recens. d. To- relli, cum nova versions Latina. Oxonii, 1792. r 6910.6 — Fragmenta, de corporibus aquie innatantibus. [Mai. Class, auct., v. 1] B.172.3 Arciiinard, A. Les origines de I'eglise romaine. Paris, 1852. 2v. 8° 6074.10 Archippus. Sex comoediarum fragmenta. [Mei- ueke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 3] B.162.8 Architects. Glen.W. C. Legalliabilities of . . 4095.11 — Milizia, F. Lives of celebrated 4085.3 — Vasari, G. Vite de' piu eccellenti arcbitetti . 4805.3 Architects' and mechanics' journal. Vol.2. New York, 1860. 4" *8090.7 Architecture. Alberti, L. B. Ten books on . . 4080.4 — Bottari, G. Raccolti di lettere sulla arcliitet- tura .* 4089.43 — Canina, L. L'arcliitettura antiea 4104.2 — Donaldson, T. L. Architectural medals of classic antiquity 2960.32 — Elmes,J. Lectures on 4103.10 — Field, M. Designs for houses, stores, etc. . . 4100.3 — Goddt*, J. Collection delivresrelatifs a I'artd*. 2138.4 — Hirt, A. Die Lehre dt'r (iebiiude bei den Gric- cheu und Riinieru 4103.13 — Lafever, M. Architectural instructor .... 8090.8 — Malberg, A. Die Literatur des Bau-Weseus der letztcn 30 Jahre 2172.13 — Moseley, H. Principles of 4005.7 — Ramee, D. Histoire genc'Tale de I'A 4102.13 — Wightwick, G. Palace of 8091.2 — Wcale, J, Catalogue of books for 1861, on . . 3767.13 — "Wolfram, L. F. Lehrbuch der gesammten Baukunst 8091.10 Periodicals. — Architects' and mechanics' journal . . . — Burnell, G. K. Annual retrospect of . . , — Civil engineer and architect's journal . . Sfc also : Athenian, Cliurch. Domestic, Gothic and Monapitic iiroliitecturc ; atno : Anlion, A8|)hnlttini, Biilldintr, Ciir]>piitr.v, Chimney, Concrclc, Cunelruc- tlon, LimoH, Mid:o « dol luol trinpf ; DI Ali'HHnndrn I'riinyols c del huuI hcavI noUo rcirloni di'ir nntlon Klnirhi; Drl rorpim Innprlptlonum Lntlnnruni liilmprfiio prr cura dolln H, nccndcmla delte BclonRo fll PniMla; VII, VIII, IX. LcltPrc dl Olnvnnnl dr' M.^dl^l ilctloDnllo hnndp ncro. VII-XII. fioolr'tA Culombarla florontina, rnpporto ; I'n brnno d'UtorIa dtllft r«pubbllca florcntiua, ISAl-i^A ; Controvarala di 8090.7 8026.1 3200.1 AUCHIVIO 23 ARISTOPHANES Shelf. No. Archivio storico itallano, contimied, prectfdemsii tra i iJuchi dl Firi>nzp c iH Ferrara, 1562-78; Iiitomo aIIb vitn ill Knincfsco Orioli. VIII, Storia dl Re;;fno di Cnlitlirla; Storln di>ll« rlvoluzlonl cTItalla; Didln 1)Ih)iot«cn vntlcnnn ; Del duomo di Flrenzo o della Bun ftipcinr« ; L'opoidio di Oencna doll'unno 1377 ; Storia della lufrlslazlono Itnlinnn d! Fedoripo Sclopln: Storiii delltf rivtiltixioni d'ltnliii di (iluni'iipo l-'t'trnrl ; Le pubbli- cailoul dull' Istituto dl con'iH])oiidpnza nrcheolof^ica. IX. Dolle rclAKlonl deifll nm base! nt oil veneti o di nitre ptibbllcaxiiml rlctiardaiill la tttoria o la diploniazia ital- iana. IX-XII. DcrII ntiidl storicl nol ref-no di NapoH; Deir intrndiizlono del cbHittitincfdino in rrussia ; Di Gu- gllelmo Favro p dolla sna Win dl G. M. Filelfo ; 1 pioniaH prcssu g\l antlchi Runinnt : Lptttro d! L. A. Muratori a G. B. Tnfuri ; Delia vita, v dt-pll scrltti di Marailio Ficino. X. DocumeTttioriontnli risprnardiiiiti I'ltalia; Dellefalsi- flcKzInnl di docuiiiouti slorlt+ilnliani; IntomoaU'etadell' nnnalista Licinlano. X, \I. XIII. Bitltetirio de^li scavi della sacield Colombnrin ; Cutitinuaziono delle lettere sui Longobardi; Momorie della accadenila delle scienzc di Torino; Descrizionedi I'ircnzencll'anno 1598; Diunsis- tcma storica sullennticho marched'Italia. XI. InToroo di rerenti studi siilla lin^a otrusva ; Prigionia e morte di Dou Carlo di SpagTia; Dello spirito di associazione dl aloune citta lombnrdo ncl medio cvo; Studj sopra le letterc di Cicerone; Teodoro Fnnofka; Delia Corsica di Fasqualo do' I'aoli o M. Buttafuoco. XII. Di alcune falsidcazioni storich© e del signor Wuatonfeld; Moti fiorentini del 1378 e Caterinn da Siena ; Lb nntichita dell' iflola di Sardegna ; Osscr^-ar.ioni sopra i niimori chc nsa- rono gli Ktruschi ; Andrea Mustoxidi ; Socioia It^ure di storia patria; Carlo Troya, discorso del conto Tercnzio Mamiani; Statuti antiehi di Vertova, ec. ; Degli studi di Bartolommeo Borphcsi. XIII. Kclazioni dei Fiorentinl colla cittd di Danitica; Peiisieri suUa storia di Firenzo; Delia citta d'Oria; Lettera di Lazzaro Papi sulla fonda- sione di una ntiAva cittd ituliana; Do^li statuti rural! uel Vicentinoj Scrittori todeschi sulle storie italiano. XIV. Mtitazioni dei regRimenti politioi in Corsica; Sta- tute di societa Pia in Bergamo nel 1*2^; Lettera di Giulio Sax-orini«iio Rui eoutliii di^l Frittli, 1563; Ballettino degli scavi della societd Colombaria; Delle relazioni dei i-et- tori venezianl di VIcenra; Alcuni dociimenti di storia friulana pubblicati dn Vincenzo loppi; Delle relazioni diplomutiche tra la Toscana o la Fraucia. Arctic regions. Forster, J. R. ■Vo3'nges and dis- coveries in the North , . 2367.10 — Hartwig, G. Der hohe Norden im Natur- uiid Meuschenlebeii 2265.15 — Richardson, J. Arctic searcliing expedition. 2367.7 Abctofolitanus, Gabriel, pseitd. Dissertatio his- torica de origine ac religione Feimcnum. Upsaliae, 17'28. pp.60, sm.4'' 4163.18 Arexd, C. M. Larva legis Aquiliae detracta actioni de damno dato, recepta in foris Germano- rura. [Diss, acad.] Hala*, 1703. pp. 39. 4°.*4304.22 Arexd, H. C. Lebens-Beschreibung des Dionysius Areopagita. Gosslar, 1725. pp.40. sm.4° . 4163.26 Abend, J. F. AJgemeene Geschiedenis des Vadei*- lands. Veertiende Afievcring. Amsterdam, 1840-59. llv. 4° *4211.2 Arendt, J[. F. Strelitzisches Georgium nord-slaii- scherGottheiten. Minden, 1.S20. pp.7. 4°. B. 100a. 127 Aretas, bishop of Cftsarea^ in Cappadocia. Ex- planationes in Apocal>'psin, Slaximo Floren- tinolnterp. [Maximabiblioth.vet.patr.,v.9]. B.1I0.2 Arethas, S. Miiprwpiof T"i} ayiov \piBii, [Boisson- ade. Anecdota Grseca, V. 5] B.161.3 Aretixo,L. La vita di Dante Alighieri. 5eeDante. 2800.20 Areti>"0, p. Capitolo al re di Francia ; Capitolo all'Albicante. SeeKaccoltadipoesiesatiriche. 4S08.9 Arezzo, Lat. Aretitis, C. ^L Siciliae chorographia. [Graevius. Thes. antig. Ital., T. 10, v. 1] . . 4710.1 Argelasder, F. W. A. DLX stellarum fixarum positiones mediae ineunte anno 1830, Hel- siugforsiffi, 18:i5. pp.85. 4° 3921.4 — Observatioues astronomicae in specula univer- sitatis !itterari.i! Feiinica? facta?, Abos, 1824- 28. Helsingforsiie, 1830-32. 3v. in 1. f , . *3920.59 Argelati, F. II Decamerone. Bologna, 1751. 2v. r 4773.18 Argensola, B. de. Poesias. [Quintana. Pamaso espanol, v. 2] 3104.19 Argexsola, L. L. de. Poesias. [Quintana. Par- naso espanoli V. 2] 3104.19 Shelf. No. Argenson, B. L. de Voyer de Paulmy d'. Essays, interspersed with characters, portraits and anecdotes. IstAm.ed. Worcester, 1797. 12".4699a.l4 — Journal et. memoires, publ. par E. J. B. Rath- ery. Tome 1. Paris, 1859. 8", [Society de I'histoire de France] 2636.7 Argentariu.s, M. Epigrammata. [lininck. Ana- lectapoet. Gr., V. 2] B.162.7 Argonauts. Commeutatio de geograpliia Argo- nautarum. Schoenemann, C. T. G 2987.12 Arguijo, J. de. Poesias. [Quintana. Parnaso espaiiol, V. 2] 3104.19 Argthus, I. See Isacius Argyrus. Arianism. Historia de Arriana haeresi. "Wiet- rowski, M 6041.4 Aria.s Montano, B. David, i-irtvtisexercitatissimie probatum Deo' spectaculum, ajneis laminis ornatura a I. T. et I. I. de Bry. Noua ed. a C. Rittershvsio. [Francofurti], 1597. sm.4''.*4153.12 Note. — Extracted from Uumana^ salutis monumenta. Arici, C. Poesie et prose inedite, [raccoglie da F. Cavalieri]. Brescia, 1838. 10° 4765.10 Ariosto, L. Orhuido furioso, [colla vita d'autore daG.A. Barotti]. Milano, 1812-14. 5v. 8^ [Classic! italiaui, V. 40-44] **4802.6 — Orlando furioso, with notes. Translated by J. Hoole. Philadelphia, 1816. 6v. 8m.l2° . . 4799.19 — Orlando furioso. .See Boiardo, M. M 4208.10 — Rasender Roland iibersetzt von J. D. Gries. Jena, 1807, 8. 4v. in 2. 8° . 2806.7 — Satira. See Raccolta di poesie satlriche . . . 4808.9 — Satire. See Sansovino, F 4799.26 Arislaus, or Arisleus. Turba philosophorum, de occulta scientia; Enigma ex visione A. See Artis auriferje vol. tres 5979.21 Arist.enetus. Lettere tradotte in Italiano da G. Ferini. [Collezione degli erot. Gr., v. 4] . . B.162.3 Aristagoras. Comcedias fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 3] B.162.8 Aristeas, or Aristseus. De septuaginta duobus Scripture S. interpretibus historia. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., v. 2] B.110.2 Aristides, M. Oratio adversus Demosthenem de inimunitate. [Mai. Class, auct., v. 4] . . . B.172.3 Aristo Pellffus. Disputatlouis Jasonis et Papisci fragmenta. [Grai>e. Spicilegium, v. 2] . . . 6029.3 Aristobulus Judceus. Diatribede A. J. SeeValck- enaer, L, C 6051.7 Aristomenes. Trium comcedianun fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 3] B.162.8 Aristonymus. Duarum comcediarum fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 3] B.162.8 Aristoph^vnes. Comoe'diae. Ed. stcr. Lipsire, 1819. 3v. 32" *B.160a.6 CoMents. — Vol.1. Phitus; Nubea; Rnna;. II. Aves; Equitcs; Pax; Lysistrata. III. AehanicnBeB; Vespa;; Tliesmopboriazuste; Eccleaiazusa:. — ComoediJE cum scholiis, rec. I. Bekkerns. Acced. versio Latina et index. Loudini, 1829. 5v. 8" *B.168.2 Contents, — Vol. I. Comcedire ; Index. II. Versio La- tina; Fragmenta; Scholia. III. Notre in Achamenses, Equites, Nubea, Vespas. IV. Notte in Pacein. Avea, Tbesmophoriazusas, Lysistratani. V. Nota; in Plutuin, Banas, Ecclesiazusas. — Comoediie, Gr. et Lat. [Lect. Poeta; Graci, V. 2] 4200.7 — Deperditarum trigintacomcEdiarum fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. .3] B.162.8 — Comedies. Translated by T, Mitchell. Lon- don, 1820-22. 2v. 8" 2977.24 Contents. — Vol. I. The Acbamians; The knights. II. Tbe clouds; The wasps; The dicast turned gentleman. — Comedies. Translated into familiar blank verse by C. A. Wheelwright, with a dissertation on the old Greek comedy from Wachsmuth. Oxford, 1837, 2v. 8° 2977.25 ARISTOPHANES 24 ARISTOTELES Aeistoph^vxes, contimied. Single plays. — Birds, with notes by C. C. Felton. Cambridge, 1840. 12" 2977.5 — Clouds, with notes by C. C. Felton. Cambridge, 1^1. 12= 2977.17 — - Same. New ed. Cnmbridgre. 1S48. 12'.. 2977.7 — Wolkcn griechisch und deiitsch [von F. A. Wolf]. Berlin, 1811. sm.4^ **2977.23 — Knights. Translated by T.Mitchell. IstAm.ed. M'ashington, 1837. 8* 2977.22 — Nubes [Gr. et Lat.] cum scholiis antiqiiis ex recens. L. Kusteri. Harderovici, 1744. 8°.**2977.15 — Nubes cum scholiis. Recens. et adnot. J. A. Ernestii suasque addidit G. Hermannus. Lipsiffi, 1799. 8" **2977.16 — Plutns et Nubes [Grsecfe cum interpretatione Latiua et] scholiis Graecis. [Cura J. Leng.] Londini, 1695. 12° 2979.25 — Plutns, adjecta sunt scholia vetnsta. Recogn.T. Hemsterhuis. Harlingae, 1744. 8* **2977.8 — Plutns. See Vorst, J B.1G9.C — and Coluthus. I*Iutus, et Coluthi raptus Helenje curavit T. C. Harles. Norimbergae, 177G. 8°.**2977.9 — Terentius, and Persius. Comedies. Pliiladel- phia, 1822. 2v. 24° B.lG9.r2 Contents. — Yol. T, II. Aristophanes, translated by T. Miti-hell. Vol.1. Achnmians; Tho knights, or the dem- a^pufs; The clouds. II. The wasps; Dit-nst timiotl gentleman; Terence, translnted by G. Colmnn; Life; The Andrian; The brothers; Phonnio; Persius; Intro- duction ; Prologue; SatireSjtransIated into English verso by W. Gifford. Aristopiion. Comoedianim novem deperditarum fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm. com, Gr., V. 4] B.162.8 ARISTOTELES. Opervm noua editio, Gr. et Lat. [Ex. variorum interp. per J. Pacium.] Au- reli?e Allobrogvm, 1606, 7. 2v. 8° *B.164.13 Contetits. — Vol. I. Aristotclis vita anctore Ammonio; Porphj-rii introdnctio, N. Gnichio interp.; Cntegoria', eod. int. ; De interpretatione. eod. int. ; Analytien priora, eod. int. ; AnalyticB posteriora, cod. Int.; Topiea, eod. int.; Oe sophisticis rednrgutionibus, cod. int.; PhyBictv auBCulationin slve de niotu, J. ArgjTopylo interp. ; Do coelo, eod, int. ; De generatione ct corruptiono, F. Vata- blo int. ; Meteorologicorum, eod. int. ; Do liistorin anl- malium, Theod. Gnxa int.; Dt« partibuo nnlnrnllura ct enruni cnuvis. eod. int. ; Dp genorntionc nnim.-iliun), cod. int. ; De nnimnllum Inconsu et Dp anima, N, Lconico Int. ; De Hcnnu et nensili, J. Argyropylo int. ; De memoria ct reinlniscentln, cod. int. ; De Bomno ct vigllln, F. Vatablo int.; Dc insomniifl, eod. int. ; De divinatione per soni- num ; De comniunl anitnalium motionc, N. Leonico int. ; D« longitudlnc ct brovitate vitre, F. Vntablo int.; Do juventute et neneetuto, vita ct mortc. eod. Int. ; Do rcuplrntlone, cod. int. II. F.tblcurum Nicomuehcoruni llbri 10, J. neniardo Fcbriano Interpretc; Mugnonim momllum libri 2, 0. Vnlla Int.; Kudcmlorum libri 7; De vlrtutibun, S. Grynn^o Int.; Politlca, L. Aretino int.; Oecononiica, J. Cnmcrnrio int. ; Khotorien ad Tlieoder- ten, A. Riecobono int.; Rhotorica ail Alexiinilruni, F. Phllelpho int.; De poetica, A. Riecobono int. ; I'roblo- matiitn Bcctiunes 38, T. Gazn int. ; Du plantiit; De stntn vcl Hplritu; D« mlracnllii oudltis; Du phyNJogiioniia libri 1 ; Qun<«llonum mechanlcarum, N. Leonleo Inl. ; Do tia (pile Hiib Auditum cailiint, F. Fnlritlo int.; Do eolorjbus, C.CiUengnliin Int.; lie lineialnMecabllibUN ; G-PAchymero) parapbrruili) libri dc liiiciit innocubillbuH, .1. Sebegk int.; I»t! Xcnocrate, do Zerione, do Gorgia, et Venloniin regi- onei et nonilnn, J. nemardo Felieiuno Int. ; De nnmdo, U. Rudico Int.; MutAphyaicoruni libri 14, Ueiutnrionu liittffprete. — Opera omnia. Gr, et Lat. Ed. G. Du Val. Lutetlic I'ariHiorum, 1629. 2v, f° , , . . . *1I90.4 Xoftf. — TbemntUT eoiifidncd in thin edition, and ll* Dirnngrnii-nt, iigr.-i- with the table of eonlmtti |irlnt.-d In INll, In ihu liidi'x, for the cnpy nmrkeil Lni70.:i. — Opera, ex rerenfiloni' I. Bi-kkerl. Acccdunt In- dices SJynnirgluiil. Oxonil, l«:t7. llv. 8'. . *B.tt^l.I C4.7,ftnd297fl.4 La morale et la politique, trad, du Grec, par F. Tliiirot. i'aris, 182;t, 24. 2v. 8° B.104.8 Andronicus Rhodiiis. Ethicorum Nichomach- eorum paraphrasis B. 107. 18 Anton, il. S. Doctrina de natura hominis ab Aristotele in scriptis ethicis proposita . . B. 170a. 105 Dclhrik'k, .L V. G. Ethicorum Nichomacheo- rum adumbratio U. 160b. 92 Drosfe-Iliil-Jhoft', C. A. v. De ArlstoteHsjustltin universali et particular! 4289.42 King, W. T. De Aristotele servilutis defen- sore 4162.27 Krulil, H. Dc ratioue qua A. in sunimi boni notiuiic luvuuicnda ct describendu usns est . IL190.G4 Die Kategorieen, ilhers. n. erlnulert von A. lleydi-mann. Herlin, ]s;il. pp- t2. -i" . . . 4103.41 Kernten, A. F. C. Quo jure Kuntius Arl.stote- lis categorlas rejecerit H. 190. 17 Metrtphy.Hica fGra>c^], recognovit fcumcomnien- tiiriUJ H. Itoiiltz. Honiia', 18IH, 19. 2v. 8". B.IO-l.Q Metiipliy.'-icH, tniiislati'd willi mttes. Added, a dlHsertation on nuIHtie.H and diverging seriet), by T.Taylor. London, 180l. 4* 2971.4 Cousin, V. De la m^laphysitjue d'ArIi*t<»te, llvreoleret 12c trad B.lO:i.o ARISTOTELES 25 ARMSTRONG SUelf. No. Aristotelks, conti/med. — Bicse, F. Die Philosophie des Aristoteles . . B.lfi3.o — Bonitz, H. (H)serviitiones critica; in Aiistote- lis libros metaphysicos B. 190. 56 — Christ, W. Studia iu Aristotelis libros metft- physicos collata B. 170a. 101 — Sibbern, F. ('. Hidraj; til at oplyso noffl*? onto- logisko Udtryk 1 AristotU's's Metaphysik . . 4162.15 — Vater, .7.8. Thcologia; Aristotdere vindioi;e.B. 170a. 114 — Waddington-Kastns, C. T. De la psycholggle d'Arislote B.163.8 — Naturnlis auscultationis libri vin [Grrect;] J. Paciiis a lU-riga Latina interp. auxit, et com- nientariis illust. FrancoCurti, 150G. sm.8'*.*B.169a.l8 Politique, trad, en fran^ais, par J. Barth^leray Saint-IIilaire. 2e td. Paris, 1848. 8" . . . B.lfl4.2 Eichstadt, H. C. A. De Aristotelis politic, iir, 1, 10 B. 190. 41 Holm, A, De ethicis politicorum Ai-istotelis principUs B. 170a. 100 — Rhetoric, poetic and Nichomachean ethics, translated by T. Taylor, London, 1818. 2v. 8" 2976.6 — Rhetorik an Alexandres. Poetik. Uebers.und eriiiut. von H. Knebel. Stuttgart, 1840. 8\B.164.3,4 — Schmidt, M. De tempore, quo ab Aristotele libri de arte rhetorica conscripti sint .... 4163.35 — Vater, J. S. Auimadvel-siones ad librum pri- mum rhetoricorum B. 170a. 90 References to tvorks not separately printed. — Carrifere, M. Teleologise Aristotelicse linea- ments B. 107.11 — Cunze, T. Qurestionum Aristotelearumfasc. 1. 4162.32 — Francke, F. J. C. De sensu proprio quo Aris- toteles usus est iis ars^iini«-nt:iiidi modis, qui recedunt ab ejus periiM-tii sylln;:ismi forma . 4IC3.37 — Fiilleborn, G. G. Liber tier Xeiiophane, Ze- none, Gorgia, Aristoteli vulgo tributus, com- mentatione ilhistratus 4102.17 — Grote, G. Aristotle's comment upon Plato's doctrine respecting the rotation of the earth. 3934.16 — Jourdain, A. L. 31. M. B. Sur les traductions latines d'Aristote B.1G4.10 — Kontopulos, C. De physiologia plantarum se- cundum Aristotelem B. 170a. 91 — Kuhn, C. D^ notionia definitione qualem Aristoteles copstituerit B.ir0a.ll3 — Kuettner, F. Qnaestio necessitatis, quam defi- nitionem quem fontera ultimum Aristoteles statuerit B. 170a. 110 — Steyer, J. B. De principiis A. in distributione animalium adtiibitis B. 170a. 115 — Philippson, L. Doctrina de sensibus 4206.6 — Rassow, II. Aristotelis de notionis definitione doctrina B. 170a. 104 — Scahgero, G. C. In libros duos, qui inscribun- tur de plantis, Aristotele authore, libri2 . , B. 109a. 15 — Schrader, W. H. C. De artis apud Aristotelem nptione ac vi B.170a.llG — Valles, F. Conniientarius in quartum librum meteorologicoriim B. 170. 118 — Waitz, F. T. De Ubri Htpi epiinveias capite decimo B. 190. 15 — Weichert, O.H. Theologumena Aristotelia . B.167.12 Biographies. — Engelbrecht, Lebensurastiinde des Aristoteles und sein VerhiUtniss zu Alexander dem Grossen 4162.24 — Koch, CD, De Aristotele in nummoaureo.B.lfiOa. 123 — Stabr, A.W. T. Aristotelia B.104.10 Aristoxenus Tarentinus. PvOtiiKo orToixeia. See Westphal, R 2985.25 Arithmetu'. Adams, D. New arithmetic .... 7019.39 — - Scholar's arithmetic 7058.10 — Byrne, O. Dual arithmetic 39.'i6.29 Shelf. No. Arithmetic, continued. — Colburn, W. Intellectual arithmetic .... 7019.40.41 — Cruttenden, D. H. Mental and primary . . . 7019.43 — - Systematic arithmetic 7019.44 — First stage of 7019.51 — Fisher, G. Corfipendium of 7029.29 — Fowle,\V.B. Child's A. iuPestalozzi's method. 7019.52 — Gignoux, J. Treatise of 4689.40 — ilutton, C. Complete treatise on 7019.47 — Krancke, F. Lelirbuch des gemeinen Rechnens. 3936.26 — Leonard, G. Practical treatise on 7019.48 — Not"!,.!. N. Arithmetique dementaire . . . . 3036.25 — Root, E. Introduction to 45s9a.9 — Sonnet, M. L. J. H. Lemons d'arithmt-tique . .3591.26 — WiUkingame, F. Tutor's assistant, a compen- dium of 7019.50 See also: Annuities, Computation, Interest. ARLiiR-DuFOUR, J. B. Soieriesetnibans. [France. Commission sur I'industrie des nations, v. 4]. 4029.20 Arlevillk, B. Genders of the French substan- tives. London, 17S0. pp.78. 12" 4080.16 ARUDtJE, J. T. Lunacy, and legal provision for the insane, veith observations on the con- struction and organization of asylums. Lon- don, 1859. 8" 3800.00 Arlincourt, C. V. Prevot d'. The three king- doms: England, Scotland, Ireland. [Smith. Weekly volume, V. 1] 8030.3 Arluxo, B. De bello Veueto [cum Mediolanensi- bus] libri sex. [Greevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 5, p. 4] 4710.1 Armenia. Chamich Chamchean, M. History of. 3048.30 — Morier, J. Journey through 42G0.15 — Petermann, J. H. Grammatica linguie Arme- niacie 5032.11 — Riggs, E. Words not found in ancient lexicons. 3034.38 Armexian origin of the Etruscans. Ellis, R. . . 2740.20 Arminian [and] Wesleyau methodist magazine. First published by J. Wesley. London, 1778- 1856. 79v. 8° *74I5.1 Arminianism, Remarks on. Jones, J 5443.6 .Arminius, Hermansz, or Hermansen, J. Works. Translated by J. Nichols and W.R. Bagnall. Auburn, 1853. 3v. 1.8° 3477.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Life of Arrainius ; Orations ; De- claration of sentiments; Apologrj' against thirty-one defamatorj' articles; Kine questions exhibited for the purpose of obtaining an answer from each of the pro- fessors of d'vinity, and the replieswhlch Aiininius gave to them; Remarks on the preceding questions; Twen- t\--five public disputations. II. Seventy-nine private disputations; Dissertation on the seventh chapter of the cpistte to the Romans; Letter to Hippolitus a Colli- bus; Certain articles to be diligently examined and weighed; Letter on the sin against the Holy Ghost. III. Epistolarj- discussion, concerning predestination, between J. Armiuius and F. Junius; Examination of a treatise concerning the order and mode of predestina- tion and the amplitude of divine grace, by W. Perkins; Analysis of the ninth chapter of the epistle to the Romans. — Epistolae. 5ee Limborch , P. van B. 140. 18 Armorer, J. Jlaterials for thinking, addressed to the inquirer after sacred truth. Fort Smith, 1852. pp.80. 8° B.1G0.120 Armour. Ancient weapons in Europe. Hewitt, J. 2233.9 Armstroxg, G. Sermon on the death of J. B. Estlin. Bristol, 1855. 8" B.160a.93 Armstrong, Jacob D., Life and adventures of. [An extravaganza.] N. Y., 1852. pp.72. 8°. 4129.81 Armstrong, John, M. i>., b. 1709, d. 1779. Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 10] 4604.1 Armstrong, John, Gen.j b. 1758, d. 1843. Life of Anthony Wayne. Boston, 1835. pp. 84. 12". 2347.26 Armstrong, R. G. Memoir of Hannah Hobbie. New York, 1838. 18° 2348.57 Armstrong, W. G., Bell, I. L., Taylor, J., and Richardson, T. Industrial resources of the district of the Tyne, Wear, and Tees. Lon- don, 18&t. 1.8" 2403.4 AKXALI) 26 AilNLLFrs Shvir No. Arnald, R. Commentary on the Apocrypha as read in churches. See Apocrypha 5440. C Arxaldus. See Arnoldo di Villanuova. AiiXAUD, D. Lanzelet lie Lac, ubersetzt voii Clrich von Zafzichoven. [Holstaeter. Altdeutsche Ciedichte, v. 1] 2900.38 Abnacd, F., and Suard, ,!. B. A. Varietus littc- raires. Paris, i:ti8, 69. 4v. 12° **4670.3 Arxaud, G. d'. De Diis TrancSpotg, sive ndsessoribus ft conjunctis, comment arius. [Poleni. Utri- usqiie thes. antiq. supp., v. 2J 2970.7 ARXArn, H. Glorious recovery by the Vaudois of their valleys. With a compendious history of that people, by H.D.Acland. Lond.,1827. 8^.1528.11 ArnAUld, a. Briefwechsel zwischen Leibnitz und Arnauld. See Grotefend, C. L 2844.16 — and Nicole, P. Logica, sive ars cogitandi. E .ta apud Gallos editione recognita et aucta, in Latinum versa. Londini, 1(174. sm.s° . . , *6086.8 — - Port-Uoyal logic, translated from the French ; with introduction, notes, etc., by T. S. Baynes. 5th edition, enlarged. Edinburgh, ISOl. 12". 5609.18 Arnauld de Chartres. De nltimis septem verbis Domini; Sernio de laudibus B. A'irginis; Tractatus tie operibus sex dierum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 22] B.110.2 Arnault, L. Regulus, tragedie en ti'ois actes. Seed. Paris, 18^3. pp.75, b" 4703.18 AJIN.A.ULT de Nobleville, L. D. filoge de. [Vicq- d'Azyr. (Euvres, v. 2] 3720.11 Arnd, Carl. Das .System W. Roschcr's gegeniiber den unwandelbaren Xaturgesetzen d. Volks- wirtlischaft. Frankfurt, lSfp2. pp. (10. 8°. . 3G5S.10 Arnd, Carl, ofJTanan. Der Strasseu- und Wegebau. Darmstadt, 1827. 8° . ■ 4015.21 Arnd, E. Ciisar und Pompejus. Eine Tragiidie. Hamburg, 18:t3. 16° 4229a. 7 — GeschichtederfranzosischenNationallitteratur von der Renaissance bis zu der Revolution, Berlin, 1856. 2v. 8" 4188.14 — Geschichte der franziJsischen Revolution. Braunscluveig, 1851. 6v. in 3. sq.H)" . . . 4189a. 6 — Geschichte der letzten vicrzig Jahre. Berlin, 1854,55. 2v. 8° 4146.10 Arndt, E. M. Ansichten und Aussichten der teut- schen Gcschiclite. Erster Theil. Leipzig, 1814. 8° 2817.8 — Blick aus der Zeit auf die Zeit. Germanien, 1814. 10" 2819.12 — Geist der Zeit. [AltonaundJ Lond2. Jlagdehurg, 1840. pp. 67. 8" 6608.2 Ar.ndt, J. Geheimniss der Menschwerdung des ewigen Worts. 5ec Hohurg, C B.117.8 AiiNK, T. A. The cooper, tr. from Le tonneMer [of Audinot]. [Collcctiim of liirce-s, V. 6] , . . 2575.35 Arnouius Afer. [Adversus natioues, Not;e, ob- 8ervationes,anima(lversioneset castigationes [variorum] in A., edt-nte Tliysio. l^ugduni liatavonim, 1651. No title-page.] 4* . . . .♦6050.25 (Jontf^nta. — Tlipodurl Cnnti-ri nrttno nd Arnol^him ; Go- cli-MCJilrl tttuwi-rhil llciittilnnt oIitII ; (ipbliiirll K1iiif>n- honlll obnorvfttfoiitN i-t variiinim lortloniim cullocta- ni-n. cum tliiiiHci hiiUr»t et olixorvHtloncn in AmoMuin; LcmUUtII Ileralill ni)iiiiner alcheniia ad regem NeapoUtanuni; (Jiuxstiones de iirte transmutationis ; Novum testamentum. See Artis auriferas vol.tres 5979.21 Aunoldt, J. F. J. Fr. v\ng. Wolf in seinem Ver- hiiltnist^e zum Schulwesen und zur Predagogik. Braunschweig, 1861, 62. 2v. 8" 3597.24 Arnoldus, monk. De miraculis beati Emmcram- mi. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 3, p. 1] . . . 4140.3 — E.x vitaS. Kmmerammi. [Frankflftrt, Societas, etc., v. 4] 4210.2 Arnot, W. Laws from heaven for life on earth. Illustrations of the bonk of Proverbs, First series. London, 1858. 8" 5H3.16 Arnott, J. M. liber VeuKnentziindung und deren Folgen. Sec Dance, J. B. H 379S.16 Arnott, N, Sun'ey of human progress. London, 1861. 8" 35(H.2fl Arnoult, K. Pronouncing reading book of the French language. Part llrst. Boston, 1867. I.H" 4683.1 — French grammar. SecPinuey, N 4683.4 Arnoux, J. R. ('. Voitnres. [France. Commis- sion sur I'industrie des nations, v. 3, p. 1. sect. 1] 4029.20 Akni'lf, or Arnnul, hUhop of Lisiat.v. Kpistola;, condones, et epigrummata. [Maxinm bibli- oth. vet. patr., v. 22] B.110.2 — Sermo et eplstolrc V. [AcliOry. Spicilegium, v. 13] 4152.7 — Tractatus de schisnnite orto post Houorii ii de- cessum contra Girardum EngoliHmeiisem episcopnni. [Achery. Spicilegium, v. 2] . 4152.7 — - Same. In (ili'ardiini Kngolisniensem tnvee- tiva. IKninklurl. Societas, etc., v. 12] . . . 4210.2 ArnuM'TS, or Aruolt'o. (Jest a archiepiscoporum Mediolanenslum ad annum 1077. [Frankfurt. Societaw, etc., V. 8] . . - ._ 4210.2 — - Same. [Grxvius. Thes. antlq. Ital., T. 4, p. 1] 4710.1 AKOOSTOOK 27 ASCLEPIAOES Sholf. No. AroosT(.)OK. Exi>loration and survey of the terri- tory on the An>c)stook river. Hohnes, E.. . 2339.1? Aftoux, K. I)iinte, Ucntitiue, revohitiumutu-e et so- ctaliste. Revehxtimis d'uii Crttliolique sur le moyen fi;?e. I'aris, ISM. 8° '2S0U.H) AftPIC, r. F. Apologhi pro Julio Cajsare Vauiiio. Onsniopoli [KottenliiuiJ, iri2. 8" 0005.14 AkrIANCs, F. AIoxaiKk'r's expedition. With notes by Rooke, Ke Clcrc's criticism upon Quintus Curtius, and I'erizonius's vindication of that author. London, ISII. 2v. 8° 2978. :j(i Akrivabexk, F. Delhi lingua forense. Bergamo, 1520. S" 3020.9 AKRivabkxk, G. Intorno ad un' opoca della mia vita con Paggiuntii di .sui lettere inedite di S. Pellico. Torino, InJO. 16° 2749. 2.'^ — Momoires [182l>-22] avec six lettres iuedites de S. Tellico, trad, par S. Morliange. Bruxelles, 18fil. IG' 4798.31 ArROM. C Bold de. Clemencia. Novela de cos- tunibi-es. Leipzig, 1800. sm.S" 3094.17 — Cuentos y poe.sias populai'es andaluces. Leip- zig, ISOl. sm.S" 3094.18 — La familia de Alvareda. Lagimas. Novelas, Leipzig, 1800. sm. S" 3094.14 — La Gaviota. Novela de costuinbres. Leipzig, 1800. sm.S" 3094.10 — Relaciones. Leipzig, 1862. sra.S* . • .... 3094.15 Arrovo de La Cuesta, F. Gramatica Mutsun, 6 de la lengua de los uaturales de la misiou de San Juau Bautista. Neuva-York, 1801. pp. 48. 1.8°. [Shea's library of American lin- guistics] 2.366.44 — Vocabulary or phrase book of the Mutsun lan- guage of Alta California. New York, 1802. pp. 91). 1.8". [Shea's library of American linguistics] ^360. 47 Arsenius, St, Contra nomicum tentatorem, Luc. X. 25. [Mai. Class.auct., v. 10] B. 172.3 — Doctrina et exhortatio. [ JIaxima biblioth. vet. pair., V. 27] B.110.2 Art. Art-journal, 1.K40-03 5108.1 — Cosmopolitan art journal 8091.1 — Didron, A. N, Annales archeologiques . . . 3301.1 — Haskins, R. W. Art and artists 4289.23 — Illustrated magazine of 8001.4 — Lacroix, F. Anuuaire des artistes, etc. . . . 4097.1 — Laprade, V. de. Questions d'art 4077.25 Se£ also: Esthetics, ^tists, Beauty, Christian art. Fine arts, Taste. ART-JorRXAL,The,184«)-03. Lond., 1840-6.3. ]5v.4°. *5160.1 Art of contentment. By the author of the TPTiole duty of man. Philadelphia, 1824. 12' . . . 3587.10 Noif. — For remarks on the authorship of the " Whole duty of man," BCo p. 881 of the index printea in 1861. Art of travelling to advantage. The. London, 1099. pp.40. 8". [No title-page. Appended to Las Casae-' "Relation"] 2310.0 Artaria, F. II duomo di Milano, (fescrizione cor- redata di &3 tavole. Milauo, 1831. 4° . . . 4102.33 Artaud de Montor, A. F. Histoii-e du pape Pie - \ni. 2eed. Paris, 1837. 2v. 8° 3550.26 Arte de la lengua N^vome, que se dice Pima, pro- pria de Sonora. Edited by B. Smith. San Augustin, Fla., 1802. 1.8°. [Shea's library of American linguistics] 2366.49 ARTEMinours Daldianus. Oneirocritica, notis N. Rigaltii et J. J. Reiskii. Indices adjecit J. G. Reiff. Lipsi.-E, 1805. 2v. 8° 4204.6 ARTEMirnnti^s Kphesius. Fragmente der Geogra- phic des A. See Hoifnuinn, S. F. W. . . . 4244.21,22 Arthur. Alliterative romance of the death of king Arthur. Now tirst printed. Edited by J. O. Llalliwell. Brixton Hill, 1847. 4°. . 2571.10 Arthur, R. Treatment of dental caries, compli- cated with disorders of the pulp. Plilladel- phia, lf^53. 8" 3805.44 Arthur, W. English opinion bn the American rebellion. .S'eg Gasparin, A. E. de 4322,68 Ijholf. No. Aktillkry. Gibbon,,!. Artillerist's manual . . 3955.4 — M):'morial de Tartillerie. - See Fi-ance. Slinistry of war 3954.25 — Mitllcr, H . Die Rotation der runden Artillerie- (ieschosse 3953.24 — Roberts, .1. Hand-book of 3953.36 — Siiiiit-Uriny, P. S. de. Memoires d'artillerie . 3950.16 — Tennent, ,1. E. Story of the guns 3955.25 AVi- alun: Cnnnon, Gunnery, Orilniincc, Itijk«I cannon. Artis avriferai qvnm chemiam vocant voluniina in. Basilere, lOlO. 3v. in 1. 8" *5979.21 Contents. — Propositiones ; Turbft phlloBophonim ; Tur- bo; philo^ophoruin BUirum exuuij)Inr; Allcgoria; nuper librum Tnrbic ; Aeni^nnatn px visione Aii.ilei; Excrcltft- tiones in Turbam ; Aurora consnrpri'n'i ; Itusinus nd Eu- thlclnni; Idem ad Saratnntam cpiscopum; LEber di^fliii- tionnm ujiisdem; Mariic prophutisste practica; Liber flt'cri'toruni C»lidir> lilii lazichi ; Liber triuni verborum; Ai-istotcb'B de Inpide philosnphonim; Avifpunn! do enn- prhitinationc Iopi".iiB; Expositio npltitnlo! Alexaudriregis; It^iiutus autor do secr<^tis lapidis; Morliiii allpRoria de arcano lapidis ; Rnchnidibi de materia lapidis ; Aviceiinte tractatulus de alchimia; Semita scniitu; ; Clangor huc:- cinic ; Corrwclio fatuoruin ; Inrortua antor de arte chyin- ica ; Morieiii Romani sermo ; Bernnrdi Trcviveiisfft re»pon&{d ad Thoniam de Bononia dv niineraHbus, ot elixiris conipositione, Robert! Vallensis tabulia illuetrata ; Liber de nj-to cliimia incerti authoris nunquani hactcnuft in lucem editus; Scala philosophorum ; Ludus purro- rum ; Kosariuraphilos. ; .4,rnaldi: tiosnriuin cum fi^uris, Novum lumen, Flos florum, Epistola super alchimia ad rcfrem Neapolitanum ; Rogerius Bacho Anglos de niira- bili potcstate artis et naturn:; Lullii ultinium testa- tnentum, Elucidatio testamc-nti totius nd R. Odoardum, PotCRtas diuitiarum, cum optima expositione testamooti Hermetis, Comiieudium artis ma^ncie, quoad composi- tioneni lapidi^^, De lapide et oleo philosophorum, Itlodus accipiendi aurura potabtle, Compendium alcliimio: et naturalis philosnpluffi, Lapidarium; Albert! Mapiii see- retorum tractatus; Abbreviatio quondam do secretii* sctretorum Joannis pauperum ; Arnaldi, quaestioues de arte Iransmutarionis; Testaraentuni. Artists. Baglione, G. Vite de' pittori, scultori, architetti, edintagliatori 40(U.13 — Marchese, V. Lives of painters, sculptors and architects of the order of St. Donnnic . . . 4088.15 — M tiller, F. Die Kuustler aller Zeiten nnd \'ol- ker 4082.5 — Smith, J. Lights and shadows of artist life and character 4065.27 Artizan, The. Edited by W. Smith. Vol. 12-17, 19-21. London, 1854-59, 61-63. 9v. 4° . . . *5I70 2 Arts. Dingier, J. G. Polytechnisches Journal . . 5917.1 — Goguet, A. Y. De I'origiue des arts 2190.24 — - Origin of 2102.4 — Knight, "C. C'yclopa?dia of A. 184. 4 — Ure, A. Dictionary of 3981.3 See also: Teclinologj'. Aeundale, F., and Bonomi, J. Gallery of anti- quities selected from the British museum. ' Descriptions by S. Birch. London, n.d. 4* . *3051.31 Arundel, Stissex. Mitchell, T. Visit to A. cnstle. 2503.31 — Ticrney, M. A. History and antiquities of the castle and town of 2503.21 — - Excavation in the college chapel at ... . 2503.21 ArA'IDSON, a. Manuductio ad poesin Suecauam. Strengniis, 1051. sm.8° **2885.25 ASBURY, F. Journal from 1771 to 1815. New York, 1821. 3v. 8° 555S.1 — Life of. See Strickland, W. P 5558.14 Asceticism. See Bibliotheca mystica et ascetica . 6069a. 23 See alto: Piety, Quietism. AsCHAJr, R. Epistolarum libri iv. Accessi* J. Stur- inii, aliorumque ad A. Anglosque alios episto- lai-um liber uims. Oxonia?, 1703. 8° . . . . **2558.7 — The schoolmaster. Edited by J. E. B, Mayer. Loudon, 1863. lO'* 3599.36 A sen BACH, J. Geschichte der Ilerulcr und Gepiden. Frankfurt, 1835. pp.89. H" 4230.9 — GeschichtederWestgothen. Frankfurt, 18^'7. 8°. 4213.12 AsCLEPlADES Samius. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 1] B.I62.7 ASCOLI 28 ASTRONOMY Shelf. No. AscoLi, Memorie intorno i letterati e gli artisti della citta di. Cantalame.'isa Carboni, G. . . 2700.11 ASEGA-BrCH, em alt-friesisches Gesetzbuch der • Eiistriiigcr. [Fi'ies., deut^ch mirt latcin.] Heraufgegeben, Ubersetzt und eiliiutcrt von T. D. Wiarda. Berlin, ISOo. 4° 4301.12 Ash, J. Grammatical instihites; an intrdduction to Lowth's grammar. New ed. London, 1791. 1S» 4589a.45 — - Same. New ed. New York, 1798. 18° . . 46S9a.44 ASHER, A. and Co. Catalogue d'une collection prS- cieuse de livres rares et curieux, provenants en partie de la bibliotheque celebre de L. Tieck. Berlin, ISSO. 8° 4129.37 AsHER, G. SI. Henrv Hudson, the navigator. Lon- don, 18C0. 8°. [Hakluyt society] 2264.24 AsHERandCo. Historical war map. [Accompanying a rebellion record.] n. p., 18(H. Folded .32° . 4334.10 AsHPlTEL, A., and 'Whichcord, J. Town dwellings. An essay on tlie erection of fire-proof houses in flats. London, 1885. pp. 40. 1.8° .... 4103.14 ASHWORTH, J. Rise and progress of the Unitarian doctrine in Rochdale aud other places. Roch- dale, 1817. 8° *Pph.v.342 Asia. Adelung, J. C. Entdecknug des nordost- lichen Wcges nach .Japan und China .... 4253.3 — Giirres, J. J. v. Mythengeschichte der asiati- schen Welt C072.13 Gramaye, J.B. Historia universalis Asiatica- rum gentium et reruni 4244.20 — Klaproth, J. H. v. Asia polyglotta 4234.1 — Jleiners, C. Fruchtbarkeit, oder Unfruchtbar- keit der vornelimsten Liinder in Asien . . . ,4244.19 — Neumann, C. F. Ostasiatische Geschichte, !810-n0 3017.15 — Eitter, C. Atlas von Asien B.ISOf.l — Tronson,J. M. Voyage to parts of • 3017.13 See also : Afghatiistftn, AUai, Arabia, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Ceylon, China, Circassiu, East. Eastern nrclii- pelago, Hindustan, Japan, Lailak, Manchuria, Mongolia, Persia, Siberia, Tartarj", Tibet, Turkish empire, ASIA Minor. Fisher, Son, & Co. Scenery of the seven churches of :to40.1C Morier, .1. Journey through 4200.15 AsioLi, B. I'rincipj elemcntari di niusica. Oa ed. Firenze, l.s;!9. pp. 63. 12°. pi 4048.24 Askew, A. Sketch, in the Gold-headed cane. Sec Mncmichael, W 264B.15 ASJIAK, JI. T. Memoirs of a Babylonian princess. [Smith. Weekly volume, v. 1] 8030.3 AsFUAI.TrM. Formation des asphalles et leur eni- |]loi comme ciiiient mxturel. lluguenet. I. . 4093.14 AsriNWAl.I,, G. Dissertation on the cynauclie ma- ligna. Dedhum, 1798. pp.20. 8°. . . *M.l'pll.v.l39 AssAlLi.v, O. d'. J.es Chevaliers-poetes de TAUt- mugne. I'aris, 18(12. 8° 2870.27 AsSA.ssiss. Hamiuer-l'urgstall, J. v. Geschichte der Assassinen 4245.26 — Wttlpole, F. The Ansayrii, or assassins . . . 3083.15 , AsSEMNivAU, C. Amies et armures, iiieubles, etc., du nioyen age. I'aris, 1845. 2v. f° . . . .♦4070.18 SSEMAN'I, G. S. Bibliotheca orientalis Clemen- tino-Vaticana, uildita singiiloruin auclonim vita. [Una cum dissertatione de Syris Ncsto- rlanis.J Roma;, 1719-28. 4v. f° ♦00-10. 1! C'wHtcnM. — Vol. I. Do srriptorlbus Syria orthodoxls. II. Ue scriptorlbus Hyrii Monophysltls. HI. Do scrlp- torihus Syris Nestorlanis. IV. Do Syrls Nestoriaiiis. — Kitlendaria eccleslrc universic, pricinissis nnius- ctiJUHque ecclesirc originibuti. Romro, 1755. Ov. 4° ♦OOll.O Kttt. — These voliimea were tho only ones pnbllsliod, yet they eonlflln only tho history and calendar of thu Eastern church. ASSEMANI, S. K. Acta [.Syronim] martyrum [auc- torlbug Syrls ttcripta, et Luting versa]. Ac- cediint acta S. Slmeonis Stylila'. Rttmcc, 1748. 2v. f° 'IIOSO.S Shelf. No. ASSESSMENT. Principle of rating. Penfold, C. . . 3653.17 AssiNG, L. Sophie von La Roche, die Freundin Wieland's. Berlin, 1859. p. 8° 2848.18 ASSMAXX vou Abschatz, H. Auserlesene Gedichte. [Midler. Bibliothek deutscher Dichter des xvilten Jalir., v. 6] 2879.10 Associ.\TioN. Brisbane, A. Association and re- organization of industry 3568.33 — Mundt, T. Geschichte der GeseUschait. . . . 4306.27 — Restelli, F. InHueuza delle associazioni sulla prosperity pubblica 365S.3 Association for a perpetual adoration of the Di- vine heart. [Regulations and prayers.] Rome, 1841. 32° 6069a. 34 AssoLL.ANT, A. Canonniers a vos pieces. Paris, 1861. pp. 30. 8° 4323.23 Assurance. Brinton, W. • Medical selection of lives for 3769.40 — Jones, J. Tables of, calculated from a new rate 3923.33 — Weskett, J. Theorie und Praxis der Assecu- ranzen 3923.35 Sec aUo: insurance. Assurance magazine. See London. Institute of actuaries 7(V44.1 Assyria, History, geography, and antiquities of. RawUnson, G 3028.1 See aUo: Babylon, Chalda-a. Nineveh. Assyrians. Zeitrechnung der Assyrer. Gumbach, J.v 4160.2 AST, G. A. F. Lexicon Platonicum. Lipsiae, 18.'i5, 36. 2v. 8° »B.165.2 — Platen's Lebcn und Schriften. Leipzig, 1816. 8° B. 105.0 ASTE, F. M. d'. See Este, F. M. d'. AsTEMio, L. Fables of Abstemins. See L'Es- trange, R 4970.10 — Fabida; c.xcix. See Nevelet, I. N B.179.6 ASTERIUS, St. Homilia; xil cuiu fragmeutis aliorum ejusdem nperum, iuterprete Combetisio. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. patr.,v. 5] B. 110.2 ASTOLFi, Gio\'auni. La misura delle volte rette di V. Lamberti. Milnno, 1840. pp. 30. 8° . . 3920.28 ASTOLri, Giovanni F. Scelta cvriosa et ricca oflicina di vurie autiche et moderne istorie. Venetia, 1002. 8° **4773.12 ASTORl, G. A. Dissertatio de Diis Cabiris. [Pole- ni. Utriusque thcs. antiq. supp.,v, 2] . . . . 2970.7 AsTR.\MI*SYCHUS. Oueirocriticou, sen somnicu-uui interpretatio. [Opsopunis. Oracula metrica]. 6071.18 A.STUOLoGY. Gadbury, J. Doctrine of nativities. 6921.20 — Maury, L. F. A. L'astrologic, dims I'alitiquiti et all nioyen &ge 5608.4 — Kanisay, W. Astrologia rcstaurnia 4271.10 — Sibly, E. Illustration of 6921.19 ASTRONOiHKAi, observations. Argelander, F. W. A. Observatioues astronoinicic in specula universitatis litterariic Feunica-' factie . . . 3920.59 — Brahe, T. Historia ctelestis 4271.2 — See France. Bureau des longitudes 6910.1 Astronomical tables, Brahe, T. Tabula; Eudol- lihiuiu 3920.60 AsTKoNOMV. Bayer, J. Urimometria B.180f.4 — Biol, J. li. Sur rastroiioniie indienne ot 8ur rastronomiechinoise 3922.20 — Brilnnow, F. Spherical astronomy 3922.18 — Burrilt, E. H. Geography of the heavens. 7029.43, and 39.M.6 — Chauvenet, W. Siiherical and practical ... 6911.7 — Ferguson, J. Introduction to 7029.36 — (;rant, K. History of physical astronomy . . 4275.12 — Gummere, S. R. Deliiiilions aud observations In 7029.40 — Guynemer, A.M. A.de. Dlctiounalre d'astion- oiulo «82.4 — HerschelrJ. F. W. Treallae on 3929.3 — Hind, J. H. Astronomical vocabulary . . . . 3929.28 — La Place, P. S. Sys'teme du moudc 4276.18 ASTRONOMY 29 ATLAS Shelf. No. Astronomy, co7itintied. — Lessons on 3929.8 — Lewis, G. C. Astronomy of the ancients . . 3922.19 — Miidler, J. ir. roimlliiv A.stronomie 4275.21 — Main, K. I'ructii-al ami spluTit'iil astronomy . 3922.23 — Robert, H. I-os niouvmnents des corps crea- tes dt^niontri's 3929.35 — Ryan, J. Grammar of the elements of . . . . 7029.35 — Schaubaclt, ,T. C. Pe studii astrouomici apud Iiidos orifrincet naiti«iuitttte . ; 41f>2.23 — Smith, T. Conipendious system of . ..'... 7029.42 — 8ftrya-ij;iddhantu ' .3024.18 — Wilbur, U. Klemcntsof 7029.39 — Wilkins, J. II. Elemeuta of 7029.38 Sfff alto : Cometw, Eurth, Globes, Gravitation, Heavens, Moon, Parallax, Stare. Atcheson, N". American encroachments on Brit- ish rights. London, 1808. S° 4326.5 Athanasius, St. Opera [qu^dam] interpp. C. Por- seua, Ambrosio monacho, A. Politiano, J.Cap- nioue. Accessit Athanasii vita Erasmo auc- tore. Argentina;, Knobloch, 1522. f ° . . .*B.110.Ci ContciU^. — CommnntnHi in epistolas Paull, qui a ple- risriui" Vulgario [Thuophylacto Bulgaroriim episfi.] nd- eerjbuntur; Contra GciililcB liber unus; Dc incamutione Uerbi i-jusque ad nos per corpus aduentu; DisputHtio contra Arrium ; In uim Psuloiorum opusculum; Exhor- tatio ad nionachoB ; De pasiHione imagrinU Dni nostri lihellua; Epistolffi niinuIttD llomanoruni ponlificum ad Athnnasium, et Athanasii ad coadem; Ejusdem Atha- nasii dc uariis quaeslioiiibus liber. — . Sermo maj6r de fide; Commentarii in Mat- thffum, in Lucam, in Canticuni Canticorum, et in Psalmos quosdam ; Sermo de patientia. [Monttaucon. Collectio nova patnim et scrip- toruraGrajcorum, V.2] 6020.3 — See Siimratliche Werke der Kirchenvater, v. 7-9. 6024 . 1 Contrrtie. ~\'o}. VII. Schrift pe^en die Hellenen; Uber dio McnBchwerdung dcs Wortcs ; Darstellung dc8 Glanbens; ijbcr jene Worte ; Alio Diuge sind mil- von meiuem Vator iibergebeu wordcn ; Umlaufacbriften an die rcchtgljiubigcn Bischofe; Vertheidi^ungsschrift geg'en die Ariancr; (Jber die BeschlUsse dea Conoili- ums von Nicaa ; Vcrtheidigung der Lehre des heiligen Diouysius vou Alcxaiulrien; Brief an den Dracontius; Umlaufschreiben an die BiscbSfe Aegyptens und Liby- ens, gegen die Ariancr; Vertheidigrungan den KOnig Con- etanttus. VII, VIII. Rechtfertigung wegen seiner Ent- weichung:, als er von dcm dux Syrianus verfolgt wurde ; Bricfe; Geschichte der Ariancr; Briefedes Kaisers Con- stantinns an des Volk der Stadt Alexondrien; Vralauf- echreiben des Erzbi8i:hofes von Alexandrien ; Vier Reden gegen die Ariauer; Briefo an Serapion, gcgen diejeni- gen welchc lostem und sngen, der licilige Geist sey eia Geschbpf ; Abhandlnng iiber die Synoden zu Rimini und zu Selcucia; Scbrcibcn an die Antiochier; Briefe an den Kaiser Jonanus; Irfben des heiligen Antonius. VIII, IX. Brii?fe di-s heiligen Athana^ius an OrsisiuB, Ah t von Tabcnna; Atilmndtung von der Menschwer- dung des Wortes, und gegcn die Ariancr ; Brief der neunzig BiHclmfc von Aegypten und Libyen, so wie dea Athanasius, gegen die Ariancr; Brief an Epiktetus, gegen dio Horetiker ; Brief an Adelpliiiis gcgcn die Ariancr; Brief an den Philoaophcn Maximus; Zwei Bticher iiber dio Menschwerduug Jesu Christi, gegen Apollisarius ; Abhundlung iiber die Ankunft Jesu Christi, und gegen den Apollinarius; Briefe; Buch von der Dreieinigkelt und dera heiligen Geiste; Brief an den Harcellinus, zur Erklarung der Paalmen; Auslegungen der Psalmeu. — Athanasius der Grosse und die Kirehe seiner Zeit, im Kampfe mit dem Arianismus. See Slohler, .J. A 60(50.10 AxHANASirs, patriarch of Constantinople. Epis- tolaj VI I de necessaria episcoporum residentia. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr.,v. 25] B.110.2 Athakva Veda Sanhita,herausgegeben von RKoth und W. D. A\niitney. Erster Band. Text. Berlin, 1855,50. 1.8° *424I.ll Atheism. Cudworth, R. Systema intellectuale hujus universi (K)21.7 — Lamartlne, A.de. Atheismamongthepeople.B. 160a. 100 — Plato. Contra Atheos diaJogus 6038.11 6039.12 6036.5 ♦3111.1 5235.6 Atheism, coiitinueff. » — Reimmann, J. F. Historia atheisrai — Wise, T. Confutation of ATUEN.KUiM, The. Journal of literature, science, and the line arts. London, 1828-rp3. 42v. 4°. Athen.i-:um, The, a magazine. Aikin, J Athen-KUS. Animadversiones in dipnosophistas, [ed.I. Casaubouoj. Ed.2a. Lugduiii, 1021. f. *4200.5 JVrte. — Thia and the following entry represent the second volume of an edition published at Lyons, IfiI2- 21, and the first volume of one printed at Lyons, iOTiT-M. — Deipnosophistaiiim libri xv, cum J. Dalecham- pU Lat. vers. Ed, juxta I. Casauboni recen- sionem. Lugduni, 1057. f " *4200.5 — [Deipnosophistarum libri xv.] Exrecens.G. Dindoi-f. Lipsiffi, 1827. .3v. 8" 4204.8 Athenagoras. Legatio pro Christianis; [et] De resurrectione mortuorum. Accedunt Latina versio E. Dechau-. Oxoniaa, 170ii. 8" . . . 6050.22 — Pro Cliristianis legatio ; De resurrectione mor- tuorum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 2]. B.110.2 — Bittschrift fUr die Christen ; Von der Auferste- hung der Todten. [Siimmtliche Werke der Kirchenvater, V. 1] 6024.1 Atueni-VN architecture, Principles of. Pem-ose, F. C 3070.15 Athenio. Samothracum fabulse fragmenta. [Mei- neke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5] B.162.8 Athens. Brauu, G. C. Das alte Athen und seine Umgebungen 3073.9 — D'Arusmont, F. W. A few days in 2397.4 — Ellisen, A. Zur geschichte Athens nach dera Verluste seiner -Selbstiindigkeit 3075.13 — Forchhammer, P.W. Topographie von Athen. B.160b.94 — Leges Atticje. [Heineccius. Jurisprudentia Attica, V. 3] 4291.1 — Luzac, H. Disquisitio de epistatis ac proedris Atheniensium 2900.31 — Lytton, E. L.B. Rise and fall of 3078.9 — Meier, M.H.E. Der Attische Process . . . . 5015.7 — Meiners, C. Geschichte des Luxus der Athe- nienser ' 4206.8 — Petit, S. Leges Atticje 4990.4 — Rous, F. Seven books of Attick antiquities . 4960.48 Atherton, C. H. Memoir of the Hon. J. Ather- ton. Boston, 1852. pp.57. 8° 4390a. 20 Atkins, J." Treatise on cold and hot springs, par- ticularly the waters of Scarborough. Lon- don, n. d. pp. 50. 8" 3809.37 Atkinson, E. Cheap cotton by free labor. By a cot- ton manufacturer. Boston, 1861. pp.52. 8°. 5646.1 — - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1861. jip. 54. 8'.. 5646.1 Atkinson, T. Address before the histoi-ical society of the university of North Carolina, June 6, 1855. Raleigh, 1855. 8' 4129.87 Atkinson, W. P. Books and reading: a lecture. Boston, 1860. 12° 3599.3 — Letter to a young man who has just entered col- lege, from an older one who has been through. Boston, 1849. pp. -39. 12°.. . . 3599..3, and H.170b.lOO — Remarks on an article from the Christian ex- aminer, entitled " Mi-. Parker and his views." Boston, 1H45. pp.15. 8° *4103.12 Atl^vntic monthly. The. Vol. 1-12. Boston, 1857- 63. 12v. 8* *5314.1 Atlantic ocean. Entdeckungen der Carthager und Griechen auf dem atlantischen Ocean. Lelewel, J 2263.10 Atlantic and St. Lawrence rail road. Guide book of the. Beckett, S. B 2379.18 Atlas, The. Vol. 7-13. Boston, 1830-45. llv. f^ *0300.1 Atlas. Black, A. General atlas of the world . . 2280.10 — Bohn, H. G. Atlas of classical geography . , 2281.4 — .lenks, W. Bible atlas .3480.9 — Jolinston, A. K. , Atlas of modern geography . 2280.8 — Kitctiin, T. New universal atlas 2220.15 — Mitchell, S. A. School atlas 6280.13 — Morse, C. W. General atlas of the world . . . 6280.3 — Morse, J. General atlas. Sixty-three maps . 6280.15 ATLAS 30 ALJIALE Shelf. Ko. Atlas, continued. — Sohr, C. Hand-Atlas der neueren Erdbeschrei- buug ubcr alle Tlieile der Erde B. 180b. 2 — Spnmer, C.v. Historisch-geographischer Hand- Atlas B.ISOb.l — - Historico-geojn"apliioal hand-atlas 2281.1 — Sydow, E.v. Methodischer Hand- Atlas rur das wisseuschaftliclie Studium der Erdkunde . B.180d.l — Wiltsch, J. E. T. Atlas sacer sive coclesias- tlcus B.lSOe.l — Woodbridge, W. C. Modern atlas C280.12 Atlas and daily bee. See Boston daily bee. Atmosphere. Modifications del'A. DeLnc, J. A. 3967.6 Atonement. Adams, X. Letter to E. S. Gannett, occasioned by his tract on 5450a. 25 — Baur, F. G. Die christliche Lehre von der Versohnung 6063.2.3 — Gannett, E. S. Tract on 54,Wa.lS — Higginson, E. Remarks on the doctrine of. 3469.27 — Magee, W, Dissertations on the doctrine of . 3451 . 1 1 — Stuart, 31. Two discourses on the Pph.v.:jr5 — Tholuck, F. A. G. Die Lehre von der Sunde und vom Versohner 5446.25 Atrophy. Scliroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. Atrophy of the left hemisphere of the brain, and the right side of the body 5714.9 Atta, T. Q. Fragmenta, cum vita. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.191.9 Atticus, T. P., Life of. See Berwick, E 2758.12 Atto, jwnior- Capitulare; Epistola>: Libellus de pressnris ecclesiasticis. [Achdry. Spicile- giuni, V. ,<] 4152.7 Attobsey's manual, The. New York, 1807. 18". 3634.23 Attucks, C, and others. Trial of the British sol- diers, of the 29th regiment of foot, for the murder of Crispus .\ttucks, and others, March 5, 1770. Boston, 1807. 12° '4163.17 Atwater, C. An essay on education. Cincinnati, 1841. 8° . . . 3593.37 — Antiquities discovered in Ohio, etc. [Worcester. Am. antiquarian society. Oollectiotis, v. 1] . 2311.1 AUBER, P. Kise and progress of the British pow- er in India. London, 1.'<;17. 2v. 8° . . . . 3044.22 AUBEKLEN, C. A. Daniel and the revelation of ."^t. John, in their nuilual relation. Appendix by 51. F. Eoos. Translated by A. Sapllir. Andover, 1857. 12° . 5428.15 AuBEKT de La Chenaye des Bois, F. A. Dlction- naire historique des mocurs, usages et cou- tumes des Francois. Paris, 1767. 3v. 8°. . 4029a. 4 CoiKeim. — VoLl. A— D. IL E— I.. III. M— Z. AifBERTiN, G. H. Grammaire moderne des 6criv- ains frau^ais. 2(' ed. Bruxclles, 1861. 12° . 468S.6 AUBoux, A. d'. The I'rench convert: being the conversion of a noble French huly. Manches- ter, [Eng.], 1814. 8° *J'ph.v.3.35 — - Sann?. New York, 1830. 18° 4C.9lla.29 AfBRK.v, J., Memoir of. ,Sm Britton, .1. . . .• . 2.>I0.26 AUBKY, F. Dentelles, blondes, tulles et bi-oderies. [France. Comniissiim sur I'iudustrie des na- tions, v. 5] 4029.20 AUBUissoN do Voisinn, .1. F. d'. Mouvcment de I'eau 'rf. See Eden, W. AUDAIN, in Ardennen. Ilistoria Andagiuensis mon- nuterll S. Hnbertl. [Marline. Vet. script., v. 4J 4100.1 Al'DIN, J. M. V. Guide du voyagcur en France. 2Sc l-d. Paris, IWll. 12° 2034.3 Satt. — Vnrioiift ndltlonit of tliU hook, n» well nn of otlior workii of tho niitlior, hnvn appcarvd unilrr Itio nmifiiar-t-B. Itlrlinril.oru. A.o. Itflcliiint.ninl of Mn- riaiin Htnrkf, 111" two liilOT Iiolnir iiiiim-^ of rclll |irr*H'M. Aivij/i'irrt fffcri:. [Bolssoimde. Aneedola Gra'cn, v. 3| B.161.3 Aui.Ms, II prortnccnf Friince. Illstoire du pays d'. AiTi'ie, L. fc. '. 4622.1 AUJIALE, 11. E. P. L. d'Oi'li'nns due A'. Alesla. ttudc sur la scptI^mc campngne de Ciifnr en Gaule. Pails, 1M9. 8* •2041.9 AUMALE 31 AVICENNA siK'ir. No- AuMAi.E, H. K. p. L., contiimetl. — Lettre siir riiistoire de France. R^ponsc au cUscours ptMuoncf nu sennt pur le prince Na- poltnn. LoiidiTs, isni. pp. U. 8" 4027.1 — Les Zouaves et les chasseurs k pied. 2e 6d. Paris, 1855. Ifi" *2G41.7 AuRBArnKH, L. Ein Volksbilclilein. MUnchen, ISlo. 2v. 10* 4224.29 Cont^'itt. — Vol, I. Oi'Aohichto dos ewlpren Juden ; AUrrloi frhnullchr iind ergOtzlidio Historicn ; Abvii- tencr dfr alvbun Schwnhcii, II. Oeschlchte des Doctor Pnastun; Allerlfl erlitiiiUr)it> uml cr^tzlichv Historivn; Abcntciicr dea SpK'jrchchwabcn. AURELIA. Kin Roman, von dem Verfasser des Ki- naldini, u.s.w. Arnstadt, 1801. 12". . . . 2878.11 AVRELirs Victor, S. Srr Victor, S. A. AUKIA, J. V. Notitia historica originis et antiqui- tatis Ccphalfdis, iirbis placentissima; Sicilian, Lat.vciiit S. Havercanipus. [Gra-vius. Thes. antiq. Ital..T. 10, v. H] 4710.1 Aurora [and] CJeneral advertiser. Published by W. Dunne. .luly-Dee., lSI:i. Phila., 1S12. f. *8070.7 AuscuLTATKix. Abhandlung iiber Ausknltation. Skoda, J 3795.^9 See aUo: Percuflsion. AusfChrlichk Historic derer aus dem Ertz-Biss- thum Saltzburg vertriebenen Lutheraner. Leipzig, 1732-34. 4 pts. iu Iv. 4° -^.0.5.5. 11 Xcte. — Part 1 is imperfect at the be^iinin^. — - Same. [Erster Theil.] Leipzig, 1732. 4°.*6055.12 AusONirs, D. Opera cum vita ex Petro Crinito. See Gottfried, D B.191.9 AusTEX, J. Nortlianjrer Abbey, -nith a biographi- cal notice. Philadi-'lphia, 1S33. 2v. 12". . 4.576.28 Austin, I. J. [Origin of tlie Mississippi doctrine of repudiation : witli a review of the arguments of Gov. McXult.] Boston, 1S42. pp. 28. h' .4390a. 41 Austin, James T. Oration, in Boston, July 4, 1829. Boston, 1829. 8^ 4390a. 14 — Oration, at Lexington, Jlass., July 4, 1815. Boston, 1815. 8° 4390a. 15 — [Review of [Austin's] Remarks on Dr. Chan- ning's slavery.] Boston, 1830. pp.48. 8". .*4163.14 Austin, John. A plea for the constitution. 3d ed. London, 1859. pp.42. 8* 2515.7 — The province of jurisprudence determined. 2d ed. London, 18(U. 8° 3626.4 Austin, S. Paul, an example of the excellence of the missionary character. A discourse. Bos- ton, 1824. S" *Pph. V. 375 Austin, T. J. Practical account of general paral- ysis. London, 1859. 8° 3802.11 Australia. Davis, J. Tracks of McKinlay and party across Australia 3047.18 — Hooker, J. D. Flora of 5840.0 — Major, R. H. Early voyages to 22(H.22 — Stokes, J. L. Discoveries in 3047.10 — Threlkeld, L. E. Language spoken in the vi- cinity of Hunter river B. 170. 90 — Unger, F. Neu-HoUand in Eiiropa 3845.19 See also: Cape York peninBula, New South Wales. Austria. Description, traveh, etc. — Berg, E. v. Aus dem Osten der Ssterreichi- schen Monarchie 2864.15 — B«schreibung der oesterreichischen Landen. [Merian. Topogruphia, v. 1] 42G1.3 — Historisch-ethnograpliisch - statistiche-Notizen liber die Xationalitiiten Oesterreichs .... 2827,7 — Jenny, R. Handbuch fiir Keisende in dem os- t#rreichi?cheu Kaiserstaate 2834.26 — Streit, F. W. Post Charte der ostreichischen Staaten • 2834.25 — Tschischka, F. Der Gefahrte auf Reisen in dem osterreichischen Kaiserstaate 2834.24 — Tehse, C. E. Geschichte des ostreichischen Hof:} uDd Adels, u.s.w 4819.3 h;in-ll'. No. Austria, co)itiniiem. 8" 0023.1 Babcock, .laiiieH 8. Viwlous and voices. With a biographical sketch of the author. Hartford, iMUt. 12' 4278.8 Baucuck, .lolm M. L. The spirit of peace: upoem. Boston, 1851. pp.15. 12° B. 160b. 47 BadRU. H. H. MenuiirM of the life and writings of WIclif. Sec n\\>U'. New Testament. Knglinh, Mil. 2 Baui^: d<- liercfnay, F.. and Iteuumout, L. (Jalerie mllltaire, ou, Noth-eM lii-itoririuc-* sur Ics gi'-ne- ratix qui ont cumiiniudt- Irs nrmi'-ett I'rau^uiNeH depuirt lo commencement de la r(^vo1ution. PariH, nnxiii [iso^il- Ov. 16" -16-10.18 Shelf. No. Babinet, J. fetudes et lectures sur les sciences d'observation etieurs applications pratiques. Paris, 1855-60. Gv. 10° 3939.15 CrmtoUs, — Vol.1. Mouvemcnts oxtraordinaires de la mer^ Les cometes nu xixe siecle; La telC-praphie &lec- trique; L'astronomie en 1852 et 1853; Astronomic de- scriptive; La perspective a&rienne; Le stereoscope et la vision binoculaire; Voyag:e dans le ciel. II. Les tables toumautes et les manifestations prcteudues sumatu- relles ; L'electricite ouiiTierc ; La Siberie et les climats du nord ; InflueDce des courants de la mer sur les climats ; Sur les trembtements (te terre et sur la constitution iu- terieure du globe ; Bulletin de l'astronomie et des sci- ences pour 1853 et 1854; De rarrosemcnt du globe; Des tabic toumnntes au point de vue de la mecanlque et de la physiologic ; La mcteorologie in 1854 et ses progrtfl futurs. HI. Du diamant et des pieires precieuses; Des phares et de la lumiere artifleielle ; Physique du globe ; Quilleboeuf ; La M&diterranee ; De la pluralite des mondes. IV. La terre avant les cpoques geologiques; De la constitution inierieure du globe terrestro et des tremblemeots de terre; De la pluio et des inondations; L'astronomie en 1855; Les snisous sur la terre et dana les autres plan^tes ; Sur les progres rccents de la galvn- noplastic; De I'appHcation dea mathematiques traus- cendantes ; La vie aux divers ages de la terre ; Des oaux minerales et de la rhaleur ceotrale dc la terre. V. Avia an lecteur ; Sur la siichevease, les irrigations, et les reboisements ; Astronomic et meteorologio. VI, Dc I'aimant et du magnetisme terrestre; L'occan islondais;' Astronomic et meteorologie ; Thfiorie physique des vCtements. Bablngton, C. Influence of Christianity in pro- moting the abolition of slavery in Europe. Cambridge, [Eng.] 1846. S" 4'29(1.1 Babo, J. M. Dagobert,king of the Franks; Otto of TVittelsbach, or the clioleric count. [Thomp- iron. Gt'nnau theatre, V. 4] 2875.31 BABRirs. Fabulie lambicie cxxiii. J. F. Bois- sonade recensuit, couvertit, annotavit. Fari- sus. 1844. 8" 4205.1 — Fabulie Gra;co Latinre LIV. See Nevelet, I. N. B.179.6 — Fabuh-e nonuulKT. See Antoninus Liberalis . . 4205.24 Babron, .1 . B. A. Precis des pratiques de I'art na- val, eu France, en E.^pague, et en Angleterre. Brest, 1817. 8° 3952.31 Babson, J. J. History of the- town of (Gloucester, including Kockport. Gloucester, 1860. 8°. 2356.26 BABST, D. G. AUerhand schnaksche Saken turn Tiedverdriew. Kostock, 1843. 8q.l6" .... 2870.22 Babylon. Gumpach, J. v. Zeitrechnung der Ba- bylouier 4106.2 — Maurice, T. Observations on the ruins of . . 3041.17 — Miinter, F, C.H. Religion der Babylouier . . 0075.19 — Rawliuson, G. History, geography, and anti- quities of 3028.1 Baochk" mysteries. De renim Bncchicanim orig- inibus ct caussis. Cix-uzer, (J. F 2960.30 BACCTlYLinES, C'armina. [Lect. I'oeta; Graeci,v.3]. 4200.7 — Fragmcnta. [Brunck. Aualcctapoet. Gr., v. 1]. B.162.7 — Poesies. See Falconuet, E B.161.2 Bach, oi-Baccus, H. Descriptio regni Neapolitan!, aniplillcata per C. d'l^ugenio. Latfnam fecit S. ilavercampus. [Gnevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T, 9, p. 1]. 4710.1 Bach, .1 . S. Le clavecin bien temp(5r^, ou precludes et fugues. 2epartie. Vieune,n.d. pp.97. obI.4°. 4055.57 — The uell-teiiipered clavichord. 48 preludes and fugues. Bnwion, n.d. 2v. 4" 8041.1 Bach, ^f. le cnpitaive. Mi-moire sur I'artillerie do cauipague. [France. Ministry of war. Me- nuninl de I'arlilh-rie, v. 6] 3954.25 Bache, a. I>. Ai)pIicji1iou of aualysis to reflexion and refract i.)U. .SVr Ilrewsti-r, D 4269.8 — Reports In relation to tlu- surveys of Boston luirhor. See llostou 0356.2 Set aUo: United Rtati-». Coa«t Hurvoy. Ba<'Hkm.kk, 8. Keniarks on the answer to Hen- sons of dissi-nt from the juiIkiui'uI of a coun- cil iu the allair «»f. *V('( liojilr, .1 B.IOOa.82 — Articles of churgr against It., witli Clinate's Reasons of dissent from tlie judgment of a council respecting B. 5cc Hayues,.). . . . U. 160a. 06 BACHT 33 BACON Sli.-lf. No. Baohi, p. Comparntivo view of the Italian and Spanish lan^ua^fB. Boston, isn-^, 12*. . . :J0;M.;i5 — Conversazione ilnliana. Dialo.^m'S in Italian and Ensli^^b. Cainbridfie. 1S'15. 12°. . . . 4780.5 — Grammar of the Italian language. Boston, 1829. 12" 4789a. 2 — - Same. New ed., with nddition». Boston, 18.^8. 12° 4789a. 1 BACHiAHirs, Ad .Tannnrium de recipiendis lapsts epistola. 5ree GrynaMis. J. J B.Hl.Il — - Same. [Maxinni liiblioth. vet. patr., v. 0] . B.i:0.2 Bacumanx, G. L, K. .\necdota Gra:ca. Lipsiro, 1828. 2v. 8° *B.1(12.G Bachofkx, .7. J. ^'ersnch iibor die Griiberaym- boltkder Alten. BasH, 1S.V.>. 8* 3467.5 llACHOV, F. J. >Tonim rum jure scripto contentio. [Diss, acad.l Halte, 1701. j)p. 90. 4° . . . "4304.22 Back, A. Gedachtuisrede auf Carl von T>inn('', ' ans dem Scliwedischen. Stockholm, 1779. 18" 2847.35 B.VCKOAMMox. Le jeu dii trictrac. Fallavel,.T. M. 4001.15 Backstkom, r. O. Svenska Folkbocker. Stock- holm, 1843-48. 2v. 8° M220.14 Bacon. K., lord, opera omnia, cum aujrniento trac- tatuum ineditorum, ex Anglicanoin Latinum translatorum. Opera S.J. Aruoldi. Hafnia*, IGW. f° . . ♦4170.5 Content*. — Dp dlenitnte et aiiprmentis ficientiftrutn; Novum orpRnum Bcientinrmn, cum Farftsceve ni! histo- riiun nntiirnlein et cxTiPrhnentnlcm ; Hifitorin vcntorutn ; Htstoriii \itfc et mortis; ii-moriam Elisa- bt'thiv repinro Anfrlin' ; Imajro civilis Julii Un^aaria; Imauo civtlln Atipistl CiL-saris ; Trnctatua bistoricu- pulitivi av niuratL-B aiitea nunquain ediii. — Work:*. [Gauibold's edition reprinted.] Lon- don, 1778. 5v. 4* *4171.1 Contetttt. — Vol.1. Liffi of Bacon; Advancement of Icaniin^; Sylva sylvnrum, or n natural history; New Atlantis, a work unfinislied; Praisi- uf knowledge ; In- terpr.-tation of nature, a few frafrnients of the first book ; Filum Inbyrinthi; Pe calnre et fri^ore [in Enpligh]; PhysirtlopHoal remains; Medical remains ; Colours of pood and evil ; Essays or counst^ls, civil and moral ; Apiipblhogms ; Omameula ration.iHa ; Collection of aentcnces; Notes for conversation; Essay on death ; General distribution of human knowledge. II. The state of Europe; Discourse in praise of Queen Eliza- beth : Observations upon a libel, 151)2; Iteport of the.de- trsinblc trcaaon intended by Lopez; Papers relating to the Earl of Essex; Apolopy touching* the Earl of Essex; Speenhi'»i. reports, etc., in jjarliunient ; True |rrcatnes9 of Mritain; .\dviee to Sir Georpe Villiere; Advertlso- miMit touchinfT an holy war; Of a war with Spain; Law Iraris. III. History of the reign of King Henry VI! ; History of King Ilenn,- VITI ; The beginning of the history of Great Britain; Theologieal works; Tranclation of certain psalms: Letters in ihe reign of Queen Elizabeth ; Letters in the reign of King .James; Li'ttem, speeches, charges, ad\-lces. etc. IV. Auctorii vita. G liawley auctore; Instauratio magna : Parsl, De diiniitnte et augmentis sclentiarum: Pars 2. Novum organum, Hive indicia vera de interpretaliune naturae; Pars ''•. Pamseeve ad liistortam naturalem et experimen- tal cm ; Aphori-imi de contlcienda hi^toria prima; Cat- alitfrnB hisloriaruni partlculariura ; Kraginenta ; Pars 4. HIstr.rin ventorum ; IHsloria vita- et mortis. V. Hislorla denhi et rarl ; Htxtoria gravis et levts; Ilistoria sympa- thiN? rt antipaihio! reriim ; Ulstorla sulphuris, mercurii, et sails; HlatoHa suni et audltus; Articult questlonuni dren minemlia; Inqulnitio de magnete; Inqui.^iiio de renrionibui, tranntrntationibai), muUiplicationibuH, et *ff'-ctionlbu« corponim; TopJca inquisilionis de luce et lumlne ; FlUim labyrinlhi. sive Inquisitlo legitime de mutu ; Cogllatloneii de natura rerum ; Inntaurntlo mag- na, pan .%a; CoKilala et vli^ de Interjiretatione natura? ; Epi'iola Thomrr Rodlei ad F. Baconum. qua candide expi-ndll CJHS eotrilata et visa. Latln^ versa ex Angltco ob Ijina^o Orulero : Ilescriptio globl iiiteUeetualU ; The- ma cooti : PartU tustnurailonia wcundie delincotio et arirumentum; Tenipuris partus masculus; Aphorisml fi eoioilln: l>c interprctatione naturir sentenlia- ; Da Inirrpr^inthme naiunc proicmiam ; De prindplis otque ortgiiitbua, etc. 5 SlK'lf. No. Bacon, F., lord, coiilimtPd. — AVorks. Collected and edited bv J. Spedding, R. L. Kllis, and D. 0. Heath. Vol. 1-9, 13-15. Boston, 1801-04. 12v. 8' 2590.22 Voninit».—\o\. I. Life nf Bncon. by W. llawloy ; Oen- enil pri-faco to the philosophical works, by H, L. Ellis; I'art I. Instauratio magna: Novum orpiinum. 11, Par- as'ceve ad bisroriam naturalem ct experiiiientalem, II, III. De augmoniis srienrianmi. 111. Hiatoria vento- rum ; Hisrori'i vitro ct mortis. IV. Hi>>tona densi et rarl; Inquisltiodemagnete; Topica inquisitionis de Inco ot lumino. IV, V. Sylva sylvarum. V. ScalaintolIeetuB eivc filum labyrinthi ; Prodromi sive anlicipationes pht- losopbio) 8ecunda>; Cogitalioues de natnra rerum; Do fluxu et reflu]!u mnria. with preface by U. L. Ellis; Do prineipiis atqne originibus, etc.. with%>reface by U. L. Ellis ; New Atlantis : Magnalia natura- ; Cogitntiones do scientia humana. VI. Valerius Temdnus of the inter- pretation of nature, with preface by K. L. Ellis; Ad- vancement of learning; Filum bibyriuthi; Dc inter- prctaliono natunc pvottmium. VII. Tcmporis partua masculns; Partis inslaiirationis secundiP delincatio et argumentum; Redargulio philosophiarnm; Cogitata ftt visa de intcrpretationc naturtc ; Inquisilio legitima de niiitu ; Calor ettVigns; Ilistoria soul et auditus; Phn-- nomena universi; Dcscriptio globi uUellectualis, with preface by R. L. Ellis ; Thema eroti ; Dc interpretutiono naturn" sententifT Xll; Aphorismi et consilia; Physio- logical and medical remains. VIII. Translations: The great instauralion ; The new organou ; Preparative towards a natural and experimental history. VIII, IX. Dignity and advancement of learning. IX. Natural and experimental history: History of the winds; Fragment of Abecedarium naturre. XIII. De saplentia vetenim ; Same, in English ; Advertisement touching a holy war ; True greatness of Britain; Colours of good and evil; Letter and discourse to Sir Henry Sa\-ill, touching helps for the Intclleclnal powers; Short notes for civil con- versation; Apophthegms. XIV. Promus of formularies and elegancies; Heligious writings; Christian para- doxes; Maxims of the law ; Reading on the statute of nscs; Use of Ihe law. XV. Discourse upon the commis- sion of Bridewell ; Arguments of law ; Preparation for the union of laws; Answers to questions touching the office of constables; Ordinances In chancery; Appendix. — - Same. Vol. 1-9. Loudon, 1S57-62. 9v. 8°. 2600.13 CoJt/e;i/->r. — Vol. VIII, IX. Letters, and life. Note. — For contents of the other volunn^s of this edi- tion, see preceding index. — Essays, and Colours of good and evil, with notes and index by "\V. A. Wright. Cambridge, lS(i;i. 10" 2009.2 — Letters during the reign of James I; with au historical introduction [by R. Stephens]. Loudon. 1702. sm.i" *4177.5 — Dixon, W. H. Personal history of 2455.22 — Fischer, 0. Franz Baco von Verulam. Die Realphilosophie und ihrZeitalter 6108.16 — Maistre, J. de. Examen de la philosophic de Bacon 6107.4 — Mallet, D. Life of 2550,2 Bacon, L. Christian doctrine of stewardship. A sermon at the request of the young men's be- nevolent society. New Haven, 1S32. 8". .5440a. 17 - Christianity and learning. A discourse in Troy,Oct. 20. 1847. New Haven, 1848. 8''.v.l of5.590.1 - Christianity in history. A discourse to the alum- ni of Yale college, Aug. 16, 1848. New Haven, 1848. 8° 5440a.l7 - Commemorative discourse on the completion of fifty years from the founding of the theol. seminary at Andover. Audover, 1858. 8". .5440a. 17 - Discourse in behalf of the American home missionary society. May, 1852. New York, 1852. 8* 5440a. 17 - Discourse on the death of AV. H. Harrison, de- livered before the citizens of New Haven, April 17, 1841. New Haven. 1841. 8°. - .5440a. 17 - Goodly heritage of Connecticut. A discourse on thanksgiving day, Nov. 19, 1840. New Haven, 1810. 8" 5440a.l7 - Reply to Prof. [.Toel] Parker's letters in the Boston post. From the '* New Englander" tor AprU, 1S63, pp. 191-258. 8" 4310a. 1 BACON 34 BAKER Shelf. No. Bacox, L., contittned. — Sermon at the funeral of Rev. L. Beecher, D.D., Brooklyn, Jan. 14, lSi53. Kew York, 186.f. S° . . 5440a. 17 — .Sermon before the A. B. C. F. Jf. at their forty- third annual meeting, .Sept. 7, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8° 5440a. 17 — Thirteen discourses, on the completion of 200 years, from the beginning of the First church in Xew Haven. New Haven, 18.39. 8° . . . 2.'?36.15 — Tivo sermons, preached on Good Friday, April 10, 1837. New Haven, iK'tJ. 8° ...... . •5440a. 17 Bacon, O. W. .Sermon on crime, and the power of moral suasion, in the reform of tke criminal. Greenlield, IS^O. 8° »4163.9 BACON, R. Opera quiedam hactenus inedita. Vol. 1. Edited by .T. S. Brewer. London, 1S50. 8°. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] *2424.3 Contents. — Opus tertium ; Opus minns ; Compcndiuni philosopliiffi. — De mirabili potestate artis et naturse. See Ar- tis auriferse vol. trfs 5979.21 Bacon, W. T. Poem at the second centennial cel- ebration at Woodbury, Conn. Sec Woodbury. 4.336.1 Bacon's guide to American politics. 2d ed. Lou- don, ISfiS. pp. 94. 12° 4323.48 [Badcock, S.] Letter to Dr. Priestley,. otcasioned by his late pamphlet, addressed to Rev. S. ■Badcock. Exeter, n.d. pp.37. 8° *41C3.1 Baden,.!. Latinsk-Danske Lexicon. Andet Op- lag besorget ved T. Baden. Kidbenliavn, 1815. 2v. in 1. 8° *2S85.4 Baden. Schoepflin, J. D. Historia Zaringo-Ba- densis 42(>0.9 — Vehse, C. E. Geschichte der Hofe der Hjiuser Baden 4S19.5 Badh.VM, D. Insect life. Edinburgh, 1845. lO"" . 5899a. 4 Badi.\ y Leblirh, D. Travels in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus. Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, 1803 and 1807. London, I.SIO. 2v. 4° . . . *.3040. 13 Baeckf.r, L. de. Chants historiques de la Flaudre, 400-1050. Lille, 1855. 8° 42.32.2 Baedeker, ('. Handbook for travellers on the Rhine, from .Switzerland to Holland. Cob- lenz, n.d. 10° 2864.26 — Switzerland, with the lakes of Northern Italy, Savoy, and Tyrol. Coblenz, 1863. 16° . . . 2864.24 Baehrixo, li. iiun.sen's Bibehverk nach seiner Bedeutnng fiir die Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1861. 1.8° 6421.8 Baer, W. Die Cliemie des praktischen Lebens. Leipzig, 18.59, 60. 2v. 8° 5978.10 Baffin's bay. Voyage in 1850,51. Sutherland, P.C. 2263.7 Baoatki.i.10, La; intended to introduce very young children to some knowledge of the Frencli language. Boston, 1832. 16° 4689.18 Baggesen, J. I. Digten'andringer, eller Reiser 1 Europa. Kiobeuhavn, 1807. Vol. 1. 12° . ••2870.33 Baolione, G. Vltc de' pittori, scultori, architetti, ed intaglialori, 1572-1612, con la vita di Salva- tor Rosa scritta da G. B. Passari, [Passeril. Napuli, 1733. 4° 4061.13 BAGOT, R. Introduction to the journal and corre* Hpondenee of lord Auckland. See Eden, ^V. 2457.18 BAGSTKR, .'■aniuel. The Bible of every laud. A history of translation.'^, illustrated by speci- men i)ortloUH. Kewed. London, [1860]. 4°. *5411.8 BAOSTKit, Samuel, ,;>, Management of bees. Lon- don, 1834. 10° 5899a. 1 B'XiiH, ('. C. W. I". Der Salomonische Tempel mlt BerilckHichtlgung zur heillgen Architectur Uberhaupt. Karlsruhe, 1H13. H' 0073.11 BXhk,<).C. F. GeHcliiclite der rilmlscheu Litcratur, (and) Supplement. 2le Ausg. CnrlBruhc, 18.32-10. 4v.ln3. H° 4'202.n Bahkdt, C F. (Ie«c!dchte seiner Lebenn, seiner Aleinungen und Schlcksale. Berlin, 17tK», 91. 4v. 10° 42.30a. 1 BAIiK. Aranzl culalonti a BiOn. Paoll, P. A. . . . D..3.r.2 Shelf. No. B.\iley. a mother's request answered in letters of a father to his daughters. Philadelphia, 18.37. 16° 6447.28 Bailey, E. Key to the first lessons in algebra. Boston, 1841. 12° 3936.16 — Na Haawina mua ka Hoailona helu. [Alge- bra in Hawaiian.] I unuhiia e A. Bihopa. Bosetona. 1S5S. 8° 3936.11 — Triumphs of liberty ; a prize ode, at the Boston theatre, Feb. 22. 'l825. Boston, 1825. 8° . . 4394.11 — [Sketch of his life and educational labors.] Hartford, 1861. pp.43. 8° 6592.10 Bailey, H. Testimony of the Catholic church to the Book of common prayer. London, 1847. 8° .3448.4 Bailey, N. English and Latin exercises. 17th" ed. London. 17.S6. 16° 4939a.28 — Universal etymological English dictionary. 3d ed. Loudon, 1737. 8" *4115.3 — - Same. Hth ed. London, 1751. 8° . . . . •4115.2 — - Same. 22d ed. London, 1770. 8° 4586.16 Bailey', P. J. International policy of the great powers. London, 1861. 16° 2308.8 Bailey, S. Letters on the philosophy of the hu- man mind. .3d series. London, 1863. 8°. . 5C07.4 — Received text of Shakespeare's dramatic writ- ings and its improvement. London, 1862. 8°. 2594.5 Bailleul, J. C. Kxameu critique de I'ouvrage posthume de Mme. de Staiil : Consid(*rations sur les principaux ev^nemens de la revolution fran(;aise. Paris, 1818. 2v. S° 4663.5 B.\ILI.IE, Joanna. Complete poetical works. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1832. 8° 2664.5 — Dr«matic and poetical works. 2d ed. London, 1853. sm.4° 25M.9 B.\ILLIE, John. Digest of 3Iohummudan law. Calcutta, 1805. 4° .3610.02 Baillie, M. Sketch, in the Gold-headed cane. See Macmichael, W 2546.15 Bailly, J. S. Histoire de I'astronomie ancienne. Paris, 1775. ■ 4° •4275.2 — Mcmoires. SceMouiteur 4640.4 Bain, A. The emotions and the will. London, 1859. 8° 5603.7 — The senses and the intellect. London, 1855. 8°. 56a3.6 — The study of character, including an estimate of phrenology. London, 1861, 8° 5603.9 BAlunRllXiE, J. Vita. See Smith, T 4177.12 Baines, E.,Jr. Companion to the lakes of Cumber- land, Westmoreland, and Lancashire. .3d ed. Loudon, 1834. rj° . . 2493.33 Baini, universie, et csjua cum juriapnidentia conjunctione ; Ad H. Andium; Latlnl Pacati panegj'ricua; Eumenii oratio de acholis toataurandia ; Schola juris ciWIis Argentlnenaia; De legatione Polonlca. Baldwin, Ebenezer. Physical, intellectual, and moral qualities of our colored population : with remarks on emancipation and coloniza- tion. New Haven, 1834. pp. .52. 8" . . . . 5572.15 Baldwin, Elihu W. Address on occasion of his inauguration as president of Wabash college. Cincinnati, 1836. 8° *Pph, v. 381 Baldwin, T. Discourse in the Second Baptist meeting house in Boston, on the tirst Lord's day in January, 1824. With historical sketch- es. 2ded. Boston, 1841. 8" 3454.21 Shcir. No. Baldwin, T., continued. — Sermon before C. Sirong, governor, etc., May 20, 1802, the day of general election. Boston, 1802. 8" 4356.8 — Sermon on the decease of Lieut.-Gov. Phillips, Feb. 10, 1802. Boston, 1802. 8" 3454.21 Balfour, J. Ballads, and other poetical pieces, chieHy Scotish. Edinb., 1834. pp. 52. sm.4'' 2536.31 Ball, B. L. Tln-ec days on the White mountains, Oct. 25-27, 1855. Boston, 1856. pp.72. 12^ 4278.14 B.VLL, C. Slavery in the United .States: the life and adventures of Cliarles Ball, a black man. New Y4)rk, 1837. 12" 2408.29 Ball, J. Guide to the Western Alps. With the geology of the Alps, by E. Desor. London, 1803. 10" ' 2864,22 Ballads. Balfour, J. Ballads and other pieces, chietly Scotish 2536.31 — Chappell, W. Collection of ancient ballads. 4044.10 — Gerhard, W. Minstrelklange aus Schottlanfl. 45G0a.40 — Wilkins, W. W. Political ballads of the 17th and ISth centuries 2530.4 Ballagi. M. See Block, M. Ballantvnk, J. Ornamental art as applicable to trade and manufactures. London, 1S47. pp. 36. 4° 4080.15 Ballard, A. .1. See Balard, A. J. Ballard, E. Memorial volume of the l*opham cele- bration, August 29, 1862. Portland, 1863. 8*. 4324.3 Ballekov, .1. B. Tarif beige. .9et; Belgium . . . 5640.20 Ballhoun, F. Alphabete orientalischer und occi- dentalischer Sprachen. 5te Aufl. Leipzig, 1852. pp.40. 1.8° *4240.13 — - Same. 8te Aufl. Leipzig, 1859. pp.76. 1.8". 2111.8 Ballot, Reasons against the Pph. v. 350 Ballou, H. Defence of divine revelation against A. Kneeland, [and] correspondence [with] Rev. J. Buckrainster and Rev. J. Walton, Boston, 1820. 12" 5463.5 — Biography of. See Ballou, M. M 2.344.19 Ballou, M. M. Biography of Rev. H. Ballou. Bpston, 1852. 12' 2344.19 Ballston, iV. Y,, Mineral waters of. Steel, J. H. 3809.39,47 Balmes, J. L. Cartas a un esceptico en materia de religion. Barcelona, 1S62. p.S" 3434.24 — Elcriterio. 5a ed. Barcelona, 1862. 12". . . 5607-17 — El protestantismo comparado con el catolicismo, en sus relaciones con la civilizacion europea. 4a ed. Barcelona, 1857, 58. 4v. 12° ... . 3463,38 — Filosolia fundamental. 3a ed. Barcelona, 1860. 4v. p.S" 5607.18 Baltic. Burgoyne, J. F. War in the, in 1854 . . .3953.26 - — Carr, J. Travels round tlie, in 1804 2861.11 — Earp, G. B. Baltic campaign of 1854 2528.4 Baltimore. Communiciuiou of the mayor [on the destruction of bridges, April, 1861], Fred- erick, 1861. pp.8. 8" 4310a.75 — Mobs in 1812. 5'ee Maryland 6375.5 — Peabody institute. Alphabetical catalogue of books proposed to be purchased. By J. G. Morris. Baltimore, 1861. 8" 2133.7 Baluze, fe. Miscellaneorum libri septem, hoc est collectio veterum monumentorum qua; haote- nus latuerunt. Parisiis, 1078-1715. 7v. 8". *4166.7 — Nova collectio conciliorum, seu supplemeiitum ad collectionem P. Labbei. Parisiis, 1707. f. 5510.4 Bambara. Dictionnaire fran^ais-bambara. Dard, J 5032.6 Bancroft, A. Discourse before the convention of congregational ministers of Massachusetts, June 1, 1820, Boston, 1820. 8" 4357.9 — Discourse on conversion. Worcester, 1818. 8". 6088.245 — Discourse, the Lord's day following the ordina- tion of Rev. A. Hill. Worcester, 1827. 8° . 5440a.l8 — Discourse upon the education of cliildren. [No title-page.] 12" *Pph. v. 362 — Doctrine of immortality. A Christmas sermon, deUvered in 1818. Worcester, 1819. 8 . . . 5440a. 18 — Duties enjoined by the fourth commandment : ft discourse. 2ded. Worcester, 1817. 8* .6088.197 B^VNCKOFT 36 BAKBEYRaC Shelf. No. Bancroft. A., co-ittinued. — Life of G. AVashington. Worcester, 1S07. 8°. 43«.7 — Nature and worth of Christian liberty: a ser- mon. 2ded. Worcester, ISIO. S° . . . . B. 160a. 96 — Sermon at the dedication of the Second con- gregational church in Worcester, Aug. 20, 1829. Worcester, 1829. 8° SMOa.lS — Sermon at the installation of Rev. Andrew Bigelon-, in Jledford. Boston, 1S23. 8° . . 5«0a.l8 — Sermon before C. Strong, governor, etc., Jfay "7 ISOl, the day of general election. Boston, ISOl. S° . . . . .■ 4356.8 Sermon before the Christian monitor society. fChristian monitor, v. 17] 5459.5 Sermon before the Second Cliiistian church and society, Jan. 0, 1811. Worcester, 1811. 8° . .5-HOa.lS — Sermon, Jan. 31, 1836, at the termination of flfty years of bis ministry. Worcester, 1836. s°.' 5«0a.l8 — Sermon, Nov. 22, 1818, the Sunday following the interment of Mrs. Mary Thomas. Wor- cester, 1818. 8° 5-14na.l8 — Discourse at his interment. 5ee Hill, A. . . .5440a. 18 Bancroft, G. Address at Hartford, before the delegates of the Connecticut democratic con- vention, Feb. 18, 1840. [No title-page.] 8°. 4355.3 — Eulogy on Andrew Jackson. See Duseubery, B. M 2347.25 — O. H. I'erry and the battle of Lake Erie. See Cleveland, Ohio 4323.14 Oration delivered at the request of the common council of New York, Feb. 22, 1S02. New York, 1862. 12° 4324.20 — Oration [on] the progress of the human race, before the New York liistoric.ll society, Nov. 211, 1854. New York. 1851. 8° 4355.3 BANDEI-LO, M. Novelle. F'irenze, 18-32. [Raceolta di novellieri italiani, V. 1] 2773.14 BANDiKR.t, A. M. Novelle. [Raceolta dinovelli'eri it.iliani, v. 2] 2773.14 BANGS, N. Life of Rev. Freeborn Garrettson. 5th ed. New York, n.d. 8° 5558.17 — Life and times of. .See Stevens, A .■ 5558.15 Bangs, S. B. Memoirs and remains. By W.H.N. Magruder. With preface, by E. O. Haven. New York, m"i3. 16° 5558.19 BaniaN.S, Histoirc de la religion des. Lord, H. . .6fl69a.l4 BANJO. Briggs, T. F. Banjo instructor 8051.60 — Howe, E. Complete ])reori)tor fur tlie .... 8051.65 — Rice, r. Correct nuthod for the 8051.5:) Baniiek's magazine, and journal of tlie money market, etc. Vols. 1-22. London, 1844-62. 22v. 8° *5345.1 Bankkr's magazine, and statistical register. Edited bv.l. S. Ilemuius. Vols.5, 6, 9-15, 17. Boston ■ aiid .New York, IWO-m. lOv. 8° *6.34l).l Banks, John, f/rrtm«r(*.«i o/thriTth century. The Albion queens ; or, the death of Mary queen of Scots. Trag. [Hell. British theatre, v. 22]. 4179a. 1 Banks, John. h. 1709, d. 1751. Review ol'tlie politi- cal! ife of Oliver Cromwell. 4(h ed. London, 1700. 12° 2468.40 Banks, N. P. Address before the merchants of New York on political questions affecting commer- cial interests, Sept. 25, 1856. [No title-page.] 8° (1087.24 — Address to the legislature of Massachusetts, Jan., lS.'>8-fiO. Boston, l8.')8-no. 8° 4.300a.35 — I>etler to .S. B. l{uggles in defence of his Wall street speech of Sept. 25, 1856. [Nolltle-page.] pp. H. 8° nOS7.20 — Sjtei-ch in the house of representatives of llie I'niti'd .'^tates on tlie Nebraska and Kansas bill, May 2.1. 18.VI. Washlnglon, 18.VI. 8° . B.100.69 — Review of U.'s vt'to ol' tile revised coile of Maa- sacliusi'ltH. .Sec Bird, I'. VV 5872.10 BANK.H and banking. Bell, G. M. I'hllosophy of Jolllt-stoek liailkln^ 36-16.32 — Courcelle .Seneuil, .L G. TraitiWIeH opi'-rntiona (le bBn<|Uc 3010.20 Slielf- No. B.ANKS and banking, continued. — Degraud, P. P. F. Outlines of a plan for a national bank rph.v.383 — Homans, J. S. Bankers' almanac, tor 1864 . . 5613.1 — Hooper, S. Theory and effect of laws regulat- ing the amount of specie in banks 5646.6 — Macleod, H. D. Theory and practice of bank- ing • •3645.30 — Maze of banking 3046.40 — Remarks on banking Pph.v.383 — Stanr-teld, H. Fluctuations in the bank rate of discount, etc 3646.39 — Street, N. General principles and present prac- tice of hanking 3570.7 — Willis, H. Bank-note list 5641.1 Sfe aUo: Currency, Money, Paper money. Banos de Velasco, J. Sexta parte de la historia pontifical y catholiea. 5Ve Illescas, G. de. , 6051.1 BvVPTiSM. Emmons, N. Sprinkling the proper mode of Christian baiitism 5440a. 67 — Frey, J.S. C. F. Essays on Christian baptism. ,5455.1 — Henderson, D. P. Discourse on Christian bap- tism 6088.110 — Hofling, J. W. F. Das Sakrament der Taufe . 0066.27 — Ogden, D. L. Discourses on 5455.5 — Stich,J.G. Baptisraavicarium^rurciouitarum. 6rK)6.25 See 4.2 — La vie politique de M. Royer-Collard, ses dis- cours et ses ecrits. Paris, 1861. 2v. 8° . . 2655.19 Barbados. Abridgement of laws in force in, 1704. 3635.10 — Desultory sketches of 4307.19 Barbarians. Origine de' barbari che distmssero riniperio di Roma 4199.2 — Roth, F. Ueber den Sinn und Gebraucli des Worles Barbar 3001.6 Barbako, ¥.. EpistoI;v loauni l*ico Alirinidul.T. [Iternays. Florilegiuin renascentis I.atiuita- tis] B.190.37 Barbaro, N. tlionuile deir assedio di Costantino- jHili 14.13, corredato di note e docuinenti per E. Cornet. Vienna. ISjW. ]ip. 82. 8°. . . *»3082.12 Barbarossa. See Ilariaden, or Kair.ed-dill. B.\RBARY slates. Noah, M. 31. Travels in the, 1813-15 2273.28 — Sumner, C. White slavery in the B.160.2 See also: Cartliupe, Moi-oceo. Tripoli. Tunis. B-\RBAU1.D, A. L. Address to the opposers of the repeal of the corporation and test acts. 2d ed. London, 1790. 8° *Pph.v.355 — Lessons for children. London, l,s:iO. 21° . . 7009.34 BARUli-MARniils, F. de. History of l.(llM^iuna. Translated lV«c'tia, 1030. sm.i;;" **4r.05.i5 Barbo,P. OralioadLudovicunixi. .SVcValiero, A. 4791.20 Bakbosa, a. Kpmi.-^sioiu's in vnria coiicilii Tridt-n- tiniloca. .SVr Mttlfrnich, F 0020.13 BaubL'cam.vs, Arbiuallus, or Arbacaliensis, J, Kpipranimata. [lirnnck. Anali'cta pool. Gr., V. :i] B.162.7 Barcelona. Codipo i\v las o(i!»tunil)ri-s maritinias df Burcelona. vnlfiarnu'iite Ihnnndo Hbrodel consulado. Tradiu'iihi nl rastclliuiu, con t'l toxto Leuiosin, por A. deCapniany. Madrid, iri>l. 4° ". 4301.10 Barclay, H. A^rricultural tour in tbol'iiited States and Upper Canada. New York, 1M3. 4° . *rph.v.327 Barclay, J. Sequel to the diversions of Parley. London, 1820. 8* 2585.4 Barclay, R. Apology for the true Christian divin- ity, n.p., 1078. sm.4* *G061.12 Bardo. Vita Anselmi episcopi Lucensis. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., v. 12] 4210.2 Bar£:re de Vieuzac, B. La liherte dcs mers, ou le gouvernement aiighus dcvoile. France [Paris], 179S. 3v. 12* 2529.9 Baretti, G. Dictionary of the Englii^Ii and Italian languages. Added, an Italian and English grammar. London, 1700. 2v. 4° *4111.9 — Dictionary, Spanish and English, and English and Spanish. New ed. Lend., 1809. 2v. 8°. *3033.8 — Dictionary of the Spanish and English lan- guages. Sec Neuman, H 4112.7 — Lettere di vario argomento. [Albiiri. Tesuro della prosa italianaj 2771.20 BARGAfJLi, S. Novelle. [Uaccolta di novellieri italiani, v. 2] 2773.14 Bargimet, a. p. Influence des femmes sous I'em- pire. 5eeS('-gnr, A. .T.P. de 3574.39 Baring, A., lord Askburton, Correspondence be- tween Webster and. See Webster, D. . v. 2 of 4295.26 Baring, G. S. Iceland : its scenes and sagas. Lon- don, 1803. 1.8' 2861,14 Barisoni, a. De archivis antiquonim commenta- rius. [Poleni. Utriusque thes. autiq. snppl., V. 1] 2970.7 Barker, J. Lectures on the church of England prayer book. Wort ley, 1847. 12° 6053.12 — Reformer's almanac, for 1848. Wortley, 1848. 18" 4209.10 — Seven lectures on the supernatural origin and divine authority of the Bible. Stoke-upon- Trent, 1854. 12'" B.170b.28 Barker, M. H. The mariner's compass. London, n.d. 1 chart, pp.2. 4° 3951.24 Barl.\am. Epistolae ad Grwcos, de unione cum Romana ecclesia et processioue S. Spiritus; Ethica secundum Stoicos. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr.. V. 20] B.110.2 — - Same. [Canisius. Tliesauinis, v. 4] . , . . 4140.3 Barlaam and Josaphat, a romance. 'O0ios Baf>)\aan xat Iwatra^. See John, of St. Snba . . v. 4 of B. 161. 3 Barlj^US, C, or C. V. Baarle, or Baerle. Epistolae. Sec Limborch, P. van B. 140. 18 Barlani), A. Fables. Sec L'Estrange, K 4970.10 Barletti, C. Nuove sperienze eiettriche. Milano, 1771. 8* 3966.7 Barlow, F. Complete English dictionary: prefixed, an English grnnimar. London, [1722]. 8° . 4586.4 Barlow, G. H. Manual of the practice of medi- cine. 2d ed. London, 1801. 16' .3789.18 BAJtLOW, J. The ha!*ty-pudding. A poem. Cald- well, I82I. pp. 18. 12* 4394.40 Barlow, AV. Sum of the conference with the bish- ops at Hampton court, lOO."^. [Phenlx. v. 1]. 4157.1 BarMANS, J. N. Dnt grote Hi'tiig-un Hiiwel-Iiook. In hamborgerplattdUudschermundart. Ilam- borg, 1827. 16* •*2876.2U, and 2876.23 Shelf. No. B.vrnaras, St. Epistolacatholica, Gr.etLat. [Co- telior. Ss. patnim opera, V. 1] 6020.2 — - Same. [^laxima bibliotli. vet. patr., v. 2] .B.110.2 — General epistle, with life. See Wake, AV. . .6040.23 Barxari), E. Sermon before the annual conven- tion of ministers of iMassachusetts, May 27, 1773. Boston, 1773. S" 4357.5 Baknaki), H. American journal of education. Vols. 1-10. Hartford, 18.5(V-01. lOv. 8' . . . 5593.1 — Discourse in coniiiionioration of T. H. Gallau- dct, with a history of deaf-mute instruction, etc. llarlfnrd, 1852. 8" 2345.17 — Education, tlie school, and the teacher, in Eng- lish literature. I{|^-publislied fi'oni American journal of education. 2d ed. Phila., 1802. 8°. 5592.8 — Educational biograi)hy [of AnierieansJ. Part 1. Teacliers and educators. Kepublished from American journal of education. 2d ed. New York, 1801. 8' 5592.4 Contents. — Ez.ekicl Chccver ; S. Johnson ; Caleb Rinp- hnni. by W. B. FoM-le ; Timotliy DwiiCrlit, by D. Olmsted; T. H.Gnllnndet; Denison Olmsted; Mrs. Emma Willnrd, by Prof. Henry Fowler; S. It. Hall ; J. G. Carter; War- ren Colbum; G.F.Thayer; Wm. Russell; H. P. Peet; Dr. W. A. Alcott; W. C. Woodbridgo, by W.A. Alcott; W. R. Johnson; Wilbur Fisk; J. Kingsbury; Lowell Mason; Geo. B. Emerson; Cahin E. Stowe; S. Lewis, by W. T. Copgeshall; Hornco Mann; Cyrus Peirce, by Rev. S.J. Mny; Nicholas TillinshaBt. by R. Edwards; Francis Dwight; D. P. Page; William F. Phelps; J. S. Hart; F. A. P. Barnard. — Military schools and instrtiction in the science and art of war. Part 1. France and Prussia. Philadelphia, 1802. 8° 5592.6 — Normal schools, and other institutions designed for the education of teachers. Hartford, 1851. 2v. in 1. S' 5592.13 — Organization and instruction of common schools in Germany. Republished from American journal of education. New York, 1801. 8° . 5592.9 — Papers for the tcactier. Kepnblished from Aniericau journal of education. Vol. 1, 2, 4. New York, 18G0, 61. 3v. 8° 5502.3 Contents. — Vol. 1. lotellectual education, by W, Hiis- sell; True order of studies, by T. Hill; Letters to a young teacher, by G. F, Thayor; Methods of tearhing, from the German of Diesterweg, Hononmp, Hintz, Ab- benrode ; Religious instruction in public schools, by Rt. Rev. G. Burgees; Unconscious tuition, by F. D. Hunting- ton; Questions for examinatiob, II. School-housoeiind their eciuipment; Oral lessons on real objects, by Thos. Morrison ; Specimen notes of lessons, selected from va- rious authors; Lessons on natural science nnd common -things, by David Slow; Encouragement of a knowl- edge of common things among teachers, by Prof, fiul- livftu and Lord Ashburton ; Instruction in economical science, by C. Knight ; Prevention of misery and crime, by Edw.ird Campbell Tainish; Progress of elementary education in Ireland; Primary education in the model infant school, Dublin, by Thomas Urry Young; Organ- ization and instruction of the ordinary nrttional schools; Progress of elementary education in Scotland ; Subjects and methods of early education, by .Inmes Currie ; M'-thod and examination, by James Morrison ; Lessons on color, by J. H. Hay ; Progress of elementary educa- tion in England; British nnd foreign school society; • Manual of the system of primary instruction in the model schools of the British and foreign school society. IV. Educational aphorisms and suggestions, ancient and modem. — Reformatory education in different countries. Part 1. European states. Hartford. 1857. 8°. 5592.7 — Scientific schools. Part 1. France : The poly- technic school at Paris. Republished from American journal of education. [Hartford, 1802. No title-page.] 8° 5592.5 Barnard, John. .Sermons on several subjects. London, 1727. 8° 6062.4 Barnard, .Jonathan G. Bangers and defences of New Y''ork : addressed to the secretary of war. New Y'ork, ia59. 8° 3955.8 — The peninsular campaign and its antecedents. as developed by the report of Maj.-Gen. G. B. McClellau,etc. New York, ISfrl. pp.94. 8°.4310a.73 BARNABD 38 BARROIS Shelf. No. Barnard, Jonathan G., coiitimied. — and Barry, IV. F. Engineer and artillery oper- ations of the army of the Potomac, to the close of the peninsular campaign. New York, ism. l.S° 3955.3 Barnard, S. Polyglot prammar of the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Greek, Latin, English, French, Italian, .Spanish, and German lan- guages. Philadelphia, IS-'o. 8° 2955.15 Barnard, or Bernard, Thomas, of Andover, b. 1657. d. 1718. Funeral sermon for. See Symmes, T 4163.16 Barnard, Thomas, of Salem, 5, 1714, rf. 1776. Power of God the proof of Christianity. A discourse at the Dudleian lecture, Cambridge, May 11, 1768. Salem, 176S. 8° B. 160a. 95 Barnard, Thomas, of Salem, b. 1748, d. 1814. Ser- mon before F. Beriiard, governor, etc., the anniversary of election. May 25, 1763. Bos- ton, 1763. 8° 4356.4 .«ermon before the Salem female charitable asy- lum, July 6, 1803. Salem, 1803. 8° . . . . B. 160a. 97 Sermon, June 7, 1809, at the ordination of Rev. Ichabod Xichols. Portland, 1809. 8° . . . .6088.215 Barnes, A. The choice of a profession: address before the society of inquiry in Amherst col- lege. Amherst, 18.38. 8° *Pph.v.3a3 ~- The conditions of peace. A thanksgiving dis- course in Philadelphia, Nov. 27, 1802. Phila- delphia, 1863. 8° 4310a. 3 — The love of country. 'A sermon in Philadel- phia, April 28, 1861. Philadelphia, 1861. 8°. 4310a. 3 — Scriptural arg>iment for episcopacy examined. New York, ls.30. 18° 3464.33 The wav of salvation : a sermon at Morris- town, N. J. 3d ed. Newburyport, 1831. 8°.*Pph.v.375 Discourses on the Sabbath. See Duflield, G. . 5454.21 — Review of " Episcopacy tested by scripture." •See Episcopacy examined .3547.19 Babnes, F. Bispute concerning [his] election as master of Peterhouse. SecYorkc, J.. . . Pph.v.337 Barnes, I. O. Address at Bradford, N. H., on the 100th anniversary of the incorporation of the town. May 19, 1850. Boston, 1.^50. 8° . . . 4355.4 BARNES, L. B. Congregational harp. A collection of hymn tunes, sentences and chants. Bos- ton, [18.'j0]. 01)1.4' -. .8047.25 BARNES, W. Sc Gefylsta (the helper): an Anglo- Saxon delectus. London, 1849. pp.78. 16°. 2587.27 Tiw; or, roots and stems of the English as a Teutonic tongue. London, 1862. 16° .... 2585.32 Babnes, W. H. The drama of secession; or scenes from American history. Indianapolis, 1862. pp. 00. 18° 2407.40 Barnett, F. Alemoirs of F. Baruett, the hero of " No fiction." Boston, 1823. 2v. 18° . . . 4549a. 30 Barns, H. Facts, proving that the approaching election is forever to decide the question be- tween freedom and slavery. [Detroit, 1856.] pp. 32. [No title-page.] 8° 0087.41 Barnstorfp, D. SchlUssel zu Sliakspeare's Son- netten. Bremen, 1860. 12° 2598.31 Baro.meter. L'histoirc critique du baronietre. Do Luc, J. A ■. . 3967.0 Baron, or Hoyron, M. I.'homnie a bonne fortune; comi'dle en prose. Nouv ed. Paris, 1769. pp.70. 8°. [Pieces choisle«, V. 3] *2664.12 L'homme it bonne fortune ; La coquette et la fauBse prude ; L'Andrienne : comCrdie de T(!rencc. (Theatre franijais, v. 29] 4708.1 BABONCINI, G. Tragcdla. Lucca, 1662. 24 leaves. sm.8* 4809a. 14 BARONIO e Manfredl, F. Hlsloricic et chronolog- ic« dlssertationlH Antonini de Anileo, de an- tlquo urhls Syracusarum iirehleplscopatu, ac dc ejusflem In unlversa .SIcilia metropolitico Jure judicium. [GrnivhiB. Thes. antlq. Ital., T. 10, V.2) 4710.1 _ De Panorroltana majestatc llbri iv. [Grasvlm. Thes. antlq. Itol., T. 10, V. 13] 4710.1 • Shelf. No- B.\RONIus, or Baronio, C. Annales ecclesiastici. Antverpia?, Plautin, 1597-1639, lf>t2. 12v. f°. *6060.1 — Exercitationes ad Prolegomena in Annales. Src Casaubon, 1 6074.1 — Critica historico-chronologicn in annales eccle- siasticos Baronii. See Pagi, A 6050.3 — JIartyrologium Romanum. See Roman Cath- olic church B.110.4 — Tractatus de monarchia Sicilia?, cum respon- sione apologetica adversus cardinalem Colum- nam. [Grsevius. Thes.autiq. Ital., T. 10, v.3]. 4710.1 Barozzi, N., and Berchet, G. Relazioni degli am- basciatori veneti nel secolo decimosesto. Ser. i,v. 1,2. Ser. II, V. 1,2. Ser. Ill, v. 1. Vene- zia, 1856-02. 5v. 8° 4722.2 Barozzi, P. Orationes tres. ,Sm Valiero, A. . . 4791.26 Barr, J. Scripture student*s assistant; index and dictionary of the Bible.- .3d ed. Glasg:ow, 1832. 12° .3429.15 Bakral, ,T. A. Le bon fermier, aide-m(5moire du cultivateur.. Paris, 1858. 12° 3992.16 — Guerisonde lamaladiede lavigue. Paris, 1867. pp. 20. 1.8° 4003.15 — De I'influence exerc(''e par I'atniosphi're sur la v(^getation. See Paris. Societe chimique . 3977.8 Barrande, J. On the primordial fauna and the Taconic system. With notes by J. Marcou. Boston, 1860. pp. 12. 8° 3869.35 Barre, L. Herculanum et Pompi'i. SceRoux, H. 2751.6 Barreikos, or Barros, G. Censura in quendam auctorem, qui sub falsa inscriptione Berosi Chaldaicircumfertur. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 2] B.110.2 Barrer.v, a. de. Gems and jewels : their history, geography, etc. London, 1860. 12° .... 4063.16 Babreswii,, C. L.,.and Davanne. Chimie photo- graphique. 3e ed. Paris, 1861. 8° 3977.13 B.\RRETT, B. F. Sketch of the life of John Clowes. See Clowes, J 4163.16 Barrett, E. Dead reckoning; or, day's work. New York, 1863. pp.60. 8° 3965.13 — Temporary fortifications : prepared for the naval service. New York, 186.3. pp.14. 12°. 3955.30 Barrett, S. Discourse delivered before the .Vn- cicnt and honorable artillery company, June 0,1,831. Cambridge, 1831. 8° 5440a.l9 — Discourse delivered in the Twelfth congrega- tional church on fast day. Boston, 1851. 8°. 0088. 192 — Sermon in consequence of the late duel in Washiuglon. [Boston], 1838. 8° 5440a. 19 — Sermon preached the day of fasting on account of the cholera. Boston, 1S;H. 8° 6440al9 — Wliat tliinkest thou* a sermon. Boston, 1813. 8° *Pph.v.334 — Youths void of understanding : a discourse. Bo.ston, 1857. 8° 6440a. 19 Barri, G. De Calabrias antiqultate et situ. [Gr«E- vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 6] 4710.1 Xote. — Mn7.7.iiehelU end TiraboacllI both aBglirii this Irnet to Bnrrl, hut the former guys: Allrl crertemloiio nutoro 11 cardinal Slrluto, altrl II cnrdlnal Suntorio. — De laudihus Italia;. [Gricvius. Tlics. antiq. Ital., T. I,p. 1] 4710.1 Barrier, F. JI. Traite pratique des maladies de I'enfance. 2eed.augin. Paris, 1815. 2v. 8°. 3777.88 Barrington, a. Familiar introduction to herald. ry. [12 colored plales.] London, 1,84>. 12°. 2220.21 BARItlNcroN, I>. ( Hi>ei-\ jilious (ui the more an- cient statutes IVoni IVIagua Chartn to James I. 4th ed. London, 1775. 4° 4.301.7 — Possibility of appronehing the North Pole. Ap- jiendix by Col. Heaufoy. New York, 1818. 8°. 2307.8 Barrois, .1. It. J. Dactylologie et hiiigage primltif restitucs d'apri;8 les monuments. Paris, 1860. 4°. 61 plates 2110.19 — fcli^mentft carlovinglens llngtilstiques et lltt<5- raires. Paris, 1846. 4° 2110.18 — Lecturt* littc^rale des hlc^roglyphes et dcs cunbl- formes. Paris, 1863. pp.80. 4°. 17 plates. «2110. 21 BARROW 39 BARTOL Shelf. No. Barrow, I. Works. Published by J. TUlotson. Vol. 1. London, 1883. f° •6021.5 A*o(*. — Tlio «iillr« Bi't hiLs 4 voluiuos, l(j&}-S7. Vonleiitf. — Tliirty-two sermons prcaclioil upon sev- eral occasions; Kxposition of tho Lord's prayer, etc.; Treatise of the pope's supn>mncy, — Duty and reward of bounty to the poor : a ser- mon. .Id ed. London, lOSO. 6m.8° .... 5447.29 — Mathematical works. Edited by W. ■Whewell. Cambridge, ISOO. 8° 3913.11 Content*, — Lrctioncs tntithcmntlcir XXtll, in quibua principla mathcseos frencrnUn exponnntnr; Lectionea opUca- will; I.i'cttoncs gcoinetricn; Xlll.inquibusgen- cntlia ciirvariiMi llneanim synijitomata ilcclanlutur. Barrow, .John, innthfmnticnl teacher in the luivy. Histoire noiivelle et impartiale d'Anpleterre. Traduite de I'Anglois [\mr J. B. Tavge). Ta- ris, ir"l-r3. lOv. 12° 2439.12 Katt. — Tills book is entered under Barro*v, in defer- ence to the uultiorily of t^ufraril, who cl8e\Yhere asserts that it was translated by J. B. Targe, the translator of other works of Barrow. BARROW, Sir .John, h. 17(A, n lintin ehea les ancicns ; Fragmens d'un voyage Ut- teralre en Italic ; Reflexions sur quelques peintures mex- icuines; Instructions ponr M. Donibey sur son voyage au rirrou ; Rlf'nioire lu d la commission des nionumens ; Essui d'une nouvelle histoire romainc; Science numis- niatiqne, leltres, etc. — Voyage du jeuiie Anacharsis en Grt'ce. [Avec un] recueil de cartes, plans, etc., par M. Barbie du Bocage, etc. 3e ed. Paris, 1790. 7v. 8°. Iv.. 4° plates 4960.25 — Voyage d'Anacharsis en Grice. Paris, 18'22. . 7v. 8° 4207.11 BARTiifiLEMYde Beauregard, J. Histoire de Jeanne D'.\rc, [avec nne bibliographie de] cette hi'-ro- ine. I'aiis, 1,847. 2v. 8° 4615.7 Barthez, a. c. E. de, and liilliet, F. Traite cli- nique et pratique des maladies des enfants. 2e M. 2d ti rage. Paris, 1861. 3v. 8° . . . 3777.29- Barthold, F. W. Geschichte des grossen deut- schen Krieges vom Tode Gustav Adolfs ab. Stuttgart, 1.S42, 43. 2v. in 1. 8° 2823.23 — Geschiclite von Riigen und Pommern. Vol. 1- 4. IJanibui'g, 18:j9-45. 4v. in 5. 8° . . . . 2823.26 Bartholin, E. l*rincipia matheseos'universalis. [Descartes. Opera, v. 8] 3926.5 Bartholom.kcis. Vita sancti Nili confcssoris ; Vita et conversatio S. BathoIonia?i. [Mart^ne. Vet. script., v. 6] 4150.1 BARTnoi.oM.Eiis de Glanville. . .STeeGlanville, B.de. Bartholomew, J. G. The hour of peril. .Sermon delivered in Roxbury, April 21, 1861. Bos- ton, IS6I. 8° 4310a. 5 Babtlet, W., Sermon in commemoration of. See Dana, D Pph. v. 378 Bartlett, J. Discourse on animation, delivered before the Humane society, June 11, 1792. Boston, 1792. sm. 4° 5796.70 Bartlett, W. H. Pictures from Sicily. London, 1863. 8° 2765.17 Bartol, C. a. Address before the alumni of the divinity school in Harvard university. Bos- ton, 1858. 12° B.I60a.77 — Address before the ministerial couference in Bedford street. Boston, 1859. 8° 5410a. 20 — Address in Groton, at the funeral of Rev. G. W. Wells, March 21, 1843. Boston, 1843. 8°. . . 5440a.20 — Character of the Rev. Eplir.aim Peabody : a sermon, Dec. 7, 1856. Boston, 1S57. 8°. . . B. 160b. 3 — Christ tlie way. Sermon at the ordination of G. M. Bartol, in Lancaster, -Aug. 4, 1847. Lancaster, 1847. 8° 5440a. 20 — The cure : a serinoa on fast-day, April 10, 1851. Boston, 1851. 8° 5440a.20 — Discourse in the West church in Boston, March 3, 1839. Boston, 1839. 8° *4163.7 — Discourse in the West church, March 1, 1857, the 20th anniversary of his ordination. Bos- ton, 1857. 8° 6088.34 — Discourse on the life and character of Samuel I'utnam, LL.D. Boston, 1853. 8° .')440a.20 — Discourse on Theodore Parker. Boston, 1860, 8°..5440a. 20 — Discourses on the Christian spirit and life. Bos- ton, 1850. 12° 6062.25 — The duty of the time. A discourse in the West church, April 28, 1861. Boston, 1801. 8°. . 4310a. 6 — Immediate vision of God. A sermon. Boston, 1*00. 8° 5440a. 20 — Individual and public reform. A discourse on fast day, April 2, 1840. Boston, 1840. 8° . . 5440a. 20 — Jesus and Jerusalem : or Christ the Saviour and civilizer of tlie world. A discourse. Cam- bridge, 1857. 12° B.170b.23 — Motive-powers : a sermon. Boston, 1853. 8°. 5440a. 20 — The nation's hour: a tribute to Major Sidney Willard,. Dec. 21, forefathers' day. [With an appendix.] Boston, 1862. 8° 4310a. 6 — The new planet. A sermon. Boston, 1847. »° B. 170a. .30 BARTOL 40 BAST Sholf. No. Bartol, C. a., covtimi^d. — Our sacrifices. A sermon preached Nov. 3, 1861, the Sunday after the funeral of Lieut. W. L. riitnani. Boston, ISOl. H° 4310a. 6 — Pictures of Europe, framed in ideas. Boston, l, di Bonifacio, or Bonifacio, B. di. Annales Januenses, 1270-79. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., V. 18] 4310.1 Bartox, W. 1*. C. Compendium flor.t rhiladol- jihica". Plants found within ten miles ariiuiul Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1818. 2v. 8° . 3849.4 Bai'.tox, W. S. Epitaphs from the cemetery on Worcester common, with notes, etc. Wor- cester, [181x1. pp. .11). 8° . . 43.55.5 BART.srii, C. ]>eiikmiiler der provenzalischen Lit- teratur. Stuttgart, 1850. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bib- liothek liter. Vereins, v. 311] •4235.1 — Mittehlenl.srlie C.edichte. Stuttgart, 1860. 8°. [Stuttgart. ItibliiPthek liter. Vereins, v. 53]. *42.35.1 BARL'fl'.vl^ln, G., npiiiore. Dejiru'tis Ferrariensibus. [Grtevius. Thes. antirj. Ital., T. 9, p. 8J . . . 4710.1 Barwei.!., H- Treatise on diseases of the joints. London, IHfil. .s° 3745.25 BASA spelling book, with dettnitions. 2d ed. Mon- rovia, I8:i8. pp. 24. 12° 1$. 170b. 99 BasiLK, 1-). II pastor lido [di (lUarini] in lingua napoletana. [Collezione di tutti i poemi in lingua na]i(iletana, v. ]'.'] BASII'K, G. It. II penlamerone, overo IjO cunto de 11 cunte, Tratteuiiuiento de 11 Peccerille, e Le muse napolitane. NapoM, 1788. 2v. 18°. [Collezione di tutti i poemi In linglui luipole- tana, v. 20, 21] BASII.K^ArKTIlI, ('. De metropoli MedlolanensI llbellus. [Grrcvius. Thes. nntiq. Itnl., T. 2, P'^l nA8IMr>KS. SontontliT ex HIppoIytl llhro Kira ti- (7'.ii< mfuna.'v llliiHtratir. SVr .liicolil.j. L. U. — Frndnu'iitu. .SVr (JiiiIm-, .1. K IlAHIl.li'H, hinhop of Sih-tirhi. Di'tiiniiHtnitio mlvcr nm .liirlrroH flf> iidvcntii CltriHtl. [CiiiiiKiiH ThetinuruH, v. 1] 47m)a.l ■irwn.i 170a. 117 Shelf. No. Basilu'S, bishop of Seleuria, ronthmed. — Orationes XLiv, interpretibus Dausqueio et Combetit> Xl; In Psalmos, hotnilin; XVII ; HoiniMie variorum arffumeiito- rum xxviil; Do vireiiiitatc liber; Dc i)uniriiso liber; Contra apologeticum Eunoniii ; Contra Snbellinnos et Ariiiin eosque qui dissirailitudinem ac ina'(iualitat.pm doccnt; De Spiritu Sancto; De Hbero arbitrio; De liap- tisiiiate ; ExercitHmcntA pietatis per aliquot Bermoues; De judicio Dei ; Dp fidei coiifcssione ; Moralium sumuia' ; Quivstionos 'ditfuse explicataj; Qunistiones conipendio explicatip. ; Constitutiones exercitatorln', nd eos qui conimunem in coentibio vitam, itemquo solitarium de- gunt; Epistolfle, itemque GrL-eoril Theologri; Oratio ad- vevsus eos qui calumninntur nosquod trcsdeos dieinms; GiTprorii Nazianzeni Monodin. sive funebris oratio, per BapLaclem Volaterranum oonversa. — See Sammtliche Werke der Kirclienviiter, v. lO-l.-i G024.1 ConlentB.—'VoX. X. Honillien ; BiiHn>T (regren den Eunumius. X. XI. Horailien. XL Ascetisrhe Schrifton. XII. Erkliiruiig: des I'roplieten Isaiaa; IIQcliervon der Taufe; Homilieu; BuoU vondein liciligcntieiste. XIII. Biicfe. — Epistola ad Gregoriura fratrem sunm de dis- crimine inter essentiam et snbt^tautiam. [Grynrcus. Ecclesiastica historia] B. 1.10. 7 — Rationes syllogistica; contra Arianos, Latins : Expositiodeortbodoxafide. [Canisius. Tbe- saitnis, V. 1] 4140.3 BASlLli'sMegalomytes. Xivty^ara awTtQcvTa. [Bois- soniide. Anecdota Gneca, v. .1] B.161.3 Basin, or Ba/.in, T. De pestis Ludoviei xi Fran- corum regis. [Marteiie. Vet. script., v. 4] . 4150.1 — - Same. Res grstie in IloUandia, etc., ann. 14Sl-s:t. [Mattba-i. Analcctn. v. 2] .... 4130a. 1 Baslk. Acta variu ad concilium Basib-ense perti- lu-ntia. [Marteiie. ^'et, script., v. s] . . . . 4150.1 — lIagi*nbacb,C. F. Tentamen fiora- Basileensis. 3840.5 — IMiis II. He concilio Basiliensi libri III . . . . 6074.5 BahnA(;k de Beauval, .1. Annales des Trovinces- Unies, [1040-78]. La Haye, 172C.. 2v, V., *42fil.l Cftntfntf. — Vol.1. I.ea chnses Ics pliiB remarqunblos an'ivC'f^H en Europe, l>t dans lea nutrrs parlies du uiondn, di-puiei IcH ntgoinatlons pour la paix de Mimwter, jutiqu'd la palx de Breda, avec la description liistorlquc de leur pnuvernomeiit. II. Les I'lioBes les pUiR reniarquables nrrivL'os en Europe, et danx les luitrea parties du monde, depuU la paix d'Alx-lu-CbapcIlc, juequ'A cclle de Kl- nii'true. — Ilistnire de IVglise depuis .Tt^sii 8 'Christ jusqu'i\ l)n-sent. Uotterdnm, H'.'.H). 2v. f *6070.5 Basquk liingiijige. Langue basi|ue et langues lln- iKiiscs. Bonaparte, L.L 21*51, 6 Bassano. De' Bassanesi ilbisiri, con nn cntnlogo degli wcrittori B. del wee. xvill. (iamba, B. 2102.10 Basskt, N. (Jnide pratique du iabricnnt dc sucre. Paris, ISGl. s" 4005.29 Basskti'. <;. W. Slavery examined by tbe ligbt of iiutiire. Sermon. 'Wiisbingtnii, isr.s. H" . . B.IC0,7 — ^Vitrnlug for tbe crisis: or popular errors In- vohetl in tbe present war. An iidilrt^ss. Ot- tawa. III., lso:t. 12" •I310a.43 BASsiNi.r. Art of .singing. Edited by R. Storrs Wfllls. Boston, n.d. 4° 8011.9 BARSirs, r. Fnignientum. [GottlVIed. <'(n-pUH uui- ntuni \etrruni pocliirinn] Il.lUl.O Bast, !■". .1. I'.pisldlji critica super Antoniim I.ibe- rnli. riirlheiiio.et Aiista-nelo,!- liugini ( InlHca til (.atiuam versa a <'. A. WIedeburg, |et ] ap- pendix, ed. G. ILSducller. Liimlie, 180U. H''.*M05G.4 BASTIAT 41 BAA^ARIA Shelf. No. Bastiat, F. Hurnionk's of political t'oonomy. TranshitiM, with !i notice of tliu iiuthor, by r..I.Stirlinfi. London. 1800. 8" 3(H0.37 — Vit'de. SeeKeylmud. M. R. T 3054. 2 Bastidk, r. De antiqmi onlinis S. lioncciioti intra CJallias propa^iitione: 5t'e MalnUoii, J . . . B.131.2 Bastii.mc, Historical rt-*niarks and aiiecdoli-s on the. 5575.1 Batcheli»f.ii, S. Introduction and early progress of the cotton manufacture iutheUuitcd States. • Boston, 1863. 12' 3650.25 Bate, C S. Catalo^yue of tlie specimens of amphi- podous rrust;icea in the British nuiseuiu. See London. British nuiseum 3873.5 Bate, H. See Dudley, 11. Bate. Bates, E. Rural phih)sophy. 1st American from 4th London ed. I'luladelphia, 1807. 12° . . 2558.10 Bates, K. T. Comic songs. ,'?ee Turner, J. W. . 8043.12 B.\tes, L C. Speech on the Indian bill, in U. S. house of representatives, n.p., 18.30. 8" . *Fph.v.382 Bates, Joseph. Vindication of the seventh-day Sabbath, and the commandments of God, etc. New Bedford, 1848. 12" B.lG0b.30 Bates, Joshua, D.D. Influence of Christian truth. A sermon in Northampton, Sept. 21, 1825, [before] the A. B.C.F.M. Boston, 1825. 8°.*Pph.v,375 — Reminiscences of J. Codman. 5ee Allen, W.. 2347.34 Bates, Joshua, jr. The model teacher. Lecture on Dr. T. Arnold. Boston, 1853. 12* . . . B.lOOb.105 Bates, T. Letter to the lord bishop of Durham, relative to the sale of Ridley Hall estate, Northumberland. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1S30. 8' *rph,v.350 Bath, England, Topographical notes respecting. Milles, J 4586.20 Bathing, On warm, cold, and vapour. Clarke, A. 3809.35 Bathukst, H., third earl. Observations on Lord Bathurst's speech, 3Iarch 18, 1817. New York, 1818. 12'* 4652.17 BathI'rst, T. JEglogfE duodecim Latino carmine donate. See Spenser, E 2608.16 Batille, D. L. Emblemata a L I. Boissardo de- lineata et a T. de Bry sculpta. Francofurti, 1506. sm.4° M153.12 Batines, C. de. Supplementi allabibliografia dan- tescadiB. i'ee Witte, C 4194.5 Bato. Fabularum quatuor perditarum reliquise. [Meinekc. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5] B.162.8 Batrachia. Batrachia gradientia, etc., in the Brit- ish museum. .S'ee London. British museum. 5909.5 Batrachomyomachy. FroschmUuszler. Rolleu- « hagen, G 2903.20 BATSCH, a. J. G. C. Eleuchus fungorum. [Germ, et Lat. continuatio la, 2a- Fig. col.] HalEe Magdeburgicae, 1783-89. 3v. in 1. 4° . . . . *3855.20 Battle of Lake Erie monument association. Organ- ization and proceedings, and celebration of the 45th anniversary. Sandusky, 1858. pp.49. 8°.*4323.14 BArDENS, J. B. L. La guerre de CrinK-e, les campe- ments, les abris, les ambulances, les hopi- taux, etc. Paris, 1858. 8' 3724.15 Baudi di Vesme, C. Edicta reguni Langobardo- nim. [Sardinia. Hist, monum., v. 3] . . . 4800.1 Bacdoin d'Avesnes. Aenealogis ex chronicis Hai- noniensibus collectffi. [Ach^ry. Spicilegium, V. 7] 4152.7 Bauer, B. Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte des Johannes. Bremen, 1840. 8' 6025.18 — Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte der Sy- noptiker. Leipzig, 1841, 42. 3v. 8" . . , , 6025.9 — Die Religion des Alten Testamentes in der ge- echichtlichen Entwickelung ihrer Principien dargestellt. Berlin, 1838. 2v. 8° 6027.14 — [Gutachten der evangelisch-theologischeu Fa- cultaten der Koniglich Preussischen Univer- sitaten iiber B. Bauer. Berlin, 1842. 8"] . B.160a.ll8 Bauer, G. L. Critics sacra Veteris Testamenti. Lipsiie, 1795. 8° *6017.14 — Theolog}' ofthe Old Testament. Lend., 1&38. 8°. 6063.6 BAU3I, J.W. Capito und Butzer, Strassburgs Refor- matoren. Elberfeld, 1860. 8" *6045.7 6 Shelf. No. Baumgarten, G. Sechzig Jahre des kaukasi- schen Ivrieges mit besonderer Beriickwichti- gung des Feldzuges im nordlichen Daghe- stan im Jalire 1839. Leipzig, 1861. 8" . . . 3063.8 BAUi'^iGARTKN, M. Die Apostelgeschichte, oder der Entwickelungsgang der Kirche von Je- rusalem bis Rom. 2te Aufl. Braunschweig, 1859. 2v. 8° .... 351(1.6 — History of the church in the apostolic age. Translated by Morrison and Meyer. Edin- burgh, 1S54. 3v. 8° 3427.7 Baumoarten, S. J. Nftchrichten von einer hal- lischen Bibliothek. Halle, 174.8-51. 8v. sm.S°.*B.144.1 — Nachrichten von merkwiirdigen BUchern. Halle, 1752-58. 12v. in 8, sm.S" *4139.3 — - Same. 12v. in fl. sm.S" **5149.2 — Untersuchung theologiscber Streitigkeiten. Herausgegeben von J. S. Sender. Halle, 1762-64, 3v. 4" 6063.9 — Heimleuchtung der Baumgartischen Beschul- digungen. .See Weise, J. P 6069a. 5 Baumgarten-Crusius, L.F.O. Compendium der christliclien Dogmeugescbichte. Zweiter Theil, herausgegeben von C. Hase. Leip- zig, 1840-46. 2v.ini. 8' 6022.11 Baur, F. C. An Dr. Carl Hase, Beantwortung des Sendschreibens, Die tiibinger Schule. Tiibin- gen, 1855. 8° . . . B,170b.l — ApoUonius von Tyana und Christus, oder das Verhaltniss des Pythagoreismus zum Chris- tenthum. Tiibingen, 1832. 8° 6037.18 — Das Cliristenthum und die christliche Kirche derdreierstenJahrhunderte. Tubing., 1853. 8". 6046.1 — Die christliche Gnosis. Tiibingen, 1835. 8° , 6059. -^ — Die christliche Kirche des Mittelalters. He- rausg. von F.F. Baur. Tiibingen, 1861. 8'. 3516.7 — Die christliche Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit und Menschwerdung Gottes» Tiibingen, 1841-43, 3v. 8° 3461.23, and6036. 11 — Die christliche Lehre von der Versohnung. Tii- bingen, 1838. 8" 6063.23 — Das Christliche des Platonismus, oder Sokrates und Christus. Tiibingen, 18-37- 8^ B.162.11 — Die Epochen der kirchlichen Geschichtschreib- ung. Tiibingen, 1852. 8" 6045.2 — Kritische Untersuchungen iiber die kanoni- schen Evangelicn. Tiibingen, 1847. 8" , . . 6025.3 — Lehrbuch der christlicheu Dograengeschichte. Stuttgart, 1847- 8" 6022.4 — Das manichatsche Religionssystem. Tiibingen, 1831. 8° 6059.1 — Das Markusevangelium nach seiuem Ursprung und Charakter. Nebst einem Anhang iiber Evangelium Marcion's. Tiibingen, 1851. 8°. C025.2 — Paulus, der Apostel Jesu Christi. Sein Leben und Wirken, seine Briefe und seine Lehi*e. Stuttgart, 1845. 8° 6060.4 — Svmbolik und Mj-thologie oder die Naturreii- 'gion des Altertimms. Stuttgart, 1824, 25. 3v, 8" 6071,12 — Ueber den Ursprung des Episcopats in der christhchen Kirche- Tiibingen, 1&38. 8^ . . 6064-7 — Theologische Jahrbiicher. See Zeller, E. . . . 6078.3 Baur, H, Des frictions dMmile comme nif^thode hygi^nique et curative, Tubingue, 1837. pp. 37. 8° 3791.14 Bauk, W. Leben des Freiherrn vom Stein. Nach Pertz erzahlt. Gotha, 1860. sm.8 2848.15 Bautain, L. E. M. Le Chretien de nos jours : Let- tres spirituelles. Paris, 1861, 62. 2v. 12^ . . 5458.18 — La morale de I'^vangile compar^e aux divers systfemes de morale. Paris, 1855. 8" . . . . 6068.5 — Quelques reflexions sur un 6crit de B. intitule : De I'enseignement de la pbilosophie en France aulQe^iecle. 5'ee Nicolas, J. F 6099a. 8 Bava di San Paolo, G. E. Vicende e progressi delle scienze, arti, e costumi dal secolo xi fino al secolo xviil- Torino, 1816. 5v- 8° . . . 2192.5 Bavaria. Monumenta Boica. See Munich. Ko- nigl.bayerische AkademiederWlspenchaften. 2855.2 BAVAEIA 42 BECCARI Shelf. No. Bav.\ki-\, ronttnued. — Quitzmann, A. Die heidnische Eeligion der Baiwaren .3487.4 — Vehse, C. E. Geschichte der Hofe der Hauscr Baiern 4819.5 — Zeuss, J. C. Die Herknnft der Baiern von den Markoraannen 4129.46 See also : Alipsburg. Munich, Swftbia. Batia, L. de. C'ontimiacion de la historia pontili- cal T catolica. See IIlescas.G. de 6051.1 Bax, C. De natiirw simplicitate in EuripidisOreste. Disp. inaug. Trajecti, 1816. 8° 2972.25 Baxter, R. Abridprnent of tlie Christian direc- tory, Cliap. 1, by N. Bouton. Portsmouth, N. H.,'lSiO. pp.47. 18° 5447.44 — Call to the unconverted. Middletown, Conn., 1819. 18° 5447.65 — Divine appointment of the Lord's day proved. Loudon, 1071. 8° 5454.14 — Life and times of. SeeOrme,W 5553.1 Baxter, W. E. Social condition of the southern states of America. London, 1862. pp.28. 12°. 4322.60 Bay, C. F. Dansk og Engelsk Haand-Lexicon. Tredie Udpave. Kiubenliavn, 1824. 10° . . *4119.9 — Dansk og Engelsk Haand-Ordbog. Eftcr T. Arnold. FierdeOplag. Kiobenhavn, 1820. 16°.*4119.10 Bat state collection of churcli music. Johnson, A.N. 8017.26 B.VYER, F. P. .^chrift und Sprache der Phonizier, .See Gesenius, W 5034.21 Bayer, J. V. Uranometria. Ulmse, lf)61. 51 sheets, obl.f° »B.180f.4 Bayecx, (ontes populaires, prcjuges, patois, pro- verbes de. Plu(|Uot, F 2955.9 Bayle, p. Dictionaire historique et critique. 4e cd. Avec la vie de I'auteur par M. Des Mai- zeaux. Amsterdam, 1730. 4v. f ° *6240.2 — SuppK-mcnt au dictionnaire historique et cri- tique de. ^Ve Cliaiifeiiii', ,1. G. de 6240.1 Baylev, W. H. Hand-book of the slide rule. Lon- don, 1861. 12° 5684.2 Baylies, F. Eulogy on Lafayette, delivered in the Masonic tenipie, Oct. 9, 1834. Boston, 1834. 8°. 4394.1 — Eulogv on tlie Hon. Benjamin Kussell. Boston, 184.5. 8° 4394.1 BazancoI'rt, C. de. Ln campagne d'ltalie de 1869. Paris, IS59, IK). 2v. 8° 2716.3 — Le Mexique contcmporain. Paris, 1862. 12' . 4314.27 — Lcs expeditions dc Cliine et de Cochinchine, [1857-01). I'aris, 1801,62. 2v. 8° 3017.18 Bazin, G. a. Natural history of bees. Translated from the French. London, 1744. 8° . . . . 5898.10 Beacon hill. A local poem, liistoric and descrip- tive. Hook 1. Boston, 1797. pp.54. 4°.. 4391.3 Beale, E. F. Expedition to California. .S'ce Heap, G. H 2368.5 Beale, L. S. The microscope, in its application to practical medicine. 2ded. London, LKW. 8°. 3780.9 — On urine, urinary deposits, and cah'uli : micro- scopical and chemical examiuulion. London, 1861. 12° 3740.58 Beamish, K. llcmolr of tlie life of Sir Marc Isom- bard Bniuel. London, 1862. 8° 2543.8 Beard, C. Port Itoyal. A coutrihulion to the liis- tory of religion and literature in France. London, 1861. 2v. p.S° 3528.14 Beatiti'DKS, The. [Conversations between a mother and child.] Boston, 1828. 18° . . . 6447.52 Beattii:, .1. Elements of moral science. Philadel- phia, 1792-94. 2v. 12' 3587.11 — Poetical works: and Tlie grave, by K. Blair. London, im7. pp. 61. 8" 4176.0 Beattik.W. Life of Thomas Campbell. SccCanip- bell, T 2516.9 BEATir.s. De ndoptlone Christ! Fllll Del. [Maxi- ma blWIoih. vet. piitr., v. 13] B.llO.li • Beau, F,, I>cj«lo^«e/, ll.,('nf-arie,aiid Dehette, S. P. Alius dii ijiiueiir et du inc'-tallurgiste. lre-6e annee. 146 ptanclies iive.c des expli(;atlons. ParU, 1837-42. pp. ,10. Atlaa f° ♦38.C.1 Shelf. No. Beauci.erk, T. Bibliotheca Beauclerkiana. Lon- don, 1781. 2v. in 1. 8° »»2137.16 Beaufoy, M., F. p. S. Papers on approaching the Kortli Pole and on a northwest passage. See BaiTington, D 2367.8 Beauharxais, E. de, prince. ^lemoires et corre- spondance politique et militaire. Pulilies par A. Du Casse. Paris, 1858-60. lOv. 8° . . . 2652.11 Beaulieu, Limousin, Cartulaire de I'abbaye de. See Deloche, M ' . . . *2040.2 BEAUM.VRCiiAis.P.A.Caronde. Eugenie; Lesdeux amis, ou Le ncgociant de Lyon ; Le barbier de Seville; Le mariage de Figaro; La mi-re coupable, ou L'autre Tartufe. [Theatre fran- (;ais, v. 20] 4708.1 — Beaumarchais et son temps. See Lomenie, L. de 4703.11 Beaumont, A. Travels from France to Italy, through the Lepontine Alps. London, 1806. f° '28.30.4 Beaumont, F., and Fletcher, J. Comedies and tragedies, never printed before. London, 1647. f° *2560.3 Contents. — Mad lover; Spanish curate; Little French law^'cr; Custome of the countrey; Noble gentleman: The captaine ; Beggar's bush; The coxconibe; False one; The chances; Loyal subject; Lawes of Candy; Lover's profrressc; Island princcsse; Humorous lieu- tenant; Nice valour, or the passionate mad-man ; Maid in the mill; Prophetesse; Bonduca ; Sea voyage; Dou- ble marriapo; The pilgrim; Knight of Malta; Woman's prize, or the tamer tamed: Love's cure, or the martial maid ; Honest man's fortune ; tjiieeuc of Corinth ; Women pleas'd; A wife for a moneth; Wit at severall weapons; Tragedy of Valentinian; Fairc maidc of the innc; I.ove's pilpi-imnge; Maske of the gentlemen of Grayes-Innc, and the Inner Temple, at the marriage of the prince and princesse Palatine of Rhene ; Four playea, or morall representations, in one. — .See Bell. British theatre, v. 8, 11, 18, 33 . . . 4179a. 1 Contents. —Vo\. VIII. Rule a wife and have a wife, a comedy. XI. The chances, a comedy, altered by the duke of Buckingham. XVIII. I'hilaster, a tragedy. XXXllI. Bonduca, a tragedy, altered by C. Colman. — Rule a wife .ind have a wife, a comedy. [Jones. British theatre, v. 3] 4575.20 Beaumont, J. On seeking the things above. Ser- mon. .See Sermons on important subjects . 5442.14 BEAUiuoN'r, L. Galerie militaire frau^aise. See Biibie de Bercenay, F 4040.18 Beawjiont de La Bonniere, (J. A. de, and Tocque- ville, A. C. IL Clerel de. Amerika's Besser- ungs-System, und dessen Auwendung auf Europa. Aus dem Fran/.iisischen nebst Zusatzen, von Dr. N. H. Julius. Berlin, 1833. 8° 3675.33 Beaune, F. de. De lequalionum natura, constitu- tione, et limitibus opuscula duo. [Descartes. Opera, V. 8J 3926.5 Beau.iobre, L de. Supph'ment ii I'hisloire de la guerre des Hussites, par Mr. Lenfant [avco additions], Lausanne, 1746. 4° C052.2 Beauties of brother Bull-us, by his loving sister Bulla. New York, 1812. p|l. 93. 18° . . . 2407.41 Beauty. Fischer, C. Die Idee des Schoncn . . . 6(i9Uo.6 — Gioherti, V. Essay on the beautiful 3002.14 Krug, W. T. Kaliiope und ihrc Schweslern . 4077.38 — LevCque, J. C. I. ji science du bottu 6003.4 — Walker, A. General hypotheses respecting . 4281.3 Beawes, W. Lex mercatoria redlviva : or, the mer- chant's directory. 2d ed. London, 1761. f°. 3670.U — - Same. Olh eil. iMiMin. 1796. Iv. in 2. 1.8°. 3072.10 Berel, II. Mpiloiiiii limiliiMi Siievorum. [Goldast. Uerum Siievieiiriim scriptores] 4260.12 Ui;i'A, nr \'au der Beke, .1. Chronycke, ten regttrdc van lllsBchoppen van lUrecht, enz. [Mat- thtei. Alillleelu, v.6] 413«tt.l Began, or llei nnua, m- Van Gorp, J. Origlnes Ant- werpian.T. Autverpiie, l.'tOO. f° ♦4240.7 Bki'cari, a. 11 sacrlllcio, favolu pasliMale. Fer- rara, 1687. 8m.l2° *4800a.35 BECELLI 43 BEES Slivlf. No. Bkcelli, G. C. Esame della retoiica antica e uso dellft modernu. Verona, 1735-511. -iv. sniA". B590.35 Bechstein. L. Dcutsclies Miirchenbuch. 5e Aufl. Leipzig, 184r. 10° 4234.25 — Deutschcs Sngcnbucli. Leipzig, 185-1. l.S" . . *422-l.l — Roniftiitische Miirclieii and Sagen. Altenburg, n. d. a" 4222.3 Beck, C. D. AUgemeine Welt- and Volker-Geselii- chte. 2t' Ausg. Leipzig, irS8-lSi:!. 4v. 8°. 414C.4 — Grundriss der Arcliiiologit', oder Aideitung zur Kenutniss der (iest:liic-h(e der alten Kunst. Leipzig, IHHi. h' **4077.25 — Varietas lectionis libellonim Aristotelicorum. [Diss, acad.] Lipsia-, 170^. pp. 24. 4'. . 4162.18 Beck, J. C. Supplement. See Neu vermehrtes his- torisc!i-und geographisches allgenieines Lex- icon 4ino,2 Beck, T. U., Enlogv on tlie life and character of. 5fe Hamilton, F. H 4347.1 Becker, Carl Ferdinand. Schulgrammatik der deutschen Si)rache. Herau-sgegebeu v. T. Becker. Te Aiisg. Frankfurt, 1852. S" . . *4I23.7 Becker, Tai'l Friedrich. Erziihlungen aus der alten Welt fiir die Jugend. Herausgegeben von F. A. Eckstein. 9e Aufl. Halle, 1857-t}]. 3v. 10° 29oi>.12 Contfiita. — Vol, I. Ulysses von Ittiaka. II. Achilles. III. Die Zersl&run^ Troja's; Der Arponautcnzug; Pro- metheus; Ariadne; Medi-a's Itache; Kastor und PoUux; Orpheus; Atalaato; lo; Hercules; Orestes; Iphigeuia; Oedipus: Sicbcu vor Thebcn ; Autigonu; Theseus. Becker, J. R. GeschichtederfreyenStadtLUbeck. [Nebst Beylagen.] LUbeek, 1782-1805. 3v. in 2. sm.4* 4213.14 Becker, TV. A. Gatlus oder romische Scenen aus der Zeit Augusts. 2e Ausgabe von AV. Kein, Leipzig, IMU. 3v. S" 4207.3 — Handbuch der romischen AlterthUiner, fortge- setzt vonJ. Marquardt. Leipzig, 1843-56.. 4v. 8° 4202.6 — RSmische Topographie in Leipzig. .See Ur- liclis, L 27.'}G.15 Becket, T. h. See Thomas h Becket, St. Beckett, S. Ti. Guide book of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence, and St. Lawrence and Atlantic railroads. Portland, 1853. 12° 2379. 18 — Portland directory. See Portland 43t9a.31 Beckford. p. Thoughts on huntiug. New ed. Added, a chapter on coursing. London, 1847. 12° 4001.19 Beckingtox, T. Letters. 5ee Margaret of Anjou. 2426.30 BtCKLE\, H. History of Vermont; with descrip- tions, physical and topograpbiciil. Brattle- boro, 1846. 8" 2.337.8 Beckwith, C, and Browning, O. H. Arguments in the case of Isaac H. Burch i-s, Mary W. Burch. Chicago, 1861. H" 3684.22 Beckwith, G. C. Book of peace; a collection of essays on war and peace. Boston, 1845. 12°. 6068.13 Becqukr, J . C. V. Doctrina de jure episcopali prin- cipum evangelicorum. [Diss, acad.] Halse Magdeburgicje, 1712. pp. 64. 4" *6064.10 Becquekki,, L. A. Traitc elementaire d'hygiene. Paris, 1851. 8° 3769.46 Bed case : its history and treatment. Chan- ning, W 3800.62 Beda Venerabilis. Acta Sancti Cuthberti, carmine heroico conscripta. [Canisius. Thesaurus, V. 2, p. !] 4140.3 — Martyrologium heroico carmine, [Achery. Spicilegiuni, v, 10] 4152.7 Bediwes, T. Authentic history of Isaac Jenkins, etc. Cambridge, 1822. pp.40. 12** 5J50a.l7 Bedell, G. T. Bible studies, ^elected from various sources. I'hiladelphia, lis29. 2v. 24" . , . 5419a. 23 Bedford, sixth duke of. See Uusseli, F. Bedford, N". IT., Address on the lOOth anniversary of the incorporation of. Barnes, I. O. . . . 4355.4 Bub. The. A collection of ftssays. Goldsmith, O. 4o6u.24 Shelf. No. Bee-iiive, The. New York, n.d. [American tract society.] pp. 16. 32° 5899a.40 Beeciikr, Catherine E. T^etters on health and happiness. New York, 1855. 12° 3769.12 BEECHi'Ut, Charles. The Anlichrist of New Eng- land. A sermon, September 9, 18CiO. Boston, 1860. 12° 6450a. 6 — Duty of disobedience to wicked laws. A ser- mon. Newark, N.J. , J851. 8° B.160a.41 — Review of the proceedings of a council at Georgetown, Mass. See Beecher, E 5440a. 21 Beeciikr, E. Address at the 8th anniversary of the young men's auxiliary education society. Boston, 1827. 8° '. 5440a. 21 — Narrative of riots at Alton. Alton, 1838. 12°.*2373.17 — The question at issue. A sermon before the Society for collegiate and theological educa- tion ar the West. Boston, 1850. 8° . . v. 1 of 5596,1 — Hints, to aid Christians to convert men to God. See Skinner, T. H , 3440.03 — and Charles. The result tested. Review of the proceedings of a council at Georgetown, Mass., Aug., 1863. Boston, 1863. pp.38. 8° . . . . 5440a. 21 Beecher, H. W. Discourse, Nov. 25. 1847, thanks- giving day. New York, 1R4S. 8° 60.S8.79 — England and America: speech at Manchester, Oct. 9, 18(i3. Boston, 1863. 12° 4323.52 — JIan and liis institutions. An address before the Society for collegiate and theological edu- cation at the West. New York, 1856. 8°. v. 2 of 5596.1 — Speeches [on the] American rebellion, in Man- chester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool, and London. London, 1864. 8° 4.322.26 — War and emancipation. A thanksgiving ser- mon, preached in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1861. Philadelphia, 1861. 8° 4310a. 7 — and Bradv, J. T. Addresses on mental culture forwonien. Ne^v York, [1858]. 12° ... . 3574.20 Beecher, L. Government of God desirable. A sermon at Newark. 2d ed. N. Y., ls09. 8°.5440a.22 — The memory of our fathers : a sermon delivered at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1827. 2d ed. Boston, 1828. 8° B. 100a. 71 — Sermon at the installation of Rev. E. Cornelius in Salem, July 21, 1819. Andover, 1819. 8° . 5440a. 22 — Sermon at the ordination of S. E. Dwight, as pastor of Park Street church, Boston, Sept. 3, 1827. Andover, 1827. 8° 5440a. 22 — Six sermons on intemperance. 10th ed. Bos- ton, 1830. 16° 3576.31 — Sermon at the funeral of. 5ce Bacon, L.. . .5440a. 17 Beecroft, G. Companion to the iron trade, in a series of tables. Enlarged by J. O. Butler. 5th ed. Leeds, 1860. 12° 3936.23 Beedell, E. The British tariff for 1862, 63. 36th annual edition. London, 1863. 12° 5683.12 Beer, G. J. Geschichte der Augenkunde und der Augenheilkunde. Erstes Heft. Wien, 1812. pp.53. 8° 3804,18 — Lelii-evon den Augenkrankheiten. Wien, 1813- 17. 2v. 8° 3804.16 Bees. Allen, T. R. Bee cultivator 5899a. 10 — Bagster, S.,,?r. Management of 5899a. 5 — Barth, C. Bienen-Zeitung 7891,1 — Bazin, G. A. Natural history of 5898.10 — Beyer, M. Illustrirter Bienenfreund 5899a. 7 — Bonner, J. Plan for increasing the number of bee-hives 3895,12 — - Bee-master's companion 4004.21 — Butler, C. Feminin monarchi, or history of . . 3896.25 — Cottage bee keeper " . . 6898.19 — Eddy, H. Bee-culture and protective bee-hive. 5>98.23 — Hull, W. M. Management of 5898.33 — Harbison, W. C. Bees and bee-keeping . . . 5898.13 — Huish,];. Nature, economy, and management of. 5898.5 — - Naturul history and general managementof. 5898.10 -_ Kelsey, F. Cultivation and management of . 6898.29 — Keys, J. Practical bee-master 5898.6 — - Breeding and management of 5898.17 — Langstroth, L. L. Treatise on 6898.24,25 BEES 44 BELL Shelf. No. Bees, continued. — Larduer, D. Bees, their manners and habits . 5898.28 — Miner, T.B. Americau bee keeper's manual . 5898.15 — - Winter management of 5898.31 — Nutt, T. Management of 5S9S.11 — Payne, J. H. Apiarian's guide 5898.20 — Phelps, E.W. Bee-keeper's chart 5898.21 — Quiuby, M. Bee-keeping explained 5898.14 — Kichardsou, H.D. Hive and honey-bee . . . 5898.22 — Kucellai, G. Leapi.poema 4802.10 — Scudamore, E. Production of early swarms of. 5899a. 8 — Smith, J. V. C. Honey bee in cities 5899a. IS — Thacher, J. Management of 5898.18 — Thorley, J. Nature, order, and government of. 589S.8 — ToTs-nley, E. aianagemeut of honey bees . . 5S99a.l9 — Warder, J. Monarchy of 5S9S.36 — AVeeks, J. M. Easy method of managing bees.5899a.l5 — Wildman, T. Management of 5891.1 — Wood, J. G. Bees : their habits, management, and treatment • 5898.34 Beeson, J. Plea for the Indians : with facts of the late war in Oregon. New York, 185r. 8" . B.iriOb.96 Beethoven, L. van. Mass, in C, in vocal score; accompaniment by V, Xovello. Latin and English. Boston, n.d. 1.8° 8042.52 — Biographic, .S^ee Lenz, W. v 4086.21 Beffara, L.F. Dissertation sur J. B. P. Sloli^ie, sur ses ancetres, I'epoque de sa naissance, etc. Paris, 1821. pp. 28. 8" **4fi95.29 Begemaxn, F. Blumen von der Saale. Episehes und lyrisches. Jena, 1828. 16° 2878.20 Beggi.Dj*. Papal criminal history. Lond., 1802. 12°. 310^1.19 Beggs, T. Lectures on the moral elevation of the people. Loudon, 1847. pp. 80. 8° *3570.5 Begotto. Kime in lingua rustica padovanu. Ma- ganza, G. B 4799.9 Behaim, M., Histoire diplomatique de. See Murr, 0. G. V 3090.19 Behmen, .1. See Bohme, J. Behwolff, J. M. Prima initia successiouis tepta- mentaria; apudlvonumos. [Diss.acad.] Hahe, 1705. pp. 30. 4^ *430i.22 Beichlingen, Prussia, Gcnealogische Nachricht von den Grafen von. Leuckfeld, J. G. . . . 4210.9 Beil, J. A., and Franke, T. Technologisches Wortei'buch des deutschen, franzosischeu und euglischen Sprache. Wiesbaden, 1853. 2v. b' * . . . 2890.21 BeituXge zur Kirchengeschichte des 19ten .Tahr- hundertsin Deutsehland. Augsburg, 18:15. 8°. 6055.7 Beke,C.T. Sources of the Nile; with the history of Nilotic discovery. London, IbfiO. 8° . . . . 3055.18 Bekkkk, B. Le monde enchante, traduit dn Hol- landois. Amsterdam, 109-1. 4v. 16° . . . *1229ft.l7 Bel, J. J. Dictionnaire n^ologique. See Desfon- tnines,P. F. G 4699a. 17 Bpzlciier, E. Last of the Arctic voyages in searcli of Sir J. Franklin, lKV.'-r.4. With natural history, by Sir. J. Richardson, J'rof. Owen, T. Bell, J. W. Salter, and L. Eeeve. London, 1855. 2v. 8° 2263.6 Belgium. Commission des annales des truvaux liiiblics. Annates des travaux publics de Bi-1/^iMue. T. 1-13, 15-16. Bruxelles, is-I.VOO. 17v. 8' *3293.1 — Ministry of public works. Instruction pratique 8ur I'emploi de la lauipe de aurete de M. Mueseler. Bruxillcs, l.v|:{. i)p. HI. H' . . . 386.1.13 — Tarlf beige, mis en rapport avec let* tariis dea Payo-BiM, d'AUemande, de France, d'Angle- torre vt des fclats-UnU, pai- •). B. Balleroy. BruxelU'M, 1844. C C(V40.20 Dcscrlpiioiit traveiHj etc. — Bernard, U. H. Tour In 1814, through «omo parlMof 2274.16 ^ Gourry, (!. dr. Voyage ngrlcole en Helglquc . 3992.10 — Ploennjt-M, L. v. KefHe-Krlniirrungen auH. . . 2863.21 — KMlgwick, A. Pnlinozoic deposiU of 5863.13 — TMiiient, .1. K. Tour In 2ii63.20 Belgium, continued. History, — Anuuaire statistique et historique beige . . . 4S19a.l — Borgnet, C J. A. La r^-volution beige, 1555-98. B. 190.4 — Collection de memoires relatifs k I'histoii-e de Belgique. See Brussels 2820.22 — Gachard, L. P. Ladiplomatievenitienne, con- sideree sous le point de \'ue de I'histoire de la Belgique 2821.40 — Gilliodts, L. Jfctudes sur I'histoire de Belgique. 4214.5 — Goethals, F. Y. Dictionnaire gen(-alogique des families nobles de Belgique 2820.8 — Henne, A. Regne de Charles-Quint eu Bel- gique 2814.2 XaH', legislation^ etc. — Bivort, J. B. Ancien droit belgique 2622.10 — Faider, C. Sur les constitutions nationales des Pays-Bas autrichieus, etc 4210.4 — Gerard, P. A. F. Legislation nobiliaire de . . 4213.2 Literature. — Ploennies, M. V. Die Sagen Belgiens . . . .4219a. 13 — SchuL-e, A. Catalogue des priucipales publica- tions beiges, 1830-60 2157.2 See also: Brabant, Bruges, BnisseU.Flnndcra, Ghent, Hainault, Li&ge, Liixi'mbourg, Tougres, Tournoy. Belinave, H. Sources of health and disease in communities. Boston, 1833. 12° 3769.13 Belisario, a. M. Report of the trial of A. Hodge for the murder of his negro man slave Pros- per. Middletown, 1812. 12° 3579.28 Belisarius. «poe(. DeSedulio,acrostichis. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 6] B.110.2 Bklknap, J. Christ the only foundation. A ser- mon. 2ded. Boston, 1792. S° 3454,17 — Election Sfrmon before the general court of New-Hampshire, at Portsmouth, June 2, 1785. Portsmouth, N. H., 1785. 8° *4103.5 — Psalms and hymns. New edition, with addi- tional hymns. Boston, 1817. 18" 3449^33 — Sermon on the day of the national fust, May 9,1798. Boston, 179S. 8" 3454.17 — Two sermons on the institution and observa- tion of tlie Sabbath, April 27, 1788. Boston, 1801. s° 3454.17 [Bell, A. O.] Lines composed on the grave of Robert Surtees, esq. Newcastle-upon-TjTie, 18-H. pp. 11. 8° *2137.17 Bell, C. Institutes of surgerv. Edinburgh, IS38. 2v. 12'" ' 3744.23 Bell, G. M. Philosophy of joint-stock banking. 2ded. London, 1855, 8° .3646.32 Bell, I. L. Industrhil resources of the Tyne, Wear, and Tees. 5'ee Armstrong, W. G. . . 2463.4 Bell, .John, uf Antcrvwny, h. 1091, d. 1780. Travels from St. Petersbui gh to various parts of Asia. [Including the jourual of L. Langc.] Edinburgh, 1788. 2v. 8° 3018,6 — Journey frnt, (nitc. by N. l.fi(.\ IL Tlio S|ian- Uh frj-iir, or tlio dnublf! »U»rovpry, com. by .1. Drydon; ItondU'on, triiR. by R. (ilovrr; Tl»> minor, com, by 8. l-'oo(o; Tbo rvTuitit), or Mu< lnhy, com. b^ C. Cllibcr. in. Till' ftilr pi-ultcnt, trng. by N. Uowo; DnuRlnH, trng. liy .!, Home; mto, trnR, by J. AddlHOn( Jann Rliorp, truK. by N. lUnvi*; TIu» Hoiiian fiitlicr, Iraff. altered from W. Whlfohcad. IV. Every man In hti hu- mour, com. by Bon .TonHon, n* nUi-rt'd by 1>. Onrrlckt Tbr nuNpUdoUH hintbnnd, rum. by 11. Ilondly; Tho Ur«- clan dauitlilcr, IrnK- by A. Mnrjdiy ; Tbo cbolcrlc man, com. by H. Cumberland. V. Clconc, trajf. by II. I)od«- lnl*<1 by A. 1'hlHiiJt, from the Andromnqu* nf Itaclnv; 45 BELL Shelf. No. Bell, John, publisher , continued. The mrl of Emox, trat;. by H. Jon<>.«; Motlea, trag. by R. Glover ; Tho gnmr^tcm, com. alU-rrd by Gurrick from Shirley niul JolniBon; Th<.' bnttU- of lltinting*. trng. by K. CumbcrlniKl. VI[. I.ovo mnkca n mnn, or tlio fop'a fortune, com, by C. Hbber; Al/.ii-o, Imp. Irnnshiti-d from VoUaIro by A. Hill; Tho school for wives, com. by U. Kelly; The school for lovers, com. by W. Whitohcad. VIII. The mnid of tho mill, comlo opt'rn by I. Dicker- staff; Rule a wife ntul have a wife, cam. by Ucaiimont and Flelvhrr; The ciiretcsB liusbnnd, com. by C. Cibbcr; Thw revenge, trng. by E. Young. IX. The orpbHii, or (he uiihii)>py mHrriHge, trnp. by T. Otwny; Tho country tn&itvii, or the eustom of the mnnor, com. bj C. Johnson; 6be 8tu'on, or the two Sosias, com. as altered from Drjden by J. Hawkesworth. XXII. The Albion queens, or the death of Mary, queen of Scots, trag. by J.Banks; Tamerlane, trag. by N. Rowe; The city wives' confederacy, com. by Sir J. Vanbrugh; The drummer, or the haunted house, com. by J. Addison. XXIII. Me- rope, trag, by A. Hill ; Mahomet, trag. by the Rev, J. Milter; Cj-mon, a dramatic romance by D. Ganick; The plain dealer, com. altered from W. Wycherly by I.Bick- erstafT; The fatal curiosity, trag. by G. Lillo. XXIV. The lady's last stake, or the wife's resentment, com. by C. Clbber; Cjtus, trag. by J. Hoole; Cleonice, princess of Bithynia, trng. by J. Hoole; The orphan of China, tn>g. by A. Murphy, with a letter to Voltaire. XXV. Th« gentle shepherd, a Scots paslornl com. by A. Ram- say: The mistake, com. by J.Vanbmgh; The ambitious atrp-mother, trag. by N. Howe; Irene, trag. by S. John- aon. XXVI. Mariamne. trag. by E. Fenton ; Barbarossa, trng. by Dr. J.Brown; Tho relapse, or virtue in danger, coin, by J. Vanbrugh; Eurydicc, trag. by D. Mallet. XXVIl. The provokd wife, com.by J. Vaubrugh; The ftineral, or grief a-Ia-modc, com. by R. Steele; The Toyal convert, trag. by N. Howe; The man of the world, com. by C. Macklln. XXVIII. The double dealer, com. by W. Congreve ; Tho old bachelor, com. by W.Congrevc ; Henr>- n,or the fall of Rosamond, trag. hy T. Hull; rba-dra and Ilippolytus, trag. by E. Smith. XXIX. Pericles, prince of Tyre, trag. by W. Shakspeare ; Busi- t1«. king of Egypt, trag. by E. Voung; ^h^ rehearsal. « , , „ Shelf. No. 13ELL, John, puhhshery continued. com, as written by George, late duke of Buckingham, with « key; Albina, countess Ralmond, trap, by Mrs. Cowley. XXX. False delicacy, com. hy 11. Kelly; A word to the wise, com. by H. Kelly; ibe school for rakes, com. by E, GrilHlhs; The broihiTs, trag. hy R. Young. XXXI. KaUtaO's wedding, com. by W. Ki-n- rlek ; Sir Ilun-y Wildair, bi-ing the sequel of the trip to the Jubilee, com. by G. Farquhur: Caractacus, a dra- matic poem by W. Mason ; Lucius Junius Hrutus, father of his country, trag. by N. Lee. XXXII. The incon- stant, coni.byG.Parquhnr; Edward and Elconom, trag. altered from J. Thomson by T. Mull; Tho twin rivals, com. by G. Farquhar; Gustavus Vasn, the deliverer of his country, trag. by H. Brooke. XXXIIi. IJonduca, trag. altered fi-om Beaumont and Fletcher by G. Col- man, Iho elder; Zenobia, trag. by A. Murphy; The way of the world, com. by W, Congreve ; The school for guardians, com. by A. Murphy. XXXIV. Timanthes, trag. by J. lloolc; The chapter of accidents, com. by 8. Lee ; Elfridu, a dramatic poem by W. Mason ; Samson ' Agonistes, a dramatic poem by J.Milton; CriMisa. queen of Athens, Iriig. hy W. Whitehead. — New pantheon ; or, historical dictionary of the gods, demi-gods, and heroes of antiquity. Loudon, 1700. 2v.ini. 4° *1931.5 Bell, John, of Tennessee, h. 1797, (h 1803. Speech on his bill to secure the freedom of elections, in the house of representatives. Wasliington, l&io. &° *rpli.v.3S2 — Speech on the sub-treasury bill, in the house of representatives. Washington, 1840. S" . *rph.v.3S2 Bell, Jolm, M. D., of Philadelphia. Report to the tliird convention on sanitary measures. See National quarantine and sanitary convention. 3756.4 Bell, John G, Tracts on the dialects, genealogy, topography, etc. of England and AVales, London, 1851,52. 2v. 12° *458P.20 Contmts. — Vol.1. The Howdy and the I'pgetting: two tales of sixty years &in seync, in the Tyne Side dia- lect, by Thomas Bewick ; Great newes from Newcastle, giving an account of the Scots army befiire that fowne, from the 27th of August to Jth September, IC40; The queone's majcstie's entertayneraenie in Suflolke and Norffblke, by Thomas Churchyurde; Commission spe- cialey directed to the carle of Huntingdon, for the cayre and defens of the borders of Cn;^land for and against Scotland; The taking of Gateshead Hill and block- ing of Newcastle, alao, the defeat of the Oxford forces near Abingdon and particulars of the victory at Bur- ton ; Glossary of provincial words used in the county of Essex; Glossary of provincial words used in Glou- cestershire ; Glossary of proviflcial words used Id Dorset; Trial of Jennet Preston, July, IBl^, for prac- tising witchcraft ; The praise of St. David's day, shewing the reason why tho Welchmen honour the leeke on that day: A briefe description of the tri- umphiint show made by Aulgemon Percie at hia in- stallation and initiation into the princely fraternitie of the garter, 13lh of May. 16.35; A little di^ssertation on the antiquities of the two ancient ports of Richbo- rouph and Sandwich, by Rev. John Lewis; Glossary of provincial words used in the county of Cumberland; Topographical notes respecting Bath, Wells. Glaston- bury, Taunton, etc., by Jeremiah Milles; Glossary of provincial words used in Berkshire; The vale royal of England, or the county palatine of Chester illustrated, abridged and revised with notes, by Thomas Hughes, II. Pedigree of the family of Scott, of Stokoe; Rustic sketches, being rhymes on angling and other subjects illustrative of rural life, etc., in the dialect of the west of England, by G. P. R. Fulman ; The heraldic visitation of Westmoreland made in the year 1615, by Sir Richard St. George; The true use of arms, by William Wyrley, reprinted from the original edition, 1592; A reply to .Sir Peter Leicester's answer to Sir Thomas Mainwaring's admonition to the reader of Sir Peter Leicester's books ; Glossary of terms used in the coal trade of Northumber- land and Durham. Bell, L. V. Medical opinion in the Parish will case. New York, 1851. pp. (iU. H" 3684.30 — Discourse on the life and character of. See Ray, 1 4347.5 Bell, T. Catalogue of Leucosiadge in the British museum, .^pc London. Britisli museum . . 5870.4 — Natural hi.story of the last of the Arctic voyages in pearch of Sir J. Franklin, 1852-54, See Belcher, E 2263.fi BELL 46 BENEDICTINES 4710.1 3767.9 . fiOBOa.Sl Shelf. No. Bell, T. H. Address to the freemen of the borough of Alnwick, Nov. 13, 1815. Alnwick, 1815. ,2= *Pph.v.365 BellAFINI, F. De orisrine et teniporibiis urbis Bergomi. [Grarius. Tiies. antiq. Ital., T.9, p. 7] • Bell.^mont, earl of. See Coote, C. BELL.4NI, A. Delia indefinibile durnbUitii della nta nelle bestie, ec. Milano, 18.30. S° Bellarmiso, E. De ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas renim creatarum, liber singularis. Annot. F. X. Dieringer. Colonia', 1S50. 32°. [Bibliothecaniyst. et ascet.] _ Disputationes'^de controversiis fidei, adversi hujustemporishajreticos. Ed.juxtaVenetam 1699. Venetiis, 1721. 4v. f *0050.1 Con/CTitt.— Vol. L De verbo Dei scripto et non scripto ; De Christo oapite totios eoelesisi De sumino pontiflce opilcraililantis eccleMie. H. De ecclesia militante, tilm in conciliis conEresntn. tiim spnrsa tolo orlie lerrarum ; De membris ecclesiic milimtltis, clericis, monachii, lai- cis; De ecclesia quoi est in purealorio; De ecclesia quie triumphal in coeli.. III. De sacramentis in generc; De baptismo. et confimiatione ; De Eueharistia. et sacriCcio missie; De pcenitentia; De sacramentis cirteris. IV. De pratia primi homiuis, et statu innoceotire ; De iratiffi amisslune, et statu peccnH : De gratia! rcparatione, et statu justiflcatorum per Chiistum. _ Variorum operum ad fldei controversias spec- tantiumcollectio. Adj. Vindicia Bellat^mini- ance V. Erbermanni. Venetiis, 1721. f ° . . *0050.2 Contmtt. — Epitome vita;, sive Elofium Hoberti Bel- l.rminl, aactoribus Phllippo .ilegambe. el Nathanaelc fiotuello; Kecognitio librorum omnium It. B., ob ipso auctore edits; Tractatus de poteslatc suiumi pootificiB in rebu. temporalibus, adversus Gulielmum Borclaium ; Apolccia U B. pro rcsponsione sua ad librum Jacobi Magna! Britannia! regis, cujus tllulus est, Triplici nodo triplex cuneus ; Accessit eadem ipsa responsio iterum recusa, rolitenessof man- 3589. 1 4889.8 4191.11 BelleoaRDi:, .1. B. Morvan dc ners and behaviour in fashionable society. From the French. 3d ed. Paris, 1817. 8°. Bellengek, W. a. Neue franziisisch-englisch- dfutsche Gcspriiche. 2c Aull. verbessert von W C. Schroder. Leipzig, 1835. 16° ... . Beli.erman.v, C. F. Die alten LiederbUcher der I'ortugiesen. Berlin, l.'^40. pp. 82 Bellermann,H. Der(?ontrapunct. Berlin. 1862. 8°. 4056.22^ Bf.liers .T. Proposals for raising a coUedge of industry. London, 1090. pp. 28. sra.4° . . 3658.5 BELLiiS lettres. De la mauiere d'cnseigner et d'etu- dierlcs belles lett res. RoUin, C 4fi99a.l3 Bi-LLi-w H W. Journal of a political mission to ■ '.Vl^ghanistan, in 18.57. Loudon, 1802. 8°.. 3044.14 Belli, G. Uillcssioni sulla ligge dell' uttrazione molccolare. Milano, ls:i:t. 4° 5911.2 BELI.ICAUn, .1. C, and Cochin, C. N. Observations npon'the anlii|uitics of the town of Hercu- lancum. London, 1753. 8° 2705.11 BELLINI, L. See Ituccolla di prose italiane, v. 2, 3. 4808.10 CTon/eiK«.— Vol. 11. Cicnlaln, per aervir di proemio alia Duothcrcido. III. Dlscorsi di modiclna. BEI.I i.INI.V. Norma. Italian opera, with English trannlatlon. Boston, n. d. pp. 28. 8" . . . _ La Sonnambula. With Italian and English words. Boston, n.d. 4° _ - Same. Boston, n. d. pp. 24. 8° Belloc, or Bellocri, A. Photographic ratlonncllc. Paris, 1802. 8° Belloste, a. Den Hcelkonstlge Vrrband-huys meesler. Grnvenhage, I7W. 18° UKLLor de« MinlfTfs, K. La (lucstion omt^rlcalnc. 2eicl. l'arl«, IKOl. PP' "<■ 1-8° BelU>w». I'-^^'- The <'hri«lian liliiral. A nernion bef, A. Theses inaugnralesde tutelis.- [Diss. ncnd.] Hala.', KM), pp. 16. 4° ♦4304.22 Bender, F. GeschichtederWaldenser. IJlm, 1860. ^. 6064.14 Beneckh, G. F. Minnelieder. Ergiiuzung der Sammlung von Minnesingern. Giiltingen, imo. 8° •♦2000.27 Benecke, W. Der Brief Paull an die Kiimer, erlall- ten. See Bible .3424.12 — Exiiosition of St. Paul's epistle to the Romans. See Bible 6423.8 BENEDICTINES. MubiUon, J. Annales ordinls S. Benedlcll It. 131.1 — - Pr.Tlaliiuies hi acta Snnctoium ordinls Benc- didini I'-is'-a — Tassin, H. P. Ilislolre lltteriilie de In congrt? gallon de SaintMaur 4691.1 BENEDICTUS 47 BERCHTOLD Shoir. No. Benepictus, monk of St. Andreio. Chronicon usque ad nnnum Of)?. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v.a] 4210.2 Benedicti-s, si. Repila mnnachorum ; Episfola ad S. Kenii^'hnn : Sernio in niorte .S. I'lncidi ; Sermo habitue in det'ossu S. Mauri ct socio- nim; Epistola ad S. Mauruni ; Ordo qualiter in monasferii) conversart oportct ; Ordo pro- IKendi sub regula S. Beucdicti. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., V. II] B.110.2 BENEDicTrs Crispus, arrhhhhop of Milnn. Poe- niati^m medicum. [Mai. Class, auct., v. 5]. B.172.3 Bexefice.s. Eccle.^ia' di.sctplina circa lieneticia et beneficiaries. Tbnmassin, 1 6080.1 Benefici.vi. tendency of the unitarian doctrine. Newcastle, n.d. pp. ','4. [No title-page.] 12°. 3469.27 Beneke, O. Haniburgisclie Geschichten und Sagen. Hamburg, 1S54. 8° 4224.3 Beneken, G. W. F. Teuto, oder Urnamen der Deut- sclien. Erlangen, 1810. sm. S° **2833.7 BenIvT, S. V. Treatise on military law and the practice of courts-martial. N. Y., 1802. 8°. 3635.15 Benevolente, Incjuiry into the nature of. Bi- clieno, J. E 3570.7 Benezet, a. Calamitous state of the enslaved negroes in the British dominions. New ed. Philadelphia, :7S4. pp.16. 8° *4163.15 — Historical account of Guinea, with an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade, New ed. London, 17t: Three diHiogues be- tween llylas nnd rhfloiioiin, in opposition to scpptics and nthei»tfl; Eniny townrds « new theory of vision; Alclphron. or Iho minute )iliilot>ophvr; PaKBlve obedi- ence; Arithmeticn nbRi(UO nigebrn nut Euclide demon- BlratA ; De tnotu, slve de molus principlo et uuturn ; Tho BnnlyBt, or a dlncoume addressed to an Infldel mathema- tician ; Defence of freethinking In mntliematics; Ap- pendix concerning Mr. Walton's vindication of 81r Ibbdo Newton'n principles of fluxions ; Reasons for not replylnfr to Mr. Walton's full answpr. In n letter to P. T. P. ; Ei- aay towards preventing (hr ruin of Great Ilritain; Dla- cotirsc addressed to nin print riitin nnd men in authority; A woril to the wise, or an exhortation to the Itotnan cithollc cleriT)' of Ireland ; Letter to the Itoman cnth- ollcs In the diocose of Cloyne,l^^.'»; Maxims eoneemluff patriotism ; The (|uerist, containing seveml ciueries pro- posed to the consideration of the public; Proposal for the better supplying of ehtirclicn In our forelpm ]>lanta- tions, and for converting the savage Anicrionns to Chris- tianity ; Verses on Iho prospect of planting arts and learning In America; Bermon before the inrorporatcd aocieiy for the propagation of the goKpi'l In foreign parts, Feb. IH. 1751 ; MIris. nr a chnXn of phllosopblenl raflectlons and Intjulrlos eoncrrnlng the virtues of tar water. — Treatfgo concerning tin- principles of Inimnn kno^vledge. Part 1. Diililln. I7I0. H" . . . fi09S.10 — Lclters on the propiTlleP of tar wator. Sfr Prior, T M.Pph.v.iao Berkeley, M. J. OutUnen of Hiiiloli ftingology. Loudoui 1860, H*. Colored pliit«8 3858.3 Shelf. No. Berkeley, W. F. Narrative of the minutes of evidence respecting the claim to the Berkeley peerage. London, 1811. 8° 3684.21 Berkenhout, J. Letters to his son at the uni- versity. Cambridge. [Eng.], 1790. 8°. . . . 3597.26 Berkshire, Eng., Glossary of provincial words used in. [Bell.. Tracts, etc., v. 1] 4586.20 Berkshire, Mass. History of, etc 2358.5 See alsv: Taconic STStem, Williamstown. Berlage, a., Christkatholische Dogmatik. MUn- 6ter, 1839-58. Gv. in 4. 8° 6023.13 Berlepsch, H. The Alps; or life and nature in the mountains. Translated by Rev. L, Ste- phen. London, 1801. S° 2763.9 Berlin. Bericht iiber die Verwaltung der Stadt Berlin in lS'J9-40. Berlin, :S42. 8' 7193.8 — Fremdenfiihrer in Berlin. Runipf, J. D, F. 2834,8 — Konigliehe AkademiederWissenschaften. Ab- handkingen, 1804-G2. Berlin, lS15-r)3. GIv. 4*. *3322.2 — - 3Ionatsberichte, 1836-62. Berlin, 1836-63. 24v. S° *3334.2 — - Kegister fur die Monatsberichte, 183G-5S. Berlin, 1800. 8' *3384.4 — Konigliehe liibliothek. Verzeichnissderchine- sischeu und mandschu-tungusischen Biicher und Handschrif(en. Schott, W 2164.16 — Tonkiinstler-Lexicon Berlin's. Ledebur, C. v. 4085.5 Berlinghieri, A. V. Anatomia uuiversa. See Mascagni, P 3720.2 Berlioz, L. H. Instruments demnsique. [France. Commission sur Tiudustrie des nations, v. 3, p. 2] 4029.20 Bermejo, D. Descripcion artistica del real mon- asterio de S. Lorenzo del Escorial. Madrid, 1820. sm.S" 3105.11 Bermudas, History of the. Martin. R. M 2368.23 Bernaldus. See ijernold, or Bernald. Bernard, C. Le^jons sur la physiologie et la patho- logic dusystc'inenerveux. Paris, 1858. 2v. 8°. 3802.23 — and Huette de Montargis, C. Precis icono- graphitjue de mt-decine operatoire et d'ana- tomie cliirurgicale. Avec planches. Paris, 1855. 12° 3745.32 Bernard, F. Select letters on the trade and gov- ernment of America. London, 1774. 6*. . 4320.7 Bernard, J., Notices sur la vie et les ouvrages de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. (Euvres, v. ;iT 3720.11 Bernard, M. Alleged violations of neutrality by England in the present war. London, 1863. pp. -15. b" 5618.23 — Two lectures on the present American war. Oxford, 1861. 8" 4310a. 9 Bernard, R. B. Tour through France, Switzer- land, Savoy, Germany und Belgium, in 1814. Pliiludelphia, 1815. h" 2274.16 Bernard, or Uernhard, of Luxembourg. Cata- logus luereticornm. At^ectns est tractatus de purgntorio. :(a ed. n. p., 1.'5','7. 8° . . . *B.127.2 Bernardi, J. E. D. Origine et progri-s de la Ugis- lation fran^aise. I'aris, 1810. 8" 4188.0 Bernardo Trevisjnio. De niiueralibus et elixiris coinpiisitione. See Artis aurifera? vul. tre.s. 5979.21 BERNARDira, nbhot of Fonlcmdd. Tractatus contra Waldensea et Arrianos. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 24] B.110.2 Bbrnakdi's, Carthusian. Epislolip tres ad virtu- temet vitnm rellgiosamcommonentea. [Max- ima biblioth. vel. patr., v. 211 B.110.2 BERNARPrfl, St. opus preclaru suoft coplectt^a ser- mnnep de tempore, de Sanctis, etc. Domini qiio(|ut' (iillrberll de Holl.'iihi super Cantlca sermones. [Per B. Rembolt, redact.] Pa- rl.sils, 1613. f ♦B. 140.6 — Select contemplations. ^«?(» Augusttmis, A. . 0050.13 — Truitc* de \x\ considi-ratlon. [liuclion. Chofx d'oiivnigi'H mystiques I 6080.8 — Der Iieilige Henihurd und sein Zeitaller. Stc Neander, J. A. W 8586.10 Bbrnay, a, <1o. See Alexandre de Beruay. BERXAYS 49 BKUWK'K Sbolf. No. Bkrxays, J. Florilegium r«na.sceutis I^atiiiitatis. Bonuae, 1S49, pp.33. 4' B.190.37 Co}Ufnt9. — Dttntts cpietola ad Florentluos ; F. Pf trnr- chiu ml Nlcolnum I.Ruventluro (Cola HI Rlonxi) c1t>cA|wa- Bi'udn libvrtato; F. rutrnrchiw Ciirolo IV, imp. i\v t'liUi- tnlvprivlli>{;UAiislrinninbimpi>rlooxlmcnti!i; llcnnolnus llorbiinis Joniini Picu Mimndulnt ; Juimurs I'icus Miriin- dtilit H. Barbaro ; Aupclus Politlaniis Jncolio Anliqtinrlo. Bernd, C. S. T. Vcrwandtschiift der permtinischen und slavischen Spraclu'n mit oinaiuliT, und zusW'ich niit der grieciiischen und roniisclnMi. Bh.v.373 Btsrtholdt, L. Einleitung in kanonische und apo- krj'phiscbe Schriften des Alten und Neucn Testaments. Erlangen, 1812-19. 6v. in 7. 8'. 6016.16 Bertini, H. Method for the piano-forte. Boston, n.d. 4* .• » 8051.12 — 25 studies for the piano-forte. Boston, n.d. pp. 38. 4° ■ 8051.13 Bertius, p. Breviarium orbis terrarum. See CIu- ver, P 4149.17 — Brevis America; descriptio excei-pta e tabulis geographicis. 5ee Herrera, A. de 4170.1 Bertola de' Giorgi, A. Alcune operette in prosa. Venezia, 1839. 16' 4775.25 — Poesie. Pisa, 1798. 3v. 18°. [Parnaso dcgP italiani viventi, T. 8-10] . 4799a. 2 Contents. — Vol.1. Fa vole ; Epigramm!. IL Poeslo varic. in. Le iiuattro parti del giomo; Poesie diverse. — Rime e prose. Geneva, 1797. 18". [Parnaso degl' italiani viventi, V. 33] 4709a. 2 Bertoloni, a. Florula Guatimalensis. Bononirc, 1840. pp.40. 12 colored plates. 4" . . . . *4161.1 Bertram, Z>r. Jenseits der Scheeren, oder: der Geist Finnlands. Erne Sammlung linnischer Volksmarchen und Sprichworter. Leipzig, 1854. pp.75. 16** . . . . **28r5.21, andB.I60b.102 Bertrand, a. Lettres sur la physique. 2e ed. Paris, 1827. 2v. 8' 3967.7 Bertrand, P., cardinal. Libellus adversus magis- trum Petrum de Cugneriis super facto prrela- torum ecclesiae Gallicana?; De origiue et usu jurisdiclionum,sive de spirituali et temporali potestate. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 20] . B.110.2 BfeRCLLE, P. de. Le cardinal de Berulle, sa vie, ses Merits, son temps. See Xourrisson 4619.3 Ber^vick, E. Lives of Marcus Valerius Messala Corvinus, and Titus Pomponius Atticus. Edinburgh, 1813. p. 8° 2758.12 BESCHEEELLE '50 BIBACULUS shelf. No. Bescherelle, L. N. DictioDDaire national de la langiiefran^aise. 2ei-(l. Paris, 1S53. 2v. 1.4°. *4ni.2 — and Devars, (J. Grand dictionnaire de gcogra- pliie univeriselle, ancienne et moderue. Paris, 185C-57. 4v. r *<181.1 CMent,.-yo>. I. A, IS. 11. C-F. III. G_M. TV. N— Z. Bessarios, J., cardinal. E^icroU ArVi-it'" "■' Ki\.\ii77(.>. [Boissonade. AnecdotaGr.,v. 6].B.ll)l.cl . Epistola de educandis fllils loannis Falaeologi. Scf He.sychius Jlilesius 4205.4 — Tractatus de sacramento eucharistlK, et quibus verbis Christi corpus conficiatur. [Ma.Kima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 2ri] ■ B.110.2 BESSt, A. V. Das Tiirkisclie Reich. 4e Aufl. Leip- zig, 1854. pp. SO. 8° 12-15.3 Bessel, C. H. De origine successionis testamen- tariffi. Disp. inaug. HalK, ir05. pp.48. 4°.*4.304.22 Bessel, G. v. Chronicon Gotwicense, sen annales monastcrii Gotwicensis, inferioris Austria. Tonius 1. Prodromus. Tegernsee, 1732. 1°. *6070.1 Bessell, V,'. Ucber das Leben des Ulfilas und die Bekebning der Gothen zum Christentlmm. Gottingen, 1800. 8° 2815.12 Best, W. System of logics in question and answer. New York, 17%. 8° 70G9.44 Betaxcoukt, J. v., and Tolon, M. T. Aguinaldo Matanzero. JIatauzas, 1847. 8° 4267.12 Bethune, G. W. Claims of our country on its literary men. Oralion before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard university, July 19, 1840. Cambridge, 1840. 8° 4394.2 — Eloquence of the pulpit, witll illustrations from St. Paul. Oiation before the Porter rhetori- cal socictv, Andover, 1842. Andover, 1842. h°. 4.394.2 _ Lavs of love and faith, witll other poems. Philadelphia, f 1847]. 8° . • ?405.34 - Lectures on the Heidelberg catechism. Vol. 1. New York, 18(H. p.b" 6453.20 — Discourse on the death of Andrew Jackson. See Dusenbery, B. 5[ 2.347.25 Betterton, T. History of the English stage. With notes by C. L. Coles. [Followed by Memoirs of Miss A. Oldfield, by W. Oldys.] Boston, 1814. 8° 2553.21 Xtite. — RespectinB this book, Bohn snys, in hia edi- tion of Lowndes, b. V. Betterton, [b.v Wm. Oldyfi]. — Barnaby Brittle, or a wife at her wit's end, altered from the Wanton wife. [Collection of farces, v. 5] 2576.35 Bettinelli, G. M. or G.S. Poesic. Firenze, 1809. 1S°. [Paruasodegl' italiaui viventi, V. 19] . 4799a. 2 BetTJNI, A. Guida critico-descriltiva della cspo- sizione ituliana del 1801. Etl. 2a. Firenze, 18111. 10° • WOO-'J Bettio, p. l.ettcre sceltc di celcbri autori all' ab. Antonio Conti. Venezia, 1812. 8° 2748.25 * Bettosi C, Memorie intorno alia vita di. See Soavc, V 4199.25 Beugnot, a. a., coinlc. ni.stoire de la destruction dupaganisme en Occident. Paris, 18.35. 2v. 8°. n07B.l BeveRGKUNE, a. van. ('Iironicon Monasteriensc ab initio episcopatus usque ad aim. 1457. [.Matthwi. Analecta, V. 8] 4139a. 1 Bewick, T. General history of quadrupeds. 6th ed. Newcaslle upon Tyne, 1807. I.N° . . . 3903.0 — The Howdy and the L'pgettiug. Two tales of xixly years sin seyne. In the Tyne side dialect. Loud., 1K')0. pp.18. 12". [Hell. Tracts, V. 1]. 4580.20 — [Twenty-four prints, purporting to be engraved by Hewlck and his pu|iils.) 12° 4000.30 Beyer, A. Informal Ion dis Hi'wissens, bey des ungewlsscn Itelcbthums und .Scliiit/en, Ile- werb und Geliruurh. Leipzig, n.d. sin.8°. •OOSOn. 16 Beyer, Curl, (iott kunn wider in drel Pirsonen gelheilt, noch ais ilrelelnlger verehrl werden. Kcde, am 2ad Sept. In Leipzig. Goiha, 1801. pp. 24. 8* 3401.22 Shelf. No. Beyer, Christian. Proratuarium juris no^•um. See JIUller, J. E. J 4290.17 Beyer, F. Preliminary school for the piano-forte. Boston, n.d. pp. 70. 4° 8051.17 Beyer, M. Illustrirter neuester Bienenfreund. Leipzig, 1851. 10° 5899a. 7 Beyerlinck, L. Magnum theatrumvitaj humanre. Colonic Agrippin.-e, 1C3I. 7v. f° *4140.2 CoiKenM. — Vol. I. A. B. 11. C, D. III. E— G. IV. 11— L. V. M— O. VI. P— It. VU. S— Z. — - Same. Venetiis, 1707. Sv. f° »A.140.1 ConlraM. — Vol. I. A, B. IL C. D. III. E— G, IV. n— L, v. M— O. VI. P— U. VII. S— Z. VUI. Indes. A'ote. — "Conrad Lyeosthtnes a%-ait laisse lc9 materi- aux de eel ou\Tage ; Theodore Swinger les riinEeo. y joi^it ce que ses lectures lui fournirent, et en donna troia editions. Jacques Swinger flls y fit dcs additions et des changemcnts. Beyerlinck y fit enfin des addi- tions et des corrections considerables; mais son tra- vail ne fut imprime qu'apres sa mort. C'est un fatraa de theologie, d'histoire, de politique et de pbilosophie, oil Ton ne rencontre que des chosestriviales." — Siographie universeUe, Bey'TrXge zur Geschichte des Kelchs in Bohmen, vonT. D. Prag, 1817. pp.27. 8° . . . . B. 160a. 83 Beza, T. de. Poemata varia sib ipso auctore in unum corpus collects. [Geneva-, per H. Ste- phiiuum], 1597. 4° *4231.6 — De Gerninna pronuntiatione Gr.TCa? linguae liber. [Havercamp. fiylloge scriptorum de lingu.'e Graecw pronuntiatione, v. 1] 2985.20 — Leben und ausgewiihIteSchriften. See Heppe, H 0045.10 — Leben des. Sec Schlosser, F. C OOJO.II Bezold, a. v. Untersuchungen Uber die elect- rische Erregung der Nerven uud Muskcln. Leipzig, 1801. 8° .... ^ :i802.36 Bhagvat-Geeta. BhilgvSt-Geeta, or dialogues of Krei^shmt and Arjoon ; in eighteen lectures ; with notes. Translated from the SilnskreGt, by C. Wilkins. London, 1785. 4° *»3011.28 — Le Bhaguat-Geeta, ou dialogues de Kreeshna et d'Arjoon. Traduit du hamscrit, en Au- glois, par C. Wilkins, ct en F'ran^ois, par M. Parraud. Londres, 1787. 8° 3025.22 Elucidation and analysis of. Searle, J 4177.8 Bhowanipore. 'lite Brahmo .Suiuaj. Its posi- tion and prospects. A lecture, Dec. 23, 1854. Bhowanipore, 1855. 8° B.lC0a.2O — - Lecture on the theism of the B. S. and forms of Indian inlidelity, delivered Jan. 13, 1855. Bhowanipore, 1855. 8° B.ie0a.2a - The positive theology of li. S. A lecture, .Ian. 10, IS'iO. Bhowanipore, n.d. 8° . . , li, 160a. 20 — - Utility of public worship. A lecture. Cal- cutta, 1857. pp. y. 8° B.100a.20 BlANi^iiKTTi, G. Elogi. Nuovaed. Treviso, 1820. 8° 2743.18 CoiitetiM. — Eloffio a Onetano Fllaniferl, a Crisloforo Colombo, n I'nincoaco Benojzo ; Illscorso all' ocrnaiono clie I'Ateneo di Treviso dedic6 11 bnsto dl Antonio Cnno- va; Annonnianlone doUa niortc di Paolo Uernardi; Au- nonzlar.lono delln mono dl Vittoro Uriizon. — Deilettorledeiparlatori. Treviso. 1842. p. 8°. 2807.23 UiANciii, C. La comiwgnia della miseiicoidia dl Ji'lrenze, cenni storlcl. [Segulta d'alcune] terzine k Firenze percossa ilal morho, di E, Frnlhiui. Firenze, \Ki5. 10° 2738.20 HlANrlil, G. P. l>e mouslris ae monstrosls quibus- dain. Venellls, 1749. pp.31. f° 6800.20 BlANCUi, N. La cusa dl Savoja e I'Austria : cor- rlspondenza del conte de Maistre. Torino, Ih.'iO. pp. 30. p.8° 4718.10 — Politii-a imstrlaca risjielto ai sovrani ed ai gov- ern! itullaul, 1791-1857. .Suvnna, L'S?. 1.8°. 4713.12 BlANOK. Epigrammata. [llrunrk. Analecta poet. Gr, v.2] B.102.7 BlBACi'l.ua, M. F. Fraginentn, cum vita, ex P. Crlnito. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet] . . H.lOl.d BIBAUD 51 BIBLE Shelf. No. BiBAUD. F. 51. M. IJiofrrnphie des sagamos illus- tresde I'Anu'rique jn'iiU'iitrionale. Montreal, 1848. 8° 4306.9 Bible. Polyglotts. — [Biblia rolyglotta] imilliplici Hngiia Hebraic^, Clmliiaici'', (Jrivci*, rt I.alim'', iimu' priiuoim- pressa. l>t' mamlato ac sum]»til)ud Fraiicisci Xlmenez de Cisueros, cur. D. Cretensis, JE. A. Nebrissensis, otc. In academia Complutensi Impr, AiG.deBroeario, 1S14-17. Ov. t'° . . . *o4J0.1 Content*. — Vo\. I. Goin-si», Exodus. I.tviticus, Nu- m«ri, DcuU'ronomiuni, [iIot>., Lnt. vulpr., LXX, Lat., Clm). Onkriotil, cum inl'Tp. Lnt.]- H. Josua. Jlidiroa, Ruth, Kt'Ki'tn 1-4, Paraliiionionon 1, '2, [Heb., Lnt. vulp., LXX, cum inter[). Lut.]. III. Esdrus, Nfonilne, Tobias, Judith, Ilcsttr, Job, rsnltnrluin, Proverbia, Ec- eleslastr9,CAnliouni cim(ii-uruni, [Hub., Lat. vulp.,LXX, cum hitvrp. Lut.], .Snptcntia Salomoiiis, Eccloaiasllcua, Cuxx, Lat. vulff., pum nlti-ra inti-rp-Lat.]- IV. Esiiias, iluTcmins, ThrenI, Ezeohiel, DnnloT i-xH, Osee, Joel, Amoa, Abdin«, Jonus, Michi-ns, Nnum, Abucuc, Sopho- niati, A(;gou8, Zachiirins, Mulnchiiis, [Hob., Lat. vulg., I,\X, cum iutcrp. Lat.], Buruch, Daniul xiii, xiv, Mac- eabcorum 1,2, [l.X\, cum lut. Lat.], Maccnb, 3, [LXX, cum Lftt,]. V. Novum Tcstnmontum Grojcu fum Lat. iotcrp. Hloronymi; Interprclntioties nomhiuni proprio- rum N. T. ; Introductio qtiam brovisBima ad Gra-cas lito- ro8. VL Vocnbuturium Hcbiaicum totius Veteris Tes- tament! ; Introductiouvs artis gramatice hcbi-nico, iVof*'.— Cardinal Ximenos commenced this -work as early ns Li02. lie called to hia aid Demetrius Uucas of Crete, vEIio .\ntoino di Lcbrija, Jacopo Lopez dc Stunica, and Hernando Nunez Oe Guzman, with whom he joined Alfonso Medteo, Pablo Coronullo, Juan de Vergara, and Alfonso dr^Zamora. He collcrled seven FIebrewMss.,and some Grfck. Thoso which hud been borrowed from Romo by ihc favor of Leo X, were returned. Those which Ximenus had bought were preserved at Alcala, where It i» believed they still are. They have been de- ■cribed oa modern and worthless. Only six hundred eoptea weruie idiotlsmi; Liber Joseph, 5ive, dc areano scrmone ; Liber Jeremife, slve, de ttctlonc ; Thubal-Cain, slve, de mcnsuris sacHs liber; Phaleg, sivc, dc gentium sedibuti primie, cum tabula or- biA; Exemplar, sivc.de sacris fabrlcls liber, cum tabulls decern ; Aaron, si vv, sanctorum vest imentorum ornamen- torumque dcscrlptio; Nebemioa, sire, de antiquie Jeru- wlrm. ultu ; Chaleb, slve. de terra; promlHsa; partitlone, cum (abola terrae I tract ; Chanaan, sive, de duodecim ^nilhus, cum tabula terrte Canaan ; Daniel, sive, de •vculi* codex Iniefcer ; Index Biblicus ; Catalogiis libro- rom canoniconjni Vcleris et Novl Testamcnti; Hebraea, Chaldvfl. Grtrcn ct Latina nomina virorum, etc.; De varia in lli-braicla llbris lectlojio F. Itaphelengio auc- torc; Chaldaiea' pnniphroseos Inflnltls in locis illustra- tio m G. Caniero conclnnata; Variarum in Gnccis Bib- IIU lecllonum ltbellu»; Birlell annutatlones variarum lectlonum In Psalmoa; Variic lectioncs in Lalinis BibliU editionis Vul^t«, opera et industria aliquot tbeologo- mm Lovanlensium. VII. Lexicon Grscum, et instita- tlonea linguae Gr«c«; 8yrorum peculium. Hoc est, vo- eabnla apud Bjrom tcrlptorea paasim usurpata targu.. Shelf. No' BiBLK, Poh/f/lotts, continued. mistis vero incognita, A. Maslo auctoro; Grammatica linguru Syricu}, inventoro atq. aucliiro Andrea Masio; Oietiunarium Syro-Cbaldaicum, Guidnno I-'abriclD Bo- deriano collectoro et auctore ; TIk^suuH llebialciB lin- guiK, olim u Saneto Pagnino conacripti, epitome, cul acceaslt prammatices libclluB ex optiuiia quibusque granimaticis collectus. VII t. Novum Testnmentum Gritcfi, cum vulgnta interpretatione Latina Gripci con- toxtus Hnois in.serta, atque cum alia interpretatione e verbo reddiin B. Aria) Montanl opei-d; Bibliu Hebraica Veteria Testameuti, cum interpretatione Latina ad ver- buni interlineari. opera olim Xontis Pag.iinI, nunc vero Monrani. Kaphelengii et Boderianorum fratrum studio ad Heb. dictioncm cxpcnsa. — Ht'xaplorum Origenis qua; supersnnt, emit et illust. B. de Montfaucon. Ace. lexicon Heb. itemque Grsc. [ad Hexap.]. Parisiis, 1713, 2v. r *5450.3 Whole liibles. — Bengalee. Old and Ne\vTestamont.'^. Calcutta, 1801. 1.8°. [Calcutta auxiliary Bible society]. 5411.9 — Bohemian. Biblia sacra, To gest Biblj Swata. L^'ta Pane, 1831." 8° 6013.4 — Canuresc, or Kurnata. [Tr. by Rev. J. Hands,] 1832-37. 4v. 8°. [British and foreign Bible society] 3415.21 — Datiisk. Bibelen eller den hellige Skritt. Christiania, 1844. 8". [British and foreign Bible society] 6012.4 — Dutch. De gautsche H. Schriftuure, van nieuws u>'t D. M. Lutbers Bybel overgezet. Konst- Platen door R. de Hooge. Amsterdam, 1702, J703. r 6010.2 — - Biblia, dat is de gansche H.ScIiriilure. Am- sterdam, 1822. 8" 6013.2 — English. Holy Bible, an exact reprint of the version published in 1611. Oxford, 18.33. 4° . *5440.1O — - Holy Bible, arranged in historical and chro- nological order. New edition. London, 1834. H** 5414.25 — - Comprehen.'^ive commentary ; containing the text, and nearly all that is valuable in Henry, Scott, and Doddridge. Ed. by Rev. W. Jenks. Brattleboro', 1834-38. 5v. 1.8° *542H Coii(cn/s.— Vol. I. Genesis — Judges. II, Ruth — Psalm Ixiii. 111. Psalm Ixiv— MoIactU. IV. Matthew— John. V. Acts — Revelation. — - Holy Bible, arranged in paragraphs, by J. Nour'se. Boston. 1835. 12° 6019.20 — - [Bible] arranged in historical and chronolog- ical order, by G. Townsend. Revised by T. W. Coit. Boston, 1837, 38. 2v. I.8°.5421.9, 10, and *60n.4 — - Holy Bible, with critical, explanatory, and practical notes, by J. Benson. New York, 1839-43. 5V. 1.8" *5422.2 ContcTits. — Vol. I. Genesis to 2d Samuel. II. First Kin^s to Proverbs. III. EccieBiaates to Mahichi, IV', Matthew to the Acts of the Apostles. V. Romaos to the Revelation. — - Holy Bible, with amendments of the lan- guage, by N. Webster. New Haven, 1841. 24* 3419.3.3 — - Holy Bible, translated from the Latin vul- gate. The Old Testament at Douay, A. D. 1009 ; the New Testament at Rheinis, a. d. 15s2. Dublin, 18Hfi. 8° 5415.4 _ - Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. AVith a commentary and criti- cal notes, by A. Clarke. New York, 1847,48. 6v. 1.8" ^ . . . *5422.J Contents. —Vol. I. Genesis to Deuteronomy, II. Joshua to Esther. III. Job to Solomon's Song. IV. Isaiah to Malachi. V. Matthew to the Acts. VI. Ro- mans to the Uevclutton. — - Old and New Testaments, under an entirely new arrangement, by J. Finch. London, 1853. 16° 6019. IS BIBLE 52 BIBLE Shelf. No. Bible, English, continued. — - Commentary wholly biblical, in the very ' words of Scripture. Loudon, n,d. 3v. -i" . 3421.13 Contcixte. — Vol. I. Genesis to J»ib. Maluchi. III. Matthew to Revclatiou. H. rsalras to — - History Of the English Bible 3429.34 — - History of the English Bible. See American Bible society 5428.2 — Gemmn. Biblia, das ist, Die gantze heilige SchriiTt, verteiitscht durch Martin Luther. Mit Kupffer-StUcken von Merian, Franck- fiirt, irw. 3v. in], f *C010.C — - - Same. Mit eiuer Harmonie dcs N. T. Unter der Aufsicht C. M. Pfaffen and J. C. KJemmen. Tiibingen, 1730. 3v. f" . . . . *001O.l — - Die Bibel, nach Luther's Ucbersetzung. 12e Aufl. Philadelphia, 1831. 8° 5410.12 — - - Same. Carlsi-uhe, 1837. 2v.ini. 1.8°. C011.6 — - Die Heilige Schrift, uebersetzt von "W.M. L. De Wette. 3er Ausgabe. Heidelberg, 1S3'J. 3v. 8° *G011.I() — Die Schriften des altcn und neuen Bundcs iiber- setzt und erkliirt von C. C. J. Bunsen. B. II. 2. m. 1. IV. 1, 2. V. 2. Bibelatlas. Leipzig, 1860-63. 4t. 1.8' 5421.7 Contents. — Vol. II. Proplieten : .Iprcmia — Malcnehi. III. Die fiinf Iluchercler Psaliiu-n. IV. Mattliaus— Gn- later. V. BibclurkuntlcD; Das Gesctz und die iicltcni Proplieten. Bibelatlas ; Zchn Kartcn vou IJeiiiy Langc. — Greek. Vetus et No\'um Testamentum [Grx- cum] ex antiquissinio codice Vaticano ed. A. Jlaius. Romae, 1K57. .5v. f 'f^iion.l — - Notitia editionis codicis BibliorumSinaitici. Tischendoi-f, L. F. C 5421.4 — Irish of Connau(jht. Leabhuir an Tsean Tiom- na an Dr. T'. IShedel. Tiomua Nuadh an U. O'Dlionihmiill. Dublin, 1830. 18' 0019a. — Italian. La sacra Bibbia, trad, da G. Diodnti. Riv. daG. B. Kolandi. Loudra, 1S19. 8". . *00H.7 — - - Same. Loudra, 1802. 8'. [British and foreign Bible KcicietyJ 5418.2 — KarcM. Holy Bible, in Sgau Karen. Trans- lated by F. Mason. 3d od. Tavoy, 1853. 2v. in 1. 1.8" 5411.0 — Lappojiese. Sire-li and 'foreign liible dorlel^l 5114.10 — ffamonn^/ttrthf' XaiHf/ntnrti* inlrrndH, (» le IukI pnin, o U> Ferigntgn tiial nia lt> Ketigatga Ion ifii. Inndon, i.-(t2. K*. [Krltl<4li and foreign Biblo -M(l«>ty| 5115.3 Slielf. No. Bible, continued. — Sanscrit. The Holy Bible. Vol. 1-3. [Genesis to Canticles.] Translated by the Calcutta Baptist missionaries. Calcutta, 1848-58. 3v. 8°. [British and foreign Bible society] . . . 5414.13 — S2?ninsh. La sagrada Biblia, trad, de la vul- gala Latina al Espanol, por F. T. Amat. [Con la trad. lat. de S. Geronimo.] Madrid, 1823-25. 8v. 8" *5417.1 Contents. —Vol. I. Genesis, Exodo, Loritico, Nnineros. n. Dcntoronomio, JosuC-, Juects, Itulli, Itoyps 1-3. III. Reyes 4. rural iiiomenos, Esdras, Tobias, .luditb, Estht-r, Job. IV. Sninios, Proverbios, Eelesiastes, Cantar de cantares. SHbidurfa, Eelesiistico. V. Isaias, Jeremias, Threnos, Biinic, Ezef|uicl. \^. Daniel, Profetas me- nores. Maeabeos. VII. Santos Evangelios. Hecboa do los ap6stoKp. Vin. Epistolas de S. Pablo, de Santi- ago, de S. Pedro, dc S. .luan, de S. Judas, y cl Apoea- lipsi; Xotasgenernlcs puestas on forma de diccionnrio. — - La Biblia sa^kda, trad, por F. Sclo de S. Miguel. Nneva ed. Nueva-York, 1820. 8". [American Bible society] 0012.9 - - Same. Viejo y Nuevo Testamento, por C. de Valera. Londres, 1801. S". [British and foreign Bible society] 5418.10 and Latin. La Biblia vulgata latina, trad, en espanol per P. Scio de San Miguel. 3a ed. Madi-id, 1807-10. 15v, 8' *5417.2 Contnim. — Vol. I. Disertaciones ; Genrsis. II. fexCdo, LcvUieo y lo Nfimeros. III. EI Dcutoronomio, Josue, Juccps y Rutli. IV. Libros 1-4. de los rcycs. V. Lo» dos libi'os de lo9 rarnllponipnos. los dos de Esdrns, el do Tobias, y el deJniiith. VI. Esther, Job con su jxirtpbrn- sia, y la jirima parte do los Psalmos. VU. Pavto 2a de lof PsalmoB, la versiono de S. Goronymo y la pariiphra- sifl de todos ellos. VIII. Los Proverbios, El EelesiaiitCB, El Cantar do cantares. La Sabiduria y cl Ecleeiastico. IX. La prophecia de Isaias y la de Jeremlus. X. Los Threnos de .loremias, con la par&phraais; La prophccla de BarGrh, y las dc Ezechicl y Daniel. XI. Los doce pro- pbutas nifnores, .t Iop libros 1-2 de los MnehnbeoB. XII. San Matlieo. San Marcos, y San Lucas. XIU. S. Juan, y Hcclios dc los apt'tstnlcs. XIV. Las epistolas do Sun Publo. XV. Laa epistolas cutholicas, y cl ApocallpsiB de Sun .Tuan. - Swedish. Bihelen eller den heliga SkCifl. Stockholm, 1S50. 8°. [British and foreign Bible society] ♦0012.11 - Tojnil. Holy" Bible. Madras, 1850. 8*. [Brit- ish and fiueign Bible society] 5411.7 - Tovf/an, for the Frinidly inlands. Koe Tohi Tabu Katoa. Lon it on i, 1800-02. 2v. in 1. 8°. [British and foreign Bible society] 5415.2 - Tm-Jdsh. Greco- Tiirld.'ih. UaXma MadriKii- 1838. 2v. 1.8" *6012.1 - Welsh. Y ]libl Cyssegr-Lan. Caer Grawnt, 1S4H. 12'. [Uritishaud foreign Bible society].*0019.l3 Selections from the whole Bible. - I^nf/lish. Collecliou of the promises of Scrip- ture, by S. Clarke, D.D. New York, 1823. 24*. 3429.38 - - - Same. New ed. London, 18:H. 24" . . .3429.36 - - Common place. book to tlic Holy Bible. 3d ed. London, 1725. 4° \ . . . On'>7.13 AWc — Ascribed by nomo to John LocUo. - - CoMipeudium of the doctrine.«,precei ts, and bcaulies of the Uible, by R. Dickinson. .3d ed. (ireenlleld, 1S:5. 10" ". ; . 3420.32 - - Complete nnnlysiH of the Holy Bible, by N. West. 2dod. is'ew Y(ul(, 1853. I.S" . . . , 5421.3 - - History of the Old and New Testaments hi verse, by S. AYesIey. London, 1813. 3v. 32". 5429a. 35 - - Heading Icssouh'IVoui llie Scriptures, by AV. B. Kowle. Bo.slou, l.s:(9. 12" 0019.7 - - Sacred history, \\U\\ nnnotnllons and rellec- tiouH, by Mrs. Trimmer. 7lh ed. Jiondoii, 1H17. .'iv. 12" . . . 5129.9 - - Selections from the Scriptures, for liindlies nnd schools, by D. V. Dictionary of the' 3484.2 Winer, G. B. Biblisches liealwiirterbuch . . C0S4.1 Geography and natural hifitori/, Alexander, J. W. Geography of the . , . .' . 3429.21 — Altlian:*, H. Scripture natural history .... 3429.31 — Carpenter, W. Scripture natural history . . . fiO'27.1(j — Catecliisni of sacred geography 70'}9.45 — Coleman, L. Historical geography of th(? . . 0027.17 — Eusebiiis Fanipliilus. Onomasticon urbiiim et locoriim sacnt Scripturx 5432.8 — Coodricli, S. G. Geography of the 3429.33 — Jenks, W. Explanatory Bible atlas 34S0.9 — Scheuchzer,.]. J. Physica sacra 54.50.5 — Weiland, C.F. Bibel'-Atlas fi021.10 Introductions. — Bertholdt, L. Einleitung in die Schriften des alten und neuen Testaments fiOlG.lG — Credner, C. A. Kiuleitung in die biblischen Scliriflen • 6025.21 — De Wette, W. M. L, Einleitung in die Biicher des alten und neuen Testaments 0017.15 — Hertwig, O. R. Einleitung ins alten und neue Testament B. 190. 22 — Homo, T. H. Introduction to the critical study of the 6011.5 Sacred criticism. — Cappel,L. Critica sacra G039.2 — Gerard, G. Institutesof Biblical criticism , . 3425.14 — King, E. Morsels of criticism, illustrating some passages in the 3425.13 — Roponmiiller, E. F, C. Literatur der biblischen XvntUc und Exegese 41S3.5 Scripture narrative. — Buddeus, J. F. Historia ecclesiastica Veteris Testamenti r)052.3 — Coqueiel, A. L. C. Histoire sainte de laBible. C075.14 — De Wette, W.M.L. Biblische Geschichte. . . 6017.22 — Emerson, J. Catechism upon Scripture history 5453.31 — IIert>et, E. Le<;ons d'histoire sainte 3591.29 — Hiibner, J. Biblische Historien 3429.10 — .lones. J. Chronological view of the 5433.1 — Kimpton,E. Universal history of the .... 342S.12 — L'Homond,C. F. Abridgment of sacred history. 4929a. 35 — - Epitome historian sacra* 4929a. 36 — Mthier, J. History and doctrine of the . , . . .3419.14 — 3Iorris, J. P. Genealogies according to every family and tribe 5^0.9 — Rawlinson, G. Trntli of the Scripture records. 3426.6 — I'sher, J. Aunnles Veteris et Xovi Testamenti. 4140.1 — Whiston, W. Sacred history of the 3427.8 Miscellaneous works on the Bible, — Bagsler, S. Bible of every land: a history of translations 5411.8 — Pi-di-Il, G. T. Bible studies 5119a. 23 — I'.ungener, L. F. Rome et la Bible 3429.12 — Bush, G. Illustrations of the 5123.2 — Conant, H.C. History of the translation into the English tongue 5429.3 Hlidf. No. Bible, cnntimied. — Darling, J. Manual of theological literature . 2181,12 — Dickinson, R. l?cligious doctrines, etc. of the. 3429.32 — Douce, F. Xinety Scripture cuts by Holbein . 40f)9.25 — Dunn, H. Study of the 5428.18 — Eiclihorn. J. G. Allgemeine Bibliothek der biblischen Lilteratiir 6020a. 1 — - Repertorium fiir biblische Litteratui- . . . . 4243.10 — EwaUl, G. H. A. v. Jahrbiicher der biblischen Wissenschaft 0078.2 — Fairhairn, P. Typology of Scripture ^125.3 — Field, il. Scripture illustrated 5429a. 29 — Glass, S. Philoh>gia sacra 6021.9 — Goode, W. Divine rule of fjiith and practice . 3451.8 ' — Greg, W. R. Creed of Christendom 6036.4 — Grimke, T. S. The Bible as a class book . . Pph.v.381 — Hiller, 31. Erkliirung aller Nahmen in der Bibel 6013.5 — Hutcliiuson, E. Music of the 3184.4 — Jalin, J. Biljlische Archiiologie ....... 601821 — - .Telf, W. E. Supremacy of Scripture 3424.9 — Kalisch, L Guide for inquiries into the . . . .3120.5 — • Kitto, .T. I'ictorial Sunday hook 5H0.7 — K(U'n, F. Slythologie des alien und neuen Tes- tamentes 6071.25 — Slartianay, J. Canon des livres de la Saiute- t^criture 6027.18 — (Eh-ichs, J. Collectlo opusculorum historico- philogico-theologicorum 6006.1 — Parens, D, Comnieutarii in Biblia sacra om- nia 6040.4 — Fauhis, H. E. G. tJber die alt- und neutesta- mentliclieil Religiousurkunden 0028.6 — Pillshury, P. Bible, its history and inspiration. B.170b.39 — lianyard, L. N. The Book and its missions . 7415.1 — Roscnmiiller, E. F. C. Haudbuch der bibli- sclu'u Alterthumskund?? 6027.8 — - Schidia in Vetus Testamentum 6026.1 — Sawyer, L. A. Elements of Biblical interpre- tation 3429.16 — Senden, G. 11. van. Vertheidigung von Bibel und Uffenbarung 6025.23 — Shea, J. G. Bibles printed in the U. S. . . . 2181.11 — Sisto da Siena. Bibliotheca sancta 6040.3 ^- Starke, H. B. Notie selectie in loca dubia V. et X. Te-stamenti 6027.10 — Snpernaturalisms of the. See Concise exami- nations, etc B. 100b. 5 — Titringa,C. Observationum sacrarum librivi. 6027.12 — Walter, H. Independence of the authorized version of the 3425.12 — Words^vorth, C. Shakspeare's knowledge and use of the 2596.23 Old Testament. Armeno-TurMsh. [Old Testament in the Tui-k- ish language and in the Armenian character. Smyrna], 1841,42. 2v. 12° 3418.20 Burmese. Old Testament in Burmese. [By Rev.A. Judson.] Maulmein, 1S;J5. 3v. b° . 5414.5 C?'ep, or Knisiinaux. [Gld Testament, in the syllabic character.] London, 1861. 8°. [Brit- ish and foreign Bible society] 5419.1 English. Exposition of the Old Testament, with reflections. By J. Orton. 1st Am. from 2d London ed. Charlestown, 1805, 6. 6v. in .3. 8" 3426.12 - Synopsis of criticisms upon passages of the Old Testament, by R. A. F. Barrett. [Genesis to Esther.] London, 1847. 3v. In 5. 8' . . 5425.1 Gaelic. Leabhraichean an t-seann Tiomnaidh. Edinburgh, 1S07. 12°. [Society in Scotland for propagating Christian knowledge] . . . *0019.9 German. Genesis-Psalter. Niirnberg, 1483. f°.*G010.10 Xote. — Ko titlo-page or colophon, 2 col. 50 lines, no initinla, pnginatioti, CAtchwordH. Many colored prints. Mnny leaves lost. Some of the prints appear nearly thf name an in the Nuremberg chronicle. BIBLE 54 BIBLE Shelf. No. Bible, Germati, continued, — - Bibliapcntapla, das ist, DieBucher derhei- ligeu SchriftjUach liinf-facher deutscher Ver- dolmetscUung. Hamburg, 1711, 12. 2v. i'. *C013.5 A'ore. — The five translations are : Die R6misch-Cath- olische. durch Caspar Vlenberg ; Die Evanpelisch- Lolherische, dnrch Martin Luther ; iJie Evanpelisch- Eefomiine, durch Johann Piscator; Die Jiidische, inl A. T. des Joseph Atliia', und die neue, in N.T., durch Joh. Hcnrlch Keitzen ; Die Holliindische auf Verord- nung der Uerren General-Stanlen, _ Altes Testament, in berichtigter Uebersetz- ung. Fraukfurt, 1S19. 2v. H° 5416.1 — - Die Bibel : d.is alte Testament. Berlin, 1831. 8° 5416.11 — Goqinrattee,or Gujaraii. The Holy .Scriptures. Vol. 1, 2. [The Old Testament, translated by Eev. Mr. F>Tie.] Sural, ISCO. 2v. S°. [Bombay auxiliary Bible society] 5414.10 — Greek. Vistus Testamentum ex versione sep- . tuaginta interprelum, ed. J. J. Breitingerus. Tiguri Helvetiorum, 17:10-32. 4v. 4° . . . **5413.4 _ Yetus Testamentum Gra?cum. Juxta exem- plar orig. Vaticanura, Kom. edit. Cura Le- anth-i van Ess. Ed. ster. Lipsia', 1824. 8". 0012.12 - Codex Friderico-Augustanus sive fragmenta Teteris Testament!, edidit C. Tischendorf. Xipsiic, 1840. obl.4° »5420.4 — - Yetus Testamentum Gra?ce juxta Lxx intei'- preles. Ed. C. Tischendorf. Ed. iii. Lip- sia;, 1800. 2v. 8° 3421.27 Behreia. Biblia Hebraica [et] Lat. interpret. X. Pagnihi Lucensis, studio B. Ariie Montani expensa. Antverpia;, 1584. 4v. in I. f° . *0010.9 - Biblia Hebraica. item Masora tain ed. quam Ms., cura J. H. Jlichiclis et sociorum. Halos Magdeburgic.-c, 1720.' Iv. in 5. 8°. [Inter- leaved and annotated by T. Parker] .... *6012.8 ConfenW. — Vol. L Pentateuchus. 11. Prophetae prio- rc9. Ill, IV- Prophetae posteriorcs. V. Ua^ographa. — - Biblia Hebraica, digessit et graviores lectio- nuin varietates adjccit J. Jahn. Yienna, 18011. 4v. in 2. h° *6013.15 _ Biblia Hebraica manualia ad prwstantiorea editiones accurata. Cura J. Simonis. Ed. IV. [studio E. F. C. Rosenmiilleri.] Hals, 1828. 8° *00I3.12 _ Itibha Hebraica nd optima.^ editiones impri- mis E. van der Ilooght recensa. Curavit C. G.G. Theile. Lipsia?, 1840. 8° 0014. .1 _ Biixtoi-f, J. Concordantia; Biblioruiii He- braica; et ChaldaiciB 64.30.1 _ Fiirst, J. A'eteris Testameuti concordautiaa Hebraica; ali|Ue Clialdaica; 0010.8 - Ilutter, E. Uictiouarium barmonicum Bib- licuin, Ebra;um, Grtecum, Latiuum, Germa- uicum 5430.5 - Simonis, J. Analysis ct explicatio lectio- num Masorethicarum 6013.12 - Wigram, G. V. Hebrew concordance of the. 3484.23 — - and French. L'ancien Testament [trad.] fHir .!. !■. Ostervald. Londres, I85!l. 2v. 8°. [I'.rillsh and foreign Bible ."oclety.] 3418.28 - {lutl Germiin. Old Testament. Loud., n. d. 2v.. 8°. [Itritish and foreign Bible society] . .3418.27 — - and Hebrew 'German. [Old Testament.] Wieii, \KK 2v. 1° . . 6411.20 — J.titin. (ItibUa Latiiia. CJenesis-rsalmi. Ar- gentine, Eggcsteyn, 140S) f° •0010.3 J{olt. — This volurao correspnnds preeUcly with tho flrtt volume of tvhnt I'anxer calls Henry KRiieslelii'i Aral lllblp. Ills n'lle u|Hm it rends tlius: Clinr. golh. niiO. cod. quo ilenrlcus KftirrBleyn CoiiRlllut. t.'lviiienl. 1471 imlirusslt. Hlue eusl. alien, i-t |iii|rf[. num. cul. '2, lln. 41. Bibliu Hiicrii: Vetv» Ten(anienlvm tijiera S. Mvnvlerl euulgutum, nuvvm nero ojiera D. ErAH. Uot. ultimo feditiiin, Tiguri, C FroH- chover, 1539. 8" 0417.4 Shelf. No. Bible, Latin, continued. — - Yetus Testamentum ex translatione J. Cler- ici, cum ejusdem paraphrasi, etc. Amstelce- dami, 1708-31. 4v. t° *B.I20.4 Contents. — Vol. I. Mosis propheta; libri quiuque ; Genesis, Ei^odus, Levilicus, Numeri, et Deuterouomium. II. Libri historici: Josua, Judices, Kutha, Samuel, Ke- ges, Paralipomena, Esdras, Nehemias, et Esthera. III. Libri Ilngiographi : Jobus, Davidis Psaltni. Salonionis Proverbia, Concionatrix, Cauticum canticorum. IV. Prophetie, ab Esaia ad Malachiam usque ; Dissertatio Joh. Smith de propbetia et poesi IIebra;ortun. Selections from the Old Testament. — English. Abridgment of Scripture history, selected from the Old Testament, by Mrs. Trimmer. New York, 1804. 10° 5419a. 15 — - Authorised version of the O. T. Scriptures ; revised, condensed, corrected, and reformed. London, 1858. sm.8° 6014.14 — - Selections from the Old Testament, by Sarah Austin. London, ia33. 12' 3429.19 — Flemish. Eymbybel. See Maerlant,' J. v. . . 5424.5 — Latin. SelcctEE e Yeteri Testamento historia;. Novaed. Londini, 1797. 12° 5419a. U — - - Same. Added, Yocabulary by Hardie. New York, 1811. 12° 4929a. 12 — Ketiro-Diitch of Surinam. Selections from the 6. T. narrative. Tori vo Ouroe Testament. Stuttgart, 1842. 8° *G014.5 Geofjraphjl and hlitort/, — Bocluirt, S. Geographia sacra 0027.6 — Buxtorf, J. Exercitationes ad historian! V. T. 0027.7 — Movers, F. C. Loci quidam historic canonis V. T. illustrati 6088.83 — Simonis, J. Onomasticum Veteris Testament!. 6073.0 Introductio^is. — Bergcr, J. G.I. PraktischcEinleitnng ins Alte Testament 6018.16 — Bleek, F. Einleitung in das Alte Testament . 3423.7 — Caipzov, J.G. Introductioadlibroscauonicos. 6017.16 — Eichhorn, J. G. Einleitung in das Alte Testa- ment 0015.4 — Hengstenberg, E. W. Einleitung ins Alte Tes- tament • . 0020.2 — Jnhn, J. Einleitung in die Gottlichen Bilcher des alien Bundes 6025.17 Sacred criticism, — Bauer, G.L. Critica sacra Veteris Testament!. 6017.14 — Hezel, W. T. Biblischen Kritik des A. T. . . B.160b.8 — Hitzig, F. Kritik am A. T. praktisch erBrtert. 6019.1 Miscellaneotts worlcs on the Old Testament. — Bauer, B. Die lieligion des A. T. in der ge- schiohtlichen Entwickolung dnrgestellt . . . 0027.14 — Bauer, G. L. Theology of the O. T 0003.6 — Coqncrel, A. L. C. Esquisses poetiiiucs do I'Ancien Testament OulS.19 — Gcseuius, F. H. \V. Hebriiisches und Chal- diiisches HandwUrterbuch liber das A. T. . . 4110.7 — Gramberg, V. P. W. Kritische Geschichte der Iteligionsidcen ties A. T 00.36.3 — Hingsleubcrg, E. W. Christology t>f the O. T. 6124.9 — Henler, .1. G.v. Aelteste Urkuntle des Men- .silicngeschlfchts 6424.1 — Jlaiiier, F. .1. V. D. Comnientarlus in V. T. . 6017.12 — Molitor, F. .1. Tradition in ileni alien Bunde. 4115. 10 — Kdsenmiiller, E. F. C. .Scholia In V. T. . . . 0020.1 — Seltleii, .1. De numinibus in Veteri Instrumento memoratis -.B. 127. 10 — Yalke, .). C, W. Die liellglon des nlteu Tes- lamenles 0019.3 — Weiilmaiin and Hirzel. Kurzgefusstes exe- getlbches Haiulbuch zum A. T 6017.1 — Well, G. Biblical legenils of the Jlussulninnii. 3020.31 — - Blbllsche Legpiiden der Muselmiinner . . . 3026.30 BIBLE 55 BIBLE Shelf. No. Bible, continued. Pentateuch. — Bulgarian, [rcntjitciu'li.] Tj=nrcgrnu- eal-'in Targum : fnun tlu- Clialiice. IJy J. AV. Etheredge. Gcnci»is unci Kxodus. Luudon, lSti2. 12" 5H7.ti — German. Die gottlichen Schriften vor den Zeitpn des Messie Jesus, nach eiiier freyen Uebersctzuiig nut Anmerkungen [von J. L. Schmidt). Wertheim, iraS. Iv. in 2. sm.4*.*C018.13 — - Die fiinf Biiclicr miosis. Verstiindiget von S. 1*. Paulus. Cassel, 1830. b° 3425.11 — Ilebrcic and Greek, reiitateuchus, Hebraic^ et Grffc^, cum annolatione perpetua ed. G. A. Schumann. Vol.]. Genesis. Lipsiic, IS20. 8''.*0OI3.16 — Genesis, etc. Mirnvgice. Genesis, part of Ex- odus, i*roverbs, and Acts. Translated into HJpongAve. New York, 1659. 12°. [American Bible society] 3417.43 — Exodus mid Xumhcrs. Greek and Latin. Com- menlaire gc ograpliique snr PExode et les Nombres, par L. de Laborde. Paris, 1841. i". *C010.5 — Fischer,.!. Coninienlarius in Leviticuni,Nume- ros, et Deuteronomium 3429.22 — Hartmann, A. T. Forschuugen Ubcr die liinf BUcher Mo.^e'3 G017.18 — Havernick, H. A. C. Historico-critical intro- duction to the 3425.17 — Historic character of the P. vindicated . . . . 542S.1 — Mosaic origin of tlie Pentateuch considered . . 5428.3 — Patrick, S. Commentary upon the 5440.2 — Bankc, F. H. Untersuchnngen iiber den Pen- tateuch 6014.13 Collections of later historical bools. — Joshua to Job. Bfdgarian. lesuca Nabina do Joba. Tsaregrade, 1862. 12°. [British and foreign Bible society] 5416.15' — Joshua., Judges, and livth. Choriaw. The books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. New York, 1852. 12°. [American Bible society]. 3417.40 — Judges and Ruth. Das Buch der Richter und Rut erkliirt. Bertheau, E 6017.4 — Sarnuelandjirst Kings. Choctaw. The first and second books of Samuel, and the first book of Kings. New Y'ork, 1852. 12". [American Bible society] 3417,40 — Ezra, Kehemiah, and Esther. I^atin. Com- mentarius in tres libros sacros historicos Es- drw, Nehemi:e,et Esther^-e. Authore J.Pisca- tore. Herboruae Nassoviorum, 1616. sm-S". 3429.26 Prophets. — English. Bible, translated and arranged, with notes, by L. A. Sawyer. Vol. 2. Later prophets. Boston, 1861. 12° C014.9 — - IVelve minor prophets, translated, with a commentary, by E. Uenderson, D. D. An- dover, 18(V4. 8° 3425.2 — German. Die Propheten des alten Bundes erklart von H. Ewald. Stuttgart, 1840, 41. 2v.in 1. 8' *6017.13 — Latin. Secunda pars Nicolai de Lira tractas super [Esaiam — Machabeorum libros]. r° . *5440.8 A'ore. — Btack-letlrr. Without date or place of im- prvBslon, or printer's name, ll has two columns on each page, with OC lines in each. — Hitzig, F. Die zwulfkleinen Propheten erklart. 6053.20 — Lowth, VT. Commentary upon the 5440.4 — Tholuck, F. A. D. Die Propheten und ihre Weissagungen 3420.11 Collections cf other books. — English. Books of Job, Psalms. Proverbs, Kcclesiai^tes, and the Song of Solomon, para- phrased, by S- Patrick. London, 1759. f*. . •5440,3 Shelf. Ko. Bible, continued. — German. Die poetischen Biicher des alten Bundes erklart von H. Ewald. Vol. 2. 2d ed. Gottingen, 1830-40. 4v. in 2. 8' . . . . 6017.19 Contents. — Vol. I. Allgemeinea iiber die hebrHische PoP!>U» und UbtT dos Psalmenbucli ; Die Psalinen. II. Dbb Uucli .Tub ; Spriiclie Salome's; Kohulvt; Zusiitite zu den fi'UhGrn Thcilen und Schlusa. — Latin. [Paralyponiena — Ecclesiasticus, cum apostillis Nicolai Lyrani, s. a. 1. 1. n.] f * . . *60I0.7 Xote. — Without litlc-page or colophon, in Gothic let- ter, without pagination or signatures, has 2 cols, of 77 lines earh, nnJ cundsts of 289 Ifaves. — Daniel, Puth, and Esther. Tnhitan. Te Buka a te Peropheta Daniela ; e te Buka hoi a Kuta eaEseta. Tahaa, 1824. 12" 3417.44 Single books of the Old Testament. — Genesis. German. Die Genesis historisch- kritisch erlautert von P. von Bohlen. Kd- nigsberg, 1835. 8° 6013.9 — - Greho tongue. Genesis, translated by J. Payne. New Y'ork, 1850. lb'. [American Bible society] 6CI9.22 — - nnxtsalanguage. LetSiin MusanafSri. First book of Moses, translated by J. F. Schdn. London, 185S. 16°. [British and foreign Bible society] • 3417.29 — - Karen. Book of Genesis, translated by F. Mason. 1st ed. Tavoy, I84S. 12° 5419a. 2 — - Telugu, or Tdivga. Book of Genesis. Bel- lary, 1841. 8°. [Br. and foreign Bible soc.]. 3417.22 — - Bohlen, P. v. Introduction to ...... 6027.1 — - Buhme, J. Exposition of 6080.7 — - Turner, S. H. Companion to 0027.3 — Exodus. Chinese. Exodus, \Mth notes. [Trans- lated" into Chinese by] W. Dean. Hongkong, 1S51. 1.6° 5413.2 — - Karen. Book of Exodus, translated by F. Mason. 1st ed. Tavoy, 1849. 12° 54n)a.4 — - Questions and notes upon. Bush, G. . . . 3429.28 — Leviticus, Questions and notes upon. Bush, G. 3449.15 — Joshua. Commentar iiber das Buch Josua. Maurer, F. J. V. D 6017.12 — - Disputatio de libro Josua;. Herwerden, C. H. V 6017.24 — Puth, Lectures upon the booke of. Topsell, E. 5429.8 See also above: Collections of later historical books. — Chronicles. Chnldee and Latin. Paraphrasis Chaldaica in libros Chrouicorum auciore R. Josepho, cum versione Latina a D. Wilkins. Amstela?dami, 1715. 4° *5417.5 — - Die lUicherderChron. erklart. Bertheau, E. 6017.10 — - Untersuchungen iiber die biblischeChronik. aiovers, F. C 6026.3 — Job. Hioberkliirt. Hirzel, L. . . *6017. 1, and 0053.20 — Psalms. Ihtlgarian. [Psalms in Bulgarian, superintended by Dr.Riggs.] London, !ho7. 12°. [British and foreign liible society] . . 3417.36 — - Dutch. Het Boek der Psalmen, nevens Christelyke Gezangen, u.s.w. Amsteldam, n.d. 12* eoiOa.S — - English. Booke of Psalmes collected into English meeter by T. Sternhold, J. Hopkins, andothers, Cambiidge, [Eng.], 162S. 1::° . COIfta.2 — - - - Same. London, i74b. h" * 6014.4 — - - New version of the Psalms, by N. Brady and N. Tate. London, 1746. &" 6014.4 — - - P;-aInis applied to worship; by I. Watts. Kewed.,byT. Dwjght. N. Haven, 1832. :iii°. 3440.38 — - - Psalms in metre : allowed by tlie General assembly of the kirk of Scotland. Philadel- pliia, 18:J3. 32° 3440.34 — - - - Same. With notes by J. Brown. Philadelphia, 18.33. 18° a440a.I8 — - - Commentary on the I'salms, by E. W. Hengstenberg, translated by J. Thomson and P. Fairbairn. Vol. 1, 2, 4th ed. Vol. 3, 2mnililh Nuiidh. Kiilnhurgll, 181.3. 12°. [Brilish and fonijjn llililo society) . . 6010.9 — German. Nene Testament, nach Luthers Uebersetzung. Berlin, 1820. 12° 6410.10 — - - Saitio. Basel, 1822. 8° OD13.'3 — - - Same. London, 1825. 10°. [British and foreign Bible BOcloty] 6419a. 17 BIBLE 57 BIBLE Shelf. No. Bible, Neto Testament^ German^ continued. — - Heilipre Schrift des Npm'n Bundca, misse- legt, erliiutert iind ontwickL-lt, [von W. M. L. Dc Wcttp]. BiTlin, IS-.'.I-'.'S. -Jv.inl. 8°. . GOlO.ll — Greek. Ntiviiin Testameutuni, iMtorprut. nd- scripsit 11. Stephnnus. [I-utcliffi rarisio- rum], 1587. 2v.ini. 6m.lG° •fi010a.l2 — - - S«me. Ciijiis Graeco contextui respon- dent Intcrprotationes duae : unn vctns, nltera T. BoziC. -hied. Gi-ncv.T, l.'.SvS. Uv. in 1. f°.**5420.8 — - - Same. Accednnt variantcs lect. ae crisis perpctua, qua variautos c.xaminat G. D. T. M. D. Amstela-dami, 1711. sm.8° 3417.46 — - - Same. Cum lect. var. rr.Tmittitur diss. delibrisN.T.,(*anoni8ron.stitutinnp, etc. Stu- dio J. Millii, reoens. et locuplet. L. Kusterus. Ed. 2a. Lipsiie, 173:!. t' »*5420.0 — _ _ Same. Cum commentarioJ..I.Wetstenii. AmstelKdami, 1751, 52. 2v. f° •6011.2 — - - Same. Textum emendavit J. J. Gries- bach. Hala-, 1774,75. 3v. in 2. 8' . . . . 6013.14 — _ _ Same. Textum recensuit et leetionis varietatem adjecit .T. J. Grieslmch. Kd. 2a. Hala; Saxonum, 1706, 1806. 2v. 8° 6012.7 — - - Same. [Xo title-paKc] 18° 601'.la..3 — - - Same. Juxta exemplar . I. Millii impres- Bum. Kd. prima Americana. Wi^oruiff*, Mass., I80O. 12° 3417.30, and 6019.15 _ _ - Same. Editio nova. Edinburofi, 1804. 10°.5419a. 13 — _ _ Same. Ferpetua annotatione iUustr. Ed. Koppian.-E, Vol. 3, P. 1.— Vol. 10, P. 2. Con- tinuavit .1. H. Heinrichs et D.J. Pott. Ed. la-3a. Gottiii<;a!, 1809-28. 8v. 8° *6014.11 — - - Same. Kecognovit G.C. Knappius. Ed. III. llalis Saxonum, 1824. 2v. 16°. [Inter- leaved and annotated by T. Parlcer] . . .*6019.12 — - - Same. Kec. apparatum criticum appo- suit, etc., A. F. C. Tiscliendorf. Ed. VII. Lipsia, 1859 2v. ,S° 3421.26 - - Same. Griesbach's text, witU tlie vari- ous readings of Mill and Scliolz. 3d ed.. Loudon, 1859. p,8° 5419.19 - - Same. Codex Vaticanus. Ed. A. Maius. Londini, 1859. 8° 6012.5 _ - Same. Ex codice Alexandrine a C. G. Woide deseriptura accuratiiis. Ed. B. H. Cowpcr. Londiui, 1860. S° 3421.21 Greek and English. New Testament, with a [Greek] concordance. Edited by E. Card- well. Oxford, 1837. 2v. 12° 5417.3 — Greek and German. Das Neiie Test, griech., mit einer neuen deutsehen Ubersetzung von H. A.W.Meyer. Guttingen, 1829. 2v. 8°. 642S.17 — Greek and liomaic. 'llKaivrjiiadriKi 6i) Sutto^, TO BciQV apx^rvi:oi'^ Kai n avrov fttTiippaati cii Koiviiv Sia^EKTttu. Kv Anvipn, n'oicd' ,[lS'i9]. 8°. [BritiBli and foreign Bible society] *6014.10 - Bloomfield, S. T. Greek and English lexi- con to the 3484.26 - Griesbacli, .J. J. Symbolae criticie ad sup- plendas et corrigendas N. T. lectionum col- lectiones 6029a. 6 — - Robinson, E. Greek and English lexicon to the .3484.21 — - Schmid, E. Concordantia; omnium vocum Novi Testamenti Gra-ci 6011.3 — - - N. T. Gra?ci concordantia?, ex opera E. Schmidti, depromtum a G. Greenfield . . . 3420.40 — - Scrivener, F. H. Collection of fifty manu- scripts of portions of the Greek N. T. . . . 3421.25 — - - Criticism of the Greek N. T 3421.24 — - Wigram, G. V. Greek concordance of the. 3484.24 — - Winer, G. B. Greek Grammar of the N. T. 4121.4 _ - - Idioms of the Greek N. T 4121.2 — - Wolf, J. C. Curae philologicoB et critical in N. T. totum • 5124.4 — Hthreic. [Novum Testamentum Hrbraice, curanle J. C. Krey.] Londini, 1817. 8°. [Lon- don Society for promoting Christiauity among the Jews] 6013.13 8 Sliclf. No. Bible, New Testament^ continited. — Hindustani. New Testament, fin the Ara- bic character.] London, 1S60. 8°. [British and foreign lUble society] 3415.20 — Lappanese. Adda Testament tate ailes tinlogest, Same kiiilei puoktetum. Herno- sandcsne, 1811, 12°. [British and foreign Bible society) *G014. 17, and 6019.11 — Latin. Novum Testamentum, cum paraphra- ei et adnotiitionibus II. Uammoudi. Ex Anglieji lingua transtulit, etc., J. ClericuB. Ed. 2a. Frnncofurti, 1714. 2v. f° . . . . *B.120.5 — - Novum Testamentum, interprete T. Beza. Londini, 1781. 6m.I2° 3417.51 — Mtilintlla. New Testament, translated into Mariithi. [Bombay], 1850. 12°. {American mission press] 3416.22 — Mantchou. [Mantchou Testament. St. Pe- tersburg, l.s:jj.] 4°. [British and foreign Bible society] 5411.5 — OJibwa. Otosliki-kiklndiuin an kitogimaminan gaie bemajiinung .Tesus Krist. New York, 1844. 12°. (American P.iblc society] . . . 6014.15 — Pepuan. New Testament, tl'anslatcd into Peguan, [by J. H. Ilaswell]. Maulmain, 1847. 8° 5414.1 — Polish. Nowy pana naszego Jezusa Chryst- usa Testament, przez x Jakuba Wuyka. Lipsku, 1832. sm.l6° 6019.25 — Portuguese^ Indo-Porttigucse. O Novo Tes- tamento, traduzido em Indo Portugueza. Londres, 1826. 16°. [British and foreign Bible society] 3416.21 — Eomanese, or Romansh. II Nouf Test.imaint, tradiit in Eumansch d'Engadina Bassa. Basel, 1812. 8°. [Bible societies of London and Basle] **3416.26 — Russian. [New Testamontiu Russian.] St. Pe- tersburg, 1822. 18°. [HussianBiblesociety]. 3416.28 _ - - Same. St. Petersburg, 1823. 12°. [Rus- sian Bible society] 3416.25 — - - Same. Leipzig, 1850. 8° 0014.16 — Samoan. O le Feagaiga fou a lo tatou alii o lesu Keriso. London, 1849. 12°. [British and foreign Bible society] 3417.38 Sanscrit. New Testament, translated by the Calcutta Baptist missionaries. Calcutta, 1851. 2d ed. 8°. [British and foreign Bible society] 5414.14 Spanish. EI Nuevo Testamento, trad, de la Vulgata latina, por el Rrao. P. Phelipe Scio de S. Miguel. Paris, 1822. 8° 0019.8 — - - Same. Nueva York, 1823. 12° 6419a. 10 — Syriac. Novum Testamentum Syriacfe. Cum versione Latina. Recens. a M. Trostio. Cothenis Auhaltinorum, 1022. 4° 6011.8 _ Novum Testamentum Syricum, cum Icxico et institutionibus lingua: Syricae. Autore ^. Gutbirio. Hamburgi, 1663. 8° »6019.19 — Wallachian. NooulTectament. Smirna, 1846. 8°. [British and foreign Bible society] . . *6013.6 — W'ndish of Upper Lusntia. Nowy Tes- tament, prcdy wot Mcrtena Luthera do Njemskeje, potom wot Michala Freuzela. \V Budeschini [Bautzen], 1835. 8°. [Brit- ish and foreign Bible society] *0013.7 Commentaries. — BengeI,J. A. Gnomon of the N. T 3427.6 _ De Wette, W. M. L. Handbuch zum N. T. . 6010.17 — Kvinoel, C. G. Commentarius in libros N. T. 6015.2 — Meyer, H. A. W. Kommeutar iiber das N. T. 6016.3 — KosenmUller, J. G. Scholia in N. T 6016. 2 — Tlwodorae, of Afopsuestia. In N. T. commen- tariorum quse reperiri potuerunt 0026. 13 Introductions. - Credner, C. A. Einleitung in das N. T. . . . 6016.15 - Eichhorn, J. G. Einleitung in das N. T. . . . 0015.5 - Hug, J. L. Einleitung in N. T 6016.3 BIBLE 58 BIBLE Sheir. Vo. Bible, Xew Testament, Introductions, continued. — Slichielis, .1. D. Einleitung in die Scliriften des Neuen Bundes G029a.7 — - Introduction to the N. T fiOlS.l — Nendecker, C. G. Einleitnns: in das N. T. . . 6025.7 — Schott, H. A. Tsagoge historico-eritica in libros Novi Fcederis sacros G025.22 Jifiscelianeous icorks relating to the K, T. Bautain, L. E, M. La morale de I'evangile . Bladiwall, A. Sacred classics defended . . . Carpenter, L, Geography of the N. T. . . . CcUerier, J. E. Authenticity of the N. T. . . Guericke, H. E. F. Gcsanuntgeschichte des Neuen Testaments Kirchhofer, J. Geschichte des Neutestament- lichen Canons bis auf Hieronymus .... Meuschen, J. G. Novum Testamentum ex Talmude et antiquitatibus Hebraeorum illus- tratum Olshausen, H. Genuinenese of the N. T. . . Reuss, E. Geschichte der heiligen Schriften des Neuen Testaments Simon, R. Observations sur le texte et les versions du Nouveau Testament Simonis, J. Onomasticum Novi Testanienti . Watts, I. Rational defence of the gospel . , 60(58.5 3429.23 3484.28 3429.20 6016.4 6016.1 3429.13 6025.6 6010.20 6073.6 5453.17 Oospels. ; Asliantee,orOtji,(W.AfrJcn). Yen avvurade n6 agyeiikwa lesu Kristo. [London], 1859. 16°. [British and foreig:n Bible societyj 3417.50 Assamese. Life and gospel of Christ, from the evangelists. By N. Brown. Sibsagor, Asam, 1854. 1.8° 5424.2 German. Die drei ersten Evangelien iibersetzt u.erklartvonH.Ewald. GUttingen, 1850. 8°. 6016.13 Gothic and Latin. Ultilas gothische Bibel- iibersetzung, mit lat. Uebersetz. zwisehen den Zeilen, samt einer .Sprachlehre und einem GlOHsar, von F. K. Fulda. Herausgegeben von I. C. Zahn. AVeissenfels, 1805. sm.4° . **5413.6 Khasi, or Khassee, {north of Burmnh). Gos- pels with the Acts [in the Roman character]. Calcutta, 1856. 8°. [Calcutta Bible society]. 3417.27 Piedmontese and French. 'L sant c\'angeli secound San Luca e san Giouan. Londra, 183S. 8°. [British and foreign Bible society]. 3417.26 Vaudois and French. Scut Luc et sent Gi- ann : rendil en lengua Valdesa, par I*. Bert. Londres, 1832. 8°. [British and foreign Bible society] 3417.24 - Die .lohanneischen Schriften iibersezt und crklart von H. Ewald. Gottingcn, 1861, 62. 2v. 8° 3426.9 and Acts. Sclavonianand Russian. [Versions in parallel columns.] Saint Petersburg, 1820, 1.8°. [Russian Bible socit'ty] *6012.6 - Siamese. Gospels and Acts, translated from the Greek by Rev. J. T. .Jones. Ed. by Rev. S. .1. .Smith. 3d ed. Bangkok, 1858. 1.8° . 6414.2 - .ToannisCulvini commentarii integri in Evan- gellu et in Acta Apostolorum. Gi-uevsc, \'ig- non,15(3. 2v.ini. f° 'B. 140. 13 Gospels, narmoniis. English. Harmony of the four gospels ; wherein the dillerent manner of rcliitiiig (he facts by each is cxemplilied, etc. [liy E, Uarley.] London, 17:i.'l. 8° ,3427.0 - An apostolical harmony of the gospels, by L. Carpenter. 2d ed. LnndoM, INW 8°.. 0010.1(1 - Treasury harmony of tin; four evangelists. Compiled by R. .Mlmprlss. J.ondun, n. d. 2v. In 1. 10° 612ga.a Oreek. 1 larmony of tho four gospels In Greek. By K. Robinson. Boston, 1815. 8° . . . . 0010.13 Ilnnnonia evangellca, eui siibjecta est lilstoria CbrJHtl. Aeress. tres (IISMcrfntioneM,auelore .L Clerleo. Amstelodaml, I70(i. f° . . . . 'B.r.'O.O Shelf. No. Bible, Gospels, Harmonies, Greek, contimted. — - Synopsis evangeliorum Mattbsei, Marci et Luck. Textumemend.,etc., J. J.Griesbach. Hala;, 1776. 8° 6019.4 — - - Same. Cum parallelis Joannispericopis. Ex rec. Griesbachii. Cum Lachmanniana lec- tione. Concinnaverunt G. M. L. De 'Wette etF. LUcke. Ed. 2a. Berolini, I.s4a. 8°. . 6010.18 — - - Same. Ad Griesbachii ordinem concin- navit, prolegomena, etc., adjecit R. Anger. Lipsia;, 1852. 1.8°. . ." 6011.9 — German. Heliand. Altsachsische Evangelien- Harmonie 3414.19 — - Harmonie. [Paulus. Leben Jesu, v. 2] . . 6037.2 Gospels. Commentaries. — Grotius, H. Annotationes in libros Evangeli- orum B.130.9 — Paulus, H. E. G. Exegetisches Handbuch Uber die drei ersten Evangelien 6010.11 Gospels. Miscellaneous works. Bauer, B. Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte der Synoptiker Baur, F. C. Untersuchungen iiber die kanon- ischen Evangelien Bleek, F. Beitriige zur Evangelien-Kritik . . Die Evangelien, ihr Geist, ihre Vei-fasser und ihr Verhiiltuiss zu einander ITilgenfeld, A. Das Evangelium und die Briefe Johannis nach ihrem Lein-begrifl'dargestellt. - Die Evangelien, nach ihrer Entstehung und geschichtlicben Bedeutung Huet, P. D. Demonstratio evangelica .... Hunt, L. The evangelists, from the liistorical point of view Jobst, ,T. G. Kurzer Inbegriff des ewigen Evan- geliums Kleuker, ,T. F. Aecbtlieit und Glaubwiirdigkeit der schrifllichen Urkunden des Christen- thums Kiistlin, C. R. ITrspnmg und Komposition der synoptischen Evangelien Lightfoot, J. Uoraj Hebraica) in quatuor evan- gelistas Roberts, A. Discussions on the gospels Smith, (i. Gosijel of .Jesus, etc Tholuck, V. A. G. Die Glaubwiirdigkeit der evangelischen Geschichte Weisse, C. H. Die evnngelischc Geschichte kritisch und philosophisch bearbeitet .... 6025.9 ri025.3 6026.14 6025.4 6016.8 0016.7 6063.31 0063.2 3434.25 5428.20 6026.8 0027.9 3424.14 0025.25 6025.15 6044.5 Collections of other books. Acts, Epistles, and Hevclation. Actus ot epis- tohc ajiostolorum, »iuibus accessit Apocaiyp- sis B. .Joannis. Ed. ad exemplar A^aticanum emendata. A Ulle, 1817. 21° 6419a. 30 Epistles in general. Kngliiih. New literal translation of the apostolical epistles. M'ith a commentary by .J. Mackuigbt. New ed. Philadelphia, 1841. 1.8°.. 6423.1 - Faj-rn. Ejiistles, in Pwo Karen. Trajislated from Sgau, by Karens. RcAised by D. L. Braylon. 1st ed. Tavoy, INK. 12° .... 6419a. 8 Epistles of Paul. English. Paniphraso an, ls32. S° . . . . 3-120.7 - - Ei)istles to the 'J'bessahuiians, Galatiaus, Romans, [Cr. and ICng.] : with notes, by B. •lowetl. Li>ndi)ii, l.\",.'). 2v. s° 6010.15 - Gernuiv. I>ie Sendschreiben des Apostels Paulus Iibersezt und erkliirt von H. Ewald. Giittingen, 18,')?. 8° . 0016.12 - Greek and Latin. Codex Auglensis, a Gricco-T.atiu ninnnserlpt of .S. raid's epis- tles. Added, a enltatlon of titty nuiuu- scripts of the Greek Testament. Cambridge, 1869. 8° ♦3421.26 BinLE 59 BIBLE SlK'lf. No. Btble, Epistles of Paul, continued. — - Petjuan. Kpistlos from (iahitinns to Titus, inclusive. Transhitcd into I'eguiin. hst ed. Maulmaiu, 184.1. 12° M19a.7 — - Yoruba. Corinthians, Galatinns, and Eplie- siaus, trans, by Kev. T. Kiuf;. London, ISGl. 12'. fBritisli and i'oreiKii Hihlu society] .. .1417. .31 — - - Epistles of Paul, .loliu and Judo, and the Kovehition. 'I'ranshiled by S. Crowther and Kev. T. King. Loudon, 1802. 10°. [British and foifign Bible society] 3417.^2 — - Conybf!ire,W.J. LUenndepistlesof.St.Puul. 0010.14 — - Do Wetto, \y. M. L. ErUarung dor Briel'e an Tilus,11mothous und die riebriier . . . . G01fi.fi Epistles of John. Delaware and English. The three epistles of ttie apostle .Tohn, translated into Delaware [with the English] by C. F. . Dencke. New York, 1818. pp.42. 24". [Amer- ican Bible society] 5410a. 22 Single books of the yeio Testament. — Matthew. Arabic and French. £vangile de notru seigneur Jesus-Christ selou Saint Mat- tliieu. [London], n.d. lO**. [British and foreign Bible society] 3417.48 — - Chitiese. Matthew, with explanatory notes, by W. Dean. Hongkong, 1848. hH" . . . . 5411.3 — - Cutchce^ in the Balboreh character. [Mat- thew, tr. by J. Gray^] Bombay, 1835. sm.4''. 3417.21 — - English. !>[atthew, and part of the first chapter of Mark, translated by Sir John Cheke. Also, vii original letters of Sir J. Cheke. London, 1K43. 8' 3417.28 — - JJindustani and English. [Mati ki Ingil.] Translated by H. Blartyn, and transferi-ed into the Koniau chai'acter by J. Thomas. Calcutta, 1834. 8* .^ 6014.1 — - Ibo, or lebu, ( W. Africa). Oku 6mma nke own Matia, By J. C. Taylor. London, 1800. pp.88. 12°. [British and foreign Bible soc.]. 3417.41 — - Karen. Matthew, in Pglio Karen. Tr. by D.L.Brayton. 1st ed. Maulmain, 1845. 12°. 5419a. — - - Questions on Matthew, with notes, in Pwo Karen. By D. L. Bray^ton. 1st ed. Tavoy, 1852. 12° 5429.10 ^ - - Matthew, in Pwo Karen. Translated by Rev. F. Mason. Tavoy, 1851. 12° 5419a. 3 — - yupe J (_W. Africa). First seven chapters. Trans, by S. Crowther. London, 1800. pp.20. 10". [British and foreign Bible society] . . 5419.25 — - Siamese. Matthew, translated by J. T. Jones. 2ded. Bangkok, 1839. 8° 6014.2 — - Turldsh and French, jfcvangile selon St. Matthieu. n. p., [1S50]. 16°. [British and foreign Bible society] 3417.47 — - Turldsh and Italian. Evangelic di San Matteo. n. p., [1856]. 16°. [British and for- eign Bible society] 3417.49 — - Kalisch, I. Critical exposition of the book of Matthew 3420.5 — - Anonymi scholia in Matthaeum. [Mai. Class, auct., v. 6] B.172.3 — Mark. Chitiese and Mantchou. [Chinese and Mandchou St. Mark. Interlined.] n.p., n.d. 1.8°. [British and foreign Bible society] . . 5411.1 — - English. First gospel, being the gospel ac- cording to Mark : tr., with a critical examina- tion, by L. A. Sawyer. Boston, 1804. 12° . 5419.5 — - Syriac and Latin. S. Marci evangelium Syriac^. Literis et punctis Hebraicia, appo- site e regione versione Latina. Cothenis An- haltinorum, 1622. pp.56. 4° *6011.8 — - Yoruba, ( W. Africa). Gospel according to St. Mark, translated into Yoruba by Rev. T. King. London, I8(H. 12°. [British and for- eign Bible society] 3417.42 — - Baur, F. C. Das Markusevangelium nach seinem I'rsprung und Charakter 6ft25.2 — - Hilgenfeld, A. Das Markus-Evangelium, nacb seiner Composition, Stellung, u, b. w. . 6016.9 5414.8 Sholf. No. BiBLK, Single books of the Neio Test, continued. — Luke. Aniteum, [New Hebridea). Gospel ac- cording to Luke. Translated by J. Inglis, London, 1857. 8°. [British and foreign Bible society] ' 3417.23 — - Cliinese and Japanese. St. Luke, [trans- lated by Dr. Bettelhein\]. Hongkong, n.d. 4°. [British and foreign Bible society] . . . 5411.19 — - Greek. ^ Codex Zacynthius. Greek palimp- sest fragments. Edited by S. P. Tregelles. London, 1801. f° *5420.10 — - Grebo, ( ir. Africa). Hanh tibosa ne Luke kinena. New York, 184S. 16° *0019.24 — - Ojibwa. Minuajiniouin Gainajimot au St. Luke, au S. Hall, gaie au G. Copway. Bos- ton, 1837. 12° 5419a. 1 — - Seneca. Ne Hoiwiyosdosheh noyohdado- gehdih. [English and Seneca]. By T. S. Harris. New York, 1829. 24°. [American Bible society] 0019a. 7 -= - Coramentarius in evangelium Luceb ex Cy- rillo Alexandrino, Severo Antiocheno, Ori- gene aliisque confectus. [Mai. Class, auct., • v. 10] B.172.3 — John. Italian. Gospel of John, in Italian, adapted to the Hamiltonian system. 3d ed. London, 1S30. 12° 3417.33 — - Karen. Gospel of John in Sho Karen. Translated by E. B. Bullard. 1st ed. Maul- main, 1840. pp. 88. 12° 5419a. 5 — - Provencal lioTnaunt, or lingua Romana. Ro- mauut St. John. Introduction by W. S. GiUy. London, 1847. 8° 3417.26 — - Siamese. Gospel by John, translated by J. T. Jones. Bangkok, 1842. pp. 94. 8° . . . — - Yorubay ( W. Africa). Ihin rere nipati St. Johanni. Translated by Rev. T. King. Lon- don, 1801. pp.83, 16°. [British and foreign Bible society] 3417.30 — - Bauer, B. Kritik der evangelischen Ge- schichte des Johannes 6025.18 — - Tholuck, F. A- G. Commentar zu dem Evan- gelio Johannis 6025.19 — - - Commentary on the gospel of St. John . 5428. 19 — Acts. Arraioack, {British Guiana). Act apos- telnu, translated by Rev. T. Shultz. New Y^ork, 1850. 16°. [American Bible society] .... 6019.23 — - Chinese. Acts, with marigiual references. Translated by W. Dean. Hongkong, 1&47. 1.8°. — Grebo, ( IF. Africa), Acts of the apostles, trans- lated by Rev. J. Payne. New York, 1851. pp. 98. 16°. [American Bible society] . . . — - Baumgarten, M. Die Apostelgeschiclite . — - Judson, S. B. Questions on the Acts . . . — - Lekebusch, E. Composition und Entste- hung der Apostelgescliichte 6025.5 — - Schneckenburger, M. Ueber den Zweck der Apostelgeschichte 6016.14 — - Zeller, E. Die Apostelgescliichte kritlsch untersucht 6025.1 — Romans. English. Epistle to the Romans. Tr. by W. A. Whitwell. Boston, 1838. 12°. 3417.34 — - - Exposition of St. Paul's epistle to the Romans, by W.Benecke. London, 1854. 8°. 5423.8 — - - Epistle to the Romans, after the author- ized version, revised by five clergymen. 2d ed. London, 1858. pp. 54. 8° .3414.20 — - - Lectures on the epistle to the Romans, by T. Chahners. New York, 1844. 8° . . . 5423.6 — - German. Der Brief Pauli an die Romer, erliiut. v.W. Benecke. Heidelberg, 1831. 8°.**3424.12 — - Gothic. UlphilEB versionem Gothicam non- nvllorvm capit^Tn epistolae Pavli ad Romanes, commentatvs est F. A. Knittel, Brvnovici, n.d. 4° **5413.7 — - Ferme, C. Analysis of the epistle to the . 6493.4 — - Turner, S. H. Notes on the epistle to the. 5422.8 — Galatians. Der Galaterbrief iibersezt, unter- sucht imd erklart, von A. Hilgenfeld. Leip- zig, 1852. if 6016.10 5413.1 6019.21 3516.6 5429.7 BIBLE 60 BIBLIOTHEK Shelf. No. Bible, Galatians, continmd. — - Commentary on the epistle to the Galatians [Greek text], with arev. tr. by C.J. Ellicott. [From the 2d Englished] Andover, 1800. 8°. 6422.5 — - Conmientarius in epistolani Pauli ad Gala- tas. CreU, J 5458.3? — Ephesians. Commentfiry on the epistle to the Ephesians [Greek text], with a rev. tr. by C. J. Ellicott. [From the 2d English ed.] Andover, 1863. 8° 5422.6 — Corinthians. Commentar liber den ersten Brief Pauli an die Korintliier. Osiauder, J. E 6025.20 Thessatonians. Commentary on tlie epistles to the Thessalonians [Greek text], with a rev. tr. by C. J. Ellicott. [From the 2d English ed.] Andover, 1SC4. 8° ■ 6422.7 JJebreics. Commentary on tlie epistle to thij Hebrews. By M. Stuart. 2d ed. Andover, 1S33. 8° 5423.7 — - Paraplxrase and notes upon the epistle to the Hebrews. By .\. A. .*ykes. London, 1755. 4°. 5421.6 — - Eine Untersuchung Uber den Hebriierbrief. AVieseler, C 3425.8 — James. Comoientary on the epistle of St. James. Stier, R. ■ 6500.2 Episths of John, .fijriac. Johaunis epistola catholica prima Syriace, adjuncto characterc Hebrseo et versione Latina. Opera 31. Trostii. Cothenis Anhaltinorum, 1621. pp.22. 4°. *6011.8 — Jtide. Epistol!B Judx Grajci comnientario crit- ico et annot. illustr. a H. C. A. Uaenlein. Erlangae, 1804. 8° 5416.7 Eevelalion. Commentary on the Revelation of St. John, by E. W. Whitaker. London, 180-2. 8° 3424.11 - Anihrosii An.sberti in s..TohannisApocalyp- slm libri decern. Colonia?, 1536. f° . . . *B.110.10 — - In Apocalypsim Johannis S.Meyercommen- tarius. Tiguri, Froschover, n.d. f° . . . ♦B.110.10 — - Eichhorn, J.G. Commentarius in Apocalyp- sin Joannis 6029a. 5 — - Fox, J. MeditAtiones in sacram Apocalj-p- 6im 0020.18 — - Ralston, S. S. New theory of the Apoca- lypse 6088.232 Stt aUo: Apoci^-phft, Evidences, InsjjinUiuii, Tlic- oloffy- Bible, The, stands corrected by the trinitarian dic- tionary. Lawrence, Ma,ss., 1854. pp. 8. 8°.6088.203 Bible cla.sses, Sermon on. Edwards, J Pph.v.375 BiBLK'AL repertory and Princeton review. Edited by C. Hodge. Vols. 20-34. Philadelphia, 1854-02. 9v. 8° •5412.1 Biblical review, [and Vol. 1-3 of the Congrega- tional magazine], London, 18-16-50. Ov. h'^. *7424.2 BiBLKKlRAKIA Italhuia, Uioriialc generalc della. Moliui.G 2161.2 BlBLio(;KArnis('Hi:s .lalirbuch fiir den deutsclien llucti-, Kuust- unci Landkurteii-Haiidel. 4er •lahrgang. 1H50. ler Band. Leipzig, 1850. b°. •2151.8 BinLKiiiiiAriiY. Elementarii. Albert, J. F. M. I'rincipes fondamentaux de la claAsilicatiiin blbliograpliique 2124.13 Jlira, G. M. JIauiiale teorico-pratico di blb- liognilla 2128.18 , Pelgnot, ^j. G. Manuel biblIographir]ue . . . 2121.0 Sclileiermacber, A. A. E. Hibliographisclies Sy8t*!m der gesumniten Wissenschaflskuude. 2128.17 denernl. Baumgnrten, .S. J. Nuchrlchten von merkwUr- digeli ItUcliern 4130.3 GeorgI, T. AIlgi-nieineH europiiischeN BUchcr- Lexlcon 2110. 5 Grai'Kse, J. G. T. Tresor do« lIvrcB raren et prlScleux 2153.3 — Inilex llbrorum prohlbltonim. l^re Roman catholic church 4183.7 Sheif. No. BiBLiOGKAPHY, Continued. — Livres Imprimes sur velin de la bibliothfeque du roi. 5ee Paris. Biblioth^que imperiale . . . 2142.6 — Pelgnot, £.G. Repertoire blbliograpliique unl- versel 2143.6 — Vogt, J. Catalogus libronim rariorum .... 2145.3 5« aUo: Architecture, Bcl^rium, CntHlogties, Cicero, Classienl Icnrninp, Commerce, Diphtheriu, Drama, EgJ-pt, Engineering, Entomology, Fine orla, I'runcG, Friuli, Future life, Gardening, Germany (hist.), Great Britain (hist.), Ital.v, Jews, Libraries, Literary history. Medicine, Names, Netherlands, Oriental literature, Phi- lology- (comparative), Portugal, Printing, Proverbs, rsendon^-mous authors, Itnvcnna, Scandinavia, Silesia, Theology, United States, Venice. BiBLioLOfiY. Dictionnaire de bibliologie catho- liqtie. Brunei, P. G. . 2180.4 BlEHOflllLE beige, Le. Bulletin. Fonde par M. de Reifl'enberg, public sous la direction de A. Scheler. [le ser.] T. 1-9; 2e ser. T. 1-8. Table, 1845-54. Bruxelles, 1S45-02. 18v. 8°. *2157.1 BlBLIOTHECA fratrum Polononim quos Unitarios vocant. Ireuopolis [Amsterdam], post 1656. 9v. f ° •B.141.1 Con/ents. — Vol, I,TI. Faiisti Socini opera omnia. III- VI, .loannis Crellii opera omnia. V'lI.VIII, .1, Ludorici Wolzogenii opera orauia, IX, SamuelisPrzipcovii opera, BlBLIOTHECA juridica. Verzeichniss der vorzil- glichslen Werke aus alien Zweigen der Staats- und Rechtswissenschalteu. 3te AuH. \Vien, 1S61. 8° 2185.25 BlBLIOTHECA maxima vetertun patrum. See Jla-x- inia bibliotheea. BiBLiOTHEi-A mystica et ascetica, continens prteci- pu^ auctorum medii sevi opuscula. Coloni.T, Bonna; et Bruxellis, 1849-57. 7v. 32". yaiiwlifi — Albertus Magnus. Libellus aureus de adha;- rendo Deo 6009a. 27 — Angela de Fulgluio, B. Tisionum et iustruc- tionum liber 6060a. 30 — Anselm, St. Liber meilitationum 6069a. 27 — Bellarmiuo, R. Be asceusioiie mentis in Beum per scalas reruin creatarum, liber singularis. 6069a. ,'U — Brigitta, St. Revelatioues selecta; 6O09a.29 — Gerlac Petersen. Ignitum cum Deo solilo- qiiium OOflOa.as — Luigi,or AIoysius,Gonzaga, .■?(. Opcraomnia.0009a.23 — Mechthildls, St. Revelatioues selects .... 6069a. 28 — Tuuler, J. De vita et passioue ,Jesu Christi piissima exercitia 6069a. 20 — Thonuis A8-60. BiBLioTHKK der ulttn UtttTiitur und Kunst. Tych- 8eu, T. C 4959a. 2 BiBLiOTHKt^rKdes sciences etdcs beaux arts. [K6- digi'f jHir r. riiais, E. de .loncourt, J. D. de La Kite, V. G. F. Duniiis, IL Hop, J. Guiot, L'lleritier, etautifs.] La llaye, ITjI-SO. 50v. 10' *B. 118.1 Jfett. — Vols. 25 and AO cuiituiu Tables tie mntli-reH. BlBLloTHi:QUE universoUe des sciences, belles let- tres et arts. Agriculture. Genirve, 1810-29. Hv. 8° *r217.1 — Littemture. Geneve, l«I0-:?5. GOv. 8' . . . *7218.1 — Scieuces el arts. Geneve, 18U»-;Jo. 60v. 8" . *7219.I — Nouvelle serie. [Litterature et sciences.] Gen^ve, 18:i(M5. 69v. in 30. b** *7229.2 — Quatrieme serie. [Litterature, sciences mor- ales et politiques.] T. 1-15, 22-30. Nouv. p^riode. T. 1-17. Geneve, 1840-03. 47v. 8' . *7238.1 — Supplement. Electricity. T. 1-5; Archives des sciences physiijues et naturelles. T. 1-15, 22- 36. Nouv. per. T, 1-17. Geneve, 1841-63. 52v. in 44. 8° *7249. 1 BiCHAT, M. F. X. Anatomic descriptive. Nouv. ^d., rev. et corr. I'aris, 1829, 5v. 8" . . . 5744.1 — Anatomie generate appliqiiee. Nouv. ed. par Beclard, augm. par F. Blaudin. Fans, 1830. 4v. 8" 5744.2 — Anatomie pathologique. Dernier cours. Avec une notice de B. par F. G. Boisseau. Paris, 1825. 8" 3792.21 — Reclierclies physiologiques sur la vie et la mort. 5e dd., rev. et augm. par F. Magendie. Paris, 1829, 8" 5744.3 — Traite des membranes. Nuuv. ed., revTie et augm. de notes par 31. Blagendie. Paris, [1827J, 8= 3705.31 BiCHENo, J. E. Inquiry into the nature of benev- olence, with a view to elucidate the poor laws. London, 1817. 8° 3570.7 BiCKELL, K. The West Indies as they are; or a real picture of slavery : but more particularly as it exists in Jamaica. Loudon, 1825. 8°. 5572.25 BiCKERSTAFF, I. See Bell. British theatre, v. 8, 13, 21, 23 4170a. 1 Cori/enM.— VoI.\TII. The maid ofthe mill, comic opera. XIII. Love in a villape, comic opvra. XXI. The school for falhers, or Lionel und Cluriasa, comic opera ; The hypocrite, com. altered from C. Cihber. XXIII. The plain dcaker, com. altered from W. Wycherly. — 5ee Collection of farces, V. 1, 2, 5, 2575.35 Contents. — Vol. I. The sultan, or a peep into the seraglio. II. Thomas and Rally, or the sailor's return. V. Dr. Last in his chariot, translated from Moliere's Halade imaginaire ; He wou'd if he cou'd, or an old fool worsyhan any ; Daphne and Amintor, altered from the Oracle of Mons. St. Foix and Mrs. Cibber. VI. The Epheeian matron ; The absent mau ; The romp, altered from Love in the city ; The recruiting aerjeaut. — 5ec Jones. British theatre, v. I 4575.20 Content*. — Love in a village ; The maid of the mill ; Lilonel and Clarissa. BiCKERSTETH, E. Chief concerns of man for time and eternity. Philadelphia, 1831. 8° . . . . 5447.1 — The Christian hearer. 1st Am. from 2d. Lond. ed. Brooklield, Mass., 1829, 12° 5447.12 — Memoir of. .S^'« liirks, T. R 2540.12 BICK.EKSTETH, E. U. Kock of ages. Introduction by F. I). Uuutingtun. Boston, 1800. 12° . 5447.5 BiCKERSTETH, 11., lord Laiif/dalt;, Memoirs of. See Hardy, T. D 2543.12 BiCKHAM, \V. D. Rosecrans' campaign with the 14th army corps, or the army of the Cumber- land. Cincinnati, 1863. 12'* 4328.8 Shelf. No. BiDDlTLPii, T. T. Sermons on fiinerals of the prin- cess Charlotte of Wales, queen Cliarlotte, and George in. Bristol, IH'jn. 8° . . . . *Pph.v,332 BiDPAl, or Pili)ay. Anvar-i Sulmili, tiv the lights of ('anopus; the*' KalihUiniul l):iiiiiuili." Trans- lated by E. It. Eastwick. Maitrurd, 1855. 1.8'. 3022.17 — - Same-. [Persian Ms. J sm.f° B.131.4 BiEDERMANN, C. Geschiclite des ersten preussis- chen Reichstags. Leipzig, 1847. 8° . . . . 4210.7 — Vorlesungen iiber Sozialisnius und soziale Fra- gen. Leipzig, 1847. 10" 35G8.26 BiENER, F. A. Abhandlungen auf demGebieteder Rechtsgescliiclite. Leiiazig, 1840-48. 2v. in 1. H" 4280.6 — Das englische Geschworuengericht. Leipzig, 1852-55. 3v. in 1. 8° 4304.7 BiERNvVTSKi, J. C. The halHg : or, sheepfold in the waters. A tale of tSchleswig. Translated by Mrs. G. P. Marsh. Boston, 1857. 12' . . . 2878.9 BiESE, F. Die Pliilosophie des Aristoteh'S. Berlin, 1835-42. 2v. 8" B. 103.5 BifeVRE, M. de. Le sdducteur, com^die. [Thiiutre fran9ai8,v.42J 4708.1 BiGELOW, A. Ceremonies at the dedication of the Bigelow monument, Worcester, Mass., April 19, 1801. Boston, 1861, pp. 37, 8° . . 4355.6 — Sermon before S. T. Armstrong, lieut. govern- or, etc., at the annual election, Jan. 6, 183G, Boston, lS3(t. 8" 4356.11 BiGELOW, K. B. Improvements in looms for weav- ing carpets, etc. Lowell, 1850. pp.22. 8°, 4394.3 — Letter to the Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, [on ine- qualities of the tax bill of 1802]. [No title- page.] pp.6. 8° 4394,3 — Memoir, reprinted from Hunt's merchants' mag- azine, Feb., 1854. Boston, IbiiU. pp. 16. 8* . 4394.3 — Self-taught stenogi-apher. Lancaster, 1832. pp. 25. 12' B.160b.84 — TaritF question, with tables. Boston, 1802. 4'. 3630.6 BiGELOW, II. J. Valedictory address to the medi- cal graduates of Harvard university, March 9, 1850. Boston, 1859. 8" 5790.3 BiGELOW, Jacob, Discourse on self-limited diseases. Boston, 1835. 8° 3721.19, and 4205. 10 — Eolopoesis. American rejected addresses. New York, [1855]. 12' 2407.29 — History of Mount Auburn. Boston, 1860. 12'. 2353.20 — Lecture on the treatment of disease. Boston, 1853. 8' 5790.4 BiGELOW, John P. Inaugural address to the alder- men and common council, 1849, 1850. Bos- ton, 1849, 50. 8' 4394.4 — Address, on the occasion of his retiring from office [as] mayor of Boston. Boston, 1852, 8°. 4394.4 BiGBLOW, S. L. Recherches sur les calculs de la vessie et sur leur analyse micro-ciunuque. Paris, 1852. pp. 67. 4' B.190,29 BiGELOW, Col. Timothy. Reminiscenses of. See Hersey, C 2.^42.24 — Bigelow monument. See Bigelow, A . . . . 4355.0 BiGELOW, Timothy, esq. Address at the opening of Williams hall, March 8, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8'. 4394.5 Bigelow, Tyler. Address at the eighth anniver- sary of the Massaclmsetts peace society, Dec. 25, 1823. Boston, 1824. 8' 4394,6 Bigelow, W. E. Expose of the evidence in 4he case of the Parkman murder. Boston, 1850. pp.32. 8' 4.355.7 BiGLAND, J. Letters on French history. Balti- more, 1819. 12' 4662.16 BiGLER, W. Letter respecting southern votes on the Crittenden compromise, .See Dodge, J. G.4310a.49 BlGLlA, A. Historife patri.'e libri novem, quibus Joannis Galeaz et IMiilippi fllari;c, Medit>laiii ducum, res gesta; comrnemorantur. [Gravius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 6] 4710.1 BiGLOW, W. New Latin primer [including] the first part of Lyne's Latin primer. Boston, 1801. 12' 4y29a.l3 — - Same. 3d ed. Boston, 1813. 12' 4929a. 14 BILDERBECK 62 BIRKEN shelf. No. BiLDEKBECK, L. Lndolff U'Assen, ou I'entliousi- aste corrige. Paris, 1S03. 3v. 8° 46rr.21 BiLics, A. See Biglia, A. BlLLBERG, G. J. Aminnelse-Tal iifrer C. P. Thun- berg. Stockholm, 18.52. pp. -IS. 8° . . . . 2845.20 BiLLERICA, Mass. Celebration of tlie 200th anniver- sary of the incorporation. Lowell, 1S55. 8°. 4129.57 BiSDEK, Sv. XoTiis thesaurus adagiorum Latino- rum. Stuttgart, ISCl. 12° 2934.B BlXDER, W. C. Fiirst Clemens von Metternich und sein Zeit- Alter. Ludwigsburg, 1830. lii° . . 2852.21 BlNGH.\M,J. Antiquitatura ecclesiasticarum libri xxm, cum dissertationibus et sermonc nno. In linguam Latinam convertit .T. H.Grisch- ovius. Ed. 2a, 3a. HalaiMagdeburgicas, 1751- 61, 1781. llv. in 3. sm.4° *()0S4.2 BiNGLEY, W. Biographical conversations on cele- brated travellers. 3ded. London, 1820. 12°. 2273.19 Conlenu. — Ludovico Vcrthemn. Sir Thomas Roe, Sir George Wheler, Rev. Hcury Mnundrcll, John Bell, Fred- eric Lewis Norden, I'eter Kalm, Samuel Hearue, Dr. John Moore, Hcnrj- Swinburne. — Biography of celebrated Roman characters. London, 1824. 12° 2758.13 — Useful knowledge ; or a familiar account of the various productions of nature. 4th ed. Lon- don, 1825. 3v. 12° 3829.9 BiNNEY, A. Terrestrial air-breathing moUusks of tiie United States, and adjacent territories. Edited by A. A. Gould. Supplement, by AV. G.Binney. Boston, 1851-59. 4v. 8° . . . . 3872.9 — Memoir. See Gould, -V. A 4347.15 BlNXEY. H. Privilege of the writ of habeas corjins under the constitution. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1802. pp. 58. 8° 3035.10 — - Same. 2d part. Phila., 1862. pp.50. 8°. .3035.10 — Speech on the removal of the deposits, in the house of representatives. Washington, 1834. 8" *l'ph.v.382 Brown, D. B. Reply to Binney on the writ of habeas corpus 4310a. 19 — Bullitt, J. C. Review of " The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus" 3635.10 — Gross, C. H. Reply to Binney's pamphlet on the habeas corjius 3635.10 Jackson, T. Authorities cited antagonistic to Binney's conclusions on the writ of habeas corpus 30.35.10 Montgomery, .LT. Writ of habeas corpus, and Mr. Binney .3635.10 Myer, I. Review of Binney's essay ou the writ of habeas corpus 3635.10 Wliarton, G. SI. Remarks on Binney's treatise on the writ of linbeas corpus 3635.10 - Answer to ItiuiK-y's reply to " Remarks" on his treatise on the habeas corpus 3035.10 BiNSEi . T. Sketch of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton. Boston, 1851. 18° 2540.17 BiNKEY, W. G. Check list of the shells of North America. [AVashington. Smithsbniau mis- cellaneous collections, v. 2] 3350.2 Supplement to Terrestrial air-breathing mol- lusks of the United States, etc. See Bin- ney, A 3872.9 BIOORAPHI' AI. anecdotes of the founders of the late Irish rebellion. London, 1701). pp. 76. 8°. 2478.2 BioORAriiiK nnlversille [ou] geuerale. See Nou- velle biographic, etc. BloGRAriiY of the Saviour, nnd Ills apostles. New York, 18.35. 12" n559a.36 BlOOiiAriiv. Arnold, G. Daa Leben der (iliiubl- i;en in den letzlen 2'K>.tahreu 0070.20 Chauffeple, .1. G. de. Siipplf'-ment nu diction- naire (le P. ISayle 6240.1 _ Davenport, K. A. Dictionary of 2240.10 — Dictionary of contemporary biography .... 2242.5 _ I'llovd, T. Synopsis of universal biography . 4143.0 _ Knight, C. CyclopicdlB of A. 184. 2 — Lalanne, M. L. C. Curioall^t blographlquea . 4149. 16 Shelf. No. Biography, cojitinned. — Lomenie, L. L. de. Galerie des contemporains illustres 6249a. 1 — Meiners, C. Lebensbeschreibungen beriihmter Manner 4156.6 — Rotermund, H. W. Miinner die fur und gegen die Reformation gearbeitet haben 6070.11 — Riidiger, J. C. Vitae clarissimorum in re lite- raria virorum 4149.7 — Saxe, C. Onomasticou literarium 4147.4 — Schriickh, J. M. AUgemeine Biographic . . . 4143.6 — Schwartz, C. HandbuchfUrdenbiographischen Geschichtsunterricht 2246.8 — Tita; virorum Ulustrium 4160.3 — Waguer, G. H. A. Lebensbeschreibungen be- riihmter Reformatoren 6059a. 2 See al^o: America. Apostles, Architects," Artists, Aus- tria, Composers. Contemporaries, Ecclesiastical biopra- phy, England, Flanders, France, Genealogy, Germany, Great Britain, Italy. I.awyers,Livcs.Ln3tcmbourg.Ma;ne, Naples. New England. Painters, Physicians. Political economists, Rome, Saints, Sculptors, United States, Women. Biology-. Comptes rendus et m(5inoircs de la soci- ('■te de biologic. 5ee Paris 7716.1 BlON. BonvoXma. See Theocritus B.I69a.9 — Carmiuaquieexstant. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 1] B.162.7 — Idyllia, Gr. et Lat. [Lect. Foetae Grajci, v. 1]. 4200.7 — Idylles. [Falconnet. Lespetitspo^mesGrecs]. B.161.2 — Idyls, translated by F. Fawkes. [jVndersou. Poets of Great Britain, V. 13] 4004.1 BioSDO Flavlo. See Flavio Biondo. BiOT, fe. C. L'instruction publique en Chine, et la corporation des lettn5s. Paris, 1817. 8° . . 4244.9 BlOT, J. B. Essai sur I'histoire gdm^rale des sci- ences pendant la revolution f^-an5aise. Paris, 1803. . pp. S3. 8° 3929.9 — fetudes sur Pastronomie indionne et sur I'astron- omie chinoise. Paris, 1802. 8° 3922.20 — Notions (jlomcutairesdestatique. Paris, 1829. 8°. .3945.23 — Prt^cis el^mentaire de physique expt^'rimentale. 3e ed. Paris, 1824. 2v. 8° 5968.1 — Rechrrches sur plusieurs points de Pastronomie egyptienne. [Zodiaque de Denderah.] Paris, l)S',>:i. 8° 4275.22 BIPPEN, W. v. Kutiner .Skizzen. Zur Cultur-uud Literaturgeschichte des ISten .lahrhunderts. Weimar, 1869. 8° 2904.4 Birch, A.N. Colonial office list for 1863. SceGreat Britain 2487.24 Birch, S. Gallery of antiquities. See Arundale,F. 3051.31 BlRClI, S. B. Constipated bowels : the causes and means of cure. London, 1861. 12° 3760.36 Bird, C. Sermon preached at Appleby, Aug. 12, 1823, before the judges of assize. London, 1825. 8° •Pph.v.342 Bird, F. W. Review of Gov. Banks' veto of the revised code, on account of its authorizing the enrolment of colored citizens In the mili- tia. Boston, 1800. pp.62. 8° ...... . 6572.19 Bird, G. Elements of milunil philosophy. From the 3d l.iiluloil fil. IMiilatU'lpliia, 1818. 12°. 3907.11 Bird, ,1 tunes. A'egetttble charcoal ; its medicinal and economic properties. 2d ed. enlarged. Lon- don, 18.'i7. |ip. 90. 8° «. 3786.23 Bird, .loseph and Iloiace. Singing school com- panion. Uoslon, n.d. obl.s" 8047.18 Birds. Davidson, 1!.(). New theory of theflightof. 6847.1 — Mandbtlchlein filr Liebhaber der Sluhenviigel . 4002.25 — Sledhof, ('. V. \\. Ntiturgoschichte tier Sluhen- viigel Dciilsclihiuds 3909.10 BiROITTA, SI. Srr llrlgllla. BiuKinccK, M. Notes cm ajouiney thrtmgh France in 1814. Lou.lon, 1814. 8° 4600.18 — Slriclnrcs on the Icllers from Illinois. See Lo- rain,.! 2379.36 BlRKEN,"fHiiTken,S.v. Neiin Gedichte. (Mllller. Bibllothek deiitscher Dlchter des XVII Jalir- hunderts, v. 9] 2879.10 BIRKENHEAD 63 BLAIR Shelf. No. BiRKENHK.Mi irou-clatlfi, Correspondence respect- ing till' 4322.04 BiRKS, T. K. The exodus of Israel, exmnined and conlirined. London, isii.1. 8° 3425il5 — Memoir of Rev. Edward Bickerstetli. 2d ed. London, ls,W. 2v. rj° 2546.12 BiRNEV, .1. (i. Examination of tlie decision of the supreme court of the ITniled States in the case of Strader, Gorman and Armstrong' vs. Christopher Graham, ISJO. Cincinnati, 1852. pp. 4«. 8° B.l()0.72 BIRRCIIER, A. Das Friektlial in seinen liistorischen und sageniuiflen Erinnerungen. Aarau, 1859. pp. rii. ,8° ■ 28M.3 Birth and death of nations. McKaye, J 4324.23 BiSBEE, J. H. Sermon before G. N. Briggs, gov- ernor, etc., at tile animal election, Jan. 6, 1S47. Boston, lS4r. 8° 4356.12 BISCHOFF, T. L. W. Kntwicltiungsgescliielite des Meerschweinschens. Mit aulit Knpfertafeln. Giessen, 1852. pp.50. 4° 5901.5 — Entwiclclungsgeschichte des Rehes. Mit aeht Tafeln. Giessen, 1854. pp. 36. 4° 5901.6 Bisnop, A. Connecticut republicanism. An ora- tion on political delusion. New Haven, 18IX). 8° •2393.10 — Oration in honor of the election of Jefferson, and tile acquisition of Louisiana. [Hart- ford], ISIK. 8° *2393.10 — Oration in Wallingford, at the thanksgiving for the election of Jefferson to the presidency. New Haven, 1801. S" *2393.10 — Proofs of a conspiracy against Christianity and the government of the United States. Hart- ford, 1802. 8" »2393.10 Bisuoi*, .loel P. Secession and slavery : a question of constitutional law. Boston, 1864. 8° . .4310a. 10 — Thoughts for the times. Boston, 1863. pp. 36. S° 4310a. 10 Bishop, John L. History of American manufac- tures fVom 1608 to I860. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1861. S' 3651.25 Bishop, N. First semi-annual report of the super- intendent of public schools of Boston. Bos- ton, 1851. pp.48. 8° *Pph.v.l93 — - Same. 2ded. Boston, 1852. pp.48. 8°.*Pph.v.l9S Bishop, VT. S. Speech on the bUI in relation to church tenures, in the senate [of New York], Feb. 25, 185.5. Rochester, 1855. 8° 0088.78 BISSELL, T. Seminary class book of music. See White, E. L 8047.31 Bisso, G. B. Introduzione alia volgar poesia. la ed. veneta. Venezla, 1762. sm.8° **4799.4 BiSTicci, V. da. Vita d'Agnolo Paudollini. See Pandolfini, A 4801.6 BiTUMEX. Distillation of bituminous substances. Whitmore, W. H ' 5016.9 BiUNDi, G. Vocabolario siciliano-italiano. 2a ed. Palermo, 1856. p.8° • 4780.25 BIVORT, J. B. Ancien droit belgique. Analyse chronologique des chartes, coutumes, edits, etc. Bmxelles, 1846. pp. 99. 8° 2822. 10 Bivouac and the battle-field. Noyes, G. F. . . . 4327.19 BlXBY, A. Questions to Blair's rhetoric. See Blair, H 7069.43 Bizx.VRRi, p. De universo reipnbl. Genuensis statu et administratione : Reipublicae Genuensis leges nova, 1576 publicatae. [(irajvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 1, p. 2J 4710.1 Bl.ichford, K. Treatise on the patent anchor invented by U. F. Hawkins. London, 1823. pp. 44. 8' 4018.30 Bi, VCK, Miss, pseud. See Sloodie, S. S. Bl.vck, A. andC. General atlas of the world. Fifty- six maps. New edition by J. Bartholomew, jr. Edinburgh, 1.80(1. t° *22S0.10 Bl.vck, R. H. Dictionary of words derived from the Latin. 2d ed. London, 1825. 18" . . . *45.S9.29 Black, W. Treatise on brewing; with formula; and instructions. Sth ed. London, 1854. 8°. . 4013.10 .Sholf. No. Black sea. Anthoine, A. T. Commerce et navi- gation de la Mer-Noire 3082.9 — Keuilly, J. de. Voyage snr les bords de la Mer Noire, 1803 3085.13 Blackhourne, R. Vitae Hobbiante auctarium. [Ilobbes. Opera Philosophica, v. IJ .... 6101.6 Blackhurne, F. Remarks on tlie confessional. See Rotheram, J Pph.v.343 Blackburse, T. a thought of Arnold by the Rotllay: [a poem. No title-page.] pp.8. 8°.B.170.109 Bl.\cklock, a. Treatise on sheep, with a chapter on wool and the wool trade. Glasgow, 1838. 16' 4004.25 Blaoklock, T. Miscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 11] , 4004.1 Blackmore, R. Essays upon several subjects. London, 1710. 8° 2558.9 . — Creation; a philosophical poem. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 7] 4004.1 Blackstone, W. Case of tlie late election for Middlesex, considered on the principles of the constitution. Philadelphia, 1773. S" . . . . 3525.20 — Commentaries on the laws of England. From the last London edition. With additions by E. Christian. Portland, 1807-18. 4v. 8" . . 4295.2 Blackwall, A. Introduction to the classics. 4th ed. London, 1728. 18° 4959a. 16 — - Same. 6th ed. London, 1746. sm.l2° . .4959a. 13 — Sacred classics defended. 3d ed. London, 1737. 2v. 12° 3429.23 Blackwall, J. History of the spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. [Part 1, 2.] London, 1861,64. 1.4°. [Ray society] 3880.15 Blackwell, A. Poems. London, 1853. 10° . . 4179.19 Blackwell, T. Sacred platform of religion. Intro- duction by S. Williams. Boston, 1774. 12° . 5447.24 Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Vols. 1-93. Edinburgh, 1817-03. 93v. 8° *3140. 1 — General index to Vols. 1-50. Edinburgh and London, 1855. 8° *3140.1 Blagden, G. W. Address before the associate choirs of the evangelical churches, Boston, Oct. 24, 1840. Boston, 1840. 8° 5440a.24 — Discourse, occasioned by the death of Mrs. E. L. Budington, preached in Charlestowii, Jan. 14, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8' 5440a. 24 — Influence of the gospel on the intellectual powers. A sermon preached in Philadelphia, May 25, 1835. Philadelphia, 1835. 12° . . . 5450a. 9 — Remarks and a discourse on slavery. Boston, 1854. 8° 5440a. 24 Blaine, D. P. Essay on hydrophobia; corrected by J.Carver. Philadelphia, 1818. 12° 3802.20 Blainville, H.M. Ducrotayde, Discours prononce aux funerailles de. See Comte, A 6091.4 Blair, D. Grammar of chemistry. Revised by B. TucTcer. 3d ed. Philadel])hia, 1819. 18°. . 7029.21 — - Same. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1823. 18° . . 7029.22 — Grammar of natural and experimental philos- ophy. 2d ed._ Philadelphia, 1811. 18° . . . 7029.33 — - Same. From 12th London ed. New Haven, 1822. 18° 7029.34 — Universal preceptor. 4th Am. ed. Philadel- phia, 1822. 18° 7029.32 Blair, F. P. Union between northern democrats jind southern nullifiers and secessionists : a letter, etc. [Washington, 1856. No title- page.] pp. 16. 8° 6087.17 Blair, H. Beauties of Blair. Boston, 1828. 32°. 4509.31 — Questions to lectures on rhetoric, by A. Bixby. New York, 1820. 16° 7009.43 — .Sermons. Boston, 1792. 2v. 8° 0002.11 ■ — Sermons, to which is prefixed a life, by .J. Fin- layson. New York, 1802. 3v. 8° 5114.3 — Tranquillity of mind : A life of dissipation aiul pleasure : two sermons. [Dibdin. .Sunday library, v. 5] 5414.23 IJl.mr, jr. Speech at Annapolis on the causes of the rebellion and in support of the president's plan of pacification. Baltimore, 1864. 8°.. 4310a. 01 BLAIR 64 BLOUNT Shelf. No. Bl.\ir, M., continue/i. — Speech at Rockville. Bid., on the revohitionary schemes: of the ultra abolitionists, etc. New York, 18f.Vt. S" -iSlOa-Gl Blair, Robert, 6. 1503, d. lonii. Life, containing his autobiography. See Row, W 5493.1 Blair, Robert, b. IG09, d. 174r>. Poetical works, in- cluding the Grave, -with his life. [Ander- son. Poets of Grejit Britain, v. S] 4(i04.1 — The grave : a poem . See Heattie, J 4175.0 Blair's outlines of the history of ancient Greece. Hartford, 182G. Ih* 7009.45 Xote. — One of a series "prepared for S. R.Gooilrieh," but not properly attributiible to Julin Blair, the cliro- nolo^st, as was probably iutendetl in tlic title above. Blaize, a. Des monts-de-pi^t^ et des banques do pret sur gage. Paris, 185fi. 2v.ini. 1.8°. 3645.29 Blake, A. V. American bookseller's complete reference trade list, and alphabetical cata- logue of books published in this country. Chiremont.N. H., 1847. 4° '. 2150.5 Blake.J.L. High school reader. Boston, 18^. 12°. 7009.16 Blake, M. Centurial history of the Meudon asso- ciation of congregational ministers, with the centennial address, etc. Boston, 1853. 12" . 2357.16 Blakie, W. Life, by Alexander Gilchrist, with selections from his poems and other writings. London, 1803. 2v. S° *40G5.30 Blakey, R. Historical sketch of logic, to the pres- ent day. London, J851. 8° 0084.8 — History of the philosophy of mind. London, 1850." 4v. 8* 0092.3 Blakistox, T. W. Five months on the Yang-Tsze ; with notices of the present rebellions in China. London, 1802. 8" 3015.10 Blaxc, J.J. L. Histoiiedela revolution fran^aise. Paris, 1847-02. 12v. 8° 4616.2 Blanc, L. G. Grammatik der italiiinlscben Spracbe. Halle, 18H. 8° 2786.7 — Yocabolario dantesco, ou dictionnaire critique de la Divine conn-die. Leipsic, 1852, 8" . . 2781.7 Blanchajid, J. P. Circular, to the members of the convention for amending the constitution of Massachusetts, n. p., n. d. [185:t]. ]2°.B.160h.44 — Communications ou peace. Boston, 1818. pp. 30. 12° B.170b.n — The future life: an examination of its condi- tious from the New Testament. Boston, 1858. pp. 32. 8° - 6088.149 — PrincijUes of the revolution : showing the per- version of them, etc. Boston, 1855. i)p.24. 8'. 6087.37 — The war of secession, n. p., n. d. [No title- page.] pp.23. 12*' 4324.24 Blanciiari>, p., Lemaire, H., and others. His- tnire des batailles, hieges et combats des Frun<;ais, 1792-1815. ]'aris, 181.H. 4v. 8". . 4043.12 Blanco, M. Flora di' Kilipinas. Manila, 18;J7. 4°. 4245.11 Blancs, Leg, et les noirs en Amerique et le coton dans leg deux mondes. Paris, 1802. pp. 43. 8" 4323.21 BLANP, I*. K., and Rice, N. L. .Spiritualism at the West. Correspondence on the harmuiiiiil phi- losophy. Ciucinnuti, 1S54. pp.22. 8*. . .6088.183 Blandin, p. F. Autoplastie, ou restaurntlon des parties du corpw qui ont H6 detruites. Paris, LHlHi. H' 3745.3-1 _ l)esd«-nt». Paris, 18.30. 4" 3804.2b — Parallt'le entre hi tuille et la lithutriLiu. Par- Is. I8:i4. 4' 3804.28 Blandin de Cornouallles, Koman de, [Kuynou- ard. lA'xique romuH, V. 1) 2687.12 BLANKKNlilMto, dukedom of Itrunnwlck. Antlqul- tutet* Itlnnckenburgciises. Leuckfeld, J. fi. 4228.8 BlabiUH, .L II. Fauna dlia»is: tragzig, 1S14. .s*.***,*ll78.ni':, Nfro ItorlnntLr; I.« nurlM- jioBlrnm do Ciininl! KI i-«ru»lortt torniirlo imnlor; \.n% iiiutoroi vurllos Tmlnrl.|fo«. Im» (rrandod lluvln* j Vkuiihi, fill, Auto iii|ion: Kbcvihi do Rulionn; Compdla del vliidoj t'li \\a»o dri triumf.i dol Invlonio; I>t> Ion fliitv'iii; Ton-M Nnhnirn, B., Inionnn; .Inrtnlni CalARtllA; A)|IiMbiia: lluodn, I., do, KiHVinlu ; Aniio- Hfin; I.'»« •■ntfiifiit"; Midi.rn; Atjnniun i)ii»o«di:loolo(|nlo it«i Tliiiljrlit; tuliKjulu do Cninlla, BOIIMCN, V. V. I 111 roducl Ion to the book of GcneolH, with ft commentary. From tlie German. Indon, lH/i5. 2v. b*. 0027.1 sin- If. No. BoiiLEy, 1*. v., continued. — Die Genesis erlaiitert. Sec Bible. Single books of the Old Testament OOiS.O BoHME, Bohm, or Behmen, Jakob. Sammtliche ■\Verke, herausgegeben von K. ^V". Schieblcr. Leipzig, 1831-47. 7v.inO. 8* *0097.5 Conicnts. — Vol. I. DerWep zuClirieto in soclis Bilch- Icin; AurorA oder Morgcnrothc im Aufgang. 11. Do tribus priucipiis, oder BcscUrcibung der drci Princi])ieii giillHcIieii Wosene. III. Vera dreifnclien Lobcii dc9 Mcnsclien ; Von der Geburt und Bezciclinung ftHcr Wesen; Vender Gnadcnwahl. IV. Mystcriuin lun^r- num, Oder Erkliiruiig iibcr das erste Bticti MosU. V. Psychologin VL*ra ; rsycholo^rc suppl omentum, da» umgcwaudte Augc; De incamatioDe verbi; Sex puncta ilieosopliicn; Sex puncta mysticn ; Mysterium pnnso- pbiciim; Dc qnatuor complcxionibus; Tlieoscopin; Do Tcstanicntis Christi; Gespriich cincr crleucliteten und unerlu'uclitotcn Socle; Tlieosophisclie l^agon; Tafeln von den drei Principicn gottlicher Oflenburunp : SchlUs- Bcl. VI, Libri apologetic!; Apulu^ia l contra Ballh. Tilken, Oder die ersto Scbutzsclirift, ec.; Apologia II contra Ballli. Tilken, oder die zweilc Schutzscbrift, ce. ; Auli-Stiefelius t, Bedenken tibcr Esaia Stiefel'e Bucb- Icin; Anti-Stiefeliua Ii, vom Irrtbum der Sectcn Esui& Stiefel's ; Apologia contra Gregoriuni Rielitcr ; JmUcium Grrgorii Kit-btcri, etc. ; Siitor Antiebristus; rropcmpti- cums. concomitati\'um; Ad judicantcui judicem Prima- rinni ;T.ibellusapolopeticus, schrifllieheVernnUvortung, CO. wider des Primarii Liisterung, Liigcn uiid Verfol- giing, ec. ; Infonnatorium I, novissimonim, Infonnato- riuni II, iiiivihsimururo ; Epistobi' IbcosopbictB. — Four tables of DiHne revelation. London, 1(154. pp.22. f° *00S0.7 — Mystenum magnum, or an exposition of the " tirst book of Jloses, called Genesis. London, 105(5. f" *0OS0.7 — The way to Christ discovered and described. Also, The lour complexions. Bath, 1775. 12°. 5440.31 — Extracts frum The way to Christ. See Impor- tJiiit truths 5440.34 — Life. See Ilotham, D * 0080.7 BdHiME,orBoehme, Johann. Suevia. [Goldast. Re- rum Suevicarum scriptores aljqui>t veleres] . 4250.12 BbioiE, J. G. De commerciorum ai»ud Germanos initiis. [Diss.acftd.] Lipsia>, 1751. pp.22. 4°. 41(52.14 BbiiJiKit, F. l)e ivre episcoporvm innovandi fvnda- tionesecclesiasticas. [Diss.acad.j Gottingie, 1784. pp.38. 4* 4295.22 BoiiMKK, G. L. Principia ivris cauonici qvod per Germnninm obtiuct. Ed, septimara cvr. C. T. * G. Schociu'inann. Gottiugae, 1KI2. 8" . . . 4293.17 BoHMER, G. ^V■ Grundriss des protestantischen Kircheurechts. Goltingen, 1780. sm.8* . , 4292.5 BoiiMKK, .!. II. Entwurf des Kirchen-Staats derer dreyersten Jahr-hunderl. Beygcfiiget cines anonymi Tractat [an (U'luselbeii Subjccl] aiis dem Englischen iiberf^etzet. Halle, 1733. sm.S* 0059a. 10 A'otc. — Perhaps tho KngliBh trrnticn in tbnt of I-'rnnois Broktfsby: HUtor>' of tlio fcovornnicnt uf tbo prhnitivo cliiirch for the flrat throe CDnturlen. London, 1712. 8". — Inatitvtlones ivris canonic!. ITala; Mngdebvr- gica\ 1700. 8° 4293.14 — Ivs ecclesiosticum jirotestantivm ivxlii scrieni dccretalium. [Etj Indices generules red. C. A.Bohmer. V. 1-3. f.a ed. Ilahc Mag- deljurgiea-. 17.'iO-71. Ov. 4" *4302.5 — Ivsi)arufliiMle. Kd.ni. I[:ila' i\lMgdel).,i:21. 4". 4295.23 — Dissertatio de legiiinmfioue ex danmato coitv nalorvm. [Heinecuius. Ut>citatione8, etc., v. 1] 4292.0 BdiiN, H. (J. lUhllographical jurounl of the -works of Shnkcspeare. n.p., ii.d. 12*. [From bis erJiliou of Lowndes, with additioiiMj .... 2153. S — Standard library atlas of elasi^lcal geography. With [an] index giviiig the hitilude and longi- tude. London, isOl. l.H° *22S1.4 — On the artists of the prewent day. S're Jack- son, .7 40(i3.2fi itoilN, J. G. Waarenlnger, welcher die I'rodukten- U. Waurenkundeenlhalt. liambnrg, 17N^. 8". 6083.5 nOIARDO G7 BONAVENTUUA Shelf. No. BoiARDo, M. 31. Oilamlo inmimopnto, rifnttn da F. Berni, [cnlln vita -:jK yv. 8° *420S.10 fo}itfnta. — Vol. I. EcMtiT on tlio ntniiintic nnmitiv© poctpy of tho ItnliiW!!. II. Lif<-of Hojnr.Io. II-V. Or- lamlo innaniornto. IV. Lifv of AHosto; Uililiutn^phicnl notices of vditioiiH ortlio Urlando ftirioso ]irlntcd boforo UULI. VI-IX. Orlttiiilo ftirioso. BoiLEAlT-DESpnftAiTx, N, Bolffianft. See Moii- cliesnay, J. de L de 4695.7 BoiNDiN, N. Le port de mer, com(5dig. [Tlieatrc frantj'ais, V. 4!] 4708.1 BoiSEN, or Boissen, B, Chronicon Slesvicense, usque ad s. 1580. [Mencke. Script. Genn., V. 3} 4261.2 BoiSLECO^iTE, A. O. E. Sain do. Dc in crise amcr- icnine ct dos natioiialitt'S en Europe. Paris, 18C2. 8" 4323.11 BOISROBERT, F. Le Metel de. La belle invi.-iible, ou la Constance oprouv^e, tragl-comedie. See Fournel, l-\ V 469G.13 BoissARi), J. .1. Kmbleniata ab auctore delineata, aT. deBry ynilpta. Frnncofurti, 1593. sm.4°.*4153.I2 — Theatrum vitie Imniana? a Tlieodoro Bryioillus- tratum. Brediomatrici, [ISW]. sm.4° . . .*4153.12 — Beschreibunft dt-r Stadt Kora. [Blerian. Topo- graphla, v. in) 4261.3 BoissoNADE, J. F. Anecdota Grieca e codicibus regiis. Parisiis, 1821J-33. 5v. 8° ♦B.161.3 A'ote. — For contents in Greek, see Engflninnn : " Bib- liothcca clrutsiconim Acrijjtorum." Fur l1i(.< same in French, see vo!. 1 of BoiESonadv's critique Uttvvftire^ etc. — Critique litteraire aous le premier empire. Pub. par F. Colincanip. Notice sur B. par Naudet. Paris, 18G3. 2v. S" 4703.13 Boissy, L. de. L'epoux par supercherie, comedio en deux aetos. Nouv. ed. Bordeaux, 1799. pp.47, b". [I*i(ices choisies, V, 2] *26C4.12 — Le babiUard ; Le rran9ais a Londrea; Les dehors trompeurn, ou L'homme du jour; L'^poux par supercherie; Le sage ^tourdi. [Theatre frangais, v. 31] 4708.1 BOKDM, H. Introduction to the study of the Ger- man Inntjuage. Philadelphia, 1832. 12". , 4889.5 — Stranger's gift. Boston, 1836. 12" 2397.20 Bolivia. Voyage dans I'Amerique du Sud. Gran- didier, E 2365.18 BoLLAX, W. Freedom of speech and writing upon public affairs, considered. London, 1700. 4°. 3561,18 — [Importance and advantage of Cape Breton.] London, 1740. 8^ [Imperfect.] 4362.22 BOLLES, J. A. Eulogy on Andrew Jackson. See Dusenbery, B. M 2.347.25 BOLLES, L. Discourse before the members of the Salem female charitable society, Sept. 27, 1810. Salem, 1810. b' 6088.151 — Discourse at the funeral of. .See Sharp, D. . . 5440a. 52 BoLLEA'iLLE, Li' jjrirur fit', pseud. See Simon, K. BoLLEY, P. A. Handbnch der technisch-clieni- ischeu Untersucbungen. tite AuH. Leipzig, 1861. 8' 5972,3 BOULVK, A. Collection of colloquial phrases. Philadelphia, 1S31. 18' 4689.19 — Genders of French nouns. Philadelphia, 1831. pp.15. 12' 4689.9 BOLOGNA, F. da. Lettera Hcritta dalla cUta di Messico. [Marniocchl. Viaggi, v. 5j . . . . 2275.1 Bolton, K. Ou tlie employment of time: three essays. London, 1750. 12" *Pph.v.371 BOLTWOou, L. M. Family genealogies oi' Iludley, etc. SeeJudd, S 2356.33 Shelf. No. BoLTZ, A. Npuer Lehrgang der russischeii Spraclie. Berlin, 1K'>2. 2v. inJ. sulS** *4124.6 BOMBAUhlM. A. De carcere et antiijiio ejus usu, [Poleui. Utrinsque tlies. aiiliq. snpp., v. :.]. 2*.)70.7 ISOMERS, F. L. Schwedens Dichterhiiin metriwch iibersetzt nebst einer Cieschichte dor schwe- dischen I'oesie. Biickeburg, 1853. !S° . . . **2S75.9 BoMPAU. Culture du ble en raies en distance 6gale. Draguignan, 1857. pp.23, S" 4003.13 Bldeil 1.1° Borf, !•'. .\usfillirlicln's LelirgehiiudederSanskrita- .spraclu'. llerlin, 1827. 4° — Vergleichentle (iraniiuatik der Sanskrit, Send, Armeuisclien,(irleclilschen, Lateinischen, Li- taiiischeii, Altslavlschen, (iolliischen und Di'Ulschen. 2leAusg. Berlin, IWir-61. :iv. 8°. Boil, nr liiirri, I". C. 1 itnspiongk, Begin, en Ver- volgh tier nederlandsche Oorlngen. Amster- dam, 1079-84. 4v. f°. [lUack-letter] . , , 4770.21 2206.10 5088.2 7019.47 7019.48 4269.6 6688.1 5684.1 2119.1 2206.8 2125.13 4791.20 8699,3 S447.4 4018.30 4586.23 2.1?0,0 3032.0 2065.24 •4270.1 BORCH 69 BOSTON Shelf. Ko. BoKCit, or Uorrii'hius, O. Aninpria vindieata, Arc- t08 piillafa, Art-tns respiratis, Carniina vnria. [Uosfgaurd. lU-Hcia' jioctaruni Danoruni] . 4','2'.hi.ll) BouiiAs-Di:M()rT.ix,.1. 11., and lluot, F. Essais sur la rOlbriru' oatluilii|iii'. I'llris, 1.%!). K' . . (11(18. '.ia — Lfs ]>i>a\'oirs cimsIitiilitV dc l\-gli.si!. I'aris, ISM. 8° 6(](i+.li B0RDK1.0N, L. MoIR-re comi'diiu mix Chaivips ]feli.sO('s. Nolivflk- alU''goriij[(e, i?te. Ainslcr- doiii, l(lil7. sin.r.;'' •»4695.20 BoKDKN, N. U. AddiisB lit the last regalar meet- ing of tlio lioard of aUU-viin'U of Fall Uiver, April, 1X58. Fall Kivcr, 1858. 8° 6087.47 BoRDKK riifliaii code In Kniisaji; Toombs' Kansas bill ilissfolcd.i-lc. [New York, 1*5(;.] pp. 111. (No lillc-paKi'.l 8° B.lfiO.sr B(>Ri)ONi, A. Delle divisc di'i campi e delle cam- pngnc. Milano, IJCM. 8° 392(3.27 Boitr.iiESK, (;. C. Talbot. Life of the princess liorghese. ,s'e<' .Scherer, T 2546.20 BoRc.iiKKl, U. Lettere. I'adova, 1578. sm.4° . .Haou.ll BoUGHiNi, U. 11 rijioso [Trattato della pittnra, ec.]. Stilauo, 1807. 3y. 8°. [Classiei italiaui, v. 145-147] *»4S05.5 BoBGHiNi, V. Discorsi eon le annotazioni di I). M. 3Ianni. Milano, 1808, 9. 4v. 8°. [Classic! italiaui, v. 148-151] **4805.(i BoRGi.v, C. Vita. See Leti, G 2749.31 BORGSET, C. J. A. IMiilippe ll et la Belgiijue. Resumt' politiijue de la rt^-volutiou beige 1555- 98. [No title-page.] 4° B.I90.4 BoRGOXZoxi Martelli, M. 11 ritorno di Ulisse in Itaca. Componimento drammatico. Lisbona, 1774. pp.31. sm.S°. [Dr.iumii varie, V. 1] .♦4799.17 BoRlE.s, J. Texte e.xplicatif au rompfji. See Koux, H 2751. (i BoRJA y Esquilache, F. Romances. [Quintana. Paruaso cspanol, v. 4] 3104.19 BoRXE, L. Gesatnnielte .Scbrifteu. Neue Aus- gabe. Hamburg, 18(12. 12v. 10° 2867.9 — ijber L. Borne, [lleiue. iSJimmtliche Werke, V. 12] 2867.10 BoRNEMANN, J. W. J. Plattdeutsche Gediehte. ate Ausg. Berlin, 1816. .sm.8° 2875.16 Borneo, Travels in northern. .St. John, S 3040.10 BoRK.v, or Borri, L. Ij'jiuiorose rime. Milano, 1543. 66 leaves. 8" *4798. 12 BoRRO, C. Historie van eene nieuvve Seyndinghe tn't Ryck van Cocincina. Verduytscht door J. Susius. Loveu, 1632. sm.8° • *4249a.8 BoRROMico, V. Vita, auctore Bartliolomao Scala. [(irxvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 8, p. 1]. . 4710.1 BosAU, in Prussia. Chronologia abbattim Bosau- gieusium. Leuckfeld, J. G 4228.5 BOSC, L. A. G. Histoire natureile des crastaces. 2d M., par M. A. G. Desmarest. Paris, ia30. 8v. 24° 3879.31 BoscH Spencer, H. Commerce de la cote occiden- tale de I'Am^rique du Sud. Statistique com- mercialo. [Avcc atlas in f °.] Bruxelles, 1848. 8° 2365.27, and 23.M. 3 BOSCHA, P. P. De origine et statu bibliothecse Ambrosiana:. [Gr.Tvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 6] 4710.1 BOSCHKE, A. Map of Washington city. Washing- ton, 1857. [Size, 4.3x4.2 feet; scale, 500 feet to 1 inch.] Folded f° *23.J.3 Bosisio, G. Intorno al luogo del supplizio di Severi- no Boezio. Pavia, 185.1. pp. 68. 4° . . . . 4750.15 BOSMAN, or Bos.smann, W. BesclirjTing van de Guinesp Goud-Tand-en Slave-Kust. Utrecht, 1704. 2v. in 1. 4" 4253.4 BosoNE, or Busonc da Gubblo ; rml name Raflaelll, B. L'avventuroso Ciciliano, romanzo storko nel 1311. Pubblicato da G. F. Nott. Firenze, 1832- 8° "2773.13 Bo.sSjV>'ge, H. Catalogue gi'n(^Tal, avec suppK- ments, ler-3e, 6e. Saivi de prix courants. Paris, 1845-53. 3v. 8° *4162.2 — - Same. Exirait. Paris, 1845. S° 4162.3 Sholf. No. BossANr. A religious periodical work. Boston, I8(t9- 11. lOv. in20. 12° 5459.5 Contents. — Vol.1, rrnyers (inrt dcvotionul excrciBPs, dcsijrncd for iTie uso of vorio»i3 cJassi-s of nersons. nnd particularly young hcnds of ftimOios. II. Ohsen-ntionH on tile life and rharaOer of J<;sub Christ, by W. Now- combo. III. Eight Bcmions on tbc inonns of rcligrion. IV. Nine discouruus on ri-tative duties, and reasons for belicx-ing the truth of divine ri'volotion. V. A serious call to a devout and huly life, by W. Law. VI. A trea- tise on self-knowledpo, by J. Mason. VII. The truth of the Christian religion, by Tl, Hartley. VIII, Sevi>n ser- mons addressed to yoang: persons. IX- An earnest i-x- hortatioD to a holy life ; Loiter to a younp Iniiy on pre- paration for death, by W.Wake. X. Moral and religious coutcnipUitious, seleotcd and abridged ftom the M'ritings of J. Hall, XI. Semtons on the ediicalion of children, from the Genmiu of Kcv. George .Toachim Zoltikol^r; to which is prefixed a sermon on parental example, by Itev. G. War Iter. XII, A key to the New Testament, giving an .Tocount of Ihu eevernl books, Iheir contents, tlu^ir author!), and of the times, places, ans, and also the nature and obligations of charity, es- pecially with respect to matters of religion, by I. Wolts. XV. Letters written for comfnrting tbone bereaved of childreu and fViends, collceted by J. Erskine. XVI. ObKrrvAtions on the convertiion and npustlesbip of St. I'aul, by George, lord Lyttoltun; and president Rnmuot Locke's convention sermon. X^'I1. Dr. Hancrofta ser- mon, delivered before the Christian monitor society, and five sermons by J. Iluehul and N. Lardner. XVIII. Seven dUeoursesonmiscelhineoussubJects. XIX. 8hort observations and roHertlons ujion select ]ia»snges of Scripture, for every Sunday in the year, wllli ap|iroprl- ate hymns, by Itev. J, Tremlett, of Ilaptun. XX. Ae- cunntof Ihe life nnd death of John Wilmot.eavl of Hoch- ester, by C. llurnet, lord bishnp of Sarum; to >vhich la prortxed, on account of the author's life. — - Religious tracts. Nos. 1,2, 4. Boston, 1812, la. av. 12° 5451».6 Contents. — Vol. 1,11. Sermons. IV. Interesting \-icws of ChrlstlanUy : being n translation of jtart of a work of M. Ilonnet, entitled, Iteeherehes TthnomipIiUpir » wur lus preuyes du ChrlnMnnlnnie ; Sermon on thuCliristlan doc- trine, l>y HIehiiid I'riee. — Trustees of the publishing fund. [Tracts.] Bos- ton, 1821-24. 12' *l»ph.v.302 Contenlt. — Advleo to a young woman at service ; Ab- fitra< t of jinereil history; lite lifu of Eleanor Mmeland, In a teller tn iier nleee ; Somu aceount of Thomns Ditr- nier.wllh blnlM ku early rining; Riluinml ami Margaret, or nohrli'ly and liillbfniness rewarded ; Advantages and dliadvnntages of dninkenneMit; The siiH|iee(ed boy. — Young men's temperance society. AddresB to thi- young men of Boston : annexed, the uon- slltiition o{ the society. Itoston, I,'sJ2. pp. 16. 8" it. 170. Ill 1 BOSTON 71 BOSWORTH Boston, continued. Ecclesiastical ortjanizations. — Association of coiigi-fpitiounl nihnsters. Let- ter to Hcv. J. riiTpotit, with his reply. Bos- ton, is+r.. pp. ir.. b" Mltvt.i), and fiOS8.Sfi — Chi-isl clmrtrh. Historicitl account of. Eiitoii, A. 4.355.2" — Kssex S^trt-et uliurcli and society, memorial volimio to coninR-niorale the twenty-litlh anniviTsary of tin- installation of X. Ad- ams. Boston, ISCO. r,*"* 2354. Ifi — Federal Street conpre^atiDnal society. Keport of the committee appointed for erecting? a monument to (lie memory of Ucv. Dr. Chan- ninjr. [Boston, Itftl.j pp.10. lU." 4.354.30 — Hawes IMace conjrrejrational society. Kejily to a pamphlet, entitled, ** Administration of t!ie ilawes cimrity, by L. Capeu." Boston, 1844. pp. 20. 8° . . . 5440a.29 — - Administration of the Hawes charity, at South Boston. Capen, L 5440a. 29 — IloUis Street society. Correspondence between a committee and the pastor upon the subject of a second ecclesiastical council. Boston, 1840. pp. 2.3. 8" *41G3.y — - Correspondence between the proprietors of the nuelinj; house and the Bev. J. Pierpont. Boston, 184->. pp.16. 8" . . . . 4129.79, and *4163. 9 — - Reply of the friends of Rev. J. Pierpont, to a proposal for dissolvingthe pastoral connex- ion between him and the society, n.p., n. d. pp. 8. 8" *41G3.9 — - Special meeting of the proprietors, llarch 9, 1840. [Boston, 1840.] pp. 15. 8" *4103.9 — - X-othrop, S. K. Proceedings of an ecclesi- astical council in the case of Rev. J, Pierpont. 4103.9 — - May, S. Remarks on a letter from the Hollis Street society to their unitarian brethren 6088.163 — New North religious society, Historical notices of the. Eliot, E 4355. S — Old South church and society. Exercises at a consecration of the flag of the union. Bos- ton, 1801. pp. III.. 8° 4310a.l2 — - Pastor's memorial. Twenty-tifth anniver- sary of the installation of G. W. Blagden. Boston, 1SG2. 12° 2354.17 — Park Street church and society. Semi-centen- nial celebration, Feb. 27, 1859. Boston, 1861. 12' 2354.14 Contejas. — Momine discourse by Ucv. S. Aikou ; Aftvmoon discourse by Rev. J. H. Linsley; Evening discourse by Rev. E, Deecher; Hymns; The festival; Historic sketch. — Second Baptist church, Historical sketches of the. Baldwin, T 3454.21 — Twelfth congregational society. Historical sketch of the. Pray, L. G 2354.18,19 — West church and society. Catalogue of books in the parish library. Boston, 1859. pp. 28. 12" 2136.29 — - Proceedings on occasion of the decease of Charles Lowell, D.D. Boston, 1861. pp. 48. 8° 5440a. 20 Literary and scientific institutions. — American academy of arts and sciences. Me- moirs. Vol. 1-4; new series, v. 1-8. Boston and Cambridge, 1785-18)i3. 12v. 4° *33r0.7 — - Proceedings. Boston, 1S4?m;2. 5v. 8° . . *3370.0 — - Keport upon phonotypy. Cambridge, 1847. pp. 16. S' ." B. 170. 38 — American statistical association. Collections. Vol. 1. Boston, 1847. 8° 2.352.1 Cfmtfnt*. — Stffllistica of towns in Musaachusctta, pre- pared by Jtiiteph U. Fell. — Bums club. Celebration of the hundredth an- niversary of the birtli of Robert Burns, Jan. 25, 1859. Boston, 1859. pp. 84. 1*^'. . . . 4394.36 Shelf. No. Boston, JAternry and scientific institutions, confd. — Krankiin typographical society. Proceedings at the printers' festival, .Ian. 15, 1848. Boston, IMS. 8° B. 170a. 70 — Lilnnry society. Supiilemental catalogue [of books]. Boston. 1855. pp. 03. 8". [Inter- leaved, with additions] *2135.13 — Society for medical improvement. Constitution and by-laws, with alist of members. Boston, 1853. pp. 19. 8" 3756.2 — - Extracts from the records. Vol.1. Boston, 1853. 8° 3756.2 — Society of natural Instory. Catalogue of the library, Boston, 1837. pp. 27. sm.8'' . . . *4129.38 Boston academy's collection of choruses : a selec- tion. Boston, n.d. obl.4'' 8041.47 Boston ahnanacfor 1837-47,49-54, 5S-riO, 64. Boston, 18.3(WH. 21v. 24° .... 2389.-30, 31 Boston business directory. Compiled by D. Dud- ley. Boston, 1862. 16° 4389a. 40 Boston business and copartuershipdirectory. Com- piled by D. Dudley. Boston, 1803, 4. ■ 12° . 4.389a. 42 Boston courier, daily. Jan., 1824— Dec. ,18:12; Aug., 1833— Dec, 1852; Jan. — June, 1854; July, 1855 — June, 1800. Boston, 1824-60. 67v. f *7710.1 Boston courier report of the union meeting in Fnueuil hall, Dec. 8, 1859. pp. .32. [Ko title- page.] 8° 4310a. 13 Boston daily advertiser. Jan., 1849 — June, 1859; Jan.— June, 1860. Boston, 1841t-G0. 20v. f °. *7S80.1 Boston daily bee, April 25, 1845— May 15, 1858; Atlas and daily bee, May 17, 1858— May 16, 1800; DaUy atlas and bee, May 17, 1860— June 24, 1861. Boston, 1842-01. .37v. f° . . . . *63I0.1 Boston daily evening transcript. Vol. 1-33. Bos- ton, 18.30-02. 05v. f° *7810.1 Boston daily evening traveller. April, 1845^March, 1864. Boston, 1845-64. 38v. f° *7910.2 Boston [daily morning] traveller, Apiil 14, 1857- Sept. 15, 1857. Iv. 1,4' ■*7920.1 See also: American traveller. Boston daily post. Jan., 1852 — June, 1854; July, 1855— Dec, 1860. Boston, 1852-60. lOv. f°. *7780.1 Boston directory [for 1805]. Illustrated by a plan, from actual survey. Boston, 1805. 12°. . . *2.359.2 Boston directory for 1846-64. Bost., 1846-64. 19v. 8^ 2388.1 Boston. EastBoston directory for 1849. By George Adams. Boston, 1849. pp. 80. 18° ... . 2359.4 — South Boston directory. By George Adams. Vol. 1. South Boston, 1652. pp. 96. 18* . 2359.5 Boston flute instruction book. Keitli, C. 11. . . . 8052.70 [Boston] harbor excursion, and intemperance in Boston, pp. 12. [No title-page.] 12" . . B. 160b, 83 Boston medical and surgical journal. Vols. 1-68. Edited by F. E. Oliver and S. L. Abbot. Boston, 1828-03. 68v. 8° *5746.1 Boston monthly magazine. Edited by S. L. Knapp. Vol. 1, 2 (no. 1, 2). Boston, 1825, 26. 8* . . 5146.2 Boston quarterly review. Vol. 1,2,5. Boston, 1838- 42. 3v. 6° *3201.5 Boston review. The. Devoted to theology and literature. Boston, 1861, 62. 2v. 8* . . . . *7514.1 Boston slave riot, The, aild trial of Anthony Burns. Boston, 1854. pp. 86. 8° B. 160.119 Boston weekly messenger. Vol. 1-32. Oct. 25, 1811— Oct. 13, 1815; June 22, 1820— June 21, 1843. Boston, 1811-43. 12v. f° *7S60.1 — - Same*. Vols. 5-9. Boston, 1815-20. 5v. 8^ 3203.1 BoswELL, J. Life of Samuel Johnson. Dublin, 1792. 3v. 8° 2540.3 BoswoRTH, J. Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon language, with a pref. [essay] on the origin and connexion of the Germanic tongues, London, 1838. 8° *2585.12 — Elements of Anglo-Saxon grammar, with notes, grammatical praxis, and an introduction. London, 1823. 8° *• 2585.13 — Latin construing; or easy lessons from classitr.l authors. 3d ed. London, 1829. 12° . . . . 4939.13 BOTANIC 72 BOCILLET Shc-lf. No. BoTASic garden : a poem. Darwiji, E 25iiG.15 Botany. Candolle, A. L. r. r. de. Giiographie botanique raisonnte 427G.3 — Cooke, JI. C. Jramial of botanic terras . . . 38.34.17 — CoiUtas, H. rrincipk's of 4277.16 — Eaton, A. 3[anual of 3t^9.S2 — Eberle, J. Botanical terminology 3859.30 — Gerard, J. Herbal, or liistory of plants . . . 5840.7 — Haller, A. V. Bibliotbeca botanica 2173.25 — Harrison, J. Floriculturnl cabinet 5846.1 — Hoefer, J. C. F. Dictionnalre de botanique pratique 4282.6 — Linli, H. F. Icones anatomico-botanice . . . 38.(.x.4 — Meyer, E. H. F. Geschichte dcr Botanik . . . 4277.12 — Pbelps, A. H. L. Botany for beginners . . . 3859.31 — - Lectures on 3852.22 — Presl, C. B. Botanische Bcmerkiingen . . . . 3851.11 — Pritzel, G. A. Iconum botaiucanim index lo- cupletissimus 5831.6 — rulteney, E. Progress of botany in England. 3855.13 — Kay, .1. llistoria plnntarum 5640.1 — Eenuie, J. Alphabet of 7029.20 — Eicbard, L. C. Botanical dictionary 3859.25 — Scbleiden, M. J. GnmdzUge der wissenscbaft- licben Botanik 3855.16 — Smith, J. E. Grammar of 3854.6 — Sprengel, C. Geschicbte der Botanik. . . . 4270.18 — - Historia rei herbaria? 4277.13 — Transactions of the Linno^an society. See Lon- don 6861.1 — Toigt, F. .S. Geschichte des Ptianzenrcicbs . 4276.17 — Willdenow, 0. L. Grundriss der Kriiuterkunde. 3859.27 — WinckJcr, E. Geschichte der Botanik . . . . 4277.19 — Wood, A. Class-book of "... 3854.5 Sec aUo: Cotfce, Coaifcrie, CrjT)top:nniiit, Fenis, Flow- ers, Forest, Funpology, 1-icbeiis. Mediiral hotniiy, Mul- berry", MusliroomB, Olive, Orchids. Pftlms, Purasites, Peftr, PJaDU, Tea, Trees, Vegetation, Vine. See aUo: The names of the following countries nnit localities whose i>otany lias hecn dcscrilied, viz. Amer- ica, Australia, Basic, Belgium, Brazil, £gyl)t, Franco, Germany, Spain, United Statoa. P.OTFiF,T.r>, B. Prajfationes et epistolx editionibus principibus auctorum veterum praiposita;. raiitabrigia», IHiU. 4" 2080.7 — fllcniiirials of the families of De Boteville, Thyniie,andBotrield. Westminster. 1858. 4°.*2521.18 BoTTA, C. G. G. Histoire de la guerre de Tinde- pendance des fetats-IJnis d'Amerique. Trad- uite et preci^dee d'une introduction, par L. de Sevelinges. Paris, 1S12, 13. 4v. 8° . . . . 4325.10 — Storia d'ltalia continuata da quella del (Juicci- ardini al 1789. Lugano, is;!2. lOv. lli° . . 4199.22 — Terremoto di Calabria del 1785 ; Pacilicazione della Calabria nel 1799. [Albirri. Tesoro della prosa italiana] 2771.20 — Lettere di un Itallano sopra la storia d'ltalia di Hotta. 5ee Luccbeslni, C. or G 2729.8 BoTTA, P. E. Illustrations of discoveiles at Nine- veh; consisting of 49 plates. AVith descrip- tioliS. London, 1850. i)p. 74. 8" 4244.4 BoTTA, V. Life, character, and policy of Count Cttvour. New York, ISia. 8° 2743.19 — System of education, In the kingdom of Sardinia Ilarlford, IS-OS. pp. 78. 8° 3090.5 — Pubblico insegnamento in Gorniania, See Pa- rohi, L 3596.4 noTTAiti;i.i.i, !•". Exercises upon the rtilTercnt jiarls uf Italian speech. 8th ed. By G. B. Kolandl, Liindon, Wii, 12° 4789a. (I Bo'lTARi:!.!.!, G. (J. Sophonisha: an opera, per- formed at tlie King's theatre in the llay- Market. Music by .llaltia Vento. [Italian and I'.nglish,] l.onrhni, 17115. pp.47. I2°.*l'ph.v..'ll'.:l lloTTAlil, G. <1. Novella. | ItucciiUu di novellleri Itullltnl.v. 1) 2773.14 — BndTl™zzl,H. Karroltndlletleresullupiltiira, Hculluru ed architctluni, serine [negll{ secoli XV-xvii, Mlliino, l(t«-26. »v. 16°, . . . ■|ik9.4:i Shelf. No. BoTTcuiKi!, F. De inferis rebusque post mortem futuris ex Hebra!orum et Grajcoruni opiniou- ibus. Vol.1. Hebraica complectens. Dres- d.-B, 1.S45. 8° 6090.2 BoTTCHER, or Boettger, F. A. Dictionary of the German and English languages. See Spors- cliil, J 4119.13 BoTTlCHKll, A. J.jinmemoriam. ,9<>cNolten,.T. F. 4210.9 BOTTICHKR, p. Hymns of the old catholic church of England. Ilalle, 1851. pp.90. 16°. . . **3449.4 BoTTiGER, C.A. Ilithyia Oder die Hexe. Weimar, 1799. pp. 64. 16° B.170a.97 — Kleine Schriften archiiologiscben and antiqua- risolien Inhalts, berausgegeben vou ,J. S-illig. Dresden, 1837, 38. 3v. 8° 4202.9 CoWenr*.— Vol. I. Vorrede des nerausgobci-s; Verzoich- niss von C. A. Biittiger's siimmtlichcn Scliritteu ; Zur Mythologie der Griechen und Kiimer; Zulu Biihuenwe- son der Griechen u)id RGmer; Antiquarisclie Schcrze. U. Zur Goseliichto, Theorie und Technilc dor Kunst bei den Alten; MuSfOgraphie; Kritik und Auslegung ein- zelner Kunst^verlic des Altertliums. III. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Sitten und des Lcbens der Alton ; Auf- siitze vormisclkten Inlialts. — Prolnsio de originjbus tiroclnli apud Eomanos. [Diss, acad.] Vimariffi, 1794. pp. 16. 4° . 4102.28 BoTTiGEU, C. W. Deutsche Geschicbte fiir Gym- nasieu und Scbuleu. 3te Aufl. Erlangen, 18:)1. sm.8° 2817.14 — Heinrich der Lowe, Herzog der Sachsen uud Bayern. Einbiograpbischer Versuch, llau- uover, 1819. 8° 2852.9 BoTTS, J. M. .'Speech in the bouse of representatives, on the New Jersey contested election, .laii. 9, 1840. Washington, 1839. pp. 16. 8° . . *Ppli.v.3S2 BouCHAiiDAT, A. Manuel de matiei-e medicide, de tUerapeutiftue et de pbarmacie. 3e e-d. Paris, 1851;, 57. 2v. 12° 3780.11 BoucHi^R, G. De primis Tuugrorum, sea Leodien- siumepiscopis. [Chapeauville, Gestapouti- iicum Tungrensimn, V. 1] 2813.5 BOUCHERON, C.E.M. DeTbomaVaJpergaCalvsio. Tavrini, 1833. 1.8° "2745.11 BOUCIIITTK, L. F. 11. Legons d'bistoire ancienne. Paris, 1837. 1.8°. [Cours coniplet d'education pour les lilies] 3591.29 — Le^ous d'histoue romaine. I'aris, 1837. 1.8°. [(Jours complet d'education pour les lilies] . .3591.29 — Le Poussiji, sa vie et sou teuvre, suivi d'une notice sur la vie et les oiivrages de. Philippe de Champagne et de Chainpagne le nevtm. 2e ed. Paris, 1858. p.8" 4065.20 BoucnuT, E. Croup, or dipbtherite of Bretonueau, Sec Semple, E. II 5714.3 BOUDIN, J. C. M. F. .7. Traite de geograpbie et do stutisthiue na'-dicales et des maladies endt^m- Iques. Avec cartes, [etc.]. Paris, ls,')7. 2v. 8°. .3721.25 BouELLi':9, or Bonilles, C. dc. I'aucula proverbia. SeeAdagIa 4150.2_ BouoAiNvii.i.K, L. A.de. Voyage autourdttmonde, 1700-09. Paris, 1771. 4° 4141.8 BOUCKANT, G. II. [La Cemiidna dottoi-essa, o vero La teologia ridotta alia couocchia, commedia dftl fraucese.] n. p., 1731. sm.8° . . » . . . 4709a. 1 BOUOUKH, p. Do la nmnauivi'e des vaisBenux, ou traits demt^cbanhiueetdedynamiquc. I'arls, 1757. 1° 3951.20 BnL'iin:i:, ,1. Itenuii'tines sur Ciceron. Kouv, ('A. Paris, 1700. 8m.l2'' ••4918.11 BouiloiiR.s, I). La vie de Saint Ignace, fondateur de la compagnie de Jesus. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1826. 8* . , 0070.18 I'.iuii.i.At'ii, .1. li. Traltt^ cllniiiue des maladies du eipur. 2eed., nugm. Paris, 1841. 2v. 8°. . ,1803.13 — Tralle ellnique dti rhumatisme articulalre. Paris, 1,S40. 8° 3800.9 Bot'lM.K, F. C. A. de. ]tlemnirs relating to the French revolution. London, 1797. 8° . . . 40-12.18 Boiii.i.KT, .1., £lugc de. [Vlcq-irAzyr, (Euvros, V. 2] .3720.11 BOULAUD 73 iiO\vr>iTCU Sh.-lf. No. BouLAr.n, A. M. It. Essai (K- trjuluction intorliiu'- aire »Ii's cinq lanjjin-s, lU>lhiiul:iist', v\lle- iniiiulc, Diinoisf, Sucdui^o, ct llt-braiquc. Paris. 1802. 8" 2880.18 BouLLftK, A. A. Etats-gf5n(f'mux ct nutrcs asscm- Mros n'prt'iinitiitivt's i\v la Fnuico, 1302-1020. Vuris, ls-15, 2v. .s" 4180.4 BoULLiiNdis, F. de. Consi'ils mix nouvoaux Oduca- teurs df vers k soit'. 2o ud. Taris, 1851. 8°. 100:^.10 BouQUKT, H. Kxpeditiou against the Ohio In- dians in 1701. See Rojiers, K 4:J20a.l2 30UBASSK, .T. J. Archi'olo^ie chrttienne, ou precis de I'histniru drs monuments rcligieux du moyen age. Tours, 1841. 8° 4103.0 BorKBONS. J^tablissemeut de la malson dc Bour- bon en Kspagne. See Louville, C. A. d*A. de. 2050.9 BoUKCiiiKK, J., lord Bcrners. Memoir of. See Froissart, J 2091.7 BOUKCIHER, T. l>e martyrio fmtrum ordinis mino- nim divi Francisci, in Anglia, in iJelgio et in Hybernia. Ingolstadii, 1.5s;{. 24° . . . . *0009a.21 BoCKi>t; de Villehnct, J. Tlifory of working ships. [Transhited from the Manocuvrier.] See Luce, S. B . :W52.44 BoVRi>ON, J. B. I. Notions d'hygifcne pratique. 2e ed. Paris, l.sOO. 1. 8". [Cours complet d'education pour les lilies] .1501.32 BotJRDoT de Kichebourg, C. A. Nouveau coutu- mier general, ou corps des coutumes gt-m-- ralcs et particuHeres de France. Avec notes de Toussaint Clmuveliu, etc. Paris, 1724. 4v.in8. f".. *5700.1 BOUBGKKY, J. JI. Traite ccmiplet de I'anatomie dc Phomme, etc. Avec [725 planches coloriees], par N. H. Jacob. I'aris, 1840-54. 8v. 1.4'. ♦3730.3 Contents. — Vol. I. Anntoniie descriptive ou phypiolo- irifiuc. Appnrt-il ile ri'lnti»ti, urgiinos dp locomotion; O»tfol'>(-ie ; S.vinK'sniolopie. 11. M vologie ; Ajionorol- ogit.*. III. Mocllfl vpinitrro; Enccphnlo; N<>rf8 rnchidi- vas el onc&phuliquvd; Orgnnes ilos scii^s; Larynx. IV. Appiireil dc nutrition, orpunes do la circulation ct de la rcspinition, ou nnKeiologric; Coiur, poumons, nrteres, vctuos, lymphatlqucs. V. Orpranes do In dipiistion, dc la depuration urinuiro ct de la grf-ueration; Eni1ir>'Otomie. VI.Vll. MedeciiiPopE'ratoire. VIII. Embryopcnic, an- atomic pbilueophiquc et anntoiuie niicroBcopique. BOURGOINO, J. F. de. Historical and philosoph- ical memoirs of Pius the Sixth, and of Iiis pontificate. Translated from the French, London, 1709. 2v. 8' 2745.20 — Travels in Spain. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 25] . 0207.1 BouiiLKT de Vauxcelles, 8. J. L'esprit de I'ency- clopedie. See Didemt, D A. 180.4 BouRN'K, E. A. Kfport of the case of E. A. B. vs. the city of Boston. See Rogers, W 4289.34 BOURNK, G. Picture of slavery. Middletown, Con., 18.34. 16" 3579.38 Bourne, J. Treatise on the steam-engine. By the Artizan club. New ed. London, 1852. 4". 4011.21 — - Same. 5th ed, London, 1801. 4° 4011.18 Bourne, R. Introductory lecture to a course of chemistry. Oxford, 1797. pp.48. 8° . . *Pph.v.353 Bourne, V. Musa; Anglicanae. Londini, 1701. 2v. sm.S" *B. 173.0 BouitN<-»T. Platonica Aristotelis opuscula. [Diss. acad.] Putbus, 1853. pp.17. 4' B.190.52 BouRSAULT, E. Le nu'decin volant, comedie; Lc portrait du peiutre, comedie. Sec Fournel, F. V 4090.13 — Le raercure galant; Les fables d'fesope; fcsope a la cour. [Theatre franijais, v, 32] 4708.1 BousQrKT, p. A. Ix!9 actes des apotres modernes : Relations des voyages entrepris par les mis- sionuaires catholiqncs. Paris, 1852. 3v. 12". 3537.3 Conli'ntf. — Vol. I. VojaKo aux liciix flninti, Inttre du pcre Scrct; Voyngi! iiii nioiit Libim, par W pc*ri- I'clit- qiieux; Voyn;re a Alcp. I, II. Voyage a Unmns. II. Voyage a Baiwora; Voyage dans I' Asic Mincurc; V'oyapo duHB rArchijK.'! v( au mont Atho»; Voyage en Crimce. III. Voyage au Japon; Voyage projctu poiv la thine par St. Frauiuis Xavicr. 10 Hhclf. No. BouTAiN, A., and Almeida, J. 0. d'. Cours ('■lemen- tnire de physique. 2e ed. Paris, 1803. 8*' . . 3945.29 BoUTKKWEK, F. Ae.sthetik. 3te Aufl. Gbttingen, 1825. 2v.ini. 10' 0099a.ll — History of Spanish and Portuguese litera- ture. Translated by T. Ross. London, 1823. 2y. 8^ 4233.9 BoUTEKWKK, F. Historiadelaliteraturaespafiola. Trad, al Castellano por J. G. de la Cortina y N. Ilugalde y Molliiiedo. T. 1. Matlrid, 1829. sm.4' 3095.24 BOUTWELL, G. S. Address upon secession, deliv- ered at Charlestown, Jan. 8, 1801. Boston, 1801. 8° 4310a. 14 — Slauual of the direct and excise tax system of the United States. Boston, 1803. S" . . . *C.102.2G — Oration in Acton, Mass., Oct. 29, 1851, and a poem by J. Pierpont, [on] the completion of the granite monument, on Acton common. Boston, 1852. 8° 4-355.24 BouvKHOT, L. de. Prophezeiungen des Herrmann von Lehnin. Grimma, 1840. 10" B. 127. 10 BouVKT, F. J. F. Du catlioHcisme, du protestant- isme, et de la pliilosophie en France, en rd- ponse a 31. (^uizot. Paris, 1840. 8* . . . . 0095.15 BovEE, C. N. Intuitions and summaries of thought. Boston, 1802. 2v. 12" 5007.15 BowiHTCii, U. I. Abuse of army ambulances. [No title-page.] pp. 4. S". [From the Bos- ton medical and surgical journal, Oct., 1802] . 5790.12 — Address on the life and character of J. Deane, 51. D., of Greenfield. Greenfield, 1858. 8" 4129.80 — Aneurism of the left ventricle of the heart. [No title-page.] pp. 4. 8". [From the Bos- ton medical and surgical journal, Dec, 1801]. 5790.12 — Brief plea for an ambulance system for the army of the United States. Boston, 1803. pp.28. 8° 5790.12 — Cases of anomalous development of tubercles. New York, 1855. pp.32. 8° 5790.12 — Consumption in New England : or, locality one of its cliief causes. An address. Boston, 1802. 8" 5790.2 — Double aneurism of the aorta, causing a pecu- liar afiViction of the lung. [No title-page.] pp. 4. 8". [From the Boston medical and surgical journal, Nov., 1801] 5790.12 — The medical profession, as a means of develop- ing the whole nature of man. Address to the medical class of Harvard university, March 11,1803. Boston, 1803. 8" 5790.12 — Memoir of Amos Twitchell, M. D., with an ap- pendix, containing his addresses, etc. Bos- ton, 1851. 12' 2347.29 — On paracentesis thoracis. [Boston, 1857.] pp. 8. [No title-page.] 8" 0087.90 — Paracentesis thoracis. An analysis of twenty- five cases of pleuritic effusion. New York, 1853. pp. 40. 8" 5796.5 — Paracentesis thoracis ; a rc^sunid of twelve years* experience. [No title-page.] pp.5. 8°. [From the American journal of medical sciences, Jan., 1803] . 5796.12 — Report on intermittent fever in Chelsea. [No title-page.] pp. 11. 8". [From the Boston medical and surgioal journal, Jan., 1803] . . 5790.12 — Sketch of the life and character of Nathaniel Bowditch, LL. D. Boston, 1803. pp. 17. 8^. 4347.12 — To the public. [Defence of his conduct, in the case of Latimer, a fugitive slave, against the charges of J. B. Gray.] Boston, 1842. [No title-page.] pp. 11. 18"" .3579.32 — Treatise on diaphragmatic hernia.; [with] an analysis of cases between IGIO and 1840. Buf- falo, 1853. 8° 5790.17 — Trichina spiralis. Boston, 1842. pp. 14. [No title-page.] 8^^ . . . 5790.5 — Report of minority on the caste schools of Boston. 5ee Jackson, E 416.1.9 BowniTcn 74 BRADSHAW Shelf. No. BowDiTCH, N. American practical navigator. 9th new ster. ed. New York, 1837. 8° . . . . »*E.180.35 — - Same. IStlinew ster. ed. N.T., IMS. 8'.**E. 180.34 — - Same. 20th ed. By .1. I. Bowditch. New York, 1851. 1.8° . .' 5936.1 — - Same. 2rth ed. By J. I. Bowditch. New York, ISSr. 8- 5920.2 Bowditch, N. I. Argument for a catholic chtirch on the jail-lands. Boston, 1853. pp.15. 8°. 4289.37 — Tlie ether controversy. Vindication of the hos- pital report of 1848. Boston, 184S. pp. 32. 8°. 5790.0 — Suffolk surnames. 3d ed. London [and] Bos- ton, 1861. 8° *2333.24 BOWDITCH, W. I. Kendition of Anthony Burns. Boston, 1854. pp.40. 8° B.160a.33 — [Review of Rev. Dr. Putnam's discourse, enti- tled, God and our country. Boston, 1847.] pp.23. 8° B.100.17 BowDOiN, J. [Opinions respecting the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain.] Boston, 1797. pp.61. 8°. 4320.3s BOWDOIN family, Pedigree of the. See Whitmore, W. H 4347.10 BOWEN, A. Picture of Boston. Prefixed, the An- nals of Boston. 2ded. Boston, 1833. 16°. 2353.19 BowEN, B. B. Blind-man's offering. 4th ed. New Y'ork, 1860. 12° 2397.8 BowEN, J. Memorials, from his letters and journals. Compiled by his sister. London, 1802. 8° . 2542.29 BowEN, N. Christian consolations. Charleston, ia31. pp.90. 12° 6444.13 BowEN, I*. Discourse occasioned by the death of Kev. S. Chccklcy. Boston, 1709. 8° . . . . 3458.97 Bowes, G. S. Illustrative gatherings for preachers and teachers. From 3d London ed. Phila- delphia, 1803. 12° 5440.20 Bowles. New map of the river Tliames. London, n.d. [Size, .35x7.6 inches.] Folded 8° . . . *2495.25 Bowles, B. F. Sermon at the funeral of Helen Hanchett. Natick, 1857. 8° 0088.204 Bowles, J. Letter to the Hon. C. .T. Fox, in conse- quenceof his speech on thecharacterof thelate duke of Bedford. 3d ed. [With] observations on a sermon preached after his interment byE. Cartwright. London, n.d. pp.67. 8°. . *Pph.v.353 — Thotights on the late general election, as de- monstrative of the progress of .Jacobinism. 3d ed. London, 1802. 8° »Pph.v.353 Bowles, T. Aristarclms : or a rational institution oflhe Latin tongue. Oxford, 1748. 8° . . . 4937.0 Bowles, ^Y, Introduceion A la historia natural, y Alageografiafisicade Espaiia. Vol.1. 2a ed. Madrid, 17S2. 4° 3829.3 B(»WMAN, W. Physiological amttomy of man. See Todd, R. B 3702.23 BoWBiNO, J. Poetry of the Magyars. London, 1830. 8° '. 3037.8 — Specimens of the Polish poets ; with observa- tions on the literature of Poland. London, 1827. 12° 3037.13 — Specimens of the Russian poets, with remarks and notices. 2d ed. London, 1821. 12°.. . 3037.12 — - Same. Boston, 1822. 12° 30:17.10 — - Same. I'nrt 2. London, 1823. 12° . . . . 3n37.12 — Visit to the I'liilipjiine Islands. Lond., 18,10. 8°. 3OI0.M BoxiIoKN, M. /,. Orlglnuin Gallicaruni liber. An tiiiua" lingua' Uritannica! lexicon Britaunico- Latlnum, cum adugiis Britannicis. Aniste- lodaml, Ift.'rt. «m.4° ♦4180.12 HoYIi. Scottish tourist. Si-r Oliver 2477.24 BoYKK, A. Compleat French-niasler for ladles and gentlemen; 8lh ed. London, 1721. 12°. . 4ns9a.28 — - Same. 24lh eil. London, 1779. 12° ... . 4081lu.2n HuTLR, H. Continuation of the universal clironol- oglst. See Martin,.! 2224.18 BoylkN court and country guide for 1802. T/ondon, lHfl2. 12" •2487.10 UoYLSTOti, W. N. The will of Thonnm Boylston, c»q., lBt« of I^indon. |lioslon, 1810. | pp. 10. r 4,1M.32 Sheir. No. BOYSTON, C. B. God's hand in the war. A ser- mon in Cincinnati, April 13, 1802. Cincin- nati, 1802. 8° 4310a. 15 BoTNTON, E.G. West Point during the revolution, and the United States military academy. New Y'ork, 1863. 8° 4371.20 BoY'SE, S. Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 10) . 4004.1 BozzA, F. Fedra: tragedia. Vinegia, 1578. sm'.8°.4S09a.lfi Br.^bant, Picturesque tour through, in 1789. Ire- land, S 2802.14 Brabazon, L. Soldiers and their science. London, 1800. 10° 3953.32 Bbacciano, psetid. See Berends. Bkacciolini, F. Lo scherno degli del, poema pia- cevole. Milano, 1864. 8°. [Classici italiani, V. 104] 480f .6 — Ravanello alia Nenciotta. e risposta della me- desima. [Ferrario. Poesie rusticali] . . . . 4808.11 — Sonetto allegorico. [Gironi. Raccolta di lirici italiani] 4808.8 — and Gatteschi, V. L'Enea sqvadra coman- data dal capitano Brvnozzi. [Poema.] Fi- renze, 1008. pp. 24. sra.4° MrgS.lS Brace, C. L. Races of the old world. New York, 1803. 8° 2235.12 Bracelli, J. De Claris Genuensibus; Or?e Ligus- tic-c descriptio. [Grajvius. Thea. autiq. Ital. T. l,p. 1], 4710.1 — De bello inter Hispanos et Genuenses seculo suo gestum. [Grrevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 1, p. 2] : 4710.1 Brackenridge, H. M. Voyage to South America, In 1817 and 1818. Baltimore, 1819. 2v. 8°. 2305.11 — Worthington, ^V. G. D., and Tyson, .7. S. Speeches on the Jew bill, with an argument on the chancery powers, etc. Philadelphia, 1829. 8° 2400.30 Bradburn, G. Statement of his connection with the " True democrat" and John C. Vaughan. Cleveland. 1853. pp. 20. 8° 4129.77 Brai^bitrv, W. B. Flora's festival; a musical rec- reation. New York, 1847. obl.s° 8047.50 BRADFoRn, A. Address before the society of <^. B. K. in Bowdoin college. Boston, 1841. 8° . . . 4394.7 — History of the federal government, from 1789 to 1839. Hoston, 1810. ,s» 4325.2 — Two sermotis ui)on the character and kingilom of ('hrist, delivered in Cambridge, Dec. 28, I7iM. Boston, 1795. 8° 3154.19 Br.\dfori), K. p. Discourse at Francestown, N. 11., in commemoration of Rev. M. Bradford. Concord, 18.38. 8° »Pph.v.378 Bradford, G., Sermon occasioned- by the death of. ^c Putnam, A. P 4347.3 Bradford, M., Discourse in connnemoration of. See Bradford, E. P Pph.v.37S Bradforu, It. and H. (). Mother's medical guide. Notes by J. V. C. Smith. Boston, 183.3. 32°. 3779.21 Bradford, S. D. Litters to lion. Abbott Law- rence, in reply to those of Mr. L. to W. C. Rives, <'te. Hoston, I8I0. pp. :19. 8° . . .•410:1.13 Br.vdford, W. History of Plymouth plantation. Edited by C. Deane. Boston, 1850. 8° . . . 2.320.32 BbadI'ord, YorJ^-shirr, James, J. History and to- pography of 2505.22 — Lister, .1. Defence of, in 10-12 2516.0 Bradlee, C. D. Sermon in Dorchester, after the decease of Rev. R. Pike. Boston, 1803. 8° . 5140a. 25 Bradley, J.W., and Goodwin, T. G. JIanual of Uliiininnlion on ]i]i[ii'r iiiiil ^'ellll1l). With ap- pendix. Ollicd. I.omlon, n. d. jip. .so. 12°. '2116. II — - Same. 8th ed., rev. [with] Comjianion by J. ,1. Laing. London, [1801]. I'J° 2115.15 Bradlf.V, T. I'lenieuls of geontetrleni drawing: or, pracliciit geonieiry, plane and solid. Il- lustrated hy . I. >V. Low ry. Parti. LV SSri.OT Brady, N. Psalms of Ufi\ id In nutrc. See Bible. Psillms. Knjtlish 0014.4 BR.Vouit. Kin lidenirisehes Mnpi/in drr dt'ntschen und nordisclu'n Vorzeit. Sec lUickli, C. O. . 2S75.23 Brahe, T.. lllstoi-iii cadestis [cnin ponnnrntilriis L. BftrrettI, i. e. A. Cnrtii] . .\ugust:c VnuUdi- oorum, lOCi). 2v. In 1. f ° *42n.2 — Tiibula' Kudolphina* : perfecit .1. Keplerus. UI- niic, KV-T. f ♦.•5020.60 — Life of. Sec Brewster, U 39.19.18 Braii.sford, H. Analysis of the literature of an- cient Greece. London, isn3. 8° »»4n52.10 Brai.m, T. H. History of New Sontli Wules, to tlie close of IM I. London, INlll. 2v. S" . . . . sair.ft Brain. Calmeil. ,1. L. F. Traite des maladies in- flanunatoires du cen'eau 3801.10 — Parsons, U. Connexion between the brain and stomach Jl.Pph.v.l3:i Brainaiid, AV. F. Address in commemoration of Gth of .Sept., 17S1, on Groton heights, Sept. 6, 1825. New Lonilon, 1825. 8° 4353.20 Bi:ainkrd, T. .Sermon on the dcufh of General ,lackson,preaclied in rtiiladi'lphia. [Ameri- can national preacher, Vol. I«. No.t<, 1S45.J S°.*41(i3.1.3 — - Same. See Dusenbery, B. M 2347.25 Brainnk, C. Baigneuses et buveurs d'eau. 2e 6d. Paris, ISO!. 12°' 3S09.44 Braithwaiti;, Copt. John. Revolntionsdel'empiro de Maroc, 1727, 28, par uu tcmoin oculaire. Amsterdam, 1731. 12° *3059.6 Bkaithw.mtk, licv. John. Sermon, Dec. 5, 1805, the day for a thanksgiving to God for victory over the fleets of France and Spain. New- castle, [isns]. 8° »Pph.v.358 Braitiiwaite, VT. and J. Retrospect of practical medicine and surgery. Parts 7, II, 17,25,2.8-38, 40-42,44-47. New York, l.^Kl-ia. 22v. 8°. . *571fl.l BitAiiKL, Vi'. van. Redelyke Godtsdienst, Seventi- ende Druk. Deel 2, 3. Rotterdam, 1767. sm. 4°. [Black-letter] *C064.21 Bra^au, J. Dissertation on the construction of locks. 2d ed. London, 1815. pp. 44. 8° . . 4018.30 BllA.MAN, M. p. Discourse before G. N. Kriggs, governor, etc. on the annual election, Jan. 1, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8°. . . 4350.12, and *Pph.v.376 Bramieri, L. Novelle sei. See Soave, F 4199.25 — audPozzetti,P. Delia vita edegliscrittidi Giu- seppe Parini. Piacenza, 1801. 10° 2749.30 BKANAuAJf , T. Avenia : a poem on oppression and the rights of man. Philadelphia, 1805. 12° . 2397.33 Branca, G. Bibliografla storica di ogui nazione, iutorno ai principali periodi della storia uni- versale. Milauo, 1802. 8° 2170.20 BraXOIII, G. Sopra gli ingredient! di vari umsaici e dl varieantiche pitture. See CJampi,S. . . 4001.25 Branchid.ic, CurUi, Discoveries at. Newton, C. T. .3071 .10 Brakd, J. Popular antiquities of Great Britain. New ed., enlarged by Sir II. Ellis. London, 1849. 3v. p.S° B.159a.0 Brasde, TV. T. llauual of chemistry, 1st Am. from 2d London ed. Notes by W. J. Macne- ven. New York, 1821. 8° 7975.1 — and Taylor, A. S. Chemistry. Phila.,18G3. 8°. 5973.1 Brandenburg. Danneil, J. F. Wiirterbuch der altmiirkisch-plattdeutschen Mundart .... 2884.2 — See Volkssagen der Altmark 4224.23 Brandes, H. B. C. Das ethnographische Ver- hiiltniss der Kelten und Germanen. Leipzig, 1837. 8° 4213.9 Brande.s, R., and others. Annalen der Chemie und Phamiacie. Baud 1-124. Supplement Band, 1801. Lemgo, Leipzig, u. 8. w., 1832-02. 125v. 8° *3288.2 — - Same. Register zu liand 1-4C. Heidel- berg, 1843. 8° *.3288.1 — - Same. Autoren- und Sach-Register zu den Banden 1-110 (1832-60). Bearbeitet von Witt- sleiu. Leipzig, 1861. 2v. in 1. 8° 'S'iSS.l Sb«lr. No. llR.VNDis, C. A. Geschichie der griechlsch-ronds- . chon Philosophic. Berlin, 18.35-57. 2v. in 4. 8° 0093.5 Brandis, J. D. Bibliotheca mcdicinx practica*. SeeUaner, A.\ v.4 of »3710.1fl Brandmot, C. Geschiedknndige Beschouwing van de 'Walvlsch-Visscherij. Amsterdam, 1843. pp. 38. 8° B. 170.41 Branpuktii.T. S. Dissertation on the metre of Homer. London, 1844. 8° **299fl.2S Urandt, C. Historic van het Leven des Huig de Groot. Vervolgt door A. van Cattenburgh. 2de Druck. Dordrecht, 1732. 2v.ini. f°.*4270.0,7 Brandt, G. Histoire abregee de la reformation des Pays-Itas, trad, dti llollandois. La Ilaye, 1720. 3v. 12° 0049a. 5 — Historic der Reformatie, en andre Kerk<4yke Geschiedenjssen, in en ontrent de Neder- landen. Amsterdam, 1071-1704. 4v. 4° . . *C054.2 — Historic van de Rechtspleging gehouden 1018 en It'iiy, ontrent de dry gevangene Ileeren J. van Oldenbarnevelt, Rombout lloogerbeets, Hugo de Groot. Rotterdam, 1708. 4° . . . •4231.1 Brandt, ,T. C. F. Die gebriiuchlichsten homtio- pathischen Arzneimittel. Nordhausen, 1800. pp.91. 8° 5785.10 Brandt, S. Narrenschilf, herausgegehen von F. Zarncke. Leipzig, 1854. 1.8° 42.32.3 Brannan, J. Official letters of the military and naval officers of the United States, in 1812-15. Washington, 1823. 8° 4324.7, and 4327.11 BraNTLY, W. T. Our n.ational troubles. A thanks- giving sermon in Philadelphia, Nov. 29, l.SOO. I'hiladelphia, ISOO. 8° 4310a.lO Br.vssic.vnus, or Kohlburger, J. A. Proverbiorum synimicta. See Adagia 4150.2 Brattleboko, Vt. Hydropathic establishment. Second report. Wesselhocft, R 6087.80 Braum, A. E. GriechischeGotterlehre. Hamburg und Gotha, 1854. 8° 6072.6 Braun, Georg C. Das alte Athen und seine Um- gebungen. Mainz, 1823. 12° 3073.9 Braun, Gustav. Compendium der operativen Oy- naikologienudGeburtshilfe'. ■Wien,1800. 8°. *3774.3 Braun, J. W. .J. Zeitschrift fiir Philosophic and kathol. Theologie. See Achterfeldt, J. H. v. 0079.1 BR.iUNScnwKio, J. D. v. Geschichte des allgemei- nen politischen Lebens der Yijlker im Alter- thume. lerTheil. Hamburg, 1830. 8° . . 3052.9 Brausici:, II. Verlauf der Cholera-Epidemieen in Preussen. Berlin, 1S02. 8° .3806.25 BRAUTRUS.S, Der, auf dem Grabe. Arnold, T. F. C. 2878.13 BuAV.vis, A. See France. Commission scientiiique du Nord. Voyages en Scandinavie, v. 7-12, 14, 10, 17 2805.1 C"H(en(s. — Vol. VII. Astronomio et hydrograpliie. \TII-X. MC'teorologie. XI, XII. Mngnetismc terreBtre. XIV. AiiroreaborealeB. XVI, XVII. Gtopraphie phys- iijue, gcogiaplito botaniquo, botauiquo ot phygiologle. Bravard-Veyrieres, p. Dolt-on (jcrirc et parlcr en Latin dans les coucours ouverts devant les facult(53 de droit ? Paris, 1&37. pp.10. 4°.B.190..38 Bray, C. The education of the feelings. 2d ed. L(mdon, 1849. p.8° 6068.11 Bkay, W. Tour through some of the midland conn- ties, into Derbyshire and Y^orkshire, in 1777. [Mavor. British tourists, v. 2] ' 2469.22 Brazer, J. Discourse, Aug. 20, 1843, the Sund.ay succeeding the death of Hon. B. Pickman. Salem, 1843. 8° 4355.23 — Duty and privilege of an active benevolence. Address, on Christmas evening, 1835. Salem, 18.36. 8° •4103.14 Brazil. Brasilianische Zustande und Aussichten im Jahre 1.801. Berlin, 1S02. f° 2370.8 — Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho, J. J. da. Com- merce and products of 2305.15 — Kostcr, H. Travels in a315.15 — JIaximUian, A. P. Voyage an Bnsil, 1815-17. 4184.3 BRAZIL 76 BUIEF Shelf. Ko. Brazil, continued. — Payns, A. K. M. Residence in 2309.14 — riso, W. Historia naturalis Brasilise .... 5820.1 — - Tractatus topographious et meteorologicus BrasQia; 5820.4 — Raddi, G. Flantarum Biasiliensium nova gen- era et species nova?. Filices 5840.4 — !ki., F. Geschichte der 5Iusik in Italien, Deutschlaud und Fraukreicli. 3te AuU. Leip- zig, 1x00. 8° -1015. 10 BiiKN.NKV.sE.v, K. K. De jure principis circa adia- phora. [Diss, inaug.] Ualic Magdeburgicii, 1095. pp. OO. 4° ♦43M.22 BuKNT, J. Canterbury in tile olden time. London, IMOO. 12° 2199.5 Brenti unii, Miilillcucv. Examination of the schol- ar» at Wyke Houhc, .Slon-llill, 1827, 28. n. p., n.d. (No title page.) 8° »Ppli.v."2,77 BRK8CIA. Leclil, L. Della tipografla bresclana nelHicoloXV 2200.14 — Ruscelll, G. Rime dl -18.] London, 1802-tVl. 2v. in 3. 1.8°. . *7052.1 BREWEitTON, G. D. The war in Jiansas. New York, 1850. 12° 2378.23 Brewing, Practical treatise on. Black, W. . . . 4013.10 Brewster, D. Martyrs of science, or the lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. 4th cd. London, I'sSS. 10° 3939.18 — Treatise on optics. New ed. By A. D. Bache. "With appendix. Philadelphia, 1837. 12° . . 4209.8 Brewster, F. E. Slavery and the constitution. Both sides of the question. Philadelphia, 1850. pp.24. 8° B. 100. 10 Brewster, M. M. Sunbeams in the cottage, or what women may do. 2d ed. Kdinbui'gh, 1854. 10° 4576.27 Brial, M. J. J. SeeHistoire litt^raire de la France, V. 1.3-10 4092.1 BuL^NC(>i!i!T, M. Organization of labor and asso- ciation. Translated by F. G. Shaw. New York, 1847. 12° B.170b.0S Briant, L. Friendly remarks on a sermon by Rev. [John] Porter, from Isaiah 04; 0. Boston, 1750. pp. 31. ,8° »4103.4 — More friendly remarks on Mr. Porter and Co. Bo.ston, 1751. pp. 35. 8° •4103.4 Buu'K, J. W., Opinion in the matter of the estate of. .SV(! Daly, C. P 4371.10 BUK KMAiiiNG. L'art de briquetier. Cballeton de liiughat, F 4010.14 Bridge, II. Journal of an At^'ican cruiser. Edi- ted by N. Hawthorne. N<-w York, 184S. 12°. 4290.24 BkidgiCjAY. Thc-refuge in time of pestilence. Also, lOxiiosition of the 91st Psalm, by Rev. bishop (i. Howe. New York, l.s:i2. .32° 3440.09 Bridgens, R. Sefton church, with part of the interior decorations. London, 1822. 31 \tl. pp. 2. f° 4080.9 Uridges, C. The Christian ministry. 9th ed. Lon- don, 1801. 8° 3437.14 BRinoES. Cullum, G. \V, Systems of military ° bridges 3955.6 — Ilaiqil, H. Mllllary bridges 3955.11 — Ilund)er, W. Treatise on cast and wrowght iron bridg4' eonslruclion 39. C. 2 — LongjS.H. Description ofCol, Long's bridges. 1018. .'10 See also: Vleturln brlilKO. Bridget, St. Sec lirlgitta, St. BRiixiMAN, T. Nature ami neci'ssily of a revival of vital godliness : a sermon, June 7, 1820. Montrose, 182(1. 8° •Pph.v.350 Bi{lKl'' illuslratlon and conllrnnition of the divine right of Infant baptism. Boston, 1793. jip. 40. 8° »1I0:).13 lUUKF 77 ItlllTISH Shelf. No. Bktkf reply to (in important qiu'stion; boinjf ii h-ttt-r Ur I'lttf. Gohlwin Smith. London, ISlvt. pp. 2K 8" 307:i.29 Bkikf statomonts imd arpunifnts. Ily riiristiivnus ami otlicrs. No. 4. N.Y..1KV. i>p.Mt. 1^ .li.l70b.04 Brikki-: cim's VcrstovlH-ncn. Kin t'rajrnif ntarisches Tajrcbncli aus Kuiilaml. Irl:imi, Deutsdiland, [ii. «. w.], lKJ(V-"..*y. MiinclH-n and Stuttgart, ISSO. 31. 4v. 16° '£i77.H Brikl. .1. H. I>. Ta' danger d'unt' p^t'mi^rt' faute, histoiro angloiso. Londres, 17S4. 1'2' . . . 401H»u.8 lEiUKUitK de Boismont, A. J. V. On lialliicinaiions : history and explanation of apparitions, vi- sions, etc. Translated by R. T. Hnlme. London, 1859. 10" 560ya.5 BRiFAtrr, C. Oeuvrcs, pnbliees par M. Rives et M. A. Bignan. Paris, 1858. Ov. ff 2G04.7 Content*. — Vol. I. Notice sur Ilrlfaut, pnr Bipnftu; DIacoiirs do rdcO|>tton & racniltniu- ; Ittpuiistc du niarcj. de Pastorct; Ktiionao de Brlfnut, nu discoure de recep- tion de M. Aiirolot, ot au discoiirs df M. Ic coiuto da Fullous ; Du rellfrionisnio modcme ; Nolice sur Fentlon ; Notice sur Luuis xvi ; De In rl'urgftnisation sociale, ser- vant d'nppcndiccnu Rolifrionisme niudi-rnp; Recitsd'un vicux pun-niii a son jcuiiv fiUoul, II, III. riisse-teiiipa d'un reclus. 111. Ln flUe du repicide; Lc due do Mon- mouth; Left nmours d'un BexogCnBiro. IV. Ninus n, triiRudiC; Aurt-liL-n, trapedio; Cyrus et Artaxcrco, trng- edie; Aloxis IV, wmperuur do Constantinople, trug- 6dle; Lamcch, ou lea descendants do Cain, tragrt'dio; ThOodoao, tragedie ; I\'ar, ou les Scandinnvus, tragtdie ; Sigismond, roi d'Austrasle, trngfdio. V. Frnn(,'oi9 Icra Madrid, drame heroique; Francois ler en Frnuco, epi- logue; Lo protecteur, comudie ; L'amour et ropinion, comidiei Potmos. VI. Varietts; Contes; Souvenirs du cocur; Dialogues. BriQGS, C. W. Reign of terror in Kauzas. Bos- ton, iSofi. pp. :14. 8° B.1G0.88 Bkigg.';, G. W. Address at the funeral ofW. 1'. Ripley, riynumth, 1S42. S" *UO:i.G — Applir^tion of the prineiples of religious free- ilom to the practical problems of the passing time. A sermon. I'lymouth, 1845. 8° . . . *4I(j;j.r2 — Couditions of ministerial power: address be- fore the graduating class in the tlieological school at Meadville, Tenu.^ June liO, 1851). Boston, 1859. 8°. 544na.*.i6 — Discourse delivered before the autumnal uni- tarian convention, held at Salem, Oct. 20, 1847. Boston, 1847. 6" 54-10a.20 — The living ministry : address before the gradu- ating class in the theological school at Cam- bridge, .luly 15, 1855. Cambridge, 1855. 8" .5440a. 20 — Sermon at the funeral of Rev. J. Kendall, in riymoutli, March 20, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8°.5440a.2G — Two sermons [on slavery and war] in Plym- outh, Mass., July 4, 1847. Plymouth, 1847. 8°. B.lOa.3 — The unchanging CIirLstian message. A sermon at the ordination of Rev. A. P. Putnam, in Roxbury, Dec. 19, 1855. Boston, 1850. 8" . 5440a. 20 Bkiogs, II. De vita et studils H. B. commentario* lus. -See Smith, T 4177.12 Briggs, T. F. Banjo instructor: containing over fifty popuhir dances, melodies, etc. Boston, n. d. obl.4' 8051.60 Bkigha:^!, John C, Life and services of. See Ad- ams, W 5440a.43 Bkioham, Josiah. Twelve messages from tlie spirit J.Q.Adams. Boston, 1.-59. 8° 0090.7 BiUGiiAM, W. Address before the inhabitants of Grafton, Mass., April 29, 18-35, the tirst centen- nial anniversary of that town. Boston, 18.15. 8*". 4355.9 Briguam family, Genealogical register of the. See Morse, A 2333.23 Bright, James. Diseases of the heart, lungs, and air-passages. :id ed. Loudon, 1800. 8° . . 3803.33 — Ueber die Bright'sche JJierenkrankheit. See Malmsten, P. II 5790.10 Bright, John. Speech at Rochdale. Dec. 4, 1801, on the American crisis. New York, 1802. 8''.4310a.l7 — Speech [on American alfnirs] in Birmingham, Dec. 18, 1802. Birmingham, IbO"^. 8* . . . . 4322.40 Shelf. No. Bkigmt, R. Abdominal tumours and intumescence. Kd.byti. U. Barlow. London, J8(Hi. 8". [Lon- don. New Sydi'iiliam society, V. r»] *57I4.0 liKU;i[Tt)N, Mass. Annual reports of llie receipts and expenditures of Ihe town, for 1840,42- 40, 48-0;i. Cambridge, 1841-04. 8" *4358.0 — Report, [first]-tweuty-sixth, of the school com- mittee of the town, Cambridge, l840-fr4. H". *4358.5 Brightwkll, C. L. Lil'e of Liunaius. London, 1S58. 10" 3839.7 Brigitta, or Birgitta, St., of Sweden. Revela- tiones cieU'stes, a C. Dvranto traclatu de vis- ionibus, etc. illustratie. Nvnc demvm men- dis purgata; opera S. Hormanu. Monachii, IfWO. f *B.110.7 Contents. — C. nuranti tractatus do visiouibug, rovola- ItoiiihuH, dt>P(irittonibus, ecstasl, ot rnptu ; liovel.iticjnum oa-Iestium libri octo; KegulaSalvatoris, revelata 8. bir- gltttc; Sermo sngelicus, do excellentia B. Marifu vir- ginis; Orationesqiiatuor; Orationosdepussione Domini; Itevelationes exn-avagantes ; Vita et mirncula Birgiltd- ; Vita Bive legeuda cum niiraculis Catharinte flUuc S. BirgitUc. — Revelationes selecta;. Textum cognovit A. Heuser. Colonic, 1851. 32°. [Bibliotheca myst. et ascet.] 0000a. 29 — Prayers of St. Bridget. See Parviller, A. . . 5448.45 BkinoivMeier, E. Die Nationalliteratnr der Spa- nierseit dem Anfange des xix Jalirhuuderts. Gottingen, 1850. 8° 4143.8 — Die provenzalischen Troubadours. Halle, 1844. 8° 4187.13 Brindley, J., Life of. S'ce Smiles, S 2447.24 Bkuie, L. Tae-ping rebellion in China, London, 1802, 12° 3018.11 Brinkmann, F. Studien und Bilder aus Suddeut- schen Land uml Volk. Leipzig, 1802. 2v. 8". 2803.24 Brinli;v, l*". Life of W. T. Porter. New York, 1800. 12° 2347.23 UuiNToN, W. Sledical selection of lives for assur- ance. 3d ed. London, 1801. pp. 85. sm.lO". 3769.40 BuiQUET, P. Traitti clinii|ue et therapeutique de rhyst(-rie. Paris, 1859. 8? *3774.2 Brisbane, A, Social destiny of man : or, associa- tion and reorganization of industry, Phila- delphia, 1840. 8° 3508.33 Bnissio, V. Urbis Ciesenai descriptio, a F. M. Fac- cinoex Italico versa. [Grsevius. Thes.antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 8] 4710.1 Bkisson, B. De verborum qute ad jus civile perti- nent significationc. l*rodit opera .T. G. llei- neccii, pracmissa praifatioue Buhuieri. HaliE Magdeburgicjc, 1743. f ° *3030.4 Bristed, J. National bankruptcy of Britain, and her resources. New York, 1809. 8* 2510.10 — Resources of the United States. New York, 1818. 8° 4303.8 — Thoughts on the Anglican and American-Anglo churches. New Y'ork, 1822. 8" 3540.35 — Sermon at the funeral of. See Lastburu, M. . 5440a. 80 Bristol, Eng. Chilcott, J. Descriptive history of. 2499.20 — Mathew, J. Bristol guide 2499.8 — Bristol tabernacle. Centenary services, Nov. 25, 1853. London, 1854. 10" 3548.17 Bristol, Mass. Bristol county almanac for 1852. Also for Nantucket and Dukes counties. By G.Adams. Boston, 1852. 18° 4389a.6 Bristow, H. \V. Glossary of mineralogy. London, 1801. 12" 3883.12 Britannia's pastorals. Browne, W 4509a. 28 British America. Andrews, I. D. Trade and commerce with 2301.24 — Leiste, C. Beschreibuug des brittischen Amer- ika 4302.30 See also : Cannda, Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Etlwavd's Island, Sable lalund, Van- couver's Island. British and foj-eign Bible society. Report, 1st- 58th, for 1805-02. Loudon, 1805-02. 21v. 8°. *3410.4 BRITISH 78 BROUGHAM Slielf, No. British and foroiirn unitarian a;;>!ociation. Re- port, first, second, with proceedings of annual meetings. London, 1S26, 27. 8° *Pph.v.312 British association for tlie advancement of science. Report of the lst-23d, a5th-.3UtU meetings. London, 18.^3-fiI. 3Sv. S° *.-!916.1 Br.iTi.'sH chess association. Memoir, by G. W. Med- ley. 5ec Lowenthal, .1. J 4Ci01..'!a BRITISHCicero; a selection of speeches. Browne, T. 2503.15 British critic, The, a new review [commenced by R. Nares]. London, 17113-1801. 18v. 8°. . *4115.1 British galleries of art. Londou, 1824. 16° . . . **40S9.17 British imperial calendar for 1802. London, 18(12. 12" *24S-.13 British quarterly review. Vols. 1-38. London, 1845-e.3. 38V. S» *3163.1 British theatre. Bell, J • • • 'H?""-! — Jones, W 4575.20 Brittax, S. B., and Hanson, D. D. Oral discussion of spiritualism. New York, 1858. 8° . . . .0088.113 Brittany. Davons.A. Voyage de I'empereur Na- poleon iii en Bretagne, 1858 4neo.i7 — La Villemarqut', T. H. de. Contes populaires des anciens Bretons 2GS7.10 — - Poemes des bardcs bretons du sixieme siicle 1I8"-10 Britton, J. Dictionary of the architecture and arcliipology of the middle ages. Illustrated by J. Le Keux [wltli 36 plates]. London, ]S!8. 4° 4091-.. 12 — Memoirof John Aubrey, embracing an account of his works and times. Londou, 1845. 4° . 2540.20 Original picture of Loudon. 27th ed. London, n.d. 18- ■ii»r.S Broaphurst, F. a word in favour of female schools. London, 1820. pp. 74. 18° 3599.32 Brocakd, or Burcliard. Descriptio Terras Sanctae. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 4] 4140.3 — - Same. See Grj-na-us, S 41G0.S liROCCiii, G. B. Lettere sopra Dante. Milano, 1835. 10° S'lS-^ Brochant dc Villiers. A. J. F. M. Traitc (^Icmen- taire de mineralogi<», siiivant les principes de AVerner. 2e i-d. I'aris, 18ns. 2v. 8° . . . 3809.32 Brockktt, J. T. Glossary of nortli country words. 3d ed. Newcaslle-upon-Tyne, 1840. 2v. 12°. 2580.22 Brockhais, V. A. Deutsche Blatter. Hand 1-0. Neue Kolge, Hand 1-3. Tagesgescliichte 1-10. Leipzig uiul Altenburg, lsl:i-l(l. 9v. 12°. . . 2S.'li).4 BiiiH'KMKUT.ANU. WiUkiiren der Brockmiinner. Wiurda, T. U 2815.11 BitiiDi'.Ai', r. J'rastermissa aliquet historia; fori JComani. [l*oleni. Utriusque tlies. antiq. si.pp., V. 1] 2970.7 BRoni'.HiP, \V. J. Leaves from the note book of a naturalist. London, 18."i2. p.s" .1829.7 Brodik, Sir It. ('. Lectures illustrative of various subjects in pathology and surgery. London, 1840. 8° •.•1792.9 — Biographical sketch of. .S'ce Acland, II. W. . 2510.14 Bhoffkrio, A. I nuei tempi — Meniorie. Torino, 1857-01. IKv. in 9. 10° 4749.20 BROOI.IK, A. C. L. V. de. ficrlts et discours. Taris, 1803. 3v. 8° 4703.14 Bimoi.iK, A. I. Ci. di' Stael, duchfsse de. Memoir of. .Vcc lialrd, l{ 2397.10 Bromi.kv, ,1. The form i>f sound words. A sermon. ,Sfic .Sermons on imjiortjint subjects 5112.11 Buommi^, T. Hand- and UfiHebuch llir Auawan- derer nach Nord-Anierika. 3te Aufl. Brty- reulh, IMO. 8° 2308.18 BR')NNi:it, 'I'. .\. Klscliergedlclite and Krzaihlungcn. Zllrlch, 1787. 10° ••2878.29 BROOK, B. ni.>loryof rellgloua liberty In Britain to thi' dcalli of George III. London, [1820]. •Jv. H' 3,'i22.0 BuDHK larm pbulnnx. .SVn Wist Roxbury .... 6571.3 UltoOKK, F. M. [Ilisloire lie JIIss Wist, ou rbeil- reax druoument. Tradulte de PAnglois.] )!oll< rdiuii, 1777. 2v. 12' 1570. .12 ShtU'. No. Brooke, H. [The fool of quality, or the] History of Henry, earl of Moreland. Liverpool,- [1780]. 8° 2573.4 — Gustavus Vasa; tragedy. [Bell. British the- atre, V. 32] 4179a.l Brookline, Afass, Reminiscences of tbrty years in. Pierce, J 4103.6 — Liiugwood. Christ's church. Organization, dcrd^ of trust, and extracts from the records. Boston, 1863. 12° 5549.5 — - Gospel church. Ritual, containing the morn- ing prayer, litany, altar service, and commun- ion. Boston, 1802. 4° 5440.9 Brooklyn, L. I. Manual of the common council for 1800, 01. Brooklyn, 1800. 12° 4389.5 Brooklyn business directory, 1858, 59. Compiled by W. H. Boyd. New York, [1858]. pp. 63. 8°. 4385.4 Brooks, C. Lecture at Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 10, 1849, on the duties of legislatures in relation to public schools in the United States. Bos- ton, 1850. 12° 6599a. 1 — The tornado of 1861, in Middlesex county, Mass. Boston, 1852. pp. 72. 10° 3907.29 Brooks, E., Reply to a pamphlet recently circulat- ed by. See Lowell, J. A 4120.11 — and Lowell, J. A. Correspondence, with doc- uments annexed. Boston, 1847. 8° 2354.15 Brooks, Jehiel. Laws of the United States and of states in relation to fugitives from labor. Washington, 1800. pp. ,12. 8° 5572.20 Brooks, John. Discourse delivered before the Hu- mane society of Massachusetts, 9tb .June, 1705. [With an appendix.] Boston, 1795. sin.4° . 3808.5 Brooks, P. S. Speech at Columbia, S. C, Aug. 20, 1850. Boston, 1850. 12° 1324.25 Brooks, T. Apples of gold for [the] young, and a crown of glory for [the] old. Glasgow, 18^10. 32° 3440.00 Bkoosie, W. Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of GreatB>itain,v.8]. 40O4.1 Brosses, C. de. Du culte des dieux fetiches, u. p., 1700. 10° 0070.24 BROTHERHEAn, W. Book ofthe signers : containing fac-simile letters ofthe signers ofthe declara- tion of independence. Philadelphia, ISOl. 4°. *2.120.3 — General Fremont, and the iiyiistice done him by politicians and envious nulitary men. liiilailelphia, 1802. pp. 10. 8° 4310a. 15 IIROTONNI':, F. 1*. lie. Histuire de la tiliation etdes migrations des peujiles. Paris, 1837. 2v. 8°. 4147.6 Broiiku van Niedck, Rl. De po])uloruni veterum ac rei'entiorum adorationibus. [Poleni. Utri- usque thes. antiq. siipp., v. 5] 2it70.7 IlKori;ll.\:u. II. .\cfinint of Lord Bacon's Novum oiganon scientiarum. [No title-page.] n.p., n, d. pp. Ml. 8° •Ppb.v..142 — Acts and bills, from 1811 to the present time; with a review by Sii- .1. K. Kardley-Wilnuit. London, 1K.'.7. 8° 3024.2 — - Same. [ List of acts and bills.] London, 1800. 10° 3020.22 — Critical ami nnscellaneoua writings. Prefixed, a sketch of his chariujter. Philadelphia, 1841. 2v. 12° 4108.3 C'futtftnln. — Vol. I. Ororpo tlie fourdi mil] Quroil Cnr- ollno; Tlio qitoeii'ii IpttiT to tlio klnK J rolltlnil ctinr- ncfiTii; Public clinrilotorB ; Coiiirreiis of % rroim. 11. I'libliu olinrnclorn; (.I'orin? tliu tliiril iiini tin- nilliollti <)Uviitlon ; llUtorlcal nolo on tlio lUm-oviTj- of till' tliuiiry oi* llio comimnlUon of wilti'i-; Ui«vli>\v of " l(Iiu-k'« loc- tiirca on tlio olpmi'iiln of olioniUtr.v ; " Lonilon nnlvpriilty mill Klnir'H colli'irc ; .liinlnii lili-ntlfloil ; Nuutrnl citioa- tlon ; Uovolittlon In i'rnnco. — Dissertations on sidijects of science connected witlnialiiriil theology. London, 18:19. 2v. 8°.»»K.219.8 — Polilii-al pliilosoiihy. London, l.'<40. 3v. 8°. 4286.5 — Speeches upon questions reliiling to piibJIc rights, duties, and interests; with lilslorleiil Introductions. Philadelphia, 1841. 2v. 8". 4171.1 — Stalesinen In the time of George III. Philadel- phia, iN'il. 2v. 12" 4178.3 BROUGIITON 79 BROWNSON Shelf. Ko. Broitohton, lorih Sec llobhousp, J. C. Bkoiioiiton Gifford, inits. History of. Wilkin- son,.! 2001!. :i Brousse lies Faiiclierots, J. L. Lk miuiage si'crtt : conu-die eu trois actes, eu vers. Paris, 179^, pp. 70. 8° V. aof •2Cfi4.I2 — - Same. [TlK'utre iVamjais, v. 4.'J] 4708.1 Bkower, C, and llaseuiiis, J. Antiquitatnm ct au- nalivm Trevirenslvm librl xxv. Lcodii, 1070. . Sv. f ° »4250.6 BRO^\*?f, A. V. Address delivered before the two literary societies of the university of North Carolina. Kaleifih, ISM. 8° B.iroa.79 Brown, B. G. Slavery in its national aspects as related to peace and war. Address, sk'pt. 17, 18IVJ. [No title-page.] 8° 4310a. 02 Brown, D. li. Reply to H. Biuney on the privi- lege of the writ of habeas corpus under the coustltutioD, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1862. pp.31. 8° 4:il0a.l'.l Bko>\'N, E. W. Geography of Asia. [In Assa- mese.] Sibsagor, Asam, 1851. sq.l6°.. . . .1038.24 BroM'N, George. The American war and slavery. Speech at Toronto. Mancliester, )8r.:j. 12° . 4322.07 Brown, Goold. First lines of English grammar. New York, n. d. 18° 4.'is'.ia.42 Brown, H. S. The battle of life. A lecture. Lon- don, n.d. 10° B. 100b. 80 Brown, I. V. Biography of Rev. Robert Finley. 2d ed., enlarged; with a sketch of the sla\e trade. Philadelphia, 1857. 12° 2348. .30 Brown, John, of Hothbury, b. 1715, d. 1706. The cure of Saul: a sacred ode. n.p., n.d. pp.15. 8m.8° *Pph.v.3ra — A sermon on occasion of a late dangerous in- surrection at Hexham. Prefixed, an account of the insurrection. 2d ed. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1761. 8° . . *Fph.v..357 — Thoughts on civil liberty, licentiousness, and faction. 2d ed. London, 1765. 8° 3508.35 — Barbarossa : trag. [Bell. British theatre, v. 26]. 4170a. J — Essay on satire, and other poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 10] . 4604.1 Brown, John, nf Haddinffton, b. 1722, d. 1787. Life, revised and enlarged. New Vork, 1830. I0°.4640u..34 Brown, John, F. R. G. S. The north-west pas- sage, and the plans for the search of Sir John Franklin. 2d ed., with a sequel. -London, I860. 8° 2263.5 Brown, Cai)^ John, llartyrdomof J. B. Proceed- ings of a public meeting in London on the 2d December, 1803. London, 1864. pp.22. 8°. 4.322.34 Brown, J. B. Royal Windsor guide, with a brief account of Eton. New ed. Windsor, 18.34. 12°. 2499.29 Brown, J. G. B. Relation of the ideal to the ac- tual : an address, March 23, 1858. Washing- ton, 1858. 8° B. 170a. 17 Brown, Capt. Moses, of the U. S. navy. Sketch of. See Swett, S.'. 4.347.50 Brown, Mount. Catalogue of British, colonial, and foreign postage stamps. 4t!i ed., augmeuted. London, 181)3. pp.97. sq.IO° 22.37.18 Brown, R. Elements of musical science. London, 1860. 4° 4053.7 Brown, Samuel. Treatise on the nature, origin and progress of the yellow fever. Boston, 1800. 8° *M.l"ph.v.l.39 Brown, Samuel G. Address before the alumni of Dartmouth college, July 25, 1855. With pro- ceedings of tlie society. Concord, 1856. 8°. 4394.9 — Discourse commemorative of C. B. ILiddock, delivered [at] Dartmouth college, April 19, 1801. Windsor, Vt., 1861. 8° 4394.9 — Slemoir of Rufus Choate. See Choate, R.. . . 2.393.12 Brows, Solyman. Essay on American poetry; [a poem] ; with miscellaneous pieces. New Haven, 1818. 12° 2.397.11 Brown, Thomas, prof, at Edinburgh. Inquiry into the relation of cause and effect. Andover, 1822. b' 6602.3 Sholf. No. Broavn, Thomas, cinl enr/ineer. Marine steam-en- gine. See Main, T.J 4015.22,28 — The indicator and d\namometer. Sec Main, T. J ■. 4015.31 Brown, William. New Zealand and its aborigines. London, 1845. 8° 4245.15 Brown, AVilliam L. Essay on the folly of scepti- cism. London, 1796. 12° 3434.23 — Essay on tlie natural equality of men. 1st Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1793. 10° 3508.19 — Existence of a supreme Creator, possessed of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness. 2d ed. Aberdeen, 1818. 2v. 8° 3151.21 Brown, William S. Chemistry for beginners. 2d ed. Boston, 1855. 12° 4277.18 Brown, William W. Lecture before the Female anti-slavery society of Salem. Boston, 1847. 12° B.I00a.l7 — Narr.ative of a fugitive slave, written by him- self. Boston, 1847. 12° 5579a. 10 BROWN-SlbQOARD, C. E. Diagnosis and treatment of paralysis of the lower extremities. Lon- don, 1801. 8° 3802.12 Browne, D. J. Sylva Americana; or forest trees indigenous to the United States. Boston, 18.32. 8° 3845.14 Browne, E. Travels in Egypt and Libya. [Mayor. Voyages, V. 21] 6207.1 Browne, H. English-Greek lexicon. .See Friiders- dorir,J.W 2984.27 Browne, I. H. De animi immortalitate ; poema. Hamburgi, 1754. pp.48. sm.8° **56fl9a.3 Browne, John. General law list and sessions reg- ister for 1790. 10th ed. London, 1790. 12°. 3635.24 Browne, John W. In meraoriam. Boston, 1860. 12° 2347.22 Contents. — Memoir of J. W. B., by J. A. Andrew ; .Sermon, by Rev. C. C. Shaekford ; Extract from a BOr- mon preached by Rev. E. B. Willaon ; RcBOlution adopted by the New England anti-slavery convention, May 31, ISfiO, «itli an extract from the speech of Wendell rhillips ; Remarks by J. Dana, at a meeting of the clasa oflStO; Remarks of C. Snmner; Selections from news- paper notices of the life and character of J. W. B. Browne, Sir Thomas, M. Z3., 6. 1605, d. 1682. Rc- ligio medici. Urn-burial, and other papers. Boston, 1.S02. 12° 2009.5 Br.oM'NE, Thomas, LL.Tt. British Cicero; a selec- tion of speeches; [with an] introduction to the study and practice of eloquence. Phil- adelphia, 1810. 3v. 8° 2563.15 Browne, W. Works, containing Britannia's pas- torals, with notes by Rev. W. Thompson, the .Sliepherd's pipe, the Inner-temple masque, etc. London, 1772. 3v.ini. 16° 4569a. 28 — Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V.4J 4004.1 Contents. — Britannia's pastorals ; Shepherd's pipe ; Inner temple masque; Miscellanies, etc. Brownei.l, T. C. Review of The errors of the times ; a charge, by bishop Brownell. See Bushnell, H Pph.v.379 Browning, E. B. The Greek Christian poets and the English poets. London, 1803. 16°. . . 2904.9 BROt^TiiNG, O. H. Argument in the Burch case. See Beckwith, C . 3684.22 BroSvning, R. Dramatis persona?. [A collection of poems.] London, 1864. p.8° 2564.15 BrO'^vneee, W. C. Popery, an enemy to civil and . religious liberty. New York, 1836. 18°.. . 3404.36 Bro\\'NLOW, W. G. Sufferings of union men, and irreligious character of the rebellion. [Two addresses.] With a sketch, by T. Tilton. New Y'ork, 1862. pp.36. 1'2° 43'24.21 Bbownson, O. a. Constitutional government. From the Boston quarterly review. Boston, 1842. pp. 35. 8° 4:194.10 — Discourse on tlie wants of the times, delivered in Boston, May 29, 18.36. Boston, 18.36. 8°. 4394.10 BROWNSON 80 BRUNCK Shelf. No. Bko\%'>'SON, O. a., coiitiimed. — Mediatorial life of Jesus. A letter to "U". E. Channing. Boston, 1842. pp.44. 8° . . . . *41G3.11 — Oration before the United brothers society of Brown university, [on American literature]. Cambridge, 18.19. s° 43iH.10 — Oration on liberal studies, before the Philo- mathian society of Mount St. Mary's college, Md. Baltimore, 1853. 8" 43W.10 — The policy to be pursued hereafter by the friends of the constitution, and of ecjual rights. Bos- ton, 1841. pp. 48. 8°. [From the Boston quarterly review for Jan., 1841] 4304.10 — Review of Mr. I'arker's discourse on the tran- sient and permanent in Christianity. Boston, 1S4I. pp. 40. 8° *41fi3.12 — The scholar's mission : an oration [at Dart- mouth college]. Boston, 1843. 8" . . . . *rpb.v.334 — Quarterly review. Vols. 1-3; new ser., v. l-ii; 3d ser., V. 1-3; N. Y. ser., v. 1, 2, 4; 3d N. Y. ser., V. I, 2. 1844-57, 59-01. Boston and New York, Ifm-r.l. 17v. 8" *5217.1 — [Refutation of the nativism of O. A. B., by the catholic press of the Unit^id States.] Boston, 18M, pp. 88. 8° 43W.10 — BrowTison's four lectures on ciN-ilization and Roman Catholicism: a review, 5*66 Thomas, A. C 0088.45 Brownstown, Midi. Narrative of the battle of Brownstown, Aug. 9, 1812. Dalliba,J. . . . 4347.17 Bri'CI':, James. Travels in Abyssinia. [Mavor. A'oyages, V. ir.] 0207.1 Bkuce, John. Calendar of state papers, domestic series, of the reign of Charles l. 1627-29, 31-35. Under the direction of the master of the roljs. London, 1859-2. 8" B. 177-2 BUUCKNKK, (i. Ken kleiu Woordenboek der hol- landsche, engelschc en javaansclie Talen. Batavia, 1842. 8° *4110.13 BitUDKK, C. 14. Concordnntijc omnium vocum N. T. Gr»ci. iSVe Schmid, E f)011.3 BRUfcvs, I). A. Le grondcur; Lemuel; L'avocat Fatelin. [Theatre fran^ais, v. 37] 4708.1 But'tJKs, Soclete dVnudation pour I'ctudc de I'his- tnlre et det* Hntt'iuiti-s de la Flandre. Chroni- con abbalia- WaniestonlensiR 2821.20 — - (hninicon iiionanterii KvershamonaiB. Mec- 8terf,G.de 2821.21 nuur.Hrii, II De nntura el indole lingun* pn|iuluris Aegyplinruin. Fa.'^ciculus prior. Jterolini, IKXl! PI). 39. 8" 3030. H BuUilNH, C. Die aHtritUi>inir<<-he Strahleidirechung in ihrer liiHioriitchen l-^iitwickehing. Leipzig, IhlM. H" 31»20.:iH l;ui>>K>v. I*. Thiiitre |>| oh«rii, trnir- trK"- chxl'- II Air«fni-iniiiin, Irnfi. iI'KkcIij'Io; \.v* Onvi'l'- orc», li«it. K. il'C»cli>'li>; Shelf. No. Brumoy, p., continued. Les BUppliantes, trap. d'Eschyle j Ajax furieux, trag. do Sophocle. Ill, lilectro, trng, de Sophocle ; tEdipe, tnig. do Sopliocle; Qidipp, trwgr. do SC-ncque; (Edipe, trng. do P. Corneille; (Edipo itiilien dc Orsatto GiuBtiuimio; CEdipe, trag. de VoUairo ; (Edipe d Colonc, trap, do Sophocle; Reflexions sur ccttc pii-ce et Bur tEdipc chi'Z Admett-, trap, de M. Duels; Fbiloctete, trng. do Soph- ocle ; lteflc\ioDs Bur Fhiloot^tc, trng. dc M. dc La Uarpe. IV. Les Trachiniennes, trng. de Sophocle ; flerculc na mont (I'ta, trap, de Seni'quc; Herculo mourant, trap. de Kotrou ; Antigone, trap, de Sophocle ; llccube, trap. d'Eiiripide. V. Oreste, trag. d'Euripidc; Les PhOuici- ennea, trap. d'Euripide ; La Thcbnide, trag. do SOncquo ; Antigone, trag. de Kotrou; La ThC'baide, on les frcrea eiinemis, trap, de Rticine; Jocasto de Lodovico Dolc^; Les PhOuicicnneg, trag. d'Euripide ; MedC'e, trap, d' Euripide; Medce, trap, de Reneque; Mcdee, trap, do P. Corueille; Mtdee, trag. de Lodovico Dolce; Medeo, trap, dc Lonpepierrc; Mcdec, trap, de M. Clement; MOdeo, trag. de Glover. YI. Medeo, trap. d'Eurijddo; Hippolytc, trag. d'Euripide; Alccste, trap. d'Euripide; Aiidroniaque, trap. d'Euripide; Frapmena dc I'Hippo- lyte voile, trap. d'Euripide. VIL Les suppliantes, trag. d'Euripide; Iphipcuie en Aulide, trag. d'Euripide; Ijihigcuie en Tauridc, trap. d'Euripide; Iphip&nio eD Tauride, trap, de Guynioud dc la Touche; Khesua, trag. d'Euripide. VIII. Lea Troyen'bcs, trag. d'Euripide; La Troade, trap, de Sen^que; Les Troycnnca de M. do Chatcaubrun; Les Bacchantes, trap. d'Euripide; Lea Ileraciidas, trap. d'Euripide j Helono, trap. d'Euripide. IX. Inn, trag. d'Euripidc; Uercule furieux, trag. d'Euripidc; (^:iectre, trag. d'Euripide; ftlectre, trng. do CrObillon ; Orestc, (rag. de Voltaire ; Danae, trag. d'Euviiiido. X. Lo Cyclope, dramo snlirique d'Euripidc ; Les Achamiens, com. d'Ariatophano. XI- Les cheva- liers, com. d'Ariatophane ; Les nuees, com. d'Aristo- phanc; Les pufpes, com. d'Aristophauc. Xll. La paix, com. d'Ariatophano; Les oiacaux, com. d'Aristoplnmc; Les Thosmophories, com, d'Aristni>hanc; Lysistrain, com. d'Aristophane. XIII. Les greuoulllea, com. d'Aria- tophane; Les haranpnenses, com. d'Aristophane; I'lu- tus, com. d'Arietophano. Brunck, R. F. p. Analecta veteruni poetaruni Gra^corum, Argentorati, 178(i. 3v, 8* . . *B. 102.7 Contmta. —Vol. I. .^.schines, jEschrio, /Esopus, Apis, AlcaMis MesseniuB, Alexander, Anacreon, Antaporas, Antimachus, Anyto, Aratus, Archilochua, Ariphron, Arislotclee, Artemldorus, Aaclepiadee, Bacchylio- aladns, Empedoclcs, Eratosthenes Cyrennius, Erinne, Euclidea, Kvenns, Enphorion, Hedylns, IlepcNippus, Ilermodorus, Hybrias, Ion, Leonidaa Tarentlnun, Me- Icagcr, Mcnander, Menccratcs, Mimuermua, Mnasal- cns, MoBchus, Myro, Nica-notus, Nicias, Nossia, I'am- philun, Pancrates, Pha-dinuis, I'haeunua, Phahecus, ''ha- nocli'B, Philetna, PhillppUB rex, Philiscus, I'hocylides, PlttaeiiN, I'lato ]ihiloHoph>iB, Plato Junior, I'raxlllc, Uhl- anua, Hamius, Sapho, Simmina Thehnuua, Bimmlna KhodiuB, Simonidea, Solon, Sophocles, Soaipater, .Speu- Bippus, Theocritus Chi us, Theocritus Syracunanua, Tlnio- ereon, Timon niUanthropus, Tymnea, Tyrla-us. II. Ablablun, Accratus. Addieus, Admetus, ./EmiMnnus, .^iHchyluB, Alpbeua, Amndanufl. Ammoniue, Aiidront- ruH, AntigonUH, Anliorhua, Antlpater Sidonlus, Anti- pater ThessuloniceiiaiM, A riliphanes.Antiphllus, A ntlstl- ua, Aulonliifl, ApolHnarius, Apolkiuidan, Apollonlus, Ar- ccsilauN, ArohelnuH, ArclduM, Archlmelus, M. Argeula- riuit, Aristo, ArlBtocIes, ArlaliHllcua, Arlemo, Anclcplo- di'tUH, AwlniuH yuadratus, Athenwiis. Automedon, Lol- linn HnNHUN, Itlanor, Itot'thiis, Callias, CaUlctcr, Cnplto, Cnrphylides, CerBallw, Cha-romon, Claudlunna, Cnitoi priiniinaticu". Crinagoras, ChrlModorun, CyllenlUB, Vy- rilhiH. CyruH, DamaKclan, I)aniai>cius, Damostratus, Do- motriUB, Deniocrltus, DcmodiKHiB, OIocIph, Dlodoruii 7.0- na«, IHodoruH Junior, Dlogenen epiacoims, DlonynlUB, Itlophanep, DioplinntiiH, Dorieiis, Hurls, EpIponuH, Ery- eliiK, ElruneUH, EugenOH, Euodun, Eupithlua, EiirlpldeH, SlnlllhiB Maeeun, Fronto, Cn. Lontulus OuUulleUH, AiWuH (inlliiM, (innnidan, TuIHuh (.temtnuB. CurmankuH, (.ihiu- eUN, (ilyeo, Iliidrlanus, lledylUB. lleliodonis, lli'lladliis, llrra.'lldi'K, llcrmncremi, Ilerodi'H Alllnin, llcrodlruB, lllppliiB, latdoruB A^pi'nleB, loldoniH (toliolnNllruN, .hill- nutiH inip.,.IunHnna ,1-;pyptiiiN, rnlliuii Liinn-n, Li'itnUtn* Al< \audriuuH, l.ibnnlu-, C.iru. Lnuglniin, Luetaniix, Ln- tlllliiN.g.MaM'luH.MaKiiux, Maivrlluh, Mill ItiiiuH, Minimis, Matron, Mf^i'medei., Mrlri.iU.ru", AHmntrnnia, Mmlus Brannhi, Munallus, Myrinun, Nestor. Nlpand<'r, Nlcar- rli!iB, Nlrciniai-hnit, Nlr(iinehnnctfl, ArnMun, Archolnus, Arrbilocus, Arioii. Astytlainnfl, Automcdon, Joanne* Barl»ut.-ftllu«, Cleanlhes, ConictAa, Cosmnimion- ftchu«, Uauiii|i;utaa, Duinochnris, Dujiliitas, Dioclorut Zonas, Rmtottllioneti tirho1a»tiou!t, Kiitolnihin, OnbrInN, Gabriel, Uippo, Irena-un, Juliunus imp., Jiilinniifi nnte- cofHor, Leo phllosopliuti, Lcoiitltin, MnroiIoiiiuR, Q. Mii'i-'itiM, Mluliiu'l, Nilus, Orpheus, I'lilladua, Punynsia, Paulus, Phlletna, PhlHadaa, Mlchniil Pscllus, 8e(!undtiB, Solun, Sophronitis, Synesiua scliohisticus, Tbon:tctua, Thoo, ThcodoruB, Thomas patiioiua, Thomas sctiolostl- cuA, Tiberius illustria. BnuNKL, Sir M. I., Memoir of. See Beamish, R. . 2543.8 Brunet, J. C. Jlanuel du libmire. 4e cd., par unc sociOte de bibliophiles beiges. Bruxelles, 18:J8-i5. 5v. S" H135.2 — - Same. 5e ed. eutitrement refondue et aug- mentee par I'auteur. Paris, ]8(iCMt3. 4v. S". *'2142.4 BitUNET, P. G. I>ictionnaire de bibliologie cathol- iquc, Publie par I'abbe Migne. Paris, 18(50. 4°. [Migne. Encyclopudie thi'ologique] . . *21S0.4 — Les bibliotheqiies imaginaires. See Laeroix, P. 2004.8 Bruni, A. Vita Gabrielis Palseoti. [Marteue. Vet. script., v.G] 4150,1 Brcnnow, E. G. v. Ulrich von Hutten. Histo- risches Geinjilde. Leipzig, 1842,43. 3v, 10°. 4239a. 7 BRtfxNow, F. .Spherical astronomy. Trans, by Rev. R. Main. Parti. Cambridge, 1860. 6°. 3922.18 Bruno Astensis, St., bishop of Sefjni. Expositio snper Pentateachum; Super Psalterium; Su- per Canticum Canticorum ; In librum Job ; Super Apocalypsin; Homiliae; Opuscula; S. Leonis noni vita; Sententiarum libri sex. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 20] B.110.2 Bruno, St.., hishoj) of W^trtzhurg. Expositio in I'salterium ; Commentarius in diversa cantica sacra, symbolum apostolorum et Athanasii. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 18] B.110.2 Bruno, of Magdeburg. Liber de bello Saxonico. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 5] 4210.2 Bruno, C. L'abreviateur italien, suivi de thtraes et de dialogues. 2e ed. Londres, 1816. 18\ 4789a.4 — Poesic di piii celebri autori, Ed. 3a. Londra, 1820. 12" 4199.12 Bruno, G, Opere, per la prima volta pubblicate da A. Wagner. Lipsia, 1830. 2v. 8" 4208.1 Conifius. — Vol. I. Candelajo, comedia; La cena de le ceneri, cinqao dialo^hi; Do la causa, principio e uno. II, De rinflnito universo e mondi; Spaccio dc la bealia trionrnnte; Cabala del cavatlo Feg-nsoo, con I'a^^iunta do I'oaiao cillenico; Ue gW eroici furori. — Scripta, Lat., collegit A. F. Gfrorer. VoL 2. Stuttgardiic, 1830. 8" 0098.7 Contents. — Acrotlsmua, seu raKonoB nrtlculorum phy- alcorum; Artificiuni pc-rorandi ; Cantus Circfcus ; De com- pendioaa archUectura et complemento artis Lullii ; De umbrl» idenrun] ; Summa tcrminorum metaphysicorum ; Itecvna ot completa ars reminisccndi ; Sigrillus si^illo- rum; De apccicrum scrutinio et lampade combiiiatoria Lullii ; Df lumpado combinatoria Lulliana ; Do progressu et lampade venatoria lo^conim. Brunoni.vn system of medicine. Differenz der echten und unechten Erregungstheorie in steter Beziehung auf die Schule der Neu- brownianer. Kilian, C. J 372-1.12 Bruns, p. J. Komautische und andere Gedichte in altplatldeutscher Sprache. Berlin, 1793. 10'*.**2875,25 Bruns, V, v. Die erste Ausrottung eines Polypen In der Ki'hlkopf?;hohle. 2te Aufl. Tiibingen, 1802. pp. 70. b" 3745.35 11 8holf. No. Brunswick, Germany. See Amelunxborn, Blan- kenburg. Brunswick, Me. Boiodoin college. Catalogue of the Athenian society. [Brunswick, 1850. J pp. OS. 8° 4129.31 — - Catalogus senatus acadetnici, et eorum, qui alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in collegio Bowdoinensi. [Brunsvici], 1858. pp. 78. s". 4129.30 Brunswick family. Geschichte der Hiife des Ilnuscs Braunsclnveig in Deutschland und England. Vehse, C. E 4SI9.4 Brussels. Residence in. Smithers, H 2803.22 — Acftdemie royale de Bruxelles. Annuaire. le anni:-e-27e annt'e. Bruxelles, 1835-01. 2rv. in 8. 12° and 10" *3309.1 — - Bulletins. Bruxelles, 1832-00. 64v. 8". . *3385.1 — - Meraoires. Bruxelles, 1777-88. 5v. 4°. . *3.381.1 — - Memoires couronn^s. T. 1-8, 10-2.1. Brux- elles, 1818-54. 24v. in20. 4° *.33S2.1 Ti'ote. — Vole. 16-25 hnvo Memoirea couronni'8 et m&- moirea dea savants ctrangera. — - Jliimoires couronnes et autres ra<5moires. Bruxelles, 1840-00. lOv. in 11. 8° *33g8.1 — - Nouveaux mOmoires. Bruxelles, 1820-54. ••iSv. 4" *3381.2 — - - Same. Histoire, T. 1. Bruxelles, 1788. 4" v. 5of *.3381.1 — Societe de Phistoire de Belgiqne. Collection de memoires relatifs a I'histoire de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1858-02. IGv. 8°. Namelij -. — - Enzinas, F. de. Memoires, 1543-45, avec notice, etc., par C. A. Campan. 2v 2820.20 — - - Mt'moires anonymes sur les troubles dea Pays-Bas, 1505-80, avec notice, etc., par J. B. Blaes. 3v 2820.27 — - Guyon,F.de. Memoires, avec commentaire historique, par A. P. L. de Robaulx de Soumoy 2820.22 — - Lalaing de Montigny, E. Mi^moires sur Montigny, avec notice, etc., par J. B. Blaes . 2820.32 — - Le Barre, P. de, and Soldoyer, N. Mt^moirea pour servir a Phistoire de Tournai, 1505-70, avec notice, etc., par A. Pinchart 2820.24 — - Mendoza, B. de, Commentaires sur les (Jvenemeuts de la guerre des Pays-Bas, 1507-77. Traduction nouvelle, par Loumier; avec notice, etc., par Guillaume 2820.29 — - Payen, P. Memoires, avec notice, etc., par A. Henne. 2v 2820.31 — - Perrenot, F. Memoires, 1573-90, avec notice, etc., par A. L. P. de Robaulx de Soumoy . . 2820.30 — - Proems de Francois Anneessens, publie avec notice, etc., par L. Galesloot 2820.33 — - Viglius and Hopper. Memoires sur le com- mencement des troubles des Pays-Bas, avec notice, etc., par A. Wautera 2820.23 — - Warny, P. Memoires sur le sifege de Tour- nay, 1851, avecnotice, etc., parA.G. Chotin. 2820.28 — - Wesenbeke, J. de. Mtmoires par C. Rahl- enheck 2820.25 Brut y Ty wysogion ; or, the clironicle of the [Welsh] princes. Edited by Rev. J. William ab Ithel. [In Welsh and Englisi.] London, 1800. 1.8". [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] 2414.16 Brutes. L'esprit des bC'tes. Toussenel, A. . . . 3907.4 Bruto, G. M. Historia; Florentinaj libri octo. [Graevius. Tbes. antiq. Ital., T. 8, p. 1] . . 4710.1 Bry, J. T., and J, I. de. Acta Mechmeti i. Vati- cinia Severi et Leonis interitum regni Turcici prffidicentia. [Francofurti], I.'iO?. pp.90. 4''.*4153.12 Bry, T, de. Memoire sur la collection des grands et petits voyages. .?fe Camus, A. G 2300.32 Bryan, E. B. [Secession] the rightful remedy. Addressed to the slaveholders of the South. Charleston, 1850. 8" 4310a. 80 Bryant, C. S., and Murch, A. B. History of the great massacre by the Sioux Indians, in Min- nesota. 2d ed. Cincinnati, 1804. 12" , , . 4.328.13 Bryant, J. F. Life. Sree Southey, R 2548.6 BEYAXT 82 BUDDEDS Shelf. No. Bryant, W. C. Popular considerations on homce- opatliia. New York, n. d. pp. 24. 8° . . . 6087.87 Bryce, K. J. Elements of Latin prosody. 3d cd. Glasgow, 1828. pp. 52. 12° 4939a. 14 Brtdges, Sir S. E. Exccrpta Tudoriaua: or ex- tracts from Elizabeliiail liter.lture. [Lee Priory], 18W. pp. W. 8° 25.36.30 — Imaginative biography. Loudon, 1834. 2t. 12°. 25f>1.26 — Letters from tlie continent. [Parti], ii. Kent, 1.V21. 2t. S° 2273.29 — Mary Dc-Clillbrd. A story, interspersed witli poems. 2ded. London, ISll. 12° 4579a.26 — Sonnets and otlier poems. New ed. London, 1795. 16° , 4509a.l2 Beydone, p. Tonr through Sicily and Malta. [Ma- yor. Voyages, v. 18] 62G7.1 Brysjulf, G. Periculum llunologicum. Disserta- tio inauguralis. Havniffi, 1823. 12° ... . 2885.20 BucAN, W. Homiliarum sylvse in orationeni Do- minic.am. Geneva, 1600. sm. S° 5444.17 — Institvtiones tlieologic-e, sev locorvm commv- nivm Christiana; religionis analysis. Editio postrema. Geneva}, 1625. 8° 5453.24 BOCCANEERS. Histoire des flibustiers. Aroheu- holz, .T. W. V 2312.13 I UCER, or Butzer, M. Biographie. .9iwBaum, J.W. 6015.7 uon, Das, der Beispiele dor alteu AVeisen, heraus- gegeben von W. L. Holland. Stuttgart, ISM. .8°, [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, V. 56] . . ' *4235.1 BnCH, Ein, von guter Speise. StJittgart, 1844. pp. 35. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Ve- reins, V. a] *4225.1 BUCH,U«, carl of. See Stewart, D. BucnANAX, C. Ai)ology for promoting Christianity in India. 1st Am. from 1st Lond. ed. Bos- ton, 1814. 16° 5539a. 20 Buchanan, F. Journey from Madras, through My- sore, Canara, and Malabar. [Mavor. Voy- ages, v. 2.3] 0267.1 UCHANAN, G. Opera omnia, curante T. Kuddi- manno, cum pra-fatione 1'. Uurnumni. Lug- duni B,atavorum, 1725. 2v. 4° **2474.18 ContciUt.— Vol. X. Diinnanni prjtfiilio; Roljcrti Fri- bomU pra-fatio; VitB O. Buchanniii nb ipso Kcriiitn; Do G. Buchflnauo tostimonia : Rcnim Scoticiiruni historiir t Do jaro rognl npud ScntoH, diftlopuB; Delcrtiu MariiD re^iuc Scotonitn ; Actio contra Marian) ropnain ; Clia- mivlvon, uf;aiaitt tho laird of Lliliugtouc. 11. I'solmo- rum parapliraiils pootioa ; JephtluR, aivn votuui, traga'- diu; Uaptiste;*, Bive oaluninia, trn^wdia; ]>>nnci8canU8 ; Fratros lYnterrlnil; Ek'eiiirum lihcr; fiylvarum liber; llcudccanyllabon tibor; lanibon libor; Epifn^mmatum libor; Miscfllanoonim liber; Ueflphajra; Euripidis Mo- dfactAlcoBtoH,l.atint' reddila; Satyrain Carolura T.oth- arinputn cardliinlcm, Lalin(> roddltn; Do niotria Bucba- imniria libclhiH; Itudlmoiita (p-aniiDatIcc8 T. Llnacri ox An(cli,nlll>ori Ininlion It1)or; F.|iltrraniinntntn llbritroi; Mlioi'llanooruin Ilbor; Do apliara iiiiinill llitrl i|iilni|uo; Eurlplilli Moiloa ot AlcostU, Latino oannino rodditno. — Uenim Scotlcnnim liiHtorin. Aoc.de jure regnl Bpiid Scntini iliiihigiiH. I'llrnjtrll, 1668. b' . 2477.27 — - Same. Ail itl. Krihanill ixpriKsii. Ace.auc- t*»rlti vlUt ejii'*SU8 Chi-ist; Cardinal Bona: rrincipos do la vio obroUonne, Cheniin du oiol; Tauler: Institutions; Louis da Blois: Le diroctour des aiucs religieuses. BUCK, C. Works. IstAm.ed. Philadelphia, 1822. Ov. 10° 3499.25 ConfcnM. — Vol. I. Memoirs, by J. Styles. II. Ser- mons; Serious onnoirios; Rofioctions occasioned by the death of Rov. Tliomus Spencer. Ml. Trentiso on rolip- iotis experieoco; Young Christian's truido. IV. I'rac- tlcal expositor for every day in the year. V, VI. Anecdotes. — Theological dictionary. New Am. cd., by G. Bush. Philadelphia, 1833. 8° 0032.4 Buckhi;rst, lord. Sec Sackville, T. BuCKiNtiiiAM, James S. Public proceedings on the East India monopoly tluring the pjist year. London, 18311. 8° »Pph.v.339 Buckingham, Joseph T. The ordeal : a critical journal of politicks and literature. Boston, 1809. 8° 2408.41 — Speech at the free democratic meeting in Fan- euU hall, Oct. 13, 1862. Sec Speeches . . . 6087.12 Sec atso: Polynnthos. Buckingham, Uh duke of. See Villiers, G. Buckingham, Mh duke of. See Sheffield, J. Bucklani), F.T. Fish hatching. London, 1803. 8°. 3900.11 Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in England. Loudon, 1857-01. 2v. 8° 3565.17 BUOKMINSTER, J. S. Sermon ot the interment of Kev. W. ICmerson. Boston, 1811. 8° . . . .6088.199 — Sermons, with ;i memoir [by l{ev. S. C. Thach- er). 2d ed. Boston, 1S15. 8° 6002.5 — Sermims [a ftirtherseleclion]. Bost., 1.829. 8°. 5413.5 — Keview of memoirs of. Sec Ticknor, G. **2313.2.3, and 4347.11 BUCKMIN.STER, W. Cultivator's almanac, and cab- inet of agricultural knowledge for ISHO. Bos- ton, 1810. 12° »Pph.v..374 BUOKNILL, .1. C. Asylum journal of mental science. London, 1853-^iO. Ov. 8° . . . ♦3800.20 roo<«.,l<. — Vol. I. No. 1, Nov., IWKl— No. (I, Nov. Vi, IRM; No. 11, Feb., l(W5-Nov. H, WM. II. 1850. HI. IWi?. IV. 1857,(18. v. 185a VI. IHfill. — and Take, D. H. Manual of psychological med- icine: containing the histcuy, treatmeni, etc. of Insanity. With an appeuiiix of cases. Lontlon, 1858. 8° 3800.01 BUOQUKT, J. B. M., lilogc do. [ Vic.8 Content*. — Vol.1. Ginliano S. Aj-aln; Niccoldfloell Albizi; Francesco Arrisij Iliufpo cI'Avitubilo Majoli ; Giuseppe A>-\'cuti; l^nnccsco Maria Bariocchi; Oian- TommaHO Baciocrhi ; Gtrulamo Baruttaliii ; CV'saro Beimxsnt ; Bernardo Bernard!; Ccsurc Kigglolli ; Alos- flandro Botta-Adonio ; Bcmurtti Uucci ; FrnDcesco Maria Cn^iiui ; Gionibartolommco Cnsurc^i ; Ginnibatista Cotta; GianimarioCri'sdmbuni; Emiliod'Emilii ; Carlo EmanucUo d'Esto; Filipiio Ortonsio Fiibbri ; l-'raut-esco Prosiiii; Gianibatista Gambi; Antonio Gatti ; GiuUo Ccsare Grazhii; Giniu-Bcocdctto Grit la ; AU-ssiindro Giilni^; Ubertino Landi; Giuseppe Latizoni; FiIi|tpo Leers; Sclpiono Mullui ; Michclc MapRi ; Eusfnchio Manft-eili; Anffelo Marcbetli; Fctrouilla Massiiiii Pao- llnl; GiarabatistA Mcrvu; Fubrizio Ant. Monsignnni; Pompco Montevecchio ; Miebel-Gluscppc Morei; Gian- GIURoppo Felice Orsi; Fordinnndo rassarinl; Gaotana PBwarini; Alesnandro Pegolotti; Foderico rolloprini ; Giuseppe Maria Pcssagni ; Marcantonio Pindemonto; Atifrolo Poggvsi; Cian-Agosttuo Poilinari; Giambatista Itccanati; Puolo Antouio Rolli; Pier-Maria dena Rosa; Angido Antonio Sacco; Alcssandro Sanscbastiani ; Ja- copo Snrdini ; Augcio Antonio Somai; Gian-Lorenzo Stecchi; Francesco del Teprlia ; Antonio Tumniasi ; Michelo Tom; Sdpiono Vajo; Erandali^o Vcnerosi ; Giacinto Vincioli; Francesco Marin dclla Voipe; Giam- Pietro Zanotti ; Lorenzo Zauotti ; Canimillo Ranicri Zuc- chettl. II. Floriano Maria Amig:oni ; Ananimo autoro ; llnccnzio Anila ; Bonaventura Anropio; Marcantonio Aiezalli ; Michcle Balduliii; Lodovico Balducci; Niccold Bellani; Pier-Marino Beruabo ; Ippolito Bevilactiua ; Fabbrizio NiccoldBczzi; Giuseppe liini; Oinmljatiifita Boccolini ; Apol tmiio Boiicompa^i ; Alcssandro Borphl ; Kiccola Borghi; CammillnBninori; SantiBueclii; ICug:- pero Calbi ; Pier-Tommaso Canipana ; Marcantonio Cnrlt; Pior-Paolo Carrara; Giovanni Casliplioui; Giu- Beppe Child; Abbondio Collina; Bonifazlo CoIHna ; Gian-Carlo Crocchiaulc ; Curzio Doni ; Alcssandro Fag- noli; Giftinbacista Fcliei ; Giuseppe Ferrari; Pio Ajito- nio Fochi ; Francesco Niccola T>ossoni ; Giuseppe Gabbi ; Vincenzio Marin Gnbcllotti ; Francesco Maria Gasparri ; Oioreio Fllippo Giorgi ; Picr-Mattia Gruther; Mario Gunmacci; Antonio Gucci; Pompeo Lonfranchi; Gas- pare Lapi ; Giandomenico Lararinj ; Girolamo Lioni; FraDccBcantonio Livcrani; Ippolito Lovatelli ; Maria KIcna Lui^ig-nniii ; ifoniualdo Maria Ma^^nani; AJessan- dro Marazzani ; .Tacopo Mazzoni; Ccsare Meremli; Gi- am1>Ati«tn Monti; Stcfano Montorselli; Gian-A^ostino Morando ; MarRherita Ottini ; Douieuico Marccllo Pado- vani ; Giustiniano Pngliarini; Filippo Paradiwi; Leo- nardo Pellegrini ; Otlaviano Pcllcffrini ; Carlo Maria Pepoli; Iliccnrdo Petroni; Domenico Ottn\'io Petrosel- Uni ; Lodovico Piazza ; Vincenzio Piazza : Giuseppe Pin- demonte ; Maria Simonc Poppi ; Carlo Rabbi ; Francesco It«di;GiampictroItiva; Romano Apostino Rohcrti; Ip- polito Rofisi ; Anton-Maria Salvini ; Salvino Sah-ini; Pionigio Andrea SancassAni Magnti ; Paolo Autnnio Saoi; Giuseppe Antonio Sassi ; Flamminio 8cni-sclli ; Pler-Fmnce*co Scotii; Carlo Sevctoli; Bernardo Spa- da ; Lconido Maria Spada; Girolamo Spolvcrini; Carlo Taroni; Giuseppe Maria Tommasi; Francesco Trezio; Giovan-Ccsurc Trczio ; Valerio TmnJ ; Maria Batista Vilelteiicb) ; Vitlore \ ittori ; Fraocvsco Maria della Volpe ; CiaDl'rancesco dclla Voipe ; CarlotVaocesco Zam- piccoli; Antoniu Zauipiuri; Canimilto Zampieri; Ippo- lito Zanelli; Antonio Zanlboni; Francesco Maria Za- DOlli; Glamhati«la Zappata ; Giammatt«o Zappata ; Giovanni Zucchetti. Shelf. No. BuELL, ^Y, B. Scripture names in Siamese. See .Tones, .T. T 3030.16 BtJKFON, (i. Jj. L. de. Correspondance, recueillie et annotec par H. Nadault de BulTou. Paris, 1860. 2v. S' 4703.10 — Biscours sur la vie et les ouvrages de. [\'icq- d'Azyr. (Euvres, v. Ij 3720.11 BuGARD, B. F. French and English questions on French grammar. Boston, 1833. 8q.32'' . .'40S9a.3d BUGENiiAGEN, J. Von beiden Sacramenten nem- licli dei- Taufle vnd dcs leibs vfi hints Jhcsu Christi. Wittemberg, 1531. snt4' *0064.22 — Predigt iiber der Leich Martini Xutheri, See Mohnike, U. C. F 4237.11 — Symboire ad illustrandam Bugenhagii in Danla commorationem. See flrUnter, B fi098.21 RUGLK, Complete preceptor for the. Bnrditt, B. A. 8052.59 BuHLE, .1. G. G«scluchtc derPhllosopliieundeiner kritischen Llteratur derselbeu. Gtittingen, 1796-1804. 8v. in 9. sm.H' 5607.20 Builder, The. An ilhistrated magazine for the architect, etc. Loudon, 1S43-G:J. 21v. f " . *3110.2 Builder's and contractor's price-book for 1^01. Glh ed. Revised by G. II. Burnell. Loudon, 1861. 12° 4034.19 BuiLDixci. Donaldson, T. L. Handbook of speci- fications 4096.11 — Morris, T. House for the suburbs 4102.21 — Skillings, D. N. Illustrated catalogue Of por- table sectional buildings 4102.33 BuiST, R. American flower garden directory. See Ilibbert, E. R 3834.13 BUlau, F. Geheime Gescliicliten und riithselhafte Menschen. Leipzig, ISSO-fiO. 12v. 12" . . *2246.3 — Geschichte Deiitschlauds von 1806-30. Ham- burg, 1842. 8* 4216.2 BuLFixni, S. G. Poems. Charleston, 18:i4. 18'' . 2397.36 BuLFiNCii, Thomas, M. J). Extracts and observa- tions [on Jolm HoUiday's] origin, etc. of the yellow fever. Boston, 1790. 8° . . . . *SLPpb.v.l.'19 BULFINCH, Thomas. Select Psalms, with introduc- tions-aud notes. See Bible fi029a.4 BULGAUiAN language, Notes on tiio grammar of the. Riggs, E 3034.36 BULKLEY, C. H. A. Causes and consequences of slavery extension. A discourse, March 5, 1854. Hartford, 1854. 8° B. 100.29 BuLKLEY, E. A. Wars and rumors of wars. Ser- mon in Groton, April 21,- 1S61. Cambridge, 1861. 8° 4310a.20 Bullahd, Gen, Temperance and popery: an ad- dress at Ballstou Spa, Oct. 10, 1854. Albany, 1854. 8' B.170.78 Bullet, J. B. Recherches historiques sur les cartes k jouer, avec des notes critiques et interes- santes. Lyon, 1757. 16" 4001.21 Bulletin des lois. See France. Bulletin gt^neral de therapeutique mddicale et chirurgicale. T. 1-03, 65. P:uis, 1832-63. 40v. 8' *32fl5.1 — - Same. Table des matieres contenues dans les vols. 49e-6rie. Paris, 18G2. 8" *3305.2 Bulletin medical beige, publie sous la direction de J.R, Marinus. ler-7me livraison. Bruxelles, 1836. 7v. in 3. 8" V. 1-7, Ser. 2e, of *5712.1 Bullinger, H. Leben und ausgewahlte Schriften. Se«Pestalo22i,C 6045.9 — De omnibus Sanctae Scriptural libris, eornnique pr3Est4intia et dignitate. See Bible 5417.4 Bullitt, J. C. Review of Mr. Binney's pamphlet on '* The privilege of the writ of habeas cor- pus under the constitution." Pliiladelphia, 1862. pp. 56. 8° *3635.I0 Bullock, A. H. Address before the alumni, at Amherst college, .July 8, 1863. Boston, 1863. 8" 4394.13 — Relations of the educated man with American nationality. Address before the literary so- cieties of Williams college, Aug. 1, 1864. Boston, 1864. 8° 4390a.48 BULLOCK 84 BUEGOYNE Shelf. No. Bullock, A. H., contimied. Massachusetts and the war tax. .Speech in the Massachusetts house of representatives, April 10, 1S02. Boston, 1802. 8° 4310a.21 BuLLOK.vn, J. The Englisli expositor : being a com- plete dictionary of the English tongue. Re- vised and corrected by K. Browne, 14th ed. Dublin, 1731. 12° 45S0.27 BULSTRODE, Sir K. Memoirs and reflections upon the reign of Charles i and Charles ii. Lon- don, 1721. 8° 2437.5 BULWER, .Sir H. L. E. An autumn in Greece. 2d ed. London, 1820. 12° 3078.8 — France, social, literary, political. New York, ia34. 2t. 8° 2600.28 — - Same. 2d series. Monarchy of the middle classes. London, laSG. 2v. 12° 2600.29 — The lords, the government, and the country. A letter to a constituent. 4th ed. London, IS30. 8° 2515.0 BuMSTEAii, F. J. Pathology and treatment of ve- nereal diseases. Philadelphia, 1861. 8° . , *37"0.44 BUNBURY, Sir H. Narratives of the great war with France, from 1709 to 1810. London, 1834. 8°. 4053.12 BUNGENEB, L. F. Rome et la Bible. Manuel du controversiste evangelique. Paris, 1800. 12°. 3429.12 — L'histoire,di8cour8aGenfeve, 1853. See Conf(?r- euces sur les principes de la foi rt'form<5e . . B. 117.0 BUNINA, A. V. [Collection of poems. In Russian.] Saint Petersburgh, 1819-21. 3v.ini. 1.8° . 3036.2 BUSKEK hiU, Battle of. Dearborn, II. Account of the 4355.26 — Ellis, G. E. Orationincommemorationof the. 4355.20 — Emmons, W. An historic poem 2397.15 — Frothiiigham, K., jr. Command in the , . . 4.355.24 Bunker hill monument, History of the. Packard, A. S 4355.21 Busses, C.C.J. Geistlicher Liederschatz. Berlin, 1832. 8° 6007.1 — Die heiligc Leidensgeschichte und die stillo Woche. [With] LiturgielnMusikgesetzt,von S.Neukomm. Hamburg, 1841. 2v.ini. 8°. 0007.4 — Hippolytusandhisage. London, 1852. 4v. 12°. 0040.8 — Law of slavery in the United States. Boston, lSfi:l. pp. 12. 12° 5572.51 — Bibelwerk rur die Cenieinde. , See Bible. Whole Bibles. German 6421.7 — Bunsen's Bibelwerk nach seiner Bedcutung fUr die Gegenwart. 'Sre Haehring, B 5421.8 BUNTINC, T. P. Life of .labez Bunting. Vol. 1. New York, 18.59. 12° 6558.8 BuNYAN, J. I'ilgrim's progress. New ed., with a memoir, by J. M. llnre. London, 1800. 10°. 6447.9 — Pilgrim's progress. CUimbridge, [ftlass.], 1804. 16° y 5440.35 — - Same. Part 1. Translated into Burmese. Istcd. Maulmain, 1810. 12° 6444.10 — - Same. In modern Armenian. New York, 1858. 10° 5447.38 — - Same. In the Dakota hmguage. 'i'ranslated by S. R. Riggs. New York, n. d. 10° . . . 5447.30 BUOMMATTEI, B. Delhi lingua tuscana [colla vita d'autorc scritta da (,. B. Ciisotti]. I\IiIano, 1807. 2v. 8°. [Classic! ilaliani, v. 219, 22O].»*|808.3 — DeclinnzionI de' verbi. [I'arenti. Opuscoll con- cernentl n lingua, ecc] 2785.23 BuONACc;ou.so. ^'ita hsreticorum. [Ach(5ry. Spioi- leglum, V. 13] 4152.7 BuONAMici, or Buonainlco, L. Carmen de vita rus- tlca. [Knpiii. Ilortorum librl 4| 4008.28 BUONAI-AliTK,.L Sacde Knme.i'crlten 1627. Trad. do Pltallen par N. L. B[onapartc]. Florence, 1830. «° 2717.10 JifK aUo : DonAparto. BuosAUROTi,rtr Ruonarniotl, F. Ossen-azlonl so- pra ulcuni frammentl dl vobI antlcht dl velro. Flrenze, 1710. 4° 40«1.2B BuoNAUKoTi, M. A.,ii vrcrhin. Rhnn raccolte da Mlchelagnolo »uo nipote. Flrenze, 102.1. 4", •4208.8 Sbclf. No. Buonarroti, M. A,, i7 vecchio, continned. — Poesies, pr^ctJde^sd'une^tude, sur M. A.et Vit- toria Colonna. See Lannau-Rolland, A. . . 2789.14 — Michel-Ange. See Clement, C 4067.31 Buonarroti, 51. A., it giornne. La tiera, e La tan- cia; con annotazioui di P. Fanfani. Firenze, ISi'O. p.8° 4764.11 — II giudizio di Paride: favola. Flrenze, 1608. pp. 70 4°. [In cursive text] *4208.8 BuoNFiGLi, G. C. Messana; descriptio. Ex Italico Latini; vertit J. L. Mosheim. [Grajvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 9] 4710.1 BURAT, A. Le materiel des houillferes en France et en Belgique, [avec] vVtlas. Paris, 1860, 01. lv.S°. Iv. f° »3S.A.2 BURCH, I. H. i-s. Mary W. Burch. See Beckwith, C. 3684.22 BURCHARD, or Burckard, bishop of Wvrzburg. Vita S. Burchardi Herbipolensis episcopi, auc- tore anonymo. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 3, p. 1] 4140.3 BUKCH.VRD, S. D. Providence in the w.or ; a thanks- giving discourse. New York, 1801. 8° . . . 4324.23 BURCHiELLO, real name Domenico di Nanni." So- netti. [Gironi. Uaccolta di Uriel italiani] . 4808. S BuRCKii.\RDT, Jacob. Der Cicerone. Eine Anlei- tung zum Genuss der Kunstwerke Italieus. Basel, 1800. 3v. st|.10° 4099.24 BURCKiiARDT, Joliann Ludnig. Viaggi in Arabia, Tr. da L. Vannelti. [Jlannocchi. Viaggi, V. 7] 2275.1 BURDACII, C. F. Blickc ins Lcben. Leipzig, 1842- 48. 4v. in 2. 8° 0105.4 — Traite de physiologic. Traduit de I'Allemand, Bur la 2e ed., par A. J. L. .lourdan. Paris, 18.37-41. 9v. 8° 3764.14 BUKOER, 11. F. Memoir of the Rev. George Burder. New York, 1833. 8° 2447.18 BURDER, W. Religious ceremonies. See Picart, B. 3632.7 BuRDiTT, B. A. Complete preceptor for the bugle. lioston, n. d. pp. 24. obI.s° 8052.59 — Comi)Iele preceptor for the cornopeon. Boston, n. d. pp. 24. obI.S° 8062.57 — Complete preceptor for the sax-horn. Boston, n. d. pp. 24. obl.8° S052.53 — The new (iermania; a collection of operatic airs, inarches, polkas, waltzes, etc. Boston, n. d. obl.4° 8043.25 — Modern school for the drum, .^ec Reach, O.W. 8052.86 BURDSALL, .J. The Christian not subject to the law of sin and death : a sermon. See Sermons on important subjects 6442.14 Buret, A. E. Misere des classes laborieuses en Angleterre et en France. Paris, 1840. 2v. 8°. 4306.26 Burger, P. De diis chivigeris. Diss, inaug. Altor- lii Noricorum, 1728. pp. 38. sm.4° 4103.40 BUrgekkrkunp, Der. See Seidensticker, G. . . . 7231.1 BUUGKSS, A. Questions for liible classes and Sun- day schools. lioston, IN'iS. 18° 6429a. 30 Burgess, T. The Arabick alphabet; or, an intro- duction to the reading of Arabick. New Castle, 1WI9. ]ip.2n. 12° 3034.33 — Remarks on the general tenourof the New Tes- tament, regarding the nature and dignity of .lesus Christ. .Salisbury, Is:il. pi>. 79. 8°. 3475.27 I1i:rgks.s, W. p. Secret things and tilings re- vealed : a sermon. See Sermons on impor- tant subjects 6442.14 BURGU, J. Dignity of human nature. Newcditlon, to which Is prefixed the life of the author. London, iro.'i. s° 3686.29 IU"RGON, .1. W. Insi>lratiun and interpretation: seven sermons, being an answer to " Essays and reviews." London, 1861. 8° 3424.10 — Letters from Home lofriends In England. Lon- don, 1802. 8° 2737.10 Burgos, A. Deserl|illo ti'nw mollis Slcull, qui con- tlglt MIX xciu. Lai. vertit S. llavercanipus. [GrievluH. Thos. antlq. Itul., T. 10, v. U] . . 4710.1 Burooyne, Gen. John. Dranialic obseivallons. SeeHnyley, W 2676.42 BURGOYNE 85 BURNELL Shoir. No. BURQOYNE, Gen. Jolin, continued. — The lord of the mnnor, a comic oporn; The heiress, a comedy; The mnid of the oaks, a dramatic cnterhiinim-Tit ; Itichard Cmir dc lion, transhitcd from the Kri-nch of Sedaine. [Jones. British theatre, v. s] 4575.20 — The maid of ttii' oaks, altered into an after-piece. [Collection of farces, v. ft] 2575.36 BuRGOYNK, Gen. John F. Military opinions; col- lected and edited by G. Wroltesley. London, 1S59. 8' 3953.26 Contents. — "Sational '.p- Jrackintosli, J 4187.7 — Life and times of. 56(? :\Iacknight, T 24-17.22 Burke, John, and Sir John B. Encyclopjedia of heraldry, or general armory of England, Scot- land, and Ireland. London, 1851, S°. . . . 2433.2 BuiiKE, .Sir John B. Dictionary of the peerage and haronrtage of the British empire. 2.3d ed. London, 1861. 8' *2434.7 — Family romance; or, episodes in the domestic annals of the aristocracy. 3d ed. London, n.d. 10= 2576.15 — Peerage and baronetage of the British empire. 3d ed. London, 1839. 8" ♦2434.6 BURLKiGii, G. S. The maniac: and other poems. Philadelphia, 1849. 12" 4278.1 BURLEY, W. Libellus de uita et morib' phor' et poctar'. [Nurnberg, A. Koburger, 1472.] sni.f^ *B. 140.15 Xt'-tc. — No title-page, colophon, pagination, or signa- turLs. In Gothic type, having 89 leaves, each of 31 lines. If full. BURLINGAME, A. Speech, in Faneuil hall, Oct. 13, lKr.2. S'ee Speeciies G087.I2 BuioiAii. Burmese war, in 1852. Laurie, W.F. B. 3049.3 — Language. Hough, G. H. Anglo-Burmese dictionary 3038.16 — - Judson, A. Dictionary, Burmese and Eng- lish 3022.21 — - - Dictionary, English and Burmese . . . 3038.3 See aUo: Karen. BuRMANN, P. Sylloge epistolarum a viris illustri- bus scriptarum. Leidse, 1727. 5v. 4° , . . *4221.6 Contents. — Vol. I, II. Justi Lipsii, et ad oum virorum eruditorum, epistola;; Clarissimorum et docti^simorum virorum epistolro. III. Kicoloi Heinsii, J. F. Gronovii, I. Vossii, J. Ulitii, A. Slichteuhorstii, V. Fabricii, E. Spanhemii, ot H. Wallil epistolo: maxlmam partem mutUKj. IV. N. Heinsii, J. G. Grtcvii, et J. Perizonii epistolfe. V. N. Heinsii et virorum eruditorum, in Suecia, Germania, Belgio, Italia, et Guttia epistolte mutuo) et N. Heinsii ad Christinam augustam regi- nam Suecin;. — De vectigalibus popuU Romani dissertatio. [Poleni. Utriusque thes. antiq. supp., v. 1] , 2970.7 — Thesaurus antiquitatum et historiarum Italia;. See Grsevius, J. G 4710.1 BURMEISTEU, H. Comparative anatomy and psy- chology of the Aiiican negro. Translated by J. Friedlauder and R. Tomes. New York, 1853. pp.23. 8" B. 160.60 — Handbuch der Entomologie. Abbildungen. Berlin, 1832-47. pp.22. 18 plates. 4" . . . *3S95.3 Burn, J. S. History of foreign protestaut refugees settled in England, from the reign of Henry VIII to the revocation of the edict of Nantes. London, 1846. 8° 2527.10 Burn, Richard. Ecclesiastical law. With notes and references by S, Eraser. 7th ed. Lou- don, 1809. 4v. 8° 4293.1 Burn, Robert S. Year-book of agricultural facts and annual record of farming progress for 1802. Edinburgh and London, 1803. 16° . . 5999a. 1 BUBNAF, G. W. Commemorative discourse, deliv- ered in Baltimore, Sept, 17, 1843, on the occa- sion of the decease of the Rev. P. W. P. Greenwood. Baltimore, n.d, 8" 5440a. 27 — Lectures on the history of Cliristianity. Bal- timore, 1842. 12" 3516.15 — Review of the life, character, and writings of Klias Hicks. Boston, 1852. pp.35. 8". [From the Christian examiner, Nov., 1851] . . . . 5440a. 27 BURNELT., G. R. Annual retrospect of engineering and architecture. Vol. 1.1801. Loud., 1862. 8°. 8026.1 — Builder's and contractor's price book for 1861. See Builder's, etc 4034.19 BUENES 86 BCSHNELL Sholf. No. BUKNES, Sir A. See Marmocchi. *Viaggi, v. 3, 4 . 2275.1 (7ow«««. — Vol. in. Via^o dalla foce dell' Indo a Lahora, Inwl. da D. Agostini. IV. Viapgno da Uollii a Lahora, Cabul, Khanduz, Dalkh c Bukhara, e uella Turcoiuania nel Khorasan ed in Persia ; Rvlazionc sttlla geografia, ecc. dell'Asia Ccnlnilo; Mcmoria suU' Indo, ecc. trad, da D. Agostini. BUKSET, G. Account of what seemed remarkable in travelling through Switzerlaud, Italy, Ger- many, etc, in UW5, SO. '-'d ed. Appendix, by a person of quality. Rotterdam, ltB7. sm.^" .»-l!99.15 — History of my own times, from the restoration to the [revolution]. [Vol. 1, of 1st ed.] Lon- don,ir34. f° *4d10.10 History of the rights of princes in the disposing of ecclesiastical benefices and church-lands. London, 1683. sm.8° 1292.4 — Life and death of J. Wilmot, carl of Rochester. PrefiKcd, the author's life. 3d Am. ed. New York, 1S12. 18° 4549a. 36 - Same. See Boston. Christian monitor, v. 2U. 5459.5 — Remarks on liurnet's history of his own time. See Higgons, B -2529.8 BimsF.T, J., lord Monhoddo. Autient nuta]ihysics : or, the science of universals. Willi an exam- ination of Neinon's philosophy. Edinburgh, 1779-99. 6v. 4° *6091.1 BUKKET, T. Archjeologia; philosophica: : sive doc- trina aufiqua de rerum origiuibus. Ed. 2a. Londini, 1728-33. av. in 1. 8° 6108.14 Telluris theoria sacra. Londini, 1689-91. 2v. sni.l"' .V. 1,3486.12, and V. 2, **3486. 13 Burnett, A. Incidents of the war : humorous, pa- thetic, and descriptive. Cincinnati, 1863. 12°. 4328.14 BUBSETT, C. M. Philosophy of spirits in relation to matter. London, 1850. 8° 6090.9 BUUNEV, C. The cunning man : from Rousseau's Devin de village. [Collection of farces, v. 2]. 2575. .35 — Memoirs. See D'ArWay, F. B 2455.24 BUKNEY, S. H. Ber Schilfbruch, ein Roman nach de'm Englischen. Jena, 1831. 16° 4560a. 9 BuRNOUF, £mileL. Essai surle Veda. Paris, I8f>3. 8°. 3015.19 BURKorF, Eugine. Introduction i I'bistoire du Buddhisme indien. Vol. 1. l"aris, 1S14. 4°. *4241.2, and42f«.4 Burns, A. Bowditch, W. I. Rcnditicm of. . . I).li>0a.32 — Clarke, .1. F. Rendition of. A discourse . . B. 160a. 33 Gray, E. H. Discourse occasioned by the ren- dition of B.irOiv.35 Trial of. See Boston slave riot B.liiO.llO Weiss,.!. Sermon after tlie rendilion of . . .6088.180 — Willson, E. B. Sermon after the rendition of.B.160a.34 — Young, .L Sermon after the rendition of . . IS. 160a. 22 Burns, R- '-'ft- and works. Editeci by U. Cham- bers." London, 1859. 4v. 16° 2567.23 — [Reiiort of the meeting bi-ld to c<-Icbratc the centenary of the birlhday of Robert Burns, Jan. 25, 1859. With an luldress by J. Wil- son.] Boston, 18.'i«. 8° 4390a. 42 _ Celebration of the hundredth anniversary of Ills blrlli. See Boston. Burns club 4394. .3(1 BURNS, W. What's in a name ? [or, la England the nameoftbeislnnd J] GlasgoWjlSdO. pp.72. 8°. 4510a. 2 Burns. Ili'ilnrl fiirjede Verbrenuuiig. Miiller, C. 3799.30 Burr, C. <'. Writings iind genius of (jein-ge Lip- pard. Phlladi'lphin, 1M7. iip. 31. 8° . . . 4129.70 BURRITT, K.IIIm. A walk from London to .lohn G'Groat's. London, 1Wi4. 8° 2407.6 BURRlTT, Elijah H. Atlas designedto illustrille the geogriipliy of the hi'avens. llarllord, 1833. 7mnp.H. 4° .39.M.0 _ - Same. New ed. By II. Matli»on. New York, n.d. t' 39.JI.7 — (iengrajibv of the hinveus. ."illi id. with Introd. byT. Dl'ck. New Ynrk, Kll. 12" 7029.43 _ - Same. Enlarged by II. Mnltison. New York, 1863. 12° ;i02fl.30 BUBRf)''"""! (■• f™""" "" "i" '"oral granrtpur of (Jeorge Washington, Feb. 22, 1832. I'orls- ninnlll, N. H., I8:i2. 8' •rph.v.380 Sholf. No. BUUBOWES, J. F. Piano-forte primer. From the latest London edition, with additions. Bal- timore, 1834. 18° 8046.55 — Thorough-base primer. 9th ed. London, 1837. sq.l2° 4059.25 Burrows, M. Pass and class. An Oxford guide- book through the courses. 2d ed. Oxford, 1861. 16° 2500.37 BuRS.E mucosse supracoracoideje. Die Oberschul- terllakenschleimbeutel. Gruber, W 3760.6 Bursal abscess. Observatioues ad absccssum bur- salem pertineutes. Ingalls, W M.Pph.v.l39 Burton, J. U. The book-hunter, etc. Edinburgh and London, 1862. 12° 2206.10 — Political and social economy. London, 1857. 12°. 3548.14 BURTf^N, Richard F. Reisen nach Medina und Mekka und in das Sonialiland nach Hiirriir in Ost-Afrika. See Andree, C 3050.5 BuuTON, Robert. Anatomy of melancholy. 16th ed. London, 1840. 8° 4175.7 Burton, W. The district school as it was. Revised edition. Boston, 1850. 10° 2408.19 — The district school as it was, scenery-showing, etc. Boston, 1852. 12° 2408.21 — Helps to education in the homes of ourcountry. Boston, 1863. 12° 3599.9 Burton-upon-Trent, Stajfortlshire. Annales de Burton, 1004-1263. Lu.ard, H. R 2423.5 Bury, J. W. Family of Leake of Bedlington in the county of Durham, and the charity of J. G. Leake in New Y'ork. Newcastle, 1815. pp. 14. 8° '►2435.29 Busch, M. Reisehandbuch fiir Acgypten, und die angi-iinzenden Liinder. Triest, 185S. sq.l6°. 3059.5 BusciiiNii, A. F. Nachricht von dem Drsprung und Fortgange, und von der Verfassuug der • Briider-Unitiit. 2te Autl. Halle, 1781. 8° . . 0059.4 BusciiiNG, J. G. Deutsche Gedichte des Mitlehil- ters. Seellngen, F. H. von der 2901.4 Bush, G. Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures, de- rived from the manners of eastern nations. Philadelplua, 1850. 1.8° 5423.2 — Questions and notes upon Exodus. New York, 1832. 18° 3429.28 — Questions and notes upon Leviticus. New York, 1833. 18° 3419.15 — Reply to li. W. Emerson on Swedenborg.' A lecture, Jan. 16, 1840. New York, IslO. 8°. 3673.41 BusilBV, H. .1. Practice of elections in the United kingdom. 2d ed. London, 1859. 12° ... 2515.23 BusiiNEi.i., C. 1. Cards, tokens, medals, etc., cur- rent In the United States for the last sixty years. New York, 1.S5S. s° 4327.7 BusiiNiii.i., II. Adilress before the Hartford coun- ty agricultural society, Oct. 2, 1S46. Hart- ford, 1847. 8° B.170.11 — The day of roails. A discourse, deliviTi'd on the annual thanksgiving. Hartford, 1810. 8° . 0088.44 — The fathers of New England. An oration deliv- ered before the New England society of New York, Dec. 21, IslO. New York, 18.50. 12° . 6440a.28 — The northern iron. A discourse, on the an- nual stale fast, April 14, 1854. Hartford, lS.'i4. 8" 5440a. 28 — Politicsunder the lawofGod. A discourse. 3d ed. Hartford, 18H. 8° '•Pph.v.376 — Pros|)erity our duty. A (Uscourse. Hartford, 1817. 8° 0088.212 — [Review of The errors of the times : a charge, by lit. Rev. T. ('. Urownell. From the New I'.nglandi-r.] Ilurtlord, 1814. 8° •rph.v.379 Society and religion: a sermon for Ciililornia, di'liveri'il .luly (1, 1856, at San Fratu'isco. llart- foi-d, 18.V.. 8° 54ll)a.28 — Speech for Connecticut. An historical estimate of the state, delivereil In New lirituiii, June 4, 1851. Ilartfiu-d, 1851. 8° 43S5.1I — [" God in CInlst." What does Dr. llusbndl nienii 1 From the New York evangelist.] Iliolliinl, 1849. 8° 5140a.2S BUSHNELL 87 BUX1X)KF „ Sholf. No. BUSHNKLI,, H., continued. — Kevii'w of Biislini'll's thcorips of tlio inciiniiition ami ntoiu'iiu'iit. Sn riirnlnill, 1! 5450a. 8 — [Keview of " Christian liiirtuif." From tllc New KiiglamiiT, V. 0.] ii.p., ii.d. pp.ar. 8°. 60S8."0 I?CSI, C. Governo e rii'oriue in Toscanii. Italia [Fironze], l.vj'.). iip. 19. 8° 471.1.7 — In tirderc unitas. Firenze, IStiO. pp. 19. 8° . 4713.7 — L'uiiitii potittca lo atitouomic amuiinistrative. Firuuzf, 1801. pp. m. 8° 4713.7 BusiNnss. FrciHlli-y, K. T. Practical treatise on . 3083.7 — Parsons, T. Laws of 3672.12 BusoNK dadulibio. SeeBosoue. Buss, F. J. Die Gesellschal^ Jesu. Mainz, 1853. Iv. in 2. 8° 6075.2 — Einflass des Cliristcnthums auf Reclit und Staat. 1 Tlicil. Friiburs im Breisgau, 1841. 12°.. 4293.19 BnssEV, B., Triliuti" to the memory of. Sra Gray, T. 4163.0 Bussi-Kaiuitin, ]{. de. Lettres. [ruWii''es par 1). Bonliours.] Nouv. ed. Paris, 1700. 4v. 12° .4709a. 4 — Lettres, aveclesrepouses. [PubliOes par U.Bon- hours.] Nouv. (id. Amsterdam, 1752. Ov. 12°.**4696.6 — Mt-moires. .3e ed. Paris, 1712. 12° 4r09a.6 — Memoircs secrets, [rediges par A. J. Le Bret]. Amsterdam, 1708. 2v. 12° **4690.7 — Nouvelles lettres. Paris, 1709. 3v. 12° . . . 4709a. 5 BrsTAMEMTic, C. M. de. Proemio alia memoria di Ixtlilxochitl sidla crudelta dei conquistatori del Messico. [Marmocchi. Vinggi, v. 5] . . 2275.1 BrjTEL-DiiJiONT, G. M. History of Louisiana, based on his memoirs by J. B. Le Mascrier. See French, B. F 2376.21 Bhtler, A. C, Sermon on the death of. See Wells, E. St. P 5440a. 48 BUTLEK, Benjamin F., attorney-r/eneral, U. S. Eulo- gy on Andrew .lackson. .SieDusenbery, B. M. 2.147.25 BirTLEii, Benjamin F., major-general. Character and results of the war. Speech, New York, Jan. 8, 1803. [With his address to the people of New Orleans. No title-page.] pp. 28. 8°.43I0a.22 — How to prosecute and how to end the war. Speecli, New York, April 2, 1803. [No title- page.] 8° 4310a. 22 — Correspondence on a conflict of military author- rities. 5ee Andrew, J. A 4390a.l9 — Life and public services of B. F. Butler. Phila- delphia, KfA. 12° 4347.45 BUTLEK, Rec. Charles, h. 1500, d. U«7. The feminin' monarchic or the histori of bee's. Oxford. 1634. sm.4° 3896.25 BUTI.ER, Charles, esi?., of London, b. 1730, d. 1832. Vindication of " The book of the Eoman Catliolic church," against the Kev. G. Town- send, etc. 2d ed., enlarged. London, 1820. 8°. 3464.18 Bi'TLER, Charles, esq., pseud. The American gen- tleman. Philadelphia, 1830. 24° .3589.30 — The American lady. Philadelphia, 1830. 24° . 3589.28 BuTi.ER, Clement M. .Sermon, April 2, 18.50, .at the funeral of Hon. .1. C. Calhoun. See United States. Miscellaneous documents 4390a. 23 — Sermon, .Tuly 1, 1852, at the funeral of Hon. Henry Clay. See United States. Miscella- neous documents 4344.3 BiJTLER, F. Complete history of the United States. Hartford, 1821. 3v. 8° 4325.4 Bi'TLEK, James I). Farewell discourse delivered before the Second congregational church and society in Danvcrs, Mass., July 18, 1852. Sa- lem,' 1852. 8° 4390a.54 — Incentives to mental culture among teachers. Boston, 1852. pp. 33. 12° 4390a.54 — Make known what you know, or teaching pro- motive of self culture. [From an uupublished ' oration.) n. p., iKTiO. pp.4. 8" 4390a. 54 — Kemarks at the dinner of the semi-centennial celebration of Jliddlebury college. n.p.,n.d. pp. 8. h° 4390a. 54 — and Hojiklns, F. W. Discourses at Nonvich,Vt., during the obsequies of T. B. Ransom, p'eb. 22, 1848. Hanover and Windsor, 1848. 8°. . . 4.390a. 54 ^ . Sholf. No. BCTLEU, Joseph. Analogy of religion to the con- stilntion and course of nature, [with] two dissertations. 3d ed. London, 1740. 8°. . 6025.27 — - Same. And select sermons. Edinburgh, l'^'"- l*!' 34«6.24 — - Same. [In Komaic] Ei/ AOi/nTis, 1844. 8°. 3480.9 — Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls chapel. 3d ed. London, 1730. 8° 6066.21 — Sermon preached before the governors of the London inlinnary, March 31, 1748. Newcas- tle-upon-Tyne, 1751. 8° . . *Pph.v.346 — Criticism of the analogy. ."f(>(!Wilson,D. . . . 3480.31 BuTLEn, S. Uudibras. With large annotations, and a preface, by Z. Grey. 2d ed. London, 17(4. 2v. 8° 2566.5 — Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 5] 4004.1 Cmuciits. — Hudibras ; Elephant iu tlio moon ; Mia- ccllanU-H, etc. Butler, William. The year book. From the Lon- don ed., mth additions, by B. B. Edwards. Philadelphia, 1838. 12° 2236.23 Butleu, William H. G. Murder of, by M. F. Ward. See Cole, G 4289.43 Butler, William O., Public and private history of. See Cass, L li.lOOb.lOO Butter, H. Gradations in reading and spelling. From 11th London ed. Philadelphia,l.S30. 18°. 7009.38 ButterI'-lies. ntibner,J. BeitriigezurGeschichte der Schmetterlinge 3895.10 — Schott,J..J. Verzeichnessaller Schmetterlinge welche in Deutscliland bekaunt sind .... 3896.23 See also: LycnMAdrc. BuTTET, F., Notices sur la vie et les ouvrages de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. O^uvres, v. 3] 3720.11 BUTTJIAN.N, A. Quiestiones de Dicajarclio ejusque operibus qua; inscribuutur Biw$ 'EXXaSus et Ai'aypa(pri'EX\a6os. [Diss. acad.] Numburgi, ISia. pp. 60. 4° B.190.53 — Nachtrag zur Abhandlung iiber die unter dem Namen des Diciiarch iiberlieferte Avnypatpij Ti)5 'EXiitSoi. [Diss, acad.] Prenzlau, 1835. pp. 16- 4° 4163.29 BUTTMANN, P. C. Griechische Grammatik. 4te Ausg. Berlin, 1808. 8° **4989.15 — Greek grammar. Abridged [by G. Bancroft]. Boston, 1824. 12° 4989.6 — - Same. Translated from the German, by E. Everett. Boston, 1822. 8° 2986.13 — - Same. Translated, with additions, by E. Robinson. Andover, 1833. 8° *4121.3 — UeberdenPtolemausinder Anthologie und den Klaudius Ptolemiius. n. p., n. d. pp. 457- 506. 8° B.170a.92 — ITeber den Mythos des Herakles. Berlin, 1810. pp. 48. sm.8° **2988.7 — Museum antiquitatisstudiorum. SeeWolf,F.A. 4955.8 — Museum der Alterthums-Wissenschaft. See Wolf, F. A 4955.9 Buxton, T. F. Inquiry whether crime and misery be produced or prevented, by our present sys- tem of prison discipline. London, 1818. 8°. 3575.31 — Binney, T. Sketch of 2546.17 — Garwood, ,T. Funeral sermon for 5440a. 53 Bu.XTuiiF, .loliaun, 6. 1504, d. 1029. Concordantire Bibliorum Hebraicae. Ace. nov.x concordau- ti:e Chaldaicffi. Basiled, 1032. f° 54.30.1 — Lexicon Hebraicura et Chaldaicum, cum brevi lexico Rabbinlco. Basileas, 1807. [No title- page.] sm.8° *4119.]1 — Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum et Rabbini- cum. Ba.silea;, 1640. f° *4120.1 Buxtorf, Johanu, 6. 1599, d. lOiH. Dissertiitiones philologico-theologicK. Access. I. Abarben- elis aliquot dissertatioues. Basileie, 10G2. 4°. *6027.7 Cnnteiif-*. — D« lingua- Hfbrtejr origine ct antiquitato ; Do ejus confuaione et pluriura lineunrum orifdne ; De llliua con.servatione ct propagatiouc; Do litcranim He- BUXTORF 88 CAEN Sheir. No. BuxTORF, Johnnn, continued. braicanun gcnuina antiquitstc; De nominibas Do! Ho- bralcis; De ooeiiic Dominica; prima- ritiljus et fonaa; Vindicifc prffccdentis disseHatiom»; Do lolione ma- nuum JudaicA nnto ot post cibum; Acccsserunt I, * Abarbanelis, aliquot clogritiitvs ct cniditaj disserta- tiones; De longic^'itntG primorum patruni; Dc statu et jure regio ; De Judicum et Regum in V. T. convonien- tiis ct differontiis; De tniraculosa stationc solis tempore Josa^e; De peocato Davidis numernDtis populum; Do nomine Mosis; De idololatriip speciobus, (luamm in SS. Uteris mentio; De librorom Bit)licorum divisioae. — Exercitationes ad historian! Veteris Testamenti. BasUeiB, ]C59. 4" *6027.7 ConUnia. — Aica fcedcris ; Ignis sacer et ctslestia; Urim ct Thnmmim ; Hanna ; Petra in deserto ; Ser- pens teneus. BUXTORFF, A. J. Supplement. See Ncu-vermehr- tes liistoricb- uuti geographisches allgemeiues Lexicon 41G0.2 BUZOT, F. N. L. BlL-moires sur la revolution fran- gaise. Precedes d'un precis de sa vie et de rt'chorches historiques sur les Giroudins, pur M. Guadet. Paris, 1823. 8° 4G42.24 Btnkeksuoek, C. van. Opera omnia [jus Ronia- num spectantia]. Lugduni Batavomm, 1707. 2v. V *4291.8 Contenis. — Vol. I. Observation urn juris Romaut libri viii ; De rebus mancipi et nee mancipi ; De jure occi- dendi, vendeudi, et cxponeudi libcroe apud veteres Ro- manos; GerardiNoodt amica responsiu, cum notis Bya- kcTshock; De cuitu religionis peregrino: apud vcterca Ronianos; Do captatoriis institution! bus ; De legatis poena; nomine. II. De rcbu;* ereditis si cert, pet.; Dis- sertatio de pactis juris strict!, contructibus incoutiuentl a^j^ctis; De auctore nuctoribusque authenlicarum (quaa rocant) diatribn; Conteiilio Hternria cum A. A. Pagon- ■tocher, de nuctoro auctoribusque authenticarum; Do Icgrc Rhodta de jautu, liber siugularis ; Dc doniinio maris, disaertatio ; Dc foro Icgaloruiu, tam in causa civili, qunm criminal!, liber singiiliiris; Quav foro Icgntorum, tam In causa civlll, qunm erlminaU, libcr slngulnris. — OpuRcula varii argumcnti. Ed. 3a, Lugduni Batavorum, 1752. 4° 4303.3 CotuetiU. — I'rirtermissa ail L. y. D. do orlgino juris; Do rcbua mancipi et nuc mancipi; Do Jura orcidcndl, vendendl, ot exponcndt llbvroH apud votcren Ilunianon; Do cuItu religtonln pon-grlna- apud veteres Koniitnos; DocaptutoriiiilnHtitutionlbue; Dulc^utittpiL-uii'uonilne. — Cura; gecundai dc jure oceidendi et expouondi liberos apud veteres Itomanos. [Cum G. Noodt andca responsione.] Lugduni Bata- vorum, 174U. 4* 4303.3 — ObtJcrviitiouuiii juris Romani libri iv, i|Uiituor prioribu!) udditi. Ed. 2a. Lugd. Batuv., 1762. 4" 4303.2 — - Samo. Ed. 3a. Lugd. Rntav., 1752. 4". . 4303.1 — Qua-Mtionuni juris privati libri iv. Lugduni Ba- tuvoruMi, 17.VJ. 4' 4303. « — (2u.'i'>»ti()uuui jurlf* jmbtiui libri II, Ed. 2a. Lug- duui Batavorum, 1752. 4° 4303.5 — Trnitt' du juge compr'teiit des anibiiRsadeurs. Trad, pur .1. Barbejrac. A la Ilaye. 1723. 8°. .3010.15 Byhnk, M. Meiiioir.'<. IvHted liy bis widiiw. Turls, 1S03. 3v, 8" 25M.4 Byrnk, (). Dual uritlimetfc. A new art. London, JWW. 8^ 3930.29 — rractical nietul-workerV aHwif^lnnt. New ami ri-v.(■ man, or Paradise h)st. Translated ^ in verse from the Anglo-Saxon. By W. H, F. BosaiKjuet. London, 1800. p.fj* 2587.22 CkmUS Syniposius. vKnIgiiuda. Nov. ed. curavit L.M.Sargent. Hoslonia', ls(i7. 12" . . . .4929a. 17 Caen, Fontaines publiques de la vlJle de. Tra* vers,.! lOdo. lu C^SAR 89 CALDERON • Sboir. No. C.«SAR, C. J. Opera qusc exstant. [Heidelbergae], ]5'.»5. sm.2r *B. 179a. 25 — - Same. Accesscrunt annotationes S. Clarke. £i1 to Aulun Hirthis. — .SwiaA'a dictionary of Grtfk and Latin hiot/raphy, elf. — Commeiitarii de bello GaJHco et eivili, e recena. F. Oiidendorpil. Notis Aufrlic^ illust. studio D. Tatterson. Novi-Kboraci, 1839. l'^" . . 4919a. 1 — - Same. Notas atljecit A. liegnier. Parisiis, 1837. 13' B.179a.4 — Comnientarii dc bello Gallico, et de bello eivili. [Historiie Romanre scriptores.v. 1] 4240.3 — Commentaries, ^vith observations, by C. Ed- monds. Witb tbe life, und an account of bis medulls. London, 1055. 2v.ini. sm.f ° . . *4200.11 — Commentariorum de bello Gallico primi quntuor libri, ex F. Oudcndorpii ed. expressa. With an English translation by J. Mair. New ed. byJ.Uoss. Lancaster, I'enn., 1804. 12°. . 4919a. 2 — - Same. Libri quinque priores. With an analytical and interlineal translation, by J. Hamilton. London, 1830. 13° 4919.3 — Invjision of Britain: witb interlinear transla- tion. ;ided. London, 1830, 12° 4909.9 — £tude sur la septieme canipagne de Ci^sar en Gaule. 5ee Aumale, H. E. P. L. d'Orlcans d'. 2041.9 — Debate on the character of. Sfc Knowles, J. S. 7009.30 C-KSAR Strabo Vopiscus.C.J. Keliquia. [Uibbeck. Tragicorum Latinorum reliquia?] B.199.4 C.£SARIUS, St. Dialog! iv, quibus continentur ex- plicAtiones quarundam quastionum de rebus gravibus. [Ma.ximabibliotb. vet. patr., v. 5]. B.110.2 A'otr. — fiood authorities deny that these dialo^cs ars tho writioga of Ctcsarius. C-3ESARIITS, bishop Of Artes. Ad populum in Qua- dragesima homiliie XLVi; Exhortatio ad te- nendam vel custodiendam charitatem; Epis- tola ad quosdara Germanos; De decern virgi- nibus; Regula sanctimonialium. [Maxima btblioth. vet. patr., V. s] B.110.2 — Honiiliac xiv ; Sermo de decern virginibus ; Ad- monitio, ad eos qui uxores habentes, adulte- ria committere non erubescunt; Epistola ad C^esariam; Epistola ad virginem Deo dedica- tam. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., V. 27] . . B.110.2 A'o(«- — Upwards of a hundrod sermons once attribated to Augustin, are now ascribed to Cteaariua. CjGSARIUs Heisterbacensis. Dialogus miraculorum. Kecog. J. Strange. Colouia;, 1851. 2v. 13°. 6100.10 — Beitrag zur Kultiirgescbicbte des 12ten und I3ten Jabrbunderts. See Kaufmanu, A. . . 4310.21 Caetani, M. A. La materia della Divina Comme- dia di Dante, dichiarata in vi tavole. lioma, 1855. f° *2800.2 Caffaro. Annates Januenses, 1099-1103: De libe- ratione civitatura Orientis, 1095-1109; Regni lerosolymitaui historia, 1099-1188. [Frank- fort. Societas, etc., V. 18] 4320.1 Caffaro, F. Lawfulness and unlawfulness of plays. .5eeMansel,R 5453.13 CAGNAcri,o»* Cagnacirii, A. Fragmentum bistori* cum antiquitatis nobilissim.'e urbis Ferrarise. Latine vertit, B. Morettus. [Graivius. Tbes. autiq. Ital., T. 7, p. 1] 4710.1 Caonola, A. Fondazioue scientifica Cagnola. See Milan 3285.1 Cahouks, a. Histoire des radicaux organiques. See I'aris. Societe chimique 3977.8 Cailhava d'Eptendoux, J. F. De I'art de la com^- die. JCouv. ed. Faris, 17SG. 2v. 8° . , .**4700,10 — fctudes Bur Moliere. Faris, 1802. 8° . . . . **4700.11 12 8holf. No. Caiixet, J. L'administration en France sous le minist^rc du cardinal do Uicbelieu. 2e dd. I'arls, 1801. 3v. 13° 4662.15 Cain, Death of. 5ee Macgowan, J Pph.v.335 Cain and "Abel, Dissertation on the oblations of. See Kennicott, li l'ph.v.353 Cairnks, J. E. The revolution in America: a lec- tm-e. 2d ed. Dublin, fl8f3]. 13° 4310a. 23 — - Same. 7th ed., revised and enlarged. Dublin, 1>^<12. 8° 4323.48 — - Same. New York, 1802. 8° 4310a. 2.3 — The slave power: its character, career, and probable designs. London, 1803. 8° . . . , 4323.19 Caius, T. .See Gains, T. Cajetano, O. Isagoge ad hisforiam sacram Sicu- lam. [Graevius. Thes.antiq. Ital.,T. 10, v.2]. 4710.1 Calamy, E. Thirteen sermons concerning the doc- trine of the Trinity, with a vindication of 1 John V. 7. London, 1723. S° 5443.1? Calchi, T. Historia; patriie libri duo; Nuptiie Joannis Galeacii cum Isabella Aragona, Fer- dinandi Neapolitanorum regis nepte; Nuptise Maximiliani, imperatoris jam designati, cum Blanca, Joannis Galeacii Mediolanensium ducis sorore; Nuptia? Ludovici Marife cum Beatrice, Alpbonsi Estensis sorore, vicissim- que Alphonsi cum Anna, Ludovici nepte. [Graevius. Tbes. antiq. Ital., T. 2, p. 1] . , 4710.1 CX'LCVLVSjmatJiematicalterm. Greene, W.B. New theory of the 3939.13, 14 — Paterson, J. Calculus of operations 4275.8 — Sloman, H. Claim of Leibnitz to tbe invention of the dift'erentiul calculus 3925.35 — Todhunter, I. Calculus of variations during the 19th century 3925.32 — Woodhouse, R, Calculus of variations . . . . 3935.31 Calculus, medical term. Bigelow, S. L. Recher- ches sur les calcnis de la vessie B. 190. 29 — Schenck, J.G. De calculis brutorum corporibus innatis 4153.12 Caldep.on, J. Cervantes vindicado en pasajes del D. Quijote. Madrid, 1854. 10° 3104.13 — [Vindicacion de su mismo.] n. p., 1855. pp. 63. 10° 3104.13 Calderon de la Barca, P. Coniodias, corregidas y dadas a hiz por J. J. Keil. Leipsique, 1837- 30. 4v. 1.8° *4250.15 Contents. — Vol. 1. Vida de Calderon, por J- de Vera Towa y Vinarroel ; Comedias: La vida ea aucfio; Casa con doB puertas mala es de guurdar; E) purgatorio da Snii Potricio ; La gmn Ccnobia ; La devocion du la cruz ; Lo puente de Mantibie ; Saber dc-l mal y del bien ; Lan- ces de amor y fortune ; La dama duende; Pcorestaque CBlaba; El siiio de firedd; El prliicipe constante; El mayor cncanto amor; El galau fantasma; .ludaa Mac- abeo; £1 medico de eu honra; Argenis y Pollarco; La Virgen del sacrario; El mayor monstruo loa zetoa; Hombre pobre todo estrazas; A secreto apravio eecreta vcnpanza; El aatrologo fingido; Amor, honor y poder; Los trcs mftyores prodigios, con loa; En cBta vida todo es verdad y todo mentira; El maestro de danzar; Ma- fianas dc Abril y Alayo. IL Loa hijos de la fortuna ; Afectofl do odio y amor; La hija did aire, p. 1 and 2; Nl amor se libra de amor; El laurel de Ajiulo ; La purpura de )a rosa, con loa; La flero, el rayo y la piodra; Tam- bien hay dm-lo en las damas; El postrcr duelo de Es- paua; Eco y Nareiso; El monstruo de los jardinca; EI gran principe de Fez ; El encanto sin cncanto ; La niua de Gomez Arias; El hijo de sol Facton ; La aurora en Copacabana; EI conde Lucanor; Apolo y Ciimcne; EI golfo dc Ins sirenas ; Finezn contra fineza ; Uado y divi- sa ; Los doa amantea del cielo ; Mugcr, llora, y venceraa. III. Agradecer y no amar; De una causa doa efectos; /.Cual es mayor perfeccion? El jardin de Falerina; No hay burlas con el amor; Gustos y disgiistos sod no maa que imaginacion ; Aniigo, amante y leal ; Basta caller; La Sibila del Oriente; Fortunaa de Andromeda y Per- seo ; El .Tuscf dc las mugeres ; Los empef^oa dc un acaso ; Primero soy yo; La estatua de Prometco; El secreto & Tocea; Dar tiempo al tiempo ; El mfigico prodigioao; Mejor estd que estaba; Fieras ofcmina amor, con loa; I>lchB y desdicha del nombre ; Para veneer a amor, que- rervencerlo; Auristela yLisidante; Fuego de Dios en el querer bicn; El segundo Bcipion; La exaltaeion do la cruz; No hay cosa como callar; Zelos aun del aim CALDEUON 90 CALVERT Sbflf. Ko. Calderon de la Barca, P., coniimied. matan ; Mnnafin seraotro dia. IV. Darlo todo, v no dar nada ; La desdictia de la voz ; El pintor de su dc&honra ; El alcalde de Zulamoa : El eecondido y la tapnda; La cUtna de Inglalerra; Las mnnos blancns no oft-nden; Los cabellos de Absalon; No siomprc lo pcores cierto; Lae cadvnas del denionio ; Los trcs afoctos de amor ; La bandn y la flor; Con quien vengo vvngo; Guurdate de la n^nia tnansa; £1 alcaide de d mismo; Luis Terex el Gallcfo; Antes que todo cs mi dnnia ; Liis amias do In faermosura ; Amado y nboircrido ; La sefiora y la criada ; Kadie fie su serrcto; Las tres juslioias en una; Amur despues de la muerte ; Vn castipo en trcs vengdnr.es; Duelos dc amor yl«altad; Cefalo y Poeiis; El castillo de Lindabridis; Bien vengas, mal, si vienes solo; Cuda uno para si. — Love the greatest enchantment; The sorceries of sin; The devotion of the cross. Trans- lated by D. F. Mac-Carthy. London, 18G1. sm.4*' 3093.11 Calderwood, T). History of the kirk of Scotland, [1514-1625]. Edited by Rev. T. Thomson. Edinburgh, 1842-49. P°. [>yodrow society] . 5493.3 Caldwell, C. Thoughts on the original unity of the human race. 2d ed. Cincinnati, 1^52. 8°. 3868.9 -Calecas, J. Sermo in Dominica ante exaltationem S.crucis. [Maxima biblioth, vet. patr.,v. IS]. B. 110.2 Calecas, M. Traetatus de essentia et operatione; Liber de fide et principiis tidei Catholicx in- terprete Combefis ; Libri iv contra (jlneco- rum errores iuterprete Ambrosio Camaldu- lensi. [Maxima bibhoth. vet. patr., v. 20]. . B. 110.2 Caled filius Jazichi. See Khalid Ben Yezid. Calexdar. Chambers, R. Book of days .... 2220.13 — Ilalliwell, J. O. Xotes on early calendars . .E. 100. 14 — Haltaus, C. G. Calendarium medii levi prteci- pu6 Germauicum 6074.16 — Howitt, W. Calendar of nature 3829.10 Calhoi'X, .J. C. Speech in the senate on his reso- lutions in reference to the war with Mexico. "Washington, 1848. 8° 6087.129 — Spf ech in the senate, August, 1842, on the treaty of Washington, [No imprint.] 8". . . *rph.v.382 — ITainmond, J. H. Oration ou the life, character, and services of 4390a. 23 — Funeral ceremonies of, containing the oration of R. B. Uhett, etc. .S'ee South Carolina . . 4347.12 — Obituary addresses, and sermon of C. M.ltutlcr. .SYrl'ni led States. Miscellaneous documents. 4390a. 23 — and Weh-iUr, 1*. Speeches in the senate on the enforcing bill, Feb. 15, 10, 1833. Boston,. 1833. 8' 4390a.2 Calhoun, W. B. Address at the dedication of the new cabinet and observatory of Amherst col- lege. ,SVe Amherst 4387.23 Calico printing. Chemistry of. 0*Js'eiU,C 3977.5 SeeaUo: Color-printini^. California. Journal of the house of assembly, 2d, 3d, fith-Uth session. [With appendix of documents,] yacrameuto, 1851, C2, 54-60. I5v, h" *fi408,l — Journal of the senate, 2d, 3d, 5th-llth session. Sacrnmento, 1851, 52, 54-60. 14v. h" . . . . *frl0r.l — Report ni the fuUntant-general for 1861, 62. Sacramento, [lNi2], 03. 2v. 8' *(V409.1 — State agricultural society. Transactions during ■ theyearlN'iH,.'.!!. Sacramento, 1859,00. 2 v. 8°. *6409.6 — Farley, C. A. Moral aspect of B.10()a.2l — Khig, T. B. Repent on 4129.00 — Mann, H. Extension of slavery Into . , . .B. 160.36 — Kiiiggold, C. Churts,etc.,of baysandrlvers In. 2.370.13 — Thornton, J, (i. California in 18-18 2378.20 SeeaUo: Han Fraiicliico. Calihch, I. M., and iKcki-rhofT, W. Deutscli.hol- . liinddtcheri und holliiudiseli-deutsches ^Vorter- biich. Amnlerdam, 1851. 2v. »" M113,7 CalihtMKNICH, Course of 35iht.33 — Voarlno. Treatise on .'U»91,9 CaliXTI:h It, ju'ifc. [Gul de Itiiurgogue.] Ser- HioneH IV in S. .laeidtnm iipoMlulum. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 2Uj II. 110.2 Shelf. No. Callan, J. F. Military laws of the United States. [2d ed.] rhiladelpliia, 1803. 8° 3635.12 Callander, J. Terra Australis cognita: or, voy- agcF to the southern hemisphere, during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centu- ries. Edinburgh, 170IV-68. 3v. 8" 6203.10 Callao. Earthquake at Callao, on the 2Sth of Oc- tober, 1740. Se^ True and particular relation. 4308. 1 Callcott, J, "W. Musical grammar. Boston, n.d. 12° 4049,63 Callendar, James T. Political progress of ISritou : or, abuses in the government, from 10.hs to the present time. Fart 1. 3d ed. riiiladel- phia, 1795. 8° . . 4326.39 — Sketches of the history of America, Fhiladel- phia, 1798. 8° . • 4327.1 Callehy, J. M., and Yvan, M. L'insurrection en Chine depuis son origine jusqu'ii la prise de Nankin. Paris, 1853. 12° 4245.24 Calliaciii, N. See Poleui, G. Utriusque thes. autiq. supp., v, 3-5 2970.7 Contents. — Vol. III. Dissertatio de gladiatoribus; Eisserlatio de stippliciis aen-orum. IV. DIsscrtatio de Osiridc; Dissortntio de sacris Eleu^lnU et eorumdem niyateriis. V. Diesertatio de ludis acenicis niimuruin ot pautomimorum ; Dissertatio de Circensibus ludis. Callias. Trium comoediarum fnigmcnta, [Mei- neke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 3] B. 162.8 CalliMxVCHUS. Inni secondo I'edizione ernestina 1761 [da P. GaggiaJ. Brescia, 1820. 8" . . *4205.19 — Hymnicteingrammata, Gra?c&, [Brunck. Ana- iecta poet. Gr., v, 1] B.162,7 — Hymui et ej>ij;rammata, Gr. et Lat., interprete N. Frischliuo. [Lect. Poetie Gra;ci, v. IJ . 4200,7 — Hymui et epigrammata, Gra!c6. See Orpheus. B. 169a. 3 — Hymnus in Jovem, Gr. et Lat. See Vorst, J. . B.109,6 — Hyinnes, tr. par Laporle-Dutheil. [Falconnet. Les i)etits pofcmes Grecs.] B.161.2 Callinus. Fragmentum. [Brunck. Aualecta poet. Gr.. V, 1] B. 162.7 Callippus. Paunychidis fragmentum. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5] B. 102.8 Calliskn, C. F, Eutwurf einer durchaus anf prac- tischeu Grunde ruhenden Religionsphiloso- phie. Schleswig, 1850. pp.07. 8° 0OS8.104 Callisthenics. Pseudo-Kallisthenes, aus dem Griechist^hen iibersetzt. See Lamprccht der PfatVe. Alexander, v. 2 2900.35 CALHSTkatus Sophista. Uescriptio statuarum, Gra;c6 et Latint. Kee Philostratus 4190,5 Calm and dispassionate enquiry into the (luestion of the Chesapeake, and the ncrc.-isity and ex- pediency of war. By a Yankee farmer. Bos- ton, 1807. pp. 43, 8' 4355.34 Calmicil, J. L. F. Trait(5 dea maladies inflarama- toires du cerveau. Paris, 1859. 2v. 8° . . . 3801.10 — I>or Wahnsinn in den ^icr lei/len .lahrhunder- ten. Kaeh dem Fraii/.usisehen, von R. Leu- bnscher, lialle, 1848. 8' 4205.9 Calmpck language. VocabulariumCalnuicko-Mun- galicum. Strahlenherg, P. J. v 4253.0 CALokk;. Cooper, C. C. Identity of caloric and electricity 3960.19 — Metcalf, S. L. Caloric in the i»henoniena of nature 390O.fl See alno: Host. CALPCRNiifS Flaccus. Sec Flaccus, C. CALri;nNirsSiculus,T. Bncolicon carmen, onmvitn aP.Crlnlto. [GotllVied. Corpus vet. poet. J . B.191.9 Cah'so, or Valperpa di Ciduso, T. Delia poesfa llbrMre. Torino, IHOO. 4° **2I96.11 — De Thoma Vali)erga Calusio. See Boucheron, C. K. M 2745.11 Calvahy: n poem. Cnmberland, R 2567.0 Calvkut, (i. II. Count Jullau; a Irngedy. Balll- more, IHIO. i>p. 00. 12" ... *4163.3 — IHustratloiiH of phrenology ; a selection. Bal- timore, 1832. 12'. . . 3000.29 CALVERT 91 CAMBRIDGE 6hulf. No. Calvert, G. n., continued. — Oration on the fortieth anniversary of the bat- tle of J. nkc Erie. i.'ii ed. I'rovitience, lh54. H". io'22Ai — Scenes and tliou^hts in Europe, [ItviiMiJ, 60, 5lJ. New ed. Boston, IWU, '^v. lli' . . . 2277.17 Calvin, J. [Geneva catechism, transhited into He- brew, by Treniellius. Reprinted.] London, u.d. S' .■ *6Q05.22 Jfott. — "This catccIjUm wan first tlrftnn up in Fri'nch and Latin. It wus Ht^fovnnU ]>u1ilislit'i) It hilo llvl)r«w, anil Hi-nry btvphcua into Grevk." — Tounff. rateario, v. 1, p. SUA. — - Same. [Uebriiisch und Hebraisch-Drutsch] von I. Treinellins!. London^ IHIH. 12° . . . 3452.21 ^ Instituzion relijiosu, tr«(hizi. pp. 14. 8° _ _ Channing, W.E. Discourse at the dedica- tion of Divinity hall, 1820 _ _ - - Observations on a plan for increasing the means of theological education at . . . _ _ _ Codman, J. Speech on establishing a theological faculty 5440a. 30 _ _ _ Dewey, ('. A. Opinion of the supreme judicial court on separating the divinity school from Harvard college 4289.54 — - irasli/ puildiiigclub. Catalogueof the mem- bers, [with a catalogue of books in the library]. Cambridge, 1820, 38. 8° *4388.7 _ - - Catalogue of the members and library. Cambridge, 1841. s" 'Pph.v.SS? _ - - Catalogue of the officers and members. Cambridge, imO-50. 12° 4388.29 — - Institute of \~10. Catalogue of the members, [with a catalogue of the library). Cambridge, 1832, 40. 8° 4388.8 _ - Law school. Catalogue of the students from the establishment lo the year 1867, 68. Cam- bridge, livlO-.',7. 12° *4388.27 _ _ Keport of the committee of the overseers eppolnled to visit the school, 18411. Boston, 185U. pp. 10. 8° 4388.19 _ - - Address at the dedication of Dane law college, (iuiiicy, .) 4387.1 _ - Lawrence, scinitiflc school. Report of the committee of the overseers appoint<*d to visit the school. Cambridge, IB-OO-Ol. 8° . . . . 4388.15 — - LUirary. Report ol the conimltlee of the overseers a|i|iointed to visit the library in 1850, 68-(VI. liiisKiu, 1851-01. 8' 4388.17 _ _ - Report ortheciininiitleeoriheaasoeialion of the ulumjil, appointed lo take Into consid- eration the slate of the college library. Cam- brldgi', 18.-.H. pp.44. 8° 4:i88.18 _ . - CDiislderatluiis rehillvi! to the library. Quincy,.) i'iiS!.\ _ - Medlad school. Cnlalogueof students, 1818, 24-43, 45-ei,66,00,0o-«l. Uo»lon, IbltMil. ti°. •43H8.3 4388.5 4388.5 4163.8 4387.8 Shelf. No. Cambridge, ilass., liar, col., Med. school, coniin'd. — - - Catalogus eorum qui alicujus gradus lau- rea donati sunt in facultate medicinae. Can- tabrigian, 1827. 8° *Pph.v.387 _ _ _ Report of the committee of the overseers appointed to visit the school. Boston, 1850. pp. 7. 8° 4388.3 — - - Benefactors of. Holmes, O. W 4387.5 — - Museum of comparatire zoology. Report of the trustees, with the report of the director, [presented to the legislature, 1861, 62). Bos- ton, 1861, 02. 8° 4388.10 — - Phi Beta Kappa society. Catalogue of the fraternity, Alpha of Massachusetts, 1814, 23, 20, 29, 33, 36, 39, 42, 46, 48, 53, 56. Cambridge, 1814-55. 8° - • • 4388.4 — - Porcellian club. Catalogue of the members and of the library, 183',), 50, 54. Boston and Cambridge, lK)i.»-54. S° •4388.6 Camden, W. Britannia. Translated [by E. Gibson, and others] ; enlarged by R. Gough. 2d ed. London, 1800. 4v. l.f° '. . . . •4230.1 — Grancae grammatices rudimenta in usum scholae Westmonasteriensis. Londiui, 1()S3. 12°. . 4989a. 9 — - Same. Ed. prima Americana, cura M.Camp- bell. Novi Eboraci, 1804. 18° 4989.25 — - Same. Ed. 2a. Am. Phila., 1817. 12° . . 7099.12 — - Same. Grammar of the Greek language, originally composed for the school at G louces- ter. IstAm.ed. Boston, 1800. 12° .4989. 4, and 4989a. 10 — - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1805. 12° 7099.0 Camden, il/c., History of the town of. Locke,J.L. 2339.11 Camden society. [Publications.] Namely: — - No. LVIl. Ancren riwle : a treatise on the rules and duties of monastic life. Edited and translated from a semi-Saxon MS. of the thir- teenth century, by J. Morton 2426.1 — - I.VIII. Harley, lady B. Letters, with in- troduction and notes by T. T. Lewis .... 2426.2 — - LIX. Swintield, R. de. Household ex- penses. Edited by J. Webb 2426.3 — - LX. Edward V. Grants from the crown, and two speeches by bishop J . Russell. Intro- duction by J. G. Nichols — - LXl. The Camden miscellany, vol. 3. Con- taining: Papers relating to proceedings in the county of Kent, livrj-lii ; 1 1 istcu-ical poems of the sixteenth century, from the Norfolk MSS. in the Bodleian library ; A relation of abuses committed against the common- wealth, 1029; Inventory of the wardrobe, plate, etc., of Henry Fitzroy, duke of Rich- mond and Somerset ; and an inventory of the wardrobe, etc., of Katharine of Arragon, at Bayiiard's castle - L.MI. Swinlield, R. de. Uou.sehold ex- penses. Abstract, illustrations, glossary, and index. Edited by J. Webb. . ; - L.XIII. Charles I. Letters to queen Hen- rietta Maria. Edited by .1. Bruce - LXIV. English chronicle of the reigns of Riclnvid 11, Henry iv, Henry V, and Henry VI, wrillen lieloie 1171, with an appendix. Edited by .). S. llavies - LXV. Thame, P. de. The knights hospi- tallers in Knglund. Edited hy L. It, Larking, with an Inlroduclion by J. M. Keinble . . . 2120.9 - L.WI. Rous, .1. Diary fl-oin 1025-12. Edl- U'd hy M. A, K, Green - XLVll. Trevelyan papers prior to 1558. Kditedby J. P. Collier - LXVIII. Davies, R. .Journal fioni March 8, 1I18.S-9, to Sept. 29, 1000. Edited by R. (■aullield 2126.12 - LXI.V. Robert of Watlord. Domesday of St. Paul's, 1222; or, Registruin di- visilationo maneriornm, and other docnnieniB relating to St, Paul's. I..ln.ducllnn,elc.,by \V,H,Hide, 2426.13 - LXA. Whlleloi'ke, .sii-.l. Liber famellcus, now liisl pnblislied. Edited by J. Bruce . . 2126. U 2420.4 2426.6 2420.0 2426.7 •2120.8 2420.10 2426.11 CAMDEN 93 CANADA Shelf. No. Camden society, continued. — - LXXI. 8aviU', H. Letters to nnd from TT. Sttvile, iiieludiii^ letters from tlio mariiuess of Halifax. Edited by W. I). Cooper 2428.15 — - I.XXII. Keiine.^, r. de. The romance of Itloiide of Oxford and Jelian of Dammartlu. Edited by Le Uoux de Lincy 242(5.10 — - LXXIII. The Camden miscellany, vol. 4, Containing: A London chronicle dnrinK the reigns of Henry VII and Elenry vm; The e.xpenses of the judges of assize riding the western and Oxford circuits, l.^iltii-Kiol ; The incredulity of St. Thomas, the scrivener's play at York; The diilde of Uristow, a poem by .lolin Lydgate; Sir Edward Lake's inter- views with Charles l; Letters of I'opc to At- terbury wlieu in the Tower of London ; Sup- plementary note to the discovery of tlie .les- uils' college at Clerkenwell in March, 1(127-8. 2436.17 — - L.X.MV. Symonds, K. Diary of the marches of the royal army during the great civil war. Edited by C. E. Long 2426.18 — - LXXV. Hamilton, W. D. Original papers illustrative of the life and writings of J. Mil- ton 2426.19 — - LXXXI. rarliamentary debates in 1610. Edited by S. R. Gardiner 2426.25 — - LXXXII. Cooper, W. C. Lists of foreign Protestants and aliens, resident in England, 161,-i-fiS 2426.26 — - LXXXIII. Nichols, J. G., and Bruce, J. Wills from Doctors' commons, 1495-16U5 . . 2420.27 — - LXXXIV. Trcvelyan papers. I'art II. 1440- 16i:!. Edited by J. V. Collier 2420.28 — - L.XXXV. Rawdon, M. Life, now first print- ed. Edited by U. Davies 2426.29 — - LXXXVI. Margaret of Anjou, and otliers. Letters. Edited by C. Monro 2426.30 CxVMERARll's, L. Apologia contra Fabii Hercyniani et aliorum in se public^ sparsas calumuias. n.p., 1021. pp. 38. sm.4° *0052.4 Camerakius, or Liebhard, J. De vita Philippi Me- lanchthonis narratio. Recensuit G. T. Strobe- lius. HaliE, 1777. 8° 3555.13 — Vita Melanclithonis. See Melanchthon, F. . . 6059.25 — Orationes x funebres (1553-69) in Slauritium d. et el. Saxonia;. [Mencke. Script. Germ.,v.2]. 4261.2 Camerino, J. Novelas amorosas. Segunda im- pression, por Don Nobeti Tonchi y Oya Mar- sac. Madrid, 1736. sm.4° 3095.23 Cameron, P. Variation and deviation of the com- pass rectitied. Likewise a treatise on mag- netism. Glasgow, [1869]. 8° 3952.25 Camoens, L. de. Poems, with notes by Lord Strangford. Boston, 1809. 16° 3105.15 — Os Lusiadas, poema epico. Nova ed. por J. M. de Souza-Botelho. Paris, 1819. 8" 4246.15 — Les Lusiades; trad, de J. B. J. Millie, annotee par M. Dnbeux. Precedees d'une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Camoens, par C. Magnin. Paris, 1862. sm.8° 3093.13 — Books relating to the Lusiad and its' author. [Adamson. Bibliotheca Lusitana] 3093.10 CAMOZZI, fi. Cenni e documenti della guerra d'in- Burrezione lorabarda del 1849. [Documenti della guerra santa d'ltalia, v. 2] 4718.9 CVMP-FlKE songster. New York, 1802. pp.70. 10". 4324.40 C/VMPAGNOLI, B. Mechanism of violin playing. Boston, n.d. 4° 8051.67 Casipaign, The. [In the interest of L.Cass and W. p. Butler). May 31-Nov. 1, 1848. 25 numbers. Washington, 1848. f . . , »8030.1 Campanklla, T. Apologia pro Galileo. Franco- furti, 1622. pp.58. 4" 6090.10 — De monarchia Hispanica. Editio novissima. Amstcrodami, l(i5:i. sm.l6° *4249a.9 De sensv rervm et magia, libri 4. Tobias Ad- ami evulgauit. Francofurti, 1C20. 4° . . . .*6090.10 Vniversalis philosophiie, sev metaphysicarvra rerum libri 18. Pariiiis, 1638. f ' *6080.3 Shelf. No. Campanella, T., contiimed. — Vita. See Cyprian, E. S 4199.18 Campanella. Lifeof Gavazzi. See Gavazzi, A. . 6074.24 Campano, G. a. Tractatus de gereudo niagisti-atu ; Oratio cinericia. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 26] B.110.2 Camprklt., Alexander. History of Leith; with a sketch of the antiquities. Leith, 1827. 12° . 2477. '20 Camprkll, Archibald. Voyage round the world, from 1806 to 1812. 2d Ani.ed. N. Y.,1819. 1(1°. 2265.12 CAftlPBKl.L, I>. Language, jioctry, and music of the Highland clans: witli traditions and anec- dotes. Edinburgh, 1862. 1.8° 2634.16 Campbici.i,, G. Lectures on ecclesiastical history. London, 18:14. 8° 6064.5 — Philosophy of rhetoric. 2d ed. London, ISOI. 2v. 8° 3607.10 — - Same. New ed. New York, 1844. 1'3° . . 3007.35 Campbkll, Jiev. John, of KingsUtnd, b. 1760, d. 1840. AValks of usefulness in London and its envi- rons. Boston, 1820. 18° 5447.60 Campbei.i., John, lord, b. 1781. Shakespeare's legal acquirements considered. N. Y., 1S59. 12° . 2598.21 — Speech on the right of the neutral powers to acknowledge the southern confederacy. Lon- don, 1803. 8° 4322.28 C^VMPBKLL, John, adjutant in the British 73rf regi- ment of foot. Soldier's pocket companion; or, method of discipline. Philadelphia, 1798. pp.43. 8° 3953.30 Campbell, John. Negro-mania: being an exami- nation of the falsely assumed equality of the various races of men. Philadelphia, 1851. 8°. 4296.10 C.tMPBELL, John, D.D. Glance at the evangelical gains of a century : an address. See Rich- ardson, J. W 3548.19 Campbell, T. Life and letters. Edited by W. Beattie. New Y'ork, 1850. 2v. 12° 2540.9 — Memoirs of. See Redding, C 2548.24 Campblll, W. British India in its relation to the decline of Hindooism, and the progress of Christianity. London, 1639. 8° 4214.5 Cabipe, J. H. Columbus ; or, the discovery of Amer- ica. Translated from the German, by E. Helme. Boston, n.d. 12° 2319.11 — Cortez ; or, the conquest of Mexico. Trans- lated from the German, by E. Helme. Bos- ton, n.d. 12° 2319.13 — Pizarro; or, the conquest of Peru. Translated from the German, by E. Hehne. Boston, n.d. 12° 2319.12 — Reinigung und Bereichening der deutschen Sprache. Braunschweig, 1794. 8° 2885.16 — Robinson der JUngere. Translated by J. Ham- ilton. Edinburgh, 1827. 2v. 12° 4889.6 Camper, P., felogede. [Vicq-d'Azyr. CEuvres,v.l]. 3720.11 CA3IPISTRON, J. G. de. Andronic; Le jaloux desa- bus(S. [TK'atre fran^ais, V. .32] 4708.1 C'jLMPOJiANES, p. R. Antigiicdad maritima de Car- tago, con el periplo de Hannon, trad, del Gri- ego. Madrid, 1750. sm.4° 4244.13 Camus, A. G. Mi'moire sur la collection des grands et petits voyages, etc. deM. TUevenot. Paris, 1802. 4° ■ »2360.32 Canada. Acts relating to patents for useful inven- tions. Toronto, 1856. pp.36. 8° . . . . B. 160a. 129 Alphabetical catalogue of the library of par- liament : being an index to the classified cat- alogues of 1857 and 1858, and to the books since added to the library, up to March 1, 1802. Quebec, 1802. 8° v.3of*2132.5 — Canada at the universal exhibition of 1855. Toronto, 1850. 1.8° 7035.3 CotUenm.^Tachb.J.C: Sketch of Canada, its indus- trial condition and resources ; Descriptivo catalogue of the productions of Canada : Observations on the exhibi- tion; Logon, W. E., and Hunt, T. 8.; SI«etch of tho geology of Canada, serving to exi»laiu tlio geological map and the collection of economic mincrais sent to tho universal exhibition at Paris, IS^. CANADA 9i CANISniS 4311.6 23I».U'3 23(i8.14 4302.20 170a. 89 5873.13 4302.31 43S',ln.l 230S.12 3S54.S Shelf. Ko. Canada, continued. — Census, 18C0, fil. Quebec, 1863, 64. 2v. 8° . . 7034.1 — Edicts,ordiuances,decIarations aud decree.s rela- tive to the seiguiorial tenure. Quebec, 1882. 8°. 7034.4 — fidits, ordonnances royaux, declarations, ar- rets et ri'glenients du conseil d'fitat du roi. Quebec, 1854-50. 3v. 8° *7032.8 — Report on trade and commerce. Quebec, 1855. pp. 41. 8° 7034.3 — Eeports of the commissioners appointed to in- quire into the management of tlie provincial penitentiary. Montreal, IMU. f° *4170.2 — Tables of trade and navigation for 1852, 64, 55. Quebec, 1S53-56. 3v. 1.8° 7034.2 — - Same. ISiO. Toronto, 1857. 8° 4170.17 — Titles and documents relating to the seigniorial tenure. Quebec, 1852. 8° 7034.5 Description, geography^ etc. — Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire et descrip- tion de la Nouvelle France — De Wette, L. Reise in, 1837 — Fidler, I. Observations on — Gait, A. T. Canada: 184Utol859 ■ Lillie, A. Growth and prospects of B. — Logan, W. E. Geological survey of — Staveley, E. Map of Tanner, II. S. Travellers' hand booli for . . . — Tlieller, E. A. Canada in 1837, 38 — Wood, A. Flora of History, etc. — Bressanl, F. G. Missions de la compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle-France 4302.1 Buchanan, I. Relations of the industry of Can- ada, with England and tlie United States . . 2.308.3 — Carmicluiel-Smyth, J. Precis of the wars in, 17r.5-l»14 4312.18 — Dablon, C. Relation de lacompaguie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, 1672-79 2310.30,31 — Ferland.J.B.A. Coursd'histoiredu, 1534-1663. 4312.22 Morgan, 11. J. Sketches of celebrated Cana- dians ■ 2346.6 _ Canadian jjarliamentary companion .... 2369.35 Canada East. Lower Canada reports. Decisions des tribunanx du Bas-Canada. Seigniorial questions. Editors : Lelic-vre an(i Angers. Vol. A, li. Ist, 3d-10tll series. Quebec and Montreal, 1850. 2v. 8° 7034.6 — Report of the superintendent of education fur Lower Canada for 1853. Quebec, 1854. 8°. 70.34.7 Sec alKO: Quebuc. Canada West, correspondence between the chief superintendent of schools, and other persons, on separate sehool.s. Toronto, 1855. 8° . . 7034.8 Journals aud transactions of tlie board of agri- culture. Vol. 1. Toronto, 1858. 8° . . . . 4260.11 — ticograpldcal view of. Smith, M 2368.28 5m atao: Toronto. CANAJoiiAitiK, JV^. T. Fourth annual report of the directors of the Central asylum for the in- slnictlon of the deaf and dumb. Albany, 1828. pp.30. 8' »M.Pph.v.l7 CANAitv Islands, discovery andconqnest of the. Galineo, J.de A.de 3040.14 _ List of the shells of the. See London. Brit- ish museum 5879.9 C.VNCici-i.tKHI, F. G. De«crlzlone dolle funzloni dellu Kettinuina snntn nelln rappetin ponti- llciu. 4a eel. Kouin, INlx. 12° 3164.24 Dcscrizione de' tre iionlilieali che si celebrano nelta bn-sllica vnticana per Ic fesle di natalo dl Vnsquaedl S. I'lelro. Uomu, 1788. Ifl" . 2737.14 Dlsserta/lonl Hopra la statun del Discobolo, racrolte ed nrricchlle con note. Konni, 1807. pp.88. 8° •4208.3 I^cttera sojira II (urantisnio, I'arla dl Konia, o della Hua CHtnpagua, ed I piila/./.i pontlllcall, Koran, 1817. 12' 2737.12 Shi'lf. No. Cancellikri, F. G., continned. — Notizie delle stagioni e de' siti diversi in cui sonostatitenuti iconclavi nellacittadi Uoraa. Roma, 1823. 8° 27.37.8 — L'origine e I'uso dell'anello pescatorio e degli al- trianelliecclesiastici. Roma, 1823. pp. 88. 8°. *4208.3 — Sagrestia vaticana. Koma, 1784. 8° 2737.7 Cancer. I.ebert, H. Traite pratique des maladies cancereuses 3745.29 — Parsons, U. Cancer of the breast 3717.4 — Walslie, W. 11. Anatomy and treatment of . 3745.33 C.iNCIANi, P. Barbarorum leges antiqua". Acce- dunt fornmlarum fasciculi et selecta; consti- tutiones medii aivi. Venetiis, 1781-92. 5v.in 3. f *1300.3 Conlenl^.—Vo]. I. TCiHcta rppiim OHtropothorum, IegC8 Loopobnriiica-.capitularia principuni Uein'veiiti.et con- Btitutionee repiii SicuU ; Puotus lepis SaUcir ; Antlquio- res leges pojiulorum rcpii Austnlsim ; AssUiic regni Hierosolyniitaiii Btl iiifeiiorera curiam perliuentes, in Italicam liiiFiiam translata-. II. Leges Frisioiiuin, An- glionjm et Werinonim. et Saxonum ; Libri caiiitularium repniin Frnneomni ; Liber coneuetmiinuin imperii Ro- liianiaN lioffua Italiea. III. Lepea Burguiiiliinuim et Wieigothorura ; Lcgea in Anglia comlitre regnantibll» Jutia, Anglis, Saxoiiibiis, nania; Leges Goliolnii con- questoria et Henriei I ; Leges RomanR! bnrbaria rcgnantl- biis observata-, facilt^ in Italia ; Monumenta legalia legeB Langobardicaa et llaliir rcgniim pressius atneientin ; Assisiie regni Hierosolyniilani ad euperiorem curiam perliuentes in Italicjim liuguain transiata? ; SelectM constitiitiones Arabum in usum insula; Sieilia- lingua Italica ; Vetus cajlitulare nauticuni pro cmporio Veueto auni MCCI.V ; Auti<|uiori8 legis Salicie oxemplaria duo ab Hcroldino in pluribus diverse. Cancrisi, L. Gemme o collezione di poetesse ital- iane antiche e modcrne dal 1290-1855. [Pa- lermo], 1855. 8° 4774.22 Candu, Observations on. Pococke, K 3040.7 See al«o: Crete. Candido, G. Commentariorum Aquilejensium, li- bri octo. [Gr;cvius. Thes. antiij. Ital., T. 6, p. 4] 4710.1 Caxdidus, G. See Wilte, G. Candlkr, J. Brief notices of Ilavti. London, 1,842. lo« 4367.17 Candoli.r, .Mphonse L. P. Pyrame de. Gi'ogia- phie botauique' raisonntJe. Paris, 1855. 2v. It," H276.3 Casdoi.le, Angustin-Pyrame de. Icones planta- rum Galli;c rariorum. Fasciculus I. Paris. 18I1S. pp.10. ,50 plates. 1.4° •6840.5 C.VNFIKLD, T. Anu'rican Euglisli granimnr. 1st ed. Mount-l'leasant [Roxhury], 1801. 12° . 4S89a.27 CASINA, L. 1,'architeltura anlica ileseritta c di- mostrata coi monumcuti. [I'M. 2a.] Roma, 18.34-11. »v. 8° »4104.2 — - Same. Atlas. 3v. f° •4000.10 EsposizionetopograficatliRomaauticu. Roma, 1842. pp.20. 4 plates. f° *D.3.0.2 — La parte media dl Homa anliru dimostiiita nella disposizione delle prlneipali vie e dei pubblici editizl. Knnui, 1812. 1111.2O. 15 phites. f ° . •D.3.0.2 C'ANISirs, II. Antic|v;e Icctioues, [seu] monvmenta nd historiam media- a'liitis lUvstraniiain. In- golstadii, 1601-4. Ov. 4° •6070.21 JVottf. — Vol. fi la Impcrfocl. Cmttr}*ti. — Vol. I. Alculnl opiatolit, ad rarolum Mflif- nuni el albia; TIronta rrosperl cliroiilcon ailcllua vul- gato et I'ttlio-ano, ipia- eliaiii ble adlaneta; t?liroiilcoD Weingarleiisia iiionaebi de (Iweltlls ItHuch'iluiB; Wclu- gai-lense elironienn ad annum lly"; Ileinrlel Kteronit annates ; Rberbanit Ailntiensis, annates ll Itlidojpho llabspnfglo ad antnim l.'fllT,; Monacltl Sangnlleiials do g,M,tis Caroli .Mugnl lll>rl duo ; Uuniiantii Contracll comills \ iiringeiiKis, rbrunleun ; Concilia «»IUliurgensl» Iria et Vlennensc unum; Cannllia : Hanetl CtiliimbanI, Balomonla epise. Conslantlensia et Waidrammi; MelplII TeKemsernalsearminat^uIrinalia. II. Megliifredl Mag- delmrKensU iln vita el vlrtntibnH aancti Kinineratninl llbur ; Arnoinia cornea li Ciiani et Vocliburg lie iiilracMlIt H. Rinmeramnil, etc.; lie samto Lam bet-to martyr, eplsc. ( I'aiK'gyrleus Wipunis carndne aurlptus ad lleiiiicum III CANISIUS 95 CANISIUS CANISIUS, H., continued. Impcr. ; V(liil9i.-iik'i luirrntlo do controvorsils IlormannI ot Eg-inonls, itbl ot ojiittulto ['iiiti-hiilis, Amoldi, Kf;i- Donis; S. Khorhnrdi dUciputtia \lv ujiUcopis Salzliuv- g«iulbus, ubivt viuv 3. Uuiicrtl, S. Virpilii, S.EborhardI, 8. Hnrtmci, S, (U'bchurdi ; Do 8. Otlono vt ruiinnorntio- rum convcrsiono liliH 3, auctoro nuotiyiiio, ubl eptatolio 8. Ottuuia, riisi-buHs, CaUxti, iDnoi-oii'tll, I'ollzlni duels Folonia', ot IiiibrlcoiiU oratio; Aniu uroblopiMo. Salz- burg, sub ChtuIu MMgtio, lit* duiiia ducuin Uuvimic Salz- burg, ecclcsliu dniis; Privilcftiuni Plilllpjil TegU pro 8nlxburg ; Do vitu ct miracuUn S. KmilnolUI ; Dc S. Gun- thero, S. Stvpliaiii roi^is Ungar. coffiinto; Collt^etto hU- tori(^aox ani>iiymo,qiilsub Alexaiiiiro Si-voro.Iinp.vixit, Idaclu, Tdruiiiacho, uliU, collorloro Callo quudnin ttub Cmrolo Mn^no ; Accossit luonulugium Oru'conim ox blblloth. ot intorprelalioQO Guliolml SIrlotI Cardliinlls. III. S-CrofTorii TliaiimalurgJ aiintIicinnttsmi,f:rn?co-Lat.; Geniinnl piilHarohn; Constantlnop. fVagiiiontum ox ora- tionc do hirri'sibua, Gneco-Lat. ; S. Zachnrliu pont. scp- tom CRpitn. ex Ilbro 3 ilialo^orum S. Groporii M. Gnixa bactonus dosidonita; llippolytiThobnni cliroiiicon Onn- co-Lnt. ; S. Anastnall Siiiaitio patriarcbit- Aiitluclionl ora- tlonos dua-, Cnt'oo-Lat. I. do 8. xyiiaxi, II iu Psaliiium soxtum ; Altcriua Anastasii abbatU liber contra .Tudtcoa; Francicoruin aiinaliuin fyngmcntiim ab anno 741 usqtie ad annum 7!Vj quos Ro^no Pruniu-nsis sc fntetur sccu- tum; Jonnnis Kiigusiui oratio, qua in concilio BuiitleensI reapondit |)or ucto dies ad arliculum primum Bobomo- rum, do communiuno sub utraque §pcci(r, propositum a magistro Joanne Kockyzana llussita; JEi;idii Carlerit decani ocolcsia; Cuinoraconsis, qua hi concilio Basileensi reaponilit per quntuor dio», ad ai-ticulum secundum Bobemoruni, do corrigendis peccatis publicis, quera propOBUit Nicolnus Taborita ; DUputatio capituli ecclo- Bin PragcnsU cum Hockyzann, de Uu&siticis contro- vcrsiis, liubitu por dios qutnque, anno 14G5, coram Gyr- clkonoBouGeorgio rcge Bolieniia!. IV. Leonlii Byzan- lini in Eutych. ot Nostorianua libri 3 ; Ejusdem in fVandoa ApolliuuriHtarum; Ejusdem solutiones argum. Soueri ; Kjusdoin tUibitationos hypolheticic ; Auctori- tatea SS. PI*, a Timolhoo; 8. Juannvs Damascenus in Acophalus; Idem in NL-storianoa; Collectanea auonymi in Scvenanos; Opposltio Savcrinnorum cum responito; Cap. xiii de unione in Christo; S. Nice[iliori in Icono- machoa llbri 4 : 1, in prfncipos apostosiio de incomationo, 2. do (UlTiToiitia inuiginis Christi ut cruci!i, 3, dc Cberu- binisaMoyso factls, 4, ex libro, do imugiuibua; Theodori Uagiopolitnno Uisp. 3; Ilenricus KaltoiKCti in concil. Basil, de libora praidicatione vcrbi Dei ; Joannes Polemar inconcil. Basil, do dominioclericorum; S. W'illibaldusdc B. Bonifacio; Othlonus Fuldcnsis de eodom ; De funda- tione Illminensi ; Fragment, chron. Thadda-i Scoti; Ho- dooporica S. Willibaldi, «t ejus vita; Heidenheimenso sauctimoiiiale de S. Wunibaldo ; Ermenoldus dc S. Sola ; Philippua ep, Aichslad. de S. Walpurga; Wolfbardus Hasenriolanus dc eadcm ; Anonyroi dc S. Kiliaoo et S. Burchardo; Dc S. Tyemonc arch. Saltzpurg. martyre lequicuuM nuctor; Vita. S. Willibaldi, auctore anonymo. V. Serapton episcopus Thmueos contra Alanicho^os ; Didymus Alexandrinus contra ManicliKos; Titi Bos- trensis cpiscopi libri 3, contra Manicbccos; Zacharim epiecopi Mitylononeis syntagma contra Maniclin-os; Ex- cerplft ex Hbro S. Ilippolyti cpiscopi Porluensis do thcologia ot incnrnatione ; Epistola Gregorii Nyaseni contra Apollinnrium ; Scholium Eunomii, et dirnputatio orthodox! contra euro ; S. Basil ii magni ratiooes syllo- giatica: contra Ariunos; Ex)>o«itio de sancta et cutbolica fide S. Basilii et H. Greg. Nazianz. ; Eptslola Photii ad Ulchaclcm Bulgarorutn rcgem; Ejusdem Photii disscr- tatibnes sex de diWnitate et incamatione; Fra^racntum ex Leonlio Cyprio contra Judo^os ; Engclbardus abbas de vita Meclitildis Virginia ; Friderici Bnrbaroasn; expeditio Asiatica; Gulielmi de Baldenael equitisaurati hodoepo- licon In Tcrpani Sanelum; Theodorici Turingi libri 8, de 8. Elizabeth ; Halitgarii epiNcopi Canieracensis dc ritilhet virtutibufl ot ordinc pocnitentium libri A; laldo- ruB du convorsis, nive ad monaebos; Epistola Alcuini do confcasione ; Anonymus de S. Adalberto Pragt^nfii epie- copo ; Guntheri monaclii liistoria de capta u Latinia Conatnnltnopoli ; Anonymus dc Adalhaido tmpera- trica; Fousti Rbfgion.sia adnioiiitio; Ejusdem epislolic. \T. Bnrlaaml cpiscopi Oyraccnnifl cpistolic ad Gra;co9 de unione cum Uomana eeclesia ; Ejusdem Barlaami ethica; Epiktuln Dcmclril 'Xlicasa Ionic cnsls ad Barlaa- mum do procession*" SplrituH sanctl; Humberll Sylvfe Candida; opl*copi advcrsua Micbaclem Conslantinopo- lilanum, ct Lcunem Achridanum, cpiacopOH, liber unus; KicctfF ]»n'sbytorl llbullua contra Latinos editus; llum- borli liber aliua contra NicRtam Pectomtunt; Bro^-is re- latioremm Constant! nopoli ab Apostolicie evdli* Icgatia geatarum; S. AnKolmi episcopi Lucennis libri 2, contra Guibertum anripapam ; Ejusdem collectanea; Epitome beUorum sacrorum in Pala-stiaa; Burchardi de monto SiOD descriplio Terrso Sancta; Itinerarium In Terraui bhclf. No* CANISIUS, H., continued. Hauclnm Itudulpbl de Frnmelnsporg; Tvaetatus WnlaMdl abbatis de subvorsiono Hieroaolymto; lluniilla Alculiil in nntalcni S. Wilibrordi; Vita S. Wililnordi carmine scriptn ab Alcuino; Elegia ejusdem Alcuini in S. Wilgi- nuin ; lUiai epiittoliu Alcuini; Vita et res giifltas S. Hen- riei iniperatnrin hoc nomine prim!; liolutiu do origino mounsterii Wiudbergensia ; Epitome sacrorum eanonum ab Adriano primo pontiflceconfecta; Offlciumdu Carolo Uagno; Martyriuni S. Desiderli ab Adono cnlleotnm; Epiatola Eugippil abbatis iu vitani S. Severinl; Vita U. Gregorii Mngui incorto auctoro; Da S. Gobhardo episo. ConatHutlensi llhri 2; Caruiina Theodulphi opiac. ot allorum ; Inccrti auctoris carmina do Carolo Magiio ct Leone poiitifico mnximo ; Poomata Walafridi Slrobi ; Strabi Kuldensia hortu!ua ; Martyrologium Rhahani; Martyrologlum Notkcri Balbull ; Eckorhardus do vita 8. Notkeri; Proeoasua canonizationlit ejusdem S. Notkeri; liistoria do miraculia 8. Vitalis; liistoria de S. Kudberto ■ cplsc. Salisburgcnsi; Vita 8. Erenlrudis Virginia; Vita S. Itudberti episc. Salisburgensls; Notitia donationum facta ecclesifD SaliaburgensI ; Vita S. VIrgilii episc. 8a- lisburgcnaia; Vita S. Kberhurdi cpiacopi Salisburgenaia; Do 8. Haitwico cpisc. Salisburgeiiai ; Catalogua pra-su- lum Salisburgensium; Vita S. Gebehardi archiepiscopi SaliHburgensia ; Chrouicon Saltaburgense ; Deseriptio Tcrrre Sanctie auetore Anaelmo, ordinis minorum; Ja- cob! de Vitriaco priefatio in historiam orientalem. — - Same. With additions. Thesaurus monu- meiitorum ecclesiasticorum et historicorum ; praefationes historicas, aiiimadversiwnes crlt- icas, adjecit J. Basnage. Amsteladami, 1725. Iv.iiiG. f *4140.3 CotUenta. — Vol. I. Basnagi: praifatio gcneralia; Ex- ccrpta ex lihro Hippolyti episcopi Portuensis de thco- logia et iucamatione, Gr. et Lat, ; Gregorii Tbaumaturgi xii capita de fide et anatbcmattami, Gr. ct Lat,; Sera- pionis liber advcrsus Manichieoa, Gr. ct Lat, ; Titi Bo- etrensis contra Manicha;os, libri 3, Gr. et Lat. ; Orcaii abbatis dc sex cogitationibua sanctorum libellus; S. BtiHilii Magni rationea syllogislico: contra Arianos, La- tino ; Eunomii confeaaio fidoi, apologia et diepututio cum ortliodoxo, Gr. et Lat.; Exposilio SS. patrum magni Basilii et Gregorii thcologi do orthodoxa fide; S. Gre- giirii Nyaseni cpiatola contra ApolHuorium ; Didymi Alcxandrini libor contra Manicha:os, Gf. ct Lat. ; Chry- sostomi brevia inlerp'retatio in S, Evangelium accundum Johanncm, Latino; Chrysostomi epistola ad Co^sarium monachum; Basilii Seleucienais dcmonetrutio adversus Juda!OS de adventu Christi, Gr. et La:.; Prosperi Aqui- tani chrouicon integrum ab Adamo ad Homam captam aGeneerico; Victoria Tunnunousis chronicon ; Joannia abbatis Biclariensia chronicon ; Fausti Rhegicnsis cpis- toliB ; Ruricii Lemoviceni cpistolic; Eugi)ipii abbatis epistola in vitam 8. Severini ; Cogitosus de 8. Brigida ; Zachnria* Milylcnensis syntagma adversus Manichtcoa, Latin^; Anastasit Antiocbeni orationesde SS.Triuitate, de incircumscripto, de incamatione, de paasionc, ot de resurrcctione ; Anastasii Sinaita: oratio de sacra synaxi, Gr. et Lat. ; Auastasii Sinaita; oratio iu sextum Paalm- um, Gr. et Lat. ; Evanti abbatis epistola contra eos qui sanguincm animatium immundum et carnem mundara judicant; Leontii Byzantini libri tres contra Eutychia- noa et Nestorianos; Leontii Byzantini liber adversus eos qui jiroferunt nobis qua^dam Apollinarii falso inscripta nomine patrum; Leontii Byzantini solutioneaargumen- tutionum Severi; Leontii Byzantini dubitatioue^ bypo- thetica? contra Eutychianos; Desiderii epiacopi Cadurceni cpistoiwi; Epistolfc diveraorum ad Dosiderium; Vila 8. Magni authore Theodore; S. Adnmanoi Scoti libri tres - corum. Ill, p. 2. UdaUcalri nnrrarlo de confrovprallt Inlor llormannnm rplscopum Auguslanum et Eglnoncm abbatcin 8. Udnlrlcl; Vita ot res gcstro 8. llonrlcl r im- ponitiirls; Libri tres de vita bynll OttonU, cplsc. Ilnmb., I'omernnnrum apostoll; Vila et puwHlo S. TyemonlB atvo Tlieodamnri. archi.-p, Hiillab.; MptdUTcBersoenHlsQiil- rinallu In laudem rt, (JuirinI martyrls; Fratruieutum ox Ilbro contra I'oimanini; ()IH(;iuni do H. t^arolo; Ilrevla rolallodo orl(tiiH'. fiindallone et pntgreBau nionaaterll WlndbergenulM in Kuvaria ; Chronieun inccrti aucloriH & natlvltntfl Domini usque ad annum llti7; Monumenta, AallBbiirKcntiia : 1. Uciwrliitlc. urblsot mona*terll Hallsb. 2. DncpUcopUHalinb. auctorc Kberiinrdo; 3. llUloHaS. Itudbortl, etc. 4. Illiilorin de mirncullN 8. Vlinlis. ft. Vita 8. Vlrgllll, *lc. fl. All'ina do oumino tiMnpIo HolUb. 7. Amoni* Inrlri dnnallununi erclcs. HallMb. H. DonatloncB foct« cccloNln- Halint^O. CbronUa 8alUbur(rr-nala ; Fred- crirl I, Imp.co(fuonn«ntollarbnromiirexpc In i)lr««rn, nuclnm Kngel- ll«reciiriUB; His. toria dp Uueins prlnrlplbus; Climnleon Welnirnrlenm- a Chrislo natu.adan IIU7. IV. Ounllit-ri mnnnclil lil>luria ConBtanllnop. inb Ilaldulno; Dc«crlpllo Terra' Hnncla), i Jacob! do Vltriaco •nctorc UuroIiATdu dn niunlo ISIu CANisiua, H., continued. pricfatio in bistoriam Orientnlcm ot Occidentalem ; Trac- tatus contra Grtccorum errorcs de processiono Spiritus S., de aniraabus defunctorum. de azymie et fermentato, dc obcdientia Kom. ccclesio); Constitutioncs concilii Viennensis; Constituttonca concilii Salisburgensis; De vita et miraculia 8. Erminol,di libri duo ; Tbeodorici Turingi, libri orto de S. Elizabeth ; Acta S. Albaiii mar- tyris, incerto auctore; AnnalesHeinrici Sterouis; Anna- les Eberhardi Altahensis ; Vita S. Walpurgis virginis et abbatisss, scripta d Philippo priesule Aichstadiano ; Con- cilia bina Salisburgensia; Andronici Constnntinopoli- tani dialogue contra Judieos; Guilielmi de Baldenael hodoeporicon ad Terram Sanctam anno I33G; Itinera- rium Kudolphi de Fraraeynsperg in Pala^stinani ; Barla- ami de Seminaria, episcopi Gyracensis epistolm ad Graa- cos de unione cum Rom. ecclesia, et proccssione Spiritiu Sancti; Ethica secnndum Stoicos, auctore eodein Uar- laamo; Epitome bellorum a Clmstianis principibua pro recuperatione Terra; Sonctre susccptorura, ab iuccrto anclore conscripta ; Hussitica : Oratio Johannis Ragusini, quainconsilio Ilasileensirespondit pcrocto dicsadartic- ulum primum Bobemorum de communione sub utraquo specie; Oratio ^gldii Carlerii, qua respondtt per dies quatuor, in concil. Bas. ad artic. ii, Boliemorum. de cor- rigendis pcccatis publici^; Oratio Hcnrici Kalteisen,quA in concil io Basileensi per dies tres reflitavit tertium artio. Bohemorum.de libera prrcdicationo vcrbi Dei; Oratio Jobannis de Polemar, qua in concilio Basilrcnsi, per dies tres refutavit arlic. iv Bohemorum, dt civili domi- nio clericorum; De fundationc ccclesire Ilniinonsia et Tegernseonsis et do translalione sancti Ar.sacii; Item frngmentum chronicon Thodda'i Scotorum abbatis Ra- tisboniB dc S, Kiliano, S. Virgilio et S.Lullo; Disipnlatio capituli ecclesiic Pragensis cum Rokyzana dc llussiiicis controvcrsiis; Descriptio Terra^ Sancta', auctore Anshol- nio; Actus sive processus canonizattonis B. Notkeri ; Catalogue scriptorura contra Judrcos ex bibliotheca Jo- annis Molaui; Dcvita S. Gebebardi ConstanticnBia epis- copi per Fcliccm Manilium ; Edmundi Campluni do re- ditu ad Romanam ecL-lesinni epistola ; Index. — Posthvma de sponsalibus et matrimonio. Nunc qvintoinlvcemeditjp. Ing<>Istatlii,10",*9. sm.8*'.*C066.H — Prtelectiones acadoniicas : De decimis, primi- tiis, et oblationibus ; De usuris. Ingolstadii, 1629. eni.S" *60G6.14 — Refvtatio trivm tractatvvm a qvodam lleidel- bergensi, svo, Marsilii de Padva, ot G. (>ccami nomine editorum. Ingolstadii, 1600. 4°. . 4303.10 Cannon, A. Alleged olficial iniscomUict of tbe late superintendent oftlie rhiladelphia, Wilming- ton and Ualtiniore raili'oad company. Phila- delphia, 1854, 55. :;v. h° 5fififi,l Cannon. Canons rayes en nelp;inipi] 2808.7 Cant language. Larchey, L. Les exccntrlclti^s du langage 2flH3.9 — Mi<'hel, P. Dictionnaire d'argot 2(>85.9 Cantacu/.I'.niis, .). liMiistture lies empereurs An- droni(]U<>s, ct I'.histoiri' tics empcreurH .lean I'aleologne, et .Iran ("antacnzene. [Cousin, Ilistoire dcConstuntinople, V. 7, 8j 2961.2 CANTALAMESSA 97 CAPURON Skolf. No. Cantalamkss.v Carboni, G. Memorie iutorno 1 letterati e gVx artisti dolla cittii di Ascoli. As- coli, IKtO. 4° 27(50.11 Cantek, Willinni, /«r/7/(T. Adiigia juruliea . . . . 41GU.2 Cantek, "William, philologht. (.Mialdaicie paraphra- seos ilhistratio. .SvV Bible. I'olyglotts . v. 6 of 5420.. 1 CANTEIUUUIY. Urcnt, J. ('. Iti tin' olden time . . 241KI.5 — Gostliiijr, \V. M'alk in and about tlie city of . 24%. (I — Hook, yy. y. Lives of tbc arcbbisliops of . . 2441.fi — Summerly, K. liaiid-book for 2499.5 Cantharus. Triumcom(rdiarumfra la qualila puo trnpassaro di sub- bietto in aubbielto ; Discorso del vacua ; Dn fulpure. III. Do renim varictate; De Bubtililate, libri 21 ; Actio prima in calumniatorcm llbrorum dc subttlitate, libri 17. IV. De numororum proprietatibus, liber unicus; Computua minor; Ars magna, sive do regulis algebrai- cia; Ars magna arlthmetlcie; Do Aliza rcpiln ; Ser- mo ric plus et minus; Exn-reton mathcmaticonim ; En- roniiiira gcomotritc; Divinioue dclla llnea; De propor- tloiilbus numeronim, motuunt, pondenim, sonorum ; Delia natura do' prinoipii, e rcgolo musicali. V. Do rcstitullono tomporum et motuura erraticorum ctrlosti- iini; De providt-ntia ox annl C'lnstituliiiiie; AphnriBmo- rum aotronumicornra ftogmi-nta septcm ; Commentarii In Ptolcmirum, dn aslronim judicllH; De septcm crratl- risnti-llis; Dn tnterrogationlbun; Do judlciin gcnitura- rum ; Do oxorapHs centum e^niturarum ; Liber duodccim g<-nllurarum; Do revolutlonibus annorum, mcmtlum et dk-rum; Do supplcmcnto nlmanach ; Somniorum Syno- sloruni libri. VI. Encomium aetroln^iic; Encomium medlciniK ; Do Kanitato tucndn, llbri 4 ; ContratUcentlum roedlcorum, libri 12. VII. Do usu clborum; Do cauois, slfrnlBf Bc locia raoiboruiu ; De urltibt liber; Ars curandl parva; Do methodo, aectionen treit; Do radico Cina, seu de decoct^ mAtrnfn; Do Nar/.a parllla; De oxyniolltls unu In plaiiritlde, epUtola; De vencnia, llbrl 8; Comniun- tarll in llbrum lllppocratli dc alimvnto; Commentarii In llbnim Ilippocratla do a^ro, aquU et loci*; Commen- IaHI In njihorlnmoM IllppocralU; Commentarii In lib. protrnoNtlcomm Illppucralla. VIII. Commentarii In lib. lllppocmtia da septlm«'*(rl partu; Kxamen xxil n>gro- rum lilpporratlR; Coniillla varla mcdlca pnrttm odlln, parlim liactonun anecdota; OpuHcula mrdlca aenllia ; Kloridurum llbri, alvo eommnit. In prinrlpem Ilaiten, ■ ivi< Ailin»rn, »fu Aviccnnam ; Vita I.udovlcl Foiraril; Vila Andr; Elomenta tlnirua! (ira'Cte ; Do Inmillnnn; Dn iintiirallbua vlriliuii ; Do muslca i Du Integrtt, IraelAlim nrillimnllr'ua ; Kxpooltlo anatomlw Hundliil; Cnmincnlarll In lllirofi Illppu'Tatla de victii In acullji; TommenUril In diioR llbrt>i prlurfii rpldemU onim IllppoenilU ; De epllejisln ; Do apoplrxln; Du hainanit clvllibu* nurrvsalonlbiii; D" hiimnna porfeo. tlonoi tlcpi Onvftanrtitv^ ■on'teadmlrnnilU; DodnbllH Shelf. No. Cardano, G., continued. naturaiibus; De rebus factis raris et nrtiflciia; De hu- maua compovitionc naturalium ; De mirabilibus morbie et eymptomatibuB; De astrortim ct tcmporuni ratione et divisionibus; De mnthematicis quo-silis; Historiie lapi- dum.metallicorum et metallorum ; Historin- animal iiim; Historife plantarum; De animn; De dubiis ex historils; De claronim virorum vita et libris; De hominum anti- quorum illuBtrium judieio; De usu hominum et diguo- tlone corum, turn cura et errori' ; Dc sajiiente. Cabdi, p. N. de. Venvta di Cristina di Loreno in Italia. Kaccolta in ottaua rima. Firenze, 1590. pp.48. sm.4° M798.14 Cards. Kecherehes historiques sur les cartes a jouer. Bullet, J. B 4001.21 Cardwell, E. Documentary annals of the re- formed church of England, 1540 to 1716. Newed. Oxford, 1844. 2v. 8° 3521.16 — History of conferences connected with the re- vision of the Book of common prayer, 1558- 1690. 3ded, Oxford, 1849. S° 3448.18 — Synodalia. A collection of articles of religion, canons, etc, in the province of Canterbury, 1547-1717. Oxford, 1S42. 2v. 8° 3521.17 Care, H. English liberties, or the free-born sub- ject's inlieritance. With additions by MV. Nel- son. 0th ed. rrovidcnce, K. I., 1774. 8°. . 4286.18 Carena, G. Osservazioni intorno ai vocabolarj deUa lingua italiana. Torino, 1S;J1. 8° . 2784.6, and *47S5. 5 Carette, a. E. H. Commerce de I'Algtirie avec I'Afriquecentrale, etc. Pari.^, 1844. pp.38. 8". 3054.4 Carew, T. Poetical works, with life, [Anderson, Poets of Great Britain, v. 3] 4604.1 Contents. — Poema on several occasions ; Songs ; Son- nets; Masque, etc. Carey, Henry. See Collection of farces, v. 2, 4, 5 . 2575.35 Conttnia. — Vol. 11. Crononhotonthologoa.- IV. The contrivances. V. Dragon of Waiitlcy, Carey, Henry C. American civil war. Correspond- ence, n. p., 1861. pp.23. 8° 4310a. 25 — Answers to the questions : What constitutes currency? What are the causes of unsteadi- ness of the currency ? and What is the reme- dy ? Philadelphia, 1840. pp. 81. 8° . . . , 6646.4 — Credit system in France, Great Britain, and the United States. Philadelphia. 1838. 8' . . , 6087.6 — Working of British free trade. Kcw York, 1852. pp. 42. 8° 6087.70 Carev, John. Latin versification simplified. Lon- don, 1825. pp.86. 12* 4939.10 Cakey, John L. Slavery and the Wilmot proviso, etc. Baltimore, 1847. pp. 64. K" 6.'i72.9 Carey, M. American pocket athis. Phila., 1796. 12°.*2384, 13 — Calm address to the people uf the Eastern states on the representation of slaves. Pliil- adelphia, 1814. pp.47. H" 4329.10 — Vindicise Hibernica?; or, Irehind vindicated. 3ded. Phihulelphia, 1837. 8° 2476,13 Carey, W. Primary object of the Itritisli insti- tution for the promotiou of the fine ai'ts. Newcastle, 1829. 8" *Pph.v.350 Carfknna, B,, pseud, Oratio de pacnuda et coiu- poneniiu rcpublicu, a. II moro trasportato nolla cittk di Venctiii, ovito costumi, ec. dell' Af- rica, America, ec. Bassano, IikS?. 4" . . . . *415'*.5 \t)te. — Mi'I/l snys M. A. Ciualtlui took piirt in llio comitositlon of ttila work. Carlier, a. De I'esclnvagc dans ses rapporis avec I'linion nmiTicaine. Taris, 1SG2. 8°.. . . 3573.11 — ITistoire du i«*uph' amt^ricain et de ses rapports avec It's Indiens, jusqu'ii 177r>. I'aris, 1801. 2v. 8" 4324.4 Carlile, J. Manual of the anatomy and physiol- Ofry of the human mind. London, 1851. IG". fiOOOa.S Carlos, Don M. I. de Borbon. l,a verite sur la question de sucression ii la conronne d'Es- pagne. 5?e Zea Bernnidez, F. de . . v. 2 of 4295.26 Carlsbad. Karlsbad, in topopiaphischerund med- izinischer Ilinyicht. Gerie, W. A 2834.10 Carlson, F. F. Geschichte Schwedeus. Aus dem Schwedisehen iibersetzt von J. K. I'etersen. Gotha, 1855. 8° 2825.19 Carlsri'HE. Das Karlsruher Uuterhaltungsblatt. Jahrgang 1-13. KaHsruhe, lS2fcU.39. 12v. 4". •7242.1 Carlstadt, Carolostadt, or Bodenstein, A. See Gerdes. Scrinium antiq. ad hist, reform. spect., V. 1, 4 fi055.15 Contents. — Vol. I. Descriptio vitae usque ad annum 1522, Gerdpsio nuctorc ; IV. Epistolne nd Gcorprium Spalatinum. CARLYLE, A. Autobiography. Edinburgh, 1860. 8°. 2455.20 CARLYLK, T. Chartism. Boston, 1840. 8° . . . . 3564.22 — History of Friedrich II of rrussia. 3d.ed. Lon- don, 1859-CH. 4v. S" 2853.2 — Life of Friedricli Schiller. Comprehending an examination of his works. Boston, ia33. 12°. 2846.10 Carlton, C. Endemic typhus fever of Cornwall. Truro, 1827. 8° *Pph.v.345 Carmiciiael-Smyth, J. Precis of the wars in Canada, from 1755 to 1814. Edited by Sir J. Carmichael. London, 1862. 8° 4312.18 Carmina Burana. Lateinische und deutsche Ge- dichte des xiii Jahrhunderts aus Benedict- beuern. Stuttgart, 1847. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bib- liothek liter. Vereins] . . **2874.3,and v. 16of*4225.1 Carmina qvinque illvstrivra poetarvm. Additis nommllis M. A. Flaminii libellis. Floren- ti^, 1552. sm.lO" **4938.29 Contents. — Petri Bembi liber 1 ; Andrees Naugerii liber 1; Balthasaris Castilioni liber 1 ; Joannis Cottte liber 1 ; M. Antonii FlamiDii libri 4, ad Franciscum Tur- rianuin ; Ejusdem liber quintus ad Alexandrum Farnest- um.nuncprimumedltua^ Ejusdem parapbrasisln tripnta Fsalmos, ad eundem ; EJusdem sacrorum carniiiiuin li- bellu9 Ivn^^e copiosior quam antea, ad Margaritam Hen- rici Gallorum regis Bororera. Carnarvon, earl of. See Herbert, H. H. M. Carniola, Journey in, in 1817, 18. CadeUjW. A. . 2764.0 CARNOT, L. H. Notice historique sur Henri Gr6- goire. 5ee GrC'goire, H 4650.31 Caro, a. Opere. Milano, 1807-12. 8v. 8*. [Clas- sic! italiani, v. 74-81] **4S03.5 ContenU. — Vol. I. Vita dell' eutore scritta da Antou Federigo Seghezzi. I-III. Lettere familiari, con aggi- UDtA della lettera a Bernardo Spira, e di quelle pubbli- cate in Venezia nel 1791. IV-VI. Lettere scritte a nome del cardinale Alessandro Famese. Vll. Gli amori pas- torali di Dafni e Cloe di Longo Sofista tradotti in Ital- Inno col Bupplimento tradotto da Sebastiano Ciampi a da Ale»«Bndro Verri ; Due orazioni di Gregorio Nazien- zeno tcologo. In una delle quali si trntta quel che sia *escovado e quali debbano essere i vescovi, nell'altra deH'ainor verso i poveri, ed il primo scrmone di S. Cicilio Cipriano sopra TelcmoBlna fntte in lingua toscana dal com. A. Caro. VIII. L'Eneidc tradotta. — Lettere di vario argomento. [Alb^ri. Tesoro della prosa italiana] — Sonetti. .SVe Raccolta di poesie satiriche . . . — Sonetti e canzoni. [Gironi. Raccolta di lirici italiani] Caroline, steamer. De la question de juridiction qui s*est presentve dans I'alfaire de Mac-Leod. Sre Mar-L*o.l, A v. 2 of 2771.20 4808.9 4808.8 Sholf, No. Caroline Matilda, qiteen of Denmark and Noncay, Life and times of. 5ce Wraxall, C. F. L. . . 2841.13 Carpenter, H. S. Relations of religion to the war; a sermon delivered on fast-day, Sept. 26,1861. New York, 1801. 8° 4310a. 20 Carpenter, .T. Liber albus : the white book of the city of London, translated by H. T. Riley, London, 1801. 4" 2495.6 Carpenter, L. Discourse on Christian patriotism, on the Sunday after the coronation. London, 1838. 12° . 3469.27 — Introduction to the geography of the New Tes- tament. 2ded. London, 1807. 16° ... . 3484.28 — On the will of God as the principle of duty. London, 1837. pp. 15. 12° *4163.3 — Scripture doctrine of redemption by Christ Je- sus. Reprinted from tlie American edition. London, n.d. pp.12. 12' 3469.27 — Apostolical harmony of the gospels. 5^ce Bible. 6010.16 Carpenter, M. Reformatory schools. London, 1851. rr 4306.19 Carpenter, P. P. "What do ye more than others 2" An address to Christians. ■Wortley,1846. 12°.B.170b.43 — Check list of the shells of North America. [AVashington. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, V. 2] 3.350.2 Carpenter, R. L. Discourses and devotional ser- vices. London, 1840. 12° 0066.19 Carpenter, S. C. [Memoirs of Thomas Jefferson ; with a view of the progress of French influ- ence in America. New York], 1809. 2v. 8°. 2342.21 Carpenter, T. Report of an action for a libel, brought by Dr. B. Rush against W. Cobbett, for certain defamatory publications. Phila- delphia, 1800. 8° *M.Pph.v.]32 Carpenter, AVilliam. Scripture natural history. 1st Am. ed., by Rev. G. D. Abbott. Added, sketches of Palestine. Boston, 1833. 12°. . 6027.16 Carpenter, William B., Parker, W. K., and Jones, T. R. Introduction to the study of the fora- minifera. London, 1802. f°. [Ray society].*3880,]6 Carpentry. Carpenter's assistant. Newlands, J. 4020.19 See also: Building, Domestic architecture, Joinerj-. Carpesano, F. Commentaria suorum temporum, 1470-1520. [Martene. Vet. script., v. 5] . . 4150.1 Carpzov, B. Jurisprudentia forensis Romano-Sax- onica. Lipsi^, 1650. f° *4291.7 — Practica nova imperialis Saxonica remm cri- minalium. Ed. 8a. Wittebergaj, 1684. 3v. in 1. f° *4290.3 Carpzov, J. G. Introductio in libros canonicos Veteris Testament!. Ed. 2a. Lipsise, 1727-31. 3v. in 1. r *6017.16 — Religions-L'ntersuchung der bohmisch- und mahrischen Briider. Leipzig, 1742. 8° . . . 6059.9 Carr, 5('r John. A northern summer; or, travels round the Baltic in 1804. London, 1805. 4°. 2861.11 — Stranger in France ; Travels round the Baltic ; Tour through Holland. [Mavor. Voyages, V.27] 6267.1 CARR,JohnH. Thelocalministry. Lond.,1851. 12'. 3437.17 Carranza, B. de. Summa couciliorum, summo- rumque pontificum, usque ad Julium iii. F. Sylvii additionibus aucta. Matriti, 1766. 4°.*6p20.14 Carrel, N. A. (Euvres politiques et litteraires, annot^es et precc^'d^es d'une notice biograph- ique sur I'auteur par M. Uttr^ et M. Paulin. Paris, 1857-59. 5v. 8° 2675.6 Carrer, L. Brevi stone di varli autori. Venezia, 1840. 16* 2773.24 ConteTits. — Scisma d'Inghilterra, dl Bernardo Davan- zflti ; Congiura de' baroni del n-guo di Napoli contra il ro Ft'rdinaudn I, raccolta da Camillo Porzio; Congiura del conte Gio. Luigi de' Fieschi, descrilta da A. Moscardi. Carrrra, P. Descriptio ^tnfE ; Poesie pertinent! alle materie di Mongibello ; ^tuaea castanea ; Grympa, carmen. [Grcevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 9] 4710.1 CABRERA 100 CASAUBON Carrera, p., continued. — Disqulsitio de vero sigrnificatu numismattim quonimdam Messanensium, seti ^lamertino- rum, Catanensium, etc. Lat. vcrtit .S. Haver- campus; Monumentonim historicorum urbis Catanse libri quatuor. Lat. vertit A. Frei- gerus. [GrsE\ius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 10] 4710.1 Carretto, G. del. Cronica di Monferrato. [Sar- dinia. Hist, monum., V. 9] 4800.1 Carriages, Construction of wheel. Fry, J. S. . . 4015.29 Carriere, M. Teleolo^ae Aristotelicie lineamenta. [Diss, inaug.] Berolini, 1838. pp.31. 8\.B.167.11 Carriers, Law of inland. Powell, E '. . 3675.4 Carroll, A. E. Reply to the speech of Hon. J. C. Breckinridge, delivered in the United States senate, July 16, 1861. Washington, 1801. pp. 15. 8" 4310a. 27 — "War powers of the general government. Wash- ington, ISGl. pp.24. 8° 4310a. 27 Carson, A. Truth of the gospel demonstrated from the character of God manifested in the atone- ment. Edinburgh, 1820. 8° *Pph.v..349 Carte segrete e atti ufficlali della polizia austriaca . in Italia, 1814-48. Capolago, 1851, 52. 3v. 8m.8° 4718.8 Caktee, C. S. Souvenir minstrel; a collection of songs, duets, glees, etc. Phila., 18.37. sm.l2''.'H69a.l4 Carter, F. Journey from Gibraltar to Malaga in the year 1772. London, 1777. 2v. 6" . . . . 5098.3 Carter, H. W. Law of intellectual and moral growth : an essay read before an associa- tion of Sunday school teachers. Boston, 1838. r B. 170a. 15 Carter, R. B. Influence of education and training in preventing diseases of the nervous system. London, 1855. 16" 3802.18 Carteret, P. Voyage round the world. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 3] 6267.1 CAKTER05IAC0, S. See Fortiguerri, N. Carthage. Campomanes, P. R. AntigUedad mari- tima de Cartago 4244.13 — Davis, N. Carthage and her remains .... 3057.14 — Lelewel, J. Die Entdeckungen der Carthager auf dem atlantischen Ocean 2263.10 — MUnter, F. C. H. Religion der Karthager . . 6076.18 Cartiiagena. LVxpeditiou de Carthagune, faite par les Fran^jois en 1097. Pointis, J. B. D. de 2319. M Cabtilha com estampas, para uso da mocidade. Kova York, n. d. pp. 64. 18°. [American tract society] 5039.20 Cartwuight, E. Mcmorhil and a siiccch to the society of arts, manufactures, and commerce, [with] certtlicates of the i)ower of his steam engine, etc. London, 1800. 8° *Pph.v.353 — Sermon, March 14, 1802, after the interment of Francis, duke of Bedford. Loiiduii, lh(i2. 8'*.*l'ph.v.353 CARTWRKiiiT, J. The commonwealth in danger; with remarks on some writings of A. Young. London, 1705. 8" 2526.1 — England's j'Kgis : or, the military energies of the constitution. 3d ed. London, 1800. 2v. in 1. «" 2520.4 — Letter respecting the bills for altering the law respecting treason and sedition, etc. Lon- don, 1795. b" *Pph.v.353 Cartwrkhit, S. A. Eulogy on Andrew Jackson. Sre I^usenbi'ry, B. M 2347.25 Cakvacc'HI, C Bh)grapliisclie Krinnerungen an J. G. Haniann,den Magus in Nonh-u. Mliuster, lKi5, pp. 76. 8' 2845.21 Cauvaliio, K. N. Key to the Hebrew tongue. IMifladelphia, 1HI5. pp. 32. 8' 3432. H CAUVAr.iio e Melho, H. J., iiuirmiis of Pomhnl. Holl^nanns. I.(! marcjuis dc- Pombal et I'An- ghfterre v. 2 of 4295.26 — Moure, (i. Life 3n9'j.7 Cauvoh>4o, W. Memoir, by himself; rdlted by his son. New Yurk, ls'i3. Ih° 6558.30 Shelf. No. Gary, J. New itinerary : or, the great roads through- out England and Wales. 11th ed. London, 1828. 8" 2487.29 Cary, S. Sermon before the Ancient and honour- able artillery company, June 6, 1814. Boston, 1814. 8' 5440a. 30 ' — Sermon at his ordination at King's chapel, Jan. 1,1809. Boston, 180<>. 8" 5440a. 30 — Sermon at King's chapel, Sept. 9, 1813, the day of the national fast. Boston, 1813. 8° . . . . 5440a. 30 Cary, S. F., and others. Address to the people of Ohio in behalf of a law to prohibit the liquor- manufacture. [No title-page.] pp. 8. 8° . B.170.74 Cary, Hev. Thomas. Letters to his parish. jS'ee Tucker, J 4163.5 — Sermon after the interment of. .S'c*' Andrews, J. 5450a. 1 Cary, Thomas G. Gold from California, and its effects on prices. A lecture, delivered March 25,1856. New York, 1856. '8° 5646.2 — Letter to a lady in France on the supposed fail- ure of a national bank, repudiation, etc. Bos- ton, 1843. pp.56. 8'' ■ *4163.13 — Profits on manufactures at Lowell. A letter from the treasurer of a corporation. Boston, 1845. pp. 23. 8° 6646.2 Casa, G. della. Opere [raccolte per cura di G. B. Casotti ed A. F. Seghezzi]. Milano, 1806, 4v. 8°. [Classic! italiani, v. 70-7.3], , . . **4803.4 Conttnts. — Vol.1. Notizio intomo nlla vitn ed nllo opcrti di G. deUn Cnsa scrittc dal sii?. nbate G. B. dollft Cttsotti ; Rnfrionamento di F. Bocchi sopni Ip proso vuipnri di G. della Cnea; Gnlnlco ov\'cro de'costumi; Tmitato depli ulficj coniiini tr« gli nmici superior! o inferiori. IL Orazionc scritia a Carlo V, intomo aUft restituKione della cittd di Piacciixa ; Oniztuno dello lodi della ropiibblica venpzia; OraKione prr muovcrc I Vcneziani alia Icpa; Iiislruzionc at cnrdinalo CarafTa Bopra il ncgozio dolla pace tra Enrico li, re di Foincia e Filippo ir, re di Spajma ; Letterc. Ill, ParalpHo del Bigmor Orazio Marta ira Pptrarca o della Casa; Rime; Aiinotazioni de! sigr. abate Eg^tdio Menapo nllo rime dl G. dolla Casa; Annotazioni dv] sig, abate A. M. Sal- vin! soprn alcime rime di R. della Casa ; Lezionc del sig. Torqunto Tasso sojira il sonetto LIX di O. della Cawi; Cnpitolo Bopra il foriio ; Cajiitolo del bncio; Capitolo Bopra il nomc suo ; Cnpitolo del martollo ; Cnpif olo della Btizza. IV. Instnixioni e Icttere a nonie del cardinal Caraflft intomo nllu gnierra Ira Paolo tv e Carlo v ; Dis- corso al cardinal CarafTa per inipetrnro loslatocdominlo di Siena ; rruniincnto d'lin trattiito dolle tro linguo Gro- ca, Lntina c Toscann; Lettere. — IlGalateo; Lettere di vario argoniento; Ora- zionepcr lalega. [Albert. Tesoni della prosa italiiuia] 2771.20 — Sonetli. [Cironi. Kaccolta di lirici italiani] . 4808. 8 Casalis, (J. Di/.ionario geogi-alico storico-statisti- co-commereiale degli stati del re di Sardcgiia. Torino, 183;t-50. 28v. in 32. S" M725.1 Con/enffl.— Vol. I. A— Azz. II. B—But. HI. C— Cm. IV. Can— Chi. V. Chi— Ciiz. VI. 1>— I-lir. VII, p. 1. G— Gen ; p. 2, Genova. VIU. Gen— Ker. IX. I^Lot. X. H— Mon. XI. M.Mi— NS/. XII. Noa— Nnr. XIII. O— Ozi. XIV. P— Pie. XV. Pie— Pnt. XVI. (^Hut. XVII. 8— 8apr. XVIII.p.l. Sal- Sar; p. 2-4,Snrde(mn. XIX. Sar— aer. XX. Ser— Tor. XXI. XXH- Torino. XXIII. Toi— Ver. XXIV. Vereellt. XXV. Vet^Vln. XXVI. Vlii— Znr. XXVII, XXVIII. Appeodlee. Casano, a. Del sotterraneo della chieMa catte- drale di Palermo. I'alermo, ISIO. pp. 84. 7 plates. 4' 2760.28 Casarotti, \, Lettere da Innocente Natauaelt scritto a un RUG nfpote, Kd.3H. Milano, 1825. 24* 2809.25 Casatbon, I. De rebvs sacris et eccleslasticls ex- ercitatloneM xvi ad Barontl prolegomena. (iencva'. 1651. -r , , . •0074.1 — De satyrlea (Jra'cornm poesl et Uomanoriim oatlni, libri duo. Kd. J.J. Itambiirli. Ace. Siiaiibnuil df r. s"* 4'S'2:i.-i6 Case of the slave-child, Med. Keport of the argu- ments of counsel, and of the opinion of the court, in the case of Commonwealth vs. Aves. Boston, 183(',. pp. 40. 8°. 4103.16 Case of the Trent examined. I.ond.,18fi2. pp.34. 8°. 5018.37 Ca.'*kli,a, I*. L. De primis Italia' colonis. [(Ir^evius. Thcs. anti*j. Ital., T- 1. p. 1] 4710.1 CaseLM, G. Elofrio funebre di L. Nubili. 3a ed. Firenze, 1841. pp 3(k 8" 274.'».15 Cashmkhe. Knifrht,W. H. lHaryofapedt-strianin. 5o45.G — Torrens, II. 1>. Travels in Ka.ehmir 3043.14 Casimik, J. Litera; de libro com-ordia;. [Gerdes. Scrinium antiij. ad hist, reform, gpcct., v. 4]. 6055.15 Casotti, G. B. Notizie intorno alia vita ed alle opere di G. dellaCasa. [('asa. Opere, v. 1] . 4803.4 — Vita di Benedetto Buommattei. [Buomniattei. Opere, v. Ij 4808.3 Caspar von der Hiin. Heldenbnch. [Hagen. Deut- sche Gediclite des Mittelalters, v. 2] .... 2901.4 — - Same. [Hageu, lleldcnbuch in der Ur- sprache] 2301.5 Caspaki, C. System des chirurpischen Verbandes philosopbisch bearbeitet. Leipzig, 1832. 8". 3754.14 Casper, J. L. Handbook of the practice of foren- sic medicini'. Vol. 1, 2. Translated from the 3d ed. by G. W. Balfour. London, 1801, 62. 2v. 8°. [London. New Sydenham society]. 5714.10 Cass, L. Address before the Kalamazoo county agricultural society, Oct. 11, 1850. Washing- ton, n.d. [No title-page. J 8" 4390a. 24 — Discourse pronounced before the American his- torical society, Jan. 30, 1S36. Washington, 1836. 8' . . '. 4390a. 24 — Speech in the senate, on European interference in American afialrs, Jan. 26, 1846. Washing- ton, 1846. 8° V. 3 of 4295.26 ^ Speech in the senate, on our relations with Great Britain, Jan. 28, 1856. Washington, n.d. [No title-page.] 8' 6087.121 — Speech in the senate, on the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, Jan. 11, 1854. Washington, 1854. 8^.6087.121 — Speech in the senate, on the religious rights of American citizens residing or traveling in foreign countries. Washington, 1854. 8° . . 6087.121 — [The Cass platform.] 1848. [No title-page.] pp. 8. 8° 4390a. 24 — Facts and arguments against the election of. See Jarvis, K 6087.48 — Life, with his letters and speeches. See Hick- man, G. H 4129.83 — and Butler, W. O. Life and services of Gen. Lewis Cass, with a sketch of the history of Maj.-Gen. W. O. Butler. Phila., 1848. 12°. B. 160b. 100 — and Taylor, Z. [Opinions] on the slavery ques- tion. Boston, 1848. pp.33. 12" B. 160a. 16 Cassander, G. Dearticulis religionis inter catho- licos et protestantes controversis consuUatio, [Grotius. Opera omnia theologica, v. 4] . . 5490.1 — De uiris illustribus qui ante Procam in Latio fuere. See Vita? virorum illustrium .... 4160.3 Cassani,A.C. Kaggiodiproverbitriestini. Trieste, 1860. 12' 4798.30 Cassebohm, J. F. De aure humana. Hala; Magde- burgicie, 17.34, 35. 4° 3806.27 Cassels, W. U. Cotton: an account of its culture in the Bombay presidency. Bombay, 1862. 8". 3651.28 — Eidolon, or the course of a soul; and other poems. London, is50. 13" 4179.20 CasSIANUs, J. De cfrnobiorum institutis, libri 12; De incamatione Christi, libri"; C'ollationes patrum in Scythica erenio commoVantium. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 7] B.110.2 — - Same. Sec Joannes Dumasccnus B. 140. 10 Sholf. No. Cassino, M. da. Annales Januenses, 1270-79. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. IS] 4220.1 Cassiodorus, M. a. Chronicon. [Historia; Ko- mana* scriptores, v. 1] 4240.3 — Clausula inedita operis De artibus ac discipli- nis lilieralium litterarum. [Mai. Class, auct., V.3J » B.172.3 — Variarum libri duodecim ; De auima Hber; De institutiono divinarum scripturarum ; De ecbematihus et tropis coltoctio; In orthogra- pblam; De arte grammatica, sive rlictorica; Dc dialectica; Matbeniatica; De amicitia; Chronicon, [Maxima hibliotli. vet. patr., v. U] B.110.2 Cassola, C. Insurrezione di Brescia. [Documenti dellaguerra santa d'ltalia, V. 2] 4718.9 Castel de Saint rierre, C. \. L'abbe de St. Pierre, sa vie et ses ceuvrea, avec des notes et des (■claircissements, par G. de 3Iolinari. Paris, 1857. 12° '. . 3577.16 Castelletti, B. La trionfatrice Cecilia vergine, e martire romana : [poema]. Fiorcnza, 15m. pp. 78. 4" **2795.12 Castelletti, C. II furbo: comedia. Venetia, 1584. sm.l2° *4809a.56 Cast^rA, J. H. History of Catharine ii, empress of Russia. Translated from the French by H. Hunter. London, 1800. 8° 3066.7 Casti, G. B. l^rose e rime inedite nella lingua ital- ianaelatina. Firenze, 1834. 16° 4765.13 Castiglioxe, Baldessare, conte dL II libro del Cor- tegiano. CoUa vita di lui, dal P. A. Serassi. Padova, 17(Ui. 4° 4791.18 — - Same. Milano, 1803. 2v. 8°. [Classici ital- iani, V. 67, 68] *M803.2 — The couriier, deuided into foure bookes. Done into English by T. Hobby. [Italian, French, and English.] London, 1588. sm.4° .... 2799.13 — Diversi brani del Cortegiano. [Albtri. Tesoro dellaprosaitaliana] 2771.20 — Carmina. See Carmina quinque illustrium po- etarum 4938.29 — Egloga: Iola,Tirsi, eDameta. [Ferrario. Poesi pastorali] 4808.11 Castiglione, Bonaventura. De Gallorum Insu- brum antiquis sedibus. [Grsevius. Tlies.antiq. Ital., T. l,p. 1] 4710.1 Castiolione, G. A. Mediolanenses antiquitates. [Grffivius. Thes. antiq. Ital.,T. 3,p. 1] . . . 4710.1 — I Ivoghi difficili del Petrarcha nvovamente di- chiaraH. Vinezia, 1.533. sm.S" *4809a.8 Castile, The uniting of Portugal to. Conestaggio, G. F. di 3091.10 Castle, A. Phrenologie spiritualiste. Paris, 1862. 8° . . 3600.24 CASTRfiN, M. A. Grammatik der samojedischen Sprachen. Herausgegeben von A. Schiefner. St. Petersburg, 1854. 8' 3060.20 — Vorlesungen iiber die altaischen Volker nebst samojedischen Marcben nnd tatarisclien Hel- densagen. Herausgegeben von A. Schiefner. St. Petersburg, 1857. 8° 4240.14 — Worterverzeichnisse aus den samojedischen Sprachen. Bearbeitet von A. Schiefner. St. Petersburg, 1855. 1.8° . 3060.17 Castro, Adolfo de. Cadiz en la guerra de la inde- pendencia. Cadiz, 1863. pp.72. 4" 3100.11 — History of religious intolerance in Spain. Trans- lated by T. Parker. London, 1853. 8° . . . 6054.10 — The Spanish protestants, and their persecution by Philip ii. Translated by T. Parker. Lon- don, 1851. 16° . .6059a. 11 Castro, Alfonso de. Adversus omnes hiereses libri 14. Colonic, 1539. f *B.130.10 Castro, J. de. Sinus Arabici, sen Maris Rubri de- scriptio. [Matthffii. Analccta, v. 3] .... 4139a. 1 Caswell, A. Address at the funeral of J. N. Gran- ger. SeeWaylaud, F 4347.4 Caswell, J. Scripture names in Siamese. See Jones, J. T 3030.16 CATAIOGUE 102 CACSSIN Shelf. No. Catalogue des ouvrages condamn^s, 1814-43. Paris, IMS. pp. 80. 16° *2183.I2 C.4T.\LOGUK of a curious collection of original maps and plans of military positions in the old French andrevolutionarywars. Boston, 1862. pp. 13. 8° 4355.13 CATALOGfES. Tufcotti, A, Idea di un catalogo universale 2124.12 — Tituoni, F. Sul modo di compilare il catalogo di una biblioteca 2122.18 Kcte. — For catBlopues of public libraries additional to those previously noted, see the following names of places: Amsterdam, Baltimore, Charlestoivn, Edin- burgh, Florence, Lowell, Milwaukee, Nen-port, North- ampton, Paris, Philadelphia, Sienna, Troy, Tiibingen, Washington, Worcester. For catalogues of private libraries, see the following names of proprietors: Augustus Frederick, Beauclerk, T., Fabricius, .L, Heber, R,, Hermann, G., Heyse, C. W. L., Julius, X. H.. Lachmnnn, C, Libri-Cnrrucci, G. B. I. T., 9elvaggi, G., Tiedemann, F. For booksellers' catalogues, see the follow log names : Asher, A., Bossange, H., Dawson, W., (Juaritch, B., Scl- vaggi, G., Silvestri, G., Voigt, B. F. Cataract. Parall^le des divers modes operatoires employt^s dans la cataracte. Nt^laton, A. l\r.Pph.v.l37 Catechis>i for children and youth : or a brief formu- lary of the principles and duties of the Chris- tian religion. Sherborne, 1794. pp. .34. 8°. 4163.1 Catechism of British biography. 9th ed. London, 1828. pp. 72. 24° . . . ' 7039.40 Catechism of chronology. Newed. London, 1830. pp. 72. 24° . . . .' 7039.41 Catechism of classical biography. 6th ed. London, 1829. pp. 72. 24° 7039.42 CATEcniS3i of electricity. 3d ed. London, n. d. pp. 72. 24° 7039.43 Catechism of entomology. .3d ed. Lond., n.d. 24°. 70.39.44 Catechism of heraldry. 8th ed. London, n.d. 24°. 7039.46 Catechism of Latin grammar, containing the Eton accidence. 9th ed. London, 1S28. pp. 72. 24°. 70.39.58 Catechissi of phrenology. From the 6th Glasgow ed. Philadelphia, 18.35. pp.91. 12° 3600.37 Catechism of poetry. 4th ed. London, 1827. pp. 71. 24° 7039.51 Catechism of sacred geography. London, n.d. pp. 79. 24° 70.39.55 Catechism of the geography of the British empire. London, 1830. 5v. 24° •. 7039.52 Catechism of the history of America. Part 1, 3d cd. Part 2, 1th ed. London, 182.3-27. 2v. 24°. 7039.47 Catechism of the history and antiquities of the Jews. London, 1822, pp. 72. 24° 7039.48 Catechism of the history of St;otlaiuI, from its in- vasion by Agricoln. Lond., 1829. pp.72. 24°, 7039.49 Catechism of universal history. New ed. Lon- don, n.d. pp. 72. 24° 7039.60 CATf-:cnisMK et prieres, on al)rt^gd de la doctrine chrtHlenne. 5e t-d., rtjv. et corr. et aug. Bal- timore, 1818. 8m.l2° 5453.41 Catechisms. Eccard, J. G. v. Monumenta cate- chelica varla Theotisca B.117.9 — Overhcrg, B. Katechismus der christkatholi- sclien Lehre 6453.30 — Perkins, N. Sabbath school catechism .... 6451.37 — Hacovian catechism 6065.21 — We-stininster assembly's shorter catechism. See New England primer 6453.40 Cateni, C. rlcalnta, in lode del bue. Flrenzc, 1808. pp.31. 8° 2808.7 — CIcalata, in lode del inaccheronl. Flrenzc, 1808. pp. 31. 8° 2808.7 Caterpillaiis. Sff Germany. Natural history. Catiiaiiine, St., o/ ricnon, [AdornI, or Adorno], Life of Calharhie Adoriia. See Uphnm, T. <:.6469a.3l CATIIAUINK, St.,of Stenna\ f Bentiicii'^u]. Processus coiiteMtatlnuuni super siiiictidiie (-1 doctrliia beala; Catharlnie de .Senls. [.Miirlene. Vet. script., V. 6] 4160.1 CATiIAiiiNK, St., of Sweden. Vita slve legcndn cum inlrBciills. See llrlgltta, St n.110.7 Shelf. No. Catharine de' Medici. Catherine de Medicis, etude historique sur les relations de la France et de rfecosse dans la seconde moitit} du xvie sife- cle. SeeChi?ruel, P. A 2526.5 — Epistola ad Pium IV de colloquio Possiaceno. [Gerdes. Scriuium antiq. ad hist, reform. spect.,v. 3] 6055.15 Catharine, of Aragon. Wardrobe stuff of Katha- rine, princess dowager. See Fitzroy, H. . . 2426.6 Catharine II, empress o/ifiMSio. History of. See Casti?ra, J. H 3066.7 Catherwood, F. Description of a view of the city of Jerusalem and the surrounding country. Boston, 1S37. pp. 12. 8° 4289.25 Catholic music. Collection of. Werner, A. . . . 4055.56 Catholic religion. See Roman catfiolic church. Catilina, L. S. Eine historische Uutersuchung. 5eeHagen, E 2757.12 Cato, D. Disticha de moribus ad filium. [Opitz. Werke, v. 1] 2879.11 Cato, M. P. Censorius. De re rustica. [Gessner. Scriptores rei rusticEe, v. 1] B.178.6 Cato, M. P. Uticensis. Leben. [Schrockh. AU- gemeine Biographic, v. 1] 4143.6 Cato, V. Carmina. Editio Putschiana repetita cum notis Wernsdorfii omnibus. Cura J. A. Giles. Londini, 1838. 8° B. 177. 15 Cats, Catz, or Caets, J. 's Werelts Begin, mid- den, eynde, beslooten in Trou-Ringh, met den Proef-steen van den selven. Amsterdam, 1601. sm.8° 4229a. 13 — Zinne- en Minne-I!eeUkn : ,?i'lfstryd ; Tooneel der mannelyke Agtl);uirhoi'«09toin, Amobius, LactuDtius, Paul of Constantinople, JuItuB of Home, Eusehius of Emesa. Ephraiiu the Syrian, Dama- sua, Amphilochius, Gregory of Nyssa. — Lives of the apostles. Added, lives of 3Iark and Luke. London, 1678. f° *B.130.3 — Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia literaria, ad sncculum xiv. Cum appendice ad annum MDXVII. London, 1688-98. 2v. f^ . . . . *6021.1 — Biographical notices of St. Clement, St. Poly- carp, St. Ignatius, aud St. Barnabas. See Wake, W 6040.23 Cavendish, G, Secret history of cardinal Wolsey. See Grove, .1 2546.4 Cavendish, M., duchess of Xetvcastle. Life, [writ- ten by herself]. With a critical preface, by Sir E. Brydges. Kent, Lee Priory press, 1814. pp. 45. 8° 2452.7 Cavina, p. M. Faventia rediviva. [GrEEvius, Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 7, p. 2] 4710.1 Cavitelli, L. Cremonenses annales ad annum 1583. [Grajvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T, 3, p. 2]. 4710.1 Cavour, C. B. di. Lettres inedites an coraraandeur Rattazzi, traduites et prect5d^es d'une etude sur le Piemont et M. Rattazzi, par C. dela Vartnne. Paris, 1862. 12" 2748,15 — CEuvre parlementaire. Traduite et annot^e par I. Artom et A. Blanc. Paris, 1862. 8° . . . 4713.20 — Bonghi, R. Vita 2749.25 — Botta, V. Life, character, and policy of . . . 2743.19 Cavriolo, E. Chronicorum de rebus Brixianorum libri quatuordecim. [Grsevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 7] 4710.1 Cawthorn, J. Miscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 10] . 4604.1 Caxton, W. See Game of the chesse 3991.25 Cayla, J. M. Plus de question romaine. Paris, 1861. pp. .12. 8° 4714.8 CAY LEV, C. Life and conversion of C. Cayley. Manchester, 1823. 8' *Pph.v.335 Cayley, G. J'. Life and adventures of Sir R. Mo- hun, done in verse. Canto 1-3. Loudon, lfS4y, 50. sm.4'' 2567.10 CAZEAfX, P. Traite theorique et pratique de Tart des accouchemeuts. 3e 6d. Paria, 1850. 8°.*3774.25 Hhelf. No. Cazexave, p. L. a. Lemons sur lea maladies de la peau. [Avec 60 pL colorizes.] Paris, 1856. f" *3750.13 — and Schedel, H. E. Abrt^'gi'- pratique des mala- dies de la peau. 4e (-d. Paris, 1847. 8° . . 3790.41 Cebp:s. Tabula, Gr. et Lat. See ^sopus .... 4999a. 20 — Tabula, Graicfe. See Theophrastus B. 169a. 7 Cecchi, G. M. Le maschere, e II Samaritano, com- mcdie, pubbl. per cura [di G. Pagani. Prec. dalla vita di C. da L. Fiacchi]. Firenze, 1818. 8° 4774.21 — Dichiarazioue de' proverb! toscani [e] Lezione di L. Fiacchi. 2a ed., aumeutata. Firenze, 1820. 8" 2785.30 Cecil, R. Remains. Edited by J.Pratt. Philadel- phia, 1826. 12" 5447.66 Ceillikr, R. Histoire generale des auteurs sacr^s et ecclf^siastiques. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1858-63. 14v, in 15. l.h" *5522.1 Celebrated trials, from the earliest records to the year 1825. London, 1825. 6v. 8° 5685.6 Celebrated trials of all countries, and remarkable cases of criminal jurisprudence. Philadel- phia, 1847. 8° 4305.2 See also: Causes celiibrua. Celestina. Tragicoraedia de Calisto et Melibea. Cota, R 3105.13 Celibacy. Dittersdorf, C. v. Vertheidigung des Werkes: Die Einfuhrung der Ehelosigkeit, u.s.w. . . . * B. 170b. 50 — Gregoire, H. Histoire du mariage des pretres en France, particulitrementdepuis 1789 . . . 6066.11 — Klitsche, T. F. Geschichte des Colibats der katholischen Geistlichen 6066.12 — Osann, F. De coelibum apud veteres populos conditione B.190.4i — Theiner, J. A. EinHihrung der erzwungenen Priester- Ehelosigkeit und ihre Folgen . . . 6066.10 Celius, M. Predigt iiber der Leich Jlartini Luther. See Mohnike, G. C. F 4237.11 Cellarics, or Keller, 0. Notitiae orbis antiqvi. Ed. alteram auxit L. I. C. Schwartz. Vol. 1. Cautabrigiffi, 1703. Vol. 2. Lipsiae, 1732. 2v. sm.4° 6281.5 — Rabbinismvs, siue institutio grammatica Rabbi- norum scriptis legendis et intelligendis ac- commodata. Cizje, 1684. pp.52. 4" . , . . *5037.12 — Porta Syriiepatentior. Ed, 3a. Cizre, 1682. 4''.B.170.119 — Dissertatio qua F. Josephi de Herodibus his- toria a vu^itas suspicione contra J. Harduinum adseritur. [Josephus. Opera, v. 2] ... , 6040.2 Cellakius, J. A, Aantekeningen over de Spraak, Weetenschappen en Kunsten der Mallabaa- reu. [No title-page.] 8°. [Vol. 3, pp. 299- 338, of some unknown work] B. 170. 89 Cellerier, J. E. Authenticity of the New Testa- ment. Boston, 1838. 16" 3429.20 Cellini, B. Opere. Milano, 1806-11. 3v. 8". .[Classici italiani, v. 142-144] **4805.4 Content*. — Vol. I, II. Vita di Benvenuto Cellini, da lui modcsimo scritta, con note da G. P. Carpani. IIL Due Irattati, uno dell' oreflceria, I'altro della scultura, coir apgiunta di nitre operettc del mcdesimo; Sopra 1 principj c '1 modo d'imparare I'arte del disegno ; Letters, discorsi e poesie. Celtic antiquities. Brandes, H. B. C. Das ethno- graphische Verhaltniss der Kelten und Ger- manen 4213.9 — Contzen, L. Die Wanderungen der Kelten , . 2825.16 — Diefenbach, L. Geschichte der Kelten . . . . 4213.8 — Holtzmann, A. Kelten und Geriiianen, eine historische Untersuchung 2825.13 — Keferstein, C. Ansichten iiber die keltischeu Alterthumer 42-30.7 — Mone, F. J. Celtische Forschuiigeu zur Ge- schichte Mitteleuropas 4233.4 — Pelloutier, S. Histoire des Celtes 4228.11 — Schcepfiin, J. D. Vindicise Celticae 4210.3 CELTIC 104 CHALMERS Shelf. No. Celtic Ian.sniage. .Chapin, A. B. Study of the. . 4957.1 .— Diefeubach, L. Lexikon der Ton den Alten auf bewahrten Sprachreste der Kelten . . . 2235.10 — Maclean, L. History of the 45S0.1S CfeNAC-MoNCAVT, J. Histoire des Pyrenees et des rapports iuternatiouaux de la France avec I'Espague. Paris, 1S53-55. 5v. 8" 419G.1 Cendrillox. Tresor des families. Journal ency- clopedique de tous les travaux de danies, avec la collaboration spi'ciale de M. Siyoii. Tomes 11-16. [Avec] musique. Paris, l{>5l'i-5il. 4v. 12". 2v. 8% Iv. 4" •8071.1 Centlivre, S. The busy body: a comedy. New- York, 1817. pp.84. 24* 4575.33 See Ben, J. British theatre, v. 12, 16, 21 . . . 4179a. 1 CotUeiUs. — Vol, XII. A bold stroke for a wife, a com- edy. X^^. The busy body, a comedy. XXI. The won- der, a woman keeps a secret! a comedy. — The, ghost, altered from The man bewitched, or, the devil to do about her. [Collection of farces, v. 6] — The wonder, a woman keeps a secret I % com- edy. [Jones. British theatre, v. 9] ... . Central America, Antiquities of. Davis, A.. . . Centr.vl-Blatt. See Chemisches Central-Blatt . Centuri.e Magdeburgenses [tredecim]. Historia ecclesiastica, denuo per L. Lucium recensita. Basilea?, 1624. 3v. f 2575.35 4575.20 4163.13 7915.1 *6070.3 A'olf. — The original projector of these "Centoriea" was Slaithias Flacius, He was assiste^ by John Wigund, Matthias Judex, Ba&il Faber, Andreas Corvinus, and Thomas Holzhuter. — - Same. [Et] supplementa,ilIuBtrationum,etc. Priefationes add. S.J. Baumgarten et J. S, SemJer. Norimberga;, 1757-<)5. 4v. in 3. 4**, *G051.6 Ifote, — These volumes contain only four centuries and a half. The edition was never completed, and this copy wants the second part of vol. 4. Cephisodokus. Triura comoediarum fragmenta. [Meintke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 3] B.1C2.8 Ceratinus, or Teyng, J., of noorn. De sono literarum, prajsertim Gra'carum, libellus. [HavercamiJ. Sylloge scriptorum de liugua? Grajea; jirouuiitiatioiH', v. 1] 2985.20 Cebealis. Contra Maximinum Arianum de fide sanctse Trlnitatis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. putr.,v. H] B. 110.2 — - Same. [Herold. Ha;reseoIogia] B. 120.3 Ceremonies, Moule, T. Analytical catalogue of books on 2153.9 Picart, B. Ueligious ceremonies and customs. 3532.7 See alto: Holy week. Cereto, D. Salix: poema. 5ec Vlaming, P. . . 4938.0 CeRMENATK, G. da. De situ, origiuc, et cultoribu.s Ambrosianaiurbis.acde Mfdiolaiu'nsiumges- tis sub iniperio ilenrici Vll, 1307-13. [(ira.*- vlus. Thes. antiq. Hal,, T. 4,p. 1] 4710.1 CERNt'scni, K. Kispusta alia accusa fattami dal minlstro Ciivdur. Milaiio, IfSfU. pp, 27. 8*. 4713.7 Cerretti, L. I'oesie. Kirenze, 1806-9. 3v. IS". [pHrna.'40 dcgl' ituliani vivt-nti, v. 13, liO, 2K] . 47y9a.2 Poesie fcelti' raccolte dall' abate l*edroni. Ml- hmo, 1H12. 2v. in 1. 8° 4774.12 — Sopra la vita letterarla e civile di. See Dall'- Olio, G. B 2749.20 Certainty, (iirbet, P. Doctrines pliilosophiqucs fliir la certitude 0105.25 Macrtent*, *', A. Dber die Wahrhcit unsrer Krkeuntnifis 0105.20 CERVANTKH Saavi'dra, y\. de. Histciriii dd fiimoso cuvallero, Dun <^uixi>ti' de la Miiiiclia. Ano- tncloni-H, etc. pur J. Buwle. I-ondres, 1781. 3v. 4* 3093.21 __ Noveliw exemplarcB. Madrid, 1799. 2v, 8*. 4259.7 C71n hittb'oa; Kl llrenclAdo Vlilrlura ; Kl tclo«o Katrvuieno ; l.ni dot d'Hirelln*. Bhtilf. No. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de., continued. — - Same. Nueva impresion. Paris, 1825. 2v. 24" 3100.22 Confcnts. — Vol. T. I,a (ritnnilla ; El amnnle HbtTal; Rinconete y Cortudillo ; I,a Espnfiola Inplosn ; El liccn- ctado Vidriem; La fuerza dc la sanprc. II. El zfloso extromeno; Lailu&trc Frepona; Lus doa donccllus; La scnora Cornelia; £1 casamiento eng^fiofio; Coloiiuio de lo3 perros. — Calderon, J, Cervantes vindicado en pasajes delD. Quijote 3104.13 — Meli, G. D. Chisciotti e Sanciu Panza . . • . 4799.6 Cesalpini, a. Caesalpini dogmata discussa et excussa. 5^ec Taurellus, N 4279.1 Cesari, a. Vita breve di S. Luigi Gonzaga. Ve- rona, lS-.;3. 16° 2749.9 Cesarotti, M. Dissertation respecting the au- thenticity of Ossian's poems. [Ossian, Poems, v. 3] 2574.6 Cesena, a. G. de. La papautt^ et I'addresse. Paris, 1862. pp.31. 8" ■ 4714.5 CfesPEDES, P. de. Poesias. [Quiutana. Paruaso espanol.v. 1] 3104.19 Cetixa, G. de. Madrigal. [Quintana. Paruaso espai'iol.v. 2] 3104.19 Cevallos, Pedro. Exposition of the machinations which led to the usurpation of the crown of Spain, iioston, [1814]. pp.4u. 8° 3101.10 Cevallos, PedroO.de. Descriptio Indian occiden- talis. S-eeHerrera, A.de 4170.1 Ceylon, Antiquities, institutions, and capabilities of. Sirr, H. C 4245.17 Chadwick, E. Inquiry into the practice of inter- ment in towns. See Great Britain. Board of health 7063.9 CiiAFrERS, W. Hall marks on gold and silver plate, [etc.]. London, 1863. pp.71. 1.8* 2533,2 — Marks and monograms on pottery and porce- lain, with an essay on the A'asa lictilia of England. London, 1863. 8* 4025.25 Chaix, N. Repertoire de la iL'gislation des chemins de fer. Paris, 1855. p.S" 3676.25 Chald.ea. Jamblichus. Mysteries of the Chal- deans 3487.2 — Uawlinson, G. History, geography, and arnti- quitiesof 3028.1 CiiALDiCK language. Dessaucr, J. H. Arainaiscb- chaUUiisch-deutsches Handwiirterbucb . . . 4110.12 — Gest-nius, F. 11. W. Thesaurus lingua' Chalda'a5 Veteris Testamenti 4341.0 — Peterniann, J. H. Brevis lingua? Clialdaicn? graniniatioa, litteratura, chrestomathia . . . 5037.30 — Kiggs, E. Manual of the 4110.6 — Seixas, J. Key to the 4122.9 — Winer, <;.B. Grammar of the 5032.3 CliAi.LKToN de Brugliat, F. L'art du briquetier. Paris, 1861. 2v. 8° 4016.14 CUALLONiCR, U. Memoirs of missionary priests, and other catholics, that have snfTered death in England on religious accounts, 1577-1684. I'hiladelphia, 1840. 2v. in 1. 8° 6070.8 Chalmers, A. Life of Shakspearc. See Shakes- peare, W 4692.2 Chalmers, G. Life of Daniel De Foe. [Do Foe. Works, V. 20] 4009a. 1 Chalmers, J. England's danger. The admiralty pollcyofnavalconstniction. Lond., 18(i4. 8°. 3952.27 ChAlmeRS* T. Works. Philadelphia, 18;J3. 8' . 0002.7 Oontrtit*. — Evldoiieea of ChrUtlanity ; Ulacourami on the CUHatlan rttvolatton, viewed tn connexion with tho inodKm nittrotioniy ; Hnnnonii on the depravity or hntnan rmturo; PiNcournen on t))i< appllrAtlon oCCIiriiitlanlty to thu roniMicrelal and onlinnry nirulrn oT lll'o; Herraoua Itffaoliml In Ht. JuIid'h church, 01u»kuw ; OccohIouuI ai>rniuua, cic. — Application of ChriHtiimity to the aflairB of life. Boston, IK.M. l'.:" 5144.12 — I. 17.'«). Translated by.r. Avdall. Continuation to the present time. Calcutta, 1827. ■•iv. 8° 14 2347.31 *3130.1 2499.20 2507.23 3048.14 3480.24 3094.13 4000.29 2770.24 2384.8 2870.31 2302.11 2570.11 2542.25 3048.0 3588.13 3486.23 4042.28 3769.45 4306.9 4700.6 4708.1 3048.30 4326.4 Chamisso, L. C. a. v. Werke. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 185(1. Ov. 10° 2877.9 Contents, — \o\. I, II. Rpiso um din Wdt mit dor Ro- mnnzrilliachcn Entcleckungs-Exiieciltion in d^'tl .Iiilirun 1S1.'>-1H. HI. Dor Dicliterj Liedcr und lyriBch-opischo Gidiclito. IV. Soiiette und Tcrziiieli ; Gelcgwnlicita- Cicdiehto ; In drnmatischur Form ; U'iyc, William. Discourse on the reformation of medical science. Xew York, 1839. 8". , 5796.7 Channing, William Ellery, 6. 1780, d. 1S42. CEuvres eociales, prt'cedt'es d'lin essai sur la vie et les doctrines de Channing et d'une introduction, par E. Laboulaye. Paris, 1854. 12° ... . 3570.87 ConttTtts. — E»9ai ; Introdoction ; L'educRtlonperson- nelle; L'elevation des classes laborieuscs; Discours sur la temperance ; Ministure pour les pauvres; L'obligation pour les municipalitea de veiller a la sante morale de leurs membres ; Vie de J. Tutkemian, — Address delivered before the mercantile library company, of Philadelphia. Phila., 1841. 8°. 5440a. 32 — Annexation of Texas to the United States. Letter to H. Clay. Boston, IS-T. pp. 72. 12^ *4163.3 — - Same. From the 4th Boston ed. Glasgow, 1837. 12° 3570.48 — C'hristelijk Geloof en Leven. Uit het engelsch door J. J. Swiers. Groning;en, 1857. 10*" . . G075.15 — The church. A discourse delivered in Philadel- phia, May 30, 1841. Philadelphia, 1841. 8* . ♦4163.8 — Discourse at the dedication of Divinity hall, Cambridge, LS-i-G. Boston, 18:i0. 8° . . . . *4I63.8 — Discourse at the dedication of the Unitarian congregational church in Newport, K. I., July?:, 1836. Boston, 183G. 8° 5440a. 32 — Discourse on the evidences of revealed relig- ion. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1824. 12°, [Uni- tarian tract society] *Pph.v.365 — Discourse on the life and character of the Rev. J.Tuckerman. Boston, 1841. 16' 2348.50 — Duties of children. A sermon delivered April 12, 1807. 5th ed. Boston, 1822. 12° ... . 3570.48 — Duty of the free states, or remarks on the case of the Creole. Boston, 1842. pp.54. 12°. .,*4163.3 — - Same. London, 1842. pp^ 40. 8° . . v. 2 of 4295.26 — Emancipation. Boston, 1840. 12° *4163.3 — The future life. A sermon on Easter Sunday, 1834. Boston, 1S:J5. 8° 5440a. 32 — Lectures on the elevation of the labouring por- tion of the community. Boston, 1840. 12° . 3570.48 — [Observations on the proposition for increas- ing the means of theological education at the university in Cambridge.] Cambridge, 1816. pp.22. 8° 4387.8 — Heniarks on Dr. Worcester's second letter to Channing on American unitarianism. Bos- ton, 1815. pp.48. 8° 3461.25 Sermon at the ordination of J. E. Abbot. Sa- lem, 1815. 8° *41C3.8 Sermon at the ordination of J. Sparks, in Bal- timore, May .'», I8I1). Boston, 18)0. 8°. . . 6440a. 32 — Sermon «u war: delivered before the conven- tion of congregational ministers of Massachu- setts, .May .30, 1816. Boston, 1816. 12° . . . *4357.D — Sermon preached at the annual election. May 20, is:m, before L. Lincoln, governor, etc. Boston, 18.30. 8° *435G.10 — Sermon preached in Boston, April 5, 1810, the day of the public fast. lioston, ISIO. 8". . *4163.8 — Superior tendency of unitarianism to form an elevated religious character. A discourse. Keprintcd from the New York ed. New- castle upon Tyne, 1827. 12". [Unitarian tract Bociety] 3409.27 — Tribute to the American abolitionists, for their vindication of fn-t-domof Mjieech. Ni*w York, iHftl. pp. 24. 8°. [ICxtracts from his ]ettcr« to BiniL-y, to Phillips, etc.] 3570.48 — TrUnile to the memory of Itev. N. Worccater: ftdlscourHe. Boston, 1K37. K° G088.210 — Two Hermons on infidelity, delivered Oct. 24, 1813. UoHton, 1813. 8" 5140a. 32 — Clarke, J. V. Sermon the Sunday succeeding the dentil of ' 514Ua.34 — Dewey, O. DlMCourHe on the charucter and writings of 5410U.54 — Hall, E. B. Diifcourse occasioned by the death of l'ph.v.378 Shelf. No. CuAXNixo, William Ellery, continued. — Linwood, W. Lecture occasioned by the death of 41G3.3 — Pierpont, J. Discourse occasioned by the death of 4163.3 — Report of the committee appointed for erecting a monument to the memory of. See Boston. Ecclesiastical organizations 4354.30 Changing, AVilliam Ellery, nepheic of the preceding. Conversations in Kome : between an artist, a catholic, and a critic. Boston, 1847. 12°. . 2737.11 — The woodman, and other poems. Boston, 1849. pp.92. 12° 2397.31 Channing, William F. American fire-alarm tele- graph : a lecture before the Smithsonian insti- tution. Boston, 1855. 8° B.170.4 — Communication respecting a system of fire alarms. [Boston, 1851.] pp.29. 8° . . . . B.170.6 — Medical application of electricity. 5th and en- . larged ed. Boston, 1^59. 12° 4265.17 — Municipal electric telegraph; especially in its application to fire alarms. New Haven, 1852. pp.28. 8° B.170.7 Channing, William H. The Christian church and social reform. A discourse. Boston, 1848. S°.5440a.31 — Gospel of to-day. A discourse at the ordination ot T. W. lligginson. Boston, 1847. 8° . . . G0S8.16 — Lessons from the life of Theodore Parker. A discourse in Liverpool, June 10, 18U0. Lon- don, 18G0. IG" 5450a. 26 — Letter to the Unitarian society of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, 1842. pp.23. 8° *4163.11 Chants. A collection of cathedral chants. Tuck- erman, S. P 60il.40 Chapeavville, J. Qui gesta pontificvm Tvngren- sivm, Traiectensivm, et Leodiensivm scripse- rvnt, avctores pra?cipvi. Accessit JE. liucherij historica disputatio, itemque chronologia pos- teriorum. Leodii, 1612-lC. 3v. sm.4° . . . *2813.-6 Contents. — Vol. 1. Oesta a beato Matprno usqiio ad bot\. turn Ucninclum HnrigcroLobicnsi auctore; Gesta a beato Thcodardo S. Kemacli successore. usque ad Wasonem AnselmoLcofliensinucture; ^gnUiiaLeodioAureivVallls religioei ad utniinque nuctori-m addiliiincs; Appendix quatuor auotoruni qui greRta S. LuinbrrtI, vig'osimi nonl eplBCO]>l ticripsnrunt : GodesctialcuB dlaconun et cAuonl- cus LeodlcnsiB; Steplianus cpiscopus Lrodlensfi; Nico- 1hu9 canonicufl Lcodiensin ; lC*.-nerl inonaehi ; Dispu- tatio hiBlorioa dc primis TuiiKroruni, sen Leodiensium epUcopis; Chronolofr^a postcrlorum. 11. .C(;ldll AurcOD Vallis rcll)?Iosi gesta a Thcoduhio, "Waeoiiis aucceiisoro, usque ad Hviiricum terllum; Jonnnls Hocscmll LcodU ctisls gesta ab Henrico GuelrciisI, usque ad Adulphum a Marcka ; Auctor triumphi S. Reniauli de Malmunda- rionHi Cieiiobio aiionimua; Nieolaut) canunlcus Leodi- eiisis auctor triuniphi S. Lnmbcrll iiuirtyria do (.'astro Bulloiiio; Aiu't6r triuniphi S. I.nmbertl nuoulnius; Jo- annta ChapfauiUus caiiontcun Leudlonsis nuclor tracta- tus do prima et vera ori|riiie feslfvilatin corporis et aan- guliiin Ponilnl. III. ItHduli>lil de Kluo doranl Tunpren- sls g:eNta nil anno terlio Knf^clbertl U Marckn, usque ad Joannvm & Bavaria; Sull'ridl I'ctrl jn'ota a Jonnne do Davarla usr^ue nd Eronluui li Mtirfka; .IoauniH(.'lnipeau- vllli eaiionls Luodicnai*, (featu ab Erardu i\ Marka usqua ad rerdlnaiidun) Ilavaruni. Chapin, A.B. English spelling book. New Haven, 1841. 12° 4589a. 10 — Study of the Celtic languages. From the New York review for April, 1840. New York, 1840. pp.32. 8° 4967.1 CiiAPiN, K. H. Discourse on the evils of gaming. New York, 1859. 12" 3670.47 — Discourse on shamefhl life. New Y'ork, 165U. 12" .3670.47 — Might and right. An oration delivered [ul] Watorvillr college. Boslou, lM(i. 8". . . B.I70rt.3G — IMcM'Ut exigencies of the temperance cause. An address, Nov. 23, 1845. Boston, 1846. 12". 3670.47 — Sermon before M. Morton, governor, etc., nt thi' uniuiul election, Jan. 3, 1844. Itoston, 1S14. 8" •4350.12 — True patriotism. A discourse, delivered on last day. Boston, 1847. 8* ■. . . 0088.76 CHAPLIN 107 CHARLESTOWN - Shelf. No. Chapun, D. Sermon before the convention of con- gregational ministers of Massactiusetts, May Zfi, 1808. lio.^lon, l.SOS. 8° »435r.8 Chaplin, J. Causes of religious declension. Hart- ford, i8ar. rr our. 22 CHAP5IAN, G. W. A trilmte to Kane : and other poems. New Yorlj, ISOn. 12° 2.19r.l!) Chapman, J. Brief outlines and review of a work entitled, " Tlie principles of nature, her divine revelations," etc., by A. J. Davis. London, 1847. pp. :i(l. 8° 0088.25 — Human nature: reward and punishment, in the constitution of man. London, ls-11. pi).ular music of the olden time; a collection of ancient songs, ballads, and dance tunes. London, [1800]. 2v. 1.8° . . 4044.10 CHAPtJZEAU, .S. Le dame d'intrigue, ou le riche vilain, com^die. ,?€« Fournel, F. V 4090.13 Character. Bain, A. Study of 5003.9 — Clark, T.M. Formation of 6080.18 Charcoal, animal. Manufacture and revivification of. Leon, J. A 39.D.1 Chakco.vl, vegetable. Medicinal and economic properties of. Bird, J 3785.23 Chardon de la Rochette, S. Slelanges de critique et de philologie. Paris, 1812. 3v. 8° . . . . 2955.27 Ch.\riclides. Halysidos fragmentum. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5] B.102.8 Chariton. DeChaereaetCalliiThoe,Gr.etLat. J. P. D'Or\'ille pubiicavit. J. J.Reiske Latinever- tit. Ed. altera. Lipsia:, 1783. 8°.**2975.9,and4204.1 — Gli amori di Cherea e Caliirroe. tr. di M. A. Gia- comelli. [Collezione degli erotici greci,v.3]. B.162.3 Charity and the clergy : being a review, by a pro- testant clergyman, of the " New themes " controversy. Philadelphia, 1853. 12° ... . 0008.15 Ch.uilemagne. Bonnaire de Pronville. Pouvoir legisiatif sous Charlemagne 4187.10 — SeeCanisius. Thesaurus, v. 2, p. 1-3 4140.3 Content*. — Vol. II, p. 1. Epitome eanonum quam Adriaous I summos pontifex Carolo M. Romte ohtulit; Carmina ineerti auctoris de Carolo Ma^o. 2. Genea- logia Caroli M.. auctore anonymo. 3. De testis Carol! H.. libri duo, script! a quodam monacho S. Galli, — Eginhard. Lebenu. Wandel KarlsdesGrossen. 4168.3 — Gli gran fatti die fece re Carlo Magno nelle parti delia .Spagna. See Spain 4799.25 — Poet« Saxonis anonymi libri annalium de ges- tisCaroliM. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 1], 4210.2 8*« aUo: Rarl Meioet. .Shelf. No. Charlemagne; an Anglo-Norman poem of the twelfth century. Introduction and glossa- rial index by F. 5Iichel. London, 1S30. 10°. 4077-22, and 4099a. 16 Charles I, of Enfjland. Declar.ition concerning lawful sports to be used on Sundays. 1033. London, 1800. pp. 17. sm.4° 5454.3 — Letters to queen Henrietta Mari:i. Edited by J.Bruce. [London], 1850. sm.4°. [Camden society. No. 03] 2426.7 — Bruce, J. Calendar of state papers, domestic series, of the reign of, 1028-35 7002.8 — Bulslrode,R. Reign and government of . . . 2437.5 — Harris, W. Life and writings of 2437.4 — Morrin, J. Rolls of chancery in Ireland, of the reign of, 1025-33 7052.5 — Saumuise, C. T>efensio regia pro Carolo I . . 4179.26 Charles II, of EnqlamJ. Bulstrode, R. Reign and government of 2437.5 — Green, M. A. E. Calendar of state papers, do- mestic series, of the reign of, 1005, 60 , . . . 7052.9 — Harris, \V. Life and writings of 2437.4 — Letters evidencing his stedfastness in the pro- testant religion ; True relation of the king's death, witli papers found in the strong box. [Pheuix, V. 1] 4157. Charles V, of Germany. Autobiography. Tr. by L. F. Simpson. London, 1802. p.8° .... 2852. 2 — Disc der Grauen herren gemayuer Ritterschalft unnd anderer beschwerden. NUrnberg, 1528. . pp.34. sm.4° *6055.10 — Droysen, .1. G. Verzeichnisse seiner grossen Einkunfte betrefleud 2841.5 — Gachard, L. P. L'abdication de Charles-Quint. 2817.21 — - Correspondance de Charles-Quint et d'Adri- cnvi 2853.11 — Henne,A. Histoiredu rfegnede Charles-Quint. 2814.2 — Lanz, C. Staatspapiere zur Geschichte des Kaisers Karl v 2874.12 — Sandoval, P. de. Historia del emperador Car- los v 4260.12 — Sleidan, J. Commentaries concerning the raigne of.. 4221.2 Charles I, of Naples. Descriptio victoria? per Carolum, regem Siciiiie, contra JIanfredum, Siciliae regem anno MCCLXV obteutfe. [Gra:- vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 5] 4710.1 Charles III, of Spain. Gobierno. o instruccion reservada para direccion de la junta de estado [escrita por el conde Fiorida-Blanca] dada a luz por A. Maricl. Madrid, ia39. p.8° . . . 3094.9 — Ferrer del Rio, A. Historia del reinado de Car- los III 3092.18 — Torres, A. Oracion en las exgquias del Car- los iil 3101.15 Charles X, of Sweden. Carl x, Gustav's Kriegs- zug Uber das Els gegen Kopenhagen, See Riese,A 2823.20 Charles XII, 0/ Sweden. Histoirede. A'eeNord- berg,J.A 4212.3 Charles XIV, of Sweden. Histoire de [Jean Ber- nadotte]. Sec Touchard-Lafosse, G. . . . . 2852.28 Charles Augustus, granrfrfMteo/ Weimar. Goethe und Karl August wiihrend der ersten fuufzehn Jahre ihrer Verbindung. See Diintzer, H. . 2S44.6 Charles Frederick, of Prussia. Memoirs of. See Johnson, S 2852.6 Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundij. History of. See Kirk, J. F 4603.25 Charleston, S. C. Census for 1848. Prepared by J. L. Dawson and H. W. De Saussure. Charles- ton, S. C, 1849. 8° 6374.18 — Proceedings of tire meeting of delegates from the southern rights association of South Car- olina, May, 1S51. Columbia, 1851. pp. 31. 8° . 4310a.79 CHARLESTOWN, Mass. Address of the mayor at tlie laying of the corner stone of the High school building. Chariestown, 1847. 8° .... ♦Pph.v.332 — Catalogue of the public library. Chariestown, 1802. 8' 2134.18 CHAKLESTOWN 108 CHAUCEK Slielf. Xo. Charlestowjj, Maxs., contimted. — Expenses of the town, from March, 1S31 to March, 1S35. [No title-page.] 8° *rph.v.332 — List of persons taxed for 1847, with the trea- surer's statement. Charlestown, ISi.'. S°.*Pph.v.332 — Beceipts, expenditures, etc. for 1851; with a list of persons assessed. Boston, 1851. .S°. *rph.v.332 — Bunier hill monument association. Ceremo- nies on displaving the national Hag, June 17, 1861. Boston', 18C1. pp. 43. 8° 2355.2 _ Inauguration of the statue of Warren, June 17,1857. Boston, 1858. 8° 2355.1 — Firstchurch. Hudington, W.I. History of the. 2355.3, - - Sermon in commemoration of the two hundred and twentieth anniversary of the . 4355.10 — Ursuline convent. Documents relating to the Ursuline convent. Boston, 1842. 8° . . . . 4355.12 — - True issue of the convent question, Cm-tis, G. T 4390a.62 Charlestown directory, for 1854. By G, Adams. Charlestown, 1854. 16° 4389a.7 — - Same. 185(;, 58, 00. Charlestown, 1850, 58, 60. 3v. 16° 2369.23 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. llistoire de S. Domin- gue, (icrite sur les mt^moires de J. B. Le Pers. Amsterdam, 1733. 4v. 12° *4169a.l2 — Histoire et description gonerale du Japon. Paris, 1736. 2v. 4° *4250.16 — Kouvellc France, avec Ic journal historique d'un voyage fait dans I'Am^rique septentrionnale. Paris, 1744. 3v. 4° 4311.6 — Gesehichte und Beschrcibung von Neu-Frank- reich. [AllgemeineHistoried.Reisen,v.l4]. 4100.11 — Journal of a voyage from Kaskaskias to the Gulf of Mexico, 1721. [French. Historical collections of Louisiana, v. 2] 2376.21 Charlier, G. Oratio concilio Basilcensi hablta, de corrigendis peccatis publicis. [Cauisius, Thesaurus, v. 4] 4140.3 Charlier, P. Des indigestions gazeuses du che- val. Paris, 1859. pp.16. 1.8° 4002.27 Charlotte Augusta, princess of Wales. Denk- wUrdigkeiten aus dcm olfentlichen und privat- Lehen dcr verewigten Prinzessin von Wales und Sachsen-Coburg. Hamburg, 1818. 8° . 2448.14 — Sermon on the death of. See Hiddulph, T. T. rph.T.332 Chabnock, ,J. Biographical memoirs of lord Nel- son. 2d Am. ed. Newburyport, Isoil. 8° . . 2523.6 Chaknock, E. S. Local etymology : a derivative dictionary of geographical names, London, 1859. 8° 2283.0 Charon Lampsacenus. Fragmenta. See Creuzer, (;. F 49.')2.12 Charpennk, p. Histoire de la reforme ct des r6- formateurs de Geneve. Paris, 1801. 8° . . 3527.14 CnARrE.vTiER, F. Charpentariana. [Publ, par Boscheron.] Amsterdam, 1741. 12° .... *»4C97.S CHARRIl'.itl'., E. Negociatifuis de la France dans Ic Levant. Paris, I8I8-O11. 4v. 4°. [France. Collection de documents iniiditsj 2050.21 Charvaz, a. Origine dei Valdcsi e carattere delle primKive loro dottrine. Versione del prof. G. V. Muratori. Torino, 1838. K° 3.528.24 Chase, G. W. Digest of masonic law. 4tli ed. Boston, 186-(. 12° 0569.20 — Illsloryof Haverhill, from 1640 to 1860. Haver- hill, 1861. 8° 2366.28. — The nnisonic harp. Boston, n.d. 12° ... . 8046.25 — Masonic monitor; conlainlug prayers, charges, etc. Boston, n.d. pp. 45. 12" 8040.25 CRASR, I. Value of the soul. A sermon, Deo. 28, 1825, ul the ordliuition of Mr. J. D. Knowles. Boston, 1820. h' 5140ft.33 Chask, p. a plea for the West. Boston, 1827. pp. 16. 8° 0088.109 Ciiahk, Salmon P. Inaugural addre»8 M governor of Ohio, .Ian 14, lM,>rt. Columbus, isflfi. 8°. H. 170a. 14 — Inaugural adclnns ai goveriuir of Ohio, Jan. 11,1808. Columbun, 1808. 8° B, 170a. 4 Chase, Salmon P., continued. — Maintain plighted faith. Speech in the senate, Feb. 3, 1854, against the repeal of the 51 is- souri prohibition of slavery north of 30° 30'. Washington, 1S54. 8° . 6087.119 — Radical democracy of New York and the inde- pendent democracy. Letter to B. F. Butler. Washington, 1852. [No title-page.] 8° . . . 0087.32 — Reclamation of fugitives from service. An ar- gument in the case of W. Jones vs. J. Van- zandt. Cincinnati, 1847. 8° B.160a.44 — Remarks upon the Pacific railroad, in the sen- ate, Feb. 17, 1853. [No title-page.] 8° . . . 0087.119 — Speech at the republican mass meeting, in Cincinnati, Aug. 21, 1855, etc. Columbus, 1855. 8° 6087.19 — Speech at Toledo, May 30, 1851, before the de- mocracy of north-western Ohio. [No title- page.] 8° 6087.9 — Termination of federal ownership in Ohio. Remarks in the senate, April 14, 1852. [No title-page.] 8° 6087.119 — Union and freedom without compromise. Speech in the senate, March 20, 1850, on Mr. Clay's compromise resolutions. [No title- page.] 8° 0087.119 — Review of his report on the finances, 1802. See Walker, R.J 6040.7 Chase, Samuel. Trial for high crimes and misde- meanors. See Smith, S.H 5685.2 Chase, Stephen, Discourse on the character of. ftcLord, N 4347.14 Chase, W. Voyage from the United .States to South America, 1821-23. 2ded. Newbiu-yport, 182.3. pp. SO. 8° . .^ 2365.12 Chasles, V. E. P. fitudes sur I'Allemagne au 19e siecle. Paris, 1801. 12° 2863.29 Chassaignac, E. Des opi'-ratious applicables aux fractures compliquees. I'aris, 1850. 8° . »M.Pph.v,137 — Traite pratique de la suppuration et du drain- age cbirurgical. Paris, 1859. 2v. 1.8° . . . 3754.10 Ciiassant, L. a. Dictionnaire des abreviations latines et fran^^nises, usitees dans les inscrip- tions du moyen age. 2e ed. Paris, 1862. 12°. 2115.31 Chassipol, or Chassepol, F. de. Histoire des Am- azones. Paris, 107s. 2v. 12° »4289.10 Chastel, ^.. Histoire de la destruction du pagan- isme dans I'empire d'orient. Paris, 1850. 8°. 6075.20 ClIATEAtniKUN, J. li. V. de. Les Troyenues : trag- t''die. [Theatre frani^ais, V. 44] 4708.1 Chatel, F. T. F. Ueber den Abfall vom Glauben. .SecSchoIl,C 6453.14 CiiATswORTii, lli.story of. Glover, S 2494.0 ClIATTKRToN, T. I'oetical Works, with life. [An- derson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 11] . . . 4004.1 Conlrnla. — Ji'.Wa ; Goildwyn ; Dattlo of lla&tinga ; BriRlowo tniReclii'. etc. CiiATTO, .1. Bibliography of diplitheria, 5ee Sem- ple. It. H 5714.3 CiiATTo, W. A. Treatise on wood engraving. See Jackson, J 4063.25 Chau<"ER,(J. Workes, containing t wo bookes never hetbre printed. [Kd.by T. Speght.] Liuulini, 1598. f°. [Black letter; very complete] . . •4170.0 Cojitenti. — 1-pItcr from F. Ui'ftiiiiioiit (o [ttio ciUIor] T. SppBllt; I.Ifo ut ('linuccr; ArRuiiipiit* to every talo nnd boolio ; Tlio preface niid pruloKUen ; Tlio C'ftulerbury tnloB; The ronmviit of ttie runu ; 'I'rolUis lUul Croscido; The Tenlnliient of Crenef ; Tn tho l.mlcfi nnd (rfniitnicii of tli'- ki)i)r«* hoiiftv; Ccrtniiio tmltidcn; Tho ooiu|ilnfiit of pily ; TIio court of lovi*; Climicci'n tlrfniiio; The lUmrt' nixl Iho loiiftt; Till' Htor}' of ThoboM, coniplldil by Jnbii LblKnte, mouke of Hury; Tbu old and ubscuru word)) of t'ti>itu-cr •»]>lninpd; Thi- Frenrb in Cbnurrrlnmstntod : Auttimira cited by (.'hftucer, by namo dvclnrcil; Com-ctioos nnd iinnotKtiDQS. — Poetical works, with lifo. [vVnderson. Tocts ofGrent Britain, V. 1] 4C(M.l Cotucnlt. — Canterburj* tiilcs; KomnunI of tbe roBo; TrolluH und CrusL-ido; Court of luvi- ; Coin]jlnintof pitoo; Annt'lldn nnd fulec Arvitc ; Asscmlile of foulon; Com- plaint of tlio black kuffrht;! Hook of tlio duclicnso; Chaucer's A. B, C; Houso of mmn ; Dn-nio; Flotii' and Icfv ; Iodi' womrn ; Coniiiluuit of Man nnd Venus; Cuckoo and nipbtiiii^alo, otc. — Canterbury tales. Added, an essay on his lan- guage and versification, and an introductory discourse, with notes and a plossary. By T, Tyrwhitt. 2d ed. Oxford, 1708. 2 v. 4" . . 2571.13 CHAVnoN, L. M. Memoirs of the life and writings of Voltaire; with his life of Kousseau, etc. Dublin, 178G. 8° 2C5G.13 CllAUFFEPlh;, J. G.de. Nouveaudictionnairt'histo- riqne et critique. .Supplement an dictionnaire de r. Bayle. Amsterdam, irsti-Sfi. 4v. f ' . *G240.1 Ciiatjffovr-Kkstner, y. Ulrich von Uutten. Tr. from fctudes sur les reformateurs du lOe siu- cle, by A. Young. Edinburgh, 1803. 8" . . 3556.25 Chaulieu, G. A. de. Oiuvrcs, d'apres les maiiu- scrits de Tauteur. La Have, 1777. 2v. 24° . 4699a. 22 Chauncy, f. Itemarksonasermon by John [Ewer], the lord bishop of LandatT, in wliich reproach is cast upon the American colonies. Boston, 17C7. pp.56. 8° *4163.5 — Scripture account of the fall ; and its conse- quences. London, 17S5. $" 3453.7 Chauvexet, W. Manual of splierical and practi- cal astronomy. Philadelphia, 1863. 2v. 1.8". 5911.7 — Plane and spherical trigonometry. 5th ed. I'hUadelpliia, I860. 8" 3925.33 CiiAVEE.U.J. Lexicologicindo-europ^enne. Paris, 1849. &" 4202.1 CiiEEVKR, C. A. Address on the death of AJfred Mason, Portsmouth. Boston, 1828. 8" . *Pph.v.378 — Extracts from [his] writings, with a memoir by A. P. Peabody. Boston, 1.^54. 10' . . . 2407.36 Cheever, Ezekiel, b. 1614, d. 1708. . l*oems from his manuscript, with discourse at his funeral. See Mather, C 4347.8 Cheever, [born Whitman], Ezekiel. Life, [with] eight discourses, etc. Northampton, 1835. 24'*.5459a.33 Cheever, G. B. Address before the American missionary association, Boston, May 27, 1868. [No title-page.] 8° 5572.8 — American common-place book of poetry. Bos- ton, 1831. 12° 2397.34 — Course and system of the unitarians plainly and solemnly surveyed. A letter to the Chris- tian examiner. Boston, 1834. pp.00. 8°. B. 160a. 03 — Curse of God again.^t political atheism, etc. A discourse, Nov. 6, 1}-j9. Boston, J859. S* . . 5572.8 — The dream : or the true history of deacon Giles's distillery, and deacon Jones's brewery. New York, 1859. pp. 16. 8° 5570.4 — Fire and hammer of God's word against the sin of slavery. Speech, May, 1858. New York, 1858. VZ'' 5572.8 — God's hand in America. With an essay by Kev. Dr. Skinner. 2d ed. New York, 1^41. 12°. 4329.1 — Illustrations of the jtmrnal of the Pilgrims, in 1620. AVe Journal 2358.2 — Charge of ignorance and ndsrepresentation proved against. See Upham, C. W 6088.02 Cheke, Sir J. De pronuntiatione Grrecse potissi- mum Hnguie. [Havercump. Sylloge scripto- rum de pronunciatione linguie Griecae, v. 2] . 2985.20 — Seven letters of. See Bible. Single books of the New Testament 3417.28 Sholf. No. CnEKK, Sir J., coiHinued. — Life, .^ce Strype, J B. 132.8 Chelsea, AFafot. Koll of Jionour. Citizens wlio have enlisted during the present war, March 16, isri3. [No title-page.] 8° 4310a, 28 Chemical analysis. Frcsenius, C. U. Qualitative. .3977.3 — - (^mntitative 3977.4 — Noad, II. M. Qualitative and quantitative . . 3977.11 — Normandy, A. Commercial hand-book of . , 3978.5 Chemical physics. Elements of. Cooke, J. P. . . 3972.13 Chemical technology. Jahres-Bericht der chemis- chen Technologic. Wagner, J. R 5977.1 Chemisohks Ceutral-Blatt, [or] Pharmaceutisches Contral-Uhitt. 1-26 Jalirg. [and] N'eue Folgc. l-6Jalirg. Leipzig, 18:iiM!. :i2v. 8° . . - *7915.1 Chemistry. Baer, W. Die Chemie des practis- chen Lebens 5978.10 — Blair, D. Grammar of 7029.21, 22 — BoIIey, P. A. Handbuch der techniscli-chem- ischen Untersuclmngen 5972.3 — Brande, W. T. Chemistry 5973.1 — - Manual of 7975.1 — Brown, W. S. Chemistry for beginners . . , 4277.18 — Gerding, T. Gewerbe-Chemie 5975.1 — Hoefer, J. C. F. Nomenclature et classifica- tions chimiques 3977.25 — Kopp, H. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie 5976.1 — Laurent, A. Metliode de Chinye 5973.10 — Liebig, J. V. Handworterbuch der reinen und aiigewandten Chemie 5974.1 — Slarcet, J. H. Conversations on 3977.20 — Miller, W. A. Elements of 5963.2 — 3Iuspratt, J. S. Chemistry applied to the arts. 3971.25 — O'Neill, C. Chemistry of calico printing . . . .3077.5 — Pelouze, T. J. Notions gt-ncirales de chimie . 3977.17 — - Traite de chimie. 3e ed 5973.2 — Shepard, C. U. Syllabus to lectures on .K . 6973.3 — Sonnet, M. L. J. H. Notions de chimie , , . 3591.28 — Turner, E. Elements of 3977.18 See also: Alchemy, Blencbinp, BIo\vpipe, Distillery, Organic chemistry, Fhamiact^utical chemistry, Photo- graphy, Physiological chemistry. Cheneviere, J.J. Dogmatique chr^tienne. Ge- neve, 1840. 8° 6022.7 Chenier, L. S. de. Present state of the empire of Morocco. London, 17fc^8. 2v. 8° 3057.12 Chenu, J. C, and Des Murs, O. La fauconnerie, ancienne et moderne. Paris, 1862. 12°. . . 4001.14 Cherokee Indians. Case of the Cherokee nation against the state of Georgia. Peters, R. . . 4306.5 CHERUiiiNi, F. Vocabolario milanese-italiano, [con sopraggiunta da G. Villa]. MiJano, 1839-56. 5v. 1.8° *4785.4 CotUents. — Vol.1. A— C. I — Z. V. Soprag^unta. 11. D— L. III. M— Q. IV. CHltRUEL, P. A. Marie Stuart et Catherine de Med- icis, etnHe sur les relations de la France et de rficosse, [1550-1600]. Paris, 1858. 8° . . — Memoires sur la vie publique et privee de Fou- quet. Paris, 1S62. 2v. 8° Chesapeake, frigate. See Calm enquiry into the question of the Cheshire pastoral association. Christian hymns for public and private worship. 3l8t ed, Bos- ton, 1851. 12° Chesio, B. Interi»retationum juris libri ii ; De differentiis juris liber siugularis. [Heinec- cius. Jurisprudentia Komanaet Attica, v, 2], Cherkian literature. ,S'ee Bohemia Chesney, C. F. K. Viaggio nelle contrade di Mes- opotamia di Caldea e di Assiria. [Marmoc- chi. Viaggi, v. 8] Chess. Game of the chesse — Lowenthal, J. J. Chess congress of 1802. . . Chest, Diseases of the. Fuller, H. AV Chester, J. L. John Rogers, the first I|:nglish mar- tyr of the reformation. Loudon, 1861, 8' . 2526.5 2607.10 4355.24 6067.13 4291.1 1223. 15 2275.1 3991.25 4001.32 . 3798.23 2543.1 CHESTER 110 CHINESE Shelf. No. Chester, W. F., and Smith, J. W. Address and poem before the Mechanic apprentices' library^ associaliuu, Feb. 2'-i, 1854. Hoston, 185K S". B. 170a. 5 Chester county, Kuf/laiul. Vale of Enghmd, or the county palatine of Chester. Smith, W. . ^586.20 Chetiiam society. [i*ublic:itions.] Nnmehi: — Vol. XLVI. Harland. J. House and farm ac- counts of the Shuttleworths. Fart 4 . . . . 2425.1 — XLIX, L. Harland, J. The Lancashire lieu- tenancy under the Tudors and the Stuarts . 2415.18 — LT, HV. Ficcope, G.J. Lancashire and Che- shire wills and inventories. 'M\ and^d portion. 2425.1 — LII, LV. Corser, T. Cntaloffue of a collection of early English poetry. Fart 1,2 2425.2 — LTir, Lv'l, LVIII. Harland, J. Mamecestre: being chapters from the early recorded his- tory, etc., of Manchester. Vol. 1--T 2425.4 — LIX, LX. Itaines, F. R. History of the chant- ries within the county palatine of Lancaster. 2425.3 — General index to Vols. 1-30. 1803. sm.4'' . . *2415.19 Chevalier, A. Hygiene de la vue. 2e ^d. Faris, 1862. 12°. . ' 3804.14 Chevalier, M. Histoire et description des voies de communication aux iltats-Unis. Paris, 1860. 2v. 4" 2320.14 — - Same. Atlas. V 23. J. 2 — llexico, ancient and modern. Translated by T. Alpass. London, 1864. 2v. 8° 4314.8 — Esquisse biographique. [Reybaud. £cono- mistes modernes] 3654.2 -Cheverus, J. L. A. M. Lefebvre de, Life of. See Hamond . 4040.26 Cheves, L. Speech in the Southern convention, at Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 14, 1850. [Nashville], 1S50. 8° .... i B.l/Oa.lO Chevreul, M. E. Les tapisseries et les tapis des manufactures nationales. [France, Commis- sion sur rindustrie des nations, v. 5] ... . 4029.20 Chiabrera, G. Dialoghi delP arte poetica con altre sue prose e lettere. Venezia, 1830. 16° . . 2789.15 Contents. — DcU' arte pocticn; Elogi a S. Speroni, T. Taeeo, G. Galilei, O. Kinucciiil, G.-B. .Siroz;;!, G. Cinm- I>oH, D. V. Ceanrini, G. B. Marino, A. Fumesc; Delia ninpnificcnza ; Dclla^tribolaziouc; Lettere. — Rime. Slilano, 1807, 8. 3v. 8°. [Classici ital- iani, v. 160-168] **480ii.8 — Canzoni. [Gironi. Rnecolta di lirici italiani]. 4808.8 Chlaramonti, S. Ca-sena^ urbis historiarom, ad annum 1040, lihri sexdecim ; Contentio apolo- getica de Ciesena triuniphante, adversus Ftjr- tunii Licet! oppositiones. [Gr^vius. Thes. aniiq. Ital., T. 7, p. 2] 4710.1 Chiaraxda, or Chiaranduno, G. F. Flatia, civitas Sicilian, antiqua, nova, sacra et nohilis. Lat- in^ vertit .L It. Mosheiin. [Gricvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, v. 12] 4710.1 Chicaco, ill. Celebratinn of the sr.th anniversary of the independence of the I'liited States, July 4, 1862. Chicago, 1802. pp.31. 8° .. 4310a. 29 Board of trade. Second annual .^tutement of tlie trade and commerce of Chicago for 1859. Chicago, INK). 8° 4370.1 CHlCKi:uiN(i, F. K. [Cloud cryslaU; a snow-flake album.] New York, 1K. L. Child, for d libel on J. KeycH. Sep Whllnum, J. W. rph.v.386 CHILD, F. J. [INx'Mii* of religlouH H(iri«iw, comfort, counsel, and uwphiillon. I N. York, IHii:i. 12'. 2408.23 Child, L. M. Lettern from New York. 2d serlcH. lltht'd. New York, 1852. b' 2407.33 Shelf. No. Childbirth, Employment of anasthetics in. Sto- rer, H.R 57%. 15 Children. Barrier, F. M. Maladies de I'enfance. 3777.28 — Barthez, A. C. E. de. Maladies des enfant? . 3777.29 — Greenwood, F. W. P. Sermons to 5444.15 Chillixgworth, "W. Works, containing his book, entituled, The religion of protestants a safe way to salvation, etc. 12th ed. London^ 1840. 8" 6074.4 Chimxey pieces, New collection of. Richardson, G. 4080.8 Chimney shafts. Designs for. Kawlinson, R. . . 39. F. 2 Chimpanzee, Comparative myology of the. AVil- der, B. G 590S.1 China. Chinese red book, or the official register of the high offices of the Chinese empire, 1854. 6v. 8° 301 .13 DcscrijHion, geography, irar'els, etc. Arbeiten iiber China, sein Volk, seine Institu- tionen, socialen Verhiiltnisse, u. s. w. See Russia. Imperial mission at Pekin Bazancourt, C. de. Expeditions de Chine, [1^57] Eiot, E. C. Instruction publique en Chine . . Davis, J. F. Description of China and its in- habitants De Fonblanque, E. B. Two years in northern Chiua Ljungstedt, A. Portuguese settlements in . . Malcom, H, Travels in Martin, L. A. La morale chez les Chinois . . Smith, A. To China and back Stuhr, I*. F. Die cliinesische Reichsreligion in Verhiiltniss zu Otfenbarungslehren , . . Timkowski, G. Reise nach China durch die Mongoley, 1820, 21 - Travels through Mongolia to China, 1820,21. White, J. Voyage to the Cliina Sea Williams, S. W. The Chinese empire, and its inhabitants 4244.1 3017.18 4244.9 3019.2 3015.11 3015.30 3043.17 3024.6 3017.9 6075.18 4244.14 3015.7 3017.8 4244.16 ITistof}/. — Blakiston, T. W. Present rebellions in . . . 3016.10 — Brine, L. Taeping rebellion in 3018 11 — Cailery, J. M. L'insurrection en Chine jusqu'k la prise de Nankin 4245.24 — Cunyngliame, A. Recollections of service in . 8030.3 — Shadows, T. T. Chinese, and their rohellions. 3017.7 — Neumann, C. F. Ostasiatische (ieschichte, 184IV60. . . '. 3017.15 — Nye, G, Our relations with China 3015.6 — Scliall, J. A. De ortu et progressu fidei ortho- doxa* regno in Chinensi, 1581-1609 B. 127. 13 — Sinibaldo i>e Mas, 1). La Chine etles puissan- ces chrt'tiennes 3010.4 — Swiuhoe, R. Campaign of 1860 3017.10 Lavguage. — Endlicher, S. Anfangsgriiude der chinesis- chcn Grnnilnntik 3030.14 — Goddard, J. Chinese and English vocabulary. 3038.6 — Hnger, J. Elementary characters of tlie . . . 3030.2 — Hernisz.S. (iuide idcuuvcrsation in the . . . 4126.9 — Klaproth, J. R. Clircstninaline cliinoise . . . 5034.4 — Myers, T. Nature and structure of the . . . . 6034.10 — Staunton, G. T. Proper mode of rendering "God" into Chinese 3018.10 — True meaning of the word Shin 6034.17 Literature, etc. — Blot, J. B. fttudes sur raatrononde chinolse . 3922.20 — Collie, D. Tlu' four hooks 4244.2 — Legge, J, Chinese classics 3012.34 — Schott, W. BesclireihungderchlneslschenLit- teratur 6034.10 — - Verzeiclinisfl der chinesisclien BUcher und Ilandschriften der K. Bibllothek zu Berlin . 2164.10 Chinese repository, The. Vol. 1-10, no. 6. Can- ton, 1833-17. 16v. 8° •5010. r Chinese revolution, Tlie. London, 1863. 12** . . 3018.20 CHINESE 111 CHRIST Shelf. No. CniNESK traveller, The. Prefixed, the life of Con- luciiis. ■,'d od., with addttiona. London, 1775. 2v. 10' 3019.3 Chiocco, a. l)e eolh'pii Vcronensis illustritnis medicis vi pliilusopliis. [Grwvius. Thes. antiij. Itnl., T. 1), p.s) 4710.1 CmOGGiA, or Cliin/za. Hartholomiti Facn,de bello Veneto Clodiaiio Hbur. [(ira?vius. Thes. antiq. Ital.. T. 5, p. 4] 4710.1 CiiiONiDKs. Diiarum comnpdiarum fragmenta. [Mcineke. Fragm. com. lir., v. 2] B.1C2.8 Chipman, U. M. History o*' Harwinton, Conn. Hartford, ISOn. 8= 2330.21 Chippeway dialect, Analysis of the. Howse, J. 2:i()0.34 Cmrsi. Ktrusco niiiseo chiusino. Valeriani, D. . 2750.15 Chivai.ky. (tiustiniani, li. Originc degl' ordini niilitari 6220a. 2 — Weber, C.J. Das Ritterwcsen 6075.9 See alto: Crusades, Knighlhootl, Middle ngcs, Tuiir- uamenta. Chlamypiiora. BFonographia chlamvdum. Kol- lar, V ' 38. D. 2 Chloroform, Effects of. Warren, J. C 5796.21 CuilEL, J. Urkunden, Briefe und ActenstUcke zur Geschichte Maximilians i und seiner Zeit. Stuttgart, 18H5. 8'. [Stuttgart. UiMiothek liter. Vereins] **2Sr4.9, and v. 10 of 4225.1 ChoATE, J. Keniarks on the late answer to Kea- sons of dissent from the judgment of a coun- cil, in the aflair of the Rev. Mr. BachcIIer, of Haverhill. Boston, 1761. pp. 4:J. 8°. . . B. 160a. 82 — Reasons of dissent from the judgment of a council, respecting Rev. Mr. Bacheller. See Haynes, J B.160a.66 Choate, R. Works. With a memoir of his life, by S.G.Brown. Boston, 1862. 2v. 8" . . . . 2393.12 Contents. — Vol, I. Memoir; Lectures and addrcaeeH. II. Speeches In llio srniit*.- ufthe United States; Uisccl- laneous speeches; Appendix. — Argument before the supreme court of Massa- chusetts in the case of O. Earle et al. vs. W. Wood et al. lioston, 1854. 8° 5686.2 — Speech before a legishitive committee [on an] application for a railroad between South Ded- ham and Boston. Boston, 1850. 8° . . . *rph. v.384 — Speech before the legislative committee on towns, April 4, 1851, [on an] application to set off wards six, seven and eight, of Rox- bury, as a separate town. Boston, 1851. 8°. 5686.2 — Speecli on the case of Alexander McLeod, in the senate of the United States. Washing- ton, 1841. 8° *rph.v.382 — Address commemorative of. See Parsons, T. . 5686.2 — andNortheud.W.D. Argumentsforthe petition- ers, before a committee of the Massachusetts legislature, on petitions for a railroad from Danvers to Maiden. Boston, 1847. pp.70. 8°. 5686.2 — and Russell, C.T. Arguments for the petition- ers, before a committee of the Slassachusetts legislature, on petitions for a railroad from Salem to Maiden. Boston, 1846. pp. 75. 8°. 5686.2 Choctaw hymn book. 4th ed., rev. Boston, 1854. 18'. [American board for foreign missions]. 2369.30 Choctaw spelling book. 6tlied.,rev. Boston, 1852. 18°. [American board for foreign missions]. 2369.29 Chodeklos de Laclos, I*. A. F. Gallery of por- traits of the national assembly. See Luchet, J. r. L. de 4652.22 Choerilus. Qua; supersuut, collegit et illustravit A. F. Naekius. Inest de Sardanapalicpigram- matis di.-iputatio. Lipsia, 1817. 8° 2975.8 lllotSEUL-Goui-FlElt, mafiftmela cnmtesse. R^rai- ' niscences sur I'empereur Alexandre i et sur Tempereur N'apoluon i. Paris, 1862. 8° . . 2641.5 Cuoiseul-.Mel'.se, F., comiesse de. Recreations amusantes. .Sfe Girault, A. N 4689.31 CHolSY, F. T. de. Mi'-moires pour servir a I'histoire de Louis XIV, [avcc preface par I>. F. Camu- sat]. Utrecht, 1727. 2v.ini. 12" 4695.10 Shelf. No. Cholkra. Acland, II. W. C. at Oxford, in 1854 . 3800.10 — Brauser, II. Vcrlauf der Cholera-Epidemieen in Preussen 3806.25 — Fechner, G. T. SchUtzmittel fiir die Cholera .B. 127. 19 — Grauville, A. B. Nature, etc. of the 3809.34 — Greenhow, T. M. Cholera as it appeared in Newcastle and Gateshead 3806.18 — Tardieu.A.A. Du choK-ra epidemique . . . 3805.41 — Vanoni, B. Abhandlung iiber die Cholera . . 3808.32 — Wesselhoeft, R. Causes and hydropathic treat- ment of the ". f)087.80 — White, T. True cause of the 6087. 105 CiiOLEitA infantum. Essay on. Knapp, M. L. . . 5796.14 Cmol.monpelev, C. Protestant doctrine of justifi- cation and scheme of salvation, philosophi- cally confuted. London, 1854. h" 6063.8 Cholmondeley, T. Ultima Thule; or, thoughts suggested by a residence in New Zealand. London, 18.M. 8" 4280.11 Chomel, a. F. Clemens de pathologie gdn<5rale. Seed., augmentee. Paris, 1841. 8" 3793.10 — Letjons de clinique m^dicale. Paris, 1834-40. 3v. 8° 3792.11 Contents. — Vol. I. Fic^te typhoidc, pub. par J. L. Genc^t. II. Rbutnntisme et goutte, pub. par A. P. Rc- quin. III. Pneumonie, pub. parF. Sestier. CiiOMPRfe, P. C. Dictionnaire abr^*gci de la fable. Paris, 1727. 12° 5489a. 10 — - Same. Nouv. ed. Paris, [1801]. 18°. . . 5 489a. 25 Chopart, F., and Desault, pTj. Traite des mala- dies chirurgicales, et des operations qui leur conviennent. Paris, 1779. 2v. in 1. 8° . . . 3793.11 Choruses, Collection of. 5'ee Boston academy's . 8041.47 Choulant, L. Bibliotheca medico-historica. Lip- sije, 1842. 8" 2186.15 Chretien de Roville, A. J. Elements of agricul- ture. See Bentz, L 3992.29 Chr^ti'^x, Chrestiens, o?' Crestien de Troyes. Li romans dou che^ alier au Lyon, herausgege- ben von W. L. Holland. Hannover, 1862. 8°. 2687.11 — Crestien von Troios, eine literaturgeschichtliche Untersnchung. See Holland, W. L 2687.8 — tjber Crestiens von Troies und zwei seiner Werke. See Holland, W. L 2687.5 Christ, J. F. Villaticvm. Kvsticationis lavdes. Lipsiffi, 1746. 12° **4938.]6 Christ, W. Studia in Aristotelis libros metaphy- sicos collata. Berolini, 1853. pp. -30. x" . B. 170a. 101 Christ. Who was Jesus Christ ? a short inquiry into the origin of the gospel story. New York, 1847. pp.19. 12° B. 170b. 17 — Abbadie, J. Treatise on the divinity of . , . 546:J.10 — Ackermann, C. Die Christliche im Plato , . B.162.12 — Ammon, C. F. v. Geschichte des Lebens Jesu. 6037.3 — Andrews, S. J. Life of our Lord 3475.14 — Baur, F. C. Sokrales und Christus B. 162. 11 — Biography of the Saviour 5559a. 36 — Brownson, O. A. Mediatorial life of Jesus . 4103.11 — Iturgess, T. Nature and dignity of 3475.27 — Clayton, R. Wiiether the Logos supplied the place of a human soul in 3475.29 — Cohen, J. Divinite de Jesus-Christau point de vue de Judaisme 3475.30 — Crosby, A. Second advent of .,...'... 0003.26 — Doruer, J. A. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Lehre von der Person Christi 6036.8 — Dupin, A. M. J. J. Jesus devant Pilate . . . 4149.11 — Exposition of prophecies relative to 4163.7 — Furness, W. H. History of Jesus 6037.14 — Geschichte des Rabbi Jeschua ben Joszef Ha- nootzri genannt Jesus Christus 6037.16 — Geschichte Christus und seiner Zeit, [Ewald. Geschichte des Volkes Israel, v. 6J 4154.6 — Giannini, P. G. V. Sopra la miracolosa imag- ine di Gesii bambino 4103.16 — Guers, E. Le Christ dans le culle levitique . . .3425.19 — Hardwick, C. Christ and other masters . . , 5446.15 — Hase, C. A. Das Leben Jesu 6037.9 — Hayden,W. B. Character and work of . . . B.i:ob.27 CHRIST 112 CHRISTODOEUS Christ, continued. — Ht'Iiand, Oder das Lied rom Lebcn Jesu. , . . 3414.19 — Henpstenberg, E. AV. Christologie des Alten Testamentes 5424.10 — - Christologr of tlie Old Testament (i0.!5.2 — Hervey, A. Genealogies of our Lord .... 3475.26 — Historische Enthiillungeu iiber die Geburt und Jugend .Tesu B.lGOa.rC — Hofmanu, R. Das Leben Jesu uach den Apok- ryplien 6037,8 — Iluscbke, G. P. E. Ueber den ziir Zcit der Ge- burt Jesu ("'hristi gelialteuen Census .... 3475.25 — .Tabn, J. A'aticinia de Messia 6025.16 — Kennedy, AV. S. Messianic prophecy, and the life of' 3475.18 — Kepler, J. De Jesu Cbristi vero anno natalitio. 3929. 30 — Krunimacber, F. "W. The risen Redeemer . . 5446.18 — Martini, C. D. A. Dogma von der Gottheit Cbristi 60.37.19 — Neander, J. A. W. Das Leben Jesu Christi . 6037.5 — Paulus. H. E. G. Das Leben Jesu 0037.2 — Peabody, A. P. Prophecies relating to the Messiah B.170b.33 — Protevangelium, sive de natalibus Jesu Christi. [Grynajus. Mon. patr.] B.141.3 — Raebiger, J. F. De Christologia Paulina .'. 6037.21 — Renan, J. E. Vie de .Jesus 3475.15 — Robbins, T. .Sermons on the divinity of . . , 5463.8 — Salvador, ,T. Jesus-Christ et sa doctrine . . . 6037.6 — Sartorius, E. Die Lehre yon Christi Person undAVerk 60.39.11 — .Sepp,J. N. Das Leben Jesu Cbristi 60.37.4 — Sharp, G. Divinity of Christ proved by the use of the Greek article in the New Testament . 5463.6 — Stier, R. Words of the Lord Jesus 5506.3 — Strauss, D. F. Das Leben Jesu, kritisch bear- beitet 6037.10 — - Life of Jesus 3475.7 — - Vertheidigung meiner Schrifl iiber das Le- ben Jesu 6037 . 1 1 — Taylor, J. Life and death of the holy Jesus . B. 1.30. 3 — Tbeile, C. G. W. Zur Biographie Jesu .... 6037.7 — Thornton, J. Preciousness of 5447.35 — Weber, IL Jesus nach seiner Auferstehung noch 27 Jahre auf Erden gelebt habe . . . . 60.37.12 — Xavicr, G. Historia Christi 6037.17 — Young, J. The Christ of history 6037.15 ^re aluo: Crucifixion, llpsrpiit into In'ii, Incftrnation, I.ortl'B pmyiT, vtc, IU■sn^r^■^■tion, Triniturianism. CiIRiJW and the Pharisees upon the Sabbath. See llosmei-, C. 1 60S8.225 CllIilsTl-'.l.I.TKl': Harp, De, stichtelijke Poezij, ver- zameld uit vaderlandsche Oichters. I'tret-Iit, IS-ls. 12° 4210.3 CiiiusTiANart. Crosnier, JIf. J'aftftd. loonogiaphie chretienne 4277.5 — De Wette, W. M. T/. Malerei und Baukuust hesoiidcrs in kirchlicher Heziehung .... B. 170b. 87 — (;enliH, E. F. D. Les moniiniens rcligieux . . 4067.9 — Miinter, F.C. H. Sinnt)ilder und Knnstvorstel- liingen der alten Christen 6071.4 — Piper, F. Mytliologle der chrlstlichen ICunst . 6071.21 Christian ballad's. Co.\e, A. C 2408.20 CintisTiAN examiner and theological review. Vol. 1-5; new series, v. 1-13; 3d series, v. 1-17; 4tli series, v. 1-27 ; 5th series, v. 1-13. Bos- ton, 1824-63. 75v. H° •3140.3 Christian tnr|uirer. I'ublished by the unitarian as- sniiatlonof the state of New York. Sept. 29, ]W,(i_Sept. 20, 1H62. New York, 1860-62. f. 7900.3 Christian life, from its heginnlng to its consumma- tion. Scott, J 6490.7 Christian liturgy, and book of rominon prayer. Also a collection of psalms and hyiniiH. J'os- ton, IM7. 12* ••E.2111.17, nml6069a.8 Christian mlscelhiny, and funilly visiter. Vol. l-li; 2il series, V. 1-8. L Ion, 1816-62. I7v. 8". •5117.1 Christian monitor. Srr BohIoh. Benevolent ns- nocinlloiis. Society lor promoting Chrlsllan knowledge, etc 5159.5 •7870. t •3468.1 Slielf. No. Christian morals. Browne, T 2009.5 Christian mvsticism. Die christliche Mystik. Hdtlerich, A 6088.27 Christian name. The. More work for charity. By a layman. (No title-page,] jip.S, 12". . B. 170b, 29 Christian nurture. Review of Busbnell's " Chris- tian nurture," See Bushnell, H 6088.70 — Ueber ctiristlicbe Kinderzucht in Luther's Geist und Wort. Schiller, J 6147.15 Christian observer. Conducted by members of the est.iblished church, London, 1803-02, 62v, 8°. •3147.1 Christian register. Devoted to unitni-ian Christi- anity. Vol, 5, Jan, 7, 182(> to A'ol, 40, Dec. 28, 1861, Boston, 1826-61. 36v. in 18. f° Christian review. Vol. 1-26. New York, etc., 1836- 61. 26v. 8° Christian sects in the nineteenth century. 2d ed. London, 1850. 8°. [Small books on great subjects] ooaoa.l Christian spectator. Condticted by an association of gentlemen. Vol, 1-8; new series, v. 1, 2; quarterly series, v, 1-10. New Haven, 1819- 38. 20V. 8° •5162.1 Christian witness, and church member's magazine. [Edited by J. Campbell,] Vol. 1-19. Lon- don, 1844-62. 19v, 8° •7413.1 Christian's penny magazine, and friend of the peo- ple. Vol, 1-17. London, 1846-(i2, 17v. I'2'" . •7412.1 Christianity. Amnion, C,F,v, Di^' Fortbildung des Christenthums zur Weltreligion .... 6056.1 — Baur, F, C, Verhiiltniss des Fythagoi'ismus zum Christenthum 6037.18 — Bonnet, C. Interesting views of 3434.28 — Burnap, G, W, Lectures on the history of . . 3516.15 — Buss, F. J,' EinSuss des Christenthums auf Recbt und Staat 4293.19 — Cogan,T. Characteristic excellences of . . . 5453.12 — Coquerel, A. L. C. Le christianisme expt^^ri- menfal 60156.10 — (ifriirer, A,F, GeschicbtedesUrchristenthums.6044,3,4 — Grant, B. Christianity and secularism .... 6056.6 — Guizot, F. P. G. L'eglise et la societe chr^- tiennes 3528.22 — • Hastings, U. L. Sketch of primitive Christi- anity 6458.19 — Hilgenfeld, A. Das Urchristenthum .... — Laurent, F. Le Christianisme — Mackay, R, W. Rise and progress of . . . — Noack, I,., Der (jcnius des Christenthums . — Penn, W. I'rimitive Christianity revived . — Priestley, J. Corruptions of 60598.3 — .Sc'iiac, A. Le christianisme dans ses rapports aver la civilisatiuu nunlerne 6056,2 — Strauss, D. F. Soliloquies on the Christian religion '4163.11 — Tavlor, R, Origin, evidences, and early his- tory of 6073.23 — Tiniliil, M. Christianity as old as the creation. 6065.8 — Vauglian, R. The age and Christianity . . , 00.56.4 — Volkinar, (i. Die Religion Jesu und ihre crste Kiitwickelung 6039a. 5 — Walson, R. Evidences, doctrines, morals, and institutions of 3451.13 Christina, (?Mr'('ii o/.S'iwrfcji. Leben. [Schriickji. Allgemeinc Biographic, V. 1, 2] 4143.6 — Memoirs of, .See Woodhead, 11 2862.19 Chuistmann. W, Iv, Nacbricht von der sogenann- teu rnmaniselii'U Sprache In (iraubilndten. Uiulliiigen, ISI',1. pp, 6S, 8" 48S6.9 Chri.stmas, Cancelllerl, F, l)ic<;ANOUS. Hegula canonieorum. [Acht^ry. Spicilogium, V. 1] 4152.7 Chromatuts. Deoctobcatitudinibus, etfragmenta. [Maxima bibliotb. vet. patr.,v. 5] B.1I0.2 CllRONK'l.K of the rebellion in Lincolnshire, 1470. Kdited by J. G. Nichols. [London], 1847. pp. 2K. pm.4''. [Camden society, No. .'i9] . . . *2416.39 ChhonK'lks of Cooperstown. Cooperstowu, 1638. 12° 2397.22 CiiKONicoNabbatix Warnestonicnsis. Brugis, 1852. pp. 38. 4'. [Bruges. Societed'eniulation de la Flandre] 2821.20 Chronicon rasclijile.seuChronicon Alexandrinum Mattba?o Kadero intorprete. [Maxima bib- liotb. vet. patr., v. 12] B.110.2 Chronological tables of modern history. Tal- boys, D. A B.180C.2 CiiRONoLooisciiE Uebersicht der allgemeiuon Ge- schichte. n.p., n,d. pp.10. 4" B. 190.7 Chroxology. Africanus, S. J. OXvfiTrtad(ov avaypatpTt 2236.18 — AUted, J. H. Thesaurus chronologi.x .... 22.36.22 — Catechism of 70.30.41 — Dreyss, C. Chronologie nniverselle 2230.20 — Gumpach, J. v. Zeitrechnung der Babylonier und Asayrer , 4160.2 — Hort, W. ",T. Introduction to the study of . . 7039.29 — Jacjuemet, F. H. Compendium of 2236.21 — Kohlrausch, H. F. T. Chrouologischer Abriss der Weltgeschichte 2231.8 — Marstiam, J. Canon chronicus JEgyptiacus, Ebraicus, Grwcus 4147.9 — Martin, J. Universal chronologist 2224.18 — Parker, F. Chronology 2236.20 — - Extended table of 2220.9 — Petau, D. Kationarium tempomm 4166.3 — Pezron, P. L'antiquite des tems r^tablie et defendue 2224.21 — - Defense de I'antiquite des tems 2224.20 — Ka.'ik, R. Longevity of the patriarchs in its re- lation to 5435.23 — Seyffarth, G. Chronologia veterum 4106.4 — Sherwood, M, Chronology of ancient history. 223G.24 See alto: DatcB, Ecclesiastical chronology. CilRONO-THERMAL medicine, Principles of. Dick- son, S 6087.3 CHKY.siprt'.s. De S. Maria Deipara sermo. [Max- ima bibliotb. vet. patr., v. llj B.110.2 CiiRYsoLOGUS, P., St. Sermones CLXXVI. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 7] B.110.2 CnBYSOSTOMUs, St. J. Opera omnia quje exstant,vel qua ejus nomine circumferuntur [Gr.et Lat.], opera et studio B. de Slontfaucon. Ed. Par- isina altera. Parisiis, 1835-39. 13v.in26. 1.8°. *5401.3 C'ptiorum; In S. Phocam martyrem; In omnes SS. martyrca; Da terrce raotu; In proditionem Juda^; Dubia opera: Homi- lio; in S. Ilassum, iu bS. Petrum et Helinm, de li. Abra- ham, et in S. Tlieclam ; De fato ct providentia, orationet sex; De precatione, homiliicduo; Spuria: De oraculo Zachariic reddito ; De conccptione S. Joannis Bapt. ; In illud, Exiit edictum a Cassare Au^usto; In S. .Toannem prwcursorcm; IneanetaTUeaphania; Deoccursu Dom- ini; De pnrasceve; De cruce; In resurrect! onem. V. Ilomiliw in qua:dam loca Novi Testamenti. V, VI. Opuacula de niotibusConstantinopolitania, deque ilsqun ad utrumque ejus exsilium apectant. VI. E])iHtulm J. Chrysoetorai ct aliquot alian ; Laus Diodori ejiiscopi Tar- ■ensis; Homilia in Pascba; Uomilia in aacensioucm; Spuria. VII, VIII. In Geneaim, homiliie. VIII. In Geneaim, aermones novem; De Anna, aemionea quin- que; De Dnvidc ct Suijlc, homilite tres; Seleeta ex notia U. Savilli et Joannia Boiaii. IX, X. Expositio in Psal- moa. X. Dubia opuacula et spuria iu Psalmos. XI. In- terpretalio in laaiam prophctam, cap. 1-8; Homilia: in Oziam, eeu de Serapbinis, in illud, Vidi Dominum, Isa. 6: 1; Ilomilid in illud, Eg:o Dominus Deua feci lumea, etc.; Uomilia in illud, Doniine, non eat in Iiomino \ia ejus, Jer. 10: 23; Homilia; duo de prophetiarum obscu- ritate; Interpretatio in Danielem; In illud, Filiua ex ee- ipao nihil facit, Joan. 5:\9; Homilia de Melchiaedeco; Contra ludoa et theatra; Homilia in illud, Hoc autem scitote, 2 Tim. 3:1; Homilia de perfecta caritatc; Da continentia; De consolationc mortis; Synopsis Scrip- turn; sacra>; Homilia in nativitalem Christi. XII. Da lepialatorc, homilia incerti ; In illud. In qua potestate. Matt. 21:23; Severiani. Gabalorum cpiseopi, in mundi creationem, orationes 6 ; Sevcriani do serpcnie, homilia; Epistola; Spuria: In Genesim, honiilia; tres; In Abra- ham et Isaac; Contra theatra; In illud. Pone manum tuam. Gen. 24 : 2; In Jubum, homiliic; In Heliam prophetam ; De Joseph et de castitate ; De Susanna, aer- mo; De tribus pueria; Opus imperfectum in Mattliicum^ homilirr, Latinu. XIII, XIV^. Homilim in Mattha;utn. XV, XVI, Homilife in 8. Joannem evangelistum. XVI, Spuria permulta, XVII. Homilia; in Aetaapostolorum. XVIII. Homilias in epistoiam ad Itonianoa ; Spuria. XIX. In epistoiam lad Corinthios, homiliie. XX. In epist. 2 ad Corinthios, homilia?; Conimentarius in epis- toiam ad Galatas ; Spuria. XXI. In epistoiam ad Ephe- Bos, homiliie; In epist. ad Philippenses, homiliie; In epiat. ad Coloasenaes, homilia;. XXII. In epist. 1 ad Theaaaloniccnaes, homilise; In epist. 2 ad Theas. homi- 1ia>; In epiat. 1 ad Tiniotheuni, homilia;; In epi^t. 2 ad Timotheuni, homilite; In epist. ad Titum, homilite ; In epiat. ad Philemoncm, homilia; ; Spuria. XXIII. In cpiatotam ad Hebra;os, homilia;, supernddita Mulianl Bcliotastici inter|lretatione Latina. XXIV. [lomilifl}; De aigillis librorum ; Homilia in illud. In principio erat verbum, Joan. 1:1; Sermo do mansuctudlne ; Ec- logBP aeu florile^a ex Savilio aucta; Liturpia 8. Chry- Bostami, et orationes ; Spuria. XXV. Do libria HoB. Chryaostomi ; De scriptoribua vitae Chr>-8ostomi, H, Sa- vilii diasertatio, etc.; Palladii dialopus de vita Chrysos- tomi; Epitome vita- Chrj-sostomi ; J. Chrj-aoatnmi vit» ex ejus operibna aliisque scriptoribua coneinuata; 87- nopsia eurum, qua; per Chryaostomi opera obaervautur; CHRTSOSTOSnJS 114 CIBBER Sholf. No. Chrtsostomus, 5/. J., contimied. Tredeclm sermonps spurii. scro ex Anplia ad Montfauco- num missl; Testlmonia velerum de S. J, Chn-soitorao; Voces aliquot sermonls Chrysostomi expTlcatip ; Index ■IphabeticDs sermonum et homiliarum omnlam. etc.; Catalofnisoppnim sinpuIorumClirj'so****"^' ^'^ ortUne ed. Uorvllii ; CatalogTia operum singulorum Clirj'sostomi ex online ed. Savilii ; Catalogus AnfTuslantis. XXVI. Index locorum Scripturte sacrse, quoe In Chrysostomi toniia ex- plicantur; Index renim; Epilogus novrc edittoois. — Opera omnia, castigata opera et, studio mona- Chorum Benedicti e coiigregatione S. Mauri. Parisiis, 1S42, 43. 13v. iu 9. l.S". [Migne. Patrologiae series 3aJ *B. 126.1 Contents. — Vol.1. B. do Montfaacon pnrt'atio ; H. fiavilii admonitio do scriptoribus rcrum Clirj'sostoml; pBlladii diulogus de vita S. Chrvsostom) ; S. Chrysosto- mi vita nunc priinum adornata; Conpendluin chrono- lo|;icuiii pcMuruni et scrlptorum S, J. Chrysostomi ; Pa- rfpoesia ad Ttieodoniin Itipsum; Adversusoppngnatores Tit« monaflticffi ; De coinparationo regis et monaclii opusculum ; De componctione ; Ad Sta^riuni a dfemono Texatuin; Contra cos qui subintroductfls babcnt vlr^ncs ; Dc tirginitate liber unus; Ad viduam Juninrem; De non iteraudo conjug:io; De sacerdotio; Honiilia cum prua- byter fuit ordinntus; De ineomprehensibili Dei natura, etc. ; Contra .Tuda^oa et GentileB quod Cliristus sit Deus; Oraliones oeto adversus Judieos; Homilia de nnnthemate; Homiliu in kalendos ; Conciones septem de Lazaro ; Spn- lia. II. Homilia^ vigintiet una de Stat iiisTheodosiiet Fla- cilhr I'jutuxoriiiad populum AiillocbenumhabittciCate- chescs duo ad illuniinandos; Hoinilin? Ires do imbecilli- tste diaUoli; Horalliic uovem de poenltonlin ; Semiones p«neg>'rici in solemn States i Dubia opera; Spuria; ^electa exnolis llenricl Savilii etFrontonisDucici, III. Honiilin) tri^ntaquattuorinqufcdamloca NoviTe9tamenti;i>pufl- cuitt quindt-^cini de inotibus Constanlinopulltauis, deque lis quip ad ulmmque ejus exsilium spectont; Eptstolin 8. Joannis Chrysostomi ct aliquot alio:; Spuria. IV. HomiliH* Bcxnpinta si/ptoni in Gcneslm ; Semioncs no- rrin in Genesim; Sermones quinque de Anna; Homiliie treade Davideet Saulc; Expositiones in Paaliuos; Dubia OpUficula. in I'salmum L; Spuria, in P^almoa. V. In- terpretntio in Inniam prophetam ; Homilim sex in Oziam, •eu dc aeraphinis; Homilia in locum ilium Isaiie, Ego Dominua feci lumen ; lltmilia in locum ilium Jcremio*, Domine, non est in homine vin ejus; Honiilito duo do propbetiarum obscuritate; liiterpretutio in Dtiniclem ; lIomiliiL in illud Joannis, Filius ex se nihil fiicit ; Homi- lia de Melebiaedcco; Homilia contra ludos et thcatra ; Homilia In illud. Hoc autem scitote, etc.; Homilia do porfeetH cnrilnte; Homilia do conllncntia; Hormonca duu de cot) sol at tone mortis; Synopats Scri|iiurft> Kacnc ; llomillain natulemCliristidiem ; Homilia de legislatorc ; Uomiliu in Illud Mattha'l, in qua ]>otcstnte ha.-c fuels; IlumilifT sex in miindi cr<'ationi-ni ; Homilia do si-rpente; Kpistola ad Thi'odurum MoiiHuoatoDum ; Spuria. VI. llomiliic nonnpntn in Mntthiruni ; Fnifrmentum in quo explienntur illiv quatuordecim gcnerullones quin unto captivIiBteiu numcrantur, necuon quattiordoccm nlltn quie post captivltatem reconaentur; llumiliii! octoglnta octo III Joiinnem ; Spuria. VII. lIuniDiui quinqunt^Inta quinque in Acta npostolonmi ; Homilia' Irlprinta duo In vplMtuluni ail Komnnoa; Spuria. VIM. Huinilitu <|ua- draglnta qtiatuar In epUlolam primnm ad Corlulhioa; Ilumllitf trit^lnla In eplstulnm Rccundnm ad CorinihioH; Commeutarius in epiatolunt ad Ualntus; Spuria; Hund- lln vlfTiuti quntuor In epiMtoliim nd Ephcsioa; Ilonillla] qulndt-rlm in eplMtobim ad rhlllppunHex; Homitiii' dno- dccliii in epiitolnm ad ColoMaonaes; Ilomllim undeclm In cpUtoIam primam ad ThraHaloiiicennon ; Homilio] quindi'clin In vplatolam aecutulMni ad 'rhoHMlonlcenaea; llonilliu- sepleliidecim In ejiiatulum primam ad Tinio- thciim ; nomllhr. decern In epiatolam secundnm nd Tl- mothrum ; lli'mlllio aox In •'plalolam ad 'lilum ; llumU liiB treii In i-pi«lulnm ad I'hllemnnom ; Spuriii. l.\. IlunilllR; triiiliXH' quatuur In cpUlolnm ad Hi'briroa, ■uperiiddlla .MiitlanI acboIaNllci inti-rprutatlone I.atliin ; Iloinlllo! unduclm hactviiua non edltir ot ad hiHtorliim llliu* n-vl inultum conriTcntes : nomllla SeveriunI dn ■l|[lllla librorum ; llomttla In Illud, In princlpln orat Vrrbum; Senno dn mnnaueludini- ; Eelofrn anu (lortln- fla, llumlllju quadraKlnta orto ; Mtul-itla S. Joannia Chryaoatoml; Oralloiiva duo tt. Joannfa ChryauilomI ; Spuria. — BrcvlH Intrrprclatfo In S. Kvangellum scnin- dum .lohuiini-ni, l.ntini'; I-^piKtoIn ail ('o^^url- uni motiachntii. f ('imiMluH. 'i'hrsaiiniK, v. I j. 4 HO. 3 ClIUDD, T. A colli'clion of traclH on vaiiuUB Hub- jocte. Loudon, 17;iU. 4' Mftl.4 shelf. Ktf. Church, B. Oration, March 5, 1773, to commemo- rate the bloody tragedy of the 5th of Mnrcli, 1770. 3d ed,, eorr. and aug. Boston, \"'.\. 4". 4354. X Church, M. B. Ucasons for being an infidel. Tip- ton, 1850. pp.lt). 12°. . . B. 170b. 4 Church architecture. Bourasst;, J. J, Archeologie chretienne 4103.0 — Dexter, H.M. Meeting-houses 43U4.12 — Kreuser, J. Der christliche Kirchenbau . . . 4U'J0.2 See also: Gothic architecture. Church floral decorations, Practical hints on . . 4105.30 Church furniture. Ornemens d'eglise, bronzes et vases sacres. Bossange, H 2139.8 Church members. Advice to. luncs, AV 5458.31 Church music. Bennett, W. S. Chorale book for England 5449.2 — Walter, W.H, Manual of 404U.(>4 Church of Christ in the middle ages. London, 1845. 16° 3529.14 Church of England. See England, Church of. Church of England magazine. Vol. 1-21. Loudon, 1830-40. 21v. 18° *74n.l Church review and ecclesiastical register. Vols. 7- 13,15. New Haven, 1854-64. 8v. 8" . . . *5112.r Church tenures, Speech in relation to. Bishop, W. S 0088.78 Churchill, Charles. Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 10] . 4004.1 Coji/fHts. — Rosclad; Apolopy; Nlpht ; Tho phost ; Prophecy of famine ; Epistle to Hopailb ; The conlV-r- enco; The duellist; The outhor; Gotham; The candi- date; Farewell to Europe ; The times; Independenco; The journey, etc. Churchilt,, Charles H. Mount Lebanon: a ten years' residence, from 1842 to 1852. London, 1853. 3v. 8" 3083.16 Churchman's family magazine. A'ol. 1,2. Lon- • don, 1803. 2v. 8° *7362.1 Churchyard, T. The queene's majestic's [Eliza- beth] entertaynemente in SuH'olke and Norf- folke. London, 1851. pp. 27. 12°. [liell. Tracts, V. I] *I586.20 Churton, E. The early English church. New ed. I>ondon, 1S58. pm.12'' 3529.10 — Es.«ay on the times of Philip iii and iv of Spain. 5ecGongora y Argote, L. de . . . . 3093.14 ClACONlus, A, Epistolffi. [Martirne. Vet. script., V. 3] 4150.1 CiadyrcwY, a. Dizionario turco, arabo e persiano, ridotto sul lessico del Mcniuski. Milano, 1832. 8° 3030.9 ('lAMPl, S. Delia sagrestla pistoiese, de' belli arredi del canipo Santo pisaiio e di altre opere di disegno dal sec(do xn al XV. [ Appt'udice par G. Briinchi.] Kirenze, 1810. 4° 4001.25 — EsamtM-ritico con documenti inediti della ato- ria di Demetrio di Iwan Wasilicwitch. Fi- renze, 1.H27. pp. h3. 8° 30GG.2 — Memorie di Niccolo Kortegiierri. Pisa, 1813. pp. 34. 8° 2807.8 — Memorie di Sciplone Carteromaco [con le sue poesie greche, latine et italiche]. IMsa, 1811. 8° 2807.8 — Notizie del cauonico Sozonicno, ilhistre h^tto- rato del secolo XV. IMsa, I8I0. pp. 5s. 8*' . 2807.8 — Uines8ioni sulhi nccessltii dl stmliure H anti- chi scrlltori, cc, con alcuue o.sscrvazioni in- turnoall' lliade. Veiiezhi. 1800. 8° . . . . 20.'i9.1l CinnicH, C. Sec Bell. British theatre, v. 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 16, 18, 21,24 4169a. 1 ' Vonttnt*. — Vol. II. TIio rofuaiil, or the Indlen' phlloa- ophy, com. V. Hho w.iu'd nml Hhti hmuM not, or Iho kind 1m]>oalor, com. VII. I.uve ninkca a ninii, or lh« fup'a fiirluiie, com. Vlll. The enri'lran huHbnud, com. X. The double (tnllnnt. or Iho -lek lady'» cure, com. XV. Xlrnttna,or (he hemic dnuKbter.truK. XVIII. Jlia pvovok'd huabnnd, or a Journey to London, mm. XXI. '1 hn hypucrKc, hnllaled rrniu Mollure, altered liy I, IllekerHtair. XXIV. 'I ho lady'a lait alaka, or tho wlfu'i roa«Dtmout, com. ClBtlER 115 CICERO Sh«lf. No. ClBBBR, C, contimted. — 5« CoUectiou of farces, V, 4, 5 2575.35 Contents. ^Vo]. IV. DAmou and riiJlliilu. Flom, or Hob In i — 5'ce Jones. British theatre, v,7, 10 . 4575.20 Contents. — Vol. VII. Lovo makps n man, com.; The earcleas hiisliand, com. X. Tlir provok'd husband, com., altered from . del mnechoroni; Ticalata di Ottavio Canovui in \odv dot nafti schiacciati; Lcttora in vc-nl martclllanidl L. C]. in lode d«ir ombrc-llo: Cii-nlnta dl C. Battislu Zannont in lodf dcir asino ; Cicalnta dl T.uijri Cliisio In lodo dcJ gubbl ; Cirnlain di CaiinuiUo Cntcnl in lodo del buo ; CIcalata di Ottavio Canovai in lodu del tlnocchio. CiccARKi.LT, A. De Clitumiio, Umbrite flumine cfclrberrimo. [Gricvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T.D, p.s] 4710.1 — Vita* pontificum Romanomm a Gregorio xiii usque ad Cleraeiitem viii. See Platiua de' Saechi, H 6081.2 Cicero, M. T. Opera onmia qvje exstant, D. I-am- biiii ct P. (Jothofrodi annotatiouibus. Colo- nia: AUobrogvm, 1616. 4v. in 2. f" .... *4H)0.6 Contents. — Vol. I. Ciceronis vita a D. Lambino col- lecta ; Khetoricorum ad C. Herennium libri 4, Cnmtficu, sou tnccrti aiicloria; De inventione rheloriiia libri 2; De oratore nd V- fratrem libri 3; De clans oratoribus liber, qui Brutus inticriptus est; Orator. ad Brulum; Topicft,ad C. Trcbatium ; rurtiliones orntoria- ; Dc optimo genere oratonim; Orationen omnt-s qtite exstant. II. Kpistola- rum libri 15, nd faniiliarcis, ex quibus octa%-ufl solas M. Coilii epistulas ad Civeronem continet ; Libri 16, ad T. Fomponium Atticum ; Libri 3, ad y. Ciccroncm fratrem ; Llbcrnd Marcum Brutum ; Epistulaad Ootnvianum,siv« ait Ciceronis, sive ineerti auctoris ; Liber Cornelii Nepo- tis, de vita T. Pomponii Attici ; Acadi-mii-anim qtia-sti- onum ad Varronem Hher; Aeademicarum quiestionum liber 4, qui inscribitur Lucullus; De finibua bonorum et malorum libri 5; Tusculanarum qua^stionum libri 5; De Datura d«;orura libri 3; De diviuatiouc libri 2; De fato librr; Dv b-fribus libri .3 ; Do offleiis libri .I; Cato mojor, seu de senectute, Hber smgularis; La.-liiiB, sen de ami- citia, liber sinpularis; I'aradoxa stoicorum sex; Frag- menta oratiouum, epistolarum, et librorum philosophico- rum,qua;ex8tant,BDionyeio Lambino aurta ct emendata; AecflAsit consolutio M. T. Ciceronis, nuniquam antehac operibus ejus in&erta; Pccmatum fragTiieulu. — Opera omnia, emendataindustria J. GuHeimii et J. Gruteri, denuo recognita ab J. Gronovio. Lugduni liatavoruni, lilU'J. 4° *B.171.3 — Opera omnia, cum Asconio et scholiaste veteri, ac uotis integris [variorum] I. Verburgius coUegit, disposuit, receusuit, etc. Amstelse- dami, 1724. 11 v. in 6. b" *B.178.9 CoiUfnls. — Vol. I. M. TuUii Ciceronis historia, per consules deMcrijita. et in.annos distincta per F. Kabrici- um Marcoduranum ; Cicero a calumniis vindicatus, auc- tore Andrea Schotto; Bhetoricorum, ad V. Merenntum libri 4 ; De iuvcntionc rhetorica libri 2 ; De oratore, ad Q. fratrem Itbri 3; De clans oratoribus liber, qui dicitur Brulus; Orator, ad Brutum; Topica, ad C. Trcbatium; Partitionesoratoria? ; De optimo Rcnere oratorura ; Ora- tio pro P. Quintio, Sex, Roscio Amerino, Q. Itoscio com- oedo; Divioatio in C.'Verrcm; I'rocEm. aciionia t, in 0. Verrem ; Accuiuitionis in C. Verrem lib. 1-5 ; Pro M, Fon- tejo, uratioinutilata et truncata; Pro A. Cn?cina. 11. Pro lege Manilla ad pop- lEoni. ; Pro A. Clm-nlio Avito ; Pro C. Comelio majestalis rco ; In tuga Candida, contra com- . pctitores; De legp_aprarla, contra P. Scrvilium Itullum in aenatu; De lege agraria, contra P. Servilium Uullum ad populnm; {"ru C. lUibirio perdueUionia reo, ad Qui- riles; In L. Catilinam prima, in senatu; In L. Catilinam ■<>cundB, ad Quir. ; In L. Catilinam tertia, ud popul. ; la 1>. Catalinam qnarta.in Hen.; Pro L.Murena, L. Flaccoi P. Sulla, A. LIcinio, Arrbia |toela ; Ad (^uiriles post redi- tum suum; Post rediium in senatu, pro domo sua ad pontiSc. ; Dc hamspieum responsiH in si-natu; Pro Cn. riancio ; Pro P. Sextio ; In P. Vatiniuni ; Pro M. Cistolnrtim ad l^uintum fratrem libri 3; Epistolanim nd Brutum liber singulnria; Epistolir ad Brutum, & Germnnis olim repert«3 et cditm; Ad Octavium epistota una inccrta; T. Pomponii Atlicl vita, per Cumelium Nepotem. V. Acadeniicarum quais- tlonnm ad Vnrronein liber 1 ; Academicarum quiestionum liber 4. qui inscribitur Lucullus ; De flnibus bonorum et malorum libri 5; Tusculanarum dispntationum libri 6; De natura Deorum libri 3; De divinatione libri 2; De fato liber 1 ; Do legibus libri 3. VI. Do ofHciis libri 3; Cato major, seu do sencctute, liber singularis; Lailiua, aeu do amicilia, liber singularis; Pnradoxa stoicorum aex; Q. Cicero de petitiono conBulntus; M. Tullii Cico- ronls scriplorum fragmentu in quibus est somnlum Scipl- onis; I'barnomeua ex Arato; Consolatio M. T. Ciceroni adscripts; Indices so ptem. — Opera omnia ex recensione J. A. Ernesti, cum ejusdem notis. Ed. la Am. Bo8toui;e, 1815, 16. 20v. 12" M917.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Incerti auetoris, seu ut doctis qui- busdam vidctur, Cornificii, rhetoricomm ad Herennium libri quatuor,ctCiceroni8rhctoricorum,8cude inventione rhetorica libri duo. II. Dc oratore ad Quintum fratrem. III. Brutus, seu de claris oratoribus; Orator; Topica; Partitiones oratorio; ; De optimo genere oratorum. IV. Orationes, pro P. Quintio, ti. Roscio Amerino, Q. Rosoio comoedo ; Divinatio in Ca;cilium ; Prooemium prima; acti- onis in Verrem; Actionis secundie liber primus et se- cundus. V. Actionis in Verrem liber tertius, quartus ct quintus. Vl. Orationes, pro Fontejo, Caicina, lege Ma- nilla, Clucntio, de lege agraria, contra Rullura. VII. I Orationes, pro Kabirio perduellionis reo, in Catilinam quatuor, pro Murenn, Flacco, Sulla, Archia poeta, ad Quirites post redUum, post reditum In senatu, pro domo 6ua ad pontifiees. VIII. Orationes, do baruspicum re- sponsis, pro Pluncio, pro P. Sextio, in Vatiniuni, pro M. Ctulio, de provineils consulnribus, pro C. Balbo, in L. Pisonem, pro Milone, IX. Orationes, pro Rabirio Poa- tumo, pro M. Marcello, pro Q, Ligario, pro rege Dejotaro, orationes Pbilippica; quatuordcctm in M. Antonium, H. Sallustif Crifipi in Ciceronem oratio, in C. Sallustium responsio. ad populum ct cquites Bomanos antequam * iret in exilium, X, XI. Epistola- [ad diveraos], XII, XIII. Epistolw ad Atticum. XIII. Epist. ad Quintura fratrem; Epist. ad Brutum. XIV. Academicic quces- tionee, do flnibus bonorum et malorum ad Brutum [lib. 6]. XV. Tusculanarum quiestionum ad Brutum [lib. 5] ; De natura Deorum ad Brutum. XVI. Dc divinatione [lib. 2]; De fato, liber singulnris; De legibus [lib. 3]; De ofliciis [lib. 3]. XVII, Cato major, seu do sencetute j La^lius, de amicitia; Paradoxa; De petitiono con&ula- tuB ; Fragmenta ; Consolatio. XVIII, Index legum qua- nim mentio fit; Index geographicua; Index liistoricus. XIX, XX. Index Lntinitatis. XX. Index Gra;co-Latinus. — Delectus commentariorum in opera omnia, ad editionem J. A. Ernesti accommodatus. Ex ed. J.Oliveti. Londini, 18J9. 2v.in:i. 1.8°. *2921.1 — De officiis libri tres, Cato maior, Lielivs, Para- doxa, Somnivm Scipionis. Ex recensione J. G. Graevii. Cum Aldi Mauutii commentario. Lvgd. Batavorvm, 1710. 2v. 8' *B.176,4 Philosophical works, etc. — De philosophia volumen primum. Lvgdvni, 1570. 16° *B.179a.24 Contents. — Lucullus; Acadcmicarum qu«?stionum ad Varronem liber primus; Do flnibua bonorum et malo- rum; Tusculana; qu«stionc9- — De Hnibus libri v, De officiis libri ill, et ex oper- ibus philopophicis quacdam excerpta. Edin- burgi, 1S12. 16° 4919a. 15 — Academica. Recensuit, variorum notis suas immiscuit, et Turnebi, Fabrique commen- tarios adjunxit 'J. Davisius. Cantabrigiae, 1725. S" 4917.8 — - Same. Ed. 2a. Cantabrigiie, 1736. 8° .. *B. 176.10 — De finibus bonorum et malorum libri quinque. Ex recensione J. Davisii. Cantabrigian, 1728. S" 4917.5, and *B.17fl.S CICERO 116 CIRCASSIA Cicero, M. T., continued. Entretiens sur les vrais biens et sur Ics vrais maux, par I'abbe Eegiiier Des Marais. Paris, 1721. ,.,• »*4918.5 — De legibus libri tres. Recensuit J. Davisius. Aocedit H. Turnebi commentarius. (.'anta- brigria-, 17-.'7. 8° "B.irn.O — Traitt des lois [avec le texte], trad, par 31. JIo- rabia. Paris, 1777. sm.l3» **«18.0 **49IS.; Libri de divinatione et de fato. Recensuit J. Davisius. Cum H. 'I'uruebi commentario in librum de fato. Cautabrigi.T, 1731. S° . . . *B.iro.; Les deux livres de la divination, trad, par I'abbe Ecgnier [Ues Jlarais]. Paris, 1710. 1 De natiira Deorum libri tres. Recensuit J. Da- visius. Ed. 4a. Cantabrigi:^, 1744. 8° . . •B.176.9 - Same. Accedunt uotae Anglica;. Curat". K. Dillaway. Philadelplii.-e, 1816. 2v. sm.24°.B.179a.7 _ Deofflciislibritres. Notisillustravit Z. Pearce. Oxonii, 1811. 12° 4919a.O _ Same. Ex editionibus Olivet! et Ernesti. Cantabrigia-, [Nov. Ang.], 1833. 18° . . . .4919a. 13 — Three hookes of duties tourned out of Latine into English, by N. Grimald. Latine adio- yned. London, 1583. sm.8° 2929.18 — The republic, translated by G. W. Featherston- haugh. New York, 1829. 12° 4919.1 _ De re pnblica qua; supersunt. [Mai. Class, auct., V. 1] . B.17 Tusculanarum disputationum libri V. Ex recen- eione .T. Davisii. Accednnt emendationes R. Bentleii. Cautabrigix, 1709. 8° *B. 170.8 Rhetorical works. Dialo"! tres dp oratore. Illustravit Z. Pearce. Ed.t'a. Cantabrigi;c, 1732. 8° ♦B.177.I - Same. With English notes. Boston, 1823. j2» 4919a. 7 - Same. [Edente J. L. Kingsley.] Novi- Portua, IKi2. 12° 4919a. 8 EntrctiiMis, sur les orateurs illustres, avec des notes par M. de Villefore. Paris, 172ii. 12° . »M918.3 Dc-s partitions oratoires, avec la harangue de Ciciron de la divination contre Q. Cecilius. Paris, 17.W. 12° *M918.4 Rhetoriconiin ad Ilerennium libri i|ualuor et de invenlione libri duo. Curante P. liurman- uo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1701. 8° . . . .•IS.170.12 Orationes ex recensione .!.(!. Grajvii cum notis F. llottnninnni, 1). I.anibini, F. Ureini, P. Manutii,eti:. Am.stelodami, 1IW5-U9. lOv. 8°. "B. 170.1 t'oFi/rM/*. — Vol, I. Pro PuliUo yulntln. Si-x. ItooHo Amrriiio, , In Vt-rrcni nrrlo prima, nccmutlonU in Vpironi lliiir pri- muii. Birnuiiii". II. InVfrn-m lli>or .l-'i. pro M. Fiinli-io, A. Cn-rinii. IH. I'ro ii'trP Mftnilin, A. Cluunlic, ilfl l.-(fo • frrnrin, cinitrii ItiiUum, pro C. Koliiriu, in 1., Cnlilliinnj, 1-4. IV. rpi I.. Mnrif ni», I.. Fliifro. I*. SiiUn. Arcliln iMH'tA, ml (Juiritcn po*t nolituin, pu>I mlituni In Hcnutu, pro ilonin ouA air1i> I'oatninn, H. Mltrt-cliu. (^. I.lKorlo, ri'icii Dclotiiro. VII. Ill .M. Aiilonium I'lii1i|i|ilcnnim 1-14. Onitiuniim frairmriila. Vlll-X. .larobi Miiiiiirdi vt I'aulll Manulii coniiiii'iilarll in orntl'.niia. Ix?» oralKons, fraihilles en ft-an^ols, J)ftr M. de Villefore. I'lirls, 1732. 8v. sni.U' ••1918.2 fJonienU. — Vol.1. Pour I'. yuinlUiR, Saxt. Itnarlui, Bait. Kow-lim irAmi-rla, (^. ltci«,'iiii la onmf-i).o5 ClVl.VLK, .1. TraitL- pmti'iue et liistoriqiie df hi lUliotritie. rnritt, 1M7. s" 5703.5 Civil eii^iiu'tT aiui nrcliitect's journal. Vols. 1-^2, 24-'J(i. Lomlon, IKts-C):!. V5v. 4° *3i;00,l Civil, or Kitmaii law. Brisson, U. Do vorlxirum qua* a*l jus civilo piTtincut signilicatione . 3030.4 — Byiikt'i'slioek, C v. Obi^ervationum juris Ro- numilibrjiv 4303.1,2 — - Opi'raoainia jus Koinamiin sjifctaiitiu . . . 4ii'J1.8 — Fer«'(»l Kiviere, II. Ltj^islatiuu criminelle des Roinains 4.303.14 — (.lajiis. Iitstitiitidimin comnifiifarit quuttuor . 4303.9 — Gaiis. K. SyMvtu des roiniscln'U ( ivili-edits . 4305.0 — God»friiy, D. Corpus juris civilis lloniani . . 4300.7 — GruiK'r, t'. G. A. Df [khmus Uomauoruui pri- vntls fHrumtiue usu hodiuruu li. 170. 117 — Hauhold, ('. G. MonuntLMita legalia extra li- bn>s juris Hoiiuini sparsa 4304.9 — Ueiuei'cius, J. (i, Antiipntatuiu Komauarum juris])rudt'iitiani illustrautiuni syntagnut . . 4304.19 — - Jurisprutit-ntia lioniaua 4291. 1 — - Recitatioues iu elementa juris civilis . . . . 4292.6 — Hugo, G. Histoiredu droit roniaiu 4303.12 — Justiiiiaiuis I. Corpus juris eivilis 4300.2 — - Pandectie .Justiniane.ne 4300. 1 — Laboulaye, t^. K. L. l.ois criminelles des Ro- mains concernant la responsabilite des magis- trat8 4305.3 — Leyscr, A. v. Meditationes ad pandectas . . 4302.4 — Mackenzie, T. Studies in Uonian law .... 3012.12 — Noveihe constitutiones — Uein, \y. Criminalreeht dor Kiimer . . .^ . . — Rlioer, C. W. v. De elVeetu reltgionis Cbris- tianie in jurisprudentiani Konianani . — Savii:ny, F. C v. llistoire du droit roiuain au muyen-itgo — - Traite de droit romain 4303.8 — Thibaut, A. F. J. .System des Fandekten- Rechts 3G2C.20 — Troplong, R. T. Influence du Christianisme sur le droit civil des Roinaius 4303.15 — Voigt, M. Untersuebuug iiber die Verfassung der Fagi und Vici des roniischeu Reiches . . 3012. 10 — - Die Lehre vom jus naturnle, .Tiiuum et bo- nuni und jus gentium dt-r Ruimr 4294.10 — Walter, F. Gescbichte des roniisclicn Uecbts. 4303.17 — Westonberg, J. O. Frincipia juris secundum ordiuem digesta 5023.3 — Zimmem, S. W. Gescbichte des roraischen Privatrechta 4293.12 See aUo: Julia lex. Civilization. Alison, A. Philosophy and his- tory of — "Goguet, A. Y. De I'origine des loLx et de leurs pro.t;res — Guizot, F. G. P. Histoire generale de la civi- lisation — Harris, G. Civilization considered as a sci- ence «— Kocnigswarter, L. J. Sur le dcveloppenient de la societe humaine — MackiiHion, W. A. History of — Meadows, T. T. Essay on — Ozanam, A. F. La civilisation au cinqui6me siecle — Roux-Ferrand, H. Progrcs de la civilisation en Europe — Vericour, I^. R. de. Historical analysis of Chris- tian civiliijatioa — "WacbsHmth, E. W. G. Allgemeine Cultur- gescbicbte — 'N\'arreu, J. True civilization an immediate necessity — Wilson, D. Researches into the origin of , . Clairac, L. A.dclaMamiede. liefest igungskunst ira Felde. [Aus dem Franziisicheu.] Rreslau und Leipzig, 1755. 4° .3504.24 2190.24 4141.11 35G6.5 4300.6 3501.24 3017.7 4145.11 4145.19 4306.12 4150.2 3500.. 35 223C.15 3955.0 Shelf. No. Clamenof.s, or rirniangis. M. N. de. Liber de stu- dio tbeulogico. [Aclu-ry. Sjiicih'giuni, v. 7]. 4152,7 Cl-Ai'r, A. II. (iod's purpose iu the war. A ser- mon in Providence, May 12, 1801. Provi- dence, 1801. 8" 4310a. 30 CLAPr, D. Discourse occasioned by the death of Rev. J. Flint, with au address on the day of his burial, ^aiem, 185.). 8" 00S8.14B Clapf, O, Letter on the present condition and future growth of Boston. Boston, 1853. pp. KV. h° 0087.05,09 Clai'P, T. Christian sympathy, angelic: a discourse. .S'f'e Ferguson, J. B B. 100a. Ill CLAPP, W. W. Address at the 19th triennial festi- val of the Massachusetts charitable mechanic association. ,S'ce Massachusetts . . . . v. 9of2.J5K25 Clarac, CO. F. J. B. de. Description du musve royal des antiques du Louvre. Paris, IKJO. 12" 4189.M) Clare, T. G., Sermon on the death of. See Cole- ridge, W. H Pph.v.349 Clargkw, Sir T. History of the restoration. See Baker, R 4170.10 Clarinkt instruction book. Kendall 8i>.'>2.55 Ci.ARioNKTT, School for the. Howe, E.,jr 8052.51 Clakk, a. R. Sermon before the auxiliary educa- tion society of Norfolk county. Boston, 1832. 8" *l'ph.v.371> Clark, B. C. [Geographical sketcli of St. Domingo, Cuba, and Nicaragua, with renuii-ks on the policyof Great Britain, liy a traveller]. Bos- ton, 1850. pp. 35. 8" 4314. a — Remarks upon United States intervention in Haytl. Boston, 185.3. pp.30. 8° B.160.33 Clark, C. *' Principles that ought naturally to gov- ern the conduct of neutrals and belligerents." London, 1804. pp.42. 8" 5018.20 Clakiv, D. W. Life and times of Rev. Elijah Hed- ding. Introduction by E. S. Janes. New York, 1855. 8" 5558.5 Clark, E. L. Daleth. or the homestead of the na- tions. Egypt illustrated. Boston, 1804. 8°. 3052.16 Clark, Hamlet. Catalogue of halticidae. A'ee Lon- don. British nuiseum 3890.14 Clark, Henry. Historical address, delivered at Hubbardton, Vt., on the 82d anniversary of the battle of Hubbardton, July 7, 1859. Rut- land, 1859. S° 4355.14 Clark, Henry G. Outlines of a plan for a free city hospital. Boston, 1800. pp. IS. 8° 5706.9 — Report on the cholera hospital. See Boston. Municipal government 3.800.22 Clark, Hugh. Introduction to heraldr)', with looo illustrations. 10th ed. London, 1859. 10°. 2220.20 Clark, John, b. 1745. Remarks on the character of. See Jay, W 4129.72 Clark, John, ft. 175S. The pioneer preacher. Sketch- es and incidents of Rev. J. Clark. New York, 1855. 10° 5558.29 Clark, Joseph. History and theory of revolutions. From the I'rinceton review for April, 1802. Philadelphia, 1802. pp. 35. 8° 4310a. 32 Clark, Joseph S. Discourse preached before tlie Barnstable conference, Dec. 19, 1855. Jtoston, 1850. 8° 4355.10 — Historical discourse preached at the 25th anni- versary of the Pilgrim conference of churches. May 10, 1^55. Boston, 1855. S" 4.355.10 — Historical sketch of Sturbridge, Mass. Brook- field, 18.38. pp.48. 8" 4355.16 — 11 istorical sketch of the congregational churches in Massachusetts, 1020-185M. Boston, 1858. 12^ 2.352.20 Cl.\rk, p. Sermon preached before the ministers of the province, May 30, 1745. Boston, 1745. 8m.4" 4357.2 Clark, R. W. Review of the Rev. M. Stuart's pam^ phlet on slavery, entitled Conscience and the constitution. Boston, 1850. 8° B. 100.110 Clark, Thomas'. Naval history of the United States. Philadelphia, 1813, 12° 4325.13 CLARK 118 CLASSICAL 239C.6 6422.1 shelf. Ko. Clark, Thomas M. Annual address before the Massachusetts temperance society. May 27, I83S. Boston, 1S38. 8° B.170.113 — Immortality of man. A discourse, Easter, 1852. Hartford, lSo2. 8° 60SS.f4 — Lectures on tlie formation of cliaracter. Hart- ford, 1SS2. 12- 6080.18 Clark, William R. Discourse on the formation and progress of the First methodist episco- pal church in Lynn, Nov. 14, 1858. Boston, 1S59. 8- «S5.15 Cl.irk, Willis G. Literary remains, including the Ollapodiana papers, etc. Edited by L. G. (■lark. New York, 1844. 8° Clarkk, Adiim. Commentary on tlie Holy Bible See Bible. Wliole Bibles CL.iRKK, Sir Arthur. Essay on diseases of the skin. London, 1821. 12° 3799.37 — Essay on warm, cold, and vapour bathing. 5th ed. London, 1N20. Vi' 3809.35 Clarkk, C. C. Shakespearecliaracters ; cliietiy those subordinate. London, 1803. 8* . . . 2593.11 CLARKK, Edward D., Life and remains of. See Otter, W 2455.27 Cl.\RKE, Edward G. Practice of physic. Transla- ted from the Latin, by R. W. Worthington. Philadelphia, 1818. 18° 3728.12 Cl^vrkk, Edward H. Relation of drugs to treat- ment. Introductory lecture before the medi- cal class of 185ii-57 of Harvard university. Boston, 1850. 8° C087.82 Clarkk, G. W. Letterconcerninghisworkcutitled " Christ crucified." See Stebbins, K. P. . .5450a. 13 Clarkk, II. G. The British museum ; a handbook for visiters. Div. !, Gallery of antiquities. London, 1843. pp. 48. 12° B. 160b. 54 Clarke, .lames F. Annexation of Texas. Sermon in the Masonic temple on fast day. Boston, 1844. 18° 5579a. 50 Causes and consequences of the affair at Har- per's Ferry. A sermon, Nov. 6, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8° 6440a.34 _ A church and its methods. [A tract.] Albany, 1K59. pp.9. 12°. [Ladies' religious publica- tion society] 5450a. 20 Xhe church, as it was, as it is, as it ought to be. Discourse delivered at the dedication of the chapel, built by the Church of the disciples. Boston, 1848. 8° 5440a. 34 _ Discourse rimceming Theodore Parker, in the Indiana-Place chapel, .lune 3, 180O. Boston, IKOO. 5442.4 _ Discourse on the aspects of the war, fast day, . 4310a. 95 •■ier- , lS.'i4. . S440a.34 April 2, 1803. Boston, 18i53. 8° . . . .Icsus < hrist himself the true corner-stone, mon at the Montreal convention, Oct, Boston, 18.'>4. 8° Natural and artificial methods in education. A lecture before the American institute of in- struction, Aug. 27, IMH. Boston, 18IVt. I2°.5450a.20 Peculiar doctrine of Christianity, or reconcilia- tion by .Jesus Christ. Boston, 18.55. pp. 24. 12°. [American unitarian association] . . . 0450a. 20 Pilgrim fullHTS ; a poem recited in the Church of the disci|il<'S, Dec. 22, 1812. Boston, 1M3. pp. II. 8°. [From the Christian examiner forMav, 1W31 4390n.r.2 Po<-m, delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa society. Alpha of MnsssachuseftB, Aug. 27, IMO. 'Boston, IKlfi. 8° B. 170.98 Polemics and irenics. An address on theology. May 31. 18.V1. Boston, 1854. 8"^ Rendition of Anthony Burns Clirlstlan politic), .Ian H' 0088.120 A discourse on IWI. Boston, INVl. H.iona.3.1 [Secession, concession, or self-possession: which*] Boston, 1801. pji. 4M. h" 43ina.!i0 Sermon, Oct. 9, 1M2, the Sunday succeeding the death of W. E. Chunning. Boston, 1812. 5445.6 12°. . 5ll(lu.:i4 shi'ir. Ho, Clarke, James F., continued, — Sermon on the principles and methods of the Church of the disciples, Dec. 7, 1845. Boston , 1840. 8° ; »«<53.8 — Sermon preached at the installation of Rev. G. r, Simmons, and Rev. S. Ripley, atWaltham, Mass., Oct. 27, 1841. Boston, 1841. )>° . . . 5440a. .''.4 — Sermon preached at the ordination of W. Brown, Sherborn, Mass., Nov. 5, 180:!. Bos- ton, 1803. 8° 5440a. 34 — Sermons preached in Indiana-Place chapel, Boston. Boston, 1804. 8° — Sketch of the history of the doctrine of atone- ment. Boston, 1845. pp.34. 12°. [Ameri- can unitarian association] 5450a. 20 — Slavery in the I'nited States. A sermon. Bos- ton, 1843. 12° *4103.3 — Story of a converted skeptic. Boston, 1.S40. pp. 14. 12°. [American unitarian associa- tion] 5450a.2O — Theodore Parker, and his theology : a discourse in the Music haU, Sept. 25, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8° 5440a.34 — The unitarian reform. Boston, 1855. pp. 15. 12°. [American unitarian association] . . . 5450a. 20 Clarke, John, schoolmaster at Hull, Enylmul. Introduction to the making of Latin. Tren- ton. i8o. 8° 5440a. 35 — Sermon at the interment of the Rev. Sam- uel Cooper, D. D., Jan. 2, 1784. Boston, ]7^, j(» .• 5440a. 35 Clarkk, John B.B. Life of Adam Clarke. Vol.1. New York, 1.8:!3. 12° 2548.8 Clarkk, M. S., Discourse on the character of. See Huntington, F. D 5440a. 49 Clarke, Samuel, 6. 1075, rf. 1729. Remarques snr un livre intitule Recherches .sur la liberte de I'lionnne, etc. .See Des Maizeaux, P 4189a. 8 — Remarks on Dr. t'.'s exposition of the church- catechism. Sec Waterland, D 6453.19 Clarke, Samuel, of St. Allmns, gnndmn of the preceiliiiii. Christian's inheritance ; or, a collection of the i)roniises of Scripture. See Bible. Selections from the whole Bible . . 3429.38 Clarke, Samuel, d. 1859. Commemorative dis- course on. See Hill, A 5440a.51 Clarke, Stephen R. Conversations on the history of England. Londcni, 18:)0. 2v. 8° . . . . 2527.0 CLAKKK, W. " The state of the country." Oration delivered at BulIiUo, July 4, 1862. Bulialo, 1802. 12° ; «'-''-28 CLARKson, D. a. Ancient iron work. From the 13lh century. London, n. d. f° 39.1''. 3 — Monuments. Vol.1. I.cmihni, n. d. pp. 48. 8°. 4080.13 Cl.ARKSdN, T. Abolition of the African slave-trade. Al)ridged. Augusta, 18;i0. 2v. 18° ... . 3579.35 — Essai sur la Iruite di-s nigres. Precede rie I'ex- trait He 1,'essul sur le commirce de I'espece' hunniiue. Tradult par M. Grunnignac. Neuf- chatel, i;8U. 8° 3573.23 CI.ASIO, L., i>»eud. .fee. Flaccbl, 1>. CLASaii- glee book, The. Boslou, n. d. obl.8°. . . 8047.32 CLA,ssi(AL auliiiuities. Biif f iger, ( '. A. Schriflen archiiologischen unii aiiliquarischen Inhatts. — Dale, A. V. Disserfafiones ant l<|uitalll>us, cum Ronnmls, tum Gracis, illusfrandis Inservi- enti'S — Hollinann, S. F. \V. Alferlhumswlssenschaft. — Jli langes grico-ronniins, Sec St. PeliTshurg. Acudcude impOriale des sciences . . . 1202.9 4207.4 42(15.0 B. 160.9 CLASSICAL 119 CLAY Hhilf. No. Cf.ASSiOAi.biltliojiriiphy. Fuhrmnnn.W. D. Hand- biicli (U'rrlnssisrlH'ii I.ltcrmiir 2174.13 — HoHiiuum. s. K. W. Ihuuihurh zur HUclier- kiiiiiie fiir l.clirt' (Ut ktn^sii-lifii Spmche. . . 4n5.5 Ci.A.ssit'Ai, biajirnphy, liitt'cliism of 7o;JU.4:^ Classical (Hcltoimry. Ancient classical proper names. I,fiiipri6re, J 4937.5 " Classical " instruction : its use nnd nlmse. Kc* priiiteil frmii tliu Westniiuster revit-w, Oct. Itioit. i.ondon, 1864. pp.71. 12* . , . .H.iriOb.in4 Classical instruction, Kssfty on ft system of . . . 4y(iy.l Classical lunpnigcs. Egper, fi. (irammnire cora- paroe puiir Ics langiR'S c)ns!'ii(ues 29S^).18 — SfliniidI, ('. K. A. Geseliichte der Gram- matikdes (Jriechiscben und l,ateinJBchen . . 29.14.13 Classical ieuming. Itlnckwall, A. Introduction tu the clasHica 4959a. 13 — Botlield, H. rrafatioiies et opistolae cditionibiis principibus auctorum vetL-rum prirposifa? . . 2980.7 — Chardondfc la Kochette, S. Slc-Ianges de crit- ique et de pbilologie 2955.27 — Copan, K. Address to tiie dissenters on . . . 4irt3.1 — Dawes, R. IMiscellanea critica 42(i5.12 — llernmnn, G. Opuscula 42(12.3 — Leflerc, J. Ars critica 2959.13 — I'auly, A. F. Ileal- Encyclopiidie der classischen Alterthumswissenscliaft 4201.6 — rorsou.K. Adversaria— notse in poetasGra'COs. 4!*n.T.]3 — Sears, B. Ancient literature and art 4955.14 — Valckenaer, L. .] &^ [No title-page] B. 100a. 10 CLAY 120 CLIMATE Shelf. No. Clay, C. M., eontinued. Speech in the house of representatives of Ken- tucliv, upon " I'rohibiting tlie importation of slaves into this state." Frankfort, 1841. 6' . 4310a. 42 ClaT.H. Life and speedies, 1810-4-.i. New York, 1842. pp.48. 8° B.irOa.33 Speech in the senate in defence of the Ameri- ican svstem, against the British colonial sys- tem. 'Washington, 1832. 8° 43'J0a.26 — Speech in tlie senate on the bill imposing ad- ditional duties on public officers. Boston, 1S3;, . 4390a. 20 Speech in the senate on the removal of the de- posites. Washington, 1834. 8° *rph.v.3S2 Obituary addresses on the death of. See United .'States. Miscellaneous documents 4344.3 CLAYTttN, C, I'iscountcss Sundon. Memoirs. See Thomson, K. B 2542.10 Clatton, J. M., Obituary addresses on. See Uni- ted States. Miscellaneous documents . . . 4390a. 27 Clayton, K. Letter concerning the question. Whether the Logos supplied the place of an human soul in the person of Jesus Christ? Written 17.30. [No title-page.] 8°. 3475.29 Clearchi'S. Triumfabularumperditarnmrelinuia:. [.Meineke. Fragm. com. Or., v. 5] B.1C2.8 Cleaveland, E. L. Our duty in regard to the re- bellion. Fast-day sermon, April 3, 1863. [New York, 18(B.] 8°. [No title-page] . . 4310a. 33 Cleaveland, J. Attempt to nip in the bud the unscriptural doctrine of universal salvation. Salem, 177i'.. pp. 4li. 8° B. 170b. 21 Clegg, S. JIanufaiture and distribution of coal- gas. 3d ed. London, 1859. 4" 3971.20 Cleghohn, G., Memoirs of. *<■ Lettsom, J. C. . 3735.7 CLfeMESCET, C. See Histoire litteraire du la France, V. 10, II *C92.1 Clemengu's, or De Clemangiis, N. See Clamenges, M. N.de. Clemens Alcxandrinus. Opera qua: extant, Gr. et Lat. [Oberthiir. Opera omnia sanctorum patrum Gra!Coriun, V. 4-0] 6029.1 Content*. —Vol. IV. CohorlRlio nd pcntc, I'.VI. SIroiiiata. VI. tJuUdivL'S sftlveliir ; rraBiiii'iitft. Opera, Lat. interprcte F. Combcflsio. [Maxi- ma bibliolh. vet. patr., v. 3] B.110.2 — In Christum .Servatoremhymnus. [Lect. Poetae Grxci,v.3] 420O.7 Clemens Uomanus. Dua: epistohc SyriacO, iiuas cnm versione Latina, ediditJ. J. Wetstein. Lugduni Batuvorum, 1752. pp.30, f. v. 2of«0011.2 Homilia'. Textum recognovit, vensioncmCote- lerii repetivil,uunotalione8 addidit A. Schwe- gler. Stullgarlia-, 1S47. 8° 0050.12 - Same. Notaa seleclas suasfjue suhjuuxit A. U. M. Pressel. Gotlingw, 1853. 1.8° .... 0010.11 — Recognitiones Kuflno A(iuilei. interprele. Cu- rantc E. (i. (iersdorf. Lip.siie, 18:18. p.8'. [(ier.Hdorf. Hibliolheca patrum, v. 1] . . . . 6039.4 — Kecognitionuin libri x, L. Grutero inlerp. cum ejus pra'fatione de verls falsisrjue Clementis Bcriptis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 2]. B.110.2 A'rte. — Tlip Uccoin>itronr«. thr liomnion. nnl Corinlhlus, cum ejuadem murtyrlo; Kecognillones Clemenlinif a Ku- flno Lalinfc versl. IColeller. S». patrum opera, v. 1) 0020.2 _ Kpialolw 2a' lul Corinlhlos fraginenia; Frng- inenliini Iteciignltlonuin I'»eudo-(;lcnienll«. ((Jrabe. Hplcllegium] 6029.3 — KplKtU'H to the t'orlnthlnnH, with liln life. See Wake, W 0W0.23 Shc-lf. No. Clemens Romanus, continved, — Die clenientini.^chen Recognitionon und Homi- lien. See Ililgenfeld, A 60.50.18 — Untersuchungenderclemeutinischen Ilomilien. Sec Ililgenfeld, .V 0025.10 Clemens, H. G. Dissertatio de mari Salomonis icneo ejusque sensu mystico. [Oelrichs. Col- lectio opusculorum, V. 2] OOCG.l Clemens, R. Die Oflenbarungen der Propheten Henoch, Ksra, und Jesaia. See Apocry- pha 6019a. 10 CLE5IENT V, pope, [Bertrand de Argoust]. Con- stitutiones vua cu apparatu johannis andree. n.p., n.d. 69 leaves. f° *4290.5 Kote. — Blnck letter, 2 columns, 69 lines in ench, with slpiatiires and enumeration of leaves. Aplieniled arc the Deerelales extravuBantes of John XXII, tilling leaves 70-77. First published by John KXII, in 1317. Clement, VII, po/)e, [Giuliode Medici]. Capitoha- zione tra Clemente VII e gli agenti di Carlo V. .Sec Gnicciardini, L 2719.12 Clement XIV, pope, [G. V. A. Ganganelli]. Epis- tolre et brevia selectiora ac nonnnlla alia acta. Edidit A. Tlieiner. Parisiis, 1&'>2. 8" . . . 6000.0 — Geschichte des PontiBcats Clemens' XIV. See Theiner, A 0000.5 CLf;.MENT, C. Michel-Ange, LtSonard de Vinci, Ra- phael. Paris, ISOl. 12° 4067.31 CLiiMENT, F. Sec Hisloirc littc'rairc de la France, v. 12 4092.1 CLfiMEN r, J. M. B., and Laporte, J. de. Anecdotes draniatiques ; contenant toutes les pieces de tli(?iitre, avee les noms des anteurs. I'aris, 1773. 3v. 12° ♦*2175.8 Clement de Ris, L., comte. Critiques d'art et de litterature. Pari.s, 1802. 12° 4667.18 Clementi,M. L'artdejouerlc pianoforte dijmoutr^ pardese-xercices, Leipzig, n.d. 2v. in 1. pp. 81 and so. obl.4° 4055.55 — Prt'ludes et exercices doio^tt-'S dans tous lea tons majeures et niineures pourle pianoforte. [(Serinan and French.] Leipzig, n.d. pp.31 and 35. obl.4° •4055.52 Cleomedes. Circularis doctrina; de sublimibus libri duo. Recensuit, interpretatione Latina instruxit, commentarium U. Ballbrei adiiidit •J. Bake. Lugrtuni Itatavorum, 1820. 8° . . 4205.9 CLEKCQ, a. de. Formulaire des chaiicolleries diplo- matiques et consulaires. Snivi du lextc des principales lois, rclatifs aux consulats. 3e ed. I'aris, 1801. 2v. 8° 3010.6 Clergy list. The, for 1801. London, 1801. 8° . . *24S5.5 — - Same, for 1802. Lontlon, 1802. 8° •2487.28 Clebk, or Clarke, J. De stylis veterum, et variis charlarum generibus dissertatio. [l*oleni. Utriusque thes. antii|. sujip., v. 3] 2970.7 Cli-;rmont, iord. Sec I\)rt^scne, T. C'LEltv, .1. B. C. II. .Imirnal ile ce ipil s'est passe i» la timr du temple piiiilant la caplivite do Louis XVI. I'receth- trmie iutroiiiu'tion par II. tie Riuucey, aiigmentee de la suite du jour- nal, et de la vie de rauteur. i'aris, 1801. 8°. 4043.15 CLEVEl.ANP, C. I>. Compendium of American lite- ralure. Illuslraleil iililion. i'hiln., 1859. 8°.**2.196.6 — First lessons in Greek, li.iston, 183;i. 12°.. 4'.I8«.2 — l''lrst lessons in Latin. Boston, 18211. 12° . . 4lttya.53 Cleveland, II. I{. liemarks on the classical edu- callim of boys. Boston, ls:il. 18° 4959a. 15 (.'levicland, Ohio. Imiuguratiou of the Perry statue, Sept. 10, 1800, including a history of the bntHe of Lake Erie, by G. Bancroft. Clevelaml, 1801. 8° . . . . 4323.14, und •»I.Pi)h.T.1.33 Clii'EouI), M. Treatise of human reason. [I"hu- nlx,v.2] 4167.1 Clii'Ton, near llrlftnl, ling. Ancient and modern history of. Malhew,.! 2499.8 Climate. Uistnnnll, .1. Inlliience of .3901.20 — Stoeckhanit, ll.lt. De cudi In generis humanl QUltum vl ac potcatatc B. 190. 56 CLINE 121 CODEX Shelf. No. Cline, A.J. Secession unmasked, or an appeal from the mailness tilMismiion to the sobriety of the constitution. Wa-shin^'ton, is(il. pp. 10. S'. 4310a. 34 Clingm.vn, T. L. Address on the political condition and prospects of the country. [Washington, I85ii.] l.s". [Xo title-page] 0087. y.'i Clinton, 1>. W. Description of u leaden plate found in Ohio. [Worcester. American anti- quarian society. Collections, V. 2] 2.311.1 Clinton, H. F. Fasti Helleniei. Chronology of Greece tVom the earliest acc(units to the death of Au^justus. lid and 3d editions. O.xford, 18.14-41. 3v. 8' *4200.12 Clocks. Clock and watch-maker's complete guide. Partington, C. F 4018.30 Closknkr, F. Strassburglsclie Olironik. Stutt- gart, IS42. 6". [Stuttgart, liibliothek liter. Vereins] v. 1 of *-12,'o. I Clough, A. H. Poems, with a memoir [by F. T. Palgrave]. London, 1862. 18" 2507.22 Clowes, J. Address on the writings of Sweden- borg; with a sketch of the author's life by B. F.Barrett. Boston, IHlfi. pp.39. 12°. . . M103.10 Club-foot. Guerin, J. Memoire sur I'etiologie generate des pieds-bots congenitaux , v. 1 of 3801.27 — Scoutteten, H. Ueber radicale Ueilung der Klumprusse • . . . 3755.20 Clvsius, C. a. See Lecluse, C. A. Cll'SKEV, M. W. Political text-book, or encyclope- dia. 12th ed. Philadelphia, 18(10. 8° . . . . 23S:i.7 Clute, J.J. School geography. New York, 1833. 12° 7039. .3fi Cluvier, or Cluverius, P. Gerraaniffi antiqva; libri ires. Adjectae sunt Vindelicia et Noricum. Lugduni Bntavorum, 1016. f° *4240.6 — Introdvctionts in vniversam geographiam libri \'i. Accessit P. liertij breviariura orbis terra- rum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1041. sm.l6° . . 4149.17 — Italia antiqua, contracta opera J. Bunonis. Guelferbyti. lGi>4. 4* **4735.4 — Sicilia, Sardinia et Corsica antiqua. Guelfer- byti, 1659. 4° **4735.5 — Sicilia antiqua. et insula? ei ailjacentes. [Grae- vius. Thes. antiq. ltal.,T. 10, V. 1] . . . . . 4710.1 — Sardinia et Corsica antiqufe. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, r. 15] 4710.1 Cnidus, Discoveries at. Newton, C. T 3071.10 Coal. Burat, A. Le materiel des houillieres en • France et en lielgique 3'<.A.2 — Fordyce, W. History of 3800.33 — Ponson, A. T. Traite de I'exploitation des mines de houille 3807.12 — Siliiman, B.,jr. Fuelfor locomotive steam use. 5953.27 — Taylor, K. C. Information in regard to , . . 3805.26 Se«aUo: Anthracite, Charcoal. Coal-gas, Clegg, S. Manufacture and distribution of 3971.20 — Schilling, N. H. Uandbuch fiir Steinkohlengas- Beleuchtung 3971.27 CoAL-oiLS. Gesner, A. Practical treatise on , . 3865.21 — Oppler, T. Handbuch der Fabrikatiou mine- ralischer Oele 5978.20 COALE, ^V. E. Practical essay on aneurism. Bos- ton, 18G2. pp.72. 8° 5700.10 Coates, B. Cotton cultivation in Africa, in refer- ence to the abolition of slavery in the United States. Phila^lclphia, 1.S5S. pp. 52. 8° . . . 5046.5 Cobb, J. U. Growth of the mulberry tree, with di- rections for the culture of silk. 4th ed. Bos- ton, 1839. 12» 4003.41 Cobb, L. Spelling book. Rev.ed. Ithaca, 1829. 12'.4589a.23 COBBE, F. P. Essays on the pursuits of women. Also, a paper on female education, London, 18 i3. 8' .1574.18 — Italics, Notes on politics, people, and places in Italy, in 18r4. London, lS(i4. 12° 2765.14 — The red flag in John Bull's eyes. London, 1863. pp. 24. 16* 4322.72 16 Shelf. No. CObbett, W. American gardener. Ster.ed. Lon- don, 1821. 12° 3992.14 — Grammar of the English language. New York, 1833. 8m.l2" 4179a. 2 — Life, dedicated to his sons. From the 2d Lon- don edition. Philadelphia, 1835. 8". .,,,. . 254!i.l8 — New-year's gift to the democrats ; or observa- tions on Mr. Randolph's resignation. Phila- delphia, 1790. pp.71. 8" 4.326.-37 — Paper against gold, and glory against prosper- ity ; an account of the funds and paper-money of Great Biifain. London, 1815. 2v. 8° . . 3040.30 — Pride of Britannia humbled; letters on the late war. New ed. Philadelphia, 1815. 12". 4329.6 — Spelling book, with lessons in reading, etc. 3d ed. London, 1S32. 12° 7009.36 — Action for a libel, brought by Dr. B. Rush against. .SVe Carpenter, T *3I.Pph.v.l32 Cobden, R. Speech on the *' Foreign enlistment act," in the houseof commons, April 24, 1803. London, 1803. 8° 4322.43 — The three panics : an historical episode. 4th ed. London, 1802. 8" 4528.10 — Biographic. [Keybaud. Jfcconomistes mod- ernesj 3664.2 COBHAM, lord. See Oldcastle, J. CoccARELLA, B. Tremitauai, oMm Diomedese in- sulae, accuratissima descriptio. [Grsvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 14] 4710.1 CoccEJi, H. V. Vita, in qua ejusdem scripta enu- merantur. Quedlinburgi, 1721. 4° 4210.9 CoccEJi, S. V. Introductio ad U. de Cocceji Grotium illustratum. Halie, 174S. f ° *4290.7 Cochin, C. N. Antiquities of Herculaneum. See Bellicard, J. C 2765.11 Cochin, P. S. A. L'abolition de Tesclavago. Paris, 1861. 2v. 8" 3573.7 CocHiv , a province of Malabar. Cochin, its past and its present. Day, F ', 5045.9 Cochin-China, Bazancourt, C. de. L'expddition de Cochinchine, [1857-62] 3017.18 — Borro.C, Seyndinghc in't Ryck van Cocincina. 4249a. 8 — Loureiro, J. de. Flora Cochiuchineusis . . . 3S56.6 Cockayne, O. Leechdoms, wortcunuing, and star- craft of early England. Vol. 1. London, 1804. 8°. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles]. *2423.4 CocoNDRius. IIcpi Tf)onu)u. [Boissouade. Anec- dota Grieca, V. 3] B.iei.3 Coddington, H. Treatise on the reflexion and re- fraction of light. Cambridge, 1829. 8" . . . 3920.50 Code of Gentoo laws, or, ordinations of the Pundits, from a Persian translation made from the Shanscrit. [English version by N. B. Hal- head.] London, 1776. 4° 3610.21 Codex Hirsaugiensis. Stuttgardise, 1843. 8*. [Stutt>- gart, Bibliothek liter. Vereins] , . . .v.l of 4225,1 Codex Theodosianvs cvm commentariis Jacobi Go- thofredi, recognitvm opera et stvdio A. Mar- villii, Lvgdvni, 16G5. 6v. in 3. f° *4290.2 Codex Theodosianus. Annotatione critica instruxit G. Haenel. Bonnie, 1837. 4° *4300.0 Contents- — Gaii institutionuin coinmentarii quattuor; Domitii Ulpiani frngmeiita ut videtur libri Bingulurin regnlanira quce dicuntur tituli ex corpore Ulpiani, cura E. Docking; Fragmcnta Julii Paulli dcjureflsci ; Frag- menta duo, unum Sexti PomponiJ, alterum HerenuU Modegtini ; Graduiim agnatiouis vctus descriptio, sive fltemma lege quemadmodum hereditates redeaiit ; L. Volusii Mfcciani assis diatributio et Balbi Mensoris de asse libellus, emend, et annot. E. Vlncti et J. F. Gro- novii turn sua ipsitts tabiilisque instruxit E. Bcicking; D. Adriaai sententia; et epistolse Gr. et Lat. emend. E. BUcking; Disputatio forengis maximc de msnumisaion- ibu8 ; Locorum ex jure Romano antejustiniano ab tncerto flcriptore coUcctonim fragmcnta qu(e dicuntur Vaticana, edidit A. Majus, recogmovit A. Betbmaiin-Hollweg ; Lex Dei, sive incerti scriptoris Mosaicarum et Komanarum legura cotlatio, onni I-'. Blume; Cousultatio sive cunxul-. tationes veteriH L-uJuedani jurisconsult!, cura E. Fugg^; Cail instltutlonum libri duo, et fragmentum FaploianJ, ex lego Romana Visigotthorum, cura £. Bdcking; Julli Paulli receptarum aententianim ad fllium libri quinque, cura L. Amdti. CODMAN 122 COLEltllXiE Shelf. No. CoDMAN, John, 73. D. Sermon before E. E\erett, governor, etc., at the annual election, Jan. 1, IS41). Boston, 1S40. 8° *4356.11 — Sermon before the convention of congrega- tional ministers of Massachusetts, May 26, * 1831. ^oston, lESl. 8° »4357.1I — Sermon before the foreign mission society of Boston and vicinity, Jan. 1, 1818. Boston, 1818. 8' 5H0a.3C — Sermon before the Massachusetts society for promoting Christian knowledge, May 31 , 1826. Boston, 1820. S° 5440a. 36 — Sermon before the pastoral association of Mas- sachusetts, May 24, 1830. Boston, 1S36. 8° . 5440a.36 — Speech in the board of overseers of Han'ard college, Feb. 3, 1831 [on establishing a theo- logical faculty. No title-page]. 8° 5440a.35 — Proceedings of the Second church and parish in Dorcliester. See Dorchester, Mass 4355.31 — Allen, W. Memoir [and sermousj 2.347.34 — Storrs, R. S. Discourse at the funeral of . . .6088.218 CODMA^, Capt. John. Letter on the condition and requirements of the American mercantile ma- rine. M'ashington, ISl'tO, 8° 5570.25 CcELESTlxrs V, pope, [I'etrus de Murrhone]. Con- testatio ad lectorem ; Vita Ccelestini ; De \ir- tutibus ; De vitiis et peccatis ; De vita honi- inum; De exemplis, ac similibus moralibus; De sententiis patrum eremitarum ; De mira- culis B. Virgiiiis: De censuris; De saeramen- tis ccclesia;; De decern pra:ceptis decalogi; De prieceptis ecclesiie ; Epistolie ; Orationea devotissimEe. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., V. 25] B.110.2 Coffee, Historical account of. Ellis, J 5841.1 Coffey, C. 5ee Collection of farces, v. 2, 5 . . . . 2575.35 ConiCTtf^. — Vol. II. The devil to pay, or the wives metamorphoa'd. V. The boarding: aehool, or the sham captaiii. Coffin, C. C. The great commercial prize. [Asi- atic trade on the Facific] Boston, 1858. pp. 23. S° 5640.3 Coffin, J. H. Psychrometrical table. [Washing- ton. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 1] 3350.2 Coffin, P. Sermon before M. Gill, lieut. governor, etc, tlie day of the general election, May 211, 179l(. Boston, 17U9. 8° »4356.7 Coffin, R. A. Combustion. S^ec Scientific tracts. 39,39.6 COGAN, E. Address to the dissenters on classical literature. Cirencester, 1789. pp.22. 8°. . *4103.1 CooAN, T. Treatise on the passions. .3d ed., corr. London, 1813. H' 6608.8 — Theological disquisition on the characteristic excellences of ('hristianity. London, 1813. 8", 5453.12 COOGKSIIALL, K. Clironicon Terra' Sanctn?;Cliron- icou AuKlicuiniin .Mi.xvi-Mcc; Libellus de motibus Anglicauis sub Johunne rcge, [Mar- tine. Vet. script., V. 5] 4150.1 CoooKSiiALI,, W. T. Issue of the November elec- tion, 18W). Tiflin, O., 1800. pp.16. [Notille- page,] ti' 4:il0a.35 — Ohio's prosperity, social and material ; an ar- gument against rebellion. [Springflcid, 1803.] pp.8. [No title-page.] b° J3IOa.35 CoOHi.AN, F. liandbonk fur travellers In Northern Italy. London, l«ll. IN" »2736.20 CooiTosLs. Do S. Brigidn, virginc Scota. [Canl- b1u9. Thesaurus, v. 1] 4H0.3 CooNATUa, G. .Sm Cousin, G. CoiiKN, il. Les deicides. Exameu de In divinite de .Ti'suM-Chrlst au point de viie du .luda'isnie. rarln, imll. h" 3475.30 Cohen, M. M. NoiIcch of Florida and the cam- palgHH [18.15, :mj. Charleston, 183(1. 12*. . 2;i7n.20 ColI.N, A. UiTiIrelszlKJiihrlge Krieg. .SVc Opel, J. 2.'>95.7 CulNAtii:. rtilily of an niiif'niin Kjsleni for llie Nlnndard coinage of commercial nations. (;il)- bon, J. If 6087.72 Shelf. No. Coins. Faulkner, T. Catalogue of Roman and Greek coins 2960.21 — Martin, L. C. Current gold and silver coins of all countries . 2223.17 — M'aish, R. Coins as illustrating the progress of Christianity 2223.15 See also: Medals, Numismatics. Coke, Sir E. Book of entries [in Latin]. London, 1071. f°. [Black letter] »5620.10 — Commentary upon Institutes of the laws of Eng- land. See Littleton, T 4294.3 Coke, T. History of the West Indies : with an account of the missions in those islands. Liverpool, 1808-11. 3t. S' 4S17.5 — Funeral sermon of Mrs. H. A. Rogers. See Rogers, H. A 5459a. S4 — Life of. See Drew, S 5558.16 Coke, History of. Fordyce, M' 3860.33 COLARDIEU, C. P. Caliste, tragedie, imit^e de I'An- glais, de La belle penitente de Rowe. [Tht-- atre frangais, V. 44] 4708.1 Colas [de Sourdun], E. £tat actuel de la m^de- cine. Ire partie. Traits sommaire de pa- thologic generale. Paris, 1848. 8° .3807.15 — Rtgne epidemlque de 1842-45. Paris, 1845. 8°. 3807.15 Colbeht, .T. B., marquis de Torey. Memoirespour servir a*l'lustoire des nt^gociations depuis le traite de Riswick jusqu'Jl la paix d'L'trccht. La Haye, 1756. 3v. 12° 2629.7 COLBURN, W. Intellectual arithmetic, upon the inductive method of instruction. Concord, N. 11., 1837. 24° 7019.40 — - .Same. Boston, [1843]. 16° 7019.41 — - Same. Translated [into Karen] by M. Vin- ton. Maulmain, 1851. 8° 30.38.19 — Introduction to algebra, upon the inductive method of instruction. Boston, 1838. 8° . . 7019.30 COLBUUN, Z. Tlie locomotive engine. Boston, 1851. 18° 4019.7 Colby, H. G. O. Anniversary address before the American institute of the city of New York, Oct. 20, 1842. New York, 1843. 8° . . . •Pph.v.383 COLCHKSTKR, lord. See Abbott, C. Colchis. Reise nach Kolciiis. Wagner, M. . . , 4244.24 See also: Caucasus. CoLn, Production ol'artiticial. M'alker, R. , , . Pph.v.3&3 Col.ni':N, <'. D. [Review of the letter addressed to C. D. ColiUn by W. A. Uuer.] New Y'ork, 1818. pp. 27. 8° *Pph.v.l9 CoLi-:, G. Trial of M. F. Ward, for the murder of W. H. G. Butler, April, 1854. Louisville, 1854. 8° 4289.43 COLE,K. Origin ofspinuing by rollers. SecFrenoh, G. J 2448.26 COLEBitooKE, H. T. Miscellaneous essays. Lon- don, 1837. 2v. 8° 4240.10 Coi-EMAN, L. Historical geogra])hy of the Bible. New ed., with additions. Phila., 1850. 8°. 0027.17 Coleman, T. The two thousand conlessors of six- teen hundred sixty-two. London, 1800. 12°. 3526.16 Coleman, W. S. Our woodlands, heaths, and hedges. With [0] colored illustrations. Lon- don, 1859. 10° 3869.20 COLEH, J.C. lllstoria G. Arnoldl. I'ricmissa est dissertatio de corruptoribus liist. Memoir of "W. M. Praed, See I'raed, W. M 2504.28 CoLERllHii'-,, lli'iiry N. Carmen Gra'cvm et carmen Latin\-m nvmisiinite iinnvo dignatvm, et In cvriiiCanlabrigieusirecitatvm. [Cambridge, 182U.] p|). 10. h" •Pph.v.S49 COLI'.UIDCU, llirbert. (ilossarial index to the print- ed ICiiglish iiteralure of the tlurteenth cen. tnry. London, l.s.'.ll. 8° 2688.9,10 — Progress and prospects of the ilictioiinry of the liliiloluginil society. .S'le Treuch, 1{. (\ . . 2686.8 COLi;uii>(iK, ,S'ir .L T. I'ublic school education: a lecture. 3d cd. Londou, 1801. 18* .... 3699.19 COLEUIDGE 123 COLLEZIONE Sholf. No. COLKRIDGK, S. T. Aids to roflection. I'lvliminary essay by .lanu'S Marsh. From the 4th Lou- don od. Kdited by U. N. Coleridge. Bur- lington, 1S4I). 8' , . 3504.4 — Biograplua'litcraria; or, my literary life and opinions. New York, 18:14. 8° 2555.30 — Literary remains. Collected and edited by H. N. Coleridge. London, ISHVSU. 4v. 8* . . *2504.4 — Oration on the death of. Sre Herand, J. A. . 4163,10 COLElUDGK, \Y. H. Sermon, preached Dec. 5, 1810, [on ■.; Tim. 4: 2]. Kxeter, n.d. *>" . . . *l'ph.v.349 — Sermon on the tleath of T. G. dure, rector of St. Andrew, Holborn. London, I.SIO. 8".*l'ph.v.349 Coles, G. Heroines of Slethodism. New York, [1857]. a" 5558.12 COLET, J. Short introduction of grammar for those that intend to attain the Latin tongue. London, 1745. sm.S" 4939a. 30 — - Same. [Preface by J. Ward.] London,180S. pp. 70. IS' 4939a. 31 — Sermon of conforming and reforming, 1511; with life, by Erasmus. [IMieuix, v. 2] . . . 4157.1 COLIGNY, Ci. de. Lebeu. [Schrockh, Allgemeiue Biographie, V. 3] 4143.0 COLLATio, or Collatino, F. A. De excidio Hieroso- lymitano, carminum libri iv. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. 12] B.110.2 COLLfe, C. (Euvres choisies. flditiou stereotype. Paris, 1819. 24" 4699a. 33 ContejUs. — Notice Snr Colle; DupuiB ct Des Ronaifl, comcdle ; La partie de chassc de Henri IV, comedie -, Chunsons. — Dupuiset Des Ronais, comedie. Nouv.^d. Par- is, 17S9. pp.44. 8° V. I of 2664. 12 — Dupuis et Des Konais; La partie de chasse de Henri IV. [Theatre franijais, v. 39] .... 4708.1 Colle, G. de. De idea, et theatro imitatricivra, et imitabilivm ad omnes intellectvs, facvltatcs, scientias, et artes. IMsavri, 1618. f * , . . . 4050,16 COLLEt-'riox of farces and entertainments, per- formed on the British stage. Supplement to the British theatre. Edinburgh, 1792. Gv. I2°.*2575.35 ConteiUa. — Vol. L Tho guardian, by D. Gorrick ; Tho Apprentice, by A. Murpby; The anatoniifit, or the shum doctor, by E. Ravenscrofl ; Florizel and Perdita, or tbo sheep-sbenrinp, altered from Shakespeare, by D. Gar- Hck ; High life below stairs, by D. Garriok ; The mock doctor, or tho dumb lady cur'd, by H. Fioldinp:; Taste, by S. Foote; The upholsterer, or what nt-ws'.' by A. Murphy ; Lethe, or .iisop in the shades, by L>. Garrick ; The knights, by S. Footer Tho deuce is in him, by G. Coleman; The nultan, or a peep into the seraglio, by L Biekcrstaff; The chaplct, a musical entertainment, by M. Mender; Miss in her teens, or the medley of lovera, by D. Garrirk. II. The mayor of Garratt, by S. Foote; The reprisal, or the tars of Old England, by T. Smollet ; The devil to pay, or the wives metamorphos'd, by C. Coffey; The lying* valet, by D. Garrick; The \-irgin un- maek'd, by H. Fielding: The liar, by S. Foote; The cunning man, a musical entertainment, by C. Bumey; The old maid, by A. Murphy ; Thomas and Sally, or the boilor's return, by I. Bickerstatf ; Crononhotonthologos, by H. Carey; Neck or nothing, by D. Garrick; The lot- tcrj-, by H. Fieldintc ; The musical lady, by G. Coleman ; Midas, a burletta, by K. O'Uara. III. The citizen, by A- Murphy; The toy-shop, by H. Dodslcy; The golden pippin, by K. O'llara; Tho Englishman in Paris, by S. Foote ; The Englishman retum'd from Paris, by S. Foole; The intriguing chnraber-maid, by H. Fielding; Polly Honeycombe, by G, Coleman; Captain O'Blunder, or the brave Irishman, by T. Sheridan ; The author, by 9. Foote ; The miller of Mansfield, by R. Dodsley ; The padlock, by 1. BickerBtatT; Catharine and Pelruchio, by D. Garrick; The register office, by J. Reed; Cymon, altered from D. Garrick. IV. The tvvini*, or which Is which? altered from the comedy of errors, by W. Woods ; The deserter, by C. Uibdin; The commissary, by 8. Foote ; Edgar and Emmeline, by J. HawkesAvorth ; The rival candidates, by H. Bate [Dudley]; Three weeks after marriage, or what we must all come to, by A. Murphy; Bon ton, or high life above stairs, by D. Gar- rick ; ComuB, altered from Milton, by G. Coleman, sen- ; The orators, by S. Foote ; All the world"* a stage, by I. Jackman : The contrivances, by H. Carey ; Flora, or Hob in the well, by C. Cibher; The spirit of contradiction, by [Mr. Uich], a gentleman of Cambridge ; The patron. Collection of farces, etc., contimted. by S. Foole ; IJuoks have at ye nil, by b. Garrick. V. The Irish widow, by 1>. Garrick ; Tho what d'ye call It, by J. Gtiy ; Dragon of Wontley, by H. Cnrt^y ; Tho minor, by S. Foole; Trick ujion trick, or the vintner in the suds, [by J. Yarrow]; Dr. Last fu his ohnviot, tronslnled from Moliiro's Malade imaginairc, by I. Bickerstali". ui^ somo ni'w scenes by 8. Foote; The boarding sciiy 1. Biekerstatf ; The maid of tlie oaks [by J. Burgoync], altered into an after- piece of two acta, by a gentlenuin of the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh; Amintas, [an alteration from Roll's Itoyal shepherd, by Tenducci] ; Lilliput, by D. Garrick ; The recruiting Serjeant, by I. Bickerstaff; The rehearsal, by G. VilHers, the duke of BuckiTi(:ham, altered into an after-pieco of three acts, by U. Wilson. Collection of letters on freemasonry. Boston, 1849. 8* B.170.27 College. Atkinson, W. P. Letter to a young man who ha.s just entered college. 3599. .3, and U. 170b. 100 — Pycroft, J. Collegian's guide 2490.33 — Verplanek, G. C Right moral influence and use of liberal studies 3587.7 Colleges. See Society for the promotion of colle- giate and theological education at the TVest. Collet, P. La vie de St. Viuceut de Paul. Nancy, 1748. 2v. 4' *6051.10 CoLLEZiONE degli erotici greci tradotti in volgare. CrisopoU [Flreuze], 1814-17. 6v. 8" . . . *B.162.3 Contents. — Vol. I. Gli amori di Lencippe e Clitofonte di Acbille Tazio volgarizzati da Angel o Coccio. illustrat! e correttidal prof. S. Ciampi. II. Gli^mori pastoral! di Dafni eCloe d! Longo SoSsta, tradotti in italiano dal A. ^ Curo, col supplement© tradotto dal prof. S. Ciampi; Gil amori di Abrocome e d' Anzia [opera di Senofonte Efe- sio], volgarizzati da A. M. Salvini, emendaH da E. Q.Vis- conti. III. Gli amori di CbereaeCalHrroe di Cnritone Af- rodisieo, volgarizzati da GiacoraelH. IV. Gli amori d' Is- menio e d" Ismine di Eustazio, libri xi ridotti in Italiano da L- Carani ; Lettere dl Ariatcneto, tradotte da un acca- demico florentino, [Giulio Periut]. V, y\. Gli nraori di Teagene o di Carichia di Eliodoro, tradotti da L. Ghini. Collezioxe di tutti i poemi in lingua napoletana. Napoli, 1783-89. 28v. 18* *4799a.l CoiUents. — Vol. I. La tiorba a taccone de F. Sgmt- tcndio. Il-rv. Opere di G. C. Corteee. V. Laciucceide, poemma di N. Lombardi. VI, VII. Opere di B. Valenti- no. VIII-XI L'Eneide di Virgilio Marone, traaportato in ottava rima napoletana da G. C. Sitillo. XII. II pas- tor fldo di Guarini, trad, 'n lengua napoletana da D. Bastle. XIII, XIV. La Glerosalemme Hbberata de lo (do T. Tasso, votata a llengua napoleUina da G. Fasano. XV. Poesie napoletane, maccaroniche et safiriche di N. Capasso. XVI. L'Agnano ZetTonnato poemma aroico, e la malatia d' Apollo, idillio d'A. Ferniccio; La epor- chia de lo bbene, o sia 1' Aosanza posta ncanzona da S. Nova, XVII. Le Bbinte rotola de lo Valanzone do N. Fagano ; Batracomiomachia d'Omero, trad, da N. Pagano. XVIIl. Mortella d'Orzolone, poemma arrojeco de K. Pagano ; Canzone ; La Fenizia, chelleta tragecom- mcca de N. Pagano. XIX, La mezacanna co lo vascicllo de I'Arbascia; La cecala napoHtana, e nnapolo scontra- fatto de T.Valentino. XX, XXI. II pontamL»rone del cav. G. B. Basile ; XXI. Le muse napoletane del mcJesimo. XXJI. La violejeda ; Lo ppoveaie de J. A. Parmiero ; La posillechejata do M. Reppone. XXJII. Le opere di G. d'Antonio. XXIV. Opere inedite di varj autori; La ba- tracomraiomachia, trad, da F. Mazzarella Farao ; La boccoleca de Vergilio. XXV. La Georgeco de Vergilio. XXVI, XXVII. Vijcabolario napotetano, opera postuma del conslg. F. Galiani. XXVIll. Del dialetto napoletauo del medesimo Galiani, edlzlone seconda. COLLIE 124 COLOMBO Shelf. Ko. Collie, D. The Chinese classical work, commonly called the Four Books. Translated and illus- trated with notes, n.p., 1S3S. 8° 4244.2 ContenU. — Ta Heo. compilecl by T&an^ Tsze, from Con Aicius and others ; Chung Yuup, or Golden medium, compijfd by Runfr Keih; Lun Tu, dialogrues between Confucius and his disci pies; Sbang Mungand UeaMung of Mung Tsze, or Mei Collier, A. Claris universalis; or, a demonstra- tion of the impossibility of an external world; True philosophy: a discourse on Genesis 1: 1. [Parr. Metaphysical tracts] 6092.2 COLLiKK, John. The works of Tim Bobbin, with a memoir of the author, by J. Corry ; and Tum- mus and Meary in simple Englisli, by E. Rid- ings. Manchester, 1S62. 8" 45Sr>.l Collier, John F. Military law. See Pipon, J. K. 3635. .32 Collier, John P. Ancient biographical poems, on the duke of Norfolk, viscount Hereford, the earls of Essex, and queen Elizabeth. [Lon- don], 1855. pp. 2r>. 8m.4''. [Camden society, No. 61] *2426.5 — Reply to Mr. Hamilton's "inquiry" into the imputed Shakespeare forgeries. London, 1660. pp. 72. 8° 2593.6 — Inquiry into Collier's annotated Shakspere. AVe Hamilton, N. E. S. A 2593.4,5 — MS. notes of the Perkins folio shown to be re- cent. 5ee Ingleby, C. M 2598.27 ~~ Review of the iShakspearian controversy. See Hardy, T. D 2593.7 Collin, H. S.,and Schlyter, C. J. Codex juris Ves- trogotici, cum glossariis. Stockholm, 1827. 4". 4301.9 Collin de Plancy, J. A. S. D. Dictionnaire infer- nal des etres, des Hvres, etc., qui tiennent aux apparitions, etc. 4eid. Bmxelles, 1845. 1.8°. *G032.1 Collin-HaklevilCe, J. F. Le vieux et*Iibataire, comedle en cinq actes et en vers. Paris, 1801. .pp.92. 8° v.3of2fi64.12 — L'inconstant ; L'optimiste; Les chateaux en Espagne ; Mons. de Crac dans sou petit cas- tel ; Le vieux celibataire ; Malice pour malice. [Tlieatre fran9ais. V. 17] 4708.1 Collins, A. Kecherches philosophiques sur la Ub- erte de rhomme. See Des 5Iiii/eaux, 1*. , . 4189a. 8 •Collins, G. Great Britain's coasting pilot. Lon- don, 1749. pp.26. 48 plates, roy.f " . . .*B.180a.l Collins, J. A. Right and wrong amongst the ab- olitionists of the United States. With an introductory letter by H. Martinejiu; and an appendix. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1841. pp.76. 8°. 5572.12 Collins, R. Essay on the treatment and manage- ment of slaves. Macon, Ga., 1852. pp.22. 8°. B. 160. Ill Collins, William, b. 1720, d. 1756. MiscuUaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 9] 4604.1 Collins, William. Memoirs of a picture, including a sketch of George Morland. London, 1805. 3v. 12' 4065.25 COLLINSON, J. I-ife of Thuanus, with some account of his writings, and the jireface to his history. London, 1807. 8* 2664.15, and 2655.12 CoLLiNSON, v., Memoirs of. See Lettsom, J. C. . 3735.7 Cl mododndovun-|»l tvncre plil clio si pu6; CoiiHidenizlonl hitorno nlln condutia jioco itIiiii(iU)iU' tcnuin dii nnul, UncU-r nt*l suo Illiro drUt cnfflunl dvllii corrur.lonv del (TiiaIo; Dilln ii'imclii't not sonlriicn' U> liroprii- optnfiiiil ; IllHcorna liilomo nil' ninniiii'Ntninu-nto I'lio |ii opt>r« dl N. Mnctiinvflll ; ltolur.Uiiui dvlla roUtinln rnminlniia, dclla rlntnniim dvltn n)cdoi>lM)a; Itafrliinnnicnto noprn In xv Atnnra del cniilo acHto di'lla Ocru«nlomnio lltj<>n)ln di>l Thnho; i'tncrvRr-tonl Inturno air eiiUodIo ill Horriinln ed Olliido, ohu U'fDrcsl iioIIr Geniiinlcmnio liluTnta did Tannu ; Connidirraxlonff toprft una tli'llu i-onHiirc fnlto dol (.iiiMlcl nl auddt-ttu poemai Ilttlnzluni^ di'lla ropiibbllni di-l Cadniltl ; l(iiarli>iinmcnto tntorno nllu dlHronllv Ivttcrniio d'otrirldl; VlapK' dl P. rorctvjuolo. IL 'rraltntolll tradotli iliilln llniriin miila- bnrka nell' ha I lit nn fiivolla ; Tro novt'llt* dl A. ritcliiiioi UlofTlo dl K. Porta; Xotlzic dl C. A. di'll' AnitulHnra ; Lolli-ra hiluriin ud nicunv Hpcflo dl anlmiiMnl at|iiiit1cl OMkurvniI out iiik-voiii'DpIo; 1)ih< IvUith i>u|ji'n itui> hiu|rlil di-l Ili-fanmrono dol lluccncflo; Lcltcin millii cdlzlono coMilnliina di'tfll Avvcroarli uiiuloiidrl del Morgatrnl ; Lcttora Intonio ftlla prima edlzlono dallo ooao %-olgurl dl C0L05IB0 125 COMPANION Sholf. Ko. Colombo, JI., continued. A. I'olizirtnrt; Pri'ritlione til cntnlopo dl nlcnno opor« itltiiienti nUt> flcii-n)!o, nlle art], e ni) nitrl biso^i dell' uonirt. f fc. ; St'l itoiu'tii til vnrio arpomento; Di nlnini fulij di Bliiinpa ohc i\ trovano in edizfoni riputallsslmr ; Catalogo di ati-uiif ypi-ro altinpnti alle sciciizr, atle ■rti, e ad allri blsof^iil d^-U' uumu, Iv quali, (iiiuntunc|iie non dtatp nol vocabolario dclla Cniaca, incritano qual- ch© coniiidurntluiie; Niita dl alcunv opcre Nclentitlcbe cc. atre ad airicciiirL' il vocabolario: Letturn Bcritta In- torno alia Grnisalomme Uberata diTasso; Lettera ad un (Hovaiie ; Frnnimonto coiist-rvatoci di G-. Zambeccarl deli' iGtorla delle aiipwHlc icritta da F. Redi ; Diccria In difoBa dvllo acrlvcre con purezsa ; 11 ^uoco dpRlI scac- chl, trad, dair Ingleae. Coi-ONXA, A. Judicium de eis qua? Baronius de mo- narchia Sicilijc seripsit. [Gra;vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. .■!] 4710.1 COI.OXNA, P. Vita. See (iiovio, P 2800.7 COLONNA, V. Kime, pubblicate con la vita della medesimadaP. E. Visconti. Roma. 1S40. l.«°. 2771.18 — Sonetti. [Gironi. Kaccolta di lirici italiaui] . 4808.8 — £tude 8ur. .^ee Lannau-KoIIand, A 2789.14 COLOR-FiiI.NTIXG. Kurrer, W. H. V. Entdeckuiifrcn in dem Gebietc dcr Uruck- und Fiirbekunst . 4016.10 — Melloni, M. La thermochrose ou la coloration calorifique 396.'). 22 Colors. Portal, P. P.P. Descouleurssymboliques. 4060.23 — Wilkinson, J. G. On colour . 40C6.26 CoLOSSKtM. Dcir anfitcatro liavio di Roma. Ma- rangoni, G 4950.23 CoLOUR-BUNDNES-s, Researches on. Wilson, G.. 4006.25 COLI'OHTAGE. Histoipe de la littcrature du ciilpor- tage dcpuis le xve siicle. Nisard, M. E. C. 2195.11 COLQUIloux, p. Treatise on indigence ; with propo- sitions for ameliorating the condition of the poor. London, 1806. 8** 3570.49 COLTON, A. S. Missions conducted bj" the London missionary society, in tlie .Society, Georgian, and Friendiy Islands. Philadelphia, 18.30. 16°.5439a.20 COLTOS, C. Religious slate of the country; with reasons for preferring episcopacy. 2d ed. New York, IKiC. 12° 3547.18 COLU.MBANLS. Carmen nionostichon et epistola. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 1] 4140.3 — Regula monastica.sermones, cpistolre, poemata. [.Ma.xima bibliotli. vet. patr., V. 12) B.110.2 COLUMBU, Haps of the district of. See United *"»'" Columbian centinel. See Massachusetts centinel. C'lLUMBUS, psf-Mrf. Letters of. Sfc Orne, H. . . Pph.v.78 Columbus, Ohio. Lathrop's directory, containing a history of the city, [by W. T. CoggeshallJ. Columbus, [1S(12J. 8' 4385.5 COLCMELLA, L. J. M. De re rustica libri xii et liber de arboribus. [Gessner. Scriptores rei rustica;, v. 2] B.178.6 COLUTHUS. '.KfTniyn 'EAu'tjs. See Aristophanes . 2977.9 — - Same, .^ee Quintus .Smyrnjeus B. 169a. 4 — De raptu Helenae, Gr. et Lat. interp. .S. Urbe- lio. [Lect. PoetEC Grieci, v. 1] 4200.7 — L'enlfevement d'Hclfene. (Falconnet. Petits poemes grecs] B.161.2 — Rape of Helen. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 13] i&H.l CoLVER, N. The fugitive slave bill : a sermon, Oct. 20, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8° B.lflOa.43 COMBEB, T. Companion to the temple; or, a help to devotion in the use of the Common prayer. Oxford, 1S41. 7v. 8° 3448.20 Contenlt. — Vol, I. Morning and evening prayer. II. Of the litan.v, with the occasional prayere and thanks- glvinga. III. Of the communion office, with the offices of baptism, catechism, and confirmation. IV. Of tlia occasional offices. V. History of liturgies; Discourse on the offlcea for Nov. 5. Jan. .-JO, and May 29. VI. The or- dination and consecration servicea. VII. Exposition of the Lord's prayer ; discourse of excommunication ; Dialogue about tithes. Combes, C. P. SI. Geniecivil, architecture, etc. re- latifs au.x constructions. [France. Commis- sion snr Tindustrie des nations, v. 3, p. 1] . . 4029.20 Shelf. No. COMEDiA del sacrificio de gli intronati. Eistampata. Venetia, 15li7. sin. 12° 4809a.37 COMEDiA intitolata .Sine nomine. Fiorenza, 1574. 8™-*>° 4809a.24 Co.MEDY. Cailhava d'Estendoux, J. F. Do Part de la comt-die 4706.10 — Conti, A. de Bourbon de. Traits de la conrfdie, selon la tradition de I'eglise 4706.8 — Riccoboiii, L. Observations sur la comidie . 4695.26 COMKS Natalis. See Conti, N. COMET of 1744, Description of the. Ilcinsius, G. . E. 106. 15 Comet of 1858, Account of the, by G. P. Bond. See Cambridge, JIass. Harvard college. Annals of the observatory v. 3of E.144.8 Cometa.s. Epigrammata. [Bruuck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. .3] B.lfi2.7 COMET.s. Arago, D. F. J. Popular treatise on . '. 39'24'24 — Description of the nature and motions of . . Pph.v..364 — Kepler, J. De cometis libelli tres 3922.21 — Marchetti, A. Dclla natura delle comete . . . 3921 6 CoMETTANT, O. Musique et musiciens. Paris, 1862. 1'2° ' 4046.40 Comic songs. Turner, J. W ggjj ,2 COMIC writers. Lectures on English. Hazlitt, W. 2556 18 C0.MING contraband. The; a reason against the emancipation proclamation not given by Mr. Justice Curtis. New 'i'ork, 1862. pp. 21. 12°!-4.324.30 CoMiNO.G. Lastamperiacominiana. See 'Volpl.c! 2114.27 CoMLY, J. English grammar made easy. 2d ed' Philadelphia, 1,8(15. 24° ' yjgg j, COMMENDONE, G.P\,cn;-rf. Orazione in difesa d'al- cuni scolari dello studio di Padova. [Raccol- ta di prose italiane, v. 21 4808.10 CoMMENTAiiiu.s capta? vrbis [Roma?], dvctore Ca- rolo Borbonio, authoris innominati. Poijm- atiaduo [J. Camerarii] : Carolus, sive '^''ien- na, Carolus, sive Tunete. Anastasij [tic] De origine Tvrcarvm, J. B. Egnatij libel- lus. Parisiis, 1639. pp. 32. sra.8° »3085 28 Commerce. Ahn, F. French commercial letter- 7"" .- • 4688..31 — - German commercial letter-writer 4ggj) ,3 — Encyclopadie fur Kaufleute. See Allgeme'in'e Encyclopadie, etc ~^, „ — Guillaumin, U. G. Dictionnaire universel du C. 5682 1 — Hoftmann, F. L. Katolog der Commerz-Biblio- tl»"k 2170 16 — Hoffmann, W. Die Gesehichte des Handels . 429o!28 — Rottner, A. LehrbuchderContorwissenschaft. 368-3 9 — .Schedel, J. C. Allgemeines Waaren-Lexicon.' 5683 3 — Ustariz, G. de. Theory and practice of . . . .' 30559 — Wiichter, O. Wechsellehre '_ 3^52 io Set also: Business. CojiMERCiAL law. Code of. Beawes, TV ^^2 10 Commercial tables. Hartshorn, J '.'.'. 35112 CoM.MODiANUS. Instructiones, adversus gentium deos, pro Christiana disciplina. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 27] B 110 2 — - .Same. [Gersdorf. Bibliothcca patr., v. 7] i 60399 CojisiON-PLACE book. . See Lounger 2246'9 Common prayer. Book of *<; England, Church'of. Common school controversy; three letters of Th' Mann ] in reply to the Christian witness, [and] extracts from the daily press. Boston, 1844. PP- 55. 8° ■ jjgg J Coinioxs (Common fields). Essay on divided . . . 3992.12 — Homer, H. Method of ascertaining the shares of proprietors upon the inclosure of ... . 3992 j2 CoMNENA, A. L'histoire de I'empereur Alexi,s. [Cousin. Histoire de Constantinople, v. 4] . 2961.2 COM.NENU.S, J. 'Lnxm AuuKpcovTiioi. [Boissonade. AnecdotaGrzeca, V. 3] B 161 3 COMPAGNI, D. Copiosi brani dclla sua cronaca. [Albi^ri. Tesoro della prosa italiana] . . .'2771.20 Co5ii>ANiON to the altar: shewing the nature and' necessity of a sacramental preparation. 19th ed. London, 1747. pp. 66. 8° '•6014.4 Co.Mi'ANiON to the Edinburgh museum. 2d ed. Glasgow, 1808. pp. 78. 12° *Pph.T 364 COMPARATIVE 126 CONFESSIONAL Shelf. No. Co5iPAR.\Tr\'E anatoTny and physiology. Berard, 1'. H. Cours de physiologie .1765.30 — Blumenbach,.I.F. Elements of physiology . 3763.16 — Kurdaeh, C. F. Physiologie conime science d'observation 3764.14 — Catalogue of the osteological series in the mu- seum of the college of surgeons. See London. 3812.1 Catalogue of the physiological series in the museum of the college of surgeons. See London 3812.3 Pay, G.E. Chemistry in relation to physiology. 3977.6 Ebie, B. Versucli einer Geschichte der Physio- logic, 1800-35 3753.2 Flourens, M. J. P. Ontologie naturelle . . . 37<>9.7 — Hammond, TT. A. Physiological memoirs . . 3765.29 Hunter,.!. Essays on anatomy 3903.24 Lawrence, AY. Introduction to 5887.1 — Jlolescliott, J. Naturlehre des Menschen und derThicre 4267.15 _ Physiologic des Stoffwechsels 4276.5 Osteological specimens in the British museum. 5cc London. British museum 5899.14 Thomson,'!. Chemistry of animal bodies . . 3977.12 — Vogt, C. Physiologische Briefe 3761.5 — Wagner, R. Handworterbuch der Physiologic. 3761.7 — - Icoues physiologicae 3740.-30 — - Lelirbuch der verglcichenden Anatomic . . 38t<5.22 — - Lehrbuch der speziellen Physiologic . . . . 3761.8 See aUo: Embryology, Generation, Histology, Mons- trosities, Organic ehemistry. Compass. Barker, M.H. The mariner's compass. .3951.24 Cameron,!*. Variationsof thecompassrectitied. 3952.25 CoMPLETli list of the American navy for 1813; and Steel's list of the navy of Great Britain for 1813. Boston, 1S13. 10° 4329a. 40 CoMPLTATios. Layton, F. A. Instant reckoner. 5683.7 Mariage, A.' Numeration par huit ancienne- ment en usage par toute la terre 3936.30 See aleo: Recbimer. COMSTOCK, F. G. Culture of silk. Hartford, 1836. 12° 4003.38 CoMSTOCK, John L. Introduction to the study of botany. 13th ed. New York, 1830. 12° . . 3859.23 Introduction to mineralogy. 3d ed.. Improved. New York, 1S37. 8° 3869.26 CoiisTOfK, Joshua. Life, written by himself. Providence, 1822. pp. 8. 8° 4129.85 CoJlTE, F. C. L. Traitc de legislation. 3e ed. Bru.x- clles, 18.37. 1.8° 4285.2 Traite de la propriete. Paris, 1834. 2v. S° . 4280.5 •COMTi;, I. A. M. F. S.. Calcndrier positiviste, on systcme general de commemoration publiquc. 3c ed. Paris, 1851. pp. .39. 8° 4306.11 — Cours de philosophic positive. Paris, 1830-42. Cv. 8° *0I04.7 Content*. — Vol. I. Les pr61imlnairos (K'n&mux ot la ]>tll1osophie matlienintiquo. II. La phllosoplilt, ostro- uonilquo et la pliilniioiiliic d« la ph}-Hl(|uu. III. l,u phi- loaophie cliimlquo ct la philosophie blologiqne. IV. Ln phllosolihtc soclalo et lea conchislona (renerulra. V. La partie liUtori(j»io do la phlloaophio soelule, on tout CO qui eonccmo I'ttal tlitoloiylque ot I'tlat mitapliy- ■tque. VI. Le complement de la pblloaophio suclale, et Icn conclunlona generulea. Discours prononcti aux funt^'railles de Blain- ville. [No title-page] n.p., [IB-W). pp.11. 4°. 0091.4 — Systtme de poHtiiiue positive, ou traltti de socl- ologic. Paris, IMSI-.Vl. 4v. «° 4285.10 — Tralti'-(-lemcntalredegcomitrle. Pari.i.lM.I. «°. 427S.17 KeUKons for dis-ieuting from tlie philOHO]iliy of. Six Spencer, li 2121.7 COXAHT, II. C. The English Bible. UUtoryoftlie tr»ii»lBtlon of the Holy Scriptures Into the EiiKllsh tongue. New York, llv'ir. 12° . . . S420.3 CONANT, I'. J. Kxereiscs in Hebrew grammar, and ochreBtomathy. lloMon, 18:19. pp. On. h° . •4120.3 COIfOANKN, M. Letter to W. tiarrow, on the sub- ject of his illiberal behaviour to the author, n.p., (17UI1]. b° •Pph.v.348 Shelf. No. CONCEKTIXA, Instructions for the German. Wil- liams, W 8052.41 Concertina without a master. Ditson.0 8052.40 CONCESSIONS and compromises. Philadelphia, l^iO. pp- 14. 8° 4310a.36 CONCHOLOGY. Catalogue of the bivalve shells in the British museum. See London. British museum 5879. S — Gualtieri, N. Index testarum conchyliornm . 38.D.1 — Keeve, L. Elements of 3872.3 See also: America, Fomminifera, Mollnsea. Concise examinations of certain supernaturalisms of the Bible, as commonly understood. By Christianus. New York, 1856. pp. .33. 12° . B. 160b. 5 Concord, ^fasx. Discourse on the second centen- nial anniversary. Emerson, R. W 2.357.28 Concord pocket almanack, for 1811 : and register of New Hampshire from June 1810 to June 1811. Concord, n.d. 12° 4389a.22 Concordance to the Scriptures. See Bible. Old Tes- tament, (Hebrew); New Testament, (Greek). CONCORDANTI.E maiores \'trivsqTe Instrvmenti. Apvd inclytam Basileam, 1521. f°. [Black letter] »5430.4 CoNCORDio, B. da S. Ammaestramenti degli an- tielii, raccolti e volgarizzati. BlUano, 1808. 8°. [Classici itali.ini, V. 21] **4801.7 — Gli ammaestramenti degli anticbi, [estratti]. [Albt'l-i. Tesoro delta prosn italiann] . . . 2771.20 Concrete. L'art de batiren biton. Lebiun.F. M. 4102.12 COND!-;, Henri II de Bourbon, i^n'nre fte. Discours de la naissance et vie de. 5t'c Fiefbi-un, R. deC.de 4619.8 CONDft, J. A. Histoire de la domination des Ara- bes et des Maures en Espagne et en Portug.al. Ki^digcie par M. [Lacroix] de Marlfes. Paris, 1825. .3v. 8° > . . . . 4243.2 CoNDET, or Condi-, J. de. Gedichte, herausgegeben von A. Tobler. Stuttgart, IWiO. h°. [Stutt- gart.. Bibliothek liter. Vereins, V. 54] . . . *42.35.1 CoNDiLLAC, E. B. de. (Euvres. [Publics par Ar- noux ct Mousnier.] Paris, 1798. 23v. S° . ♦4198.1 Contetai. — Vol. I. Essai sur I'origine des eonnois- oances humalnes. II- Trailfe des systfmes. III. Trait6 des sensations; Dissertation Bnr la liberie; Tmlte doa animaux- IV- Commerce et pouvernenient- V- La grammitire- VI- An do nenser- VII. Art d'f'criro. VIII. Art de vaisonner- IX-XIV. lUstoiro ancionne. XV-XX. Ilistoirc niodcrne. X.\I. I^tudo de I'histoire. XXII- Logique- XXUl- Langne des calculs. CONDIT, J. B. Education at the West ; in its claims on the church. A discourse betore the Soci- etv for collegiate and theological education at the West. New York, 1849. 8° . . V. 1 of •6596.1 CONESTABii.K, G. C. Iscrizionl etrusche e etrusco- hitine. Filenze, 1858. 2v. 4° •2740.10 — Delia vita, degli sludi, e delle opere dl Vermig- lioli. See Vermiglioli, G. B 2740.11 CONEHTAOc.io di Franchi, (J. Historic of tlie vnit- iiig of the kingilom of I'ortvgall to the crowne ofCastill. [Translated by E. Blount.] Lon- don, 1000. sm.f •3091.10 Xde. — Spanish outhon claim tids Sllva, count of Portaie^o. ivork for Juan do CONFEKENCEon missions held in 1860 at Liverpool, Papers read, conclusions reached, etc. Lon- don, I860. s° 3636.6 CONFlCRENCKS sur Ics prlncipos de la foi reformiie prgohtjes k Geutivc en Stars et Avril, 1853. 2e " v. 1 of 0330. 7 — - Same, for 1803. New Haven, 1803. 8° . v. 3 of 0330.7 — Catalogue of the Ist-llth regiments Connecticut volunteers. Hartford, 1801, 62. 2v. 8° . 4310a. 37,38 — - Same. 12th and 13th regiments. Hartford, 1802. pp.45. J^' v. 1 of 0336. 8 — - Same. 14th-28th regiments. Hartford, 1862. 8" V. 2 of 6336.8 — Public documents. May session, 1862. Hart- ford, 1862. 8° *033G.6 — Report on the geological sur%-ey. By C, U. Shepard. New Haven, 1837. 8° 3807.10 — De Forest,.!. W. History of the Indians of , 2.306.32 — Green, S. Register for 1801 4389a. 14 — Hinmau, R. R. Royal letters, 1635-1749 . . . 2.336.28 — Pease, J. C. Gazetteer of 2382.6 — Peters, S. History of 23-30.20 — Swift, Z. Laws of 3010.18 See aUo: East Haven, Farmin^on, Fatrfleld, tlnrt- ford, Harwinloii, Miildtesex Co., New Uaveu, Norwicb, SImsbury', Wiudvor. SlM^lf. No. CoNNECTici'T business directory. By George Ad- ams. Boston, 1850. 1.8" 4385.2 CONNECTKTT cimiuion school journal. Vol. 1. Hartford, 18:18,39. 4' 7591.1 CoNNictTicuT general association. Contributions to the ecclesiastical history of [the state]. New Haven, iNil, 8" 3543.4 — Psalms and hymns, for Christian use and wor- ship. New Haven, 1860. 12* 5449.6 CONNECTICUT register for 1852. Hartford. [1852]. 24" 4389a.l5 CONNECTICUT river, I^-hnographs from the sand- stone of. Deane, J. . . . •. 5803.10 Connelly, T. Gramatica que contiene reglas fa- ciles para pronunciar, y apreuder la lengua iuglesa. 2a ed. Madrid, 1791. sm.8'' . . . *417S.8 — and Higgius, T. Diccionario de las lenguas espafiola e inglesa. Parte 2a. Inglesa y Es- pai'iola. Madrid, 1797. 2v. 4° *5030.9 Connexion between industry and property. Exe- ter, [Eng., 179S]. 8" *Pph.v.344 CONOLLY, M. F. Life and writings of W. Tennant. [With his] anecdotes of the ancients. Lou- don, 1861. 18° 2546.18 CONON Grammaticus. Narrationes quinquagiuta. Gra;c^ et Latinfe. [Gale. Historiie poeticse scriptOres anti, [et] F. Tvrriani prolego- mena et explanutiones. [Omnia Gra!co.] Veuetiis, 1563. sni.4°. [Uncommon Greek character] 3463.41 — - Same. Textum Gr.-ecum recognovlt, etc. G. ijltzen. 8uerini, 18.53. 8' 6040.24 _ .Same. Constitutions or decrees of the holy apostles. London, ls51. p.h° 6075.16 Constitutioncs apostolorum, Gr. et Lat. (Co- teller. Ss. patrum apostol. opera, v. 1] . . . 0020.2 — DailK', J. Ue libris octo constitutionuni apos- tolicanun apocryphis ," ' ' •^•127.6 Fragnienta constitutionuni apostolicarum. [Grabc. Spicilegiuin .Ss. patruni] 0029.3 — .Wedgwood, It. Essay on the constitutions or decrees of I he apostles 6075.16 Construction, Mechanics of. Fenwick, S. . . . 4095.0 Construction of the Latin versegrainmar. For the use of Westiniuster-school. London, 1779. pp. 78. 8m.I2° 4939a. 15 CONSCi.Aii system of the United StnteB. See United States. Dipartment of slate C. 162.20 Consuls. Clercq,A.de. Formulalre des clinncel- lerlcs cousulalres 361(1.6 Mlltltz, A. de. iMnnuel des consuls 5618.6 CoNSUMl'TioN. liowditch, U. I. Consumption in New England •>'^<^-- Howe, .I.M. Consumption curable . . . .B.170b,106 _ Consumption cured by inlmhition .... B. 100b. 34 Jackson, .). C. Consumption ; how to prevent it, and how to cure It 379-1.38 — La Forme, F.J. Treullse on iiulmonnry C. . B.inob.58 — Smith, E. CoiiHumptlon,iI« remediable singes. 3794.13 «.« alto: riilliM". T.|I» n ulo.ln. CONTAJJINA, I.u, In corlc-, drumnm glocoso per mu- •Ica. [Itulliin and Portuguese.] Llaboua, 1764. »m.(i°. (UrBmml varle, V. 2) •■f7»9.17 Sfaeir. No. Contagion. Bodei, A. SuU' influenza contagioso- epidemica 3806.28 — Hoh, T. Gift und Kontagium 3787.22 — Kraus, F. Schutzmittel gegen die Contagien. 3808.10 Contanseau, L. Dictionary of the French and English languages. 4th ed. London, 18(10. 8". *2GS4.9 CoNTARl.si, Francesco, b. 1421. Commentariorum de rebus in Hetruria a Senensibus gestis, libri tres. [Grajvius. Thes. antiq. Hal., T. 8, p. 2] 4710.1 CONTARINI, Francesco, |7 (/loraHC, 17th century. La fidft ninfa, fauola pastorale. Venetia, 1598. sm.S" •JSOga.SS CONTARINI, G. De repvblica Venetorvm libri V. Ed. 2a. Ludg. Batavorvm, lO.'S. sm.Ili" . . *4199a.9 — - Same. [Gravius. Thes. antiq. Hal., T. 5, p. 1] 4710.1 CONTARINI, P. Memoriale veneto, 1848, 49. [Docu- menti della guerra santa d'ltalia, V. 3] . . . 471S.9 Contemporaries. Cantii, I. L'ltalia scientifica contemporanea 2743.6 — Dictionary of contemporary biography .... 2242.5 Contentment, Essay on I'ph.v.371 CoNTI, Armand de Bourbon, prince de. Traite de la comedie et des spectacles, selon la tradi- tion de I'eglise. [Fr. et Lat.] Paris, 1667. 2v. in 1. 8° **4706.8 CoNTi, A. Sulla liberazione d'ltalia, al clero ital- iano. Genova, 1859. pp.70. p.S° 4718.11 CONTI, G. de'. Sonelli. [Gironi. Raccolta di lirici ilaliani] 4808.8 CoNTI, N. de'. MythologijE libri x. Accessit G. Linocerii mvsarvm mythologin, et Erndi- tissimiE mvlhologi.-e A. Tritonii. Patavii, 1037. sm.4° *0072.: — Vnlversa; historia? svi temporis libri XXX, [1545 -81]. Venetiis, 1581. f° »4160.4 CONTINENTAL harmony, designed for "Old folks' concerts." Boston, [1857]. obl.8° 8047.20 CONTINENTAL monthly. Devoted to literature and national policy. New York, 1802, 63. 4v. 8°. *7317.1 Continental vocalists' glee book. Huntington, C. AV 8047.9 CoNTZEN, L. Die Wanderungen der Kelten. Ge- kronte Priesschrift. Leipzig, 1861. 8° . . . 2825.10 Conversations of Emily. See Epiuay, L. F. P. T. d' 4690a. 34 CONVERSATI0N.S-LEXIKON. Allgemeine deutsche Keal-Encyklopiidie. 8le Aufl. Leipzig, Brock- haus, l8:!:i-37. 12v. 8° •4;37.1 Con/(^n/». — Vol. I. A— lil. II. Bo— Cz. 111. D— Eji. IV. F—Gz. V. H— Iz. VI.K-Lz. Vll. M— Nz. VIII. O— Q. IX. R— Schu. X. Schw— Sz. XI. T— V. XII. W— Z. Naclitriigo. Same. 1S51-55. lOte Aufl. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 16v. In 10. 8" M132.1 CoiKcius.— Vol. I. A— Atlas. II. Atm— Blutffof. III. Blulirold— Covnl. IV. Cpvon— Deiitm-Iild. V. I>oulBch — Fi'iiii-rn. VI. IVniKiT— Ooihvln. VII. TioeA— lluf- gvT. Vlll. llJJfk— Kirvlu-nbonn. IX. KlrclH-nbilch— LiinJ. X. I.tlncb— MyuB. XI. N— Perth. XII. rortlicn — Rhr. XIII. Rlira— Koolo. .\IV. ficolen— Thtfhi. XV. Thuhicr— Vullilu.. XVI. W— Zwollo. — Conversallons-Lexikon der neuesten Zolt und LIteratur. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1832-34. 4v. 8' •1137.2 CoiiMnU. — Vol. I. A-i:. II. I--1.. III. M-R. IV. 8-Z. — ,?(•(• Damen Conversations l.exikon A. 124. 3 CoNVEVANCINO. Lewis, II. Principles of . . . . 3636.17 — Smith, E. PrHCtieeof .3630.20 CONVICT reform, Transporlatlou as the only means of. Howltl, W 3570.82 Conway, M. ('. Natural history of the devil. Al huuv, IH.'iO. pp. 12. 12°. [Tracts for the tiints, No. 6) 6100a. 16 Conway, Martin F. The war; a slave union or a (Vce? Speeoh.Dco. 12, 1861. N.Y.,n.d. I2°.4310a.40 COXWAY 129 COPENHAGEN Shelf. No. Conway. Moncure D. The old and the new: a sermon contiiininK tlu* history of tlic First unitnrum churcli in Washington. Wushing- ton, 1855. 8' C0S8.217 — The one path : or, the duties of the North and j^outh. A discourse. Wasliington, 185*5. 8°. [N"o tith'-pnp^e.] B.100.9'.) — Spiritual liberty. A discourse, Feb. 17, 1856. [Washinjrton, 185fi.] 8°. [No title-page] . B.lf.0.48 — Testimonies concerning slavery. London, 1864. Hi'. G5r',».31 — The theater: a discourse delivered in Cincin- nati, June 7, 1857. Cincinnati, 1857. 8' , . G0vS8.50 — Thomas I'alne : a celebration. Cincinnati, 1800. pp. 15. 8" 5440a. 57 — The true and the false in prevalent theories of Divine dispensations. A discourse, Sept. 10, 1855. Washington, 1855. 8' 6088.33 — Virtue rs. defeat. A discourse, first Sunday after the presidential election. Cincinnati, 1856. ^''.B. 100. 92 CONYBEARE, J. Discourses on miracles, scripture mysteries, subscription to articles of religion, expediency of a divine revelation, and scrip- ture dilficulties. [Randolph. Enchiridion theologicum, v. 2] 3451.14 CONYBEAKE, W.J. Essays, ecclesiastical and so- cial. Reprinted from the Edinburgh review. London, 1855. 8° 5172.9 — and llowson, J. 8. Life and epistles of St. Paul. New York, 1854. 2v. 8° 0010.14 Cook, F. J . Home sketches of Essex Co., [N. Y.] . No. l.llconderoga. Keeseville, N.Y.,1858. 8". 2371.25 Cook, James. Voyages round the world. See An- derson, G. W O'JOO.l — - Same. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 4-10] .... 6207.1 Cooke, Josiah P. Elements of chemical physics. Boston, 1860. 8" 3972.13 CoOKE, M. C. Manual of botanic terms. London, n.d. 26 plates. 16° 3834.17 CooKE, Jiev. Thomas. Universal salvation ex- plained: a charity sermon, June 28, 1752. Newcastle, 1702. 8" *Pph.v.347 CoOKE, Thomas, of Brointrce, in Esse^:, b. 1702, d. 1756. Life of Terentius Afer, and translation of his comedies. See Terentius Afer, P. . . 2946.8 — Works and days, with the Theogony of Hesiod. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 13] . 4C04.1 CooKE, W. Jubilee of the Methodist new con- nexion. See Hulme, S 3547.28 Cookery. English cookery five hundred years ago. 4006.9 COOLIDOK, G. The joys of toil : a poem. Boston, 1S50. pp. 16. 8" B.170.95 COOLIDGE, J. I. T. Address before the Boston young men's Christian union, May 6, 1853. Boston, 1853. S" 5440a. 39 — The choice and the cross : a discourse, May 2, 1858. Boston, 1858. 8*" 5440a. 39 — Discourse preached after the decease of I. Wil- liams, June 7, 1.857. 'Boston, 1857. 8° . . . 5440a. 39 — Farewell discourse to the Purchase Street con- gregation, on occasion of leaving their old church. Boston, 1848. 8" 544Ga.39 — Farewell discourse, July 4, 1848, at the Thir- teenth congregational church, on resigning his charge. 2d ed. Boston, 1858. 8° . . . . 5440a. -39 — Power of Christianity. A discourse at the ded- ication of the Thirteenth congregational church. May 3, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8°. . . 5440a. 39 CoOLlDGE, R.'H. Medical statistics of the array of the United States, 1855-60. See Lawson, T. 3791.20 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 1st earl of Shafteshury. Memoirs, letters, and speeches, from his birth to the restoration. Edited by W. D. Christie. London, 1859. h" 2453.17 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 3rf earl of Shaftealniry. Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times. New ed. [London], 1758. 4v. 16". *41GS.C Nole. — The contents and their arr&n^cnient in this edition, are like those in the copy marked 2557.12, eat«- loffued In the index of 1661. 17 8 he If. No. COOPKR, Charles C. Identities of light and heat, of caloricand electricity. Phila., 1848. pp.96. 8°. 3966.19 CooPKR, Charles H. and T. Atbenai Cantabrigien- ses, 1500-1609. Cambridge, IsSS-Ol. 2v. 8°. 2490.16 Cooper, James V. OSuvres, traduites par A. J. B. Defauconpret. Tome 1-9, 11-23, 25-27. Par- is, 1839-47. 25v. 8"' 2395.1 Contents. — Vol.1, T'vfcnulion. II. L'eaplon. III. Lo lillote. IV. Lionel Lincoln, on le siOge de Bostnn. V. Le doniicr des Mohicana. VI. Les piunnii-'is. VII. La prairie. Vlll. Lo i;ors.iire rouge. IX. Los Puritnna d' Anu-riqne. XI. Le bravo. XII. L'Heidenninucr. XIII. Le boun-cnu de Berne. XIV. Lea Moniklus. XV. Le paqtiebot Americnin. XVI. Eve Efflnpham. XVII. Le lac Ontario. XVIIL Merctdes de Cnstille. XIX. Deer- sluycr, ou le tucur de daims. XX. Lea deux amiraux. XXI. Lo feu-loHet. XXII. A hord et n torre. XXIIL Luiie Hiirdinpe. XXV. Satanatoo. XXVI. Le portc- ehaine. XXVII. Ravensnest, ou les peaux-rouQ:L'S. — Gleanings in Europe. Italy. Philadelphia, 18.38. 2v. 12*' 2719.24 — Letter to his countrymen [on matters relating to himself]. New York, 1834. 8" 2344.29 Cooper. James G., and Suckley, G. Natural his- tory of Washington territory, with much relating to Slinnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oregon, and California. New York, 1859. 4". 5812.1 Note. — J. L, Le Conte reported on the insects, and W. Cooper on the mollusca collected in the survey. Cooper, John G. Miscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 10] . 4604.1 Cooper, S. Sermon in the audience of 8. Phips, lieut. governor, etc., May 26, 1750, the anni- versary for election. Boston, 1756. 8° , . , *4356.3 — Sermon upon occasion of the death of George II, Jan. 1, 1761. Boston, 1761. 8° 5450a. 12 — Sermon at the interment of. 5ee Clarke, John. 5440a.-35 Cooper, T. Slaimal of political economy. Wash- ington, 1834. 18° 3647.8 — Reply to Mr. Burke's invective in the house of commons, April 30, 1792. London, 1792. pp. 88. 8° 4326.35 — Right of free discussion, n. p., n. d. pp.17. 8°. 3643.8 Cooper, W. D. Lists of foreign protestants, and aliens, resident in England, 1618-88. West- minster, 1862. 8°. [Camden society, No. 82]. *2426. 26 — The Oxenbridges of Brede Place, Sussex, and Boston, Mass. London, 1860. pp. 20. 8° . *2435.28 COOPERSTOWX, N. r.. Chronicles of 2397.32 COOTE, C-, earl of Bellamont. Address to the king and people of Ireland upon the system now before the house of lords, Dublin, 1785. pp.69. 8° v. 2 of 2478. 3 Copenhagen. Moussard, P. Le bombardement de Copenhague : poeme heroique 4698.4 — Reise, A. Carl x Gustav's Kriegszug Uberdas Eis gegen Kopenhagen, 1658 2823.20 — Schneider, F. Short description of 4125.3 — Wolff, J. Tour to 2861.12 — Collegium sanitatis regium. Pharmacopoea Danica. Hafui:e, 1840. 8* 5765.12 — Kongelige nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Antiqu- arisk Tidsskrift, 1843-57. Kjobenhavn, 1845- 57. 5v. S" *7282.1 — - Grdnlands liistoriske Mindesmierker. Kjo- benhavn, 1838-45. 3v. 8" *4220.15 — - Oldnordiske Sagaer. Kjobenhavn, 1826- 37. 12v. 8° *2825.b Contente. — yo\. I-III. Kong Olaf Tryggveei&ns Sa^e, ovcrsat af Cnrl Christian Kafn, med tilhiirende Forttel- linger. IV. V. KongOlaf den Helliges Saga, ined tilhS- rende Forts'llinger. VI. Magnus den Godee, Harald Uasrdraades og hans Siinners Sogaer. Vll, Norgea Kouge-Sngaer fra Itlugnus Borfod til Magnus Krlingson. VIII. K.ing .Sverres Saga. IX. Hakon Sverresons.Gut- tomi Si^urdsiiiis og Inge Baardeijiis Sagaer, aamt Hakon HakoDsiJns Sugaindttl Hertug Skulea Fald. X. SIut> ning af Kakon Hakoneons og Brudetykke af Magnuj Lagabieters Saga ; Furta;llinger om Halfdan Svarte, Hu-ftld Uaarfager, Haok Hoabrog og Olaf GIsriUdealf, COPENHAGEN 130 COENELIUS Shelf. No. Copenhagen, continued. Olaf Trypgresons Sapi af Odd Munk, kort Omrids af Norges-koo^-Sagaer, og >"orpes Kongera;kke paa Vers. XI. Jomsrikinga Saga 0(r Kii.vtlinga Saga tilligcraed Sagabrudslykkcr og Forta^Ilingcr vedkonimende Dan- mark, oversatte af Carl Christian Rafn. XII. Udsigt over Tidsreguingen og geographisk Kegister. — Koniingliga norrsna fornfra-da Fi'lag. Forn- manna Stigur. [In Icelandic] liaupmanna- hofn, 1825-37. 12t. 8° *a826.11 Contents. — yoi. I-in. Saga Olafa konfings Tryggva- sonar. IV, V. Saga Olafa konunga hius helga. VI. Sogur Maguusar konings goda, Haralds konfings Har- drada ok sona bans. Vll. Sogur Soregs kontiiiga fra Magniisi berfaitta til Magnfiss Erlingssonar. VIII. Saga Sverris konfings. IX. Siigur Hukonor Sverris- fiouar, Guttorms Sigurdursonar, iuga Bardarsonar ok Udkonar Hakonarsonar til falls Skfila hertoga. S. Kidrlageogu Hakonar Hiikonarsonarok brotsOguMag- nfisslagaba?tis;Tba;ttirHalfdanarsvartajafupphaflrikia Haralds b&rfagra, Hauks h&brokar, ok Olafs geirstada- alfs; Saga Olafs konfings Try ggvasonar, ritud af Oddi Snorrasyni ; Stutt agrip af Noregs konunga Sogum ok Kor«gs konfingatal 1 Ijodnm. XJ. J6m8%-ikingasaga ok Knytlingasagtl nied tilheyrandi Thiittum. XII. lUkisar Noregs og Dana-konfinga ; .4ratal markverdustu vid- burda ; Visur faTdar til retts mals ; Kt-gistr. — - islendinga Sogur. Kaupinaimahofn, 1829-30. 2t. 8° »4220.18 Contents. — Vol. I. lalendingabok ara prests ens Froda Thorgiissonar; islands Landnamabok ; llPidarvSgasogu Brot, ok figrip vigastjVa- ok Heidarvlga-SOgu. II. Ljosvetninga Saga; 8varfda;la Saga; Valla-ljots Saga ; Vemundar Saga, ok VIgaskfitu, Vigaglfims Saga. — Koyal society of northern antiquaries. Esport to its liritisli and American members. Co- penhagen, 1830. 8° *4162.I3 - Keports of the general anniversary meet- ings, 18:iS, 39. Copenhagen, 1839. pp. 40. 8°. 4230.4 Societas regia antiquariorum septentrionali- um. 3Ieiuou-es. Copeuhague. 1836-49. 3v. in 1. 8° H230.3 - llonuments historiques des Islaudais et des ancieiis Scandinaves, publics par C. C. Rafn. Copenhague, 1845. 1.4" *4ir0.3 — Societa.sbibliopoIarumHaunienais. ("atalogu.s libroriim in Dania et Norvegia tditorum. Haunia;, 1811-50. 8° *4127.3 COPERNICUS, N. De revolvtionibvs orbium coeles- tiiim, libri vi. Nolinibirgie, 1S43. f ° . . . . *,1912.12 Ueber das Verhiiltniss des (.•operniciia zum Al- tcrtlmm. .Vce Ideler, I. Il.l-0b.l02 COPPKKHE.M* catechism. Compiled by learned and designing men. Authorized by Fernando the Gothamite. New York, ISM. pp.30. 12°. 4324.32 CorPERIIEADS under the heel of an Illinois farmer [Mr. Funkl. New Vork, 183«. pp.3. 8° . 4310a. 40 COPPEUi'LATE engraving. Cominciameiito e pro- gresso dill' arte dell' intagliare iu rame. [Baldiniicci. Opero, v. 1] 4807.2 COPPET et Weimar. Madaiiie de .Stael ot Itt graiule- duchesse Louise. I'aris, 1802. 8° 2050.1.') CopPETTA,K. Sonetti. [Giroiii. Kaccoltadi lirici italiani] 4808.8 — Nilla perdlta di una gatta. See llaccolta di poc- siesatiriche 4808.9 COPPI, A. Annali d' Ilallu dal 1750 al 18-19. ISonia e Flrenze, 1H18-02. Tiv. in 9. H" •4716.4 Coptic language. See. Kgypt. CoPYiiiuilT. Kraser, .1. Handy-book of copyright law, Kngllsh and foreign 3000. ,34 — l.iibcr, !•'. Iiiternallonal copyright . . . v. 2 of 4296. 20 — Uuniberg, K. rravaiix tin coiigres de la pro- prlite llttt-ralrc et artisllqiic 3080.19 — Schmld, C. K. l>er Itlkhernachdruck aiis dem UvMclitspunkte des Keclits, tier Moral iind I'olltik .3000.33 e*» aUo: Lhirnry pro|H.rly. CoqUKiiEiiT de Moiitbrcl, K. Milaugon siir Ics iHiiguoH.dlolectea itpntnls. I'arls, IMI. 8°. '2955.11 Sbolf. No. COQUEREL, A., fits. Le troisifeme Jubile seculaire de l't5glise r^formee de France. Sermon le 29 Mai, 1859. Paris, 1859. pp.30. 12° . . . . 5450a. 14 COQUEREL, A. L. C. Le calendrier, pofeme. 2e (^*d, Paris, 1840. pp. 30. 8° B. 170. 105 — Le christianisme experimental. Paris, 1847. 10°. 0050.10 — Cours de religion cliretienne. 2e ed. Paris, 1839. 10° 0050.12 — Esquisses potitiquesdel'ancien Testament. In- troduction sur la poisie du protestantisnie. 2e i-A. Paris, 1831. 8° 6018.19 -r Histoiie salute et analyse de la Bible. 2c <;d, Paris, 1842. 12° 6075.14 — Lettre it M. Guizot, sur son article de la Revue fran(;aise, intitide: Du catbolicisme, du pro- testantisme et de la philosophie en France. Paris, 1838. pp.41. 8° 0088.123 — Lettre sur la querelle de runiversite et de I'epis- copat, et sur les CoUationes practice, etc. 4e ed, Paris, 1844. pp. 32. 8° 0088.160 — Lettre sur le projet d'ordonuance portant ri;- glement d'administration pour les eglises r^- formi-es. Paris, 1840. pp. 30. 8° 6088.97 — L'ortbodoxie moderne. Kouv. ed. Paris, 1855. ].2» 0056.11 — Reponse au livre du Dr. Strauss : La vie de Jil'SUS. Paris, 1841. pp. 83. 8° 0030.17 — Le retour dans I'alliance : deux sermons sur 2 Chroniques XV. 12, Paris, 1845. pp. OS, 6° . 6088.118 — Sermons. le-4e recueils. Nouv, ed. Paris, 183.8,42,43, 3v, 8° 6062.13 CoKAL. Die Natur dei; Coralleninscln. Ehrenberg, C. G 38"-3 CORBEI, Corvei, or Korbei. Falkc, J. F. Codex traditionum Corbeiensium 4250.10 4257.2 ,3004,1 — AVigand, P. Traditioues Corbeienses . , Cord, W, H. Legal and equitable rights of mar- ried women. With .\merican statutes and decisions. Philadelphia, l.sGl. 8° CORDIKR, M. Corderii coUoquiorum scholastico- rum libri iv, Lnndiui, 1700, sm.l2° . . . . 4929a. 21 — - Same. Londiiii, 1780. siu.l2° 4929a. 23 — - Same. With a translation of the first forty. Added, a vocabulary, liy J. Hardic. 2d ed. New York, 1805, 12° 4939.18 — CoUoquiorum centurio selecta. Portimuthl, N. U., ISIO. 18° 49',>9a.22 — Colloquia selecta. See Farraiid, W. P. . . . 49'29a.0 Couio, B, Storia di Milano, untiotata dal prof. E. de Slagri. Milano, 1855-57. 3v. S" . . . . 2727.9 CoKK, Tuckey, F, II, Annals of 2476.16 — \\'iudele, J . Notices of ( 'ork and its vicinity . 2470.26 CORSION, F. Dictioniiaire fransois, espagnol et latin. Sec Sobriuo, F COR.MON, G, L. Bartolomeo. Nueva coleccion dc piczas en prosa y t'li versos. 3a ed. Lyon, 1823, 2v. 24° — anil Manni, V, Dizionario portatile, e di pro- nunzia,tVaiicese-italiano,nlitaliano-IVance8e. '2a ed. Lione, 1807. 2v. 8° COKN-TiiADE and coru-laws. Tracts ou the. Smith, Pph.v.343 CORNAZZANI, A- IJe vita et gestis Bartholomiel ("olei [Colleone]. [Gricvius. Thc8, antiq. Ital„T,9, p,7] CoBNiJii.i.E, P. Sfc Thtiatre ftantjais, v. 7, 8 . . . Coa(cii/jt. — Vol. VlI. Lo Cld; Horace; China; Poly- auoto; I'ontpf-o; Hodogune. VIII. IK-nielius, I'oinpo- raur d'Orlont; Sortorlus; Nlcoini-de ; Le inenleur, — 1,0 grand Cornellle, Src De.'.jardins, E. . . . CoitNEii.LK, T. Le baron d'Albikrac; Arhiiic; Le feslln de Pierre; Le comte d'Essex. [ThiSft- Ire iVaii^iiis, v, 18] — Don .luiui, on le feslln de Pierre, comildle, (Jlolli're, (Euvres, V, 4] — Lexliiue roiiipiire de la langue dc T. CornelUe. Sec (iriilefVoy, F. . . . OORNKI.IUS, C. S. IMeleiiiDlugie. Halle, 1803, 8°. 3901,10 Die Tiieorie ties Nelicns iiiitl riiunilichen Vor- stcllens. Halle, 1861. 8° 3920,39 4683.8 4269.6 4786.6 4710.1 1708.1 4703.8 4708.1 4700.4 2684.6 CORNEtTUS 131 COTELIER Sholf. No. CORNELirs, E. Ood's wnys, not ns our ways. Ser- mon occasionfil by tlie licath of Rev. S. Wor- cester, D, D. Salem, IS-.M. S" 5440a. 40 — Sermon on the doctrine of the Trinity. Antlo- ver, ISifi. 8' *rph.v.375 — - Same. New York, ii. d. 12". [American tract society] 5440a. 40 CoKNKurs (Jnllns, C. .9ee Gallus, C. C. CoRNKi.us Nepos. Vita; exoellentium imperato- rum; with an Enplish translation, by J. Clarke. Notes by K. Arrol. llublin, 1753. 8'. 4919.2 — - Same. Stuttgartire, 1S2.'^. 8" U. 109.8 — - Same. Ed. ster. hipsia*, n.d. IS" . , . . 49 19a. 20 — - Same. With answered qnestions, and imi- tative exercises. By T. K. Arnold. Re- vised by E. A. Johnson. New ed. New York, 1857. 12" 4919.5 — De vita \iginti et trinm illustrium imperatonim. See Vitse virorum illustrium 4ir)0.3 — T.Ifeof Atticus. See Herwick, E 275S.12 CoRXKUL, W.M. Journal of health. Vol. 1-3. Bos- ton, 1S4(>-4S. .1v. S' 5r59a.l Corn KT-A-nsToN, Tutor for. Dlstiu, J «052,52 COK.NHILL magazine. Vol. 1-7. London, 1800-63. 7v, 8" *73I3.1 Corniani, G. II. Vita di J. Sannazaro. See San- nazaro, J 4803.7 Cornish, J. History of nonconformity, from the reformation to the revolution. London, 1797. ir." 3525.15 CORNortx)N, Preceptor for the. Burditt, B. A. . . 8052.57 CoRNt'TUS, or Pluirnutus, L. A. De natura Deorum commentarius. [Gale. Opusculamyth.,etc.]. 0070.22 CORONELLI, M. V. Rerum ac tctnporum Bergo- mensis ecclesite synopsis. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Ital.,T. 0, p.:] ,. . 4710.1 CoHrusjuiitf canonici. ,9c<' Roman Catholic church. 4291.3 CORRADiNi, P. M., and Volpi, G. R. Vetus Latium profanum. Roma;, 1701-45. lOv. in 11. 4° . *4193.5 Content)'. — yol. 1,11. Latium gentile. Ill, IV. De Autiutibtis ef Norbanis; De VoUtemis ct Coruiiis. V. De LanuWnia et Ardentibus. VI. De Laurentibus et 0*tten8ibu9- VTI. De Albania et Ariciiiis. VIII. De " TuscuJauis et AlgidensibuB. IX. De rrajiiostinis et Ga- biiiis. X, XI. De Tiburttbus ecu TiburtiniH. CORRE9POND.VNCE litteraire, La. Critique, beaux- arts, erudition. [Publi^e parLalanne.] 5e, Oe annee. Paris, 1800-62. 2v. S'' *5115.1 Correspondence between her majesty's govern- ment and Messrs. Laird brothers, respecting the Birkenhead iron-clads. Loudon, [18(j4]. pp. 09. 8° 4322.54 CORRODI, H. Geschichte des Chiliasmus. Frank- furt and Leipzig, 1781-83. 4v. in 3. sm.S" . .6003.34 CORRY, J. Memoir of J. Collier. See Collier, J. . 4580. 1 CoRRY, W. M. Speech on education, delivered at the inauguration of Rev. J. W. Hall, as presi- dent of Miami university, June 28, 1855. Cin- cinnati, 1855. 8' B. 170a. 10 — and others. Speeches at the inauguration of ReV. J. W. Hall, as president of Miami uni- versity. Cincinnati, 1855. pp.53. 8°. . .'B. 170a. 9 CORSER, T. Catalogue of a collection of early Eng- lish poetry. Part 1, 2. A, B. [Manchesterl, 1860,01. 4^ [Cnxetham society, V. 52,55] . ' 2425.2 Corsica. Clavier, P. Corsica antiqua 4735.5 — - Same. [Gr^vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 15] 4710.1 — Forests, T. Rambles in 2703.3 CORSiNl, N., marchese di Lajatico. Storia di quat- tro ore del 27 Aprile, 1859. Firenze, 1859. pp. 10. p.8* 4718.11 CORSSKN, W. tJher Auasprache, Vokalismus und Betonungderlateinischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1S5S, 59. 2v. 8" 2934.27 CORTAMBERT, P. F. E. Le^ons de geographie. [Avec atlas par P. Bineteau.] Paris, ia37. 2v. 8*. [Cours complet d'liducation, v. 4, 5]. 3591.25 — Entretiens sur la geographic. [Cours complet d'uducation, v. I] 3591.22 Shelf. No. CORTKS, H. Cortez; or, the conquest of Mexico. -S-eet^ampe, J.H 2319.13 — Relazione a Carlo v, intorno aifatti nella Nu- ova Spagna. [Marmocchi. Viaggi, v. 5] . . 2275,1 CORTESE, G. C. Opere. Napoli, 1783. 3v. 18\ [Collezioue di tutti i poemi in lingua napo- letana, V. 2-4] *4799a.l Contents. — Vol. I. Mlcco Passaro nnmnmornto ; Lo cerriglio ncaiitato; ViiigrRio tli Paniasii. II. La vojna- Rcido, poeiim eroico. III. La Rosa.trng. ; Li travagU- use ammuru de ciullo o puma; Lettere, CORTlCELLi, S. Regole della lingua toscana, accres- ciute per opera di P. dal Rio. 2a ed. Firenze, 1S40. 12" 2786.11 CoRTUSI, G. and A. Historiadenovitatibus Padure et Lombardise, 1250-1304; Supplementum ad Cortusiorum historiam. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T.O, p. 1] 4710.1 CORUNNA, Account of the battle of. Milburne, H.Pph.v.3G6 CoRVAiA, G. Memoriale, e scritti relativi alia ibr- mazione di un uuovo dizionario italiauo. Capolago, 1841. pp.59. 8° 2785.28 CoRViN-WiERSBiTZKY, O. J. B. V. Historische Denkmale des christlichen Fanatisraus. Leipzig, 1845-47. 2v. 16° 6007.19 — IllHstrirte Weltgeschichte. fiTee Held, P. W. A. 0211.20 Cory, I. P. Method, objects and result of ancient and modern philosophy. London, 18-33. 10". 6099a. 2 Cosby, major. Kevin's bed, a descriptive poem of scenery in the county of Wicklow. Dublin, 1835. pp. 07. 8° 2476.31 CosiN, J. Vita, -yce Smith, T 4177.12 COSMAS Hierosolymitanus. Hymni, Latinfe. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 12] B.110.2 CosMAS Indicopleustes. Christianomm opinio de mundo, sive topographia Christiana, Gr. et Lat. [Montfaucon. Collectiopatr. Gr., v. 1], 6020.3 CosiMAS Pragensis. Chronica Boemorum, A. d. 1038-1125. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 9], 4210.2 — - Same. [Mencke. Script. Germ., v. 1] . . . 4261.2 Cosmography. Burnet, T. Doctrina antiqua de rerura origiuibus 0108.14 — Heylyn, P. Cosmograpliie 6270.1 Cosmopolitan art journal. New York, 1857-59. 2v. 4" *8091.1 Cossacks. Die Kosaken in ihrer geschichtlichen p;;ntwickelungundgegenwartigen Zustiinden. 3066.8 CossALi, P. Origine, trasporto in Italia, prlmi pro- gress! in essa dell' algebra. Parma, 1797-99. 2v, 4° *5911.1 — Scritti inediti, pubblicati da B. Boncompagni. Roma, 1857. 4° *5910.10 COSTANZO, A. di. Istoria del regno di Napoli [colla vita d'autore dal sig. G. B. Tafuri]. Milano, 1805. 3v. 8^ [Classici italiani, v. 119, 120].**4804.5 — Sonetti. [Gironi. Raccolta di lirici italiani] , 4808.8 — and Tarsia, G. di. Rime. Edizione novissima [da A. F. Seghezzi e G. A. Volpi]. Venezia, 1759. sm.8" **4799.5 COSTE, J. J. M. C V. Histoire du d^veloppement des corps organises. Tome 1, [et] explication des planches. Paris, 1847-49. 2v. in 1. 4". 3822.3 — Instructions pratiques sur la pisciculture. Par- is, 1853. 12* 3906.8 Costume. Book of 2236.10 — Lens, A. Das Kostum der meisten Volker des Alterthums 4153.2 — Vecellio, C. Costumes anciens et modernes . 2203.11 CoTA, R., and Rojas, F. de. Celestina. Tragicome- dia de Calisto et Melibea nvovamente tra- dotta de lingua castigliana in italiano idioma. [Venetia], 1541. sm.S" *3105.13 Cotelier, J. B. Ss. Patrum qui temporibus apos- tolicifl floruerunt, opera. Recensuit et notulaa adspersit J.Clericus. AntverpijE,1098. 2v. V. *6020.2 Contents.— \'<:)\. I. S. Bamabo; epistola catholira, Grec- co-Latina ; Eadcm Latin^ : 8. Hermre pastor, Lat. ; de- mentis epistolwnd Corintbios (luse, Gr. et Lat. cum ejui- dera mftrtyrio ; Constitutiones apOBtolorum, Gr. et Lat. ; Cotelerii et Beveregii judiciu de canonibus apoBtolicia COTELIER 132 CODEIER DE irtRfi Shelf. No. COTELIER, J. B., cmttimied. cum annotationibus in eos; Canones apostolici, Gr. et Lai.; Beverefrii adnotatinnes aii eosdero canones; Ke- cognitionesClemcnlisaKufino Latinc versi:ClenientniR, Gr. ct Lat. ; Clementina epitome tie pestis Sancti Telri ; aiart>-rium Cleraentis, Gr. et Lat. ; Elihratmi opusculum" deminicnloinpneroaS.CIemente facie. II. Testimoaia vetenim de l^atii epistolis; Prfcfationes L*t»serii, Vossii et Coteletii in l^atium; Ignatii epistolie gonuinfle, Gr. ' el Lat. ; Ejusdem epist. iuterpolatic e< supposilicift; ; Ig- natii epistolanira verarnm et suppositiciamra vetus versio. Lat.; Jlortyrium Ipnalii. Or. etLat. ; Tibcriani, PliniietTrajaiii epistoliB deCIiristianis; Polycarpi epis- tola, Gr. et Lat.; Ejusdem MartJTium; Indices; Beve- regii coilex canonnm ecclesia" universalis vindicatus ; I'aserii dissertationes de epistolis SS. Ignatii et Poly- carpi; Pearsouii viodicire epistolamni Ignntii. CiiTES, R. Le9ons de physique experimentale, sur I'c-quilibie de? liqueurs. Traduites de I'Anglois [parL.G.Le Monnier]. Paris, 1742. 8° . . 3967.12 COTHREX, W. Address at the 2d centennial cele- bration at Woodbury. See Woodbury, Conn. 4336.1 COTILLIONS. Musician's companion. Howe, E., jr. 8047.15 CoTT.\, B. Deutsclilands Eoden, sein geologischer Bau und dessen Eiuwirkung aut' das Leben des Menschen. Ste Auft. Leipzig, 1868. 2v. in 1. 8° 2862.15 — and Schaller, J. Briefe Uber Humboldt's Kos- mos. Leipzig, 1S48-C0. 4v. 8° *4a76.7 CoTiA, G. Carmina. See Carmina quinque illus- trium poetaruni 4938.29 COTT.\GE bee keeper, Tlie. By a country curate. New York, 1851. 12° 5898.19 Cottages. Goddard, H. Model cottages .... 4106.2 — Vincent, J. Cottagesforagricultural labourers. 4080.14 COTTIN, S. K. Elizabeth, ou les exiles de Sibiirie, suivie de La frise de Jericho. Taris, 1820. 1S° .4699a. 39 — Elizabeth, ou les exiles de Sibiirie. See Tur- ner, K 4089.30 Cotton, B. de. Historia Anglicana, A. n. 4-19-1298. Necnon ejusdem liber de cpiscopis Angliffi. Edited by H. U. Luard. London, 1869. 8°. [Uolls chronicles] *2414.17 CoTTo.N, John, 0/ ISoston, b. 15.S5, d. 1652. The bloudy tenent washed, and made white in the bloud of tlie Lambe. Added, a reply to Mr. Williams' answer to Cotton's letter. Lon- don, 1047. sm.4° *6068.20 — Brieie exposition, with practicall observations upon the book of Ecclesiastes. Second im- pression. London, 1667. 8m.8° 3458.100 — Grovuds and ends of the bnptisme of the chil- dren of tlie I'ailhfvll. London, 1IH7. sin.4° . *5465.2 — The keyes of the kingdom of Heaven, tending to reconcile dillerences about discipline. Bos- ton, 1862. 12° 3458.97 <'OTioN, John, o/Xetpton, b. 1694, d. 1757. Wisdom and the fear of God recommended. Election sermon. May .30, 1753. Boston, 1763. 8° . . •4163.4 CDiTON, N. Visions, fables, and miscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Groat Britain, V. 11) 4004.1 Curi'oN, K. Divers sliort pieces exjiosed to publick liglit, by J. Howell. London, 1679. 8m.8° . •2619.19 Content*. — Proccodlnft* afrninst anibanMadora who have mUcarrletl thcinaclves, and exceeded their comndsNlun ; That the kintta of Enslunil have been pleased to consult with their peers In parliament for marrlaife of their chililrcn, etc. ; That the suveraifen's person is required in parliament In ail consultations and eonelusiuns; Lo- frallty of combats, duels, or ratnp-tlKtit ; (Question of precedency between Enftland anil Hpaln; Alllaiieos and amity which have Intervened betwixt the bouses of Austria and Enftland ; Popish recusants, Jesuits and •<,inliinrlcs; Manner antl means how the Itinffs of EliK- lantl have supported and iiiiproveii their states; Answer to ( ertiiln arBuinents to prove tliat ecclesiastical lawa ouirbt to he enaeteil by ti.mporal men; ArKumunts by the house lit commons concemlnir ttiu prIvlleKO of ovvrj frev-born subject ; Mpoccli In house of cemmons ; Hpeech touebln([ the alteration of coin ; Valour anatomlxed In a fancy, by l*lr I'lilllp Hlilney ; Power .tf llie peers and commons of parliament, In point of Judlealure ; llotiesly, ambition and fortitude, anatomlEed by Blr F. Walslng- bami LIfa and rslgn of lUury III. Shelf. No. Cotton. Atkinson, E. Cheap cotton by free labor. 5616. 1 — Cassels, W. R. Cotton culture in the Bombay presidency 3651.28 — Coates, B. Cotton cultivation in Africa . . . 5(">46.5 — Dexter. Growth and culture of B. 170. 16 — Gibbs, J. Cotton cultivation in its various details 3651.31 — Holmes, W. H. Free cotton ; how and where to grow it 3651.33 — Mallet, J. W. Cotton : conditions of its suc- cessful cultivation 3651.29 — Medlicott, J.G. Cotton hand.book for Bengal. 3661.27 — Rapport sur la culture du colon en Algerie, 1864. See France. Ministry of war 7011.30 — Reybaud, M. R. L. Le colon, son regime, ses problemes, son influence en Europe 3650.15 — lUtter, C. Geographische Verbreitung der BaumwoUe 3051.2 — Simms, W. G. Power of B.170.116 Cotton manufacture. Batclielder, S. Early pro- gress of the, in the United States 3650.25 — Montgomery, J. Strictures on Montgomery on the 5640.8 Cotton trade. McHenry, G. Cotton trade in con- nection with slavery 3650.12 — Mann, J. A. Cotton trade of Great Britain . 3651.26 CouES, S. E. War and Christianity. Address in Boston, May 23, 1.S42. Boston, 1842. S°.^Pph.T.334 CoUGNARi), J. L. S. Le libre examen : discours iv Geneve le 13 et le 23 Mars, 1853. See Conftjr- ences sur les principes de la foi rt'form^c . . B.117.6 CoULE. Instnictions for the German concertina. See Williams, W 8052.41 Coulomb, C. A. Introducteur framjais, or first principles of the French language. New Haven, 1829. 12° 4689a. 24 Coultas, n . Principles of botany as exemplified in the pliauerogamia. Philadelphia, 1854. 12°. 4277.16 — What mav be learned from a tree. New York, 1860. 8° 3845.16 Councils. Alletz,P. A. Dictionnaire des conciles. 6032.6 — Baluze, fi. Nova collectio conciliorum . . . 6510.4 — Cabassut, .1. Notitia conciliorum 60.'J0.3 — Carranza, B. de. Summa conciliorum .... 6020.14 — Fuclis, G. r>. Kirchenversammlungen des 4ten und5ten Jalirhunderts 6020.16 — Hefele, C. J. Conciliengeschichte 6020.11 — Potter, L. J. A. de. Histoire des piincipaux conciles 6020.15 — ,Schaunat, J. F. Concilia Germania; 6020.4 — Thomassin, L. Dissertationes in concilia gen- eralia et particularia 6030.9 — Varia concilia, episcoporum stfltuta synodalia, etc. [Martt'nc. A'et. script., v. 7, 8] .... 4150.1 — Wessenberg, I. H.C.v. Kirchenveriiammlung- cu ties 15ten unci lljtcn Juhrhunderts .... 6020.12 — Wilkins, D. Magna; Brituuniic et Uibernise concilia 5510.1 .Tee also; Busle, Mexico, Nice, Pisa, Trent. Counterfeit detector. Willis, H 6041.1 Counterpoint. Bellerinann, H. Der Contrapunct. 4060.22 — Virues y Spinola, J. J. de. Grainninrof . . . 4053.4 Country gentleman. The: a journal for the farm, garden und fireside. Albany, 18.Vi-66. 8v. 4°. »3990.2 Countuy seats. Lithographic designs for. Holly, II. II 4102.28 Couroiclle-Seneuil, J. G. Tralte des opi^rations do baiuiue. 2e ed. Paris, 18.'i3. 8° 3646.26 Courier de ,Mi';Rfc, P. L. Collection compli'te dea paitiphlets politiques et opuscules litteraires. Bruxcllos, 1826. 8° 4097.1 C'oM/ems.— ftloKo d'lleleno; Lottro A M. Renonard; Pt'tltion aux deux cliambres; I.etlres d MM. de Taeadfe- nde des Inscriptions et belles-lettres; IVoeis de Pierre Clavier dit lllondeau ; Leilres an rl'dacleur du Censeur; A MM. les Jnges du tribunal civil. iV Tours; A M.M. du eonsell do prOfeeture, it Tours ; Lettres parlleuliiTes j Biinplo discours; Aux 4mos iK'votes de la piirolss,. do Viretx; Proci's du P. L. Courier; Pijtltlon pour des vll- lageols que I'on empfteho do danser; Prospectus d'une COURIER DE ^Itnt 133 COWLEY Shelf. No. Courier de MfcRfe, P. L., continued. traduction nouvplle d'HiTodote; Prfefttce dels traduc- tion dv In I.ucindi'; ItOponscR nux nnonytncd; Livrrt, no. 3; ProcJnmfttlon ; Giizottc dn vllliiRn, no, 4; Piece diploma tin no, nu. 5; Coltfctlon di> li'ttrvs ct nrtlrles In- »i*K'a dftna ditrtT<*nt5 jonrnnnx ; I.etlre h M. Uolotrorftuo do Rony, ]inr Lf-on de Ctiaulitlre; P«nn»hlct dcs p«in- phtot.>i. COURNOT, A. A. T.'enchainomcnt des idees fonda- mentales dans les sciences et dans riiistoirc. Paris, l.^fll. yv. S° 5fi03.5 COURRIER des fctats Vnis. Vols, l-ll, 13-16, lS-22, L»4. New York, IS-il-O-l. *Jlv. 4° *3130.3 COUBS complct dVducation pour le.< filles. [TubUe par L. HacliL'tte et C'ie. nirigu par C, L. Dcz- obry.] Paris, 1837-50. lov. 1.8". Namely: — Vol. I. Cours coniplet d'educatlou ])our Ics flllcs de quatre ans ii dix ans 3591.22 Content*. — Promiers consi-ils aux mart's sur les moycns t\v. dirigcr et d'inatriiiro letirs flUes, par A. F. Thtrv; Lemons do lecture dnns U-s imprimes et duns les ninnuscrits ; >[i'lhode ratlonnolle pour rensei^tnement de recrilnre, contenant les precuptcs ct les modules des einq genres de rferiturc, par E. Werdet ; Premiers ex- ercices de mi'nioire, on choix de morcenux on prose et en vers, fuciles a oomprondro cl li retenir ponr de jeunos onfants, par A, Ametie; Premieres notions de gram- mulrc frnnCBi'^c.parM. S«rdou; Premieres connaissances, ou simpli' notions sur les ph^nomenes les plus interes- Hants de la nature et sur les fails les plus curieux dans les sciences, les arts, et I'industrie, par MM. Cortambert, Sainte-Preave, Delafosse et Sonnet. — II. Conseils aux meres sur les moyens de diri- ger et d'instriiire elles-memes leurs filles, par A. F. Tht-ry 3591.23 — ni. Exercices de memoire et de lecture, par A. F. Thery et C. L. Dezobry 3591.24 — r\', V. Lemons de geographic, par p. E. F. Cor- tambert. 2v 3591.25 — VI. Lemons d'arithmetique, par M. L. J. H. .Sonnet 3591.26 — VH. Le9ons de grammaire fran<;aise et exer- cices de style, par M. Sardou 3591.27 — VIII. Notions de physique et de chimie, par M. L. .J. H. Sonnet; Lemons d'histoire natu- relle, par G. Delafosse; Principes raisonnes do la musique, par L. M. Quicherat 3591.28 — IX, X. Lemons d'histoire, par Gerusez, Bar- beret, Bouchitt(^ et Herbet 3591.29 — XI. Conseils auxjeunespersonnes sur les moy- ens de completer leiir education, par A. F. Thery 3591.30 — XII. Revue de I'histoire universelle, par L. A. Prevost-Paradol 3591.31 — XIII. *otionsdepbilosop!iie,par A.F.Th^ry; Notions de droit general et de legislation fran- 9aise, par M. A. Griin : Notions d'hygiene pra- tique, par Isidore Bourdon 3591.32 — XIV. Cours superieurdegrammaire, par 31. B. Jullien 3591.32 — XV. Cours de litterature gen^rale, par A. F. Thery 3591.34 Course of calisthenics for young ladies. Hartford, 18:il. pp. 87. 12' 3599.33 Course of lectures for Sunday evenings. Boston, 1826. pp.95. 12' 5447.19 Coi;KT,J.F.de. Dictiounairedes predicateurs fran- Qois. See Albert. A 21S3.11 COURTENAY, W. Address to the grand jury at tx- eter, on the dissemination of seditious and blasphemous doctrines. Exeter, 1819. 12'. *Pph.v.349 COURTENEK, T. Abecedaire du precepteur fran^ais. Moscou, 1827. )2° 4689.41 COURTOis, E. B. Hupport fait an nom de la com- mission charges de Texamen des papiers trouves chez Uobespierre et sea complices. Paris, 1795. p.b' 4652.23 CoURTOis-GtRARD. Cours 61ementaire de culture maraichere. ;Jc ed. Paris, 1856. 24'. . . . 4008.32 Courts-martial, Practice of. Benet, S. V. . . , 3tj35.l5 Cuusix, G. Adagiorum sylloge. 5eeAdagia. . . 4160.2 Shelf. No. Cousin, L. Histoire de Constantinople depuis le rt'gne de Pancien .Tustin. Traduite snr les originaux Grecs. Paris, 1672-74. 8v. 4°. . 2961.2 Contents. — Vol. T. Procope do CE'snreo: Los gucrrrB eontrtt los Persos, les Vandnlea, et les Goths. 1 1, Proeopo : L'histolre mfilte, I'histoire secrete, et les six livres des tdiflces ; L'histoiro de I'empereur Justinicn.par Apathias. III. Les nmbassades des empcrcursJustinten, Justin le jeune, ct Tiberc, feriten par Mfiiandro; L'histoire do 1' emporeiir Mnurlee, fui'ito par Theophylacte .Simocatta; L'histoire abrf'KL'o, par Niceplioro le patriarche ; Les vies flea eniiicreura. par Lton, lo erammarien ; L'histoire de Constantin Duchb, de Itoninin Diogine, do Michel Ducas, et de Nicephorc Botnnitite. ecrite par Nicephore Br^-enne C6Bar. IV. L'histoire do I'empereur Alexis, ecrite par Anne Comtieno. V. L'histoire des empcrours les Com- nenes, Jean, Manuel, Alexis, AndroniQue, Isaac I'Ange, d' Alexis Ducas Murtzuphle, do In prise do Constantino- ple, et do rempcreiir Baudouin, ecrito parNicOte. VI. L'histoire des omperwurs Michel et Andronique, eerito par Parhymere. VII, VIII. L'histoire des empereurs Androuii|uee, et rhislnire des empereurs Jean Paleo- loEue, et Jean CivntaeuzOne, ferites par Cantacuz6ne. VIH. L'histoire dc* empereurs .loan, Manuel, Jean et Constantin Paleologues, ficrites por Ducas; Table chro- nologiquc. Cousin, V. Elements of psychology : examination of Locke on the understanding, with addi- tions and introduction. Translated by C. S. Henry. 2d ed. New York, 1838. 12' . . . 5608.22 — Fragments ]itt(5raires. Paris, 1843. 8° - . . . 4188.2 — Fragmens philosophiques. 2e M. Paris, 1833. 8'. 6105. 13 — Histoire generale de la philosophie. 4e ^d. Paris, 1861. 8" 5603.14 — Jacqueline Pascal. Paris, 1845. 12' 4189.8 — De la mOtaphysique d'Aristote. 2e ed. Paris, 1838. 8' . ! B.163.6 — Le9ons sur la philosophie de Kant. Paris, 1844. 8° 6103.7 — Des pens^esde Pascal. Nouv^d. Paris, 1844. 8'. 6101.8 — Philosophie de Locke. 4e ed. Paris, 1861. fe'. 5603.15 — Rapport a Pacadeniie des sciences, morales et politiques, sur les memoires envoy^s pour concourir an prix de philosophie, sur la mct- aphysique d'Aristote. [No title-page.] pp. 96. 4' 4191.8 — Report on public instruction in Prussia. Trans- lated by S. Austin. New York, 18.35. 18' . . 3598.24 — [Notice snr ai. Cousin: Extrait du Biographe, Journal mensuel, No. 333. No title-page,] pp. 8. 8° 4163.13 Cousin de Saint-Denceux, A. Essai sur I'histoire de la theologie scolastique, du droit-canon et de la liturgie. Tome 1. Paris, 1845. 8° . , 6063.11 CousiNERY, B. E. Tables k I'usage des ingenieups, SeeGenieys, R 3930.12 Coventry, Hon. Sir W. Character of a trimmer. London, reprinted. 183.3. pp.95. 8' . . . . 2515.5 Covert, B., and Dodge, O. E. Collection of songs, duets, etc. Boston, n.d. pp.48, obi. 12'. . 8047.54 Cow-pox, Treatise on. Hibbard, D. K 3790.40 See also: Vaccination, CownoN, J. Twilight: an appeal to truth and reason, in defence of re-opening the slave trade. Jackson, Miss., 1859. pp. '29. 8° . . 5572.10 CowELL, B. Spirit of 76 in Rhode Island. Boston, 1850. 8' 2336.16 Cowley, A. Works. First part. 9th ed. Third part. 2ded. London, 1700. sm.f .... *4171.6 Contents. — Life of Cowley, by M. Clifford; Miscella- nies; The mistress; Piudarique odes; Davideis, a sacred poem ; Davideidos liber primus ; Veraea written on sev- eral occasions; Proposition for the advancement of ex- perimental philosophy; Government of Oliver Crom- well ; Discourses in verse and prose ; Cutter of Coleman- street; Six books of plants, made English by several hands; Dedication and preface, by N. Tate. — - Same. Second part, written in his younger years. 6th ed. London, 16s9. sm.f. . . . *4171.6 Coiitents. — Constantia and Philetus; Tra^cnl history of Piraraus and Thisbe ; Sylva, or copies of versea ; Love's riddle, a pastoral comedy ; Naufragium Joculare, comtfidia. COVnLET 134 CRATOX Shelf. No. Cowley, A., continued. — Poemata Latina. Sex libri plantanim, et anus miscelianeorum. Loudini, IfiiiS. 8* . , , . *4277.22 — Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 5] . . . 4601.1 Contents. — Miscellnnics; Epistles; Etegiac poems; Mistress; Odes; Anacreontics; Boolt of plants; Da\i- deis ; Imitations, etc. CowLE V, C. Memories of the Indians and pioneers of the rea^ion of Lowell. Lowell, 180'.;. pp. 24. S° 4355.17 Cowi.ET, H. Albina, countess Raimond, trag. [Bell. British theatre, V. L'S] 41?9a.l CowpElt, J. Sermon preached at tlie assizes held at Carlisle, Aug. 5, 1752. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1751.'. ia° *rph.v.3i30 CowpER, TV., jremoirs of the life and writings of. ■ See Gieathead, S 4569a. 41 Cox, George. First steps to the Latin classics, and Key. SeeHintou,.T 4039.14,15 Cox, Gershom F. Three questions answered. [Re- lation of the church to slavery.] Boston, 1S56. pp. 40. 8° 5572.11 Cox, R. Sabbath laws aud Sabbath duties. Edin- burgh, IS-M. 8° .5)54.1, and 6073.21 Cox, S. H. Address in behalf of the Societyfor col- legiate and theological education at the West. KewYork, [ISW]. 8° T.lof*5506.1 — Bright and blessed destination of the world : a discourse. New York, 1840. S° 60,88.154 CoxE, A. C. Christian ballads. New York, 1840. 12°. 2408.20 CoxE, J. R. Importance and respectability of the science of medicine. Phila., 1800. 8" . *M.Pph.v.l32 CoxE, T. [Examination of the conduct of Great Britain, respecting neutrals, since 1791.] Bos- ton, ISOS. pp. 72. 8° 4390a.46 COXE, W. Ti-avels in Switzerland. [Mavor. Voy- ages, v. 19] 6207.1 CozzENS, S. W. More laborers needed for the gos- pel harvest. A sermon before the auxiliary education society of Norfolk county, .June S, 1842. Boston, 11*42. 8° 6088.15 CozzEss, W. C. Address at the dedication of a school house. See Ne^vport, K. 1 6.335.23 Cp..\BB, George, hnrrister at liiw. History of the English common law; from the earliest period to the present time. London, 1829. 8° . . . 4305.1 Crabb, George, tl. 1S54, teacftcr at Carlisle. Eng- lish synonymes, with copious illustrations and explanations. New ed. New York, 1.S31. 8°. *4176.5 Ckackkii jug. The, or five answers to my neighbor i'lirley's five letters, by " neighbor Smith." 2d ed. Boston, 1838. pp. 24. 12° .... B. 160b. 75 Craftsman, The ; being n criticjue on the times, 1726,27. 4th ed. London, 1728. 2v. 8°. . 4549.1 A'rf«. — Tlii8 weekly periodical was pu)>l!slieil under the name of Caleb I»'AnverR, hut the princiital contrib- utors wore lord Bollngbroke, Pultciie.v, afterwards earl of liath, and Nlchol«« Atnliurst. — ItitdMan catttlogue. . Cr.\FTS3IAN extraordinary, being remarks on a late pamphlet, entitled. Observations on the con- duct of Great Britain, etc. London. 1729. 8* M'ph.v.Sl? C'RAIO, A. Dedication sermon. May 6, 1849: the unity and faith of the Christian church. [2d ed.] New York, 1850. 8° 6088.213 — "Getting religion;" a popular error exposed. Ecltvlllc, N.J. , 1850. pp.10. 24° . . . . B.160b.ll4 — Ourjielves: our principles; our present contro- versy: our immediate duties. An address. Keltvllle, N. .1., IH50. 12° I1.170b.40 CKAIO, W. Our duties at this crisis. Sermon In New Bedford, April 21, IWU. New liedl'ord, IWII. «° 4310ft. 31 • 'RAIK, (!. I.. History of Kngllhh literature, and of the English langunxe. N. Y., 1863. 2v. 8°. 2663.13 — Manual of English literature, and history of the English language. London, 1862. 12* . . . 2653.20 Sott.—lht [rreeedlnft compressed, wlih morlldeAtlons. Shelf. Ho. Craik, G. L., cnntinved. — Sketches of the history of literature and learn- ingin England. London, 1844, 45. 6v.in3. 16°. 4159.30 — and Mac Farlane, C. Pictorial history of Eng- land. Chronological index, [and] generalin- dex. Standard ed. London, ISOO. 8° , . . *2422.t Craik, J. The union. National and state sove- reignty alike essential to American liberty. A discourse. Louisville, Ky., 1800. 8° . . . 4310a. 74 Ckamer, C. F., 6. 1752, rf. 1807. Klopstock. Er; undUberihn. .5ee KJopstock, F. G 2878.16 Cra.meh, F. Dissertatio de Pythagora quomodo educaverit atque Instituerit. [Diss, acad.] Sundiae, 18.33. pp. 20. 4° B. 190.67 Cramei!, Johann A. Siimmtliche Gedichte. Leip- zig, 1782,83. 3v. 10° *»287S.26 — Life of Gellert. See Gellert, C. F 2877.10 CRAaip:R, Johann B. fetude pour le pianoforte en quarante-deux exercices. Suite. Leipsic, n. d. obl.4° 4055.54 — Instructions for the piano-forte. New ed. Bos- ton, n, d. pp. 69. 4° 8051.14 Cbabip, J. M. Text-book of popery. Added, the doctrinal decrees, and canons of the council of Trent, in Latin. New York, 1831. 12° . 6074.25 Craxach,L. Lebenund Werke. SceSchuchardt.C. 4237.14 CrANCH, C. p. Poem delivered in Quincy, Slay 26, 1840, the 200th anniversary of the town. Bos- ton, 1840. 8° *4163.11 CRANCIt, W. Memoir of the life, character, and writings of John Adams; read, JIarch 10, 1827, at the reTiibolik und Mythologie der alten Volker, be- sonders derGriechen. Leipzig, lSlO-12. 4v. .S*'.**3487.5 Creviek, ,1. li. L. Observations surlelivreDe Pes- pritdesloix. Paris, 17i'4. 12" 3616.16 Crime and criminal law in Massachusetts. [Monthly l:iw reporter, Aug., 1853, pp. 181-202]. LS". [No title-page] 4289.39 Crime and punishment. Les crimes et les peinea. Loi.seleur, J 3579.30 Croiea. Alexander, J. E. Travels through the, in 1829 9065.18 — Baudens, J. B. L. La guerre de Crimee . . . 3724.15 — Burgoyne, J. F. War in the 3953.26 — Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the 3063.9 — Mouravietr Apostol, I, M. Viaggio per la Tau- ridefattonel 1K20 30S5.11 — ReuiUy, J.de. Voyage en Crimee, 1803 . . . . 30.^5.13 — Tacquot, F. Du typhus de I'arm^e d'Orient . 3796.25 See also: Sebaatopol. Criminal law. Histoire du droit crirainel des peu- ples anciens. Du Boys, A 4293.7 Cbimijjal procedure, Treatise on. Archbold, J. F. 3635.1 Criminal trials, illustrative of " The Heart of Mid- Lothian." Edinburgh, 1818. 12" 2477.26 Crinagoras Mityleujeus. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 2] Crisconius. Breviarium canouicum. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., V. 9] B. 110.2 Crisis, The. New York, 186.3. pp. 95. a° . . . . 4310a.44 Crisis, The: its rationale. New York, 1861. pp. 39. S° 4310a. 45 Crisp, E. Treatise on the structure and use of th& spleen. London, n. d. 8° 3765.28 Critical observations on the buildings and im- provements of Loudon. 2d ed. London, 1771. 8" *Pph,v.347 Critical review of the claims presented by Chris- tianity for inducing apostacy in Israel. By Honestus. New Y'ork, 1852. pp. 34. 8° . . 6088.88 Crito. Trium fabularum perditarum reliquigB. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5] B.102.8 Crivelli, D. Instructions and exercises in the art of singing. Boston, n. d. pp. .34. 4" . . . . 8041.11 Croatia. Statistisch-geographische Beschreibung von Croatien. Nagj-, C 2827.9 Crobylus. Trium fabularum deperditarumreliquis. •[Meineke. Fragra.com. Gr., v. 5] B.162.8 Crocker, Z. Catastrophe of the presbyterian church, in 1837. New Haven, 1838. '12°. . 3544.32 Crockford, .1. Scholastic dii-ectory for 1861. Facts relating to education in the United kingdom. London, 1861. LS" *3591.7 Croker, .T. W. Early period of the French revo- lution. Essays from the Quarterly review. London, 1857. 8° 4643.10 Croker, T. C. Irische Elfenmiirchen. See Grimm, J. L. C 4178.9 Croly, G. Angel of the world, and Sebastian. New York, ls2l. 24" 4569a.30 — Gems, principally from the antique, drawn by R. Dagley. With illustrations in verse. Lon- don, 1822. 12** 45G9.7 Crompton, S., Life and times of. See French, G.J. 2448.25 Cromwell, O. Der verschmitzte Welt-Mann und Scheinheilige Tyranne in Engelland, O. C, u. s. w. n. p., 1702. pp. 44. f °. [Anabaplisti- cum Pantlieon] *B. 1.30.5 — Banks, J. Review of the life of 245S.-10 — Fisher, P. Irenodia gratulatoria 2542.12 — Harris, W. Life and writings of 2137.4 — Leti, G. Historia di • 2519.8 — Stace, M. Cromwelliana 4170.13 CROMWELL 136 CUJAS Shelf. No. CBOsnvELL family, Catalogue of books illustrative of the. See Tudor 2139.9 Cronique du roy FrauQoys premier de ce nom, pub- lit-e par G. Guiffrey. Paris. ISGO. 8" . . . . 4615.1 Croxoxhotonthologos: afarce. Carey,H. v.2of2575.35 Crosby, A. The second advent: or, what do the Scriptures teach respecting the second com- ing of Christ ? etc. Boston. 1S50. 12" . . . 0063.26 Crosby, D., Sermon at the funeral of. 5ee Greene, D.5440a.50 Crosxier, at. Vahbe. Iconographie chn^tienne, ou etude dfs sculptures, peintures, etc.,du moyen- age. Paris, 184S. S° 4277.5 Cross. A. Sermon in West Haverhill, thanksgiving day, Nov. 25,IS41. Haverhill. 1S42. **" . . *Pph.v.379 Cross, E. B. Introduction to the science of astron- omy. [In Karen.] For the Karen schools. 1st ed. Tavoy, IMS. S° 3038.5 — Karen calendar and annual, for 1849-51. Tavoy, 1S4S-50. 12° 3038.15 — View of ecclesiastical history. Vol. 1. [In Karen.] Tavoy, 1851. 12" 5429.6 Crosse,T. Pieces of poetry. Bath,irS7. pp.41. 4". 2571.11 Ckosskey, H. W. The soul's thirst for God : a dis- course, April 13, 1856. London, 1856. W . B.lCOb.ll Croswell, a. Testimony against the prophaness of some of the jiublick disputes, ou the last commencement-day. Boston, 1760. pp.20. S°.5450a.l5 Croswell, AV. Church of the Advent. Letter to the bishop of Massachusetts, occasioned by his Jate letter to the clergy. Boston, 1845. 12''.5440a.42 — The work of God and its means. A sermon preached the first Sunday in Advent, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8* 5440a.42 — Discourse commemorative of. See Doane, G.Vr 0088.209 Ckousaz, J.P. de. Examen du pyrrhonisme an- cien et raoderne. La Have, 1733. f ° . . . . *60"0.7 Crowther, S., bishop. Vocabulary of the Toruba language. London, 1S43. 12" 5038.20 Croy, C de. Jtemoires autographes, publics par de Keifienberg. Bruxelles, 1815. 1.8' 2841.4 Crozer, J., Debate between J. S. Hyndman and. .S'ee Hyndman, J. S Pph.v.365 CrOZIER, H. p. Keligion, and too much religion. A sermon. New York, 1^52. 8° C0S8.57 CrUCHLEY, G. F. Picture of London. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1834. 18" 2487.10 CRt:i>ELl, T. Bline e prose. l*arigi, 1805. sm.lO*" . 4705.14 Ckucifixiox of Christ. Andrews, L. Three ser- mon.s on the passion of our l^ord 3475.21 — Passion, deuth, and resurrection of Christ. See Mount Calvary 3475.28 — Phelps, A. Crueilixion of Christ, anatomically considered B. 100b. 10 — Wichtige Knthiillungcn Uber die wirkliche To- desartJesu B. 127. 19 Crugeu, H. l-iife and character: un address. See Van Sihaack, II. C 2344.32 CRtJGElt, T. Ue martyriis falsis. Vitemberga;, [1722]. pp.10. 8ni.4° 6066.25 Cbummell, a. Duty of a rising Christian state. Oration before the coinnion council of Mon- rovia, .July 20, 18.)5. Lonilon, 1856. 8". . . 4390a.28 — Future of Africa: being atldressi-s, sermons, etc. New York, 18(i2. \T 3058.5 Crusahes. Sybel, H. v. History and literature of the 2293.6 — Valentin, F. Abreg(5 de I'hiHtoire des crolsades, 1096-1291 2299.7 CRUBiim, F. De vcterlbutt vallis Xfloticir IncoHs oonimquc lingua I. e. Co|)tk'a. Ilalls, 18.39. pp.32. H* B.170a.93 CRUaifS, O. C. (irlrchiMili-I.)eutH(hen Worterburh Utier die Gedichte deH Ilunieroit und die Uo- mcriden. 4te Aull. Leipzig, 1862. H** . . . 2984.28 CR1788AKI), J. C. Cnmple'rendu de IVxplolhition de Ih ferme-t'-cole de Trec4*H(*ou, eniiipiigue de 1857. KenneH, 1M58. 8" 3tt92.20 Ckuutacka. Hose, L. A. Q, IllHtoire naturello den rrufltac^s 3879.31 Shelf. No. Crustacea, continued. — Catalogue of crustacea in the British museum. See London. British museum 5879.4 — Crustacea of the United States exploring expe- dition, 1838-42, by J. D. Dana. See United States. Miscellaneous documents 3870.37 — Suckow, F. W. L. Anatomisch-physiologische Untersuchungen der Krusteuthiere 5892.3 Cruttexoex, D. H. Mental and primary arithme- tic. New York, 1852. IS" 7019.43 — Mental systematic arithmetic. New Y'ork, IS54. pp. 62. 16° 7019.42 — Theoretical and practical systematic arithmetic. New Y'ork, 1853. 16* . ." 7019.44 Cruveilhier, J. Anatomie pathologique du corps huinain, avec figures lithographiees et colo- rizes. Paris, 1829-42. 2v. f" *3750.5 — Traite d'anatomie pathologique gen^rale. Paris, 1849-56. 3v. 8° 5793.6 — Traite d'anatomie descriptive. 2e ^d. Paris, 1843-45. 4v. 8° 3743.9 Cruysmans, F. Des risques de guerre au point de vue de la police d'assurance maritime et des usages d'Anvers. Bruxelles, 1S62. 8° . . . .3061.12 Cryptoga^iiia, Germination, development, and fructification of the higher. Hofmeister, W. 3824.16 Ctesias. Excerpta de rebus Persicis et Indicis. 5ec Herodotus 4180.8 Cuba. Clarfe, B. C. Geographical sketch of . . . 4314.3 — Kimball, R. B. Cuba, and the Cubans . . . . 4307.10 — List of the shells of. See Loudon. British museum 5879.9 — Sargent, J. Discovery and early history of . . 4307.8 — Sivers, I. v. Cuba, die Perle der Antillen , . 4367.4 Cuban dialect. Diccionario provincial de voces ca- banas. Pichardo, E 30.33.7 CUBI i Soler, M. Le traducteur frau^ois. 2e ed., corr. Boston, 1828. 12' 4089.24 CuccHETTi, G. D. L'amicitia, comedia. Mantova, 15S8. sm.l2' *4809a.54 CUDWORTH, R. Intellectual system of the universe : with a treatise on immutable morality. Ad- ded, notes and dissertations of IMosheim, translated by J, Harrison. London, 1845. 3v. 8° 0036.2 — Systema intellectuale hujus universi. Accedunt reliqua ejus opuscula. Lat. vertit, recensuit, etc. J. L. Mosheniius, Ed. 2a. Lugduni Batavorum, 1773. 2v. 4* *6021.7 Cotifen/x. — Vol. I, II. Syntema lutellcctiinlp. II. Do vern notionc dense Domini ; Conjunctio CliriHti oteccle- sIcD in typo. CunwORTH, W. Defence of Mr. Hervey's dialogues, against Mr. Bellainv's Theron, Paulinus and Aspasio. Boston, 1762. pp.30. 12". . . B. 160a. 81 CujAS, .1. Opera, qme de jure fecit. Francofurtl, 1595. 4v. in 1. f *4290.1 Caiitrntfi. — Jusflnlanl Inntitntionum lihrl (lunttior; In cosdcm ItbroN CuJiicU notfr ; Ad Ul|ifiinl (It. XMX iiota>; In .lulii Pnuti rcceptnrnm Avntontlnruni lib, (inlnquo in- terprotntionc'n; Do illvvrsiH U'niponim jirrenorlptlonibui; Ei'oratfioi ffifil iforu'Cfwr f^riiOTfj/Kirr.)/' (iTTfi p'»rrjf et>J( /)'crr.ii-;(;oiisuUntiovt-rL'rlfi<'uJuii(lani,liiri(icontttiUl \ CiiJiK^n conHiilIationcA U\ ; rnmUtIn In llbroa quiniiua- glnln pnndrctarum Jniitlniiini ; Do orifrinc jnrla ut JiirU nuclurlbus ex onclilridlo roni])onll cum conimoutiirlo; • Dc pnrtiM; Do trnniinctlonllinii; Do In IntcKTiiin reittitii- tlunllMii; (juod inctiia muHA (TCMtiim out; IUmIuIo inntO( D« iiilnorlhnit WVniinin; Do oxouHiitlonlbua tuturum; Qnl to«tnin«iiia fiicovp i)o»mint ; Do liborU ot ponHinili hiTodilmit lniilltuon; Com- moiilnrll lid troH pOMlrrnioH 1lltro8 codk'lH tJuMiloin; No- vi'lliiniin conittltutlounm ci.xviii oJii«dt'ni hiiinTrttorl* r>xp»«ltlo ; Do reiidi* tlbrl quinquo, et In coi ct>minont»rll ; Aun^a bulla Cgroll iv Imporatorlii: Obicrvatlonum st •mandatlonum Hbri xxvtti. CUJAS 137 CURRENCY Sholf. No. CujAs, J., co?}(ivue{t. — Kpistoix Grwcanicai miitiix. [Lat. ami Gr.] Aurclig; Allobrogum, 1000, f° *4'J00.8 yctf. — Lo toxtc f!T(^c ndoptt (Itinii ce tpcpuU csi ceUil dc r^diliun d'Ali)<*, 141^, et sans nucuno itugincntatlon. Quant a la trndudion Intiiu' o« ne snit poiirquoi fllo est ikltribiiuo li ('ujiin, puisiuo, iraprcs C'uitnulntn, c'est rouvrnge obsctiri cujutdain vt uu'diocritcxr ducti Cier luonl. — Bruttet. CULLEN, W. First lines of the practice of physic. New ed. Worcester, 17(K). 3v. Vi" . , . . 6713.15 — Institutions of nu-dieiiie. Fart 1. Physiology. 3d*Hi. Edinburgh, 1785. 8' 3704.10 — Synopsis of nu'tliodical iiosolopy. From the 4th t'd. Tr. by H. Wilkiiis. I'hiht., 1703. 8°. 37S3.5 — Treatise of the materia mcdiea. New York, 180'^. yv. in 1. H° 3785.22 CULLEV, K. S. Handbook of practical telegraphy^ London, 1803. 8" 3900.18 ClTLLUM, G. W. Systems of military bridges, with directions for the preservation, destruction,- and re-establishment of bridges. New York, 1S03. 8° 3055.5 CuMA. Fiorelli, G. Monument-i cumani 4750.10 — Paoli, V. A. Avanzi esistenti a Cuma . . . D.3.1*.*2 CUJIBKHLANI), Richard, bishop of. Peterhonynffh, b. 1032, d. 1718. Treatise of the laws of nature. Wade English, [with additions] by J. Max- well. London, [1727]. 4° *4300.10 Cumberland, Richard, 5. 17.32, rf. ISll. Calvary: a poem. 3d. Am. ed. Morris-Town, 1815. 8°. 25G7.6 — Memoirs, written by himself. N. Y., I.S06. 8°. 2544.5 — Retrospection, a poem. Boston, 1812. pp. 72. 8° 4500a. 1 — SeeiieU. British theatre, v. 4,0, 12, 16,18-20 . 4170a. 1 Cotacnt». — Vo],lV. The choleric man, com. VJ. The bnttlp of Hnstiiigs, trag. XII. The brothers, com. XVI. Tho Crtrnulitr. tTHK- XVIII, Thd fashi.jiinhle luver, com. XIX. Tho West Indian, com. XS. The uatural eon, com. v — PoeticJil version of certain Psalms of David. 5fc Bible. Single books of theOld Testament. 5419a. 9 — The West Indian, a comedy. [Jones. British theati-e,v.lO] 4575.20 Cumberland, dulces of. See Frederic Henry, and William Augustus. CirsiBERLAND, Eiig. Dickinson, W. Words and phrases of 2580.42 — Glossaryof words used in the county of . . . . 4580.20 See also: Alston Moor. Cumberland, Me., History of the Congregational church and society in. See Weston, I. . , 2330.14 Cumberland river. AnnaJs of the army of the Cumberland 4322.4 — Bickham, W.D. Rosecraus' campaign with the array of the Cumberland 4328.8 Cumeancs, or Cummianus. Liber de poenitentia- nim mensura. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., v. 12] B.110.2 Cu^iiN, P. Popular education of the Bristol and Plymouth districts. London, I80I. b" , . , 3503.0 Cuming, W., Memoirs of. See Lettsom.J.C. . . 3735.7 CL'MINGs, H. Sermon before T.Cushing,lieut. gov- ernor, etc.. May 28, 1783, the amiiversary of general election. Boston, 1783. 8" *435G.O — Thanksgiving sermon preached at Billerica, Nov. 27, 1700. Bo.ston, 1707. 8" *4ie3.5 CUMSiiNG, H. Sermon before the Mystic lodge of masons. Pittsfield, 1821. 8" *Pph.v.27 CUMMING, J. Moses right, and bishop Colenso WTong; popular lectures. London, 1803. am. 12" 3439.20 CUM3IINOS, J. A. Ancient and modern geography. 7th ed. Boston, 1820. 12° 7039.13 — Pronouncing spelling book. Boston, 1819. 18*.45S9a.35 CUMMINOS, T. H. Address to the people of Ohio, in behalf of a law to prohibit the liquor -manu- facture and traffic. 5ee Cary, S. F B.170.74 18 Shelf. No Cummins, M.S. The lamplighter. Boston, 1854. 12'. 2307.7 Cuneiform inscriptions. Barrois, J. B. J. Lecture litterale des cuneifbrmes 2110.21 — Hang, M. Ueber Schrift und Sprache der 2ten Keilschrift-Gattnng 4126.8 — Historical inscriptions of ChaUla?a, Assyria, and Babylonia. See London. British mu- seum D.4.Q.4 — Lowenstern, I. Elements constitutifs du sys- t(>me de la troisii-me ecrilure cnueiforme de PersOpolis 3040.22 — - Kssai de d*^chiffrement de l'<;criture assyri- enne 3040.21 CUNHA de Azeredo Coutinho, J. J. da. Essay on the commerce and products of tlie Portuguese colonies in South America, especially the Brazils. London, 1807. 8° 23C5.I5 — Estatntos de recolhimento de N. S.da Gloria do lugar da Boa- Vista de Paruambuco. Lis- boa,1708. 4° G0S8.220 Cl'NNAbell, .1. 8. Lessons for the French accor- dion. 2d ed. Boston, n.d. pp. 48. obl.S" . 8052.48 CUNNiNfiHAJr, Abner. I'ractical infidelity portray- ed. 3d ed. New York, 1830. 18' 6447.33 Cunningham, Allan. Songs of Scotland, ancient and modern ; with an introduction and notes. London, 1825. 4v. p.8° 2530.9 — Some account of the life and works of Sir W. Scott. Boston, ia32. 16° 4540a. 27 Cunningham, John. Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Brit- ain, v. 10] 4004.1 Cunningham, John W. The velvet cushion. From the London ed. of 1814. Albany, 1815. 18" . 4579a. 32 — World without souls. 3d Am. from 2d London ed. Boston, 1808. 12° '. . . . 4500.2 Cunningham, P. Life of luigo Jones. 5ee Jones, L 2543.3 Cunningham, T. History of the customs, aids, subsidies, debts, and taxes of England. 3d ed. London, 1778. S" 3053.10 CuNo.A. W. Memoria. S'ee Petersen, J. W. . , . 4210.9 CUNVNGHAME, A. Recollectious of service in China. [Smith. Weekly volume, v. 1] . . . 8030.3 CuNZE, T. Quaestionum Aristotelearum fasc. i. [Diss. Acad.] Helmstadii, 1841. pp. 14. 4°. 4102.32 CUFEit, G. Apotheosis vel consecratio Homeri; Explicatio gemmae Augiistes ; Numismata antiqua explicata; Inscriptiones et marmora antiqua exposita et illustrata; De utilitafe, quam ex numisraatis principes capere pos- sunt, dissertatio; Harpocrates, sive explica- tio imagunculK perantiquae, quie repriesentat solem ; Monumeuta antiqua inedita. [Poleni. Utriusque tlies. antiq. supp., V. 2] 2970.7 — and Sperling, O. Dissertationes sive epistolie mutuse de variis rebus et qua^stionibus quae pertinent ad antiquitates Graecas et Romaiias. [Poleni. Utriusque thes. antiq. supp., v. 4]. 2070.7 CcpNEK, or Cuppener, C. Magdeburgisch Weich- bildt. Leipzig, 1580. f *4200.4 CuRCHOD, H. Essai sur la cure de raisins ^tudi^e plus specialement a Vevey. Vevey, 1800. S". 3S0S.8 CURCHOD, L. A, Examen quaestionis, Quomodo incitamenta i commodis temporalibus ducta, populis christianis proponenda sint ? Genevae, 1720. pp. 10. 4° *4231.6 Cubculionidj:, List of British, .^ee London. Brit- ish museum 5S00.14 Curie, P. F. Domestic homoeopathy. Additions by G. Humphrey. Philadelphia, 1830. 18° . 3807.27 CURIONE, C. S. De bello Melitensi liistoria. [Grje- vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 15] .... 4710,1 CURiosiTfes thcologiques. Par uu bibliophile. Paris, 1801. 12° 3499.13 Curiosities. Feiiillet de Conches, F. S. Causeries d'un curieux 4703.3 — Lalanne, M. L. C. Curiosit^s litt^Taires . . . 4070.23 Currency. Currency: the evil and the remedy. By Godek Goodwell. [6th ed.] New York, 1840. pp. 48. 8° 6087.68 CUREENCT 138 CUTANEOUS Shelf. No. CcRREScr, continued. — Appleton, N. Remarks on currency and banking 4390a.ll — Carey, H.C. What constitutes currency ? . . 5fiKi.4 — MiJdkt5nn. H. The government and the . . 3(546. 3l) — Stetson, A. \7. Our national debt and . . . . 3648.16 See also: Banking. CoioBge. Gold, Money. CURRIE, J. Medical reports on the effects of water in fever and febrile diseases. 3d ed. Liver- pool,-l«04. 2v. 8° 3808.21 — - Same. From the 4th London ed. Phila- delpliia, 180S. 2v.ini. 8° 3808.20 CURRTiSG, The art of. See Julia de Fontenelle, J.S.E 4016.16 CuRSio, P. Civitatem Castellanam Faliscorum, non Vejeutum oppidum esse, poema. [Gra- vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 8, p. 3J ..... 4710. 1 CUETENBROCiiE, Or Curtcnbosch, J. Acta concilii Tridentini. [JIartene. Vet. script., v. 8] . 4150.1 Curtis, B. K. Address to the people of Massachu- setts [on the coaUtion of 1851]. 8°. [No ti- tle-page] B.170a.61 — [An article on the debts of the states.] From the North American review for January, 1844. Boston, 1844. pp. 30. 8° 4390a. 63 — Executive power. Cambridge, 1862. pp.29. 12°. 4324.26 ' CURTIS, C. P. Oration, July 4, 1823, before the city council of Boston, etc. Boston, 1823. 8'.4.390a.29 Curtis, George T. Address at PliUadelphia, Sept. 30,181*1. [No title-page.] 8° 4390a. 62 — Argument against tlie constitutional validity of the legal tender clause, in tlie act of congress, Feb. 25, 1862, autliorizing treasury notes. New York, 1862. pp. 29. 8° 4390a. 62 — On constitutional liberty. New York, 1804. pp. 10. [No title-page.] 8° 4390a.62 — Just supremacy of congress over the territo- ries : an answer to S. A. Douglas, on popular sovereignty. Boston, 1859. pp.44. s° . . .4390a. 02 Letter to the whig state central committee. Boston, 18S6. pp. 16. 8° 4390a.62 — The merits of T. \V. Dorr and G. Bancroft, as they arc politically connected. 2d ed. Bos- ton, 1841. pp.41. 8° 4390a. 62 [Observations on Dr. Gannett's sermon, entitled " Kelaliou of tlie nortli to slavery."] Boston, 1854. pp.29. 8° 4390a.62, and B. 160.100 — Oration delivered July 4, 1862, before the au- thorities of Boston. Boston, 1802. 8° . . . 4390a.02 — The riglits of conscience and of property; or the true issue of tlie convent question. Bos- ton, 18112. pp. 39. 8° 4390a.02 — Speccli oil the presidential election; in Faneuil hall, Oct. 0, 18.W. Boston, 1852. 8° 4390a. 62 — Strength of tlie constitution of tlic United Stales; a discourse at the Lowell institute, Feb. 7, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8° 4390a. 02 Curtis, George W. Duty of the American scholar to politics anil the times. An oration, Aug. 5, 1850. New York, 1850. 8° B.l-Oa.3 — Letter in reply to an invitation to address the meeting at Bangor, Aug. 28, 1850, (on the recent letter of K. Choate]. 8°. [No title page] 6087.50 — Rhyme of Rhode Island and the times. See Vinton, K •1355.33 CURTIS, .'<. Pocket almanack, and register of New- llainp.ihlre, for 1803, 1807. Exeter and Am- herst, 1802, [IHOO]. 2v.ini. 12° 4380a. 20 OuilTi.s, W. (ieneral Indexes to the plants con- Uiined in the llrst liHy-lliree volnnies of the Botanical liniguzlin'; |wllh| nii'iiiulrs of the author, by S. Curtis. London, 1^28. 8" . . M8I4.1 CUItTI.ss, I). S. Western porlraitnri', and iniigrant'8 guide; a description of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa. New Vork, I8.V2. 12° 2407.27 *^RTIH.4, N. 1*. B. rrogreN-*ive and complete method for the .Spanish guitar. Boston, u d. ••• «)S1.41 Shelf. Mo. CURTius, E. Griechische Geschichte bis zum Ende des peloponnesischen Kiiegs. Berlin, 1858- 61. 2V. 8° 3077.7 — Die lonier vor der ionischen Wanderung, Ber- lin, 1855. pp. 56. 8° 3073.12 CuRTius, G. GrundzUge der griechischen Etymo- logic. Leipzig, 1858-62. 2v. 8° 2985.22 CUKTius Rufus, Q. History of the life and reign of Alexander the Great. Translated, with notes by P. Pratt. London, 1809. 2v. 8° . 2926.3 — Criticism on, by J. Le Clerc. See Arrianus, F. 2978.36 CURTZE, L. Volksiiberlleferungen aus dem FUr- stenthum Waldeck. Arolsen, 1860. sq.l6° . 2864.23 Curves. Nova; theoria; linearum curvarum, speci- minav. Krause, C. C. F 4270.16 CcRWEN family. Genealogical memoirs of the. See Vinton, J. A 4332.3 C'USA, or Krebs, N. v. Nicoljius von Cusa und die Kirche seiner Zeit. See Dux, J. M 6060.13 Gushing, C. Address before the Essex agricultu- ral society. Salem, 1850. 8° 4390a.30 — Opinion concerning the judicial authority of the commissioner or minister, and of consuls of the United States in China and Turkey. ■Washington, 1855. pp.36. s°- 4390a. 30 — Speech in Faneuil hall, Boston, Oct. 27, 1857. Also, speech in city hall, Newburyport, Oct. 31,1857. Boston, 1857. 8° 6087.30 — Speech on the right of petition for tlie abolition of slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia. Washington, 1830. 8° . . . . 4390a. 30 — Speech on the sub-treasury bill ; delivered in the house of representatives, 3Iay 20 and 21, 1840. [No title-page.] 8° »Pph.v.382 — Speeches in the house of representatives of Massachusetts, on the subject of the curren- cy and public deposites. Salem, 18.34. 8°. . 4390a. 30 CUSHING, Jacob. Sermon at the ordination of Mr. E. Brown, at Sherburne, Nov. 28, 1770. Bos- ton, 1771. 8° *-H(i3-5 — Sermon at the ordination of Mr. S. Williams, in Bradford, Nov. 20, 1705. Boston, 1766. 8° . »4163.5 CusiiiNG, John. Sermon at Marshtield, at the or- dination of Mr. T. Brown. Boston, 1750. 8°. *4103.5 CusHiNG, L. S. Handbuch der parlamentarischen Praxis, Ubersetzt von B. Uoclker. Ham- burg, 1852. 8° »»3563.22 ClisiiMAN, C. T. The pilgrims; a historical poem. See Shurtleir, N. B 2342. 2S CuSHM.\N, E. Address at the consecration of the Cushman monument. See Sliurtlell, N . B. . 2342.25 CU3HJ1.\N, Robert. Sin and danger of self-love; a sermon, preached at Plymouth, N. V,., 1621. 3d. ed. [riymoutli, 1785.] sm.8°. [No title- page] 6088.135 — - Same. [Fac-slmUe of 3d ed., printed in 1785]. Boston, 1846. 12° 0088. 1.35 — - Same. With a memoir of the author. Bos- ton, 1816. pp. :i2. 8° 6088.135 CUSIIJHAN, Robert W. Review of the measures em ployed in the religions awakening in Boston, in 1842; adiscourse, June 28, 1816. Boston, 1840. 8° 5M0a.41 — Discourse in Plymouth at the Cushman festi- val, Aug. 15, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8° . . . . 4355.18 — Temptations of city life. 3d ed. Boston, 1847. pp. 04. 32° 3589.35 CUS11M.\N monument, Con.secratlon of the, at Plym- outh, Sept. 16, 1858. See. Shnrlleir, N. B. . . 2342. 2S CUS.SON, P.,fclogede. [ Vicq-d'Azyr. lEuvres, v. 1]. 3720.11 CussY, F. lie. Phases ct causes celehres du droit maritime des nations. Leipzig, 1856. 2v. In I. 8° 3013.14 — I'ri'eia liistorUpie des ('■ve'liements polltiques les plus n-innninablea qui se sunt passes depuis 1814 il 18.')ll. Leipzig, 1859. 8° 2307.11 CtisTis, G. W. r. Adilress occasioned by the death of (ieneral l.ingan, nnirdered by the mob at Balllinore. Iloslon, 1812. 8° 4;t9na.43 CUTANKotrs diseases. I'arsons, U. • . 3717.4 CUTLERY 139 DAILLfi Hhtilf. No. Cutlery. ManuH du coulcHer. Landrin, TT. . . 4019. 3G CUTTKi:, C. rii\\Molog:v for chiUlrt'ii, Itn.stoa, 1840. l-^' 42C5.21 Cutting, H. r. The crisis — slavery or freedom. A diwcoursf. HurMngttm, IKi4. 8° . . . . B. 160a .24 CUVIEK, G. L. ('. F. I), de. HistiMre dis proprts des sciences naturelles !A. Knight, ('. Knglish cyclopaedia . A. 184. 1-4 — New AnuTican cyclopa'dia A. 110.1 — Kich, K. Cyelopffdia of biography 4H.'t.3 See also: Kiicyvlopirdia. CVNANCHK maligna, Dissertation on the. Aspin- wall, G BI.rph.v.139 CynTHU'S Cenetensis. Coninienfarium in Virgilii ^neideiu. [ilai. (lass, auct., v. 7] .... IS. 172. 3 Cyprian, E. 8. Vita Th. Canipaueliic. 2a ed. Trnjectiad Khenum, 1741. 16° 41i)9.18 Cypklanus, T. C, St. opera per D. Erasmum il- lustrata. BasUere, 1558. i" *B.110.5 COTi/rn/s. — EiiistolnniinUh.4; TrnototuB: CniitnilU-- iDPtriaiuim ; Dc hahitu virpiiuim ; De Biniplicitate prrr-- Intoriini ; T>e idolorum vanitate ; Vflrii scmiones; Do exhortntioiic niartyrii; Libri trea ndversus Juda'oa; De ba^rrticiH buplizandis ; Contra epistolani Steptiani ; SusjjrctA; De nioniibus Sina et Sion; De revclationo capitis JouuniH Biiptistn? ; Exposillo in Bj-mbolum apos- toloruni; Dc siiipularitiito tlericorum; De enrdiiialibua operibusCIiristi; De Spiritu Sancto; De luuiie martyril; De ci]i1ina ol bono piulicitiEe ; Quod lapsis spes venitB non est dcncganda; Orationes; Dc dupliti niartyrio. — Opera genuinainstr. D..T.H.Goldhorn. Lipsia*, 1838, 39. 2v.in 1. p.8°. [Gersdorf. Bihli- otheca patrum, v. 2] G039.5 Cofit^nts. — Episitoln'; De gratia Dei; De idolorum vanitate ; Tcstimonioruni libri tres; De liabitu virgi- nuni ; Dc imitate ecclcsiip ; De lapsis; De oralione Domi- nica; De mortalitate ; Dc exhorlatione nitirtyrii; Ad Dcmctrianum ; De opere ct clcemosynis ; Do bono pali- entio; ; De zclo et livore; C'onciiium Carthapineiise. — Sammtliche Werke. [SammtUche Werke der Kircheuviiter, V. 3, 4] 6024.1 CorUents. — Vol. III. Briefe; Von der Zuchtigkeil der Jungfraucn; Von den Abtrunnigen ; Von iler Einigkeit di-r kntholisclicn Kirche; Von dcm Gebcte des Herrn; Srhreiben an Deraetrianua ; Von der Nichtipkeit der G5lzen ; Von dcm Sterben ; Von den gutcn Werken uiid dem Almosen ; Von dcm Gute der Geduld ; Von der Eifersucht unil dem Xeide ; Von der Aufmunterung zur Ablcgung doe Blutzcuguiflses fUr die Walirheit. Ill, IV. Drci Builier ZL-ugniswc gegeii die Jndeii. IV. Dua Concilium zu Karthago, iiber die Taufe der Ilaretiker. — Carmen dcresurrectionemortuorum. [Mart6ne. Vet. script., V. 9] 4150.1 — n prlnio sermone sopra I'elemosina. [Caro. Opere, v. 7] — Minucius, F. 31. De idolorum vanitate .... — Rettberg, F. W. Leben umMVirken Cyprus. Badia y Leblicli, D. Travels in .... — 5Iariti, G. Travels through Cyprus Cyuii.lus Alexandrinus, St. Commentarius in LucjE evangeliuni ; Homilia. [Mai. Class. auct., V. 10] Cykili.us Hierosolymitanus. Catecheses xxiii in- terprete J. Grodecio; Epistola ad Constan- tium imp. de signo crucis ; Oratio dc occursu Domini, Lat. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 4] B.U0.2 Cyf.illus Lucaris. Narratio de vita,studiis,gestis, et martyrio Cyrilli Luearii. [Smith. Mis- cellanea] 6059a. 1 Cyrilt.US, the apostle of Bohemia. Cyrill der Slaw- en Aposte!. See Dobrowsky, J 4236.12 Cyrus, the yrent. Le grand Cyrus, roman. See Scudtri, M.de . 2698.1 Cyrus, F. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr.,v. 2] B. 162.7 4803.5 6050.26 0050.16 3040.13 504S.2 B.17 Shelf. No CzARTOUYSKi, pHncc de. Affaires de Tologne. Expose de la situation suivi de documents et de pieces justiiicatives. I'aris, 1803. f . . 3061.30 CziiRMAK, J. N. On the laryngoscope, and its em- ployment in physiology and medicine. Trans- latethagore, [Gr. et Fr.]- II* Comnientniro d'Hiorocles, eur les vers do Pythagoro ; Rcmarques. "ill. Discoura sur la vie, la doctrine, le style, les interpretes et les commcntateurs de Platon; Le premier Alcibiade, ou de la nature humaine; Lo second Alcibiade, ou de la priere. IV. Lc Theugea, ou de la sagesse ; L'Eut/phron, ou de la satutete ; L'apologio de Socrate; Le Criton; Le Phedon, ou do rinimortalite de I'anie. V. Laches, ou dc la valcur; Protagoras, ou IcB Eoidiistes ; Les rivaux; Le grand Hippias, ou du beau, trad, par M de Mancroix ; L'Euthydcmus, trad, par M. de Maucroix ; Le banquet, trad, par M. Racine. VI, VII. Loix de Platon, trad, par .1. Grou. VIII. Dialogues, trad, par J. Grou; LeTlicetete.ou dcla science; Le Pro- tagoras, ou les Hophtstos; Lo premier Hippias, ou da beau; Le second Hippias, ou du mensonge. IX. Le Gur^ins, ou de la rhctorique; L'lon, ou de la pocsie, logique; Le Pliiliibe, ou de la volupte moral ; Le Menon, ou dc la vertu. Dacier, B. J., baron de. Kapport sur les progri's de I'bistoire et de la litterature ancienne, de- puis 1789. Notice sur I'auteur par S. de Sacy. Paris, 1802. 8° 4000.24 Da Costa, J. M. Medical diagnosis, with special reference to practical medicine. Philadel- phia, 181V4. 8" 5783.8 Dactylology. Dactylologie et langage primitif restituc^s d'aprfes les monnments. Barrois, J. B, J 2110.19 Dadmun, J. W., and Fuller, A. B. Army melodies. Boston, ISOI. pp. tH. 10° 4324.35 Daggett, D. Eulogium commemorative of Roger Griswold. New Haven, 1812. 8° 4347,16 Daiilgren, J. A. Report to the navy department, accompanying the president's message. Washington, 1862. pp. 16. 8° 4310a. 00 Dahlmann, F. C. Geschichte von DJinnemark [bis 1522]. Hamburg, 1840-43. 3v. 8° . . . *42I6.7 — Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte. 2te Aufl. Gcittingen, 1838. 8° 4230.5 Daiine, a. F. Jiidisch-alexandrinische Religions- Philosophic. Halle, 1834, 35. 2v.ini. 8". 6095.10 DaillI^;, J. De pseudepigraphis apostolicis, sen libris octo constitutionum apostolicarum, libri III. Hardervici, 1653. sm.8° *B. 127.fi — De scriptis, qvge svb Dionysii Areopagitff et JgnatiiAntiocheninominibvscircvmfervntvr, libri dvo. Geneva, 1006. 4° ♦6030.6 — De vsv patrvm ad ea definienda religionis cap- ita, qusE sunt controversa. Latine 6 Gallico a I. Mettayero. Genevx, 1050. 4° ♦0030.6 daillA 140 DANA "" ~~~ shelf. No. DAILLfe, J., continued. — Treati.se on tlie right use of tlie Fathers. Trans- lated from tlie French, by the Rev. T. Smith. Re-edited by G. Jekyll. London, 1841. S° . 60:38.12 — Apologia pro ecclesia; patribus, adversus J. D. See .Scrivener, M BO^O.C Daily atlas and bee. See Boston daily bee. Daily evening traveller. See Boston daily evening traveller. DAILY news, The. Jan.-Nov., 1802. London, 1862. 3v. f° *«*'''•' DiiSKO, p. Lehrbuch der windischen Sprache. Gratz,IS24. &» 4SS5.20 Daisenbergek, I. M. Ausnahl der schonsten Stellen fiir Stammbiicher, etc. 4te Aufl. MUnchen, 1820. 12° 2878.14 DAKOTAii ; or, legends of the Sioux. Eastman, M. 23(, .25 Dalbekg, .1. T. Jlemoria J. Dalburgii. See Ull- mann.C B.190.34 Dalby, I. Trigonometrical survey carried on in England, 17'Jl-94. See Williams, E 3911.11 Dale, A. van. Dissertationes ix anti.|uitatibus, quin et marmoribus, cum Romanis, turn Gr:c- cis illustrandis inservieutes. Amstelodami, 1702. 4° 4207.4 Dale, J. W. Northern hearts embrace southern homes. Two sermons, in Media, [Pa.], Dec, ISOO. Philadelphia, 1861. 18° 4.324.39 Dalimils chronik von Biihmen, herausgcgeben von Venceslavllanka. Stuttgart, 1859. 8°. [Stutt- gart. Bibliothek liter. Vcveins, v. 48] ... . *4233. 1 Dall, C. H. A. Gospel of the things that .Tcsus said and did. Calcutta, 1850. pp.8. 8° . B.lCOa. 107 _ Lecture on a " Visit to Madras ;" given at Bho- wancepore. [Calcutta, 1856.] 8°. [No title- page] 5W5.20 — Lecture on the danger of giving India educa- tion without religion. [Calcutta, 1856.] pp. 13. h°. (No title page] B. 170a. 87 — Lecture on true patriotism in Bengal; given at Chinsurah. Calcutta, 1868. 8° 6045.20 — Pizarro's faith : a lecture on perseverance, Sent , 185i;. [Calcutta, 1861).] sm.8°. [No ti.U-page) B.170a.e8 _ The religion of nature. A discourse. Calcutta, ,H5r, ^= U.)00a.l02 — The religion of labor. A discourse occasioned by the death of Hon. Abbot Lawrence, Nov. 4, 1K55. Calcutta. 1855. h° B. 160a. 101 — Some gospel principles, in ten lectures. Cal- cutta, 1856. 8° 6088.221 — Story of .lesus: summary of the known facta ol'clirisfs life. Calcutta, 1856. pp.12. 8°. B. 160a. 107 Dai I 'Oi ii> G. B. Pensieri sopra la vita letteraria e civile di Luigi Cerretti. Milano, 1808. 12°. 2749.20 Dallakis. ,sVe Uaille, J. Dallas, A. .1. Reports of cases ruled and atljudged in the courts of Pennsylvania, [1751-89]. Pliiladelphia, 1790. 8° 3707.4 Dallas, O. M. Eulogy on Andrew Jackson. See Dusenberv, H. JI 23-*7-25 Dallas, R. .speeches at the trial of Warren lias- tings. ,9cc Bond, E. .V 2572.5 DALLIIia,.!. Narrative of the battle of Browns- town, Aug. 9, 1.N12. N.Vork, 181(1. pp. 37. 8°. 4347.17 Dai.loz, V. A. 1>. and P. A., and others. .lurispru- dence ginerule. Recueil periodiIassachusetts legislature], April 17, 1851. [No title-page.] 8° 5083.3 — Opening address and closing argument in the Dalton div<»rce case, May, 1857. Boston, 1857. pp. 47. 8° 5086.3 — Remarks before the committee on federal rela- tions [in the legislature of Massachusetts], on the proposed removal of E. G. Loring, from the office of judge of probate. Boston, 1855. 1.8" B.lOOa.l — Speech at Manchester, N. H., Feb. 19, 1801. Boston, InOI. s" 4310a. 58 Dana, \V. C. Sermon in Charleston, S. C, on fast day, Nov. 21, 1800. Charleston, 18fi0. 8" . . 4310a. 59 Dance, J. B. II., and Arnott, J. M, Uber Venen- entziindung und deren Folgen. Uebersetzt vonG. Uimly. Jena, 1830. a" 3798.16 Shelf. No. DANCiNfi. Geschichte der Tanzkunst. Czerwin- ski, A 4001.22 Dancoukt, F. C. See Theatre frau^ais, v. 12, 13 . 4708.1 Contenta. — Vol. XII. Lo chevKlIor aln mode ; La mal- Bon (J« cnmiingiie; L'ite dca pofiuettos; Les bourgeoiBca a la intidc. XIII. Lo tutfur; Lea vciulimgcs ilu Sur^no; Lee vncHiices; Lo ciiricux de Compiiiene; Lo niiiri ra- trouvc; LfS boHrReoisea do qualilfej Lc8 Iroia couainBSj Lo gftlant jiinUiiiiT. DANmNi,A. Desnspcctisdehaeresi. RomgE,1703. f*. *6040.9 Danuixi, E. F. In Caesaris Brixii urbis CECsena; descriiitlonemannotatioucs. [GrKvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 8] 4710.1 Dandini, G. Keisebcmcrkungen iiber die Mnroni- ten, 1596. [Paulus. Reisen in den Orient, V. 1] 4243.5 Dandolo, G. La caduta della repubblica di Vene- zia, ed i suoi ultimi 50 anni. Venezia, 1855- 57. 2v. 8° 2723.13 Danet, p. Grand dictionnalre frau^ois et latin. Nouv. tJd. Lyon, 1736. 4" *4C81.1 DANGEAU,P.deCourciIlonde. Nouveauxmemoires, See Lemontey, P. E 4628.4 Danican-Philidok, F, A. Life of Philidor. See Allen, G 4001.12 Daniel, mo»/.: of Eaitku, in Arabia Petrfvn. Vita S. Joannis Climaci. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 10] B.110.2 Daniel, H. A. Codex liturgicus etclesise nniversa; inepitomenredactus. Lipsias, 1847-53. 4v. 8". 5448.1 — Handbuch der Geographic. Frankfurt, 1859-1:3. 3v. 8" 2281.7 — Thesaurus hymnologicus, slve hymnorum circa Mn usitatarum collectio amplissima. Halis, 1841-56. 5v. 8" 6067.2 Daniel, L. La guerre aux iltats-Unis. Paris, lti62. 8" • . 4333.9 Daniel, S, Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 4] 46(M.l Confcnls. — llHtoTy of the civil wnrs; Complaint uf Rosamond; Miisojihilus; Oclavia lo Marcus Antouiua; Epistlea; Sonnets, ftc. Daniel, W. B. Rural sports; [with] supplement, [London, 1801]-13, 4v. 8' 4001.5 Daniell, J, F. Elements of meteorology. Lon- don, 1845. 8" 3904.9 Daniell, S. and W. Native tribes, animals, and scenery of Southern Africa. London, 1820. 48 plates. 1.4'' 3050.7 Danish language and literature. See Denmark. Dankovszky, G. Die Gutter Griechenlands, bei don alten und jetzigen Slaven. Nebst eincm Etyraologikon der Namen der griecliischeu Gottheiten. Pressburg, 1841. 8" 4233.6 — Matris Slavicre filia erudita, seu grammatica cunctarum Slavicarum et Gracarum dialecto- rum, Posonii, 1830, .37. 2v.ini. 8° , . . . *4123.1 DvVNNEiL, J. F. Wtirterbuch der altmiirkisch-platt- deutschen Mundart. Salzwedel, 1859. 8" . *2884.2 Danske Skue-Plads. Ivjobenhavn, n. d. 7v. 12*.**2876.6 Contents. — Vol.1. Comedie : Den Politiake Kande- fitijber; Don VSgclfiindcde ; Jean de Frunce, eller Hans Frandeen ; Jeppe paa Bierget, eller den forvundk'de Bonde ; Mcater Gert Westjihaler, eller deti meget talendo Barbeer. II. Den lite Junii ; Baraelstuen ; Det A rabisko Pulver; Jule-Stue; MaaoHrade. 111. Jacob von Tyboe, eller den stortalende Soldat; Ulysses von Ithaca, cllcr en Tydsk Comcedie; Kilde-neysen ; Melampe, trngicorn.; Udcn Hoved og Hale. IV. Henrich og Pernille; Dido- rich Menachen—Skraik ; Hexeric eller blind Allnrm ; Den Pantsattc Bonde-Drcng; Det lykkelige Skibbrud. V. EraarauH Montanue, eller Rasmua Berg; Pemilles korte Friiiken-Stand; Do Usynlige; Den Stundeslose ; Den honette Ambition. VI. Plutua eller Proces imellem Fattigdom og Kugdom, en Heroisk ; Huna-Spogclse eller Abracadabra; Den forvandledo Brudgom; Don RanudodcColibradoa, eller Fattigdom ogHoffiLrdighed. VII. Philosophus udi cgen Judbildning; Republiqvon, eller det gemeno Bcate ; Sganarels Ueyso til del I'liiloso- phiske Land; Artaxerxce, ct Heroisk Skuoapil. jV'o(c. —Jacob vonTyboo, Don Ranudo, Jean do France, inyflsea von Ithaca, Erasmua Montonus are tho work of Uolberg. DANTE U2 DAUWIN Shelf. No Dante Ali^hieri. Opere poetiche con note didiversi per diligenza di A. Buttura. Parigi, 1S23. 2v. S" *4208.6 Contents. — Vol.1. Awiso dell' editore; Vita di Dante Bcritta da G. Tiraboscbi ; Le rime della vita nuova ; Rime del convito; Rimo diverse; Inferno, II. Purgatorio; Paradiso. Dante. Studien. See Schlosser, F. C. , 4200.9 La di\iiia commedia, illustrata di note da L. FortirelU [e G. Ferrario]. Milano, 1804-5. 3v. 8". [Classici italiani, V. 1-3] **4801.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Prefazione; Vita di Dante BcrittA dnl abate G. Tiraboscbi; L' inferno. II. II purgatorio. III. II paradiso. - Same. Ridotta a miglior lezione dagli acca- demici della Crusca. Accresciuta [da G. PoggialiJ. Livorno, 180G-13. 4v. 8' . . . . *2S00.20 Contents. — Vol.1. L'inferno; II porgatorio. II, II pur[r«torio ; II paradiso. Ill, Vita, spritta da L. Aretitio. Ill, IV. Annotazioui al pocma di Dantf. - Same. Col comento de B. Lombardi Ar- ricchito di illustrazioni [diCampi, Federid e Maffei]. Padova, 1822. 5v. 8° .... - . *4S00.5 CoftfenW. — Vol.1. Inferno. II. Purgratorio. III. Par- ndiso. IV. II rimario della divina commedia; L'indico dello vocidel poenaa citate della Crusca equellodfi'nomi projirj e dcUe cose notabili. V. La biografia di Dnnto Aliphieri composta da G, Boccaccio, dii L. Arctiiio, e da O. Tiraboachi ; Lettere di G. Bottari, e del ab. di Cos- tanzo; La visiono del monaco Alberico. riseontrata coi lun^hi di Dante che le si awicinano; EsBmedellccorrc- tioiii che prctendeva doversi fare nella ed. del 1791 G.J. de' Mareliesi Diouisl; Delia prima o principalc nllcporia del pocma di Dante, discorso del conte Giovanni Mar- chotti; Sopra la forma, posizione e raisura detl' inferno di Dante; Eaame della DJv. Cora, di G. de Cesare ; Let- t€ra di G. Buinchini ; Dell' amor patrio dl Dant*, com- posla da G. Perticari; Serie dell' ediziuui delta Di^iIla commedia. - Same. InterpretatadaF. Grogoretti. Ven- ezia, 1850. p.S" 4800.20 Le prime quattro edizioni della Divina comme- dia lettcralmente ristampate per ciira di (J. G. Warren, lord Vernon. [I'ref.di Tanizzi.] Londra, 1858. 1.4" *2S00.4 Note. — ThoodllloDB arc those of " FoIIpio, Josi, Man- tova, e NapoU." Divine comedy. Translated by C. B. Cayley. London, 1H51-55. 4v. IG" 4800.23 - Same. Translated into English verse by T. r. Wright. 4th ed. Designs by Flaxman. l.nndon, IHIH. lO" . .' 2800.22 Uliuu', I.. (1. Vocabolario danteseo ..... 2781.7 Bnitxhi, G. B. Lettere sopra Dante 274U.8 Caetani, M. A. La materia della Divina com- media 2800.2 Excerpta histoHca ex commentariis Itenevenn* ti Inifila super Dan^is conuedias. [>rurat«ri. Antiquitates Ualica;, V. 1] 4240.1 Foflcolo, N. U. La commedia di Dante illus. trata 4209.4 Wltte, C. Quamlo c dacbl siacompoAlo Tolti- nio comento a Dante 4191.5 Inferno. InTcrno. A liberal prose translation, by J. A. ('urlyU-; with the original text. London, IK-lll. 12" 2800.21 Iiifirno. TranHlated by W. V. Wllklc. Kdln- burjfb, lHfl2. 10* .' . 4800.22 LViifer. Avec )«■« desxlns do G. Dord. Tra- diirtlon fran<;jii«<' df I*. A. Kiorentlno, nrrom- p!i^'ii.<-dii t<-x(.- itiilicMi. I'liris, IKiU. (■". . nSOO.S Dlalogo circa al Mitu, lurnia et miHure dello in* ferno. Munctll, A 4809H.0 Canzone InodKn In lode didla vcrgine nmdre. Kd. 2a. I'adova, 1k;w. pp. .'(I. H* 2801.9 Shelf. No. Dante Alighieri, continued, — Lyrical poems, translated by C. Lyell. London, 1845. pp. 84. 8° 4194.10 — Lyrisclie Gedichte. Uebersetzt und erkliirt von C. L. Kannegiesser und C. Witte. 2te Autl. Leipzig, 1842. 2v. 12" 4800.21 — Liriche e parte del Paradiso come sono nel codice autografo di F, Petrarca. [Palermo. Manoscritte palatine di Firenze, V. 2] . . . . 2200.13 — Vita nuova, translated, with an introduction and notes, by T.Martin. London, 1802. si]. 10°. 2800.23, 24 — Epistola ad Fiorentinos. [Bernays. Florlle- gium renascentis Latinitatis] B. 190. 37 — Sonetto. [(jironi. Raccolta di liriei italiani], 4S0S.8 — Aroux, E. Dante, InJretique, rcvolutionnaire et socialiste ; 2800.19 — Fraticelli, P. Vita 2;49.7 — Orelli, G. G. Vila 2719.23 Danube, Description du. Marsigli, L. F. de. ... 28.I-K Danvers, M. N. H., la(J)jy Sermon in commemora- tionof, ,S'^eDonne,J 4178.17 Danz, J. A. Baptismus proselytorum Judaicus; Antiquitas baptism! initialionis Israelitarum vindicata; In;iitgur:itio Chris ti ad docen- dum baud obscurior Mosaica ; Origo talionis; Cbristi cunitio Sabbuthica vindicata; Ritus excommnnicationis; Cura Hebra-orum in con- quirendis proselytis; Uxor maritum repudi- ans; Schechina cum piis cohabitans; De promulgatione evangelii; De abrogato festo eeptimauarum; Ue spiritu ardente; Ani- malia esn interdicta; De Avrotj redenip- tionis humana ; De paschate Jndaorum ab- rogato et in ejus locum surrogato festo resur- rectionis Dominicre ; Functio pontilicis magni in adyto anniversaria. [Meuschen. Novum Testamentum ex Talmude illustratum] . . . 0016.1 Danzel, T. W., and Guhrauer, G. E. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, sein Leben und seine AVerke. Leipzig, 1850-54. 2v. 8° *4237.I Da Ponte, L. L. History of the Florentine repub- lic : and of the age of the Medici. New York, 1833. 2v. 12' 2729.12 Dapper, O. Beschreibung von Africa,;uudden afri* canischen Insuleu. Amsterdam, 1070, 71. f .*4200.17 D'Arblay, F. IJ. Memoirs of Dr. IJurney. liy his daughter. London, 1S.T2. 3v. 8° 2455.24 Darby, W. Geograpliicul description of the state of Louisiana. Phihidclphin, 1810. 8' . . . . 2370.19 — Gt'ography, and niiturul and civil history of Florida. Philadelphia, 1821. pp.92. 8°. , 2370.24 — Tour from New York to Detroit, in 1818. New York, 1819. 8' 23, J. Dictionnaire fran^ais-wolof et fran^ais'- bambara,suivi du dictionnaire wolof-frangais. Paris, 1825. 8" *6032.6 n.\,rj:s riirygins, pseud. De bello et excldio TrOjffi. Scr IMctys Cretensis 2974.25 — - Same, Scr Ilomerus 2990.5 Darling, J. Cycloim'dia hibliographica: amanual of theological literature. Holy Scriptures. London, I.nV.I. Ls** *218I.I2 Darmstadt. Sechste Generalversammlung des Gustftv-Adolf-Stiftung. Sydow, A 0088.116 Sf^ialMo: Moyenoe', Odi-iiwnid, Worm». DARTMfy'Tii, .A/l/.ss., History of. liicketson, D. . . 2367.14 Darii, p. a. N. Il.de. Histoire di' la republique de Venise. Stuttgart, IH2N. 7v. sq.lO". . . . 4199a. 8 D'Aui SMONT, F. W, A few days In Athens. [A tale. Parti.] New York, 1826. 8" . . . . 2;t97.4 Dauwin, <\ Contrivances by which orchids are frrlllised by insects. I,(nid(m, 1802. 12", . 3859.21 — Geology and natural history of the countries visited by H. M. S. Beagle, 1832-30. London, 1K19. «• 2271.3 — Origin of Hpecles by natural selection. Lon- don, 1869, 8* 3829.5 DARWIN 143 DAVIS Sbolr. No Dakwix, E. The botanic garden. 1st Amer. cd. New York, l-'.W. 2v.ill 1. 8* 250(5.15 Dates, Dictionary of. Ilaydn, .1 2ail.7 Dati, C. K. I.t'pidezzp di spiriti bizzarri e curiosi avvcuinicnti. [Tubblicate da D. Morcni.] Firenzc, I8J0. h° 4774.20 — Leiterc. [I'ubblicate da D. Moreni.] Firenze, 1S2S. S" 2748.5 — Vitc de' pittori auticlii. Milano, 1808. b°. [Classic! italiaui, v. 203] **4807.3 ConUnta. — Vito tin Zi-iisi, Purmsio, Apello.ProtuKouo. — Dell' obbligo di ben parlare la propria linf^ia. [Parenti. Ojiuscoli concernenti a lingua] . 2785.23 Daub, C. Pbilo.sphisclie and tbeologisctie Vorle- sungcn, lieraii.^gegeben von llnrheincke und Dittcnbcrgcr. Jtcrlin, 183S-44. 7v. in 8. 8° . *0092.9 Contents. — \y\. I. ijbcr A\e philosophischo Anthro- polo^e. II. t/bpr die IVoIcpomena zur Dog:niatik uml iiber die Kritik dtr Bewoisu fiir das Dnseyn Gottes. III. UbiT die Prulcpomenfi zur Ibeologischen Moral und Uber dio rrincipiendir Ethik. IV-VI. System der Ihe- oloeischeo Mural. VII, VIII. System der christlichen Dogmatik. Daubenton, L. J. M., Notice sur la vie et lea ouvragesde. [Vicq-d'Azyr. CEuvres, v. 1] . 3720.11 Daubichon, J. English exercise-book, to trans- late into French. 2d ed. Dublin, 17G0. i;;". 4089.44 DAt'i.ET-sciiAH. See Dewlet Shah. Dau.mer, G. F. Audeutung eines Systems specula- tiverPhilosophie. Niirnberg, 18:M. 8° . . . 0098.11 — Anthropologismus und Kriticismus der Gegen- wart. Niirnberg, 1844. 8° 0005.4 — Der Feuer- und Molochdienst der alten Hebriier. Braunschweig, 1842. 8° 0076.6 — Die Geheimnisse des christlichen Alterthums. Hamburg, 1847. 2v. lti° 6059a. 8 ' — Hafis. Fine Samnilung persischer Gedichte. Hamburg, 1841'). 16° 4253.19 — Mahomed uud sein Werk. Fine Saiumlungori- entalisclier Gedichte. Hamburg, 184S. 16". 4253.18 — Polemische Eliitter betreffend Christenthum, Bibelglauben und Theologie. Niirnberg, 1834. 2v. in 1. S° 6063.22 — Sabbath, Moloch und Tabu. Niirnberg, 1839. PP-32. 8° 6098. U — Die Stinime der Wahrheit in den religiiisen und confessionellen Kiirapfen der Gegeuwart. Niirnberg, 1846. pp. 70. 8° 6098.11 — Ueber den Gang und die Fortschritte unserer geistigen Entwicklung seit tier Keforniation, u. s. w. [Diss, acad.] Niirnberg, 1826. pp. 33. 4° B.190.25 — Ueber die Entwendung iigyptischen Eigen- thums beimAuszugdes Israelitenaus Aegyp- ten. Niirnberg, 1833. jip. 39. 8° 0098.11 . — Urgeschichte des Mcnschengeistes. Abth. 1. Berlin, 1827. 8° 0098.11 — Ziige zu einer neuen Philosopliie der Religion und Keligionsgeschichte. Heftl. Niirnberg, 1835. 8° 0071.22 Daunou, p. C. F. See Hietoire littiiraire de la France, V. 13-21 4092.1 Dauphin and Susfjuehanna coal company. Coal lands, mines, and improvements of. Taylor, K.C 3805.26 Davanne. Chimie photographique. See BarreswU, C- L 3977.13 Davanzati, B. Scisma d'Inghilterra, con altrc operette. MUano, 1807. 8°. [Classici itali- ani, v. 125] »«4805.2 Con/«it«.— Scisroa d'tnghiltena; Leztone delle mone- le ; Notizia do' cambi ; Orazione in morte del jjran duca Cosimo I; Accosa daladal Silcntcal Travigliato; Orazi- one sopra i pruTTcditori ; Coltivazjone tuacona delle vitl « d'alcuni arborl. — Scisma d'Inghilterra. [Carrer. Brevi storie di varii autori] 2773.24 Shelf. No. Davenant, W. Poetical works, witli life. [An- derson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 4) . . . 4604. 1 Contents. — Gondibcrt; Madagascar; Odea; £Ioglua; Epistles, etc. Davenport, B. New gazetteer of North America and the West Indies. Baltimore, 1832. 8". 2382.3 Davenport, K. A. Dictionary of biography. Ist Am. ed. Boston, 18:12. 8° 2246.10 DAVENPor.T, T. [History of Davenport's invention of the apjilieatioii of electro-magnetism to machinery ; with remarks by Prof. SilUman, Also, information on electricity, etc., by Mrs, .Somerville.) New York, 1837. pp.94. 8°. 5963.10 Davenport, Jmtm. Davenport past and present. Wilkie.F.B 2373.32, and 4377.2 David, Hebrew Huff. Arias ]VIontano, B. David, virtutis exercitatissima' probatum Deo spec- taculum 4153.12 — Pennie, J.F. The royjU minstrel; anepicpoera. 4509a. 3 — Webb, .7. David; an oratorio 4058.10 David, of Aitgsburg. Formula novitiorum de ex- terioris hominis reformatione ; Formula inte- rioris hominis ; De septem processibus religi- osi. [.Alaximabiblioth. vet. patr., V. 25] . . B.110.2 David, J. Methode pour etudier la langue grectjue modcrne. 2e ed. Paris, 1827. 8° 4988. 1 Davids, A. L. Gramnmire turke: pr^*c^d(5e d'un discours sur la litteiaturc des nations orienta- les. Traduite de I'Anglais par Mine. S. Da- vids. Londres, laiO. 4° *3032.11 Davids, T. and Co. History of ink. New York, [1800]. pp.76. Vl° 221-5.18, and 4019.8 Davids, T. W. Annals of evangelical nonconform- ity in the county of Esse.\ ; with memorials of Essex ministers ejecteii in 11)110-02. Lon- don, 1803. 8° 3526.3 Davidson, Robert, D. T>., b. 175ii, d. 1812. Geog- raphy epitomised in verse, [with] an easy in- troduction. London, 178(1, 87. pp.70. 18°. , 7039.16 Davidson, Rev. Robert. Mammoth eaie and bar- rens of Kentucky. Lexington, Ky,, 1840. 18°. 2379.27 David.son, R. O. New theory bf the flight of birds. Washington, 1858. pp.28. 8° ...'... . SS47.1 Davies, B. New system of modern geography. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1815. 12° 7039.37 Davies, C.,and Peck, W. G. .Mathematical diction- ary and cyclopedia of mathematical science. New York, 185(1. .8° ♦4282.3 Davies, Sir John. Poetical works, with life. [An- derson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 2] . . . 4004.1 Conreiits. — Immortality of the soul; Hymns of Aatrea; Orchestra, a poem on dancing, etc. Davies, liev. John. Elements of Greek versifi- cation. Cambridge, [Eng.], 1829. pp.69. 12°.4989a.24 Davies, Robert. Life of Manintduke Rawdon of York. See Rawdon, fli 2426.29 Davies, Itowlaud. Journal from March 8, 1088-9 to Sept. 29, 1090. Edited by It. Caulflcld. [London], 1867. 4°. [Camden society, No. 08] .•2426. 12 Da VILA, A. C. Istoria delle guerre civili di Francia. Milano, 1807. Ov. 8°. [Classici italiani, v. 178-183] "4806.10 — Histoire des gverres civiles de France, mise en fran^ois par I. liavdoin. I'aris, 1044. Iv. in 2. f° *4010.1 — Ribellione e fine del duca Enrico di Guisa. [Al- bi.-ri. Tesoro tiella prosa itnli.ana] 2771.20 DAVIOT, D. Z. Epidemic pharyngeal diphtherite. .SeeSemple, R. H 5714.3. Davis, Andrew J. Penetralia; being harmonial answers to important questions. Boston, 1856. 8° .• 6003.3 — Principles of nature, her divine revelations, and a voice to mankind. In tliree parts. New York, 1847. 8° C090'.6 — Brief outliiies and review of his work entitled " The principles of nature," etc. See Chap- man, J 6088.24 DAVIS 144 DEAD shelf. No. Davis, Asahel. Antiquities of Central America, and the discovery of New-Eiigland by tlie Nortli- men. A lecture. 10th ed., from the Uth Bos- ton ed. Buffalo, 1845. S' »4163.13 DA\ns, Charles G. Report of the proceedings at [his] examination on a charge of aiding and abetting in the rescue of a fugitive slave [.Shadrach],lS51. Boston, ISol. 8° .... 6572.13 Davis, Charles H. Report in relation to the sur- veys of Boston harbor. See Boston. Muni- cipal government G355.2 Davis, D. Manual of magnetism. 2d ed. Boston, 1848. 12° 3900.9 Davis, E. Historical sketch of Westfield. West- field, 1820. pp. 36. 8° . 43S5.22 Davis, Garrett. .Speech against the motion to re- consider the vote by which the bill to repeal the bankrupt act passed the house of repre- sentatives. Delivered Jan. 19, 1S43. [No title-page.] 8° *Pph.v.382 — The war: a speech delivered in the United .States senate, Jau". 23, 1802. New Tork, 1802. 12° . . 4324.37 Davis, George. Historical sketch of Sturbridge and Southbridge. West Brookfleld, Mass., 1850. 8° 2356.40 D.4VIS, Hasbrouck. Branches and garments : two modes of honoring Christ. A sermon. Bos- ton, 1853. 8° 6088.10 — The living Clirist : a .sermon for Easter day. Watertomi, 1853. 8° 0088.127 — The subterfuge of infidelity : a sermon. Bos- ton, 1853. 8° 6088.75 Davis, Henry G. Memorials of the hamlet of Knightsbridge. Edited by C. Davis. Lou- don, 1859. 12° 2499.4 Davis, Henry W. Southern rebellion, and the con- stitutional powers of the republic for its sup- pression. Address, Nov. 20, ISOl. New York, 1801. 12° 4321.29 Davis, Humphrey. Treatise by way of a dialogue • on cause and effect, illustrating the true sci- ence of astronomy, etc. New Bedford, 1850. pp. 50. 8° . • B.170.0 Davis, Jelferson. lielations of states. Speech, in tin* senate of the United .States, May 7, 1800. Baltimore, 1800. 8° ^ . . 4310a. 50 — *piM'ch in the senate, Jan. 10, 1801, upon the coiHlition ol' things in South Carolina. Bal- timore, 1801. 8° 4310a.50 — Speeches delivered during the summerof 1868. Haltimore, 1859. 8° 4310a. 50 — Jell'crson Davis. Keiiudintion, recognition and slavery. Sec Walker, R. J 4322.60 Davis, John, b. 1761, d. 1847. Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Gannett, E. S 4347.22 Davis, John, b. 1787, d. 18.54. Address at the dedi- cation of the Town hall, Worcester, May 2, 1825. Worcester, [1825]. 8° 4347.19 — Reply in the senate to Mr. Buchanan, on (he re- duction of wages and of the value of property, Jan. 2:1, 1840. Washington, 1810. 8° . . . *l'ph.v.382 — Reply in the si-nale to the charge of nusr('])re- sentiug Mr. Buchaium's arguiueut in favor of the hard-money system. Delivered March «, 1840. Wa.ihington, 1810. 8° *l'ph.v.382 _ Hill, A. Sermon on the death of 4347.20 — Kinuicult, T. Notice of the life and charac- ter of 4.147.21 Davis, .lohu, of Addaidi:^ /ttuitralia. Trucks of Mc- Kinlay and party across Australia. Kendiccm adnotationis addidit T. Burgess. Tertium edidit G. C. Harless. Lipsia^, 1800. 8° 4955.0 Dawson, G. Treatise of the origin of laws. Lon- don, 1094. f° 3021.7, and 4300.4 Dawson, H. B. Letter to L.Bradish, [transmitting a copy of the act of the general court of Mas- sachusetts, Jlay 1, 1770, for establishing the stile of commissions. New York, 1802.] pp. 12. [No title-page.] 8° 4347.? — Sous of liberty in New York. Read before the New York historical society. New Y'ork, 1859. 8° 4371.8 — Introduction and notes to the Focderalist. See Hamilton, A 5503.3 Dawson, James. Nova Scotia and Prince Edward island. [A map.] Pictou, 1847. [Size, 23x18.4 inches ; scale, 14 inches to 1 mile.] Folded 24°.4309a.26 D.wvsc.iN, J. L. Census of Charleston, S. C, for 1818, etc. Sec Charleston, S. C 6374.18 Dawson, ,1. W. Geography and natural history of Nova Scotia. 2d ed. Pictou, 1851. 24° . . 43fl9a.25 — Suppleinentarv chapter to " Acadian geology." Etlinhurgli, IxfiO. pp. 70. 10° 3809.25 Daw.son, -/?<■!•. William, Life of. See Everett, J. . 5558.18 Dawson, William, and sons. I'atalogue of standard English authors. London, [1800]. 12° . . . 2139.15 Day, F. The land of the I'ermauls, or CocJiiu, its past and its present. Madras, 1803. 8° . . . 6045.9 Day, /te>. George Edward. Report on the institu- tions for the deaf and dumb in t'ential and Western l'.uro|ii'. Albany, 1815. 8° . . . . *5590.2 Day, George Eilwanl, Af. I)., J'. I!. S. Chemistry in its relations (o phjsiology and medicine. London, 1800. 8° 3977.0 Day, J. Application of the principles of geometry to the nuMisuralion of superllcies and solids. 3ded. New llaveu, 1831. 8° "068.18 — Sermon, .Sept. 17, 1823, before the A. 11. C. F. M. Huston, 1823. 8° '•Pph.v.375 Da YAK language. Grainmatik di-'r Dnjak-Sprache. Gabelenlz.H. C. v.d 5026.14 Davus, E. Wcuks : ciuitaining an excursion through Derbyshire alul Yorkshire; with essays on painting, and sketches of modern artists. London, 1805. 4° '^2462.18 Dkai'onkss, Revival of the oHlce of. llttyne, U. J. 6457. 12 DkaI), The. Garnmnn.C. F. De inlruculis inortu- orum 6090.13 — Korunuiu]!, 11. De niiraculis mortuorum . . (HliOu.Z im:ak 14c DE FONBI.ANQIE Sliilf. No. 1>1CAK iiml iIiiMili, Amrrieaii iimiiils of the .... 3.WI.11 — ISiirimiil, ir. History of ili-uC-niuli' instruction. ;;:Hri. 17 — I';iy, — Groon, K. On iinpartinsr spoccll to the .... (iUM3.5 — Kapport sur It-s sourds-iuui'ts do France, ISfil. Sec France. Ministry of tlu' interior . . . . "011.15 — Rodenbach, A. Coup d'o^il d'un aveugle sur les sourds-muets 3501. S Deaknkss, its cause and cure, jntchell, T. K. . . 3S05.4U Dean, H. C. Letter upon the connexion of the JVIetliodist episcopal cluircll witli slavery. [No title-pafre.] pp. 13. K° B.1C0.33 Dean, J. Vr. .Sketdl of (lie life of Rev. Slidiacl Wiggleswortli. Alliany, isivt. pp. -jo. 8". ( From tlie New England lustorical and gen- ealogical register] 4347.26 Dean, P. Discourse at the annual election, before L. Lincoln, governor, etc., Jan. 4, \8^2, Bos- ton, ISil. 8° *4356.11 Deank, J. Ichnographs from the sandstone of Connecticut river. Boston, ISIJI. pp. 61. 4fi plates. 4° 5R()3.10 — Life and character of. Sec liowditch, H. I. . 412'J.80 Deank, .Samuel. Sermon before S. Adams, lieuten- ant governor, etc., May iS, 1704, the day of general election. [With appendix of election preachers.] Boston, irsH. 8° *4356.7 De.\ne, Silas. Papers in relation to the case of S. Deane. [Edited by E.D.Ingraham.] Phil- adelphia, lf<55. 8°. [Seventy-six society] . . 4311.10 Deane'; W. U. Brief memoirs of John and Walter Deane, two of tlie first settlers of Taunton, IVIass., and their descendants. Boston, 1840. pp. la. S° 434-.26 Dearborn, Henry. Account of the battle of Bun- ker hill. Illustrated by a map. Philadelphia, 181S. pp. Hi. 8° 4355.25 Dearborn, Henry A. S. Address before the Berk- shire agricultural society, at Pittsfield, Oct, 8, 1840. Pittstield, 1840. 8° 4348.9 — Sketch of the life of the apostle Eliot. Eox- bury, 1S50. pp. .32. 8° 4348.9 — Address on the life and character of. See Putnam, G. 4348.9 Death. Column, H. Consolatory riews of . . . . COiiOa.G — Drelinconrt, C. Defence against the fears of . 545>*.6 — Holbein, H. Alpbabetum mortis 3445. .33 — Zschokke, J. H. D. Meditations upon death . 544(i.2 Deatii-ised scenes and pastoral conversations. Warton, J 5458.28 Death penalty. Guizot, F. P. G. Treatise on death punishments 2.302.11 — Mayo, A. D. The death penalty : a sermon . 6088.43 — .Spear, C. Punishment of death 3575.34 — Wachsmuth, W, De capitis poenae causis et sanctione apud veteres 4162.20 Deavek, E. K. Practical reading lessons. See Lucas, J 4S89a.3 Debate in the house of commons, on Mr. Beaufoy's motion for the repeal of such parts of the Test and Corporation acts as allect the pro- testant dissenters. May 8, 1780. London, 1789. pp.98. 8° *4163.15 Debate on a motion for the abolition of the slave- trade, in the house of commons, April 18 and 19, 1701. London, 1791. 8° *Pph.v.3JD Debates in the general assembly of the church of Scotland, respecting the Test act, 5Iay 27, 1790. Added, a speech of lord Lansdown, on occasional conforndty, 1719. London, 1791. 8° *Pph.v.355 Debettk, S. P. Atlas du mineur et du m^tallur- giste. See Beau, F 38.C.1 De Boteville, Family of. Sfe Botfield, B. . . . 2521.18 De Bow, J. D. B. Commercial review of the South and West. Vol. 1-20. New Orlean.s and ■Washington, 184i">-i"i<>. 29v. S" *3101.3 10 Dkhkauz, L. 0. Lo raclmt do la Vciu'tie est-il une solution^ I'aris, IHCil. H" 27:i2.U Deiuuctt, J. rarliamentnry impcrs ; a coIk-ctioM of kings speeches, tlie lords protests, etc. London, 1797. 3v. 8' 4177.2 DKunF.YNK, P. J. C. Fensi^es d'un croyant catho- li.nie. '.'eed. Paris, 1S40. 8" . ". G105.16 Bkbtok and creditor. Hints for relief by a law to promote amicable arrangements betwixt. KIlis, CM R.170b.6-t DECALofunc. Tlie ten commandments explained and enforced. SpolVord, L. A 6447.40 Dkoamkkonk, II. Argelati, K 4773.18 Decatur, S., Life of. .5(?e Waldo, S. P 2.147.19 Declakation of independence, Notes on lord Ma- bon's liistory of the. Korce, P 4355.41 De CoETLOGON, C. E. studies; sacred and pbilo- sophic. London, 1807. 8" 560(1.7 — - Same. Additional studies. London, 1810, 8°. 550.1.8 Dkcoration, Interior. Hope, T 39.F.1 Dedham, Mass, Catalogue of the Norfolk law li- brary. Boston, 18(53. pp.44. S° 2134.17 — Historyof the First church undpari.sh in. Lnm- V son, A *4ir.3. 10, and 5443.1 Dee, J. De vita etstudiis ejus. 5?e Smith, T.. . . 4177.12 Deer. BischofT, T. L. W. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Rehes 5901.6 DEERFiEr.D, Mass. Annexation of a part of Deer- field to Greentield. Williams, II Pph.v.3S4 Defferraki, J.B. Catechism of Italian grammar. 3d ed. London, 1S27. pp. 71. 24" 7039.53 De Foe, D. Novels and miscellaneous works. With prefaces and notes of isir W. Scott. [Ed- ited by C. Lewis.] Vols. 1-3, 5, 7-10, 13-20. London, 1&40, 41. 17v. 10" 4G09a.l Contents. — Vol. I, 11. Life and artventiircg of Kobiu- Bon CnisoB, with r memoir of the author. III. Life, adventures, and piracies of captiiiu Singleton. V. Life of colonel Jnck; True relation of the apijaricion of one Mrs. Veal, the day after her death, to Mrs. Bargrave, 8th, Sept., 1705. VII. New voyage round the world, by a course never sailed before. VIII. Memoirs of captain G. Carleton; Life and adventures of Mrs. Christina Davies, commonly called Mother Ross, a soldier under king William and the duke of Marlborough. IX. His- tory of the plague in London, in 1665 ; The consolidator, or memoirs of sundry transactions from the world in the moon. X. Folilical history of the devil. XIII. History and realiry of apparilions, or secrets of the in- visible world disclosed. XIV. Religious courtship, be- ing historical discourses on the necessity of marrying religious husbands and wives only. XV, XVI. Family instructor. XVII,XVin. Complete English trndosmani directing him in the several parts of trade. X V'll I, Pro- posal to the people of England, for the inercase of their trade; Augusta trittmphans, oi- the way lo make Lon- don the most flouritthine city in the universi;; Second thoughts are best, or a i'urther improvement of a lata Bchcme to i)pevent street robberies. XIX. Life and ad- Tentures of Mr. Duucbh Campbell ; Remarkable pussago of an apparition, l(if>5; Dumb philosopher, or account of Uickory Cronkc; Everybody's business is nobody's business. XX. Life of Do Foe, by George Chulmeraj List of De Foe's works, chnmologlcally arranged ; Ap- peal to honour and justice, though it be of his worst ene- mies, by D. De Foe, being n true account of his conduct in public affairs ; Seasonable warning against the insin- uations of papists and Jacobites in favour of the Pro- teuder; Reasons against the succession of the liouse of Hanover; What If the pretender should come? What if the quecD should die? True-bom Englishman, a poum. Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Bris- tol, U. I., 183(>. 18° 4579a. 30 — Memoirs of a cavalier: or, a military journal of the wars in Germany and England, from 1(^32-48. Leedes, [1751]. 8' 4576.22 BIoU Flanders, and Hi-story of the devil. Lon- don, 1854. p.h" 4()09a.3 Roxana; or, the fortunate mistress, and The life and adventures of Mother Ross. Lon- don, 1855. p.6° 4C09a.3 De Fom liLANQUE, E. B. Niphon and Pe-che-li ; or, two years in Japan and Northern China. London, 1802. &° 3015.11 DE FOKEST 146 DEMONOLOGT De Forest, J. W. History of the Indians of Con- necticut. Hartford, 'l853. 8° 2366.32 Defokjiitv. Guerin, J. Sur I'etiide scientiflque des difformites du systfeme osseux . . v. 1 of 3S01.57 — Hay,W. Essayon rph.v.sri See also: Club-foot, Orlhopedy. Degen, L. DerBauderKrankenhauser. Miinclien, IRfi2. 8° 37G7.19 De Graff. S. Modern geometrical stair-builder's guide. Pliiladelpliia, IJ'Sli. pp. 73. 4° . . . 8000.20 Degfanp, P.p. r. [Address] to tlie people of Mas- .•sachusetts and to the friends of railroads throughout the union. [Boston, IMO. No title-page.] 8° *Pph.v.383 — Outlines of a plan for a national bank. Boston, 1.S4I. [No title-page.] b° *l'ph.v.383 Degrees, Origin of academical. Maiden, H. . . .3599.16 De-Gkegory, G. Istoria della vercellese lettera- turaedarti. Torino, 1819-e4. 4v.in3. 4°. 2760.19 De Hakt, W. C. Observations on military law. With a summary of the law of evidence. New York, 1802. 8° 363S.14 Dehaut, L. J. Essai historique sur la vie et la y doctrine d'Ammonius-8accas. Bruxelles, 1836. 4'. [Bruxelles. Academie royale de Bruxelles. Memoires couronnes] . . . . • *5601.5 DEHfiRAis.P. P.,andothers. Annuaire scientiflque. Premiere ann^e. Paris, 18li2. 12° *S149.3 Deiion, T., bishop of South Carolina. Sermons on confirmation. New York, 1818. 24° ... . 6458.34 — Life of. See Gadsden, C. E 2344.21 J)EIDlEK, Vabbe. Le parfait ingenieur fran5ois, on la fortification oftensive et defensive. Nouv. id. Paris, 1757! 4° 39&4.20 Deislin, G. F. De paedantismo didactico Pytha- gorae ratione silentii. [Diss, acad.] Altorfii, 1714. pp. 24. 4° B. 160a. 125 De Kay,J.E. [Sketches of Turkey in 1831 and 1832. By an American.] New York, 18i3. 8° . . . 4245.2 Delakield, H. and others, rs. Parish, T. and oth- ers. Parish will case in the court of appeals. Statement and opinion of the court. New York, 1802. 8° 3684.28 Delakosse, G. Lemons d'histoire naturelle. Paris, 1k:)S. pp. flC). 1.8°. [Conrs complet d'tduca- tion pour les filles, v. 8] 3591.28 Dei. aha Y, M. W. Kan.sas: a description of the country, etc. See Parrott, M. .1 6087.18 Dei.amer, E. S. Pigeons and rabbits, in their wild, domestic, and captive states. Loud., 1854. 12°. 4004.31 Dei.a:motte, F. Primer of the art of illumination. London, 1R60. pp.43. 20 plates. 8m.4° . . 2115.16 Dk Lancey, W.H. The faithful bishop. Sermon at llie consecration of Rt. Kcv. M. Enstburn. Boston, 1843. 8° •Pph.v..379 Dei,ani>, a. Narrative of voyages and travels. Boston, 1817. 8° ; 2265.16 DEi.ANy,M. G. Autobiography and correspondence. Edited by Lady Llanovcr. Loudon, IsOl, 02. 3v. 8° 2453.16 — - Same. Witli reminiscences of George ill. 2d series. E accontmoilat^ ad nostra) , philosophto} rationem facta. [Dlstt. acad.] ilulu;, 1790. pp. 7.0. 8° B. 100b. 92 DeLl>:.v, C. Engelskt och Svenskt Lexikon. Stock- liolm, 1806, 7. 2v.ln 1. 4° 2890.17 D^LtuN, t'abM. La Saletto Fallavaux (Kftllax-Val- Ms), ou la valliie du mensonge, par Donna- Uicu. Grenoble, 18S2, 5:1. 2v.ini. s" . . . 4188.16 Delkimkiiuk, O. History of Flemish literature. London, 1860. 8* 2870.23 tihe\{. No. Delepierre, O., continued. — Macaroneana, ou melanges de litterature ma- caronique des differents peuples de I'Europe. Paris, 1852. 8° 2195.12 Delfiso, p. Epistolae CCXLii. [Martfene. Vet. script., v. 3) 4150.1 Delicacy, Essay upon. Lancaster, N Pph.v.371 Delitzsch, F. Geschichte der judischen Poesie. Leipzig, 1836. 8° •4154.7 Della Lena, 1. Dissertation on the virtues of fixed phlogistic earth, as an universal reme- dy. London, [1801]. pp.64. 8° *Pph.v..358 Deloche, M. Cartulaire de I'abbaye de Beaulieu (en Limousin). Paris, 1859. 4°. [France. Collection de documents inedits] *2640.2 De Lolme, J. L. Rise and progress of the English constitution. With introduction and notes, by A. J. Stephens. London, 1&38. 2v. 8°. 4285.7 — Wallace, prof., and Bridgeman, H. Cassell's French dictionary. London, 1854. 8° . . . 2684.8 Delphi. De religione et oraculo Apollinis Delphici. Wilster, C. F B. 170a. 123 Delrio, M. a. Disqvisitionvm magicarvm libri sex. Mogvntia-, 1617. 4° *6090.3 — - Same. Colonial Agrippina-, 1633. 4° . . . •3960.8 De Luc, J. A. Kecherches .sur Patmosphere, con- tenant I'histoire critique du barom^tre et du thermomi'tre. Nouv. ed. I'aris. 1784. 4v. 8°. 3967.6 Deluge, The. Fellowes, F. Sacred history of . . 5447.36 — Silberschlags, J. E. Erkliirung der mosaischen SUndfluth 3425.1 Delusions. Histoire du merveilleux dans les temps modernes. Figuier, G. L 5607.19 Del Vecchio, B. .See Documenti della guerra'' santa d'ltalia, v. 6, 7 4718.9 Coi\le)Us. — Vo\. VI. Bologna iiel BiBEpio 1849, cron- aca ; Crondca iiitonio al glorioso ftuto bolopnese dell 8 Agosto 1848. VJI. L'lutBedio ed il blocco d'Ancona ; L'ussedio di Roma. DEMADES. *Yjrfp TJ7« SioiiKatTia^ A(5j')y. [Dobson. Oratores Altici, T. 4, 14] B. 103.1 Demetrius Atheniensis. Siciliie, com.fragmenta; Areopagitffi reliquise. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr.,v.3, 5] B. 162.8 Demetrius Cydonius. Oratio ad Clra^cos pro Lat- inorum subsidio; Oratio de non reddenda Callipoli, interp. Combefis. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. pair., v. 26] B. 110.2 Demetrius Cyziccnus. De Jacobitarum hieresi ac Chatzitzariorum, interp. Combefis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 12] ; * ' " B.110.2 Demetrius Pepagonieims. lltpi ri)i riou upaKtcv afii'poipf}^ re *ce prapstipiis d.Tnioniim 6000.11 — Die Wander iind GeluMmnisse dor (Joisterwelt. See Neue Gallerie des Uebcrnaturlichen . . 6100.12 Sff al»o: llfvll, Dlvinatioa, Magric, Witchcrnft. De Monti, H. Mass, (in R flat,) with English words. Boston, n. d. pp.40. 1.8° 8042.53 DeMoroan, A. Forninllop-ic: or, the calcuhis of inference. London, IM7. ^'' 3007.2** Db Morgan, (\ From matter to spirit. Tlie result of ten years' experience in spirit manifesta- tions. By C. D[e Morgiin]. With a preface by A. B. [Aug.de Morgan?]. London, ls63. 12°. 5608.15 Demosthknes. Grationes ex recensione G. Din- dorfii, Ed. .-ia. Lipsijc, 1857. .tv. 12° . . . 2979.36 Contents. — Vol.1. Olynthiaca 1-3; PhiUppica 1 ; De pnee; Ptiilippica 2; T>v Hulonneso ; De Chersoneso; Phllippioa 8, 4; Ad Philippi cpistolnm; De republica ordiiinntln: Declassibus; Do Rhodionim libertnte; Pro Mppiilopolitnnia; De fcbdere .Alexandria; De corona; De fnlsn IcfTAlione. II. Advprnua Leptinem ; In Midinni; Contra AndroUonem; Adveraus Aristocratera ; Contra Timocrntem ; Conlra AristopitoDem 1.2; Contni Apho- bum 1,2; Pro Aphobo; Advprsus Onetorem 1,2; Contra Zenothemin; Contra Apaturiuni ; Contra Phormionem; Contra Lacritum ; Pro Phormione ; Cuntra Pantirnettim ; Contra Nausimarhum ; Advcrsus Boeotum. III. Contra Bpudlam, Fhwnippum, Macartatuni, Lcocharem, Sle- pbaniim 1, 2. in Euer^rum et Mnosibulum falsos tcetea. In Olympiodurum, contra Timotheum, Polyclem, de corona triprarchiee. contra Callippum, Nicostratuin, Co- unncm, CaUicleni, Dionysiodorum, in Eubnlidem, contra Thi'ocrinum, Ncreram; Di'darnafio funcbris; Declama- tioamatoria; Exordia conclonum; E|jiHtolfe. — QuEB exstant omnia. [Dobson. Oratores At- tici, V. 5-11, 15, IG] B.1G3.1 — Selectre orationes [cum versione Wolfiana]. Recensuit R. Mounteney. Ed. 2a. Londini, 1748. b° *4205.10 Contents. — Philippica prima ; Olynthiaca 1-3. — Selectae orationes [Gr. et Lat.], notis illustr, R. Mounteney. Ed. 4a. Londini, 1764. 8°.**2974.16 — - Same. Ed. 14a, emendatior accurante J. W. Niblock. Londini, 1826. 8° 4205.7 — Select speeches. Translation, with notes, by C.R.Kennedy. Cambridge, 1841. 12°. . . 2974.21 Contents. — Two speeches af^ainst Aptiobus; Apbo- bus Bgitlnst Phanus; Two speeches a(;fl)nst Onetor. — Select private orations, after the text of Din- dorf. With notes by C. T. ppnrose. Cam- bridge, 1843. 12° 2979.35 Contents. — Speeches apninHt Aphobua, for Phanns, SKalnat Onetor, Zenothemis, Apaturius, Phormion, and Lacritas. De corona oratio, [Gr. et Lat]. Glasguae, 1782. 12° 4999a. 1 Oratio in Midiam. Edidit G. L. Spalding. Be- rolini. 1794. 8° **2974.15 and .^schines. ^Euvres completes en Grec et en Fran^ais. Traduction del'abbe Auger. Nouv. ^d. par J. Plancbe. Paris, 1819-21, lOv. 8°.*2974.19 Contents, — Vol. I. Avertissenient de I'editeur; Aver- ti»jem<-nt du tradiieteur; Discours preliminaire ; Precis btatoriqae; Bourm d'Athincs et de I'Atlique; Juris- diction d' Atheiiea ; Des lois d'Athencs ; Dictionnaire ^O- graphique ; Table des preliminairea ; KellexioDS preliini- naire»; le-4e Philippique, trad. par M. Plaochc ; .^e PbU lippiquc, trad, par M. Auper. II. 6e-8e Philippique; Baninpue sur la Chersonese, trad, par La Hnrpe; 9e Philippique ; La m^me, trad- par M. Planche ; lOe Philippique; La m4me, trad, par M. Planche; Lettre de Philippe aux Athenlens; Haranf^e au eujet de la lettre da Philippe- Ilaran^^e our le gouvernemeot de la Shelf. No. Demosthenes, continued. repuhliquc; HaranRuo sur las clnEscB des armateura ; HHrnnpne pour lea Mi'Knlupolitnins ; HnrauEiie pour la Illii-rte des Uhnilions; La nifiine, trad, par M. Iti^nun. Ill, HnranfTuo sur le trait6 d'Aloxandre ; Rfflexiona prMiniinitiros; Exordea do D&mosth^ne; Ueflexiona pre- linilnairen Hur les leltrcs de Demosthene etd'Kschine; Lcttrcs de D^mostheno ; Lctlrca d'Eschinc ; Haran^ua d'Kachine contro Timnrque; Denioathenia sermo ama- torina. IV. It^flcxionaaurlea plaiduyers de Demosthene et d'Eachine; Haranpie de Demosthene Bur lea prevarl- cntiona do rambassadc ; Haranprue d'Escbino sur les prevaricationa do ramhasaade ; Oraiaon funebre despuor- ricra morta a Cheronee. V, Harangue d'Earhine sur la covironne, ou contro Cteaiphon; Harangue de DemoM- thene aur la couronne, ou pour Ctesiphon ; Succes des deuT barant;ues. VI. Harangue de Demuatheno contre la loi de Lepline; Horanguo contre Midiaa; Plaidoyer contre Conon ; llaranpue contre Androtion. VII. Ha- rangue de Demosthene contre Aristoorate; Harangue de DeiuoBtheno contre Timocrate ; Premiere et aeconde ha- rangue contre Aristoglton. VIII. Premiere — troislenio plaidoyer de Df-mostlnjno contro Aphobus; Premier et aeconde plaidoyer contre Onetor ; Plaidoycrs contre Nausiraaque et Xenophite, Olimpyodore, Leocharea, Mflcartatue, Bi'otus avi aujet du nom ; Plaidoyer contre Beotus sur In dot. IX. I'laidoyers contre Spudias, Apa- turius, Zenothemis, Phormion, Lacritua, Dionysodore, Pantenete, Phenippe, fcvergua et Mneaibule, Calliclen, Eubulidc. X. Harangue conire Polycles; Harangue sur la couronne nuvale ; Plaidoyer contre Nicostrato; Plai- doyer contro Timothee; Plaidoyer pour Phormion; Notes; Sommaire; Premier et second plaidoyer contre Stepha- nuB, Callippe, Xeera, Theocrine. Demoustier, C. A. Le conciliateur; Les femmes. [Thi-atre fran^ais, V. 33] 4708.1 Dempsey, G. r>. Drainage of towns and buildings. London, 1849. 16° ; . . . 3769.11 Denderah. Jlt^-moire sur le zodiaque circulaire de Denderah. Biot, .KB 4275.22 Dendy, W. C. The bejiutiful islets of Britaine. Re-issue with additions. London, 18G0. p.8°. 2497.24 — Boole of tlie nursery: precepts for the manage- ment of infants. New Yorit, 1833. 24° . . . 3779.7 — The islets of the channel. London, 1858. pp. 66. p.S" 2493.27 — The philosophy of mystery. N. Y., 1845. 12°. 6100.9 — The wild Hebrides. London, 1859. pp. 97. 8°. 2477.28 Denham, A'tr.T. Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. .5]. 4604.1 Denis, J. M. C. Anualium typographicorum sup- plementum. ,9^6 Maittaire, M 2200.19 Denison, M. A. OldHepsy. [A tale of the South.] New York, 1858. 8° 4278.10 Denk- Rede- Schkift- und Pressfreiheit. Wien, 1847. pp.22. 8° B. 170.62 Denman, Thomas, lord. Addresses on his retire- ment from the office of lord chief justice. See London, Corporation of 2448.24 Denman, Thomas, M. D. Aphorisms on the use of the forceps and vectis; on preternatural la- bours, etc. 7th ed-. London, 1822. 12° . . . 3779.5 Note. — Proof-sheeta, with manuscript notes of Dr. W. Channlng. Denmark. History^ geography, etc. — Bering, V. Florus Danicus, sive Danicarum rerum breviarium 4240.10 — Dahlraann, F. C. Geschichte von Dannemark bis 1522 4216.7 — Fortia de Piles, A, T. J. de. Voyage de deux Fran^ais en Danemarck 2864.16 — Gebhardi, L. A. Geschichte von DJinemarck. 4130.4 — Gierlow, J. Origin of the Dano-Germanic contest B.160b-52 — Molesworth,.R. Denmark as it was in 1692 . 28C)5.0 — Miinter, F. C. H. Kirchengeschichte von Daneraark 6054.3 — Pontanus, J, I. Rerum Danicarum iiistoria . 28:0.10 — SaxoGramraaticus. HistoriseDanica librixvi. 4260.8 — Suhms, P. F. Geschichte Diinnemarks ... 2S26.6 Language. — Andersen, J. Die Kunst, die danische Sprache zulernen 2889.15 DENMARK 148 DESCRIPTION Shelf. No. Dkxmark, Languarjf, cnniimted. — Bay,C.F. Dansk og engelsk Hajitid-Lexicon.4119.9,10 — Fradersdortf, J. W. Introduction to 2-So.^i — Gislason, C. Diinsk Ordabok 2S90.14 — llasse, I>. Dansk-Fransk Haandlexicon . . . 28^.8 — Hornbeck, C. Engclsk-dansk og dansk-engelsk Haand-Ordbog 4SS6.20 — Molliech, C. Ordbog over forseldede danske Ord i:ide-lGde Aarbundi-ede 2880.15 — Rask, R. C. Grammar of the 4125.1 — Schneider, F. Danish grammar for Englislimeh. 4125.3 — Weylle, C. O. Glossarium juridicum Danico- Norvegicum 42S2.5 Literature. — Abrahamson, W. H. F. Udvalgte danske Viser. 2876.5 — Danske Skue-lMads 2870. fi — Fiirst, N. Briefe Uber die diinische Literatur . 2870.36 — Grimm, W. C. AltdiiuiscUe Heldenlieder, Bal- laden undMurchen 2876.2 — Prior, R. C. A. Danish ballads 2876.1 — Rostgaard, F. Deliciae quoruudam poetarum Danorum 4229a. 19 — Sander, L. C. Auswalil altdanischer Helden- lieder und Balladen 2875.28 — Thiele, J. M. Danmarks Folkesagn 4224.9 — Worsaae, J. J. A. Diinemurks Vorzeit . . . 423.1.3 See also : Alstcdt, Coponhagco, Bittnarsh, Scliles- wick. Dennis, J. Pioneer of progress; or, the early clos- ing movement. London, n. d. 16° , , . . 3570.88 DENNISTt>UN, J. Memoirs of the dukes of Urbino, 1440-1630. London, 1851. 3v. 8° 2744.27 Dennys, E. N, The Alpha. A revelation, but no mystery. Ster. ed. London, [1855]. 8° . . 610S.26 Denon, D. V. Egypt delineated, in a series of en- gravings. [\Vith descriptions in French and English.] London, I8-'5. f *D.4.0.2 — Travels in Egypt. [Mavor, Voyages, v. 22] . 6267.1 Dentistry. Bond, T. E. I>ental medicine . . , 380(3.24 — Jourdau. Le manuel de I'art du dentistc . . . 3805.39 — Longbothom, M. T. Treatise on .3805.30 — Tall, J. Treatise on operative dentistry . . . 3800.15 See aUo: Teotli. Denton, W. The Christians in Turkey. London, 1863. 8" 3083.14 — Servia and the Servians. London, 1862. p.s°. 2804.18 Deoduinus. De corpore et sanguine Domini, con- tra Berengarium. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 18 J B. 110.2 De Peyster, J. W. Secession in Switzerhind and in the United States compared : address, Oct. 20,1863. Cat8kill,1863. 8" 4310a. 78 De Fokqukt, L. F. II fraseggiatorc toscano; or, Italian phrases. 3d ed., revised by C. Aliieri. Boston, 1832. 12- 4789,1 — II tesoretto dello scolare itallano. 3d ed., by C, AUieri. Improved by [F. Sales]. Boston, I8:t3. 16" 4789.2 — The turning of English idioms into French at sight; or, seijnel to any grannnar exercises. Revised by F. Sales. Boston, 1H33. 12" . . 4680.7 — - Same. Key. Boston, IH34. 12° 46S9.8 Depping, G. B. Evening entertainments. New ed. IMiihidelphia, Ih:13. 12° 6267.2 — Les.Iuifs dans le moyen Age, Bruxelles, Is44. 8". 4154.5 — Sammlungderbesten alien spanischen Ronian- zen. Altenburg, 1HI7. 12" .,,,,,,. . 4259.4 Derby, J. B. Political reminlscenccft, Including n Hketch of the origin and history of tho "SlatcHman parly "of Boston. Boston, 18.35, pp. i»*l. 8" 4.347.27 — RemlnlHCcnc<*H of Salem, Masi, Boston, 1817. pp. 15. 8* 4347.37 DiculiYHHiliK. DuycH, E. Excursion through Der- byshire 2462. IH — Tour In 1797, through Derbynhlre. [Mavor. BritlHh touridttf, V. 5] 2109.22 .. Sbvlf. No. Derham. W. Physico-tbeology ; or a demonstration of tlie being and attributes of God, from crea- tion. 5th ed. Lond.,1720. [No title-page.] 8". 6023.10 De Ribas, a. L. Le bijou musical. Extracts from modern operas. Boston, n.d. obl.4'' . . . 8041.53 Dermoncouut, le gcn6ral. The duchess of Berri in La Vendee, with her private papers and secret correspondence. London, 1S3-3. 8" . 4673.3 Derjiont, L J. Geschiedenis der nederlandsche bervormde Kerk. iSrc Ypeij, A 0051.1 Deriiyfif.i.d, N. H. History of Manchester, for- merly Derryfleld. Potter, C. E 2338.10 Dkrzhavin, G. R. Felizens Bild, iibersetzt von A.v.Kotzebue. Keval, 1792. pp.32. sm.4".**.2878.6 Des Amorie v. d. Hoeven, A. De Joanne Clerico et Philippo a Liniborch dissertatioues duse. Amsteludami, 1843. 8" 4231.2 Desault, p. J. Traitii des maladies chirurgicales. S'et' Chopart, F 3793.11 Dk Saussurk, II. W. Census of Charleston, S. C, for 1848, etc. 5ce Charleston, S. C 6374.18 Des BoRDES, L. V. GeistlicheLieder, Regensburg, 1853. sq.l6" **2879.16 Descartes, R. Opera. Amstelodami, 1682-98, 8v. sm.4" *3926.5 Kote. — T. 6 hns tho dnto Leovnrdiic, 1711. Contents. — Vol.1. Mcdilationcsdc prima yiliilosophia, etc. ; £))Utcila nd D. Gisbprtum Voelium, In (nm cxninl- nantur duo lihri, unus do confrateniitato Mnriaim, nitor dc philosophia Cortisiuud. II. Prinoipia pliilosophin!^ Passioiies animiv ; Spocimina pliilosophlcc, scu dissflr- tnlio dc racthodo recttt rcgonda) rationU, et vcritatis ia nciontiis inveatlgniida); Dioptrice; Metoora. III. Trac- tatns de honiine, et do formationo foptua, prrcfatione C. ClursolkTet notis pcrp^-tuis L.dola Forgo; Mvsicmcom- pcndh-m. IV, V. Ejiistolro, in quibus omnis g'cucria qun-stionesphiloaoph.lractanlur. Yl. Epistolaiiin quibus rcspondet nd pluros ditHcultHtos ipsi propositas in dlop- trica, guomctriavariisqiio nlianim sciontinrum snbjoctla. VII. Geomotria, cum notis V. de Beavnc, In Lat. lingr. versa, ct comm. illustrata, etudio F. B St-hooten; Appen- dix de cvbicarvm eqvntionvm rosolvtiono; I. HvddoiiH cpifltola prima de redvctlono cqvationvm; I. Hvddunll dc maxlmis et minimis : II. v. H«vra>t tlo trnnornvtatlone curvarvm Unoarvni lu roctas. VIII, Principia matho- eeos vnlvorealis, scu Introdvclio arl (roomwlria' niPtho- dvm Ronnti Ups Cartes, conscri])ta ab E. Uartlioliuo ; Do cqvatiiiiivm uatura, couHtitutlono, et liniitlbtis opitscuta duo ineepla d F. do Itvavno, odita nb E. UiirthoIIno; .T. do Witt olementa cvrvarvm lliiearvni, pd. o]>i'r& F. d Schooton; F. a Scbooton tractatva do conoiniiandis do- inunstrationibvfi fteomctriois ox calrulo algubraico, od. d 1*. a Schooton ; Ucomctriic pars sucvnda. — Letires. Nouv. ^d. [of v. 1], Paris, 165ft-63. 2v. sm.4'' 2693.3 Conrcrtfs. — Vol. I. Qiiostlons touchnnt la morale, la phyalqiio, la mt'dcciuo, otlos math&matlquos. II. Quoa- tiouB dlvursca. — Penst'es sur la religion et la morale. [Ke- cueillies avec un discours pr(''liminaire, par J. A. Enu-ry.] Paris, 1811. 8° 609S.14 — Principia philosophiie. Amstelodami, 1677. 4". 4276.19 Contrntn. — Modllatlones do prlnni phllnnophta, etc.; Kiilatuhi ud OlHborinni Vocilum i rrlnrlpiapblloNOphlm; I)Ii E. . 0037.1 DESciiAMrs, P. Essai blbliographi comet of iKll. .Stainl'oid, [Eng.J.n.d. 1^" ''Pph.v.,364 DESCRIPTION 149 DE WETTE shvlf. No. DiiscRiPTiONof therepiliaoi'Scotlnnd. Edinburgh, 1840. pp. .15. l(i' .^ 2477.32 Dk3 Essarts, A.S. L. La ptcrro dea frfcres. A rAmi''n«|Ut'. [Knvers.] I'aris, 1S)51. pp.'^O. 8". 4323.22 De Skzk, J. IJ. a. M. English and French inter- preter. New York, IS13. ir 4GS9.13 DesF.vuciikrkts. iSee llrousse des Fftueherets,.I.L. DksfoiNTAINks, 1'. F. Cr., and Ilel, .(.J. IMition- niure m'-olo/rique, avec VpAogo historitjue do l'autahin-l*hu'bu3. 3e ed., iiugm. Amster- dam, 17-'.S. 10^ 4r.l)0a.l7 Desfoikjes, I*. J. It. Choudard. La lemmo jal- ouse; Tom Jones il Londres; Tom Jones h Fellamar. [Thtatre fran«;ais, v. 2.S] .... 4708.1 Dksfossez, II. Athisdu miueuretdu metal hi rgiste. SeeReaii, F 38.C.1. Uksidkkius. Epistolae. [Canisius. Thesaurus, V. 1] '. 4140.3 — Epistola;. [Slaxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 8] . Ii.llO.'.i Dksicn. Kimmer, \V. Eh-ments of 4U07.44 — Vocabolario delP arte del diseguo. [Baldinucci. Opere, V. 2,3] 4807.2 Desjardins, E. Le grand Corneille historien. Paris, lisCil. a" 4703.8 — - Same. Paris, 1861. 10° 4709.14 Besmahis, J. F. E. de Corsembleu. Le billet perdu, ou L'impertinent, comudie. [Theatre fran- Cais, V. 41] 4708.1 Des Mai/eaux, p. Recueil de diverses pieces, par Mrs. LeibniE, Clarke, Newton, etc. 2e ed. Amsterdam, 1740. 2v. 12° 4189a. S JVo(c. — L© vOritftbl© noni de cet ecrivain etait Margo- telle. — Qucrard, SupcrcheriKB. — Vie de P. Rayle. ^%e Bayle, P G240.2 DESMAKRhs, L. A. Traite theorlque et pratique des maladies des yeux. Paris, 1847. 8° .... 3804.10 — - Same. 2e (-d., revue et augm. Paris, 1854, 55,58. 3v. 8° 3804.11 De Smet, p. J, Oregon missions, and travels over the Rocky mountains, in 1845, 4Ialerei und Baukunst beson- ders in kirohliclier Bezichuiig. Berlin, 1S4G. pp.71. 10' B. 170b. 87 — Eiiie Idee uber das Studium der Theologie. Leipzig, 1850. pp.31. 16° 6054.19 — KurzeErkliirung der Briefe an Titus, Timotbeus und die Ilebriier. Leipzig, 1844. 8° C0IG.6 — Kurzgefasstes exegetiscbes Handbuch zum Neuen Testament. 2te Ausg. Leipzig, 1836- 48. 4v. 8° *6010.17 yofe. — B. 1, T. 2, and B. 2, T. 2, are of the 1st ed. Contents. — Vol. I. Cvangreliutn Matthai; Evangelien Lukns tiiid Markus. II. EvHnf(.-Uuin und die Briefe Johnnnis; Kurze Apostelgeschichte. HI, Brii?f<; an die Hi'imer; Briefe an die Corinfher; BrieO an die (Jalater und an die Thesftalonither; Briel'e an die Colosser, an rhilenion, an die Ephesier und Philipper. IV. Briefe an Titus, Timotheus und die Hebriier; Briefe der Pelrua Judas und Jfkki>bus \ OlTenbarung Juhannis. — Lehrbuch der cliristlicben Dogmatik. "Vol. 1. ;Jte Aufl. Vol. 2, 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1821-31. 2v. in 1. 8° 6022.12,13 — Lebrbucb der bebriiischjudiscben Archaologie. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 18.30. 8° 6028.5 — Lehrbuch der historisch-kritiseben Einleitung in die Biicher des Alteu Testamentes. 6tfe Aufl. Berlin, 1845. 8° 6017.15 — - .Same. Neues Testament. 4te Aufl. Ber- lin, 1^2. 8" 6016.11 — Ueber die Religion, ihr Wesen. ibre Erschei- nungsfornien und ibren Einfluss auf das Le- ben. Berlin, 1827. 8° . . . 6064.14 — LU'ber Religion und Theologie. 2te Aufl. Ber- lin, 1821. 8° 6064,17 — Das Wesen des cliristlicben Glaubeus. Basel, 11S46. 8° 6064.18 — Die heilige Scbrift des Neuen Bundes, ausge- K'pt, u. s. w. See Bible. New Testament. 6016.11 — Hagenbacli, C. R. Rede bei der Beerdigung des Prot. De Wette ....... 412'.t. 91, and 4237.5 — Liicke, G. ('. F. Freundscbaftliche Eriune- rung von 4237.5 — Schenkel, D. Bedeutunjif seiner Theologie fiir un.'^ere Zeit 4237.5 De Wkttk, Nacbrichtcn iiber die Familie. See Hiibschnmnn, A 2848.2, and 4129.92 Dewey, C. A. [opinion of the Buprenie judicial court on separating the divinity school tVom Harvard college.] Cambridge, 1856. pp. 24. ha' 4289.54 Dewey, O. Works. New York, 1846,47. 3v. 12'. 6002.22 Con/Mirt. — Vwl. I. niacoursc* on human nature, hu- man lit'.', and th« naturt' of rvtijfioii. J I. UIhcouim.h on the natur« of roliRlon; CMninitrce and bu«inifi"; Ocfn- Blonat dtseoumea. II. lHneour>n58 upon r|ue»tlon» in cun- trovcmlal thcolopy and practical r«IlgIon. — AddrOHs before the American peace society, Boston, May, IM.s. Ilostun, IMM. h"" . . . . 5H0a.fl4 AddrenH, under the old elm tree in Sheffield. New York, isi6. 8" 4310a. 61 Anniverttary address before the American uni- tarian aKsoeialiuii. Boston, 1848. 12** . . . 5-110a.54 Cbiiius of puritani.'^m. A sermon at the an- nual eleelion, May 31, 1820, helbre L. Lincoln, governor, etc. Boston, 1^26. h" *43C6.10 Condition, prospectH, and duties of the Amerl- ran jM-ople. A Kcrnion on fast day, Boston. BoMton, IK)1». H** 4310a. 51 — Dl^eourne at the dedication of the Church of the Me»Hiuli,Ni-w York. New York, 1839. 8'. 6140a. 54 DlHCOurne at the ordination of Rev. (>. Putnam, Roxbur)-, .luly 7, into. Boslon, lf. Ni'W Vork, 1843. b' 5440a. 54 Shelf. No. Dewey, O., continued. — Discourses on the nature and province of natu- ral, revealed and experimental religion. New Y'ork, KS4I. 8° 5440a. 54 — Laws of human progress and modern reforms. A lecture. New Y'ork, 1852. 8' 4310a. 51 — Problem of human destiny: Lowell lectures. New York, 18iH. 1.8° 5G02.4 — Rights, claims, and duties of opinion. An ad- dress before the Berry Street conference. Boston, 1845. 8° 5440a. 54 — Sermon on the moral uses of the pestilence denominated Asiatic cholera, ou fast-day, Aug. 9, 1832. New Bedford, 18.32. 8° . . . 5440a. 54 — Sermon on the national fast day, Boston. Bos- ton, 1S61. 12° 4310a. 51 — Reply to Dr. Dewey's addre.'is at the elm tree, Slieflleld. 5ee Grayson, W. J 5572.17 DeWitt, T. The Gospel harvest, and Christian's duty. Sermon. Oct. 6, 1830. Boston, 1831. 8°.*Pph,v.375 Dewlet Shah Ben Ala-ed-Dewlet Bakhtisbiih. Le- ben des Ferdusi, persisch und deutsch. See Vullers, J. A 6076.9 Dexicrates. [Meineke. Fragm. com., Or. v. 5]. B. 162. 8 Dexter, F. Oration, delivered July 4, 1819, at the request of the selectmen of Boston. Boston, n. d. 8° B.170a.67 — and others. Pictures and painters. Essays upon art: the old masters and modern art- ists. New Y'ork, 1849. pp. 55. 12° .... 4277.6 Dextek, H. M. Discourse at the dedication of the Franklin Street church, Manchester, N. H. Andover, 1848. 8° 5440a. 88 — SIceting-houses : considered historically and suggestively. Boston, 1859. pp.20. 8° . . 4394.12 — Our national condition, and its remedy. A ser- mon, June 22, 1856. Boston, 1?^56. 8" . . . 4310a. 52 — Sermon upon the reasonableness of the doc- trine of the future eternal punishment of those who die impenitent. Boston, 1858. 8°. 3453.9 — Twelve discourses. Boston, 1860. sq.U*" . . . 5442.15 Dexter, S., Discourse at the interment of. See Kendal, S 6088.239 Dexter, T. E. Animal and vegetable substances used in the arts and sciences. 2d. ed., rev. London, 1861. 18* 4019.10 Dextkh and Abbott. Remarks on the growth and culture of the cotton plant, more particu- larly as cultivated in Alabama. Boston, lh50. pp. 12. 8* B,170.16 DEZiiiDE, or Dezaides, and Mantauflfeld. Les deux pages, ou Auguste et Theodore, comt^die. [Theatre fr«n?ais, V. 42] 4708.1 Dezobry, C. L. Exercices de m<^moire et de lec- ture. 5ecThery, A.F 3691.24 D'HoMEKGi'E, J., and Duponceau, P. S. Essays on American silk. Philadelphia, 1K30. 8*. 4003.37 DlADornus. De perfectioiu' spiritual! capita cen- tum, F. Turriano interprete. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., V. 5] B.110.2 DiAONt>si.'*. Da Costa, J. M. Diagnosis, with refer- ence to practical medicine 6783.8 — Kltznuiun, .1. L. De coUigenda morboram co- ram n-grls historia 3799.20 — Medical practitioner's comi)rtnion 3789.32 — Walshe, W. II. Principles of physical diag- nosis 3794.26 See aI«o: AuRCulfntlon, MIoroRcopo. Dial, The: a magazine for literature, philosophy, and religion. V(pI. 1-4. Moslon, IhtO-43. 4v. 8°. *6235.4 DlAI.O(;UK, Essay on. Wyuiu, K 5568.15 DiALUdUK of Siilomon and Salunnis, |au Anglo- Saxon poem]; with an hi.-Ioikal introduc- tion, by J. M. Kemble. London, 184». &". [vEHVIc society]- 2587.24 DlANlHKA, C. (Iramniatlk zur schnellen Erlernung der slowaUiwchen Spniche. VVieii, lHi)0 fj". 2886.24 DlAlMiitAUMATlc hernia, Treatise on. Howdltch, 11. 1 5796.17 DIAS 151 DICTIONNvMKE »helf. No. DiAS, F. Ifigenia, tra^cdia. Lisboa, 1798. pp. 7ft. Iti" B.i:0b.08 DiATOMACK.r. British diatomaccfc in the British niuscmii. Sec I^oudon. Britisli inuspuni . . 5899.14 Diaz, Juan. d. I54ti. Historia dc niorte .1. Diazii; Cliiistiana' relijjio'nis suiiuiia. [(ifrdes. Scri- niiun antit]. ad liist. rctnrni. spect., v. 4] . . 6055.15 Diaz, Juan. ItiiuTario del viappio che la flotta di G. di Grijiilva fere nt'l 1518 nell' Yucatan. [MarmoL-i-Iii. Viiijigi, v. 5"] 2:275.1 DiBDIN, ('. Complete history of the English stage. Introduced by a review of other theatres. London, ISOO.* 5v. 8* 2553.10 — 5ce Collection of farces, V. 4, 6 2575.35 Tftn/fflM. — Vol. IV. Th<> deserter. man. or the flrst of AiigUBt, VI. The water- DlBDis, T. F. The Sunday library. London, 1831. 6v. 12° ' 5444.23 Contents. — Vol. I. B. Portcus, Christ's sermon on the mount; C.J. Blomfleld, Choice of n rcli^oii ; W. Pnloy, Taste for devotion, Seriousnt-ss io reli^on; C. J. Blom- fleld, Ob prayer; C. W. Le Ens, The fear of God, The lovo of God ; G. Home, On thf redemption of time. Life RJoumey; S. Horsley, Observance of the Sabbath; R. Mftiit, Pride contrasted wth humility, On spiritunl pride; P. N. Shuttleworth, Woo unto them that call evil good, and (rood evil, Christ's yoke easy, and burden lifjht; C. Blmisod, The existence of ditliculties in the Scriptures not incompntible with their object as a reli- giously instructive work ; S. Horsley, Auniversnry ser- mon for the sons of the clerg:>'. II. B. Portcus, Parable of the Bower; A.Alison, On the Lord's prayer; K. More- head, On natural religion. On revealed religion ; S. Smith, On repentance, On the government of the heart; T. Rcnnell, Take heed how ye hear, Itcjoicc in the Lord aUvay; T. Townson. Evangelical obedience. Love God, ■ and keep hU commandments; J. Gilpin, The poor in spirit. The rejoicing of Hannah; W. Jones, Sufferings nncessary to perfection. Decency and order in divine worship ; J, U. Pott, On the nativity, Christ considered as a Saviour; R. Heber, Time and eternity. Duties of the ministry. III, S. Horsley, The 3yrophnician wo- man ; W, Van Mildert, Inability of man to frame a re- ligion for himtelf, InsuHiciency of natural or moral philosophy to instruct us in religious truth ; J. White, Choractcr of Christ contrasted with that of Mahomet, Miracles and prophecies confirmative of Christ's divin- ity; R.Gray, Influence of Christianity; 8. Parr, Parable • of the marriage feast, Faith and moralit>-; G. D'Oyly, Assurance of salvation. Alliance of religion and learn- ing, IV. G. I. Huntingford, False philosophy consid- ered. On the preaching of our Lord; J. H. Hobart, Mis- takes concerning repentance. Delay of repentance ; R. Jfares, The power of faith. Love the principle of true religion; J. B. Sumner, Christian charity, Connexion between Christian faith and Christian practice. The Christian's dependence upon his Redeemer; J. Hewlett, Dutyof studying the Scriptures «nth patience. Patience, comfort, and hope to be derived from the Scriptures; P. N. Shuttleworth, Reasonableness and efllcacy of prayer ; G. Haggitt, On the catechism; R. Lawrence, The doc- trine of predestination. V, T. Ne\rton, God and the king, The good Samaritan ; H. Blair. On tranquillity of mind, On a life of dissipation and pleasure ; T. Chalmers, The necessity ofa mediator between God and man. Emp- tiness of natural virtue; A. Alison, On winter, as the season of social amusement, On winter, as the season of religious thought ; R. Hall, Modem infidelity, etc. ; A. Irvine, The millennium. Personality and office of the Holy Spirit; J- H. Spr>-, Final prevalence of Christian unity ; G. Chandler, Influence of Christianity upon soci- ety; C. W. Le Bas, The labourers in the vineyard; C. Benson, God tempting Abraham, and Abraham's obe- dience and faith in offering Isaac, considered. VI. T, Seeker, On a general fast. Thanksgiving for peace; G, I. Huntingford, The necessity of rigilance and prayer; C. J. Blomfield, Christian improvement. Christian puri- ty ; E. Mwltby, On good works. The grace of God, Divin- ity of Christ; J. II. Pott, On brotherly reconciliation. The fruits of the Spirit; R. Moreheod, On religious re- tirement. On religious meditation. On the good n»me of the dead; S. Smith, On the love of our countr)-. On ■cepticism; H. H. Milman, Characters of the apostles; G. D'Oyly, The intermediate state; R. Mnnt, Necesnit/ and betieflts of the Lord's sup|ier; R Heber, The atone- ment ; B. Porteus, Day of judgment. -» On religious studies. See F^n^Ion, F. de S. de lailotiie 3599.34 Shelf. No. Dlc.KARGHUS. Abhandlung iiber die unter dem Niinien des Dif:aarch Uberlieferte Autiypaipi} T7)s 'E,\Xa(i4. 8" 3952.43 Dickinson, D. S. The union: an address before the literary societies of Amherst college, July 10,1861. New York, 1861. 8° 4394. .15 — Speech at the union meeting in New York, Oct. 9,1802. [Albany], 1862. 8°. [No title-page].4310a.82 Dickinson, John. Letters from a farmer in Penn- sylvania to the inhabitants of the British colonies. Philadelphia, 1774. 8" . . . . *Pph.v.367 Dickinson, Jonathan. Keasonableness of Chris- tianity: four sermons. l*reface by T. Fox- croft. Boston, 1732. 12' 3434.31 Note. — Imperfect, wanting title and one leaf. Dickinson, R. Compilation of the laws of Massa- chusetts. Boston, 1811. 8° 6345.3 — Compendium of the Bible ; a transcript of the text. See Bible. Selections. Engli.sh . . . 3429. .32 Dickinson, W. Glossary of the words and phrases of Cumberland. Whitehaven, 1859. 16" . . 2586.42 Dickson, J. H. Address before the alumni associ- ation of the university of North Carolina, June, 1853. Kaleigb, 1853. 8' B. 170a. 85 Dickson, S. [The '* destructive art of healing."] Added, a word to woman, by L. J. Pierson. 1st Am. from 2d London ed. New York, [1854]. pp.72. 12° B.170b.l04 — Principles of the chrouo-thermal system of medicine, with the fallacies of the faculty. Introduction, etc., by W. Turner. 5th ed. stereotype. London, 1845. 8° 6087.3 Dictionary of contemporary biography: a hand- book of the peerage of rank, worth, and in- tellect, etc. London, 1861. p.8° *2242.5 Dictionnaire abn'g^ des mythologies de tous lea peuples. Paris, n. d. 2v. IS" 3484.29 Dictionnaire de medecine. 2e ed. Paris, 1832-46. 30v. 8" *5735.1 Contents. — Vol.1. A — Ag. II. Aig — Anen. Ill, Aner — Arr. IV. Ars— Hal. V. Ban— Bras. VI, Bray— Cala. VII. Cath— Cid. VIII. Cig— Con. IX. Cop— Cys. X. Dan— Dys. XI. Eau— Enc. XII. Ene— Far. X III. Feb — Oan. XIV. Gar- Hal. XV. Han— Ilyd. XV!, Hyd —Int. XVII. Inl— Lax. XVIII. Leg— Mai. XIX. Mam —Met, XX. Mie— Ner. XXl. Nev— n?,uf. XXII. Oil— Oze. XXIII. Pad— Per. XXIV. Per— Pla, XXV. pie — Pou. XXVI. Pou— Qui. XXVII. Itac— Rut. XXVIII. Salt— Sub. XXIX. Sue— Typ. XXX. Ulc— Z. Dictionnaire des arrondissemens municipaux, barriijres, boulevards, [etc.] de Paris. Paris, Ir^H. pp. 52. 24" 2634.18 Dictionnaire des dictionnaires de la langue fran- 5aise. BruxeUes, 1661. 2v. 8" *2681.4 DICTIONNAIUE 152 DIO Shvlt. Ho. DiCTioxNAiBE des sciences philosopliifiues, par uue societe de professeurs de philosophic. [Kedigti par' A. Franck.] Taris, 1844-5"-^. Cv. b" *60S2.4 Contenu.— Vol. I. A— C. II. D— G. HI. H— L. IV. M— P. V. P— S. TI. S— Z. PiCTiONXAiRE m*olo|riq"e. Desfontaines,P. F. G.4G99a.l7 DiCTYS Cretensis, and Dares Phrygius, psevdoni/ms. De bello et excidio Trojie, in usum Delphini, cum interpretatione A. Dacerije. Ncc uon Josephus Iscanus, cum notis S. Dresemii. Amstela-dami, 1702. 4" **2974.25 DiDAY, F. Exposition critique et pratique des nou- velles doctrines sur la syphilis, Paris, 185{5.- 8' 3770.45 — On syphilis in new-born children. Translated by G. Whitley. London, 1859. S". [Lon- don. New Sydenham society, V. 1] ♦5714.1 DiHEitoT, D. Le pfere defamille. [Theatre fran- 9ais, V.43] 4708.1 — and Alembert, J. le R.d'. Encyclopedic. Lau- sanne et Berne, 1780-82. 36v. 8°. 3v. 4° . . MHS.l CotUents.—Vo}.l. A— Ak. 11. Al— Ao. III. Ai>— At. IV. Au— Bh. V. Bi— Cal. VI. Cam— Cha. VII. Clm— Chr. Vlll. Chu— Con. IX. Con— Cri. X. Cri— Din. XI. Dio— Klb. XII. Elc— Esp. XIII. E8i>— Fcr. Xn'. Fer— For. XV. For— Gen. XVI. Geo— Hai. XVII. Hal— Hyv. XVIII. I— Jom. XIX. Jon— Lie. XX. Lig — Mnq. XXI. Mar— Mni. XXII. Mob— Xia. XXIII. Koa— Orf. XXIV. Orpr— Pan. XXV. Pnii— Pi. XXVI. Pla— Por. XXVII. Pos— Py. XXVIII. Q— Uet. XXIX. Ret— Sap. XXX. Snq— Shu. XXXI. Si— Sub. XXXII. Sue— Tek. XXXIII. Tel— Toq. XXXIV. Tor-Var. SXXV. Vas— Vir. XXX. Vis— Z. — - L'csprit de ]'encyclop(''die, ou cboix des arti- cles, [parK. Ollivier et S. J. IJourletde Vaux- celles], Paris, 1798-1808. 13v. S" . . . . *A. 180.4 Contents. — yo\ I. A— Bio. II. Bic— Con. III. Con — Ega. IV. E(?l— Fou. V. Fou— Hyp. VI. IiU.— Lit. VII. Loi— Myt. VIII. Nai— Pen. IX. I'en— Itcf. X. Bef— Son XI. Sot— Tri. XII. Tri— Zon. Xlll. Sup- pl&roont. DiDiON, I. Experiences sur la penc'-tration des pro- jectiles dans les divers milieux ; Sur Ics lois de la resistance de Tair. [France. Ministry of war. Mi-morial de I'artillerie, V. 5] . . . 3954.25 DiDOT, A. F. Iniprimerie, libralrie, papcterie et industries auxiliaires. [France. Commission sur I'industrie des nations, V. 5] 4029.20 — and 11. IJibliothequegrecque. A'eeStrabo. . 3000.5 Dii>OT. F. Annibal, tragedie. Paris, 1817. 1,8°, 2003.10 DiDBON, A.N. ain**. Annalesarcheologiques. Tome 1-18,20-22. Paris, 1844-02. 21v. 4° . . . . *3361.1 — Paganisme dans I'art chretien. Paris, 1853. PP- ^■■i. •*' C071.3 DiDY.ML's AU'xandrinus. Kiuirrationes in epistolas B. Jacobi, Petri,. loan nis et.Iuda', Hieronymo interprete ; Liber contra Maniclueos, K. Tiir- riuno interprete. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., V. 4] B.110.2 — Liber contra Maniclia;os, Gr, ct Lat. [Cani- gius. Thesaurus, v. 1] 4140.3 DiDYMUS Chalceuterus. Fragmeuta qurc supersunt omnia collegit M.Scliniidt. Lipslic, 1854. 8°. 2972.10 DlEDEHTC, of Jsm-uffh'. I'"h>i-is emle lllaiici'doer. [Hollinann von Fallersleben. llora; Itelgica*, V. 3] 2814.5 PiKDRicii, of Hern. See Dietrich. DlKFicNBAni, L. Celtica: (JeHchichte dcr Kdten. StutlKurt, 18.39,40. 3v. in I. 8" 4213.8 — OrigineM Kuropa-a*. Die alten \'olker Kuro- puH. Frankfurt, 1801. 8* 2235.10 — Vcrgleh'hf ridcK Wiirterbuch der gothlHchcn .»^prache. Frankfurt, IK5I. 2v. H" M114.7 DlicaKTcii'K, .]. l>4>ciimentH concernant lestniuhU's deH I'ayf<-BaH, I5r7-H-L See Kervyn Ue Vol- kacrHt>rkis P 2820.41 Dies, A. Hricfc, die (imndftUtze von WlltwoncoA- 6cn bclrein-ud. I'laukfurl, i;il9. pp.;(8. 'r.»*3570.0 Shvlf. No. DiETERiCH, U. W. Ausfiibrliche Schwedisclie Gramniatik, nebst eiuer Litteraturgeschichte, und Chrcstoniathie. Stockholm, 1840. 8°. . 2884.10 — - Same. 2te Anil. Stockholm, 1848. 8° . . »4125.2 Dietetics. Fhysiologie der Nabrungsraittel. Mo* leschott, J 370C.6 See also: Food, Regimen. Dietrich, A. Russische Volksmarchen gesnmmelt undiusDeutcheiibersetzt. Leipzig, 1831. Ifi". 42n0a.2 Dietrich, F. E. C. Abhandlungen fiir semitische Wcirtforschung. Leipzig, 1844. 8° 4240.23 Dietrich, of Hern. Dietrich's erste Ausfahrt [ein altdeutsch-metrischcs Heldenroman], heraus- gt'geben von Franz Stark. Stuttgart, 1800. 8". [Stuttgart. Bibliothek liter. Vereins, v. 52]. M235.1 Xote. — Dietrich, of Bern, or of Verona, is Tbeodoric the Grent. — Didrik of Berns Saga. [Kafn. Nordiske For- tids Sagaer, V. 3] 4220.17 Dieu, L. de. Kvdimenta lingvie Persicse. Acced. duo priora cai)ita (iencseos, ex Pcrslca, tr. I. Tawusi. Lvj^'dvni i;:it;ivorvni, 10.30. 4" . . *0037.17 DiEZ, F. C, Etymologisclies Wurterbuch derroma- nischen Spracheu, Bonn, 1853. 8' *4114.5 — - Same. 2te Ausg. Bonn, 1801, 02. 2v. 8' . 478G.3 — Grammatik der romanischen Spracben. Bonn, 1830-44. 3v. a" 2885.10 DiGAMMA. Dissertation on theuseof the digamnia in Homer. Dunbar,G 2985.27 DiGBV, K. The natvre of bodies [and] of man's sovle, in way of discovery of the immor- tality of reasonable sovles. Paris, 1044. f''.*3500.16 Dignity of human nature. Burgh, J. Dignity of human nature 3585.29 — Tzschirner, H. T. De dignitate hominis per religionem Christianam adserta B.lC0a.l20 Dijiv, H. A. van. Specimen juris gentium inaugu- rale de collegiis archithalassicis. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1845. 8* v. 2 of *4295.26 Dijon. Vetus chronicon S. Benigni Divioncnsis, A. D. 4^5-1052. [Acbury. Spieilegium, v. 1]. 4152.7 DiLLAWAY, C. K. "The free sehoole of 1045 in Roxbnrie." AVith biographical sketches. Koxbury, 1800. 10» 2357.13 DiELOX, W., (uii'l of linscovimon. Blisccllaueous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v.O] 4604.1 DiLWoitTii, T. Young book-keeper*s assistant. Utlied. London, 1700. 8° 5088.2 DiMiTKi SnmotzvHuetz, or Demetrius the False. l<>iime critico della storia di Demetrio di Iwan Wasiliewitch. A^c Cianipi, S 3000.2 DiNAUcnus. Orationes tres. [Dobson. Oratores Attici, V. 4, 14] B. 103.1 DiNGLiou, J. G. and E. M. Polytechnisehes Jour- nal. Bd. 1-171. Stuttgart, 182(1-04. 171v. 8°. *39I7.2 — - Same. Ueal-ImU-x von Bd. 1-118, von M. Steeker [und] D. Philipp. Stuttgari, 1843- 53. 2v. 8* *39I7.1 — - Same. ReaMndex von Bd. lIU-108. Stutt- gart, 1801. 8° v.3of*3D17.1 DiNl, F. Autiijuitates Kiruria'; De antitiuitalibua I'lubrorum, 'rhusroruuniui' Hede, ae impt-rio, d<'(|iH' < 'amerio, av rnnicrlibus iiSylla rxoisis. [(Inrxius. Tlu-.s, anri<|. Kill,, T. 8, p. I] . . 4710.1 Dig, or Dion Cassias. lli>lnri;e llonianie librl XLVI. J. Levnclnvil studio tarn aucti t F. Morelti scholia, etc. Ed. 2a. Llpsiu', i;98. 2v. 8" ^O-LI DUPIN IGl DWKJHT Bhulf. No. DUPIN, L. E., contijiued, sl^oltf tlo I'tBTllflo. XI. Dc!»niitourBdu nuntorzl^mo b1<^c1o dc I'tglUft. XII, T)t}» nutourft ilii qtilnzU'mn si)>eki do I'fjtliso. XMI, XIV. Dfs nutouva tin Bfizicmo sitV-Io do rtgliso. XV. Dos outcurs qui out Ik'uri peudniit loa 50 promii^ros nnnC-L-s du dix-aoptiomo slOcle. — Bibliothtquo univorsoUe des historiens. Am- stordani, 170S. 4° *4141.6 — History of ccclvsiastinil writers, first to the tifth century. Trun.*ilatfd from the French. London, ir.i)2, 93. 4v. in 3. f •3521.4 — Universal library of historians. London, 1709. 2v. 8° ♦2292.8 Du Pin, I*. Chronitiue du conto Rouge (Amc vii de Savoie). [Sardinia. Hist, mouuni., v. 7]. 4800.1 DuPLKssis, G. Uistoire dc la gravure en France. pans, 18ni, 8" 4087.12 DuPLESsis-MoRNAY, P. Slysterlvm iniqvitatis, 'iov historia papatvs. Sahiivrii, 1011. f " . . *C0G0.2 Dv PoNCKAu, P. S. Nature and extent of the juris- diction of the courts of the United States. Phihidelphia, 1824. 8' 4295.3 — Essays on American silk. See D*Homergue, J, 4003.37 DUPOXT, P. Histoire de Timprimerie. Paris, 1S54. 2v. 12° *2113.24 DuppA, B. F, Manual for mechanics' institutions, London, 1830. 8° 2203.7 DiTPRAT, F. A. Histoire de I'imprlmerie imp^riale de France. Paris, 1861. 8" 2113.17 Du PuYNODE, M. G. P. De I'esclavage et des col- onies. Paris, 1847. 8" 4290.7 DuRAND, D. Dissertation [en forme d'entretien] sur la prosodie fran^oise. See Girard, G. . 2084.19 DuRAND, U. Veterum scriptorum et monumento- rum coUectio. See Martene, E 4150.1 DURANDUS, abbot. Liber de corpore et sanguine Christi, contra Berengarium. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. 18] 3.110.2 DURANT, C. F. Kew theory of animal magnetism. Xew York, 18-17. 12' 3765.22 DURANT, H. F. Influences of rural life. Address before the Norfolk agricultural society, Sept. 29, 1S59. Boston, 1800. 8° 4390a.34 Durante, gr Durandus, G. Rationale divinorum officl^m. Venetiis, 1519. f° *B.140.9 Kate. — Black letter; 2 columns, G7 lines, DUKANTES, G. Tractatus de visionibus, etc. See Brigitta, St B.110.7 DURBIN, J. P. Address [on colonization], April 6, 1852. 5ee Pettit, W. V 5572.28 DiJRER, A. Leben und Wirken. See Eye, A. v. . 4005.16 — Leben, Schriften und Kunstwerke von. See Schober, D. G 4067.33 DURFEE, C. History ofWilliams college. Boston, 1860. 8° 2387.12 Durham, Addresses, poems, songs, etc., relative to the elections for. Durham, 1802. 12". . *Pph.v.364 — To the gentry of the county of Durham [urging military preparations against France and Spain], n. p., n. d. 8" *Pph.v.346 — Glossary of terips used in the coal trade of , . 4586.20 Durham university calendar, with almanack, 1863. Durham, 1863. 12' 2487.20 DUBICH, F. Bibliotheca Slavica antiquissimae dia- lect! communis et ecclesiasticae universse Sla- vommgentis. Vol.1. Vindobonas, 1795. 8°. *4880.4 DUKIN, A. Nouveau manuel de peinture chinoise, dite orientale. Bruges, 1843. 8° 4064.26 DUUKEE, S. [Algfe, 378 specimens, belonging to more than a hundred species, collected by twelve diUerent naturalists, from sixty-two habitats, in all parts of the world. Mounted on paper.] 2v. 4" **3900.24 DUROCHER, J. M. E. See France. Commission sci- entiJique du Nord. Voyages en Scandinavie, v. 15, 16, 17 2865.1 CatuenU. — Vol. XV. Gcolo^t?, mincrnloj-io, mf'tnl- liirgi*- et rhiniie. X^^, XVII. (JeopTipIiie physique, gt-ogrnphio botnniquc, botaulquo et i/hysioloffio. 21 Sholf. No. Du RONDEI., J. I.ifo of Kpicurus. [Tela. Philo- sophical library, v. 1] 5003.19 DURUY, V. Hist<)irc (Ic la Grt'cc ancienne. Paris, ltlC2. 2v. 8° 3071.3 DUSCH, J. J. Sympathie, ein Gedicht, zur Unter- stiitzung eincr ungliicklich gewordonen Fam- ilio. Altoiia, ln thrombosis of the cerebr.al sin- uses. Translated by G. Whitley. London, ISfil. pp.4(i. 8°. [London. New Sydenham society] 6714.9 DUSENBKRY, B. RI. Monument to the memory of Gen. A. Jackson : containing twenty-five eulo- gies and sermons. Nashua, 1846. 12° . . . 2347.25 ConienlB. — Eulopca, by G. Baucroft. G. M. Dahas, B. F. Btitlcr, I.. Woodbun', B. C. Howard, J. Van Bu- rfn, W. McCaiidlOBS, M. H. McAHister, A. F. Morrison, F. It. Shunk, E. Lowia, P. Merrick, H. A. Garland, .1. A. Bohos, H. B. Wripht, A. Stevenson. T. L. Smith, W. M'Cnrtney, S. A. Cartwright, W. Irvin, 3. G. Harris, D. . D. Lore, G. W. Bethune, T. Brainerd. DussAUCE, II. Fabrication of matches, gun cotton, colored fires and fulmin.ating powders. Phil- adelphia, 18f>4. 12° 4029.5 DusSEK, .1. L. L'invocation. Grande sonate pour le pianoforte. Leipsic, n^d. pp.27. obl.4° . *4055.58 — Le retour a Paris. Sonate pour le pianoforte. Bonn, n.d. pp.35. obl.4° *4055.52 DussELt>ORFartuniouof Rhenish Prussia, and West- phalia. Catalogue of a collection of paintings and drawings, by artists of the Diis.^eldorf academy. New York, 1S51. pp.47. 8° . . . 4289.27 DussiF.ux, L. E. Gcographie historique de la France. Paris, 1843. 8' 4186.6 Dutch language, literature, etc. Srp Netherlands. DuTENS, L. Journal of travels through the princi- pal cities in Europe. Translated by J. High- more. London, 1782. 8° 2274.14 Du Teruail, p. de Bayard. Histoire du chevalier Bayard. Sfe Guyard de Berville 4629a. 5 DUTILLKT, J. Chrouicon de ref^ibus Francorum usque ad Henricum n. See Emili, P 4240.4 DUTTENHOFKR, C. F. Geschichte der Religions- schwiirmereyen in der christlichen Kirche. Heilbronn, 1^90,97. 2v. 8° 60C7.17 DUTTON, W, Oration, pronounced July 4, 1805, at the request of the inhabitants of Boston. Boston, [1805]. 8° B.170a.56 Duval, A. P. See Histoire litt^raire de la France, V. 15-19 4692.1 Du Vauke, or Du Vaux, N. Le faux savant, com- edie. [Theatre fran^.ais, v. 3s] 4708. 1 DuvEEGER, E. Histoire de I'invention de I'imprl- merie par les monuments. Paris, 1840. pp. 58. f° *2110.22 DUYERGIER de Ilauranne, P. HiBtoire du gou- vernement parlementaire en France 1814-48, precedee d'une introduction. Paris, 1857-4)2. 5v. 8° 4618.1 DiJx, J. M. Nicolaus von Cusa und die Kirche seiner Zeit. Kegensburg, 1847. 2v. 8° . . . 6000.13 DUXEUR Y, Arass. Reply of a committee of the First parish to the public answer of Hon. G. B. Weston. Also, the said answer entire. Bos- ton, 1851. 8° 6088.185 Rejoinder to a reply of a committee of the First parish. Weston, G. B 6088.184 DwiGHT, B. W. Modern philology. 2d ed. New York, 1860. 8° 2955.16 _ Same. First, second series. 3d ed. [of Ist series]. New York. 1804. 2v. 8° 4956.1 DWIGHT, E. Plan for military education in Massa- chusetts. Boston, 1862. pp. 16. 8° 5953.25 DWIGHT, N. Geography of the world. 3d Albany • ed. Albany, 1804. 12° 70.39.14 DWIGHT, Theodore. Character of Thomas Jeffer- son, as exhibited in his writings. Boston, 1839. 12° 2347.24 — Open convents: or nunneries dangerous and degrading. New York, 18.36. 18° 3404.23 DWIGHT 162 EATON Shelf. No. DWIGHT, Timothy. Discourse, at the funeral of Rev. Elizur Goodrich, Nov. 25, 1797. New Haven, 17i»7. 8" 5440a. fi9 — Hymns, selected from Watts, Doddridge, and other writers. New Haven, 1832. Si.'*. . . 3440.38 . — Silliraan, B. Life and character : an eulogium. 4;H7.'..'S — Spring, G. Oration in commemoration of . . 4347.28 DwuJELL, T. E. Hojie for our country. Sermon in Salem, Oct. in, 1SM2. Salem, 1S62. S' . . .4310a. 56 DVCE, A. Specimens of British poetesses. Lon- don, 1825. 8** 2567.11 DrCHE, T., and Pardon, ^Y. New general English dictionary. With a supplement of proper names. London, 1735. s" 45S8.5 — - Same. Hth ed. London, 1771. 8° .... ' 4588.2 DvCKERiiOFF,W. Nederduitsch-HoogduitschWoor- denboek. See Calisch, T. M 4113.7 DrEiNG, Chemistry of. O'Neill, C 3977.5 DVER, J. Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. It] 4C04.1 ContenU. — The fleecn ; Ruins of Home ; Grongnr lull ; CouDtry walk, etc. Dter, T. H. History of modem Europe, 1453-57. London, 1861. A'ols. 1, 2. 8° 2204.4 DrNAMiCS, General method in. Hamilton, W. R. 3921. 2S Dynter, E. de. Chronica nobilissimorum ducum Lotharingiie et Brabantiaj ac regum Frauco- rum; lUustravit P. F.X. de Kam. T. 1, p. 1. Bmxelles, 1854-60. 4° *2811.1 Dynus, F. See Dim, F. Ear. Beer, G.J. Geschichte der Augeuheilkuude. 3s04.1S — Cassebohm, J. F. De aure humana 3806.27 — Fabrizi, P. Ueber die am Ohr vorkommenden Ol)erationen 8806.26 — Gruber, W. Ueber den Ohrknorpel des Men- scben 5803.31 — Hubert-Valleroux, E. Catarrhe de I'oreille moyenne 5803.30 — Kramer, W. Aural .svirgery of tlie present day. 5724.3 — - Die Ohrenheilkumle in den Jahren 1851-55.5803.32 — Kunst die Krankheiten des (Jhres zu heilen . . 3805.42 — Soommerring, S.T.v. Ahbildungendesmeusch- licht-n Hoerorgants 3790.29 — Toynbec, .1. Diseases of the 3805.25 — Troltsch, A. v. Diseases of ihc 6803.28 — - Die Krankheiten des Ohres 3805.43 Sec also: Deafness, Hearing. Eakdlkv-Wilmot, Sir J. E. Reminificences of the late Thomas Asshcton Smith. 2d ed. Lomlnn, 18(30. 8° 2455.23 — Review of Lord Brougliam's acts and bille. See Brougham, H 3624.2 Eaul, G. W. Native ruces of the Indian arcbijicl- ago. Pajiuans. London, l^iVi. h" . 3(146.111, and 4253. 12 Earlk, J. M. Indians of tin- coniinoiiwi-ahli. See MasaachUMetts. Miscellaneous documents . 23iJ6.41 Earp, G. B. History of the Hallic campaign of 1S54. From matcrhils furnished by Sir C. Napier. London, 1857. 8° Eaktii, Theory of the. Whiston, W Eautii-wouk, Tables for the computation of. War- ner, J Eartitquakks. See Seismology. East, The. Franck, A. fctude« orientates .... — GingruM, L. L'iJrlcnt — Herbelot, U. d'. BibllotbeQue orlentale . . . — JorJuauK. Wonderfl of — Lamarlliu', A. M. L, I', de. TraveU In . . . . — MlilhT, F. M. Lunguagcsof the seat of war in. .— <»um'h*y, W.. Travi-ln hi — PauhiH, IL E. G, Sanimlung der merkwUrdlg* Hten Kelnen hi deii Orh*nt — Piti-riniinii, A. U. Rflni-n hn Orh-nl — UaiiwitllT, L, KhIk/ hiii er the a^ourn- ment of the general convention of the prot- estaut episcopal church, Boston, Oct. 19, 1802. Boston, 1862. 8° 5440a. SO — Means of ministerial efficiency. Second charge to the clergy of Massachusetts, May 16, 1849. Boston, 1M9. pp. 23. 8" 5440a. 68 — Oration at the first semi-centennial anniversary of Columbia college. See New York city . . 4390a. 53 — Sermon in Bristol, Feb. 28, 1855, at the funeral of Rev. J.Bristed. Bristol, R. I., IS55. 8". 5440a. 80 — Sermon on occasion of Rev. G. T. Bedell being instituted rector. New York, 1843. 8'. , . 5440a. 68 — Sermon on occasion of the interment of the Rt. Rev. A. V. Griswold, Feb. 18, 1843. Bos- ton, 1843. 8° 5440a. 58 — Sermon on the 15Qth anniversary of the incnr- poration of the Society for the projiagation of the Gospel in foreign parts, June 22, 1851. Boston, 1851. 8" 5440a. 58 — Signal work of the Holy Sj>irit in the United States. Third charge to the ch'rgy of Massa- chusetts, ftlay 4, 1859. Boston, ls59. 8° . . 5440a. 58 Eastern archipelago. Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingcn. See Netherlands 3040.8 — Roorda van Eysinga, P. P. Land- on Volken- kunde van Nederlandsch Indie 424ti.l — Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde van Neerlandsch Indie. See Netlierlands. Koninklijk Insti- tuut 425S.1 Sec also: nomoo, Java, Now Guinon, riiiniiuis. Eastkhn clmrch. See Greek church. Eastham, iUrts.i., Ecclesiastical and civil history of. I'ratt, E 4355.1 Eastman, E., Discourse suggested by the death of. See Tildcn, W. P 6088.205 Eastman, M. Dahcntnh; or, lifcnnd legends nf the Sinuxaruund FortSuelling. N. V., 18»). .s" . 2377.26 Easton, IL Treatise on the intellectual character, [etc.] of tlie coh)red people of the United States. Hoslon, 1837. pp.54. 8" 6572.18 Easy k'ssons for learning French. Uoston, 1833. 18°. 4689.38 — - Same. 2d nl. Ilnstnn, ls:tri. H'^ 46H9.39 Eaton, Amos. Manual of botany, coutuiuing dc- scriptioim of plantfl growing north of Vir- ginia. 3d ed. Albany, tH22. 12° 3859,22 Eaton, Awa. iliwtorlcal accinint of Cin-iHt church, Hciston. A discourse, [tec. 28, \>^\, Boston, 1824. 8" 4355.27 — Sermon in commemuration of. See Edson, T. 6440a. 60 EATON 16;3 ECCLESIASTICAL Shelf. No. Eaton, D. Familiar conversation on religious big- otry, camior, ami liberality. London, 1803. pp.7:!. S" ' *41G3.1 Katon, I*. Sermon l)eforc J. Brooks, governor, etc., on the annual election, May *'ii, Ksii). n.p., ISID, S" *4.356.9 Eaton, W. W. The union ; past, present, and fu- ture. Speech at Hartford, March.!, l-siHJ. [Xo title-pa^'e.] 8' 4:U0a.m) £bblin<:,('. I>. Krtlbeschreibung und Geschiehte von Amerika. Die Vereinten Staaten. Ham- burg, incj-istU. fiv. sm.S' *4130a.2 — - Same. -JleAutl. Harab'g, 1790-1810. 7v. sm.S*. *4149.1 £belmkn, J, J., and Salvetat. Arts c^ramitjues. [France. Commission sur I'lndustrie des na- tions, V. (1] 4029.20 EberhakI), archdeacon of Rfitisbnn. Annales ab anno 1273 ad annum 1305. [Canisius. The- saurus, v. 4J 4140.3 — - Same. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 17] . 4210.2 EBERHAKDde BetUune. Contra Wuldenseshsereti- cos. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 24] . . B.U0.2 Eberharo.A. Monotbeistische Philosophic. Miin- chen, 1801. 8" 5008.0 Eberhard. J. A. DerGeist des Urchristenthuras. Halle, 1807, 8. 3v. 16° B.127.7 — Neue Apologie des Sokrates, oder Untersucb- ung der Lebre von der Seligkeit der Heiden. Neue AuII. Frankfurt, 1787. 2v. 10" . . . G099a.l — Synonymisches Haudworterbuch der deutscben Sprache. Ote Aufl. Berlin, 1831. 12". . . . M119.12 Ebekle, J. Botanical terminology, rhiladelphia, 1818. pp. 73. 12' 3859.30 EBER3IAIER, J. C. Taschenbuch der Chirurgie. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1818, 10. 2v. 10" ... . 3769.22 EiArt, a. Entwickelungs-Gescbicbte der fran- zosischen TragiJdie vornelindicb ini xvi. Jahrhundert. Gotha, 1856. 8° **2670.20 — Handbuch der italieniscben National-Literatur. Marbm-g, 1854. 8" 4770.22 Eberwin. Dc abbatia S. Martini; Exmiraculis S. Symeonis. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 8]. 4210.2 Eble, B, Geschichte der Anatomic und Fbysiolo- gie, 1800-25. Wien, 1836. 8" 3753.2 Ebn, or Ibn Yokdhan. Life. See Abu Jaafar Ebn Topbail 3480.22 ECCAKD, J. G. V. Incerti monacbi Weissenbvrgensis catechesis Theotisca secvlo ix conscripta, vt et monvmenta catecbetica varia Theotisca. Hanoviffi, 1713. 8" *B.117.9 Ecclesiastical antiquities. Augusti, J. C. W. Denkwtirdigkeiten aus der christlichen Arch- aologie 6083.1 — - Handbuch der christlichen Archiiologie . , 0084.3 — Bingbam, J. Antiquitates ecclesiasticae . . . 6084.2 — Bohmer, J. H. Eutwurf des Kii'cbeu-Staats derer drey ersten Jabr-hundert 0059a 10 — Guericke, H. E. F. Lebrbucb der christlich kirchUcben Archiiologie 0084.4 — Korn, F. Deutung des Geheimenlebren, Sym- bole und Feste der christlichen Kirche . . . 0068.24 — - Mythen der alten Perser als Quellen christ- lichen Kitualien 6071.9 See also: Apostolic age, Christian art. E('Clesiastical biography. Leben der Altvater und der Glaubigen. Arnold, G 0070.20 Ecclesiastical chronology. Marcel, G. Tab- lettes cbronologiques 3534.21 — Kiddle, J. E. Ecclesiastical chronology . . , .3532.5 — Smith, H. B. History of the church in chro- nological tables 35.M.1 — Vater, J. S. Synchronistische Tafeln der Kir- cbeugeschichte B.180f.2 Ecclesiastical dictionary. Staunton, AV. . . . ."isti^.i Ecclesiastical encyclopedia. Herzog, J,,j. . . .34h4.i Ecclesiastical geography, Wiltsch, J. E. T. Atlas sacer sive ecclesiasticus B.]80e.l — - Handbuch der kirchlichen Geographie nnd Statislik 4153.10 Sliulf. No. ECCLESIA.STICAL history. Alexandre, N. Historia ecdesinstica ad annum 1600 0052.1 — Arnold, G. Kirchcn- und Kctzer-Historie,-bis auf 16.SS 6011.5 — Basuage de Beauval, J. Histojre do IVglise . 6070.5 — Baumgarten, M. Entwickelungsgaug der Kir- che .3516.6 — Baur, F. C. Die christliche Kirche der drei erslen Jahrhunderte 6046.1 — - Die christliche Kirche des fllittelalters . . . 3510.7 — - Die Epochen der kirchlichen Geschicbt- * schreibung 6045.2 — Berault-Bcrcastel, A. U. Histoire g^ncrale de I'egli.se 0045.4 — Campbell, G. Lectures on 6064.5 — Churcli of Christ in the middle ages 3529.14 — Engel, jr. E. Geschichte der christliche Reli- gion und Kirche 3420.10 — Estienne, R. Ecclesiasticfe historia; B.130.6 — Eusebius Pamphilus, Historic ecclesiasticae libri X 6040.18 — - Kirchen-Gescbicbte 0040.19 — Fricke, G. A. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschich- te 6044.6 — Gfrorer, A. F. Allgemeine Kirchengeschichte. 0045.3 — Gieselcr, J. C. L. Lehrbuch der Ivirchenge- schicbte 6046.7 — Gregory, G. History of the Christian church . 3514.13 — Grynreus, J. J. Ecclesiastica historia .... B,130.7 — Hagenbach, C. R. Kirchengeschichte des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts 6055.9 — - Vorlesungen iiber iiltere Kirchengeschichte. 0055.8 — Hase, C. History of the Christian church . . 0043.3 — Henke, H. P. C- Geschichte der christlichen Kirche 0046.4 — Lanisou,A. Churchof the first three centuries. 3461.20 — Le f'lerc, J. Historia ecclesiastica duorum primorum s;eculorum 6041.3 — Mosheim, J. L. v. Kirchengeschichte des neucn Testaments 0044.8 — - Christianity for 325 years from the Christian era 0043.4 — Neander, J. A. W. First three centuries of the Christian church 3514.2 — - Geschichte der christliclien Kirche .... 0046.5 — - History of the Christian church 0043.1 — - Planting and training of the Christian church 0043.2 — Niedner, C. W. Geschichte der christlichen Kjrcbe 6045.1 — Potter, L. J. A. de. Histoire duchristianisme. 0044.2 — Reeve, J. History of the Christian church . . 3514.5 — Riflel,C. Kirchengeschiclitederueuesten Zeit, 6013.8 — RitschI, A. DieEntstehungder altkatholischen Kirche 0046.9 — Schafl", P. Geschichte der apostolischen Kirche. 6045.5 — - Geschichte der christlichen KirChe .... 6043.14 — Schrockh, J. M. Christliche Kirchenges- chichte 6049.1 — - Kirchengeschichte seit der Reformation . . 6058.2 — Schwegler, A. Das uachapostolische Zeitalter. 6040.2 — Stanley, A. P. On the study of .351-.My — Stiiudlin, C. F. Kirchenhistorisches Archiv . 6U49a.3 — Tosti, L. Prolegomeni alia storia universale della chiesa 3516.10 — Walsh, R. Progress of Christianity as illustra- ted by coins, etc 2223.15 See also: Apostolic age, Christianity, Councils, Greek church, Heresies, MartjTology, Mixtions, Persocutions, Popes, Rofonnation. Ecclesiastical law. Bohmer, G. W. Grundriss des protestantischen Kirchenrechts 4292.5 — Bohmer, J. H. Jus ecclesiasticum protestan- tium 4302.5 — - Jusparochiale *. 4-95.23 — Huru, R. Ecclesiastical law 42'.k!.1 — Burnet, G. Rights of princes in disposing of benetices and church-lauds 4292.4 — Garreau, J. C. Slanuel ecclesiiisticiue de disci- pline et de di'oit 4293.1(5 ECCLESIASTICAL 164 EDINBURGH iShelf. No. ECCLKSIASTICAL law, Continued. — Lvndwood, W. Provinciale, sea constitutiones AngliK 5520.10 — Wasscrschleben, H. Geschichte der vorgr.iti- anischen Kirchenrechtsquellen 4294.13 Ecclesiastical liteiature. Cave, W. Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Ilistorialiteraria 6021.1 — Dupin, L. E. BibliotU^que universelle (jes au- teurs ecck'siastiques 6081.4 — - History of ecclesiastical writers 3521.4 — Oudin, C. De seriptoribus ecclesiae antiquis, 6031.1 — -De seriptoribus vel scriptis ecclesiasticis a Bellarmino omissis 4139a. 3 Ecclesiastical polity. Bordas-Demoulin, J. B. Les pouvoirs constitutifs de I'eglise 6064.0 — Hooker, E. Laws of . 3547.15 See also: Absolving power. Apostolic constitutions. Benefices, Con^egationalism, Episcopacy, Excommuni- cation, Prebendaries, Titbes. ECHINIDIA. Catalogtie of recent echinidia or sea eggs. P. 1. See London. British museum. 5889a. 1 ECKABD, F. S. Die Religion der Feucranbeter in Indien uud Persieu. Altona, 1796. 8° . . . 6076.7 Et^KARD, or Eckehard. See EkkeUard. EcKARTSHACSEX, C. V. Sammluug der merkwiir- digsteu Visionen, Erscheiuungen, Geister- und GespenstergescUicUten. Miinchen, 1793. sm.8° 6100.11 ECKEEMANN, C. Religionsgeschiclitc und Mytho- logie der vorziiglichsten Volker des Alter- thums. ateAufl. Halle, 1848, 49. 4v.in3. 8°. 6071.11 ECKERMANS, J. P. Bevtriige zur Poesie mit be- sonderer Hinweisuug auf Goethe. Stuttgard, 1824. 16° 2196.7 ECKLEY, J. Discourse delivered on thanksgiving- day, Nov. 29, 1798. Boston, 1798. 8° . . . . 5440a. 59 — Discourse on the vaUdity of presbyterian or- dination. Boston, 1806. 8° 5440a. 59 — Sermon at the installation of Rev. H. Holley, to the care of the church in Uollis Street. Boston, 1809. 8° »4163.8 Eclectic and general dispensatory. Philadelphia, 1827. 8° 3786.38 Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, science, andart. W.H.Bidwell,ed. Vol. 31-:i5, 37-52, 64-68,60,01. New York, 18.54-03. 27v. 8°. •5226.1 Eclectic review, The. Vol. 1 [Ist series]— Vol. 6 [8th series]. London, 1805-6.3. 117v. 8°. . •7215.1 Econo.mist, The,weeklycommercial times, etc. Vol. 1-11,13-18,20. London, 1843-03. 18v. f ° . . •SUO.l Economy of human life [English and German]. Allentaun,(l'enn.), 1813. 16° . 35S8.17 EcONOAiv of the teeth, gums, and mouth. London, 1830. 12° • . 3805.38 ECPHANTIDBS. Duarum comccdiarum fragmenta. [Meineke. • Fragm. com. Gr., v. 2] B.162.8 Edda Sicmuiidar hinns Froda. Edda rhythmica, sell antiqvior, vulgo Sienuuidina dicta, t'um interpretatione Latiiia, lectinnibus variis, no- lis, glossario vocuni, etc. Ilafniic, Sumtibua Legali Mugnxani et Glydendalii, 1787-1828. 3v. 4° •1220.9 Conl«nt». — Vol. 1. fu\m mytlioloffipip & Itesenlo non eilltw. II. Oilm niytlilco-tiUtoricnt. III. Cnrmlnn V))- lusplt, ll&vam&i ot ItlRsmfil. Accedlt locuplellnHlinuin piisconiin borcatluin lheo*o|ihlca> mylliologiio Icxlinn, atbllto (leniquo eorundom gentllf dUoDdorio, Jam pri- roum Indagato ac expoilto. Ethica f>dlnl, pars Eddie Sipinundl, vocnta llu- avainaal, unk cum iCiiiiaciipilule, IsluiMlii-ret Lalint; In lucem producta per P. ,1. Hesenlum. Havilile, 1605. pp.27. 4° 2876.26 philri>4(iplila unll'ivlHHlma Norvego-Danica, dic- ta WuluHpa*, ijutc est \n\rtt Kddn) .Stcnnindl, yAtlii Sn<»rronlM non hrevl anIiqviorlH, iHland- iceet Latlne public! juris ))rliiiiitn factii)iP..L Resenlo. llavnhe, HUB. pp. 17. 4° . . . . 2870.26 XJeder der nlten Kdda, erkiiirt (lurch die Brli- derfirimin. Hand 1. Uerlln, 1815. b'.. ••2876. 11 Shelf. No. Edda .Sa^mundar hinns Frdda, continued. — Vaulu-Spa. Nebst einigen Oedanken Ubcr Nordens Wissen und Glmibon und nordische Diehtkunst von L. EttmiUler. Leipzig, 1830. 8° 2870.Sfr Edda Islandorum, an 1215 Islandic6 conscripta per Snorronem Sturbe, nunc prinium Islandiee, Daniel et Latine, in lucem prodit opera P. J. Resenii. Havnia?, 1665. sin.4° 2876.26 Eddy, A. D. Discourse delivered at the eleventh anniversary of the Society for collegiate and theological education at the West. New York, 18.54. 8° v. 2 of •5596.1 Eddy, D. C. Liberty and union : discourse, Aug. 11,1861. Boston, 1861. 8° 4310a. 67 — Secession, a national crime and curse: a dis- course on the national fast day, April 30, 1863. Philadelphia, 1803. 8° 4310a. 63 Eddy, H. On bee-culture, and the protective bee- hive. Boston, 1854. pp. 58. 12° 5898.23 Ede, G. Blanagement of steel. Also, the case-hard- ening ofiron. London, 1863. pp.31. 16°. 3869.23 Edelman, H., and Dukes, L. Poetical composi- tions by ancient Jewish authors in Spain. Edited and rendered into English by 31. H. Bresslau. Part 1. [Hebrew and English]. London. 1851. 8° 4144.3 Eden, W., lord Auckland. Journal and correspon- dence. With introduction by the bishop of Bath and Wells. London^l861, 62. 4v. 8°. 2457.18 Edge, F. M. Destruction of the American carry- ing trade. A letter to earl Russell. London, 18(13. pp. 27. 8° 4,322.33 — England's danger and her safety. A letter to earl Russell. L, St. Spcnilum ecclesite. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. piitr., v. 25] Ii.110.2 Edmonhs, ,T. W. Keply to bisliop Hopkins on spiridialism. New York, 1855. pp. 10. [No titlf-imfie.] 8" fi08S.15r) — Speaking in nuiny tontnies. New York, 1857. pp. 12, [No tillt-pnfre.] 12° 0088.235 — Notice of Iiis book and argument. See Dods, J. B 0108.18 Edmonpson, J. strength renewed by wailjngupon the Lord. Sec Sermons on important subjects. 5442. 14 Edson, T. Sermon incommemorationofthelateKev. AsaEaton, April 27, ia5S. Boston, 1858. 8" . 5440a. 60 Education. Abbott, J. Advanced system of . . 8503.10 — Atwatvr. C. Essay on .3503. .37 — Barnard, H. American journal of education . 5503.1 — - Military schools in France 5592.6 — - Papers for the teacher 6592.3 — - Reformatory education 5592.7 — - The school, and the teacher, in English lit- erature 5592.8 — Cleveland, H. R. Classical education of boy8.4959a. 15 — Coleridge, J. T. Public school education . . . .3599.19 — Coiirs complet dVducation pour les filles . . . .3591.22 — Desrenaudes, M. B. Rapport sur I'instruction publifjue. See France. Ministry of public instruction .3592.9 — Dodsley, IJ. Course of .3597.25 — Edgeworth, M. Practical education GOSO.ll — Education reporter and weekly lyceum .... 8070.8 — Ellis, W. Edudatiou a means of preventing destitution 6080.17 — Farini, P. Del troppo e del poco nella educar zione 3599.18 — Fen^lon, F. do S. de La M. Education of daugh- ters 3509.34 — Fritz, T. Systeme complet d'instruction et d'education et de leur histoire 3597.27 — Fiist«r, A. Mentor des studireudeu Jiiuglings. 6080.21 — Home, H. Hiuts upon education 3596.8 — Jiihn, J. C. Jahrbiicher fiir Pa>dagogik , . , 3247.1 — Jullien,M. A. Essai general d'education . . . 3591.21 — Kapp, F. Die Unabliangigkeit der Schule von derKirche 3504.20 — Lambruschini, R. Guida dell' educatore . . . 350(1.2 — - Letture per la gioventii 3,596.2 — Lowell, A. C. Education of girls .3599.31 — Massachusetts teacher 5286.1 — Meunier, L. A. Lutte du principe clerical et du principe laique dans Penseignenieut . . . 3507.28 — Popkin, J. S. Lectures on liberal education . 4163.14 — Raumer, C. V, Geschichte der Padagogik . . 60S0.10 — Kudolphi, C. Gemalde weiblicher Erziehung . 3507.15 — Russell, W. Principles and methods of human, culture 5592.12 — Schelling, ^. W. J. Vorlesunpen iiber die Methode des academischen Stadium .... 6080.22 — Schmid, C. A. Encyclopiidie der gcsammten Erziehungs- und Uuterrichtswesens .... 5592.1 — Schmidt, C. Geschichte der Padagogik . , , 3596.6 — Schwarz, F. H. C. Geschichte der Erziehung. 3597.5 — Sickel, G. A. F. Erziehungslehre fur gebildete christliche Mutter .3597.0 — Thouar, P. 11 libro del fanciulletto 5599a. 11 — Whewell, W. Principles of English university education 3598.7 — Wordsworth, C. Education and the church . 2660.27 SteaUo: Adult dchools, Domestic education, Infant schools, Normal schools, Haggled echooU, Schools, L'nl- vcrBltiea. Also : Eton, France, Ocrman}', Oxford, Frua- eia, 3ardlDia. Education at home ; or a father's instructions. [Dialogues.] London, 1624. 24" 4579a. 34 Sliolf. No. Education reporter and weekly lycruni, April 23, 1S30— s.'pt.s, 1H31. Boston, ls:{(K31. f° . . ♦8070.8 EnwAUr* 1, kintj of Knf/laiul. The greatest of all tlie I'lantagenets. An historical sketch. London, 1860. 8° 2437.3 — Year books of the reign of 2424.12 Edu'aui> IV, kh}ff of England. Wardrobe ac- counts of. See, Nicolas, N. H 7054.8 EnwAitn V, king of England. Gi-ants from the crown, and two speeches by bishop J. Rus- sell. Introduction by J. G. Nichols, lion- don, 1854. sm.4°. [Camden society, No. 60]. *2426.4 Edwaui> \\, king of England. Catechisine, con- teynynge the summe of Christian learuinge. [Handolph. Enchiridion theologicum, v. 1]. 3451.14 Edwakhs, B. B. Classical studies. See Sears, B. 4055.14 — and Park, E. .\. Selection from German lite- rature. Andover, 1S39. 8° 0061.6 Contents. — Introduction, by the tranfilnlors ; Life, chnr- actcr and style of the apostle Paul, by A. Tholuck ; The trnpical quality in the rricndsliip of David and Jonathim, by F. Kftster; The gifts of prophecy and of speaking with ton;riiofi in the primitive church, by L. J. lliiekeit; Sermons by A. Tholuck ; Sketch of Tholuck's life niid character; Doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, a coniraeiitary on 1 Cor. xv, by L. J. RQckert; Resurrec- tion of tho body, by J. P. Lanpc ; Life of Plato, by W. G. Tennemnnn ; Sketch of the biofq-nphers of Plato tind of the commentatora upon his writingB ^ Tlio sinli;8s character oi Jesus, by C. Ullmann. Edward.s, C. Juryman's guide throughout the state of New York. New York, 1S31. 8" . . 3634.25 Edwards, E. Paucity of libraries, freely open to the public, in the British empire. 2d ed. London, 1849. pp. 38. 8" 2126.5 — Listsofbookssuggestedfor purchase bytheMan- chester free library. See Manchester, Eng. . 2137.22 Edwards, H.M. Le9ons surla physiologic et Pana- tomie comparee de I'homme et des auimaux, Paris, 1857-(i2. 7v. 8" 5886.1 — Rapport sur la production et I'emploi du sel en Angleterre. See France. Ministry of agri- culture, etc ■. 7011.19 Edwards, John O'K. Storia della organizza- zione civile delle belle artiin Venezia, [Mer- rifield. Painting, v. 2] 4066.22 Edwards, Jonathan, senior. Narrative of the con- version of many hundred souls in Northamp- ton, etc. Revised from the edition of 1738, Boston, 1831. IS' 5447.45 — Treatise on religious affections. Loring's 2d ed. Boston, 1824. 16° 5447.54 — and Jonathan, jr. Theological questions. Providence, 1822. pp.17. 8° 5440a. 61 Edwards, Justin. Letter to the friends of temper- anceinMass. 2ded. Boston, 1836. pp. .36. 8°. B. 170. 112 — Sermon on forming and conducting Bible classes. Andover, 1826. S° *Pph.v.375 Edwards, L. C. Mathematical questions for the Royal military academy, Woolwich, 1857-61. London, 1862. pp.72. 8° "3926.10 Eells, N. Sermon at the ordination of N. Leon- ard, July 29, 1724. Boston, 1725. sm.8° . . *4163.2 Effect of secession upon tlie commercial relations between the Nortli and South, and upon each section, 2d ed. New York, 1861, pp.72. 12°. 4.324.34 Egbert, or Eckbert, abbot of St. Florin, Sclwnau. AdversusCatharossermouestredecim. [Max- ima biblioth vet. patr., v. 2.3] B. 110.2 Egbert, or Ekkebert, monk of JTersfeld. Vita S. Haimeradi. [Frankfurt. Societas.etc, v. 10]. 4210.2 Egger, fe. Notions elementaires de granrmiaire comparee. 5e ^d. Paris, 1856, 57. 12". . . 2985.18 Eggers, C. U. D. Ueber Preussens Regeneration. n. p., 1807. pp.40. 12° -. 2819.9 Eginhard, or Einhard, Leben und Wandel Karls des Grossen. Herausgegeben v. J, L. IdehT. Hamburg, ia39. 2v. in 1. 8° 4188.3 — See Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. J, 2 4210.2 ConterrUt. — Vol. I impcratoris. Annales. II. Vita Ciiruli ila^w EGIZTO 166 EISENMANN Shclr. Xo. Egizio, M. Senatiis consult! de Bacchanalibus ex- pHcatio. [Poleiii. Utriusqiie thes. aiitiq. siipp., V. 1] 2flrn.7 Egmost, L. com. v. Aeg>-pten 3052.9 — Busch, M. Reiseliandbucb lur Aegypten . . . 3050.5 — Clark, E.L. Egypt illustrated .3052.16 — Denon, D. V. Egypt delineated, iu a series of ' engravings I>.4.0.2 — Fabri, F. Egypti peregrinatio .... v. 2-4 of 4225.1 — .Tolowicz, H. Bibliotbeca Aegyptiaca .... 21(>4.12 — Krenier, A. V. Aegj-pten .30.50. .33 — Lepsius, C. R. Briefe aus Aegypten 4245.fi — - Denkmiiler aus .\gypten .3051. .33 — Jlinutoli, W. V. Recollections of 3055.17 — Pethcrick, J. Egypt .3055.19 — rococke, R. Obsenatious on v. 1 of .3040.7 — Foole, S. Englishwoman in 8030.3 — Scliweinfurth, G. Plantae quffidam Nilotica; . 5840.12 — .Stroth, F. A. Aegj-ptiaca 2988.30 — Uhlemann, M. A. Wissenschaften der alten Aegypter 4245.9 — Varthenia, L. de. Travels in, 1503-8 22fi4.29 — Volney, C. F. C. de. Travels through Egj-pt . 30S5.14 — Wilkie, D. Sketches in D.4.Q.2 — Willyams, C. Views In D.4.N.2 History. Amptre,.!. J. A. Transmission h('T('*ditaire des professions dans Tancienne fegypte 4191.13 Arundale, F. Antiquities iu the British mu- seum 3051.31 — Gliddcm, G. R. Chapters on early Egyptian history B. 190.5 Goulianof, J. A. de. Archi'ologie egyptienne. 3030.11 Kenrick, J. Egypt under tlie Pharaohs . . - 4245.4 I.aughton, G. History of ancient Egypt . . . 30.i3.14 I.epsius, C. R. Chronologie der iEgypter. . . 3030.10 - Denkmaelcr aus Aegypten D.2.G— K Letronne, A. J. Inscriptions grecques ot lali- nesdel'figypte 3050.14 Merruan, P. L'fcgypte contomporaine, 1810-57. 3052.12 Miot.J.F. Histoirede I'expi'-difiouen fcgyptc. 2052.7 Palmer, W. Egyptian chronicles .3052.11 Paton, A.A. Egyptian revolution .3052.14 Rosellini, I. I monumeuti dell' i^gitto .... .3(150.25 — Sharpe, S. History of 3052.10 Terrasson, J. Setlios, histoire tir(5e des monu- mens anecdotes de I'ancienne i'gypie .... 2GG2.12 Wilkinsou,.!. G. Popular account of the an- cient Egyptians 4245.20 Wilson, K. British expedition to, in 1801 . 1'ph.v.349 tangunge, — Brugscli, H. Tie natura et Indole lingua; popu- laris Aegyptioruni 3030.8 CrufluM, F. I>e veteri vallis Nllotlea' lingua. B. 170a. 93 lUaproth, H. •!. I.'allinite du Cophte iivee les langiu-s du nord de I'Asie, itc 50.34.27 Parthey,G. \'ocabularium <'o|>tico-Latlnuni . 4110.9 I'evron, V. A. (iratunuiticu lingua; Copticie . 3030.7 _ Lexicon llngujc Coptics 3050. 16 IliUglon. ,lBblon»ky, r. E. Punlheon Aegyptlonim . . OOrtfi.fi — .lumbllchun. My"lirie» of lhi> Fgypllans . . . 3187.2 — Meinern, ('. liellgloni'geBchichte der Kgypller. fi070.22 _ Hchwenrk, C. Mythulogie der Aegypter . . . 0071.10 _ .Kevirurlli, G. Theiiloglsche Sclirillen der alten Aesjypter 0075.24 ttt^aUo: Alfeipzig, 1787^1800. lOv. Ifi°.*0020a.I — Commentarius in Apocalypsin Joannis. Got- tingie, 1791. 2v. in 1. sm.S" 6029a. S — Eiuleitung in das Alte Testament. 4te Ausg. Gottingen, 1823, 24. 5v. 8° »6015.4 — Einleitung in das Neue Testament. Leipzig, 1810, 20. .3v. 8° 'OOW.S — Einleitung in die apokryphisclien Schriften des Alten Testaments. Leipzig, 1795. 8° . . . 6027.11 — Repertorium fiir biblische und morgenljindische Litteratur. I.i'ipzig, 1777-80. 18v. in 9. ,8°. ♦4243.10 — Urgeschichte. llerausgegeben vou J. P. Gab- ler. Altdorf, 1790-93. 3v. in 1. 8° 4129.2 EiCHSTAnx, H. ('. A. De Aristotelis politic, in, 1,10. [Diss, acad.] ,Ieua', 18.38. pp.7. 4°.B.190.41 ElFEL, mountain in J'riissin. Sitten und Briiuche, Lieder, Spriiclnviirter und Riithsel des Killer Volkes. Sehmitz, ,). II 2875.18 EiGHTiCKN hundred and twenty : a poem. Part iirst. London, 1S21. pp.40. 8° 2504.10 ElGIL. A'ila S. Sturulii abhatis Fuldensis prinii. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 2] 4210.2 KiKK, or Eyke von Rebkow. Stv R<'bkow, E. v. KiNAKSEN, Kinari, or Fiuar, H. Historia literaria Islandia;. Ed. nova. Ihivniiu et Liiisiie, 1780. 8° 2805.16 EiNEM, ,1. .1 . v. Aninuldversiones ad .1 . Clerici serip- ta. Pricmittitur dlssertatio d<' audacia illius critlcain sacrls. Mngdeburgi, 17.'J5. »m.8° . 4219a. 1 ElNllAHli. See F.ginluird. KlNRlcllTtiNdS- and Leiirplau diT mit der Kiiuig- lichen neiu'U Toeliterwcludi' verbundenen Itil- dungs-AustaltfUrLehrerinneu. iturlin, 1843. pp. 16. 12° B.160b.l03 EINSIEDKI., .T. Paroehus jovialis, das ist : Geist- liehe Kur/.wril fiir nielaucholiselies and lang- weillges Gemilth. 21e Aull. Augsburg, 1858. 10° 4229a. 10 EISELKIN, J. Spriohwilrter uiul Slnnreden des deulschen Volkes. Freiburg, 1840. 8° . . . 42,30.8 KlsKNMAicT, II. Die gegenwiirlige Staatenwelt. Baud 1. Leipzig, 18.50. 8° 4286.4 ElSKN.MANN, O. Die Krauklieit«-Familie Cliolusis. Frhiugen, 1836. 10° 3799.17 — Die vegetal Iven Krankheiten und die enlgill- ende lleihuelhode. Eriaugen, 1835. 10'. . 3799.10 EISENMENGER 167 ELLIOT Shelf. No. EisKNMKMOKit, J. A. Eutdecktea JiuUiitlium. [Frankfurt], 17(X>. 2v. sm.4^ *r.(C3.H Kkkkbkkt. See Eglxit. Ekkehard, nhbot of Aurach. Chronica, edeiite 11. G. M'aitz. [Frankfurt. Sodctas,etc., v.G]. 4'il0.2 — LibollustU' suora cxpugnutiont' Jtrosolymitaiia. [Marti'ue. Vrt. script., v. 5] 4150.1 Ekkkhakh I, monk of St. Call. See note under Genildiis, monk of St. Gnll. Ekkeiiaki> IV. Tiijiuum S. (ialli continuatio, a. 8!)0-'X'0. [Friiukfurt. Societas, etc.. v. 2j . . i2U).'i Ekkkhari) V, or Minor, monk of St. Gull. De vita li. Notkeri cognonu-nto HalbiiH, ejusque canonizutionis processus. [Canisius. TUe- saurus, V. 3, p. :L'] 4140.3 Ekkenstein, J. Guide de la ville de Dresdo. Dresde, 1S3*.». 24° 28:14.20 Ei, DoKA.'JO, Expedition of Tedro de Ursua and Lope de Aguirre in search of. Simon, P. . 22r>4.35 Elastic fluids, Themio-dynamics of. Gill, J. . . 3907.4 Elbbn, O. Der volksthiimliche deutsche Miinuerge- sang. Tubingen, 1855. 8' ♦*4a57.25 Elcesaitks. Abhandlung von der Sects der El- cesaiten. Seidel, C. T B.iyO.45 Elchreo, or Elcreo Dluunda, anagram. See Dan- dini, E. F. Elder, W. Debt and resources of the United States : and the etfect of secession upon trade and industry. Fhila., 186.3. pp. 32.' 8° . . . 4310a. 08 Eldridge, A. Sermon in behalf of the American education society, May 23, 1853. Boston, 1853. S" V. 5of*5175.3 Election, An essay on. Whately, R 3404.20 Electkk^itt. Barletti, C. Nuove sperienze elet- triche . . . , 3960.7 — Catecliism of 70.39.43 — Du Moncel, T. A. L. de, Lois de courants 61ec- triques 396!. 16 — - Applications de ]*electricitt5 3960.14 — Farrar, J. Elements of 3966.20 — La Rive, A. de. Traite d'(*Iectricite thi^-orique etappliquee 3900.13 — Miller, W. A. Electricity and magnetism . . 5963.2 See aUo: Galvanism, MugDeti'sm, Uodical electricity, Tele^rajih. Electrodynamics, Manual of, Demonferraud, ,T. F 3960.10 Electro-magnetism. Davenport, T 39<')3.10 Electko-metallurgy, Manual of. Kapier, J. . 4018.9 Elena, G. Dizionario figurativo della lingua itali- ana. Jlilano, 1841. 1.8° ' 4785.3 Eleutherius, S. Sermones. [Alaxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 8] B.110.2 Elfreide of Guldal, a .Scandinavian legend; and other poems. By Marks of Barhamville. New Tork, 1850. 24' 4179.15 Elias Ecdicus. Ex ejus sententiarum florilegio florilegium. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 22J B.110.2 £lLiE de Beaumont, J. B. A. L. Lemons de geologic pratique. Tome 1. Paris, 1845. 8° . . . . 5868.2 Eligius. Homttiae xvi. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr.,v. 12] B.110.2 Eliot, C. Miscellaneous writings. Prefixed, some notices of his cliaracter [by Andrews Nor- ton]. Cambridge, 1814. a" 2344.30 Eliot, E. Historical notices of the New North reli- gious society in Boston, etc. Boston, 1822. 8°. 4355.8 Eliot, John, the apostle to ike Indians. Sketch of tUeliieof. .Vee Dearborn, H. A. S 4348.9 Eliot, John, D.D. Sermon, upon the completion of a new house of worship. Boston, 1804. 8°. 5440a. 70 — Freeman, J. Cliaracter oi' 5440a. 75 — McKean.J. Memoir towards a character of . 4355.28 Eliot, .Sir John, Biography, 1590-1632. See Fors- ter, J 2543.19 Eliot, .Samuel. Address on his inauguration as president of Trinity college, April 8, 1861. Hartiurd, 1801. b'* 5590.5 Shelf. No. Eliot, Samuel, continued. — Conservatism in education. A lecture, before the American institute of instruclion, at Hart- ford. Boston, 1803. 12° 5596.5 — Speoch at the Hartford union meeting Dec. 14, IS59. 5('c Everett, E 4310a.a3 Eliot, Samuel A. A complete system of education. A lecture, Jan. 19, 1S53. Boston, 1853. 8' . 5596.4 — Address on the opening of the Odeon, Aug. 5, 1835. Boston, 1835. 8° 5596.4 — [Letter to S. A. Eliot, in reply to his apology for voting for the fugitive slave bill.] By Han- cock. Boston, 1851. pp.57. 8° B.lOOa.Sfi Eliot, W. G. Discourse before the alumni of the divinity school of Harvard college, July 17, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8' 4.390a. 30 — Discourses on the unity of God, and other sub- jects. Boston, 1853. 12° 6038.10 — Emancipation in Missouri. A discourse, July 5,1803. St. Louis, 1803. 8* 4310a. 64 — Manual of prayer, for public and private wor- ship; with a collection of hymns. Boston, 1854. 12" 5449.10 Elisio, G. Opuscvlvm de balneis Pvteolorvm, Bai- arvmet Pithecvsarvm. Nvnc denvoa.S. Maz- zella recognitum. Neapoli, 1591. pp.72. 8' . *4809a.2 Elizabeth, queen of England. Commission spe- cialey directed to the earle of Huntindon,for the cayre and defens of the borders of Eng- land for and against Scotland, Feb. 23, 1592. London, 1851. pp.10. 12°. [Bell. Tracts, v. 1].*4586.20 — Household expenses at Hatlield, Oct. 1, 1551 — Sept. 30, 1552. Edited by viscount Strang- ford. [London], 185.3. pp.49, sm.4''. [Cam- den society, No. 55] V. 2 of *2410..39 Elizabeth, St., of Hungary. TheodoricideApoldia libri octo de S.Elizabeth, Andrea, regis Hun- garorum filia. [Canisius. Tliesaurus, v. 4J , 4140.3 — Elisabeth von Ungarn. See Simon, G. Elizabeth, of York, queen of Henry VII. Privy- purse expenses, with memoir. AVe Nicolas, N. H 7054.8 Elizabeth-Charlotte, or Charlotte Elizabeth, duchess of Orleans. Briefe an die Raugrliliu Louise, 1676-1722. Herausgegeben von AV. Menzel. Stuttgart, 1843. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins] v. 0of*4225.1 Elkins, H. Discourse on modern spiritualism, March 17, 1858. Burlington, 1858. 8" . . B.160a.l08 — Fifteen years in the senior order of Shakers. Hanover, 1853. 8" 6088 202 Ellendorf, J. Primat der romischen Papste. Darmstadt, 1841. 2v.ini. 8' 6074.7 Ellenhard, of Strasbourg. Annales et chronica. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 17] 4210.2 Ellet, C.,^>. The army of the Potomac, and its mis- management. Washington, 1801. pp.19. 8''.4310a,G9 — Coast and harbour defences, or tlie substitu ■ tion of steam battering rams for ships of war. Philadelphia, 1855. pp. 17. 8" . . . . 3953.42 Elliot, D. G. Monograph of the Pittids, or fam- ily of ant tlirushes, [with] supplement. New York, 1861-03. 7 parts. f° *38.B.l Elliot, J. Debates in the several state conven- tions, on the adoption of the federal consti- tution. Together with the journal of the federal convention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes, congressional opinions, Vir- ginia and Kentucky resolutions of '9S-'99, etc. 2d ed., with additions. Washington, 1830, 4v. 1.8'*, [and vol. 5. Supplementary, containing Madison's debates. 5ee Madison] .4263.5, and C. 139.4, 5 Tfote. — These two copies have precisely the eame title and are of the eame place and date. No. 42G3.dl)a8 " for the editor," C.139.4. 5 " by and for the editor." Vol. 5 19 the same in both seta. But vols. 1-1 of No. C.i;J9.4, .5 are on smaJIer type, and the vols, are of smalitT size than tlie same vols, of the other set, though the matttr ap- pears, so far ns examined, to be the <^iinio. An api)I<.ffy for typographical errors appears iu the former, but not in thu latter net. ELLIOTSON 168 ELLIS Shoif. No. Elliotsox, J. Diseases of the heart. London, IfsW. pp.35. 8 plates, f" 3750.10 Elliott, Charles. Life of the Rev. Robert R. Roberts. New York, 1853. 12" 5558.20 Elliott, Charles W. St. Domingo : its revolutions and its hero, Toussaint Louverture. A dis- course, Feb. 2G, 1855. New York, 1855. 12° . 5579-6 — Mysteries ; or, glimpses of the supernaturaL New York, 1^52. 12" . 6100.0 Elliott, E. B. Vital statistics. _[From the pro- ceedings of the American association for the advancement of science, pp. 49-101, 1850.] n.p., n.d. S" 6087.95 — Vital statistics. Law of mortality in Massa- chusetts, with practical tables. [From the proceedings of the American association for the advancement of science, pp. 51-S2, 1857.] n. p., n. d. 8" 6087.101 Eli,iott, F. R. American fruit-grower's guide in orchard and garden. New York, 1S54. 12°. 4008.14 Elliott, J. H. Our present position and duties: an address before the Beaufort volunteer ar- tillery, lleaufort, S. C, 1S44, S" 4310a. 81 Ellis, C. M. Hints for a law to promote amicable arrangements betwixt debtor and creditor. Boston, 1857. pp. 60. 12° B.170b.54 — History of Roxbury town. Boston, 1847. 8°. 4129.5'J ■ — [Power of commander-in-chief to declare mar- tial law, and decree emancipation : as sho^vn from B.K.Curtis.] Boston, 1802. pp.24. S°-4310a-41 — Speech in FaneuU imll, Oct, 13, 1852. See Speeches 0087.12 Ellis, George E. Address at the consecration of Woodlawn cemetery in Chelsea and JFalden, July 2, 1851. Boston, IN'il. 8° . . . . v. 2 of 5440a.62 — Address before the Middlesex county agricul- tural society, at Concord, Oct. 4, 1854. [No % title-page.] 8° 4355.26 — The Christian's dependence on the great hope : a sermon, Feb. 19, 1854, Boston, 1854. 8°.v.2of 5440a.62 — The Christian trinity : a discourse, Feb. 5, 1860. Charlestown, 18tH). 8° ....... . - v. 3 of 5440a.02 — Commemoration of Washington : a discourse, Feb.22, 1857. Charlestown, 1857. 8° . v. 3 of 5J40a,02 — Discourse at the dedication of the meeting- house of the First church in Somerville, Sept. 3,1845. Boston, 1845. 8° v. 1 of 5440a.62 — Discourse before the Ancient and lionorable artillery company, June 1, 1840. Boston, 1846. 8° V. lof5440a.C2 — Discourse on " I*use>ism," the new aspect of the controversy between ecclesiastical autho- rity, and the right of private judgment. l!os ton, 1M3. 8° v. 1 of 5440a. 62 — The evangelical and the philosopliieal spirit in religion : a discourse at the unitarian conven- tion at Baltimore, Oct. 27, 1852. Boston, ls53. 8" V. 2 of 5-140a.02 — Inaugural addnrss in Harvard college, .July 14, 1857, on his induction to the iirofessorsbip of Bystcmatic theology in the -30, London, 1829. 12°. . . . 7035.30 Ellis, Rci\ Bohi'rt. Armenian origin of the Etrus- cans. Lond93, 93. 4v. in 3. f" *3521.4 — Universal library of historians. London, 1709. '*v. H" *2292.8 Du Pin, P. Chronifiue du contc Rouge (Ame vii de Savoie). [.Sardinia. Hist, monum., v. 7]. 4S00.1 DuPLKssis, G. Histoire dc la gravure en Franai. Paris, ISfil. 8° 4087.12 DlTPLKSSis-MoKXAY, P. Mysterivm iniqvitatis, sev historia papatvs. Salmvrii, Irtll. f '' . . *G060.2 Du Ponceau, P. S. Nature and extent of the juris- diction of the courts of the Unifed States. Philadelphia, 1824. 8* 4205-1 — Essays on American silk. See D'Homergue, J. 40o:j.37 DcVoNT, P. Histoire de I'imprimerie. Paris, 1854. 2v. 12° *2in.24 DuPPA, B. F. Manual for mechanics' Institutions. London, iai9. 8° 2203.7 DUPRAT, F. A. Histoire de rimprimerie imperiale de France. Paris, 1861. 8" 2113.17 Du PuYNODE, M. G. P, De Pesclavage et des col- onies. Paris, 1847. 8° 4290.7 DUKAND, D. Dissertation [en forme d'entretien] sur la prosodie frangoise. See Girard, G. . 2684.19 DuRANO, U. Veterum scriptorura et monumento- rum collectio. ,SVe Marti-ue, E 4150.1 DuRANDUS, abbot. Liber de corpore et sanguine Cliristi, contra Berengarium. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. 18] B.110.2 DUBANT, C. F. is'ew theory of animal magnetism. New York, 1837. 12" 3705.22 DUBANT, U. F. Influences of rural life. Address before the Norfolk agricultural society, Sept. 29, 1S59. Boston, 1800. 8° 4390a.34 DURANTK, or Durandus, G. Rationale divinorura officiorum. Venetiis, 1519. f *B.140.9 Xote. — Blnck letter; Scolumns, 67 linea. DURANTES, G. Tractatus de visiouibus, etc. See Brigitta, St B.110.7 DuRBiN, J. p. Address [on colonization], April 6, 1852. 5ee Pettit, "W. V 5572.28 DiJRER, A. Leben und Wirken. See Eye, A. v. . 40G5.16 — Leben, Schriften und Kunstwerke von. See Schober, D. G 4007.33 DURFEE, C. History of Williams college. Boston, 1860. 8° 2387.12 Durham, Addresses, poems, songs, etc., relative to the elections for. Durham, 1802. 12'' . . *Pph.v.3a4 — To the gentry of the county of Durham [urging military preparations against France and .Spain], n. p.,n. d. 8" *Pph.v.34fi — Glossary of terms used in the coal trade of , , 4580.20 Durham university calendar, with almanack, 1863. Durham, 1803. 12' 2487.20 DUBicn, F. Bibliotheca Slavica antiquissimre dia- lect! communis et ecclesiastics nniversie Sla- vorumgentis. Vol.1. Vindobona?, 1705. 8*. *4886.4 DURLN, A. Nouveau manuel de peinture chinoise, dite orientate. Bruges, 1843. 8" 4064.20 DUKKEE, S. [Algffi, 378 specimens, belonging to more than a hundred species, collected by twelve ditferent naturalists, from sixty-two habitats, in all parts of the world. Mounted on paper.] 2v. 4° **3900.24 DUEOCHER, J- M. E. See France. Commission sci- eutifique du Nord. Voyages en Scaudinavie, V. 15, 16, 17 2865.1 ContntU. — Vol. XV. GC-oloplc, mincralogie, mctal- liirgic ot cliiiiiic. XVI, XVII. Gef>KTaplii«' physique, Biogjaphie botaoique, botaniquc et phyaiologlo. 21 Shelf. No. Du RONnF.i,, J. Life of Kpicurus. [Tela. Philo- sopliical library, V. 1] 5003.19 DURLY, V. llistolro dela Gricc ancienne. Paris, 1S62. 2v. 8° 3fi"-i-3 DusCH, J. J. Sympathie, ein Gedloht, zur Unter- stiitzung eincr ungliicklicli gewordcnen Fam- ilic. Altoiia, 1774. pp. 24. sm.4'' •*28r8.6 Diiscn, T. V. On thrombosis of the cerebral sin- uses. Translated by G. Whitley. London, 1801. pp.41). 8°. [London. New Sydenham society] 5714.9 Dusenhery, B. M. Monument to the memory of Gen. A. Jackson : containing twenty-tive eulo- gies and sermons. Nashua, 1840. 12° . . . 2347.25 ConieiilB. — Eulopiea. by G. Bancroft, G. M. Dnllns, ■ n. F. Butler, L. Woodbury, n. C. Howard, .T. Van Bu- ri-n, W. MrCnndlosH, M. H. McAlliBtcr, A. F. Morrison, F. It. Shunk, E. Lewis, F. Morrick, H. A. Garlanfl. J. A. Bolles, II. It. Wripht, A. Stevenson, T. L. Smith, W. M'Cartney, 8. A. CartwriRht, W. Irvin, J. G. Harris, D. D. Lore, G. W. Bethuno, T. Braincril. DussAUCE, H. Fabrication of matches, gun cotton, colored fires and fulminating powders. Phil- adelphia, IfiCA. 12' 4029.5 bussEiv, J. L. L'invocation. Grande sonate pour Ic pianoforte. Leipsic, n. d. pp. 27. obl.4' . *4055.58 — Le retour k Paris. .Sonate pour le pianoforte. Bonn, n. d. pp. 35. 0^.4° *4055.62 DiisSELDOi.'Fartunion of Rhenish Prussia, and West- phalia. Catalogue of a collection of paintings and drawings, by artists of the Diisseldorf academy. New York, l.^Sl. pp.47. 8° . . . 4289.27 DrssiEux, L. E. Gc^ographie historitiue de la France. Paris, 1843. H' 4180.0 Dutch language, literature, etc. See Netherlands. DuTKNS, L. Journal of travels through the princi- pal cities in Europe. Translated by J. High- more. London, 1782. 8° 2274.14 Dn Terrail, P. de Bayard. Histoire du chevalier Bayard. See Guyard de Uerville 4fl29a.5 DUTILLET, J. Chronicon de regibus Francoruin usque ad HenricumJI. .SeeEmili, P 4240.4 DuTTENiiOKER, C. F. Geschichte der Religions- schwarmereyen in der christlichen Kirche. Heilbronn, 1700,97. 2v. 8° 0007.17 DuTTON, W. Oration, pronounced July 4, 1805, at the request of the inhabitants of Boston. Boston, [1805]. 8° B.170a.5fi DrvAL, A. P. See Histoire littc'-raire de la France, V. 15-19 4092.1 Du Vaure, or Du Vaux, N. Le faux savant, com- pile. [Theatre francjais, V. .38] 4708.1 DUVERGER, E. Histoire de I'invention de I'impri- merie par les monuments. Paris, 1840. pp. 58. f *2110.22 DUVERGIER de Hauranne, P. Histoire du gou- vernement parlementaire en France 1814-48, prccedee d'une introduction. Paris, 1857-62. 5v. 8' 4818.1 DUx, J. M. Nicolaus von Cusa und die Kirche seiner Zeit. Regensburg, 1847. 2v. 8° . . . 6000.13 DUXBURV, Mass. Replyof a committee of the First parish to the public answer of Hon. G. B. Weston. Also, the said answer entire. Bos- ton, 1851. 8° 0088.185 Rejoinder to a replyof a committee of the First parish. Weston, G. B 0088.184 DwiGHT, B. W. Modern pliilology. 2d ed. New York, 1800. 8° 29.55.10 — - Same. First, second series. 3d ed. [of 1st series]. New York. 1804. 2v. 8° 4956.1 DWIGHT, E. Plan for military education in Massa- chusetts. Boston, 18li2. pp. 10. 8° 5953.25 DWIGHT, N. Geography of the world. 3d Albany ed. Albany, 1804'. 12° 70.39.14 DWIGHT, Theodore. Character of Thomas Jeffer- son, as exhibited in his writings. Boston, 1839. 12° • • • 2347.24 — Open convents: or nunneries dangerous and , degrading. New York, IKif.. 18° 3404.23 DWIGHT 162 EATON Shelf. No. DwiGHT, Timothy. Discourse, at the funeral of Kev. Elizur Goodrich, Not. 25, 1797. New H.iven, 1797. 8" 5440a. f>9 — Hymns, selected from Watts, Doddridpre, and other writers. New Haven. lS:i2. .12°. . . 3-H0.3S — Silliman, B. Life and character: an eulogium. 4:147.28 — Spring, G. Oration in commemoration of . . 4347.28 DwLNELL, I. E. Hope for our country. Sermon in Salem, Oct. 19, 1862. Salem, 1802. 8° . . . 4310a. 50 Dtce, a. Specimens of British poetesses. Lon- don, 1&-25. 8" 2507.11 Dyche, T., and Pardon, AV. New general English dictionary. With a supplement of proper names. London, 17;i5. 8" 4588.5 — - Same. 14th ed. London, 1771. 8" . . . . 4588.2 DvcKERiiOFF, W. Nederduitsch-Hoogduitsch Woor- denboek. See Calisch, I. M 4113.7 Dyeing, Chemistry of. O'Neill, C 3977.5 Dyer, J. Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 9] 4604.1 Contents. — The fleece ; RuiuB of Rome ; Grougar hill ; Country walk, etc. Dyer, T. H. History of modern Europe, 1453-57. London, 1801. Vols. 1, 2. 8° 2394.4 Dynamics, General method in. Hamilton, W. R. 3921,28 DvNTER, E. de. Chronica nobilissimorum ducum Lotharingije et Brabantire ac regum Kranco- rum; lUustravit P. F.X. de Kam. T. 1, p. 1. Bruxelles, 1854-00. 4" *2811.1 Dynus, F. See Dim, F. Ear. Beer, G.J. Geschichte der Augenheilkunde. 3804.18 — Cassebohm, J. F. De aure humana 3800.27 — Fabrizi, P. Ueber die am Ohr vorkommenden Operationen 3806.20 — Gruber, W. L^eber den Ohrknorpel des Meu- schen 5803.31 — Hubert-Yalleroux, E. Catarrhe de PoreiUe moyenue 6803.30 — Kramer, AV. Aural sur^ary of the present day. 5724.3 — - Die Ohrenbfilkuiidt' in den Jahren 1851-55. 5803.32 — Kunst die Kranklieiteu des Olires zu heilen . . 3805.42 — Soemmerring.S.T.v. Abbildungendesmensch- lichen Hoerorganes 3790.29 — Toynbee, .1. Diseases of tbe 3805.25 — Triiltsch, A. V. Diseases of the 5803.28 — - Die Krankheiten des Ohrea 3805.43 See also: DonfnoaB, IToariag. Eardlky-Wilmot, Sir J. E. Reminiscences of the late Thomas Assheton Smith, 2d cd. l^ndon, IHOO. 8° 2455.23 — Kevi<'W of Lord Brougham's acts and hills. See Brougham, H 3024.2 Eakl, G. W. Native races of the Indian archipel- ago. Papuans. Loiubm, 1853. s" . 3((4(i.Ut,and4253.12 EARLE, .L M. Indians of the coninionwcalth. See Ma.'tsachusetts. Miscellaneous ducuiiRnts . 2366.41 E.VRP, G. B. iiistory of the llultic cainpaigu of 185L From materials furnished by Sir C. Napier. London, 1857. K" 2528.4 E.VKTii, Theory of the. Wlilston, W . . . 3929.0 Eakth-work, Tables for the computation of. War- ner, J 3030.10 EARTiigUAKKS. SfiC Keisniulogy. East, The. Frauck, A. ^^tudcs orientnles . . . . 3015.20 — Gingras, L. L'Orient 3045.18 — Herbilot, B. d\ Jiiblfnilieque orlentale . . . 3022.20 — Jordunus. Wondi-rw i>f 220'L28 — Lunnirthie, A. M. L. P. de. Travels In ... . 3O4H.0 — Miiller, 1*'. M. LanguiigiH of the Meat of war in. 295.^.19 — Ouseh-y, W. Truveli* in 3010.12 — PhuIuh, if. E. a. Sammhing der merkwllrdig- Htcn Ui'lHen tnrlen OHent 4243.6 — Petermann, A. ir. KrlMen hu OHent 3042.10 — RauwolfT, L. llnW/. iiiii 'lit' Morgi-iiliiuder . . 4243.0 — Uhik, K. T. NeueSammlung ih-r KelKen niich clitii Orient 4213.6 Shelf. No. East, The, continued, — Simon, R, Religions and cnstoms of the east- ern nations 4253.15 — Walpole, F, Travels in 3083.15 . See al.so : Arabia, Levant, Orifntal, Persia, Turkey, Tnrkbli empire. East Haven, Conn. Historvof the town, 1041-1800. Dodd, S 2336.25 East India company, Restrictions imposed upon commerce by the present charter of the. See Report, etc Pph.v.339 East India monopoly, Public proceedings on the question of the. Buckingham, J. S. , . . Pph.T.339 East Indies. Horsburgli, J. Directions for sailing to the .3033.9 — LeBruyn, C. Travels into a part of the . . . .3080.6 — Blatfei, G. P. Le istorie dell' Indie orientali . 4805.1 . — Malo de Lnqne, E. Historia politica de los establecimif ntos ultramarinos de las naciones europeas 4246.6 — Sainsbury, W. N. Calendar of state papers, colonial series, 1513-1016 7062.15 — Whitmore, W. W. Speech on the trade with the Pph.v.339 See also : Hiudostan, lodia, and tbe oames of coao- tries beyond. E ASTburx, M. Address delivered after the adjourn- ment of tbe general convention of the prot- estant episcopal church, Boston, Oct. 19, 1862. Boston, 1862. 8" 5440a. 80 — Bleans of ministerial efficiency. Second charge to the clergy of Massachusetts, May 10, 1849. Boston, 1849. pp.23. 8° 5440a. 58 — Oration at the first semi-centennial anniversary of Columbia college. See New York city . . 4390a. 53 — Sermon in Bristol, Feb. 28, 1855, at the funeral of Rev. J.Bristed. Bristol, R. I., 1855. 8° . 5440a. 80 — Sermon on occasion of Rev. G. T. Bedell being instituted rector. New York, 1843. 8*. . . 5440a. 58 — Sernion on occasion of the interment of the Rt. Rev. A. V. Griswold, Feb. 18, 1843. Bos- ton, 1S43. 8" 5440a. 58 — Sermon on tbe 150th anniversary of the incor- poration of the Society for the propagation of the (iospel in foreign parts, June 22, 185!. Boston, 1851, 8°. 5440a.58 — Signal work of the Holy Spirit in the United States. Third charge to the clergy of Massa- chusetts, May 4, 1n59, Boston, ls.59. 8° . . 5440a.58 Eastern archipelago. Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeescbe bezittingen. See Netbcriands 3040.8 — Roorda van Eysinga, P. P. Laud- en Volken- kunde van Nederlandsch Indie 4246.1 — Taal- Land- en Volkcnkuude van Neerlandsch Indii'", See Netherhiuds, Koninklijk Insti- tuut 4258. 1 See aluo: Donioo, Java, Now Guim-ii, rnpunns. Eastkkn church. See Greek church. Eastham, il/"«,fs., Ecck'siastieal and civil history of. IVatt. E 43G5.1 Eastman, E., Discourse suggested by the death of, .?cc Tilden, W. P .6088.205 Eastman, M. Dahcotah ; or, life and legends of the Shuix around Fort Snc-lling. N. Y., 1HI9. 8° . 2377.25 Easton. IL Treatise on the intellectual character, [<'tc.] of the colored people of the United Stalen. Boston, 1K'17. pp.54. 8' 5572.18 Easy lessons for Iciirning French. Boston, 18:13. 18". 408U.38 — - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1835. 10° 4089.39 Eaton, Anu>3. Manual of botany, containing de- scriptions of plants growing north of Vir- ginia. 3(1 ed. Albany, 1822, 12° 3859.22 Eaton, Asa. Historical account of Christ church, Boston. A discourse, Dec. 28, 182:i. Bostcm, 1824. 8° 43r>5.27 — Sermon in oommemoratiou of. See Edson, T. 5440a. 60 EATON 163 ECCLESIASTICAL ShulF. No. Eaton, D. Ftuniliar convereatlon on i*cl!gious big- otry, candor, and liberality. Loudon, 1803. pp.7)i. a" *4IG3.1 Eaton, I\ yormon before J. Urooks, governor, etc., on Ilu" iiiniual election, May ;L'l>, ItSlU. n. p., IfiW. s° *435fi.O Eaton, W. W. The union; past, present, and fn- tiire. Speech at Hartford, March 3, lSf)0. [No title-pa^'e.] 8" -laiOa.no Ebelinu, ('. I>. Erdhesehreibung und Geschichte von Amerika. Die Vereinten Stauteu. Ham- burg, 17a3-Kso:{. fiv. sm.S° *4139a.2 — - tiame. L'teAufl. Hamb'g,iriHi-1816. 7v. 9m.8°. *4H9.1 fesELMKN, .1. J., and Sulvetat. Arts ct-ramiques. [France, t'oiumission sur I'iudiistrie des na- tions, V. e] 4029.20 Ebeuhakd, archdeacon of Ratisbon. Annnles ab anno 1273 ad annum 1305. [Canisius. The- saurus, v. 4J 4140.3 — - Same. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 17] . 4210.2 Eberhaud de Hothune. Contra Waldenses hiereti- COS. [Maxima bibliuth. vet. patr., V. 24] . . B.110.2 Eberiiard.A. Monotheistischeriiilosophie. Miin- cben, isei. a" 5608.6 Eberhaud, J. A. DerGeist des Urchristenthums. Hallo, 1807, 8. 3v. 16° B.127.7 — Neue Apologie des Sokrates, oder Untersuch- ung der I^ehre von der Seligkeit der Heiden. Neue Aurt, Frankfurt, 17H7. 2v. 10° . . . G099a.l — Synonymiscbes Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 6te Autl. Berlin, 1831. 12". . . , *4119.12 Eberle, J. Botanical terminology. Philadelphia, 1818. pp. 73. 12" 3859.30 EBER3IAIKR, J. C. Taschenbucb der Chirurgie. 3teAufi. Leipzig, 1818, 19. 2v. 16" . . . . 3709.22 Ebert, a. Entwickelungs-Gescbichte der fran- ziisischeu Tragodie vornehnilich im xvi, .Jahrhundert. Gotha, ISoG. 8" *»2670.26 — Handbucb der italieniscben Xational-Literatur. Marburg, 1854. 8" 4770.22 Eberwin. De abbatia S. Martini ; Ex miraculis S. Symeouie. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 8]. 4210.2 Eble, B. Geschichte der Anatomic und Physiolo- gie, 1800-25. Wlen, 1836. 8° 3753.2 Ebn, or Ibn Yokdhan. Life. See Abu Jaafar Ebn Tophail 3486.22 ECCAKD, J. G. V. Incerti monacbi Weissenbvrgensis catechesis Theotisca secvlo ix conscrijita, vt et monvmenta catechetica varia Theotisca. Hanovi«, 1713. 8" *B.117.9 Ecclesiastical antiquities. Augusti, J. C. W. Denkwiirdigkeiten aus der christlichen Arch- aologie 6083.1 — - Handbucb der christlichen A rchaologie . . 0084.3 — Bingham, J. Antiquitates ecclesiastics . . , 0084. 2 — Bobmer, J, H. Entwurf des Kirchen-Staats derer drey ersten Jahr-hundert 6059a 10 — Guericke, H. E. F. Lehrbuch der cbristlicb kirchlichen Archiiologle 00S4.4 — Korn, F. Deutung des Geheiraenlehren, Sym- bole und Feste der christlichen Kirclie . . , 60G8.24 — - Mythen der alt^n Perser als Quellen christ- lichen Kitualien 0071.9 See also: Apostolic ape, Chrintian art. Ecclesiastical biography. Leben der Altvater undderGlaubigen. Arnold, G 0070.20 Ecclesiastical chronology. Marcel, G. Tab- lettes chronologiques 3534.21 — Riddle, J. E. Ecclesiastical chronology . . . 3532.5 — Smitli, H.B. History of the church in chro- nological tables .35,M.l — Vatcr, J. S. Synchronisliscbe Tafeln der Kir- chengescbichte * B.180f.2 Ecclesiastical dictionary. Staunton, W. . . . .3532.2 Ecclesiastical encyclopedia. Herzog, J.J, , . 3484.1 Ecclesiastical geography. WiJtsch, J. E. T. Atlas sacer sive ecclesiasticus B.180e.l — - Handbucb der kirchlichen Geographic und StatUlik 4153.10 Hlu'lf. No. Ecclesiastical history. Alexandre, N. Historia I'cch'.siastica ad annum 1000 6052.1 — Arnold, G. Kirchen- und Ketzer-Uistorie, bis auf 1088 0041.5 — Basnage de Beauval, J. Histoire de I'Oglise . 0070.5 — Bauingarten, M. Entwiokelungsgang der Kir- cho 3516. G — Brtur, F. C. Die christliche Kirche der drei ersten Jabrhunderte 6040.1 — - Die chri.-^tlit'hi- Kirche lies :\littelalters . , . 3516.7 — - Die Epoehen der kirchli<-hen Geschicht- sehreibung 6(H5.2 — Berault-Bercastel, A. IL Histoire gt^'nerale de IVglise 6045.4 — Campbell, G. Lectures on 6004.5 — Church of Christ in the middle ages 3529.14 — Engel, M. E. Geschichte der christliche Reli- gion und Kirche 3429.10 — Estienne, R. Ecclesiastica; historic B.130.6 — Eusebius Pamphilus. Historia; ecclesiastics libri X 60-10. IS — - Kirchen-Geschichte 6040.19 — Fricke, G. A. Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschich- te 6044.6 — Glriirer, A. F. Allgemeine Kirchengescbichte. 6045.3 — Gieseler, J. C. L. Lehrbuch der Ivirchenge- schichte 6046.7 — Gregory, G. History of the Christian church . 3514.13 — GrynKus,J.J, Ecclesiastica historia .... B.130.7 — Hagenbach, C. R. Kirchengescbichte des IS. und 19. Jahrhunderts 0055.9 — - Vorlesungen iiber iiltere Kirchengescbichte. 0055.8 — Hase, C. History of the Christian church . . 6043.3 — Henke, H. P. C. Geschichte der christlichen Kirche 0046.4 — Lamson,A. Churchof the first three centuries. 3461.20 — Le Clerc, J. Historia ecclesiastica duorum primorum saeculorum 6041.3 — Mosheim, J. L. v. Kirchengeschichte des neuen Testaments 6044.8 — - Christianity for 325 years from the Christian era 6043.4 — Neander, J. A. W. First three centuries of the Christian church 3514.2 — - Geschichte der christlichen Kirche. . . . 6040.5 — - History of the Christian church C043.1 — - Planting and training of the Christian church 0043.2 — Nieduer, C. W. Geschichte der christlichen Kirche 6045.1 — Potter, L. J. A. de. Histoire du christianisme. 0044.2 — Reeve, J. History of tlie Christian church . . 3514.5 — Ritlel.C. Kirchengeschichte der neuesten Zeit. 6043.8 — RitschI, A. Die Entstehung der altkatholischen Kirche 6046.9 — Schaff, P. Gescbicbte der apostolischen Kirche. 6045.5 — - Geschichte der cbristliclien Kirclie .... 6043.14 — Schriickh, J. M. Cliristliche Kirchenges- chichte 6049.1 — - Kirchengeschichte seit der Reformation , , 6058.2 — Schwegler, A. Das nachapostolische Zeitalter. 604G.2 — Stanley, A. P. On the study of 3512.19 — Staudliu, C. F. Kirchenhistorisches Archiv . 6049a. 3 — Tosti, L, Prolegomeni alia storia universale della chiesa 3516.16 — Walsh, R. Progress of Christianity as illustra- ted by coins, etc 2223.15 Si'e also: Apostolic age, Christianitj-, Councils, Greek church. Heresies, Martyrology, Miaeions, Persecutions, Popea, Kefurmation. Ecclesiastical law, Bohmer, G. W. Grundriss des protestantischen Kircbenrechts . . . . . 4292.5 — Bohmer, J. H. Jus ecclesiasticum protestan- tium 4302.5 — - Jusparochiale 4'-i95.23 — Burn, R. Ecclesiastical law 4293.1 — Burnet, G. Rights of princes in disposing of benefices and church-lands 4292.4 — Garreau, .J. C. Manuel ecclosiastique de disci- pline et de droit 4293.16 ECCLESIASTICAL 164 EDINBURGH Shelf. No. ECCLKSI ASTICAL law, continued. — X,yndwood, W. Provinciale, eeuconstitutiones Anglta? 55'20.10 — 'Wasserschleben, H. Gescbichte der vorgrati- anischen Kirchenrechtsquelleu . ...... 4294.13 Ecclesiastical literature. Cave, W. Scriptorum ecdesiasticorum historialiteraria C021-1 — Dupin, L. E. Bibliotheque universelle des au- tears ecclesiastiques 0081.4 — - History of ecclesiastical writers 3521.4 — Oudin, C. De scriptoribus ecclesiae antiqnis. 6031.1 — -De scriptoribus vel scriptis ecclesiasticis a Bellarmino omissis 4139a. 3 Ecclesiastical polity. Bordas-Demoulin, J. B. Les pouvoirs constitutifsdeP^glise fiOfti.fi — Hooker, R. Laws of 3547.15 See also: Absolving power. Apostolic constitutions, Benefices, Congrepationalism, Episcopacy, Eicomraimi- catton, PrebcDdarios, Titlies. EcHTNiDLi. Catalogue of recent echinidia or sea eggs. P. 1. 5^6 London. British museum. 5S89a.l ECKARD, F. S. Die Religion der Feueranbeter in Indien und Persien. Altona, 1790. 8° . . . 6076.7 Eokakd, or Eckehard. See Ekkehard. Eckaktshausen, C. V. Sainmlung der merkwUr- digsten Visionen, Erscheinungeu, Geister- und Gespenstergescbicliten. Miinchen, 1793. 801.8° 6100.11 Eckermanx, C. Religionsgesehichte und Blytho- logie der vorziiglichsten Volker des Alter- thums. 2teAufl. Halle, 1846, 49. 4v.in3. 8°. 6071.11 ECKER3IANN, J. P. Beytriige zur Poesie mit be- Bondei^r Hinweisuug auf Goethe. Stuttgard, 1824. 16° 2190.7 ECKLEY, J. Discourse delivered on thanksgiving- day, Nov. 29, 1798. Boston, 1798. 8" . . . . 5440a. 59 — Discourse on the validity of presbyterian or- dination. Boston, 1800. 8* 5440a.59 — Sermon at the installation of Rev. H. HoUey, to the care of the church in HolUs Street. Boston, 1809. 8° *4163.8 Eclectic and general dispensatory. Philadelphia, 1827. 8° 3786. .38 Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, science, and art. W.H. Iiidwell,ed. Vol. 31-35, 37-52, 54-58,60,01. New York, 1854-63. 27v. 8". *5226.1 Eclectic review, The, A'oL 1 [1st series]— Vol. 5 [Sth series]. London, 1805-03. 117v. 8".. *7215.1 Economist, The.weeklycoinraercial times, etc. Vol. 1-11,13-18,20. London, 1JS43-03. 18v. f ° . . *3U0.1 Economy of human life (English and German]. Ancntaun,(Pcnn.), 1813. 16" 3588.17 Economy of the teeth, gums, and mouth. London, 1830. 12' • . 3805.38 ECPHANTIDES. Duarum comocdiarum fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 2] U.162.8 Edda Saimundar hinns Froda, Edda rliythmica, Ben anticivior, vulgo .Sa;mundjna dicta. Cum interijretatione Latina, lectioniluis variis, no- tiH, glussario vocuni, etc. Hafniic, Sumtibus Lcgati ilugujcani et Glydendalii, 1787-1828. 3v. 4" *4220.9 Conx«nU. — Vol. I. Oilm mytholoprlcm & Rosonio non »(tltiB. II. Od/c mythlco-hliitorlcro. III. Cnrmhift ViV- lnitl>(i, Il&vunirkl L;t. 'Z\\. 4" *3800.1 — Select subscription library. Catalogue. Edin- burgh, 1H42. 8" ♦2138.7 — University. Calendar for ISO-l, 65. Edinburgh, IHtVI. 10" 2487.22 — - l'",dinhurgh essays by members of the uni- versity. I^50. Edinburgh, 1857. 8' . . . . 2555.17 — - Uislory of Ibe. DiiI/el.A 2490.39 Edi.nuuui.ii mcdicitl journiil, combining the Month- ly jiiurnal of medicine and the Edhibingh medical and HiirgU-al journal. Vol. 1-8. Ed- inburgh, 185J-63. hv.lnl3. 8" *:i747.3 EDINBURGH 165 EGINHARD Sliflf. No. KtiiNiMTnwH modical and surpiml joiivnnl. Vol. 1-82. Edinhurfrh, ISO.VSS. hHv. 8* *5r47.1 EmNBiriuiH iie-w philoxtphirjil jmirnnl. [Ue^un] bvK. Janu'son. Vol. 1-57; now series, v. 1-18. Edinbiirprli. lH2C^-r>3. 75v. 8* *70ir..l Edinburgh review. Vol. l-llfi. Edinburgh and London, isd-.'-n.'J. nr>v. 8° *3112.2 Edmond, St, Speculum i-celesia*. [Maxima bib- liotli. vet. patr., V. 2;"il B.110.2 Edmonds, J. W. Reply to bishop Hopkins on spiritualism. New York, 1855. pp. 10, [No titli'-pajre.l 8" 608S.I5G — Spoalcin^ in many tonpues. New York, 1857. pp.12. [No title-pnpe.] 12' GaSS.235 — Notice of his book and argument. See Dods, J. n 6108.18 Edmondson, J. strength renewed by waiting upon tlio Lord. See Sermons on important subjects. 5442. 14 Edson, T. Sermon incommemoration()fthelatel{ev. Asa Eaton, April 27, 185S. Boston, IS5S. h" . SHOa.no Edvcatio^s. Aijbott, J. Advanced system of . . :i.V.):t.lO — Atwat^r, C. Essay on .%'.>3.37 — Barnard, H. American jonrnal of education . 5503.1 — - Military schools in France 55112. fi — - Papers for the teacher 5502.3 — - Reformatory education 5592.7 — - The school, and the teacher, in English lit- erature 5592.8 — Cleveland, H. R. Classical education of boys.4959a. 15 — Coleridge, J. T. Public school t-ducal ion , . . 3.590.19 — Coyrs complet dVducation pour les lilies , . . 3591.22 — Desrenaudes, M. B. Kapport sur I'bistruction publique. See France. Ministry of public instruction 3502.9 — Podsley, R. Course of 3507.25 — Edgeworth, M. Practical education 60S0.11 — EiUication reporter and weekly lyceura .... 8070.8 — Ellis, W. Ktlucutiou a means of preventing destitution 60S0.17 — Farini, P. Del troppo e del poco nella educa* zione 3599.18 — F^ndlon, F. de S. de La M. Education of daugh- ters 3599.34 — Fritz, T. Systeme complet d'instruction et dVducation et do leur histoire .3597.27 — Fiister, A. Mentor des studirenden JUnglings. 6080.21 — Home, H. Hints upon education 3506.8 — Jahn, J. C. Jahrbiicber fur I*Ldagogik . . . 3247.1 — Jidlien, M. A. Essai general d'education . . . 3501.21 — Kapp, F. Die L'nabhjingigkeit der Schule von der Kirch e 3504.20 — Lambruschini, R. Guida dell' educatore . . . 3506.2 — - Letture per la gioventii 'i^W\.'Z — Lowell, A. C. Education of girls 3590.31 — Massachusetts teacher 52S6.1 — Meunier, L. A. Lutte du princijie clerical et du principe laique dans Penseignement . . . 3597.28 — Popkin, J. S. Lectures on liberal education . 4163.14 — Kaumer, C. V. Geschichte der Padagogik . . 6080.10 — Rudolphi, C. Gemiildo weiblicher Erzieluing . 3507. 15 — Russell, W. Principles and methods of human culture 5592.12 — Schelling, F. W. J. Vorlesungen iiber die Methode des academischen Studium .... 6080.22 — Schmid, C. A. Encyclopiidie der gesammten Erziehungs- und Cnterrichtswesens .... 5502.1 — Schmidt, C. Geschichte der Padagogik . . , 3500.6 — Schwarz, F. H. C- Geschichte der Erziehung. 3597.5 — Sickel, G. A. F. Erziehungslehre fiir gebUdete christliche Miitter 3597.6 — Thouar, P, 11 libro del fanciuUetto 5599a. 11 — "Whewell, W. Principles of English, university education 3598.7 — Wordsworth, C. Education and the church . 2G60.27 SeeatgO: Adult schools, Domestic educntion. Infant ■cbools, Normal ncbools, Rap^aX «t«liool9, Schools. Uni- versities. Also : Eton, Ftunce, Gcnnany, OrforU, Frus- BiB, Sardinia. Education at home ; or a father's instructions. [Dialogues.] London, 1834. 24° 4579a. 34 .Slielf. No. Education reporter and weekly lycenm, April 23, 1S30— Sept. S, 1831. Boston, 18;iO-3I. f" . . *8070.8 Edwaiii) I, kliifj of England. Tbe greatest of all the IMautngeuets. An historical sketch. London, 1S60. 8° 2437.3 — Year books of the reign of 2424.12 ED^VAKO IV, king of Enr/land. Wardrobe ac- counts of. 5ee Nicolas, N. H 7054.8 EdwakI) V, king of Knghnul. (irants from the crown, and two speeches by bisbop J. Ruh- eell. Inti-oduction by J. G. Nichols. Lon- don, 1.S54. 8m.4''. [Camden society, No. 60] . *2426.4 Edward VI, king of England, ('atechjsme, con- teynynge the summe of Christian learninge. [Randolph. Enchiridion theologicum, v. 1]. 3451.14 EowAitPS, B. B. Classical studies. See Sears, B. 4955.14 — and Park, E. A. Selection from German lite- rature. Andover, 1839, 8" G061.6 Cmitt^nts. — Introduction, bytlietninslatorg; Life, chnr- aoter ikiid style of the npostlo Paul, by A, Thulnck ; TIio triigicnl qudlily in the friendship of David and .lunattmn, by F. Kiistor; The gifts of prophecy und of speukiiig with tonffues in the primitive church, by L.J. Biicltert; Sermons by A. Tholuck; Sketch of Tholuck's life und chnrncter; Doctrine of the rcHurroction of the doud, a. commentary on 1 Cor, xv, by L, J. Itiickert; Itcsurrec- tjon of the body, by J. P. Lanffe ; Life of Plato, by W. G. TenncmRnn ; Sketch of the biographers of Plato and of the commentators upon his writings ; The eiulcsa character of Jesus, by C. Ullmnnn. EDWXitDS, C. Juryman's guide throughout the state of New York. New York, 1S31, 8° . . 3634.25 Edwards, E. Paucity of libraries, freely open to the public, in the Po-itish empire, ^d ed. Loudon, 1S49. pp. 38. 8" 2126.5 — Lists nllimikssiiggestedfor purchase by the Man- chester frei.- library. See Manchest^eri Eng. . 2137.22 Edwariks, H.M. Le5onssurla physiologic et Pana- tomie comparee de I'liomrae et des auimaux. P:iris, 1857-62. 7v. 8° 5886.1 — Rapport sur la production et I'emploi du.sel en Angleterre. See France, lliuistry of agri- culture, etc 7011.19 Edwards, John O'K. Storia della organizza- zione civile delle belle arti in Tenezia, [Mer- rifield. Painting, v. 2] 4066.22 Edwards, Jonathan, senior. Narrative of the con- version of many hundred souls in Northamp- ton, etc. Revised from the edition of 1738. Boston, 1831. 18" 5447.45 — Treatise on religious afTections. Loring's 2d ed. Boston, 1824. 16" 5447.54 — and Jonathan, jr. Theological questions. Providence, 1822. pp. 17. 8° 5440a.61 Edwards, Justin. Letter to the friends of tempor- anceiuMass. 2ded. Boston, 1836. pp. .30. 8". 3.170.112 — Sermon on forming and conducting Bible classes, Andover, 1826. 8° *Pph.v.375 Edwards, L. C. Mathematical questions for the Royal military academy, AVoolwich, 1857-61. London, 1862. pp.72. 8" 3926.10 Eells, N. Sermon at the ordination of N. Leon- ard, July 29, 1724. Boston, 1725. sm.8° . . *41C3.2 Effect of secession upon the commercial relations ' between the North and South, and upon each section. 2d ed. NewYoi'k, 186!. pp.72. 12". 4324.34 Egbert, or Eckbert, abbot of St. Florin, Schonau. AdversusCatharossermonestredecim. [Max- ima biblioth vet. patr., v. 23] B.110.2 Egbert, or Ekkebert, monic of Hemfeld. Vita S. Haimeradi. [Frankfurt. Societas,etc.,v. 10]. 4210.2 Egger, i,. Notions el^mentairea de grammaire comparee. 5e (5d. Paris, 1856, 57. 12°. . . 2985.18 Eggers, C. U. D. Ueber Preussens Regeneration. B. p., 1807. pp.40. 12" 2SI9.9 Eginhard, or Einhard. Leben und \Vandei Karls des Grosscn. Herausgegeben v. J. L. Idi-Ier, Hamburg, 18.39. 2v.ini. 8" 41S8.3 — .See Frankfurt. Societae, etc., v. 1, 2 4210.2 ConteiUa. — yol.l. Auuales. IL Vita Caroli Mugiii imperalurid. EGIZIO 166 EISENMANN Shelf. No. Egizio, M. Senatus consuUi de BacclianaHbus ex- pHrntio. [Poleni. Utriusque thes. antiq. supp., V. 1] 2970,7 Er.MOXT. L. com/c (T. Tie. ^Tr^ Juste, T 2S13.2.r Egnazio, G. B. De orijrine Turcarum. See Com- mentarius captae urbis 3085.28 — Romanorum prineipum libri tres. [Historic Roinanie ecriptores, V. 2] 4240.3 Egypt. Description, pfoffraphy, iravela, etc. — Badia y I.eblich. b. Travels in 3040.13 — Bradshaw. Guide to .30.'i5.8 — Braunscliweip, .1. D. V. Aefrypten 3052.9 — Busch, M. Keisehandbucli ftir Aegypten . . . 3050.5 — Clark, E. L. Efrypt illustrated 3052.16 — Denon, D. V. Egypt delineated, in a series of engravings D,4.0.2 — Fabh, F. Egypti peregrinatio .... v. 2-4 of 4225.1 — Jolowicz, H. Bibliotbeca Aegyptiaca . . . . 2104.12 — Kremer, A. V. Aegypten 3050. .33 — Lepsius, C. R. Briefe aus Aegypten 4245.6 — - Denkmaler aus Agypten 3051.33 — Minutoli, AV". V. Recollections of .S055.17 — retherick,J. Egypt 3055.19 — Pococke, R. Obsenations on v. 1 of 3040. 7 — Toole, S. Englishwoman in 8030.3 — Schweinftirth, G. Plantie qua^dam NilotiCEe . 5840.12 — Stroth, F. A. Aegyptiaca 2988.30 . — Ulilemann, M. A, Wissenschaftcn der alten Aegyptcr 4245.9 — Vartbema, L. de. Travels in, 1503-8 2204.29 — Yolney, C. F. C. de. Travels through Egypt . 3085.14 — Wilkie, D. Sketches in r).4.Q.2 — AVillyams, C. Views in D.4.N.2 History, Ampere, J. J. A. Transmission h(?reditaire des professions dans I'ancienne fcgypte 4191.13 Arundale, F. Antiquities in the British nm- seura 3051.31 — Gliddon, G. R. Chapters on early Egyptian history B.190.5 Goulianof, J, A. de. Arclu'ologie egyptienne, 3030.11 Kenrick, J. Egypt under the Pharaohs . . . 4245.4 — Laiighton, G. History of ancient Egj-pt . . . 3053,14 Lepsius, C. R. Chronologic der .Egypter. . . 3(t50.I0 _ - Denkmaeler aus Aef^yi)ten D.2.G — R Letronne, A. J. Inscriptions grecques et lati- nesdol'fcgypte .3050.14 Merman, P. L'feg^-ptc contemporaine, 18-10-57. 3052.12 Miot, J. F. Histoire de I'expedition en fegy-pte. 2052.7 Palmer, W. Egyptian chronicles 3052.11 paton, A.A. Egyptian revolution 3052.14 Rosellini, 1. I monumenti dell' Pigitto .... 3050.25 — Sbarpe, S. History of 3052.10 Terrasson, J. Sethos, histoire tinf-e des monu- mens anecdotes de rancienne fcgypte . . . . 2flG2.12 Wilkinson, J. G. Popular account of the an- cient Egyptians 4245.20 — Wilson, R. British expedition to, in 18G1 . Pph.v.:i4U Language , — Brupsch, H. Dp natura et indole linguae popu- liiris Aeg)'ptiorum 3030.8 ('ru!*ius, F. Uc v^'tcri vallis Nilotica; lingua. B.170a.y3 Klaproth, H. .1. I/Htliiiiti- du Cophte avtc les lungnes du nord de TAsie, etc 5034.27 Parlhey, G. Vocabulurlum Coptlco Lalinum . 4110.9 pcyron, V. A. Graniinulicii lingua; Coplica; . 3030.7 _ I^-xicon linguiu Copticic . . .' 3050.15 Jhliyion, — Jnblonpky, p. E. Pantheon Aeg>'ptlnnim . . CfHMl.fl — ,Iiimblichu«. MyMtcrlcM of the Kg.vjdinns . . . 31.S7.2 MetnerH, C. KellgionHgemhicbletler KgjpHer. Ot)70.22 — Scliwpnck, C. Mylhnlogb-dir A.gvpIiT . . . 0071.10 Se.yfrnrtb, G. TheologUcbe Scbrtlleii der alteii Aegyptcr 0075.24 ffMdUn: AI«l«Tion'1'T«li, »lrr(jffl.vi>hl< «, Mnn- Shelf. No. EiiiNGEN, G. V. Reisen nach der Ritterschnft. Stuttgart, 1S42. pp. 36. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bib- liothek liter. A^reins, v.l] 4225.1 Ehkenrkrg, C. G. BeitrJige zur Kenntniss der Organisation der lufusorien uud ihrer geo- graphischen Verbreitung besonders in Sibi- rien. n.p.,n.d. pp.88. 4°, [Berlin. Kiinig- liche Akademie der Wisseuschaften. Al)- handlungen, 1830] 5892,4 — liber die Natur und Bildung der Coralleninseln im rothen Meere. Berlin, 1834. pp. 58. 4°. 3873.3 Ehrenfkuciitkk, F. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Blenschheit besonders in ethischer Beziehung. Heidelberg, 1845. sra.S" G00S.16 — Jahrbiicher flir deutsche Theologie. See Lieb- ner, T. A 0009.1 Ehrenhalm, a. Reise nach der Lappniark Asele, 1771. [Allgemeine Historie d. Reisen, v. 20]. 4160.11 Ehrenstein, C. G. Mann und Fran, oder das Geschlecht des Menschen. Uber Liebe, Ehe, u.s.w. 2te Aufl. Bautzen, n. d. pp.94. 12". B,160b.78 EiCHENOOKFF, J. F. v. Gescliichte der poetischen Literatur Deutschlands. 2te Aufl. I'ader- born, 1801. 2v. sq.lO" 2«70.39 ElCHHOFF, F. G. Vergleichung der Spraclien von Europa und Indien. Aus dem Franzosischcn von J. H. Kaltschmidt. 2te Ausg. Leipzig, 1845. 1.8" 4204.1 EiCHHORN, C. F. Deutsche Staats- und Rechtsge- sclnchte. 5te Ausg. Gottingen, 1843, 44. 4v. 8° 4215.4 — Zcitschrift, flir Rechtswissenschaft. See Savig- ny. F. C.v 4209,1 ElCHHORX, J. G. Allgemeine BibUothek der bibli- schen Litteratur. Leipzig, 17S7-I800. lOv. I6°.*6029a.l — Commentarius in Apocalypsin Joanuis. Got- tingsE, 1791. 2v. in 1, sm.S" C029a.5 — Einlcitung in das Alte Testament. 4te Ausg. Giittingen, 1823, 24. 5v. 8° *G015.4 — Einleitung in das Neue Testament. Leipzig, 1810,20. 3v. 8° *6015.5 — Einleitung in die apokrypbischen Schriften des Alten Testament**. Leipzig, 1795. S" . . . 0027.11 — Repertorium fiir biblische und morgeulandische Litteratur. Leipzig, 1777->srt. isv. in 9. 8°.*4243.IO — Urgeschichte. Herausgegebeu von J. P. Gab- ler. Altdorf, 1790-93. 3v. in 1. 8" 4129.2 ElCHSTAUT, H. C. A. De Aristotelis politic, ill, 1,10. [Diss, acad.] Jen.x, 1838. pp.7. 4'. B. 190. 41 EiFEi^, mountain in Piiissid. ISitten uml BrUuche, Lieder, Spriichworter und Riithsel des Eifler Volkes. Schmitz, .].H 2876.18 EiClHTEKN hundred and twenty: a poem. Part first. Lond(m, lh21. pp.46. 8* 2504.10 EioiL. Vita S. Stnrmii abbatis Fuldensis pnmi. [Frankfurt. Soeietas, etc., v. 2] 4210.2 EiiCE, oj' Eyke von Rebkow. Sco Rebkow, E. v. KiNAKSKN, Einari, or l'",inar, 11. Ilistoriu lileraria Islandiic. Ed. nova. Huvniie et Ijipsire, 1780. 8° 2865.10 JiiNF.M, J. .I.v. Animadversionosad J.Clerlclscrip- ta. Pra-niiftitur dissertutio de andaeia illius crilica in saeris. Magdeburgi, 1735. sm.y" . 4219a. 1 EISIIAKD. See I*;ginhard. EiNHIcirniNOS- und Lebrplan der mit der Kiiuig- licben neuen Tiicbtersehnle verliundeuen Mil- dungs Anstaltfilr Lehreriunen. Borlin, 1843. pp. 10, 12" - B.100b.l03 KiNsiKincL, J. Piirochus jovialis, das ist; Geist- lichf Kur/wcil ftlr nielaucholiscIu'S und hing- w<'itigi!S (jeniUth. 2te Anil. Augsl)urg, ],s.)8. 10" 4220b, 10 ElSRLKiN, .1. Sprichworter und Siunreden des deutschen Volkes. Kreiburg, IHIO. 8" . . . 4230.8 ElSKNilAKT, H. Die gegenwurtigo StaatenweJt. Band 1. I II<-iliiM-lhrMle. Krhiiigfii, I8:UJ. 10^. . 37W.10 EISENMENGER 167 ELLIOT Shelf. No. EiSENMKSOER, J. A. Entdocktcs Judenthum. [Frankfurt], 1700. 2v. sin.r *«073.8 Ekkkbkht. See Kfjbert. EKKEHAitn, nhhot of Attrnch. ('hronica, cdunte l>.(i. Waitz. [Fraiiklurt. Socictiis, etc., v.r.J. 4210.2 — Libelhisdesaoriicxpupmitione JLTOSOlyniitami. [Mart^ne. Vet. script., v. 5J 4150.1 Ekkehard I, monk of St. Gall. See note under Geraldus, monk of St. Gall. EKKEiiAim IV. rasuum S. Cialli continuatio, a. 890-920. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 2j . . 4210.2 Ekkeh.\rd V, or Blinor, mojik of St. Gall. De vita B. Notkeri copuoiiieiito Bnlliuli, ejusque cauouizationis processus. [Ca«isiu.»i. The- saurus, V. :i, p. 21 4140.3 Ekkenstein, J. Guide de la ville de Dresde. Dresde, 1832. 24" 2834.20 El Dorado, Expedition of Pedro de Ursua and Lope de Aj^iirre in search of. Simon, P. . 2204.25 Elastic liuids, Thermo (lyiianiics of. Gill. J. . . 3907.4 Elbkn, O. Dcr volksthiimhche deutsche Mannerge- sang. Tubingen, 1855. 8° **4057.25 Elcesaites. Abhandlung von der Secte der EI- cesaiten. 8eidel, C. T B.190.45 ELcniaco, or Elcreo Dinunda, anagram. See Dan- dini, E. F. Elder, "W. Debt and resources of the United States: and the eflVct of .secession upon trade and industry. Pliila., 18()3. pp. 32. 8" . . . 4310a. 08 Eldriuge, A. Sermon in behalf of the American education society, May 23, 1853. Boston, >85.3. 8' V. 5of*5175.3 Election, An essay on. Whately, R 34()4.2(j Electricity. Barletti, C. Nuove sperienze elet- triche 3900.7 — Catechism of 70.39.43 — Du Moncel, T. A. L. de. Lois de courants t>2. pp.24. 8°. 4310a. 41 — Speech in FaneuU hall, Oct. 13, 1852. See Speeches 6087.12 Ellis, (Jeorge E. Address at the consecration of Woodiawn cemetery in Chelsea and Slalden, July 2, 1851. Boston, 1851. 8° . . . . v. 2 of 5440a.62 ' — Address before the Middlesex county agricul- tural society, at Concord, Oct. 4, 1854. [No title-page.] 8" 4355.26 — The Christian's dependence on the great hope : a sermon, Feb. 19, 1S54. Boston, lh54. 8°.v.2of 5440a. 62 — The Christian trinity: a discourse, Feb. 5, 1800. Charlestowu, 18CiO. 8° v. 3 of 5440a.G2 — Commemoration of "Washington: a discourse, Feb. 22, 1857. Charlestown, 1»57. S' . v. 3 of 5440a. 02 — Discourse at the dedication of the meeting- liouse of the First church in SomenilIe,Sept. 3.1845. Boston, 1H5. 8° v. 1 of 5440a. 62 — Discourse before the Ancient and honorable artillery company, June 1, 1840, Boston, I84*i. 8' V. 1 of 6440a.62 — Discourse on " l*uscyisra," the new aspect of the controversy between ecclesiastical autho- rity, and the right of private judgment. Bos- ton, 18^13. 8** V. 1 of 5440a. 62 — The e\'angelical and the philosophical spirit in religion : a diseourse at the unitarian conven- tion at Baltimore, Oct. 27, 1852. Boston, iH.Vt. 8" V. 2of5-H0a.02 — Inaugural address in Harvard college, July 14, IWir, on his induction to the profess(»rship of eystematic theology in the divinity school of the university. Itoston, 1857. 8° B. 170a. 12 — An individual fuilli. Boston, [1840]. pp. 28. 12'. [AiiK'ricau unitarian association] . . . ri450a.24 — Lecture on temperance, (hdiveretl in Harvard church, Charlestown. Bo.^ion, IMO. h'.v. lotrillOnjVj — The nature of JesuH Christ a niyslery: a Her- nion. May 0, IH55. Boston, Isvi. 8" , , . . (iOS8. 144 — Oration >ept. 20, 1852. lioslon, 1NV2. H* V. 2 of 5440a. 02 — Our good land, and \t» good instlluttunt< : a dls- court^e on thanksgiving day, Nov. 30, 18.VL Bofllon, 1H.V1. 8" v. 2 or.'ill0a.02 — The preai'lier and the pafdnr: two dlKCOurses, March 15, 1H|o. Bonton, IMO. h* *iUV.i.7 — '' The preMervtttlonof the States united : " adls course, Nov. 29, IWW. Charlestowu, 1860. h''.43IOa.65 Shelf. No. Ellis, George E., continued. — Redemption : a sermon preached at the instal- lation of Rev. Kufus Ellis, in Boston, May 4, 1853. Boston, 1853. S° v. 2' of 5440a. 62 — Regeneration and sanctification : two sermons, March 6, 1842. Charlestown, 1842. 8°. v. 1 of 5440a. 02 — Relative obligations of Christians to the hea- then. Boston, 1844. pp. 22. 12°. [Ameri- can unitarian association] 5450a. 24 — Rexuarks at the funeral of B. Thompson, Sept. 27, 1852. Charlestown, 1852. 8" . . . v. 2 of 6440a.62 — Repentance the condition of forgiveness. Bos- ton, [1.^50]. pp.24. 12°. [American unita- rian association] 5450a. 24 — Review of Taylor's Diegesis. [From the Chris- tian examiner, for Jan., 1835.] Boston, n. d. pp. 40. [No title-page.] h° 0073.23 — Sermon at the dedication of Ihe First unitarian church in Marietta, Ohio, June 4, 1857. Boston, 1857. 8" v. 3 of 5440a. 62 — Sermon at the installation oF Rev. H. Alger, in Marlborough, Mass., Jan. 22, 1845. Bos- ton, 1845. b° v. 1 of 5440a. 62 — Sermon, Dec. 9, 1800, the Sunday after the inter- ment of Mrs. E. Bradford. [Charlestown], 1800. 8° V. 3 of 5440a. 02 — Sermon, March 26, 1854, the Sunday after the interment of the Rev. A. Young. Boston, 1854. 8" v. 2of5440a.62 — Sermon, Sept. 20, lS(i3, the Sunday after the in- terment of T.Marshall. [Charlestown], 18r>3. S° V. 3 of 5440a. 62 — Sermon, Oct. 9, 1842, on occasion of the death of W. E. Channing. Boston, 1842. 8*. v. 1 of 5440a. 62 — Sermon preached before the convention of the congregation alist ministers of Massachusetts, May 27, 1.^58. Boston, 1858. 8' *4357.13 — Sunday-school instruction : an address at Salem, Oct. 29, 1S50. Worcester, 1857. 12° . v. 2 of 5440a. 02 — Terms of the Gospel trust : a sermon preached at the installation of Rev. H. Stebbings, .tan. 31, 1855. Poj-tland, 1855. S" 0088.181 — Tlie unity of Christ's church: a discourse, March 4, 1800. Charlestown, 1800. 8°. v.3of 5440a.62 Ellis, George V. Demonstrations of anatomy. I>ondon, 1840. p.S° 3749.2 Ellis, H. Voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage to the south seay. [Mavor. Voyages, V. IJ 6207.1 Ellis, J. Historical account of coffee. London, 1774. pp. 71. 4" 5841.1 Ellis, Robert, of the London nistom-honse, British taritVfor i82i)-30. London, 1S29. 12". . . . 7035.30 EI-lis, Rev, Robert. Armenian origin of the Etrus- cans. London, 1801. 8* 2740.20 Ellis, Rufus. Blessedness of giving: n discourse before the Howard benevolent society, Dec. 11,1853. Boston. IN54. 8' 5440a. 63 — Discourse priactu'd before the Benevoh'nt tVa- ternity of churches, April 22, 1865* Boston, 1855. 'S" 6440a.63 — Memoir of the Hon. Samuel Howe, with other nolici'S. Boston. ls,V>. pjt. 72. 10^. . . . , 64j*)0a.28 — Sermon occasioned by the death of W. H. Prescott, preached Ft^b. 6, 1859. Boston, 1850. 8° 5ll0n.63 — Sonsliip, mediatorship, and heavenly glory of Christ: a wermon, Nov. 20, 1859. Itoston, lH*'i9. 8° 6440a. 63 Elli.s, 8. S. The mothers of great men. London, 1859. 8° t . . 3674.15 Ellis, William, ^T. ,4. ♦English exercises, transla- ted Irom Cicero, (or hoys to re-lranslate into Liitin. 12llied. Loudon, IH-.'ii. I-^" .... 4939.11 ElLIK, William, b. lsoi». Education as a means of preventing deslitullon. Lnuchin, l8ril. 12° . OOhO.17 — Eleiiieiiliir-Gnni(Niit/e der VolkswirlliMcliaft. Deiilscli nuelider2ten Ausgalie von It. Milli'r. Mil eluer Klideiliing von It. Saint llilaire. Leipzig, 1852. 16" B.I60b.51 ELLISSEN 169 EMMONS Shelf. No. Ellissrx, a. Versuch einer Polyglottc der curo- paischen Poesie. ler Hand. Nuchtrag^, *0 vp€ff/ivi (TTTTtirrj?, fin (.Jedicht aus dcm Sagen- kmsederTafeirunde. !,i'ip/.ip, 1S40. s" . . **2105,6 — Zur (Jeschiclite Athens niicli ilcni N'crhiwte seiner Selbstiiudigkeit. Abli. 1. Gottingeu, 18-18. 8°. 3075.13 Ellwood, T. Life, written by himself. London, 1827. IC 4179.23 Eli.ys, a. Tracts on the Iil)erty of prutostants in England. Tart I. London, iriilt. 4". . . . 3543.1 EuUES, .1. Lectures on architvcture, comprising the historyof the art. 2d <*d. London, 1823. 8°. 4103.10 Klocutio.v. Entield, W. On elocution 70('i'.>.2r. — Herries. .J. Elements of speech 5(103.12 — How to speak in public 5ri09.25 — Mason, J. Essay on elocution 5fi09.13 — I'lumptre, C. J. Principles and practice of . 3607.13 — Slu'ridan, T. Lessons on elocution 5001). 3 — Willard, S. Principles of 700^.42 See also: EDglisb elocution. Eloquence. Browne, T. Study and practice of. 2563.15 — Jcrningliam, E. Elocution of the pulpit in England 5609.4 — Knox, T. Principles of 5609.4 — Westermann, A. Geschichte der Beredtsam- koit in Griechenland und Kom ....... 4202.5 Elphinstone, C(ipt. H. C. Journal of the opera- tions of the royal engineers before Sebasto- pol. SceGreat Britain. Department of war. 3951.25 ELSNEit, J. T. 6'eeGerdes. Scrinium autiq. ad hist. reform, spect., v. 3, 4 6055.15 Contents. — Vol. III. Brevis conspectus doctrinit IVa- trum Bolivmorum. IV. Narratio de iDStitulione cnte- ch. 1741-60. Eltzman, J. L. Officium medici coram aegris. Sylvie Ducis [Herzogenbuschl, 1743. 12° . . 3799.20 Elvtn, C. N. Hand-book of mottoes borne by the nobility, cities, etc. London, 1860. 12° . . 2435.4 Elwes, .L, Life of. .See Topham, E 4549a. 35 ElwooI), a. K. Literary ladies of England. [Smith. Weekly volume, v. 1] 8030.3 Elwyn, a. L. Glossary of supposed Americanisms. Philadelphia, 1859. W *2381.3 Ely, Aaron. School dictionary of selected words. New Yoric, 1830. 16" 4589.31 Ely, Alfred B. State of the country: an article published in the Boston recorder, with addi- tions, etc. Boston, 1861. pp.28. 12° . . . 4324.31 Emanation philosophy. tJber die Emanations- lehre im Ubergange aus der altertliiimlicheu in diechristliche Denkweise. Kitter, H. . . 4101.14 Emancii'ATION. [A tract.] Clianning, W. E. . . 4163.3 Emamiel, or Manoel, kijif/ of Porturfot. Epistola ad Leonem x de victoriis in India. See Gry- nseus, S 4160.8 Emblems. Emblemata Boissnrdo delineata et a T. de Bry sculpta. Batille, D, L 4153.12 Embryology. Developpement des corps organises. Coste, J. J. M.C. V 3S22.3 Emerald. The. No. 1-77; new series, No. 1-52. Boston, 1806-08. 3v. 8° •. 5156.4 EMfeRic-DAViD, T. B. See Histoire littcSraire de la France, V. 17-20 4692.1 Emerick, A. G- Songs for the people. Boston, [1852]. 1.8' 8(M3.14 Emerisco Liceal e, pseud. See Kocco, M. EM-EBSON, B. Causes and effects of war : a sermon [onfsst-day],Aug. 20, 1812. Salem, 1812. &°.5440a.64 — Discourse in Salem, April 24, 1855, on the fif- . tieth anniversary of his ordination. With an appendix. Boston, 1855. 8° 5440a. 64 Emerson, F. Communication to the American academy of arts and sciences, relative to a late report on ventilators and chimney-topa. Boston, 1848. pp. 13. 8" B.170.9 — North American arithmetic. Part 2. Wind- sor, [1832J. 12" 7019.45 22 Emerson, F., continued. — Key to the North American arithmetic. Bos- ton, im7. pp. 72. 12° 7019.46 Emerson, (i. B. History and design of the Ameri- can institute of instruction. Boston, 1849. pp. 12. 12° 5599a. 2 — Report upon phonotypy. From the proceed- ings of the American academy of arts and sciences. Cambridge, 1847. pp. 16. 8° . . 2112.17 — [Review of Dr. Howe's reports upon idiocy.] n. p., n.d. pp.33. 8° 3800.58 — Studies for practical men. See Sullivan, W. 3568.31 Emerson, John E., Sermon at the funeral of. See Stearns. J. F 544aa.65 Emer.son, Joseph. Union catechism, upon Scripture history. Boston. 1821. 12° 5453.31 Emerson, L. O. Golden harp; hymns, tunes, and choruses, for Sabbatli schools, etc, Bos- ton, n. d. obLl2° 8047.39 — Golden wreath : a collection of melodies. New ed. Boston, n^d. obi. 12° 8047.38 Emerson, R. W. Address before the senior class in divinity college, Cambridge, July 15, 1838. Boston, 1838. 8° *4163.11 Address, Aug. 1, 1841, on the anniversary of emancipation in the British West Indies. Boston, 1644. h" *Pph.v.380 — Discourse before the citizens of Concord, Sept. 12, 18.35, on the second centennial anniversary of the incorporation of the town. Concord, [1835J. 8° 2357.28 — English traits. Boston, 1856. 12° 2467.15 — Menneskehedens ReprKsentanter. Paa Dansk > udg. af E. M.Thorson. Kjdbenhavn, 1P57. 8". 2407.19 — Oration before the literary societies of Dart- mouth college. July 24, 1838. Boston, 18:^8. 8°.*4163.11 — Oration before the Adelphi, Waterville college, Me., Aug. II, 1841. Boston, 1841. 8" . . . . *4163.11 Emerson, W. Discourse before the members of the Boston female asylum, Sept. 20, 1805. Boston, 1S05. 8° .... ; 5440a. 66 — Sermon at the interment of. See Buckmin- ster, J. S 60S8.199 Emigrant's guide, or pocket geography of the Western States. Cincinnati, 1818. 24° . . . 2379.36 Emigration. L'emigration curopc^enne, son impor- tance, ses causes, ses etfets. Legoyt, A. . . 2295.3 Emili, p. De rebvs gestis Francorvm libri x. Chronicon de iisdem regibvs, a Pharamvndo vsqve ad Henricvm ii. [Tomus l.J Parisiis, 1548. sm.8° *4189a.l — and Le Ferron, A. De rebvs gestis Francorum vsqve ad Carolum viii, libri x. Arnoldi Fer- roni, de rebus gestis Gallorum libri ix. Con- tinvatio J. Henricpetrl. Chronicon J. Tilii. Basilcre, 1601. 3v.ini. f° *4240.4 — - Franzosischer vnd anderer Nationen Histo- rien. Darzuein Historien. Durch J. T. Frey. Auss der Lateinischen zung vertolmetschet, durch C.Wurstisen. Basil, 1572. 2v.ini. f°. *4610.4 Emmerammus, St. Meginfredi de vita et virtutibus B. Emmerammi liber unus; Arnolfi de niirac- ulis B. Emmerammi libri duo. [Canisius. Thesaurus, V. 3, p. 1] 4140.3 Emmons, N. Works, with a memoir of his life. Ed- ited by Jacob Ide. Boston, 1842. 6v. 8° . 5502.4 Ctmtenle. — Vol. I. Autobiograpliy, Additional memoir; Reflections of a \-isiter; The Christian ministry: ser- mons. II. Social and civil dutios: Bermona. Ill, In- etruetions to the ntHicted: acrmona. I\', V. Systematio theoloRf. VI. Miscellaneous sermons. Discourse at the ordination of W. Harris, in Dunbarton, Aug. 26, 1789. I'rovidence, 1789. 8° v. 1 of 5440a. 67 — Discourse at the ordination of J. Tufts, at Wardsborough, Vt., Nov. 4, 1795. Brattle- borough, 1797. 8° V. 1 of 5440a. 67 — Discourse at the ordination of S. Chapin, in Hillsborough, June 19, 1805. Amherst, N. H., ISO'V 8° V. 3 of 5440a. 67 EMMONS no ENCYCLOPEDIA EsniONS, N., continued, — Discourse, April 11, ISOfi, at a publick meeting of singers. Providence, 180i>. 8°. , . v. 3 of 0440a. 67 — Discourse at tlie funeral of the Rev. D. San- ford, in Jledway, who died April ", 1810. Boston, 1810. 8° V. 3 of 5440a. 67 — Discourse on the national fast, April 25, 1799. Wrentham, 1799. S° v. 1 of 5440a. 07 — Discourse on the annual fast in Massachusetts, April 9, 1801. 2d ed. N. Y., ISOI. 8° . v.a of 5440a.07 — Discourse on the day of tlie annual fast in 3Ias- eachusetts, April 7, 1803. Wrentham, 1803. 8° V. 2 of S440a.G7 — Discourse on the annual thanksgiving in Blas; sachusetts, Nov. 29, 1804. Providence, n. d. 8° V. 2 of 5440a. 07 — Discourse on tlie annual thanksgiving, Nov. 25, 1813. Dedham, 1813. 8° v. 3 of 5440a. 07 — Discourse on tlie national thanksgiving, April 13, 1815. Dedham, 1815. 8° 0088.193 — Discourse, Nov. 3, 1790, at the request of a so- ciety for the reformation of morals. Provi- dence, n.d. 8° V. 1 of5440a.67- — Discourse to the Norfolk auxiliary society for the education of pious youth, June 11, 1817. Dedham, 1817. 8° v. 3 of 5440a. 07 — The giver more blessed tlian the receiver. A discourse in Franklin. 2d cd. Exeter, 1823. 8° v. 3 of ^Oa.67 — Sermon at the installation of Eev. D. Avery, in Wrentham, May 25, 1780. Piovideuce, n, d. 8° V. 1 of 5440a. 07 — Sermon at the installation of the llev. T. Wil- liams, in Attleborough, .Sept. 29, 1824. Prov- idence, 1824. 8" V. 3 of 5440a. 07 — Sermon at the ordination of J. Smith, Jan. 4, 1797, at Salem, N.H. Concord, 1797. 8°.v. 1 of5440a.G7 — Sermon at the ordination of J. Emerson, in Bev- erly, Sept. 21, 1803. Salem, n.d. 8°. . v. 2 of 5440a. 07 — Sermon at the ordination of E. Whipple, in Charlton, Jan. 25, 1804. 2d ed. New York, 1809. 8° V. 2 of 5440a. 67 — Sermon at the ordination of Z. Whitniore, at North Guilford, Sept. 5, 1821. New Haven, 1822. 8° v. 3 of 5440a. 07 — Sermon before I. Sunmor, governor, etc.. May .■iO, 1798, being the day of general election. Boston, 1798. 8" ♦4356.7 — Sermon before the convention of congrega- tional ministers [of Massachusetts], May 31, 18W. Boston, 1804. 8° »4357.8 — Sermon before the Massachusetts missionary society. May 27, 1800. Charlestown, 1800. 8°. V. 2of 51K)a.07 — Sermon on the day of annual thanksgiving, Dec. 15, 1790. Worcester, 1797. 8°. . v. 1 of 5M0a.07 — Sermon on the foreknowledge of God, Sept. and9, 1K21. Middlefown, 1821. 8° . V. 3 of 5440a. 07 — Sprinkling the proper mode, and infants proper subjects, of Christian baptism. A sermon, Sept. 7, 1794. Worcester, 1795. 8' . . v. 1 of 5140a. 07 — Sermon on his life and death. See Williams, T. 60s8.4 E.MMON.S, W. The battle of Bunker hill : an histcn-ic pocTninfourcantos. Olhiil. ll()^lon, ls.-,o. 12°. 2397.15 Emo. Chronicon ubbatis I in Weruiu iipucl Unilun- do8, 12(M-37. [Matth.Tl. Annlectu, v. 3] . . 4139a. 1 EMOnr, J. IX-fencc of "Our fathers," and of the original organi/!atIr>n of the methodist epis- copal church. New York, I.v5ft. »" 3477.3 — The epi»co|)al controversy reviewcil. New York, !»«■'■ 8' 3477.3 EMOifv, U. Life of the Itcv. John Emory. New York, 1K55. 1.8° 3477.3 EMOnv, W. II. Noten of a military reconnnlssanec, from Kort Leavenworth, Mo., to San Diego, Cnl., ltM(i,47. Washington, 1W8. 8°.2378.8,ttnd«63.7 Emotionh, The. llain, A 6003.7 E.MiM'.iii)(.i.F..q. Carndnuni relir|ulir. rKarsti'U. riillosciphorum Gniiiorurri ri/f nfR. — Vol.1. A— AJem. II. Alemanin— Arabia. III. Arnbin — Atmosfern. IV. Alocha— Beniiii. V. Ben- tham— Buey. VI. Bupy — Cantos. VII. Caiia — Certi- dunibre. ^111. Cenificado — Cloro. IX. Clorometro— Compromiso. X. Compulsa — Convencion. XI. Conve- Dio— Cuero. XII. Cuerpo— Densidad. XIII. Dental— Didclfo. XIV. Dido— TlruidesRS. XV. Druidico— Ele- mento. XVI. Elerai— Escorial. XVII. Escorpion— Esplupa. XVIII. Espoletft— Fantastico. XIX. Farsl- lon— Krancia. XX. Francia — Gastrononna. XXI. Gato — Greguriiino. XXII. Gremio — Ilierro. XXIII. Hierro —India. X.XIV. India— Italia. XXV. Itnlia— Libia. XXVI. Librnnza— Maquinas. XXVII. Mat-— Monastii-io. XXVIII. Moncda— OdiscB. XXIX. Oticial— Peridoto. XXX. Periodi«mo — Rarefaccion. XXXI. Itasconcs — Salinodia. X.\XII. Salmon— Templanza. XXXIII. Templarios — Venecia. XX XIV. Vcneno — Zooma^e- tismo. l-III. Atlas. Encyclogeaphie des sciences m^dicales. Ecim- pression des ouvrages periodiques, publii-s en France. Vol. 1-40; 2e serie. Vol. 1-7. Brux- elles, 1832-36. 47v.iu 22. 8° •5712.1 ContfnU. — Coursdo patholo^o et do thC-rapculique puneralps, de Bronssnis; Bulletin general de thf-rapetl- tiqne medicate et chinirpicalc ; Archix-es frentrnlea do mf decine ; .lonmal universe! ct hebdomadaii-o do mf de- eino et de chirurgie pratiques, etc. ; Annates do la In^de- ciue pliysiolopique, de Broussais ; IJovue medicalc fran- ^aisectctrangere; Gozettemedienlo; Laureltefran^aiso; Gazette des lifipitnux ; Annales d'liygieno publiquc et de medecine legale; Journal de pharmacie et dc9 scieucca occessoires ; Journal do chimie et do physique j Logons snr le cholera-tnorbus, par Magendio ; Bulletin cliniqne; Journal des connnissances medtcalos; Jounia) des oon- naissances niC-dico-chirurgicales; Archives homoeopa- tbiqucs; Journal do In societi- phreilologique do Paria; Annates de ebimie et de phystquo. — Reproduction en langtie fran5aise des ouvrag:e3 periodiques, publics en Angleterre, en Alle- magne et eu Italic. Bruxelles, 1836. 7v. in 3. 8° 2e serie of •5712. 1 Cantcnta. — Medico-chirurgical review, by Jaa. Jobn- Bun ; Medteat quarterly review ; Dublin journaf; London medical gazette ; London medical and flurgieat Journal ; The lancet ; Edinburgh medical and surgical Journal ; Medico-chirurgical transactions; Journal f\ier Chirurglo und Augcnhcillcunde, von Graofe nnd Wallhci ; Journal der practischen Ileillcunde, vnn Itufeland und Osann; Wisaenschaftlichc Annaten der Ileitlcnnde, von tteclcor; Prcupstsche medicinlsehoZeltung; Froriep'a Notizen aus dcni Gebiete der Natur und tleilltunde; lleidelborger medtcinische Aniialen; Clarua und Badius, Beitraege, etc. ; Wuertemberg'sclies inedieinisclies Corrospondenz- Blalt ; Mueller's Arcldv fuer Anatomte, rhysiotogte, etc.; Zeltschriftl\iorGeburt8ltlindc; Casper's Woebeiisctlrifl; OmoUel, Annaii untveraati ; Brera, Antologia medlca; Magliari, Observatoru medico ; and otllera. ENCYCLOP.EniA. Allgemelne deutsche Renl-Ewcy- klopiidie. .Vrc (."onversations-Lexikon . . . 4137.1 — Allgemeine Encyclopiidie fiir Ivaulleute und Fabrikaiiteu 3681. tt — Alstcd, J. II. EncycIopaidlB, serie pracepto- """. "'tc A.H0.2 — Beyerlinck, L. Magnum theatrum vitic liu- '""'™ A. 1)0.1 — Diderot, D. Encyclopt'-dle 4148.1 — llerzog, J. ,1. lieul-Eiicyklopiidie fiir protes- tautische Theologie und Kirche 60.15.1 — - Theological and ecclesiastical encyclopedia. .3484.1 — l,rrnu.\, 1'. Encyclopt die nouvelle 4182.1 — Mellin, G. S. A. Eiicyclopiitlisches Worter- buch der kritlschen rhilosophie 0082. .1 — New and coinjilele American encyclopedia . . A. 141.1 — Schmid, C. A. l';iicyklii|iiiilie ties gesammten Erzlehungs-und llnteriichtsweseua .... 0692.1 9of aUo: Cyclopodla. ENCYCLOPfiDIE 171 ENGLAND Sholf. No. ENCYCLOpfeDiEmodcrne. Compli'mcnt, public sous la direction de MSI. Ncs Vergers et L(^on Kenier et de M. I-'. Cartcron. Paris, 185G- 62. llv. 8% and plates . . . .^ A.125.1 ContmU. — Vol. I. Al)6— Col^ fl. ' Coljr— ftm&. III. ifemt — Flo. IV. Flor — Cue. V. Guorrc — Imp. VI. lim —Jan. VU. jAii— Lf-p. VIll. Wanting. IX. Wiiro- qtiin— Myc. X. Nag— Oz. XI. P«ch— Quo. XII. Itocb — Zug. End of tlic irrepressible conflict. By a mercbant of I'hiladelpbia. IMliladelphia, 18U0.' pp. 47. 8°.«10a.70 Endemics. Traite des maladies endeniiques. Bou- din, J.C. M. K. J 3721.25 Endicott, C. 51. Account of Leslie's retreat at the north brid^'e, in Salem, Feb. 20, 1775. Salem, IMO. pp. 47. 8° 4355.29 Endicott, .T., Discourse after the ftineral of. See Lamson, A 5443.1 ENDLICllKlt, .S. L. Anfanj^sgriinde der chinesis- chen Grammatik. Wien, 1845. 8° 3030.14 — Genera plantariini tlorie GermanicjE, See Nees von Esenbeck, T. F. I. 3S57.4 Enenkf.l, J. Ilerr Friedrich von Auchenfurt. Ein Gcdicht. [Hagen. Gesammtabenteuer, V. 3] 2900.29 Enkurf.sis irritata, Dissertation on. Parsons, V. 3717.4 Enfiei.d. W. Institutes of natural philosophy. "NVith corrections ; and an appendi.v to the as- tronomical part, by S. Webber. 4th Am. ed. Boston, 1824. 4" *4283.2 — The speaker: or, miscellaneous pieces. Pre- fixed, two essays on elocution [and] reading. London, 17.23 — Barlow, F. Complete English dictionary . . . -1580.4 — Barnes, W. Roots and stems of the English tongue 2585. .32 — Boxhorn, M. Z. Lexicon Britannico-Lailnum. 4180.12 — Bullokar, J. English expositor imjiroved . . 4586.27 — Coleridge, H. Glossarial index to English lit- erature of the thirteenth century 2585.9 — Dychc, T. New English dictionary 4588.5 — Ely, A. School dictionary 4589.31 — English retraced, or a comparison of the breeches Bible with modern English . . . 4580.19 — Entick, J. New spelling dictionary 4589.33 — Fearn, J. Anti-Tooke; or an analysis of lan- guage 2585.5 — Fenning, D. Royal English dictionary . . . . 4588.1 — Fiidey,W. Origin and progress of the English language I"ph.v.351 — FlUgel, F. Die engliBche Philologie in Nord- amerika B.170.88 — - Die englische Sprache in Nordamerika . . B.170.94 — - Geschichte der englischen Lexikographie . 4163.13 — Gann, C. U. Exercises on Whately's English synonyms 2586.41 Shdlf. No. Engltsh lexicography and philology, contimted* — Iloare, E. N. English words from Latin roots. 4585.30 — Jenkins, J. Vest-pocket lexicon . ..,»*» 4589.36 — Jermyn, J. Book of Bnglish epithets .... 2582.S — Johnson, S. Dictionary. Harrison's edition of 1780 45S0.1 — - Dictionary. 8th edition, 1792 4114.1B — Johnston, W. Pronouncing and spelling dic- tionary 45S9.28 — Keane, A.H. History of the English language. 2585.31 — Kersey, J. Words derived from other lan- guages 4580.17 — Latham, R. G. English language 4175.9 — Marsh, G. P. Lectures on the English lan- guage 2586.3 — - Origin and history of 2585.11 — Nuttall, P. A. Pronouncing dictionary . . . 4585.12 — Oswald, J. Etymological dictionary .... 4589.27, 28 — Richardson, C. Supplement to a new dictionary. 2580.4 — Bobbins, E. Primary dictionary 4589.30 — Shelton, E. Dictionary of every-dayditReulties. 4580.21 — Skinner, 8. Etymologicon linguae Anglicana?. 4101.9 — Smith, J. R. Provincial dialects of England. B. 170b. 119 — Spence, T. Repository of the English language. 4589.34 — Sullivan, R. Dictionary of derivations .... 4580.29 — Tolhausen, F. Technological dictionary . . . 4034.20 — Trench, R. C. Deficiencies in our English dic- tionaries 2585.7, 8 — Walker, J. Prononncing dictionary of the . . 4389. .32 — Wedgwood, H. Dictionary of English ety- mology 2585.0, and 4581.2 English literature. BihUographij. — Corser, T. Catalogue of a collection of early English poetry 2425.2 — Dawson, W. Catalogue of standard English authors 21.39.15 — Halliwell, J. O. Dictionary of old English plays 2175.20 — Lowndes, W. T. Bibliographer's manual of English literature 2153.20 CoUeciions. — Anderson, R. Poets of Great Britain .... 4604.1 — Brydges, L. E. Extracts from Elizabethan lit- erature 25.36.30 — DoennigeSjW. Altschottischeund altenglische Volksballaden 25.38.22 — Fawkes, F. Poetical calendar 45()9a.lo — Hazlitt, W. British poets 2651.3 — Hows,.T.W. S. Golden leaves from the British poets 2504.16 — Mackay,C. Cavalier songs and ballads, 1642-84. 2539.5 — Oxford English prize poems 2555.13 — Percy, T. Reliques of ancient English poetry. 2534.15 — Taylor, E. Flowers and fruit from old English gardens 2609.31 — Ursinus, A. F. Balladen und Lieder alteng- lischer und altschottischer Dichtart .... 2538.21 — Wesley, J. Moral and sacred poems 4559a. 10 — White, L. B. Sacred poetry of the olden time. 2500.19 — Wright, T. Short poems from the thirteenth century 2636.28 See also: Ballade. Bistory. Arnold, T. Manual of BUchner, A. Geschichte der englischen Poesie. Craik, G. L. Manual of - Compendious history of - Sketches of the history of literature and learning in England Gatscheiibergcr, S. Geschichte der englischen Literatur Hennet, A. J. U. La poetitjue anglaise . . . Hettner, H. Geschichte der englischen Lite- ratur, lfiOO-1770 Tabellarische Uebersicht der Geschichte der englischen Fnesie Taine,H.A. llistoire de la litteratureanglaise. 2553.19 25.">3.10 2653.20 2653.13 4159.30 2653.11 2553.9 2193.10 2196.6 2554.4 ElfGLTSIf 174 EPHRJEM Shelf. No. English pilot, The. London, 1737,38, 2v.ini. f". 02S0.1 Contends. — Soathem navigation upon the coasts of England, Scotland, Ireland, Holland, Flnoders, Spain, Portapal totheStr«iphts-mouth, with the coasts of B«r- bary, and off to the Canary, Slsdern, Cnpe de Verdo and Western islands; West-India navlpation, from Hudson's- Boy to the river Amazones; Description of Newfound- land, New-England, New-York, East and West Now- Jersey, Dellevar-Buy, Virginia, Marj-land, Carolina, etc. English retraced, or a comparison of tlie breeches Bible with the English of the present diiy. Cambridge, 1802. rr 4586.19 English stage. Betterton, T. History of the . . 2553.21 — Dibdin, C. Complete history of the 2553.16 — Donne, W. B. Essays on the drama L*(i09.4 — Hazlitt. W. Lectures on the English comic writers 2556.18 English and Tamil vocabulary of familiiir words, with easy sentences. Madras, 1859. pp.32, '.i-i". 3038.62 Engraving. Duplessis, G. Histoiredelagravure en France 4087.12 — Godde, J. Catalogue raisonne d'une collection de livres relatifs a Tart de gravure 2138.4 — Keiffeuberg, E. A. F. T. de. La plus ancienne gravure connue avee une date 4002.18 See also: Copperplate, Galleries, Lithography. Enigmas. Geschichte des Rathsels. Friedreich, J. B 2205.6 Ennemoser, J. Geschichte der Magie. Leipzig, 1844. 8° 5607.6 Ennen, L. Zcitbildcr aus der neueren Geschichte der Stadt lvuln,mit besonderer Kucksichtauf F. P\ Wallraf. Kiiln, l«o7. b" 2837.6 Ennius.Q. Medea comraentarioperpetvoillvstrata, Accedit dif^pvtatio de origine atqve indole veteris tragoedi^ apvd Romauos. [Diss. acad. auctore] H.Planck. Go-tting^e, 1807. sm.4°.**2926.4 — Fragmenta, cum vita ex L. Giraldo. [Gottfried. Corpus vet, poet.] .- B.191.9 — Reliqui.t. [Ribbeck. Tragicorum Lat.rcliquia']. B,199.4 Ennodius, M. F. Epistolarum libri novem; Tane- gyricus Theoderico regi dictus; Liber npolo- getlcus pro synodo ; Vita B. Epiphanii Tici- nensis episcopi; Vita Antonii monachi Liri- nensis; Eucharisticumde vita sua; Tara^ncsis didascalica Ambrosioct Beato; rra?ceptumdc cellulanis episcoporum; Petitoi-iumquo ahso- lutus est Gorontius puer Agapiti ; Itencdtctio* nescereipasehalis;Dictiones2y; rocmata,seu carmiiia; Kpigrammata, sen carmina. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 9] B.110.2 — Epi^toIa■, panegyrics etpoeniata, nee non sanc- torum vit:c. [Grynicus. Mon. pair.] . . . B.UI.3 Enoch. See Apocrypha. ENguiItY into the advantages and disadvantages resulting from bills of inclosure. London, 1780. pp. 08, 8' 3092.12 EnquiRV into the reasons of the conduct of Great Britain, with relation to the slate of affairs In Kuropf. London, 1727. 8" *rph.v.347 ENSLIN, T. C. F. Bibliotheca juridica in Deutsch- Und, 1700-1823. Berlin, 1824. »" 2185.30 Entick, J. New spelling dictionary. Prefixed, Knglish Grammar by L. Murray. 0th cd. New Haven, IH12. flr|.l(l- *4589,33 Entomology. liiilliker, A. De prima insoctorum gcncsi 3802.16 _ IVrcIieron.A.U. Bibliographic entomologlquo. 2173.9 _ CHtcchism of 7039.14 — Utaumur. K. A. F. de. Mc^molrcs pour Bcrvlr ii I'histolre des InHCClefi 6892.1 gnckow, K. W. L. AnHtomisch-phyRlologlscho Unternuchungeii der Insekten 5892.3 Thiinberg, (-*. 1*. ChuractereH grnerum Innnc- tornn* 38y6.;U) Wulbi'^ton, T. V. Variation of Hpeclos, with reference to the hmeelu .3829.11 Am aUo : And, llcvi, Lepldoptorft, New England, Bllkworin. Shelf. No. Entozoa. Catalogue of entozoa in the British mu- seum. 5ee London. British museum . . . 5889a. 1 — Dujardin, F. Histoirenaturelledeshelniinthes. 3874.7 Entriks, Book of. Coke, E 5620.10 Enzina, or Encina, J. de la. Egloga de la noche deNavidad; La pasion y muerte de nuestro Redentor; La noche postrera de Carnal; Es- cudero tornado pastor; Los pastores vueltoa palaciegos; Lasgrandeslluvias. [BiihldeFa- ber. Teatro espafiol anterior a L. de Vega]. 4246.10 Enzinas, F. de. Dos informaziones: una dirijida al Carlos v, i otra, a los estados del imperio. Prezede una suplicazion a D. Felipe ii, ol>ra, al parezer, del Dr. J. Perez, n, p., 1857. p.S". [Keformistas antigxios espafioles] **5496.16 — Mi-moires. 1543-45. Texte Latin inedit avec la traduction fran?aise du xvie siecle en regardt annotations par C. A. Campau. Bruxelles, 1862, 63. 3v. 8" *2820.26 EOLOPOests, or American rejected addresses. • Bigelow, J 2407.29 EoTVOS, J. The village notary ; a romance of Hun- garian life. Translated by O. Wenckstern, with introductory remarks by F. I'ulszky. London, 1850. 3v. 8" 2876.24 Ephippus. Comoediarura duodecim deperditarum fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., V. 4] B.162.8 Efhr.ioi Syrus. Select metrical hymns and hom- ilies. Translated, with notes, by Rev. II. Burgess. London, 1853. 12" 5449.4 _ See Siimmtliche Werke der Kirchen-Vater, V. 14-19 C02i.l Co(i(CJi/8. — Vol. XIV.XV. Erklamnpr des nlten TcBta- ments. XVI. Itertcii ubi'rdieGolmrtdeBlIerrnj Bukonnt- nissc; Abhandlung liber Tugendcn und faster; Wamung vor dem stolze iind Aufinunternng zur Ueniutli ; Unter- weisunguberdioTwgend; UntcrrJoht tiber die Tugend; ijhor die Waclisnmskcit; liber die Vcrmeidung des l.ft- chenfl und dca Stolzos, und Ermahnungr xur Selbstbo- weiniing; Von dcni goietlichen Leben ; Sprilche iibcr die wrtbre o'liickscligkeit ; Uber die Envcibunp der Dpmuth; SprUcliwiSrter, zur Nnchnlimung der SprUeh- wiirtcr Salomons ; Uedo ilbcr die zweile Ankunft Chi-isti ; Asketischeltedr; RedcvonderBuRse; ErmahnunpenKur BuBBo. XVn. AbbnndlunpSberdiwBiisso; Ermiihnung on din. die tiiplich siindlnen. und tiljrlicb Bussi' ihun ; ijberdie BuBse gi-gen den Novatus; O'brr den Kiimpf des Oeiales mil di-m Flciscbu; Von der BL-k.hruiig ir.u Christus; Wuriiang von gefiihrlichen und siindhaftcn LuBtbarki'ilun ; Von dur Husso und Uokrhrung v.u (iott; Von d^r Busao und Gcdnld ; Ennnhnuiig r.ur Geduld und Zcrknirttchung; Von der GeduUl, doui Kndu der Welt, - u. B- w. ; Von der Eitolkcit das Lebens und von dor I»»B«e; Vorstellung des lotxten Geriebtes; lleilo ttber das letxto Gerlfht; Betraihfung ttber dlo Gottesfureht iind den Jilngnten Tag; Von der 7.we!ten Ankunft doa llerrn, u.". w.; Von deni steten Andenken nn den Tod: Uede ttber dio Mu««e, dan (lerleht, und dio Treiniung der Beelevondem Leibo; Uber die AufiTMt.-limig. u. h. w. ; Von Gotl, als dcni Ik-rrn alk-r Dlnge, u. b. w. ; Kede uuf die tn Chrinto ViTHtoiboncn ; Von der rechten Leln-na- w-Uo; Knnalinunicen iin ftg>-i»tlBcbe Miinehe; Von der l.leb« ; AufniuuterunK 7,ur (JudulU ; Ktiniilinung Eum lUngenniichder Sidlgkolt; Krmahiiung nn die Ankelon; Krinahnuiv« im dio Mibiibe; Von deni Mlrge tiliiT aeht Leldunncbr>f>«n, u. ». w. ; (Jbcr die Vullkoinnienlielt olnen MlWicbea; Brief an den Mbncb .l.dninn.'s; Krinnn- tfrung r-um Gebt\e; Uber die Arniutb; Von der UUp- tuiig des (MirUton ; Knnabnung mir Ituho, n. a. w.; libor die Nolbrtendlffk-li der I,.ld.'n und Ti t\b«nlo In dloHi'in I.elien: Krninliiiunnini dU< Ilrililcr; I'-muitinung r.ur brliiliTndien l-.lnlradil imd l.lelie; AnweiHung r.ur Vollk.ninionhelt an die Mi^»C^.e; I.eben doH helllgim KluHledlerw Aliriilmin und «e!iior Mdne Maila ; Lobredo nuf den tuKendharieii JoHi'ph. XV|II. lU'de nuf dto Verkliirung flirUti ; Zwel Kcdon nuf vtvntorbcno AltvA- ter; (Ibnr dlu Uiinuu-ht de« 'I'ttufelni Benduetirclben an elnen angebenden MOiiob : LiibiireUung ilea helllgun KrinaeB; Von der AuHgelaoPienbi'U der Zuugi, n. a. w.; tfibredo auf den belllg.-u IbiBllIu* deii (Jrosden* Itcilo aufdloflttnderln.«clibed.-n llerrn wlbto ; l,ol>ri'd«auf die glorreU'ben Mlirtyror; Lolirede auf die vierrlg MUr- tyrer bu 8cb»«to; Hede von ilor eviingelliieben I'erlo; Ilyinnrn auf dlo I'erle tMitrla]; Uber die UnerforBeh- Ilrlikelt igby; with an essay by St. Evennont, and liis life, by Du Rondel. fTela. Philosophical library, V. 1] 5G03.19 Epidemics, Colas, E. Regne epidemique de 1842-i5 3807.15 — Haeser, H. Geschichte dor epidemlschen Krankhciten 5733. G See also: Cbolora, Contagion, Plague. Epigenes. Comocdiarura quinque deperditarum fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., V. 4] B.ir)2.8 Epiglottis, Diseases of the. Gibb, G. D 3798.14 Epigrams, Ancient and modern. Booth, J. . . . 4580.23 Epilepsv. Kussmaul, A. Epiliptiform convulsions caused by bleeding 5714.5 — Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. Cause and treatment of 5714.4 Epilyccs. Comcedije fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm.com. Gr., V. 3] B.1G2.8 fcpiNAT, L. F. P. T. d'E. de La Live d." Conversa- tions of Emily. Philadelphia, 1817. 24" . . 4699a. 34 — Memoires et correspondance. Paris, 1818. 3v. 8' 4707.2 Epinicus. Fabularum duai-um reliquia;. [Sleineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5] B.162.8 Epiphanes. Fragmenta libri de justitia. [Grabe. Spicilegium] 6029.3 Epiphasius, of Snlumis, or Confitantia. Opera omnia, Graec^ cum vers. Lat. et notls Petavii. £d. uova. Colonial, 1G82. 2v. f *6040.7 ^C»r«. — Mutilated, and without llllc-pngo. CoTOenU.— Vrtl.l, EpUtoIa «d Epfphnnium. et Epiph- ■nii re«jion«io ad epiMolam Acncli et Pauli; Adversus LXXS htcrpae-i, opus, quod Pannritim, slve arcula inscri- bitur. II. Aucorntu"; Anaccphalnosia; De mensuria et ponderibus; rhysfoloprus, dr Indole unlus cujusque ferarum etvolucrum; Dexil gemnila qun? orant in vesto Aaronia liber; De vitia prophetanini ; Sermo in festo palroarum ; Do laiidibun b. vlrglnU Mnritc ; In feeto palraaruni Tragnicntum ; Do Qumeroriim inystcriis; Do reflarrectionp Chrlati; Epistola ad Joannom epiacopum Hierosolymilaniiin ; Vitae Kpiplianii ; Index rerum et Terbonim ; Ilionynii Pclavil animjidvorBli>nca in Epipb- anlum ; App^iDdix advcrsuH Matuiinum Sirannium ; Ap- p«Ddix altera advcrdua Clsudium Salniasiuni. SboU'. NO- EnrnANitis Hngiopolita, or q/'<7i?7*wsfl?cm. Epipha- nii edita et inedita. Cura A. Bressel, Pa- risiis, 1843. 8" C088.219 Episcopacy. I-^piscopncy examined and re-exam- ined, comprisingthe tract " J'^piscopacy tested by Scripture," and the controversy concern- ing [it]. New York, 1835. 12" 3547.19 — Barnes, A. Scriptural argument for episcopacy examined *. 3454.33 — Baur, F. C. Ueber den Ursprung des Episco- pats in der christUchen Kirche 6064.7 — Col ton, C. Reasons for preferring episcopacy. 3547.18 — Emory, J. Episcopal controversy reviewed . . 3477.3 — Staudenmaicr, F. A. Geschichte der Bischofa- wahlcu 6064.8 Sec also : England (Cburch of), Methodist episcopal cbufc-h, Protestant episcopal church, Bomau catholic cliurch. Episcopius, S. opera thoologica [ed. S. Curcel- Ia:us]. Ed. II. Amstelsedami, 1G7S. f . . *6020.1 Contents. — Institutiones tbeologtrii! in quatuor Hbroa distincttc; Conciones dutc, de causii^ iiicrcdulitatis Ju- da'orum; llcsponsioad qutestionostheologicas sexaginta quatuor; Trnctatus brevis in quo expcnditur, An hoin- iiii Cbristiuno liceat gerero mngistratum ; Responsio ad duas Petri Wadingi Jesuitte cpistolas, unam de rcgula fidei, alteram de cuitu imaginuni ; I.abyrinthus, sive circulus pontidcius ; Responsio ad dilemmata decern pontiflcii alicujus doctoria ; Kxamen thesium Jacobi Capelli, de controversiis qua? ffcderatum Belgium vex- ant. Et, Satius-ne fuerit doetrinam Arminii tolcrarl quam damnari ; Tractatus brevis de libero arbitrio ; Examcn sentenliic J.oannis Cameronis de gratia Dei et libero honiiiiia arbitrio ; Responsio ad defensionem Joannis Cameronis, quam opposuit oxamini sententife sun: ; Judicium de controversia, quodnam sit ordina- riura convcrsionis medium, verbum-ne externum, an Tero internum ; Responsio ad duas epistolas JoaniuR Beverovicii, de vitie termino, fatalis-ne is sit, an mobilis; Paraphrasis et observationea in caput Vlll, IX, X ct XI epistolffi S. Pauli ad Komanos; HoriB Hebraicre et Talmudicie, impensa; in Acta apostolorum. — EpistoljB. 5'ee Limborch, P. V B. 140. 18 Epistles selected from the best writer.^. Knox, V. 4175.3 Epistol.e Graecanicae mutuas antiquorum. Cujas, J. 4200.8 EpiSTOI.^k obscurorum virorum aliaque jevi decimi sexti monumeuta rarissima. Herausg. und ei-lautert durch E. MUnch. Leipzig, 1827. S°. 6053.19 ConiCTits. — Epistolec obscuronim virorum ; Hogstratua ovnns; Dialogi aoptem: Momus, Carolua, Pugna pietatis et superstitionis, Conciltabulum theologistarum adver- sus Gennania; etbonorum littorarum studiosos, Colonifc cclebratum, postquam Jacobus Hohenstratus dejcctus est ab otiicio prioratus et ab oflicio inquisitoris, Apotheg- mata Vadisoi ct Pasquilli, de corrupto statu ecclesina, Buttenus captivus, Uutlenus iUuslris ; Epistola de meg- istris nostris Lovaniensibus quot et qualcs sint, quibus debemusmagistralcm illamdamnationem Lutbenanam; Julius exelusus ; Oratio ad CbrisLum Opt. Max. pro Julio II Pont. Max. ; Epistola de non apostolicis quorun- dam moriljus. qui in apostolorum ae successisse glori- antur; Philalethis; Oratio Constantini Eubuli de virtute clavium et bulla Leoois X contra M. Lutberum; Oratio pro Uutteno et Luthero ; Kltigliche Klag an dea Kaiser Carolum. Efistolarum obscuromra virorum volumina duo. Access, epistola B. Passavantii ad P. Lyse- tum. Ad lidem ed. Lond. 1710. Ed. 2a aucta ab H. G. Rotermundo. Ilannoverfe, 1S30. 8". 3527.5 Epistolary correspondencemadi- easy. Gignoux.J. 4089.40 Epitaphs. Norfolk, H. E. Gleanings in grave- yards 2534.4,5 — Robinson, .T. B. Epitaphs from London, Edin- burgh, Glasgow, etc 2534.3 Epithelium of the intestines. Sur la physiologic de IVpithelium intestinal. Finck, H. . . . 376^.22 Epithets, Book of English. Jerinyn,J. . .... 2582.5 EpP3, J. Domestic homoeopathy. 1st Am. ed, Boston, 1843. 16" 3807.28 — - Same. 3d Am. from 4th Lond. ed. Edited by G. W. Cook. Boston, 1848. 12° 3807.29 — Tliree phrenological essays. Notes by Rev. J. Fierpont. Boston, 1835. 12" 3600. 3G I EQUATIONS 176 ERSCH shelf- No. Eqcations, Theory of. Todhunter, 1 3936.27 Kraclio, or Eraclius. De coloribu.s et artibus Ko- manonim. [Morrllield. Painting, v. 1] . . 4066.22 Erasmus, D. Ad-igiorvm opvs. Basiles, IS.W. f°. 4920.4 — Ada.eiorum ohiliades riuatuor. See Adagia . . 4150.2 — Colloquia, cum omnium notis. Ed. noviss. Basiles, 168.3. 24° »4229a.21 — Colloquia selecta. 'With an English transla- tion. 20th ed. By J. Clarke. Glocester, [Eng.], irs2. 18° 4939.19 — - Same. Trenton, 1S06. 12° 4929a. 8 — Colloquia selecta. See Farrand, W. P 4929a. t> ■ — Colloouies, with a vocabulary. Edited by 0. K. Dillaway. Boston, laiS. 12° 4939a. 7 — Flores, e.\ ejus scriptis collecta [sic]. Lugduni Batavorum, 1645. sm.12'' **49.39.32 — Moriae encomivm, cii G. Listrii comentariis Pramittuntur Ludus L. A. Seneca de niorte Claudii, Synesivs de laudibus Caluitii, etc. Lutetia- Piirisinru, 1524. sm.4° **4g38.9 — Morix encomivm, cum G. Listrii commentariis, [et] epistol.TP aliquot. Lugduni Batavorum, 164K. sm.l2° "4939.30 — - Same. Cum figuris J. Holbenii. [Ed. C. Patino.] Basilea-, 1676. sm.8° *424S.10 — - Lob der Thorlieit. See Francke, S 6064.22 — Plea of reason, religion and hun.'.inity against war. New York, 1813. pp. 48. 8° 3577.10 — Vita, partim ali ipsomet scripta, partim ab amicis. Accedunt epistola illvstres. P. Scri- verii, et fautorum auspiciis. Lug:duni Bata- vorum, 1M9. sm.l2° *»4939.31 — Wie man sich gottselig zu sterbcn schicken vnd zum Todt bereiten soil. Durch.T.Sal- wechtcrn verteuschet. Franckfurdt am JIayn, 1540. sm.4° 0064.22 Epistolae ad Morum. See More, T 4181.2 — Life of ,Iohn Colet. [Plieni.'C, v. 2] 4157.1 — De recta I.atini Griccique sermonis pronuncia- tione dialogus. [Havcrcarap. Script, de lin- guie Gra;c£e pronunciatione, v. 2] 298.'*. 20 — Leben. See SlUller, A 4237.0 — Leben. See Wagner. Lebensbeschrcibungen beriihmtcr Keformatorcn, v. 7 6059a. 2. — and Melanchthon, 1". Epistohc, adjioiuutur T. Mori et L. Vivis epistol.-e. Loudini, 1642. 2v. f° .' *4'>70.3 Ekatostiiknbs Cyrenseus. Fragmenta metrlca, I [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 1] ..... B.r'2.7 — - Same. See Ilertel, .1 >• B:a9a.lO Ebatostiiknks -Cyrena^us, Pseudo- Eratosthenes. Cata-sterisml. [Gale. ' Opusculi myth. phys. ctcthica] 0070.22 EBAT'^.-iTiiKN:^ Schblasticus. r.pigrammata qtia- .''luO>^'. ■ (Urunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. ;ij . I!.iri2.7 EP.Tifer''.'vN"N, V. Vindicia; Bellarminiaiia: in qua- "*■ 'lor controversiarum tomos. See Bellar- •^ mino, It CO-p.2 ERCIiKMiiicitr, Erempert, or Herenibert, monk of Monte Cmsino. Ue jiostremis i|uinque.;rcgl- bus I, angoliardorum Italia'; lll-iorui l.ango- ^ bardorum lieneventi, post Pa'iliiiidulciinum. (Gr.Tvlus. Thes. autiryofllicliiillle,byG. Hancroll. SmCIcvc- land, OhUt 4323.14 — raraona, U. Battle of : a dlncourse. . . M.Ppli.v.1.33 /fM aUo: lUUIn of Lako Krlo munarnont nuocUtloD, Shelf. No. Erinna. Anacreon. XltW £»$ rnv P6)/i»)v 4205.22 — Fragmenta. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 1]. B. 162. 7 — Ode in laudemRomie, Grffce etLatinfe. [Lect. Poetffi Grffici, v.3] 420O.7 Eriphus. Comrediarum trium deperditarum frag- menta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 4]. B.162.8 Ebizzo, S. Le sei giornate. [Novelle.J Milano, 1805. S°. [Classic! italiani, v. 162] . . . **4806.4 — - Same. Firenze, 1832. [Kaccolta di uovel- lieri italiani, v. 1] 2773.14 Ermajj,G. A. ReiseuradieErdedurch Nord-Asien und die beiden Oceane, 1828-30. Berlin, 18-33- 48. 5v. 8° , •2276.6 - Same. Atlas. Verzeiclmiss von Thieren und Ptlanzen,.welche gesammelt wurde,p. Berlin, )8:!3-48. f° ; . . . . »22.M.3 Ekmengaud, or Ermengard. Contra \> Idensium sectam opusculum. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. patr.,v.24] ' B.110.2 Ermengaud de Beziers. Brc iari d'Amor. [Ray- nouard. Lexique roman, v. 1] 2687.12 ErmENOLD, Ermenric, or Ermanric. Vita sancti Sola; vel Soli, .\ngli, abbatis in Solenhoven. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 2, p. 2] 4140.3 Ermenric. Vita Hariolti fundatoris monasterii Elwangensis. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v.lO] 42I0-2 Erminuld, St. De vita ct miraculis S. Ermenoldi , libri duo, auctore anonymo. [Canisiu^.„,The- saurus, v. 4] 4140.3 EEJipLi) Niger, o>' Le Noir., C»rmina: In,ln>uorem Hludo\sici:Ciesaris Augusti libri qiintnor; In laudem I'iiipiui regis clegiK duo. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., V. 2] 4210.2 — De rebus gcstis Ludovici Pii, 781-S26, carmen clegiacum. [Mencke. Script. Germ., v. 1] . 1261.2 Eknani, Opera of Verdi, G 8042.13 Ernesti, or Ernst, Jacob D. Apauthismata, sivc flores philologico-historico-theologico-mora- les. Lipsiae, 1693. sm.S" „*ai00.14 .Ernesti, Johaniy A. Emolumenta ex vcterum scriptorum lectione percipieuda. Edinburgi, 1743. pp.51. 10° V. 1 of •B.170.3 Ernesti, .lohann II. M. Clavis lloratiana, sive indices rervm et vcrborvni pliilologico-clitici in opera Iloratii. lierolini, 1802, 3. Iv. in 3. 8° ••2925.2 Ernst, landtimve of Flexse-nheinfcls. lirielw echsel zwisciien Ernst, Leibniz, und Aruauld. See Grolelend, C. L 2844.10 Erp, U. van. Annales vernacullcoenobu Vrouwen- clooster dicti- [Mattluei. Analecta, v. 1] . 4139a.l EkpenIUS, or Erpe, T. van. (iruniniatica Ebrsra generalis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1021. sm.8°. [Irapeifcct] 3439.39 — Graunnatica Arabica. Accedvnt Locmannt fabvin'. et adagi'l qva'dam Arabvm. Aniste- liHlanii, l.i36, s.n.4° •4122.7 . — Ruilinientsu^ la langu;-- arabe,traduitscn Fran- 5aU. Suivis d'un suppleinen*, jiar A. E. Hu- bert. Paris, 1844. 8° 3034.40 Erro y Azpiroz, .1. B. de. Alfabeto de la lengua priiultiva de Kspai'ia, y e.\plieation de sus mas nntiguos monunu'ntos. Madrid, 1806. 8° . . •4120.3 Erroh.s of observations. Theory of. Airy, G. B. . 3929.2« Eusc:ii, J. S. Literatur der schonen Kiinste, scit der Milte des IMen .lahrliunderts. Aiiister- dalii, 1814. 8° '2170.35 — and G ruber, J. G. Encyklopiidie. llerausge- gebcn von II. Brockhaus. Leipzig, lKSfMl3. 17v. 4" •A.i:9.1,aud •B.162.1 Cofi(«t(». — Soc. I- Vol- I-XII. Ocr» — fiom-hlerht. I.XIM. (JcichleitehliMippiirRt— tJeiien. I.XIV. (IcBentiiB — fii'lriliik. I,XV. (Jnlrehle— (le«'erk©. LXVI. Cewliht — (lldom- 1.XVII. (Jlc— tllreiix. I.XVIll. lllro— (llnniH. I.XIX. (linn— (lIlerB. I.XX.dllmeif— Oiinmlith-ln. I, XXI. Onnpli— lltxl. I.XXll. Uuthiiiuw— OIWb. I.XXIII. I;(Ux« — ronioting Christian knowledge, etc. Christian moni- tor, y. 15] 5459.5 Erskine, 'V.Jord. Causes and consequences of the present war with France. From the a-Jth London edition. Boston, n. d. n° 4129.55 Erycu's Cyzicenus. Epigrammata. [Brunck. An- alectap t. Cr., v. 2] B.162.7 Erysipela.s. Ober die Koso der nougebolirnen Kinder. Kedd-lien, ,J. C. L 3779.2 ErzXhi^unuhn aus der alten und neuen Geschiclite der Briiderkirche Barby, 1803-05. 4v. in 1. 6ni.8° 6059.18 EsAIA.s, or Isaias, Orationes xxix, Latin^, P. F. Zino interpret, [Slaxinm bibliotb. vet. patr., V. 12] B.110.2 EscHATOLOG Y. Die Lehre von den letzten Dingen. Richter, F 6065.26 EscHENBACH, A. C. Epigenes, de pocsi Orphica commeutarius. Noribergs, 1702. 4° , . , . M205.15 EscHENB.vcH, J. A. De scribis veterum Romano- ru 'lissertatio. [Poleni. Utriusque thes. a. ■.«npp.,v.3] 2970.7 EscHENBACi, or Eschilbach, W. von. Parziva' und Tl'-urel. Rittergedichte, iib* "setzt und erliiutert von K. Sirarock. 3te Ausg. Stutt- gart, 1857. S° •*287J 31 — Parcival, cin Kitter-Gedicht a.d. XIII. Jalirhun- dert. iMiiller. .SamralungdcutscherUediclite a. d. XII.-XIV. Jahrhundert, V. 1] 2D01.3 — 'Willielra der heilige von Oranse. See Tur- heim, V 2901.6 E."*^ TEXBi'KG, J. .T. Denkmiiler altdeutscher Dichtkunst. Bremen, 1799. 1° *»287'.29 ESCHENMAYER, A. C. A. V. Mysterien des innern Lebens; eriautert aus der Geschiclite der Seherin von Prevorst. Tubingen, 1830. 8°. 6105.24. EsCURTAL, Tlie. Bermejo, D. Descripcion artistica ' del n?al monasterio de S. Lorenzo del Es- corial 3105.11 — Gachard, L. P. La bibllotb^que de I'Escurial. 2817.24 ESMARCtT, F. On the use of cold in surgery. Translated by E. Montgomery. London, 181)1. pp. 49. 8°. [London. New Syden- ham society] ■.•.., *5714.9 EspiNEL, V. Poesias. [Quintans. Parnaso espa- fiol, V. 2] 3104.19 EspiNOSA, P. de. Poesias. [Quintana. Parnaso espanol, V.2] 3104.19 Espy, ,1. P. Philosophy of storms. Boston, 1841. 8°. 3901.8 — First report on meteorology^ Seel lited States. Jliscellaneous documents . . r" B.180.3 EsQUiLACHE, priiweo/. .9te Borja y Esquilache, F. 3104.19 EsQUIRON de Parien. See Parieu, M. L. F. F. E. de. 4290.24 EsQUiROS, H. A. L'Angleterre et la vie anglaise. Bruxelles, 1859. 3v. 16° 24li7.16 — The Dutcli at home. Translated and edited by L. Wraxall. London, 18151. 2v. p.S" . . . 2804.17 Essay on a system of classical instruction. Lon- don, 1829. 12° 4969.1 Essay on contentment. By a gentleman of Glas- gow. London, 1749. pp. 31.- 12° ... »Pph. v. 371 Essay on divided commons. By a farmer. New- castle, 1778. pp. 95. 8° 3992.12 Essay on the constitution of England. 2d ed. London, 1706. 6° »3568.35 Essay on transcendentalism. Boston, 1842. 12° . 6099a. 9 Essays on school keeping. By an experienced teacher. Philadelphia, 1831. 18° 3599.27 EssAY.s on the origin of the federal government. Published in tbeCharleston mercury. Charles- ton, 18.30.- pp. 28. 8° 4326.20 23 Shelf. No. "Essays and reviews." Burgon,J.W. Answer to. 3424.10 — Hebert, C. Account of the 6453.18 — Kennard, R. B. Their origin, history, persecu- tion, etc 3427.12 ESSENES. De Pythngoreorum et Essenorum disci- plinaet sodalitiis. Grave, (;. L 4163.32 Essex, England, County of. Davids, T. W. An- nals of nonconformity in 3526.3 — Glossary of provincial words used in . .. v. 1 of 4586.20 EsTE. Delle anticbita Esfensi. Muratovi, L. A. . 4720.2 — In memorabilibus H^drinitinse ecclesiie epito- me. [Gra;vius. Thes. aiitiq. Ital.,T.9, p. 8]. 4710.1 ESTEE, C. F. Excise tax law. Index, etc. See United States. Miscellaneous documents .0.162.24 Ester, oratorio a cinque voci. Lisbona, 1774. pp.28. sm.8° v. lof**4799.17 ESTES, M. Defence of negro slavery, as it exists in the United States. Montgomery, 1846. 24° . 4296.27 Esthonia. Boeder, J. W. Der Ehsten abergliiu- biscbeGebraucbe,WeisenundGewobiiheiten. 6071.8 — Hupe^A.'W. Ehsthniscbe Sprachlehre nebst einem Wbrterbuch 4885.12 — Jannau, H. J. v. Charakter der Bauern in Ebstland 4296.26 — Kreutzwald, F. Mythischeundmagische Licder der Ehsten 4223.2 — Neus, H. E''Stnische Volkslieder 2875.10 Estienne, or S ephanus, H. L'introdvclion av traite de la conformity des merveilles an- ciennes avec les modernes. n. p., 1506. 8° . *6074.27 Note. — Thouph professedly printed in the same year and month as the original edition, this volume has not, like that, 572 pages, but 680. — Thesaurus Grjecse lingufe. Post ed. angl.novis additamentis auctum edid. C. B. Hase, G. et L. Dindorfius, T. Fix, etc. Parlsils, 1831-60, etseq. 8v. f° *4990.1 Con<«7«*. — Vol. I. Ease. 1-12. A— airrt/iiiju. n. Fasc. 1-6. B — ^MX^lOV. III. Fasc. 1-8. 1^ — tioVTiiv, IV. Fasc. 1-7. Z — KiiiMi. V. Fasc. 1-8. A — ooJ/JOJr. VI. Faac. 1-8. 11 — pcow. VII. Fasc. 1-8. S — T(.>0£0. VIII. Fasc. 1-7. Y — Mtd(?/7(. De attica! linBuaj sen dialecti idiomatis commentarius H. Stephani; Animad- versionos H. Stephani in librura Joannis pranitnatici de dialectis ; Animadversiones H. Stephalli in Corinthii lihrum tte-dialectis. . — Animadversiones in Erasmi chib'idas. See Adagia 4150.2 r_ Apologeticum pro veteri ac Germana lingua 1. t ra?c£Epronuntiatione. [Havercanip. Script. de linguae Grfecie pronunciatione, v. 1] . . . 2985.20 — Noctes aliquot ParisiUfe noctibus A. Gellii in- vigilata;. See Gellius, A B.179.5 EsTiENXE, or Stephanos, R. Ecclesiur-'icae h' ■>- riae : Eusebii Pamphili, Socratis, Tr Min, I'lillolofry fConipftrntlvo), Racob. Etiquettk of the ball-room. Boston, n. d. pp. 48. 18" 3589.27 Kt.na. Raflnesque-Schmalz, C. 8. Lc qunttro norule dell'Etna 2761.16 Kfcupcro, G. Storla naturatc e generale delP Etna 2761.15 Eton, Brief account of. Brown,.!, n 2490.19 EiON ciillege. Crenny, K. S. Some account of the foundation of .3592.7 — .Inhnson, W. Eton reform 369.!. ft Eton Gr<>ek grammar. Camdon, W 4B89.4 See also: Chiusi. Altnordisches Lesebiich. ETTJliJLLER, E. M. L. Ziirich, 1801. 4° 2901.2 — iiber nordische Dichtkunst. See Edda .... 2876.27 Etymologicon magnvm opera F. Sylbvrgii. Ed. nova. Lipsis, 1S16. 4° ••2980.8 Etymologicvm Griecse lingva; Gvdianvm et alia grammaticonm scripta. Ed. F. G. Stvrzivs. LipsiiB, 1808. 4° *4200.M EUANGELCS, or Evangelus. Anacalyptomenes frag- mentum. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5]. B.162.8 Edbulides. Comissatorisfragmentum. [Meiueke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 4] B.162.8 EUBULUS Cettius. Quinquaginta quatuor comopdi- arum perditarum fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., V. 4] B.162.8 EucHEiuus, St. Formula-, sen phrases S. Scrip- tural ; Qua?stiones veteris ac novi Testa- meuti ; Hebraicorum uoniiuuni interpreta- tio ; De vita solitaria ad Vahrianum ; De laude Eremi ; Commentaria in Genesim et in libros Regnm. [Ma.Kima biblioth. vet. pair., V. 6] B.no.2 JVo(e. — The Inst mentioned work is not by Eucherius. [Maxima biblioth. B.U0.2 — E.xhortatio ad monachos. vet. patr., v. 27] .... EiixoXojioi' TO ^i£ja,ircpux,(iv raj rrciv fjrra itvorriptwv anoXovittas, Etfiotris vca. Ei- Bti'frin, 1851. 8". »6071.6 Euc^LiDES. Commentaries on the first hook of Eu- clid's elements. Sec Proclus Diadochus . . 4271.5 EUDOCIA Augusta, orii/inalhj Athenais, empi-css of Home. De ('hristo Homerocentones. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 6] B.110.2 Kotc. — rrobnl>ly spnrlona. EUDOXUS. Fabularnmduarumreliquiic. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5] B.162.8 EUGtNE de Beauharnals,;)riiice. See Beauharuais, E. de. EuGENius, bishop of Carthage.. Expositio fidci Uunerico regi oblata. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 8] B.110.2 EUGENii'.'*, bishoiy of Toledo. Poemata. [Jlivxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 12] B.110.2 ECGIi-Piiis. Epistola in vitam S. Severini. [Can- isius. Thesaurus, v. 1] . ■ 4140.3 EOLENSiMKGicL, r. Jhirvellous adventures and rare conceits of Master Tvll ( Iwlglnss. Set forth in English by K. K. U. Mackenzie. 2d cd. Lon- ilon, I860.' 12° 2576.13 — llet iierdig en vermiickelyk leaven van T. U. T'Autwerpen, u. d. pp.48. sm.S" •4103.16 jS'n^c. — Eulenspicprcl WH« n renl mnn, bnt Thomnil Mnrncr is aiild lo Imvc wTitlen this book, or us other* contend, only trnnslntcd it Into Latin. Em.KR, L. Elements of algebra, selected by [.T. Farrar]. 4th ed. Boston, 1836. 8° . . . . 3936.6 EtTi.oGiis Alexandrinus, St. Sermo in diem fes- tum pulnmrum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 12) B.U0.2 EULOOIt'S Cordubensis, St. Mcmoriiile sanctorum ; Apologetlous inartyrum: IbicurMinluiu mar- tyrll ; Epistohc. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. )5] B.no.2 EUMUNUTS. Pro instaurandls scholis orallo; Pane, gyricns Constanllo C.Tsnri reii pla llillanula dietus; I'anegyricus ('(instiintlno Angu.vio diotns; Graliaruni actio Constantino Augusto Flavlenslum nomine. [Panegjrlci veteres, V.3] Bl'^-Z EUNAPIUS 179 EUROPE Shulf. No. EUXAPIUS Snrdianus. Vitas sopliistnnim et frag- nieiita lii-Jtoriurum veceiisuit J. F. Boisson- tn\v. Acn-dit unnotiitio l>. Wytti'iibuchii. Amstoludami, KVJJ. *.iv. in 1. S" -1203.4 EuNlcus. ConiaHliie Autiicfrugmeiituin. [Meincko. Fragin. com. Clr., v.;(] B. 102.8 EuNOMius. Coafcssio lidci, apologia et disputatio cum orthodoxo, Gr. ct Lat. [CauisLus. The- saurus, V. 1] 4H0.3 EuN'OMUs : or, dialogues couceniing the law audcou- stitution of Euglaud. Wynne, E 5508.15 EtrpHOKioN Chalcidfusis, CommcntatiouesdeEu- phorioue. [iteineke. Aualecta Alexan- driua] 4205.21 EUPH1U)N. Fabulamm novom perditarum reliquia;. [Meineke, ' Fragm. com. Gr., V. 5J B.102.8 EuPOLis. Viginti coma-diarum fragmeuta. [Mei- neke. Fragm. com. Ur., v. 2] B.162.8 EuiUviDics. Traguidice. Edidit E. Person. Tom. 1. Lipsia, lb07. 8' **2972.18 CoiiterU8. — B.ccuha, Orestes, Phoenisaaa, Mcdt-a. — Tragcedisc viginti, ex editione Josuse Barues. Oxonii, 1811, 12. Cv. 32' 4099a,28 Contents. — XqI. I. Hecuba; Orestes; Phocnisssc. II. Mvda-a; Uippolytus; Alctstis; Aiulronmche. III. Sup- pUcesj Iphigenia in AuHde; Iphigenia in Tauris, IV. Rhcsns; Troadcs; Buccho:. V. Cyclops ; Utiraclidte ; Helena. VI. Ion; Hercules furena; Electra. — Opera omnia; Latina iuterpretatione et erudi- torum observatiouibus instructa, cura A. et J.M.Duncan. Glasgua, 1821. 9v. 8°. . . *B.1GS.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Euvipidis vita, siro commcntariua de Euripidis vita et scriplis auctore J. Bnrnesio ; Trac- tiitus de tra£i)lico9i Ijiliigo- □iain Aulide. V. Iphigenia in Tauris; lUicsus; Tvoades. VI. Bacchfc; Cyclops; Ueraclidte; Helena. VII. Ion; Hercules furens; Electra; Danae; Prapraenta; Episto- laa. VIII. V^lckenterii diatribe in Euripidis tVagmcnta; Indices; Supplemcnta. IX. Index Buckii; Supplonicu- tum; Index In notas; Index auctorum. — Observationes'criticae in quosdam locos Euripi- dis. See Hermann, J. G. J 4955.2 — Tragoediae qua extant, cum Latina interpreta- tioue G. Canteri. [Lect. Fouta: Gra:ci, v. 2]. 4200.7 — Alcestis, Gr. et Lat. Cum uotis Barnesii, Mvs- gravii, Reiskii qvibvs et svas adiecit C. T. Kv-inoel. Lipsise, 1789. S" **2988.5 — Alcestis, with notes by T. D. Woolsey. New ed., revised. Boston, 1850. 12° 2972.22 — Cyclops, Graec6. Recensvit et illvstravit J. G. C. Ha?pfuer. Lipsiie, 1789. S° **2972.20 — Cyclops Latinitate donate a Q. Septimo Flo- rente Cliristiauo. .See Casaubon, 1 2953.16 — Electra. Annotationibus Instruxit H. Robin- son. Cantabrigise [Ang.], 1822. 8° 2972.23 — Hecvba. [Ex Latina D.Camilli iuterpretatione] illustravit C. F. Ammon. ErlaugK, 1789. 8^**29S8.4 — Hecvba. G. Ilermanuj ad eam et ad R. Porsoni notas animadversiones. Lipsis, 1800. 8" . **2972.21 — Hecuba. See Vorst, J B.169.6 — Helena, eine Trag. iibers. von C. M. Wieland. [Wieland. Neues Attisches museum, v. IJ . 4955.11 •^ HercvlfS fvrens. Recensvit G. Hermannvs. Lipsire, 1810. sm.8° **29S8.9 — Ion, iibersetzt luid erlautert, [Wieland. At- tisches museum^ v. 4J 4955.10 — M/ff^fia e recensione et cvm notis R. F. P. Bnnck. CvravitH.Bliimner. Lipsia;,[1793]. pp. 91. sm.b" **2988.8 — Bax, C. Ue uaturx simplicitate in Euripidis Oreste 2972.25 — Schlegel, A. W. v. Vergleichung der Pbadra des Racine mit der des Euripides 2972.19 Shelf. No. EuROPA. Chrontk der gebildeten Welt [BegrUnd. von J. C. A. LewaldJ. Leipzig, 1801, 02. 2v, 4° *7241.1 Europe. Geor/raphi/y ti-avch^ etc. — Bartol, C. A. Pictures of 2273.25 — Calvert, G.H. Scenes and thoughts in . . . . 2277.17 — Dutens, L. Travels through the principal cities of . . . • 2274.14 — Everest, R. Proportion of foreigners to natives in the several states of B. 170. 65 — llotland, B. l»anorama of 7039.16 — Hogg, T. J, Journal of a traveller on the con- tinent 2273.26 — Kay, J. Social condition and education of the people in 4306.31 — Latham, R. G. Nationalities of 2235.11 — Lippincott, S. J. C. Haps and mishaps of a tour in • 2273.23 — Pelz, E. Wanderungen im Norden 4210.22 — Sansom, J. Letters from, during a lour through Switzerland and Italy, l.sdl and IMi-i .... 2703.8 — Schubert, F. W. Allgemeinu Staatskunde von Europa 4286.10 — Stowe, H. E. B. Sunny memories of foreign lauds 2273.21 — Wallace, H.B. Art, scenery and philosophy in. 4267.7 See also : Austria, Black sen, Denmark, Enplnnd, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greccw, Italj', Neth- erlaiids, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey. History J politics^ etc, — Arnd, E. Gescliichte der letzten vierzig Jahre 4146.10 — Diefenbach, L. Origines Europa?a; ..... 2235,10 — Dyer, T. H. History of modern Europe, 1453- 18.57 2294.4 — Everett, A. H. Survey of the principal powersof. 2307.4 — Fischer, P. C. J. Sitten uud Gebriiuche der Europaer im v.und VI. Jahrhundert . . . 4145. 20, .21 — Garnier-Pages, L. A. Revolution de 1848 . . 2307.3 — Gentz, F. v. Geschichte des politischen Gleich- gewichts in Europa 2307.8 — Giirres, J. Europa und die Revolution . . . . 4210.18 — Guizot, F. P. G. Gouvernement repr^seutatif en Europe 4018.3 — - Representative government in B. 159a. 16 — - History of civilization in 2.302.11 — Hunter, W. Political state of, in 1805 .... 2:i07.9 — Kortiim, F. Geschichte Europa's 2294.3 — Mably, G. B. de. Le droit public de I'Europe, fonde sur les traites 3687.10 — Mone, F. J. Geschichte des Heidenthums im ncirdlichen Europa 6070.10 — Ritter, C. Vorhalle europaischer Volkerge- schichten vor Herodotus 4156.4 — Russell, J. Principal states from the peace of Utrecht 2.307.7 — Schlozer, A. L. von. Geschichte von dem Norden 4212.5 — Thomas, F.S. Historical notes 7054.5 Languages and literature. — Draper, J. W. Intellectual development of. 2205.2 — EUissen, A. Verzuch einer Polyglotte der europaischen Poesie 2195.6 — Murray, A. History of the European lan- guages 4207.2 — Rapp, C. M. Historischer Entwicklung der abendlandiscben Idiome 2955.20 — Schleiclier, A. Die Sprachen Europas in sys- tematischer Uebersicht 4207.7 — "Wagner, A. Zum europiiischeu Sprachenbau. 4207.5 Natural history. — Brehm, C. L. Naturgeschichte aller europai- schen Viigel 3909.11 — Fortescue, T. Quadrupeds and reptiles of . . 3903.32 AWf.— See also the namee of the various counlriei of Europe. EUBOPE'S 180 EUTRorrus Shelf. No. Europe's catechism. Added, The new elect cate- chis'd ; and the cntechist catecliis'd. London, 1741. ii" *rph.v.370 El'SEBIUS, bishop of an unknown see. Oratio de commemoratione sanctorum C. Fabiano in- terprete. [Maximabiblioth. vet. patr., v. 27]. B.110.2 EusEBirs Alexandrinus. Honiilia de secundo Christi adventu supremoque jndicio. [Mai. Class, auct., V. 10] 6.172.3 EuSEBirs Emisenus. Homilia ad populum et rao- nacbos, in lucem emissje per J. Gaigneium. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 6J B.110.2 Kote. — The homilies attributed to Eusebius of Emisa are probably spurious, and of more recent date. — G- E. L. Cotton in Smith's dictionary o/ Greek and Roman biography. Eusebius GalUcanus. See Eusebius Emisenus. Eusebius Pitmphilus. Opera omnia [Latins variis interpretibus]. Basilese, 1570-70. 2v.ini. f°.*B.130.8 Contents. — De evangelica prieparatione libri XV Geor- gio Trapezuntio, Marco Uoppero el J. T. Frt'igio inter- pretibus; De evangelica demonstratione libri X Dona- to Veroaense interprete ; Eusebii advcrsus Uieroclem, Christum cum Apollonio TyaniEo conferentem, liber, Zenobio Acciolo iuterprete; Hislorlic ecclesinsticee libri decern, partim Ruffluo, partim J, Cbristophorsono inter- pretc; De vita Constat] tini libri IV Joanne Portesio in- terprete; Oratio Constantini magui in synodo habita, J. Portesio interprete; Pancgyricua Constantini, J. Chris- tophorsono interprete ; Chronicon Hieronyrao interprete; Cbrooicon Hieronymi, cum paralipomenis; Clkronicoa Prosper! Aquitanici; Chronicon Matthiie Palmerii Flo- reotini; Chronicon Matthise Palmerii Pleani. — Opuscula nunc primum in lucem edita studio J. Sirmondi. [Maxima biblioth. vet. i^atr., V, 4] B.110.2 Conttntfi. — De flde adversua Sabelliura libri duo; De reaurrectione et ascensione Domini; Dc incorpornli et invisibili Deo; Dc incorporali anima; De Gpintali cogi- tatuhominis; Quod Deus Fater incorporalis est; De eo quod ail Dominus, Non veui pacem raittere in ten'am; De mandato Domini, Quod dico vobia in aure, supra teota pnedicate ; De operibua bonis et malts; De open- buB bonis ex epiBtola Pauli ad Coriuthtos secunda. — De demonstratione evangelica libri decern. Quibus ace. contra Marcellum libri duo, de ecck's. theologia tres. Studio 11. M[outa cutii] Latini.' facta. Ed. nova [Gr. et Lat.] juxta Farisiuam 1028. Colonia, 1068. f . , *B. 140.4 Note. — Subjoined to the Do demonstratione evangclica is " Liber contra Hieroclcm, qui ux PhiloHtrnti hlstoHa comparavit Apollonium Tyanoum Salvatori nofitro Jesu Christo, Zenobio AccloIo Floreutino Interprete." — Proocmlum et capita priora dumonstrationis evangelical. A'ec Eabricius, J. A 3434.10 — Historiac ecclesiastical libri x. Cum H. Valesii commentario, edldit F. A. lleinicheu. Lip* Bia;, 1827-10. 4v. In 3. H° 60-10.18 — Ecclef*iastica; historia; libri decern, GriEc6. See Eslienne, K B.130.0 — EccU'!*iastical history to the 20th year of Con- stant ine. Translated by Uev. C. V. Crusfe, 4th ed., revised. Prefixed, the life of Euse- bius, by ValesiuH; translated by S. E. Par- ker, London, 1847. 8" 0040.10 — Kirchen-Guschlchte, uus dem Griechisclien iibersetzt, vou F. A. Stroth. Qucdlinburg, 17W. 2v. 8* 0040.10 — Life of the emperor Ooustantinc. London, IMS. 8° 3550.5 — Vita; Constantiul Ilbrl decern, Gra;c6. Sec Es- lienne, K B.130.0 — Ononiiistlcon urbium el locorum Hacrtc scrip- turu!. Graic^ cum Luthia Jlleronynil iiiter- pretatlone, ud. F. Larsow et G. I'arthey. BiTolinl, 1802. 10' 5132.8 — rra-paratlo evangelica. V. Vlgervs recenf^ult, LallD6 vortit, notts Uliintravlt [Gr. ct Lat]. Ed.novajuxtaPsrlB.lG28. Colonic, 16t>8. f%*B.140.3 Shelf. No. Eusebius Pampliilus, Prieparatio evangelica, conrd. — - Same. Edidit F. A. Heinichen. Lipsis, 1842,43. 2v. 8° 0040.17 — - Same. Recensuit T. Gaisford. Acced. F. Vigeri versio Lat. et L. C, Valckenajrii dia- tribe de Aristobulo. Oxonii, 1843. 4v. 8°. 0040.14 — De Christo etAbgaro,fragmeutum; De Christo narratio Filati ad Tiberium. [Gryna?us. Monumenta ss. patrum] B.141.3 — CommentariiinPsalmoset inHesaiam. [Mont- fiiucon. CoUectio nova patrum et scriptorum Grrecorum, v. 1, 2] G020.3 — Liber adversus Hieroclem; Animadversiones in Philostrati de Apollonio Tyauensi com- mentarios. See Philostratus , , 4190.5 — Socrates and Evagrius. History of the church to A. D. 5iH. Also, Life of Constantine, his oration to the saints, etc. [Tr. by Hannier, Saltonstall, etc.] 2d ed. London, 1709. f. *B.140.2 Eusebius Vercellensis, St. Epistola dum esset in exilio; Epistola ad PatropUilum. [Maxima biblioth, vet. patr., V. 5] B.110.2 EuSTATHius, or Eumathius. Gli amori d'Ismenio e d'Ismine, ridotti in Italiano da Lelio Caraui. [Collezione degli erotici greci, V.4] B.162.3 EuSTATHius Antiochenus. In hexaemeron com- mentarius Leone Allatio interprete; De en- gastrimytho dissertafio adversus Origenem, Allatio interprete. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 27] B. 110.2 Note. — ThQ first of these two ' written by Euetathius." canuot have been EUSTATHIUS Romanus, or Constantiuopolitanus. Xltfti KpoviKUiv StaoTTifxaTuv airo ponrn ecus ^ £Tb}i'. See Cujas, J 4290.1 A'ote. — W. A. Greenhill, in Smith's dictionnrj* of Greek and Roman biography, says that this work is falst-ly as- cribed to Eustnthius Romunus, though it may be the pro- duction of Eustathlua, antecessor Coustantiuopolitanua. EUSTATHIUS Thessalonicensis. SIkcovo^ tuv e^rjyr} aciov ofiripiKiov tie Tdiv Tov EvoTaOetuv jtapCK- /?oXw^ avvTipiio See Dionysius Periegetes B. 102.0 EuSTRATius. Adversus eos qui dicunt, animas statim atque t corpore solutas esse, nou opernri, etc., interprete L. Allatio. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 27] B. 110.2 EUTiiYCLES. Duarum comoediarum fragmcnta. [Meineke. Fragm. com.Gr., v. 3] B.162.8 EuTiiYMius Zigabenus. Orthodoxy fidei dogmat- Ica panoplia, Lat. F. Zino interprete; Com- mcnturii in omncs I'salmos, Lai. et in decern Cantica P. Saulo iuterprete; Connnentana in SS. Evangelia, Lat. .1. lleutenio iuterprete. [Maximabibliotb. vet. patr., V. W] . .... B.110.2 EUTIN, near Labeck^ Hanover. Eutiner Skizzeu. Bippen, W. v 2904.4 EUTOCius Ascalonita. Comnu'ntarii super Archl- mcdis operibus. See Archimedes 6910.6 EUTROPIUS. Historiffl Komana; bi'eviariuin; cura versione Auglica. Tr. by J.Clarke. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 1793. 12" 4919a. 29 — - Same. 3d Am. ed. by S. Rudd. New York, 1805. 12" 4919a. 31 — Abridgment of Roman history, with an inter- lineal translation, under the direction of J. ilaniilttm. Loudon, 1828. 12° •1919a. 30 — Breviariunihistoriiu Koniaurc. [Fiedler. Scrip- tores historia; Romaua;] B.177.7 — - Same. See Historia) liomttute ecriptorea mlnoreu 2926.14 — - Same. [IHstorlai Romanic scriptorus, v. 1]. 4240.3 — - Same. ,SVe llistoria miscella 2758.14 EUTROPlus. Historiie Uomana- breviarium et Sextl Aurelii Victorls de virls illustribus liber, Juxta editiones C. H. Tzschucke et J, Arnt- zenii. Loudini, 1802. 18" 4919a. 32 EUTROPIUS 181 EVERETT SluU". No. EuTROPius, contimied. — Breviariiim historirp Komana', cum nietaplira.'^i Gra^ca I'a-uiiii. Accfiliiiit Scxii K'uli hrcvia- rium, Mossalla (\>rviiius lU* [irogiMiii' AuKUsti, etc. Keceusuit S. Uaverciimpus. Lugduni liatavoriini,1729. 8" *B.178.5 EUTROPius, hi.-ihop of Vitlentia. Ad retnim papain rt'mcdia confra vitia principalia qua:! huina- nuin Kpnus infestant, et cpistola ad euudum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr.,v. 27] B.110.2 EUTYCHiua. Commentarii in Evangelium Lucre fragmentum. [^lai. Class, auct., v. 10] . . B.I72.3 EVAGRirsi ronticus. Dcootovitiosiscojiitationibus liber. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v.5] . . B.110.2 — Scutentia; ad eos qui in copnobiis babitant et alia? ad quandam virginem ; De octo viliosis cogitationibus, epitome. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 27] B.110.2 EvAGRius Scholasticus. Ecclesiasticie historiae libri sex, (ir(ec6. See Estienne, R B.130.6 — - Same. Latiu6. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 11] B.110.2 — - Same. See Grynjeus, J.J B. 130.7 — Ecclesiastical history. .SceEusebiusParaphilus. B.140.2 Evangelical, Cliristendom : its state and pros- pects. A mouthly journal. Vol. 1-11. Lon- don, 1847-57. llv. 1.8° *7512.1 Evangelical Lutheran ministerium for the state of New York. Additional hymns to the col- lection for the evangelical Lutheran churches. New York, 18;H. 16° 5-H9a.l2 — Minutes of the forty-third [and] fifty-sixth synod. Albany, I8:i9, 51. 8° *Pph.v.l04,:95 Evangelical magazine and missionary chronicle. Vol. 1-30; new series, v. l-.3(.i; new series, V. 1-4. London, 1793-1802. 70v. 8° . . . . *7517.2 — - Same. Index to the lirst twenty-four vol- umes, 1793-1816. AVith a list of portraits. London, 1817. 8"* *7517.1 Evangelien, Die, ihr Geist, ihre Verfasser und ihr VerhiiUniss zu einander. Leipzig, 1845. 8°, 6025.4 Ev^VNGELiscHE liederen uit bet Hoogduits vertaalt. 3de druk. Amsterdam, 1742. 8° 6067.11 Evangelist's manual ; or a guide to trinitarian universalists. Charleston, 1829. 12° .... 3453.6 EV.VNS, A. Rights of C. T. Jackson to the dis- covery of the ana;sthetic effects of ether vapor. 5fe S'tanley, E 6087.88 Evans, E. Pedestriftis tour of 4,000 miles, through the western states and territories, in 1818. Concord, N. IL, 1819. 12' 2368.19 Evans, F. W. Short treatise on the second ap- pearing of Christ, in the order of the female. Boston, 1853. pp. 24. 12° B.160b.l3 — Tests of divine inspiration. New Lebanon, 1853. 12" B. 170b. 18 Evans, G. Speech on the bill to authorize an issue of treasury notes, delivered in the house of representatives, Jan. 19, 1641, Washington, 1841. 8' *rph.v.382 — Speech, upon the resolutions of Mr. Clay, relat- ing to tlie revenues and expenditures of the government, etc., delivered in the senate. Washington, 1842. 8° *Pph.v.382 Evans, John, /)./)., b. 1680,^.1730. Christian tem- per: thh-ty-eight discourses upon practical religion. 1st American from 6th London ed, Cambridge, 1801, 2v. 12° 6066.23 Evans, John, 6. 1767, d. 1827. Denominations of the Christian world. 1st Boston from 9th London ed. Boston, 1807. 8° 3533.6 — - Same. 13th ed., corrected and enlarged. London, 1814. 24* 6039a. 11 Evans, K. W. England under God. London, 1862. p.8° 3525.18 Evans, T. [Series of letters, addressed to Thomas Jefferson, concerning his official conduct and principles. By Tacitus.] Pliila., 1602. 8° . 4.327.12 — Examination into the causes of the national bankruptcy. London, 1S16. pp, 48, 8° , *Pph.v.340 Hhelf. No. EVANSON, R. T., and Maunsell, 11. Management and diseases of children. 2d Am. ed., with notesbvD.F.Condie. -Philadelphia, 1843. 8°. 3777.21 EvANTius. Epistola contra eos, qui sanguinem animaliuni inimumlum esse judieant et car- nem numdam esse dicunt. [Cauisius. The- saurus, v. 1] 4140.3 — - Same. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 11]. B.110.2 EVAKTs, J. Oration at Charlestown, on the fourth of July, 1812. Charlestown, 1812. 8° . . . . 4 390a. 38 — Spring, G. Tribute to the memory of. . . Pph.v..375 — Woods, L. Sermon on the death of . . . . Pph.v.375 EvAKTS, W. jr. Oration before the New England society of New York, 234th anniversary of the landing at Plymouth. New York, 1855. 8° . 4390a. 37 — Oration, and a poem by F. JL Finch, before the Linonian society of Yale college, at its centennial anniversary, etc., [July 27, 1853]. New Haven, 1853. 8° 4390a. 37 Evelyn, J. [Historiadetribusimpostoribus, Paclre Ottomanno, Mahomed Bei oder Joliann Mi- chael Cigala, und Sabatai Sevi. Aus. dem Engl.] n. p., 1669. sm.8° *6059a.l8 Evening mail, Dec. 1845— Dec. 18G0. Vol. 1-28. London, 1845-00. 32v. f° *7480.1 EVENUs Parius. Fragmenta. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 1] B.162.7 — Sententi.-e. See Hertel, J B.169a.l6 EvERARD, or Everts, J. N. Joannis Secvndi opera. Parisiis, 1748. sra.l2° **4938.28 Everest, U. Influence of social degradation in producing pauperism and crime, n. p., n. d. pp. 18. 8° B.170.46 ^ — Journey through the United States and part of Canada. London, 1855. 8° 4363.6 — Proportion of foreigners to natives, and of foreign and native convicts, in several states of Europe and America. [No title-page.] pp. 7. 8° B.170.C5 — Statistical details respecting the republic of Lu- beck, compared with some other European states, n.p., n. d. pp. 39. 8° B. 170. 64 — Sequel to the statistical details respecting the republic of Lubeck. n. p., n. d. pp. 8. 8". B. 170, 66 Everett, a. H. [A few notes of certain passages respecting the law of nations, in an article of tlie North American review upon " Eu- rope."] Boston, 1823. pp.32. 8° 4390a.44 — Address at Bro\vn university, Sept. 4, 1837, on the moral character of the literature of the last and present century. Providence, 1837. 8° . 4390a. 39 — Address at Jefferson college, La., June 30, 1841, on assuming the functions of president. New Orleans, 1841. 8" 4390a. 39 — Address before the Massachusetts charitable fire society, May 28, 1813. Boston, 1813. 8° .4390a. 39 — Address on the character and influence of Ger- man literature, delivered at Hanover, N. H., July 24, 18.39. Boston, 1839. 8° 4390a. 39 — Address on the present state of polite learning in England and America, delivered at Bruns- wick, Me., Sept. 3, 1834. Boston, 1834. 8° . 4390a. 39 — British opinions on the protecting system, being a reply to several British publications. Re- printed from the North American review, for Jan., 18:J0. pp.85. Boston, 1830. 8° . . .4390a.39 — Defence of the character and principles of Mr. Jefferson ; an address at Weymouth, July 4, 1836. Boston, 1836. 8° 4390a. 39 — [Europe ; or a general survey of tlie situation of the principal pofrers.j Boston, 1822. 8°. 2307.4 — Nouvelles idees sur la population. Trad, par C. J. Ferry. Paris, 1626. 8° 3645.8 Everett, E. Address at the funeral of Kev. J. L. Abbot. Boston, 1844. 8° 4390a. 33 — Address at Lexington, April 19 (20), 1835. Charlestown, 1835. 8" . . . *4]63.14, and *Pph.v.380 — Address at the opening of the new medical col- lege, Nov. 6, 1846, and the introductory lecture byG. Hayward. Boston, 1846. 8' 4390a. 40 EVERErr 182 EWALD Shelf. No. EVEKETT, E., continued. — Address before the mercantile library associa- tion, Sept. 13, 1S3S. Boston, 18:iS. 's" . . . 4.390a. 40 — Address before the New York agricultural soci- ety, at Buffalo, Oct. i>, !857. Albany, Itor. S'.4390a.40 — Address delivered at tlie consecration of the soldiers' cemetery, at Gettysburg, Nov. 19, lS»l.t. Boston, 1803. 8° . . .' 4355.30 — - Same, New York, 1S03. 8° 4355.30 — - Same. With the speech of Pres. Lincoln, and the other exercises. Boston, 18G4. 8°. 4355.30 — - Same. 5^?e Andrew, J. A. Address, etc. . 4390a. IS — - Same. .See Boston. Municipal government. 4355.30 — Address delivered in Faneuil hall, Oct. 19, IStH. [No title-page.] 8° 4310a. 72 — Address to the two branches of the legislature, Jan. 3, 183S. Boston, 1838. 8* 4327.13 — Address, and the poem of O. W. Holmes, at the dinner given to the prince Napoleon, Sept. '^5, 1861. Cambridge, 1861. 8° 2293,11 — Claims of citizens of the United States on the governments of Naples, Holland, and France. Cambridge, 183G. 8° 4327.13 — Discovery and colonization of America, and im- migration to the United States. A lecture, June 1, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8° 4390a.4O — Eulogy on the life and character of J.Q.Adams. Boston, 1S4S. 8° 4.390a. fi — In1;roductory note. See 5Iitchcll, M 5922.20 — Letter on the present crisis, May 15, 1861. See Holt, J 4310a. 119 — Memoir of John Lowell, jun. Introduction to lectures on his foundation. Boston, 1840. pp. 74. 8° *4163.13 — Oration at Charlestown, on the 75th anniversary of the battle of Bunker hiir. Boston, 1850. 8°. 2355.1 — Oration delivered in Boston on the fourth of July, 18G0. Boston, ISfiO. 8' 2393.5 — Questions of the day. An address, in New York, July 4, 1861. New York, 18fU. 12° 4310a. 72 — - Same. New York, ISOI. 8° 4310a. 72 — liemarks at a hearing before tlie joint com- mittee of education, Feb. 1, 1848, in aid of the memorial of the colleges. Cambridge, 1848. pp. 38. 8= 4390a. 40 — Remarks of Mr. Everett [and others] in the senate on the memorial of 3,050 clergymen, remonstrating against the passage of the Nebraska bill. Washington, 1854. 8" . . .0087.120 — Remarks ()n the French (jnestion, in the houst? of representativesof the United States. With the reports of the majority and minority of the committee of foreign alfairs. Boston, 18-35. pp. 31. 8' 4327.13 — Sermon at the dedication of the First congre- gational church in New York, Jan. 20, 1821. New York, 18'21. 8° 4390a. 40 — Speech. See Middlesex, County of^ Mass. So- ciety of husbandmen, etc 5993.10 — Speech at the Boston union meeting, Dec. 8, 1858, and [remarks] of T. \\. S<'yniour and S. Kliot at the Hartford union meeting, Dec. 14,1859. n. p., I8il0. 8' 4310a. 83 — Speech in support of the memorial of Har^'ard, W'illiums.and Amherst colleges, in the hall of tin- house of ri'prescntatives, Boston, Feb. 7, 1819. Cunibridge, 1819. 8" 4390a, 40 — Speech on the Central American treaty, de- livered In the senate of the United Slates, March 21, 1X.VI. Washhigtoii, IN.V(. - 8" . . . 4327.13 — Spt-ech on the Nebraska and Kan^\v piH'tisclK'ii HiicliiT (Ics iiltcn IJundes er- klart. 5feBibh^ Old IVstament 6017.19 — Pk- .lolmnneisclien Scliriftcn iibi-rsezt uiul or- kliirt. .SVc itible. Now Tuslament. Gospels, 3425.9 EWALO, J. Saintlige Skvilter. Andct Oplag. Kjii- bcuhavu, ISH-IG. 4v. sm.S'' •*2876.4 Contentf. — Vol. I. Lykkcns Tempol. en DriSm ; Ailiim Og EvaclU'rtlpDulykkelipe Priivo, cl drnmnlisk Slykkc; Lyn'ske Snper. II. RolfKrnpo, et Sftr^respil; PUihimon og Itiiucis, ct Skui'spil mcd Sung; I'liiluts Forcing oni Pebcraveiislone ; Lyrisko Slykker. III. Rnldere Iifia, et heroisktSyiigcspil ; Fiskemi', et Synpe»|iil; Mindre I'oe- B(er; Lciliplicda Vers. IV. Hnrleqvin Pntriot, ellor den on>^te Patriutisnic, comoedie; Pobt-rsvondeue, ft Lyst- Bpil; De bnitale Klnppore, et trapiconiiskt ForspH ; Slinilrc PouBicr; Leilighcds-Vers; Frode, et SiJrgospil; Tillfcg; Anhang, Ewers, J. P. G. Das altestc Recht der Russen in seiner gescbichtlicbeu Entwickeluiig darge- stellt. Dorpat, 18J(i. S° 4304.14 EwiXG, G. Meraoir of Barbara Ewing, Boston, 1820. 16° 4549a. 26 — Syntax of tbe Greek language. .See Moor, J. 49s9a.l7 ExA3iEN des questions de juridiotion entre les gouvernements anglais et americain, dans I'aftaire de la Creole. Paris, n. d. pp. 32. [>'o title-page.] 8% v. 1 of 4295. 26 Examination of evangelical theology. Sandusky, 1853. pp. 10. 8° 6088.226 Examination of the conduct of Great Britain, re- specting neutrals, since 1791. Coxe, T. . . . 4390a. 46 Examination of the rights of the [American] colonies upon principles of law. London, 1766. 8° *Pph.v.241 EXAMiNATOR's letters, or, a mirror for British mo- nopolists and Irish financiers, Dublin, i;86. pp.9(i. 8" V. 4 of 2478.3 Examiner, The. Jan. 4, 1851-Dec. 25, 1852; Jan. 185J^Dec. 1862. London, 1851-62. 8v. f" . *7181.1 ExASiTNERS, The, [by Swift and others], for [Aug. 3, 1710]— May 11, 1713. London, 1712-14. .3v. sm.12'' 4549.25 ExcEBPTA Latina, in usum etudiosomm. Kovi- Portus, 1836. 12' 4929a. 15 Exchange. Ruelle, J. R. Operations des changes des principales places de I' Europe 3(>S4.29 — Serre, A. Theorie des operations du change . 3684.27 Exclusive system, The. Walker, J 5450a. 70 ExcoMMrNicATioNf. Delia scomunica. See Sco- munica 4718.20 — "Wiesner, J. Der Bann in seiner geschichtli- chen Entn-ickelung auf dem Boden des Ju- denthumes 5489.13 EXESIPLA minora : or, new English examples to be rendered into Latin. 2d ed. New Haven, 1828. 18" 4939.21 ExEMPLA moralia: or, English examples to be 'ren- dered into Latin. New ed., revised. Eton, 1796. 12° 4929a. 19 Exercises for private devotion. Boston, 1837. 16^ 5448.31 Exercises for the improvement of the senses; for young children. London, 1835. 18'*. [Soci- ety for the ditfusion of useful knowledge] , 3599.28 Exodus of Israel. Birks, T. R. Exodus of Israel, examined and conlirmed 3425.15 — Daumi-r, e numero septu- apennrio; De cavillationibus slotcoriim ; l)p Platonismo PhiloniB Judn'i; Specimen hlsloriic locicw. Rocordatio animn! post fata ; De pacto apparitlonis post mortem ; De laudibus mallpnis; Physiologia observantirc aacrro ; Do nomine, oripine. fatis et interitu Bopomilorum ; Do Bo(comllonim hrcresi et falsls dopmatibus; Dc malc- sanis Bopomilortim morihus; Exercitalio de Brachmfl- ■ nihns phiiosophls Indiinim; Exercitatio critica de reli- (riono Erasmi ; De hominibiis ortu non dilTercntilms ; De Beculi numeratione et eeleliratione ; Vetcreane an ro- centes prirft-rcndi sint; De scliolarum frequcntia et in- freqnentla; Do excrcitilsoratoriis; Do votia mortaliiim ; I»o Deo ex oculi contcmplaUono domonstrando ; Do pustatu pulrhrl ; De amoro patrlm ; Do prrato anlpio ; Thoatruro an alt achola monim ; Epistola in obltum C. A. Lehmannl. _ Codoxapocrj-phusNovlTestamenti. See Apoc- ryphal New Testament 6019.17 — Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Teslamentl. See Apocrypliu 6019a. 1 FABnicIua, Johann ('. Nomcnclator entomologlcvs. Lipslic, 17117. 8' 3890.20 FABUK-iiis, V. p:pi»tola;. [Burmann. Sylloge eplstolnrum, v. 3) 4221.0 FABKI/.i, P. Ueber die am Olir vorltommondeu OlHTntlonen. Nach dem Franzii.si.^clii'n von C. G. Lincke. I.eip»ig, 1842. H' 3806.26 Fabuizio d'Acquapendi lite, G. Opera dilrvrglca. Paluvli, 1IH7. 2v. In 1. sm.f" •3740.27 Fabiioni, A. Vila dl Mrcolo rorliguerra, volg. da It. Gironl. Srr Kortigiierrii, N 4808.7 Fabkoxi, T. p. F.logi". .*>><■ Hoalnl, G 2740.U FabhV, J. B. G. Illiicraire de lluonpparte, di! I'llo d'Elbeiil'ile.Sulntc-lliliiie. Paria, 1816. H'. 2652.0 Fabvbk, le rnpiliiinr. .Magmlisiiie lerrentre. Sr.e Froncc. Comralsulon sck'nilllquo du Nord, V. 11, 12 . . . .0. 28fl«.l 4152.7 4708.1 Shelf. No. FaccIO, D. Notizie storico-critico-tipografico-bib- liograflche di Gutenberg, Fust c Schoefler. Padova, 1844. pp. 96. 8° 2112. IS — Sulla invenzione delle lettere e della scrittura primitiva, sulla materia ed instrumentiusati, etc. Padova, IS41. pp. 96. 8° 2112.15 Factions. Geschichte der politischen Parteiun- gen alter und neuer Zeit. Wachsmuth, E. W.G *297.4 Factory tracts. No. 1. Factory life as it is. By an operative. [Lowell, 1845.] pp. 8. 8°. [No title-page] *4163.13 Facundus. Epistola fidei catholicK. [AcUt^ry. Spicilegium, v. 3] Pro defensione trium capitulorum concilii Cal- chedonensis ad imperatorein Justinianum libri XII ; Liber contra JIutianum .scholas- ticum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 10].B.110.2 FAGAN, C. B. Observations au sujet des condam- nations [des] coraedieus. Paris, 1751. pp. 62. sm.8° ••4697.9 — Le rendez-vous ; La pupille ; L'inquiet; L^i5- tourderie; Les originaux. [Theittre I'rantais, V. .30] Fagiuoli, G.B. Commedie. Firenzc, 1734-36. "v. sm.l2° • • • *"B.16 Conrcn/*. — Vol. I. L'avaro punlto; L'astutobalordo; II iraditorfedole, scherzo. II. Lnnobiltnvuol rieeheaza, ovvero il conto di Bucolondo; Un vero amoro non cura intoresse ; Non bisopna in amor correre a furia ; La virtil vince Tavarizia, scherzo. HI. L' aver cura di donnc 6 pnzzia, ovvero il cavalier parigino ; Le ditfercnzo apglu- Btoto, ovvero il potesta spilorcio; Aniore non opera a caso. IV. Ciapo tutore, ovvero il potesta di Capraja ; I genitori corrctti do' flgliuoli ; II BOrdo fatto sentir per forza, farsa. V. La forza della ragione; Gli inpanni lodevoli; II marito alia moda. VI. L'amante eaperi- mentato, ovvero. anchrc lo douno sanno for da uomo; Cid Che par© non ^, ov^-ero il cicisbeo Bconsolato; Git anianti senza vedersi. VII. Vn vero amore non cura intcressc ; L' avaro pnnito ; Amoro non vnole avarizia ; Amore e fortuua ; Proiogo ; Controscene ; Prologo ; Zinpana. — Prose. [CicaIate,Dubbj, Problem!, Prefazioni, Discorso.] Firenze, 1737. sm.l2° 4775.17 Faider, C. fitiides sur les constitutions nation- ales (Pays-Bas autricliiens et pays de Liege). Bruxclles, 1842. 8° 4210.4 Fairbairn, J. Crests of the families of Great Itritain and Ireland. Kevised by L. Butters. Kdinbargli, [IWO]. 2v. 8° •2434.8 FAiRBAiHN, P. Typology of Scripture. From the 3d Edinb. ed. Pliiladelphia, 1859. 2v. 8° . 3425.3 Fairbanks, C. The American conflict as seen from a European point of view. A lecture at ."^t. Johnsbury, Vermont, June 4, 1863. Boston, 1863. 8° 4310a.84 Fairbanks, E. Executive address, April 23, 1801, [to the legislature of Vermont]. Jlontpelier, isoi. 8° 4310a. 85 — Valedictory address to the general assembly of Vermont, at their annual session, Oct., 1861. Montpelier, 1861. 8° 4310a. 85 FAIRCmi.n, J. II. Correspondence [with] Rev. N. Adanm, with notes and comments by a com- mllti-e of the Payson church. Boston, 1846. PP.-4.8. 8° 4129.78 Newdoclrineof clerical privilege. An address, Jan. 26 and 27, ixVi. Boston, 1852. 12° . . 0088.244 FAiiuniii.i), E. B. Speech in the senate of Michi- gan, on slavery in the territories, Jan. 24, 1857. Detroit, 1857. 8" B.100.1 FAIRKiKi.n, J., Discourse on the death of. See Allen, J. H •4129-88 Faii!Kii;i.1), A''. V. College of physicians and sur- geiniK of the we.^tl■rn dislriet of New York. Circular and catalogue of the lucidly and Btiidents, 1822-24, 30-10. Albany, 1822-10. 8°. .... •M.Ppb.v.O, II, 15, 10, 20-25, 211, 31,32, 34, 36 — - Oidinuiices. [ Fairlleld, 1813. 1 pp.8. 8°.»M.Ppli.v.5 Eairiiavkn, Muss., History of. KickellHon, D. . . 2357.14 FAIBIK8. Les fees du moycn age. Jlaury, L. F. A. 0072.17 FAIRY 185 FAENESE Sbclf. No. Faibt tales. Sammlung der Miirchen iind Sagen BllerZeitenuiKi Volker. Wolff, O. L. B. . . 4221.32 Faith. The faith of christc-iiiloiii imscriplurul and anti-christian. [Ni'wnrk, N. J.], 1850. pp. 15. 8° 00SS.152 — Do Wcttc, \V. 51. L. Das Wesen des chiistli- chi'u Glaubcn.s 0064.18 — Formularies of. See EiiKlanii, tMiurcli of . . . 3448.11) FAIVRE, E. (Euvre!! scientiliques de (ioetlie analy- sees et appreciOes. Faris, 1862. 8° . . . . 2907.14 Falc.vndo, U. Do rebus gestis in Sicilia? regno his- toria. [GriEvius. Thes. antiij. Ital., T. 10, V. 5] 4710.1 Falco Beueventano. Chronicon rorum ab anno Jtoil ad annum MOXI. liencveuto gestarum. [Grxvius. rhcs. antiq. Ital., T. 9, V. 1] . . 4710.1 Falco, B. Anticjuitates Neapolis atque amccnis- slmi ejusdem agri, Lat. factae cura S. Haver- campl. [Gra:vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 1] 4710.1 Falco, J. Operumpoelicorvmlibriquinque. Nova ed. Barcinone, 1024. sm.8° •*4809a.l3 Falconer, T. The Oregon question ; or, a state- ment of the British claims to the Oregon terri- tory. 2ded. London, 1845. pp.50. 8° . . 4355. .55 — [Answer to Mr. Falconer on the assumption of surnames without royal license.] London, 1863. pp.90. p.8° 3635.23 Falconer, W. Toetical works, with life. [Ander- son, roets of Great Britain, v. 10] ... . 4004.1 Conlem*.— The sliipwrock ; The demagogue ; Odes, elc. Falconia Proba. Virgilio centones de fidei nostrce mysteriis. [Maxima bibliotb. vet. patr.,v. 5]. B.110.2 Falconnet, E. Les petits pofemes grecs, trad. par [plusicurs]. Paris, 1838. 1.8° »B.161.2 Contents, — Orphee. Uomcrc, Ilesiode. Pindare, Ana- crtoD, Sappho, TjTtije, Stiistchore, Solon, Alcee, Ibycus, Alcmane, Baccbylide, Theoerite, Bion, Moscbus, Calli- maque. Coluthos, Museo, Trj-phiodore, ApoUonius, Op- picn, Synesiuji. / * Falcot, p. Trait(5 de la fabrication des tissus. 2e ed. Elbeuf, 1852. 3v. 4° 4012.13 Falke, J. F. Codex traditionvm Corbeiensivm. Lipsia?, 1752. f° *4250.10 Falkenstein, C. C. Catalogue de la riche collection delettresautographce. Ire partie. Leipzig, ISSli. 8° *4127.2 — Geschichte des Johanniter-Ordens. Dresden, 18.33. 2v.ini. 10° ■. 4149.10 Fall of man. Chauncy, C. Scripture account of the . 3453.7 — Zobel, N. E. De lapsv primorvm hvmani ge- neris parentvm a pnganis advmbrato .... 4163.38 Fall Ei ver, Mass. Catalogue of the public Library. FallKiver, 1801. 8° 2134.19 Fall Kiver directory for 1853, 65, 57, 61. By G. Adams. Fall Kiver, 1853-01. 4v. 18° . . . 4.389a. 5 Fallavei., J. M. Lejeudu trictrac. Paris, 1770. 8°. 4001.15 FALL3IERAYER, .1. P. Gesamjnelte Werke. He- rausgegeben von O. M. Thomas. Leipzig, 1861. 3v. 8° 2892.16 Contents. — VoL I. Ncue FragmcQte aus dem Orient. H. Politinche uod culturbi^torUche Aufsatze. 111. Kri- tische Vereuche. — Geschichte des Kaiserthums von Trapezunt, MUnchen, 1827. 4° 3040.20 Falsehood. Contro I'uso materiale delle parole, Orsi, G. A 3684.3 Familiar spirits, and spiritual manifestations ; articles by E. P. Together with a reply. Boston, 1852. pp. 64. 8° 6088.162 FAsnLY. Influence du christianisme sur la famtUe. Gaume, J 3506.8 Family monitor. .Tames,.!. A 6447.49 Family- names of the united kingdom, Dictionary of the. Lower, M. A 2333.1 Fanaticism. Corvin-Wiersbitzky, O. J. B. v. Denkmale des christlichen Fanatismns . . , 6007.19 24 „ Shelf. No. Fanaticism, continued. — Duttenhofer, C. F. Gescliichte der Religions- schwiirmereyen in der christliclien Kirche . 6007.17 — La Harpe,.!. F.de. Fanatismc dans la langue revolutionnaire 4040.21 — Wesscnberg, .I.n. V. Ueber Scbwiirmcrei . . 0007.18 Fanning, E. Voyages round the world, etc. New York, 1833. 8° 2276.3 Fantoni, G. Odi. n.p.,n. d. 18°. [Parnaso dcgl' italiani viventi, v. 33] 4799a. 2 — Pocsic. Pisa, 1803. 18°. [Parnaso degl' ital- iani viventi, v. 16] 4799a. 2 Fara, G. F. De rebus Sardois historia. [Grjcvius. Thes. antiq. It.tl., T. 10, V. 15] 4710.1 Farel, G. Biographic. See Schmidt, C 6045.11 Farfarana, S. II viaggio in Elicona. Bergamo, 1095. 8° 4798.29 Fargo, G. W. Ancient harmony revived ; a selec- tion of music from old authors. 5th ed. Boston, [1865 or later]. obl.S" 8047.11 Farina, B. De Bergomi origine et fatis conunen- tarius, Lat. vertit A. Preigerus. [Graivius. Thes. iintiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 7] 4710.1 Farini, L. C. II conte Buol ed U Piemonte : lettera a lord ,T. Russell. Torino, 18,59. pp.29, p. 8°. 4718.10 — La diplomazia e la quistipne Italiaua : let- tera a G. Gladstone, pp. 00. [No title- page.] p.8° 4718.10 — La quistione Italiana ; lettera a lord J. Russell. Torino, 1859. pp. 32. p.8° 4718.10 — Storia d' Italia dall'anuo 1814 sino a'nostri giorni. Torino, 1854-59. 2v.ini. 8° . . . .4194.8 Farini, P. Del troppo e del poco nella educazione. 2a ed. Modena, 1834. pp.60. 16° 3599.18 Faris El-Shidiac. Practical grammar of the Ara- bic language. London, 1850. 10° 3038.29 Farish, W. Plan of a course of lectures on arts and manufactures. Cambridge, 1803. pp. 30. 8°. 5968.3 F.\rle Y, C. A. Christ and creed : a discourse, Feb. 24, 1850. Savannah, Ga., 1850. 8° . . . . B.160a.99 — Moral aspect of California : a thanksgiving ser- mon, Deo. 1, 1850. NewYork, n. d. 8°. . B. 100a. 21 FARLEY', F. A. Discourse on the life and character of J. Q. Adams. Brooklyn, 1848. 8° . . . . 4390a. 6 — The Father, the only proper object of Christian worship : a sermon at Bridgeport, Ct., Oct. 4, 1849. New York, 1849. 10° 5440a. 71 — Military glory : a sermon preached July 16, 1848. New York, 1848. 12° 6440a. 71 — Sermon, preached Sunday, Nov. 10, 1839. Prov- idence, 1839. 12° 6440a. 71 — Tribute to the memory of Seth Low: a sermon in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 26, 1853. New York, 1853. 8° 5440a. 71 Farley, S. Discourses and essays on theological and speculative topics. Boston, 1851. 12° . 6002.24 Farm, Law of the. Dixon, H. H 3030.21 Farmer, Henry. Mass in B flat, with Latin and English words. Boston, [185-j. pp.07. 1.8°. 8042.54 FARMER, Hugh. Essay on the demoniacs of the New Testament. 2d ed. London, 1805. 12°. CI08.7 — General prevalence of the worship of human spirits, in the antient heathen nations, as- serted and proved. London, 1783. 8° . . . . 5488.3 Farmer, J. Map of Michigan and Ouisconsin, on a scale of 30 miles to an inch. Detroit, 1830. Folded 24° 2379.39 — and Moore, J. B. Gazetteer of New Hamp- shire. Concord, 1823. 12° 2.382.10 Far5Ier's monthly visitor. Potter, C. E 4200.4 Farmer's own book. Hooker, H 4008.29 FAltJiING, Secrets of. Large, J 4008.2 Farmington, Conn, Sketches of Farmington. By an inhabitant [S.Richards]. Windsor, Vt., is:i2. pp. 10. sm.8° 4358.25 FARanNGTON, and Hampshire and Hampden ca- nals, Map of. Hurd, D 2379.38 FARNESE, A. Correspondance avec Philippe II, 1578-81. Publi(!e parM. Gachard. Ire partie, 1578-79. Bruxelles, 1853. 8° 2817.25 FAROE 186 FAT Shelf. No. Faroe islands. Rafn, C. C. Fjereyinga Saga . . 4220.8 — Voyage aux X'erde. See I-Yance. Commission scientiflque du Nord, V.20, 21 2SC5.1 Fakqcihr, G. Tlie be.iux stratagem. New Tork, 1817. pp. SI. 2i° 4575.33 — Tile beaux stratagem. [Jones. British the- atre, v. 7] 4575.20 — See Bell. British theatre, v. 10, 13, 16, 31, 32 . 4179a. 1 Contents. — Vol.X. The beaux stratngem, com. XIII. The recruitinp officer, com. XYl. The constant couple, or a trip to the Jubilee, com. XXXI. Sir Harry Wildair, being the sequel of the trip to the Jubilee, com, XXXII. The inconstant, com. ; The t^vin rivals, com. FARR.iNP, B. Man, natural and spiritual. London, 1851. p.S° 6108.11 Farrand, W. p. Course of Latin studies : or clas- sical selections. Philadelphia, 1805. 12° . . 4930. 16 Contents. — Selectse e Veteri Tcstamcnto historiee ; Se- lectjc e profanis scriploribus hislorite. — - Same. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1817. 12° . . 4929a. 6 Contents. — Corderii colloquia ; Selectn; fabuln^ .^sopi ; Erasmi colloquia selecta; Erasmus's select dialogues; Notes. Farhar, a. S. Critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian religion, Bamp- ton lectures. London, 1862. 8° .3434.9 Fabrar, J. Elementary treatise on mechanics. 2ded. Boston, 1834. 8° 3945.33 — and Lovering, J. Elements of electricity, mag- netism, and electro-dynamics. Boston, 1842. 8° 3966.20 Fabwell, J. H. and F. F. Exhibition intelli- gencer, devoted to the fifth exhibition of the Massachusetts charitable mechanic associa- tion. Vol. 1, No. 1-16. Boston, 1847. f° . . 8030.4 Fasa^o, G. La Gierosalemme libberata de Tasso votata a llengua Napoletana. [Collezione di tutti i poemi in linguii Xapoletana, v. 13, 14]. 4790a. 1 Fasciculus sacrarum litaniarum. Monachii, 1602. sm.S° **5448.32 Fascitello, O. Carmlna. See Sannazaro, G. . . 4199.8 Fashios. See World of fashion 6157.2 Fasli, or Fadhli, M. K. GUI und Biilbiil, das ist: Rose und Nachtigall. Eiu romantisches Ge- dicht, tiirkisch herausgegeben und deutsch Ubersetztduich,J.v. Hammer. Pest,lS34. 8°. 4240.22 Fasquelle, L. New method of learning the French language. 2d ed. New York, 1.S52. 12°. . 4088.14 Fastnaoiit.si'IELE aus dem funfzehnten Jahrhun- dert [undj Nachlese, von A. v. Keller. Stutt- gart, 1853-58. 4v. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, v. 28-30, 4(1] *4225.1 Fate. De fati notione quoniodo in antiquissimis Graecix temporibus exculta fuerit. Gelile, H. W B. 170a. 94 Fatiieh Butler, or Irish manners. Carlcton, W. . 2397.40 Fatiieu.s of the church. Barbeyrac, J. Lamorale des ptircs de I'l-glise 0081.5 — Cave,W. flistory of the, in the fourth century. 0021.3 — Ceillier, It. llistoiregtJneraledcsauteursecclti- siastiqucs 5522.1 — Daillt!, J. De vsv patrvm ad ca dcfinicnda re- liglonis capita, qu,T> sunt controversa .... C030.0 — - Right use of the Fathers in the decisioa ot controversies 0038.12 — Gcrsdorf, E. (}. Bibllotheca patrum cccleslas- tlcorum Latinorum seiecta 6030.4 — Grabc,.!. E. Si>!cilegium patrum tit et fia'reti- coruni, seciili post Christtnii natuin I, li ft HI. 6020.3 — GrynaiuK, J. J. Blonvmentn patrvm orthodo.\- ographa B.141.3 — Maxima bibllollieca vctenim patrum B.110.2 — 3I(ihler, .1. A. Palrolngic,o(ler clirlstliche Lltc- riirgt'^chlchte 0038.13 — Montfaucon, H. de. Collcclio nova patrum et •criptorum Orxconim 6020.3 — OberthUr, F. Opera omnia patrum Grccorum Or. ct Lat 6020.1 Shelf. No. Fathers of the church, continued. — Pitra,J.B. Sanctorum patrum anecdotahacte- nus opera 6021.8 — Rossler, C. F. Bibliothek der Kirchen-Viiter. 0029.2 — Sammtliehe Werke der Kirchen-Vater .... 6024.1 — Souverain, J. Vcrsucli Uber den I'latonismus der Kirclien-Viiter 6024.2 — Sprenger, P. Thesaurus rei patristicffi .... C020.8 — Tricalet, P. J. Bibliotheca manualis ecclesise patrum 6038.14 See also: Apostolic fathera. Faucber, L. Vie. See Reybaud, M.R.t. £con- omistes modernes 3654.2 Fauchet, C. CEwres. Paris, 1610. 6m.4° . . . •4186.1 Contents. — Les antiquitez gauloises et IVanjoises ; Origines des dignitez et magistrals de France ; Origines des chevaliers, amioirica et heraux, ensemble des armea, etc., dosquels les Francois out use; Des libertez de I'e- glise gallieane ; Originc de la langue et poesie fraugoise, r>-mo et romans ; Les noms, etc., de 127 poettis ft-angois, vivans avant I'an 1300. Fauchet, J. State of our political relations with the United States. Trans, by [W. Duane]. Philadelphia, 1797. pp. 31. 8° 4326.36 Fauler, J. F. Cuirs et penux, fourrures, harnais et sellerie, plumes, crins et cheveux. [France. Commission sur I'industrie des nations, v. 5]. 4029.20 Faulkner, T., and Ross, J. C. [Priced] catalogue of Romandenarii.quinarii, Greek coins, numis- matic books, etc. London, 1863. pp.53. 8°. 20G0.21 Fauriel, C. C. Chants populaires de la Groce modernc [en Romaique], avec une traduc- tion franijaise. Paris, 1824, 25. 2v. 8° . . . 4252.5 — Histoire de la poesie proven9aIe. Paris, 1846. 3v. 8° 4188.7, and **46S6. 10 — History of Provencal poetry. Introduction by G. J. Adler. New York, 1800. 8° 2685.8 — See Histoire litterairede la France, V. 20-22 . . 4692.1 Fauris de Saint-Vincent, J. de, Le mar(?chal de Richelieu et. See Mary-Lafon, J. B 4617.1 Faust. Housse, L, Die Faustsage und der histo- rische Faust 2907.13 — Peter, F. Literatur der Faustsage 2151.14 — Magia naturalis et innatnralis. See Scheible. Bibliothek der ZauberBiicher 6100a^8 Faustinus. He trinitate, sive de fide, contra Aria- nos ; Libellus precuin ad iinperjitores adversus Damasuni. [Maximabibliotli. vet. pair., v. 5]. B.110.2 Faustus Riensis. Epistolic. [Canisius. Thesau- rus, V. 1] 4140.3 — De ratione fidei. [Herold. Ha^reseologia] . B.120.3 — Profcssio fidei ; Epistola ad Luoidum presby- tcrum; De gratia Dei et humati!G mentis libero arbitrio libri duo ; Sermo amoire sur I'artiilerie dc campngne. [France. Ministry of war. Memorial tie I'ar- tiilerie, v. 6] 3054.26 Favyn, or Favin, A. Histoire de Navarre. Paris, 1612. f° •4610.3 Fawcet, .1. The art of war. A poem. London, 1795. pp. 52. 4° ■. 2671.11 Fawkes, F. Idyls of Theocritus, Odes of Anacre- on. Fragments of Sappho, Idyls of lliim and Moseliu.'*, Hero and I.candcr of Rlusieus, and Argounutlcs of Apollonius Rhudius, trana- lated from the Greek. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 13] 4604.1 — and Woty, W. Pneticiil calendar, intended as a sni)|ilemeiit to Mr. Dodsley's collection. London, 1763. 12v. in 6. 16° 4569a.l6 Fay, H. a. Accounts of all the bottles fought be- tween the United States and Great Britain, during 1812-16. New York, 1817. 8° . . . . 4324.5 FAY 187 FENNEK Sli«]f. No. Fay, J. D. [Essays of Iloward; or, tales of the prison. 2ded.] New York, laiS. 18° . . . 3575. 24 Fay, T. S. Views of Christianity. Berne, 1850. pp. 71. -1° 5453.8 Faye, a. Norges Historic til Brug ved l'nj;(iom- mens Uuderviisning. .le Opl. (.'hristiania, \Mi. b° 2829.7 Fayet. See Xougart-de de Fayet. Fazeli.o, T. llistoriadiSicilia.tradotte dal Latino in lingua Toscana dal 1". M. Kemigio. Veue- tia, 1574. 4° *4727.1 — De rebus Siculis decades dux. [Gravius. Thcs. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 4] 4710.1 Fazio, ii. De bello Veneto Clodiano ; BcUum Venetura. [Graivius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 5,p.4] 4710.1 — De rebus gestis ab Alphonso primo, Neapoli- tanorum rege. [Gravius. Thcs. autiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 3] 4710.1 Fea, C. Illustrazioni sulle egloghe e georgiche. SeeVirgilius Marc, P 2944. S Fearx, J. Anti-Tooke ; or an analysis of the prin- ciples and structure of language. London, 1824-27. 2v. 8° 2585.5 — Manual of the physiology of the mind. Lon- don, 1S29. 8° 5003.10 Feaknside, ^V. G. Guide on the banks of the Rhine. See Tombleson, W 2862.21 Featherston, J. K. AVeardale men and manners. Durham, 1840. 8° 2493.28 Featiierstojjhaugh, G. W. Excursion through the slave stales. New York, 1844. 8° . . . 4364.1 Febrer, J. Trovas que tratan de los conquista- dores de Valencia. Nueva ed., ilustrada con notaspor J. M. Dover. Palma, 1848. 8°. . **468B.9 Fechner, G. T. Nanna, oder iiber das Seelenle- ben dcr Pflanzen. Leipzig, 1848. 12° . . . 4277.20 — Schutzmittel fiir die Cholera. 2te Anfl. Leip- zig, ie.V. sq.lO° ♦B.127.19 Feder, O. Complete method for the guitar. Bos- ton, 1838. 4° 8051.40 Federals and confederates : for what do they tight ? The true issue of the American civil war. By B.D. 3ded. London, u.d. pp. Hi. 12° . . 4322.06 Federmaxx, W., and Stades, H. Keisen iu Siid- america 1529 bis 1555, herausgegeben von K. Kliipfel. Stuttgart, 1S59. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, V. 47] *42.'55.1 FtE, A.L. A. L'Espagne, 1809-59. Paris, 1861. 12°. 3094.12 — Vovageautourdemabibliothfeque. Paris, 1856. 10° 4670.22 Feejee, Fiji, or Viti islands. Dix,\y. G. Life and manners at the Fijii islands 3046.21 — Seemann.B. Government mission to the Vitian or Fijian islands, 1800-01 3046.15 Feet. Desarticulationdupied. Robert, C. A. . M.Pph.v. 137 Feillet, a. La misere au temps de la Fronde et Saint Vincent de Paul. Paris, 1862. 8°. . 4642.15 Feith, H. O. Dissertatio historico-juridica inaug. de gildis Groninganis. Groningje, 1838. 8° . 4215.2 Feldmann, M. J. Der Zeiten Geist, ein Gedicht am koniglichen Geburtsfeste, 1793. Altona, 1793. pp. .38. sm.4° **2878.6 Felice, G. de. Histoire des protestants de France. 2eid. Paris, 1851. 8° 6054.11 Felix Manilius. Vita S. Gebehardi Constantieusis episcopi. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 6] . . . 4140.3 Fell, R. Public life of the late Eight Hon. Charles James Fox. London, 1808. 4° *H61.8 Fellowes, F. Sacred history of the deluge illus- trated. "With an essay by C. Colton. Phila- delphia, 1836. 18° 5447.36 Fellowes, W. D. Visit to the monastery of La Trappc, in 1817. London, 1818. 8° 2660.40 Felsexblrg. See Insel Felsenburg. Felt, J. B. Customs of New England. Boston, , 1833. 8° 4129.54 • — Did the First church of Salem originally have a confession of faith distinct from their cove- nant? Boston, 1856. pp.28. 8° 4355.36 Shelf. No. Felt, J. B., continued. ^ — Who was the first governor of Massachusetts ? Boston, 1853. pp. 17. 8° 4355.36 — Statistics of towns in 3Iassachusetts. 5ee Bos- ton. American statistical association. Col- lections 2352.17 Feltox, C. C. Address at tlie dedication of the new building of Bristol academy in Taunton, Aug. 25, 1852. With an appendi.x. Cam- bridge, 1852. 8° 4390a.51 — Discourse at [his] inauguration as Eliot pro- fessor of Greek literature in Harvard uni- versity. Cambridge, 1834. 8° 4390a. 51 — Greek reader, adapted to the grammar of E. A. Sophocles. Hartford, 1840. 12° .... 4988.5 — Selections from modern Greek writers, in prose and poetry. Cambridge, 1656. 12° 3075.14 — Classical studies. See Sears, B 4955.14 — Addresses at his inauguration as president of Harvard college. See Cambridge, Mass. . 4387.3 — Eulogy of. See AV^oolsey, T. D 4355.45 Feltox. F. E. Argument in the matter of the in- terference between George A. Parker and John Du Bois. n. p., 1603. pp. 50. 8° . . . 5945.25 Fe:iiale beauty. Diiitetik der weiblicheu Schonheit. Kilian, C. J 3779.23 Female convicts. Home for discharged. Kirkland, CM 3574.12 Female life in prison. By a prison matron. 3d ed., revised. London, 1803. 2v. p.8° 3574.21 Female schools, A word in favour of. Broadhurst, F 3599.32 FfcNELOx, F. de S. de la Mothe. (Euvres. Nouv. ^d. Paris, 1822. lOv. 12° 4189.12 Contents. — Vol.1. Essai historique sur Feneloa, par Querbeuf. II. De rexistcnce de Dieu ; Lettres siir divera sujets de mefaphysique et de relipion. III. Lettres aur I'autorite de I'eglise ; Profession de foi ; Lettro d M. I'evSquo d'Airns, sur la lecture de I'ecriture aainte en langue vulgairo ; Lcttre aur la fruquente com- munion; Sermons sur divers sujeta ; Enlretiena aur divera sujeta de piete; Prierea du matin et du soir; Re- flexions pour tons lea jours du mois; Meditations aur differens sujeta tirea de I'ecriture sninte ; Meditatluna pour un malade. IV. Divers sentimena et avis Chretiens ; Enlretiens aflfectifs pour de saints temps lie I'annee. IV, V. Lettrea apirituelles. VI, De I'education des tilles; Trnite du ministere des pasteurs; Directions pour la conscience d'un roi; Sagesse, poeme; Discoura pour le sacre de I'electcur de Cologne; Lettre a I'electeur de Cologne. VII, Dialogues sur I'eloquence ; Lettre a I'a- cademie frangaise, sur I'eloquence, la poesie, I'hiatoire, etc; Autre lettre; Discours de reception a I'academie francaise ; Reponse de Eergcret ; Wenioire sur lea occu- pations de I'academie fran^aise; Precis des quatre pre- miers li%Tea de I'Odyssee d'Homero et traduction des Uvrea 5-^, VIII, Disconrs sur la poesie epique, et I'excellence du poiime de Telemaqne ; Les arenturea de Teli^maque, IX- Dialogues dea morts; Fables, X. Let- tres diverses; Meraoires sur divers sujets; I£crlt8 di- vers ; filoge de Fenelon, par M, de la Harpe, — Les aventurcs de Telemaque. Paris, 1702. 12°. 4189.9 — - Same. Nouv. ed. D'aprfes I'editionde C. Le Brun. PhUadelphie, 1830. 12° 4089.25 „ Same. Translated by J. Hawkoswortli. New York, n. d. 2v. 16° 4699a. 21 _ Same. First eight books, with a key by A. Bolmar.' Philadelphia, 1832. 12° 4689.20 — - Same. Key to the first eight books of the adventures of Telemachus. Pliiladelphia, 1830. 12° 4689.27 - Same. Tvx"' TriXciiaxini, iitrafpadBiXaai xapaA. n. Fo/SicAaa [Po/SiStAAa]. Evctiiciv, 1803. 2v. 8° 4077.26 — Education of daughters : with a chapter on re- ligious studies. Translated by Kev. T. F. Dibdin. Boston, 1821. 10° 3599.34 — - Same. [By W. C. D,] Boston, 1831. 10°. 3574.38 — Placita sanctorvm explicita. Krancofvrti, 1699. sm,8° .- •.♦6059a.l5 Fenner, C. G. Poems of many moods. Boston, 1846. pp.87. 16° 4278.38 TENNER 188 FEXnJAL • Shelf. No. Fexner, H. Schwalbacli und seine Heilquellen. Darmstadt, 1817. 16' 3809.45 Fensing, D. Koval English dictionary. 5th ed. London, 1773. 8° *45S8.1 — Use of the globes. 8th ed. London, 1304. 12°. 3Stt9.27 Fejjocillot de Falbaire, C. G. Le fabrieant de Londres; L'honnete criniiuel. [Theatre francais, v. «] 4708.1 Festos, E. [Oxford and Cambridge miscellany poems.] London, n.d. 8" 2507. 7 Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [An- derson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 7] . . . . 4604.1 — Mariamne,trag. [Bell. British theatre, v. 26]. 4179a. 1 Fexwick, J. R. Essays on calcareous manures, etc. n. p., 179S. pp. 26. 8° *Pph.v.341 Fenwick, S. Mechanics of construction. London, 1861. 8° 4095.9 FESwncK de Forquet, L. Sen De Porquet, L. F. Fenyerv, .1. Handbuch der ungrischen Poesie. See Toldy, F 4236.14 Ferdinand II, emperor of Germany. Hurler, F. v. Geschiclite Ferdinands II, und seiner Eltern, bis zu dessen Kriinung in Frankfurt .... 4213.13 — Ivhevenhiller, F. C Annales Ferdinandei . . 4260.2 F±RfcoL Riviere, H. Esquisse historiquc de la legislation criniineUe des Romaius. Paris, 1844. 8" 4303.14 Febgola, E., and Flauti, G. Nuovo prospetto ragi- onato delle opere matematiche, etc. [No title- page.] pp.31. 8° 3913.13 Ferguson, A. Essay on the history of civil so- ciety. 7th ed. Boston, 1809. 8° . 4280.2, and 5568.10 Ferguson, James. Introduction to astronomy. 2d Am.fr. 7th Lond.ed. Philadelphia, 1812. 12°. 7029.36 Ferguson, John, Account of the transactions be- tween Capt. Roche and. S'ce Roche, D. , Pph.v.369 Ferguson, J. B. Address on tlie history, author- ity and influence of slavery. Nashville, Tenn., 1850. 8° B. 100. 09 Address and correspondence, Dec. 30, 1855, in the Christian church, Nashville, Tenn. Nash- ville, 1856. 8° B. 100a. 105 Discourses on divine illumination. Nashville, 1855. pp.98. 8° 0088.198 Moral freedom ; the emblem of God in divinity and life. A discourse. Nashville, 1850. 8°. 6088.12 Record of communications from the spirit- spheres. Nashville, 1854. 8° 4267.6 Relation of pastor and people ; statement of belief on unitarianism, universalism and spir- itualism. Nashville, 1854. pp. 23. 8° . . B. 160a. 73 Spirit communion : an address, April 5, 1855. With a discourse on Christian sympathy, an- gelic, by T. Clajjp. Nashville, 1855. 8° . B. 160a. Ill Ferguson, R. The Northmen in Cumberland and Westmoreland. I^ondon, 1856. 12° .... 2493.24 The river-names of Murope. London, 1802. 12°. 4959.20 Fekgitson, W. F. Letter to Lord Stanley, on the dearth of cotton, and the capability of India to supply the quantity required. Loudon, 1863. pp. 40. 8° 3050.20 Febland, J. li. A. Biographical notice of J. O. Plessis, bishop of (iuebec. Quebec, 186-J. 8°. 2347.33 Cours d'histoirc du Canada, Ire partie, 1534- 1««). Quebec, 1861. 8° 4312.22 Notes aur les rcgistres de Notre-Damc dc Que- bec. 2e<:d. Quebec, 1863. 8° 4312.17 Fermk, C. Analysis of the epislle to the Uonuins, translated from the Latin by W. Skae : and u commentary on the same l>y A. Jlelville. Edited, witli a life ol'Fernie, by W. L. Alex- ander. Edinburgh, Ifc^lO. 8°. [Wodrow so- ciety] 5493.4 FERNALi), W. M. A new age for the new church. Boston, IStW. pp. 85. 8° 6516.1 Fkrnasdkz, F, .S'cc Hernandez. FICRNOW, C. L. Ilalii'niHi'hi' Spraclilehre fllr Deut- sche. 2te Aull. Tiibingeu, Ihl.'i. 8' . . . . 4788.1 FEBNfl. i'lanturum Brasilienslum nova genera: FUlces. Koddi, G 5840.4 Sheir. No. Fekrara, a. F. Storia generale della Sicilia. Palermo, 1830-38. 9v. 8° * 4724.4 Ferrara, Geschichte des Herzogthums. Schar- fenberg, J. H. A 2729.11 FERRAni, (i. L'annessione delle due Sicilie, tra- dottadalFrancese. Firenze,1860. pp.27. 8°. 4713.7 — Vico et ritalie. P.aris, 1839. 8° ♦•2805.18 Ferrari, O. Dissertatio de balneis ; Dissertatio de gladiatoribus. [Poleni. Utriusque thes. antiq. supp.,v.3] 2970.7 — Oratio de laudibus urbis Patavil. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 6, p. 3] 4710.1 Ferrario, Giulio. Poesie pastoral! e rustical!, raccolte ed illustrate connote. Milano, 1808. 8°. [Classic! italianl, v. 235] **4808.11 Coruents. — Egloglio ; Girolamo Beuivicnl ; Jacopo Fiorino do' Boninsegni ; Antonio Tebaldeo ; Diomede Guidalotto: Sperono Speroni; Baldassor Castiglioaej .Tacopo de' Sen-i, canzone ; Bernardino Baldi da Urbino, Egloghe ; Bernardino Rota, Egloghe pescalorie ; Luigi Tansillo, I duo pelleprini, II podcre ; Benedetto Vor- cbi, Egloga. — Poeaie rusticali ; Lorenzo de' Medici, La Neneia, Canzonetta in morte della Nencia; Luigi Pulci, La boca da Dicomano, stanzc; Francesco Doni, Stanze dcllo Sparpaglia ; Gabriello Simeoni, liinie p con- cetti villaneschi; Francesco Brnccioiini, ICavanello alia Nenciotta, e risposta della mcdesima; Francesco Baldo- vini, Laniento di Cecco da Varlungo, L'amantc scartato ; Luipi Clasio, Lamento in morte della Sandra; Jacopo Cioognini, Fippo lavoratoro da Legnnjn alio dame fiorentine, Allegrezza di I'ippo per la uascita del primo figliuolo. Fereaeio, Giuseppe. Statistica delle mort! im- provvise e particolarmente per apoplessia nella citth di Milano, 1750-1834. MUano, 1834. 8° 3806.21 Ferrer del Rio, A. Historia del reinado de Carlos III en Espana. Madrid, 1850. 4v. 8° . . . 3092.18 Ferrerio, G. Historia monaster!! k Kenlos in Scotia. [Marlene. Vet. script., v. 6] . . . 4150.1 Ferrers, N.M. Treatise on trilinear co-ordinates, reciprocal polars, and the theory of projec- tions. Cambridge, 1861. p. 8° 3926.31 Ferrey, B. Recollections of A. N. Welby Pugin, and his father. Witli an appendix by E. S. Purcell. London, 1801. 8° 4096.8 Ferki, A. Apparatus statuarum novissime in de- structis Cuiuis inventarum. Latine vertit S. llavercampus. [Graevius. Tlies. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 4] 4710.1 Ferri di San Costante, G. Rudiment! della tradu- zione o Parte di tradurre il Latino in Italiano. Volgar. dal francese, ec. dal pro!'. B. Perotti. Miluno, 1812. 3v. 16° 4767. J7 Ferrier, J. F. Institutes of metaphysic, the the- ory of knowing and being. Edinburgh, 1854, 1-2° 0108.9 FERRIitRKS, C. E. dc. Mdmoires [aveo la] partie inedite. Notice sur la vie, etc., par MM. Bcrville et BarrlJ^re. 2e M. Paris, 1822. 3v. 8° 4642.26 Ferron, a. See Le Ferron A. Feruolio, a. Eloglo d! Erasmo di Valvasone. Sec Valvasone, E 2789. 12 Febvel, J. N. llistoire dc Nicect des Alpes marl- times. Paris, 1862. 16° 2729.10 Fessenden, L. G. Modern school for the violin. Boston, n. d. obl.4° 8051.77 Fessenden, T. G. Essay on the law of patents fop new inventions. 2d ed. Boston, 1822. s° . 3006.13 — New England farmer, and horlicultural Journal. Vol. 1-21. Boston, 18'.;3-1.1. 21v. 4° . . . . •7091.1 — Register of arts. Philadelphia, 1808. 8° . . . 4018.34 Festivals. De testis dlebus Christianorum, etc, • Dresser, M B.127.4 FE'nciiiSM. Du culte des dleux fetiches. Brosscs, C. dc 0070.24 FtTIS, F. .T. Music explained to the world. lYana- lated fiom the French. Boston, n. d. 12° . 4036.2 Feudal law. Ilotmun, F. Dc verbis fcvdallbvs conimentiirlvs 3030.4 — Jenlchcn, G. A. Thesaurus Juris feudalla . . 4300.14 FEUERBACH 189 FIERABRAS Shelf. No. FEUERBACH, L. A. SiimmtUche Werke. Leipzig, 184f>-57. 9v. 8* 6107.7 Contents. — Vol. I. KrlfiutcninyH «nil Ertriiniiungen d«fl Chrintcntliumfl. II. rhiloaoiilitschc Krlllkcn und Grundsfitze. Ill, Goilnnkon UlicrTod und Uimtcrblich- kclt. IV'. Geschlchlcilerncuom Philosophic von Bucoii von Vt-nilnm bis Ronodict Splnozn. V. Dnrstclliini;, Entu'lcklunfTund Kritik der Lelbnitn'schcn I'liilosophio. VI. Pli'iTo Bityk'. 3-;iii Ri-ilrjg rur Geachichto dor Phi- losoiihii- und Mcnsi-lihcU. 2tp Atitl. VII. Das Wescu doa Christonthiinis. 3lo Autl. VIII. Vorlesungcii iibcr daa Wcsen dcr Itclltrlon, n«bst Zii. Gewchlchte der alten Kunst . . . 4077.25 — Burckhardl, J. iXr Cicerone 4099.24 Cata.logue of the Hue art department of the International exhibition, 1802. 5ec London. 4099.27 — Forster, E. Vor«chule der Kuniitgenchlchto . 4084.2 Shelf. Ko. Fine arts, General works, continued. — Heyne, C. G. ArchiiologiederKunstdes Alter- thums 4099.3 — Jeiiteles, I. Handbuch zur Theorie der scho- nen Kiinste 4085.1 — Kugler, F. T. Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte. 4277.3 — Miiller, C. O. Archiiologie der Kunst .... 4277.2 — Spence, J. Agreement between the Roman poets and the artists 4280.2 — Taylor, "W. B. S. Fine arts in Great Britain. 4067.30 — Vitet, L. Etudes sur I'histoire de Part . . . . 4088.18 — "SVagner, R. Ivunstwerk der Zukunft 4277.8 — Welcker, F, G. Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Auslegung der alten Kunst 4077.29 Sff also: ^sthetios, Architecture, Art, Christian art. Design, Engraving, Galleries, Music, Ornament, Paiotr- iug, Sculpture, Taste. FiNGALL, earl of. See Plunkett, A. J. FiSK, G. AY. Musikalischer Hausschatz der Deut- schen. Leipzig, 1843. 1.8° 4053.16 Finland. History, etc. Arctopolitanus, G. De origine ac religione Feunonum 4163.18 — Bertram. Jenseits der Scheeren, Oder der Geist l^nnlands 2875.21 — L^ouzon Le Due, L. A. La Finlande, son his- toire primitive, etc 4236.16 Language and Hteratnre. — Bonaparte, L. L. Langue basque et langues finnoises 2951.6 — Gyarntttthi, S. Affinitas lingvae Hvngaricse cvm lingvis FennicK originis deraonstrata . 2886.16 — Lillja, J. W. Bibliographia hodierna Fennias, 1845 4127.6 — Possart, P. A. F. K. Kurzer Vergleichung der finnischen Mundartcn [mit dem lapp- landischen] 2886.19 — Schroter, H.R, V. Finnische Runen 4223.27 — Sjogren, A. J. Ueber die fimiische Sprache , 4886.7 — Tengstrom, K. Finsk Anthologi 4220.19 FiNLAY, G. Greece under the Romans, b. c. 140- A. D. 717. Edinburgh, 1S41. 8' B.193.2 — History of the Byzantine empire from 716-1057. Edinburgh, 1853. 8° B.193.3 FiNLAYsoN, James, i?.I>. Life of Hugh Blair. See Blair, H 5444.3 FiXLAYSON, James. Surnames and sirenames. London, n.d. pp. 75. 8° 2533.11 FiNLEY, J. B. Sketches of western methodism. Edited by "VV. P. Strickland. Cincinnati, 1854. 12° ■ 6558.13 FiNLEY, R., Biography of. See Brown, I. V. . . 2348.36 FiNLEY, W. On (he Teutonic tongues, with refer- ence to the origin and progress of the English language: a lecture. London, 1S18. 8°. •Pph.v.361 FiNMARiv. Nachrichten von den Lappeu in Fin- marken. Leem, K 2865.19 FiNTA semplice, T>a, o sia il tutore burlato. Dramma giocoso [tradotto dal Franceecdal G.Gozzi]. [Lisbona, 1773.] pp. 78. 8m.8''. [Drammi varii, V. 1] 4799.17 FlORELi.T, G. Monumcnti Cumani [posseduti dal conte di Siracusa]. Napoli, 1853. pp. 16. 4 phites. [No title-page.] f •4750.10 FlORENTiNO, S. Poesie. Firenze, 1806. 18°. [Par- naso degl' italiani viventi, v. 25] *4799a.2 (7oW«m(«. — Soncttl; Eloprlo; OdI; ropinctll ; I porl- coll dulla gtuvoutii; La penitenza giovi^nllo; L' astro dog)* Imenrl; Ln nolto d' Etrurla; In occaaiono dell' apcrtura di-llu acuolo nomiali iu Trioslo. FiouETTo, II, di Morgante o Margvtte. See l»ulcl. L •4809a. 46' FiORi, G. De bello Italieo et rebus Gallorum pra;* Clare geslls. [Gra;viu8. Thes. antlq. Ital., T. 9, p. 0] 4710.1 FiORlNi de' Uoniiisegni, J. Egloga, Uranio. [Ferrarlo, Poesie pastoral!] . . . v. 236 of 4808.11 FIRDAUSI 191 FISK Shelf. No. FiRDAUsi, Abul Kasim. Epische Dichtungen aus dem rersischen, von A, F. v. Schack. Ber- lin, 1853. 2v. 16' **3025.28 Conteniti. — Vo\. I. Snl und Itinlubc, Riistems Eltorn; Drr Unlprpaiis dt-s Syiiwwsch ; Kal Chosru'a IlfimUelir. II. Kill Chosru'a crsli'KrU-Ksfrihrt; lluniiiniiml Bisihen; Kit Krtiiipf dtr I'lf Iti'ckcn; U«s Vorachwiuden lU-s Kal Chosni; Uio siebeu Abcnteuor de» IsfoudiHr; Itustem uud istVndlar. — Heldcnsagen. Aus dem Persischen motrisch iibersetzt von A. F. v, Schack. Berlin, 1851. a" **3025.23 — Shah Nameh [Persian and English], a series of heroic poems, on tlie ancient history of Per- sia. Vol. 1. Edited by M. Lumsden. Cal- cutta, 1811. [No title-page.] f° *4260.13 lifote. — Premier volume d'une Gdition qui doU en avoir hult. — Zenker. — Leben, aus DauletschaU's Biographieen der Dichter. See Vullers, J. A 6076.9 Fire alarm telegraph. 5ee Telegraph B.170.7 Fire-arms. BerichtiiberdieFeuerwaffen. Lebeda, A. V , 395.3.23 FiRE-PKOOF depositories, Treatise on. Price, G. . 4018.31 Fire-proof houses. Ashpitel, A 4103.14 FiHE-woKSHiP. Der Fener- und Blolochdienst der alten Hebraer. Daumer, Ci. F 6076.6 FiBENZUOLA, A. Opere. [Ediz. fatta sulla ed. di Firenze 1723, coll' aggiunta dei Lucidi e della Trinuzia.] Milano, 1602. 5v, 8°. [Classici itaUani, v.82-86] **4803.6 CotUetUs. — Vol. T, Awiso depH editori ; Lettera di P. L. Fflnlioi ; Vita di A, Firenzuola ; Uialoeo della bollezza delledonne; Leiteradi Lorenza ScnlH ; Letteraalle gun- till e vttlorose donno Prates! ; La prima vesto de' diacorsi degli aiilmali; Lettera n messer Tominaso Pighinucoio d« I'ictra Santa; DiscBociameoto delle nuove lettere in- utilmente apgiunte aUa lingua toscana. II. Al signor D. Gio Viiicenzo Bcliirato Lodovico Domenlclii ; Epistola in lode delle doniie, a messer CInudiu Tolommei ; Lettera alia Maria Cattcrina C'ibo duchessa di Camerino ; Kagio- naineuti amorosi ; Novella 1-10; Lettera di Clnudio To- lonimi:!; Lt^tti-m di Niccolo Klartelli. III. Aeinod'oro di Apulejo, traslatato di Latino in lingua toscana. IV. Rime. V. La Trinuzia, commedia; I Lucidi, commedia. — Comedie : cio^ la Tnnutia, e i Lucidi. Rlstam- pate. Vinegia, lolio, 61. sm.l2^ *4809a.59 — 1 Lvcidi, comedia. Fiorenza, 1595. pp. SO. sm.8° *4809a.l5 — Discorsi degli animali; Epistola in lode delle donne. [Albtri. Tesoro della prosaitaliana]. 2771.20 — Novelle. [Kaccolta di novellieri italiani, v. 1]. 2773.14 FiBEFtACKS. Franklin, B. Pennsylvanian fire- places M.Pph,v.l39 — Weiss, T. Theorie der Feuerungsanlagen . . 3964.12 FiRESlDE-monthly. Hall, W.W 7367.1 FiRMEXiCH, J. M. Germaniens Volkerstimmen, Sammlung der deutschen Mundartcu in Bichtungen, Sagen, Miihrchen, Volksliederu, U.S. w. Berlin, ltvi(>-54. 3v. 1.8° *4221.4 — Neugriechische Volksgesange. Original und Uebersetziing. Berlin, :fs40. 16° 4252.16 FlRMiCUs Maternus, .1. De errore profanarvm reli- gionvm. Receusuit J. Wower. [BasUejeJ, 1603. sm.S° , . .*B.117.13 — - Same. [Gersdorf. Bibliotheca patr., v. 7]. 00.39.9 — - Same. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 4]. B. 110. 2 — - Same. .See Miuucius, F. M 6050.26 First book for children. [In Mahratta.] Bombay, ..1854. pp.44. 18° 3038.27 First catechism of the French grammar. Revised by M. J. G. Delavoye. 7th ed. London, 182S. pp. 72. 24" 7039.54 First stage of arithmetic. Arithmetic for young children. London, 1836. 32". [London. So- ciety for the ditfu.-iion of uselui knowledge]. 7019,51 Fisch, G. Nine montlis in the United States during the crisis. Introduction by A. Kinnaird; preface by W. Arthur. London, 1863. 16°. 4323.51 Shelf. No. Fischel, E. Die Verfassung Englands. Berlin, 1862. 8° 2515.10 — The English constitution. Translated from the second German edition, by K. J. Shee. Lou- don, 1803. 8° 2513.23 Fischer, C. Die Apologie meiner Lehre nebst Keplik auf die " Abfertigung" des Herrn Schenkel. Ulannheim, 1854. 8" 6063.14 — Diotima. Die Idee des Schcineu. Pforzheim, 1849. 16' G099a.6 — Franz Baco von Verulam. Die Realphiloso- phie und ihr Zeitalter. Leipzig, 1856. p.8°. 6108.16 — Geschichte der neuern Philosophie. Mann- heim, 1854-60. 4v. 8" *6095.9 — Das Interdict meiner Vorlcsungen und die Anklage des Herrn Schenkel. Mannheim, 1854. -pp.34. 8" 6063.16 — Logik und Metaphysik oder Wissenchaftslehre. Stuttgart, 1852. p.8° ; 6086.4 — De Parmeuide Platonico. Stuttgardiae, 1851. 12° B.162.10 Fischer, F, C. J. Sitten und Gebriiuche der Euro- paer im V. und vi. .Jahrhundert. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1784. 8° 4145.20,21 Fischer, G. Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen Universitiits-Klinik zu Gtittingen. Hanno- ver, 1861. 8= 3745.28 Fischer, Johann. Commentarius in Leviticura, Numeros, et Deuteronomium. Herbornjc Nassoviorum, 1615. 3v.ini. 8" 3429.22 — Commentarius in tres libros sacros historicos Esdrje, Nehemire,et Esthers. 5ee Bible. Old Testament. Collection of historical books . 3429.26 — Evangelisch-Reformirte Uebersetzungder Hei- ligen Sclirift. ^ee Bible. Old Testament. German 6013.5 Fischer, Johann G. Reise-Beschreibungder Saltz- burg-Niiruberger Emigranten nach Holland. Leipzig, 17.34. pp. 40. 4° *6055.11 Fischer, P. De Texophthalmos cachectique. Paris, 1S59. pp.48. 8° 5802.15 Fish, S. Granite rock; Theory of the earth. See Scientific tracts 3939.6 Fish, W. H. Orthodoxy versus spiritualism and liberalism. [Cortlandville], 1857. pp. 22. s". 6088.48 Fish breeding. Buckland, T. T. Fish hatching . 3906.11 — Francis, F. Modern system of breeding fish . 3906.9 Fisher, E. Lecture on the North and the South, delivered Jan. 16, 1849. Charleston, 1849. 8° .4310a. 86 — Review of the lecture on the North and South. 5eeMussey, O B. 160. 115 Fisher, George. The instructor, containing gram- mar, arithmetic, geography, etc. Philadel- phia, 1812. 12° 7029.29 Fisher, George P. Discourse, commemorative of the history of the church of Clirist in Yale col- lege, during the first century Qf its existence. New Haven, 1858. 8*= 4355.38 Fisher, P. Irenodia gratulatoria, sive Oliver! Crom- well! epinicion. [LondiniJ, 1652. 4° . . . . **2642.12 Fisher, S.AV. God's purpose in planting the Amer- ican church. A sermon before the American board, Oct. 2, 1860. Boston, 1860. 8° . . . 5440a. 72 Fisher, W. L. History of the institution of the sabbath day. Philadelphia, 1845. 12° . . . 5454.12 — Pauperism and crime. Philadelphia, 1831. 12°. 4306.16 Fisher, Son, and Co. eonstantinople and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor illustrated, by T. Allom. With an historical account of Constantinople by R. "Walsh. Lon- don, [n. d.]. 2v. 4° *3040.16 Fisheries. Reports on the fisheries of New Brunswick. 5ec New Brunswick 7032.6 Fishing. American angler's book. N orris, T. . . 4007.7 FiSK, B. F. Grammar of the Greek language. Boston, 1830. 12° 49S9.5 — - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1831. 12° 4989.3 FlSK,W. Sermon before L. Lincoln, governor, etc., May 27, 1829, the day of general election. Boston, 1829. 8° *4356.10 FISKE 192 FLETCHER SUoIf. No. FiSBLE, D. 'W. v.. Discourse at the funeral of. See Humphrey, H 2348.47 FiSKE, John, Discourse after the death of. See Bentlev, IT 3451.18 FiSKE, John b. Sermon on the present national troubles, Jan. 4, ISCil. Bath, ISi'.I. 8". . . 4310a. 87 FiSKE, X. W. Supplemental plates to the manual of classical literature. Philadelphia, 1852. 8°. 4982.10 Fitch, E. Beauties of religion : a poem. Provi- dence, 1789. 8° B.170.107 FiTZ, A. Exercise song book. Boston, [1858]. pp. 32. sq.lG° 804(3.50 — Fireside melodies : a collection of glees, etc. Boston, [1858]. pp. m. obl.4° 8043.27 Fitzgerald, P. Life of Laurence Sterne. Lon- don, 1804. 2v. p.8° 2547.20 Fitz-Herbert, Sir A. La vievx natura breuium. Londini, 1584. sm.8° *4292.12 FiTZHERBERT, M. A. Narrative of measures to suppress a pamphlet intituled, Strictures on the declaration of Home Tooko respecting the princess of 'Wales. See Withers, P. . Pph.v.309 FiTZPATRiCK, J. B. [Familiar letters to John B. Fitzpatrick. By an independent Irish- man.] Boston, 1853. pp. 67. 12° B.170b.25 — - Siime. Boston, 1854. pp. 72. 12° ... . B. 170b. 26 Fitzpatrick, "NV. J. Life, times, and correspond- ence of the Kight Eev. Dr. Doyle. From the Dublin ed. Boston, 1862. 2v. 8° . . . . 2543.11 — Memoirs of R. "Whately, with a glance at his contemporaries and times, London, 1864. 2v. p.8° 2547.30 FiTZROY, H., duke of Richmond. Inventories of [Ills] wardrobes, etc., with a memoir and letters, [also] the wardrobe stulT of [queen] Katharine. Edited by J. G. Nich- ols. [London], 1855. sm.4°. [Camden so- ciety, No. 01] »2426.5 FiTZ EoY, E. The weather book ; a manual of prac- tical meteorology. London, 1863. 8° . . . 3961.9 — - Same. 2d ed. London, 1863. 8° 3961.11 — Surveying voyages of H. M. ships Adventure and Beagle, 1826-36. London, 1839. 3v. 8°. 2271.2 Five cotton States, The, and New York. [New York], 1861. pp. 64. 8° 4310a. 88 Flaccus, C. Excerpta; rhetorum decem. 5eeQuin- tUianus, M. F B.184.7 Flaccus, S. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.1C2.7 Flacius Illyricus, V)r Francowitz, M. Catalogus testium veritatis, qui pontificibua Komanis re- clamarunt. Francofurti, 1072. sm.4° .... *6074.5 — Catalog! testium veritatis auctarium. Aar M. Alph. do Itcauchamp sur doa notes dc M. Jullian.".~ Qttcrord. FoucHRR, P. tJber die Religion der Pcrser. See Zend-Avesta v. 1 of 3014.30 FoucnKii de Careil, L. A. llogel et Schopenhauer : (■tudes sur la jihilosophit' jLlleinande moderne. Paris, 1802. s° 5603.21 — Mt^moire sur la refutation incdite de Spinoza, par Leibniz. See Leibnitz, G. W 6105.18 FOULKE, W. P. Remarks on cellular separation [of conviots]. Philadelphia, 1861. 8° . . . 3575.28 Founding, llandwiirterhuch dir llUftenwerks- kunde. llarlniann, C. F. A 6860a. 24 FOUNDRY. Manuel du fondeur Dur tons nu^taux. Lannay d'Avrauchea, .T. B. . . -. 4019.39 FOUNTAYNE. J. Sermon preached the 0th of Febru- ary, 1756, being the day appointed ftn' a general last. Ypik, 1766. 8° '»l'ph.v.!i00 FOUQUKT, N., La vie publiquo et i>riv<''e de. See Chi'ruel,P. A 2057.10 FouRCAtM.T, F. Le canon ray*'' prusslen : coinpar- aUon des syst^ines fran^ais et prussien. Paris, 1861. 8° 3965.17 FOURIER 197 FKANCE i>h»lf. No. Fourier, J. B. J. Fourier et Napol(5on : iminioires, 5ecCliiimpolIion-ngcac, J. J 4187.5 FOURNEL, F. y. La littOniturc indi'pendanto ct les ccrivnins oublies du 17c siecle. raris, ISfi'J. li»° 4070.16 — Les contemporains do IMoHtre, rccueil de com- edies, joiu-es do 10.^0 ii lOKO, uvec des notices biographiques. Vol, 1. Taris, 18G3. 8°. . 4606.13 Content*.— Introduction ; Iliatofro du thufitrc dc I'lTfltol de Rourpopio ; 1,'niiinut Indfscrot, ou If mnislru vtourdy, com^dic, par I'liiliiipo Quhiiiult; I.ii bollo Invisible, ou la constaiioe f prouvfo, tmjri- coined i«, j)nr V. \m Metel do Bois-Itobcrt; Le nit-doriii voliinl ot I.o portniit du pelntro, com{-d)«, pnr £. Boursault ; La niagi« sans mairie, com^dlo, par Lainl>crt ; Les bcstcs rnieonnaMes, L'tmproiuptn d»> rilostrl de Cond& vt L'Ocoledpa jnloiix, ou le cocu volnntairc, trois comfdios, par Antoine Jacob Montllt"ur>' ; Rf-ponsc a I'lmpromptu do VersnilleB, ou la vcng«Anco dos mar(|ui)( et Les ooslenux, ou les marquis frinnd!), comedies, par do Villiors; La dnme d'intrigue, ou k- richo vilnin, romOdie, par Samupl Chapuzeau; Le baron de ia Crasac, Lo poCto basque et Les faux Mosco- viteit. trois comfedieB, par Kaymond Poisson; Le jaloux invisible et L'ombro de Moli^re, comedies, par Gutllaumo MarcouroRU de Brecourt. FOURNTER. Siir PMiication et I'instruction pub- liques Chez les Grecs. Berlin, lt>33, pp. 36. 4° B.190.46 FOURNIER, ft. L'esprit dans Phistoire, sur les mots historiqiies. ye ed. Paris, 18G0. 12° . . . . 2211.18 — L'esprit des aiitres recueilli et raconte. 4e ^d. Paris, ISfll. ^4° 4099.24 — Le roman de Molitre, suivi de fragments sur savieprivee. Paris, 1863. 10' **4696.10 — Histoire des hotellerics. S'ee Michel, F. . . . 4661.2 FOWLE, W. B. Child's arithmetick, in Pesfalozzi's method. 2d ed. Boston, 1827. sq.32'' . , . 7019.52 — Common school geography. Boston, 1843. 12°. 7039.32 — Common school grammar. Part 2. Boston, 1842. 12° 45S9a.3 — Common school speller. Boston, 1851. 12°. 45S9a.4 — Companion to spelling books, Boston, 1845. 12° 45S9a.5 — Etymological grammar of the English lan- guage. Boston, 1833. 18° 7109.15 — Practical French accidence. Boston, 1854. 12°. 4689a. 22 — True English grammar: not modelled upon those of foreign languages. Boston, 1827. 24°. 45S9a.8 — Reading lessons from the Scriptures, -^ce Bible. Selections from the whole Bible 6019.7 Fowler, James H. New Testament "miracles," and modern *' miracles." An essay. Boston, 1854. 8° 6088.49 Fowler, John C. Collieries and colliers. Hand- book of the law and leading cases relating thereto. London, 1861. 12" 3667.31 Fowler, O., Sermon on occasion of the death of. 5ecRelyea, B. J 6088.94 Fowler, "U'. C. The sectional controversy; or, passages in the political history of the Uni- ted States. New York, 1863. 8° . . . . ^ . 4323.20 Fox, C. J. History of the early part of the reign of James ii. Philadelphia, 1808. 8° 2528.6 — Reply to Pitt, upon the proposition, that all laws for the regulation of trade and naviga- tion sliall have equal force in Ireland as in England. Dublin, 1785. pp. 22. 8° . . v. 2 of2478.3 — Speech on the Irish resolutions. May 12, 1785. [No title-page.] 8° v. 2 of 2478.3 — Speeches at t!ie trial of Warren Hastings. See Bond, E. A 2572.5 — Public life of. .Sf*- Fell, K 4161.8 Fox, G. "Works. Philadelphia, 1831. Sv, 8° . . 6061.9 Contenta. — VoL 1, IL Journal or hietorical account of hb Iif«, travels. (mtTerinprs. etc. III. The great mystery of ilie prt-at whore unfolded. IV-^T. Gospel truth de- monstrated, in a coHection of doctrinal books, containing principIeH csseutiul to Christianity and salvation, held among the people colled Quakers. VII, VIII. Christian epistles, letters, and teetimonlei, 'written on aundry oceaaioni. Shelf. No. Fox, J. Acts and monuments of persecutions against the martyrs of Christ. [With] the life of the author. 7th ed. [of v. 1]. London, 1031-11. 3v. f° *B.13:.3 — Eiif(i(T/ioi, seu meditationes in sacram Apoca- lypsim. [Londini, 1587.] f°. [No tille-p.^ge]. G020.18 — Esame del calcndario protestante detto Foxi- ano. 5ce Parsons, R 3550.13 Fox, T. B. Meaning and objects of education: [a lecture] Aug. 1S35. Boston, n.d. 8° . . . 4390a. 49 — Oration, delivered in Newburyport, Fob. 22, 18.32. Newburyport, 1832. 8° 4390a. 49 Fox, William J. On the religious ideas. London, 1849. 8° 6063.5 Fox, William T. Skin diseases of parasitic origin : tlu'ir nature and treatment. London, 1803, 8°. 5794.10 FoxcROFT, T. The day of a godly man's death, bet- ter than the day of his birth: sermon' Feb. 25, 1722. Boston, 1722, 8° 3458.98 — Two sermons shewing how to begin and end the year after a godly sort. [With] a dis- course on Jer. xviii, 20. Boston, 1722. 8° . 3458.98 FOXTON, F. J. Popular Christianity : its transition state, and probable development. London, 1849. 12^ ■ 6063.27 Foyer canadien. La littcrature canadienne, de 1850 k GO. 5ee Litterature 4395.2 Fracastobo, G. Alcon, sive de cura canum vena- ticoiiim. See Rigault, N B.171.9 — Delia sifilide, ovvero del morbo gallico, poema. ,See Raccoltadi poemi didascalici 4808.13 — Sonetti; Canzone. [Giroui. Raccolta di lirici italiani] 4808.8 — Memoir of. See Greswell, W. P 2743.20 Fractional calculator, The. Page, J 5684.4 Fractures. Des operations applicablesaux frac- tures compliquees. Chassaignac, E. . . M. Pph.v.l37 FrXdersdorff, J. W. English-Greek lexicon. Revised by T. K. Arnold and H. Browne. 2d ed. London, 1860. 8° *2984.27 — Practical introduction to Danish or Norwegian. London, 1800. 10° 2885.22 Fraissinet, fe. La vraie eglise et lavraie BOcU't^ chretienne. ■ Reponse a M. Guizot. Paris, 1801. pp. 32. 8° 4714.6 France, W. Christian unity. See Sermons on important subjects 5442.14 France. Constitution, decreed by the national assembly. Philadelphia, 1791. pp. 22. 8°. 4187.7 — Expose de la situation de I'empire. 1861 — Nov. 1803. Paris, 1801-03.^ f ° *7030.7 — Commission scienlifique du Nord. Voyage en Islande et au Groenland, 1835, 36. Publii^ sous la direction de P. Gaimard. Paris, 1838- 52. 6v. 8° *2865.1 CoJi/«n«. — Vol. I. Introduction, etc. IL Histoira du voyage, par Paul Gaimard et F.ugene Robert. III. Phys- ique, par Victor Lottin. IV. Histoire de I'lslande et de la litterature islandaise, par Xavier Marmier. V. Jour- nal du voyage, par Eugene Mequet; Zoologie et mede- cine, par Eugene Robert. VI. Mineralogie et g^ologie, par Eugene Robert. — - Same. Atlas historique. Paris, n. d. 2v. f°.*27.M.l — - Same. Atlas zoologique, medical et geogra- phique. Paris, n.d. V *27.N.l — - Voyages en Scandinavie, en Laponie, au Spitzberg et aux Feriie, 1S3S-1840. Publies sous la directicm de P. Gaimard. Paris, n. d. 15v. 8** v. 7-21 of*2865.1 Cofitents. — Vol.\TI. Astronomic et hydrographie, par MM. V. Lottin, A. Bravais, C. D. Lilliilibbk, J. de Lu- roi;he-Poncie, et les oflieiers de la Recherthe. VIII-X. Meteorologic, par MM. V. Lottin, A, Uravata, C. B. Lilliehbijk, P. A. Siljestrom, C. Martins, J, de Larochc- Poncie, L. L. LiEstadius et E. Pottier. XI-XIIL Mag- netisrae terrestre, par MM. V. Lottin, A. Bravais, C. B. Lilliebb&k, P. A. SiljestiiJm, E. G Meyer, do Laroche- Poncie, et par MM. le capitaine Fabvre et lea ofTicierB do la corvette La Recherche. XIV. Auroros bori-ales, par MM. V. Lottin, A. Bravais, C. B. Lill!«h(iiik ef P. A. SilJeitrBm. XV. Gfeologie, mIn6ralog!e, m&tallurgie et FRA^'CE 198 FEANCE Shelf. Ko. France. Voyages en Scandinavie, etc., continued. chimie, par M. J. Durocher. XVI. XVIl. Geograpbie physique, peoemphic bolnoique, botaniqae et physio- lofie, par MM. C. Martins, J. Vnhl, L. L. Lrcstadius, A. Bravais, J. Durocher, P. A. Siljesfrom, C. Boeck et E. Kobert. XVIII. Histoire do la Scaiidiuavie, par M. X. Marmier. XIX. Litterature scaudinave. par M. X. Mannier. XX, XXI. Relatiou du voyage, par X. Uarmier. — - Same. Atlas historique et pittoresque. Paris, n.d. 2v. f° *28.A.2 — - Same. Atlas de physique, atlas geologique, et de zoologie. Paris, 1839-55. f ° *28.A.l — Commission sur Pindustrie des nations. Tra- vaux sur I'exposition universelle de 1S51. T. 1, 3-8. Paris, 1854-60. "v. in 11. 8° . . *4029.20 Contents. — Vol. I. Introduction ; Force productive dea nations concurrentes, de 18tK» a 1^51, par F. P. C. Dupiu. II. ITantinff. III. Part 1, Sect. 1. Machines motriccs et moycns locomoteurs, par A. J. Morin ; Voitures, par .T. K. C. Amoux; Machines et outila des arts dirers, par J. V. Poncelet. Sect. 2. Machines et outilsappropriesaux arts textiles, par J. V. Poncelet; Genio civ^I, architec- ture, etc., par C. P. M. Combes. Part 2. Arts de la guerro et de la marine, par F. P. C. Dupin ; Arts agricolcs, par L. Moll ; Arts mathematiques, par C. L. Mathieu ; Hom- mnjie a la memoire de P.J. Roux, par F. P. C. Dupin ; Rapport de P. J. Roux ; Horlogeric, par P. A. Seguier; Musique. par L. H. Berlioz. IV. Industrie des colons, pur P. A. R. Mimerel ; Industrie des laincs foulees, par J. B. Itandoing; Industrie des laincs peipn&es, par F. Ber- noville ; Soieries et rubans, par .1. B. Arles-Dut'our ; Tab- leau statistiquo ombrassant les propris compares des in- dustries fran^aises du colon, de la laine et de la soie, par F. P. C. Dupin ; Industries du chanvTe et du lin,par C. Le- gentil ; Industrie des chules et des tissus melanges, par Maxime Gaussen. V. Cuirs et pcaux, fourrurcs, hamaia et selleries, plumes, crins et cbeveux, par J. F. Fouler; Imprimerie, librairie, papeterie et industries auxiliaires, par A. F. Didot ; Impressions et teintures, par J. F. Per- BOZ ; Dentelles, blondes, tulles et bvodcries, parF. Aubry ; Les tapisseries et les tapis des manufactures naliouales, par M. E. Che>Teul ; Les tissus appliqut'S oux arts ves- tiflires, par F. Bernoville. VI. Coutelleric et outils dacier, par P. G. F. Le Play; Ouvrages en fer, en acler, en cui\Te, en bronze, en zinc, etc., far G. Goldenbcrg; Industrie dea metaux precieux, pur II. T. P. J. d' Albert due de Luynes; Verres et cristaux, par E. M. Pcligot; Arts ccramiques, par J. J. fibelmen et par Salvetnt. ^ VII. Papiers de teinture ; Meubies, etc., par L. F. M. R. Wolowski ; Mati-riaux de cousu-uction et de decoration, etc., par P. C. Gourlior; Muticrt-s vepfctales approprit-ea a rindustrie, par A. .1. Balard; Objets de parure et de fantaisie, par N. Kondot ; Savons, bougies et part'umerie, par F. F. M. R. Wolowski. VIII. Beaux-arts, par L. E. 8. J. Laburde. ifinistry of agriculture^commerce^etc. — Annales du commerce extcricur. fitats-Unis, Crise financiere et commerciale de 1857, Commerce extcricur en 1850, 67. Paris, 1888. pp. 02. 1.8° 7011.17 — Brevets d'invcntion. ncscriptiou des ma- chines, etc. Brevets pris sous le regime de laloi du Sjuillet 1844. Paris, 1850-04. 48v. 4° »3»40.10 - Description des machines, etc., consig:n(!'8 dans les brevets, dout la duriie est expirde. Paris, )8n-o:i. mv. r •5920.2s - - Same. Table des quurante premiers vol- umes. Paris, 11-43. r *5920.25 — - Catalogue des brevets d'lnvention, 1791- 1803. Paris, lb2(V-fi4. IJOv. in 10. 8° . . . .•3970.10 — Cheniinii ile fer frnntuls. Itcneaux eXploltes. Croquis Indlcateurs des distances, 1859. [Paris, lHo«.] 1.1° •7010.1S _ - Uocuiiieuls lluanciers, 18i7, 68. [Paris], n. (I. :)2 leave*. f° •7010.13 — - Hllualion nppro;(liniitive, 1859, 60. [No tlllepiiKe. Purls], n. d. pp.39. Bm.f° .. •7010.10 — C'hi'inins ile I'cr (Hrangers. Ituccttes, 1859, (10. [l'aris),ii.d. pp.23. l.K' ♦7010.18 — Clieiuiiis 'li> fer de la CDiitVderutlnn gernianl- que. irejille. Par K. Willi. I'aris, Hv-)9. 4°.^;020.12 — Chemlns de fer de IVtat de Xew-Vork et rt'- Hultats de Icur explollatiun. [Paris], 1868, m. pp. 31. »m.f •7010.17 Shelf. Ko. France, Ministry of agriculture^ etc., continued. — Concours agricole universel de 1850. Cata- logue des aniinaux, machines, instruments et produits exposes. Paris, 1858. 8° ♦7012.7 — Concours d'auimaux de boucherie, en 1851, 53, 54,57. Compte rendu. Paris, 1851-58. iv. 8°. •7012.1 — Concours regionaux d'animaux reproducteurs, d'instruments et de ]u-oduits agricoles, en 1856. [Compte rendu.] Irepartie. Paris, 1S57. 1.8°. *7012.5 — Concours regionaux d'auiinaux reproducteurs, maclilues, etc., d'industrie agricole, 1857. Paris, 1859. 8° ♦7012.6 — Description de Pespece bovine de la France. Tome 1. Ire livraison, race flamande par M. Lefour. Paris, 1857. 4° 7020.10 — Enqu^e du conseil d'etat sur la revision de la legislation des ci!ri''ales. Paris, 1859. 3v. 4°. 7022. S — Enquete du conseil superieur de Pagi-iculture, etc. Traiti5 de commerce avec PAugleterre. Paris, 1860, 61.. 6v. 4° *7020.6 <7(»i(en/s. — Vol. I, IT. Industrie mctanurgiquo. III- V. Industries textiles. VI. Produits divers. — - Same. Actes et documents. Paris, 1861. 4°. *7020.7 — Rapport gentJral sur la domestication et la uaturalisatiou des animaux utiles, par M. Isidore Geofl'roy Saint-Iiihiire. Paris, 1849. pp.51. 4° ♦7011JJ1 — Rapport sur la production et I'emploi du sel en Angleterre, par M. Milne Edwards. Paris, 1850. 4° . ♦7011.19 iTinistry of finance. — Tarif giint-ral des douanes. Paris, 1844. 4°. . •7030.5 Ministry of foreign affairs, — Documents diplomatiques, 1860-63. Paris, 1861-03. f° ♦7030.6 Sriiiistry of the interior. Catalogue des objets d'art, de I'antiquiti?, etc. exposes au Musee des Thermes et de I'HOtel de Cluny. Paris, 1850. 12° 4099.30 fctat gijni^ral des posfes de France, pour I'an • 1816. Paris, 1816. 12° 2034.5 Rapports sur les ptjnitenciers des ttats-Unis, par M. Demetz et par M. Abel Blouet. Paris, 1837. f° ♦7010.12 Rapports snr les prisons de la Pnisse [par H. Uallez-(;Uipiirede], sur le regime de (juel- ques prisons de I'Espagne, de I'Angleterre et de I'Allenuignc, [par J. Lohmeyer], et sur le regime des prisons de la Turquie, [par E. Blauqui). Paris, 1843. pp. 84. 4° •7010.18 Rapport 'sur les sourds-muets, les aveugles, etc., par A. de Watteville. I'aris, 1861. pp. 43. 4" ♦7011.15 Ministry of justice. Bulletin des lois de France, lie siSr. Paris, 1793-1863. 210v. 8° •3019.1 Compte general de radministratimi de la jus- tice civile et commerciiile en France, 1847, 50-58. Paris, 1849-I-.0. 7v. 4° •7020.3 Compte g(:neral de I'adlniiiislrution de Injus- tice criminelle, pendant les annties 1847,60-68. Paris, 1.S49-110. 7v. 4° •7020.2 Ministry of marine, colonies, etc. Bureau des longitudes. AunuaU-e, 1797-1864. Paris, 1798-1864. 68v. ln.34. 18° "SOIQ.! - Catalogue par ordre gi'ograpliiqiie des cartes, plans, etc., i|ui composeut I'liydrogriiphio Irancaise. Paris, 1860. 8° 2177.10 - Coimaissance des temps, ou des mouve. nients celestes, 11 1'usiige des ustroiiomes et des navigateiira pour les ainu'es 1861, 62, 61. Paris, l,s,^s-lU. 3v. 8° 5010.1 - Observalious astronoiniiines fuites il rob- servatoire royal de Peris, 1810-20, 37-40. Paris, 1825-16. 4v. C •5010.1 FRANCE 199 FRANCE , Shplf. No. Franck, Miiiistry of marine, etCy continued, — Naval tactics, containing general iiifitructions, principles of diluting, tactics nndcr steam and sail. Translated by A. I'liUUniore. Lon- don, ISOi). 8** 3952.23 Ministry of public instruction. — Codex [medicaraentarinsj : pluirmacopce ft-an- ^aise redigce par ordi*e du gonveruemcnt. Paris, 1«;J7. 4' 5783.5 — Collection do documents Inedits dc Phistoire de France. Ire ser. rariSi ltJ59-62. 7v. 8". Xameli/ .- — - Chnrri^rc, E. N^gociations de la France dans k' Levant. Tome i 2550.21 — - iJelochc, II. Cartulalrc de I'abbayc de Beaulieu 2540.2 — - Foucault, N. J. Mcmolres, annot^s par F. Uaudry 2650.8 — - Ormesson, O.L. d*. Journal etextraits . , 2G50.5 — - Mist^re, Le, du sit'ge d'Orleaus 2050.9 — - Kichelicu, A. J. du Plessis, cardinal de. Lettres, instructions, etc. Tome 4 2G40.9 — - Vault, F. E. de. M^-moires militaires rela- tifs a la succession d'Espague sous Louis xiv. Tome 10 2040.18 Note. — For the other volumes of this set, sec the ludcx printed iu ISGl. * — - Frojet de decrets sur I'instruction publique. [Sulvi d'un rapport sur rinstruction publique, par M. Talleyrand-Perigord. 2e ed.] Paris, 1791. 8* . **3592.9 Note. — Quferard saj-s: Co remnrciuablo diecoursacte compost par Martial Borf^a Dcsrenaudes. Another au- thority says: The chief authors are Vicq d'Azyr for the mnthetnatical and phyMcal part, Desreiiaudvs for tho ethical, and Mme de Stai-l for tho belles-I&ttres. Ministry of state. Commission de la propriety Utteraire et artis- tique. Rapports i I'empereur. Decrets. Col- lection des proems verbaux. Documents, Paris, 18G3. 4° 5662.1 Ministry of war. Catalogue de la bibliothtque du d(?pot de la guerre. Paris, 1S61. 2v. 8° 2172.1 Catalogue de I'exposition permanente des pro- duits de I'Algerie, etc., en 1855. [Redige par J. DuvaK] Paris, 1855. S" 3054.7 Memorial [topographique et militaire] du depot g^n^ral de la guerre [1802-53J. Paris, 1826- 53. 9v. and Atlas of 18 plates. 4' *3950.17 Memorial de I'artillerie, ou recueil de m6- moires [etc.], relatifs au service del'artUlerie. Paris, 1824-53. 7v. 8', and Atlas, 2v. obl.4'.*3954.25 Note- — In the first 5 vols., besides the memoirs spec- ified below, will be found year by year the " Questions proposeea pour le concours," and '' liapport, etc., sur les priT." Contents. — Vol. I. Lettres minisferieUea; Sur I'objet et la eompoRition du mf-morinl; Changemcn'a dans le syst^me de rartiUerie; Extrait du registre des delibe- rations du comitu de rartillerie; Memoire sur le lir d ricochet, par M. Lyautey; Resume des principaux tra- vaux pendant I'onn&c 1825; Tableaux synoptiques de I'iniitruction thcorique ct pratique dans les ecoles roy- alcs de rarlillerie ; rmgrammes dee cours dont si; compose I'instruction dans les ecolea royoles : viz. programme du coure do balistlque, applique au tir dci divcrsvB bouches & feu; sur Igs principes de con- strnctlon des bouchcs & feu; sur la construction dea kfTOta, volturea et machines dartillerie; sur le service des olllclcrs d'artilleric dnns les forges, dans Ics fondo- riea, dans les manofacturea royalos d'annes, dans les poudreric* el les mnSnerics, en campagne, et dans les si6^e«; *ur I'arraement des places et des cAtes et dans la defense des places et des cdteft; la construction des batteries dc tuute eapt^cc; Description dew inventions relatives aux armes exi.«tant hu depot central de I'artil- lerio ; Extrait do manuel des officiers, sur les parties pra- tlquees de I'art milit&ire, par G. de Scharohont ; Extrait Shelf. No. France, Ministry of war, continued. du trnit6 llieoriquo ct pratique de Borkenstein. II. Me- moire sur I'eniploi des moteurs dans Ics usincs do I'nr- tillorio, par M. Morin ; Memoire sur les boltes ^ bnlles ot leur tir, par M. A. Lyautey; Itesumu succiuct dea pvin- cipnux tnivaux executes pendant les annees 182)5, 27 ; Note flur les en^-enagea, par M. Lcfcbvro; Description dea inventions roliitivea aux armea exiatant au d6pflt central d« rartillcrie ; Description d'une machine pour decoupor lea cuirasses, prtsenteo par M. Parrir.ot; Ex- trait du manuel des ofBcicrs, sur les parties pratiques de I'art de guerre, par G. de Schnmhorat ; Note sur quelques cxpOricncOB chimiques faitew en Allemngne aur lo poudre a canon. III. M&moirc sur la deuxicmc question miao au concours pur lo comite d'artillerio pour I'annce 18^, par M.Colaon ; Formules de probabililea,relotiveB au reeultat moyen des observations qui pouvent <5tre utiles dans i'ar- tillerie, {par M. Poisson) ; Ilesuni6 des principoux tro- vaux des nnnfeea 1828, 29; Notice sur lea ouvroges do M. U'Obenbcim, concernant la balistique, ct description de la planchotto du cauonnicr et de la planchetto du bom- bardier, avco lours principaux usages; Comptc rendu d'une mission dans lea fonderiea de i'artillfrie, dont lo but etait do comparer et d'etudier lea effels des moteurs qui y sont employta, par M. Morin : Construction graph- iquo des tables de Lombard, proposee par M. Bellou- cootro; L'inHammiition spontanee dea charboos pulve- rises, par M. Aubert ; Suite de la description des inven- tions relatives aux armes oxistant au depOt central de I'artillerie. IV. Reaume des principaux travaux executes 1B3&-3C inclusivement ; Memoire sur la probabilite du tir a la cible, par M.Poiason; Memoire sur la\-itcsse initiale dc3 projectiles, pnr M. Duchemin ; Memoires aur les cfl'ets des poudres dea differents procedes de fabrication, et sur le mode de chargement a adopter pour les rendre inoffen- sive dans les bouches a feu, par M. Piobert ; Experieneea sur lo tir en breche et aur divers cffets relatifs d ce tir, par M, Duchemin ; La resistance des corps solides ou moua d la penetration des projectilea, par MM. Piobert, Morin et Didion ; Influence de I'emplaceroent de la lu- miero des bouches a feu et dea armes a feu portatives, par M. Duchemin; Experiences aur le materiel en for; La dcaaiccation du bois par le moycn do la vapour d'eau, par M. Piron ; Resistance que lea canons de fusil ofTrent a I'explosion d« la poudre, par M. Gazan. V. Resume des principaux travnux executes depuis 1837—12; Re-' cherches expcriraentales sur les lois de la resistance des fluides, par M. Ducheijiin; Extrait du memoire sur les armes rayees, par M. De Poncliarra ; Machine pour eprouver les flasques des mortiers, par M. PaiTizot ; Machine a remettre les grains de lumiere, par le mfime ; Machine a flleter lea grains de lumiere, par le m£me; Presso 3"fevier articule pour redreaser lea plastrons ,de cuirasses, par le m£me ; Penetralion des projectiles dans divers milieux, etc., par MM. Piobert, Morin et Didion ; Lois de la resistance de I'air, par les memes. VI. Me- moire Bur I'artillerie de campagne, par MM. Bach et Fave; Resume des experiences comparatives faitea a Metz en 1836, 37, aur les poudres do guerre des differenta precedes de fabrication, par M, Piobert; Corapte rendu des principaux travaux de batiments executes depuia la publication du No. n du memorial jusqu'au ler no- vembrel*ti4; Resume dea principaux travaux executes depuia le 15 novembre 1842 jusqu'au ler deccmbre 1S44. ' VII. Notice sur I'artillerio de montagne; Hietorique de PapplicBtion du aysteme pcrcutant aux armes de guer- re ; Pyroxyle a base de coton et lea autres motierea ex- plosives analogues, compares a la poudre; Resigtance que I'eau oppose au mouvement des roues a palettea 4>lane9; Reeistance que I'eau oppose au mouvement dea corps plana, Bpheriques, cylindriques ou couiquea; Re- sistance que I'air oppose au mouvement des corps plana, concaves et couvexes; Vitesse do projection et nombro des eclnts des projectiles creux ; La detei-mination du cal- ibre des balles spheriques ct des charges de poudre dea armea a feu portatives a canon li3se;Experience3execu- tees a Metz, dans les annees 1836-39 et 1842, pour deter- miner, au moyen du pcndule balistique, Ics vitesses ioitialos imprimees aux projectilea par la poudre ordinaire de guerre, dans les bouches a feu de I'artillerie frao^aise ; Rapport du comite do I'artillerie sur le tir tfn breche, suiW dune instruction, etc.; Resume des prin- cipaux travaux executes an comite de I'artillerio, 1844-.H. — Rapport sur la culture du coton en Algerie. Paris, 1855. pp. 40. 8° 7011.30 Antiquities, and early history. — Aubert de La Chenaye des Bois, F. A. Moeurg, usages et coutumes des Francois 4629a. 4 — Boxhorn, M. Z. Originum Gallicarum liber . 4186.12 — Emili, P. De rebvs gestis Francorvm libri x. 4189a. 1 — Gregorius Turonensis. Histqire des Francs. 4615.3 FRANCE 200 FRANCE bhelf. So. France, Antiquities^ and early history, continued, — Lehu^rou, J. M. Institutions carolingiennes. 4188.5 — Lenoir, A. Histoirc des arts en France, prou- vee par les monumens 26.I>.2 — Martin, J. La religion des Gaiilois 0051.5 — Thierry, J. N. A. Recits des temps meroviu- giens 4661.4 Biography, — Adolphus, J. Biographical memoirs of the French revolution • 4043.14 — Babie de Bercenay, F. Giilerie militaire . . . 4(>40.18 — Lemazurier, F. D. Acteursdu theatre fran^ais. 4706. 1'i — Leroux de Lincy, A. J. V. Femmes celfebres de I'ancienne France 4188.19 — Luchet, J. F. L. de. Portraits of the national assembly 4052.22 — Kobin, C. Gensde lettres du xixesi^cle . . . 4661.1 — Tastet, T. Quarante fauteuils de Pacademie fran9aise 3288.5 — Viuet, A, Predication parmi les reform^s de France au 17e sitcle 3528.10 Descriptioiii geography, travels, etc, — Audin, J. M. T. Guide du voyageur en . . . 2034.3 — Bernard, R. B. Tour through some parts of, in 1814 2274.10 — Birkbeck, M. Journey through, in 1814 . . . 4660.18 — Block, M. Statistique de la 2006.13 — Bonuechose, F. P. E.B.de. Geographic de la. 4186.5 — Bulwer, H. L. E. France, sociiU, literary, political 2660.28 — - Monarchy of the middle classes 2660.29 — Cadell, AV. A. Journey in, 1817,18 * 2764.0 — Chanlaire, P. G. Atlas national de la, 1806 . 4630.1 — Dussieux, L. E. Geographic historique de la. 4180. G — Ireland, S. Tour through part of, in 17S9 . . 2862.14 — Moreau de Jonnfes, A. Statistique de I'agricul- turedela 2637.11 — - Statistique de I'industrie de 4189.6 — Noah, M. M. Travels in, in f813-i5 2273.28 — Noel, E. F. Produits de la circulation sur les chemius de fer fran^ais, 1858, 59 7010.14 — Piganiol de la Force, J. A. Nouvclle descrip- tion de la 4619a. 7 — Puckler-Muskau,ll. L. H. v. Touriu, 1826-29. 2274.18 — Raffles, T. Tour through some parts of. . . 2274.35 — Raumer, F. L. G. v. Briefe aus Frankreich Im Jahre 18:10 4189a. 4 — Redding, C. French wines and vineyards . . 4003.34 — Reichard, H. A. 0. Der Passagicr zu Paris . 2834.7 — Rhodes, C. P. French maritime-commercial directory 2634.7 — Scrope, G. P. Geology of central France . . 2060.26 — Summary view of the population of . . . . Pph.v.348 — Young, A. Travels during 1787-89 4660.15 — Zeillcr, M. Beschreibung der vornehmbsteu Oertcr Franckreichs. [ilerian, Topographia, V. 8, 9] • 4261.3 Sc.0 aUo: AInacc, AmboUo, Anfforn, Aiilniii, Auvorfrno, Brctttc, Drltttiny, Caon, CIinniiiaRnp, Giiul, Lii Voiiiltp, I.lf(ic, Lusvnilitiurfc, Lyons, Niivurri', Nord, Noniintidy, I'otciliTB, Port-lloyftl, ItoclieUo, Sovoy, Strmburtf, Tou- loU40, VcrMiUlus. Ecclesiastical history, — F61Ice, G. dc. Ilititorie des protestantfl en. fi054.11 — Puaux, F, Ilistoire de la reformation fran- ^al8e 5520a. 6 History. Comprehensive works. — Barbcrot. Lemons d'histoiro de France , v. 2 of 3591,29 — Bigland, J. Letters on French hlntory . , . . 4662.16 — Enilli, I*. Do rebus gestis Francorum utique ad 4240.4 31 1 HI. - FranzoHlsche III«torien 4610.4 Girniid. Ktt[>r{t revohitlonnalrcdcH nobles en . 4187. 15 Guc'-rln, L. IIiMto!r<- maritime de 2623.7 Utorin della poteii/u nuvule dl Fraiicia . . . 2519.17 I^onard, F. Traltcz lait« par les voU de . . , 4012.2 Shelf. No. France, JTistory, continued, — Mary-Lafon, J. B. Histoire du midi de la . . 4063.16 — Mentelle, E. Precis de Thistoire de 2629.6 — Meusel,J, G. Geschichte von Frankreich . . 41-30.4 — Michel, F, Histoire des races maudites de la. 4290.25 — Mullie, C. Pastes de la 4630.6 — Paris, A. P. Histoire de France par les ecri- vains contemporains 4629a. 1 — Schmidt, E. A. Geschichte von Frankreich . 4226.2 History of periods before the revohiiion. — Barozzi, N. Relazioni venete del secolo x\T. 4722,2 — Caillet, J. L'administration en France sous le minist&re de Richelieu 4662.15 — Michelet, J, Histoire de France au 17e sifecle. 4617.2 — - La regence au ISe sitcle 4617.10 — Ranke, L. Franzosische Geschichte im 16ten und I7ten Jahrhundert 4187.2 — - Civil wars and monarchy in, in the 16th and 17th centuries 4192.3 — Soulavie, J. L. G. Decadence de la monarchic fran^aise 4603.20 See also: Frondo. History of the rex^ohition. — Amd, E. Geschichte der frauzosischen Revolu- tion 4189a. 6 — Barruel; A. History of Jacobinism 4650.29 — Biot, J. B. Les sciences pendant la revolution fran^aise 3929.9 — Blanchard, P. Batailles, sidges et combats des Fraii^ais, 1792-1815 4643.12 — Bouille, F. C. A. de. Memoirs relating to the Fi-ench revolution 4642.18 — Buzot, F. N. L. Mcmoires sur la revolution fran^aise 4042.24 — Croker, J. W. Early period of the French revolution 4643.10 — Erskine, T. Causes and consequences of the present war with France 4129.56 — Fichte, J.G. Berichtigung des Urthells uber die franzosische Revolution 4699.8 — Gilford, J. History of the French revolution. 4641.8 — Granier de Cassagnac, A. Causes de la rt^vo- lution fran^aise 4642,21 — Laharpe, ,1. F. Fauatisme danslalangue revo- lutionuaire 4640.21 — La liodde, L. de. Secret societies of 4642.14 — Lameth, A. de, Histoire de TAssemblfie consti- tuante 4642.23 — Lamothc-Langon, E.L.de, Histoire de la Con- vention nationale 4667.16 — Le Faure, A. Sociahsme pendant la revolu- tion franc;aise 3569.32 — Lemaire, 11. Histoire de la revolution fl-au- 9aise 4650.45 — Mackintosh, J, Vertheidigung der IVauziisis- clien Revolution 4609.7 — Martinez de la Rosa, F. Espiritu del siglo . . 4610.10 — Pages, F. X. Secret history of the revolution, 1787-90 , 4642.30 — Pressens^, E. de. L'dglise et la r(?volution frau^alse, 17N9-1802 4642.12 — Redhead, T, W. The French revolutions from I78l»-1848 4642.28 — Remusat, C, de. Diifenso de In r(5volution fran(;aise 4643.13 — Tableau sommaire des huit premiers mois do la revolution fran^aise. .SV r Moniteur . . . 4640.4 — Tableaux dc la revolution fran^oisc B. 180a. 2 — Tcnuiux, L. M. llistoirede la terreur, 1792-94. 4642. 13 — Viel-Castel, H. de. Les travailleurs de sep- tembre 1702 4619.7 — Wachsmuth, K. W.G. Geschichte Frankreich^ im Kevolutionszeitulter 4226.3 — Williams, H. M, Sketch of the politics of France, 1793, 94 4640.24 History since the rn'ohUion. — Anuualre diplomatique de I'empire IVan^als . OQlOa.l FKANCB 201 FRANCKEL Shflf. No. France, /Tiston/ since the revolution, contimted. — Capefijrue, J. It. H. K. I.es ccnt.iours .... 4053.3 — Constiint-Uebecnements de dd- cembrc 1851 4052.18 — Guizot, F. r. G. iliiiitoirc parlcmentaire de Franco, 1810-lrt 4072.6 — - JlOmoires pour servir h I'histoire de mou temps 4018.4 — - Trois gem-rations, I7S0-18H-I848 4t518.H — Jouruues. fiveneinents quiont eu lieu a Taris, juin 1S48 B.lGOb.95 — Juricu de La Gravi^re, J. P. E. Guerres mari- times sous la republique et Tempire .... 4019.4 — Lafont d'Aussonne. Les deux departs de la iiimille royalc, 1S15 et 1S:J0 4042.19 — Nervo. G. dc. Finances de la France sous le regno de Napoleon III 4003.15 — Nodior. C. E. Histoire des societies secr&tes de I'armee, etc 4IRS.15 — Origine et progrus de Tesprit revolutionnaire . 4180.11 — Hoclmu, A. L. de. Geschichte Fraukreichs, 1814-52 4014.2 — Souvenirs numismatiques de la revolution de 1848 4041.10 — Ten years of imperialism in France 4003.13 — Williams, H. M. tveneniens qui sesont passes 1 m;irs— 20 nov. 1815 4052.10 Jurisprudence. — Bernardi, J. E. D. Origine et progr&s de la leg- islation frani;;nse 4188.9 — Bourdot dy Bichebourg, C. A. Nouveau cou- tumicr general de 5700.1 — Chaix, N. Ui-pertoirc de la legislation dea cbemins de fer 3075.25 — Dnpin, A. M. ,1. J. Glossaire de I'ancien droit fran^ais 3033.9 — Foucart, E. V. Elements de droit public et adminlstratif 3037.10 — Griin, A. Notions de droit general et de legis- lation fran^aise 3591.32 — Hericourt, L. de. Les loix eccl^siastiques de France ., 4291.2 — Hiver. Institutions judiciaircs de France, 1789 iil848 4186.3,8 — Peyr^, J. F. A. Lois des Francs 3010.17 Kcte. — For works on the langua(:o nnr] literature of Frauco, see French lang'uage, French literature, N^atiirat historij. — Candolle, A. P. de. Icones plantarum Gallix. 5840.5 — Toussenel, A. Mammiferes de France .... 3907.4 Political instiiiitiima. — Bonnaire de Pronville. Pouvoir legislatif sous Charlemagne 4187.16 — Boulke, A. A. fetats-generaux et autres as- semblees repri^sentatives de la France . . . 4180.4 — Giraud, C. J. B. I>roit fran^ais an moyen age. 4293.11 — Lasteyrie, J. de. Histoire de la liberty politi- que en 4003.12 — Kathery, E. J. B. Histoire des (5tats g^neraux de 4180.9 * Social distinctions, etc. — Du Ceillier, F, Histoire des classes laborieuses en 2037.10 — Lomi^'uie, L. de. Societ<5 eu France au xviiie siede 4703.11 — SJein, L. Der Socialismns und Communlsmus des hentfgen Frankreichs 4290.18 Fbance, La, le Mexique et les £tats confederi^'S. Paris, 186.3. pp.31. S' 4321.12 Francesco d'Assisi, St. [Giovanni Francesco BemardoneJ. Opera omnia. Vitam a S. Bonaventura coucinnatam adjecit J. J. von der Burg. Colonise, 1849. 1::" 0070.15 26 iShelf.iNo. FnANCis I, of France. Cronique du roy Frnn^oys ler 4015. I — Gacliard, L. P. La captivitcdc Francois ler et le traitti de Madrid 2012.4 Francis, of Assist, St. See Francesco d'Assisi. Francis, of S(des, St. See Franfjois de Snles. Francis, C. DIseonrse after the finieral of Rev. Ezra Ripley, D. D. (With notice by R. W. Emerson.] Boston, 1841. 8' *4163.10 — Discourse at Plymouth, Mass., Deo. 22, 1832, in commemoration of the landing of the fathers. Plymouth, 1S!2. 8° 4305.43 — The dust to earth, the spirit to God: a discourse in Watertown; Boston, 1833. S" *4103.30 — Errors in education : a discourse at Hingham. 2ded. Boston, 1828. 12° ♦4103.10 — Historical sketch of Watcrtown, Slass.. to tlie close of its second century. Cambridge, 1830. b" *-1103.10, and 4355.43 — Memoir of Rev. John Allyn, of Duxbury. [No title-page.] pp.8. 8° *4103.10 — Popery and its kindred principles unfriendly to tlie improvement of man. Dudleiau lecture. Cambridge, 1833. 8° *41G3.10 ^ Three discourses in Watertown, upon leaving the old meeting-house and dedicating the new. Cambridge, 18.30. h" *4]03.10 — Discourse occasioned by the death of. See Weiss, J 4349.9 Francis, F. Fish-culture: a guide to the modern systemof breeding fish. London, 1803. p.S'. 3006.0 Francis, J. History of the English railway, 1820- 45. London, 1851. 2v. 8° 3051.23 Franciscans. Bonrchier, T. De martyrio fratrnm ordinis miuorum divi Francisci, in Anglia, in Belgio, et in Hybcrnia C0C9a.21 — Leydanus Florentinus. Historia passionis no- vorum in Germania; inferioris proviucia mar- tyrum ordinis s. Francisci (iCG9a.21 — Ozanam, A. F. ' Les poetes franciscnins en Italie au 13e siede 4145.14 Franck, A. fctudcs orientnles. Paris, 1801. &° . 3015.20 — La Kabbale ou la philosophie religiense dea Hebreux. Paris, 184:1. 8° 0073.13 Franciv, F. J. C. De sensu proprio quo Aristotelea usns est iis argumentandi modis, qui rece- dunt ab ejus perfecta syllogismi forma. Diss. [acad.]. Kostochii, 1824. pp.22. 4° . . . . 4163.37 FrANCke, A. H. [Francke. Ein Lebensbiid, von der Verlasserin von " Stillleben und Weltle- ben." Volks-Ausgabe, bearbeitet von F. A. Eckstein.] Breslau, 1803. sq.IO" 2846.27 Franckk, H. Alterthumer Dacien's. [Diss, acad.] "Wismar, 1S30. pp. 30. 4" 4102-31 — Arnold von Brescia und seine Zeit. Anhang liber die StiCtung des Paraklet bei Nogeut. Zurich, .1825. 8' 6070.12 Fraxcke, p. Poeraata. Editio altera. Accedunt Grscca ejusdem carmiua. Amstela^dami, 1097. sm.8° **4938.18 Francke, S. Bam des Wissens Giitz vu Boss. Ein Lob des Thorechten Gottlichen Worts. n.p., [1530]. 8ra.4° *6064.22 yote. — Included in the title arc also the foUowlne trnnslBtions : Morie Encomion, dna ist Ein Lob der Thorheit, von Erasmo Itoterodamo gespilt ; Von der Heyloslgkelt. Eitelkt-it, vnd vngewlssheit aller men- Bchlichen Ktinst vnd Weissheit; Ein Lob des Esela.ausi llciurico Cornclio A^liJl'a. — Chronica Zeitbuch vnnd GeschiditbibeU. [Ulm], 1530. 2v. r 6211.1 — Sprichworter. Franckfort, 1500. 12* .... 4899.12 — Wellbuch: spiegel vn bildtnisz dos gantzen Erdbodens. TUbingen, 1534. f" »4160.7 — Wereltboeck, Spieghel ende Beeltenisse des gheheelen Aerlbodems. n. p., 1502. f° . . *4I41.5 Feanckkl, D. H. Thanksgiving sermon for the im- portant victory obtained Dec. 5, 1757, by the king of Prussia. 9th ed. Boston, 17W. 12' . 3458.105 FRANCKENSTEIN 202 FEANKFURT Shelf. No. Fraxckensteix, J. A. Gedancken iiber das Em- igrations-llecht wcgen der Keligion, bey Gelegeuheit der Saltzburgischen Protest- anten. Leipzig, irrti. pp. (iO. 4° *00o5.II Frascklin, T. Earl of Warwick, tragedy, trans- lated from La Harpe. [ Bell. British theatre, V. 17J 4179a. 1 Tra^co,o/ Affli7igkem. De gratia Dei, libri xii; Epistolae duo. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. ;ilj B.U0.2 Feaxv*3is de Sales, St, Introduction to a devout life, n.p., 1075. 24' *B.127.24 — Introduccion a la vida devota, con una declara- cion mystica de los cantares de Salomon, y el directorio de religiosas. Tr. por F. CubUlas. Bareeloua, 1791. sm.4'' . . '. 6065,24 — Introdvction a la \ie devote, Nouv. ^d., rev. et corr. par M. Silvestre de Sacy. Paris, 1S60. '■iv. 24" 5446.40 Frank, J. F. Specielle Pathologie und Therapie. Kach der Lat. Urschrift von J, F. Sobern- heim. .3te Ausg. Berlin, 1840, 41. 2v. 8", 3710.13 — Traite de medecine-pratlque, traduit du Latin par J. M. C. Gondareau. Nouv. ed., par F.J, Double. Paris, 1842. 2v. 1.8" •. . 3710.14 Frank, O. Grammatica Sanskrita. Wirceburgi, 1823. 4= 3032.8 Franke, T. Technologisches Worterbuch des deutschen, franzosischeu und unglischen Sprache, See Beil,J. A 2890.21 Fbankenheim, M. L, Volkerkunde, Charakter- istik und Physiologic der Volker. Breslau, 1S52, 8° 4153.9 Frankfurt on the Main. Archiv der Gesellschaft fUralteredeutscheGeschichtkunde. [Ud. l-:j, herausgegeben von J. L. BUchler und C. G. Diimge ; Bd. 4, herausg. v, Schoff von Ficli- ard ; Bd. 5-11, herausg. von G, H, Pertz.] Frankfurt und Hannover, 1820-58. llv, S'' . *3409.1 — Societas aperiendis fontibus rerum Gcrman- icarum medii a^vi. Slonvmenta Germanije historica. d-md. Edidit G.H. Pertz. Vola. 1-12, 15-18. Hannovera, 1826-63. IGv. f . *4210.2 Contents. — Vol, I. Annalea: S. Amnndf. onn. 687-810; Tillnni, a.'O^StrT; LnubacenB^s, a.aff-lU'G; Petnviani, a. 687-804 ; LiiureBhnmenses, a. 'ttJ-SOS; Alumauiiici, a.lOH- 920 ; Giielfcrbjtani, a. 741-S23; Nazariuni, a. 708-7111; Sungancnsea, a. 691-814 ; Wcingartcnties, a. 708-1116 ; Auglcn»eu, a. 709-954; Hangallenses, a. 709-10o6; Juva- vensL-a, a. 550-975; SaUBburpensca, a. 4;»&-1049; S. Eiii- ineraminl Ratisp., n. 748-1062; Fnldonaes, a. 7.5:1-822; Colonienses, 814-1028 ; Bninwilnrt-nsos, a. 1000-1125 ; 8. Columha: Seiionciiais, a. 708-1218 ; LugduiieQsca, n 76<,l- S41 ; WeiesembiirgcnHcn, a. 7C3-846 ; I.aurisscnsea, u. 680-788; Einliardi annaU-s, a. 711-829; Poetiu Saxoiiis ■nnalcg do gc-Mtia CuroH Map., n. 771-814; Chruiiieuu Motsslacensc a an'culo riuartu ad n. 840; Atmnlea Met- tenacB, a. 687-930; FuIdonseB Enhardy. Ituodolfo uH- Ib<|Uo Mcrlptorlbus, a. 680-901; IV-trl bibUothucaril hifl- toiia Francoruni abbrcv.,B. 680-808; Aniinlcs Ik-rthdnni, IViuloiitlo Trerciii'l ot Illncmiira Itonx-nal auctonbut), u- 74I-*12; VcdaaHul, a. K77-900; Cltruiilcon do gostis Nomiiiiinoriini In Fnuicla, a. 820-911; lU-glnonla i-hnm- Icoii, a. 1-900; KcginonU contlminlor Trcvlr., a. 907-967. II. Scriptorca rcrum 8aiignllL>iisiun) : Vita 8. Galll hu* cusquo lovdlta, a. WMV771 ; GozbcrtI contlnualio do mt- rnculU S. Galll; Abbutuin 8. Gnllf oatalogua; Abbntua monaatciil AuglciittlA ; Epiacopi CoiiHtaiUlciiaifl cccti'nliP ; Vila 8. Ottimrl ; WalafrUll Slrnbonla vita B. Otniari ; Vonli do nifraculla 8. Olmnri librl 2; Ithythml do fl. Ot- mnro; Caaua S.tialll; Itat|H-Tli Cntiiia 8. (>n11l,n.fi70-883; F.kkotiardi-iv cnaiiuni B. (iaill coiitlnunllo, n. 890-972; C«nrndl do Fabaria Caituuni B.Galil contlnuntio, a. 1202- 12:X); Annalra: H. Amnndl, u. 742-8.15; 8. Bavonla CSnn- (Iciial*. a. 608-1.150; Ublotitica, a. 741-082; 8. Mnxfmini TrcvIri'Mla, a. 7lt8-987; 8. Mnrlliil Colonlonal*. a. 750- lO-Jl; DrunwIlarioiKicM, a. I0')O-IU9; Xiinlonitoa, a. O-IO- trr4; Faldoiiica, n.651-«W; WlrKn>urgciii><>N. a. 687-1101 ; UoauoDMta, a. I-I174; I.omovlcrnitra, a. K18-1060: Florla- cvnaes, a. 620-1060! ChronlcoD Aqultanlrutn, a.8a>-102fi; Cliriink-a de aox nrtatiliun iiiuiidl ; Ei thruiilro Molntla- tonol, n. 787-816; I'niill Wani>^rrldl 1lb<-r d« opIocDplii M<-l- (rnilbiia; Grata abbattim Foiilanrllrnaliini, u*qut> nd n. RXl; lUgum Franconim g»nf>Klngl»; Kx Adoiila Vlcn- nvnala cbroni«o uaqiin ad a. 800 ; Errhanburtl brevlarlum ff gum Frajiconim, ». 827 881 1 Willbkldl vlu S. BoDlfaoll Frankfurt on the Main, continued. cum appendice, a. 680-755; Ilucbaldi \-ita S. Lobuini ; Eigilis vitaS. Siunuii.a. 736-779; Aiiskarii vita S. Wil- Ithndi, n. 779-860: Angilbcrti carmen de Knrolo imp.; AUfi-idi vitaS. Liudgeri, a. 776-785; Ehihardiviia Karoli imp.; Ermoldi Nigclli carmina; Itadberti, vita S. Adal- hardi ct Wala; abbat. Corb. ; Uffingi vita S. ld»; Hia- toria, transl. S. Idac et S. Viii ; Tbegaiii viia Hludowid impor. ; Vila Hludowici imper., a. 778-840; Nilhardl historite, a. 814-813; Kuodolfl et Meginharti translatio S. Alexandri, a. 851-860; Translatio S. Pusinna- ; Vita S. Angltarii ; Monacbi Sangall. gesta Karoli Mng. ; Vita 8. Rimberti; Abbonisdebellis Paris, urbia libiilresmetrici. III. Annalea; Corbeienses, a. 658-1148; HersfcldeuseB, Hildesheimenses, a. 815-1137 ; QjiedliuburgensfS, a. 993- 1025; Weissenburgenses, a. 708-1087; Lambcrti para I, a. 1-1039; Fuldensea antlqui, a. 651-^C8; S. Bonifacll, a. 716-1024 ; Prageiisee, a, 894-1220 ; Juvavenses supp., etc., a. 742-S04; Aiigustani, a. 973-1104; Augienses, a. 541- 817; Meginvadi, a. 918-951; Heremi, a. 1-1057; Einsid- lenses, a. 746-1569 ; Flaviniacensea et LaiisoneDSus, a. 382-9S5; Monasterienses. a. 528-1194; Mettenses, S. Vin- centii Mettonsi8, a. 688-1280; Annates Mosomagenses, a. 969-1452; S. Germaui Paris., a. 466-1061; S. Albini Ao- degav., a. 976-1099; Masciacenaes. a. 7S2-1013; Auacieu- ses, a. 687-1127; Casinates, a. 914-1042; Booeventano, a. 788-1130; Cavenses, a. 569-1315; Chronica S. BcDedicti; Chronicon comitum Caputc, a. 815-lft58; Catalogua prin- cipum Capuw; Catalogtis principum Salerni; Chronicon ducum Beneventi, Sal«mi, etc. ; Catalogi rcgnra et im- I peratorum ; Chronica rcgum Francorum ; Tabulie Karo- ' lorum et Ottonum ; Catalogi regum et impcratorum Italiie; Chronicon Nemausense, a. 768-1108; Chronicon Luxoviense, a. 1-1039; Chronicon Casinensc, a. 568-^7; Andrcic presb. Bcrgonmtis chronicon, a. 568-877; Chroa- icon Brixiense, a. 749-893; Erchemperti historia Lango- bardorum, a. 774-889; Liudprandi aotapodoHeos libri VI, a. S87-9.W; Ejuadem historia Ottonia. a. 9G0-964, ct lega- tio Constantinop., a. 968, 969; Flodoardi annales, n.919- 966, 976-978; Widukindi res gestie Saxonica-, a. 919-973 j Chronicon Salemitauum, a. 747-974; lUcheri liistoria, a. 884-995; Kiehcri annalea, a. 01*5-998; Acta consilil Ro- mensis; Lconis abbatia epistota; Acta consilii Mogo- mcnais; Acta cousilii Causeiensis; Grcgorins v papa de Synodo Papiensi; Bcncdicti S. Andrea* monachi chron- icon; De impcrat. potcstate in urbo Roma; Thietmarl chronicon, a. 919-1018. IV. Annalcs: Lindisfarneuaes ct Cantuarienses, a. 618-690; Alcuini.a. 782-797; S. Ger- mani minores, a. 642-919; Engolismenses, a. 815-993; S. Blaximini Trcvircnsls, a. 638-987; Virdunensis.a.822-1024 ; Laubfenaes, a. 418-1054; Leodionsos, a. 58-iaH; Fos- aensfs, a. 1123-1389; Excerpta Altahensia, a. 514-998; Costa epipcop. Virdnnensium, n. 887-1047 ; Folcuini gestA abbat. Lobionsium, a. 637-980; Clironicon GIndbaccnse, a- 97.'t, 974; Chronicon S. Michajlisln pago Virdunensl.a. 722-1034; Liber do succcftBOi-ibus 8. llildulll )u Modi a no monnstcrio, a. 703-1011 ; Ex Dudonis historia Nornian- norum; Adcniari hlatorim ; Translatio S. Lihorii, a. 836; Ex vita 9. Lintbirpa", a. 870; Agii vita ot obitua Ilatbu- mudiv, a. 840-874; Panogjriciia Bcrcngaril Imp., a. 888- 916 ; Gumpoldi vita Voncozlavi duels Bohemia; ; Ex miracnlis S.WighiThfi ; Ex niiraculla S.Maxlmini auctore Sigehardo; S. Glodoslndis et 8. Gorgonii miracula auc- toro Johannc Gomicnsl ; Translatio S. Epiphanii, a. 9G-I ; Vita Brunonis arch. Colon, ; Translatio S. Evcrglali cplsc. Colon., ot S. Patrocli ; Vila Mathildla rogiua' ; llrotsuithie carmina; Vita Johannia Hbbnt.Gor/.ion.*lB; Oerhardl vita 8. Oudalricl cplsc. auguat. ; Translatio S. Magnl ct S. ITdalricl; Ex Paul! Bornriedonsla vita S. llcrluco'; Vlt» Chounradi cplac. Constant. ; Ex transl. Sangutnln Dom. ; Ex mirat-utls 8. Mnrci ct 8. Vorcnrt-; Ex vUa S. Wltbo- rada-; Vila Doodorici ejilsc. Mcttouslii auctorc Slgvbnrto GcniblaconHl; Ex vita Kaddroir abbatia; Wldrtcl vita S. Oerardf, ciiIbo. Tulk-nitU; Kx mlraculU 8. Maneuctl ot' 8. Aprlj OthlonI vita 8. Wolfkangl; Ex Arnoldl lib. de 8. Enunoramnio; Vita 8. Adnlbcrti; Ex vlla 8. NIllj Ex mlraouUa 8. Alcxil ; Purchardl carmen do goatli Wiilg.nvonia abb. ; Epitai)Iilart miracula 8. Adnlheidip; Ex vltU Mnjoll ct 8. Wllloluil ; Vita AdalboroniB u, Mott. cplac; l*aa»io of miracula S. Cholomannl ; Adalboldl Vila liclnrlcl n. Imp. ; Alpcrtl opera ; Mia Btildorlcl cplac. liood. ; Lambcrti vlla Iloriberll, arohloidsc. Colon. ; Vltn ct mirac. H. B«'ni\varnlcon, a. I-llOt); Annalos ItonianI, n. 1044- 1187; HnrlanI Scotti chronicon. n. 1-10U. Vt. Kkko- bnnli I'rnnpicnsischronicn.n. UUZ-lli^; SlRebtrtlCiem- blaconsin chruiilca ctiin contiiiunllunilius, o. SS1-13>*}4; Rnbertl do monto cronirn, a. 3S5-lI8fl; Annnlci Krphcs- fiirc1en9os,a.ll:iS-n.'^:Annali!ilnSaxo,n. 741-1 131). VII. Johaniit» diaconi clironicon Vcnctum ct Gradtnso usc|uo •d a. 1008; Ex Rodulft Ulubri hUloriarum librls v u.aqua •d A. 1(H4; Cbronicoo Novalicieiiso usqvio ad 1048; Ilcri- gcrl et Anschiii gcala c|iiacoporum Tunf^renslum, Tra- Jectrnslum ct Lvodlcnsiuni ad a. 1048; Kx clirunico 9. Bcnlirnl Dlvloiiciialfi, a. I(Ml-1052i GuiidecbniH liborpon- ti6cali9 EichstPtcnsia usque ad a. 1072; Ottonia ct alio- rum contlnuattonoa sa'C. Xii-xvi ; AnonjniiUH Haaorensc^s deep[sco[)isEichst«lvnsibus, a.741-l(V»8; M. Adiimi gcsta Hnmrnaburgonsis ecclesia< pontiflcum uaquo nd a. 107- ; Chronicon brwve Bremcnse usque ad a. 1072; Gesla epia- coiwrutn Canipraopnsiuni ; Chronicon S, Andrew cnatri Camcrncesii, n, 1001-1133; Leonis Maraicani et Petri dia- coni chronica monnsterii Casinonsis, a. 529-1139; Chron- icon opiacoporum Hildesheimensium, usque ad 1472. VIII. Arnuld ^esta archiepiscoporum Mediolancnsiiim ■da. 1077; Landulfi historia Mediolancnsis usque ad a. lOBi'^: Catalogs archiepiscoporum Medioliinensium, us- que ad a. 1355 ; Gcata Treverorum ; Pars prior usque ad a. 1101; Additamcnium et continuntio prima a. 1015-1132; Godefridi archlopiscopi, a. 1124-1127, appendix mon- Dinentomm Treverensiura : Ex tranBlalionc S. Celai auc- tore Theodcrico ; De abbatia S. Martini ex vilo Mugnerici Buctorc Ebcnvino; Ex miraculis S. Symconis auctore Eberwino ; Vita S. Agriiii ; Vita et passio Conradl archiepiacopi auctore Theoderico; Ex historia niar- tjTum Treverensium ; Ex miraculis S. Modoaldi auc- tore Stephano; Ex inventioue et miraculis S. Mathiie ; Gesta AlberooU archiepiscopi : Geata melrica, a. 1132-1145; Geata auctore Balderico, a. 1132-1152; Ru- porti chronica S. Laurcntii Leodiensia, a. 1159-1095; Chronicon Hugonia nionachi Virduneneia et Divionensia ; Chronicon Flaviniacense; Vita Wieberti et gesta obbn- tum Gemblacensium auctoribus Sigebertoet Godcscalco Gemblacensibua; Pancgj-ricua metricus de Olberto ab- batc; Chronicon S. Hubert! Andnginensis usque ad a. 1106 f^ Grata epiacoporum Tullensium usque ad a. 1107. IX. Cos- ma chronica Boemorum ; Chronicon Beuedictoburanum ; Guillcrmi Apulicnais gesta Rob. Wiscardi, a. 1009-1085; Geneulogia comitum Bulonensium ct comitum Flnndriic ; Hugonis Floriacensis opera historica, ncccduut aliro Francorum historite ; Chronicon Affligemense, a. 108^ 1100; Chronicon Polonorum, usque nd a. 1113; Annalca Austriffi, Melliccnses, Admuntcnses, Gotwicenscs cum continuationibus; Sancti Rudberti fiaiisburfrenses nn- tialea brevea; Continuatio Weichardi de Polhaim, a. 1280-1307; Contiuuatio canonicorum S. Rudberti Saliaburgensis, a. 1308-1327; Annules Matseenaea, a. 1305-1395. X. Ex chrouographia Hcimonts presby- terl S. Michflelia Babenbergensis, a. liW6-1135 ; An- nales Babenbergenses, a. 1137-1180; Annales Ensdor- fenscs, a. 1184-13I>S ; Annales Au^ustani minores, a. 1137-1321, 14.57 ; Annales Sueviie; Vita Hariolfl fund- Btoria monasterii Ehvangensis auctore Emienrico; An- nales Elwangenses, a. 1-1237; Annales Seresheimensea, a. 1049-1296: Continuatio, a. 1411-1540, auctore Johanna Schweickhofer; Chronicon Elwacense; Annales Zwi- fallensea, a. 1-1503; Ortliebi de fundatione monasterii Zwivildenaia libri ii; Bertboldi liber de constructiono monnsterii Zwivildeneis; Ex Honorii Augustodunensia eumma totius et imagine mundi, a. 726-1133; Regum [sic] Impcratorum catalog! ; Chronicon Gozecense, a. 1041-1135 ; Chronica epiacoporum ecclesiee Meraebnr- gensls, a. 1137-1514; Gesta abbatum Trudonenaium, a. 099-1366; Ex Willelmi Malmesburiensia acriptia bisto- ricis; Laurcntii de Leodio gesta epiacoporum Virdunen- Bium et abbatum S. Viloni ; Laurentii do Leodio gesta, a. 1M7-1250; Annalea S. Vitoni Virdunensi^. a. 96-1481; Gesta epiacoporum Mettensiura; VitaChrodegangicpiac* Mettensia auctore ut videtur Johanne abbate Gorzienai ; Vita Mahthildis regina? antiquior; Vita Gebehardi epia- copi Constantienaie; Vita S. Haimeradi ; Vita auctore Ekkeberto; Erinheri paraphrasis metrica vitec .S. Hai- meradi auctore Ekkeberto. XI. Gesla archiepiscoporum Stllaburgensium ; De conversione Bagoarionim et Ca- rantanorum libellus; Computationea seccuH xii de tem- pore S. Rudberti; Vita Gebehardi archiepiscopi auctore monacho Admuntensi, Catalogua prEcsulum Salisbur- gensium, Pasaio Ticmonis archiepiscopi metrica; Vita Gebehardi, 'Tbimonta, Chunradi, Eberhardi, Chunradl It, archiepiscoporum cum chronico Admuntensi ; Con- tinuatio. a. 1199-1259; Planctua de obitu Friderici ducis AuatntE et epitaphium ; Passio Thiemonia archiepiscopi ; VIra Chunradi archiepiacopi; Vita Eberhardi archiepis- copi ; Vita? et miracula sanctomm Juvavensium Virgilll, Hartwici, Eberhardi ; Vita Meinwerci episc. Patherbrun- oenala ; Vita Oodehardi cpiac. Hildeneabeimenab auctore Sholf. No. Frankfurt on the Main, continued. Wolfherio; Versus In laudem 8. Godehardi ; Vita Sto- phani regis Ungnrite; Wiponis provcrbia, tetritlogua Heinrici regis, vita Chuonradi ll imperatoris; Vita Gun- llieri ercmitre; Vita Richnrdi abbatia S. Vitoni Viidu- -^ nensis ; Vita Popponia abbatis Stabulenais auctore Evcr- belmo; Vita Bardonla auctore Vulculdo; Vita major; Translatio S. Dionysii Areopagitro; Ex Othloni ; Libri viaionum, Ex libro de temptationo cujuadnm mouachi ; Brun\vilarensi5 monasterii fundatio; Gisloborti carmen do incondio 8- Amandi Elnonensis; Triumphua fl. Ro- maci de Malmnndariensi coenobio; Vita Annonia ar- chiepiscopi Coloniensis; Ilistoriio Fttrfunaea; Gregoril Cntinensis opera ; Catalogua abbatum Farfenaium ; An- nales Farfenaca; Bcnzonis episcopi Albcnsia ad Heinri- cum IV imp. libri Vll ed. K. Pertz. XII. Indices llbro- runi qui tomia scriptorum duodecini primis habenttir; Vita Anaclmi episc. Lucensis auctore Bardono presby- tcro -1087; Vita Theodcrici abbutia Andoprinenais -1087; Vita Bennonis II episc, Oanabrugensia auctore Norberto abbate Iborgcnsi -1088; locundi translatio S. Sorvatii -1088; Vila Adalberonis epiac. Wirziburgonais [obiit lt>90]; Wido episc. Ferrnricnsisdeechismate Hildebrandi; Ex vita "Wolfhelmi abbatis Bninwilarensis, auctore Con- rado -1091 ; Vita Benedict: abbatis Cluaenais -1091 ; Vila Willihclmi abbatis Ilirsaugiensis [obiit 1091J, auctore Haimono ; Vita Wernheri epiac, Mersehurgensis -1093; Ex vita S.Udalrici prioris CcIlcnsis-1093; Vita Heinrici IV imperatoria -1006 ; Translatio et miracula S. Modoaldi, ex translatione S. Auctoris, miracula b. Egidit ; 8eheri primordia CalnioBiacensia-1109; Donizonis vita metrica Mathitdia -1115; Narratio de liberlato ecclesife Fabari- ensis -1116; Canonici Leodiensia clirunioon rj'thmicum -1119; Hessonis scbolastici relatio de concilio Remensi -1119 ; L'odalscalcus de Eginone et Uerinianno-1120 ; Vita Theogeri abbatis S. Georgii et episc. Mettensia -1120; Mta Erminoldi abbatia Pruvcningensis, -1121 ; Vita Fri- derici episcopi Leodiensis, -1121 ; Karralio de electiona Lotharii in regem Romanorum; Vita Godefridi comitis Capenbergensis [nbiit 1127] ; Vita Karoli comitis Flan- driie -111?7 ; Rupertus de inccndio Tiutiensi et de Cunone episcopo Ratisponenai ; Translatio Godehardi episcopi Hildcsheimenaia -1126; Ex Herimanni de miraculis 8. Marife Laudunensis libro iil-IliiO; Ex Herimanni historia restaurationis abbatiee Tornaccnsis ; Vita Norberti archi- episcopi Magdeburgensia, -1134; Additamcnta fratrum Capenbergensium ; Amulfl nrchidiaconi in Girardum Engolismensem iovectiva; Vitte Ottonis episcopi Bam- bergensia, -1139. Xlll, XIV, 7iot publis?ied. XV. Leges Alnmannorum et Baiuwariorum ed. J. Merkel ; Leges Burpundionum ed. F. Bluhmc; Lex Frisionura cd.C. de Richfhofen. XVI. Annales : Herbipolenses, a. 1125- 1215; Halesbrunnenses, a. 1099-1460; S. Petri Erphes- fiirdenses, a. 1078-1182; Erphordensea, a. 1220-1254; Veterocellenses, a. 801-1484; Palidcnses auctore The- odoro monacho, 1182 et 1390 ; Roscnveldensea, a. 10.'»7- li;»; Magdeburgensea, a. 1-1188, 1453-1460; Steder- burgenses auctore tJerhardo prapposito. a. 1000-1195 ; Pegavienses et Boso\-iense8, a. 1000-1227; StadenacB auctore M. Alberto, a, 1-1256 ; Hamburgenae.s, a. 1-I2li5 ; Ryensea, a. 1-1288; Lubicenses, a. 1264-1324; Saxonici, a. 1-1271; NoUe Hannovcranns, a. 1297; Yburgeneea, a. 817-841, 1072-1085; MonHSterienses, a. l(m-1197 ; Eg- mundani, a. 875-1315; Annalium Anglin> excerpta, a. 1-1290; Annales Engolismenses, a. SL-i-OOI ; Catalau- nenses, a. 1009-1316 ; Mosellani, a. 704-797 ; S. PauH Virdu- nensis, a. 908-1215, 1249,1419; Aquicinctini, a. 1^9-1279; S. Quinttni Veromtiridensia, a. 793-994; Cameracensea auctore Lamberto Waterlos, a. 1099-1170; Gundcnses, a. 129&-1310 ; Parchenses a nati\-itate Johannis, -1316, 1458 ; Marchianenses, a. 1-1-306 ; Floreffienses, a. 1-1482 ; Sancti Jacobi Leodiensia, a. 1-1393; Lamberti Parvi, a. 988- 1193; Reineri, a. 1066-1230; Notse Aurerevallenses, a. 649-1192; Aquensea,'a. 1001-1196; Kodenses.a. llOO-ll.'".?; Brunwilarenaes, a. 1000-1179; Sancti Petri Coloniensis, a. 798-818; Colonienaes, a. 814-979; Remenses et Colo- nienses, a. 961-1196; Sancti Gereonis Coloniensis, a. 1191- 1248; Notffi Sancti Petri Coloniensis, a. 1247; Agrippi- nensea, a. 1093-1384. XVIL Annales et nota: Baben- bergenses, a. 1012-1.348; Bremensea, a. 750-1307; Colo- nienaes ab O. C.-12;J7 ; Colonienses minimi, a. 1193-12')6; Moguotiui, a. 1083-1309; .Sancti Disibodi, a. 891-1200 ; Seligenstadenses, a. 1067-1168; Sancti Nozarii, a. 936-978; Worraatienses, a. 873-1295 ; Spirenaes, a. 920-1272 ; Argcntinenses, a. 673-1207; Ellenhardi Argentinenais annales et chronica, a. 1132-1299; Marbacenses, a. 631- 1375; Maurimonasterienses, a. 814-1288; Colmaricnses, a. 1211-98; Basileenses, a. 1266-77; Chronicon Colma- riense, a. 1218-1304; Annales Bemenses, a. 1191-1405; Cluniacenses, a. 412-1.359; 9. Bloaii, a. 932-1143; En- gelbergenses, a. 1147-1546; Suevici, a. 1273-92; S. Trud- perti, a. 1246 ; S. Georgii in Nigra ailva, a. 613-1308 ; Sin- delfingenses, a. 1083-1294 ; Weingartenses Welfici, a. 1101-81; Ottenburani, a. 1145-1416; laingrimi majorea et minores, 1121-68; Benedictoburani, a. 1109-1278; Die*- FEAKKrUET 204 FREDERIC Frankfcrt on tbe Main, covO'nued. senses, o. U±;-l*i? ; l-ndvrsdorfenses. a. 1190-14S3 ; Scheft1nriense«, n. S14-1463 ; AUabenscs. n. 508-15£5i 63. ITdulrici et Afrtp Augrustcnses. n. 110l>-13ai; Bflura- burgensci. a. 1058-1363: Mnpni pivebyteri nunuU-B Rei- chersp<>rfensi'S, a. P21-ir^; AldiTsbn censes, a. 1?73-S6; Osterhot tnsps. a. 43-1433; Windbcrgrnsi-s, a. 119G-1407; Aniiabs S. Emmerammi Ralisbonenses et Wtlteiibur- penses. a. 732-1408 ; Itnlisbonenses -1201 ; Eberliardi archidinconi Jiatisbononsis. a. 1^3-1305; Annales Pru- venin^nseis. a. 770-1208; Chounrndi Scbirensis chrnui- eon, catnlopi, annales, a. 1077-1226; Gradiceuscs. a. 894- }145; Opatswiccusea, a. 1140-58; Viucentii, a. 1140-07 j Cerlaci Milovicensis. a. 1167-98; Heinrici de Heiniburg, ft. 861-1300; BoheniifB brevissimi. a. 80-1453. XVIII. Anaalea ItaUiv: Cafari et continuatorum annales Jtin- Uffi. a. 1000-1163; Oberti cancellarii. a. 11&4-73; Otoboul Bcriba;. a. 1174-90; Oporii fnnis. a. 1107-1210; MarehisU ecriba. a. 1220-24; Burtboloraiei scribip, a. 1225-48; Jnn- neuses, iinnorum 1249-04; Lanfrauci ripiolli, GuiHelrol de Xlurtedo, Mnriiii Ususmnris et Henrici marchionis dd Gftvio, a. 1264, 65 ; Mnrineti de Marino, Guilielroi de Mur- tedo, Miirini Vsusmaris et Jobannis Suzoboni laicorum, a. 1265,66; Nicolai Gucrcii et Guilielrai de Murtedn, En- rici Itrogi el Bonivassali Ususmam laicorum, a. 1207-69 ; Obpni Staneoni, JncoUi Aurie, Marchisini de Cassiiio irt BertoHni Eoiiifatii, a. 1270-79: Jftcobi Aiiri^e, a. 1280- £H; Mediolanen»es, a. 1154-1230; Libellus tristilire et doloris, a. 1154-77; Gesta Federici imperatoris, a. 1189, 90, Continuutio, a. 12U1-30 ; Annales Mi'diolancniics minoreB, a. 1018-1280; Placentini. a. 1012-1317; Tla- centini Guelfl, a. 1012-1235; IMaceuliiii Gibellini. a. 115+-12S4; Mutii de ModcEiia iiotw, a. 1290-1302: MaiUcl Ticeconiitis litt^rw ad l'laccntiiio» do ubilu Ottonis ar- chiepificopl, a. 1295 et notie arLbiepiscoporum Mediola- nenslum. tt. 1295-1317; Laudenses aucloribua Ottone et Aeerbo Morenis, a. 1153-68; Olto Morena, a. 1153-01; Acerbiia Morena. a. U01-&4, Conlinuutio, a. 1164-63; Parraenses miuores, n. 1038-1167 ; Feiraricuses, a. 1101- 1211; Notw Pamiensefi, a. 1147-80; Parmensea niajorcB, a. llG.J-1335; C'renionenscB, a. 1096-1232; Chronici Cro- mononeis frapmentuni. n. 1310-17; ELTgoaiates, a. 1107- 1241; Annales BrisLieuscs, a. 1014-1273. — Brief discourse of the troubles begun nt Frank- fort in (Jerniany, 15J4, about the liook of common praver and ceremonies. [IMieuix, y,-^] . . . .' 4157.1 Fraxkl, L. a. Ahnenbilder. Leipzig, 16G4. 10*. 4Sr8.19 — Derrrimator.Gedicht. 2te Autl. Leipzig, 18G2. pp. TO. 10". [Institut zur Fiirderuug isracli- llschen Literatur] 4878.22 — Gusle. Serbische Xationallieder. Wien, Ibo','. sq.lG' 4223.28 Fbanki.TN, a. Histoire de la Bibliothfcque maz- arine. Taris, 1800. sm-S." 2128.11 — Rccherches sur la Hiblioth&quc de In faculte de mi'decine de Paris. Taris, InH. 10° . . . . 2138.15 Franklin, Benjamin, LL. D. AVorUs, consisting of essays; with his life, by himself. l*eeks- kill, N.'Y., IWL IS' 2348.03 — Political, miacelluneous, and philosophical pieces. [Kdited by B. Vaughan.] Loudon, 1779. 6m.4° **2402.9 — Account of the new invented Tennsylvanian fire-places, riiiladelphia, 1774 b° . . *JI.rph.v.l39 — Oration at the inauguration of the statue of. See WInthrop, K. C 4315.8 Franklin, Jicv. llcnjamin. Conversations on Christian union. By a Christian minister. Keltvilh', N. J., 1S51. pp.24. 12* B. 170b. 14 Franklin, James. I'rcsent state of Hayti (St. Domingo), with remarks on its agriculture, commerce, laws, etc. London, IK.vs. p.H" . 2313.20 Franklin. Sir John. Belcher, K. Last of the Arctic voyages In search of 2203.0 Brown, J. IMans for the search for 2203.5 Kichardson, J. Arctic expedition in search of. 2:i(l7.7 Sutherland, V. C. Journal of h voyage In Hfurch of 22f»3.7 FuANKi.iN, William B. Bejily to the report of the joint coinniiltee of congress on the conduct of the war. i\«-w York. IhC-'i. pp. 31. b° . ■I."il0a.l02 'FRANKI.In, William l>. Cnntliientiil vorallsls'glee book. .Sef nNtitlngt..n. C. M* 8047.9 Fuanklin county, ^fa^nl., llUtory of churches and luiiUsUTb iu. I'ackarJ, 1' 2350.31 Shelf. No. Franklin institute of the state of Tennsylvania. Journal, devoted to the mechanic arts, gen- eral science, and inventions. Vol. 1-G; new series, v. 1-2''-; third series, v. 1-40. riiila- delphia, 1820-1)3. 7NV. s^ *4017.1 Franklyn, or Frankland, T. Annals of king James and king Charles i; a history from 1032 to 1042. London, lOM. f *4230.2 Feanqukville, a. C. E. Franquet de, Les insti- tutions politiqnes, judiciaires et administra- tives de I'Angleterre. 2e ed. Paris, 1804. 8'. 2513.20 Franscini, S. Statistica della Svizzera. Lugano, 1827. b° -. 2838.24 Fransioli, J. Patriotism, a Christian virtue. Ser- mon at St. Peters, Brooklyn, July 20, 1803. Xew York, 18i;4. [Xo title-pape.] 8" . . . 4322.18 Franzesi, or Fraucese, M. In lode della tossa. [Kaccolta di poesie satiriche] 4808.0 Fraser, James. Travelling map of Ireland. Dub- lin, 1^51. Folded 12° 2470.30 Fbaser, James, esq. Handy-book of patent and copyright law, English and foreign. Lou- don, 1800. p.8' 3060.34 FRASEE, P. A. Enquiry into the existing sources of demoralisation, and the causes that have rendered inefficacious the schemes of social reformers. Edniburgh, 1801. 10° 3508.20 Fr.\SEU's magazine. Vols. 1-07. London, 1830-03. Orv. b' *31S7.1 Fraticelli, p. 8toria della vita di Dante Alighieri. Firenze, 1601. p.S' 2749.7 Frauek, L. Die Walkyrien der skandinavisch-gcr- nianischenGotter-und Heldensage. Weimar, 1840. pp.88. b° 0072.26 Fraus honesta. Comoedia. 5ee Stubbe 4575.32 Fkazer, Sir A. S. Letters written during the Pen- insular and Waterloo campaigns. Edited by Sliijor-General E. Sabine. London, IbiU. 8". 2528.3 Freculi'hl's. Chronicorum libriduodecim. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 14] B.110.2 FREDEGAitius. Appendix historic Franoorum Gregorii Turonensis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr.,v. nj B.110.2 — Epitome historia; Francorum, ct chronicum. AVe Gregorius Turonensis 4010.2 — Chronique en continuation d' Histoire des Francs. 5ef Gregorius Turonensis 4015.3 Fredekic I, Bai-bnros!-a, emperor of Gcrmnvt;. Bnichstuck iiber den Kreuzzug Fridcrich's i. 2874.2 — Expeditio Asiatica ad sepiilchrum Domini. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 3, p. 2J ■. 4140.3 FREDEitic II, emperor of Gn'maiii/. Epistolai va- riaiciv. [Martt'ue. Vet. script., v. 2] . , . 4150.1 — Kington, T. L. History of 2810.9 — Leben. [Schriickh. AUgemeine Blographie, v. 4] 4143. C — Scliirrnmchcr, F. W. Kaiser Friderich der Zweite 2852.11 Fredekic I, linr/ of Denmark; Sendtbrieft* vnd Endtschuldigung an Churfiirslcn, Fiirslen, etc., und alle teutsche Nation, u. s. w. Co- peuhawi', I.V.*3. pp.8. Mm.4'* •0055.10 Fredekic 1, l:iu(/ of I^ruasirt, Jk'-moires orlginaux sur If regne et la cour de. See Dohnii, C. v. 4213.15 Frederic II, fduf/ of Pruastti. (Envres melees. iS'ouv. ed. Suivant la copie impriniec h Ber- lin, chez C. F. Voss. n. p., 170U-tS3. 3v. sm.S" 2878. .'W Conl«nW. — Vol. I. roOnleii divpraci ; ftjiHrpa. IT. L'art do In (fuprpo; ftpltrcii faninii-res; PiOccn diverge*; Lrttri-a fn vorn et proHO. IIL ToC'sIci dlversoii; Piicet cnproHv; CoiTCitpomlnnco. — Letlres ini'dites. Sre La Beaumelle, J>, A. de. 2055.29 — Mi-nmlres pour servir i» I'liisloire de Brande- lunirg. n. p., 1702. 12" 28.30.21 — Carlyh', T. lli;*tory of 2853.3 — Jomini, H.de. Alias pour le Trultd dcsgrnndea oprratiouH militaires 2S.H.1 — - Critical uud military hUtory of the wars of . 3955.10 FREDERIC 205 FRENCH Shalt. No. Frederic IF, kinff o/Pmasia, contivurd. — Thiebault, D. Anecdotes of 2652.26 — Vciu'ih'y, J. Friedrich der Grosse uud Vol- taire '. 2852.27 Frederic the Valinnf, elector nf Saxony. I-fbcn. [^chrtickh. Allgcnu'ine Biogrnphio, V. 1] . . 4143. G Fbedkiuo lienry, duke of Cumberlaml^ ain\ tiros- venor, lath/ H. Letters. 6tli ed. London, [ir— ]• 12° . . . .• *Pph.v.3G9 Frederic Wiiliam, elector of Bravdenhurg. Le- ben. [Schruckli. Allgemeiue IJiographie, V. 2] 4143. G FBEDEitic William \U,l-iug of Prnssin. [AnS. K. M. Krirdrich AVilbelm ill nnch dcm Frieden zu Tilsit.] licrlin, isor. pp. 70. 12". . . . 2SI9.9 Free discussion, Right of. Cooper, T 3043.8 Free institutions. Entstehungsgeschichte der frci- stadtiscbeu BUnde ira Mittelalter, u. s, \x. Kortiira,J. F. C 4297.7 Free masonry. Adams, J. Q. Letters on the ma- sonic institution 35r>7.35 — Chase, (I. W. Digx;st of masonic law .... 8tHfi.25 — - Slasonic harp 55i''9.20 — - Masonic monitor K046.25 — Collection of letters on B. 170. 27 — Fiudel.J.G. Geschichte der Freimaurerei . 35G7.34 — Halli^^■eU, .r.O. Freemasonry in England . . E. 10(1.14 — History and articles of masonry 3509.33 — Laurie, W. A. History of 3507.38 — Mystic beauties of, etc 3509.31 — Oliver, G. Institutes of masonic jurispru- dence 3507.33 — Farmelc, H. Key to the first chart of the ma- sonic mirror 3509.30 — Sarsena. Geschichte und Entstehung des Frei- maurerordens 5569.2 Free negrolsm : or, results of emancipation in the North and the West India Islands. New York, 1802. pp. -32. 8' 5572.20 Free thoughts upon the present crisis, [or] prin- ciples upon which alone Ireland ought to agree to a settlement with Great liritain. Dublin, 17i<5. pp.09. 8" v. 2 of 2478.3 Free trade, Faneuil hall proceedings in favor of. [Bradford. Letters] 4163.13 Fbeedly, E. T. The issue, and its consequences. Philadelphia, 1850. pp.20. S° B. 100. 53 — Practical treatise on business. Philadelphia, \irb-l. 12" 3083.7 Freedsien, U. S. Howe, S. G. Refugees from slavery in Canada West 4320a. 2 — Mellen, W. P. Abandoned plantations and af- fairs of freed people 4320a. 2 — New England freedmen's aid society. Extracts from letters of teachers, etc 4-320a.5 — - Reports 4320a.4 — Philadelphia freedmen*s relief association. Meeting to consider the condition of . . . . 4320a. 2 — Pierce, E. L. Freedmen of Port Royal, S. C. 4320a. 7 — - Negroes at Port Royal 4320a. 7 — Yeatniau, J. E. Plan of organization for freed labor 4320a. 2 Freeman, E. A. History of federal government, from the foundation of the Achaian League to the disruption of the United States. Vol. 1. London, 1803. 8" 55G4.1 Freeman, F. History of Cape Cod: annals of Barnstable county, and of its several towns. Boston, I85S-^»3. 2v. 8" 2350.9 Freeman, J. Character of Rev. John Eliot, D.D. Boston, 1813. pp.23. 8° 5440a. 75 — Description of the eastern coast of Barnstable, from <'ape Cod to Cape Malebarre. Bos- ton, 1802. pp. 15. 8" . 4355.45 — Sermons on particular occasions. 3d ed. Bos- ton. ls21. 12' **5443.19 — Sermon preached the Sunday after the funeral of. 5ee Greenwood, F. W. P 5440a. 75 Freeman, S. The town officer. Sth ed. Boston, lbl5. 12"*. . . ♦ 3634.21 Shelf. No. Freeman's address to the North Americans; prov- ing that their present embarrassments are owing to their fedenil union, their po^ creign states, their constitutions, and their states- men, n. p., [Ih40j. pp. ',".). 8° *4163.9 Freer, M. W. Life of Jeanne d'AIbret, queen of Navarre. London, [1801]. p,b° 2055.26 Freibeiuj. Die kiiniglichen Bergacadeniie. Reg- ulaliv fiir den Besuch der Academie. Frei- berg, 1800. pp.55. 8° 3S06.3 Freibukc;, J, V. Das Riidlein. Ein Gedicht. [Ha- gen. Gesammtabenteuer, v. 3] 2900.29 Fheidank. Vridankes Bescheidenheit, von W. Grimm. Giittingen, 1834. 10' 4232.11 Freight. Freighter's guide. Harrison, G. . . . 5083.14 Freiligrath, F. Nach Johanna Kinkel's Begrab- niss. London, 1858. pp. G. sm.b" 4129.93 Frelinghuysen, T., Life and character of. See Chambers, T.W. 2347.31 Fremont, J. C. Geographical memoir upon Upper California. Wa.sliington, !h4S. pp. 07. 8° . 6087.38 — Life? [Campaign document.] New York, 1850. pp.32. [No title-page.] 8" 4129.82 — Brotherhead, W. Fremont, and the injustice done him 4310a. 18 — Pilsen, J. Reply to E. Schalk on the mountain campaign 4310a. 107 Fr^my, E. Notions g6n(5rale8 de chimie. 5eePe- louze, T.J. . 3977.17 French, B. F. Historical collections of Louisiana. Parts 1,3, 5. New York, 1840-53. 3v. 8" . 2376.21 Contents. — Vol.l. Discourse before the Historical so- ciety uf Louisiana; Memoir of Ln Sane, on tho neces- siiy of an cxpL'dition to take possession of Louisiana; Letters patent to LaSnlle ; Memoir of La Sulle, reporting the discoveries made by him ; Accountof the taking pos- session of Louisiatia; Will of Ln Snile; Momuir on the di^co^-c^y of th nnl historique de I'etablissement des Fransais a la Lou- isiane', par M.deSauvole; Memoirede M. de Uichebourg BUT la premiere guerre de Natchez. V. Historj- of Lou- isiana, translated from the historical memoirs of M. Im- mont; Memoir of the present state of Louisiana, by Chevalier de Champigny; Appendix of historical docu- ments and elucidations. French, G. J. Life and times of Samuel Cromp- ton, inventor of the spinning mule. 2d ed. Manchester, 1800. 12' 2448.25 French, Jonathan, h. 1740, d. 1809. Sermon before S. Adams, governor, etc.. May 25, 1796, the day of general election. Boston, 1790. 8°. *4350.7 French, Jonathan, 6. 1776. Sermon at the funeral of Mrs. Harriot Putnam. Portsmouth, 1832. 8° *Pph.v.378 French convert : a tale. Auborn, A. d' . . , .Pph.v.3.35 French language. Grammars, — Arleville, B. Genders of the French substan- tives 4089.16 — Auhertin, G. H. Grammaire moderne des ^crivains fran^ais 4088.6 — Bolmar, A. Genders of French nouns . . . , 4089. 9 — Bugard, B. F. Questions on French grammar.4689a. 38 — Chambaud, L. Idioms of the French language. 4089.12 — - Syntax of the French tongue 46S9a.20 — Coulomb, C. A. First principles of the French language 40S9a.24 * — De Porquet, L. F. Sequel to any grammar exercises 4089.7 — - Key to Sequel to any grammar exercises . 4689.8 — Domergue, U. Grammaire fran9oise . . . .4G89a.l7 FKEXCH 206 njENCH Shelf. No. French language, Grammnrs, continued. — Dii Slitand, H. Easy method of learning French 4r,8S.2 — Fasquelle.L. New method of learning French. 4i)S8. 14 — First catechism of the French grammar . . . 7039. .54 — Fonie, W. B. French accidence 4n.v9a.22 Jullien, M. B. Cours superieur de grammaire. 3591.33 — I,adrcyt, C. Study of French simplified . . . 4088.8 — Lequien, E. A. Concordance des temps des verbes 4r,S0a.l8 Le Tellier, C. C. Grammaire fran^oise . . .4(JS9a.l9 — Lhomond, C. F. Elemens de la grammaire fran?oise 46S9a.32 — Manesca, J. Oral system of teaching French. 4083.2 — Mary. J. French and English grammar . . . 40S9a.20 — Jlenudier, J. Le genie de la laugue fran<;oise.4(>S9a.37 — New grammar of the French tongue '1089a. — Ollendorff, H. G. New method of learning the French 4688.5 — - iVIfOof^wsfori.o/iir/jrvi; Elf T^v jdXXiifrji' j'Xwrcai'. 4688.1 — rerrin, J. Rules of the French syntax . . . 4089.14 — ricof, C. French student's assistant . . . .'. 40S9a." — Pinney, N. French grammar 4683.4 — Poitevin, P. La grammaire, les ecrivains, et les typographes modcrnes 4688.27 — Eicord-JIadianna, J. B. Improved French grammar 4689a. 5 — Sardou. Le9ons de grammaire fran^aise . . . 3591.27 Turner, F. Elemeus de grammaire fran^aise.46S9a.23 Lexicography. — AlbertidiVillanova, F. d'. Grand dictionnaire fran^ais-italien 4111.1 — Contanseau, L. Dictionary of the French and English languages 2684.9 — Danet, P. Grand dictionnaire frangois et latin. 4081.1 De Lolme, J. L. French dictionary 2684.8 Dictionnaire des dictionnaires 2081.4 — Dictionnaire historique de la langue franjaise. See Paris. Institut de France. Academic fran^aise 2690.13 — Dulief, N. G. French and English dictionary. 4688.10 — Girard, G. Synomymes fran5oi3 2084.20 — Glossairefran(;ais. [UuCange. Gloss., Vw] . 4110.3 — Jaubert, H. F. ' Glossairc du centre de la France 2685.10 Larousse, P. Miettes lexicologiques . . . 4088. .'!5, 30 — Nouveau dictionnaire fran9ois 4080.12 Nugent, T. Nouveau dictionnaire de poche . 4689a. 30 Pautex, B. Errata du dictionnaire de I'Aca- demie fran^aise 2685.17 — Petit dictionnaire do rAcademiefranjoise. See Paris. Institut de France. Academic fran- ,aise 4119.22 — Scheler, J. A. N. Dictionnaire d'etymologie franjaise 2683.7 _ Sobrino, F. Le Franjois expliqu^ par I'Es- pagnol et le I^atin 4083.8 — Tarvcr, .). C. Dictionnaire des verbes fran 9ais 4089.5 Tocquot, .1. F. Royal pocket dictionary, Eng- lisli and French 4flS9a.35 Tolhauson, F. Dictionnaire technologique . 40.14.20 Wilson, J. FrenctS aud Kngliah dictionary . 4681.0 Philology. Barroid, .1. B. .1. Elements cnrlovlnglens Iln- gulsllques et lltti/ralres 2110.18 Burguy, G. F. Grammaire des dlalectcs fran- ijuis aux Xlle et Xllle8l(!cles 2085.7 Genin, F. Notes pour servir ti I'hlstoire des mot.-* de la langue fran<;aisi' 2684.6 Godi'tVoy, F. I,('.\iiiuec()mpar«' du XVIIesl^cle. 2084.6 Litire, M. P. fc. lll»tolre de la langue fnin- ijalse 2886.10 Llvet. <>'. L. La grammaire franv'aiae et \vi gramnuiiriens du ,\vie Miecic 2684.7 Michel, F. Etudes de philologic compar(!c sur I'urgot a086.» Slielf. No. French language, Philology, continued. — Nisard, M. E. C. C'uriosites de Tetymologie fran5aise , 4088.11 — Olivet, J. T.d". Remarques sur la langue fran- ijoise 2084.18 — Sicard, U. A. C. Elemens de grammaire g^n^- rale, appliques a la langue fran^aise .... 4688.4 — Voltaire, F. JI. A. de. Bautez et dcfauts de la langue franyaise . . . ■ 4670.21 Beading books, etc. — Abeille, L', pour les enfans 4689.37 — Ahn, F. New method of learning the French language 4688.30 — Arnoult, E. Pronouncing reading book . . . 4683.1 — Bagatelle, La 4089.18 — Bellenger.W.A. Franzijsisch-englisch-deutsche Gesprache 4889.8 — Boeuf, ,1. F. A. French reader 4089.23 — Bolmar, A. Collection of colloquial phrases . 4089.19 — Boyer, A. Compleat French master . . .40S9a.28, 29 — Courtener, T. Abiicedaire du precepteur fran- ^ais 4089.41 — Daubichon,J. E.xercise-book, to translate into French 4089.44 — Delaunay, M. G. Alphabet pour les enfans . . 40S9a..30 — De Seze, J. B. A. 51. English and French in- terpreter 4089.13 — Gay, A. French reading book 40S9a.lfl — Gros, C. French pronunciation 4689.15 — Hentz, N. M. Classical French reader . . . . 4689.29 — La Tour, C. V. de. Youth's French friend . . 4089.3 — Lenoir, P. V. Choix de pieces d'eloquence . . 4689.33 — Perrin, J. Elements of French conversation. 4089.47 — - Practice of the French pronunciation . . . 4689.17 — Picot, C. First lessons in French 4089.4 — Poppleton, G. Conversation, in English and French 4089.2 Forney, M. A. French spelling-book 4089a. .■» — Pujol, L. French class-book 4083.3 Troncliin,B. New pronouncing French primer. 46S9.20 — Yehring. Progressive lessons in the French language 4088.40 French literature. Mbliography. — Albert, A. Dictionnaire portatif des pridica- teurs fran^ois 2183.11 — Annnaire de la librairie, 1800 2118.1 Catalogue des ouvrnges condamn(''S, 1814— 13 . . 2183.12 — Clement, . I. M. B. Anecdotes dramatiques . . 2176.8 — Duilhii de Saint-Projet, F. Des etudes reli- gicuses en France 4060.25 — JInrin, F. L. C. Bibliothlquc du theatre frangois 4097.4 — Nisard, M. E. 0. Histoire des livres popu- laires 4145.1 — Qm'rard, J. M. Le Qui'^rard 2163.4 — Reinwald, C. Catalogue annuel de la librairie trnn^aise 2149.2 — Yiollct-Leduc, N. Catalogue des livres, pour servir a I'llistoire de la poesie en France . . 2103.6 ■\Vcrdet, E. Histoire du livre en France . . . 2115.21 Collections. — Crc'pet, E. Lea poetes frnncjais ; recueil des chefs-d'oeuvre dalapoc''siefrau(;nlse 4703.4 — Guessard, F. Les nnciens po6te»de la France. 2079.18 — Keller, II. A. Altfranziisisclie .Sagen .... 4188.17 — I.adreyt, C. Chrestomathie de la littt'rature fran^aise 4088.7 — - Heperlnire de la lilterature fran(;aise . . . 4088.9 — Lamorinlirc, A. C. L. de. Bibliothiquc poetl- q„P 4070.18 — Malnlier, L. l'o('slis diver.ses 4189.2 — Miilzner, E. Allfranziislsche Lleder 2687.7 I'arls, A. P. Le romaucero fran^ois 2086.8 — Trlcotel, E. Yarlctcs bibliograpiuques . . . 4090.24 — Wackirnagel, W. Altfrauza'sische Lleiler uml I^,.||,|„. 4188.0 — Wolir, <>. L. H. AltlVauzusl»*e Volkslieder . 4189tt.30 FRENCH 207 FRIES Fresch literature, continued. History, — Arnd.E. Goschichtcdcrft-iiiiziisisclien N.ition- nllitiTatur 4188.11 — Damiroii, ,1. r. Ilistoire dc la philosophic en Knuice au dix-lieuviL'mc siicle 6103.10 — Ebert, A. Geschichte dtT fruiizosiscben Tra- godie, iui XVI. Jahrhmidcrt L'fi70.26 — Foster, M. Hand-book of French literature . 4G00.29 — Fournel, F. V. F.ssais dc critiiiue et d'erudi- tion surle xvllesiKle 4670.10 — Geruzez, E. Histoire dc la littcrature fran- ^aise 2670.38 — Girardin, .S. M. Littcrature Oan^aise au XVic siecle, etc 2670.33 — Goiyct, C. P. Histoire de la littcrature fran- ?oisc 4070.19 — Hatin, Ij, E. Histoire dc la pressc en France. 4619.1 — Hettncr, H. Franzosische Literatur ini 18tcn Jahrliundcrt v. 2 of 2193.10 — Histoire littcrairc de la France 4092.1 — Jolly, J. Histoire du mouvement intellectuel au xvie siecle 4600.23 — Lnbedoyire, H. dc. Collection sur la revolu- tion fran^aise, Tempirc et la restauration . . 2163.11 Lambert, C. F. Histoire litteraire du rigne de Louis XIV 4612.1 — Marmontcl, J. F. Poctiquc fran^oise .... 4705.2 — Massieu, G. Histoire de la poi^sie frantoise . 4670.21 — Mervesin, J. Histoire de la pocsie fran^oise . 4G97.7 — Jlichicls, J.A. X. llistoiredes idOcslitterau-es en France au Xlxc sicole 4000.22 — Ncttement, A. F. Histoire de la littcrature franijaise, 1815-32 2670.24 — Bathery, E. J. B. Influence de I'ltalie sur les Icttres fran^aises 4194.3 — Reymond, W. Litt*Srature du second empire fran^ais 4709.4 — Sayous, A. Littcrature fran^aise dans I'Europe depuis la mort de Louis XIV 2670.22 — Schmidt-Weissenfels, E. Frankreichs moderne Literatur, 1815-55 4660.31 — - Franzosische Kevolutions-Literatur . . . . 4042.20 — Tabellarische Uebersicht der Gcschichte dcr franzosischen Poesie 2196.6 — Vcricour, L. li. de. Modern French litera- ture 2070.21, and B.190.33 — Wolf, F. Leistungcn der Franzosen fur die Herau.sgabe ihrer National-Heldengedichtc. 2687.6 A'ofe. — For a topic allied to French language and lit- erature, ace also Provence. Feesch-Onosdacv dictionary, from a manuscript of the seventeenth century. By J. G. Shea. Kcw York, 1860. sm.4°. [Shea. Library of American linguistics] ' . 2365.30 Feese.vu, p. Poems on American affairs, etc., be- tween 1797 and [1815]. New York, 1815. 2v. 10° 2397.38 Fk^re, E. Manuel du bibliographe normand. Rouen, 1858-00. 2v. 1.8° 2163.7 Freeichs, F. T. Diseases of the liver. Translated by C. Murchison, M. D. London, 1800, 61. 2t. 8°. [London, New Sydenham society, V.7] 5714.7 Fresenics, C. R. Qualitative chemical analysis. Edited by J. L. Bullock. London, 1859. 8°. 3977.3 — Quantitative chemical analysis. 3d ed. Edited by J. L. Bullock. London, 1860. 8° . . . . 3977.4 Feessant, H. Ehefrau und Bulerin. [Hagen. Gcsaramtabenteucr, V. 2] 2900.29 Feecnd, W. Dr. Uupp und die freie evangclisclie Gemeinde in Konigsberg. GUstrow, 1847. PP-''^- 8° 6088.133 — Worterbucli der lateinlschcn Sprache. Leipzig, 1834-45. 4v. 8° *4112 2 2864.28 . 2864.29 6070.6 C07U«tUt.- B-Z. Vol.1. A-C. U. D-K. m. L-Q. IV. Shelf. No. Frey, a. Nouveau manuel complet de typographic. Nouv. ('A., par M. E. Bouchcz. Paris, 1857. 2v. 32°. [Manucls-Roret] 4019.35 Frey, J. S. C. F. Essays on Christian baptism. 2d ed., enlarged. Newark, WiO. 8° . . . . 5155.1 Freyberg, E. M. a. v. De constantia et incon- stantia. [Diss, acad.] Hate Magdeburgica.-, 1092. pp. 50. 4° *4304.22 Freytag, G. Pictures of German life in the 15th- 17th centuries. Translated by Mrs. Malcolm. London, lg02. 2v. p. 8° — Pictures of German life in the ISth and 19lh centuries. Translated by Mrs. Malcolm. London, 1803. 2v. p,8° Frick, J. G. De Drvidis occidentalivm popvlorvm philosophis. VIma;, 1744. 4° Fricke, G. a. Lehrbuch dcr Kirchengeschichte. Erster Theil. Leipzig, 1850. 8° 6044.0 — , Nova argumentorum pro Dei existcntia expo- sitio. Diss. acad. Lipsiae, 1846. pp. 40. 8° . 6088.222 Fricktiial, Das, in seinen historischcn und sagcn- haften Erinnerungen. Birrcher, A 2864.3 Feiederich, G. Luther. Ein historischcs Gcdicht in vier Gcsangen. Stuttgart, IS30. 10° . . B.170b.9r Friederich, R. Javaausche oudhcden. Twee Sanskrit-inscriptien gevonden op goden- beclden in het museum van bet Bataviaasch genootschap. [Xo title-page.] 1850. 4° . . B.190.6 Feiedlandek, J. R., Discourse occasioned by the death of. A'ee Furness, W. H 5140a. 79 Friedlander, L. H. Vorlesungen iiber die Ge- schichtc der Heilkunde. Leipzig, 18.39. 8° . 5733.5 Friedreich, J. B. Geschichte des Riithscls. Dres- den, 1800. 8° 2205.6 Feiedrich, J. C. Kritische Eriirtcrungcn zum iibcreinstimmenden Ordnen und Verzeichncn oU'entlichcr Bibliothcken. Leipzig, IKJS. 8°. 2128.3 Friend to health. Capcn, N 3709.15 Friendly Islands, Missions in the. Colton, A. S.5439a.20 Friendly societies. Hardwick, C. History, pres- ent position, and social importance of — Oke, G. C. Friendly societies' accounts Friends, Society of. Principles of Quakers truly represented as inconsistent with the Chris- tian religion. London, 1732. 8° . . — Society of Friends in Pennsylvania, etc. Ap- peal to their fellow-citizens of the United States on behalf of the coloured races. Phil- adelphia, 1858. pp. 48. 8° B.1G0.54 — Y'early meeting in New York. Considerations on the lawfulness of war under the Gospel dispensation. NewY'ork, [1848]. pp.10. )2°.B.170b.57 — Y'carly meeting in Philadelphia. Appeal for the ancient doctrines of the religious society of Friends. Philadelphia, 1847. pp.68. 8". 6088.99 — Yearly meeting of congregational Friends, held at Waterloo, N. Y., 1852. Proceedings. Au- burn, 1.S52. pp. 24. 12° B. 170b. 44 — Absclieulicbe Irthum der Quiicker. See Quiickcr-Greucl B.130.5 — Friendly sketches in America. Tallack, W. . 2308.18 Friends of domestic industry. The. Journal of the proceedings of the general convention at New Y'ork, Oct. 26, 1831. Publiflied by H. NUes. Baltimore, 1831. 8° 3058.4 Friends of human progress. Proceedings of the annual meeting held at M'aterloo, N.Y., June, 1855. Syracuse, 1855. pp. 27. 8' B, 170b. 01 Friendship. Les caracteres de I'amitic. Carac- cioli, L. A. de 3587.30 Fries, E. Elenchus fungorum, sisteus commenta- rium in systema mycologicum. Gryphiswal- diK, 1828. 2v. in 1. 10° 3858.4 Fries, J. F. Beytriige zur Geschichte der Philoso- phic. Erstes Heft. Heidelberg, 1819. 8° . 5008.13 — Ficlitc's und Schelling's neueste Lehren von Gott und dor Welt beurtheilt. Heidelberg, 1807. pp. SO. 10° B.170b.;0 — Geschichte der Philosophic. Halle, 1837-40. 2v. 8° 0104.8 3570.60 3570.18 3542.16 FRIES 208 feothinghaXi Shelf. No. Friks, J. F., conlinued. — Handbuch der praktischen Philosophic. Hei- delberg, JS1S-,'S2. 2v. 8° 6104.3 — Handbuch der psychischen Authropologie, Jena, 1S20, 21. 2v. H° 0104.4 — Die Lehren der Liebe, des Glaubens und der Hoffnung. Heidelberg, I82-i. .sm.S" 5447.7 — Xeue Kritik der Vernunft. Heidelberg, 1607. •Iv. 8° 6104.5 — System der Logik. 2te Aufl. Heidelberg, 1819. 8° 6085.5 — System der Slefapbysik. Heidelberg, 1834. 8°. 6098.13 Fhiesland. Asega-Buch, ein alt-friesisches Ge- sctzbuch 4.301.12 — Bosschaerts, VT. J)e primis veteris Frisise apostolis 6050.16 — Chronyck oft historie van Oost-Frieslant. [Matthai. Analccta, V. 7] 4139a. 1 — Hansen, C. P. Fricsische Sagen und Erzah- lungen 4224.17 — Johansen, C. Die nordfriesische Spraehe . . 2885.27 — Richthofen, C. V. Friesische Reclitsquellen . 4301.11 — Wiarda, T. D. Ostfriesische Geschichte . . . 422S.1 — - Neueste ostfriesische Geschichte 4228.4 Frisbie, I-.. Review of Prof. Frisbie's inaugural address. See Norton, A 4163.14 Frisbie, W. R. Continental vocalists' glee book. .See Huntington, C. AV 8047.0 Frisch, S. G. Lebensbeschreibung Abraham Gott- lob Werners. Leipzig, 1825. 24" 2S4S.20 Frischlin, N. Deutsche Dichtungen, heransgege- bon von D. F. Strauss. Stuttgart, 1857. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, V. 41] •4235.1 — Leben und Schriften. Sep. Strauss, D. F. . . . 4237.3 Friswkll, J. H. Life portraits of William Shakes- peare : history of the various representations of the poet. London, 1884. sm.4° *459S.3 Frith, J. Works. SeeTyndale, W v. 3 of 3498. 3 Contents. — Btorj-, life, and mnrtyrdom of J. Frith; Disputation of purgatorj-, an ons\%-er to J. Itastell, T. More, Qn4. 16° 2409.49 Fuller, T. Church history of Britain to 1G48. New ed., by the Kev, J. S. Brewer. Oxford, 1845. Gv. 8° 6053.1 — Good thoughts in bad times, and other papers. Boston, 1603. 12° 5446,28 — The holy state. 2d. ed., enlarged. Cambridge, 1648. 1.8° 6451.10 — Memorials of. See Russell, A. T 2609.7 FULLOJI 210 GACHARD Shelf. No. FUIXOM, S. W. History of William Shakespeare, with new facts and traditions. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1864. 8° 4598.2 — Life of Gen. Sir Howard Douglas. London, • 1863. 8° 2543.10 Ft7JiAKIACE.E. Ueber einige Fumariaceen. Ir- mlscii, T " ■» 6841.2 FnslEE, M. The historic of the trovbles of Hvng:a- rie,tr.by E[ooke] C[liurclieJ. Loudon, 1600. 4° 2823.5 FtlKDY, Bay of. Report upon the fisheries of the. Perley, M. H 4362.19 FtTNERAL celebrations. Die Leichenfeierlichkeiten im nachbiblischen Judenthume. Perles, J. 2296.11 FCNGOLOGY. Berkeley, M. J. Outlines of British fungology 3858.3 — Fries, E. Elenchus fungorum .3858.4 — Streinz, W. M. Nomenclator fungorum. . . . 3831.3 FCKNEAUX, p. Letters to ilr. Justice Blackstone, concerning his exposition of the act of toler- ation, etc. 2d ed., T\'ith additions. Phila- delphia, 1773. 8° ; . . . *3S25.20 rxTRNESS, "W. H. Discourse at the ordination of the Rev. C. E. Hodges, June 11, 1851. Bos- ton, 1851. 8° 6088.5 — Discourse occasioned by the Boston fugitive slave case, April 13, ISSl. Fhila.,1851. 8° . B.160.W — Discourse occasioned by tlie death of J. R. Friedlander, delivered March 24, 1839. Phil- adelphia, 1839. 8° 5440a. 79 — Doing before beheving; a discourse before the Derby academy, in Hiugham, May 19, 1847. New York, 1847. 8° 6088.180 — A history of Jesus. Boston, 1850. 12° . . . . 6037.14 — The kingdom of heaven ; a sermon at the in- stallation of Rev. J. T. Sargent, in Somer- ville, Mass., February 18, 1846. Somerville, 1846. 8° ■. H163.6 — The revivals : a discourse, April 11, 1858. Phil- adelphia, 1858. 8° 6088.128 — The son of man cometh : a discourse preached May 30, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8° 6440a.79 — The spirit of Jesus : a sermon at the installa- tion of Rev. D. H. Barlow, in Brooklyn, Sept. 17, 18.34. Brooklyn, 18.34. 8° 54)0a.79 — Spirit of the pilgrims : an oration before the Sons of New Enghmd of TMiiladelx)hia, Dec. 22, 1810. Philadelpllia, 1840. 8° 5440a.79 — Sunday travel : a discourse delivered April 28, 1S50. Philadelphia, 1850. 8° 5440a. 79 Two discourses ; The exclusive principle con- sidered, Jan. 20 and Feb. 2, 1845. Philadel- phia, 1815. 8° *4103.12 _ - Same. Boston, 1845. 8° nua.U' — A word for peace: a Christmas discourse. Phil- adelphia, 1815. 8° •4103.9 FuRNITUitE. Asselineau, C. Meubles et objefs di- vers du moyen ilge 4070.18 — Hope, T. Household flirniture 39.r.l FUrst, J. Bibliotheca Juduica. Leipzig, 1649-<'j3. 3v. In2. 8° '2104.10 — Geschichte des Kuriierthums, bis 900. Leipzig, 1802. 12° 6480.8 — Hebriilsches und Chaldiilschcs HandwBrter- buch ilber das Alte Testament. Leipzig, 1857-01. 2v. 8° 3431.3 — Librorum sacrorum Veteris Tt'stamentl con- cordantltD Uebrnica) atque Chaldaica:, Ed. ster. Lii>sirc, WW. t° »00I0.8 FUbbt, N. Briefe Ubcr die diinischc Litcratur. Wlen, 1810. '^v. in 1. 10° *»2870.30 FU3Ci;.s, or Kosco. See Negro, P. FUSTEB, A. Memolren vom Miirz 1848 bis Jnll 1810. Frankftirt, 1850. 2v. 12° 4210a. 4 — Mentor des studlreuden JUngllngs. Wlen, IMK. 10' 0080.21 — Der Verelu wicU'r Thleniuiilerel. Wicn, 1840. . pp.Ofl. S* B. 100b. 67 FUTtiRK of the country. By a patriot, n.p., [lRfl4]. pp. 28. 8° 4310a. 04 Sliclf. No. Future life. .Abbot, E. Literature of the doctrine of a 3453.44 — Alger, W. E. Critical history of the doctrine of a , . 3453.44 — Blanchard, J. P. Examination of its conditions from the New Testament 6088.149 — Bbttcher, F. De inferis rebusque post mortem futuris ex Hebraeorum et Gracorum opinion- ibus 0090.2 — Dunn, H. Destiny of the human race .... 5440.26 — Hudson, C. F. Debt and grace as related to a. 0005.29 — Struchtmeyer, J, C. De origine Tartari et Elysii 6065.28 See also : Eschatology, HeU, Punishmont (Future), Resurrection, Uuiversalism. Fyfe, W. W. Agricultural science applied in prac- tice. London, a859. sq.lO" 4008.34 GiVAL, G. V. TIngarische Tolksmiirchen. tjber- setzt von G. Stier. Pesth, 1.S57. 10° ... . 4224.16 Gabb, \T. M. Catalogue of the invertebrate fossils of the cretaceous formation of the United States, n. p., 1859. pp.20. 8° 3906.15 Gabbema, S. a. lllustrium et clarorum virorum epistola;. Ed. altera. Uarliugia Frisiorum, 1669. sm.8° *4210.24 Gabelentz, H. C. v. der. Gramniatik der Dajak- Sprache. Leipzig, 1852. pp. 48. 8° . . . . 6025.14 — Grundziige der syrjiiuiscben Gramniatik. Al- tenburg, 1841. pp. 75. 8° *5034.26 — Die melauesischen Sjirachen uacli ihrem gram- matischen Ban und Hirer A'crwandtscbaft unter sich und mil den malaiisch-poiynesis- Chen Spraehen. Leipzig, 1800. 1.8° .... *6034.9 Gabtaxi, V. I gelosi : comedia. Vinegia, 1551. sm.8° *4809a.5 — - Same. Di nvovo ristampata. Vinegia, 1660. sm.l2° *4809a.61 Gabler, G. a. Die Hegelsclie Philosoplue. Heft 1. Berlin, 1843. 8° 6003.4 — System der theoretischen Philosophic. B. 1. Propadeutik der Philosophic. Eriangen, 1827. 8° 6098.12 GACtiARn, L. P. I.'abdication de Charles-Quint, pp. 00. 8°. [Kxtrait des Bulletins de I'ucad. roy. de Bclgiiiue, T. 2IJ 2817.21 — Actes des (•tats generaux des Pays-Baa, 1576- 85. Bruxelles, 1801. Vol. 1. 8° 2820.40 — Analectes historiqucs, [1406-1795]. Bruxelles, l.sio-i-.:!. 3v. 8° 2820.42 — Assassinat do Guillaume le Taciturne,par Balth- asar Gerard, pp.37. 8°. [Kxtrait des Bul- etinsdcracad. roy. delielgiqiie, T.23] . . . 2817.23 — Assassinat dc Guilhuime lo Taciturnc, par Juan Jaurcguy. jip. 25. 8". [Kxtrait des BuHetius de racad.roy.de Belgi.|ue,2e ser.,T. 3) . . . 2817.23 — La bibliothcque de PKsourial. pp. 27. 8°. [Ex- trait des Hulletius de I'acnd. roy. de Belgiquc, T. 2»| 2817.24 — La captivite de Fian^ois ler et le trait£ do Sladrid. Bruxelles, 1800. pp. 94. 8° .... 2012.4 — Corrcspondance de Charles-Quint et d'Adi-ien VI. Bruxelles, 1859. 8° 2863.11 — Correspoiidtince de Phillippe ii sur les affaires des I'ays-lla.s. Bruxelles, 1S18-0I. 4v. 4°. •2841.1 — Inventaire des papiers d'etat couceruant les n(''gociatioiis du gnuvernemeiit espagnol avco lacour de liome, Hsil-1012. pp.74. 8°. (Ex- trait dea Hulletius de I'acad. roy. de Uelgi- que, 2e ser., T. 01 2817.31 — Inveiklaire dea pajiiera laissi^s par lo cardinal de Gianvelle i\ Madrid en 1.180: Inventaire dea archivea trouvei'S au palais tie (irau- velle, a Iie»an90n, en 1007, etc. Bruxelles, 1.S02. 8° 2817.22 — Lea monunienia de la diplomatic vi^nlllennc, conshk-n-a hous le point de vue de I'hlstoiro delalSelgiqiie. 4°. [Kxtrait des Memoiresde I'aoiid. roy. de Belglque, T, 27] 2821.40 GACHARD 211 GALENUS 6bolf. No. Gachard, L. p., continued. — Notico sur le consoil des troubles institii^ par If due d'Albe. pp. 31. 8^ ( Kxtrait dcs liul- Ictins dt' rucad. roy. do IMKique, T. H*.]. . . . 2S17.2G — Notice sur la nH>rt di- Florit; do Jlontmoreiicy. pp. :\7. H". [Kxtruit des Bulletins de I'acad. roy. de Uelgique, T. ID] 2817.30 — Notice sur le due Emauuel-Philibert de Savoie. pp. :i2. S\ [Kxtrait des Uulletins de I'ucad. roy. do Itelgiqiif, T.-J-*] 2817.29 — Notice sur Jeau-Baptiste Rousseau, pp.20. S". [Kxtrait des Bulletins de I'acad. roy. de Bel- gique, 2e ser., T. 2] 2817.27 — Lettres ecrites par les souverains des Pays-Bas auxetatsdeces provinces, [1559-1794]. Brux- elle.s 1851. S" 2813.19 — Particularitos et lettres iutJdites du prince Cliarles-Josppb do Lip^ne. pp. fiO. 8". [Ex- trait des Bulletins de Tucad. roy. de Belgique, 2e ser., T. 1.1] 2817.20 ^ Proscription do Uuillaume le Taciturnc par Pliilippe II. pp. 31. 8°. [Extrait des Bul- letins de Pacad. roy. de Belgique, T. 24J . . 2817.28 — Relations des arabassadeurs venitiens sur Charles-Quint et Philippe li. Bruxelles, 185G. 8" 2813.17 — Eotraite et mort de Charles-Quint au monast^re de Yuste. Introduction et Tom. 1, 2. Brux- elles, 1!>54, 65. 3v. 8° **2842.13 GADBrRY, J. Doctrine of nativities. Also, Tables for calculating the planets places, with the doctrine of horarie questions. London, 1658. 2v. in 1, sm.f 5921.20 Gadsdex, C. E. Essay on the life of Right Rev. Theodore Dehon. Charleston, 1833. 8° . . 2344.21 Gadsdicx, C. p. Duty to God not to be overlooked in duty to the State : a sermon in Charleston, Nov. 11, 1800, Charleston, 1860. 8' . . . . 5440a. 81 Gaelic language. Galische Spradilehre von C. W. Ahlwardt. [Vater. Vergleichungstafelu] . 4207.6 — Macleod, N. Gaelic dictionar>' 4113.6 G^TULicus. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B,1C2.7 • — Fragmentuni. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.]. B.191.9 Gage, N. Sins and dangers of the times : a sermon on fast day. Haverhill, 1838. 8° . . . .*Pph.v.376 Gage, W. L. Discourse occasioned by tlie death of Dr.W. F. Chamberlin, delivered Nov. 30, ISSfi. Manchester, N. H., 1857. 8° 5440a.S2 — The spirit of human liberty, etc. : sermon, Nov. 2, 1856. Added, another sermon, Nov. 9, 1856. Slanchester, 1856. 8° 5440a. 82 — The t^piritual life : a valedictory sermon, April 4, U5S. Manchester, 1858. 8" 5440a.82 Gagniek, J. La vie de Mahomet; trad, de I'Alco- ran, etc. Amsterdam, 1748. 2v. 12^ . . , . 4245.28 Gaimard, J. P. Voyages en Islande et au Groen- land, 18.35, .36, et en .Scandinavie, en Laponie, auSpitzbergetau Feroe, 1838-40. 5ee France, Commission scientifique du Nord 2865.1 Gairdex, G. Sermon at the funeral of Scougal. See Scougal, H 5158.44 Gaibdnee, J. Letters and papers illustrative of the reigns of Richard iii and Henry vn. Vol. 2. London, 1863. 1.8^ [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] *2423.1 OAIUS. Institvfionvm commentarii quattvor. Ex mombranis deleticiis ervit Goeschen. Ace. veteris ivrisconsviti de ivre fisci fragmentvm. Recogii. C. Lachmannvs. Borolini, 1842. 8°. 4.303.9 — Institut. libri duo. See. Codex Theodosianus . 4300.0 — - Same. See Schulting, A ,' . . 4300.11 — Scholien znm Gajus. See Gans, E 4305.7 Galanti, G. M. Descrizione geof,'ralica e politica delle Sicilie. Napoli, 1793, 94. 2v. 8° . . , 2765.12 Galatko, a. De situ .Japygiae. Nee non urbis Callipolis de?criptio. [Grcevius. Thes. antiq. Ital.,T. 9, p. 5] 4710.1 Gale, T. Historise poetic« scriptores antiqui, Gr. et Lat, Parisiis, 1675. sm.b" *60/2.I4 8holf. No. Gale, T., continued. — Philosopliia goneralis: de ortu et progressu philosophic, etc. Londini, 1676. 8° . . . . *6I08.24 Galeam, a. Sonotti. [Gironi. Raccoitu di lirici italiani] 4808.8 Galenus, C. Omnia, qvie extant, in Latinvm ser- monem conversa. Accedvnt C. Gesueri prs- fatio et prolegomena. Ex m oflicin. Fro- benianiE editione. BasUea;, 1561, 62. 3v. f°. *4200.1 Contenis. — Vol.1. Gesneri prrefotio; Galeni vitft ac doctriiia; Dc Galcni operum cditionibua; Eutimeratio librorum Galeni; M(.<(licinec instnuraturum nomencla- tor; Dc ordine in edeiidU legendisquo Ualeni operibua sorvatido; Oratio euasoriaadartos; Slquis optiraus med- Icus €8t, uuudem esso philoeophuni; De BOphiematU in verbo coiitiii^entibus; An qunlitutea iDcorporeoi siiit; De propriis libris ; Dc ordine librorum suorum ; Do sec- tie; De optima sectn; Do optimo docendi gentre; De • aubtigui-atioDe cmpiricn ; Sermo adversuB empiricoa rae- dicoa; Dc conatttutione artia modicfo; Definitionee mo- dtcR) ; Inti'oductio sea medicus ; Quomodo morbum Bimulnntes sint deprcbendendi; Ars medicinalis; De elciucniia aecunduni Hippocratcm ; De temperamentis ; In prinuim Hippocrafis libitini De natura hoitiinum; Do atra bile ; De optima corporis constitutione ; De bona habitudine; Do ossibus; De luiisculorum diascctione ; De neiTorum dissectiono; De vennrum artcriurumque dissectione ; An sanguis in arteriia contineatur ; De anatoniicis administrationibus ; De vocalium instrumen- torum dissectione ; De vulvae dissectione ; De instrnmen- to odorattis; De usii partium corporis liumani; De utili- tato respirationis ; De uisn pulsuuui ; De substantia facul- tatum uaturaliuro ; Dogmata Hippocratis ex sermone XCIX J. Stobwi; Do Hippocratis et Platonia decretis; De lis qupe medice dicta sunt in Platonis Timteo; De natu- rallbus facuUatibus; De mofu musculorum; De motu thoracis et pulmonis ; Quod animi mores corporis tempe- raturam aequantur; De fa^tuum formatione; An omnes particula: animalis, quod in utero est, flant simui ; An an- imal sit id, quod in utero est ; De scmine ; De fecptimestri partu; Hipijocrutis de aere, aquis, et locis liber; Galeni de altmentorum facultatibua libri tres; De succonim bonl- tate et vitio; In librmn de salubri dia;ta commentarius; Deattcnuante dia;ta; De ptissana; De parrie pila; excrcitio; De cognoBcondis curandisque animi morbis ; Do cujueque animi pcccatorum notitia et medela; De consuetudine; De sanitate tuenda; Ars tucudie aaiiitatis, num ad medi- cinalcm artem spectet, an ad excrcitatoriam. II. De differentiis et canals morborum symptoraatumquo; De differentiis febrium; De iuEequali intemperie; Do ma- rasmo son marcore; De comate secundum Hippocrotia Bententiam; De palpitatione, tremore, rigore, et convul- Bione ; De difHcultate respirationis; De plenitudJne; De tumoribus pra^ter naturam; De morborum temporibus; De totius morbi teaiporibus; De typis; Ad eos qui de typis scripaerunt vol de circuitibus; De rausis proca- tarcticis; In primum, tertiuro, et sextum Hippocratiade morbis %'ulgaribu9 librum; De locis afiectia; Do pulsi- bus; De dift'erentiis pnlsuum ; De dignotione pulsuum; De causis pulsuum; De preecognitione ex puislbus; De iirinis; DecrisibuE; De diebua decretoriis; In primum pron'hetici tibrum ; In prognostics Hippocratis commen- tarii tres; De prresagiis ex insomuii» sumendis; De praj- cognition<^; De simpticinm medicamentomm facultati- bus; De subatitutis mcditinia ; De purgantium medica- mentomm facultate; Detheriaca; De usu theriacEe ; De antidotis; Du compositione medicamentorum localiura; De compositione medicamentorum per genera; De pon- deribua ot mensuris. III. De hirudinibus, revulsione, cucurbitula, ciitia concieione sive Bcarificatione ; De vence Bectione adverans Erasi stratum ; De vena; aec- tione adversns Erasi atra ttcos, qui Romie degobant; De curandi ratione per sanguinis missionem; Commentarii in aphorismos Hippocratis ; Advpraus Lycum, quod nihil in eo aphorismo peccarit, cujus initium est, Qui creacunt plurimum habent catoris lonati; Contra ea qufp a Juli- ano in Hippocratis aphoriamos dicta sunt; Obsoletarum vocum Hippocratisexplanatio; Dehistoriaphilosophica; Proguostica de intlrmorum decubitu ex mathematica scientia; De partibua artis medicinre; De dynamidiia libri duo; De apermatc; De natura et ordine cujualibet corporis ; Do auatoniia par\'a ; De anatomia vivorimi ; Do anntomia ocnlorum; De compagine merabronim ; De virtuiibus nostrum corpus dispensantibua; De voce et anhelitu ; De utilitate reBpirationis ; Compendium pulsu- am; De motibuB manifest is et obscurie; De disanluiione continua ; De aquiB ex Geleno et aliis pra^stanttssimia medicia ; De vinia ; Preesagium experientia conSrmatum ; De urinffi aigniflcatione ex Hippocrate; De simplicibus medicamentia; De virtute Centaure«; De oatharticia; De gjTiajceifi, i. e. paefiionibua mulierum ; Liber secrcto- rom; Do medicinis expertia; De melancholia; Db cura icteri; De cura lapldls; Qufleelta In Hippocratem. GALEN us 212 GALLUPPI Shelf. No. Galenus, C, continued. A che g\isa si possano e conoscere e curare le infermita deir anirao. Recato in qvesta lin- gva. da G. Tarchagnota. Venetia, 154l>. ff. 28. sm.8' *4809a.ll GALERIE de Tancienne cour pour servir a I'histoire de Louis xiv et de Louis xv. [Paris], 178G- 89. 4v. 12° 4640.22 Galfridvs Monumetensis. See GeoSrejtO/Mon- motith. Galiam, F. Del dialetto napoletano. Ed. 2a. Napoli, 1789. 18°. [CoUezioneditutti ipoemi in lingua napoletana, v. 28] *4799a.l Vocabolario napoletano. Napoli, 1789. 2v. 18°. [Collezione di tutti 1 poemi in lingua napo- letana, v. :^6, 27] *4799a.l Galiffe, J. A. Italy and its inhabitants: a tour in ISIO, 17, London, 1820. 2v. 8" 27C3.4 Galignaxi, I. A. Campaigns of the duke ofWelling- ton. [English and French.] Paris,[1817j. r.*24.L.2 GALILEI, G. Opere. Milano, 1808-11. 13v. 8^ [Claseici italiani, V. 204-216] **4S07.4 Contents. —Vol. I. Vita di Gftlilel da Vincenzo Viviani ; Prefdzione universale da K. Gironi; Le operazioni del compas90 eeometrico e luilitare; Annotazioni di Mattia Bcmaggeri sopra il trattato dell' instrunicnto delle pro- porzioni del Galileo; Usus et fabrica circiai ciijusdam proponiouis, opera i-t eludio Ballhasaris Capva?. 11. Difeaa contro alio calunnie ed imposture di Biddassar Capra Milanese ; Discorso intomo alle cose die stautio in 9u r acqua, o che in quella si muovono ; Note sopra il jnedeaimo discorso; Lettera di Tolomeo Nozzolini; Let- tera di Galilei al sig. Tolomeo Nozzolini. III. Discorso ftpologetico di Lodovico delle Colombe d' intorno nl dis- corso di Galilei circa le cose che stanno su 1' acqua, o che in quella si muovono, siccome d' intomo all' a^giiiute fatte dal mcdesimo Galileo nella seconda iniprcssiooe; Considerazioni di M. Vincenzo di Grazia sopra il dis- corso di Galilei intomo alle c«8e che stanno sull' acqua, e che in quella si muovono; Uisposta alle opposizioni di Xiodovico delle Colombe, e di Vincenzo di Grazia, contro al trattato delle cose che stanno suU' acqua, o che in quella si muovono. IV. Considerazioni appartenenti al libro del sip. Vincenzio di Gnizia; Delia scienza mec- canica, e delle utilito cho si traggono dagl' instrument! di quella, con un frnmmonto sopra la forza della per- coesa ; Note sopra le moccanichc ; La bilancetta di Gali- lei, nella quale, ad imitazione d' Archimede nel proble- ma della corona, s' inscgna a trovare la proporziono del misto dl duo metalli inslome, e la fabbriea doll' istosso strumento; Annotazioni di Domcnico Mnntovani sopra la bilancia dl Galilei; Ossorvazioni del abate Benedetto Castelli intomo alia bilancetta dl Galilei; 083ei-%'azioni dl Vinccnzio Vivlani intorno alia bilancefta di Gnlllel; Trattato del mododi mlsurnr con la vista; NunciusSido- reus Galilei; Note sopra il Nunzio sideruo. V. Contin- nazlone del Nuntlo sidcroo ; Istoria e diinostrazioul in- torno alle maccliie solari, e loro accidenli; Note eopra Ic macchic Bolari. VI. Do maculis solartbus tres opis- toiro ; Dc ilwdem et stellis circa Juvcm errantibuB, disqui- •Itio ad Marcum VeUcrum ; Dc tribus coniclis anui UDCXVilt dlHputatio aatroiiomicB ; Discorso delle coniete dl Mario Guiducci ; II saKffiatorc, net quale con bilancia esquislta o clusta ii pondorano le cone contvnnte nella libra astronomica o lllosotica, dl Lolario Bnrsi ; Note ■opra II aogKl*'oro. VII. Lettera di M. Guiducci nella quale si giustiflca dalle im]>utazlonl dl toturio 8arsl; Do lunon suboscura luce propo conjunclloneii, et hi doli- qulls obfcrvata, dljfrresdlu phy^lco-mathvmntica; Lct- tcn In proposlto dl quanlo dlscorre Foriuiiln Llcoil ■opra II candor lunare ; Do lunarium niontlum allltu- dlno; Letter*' varle; l*ropo»llo dl Irovare li- lo»Bliudhil; Optrazionl nsironomlche; Trattato della »fern ; Leitero vario. VIII, IX. Discoral o dlmostraKloni niaiirniullclio Intomo a due nuovo wicnJie attenentl alia nieccfinlea, ed ni movlmentl local!. IX. Trattato dello rosisrcnzo prlnf'lplnto da V. Vl*ianl, rompiuto da Uulilo Grandl. X. Leitero varl« c frammentl; Indlco dello coto cho ■! contcnifono nel priml died tonil ddl' opere. XI. Con- danna dl ((hIIIi-o; 1)1 ssertar lone del I*. Cahnet novra it aUtoma del mondo df-Kli Kljrel. XI, XII. Dlalofru dl tialllul, duve »1 dUcorre Huprn I dtiu ninoMliitl ulnteinl del niondo. Tolrmalro e Copi'mlcano. XIII, I.i-tleru nlla frandudirsM dl Toseana ; Lettera dl I'. A. Foscnrlnl ■opra r uplntonn du' I'lttnftorl'l, o del Cop^mlco ; I'erl- Ocha ex Introdurilnne In Marlem Joannli Kojilvrl ; Coii- ■IJera/Jonl nl Tnsito ; rrefuelone doll' edltciro romano dnl 1710; Lett'-raaF. Klnmiclnl ; DisrordodUf. Iseoti.pra II poema dl Tasao; ftrrlllura alia tlgnorla dl VlnczU; Capltolo In btatlmo della toga. Shelf. No. Galilei, G., c&ntinued. — Lettere familiari [colla sua vita scritta da Vln- cenzio Viviani]. Venezia, 1826. IG" . . . . 2749.18 — Siderevs nvncivs magna longeque admirabilia spectaculapandens. Francofurti, ICIO. pp. 55. sm.8° *3929.29 — DissertatiocumXunciosidereo. 5ccKepler, J. 3929.29 — Brewster, D. Life .39-39.18 — Campanella, T. Apologia pro Galileo .... 6090.10 Galindo, or Galineo, J. de A. de. Discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands ; translated by G. Glas, with a description and history. London, 1704. 4" 3040.14 — The ruins of Copan, Central America. [Wor- cester. American antiquarian society. Col- leclions, V. 2] 2311.1 GalitziNjA. LVglise grifco-russe. Paris, 1861. 8°. 3516.13 — La Russie au xviiie siL'cle. Paris, 186.3. 8°. 3065.16 Galitzin, D. a. Leben und Wirken des Prinzen Gallitzin. 5eeLemeke,H 6558.31 Gall, F. J. Priifung der Gallischen Sehedellehre. 5eeMeiners,C 6607.21 Gallagher, W. D. Poetical literature of the West. Cincinnati, 1841. 12° 4278.18 Galland, T, The reception of the Gospel at Berea : a sermon. See Sermons on important sub- jects 5442.14 Gallandi, a. Dissertationes e nova bibliotheca patrum deprompt^. See Sprenger, P. . . . 6020.8 Gallatin, A. Peace A^ith Mexico. [Washington], 1847. [No title-page.] pp.16. S" B. 170.31 — War expenses. New York, 1848. pp. 21. 8°. 3646.42 — Indian tribes Tvithin the United States east of the Rocky mountains. [Worcester. Amer- ican antiquarian society. Collections, v. 2] . 2311.1 Gallatin, J. Address, Oct. IS, 1864. [Haud book ofthedemocracy for 1863, 64] 4310.1 Gallauoet, T. H. My own book. In Dakota. Prepared by S. R. Riggs. Boston, 1842. pp. 64. sq. 24° 2369.31 — Life, character, and services of. See Bar- nard, H 2345.17 Gall^, or Gallasus, P. Rerum Belgicarum brevis designatio. See Feyerabend, S 4229.3 Gallemaut, J. Declarationes cardinalium con- cilii Tridentiui interpretum. See Metter- nich, F 6020.13 Galleries. British galleries of art 4089.17 — Catalogue of paintings by artists of the DUssel- dorf academy. See Diisseldorf 4289.27 — Galeries historiques du palais de Versailles. See Versailles 4169.1 — Gillow, G. Engravings ft-om a collection of pictures 4060.25 — Historic gallery of paintings 2257.2 — Nye, G. Value of Mr. Nye's collection . . . . 4062.17 — Standish, F, H. Catalogue de la collection Standish B. 170b. 88 See also: London. International oxhIbKion. Galletti, J. G, A. Geschichte Deutschlands. [Universal history, V. 53-02] 4130.4 Gallicanus, v. G. Avidius Casslus ad IMocIetl- anum Augustum. [liistoria; Romans scrip- tori-s, V. 2] 4240.3 — A'ita Avidii Cassll. See Historiai Augusts scriptorea sex B. 178.4 Gallitzin." See Galitzin. Galloway,.}. [Examination of J. Galloway, by a committee of the house of commons. Ed- itrd by T. Hnlrli.l I'liiladelphiu, 18.V». 8\ [Sfventy-stx society, V. ;.'[ 4311.11 — [Leltcrto lord viscount H[o\v]e, on his naval conduct in the American war.] London, 1779. pp.60. 8" ^ 4327.16 GALLurri, P. Elementi di filosofia. Livoruo, 1860? 3ptsiuiv. rr OOOUa.lO — LotI<'re lllosoflche siille vicende della Hlosofia, preei'diite da nn discorso di L. Blanch. Fl- renze, 1840. b" 0105.2 GALLUS 213 CANS Shelf. No. Gai-lu.s, 5f . Sermo in consecrntione Joannis episcopi Constnntii'nsis. fC'""'*"!^. Thcsnurus, v. 1] . 4140.3 Gallus, 0. C. Fraprmpnta, cum vita, ox P. Crinito. [Gottfried. Ci)r|ins vet. poet.] B. 191.9 — - Same. [Maxima liiWioth. vet. patr.,v. 11] . B.110.2 Galt, a. T. Canada ; 1S4U-59. Loudon, ISiiO. pp. 54. 8° 4362.20 Galt, J. Life and studies xjf Betyamin West. Phil- adelphia, ISIO. S" 2344.24 — Lite of Lord Byron. From the 4th London ed. Paris, Itas. 12° 417ya.3 Galtox, F. The art of travel. 3d ed., enlarged. London, 1860. 12° 2280.13 — Vacation tourists and notes of travel in 1861. Cambridge, 1863. 8° 2275.2 Galvani, G. Kiore di storia letteraria e cavaUer- esca della occitania. 3IiIano, 1845. 8° . . , 2787.11 — Osservazioni sulla poesia de' trovatori. Mo- dena, 1829. 8° '. . »»4686.14 GALVANIsjt. Untcrsuchungen iiber die electrisclie Erregung der Nerven und Muslieln. Bezold, A. V 3802.36 ■Se« also: Medical electricity. GALVANO, a. Discoveries of the world to the year 1555. Corrected by R. Hal;luyt [ 1001] . With the original Portuguese text, edited by vice- admiral Bethune. London, 1862. 8°. [Hak- luyt society] *2264.27 Galway, History of. Hardiman, J 2471.7 Galwine, elne Kittergescliichte, Nicolay, L. H. von i. : i 2879.14 Gama, V. de. Voyages to the East Indies. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 1] 6267.1 Gamba, B. De' Bassanesi illustri ; con un catalog© degli scrittori di Bassano del secolo XVIII. Bassano, 1807. 8° 2162.10 Gambara, V. Sonetto. [Gironi.'Raccoltadi Urici italiani] 4808.8 Gambier, J., admiral, fnr(f. Memorials, personal and historical. Edited by Lady G. Chatter- ton. London, 1861. 2v. 8° 2455.16 Gamble, J. Sketches of history, politics, and man- ners in Dublin, and the north of Ireland, in 1810. Newed. London, 1826. 8° 2476.16 Game of the chesse, by W. Caxton; reproduced Id facsimile, witli remarks, by V. I*^ggijis. London, 1860. sm. f° 3991.25 Game laws, Cruelties practised under the. How- itt, W. 3570.82 Games. See Backgammon, Cards, Chess, Gaming, Recreative arts, Sports, Turners. Gamgee, J. Our domestic animals in health and disease. Edinburgli, 1861-62. Iv. in 2. p.8°. 4004.12 Gaming. Modest defence of Pph.v.371 — Victims of 3588.16 Gammer Gurton's famous histories. Amended by Ambrose Merton. New York, 1846. pp. 90. sq.l6° 4576.26 Gandersheim. Antiquitates Gandershelmenses. Leuckfeld, J. G 4217.3 Gangrene. Ueber den Hospitalbrand. Gerson, G. H 3799.34 Gassett, E. S. Address delivered before the Bos- ton Sunday school society, on the fiftieth an- niversary of the institution, Sept. 14, 18:51. Boston, ia31. 12° 5450a.23 — The arrival of the Britannia : a sermon, July 19, 1840. Boston, 1840. 8° v. 1 of 5440a. 83 — The Atlantic telegraph: a discourse delivered in the First church, Aug. 8, 1858. Boston, 1858. 8° v. 2 of 5440a. 83 — Atonement. [A tract.] Boston, 18.39. pp. 30. 12°. [American unitarian association] . . .5450a. 18 ^ Discourse after the death of Rev. A. Lamson, in Dedham, on Sunday, July 31, 1864. Bos- ton, 1SC4. 8° v. 2 of o440a.83 — Discourse at the dedication of the church on Arlington street, Boston, Dec. II, 1861. With an appendix, Boston, 1862. S° . . . v. 2 of 5440a. 83 Shelf. No. Gannett, E. S., continued. — Discourse a't the dedication of the meeting- house of the Independent congregational society in Ipswicli, Oct. 23, 1833. Boston, 1833. 8° v. 1 of 5440a. 83 — Discourse at the funeral of Rev. W. B. O. Pea- body, in Springfield, June 1, 1847. Springfield, 1847. 8° B. 160a. 74 — Discourse at the funeral of the late Rev. A. Young, in Boston, March 20, 1854. Boston, 1854. 8° v. 2 of 5440a. 83 — Discourse at the installation of Rev. John Parknian, in Dover, N. H., April 22, 1840. Boston, 1840. 8° H163.7 — Discourse at the ordination of Rev. A. B. Muz- zey, in Framingham, June 10, 1830. Boston, 18:10. 8° v. 1 of 5440a.83 — Discourse before the Benevolent fraternity of churches, in the Federal Street meeting-house, April 9, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8° . . . . v. 1 of 5440a. 83 — Discourse before the Boston young men's total abstinence society, Nov. 8, 184G. 3d ed. Bos. ton, 1840. 8° V. li)f5M0a.83 — Discourse in the Federal Street meeting-house, Nov. 28, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8° B. 160.77 — Discourse occasioned by the death of Hon. Josiah Quincy, delivered in Boston, July 10, 18r>4. Boston, 1804. 8° v. 2 of 5440a. 83 — Dissipation : a sermon preached in the Federal Street meeting-house. May 17, 1857. Boston, 1857. 18° 5450a. 23 — [Essay on the demoniacs of the New Testa- ment.] Boston, 1832. pp. 60. 12°. . v. 1 of 5440a.83 — [Mr. Parker and his views. An article from the Christian examiner.] Boston, 1845. pp. .30. 8°. 5442.1 — Our help is in God. Discourse delivered in the Federal Street meeting-bouse, Feb. 24, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8° V. 2of6440a.83 — Peace — not war: a sermon. Dec. 14, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8° *4163.0, and *Pph.v.376 — The prince's visit : a discourse in Freeman- , Place chapel, October 21, 1860. Boston, 1860. 8° V. 2 of 5440a. 83 — Relation of the North to slavery : a discourse, June 11, 1854. Boston, 1864. 8° B. 160.20 — Sermon after the death of M. S. Perry, M. D. Boston, 1859. 8° v. 2 of 5440a. 83 — Sermon after the funeral of the late Hon. Na- than Appleton. Boston, 1861. 8° 4390a.l2 — Sermon at the close of the fortieth year of his ministry. Boston, 18(H. 8° v. 2 of 5440a. 83 — Sermon at the ordination of Rev. J. I. T. Cool- idge. Boston, 1842. 8° . *4163.6, and v. 1 of 5440a.83 — Sermon before .T. Davis, governor, etc., at the annual election, Jan. 5, 1842. Boston, 1842. 8°.*4356.12 — Sermon, Jan. 24, 1847, occasioned by the death of John Davis, LL.D. Boston, 1847. 8°. . 4347.22 — Sermon, May 2, 1852, after the death of T. Tar- bell, Esq. Boston, 1852. 8° v. 2of 5440a.83 — Sermon, Oct. 17, 1847, after the death of Hon. Artemas Ward. Boston, 1847. 8° . . v. 1 of 5440a. 83 — The spring: a sermon for children, April 26, 1840. Boston, 1840. 16° *4163.16 — The state of the country : a discourse, June 8, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8° 6088.150 — Observations on his sermon, entitled, " Rela- tion of the North to slavery." See Curtis, G. T 4390a.62, and B.160.106 Gans, E. Das Erbrecht in weltgeschiclitlicher Entwickelung. Berlin, 1824-;i5. 4v. 8° . . 4305.8 — Riickblicke auf Personen und Zustiinde. Ber- lin, 18.30. p.S° 42:17.21,22 — Scholien zum Gajus. Berlin, 1821. 8° . . . . 4305.7 — System des romischen Civilrechts. Berlin, 1827. 8° 4305.6 — Ueber die Gi-undlage des Besitzes. Berlin, 1839. pp. W. 8° 4305.9 — Vermischte Schriften, juristischen, histori- schen, staatswissenschaftliohen, und iistheti- Bchen Inhalts. Berlin, 1834. 2v. 16° . . . 4239.3 GA>-TT 214 GAEEOD Shelf. No. Gantt, E. W. Address in favor of re-union in 1863. See Stephens, A. H .'.... 4322.18 Gak.\sse, F. Biograpliie. [Xisard. Les gladia- tenrs.v.S] 2250.10 Garces y Ejruia, J. Beneficio de ore y plata por fun- dicionvamalpamacion. Mexico, 1S02. sm.4°. 4266.19 Gabch.M. Complete scliool of singing. Boston, [1S5-]. pp.SO. r 8041.12 Garcia de la Madrid, M. Historia de los tres de- reclios, romano, candnico, y espanol. Madi-id, 18.31. i' 4304.11 Garcia de Santa Maria, A., Siena J., and others. Cronica del rey Don Juan scguudo. Pamp- lona, 1591. f° *4251.2 Gakdex, M. le cnmte de. Traits complet de diplo- matie, on thiiorie gunerale des relations extc- rieures des puissances de I'Europe. .Paris, 18.33. 3v. 8° 3616.7 Gardeners' chronicle. The, and agricultural ga- zette. [The horticultural part edited by Prof. J. Lindloy.] London, lSll-13, 45-60. Ov. 4". »5000.2 Gardenimg. Cobbctt, ■«'. American gardener . . 399^.14 — Courtois-Gerard. Cours elementaire de culture maraichtre 4008.32 — Dochnahl, F. J. Garten-Bibliothek von 1750 bis 18C0 2172.12 — Dressier, A. Dcr practische Baumgiirtner . . 3859.32 — Griice, T. K. de. Le bon jardinier 4008.31 — Horticulturist, The 5874.1 Journal of the Horticultural society of London. See London 3907.1 — Kolbc, J.U. Der unterweisende Dorfgiirtner. 3859.29 — Muller, J. C. F. Der vollstiindige Monats- gartner 4008.20 — Farkes, S.H. Window gardens for the people. 3570.20 — Kapin, R. Hortorum libri 4008.28 Tran.soctious of the Horticultural society of London. .See London 3990.3 Tsaheau, V. F. A. Lemons ^lementaires d'hor- ticulture 3992.19 See aUo: Flowere, Fruits, Grape, Vino. Gabdin Dumesnil, J.B. Latin synonyms. Trans- lated into English, with additions, by Key. J. M. Cosset. 3d cd. London, 1825. 8° . . 2934.26 GASmNKR, John. Speech in the house of repre- sentatives, Jan. 26, 1792, on repealing the law against theatrical exhibitions. Boston, 1792. »° 4390a. 57 Gardineh, John S. J. Address before the Massa- chusetts charitable tire society, May 28, 1803. Boston, 1803. 8° 5440a.84 — New year's sermon, Jan. 4, 1824, and Jan. 2, 1823. Boston, 1825. 8° 5440a. 84 Sermon before tlie Boston female asylum, Sept. 22, 1809. Boston, 1S09. 8° 5440a. 84 — Sermon, Dec. 9, 1801, on the death of Rt. Kev. S. I'arker. Boston, 1804. 8* 5140a.84 — Sermon, March 25, IKlo. on the decease of Dr. J.Lloyd. Boston, 1810. 8° 5440a. 84 Sermon, Nov. 10, isifl, on the death of D. Sears, Esq. Boston, 1810. 8° 5440a. 84 — Sermon on fast day, April 7, 1808. Boston, 1808. 8° 5440a. 84 — Sermon, April fl, 1810, the day of publick fast. Boston, 1810. «• 6440a. 84 — Sermon on the day appointed for thanksgiving, Dec. 1, 180,H. Button, 1808. 8" SHOa.84 Garpinki!, L. Pequot warres. 5w I'enliallow, S. 4312.10 GAitblNKii, S. R. History of England, 100:i-10. London, 1863. 2v. V 2528.5 Gardini'.ii, ilfe.. History of. nnnson,J.W. . . . 23:19.12 Uakdihhal, ('. D. Technological dictionary. See Tolhansiii, V 4034.20 GARDSKH, D. Tn'atise on Inlemallonal law, and explanation ol the jm-lsdicilon and duty of the govenimenl of the Lulled .Slates. Troy, N. Y., IKH. 12° 3018.23 _ Treatise on the law of the American rebellion. New York, 1892. pp. 20. 8° 4310a. 97 Shelf. No. Gardxer, G.'W. Treason and the fate of traitors : a sermon preached in Chaiiestown, April 13, 1862. Boston, 1802. b' 4310a.98 Gardnek, John, and others. Facts relating to the Norfolk county railroad. Boston, 1850. 8°.*Pph.v.384 Gardner, S. De pronunciatione lingua: Gneca- et I^atin.T. [Havercamp. Sylloge scriptorum de lingine (irEECa" pronuntiatione, V. 2] , . . 2986.20 Gargilius Martialis. See Martialis, G. Garibaldi, G. Lettere suUe cose italiane. See Orsini, F ; 2748.13 Garin le Loherain, or Guerin le Lorrain, chanson de geste composee an xiie siecle. See Jean deFlagy 2688.10 Garland, H. A. Eulogy on Andrew Jackson, Petersburg, Va., 1845. See Dusenbery, B. M. 2347.25 Garland, J. de. Floretus in se cotinens sacre theo- logie et canoum flores. [Colonia;, H .Quentell, circa 1485.] 61 leaves. 8° *54S3.15 Kotc. — This poem, long ftttribnted to Snint Bernard, has been claimed by Uivct (Hist. lilt, de France, v. 18) for tile author named above, born in England but living in France, in the 13th century. This cojiy is without indication of tile time or place of its publication. It Is accompanied by a commentary. . Garmann, C. F. De miraculis mortuorum libri tres. Pra^missa, Dissertatio de cadavere, etc. Dresda:, 1709. sm.4° 'OOgO.lS Garnaut,E., Sketch of the life of. See Phillips, W. 6672.6 Garnier, G. Mtl-moire sur la valeur des monnaies de compte chez les peuples de l'autiquit6, Paris, 1S17. pp.92. 4° 2981.7 — Priucipes de I'oconomie politique. Paris, 1796. 12° 3647.7 GARNiER-PAGJiS, L. A. Histoire de la rtivolution del848. Paris, 1861, 02. Sv. 8° ..... . 2307.3 Garreau, J. C. Manuel eCclesiastique de disci- pline et de droit. Paris, 1778. 8° 4293.16 Garrettson, F. Substance of the semi-centen- nial sermon before the New York annual conference, at its session, Mnv, 1820. New York, 1827. 8° V. 10of*7416.t — Life. See Bangs, N 6558. 17 Gabrick.D. SceBell, J. British theatre, v. 5,23. 417Ua.l ConfMirt. — Vol.V. The pamcstprs, altered from Shir- ley and. lohnson. XXIII. Cynion, a dramatic romance. — See Collection of farces, V. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6_ .... 2676.36 fTonffitife. — Vol. 1. The fruardian ; Hiph life below Btairs ; I.othe. or .^Bop in the shades ; Miss in her tecnB, or the medley of lovers ; Florinel and Pcrdita, or the Blicep Bliearlnff, nltcvod from ShakcspcHro's Winter'! tale. II. The lyinK vttlet; Nock or nothing. IV. Boa ton, or liigli lifo above stairs; BucltB have at ye all. V. TIio Irivli widow. VI. May-day, ortho llttlo gipseyt The theatrical candidates; Lilllput. — and Colmnn, G., We elder. The clandestine marriage: a comedy. [lieil. British thea- tre, V. 14] 4179a. 1 — - Same, f Jones. British theatre, v. 9] . . . 4675.20 Garrtdo, F. L'Espagne conteniporaino, ses pro- grts morau.v et nrntt^riels nu xixe si^cle. Bruxelles, 1862. 8° 3092.20 Garrison, W.L. Abolitionists, and titeir relations to tlie war. An address delivered Jan. 14, 1802. New York, 1802. 12° 4324.37 — Address before the IVec people of color, in Phil- adelphia, New York, etc., June, 1831. 2d cd. Boston, 1831. 8° 6672.21 — Letter to Louis Kossuth, concerning fl-eedom and slavery in the United States. Boston, 18.')2. 8° B. 100.16 — History of Mr. Thompson's connection with the anil-slavery cause in England. See Thompson, U 3679.26 — [Prooeeillngs against W. L. Garrison, for a libel.] Ilalllniore, 1847. pp. 32. 8° . . . . B.160.08 GARROd, a. B. Nature and trcotment of gout and rheumatic gout. London, 1859. 12° ... , 3800.7 GARRUCCr 215 GAZA Slielf. No. Garrucci, R. GratTiti de Pompcl. InscriptionB et gravuies. 2o id. Vaxls, 185G. 2v. 1°, ami obl.f 'arSLlO Garth, Sir S. Slisccllaneous poetical works, iu- clUfUng tile Dispensary, with lile. [Anderson. Poets of Creat Britain, V. 7] 4004.1 Garukfi Malatesta, G. Lucerna Inpidaria, ac- cen.sa ad titnlos, moninienta, inscriptiones, ct sepulclira geutilmin visonda, [Grievius. Tlies. auti.i. Ital., T. r, p. ;;] 4?10.1 Gaever, D. Address before the alumni associa- tion of Pennsylvania college, Sept. 18, ISOl. Gettysburg, ISC.l. 8° 4310a. 99 Garwood, J. Funeral sermon for the late Sir T. F. Buxton. London, imr,. 8° 4405a. 53 G^VRZO, G. Kerum Saxonicarum libri II. [Mencke. Script. Germ., V. 2] 4261.2 Garzoni, M. Graninintica e vocabolario della lingnaKurda. Roma, 1787. 8° *j037.13 Gas-licht, History of the processes of manufac- ture and uses of 4029.6 Gas-lu;htin(;. ilandbuch fiir Steiukohlcngas- Beleuchtnng. Schilling, N. H 3971.27 Gaspauin, a. E. de. L'Amerique devant I'Europe, principes et intcrets. Paris, 1862. 8° . . . 4323.36 — Les {-coles du dout^ et I'ecole de la foi. Essai sur I'autorite. Geneve, 1853. 8° 6003.4 — Uprising of a great people : the United States in 1861. Abridged, with appendices [by W. Arthur and others]. London, 1801. pp.82. 12° 4322.08 — and others. Reply to the Loyal national league of Xew York, with the address of the league. New York, 1804. pp. 30. 8°. [New York. Loyal publication society, No. 42] 4322.18 — - Reponse & la ligue loyale et nationale de New York. New York, 1804. pp.20. 8". [Xew York. Loyal publication society. No. 41] . . 4322.18 Gaspahis, v. B. de. The near and the heavenly horizons. Edinburgh, 1863. 10° 5140.32 — Quelques defauts des Chretiens d'aujourd'hui. Paris, 1853. 12° 6003.30 Gaspey, T. I/ife and times of the good lord Cob- ham. London, IS*. 2v. 12° 2547.23 Gassendi, or Gassend, P. Exercitationes para- doxicae adversvs Aristoteleos. Amsteloda- mi, 1649. 8° ♦0099a.l6 Gasser, a. p. Annales reipublicne Augstburgensis. [Mencke. Script. Germ., v. 1] 4261.2 Gastixe, C. de. Histoire de la republique d'Hai'ti ou Saint-Domingue, I'esclavage et les colons. Paris, 1819. 8° 2313.22 Gaston, W. Speech in support of the proposition to expunge from the rules of the house of representatives the " Previous question." Georgetown, 1816. 8° 4390a. 58 Gastrell, bishop of Chester. Considerations on the trinity. [Randolph. Enchiridion theo- logicum, V. 1] 3451.14 Gateshead, Durham, Reference to a plan of the borough of. Oliver, T Pph.v.351 GXtsciiesberger, S. Geschichte der englischen Literatur. TTien, 1839-62. 2v. 8° 2553.11 Gatterer, J. C. Abhaudlung von Thracien nach Herodot und Thucydides, aus dein Lat. iibers. von H. SchUchthorst. Giittingen, 1800. 8°.**2988.24 — Sec Universal history, v. 32-33 4130.4 Gatteschi, V. L'Enea sqvadra comandata dal capitano Alfonso Brvnozzi. See Braccio- lini, F 4798.15 Gatti, A. Historia g}Tnnasii Ticinensis; nee non de ejus urbis antiqua nobilitate. [Grievius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 4, p. 2] 4710.1 GACTBins, J. D., £loge dc. [Vicq-d'Azyr. OJuvres, V. 2] 3720.11 GACDESTto di Lucca, Adventures of 2576.16 Gaudentius, St. In varia Scripturae loca tractatus, vel sermones xix. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., V. 5] B.110.2 Shelf. No. GAUDRY, J. Instruction sur la construction, etc. des machines agricoles, etc. Paris, 1859. 16°. . 3992.18 Gaitfkk.y, chanson de geste. [Guessard. Anciena poctes de la France, v. 3j 2079.18 Gauging, Handbook of practical. Keene, ,I.B. . 39.39.2 Uaul. Martin, L. a. Histoire morale de la Gaule. 4194.4 — Moreau de .Tonnts, A. La ITrance avaiit ses premiers habitants, et origiues de ses popula- tions 4189.6 — Ozanam, A. F, La civilisation cbretienne Chez les Francs 4145.13 — Thierry, A. S. D. Histoire des Gaulois .... 4186.2 See also; Celtic nntiqiiitica, Celtic Iftngudges. Gaume, J. Histoire de la society domestique chez tous les peuples, ou influence du christianisme sur la famille. Paris, 1844. 2v. 8° .... 3566.8 Gaxjssen, M. Industrie des chiiles et des tissua melanges. [France. Commission sur I'in- dustrie des nations, v. 4] 4029.20 Gaussen, S. R. L. Theopneusty, or the plenary inspiration of the Uoly Scriptures. Trans- lated by E. N. Kirk. New York, 1842. 12°. 6027.15 — - Same. 3d American, from 2d French edi- tion. New York, 1847. 12° 3429.26 Gautuuche, or Gaultruche, P. Poetical history necessary for understanding the Greek and L.itine poets. 5th ed., by llarius D'Assiguy. London, 1083. 8° 5489a. 5 Gavanti, B. Thesaurus sacrorum rituum, cum ad- ditionibus C. M. Mcrati. Ed. noviss. Vene- tiis, 1823. 5v. in 2. 4° *00.30.4 Gavaeket, T. Telegraphie ^lectrique. Paris, 1801. 12° 3900.8 Gavazzi, a. Lectures in New York, reported by T. C. Leland, also life [by Campanella and Nicolini], corrected by himself. Tr. by Julie de Marguerittes. New York, 1853. 12° . . 6074.24 — Orations. [Reprinted from the Daily news.] London, 1851. pp. 63. 12° .3464.28 — - Same. With decade 2d, and sketches of pre- vious reformers of the Italian church. Lon- don, 1851. 12° B. 170a. 128 Gavi, A. dl. Annales Januenses, 1204, 05. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., v. 18] »4220.1 Gavin, A. Tlie great red dragon; or the master- key to popery. [Appended, Blauco White's Preservative against popery.] Boston, 1854. 12° . . 3463.16 Gat, A. French prosodical grammar. New York, 1795. 12° 4689a. 16 Gay, G. H. Primary treatment of wounds received in battle. Boston, 1802. pp. 8. 8°. [From the Boston medical and surgical journal] . . 5796.18 Gat, J. Fables. With translation into Bengali poetry. By Raja Kali-Krishna Bahadur. Calcutta, 1836. 8° 4508.1 — Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 8] 4004.1 Contents. — Rural eports; The fan; The shepherd's week ; Trivia ; Dione, a pastoral tragedy ; Fables ; Tales; Songs; Translations, etc. — The beggar's opera : comic opera, [Bell. British theatre, V. 11] 4179a. 1 — - Same. [Jones. British theatre, v. 3] , . . 4575.20 — The what d'ye call it. [Collection of farces, V.5] 2575.35 Gay, M. Claims of C. T. Jackson to the discovery of the applicability of sulphuric ether to the prevention of pain in surgical operations. Boston, 1847. pp. 47. 8° 0087.83 Gay, S. llarie de Mancini. Paris, 1839. 2v. 8° . 2602.7 GATARRii, C. History of Louisiana. The French domination. New York, 1854. 2v. 8° . . . 4376.25 Gatdon, chanson de geste, publitie par F. Guessard et .S. Luce. [Guessard. Anciens poctes de la France, v. 7] 2079.18 Gayot, E. Laconnaissanceducheval. See Moll, L. 4004.1 Gaza und die phiiistiiische Kiiete. Stark, C. B. . . 4244.12 GAZAN 216 GELLI Shelf. No. Gazan. De la resistance que lea canons de fusil offrent k I'explosion de la pomlre. [IVance. Ministry of war. Memorial de I'artillerie, V. 4] 3954.25 Gazette ot the United States. A national paper, 17S9-'>0. Published by J. Feuno. Vol. 1. KewYork, [178iV90]. f *8030.2 Gazetteer, Bescherelle, L. X. Grand diction- naire de geopraphie universelle 4181.1 — Hazlitt, W. Classical gazetteer 4153.11 Gazzaniga, p. M. Prslectiones theologicie hab- itfe in Vindobouensi universitate. 3a Veneta ed. A'enetus, 1803. 9v. in 5. 4° *6041.8 CotUcnts. — \'o\. I. De fundomentis rcligionis rove- labc; De Dei essentia et attributU; De visione, scien- tia. voluntate Dei; De prtedestinHtione et reprobalione. II. De trioitote et creatione ; De augclis ; De opificio ser dienim; De homiae, variisque ejus statibus. III, De verbi divini incamatione ; De gratia Dei actual! et ha- bituflli. IV, De actibus humanis et de virtutibuB theo- logicis. V. De sacramentis ia genere, de baptismo et de confinnatione ; De sacramentis eucharistife, poeniten- tiee, extremse uuctionis, et matriinonii. Gazzino, G. Indice cronologico e bibliografico d'illustri Italiani dal secolo xi al xix. Milano, 1857. 10° 2749.19 Geaky, S. Cemetery designs for tombs and ceno- taphs. London, 1840. 1 sheet, folded 8" . . *4074.10 Gebel Teir, or, Mountain of birds. Tudor, W. . . 2407.24 Gebhakd. De vita S. Gebehardi Constautientis episcopi per Felicem Mauilium. [Canisius. Thesaurus, V. 4] 4140.3 Gebhard, J. C. Nachricht der Saltzburgischen Emigranten bey ihrer Durch-Keise durch Zerbst, [und] Fortsetzung von einem Passa- gier. Leipzig, 1732. pp.50. 4=* *0055.11 Gebhardi, Ludwig A. See Universal history, V. 32, 33, 50, 51, 52 4130.4 Contents. — Vol. XXXII, XXXIII. Geachichte der KC- nlgreicheNonvegenundDiinemurck. L, LI. Geschichto von Liefland, Esthland, Kurland und Semgallen, Wen- den, und Slaven. Lll. GcscIiiclHe von Riigen, Fommern, Sorben, BOhraen, Mahren, und Schlcsien. Gebhardi, Ludwig E- Theoretisch-praktisehe Orgelschule, Leipzig, n. d. pp.87. obi.4°. 8052.15 Gefahr, l>ie, der Gegenwart fiir die Fiirsteu und Volker der Christenheit. Frankfurt, 1S53. pp. 32. 8" B. 170.61 Gehlk, H. ay. De fati notione quomodo in anti- quissimis Graciae temporibus exculta fuerit. [Diss.acad.] Gottingas, 18:i3. pp.42. 8° . B. 170a. 94 Geijer, E. G. Samlade skrifter. 1, 2 Afdelningar. Stockholm, 1^9-55. 13v. 8" *4227.1 CotUctU*. — Vol. I. FOrord; Lefnndatecknlng; Feodnl- Itm och llopubliknniBm; Dca Ny-Europciska odlhiKOns hufvudeklftoD med BJiriikildt nTitrende p& de akadeniinka ■tudlemn. II. Xrcinlune Ofvcr rik»r6ri-Mliindnrcn Sten Sturo don 'Aldro ; Tal ilfvor ElnarTamlmrBkaifver; Per- •onalltT ftfvcr bruk»patronen BeiiBt Guntaf GciJer; Lof- nada-tcckning tjlVcr likHr&det frilioiro Mnlto KanicI ; Lefnads-tccknlng Gfvf'r Erik SJiiberg (Vltalla) ; Tal vid Jubelfeiten tlH den store Gustnf Adolfn minno; Lofvor- De*-beakrirnlnR Ofvor ban* Exc. grcfvc Clnes Fleming; Kckrolog JJl'ver .lohaii Christian Frudrik IIh-H^ht ; NokrulHg tifver Clacs OuRtnf Myrlu; C)m M. Tulllus Cicero; Om Walter Scott; Mlnncii-tnl Bfvcr ilrkcblNko- pen m.m. doktor Joliann Olof Wallln ; Xroniinno ftfver Ocorg Stjemhjelm; r«nional{vr,up|iliiatu vId bUgaliinllg bana Mnjtl koiiung Carl xiv .lobiuis b^-gmfning; Bo- rillU'ldc om GUlUka FJirbundutii Mtirtetiiu och vcrkimtn- hft ; MInno at rdttuiar-kiilkiMt ttn^fvo Otto Wlllielm KQnIgatiiark ; Mlnnci'tal iirv-er Eaaiaa Tegnfir. III. ftlinnen; 8kald>'ilyckon, 1811-40; Om den ganiln nor- dlRka fiilkvliuin; (Jni onii|viidet I do gambi Hkandlna- vUka vUomn: IleirakteUrr I afiienndu ph do nordlaka mytliernoM anv&ndn^de t ikJWi konnl. IV. Nytt ** ott ocit antiut " I anli-dnlng nf friignn oin Dkailrnilnkii Juria- diktlum'n ; Om dctoiruntllgn lilrovcrkot : NKgra anniilrk- nlngar om a|ipr-tnr kuinin vId iiifiinUkor* nioratl-ka npproitran drafiaa af "lera» lnbll1nlng«g(i^fty Om fnl«k orb tann npplyimltig mrd afieendn [i% reHgloni>n ; TII- lagg ; Om hUtoritn ocb deaa Rlrballandu till ri-ll|[loiioii ; Sbtlf. N». Geijer, E. G., continued. Om historicns nytta; Thorild. Tillika en flloBofiek cller ofilosoQeik bekitunclsc; Bihang ; OcksS ctt ord ofver tidens rcligiosa fritga. VI. Fatligv&rds-frSgan; Reprc- sentations-fr^gan; Om vSr tids iurc samlmllsIiSvliSUaii- dcn, i synnerhet med afsecnde pS faderutslandet ; Svnr till professor Fryxell. VII. AnmiLlan af tidskiiflcn Iduna; Tal vid jubelfcsten Sr 1817; Tal i anlednlng af H. K. H. Kronprinsens antagnnde af hogsta styrelsea ijfver Uppsala akademi; Betraktclser iifver Europi-iska kolonial-Taldets grundlaggning; Program i onlcduing af Gustavianske stipendiatens Sminnelsetal bfver ko- nung Gustaf III, 1S20, S-'i; NSgra betraklelser ijfver den Btore Gustaf Adolfs tidehvnrf; Jcmforelso cmellan den heroiska tidsaldems seder bos Groker och Skandlnaver; Program vid den allmiinna Jubelfesten 8r 1830; Tal vid Svenska bibel-saltskapets allmiinna sammankomst ; Programm och tal vid magistei^pvomotioncn; StrSdda anteckningar ; FOretal till " Byarne och Staden," tvanne novcller af Harriet Martineau, utgifna i Svensk bfver- sattning; AnWranden till presleat&ndets protokoU vid riksdagame \S28-30 och IR*), 41; Dot Europeiska sam- hallets begynnolser ; Om slafvcriet ; Anfornnden 1 Sven- ska nkademien; En ekonomisk drum; Utdrag uran- teckningsbbcker ; Theaer. VIII. Recensioner; Bref. IS. Svea Tikes hafder. X-XII. Svenska folkets his- torla. XII. Tei'kniug af Sveriges tillstfind och af de romSmsia bnndlande personer under tiden frSn konung Curl XII :3 dod tiU konung Gustaf una aulriido af re- geringea, — Geschichte Schwedens [bis 16C0]. Aus der schwedischen iibersetzt von S. P. Leffler. Hamburg, 1832-36. 3v. 8° ^. *4216.8 — Teckning af Sveriges tillstaud och af de for- namste handlande personer fran Carl xtl, till Gustaf III, Andra upplagan. Stock- holm, 1839. 8°, [Stockholm. Svenska akad- emi. Handlingar, v. 18] *4848.1 — and Afzelius, A. A, Svenska folk-wisor. Stockholm, 1814-16, 4v. sm.8'' **2875.14 — - - Same. Andra upplagan, Stockholm, 1846. 3v. in 1, sm.S* 4223.19 — - Schwodische Volkslieder der Vorzeit. Ue- bertragen von R. Warrens. Leipzig, 1857. IG" **2875.27 Geikie, a. Geological map of Scotland. See Murchison, R.I 3807.26 — Memoir of Edward Forbes. 5ee Wilson, G. . 2457.20 Geujitz, H. B. Charakteri*k der Schichten und Fetrefacteu des sachsisch-buhmischen Kreidegebirges, sowie der Versteiucrungen von Kiesliugswalda. Neue Ausg. Leipzig, 1850. 4° 5863.16 Geist, Ueber den, des doutschen Studentenlebeus insbesonderc zu Jena. n. p., 1810. pp. 38. 16' 2864.14 Gelasius I, pope. De duabus naturis in Christo, ailversus Eutychen et Nestorium. See He- rold, Ji. .1 B. 120.3 — Testimonia veterura de duabus naturis in Chris- to. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. patr.,v.8j . . . B. 110.2 Gbll, Sir W. Topography of Troy, and its vicinity ; illustrated by drawings and descriptions. Loudon, 1804. f *20.D.3 Gellert, C. F. Life ; with a course of moral lessons. Taken tt-om a French translation by Mrs. Douglas. 2d cd. London, 1810. .3v, 18° 2877.;0 — Poi'tischf Schriaen. Wien, 1810. 4v. in2. 10".4899a.l2 — Elfgie bey dum Grabo Gellcrts. See Wcisse, C. F 2878.6 Gelli, G. B. Opere [con notizie Intorno alia vita ed alle opcre d'autore scrltte da F. Reinus]. Milano, 1804-7. 3v. 8% [Classlcl itullani, V. 153-105] •*4800.1 ronMHtt. — Vol. I. AvvUo dogll oditort; Oraatono dl Mlrbele Capri Calr.aluolo ncUa morto dl O. ti. Ootll; Ltfttcrn dl Gi'lll a Coilmo de' Medici; La Clroe. diffllogl. II. CiipHccI del bollalu. 111. La aporia, oomniodlat Lo eiTuro, ooinmodla. — Le^lone sopra due sonettl del Petrarca. colta dl prose ItaMane, v. 3] [Kac- GELUUS 217 GEOGRAPHY Shelf. Mo. Gellius, a. Noi'tes Attica;. H. Stcplmni noctes aliqvot I'arisiiKL' Atlicis (li-llii uoctibu^ iuui- gilata;. Kiuncnrnti, KKl.!. sm.s" »B.179.5 — Koetcs Atticiv cum uolis J. h\ Grouovii. Lugd. liatavonim, Ifisr. S° . •B.173." — Lcs nuits ntti(|ucs, truduites par I'abb*? [J. Donzc] de V[prleuil]. Faris, 17?i), 77. 3v. 12° »B.iro. 1 Gelpkr, E. F. Kii'clK'UgcschicUte dcr Schweiz. Bern, IS5ci-Cl. 2v. 8° 3S27.12 Gemblours. CIironiconGemblaccnsium. [Achdry, Siiicilc{.'iuin,v.(i] 4152.7 Gemeinschaktlichk (icsaiigbuch, Das, der lu* thcrischcn uud rct'onuirton Geiacindcn in Nord-Aineiica. 3tc AuH. Baltimore, 1818. 8° *n019.14 GtcMELl.I, G. Napoli e Austria. Firenzc, 1859. pp. 95. p..'S° 4718.11 Geminl's Tullius. Epigranimata. [Bruncli. Ana- lecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.102.7 Gemistus, or I'letlio, G. Scholia in Zoroastrem. 5ee Oracula nuigica 6071.18 — Opusculaduo. [.Siebciikees. Ant-cdota GrKca]. B.l(>2.5 Gem.s. Barrcra, a. de. Gems and jewels .... 4003.10 — King, C. W. Antique gems, tbeir origin, uses, and value 4003.23 — Muna1dini,G. A. Novus tltcsaurus gcmmarum veterum 42S0.1 Geneai.ocy, Analytical catalogue of books on. Moule, T 2153.9 See also: The namca of families whose grenealogries have be«u publish*'*!, as Ahhot, Archur, Bund, Botfield, Btiwdoiu, Brighuiii, Chunipiify, Deanc, Dumarebq, Gtbhs, Gilbert, Giles (including Curvven, Gould, Iloloien, JL-nnisoii, Leonard, Llndall, Marshall, Robin- son, SanipBou, \Vcbh),,IlalI, Hoyt, Hunt, Huntington, Lawrence, Miles, I'ark, (julncy, Kichards, Temple, Whitmore, etc.; also, Bcichliugeu, J^russia, UadUy, Mass., and Kcw England. GeMBR, p. and J. The steam engine. See Hann, J 4015.30 Genera, Inquiry into the nature of. Wollaston, T. V 3S2Q.11 Gejjeral delusion, The, of Christians, touching the ways of God's revealing himself to, and by the prophets. London, 1713. 12° . . . . 0025.24 General peace convention. Proceedings of the fii-st convention, held in Loudon, June, lti4.1. London, 184.3. 8" 3577.5 Generation. Delia generazione del corpo huma- no. Varchi, B 480da:4 See also: Parthenogenesis. Genest, C- C. Penelope, tragedie. [Thi'atre fran- 4. 8° **2418.9' — Prophetia Merlini. S'ee Merlin 2530.29 — Vita Merlini carmine heroico, et liber de proph- etiis Merlini. See Gfriirer, A. F 0018.5 Geoffuoy, J. L. Cours de litt^rature dramatique. Paris, 1819, 20. 5v. 8° 4000.20 Geoffkoy Saint-Hilaire, I, Essais de zoologie generale. Paris, 1841. 8° 3903.23 — Rapport sur la domestication et la naturalisa- tion des animaux utiles. See France. Min- istry of agriculture, etc 7011.21 Gkoorapuy., Adams, E. Geography classified . 2283.10 — Bescherelle, L. N. Grand dictionuaire de geo- graphie 4181.1 — Charnock, R. S. Derivative dictionary of geo- graphical names 22S3.6 — Clute, J.J. School geography 7039.36 — Clavier, P. Introductionis in universam geo- graphiam libri VI 4149.17 — Cortambert, P. F. E. Lemons de geographie . 3591.25 — Daniel, H. A. Handbuch der Geographie . , 2281.7 — Davidson, R. i:iements of 7039.15 — Davies, B. System of modern geograjthy . . 7039.37 — Dwight, N. Comprehensive system of . . . . 7039.1 — English pilot 0280.1 — Forbiger, A. Handbuch der alten Geographie. 4152.3 — Fowle, ^y. B. Common school geography . . 7039.32 GEOGRAPHY 218 GEORGIUS Shelf. No. Gkography, continued. — Francke, S. Weltbucli: bildtniss des gantzen Kidbodeus 41G0.7 — Goldsmith, J. Easy grammar of 7039.17 — Grasse, J. G. T. Lateiuische Benennungen der bekaniitesten Stadte, u. s. w 2283.5 — Gryii:eus, S. Novus orbis regiouum veteribus incoguitarum 4160.8 — Hale, N. Epitome of universal geography . . 7039.34 — Hazlitt, W. Classical gazetteer 4153.11 — Heylyn, P. Cosmographie 6270.2 — Jacobs, F. Lander- uud A^iilker-Kunde der al- tenWelt 4929a. 10 — Johnston, A. K. Index geographicus . . . . 22S2.1 — Kapp.E. Vergleichende allgemeine Erdkunde. 4153.7 — Knight, C. Cyclopa-dia of A. 184.1 — Koch, U. A. Wiirterbuch der Geographie . . 4152.1 — Labanoff de RostolV, A. Catalogue des cartes geographiques, topographiques et marines . 2178.3 — Laurt' nt, 1*. E. Manual of ancient geography, 4152.4 — Malte-Urun, C. Universal geography .... 4153.1 — Morse, J. Geography made easy 7039.38 — Morse, S.E. System of 6280.10 — MUnster, S. Cosmograpbia universalis . , "; 4160.4 — PesclicI, O. Zeitalter der Entdfckungen . . , 4153. G — Petermann, A. H. Erforschungen auf dem Gesanuntgebiete der Geographie 4141.9 — Picket, A. Geographical grammar 62SG,2 — Ptolemaeus, C. Geographica enarratio . . . . 2280.7 — Ritter, C. Einlcitung zur vergleichendcn Geographie 2281.8 — - Geschichte der Erdkunde und der Eutdeek- uugeu 2275.7 — Schirlitz, S.C. Handbuch der alten Geogra- phie 22S3.7 — 8obrino, F. Dictionnaire de geographie . . . 4683.8 — Taylor, AY. C. .Catechism of ancient geogra- phy 7039.62 — Viilcker, C. H. W. Mythische Geographie der Griechen und Rtinier 4153.3 — AYoodbridge, ^Y. C. Modern school geography. 7039.39 — Worcester, J, E. Classical and scripture geo- graphy 6287.1 — - Elements of 7039.35 — Zuchold, E. A. Bibliotheca histurico-gcogra- phica 2178.5 Periodicals. — Berghaus, H. C. W. Annaleu der Erd-,Yulker- und Stnatenkunde 4155.1 — IluIIi'tin des sciences geographiques, etc. See Paris. Societc pour la propagation des con- nuissanccs scientili<|nes et industrielles . . . 4167.1 — Gumprecbt, T. E. Zeitschrilt flir allgemeiue Erdkunde 4116.1 — Jouruid of tlie Royal geographical society. See London 2267.1 — Liidtle, J. G. Zcitchrift fUr verglcichcnde ■ Erdkunde 4116.2 — Proceedings of the Royal gcogrrti)hical society. See Loudon 6268.1 SaalMo: Atln*, Cdninograitli)', ElliiioKnii'li}', Giizet- tetT, Voymtea, World. Gbooraimiy of plants. Geographie botanhiue ral- Honnee. Candollc, A. L. 1*. 1'. tie 4276.3 Groloov. Duna, J. 1-). .Manual of 3Mi7.H — I'HIe de Iti-aumnnt, J. IJ. A. L. " Le^ona do g.'-ologie pratique fiS08.2 — Ilarlinanii, C. F. A. Handworterbuch der Geognosic 5860a. 24 — Jonrnul of the Gcoh>gloal Bocioty. Sec London. 3H(1h. 1 — Nanmann, C. F. I.ehrbuchder Oeoguotdc . . 6873.20 — I'age, I). IIiindbfMik of 3KH3, 13 — Phillips, J. Manual uf 3860.29 — Phillips, \V. Oiiltlne of .3S69.27 — RogiTM, II. I). Struct lire ol' the earth's cnmt. li. 1110. 11 — Sehuliort, (i. IL v. Ilnndbuch der Geognosie. 3sn6.6 — Science of 7029.18 — billinian, », IMilloHopliy nf ftH6H.5 Shelf. No. Geology, continued. — Vogt, C. Lehrbuch der Geologie und Petre- facteukxiude 4276.16 — Wiuslow, C.F. The cooling globe 5876.3 See also: MetnniorptiisiQ, Palfpontolopj', Sandstone, Stratification, Volcnnoes; also tlio foUowinp names of countries and status whose peology has been pxplorvd: Bi-t{fium, Canada, Connecticut, Devonshir«, Lake dia- trict, Maine, Milan, New Hampshire, Scotland, 8Inl- gaglia, Switzerlaud, Teuncsaee, Triuidad, Wiscoa&in. Geometry. Comte, I. A. M, F. X. Traitd ^l^men- taire de gt'ometrie 4275.17 — Grand, F. J. First lessons in plane geometry. 4275.23 — Huniius, G. C. K. Die geometrischeu Instru- mcnte der gesanunten praktischen Geometric. 5923. 1 See also: Curves, Meu3uration, Perspective, Survey- ing, Trigonomeliy. George, duke of Snxomj. Antwortb 2um Fiirst PiulUps Landtgraffzu llesseu, etc. n. p., 1528. pp. 18. sm.4'' *6055.1O GeOKGE, margrm'e of Brandenhitrg. IJandlung vii Abschied, u. s. w. n. p., 1528. pp. 22. sm.4*' *6055.1O George II, king of England^ Memoirs of the reigu of. See AValpole, H 2428.5 Georges, C. E. Lateinisch-deutsches Handwor- terbuch uach I. J. G. Schellerund G. H. LU- nemann. 8tc Aull. Leipzig, lS:i7, 38. 2v. in 1. 8" *4112.4 Georgi, a. a. See Giorgi, A. A. Georgi, J. G. Description de toutes Ics nations de Tempire de Russie. [Vol. 4 in German.] St. Petersbourg, 1776-80. 4v. 4° *4251.4 — Geo^raphisch-physikalische uud naturhistoris- che Keschreibung des russischen Reichs. KiJ- nigsberg, 1797-1800. 3v. in 5. 8'* 4253.8 Georgi, T. Allgemeines europiiisches Bticher-Lex- icou. lr-5rTlR'il [und] ltes-3tes Supplement. Leipzig, 1742-58. 8 pnrts in 4v. f° . . . . **2140.5 Georgia, State of Debates and proceedings in convention, Dec. 10, 1S50, as to the admission of California. Marshall, A. E 4310a.l00 — Peters, R. Case of the Cherokee nation against Georgia * . . 436G.5 Georgia historical society. Collections. Savan- nah, 1810,42. 2v. 8° 2375.25 Contents. — Vol. I. Oration Rt Iho celolirntlon of tlio first annivurnary, hy Hon. William Law; Ni'w und noon- rate account of tho jirovinees of South Curollna, I'.'W; A voyage to Ccurgia, begun in tl»» year 17.'J5, by Frnncia Moore, 1744; An impartial Inquiry into tbn state and utility of the province of Ccurgia, 1741; ItvaRona for CBtabliahiug Ihn colony of Ocorgin, with rcpird to tlio trade of (irvat IJrlliiin, with some nccouiit of Itiu noun- try and Iho design uf the tnistoea, 1733; Sketi'h uf tbo life of (icn. Jamcfl OgU-tliurpo, by Thomas Spalding. II. DiMcoumo at the oelebrutlun of tho Bccond nniitver- Bary, by Wm. Ilnron Steven" ; A now voyage to (ioorgia, etc., a eurloun nceouut af (he IndtiniM, by an honurablu pemon, and n poem to Ogletlior|)o ; A state ol'tbi- prov- tuco of Georgia, alleflted upon oatli In the court of Sa- vannah [by W. Sli-plteuM]; A brief aocouut of the rnuAOB tlnit have relarderl (lie progrunA of the colony of Gi^urgbi, [byT. Bto)ihL'i)Nnnd Sir U. Everhnrd]; A (run and IiIh- torlcal narrntUs' of the eolnuy of Georgia In Auierira, •t<^, by Pat. Tnllfor, Hugh Andcrnou, Dr. Douglntm, and olherit; An nccuuni, nbowlng (he progroHN nf tbo colony of GoorglA In Auiurlca, fi-oni itit eHliililliibuK'Ut j AppondU. GKOitniA, rr^.'f/crn ,4.sm. Alter, F. C. TJeber (ieor- giiHiisehe l.iltcnitUr 4253.17 — Grusinsche oder georglschc Sprachlehre. [V'ater. Vergleichuugsdifeln, u. 8. w.] . . . 4207. fl (Veougian Lslnnds, Missions In the. Colton, A. S.643Uiv.20 Gkokgidks, J. M. (Jntnnologla. [Uoissonade. Aneodola Grxca, v. I] R.lfll.3 Gkoroihe.nes, J. liesclneihungder lusel ratiuos, Samoa, Nikaria, und des Herges Athott. [I»aulu8. ItelNeu in den Orient, V. 3J . . . . 4243.6 UEOKfJll'S Amy rut /a. KmaroXn Itf((T| . .' n.iGi.3 GEOUGIUS 219 GERDTL 2000.10 3599.17 3591.19 3570.9 Sliulf. No. Georoius Nicomedicnsis, Orntlonca interprete Combetisio. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pntr., V. 12] B.110.2 Georgius Scholarius. See Gcnnadius. Gepid.E. Gc'scliichte der Gepidon. Ascbbach, J. 42:i0.0 Geraldus. WaUliariua. [Sardinia, liist. mon- um.,v. 3] 4800.1 Note, — Ofti>n nltHbut<^il to Kkkohiinl I, BomctlmcB to (in unknown author. I,. G. I'rovitnti. t-iillor of this fili- tii>n. ducuMcti At l<>ni;lh llio ditlv niul uuttiurship of tho poL'iu, which bo uscribca to CiltrM. — Waltharius, pocma sni'culi decimi, .iceimdiim editioiiem h. (J. rrovniiarppetfndum curavit J. F. Nie^ebaur. Jlonachii, 1S53. pp.48. 8". GfeRAXDO, J. M. de. Cours norninl des iustitutcurs primaires. Paris, 1832. 12* — De IV'ducation df soiirds-mucts de naissancc. Paris, 1S27. 2v. s" — Le visiteur du pauvre. 3o Od. Paris, 1S26. 8". Gerard, of Zutphi-n. Do roformationc interior!, sou virium aiiima' : De sj>iritiuilibiis ascension- ibus. fMiixiiua l)ib. vet. patr., v. 2fi] .... GkraRD Itbier, prior of Grandmont. Vita S. Stc- pbani. [Marteiie. Vet. script., v. fi] . . . . GifeRARD de Kossillon, Honian de.- [Raynouard. Lexique ronian, V. 1] GtRAKH, B, Assa-^^iufit de Guillaume le taciturne par IS. Gi.rard. ^f'e Gachard, L. P — [Cruels et Iiorriblcs tormens de li. Gerard, pour avoir tue Giiillaunie de Nassau.] Paris, 1584. [Keprinted, Gand, IS.'jfi.] pp. 30. 16° . . . Gerarp, G. Institutes of biblical criticism. 1st Am. cd. Boston, 1823. 8" Gerard, Jobn. Herbal! ; or general history and de- scription of plants. Revised by T.Johnson. London, 1033. f. [Manuscript title-page] . GERARD, J, Voyages et chasses dans I'Himalaya. Paris, 18(>2. 12' -. . . . GfeRARD, p. A. K. llistoire de la legislation nobi- liaire de Belgique. Tome 1. Bruxelles, 1840, B.110.2 4150.1 2687.12 2817. 2:j 2820.50 3425.14 *5S40.7 3048.7 4213.2 SeeaUo: Oorhard. Gerbet, O. p. Coup d'opil sur la controverse chr(5- tienne,jusqu'a no9 jours. Paris, 1831. 8" . 6003.24 — Des doctrines philosophiques sur la certitude. Paris, 1820, 8" 6105.25 Gerckex, T. F. Ivris patronatvs genvina reprs- seutatio. [Diss.acad.] HalaiMagdebvrgicse, 1720. pp.51. 4" *6064.10 Gerdes, D. Annales evangelii seculo xvi passim per Europam rcnovati. Groningas, 1744-52. 4v. sm.4' *6058.1 — Scrinium antiquarium, sive miscellanea Gro- ningana nova ad historiam reforraationis ecclesiasticum prreeipue spectantia. Grouin- ga, 174U-05. 8v. iu 4. 4" ♦6055. 15 Conirnis. — Vol. I. Gfrdesii descriptio vitas Andr. Dodonstoin dicti CaroloHtHdii; A, M. Isingii oratio da meritia principtim Nassavionim; Epietola Vlissin^en- pium ad ppreprinos Bulgns I.ondini voreantes; Guliclmi I AraDKiaci epiiitola; Eptntola Johannis Nassavii; Re- eponsio Eniil«neium; Petri Villerii de Loyseleur apolo- ^a ecclcsinrum in BclpHo reform nt arum contra auc- tores libri Bcrprensis dicli Concordiac ; Vila F. Juoii ah ipsomct consrripta ; F. Junil c|n"tolre ad J. Margruinum ; B. Wilhelmi epiatola nd ecclcsiam Londincnseni; Ec- clp«ia< Belpicn-Londin. re^p. ad epist. B. Wilhelmi ; Gulielmi I ArausioneiiNis epislola ad eccles. Loodinen- aem; Classis Walachriir epistola ad ecclcsiam peregri- norum Anglia? ; t'hbonis Emmil ad P. Scriverium epis- tolamm decati; Elberti Leonliii oratio habita A ntvcrpiBC ; P. Vlllerii et .Toh. Tafflni rcoponsum de pace religionis; Kova 1iterariahi8torico-phiIoIo^co-thoolug1Ca;H. Kers- aenhroek de hello MonaHtericnsi carmen', B. ItotbmaDni confesMu fldei ; Abtmua ponliflcit; Ccnsura Colonlensis; Connilium theologicum dc tulcrandis pontiflciis ; D. Ger- dcsii de .1. Calvlnl InNtltutlonc roliflonis Christ. biHtoria litteraria; J. n Lasco eplstolee ; P. Mamixii ad T. Bb- zam epiatola; Th. Be/a; ad P. Mamix responslo; H. Kcrssenbrovk dt bello Monasterieusi liber Bccuudus; Nnsaaviie reformatio sub (77; J. Casimiri epistolse ad Ludovicum electorem Palat. ; I. Bullialdi pro ccclesiis Lusitaoicis UbeDi duo ; Gnl. te Water vita Jo. HaBrenii; Chr, a Dhona ep. ad H. Altiiigi- um, 1627-37; Elsneri memorabilia Silesiaco-Bohemica, 1741-4jO; Belgarum sub Albani duels imperio exulum libellus supplox,ld70; Henrici Altingii vita Abel! Cctio pbtlusophica, incdila; Philosopblcie institutiones, quibus cthica, seu philoso- phia prncttca continetur. Vll. Elemeotomm moralis prudeotift; juris apecimcn; Diacours philosophiques aur I'hommc; Do Thommc sous Tenipire de laloi; Prt'cis d'un cours d'instructioDS aur ranlorit^ souvcraine, etc. ; Compendium institutionum civilium. VIIL Trailc des combats gingutiera ; La nature et lea effets du luxe ; Tab- leaa historique de I'empire Koaiain dcpuis Cesar jusqu'a la prise de Constantinople, par Mahomet ll ; Uistoiru du tenia dc Lonla Xv ; Regies de conduite pour uno prin- cesBC epouse. IX. Introduzione alio studio della relig- ione; Epiatola auctoris de ejus explicatione emanationis ' Pythagorica: ad Bnickcruin. X. Breve esposizionc do' caratteri della vera religione; Consideratious sur Julien; Obsen-ations sur le Tl tome de TUistoire philosophique et politique du commerce, etc., attribuee a Raynal ; Saggio d'instruxione teologica; Sur les epoques dc la nature. XJ. Del modo di provare la nccessita della rivelazioiie; Usodcgliargomcntidelprotestunti in prova della rivelazione; Su le obbjczioni di Pfaff confro le tradtzioni ; Opuscula ad hlerarchicam ecclesiaj con- stitutionem spectantia ; Animadversioni sul piano per . la riunione de'Uruci alia chiesa latiua; Do sacri rcgi- minis, ac prn-scrtlm pontitioii primatua jure etc. ad- veraus Slorogtium; In U, S. Lakies pm>lectioncscanon- Icaa dc Icgilima cpiacoporum instituendorum rallono animadversionea. XII. Conftitazionc dl due libelli dirctti contro it brevo Super eoliUltate. XIII. Annlial del con- fronto ehe fa 1" autore delle rifteasloni dopo Launojo tm li padri chc alia persona di 8. Pielroapplicalrono le parole di Crioto, Et auper banc petram, etc. ; Apologia compen- dloaa del brovo Huper soliditate ; Animadversionea In commcntarium a Justino Febronlo in auam rctractatio- ♦ nem oditutn; Appendix. XIV. Esamo du' motivi dell' opposlziono alia holla Auctorvmllfloi-, Anlniadvcraionoa In notan V. X. do Feller. XV. Do ponliticll primaluB aucloritato adv. Mnralllum Mouaiidrlnuni; Tmllalo ifcl matrhnnnio ; Callioilcl dogmatla de Inimunl occlonIrD aui-(>iritnto In annciendla dlaelpltnip legibua dorumentn e Tridenthm synodo potita; Ulapusta ad unquealto aulla divozlonodvl aacro cuore dl Gmii ; Oasen-azlonl « note suir opera aaddottn; Appendlco all' Ksame do' motlvl, ec. ossia oanorvnzlonl *i>])ra una leltem dl M. dl Noli; HcHpuii»lo ad archlepta. Kbrcdunennrm. XVI. Docaunis acadetnicaruii) fllnpuUllrnium In thvolo((1nni nionilnn Inductarum, oratio ; Irnclnhnt d« acllbuK humaftls. ^ XVII. Do leiribiiat Do Jiulllln et Jura genrratlia; Do conlractlbua gri.nrBtlni. XVIII. liUputallu poalerlor dttcontraclibuitahigillallni; 'IVarlatiiiido peecatla. XIX. De conMurU Knnernilm; Ilwgrntia Del j DeH'atlrlzlono; I)«iru*ura; t'onalllutlon<'a tiynodl nhhalln< H. MIchictia do(:iu»a; Appendix nd nynfMlum. XX. DivliiUC- do la rrllirlonchretlunnc; yun rf-gDaf. qui fnrnio dea MilnU rat In "eulo (gllRc do J. C. ; VI.. du II. Alexandre Saiill ; Dlaaertntlon aur Tuaure; *)bai'rv«il(nin n norcn aur lo pot-ine de La rollghm vrMg6o du card, de Ilonila; I'nato- TMll c noll(l<-«Klnnl del Ovrdil ; ('on»ldiTa/,loiil propo»to per la r.mnazlorio dl un convttto ecelenluatlco. Gr.RDiNo, T. Gi'wrrbc-Chcmle. Gottlngcn, 1S(K)- eutsehlands. [Merlau. Topcigraphia, v. 2-7J. 4201.3 — Brinkruann, F. IJilder aus silddeulsclieu Land ii'"l V»»lk 2803.24 — Chi'iiiiiKs defer de la confederatinn gcrmanique, iSec France. Ministry of iigrieulture, etc. . . 7020.12 — riuvier, P, (Jerumnix antiqn;e libri Ires . . , 4240.0 — Forlia de Piles, A. T. .T. A. M. M. de. Voyage de diu,\ Franvais en AMeiiniKue 2804. ]« — Freytag, G. Pictures of (Jerinau life. . .280-1.28,29 — (Jret.scli, N. Travels of a Russian in 2803.7 — Hawkins, B. (iennany 2804.25 — Ilnpf, ('. Hi«t(u-isch-geuealopischer Athis von DeMtHi'hhituI • 2S-10..1 — .Taliii, F. 1-. Deutsclies Volksllinin 2.^04.11 — - Merke zum deutHchen Volkstluim 2819.8 — Ludvigh, S. Reise, 1847-18 2804, i;t — Miiyhew, II. (Jernian life and nuiiiners . . . 2802.20 — flicyer, F. .1. L. Dari^lellungen aus Nord- Deutschlund 2803,13 GERMANY 221 GERMANY Shelf. No. Geumant, Description^ geography, etc., contimted. — Raflles,T. TourthroiiKh soniepiirts of, in ISir. 2274.15 — R(''giim' do quelqiies prisons tU' rAlU-nnij^ne. SeeFmucv. Ministry uf the interior. . . . 7010.16 — Rcicluird, H. A. O. Ucr Pussagier in Dcutsch- land 2834.7 — - KIciniTdeutscher Stiidte-Atlas 2830.10 — Hitlil. \V. H. Land und Ltntf 2«(J3.8 — Sandler, V, Adressbuch des Handt-ls-, Fabrik- und Gewcrbstandes von Nord-I>futsdiland. 2S31.8 — Sehnlzi'.J.D. vStipi'ndion-Li.'xikonvon Dtulseli- hmd 3507.7 — Strcit,l\W. rostCbjirtcdortfUtscbfnStaaten. 2ti34.25 — Tt'ulschf Jugfnd in weiland Jiursclieuschaften nnd Turngenu'indfn 2847.32 — Titi»)grapliiscIi-miIitarischeChartevonTeutsch- land. Sec Repertorium 2S33.2 Se«at90: Austria, Hamburg, Hartz, Lubeck, Prussia, Bhinv, Saxony. JScclesiastical history, — nagcn,C. DeiitschlandsVerhaltnisscimRpfor- inationszeitalttT 0055.5 — llundfshagen, C. B. Der dontsche rrotestau- tifnius, seine Vergangenheit, u. s. w, . . . 6053.15 — Kanipe, F. F. Religiose Ueweguug der neuern Zeit 6055.1 — Kutscheit, J. V. Das dentsche Kirchenthum. 6088.224 — Kirchengescliichtc des lOten Jabrhunderts in Deutscbland 6055.7 — Ranke, L. Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation 4215.5 — Ran. 'sell nick, G. P. Geschichte der deutschcn Gt'i^tlichkeit im Mittelalter 6108.20 — Rcttberg, F. W. Kirchengescbichte Deutsch- lands 6055.2 — RUckert, H. Culturgeschichte in der Zeitdea Uebergangs aus dem Heidonthum 4213.10 — Schannat, J. F. Concilia Germanic 6020.4 — Woltmann, C. L. v. Geschichte der Reforma- tion in Dcutschland 0049a. Education, — Barnard, IT. Common schools in Germany, 5592.9 — Mann, M. Educational tour in, 1843 6080.20 — Parola, L. Del publico insegnamento in Ger- mania 3596.4 — Raumer, C. G. v. History and improvement of the German universities 5592.11 History and antiquities. — Arndt, E. If. Ansichten und Aussichten der teutsclien Geschiclite 2817.8 — Itarth, C. C. Teutschlands Urgeschlchte . . . 4215.3 — Barthold, F. W. Der deutsche Krieg vom Tode Gustav Adolfs ab 2823.23 — Berghaus, H. C. W. Deiitschland vor hundert .Jahren 2S17.7 — Bohme, J. G. De commerciorum apud Germa- nos initiis 4162.14 — Biittiger, C. W. Deutsche Geschichte . . . . 2817.14 — Brandes, H. B. C. Ethnographische Verhiilt- nids der Kelten und Germanen 4213.9 — Biilau, F. Geschichte Dcutscldands, 180C-30 . 4210,2 — Carl Ludwig. Feldzug von 1790 in Deutscbland. 3953-39 — Dahlmann, F. C. Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte 42-30.5 — Galletti, J. G. A. Geschichte Deutschlands . 4130.4 — Gfriirer, A. F. Geschichte der Caroliuger, [^40-918] 4217.5 — Goldast, M. Rerum Alamannicarum scriptorea aliquot vetusti 4250.8 — Gorres, J. J. Teutschland und die Revolution. 4210. J9 — Heiss,J.de. Histolre de Tempii-e 42iya.3 — Kohlrausch, H. F. T. Deutsche Geschichte. 2817.12 — Kopp, U. F, Erlautemng der teutscheu Ge- schichte 4293.9 — Lloyd, If. Geschichte des siebenjiihrigen Krieges in Deutscbland 2824.22 Shelf. No. Germany, Histoid! and antiquities^ continued, — Loher, F. Fiirsten und StJidte zur Zeit der Hobenstaut'en 2816.15 — Luccbesini, G. Sulle cause e gli effettl della confcderazione renana 2816.7 — Luden, H. Geschichte des teutschen Volkes, bis 1237 4215.1 — Meinders, H. A. De statu religionis et reipub- lies sub Carole Magno, etc 6058.3 — Mencke, J.B. Script ores rerum Germanicarum. 4261 .2 — Menzel, C. A. Neuere Geschichte der Deut- schen, 1517-55 4218.4 — Monumenta Gerniania? historica, edidit G. 11. Pertz. See Frankfurt. Societas, etc. . . . 4210.2 — Pfeflel, C. F. Abregu cbronologiquc de I'his- toire d'AIlemagne 2833.8 — Pfister, J. C. V. Geschichte der Teutychen . . 4210.1 — Phillips, G. Deutsche Geschichte 4228.12 — Rhenanus, B. Rerum Germanicarum libri iii. 4260.5 — Sartorius, G. Geschichte des deutschen Bau- ernkriegs 2819.13 — Scherr, J. Geschichte deutscher Cultur und Sitte 4213.4 — Schmidt, M. I. Geschichte der Deutschen . . 4217.1 — Seydel, F. S. Vaterl audi s die Festungen und Festuugskriege 2819. G — Sleidanus, J. De statu religionis et reipublica; Carolo V Cjesare 4210.11 — Tellkampf, A, Die Franzosen in Deutscbland. 2816.11 — Tielke, J. G. Geschichte des Krieges von 1756 bis 1703 3953.40 — Vehse, C. E. Geschichte der kleinen deut- schen Hiife 4257.13 — Weinbold, C. Die deutschen Frauen in dem Mittelaffer 2833.4 See also: Anstria, Baden, Bavaria, Brunswick, Corbei, GiJttingen, Hnmburi;, Hesse, Lubeck, PiiBsnntii' war, PruBHia, Salzburg, Saxony, Swabia, WirlembiTg; also tlie svbdivisions bcloto: Jurisprudeuco, Lnugiiago (Plii- lology). Mythology. Jurisprudence. — Bicner, F. A. Abhandlungen auf dem Gebiete der Kechtsgeschichte — Collin, II. S. Codex juris Vestrogotici . . . . — Davoud-Oghlou, G. A. Legislation des an- ciens Germains . .^ — Dreyer, J. C. H. Limratur und Geschichte des deutschen Rechts — - ErlJiuterung der teutschen Rechte — Eichhorn, C. F. Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte . — Goldast, M. CoUectio constitutionum imperia- lium — Grimm, J. L. Deutsche Rechtsalterthlimor . — • Hauschild, J.L. Gericbts-Verfassung der Teut- schen vom 8ten biss zum Hden Seculo . . . — Heineccius, J. G. Corpus juris Germanici antiqui — - Elementa juris Germanici — Maurei', G. L. Geschichte des altgermanischen Gerichtsverfahrens — Meinders, H. A. De judiciis centenariis et cen- tumviralibus ve'terum Germanorum .... — Perez, A. Institutiones iniperiales — Putter, J. S. Litteratur des teutschen Staats- rechts — -Rogge, C, A. Gerichtswesen der Germane;! . — Senkenberg, H. C. v. Corpus juris Germanici publici ac privati — Spangenberg, E. Beytriige zu den teutschen Recliten des Mittelalters — Steiner, J. W. C. Altteutsche Gerichtswesen, — Verfassung des deutschen Reichs — Walch, C. F. Opusculaquibus plura juris Ger- manic! explicantur — Wigand, P. Deutsche Kechtswi8sensehaft,ec. des Mittelalters — M'ilda, W. E. Geschichte der deutschen Straf- rechts See alto: Saxony, Sivrtia, Wirtemberg. 4280.6 4301.9 4304.10 4301.1 4293.3 4215.4 4291.5 4304.18 4301.14 4305.19 4301.5 4305.13 3038.11 2151.18 4304.12 4291.4 4302.1 4305.18 6087.54 4300.12 4304.3 4301.4 GERMANY 222 GERMANY Germakt, continued. Language. Grammar, — Ahn, F. Grammar of the German language . 4SS0.10 — - Slanual of German conversation 48*0.12 — Becker, C. P. Schulgrammatik der deutschen Sprache 4123.7 — Cattanio, P. A. Rudiments of the German language B.I70b.l01 — Grimm, J. L. Deutsche Gramraatik 4230.6 — Heinemann, W. Catecliism of German gram- mar 7039.56 — Heyse, J. C. A. Deutsche Schulgrammatik . 4888,2 — - Leitfaden zum grundlicheu Untcrricht in der deutschen Sprache 4889.2 — Noehden,G.lI. Elements of German grammar. 4888.10 — - Grammar of the German languaj^e .... 4124.5 — Ollendorff, H.G. Method of learning German. 4889.4 — - Key to the exercises 4888.9 — Rumpelt, H. R. Deutsche Grammatik . . . . 4885.11 — Tiarks, J. G. Exercises for writing Ger- man 4889.1fi,17 — - Practical grammar of the German language. 4889.9 Language. Lexicography. — Eberhard, J. A. Synonymischcs Handworter- buch der deutsclien Sprache 4119.12 — Fliigel, F. Dictionary of English and German. 2890. 2G — Fliigel, J. G. Dictionary of English and Ger- man 4113.4 — Grieb, C. F. Dictionary of the English and Gem\an languages 2890.19 — Grimm, J. L. Deutsches Wiirterbuch . . . . B. 150.10 — ^ Heyse, J. C. A, Fremdwiirterbuch . , . . , 4114.10 — Hilpert, J. L. Dictionary of English and Ger- man 2S90.10 — Kaltschmidt, J. II. Gesammt-Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache 4111.8 — KUttner, C. G. Dictionary for Englishmen . 4113.5 — Schwenck, C. Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache 4113.10 — SporschiI,J. Pocket dictionary of German . . 4119.13 — Tolhausen, F. Teclmologisches Worterbuch . 4034.20 Language. Philology. — Abel, II. F. O. Die deutschen Personen-Na- men • 4129.43 — Bunckcn, G. W. F. Urnainen der Deutsdien . 2833.7 — Gampe, J. H. Keinigung der deutschen .Sprache 2885.16 — Fiirstemann, E. G. Altdeutsches Namenbuch. 4233.2 — Grimm, J. L. Geschichte der deutschen Sprache 4231.5 — Ilaltaus, C. (j. (ilossarium Germanicum mcdii .Tvi 4220.6 — Kinderling, J. F. A. tiescliichtc der plattdeut- Hclien Sprache 2870.28 — Krenisier,.I.F. IJrteutsche Sprache, nach ihren StJimniwiirtern 28,s'>.2 — Hchfrz.J. G. Glossarium Gerinanicum medii avl 2880.1 AViiclilcr, J. G. Origcne.1 et ontlquitatea totlus lingua- (jermanicx 2880.4 — Wackerriagel,W. Altdeutsches Lescbuchnebst WiirtIiihrc!ien, u. s. w. . . . 4221.4 — Follen, A. A. L. BildersaaldeutscherDichtung. 4222.10 — - Ilarfen-Griisse aus Deutschland umi der Scluveiz 4222.11 — Fraucke, S. Sprichworter 4899.12 — Goedeke,C. Deutsche Dichtung im Mittelaltcr. 4222.1 — - Elf BUclier deutscher Diclilung von Sebas- tian Brant [1500] bis auf die Gegenwart . . 2892.10 — Gostick, J. Translations from the German poets 4231.3 — Gotzinger, M. 'NV. Dichtersaal 2879.1 — Grimm, J. L. Deutsche Sagen 4224.10 — - Household stories 2902.18 — - Kinder und llausnmrchen 2902.19 — Hagen, F. H. V. d. Altdeutsche Ileldenlieder. 2900.23 — - Deutsche Gedichte des Mitlelaltera .... 2901.4 — - Gesammtabenteuer 2900.29 — - Museum fUr altdeutsche Literatur und Kunst • . . 2900.28 — Ilocker, N. Deutscher Volksglaube in Sang und Sage 4223.1 — - Die Stammsagen der llohenzollcrn und Welfen . 4223.30 — Iloflmann von Fallerslehen, A. H. Unpoli- tische Lieder 2901.20 — Hofstaetcr, F. F. Altdeutsche Gedichte aus den Zi'iten der Tafelrunde 2900.38 — Hub, I. Deutschland's Balladcn- und Uomau- zen-Dichter 2901.8 — Joerdens.C.H. Blumenlcse deutscher Sinnge- (lichte 2878.28 — Kiirner, P. M. llistorische Volkslieder aus dem Ifiten und 17ten .Taiirluindert . . . .4223.22,23 — Kiiiis, .1. Altdeutsche lleldondichtungen, bearbeilel in Prosa 2900.31 — Lachnumn, C. Auswahl aus den hochdeut- sclien IHchtcrn des 13lon Jiilirhunderts . . . 2900.39 — Lnssberg, .1 . v. Sammelung allteutscher Ge- dichte 2871.7 — Muuesae, R. V. Sammhing von Jlinnesingern. 4232.4 — Massmann, H. F. Denkmader deutscher Sprache und I.ileratur . . . : 2900.22 — Matthlsson, F. v. Lyrische Anthologlo . . . 4909a. 10 — Meincrl, .1. G. Alte leulsche Volkslieder in tier Mnnilart des Kulditiidcliens 2875.16 — Meyer, A. ..Uldenlsclie Dicliliingen 2900.20 — Mllller.F. L. Deutsche Volkslieder 4223.7 — Mllller, C. 11. Sunilung deutscher Gedichte aus ileni xll.-xiv. .Tuhrhundrrt 2901.3 — Miillcr, W. Itihlioihek deutscher Dlchter des irten .lahrliuiiderts 2879.10 — Mylhen, Sagen uinl Miirchen hub dem deutschen ileidenlhuuie 4224.20 GERMANY 223 GERMANY Slwlf. No, GunMANY, Literature, coUectimis, continued, — Nminngel.A. Ueutscho Sageii 400S.5 — Opel, J. Der diiMssisJiiln-ijre Kreig. Eiiie Sliinmlung von (ii'ilichtni, u. a. w 2895.7 — Priihlc, 11. VolkslkiUr uiirl Vulkssehauspicle. laiOa.C — KasznmliD, A. Die deutschc lleldensilgc uud ihre lleiniat 2802.12 — Sehade, O. Satii-en und Pasquillc aus der Ke- forniutionszeit 2892.13 — Seheible, ,7. Das Sclinltjulir 4259a. 1 — Scholl, U. H. F. Altdeutsche Literatur iu I'ro- lien uud Biogva|illieu 4230.2 — Sehroer, C. J. Deutsche Weiuachtspicle aus Ungeru 422.*^. 21 — .Schwab, G. Deutsche I.ieder und Gedichte . . 422.'i.2fi — Sinirock, C. Das deutsche iUndcrbucU .... 2900.41 — - Rheiusagen 2000.34 — Soltau, F, L. V. Ein Huudert deutsche histor- ische Volksliedor 4223.25 — Thompson, li. The German theatre 2875.31 — Tieck, L. Deutsches Tlieater 2878.5 — - Minnelicder aus dem Schwabischen Zeit- n'tf'i' 2875.13 — Walhalla. Meisterwerke deutsclier Poesie . . 4232.1 — Weller, E. Die Lieder des dreissigjiihrigen ^nvgei 4223.18 — Wiese, L. Sagen- und Sliihrchenwald .... 2904.18 — Wilhelmi, H. F. Die Lyrik der Deutscheu voa Gtitlie bis auf die Gegenwart 4223.5 — Wolf, J. W. Deutsche Miirchen und Sagen . 4224.5 — Zinkgref, J. Vf. Scharfsinnige Spriiche der Xeutschen 4899a. 1 See also: Austria, Eifel, Hiimbure, Mecklenburg, Kecltar, I'ruasia, Saxony, Silesia, Swabia, Switzeiland. Literature. Selections. — Adler, G. J. German reader 48S9.3 — Lehnumn, J. A. O. L. Deutsches LesebucU . 4889. 1 — Thienis, M. T. Deutsches Lesebuch 4888.1 — Wackeruagel, C. H. W. Altdeutsches Lese- buch 4232.8 Literature. History, etc. Assailly, O. d'. Les chevaliers-poetes de I'Al- lemagne 2870.27 Bippen, W. y. Literaturgeschichte des ISten Jahrhunderts 2904.4 Chasles, V.E. P. L'Allemagne au I9e sitele . 2803.29 Darstellung der mittelhochdeutschen epischen Verskunst. See Gudrun 2900.20 Devrient, P. E. Geschichte der deutsche'n Schauspielkunst 2870.42 Docen, B. J. Geschichte der teutschen Eite- ™'i"- 2870.30 Eicliendorff, J. F. v. Gescliichte der poetischen Literatur Deutschlands 2870.39 Gerviuus, G. G. Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung • . 2870.20 - Geschichte der poetischen National-Litera- tur der Deutschen 2871.11, aud 4236.4 Gostick, .J. Hand-book of German literature. 2870.31 Gottsched, J. C. Beytriige zur critisehen His- toric der deutschen Sprache, Poesie, und Beredsamkeit 4899.3 Grimm, J. L. Ueber den altdeutschen Meis- tergesang 4223.10 Grimm, W.C. Die deutsche Heldensage . . . 4224.11 Heine, H. Die romantische Schule 4239a 11 Hcinsius, O. F. T. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur . — Hoffmann von Fallersleben, A. H. Geschichte der deutschen I*oesie 2870.41 „ , . , J 2870.21 - Geschichte des deutschen Kirohenliedes . . 34.37.26 - Uusere volksthiimlichen Lieder 2892.14 Holland, U. Geschichte der deutschen Lite- ™'";- ;.- • 2871.10 Hub, I. Die Komische und humoristischc Lit- eratur der deutschen Prosaisten des lOtcn Jahrhunderts 4230.1 . oiicii. lyu, t;>Ki!jrANY, Literature, histnrtj, etc., contlTiued. — Kueschko, E. Das deutsche I.ustspiel in Ver- gangenheit und Gegenwart 2870.40 — Koberstein, A. Grundriss der deutschen Na- tional-Litteratur 2871.8 — Lunge, G. Geschichte der deutscheu Uelden- «ige 4224.13 — Meister, L. Geschichte der teutschen National- Litteratur 2870.38 — Menzel, W. Die deutsche Literatur 4230.9 — Mone, F. J. Geschichte der teutschen Helden- sage 4238.7 — Eapp, M. Das goldne Alter der deutschen Poesie 2870.25 — Reissniann, A. Das deutsche Lied In seiner historischen Entwicklung 2870.26 — Robinson, T. A. L. v. J. Characteristik der Volksiieder germanischer Nationen .... 4908.20 — Schmidt, J. Geschichte der deutschen Litera- tur im 19ten Jahrhundert 4236.3 — Soiling, G. Literary history of 2870.22 — - Survey of the literature of 2870.79 — Tabellarische Uebersicht der Geschichte der deutsclien Poesie 2196.6 — Vilmar, A. F. C. Geschichte der deutschen National-Literatur 2871.6 — Wackernagel, C. H. W. Geschichte des de'ut- schen Hexameters und Pentameters bis auf Klopstock 2870.43 — Willm, J.. Histoii'e de la phiiosophie alle- niaude 00942 Mytliologyi — Grimm, J, L. Deutsche Mythologie 6072.24 — Miiller, W. Geschiclite und system der altdeut- schen Religion 6072.21 — Panzer, F. Beitrag zur deutschen Mythologie. 6072.22 — Schede.E. De diis Germanis B.127.9 — Schwenck, C. Mythologie der Germanen . . 6071.10 — Wolf, J. W. Zeitschrift tur deutsche Mytho- logie 2832.7 See also: Bavaria, Saxony. Natural Msiory. — Blasius, J. H. Fauna der Wirbelthiere Deutsch- lands — Cotta, B. Deutschlands Boden, sein geoloo-- ischer Bau, u. s. w — Koch, W. D. J. Synopsis flora; Germanics . — Nees von Esenbeck, T. F. L. Genera planta- rum florae Germanicse — Philippi, R. A. Tertiierversteinerungen des nordwestiichen Deutschlands — Schott,J.J. Verzeichniss aller Raupeu,welche in Deutschland bekannt siud — - Verzeichniss aller Schmetterlinge.welche in Deutschland bekannt siud — Sedgwick, A. Pateozoio deposit^ of — Siedhof, C.F. W. Stubenviigel Deutschlands . See aUo: Silesia. 4276.14 2862.15 3855.14 3857.4 3873.29 3896.24 3896.23 5863.13 3909.10 Political institutions. Constitution and government of the Germanic body 2816.12 Hagen,C. Zur politischen Geschichte Deutsch- 'ands 2816.14 Kriegsverfassung des teutschen Bundes . . . 2817.5 Pertlies, C. T. Politische Zustiinde und Fer- sonen zur Zeit der franzbsischen Herrschaft. 2823.24 Sack, C. C. Der deutsche Bund nach seinem ganzen Umfange 2819.7 Schletter, H. T. Handbuch der deutschen I'ress-Gesetzgebung 3666.17 Wicquefort, A. de. De I'election de I'empereur. V. 2 of 3611. 12 Social distinctions^ etc. Fleischhauer, J. C. Die deutsche privilegirte Lehn- und Erbaristokiatie , 4210.17 GEEMAJffT 224 GfeUUZEZ 4290.18 2S1G.16 .Shelf. No. Germany, S'ori«? tUstinctions, etc., continued. — Kindlinper, N. Geschichte der deutschen Hiirigkeit, insbesondere der sogenanuteu Leibeigenscluift — Kne.schke, E. H, Deutscbes Adols-Lexicon . — Roth von Schreckenstein. C. H. Das Patriziat in den deutschen StUdten Gerrald, J. Defence on a cbarge of sedition be- fore tbe higb court of justiciary at Edinburgh. London, 1794. 8° 3084.23 Gerry, E. Speech of the governor of Massachu- setts, to both houses of the legislature, Jan. 10,1812. Boston, IStl. 8" -. . 4300a. 59 Gersdorf, E. G. Bibliotheca patrum ecclesiasti- corum Latinoruni selecta. Lipslae, 1838-4?. 13v. iu 8. p.S" *6039.4-9 Contfntf!. — Vol. I. Clementis Romani recognitionps. II. T. C. Cj-priani opera penuinft. Ill, IV. Q. S. F. Ter- tulHani opera. V. AnxJjrosii episcopl opera. VI, VII. Finuiani LactanHi opera. VIII. Amobii oratoris ad- vcrsiis nationes libri septem ; M. MinuciL Felicia Octft- vius; Julii Firmici Materni tie errore profanarum rL-ligi- onum ad Coostantium ct Constantem Au^stos liber; Meropii Ponlii PauHiii episcopi Nolani poema ndversua pagranos ; CoranKidiaui instruction um per Ulteras vcrsu- nm primas libri duo. — Leipziger Repertorium der deufschen and aus- liindischen Liferatur, nebst Kegistern Tiir 1851, 52. Vol. 29-32. Leipzig, 1850-52. Gv. in 4. 8- *4267.2 Gerson, G. H. Ueber den Hospitalbrand. Ham- burg, 1817. ICf 3799.34 Gerson, J. Charlicrde. Opera. l\Iuthi:c Schiirer opera [edita]. Argent., 141>4-15U2. 4v. f'".*B.120.2 A'ofe. — Black leltor, without pagination. Erery page lias two columns, with 53 lines. ConteiUt. — Vol. I. Do Inude Bcriptorum ; Monotesso- ron; l)e potestate ecclesiaslica; De origin e juris et lo- pum ; Sermo pro viasio regis Konianorum nd Petrura do Lceiia; De aufcribilitalo pap« ab eecleeia; De modo Iiabcndi bc tempore schismatlH; Quot scbismata fuerunt In V. ct X. Tcstanionto ; De unltate ecelesittslica ; De sta-' tibus eeclodiastiois ; De tnodo vivcndi omnium fidelium ; Sermo dc si^iis mina) ecclesin; ; Declaratio dcffctuum virorum ccclesiasticorum; Tnictatus de ecliismato; Do concilio gonerali unius obcilicntiie ; Dccreta- concilil Conslantieusis; Sermo in die circumcisionis Doniiiil ; ConHlderationcs de pace; Sermo coram Alcxandro papa in die axcenMontti Domini; S(>nno habttus Massitia* co- ram papa Deneilicto; I*ropo»lti«i facta coram AnpIIciu eunlibuB ad concilium Pisla; Trilogus in materia schia- matlH; Sermo factus Constantiat in die aancti Anthonii; TracIatiiB do nu]>tiiB Chrifltl ctocclesliu; Mondicltatia ot pauperlatis dinceplatio; Do nuptiis cccleslm; Erroroa ctrca preceptura.Non occidea ; ErrorcNcircn confeHsiones ; Sermo factuB in die purincal!da ad nludenleii coll'-gll Naverro-, V»'(l "tudero dfboat novui thiudoffla! nudltur; An monaclniH i»rn «tu- ilb) po»iilr n.-(flitf''ro dlvlna ; Dr )lbrl» leiti-ndU o n-Mifi- o*ia; Do lilirti tpioruntlani caiilu logi'ndtit; Do dNtinc- tlono vornrum vUioniiin a fiiUiH; Trtlntrlum aslroluglaj tlieologlnalw ; DiillbrUa^troloBlnU non tulerandU; Con- Irn •upcmiltlosam dinrum oljMTviitlom-m ; Contra nupor- •lltlonoi cujuitdam mcdici ; De ormrlbuH circa arlxm mairl^nm : l'rii|KialllomIinclH- ; Do prrfoplUdcralogl ; D» con- rnail'ine; De arlo morlxndl t Do eujtulllone peoraloruni vcntaltuni et nMirlalluni ; Do arte nlvr Nclentia altidlrndl confemilonna i Dn confrMloiio muUltlcl ; Do remodlla ootitrft T«cldlvuiu| Do niodo ooDfeialouii CorlbiuicuaU i Sl.elf. No. Gerson, J. Cbarlier de, continued. De excomunicationo et ejus absolutiono ; De forma abso- lutionis confessionis sacramentulis; Du absuiutiono sacramental!; De absolutione defuncti Carthusii'n^is; De casuum roodcnita reservatione ; Epistola do resi-rva- tione casuum; Dialogns do potestato ligandl et sol- Tcndi; Dc materia oxcomunle^tionum et irregulari- tatum; Traelatus de indulgentiis; Quiestiones quicdani cum responsionibus; Do parvuUs ad Cbristum traheo- dis; Do contrnctibus; De eimonia; Dc solllVitudine ecclesiasticorum ; De testamento condcndo; Testamen- tiim peregrini ; Testamentum peregrini nietricum ; Trnctatus de preparatione ad missam ct potlutione noctuma; De pollutiona diuma; Do celibatu eive cas- titate ecclesiasticorum; Contra impngnant«s ordincra Curtbusianuro ; De non esu carnium ; An Hceat gravoto debitis Intra re religionem ; De tomperantia in cibo, potu, et vestitu prelatorum; Sermones de vita clericorum, in cena Domini, pro humilitate, de bumilitate, do pcniten- tia, do dominio evangelico; Carmen de voluntaria pau- portate ; Sermo ad ccclesiaslicos; Senno in concilio Rcmcnsi ; Do visitatione prelatonim; Sermones do «iua- tuor domibus, in soleninitato omnium sanctorum, in die nati\-itatis Christi, in scptuagesima, in die conccp- tionis Marite, de sancto Bernardo, do sanclo Ludovlco, rege Francorum, do oratione factus in concilio Con- stnnliensi, de spiritu sancto, de verbis Domini: Venito ad me omnes (jui laboratis; Causie dimittendi cancella- riam; Recommendatio licentiandorum in decrotis foeta Parisiis; Tractatusde nobililato, dc eonsiderationibua Quas debet habere princeps; Dialogus duonim militum Franciot Angli; Do mimbili victoria enjusdam pucllre. III. De eonsolatione thoologiiu; Dialogus apologcticus; Carnuna; Joeepbina, carmen; Sermo do nativltate vir- ginifi Mariio; Centilogiumdo eoncoptibus; Do vita spir- ituali aninia;; Do impulsibus ; De mystiea theologja; De religionis pcrfectiono et moderantla; Do coneiliig ovongolicis et statu perfoclionis; Do pcrfectiono cordis; De meditatione cordis; De simpliflcotiono ue mnndifl- cotione cordis; De directiono cordis; Do illuminatione cordis ; Do oculo ; De remodiis contra pusillanimltatom ; Do diversis tcm])tationilJu>i diaboli ; De moiiacho pro- fesao iuobedionto ; De cxorciliia discrotis devotorum simpltcium ; Documentum notnbilc de socramento alta- ria; Epistolie quivdam; Do pasiilontbuo anf ma?; Carmen desomnio vita;; De montc contemplationia ; EpiBtolro quicdam; Do mendioitato splrituali; Epistola do quo quia per singtilos dies cogitaredebeat ; Appellatiocujua- dam pcccatoris a Dei juMitia ad ejus misoricordiam; Do ornlione et ejus valorc; Expoaitio super Diuiltio nobis dcbita nostra ; Do conlicorum originall ralionc ; Do ean- ticordo ; De canticis et solatio ; Colleclorium super Mag- nitlcoti Connen super Magnificat: Carmen de medita- tione crucis; Anagogicnm do vorho ol hymno gloria-; Super Cantica <'anticorum sympsalmata; Alpliabotum divinl amorls ; Expositio super soptcm Psaltnos penlton- tialos; Donntua morali/.atus; Kpitaphium fratrls Ucrao- nls; Epistola. IV. Sermo do atigelis, do clrcumclsiono, dc sancto Ludovico, du sancto Nlcholno j Oratio pro licontlandis tn docrclis; Soruio do cona Domini; EpU- tola ad Petrum dc Kliaco ; Additlo ad sormonom : A Doo oxivi et Do extormlnationo sehismatis ; Arbor de origine juris ot logumj Sermo do sancto Ludovico; Sermo quid sentlat do quibusdum vUlon!l)UH;'Dilllnlti(>nc8 tflnnino- mm ad thoologlom utiliuiTr, Doscriptlonos tormlnorum ud tlioologlam utlHum; Do passlonlbiis animl otdo pec- calls; DoHcriptlones peecalorum mortalium; De sehU- niatc; Sormo qui Incipit: PenlteminI; An furlnna bona vol mabi Hat ox Inliuxu iilderum ; Kpintola do festo .lo- Bopli Instltueudit; Do virglnall conjugio Joncph ct Mh- riiu; Instructlo praidlcalorum; Casilgat scrlpta ciOuii- dam ; Do HigniM boids et mails; ConquOHtlu do nogll- gentla iinL'laloriim ; Contil<)glinn de cansa fluall; Do modls algnlflcundl; De conconlia nictopliyBlrn>; Ser- monontUt; Contra Romantfum de lUxui, qn) ad lllloltam vonercm oxcilabat; Do ludo Btultonim ; Pro fcsllvitalo B. Joseph ; Circa oscenitlonom Dondnl ; Dejublleo ; Do ro- frenanda lingua ; Do coneeptlono .lenu ; Spocninm bona) vUa-; Probottpltall ParinlenBlum ; Ijurrobi derunetorum ; I'ro BiinctimoulallbuH; Regulm pro volenti Deo servlro; Do elToclu triltnlatlonnm; Do pacHlcanthi eonselontliii Do dlNposittono ad oratlouem; Contra tenlnllononi blna- phondo); CoUoquluiu conBcloutlw o( quiuquo Biiunuuni. Gkrspacii, f'^ TTlHloIre administrative de la ti''l(^- gniphie arricniii'iii ri:nu-e. I'urls, IMlI. H". 30(15. Ifi GC'JtU/i'.z, N. V- llislnirc tie hi Httcniture fran- <;ai8e. Nouv. ed. ParlB, IWU. 2v. 12" . . 2070.38 — Le<;ons de mythohigie. Paris, IH37. 1,8°. ICiMirs cnmpli-t dVdiic. iionr Ics lIItrK] .v. Inf 3591.29 — lliuberef, Unucliilte, I.. II. l'\, mid llerbet, fc. L.'{;(inM d'hisluirc. I'iivIh, iS3S. yv. I.s". ICuura cuinpiLt dVducaliun pour Icb (illea|. 3591.29 GERVASE 225 GHENT Sliolf. No. Oervase, of Tilbur^i. Otia impcrialin. Mit An- nit'i-k.von F. Liebrocht. Hannover, ]^oG. S*'.**34S7.3 Gervinus, G. G. Gosninmt'Ite kleine historische tichriftcu. NeueAusgabe. Leipzig, IKI'J. b°. 4HG.3 Contents, — Vorredc ; Illstorischo Ddefo ; Ueber dlo hiatorische OrO^si'; Ovachichto dor ZcchkuiiHt; Uebvr di.Mit!«i']u's und franKOsliicbes Untenicbtswcson ; Plan zur Ri.'funn Act dciitHcbeii Unlvcrsltitten ; Eiiilvitun)^ in dio dviilschcu .TiibrbUoh«r ; Uvbur Srhlossor's I'niversnl- hislorischo l-'eborsifht der Gescbichto dcr rIWii Welt und ibrerCiiUur; IVbcrUf^riic's Uriofcaua Pafls; Uebcr Scbinkcl'fl EulwflrlV ju cini'm Denknial fUr Fricdricb dun Grosstiii; Uvb«r dnn 3IoKnikg^(.'iiiiitd(< im llatisc des Fniiiicu iu I'oniprjl; ri'biT Wilila'sUildvnwoiipn; Ucbor l*robert's Ancb-iit Inwa of Cambria; Uebor Svbiiiidt's OoHcbichlu Arap^nitonsim MitU'laltcr; I'eborMncbiavel, SOD icenicet ac'serrvurs, pnr A. F. Arlivud; Solbsttni/.oit^o der (iearbicbtc dor doutscboa Xational-Litvrutur; Ucbcr Dahlmaon's Politik. — Einloihnig in die Goschichte des nounzclintcn .hihrhumk-rts. Leipzig, lS5;i. ><" 2307,10 — Iutnnlnction to the history of the 19th century. London, l^53. 10" 2299.6 — GeHcliichle der deutschcn Dichtung. 4te Ausg. Leipzig, 1.V53. 5v, 8" 2870.20 — Geschichte des lyten Jahrhunderts seit den wiener Vertragen. Leipzig, lS5o-G2. 6v. S", *4HG.2 — Handbuch der Geschichte der poetischen Na- tional-Literatur der Deutschen. 4te Aufl. Ix-ipzig, lf^O. if 2Sri.ll — Mission of tlie German catholics, London, 181«. pp. GC. 12° B. 170b. 3 — Poetische National-Literatur der Deutschen. 2tc Ausg. Leipzig, 1840-44. 5v. 8° . . . . *4236.4 — Shakespeare. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1862. 2v. 8°. 2394.7 — Shakesix'are coumientaries. Translated by F. K. Bunnett. London, 1863. 2v. S" . . . 2593.10 — Gerviuns und die Zukunft der Slawen. See . Volknmth, V 4129.42 Geschk'HTK der englischen Kolonien in Nord- America bis 1703. Aus dem Englischen. Leipzig, 1775. 10* *4169a.7 GesCHICHTE des Alterthuras, von den altesten Zei- ten bis 470 nach C'hristus. [Chronolog. Tafeln.] n. p., n. d. pp. 32. 4" B.190.S Geschiohte des Kabbi Jeschua ben Jossef ha- nootzri genannt Jesus Christus. Altona, 1S53-50. 4v. in3. lO*" G037.16 Gesenu's, F. H.'W. Bibliotheca Geseuiana, sive cat- alogus librorum, inseriptionum, gemmarum, al. quos rehquit G. Halis ad Salam, 1S43. &■". 4129.41 — Commejitar iiber den Jesaia. Leipzig, 1S21. 2v. in 3. S^ 6017.20 — Geschiclite der hebriiiscben Sprache und Schrift. Leipzig. 1S15. 8* 4246.5 — Hebriiisches und chaldiiisches Haudwiirterbuch iiber das Alte Testament. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 182S. S* *4110.7 — Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testa- ment, including the Biblical Chaldee. Trans- lated by E. Kobiuson. Boston, 1836. 8°. . *4n0.8 — LehrgebUude der hebriiiscben Sprache. Leip- zig, 1817. 8" 5433.10 — Hebrew grammar, translated from the 11th German edition by T. J. Conant, Boston, 18:jy. 8° 4120.3 — Scripturaj linguaeque Phoenicia; monumcnta quotquot sujx'rsunt. Lipsije, 1837. 3 parts iu2v. 4° *4241.7 — Thesavrvs lingvre Hebra?se et Chaldwre Te- teris Testamenti. [T. 3] perfecit ^milius Roediger. Ed. altera. Lipsia, 18;i5-53. 3v. 4" 4241.6 — Versuch iiber die maltesische Sprache. I>eip- zig, 1810. pp.89. 8' 5032.7 — and Bayer, F. P. PalUograpliische Studien iiber phonizische undpunische Schrift. Leip- zig, 1835. 4' *5034.21 GesNF.b, A. Practical treatise on coal, petroleum, and other distilled oils, Londou> 1601. b" . 3805.21 29 Sbclf. No. Gesner, J. M. De academia Georgia Avgvsta qvae Gottinga; est brevis narratio. Adiecta monv- menta alia historiam academiae coutinentia. Gottinga?, 1737. f* **2S20.20 — Biographia academica Gottingensia, collegit et cdidit J. N. Eyring. Halie, 1708, 09. 3v. in 2. sm.S" 4237.17 — Scriptores rei rusticic veteres Latini. Biponti, 1787,88. 4v. 8° *B. 178.6 Contents. — Vol. I. M. Porcius Cato de re nistica; Jf. TorruntU VnYroiiis de ro nistica libri HI. 11. L. Jmiii Modcrati Columellm do re rusticn libri xit ct Iiber de nrlioribus. III. PuUadii Rutilii Tauri ^miliani dc re ru»iti('u libri XIV; Vefrctii Rcnati artis TeterinnriEt, sivo muluniL'ha 0018.5 Ghent. Quintessence du guide de Gand, ou alma- nach nouveau pour 1783. Gand, 1783. 32". 2834.19 — Jonghe, B. de. Geudsche geschiedenissen, 150)i-85 4229.5 — Vancierbaeghen, F. Sur la vie et les travaux des imprimeurs de Gand 2113.18 GHERARDI 226 GIESELER Sbelf. Ko. GHERARDI del Testa, T. Teatro comico. Firenze, 1850-63. 4t. in 2. 16" 2776.9 Contents. — Vol. I. Con gli aomini non si echcrza ; I'n vinggio per istruzione ; II tistema di Giorgio ; II berretto bianco da nott«; L'anello dclla madro; I] sogno di un brillante ; Vanita e capriccio ; Uo marito sospettoso; II regno di Adelaide; Un' aATentura oi bagni; Gus- tavo III re di Svezia, o genio e passioni; Ainante e madre; Vendicarsi e perdonare; L' eredita di un bril- lanie; II sistcnia di Lucrezia; Armando, ossia il caniuo delta cngina. II. Promettere e mantencre; La perladei mariti 05sia Benedetto e Domiziano; La diplomazia nel matrimonio; Le due sorclle; Manucia la zingara; II tnalrimonio di un niorto ; La dama e 1' artistu ; Un ballo in maschera; Lc false Ictterate; Un brillante in tra- gedia ; La moda o la fniniglia ; Linea retta e linca runa ossia per un punto Martin pcrde la cappa; La scuola dei veeclii ossia il padigliouo dello mortelle ; Una □uova liuea di etrada fcrrata; La paghercmo iudue; Le scitunkie. GHERARDI Dragomanni, F. Sulla origine della T. e R. aceademia della Valle tlberiiia toscana. Faenza, 1S43. 16° 4770.33 Gherardixi, G. M. S. C. Manuale lessigrafico, o sia compendlo della lessigrafia italiana. Mi- lauo, 1843. 16° 4786.30 — Voci e mauiere di dire italiane. Milano, lb38- 40. 2v. 1.8" *4781.5 — Delia vita e degli scritti di. See Capitani, G. B. de 2741.21 Ghilixi, C. Telinae vallis ac Larii lacus partic- ularis descriptio. [Grievius. Thes. autiq. Ital., T. 3,p. 2] 4710.1 GniLLANV, F, "W. Die Menschenopfer der alten Hebraer. NUrnberg, 1842. 8' 6073.5 Giaco:mini Tebalducci Malespiui, L. Della nobilta delle lettere e delle armi, ragionamonti [pubbl.dalcav.D.Moreni]. Firenze, 1821. 8°. 4774. S GiAMBULLARi, B. Per prender moglie. 5ee Rac- colta di pocsie satiricbe 4808.9 GlAaiBULLARi, P. F. Incursioni degli Ungheri in Germania ed iu Italia. [Albcri. Tesoro della prosa italiana] 2771.20 — Lezione, Dell'ordine dell' universo. [Raccolta di prose italiaue, V. 2] 4808.10 GlANNiNi,P.G.V. Notizieistorichesopralamiraco- lo?a imagine di Gesii bambino, nclJa cliiesa di S.Maria in Araceli. Roma, 17!t7. pp.32. 12\Mlfi3.16 GlANNONE, P. L'esule, pocma. Parigi, 1820. 8°. 4708.9 GlANOTTi, D. DIalogus de republica V'cnetorum, cum notis N. Crassi. [Gra^vius. Thes.anliti. Ital., T. fl. p. 1] 4710.1 GlABDA, V. Libcrulium disciplinanim icones sym- bollcxbibliothecie Alexandrina' [Mediolanij, [(Jrajvius. Tlies. antiq. !tal., T. 'J, p. 6] . . 4710.1 Giun, G. U. Diseases of the throat, epiglottis, and windpipe. London, IHOO. 12" 3798.14 GlBBOX, K. Histoire de Iu dreadence et de la chHte de I'empire romuin. Traduite i)ar M. I-eclerc de Septchenes. Paris, 1777. 3v. 8' . . . . 2757.5 Gibbon, .lohu. Artillerist's manual. 2d ed. New York, 1863. h° 3955.4 GinnoN, .John II. Ttility of an uniform system in measures, weights, lliieness, and decimal ac- counts for coinage. Charleston, 1854. ])p. 19. 8* 6087.72 Gibbon, L. Exploration of the valley of the Am- azon. .SVe llerndon, W. I. v. 2 of 2365. 13 Gibbons, G. M. The gift.s of ('hrit, iS' . .6087.116 — Speech in the house, on the trial of Preston S. Brooks, for an assault on senator Sumner, July 11, 1856. [No title ])age.] 8° 6087.116 — Si)eecb in the bouse upon tlie bill to supply the deliciency of appi'opriutions tor tlie year end- ing June 30, isls. Wii>liiiigtoii, IMS. 8". , 0)087.116 GiKHEL, C. Zcitschriil fur {iU- gesammten Natur- wissen.schaften. .S'cellalle. Zeitsclirift.u.s. w. 5818.1 Gir.miA, N. I*. De jure principis evangeliei circa solenuia sepultune. [Diss, acad.] Ilahc Mag- deburgieu', 1702. pp.40. 4° *4304.22 GlKRLOW, J. t)riginof the Da no-Germanic contest: compiled ftom the Danish. Lowell, n. d. pp. 16. 12" B. 160b. 52 GiKSKBKEriiT, W. De litterarum studiis apud Italos primis niedii a'vl sircutis. [Olss. acad.) Berlin, 1815. pp.37. 4° B. 190.51 GiKSKLKR, J. C. L. Lehrbucli der Kirchengc- schichtc. Bonn, 1829-57. 6v. iu 11. 8° .. *6046.7 j\'o/r.— n, 1, 4lo Ann., B. 2, Sto Aiifl., B. .1, Al>th. 2, ami 11. 4-(l. "li>THn«K. v.m K. K. ItiMU-ponnlnd." B. 6 \tt aluo entitled " DognKMigeHchlclito." — Text-book of ecclesiastical history. Transla- ted from the third (Jerman edition, by F, Cunuingliam. Philadelpliia, 1836. 3v. 8° . 60-13. 5 — Conqiendium of ecclesiastical history. 4th ed., revised and ami iided. Tr.by S.I>avidson[and] J.W. Hull. iMlinhiirgb, 1S.V!-.M1. 5v. S" . . 5514.1 — Texl-hook of church history. Translated by H. B. Smith. Vol. 4. The reformation and its results. New Vork, 1802. b° 3514.16 GIFFORD 227 GIOBERTI Sbolf. No. GlFFOBD, C. Mankind unridtllod: n poom, or an essay on man, rfc.and a iilirenolo^ii'al cluirt. Boston, 1NH. pp. ;W. 8° It. 170,103 GiFFOKi), J. Keign of Louis xvi; and complete his- tory of the French revolution. London, irw. 4' 4G41.8 GiFFOKi), W. Memoir, written by himself. Lon- don, US-,»7. pp. 34. U\° 4179.23 Gift for the young ; or, select narratives and pieces. London, 1825. lyi" 3440.65 Gift of ton«jues. Pie Glossolalic in der alten Kirche. Hiliienfeld, A 0073.19 GlGLl, «;. L'avarizia piu onorata nella serva die nella padrona : ovvero la sorelliuu di 1). rilone. Venezia, I7i'l. sm.r2° *4809a.31 GiGLi, M. Norme tilosoHche di ragionata lettera- tura. Milano, 1!S1U. sni.I2° 5009.5 GlONoi'X, .1. Kpistolary correspondence made pleasant and familiar: sixty letters transla- ted [into] French, by I*. Jiellie. [With] a treatise of arithmetick. London, 175'.t. 12". 4080,40 GlLBAKi", J. W. [Logic for the million : a familiar exposition of the art of reasoning.] Lon- don, 1851. 12" 0085.8 GiLBEKT, of Hoylnnd. Sermones snper Cantica. See Bernardus, St B.140.G Gilbert, E. Youth's catechetical grammar. New York, 1835. 10' 45S9a.43 Gilbert, K. Libor scholasticus; or, fellowships, scholarships, etc. at Oxford and Cambridge. London, 1829. 18° 2490,34 Gilbert family, Genealogical memoir of the. .See Thornton, . I. W 4355.48 Gilchrist, A. Life of William Blake. See Blake, W 4005.30 GiLCHitisT, J. B. Oordoo Risaluh; or, rules of Hindoostanee grammar. Calcutta, 1820. 8°.*5033.14 GiLDAs, S. De Britannia! excidio; In ecclesiasti- cum ordinem, acris correptio. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., V. 8] B.110.2 GiLDEMKiSTER, C. H. J. G. Hamann's Leben und Sohriften. Gotha, 1857. 3v. 8" 2905.5 GiLDESiKisTER, J. Jiibliothecfe Sanskrits, sive recensvs librorvm Sanskritorvm hvcvsijve exscriptorvm specimen. Bonnie ad Khenvm, 1847. 8" *21G4.13 — Die falsche Sanscritphilologie an dera Beispiel des Dr. Hoefer in Berlin. Bonn, 1840. pp. 78. 10° 3034.34 — Scriptorum Arabum de rebus Indieis loci et opuscula inedita. Fasc.l. Bonus, 1838. 8°. 3044.21 ContenlB. — Priefatio; De rebus Indicia, quomodo in Arabum notitinm veuerint. coninaentatio ; MnsOilii, Ibii Uauqalia, Abulfadse, Quazvtnii de rebus Indtiu loci. Giles, H. The guilt of contempt: a sermon, Oct. 24, 1847. Bangor, 1847. S° 5440a. 85 Giles, J. A. Lexicon of the Greek langimge. Greek-English and English-Greek. 2d ed. London, 1840. 8° 2984.11 Giles family. Genealogical memoirs of the. .S'ee Vinton, J. A 43.32.3 Gill, J- Ther mo-dynamics of elastic fluids. Lon- don, 180O-1. 8° 3907.4 GiLLEBERT. Carmen de incendio S. Amandi El- nonensis. [Fiankfurt. Societas, etc., v. II]. 4210.2 Gilleland, .1. C. History of the late war between the United States and Great Britain. 2d cd. Baltimore, 1817. 18° 4329a.l6 GiLLES de Liege, or ^-Egidius Aureie Vallis [Or- vall]. Gesta pontirtcum Leodiensiuin. [Cha- peauvilie. Gesta pontificum Tungrcnsium, V. 1, 2] 2813.5 GiLLEfiPiE. E. H. and W. vs. Russel, J. and son. Judges' notes of evidence in the [Torbane Hill coal mineral case. Edinburgh, 1854], pp. 'J5. [No tille-page.J 4° 5803.11 GiLLETT, E. II. Life and times of John Huss; or, the Bohemian reformation of the fifteenth century. Boston, 1803. 2v. S' 3555.11 Shelf. No. Gillies, J. History of ancient Greece. London, 1825. 8° 3074.7 GiLLiODTS, L. ifctudes sur Phistoire de Belgiqne. Ire pte.Du ive au xvesiecle. Liege, 1853. 8°. 4214.5 GlLLiSS.J.M. Magnetical and meteorological ob- servations at Washington, See United States. Department of the navy 3901.7 GiLLMOHE, J. Letter to a member of parliament, concerning Dageuham-breach. Loudon, 1718. sm.4° *Pph.v.333 GiLLMORE, Q. A. Practical treatise on limes, hy- draulic cements, and mortars. New Y'ork, 1803. 8° 4100.1 — Report of the siege of Fort I'ulaski. See Uni- ted States. Department of war 3953.22 GiLLOW, G. Select engravings from pictures ex- hibiting at the saloon of arts. London, 1818. 90 plates. 4°. . 4000.25 GiLLOW, T. Sermon preached at the opening of the catholic chapel in North Shields, New- castle, 1821. 8° *Pph.v.342 GiLLY, W. S. Excursion to the mountains of Pie- mont in 1823, and researches among the Vau- dois.orWaldenses. 2ded. London, 1825. 10°. 3528.13 — Our protestant forefathers. Ist American, from 12th London ed. New Y'ork, 1830, 18° . . . 3404.35 — Waldensian researches during a second visit to the Vaudois of Piemont [1829]. London, 1831. 8° 3528.12 GiLMAN, C. Lady's annual register and housewife's memorandum-book for 18:18. Boston, n.d. 8°. 4000.7 — Poetry of travelling in the LTnited States. With sketches by friends ; and a week among auto- graphs, by Rev. S. Gilman. New York, 1838. 12° 2407.28 — Verses of a life-time. Boston, 1849. 16° . . , 4278.39 GiLMAN, D. C. Historical discourse, delivered in Norwich, Conn., Sept. 7, 1859, at the bi-cen- tenuial celebration of the settlement of the town. 2ded. Boston, 1859. 8" 2330.23 GiLMAN, S. AVeek among autographs. See Gil- man, C 2407,28 GiLPix, H. D. Memorial. Philadelphia, ISOO. 8°. 2343.27 — Will of H. D. Gilpin. PhUadelphia, [ISGOJ. pp. 11. 4° 4340a. 8 GILPIN, J. Monument of parental affection to a dear and only son. New Haven, 1814. 24° . 4549a. 32 — The poor in spirit; The rejoicing of Hannah : two sermons. [Dibdin. Sunday library, V. 2] 5444.23 GiLPix, W. Select biography: Lil'e of [Hugh Latimer], London, n.d. 24° 2546.31 GiLSOX, C. C. Letter to Thomas Harvey, of New- castle upon Tyne [on his ungentlemanly con- duct]. Loudon, 1792. 12° *Pph.v.303 GiXANNi, M. A. L'arte del blasone. Venezia, 1750. 4" *2220.12 GiNANNi, P. P. Memorie storico-critiche degli scrittori ravennati. Faeuza, 1709. 2v. 4°. 2160.13 GiNGRAs, L. L'Orient, ou voyage en Egypte, en Arable, en Terre-Sainte, etc. Quebec, 1847. 2v. 8° 3045.18. Gixguen£, p. L. Histoire litt^raire d'ltalie. Par- is, 1811-19. 9v. 8° 420&.9 — See Histoire Utteraire de la France, v. 13-15 . 4092.1 GioACHTMO. Histoire de Joachim, abbe de Flore, 5eeRousselot,X 3515.11 GlOBEUTi, V. Apologia del libro intitolato II Ges- , uitamoderuo. Parte 1. Brusselle, 1848. 12*. 6075.12 — Delle condizioni presenti e future d'ltalia. Londra, 1848. p.8° 4718.10 — Essay on the beautiful. Translated by E. Thomas. 2d ed. Loudon, 1860. 8° , . . . 3002.14 — Introduzione alio studio della filosofia. 2a ed. Brusselle, 1844. 4v. 8" B. 142.3 — Lettre sur les doctrines philosopbiques et po- litiques de M. de Lamenuuis. Bruxelles, 1843. 12° B. 160b. 112 — Primato morale et civile degU Italiani. 2a ed. Brusselle, 1845. 8° 4194.9 GIOBERTI 228 GIUSTINIANI Shelf. Xo. GiOBERTi, V„ contimied. — Frolegomeni del priraato morale et civile degli Italiiini. 2a ed. Brusselle, 18-10. V^" . . , 4199.7 — Teoriea del sovranaturale. Ed. 2a. Capolago, 1850. 2v. iu 1. 8" 610S.19 GlOFFREDo, P. Corografia e storia delle Alpi ma- rittime. [Sardinia. Hist, raoniim., v. 8] . . 4800.1 — Kicsa civitas sacrls mouumentis illustrata, [Grsvius. Thes. antirj. Ital., T.lt.p.C] . . . 4710.1 GlOJA, M. Filosofia della statistica. la ed. napol. sulla 2a di Milaiio. Napoli, 1S3!,32. 2v. 8^ 4290.26 — 11 Duovo Galateo abbreviato, Brusselle, 1S38. sm. 12' 4199.21 GiOBDANi, P. Delia pittura e della scultura, dis- corso. [Alberi. Tesoro della prosa italiana]. 2771.20 GlORGi, A.A. Alphabetum Tibetanum; pra^uiissa est disquisitio de vario regiouis uomine, gentis origine, Manicbajismo, etc. Roma?, 1702. 4°. *4241.3 GiORGINi, G. B. Sul domiuio temporale dei papi. Firenze, ISoO. pp. 30. p.b" 4718.12 GlORNALE storico degU archivi toscaui. See Tus- cany. GioVjVSe, G. De aBtiquitate et varia fortuna Ta- reutinorum. [Graevius. Tbes. autiq. Jtul., T.9, p. 5] • 4710.1 Giovanni da I'arma. La vie de Jean de Parme. ,S:ee Kousselot, X : . . . 3515.11 Giovanni Fioreutino, G. 11 pecorone, nel quale si contengouo cinquauta novelle anticbe. Mi- lano', 1804. 2v. 8*. [Classici italium,-v. 25, 26] **4S01,9 — - t^amc. fltaccoltadi novellieri italiani, v. 2]. 2773.14 GIOVENALE d'Acquiuo. Cbroulca [.Sabaudi;e] 3iuDLXXV-MJ)XV. [Sardinia. Hist, mouuni., V. 7] 4SD0.1 Giovio, B. Historiae Novocomensis, libri duo, [Grajvlus. Tlies. antiq. Ital., T. 4, p. 2] . . 4710.1 Giovio, P. Turcicarum rervm commentarivs ex Ital- ico Latinus factus F. Nigro interprete. Pari- siis.Ex. off. K. Stepbani, 1539. pp.87. sm.8%*30S5.28 — De uita Leouis x, libri iv. Accesserunt lla- driani vi et Pompeii Colvmna; cardiualis vitre. Florentia', 154S. f° •. . . 2S00.7 — Larii lacup, bodie Comensis, descriptio. [Grae- vius. Tbes. antiq. Ital., T. 3, p. 2] 4710.1 — A'it:e duodecim vicecomituni, JlL-diubtni princi- pum. [(;ra>viu9. Tbes. antiq. Ilal.,T.:.{, p. IJ. 4710.1 GlPSlKS. Graberg von Hemso, J. Doutes et con- jectures sur le-s Boheniiens 2823.12 — Pott, A. F. Die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien. 2955.20 Gipsy hmguage. Ueber die Spracbc der Zigeuner. Graffunder, A 3034.39 GiRALDi (,'intio, G. B. Gli ecatommiti. [liaccolta di novellieri italiani, v. 3] 2773.14 — De Ferraria vt Alestinis principibus comnien- tariolum. [Grievius. Thcs. autiq. Ital., T. 7, p. I] 4710.1 GiRALDL's Cambrcnsis, or Barry, G. Opera, ed. by J. S. Brewer. Vols. 2, 3. J^oniUtn, 1802, 63. 2v. 8'. [Great Britain. ItoUs chron- icles] ♦2424.7 Content: — Vol. II. Gntnma efclustaiitlcn. III. Do Invrclioulbua; Do Uonuvvuai ucclonla dIalogUB ; Vita H. David. GlRAUi), A. Systi-me mtitrlquc Suisse : Rnpport des poidrt et mewures suisses avec les aneiens jioiilfl et meHureH de Geneve, etc. Genisve, 18J7. pp.32. 12° B. 170b. 90 GlRARD, C. [ Les <>tat« confed(?r(58 d'AmC'rlque vis- ^ itesenlHOn,] I'arls, IHIV*. 8' 4B21.20 GIRARI>, i'barles. Catalogue of Xorlb Americun reptiles. [WuKblngton, .Snlitb^oniull niis- reUuneoiis collections, v. 2] 3350.2 GiRAKi), G. Synonyniew frani^ois* ft prOHodte fran- ^nlx', par M. Tabbu d'Olivet. Nouv. ed. Am- Hterdiiui, 17IH. 18° 20R4.20 — - Sairie. Amsterdam, 1705. 12" 208^1.19 GlRAltn, S. [The will of S. (iiriird, wllh a Mbort biography of hlH life]. Pblludelpbla, l^39. pp. :»5. 8* ■\:\:uiA\\ Shelf. No. Girardeau, J. L, Conscience and civil govern- ment : an oration before the society of alumni of the college of Charleston. Charleston, 1800. 8° 4310a. 102 GiRARDiN, D. G. de. Esprit de Mme de Girardin, avec preface par de Laniartine. Paris, [1802]. 12° 4709.13 GiRARDiN, St. M, Cours de litti^rature dramatique. [T. 1, 2],7e('d. Paris; 1S59-)U. 4v. 12°.. 4070.17 — Lectures on dramatic literature; or, the em- ployment of the passions in the diama. Translated by R. G. Barnwell. Kew York, 1849. 12" 2070. 3G — La Syrie en 1801. Paris, 1802. 12° 3049.5 — Tableau de la litterature fran^aise au xvie siecle. Paris, 1802. 8" 2070.33 GiRAUD, — . Hisloire de I'esprit revolutionuaire des nobles en France, sous les soixante-huit rois de la monarchie. Paris, 1818. 2v. 8°. 4187.15, and 4188.13 GiRAUD, C. J. B. Histoire du droit fran^ais au moyen age. Paris, 1840. 2v. 8° 4293.11 GiRAULT, A. N. Recreations instructives et amu- santes. Pbiladelpbie, 1835. 12° 4CS9.31 GiRDLESTONE, C. Letters on the unhealthy condi- tion of the lower class of dwellings. Lon- don, 1845. pp.92. 8° 3707.34 GiRDLESTONE, R. B. Tlie anatomy of scepticism. Loudon, 1863. 12° 5435.24 Girls. Cours complet d'education pour les fiUes . 3591.22 GiROD, J. F. X., feloge de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. tEuvres, V. 2] . . 3720.11 GiRONDiNS. Guadet, .T. Recbercbes sur les Gii'on- dins. .9ec Buzot, F. N. L 4642.24 — - Les Girondins 4043.8 GiRONi, R. Raccoltadi lirici italiani. Dall' origine della lingua sino al secolo xvill. Milano, 1808. 8°. [Classici italiani, v. 230] **4808.S Contents. — Guido Cavalcnnti ; Panto Alighu'ri; Cino da ristoja; Francesco l\tnircH; (_'iiio Rinuocini; Gius- tiiia Levi Perotii; Gtusto dc' Coiiti ; Burchiollo; Bvno- detty da CingoU ; Lorenzo do" Medici ; Gaspnro ViBconti ; Muttvo Mnriu Bojiirdo; AqftoIo rollziiino ; Jucopo 8hu- naxxaro; rk'tro Bcnibo; Vitloria Coloniui; Ilurnttrdo CAppoUo ;Veronicn Gnmharn; UiiH)mru Slainpn; (liovaiml Guidicrfoni ; FnincemcdMarlnMoly-njClaudioToIomnK-i; Svnvdctto Vnrcld ; Girolunko Frncasloro ; Luijri AIo- nunnil ; IJcrnaido Tasso ; Lclio CftliiUij)! ; I-'nuiccneo Coi>))rttn; Anton rrnncesco Ruinlvi-i; Alcfsnndro Guiir- iK'Uo ; Erasiiio di Vttlvnsant' ; Giovanni di-lla Casa ; IJartoJonimeo Curll do'Picfdtoniini; Bi'mnrdlnn Itota ; AnKcIo di Custanzo; Aiinllialu Cnro; Luiirl TnnMllo; Tuniuato Tasso; Colio Majino ; Ormvtto Giunlininno ; Glovinniiatista Marini; Gal>i-icl1o Chiabri-ni; Antonio Galoani ; Francesco Braccioliui ; Fulvio TcHtl ; IViincescO lU'di ; Carlo Slaria Mngpi; Frunccitco du Loun-nc; Bcn- CilotloMi'iisiinl; VlnccnzodiiKilica.iHi AlodwuidruGiiIili; AU'S5(indro Miirclictti ; Loronita Afapalotll ; Antonio TiiminnBi ; Giovauibutlata Zitpiii ; Fuuttllnu MaruUl Zftl-pl. GiSBORNK, T. Enquiry into the duties of the fe- male sex. London, 1797. S° 4289.1 GiSKLiN, V, Adagiorum specimen. See Adagin. 4150.2 GISLASON, C. Dtinsk Ordaluik nied ishn/kiuii pj'- diiigum. Kiitipminnmbiifn, 1851. inip.8° . . 2890.14 (ilTA Gi)vinda : drama lyrii'um. .s'cc Jnyuileva . . 3012.35 GlUNTlNl, F. Disnn-so sopra lo stato della citt^di Lione. .9fC Nardi, J 2725.20 GirsTi, G. (iiusti and bis times. See Horner, S. . 2749.29 GlUSTi, I. La nuova poHliea nn]ioleoniea e il i)ar- tito piemoutese in Toscauu. Firenze, 1800. PP.4H. 8° 4713.7 GiL'STiNiANi, Bernardo,/;. 1408, rf. 1480. De origine urbis Veneiiiirum rebusqiie gestis u ^*eneti8 libii XV. ■ [(ira-vius. Tbes. antiq. Hal., T. 5, p. 1] 4710.1 GIUSTINIANI, liernnrdo, Vahlmtr, liriuff 1092. Ills- toHe deir origine ilegl' ordinl mlHlnrl c dl tvlte le religioni cavullerescbe. Vene/Ja, 1092. 2v. f° 0220a. 2 (JIUSTIN1ANI,M. Scrlladfllelctlerenicmorablli. P. 2. 2ainip.,congiunta. Nupoli, 10»3. Bm,12°.*41«0a.IO GIUSTINIANO 229 GLUGE II Shoir. No. GIUSTINIANO, O. Sonotto. [Giroiii. Itaccolta di lirici italiiini] 4S0S.8 GlCSTINlANo, 1'. Dille fcviM-re di Fialulni [KMl-O] Iibri VI. I'osti in luce da G. Gamvriui, An- Vfisa, ICiOU. 4° 4212.8 GIUSTINIANO, S. Oraziom* a I.adislao re d'Unghe- ria conforlaiidoli) allii lega coutro 11 Turco. [Itaccolta di prii.ic italiaue, V. 1] 4S0S.10 Gladisoh, a. Die Ueligion und die IMiilosophie in ilirer weltgescliichtliclien Kntwiclvelunjf iiud Stellung zu eiuander. lire.'ilaii, 1«5:J. K° . . 0095.13 GlAD.sT()NK, W. K. financial stalententy of lt;53, Ce>-li3. Added, a speech on tax-bills, ItSCil, luul on cluil-ities, INia. London, ISIB. 8° . . . . ~0W.11 — State prosecutions of the Neapolitan govern- ment. Olh ed. London, IHSI. pp. 5S. 8°. 2723.16 — Wed^jwood ; aii address. London, 1.sli3. 8°. 4024.20 GLAGOi.rric literature. Ueber die glagolitische Literatur. Dobrowsky, J 4119.5 Glandkk^. Dc la morve et du farcin. Tardieu, A. A M.l-ph.T.i35 Glands. Ban und liedeutung dcr peyerischen Driisen. Uriicke, E 3700.5 Glanvil, or Glanvill, J. Discourses, sermons and reuuiius. I'ublished by A. Llorueck. Lon- don, Uksl. sm.-l" *0002.19 — Kssays on subjects in philosophy and religion. [London, 1006. No title-page.] sm.4° . . . *5608.14 — Sermon preached at his funeral. See Pley- dell, J 0002.19 Glanvii.la, or Glanville, B.de. De proprietatibus reruni Iibri XLX. [Basile;e], u. d. [No title- page.] f° •4130.1 Xotf. — Gothic typo, 21o loaves, having two columns, Cflcli of 60 or 61 lini'S, without iiiilicution of year or jilace of printing, without pa^iiuitioii, si^aaturcs, or catch- words. Th<> index issuiJiilit-ct in MS. "Ctitouvrnfie est tire (lu Speculum Naturalc dc Vincent dc Heauvais et ratigoi purnii lus soi-disuntes eucyclopGdiea du muyen- fige." — Grii*»e. — Liber deproprietatib'reru. Argentine, 1491. 4". MHl.? Xote, — Gothic type, 2 colutuns, 254 loaves, 52 lines in each column. Glas, G. Description and history of the Canary Islands. ,SVe Galindo, J. de A. de 3040.14 Glasgow. Public school association. Proceedings at a meeting, Nov. 11, 1851, with address by Dr. J. P.Nichol, on national education. Glas- gow, 1851. pp.23. 12" C059.72 — Secular school society. Report of the direc- tors and teachers, 1853, 54. Glasgow, 1854, pp. 23. S" 4129.23 Glass, .S. Philologia sacra. Accessit logica sacra. Ed. noviss. Lipsia;, 1705. 4° *0021.9 Glass. H istory of the processes and manufacture of. 4029. (> — Jnrves, D. Keminisc«nces of glass-making . , 4025.20 Glastonbitrv, Somerset^ Topographical notes re- specting. Milles, J V. Iof4586.20 GlaubwUkdigek Bericht deremigrirenden Saltz- burger. n. p., 17:12. pp.15. 4° *G055.11 Glaz, D. von. Der Giirtel. [Hagen. Gesammt- abenteuer, V. 1] 2900.29 Glees. Classic glee book 8047.32 — Heuberer, C. V. Kuphonia 8iHr.4 — Howe, E. Ethiopian glei* book 8047.7 — Huntington, C. W. Continental vocalists' glee book 8047.9 — Jarvis, C. Young folks' glee book .* 8047.8 — Slason, L, Boston glee book 8047.10 — Paine, D. Jenny Lind glee book 8047.2 — Perkins, E. A. Western bell 8047.1 — Taylor, V. C. The coucordia 8043.52 — White, E. L. Boston melodeon '. , 8047.5 — - Tyrolien lyre 8047.0 Gleio, G . K. Life of Arthur, first duke of Welling- ton. Loudon, IS02. 8* 2523.9 — Narrative of the campaigns of the British army, at Washington, EIalliinoro,aiid New Orleans, in 18H and 1815. Philadelphia, 1821. 8" . , 4.327.10 Shelf. No. Gleio, (;. R., covtlnucd. — The hussar. [Sniitli. Weekly volume, v. 1] . 8030.3 Gleim, J. W. L. [Alexis und EUse. Drey Go- sKnge.] Berlin, 1771. pp.48. 16° . . . . **2S79.14 — Ualhidat oder Uas rothe Buch. Hamburg, 1774. pp.93. sni.4° **2878.6 Glen, W. v. Review of the law of contracts. See Donaldson, T. L 4095.11 Gliddon, G. U. Ancient Egypt; her monuments, hioroglypliics, history, etc. New York, [184't]. pp. fiO." 1.8" B.190.5 — . Handbook to the American panorama of the Nile. London, 1849. pp. 50. 8° 4289.28 Glissexti, F. L' Andrio, cioe 1' hvomo virile, fauola morale. Venetia, 1(107. sm.12'' *4fi09a.47 Globes. Fenning, D. Use of the 3929.27 — Gummere, S. U. Problems on the 7029.40 — Keith, T. On the use of the 7058.19 Glossary of provincial words used in Berkshire. London, 1852. 12". [Hell. Tracts, v. 1] . . *458G.20 Glossary of provincial words used in Gloucester- shire, with proverbs current in that county. Loudon, 1851. pp. 14. 12", [Bell. Tracts, V. 1] *4586.20 Glossary of provincial words used in the county of Cumberland. London, 1851. pp. 19. 12°. [Bell. Tracts, v.l] *458C.20 Glossary of provincial words used in the county of Dorset. London, 1851. pp.8. 12°. [Bell. Tracts, V. 1] *45S6.20 Glossary of provincial words used in the coiinty of Essex. London, 1851. pp. 14. 12". [Bell. Tracts, v. 1] *458l).20 Glossary of terms used in the coal trade of Nor- thumberland and Durham. 2d ed. London, 1851, pp. 50. 12". [Bell. Tracts, v. 2] . . *45SG.20 Gloucester, Eng. Historiaet cartularium mon- asterii Sancti Petri Gloiicestriaj, Edited by W. H. Hart. Vol. I. London, lfs03, 8". [Great Britain. Bulls clironicles] *2424.]3 Gloucester, Mass.^ History of. Babson, J. J. , . 2350.26 Gloucestershire, Eng. Glossary of provincial words used in v.l of 4580. 20 — Rudge, T. Agriculture of 3992.30 See also: Clifton, Sedbury. Glover, F. A. The " church discipline bill," anti- episcopal, etc. London, 1839. 8° . . . . *l*ph.v.350 — Practical popery, past, present, and prospective. London, 1839. sm.s" *Pph.v.35C — Reduction of prebendaries. 2ded. London, 1839. 8" *Pph.v.356 — What are the dignitaries doing? a fragment. London, 1840. 8° *Pph.v.35G — Wh.at is Queen Anne's bounty? the question asked and answered. London, 1839, 8° . *Pph.v.356 — Why are you a Christian? a sermon, London, 1839. sm.S" *Pph.v.35G Glover, Gen. J., Memoir of. See Upham, W. P. 4358.27 Glovek, Richard. Poetical works, with life, [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. llj , 4C04.1 Contetite, — LeoniOas, and other poems. — 5eeBell,J. British theatre, v. 2, 6 4179a. 1 Conlejita. — Vol.11. Boadiceu, trag, VI. Medea, trag. Glover, Robert M. Remarks on the history of the literary and philosophical society of New- castle upon Tyne. Newcastle, 1844. 8" . *J'ph.v.351 Glover, S. Peak guide, containing the history of Buxton, Chatsworth, etc. Edited by T. Noble. Derby, 1830. 8" 2494.6 Gluge, G. Pathologische Histologic. Jena, 1850. pp. 77. 12 plates, f ° *3740.31 — Sur la structure anormale desos. [LJruxelles], n. d. pp. 12. 8° . 3706.34 — Sur la terminaison des nerts et sur les canau.x nerveux dans les moignons des amputes. [Bruxelles], n, d. pp. 10. 8° 3706.38 GLUGE 230 GOLD-HEADED Bhelf. No. Gluge, G., contijiued. — and Thiernesse. Note sur la coloration rouge du sang veineux. l^riixelles, u. d. pp. 7. S". [Extrait des Bulletins de I'acad. roy. de Belgique] 3766.35 Clyde, J. Ipswich in the middle of the 19th cen- tury ; with U sketch of its history. Ipswich, [Eng.], li>50. 12° *. ■ •' 4179.2 Gmelin, J. G. Reise nach Kamtschatka durch Sibirieu. [Allgemeine Historie der Keisen, V. 19} 4160.11 Gmelin, L. Handbook of chemistry. Translated by H. Watts. Vol. 1-16. London, 1848-64. 16v. &". [Cavendish society] *3974.1 Gnosticism. Baur, F. C. Die christliche Gnosis. 6059.3 — Erdmaun, D. De notionibus ethicis Gnosti- corum B. 170a. 102 — Hiklt'brand,.!. Philosoph.Gnosticieorigines.B. 170a. 120 — Matter, A. J. Gescliichte des Gnosticismus . 6059.2 GOBINEAU, A. de. Sur Tiuegalit^ des races hu- maines. Paris, 1853-55. 4v. 8° 4153.8 GOBISET, C Instruction chretieune des jeuues fiUes. Paris, 1772. 16= 3589.21 GocKiNG, G. G. G. Emigrations-Geschichte vou denen aus dum Ertz-llissthum Saltzburg ver- triebenen Lutheranern. Franckfurt, 1734- 37. 2v. 4° *C055.13 God. Anselm, St. Sur I'essence divine G(»)5.3 — Brown, AV.L. E.visteuceof a supreme Creator. 3451-21 — Fricke, G. A. Nova argumentorum pro Dei existentia expositio 6088.222 — Haune, J. W. Gott und sein Vcrhiiituiss zur \Velt 5486.15 — Keratry, A. H. De Pexistonce de Dieu . . . 5609a. 2 — Meiuers, C. Historia doctrine de vero Deo . 6039a. 9 — Kitler, A. H. Ueber die Erkountniss Gottes in der Welt C03S.S — Sengler, J. Die Idee Gottes 0U38.4 — Ware, H.,j>. Personality of the Deity . . Pph.v.377 — Wirth, J. U. Die speculative Idei- Gottes . . 6038.3 God and man, The great controversy between. Has- tings, U. L 5469.21 See also: Atheism, I'agunisni, rautbL-i^m. GODAUT, J. B. Tableau methodique des li'pidopth-es de France. Paris, 1823. pp. (H. 8°. . v. 2 of *3893.3 GoDDAitl), B., Sermon on the Sunday succeeding the death of. .V(c Hedge, F. U 4345.6 GODDAKl), H. Uoyal agricultural society's prize model cottages. London, [1851]. pp. 14. 6 plates, sni.4'' 4106.2 GODDAKD, J. Chinese and English vocabulary, in tbe Tie Chiu dialect, liaiigkok, 1847. 8° . . 3038.6 GoDDAiiH, P. B.,and Parker, J. E. Anatomy, phy- siojogv, ami pathology of the human teeth. I'hiladelphia, 1844. 4' *5800.12 GODDAKD, S. A. Iteply t" Mr. Uoebuck's speech at Shelfield, on the American question. Bir- mingham, [lH(i:t]. pp.9. 8' 4310a. 103 GODDt, J. Catalogue ralsonne d'une collection de llvres [etc.] relatifs aux arts de pelnture, sculpture, etc. Paris, INW. 8' *2138.4 GODKKiciKi), abbot of Oaitwcxg. Chronlcon Got- wicense. iSVr BeHsel, G. v C070.1 GODEi'*un:n, archhishop of 'lyevcs. Gesta, 1124-27. [Fninklurt. Societas, etc., v. 8] 4210.2 GoDKi KOI, D. Corpus juris civilis Uomanl. Ed. novlss. Lipsla;, 1705. 2v. 4* 4300.7 Ciwi/*-!!/'- — Vul. I. InnlUutlnnum Juitlnlnnl prlnclplt lltiri IV ; Kpllonin liiNlltutioniiiii ; Rdlctuni iitTpctuuni a Holvlo .luliitno conipoaKiim ; lilifHloruin aou iHiiidPcIn* ruin Jimlinlannrum lllirl i.. II. .fiinlliiliini ]irhirl|){B ro- |H'tUn> |irifliT(li>itU Hbri XII; Aiitti<-iill''n<, aoii iiovi'llm constlliitlonra Jualliilniil ; IlillcUi Jiialh)lni)l ; liii)ivru- torla 1.4-onlii novoUio cuii«tltiilliiiirB, lloiirlcl Ak>'Iico hi- lerprflle; (*on«Hliill-a lin|Mvrll. Shelf. No. GODEFROY, F. Lexique compart de la langue de Corneille et du xviie si^cle. Paris, 1862. 2v. 8° 2684.5 GODEFROY, P. Proverbia. Sec Adagia 4150.2 GODESCHALC, of Gembloitrs. Gesta abbatum Gera- blacensium. [Frankfurt. Societas,etc.,v.8]. 4210.2 GODET des Blarais, P. Lettres k Mme de ilaiute- non, recueillies par M. Tabbc Berthier. Bru- xelles, 1755. 12" »*469G.4 GODEY, L. A. Godey's magazine and lady's book. Vol. 30, 37, 48-57, 60-02, 65, 67. Philadelphia, 1848-63. 17v. 8" *5325.1 GODI, A. Chronica dominorum Romanorum et Marchia; Tarvisina? ab anno Jicxciv^nsque ad MCCLX. [Graivius, Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 6, p. 1] 4710.1 GODMAN, J. D. American natural history. Vol. 3. Parti. Mastology. Philadelphia, 1828. 8°. 3907.15 GoDOFREDUS, P. See Godefroy, P. Godwin, Godwyn, or Goodwin, T. English expo- sition of the Romane antiquities. Oxford, n. d, [No title-page.] Bm.4'' 4950.50 — - Same. London, 1671. sm.4° 4960.49 — Moses and Aaron. Civil and ecclesiastical rites used by tbe ancient Hebrews, 7th ed. Lon- don, 1055. sm. 4' t 5429a. 3 — - Same. 12th ed. London, 1672. 4" . . . . 4960.49 — Moses ot Aanm, sen civik-s et ecclesiastic! ritus, illustrati studio J. H. Hottingeri. Ed. 2a. Francofurti, 1716. sni.8° *4149.4 GOECKINGK, L. F. G. V. Lieder zweyer Liebendeu. M^ien, 1804. sm.S" 4808.5 GOEDEKE, C. Deutsche Dichtnng im Mittelalter. Hanover, 1854. 1.8° 4222.1 — Elf Biicher deutscher Dichtnng von Sebastian Brant [1500] bis auf die Gegen wart. Leipzig, 1849. 2v. 1.8" 2892.10 — Grundrisz zur Geschichte der deutschen Dich- tnng aus den Quellen. 2te Ausg, Dresden, 1862. 2v. in 1. 8" *2156.4 Goes, D. de. De fide, religione, moribusque ^thi- oimm ; Epistola? aliquot Precio.si Joannis, I'aulo .loAio et ipso Damiano interpretibus; Deploratio Lappiana; gcnti.s ; Lappia* de- scriptio; Bellum Cambaicum I, ii; De rebus et imperio Lusitanorum; Hii?pani;e ubertas et potentia; Pro Hispania adversus Munsterum defensio. 5fc Martire d'Angbieni, I'. . . . 416'Ja.l GOETIIALS, F. V. Dictionnaire gcnealogique et lie- raldique des families nobles do Belgique. Bruxelles, 184iV52. 4v. 4* *2820.8 GOETZK, P. V. Stininien des russischen Volks in Liedern. Stuttgart, 1828. p.8'' 4253.20 GOEZK, J. M. Lessing und Goeze. Sec Boden, A. 2844.10 GOFF, A. W. Lecture [on the resources of the Uni- ted States] delivered at the capitoL [No title-page.] 8" 4129.76 — Oration on General Ceorge M'ashington. New York, 1853. [No tille-piige.] 8° 4129.76 GOFFE, W., Plan for seizing and carrying to New York. See Himgh, F. B 4347.31 GOFFRIDUS, abbot of fentlOme. Epistolarum llbrl (pdn(iue; Opusrula; Sermones xi ; De ordlna- tloneeplscoporum et de investltura laicm-um. [Maximabibllotli. vet.patr.,v.21] B. 110.2 GOOUKT, A. Y., and Fugtre, A. C. De I'originc des ]olx,des nrts,et ties sciences ; etde leurs pro- gres chezles anclens penples. I'aris, 1758. 3v, 4" •2100,24 — Origin of laws, arts, and sciencca. Edinburgh, 1775. 3v. H" 2102.4 GoiiiKK, L. J. Menioiros. Parln, 1824. 2v, 8* . 4650.32 GoiNi;<), G. B. De situ Islria' libellua. [Graivius. Thes. antitj. ltal.,T. 0, p. 1] 4710.1 Gold, (lurcesy Eguia,.!. Benellcio de oro y plata por fuudicion y lunalgamaclon 4266. lU — Jevoiis.W.S. Fall in (he value of 3646.38 — Legrand, A. De I'or thins le traltement do la syphUls 3770.41 Gold iiicaiuu) cane, The. Slacndchiiel, W. . . . 2516. ifi GOLDAST 231 GOODRICH Shelf. No GOLDAST.M. Collcctioconstitutionum impcrialium • Ed.recentior. Frnncoluiti, l~ia. 4v.iii:;. f°. *4291.5 — Coiiimeutarii de rcgui Uolii.mi.T incoipoiata- rumcjuo proviiiL'iaium juribus ac privilfgiis. Cum J. H. Schiuincku. Francol'urd, ina. 2v.Jial. f° »4250.7 Aoee. — Appended are the following: Piuili Slranakil dissortatiode repnblica Bnjenut ; .lohunnU IVrii Liulwig. diraerlnllo do jure siillVii|.-ii rrgH Ilolienn.ci Juhannla Nieoini Hortii dissortalio do ronoviito imperii et regui Boticmitu ncxu. — Rerum Alainannicanim scriptorps aliquot Te- tlisli. EU.:juciira H.C.Scucki-nberg. Fran- col'urti, ir;)0. 3v. ill 1. f ° *il260.8 PoilVCTUS. — Hepidanni cronobitw annaies ; Rafperti Turogiensis historia et easus; Eitltellni-di junioi-is his- toria et eiisua ; Ilurkhardi nionaclii historia et casua ; Clinradi Fabariensis presijyteri historia et casus ; Ejtis- dom CAtalogus abbatum S. Galli ; Anonymi do offleiali- bus domini prineipii S. Gaili ; Bcrtholdi monaehi anno- tatio de abbatibus S. Galli; J. Vadiani ehronoiogia; N. do Tiufbuvg ephomcridos; J. Gcorgii Tibiani panegyri- con; Waiafridi Sirabi Augiensis de vita S. Galli et de vita S. Othmari ; Isonis magistri de miraculis S. 0th- mari; S. Theodori ercmitffi Canipidoneneis de vita S. Magni ; 8. Findani confesaoris historia ; Hepidanni junioris de vita S. Wiboradte ; Eltkchardi Minimi de vita B. Notkeri Balhuli; S. Fridolini confessoris histo- ria; Genealogia Kjburgensium comitum inAlamannia; Lex Alamannorum; C'hartarum eenturia; J. Vadinni epiatola de obacuris verbonim signifieationibua ; Ruode- perti magistri epistoiaj; Kabaui Mauri abbatis Fuldensia libelli; Waiafridi Strabi colleetiones; Keronis monaehi S. Galli iuterpretatio verborura Alaraanniconmi ; Ano- njnni catalogus numinum propriorum apud Alamaunos ; Bemedii Curiensia epiagopi eanones; Notingi Constan- tiensis epiacopi canonea ; Anonymi aymbojum apoatoii- cura, confessio. litania, bcnedictiones, fraternitates, an- niveraarii ; J. Vadiani Sanotgallensia farrago antiqui- tatum Alaniannicarum, sive de collegiia el monasteriis Germanium veteribus, etc.; B. Schobingeri additiones ad Vadiani farraginem ; J. Comandri epiatola- ; J. Vadiani liber de priniitiva ecclesia; statu, seu de Cbrislianismi a-latibus ; J, Vadiani epistola de conjugioscrvoruni apud Alamaunos; J. Zuickii epistola; responsorire ad Vadio- nura; L. Jnda- cpistolie de divortio; J. Kesleri biblio- theca Sangallensia. — Rervm Svevicarvm scripfores aliqvot veteres. Kd.-ia. Ulma;, 1727. f° *4250.12 GoLDENBERG, G. Ouvrages en fer, en acier, en cuivre, en bronze, en zinc, etc. [France. Commission sur I'industrie des nations, v. GJ. 4029.20 GOLDONI, C. [Amor contadino, dramma giocoso per musica.] Lisbona, 1764. pp. (59. sm.8°. [Drammi varii, v. IJ **4799.17 — Le boiirru bienfaisant, comedie en trois actes et en prose. Paris, 1799. pp. 64. 8° . v. 2 of *2664.12 — - Same. [Theatre fran^ais, v. .39] 4708.1 — 11 niatriraonio per concorso. Dramma giocoso per musica. [Mutata dai Sig. V. de Rossi e G. Magni.] Lisbona, 1773. pp. 84. sm. 8°. [Drammi varii, V. 1] **4799.17 — Memoirs, by himself. Translated by J. Black. London, 1814. 2v. 8° 2745.21 — [II mondo della luna, dramma giocoso per mu- sica.] Lisbona, [l?!!.")]. pp.06. sm.8°. [Dram- mi varii, V. 1] **4799 17 GOLDSuououGii.C.W. United States' naval chron- icle. Vol. 1. ^yashington, 1824. 8° . . . . 4327.9 GOLDSBL'RY, J. Common school grammar. 6th ed. Boston, 1843. pp.94. 12° 7109.1 GOLDSCHMIDT, J. L. See Jenny Lind mania . . B 170b >3 GOLDSCiiMiDT, M. A. En Jtide. Anden Udgave. Kjobenhavn, 1852. 10° 49.,g g GOLDsriiMiriT, O. Chorale book for Englknd.' See Bennett, W.S 54492 Goldsmith,.!. Easy grammar of geography. New ed. riiiiadelphia, I8-'0. 18° 7039.17 — Manners, customs, and curiosities of nations. Philadelphia, 1818. 2v. 12° * 2237 15 Goldsmith, O. The bee, a collection of essays Loudon, 1819. 21° 4569.26 Shelf. No. Goldsmith, O., continued. — Compendio della storia romana recato in Ital- iano da F. Villardi. Nuova ed. Firenze, 1831- 12° 2759.8 — Grecian history, to the death of Alexander. Hevisetl, etc., by W. Grimshaw. Philadel- phia, 1820. 12° S079a.5 — History of the earth, and animated nature. London, 1774. Sv. 8° 5810.25 — Survey of experimental philosophy. London, 1770. 2v. 8° . . : 3907. S — The vicar of Wakefield : a tale. Salem, 1801. 2v.in 1. 18° 4679a. 27 — Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 10] 4004.1 Contents. — Traveller; Deserted village; Hermit, etc. — See Bell. British theatre, v. 9, 17 4179a. I Contents. — Vol. IX. She atoopa to conquer, or the miatokea of a night, com. XVU. The good natured — She Stoops to conquer, a comedy. [Jones. British theatre, v. 3] 4575.20 GoLius, J. Lexicon Arabico-Latinum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1053. f° *3080.9 Golovnin, V. Recitde sa captiviti! chez les Japo- nois, 1811-13; suivi de la relation du voyage de M. Eicord, aux cotes de Japon, 1812, 13. Traduit sur la version allemande, par J. B. B. Eyriis. I'aris, 1818. 2v. 8° 3017.12 Goltz, H. Sicilias descriptio et in numismata Pa- ruta; et Augustini explicationes ; De vita rebusque gestis regum Sicilia;. [Grajviua. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, v. 6] GOMAZA, F. L. de. ,yee Marmocchi. Viaggi, v. 3 5. 4710.1 2275.1 Contents.- Vol. HI. Viaggio di Vaseo Nunez di Balboa, trad, da Agostiuo di Cravaiiz. V. Cenni sulla acoperta delta peuiaola di Yucatan, fatta da F. H. di Cordova 1517. Goncourt, E. L. a. and J. A. H. de. La femme au dix-huitil-me siecle. Paris, 1862. 8° . . . 6576.1 — Histoire de Marie-Antoinette. Paris, 1858. 8°. 4642.22 — Les maitresses de Louis xv [avec] lettres et documents inedits. Paris, 1800. 2v. 8° . . 2047.21 GONGORA y Argote,L. de. [Poems] translated by E. Churton, with an essay on the times of Philip III and iv of Spain. London, 1862. P-8° 3093.14 — Poe.sias. [Quintana. Pamaso espanol, v. 3]. 3104.19 Gonsalvo, R. Relatio de martyribus protestan- tium in Hispania. [Gerdes. Scrinium antiq. • ad hist, reform, speot., V. 2] 6055.15 Gonzaga. See Luigi, or Aloysius Gonzaga, St. GoocH, D. W. Report in relation to the massacre at Fort Pillow. 5'eeWade,B.F 4321.17 GoocH,R. Someofthediseasespeculiarto women. Prefatory essay by R. Ferguson. London! 1859. 8°. [London. New Sydenham society]. *57H.2 GOODE, W. Divine rule of faith and practice; or, a defence of the doctrine that Holy Scripturi; has been the sole rule to the church. Phil- adelphia, 1842. 2v. 8° GooDELL, W. American slave code in theory and practice. New York, 1863. 12° GOODLOE, D. R. [Causes which have retarded the accumulation of wealth and increase of popu- lation in tlie southern states.] Washington 1816. pp. 27, 8° B.160.44 — bouthern platform; or, manual of southern sentiment on the subject of slavery. Boston, 1868. pp.80. 8° B.160.83, and 5673.1 — Is It e.xpedient to extend slavery into Kan- sas ? See Stringfellow, B. F B 160 55 GOODMAN, R. M. Philosophy of life. An essay. Slarietta, Georgia, 1803. 8° 5602.2 GOODRICH, Charles A. History of the United States, enlarged from the 61th ed. Boston, n. d. 8m.lG° 7039.27 3461.8 4296.22 GOODRICH 232 GOTHE 4328.7 4300.16 SUelf. Xo. Goodrich, Cliamicev A. Lessons in Latin parsing. 2d ed. Xcw Haven, 1833. 18° 4929a.24 GooDKicH, J. Z. Tile pro-slavery policy and tactics false, fraudulent, and dishonest: letters to K. Toombs. Boston, [1S50]. pp. 10. [Xo title-page.] 8° B.160.47 — Speech delivered in the peace convention in Washington, Feb., 1801. Boston, 1804. 8"'.4310a.lll Goodrich, S. G. First, second book of history. Boston, 1831,32. 2v. sni.4° 7039.23,24 — [Book of mythology, for youth.] Boston, 1832. s,,.lli= 7009.46 — Book of quadrupeds, for youth. New York, 1X32. 12' 3909.30 — Geography of the Bible. Boston, 1836. 24° . 3429.33 Goodwin, D. U. youtheru shivery in its present aspects : a reply to the bishop of Vermont. l'hihnleli>hia, 1804. 12° 3579.20 Goodwin, I. Oration, at Lancaster, Feb. 21, 1820, in commemoration of the loOth anniversaiy > of the destruction of that town by the In- dians. Worcester, 1820. 8° B.170a.27 Goodwin, T. G. Manu.il of illumination. See Bradley, J. W 2115.15 GoODWis, T. S. Natural history of secession. New York, 1804. 12° Goodwin, W. W. De potentise veterum gentium maritima; epochis apud Eusebium. [Diss, acad.] Gottingae, 1855. pp. 70. 8° . . GoOKIN, D. Account of tlie Christian Indians in New England, 1075-77. [Worcester. Ameri- can anticjuarian society. Collections, v. 2]. 2311.1 Gordon, (i. W. Ueconi: [Brief memoir, letter, etc.] Boston, 18.50. pp. 10. 8° B.100.63 Gordon, J. B. Historical and geographical me- moir of the North American continent; with account of his life, etc. Dublin, 1820. 4°.. 2310.9 Gordon, .1. W. Origin of the troubles in Kanzas, and the remedy therefor; delivered in Indi- anapolis, Sept. 29, 1850. Indianapolis, 1850. pp.50. 8° B.lOOa.14 Gordon, JI. Memoir of John Wilson, by Ids daughter. Edinburgh, 1802. 2v. p.R° . . . 2542.28 Gordon, Thomas. History of the Greek revolution, etc. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1K44. 2v. 8° . . . 4252.3 Gordon, Thomas F. Gazetteerof the Stateof New York. I'hiladelphia, 1830. 8° *2382.4 II istorv of ancient Jlexico. rhiladelpbia, 1832. •jv. '12° 4314.25 History of Tcnnsyh ania, to the declaration of independence. I'hiladelphia, 1829. 8° . . . 2372.13 Gordon, William. Rise, progress, and establish- 9 meat of the iudepeudence of the United States. :ul.\m.c'd. New Vns Nonesto von Plim- derswpllom ; FRHtnAc-htspicl : Pa(or Brey; SAt)-T09 ; Bahrdt ; Pnmlii-ln ; Lcpourto ; H«iis Sachs ; Mlfding ; KUnstlcra Erdcnwnllcn; KUnstlpri Apotlieose; EpUoff BH SohMleraGlocko; Die nphefmnlsao. X. DcrTriuinph dor Einpfindsamkeit; Oio ViVgcl,niich dom ArlstophiineB ; Dcr Gross-Cophtft; Ocr Bttrpprgpneral ; Pic Aurpor«e*«Q' XJ. Iteincko Fuchti; Hprimuin uud Dorothon; Achillcis; Pandora. XII. Loldou des junpcn Worthor; Briefe aus derSchwciz. XHI. Dna rSmiichcCnmevHl; Frnpmento Uber llftlion; CagUodlro's Stamnibaum; Die giiten Wei- bi'r; Untorhalt unpen di-utacher Auspownndorlon. XIV. Dio WahlvenvandtBchafton. XV, XVI. Benvennto Cel- lini. XVXI-XIX. Alls meiDcm Li'licn, Dicbtunp und Wahrholt. XX. Ramcnns Noffo.oin Dinlop von Diderot; Diderola Vcrsuch illn-T die Miihlerel; L'fhttr Wnlirhcit und WahrschcinUchkeit di-r Kiliistwerkc; Dcr Snmmler und dio Seinlpcn; Summarischo Jahresfolge Ouotlie- Bcber Schriftt-n. — - Same, Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1827-34. fiSv. in28. 10° *4238.1 Contents. — Vol. I. !!ueipnung^ Licder; GesellijreLieder; Ballndon; Elcpit'n; Epialoln; Epigrnninie; Woissapungen desllnkifi; Vier .Jnhres7.L'itcn; Sonctte; Cnntalen; Ver- midchtu Godichtei Aus Wilhelm Meister; Antiker Form Bich niihemd ; An Personen ; Kuust ; Pttrabolisch ; Gott, Gemuth und Welt; SprichwSrtlich; Epigrammutisch. II. Lyrisches; Lope ; Gott und Welt; Kunst; Epigram- mntisch; Pamliolisch; Aus fremden Sprachen ; Zahme Xenien; Festgedicht zuiu 18. Decbr. 1818; Inschrifteu, Deuk- und Scndebldttcr; Dramatisclics; Ucleoa, klas- sisch-roniantischo PbiuitHsmaporio ; Zahnie Xenien. III. West-Oatlicher Divan ; Noten und Abhandlunpen zu bcsaerera Veratiinduisa des West-bstlichen Divans. IV. Die Launc des Verlicbten, ein Schaferspiel ; Dio Mit- Bohuldipen, ein Lustapiel ; Die Gesch>Yister, ein Schau- spiel ; Mahomet, Trauerspiel ; Tancred, Trauerspiol ; Gi^tz von Berlicbinpen mit dor eisernen Hand, ein Schau- spi^; Egmout, fin Trauerspiel. V. Iphigcnieauf Tauris, ein Schauapiel ; Torquato Tasso, ein Scbauspiel ; Dio nutUrlichc Tochter, Trauerspiel ; Trauerspiele : Elpenor; Clovigo; Stella; Slngspiele: Claudine von Villa Bella; Erwln und Elniire. VI. Jery und Batcly; Lila; Sinp- spiele : Die Fischerin; Schcrz, List und Racbc ; Dcr ZeuberflOte zweyter Theil, Fragment ; Pnlfpophron und Keoterpe; Vorspiol 181*7; Was wir bringen, Vorspiel ; Tboatcrreden; Faust, Erster-Zweyter Tbeil. VII. Pup- penspiel: Jabmiarktsfest zu Plunderswcilem; Das Ni-iu«8te von Plunderawetlem ; Fastnachtspiel: Pater Brey; Satyroa; Balirdt ; Parabeln ; Legende ; Hans Sachs; Micding ; Kiiostlers Erdenwallen ; Kuustlers Apotheoso; Epilog zu Schiller's Glooko; Die Gebeim- Dtsse; Maskenziigc; Carlsbader Gedichte ; Des Epi- menides Erwachcn ; Der Triumph der Empflndsamkeit, eine dram. Grille; Die Vogcl, nach dem Awstophanes; Dcr GroBB-Cophta, Lustspiel ; Der Biirgergeneral, Lust- apiel. VHI. Die Aufgere^en; Die Ausgewanderten; Die puten Weiber; Novelle; Leiden des jnngen Wer- thcrs ; Briefe aus der Schwoiz. IX. Die Wahlverwandt- schaften, ein Roman. IX, X. Wilhelm Meisters Lehr- jahrc. XI, XII. Wilbelm Meisters Wanderjabre, oder die Enlsagenden. XII, XIII. Ausmeiuem Leben, Dich- tung und Wahrheit. XIV. Italiiinische Reise. XV. Zwcyter Romiscber Aufenthalt, 1787, 88; Campagno in Frankreich, 1792. XVI. Tap- und Jabres-Hefte als Er- gaozunp meiner sonstipen Bekenntnisse, von 1749 bis 162:i; Zum Andeuken der Durchlaucbtigslen Herzopin Anna Aiuulia ; Zum Andenken des edlen Dichtera, Bru- dera.undFreundea Wieland. XVII. Kecensioneu indie Frankfurter pelehrten Anzeipen ; Recensionen in die Jenaische allpemeine Literaturzeitung ; Prometbeus, dramatisches Fragment, 1773; Gutter, Helden, und Wie- land, 1774. XVII, XVIII. Benvenuto Cellini, u. Anhang. XVIII. Rnmeau's Neffe, ein Dialog von Diderot ; Anmer- kungcn, die Charaktere der Personen und Eipenhelten der damaligen Zusiiinde aufkliirend ; Diderot's Versuch tiberMablereymit Noten desUebersetzers. XIX. Winck- elmann; Hackert; Einleitnnp in die Propylaen; Ueber Laokonn; Der.Sammlemnd die Seinigen; Ueber Wahr- heit und Wahrscheinlichkeit; Ueber Italien, Frapmeote ; Ai-ltere Gemahlde, Venedip, 1791 ; Don Ciccio ; Neueate Itiilliinlsche Literatur. XX. Philostrats Gemablde ; Abendmahl von Leonardo da Vinci; Triumphzup von Mantcpna; Knpferslich nach Tizian; Tischbcins Idyl- len; Handzeichnuopen von Goethe; Skfzzen zu Casti'a redenden Thleren ; Blamcn-Mahlcrcy; Gcrarda histo- rischo Portraits ; Ruisdael als Dichter ; Altdeutache Gemahlde in Lvipzig ; Bildhauerey ; Myrons Kub, Blilchcrs Denkinal, Exterat<;ine; Mtinzen, Medaillen, gresohnltiene St^ine ; Vorhlldcr f(ir Fabricanten und Handwerker; AUdeuts«he Bauknnat ; Reineke Fucba: Harmann und Dorothea; Achitlels; Pandora. XXI. 30 Shelf. Mo. GoTHE, J. W. v., continued. Fauat: DcrTrftg5dic zwcyter Theil in funf Acten (vol- lendet im Soranior 1S31) ; Geschlchto Gottfticdens von Bcrllchingpu mit der eisemen Hand, dramafislrt; Gfttz von Berllcliingon mit dor eiaemcn Hand, Scbauspiel in fiiiif AuCEiJpon. XXII. Schweizcrrciso im Jahre 1797; Reiso am Rhcin und Main in don .Tahrcn 1814 nod 1815; Kunat. XXIII. TheatcrunddeutschcLitcratur. XXIV. Auaworlipo Litoratui* und Volkapoeaio; Jugendpedichto ; Lieder fur Liobonde; Chinesisch-Dcutscbe Jubres-und Tuges-Zciten; V*^rmi8ch to Gedichte ; Original und Nach- btldung; Festgodichfe; Gedichte zu Bildem; Zuscbiif- ten und Erinnorungs-Bliitter; Politica; Zahme Xenien; Der neuo Alcinous. XXV. Aus meinom Leben, Diehtung und Wahrheit, vierter Thcil ; Einzelnheiten, Maximcn und Uvilexioncn. XXVI. Zur Naturwissenscbaft im Allgcmcinon ; Mincralopio, Geologic, Meteorolopie. XXVII, XXVIII. Zur Farb.MiIohro; Gcachichto dor Far- bcnlehro. XXVIII. Nachtriige zur Farbonlchre, PHan- zenlehre; Oateologie. — Poetische und prosaische Werke in zwei Biinden. [Herausg. vou Kiemer und Kck- ermann.] Vol. 1. Stuttgart und TUbingen, 18:i6. 1.8° *4221.1 Ctnitents. — Vol. I. Zueignunp ; Lieder ; Gesellipo Lie- der ; Loge ; Balladen ; Cantaten ; Oden ; Vennischte Ge- dichte ; Sonette; Epigranimatiseh ; Paraboliach; Kunst; Gedichte zu Bildc-i-n; Gott, Gomiith, und Welt; Sprich- wi^rtlich; Zahme Xenien; Invectiven ; Politica; Religion und Kirche; Maskenzugo; Im Namon der Biirperschaft von Carlsbad; Gedichte an Personen, Festpedichte, Zu- schriften, und Erinnerungablatter; Chinesiacb-deutscho Jahres- und Tnges-Zoiten ; Antiker Fonn sich naliemd ; Epiprammo; Weiasapungen des Bakis; Vier Jahreszci- ten ; Epistelu ; Elegien ; Hennann und Dorothea ; Achil- liis; Reineke Fuchs; West-iistlicher Divan; Ethisches; Ueber Natunvisaenschaft im Allpomeinen; Die Laune dea Verliebten, ein Schiiferspiel ; Die Mitschuldigen, ein Lustspiel ; Satyvoa, oder der vergotterte Waldteufel, Drama ; Ein Fastnaeht spiel vom Pater Brey ; Bans- wursts Hochzeit ; Prolog zu den neualen Offenbarungen Gottea, verdcutscht durch Carl Friedrich Bahrdt ; GOtter, Helden, und Wieland; .Tahrroarktafest' zu Plundereweil- ern, Schijnbartspiel ; Da sNeueste von Plundersweilern ; Prometheua, Dramatisches Fragment ; Faust, Tragodie ; Kiinstlers Erdcwallen, Drama; Kiinstlers ApotheosSf Drama; Nau^kaa, ein Trauerspiel; Fragmonte einer Traptjdie; Elpenor, ein Trauerspiel, Frapment ; Iphi- penie anf Tauris, Schanspiel ; Torquato Tasso, Scbau- spiel; Die naturlicbe Tochter, Trauerspiel; Die natUtw licho Tochter, Schema der Fortaetzung; Gotz von Ber- lichingcn mit der eisemen Hand, Schanspiel ; Egmont, Trauerspiel; Clavipo, Trauerspiel; Stella, Trauerspiel; Die Geschwister, Scbauspiel ; Die Wette, Lustspiel ; Der Gross-Copbta, Lustspiel; Der Biirgergeneral, Lustspiel; Die Aufgerepten, politisches Drama; Der Triumph der Empfindsamkeit, eine dramatische Grille; Dio VOgel, nach dera Aristophanes; Erwin und Elmiro, ein Sing- spiel.; Claudine von Villa Bella, ein Singspiel; Jery und Biitoly, ein Sinpapiel; Lila; Die Fischerin, Singspiel; * Scherz, List und Rache, ein Singspiel; Die nngleichen Hausgenossen, Singspiel; DerZauberflOte, zweiterTheil, Frogracnt; PalaeophronnndNcoterpe; Was wir bringen; Vorspiel zu Erbffnunp des Wcimnrisclien Theaters, 1807 ; Pandora, ein Festspiol ; Des Epinienides Erxvachen ; Tbcalerreden; Kleioe Schriften, bezilglich auf Theater and dramatische Poesie; Literatur. — Sammtliche Werke in dreissig Banden. Sup- plement Band. Elberfeld, 1852. 8° . . . . 4248.2 Content*. — I'cber Goethe's politische Anaichtund aeiot Stcllung zu den Bewepungen dcr Zeit; Reise der Sohnt Mcgaprazon's ; Unterbaltungen deutscher Auspewan- derten ; Das epische Gedicht " die Japd " und die " No- velte;" Goethe's "Lotte " und "die Leiden dea jimgen Wcither's." Nebst einer Uebersicht der Werther-Lite- ratur; Prometheus, Deukalion, und seine Rezensonten; Menscbcn, Thiere, und Goethe ; Patus und Arria ; Lotto bei Werther's Grab; Wilhelm Meister's Lehrjahre; Wil- helm Meister's Wanderjahre; Goethe's Gutachton uber Oken'a "Isis." — CEuvres. Traduction nouvelle, par J. Porchat. Tome 1, 8, 9, 10. Paris, ISai-HJ3. 4v. 8° , . 2872. 1 Cnnteiit8.~Vo\.\. Poeaiea diverscs; Penaees; Divan orientnl-occidenfal^^avec le commentaire. VIII. Me- muirea. IX. Voyages en Suisse et en Italio. X. Me- lanpes : Campagne de France ; Siepe de Mnyence (1703) ; Laffito de Saint Rochs Biiigeu (1814) ; Annates on notoa pour servir de complement a mes confessions de 1749 4 1822; bis 1832. Herausgcgeben von F. W. Kiemer. Berlin, 18.33, 34. Iiv. p.S° ..... 4237.10 Gothic architecture. Introduction to tlie study of. Parker, J. 11 4099.28 GoTiiii' language. Diel'enbach, L. Wiirterbucli der golbisclienSprache 4114.7 Miiilinger, H. Wiirterbuch der gothisch-teu- tonischen Mundarten 4113.8 — .Stamni, F. L. Granimatik der gothischen Spraehc 2886.11 — Zahn, .1 . C. Gothische SprachUborreste in Nc- apel und Arezzo 2885.17 GoTiii..\s\', f'lnml of. Sur le canal de Gothic. See Voyage pittoresfiiie dc Stockhohii. etc. . . . 2865.30 Goths. Bessell, W. Die Bckehrung der (iothen zum Christenthum 2815.12 Grotiua, II. Hlstorltt (iolthonim 482»u.3 Jornundes. De Gothorum origine el rebus gestls 2829.0 Pius II. llisloria (jotlioruin 4217.4 UTTKs<"ll.\l.t:, (If/icon und ctinon of LUge. tiesta S. Laniberll pontiliclset nntrtyrls. [t'hapeuu. villc'. (iesta pontif. Tungren^ium, v. IJ . . 2813.5 GoTTr,MVKnKlIltt'NliUanlro|)M, by J. U. Llipmln-lJu|ioiit4«. Shelf. No- Gottfried, or Gothofrcdus, D. Corpus omnium veterum poetarum Latinorum. Geneva-, 1608. 1.8° *B. 191.9 Jfate. — Manuscript title. Contents. — Livius AiidronicuB ; Q. EnniuB ; M. A. Plnutus ; C. Nserius; M. Pacuvius ; StntiuB Civcllins; L. Accius; P. Tortntius Afer; C. Luciliue; S. Turpiluis; Cd. Matins; L. Afranius; Q. Trabeas; C. L. Imbrex ; Q. Novius; T. Lucretius Corus; L. Pomponius Bononiensia; D. Laberius; Q. Catulus; Q. Atta; Publius SjTUs; L. Purcius; Valerius jEdituua; C. V. Catullus; C. L. Cal- vus; C. H. Cinna; M. F. Bibaculus; P. T. Vurro Ataci-% nus ; C. Ticida ; F. Antias ; L. Tullius ; P. Virgilius Waro ; Q. Horatius FInccus ; T. Vnlgius ; A. Tibullus ; C. C. Cal- lus; S. A. Prupcrtius; L. Varius; P. Ovidius Naso; D. Marsus ; C. Gerniauicus Augustus ; C. Bnssus ; A. Macer; L.A. Seneca; C. A. Callus; A.Persius Flaccns; C.Scvc- rus ; M. A. Lucanus ; C. Getulicus ; C. Pcdo Albiuovmiue ; P. Statius Papiuius ; Silins Italicus ; C. Valerius FlaccUB Setinus fialbus; D. J. Juvcnalis; M. V. Martialis; A. Seronus; K. F. Avionus; Alpbius Avitus; Alclnius .\ Vi- tus; Septimius Afer; Calpbumius Siculus; M. A. O. Kemesianus; C. Clandianus; D. Ausonius; DaniasUB; Juvencus; A. Prudentina Clemens: P. Pnulinns; V. H. Furtunatus; C. S. SidoniuB Apollinaris ; Muurus Tcren- tianus. GoTTiNOEN. Georg-Augusts-TJniversitiit. Gesner, J. M. De academia Georgia Augusta brevis narratio 2820.20 — - - Biographia academica (iottingensis . . 4237.17 — - rUtter, J. S. Gelehrten-Geschichte von der Georg-Augustus-UuiversitJit zu Gottingen . 2843.10 — - and Konigliche Gesellscliaft der "Wissen- schaften. Nachrichten. Giittingen, 1801-63. 3v. 12° 4819.1 — Kiinigliche GescUschaft der Wissenschaften. Abliandlungen. Band 1-9. Giittingen, 1843- 61. 4° •3304.2 — - Gelehrte Anzeigen, 1753-1863. Giittingen, 175.3-1863. 215v. sm.8° GOTTINCISCHES historisclies Magazin. Meiners, C. GOTTLlNG, C. W. Gescliiclite der roniisclien Staatsverfassung von Ertnxuung der Stadt bis zu C. Ciisar's Tod. Halle, IMO. f° GOTTSCllAl.CK, F. Taschenbuch tiir Keisende in den Harz. Karte von 1. H. Fritsch. SteAufl. Magdeburg, 1823. 16° GoTT.Sf'iiAi,i., 1{. Carlo Zeno. Eine Dichtung. Breslau, IS.M. 16° 4219u.ll — Gedichte. Hnmburg, 1849. 16° • 4257.11 GoTTS€iiEii,,I.C: [Ueylriigezurcritischen Historie der lieulschen Spracbe. Poesie und Bered- suinkeit.] Leipzig, 17:t2-44. 8v. .s" . . . . 4899.3 — Geschichleder deulsclien dranialischen Dicht- kunst, Oder A^erzeichniss aller deutsehen Trauer- Lust- und .Siug-Spiele von 1450 bis 1760. Leipzig, 1757-66. 2v.ini. sni.8° . . . •*2176.7 Gottwkk:, archiiitlcediwi of Auiitria. Chronicon Gotwicense. Bessel, G. v 6070.1 GOTZ, .LP. De vera pielatcjuriilica. [Diss.ncad.] Halic Mugdeburgicas 1710. pp.72. 4°. . .•4304.22 GbTziNGi':n, M. W. Dichtersaal. Auserleseno dcuteche Gedichte. 2teAuB. Leipzig, 1840. 8°. 2879.1 f7o»i«ii/B. — CbrlBtlnn FUrcliteKott Gcllcrt ; Mafmut Gottfried I.lclitwer; (Juttlleb Kiuirnd Pfelfel j Oottfrled AuRUst IlUrRcr; Frle V. SehenUendorf; II. P. Schmidt von Lllbeck; .1. O. Heidi ; E. v. llouwald; Willi. Waekernagel. •3219.2 4167.3 4304.6 2834.29 GOUBE 235 GUAIJK Sboir. No. GouBE, .1. J. C. Histoire du ducli^ de Normandie; avoc cartes et gravuros. Kouen, 1815. ;iv. s". 4r>r>4.12 GouDEi.lN, or (JoudiMili, I*. Las obros. Angrnion- tadosdek'dictiuniinri sur lalen^o moundino. Tuulouso, inc.. sw.VZ° *41MJa.9 GouGKNOT des Sloiisscaux. La magie au dix- neiivii'iue sii-cU'. Paris, 1S(>0. «" 5008.3 GOUOH, J. It. speech at the Tremont temple, Sept. 17, 18()0. See Massachusetts teniperauce society 357fi.l3 Gouon, II, Britannia, enlarged. 5ee Camden, W, 4:i30.1 GoUJET, C. p. Bibliuth6<|Ue fran^oise, ou hlstoire de la litterature Iran^oise. Taris, 1740-5ti. 18v. '^4" **4ti70.19 GouM), AltK'rt P. Spt*ech delivered in the house of representatives of Maine, March and 7, l8(->». Augusta, iSivj. S° 4310a. 104 GOULI), vVu«ru8tus A. Address in commemoration of I'rof. J. W. Bailey, Aug. 19, 1857. Boston, 1857. [No title-page.] 8" 3872.4 — Annual discourse before the Massachusetts medical society, at SpringBeld, June 27, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8' 5790.22 — On the cicindela; of Massachusetts. Boston, 18.34. [No title-page.] pp. 15. S". [From the Boston journal of natural history, v. 1, p. 1, pp. 41-55] 3872.4 — Climatology of consumption. Boston, 1803, [No title-pijge.] pp.6. 8^. [lioston society for medical improvement, Aug., 1803] . , , 3872.4 — Descriptions and notices of some of the land shells of Cuba. [No title-page.] pp. 12. 8". 3872.4 — Descriptions of shells from the coast of Africa. Philadelphia, 1845. [No title-page.] pp. 3. 2 plates. 8°. [From the Boston journal of natural history] 3872.4 — Descriptions of shells from the Gulf of Cal- ifornia and the Pacitic coasts of Mexico and California. [No title-page.] pp. .35. 3 plates. S" 3872.4 — Descriptions of shells from the province of Ta- voy, in British Burmah. Boston, 1844. [No title-page.] pp. 8. 8". [From the Boston journal of natural history for Jan., 1844] . . 3872.4 — Memoir of Dr. Amos Binney. Boston, 1850. pp. 21. &" 4347.15 — Monograph of the species of the genus pupa found in the United States. Boston, 1843. [No title-page.] pp.18. 2 plates. 8". [From the Boston journal of natural history, v. 3, 4], 3872.4 — Notice of some works, recently published, on the nomenclature of zoology. New Llaven, 1842. [No title-page.] pp. 12. 8". [From Silli- man's American journal of science, v. 45] . 3872.4 — Notice of the origin, progress, and present con- dition of the Boston society of natural history. Boston, 1842. [No title-page.] pp. 8. H" . 3872.4 — Results of an examination of the shells of Mas- eachusetts, and their geographical distribu- tion. Boston, 1841. [No title-page.] pp.13. y. [From the Boston journal of natural his- tory, v. 3, pp. 483-494] 3872.4 — Some of the circumstances which determine the food of man. Boston, n.d. [No title-page.] pp. 8. 8°. [From the Boston journal of nat- ural history, v. 1, pp. 48t>-494] 3872.4 Gould, B.A. Reply to the " Statement of the trus- tees" of the Dudley observatory. Albany, 1859. ii" 4358.1 — Specimens of the garbling" of letters by the majority of the trustees of the Dudley ob-* servatory. Albany, lf<58. pp. 19. 8" . . . 4358.3 Gould, John fc. llarmonia sacra. .S'ee White, E. L. 8047.19 — Modern harp. .SVe White, E. L 8047.14 — Opera chorus book. 5t-c ^Vliite, E. L 8041.48 — Sabbath school lute. .See Wliite, E. L 8040.41 — Sacred chorus book. See White, E. L 8041.45 Gould, John S. Report on food and diet suited for almshouses, prisons, and hospitals. New York, 1852. pp.99. 8* 0087.110 Rltcir. No. Gould, M. T. C. Stenographic reporter. Vol. 2. . [Trial of Alexander McLend, for the murder of Autos Durlee. (irc-nil court, 5th district, New York.] Washiiiglon, isll. 8° . . . . 4312.10 Gould, N. D. Social harmony, a compilation of airs, duetts, and trios. Boston, I8^'3. 4°, , 8043.1 Gould family. Genealogical memoirs of the. Sec Vinton, J. A 4.132.3 Goulianof, J. A. de. Archeologie (f-gyptienne. Leipsic, lS.t9. .3v. 8° 3030,11 GOUPIL, R., Notice sur. .Ser Jogues, 1 4312.4 GoURCY, C, Conine de. Voyage agricole en France, Allemagne, Boheme, Belgiijue. Paris, 1801. 8" .3992,10 GOURGAUD, G, Napoleon et la grande armee en Russie, ou examen critique de I'ouvrage de M. le comte Pli. de Segur. Paris, 1825. 8° . 2042.0 GouRLlEii, P. C. Materiaux de construction et de decoration. [France. Commission sur I'in- dustrie des nations, V. 7] 4029.20 Gout. Cadogan, W. Abhandlung von der Gicht . 3799. 19 — Garrod,A. B, Nature and treatment of . . . 3800,7 GovEKNMKNT, Lewis, G. C. Dialogue on the best form of 5508.10 — Real de Curban, G. de. La science du gouv- ernement 5501.12 — Richter, M. A. On self-government . . . .B. 100b. 15 — Walker, J. M. Tract on 55(H.3 — Young, J. Essay on 3508.-18 Gow, D. Civil war in America: a lecture, Nov, 24, 1802. Manchester, 1802, 18° 4323.50 GOWER, J. Contessio amantis. Edited and colla- ted with the best manuscripts by Dr. R. Pauli. London, 1857. 3v. 8° 2005.4 GOYER, P. de. I/ambassade, ou I'empereur de la Chine, ou grand cam de Tartaric. See Nieu- hoif, J 3040.0 GozBEitT. De miraculis S. Galli. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., V. 2] 4210.2 GozzE, G. de. De inscriptione columns rostratic * in foro Romano. Ex Italico J.atini; vertit A. Preigerus. [Grsevius. Tires, antiq. ItaI.,T. 9, p. 8] 4710.1 Gozzi, G. Lettere di vario argomento, [Alb&ri. Tesoro della prosa italiana] 2771.20 Grabe, — . Bedeutung des ersten Kampfes von Panzerschilfen. Berlin, 1802. pp.73. 8". . 3954.21 Grabe, J. E. Spicilegium ss. patrum, ut et hiereti- corum, seculi post Christum natum i, ii. Ed. 2a. Oxoniffi, 1700. 2v. in 1. 8" *0029 3 Contents. — Epistola Abpari ad Jesum; Reaponiin- riw literal Jo.hm ad Alipnrum et historia in archi%-is Edossenia ; Dicta aliqtia Jesu Christi, qiitc in IV evangcliis non extant ; Frogmenta evangeln secundum HcbrcEOS; Fraymenta evangelii Becunduin yEpyptiux; Fragmentura do apostulorum actis; Fragmeuta consti- tutioDum apostolicarum ; Fragmenta prtedicatioiiis Pe- tri, apocalypseos Petri, actuum Petri; Acta Pauli et Theclas; Testamentum Xll patriarcbarum; Fragments eptHt. II Clementis ad Corinthioa; Fragmenlum Gr£ei*i ' tcxtuB recognitionum Ps€udo-Cle mentis ; Fragraenta Bermoimm I'sfudo-Clcniontis ; Dictum S. Bamabx ; Fragmentum (ineci textna Postoria llcrmie ; Fragmenta librorum Himonis Magi ; Pauca addita de retiquorum BPO. I haireticorura libris; Martyrium S. Ignatii; Frag- menta epistoltcS. Ignatii ad Antioclienoa; Aliudinsigiie 8. Ignatii dictum; Fragmenta librorum Papiar do expo- sitionc oraculorum dominicorum; Fragmenta commcn- tnriurura Basilidia in EvangcHum; Fragmenta episto- larum, boiiiiliarum, etc. V'alentini; Fragmenta Epipb- anls de justitia; Fragmenta Isldori bteretici; Ptoleniffi bieretiei epixtola ad Floram; Fragmenta conimunlaril Heracleonis in S. Lucte evongelium et in S. Joannia evangelium ; Fragmenta traditionum MatlhiK ; (Juadrati apologise frag.; Monitum de Aristidis apulugia; Ex- cerpta ex Agrippee Caatoris tractatu contra Baiiilidem; Aristonis Pelltci dispututiunis Jasoiiis et Papisci frag.; Fragmenta S. Juatini Martyris: Contra Graicoa oratio- num, Apologife aecund^c, Dialogi cum Trj'pliooe, Libri contra MarcJonem, Libri de resurrectione carnis, Coni- mcntarii in Hexaemeroii, de Triuitate, etc.; Hcgcaippi commontariorum frag. ; Dionysii Corlntbii ad Romanoa epittolnc frag. ; Theopliill Anliocheni commentariorum in evaiigelia frag. ; CoDimentarii in Canticum frag. GRABKRG 236 GE-EVIUS Shelf. Ko. GrJibekg af Hemso, J. Sur les Boh^miens et leur premiere apparition en Europe. Turin, [1!S1.3]. pp. i;4. [Xo title-page.] 4° . . . .2823.18 — Sagpo istorico su gli scaldi o antichi poeti scandinavi. Pisa, ISll. 8° 2825.11 Gracchi. Die Gracchen und ihre Zeit. Lau, T. . 4199.11 Grace, S. Memoirs of the family of Grace. Lon- don, 1822, 23. 2t. r »2521.17 Contents.^ i22 portraits, 105 topopraphical subjects, 46 autographs, 89 coats of arms, 7 pages of music, etc. Ghace, T. F. de. Le bon jardinier. Alraanach pour Pan deuxieme de la r(5publique frainjaise. Nouv, ed. Paris, 17&4. 18° 4008.31 Grace, W. The army surgeon's manual. New York, 1864, 12° 3759.28 GRADelehn, J. Hungarische, sibenbiirgische, moldau - wallach - turck - tartar - persian - und venetianische Chronica. Franckfurt, 1605. 40 *4218.3 GRADTJS ad Farnassum. See Aler, P. GEiEC.E grammaticiB rudimenta. In nsum regije schola; Etonensis. Ed. nova. York, 1809. 12" 49S9.16 — - Same. Ed. nova, iterum recognita [k T. Wemyss]. York, 1811. 12" 4989.17 jfote. — The Eton Greek grammar is based upon Cam- den's Westminster Greek grammar. Grsc.e sententire : adduntur aurea carmina Fytha- gorEe; cum epitapbio Adonidis. Ed. dccima. Londini, 1793. \2° 4988.9 Ga£FE, A. von. Three memoirs on iridectomy. Transl. by T. Windsor. See London. New Sydenliam society. Selected monographs . 5714.5 Gr.«:>ie, J. Elegies and miscellaneous poems, with his life. [Anderson. Foets of Great Britain, v.ll] 4604.1 Graesse, J. G. T. See Grassc, J. G. T. Graetz, H, Geschichte der .Tuden von den iiltesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. Vol. 3-fi, 8. * Leipzig, 1853-04. 5v. b°. [Institiit zUr Ford- erung der israclitischen Litcratur] ...... 2297.10 GR.«VIUS, or Gra?fe, J. G. Epistolae. [Burmann. Sylioge epistolarum, v. 4] 4221.6 — Thesauri antiquitatum Romanarum supplemen- tum. S^eePoleni, G 2970.7 — and Burmann, P. Thesavrvs antiqvitatvm et historiarvm Italia?, Sicilian, aliarvmqve terra- rvm insvlarvmrive adjacentivm. Lvgdvni Ba- tavorvm, 17ai-^. 45v. in 31. f* *4710.1 <7(mt*n(«. — Torn© I, p. 1. Perizonius, J. l'rn?r«tio in tres toroonpHorcB; Bnrrlus, G. Do laiuiibus Italia' ; Ca- ■eUa, P. L. Dc primis ItnllB; colonli ; BrncoIIiuii, J. Orro UguBtic4B dcBcriplio; Do clarls Gt-nuonslbun; Morula, G. De Gallorum Cisaljiinorum Hnlii[uitato ac orlgino; CaftiniououH, B. De Gallorum liwubrum ftntiqui» «edl- bus; FoHota, U. Hi«torl«3 Genucimium llbri Xll. T. 1, p. 2. Follota, V. Claronim Llgurum ehigla; Conjurnllo Jbaniil* Ludovlcl FUocl ; Tunniltuji Ni>opoUtanl ; Cudes Pl-trl Ludovlcl Fameiil, PlaconUn- durl»; De nacro fcpfb;ro InSellmum; DeoxpoditlonclnTrlpoUm ; Dccxpeditione pro Orano tt In Piirnonum; Dm altera cxpedltlone In Plirnonum ; De expudlti ; Dc causnU mag- nltudlnli Tiircanim Imperil! Tlburlluum; Ilrumanun, ■Ivo de lainllbu» urbU NeapoHs! De nonniiUI*, In quibua Plato ab ArUtotoIereprebcndltur; De normaal'olyblana; . Orntio In fe»to die omnium Mnetorum ; HracellluB, .1. Do bcllo quod InlT llnpanon <•! Ocnnnntea »ecnlo «iio full IfCBlom; Bonfadhi*. J. Annalium GenuonBlum. nb nnuo MDXXVllI u»qii" ad annom win. Ubrl V ; Marlnl". H. do. G«nuB, slve dnmllill, ffubrrnnllonU, ]iotcntla', dlfTullatlil Berenl«ilm» rnlpubllcie (tenum"!* rdinponillaria do- Mripllo ; Hlroni*. P. Do imlvrrto relpuhl, tienuonila Matu et admlnUlratlone; Kolpubltrw <)enm duodecim vicecomitum, Midiolanl prioeipum; Cnstilionttus, J. A. Mediolanenses antiqui- tates; Saccus, B. Historic Ticinensis libri X ; Zancbius, J. C. De Orobiopum, sive Cenomanorum origine et situ, ac Bergomi rebus antiquis ; Villanova, J, B. Laudls Pompejfe, sive Laudie (uunc Lodi)urbisbistor{a. T. Ill, p. 2. Morena, O. et A. Historia rerum Laudensium, tem- pore Federici .^nobarbi Ca'saris, cum notis FclicisOsii; pQteanus, E. Historian Cisalpina' libri duo; Dukcr, A. Comi urbis historia et descriptio; Ghilinua, C. Telinw Vsllis ac Larii Lacus particularis descriptio; Jovius, P. Larii Lacus, hodie Comensis, descriptio; Cnpella, G. De bello Mussiano liber adopti>'us; Cavitellius, L. Cremo- nenses annales ad annum MDLXXXlll ; Locatus, U. De Plftcentina; urbis origine, successu, et laudibus. T. IV, p. 1. Joannes de Cemicnate. De situ, oripnne, et cultori- bus Ambrosiana" urbis, ac doMedlolanensium gestis sub imperio Henrici vii abnnno sicccvil ad annum Mcrcxm ; ArnulfUs, D. Gesta quorundam Italiii! regum, ab anno DCCCCXXV usque ad MLXXVi ; Puricellius, J. P. Ambro- Bfantc Mcdiolani basilicfe ac monastcrii, hodie Cistersi- ensis, monumentorum singularis descriptio. T. IV, p. 2. Murnlorius, L, A. De corona ferrea, qua Komanorum imperatores in Insubribus corouari solcnt; Pontaninus, J. Dissertatio de corona ferrea Langobardorum ; Jo- vius, B. Historiai Novocomensis libri duo; Bubeus, O. Monumenta Brixiana ; Gattus, A. Historia gyninasil Ticinensis, nee non do ejus urbis antiqua nobilitate ; Sac- chius, or Platina, B, Historia inclytae urbis Mantuie et serenissimw familia; Gonzagtc. T. V, p. 1. Justiuianus, B. De origine urbis Venetiarum rebusquu gestis n Vone- tis libri XV, adjcctis tribus libris de Mnrci evangelist™ vita, etc.; Jannotius, D. Dialogus do rcpwblica Vene- torum; Contarenus, G, De mngi.slrafibus ct republiea Venetorum libri V ; Bonifncius. B. De majoribus comltlis et judiciiscapilalibusVenctorum; Crassus, N.,sMiior. Da forma reipublicnsVeuetic per omnem ejus a:tatem ; Blon- dU8, F. Dc origine et gestis Venetorum ; Bembus, P. His- toria; Venela; libri XII ; Sabellicus, M. A. C. De situ urbis Vene top, mtigistrBtibu8,etoIfieioprrot oris ntciuescribarum ingeniosa descriptio. T. V, p. 2, 8. Splendor urbis Vene- tiarum clarissimus, figuris olegantissimis et accurata descriptione emicnua, opus collectum ex scriptoribua opiimis. T. V, p. 4. Stella, A. Eloglorum Venetorum navali pugna illuslrium; Crnssus, N., Junior. Elogls patritionim Venetorum belli pacisqueartibusilluBtrium; Tacius, B. Do bello Veneto Clodiano; Villa, A. do. Pyc- tomacbla Vencta.seu pugna Venetorum in ponte annua; Laurentius, J. De dosponsaiiono maris Adriaticli Vala- crlus, J. Spectacula Vencta, epigrammatibus aliquot colebrata; Moceulcus, A, Belli meniurabilis Camora- censis ndversus Venetos blslorin; libri sex; Arlunus, B. De bello Vencio [cum Mediolanensibus] libri sex. T. VI, p. 1. Uolandinus Patavinus. McmorlaliB tcmporum de faclis in Marcbia et propo ad Mnrcbiam Tarvisinam; Monachus I'aduauuB. Chronicorum llbri trea, do rebut In Insubribus ct Fuganeis; Muuriciua, G. Dominorum de Romano ot marcbia; Tarx-Ulnai historia; Godua, A. Chronica dominorum Komanorum «t marcbia: TarvIslniD ab anno MCXciv unque ad Mcri,X ; Sniercgus, N. Chron- Icon; Kicclardl Sanctl BonifacH comllis vita, auctore Inccrto ; Monads, L. de. Enerlnuit tcrtUin ; Corlu»luB, O. ct A. HiMlorla de novitatlbuH Paduai ct Lombardlir, ab anno MCCLVI usque ad Mccci.xiv ; Hupplcmentum n^ Corluiilonim hlnlorlam. T. VI, p. 2. Munwatus, A. HU- torla; Augustm de gcsils lU-nrlci vir Ca'sarU Ubrl XVli De gentls Italicorum pont Henrlcum vii libri Xll ; Ludo- vIcuA BavaruM ad flllum; Tragtvdlic duni, EccerlnU et Acbillcis; Kpistidie; Flegl; Soliloqula ; Kclopae. T. VI, p. 3. VergeriuK, P. P. Do Carrarienniiim famllla ot do tlluMtrlum pJuR princlpum rebus mngniflce gcsttN; Scar- deouius, B. IlUtoriro do urbla Patavll antlqultatc et clarii clvlbua PatAvInIa ; Pignorlus, L. Orlglnes Patavlnm ; Antenor; Kpistola Bup<'r auliquUslnuun plcturani, qun Roma; vUllur, de ritu nuittiaruni ; Touininitlnua, J. F. Vita, blbllolhecB, et musicnni Luurcntll Plg- noril ; FonrariuR, O. Ornllo de lau[(uo ad finniim cCd.U, llbri \l ; De oppugnatlono Oradincaua; /amarolus, U. Antiquitatum clvKalls Fori JuH! Ubrl iV; t'liiididus, J. Comtnunturiorum Aqul- Icjenaluni Ubrl ucto ; Turre, P. A. Dli>Ner(allonot de Beleno, ct uIIIm qulbusdam AqulleJeiiRlnm dlli, ae de colonia Forojullcniil ; Goyua-ns, .1. H. De altu iBlriio llbolluo; Sabellicus, MA. De vetuiiato Aqullejaicl Fori Jullii VlcontlnUB Crater, oaniicn In quo oontlnotur bro- GRJEVirS 237 GRiEVIUS 6 heir. No. Gr-EVIus, or Griefe, J. G., contimied. tU urWs iipriquo Vicentini dvscriptio; Pincius, P. De Timnvo tliivio, pro vi'tustoruin ophiiono; RapUius, J. Bftliieoruin, quii-Hd Tiuiav) onHn sunt, dcscriptlrt; Vnlo- rianua Bnlmnii. J. P. Antiqiiitntum BftllHiiensium •cr- Diotirs quntiiur ; Viltn.A.di*, I'ortiia et urbis Polm nntl- qullnuim, ut ct thyuiiurum ]ilscntioiil8 dcscrlptto curioM. T. VII.p, 1. I»ulclnu8, B. Dc Biinoniaj vnrio statu ad annum MDCXXV ; Agocchun, J. B. l^IIld«tl(l ct dominU un) nntiquum urhh Bononin*, ex Ilnlico Lnlinu vortit Bcmnrdiniia Morotttis; QunpneruH, G. Dcscriptio Bono- nia-nnllqunjpt hoillemn; ; Ciimldus, C.G.B. De Ferrarlil ct Atestlnti) principibus commcntariolum: Sclirndorus, L. L'rbls Ferraria' deenrtptio I't nionumenta; Urbis Ra- venna* d<.>scriptio tft ADtiqultntes; Capnacinus, A. Frag- nifDtum hlstoHcum antiquiiatis nobUIssima- urbis I'or- rarift', Latln^ vortit B. Morcttus; Aueelerius, H. Do antiqultntf urbiB AlestiniR; Sprctus, D. Deurbis Ravcn- nir aniplltudino, vustutiono, et inatnurntione; 8chrado- riis, L. Descriptio ot antiqultates Kavunnw ; liubcus, H. Italicarumct ItnviMUiatum historiaruni libr! XI. T. VII, p. 2. Ca\-inn, P. M. Favontia rediviva; Clnrnmontius, 8. CfFsenn; urbis hlstorinrum nd annum M!>c\L librt SQxdecim ; Villanius, J. Ariminensis Rubicon in Ca-se- nam Scipionis Clnramonlii ; De Rubicons antique Ari- mincnsi in Piscintellum Cicsenw rt'sponsn; Vincenlius. Do Rubicoue antiquo ndversus Arimtnenses scriptores; NaudtcuH, G. Excrcitatio in qua argumcnto valde pro- babili as9orit,quod nomenSeno^ non CfPBenn?,8C'd Sene- ga Mi a? con veui at ; LicetUB, F. Pro urbis Cajsenre antiqui- tate apologia; Clarnniontius, S. Contentio apologetioa de Ca?scna triumphnnte, ndversus Fortunii Licoti oppo- aitionfs; Antoninus, P. Descriptio antiquisnims urbia L'mbrorum veterum, Sassina olim, nunc Sareina dictse, Latinilate donnvit S. Uavfrcampus ; Garufiius, J. M. Lucema Japidaria, quao tilulos, monimonta, epitaphia, etc., tum frcntilium, turn Cbristianonim scrutntur; An- gelita.J. F, I'rbis Recineti origrinishistoria et descriptio; Adanius, F. De rebus geptM in civitate Firmana frag- menlorum libri duo; Ottinellus, C. De Firmo, Piceni urbo Dobilissima, elogium. T. VIII, p. 1. Postellus, G. De Etruriie rcgionis originibus, institutis, religione, ec mor- Ibus commcntatio ; Dynus, F. Antiqultates Etrurio? ; De antiquitatibus Umbrorum.Thuscorumque sedo ac impc- rio; Scala, B. Uieturiir Florcntinorum libri quinquo; Vita Vilaliani Borrhomo^i; Poggius BracciolinuR. JIIs- toriiE Florcntinie, libri octo; Oratio in funere Leonard! Aretini; Brutus, J. M. Ulstoriie Florentinse libri octo. T. VIII, p. 2. Contnrenus, F, Coram en tariorum de rebus in Hetniria a Senensihus gestis, libri tres; Varchi, B. Utoria deile guerre della republica Fiorentina, suc- ce^iae nel tempo cbe la Casa de Medici s'impadroni del govemo; Medici, L. de'. Apologia sopra la nascita et morte d' Atessandro de Medici ; Sirozzi, L. Vita dl Filippo Strozzi ; Palmieri, M. De captivitate Pisa- rum historia. T. VIII, p. 3. Nona, H. Dissertalionea Vf cenotapbia Pisana Caji et Lucit Ctesarum illus- trantes; Fontaninue, J. De antiquitatibus Hortee eolo- hIr Etruscorom; Angelus, D. Do deprtedatione Cas- trenslam et euse patrice historia ; Mugnotius, A. Ereml Camaldulensis descriptio; Orlandius, C, De urbIs Senee ^usque episcopatus antiquitate; Massa, A. De origine et rebus Faliscorum ; Curzio. P. Civiiatem Castellanam Faliscorum, non Vejentum oppidum esse, poema; Mnz- zocchius, D. Dissertatio qua demonstratur antiquoa VejoB hodiemnra ciritatem Castellanam esse; Vejorum defensoris epietola apologetica; Nardinus, F. Veji an- tlqui, seu dissertatio investigans veram ejus urbis situm ; Angelottus, P. Descriptio et antiquitates urbis Reate, «x Italo Latine vcrtit S. Havercampus. T. VIII, p. 4. MattlioeuB, D. B. Memoriae historicie Tusculi antiqui, quod nunc diciturPrascati ; Mantllus,J. Descriptio villi^ Burghcsiie, extra Portam Pincianam ; Ligorius, P. De- icriptio %-ill«e Tiburtinie Hadrianeoe; Martius, F. Historia Tiburtina amplificata; Del Re, A. Antiqultates Tibur- tinte ; Suaresius, J. M. I'rfenestes antiqute libri duo; Turre, P. a. Monumenta %-etcria Ami! ; Alemannus, N. De Latcranensibus parietinis. T. IX, p. I. Falco, B. Antiquitates Keapolis alquc amcenissimi cjuadero agri; Baccus, H, Descriptio regni Neapolilani, correcta atque ampliticata per Ctesarem d' Engenio ; Sanfeticius, A. De situ Bc origine Campaniae ; Peregrinius, C. Uistoria principum Lengobardorum ; Erempertus. De postremis quinque regibus Langobardonim Italic; Ugonius.F. A. Be dignltate aiqne prtestantia reipublicie Cassinensia ; Petrus monacbuB Cassinensia. De viria illustribus Cassl- nenslbus; Lupus Protospata. Re rum in regno NeapoII- tano gcatarum ab anno UCCCLX usque ad Mcii chron- Icon ; Falco, B, Cbronicon. T. IX, p. 2. Peregrinius, C. Dissertalionea de Campania Felice; Diss, de veleri alg- niflcatQ *ocla I'orlfe et de ori^no antiquoa familite dl Colimenta ; Capaclus, J. C. Antiquitates et hi^luriie Keapolltanc T. IX, p. 3. Capacius, J. C. Aniiquitatea et historiic Camponlte Felicis; Surgena, M. A. Neapolia Ulustrata; Faclu^.B. DercbusgestLaab Alpbonso primo. Shelf. No. Gr^vius, or Graefe, J. G., continued. Xeapolltnnorum rege ; Pontanus, J. J. Historia; Neapo- litniiiv, 8CU rerum suo tempore gestnrum, libri aex ; Fon- tieuhinua, A. Belli Bnicciani, Aquilflo geati, fldi-lis nur- rnlio. T.IX,p.4. Lofl'redua.F. AntiquitnsPuteolnriim ; Mazzelln, S Situs et anliquitas Puteolorum, locorumque vicinorum; Urbium Puteolorum et Cumurum descrip- tio; Lombrirdus, J. F, Eorum quic de balneis nliisque miraculis Putcohinis acripta sunt synopsis, ndjectis bal- neia jEnarlarum ; Ferrus, A. Apparatus stntuarum no- vissime in destructis Cumis inventarura ; Capacius, J. C. Do balneis liber, ubi nquarum, qua? NeapoH extant, vir- tutls, thennarum npud antiquoa structura;, usus, et mi- nisteria explicantur ; Leo, A. Antiquitatum nee non his- toriarura urbis ac agri Noiro, ul ot de montibus Vcsuvio et Abclla descriptionia, libri tres ; Brcncniannua, II, Do republica Amalpbltana ; De Amalphi u Piaanis diri-pta; Mazza, A. Urbia SalemitRnte historia et anti- quitates; PhceboniuB, M. Historia; Marsoriim, libri tres, una cum eorundem epiacoporum catalogo. T. IX, p. 5. Camarra, L. Pe Tcate antiquo. Marrucinorum in Italia metropoli ; Damadenus. JE.S, redivivum, sXvc tabula rerea, maxima, consuluris, duura-vlralia ; TarBia, P. A. de. Historinrum Cupersanensium libri ill; Borrius, G, De Calabrijc anttquitote et situ; Juvenis, J. De antiqiii- late et varia fortuna Tarentinorum ; Galateus, A. Do aita Japygite, nee non urbis Callipolis descriptio. T. IX, p. (>. PingouiuB, E. P. Augusta; Taurinorum chronica et antiquitatum inscriptionea; Jofredua, P. Nicnea civifns sacris monumentis illust rata ; Aocultus, B. De pra;stanfia vlrorum sui levi; Azzarius, P. Cbronicon gestorum in Lonibardia, scriptum anno McccLX:iI; Bilius, A. His- toria? palrite libri novem; Floras, G. De bello Italico et reBuB Gallorum prieclare gestis; Boscha, P.P. De origine et statu bibliothecee Ambrosiante ; Giardn, C. Llberalium disciplinarum iconea symbolicn; bibliotbecae Alexandrinn?. T. IX, p. 7. MacaneuB, D. Verbani lacus locorumque adjacentium chronographica descriptio; Bel- latlnus, F. De origine et temporibus urbis Bergomi ; Michffilis, M, A. Agri et urbis Bergomatia descriptio; Coronellus, M. V. Rerum ac lemporum Bergomensis ec- clesia; synopsis; Farina, B. De Bergomi origine et fatis; CornazzanUB, A. De vita et gestis Bartholomcei Colei [Colleone]; Capreolus, H. Chronicorura de rebus Brix- ianorum libri quatuordecim ; Squadronus, A, Fasciculus laudura Regii Lepidi CR*^E6'o]; Schraderns.L. Descrip- tio et monumenta urbis Regii Lepidi ; Sarayna, T. De civitatia Veronne origine. amplitudine, viria illustribus, dominio, monumentis antiquis; Historiarum et gesto- rum Veronensium, temporibus populi et dominorum Seoligerorum ; Scaliger, J. J. De vetustate et splendore gentis Scaligerse. T. IX, p. 8. Chioccus, A. De collegii Veronensis lllustvibus raediciset philosophis; Cigalinua, P. De C. Plinii Secundi vera patria, ejuadcmque flde et auctoritate; Palermua.P. De vera C. Plinii Secundi euperioris patria, atquo ea Verona; Doglionus, J. N, Dissertatio de origine et antiquitate civitatia Belluni, ejusque variis falls maximeque nieraorabiUbus; Maru- cinua, L. Basaanum, sive dissertatio de urbis antiquitate etde virisejusdcm illustribus; Barutfaldus, H. De poetia Ferrariensibug; Lanzonus, J. De iatrophysicia Ferrari- ensibuB dissertatio; Brixius, C. Urbis Ctesenae descriptio, a Franeisco Maria Faccino, Caisenate, nunc primum ex Italico in Latinum sermonem versa, et Elchrei Dinundaa adnotationibuslocupletata; Manzonius.B. Ctesenajchro- nologia, ab Hectore Bucci aucta; Marchesiua, G. Foro Livii compendium historicum ; Ciccarellus, A. De Cli- lumno, Umbrio! ilumine celeberrimo; Nanda^us, G. Tabu- larii majoris templi Reatini instauratio ; Naldius, N. Vita Jannoctii Manetti, senatoris Florentini ; Mnnfredua, M. Monumentorum historicorum urbis Lucte libri quiqque; Gozze, G. de. De inacriptione columna; rostratre in foro Romano ; A8te, F. M. di. In roemorabilibus Hydruntinse ecclesife epitome. T. X, v. 1. Cluverius, P. Sicilia an- tiqua ac insula; el adjacentea; Aretius, C. M. Sicilise chorographia; Niger, D. M. Siciliaj descriptio; Caraffa, P. Sicanix descriptio et delineatio; Mongitor, A. Regni Sicilife delineatio, Sicanje historia? prospectum. T. X, V. 2. CajetanuB, 0. Isagoge ad historiam sacram Sicu- 1am ; FiccoluB, A. De antiquo jure ecclesiie Sicuin? ; Amico, A. dc. De urbia Syracusarura antiquo archiepis- copatu, ac de ejusdem in universa Sicilia metropolitico jure; Baronii ac Maufredi,F. Disaertationis Antonianl de Amico judicium; Firrus, K. Disquisitiones trea: De patriarcba Siciliie ; De metropolita Sicitix ; De pro^sulum Biciliensium electione ; Sicilite sacrfe.disquisilionibua ct Dotitils illustratee, volumen primum. T. X, v. 3. Pirrua, H. Siciliie sacrEe volumen aecundum ; Regime capellte collegiatse aancti Petri ct regii palotii Panormitani no- tilia, cum aupplemento Antonini Mongitoria; Baronius, C, Tractatus de monarcbia Siciliie, cum responsione apologetica adversus cardinalem Columnara; Colonna, A. Judicium de eis qua; Baronius de monarchia Siciliie Bcripsit. T. X, V. 4. Fazellus, T. De rebus Siculia decadeu duse; Maurolycus, F. Bicanicarum rerum com- GR-EVIUS 288 GKANADA Slielf. No. Gr-evius, or Grtefe, J. G., continued. petK^uni. T. X, v. 5. Ritius, M. De rcgribus Sicilifls eorQmque origino et successione libri IV; Sandeus, F. De repibus SicilitE et ApulifP ; Pirrus. R, Chronolo- gia regum penos quos Sicili:E fuit tmperiura post exactos Sarncenos ; Malaterra, G. De rebus f^eatis Robert! Guiscardi. ducis Calabriir, et Rogerii, comitia SJcilife, libri IV; Alt.-saucler abbas Celesinus. Rogeni, Sictlifc re^s, rerum gestarum libri quntuor; lli$turia brevis liberationis Messioie a SaracPtioi'um dominalu, per comitciD Rogerium, principeni Nomiaunum, facta: ; Ptolemicua Luceusis. Robert! Guiecardi et eorum prin- cipum qui Siciliic regnum adept! sunt genealogia; Fal- candus, H. De rebus gestis in Sicilife regno historia; Descriptio Victoriie per Carolum, regem SiciliK, contra Mnnfredum, Sicilia; regem.auQo mcclxv obteota;; Geeta Petri, Arragonura, Sicili«,et Valeutite regis; Mala^pioa, S. Rerum Bicularum libri sex ; Spfcialis, N. Rerura Sicalarum libri octo, ab anno Christi MCCLXxxil usque ad annum MCccxxxvii; Auctor anonymus. Chrooicon Sicilifl!, complectens accuratam regni Sicilia> historiam, ab acquisitione ipsius insuls per Grtecos usque ad obi- tum Guillelmi ducis, nb auctore anouymo; V'eceriua, C, Bisioria de duabus scditionibus Siciliie, sub imperio Caroli v. T. X, v. 6-8. Paruta, P., et Augustini, L. Sicilia numismalica; Addita sunt Goltz, H. Sicilite de- scriptio, et Gualtherus, G. Sicilicc anliqua: inecriptioiies. T. X, V. 9. Bonfllius et Conslanlius, J. Messanie de- ficriplio ; Reina, P. Urbis Mcssance notitia historica ; Philotbeus de Oraodcis, A. .£tu£e topograpbia, atque ejus incendionira historia; Carrera, P. Descriptio ^Etna', Lat. vertit S. Uavercanipus ; Burgos, A. Descriptio terroa motuB 8iculi qui contigit MDcxcill. T. X, v. 10. Car- rera, P. Monamentorum historicorum urbis CutaniB libri quatuor; Diodorus Slculus. Epislolo-, ex lingua Griecji in Latinam versa; a card. Bessarione, ex Lat. in Itfllicam ab O. Arcbangelo, ex Italico Latine versa; et cum llalica versione publicatn; ab Abrabamo Preigero; Carrera, P. Disquisitio de vero signiflcatu numismatum quorumdam Messaoenslum.l sou Mamertinorum, Cafanensiuni, etc. ; Grossis, J. B. de. Novissima sacrai ecclcsicB Catanen- Eus notitia. T. X, v. 11. GuHmerius, J. B. Disserta- tlones hifitoricie Catanenses; Mirabclla et Alagona, V, Ichnagraphiic Syracusarum antiquarum explicatio, ut ct numismatum aliquot selectiorum reipublicfe ejiisdom libera: et reguni qui in ilia dominati sunt; Bonatniua et Colonna, J. Syracusarum antiquarum illustratarum libri duo. T. X, V, 12. Chiaranda, J. P. Plutia sive Platia, civitOB Sicilian, antiqua, nova, sacra, et nobilia ; Pace, M. Autiquitates Cnltageronia, urbis pulcherrimoe Sicilian; Perellua, M. Antiquitas Scicli, qunin olimvocarunt Cao- menaa, sccundam Syracusunorum coloniam; Littara, V. De rcbuB Nelinis libri duo; CaraH'u, P. Motucic descrip- tio, sou dellneatio : Inveges, A. Carthago Sicula. T. X, V. 13. Valguaruera, M. De origine et antiquitutL* Panor- mi, priratsque Sicilia; et Italin> incolis dissi^rtatio; Ba^ ronius ac ManlVcdi, P. De Panonuitana majcstato libri IV. T. X, v. 14. Invegfs, A. Panormus anliqua; Mon- itor, A. Sacra; domua maneinnis SS.Trlnitatis mtlilArls ordinis Thoutonicorum urbis Panormi, ct inugiil ejus priL'ceptorU, monunientu historica; Auria, J. V. NotKiu historica originis ot nntlqultalis Cephaledifl. urbis pla- centl8nimn> Sicilift- ; Itagusa, H. Elitgia Slculorum, qui veteri momorla Uteris floruerunt ; Cochorolla, B. Treml- tansp ollin Diomoileat Insula; accuratisslma descriptio; FiiHCUs, P. De situ orm Illyrici; Luclua, J. Dn regno Illyrlcl Hber ; In«criplioDi's Dalraatlcir. T. ,X, v. Ifi. Cluvcrlus, P. Sardinia ot C^oritica anliqua'; Fara, J. F. De rebuN Sardois historia ; Vitalla, K. Annates Sardinia' ; Ila'duus, Q. Dencriptio Insiiloi Mellla<; Curio, C. S. Du betlo MolltensI historia, un& cum Joannis Valetin cp)s- tolt.; Abela, G. F. Descriptio Mi'llln- alquo adjacnntiiim Insularuji) ; Malus, J. U. Hpeclmlna lingua; Puulccc. Graffiony, F. trisHcmbourfi (rilapponcourt il<', l^-ttrcH (I'liiH- IV'Tuvit-nnt', cii Krim^Niis it llalii-n, [trail.] jmr M. Dfoilati. Kouv. itl. London, ISUI. 11!" *rph.v.3fl3 — Letterc d'una I'oruvlnno, trad, dnl ft-ancese da G. K. nt-oilali. Aviprnonc, 1817. sni.ur . .-lOOOa.lO — Vif privf'c di- Volliiirr ct de Mnu- du riiiltrh-t, 8uivicd(' chn(uantc K-ttreft iiu-diti'8 df Vol- tftire. raritt, IHJO. H' I»rt55.16 — Ci-nio, pitce dram. [Tln-atro fVanfatH, v. 14] . 4708.1 Gkai'FUNDKK, a. L'clHTdlc Spiadii- dfrZijjcunor. Krliirt, IHJtt. pp. m. r 3034.39 GUAFToS, j\fn*». Itri/^tifiin, \V. AddrcHs at the c4-nl<'njiiul aniilvcrxuryof 43&&.9 — WHIxon, K. It. Addri'KH ut the consecration of till- Itivcrnidf ci-mctiTV 4355.(12 — - HNtiirlcal nulla"* of Ihc ('ongrogatlonal church 0546.7 Shelf. No. Graglia, C. or G. A. New pocket-dictionary of the Italian and Englit^h languages. London, 1822. 24° *4119.23 — - Same, lat Am, from 14th Lond. ed. Bos- ton, 1830. sq.lf." 478-1.23,24 Graham, G. F. English grammar practice. Lon- don, 18(i2. IH° . , . 4580.25 Graham, James D. Lunar tidal wave in the North American lakes demonstrated. Cambridge, 1801. pp. 11. 8° 3924.20 Graham, James J. Elementary history of the prog- ress of the art of war. London, 1858. 10° . 3955.32 — Military ends and moral means. Lond.,18iJ4. 8*. 3955.15 Graham, Sir James R. G,, Life and times of. See Torrens, T. M 2543.18 Graham, John, of Cldt'erhouse^ Life and times of. See Napier, M 2543.5 Graham, S. Letter to Daniel Webster, on the com- promises of the constitution. Northampton, 1850. pp. 19. 8° B.160,40 — Science of human life. [Scientitic tract.s] , . 3939.6 Grahame, Rev. James, b. 1705, d. 1811. Foetical works. Edinburgh, 1817. 3v. 12* 4569a. 5 CojUejUs. — Vol.1. The Sabbath, with Sabhath walks, and other poems. II. British georgics. III. Birds of Scotland, with other poems. Grahame, James, LL. D., b. 1790. Memory of Gra- hame vindicated against G. Bancroft. See Quincy, J 4355.50 Grainger, J. Life; The sugar-cane, and other poems. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 10] 4604.1 — Elegies of Tibullus. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 13] 4604.1 Gbamage, J. B. Asia, sive historia vniversalis Asiaticarvm gentivm. Antverpia;, 1004. sra.4" *4244.20 Gramberg, C. p. W. Geschichte, der Ueligions- ideen des alten Testaments. Slit Vorrede vyn W. Gesenius. Berlin, 1829,30. 2v. 8** . . . 0036.3 Grammar. Silvestre de Sacy, A. I. Principles of general grammar 2197.20 — Wilson,.!. Errors of 2955.8 — Wilson, J. P. Essay on universal grammar . 4207.8 Grammar of house planning. Edinb., 1864. 10" . 4099.20 Grammar of the Baki-le language, with vocabula- ries. By missionaries of the A. B. C. F. M., (iaboon station. New York, 1854. 8" . . . 3038.2 Gram.maic of the Mpongwe language, with vocab- ularies. By missionaries of the A. B. C. F. M., Gaboon mission. New York, 1847. 8" 3038.1, and *4114.1 Grammatin, N., and Parenogo, M. New diction- ary, English and Kussian, Moskva, 1808-17. 4v. in 2. sm.4° 3036.20 Granada, L.de. Obras, [con] vida per Luis Muiloz. Madrid, 1781-89. 19v. sm.S" *5509a.l Contfntt. — Vol. I, II. La guia do pecadores. Ill, IV. Oruclon y medltuclon, eon trcs hrevci* tnitndos de la excelencla de laa prlnclpalea obras penltunciales: quo ion limusna, ayunn, y ornclou. V, VI. Trnlados del memnvlnl de lu vida chrUlInna. VII. Tralailo ile la perfeei lull del amor de Dion. VIII. Meditaoloues niuy devotas sobro alguDos passoH y myslerlos prlnclimles do la vldade nucstru Salvador. IX-XIll. Inlroducelon del Bymt>olo do la til. XIV. Fxpllcaelon ' **4799.12 GRANTELLE, a. p., cardinal de, Inventaire des papiers laisses par. See Gachard, L. P. . . 2817.22 Granville, A. B. Nature, treatment, and preven- tien of cholera. Philadelphia, 1832. 18°. 3809.34 Sholf. No, Granville, G., lord Lanfidowne. Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of (ircat Britain, v. 7] 4601.1 — Speech on occasional conformity, 1719. See Debates Pph.v.355 Grape. Curchod, H. Essai sur la cure de raisins. 380S.8 — Fuller, A. S. The grape culturist 4008.15 Graphic sketches of tlie aborigines of America. New York, 1841. 8" 2366.40 Contefits. — fart I. Natives of Virginia, 1585-88. By John Wyth. Grasse, J. G. T. Li terjirgeschi elite aller bekann- ten Volker der Welt. Dresden, 18(7-59. 4 Bdoin9v. 8° *4136.fi — Orbis Latinus, oder Verzeichniss der lateinis- chen Benennungen der Stiidte, u. s. w. Dres- den, 1861. 8° 2283.5 — Die Sage vom ewigen Juden historisch ent- wickelt. Leipzig, 1844. pp.62. 16° . . . **2878.13 — Tr^sor de livres rares et prd-cieux. Dresde, 1857-64. 5v. 4° .........=... . *2150.3 Contents. — Vo\. I. A— B. 11. C— F. III. G— J. IV. K— N. V. O— Q. Grasses, Produce and nutritive qualities of differ- ent. Sinclair, G 3845.17 GrAssi, G. Operette varie. Torino, 1832. 16°. . 4765.11 Grasso Legnaiuolo, Novelladel. [Raccoltadinovel- jieri italiani, V. 1] 2773.14 — - Same. [Kaccolta di novehe, v. 2] 4808.12 Gratarolo, B. G. Altea, Tragedia. Vlnegia, 1556. pp. 46. sm.8° *4809a.3O GrSter, F. D. Bragur. Ein litterarisches Maga- zin, etc. See Biickh, C. G 4219a. 2 Gratianus. Decretum aureum, [adnotationibus Joannis Antonii card. Alex, et Joanuis An- di-ca; auctum]. Parisiis, 1521. 4° *4302.3 A'(rfc. — Blaclc letter, rubricated, .53 lines per cohimn, (f. ^S'2; and Dccretu abbreviatO in oratioue soluta. It". .3; Decretu abbroviatu in versibus, f, 1; Materia xxxvi cauaaruin, ff.2; Tabula capitulorum, ff. 14; Tab. concil- iorum, tf. 3; Glossanim decreti medull£e,ff. 10; Canunes penitcntiales, ff. 2 ; Gratiaui vita, f. 1. ' , Grattan, T. C. England and the disruf)ted states of America. 2d ed. London, 1861. pp.42. 8°. 4323.17 — The master passion: a tale of Chamouui. [Smith. Weekly volume, v. 1] 8030.3 — On T.C. Grattan, secessionist. See Train, G.F. 4310a. 109 GRATTier, a. de. Comnientaire sur les lois de la presse et des autres moyens de publication, etc. Paris, 1839. 2v. 8° 3666.18 Grau, W. 392 cases treated by hydropathy. See Wesselhoeft, R 6087.80 Gravamina orthodoxorvm contra novatores. Leodii, 1614. pp. 30. sm.8° 6109a. 4 Grave, C. L. ,De Pythagoreorvm et Essenorvm diaciplina et sodulitiis. Diss. phil. hist. Gottingie, 1808. pp.32. 8° 4163.32 Gravina, G. V. Delia ragion poetica, libri due. Napoli, 1731. 8° **219fi.9 — Delia tragedia, Hbrouno. Napoli, 1715. sm.4°.**4773.13 Gravitation, Establishment of Newton's theory of. Grant, R *..... 4275.12 See aUo: Pendulum. Gray, A. Genera of the plants of the United States. lUust. by L Sprague. Boston, 1848,49. 2v. 8°. 3855.19 Gray, E. II. Discourse occasioned by tlie rendi- tion of Anthony Burns. Shelburue Falls, 1854. 8" B. 160a. 35 Gray, Francis C. Oration on the hundredth anni- versary of the birth of George Washington. Boston, 1832. 8° B.170a.28 Gray, Frederick T. Address before the Society for the prevention of pauperism, Jan. 14, 1839. Boston, 1839. 12° 5440a. 86 — Extract from a sermon, Jan. 9, 1853,',the Sun- day following the interment of Amos Law- rence. Boston, 1853. 24° 5440a.86 GRAY 240 GREAT BRITAIN Shelf. Ko. GRATjFrederick T., continued. — New years' sermons preached in Bulfinch Street church, Jan. 3, iwr. Boston, lS4r. 8°.5450a.29 — Two sermons, Nor. "20, \&i\, being tlie close of the second year of [his] ministry. "With an appendix. Boston, 1841. 8° 5440a. 86 — Sermon on occasion of the death of. See Fea- body, E 6440a.87 Gray, G. K. Catalogue of British birds in the British museum; Eggs of British birds in the British museum. See London. British museum 5909.5 Gray, Henry. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. Drawings by H. V. Carter. 2d ed. Loudon, Isi'iO. l.b° 3763.15 Gray, Horace, jV. Reports of cases in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts, [1854-5^]. Boston, lSoli-64. Vol. 1-10. 8° 3705.1 Gray, ladu Jane. Life, death, and actions. Con- taining fovre priucipall discourses, written with her owne hands. London, 1015 [iS'iOJ. pp. 3-1. 1(3° **2547.33 — - ."^ame. [rhenix,v. 2] 4157.1 Gkay, JohnC. Address before the Slassaclmsetts horticultural society, Sept. 17, 18.34. Boston, 1S.'!4. 8° 5993.1 — Address, Oct. 4, 1848, before the Middlesex society of husbandmen and manufacturers. Boston, 1848. S° ' 5993.11 — Oration, July 4, 1822, at the request of the inhabitants of Boston. Boston, 1822. 8°. 4.3iH. 14, and *6353.2 Gray, John E. Hand catalogue of postage stamps. 2d ed. London, 18113. pp.72. 12" 2237.16 [Catalogues, lists, etc.] See London. British museum. Specimens of natural history,. Gray, R., bUhop of Bristol. Influence of Chris- tianity: two sermons. [Dibdin. Sunday library, v. 3] 5444.23 Gray, S. v. Elements of pharmacy, and cliemical history of the materia medica. London, 1823. 8° 6785.2 Gray, Thomas, 6. l/lfi, d. 1771. Elegeia, Gra-cfe rcddita.[a J.Norbury]. lid. altera emendata. Etonffi, 1793. pp. 9. S" •l'ph.v.357 Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 10] 4004.1 Cfmtent*. — Odes ; Progress of poesy ; Eloto' i" ft country churcliyard, etc. i Gray, Thomas, D. D., of Hoxbury, d. 1847. Half century sermon, delivered April 24, 1842, at Jamaica I'laiu. Boston, 1842. 8° *4163.6 Sermon before the African society, on the anniversary of the abolition of tlie slave trade. Boston, 1818. 8° 4310.10 — Tribute to the memory of Benjamin Bussey. Boston, 1.842. pp. 12. 8° •4103.0 Grayson, W. J. Reply to Dr. Dewey's address at Sheffield, Slass. Charleston, 1866. pp. 32. S° 6572.17 — Reply to professor Hodge, on the" state of the country." Charleston, 1801. pp.32. 8°. . 4310a. 105 Grazzini, detto it Limca, A. !•". Le cenc. Firenze, 1813. 8°. [Kaccoltit dl novelUerl Itallaui, V. 2] 2773.14 _ Novelic. [Raccoltttdl novelle, V. 3] 4808.12 Great Hiutain. .Magna iharla [llenrici in]. Fruncofurll ad .Monum, Hi8U. pp. 24. f " . •4181.2 — StHliileH of the united kingdom, with notes, etc. by T. E. Toinlins, and others. London, HlOI-61. 20v. 4" •7051.1 jVaf«.— An Inilei to the olntulea pnssed 1801-00 may be fount! In the Heialons ]tu[>vn for lUCU^ v. 71, 7'J. Admirnlty. _ Nautirnl almanac njjice. Errata tn Hansen's lunar tables. London, !•<«.■. pp. 7. 8* . "E. 160.3 Sbelf. Mo. Great Britain. Admiralty, continued. — Bot/al obserratonj, Edinburgh. Astronomical observations for 1835-37, 39-59. By T. Hen- derson and C. P. Smith. Edinburgh, 1838-03. 12v. 4' «E.160.1 — - Greenwich. Astronomical observations in 1836-62, made under the direction of G. B. Airy. London, 1840-64. 27v. 4° **E.120.1 Ifote. — In the years 18:19. 40. and in IS^S-Cl, mnpneti- cal and meteorological observations were appended to the above, with a corresponding change of title. In the years 1&40-47, those observations were separately printed. — - - Reduction of the observations of the moon made from 1750 to 1851, computed under the superintendence of G. B, Airy. London, 1848-59. 3v. 4° **E.140.8 Ciiril departments. — Board of healtJi. Report on quarantine. Lon- don, JS49. 8° 3767.23 — - Report on the result of an inquiry into the practice of interment in towns. By E. Chad- wick. London, 1843. 8° 7063.9 — General council of mediraleducation and regis- tration of the united hingdom.. Britisli jihar- macopana. Loiulon, 1804. 8" 6785.9 — Poor law commission. Report on the sani- tary condition of the labouring popnlation of Great Britain. London, 1842. 8° 3767.22 — Registrar general. Relii^ous worship in En^^- laud and Wales. Abridged from the official report by H. 5Iann. London, 1854. 8° . . . 4176.5 — - Report, 17th-22d, of birtlis, deaths, and marriages in England, 1854-59. London, 1850-01. fiv. 8° *3339.1 — Commissioners for the e.xhibition of the works of indnslnj of all nations, 1851. Official, de- scriptive, and illustrated catalogue. London, 1851. 3v. f *4020.22 — - Report, 1st, 2d. London, 1852. f° . v. 3 of '4020.18 — - Reportsbythe juries. London, 1852. .3v. f°.«4020. 18 — - Travaux suriV.xposition universelle de 1851. See Fnince. Commission sur I'industrie des nations 4029.20 — Commissioners for the internationalej-'hihition, 1802. Official catalogue of the fine art dep.trt- ment. London, 1802. 8° 4099.27,29 — - Olhcial catalogue of the industrial depart- ment. London, 1802. 8° 4039.1,2 — - Ollkliil Illustrated catalogue. Part 1-0, 8-12. L(.lidim, 181.2. 8° 4020.24 — - licport by the juries. London, 1803. 1.8° . •4020.23 — - Handbook to the fine arts collections. Pal- grave, F. T 1099.28 Department of justice. — Comtnissionersin tnnacg. Bethlehem hospital. Return tt» an address of the house of com- mons. Lontlon, 18.52. 8° 3800.24 — - Ninth report. 1855. 8° 3800.23 — Commissioners of patents. Index, Alphabeti- cal, of patentees and applicants, 1859-03. Lontlon, I8l'iil-li4. 5v. 8° — - Index, (Mironolopical, of patent.s, 1859-63. Loudon, IHOO-lVl. 5v. 8° — - Index, Kuhject-mntter, of patents, 1869-62. Lonilon, 1800-04. 4v. 8° — - .louilial, 180U-I12. Loudon, 18li0-02. 3v. 8°. — - SpeclMcatlons of inventions, tiled from ,Tan. 1, 1868 to Dec. 31, 1802. Loiulon, 1868-03. Text, Irtlv. 8°. Plates, 220v. f° — - iSpecincnllons, Abrlrtninent of, relating to briiks iitiil tiles. Loiulon, 1802. 12° .... - _ Relnling to photogrtipby. Londtin, 1861. 12° — - - Relating to plating or coating metals with melalH. London, 1802. 12° GREAT BRITAIN 241 GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain. Departweut ofjiisUce^ continued. — - Specifications, Abridgment of, relating to pottery. London, isft:j. Vi" — - - Relutingto sliiii-lmilding, repairing, etc, London, IStV^. l'^' — - - Kehiting to weiiviug. Loudon, 1801. 12". Xole, — For piibllciitioiiH rdutivc to pntuiits of curlier dutVH, see tho luilox of tlio I'ppur Hall priiitcU In 18(il, pp. 33:i, 333. — Court of ercheqiier. Attorney general rs. Sil- leni and otiiers, claiming the vessel, " Alex- andra," seized nnder the Foreign enlist- ment act. Report of the trial, with appen- dix. London, 18G3. 8" . X 3613.9 — Ar!, Public. Appropriation of sums voted. R. Ct. 1862, v. 11; 1SG&, V. 7. — Auait office, Stnte of business io. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. lo. — Exarainatioa of audited. R. Ct. 1861, v. 11. See also: Exchequer. ACCRIXOTOS. Seizures for Ea'iter dues. A. P. 1861, v. 48. ADMlitALTY, Board of. Coostitution, duties and effect on the navj-. R. Cr. 1861, T. 5. — Employes, salaries, etc. A. P. 1861, v. 38. — Excess'ofexpenditure over appropriation, I&16-6I. A. P- ISSL, v. »i. — Tcmpomry clerks. 185)>-«1. A. P. 1862, v. 29. AFGHASISTAN". Correspondence of Sir A. Bumes, 1837. 38. A. P. 1859, 2d sees., V. 25. Africa. See Gold coast, Morocco, Natal, Nile, Porto Novo, Suez. AfbiCaNS, Liberated. See Slaves. AOBlCfLTCnE. See England and Wales, Ireland, Scotland. ALABAMA, steamer. Correspondence respecting. A. P. 1863. v. 72 (bis). AUBEKT Edward, prince 0/ Wales, Treaty for the marriage of, with Princess Alexandra of Denmark. A. P. 18G3, v. 73. AiCOCK, Sir Rutherford. Correspondence respecting Japan. A. P. 1860, V. G9. AXDEK-NEY harbour. Vessels entered for refuge, 1&J0-60. A. T. ISiA, v. 59; 18o2. V. 29. ALDERSHOT. Buihlinfrs at. A. P. 1861, v, 36. — Soldiers' institute at. A. P. 1862, v. 31?. Alexandka, princess. Procession, with accident, on occasion of the reception' of. A. P. 1863, v. 50. Alice SlauJ .Mitry, priHceas, Treaty for the marriage of. willi the pnnce Frederick WiUiaro Lewis Charles of Hesse. A. P. 1862, v. 63. AMBASSADORS, etc., appointed since Jan. 1856, salaries, clc. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 15. AMERICA, North. See BriUeh North America, Central America, Mex- ico, United States. AUEKiCA, South. See Argentine confederation, Brazil, rarnguay. Trinidad. ASCHOBS for the merchant service. R. Ct. 1860, v. 8. A>XUOKS for the navy. A. P. IHIW, v. 42. ANDEKSOS. J., fugitive from slavery. Correspondence relating to. A. P. 1861, v. G4. ANNUITIES. Granted since 1808. A. P. 1862, v. 29. — Report of A. Finluyson. A. P. 1860, v. 40. See also: EtUnburgh, National debt, Sa\ing8 banks. Apprentices to the merchant scr\'icc, 1836-60. A. P. 1861, v. 58. Ai'rROi'RiATiONS. . Sec Supply. ARCHDEACONS holding other preferments in the church. A. P V. .53. ARGENTINE confederation. Settlement of British claims. A. P V. 68. Arms, College of. See College of arms. ARMSTBONO guns. A. P. 1863, V. 32. ABMV. Appropriations. Men and money voted for each year, lSii»~ 62. A. P. 1862, V. 32. — Battalions of infantry. 1841-- prisons, Militar>- reserxe fund, Military savings banks, Militia, Queen's aides-de-camp. Re- cruitment. Rifles, Sandhurst. Small arms, Soldiers, Transport BOr- vice. Volunteer corps. War department, Woolwich, Yeomanry. Arsiv in catholic countries. A. P. 1859, v. 15. Army, ordnance, and navy. Number of men voted for service, 1816- 58. A. P. 1859, V. 15. Artillery. Moving batteries. A. P. 1863, v. 32. — Officers. A. P. I860, v. 41 ; 1863, v. 32. — Vacancies, 1860-62. A. P. 1863, v. .32. Asia. Sec Burmah, Cabul, Circaseia. Malacca, Persian, Smyrna, Syria. AsslNtBOINE exploring expedition. A. P. I860, v. +4. Assurance companies, Returns relative to. A, P. 1863, v. 68. Atlantic royal mail steam navigation company. Scc-Galway. Australia. Convict discipline and transportation. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., V. 22; i860, v. 45; 1861, v. 40. — Emigmtion. A. P. 1861. v. 40; 1862, v. 36. — Exploring expedition from Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria, bv Messrs. Burke and Wills. A. P. 1862, v. 37. — Gold exported in 1848. A. P. I860, v.45; ISSiMil. A. P. 1862, v.37. — Imports, exc«pt European, 18.W-60. A, P. 1862, v, 37. — Steam postal ser\'icc. A. P. IHfil). v. 62; 1861, v. 35; 1863. v. 30. Volunteer forces. Assistance tVoiu public funds. A. P. 1862, v. 37. See also: Coal, New South Wales, Queensland, Sydney, Victoria. APSTRALIA, South. Correspondence rolatiVo to Justice Boolbby. A. P. 1862, V. 37. -*. — Legislation as to the transfer of land. A. P. 1862. v. 37. Austria. Monetarj- convention with the states of the Zollvercio. A.P. 1857-58, V. 60. See also: Tfcleki, L. Aylesbury election. R. Ct. 1859, 2d sess., v. 3. Bacon. See Ireland. Bahamas, Interference with the trade between Now York and the. A. P. 1863. V. 72. Bakers, Grievances of journeymen. A. P. 1862. v. 47; It. Cr. 1863, v. 28. Bank of England. Bullion purchased and sold. A.P. I860, v. 39, pt.l; 1801, V.34; 1862, V.29; 1863. v. 29. — Government securities, etc. A. P. 1860. 1862, v.29; 186:1, v. 29. Bankruptcy, Court of, Hotume relating to. A. V. 51 ; 1862. v. 44 ; 1863, v. 48. BANKWUi'TCY act (1861). Report, evidence, etc. R. Ct. 1862, v. 10. Banks. See Bengal, Bombay, Madras, Savings banks. BaNN navigation works. A. P. 18*i3, v. dH. BANNISTER, S., Claim of. A. P. 1861. v. 40; 1802, v. 36. BARLEY imported, 1859-. v. 41; 1861, v. 36; 1862, v. ;13. — Sanitary condition of. R. Cr. 1861, v. 16; 1863. v. 13. Bastardy. Summonses, etc., 184.';-.'i9. A. P. 1861, v, 55. BatTERSKA burial ground. A, P. 1861, v. .W. Bed of the sen, near the shore, 'I'itle of thu ciown to the. v. 57 ; 1861, v. 51 ; 18(«, v. 48. BkER. Exports of, 185r-<;i. A. P. 1862. v. 55. _ Licenses to sell. A. IM86I. v. 34, 36, 58; 1862. v — Uetailcri*. Memorial to tho chancellor of the exeheiiuer. 1860, V. 40. Beliast. Muniripiil affairs. R. Cr. 1859, 2d t — Quecn'ji college. R. Cr. 1859, 2d so»s., % V. 20; 1862. V. 20, 31. Bkloium. Convention with, relntivo to communication by A. P. 1862. V. 6.3. — Convention with, rolativo to Joint slock companies. A. P. 1863, V. 73. _ Passport "•(nil"""""' A. P. 1H61, V. 61. — Treaty of commerce and navigation wltli. J Belgrade, Bomhanlment of. A. P. 186;i, v. 73. Bm.i.U!KRKNT rights with refcrt«nee to merchant stiliiplng. Corri'- tipondcnce of W, S. LlndMny nnil lord J. Rur( BiCNicKK^us. Augmented by Ihcccclesiastlenl coiumlwlou. 2d HCBH., V. 19. — I'nder sefiucstratlon. A. P. 1860, v. 53. _ Union of benellct's act. A. P. 1863, v. 40. See alto: Chancellor's bcncflecs. BliNOAL. Army. A. P. 1862, v. ilH. — Bank of. A. P. I860, v. 49. Indigo cominUilon. A. P. 1861, SeealDO: Calcutta, Deyrah llhoon. BERMUDA. Convict establishment. A. P. 18.*.11, 2d aeM.. V. 45; 1861, V. 40; 1862, v. :Hi; IStVI, v, ,'19. IIl'RWH'K-upon-Tweed election. R. Cf. I860, \ BKVltULT election. R. Ct. IH'9. 2-1 sess., v. 3; I860, v. 11. BIHLK, Correct printing of the. Sec Queen's printers, Bcollnnd. Bills of exchange, Revenue from sale of Blampa for. A. P. If' ■CH., T. 15 1 IHIJIi 02, A. P. WVI, V. lA). 19, pt.l; 1861, v.34; . 1860, V, 67; 1861, . P. 1N*K>, ; 1863. V. 07. A.P. .14 V. 10. 1860, V. 24; 1861, post. . 1864, ■ . 1860, V. 08. . P. 1859, . 44, 45. ; 1800, ; R. Ct. 1801,v. 17. GREAT BRITAIN 243 GREAT BRITAIN Gkeat Bhitain. Seasional papers, continued, BiKTHs, orls ftom tho united kingdom and Imports, 18l}0-G2. A. P. 1»W. V. G7. — Libcnitt-(1 slaves in. A. P. 1803, v. 73. — Satixfuctfon drinnndod by, for tho Into reprisals. A. P. 1803, v. 73. — SuHpcnsIun of dij>tomntic relations witli. A. P. 1803, v. 73. Set also: Forte (fl-igato), Princo of Wnica (barque). BnAZll. antl Kivt-r Plate moils. Contract for. A. P. 18C3, v. 30. Bkkakwatkks, Uotti-r construction of. It. Ct. IHtJO, v. Ifi. Brkscia. Arrtsts of Col. Niillo, etc. A. P. 18tJL*, v. (i3. BRKWEKS. Sir Barley. Buer. llopa. Malt. British Columbia. A. P. 1851), v, 17; 2d sess., v. 22; 1800, v. 44; 18«J2. V. 36. British museum. Appropriatioas, 1850-00. A. P. 1801, v. 35. — Extension. R. Ct. ISlW. v. 10; A. P. 1802, v. 29. — Income and expenditure. A. P. 1859, 2d sees., v. 15; 1801, v. 34; 1862, V. 29; 1803, v. 29. — Liphting by gas. A. P. 1861, v. 3*. — Salaries. A. P. 186lt, v. .'J*l, pt. 1. — Visitors, 1855-60. A. P. 1861, v. 34; 1805-62, A. P. 1863, v. 29. British North America. Conveyance of mails. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., V. 22; 1861, V. 35. — Ecclesiastical establishment. A. P. 1860, v. 44. — Emigration. A. P. 1859, 2d eeefl., v. 22; 1860, v. 44; 1801, v. 40'; 1862, V. 36. — Exploration by Capt. Palliaer. A. P. 1859, 2d scss., v. 22; 1800, V. 44; 1863, V. 39. — Railways. A. P. 1862, v. 36. Sec also: British Columbia, Canada, Hudson's Bay company, Nuvu Scotia. British star, Greek netcspaper, Correspondence respecting tho. A. P. 1862, V. 04. BROADMOOK. Criminal lunatic asylum. Rules. A. P. 1803. v. 4H. Bt-DUlM, Asia Minor, Excavations at. A. P. 1857-8, v. 00; 1859, 2d sess., V. 25. Bullion. See Bank of England, Mint. Burials. A. P. 1860, v. 61; K. ct. IS^ili, v. 10; A. P. 1802, v. 63. See also: Cemeteries, Churchyards. BruMSOTOX house and gardens. Purchase, etc. A. P. 1863, v. 29. BURUAU, Treaty with the king of. A. P. 1803, v. 40. See aUo: Karens. C,\BCL, Correapoodcnce of Sir A. Bumes relative to. A. P. 1850, 2d sess., V. 25. Cadastral survey, Expediency of extending tho. R. Ct. 1801, v. H ; 1862, V. 6. Calcttta. Establishment of the high court at. A. P. 1803, v. 40. Calcutta mudrissa. A. P. 1800, v. 52. CalepO MAN canal. R. Cr. 1859, 2d scss., v. 14 ; A. P. 1600, v. 34 ; K. Cr. 1801, V. 33; 18i;2, v. 28; 1863, v. 26. Cambridge university. Statutes. A. P. 18.59, 2d sess., v. 19; 1800, V. 3.3; 1861, V. 48; R. Cr. 1860, v. 26; 1861, v. 20. C.OADA. Grand trunk railway. A. P. 1801, v. 40. — Indian department. A. P. 1860, v. 44. — Mails. A.P.lH59,2dsess.,v.22;I8eO,v.44;1861,v.3o;1863,v.32. — Militia bills. A. P. 1862, v. 36. Ca.ntu.n, Evacuation of, by the allies. A. P. 1802, v. 63. Oape of Good Hope. Correspondence respecting Sir George Grey, governor of. A. P. 1800, v. 45. — German military settlers' allowance. A. P. 1862, v. 30. — Mail contract of 1803. A. P. 1803, v. 30.^ Carlisle election. K. Ct. 1«00, v. 11. Carlton house terrace. Contract with the duke of Newcastle. A. P. 186.3, V. 20. Cau.*.3. v. 07. COFFEE, Imported. 1845-62. A. P. 1863. v. 07. CoiNAOE. Gold, silver, and copper monies coined at the mint. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 15; 1800, v. 39, pt. 1; 1801, v. 34j 1862, v. 29; 1863, v. 29. COINAC.E in East India. A. P. 1860, v. 49. Set also: Decimal coinage. Gold coin. Mint. College of arras. Grants of arms since 1850. A. P ISO-t, v. 48. Colleges. See Belfast, Dulwich, Maynooth, (Queen's colleges. COLONIES. Administration ofjustice. A. P. 1859, v. 17. — Army stationed in. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 17 ; 1801 , v. 40. — Cost to tho British exchequer, 1853-^7. A. P. 1859, v. 17. — Customs larirts. A. P. 1860, v. 45; 1862, v. 36. — Emigration to. A. P. 1869, 2d Besa., v. 22. GREAT BRITAIN 244 GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain. Ses»io7ial papers, coniimied. COLOXiES, continued. Governors &nd bUhops, salaries, etc. A. P. 1862, V. 36. — Uilitan- expenditure. A. P. 1860. v. 41 ; R. Ct. 1861, v. 13 ; A. P. 1862. V. 36. — State of. A. P. 1859, 2dsess,,T. 21; 1860, V. 44; 1861, T. 40; 1862, V. 36; 1S(B, V. 39. — Stntislical tables. A. P. 1859, 2ii sess., v. 31; 1861, v. 61; 1862, , T. 57; 18G3, V. 69. See also : Australia, Bermuda, British Columbia, British North America. Cannda, Lake Supt-rior and Ked River settlement, Mauri- tius, New South Wales, New Zealand, Trinidad, West India. CouuERCE. Sec Foreign countries. Merchant shipping. Trade and navigation. Commercial reports by secretaries of legation, etc. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., V. 30; 1860. v. 66; 1801, v. 63; 1862. v. 59; 1863, v. 70. Compass committee of Liverpool. 3d report, 1857-61). A. P. 1862, v. &4. CONSJAKTISOPLE. Telegraph to Bussorah. A. P. 1857-58, v. 60. Constituencies containing more than 4,000 electors. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., V. 26. CONSULAR fees, Revision of. A- P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 15. Consuls. Alterarions in the salaries of. A. P. 1861, v. 34. — Appointments since 1856. A. P. 1859, 2d sess.. v. 15. Convict colonies. Religious instruction in. A. P. 1863, v. 37. Convict establishments. See Australia, Bermuda, Gibraltar, Ports- mouth. CONTicr prisons. R. Cr. 1859. 2d sess., v. 13; 1860, v. 35, 36; 18G1, V. 30. 52; 1862, v. 25. 26; 1863, v. 24. Convicts. Form of license granted to. A. P. 1863, v. 48. — In the prisons of the united kingdom, 1857-62. A. P. 1863. v. 48. — Remission of sentences. A. P. 1863, v. 48. See alto: Chatham. Portsmouth, Ticket of leave, Transportation. Coolies. Emigration from Canton. A. P. 1860, v. 69. — Emigration from India to the French colonies. A. P. 1861, v. C5. See also: R&union, Isle of. COOBO, rajah of, Correspondenco relntiog to the will of. A. P. 1863, V. 45. COFfEK, Exports and imports of. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 27; 1861, V. 58; 1862, v. 66; 1863, v. 67. COPPKR money. See Coinagfl. CopyuoLD commission. R. Cr. 1860, v. 31; 1661. v. 20; 1862, v. 19; 1863. v. 28. COpyRioHT. See International copyright. COBK. Queen's college. R. Or. 1860, v. 24; 1861, v. 20; 1862, v. 20; 1863, T. 17, pt. 2. — Workhouse. A. P. 1861, v. 55. Corn and grain. Import of. 1859-02. A. P. 1862, v. 55. Cornwall, Duchy of. R. Cr. 1863, v. 26. — Iteccipis and disbursements. A. P. 1860, v. 39, pt. 1; 1801, v. 34; 1862, V. 29; 1863, v. 29. COBONERS, Law and practice in electing and remunerating. R. Ct. 1860, V. 22. Coronkrs' inquests. See England and Wales, Ireland, Metropolis, Scotland. COBPOKAL punishment in gaols, etc. A. P. 1660, t. 57; 1861, v. 52; 18C2, V. 45 ; 186;J, v. 48. Cotton, Cultivation of, in India. A. P. 1863. v. 44. — Imported from the British East Indies, 1855-^1. A. P. 1862, v. 65. — Imported fVoro the British West Indies, ete. A. P. 1863, v. 67. COTTON goods exported to the British East Indies, 1855-61. A. I*. 1862, V. 55. COTTON manufacturing district, Distress In. A. P. 1862, v. 49, pt. 1 ; 1863, V. 62. Courts of Justice building act (money) bill, Evidence upon. R. Ct. 1861. V. 14. Courts of Justice building funds. A. P. 1862, v. 44. CbiUK. CommlttuU in the united kingdom, 1K''>7~62. A. P. 18(t3, v. •]8. See also: Convicts, England and WuK'k, Ireland, Judicial stutlH- tlc«, Loudon, Malta, Scotland. Crimka. See Kortch, Scv«ntopol. Crookiiavks llghihotiHc, Correspondence relative to. A. P. 1861, v. .W. CBOH'N lands. Sen Ireland. CrilA. Slave trade. A. P. 1861, v. 64. Ct'NARi> mull ■tcumurs. Uato of Boiling, arrival, etc., ]859-^il. A. 1'. IWW, V. 29. CUSTOM bouse dullcs above £10,000. Repealed, 1852-62. A. P. 1H'.2. V. 20. Cdhtoub. A. P. 1801, V. 34 ; 1862, v. SO; R. Cr. 1859, 2tl sesi., v. ] 1 ; IHfiO.v.aS: 1861, V.3I; lH62,v.lfr: 186.% v. 2(1. — Articles chargeable with duties, and rates upon each. A. P. IMlli, v.. 1(1, pt. 1. CUdTOMM acts ( 1800), Amount raUcd under. A. I'. 1862, v. 29. , CUSTOHN establlshinenU. U. Ct. 1862, v. 12; 1863, v. 0. — Salaries, cic. A. P. ItiOii, r. 07. Be* alio: Coast guard. OtiRRAUll of Klldare. Barrackn, etc., al. A. I'. 1861, v. itO. — Conviclloni and arrests. A. I'. 18>i2, v. 32. Daiiouey, Wllmul'a vUlt to thn king of. A. P. 1863, T. 73. I)Alil>ANKI.I.K4 ond Alexandria telegraph. A. P. WW, v. 73. Dk lloifK, C. .1. 1'. I'., barvn, Evidence ujiou tlic pellllon of. R. Cl. 1801. T. 11. Great Britain. Sessional papers, contimtaJ. Debts of £20 or under, Judgment for, 1862. A. P. I8<>1. v. 48. Decimal coinage. R. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., v. 11; 1800, v. 30. Defences, National. R. Cr. 1860, v. 23. See also: Fortifications. Delhi, Trial of the king of. A. P. 1859. 2d sess., v. 25. Deun. a.. Inquest on. A. P. 1862, v. 44. Denmark. Claims of. A. P. 1861, v. 34. — Convention with, for the surrender of criminals. A. P. 1862, v. G9. Sec also: Holstein, Schlesvvig. Derby union. Poor rates. A. P. 1863, v. 52. DEltRYMACAsn riots. A. P. 1861, v. 62. DebrYveagH eWctions. A. P. 1861, v. 52. DESTITUTE childcen, Education of. H. Ct. 1861, v. 7. Deyrah Dhoon, Bengal, Grants of land in the. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., V.23. Dhar, Central India. Restoration of the Dhar family. A. P. 1861, v. 46. Diocesan courts. Fees, gratuities, perquisites, etc. A. P. 1S59, 2cl sess., V. 19. Diplomatic service. Constitution and efficiency of the. R. Ct. 1861, v. 6. See also: Ambassadors, Consuls, Distillers, Number of, 1822-62. A. P. 1863, v. C7. Divorce and matrimonial causes court. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 19; 1861, V. 51 ; 1862. v. 44 ; 1863, v. 65. Docks. See Malta, Mersey. Dock-yard economy. A. P. 1869, 2d sess., t. 18. Dock-yards. A. P. 18ta», v. 42; 1861, v. 26, 38; 1862, v. 34; 1863, v. 35. See also: Chatham, Pembroke. Donaghadee harbonr. A. P. 18C0, v. 62. Doneoal evictions, etc. A. P. It>61, v. 52. DOVER election. R. Ct. ISfiO, v. II, Dover mails. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v, 27; 1863, v. SO. Dublin. Ballast corporation. A. P. 1801, v. 58. — Glasnevin botauical gardens. Opening upon tbo Sabbath. A. P. , 1861, v. 57. — Hibernian militaiy school. A. P. 1861, v. 36. 48. — Hospitals. R. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., v. 14; 1860, v. 34; 18G1, v. 27; 1862, V. 19; 1803. v. 28. — Improvement of the port. A. P. 1800, v. 62; 1861, V.68; 1863, v. 63. ■ — Landed estates court. A. P. 1862, v. 44, — Phcenix park, Improvement of. A. P. 1862, v. 63. — Precedence over Edinburgh. A. P. 1863, v. 50, — Queen's university in Irt-land. A. P. 1800, v. 63; R. Cr. 1800, v. 24; 1862, v. 20; i8G3, v. 17. pt. 2. — Reformatory schools. A. P. 1861, v. 52. — Registry of deeds, A. P. 1861, v. 51. — Royal Dublin society. A. P. 1862, v. 30; R. Cr. 1803, v. 17, pt. 1. — Scientific institutions. A. P. 1863, v. 46. DplwicU college. A. P. 1803, v. 46. DUNDALK Imrbour. A. P. ISUI, v. 68. DUNUENESS lighthouse. Electric light. A. P. 186:1, v. 03. Durham, bighoptic. Eccleslnslical revenues. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., V. 19; 1860, v. 63; 180:1, v. -16. — University. A. P. 1801, v. 48; 1862, v. 43; 1863, v. 46; R. Cr. 1803, v. 10. East Asdco, Tretand, Sale of lands at. A. P. 1863, v. 49. East India. Adniinlstrnllon of juslicc. A. P. 1869, 2d sess., v, 83. — Annexations to. A, P. 1^9, 2d sess., v. 25. — Army. Amalgamation with the lino. A. P. 1861, v. 42; 1802, v. 38; l*W, V. 40. — - European troops in. A. P. 1800, v. 60; 1861, v. 42; 1862, v. 38. _ - Medical department. Admission to the. A. P. 1861, v. 42. — - ]teurganl?.H[ion of the. R. Cr. 1859, 2d bcbs., v. 8. — - Sanitary stole. R. Cr. 18(S, v. 19. — - Miscellaneous. A, P. 1859, v. 15; 2d sosa., v, 23; 1800, v. 60, 62; 1861. v. 42. — Civil Borvico, A. P. ]H'.9, 2d se8B.,v.23; 1860,v.52; 1801,v.43; 186;), v. 40. — Coal fields. MTlellandV report. A. P. WtH, V. 46. — ColunUatlMu and xotllement. K. CI. iKl'.), 2d ross., t. 6. — Con»Htutlon of councils in. A. P. 1801, v. 43. — CourlH. Law of evidence. A. P. 1H6I, v. 43. — Covenanted clvlHanH. A. P. 1802, v. 40. — Education. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 24, pt. 1-3; 1860. v. 62. — Exports and Import.. A. P. 185'.!, 2d sesi.., v. 23; 1860, v. 52. — rinnnce, A. P, 186(1. v. 4it; 1861, v. 43; 1862, v. 38; 1803, t. 40, — FumU, civil and milllary. A. P. 18IV(, v. 40. — Home accounts. A. P. IRMl, 2d boss., v. 2:1; 1800, v. 40; 1861, v, Ct', 1862, v, .'18; 18(W, v. 40. — Income and properly tax. A. P. 1800, v. 49; 1801, v. 43. — IrrigHtlun. A. P. 18)11, v. -Ml. — Milllnry flnunco ciiinmlHslon. A. P. 1801, v. 42. — Moral and material progress. A. P. 1861, v, 47; 1862, v. 39; IH(«, v. 41.42. — Northwest provinces. Commorclnl condition. A. P. 1802, v. 40. — - 1-umlno, I860, 61. A. lM8fl2, v.40. — Paper money. A. P. 1862, v. JH — Public debt, A. P. 1H31I, 2dse»s., V, 2.'!; IWUl. v. 43; 1801, v. 43; 1803. V. 40. — Public works department, Rxonilnatlon of candidaten for. A. P. 1869, 2d lew., v. 23; 1801, v. 43; 186:1, v. 4;i. GREAT BRITAIN 245 GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain. Sessional pa per s^ continued^ East In.lin, conUtmcd. n«ihviiy9. A. P. 185!), 2d scss., v. 23; 1800, V. 5:;: mW, v. 43; \PiVJ, V. 40; ISG.1, v. 43. — Ri-bcIHon. A. 1". 1800, v. 50; 18CI. v. 4.1; 18G3, v. 40. . — Itcliploug emlownii'iiti*. A. T. 18f>3, ▼. 43. — Kovonuo. A. r.liUy, iMscsB., V. ai; 1800,v. 49; 18C2,v.38; 18r»3, V. 40. — Salt. Importolion of. A. P. 18G1. v. 4.1. — ShorlcuiiiB thy piissnce to. H. Ct. 18G2, v. 7. — Turiir. A. I'. 185lt, L'tl flOBs., V. ISl. — Tenplftntntionsin. A. P. ](«3. v. 43. — Telt'pTUiJhic coimnunirnti«n. A. P. ISCO, v. 62; 1863, V. 45. — Trt-aaure Iniportoil, 1857-4JII. A. P. W>% v. 30. — I' n CO von tin ti: (I Hprvnnts. A. P. ISTilt, '2d si-sa., v. 23. — Waste laiuls. Sale of. A. P. IStil*. v. 40, 43. See atso: Beniral, Botnbny, Catciittn, Cnrnfltic, Ceylon, Clnchonn, Colton, Dliar, Dolbi, (^oil(iv('r>-, (■uzt-nit, llui(Ioo,Kliandcish, Mndrnfl, Mhow, Mysore, Ni-ilplicrrieii, Oudo, Scdualiegar, Sikkiiu, TitinGVclly, Travancore, Trlnganu, Vi-lloro. Easter dues, SeUares for. A. P. Ififll. v. 4fl. Ecclesiastical commission. See Kncl(unl, Ireland. ECCLE-ilASTICAL repistrics. A. P. IWlL', v. 41. EDlSBfltGH. Annuity ti»x, 1H40-5'J. A. P. ISCO, v. 61. — CorporntJon of. A. P. IfttJ. v. 50. — House hoi dt-ra. A. P. 18tiO, v. 5o. — Precedence of Dublin over. A. P. 3Sfl,1, v. 50. — Uoyal botanic gardens, Snbboth opening of. A. P. 1SG3, v. CO. EDUCATION. Committee of tbo privy council on. Regulations. A. P. 18C0, V. 54; 1862, V. 41. Report. A. P. 18C0, v. 63; 1861, v. 48, 49; 18G2, v. 42, 43; 1863, V. 47. — - Report from the depnrtment of eeience and art. K. Cr. I8C0, V. 24; 1861, V. 32; 1862, v. 21 ; IWV!, v. 16. — Grants to each parish. A . P. 1862, v. 43 ; 1863, v. 46. — Papers relating to. See Chadwick, E. Set at»o: Collcpos, Enst India, Ireland (Census, Education, Re- formatory Bchools), Madmn, Medicnl education, Military education, Scotland, Schools, Teachers, Uuiversitios. EOTrr. Police repulafions. A. P. 1W7-58, v. 60. ELECTION petitions. A. P. 18511. 2d ficss., v. 26; R. Ct. 1863, r. 7. Elections. Cost of. A. P. 18, Papers respecting the. A. P. 1802, v. 62. ESFlELDriflo factory. A. P. 1S59. v. 15; 18C0, v. 41; 1861, v. 36. Engineers, Royal. Rctiremcul of officers, A. P. 18G3, v. 33. — Vacancies, l»lH>-63. A. P. 18C3. v. 33. EyoLjiyv, including }rale9. Agriculture. A. P. 1861, v. 50; 1862, v. 60. — Births, deaths, ond mnrringes. A. P. 1860, v. 66; 1861, v. 67; 1862, V. 53; 1803, v. 50; R. Cr. 1859, 2d Bess., v. 12; 1800, v. 29; 1861, V. 18; 1862, v. 17; 186.1, v. 14. — Ccnfl«8,1861. A. P.18(;i.v.60: 1802,v.50; I863,v.29,53,pt.l.2. — Charily commission. A. P. 1861, v. 51 ; R. Cr. 1859, v. 12; 18G0, T.34; 1861, V. 20; 1862, v. 19; 1863, v. 28. — Constabulary, Reports of the inspectors of. A. P. 1862, y- 45; 1863, V. 50. — Coroners' inquests. A. P. 1860, v. 67: 1863, v. 48. — _ County courts. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 19; 1861, v. 51. — ' County treasurers' occounls. A. P. 1850, 2d sess., v. 2C; 1801, V. 67; 1802, ▼. 53; 1863, v. 50. — CoDTts of common law. A. P. 1862, v. 44; 1863, r. 48. — Crime. A. P. IHil, v. 52; 1862, v. 44, 4.^; 1863, v. 48. — Ecclcsiaslical commission. A. P. I860, v. 63; 1861, ▼. 48; 1862, V. 41; R. Cr. 18l», V. 28; 1861, v. 18; 1862, v. 8, 19; R. Ct.l863, v. 15. — Friendly' societies. A. P. 1859, 2d sees., v. 19; 1860, v. 39, pt. 1 lS61,v. M; 1802, V. 29; 1863, v. 29. — Highways. A. P, 1859, 2d sess., v. 2G; 1861, v. 67; 1862, v. 63 1863, V. 50. — Judicial statistics. A. P. 1800, v. Gi; 1801, v. 60; 1662, v. 66 1863, V. 65. — Justices of the peace. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., ▼. 19. — Loan societies. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 15 ; I860, v. 40 ; 1861, v. ai 1862, V. 30; 18*B, v. 29. — Lnnacy. A. IM800, v. 40; 1861, v. »4; 1862, v. 30; R. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., V. 14; 1860, v. &1; 1861, v. 27; 1862, v. 23; X863, v. 20. — Lunatic asylums built 1858-00. A. P. 1861, v. 57. 31* Great Britain. Sessional papers, continued. England, inctudinj Wales, contiHUcd. Lunatics, Care and treatment of. A. P. 1860, V.6S; 1862, v. 44; R. Ct. 18.'^9, v.3;2d 8C»9.,v.7; 1800, v. 22. — Now pnrishes. A. P. 1801, v. 48. — Pauper children. A. P. 1860, v. 6S; 1862, v. 49, pt. 1. — Pauperism and poor rates. A. P. 1859, v. 24; 1860, v. 68; ISOl, V. 53-55; 1802, v. 48; 1803. v. 62. — Police. A. P. 1860, v. 57; 1861, v. 52. — Poor, Irremovable. R. Ct. 1859, 2d bcbs., v. 7; 1860, y, 17. — Poor law board. A. P. 18G1, v. 65; It. Cr. 1860, v. 37; 1801, v. 28; 1802, V. 24 ; 1863, v. 22. — - Medical relief. A. P. 1800, v. 58; 1861, t. 65. — Poor law unions. A. P. 1861, v. 65; 1862, v. 49, pt. 2; 18C1. v. 52. — Poor rates. Collecting from email tenements. R, Ct. 1859, 2d BOSS., V. 7. — - Composition of. A. P. 1802, v. 49, pt. 1. See alao: WcBtniinster. — Poorrolief, Administration of. R. Ct. 1861, v. 9; 1862, v. 10. — Poor removals. A. P. 1861, v. 55; 1863, v. 52. — Popular education. State of. R. Cr. 1801, v, 21, pfs. 1-C. — Population and reprcsentntion, A. P. 1800, v. S.'i. — Prisons. Report of inspectors. R. Cr. 1860, v. 35; 1361, v. 29; 1863, V. 25; 1863, V, 23. — Renial of property subject to poor rate. A. P. 1861, v. 54. — Salmon flsheries. R. Cr. 18()1, v. 25; 1862. v. 19; 1863, v. 28. — Schools, Certain public, Commiasion to inquire into. A. P. 1802, V. 43. — Schools erected by authority of the privy council. A. P. 18C0, v. 53. — Turnpike trusts. A. P. 1860, v. 61 ; 1801, v.67; 1802, v.63; 18G3, V. 50; U. Cr. 1859, 2d eesa., v. 11; I860, v. 31; 1861, v. 33; 1862, V. 28; 180.1. V. 28. — Workhouses. A. P. 1861, v. SS; 1862, v. 49, pt. 1 ; 1863, v. 53. England. Church of. ' Church building acts, Districts assigned to churches under. A. P. 1861, v. 48 ; 1862, v. 41. — Church buildingacts amendment bill. R. Ct. 1863, v. 6. — Church estates commission. R. Cr. 18^9, v. 12 j 1860, v. 28; 1861, V. 18; 1862, v. 19; lS63, v. 15. — Church leaseholds. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 19. — Church rate bills, 1840-60. A. P. 1861, v. 48. — Church rates. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 19. — - Operation of the Jaw of. R. Ct. 1859, 2d sess., v. 5 ; 1800, v. 22. See atso: Benefices, Bishops' appointment fees, Churchyards, Clerical magistrates, Durham, Easter dues. Ecclesiastical, Englaud (New parishes), Pluralities, Tithe, Worcester, York deanery. EpPINO forest. Rights of the crown. A. P. 1862, v. 30; 1803. v. 29. Essex County. Turnpike roada and bridges. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., V. 26; 1861, y. 67. Sec also: Royal forests. Evictions. See Dcrryveagh, Donegal. ExCHEQUEn. A.P. 1859, 2d6es8., V. 15; 1860, v. S9, pt. 1; I8C1, y. 34; 1802, V. 29; 1803, v. 29. Excise duties. A. P. 1800, y. 39, pt. 1. ExniRiTiON of 1851. 4th report of commissioners. R. Cr. 1801, v. 32. Exhibition of 1862, Purchase of land and buildings for. A. P. 1863, V. 29. Expired and expiring laws. R. Ct. 1859, y. 3; 1860, y. 22; 1861, y. 14- 1862. V. 16; 1863, V. 7. Exports, 1840, 1852, 18CO-«2. A. P. 1862, y. 66. 'See also: Commercial reports. Cotton goods. East India, Salmon, Sugar, Tin, Trade and navigation. Zinc. Factories. A. p. 1859, 2d sess., v. 27: 1862, v. 6.5; 1863, y. 67. — Reports of insi)ectors. R. Or. 1859, 2d sess., V. 14; 1860, v. 34; 18G1, v. 22; 1802, v. 22; 1803, y. 18. See aUo: Lace. Faraday, M. Reports on electric light. A. P. 1862, y. 54. Feejee Islands, Correspondence relating to the. A. P. 1862, y. 30. Fees. See Bishops' appointment fees, Officers. Felt. Exemption from paper duty. A. P. 1861, v. 34. Finance accounts. A. P. 1S59, 2d sess., v. 15; 1860, v. 39, pt. 1 ; 16G1, y. 24; 1862, y. 20; 1863, y. 39. Fine orts commission. R. Cr. 1801, v. 32; 1863, v. 16. See also: Royal academy commission. Fire insurance, Duty on. A. P. 1859. 2d sess., v. 15 ; 1860, y. 39, pt. 1 ; 1861, y. 3i; 1862, y. 29; 1863, v. 29; R. Cr. 1863, v. 26. FtRES. See Metropolis. tlSHERiEs. R. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., t. 14; 1860, y. 34; 1861, v. 22: 1802, V. 19; 1863, v. 20. See atso: Ireland, Salmon, Scotland (Herring, Salmon), Shannon, Trout, Weirs. Flogging in the army. A. P. 18C0, v. 41 ; 1802. y. 32; 1863. y. 32. Floogino in thenavy. A.P. 1859, v. 15; 1800, v. 42; 1861, v. 38; 1802, V. 34 ; 1863, v. 36. Foreign countries. Commerce. A. P. 1862, y. 68, 69. — Manufactures. A. P. 1801, v. 63; 1862, v. 68; 1863, v. 68. — Statistical tables relating to. A. P. 1850, 2d sess., v. 31; ISOO, V. 65, 66 ; 1861, y. 60, 61 ; 1862, v. 67. Sec also: Commercial reports by secretaries of legation. GREAT BRITAIN 246 GREAT BEITAIX Great Buitaix. Sessional papers, continued. Foreign enlistment act, Memorial sasgcsting an altcratiou Id. A. P. 18C3, r. 72. FORElGi' office. Messengers. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., t. 15. FOl!ElGN irodc Charges (act cf ISGO). R. Ct. 1S62, v. 12. Forests. Sm Epping, Uuinault, Man (Islo of), Royal forests, Woods and forests. TORT E, frigate. Ill treatment of the officers by the Brazilian author- ities. A. P. 18G3, V. 73. FOKriFiCATiONS. A. P. 1800, V. 41; ISGl, v. SG; 1SC2, v. 32, 34; 1S63, V. £9, 31. See alao: Great Taimoath battery, Plymouth, Spithead. FRANCE. Exports to. A. P. 1S60, v. 63; ISCl, v. 58; 18G2, v. 55. — Imports from. A. P. 1SC2, v. 55. — Xaval and military forces of. A. P. ISGS, v. 63. — Postal communication with. A. P. ISCl, v. 65. — Tariffa. A. P. lS61,v. 58, — Treaty of commerce with. A. P. 18C0, v. 68 ; 1861, v. 65. See also: Paris, Savoy. Franchise. See Electors, Parliamentary representation. Friendly societies. See England, Scotland. Frith, Capl. R. Claim on the lato government of Oude. A. P. 1862, V. 40; 18C3, V. 46. Frith. Capl. W. H. L. Claim against the government of Oude. A. P. 1860, V. 52. GALI.E harbour, Improvement of. A. P. 18G0, v. 45; 1862, v. SG. GaI.»'av. Atlantic roval mail steam navigation company. A. P. 1859, V. 17; 1860, v. 62; 1861. v. 35; 1SG3, v. SO; R. Ct. 18G1, v. 12. 35. — Queen's college. R. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., v. 14; 1860, v. 24; 1861, v. 20; 1862, v. 20; 1863. v. 17, pt. 2. — Suitableness for a packet station. A. P. 1859, v. 17. GAilBiA river. Convention relative to Portendic and Albreda. A. P. ItroO, v. 61?. Game lows, Offences against the. A. P. 1860, v. 57 ; 1862, v. 45. See also: Poaching. Gabibaldi, G., Landing of, in Sicily. A. P. 1860, v. 63. See also: Orwell. GAS. ■ Sale of. A. P. ISCO, t. 59; 1861. v. 50; 1862, v. 55. — Use of. See Britisli museum, Picture gnlleries. Gasworks. See Pembroke. GeaSHILL barony. A. P. L863, v. 50. Geelonq and Mclboumo railways. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., t. 22. Getuin (S. Wales) colliery accident. A. P. 1863, v. 67. Gibraltar. Convict establishment. A. P. 1S59, 2d sess., v. 22; 18C0, T. 4.>; 1861, V. 40; 1862, v. 36; 18C3, t. 39. — Military- prisoners in, 1858-60. A. P. 1861, v. 3C. Gibraltar, etcamshtp. Detention at Liverpool. A. P. 1863, v. 72. GLorcESTEK election. A. P. 1860, v. 30, pt. 1 ; v. 65 ; R. Ct. 1859, 2d sess., V. 3; R. Cr. 1860, v. 27. GODavery river, Na%igation of the. A. P. 1800, v. 62; 1862, v.' 40. GOLD const. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 22. GOLD coin exported from N. 8. Wales and Victoria, 1857-60. A. P. 1802, V. 30. See alto: Australia, British Columbia, Colnngo, Nova Scotia, Victoria. GOODWIN sands, Wrecks on, 1851-«2. A. P. 1803, v. 63. GOVEKNMENT lioimi-s paying rent to tbo Department of woods and furcslfl. A. P. 18G3, v. 20. GRANT, Capt.3. Claim for Improving the cooking apparatus used in the army. A. P. 1802, v. 32; 1803, v. 32. GRANTS for misccllaneoua 6er\-lcc!i, 183.7-63. A. P. 1863, v. 31. GREAT Grimiby election. -R. Ct. 1862, v. IG. Great iouthem and western and Limerick and CnstlccoDnoU rall- wnyii bill. Minutes of evidence. R. Ct. 18G2, v. 0. GREAT Yarmouth battery. A. P. 1803, v. 33. Great Yarmouth election. R. Ct. 18C0, v. 11. Greece. Affairs previous to .luly 0, 1827. A. P. 1863, v. 73. — Election of Prince William of Denmark as king of. A. P. 1803, T. 73. ~ Financial conillllon of. A. P. I860, r. 68. — Ilevolutlon In. A. P. 1863, v. 73. 5m aUo: Ionian Islands. OQEEtC loan: A. r. 1800, t. S9, pt. 1 ; ISCl, v. 34; 16C2, r.SOi 1803, T.29. OnECswicn bosplul. A. P. 1B50, v. 16; 1801, r. 38; 1803, v. 30; R. Or. 1800, V. CO. OltRE.twICU union. Complaints Agnlnat Dr. Arthur. A. P. 4850, t. 24. ORF.r, SirO. Itrcall from Iho Cepu of Good llope, and roa]>polnt- m»»nl. A. P. IHOO, v, 45. OfNDOATS. A. P. IHOO, r. 42; 1MI.T.38; R. Ct. 1800, v. 8. Gl-ZLRAT, Disarming tba oallvus of. A. P. 1800, v. 50. llAI!rAlTi,T forest. Rights of tbo crown over. A. P. 1800, v. 39, pt. 1 ; l»Oy, V.80; I8ffJ, V. 29. Halifax, A'. .V, Kallwnx weiiward. A. P. 1802, v. 30. llARt>"tiit bills. Itrporii from lliu board of trade. A. P. 1800, r. 69; IbOl, T. Ml IHCJ, T. 02; IMS, v. OU. Great Britaijj. Sessional papers , continued. HaRDOUKS of refuge. A. P. 1851), 2d sess., v. 27; ISOO, v. C2; 1861, V. 5^ ; 1S62, V. 54 ; 1803, v. 20 ; R. Ct. 1860, v. \5. See also: Aldcrney, Brmkwatcrs, Donnghadco, Dundnlk, Galle, nnrwicli, Holyhead, Islet'f Jlan, Lnng«tone, Lcith, Malta, Mersey, Fortpatrick, lUimsgate, Sedashcgar, Wexford. IlAnTLET rolliery, Accident at. A. P. 1802, v. 65. Harwich harbour. R. Ct. 1862, v. C. — Landguard point. A. P. 1861, v. 38; 1862, v. 34, Havelocic, -Sir IL, Statue in Trafalgar square to the memory of. A. P. 1801. V. 50. HAVENS, W. R. Dismissal from the commission of peace for Essex. A. P. 1862, V. 44. Healto, Piibltc. Report of the medical officer of the pri\'y council. R. Cr. 1860, V. 29; 1801, v. 10; 1S02, v. 22; 1803, v. 25. See also: Sewage. Hesse, grand duke of, Accession of the, to the iuternational cnpy- riglit conventions. A. P. 1862, v. 63. HlND, II. V. Assiniboiue and Saskatchewan exploring expedition. A. P. 18C)0, V. 44. niNDOO temples. Piiyments to shrines by the East India company In 1857. A. r. 1860, v. 62. HOCQi'ARD, C. P. V. the queen. Costs in the case of. A. P. 1859, 2d 6C8S., V. 27. Holstein, DucJii/ of. A. P. 1861, v. (VJ; 1863, v. 74. Holyhead harbour. A. P. 1860, v. 02; 186;i, v. 63; R. Ct. 1803, v. 7. Holyhead and Kingstown mails. A. P. 1862, v. 30. Ho.VDlTRAS. Boundary agreed with Guntemala. A. P. 1800, v. 68. Bono Kong. A. P. 1860, v. 43; 1862, v. 36. Hops raised, exported, etc. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 27; 1801, v. 68; 1802. v. 55; 1863, v. 07. Hospitals. Sco Army, Dublin, Greenwich, Ireland (Infirmaries), London. HOUSE duty. A. P. 1863, v. 29. HorSE of commnns. Dispntch of business by. R. Ct. 1861, v, 11. — General index to the divisions, lhJ2-Cl. A. P. 1801, v. 60. — Select eommilteos. A. P. 1859, 2d ecss., V. 20; 1801, v. 60; 1802, V. 44; 1803, V. 48. — Sittings of the. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 26; 1801, v. 50; 1862, v. 44; 1S6.'{, V. 43. — Standing orders. A. P. 1859, 2d spss., v. 20; ISOO, v. 50; ISOl, v. 50; 1802, V. 44; 1803, v. 48; R. Ct. 1862, v. 10. See also: Petitions (Public). ■ HtfDDEllSFiELD election. R. Ct. 1859, 2d 9cs8.,t. 3. Hl'DSON's Buy company. A. P. lS.*i9, v. 17. IlYDROoaApniCAL surveys since 185.'t. A. P. 1802, v. SI. IIYXHE muskcli-y school. A. P. 1S.'>9, 2d sess., v. 17. Immigration loans. A. P. 1800, r. 45. IMPEKIAL guarantees or loans. A. P. 1800, v. 30, pt. 1. UlPORTS. A. P. 1801, V. cot 1803, V. 06. See also: Cocoa, Corn, Lead, Sugar, Tea. I.vci.osuitE commission. R. Cr. 1800, v. 31; 1801, v. 20; 1802, v. 19; 1803, V. 28. SeeaUo: Chigivoll. INCOME tax. A. P. 1859, 2d sees., v. 15; 1800, v. .TO, pt. 2; ISOI, v. 34; 1802. V. 30; 1803, v. 31. — Acts, 17!IH-1SG2. A. P. 1S02, v. 30. — Mode of assessing and collecting. R. Ct. 1801, v. 7. See al^o: Cast India. Index. Oonerni index to bills, reports, esliinaii-s, acoountP, and pajjcrs, 1852-01. A. P. 1802, v. 05. Index to utiilules, public and private, 1801-59. A. P. 1800, v. 72, 73. India. See Eant India. iNDinO, Cultivation of, In ItengaL A. V. 1861, v. 44, 46. Inland revenue. A. P. 1862, v. 29; It. Cr. 1859, 2d scss., v. 14; 1800, V. 23; 1801, V. 31 ; 1802, v. 27 ; 1803, v. 20. INLAND revetiuo establiilinients. K. Ct, 1802, v. 12; 1QC3, v. 0. Insane pnupers, A. P. 1660, v. 63. iNsfltANCE. See Flro insurance. INTKRNATIONAL copyright. Sre Hense, Sardinia, Spain. Ionian Nlandn. Mission of W. K. GladAtono to. A. P. 180), v. C7. — Union with On-oce. A. P. 1803, v. 74. Ireland. Admiralty court. Sittings and warrants, 1849-6S. A. P. . 18tll, v. 49. — Agricultural sUtlnllcs. A. P. 1859, 2dsc»s,, v. 29: 1800, v. OOj IMOI, V. tU; 1802. v. 60; 1803, v. 09. — Union, i:xp..rt« of, 18.'.3-(W. A. P. 1801, v. 68. — Ibironl.* and balM,. ironies. A. P. 1802. v. 63. — Ulrthi, dtnths, and nnirringes. U. Ct: 1861, v. 14. See aUo bctoia : Marriages. — BUhops" lands. A. P. 1800, v. 63; 1801, v. 48. — Census, 1851. A. P. 1802, v. 61. — - 1801. A. P. 1801, V. 60; 1803, V. 64-00. ConfcHfi.— Vol. LIV, LV, Area, population, and numlici" of houses, by tuwnlnnds and dorlorat illvUlonH. LVI, I.V1I. AgVN and eduen- tlon, by bnronicN, pnrUlu'H and towns. LIX, LX. Itvllgloui profus- slous, education and occupation. GREAT CIUTAIN 247 GREAT BRITAIN Great Bkitain. Sessional papers i continued. lltELAND, continued. ChiiHtnblc donutionB nml hcqiifsls bill. A. P. laH, V. M; H. Cr. 1S59, 2d bc8»., v. H; 1800, v.&i; 1801, v. JO; 1802. V. 19; 180,1, v.lM. — Civil b1 Us, IWG-StJundlMG-OO. A. P. 1801, v. 61. — Const of. Mnrklujt by buoys, cic. A. P. 1803, v. 03. — CommisBions of tliu pi-iici'. A. P. 1801, v. fil, — Commitments for Illicit tiumintloii, 185iMJ3. A. P. 1863, v. 49. — Conimou Inw courts. SntHrli-s, etc. A. P. 1861, v. 61. — Constnbulnry. A. P. J850, ^d bcss., v. 10 ; 1800, v. 67 ; 18C1, v. 62 ; 1802, T. 40; 1803, V. 60. — Convict prisons. It. Or. 1850, Sd seas., v. 13, pt. 2j 18C0, v. 30; 1801, V. 30; 1802, v. 20; ISO^t, v. 24. — Costs of proBOCutlon, 18J4-58. A. P. IMO, 2d seas., v. 26, — County 8ur%-oyors. Snlnrlca. A. P. 1803, v, 60. — County treasurers' accounts. A. P. 1860, 2d Bess., v. 20; 18G0, V. 01 ; 1801. V. 61 ; 1802, v. 63 ; ISO:!, v. 29. — Crime. A. P. 1869, 2d BCSS., V. 13; 1800, v. 57; 1801, v. 62; 18C2, V.40; I80S, T. 40. — Crown lands. A. P. 1S63, v. S9. See aUo helow: Quit and crown rents. — Debentures on land bill. R. Ct. 1802. v. 16. — Deserted children. A. P. 1850, v. 24. — Dmlnaee bill. R. Ct. 18G2, v. 10. — Ecclesiostlcnl commission. A. P. 1800, v. 63; E. Cr. 18C0, t. 31 ; 1801, V. 18; 1802, v. 19; l§d^I6. — Education. A. P. 1800, fl(|f ISGl, v. 48; 18G2, v. 43; 1863, v. 17, pt.1,2; It. Or. 1859, 2d sess., v. 14; 18G0, v. 25,20; 1801, v. 20; 1862, V. 20. — Eatablishcd churcli in, 1834, 01. A. P. 18G3, v. 46. Se9 also: Meath (Soo of), — Fines and pennllies. A. P. IfiCl, v. 61 ; 1863, v. 49. — Fish«rie9. A. P. 1859, 2d aess., v. 27; 18G0, v. 61; 1862, v. 53; 1863, V. 08; K. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., v. 14; 1800, v. 34; 1601, v. 25; 1802, T. 19; 1803, v. 28; It. Ct. 1802. v. 9; 1803, v. 7. — Grand juries. A. P. 1800, v. 61 ; 1861, v. 61. — Grand jury presentments. A. P. 1801, v. 67; 1802, v.53; 1863, V. 50. — Incumbered estates court. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 19. — loflrmariesnnd fever hospitals, la'WMiO. A. P. 1802, y. 53. — Land improvement. A. P. 1803. v. 50. — Landed estates court. A. P. 1802, v. 44. — Licences cancelled. A. P. 1803, v. 67. — Loan fund board. It. Cr. 1859, 2d sosfl., v. 10 ; 1S60, v. 34; 1801, . V. 27 ; 1862, v. 19 ; 1803, v. 28. See also below: Reproductivo loan fund. — Loans under the land improvement act. A. P. 1862, v. 30, — Loughs Corrib, Mask, and Curra drainage. A. P. 1859, 2d soss., T. 20. — Lunatic asylums. A. P. 1802, v. 44 ; R. Cr. 1859, 2d scbs., v. 10; 1861. V. 27 ; 1802, v. 23 ; 1863, v. 20. — Lnnatic poor biU, Proceedings on the. K. Ct. 1859, v. 3, — Mails. A. P. 1861, v. .-iS. — Marriages. R. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., v. 12; 1800, v. 29; 1801, v. 18; 1S62. V. 17. — Militia. A. P. 1861, T.. 36; 1802, V. 32; 1863, V. S3. — Model schools. A. P. 18G3. v. 46. — Monicipal borouRhs. A. P. ;859, 2d sess., v. 26; 1861, v. 67; 1862. v.53; 1863, v. 60. — Partnerships, 1783-1863. A. P. 1865, v. 68. — Pnupers bom out of. A. P. 1863, v. 52. — Paupers sent home. A. P. 1800, v. 68. — Poor law unions. A, P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 19. — Poor relief. A. P. 1859. v. 24 ; 1860, v. 58 ; 1801, v. 55 ; 1863, v. 62 ; R. Cr. l&-,9, 2d sess., v. 11; 1800, v. 37; 1801, v. 28; 1802, v. 24; 1863. V. 22; R. Ct. 180!. v. 10. — Postal revenue, 1858-60. A. P. 1861, v. 35. — Prisons. R. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., v. 13, pt. 2 ; I860, v. 36 ; 1861, v. 29 ; 1862, V. 26; 1803, v. 23. — Public works. A. P.-1859, 2d sees., v. 15; I860, v. 40; 1861, v. 35; 1802, V. 30; 1863, v. 31 ; R. Cr. 1859, 2d Bess., v. 14; 1800, v. 34; 1861, V. 33; 1802. v. 28; 1803, v. 26. — Publication of ancient laws and institutes. R. Cr. 1659, 2d eess., V. 13, pi. 2. — Queen's colleges. A. P. 1860, v. 63; 1862, v. 43. — Queen's university. See Dublin. — Quit and crown rents. A. P. 1801, v. 35. — Reformatory schools.' A. P. 1801, v. 62; R. Cr. 1862, v. 26; 1803, V. 24. — Registrars, etc A. P. ISGO, ▼. 67. — Registry of deeds. A. P. 1861, v. 61 ; 1862, v. 44 ; 1863, v. 49. — Reprodaclive loan fund. A. P. 1800, v. 39, pt. 1; 1S61, v. 34; 1802, T. 30; 1863, v. 29. — Rcvcnoo. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 15; 1860, v. 40; 1862, v. 30; 1863, T. 31. — Roman catholic prelates, Synodical action by. A. P. 1863, v. 40. — Roman catholics, 1834 and 1801. A. P. 1863, v. SO. — Salmon fisheries. A. P. 18l'>3, v. 68. ^ Savings banks. A. P. 1803, v. 31. — Spirits. Duty, 1850-01. A. P. 1861, v. 68. — eUpendlftry raagist rates over 60 years of age. A. P. 1802, V. 40. Great Britain. Sessional papers^ continued, IlttlLAND, continued. Vulcrs in each borout^h. A. 1'. 1860, v. 65. Sett also: Bnnn, ■Belfast, Castletown union, Cork, Crookbaven, Cnrrugh of Kildare, Derrymacasli, Dorryvcngh, Donugliadoe, Don- egal, Dublin, Enst Asdee, Oonshill, Kilconconsc, Kilraacrenan, Kingstown, Kinsule, Leinster, Limerick, Mnynooth, Meath, Poor removal, Portputrick, Shannon, Sklbbcreon union, Tyrone, "Wex- ford, Youghal union. Iron eased ships. See Kavy. InoN ships. Preventives of rust and corrosion. A. P. 1801, t. 33. IIIWIN, O. O'M., Caso of. A. P. 1813, v. 49. Italy. Affairs of. A.P.1859,2d5C88.,v.32; 18C0,T.07,68i 18Cl,v.G7; 1862, V. 0;{. — Rrignnduge in. A. P. 1803, v. 74. — Extradition of criminals, 1861-63. A. P. 1803, v. 74. See also: Brescia, Modena, Kaplcs, Nice, Popal states, Rome, Sar- diuio, Sieilies (T\vo). Jamaica, Delit of. A. P. 1802, v. 30. Japan. Attairsin. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 33; 1861, v. 66; 1802, v. 64; 1SG3, V. 75. — Treaty of commerce with tho Tycoon. A. P. 1800, v, CO. jEKSEr, /sico/. Laws, etc. A. P. 1801, v. 51 ; 1862, v. 44; 1803, v. 48; R. Cr. I860, v. 31 ; 1801, v. 24. Jesuits. A. P. 1803, v. 46. Jews' act, Best mode of carrying info efTecl tho. R. Ct. 1859, v. 3. Joint-stock companies. A. P. 1859, 2d sees., v. 27; I860, v. 67; 1861, v. 34; 18G2, V. 65; 1803, v. 08. — Convention between Great Britain and France relative to. A. P. 1802, V. 63. Jones, W. Cliange of name to W. Herbert.' A. P. 1803, v. 48. Kahens, Tour among, by Col. Pbnyre, etc. A. P. 1801, v. 46. Kensington estate, Purchase of. A. P. 1803, v. 29. Kensington Gore exhibition buildings. A. P. 1863, v. 29. Kensington. South. Museum of art. R. Ct. 1800, v. 10. — - Visitors. A. P. 1801, v. 35. Keooh. lieut, col. J. H., Proceedings upon the petition of. K. Ct. 1861. V. 13. Kertch. Grants to forces attacking. A. P. 1863, r. 32. — Guns, etc., captured at, 1855. A. P. ISil, v. 36. — Prize money claimed for the capture of. A. 1'. 1862, v. 32. Khandeish. Treasure stolen by Ihc Bhcels. A. P. 1803, v. 40. KiLCONCOl'SE lands (King's co.). A. P. 1802, v. 62. KlLDARE, Curragh of. See Curragli of Kildare. KiLMACItENAN. Outrages, 1850-60. A. P. 1801, v. 52. KlNQSTON-CPON-HULL election. R. Ct. 1859. 2d bcss., v. 4. Kingstown. Postal service. A. P. 1802, v. 30. Kingstown and Holyhead mails. A. P. 1801, v. 35 ; 18G3, t. SO. KiNSALE riots, A. P. 1860, v. 61. * KNArsACKS, Berringfon and Spiller'a. A. P. 1860, v. 41. Kraa, or Kraw (.Malacca), Isthmus of, Canal across tho. A. P. 13.J9, 2d sess., V. 23. — Railway across. A. P. 1863, r. 43. Lace manufacture. Expediency of subjecting, to the fuctorv acta. R. Cr. 1861, v. 22. Lagos, Mand of. Occupation of. A. P. 1862, v. 01. LaIlE Superior and Red river settlement, Exploration of the country between. A. P. 1S59, 2d sess., v. 22. Lancashire. Poor relief. A. P. 1862, V. 49. pt. 1 ; 1803, v. 62 (bis). Lancaster, i)ucAifo/. A. P. 1800, v. 39, pt. 1 ; 1801, v.34; 1862, v.29; 1803, V. 29. Laud registry. Offices and salaries. A. P. 1803, v. 43. See also: Copyhold commission. Land revenue. A. P. lS59,2d boss., v.l5; 1860,v.40; R. Cr. 18C0, v. £0. See also: Woods, forests, etc. Lanostone harbour, nampskire. A. P. 1860. v. 62. LaUENTJL'RG. Duchy of, Atiairs of. A. P. 180;.!, v. 74. Lead. Exports and imports. A. P. 1801, v. 58; 1803, v. 67. Leinstek. Tolls, etc. A. P. 1861, v. 67. Leitii harbour and docks. R. Ct. 1660, v. 15. Licensed trades. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 15; 18C2. v. 30. Licenses for the sale of wine or fipirita. A. P. 1801, v. 34. See also: Beer, Ireland, Malt, Opium, Scotland, Stage carriagea, Victuallers. LlGBTHOUSES. A. P. 1863, V. 63. — Light dues. A. P. 1800, v. GO; 1802, v. 64. See also: Ceylon, Crookbaven, Dungeness, Lime, Man (Isle of). LIOHTHOUSES abroad, Expendiluro for. A. P. 1801, v. 68. LlGUTS, buoys, and beacons. R. Cr. 1801, v. 23. Lime light. A. P. 1803, v. 03. LiMElilcu. City election. R. Ct. 1859, 2d sess., v. 4. — Night mail by railway. A. P. 1802, v. 30. Lindsay, W. S. Letter on belligerent rights. A. P. 1800, v. 68. Lisbon. Yellow fever, 1857. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 26. LlSBt;RN election petition. R. Ct. 1863, v. 7. LiVERrooL. Compass committee. 3d report, 1857-00. A. P. 1802, v.M. — Shipping of erews. A. P. 1803, v. 63. — Spirits Imported, 1840-01. A. P. 1802, v. 55. GREAT BraXAIN 248 GREAT BRITAIN Gkeat Britain. Sessional papers, continued. Liverpool dislrict. County court. A. r. IStil, v. 51. Loan societies. See Englnnd. LO.CCS. See Greek, Morocco, Rnssiao, Dutch, Snrdiniaa. Local acts. A. P. ISOO, v. 59; ISGl. v. 50; 1862, v. 52. LOCVL erovernmetit net. R. Cr. 1^0, 2d sess., v. H ; ISGO, v. SI ; 18C1, V. 33 : 1802, V. 28 ; 1863, v. 2G. Local tajcntion returns. A. P. 1S59, 2d sess., v. 26; 18C0, v. 40; 18C2, V.30; 1863. T. 30. LOCOMOTIVK bill. Minutes of evidence. H. Ct. 1853, 2d sess., v. 5. Lo.VDOS. Bankruptcy court. A. P. 1862, v. 44. — Bethlehem hospital. A. P. 1863, v. 50. — Chamberlain's accounts. A. P. 1859, 2d soss.,v.£6; 1861, v.50; 1S63, T. 50. — Courts, Expediency of bringing topether. R. Cr. IRCO, v. 31. — Courts of probate. A. P. 1860, v. 67; lSti],v.51; lS62,v.44; 1863. V. 48; R. Ct. KS59, V.3. — Criminal commitments. A. P. 1860, v. 57. — Firo brigrade. A. P. 1862, v. 47. — London bridge, Rebuilding. A. P. 1SG2, v. 30. — Monuments. A. P. 1862, v. 30. — Orange street waterworks. A. P. 1860, v. 40. — Polytechnic institution. Accident. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 26. — Public offices in Downing street, Sites for. A. P. 1862, v. 30. — Saint George's in the East- Disturbances in the church. A. P. 1860, V. 53. — S.Hint Marylebone parish. Workhouses. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., V. 10. — Saint Paul's CHthodral. Revenue, 1840-60. A. P. 1861, v. 48. — Saint Thomas" hospital. A. V. 1862, v. 47. — Serpei.tine river. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 26. — Southwark. New street. A. P. IS('.2,v. 47. — Tower, The, Store and clothing depots at. K. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., v. 9. — TrafRc regulation bill. R. Ct. 18C3. v. 10. — Trinity house pilots. A. P. 1S59, 2d aess., v. 27. — Unive'rsity. A. P. 186:1, v. 46. — Westminster bridge. A. P. 18C0. t. 40; 1861. v. 35; 1862, v. 31. See alto: Bank of England, British musenm, Burlington house, Carlton hgnse terrace, Exhibition of 1851, Exhibition of 18ti2, Kcn- Bington, Metropolis, Mint, Kelson column, Thames, Trafulgar square, Wcstmiuster. LOXDoyOEnBT. Post-ofHce. A. P. 1861, v. 35, LOXOFORD county election. A. P. 186-', v. 44. Lf.XACV. See Englaud (including Wnlcal, Ireland, Scotland. Lunatic asylums. See Broadmoor, Ireland. LY.\X. Inundation of tidal waters. A. P. 1862, v. 53. Lyons, Lord. Dpspatch respecting political arrests in the I'nited States. A. P. 1862, v. 62. — Despatt^ respecting tho obstructions of eouthcm harbours. A. P. 1862, v. G2. — Despatch respcctiDg tho reciprocity treaty. A. P. 1862, v. 62. McCarTHT, Pr. G., Assassination of, at Pisa. A. P. 1862, ▼. 63. McClellaxd, J. Report on tho coal nclda of India. A. P. 1861, v. 45. MacdONaLD, Capt. G. V. Imprisonment at Bonn, A. P. 1861, v. 65. MACLAVCilUOi, or Maclachlun. J. Trial for murder. A. P. 1803, v. 49. MACLOtronuN, D., Coso of. 1860, v. 41 ; 1862, v. 32. MAi>AOAaCAii. A. P. 1863, V. 74. Maduah. Amalgamation of tho courts. A. P. 1860, v, 52. — Bank of. A. P. 1860, v. 49. — Forts in tho presidency of. Trevelyan, Sir C. A. P. 1860. V. 52. — Public Instruction ai. A. P. IWJO, v. 52. — Resources, etc. A. P. 1860, v. 52. Maoistratks. See Clerical maKiairatcs, Ireland (Commissions, etc., Stipendiary, etc.). Uails. Contracts with steam companies. R. Ct. 1860, y. 14. SeeaUo: Atlantic, ftc., Anatrnlln, Brazil, Canada, Capo of Good nope. Dover, France, Gahvoy, Ireland, Kingstown, Limerick, Ocean •team malls, Uuvz, West Indies. Malacca straits «cltlcmi-nts. A. P. 1862, v. 40. SceaUo: Kraa (Isthmus of ). Male occupiers In parliamentary cities and boroughs. A. P. 1860, v.OH; 18iJl, V. W). Malt. Duty. A. P. 1801, v. 34, 58; 1862, v. 55; 1863, v. 67; R. Ct. 1803, r. 7. — Licences for making. A. V. 1862, v. 30; 1863, v. 67. Malta. Harbour, I'Uin of. A. P. IHflO, v. 42. — New dock. A. P. IMKl, v. 36. — TrlnU f.ir murdrr, manslaughter, otc, 1840-60. A. P. 1801, v. 52. Malta and Alexandria tvlegrapli. A. P. 1863, v. 31. Mas. I-l'T of. For<-Mfi In. A. P, 1859, 2d losa,, v. W. — Ilarbonra. A. P. IHOO. v. 02. — I.lghihontea. A. P. 1H6.'), v. 63. — Po.t-offlcr. 1RV.-6I. A. P.IfiOl, T. .W. — Itemrtval of tho governor'! roaldoDco. A. P. 1600, T. 39, pt. 1 ; IftOI.v.W. MAKriir-iTrtt (llMrirt. Counly court. A. P. 1801, v. 51. AlA:fC>ri:HTi:Ii pnrlHh. r.ndowments of chnrehcs. A. V. 1801, v. 48. Maiiim'.s. Nonilnailon*. IKIl-'Irt. A. P. IHOl, v. 38. MAnitiAOE*. .*fra F.nffland, Irolnm), ScollaDil. MA40X, J, M., Krixuro of. .Vr2, v. 32; R. Cr. I860, v. 24. Military i>risonfl. A. P. 1861, v. 36; R. Cr. 1869, 2d boss., v. 13; 1860, v. 31 ; 1861, V. 30; 1862, v. 26; 1803, v. 13. Military re»pr\-o fund. A. P. 1861, v. 36; 1802, v. 32; 1803. v. 33, Military savings banks. A. P. 1859, v. 15; 1860, v. 41 ; 1861, v. 36; IH62, v. 32; 1863, v. 33. Military sctiools. See dublln. Ilythc, Sandhurst. Military srutions In tho L'nited kingdom. A. P. 1862, v. 82. Militia. A. P. 1869, v. 15; 1862, v. 32; 1863, v. 33; R. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., V. 9. — Esllmntes. A. P. 1860. v. 41;. R.'C't. 1859, 2d bcbb., v. 5; 1860, v. 8j 1801, V. 13; 1862, v. 6. — Miscellaneous. A. P. 1859, v. 15; 1861, v. 30i 1802, v. 32; 1803, V. 32, 33. See aho: Canada. Mines. AcHdcntsln. R. Cr. 1862, v. 22. — Coudlllon of. A. P. 1862, v. 65. , See alto: Coal mtnoa. MikINO districts. Population of tho. R. Cr. ISilO, 2d seHS., t. 12. See aUo: Staffordshire. Mint. Pnrehnse of hullhm fur colnogo. A. P. ISGO, v. 40; 1861, v. 31; lfi62, v.yO; 18ll.'I, v. 3L SceaUo: Coinage, Sydney. MniZA All Akbar, Papers ronpertlng. A. P. 1860, v. 52; 18(11, v. 46. MoDENA, ('orrei.pond.'uoe rcHprrlliig. mvW,8. A. P. 1861, V. 67. MciLASsKs luiiioHed, \Mri-*VJ. A. P. 18(W, v. 07. Mout.ToN bay district, Boparatlou of, from Now South Wolea. A. P. 1869, V. 17. GREAT BRITAIN 249 GREAT BRITAIN Grkat Britain. Sessional papers, continued. Morocco, Loan to be raised in London, by the emperor of. A. P. 1862, V. 64. MORTAK boftts. R. Ct. ISfiO. V. 8. Mysoek family. A. P. 1801, v. 40. Name. Clinngo of. A. P. 186;J, v.48. ■ NaI'LES. a. r. 1800, V. 08; 1861. v. 67; 1S63, v. 73. — Tri'iitmcnt of imlllical prisoners nl. A. I'. 1862, r. (VI. NasHvillk, steamer, CoiTt'Hpondcncv relating to the. A. V. ISG2, v. 62. Natal. A. P. 1800. v. 45; 1802, v. 30. National colU'cllons. A. P. 1859, 2d seas., v. Ifl. — Expenditure, 1846-4X1. A. P. 1800, v. 40. SeeaUo: British. muacum, Kensington, Niitionnl portrait gallery, Picture ^alloriua. National debt. Additiona, 1851-60. A. P. 1861, r. 34; 1853-03. 1863. T. 29. — Amounts paid on account of snringra banks for reduction of, since 1817. A. P. 1800. V. 3y, pt. 1 ; 1861. v. 34 ; 1862, v. 31 ; 180;{, v. 3L National debt office. A. P. 1801, v. M. National portrni^iiilory. A. P. IKIli, 2d sess., v. 15; 1800. v. 40; W61, V. 34 i 1862, v. 30 ; B. Cr. I860, v. 31 j 1861, v. 32 ; 1802, v. 21 ; 1803, V. 16. Navy. Codeta. A. P. 1800, v. 42; 1863, v. 35. — Deserters. A. P. 185SI, v. 15; 1801, v. 38. — Estimates. A. P. 1859, 2d seBa.. v. 16; 1860, v. 42; 1861, v. 38; 1862, V. 34; 1863, v. 35. — Health. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 17; 1801, v. 38 ; 1802, t. 34; 1863. V. 35. — Invalid seamen and mariners, A. P. 18.59. v. 15. — Iron-cased doatiug butteries. A. P. 1863, v. 36. — Iron-cased ships. A. P. 1861, v. 38; 1862, v. ^i 1863, v. 36. Ste also: Warrior. — Manning the. A. P. 1859, v. 15; 2d sess., v. 17; 1860, t. 42; 1862, V. 32. — Murine enirfnes. A. P. 1859, v. 15. — Medical supplemental fund eociety. A. P. 1861, v. 38; B. Ct. 1801, V. 13. — Officers. Officers holding civil Bituotiona. A. P. 1860, v. 42. — - Poy. A. P. 1861, V. 38; 1863, v. 36. — - Promotion and retirement. A. P. 1860, v. 42 ; 1863, v. 36* R. Ct. 18G3, V. 10. — Pensions. A. P. 18,19, v. 15. — Prizeraoney. A. P. 1861, v. 38; 1862. v. 34; 1863, v. 36. — Rvceipt and expcndituro. A. P. 1859, v. 15 ; 1860, v. 42; 1861, v 38- 1802, V. 34 : 1863, v. 36. — Ships. Air-tight compartment, 1840-61. A. P. 1862, v. 34. — - Built ond buUding. A. P. 1859, 2d aeas., v. 17; 1861, r. 38- 1803, V. 36. — - Kot in active service. A. P. 1859, 2d sesa., v. 17, — - Sent to foreign stations. A. P. 1862, v. 34. — - Total number of. A. P. 1861, v. 38; 1862, v. 34; 1863, v. 36. — Steam vessels. A. P. IsSo, v. 15; 2d sess., v. 17; 1800, v. 42. — Training boya for the. A. P. 1862, v. 34, — Wooden ships. A. P. 1861, v. 38. See alao: Anchors, Boats, Dock-yards, Flogging, Greenwich hos- pital, Gunhoats, Marines, Mortar boats, Pursers, Sailors' homes, Smoke, Transport service. Neiloherries, India, Survey of, A. P. 1861, v. 43, Nelso.v column. Contract with Londseer for lions at the b&ae of A. P. 1863, T. 31. Kew South Wales, Electoral act. A, P. 1859, v. 17. — Militory expenditure, A. P. 1861, v. 40. See aUo: Moreton bay, Sydney. New Zcoland. Affairs of. A. P. 1860, v. 46, 47. — Disturbances in. A. P. 1860, v. 47 ; 1801, v, 41 ; 1862, v. 37, — Registration and transfer of land, A. P. 1862, v. 37. — Waste lands. A. P. 1859, 2d sesa,, v. 22. Newcastle-upos-Tvse. Trinity house. A. P, 1862, v 64- 1863 V. 63. ' ' Kewspapees. Penny stamps Issued to each. A. P. 1859, 2d seas V. 15; 1860, V. 40; 18tJl, v. ^4; 1862, v. 30. KlCARAOUA. Treaty of commerce. A. P. 1860, v. 68, Nice. Annexation to France. A. P. 1860, v. 67, KILE, Delta of the. A. P. i860, v. 42. North American colonies. See British North America. Norwich election. R. Ct. 1H59, 2d sesa., v. 4. Nova Scotia, Gold discoreries in. A, P. 1861, v. 40. See at40: Halifax. Noxious vapor* evolved In certain manufacturing processes R Ct 1862, V. 14. OCEAX steam mails. Percentage of letters carried to foreign territory A, P. 1802, V. 30, Offices, Fees on appointments to. A. P. 1861, v. 34. OPICM. Licensing and sale of. In Hong Kong. A. P. 1860, v. 48, Ord^^axcb. R. ct. 1862, v. 6; 1863, V. U, See aUo: Armstrong guns, ArtlUery. 3^ Great Britain. Sessional papers^ continued. ORIinajTce survey. A. P. 1860, v. 40; 1862, v. 32; 1863, v. 33, 37; B. Cr. 1860, V. 23; 1861. v. 22. — Draftsmen and others in the service of. A. P. 1863, v. 33. — Expenditure, 1819-63. A. P. 1603, v. 31. Orwkll, «(eamcr. Seizure of, by tho followers of Garibaldi, A. P. 1862, V. 63. Ot'DE. Administration of. A. P. 1861, ■?. 46. — Annexation of. A. P. 1859, 2d sesa., v. 25. OUUK claims. A, P. 1862, v. 40; 1863, v, 45, See aUo: Frith, R., Frith, W. H. h. Oxroitn university. Amendment of statute relating to the Keanicott scholarships. A. P. 1803, v. 46, PALLI3KR, Capt. 3. Exploration nf central parts of British AmiTica. A. P. 1K59, 2d 6CS8., V. 22; 1863, v. 39. PaI'AL states. Condition and administration of the. A. P. 1860, v. 68. Papkk milla, 1838-60. A, P. 1861, v. 58. Pai-er trade. A. P. 1860, v. 40; 1861, v. 34, 58; 1862, v.55; 1863, v. 67, Pahauiay. Agreement with. A. P, 1861, v. "5. Paramatta, sleatnuhip. Loss of. A. P. 1860, v. 60. Paris. Chapel in tho rue d'Aguesscnu. A. P, 1857-58, v. 60. — Treaty of peace, 1814-15. A. P. 1860, v, 08. Parkuurst prison, A. P, 1859, 2d sess., v, 19. PaRLIAMKNT. Printing of tho nuts of. A. P. 1860, v. 89, pt, — Houses of. Decay of the stone of. A. P. 1861, v. 35, — - Kitchen and refreshment rooms, R. Ct, 1863, vT 7 — - Printing and stationery for, A. P. 1861, v. 35. Sec aho: House of commons, Westminster (New palaca — Reform of. A. P. 1860, v. 56. PaRLIAMENTaby proceedings. Record for the use of members. R. Ct. 1862. V. 16, Parliamentary representation. A. P, 1860, y. 55; 1861, v. 50- 1862, V. 44. Parochial assessments bill. R. Ct. 1801. v, 14. Passenger ships, 1853-60. A. P, 18(>0, v, 60. Passengers on railways. A, P. 1860, v. 61. Passi'Okts, Correspondence respecting. A. P. 1857-58, v. 60. Patent law expenses. A. P. 1863, v, 37. Patents for inventions. R. Cr, 1859. 2d sees., v. 14. Patriotic fund. A. P, 1800, v. 40; R. Or. 1863, v. 13. Paumden passage, etc. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 23. Paupers. See England, Ireland, Scotland, Insane paupers. Pessbruke dock-yard gasworks. A. P. 1869, v. 15; 1860, v, 42. Penal servitude acts commission. K. Cr. 1863, v. 21. Pensions paid according to the harbours, etc, act, 1861, A. P. 1862 V. 54. See also: Army, Civil list pensions. Navy, Salaries. Persian expedition, Officers who served in. A. P, 1861, v. 43. Perth, Roman catholic pensioners at. A. P. 1863, v. 49. Peterborough election. R. ct. 1860, v. 11. Petitions, Public. A. P, 1859, 2d bcbs., v, 26; 1861, v. 50- 1862, v 44- 1863, V. 48. Picture galleriea. Admission of tho public in the evening. A. P. 1859, 2d aess., v, 15. — Lighting by gas. A, P, 1859, 2d sess., v. 15, Pier and harbour act. A, P. 1863, v. 62, Piers and harbours. A. P. 1862, v. 62; R. Ct. 1860. v. 15. Pilotage. A, P. 1860, v. 60; 1861, v. 68; 1862, v. 54; 1863, v. S3, PlUmstead. Cemetery. A. P. 1861, v. 57. — Ordnance chapel. A, P. 1862, v. 41, Pluralities. A. P, 1861, v. 48. See also: Archdeacons. Plymouth ^^eakwater, Fort behind. R. Cr. 1862, v. 27. Poaching. Night poaching prevention bill. R. Ct. 1862, v. 10, Poland. Correspondence in 1831, respecting. A. P. 1861, v. 65. — Correspondence respecting the negotiations of, 1814-16. A P 1863, V. 75. — Insurrection in. A, P. 1863, v. 75. Police. 5ee England, Ireland (Constabularj'), Scotland. PONTEFRACT election, R. Ct. 1859, 2d sess., v, 4, Poor law board. See England. Poor law boards (payment of debts) bill. R. Ct. 1859, 2d seas., ». 7, Population. 1841. 1851. 1859. A. P. 1860, v. 65. — 1821,1831,1841,1851.1861. A. P. 1862, v. 44. — 1801 and 1861. A. P. 1863, v, 31, Porto Novo, Africa, Attack on. A. P. 1861, v. 65. PORTPATitiCK harbour. A, P. 1860. v. 62. Portsmouth. Convict prison. Attack on a warden by a convict. A. P. 1863, V, 48. — Soldiers' institute at, A. P. 1862, v. 32. Portugal. Postal communication. A. P. 1859, 2d eeaa., v. 32, Sec also: Lisbon. Post-office, Estimates for packet service. A, P. 1859, 2d sess., V. 16; 1861, V. 39; 1862, v. 35; 1803, v. 37. — Money order office, Losses and defalcations in. A. P. 1861, V. 35. — Report of postmaster geueral. R. Ct. 1600, v. 23; lUCr, 1861, V. 31 ; 1862, v, 27 ; 1863, v. 26. See alto: Austrfflia. Ireland, Londonderry, Muila, Man (lale of ), Sardinia, Scotland, Spain. GREAT BRITAIN 250 GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain. Sessional papers, continued. Post-office department. Salaries, etc, A. P. 1861, v. 35; 1863, v. 31. Post-office savings banks. A. P. 1861, v. 35 ; 1862, v. 30 ; 18C3, v. 31. PKISCE Consort, ship. Accidents of, Dec. 1860 and Jan. 1861. A. P. 1861, V. 3S. PSISCK of Wales, barque. Plunder of the wreck of. A. P. 1S63, v. "3. PBlXTlNG, Public. Cost of. A. P. 1S5S), 2d sess., v. 15 ; 1860, v. 40. — Queen's printer s patent. It. Ct. 1859, 2d sese., v. 5. Pbisos discipline. It. Ct. 1863, v. 9. See aUo: Corporal punishment. Peisoxers of each religious denomination, male and female. A. P. 1862, V. 45. Pbisons. See Convict prisons, England, Ireland, Military prisons, Scotland. Private bills legislation. R. Ct. 1863, v. 8. PBlVATEERS. Cruizers interdicted carrj-ing prizes into British ports. A. P. 1861, V. 38. PROBATE. Stamp duty. A. P. 1861, v. 51. PboseCUTIOSS, Expenses of. A. P. 1860, v. 61; 1861, v. 52; R. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., v. 13; R. Ct. 1802, v. 11. Pbussia. Neutrality with regard to the war in Italy. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., V. 32. Treaty for the marriage of the princess royal with the prince Frederick William Kicolas Charles of. A. P. 1857-08, v. 60. Public buildings and works. Receipt and expenditure. A. P. 1862, V.31. PfBUC departments. Redundant list. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 15j 1800, V. 40; 1861, v. 3.5; 1862, v. 30. PC3L1C expenditure. Examination of audited accounts. R. Ct. 18C1, V. 11. PUBLIC income and expenditure. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 15; i860, v. 39, pt. 1 ; 1861, v. S4 ; 1862, v. 29. PUBLIC institutions. Sums voted, 1850-61. A. P. 1861, v. 35. — To be open to the greatest number. R. Ct. 1860, v. 16. — Visitors, 25th-27tii May, 1863. A. P. lKli3, v. 31. Public offices, increase or diminution of salaries. A. P. 18G0, v. 39, pt. 1; 18G1, v. 35; 1862, v. 30; 1863, v.29. — Superannuations and allowances. A. F. 1860, v. 40; 1861, v. 35; 1862, v. 31; 18(53, v. 31. Public record office. Alleged abstraction of state papers. A. P. 1863. v. 48. Public records. A. P. 1862, v. 44; R. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., v. 12; 1860, V. 31 ; 1861, V. 32 ; 1862, v. 21 ; 1863, v. 25. PUBLIC works. Receipts and expenditures for. A. P. 1S61, v. 35. See also: Ireland. Pcbsers. Reduction of allowances for waste one-eighth to uue-tentb. A. P. 1862. V. 34. Quarantine, a. P. 1861, v. 58. QUARANTINE regulations of foreign countries. A. P. 1860, v. 60. Queen Anne's bounty. A. P. 1860, v. 53; 1861, v. 48; 1862, v.41; 1863, V 46. Queen's aides-de-camp and colonels. Claims for promotion. A. P. 180.3, V. 33. Queen's colleges. See Belfast. Cork, (Jnlway, Ireland. Quben's ])rinterB. Patent for printing Bibles in England and Wales. A. P. I860, V. 40; K. Ct. 1860, v. 22. Queen's university. See I>ublin. Queensland, Australia, AlTairs of. A. P, 1861, v. 40. -■ RaoS. Duties in foreign countries on the export of. R. Ct. 1861, v. 11. — Importation of, for ranking paper, lS'.iW.2. A. P. 1803, v. 67. Railway ond cannl bills. A. P.lSOO. v. 59; 1861. v.56; 1862,v.C2; 1863, V. 62; R. Ct. 1859, 2d sess., v. 5; 1861, v. 14. St€ al4o: Groat Southern, etc. Railways. A. P. 1859, 2d »««»., v. 27. — Accidents, etc. A. P. 1800, v. 61 ; 1801, v. 57; 1802,v.63; 1863, V.62. ^ - Charging of entailed cNlaten with annuities on account of. B. CI. 1863, V. 7. See aUo: nrltlah North America, Canada, Coylon, East India, Goo- long, Halifax, Kroa. Bamsoatb harbour. A. P. 1801, v. 59; 1862, v.M; 1803, v. 03. ReCIHKOliTV treaty. A. P. 1802, v.62. RECKUiTiN(», Prosi-nt kyatem of. R. Cr. 1801, v. 15. Red 8c« and India telegraph. A. I'. 1802. v. 40; R. Ct. 1801. v. 14. RuDiiiLL. Hallway trains botwcou June 22 and July 22, 1863. A. P. m;i, V. 62. BEFOKMAToriT flchouti. A. p. 1800, ▼. C7: R. Ct. 1850, 2d sess., v. 13, pt. 2; 1800, V. 35; 1801, v.aOj 1862, T. 28; lfl03, v, 24. See uJao: Ireland. RKFUOKR9, Korolini. A. P. 1857-58, y. flO; 1800. v. 08. UKOIHTBAll general. Set England (Ulrths, etc.), Ireland (Marrlageii, Kvgltlrar*), Hcotland (lllrllii, etc.). RtulMTKATlon of TKY ofdned*, Improved ayatom of. A. P. 1801, v. 01. ReILLI*. J,, Legality of Iho appolnlirtent of, as a civil and sessions judge of Uoiigal. A. P. IbOl, v. 43. RetOLUTE, thtp. Correspondence reapecllng. A. P. Ifi57-fl8, v. 60. HkUMOX. /*^ o/. Coolia immlgroMon from UrUUh India. A. P, UtOS, V. 7&. Great Britain. Sessional papers, continued. revenue. 1841-61. A. P. isaa, V. 31. — Amounts, 1830, 1S4U-11. 1850JI, 1860-61. A. P. 1S62, v. 30. — Gross receipt and rote per head, 1801 and 1861. A. P. 1863, r. 31. See also: Customs, Inland revenue, Ireland, Taxation, Woods, forests, and lands. REVENUE department. Estimates. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., ▼. 16; 1860, V. 43; 1861, V. 39; 1862, v. 35; 1863, v. 37. — Salaries. A. P. 1863, v. 31. Rifles, Report on small bore. A. P. 1863, v. 33. See also: Enfield rifle. RIOTS. See DerrjTnacash, Ein^ale. Roman catholic chaplains to have rank in the army. A. P. 1861, ▼. 86. Roman catholics. See Ireland, Jesuits. Perth. ROME, French occupation of. A. P. 1862, v. GA; 186S, v. 75. ROTHEKHAM. Sanitary condition. A. P. 18t>3. v. 60. Royal academy commiesion. R. Cr. 186;i. v. 27. ROYAL commissions issued since Jan. 1. 1858. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 15. Royal forests (Essex). R. Ct. 1863. v. 6. ROYAL society. Expenditure of grant, 1855-62. A. P. 1802, v. 30. RUM. Imported, 1845-62. A. P. 1803. v. 67. ^ Russia. Regulations in regard to trade with Circaesia. A. P. 1863, V. 75. Russian Dutch loan. A. P. 1800, v. 40; 1861, v. 35; 1862, v. 30; 1863, V. 31. Rtland, G. H., Correspondence relative to the case of. A. P. 1859, V. 17 ; 1862, v. 36. Sabbath. See Dublin, Edinburgh. Sailors' homes. A. P. 1860, v. 60; 1861, v. 38. St. DusiiNGO. Annexation to Spain. A. P. 1861, v. 65. ST. IVE. Liskeard school. A. P. 1863, V. 40. St. James parish. See Westminster. ST. Lucia. A. P. 1800, v. 45. Salaries, pensions, etc., exceeding £150, A. P. 1862, v. 31. Salmon exported. A. P. 1802. v. 55; 1863, v. 68. Salmon flsheries bill. R. Ct. 1801, v. 14. Sec also: England and Wales, Ireland, Scotland. Salvador, SepubUc o/, Treaty of commerce, etc., M-ith. A. P. 1863, y. 75. Sandhurst. Royal military college. Regulations. A. P. 1862, v. 32. Sardinia. Convention for international copyright, A. P. 1801, v. 67. — Post-office arrangements. A. P. 1857-58, v. 60. Sardinian loan. A. P. 1860, v. 40; 1861, v. 35; 18t>2, v. 31; 1803, v. 31. Saskatchewan exploring expedition. A. P. 1800, v. 44. Savings banks. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 15; 1860, v. 40; 1861, v. 35; 1862, V. 31; 1803, v. 31. See also: Military savings banks, National debt, Post-oOlce savings banks, Seamen's savings banks. Savoy. Annexation to France. A. P. 1860, v. 67. SCAi.EBOAltD. Exemption from paper duty. A. P. 1861, v. 34. BCHLKSWIQ, Vucfiy of, AtTnirs of. A. P. 1801, v. 65; ISOji, v. 74. Schools. See Army, Chichester, Church Lench, England and Wales, Military scliouls, Ireland (Model schools). Reformatory tcboola, Scotland, 8t. Ive. Teachers, Trocastle. Scotland. Agricultural labourers' earnings. A. P. 1801, v. 50. — Bible board. A. P. 1&59, 2d sess.. v. 19. — Births, deaths, ond marriages. R. Cr. 1800, v. 29 ; 1861, v. 18; 1862, V. 18; 1863. v. 14. — Board of trade. Income and expenditure, 1856 to 1802. A. P. 1803, V. 67. — Census. 1801. A. P. 1861, v. 50; 1862, v. 60. — Conslabulary, Report of the inspectors of. A. P. 1863, v. 50. — Courts of session. Causes litigated. A. I>. 1802, v. 44. — Crime. A. P. 1869, 2dec«8.,v. 19; 1801, v.62; 1862, v. 46; 1863, V. 49. — Dwelling houses, £2 to £\0 rent. A. P. 1869, 2d sess., v. 20. — Education. A. P. 1860, 2d sess., v. 19; 1801, v. 48; 1862, v. 43; ISO.'i. V. 46. — Friendly soeleHos. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 19; 1800, v. 30, pt. 1; 1862, V. 29; 1803, v. 29. — Herring trawling on (he coasts of, R. Cr. 1863, v. 28. — Highland roads and bridges. R. Cr. 1800, v. 34, 38; 1801, v. S3; 1K62, V. 28; 1863, v. 20. — Licenses for the sain of Inloxicnting liquors In. A. P. 1860, v. 61; R. Cr. 1800, V. .32, Itt ; 1861, v. M. — Lunacy. R. Cr. IHtMI. v. .'H ; 1861, v. 27; 1862, v. 23; 1863, v. 20. — Pauper chlldwn. A. P. 1860, v. .^8; 1,S(W, v. 62. — Pauper lunalicM. 18.'>;W0. A. P. 18*50. v. 6a — I'nupei's bom In Ireland. A. P. 1803, v. 62. — Polleo. A. P. 1850, 2d sess., v. 10; 1800, v. 67; 1861, r. flj; 1862, v. 46. — I'oor rates. A. P. 1802. v. 40, pt. 1. — Poor relief. H. Cr. 1860. v. .t7 ; 1801. v. 28 : 1862, v. 24 ; 1863, v. 22. — Popnlallon and repre^'iitnllon. A. P. IWO. 2d scm,. v. 20. — PoNl-offlce. AerounlK fioni four great l.iwnn. A. P. ItOO, v. 40. — PrUons. A. P. 1800, v. 67; R. Cr. 1800, v. 36; 1801, v. 29; 16SS, V. 25; 1863, v. 24. — Proprietors at £& and XIO. A. P, 18.W, 2d scis^, v. 26. — Ucglsiors of landiriKhls. R. Cr. 1863, v. 16. — Salmon n>horica. R. Ct. 1800, v. 10, — Sheriff oouru. A. P. 1803, t. 40. GREAT RRITAIN 251 GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain. Sessional papers, continued. Scotland, continutd. Smnll debt courts. A. P. 1861, v. 51. — Spirits. Amount consumed, 1840-58. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 27. — Tuxmlon. A. P. I8liO, %■- .V.. — Toiioprnphiral siirvoy. A. P. 1863, v. 32. — Tuniittke triisln. A. P. 1803, v. .V). — Viiivorsltit's. A.P. 18511. 2d BOSS., V. 19; 18fil.v.48; 180.2, r. 43; 18G3, V. 4ti; R. Cr. WKi, v. Itl. Set aUo: Aberdeen. — Vetera. A. P. ISGl, v. 50. Se« also: Caledoniati cnnal, Kdlnburffh, StomiAWiiy htiy. 6EAMEX, Foreign, rcplsterod, 1851-58. A. P. 1859, 2d smb., v. 27. Beamex's Mvini^ bnnkti. A. P. 1859, 2d bobs., v. 15; I8l.')0, v. 42; 1861, V. 38; 18tJ2, V. 31; 18«3, v. 31. SEDASiienXK hnrbour. A. P. 1863, v. 43. BKitrrxTl-VE river. Clcnnslne the. A. P. 1800, v. 40; R. Ct. 1860, v. 20. SEVAsrorOL, Arms, stores, etc., rnplured iit. A. P. !KG3, v. ;13. 6KWAOKofto\vT\8. A.P.18(M,v.50;lt.Cr.l86I,v.33; R. Cl. 1862, v. 14. SHANGHAI. Health oftlic; troops at. A. P. 1863, v. 33. 6HAN.VO.V flsberies. A. P. 1S63, v. 68. SUASNON river. Inundations of the, A. P. 1863, v. 50. — Works for tho iniprovemciit of. A. P. 18(il, v. 57. Shaveie, J, a. Imprisonment at Fort Wnrren. A. P. 1862, v. 62. SHEttlFFS, Pnymenis to. A. P. 1862, v. 44. BniPPING. At each port. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 27; 1860, v. 60; 1861, V. 58; 1863. V. 63. — Reculntions in forcijm ports respecting British. A. P. 1862, v. 54. See also: Merchant sbi|)plDg. Tonnage, Trade and unvigation, Wrecks. Snips. Advantages of iron and wood in the construction of. A. P. 1863, V. 36. Sfc also : Ancbors, Iron ships. Navy, Passenger ships, Steam vessels. Sicilies, The Two. Correspondence respecting. A. P. 1861, v. 67. — Expedition from Genoa to. A. P. i860, v. 08. SIKKIXE expedition. A. P. 1862, v. 40. Silver money. Sec Coinage. SKIBBERKEX union. A. P. 186i^, v. 49. pt. 1. Slave trade, African. Suppression of. A. P. 1861. v. 64. — - Treaty between Great Britain and. \morica for. A. P. 1862, v. 71. — - - Addition to the treaty. A. P. 18(J.?, v. 71. — Correspondence relating to. A. P. 1859. 2d sess., v. 34 ; 18G0, v. 70; 1861, v. 64; 1862, V. 61; 1863, v. 71. Slaves, Liberated. Sec Brazil, Mauritius, West Indies. BlidELL, J., SeizuFC of. See Tr.-nt. SmaleS, T. Court martial at Mhow. A. P. 1863, v. 33. Small arms. A. P. 1«59. v. 15. Smoke, Comumptiou of, in the navy. A. P. 1860, v. 42. Smykna, Fines inflicted by the British consular court at. A. P. 1863, V. 75. Soldiers, Emploj-ment of, and their children, in trades. A. P. 1863, V. 32. Soldiers' institutes. A. P. 1862, v. 32; 1863, v. n. SOCTH Forclond lighthouse. Lime liRht. A. P. I8G3, v. 63. South Kensington museum of art. See Kenainptnn, SPAl.v. Annexation of St. Domingo to. A. P. 1861, v. 65. — Communication by post. A. P. 1857-58, v. 60. — International copyright. A. P. 1857-58, v. 60; 1859, r. 60. - See aUo: Tangier. SPIRIXS. A. P. 1861, V. 58 ; 1862, v. 55 ; 1863, v. 67. SeeaUo: Scotland (Licenses, Spirits). 8PITBEAD forts. A. P. 1861, v. 36 ; R. Cr. 1862, v. 27. BTade toll, Treatj- for the redemption of. A. P. 1861, v. 65. BTAFFOBDSniRE mining and potteries districts. A. F. 1861, v. 52. Stage carriages and common carriers. Licenses, etc. A. P. 1862, v. 31. eXATisTtCAL abstract of the United kingdom, since 1845. A. P. 1860, V. 66; 1861, V. 62; 1862, v. 60; 1863, V. 67. Statlte book. Reformation of the. A. P. 1860, v. 57. StatCTE law consolidation. R. Cr. 1859, 2d sess., v. 13. STATl-TES, 1801-59, Index to. A. P. 1860, v. 71, 72. STEAM vessels. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 27; 1860, v. 60; 1861,v. 58; 1862, V. 54; 1863, v. 63. SeetUto: Transatlantic steamers. STOBMAwat bay. island of Lewis. Grant to Sir Jamoa Matheson. A. P. 18G3, v. 50. Si-BMARINE telegraph. A. P. 1859. 2d sess.. v. 15; 1860, v. 62. &VKZ mail». Payments, 1850-^9. A. P. 1800, v. 62. BCOAK. BririBh refined. Exported, 1844-62. A. P. 1863, v. 67. — Duties. A. P. 1862. v. 55; 186.3, v. 67; R. Ct. 1862, v. 13- — ImporU. A. P. I&-,9, 2d sess., v. 27; 1860, v. 63; 1861, v. 68; 18e2. V. 55; 1863. T, 67. 6I7PERIOR courts of law. R. Cr. 1863, v. IS. — Fee fund. A. P. 1861, v. 51 ; 1863, v. 48. — - 1&W-61. A. P. 1862, V. 44. Supply since 1835. a. p. 1861, v. 35: 1862. v. 31: 1663, v. 31. Byd.vet. Mint at. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 22; 1S60, v. 45; 1862, t. 36; lS63^v. 31; R. Ct. 1862, v. 7. SYEJA. Affairs in. A. P. 1S61, v. 68. ^ Convention for the pacification of. A. P. 1681, v. 08. — Dlsmrbancea in, 185M!0. A. P. I860, v. 69. Great Britain. Sessional papers, continued. Tangier, Spanish occupation of. A. P. 1860, v. 68. Tariffs of foreign countries. A. P. 1862, v. 55; 1863, v. 67. Taxation, Rcvonuo from, 1858-60. A. P. 1862, v. 44. Sfe also: llouao dutiQs, Income tax, Local taxation, Metropotia (Assessment), Scotland. Taxes, Practice of parliament in legislating on. R. Ct. I860, v. 22. Taylor, G. W. Prosecution for aodltion against Tuacony. A. P. 1862, v. 63. Tea. Cultivotion of. See India. — Quantity imported and consumed. 1801-60. A. P. 1861, v. 58. Teach eus. Examination to bo passed in order to obtain a certiScato. A. P. 1863, V. 40. Telegraph. Telegraphic companicB. A. P. 1860, v. 62. — Telograjihic coutructa. R. Ct. 1859, 2d sess., v. 6; 1860, v. H. See also: Constantinople, Dardanelles and Alexandria, East India, Malta, MediturraiiL-an, Submarine, Truiisatlanlic. Ti^lekI, L., cou)i(. Arrest and extradition of. A. P. 1861, v. 65. Thames conservancy. A. P. 1859, 2d bess., v. 26; 1861, v. 60; 1862, V. 47; 1863. v. 50; R. Ct. 1863, v. 12. Thames embankment. A. P. 1862, v. 47 ; R. Cr. 1861, v. 31 ; 1862, v. 28 ; 1863, V. 26; R. Ct. 1860, v. 20; 1863. v. 12. TnAME.S floating piers. A. P. 1863, v. 50. Ticket of leave prisoners. Number released, 1860-62. A. P. 1863, V. 48. Timber, Conversion of, in dock-yards. A. P. 1863, v, 36. Tin. Import and export, 1861-62. A. P. 1863, v. 67. Tiknevelly, Disturbances in. A. P. 18(!0, v. 52. Tithe commission. R. Cr. 1860, v. 31 ; 1861, v. 20; 1862, v. 19; 1863, V. 15. TOBACCO, Confiscation of. A. P. 1863, v. &5. Tolls. A. P. 1859, 2d aesa-.v. 27. See also: Chelsea new bridge, Lcinater, Stade. Tonttaoe at tAvelve ports. A. P. 1860, v. 60; 1861, v. 58; 1862, v. 54; 1863. v. 63. Topookaphical depot, Progress at. A. P. 1862, v. 32; 1863, v. 33. See also: Ordnance survey. TOHCKLER, W. Y., lieia. of fourth Bengal infantry. Court martial of. A. P. 1863, v. 40. TrabF. and navigation. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 27, 28; 1860, v. 63, 64; 1861, V. 59, GO; 1862, v. 65, 66; 1863, v. 65. Trade marks bill. R. Ct. 1862, v. 12. Trafalgar square. See Havelock. Sir H. Transatlantic steamers. Returns relating to. A. P. 1862, v. 31. Transatlantic telegraphic communication. A. P. 1863, v. 30. Transport ser^ice. A. P. 1862, v. 34 j R. Ct. 1860, v. 18; 1861, v. 12. Transportation of criminals. R. Ct. 1861, v. 13 ; R. Cr. 1863, v. 21. See also: Australia. Travancore, Disturbances In. A. P. 18.59, 2d sess., v. 25. Treasure tmve. A. P. 1861, v. 35; 1862, v. 31; 1863, v. 31. Treasury chest. See Army (Rec*^'ipts and expenditures). Treaties and conventions of guaronfee. A. P. 1859, 2d sess., v. 32. TreCASTle. National school. A. P. 1863, v. 46. Trent, steamer. Seizure of Messrs. Mason, Slidell, McFarland, and Eustis. A. P. 186a, V. 62. Trevelyan, Sir C. Forts in the presidency of Madras. A. P. 1860, V. 62. Trtnoaku, Attack upon. A. P. 1863, v. 43. Trinidad, Mortality in the army at. A. P. 1859, v, 15; 2d sess., v. 22- TRODT fisheries bill. R. Ct. 1861, v. 14. Turkey. Administration and financial reforms. A. P. 1861, v. 67; 1863, V. 75. — Condition of Christians in. A. P. 1861, v. 67. — Finances. A. P. 1862. v. 64; 1863, v. 75. — Frontier in Bessarabia and the delta of the Danube, etc. A. P. 1857-58, V. 60. — Treaty of commerce, etc. A. P. 1861, v. 67. — Trial by jury in. A. P. 1862, v. 64. See also: Constantinople. Tdexbull, W. B. Appointment to edit state papers, and his resigna- tion. A. P. 1861, V. 57. TURNPIKES. See England, Essex county, Scotland. Tyne, river. Improvements. A. P. 1862, v. 65. TYRONE assizes. A. P. 1862, v. 44, 47. United .states of America. [Blockade of the confederate porta A. P. 1861, V. 65; 1862, v. 62; 1863, v. 72. — Civil war in. A. P. 1862, v. 62; 1863, v. 72. — Confederate agents in England. A. P. 1863, v. 72. — Correspondence respecting maritime law. A. P. 1862, v. 62. — Correspondence respecting neutral rights and duties. A, P. 1863, V. 72. — Dispatch of letters by private ships to Matamoraa. A. P. 1S63. V. 72. — Enlistment of British subjectfl in the federal army. A- P. 1863, V. 72. — InstmctionB to naval officora of the United States in reg-ard to neutral vessels and mails. A. P. 1863, v. 72. — InterfTence with trade between Xew Torh and the Bahamaa. A. P. 186^1, V 72. GREAT BRITAIN 252 GREAT BRITAIN Shelf. No. Great Britain. Sessional papers, continMd. U.xiTED ST ITES of America, c<,„«n.«.r.. Uniform system of. B. Ct. 1862, v. 7. ^I'"/i 'dir ■ imndgrl"?; Infiiber.ted African, admitted to. A. P 1859, 2d sess.. v. 20, 21 ; 1861. v. 40, 45 ; -1862, v. 36. — Mail contracts to. A. P. 1863. v- 31. _ Belief. A. P. I860, V. 40; 1862, v. 36. See aUo: St. Domingo, St. Lucia. WESTMINSTER. Sew palace. A. P. 1800, v. 40. _ - Bell of the. A. P. 1860, v. 40. _ Poor rates. A. P. I860, v. 61. _ St. James parish. Distress in_^ Jan. 1860. — Superior courts of law WF.\roliDharbour,lmpro., ...--_ - _^ ^^ 1S60 v. 11. A. r. 1800, V. 63. Great Brit.un. [Cross references.] Antiquities, coinage, etc. — Folkcs, M. English silver nnd gold coins . . — Herbert, A. Britannia alter the Romans . . — Humphreys, H. N. Coinage of JJ^e British em- _ Je^'witt.L.' Handbook of English coins . . . _ Lower, M. A. Family names of the United kingdom ', ' ' ' _ Murchison.R.M. English coins from the con- quest to Victoria • • • • • — Thiupp.J. Domestic institutions of England, from the 5th to the lltli century 25S1.2 4171.7 26S2.3 25o9.40 2533.1 2532.9 2418.11 W-riglit, T. Domestic manners during the middle ages ^' ' Art. - Buchanan, VT. Imrortation of pictures .since the French revolution \'' '/.,' — Sanby, W. Kotices of all the members of the 40C0.27 4085.4 4007.30 .20. . r. 1861, V. 55. .... R. Cr. 1860, r. 31. ,ement of. A. P. I860, V. 62; 1801. T. 69. Wevmovtu and Melcombe K.gie election. R. Ct. 1860, WlllTBV rectory. Renewal of the tithe rent chatgo. WnfTWORTH, J. WlI.I. o" the wisr Academy of arts Taylor, W. B. S. Flue arts in Biography. Catechism of British biography .... Challouer, R. Missionary priests, etc., that have suffered death, Lirr-HWi Foss, E. Judges of England • • • La Gueronniere, A. de. Les liommes d'etat de I'Angleterre au xixe siecle • f^mn-K Literary ladies of England ''• ^ °* ''"'^' Lives of English saints ", " " ' •"■'"•' Manning. J. A. Speakers of the house ^^ ^^^ ^^ commons ; . Pope, M. Kings of ancient Britain . Public characters of, 179S-1S01 . Smith, T. Vita quoruudam eruditiasimorum virorum /,,'",' i' ' . Williams, J. Literary women of England . . 7039.40 6070.8 2436.1 2419.13 2547.3 4177.12 2542.14 See Enflcld ritlo factory. Britkh Khmner. Solituro by the Onltod States ship Montgomery." A. P. 1863, v. 72. , „ .oiv, „ 71 Visit to the King of Dahomey. A. P. 1803, v. 73. A. P. 1861. V. 58; 1862. v. 65; 1863, v. 07. A. P. 1860, V. 40; 1801, 1S59, 2d.aeB8., v. U; 1800, .30; ,T.3S. WILMOT, commodore Wl.VE. Imports, etc _ Llcen.c» ti. sell. A. P. 18<«. v. 40. WOODS, forests, and land revenues. 186'' v 31; 1863, v. 31; U. C 186L V. 33; 1862, v. 28; 1863, v. 26. See olso; Chopwoll, Government houses, eto. WOOLWICH. Academy. A. P. 1862, ». 32 _ Dock-yard. A. P. 1801. v. .38. _ Ordnance factory. A. P. IM9, v. 1.5. _ store and clothing depot, at. R. Cr. 1859, 2d se..., T. 9. De"hy, England, Greenwich, London (Saint Marylebone), Sklb- bereell. WolUngr.ird, yougbol. WORKS and public building.. HccolpU ond expenditure.. A. P. 1863, V. 31, WRECKS. Vnelalmod money from. Wrecks and casuollle.. A 1803. V. ttl. See alio: Goodwin Band.; Prince of WalM, TACT elubs. Warrant, granted to, 18.12, 42, 63, 68. A. P. 1859. 24 TAHO-" I«-KIA!I0 river, C«(n«, Opening of, to foreign trade. A. P. VKx'tTjle, Sntur. of. A. P. 1801, r. !», 1802, v. 32; 1803, v. 32. \E.,M»KKr. ExpenJltur.. etc. ■*• ■"• '""''ifj; . „ TOBK a.«li!e.. Crirobial pto.ecullon.. A. I ISW), v. 0J. ;Es:;:ir:rwe""uTd;;:of.".;;r;.'i^, 40, 4., 60, ^, », a. p. IWSl, T. 5U. TOOOUAt. union. A. P. 18I12,». 49, P>. 1. «,0. Export and Import, laa-ffl. A. P. 1803, v. 37. .P. 18« . 1800, T. OU; !, V. 3!. 1861, V. 68; 1862, v. 64; Civil and political institutions. Austin,.!. Plea for the constitution 2515.7 Barfre de Vieuzac, 1). Lc go^ ernemeut an- glais dvvolK' Bushby,n..T. Practice of elections Care, H. English liberties ...._...•• Cartwright, .1. The commonwealth in danger. - Military genius of the constitution .... De I.olme, .1. L. Rise and progress of the Eng- lish eonstitntion • • ■ EUys, A. Liberty of protestants in England, Essay on the constitution of England .... Fischel, E. English constitution - Die Verfassung Englaiids / ' ' Hale M. History otthe common law of. . . Laurie, J. L. Sketches of the English consti tution 2529.9 2515.22 4286.18 •.'52n.i 2420.4 42.S5.7 3643.1 3308.35 2513.23 2515.10 4305.10 2610.22 _ Lewins, W. Account of the British post-office. 2487^14 _ I ewis G C. Admiulslralions of, 1783-1830. . 2627.7 May T E Constiluliontil history of, 1700-1800. 2515.18 2529.11 Oldlield T H B. History of the boroughsof. 2512.22 Petyt, W. Antient right of the commons as- _ st'rtocl • • • • Plowrtcn F Native rights of British subjects. 3508.37 Uowlaiul', U. Manual of the English consti- tution ', ' 'j ' ' State of the representation. .Sec London. cictv of frieliris of the people Wyviil, C. Kepreseiilalioii of the people of Englaud 2615.21 So- 2571.11 . Ppll.v.337 7)fScri;>(ion, gcogrnphtj, travels, etc. Antoninus Augustus. Iter Brltannbirum . . 4176.15 Arlincourt, C. V. P. de. The three kingdoms. 8030.3 Briefe eines Verstorbenen aus England, Irc- ' Walk from London to John 2277.14 Burritt, E, O'Groata 2407.8 GREAT BRITAIN 253 GREAT BRITAIN Shelf. Ko. Gkeat Britaix. Deftcripiion, etc.^ continued. — Collins, G. Great Britiun's cottstini; pilot . . B.180a,l — Di-mly, W. C. The bvnutiful islets of liiitilinc. 2-Wr.24 — Esqiiiros, II. A. I.'An;;lett'rrc et la vie un- glaise 24fi7.17 — Gorton, J. Topogrnphical dictionary of . . . :i465.4 — Guizot, K. P. G. Embassy to the court of St. James, ISIO . . . ! 24('>4.17 — Hughes, \V. Geography of British history . . ^l.Tl.,"; — Massy, K. T. The nii.xed tribes in I!4;i5.3 — Moreau de Jonnes, A. t>tatisti.24 — - Shilling house of commons for 1862 . . . . 4539a. 33 Miscellaneous. — Chappell, W. National music of England . . 4044.10 — Cockayne, O. Science in England before the ?N0rman conquest 2423.4 — Edwards, E. Paucity of libraries freely open. 2126.3 — Hartstein, E. Fortschritte der englischen und schottischen Landwirthschaft 6645.2 — Howard, J. State of the prisons in England . 6575.1 — Huber, V. A. English universities 2470.12 — Loring, C. G. England's liability for indemnity .4320a."5 — - Neutral relations of England and the United Stales 4310a.ll0 — Regime de quelques prisons de I'Angleterre. See France. Ministry of the interior . . . . 7010.16 — Rosclier, W. Zur Geschichte der englischen Volkswirthschaftslehre 5642.1 GRRAT Eastern steam-ship, Pictorial history gf the. ,3950.5 Great newes from Newcastle, giving an account of the Scots army before that to\vne,27th Aug.- 4th Sept., 1040. London, 1851. pp. 8. 12°. [Bell. Tracts, v. 1] «45S6.20 Great Pond nuning and agricultnral companv. [Manufacture of deodorizing powder.] Port- land, 1.S50. pp. 15. S° B. 170.3 GreatiikeI), S. Memoirs of the life and writings of Cowper. New ed. London, 1814. 24° . 45n9a.41 Greaves, J. Vita Joannis Grnvii. See Smitli, T. 4177.12 Greece. Aiitif/uitiea, cninarje^ etc. — Guhl, E. Das Leben der Griechen 2900.23 — llelbig, C. G. Die sittlichcn Zustiinde des griechischen Heldenalters B. 160b. 00 — Hermann, c. E. Lehrbuch der griechischen Anlifjuitiiten B. 163.3 — Heyne, C. G. Sammlung antiqnarischer Auf- siitze 4077. .30 — Ivanofl', N. Catalogue of ancient Greek coins. 291.0.20 — Krenser, .T. Der Hellenen Priesterstaat . . . 6076.20 — Liniburg Brouwer, P. van. Civilisation morale et reli^leuse des fJrecs 6072.4 — Nitscli, P. F. A. /ustand » Grers 8.190.46 Ilowanl, (J. W. F. Diary In Greek waters . 3083.0 ! Mnbly, G. II. dc. Observations on the (ireeks. 4791.16 I Marcellus, I,. D. ilu T. de. Lea Grccs nnclens I et les Grecs niodernes 3073.13 Mllnes, K. ,M. Memorials of a tonr In . . . . 3075.12 ' PauKauio*. Descrizlonc della Grccla .... 2093.6 I Stanhope, L. Greece In )f2:i and 1824 .... 3074.0 F'.t ntin : Atlirnt, llorrA, I0io<1n«. oiitA. Toninn Ulnnds, MAertton. Greece, continued. History. ^ — P.Iair's history of ancient Greece 70fi9.45 — Curtius, E. Griechische Geschichte 3077.7 — Duruy, V. Histoire de la Gr6ce ancienne . . 3074.3 — Finlay, G. Greece under the Romans, B. C. 146-A. D. 717 B. 193.2 — Gordon, T. History of the Greek revolution . 4252.3 — HUllmann, C. D. Aufange der griechischen Geschichte 3076.8 — Lenormant, F. La revolution de Grece, ses causes et ses consequences 3073.17 — Mone, F. Griechische Geschichte 3074.6 — Perrjebos, C. Airu/icrj^orcu/iara TO^f/JOfa iiatpa- OdMiiavo):,, 1820-29 .3077.8 — Texier, E. La Gri^ce et ses insurrections . . 3076.12 Language. Grammar. — Alexander, C. Grammatical system of the Grecian language 49S0.18 — Arnold, T. K. Introduction to Greek prose composition 4988.7 — Buttmann, P. C. Greek grammar 4121.3 — - Griechische Grammatik 4989.15 — Camden, W. Institutio Grascai grammatices conqiendiaria 4989.25 -* Curtius, G. Grundziige der griechischen Ety- mologie 29S5.22 — Davies, J. Elements of Greek versilication . 4989a. 24 — Dissen, L. G. De temporibus et modis verbi Grieci 2988.10 — Donaldson, J. W. Greek grammar 2984. 1 — Dunbar, G. Exercises on the syntax of the Greek language 2986.29 — - Exposition of the Greek metres 2985.28 — - Prosodia Grajca 2985.27 — Greenwood, J. G. Elements of Greek gram- mar- 4988.8 — Hadley,,T. Greek grammar 4989.1 — Dickie, D. B. Catechism of Greek accidence. 7039.55 — Huntingford.G.I. Introduction to the writing of Greek l'ph.v.,357 — Jacob, G. A. Bromsgrove Greek grammar. 4980.13 — Jones, J. Grammar of the Greek tongue . . . 4U'i9.11 — Lancelot, C. Le jardhi des raciues grecques . 4989.19 — - Primitives of the Creek tongue 4989.12 — London Greek graninnir *4989.6 — Mntthiii, A. H. AusfUhrliche griechische Grammatik * 2984.10 — Moor, J. Elementa lingUiT Grffica; 4988.2 — - Elements of the Greek language 49S9n.l7 — Rost, V. C. F. Introduction to Greek prose composition 2985.30 — Sanlbrd, D. K. Introductiini to the writing of Greek 4989.10 — Smith, J. Grammar of the Greek language . 49S9a. 13 — Stflckhouse, T. Grjccic gramnuilices rtidi- menta 4989.8 — Stuart, 1\I. Hints and cautions respecting the Greek article 2985.25 — Valpy, F. E. J. Etymology of the Greek lan- guage 2984.24 — Verhesserte griechische Gi-ammalica . . . .4989a. 11 — Werner, (i. A. Anleiluug zuni l'el)ersetzcn ntisderdeutschen in die griechische Sprache. 2985.21 — Wettenhall, E. Graica? grammatica' institutio compendarin 4989n.25 — - System of Greek grammar 49s9a.l9 — Wilson, P. Introduction to Greek prosody. 4989.14 Lavfjunge. Lexicographg. — Benfey, T. Griechisches Wurzelle.xicon . . . 4112.8 — Dn Cnnge, C. du F. Glossarlnm medix ct Infi- mie (irwcltalls 2970.6 — Etymologlcon mngnum 21KS0.a — Etymolo^icnm Gra'cn; lingu.-c 4200.14 — Giles, J. A. Lexicon, l/rcek-Engllsh and Englloh-Greek iWl.ll GR£ECE 255 GREELEY Sbelf. Ko. Greece. Language, etc., coniimied. — Groves, J. Grot'k and English dictionary . . 2984.26 — Ilesychiu3. Ltxicou Gra-cuin -401)0.3 — Jones, . I. Tyro's Cirt-uk and Knglisli Icxicun. 2ys4.12 — Lexicon Thucydida-um 3U(M.20 ' — Orion Tliebanus. Elymologicon liysO.lO — Pussow, F. L. C. F. Handwiirterbuch der p-iechisclien Sprache 4112.5 — Sophocles, K. A. Glossary of later and liy- zantine Greek v. 7 of 2370.7 — Suidas. Lexicon Griecum 41S0.1 — Vocabulary of English and Greek 2US3.8 See aUo: Turoutuni. La ngttage . Ph ilology. ^ Harless, G. C. Introductio in historiam lin- gua; GrasciE 2052.12 — - Supplementa ad introductioncni, etc. . . . 2U52.13 — Havercnmp, S. Sylioge scriptorum qui de lin- gua; Gr«c« prouuntiatione comnientarios reliquerunt 2985.20 — Leake, W. M. Researches in Greece 2'JSKIO — Lobcck, J. V. Quiestionum Jonicarum liber . 4203.5 — Mays, G. Griechenland uud der Orient; Hel- lenika 4Q56.18 — Oikonomos, C. ITcpi rri^ yvr,ctas irpo^opas riis 'EAX^jKKfjs yA(j(7(7/)( 2986.11 — Pickering, J. Pronunciation of the Greek lan- guage 2980.9, and 2983.9 — Reitz, T. W. De prosodiee GraacEC accentus in- clinatione 2985.24 — Saunmise, C. do. Funus liuguic UellenisticEe. 2985.16 — - De HoIIenistiea coumieutarius 2985.15 — Stock, C. Literator Gracus 4114.20 — Vigier, F. De priecipuis Grjecse dictionis idio- tismis 2934.23 — Wetstein, J. R. Pro Graeca et geuuina lingua* Grceca; pronunciatione 2985.19 Language. Heading hooks. — Cleveland, C. D. First lessons in Greek . . . 4089.2 — Felton, C. C. Greek reader -1088.5 — Graeca sontcntia: 4US8.9 — Jacobs, C. F. W. Elementarbuch der giiech- ischen Sprache 4069.18 — Valpy, R. Delectus sententiarum Griecarum. 4088.10 Literature. Bibliography. — Fabricius, J. A. Bibliotheca Grasca, sive no- titia scriptorum veterum Grfecorum .... 4954.1 — Hoflteann, S. F. W. Lexicon bibliographicum scriptorum Grascorum . . , i 4135.4 Literature. Collections. — Anthologia Grieca, ad Palatini codicis fidem. B.169a.l — Anthologia Gr^ca, cum versione Latina H. Grotii, ed. ab H. de BoscU B. 161.1 — Anthologia Graeca, ex recensione Brunckii .B.161.5 — Boissonade, J. F. Anecdota Grajca B. 161.3 — Brunck, R. F. P, Analecta veterum poetarura Grajcorum B.162.7 — CoUezione degll erotici greci tradotti in vol- gare B. 162.3 — Cujas, J. Epistolae Grsecauicx mutuse antiquo- rum 4200.8 — DaIzeI,A. Collectanea Grseca minora . . . . 4088.4 — Dobson,W.S. Oratores Attici B. 163.1 — Falconnet, E. Les petits po^mes grecs . . . . B.161.2 — Hertcl, J. Poetarum Graicorum opera senten- tiosa B. 169a. 16 — Karsten, S. . Philosophorum Gnecorum qui ante Platonem floruerunt reliquije 4204.10 — Lect, J. Poetx Gricci veteres 4200.7 — Lobcck, C. A. Poetarum Orphicorum reliquiae. 6072.9 — Meineke, J. A. F. A. Analecta Alexandrina . 4205.21 — - Fragmenta comicorum Gracorum B. 162.8 — Mitscberlich, C. W. Scriptores erotici Grjeci. B. 162.4 — Poeta Grxci gnomici B. 169a. 2 Sbolf, Ko. Greece. Literature^ etc., continued. — Vorst, J. Veterum poetarum Graecorum po* eniata B. 169.6 — Westphal, R. Friigmente und Lelirsiitzc der griechisclien Illiythniiker 2985.25 — Wintertou, R. Poetic miuores Grajci . . . . 2004.7 Literature. History. — Brailsford, H. Literature of ancient Greece. 4952.10 — Browning, E. B. B, Grerk Christian poets . 2964.9 — Creuzer, G. F. Epocheu der griechischen Lit- teraturgeschichte 4952.13 — - Die historische Kunst der Griechen .... 4052.12 — Dalzel,A. Lectures on the ancient Greeks . . 2053.19 — Everett, E. Synopsis of lectures on Greek lit- erature Pph.v.368 — Groddeck, G. E. Historiac GrjJcorum littera- ria; element a 2952.14 — Hampden, R. D. Fathers of Greek philosophy. 5603.8 — Kenuet, B. Lives and characters of the ancient Grecian poets 2989.3 — Major, J. R. Guide to the readiug of the Greek tragedians 2985.23 — Mohnike, G. C^ F. Geschichte der Litteratur der Griechen 2953.15 — Miiller, C. O. Geschichte der griechischen Lit- teratur B.1G3.4 — - Literature of ancient Greece 3074.4 — Neander, M. De re poetica Gracorum . . . . B.100.10 — Schlegel, C. W. F. v. Geschichte der Poesie der Griechen 2953.17 — Schoell, M. S. F. Geschichte der griechischen Litteratur B.103.2 -^ - Histoire abrcgeede la litterature grecque . 2952.11 — Westermaun, A. Geschichte der Beredsam- keit in Griechenland 4202.6 — Zeller, E. Die Philosophie der Griechen . . . 6094.3 Mythology and religion. — Braun, A. E. Griechische Gotterlehre .... C072.6 -— Dankovszky, G. Die Gutter Griecheultinds . 4i,';i3.fl — Gerhard, E. Griechische flfytliologie .... 5488. 1 — Homberg, T. Mythologie der Griechen . . . 6072.7 — Maury, L. F. A. Religious de la Grtce an- tique ; 6076.3 — NJigelsbach, C. F. Die nachhomerische The- ologie 6072.3 — Petersen, C. Das Zwiilfgotter system der Griechen ,. . . B.190.20 — Preller, L. Griechische Mythologie 6072.12 — Rinck, W. F. Die Religion der Hellenen . . 6071.16 — 8ch\venck, C. Mythulo^iicMler Griechen . . . 6071.10 — Stoll.H.W. Populiin- MylliulogiederGriechen. 5488.30 — Weber, A. Zusammcnhaug indischer Fabeln mit griechischen 2954.18 Greek church. Offices from the service-books of the holy eastern church : with translation, notes, etc., by R, F. Littledale. London, 1863. p.S" 5448.17 — Assemanni, G. S. Kalendaria ecclesiae Grasco- Moscbee 6041.6 — Galitzin, A. L'eglise greco-russe 3516.13 — Kiramel, E. J. Monumenta fidei ecclesite ori- entalis 6065.17 — Neale, J. M. Hymns of the eastern church . 5449.30 — Platon Levshin. Present state of the Greek church in Russia 3068.5 — Schmitt, H. J. Geschichte der neugriechisch- en und derrussischen Kirche 6054.6 — - Die morgenlandische griechisch-russische Kirche 6054.7 — Schwabe, J. De religione ritibusque ecclesias- ticis Moscovitarum B. 160a. 121 — Stanley, A. P. History of the eastern church 3512.18, and 3516.11 Greek empire of Constantinople. Imperatores Ori- entis, compendio exhibiti. K^ri, F. B. . . . 3080.5 Greeley, H. Discussion on love, marriage, etc. See James, H B.170b.fi6 — U. Greeley decently dissected. See Hall, A.O, 4345.7 GRIiEN 256 GKfeGOIRE . Slielf. No. Green, B. Hiscellaneous writings. AVhitesboro', 1811. 12° 54«.8 — Discourse in commemorfition of the martyr- dom of Kev. E. P. Lovojoy, delivered iu New York. (New York], 1S3S. 8" 4317.62 — Faith and infidelity : a sermon, 1853. New York, 1S33. 8° 6088.37,66 — Things for northern men to do : a discourse, July 17, 1836, Whitesboro', N. Y. New York, 1830. 8° B. 160. 90 Green, E., Sermon on the hundredth birthday of. See Lothrop, S. K 4317.31 Green, F. " Vox oculis subjecta." Art of impart- ing speech to the deaf and dumb. London, 17!s3. sm.8° 60S6.5 Green, H. Lesions pf the epiglottic cartilage. New York, 1857. pp. 28. 8° 8796.37 — Priority in the medication of the larynx and trachea. New York, 1854. pp. 17. 8° . . . 5796.37 Green, James D. An oration at Maiden, on the 200th anniversary of the incorporation of the town. Slay 23, 1849. Boston, 1850. 8° . . . 4355. 53 Green, John B., and White, E. L. Instructions for the seraphine and melodeon, [with] airs and voluntaries. Boston, [1847]. pp. 39. 0bl.4° 8052.30 Green, L. W., and McGill, A. T. Popery and Puseyism: t\vo discourses. Pittsburgh, 1844. 24° 5459a.35 Grj:en, Mary A. E. Calendar of stnte papers, do- mestic series, reign of ( harles ll, 1060-06. London, 1800-04. 6v. 1.8° »7052.9 Green, 3Iatthcw. Miscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 10] . 4604.1 Green, .S. Almanack and register ibr the state of Connecticut, for 1801. New London, [1800J. 24° 4389a. H Green-back to his country friends. [New York, 1802.] pp. 17. 8° 4310a.I00 Greene, D. Sermon at the funer,al of the Rev. D. Crosby of Charlestown, March 3, 1843. Bos- ton, 1S43. 8° 5140a. 50 — Manual of Christian psalmody. 5ee Mason, L. 3440.28 Greene, J. W. Rich men of Slassachusctts. See Forbes, A 4355.39 Greene, W. B. The doctrine of life. With some of its theological applications. Boston, 1843. pp.74. 12° 0069a.7 — The doctrine of the Trinity examined in tlie liglit of history and philosophy. West Brookfield, 1S47. pp.32. 8° .. OO.'iO. 18, and 6088.172 — The incarnation : a letter to Rev. J. Fiske. West Brookfield, 1818. pp. 52. 8° 6088.68 — New theory of the calculus. Paris, 1859. pp. 88. 12° 3039.13, 14 — Remarks in refutation of the treatise of Ed- wards on the freetlom of the will. West Brookfield, 1848. pp. .30. 12° 6I08.fi — Transcendentalism. West Brookfield, 1849. pp. 40. 12° 6108.4 Gbeenmi:i.i>, W. Novi Testamcnti Grjeci coucor- dantiic. See .Schmid, E 3429.40 Obeenkiei.d, ^^n.^. ir.. n' •3800.18 — Expediency of cHfabUHhlng hi .Newcastle an academical institution for the middle clasHcs. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1831. pp. 13. 8". .•3806.18 — - Same. Additional connldcrattons. New- castle upon Tyne, 1831. pp. 14. «*.... •3806.18 Shelf. No. Greenland. Cranz, D. Historie von Gronland. 6059.12 — Griinlandske Folkesagen. See Kaladlit okal- Iuktualli;iit 4878.5 — Gronlands historiske Mindesm.-erker. See Co- penhagen. Kougelige nordiske Oldskril't- iSelskab 4220.15 — Kleinschmidt, S. Grammatik der gronliindisch- en Sprache 4124.2 Greenlkaf, C. R. Manual for the medical oflScers of the United States army. Philadelphia, ISOl. 12° 5786.23 Greenleaf, S. Discourse at the inauguration of the author as Royall professor of law in Har- vard university, Aug. 20, 1S34. Cambridge, 18:11. 8° 4:wna.01, and 5624.6 — Discourse commemorative of the life and char- acter of Joseph Story. Boston, 1845. 8° . . 6088.210 Greenleaf, T., Discourse on the Sunday following the death of See Lunt, ^V. P 4347.33 Greenwell, D. Poems. London, 1848. 16° . . 4168.4 Greenwood, F. W. P. Comprehensiveness of charity. Discourse at the ordination of W. Newell, as pastor of the first parish iu Cambridge, May 19, 1830. Cambridge, l»:iO. 8° 5150a. 30 — Essay on the Lord's supper. 2d ed. Boston, 1827. pp. 00. 12° 5455.30 — A good old age. .Sermon, March 7, 1841, on the dealli of J.May. Boston, Ksll. 8° . . . 4317.71 — Prayer for the sick. Sermon preached Aug. 9, 1832, being fast day. Boston, 1832. 8° . . . 5150a.30 — Psalms and hymns for Christian worship. 2d ed. Boston, 1831. 12° ,3149.5 — - Same. 12th ed. Boston, 1834. 12° . '. . . 5119a.5 — Sermon after the funeral of the Rev. J. Free- man, Nov. 22, 1S35. Boston, 1835. 8° . . . 5110a.75 — Sermon at the ordiuation of J. T. Sargent, as minister at large in Boston, Oct. 29, 1837. Boston, 1837. 8° 5150a. 30 — Sermon on the death of J. Lowell, delivered March 22, 1810. Boston, 1840. 8° 4347.64 — Sermon on the twenty-Iifth anniversary of the Boston I'emale asylum, Sept. 23, 1825. Bos- ton, 1825. S° 5450a. 30 — Sermons to childr"n. Boston, 1811. 10° . . .5444.15 — Discourse on occasion of the decease of. See Burnap, G. W 6440a. 27 — and Emerson, G.B. Classical reader. Boston, 1820. 12° 4178.6 Greenwood, James, stib-ntnster of Sf. Pours school. Loudon vocabulary, English and Latin. 21st ed. London, 1797. 18° . . . .•4939.20 Greenwood, James. Curiosities of savage life. 2d series. London, 1804. 8° 2275.8 Greenwood, John. Sermon, Oct. 21, 1730, at the ordination of Nathan Stone. Boston, N. E., 1731. 12° •4163.4 Greenwood, Joseph G. Elements of Greek gram- mar. 2d ed. London, 1864. 12° 4088.8 Greg, 'W. R. The creed of Christendom. London, ISJl. 8° 6036.4 — The German schism and the Irish priests; a critique of Laing's notes. London, 1845. pp. 62. 12° B.170b.81 GREGENT1U9. Disputatio cum lUrhano Judn-o, interprcto N. Gulonio. [Slaxiuui biblioth. vet. pair., v. 6] B.110.2 Oreoo, J. Eulogy on Lafayette, delivered In the cliape] of Dartmouth college. Hanover, N. II., 1n:ii. 8° •Pph.v.378 — Sermon at the funeral of. See Long, C. . . PpU.V.378 GufccioiUE, II. Histoire des arbres de la libertO: preccdee d'un essai snr sa vie et ses ouvriiges jtar (\ Uugast, et d'line introdvictlon par A. Ilavard. 3e ed. Paris, ls:n. 21° 3579.38 — Histoire du nuiriage des pretres en l''rance, jjartlculicrement depuis 17S0. Paris, 1820. 8°. 6000.11 — Memolres, pn-cedes d'une notice historlque snr I'nulcur, par M. H. Carnot. Paris, 1840. 2v. 8* 4i:i0.3I GREGORIAN 257 GRfeTRY Shelf. No. Grkoorian chant. Gregorianische melodien, in viersteimnig orgelaccompagnement. Hage- nmii, H , . . . . 4043.8 GrEGOhio, U. di. Itnliiinische Lieder des Holien- staufischen Holes iu .Sicilien. .Stuttgart, 184:1. pp. 7:{. 8°. [Stuttgart, liibliothek des liter. Vert'ins] v.6of*4225.1 Gbegoru) da Catina. Opera. [Frankfurt. Soci- etal, etc., V. II] 4210.2 GREGORIL'S. Aoyos Cj *t(u/ita(rr(*fos cjj roif itao(^!i'(i>rjc lifinaapnova. [itoissouade. Anecdota Gras- ca, V. 5] B.161.3 Gregokil's, or Gregorianus. Tituli codkis Grego- * riaiii. See Schulting, A 4300.11 Gregoku's Antioclienus. Orafio in muHeres un- giientiferas, iuterprete i'onibeJis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 12J B.110.2 — Sermo de tilio dilecto Dei. [Mai. Class, auct., V. 10] B.172.3 Gregorius Cyprius. See Boissonade. Anecdota Graeca, V. 1, 2 B.101.3 Contents. — Vol.1. 'Y^yKoypnov tis tqv nvroKpaTopa Kvpov Mixtamento e due lettere volgarizzate con note da A. Coltellini. [Caro. Opere, v. 7] . 4803.5 — Epistola;, J. Cornario interprete; Monodia, sive oratio funebris in Magnum Basilium per Raphaelem Volaterranum conversa. See Basilius Magnus ■, B.120.7 — Oda. [Lect. Poetae Grseci, V. 3] 4200.7 Gregouius Neocassariensis, or Tliaumaturgus, St. Opera, G. Vossio iuterprete. [Maxima bibiioth. vet. pair., V. .1] B.110.2 — See SanimlUche \Verke der Kirchenviiter, V. 4[B. 7] 6024.1 Contents, — Auslopung des Glsubenn ; Kanonischer Brief iu Betreff iJorjcnigGn welche Gutzcnopfer gegea- sen bnbcn: Lobi-ede an Origeues; Umschreibuug des Buchi-s Ekklesiustcs. — Duodecira capita de fide, et anathematismi, Gr. et I.at. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 1] , . 4140.3 — De iis qui idolis sacrata comederunt. [Gry- naeus. Mon. patr.] B.141.3 Gregorius Nyssenus, St. See Sammtliche "Werke der Kirchenvater, V. 19, 20 6024.1 Contents. — Vol. XIX [B. 37. .18]. Die grosse kateche- tiBche Redo ; Ueber die Schopfungr des Menschen. XX [B. 39]. Ueber das Sechslagewerk ; Ueber die Seele; Ueber die Natur des Bosen: Ueber das Falutn ; Samm- lun^ von Zwugnisaen der Heiligen Schrift ^fgen die Juden; Ueber den Glauben ; Ueber die Gottheil; Ueber die Drvifaltigkeit gegen die Griechen. — Epistola contra Apollinarium, Gr. et Lat. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 1] 4140.3 Gregorius Palamas. Orationes duae in Domini- cam tranaformationem; Prosopopojije, id est, ex habitis per lictionem personarum orationibus, confirmatio, Combefis inter- prete. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 20] . B.110.2 Gregorius Thaumaturgus. See Gregorius Neo* csBsariensis. Gregorius Theologus. See Gregorius Nazian- zenus. Gregorius Turonensis, G. F., St. Opera omnia, necnon Fredegarii epitome et chronicum, opera et studio T. Ruiuart. Lut^cije-Parisi- orum, 1699. f" *4610.2 Content*. — Prrefntio; Vita S. Gregorii per Odonern •bbatem : Teatimonla virorum illnstrium de S. Gregorio; ADoalea Fraocici ab anno CCLV ad Carolum magnum; Historic eccleataatlcn Francorom librl decein ; Ejuidem 3d Gregorius Turonensis, G. F., St., continued. btatorin.- epllome per Fredcgnrium BcholABtlcum ; Frcde- pmii clii'onicum cmn (tuauiur ejua contiiiualorilius ; EJusdcm Ficdcgarii frii(;mcii«n de Frnnria ; Gregoiil libri octo du minicuHs; De glorin marlji-um liber; De virttitibus S. Juliani liber; Bo gloria confes^orum Ubur; De virtulibus S. MnrtiuJ libvi IV; Vila) iiatrum liber; Conimenturii in Psnlnioa fnigmenta; Opera eidem Gre- gorio in vetustis mss. tributa ; Appendix vetcrum monu- mcnlorum, etc. ; Notfc fusiurea et emendaiiones. — Histoire des Francs. Traduction de M. Guizot. Nouv. ed. revue par A. Jacobs. Paris, ISOl, 2v. S' 4615.3 — Historia; Francorum libri decern, cum appen- dice Fredegarii ; De gloria martyrum et con- fessorum, libri tres; De niiraculis S. Slartini, libri quatuor; De vitis patrum; Vita et mors septem dormientium. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. II] B.110.2 Gregorius I Magnus, St., pope. La papjiut^ moderne condamnee par Gr*5goire le grand. Extraits trad, par Guettee. Paris, 1801, pp.61. fe° 3463.14 — See Canisius, Thesaurus, etc., v. 2, p. 1, 2, 3. 4140.3 Contents. — Vol. II. p. 1- Sex cum dimidio capita ex Hbro ni dialogorum quos Zaoliarias pontifex in Grtecuui trunstulit. 2. Epistola ad Secundinum. 3. Vita S. Gregorii M. ab inccrto auctore conscripta. Gregorius V, po/je. Desynodo Papiensi. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., v. 3] 4210.2 Gregorius, F. Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter, 500-1500, Stuttgart, 1859. 2y. S' 4196.3 — Les tombeaux des papes romains, traduit par F. Sabatier, preccdce d'une introduction de J. J. Ampere. Paris, 18.59. 12° 4199.10 Gregory, of ffcimburg. Gregor von Heimburg. See Hagen, C 2816.14 Gregory, G. Economy of nature explained and illustrated on the principles of modern philo- sophy. Loudon. 17%. 3v. 8° 3967.10 — History of the Christian church. New ed. London, 1795. 2v. 8" 3514.13 Gregory, J. A father's legacy to his daughters. See Chapone, H 3599.25 Gregory, O. G- Tables of trigonometrical formu- la. See Hntton, C 3933.8 Gregory, W. [Trial of Antichrist, otherwise, the man of sin, for high treason against the Son of God. Taken in short hand by a friend to St. Peter. 1st Am. ed.] Boston, 1810. 12°. 3464.30 Grein, C. W. M. Bibliothek der angelsachsischen Poesie, mit Glossar. Goettingen, 1857-61. 3v. b° 2587.31 Contents. — Vol. I. Cadmona Genesis, Exodus, Daniel ; Azarias; Judith ; Crist und Satan ; Cynevulfa Cdat ; Hiiltenfahrt Christi ; UOmeadag; Reden der Seelen ; Manna criiftaa; Manna vyrde ; Manna mfld; Wunder der Schopfung; Phbnix ; Panther; Walflsch; Kebhuhn; Wanderer; Seefahrer; Klage der Fran; Botschaft de§ Gemahls; Kuine; Ueors Klage ;Vii:lsia; Bcovulf ; Ueber- fall in Finnsburg ; Byrhtiiofl ; Adelstans Sieg ; E&d- mund ; Eadyar; Tod Alfreds, dea Sohnes Aflelrfids; E&dveard ; Literarische Notizen. II. Menologtum ; Fata apostolorum ; Andreas ; Juliana ; GOfllac; Elene ; Reim- lied ; Bt manna lease ; Das h. Kreuz ; Fsalmen ; Psalm L ; Hymnen und Gebete; Alfreds Metra; Versus gnomlci; Fader larcvidas ; A Imosen ; Pharao ; Runenlied ; Salomo und Saturn; Katael; Literarische Notizen. III. Glos- sar. A— G. Grellet, S., Memoirs of. 5ee Seebohm, B. . . , 2344.23 GRES3ET, J. B. L. . Le m^cbant. [Theatre fran- «jai8, V.39] 4708.1 Greswell, W. p. Memoirs of Politianus, Picus of Mirandula, Sannazarius, Bembus, Fracasto- rius, Flaminius, and the Amalthei. 2d ed. Manchester, 1805. 8" 2743.20 Gr6try, a. E. M. Memoires, ou essais sur la musique. Paris, 1797. 3v. p.8° 4048.25 — [Zemire et Azor. Quelques questions k propos de la nouvelle falsification de cet opera. J Paris, 1846. pp.32. S" 4672.1 GRETSCH 258 GRISONS 3035.10 3035.12 Shelf. No. GRETSCH, N. Graminaire de la languc russe. Tr. par C. P. Reiff. Saint-Petersbourg, 1828, 29. Iv. in2. 1.8° *3035.9 — [Les.^ons in Russian literature. In Russian. 2d ed. St. Petersburg]. 1S30. 4v. in 2. 8° . 3036.3 — [Practical lessons in Russian grammar. In Russian. St. Petersburg], 1832. 1.8° . . — - Same. [Key. In Russian. St. Peters- burg], 18.32. S° ; • — [Russian grammar, abridged. In Russian. 2ded. St. Petersburg], 1830. 8° 3035.11 — [Travels of a Russian in Germany. In Rus- sian. St. Petersburg], 1831. 2v. in 1. 1.8°. 2863.7 Gketser, J. Historia ordinis lesvilici conscripta ab K. Uasenmillero correcta et refutata. Ingolstadii, 15 de la pueuinonic aux dlllerens ages. Paris, 1841. 8° .... 3798.19 Orisons. Naturbilder aus den rhatlschen Alpen. Theobald, G 2864.20 S*t nUo: Rom«n»ii« IftURUBg". GRISWOLD 259 GROTIUS Sholf. No. Griswold, a. V, Remarks ou social prayer-meet- ings ; witli an introductory statement by Kev. G, D.Uil.U-s. Boston, 185S. 8" 5450a. 22 — Sermon on occasion of the interment of. See Eastbnrn, M •6440a. 68 GRiSwoi-n, U., Euloginm commemorative of. See Daggett, D 4347.16 Grocott, J. C. Index to familiar quotations from British autliors. I. O-i. 4" *4304.22 Groxixgkn, Uolland. De gildis Groningauis, Feith, H. 4215.2 Gronoviiis, or Gronov, Jakob. Thesauri Grieca- rum antiquitatum supplementum. See Po- leni, G 2970.7 Gronovius, Johann F. Epistolae. [Burraann. Sjiloge epistolarum, v. 3] 4221.6 GrONOW, L. T. Catalogue of fish now in the Brit- ish museum. See London. British museum. 5909.4 Gros, C. French pronunciation, alphabetically ex- hibited. London, 1815. 12' 4689.15 Grose, F. Antiquities of England and Wales, Newed. London, [17S:i]. 8v. 4' *2520.38 — Antiquities of Ireland. London, 1791-95. 2v. 4° *2473.3 Gbosh, A. B. Odd-fellows' manual. Philadelphia, 185G. 12° 5569.15 Gross, C. H, [Reply to H. Binney's pamphlet ou the habeas corpus.] Philadelphia, 1802. pp. 40. 8' 3635.10 Gross, J. Das frische Wasscr als Befbrderungsmit- tel der Gesuudheit und Heilmittel iu Krank- heilon. 4teAutl. Miinchen, 1842. 12°. . . 3808.30 — Krankheitsheiluiig und Gesundheitspflege mit Kiicksicht auf die Kaltwasser-HeiJmethode. Munchen, 184'_>. 12° 3808.29 Grosseteste, R. Epistola;, edited by H. R. Lnard. London, 1861. 8°. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] *2424.6 Grossi, C. [Degli uomini illustri di Urbino, comeu- tario.] L'rbino, 1819. 4° 2741.22 Grossi, or Grossis, G. B. de. Novissima sacrie ec- clesiw Catanensis notitia, [Grsevius. Tlies. antiq. Ital.,T. 10, V. 10] 4710.1 Grossi, T. I Lombardi alia prima crociata, canti quindici. Milano, 1826. 3v.ini. 8° . . . 4809. 5 — LTlrico e Lida. IS'ovella [iu ottavarima]. Mi- lano, 1837. 16° 4798.36 — and others. Florilegio di scelte novelle ro- mantiche [in ottava rima]. Milano, 1844. 16", 4765.9 Grossmann, C. G. L. Die kirchliche Bewegung der Gegenwart als eiu Zeicheu der Zeit fur die evangelische Kirche. Leipzig, 1845. pp. 24. 8° 6088.200 — Qusstiones Fhiloneae. 1. De theologia; Fhilo- nis fontibus et auctoritate. [Diss, acad.] 2. De Ao> t.) Philonis. LipsiiE, 1829. 4° . . B. 190.31 Grosvenor, B, The mourner; or the afflicted relieved. New York, 1811. 24° 5447.63 Grosvenor, C. P, National blessings of Chris- tianity. [Thanksgiving] discourse in the First baptist church, Nov. 26, 1829. Bos- ton, 1&29. 8° 5450a.31 Grosvenor, H. V., lady. Letters which passed between the duke of Cumberland and. See Yrederic HeoTy, dulce of Cumberland . . . rph.v.369 Grosvenok, L, Life and cliaracter of Maj.-Gen. I. Putnam. Address at Putnam, Conn,, Oct. 25, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8° 4347.91 Grosvenor, Richard, lord. Account of the trial, 5th July, irru, lord Grosvenor vs. duke of Cumberlajid. See Frederic Henry, dulx of Cvanberland PpU.v.369 shelf. No. Grosvenor, lord Robert. [The people's Sunday. A letter to lord R. Grosvenor, on liis late Sunday trading bill.] 2d ed. I^ondon, 1^55. pp. 24. 8° B.I60a,92 Grotk, G. History of Greece. From 2d Loudon ed. New York, 1857. 12v. 12° 3076.9 — Plato, and the otlier companions of Sokrates, London, 1865. 3v. 8° 5004.5 — Plato's doctrine respecting the rotation of the eartli, and Aristotle's comment upon that doctrine. London, 1860. pp.35. 8° . , . . 3924.16 Grote, H. Collected papers, in prose and verse, 1842-62. London, 1862. 8° 2555.20 Grotefknd, C. L. Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz, Arnauld, und dem Landgrafeu von Hessen- Rheinfels. Hannover, 1846. 8° 2844.16 Grotefend, G. F, Zur Geographic und Geschichte von Alt-Italien. Hannover, 184(>-12. 5 pts. iu Iv. 4° 4190.15 GroTH, C. Quickborn. Volksleben in pluttdeut- schen Gedichtcn ditniarschcr Mundart. 2te Aufl. Hamburg, 1853. 10° **2875.22 Grotius, H. Opera omnia theologica. Arastela- dami, 1679. 3v. in 4. f° *5490.1 Cv -TS, and pi. [St. Petersburg. Academic des sciences. Mim., T. 3, No. 11]. •3760.6 _ Ueber den Ohrkiiorpel- Oder Gebiirgangs-Kopf deHGrin'elzungenmuskelHdes Mennchen. [St. Petersburg), INol. pp. 23, and 2 plates. 8°. (St. Petersbui-g. Acadt-miedes sci»rnces. Bulletin delaclassupbyslco-matliematique, T. 13] . . S803.31 ObV:', a. Notions de droit general et de legisla- tion frani;ala. Paris, 1M4. 1.8'. [Cours — coinplel d'l'ducatlon pour les fllles] 3591.32 GbU.s, C. Ericdrich Schiller als .Menscli, Geschlcht- schrelbir, Denker, und DIchter. Neue Auig. Leipzig, 18(9. 12' 2848.10 Gbu:io, F. J. I'lrsl lci«on« In plane geometry. Boston. 18.30. l^" 4276.23 GBUSDY, J . Stranger's guide lo IIampton-C'>urt pal- aco and gardonB. London, n.d. pp.27. 12°.U.160b.S0 Shelf. No. GKtJNER, Carl G. A. De poenis Romanorum priuatis earumque vsu hodierno. Diss. [acad.]. Lip- eiie, 1805. pp. SO. 4° B. 170. 117 GRiJSER, Carl J. v. Briefwechsel und miindlicher Verkehr zwischen Giithe und Griiuer. See Gothe, J. W. v 2907.9 Gruner, J. E. V. Leben M. A. v. Thiimmels. [Thiimmel. Siimmtliche Werke, v. 7] . . . 4897.8 Grufpe, O. F. Reinhold Lcnz, Leben und Werke. Berlin, 1861. 8° 2844.13 Grusinian language. Sec Georgia, ires^em ^sia. 4207.6 Grutek, or Gruyter, J. Lampas, sive fax artium liberalium, hoc est, thesaurus criticus. Flo- reutia:, 1737-51. 4v. in 2. f *4280.3 Gruter, F. A. Essai sur les fresques de Raphael an Vatican. Paris, 1850. 2v. s° 4066.28 Geyn.eus, J. J. Ecclesiastica historia, a doctissi- inis uiris scripta. Basilise, 1670. 1° . . . . *B.130.7 CorirejiW. — Eusebii ramphili ecclesinsticffi historia libri decern, Wolfpunpo Musculo intcrjirele; Ejusdem libri qufttuor dc viiu Constaniiui, J. CUrislophorsoiio in- terprete ; Conslantini imperntoris orutio. quara nd sanc- torum coetum perscripsitj Rultiiii AquiUeusis hlsturita ecclesiasticie lihri duo ; Socrnlis Scholastici historim ecclcsiaslica; libri septetn ; Theodoriti episcopi Cyrcnsls ecclesiastictc historia; libri quinquo, .T. Camerario iuter- preto ; Catalopus Cresarum J. Camcrario auctore ; Basilll Mugrrii epistola dc di^criminc inter csacntiani et subslon- tiam ; Herniia! Syronieni historiic ecclesiastica.' libri no- vem ; Evagrii Scholastic! historioe ecclesiasticie libri sex ; Collectaneorum ex historia ecclesiastica libri duo. W. Musculo interprvte ; Quomodo apostoli et projihelie vix- erint ac mortui siut, synopsis Dorothei episcopi Tyri, W. Musculo intcrprctc. — Monvmenta s. patrvm orthodoxographa. Ba- siliiB, 1569. f° •B.141.S Cun/eu(s. — Pra-fatio ; Eusebius, Dc Abparo frngmen- tuni. Gr. et Lat. ; Eusebius, De Cbristo nnrratio Pilatij Ipiatius, Epistola; xn, Gr. et Lat. ; Jacobus Justus, Pro- tevangelion, Gr. el Lat. ; Prochorus. De Johaiitie evan- gelisla historia. Gr. et Lat. ; Aiionynius, De iiuagine Christi, Gr. et Lat. ; Authorum tvipart. hist, fragmen- tum, Gr. et Lat.; Methodius divus, Kevelatioues. Gr. et Lat. ; Sibyllinorutn orncula, Gr. et Lat. ; Mtua, S. Parn;- nesea, Gr. el Lat.; Apapctue, Ad Justiiiianum Cft;8arera, Gr. el Lat. ; Dorotheus Beams, Do vita rocle et pie in- Blituenda. Gr. etLat.; Cauones ai)ostoloruin. Gr. it Lat.; Andreas HierOBolymitanus, In salulationcm niigell scr- mo, Gr. et Lat. ; Pautalcon, De luniitiibua Sanctis. Gr. et Lat.; LentuluB, Epistola; Pontius Pilutus, Epistola; Pius episc. Konianus. Epistola;; Cornelius, episc. Itonianus, Epistola; Polycarpus, Epistola ad Phllippcnses; Mar- Halls Martyr, Epistola; ad Uurdegalcnses el ad Tolosa- nos ; Gregorius Neocicsarieusis, Canonea ; Antonlus Ereniita, Epistola;; Leo. papa I, Contra Eutychell epis- tola; Geiniadius, Epistola in totutn iirbem niissa ; Hor- misdas papa. Ad Possessorem epistola; Maxentius Jo- annes, Ad epistolam llornilsdte responsio ; Ecolesla orieutwlis ad Synimachum, episcopum Itomanum ; Syin- machtls, Ueaponsio el apolopeticus adversus AnastasUim Imperatorenl ; Faustus.Ad Lucidum ; Lucidus, Ejilstulai Kieephorus, Epistola ; Paullnus, cplscopus Nolanus, Epistola;, cplBrHmmuta, etc. ; Ennodius Tleineiisia, Epistola; paiiegyrica; et poemata. nee non sanctorum vita:; Uldrlcus [stvo Huldrlcus] e|>licopus Auguslanus, De ccellbatu cleri epistola ; Baeblarius, qui tempore AuBUstlni vixit. Ad Januarluni de recipiendls lapsts. Gbyn.ei's, S. Novvs orbis regionvm ac insvlarvm vcterlbvs incognitarvm. Bnsilea-, 1632. f" . •4100.8 ronteuts. — Praifiitlo; In tnhulam cosinoRraphlic In- troductio per 8eb. Munsti.rum; AloyalJ CadamuNtl naul- Iralio ad ti'n.aB Ijtnotaa. Arcliauftelo Madrl(rnano Intor- prcte ; ChrlBtophori CutumbI naulgatio ad miiltas Insiilas hacleimH Incognitas, Madrignano interprele; Petri AlonBl nauigutio, eodem Interprute; Plnxonl naulgotio, eodoiu Interprele ; Albericl VespulU nauigationum epitoino ; Petri Alleria naulgatlonlB, el eplstolarum qiiorundam mercatoruin opuscululil ; Joseplil Indl naulgatloties ; Amerlci VcBputiJ naulgatloncfl IV ; Epistola Kmanuollt regis Porlugnlllse ad Leoncln X, pom. max. de ulctor^s habltis in India et Malacha. etc. ; Ludoulcl Kom. patrllU naulgatlontim ^tllloi)iie, Xgyitti, otriiisqoo Arnblap, PersldlB, Syrlic, India:, Intra et extra Gangem, libri vtl, Madrtgiiano Inlerpreto; Loeoruni terra; saiicliv exactls- slma dcBcrlptlo, aulore F. Drocardo monaeho; M. PauH Vonetl de reglonlbus orientallbus llbri III; HolthODl Armenl ordlnls pra;monstrat. do TartarlB liber; Mnthin t Mlchou do Harmatia Aslana atque Europea lib. It; Paull loulj SouocomeuBla do .Moschouhamin legatlooo liber; Petri Martyrl* do IubuUb ntiper reponlB Ubor| Erasml aiolla' dc IXmiesla; antjqullatibiip lib. It. • GRYPHIUS 261 GUGGENBtJHL Shelf. No. Gryphiv.s, a. Cnrdptiio und Celinde; Horrlbill- cribrifax ; Herr Feter Squentz. [Tieck. Deutsches Tlu-afer. v.'^ij 3878.5 — Ausi rleseiie Gcdichte, [MUIler. Hibliothck deutscher Dicliter dcs xvii. Jahrhundcrts, V. -J] 2879.10 Guadalajara y Xabierr, JI. de. Quinta parte de la liistoriu pontilical y catolica. See Illescas, G. de C051.1 GUADKT, J. Lea Girondins. Paris. ISOl. 2v. S", 404:1.8 — Kechercbes historiques surles Girondins. See Biizot, F. N. L 4042.34 GUALDo Tnorato, G. Historia del cardinale Giv- lio Jlazarino. Vrnotia, lC«s;j-i:i4. 3v. 12". 2039.5 GUALTKRio, F. A. Gli intervt'iitidfU' Austria nello Stato romano. Geneva, 18o!i. pp. (14. »" . . 4718.10 GUALTKKio, G. Sicili* ft adjacoiitiuni iusulanim atque Bruttionim inscriptiones antiqua?, oum aniniadversionibus in Parutje Siciliam niiniis- malicam. [Grajvius. Tbes.antiq. llal., T. 10, V. 0, 7] 4710.1 Gualtif;ri,N. Index testarvmconchyUorum, [cum] tabvliscx. Florentire, 1742. S° *38.D.l GUAKDIA, J. M. Les rc'publiques de rAm^rique espap;nole. Paris, IMi2. pp. 01. 8° . . . . 4314.5 GUARiNi, G. B. II pastor fido. Livorno, lb03. 12" 4199.17 — - Same. [CoIIa vita d'autore dal cav. Tira- boschi.] Milano, 1S07. b". [Classici italiaui, V. SS] **4S03.8 — - Same. In lengua napoletana di D. Basile. Napoli, iS35. 18". [Collezioue di tutti 1 poenii in lingua napolitana, v. 11] 4r99a.l GUARiM Veronese. Epistola. [Marline. Vet. script., V. 3] 4150.1 GUARXKLLo, A. Canzone in morte d'una giovi- ^ netta. [Gironi. Raccolta di lirici italiani] . 4808. S Gl'ARXkiii, G. B. Dissertationes historicae Cata- nenses, Latine vcrtit .1. L. Sloslieim. [Grie- vius. Tlies. aniiq. Ital., T. 10, V. II] .... 4710.1 GUATEjrALA. Bertolini, A. Florula Guatima- lensis 4161.1 — Dunn, H. Sketches of 2305.10 GUATTAM, G. A. Monumenti antirhi inediti, ov- vero notizie sulle nntichita e belle arti di Roma. Roma, 1784-.^9. C.v. iu 3. 4' . . . . 2735.4 GUDEX, P. P. Von Witwen-Cassen, und der dabey zu vermubtenden hiichsten AVitwen- Zal. Hannover, 1771. pp.64. 4". 5 tables, folded **3570.6 GUder, E. Die Lebre von der Erscheinung Jesu Christi unter den Todten. Bern, 1853. 8° . 6037.1 GUDRUN. Kudruu, Uebersetzung und Urtext, he- rausgegeben von VV.v. Ploennies. Jlit einer systematiscben Darstellung der mittellioch- deutsclien episcben Verskunst von ilax Itie- ger. Leipzig, 1853. 8' **2900.20 — Gufirun,ein Heldengedicht, [Hagen. Deutscbe Gedtcbte des Mittelalters, V. 2] 2901.4 — Gudrun. [Krais. Altdeutsche Heldendicht- ungeu bearbeitet in Prosa, v. 1] 2900.31 GUELPHs. Historia de Guelfis principibus. [Ca- nisius. Thesaurus, etc.. V. 3, p. 2] 4140.3 Gufepix, A. Philosophic du 19e siecle. Paris, 1854. 12" 6108.15 GUERCIO, N. Annates Januenses, 1267-09. [I'rank- furt. Societas, etc., V. IS] 4220.1 GCERICKK, H. E. F. Gesammtgeschichte des Neuen Testaments. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1.S5+. S" *6016.4 — Lebrbucb der christlich kirchlichen Ao-cbaolo* gie. Leipzig, lh47. 8° 6084. 4 GuEEicKK, O. V. ExperimentanovaMagdeburgica de v;icuo spatio. Ace. De aeris pondere; De virtutibus mundanis ; De stellis lixis, etc. Amstelodami, 1672. f 5941.1 Guerilla parties considered with reference to the laws and usages of war. Lieber, F 4310a. 112 Gu£aix, E. de. Journal et lettres, publien par G. 5. Trebutien. Nouv. ed. Paris, 18*H. 8° . 4704.14 Bhelf. No. GuftRiN, G. M. de. Journal, lcttres,etpotmes pub- lics par G. S. Trebutien et precil'di^s d'une (!'tude bingraphique et littt'raire. Nouv. cd. Paris, 1864. 8" 4704.13 GufeRix,J. Caracteres gen^raux du rachitisme. Paris, 18-10. pp.54. 8** v. 1 of 3801.27 — Deviations simulees de la colonne verti^'brale. Prec. de trois rapports, etc. Paris, 1838. 8" V. 1 of 3801.27 — Essai de physiologic gdntJrale. 2e dd. Paris, 1843. pp.05. 8" V. 2of3S01.27 — Essais sur la metbode sous-cutanee. Paris, 1841. 8" V. 2 of 3801.27 — £tiologie gout'rale des deviations laternles de IVpine, par retraction musculaire active. Paris, 1840. pp.31. 8" v. 2 of 3801.27 — :£tioIogie generale des pieds-bots congenitaux. Paris, lS;iS. pp.40. 8* v. 1 of 3801.27 — ttiologie gen(!'rale du strabisme. 2e ^d. Paris, 1843. pp.71. 8° V. 2 of 3801.27 — £tude scientifique et pratique des difformites du systfeme osseux. Paris, 1840. pp. 79. 8' . . . , . : V. 1 of 3801.27 — Jlemoire sur I'extension sigmoide et la flexion, dans le traifement des deviations hiterales do IVpine. Paris, iSfS. pp. 44. 8" . . . v. 1 of 3801.27 — Kechercbes sur les luxations cong(5nitaIes. Pans, 1S41. pp. S3. S" v. 3 of .3801.27 — Sur rintervention de la pression atmospher- ique dans le mecauisme des exhalations ser- eu^-es. Paris, 1840. pp. 34. 8' ... v. 2 of 3801.27 — Sur un cas de luxation traumatique de la se- conde vertebre cervicale. Paris, 18^0. pp. 20. 8^ V. 2 of 3801. 27 — Sur une nouvelle methode de traitomcntdutor- ticolisancien. J*aris, 1838. pp. SO. 8" . v. 1 of 3801.27 — Traitement des deviations de I'epine par la sec- tion des muscles du dos. 2e ed. Paris, 1843. pp.40. 8" V. 2 of 3801.27 — Variutes anatomiqucs du pied-bot congenital. Paris, 1830. pp.50. 8° v. 1 of 3801.27 GutRiN, L. Histoire maritime de France. 3e ed. Paris, 1846. 3v. 1.8" 2623.7 GUKKNSKY, O. History of Rock county, [Wiscon- sin]. Janesville, AVis., ittSO. 8° 4377.3 GUERRA, C. Viaggio. fJIarmocchi. Viaggi, v. 3]. 2275.1 GUERRAZZI, F. D. Pasquale Paoli, ossia la rotta di Pontcnuovo, rarconto corse del secolo XVIIT. 2a ed. Rlilano, lfS64. 2v. 8" . . . 2749.32 — Proomio alia orazione detta in sua difesa in causa di maesta. Milano, 1861. pp. ri4. 8". 4713.8 — Lettere intorno alle cose italiane. See Orsini, F 2748.13 Guerre civile, La, aux iitats-Unia. Paris, 1862. pp. :i2. 8" 4323.27 GuERRK civile, La, en Amerique et I'esclavage. ParF. C. Paris, 1801. pp.31. 8" 4323.4 GUERRicus Igniaceusis. Sermones. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 23] B.110.2 GUERS, Pj. Le camp et le tabernacle du desert. Paris, 1849. 8° 3425.19 GuERSAxr. Croup, or tracheal dipbtherite. See Semple, R. H 5714.3 GuESSARi), F., and others. Les anciens pontes de la France. Paris, 1859-61. 7v. 16" . . . . *2679.18 CorUentB. — Vol. I. Gni de Bourf^ogne; Otinel ; Floo- vant. II. Doon fie Mnieoce. 111. Gaufrey. IV. Ficva- bras; Parise la duchesso. V. Huon dc Bordeaux. VL Aye d'AvignoD; Gui do Xanteuil. Vll. Gaydon. GUETxfcE, Vabbi. Histoire des Jesuites. Paris, 1858,59. 3v. 8" 5517.2 GuEUDEViLLE, — . Tfaite de la ferrure des che- vaux. Paris, 1803. IS" 4004.18 Guevara, A. de. Spanish letters: historical, satyrical, and moral. Wade English by 3Ir. Savage. London, 1697. 8" 3105.5 GuggexbChi,, J. Die Heilung und Verhutung des Cretinisraus, und ihre neuesten Fort- Bcliritte. Bern, l85.i. 4 3800.31 GUGLIELMINI 262 GUILLEUMIN Shelf. Ko. GuGLiELMiNi, D. Opera omnia mathematica, hy- draulica, raedica, et physica. Accessit vita autoris a J. B. Morgagni. Genevce, 1719. 2r. r 5041.5 Contents. — Vol. I. Vita authoris; Volnntis flnmrnie epiiropoia; Episiolte ad F. Martiouin; De comelflrura natura et ortu; Obscn-atio solaria eclipsis; De sal'ium fipruris; Aquarum fiuentium lueni^ura; Mcdicina bj^dro- stratica; De fluminum natura. II. De sanguinis natura et constitutione ; Pro iheoria medics adversus enipiricam sectam : Dc sntibus di^serlatio phvsico-medico-mechao- ica ; De idoarum vitiis, correctione, ot usu, ad statueodam et inquirendam morborum naturam; De princi]>io sul- phureo; Dewtbere; Epistolre anifebrea! Lancisii et Guli- elniini; De primis materia affectionibus; De quinquina cortice ; De Bello ci%ili medico F. A. Donnoli nuper edito epistola ; De usu matbematum in arte medica ; De mora- Ilbu8 critiefB regulis compoiidiosa uionita. GUGLIELJio, monl- of Clusa. Cbronicon coenobii S. Micha^lis de Clusa; Veuerabilis Benedict! Clusensis abbatis vita. [Sardinia. Hist, monum., V. 3j 4800.1 GUGLIELMO della Pu*;lia. Gesta Roberti Wiscardi, ab anno 1000 ad annum 1085. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., V. 9] . 4210.2 GUHL, E., and Kouer, W. Dns Leben dcr Griecb- en und Romer. Ite Hiilfte. Griechen. Ber- lin, 18t)0. 8= 2960.23 GUHRAUER, G. E. Life of Leibnitz. S'eeMackie, J.M 2848.16 GUI de Bourgogne, cbanson de geste. [Guessard. Les anciens pot'tes de la France, V. 1] . . , 2679.18 Gci de Is'anteuil, chanson de geste. [Guessard. Les aaciens poi-'tes de la France, V. 0] . . . 2679.18 GUIBEBT. De pace et tranquillitate animi ; Dc offi- cio episcopi et ecclesiae ccremoniis. [3Iaxi- ma bibliotb. vet. patr., V. 25] B.110.2 GncciARDixi, F. Opere iucdite, illustrate da G. Canestrini e pubblicate dei couti 1*. e L. Guicciardini. Firenze, 1837-6.3. 5v. 8". . 4793.7 Conlents. — Vol.1. Considernzioni intomo ai discorsi del Slacbiavelli sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio ; KicordI polilici e civili; Discorsi poiitici. II. Del regimento dl Flronze Ubri duo ; Discorsi intorno alio mulazioni e riformc del governo flor«ntino. III. Storia florentina dai tempi do' Medici a quelll del gonfalortiero Soderlni. IV, V. Lettere c istruziont seritte durante la'luogote- Denza geuerato per il pa|>a Clumento vii. — latoria d' Italia. [2a compiuta ed.] Milano, 1803. lOv. 8". [Classici italiani, v. 99-108].**4804.3 — Legazione di Spagna, [and] Discorsi di Paolo Piiruta. Pisii, 1825. 8" 4286.1 — Discorso circa nlla rifonna di Firenzc; Avver- timcnti. 5ec Savonarola, G 4286.1 — Carlo VIII in Italia. [Albferi. Tesoro della prosa italiaiia] 2771.20 — Historia papatuH, sou dc potestate scculari ec- clesiie Ilomana;. [Gerdes. bcrinium antiq, ad liist. reform, spect., V. 4] 6055,15 — - Same. S'fe Heidegger, J. H C075.10 GuiCCiAuiUNi, LoUovico. lU'Pcrittione di tutti i Paesi Hassi. Anversa, 1567. f 4830.5 GuicciAKFUNi, Luigl. II sacco di Roma. In cui trovaei la ctipltolazione tra Clemente vii. e gli agcnii [dij Carlo v. Colonla [Luca], 1758. 12* 2710.12 Ncte. — " II Oil Iior« do doulo quo lo vfirtLnblo Hutour de CO r(cit oit Luuia Quicclordlnl, ot uon FrunQoIs." — GUIDA per oSBcrvarc lo rarlth della clttJi di Flrcnzc. Ed. lOa. Firenzc, 1817. 12° 2734.10 GuiDAhoTTO, D. Kgloga: Florhido c AH'csibeo. [Fcrrario. Poesic iia-^torall] 4808.11 Gl'lOKdeMctnuigerMii Prague. Prugue, 18:16. flq.I6*. 28;H.21 GU1I>1-: through tlie univer«ity of ( ambridgc. Js'ow ed. Cambridge, 1ki4. 12' 2490.20 Guide to Clirlntiau perfectioD, v. 1-8; Guide to hoH- nens, V. 9-26, 29-32. Boston, IS.lO-57. 30v. »n '?• ^' *7467.1 GUII>K to the unprotected in matters relating to prop. crty and Income. 2dod. London, IbtH. 10*. 5040a.2 Sbolf. No. Guide-book of the Central railroad of New Jersey, and its connections through the coal-fields of I'euusylvania. New York, 1S64. 12° ... . 2379.17 GuiDi, A. Sonetto; Canzone. [Gironi. Raccolta di lirici italiani] 4808. 8 GuiDi, F. La verite du magnetisme animal et Putilite de la medecine magnetique et som- nambulique. Nice, 185S. 16° 37CS.23 GuiDiccioNE, G. Sonetti. [Gironi. Raccolta di lirici italiani] 4S08.8 Guiding star; and other tales. 2d ed. London, 1835. 16" 2576.30 Cotitents, — The guiding star; The hour-glass; The fnuntiiinin the wood ; The crystallized flower bd^kct; The steam packet; The old coach; or, a visit to Puss Park. GuiDO. Chronicon, 756-llOS. [Frankfurt. Soci- etas, etc., v. 5] 4210.2 GuiDO, or de la Guyonne, B. Tractatus magistro- rumordinis prjedicatoruni,necnon et priorum provincialium proviucia; Proviucite sen Tolo- saufe. [Martene. Vet. script., v. 6] . . . . 4150.1 GuiDO da Ravenna. De Italia, JSicilia, Sardinia, Corsica geographica. 5ce Ravennas .... 2265.13 GuiDO Donati, or Guittonc d'Arezzo. Lettere, con lenote [di G. Bottari]. Roma, 1745. smA°. 2747.27 GUIGO, or Guido. Meditationes piissimie. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 22] B.110.2 — De quadripertito exercitio cellie. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 24] B.110.2 GuiGUE, M. C. Dc I'origine de la si*i:nature et de Bon emploi au moycn age. Paris, 1863. 8° . *2112.16 Guild, R. A. Account of the writings of Roger Wil- liams. Providence, 1862. [No title-page. 1 pp. 11. 8° ' 2152. ly — Life, times, and correspondence of .James Man- ning, and early history of Brown university. Boston, 18(H. S" ._ • 2387.18 Guilds. Das Gildenwesen im Mittelalter. "SVilda, W. E 4147.6 GuiLEViLi.E, or Guilleville, G. de. aioderu prose translation of the I'ylgrymage of man. Lon- don, :85'.». pp. 68. V 3473.13 — Pylgremnge of the sowle. Edited by K. I. Cast. London, 1850. 4° 3473.12 GuiLLAU.ME. Chronicon Andrensis monaf^terii, 1082-1234. [Ach^^ry. Spicilegium, v. l»] .. 4152.7 GuiLLAUME, abbot of St. Thierrij. Meditationes dcvotissinK-e ; Libcllus de amore. [iMaxinia biblioth. vet. patr., v. 22] B.110.2 GuiLLAUMK d'Auvergnc. Errores dctestabilcs con- tra catholicam veritatem. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 25] B.110.2 GuiLLAfMic DaiHlinii, dc St. Savin. Vita B. Ilugo- nisde LiiciTtii. [31artcne. A'et. script., v. 6], 4150.1 GuiLLAUME de Clianipcaiix. Dialogus inter Cliris- tianum et .Iud;pum de fide catiiolica. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patf., v. 20] B.U0.2 GuiLLAUME de Naugis. Chronicon, 1116-1.368. [Achery. Spioilegium, v. 11] 4162.7 GuiLLAUME de TudMe. Chronicpie des Albigeols. [Raynouard. Lexique ronian, v. I] .... 2687.12 GuiLLAiTME Le Maire. See AchiJry, .T. L. d'. Splcileglum, v. 10, 11 4152.7 Cnutfiitn. — Vol. X. Gentn tth ijisomct rclatn. XI. Statuta ttynodnlin. GuiLLAUME de Vaudoncourt, F. F. Memoirs on the Ionian islands ; including the life and chiinictcr of Ali Piicha. Translated by W, Walton. London, 1816. 8° 3078.20 GuiLLAUMiN, U. G. DIctlonnaire unlversel du commerce et do la navigation. Paris, lS5i>- 61. 2v. 8" •5682.1 — Annuaire de IVconomic politique et de la 6ta- tirttiqiie. AVr- Block, M 4202.11 GuiLLKMiN, A. simple explication des chcmfns defer. Paris, 186.;. 12" 4015.26 GuiLLEBMiN, G. Journal historiquo dc lariivolu- lion dc Saint-Domtnguc. Phlla., 1810. »** . 4317.1 GUILLON 263 GUTHRIE Shelf. Mo. GuiLLox, G. De la gu^rison complete et rapide des rt^trc'cis cements de Turetre. Icr i'lisc. 2e I'd. I'liris, 18tJ0. 8° 3770.43 GCILMETTE, C A. Vocat pliysioloffv ; or, progres- sive system for tlie scifiitilic fduciition of the voice. Edited by liev. E. Wiuthrop. Kew * York, ISGU. b* 370fi.-10 Guinea. Itcnezct, A. Historical account of . . . 3572.28 — Bosman, W. Beschryving van de 4253. 4 — Frossard, B. S. Ziiak dt-r negerslaaven van . 42i)(i.l7 GfiNEA pig. Eiitwicklungsgfscldchte des Meer- schweinchens. Bisolioll', T. L. W 5901.5 GUIREY, W. Sermon on the deatli of Washington, del. at Lynn, .)an. 7, lijUU. 8aIom, [ISOO]. b". 4344.21 Guitar. Cuniss, N. r. B. Method for the . . . 8051.41 — Feder, O. Complete method for the 8051.40 — Howe, E. Instructor for the 8051.50 — White, E. L. Guitar without a master . . . 8051.42 GuiTMUXn. De veritate corporis Cliristi in eucha- ristia libritri's; Confessio de Trinitate, etc.; Oratio ad (iuillelmum i, Anglorum regem. [Maximabiblioth.vet. patr., v. 18] B.110.2 GUIZOT, E. C. r. de Sleulau. Caroline, ou I'eflet d'uu malheur. Boston, 1834. pp. 83. IS" . 4699a. 18 — Couseils de morale, ou cssais sur I'homme. Paris, 1828. 2v. 8° 3588.3 Gdizot, F. p. G. L'aniourdans le mariage, etude historique. Seed. Paris, 18(12. pp. 82. l(i°. 2519.12 — Coursd'histoiremoderne. BruxelIes,lS3fl. gr.8°.*4141.11 — Democracy in France. X.York, 1849. pp. 82, 8°. 5568.21 — Discours academiques, [etc.]. Paris, 1861. 8*. 2604.5 — L'eglisc et la societe chretiemiea en 1801. 3e ed. Paris, 1861. 8° 3528.22 — Embassy to the court of St. James's in 1840. London, 1802. 8" 2464.17 — Histoire des origines du gouvernement reprij- sentatifen Europe. Paris, 1851. 2v. 8". . 4618.3 — - Same. Xouv. ed. Paris, 1857. 2v. 12°. 4018.15 — History of the origin of representative govern- ment in Europe. Translated by A. R. Scoble. Loudon, 1852. p.S" B.159a.l6 — Histoire parlcmentaire de France : recueil complet des discours prononces dans les chambres de 1819 a ls4S. Paris, 1803. 2v. 8°. 4072.0 — History of civilisation in Europe; also, a trea- tise on death punishments. London, 1856. 16". [Chambers. Instructive library] . . . 2302.11 — Memoires pour servir k I'liistoire de mon temps. Seed. Paris, 1861-04. 6v. S° . . . 4618.4 — Memoirs of a minister of state, from 1840. London, 1804. 8' 4614.3 « — Monk. Chute de la republique et ri^tablisse- ment de la monarchie en Augleterre en 1600, 2e ed. Paris, 1851. 8° 2528.7 [ — Trois generations 1789-1814-1848. 3e 6d. Paris, f- 1863. 18" 4618.14 Gulliver, J . P. Address at the dedication of the free academy in Norwich, [etc.]. Norwich, 1856. 8°. 4387.53 GUillLLA, J. El Orinoco Uustrado y defendido, historia de este gran no. 2a impression, Madrid, 1745. 2v. 4" *43G6.10 GUMMERE, S. R. Definitions and observations in astronomy. Philadelphia, 1832. 24" . . . . 7029.40 GuMFACH, J.v. Die Zeitrechnung der Babylonier und Assyrer. Heidelberg, 1852. 8" . . . . 4166.2 — Der Prophet Habakuk. See Bible. Single books of the Old Testament 3426.8 GUMPOLD. Vita Wincezlavi ducis Bohemias. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 4] 4210.2 GUMPRECHT, T. E. Ueber Barth und Overwegs Untersuchungsreise nach dem Tschadsee. Berlin, [1852]. 8' 4245.1 Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine Erdkunde, Band 1-6, uud Neue Folge herausgegeben von K. Neu- mann, Band 1-16. Berlin, 1853-64. 22v. 8". *4116.1 — - Same. Uebersicht der Aufsiitze, Miscellen, und Karteu, in den Monatsberichten iiber die VerhandlungenderGesellschaftfurErdkunde 2tt Berlin, 1840-53, sowie in d. Zeitschrift, [etc.], 1853-63. Berlin, 1803. pp.69. 8". . Mllfi.l Sheir. Xo. . 4029.5 . 3955.2 Gun-cotton. Dussauce, H. Fabrication of. — Hollcy, A. L. Appendix, referring to . . GUNDECiiAit. Liber pontificalis Eichstetensis usque ad annum 1072. [Frankfui't. Societas, etc.,v.7] 4210.2 GUNDLiNG, J. P. V. Nachricht von dem Lande Tuscieu Oder dem Gross-Herzogthum Flo- rentz. Franckfurt, 1723. pp. 30. 4" . . . *4217.4 — Nachrichten von Parma und I'lacenza und der- selben Dependenz vom teutscben Reich, Franckfurt, 1723. pp.72. 4° *4217.4 GUNN, C. H. Exercises on a selection of English synonyms. Edited by arrhbishop Wiiateiy. Loudon, 1850. pp. 04. 10" 2586.41 GUNN, J.C. Domestic medicine, or poor man's friend. 1st revised ed. Phila., 1840. 8".. 3791.8 GUNNEKV, Instruction in. Benton, J. G 3954.24 Gunning, G. Documents of the Gunning family. Cheltenham, ]HM. 8" *2435.31 Gunpowder, Initial action and force of. Tliomas, L. .'^954.23 Gunshot wounds. Appia, P. L. Gunshot wounds. .3749.5 — Gay, G. H. Primary treatment of 5796.18 — Jobert, A. J. Plaies d'armes a feu .3755.3 — Le Dran, H. F. Treatise on 3759.26 — Warren, J. JI. Gunshot wounds 3751.9 GuNTHER. Historia Constantinopolitana sub Bal- duino, 1203. [Canisitis. Thesaurus, v. 4] . 4140.3 GUNTHER, St. Vita S. Guntheri, Turlngii, mona- chi Altahensis, auctore anonymo. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 3, p. 1] 4140.3 GUnthek, A. C. L. G. Reptiles of British India. London, 1864. f. [Ray society] *5880.1 — Catalogue of the acanthopterygian fishes in the collection of the British museum. See London. British museum 3907.7 GUnther, Jphann, and Schulz, O. A. Handbuch fiir Autographensammler. I^eipzig, 1850. 8". 2112.18 GiJNTHER, Johann C. Auserlesene Gedichte. [3Iulier. Bibliothek deutscher Dichter des XVII. Jahrhunderts, V. 10] 2879;10 GCnzler, W. A. Examen rationum a Sexto Em- pirico, etc. 5ee Weihenmajer, J. F 4163.22 GuRNEY, .Joseph. Trial of Thomas Hardy for high treason. Loudon, 1794-95. 4v. 8" 3697.1 GURNEY, Joseph J. Memoirs ; with selections from his journal and correspondence. Ed. by J. B. Braithwaite. Philadelphia, 1854. 2v. 8", 2544.6 — Biographical sketch of. See Timpson, T. . .2546.28 GURNEY, T. E, American school for the melodeon, eeraphine, reed organ, etc. Boston, [1855]. 4". 8052.25 GURNEY, W. B. Trial of Pedro de Zulueta, jun., on a charge of slave trading. With an ad- dress by Zulueta. London, 1844. 8' . . . . 3573.3 GuROWSKi, A. de. Promenade en Suisse, en 1845. Lausanne, 1846. 12" 4229.8 — The Turkish question. New York, 1864, pp. 43. 12° B. 170b. 85 GusTAFSSON, G. A. Memorial. See Gustavus iv Adolphus 2846.18 Gustavus II Adolphus, Idng of Swed-en. Gustav Adolph, und seine Zeit. See Gfrorer, A. F. . 4213.5 GUSTAVUS IV Adolphus, king of Sweden. Jlemorial du colonel Gustafsson. Leipzig, 1829. 8" . . 2846.18 Gustavus Vasa. Histoire de Gustave Wasa. See Archenholz, J. W. v 2852.25 GUTBERLETH, T. See Poleni. Utriusque thes. antiq. supp., V. 2, 4, 5 2970.7 ContoUs. — Vol. II. De mysteriis deorum Cabironim disscrtatio philologica. IV. Conjectanea in monumen- tum HeriiE, Thiabes monodiarife, et Titi Claudii Glaphyrl cbqraulffi ; Animadveraioiies philologicBE in antiquum iDscriptioneni Grojcara Smyrute repertam, V. De SalUs Mania sacerdotibus apud Komanos liber siiigularis. GUTBIER, G. Lexicon Syriacum, continens omnes N. T. dictiones. Hamburg!, 1007. sm.S° . . *6019.19 Gutenberg. Zeitschrift fur Buchdrucker, etc. Wien, 1855-5*;. f ' *5170.4 Guthrie, G.J. Directions to army surgeons on the field of battle. 2d ed. n.p., n.d. pp.9, 8*. [Printed for the use of U. is. A. surgeons] . . 5796.19 GUTHRIE 264 HAGEN Shelf. No. -GCTHRIE, T. Plea for ragged schools. 14th ed. Edinburgh. 1S40. pp.40. S" *3570.5 — Second plea for ragged schools. 4Ch ed. Edin- burgh, 1849. pp. 58. a" *3570.5 Guthrie, W. Geog-raphical, historical, and com- mercial grammar. Astronomical part by J. Ferguson. Sth ed. London, 17S3. 8" . . . 62SG.0 GUTSMAXN, O. Deutsch-wiudisches Worterbuch. Klagenfurt, ITSO. 4° 4SS5.10 GCTTENSTEix, B. F. Scharfsinnige Spriiche der Teutsclien. See Zinkgref, J. W 4899a.l Gtrr, J. Exercises in orthography. 1st American from 2d London ed. Boston, 1834. 24° . . 7109.14 — New Latin primer. London, [IHl.i]. 24° . . 4939a. 33 GUVARD de BervilJe. Histoire de Pierre Terrail, dit le chevalier Bayard. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1773. 12° ' 4629a. 5 GUYMOND de la Touche, C. Iphigenie en Tauride. Amsterdam, 1781. pp. 02. S° . . . . v. 1 of *2664.12 — - Same. [Theatre fian^ais, v. 40] 4708.1 GUYNEMiCR, A. M. A. de. Bictionnaire d'astrono- mie a I'usage des gens du monde. 2e ^d. Paris, lbo7. 8° *42S2.4 GUYON, C. M. Histoire des Amazones anciennes et modernes. Paris, 1740. 2v. 12" .... 2308.9 GUYON, F. de. Memoires, avec la vie de I'auteur par A. P. L. de Robaulx de Soumoy. Bru- xelles, 1858. b". [Brussels. Society d'histoire de Belgique] *282D.22 GUTOT, A. Directions for meteorological obser- vations; Tables meteorological and physical. [Washington. Smithsonian institution. Miscellaneous collections, V. 1] 3350.2 GCYOT de Merville, M. Le consentement forc^, comedie. [Theatre Iran9ais, v. 39] 4708.1 GUZM.\N, A. E. de. IJfe and acts, 1518 to ^543. Tr. with note.s and iutrod. by C. R. Mark- ham. London, 1802. -s". [Hakluyt society]. 2264.26 Gyarm \Tiii, S. Affinitas lingvie Hvngarics cvra lingVis FennicK originis denionstrata. Nee non vocabvlaria. Gottinga, 1799. 8*. . ,'2885.16 Gymnastics. Schreber, D. G. M. Aerztliche Zimmer-Gymnastik 4001.8 — - Das Pangymnastikon 4001.7 Habeas corpus. Binney, II. Privilege of the writ of habeas corpus under the constitution , . 3635.10 A'tXe. — The some volume contAlns trnctson thehabi^aa corpus, mostly In ri-ply to Binn«y, by J. C. Bullitt, C. H. Gross, T. Jackson, J. F. Johuston, W. M. Kennedy, J. T. Montgomery, I. Myor, Jr., und 0. M. Whttrton; also R. B. Taney's Decielun In tbo Merryman case. — Brown, D. B. Reply to Binney 4310a. 19 — Hall, N. K. Opinion in the case of J. D. Ben- edict 5635.5 — Parker, J. Review of the opinion of Taney in the case of Merryman 3635.9 See also: Martial Iaw, Personal liberty law. HXberlin, C. F. Staats-Archiv [cine Folge der Schlozer'schen StaatsanzeigenJ. Heft 1-02. Helm(.tedt, 1790-1807. lOv. 8' •4288.4 HABSBt'KG.-OicsTKRRKiCHisciiiisUrbarbuch. Ile- rausgegeben von F. I'feifter. Stuttgart, 1850. b". (Stuttgart. Bibliotheic des liter. Vc- reins] ••:i«74. 7, and v. 19 of ♦4225.1 Hachbnbkro, C. F. Elements of Greek grammar, [lid. by C, A. Goodrich.] 2d ed. Hartford, lh20. 12° 4980a. 10 — - Same. 3d ed. Ilartfurd, 1S22. 12**. . . .4989a. 16 Hachettk, J. N. P. Correspondunce 8ur l'scKrf. See Quintin, J. Haelscuxer, H. p. E. De iure gentium quale fuerit apud populos Orientls. Diss, inaug. Halis, 184'.». pp. 5ti. 8° 4289.45 Haenlkin, H.C. a. Epistola Judse. See Bible. Single books of the New Testament .... 5410.7 HAESER, H. Lehrbuch der Geschiclitc der Medicin mid derepidemischen Krankheiteu. 2er lid. lt(? Abth. Gcschiohte der epidemischeu Rrankheiten. 2te Autl. Jena, I85U. b" . . 5733.6 HAFiDH-Ui.Di.N Abu-'1-I5arakat Abd-Ullah Alnasafl. See Abu-'l-Berekat Abdallah Hen Ahmed. HXffliger, J.B. Schweizerische Volksliedernach der Luzernerischeu Mundart. Luzern, 1813. 10* **2875.24 Hagedorn, F. v. Siimmtliche poetische Werke. Hamburg, 1760. 3v.ini. smS" **2878.17 CoH/fJUii. — MornlUche Gedlchto ; Eplfcrammntliohe Gedlchtf ; Tdbpln und Erzublunpi-n ; Otliin und Licdcrj Ablinndlungcn von den Modern der uUcn Grltchen, Haof.man, H. Gregoriansche melodicn, in vier* stimmig orgelaccompaguement. Nijmegen, [IbSiiJ. pp.8, iind score. 4° 4043.8 Haoen, C. Deut.schlands literarische und religiose Verhiiitnisse im UL-formationszeitallcr. Er- langcn, 1841-4-i. ;iv. b° 0066.6 — Zur imliiischen Geschichte Deutsctilands. Stuttgart, lb-12. 8° 2816.14 Haoen, E. Uutersuchungcn Uber romische Ge- schichte. ler Theil. Catilina. Konigsberg, iK-il. b° 2767.1^ Haoicn, F. H. v. d. Gesammtabenteuer. Hundert altdeutsche Erziihlungen. Stuttgart, 185U. 3v. sni.b" **2900.29 Conienf. — Vol, I, Adinn und Kvn; Aviiilott.'li's und Pliyllli; Frnuonxuclit, voii .SII>ut 1 Ili-lnrlrli von Kiiiiip- ton und di-it KiiUcra lltiri, vun Konriid vun WUizbnrff; DU< ullo Mutt<>r uiid K*r IIAGEN 265 HAIMO Uholf. Ko. IlAOUN, F. II. V. d., cnvtimied. BuKaiit (Mni;<.-lonn); Dtr rntiu-ii Tiimnl; Din Ilfldinn; Dor NiiS8li([u Nnctidditll; rnuiunllBt; I'mucubcBtilniligkoit; Dio Ti'uft'lsnclit ; DiT wnhrsiiRoinU" Unum: Per ©iitlunfono IlaNOiil)riitt'n,vuii iloiii Vriolhhoimcr; DiT IU'iIilT; Ehc- Btdiid, Tod, tiiul lloclizi-it: Klu' iui Ltibcu uiid Todo; 8rlM-ld«iip iiiid Sttlino ; tlK-frtiu imd UiihliTln, von lloniiiiiiii Fri-^Nniit ; Dii4 wnrinu Aliiiost-n ; Dio drcl \VUii[ithe; WHUrllst; Dcr WUXvr uiid dio NtisHo; Dlo MfiiTiii nilt dor Ci-issj DiT Klttcr iiutiTiii ZubtT, voh Jnkob Ajipet; Dto In-uo Miig:d; Per vrrkohrlo Wirth, voiiMi'mindvonWilduiilo; Dio Ik-kbtr; iHr bt-grabiiio Khvtiiniiu; DiisbelsscEUcn; UttaSclinci'kind: DIohiilbu Dt'cko; Dcr SchlHgcl, von Biidigcr dcm Ilunlhovcr ; AliiriliisfoHt, von dcm Strieker; Dcr Wienor Mpfrfiilirt ; Aniifiiii; una Jniison Encnkels Wcllbucho : AcliilleBum! Dcldnniin J Der Znuberor Vireilina; Eraklius; Dor Ti'u- fi'ls-I'ttpBt ; Kuiscr Diipobvrt ; Constantin ; Duo Uc-iissi'ti- kttnlprs Torhtor; Knrl derGrosso: Llcboazaubcr; Na- turrcfht; Saliulin. III. Der WcUbciligo; Der weiaso Itosetidom ; Bcrchta mil der lungOD Nase ; Irrcgang imd Girrcjrnr, voii Riidiper von Miincr; Meistcv Irrcgnnp; Minovdurat; Das Kiidlcin, von Johunnea von Frcibwrg; Der biosseeetollto Ritter; Der naekte Bote; Dor goiiirto rfiiffe; Die drel Mii^ncho von Kolmnr, von Kiemand; Tnrandot, von Uciaz deni Kcllner; Der Junghi-iT uud der treuo Ueinrich; Das Schriitcl und der Wasserbiir; Ilclmbrccht, von Wernbcr deni Gartenevj Hcrr Fried- rich von Authenfurt. von .Tnnson Enenlcel; Zwei Knuf- tntinncr und die treuo Huusfrau, von Huprecht vim Wiirzburg ; Der Uichter und der Teufol, von dcm Strieker; Der Welt Lolm, Ge&icht dcsAVimtvoo Gra- vcnberg, von Konrad von Wiirzburg; Dornnckte Kiinig, von dem Strieker; Unst-r I'rauen Wuiidcr; Der Frauiu Trust, von Siegfried dcm Dorfer; Unser Frnuen Ititti-r und die .Tunpfrau, Hiis dem Gedicht von Ilnaerra Herrn, unser Frauen, den Apostclo, und atleo Uuiligen ; Maiien lUtU'r; Maria und die Mutter; Maria und dor Malcr; Der Prupst zu St. Gallen ; Maria und dio llausfrau; Murien Ffurrer; Maria nnd der Schiiler; Marien Uriiu- tignm ; Maria tind die Siindcnwaage ; Marien Kitter und di-r Teufel; Thcophilus und der Teufcl; Ave Maria; Der Knuhritler und aein Ktimmerer; Thomas vnn Knndol- bcrg; Ave Maria; Mariou Uoseukrauz; Dca Drudcra Felix Vcrziickung. — Hcldcnbuch. Aus clem Sngenkreise Pietnclis von Bern und der Nibelungen. Leipzig, 1^55. 2v. 8' **2900.23 Con/fTir«. — Vol. I. Orinit ; Wolfdietrich ; Otnit und Wolt'Uietricli; Uugdietrich und Wolfdietrich; Alplmrta Tod; Dio Eavenuaachlacht. II. Sigenot; Ecke ; Die- trich und aeino Gesellcn; DIctricha Brautfahrt von Albrccht von Kcmenaten; Etzela Hofbaltung; Ermen- ricbs Tod. — Die NibeUingen: ihre Bedeutung fiir die Ge- genwart uud Air immer. Bruslau, 1819. brn.h" **2903.0 — and BU.scliing, J. G. Deutsche Gedichte dcs Mitteliilters. Berlin, 1808-20. 2t. 4". . .**2001.4 CmttrtUe, — Vol.1. Einleitung: Ki^nigRother; Herzog Emat des Heinrich von Veldeck ; Wigamur; Dor Hciligo Georg dea Reinbot von Dom; Salomon und Klorolf. II. Der Beldcn Bucb, herausgegeben von F. 11. von der Ila- gcn und A. Frimisser. ler Thcil : Gudrun; Bitcrolf und Dletlieb ; Der grosso Rosengarten ; Kaspars von der Roea Hcldenbuch: Otnit; WolfOlelrich. — nnd Primisser, Alois and Anton. Der Heldon Bnch in der Ursprache. Berlin, 1820-25. 2v, 4° 2001.5 Contents. — Vol.1. Gudrun; Biterolf nnd DictUch ; Der groasa Roaonpnrten; Kasparavon tier lEoen Ileldin- bach: Otnit; Wolfilietricb. II. Etzela Hot'hottunp ; Kteae Siegenot ; Eckcn Ausfahrt; Dietrich und aeino GcBcnen; K&nig Laurin; Der Rosengarten zuAVomia; Dan Ilildtibranda Lied ; Daa Meerwunder ; — Ilerzog Enixl ; llOmen Siegfried; Dietrich.t Ahnen und Flucht xu den Ileuntn; Die Ravenoa^SchlAcbt. — Docen, B. J., and others. Sluseura fiir alt- deutsche Literatur und Kunst. Berlin, IbOVi- 11. 2v. sra.8° **2900.28 HAGEN, (i. Kiilnische Reimchronik aus dem Klten JahrhundfTt in der Original spraclic mit Worttrbuch. Kiiln, 1847. 8" 42:{2.10 Shelf. No. HAQEN, it. Synopsis of the described neuroptera of North America, with a list of the South American species. [VVasIiington. Smith- sonian niiscellancous collections, v. 4] . . . 3350.2 IlAQENBACH, Carl F. Tcntamen lloric Basileensis. Vol.1. Basilea;, 1821. Hl° 3S49.5 HAGENUACII, Carl K. Encyklopiidie und Ulefhod- ologie der theologischen WisseiischafLen. Leipzig, 1S33. h" *0030.9 — Kircliengeschiclitedi's is. und 19. .lahrhunderts. 2te Aull. Leipzig, 1848, 49. 2v. in I. 8* . . G055.9 — Lehrbnch der Dogmengeschichte. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1853. 8* 0022.fi — Compendium of the liistory of doctrines. 'Jranslated by C. W. Buch. 3d ed. Edin- burgh, 1858,59. 2v. 8° 3451.24 — Text-book of the history of doctrines. The Edinburgh translation of C. W. Buch revised, with additions by IL B. Smith. Vol. 1. New York, ISCl. 8" 3452.32 — Oekolampad und Myconius, die Reformatoren Basels. Leben und ausgcwahlte Schriften. Elberfeld, 1859. 8° *0045.8 — Rede bei der Beerdigung des Prof. W. M. L. de Wcfte. Basel, 1849. pp.38. 8" . 4129.91, and 4237.5 — Tabellarische Uebersicht der Dograengc- schichte bis auf die Reformation. Basel, 1828. pp. 16. 4" *B.180f.3 — Vorlesungen iiber iiltere Kirchengeschichte. Leipzig, lS53-fll. 4v. 8' 6055.8 — Vorlesungen iiber Wesen und Gescliichte der Reformation. Leipzig, 1834-43. 6v. in5. 8". 0044.7 — "W. M. L. de Wette. Eine akademische Ge- djichtnissrede. Leipzig, 1850. 8° 4237.5 Hager, J. Explanation of the elementary charac- ters of the Chinese. London, 1801. f ' . . . *3030.2 Haggitt, G. On the catechism : two sermons. [Dibdin. Sunday library, v. 4] 5444.23 IIAGUE, W. Addresses of Drs. Hague and Kirk at the annual meeting of the Educational com- mission for freednien, May 28, 1863. Jioston, 1863. 8° 4320a. 4 — Christianity and slavery : a review of Drs. Ful- ler and Wayland, on domestic slavery. Bos- ton, 1847. pp.54. 24° C0S0.9 — Duties of employers and employed, con.sidered with reference to clerks, etc. New York, 1849. pp. 33. 8* 3578.5 — Ilorae life: twelve lecture.s. Philadelphia, n.d. l^'' 6444.26 — Life and character of A. Judson; a discourse dL-livered May 15, 1851. Boston, 1851. H" , 4347.46 — Philosophy of ultraism. Addres.s before the Society of the alumni of Newton theological institution. Boston, 1835. 8* 5400a.2 — True charity a check to pauperism: a dis- course before the Howard benevolent soci- ety, Jan. 24, 1841. Boston, 1841. 8° . . . . 54 59a. 44 Hahn, A. Lehrbuch des christlichen Glftubens. Leipzig, 1828. 8* 0022.14 Uahn, F. Fiinf Elfenbein-Gefasse dcs friUiesten Mittelalters. Hannover, 1802. pp.71. 4°. 4071.17 Hahnemann, S. Dissertatio de indole et futia artis homoeopathice medendi, binml vila iu- ventoris. Merseburgi, 1829. pp. 45. 4° . . 3807.22 Haidinger, W. Ansprache gehalten am Schlus.se des ersten Decennium's der Kuiserlich-Kiiiiig- lichen geologischen Reichsanstalt in "Wieu, Wien, 1859. pp. 37. 1.8° 3803.2 Haigh, D. H. The Anglo-Saxen sagas; their value as aids to history. London, 1801. 8". 2418.12 — Conquest of Britain by the Saxons. Loudon, 1801. 8° 2418.13 Hails, >V. A. Nugae poetica;. A serio-comic poem, on the pursuits of mankind; with several small pieces, Gateshead, 1806. 8*. , . . *Pph.v.358 Uaimo. De corpore et sanguine Domini. [Achery. Spicilegiuro, V. 12] 4152.7 — Vita Willihelmi abbatis Hir^augiensis, [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. !:•] 4210.2 HAINAULT 266 HALL Sbelf. No. Hainahlt, counts of. Genealogiae ex chronicis Hainoniensibus coUcctse. [Achery. Spici- legium, V. 7J 4152./ HAJl Khalfa, o; Khalifeh, Slusfafa Ben Abdallah. Lexicon bibliographicuin et encyclopa?dieum. Edidit G. Fluegel. Tomus si'ptimus catalo- gosbibUotbccarumCahirensiiim.Damascena;, Halebeusis.Eliodia! et Constantinopolitana- nim continens. Cura commentario. London, 1858. 4°. [Oriental translation fund] . . . *3021.20 Hake, E. C. v. Ue usu actionuni pojnalium juris Komani in foris Germania:. [Diss, acad] Halffi Saxon., ir.03. pp. 84. 4° *1304.22 Hakluyt society. Works issued by the society. — Asher, G. M. Henry Hudson, the navigator . 2264.24 — Benzoni, G. History of the new world. Translated by W.H.Smyth 2204.18 — Champlain, S. Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico, 15;H)-1002. Translated by A. Wilmere. Edited by N. Shaw 2264.20 — Clavijo, R. G. de. Embassy to the court of Timour, at Samarcand, H03-6. Translated by C. R. Markham 2204.21 Galvano, A. Discoveries of the world. Cor- rected by R. Hakluyt, [1601]. Edited by vice-admiral Bethune 2264.27 — Guzman, A. E. de. Life and acts, 1518-43. Translated by C. K. Markham 2264.26 — Jordanus, Friai: Wonders of the East. Tr.anslated by H. Yule 2204.28 Mnjor, R. 11. Early voyages to Australia . . 2204.22 — - India in the flftccnth century. A collection of voyages 2264.19 — Markham, C. R. Expeditions to the valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1039 2264.23 — Simon, P. Expedition of P. de Ursua and L. de Aguirre in search of El Dorado and Oma- gua in 1560-1. Translated by W. Bolliert. With introduction by r. R. Markham . . . 2204.25 Halayudiia Bhatla. Aljhidhanaratuamala. A Sanskrit vocabulary : eililed witli a glossary by T. Aufreelit. London, 1801. S" 3033.3 Halberstadt, Uistorische Beschrcibung des ISis- chollthums. Leuckfeld, J. G 4218.2 Haldkman, S. S. Relations between Chinese and the Indo-European languages. Cambridge, 1857. pp. 9. 8° 4956.5 — Report on tlie present state of our knowledge of linguistic ethnology. Cambridge, 1850. pp. 4956.5 Hale, A. Two discourses on tlie war between the United States and Mexico, at Siiringlield, July 11, 1847. Springlicld, [111.], 1817. 1.8° . 6088.130 Half., C. All men arc born eipml. Speech, March 27, If-50. Iloston, 1856. 8° 4390a.65 Kcviewof the priiceediugs of the nunnery com- mittee of the Massachusetts legislature; especially their visit to the ealholie school in Roxbury. Boston, 18.')5. pp.62. 8° . . . 4.358. M To-day, a Bo.stou literary journal. Boston, ls-,2. 2V. 8° 2390.3 Hai-k, 1''.. K. ("hristlan duty to emigrants: a ser- mon before the Boston society for the pre- vention of pauperism, May 9, 1852. Boston, l«i2. 8° 6160a. 3 — Duties and dangers of a revival: a sermon, March H, I85S. Boston, 1858. 8° 6400a.3 Edward Everett In the ministry of reconcil- iation; a sermon, Jan. 22, 1805. Boston, IHfl-.. 8* 4311.11 — Elements of Christian doctrine, and Its de- velopment : live sermons. Il()stcni, 1800. PP.6S. 8" 6153.13 — Future civilization of the South : a sermon. [Iloston, 1862.] v:° ■I310a.ll3 Letters on Irish emigration. Boston, 1852. pp. IH. 8' .3015.11 — rubllc amusement for poor and rich: a dis- course, Dec. 10, 18.W. Boston, 1857. 8° . . filil(in.:i siicir. No. Hale, E. E., cwitinued. — Relief of the poor, etc. : a discourse before the Howard benevolent society, Dec. 14, 1850. Boston, 1857. S° 5400a. 3 — Sermon at the installation of Rev. E. B. Will- son, at West Roxbui-y, July 18, 1852. Bos- ton, 1862. 8° 00S8.61 — Sermon at the ordination of Mr. C. B. Ferry, in Peterborough, N. H., June 13, 1800. Peter- borough, 1800. 8° 5400a. J — Life of Sir Ralph Lane. [Worcester. Ameri- caJi antiquarian society. Transactions, v. 4]. 2311.1 Hale, J. P. Relations with Mexico : speech in the senate, Feb. 15, 1853. Washington, 1853. 8°. 6087.115 — Remarks on the increase of the army, Jan. 26 and 2S, and Feb. 2, 1858. [Wasliington, 185;-i. No title-page.] 8° 0087.115 — Speech in the house of representatives upon the slavery resolutions, June 25, 1840. Bos- ton, [1846. No title-page.] 8° 6087.115 Speech in the senate on the increase of the army in Mexico, Jan. 0, 1848. [Washington, 184S. No title page.] 8° 6aS7.1I5 — Speech in the senate on the territorial ques- tion, March 19, 1850. [Washington, 1850. Ko title-page.] 8° 6087.115 — Speech on the state of the Union, Jan. 31, ISfll. [Washington, 1801. No title-page.] .8°. . 4320a. 15 Wrongs of Kansas : speech in the senate, Feb. 18.56. Washington, 18S8. [No title-page.] 8°. 0087.115 HALE, Mary W. Poems, Boston, 1840. 12°. . . 2405.:;8 HALB, Sir Jlatthew. Epistles to his children, with directions concerning the observance of the Lord's day. I'relixeil, the Ule of the author. New ed. Philadelphia, 1790. 24° 3440.56 — [History and analysis of the common law of England. London], 1713. 8° 4305.10 The primitive origination of mankind. Lon- don, 1077. sni.f" • S480.3 Hale, Mercy. Genealogical memoir of the fami- lies of Lawrence. Boston, 1856. pp.20. 8°. 4332.1 HALE, N. An epitome of universal geogrophy. With 60 maps. Boston, 1830. 12° 7039.34 Hale S. J.B. The school song book. Bo.ston, XtCA. 16° 4059.24 — Sketches of American character. 2d ed. Bos- ton, 18.30. 18° 2397.42 UALKS, J. Brief inquiry touching n belter way to refute papists ; Discourse touching the pence and conconl of the church. [Pheuix, v. 2] . 4157.1 Haley, W. D. Introductory sermons to the First unitarian church in Washington. Washing- ton, I.-ias. 8° 0088.30 UAi.iii' I', y. B. (Jrammar of the Bengal language. iloogly, 1778. 4° "5033.12 — Ordinations of the Pundits. See Code of Gcn- toolaws 3«in-21 TlALlCAUNA.saus, Discoveries at. Newton, C.T.. 3071.10 llALiTiiAIuu.s, 01- llalitcarius, Cameraeensls. De vitiis et virlutibus, et online poMiitentium, lil.riv; Liber sexlus sen Pcvnileulialis Ito- luanus. Cum notis Menardi. [Maxima biblinlh.vel.patr., v. M] B.110.2 _ - Sunie. F.lantiquuspii'nitenliallsUomannset INeuitentlale llalitgaril, sive ullcrius ineerti auloris. [Cauisius. Thesaurus, v. 2, ii. 2| . 4110.3 HALL, Abraham O. lUn-ace (Ireeley decently dis- sected. New York, 1862. pp. 38. 8° . . . . 4345.7 Hall, Anna M. .Stories of the Irish peasantry. Ivliuburgh, IS.'iI. 10°. fchambers. Instruc- tive and entertaining library] 2576.11 HALL, B. Travels in North America in 1827 and 1828. Edinbin-gh, 1829. :tv. 8° 2303.22 — - Same. PliilMdelphia, 1829. 2v. 12° . . . . 4:103.18 HALL, C. II. A discourse, April 19, 1865, after the assassination of A. Lincoln. Washington, 1865. 8° 4312.3 HALL, F.ilward B. Christians lorbidden to fight: aildress before the Khoile Island peace soci- ety. IVovldence, 1844. 8° •Pph.v.370 HALL 267 HALL tiiioir. No. Hall, Edward B., continued. — Discourse. Kob.fi, iSoS, on th(» life and times of J. Howland. I'rovideaci-, iSoS. 8° . . . . 4.147.41 — Piscourse occasioned by tbo death of W. K. Chauniiig. I'rovidence^ 1842. b" . . . . *rpb.v.37& — '* Isn professed religion." Boston, n.d. pp.12. 16^ I Americuu unitarian association. Tracts, 1st scries, No. 2811 5457.11 — Sermon. May H, 1S41, beinp tbe national fast, o^^•a^iolU'd by the death of W. 11. Harrison. I'rovideuce, 1841. t>' *I*ph.v.376 — Tlie spirit of Iriuh. A discourse at the dedica- tion of the new divinity l^ali of the Meadvillo theoloffical scliool, June 2^, 1861. Cam- brid;;e, I,s.->4. M" 54C0a.4 — The vahmof a man. A discourse occasioned by tbe death of 11. Wbeaton, delivered March 19,1848. rmvidence. 1S48. S" 4347.118 Hall, Kdwin. CoUeijes essential to home mis- sions: adiscourse. New York, 1853. 8". v. 2 of *5596.1 — The Puritans and tlieir principles. New York, 1S4I1. 8' 352G.2 llALL, Fitz Edward. fJL dc Tassy and Maulawi Karimu-d-din.] From the Benares maga- zine. Au^. 1851. n. p., n. d. pp.14. 8". . B.I70.91 Hall, Fiancis. Columbia; its present state, and inducements to emipration. Thiladelphia, 1825. 12" 2369.17 Hall, Frederick. Letters from the East and from tbe West. Washington, [1840]. 8° . . . . 236S.0 Hall, G. PrcRident Lincoln's death. A cMsoourse, April 19, 18li5. Northampton, 18()5. 8° . . . 4343.3 Hall, H. Iteraarks in tbe house of representatives on the removal of the public deposites. Wnshington, 1834. 8° *Pph.v.382 Hall, .Tames, judge, b. 1793. Address before the Krodelphian society of Miami university. Cincinnati, 1S33. 8* *I*ph.v,381 — Sketches of the West. Philadelphia, 1835. 2v. 12° 2373.10 Hall, James, geologist, 6.1811. General geology and pala'ontolo/^y. 5ee Wisconsin 5873.10 — History of the Indian tribes of North America. 5t?fl JPKenncy, T. L *23.I.l, and J.l Hall, John C. Analytical synopsis of the natural history of man. ^ce Pickerinsr, C B. 159a. 19 Hall, John W. Speeches at his inauguration as president of Miami university. See Corrv, W. M '. B.170a.9 Hall, Jonathan P. register of the thermometer from If^M to ISSii; added, the quantity of rain falling in Boston, 1823 to 185G. [Boston. American aoademy of arts, etc. Memoirs, N. S-.v.G, pp. 229-308.] 4^ 59G2.7 Hall, Joseph, bishop of Norioich. Works. Lon- don, [1639]-47. f" *G021.4 ConC-'its. — Meditations nnd vovrrs; Ileaveo upon fart ti ; An of di^■^ne meditation; Holy obeerv-ations; Sonip ft-w of David's psalmes melaphrazcd; Characters of vcrluca and viceo; golomoo's divine arts; Tho Bonp of sonca punipbraspd ; EpistJcs in six dccads; ScrmooB: <.\>in- mon npolotry against the Brownists ; Serious disown- give from popery; So peace with Home; Quo va'lio? or, a censure of travell; Tbe rijrhtcous mammon ; Hon- our of the married clcrgi'; A short catechisnio; Con- tcmplatioDS upon thu principajl passages of the Old Testament. — Works: with some account of his life and sufferings, written by himself. New ed. [by Peter Ilall], with additions, etc. Oxford, 1837-39. 12T. 8* ♦5505.1 Cotuenta. — Vol. L Dedication to king James; 8pc- clnlitlca of Divine providence in the life of llall, writtttn l»y himself; HaU's letter from the Tower; Answer of H, 8. to (tie letter from tbe Tower; Uall's hard measure; Bxiracts from Whitcfoofs funeral Bcrmon; Contempla- tions on iho Old Testament. IL Contemplations on th« Old Testament, continued ; Contempljitlons on the New Testament. HI. Paraphrase on hard texts: Genesis to Daniel. ]V. Porapbrase on hard texts: Uosea to Uci-e- Intlon. V. Sermons. VI. Procticnl works: Ileavcu upon earth; Art wf divine meditation; Chorattcrs of viituea HalLi Joseph, bishop of Kormck, continued. and vices; Epistles; Ooisolatorj- letter to one under censure; Answer to an unkQo»-n complainant; Itoeiotu- tioiis for relipion; Remedy of profanencss; ChrLstiau moderation; Holy decency in tho worship of God; The devout Boul; Tho free prisoner. VIL Remedy of dis- contentment; The peace-maker; Tho balm of Gilead; Christ mystical, or ChriBt and his members ; Tbn Chris- tian in his disposition and carriaico; Satan's flery darts quenched ; Cases of conscience ; Tho holy order of moumora in Siou ; Sonps in tho nipbt. VIIL Devo- tional works : Meditations and vows ; Holy obser- vaUons; Holy raplure, or the love of Christ; Select ■ thrtURhts; Supernumeraries; Brealhinps of the devout Boul ; Soliloquies of the devout soul ; Tho bouI'b furowell to earib, bdcI approaches to heaven; Grout mystery of podlinoss; Tho iuvisible world ; Miscellaneous tho- oloFj- : Brief sum of the priuciplcs of loliRion ; flolo- moa's divine arts: Episcopal admonitions to the houao of commons; Answer to arprumonts ni;atnst bishopH stt- linff in parliament ; Speeches in porlinmeut ; Letter conrerninp eomo slanderous reports aRainst tho clerRy; Apoliiseticol letter to a person of quality; The revela- tion uiirevealed. IX. Polemical works: Parti. On the quetttiuns between the church of Enclaud and (he church of Rome; The peace of Rome proclaimed by Bellarmia and Navarre ; The honour of tho married clerfry main- tained; The old religion; Tho reconciler of (be seem- iiis difTerences of opinion concerning the tmeness and visibility of tho Roman catholic church; Certain catho- lic propositions; Letter to a knieht ready to revolt from tho established relicion ; Christ's presence in the sacra- ment, X. Polemical works: Part 2. On the questions between the church of England and dissenters; Apol- ogy of the church of Euffland acainst tho Brownists; Letter to Blr. Struthors ; Letter for tho observation of Christmas; Irrefracable propo.sitions; Episcopacy by divine riprhl, asserted; llemonstranco to parliament; Defence of tho remonstrance against Smectymnuus; Answer to tho vindication of Smectymnuus; Considera- tions tendered to tho assembly at Westminster; Imposi- tion of hands ; For eijiscopacy oud liturfry ; Way of peace ill tbo five points; Fallinenway fVom Rrace. XI. Latia theoloiry, with translations: Noah's dove; Occsstoual meiiitations; Tho way of Enoch; Peace on earth; No peace with Rome ; Letter to de Domiuis, abp. of Spalnto ; Answer to pope Urban's inurbanily; Letter toBaltbasar Willius; Letter to Crocius; Loiter to Ilildebraodt; Ser- mon before tho synod of Dort ; On peace amonj; protes- tnnts. to J. Dury. XII. Miscellaneous works: Mundua alter et idem; Censure of travel; Poetical works; Six books of satires; Psalms metaphrased ; Anthems; Mis- cellaneous poems, English and Latin ; Ajipendix. — Poetical -works, containing his satires, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V.2] 4604.1 — Horal and religious contemplations. See Eos- ton. Benevolent associations. Society for promoting Christian knowledge, etc. Chris- tian monitor, v. 10 5450.5 Hall, Nathan K. Opinion on habeas corpus, in the case of Kcv. .Judson D. Benedict. New York, 1802. pp. 15. 8° 5G35.5 Hall, IS'athanieL Address at the funeral of Kev. T.M.Harris, April 7, 1842. Boston, 1S42. 8". *4103.G — Discourse [in] Dorchester, at tbe funeral of Kev. II. Pike, Feb. 10, 18G3. Boston, 18(33. 8" 4347.85 — " Do justly : " a sermon at Dorchester, Dec. 14, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8' *41G3.G — Memorial of Edward Everett: a discourse in Dorchester, Jan. 22, 1865. Boston, 1S65. 8°. 4341.11 — The proclamation of freedom : a sermon in Dor- chester, Jan. 4, 1803. Boston, 1863. 8° . . 4320a. 10 — lligUteousness and tbe pulpit : a discourse in Dorchester. Boston, 1S55. 8". B.160.4, and B.160a.55 — [Tribute to the memory of James Pierce] : a sermon in Dorchester, June 12, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8" • 4347.84 — Truth not to be overthrown nor silenced: a sermon at Dorchester, Jan. 27, 1861. Boston, ISr.l. 8" 4320a. 17 — Unbelief of Christendom : a sermon at the or- dination of F. P. Appleton, Jan. 14, 1840. Danvers, 1846. 8° MIGS.S — The want, — individiml, national : fast day fcr- mon, April 16, 1857. Boston, 1857. 8' . . . B. 160a. 46 HALL 268 HAMILTON Sholf. No. Hall, Newman. The American war. A lecture to workiugmen. Loudon, 18G2. IG' 4322.71 — - Same. New Vork, lbG2. 12" 4310a. 114 — Sermon nn the aeeassiuntion of A. Lincoln, preached [in] London, May 14, 1605. Bos- ton, 1865. b" 4342.3 Hall, K. Beauties of Hall. Philadelphia, 1833. 10° 4509.27 — Modern infidelity considered, etc. : a sermon. [Dibdiii. Sunduy librury, V. 5] 5444.23 Hall, Samuel C. and A. M. Book of the Thames. London, 1850. 8° 2495.22 Hall, Samuel R. Lectures on school-keeping. Bos- ton, 1829. 8° 3593.33 Hall, Sidney. Fifty-four quarto maps to the To- poffraphic:d dictionary of Great Britain and Ireland. 5ee Gorton, J 2485.4 Hall, T. H, Carmen Latinum numismate annuo dignatum. [Cambridge, Eng., 1819.] pp. 8. 8" *rph.v.349 IlALL, William M. On the management of bees. New Haven, 1S40. pp. 4H. id" 5898.33 Hall, William W. Fireside monthly, Vol.1. New York, 1800. H" *7367.1 — Journal of health. Vol. 1-0, 11. New York, 1854-r.O, ()4. 7v. 8' *7ri4. 1 Hall family, The, settled at Jledford. See Whit- more, W. H 4.333.10 Hall marks on gold and silver plate. Chaffers, W. 2533.2 Uallam, A. Ji. Kemains in verj;e and prose, with a preface and memoir [of A. 11. and Jl. F. Hallara, by H. Hallam]. London, 1863. 10". 2507.24 — - Same. Boston, 1803. 12° 2564.24 Hallam, H. F. Memoir. See Hallam, A, H. . . 2567.24 Halle. Baumgarten, S. J. Nachrichtin von einer hallischen Bibliothek B.144.1 — Keferstein, C. Keltisher Ursprung der Stadt Halle 4230.7 — Kohler, A. R. Beschreibung des hallischen Waisenhauses 4300.15 — Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein lUr Sach^en u. Thiiringen. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammton Naturwissenschaften. Rcdigirt von C. Giebel und W. Heintz. Bd. 13-23. Berlin, 1861MH. llv. 8' *5S18.1 Halleck, H. \V. International law. San Fran- cisco, 1801. 8° 3013.12 Hallenberg, J. De nomiuibun in lingua Suio- gothica lucis et visus cuUusijUc sularis in eadem lingua vestlgiis, Stockholmix, 1810. 2v. em.H" **28S5.21 Haller, A. V. Opera minora anatomica. Lausan- U!E, 170:i-68. 3v. 4" 3710.17 Content*. — Vol. L AimtomIcA: ad partes corijorh hu- man! vltiitvB, oiiiiiiAloM, iiittunilua. II. All goiiurutio- nom. III. OpUHcula patbologica. — Bibliothcca botanica. Tiguri, 1771-72. 2v. 4''.*2173.25 — Bibliothcca niedicinte i>ractlc;c. [Vol. ■*] auxit J. i). Brandis. Basllea;, I7r0-S«. 4v. 4°. . *3710.IO — Briefe iiber einige Liiiwiirfe wider die Oireu- barung. Vermehrte Autl. Bern, 1778. 3v, wm.^" 2S48.9 — DiMpvtutionvm anatomicnrvm pelectarvm, voL 1-7, ludex. Gottiugx, 1710-02. bv. 4° . ,*,3720.10 Contenla. — Vol. I, Ad rhylinratlonem. 11. Ad or, nrtcrliu, glandulnii, con'bniin. III. Ail Hciium, li'<[mr, roDvi, cuh'ni, inuaculoH. IV. Sviisuh oxlvnil, liitfnii; IU't|>lrntIu. V. Orifittia i^r-iicrntluiila. VI. Ad iuIii^iIh- Irntloncm, osan, iiiiiim^uI'in, t^t vurlum ol>Hitrvutluiiuia. VJI. Hu|i|iUmviitum. VIII. Ind«T. — V(T8HCh Hchweizerlschcr Gedlfhtc. 4te Aufl. (Jntllngi'li, 1718. 8' 4908.10 — Vurh'Mungen UIkt die gerlchlKche Arznefwia* HenHcliafl. Bern, 17H2-fvL 2v, in 3. siu.y* , 3789.10 — fcloge du. ( Vir«j-d'Azyr. (Kuvres, v. 2] , . . 3720.11 llALLKK, It. Biographic. .S^rt I'eMtalozzl, C. . . , 0W5.11 Hallett, B. F. Letter In favor uf Ihe mw consti- tution [of MaHHachuHetlHj. [IEo.hIou], lh.Vt. p. 1. 8' 'l:UHiu.OO ghclf. No. Hallrtt, B. F., continued. — Speech in Washington, June 25, l.'^GO. Minor- ity report of Mr. Stevens, of Oregon, against the exclusion of the regular southern dele- gates at the Baltimore conveutiun. Mr. lA'ach's protest. Washington City, 1860. pp. 8. 8** 4390a.66 — Oration at the semi-centennial jubilee of Pierce academy. See Middleboro', Mass 4387.50 Halliwell, J. O. Catalogue of the contents of the codex Holbrookianus. London, 1840. pp.8. h° **E.160.14 — Catalogue of the miscellaneous manuscripts in tlie library of the Royal society. London, 1840. pp.32. 8°. . ." **E.160.14 — Connexion of Wales with the early science of England. London, 1K40. pp.10. 8°. . .**E.100.14 — Dictionary of old English plays, in print or- manuscript, to [1700]; also Latin plays by English authors. London, 1800. 8" . . . . *2175.20 — Early history of freemasonry in England. I ondon, 1840. pp.45. 8" **E.1G0.14 — Hints to novices in manuscript literature. London, 1839. pp.12. »° **E.100.I4 — Life, writings, and inventions of Sir Samuel Morland. Cambridge, INiiS. pp.31. 8** . **E.10G.14 — Tlie management of Covent garden theatre vindicated. I>ondon, 1H41. pp.12. 8". .**E.lfiO. 14 — Notes of family excursions in North Wales. London, ISOo. sm.4° 2473.16 — Numericjd contractions found in some manu- scripts of the (icometry of Boetius. Notes on early calendars. Lond., 1839. pp.18. 8". **E.1G0.14 Halloix, p. Apologia pro vindicandis Dionysio Areopagitaioperibussuis. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. patr., V. 2] B.110.2 Halm, Friedrich, pseud. See Miinch-Bellinghuus- en, E. F. J. v. Halma, F. Woordenbock der Nederduitsche en Fransche taalen. [V. 1], 4de druk; [v. 2], Ode druk. Utrecht, 177H-H1. 2v. 4" , , . . *2890.15 Haltaus, C. G. Calendarivm medii jEvi praicipve Germanicvm. Lipsi.T, 1729. 8" 6074.16 — Glossflrivm Gcrmauirvm medii .Tvi. Pra-f. J. (i. lioehmivs. Lipsiie, iraw. 2v.ini. f " . *4220.6 Ualticid.k, Catalogue of. AVe London. British museum 3896.14 Uai.tkk'it, J. Deutsche Volksmiirchen aus dem Sachsenlaudc iu Siebeubiirgen. Berlin, 1850. sm.ti" 4223.31 Hamann, J. G. Carvacchi, C. Biographische Erin- ULTungen an 2845.12 — Gildcmt'istcr, (.:. II. Leben und Schriften . . 2906.5 IIamuiuu;. Biirniann, J. N. Datgrote lliiog. uu Hawel-Book. In hamborgcr Mundart . . . 2876.20, and 2870.23 — Bcneke, O. Ilamburgischc Geschicliten und Sagcn 4224.3 — Ltlunann, .1. G. C. Ansichten und Baurisse fiir ilamburgs iiffentliche Bildungsnnstalten. 2111.30 — Kcnuirks on tlie averages of B. 170. 68 — Schroder, U. I^exikon tier hanihurglschen .'^chrilisteller bis zur Gegenwart 2151.13 — Si:rphr)rst, N. Humburgisclie Kirchen-Ge- schichto 3527.16 IlAMnuiKJisoiiK Bursprncken vom Jahre 1694. MIt Ammerkungen von C. D. Anderson. Ham- burg, IHHi. pp. Nt. sm.s° **2830.I7 IlAMEi., J. Early English voyages to Northern Kusttia. Tranalftted by J, S. liCfgh. London, 1K>7. 8- .3007.0 Hamklmann, IE, Von dem Leben und Schriften von. ,S'rc I^cuckfeld, .1. (i 4210.9 Hamh-Ton, Alexander, i.tbservatlons on certain documcTiIs, In which the charge of spernla- tion HgaiiiMt [him] is fully refuted. Philadel- phia, iwm. pp. ;(7. ^' 4.348.26 — OIJ!', li.G. I'.nlogy on 4317. ;i5 — l{i-ithniiiller, C. .1. Ilitnill|r.ii and his coutem- i"'nirieH 2317.30 HAMILTON 269 HAMPDEN Shelf. No. H.VMILTON, AlfxiindiT, conthiued. — Jay, J., juid Madi.son, .1. 'I'lie fcilornli.st, on tho uew con.stitutiim. Ity I'ublius. Wiittt'ii in 1788. Added, racillcus on the prodaunition of iicutrallly. Wrttlcu in 17U:i. Ncw-Vork, 180-j. iv. 8° 42,SC.9 — - - Same. Nowed. riiiladi'lplnn.ISlS. 8°.35CJ.12, 13 — - - l«amc. Nowcd. IluIlcnvill.(JIc.), l.-ijfi. S°. 55r,:!.4 — - - Same. Kew ed. ll.dluwcll, l.s:i7. 8° . 6.'03.0 — - - Same. With ilitroducliun and notes, by II. H. Daweon. Vol. 1. J>ew York, isai. 8° 05l».3 Il.VMiLTo.v, Andrew .1. Letter to the president of tlie I'nited States. New York, IhlhJ. pp. l.s. S". [New York. Loyal publication society. No. •.'!■,] 432'J.18 — [rul)lie debt and public credit of the United .states.) New York, IH(i4. pp.24. Ki" . . .4320a. 19 — Speech at tlie war meeting at Faneuil hall, April 18, 18tB. Uostou, 18113. 8° 4320a. 18 — Speeches of. See O'Kielly, U 4:i;:o.22 ll.\.Mii,r(>N, R H. Eulogy on T. U. Beck, M.B. Albany, IsaO. 8° 4.347.1 — Treatise on military surgery and hygiene. New Y'ork, 1805. 8° 3753.17 IIAMII.TON, G. The functions of si and qui, with special reference to German theories. Edin- burgh, 1862. 8° 2933.9 Hamilton, H. C. ('alemlar of state papers relat- ing to Ireland, ]r)U<)-r3. Under tho direc- tion of tlie master of the rolls. London, ISliO. 8° *-0G2.10 IlAMii.rox, .T. A. Dictionary of 3500 musical terms. lioston, 1857. 12' *403G.3 HAMII/rox, .Tames. ISooks prepared for the Uam- iltoiiiun system of education. Nctmeli/ .- — Cicsiir, C J. Commeutarioruiu libri quinque prioros 4919.3 — Eutropius. Koman history 49iya.39 — Gospel of St. John in Italian. See Bible. Single books of the New Testament .... 3417. .33 — Latin grammar 4939a. 11 Hamilton, James A. The constitution vindicated. Nationality, secession, slavery. New York, 18(V4. pp. 12. 8°. [.\ew York. Loyal publi- cation society. No. 50] 4.322.18 Hamilton, .lohu C. Tlie slave power: its heresies and injuries to the American peoj)le. A speech. New York, 18('.4. 8° 4320a. 20 Hamilton, N. E. S. A. Inquiry into the genuine- ness of the manuscript corrections in Col- lier's annotated Shakespeare, folio, 1032, [etc.]. London, 1800. 4° 2593.4,5 — Reply to Ids Inquiry. See Collier, J. P. ... 2593.6 Hamilton, 1*. S. Nova .Scotia considered as a field for emigration. London, 185s. pp.91. 8* . 4362.18 Hamilton, Robert, ^f. D. Duties of a reghnental surgeon. 2d ed. London, (1794). av. 8° . 3742.3 Hamilton, Kobert, LL.D. National debt of Gre.at liritain. From 2d Lond. ed. Philadelphia, ISIO. »° 2511.17 Hamilton, Rowland. The resources of a nation : essays. London, 1863. 8° 3610.42 Hamilton, T. [3Ien and manners in America.] Philadelphia, 1833. 8° 4362.4 Hasiilton, W. D. Original papers illustrative of tlie life and writings of John Milton. Westminster, 1&59. 4". [Camden society. No. 75] •2426.19 Hamilton, William, ardideiicon of Armar/k. Exemplary Hie and character of ilames bonnell. 6tb ed., corrected. Loudon, 1814. 12° 2547.31 Ha.milton, William, b. 1704, d. 1754. Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 9] 4604.1 Hamilton, .sir William, b. 17.30, d. 1803. Tour in Calibria. [JIavor. Voyages, v. 10] 0207.1 Hamilton, William. Wa>lii;igroniuna. 5ce Johns- ton, E 2341.13 Hhoir. No. IIabiilton, Sir William, prof, nf Inr/ic at Ediii- hurt/It, h. 17S8, (t. l.s.'j(t. Lectures on logic. Edili'd liy 11. L. Mansel and J. Veitcli. Bos- ton, l.-^Oll. 8° 5003.2 — Exaiuination of the philosophy of. Sec Mill, J. S 5002.7 Hamilton, Sir William U. On ii general melliod in dynamics. From the l*liilos(»phical transac- tions, Part 2 for 1,S34. Loudon, 18.34. 4° . 3921.28 — Lectures on quaternions. Dublin, 1853. 8°. , 4275.9 llAfllLlN, L. F. English grammar in lectures. llrattleboro', Vt., 1K32. 12° 7109.6 llAMMKliLEiN, F. Se« Weil, N. V v. 57 of 4235.1 IlAMMl u-Pi:r<:stall, J. v. De Byzanlina; his- torian vltimis scriptoribus ex hi.storia (.>s- nianica ehicidandis et corrigtaidis. [Vienna, 1825.] pp. 2:!.V252. 4° 4162.22 — Geiniildesaal der Lebensbeschreibungen gros- ser moslimisclier Ilerrsclier dereraten siebon Jahrhunderte der Hidschret. Leipzig, 1837- 30. Ov. in 3. 8° 4242.0 — Geschichte der A.ssassinen. Stuttgart, 1818. sm.8°. 4245.20 — Geschichte der goldenen Horde in Kiptschak, das iet, der Mongolen in Kussland. Pestli, 1840. 8° 4242.2 — Geschichte der Ilchane, das ist, der Mongolen in Persien. Darmst.adt, 1842, 43. 2v. 8°. . 4242.3 — Geschichte der osinaiiischea Dichtkunst bis auf unsercZeit. Pesth, 18:iO-.3K. 4v. in 3. 8°. *4243.3 — Geschichte der schdnen Redekiinste Persiens. Wien, 1818. 4° »4241.12 — Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches, 1300-1774. Pest, 1827-35. lOv. 8° »4242.1 — - Same. 2te Ausg. I'esth, 18.34, 35. 4v. 8° 4242.5 — Literaturgeschichte der Araber. Wien, 1850- 55. 7v. 4° »4241.4 — Des osmanischen Reichs Staatsverfassung und Staatsverwaltung. Wien, 1815. 2v. 8° . . 4245.21 — Topographische Ansichten gesammelt auf einer Reise in der Levante. Wien, 1811. 4° . . . 4244.8 — Zeichnungen auf einer Reise von Wien iiber Triest nach Venedig und zuriick durcli Tyrol und Salzburg. 2teAufl. Berlin, 1821. sin.8° . 4239a.0 Ham-mett, G. a. Philosophy of space and time. Newport, R. I., 1849. pp.40. 12° B.170a.90 Hammonm, Charles. Sermon on the life and char- acter of A. Lincoln, at Monson, June 1, 1805. Springfield, 1805. 8° 4.342.3 Hajijiond, Charles D. The true guide to Iicaltli. 3d ed. New Y'ork, [1.K.50]. 12° 3789.10 Haioiond, E. p.. Evangelistic labors of. See Headley, P. C 6440.17 Hammond, H. Paraphrasis et adnotationes in No- vum Testamentum. See Bible. New Testa- ment. Latin B.120.5 — Hammond's ^KTttvtajcpav defended. See Creed, W 3455.5 Hammonji, Jabez D. Life and opinions of Julius Melbourn; with sketches of T. Jellerson, J. Q. Adams, J. Randolph. 2d ed. Syracuse, 1851. 12° 4278.19 HAM310ND, James. Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 8] 4004.1 HAM.MOND, James II. Oration on the life, charac- ter and services of J. C. Calhoun, Nov. 21, 1850. Charleston, S. C, 1860. 8° 4390a.23 Ha.mmono, W. a. Physiological memoirs. Phila- delphia, 1803. 8° 3705.29 — Statement of the causes which led to [his] dis- missal from the army ; with a review of the evidence adduced before the court. [New York, 1604.] pp. 73. [No title-page.] 8° . 4320a. 21 — Treatise on hygiene, with special reference to the military service. Phila., 180.3. 8° . . 3707.31 Hamond, — . Lifeof Cardinal De Cheverus. Trans- lated by R. M. Walsh. Pliila.. 1.N39. 12° . . 4640.26 Hajifden, U. D. The fathers of Greek philosophy. Edinburgh, 1802. 8° 5603.8 HAMPDEN 270 HAXWAY Sbclf. No. IlAMPr>EV, R. n., continued. — Lecnires introductory to the study of moral philosopby. Loudon, l&M. 8° 3685.23 — Lite of Thomas Aiiuinas : the scholastic philos- ophy of the middle aRes. London, 1S4S. 10°. 6C09.6 H.\MPOLE, K. Pe emendatione peccatoris; Ora- tionis Dominicje exegesis compendiosa; Symboli apostolici enarratio; .Symbol! Atha- nasii cxpositio; Xoniinis .Jesu cncomion ; De inceudio amoris ; Kxcgesis vcrboruni Salomo- nis : Adolesccntula' dilcxerunt te nimis, etc. [5IaximabibIiotli. vet. patr.,v. al] B.110.2 Hampshirk, £nf;. Hampshire in 1086. See Domesday book 24.K.2 — White, W. Gazetteer of 25(H.14 See aUo: Southampton, Wight (Isle of). Hampson, J. Sermon on the establishment of Sunday-schools in Sunderland. Sunderland, 1788. 8° ■. . . *l'ph. V. 357 HAMP.STEAD-WELr-s. Directions for drinking the waters. Soame, J 3809.37 Hajiptox (ofRTp.alace, The stranger's guide to. Grundy, J B.lOOb.Sr) Hasaford, p. a. Our martyred president. [Verses.] Boston, 18r,5. pp.24. 8° . . . . 4312.19 Hasciiett, IL, Sermon at the funeral of. See liowles, B. r 6088.204 Hakcock, Cor. John. Oration, March 5, 1774, to commemorate the tragedy of March 5, 1770. Boston, 1774. pp.20. 4' 4354.1 Hascock, nee. .lohn, of Braintree. Keply to the Kev.SIr. Gee's letter of remarks, on the testi- mony of pastors against errors and disorders. Boston, 174-1. pp. 15. 8° *iVa.& Hand, F. Observationum criticarum in Catulli carmina specimen. Lipsia>, 1809. pp.94. 8°. **2927.14 Hand nooK of man. Waggoner's Ripple, Adams Co.,0., 1855. 16° B.100b.ll9 Handbook, of the democracy for 1863, 64. [New York, 18M. No title-page.] 8° 4310.1 Coi^tente. — Campaign documents, Ko9. 1-23. 27, viz.; McUlcIlan's letter of aoeeptaiioe ; SpcocU of (i. F. Coin- Block, at the Brooklyn ueudcuiy ,of mueic ; Report of the organization antl canipalgns of the nmiy of the Potomac, by McClellan ; Life and Bi'rviees of MeCIellan ; West Point oration, by McClellan ; McClollan's Pcninflula campaign, by 11. Ketcbum: Speech of Gov. Parker, at Freehold, N. J., Aug. aO, le&l; G. T. Curtis, on constitu- tional liberty ; Speech of E. Cowan, in the senate of tllo United States, Juno 27, IftfH ; Speech of U. C. Wintbrop, at the great ratiflcntlon meeting In Union Sriuare, N. Y., Sept. 17, IW'rl; Address of G. T. Curtis, at I'hiiadelpbln, Sept. 3U, 18fi4 ; Miscegenation Indorsed by the ropnhii- con party ; Republican opinions about Lincoln ; Cam- paign songs; Speech of Gov. Seymour, at Philadel)dda ; Letter of Mr. Marble to President Lincoln, rcnppearanco of the Journal of rommercc.opinlonsof the pn?ss-. Speech of It. C. Winthrop. ut New London. Conn., Oct. 18 ; — Pn- perv fVom tho Society for the dimisiun of polilleal know- ledge. Nob. 1-20, 22, vU. : The constitution, addresses of Prof. Morse, G. T. Curtis, and 8. J. Tilden; Speech of Mr. Tnn'le, In the senate of the United States, Feb. 7, I8K1; Speech of J. Brooks, Dee. ;|0, 1(102; Letter of E. N. Crosby to 3. V. B. Morse, and Prof. Morse's ri-ply : Tho truocnditions of Amoricnn loyalty, o spoei-h by O. T. Curtis, March 28, 18tJ.'(; Emancipation and Its results; OvBtlon at the academy of nmsle, speakers, II. SeJ^inunr, T. II. Seymour, G. 11. Pendleton, It. O'Gomian, (iov. I'arker; Uilile view of slovery. by bishop IlojikUis; Mr. Puflh to fi0,(KI0 voters who noniinated Vallandigham, etc.; Reply to Lincoln's letter of June 12, IHUI; The elec- tion lu Iowa, speech by C. Mason ; An urgiiuient on tho ctlllcul position of slavery in the social system. And It* relation to the politics of tho day, by S. F. B. Morse; Reply of It. J'.hnson, to the pa|»er of Holt urging Gen. Porter's condemnation ; Hpeech of ex-Gov. Hunt, at I.nekpor1; Hiwh,, h of A. J. Porker, at the Coojier Insti- tute; Hpeei'h by Saiiford E. Church, at Ualnelii, Oct. 13, IWVI; The blslory of tho war debt of England ami of tho fulled States, and the two coiii|)ared, by T. P. Kcttetl ; " Let us reason ti59-04. 23v. 8°. *7094.1 — History and process of printing. See History of the processes of nuiuufaclure, etc HansC'N, S. p. Leikr to II..I. Garilner, [on a ques- tion of veracilv]. pp.8. [Notitle.pilge ] 8°. Hansen, C. P. Fricsische Sagen nnd Erziihluugen. Altona, 18.18. 12 Hansen, P. E. Errata in Hansen's lunar tables. See Great Britain. Admiralty E. 100.3 Hanson, 1). D. tW, f *a2G0.8 Happinkss. Epps, J. Best means of obtaiuiug . 3(iOO.:iG — Morton, E. A key to true ti(Wi.fl — Oliver, B. L. Hints on the pursuit of. • . •. 36sj.;JO IIapsbuuu. Gfschichtc dcs ilauses Habsburg, Licbnowsky, E. M 4104.1 H.\kbin(;kr, The, devoted to social and political progress. See West Koxbury. Brook farm phalanx 6571.3 Harbison, W. C. Bccs and bee*keeping. Kew York, ISOO. 8* 5898.13 Hakcoukt, a. r., diirhesse (P, Vie do Jeanne d' Arc. Paris, 1S(H. \T 4000.2-1 Haucouut, Tier. William Vernon. Symmetrical psalmody. London, 1855. VJ." GH9a.*22 Harcoukt, William Vernon. [Letters of Histo- ricus on some questions of international law.] London, 1603. 8" 3013.15 — Remarks on the letter of " Historicus." See Loring, C. G 4320a. 76 Hardenberg, a. See Gerdes. Scriiiium autiq. ad hist, reform, spect., V. 2, 3 0055.15 Conteittt. — Vol. 11. Epistolaj ; ScriptumnpoloecUcmn. III. Themntii adversus uLiii|ui latum con^^ria Cluiati ; Iltirdcnbergriiuin quam pluriiiia. Hardenberg, F. L. v. Schrifton. TTerausgegebon von L. Tieck und F. Schlegel. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 1820. 2v. in 1. 8' 4248. G — - ^aine. Herausgegebon von L. Tieck, F. Schlegel, und E. von Biilow. 5te Aufl. Ber- lin, 1837-40. 3v. 12" 2809.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Heiorich von Ofterdingen. II. HjTnni'ii an die Xnchl ; Die Lehrlingo zu Siiis ; Philoso- pliio and Physik; Acsthctik und Literntur; Moralischo Ansichtcn. III. Ueber das Lcben l-'riedriclis vun liar- dt:iibcrg; Aus \ovulid Tag«;1>uclie seiner Ictzten Li'bena- juhn.'; G(;dit:bte; Veretreuto Blatt(;r;Bnufu; Frugmente. Habder,H. Epigrammatum libri tres ; Hafnia li- berata; I'aneg] ricus ; Canum cum catiscerta- men. [Rostgaard. Delicis poetarum Da- norura] 4229a. 19 Hardie, J. American remembrancer, and tablet of memory. Philadelpliia, 1795. 10". . . , 6234. 6 H.'^RDIMAN, J. History of Galway. DubHn,lS20. 4°. ♦2471,7 Uardingk, B. B. Belle Boyd in camp and prison. London, 1805. 2v. 10" 4327.24 Hardinge, E. Funeral oration on A. Lincoln, April 10, I8(j5. New York, 18:i5. -s" . . . . 4."^42.3 — Six lectures on theology and nature. [Chicago], I8(i0. 8° 5442.10 Hardouin, J. opera varia. Amstelodami, 1733. f* **292U.4,and*C040.1 ConterUs. — Athei dotecti : Cornelius Janseniun, Ain- brosiua Victor, Ludnvicus 'fhomu ssinua, FranciBcus UBlebrancfaius, Paschueiiia Qucsncl, Antonius Amaldua, Petnia NicoUe, Blaaiiis Pascal, Renntua Cartesius, An- tonius Le Grand, Silvanua Regis ; RcHexions importantea, etc.; Plalon explique.ou censure d'un ecrit do M.l'abbe Fraguicr; Pscudo-Virgilius sive observatiuni^s in .33nei- deni; PBcudo-Horatiua, sivo animBdvcrsionos criticie in Boratii opera; NumiAmatn sfleculi Theodosiani ; Niiniis- naata sfeculi Justinlauei ; Antiqua numismata rogum Franconun. — Ad censuram scriptorumvetenim prolegomena. Londini, 1700. 8° **3423.I5 Hardouin de Beaumont de Furetixe, — . Histoire du roi Henri le Grand. Nouv, tkl. Lyon, If^ia- 1^' 4040.19 Habdt, H. v. d. De occasione motuum in ecclfsia et republica reforrantionis nomine tempore Lutheri. Accessere inediti panegyrici Mat- thai Roederet abbatis Ur.sicnmpijde ecclesiae illius lEvi rtformatione. lldmestadii, 170.3, pm-8* C059a.l7 — Deniemorabilibusbibliothecae Rudolphes. See Mader, J. J 2128.15 Sholf. No Haudwich, T. F. Manual of photographic chem- istry. Oth od. London, 1801. 10" 3977.21 HardwicK, Charles, (in-hifeacon. Christ and other masters. 2d ed. London, 1803. 2v. p.s" . 5440.15 — History of the artick-s of religion. Addtd, documents, I530-1U15. New ed. Cambridge, 1859. 8° 3547.10 HABDWIck, Charles, of Manchester. History, present position, and social importance of friendly societies, London, 1850. U° . . . 3570.50 — Insolvent, sick, arid burial clul>s : the causes and the cure. Manchester, 1803. pp. ^o. 12°. 3570.22 HARDWICK, Mass., Address at the cent<'nniul cele- bration in. Paige, L. R 4358.4 Hardy, A. Maladies de la peau. 2d M. Faris, ItsOO-Oa. 2v. 8" 3790.37 Hardy, Thomas, Trial of, for high treason, 1794. See Gurney, J.' 3007.1 Hardy, Tliomas D. Descriptive catalogue of ma- terials ruhiting to the liistory of Great IJri- tain and Ireland, to [1500J. Vol. 1. From the Roman period to the Norman invasion. London, 1802. Iv. in 2. S°. [Great Britain. KoUs clironiclcs] *2424.8 — Memoirs of Henry lord Langdale. London, 1852. 2v, 8' 2513.12 — Review of the present state of the Shake- spearian controversy. Lond.,lSGfl. pp.75. 8". 2503.7 Hare, E. Fulpit remains. Prefixed, a memoir of his life by J. I'.onson. London, 1821. 8". 5442.11 IlARE, F. Systema Psfilmorvm metrievm [ed.J C. "Weisivs. [Lowth. De sacra poesi Hcbrieo- rum] 0033.3 Hare, R. Experimental investigation of the spirit manifestations. 4thed. New York, Js50. .s*. 0101.3 Hare, S. Causes and treatment ofcuryatures of the spine. London, 1838. 1.8" 3801.28 Hare, T. Treatise on the election of representa- tives, parliamentary and municipal. New ed. London, 1801. S" 5561.2 Harewood, Tor kiiftire, History of. Jones, J. . . 2505.21 HARGRAVE, F. Collection of tracts relative to the law of England. V0I..L Dublin, 1787. 8°. 3025. IG Contents. — Treatise by lord chief justice Hale: De jure maris ct bracliioruni ejusdcm, De portibus inarifi, Con- ccniiii^ goods impurtcd nnj exported; AuK'udment of laives, by lord Hale; Treiitise of the nuiisters of tlie chauncerie; Suits in chuncery by subpoena; Courts of king's bench and common picas, by lord Hale; Agniust the jurisdiction of the king's bench over Wales by process of liititat ; Abuses and remedies of chancery, by G. Nor- burie; Effects of sentences of courts ecclcsiasticul in cases of marriage, when pleaded in conrts tempoml; Ar^meiit of HIaekstono on gi\nng- judpoient in the caso of Porrin ngninst Blake; Argument of Hargrnvo on the appeal from chancery in the case of Wicker and BniU!,-b- ton against John Mitford; Observations on the rulo iu Shelley's case. Hariaden, or Kair-ed-din, Barbarossa. Haria- denus Barbarossa. seu bellum cum Turcis. [Matthxi. Analecta, V. 1] 4130a. 1 Hariri, ^ee Abu Mohammed El Kasim Hariri. Hariulf. Chronicon ecelesia; Centulensis. [Ach- 6ry. Spicilegium, V. 4] 4152.7 Harknkss, a. Latin grammar for schools and colleges. New York, ISIH. 8' 4'J33.0 Uarland, J. House and farm accounts of the Shuttlewortha. Part 4. [Manchester], 1858. 4°. [Clietham society, V. 40J *2425.1 — The Lancashire lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts. [Manchester], 1H59. 2v. in 1. 4°. [Chetham society, V. 49] *2415.18 — Mamecestre; chapters from the early history of Manchester. [Manchester], 1801-02. 3v. in 1. Bm.4°. fChctham society, v. 53, 50, 5sJ. *2425.4 Harless, Gottlieb Christoph. Brevior notitia lit- teraturje Romance. Lipsia, 1789. sm.H'' . **295.'i.I0 — Supplementa ad Brevioreni notitiam. Lipsi;r, 1790-1801. 2v. sm. 8° **21»53.U — Introdvctio in Instorinm liiigva; Orreca?. Alt«.-n- bvrgi, 1702--05. 3v. 8° **2y52.)2 HARLESS 272 HARTFORD Shelf. No. H.iRi.ES.';, Gottlieb Christoph, continued. — Svpplemeuiaad lutrodvctiouem, [etc.]. Jense, !8f>l-G. 2v. 8° **2952.13 Hakless, Gottlieb Christoph A. Theologische Eucyklopiidie uud Methodologie vom Stand- punkte dcr protestautischeu Kircbe. Niiru- bcrg, 1S.37. »° 0084.6 H.iELEY, I'ldi/ B.C. Letters, with iutroduction and uotea by T. T. Lewis. Loudon, 1854. Bm.4. (Camden society, No. 58] *2426.2 U.XRLKV, E. Harmony of the four gospols. See Uiblo. Gospels. Harmonies Slay. 9 IlARM.\NT, D. B., Notices sur la vie et les ouvrages de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. diuvres, v. .3] 3720.11 Harjiak, J. Lexicon etvmologicum linguse Grxcx. Sec Scapula, J 2'.i80. 3, and 4120.2 HARMUNoriiLUi*, C. De opinionibus haireticorum, Latine. [Ma.xima bibliotli. vet. patr., v. lU]. B. 110.2 nARMONV. Johnsou.A. N. Uarmouy upon tlie Vestahizzian system 4053. G — Kepler. J. Harmonices libri quinque .... 405U. 10 — Rimbiiult, E. F. Hand-book for 8041.37 — Schneider,!". Treatise on . . . . 8043.15, and 8052. 18 Virues y Spinola, J. J. de. Grammar of . . . 4053.4 Harmony Grove cemetery, Address at the con- secration of. Wliite, P. A Pph. V. 334 Harp, Instruction for the. Bochsa, N. C 8041.2 Uarpi'.u, J. G., anil brothers. Harper's weekly. A journal of civilization. Vol. 1-7. New York, mr-ta. 7v. f° "sioo.i — New monthly magazine. Vol. 1-30. New York, 18S(M.5. 30V. 8° *5210.12 Harpkr, Roberta., b. 1705, d. l.'ses. Account of the proceedings of cou'^rrss in the late session, and the state of atfairs between the United States and Erauce. IMiila., 17U8. pp. 22. 8°. 4318.14 — Observations on the dispute between the United .'States and France; annexed, hi3 speech on the forei^'U intercourse biU. 4th Am. ed. Boston, 1798. 8° C0S7.45 Harper, Uobert G. Argument against the policy of re opi'uingtbe African slave trade. Atlanta, IS.'i'V. pp. 78. 8° 4310a.ll5 IlMiPlMr. Theologiamystica. CoUiniffi, 15:18. f °.»15.11U.10 HARRrN'-.Tos, J. Sermons. With a memoir by W. Whiting. Boston, 1851. 12° 545(>.15 llAKBis, C. A. Principles and practice of dental surgery. 8th ed. I'hiladclphia, 18l'a. 8° . 3800.23 Harris, G. Civilization considered as a science. London, ISKl. 8" 35Cp(;.5 ILuiRis, .lames. Works. With life by his son the Karl of Malmesbury. Oxford, 1811. b" . . 4201.4 CotittnU. — Memoir, hy hi" son ; Music, paiiitlui?, mid pontry ; lIuiailiK-'M ; Iluniics ; PIilli>Bo|ihicnl orraiiKc- Iiipnr»: PliiluI"Bi'Ailu.luiri.'«; Aniliic nmniiDrrlptd, iiiul lnrinuficrl|.l» of Livy, ill Uio Encurlnli Mamincriijls of Obcn ill tho Ubmry of the Iting of Fmncc ; Lltcraturo in RuiMla. — Hermes ; or a pbllosophicnl inr|iiiry concernin;; universal grammar. Kevised and correcled. London, 18111. 8° 2197.2 nAKRIX, .lohn, D.I)., h. Hi07, (/. 1719. Com|)lele collection of voyagcis and travels. I'relixed, Progress of tlie art of imvigation, with Ibo Invention and use of the loadstone. Revised, with ndilitions. London, 170-L 2v. i" . . •02ii0.3 CntilfitlM. — Vol. I. Ttilroilucllon ; Clrcuni-nn^-ipiitori (y.im Coltiiiihii* to Anion; Dim-oviT)'. «oUIi'iiionl, iiint e'imin''riT of llir l-;,i«t Imii«>«. II. Diitrovcry, etc.of tho Wmt Iiiiiica; IHarovcrlci niniln towfinlH thii North, mid «ll,.in|ili« for N. 1-;. nnil N. W. immwiKO ; Nortlieni piirtii of KiirojM. ; Mlililli' imrl* of ICurojio ; Ki-iiin, l-'ranco, Nil. vilrrf ; (Irnitrtny, Ilohciiiln, lliiiiKiiry, cti". ; Inlitiidii of tho ArchliM'tnKO, 'lurklnh ilomiiitonil-, IVr-ln; N.K.pnrtBof AmIa anil Clilnu, with Ihii countrtoii doiicndcnt thoroon. Harris, .lobn, n.D., h. iwn, il. \KA. Ubimnicni: or, i!ovelollsness the sin of the ( Inlsllan church. 3d Aimrlcnii from Ibe 20ih l.omloii ed. noiilon, IWr. HI* 6447.26 Harris, .John, D.n., h. IS04, rf. 185fi, continued. — Zebulon ; or, the claims of seamen stated and enforced. 1st American from 3d London ed. Boston, 18.17. 18° 5447.20 Harris, J. G. Eulogy on Andrew Jackson, Char- lotte, Tenn., 1845. See Dusenbery, B. M. . 2347. i.5 Harris, Thaddeus M. Discourse at Dorchester. JIarch 5, 1813, at the funeral of Kbenezer AVales. Boston, 1813. 8° 4347.129 — Discourse at Dorchester, Oct. 10, 1804, at the funeral of Abijah White. Boston, 18(H. 8°. 4347.119 — Sermon at Dorchester, on the aiiernoon of Nov. 2, 1800. Boston, 1806. 8° 4355.31 — Sermon at Dorchester, on the forenoon of Nov. 2, 18(X>, belbre administering the sacra- ment. Boston, ISWi. 8° 4355.31 — Sermon at the dedication of the South meet- ing house in Doi-chester, Oct. 30, 1806. Bos- ton, ISOO. 8° 4355.31 — Textuary, or guide to preachers in the selecting of texts. Boston, 1818. pp.40. 8° . . . . .'>4.17.1 — Frothingham, N. L. Jlemoir of 5i4na.7i» — Hall, N. Address at tho funei-al of 4103.0 Harris, Thaddeus W. Insects of New F.nghmd injurious to vegetation. Cambridge, 1812. 8° 38115.16, and 4200.5 Harris, W. Account of the life and writings of Charles I. 2d ed. London, 1772. 10° . . . 4177.4 — Lives and writings of .lames I and Charles I, and lives of Oliver Cromwell and Charles II. Newed. London, 1814. 5v. 8° 2437.4 Harrison, F. The meaning of history. Two lec- tures. London, 1862. pp.76, p. 8° .... 2211.12 Harrison, G. The freighter's guide, and corn mer- chant's assistant. Newed. Loud., 1861. 16°. 5fi83.14 Harrison, J. Thetloricultui*al cabinet, and tiorist's magazine. London, ls:i:i-59. 27v. 8° . . . »5840.1 — Gardener's weekly magazine, and floricultural cabinet. London, 1860. 8° *5S40.2 Harrison, W. H. Bacon, L. Discourse on the death of 5440a. 17 — Hall, E. B. Sermon occAsioucd by the death of Pph.v.378 — Hedge, F. H. Discourse on the death of . . . 4345.6 — Jackson, 1. R. Life of 2318.68 — JlcPliail, L. Life and services of 4348.18 — I'utnain, G. Discourse on the death of . . . Pph. v. 382 — Sutherland, T.J. Letters opi>osiug his election. 4329.13 — Turnbull, U. Sermon occasioned by the death of U.170b.42 — "Whitney, G. Sermon on the death and char- acter of 6088.111 Harri.son melodies. Boston, 1840. pp.72. 24°.H.I7Ub. 112 Haruisson, I)., jr. Voice from the Washiug- toiiian home. Boston, 1860. 12° 3570.14 HARR(>i>, .I..J. Camp, social, and prayer meeling hymns. Baltimore, 1810. 32° 3H0.37 — Hymns adiii)ted to divine worship. 3d etl. Baltimore, 1812. 32° 3440.31 HAitsnoi{i-'i-'i:R, G. P. Ausurlcseno Getlichte. [Mliller. Bibliotbek dentscher Dlchter des XVII. .lahrhnuderts, v. !ij . . . 2,S79.10 llAiisriaN, N. Kesponsio apologetica ad .lacobi Ivelleri Alacem, sive appendicein Cancellariie Anhaltinic. n. p., 1626. sm.4° ♦0062.4 HART, A. M. Discovery of the valley of the Alissis. sippi. Saint Louis, 1852. 8° 432U.12 — Uncle Tom in Paris: or, views of slavery out- sitle the cabin. Baltimore, 1854. pp. 87. sm.8° 4310.11 IlARTic, \V. Poeticul works, with life. [Anderson. I'oetsof Great Britain, V. 9] 40&1.1 Cfttllent», — EHMiiy on iiiiliillii;; ; EHHiiy on niiliro i Ti-unH- Intionn, cto. HXrtei.l, C. F. T. Darstellung dcr elieiu'ii und sphiirischen Trigononietrle. /Ullii'hau, 1821. sm.8° .39:19.10 IlARTFoiin, Conn. llartlbrd convention, 1814. Lyman, 'I' i:i90a.45 t HARTFORD 273 HASSB Shulf. No. llAKTKOun, Coi}n,, contimted. — llarlConl .-ity directory for 1852-3. [By E. GftT.] Hurttbrd, 185:2. 18* 4389a. 1.1 — AnuTicini as) lum for the deaf and dumb. Thirty thinl uiinual report, 18411. lliirtlord, iJSKt. pp. (14. tt" *l*pli.v.384 HaAtvoud, (I. S.Jlttff-shi'p. Cruise, 1802, 63. Hol- ton. W. C 4310a. 120 Hartio, U. L. I.ehrbueh fur Jiiger. 3to Aufl. Tubingen, 1817. 2v. 8' 4004.0 ContvtU^. — Vol. I. Die JfiKtlkunetuprnche utuI die Nn- turp-solilolitw d*r .lnp.ltUiiro. II. tilv Wildzucht, der Wtldscltulz, dJu Wildjagd, uiul din Wlldbetiuljtuiig. Hautio, T. II. Die Adcrfliigler Deutschlands. lerBd. Berlin, 1837. 8" .3890.10 ContejtU. — Dio Blattwospen und nolzwcai)cu. IlAKTixOjP. Skizzen aus der Natur. Aus dem 1 lollUndischen iibersetzt von J. E. A. Martin. Leipzig, 1,^4. 8* .3810.12 llAKTi.EY, D. Observations on man. 4thed. Lon- don, 1801. 3v. 8" 5000.9 CoH/enis. — Vol. I. Obseiralions on tbo frame of the human body and mind, and on thoir mutual connoctkms and influences. II, On the duty and expectations of mankind. III. Kotes and additions, by H. A. PistoriuH, translated from tlic German; Skotcb of the life and character of Hartley. — - Same. In two parts. 0th ed. London, 1834. 8' 0101.7 — Prayers and religious meditations. 2d Am. ed. Cambridge, 1839. pp.72. 12" 5448.24 — Corgectura; quredam de sensu, motu, et idearum gencratione. [Parr. Metaphysical tracts] . G092.2 — The truth of tlie Christian religion. [From the Observations on man,] See Boston. Benev- olent associations. Society for promoting- Christian knowledge, etc. Christian moni- tor. V. 7 5439.5 Hartman, C. J. Handbok i Skaudinavieus Flora. Stockholm, 18J0. sm.8° 5859.5 Hartjtann, A. T. Historisch-kritische Forsclmui,^- en iiber die fiinf Biicher Mose's, nebst einer Characteristik der hebriiischen Sagen und Mythen. Rostock, 18:J1. 8° 0017.18 Hartmann, C. F. a. EncycIopUdiaches Handbucli des Maschinen- und Fabrikenwesens. J^eip- zig. 1838, .39. 2v. in 1. 4" 8091.11 — Handwurterbuch der Berg-, llutten- und .Salz- werkskunde,der Slineralogie und Geognosie. 2te Aufl. Weimar, 1860,00. .3v. S" . . , . 5S60a.24 Hartmanx, H. Uebersicht der pyroguostischen Eigenschaften der unorganischen Substan- zen. Leipzig, 1802. 4* .3901.21 llAUTMANN vouder Aue, — . Erec, eine Erziihlung, herausg. von M. Haupt. Leipzig, 18.39. H° . 4231.7 — Iwein der Kitermit dem Lewen, herausgegeben von G. F. Benecke und K, Lacjimaun. Ber- lin, 1827. 10" **2900.40 — Tivein, ein Rittergedicht aus dem xiii. Jahrh. [Miiller. Samlung deutsclier Gedichte, v. 2]. 2901.3 Hartshorn, J. Commercialtables : compris^ing interest at ten rates of per cent, excliauge tables, etc. Also, Book-keeping and model forms. Boston, Ieo2. f* *35.M.2 Hartsokker, N. Conjectures physiques. [Avec Suite.] Amsterdam, 1707, 8. 2v.ini. 4*. 5942.3 IIARTSON, H. The countess of Salisbury, tragedy. [Ben. British theatre, v. KS] 4179a. 1 Hartstein, E. Fortschritte in der englischen and scbottischen Landwirthschaft. Abtli. 1-3. Bonn, l&55-fl0. 3v. in 1. 8* 5045.2 Contents. — Di« cneliscben und schotlischen Diinper- wrem ; Vom englischen und schuttischc-n Ackcrbau, Ticfi-ncaltur, Exstirpator, Weizcn- und Hi^pfenbiiu; Dio Anwendunj- der Dampfkraft in der Laodwinbachaft ; iJie flu^sige Diiii^np und das italicnischu Roigras. HAR-nvio, G. Der liolie Norden in Natur- und Alenschenhhen. Wiesbaden, 1858. 8° . . . 2205.15 Shelf. No. Hartwio, G., contimted, — Die Inselu des grosscn Oceans in Natur- und ViJllierlebeu. Wiesbaden, 18G1. 8° .... 3800.10 — Das Lebeu des Meeres. 2te Aufl. Frankfurt, 185?. 8° 3907.0 — The tropical world: natural history of the equatorial regions. London, lt«03. h" . . . 3825.20 IlARTZ mountains. Taschenbuch fiir Reiseude in deuliarz. Gottschalck, F 2834.29 llAUTZMANN, D. B. De ivre principvm protestan- tivm circa eolennia matrimonii ecclesiastica. [Diss, iuiiug'.] Hal^E Magdeburgicie, 1718. pp.50. 4° *OOOL10 IlARWiNTON, Conn., History of. Chipman, R. M. 2330.21 llAitwi), P. Blessings of Christian worship coextensive with the Christian spirit. Ser- mon [in reply to] W. Maskell. Bridport, 1839. 8° *41C3.11 — The Hebrew prophets and the Christian gos- pel : a lecture. London, 1S41. 8" *4103.11 — History of the Irish rebellion of 1798. Lon- don, 1844. 8°. . 4174.3 — Jlaterialism in religion ; or, religious forms and theological formulas. Three lectures. Loudon, 1810. pp.48. 8° *41G3.11 — Object of the Sunday lectures at the Philo- sophical institution stated. London, 1842. pp. 19. 8° *41G3.11 — The question of miracles: a lecture. London, 1841. 8" *4iG3.11 Hase, C. a. History of the Christian church. Translated from the 7th German ed., by C. E. Blumeuthal and C. P. Wing. New York, 1855. 8° 0043.3 — Hutterus redivivus oder Dtigmatik der evan- gelisch-lutherischen Kirche. Leipzig, 1829. sm.8° . . 0059a.5 — Das Leben Jesu. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1840. 8". 0037.9 — Lehrbuch der evangelischen Dogmatik. 2te Au-fl. Leipzig, 1S3S. 8" 0023.15 — Theologische Streitschriften. Leipzig, 1834-37. 3v.ini. sra.8" 0003.39 Contents. — Heilage zu Hutterus redivivus und Leben Jesu; Zur Kirchengeschichte ; Anti-Rcelir. 2te, mit eineni Anhange, enthaltend die Aiitworteti der Gegiier, vermehrtc Aufloge. — Die Tiibinger Schule. Ein Sendschreiben an F. C. von Baur. Leipzig, 1855. 12" .... 0033.234 Hase, T. Dissertatio de decreto Tiberii imperato- ris quo Christum rcferre voluit in numerum deorum. [Oelrichs. CoUectio opusculorum, V. 1] 0000. 1 HASEXSiiJLLER, E. Historia ordinis Jesuitici refa- tata. See Gretser, J 0074.11 Haskkll, D. H., and Dix, S. A. Address and poem delivered before the Boston mercantile library association, at the dedication of their new rooms, Jan. 3, 1848. Boston, 1848. S''.Ii.l70a..55 Haskkll, T, N. Sermon in East Boston, national fast day, April 30, 1803, Boston, 1803. 8", 4320a, 22 Haskins, D. G. Prayers and collects for families and schools. Boston, 1801. pp.30. 8* . . . 3429.11 — Selections from the Scriptures. See Bible. Selections from the whole Bible 3429.11 IIASKINS, R. W. Art and artists. Buffalo, 1851. pp.70. 8" 4289.23 — ElVects of a material increase in the quantity of the money metals. [Buffalo, 1850. No title-page.] pp.8. 8" G087.79 — History and progress of phrenology. Bufftilo, 1839. 12' 3G00.38 Haslf.wooi), J. Life and publications of Joseph Ritson. London, 1824. pp.57. 12" .... 2542.19 Hassall, a. U. Mikroskopische Anatomie des men.scliliclien K(jri)er8. Aus dem Engliaclieu iibensetzt von O. Kohlschiitter. He Lief. Leipzig, 1850. pp. 48. 8" . • 3700.37 Hasse, L, Fransk-Danskog Dansk-Frausk Haand* lexicon, [Deel 1.] Dausk og Fransk. Fri- dericia, 1808. 12" *2'«5.8 HASSELL 274 HAWKER Sbelf. No. HASSELL, J. Toiir of the Isle of Wight, 17S9. [Mavor. British tourists, v. 5] 24G9.2-2 HASSEXCA31P, F. ^Y. Frauciscufl Lambert von A\ignon. Elberfeld, 18(50. pp. G3. 8". . . *6(>i5.11 Hasti2^gs, H. L. Future punislmient. Boston, 1S(H. 12" 54G9.20 Contents. — Retribution; Pauline theologry ; Th« dcH- tiny of tho wicked ; The primitive doctrine of a ftiture life; Man in doath, by bishop Law; Forty questions on immortality; Will all men Uo saved ? Anti-eternal tor- ment, by E. Bumham ; The state of the dead, by J. Mil- ton; Scripture aeitrchcr, Nos. 1-C. — The ojeat controversy between God and man. Boston, 18(54. 12° 5469.21 Contents. — The great coutro%'ersy ; The church not in darkness; The three worlds; The lust days; Plain truths; Aneic-ut landmarks; Olive leaves; Iraportnnt questions; One thing ; Outline of the coast of man ; Voice of warn- ing:, by D, T. Taylor; The day of judgment, by Cyril of Jerusalem. — Signs of the times; or, a glance at Christen- dom as it is. Boston, lh04. 12" 64G9.23 — Thoss.ilonica; or, the model church. Boston, 1802. 12" 5458,19 — - Same. And Spiritualism a satanic delusion, by W. Ramsay. Boston, 1SG4. lii" 54G9.22 Hastings, S. S., countess of Iluntlngdon. Life and times. London, 1844. 2v. 8° 3554.25 Hastings, T, The mother's nursery songs. Isew York, 1835. pp. 72. 12' 804G.2C — and Mason, L. Spiritual songs for Boclal wor- ship. Utica, 1S;J2. 18' 5449;i.ir Hastings, W., Speeches in the trial of. See Bond, E. A 2572.5 Hatch, C. L. V. Discourse on the immutable de- crees of God, and the free agency of man, Nov. 22, 1857. New York, 1858. 8" 6088.8 Hatfikli), iT/rt.-JS., History of. Judd, S 2356.33 Hathaway, W. Discourse occasioned by the death of A. Lincoln : preached at Coxsackie, April 19, ISGo. Albany, 1SG5. 8* 4342.3 Hatin, L. E. Histoire politique ,et littt-raire de la presse en France. Paris, 1851). 8v. 16". . 4G19.1 Hatto, Hayto, or Aython, an Armanuui^ fi. 12110. De Tartaris liber. [Gryua-Mis. Novusorbis]. 4IG0.8 Hatto, Hetts, or Ahyto, bishop of Jtasle, Jl. 811, Capitulare. [Achery. Spicilegium, v. 6J . 4152.7 Hatton, Sir C, Memoirs of the life and times of. iV'e Nicolas, N. H 2447.23 Hauber, E. D. Bibliothcca, acta, et scripta mug- ica. Lcmgo, 173i>-45. 3v. em-S" *G100.15 JV(rfc. — For contents, bco Orasftc's Sibliothcca magica et pneumatica ("JlTS.-l), pp. US-lJlO. IlAUBOLD,C.G. Antiquitatis Uoman.T monumonta legalia extra libros juris Uomanl sparsa, OpUH rustituit E. Spanguuberg. Berolini, 1830. 8" 4304.9 IIauo, J. C. F. Epigramnien und vcrmischte Ge- dichtc, Berlin, 1805. 2v. Bm.s° 4897,2 llAUO, M. Die funf Gatha's Oder Summlungeu von Liedern und Sprilchen Zaratliustra'n, seiner JUnger uud Nuchfolgcr. 2to Abth. Leipzig, 18110. 8°. [Abliinidhingcn dt-r iiiorgunlaud- ischcn Gesellsclmft J . . . •. 5025.11 — Ucber Schrift und Sprache der zwelten Keil- schrlft-Gattuug. Gutliugeii, IbJ5. pp. 40. 12" *4126.M HAUrr, IL Military bridges, with disigna for trestle and truHdbriUgi'H. New York, 1864. 8'. 31)55.11 Hauiu''.au, J. B. l'Iiilo»ophlc 8colustfque. rarls, 1850. 2v. 8* 0094.4 — Slnguhirlttjs hfntoriqueH ct lltteraires. I'arls, 18<'1. 12' 4619.6 nAUSCHiLI>, E. .1. IJeber forniale und reiile BlI- dung. Lelji/ig, IH-IU. pp. 24. h" . . . . JJ.170b.73 — PcHtallozzI, iiber den Statt. Kedo. Leipzig, 1851. pp.36. 8' B.iroa. 8r, Shelf. No. Hauschild, J. L. Gcrichts-Verfaesung der Teut- sehen vom 8ten-14ten Seculo. Leipzig, 1741. sm.4° 4203.2 — Juristische Abhandlungen von Bauern nnd deren Frohudiensten. Dresden, 1771. sm. 4'. 4296.16 Haussa language, Vocabulary ot the. St-hun, ,J. F. 4114. IS US.USSER, L. Die Sage vom Tell kritisch unter- , sueht. Heidelberg, 1840. 8* 2903.35 Haussonville, C. O. B. de C, comte d\ Hietoire de la reunion de la Lorraine ^ la France. 2eed. Paris, 1860. 4v. 12° 4661.8 Haut, M. de. La crise americaine. Paris, 1862. 8*. 4323.29 HAUTEFEUILLE, L. B. Quolques questions de droit international maritime, a propos de la guerre d'Amerique, Leipziir, 1861. pp.74. 8°. . 4321,22 HAUTEROCHE, N. L. Le deuil ; Crispin medecin; Le cocher snppos(5. [Theatre fraofi'ais, v. 35]. 4708.1 Hautiialer, S. Moralphilosophie des klassischen Alterthums. Salzburg, 1857. sm.8' . , . . 0068.9 HA.VAMAL. See Edda. Havana, Cuba, Directorio de la Habana. Habnua, 1859. 8" 4389.13 Havana, AT. Y. Public exercises at the laying of the corner stone of the People's college, Sept. 2, 1858. New York, 1858. pp. 50. 8°. 4129.10 HAVABIi, W. King Charles i, a tragedy. [Bell. British theatre, V. 19] 4179a. 1 Haven, C. M. [Beginning and growth of the Christian life; or, the Sunday-school teach- er.] Boston, 1855. 12" 5454.45 Haven, Gilbert. The cause and the consequence of the election of A, Lincoln ; thanksgiving ser- mon in Cambridge, Nov. 11, 1800. Boston, 1860. 8" 4320a.23 — Memorial discourse on the character and career ofA, Lincoln, April 23, 1865. Boston, 1865. 8". 4342.3 Haven, Grace, Extract from a lecture after the funerjd of. See McKee, — 4347.36 Haven, Jason. Sermon at the ordination of Moses Everett, Sept. 28, 1774. Boston, 1775. S" . .5450a. 21 Haven, .Joseph. Discourse before the American education society, May 26, 1850. Boston, 1856. 8° V. 5 of •5175.3 Haven, U., Address at a meeting of the descen- dants of. AW Park, J. C 4.347.37 HAVEN'S, P. E. Speech on the constitutional amend- mcntquestion,Jan. 11, lr>65. Albany, 18G5. 8". 4310,64 Uavekcamt, S. Syllogc scriplorum do lingua; GrKca^prouuutiatiouc. LugJuniBatavoruui, 173t'i-40. 2v. 8* **2985.20 Con/cntK.—Vo\. I. A. Mckorchus, T. BoM, J. Ceratt- nuB, et 11. Stcphanus ; qiiibuB nccodunt IlavcrcHUipl dia- Birtatio do literurum (jnucuntm vuria, in nntiquis praisor- tiin numinis et marniuribus, sci-ipiuru et fonnn, et nnli- quiKsima quiolam nuniismata Uni^ca, nnmero qundni> ^utA novein, magnani partem Incilitn. II. D. Erafinnis, Htephanua Vintonlcnula opiBcopus, J. Checua, T. 8m!th, U. MarUnus, E. Hehmidt; Libellus G. I'oHtulli do Phoo- niuum lileria, aeu de prlaco Latiuio ut GrwciU Unguio oho- ruutcro, cjusquo url(;luo ot ueu. HAVF.nniLL, iVn«s., History of. Chase, G. "W. . . 2.356.28 UiiVEHNicK, H. A. C. Commentar Uber das BucU Daniel. Hamburg, 1832. 8" 0018.18 — Historico critical introduction to tho Penta- teuch. Tran.'-lated by A. Thomson. I'ldin- liurgli,1850. 8°, [Clark's foreign theological library, v. IS] 3425.17 HAVKRTY, M. Till' history of Ireland, ancient nnd modern. Dublin, isfiO. 8* 2470.12 Hawaiian Ishindn. Hopkins, M. The past, pres- ent, and future 3040.22 — Jarves, J,.I. History of tlic 6015.3 Hawes, J., Discourse on tho character of. Sec Capen, L 6440a. 29 HAWKICK, R. Works : with memoir of his life by .1, Williams. London, 18.31. lOv. l.S' . . . . 5501.10 ('tijilfnf. — Vol. I. Mcmoli-H of the nuthnr'n Uf« nnd ^viidiiKM, by Itt'v. Dr. WllllaiDH-, Klefr)' on Uw dnilh of 111. Hiiwkrr, hy .). Kiiit; HmiionH on I)h> •llvlnil.v of Chi-lMl ; StrnuiiiH on llio illvlnil>' anil ••prruUoiii of thu UAWKl.K 275 HAYWAKD Shulf. No. IlAUKKH, R.. continued. Holy fllioBt ; Lccturoa on the person, godhf^nd, nnil niiii- Istrj- of tho Ituly Gliost. II. Si-rnionaon tinportAnt mib- Jcpta anil particaliir occasions^ Union \vith ClirUt tlio only possiblo means of onjoyiug communion wilh God ; Thn*cttnct3 0u tho Lord's supper; Guide to thouixlinanoo , of iho Lord's supper, find Tho welcome ^u'st nt tho Loni'atnblo; Siiernnicntftl mcditntlona; Mi«orl^oniin, or romixtsslon to tho sorrows of the heart. III. Zion's pil- (rrim, to which is addod, Zlon'a pilgrim pnst aovi-nty; Tho tuiilor pilgrim ; Zlon's warrior, or the riiristinn soldier's rannutti ; I'umcleBis, or consolatlona for n dying hour; Tho personal testimony of God the Ftitherto Iho person, Rodlu-iul. and sontihip of God the Son, as set foi-ih in tho Scriptures of God the Holy Ghost; Christ, tlio Al|>ha and Omega; Tho child buptizod. IV. Villniro »i'nnonrt; A prop against oil despair; Tho Spirit's wort in tho heart, the great ^\*itness to tlio truth as it is in Jesus; Five minutes' advice to prayerlcsa persons and families ; Ten minutes* recoramendalion of private prayer considered ns to its pleasnros and advantages; A dinry pntherrd from tho Lord's gracious promises to hia ]»>o- plo ; Tho Christian's pocket companion, or a help to pmyer; Fragments tVom Scriptiu-e, -written on the uinr- g\n of an old Bible. V, Scripture extracts, accompanied wilh notes and obsen'ations. VI. Tho poor Tnan's con- cordance and dictionary to the Scriptures, VII. Portrait of an English bishop of tho sixteenth century; Portrait of tho church ; Portrait of .Jeremiah ; Portrait of Nelu-- miah; Visits to and from Jesus upon the most intere^^t- ing occasions ond in tho most hallowed moments of life; The poor man's prayer-book formed from God's Seripture book; Sweet morsels to hungry souls in tho Lord's word for the Lord's people; Annual salutationi, or tokens of remembrance to the spiritual church of Christ; Sketches of a journey to London in tho spring of 1803, interspersed wilh spiritual reflections. VIII. The poor man's morning and evening portions, being a verse of Scripture with observations for every doy in the ynr. IX. Three letters to a borricter; Letter on the dangerous tendency of tho London female penitentiary ; Letter to T. Porter in reply to his Defence of unitarian- ism ; Letter to an under-graduate, on tho bishop of Peterborough's questions; Three letters to the Kev. R. Polwhele ; Two letters on the pro-existence of tho human Boul of Christ ; The true Gospel, no yea nnd nay Gospel ; The true portrait of Antinomianism; Letter of thanks to tho Kov. Thomas Smith; Appeal to the people of Eng- land on tho subject of the French revolution; Zion's trumpet: A sermon, with seven prcordiums; A devout Boldier, a sermon ; Witnesses for God, a sermon in aid of thfl charity for the deaf and dumb ; The prophecy of E/,e- kiel considered ; Comment on the ll>th chapter of Isuiah ; Thoughts on tho book of the Kevelations. X. Traets; Cuteehisma and books for tho uso of children ; Obituary of pious Christiana; Political pieces; General index. HAWKESWOHTn, J. Edgar and Emmeline. [Col- lection of farces, v. 4] 2575.35 Hawking. Chenu, J. C. Lafauconuerie.ancienne etmoderne 4001.14 — Rigault.N. Scriptoree rei accipitrarife . . . B.171.9 IlAWKiN.s, F. B. Elements of medicul statistics. London, lS-2y. 8° 3717. r2 — Gcrmnny ; the spirit of her history, literature, tiocial condition, and national economy, ud ed. Frankfort, 1839. 18' 2864.25 Hawkins, R. F., Patent anchor invented by. See Blachford, R 4018.30 llAWLEY, B. Discourse commemorative of the death of Prettident Lincoln, April 20, 18(55. Albany, 1SG5. 8" 4342.3 Hawlev, Z. Journal of a tour through Connecti- cut, Massachusetts, [andj \ew York, inchul- iug a year's residence in the Western re8er\e. New Uaven, 1822. 18" 23G9.11 HAWTHOiiNE, N. Life of Franklin Pierce. Bos- ton, 1852. 12° 2347.18 Hay, J. De rebva lapouicis. Indicia, et Pervanis cpistolje recentiores, a Hayo coaceruata;. Autverpire, 1(505. sm.S" *4149.C Hat.W. Deformity : an essay. London, 1754. 12°.*Pph,v.371 Haydkn, C. A. Tribute to A. Lincoln. [Inverse.] Boston, 18G5. pp. 23. 12° 4342-32 Uaydkn, W. B. Character and work of Christ. Boston, 1849. pp. SI. 12' B.170b.27 — History of the dopoia of infant damnation: a lecture, in I'ortl:md,.J.in. 10, 1858. Portland, 185**. 8* C0SS.n3 Khoir. No. TLVYDN, Joseph, h. 1732, d. 1809. Third mass, in T), in vocal score; with acconipaniinent by V. Novello. Latin and English. Boston, [1S5-]. pp. G8. 1.8" 8042.51 Haydn, Joseph, d. 1850. Dictionary of dates for universid reference. 10th ed., revised, by B. Vincent. London, 1801. 8' 2231.7 Uayley, T. A. Memoirs. 5ee nayIey,W 2540.25 llAYLEY, W. LUe and posthumous writings of \V. Cowper. Boston, 1803. 2v. 12° 2458.11 — Life of G. Eomney. Chichester, 1809. 4" . . 2540.'24 — Memoirs, by himself. And memoirs by his son T. A. Ilayley. Edited by J. Johnson. Lou- don, 1823. 2v. 4°. .^. 2540.25 — Throe plays: with dramatic obeervationB of Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne. Chichester, 1811. 8*. 2575.43 Coiifejifs. — Eudora ; Tho viceroy; The heroine of Cambria. Haymo. See Haimo. Uayne, A. P. Life and military services. Phila- delphia, 1837. pp. 111. 8' 2344.28 Hayne, Richard J. Church deaconesscH. The revival of deaconess considered, etc. Lou- don, 1859. pp. 10. 8° 5457.12 Uayne, Robert Y. Speechesof Messrs. Hayne and Webster on the resolution of Mr. Foot, Jjin. 21 and 20, 1830. pp.40. [No title-page.j 8" . 4103.14 HATNES, J. [XX articles of charge against the Rev. Mr. Bacheller, before the council at Haverhill, Sept, 19. 1758. Also, the counciPa result, etc.] Portsmouth, 1700. pp.87. 8° . B. 160a. 06 HAYTI, or St. Domingo, the island. Candler, J. Brief notices of Hayti 4307.17 — Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire de I'isl^ espagnole 4169a. 12 — Clark, B. C. Geographical sketch of St. Domingo 4314.3 — D;ilmas, A. Revolution de Saint-Domingue. 2313. '2;j — Elliott, C. Vf. St. Domingo and its hero . . . 5579.6 — Franklin, J. Present state of Hayti, 1S28 . , 2313.20 — Guillermin, G. Journal historique de la r^vo- lulioude Saint-Domingue 4317.1 — Robin, C. C. Voyage dans I'isle de Saint Do- mingue v. lof237C.18 — Stockdale, P. Letter to G. Sliarpon the insur- rection of negroes in St. Domingo . . . Pph.v.359 See also: St. Domingo, or the Dominican republic. Hayti, the republic. Clark, B. C. United States intervention in Hayti B. 160. 32 — Gastinc, C. de. Histoire de la republique d' Haiti 2313.22 — Mackenzie, C. Notes on Haiti 4307.7 — Philippi, C. F. Geschichte des Freistaats von St. Domingo (Hayti) 4Ifi9a.ll Havto, the Armemmi. S<'e Hatto. Havw'ARD, A. Biographical and critical essays. London, 1858. 2v. 8" 25G4.2 Contents. ~Yo\.l. Sydney Smith; Somuel Rogers ; James Smith; George ScUvyn ; Lord Chesterfield; Lord Melbourne ; General von Kadowitz ; Tho countess Ilnhn- Ilahu; M. de Stendhal (Henri Beyle); Kerro Dupont; Lord Eldon and the chances of the bar. II. The Crimean campaign ; Araericon orators and statesmen ; Journalism iuFrauce; Note on the Engli&hncwepaper press; Parisian munils and manners ; Note on the coup d'etat of Decem- ber, 1851; The imitative pou-ers of music; British field sports; Tho science and literatiire of etiquette; Tho art of dining. Haywaijd, C, jr.. Biographical notice of. See "Wheeler, C. S 4347.38 Hayward, G. Case of hydrophobia. Boston, 1854. pp. 11. 8' 5796.23 — Cases of vesico-vaginal fistula, treated by oper- ation. Boston, 1851. pp.21. 8" 579G.23 — Comparative value of the diflerent ana;.'?thetic agents. Boston, 1850. pp. 11. 8' 6087.81 — First use of sulphuric ether by inhalation in surgical practice. [Boston, IS47.J pp.8, b'. 5792.(>4 UAYWAltD 276 HEBREW Shelf. No. llAYW.Mtn, G., continued. — I'erniancut cure of reducible hernia. Philadel- plliil, 1852. pp. 25. 8° 6790.23 — Statistics of the amputations oflarge limbs at tlio ^lassachusetts generaljiospital. Boston, 1850. pp. 115. 8° 5790.53 — Introductory lecture at the opening of the new medical college. See J^veiett, E 4390a. 40 H.vwvoon, W. S. I'ocm, at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the incorporation of Westminster, Jlnss. Boston, 1)^60. 8° . . . 4.155.03 Hazard, K. G. Essay on language, and other papers. Edited by E. P. Peabody. Boston, 1857. 12° 2.300.11 — Freedom of mind in willing. N. Y., 1804. 12°. 6007.9 — [Language: its connexion with the present condition and future prospects of man.] Providence, 1836. 10° 6599alO — [Our resources, A series of articles on tho financial and political condition of the United States.] 2d ed. Pro\'idence, 1804. pp.32. 8° 4320a.24 Hazicn, E. Panorama of professions and trades. Philadelphia, 1837. sm.8° 4034.13 — The speller and deflner. Phila., 1839. 10° . . 45S9a.32 IIAZKWF.LI,, C C. Address before the Franklin typographical society. See Boston. Literary and scientific institutions B. 170a. 70 Hazmtt, William, ft. 1778, tl. 18.30. Lectures on the English comic writers. Phila., ISUI. 8°. . 2550.18 — Select British poets. London, 1824. 8° . . . . 2551.3 H.vzlitt, William, 6(7;'n'.s'/er. Classical gazetteer: a dictionary of ancient geography. London, 1851. 12° 4153.11 Hazlitt, William C. History of the Venetian republic. London, 1800. 4v. 8° 2723.12 — Old English jest-books. London, iso-l. 2v. 10°. 4599.8 Head, Sir V. B., haronet. [Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau.] New York, 1S.3C. pp. 88. 8° *4)03.14 — Mr. Kinglake. 2d ed. London, 1863. pp. .32. 8°. 3003.20 — Narrative [of an administration, in Canada]. London, 181U. ,s° 4312.21 Head, II. E. Apostolic succession considered in relation to national education. i-,ondon, 1839. pp. 03. 8° «Pph.v.35(! Ukad, J. W. lieports of cases argued in the su- preme court of Tennessee, 185f— 9. Vol. 2. Nashville, 1800. 8° .3707.3 Head. Icones nervorum capitis. Arnold, F. . . 5800.6 UicadI.AM, J. Charge delivered to the clergy of the deaneries of Ifictimoncl and Catterick. York, isio. pp. 24. 8° *.3570.S — Letter on prison labour. Londoji, 1823. pp. 02. 8° •.1570.8 — Second letter on prison labour. With a reply to tho Edinburgh review. London, 1824. PP-61. 8° ♦.3370.8 — lleciprocal duties of rich and poor : a sermon. Newcastle, 1823. 8° •3570.8 — neligiouB education of the poor rcconinicndeil : a MIL ■■:i. Newcastle, 1814. 8° .... • . •.3570.8 — Two chaiges Id the clergy of lh<' archdeaconry of Richmond. Durham, ls32. pp. :18. 8°. •3570.8 HicADi.i'.Y, P. C. Evangelistic labors of Key. E. P. Hammond. Boston, 1803. 12° 5140.17 HkADI.dNii hall. .SVi: Peacock, T. 1 2:197. .39 IlKAl.l.s'i;, The destructive art of. Dickson, .S. . li. 170b. 104 IlKAl.Tll. Bcecher, C. E. Letters on 3709.12 — Capen, N. Friend to 3709.16 — Duncan, A. G. Evils of violating the laws of. 4103.3 — Hull, W. W. .lounial of 7714.1 — llaiuMirmd, C. D. True guide to 3789.10 — Johnson,.!. Kliilluss (le. bUrgerlichen l.ebens, des hiiullgen .sit/ens, u. h. w 3707.3 — Noble, D. Infli ce of nninufacturea ujion . , 67110. 2H — PlelmSunta, P. de. Sanir- pidilLpie 3709.9 — KIchurdson, B. W. .lonrnal of public health. 57,V,la.2 — Tlssot, .S. A. Avis nu peuple sur sa smite . . .3709.17 tfM alto: llytftciin, HiiiilUir>' ocuiiuiiiy. Slioir. No. Heap, G. H. Central route to the Pacific : journal of the expedition from Missouri, in U53. Philadelphia, 1851. 8° 2.108.5 Heard, J. M. Origin of the free public library system of Massachusetts. Clinton, 1800. pp. 13. 8° 2128.23 Hearino. Anatomicse disquisitiones de audltu. Scarpa, A 3750.17 Sec also; Ear. Ueabn, W. E. Plutology : or the theory of the efforts to satisfy human wants. London, 1804. 8° 3062.11 Hearne, S. Journey from Fort Prince of Wales to the Northern ocean. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 24] 0207.1 Hearnic, T. Impartial memorials of [his] life and writings, by several hands. London, 1730. pp.70. 12° 2453.15 Heart. Andry, F. Maladies du cceur 38U3.32 — Bouillaud, J. B. Tnute cliniquo dea maladies du cocur 3803.13 — Bright, J. Diseases of the 3803 33 — Elliot8on,J. Diseases of the 3750. Ill — Fuller, H.W. Diseases of the 3798.23 Hearts, Satyrical lecture on. Dodd, J. S. . .Pph.v.3;i Heat. Melloni, M. La thermochrose, ou la colo- ration calorifique 3903.2? — Piclet, J. C. E. Traite do la chaleur 3900.4 — I'revost, P. Du calorique rayonnant 3900. 10 — Tyndall, J. Heat considered as a mode of motion 3900. 12 — Williams, C. W. Heat in its relations to water and steam 3900.10, and 3907.5 See atao: Caloric. Heath, SirR. Discovery of the Jesuits' collej:re at Clerkenwell, Bliirch 1027-8. Edited by .1. G.Nichols. [London], 1852. pp. 04. sni. 4°. [Camden society. No. 3.t] v. 2 of »2410..39 — - Same. Supplementary note, by .1. G. Nich- ols. (London], 1859. sm.4°. [Camden soci- ety. No. 72] •2420.17 Heathen. Lehre von dcr Scligkeit dcr Heiden. Kberhard, J. A 0C9fla.l Ueatox, G. Review of a report of a committee of the American medical association, on the per- manent cure of reducible hernia. Boston, 1853. pp. 31. 8° 0087.84 HBv\T(>x, J. The demon expelled : or, the inllueuce of Satan in tlie alllictionof a boy at Ply- moutli dock, etc. [Plymouth], 1820. 12°.. 0100.13 Heaven, Hymns on. Thompson, A. C 5119.3 HeavI'.ns. Burritt, E. H. (ieography of the . . 7020.43 — Drayson, A. W. Common sights in the . . . 3029. .12 — Mechanism of the .3939.23 IlBmuRD, W. W. Tho night of freedom: an ap- peal, in verse, af^'ainst human bondage. Boston, 1857. pp.42. 8° B.170.IOO llEHBic, (jr. C, LInivcM'sal history, in a series of let- ters. Vol. 1, 2. Ancient history. New York, 1848. 2v. 8° • . . 4142.3 IlEnuit, R<'ginald, hislinp of Calcutta. Sec DIbdcn. Sunday library, v. 2, 6144.2:1 CoHfrH/fl. — Vol. II. Tlmp rtntl otci-nity ; Dutlcii of tlio niliiiitlry, Iwci ■vrmullil. VI. The atoncnifnt, n HoniKni. Hkbkr, Richard. Bibllothcca Ueberlnna. Part 1-0, 9. [London), 1831-30. 7v. 8° ••2137.18 Hehert, C. Neology not true, and truth not new. 2d ed., with a concise account of the " i'^ssays and reviews." Loudon, 18(11. p. 8° .... 5153.18 IlEnilKW antiquities, literature, etc. A'ce JewB. Hkurkw language. Gcschichto der hebriilscheii Spraclic und Schrift. Gcscnius, F. H. W. . 4240.6 Gnimnwr. — Altin^f, .1. Futuhimenta punctationis liu|,'uai snncta! 6i':i7.in — Curvalho, E. N. Key to the Hebrew tongue . 3132.8 HEBREW 277 HEEREN Shelf. No. Hebrew Inngimge. Cfrnmmar, continued. — Conant, T. J. ('Iircstonuitliy ami t'XOrcisGfl . 4]'^0..1 — EwaUl. (i. H. A. V. Ciriiiiimiitik cler hcbrUisi-hen Sprache 4rJ0.0 — - Kritisc-he drammatik derlifbrUischcn Spra- clio 4I'^0.7 — Geseniiin, K.II. W. IIul)rt'\v granimiir . . . . 4rJ0.:j — - Lchr^ebaudt' ilcr hi'Iiriiisclu'ii Spracho . . 543;i.lO — Introiliiclioiics urtis gniiaaticf Hcbnuce. See Bible. I'olyglutts v.6of5H0.l — Nonllit'imtT, 1. Critical ;,^ramniar 34t>4.-5 — Ousei'l, P. Introiiuctio in acceutuationcm Hc- bneorum irn'tricain 5032.10 — Tctit, I'. Eii^^iish Ilfbrew grammar without lioints 32S3.^ — Scliickard, W. lloroltigium Kbrrcum .... 5o;i7.i;r — l^chultL'iis, A. Vctus et re;j^ia via Uebrai'zaudi. 5(i.'{'.i.y — Si'wiill, S. Hebrew t^rainmar 6i;M.5 — Stuart, M. Grammar 4rJ0.4,5 Le.Ticogra2}h>/. — Buxtorf, J. Lexicon Hebraieum 4119.11 — Kiirst, J. Hubriiisclii's llaiuiwurtcrbueb . . . :H-J1.3 — Gescnius, F. tl. \V. Uuhriiir^chcsUaudworter- bai'h 4110.7 — - Hebrew aud Englisli lexicoa 41IU.8 — - 'I lies;iuru3 lingua: HebritiE 4:^41.0 — Uulter, K. Dictiouarium Ebra-um, Gra-eum, Latinum, Gernianiemn 5430.5 — Moieiru, J. II. Voenbuliiry 3431.4 — Miinsler.S. I)ictionnriinntrilingue,inqiio Lali- iiis vijcabulis respondent Gra;etiut Hebraica . 5030.4 — Pagnini, ti. Thesauri Hebraic^ liu^use cpi- lunu\ 6Vc Bible. Polyglotts v. 7of51-'0,3 — Ueucblin. J. Lexicon Hebraieuni 50i0.5 — - iJe rudimentis Hebraicis 5431.1 — RoscunUiller, K. F. G. Vocabularium Veteris Testanicuti Hebraieo-Chaidaicuin 0013. lli — Vocabubiriuni llebrai-'um. See Bible. Poly- glutts V. Oof 5140.1 See also: liubbluic taiif^uagc. Debrides. Dendy, W. C. The wild Hebrides . . 2477.28 — Johnson, S. Journey to the western islands of 8eotlaud, 1773. [Mavor. British tourists, v.2\ 24i".0.22 — M'NicoI, D. Uemnrks on Dr. Joinisou's Jour- ney tu the 2477.17 See alio: Nc^-is. UecatjX's MilcHus. Fragmenta. Scylacis Cary- audensis periplus. Edidit R. H. Khiusi-n. Berolini, 1831. h" B.IG0.3 HECnx, !-. Gescliichte dcr Erscheinung der eelig- sleii Junglrau zweten Hirteiikiudern. 4te Ausg. Einsiedeln, 1848. 24° B.100b.l07 HeCHT, p. R. Diss, inaug. De pretio aflectionis in res fungibiles non cadente. Denuo recusa. Hahc, 1707. pp. SO. 4° *i304.22 Heckkl, a. W. Die Miirtyrer der evnngolischen Kirclie in den ersten Zeiten der Ueibrniation. NUrnberg, 1828. Bm.h" 5559a. 2S Heckeh, F.C. F. AusweisuiJg dea Dr. Hecker aus Preussen. ,9cf Itzstein, J. A. v 42!'5.2G HeCKKWeli)i:k, J. Mi^s-ion olthe I'nitcd brethren among the Delaware and Moliegan Indians, 1740-1808. Philadelphia, 1820. 8° . . . . 3535.3 Hkodino, E. Life iind times. See Clark, D, W, 5558.5 Hedge, F. H. Address belbre the graduating class of the Divinity school in Cambridge. Cam- bridge, 1849. 8" B.l~0a.51 — Antisupernaturalism in the pulpit: an nrMress to the graduating class of the Divinity school, Cambridge, July 17, 180-1. n. p., 18(>4. 8". [FromtheChristianexaminer,Sept. 18f>4]. 54G0a.5 — Conscience and the state: a discourse, in Pro- vidence. Providence, 1851. 8* 6088.159 — Conservatism and reform : an oration before the Peucinian society, Bowdoin college, Sept. 5, 1&43. Boston, 1843. 8' 4.390a. 07 Shelf. No. Hkdoe, F. n., contiDved, — Discourse on the death of W. H. Hiirrison, May 14, 1841. Bangor, 1841. 8' 4345.0 — Discourse on E. Everett, delivered in Brouk- liue, Jan. 22. Boston, Lsd.'j. 8" 4341.11 — Leavenof the word : a sermon at theorduiation of Kev. Joshua Young, Feb. 1,*1849. Boston, 1849. 8" 54C0a.5 — The national enlail : a sermon, July 3, 1804. Boston, 18(H. 8° 4320a. 20 — The national weakness : a discourse delivered in Brooklinc on fast day, Sept.aO, 18G1. Boston, 1801. 12" 4:;i0a.ll0 — Old age and its lessons : a sermon on the Sun- day succeeding the death of B. Goddard, Nov, 3, 1801. Boston, 1801. 8° 4345.0 — Oration at the Sciiilier festivity, Nov. 10, 1859, in the Boston Slusic hall. Boston, 1859. 10°. 4909a. 1 — Oration before the citizens of Bangor, July 4, 1838. Bangor, 1838. 8° . . . *4ir>3.11, and 4390a.07 — Sermon before the Ancient and honorable iirtil- lery eompimy, June 2, 3834. Boston, 1834. 8°. 5400a. 5 — 1758 and 1858: a discourse, Jan. [3], 1858. Boston, 1858. 8° 6400a. 5 — The sick woman: a sermon for the time. Boston, 1803. 8° 4320a.25 — The use of the word " Evangelical : " a dis- course. Providence, 1854. 8'' 54G0a.5 — and Huntington, F. D. Hymns for the church of Christ. Boston, 1853. 12° 0007.0 Hedix, S. A. Quid Liuna^o patri debeat niedicina. [Diss, acad.] 5eeLinne,C. v 3830.8 Hedkicic, B. S. Are r»Jorth Carolinians freemen ? Defense against *' Alumnus " in tlie N. C. standard. [No title-page. J pp.8. 8°. . .-B. 100. 30 Hedylus. Epigrammata. [Brunek. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 1] B.1G2.7 Heerebooud, a. Explicatio synops. logica; Bur- gersdicianffi. Ed. 4a. Lugduui Batavorum, 15G0[lG0Oj. 18° 5009. 20 Heeren, a. H. L. C. G. Heyne. Biogruphisch dargestellt. Gottingen, 1813. sm.8° . . . . 4237.19 — De fontibus geographicorum Ptolem^i, tabu- larumque iis annexarum, num ii Gra^cas an vero Tyria; originis fueriiit. [Diss, acad.] n. p., 1824. pp. 59-80. 4°. [Berlin. Akad. d. Wiss. Denkschr. Class, hist. u. phi!., v. 0]. 4102.21 — Gescliichte des Studiums der classisclien Lit- teratur seit dem Wiederautleben der Wissen- schaften. Gottingen, 1797-1801. 2v. in 1. 8". 4207.10 — History of the states of antiquity. From the German [by G. BancroftJ. Northampton, 1828. 8* 4145.8 — Ideen iiber die Politik, den Verkehr, und den Handel der vornehinsten Viilker der alien Welt. [Vol. 1-3] 3te Autl. Gottingen, 1812-15. 4v. 8° **2291.5 Contents. — Vol.1. Perscr. 11. Phonicier, Bnhj'lonier, Scythen, Inder. Ill, Carthager, j^lhioper, ^gypter. IV. Griechen. — Biblfothek der alten Litteratur und Kunst. See Tychsen, T. C 4959a.2 — and Ukert, F. A. Gescliichte der europaischen Staaten. Hamburg, 1829-40. 45v. 8°. Xamelyt — - Biittiger, C. VV". Gescliichte des Kurstaates und Konigreiches Sachsen. 2v 4210.5 — - Biilau.F. Geschichte Deutschlands, 1800-30. 4210. 2 — - Dahlmann, F. C. Geschichte des Diinue- mark, bis 1522. 3v 4216.7 — - Geijer, E. G. Geschichte .Schwedens, bis 1000, ubersetzt V. S.P. Lenier. 3v 42IG.S — - Kampen, N. G. v. Geschichte der Nieder- lande, bis 1815, 2v 4210.6 — - Lappenberg, J. M. Geschichte von Eng- land, bis 1509. 5v 4220.1 — - Lembke, F. W. Geschichte von Spnnien, bis 1270. 5v 4220.5 — - Leo, H. Geschichte der itidienischen ytant- en, bis 1830. 5v 1220.4 HEEUEN 278 HEINE bhelf. No. IlEiiREN, A. H. L., continued. — - Mailath, J. v. Geschichte von Oestreich, bis 1S40. 5v 421G.4 — - Pfister, J. C. V. Geschichte derTeutscheu, bis ISOr. 5r 4216.1 — - lioepcll, U. Geschichte Polens, bis 1400 . 421G.9 — — Scliiifcr, H. Geschichte von Portugal, bis 1829. r>v 3090.17 — - Schmidt, E. A. Geschichte von Frankreicli, bis 1774. 4v 4226.2 — - StenzcJ, G. A. II. Geschiclite des prcussi- schou Staates, bis 17C;J. 5v 421G.3 — - Strahl, P. Geschichte des russischenStaat- es, bis 1702. Gv 421G.10 — - Wachsmuth, E. W. G. Geschichte Frank- reichs im Revolutionszeitalter, 4v 4220.3 — - Zinkeiseii, J. W. Geschiclite des osmani* scheii Ueiches in Europa, bis 1812. 7v. . . . 5085.1 Hefelk, C. J. Coiiciliengescliichte. Freiburg, 1855-30. 2v. S' 6020.11 — Patruiu apostolicorum opera. Tubing:e, 1839. 8" 6050.20 ConteiUs. — Prolegomena; S. Bamaba) epistola catho- lics ; ClL'iucDtis ad Corintbioa cpiatnlfc ii; Ignatii cpis- tolie; Polycarpi rpietola ad Philippenscs; Anunymi viri apostoUci epistola ad Diognctum ; Ilermee pastor. Heffter, A. "W. Das curopiiische Volkerrecht der Gegenwart. lierhn, 1S44. S" 4294.17 — - J^ame. 2te Ausg. licrliu, 1818. 8° . - , . 421H.1S Heffteh, 31. AV. Die Gotterdicnste auf Uhodus im Altertlmme. Zerbst, 1827-33. 3 pt. in Iv. 8°. 6488.5 Hegel, G. W. F. Werke. Berlin, 1832^3. 18v. in 19. 8' *0093. 1 Contents. — Vol. I. Philosophische AMiandhmgcn, herausff. von C. L. Slichcli-t : CUuaben und M'issen; Bifftrenz des Fichtcschea und Schcllingrschcn Sya- trms; Uebcr das Verbiiltniss der Naturpliilosopliie zur Philosophio Qberbaupt; Uebcr dio wisscnachaftlichen Bclinndlun^rsarton des Naturrcchts. II. Phliii'inieno- IogiodesGcistP8,herau3~. von J Scbulzo. Ill [B. .'J, 4,5]. Wisscnsclmfl der Logik, horausg. von L, vou Uenning. IV-Vl [0,7]. Eacyclopildia dcrpbilosophisclicnWisscn- BcbaJti'n iin Grundrissc: Die Logik, bcrausg. und nach Anlcitung der vom Vcrfassur gcbultcncn Vorlcsimgcu mit Krliiuterungen und 7.\i»at/.i:n\ verscbcn von L. v. Henniiipj A'orlfsnnpcn OIkt die Nnturphilosophio, bcr- au8g. von C. L. Michelct; Dio Pliilosophio dea Geistoa, Ijprausg. von L. Boumann. VII [8]. Grundlinu-n der PliiloHOpliio dea Koehts, odor Naturrfcbt und .Stantswis- pensehiift Im Grundrissc, hcniusg. von R. Gaus. VIII [OJ. VorlcBunpen iibcr dio Pliilosophio der Gcschichto, hemusg. von. E. Gaiis, bcsorgt von K. Ilcgel. IX-XI [lOX Vorlcfungen rtbrr dio Acstbelik, boruusg. von II. G. Holho. Xil, XIII [11, 12]. VorUBungcn iibcr dio Philosophio der ItcHgion, ncbst ciner Schrift ttber dio Bewci»e vom Ifaseyn Gnttes, hcninsg. von P. Marhcl- ncke. XIV-XVI [IJJ-l.'i], Vork-sungcn Ubcr dio Gc- »cliiebtc der Plillosojilife, bcrnuflg. von. C. L. Michelct. XVII [IC]. Vomiidcbto Schrlflt^n, herauag. vim F. l'ur»- tcr und L. Bouraann : Dlsscrtntlo philosophlca do orbitis plaiivturuni ; Aurntitzo nun dem krllinvbon Jourmil der Philosophic ; FQiif (;ymiin«iul-Il«dcn, gebnlten zu NHm- berg; Krillken. .\VI1I[I7]. VcrmlschtP Sclirlfton: Krit- Ikcu; Vorrcilo zu Illnrlchii' ItellgionsphiloHopbio; nrel latclnlscho Ueden, gehiiltcn nn der Frledrlrh Wllhi'lni'i llolverwliat z\i Berlin; Scbrelbcn In umtliehen Ango- legunheitoi) ; Aiif«ilt/,o vwrmldohten Inlmlts ; Ilriefo ; Nacbtmg zu den Wrlefen. XIX [18]. Pliilosophisclio PropiLdcuUk, horauag. vou C. Boseukninz. — Encyclopiidie der philosophiinchen Wlsscn- Kchiilteii im (JruiidrlH-se. 3le Ausg. Heidel- berg, IKIU. is" , , — Gnindlinieii der PldloBopIilo des Uechts. Ber- lin, 1H2I. 8" — f;;ibUT, G. A. Die ilcgclHche I'hlloHophi.'. . — <>(t, A. ilegcl et la pliilosophio aUemundc . . — Kuwc-nkraiiz, ,J. C. F. Lebi'U — StuDo, J. It. PliiloHophlcalByDtcm of . . . . — .StnniBi4, D. F. OpinUniHof IIi--,<;emon. IMdIIiiie frogmentiini. [Mciiicke. r'nigm. com. Cr., V. .'(] B. 162.8 Hi or.sii'i'iiH. K])igrninTiialu. [Brumk. Amdrctii pod. Gr., V. IJ B.162.7 60S4.5 0G29. (1093 OOIK'J 0003 0108. 4103. Shelf. Ko- IlEGESippus, continued. — Fabularum duarum reliquire. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5] B,162.8 — Fragmenta. [Grabc. Spicilegium] 6029.3 Hegesippus, Egesippus, or Joscplms. De bello Judaico et urbis Hierosolymitanai excidio libri V. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 5] . B.nO.2 Kote, — Most of the statements made in this nnrmtivo ore derived Trom Joscpbus, from whose nanio also Huit given above eecms to bavo been corrupted ,Tho trans- latiou has been attributed, to Ambrose of Milan, with whose works it is printed by Mi^e. Hegner, J. C. Fortsetzuug der Briider-Historie. See Crauz, D. Hegneu, U. Gesammeltc Sdiriften. 3v. sm.&° 6059.14 Berlin, 1S2S. . **2S79.: Contents. — Vol. I. Auch Ich war in Pari MoHccnliur. III. Saly's Kcvoluti on stage. — J. K. Lavntcr. Aus Bricfen seiner Freunde an ilui, iiud nach persouLichem Umgang. Leip- zig, 1830. 12" 2848.13 Heidegger, J. H. Historia papatus. Accedit F. Guicciardini Historia papains. Amstelie- dami, 1084. sm.4° *6075.10 Heidelbehg catliechism, Expository lectures on the. Bethune, G.W 5453.20 IlEiDELBERGEU Jahrbuclier der Literatnr. ler- 2Ipr Jahrgang. Heidelberg, 1808-28. 41v. 8°. *4117.1 — - Same. 40cr-50er, 52er, 53er, 55er, 50er Jahr- gang. Heidelberg, 1853-03. 9v. 8" . . . . *5328.l Heidelbeiiger Liederhandschrift. See Alte Hci- delberger Liederhandschrift 2874.8 Ueidemann, F. W. Die Europaisohc und Asiat- ische Tiirkei. Geographisch-topographiscli besclirieben. Blerseburg, 1854. jip. 45. 8* . 4245.8 Heidei:, E. J. Der Ban des vereinigten Slip- nnd Trocken- Dock's im Arscualc de.s Osterreicli- ischen Lloyd in Triost. 2te Aufl. Triest, 1861. pp. 08. f *3050.4 Heiumann, C. Oratio de bibliothcca Julia. See Mader, J.J 2128.15 Heilbronner, J. C. Historia miUhcseos uuiversas a mundo condito ad seculum xvi. Ace. his- toria arithmetices. Lipsix, 1742. 4°. . . . 5913.3 Heiligstedt, a. Commentarius in .lobum, Et^ clesiasten, ct Cantieum Cantieorum. See aiaurcr, F. J. V. D 6017.12 Heine, H. Siimmtlichc Werke. Hamburg, 1601- 63. 19v. 10" 2867.10 Conle)Ua. — V6\, I, II. Kelsobilder. III. Englisclio Frngmcnto ; Sbakspoarc's Miidchcn und Francn. IV. Novcllisflsclio Fragmento: I>cr Uabbi von Bachnmclij Memolren des llcn-n vou Schiiubctuwopsld ; Floronli'. niseho NUebto. V-VII. Uebcr Doutaehland : S. Zur Geschichte dor Religion und Plillti.-iopluu In Deutseli- Iftiid. 0. DioromantUcheSchuIo. 7. ElenK'nturgeisliT und Diimonen : Klementargeister; Der Doktor F«unt; Die GOtlcr im Exll ; Ule Giitlln Dlnun. VIII-XI. Vmn- zOrilKcho Zusttindu : 8-10. Das Bilrgcrkiinlelhum Im Juhr IKU. 11. FranxUnlMchu Malcr; Ue tier dio fVaiixa- Blflcho Btlhnc; Musikallsebo Ikrlebto bus I'tii-ls. XII. Uober I.udwlg Biirno. X MI, XIV. Vcrmimhto floriHrtcn : 1.3. Autobiogni))h1scho Sklitzo; Ulu Uomaulik ; Uricfu nun Berlin ; Uebcr Polen ; Der Thco ; Ilumoreske ; Iteeon- Bionon; Nachtriige. 11, Elnlcltung xu " Kahldorf v\bor den Add"; Vorredo zum erittcn Biindu dfa "Salon"; Uebcr den Denunclanten ; Dur SchwubouKpiegcl j l^inleU tung zu A.Wcill'a '* Sittcngemilldun aus dem olKii8flt.whoii Volkslcbcn" ; Tliomaa Reynolds ; Lndwig Mnreus, Denk- worto;GeHlilndnI»«o. XV-XVIII. Dlchlungen: 15. BnuU der Lieder, u. s. w. 10. TragUiUen nnd Neuo Gcdiclilo. 17. AUaTrulIj Peutschland; Zcitgedlchto. 18. Itoman- cero; Letzto Gedlchto. XIX. Brlofo. — aCuvree. Vol. 2-0. raria, 1834, fiv. 8*. 4222.8 C»n/«n(J. — Vol. 11,111. Rclsebllder(TftbK>ttiix do voy- age). IV. Do la I'Vunco. V, VI. Do rAlioniogiio. DleromnntiMchcScInilp. Hnmlinrg, 183rt. 16''.423l>n.ll Die vcrttiinntcM (JliHrr. Auh dcni I'Van/ii- pl.-^chen. Nulj.st MltMicihnigci) Ubcr deu kraii- kcn Dichter. Berlin, 1653. pp.87. Hi^ . . 1257.10 IIEINR 279 HEMMING Shelf. Ho. IlKiNEt H., c&ntituicd. — Mcissncr, A. Eriuuerungen 4237.18 — Schmidt-VVeisscnfels, E. Lebt-n uiui IHcli- tunpen 2848.11 — Stroiltiimim, A. Wirkcn und Streben dargc- Ktcllt an seineii Wcrken 4237. IG Hkink, W. Japan uud SL-iue Bewolmer. Leipzig^, IStiO. S° 3017.14 Heinki'Cius, J. G. Opera omnia, denuo edita a Alio. Geneva;, 1705-71. »v. in 10. 4\ . . . *50'^3.1 Contents. — Vol.1. Fundnraentfl bHII culiiorls; Ele- tnciitA philo80|)hlEO rntionalis ot moruUa, piwiiifsoa mC liistoria phllosopliiea ; Elemoiita Juris nntunu ct (cciitiuiii. II. I'. 1. DiesertalloncB, orationcn, ac proprniiimaU. 11. P.2. OpiiBculaniUccllunca. 111. Pntfuliyncsnlic'iiisliltria privmiHiiiu; Opuscula minora vnrii nrpiimonii ; Epistoliti nma'bn-n<; ComniPntftrius ad lopcm Julinin ct rniiitiiii roiiptrftm, IV. Aiitiquilatum Koinunfinim syntne^m; HUtorln juria civilis Kotnani ct Germmiici. \'. EIc- IQcntA Juris civills secundum oriliuera institutiunuiii ; Rtfcltationea in clcraentn juris ci\-iHs secundum onllncm Instituttonum ; Obsenationes (heorclico-practico) nd in- Btitutioncs. VI. Elcmcnta juris cirilis secundum ordi- nem Pandectorum ; Oliscrvotiones theorctico-praclicoo od Pandcctas. VII, Blementa juris Germanici turn veteris, turn hodierui ; Elenienta juris cambialis. VIII. Opusculu postunia. IX. rrdilcctioncs acadeniica; ia II. GrL'tiura do jure belli et pacis J Pi-o-Ioflionca acadcmicio In S. rutfcudorffium de officio hominis ct civia; Supple- mvntum quo continentur opuscula varii ar^menti. — Antiqvitatvm Komanarvm ivrisprvdentiam illv8trantivm syntag'ma. Ed. nova. Argeu- torati, 1755. 2v. 8° 4304.19 — Corpvs ivris Gemianici antiqvi qvo continentvr leges Fran(*orTm,Salic£e,et Ripvariorvm,ctc. Haire Magdebvrgica?, 173S. 4* 4301,14 — ElemenlaivrisGermaniei. Haloe, 1730,37. 2v. 8°. 4305. 1'J — Jurisprudeutia Romana et Attica: continons varies comraentatores. Lugduni Uatiivo- rum, 1738-41. 3v. f° *4201,1 — Ad legem Ivliam et Papiam Foppa-am cora- meutarivs. Amsteliedarai, 1720. 4" . . . . *4293.I3 — Praelectiones academioai in H. Grotivm de ivre belli etpacis. Genera?, 1771. 4° 4301.10 — Recitationca in elementa jvris civilis. Ed. nova, cvi accesfiit Dissertatio de legitima- tione ex dnmnato coitv natorvm. Lovauii, 17,'. 4* 4101.15 IIeinzen, C. Gesammelte Schriften. New York, 1858-(V4. 3v. 12° 4907.1 Contents. — \q\. I. Gedichto. II. Lustspi'-Ie. HI. ErlebtuB. — Mankind the criminal. A lecture delivered in Washington, Translated by C. P. Koxbury, u. d. J2* 4907.2 — Ber Pionier. Jahrgang 7-11. Boston, ISGO-fVl. 5v. f° *7901.1 — Ucber die Rechto und Stellung dcr Wciber. Now York, 1852. pp. SO. 8° 4289.18 — Die Tcutschen und die Amerikanor. 2te Anfl. Boston, ISGO. pp. 59. 12° . . . ,. 4907.2 — DieWahrheit. EinVortrag. Boston, 1805. 10°. 4907.2 Heisen, H. Diss, demonstrana vocem h n)u-^t]7oq, Blatt. iii. 17, et xviii. 5, oportcre nnigenitus reddi. [Oelrichs. Coll. opusc, v. 1] . . . COfiO.l Heiss, J. de. Histoire de I'empire. Nouv. ed. contin. [par Bourgeois de Chastenet]. Paris, 1711. 5v. 10* 4219a. .3 Heitzmann, J. Portraits-Catalog. Miinchen, 1858. 8' 2171.18 Hekim Bashi, The. Sandwith, H 3o.s5.15 II Ei.BiG, C. G. Die sittlichen ZustUnde des griech- isclien Heldenaltors. Leipzig, 1839. 1(1' . B. 100b. On Held, F. W. A., and Corvin von Wiersbitzki, O. Illustrirte Weltgeschichte. Band 1. Das AUertbum. Leipzig, 18'14. 1.8 C21I.2-s Me-siua Im A. T.; ZurGe- BCliiclile d»T AiLiIi'^riing iler Mi'dslmiiscboo Wcissagung- cii; Dio Itc'itcliulleiihrU Olt Wef^isa^ng. — Christology of the Old Testament. Translated by R. Keith. Alexandria, D, C, 1830-30. 3v. 8° 5424.0 Content*. — Vol.1. General introduction, an J McBsinnic proithccIOB of laniuh. II. Zecliuriah and Dunivl. HI. UuseA — Mulacbl. — Commentar Uber die Psalraen. See Bible. •Single books of the Old lestament 3425.21 — Comm'-nlary on the Psalms. Siw Ittble. Single books of the Old Testanimt 3425.10 HENiocmrs. Comoediarnnt quuluor dcpcrditarum fi'ugmcnta. [Meinekc. Fragm. cum. Or., V.41 B.1C2.8 Henick, M. p. C. Ulagazin [and. after !708] Ncnes Jllnga/.in filr Keligionsphilosophle, Kxegexe, und KirchengcKchichtc. Heltniitudt, 17'J-i-- 1802. I2V. Hm.S* *6O40a.l — and Vnter, .J. s. Allgemeinn Gesehiebtc dor chriHlJirlicn Kirrlu- luinli (jntnt en Belgique. MnixelleM, m5rw50. Hiv. 8° . . . 2814.2 IIf.NNKN, iL OrumUiii/e der Mllltiir-Chirurgie, mit neobachtntig<>n liber die Anordnung unU I'ollM'y der MoKpiliihT, [ele.]. Au« dcm KngliMcheu UberHel/l. Weimur, lh22. 12* 3710.0 Slieir. No. Hennepin, L. B^couverfe d*un tr&s grand pays duns PAmerique, entrc le nouvean Mexique et la mor glnciale. Avec une relation exacte des Caraibes par La Borde. Amsterdam, l~Oi. 12° *4lG0a.l3 — Discovery of the Mississippi and the adjacent country. [French. Historical collections of Louisiana, V. Ij 2370.21 Hennet, a. J. U. Poetique anglaise. Pju-is, 1800. ^v. 8" 2553.9 Hennicke, J. F, Commentatio de geographia Africie Herodote.a. [Diss, acad.] Gottingjp, 1788. 4° **2087.12 Hennino, (jr. E. Dissertatio de rebus gestis Ger- manorum. Lipsia?, 1003. pp. 50. 8m.4* . . 4U»3.19 Hennvnk de Han.ein altdeutsches HeJdengedieht. -?ee Uenner, J.C 2903.17 Hknricpetri, J. Pavdi ^niilii de rebus GaUicis continuatio usque ad loot. .S'ce Fniilt, P. . . 4240.4 Henrietta, of England, tvife of Philippe due d'Or- Uans. Histoire de. See Lalayette, M. M. P. de la V. de 4090.9 Henrion, M. R. A. Histoire gc^mi^rale de I'^glise. 5eeBerault-Bercftstel, A. H 6045.4 Henry, dtil-e of Lancaster. Expenses, 1292-3. See John, of Jij-ahaJit v.2of4120.3tf Henry, of Iluntingdon. Ilistoriarum libri Viii. [Savile. Kerum Angliraruni M'riptores] . . 4170.8 Henry, the Lion, duke of Saxoni/ and Bavaria. Ueiurieh der Ltiwe. SeeBottiger, C.W. . . 2852.9 Henry II, of England. Life and age of. See Lyt- telton, G 4161.5 Henry III, of England. Royal and other histori- cal letters illustrative of the reign of. See Shirley, W.W 2424.10 Henry IV, of England. English chronicle of the reign of 2426.8 — Hingt'ston, F. C. Royal and historical letters during the reign of 2424.2 Henry V, of England. English chronicle of the reign of 2420.8 Henry VI, of England. English chronicle of the reign of 2420.8 — Stevenson, J. Letters and papers illustrative of the wars in France during the reign of. . 2424.4 Henry VJI, of England. Gairdner, J. Letters and papers illustrative of the reign of . . . 2423.1 — Loniion ehronicle during the reign of .... 2420.17 Henry Vlll, of England. Privy purse expenses, Nov. 1529— Dec. 1532. AVith notes by N. U. Micolas. London, 1827. 8° 7054.10 — Brewer, J. S. Lettcra and pajiers, foreign and domestic, of the rdgn uf 7052.1 — London chronicle during thn reign of 2420.17 — ThonniK, W. Dialogue on 1 hi' life and actions of. 2437.0 Henry IV, of Vrance. Hardouin de Beiuimont de IV-rclixe. Histoire du roi Ilrnri le grand . 4040.19 — Leiien Heinrieha des Grosscn. [Scbriiekh. AUgenn'iiic Biographie, v. 1] 4143.0 — Mercierde Lacombc, C. Henri iv et sa poli- tique -1007.10 — Michelet, J. Henri iv ot Richelieu 4017.2 — - La Ligue rt Henri iv 4017.6 Henry I, of Germany. Vita et res gosta', anctore anonymo. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 3, p. 2]. 4140.3 IlBNRY, J. A word about war ; also a \vord about judgment. Duhlhi, 1812. pp. 24. 24° . . .MIOS.IO Henry, P. Tlu' life and times of John (.'alvin. From the (ierman, by H. Stebbing. New York, 1H50. 8" 3555.12 Henry, U. The history of Great Britain. 3d ed. London, I70li-1K(IO. 12v. 8* •4173.3 HENSMAW, l>. Letters on the internal improve- ments and connnerce of the West. Itusf on, 1K19. pp.29. 8" 4370.3 Henslow, J. S., Memoir of. 5cc .lenyns, L. . . . 2547.27 Henson.J. Storyol Iiisownlife. Witbun Introduc- tion by Mrs. IJ. It. Sluwe. HoMlon, IH.)H. 12". 2317.21 Hknsk, a, Wiinilerungi'n und I^fbeTiNantdchten. Ji-na, lbl5. 12" 2H'17.3I HENTSCH 281 HERFF Shelf. No. Hbntsoh, II. G., and Zomiscli, G.G. Pro compi-e- hensiono in Sextvm Sct'pticvmoomincntatio. Lipsiw, 1751. pp. ;.'5. -i" 0059.29 Hknt/., N. M. Clasisical Freiu-Ii rciulcr. riiiUi- (U'lpliia. is:;9. 1-'" 4r>S9.29 Hkn/k, a. Die (_Miir:iinnj . . 0029.3 IIei:aci-ii)KS Coniicus. Fraictionary of arms, British and foreign rph.v.333 — SIouK', T. Analytical cataloj^ue of books on. 2153.9 — Kietstap, J. B. Armorial general, des families nobles et putriciennes de I'Europe 2220.22 — Wyrley, \V. True use of arms 4os0.20 — Zsclmckwitz, J. E. Heraldica oder Wapcn- Kunst 2833.9 IlElLvri), J. A. Lecture on poetic g-emus as a moral power: delivered Oct. 2, 1837. Added, an ode [on>he creation]. Loudon, 1837. 8' . . . . *4163.10 — Oration on the death of S. T. Coleridge. 3d ed. London, 18.34. 8" *4103.10 Hekbas, J. G. de. Satira contra los malos escri- tores de su tiempo, [Quintana. Parnaso espanol,v.4J 31&1.19 Herbelwt, B. d'. Bibliotheqne orieutale, ou dic- tionnairc universel coulcnaut tout ce qui fait couuoitre les peuples de I'Orieut, avcc eoutiu- uatiou par C. Visdelou et A. Galand. La Haye, 1777-79. iv. 4" **3022.20 — Orientalische Bibliotliek. [Uebersetzt von J, C. F. Schulz.] Halle, 17S5-0M. 4v. 8' . . . *4243.8 Herbert, Algernon. Britannia after the Komana. London, 1836-41. 2v. 4° *4171.7 Herbert, Auberon. The Danes in camp: letters from Stiuderborg. London, 1S&4. 12" . . . 2804.31 Herbert, E., of Cherbunj. The expedition to the Isle of Uhe. London, 1800. 8ra.4'' 2528.1 — De religione gentilivm, crrorumque apud eos causis [cura J. Vossii]. Amstelaedami, 1003. sm.4° ^0070.15 Herbert, G. Memoria; mntris sacrum. [Carmina Latinaet Gra?ca.] 5eeDonue, J 4178.1? Herbert, H. H. M., earl of Carnarvon. Recol- lections of the Druses of the Lebanon, 2d ed. London, 1800. 12° 3C83.9 Herbert, SirT. Memoirs of the two last years of Charles i, [Fuller. Church history of Britain, V. 6] 6053.1 Herbkt, E. Lemons dUiistoire sainte. Paris, 1837. 1. 8". [('ours complct d'education pour les tilles, v. 0] 3591.29 Hi;i;niN de lialle, 1*. E. Des bois propres au ser- vice des arseiiaux de la marine et de la guerre. Paris, 1813. 8" 3952.40 Hekciles. Buttmann, P. C, Ueber den Mythos des Herakles 2988.7 3G Stmlf. No. UERCULAXEr>r. Bellicard, J. C. Observations upon the antiquities of 2705.11 — Rnux, II. Hecueil grm-ral des pcinturcs, bronzes, mosniques, etc *2751.0 Herder, J. G. v. Sammtliche AVerke. Carlsruhc, 1821-29. 43v. in21. Bra.8'' *4249.1 Co;i/c;if?. — Vol, I [B. 1, L']. Vom Gcist iter pbrUiRclion Pofsio. II [.1,4]. Christlitlic Rcdcn mul llomilien. Ill [5,6]. Acltfsto Urkunde des Monachengcschlvclita. IV" [7, 8]. Sttlomo'B Lii'iler dor Liebo; Von der obruificlion Elcgio ; Juliunncs Oircnbjirung ; Erlilulerung(.-ii zum Kcuon Testaiiiout ; Briefe zweeiit-r Driider Jc»ii in iiusf- reni Knnun. V [!), 10]. Hrii-fo, dan Studiuin dor Tbeulopie botreffend j Entwurf diT Auweiiduni; dreicr nkndcniia- ch«n Jnbre fiir einpn juiipen Tbeologen ; Briefo an Tlie- opbron iGutHcbtenuberVorbercitunpjungcrGeisUichcn ftiiC die Akiulomio; Au I'rcdiger, xwolf Proviuzialbliit- ter. VI [11, VI']. DlisVorwclt; I'ropylaen derGoflcbicbte dLT Mcnscbbuit. Vll, VIII [1.5-10]. Ideen zur PbiloBo- jihie der Gi'schichto. IX [17, 18]. Postscenieu zur Ges- cbicbfe doi- Menscbbeit; Seelo und Gott. X [IP, Lit], Adras(i>a. X, XI [1*0, 21]. Briofo xur Bol'ordorung dtr Uumnuiliit. XI [22]. Sophron. XII [23, 24]. Nacbleee liistoriscbcr Schriften; Vorstand und Erfabrung; Ver- nunft und Sprache. XIII [2.5, 26]. Kalligouo, vom AugcncbmenundSchonen ; HerdtTs Leben noubearbeitct von CbiI Ludwig King. XIV [27, 28]. Frngmento ziir dcutschcn Litoratur. XV [29-31]. Dcr Cid, nach spnn- ischen IlomanzLMi besungon; Legendeu; Kritiscbe Wiil- der. XVI [32, 33]. Dramatische Stucke und Dicbtungeu ; Abhandlungeu und Briefe uber scbouo Literatur und Kunst. XVII [34, 35]. Stimmcn der Volker in Lied»;m ; Bbimenlcse nus morgenlandischen Dicbtem. X V]l I [3(j^ 07]. Schriften zur griochischen und rOiniecben Literatur ; Antiqunriscbe Aufsatze. XIX [38, 39]. Frttcbtu au9 den sogcnannt-goldenon Zeitcn des achtzebnten Jalu-hun- dtrts; Nachlese zur schSni-n Literatur und Kunst. XX [4l»,41]. Terjisicbore; Gudicbte. XXI[42,43]. Cbrist- liL-bo Scbril'tcn. — Aclteste Urknnde des lilenachengeschlechta, Kiga, 1774-70. 2v.ini. 4° 5424.1 — Aus Herders Xachlasa. Ilerausgegeben von H. Duutzer und F. G. vou Herder. 2te Aufl, Frankfurt, 1850, 57. 3v. 10° 2S77.5 — Von und an Herder. Uugedruckte Briefe aus Herders NuchlasH. Herausgegeben von H. Dlintzer und F. G. vou Herder. Leipzig, 1801-02. 3v. 8" 4845.13 — Idecn zur Philosophic dor Geschichte der Menschheit. Kinleitung von H. Ludeu. Leipzig, 1812. 2v. 8' 2211.10 — Reise nach Italien. Briefvvechsel mlt seiner Gattin, vom August 1788 bis Juli 1789. Her- aupgegeben von H. Duutzer und F. G. von Herder. Gicssen, 1859. 10° 2807.8 Hereditary diseases. Trait ephilosopbiqueetphy- eiologique de rheredit6 natui'elle. Lucas, P. 4205.8 HEREMitERT. See Erchembert. Herennius, Commentarius ad Aristotelis mcta- physica. Gnect, [Mai. Clasn. auct., v. 9] ". B.172.3 Heresbach, C. Ex oratione in cominendationem Gr^carura literarum excei-pta, [Lect. Poctie Graeci, v. 1] 4200.7 Heresy. Arnold, G. Ketzcr-Historie B.110.3 — Bernard, of Luxembourf/. Catalogus h^reti- corum B.127.2 — Castro, A. de. Adversus oinnes haereses libri XIV B.130.10 — Dandini, A. De suspectis de hieresi 0040.9 — Gretser, J. De jure et more prohibeudi libros b;ereticos et noxios 6065.23 — HiUkbrand, J. Libellus de ha^resibus usque ad seculum XVI 60.30.8 Hippolytus, 5^. Omnium hreresium refutatio. 0040.15 Walch, C. W. F. llistorie der Kezereicn, u. s. w. bis auf die Zeiten der Keformatiou . . . 0039.1 See also: Arianisin, Amiinianism, Docetffi, Elcesaitea, Friends, Gnosticism, Jansenism, Manicheism, Munio- nites, Montanisui, Pulagionigm, Socinianism, Unituri- anism. Herff, p. De pseudo-privilfgio pupilli, convent! contraria actione uegotiorum gestorum. [Diss, acad.] HaK-e Magdeburg icse, [I0'.)9j. pp.35. 4^ *4304.23 HERHOLDT 282 HERNANDEZ Shelf. No. Heruoldt, T., and Rafn, C. G. Experiments with the metallic tractors in topical diseases. Translated [from Tode's German version] by C. liampfmuUer. Edited by B. D. Per- kins. London, 1799. 8" 3802.13 HfeRICOURT, L. de. Les loix ecclesiastiquea de France. Nouv. ed. Paris, 17 n. 2v in 1. f°. M291.2 'Herige.k, abbot of Lobes. GeslapontifieumTuno^ren- sium,Trajectensium,et Leodiensium. [Chap- eauville. GestapontificumTungrens., v. 1] . 2813.5 — - Same. [Frankfurt. Soeietas, etc., v. 7] . *4210.2 HERiMANsrs Aiigiensis. Clironicou. [Frankfurt. Soeietas, etc., v. 5] 4210.2 HERI3IANNUS Tornacensis. Ex libro m de mira- culis S. Maria; Laudunensis; Ex" historia re- stauratiouis abbatis Tornacensis, [Frank- furt. Soeietas, etc., V. 12] 4210.2 — Narratio restauratiouis abbati» S. Martini Tor- nacensis. [Acbery. Spicilegium, v. 12] . . 4152.7 Heriveus Remensis. Epistola ad Vuitouem archie- piscopum Kotomagensera. [Maxima. Bib- liotb. vet. patr., v. 17] B.110.2 Her^iann, the short, or Hermannus Contractus. Chronicou a Cbristo nato ad annum 1054. [Maximabiblioth.vet. patr.,v. IS] B.110.2 — Chronicon ab initio mundi usque ad annum lOtiG. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 3, p. 1] . . . 4140.3 Hermann, C. F. Lehrbuch der griecbischen Anti- quitateu. ler, 2er Theil. 3te Autl. Heidel- berg, 1841-46. 2v. in 1. 8* B.1G3.3 Contents. — Th. I. Die Staatealterthumcr ; II. Die got- tefidienstUchcQ Alterthumcr. Hermann, Jacob. Phoronomia, sive de viribus et motibus corporum solidorum ct fluidorum libri duo. AmsteL-edami, 1710. 4° 5017.1 Hermann, Johanu G. J. Opvscvla. Lipsix, 1S27- 39. 7v. b' *4202.3 Contents. — Vol.1. De fundaiiiento juris puniendi; De poeseos gencribus ; De dramnte coTnico8fttyri[:o ; De Crag- lUcnto Clytiemncstrre SuphocIU ; Coiumeiitatio de verbis, quibufl Grtcci incessum cquorum iudicant; De diflcreniia prosffi et porticse orationiH dispiitatio; Ohservutiones de GraM'te Uiipiiffi diuloctia; Dissorlatio do ellipsi ot pleo- nasmo in U^a^ca lingiia; De dinlccto Itndari ubservo- tioDOfl ; De prieccptia quibusduin AtticiHtnruni disscrtatio ; De cantico in Romunorum labulis sceniois dissertatio; Diascrtiitio de prunomiiio airdi! Omtio in supplica- tiono ob eiisccptuin ab eU'ctore Saxmiitv Friderico Aii- gUBto nomiiu re^tim ; Carmen aitculure noiniiie aca- domiae LipsienstB; Camion in honuroa BCuiisiccularvs Gcorgii Guilielnii comltis ab UoplTgurton; Aloxaiidro RusBorum impcratori libwratji Eurupa roduoi ; In re- ditu resis Fridvrici Augii»ti. II. De iir^nientis pro antlquitate Orpliei Argonuuticuntm muxime a Koenlgs- mnnno allatia dUsi'rtatio; Do legibuB quibusdam subtl- liorlbus BerraoniB HomericI; Do jUBchyli Glaucis disjior- tatlo; De versibUB spurila apud ^schyluin dioBortutlo; De ^acbyli TorHls dlsserlntlo ; Do mctroruni quonimdnm monsura rliythniioa diaHcrtaliu; Do elioro Eiimenldum ^Bchyli; Do niylbologia Gra:'corum antiquiNHtma-, Do hlBtoriiB Gro-ca) primurdlia dlBiiurtJitio ; Coniiura novro edlllonU Thcwiuri Sti-phanlani ; •Eu/iriy ^jcAiVitf/J ; Eplntola ad Fr. Llndemaiinum; De It. Itontlolo ciuHqtio ediliono Terontll diBHortatlu; Do MumIb lluviallliua EpI- chnrmi ut Kuiiitdl; De coiiiponltlono Iclnilo^lanim tnif^- IcaruTD ; Do ^acliyli DunoJdihun ; Oratlo In Frldorlcl AuKiisll regis BUgUBllMitlml BoluiiiiilbtiN rrgnl Btiniisn^cu- larlbiu; Carmen nicculare; F'riderico AiifTuiitt] ri.-^ la ■olomnlbua rofrnl tioniUiuculAriltUB. III. EuripIdlBlVuff- mnntA duo I'liatliontU o cod. Claromunlauo udita; Do 8('(rcnl» <»CKlnelH3 viotoria quin^ui-rtl! ; Do ^srliyll NIobc; KplBtoln ad F. Htoinacitt-nim ; Eplntola ad O. BoyfT^rtiium; Prn-fallo ad llonierl Iliadem ; Tra-fatlo ad Ilomerl OdyBBeam ; Do e|iltHllB DuHIb; Do emendatlono per tranniioiiltl'tnrni verlionim; Do j^^cliyll i'lillucteta; Do ^Ni'ttyll llellailibiiK; AdnolntioiieN nd Mi'domn ab KlmBlolofdllnin ; Do KIu'B" traRirdla ; Oratlo In exiieqiiHi rvg\» Frldertcl Ailffti«tl; Mlicellonea po<-|lca. IV. Do jiartlcuU nv llbri IV i EinenilnllunoH Coluthl i Do Ari'lil- modlB problpmalo bovino ; IhtnnoBlanactli clegl ; Do JEtchyU I'rotnptheo Boliito dUBcrtotlo ; Do hyjicrbolo diBScrtallo; Do liiBrrl|iUonlbiiN qiilliUBdani UruM'U ; H»p- tom npvrlA oprrtA npud ^iBrttyliiiii; Int Trdltjilliim liber primua; Do njen«ura utriiJ»(|iio uc; Ctirmrn RTaititato- Tluin ad C. D. Ilei-kliim. V. Ho M*chy\\ Lyriirnta din. ocrtAlln ; Rpiatoln ad FranclBrtim Hpllrnerum ; Do Inlt-r- polftUonlbiu Uomcii diMcrlaiW ; Hcbutn Ihoocritoto ] Sliulf. No. Hermann, Johanu G. J., continued. De Pauli epistolfe ad Galatns tribus primis oaplHbus diss. ; De ^sohyli Mynnidonibus, Nereidibus- Phrj'fribiis di&s. ; De epi^animatifi quibusdaro Gnocis diss. ; De frngmenlis poctarum in scholiis Vaticanis ad Eiiripidis Troados et Ktiesuni diss, ; De veterum Gra-corura piclura parietum conjectiira;; De Bacbmanni cdilione Lycophronis; Ad- Qotationes od 1. H. Neukirchii librum de fabula toptta Romanonim; Excerpta ex ccosura H. Itnspii commonla- tionis de Eupolidis A0/iO(f ot ITtfAfffH' .* Q">d &it VTTOfioXi] et uiT-0Xftoni' : Oratio in crcatione aa. 11. mn^strorum et philosopbine doctorum; Indicendis ex- sequiis Hcurici Guiliclmi BrandcBii; In nupliis Fridcrici Augiisti, ducis .Saxonia: ; Lalins? interpretationie ^Hchyll epecimiua ; Gnece versa ex Schillcri Wallensti^inio ; Carolo Godofredo Sicbelis, rector! gj'mnasii Budissiui, exactum qiiiutum lustrum muncris scholaslici celebranti ; Bohuslai Hassenstciiiit L, B. de LobkoM'itz epip^mma in thermas Carol! iv. VI. Becension von Herrii Dissens Pindar; Ueber dm Behandlunpder eriechischen Dichter bei den Enprliindem, nebst Bemerkunpen iibor ftomor und die Fragniente der. Sappho; Recension von Herm Gottlings Hi-siodus; Merkwiirdige Art von Logik; Re- cension von Herm Mullers Etiinoniden dos ^achylus, mit Zusiitzen. VII. Erklarung; Recension ehier Anti- kritik und zweier Recensionen von Herni K. O. MUller; Defensio dissertationis de VTT-i(io\7f: Dequinque iudici- bus poetarun) ; De oIHcio interpretis; Emendutionos Pin- daric le ; De duabus inacriptionlbus Gra'cis; De jEschyli trilogiis Thcbatiis ; De tmpoedia comocdiaquo lyrica ; De Atlante; DeGra'caMin<>rva;De Apolline el Dianu;Do ^schyli ^tnfcis ; Ueber die Palikcn in Vusoncroiniilden ; De .iiscbyli Psych08ta.sia ; De ^scliyli tragci-dilH fata Aiacis et Teucri complexis; De hi|ipodromo01ympiaco; Tabula votiva; Inviuili.i ad inuugunitionem Augustui; Oratio in sacria seculnribus. — Handbuch der Metrik. Leipzig, 1799. sm.S". **2986.19 — Observationes criiicie in qvosdam locos iEschyli et Evripidis. Lipsis, 179S. 8° . ■ **4955.2 — Ueber das Wesen and die Hehandlung der My- tliolojiit;. Leipzi,^', 1819. Hi" 6072.16 — Catalogus bibliothecie Hermanni publica auc- tione distrahendiE. Lipsi^, [1854]. 8° . . . 4129.36 — Eine Gediichtnissrede. fi'teJahn, 4129.73 Hermann, W. IloIIandiiv (Jelri:eque helium, quod gostum circa aim. 1507 et deinceps. [Mat- tha^i. Aualecta, v. 1] 4139a. 1 Hermaphrodism. Warren, J. M. Case of . . . 5796.36 — - Case of Thomas Martin M.Pph.v.l34 Hermas. Pastor. Aethiopici' prinium edidit et Aethiopica Latint' vertit A.d" Abhadie. Lip- Kijp, ijsOO. h". [ Ablmmiluiigtn der niorgen- Ijind. Gosi'IIschaft] 5025.12 — Pastor. [Cotelier. Ss. patrum opera, v. 1] . 6020.2 — - !:,. pp. ',';j. l^** U.lGOb.81 Herndkn, 7wV«r AVilliiuu II., U. S. N., and Gib- bon, L. Kxploratittn of the valley of the AniJizon. \Va!*hington, iHol. 4v. S* . . . 2365.13 Contents, — VuL I. Uvrudun. II. Gibbun. 111,1V. Mnpa. llKKNiA. Hiiyward, G. Permanent cure of rcduc- il«li' Iier'niu 5790.23 — lli'iitdn, G. Purniancut cure of reducible her- nia 60S7.84 Hkrnisz, S. Guide to conversation in the Eng- lish and Chinese languages. 15oston, 1854. 0111.4" ■ . *4126.9 Hr.Ko-woiisim'. ^Vorship of human spirits in an- tientJieathen nations. Farmer, H 54SS.3 IlKitOPKS Attii'us. Wi't TToXiT€ini ; De republica. [Dobson. Oratnres Attici, V. 4, 14] .... B. 163.1 IlEUODKS lanibognipluis. Fragmenta. [Dobson. Oratores Attici, V. 4] B.1C3.1 llEKODi.VNirs. De inipei'io post Marcvni historia- rvm libri octo. Ed. \V. E. Weber. Lipsiie, 1810. 8* B.1G0.4 — : - Same. Foliziano iuteriarete. [Poliziauo. Opera] 4790.12 HebODIvVNUS Julius, ncfit CTiiXoiKiCfiov ; flf/Ji aKi'ii"- Xoyiai. [Boissonnde. Anecdota Gr., v. .^] . B.161.3 Herodorlts Ileraclecnsis. Abhandlung iiber He- rodorus vnn Hcraclca. See Klautzsrh, — . B.190.47 Herodotus. Historiarum libri ix, [et] vitu Ho- meri. Excerpta 6 Ctesiae libris de rebus Persicis et Indicis. Gr. et Lat. Et H. 8te- pliani Apologia pro Herodoto. Londiui, 1079. f *4I80.S — Historiarum libri ix. Emendavit G. U. Scl^re- fer. Lipsi:e, l«00-3. 3v. 8" 4988.30 — Historiarum libri ix. [Et] vita Homeri. Ed. stereot. Lipsix, 1828. 3v. in 1. 10°. . . B.lG9a.l3 — [Historia?], from the text of SchweigliKuser. [Edited by G. Long.] 2\-. in 1. Loudon, l8:i0-33. 12" 4999a. 4 — Musje. Textum ad Gaisfordii editionem recog- novit turn Fr. C'reuzeri, turn sua annotatioue iustruxit J. C. F. Baehr. Lipsiae, 1830-35. 4v, H" *B.166.2 Culittinu8; HieupU- ihiH Alexnndrinus ; Ccrcnlin episcopus Apbricunua ; OcltisiUH opiscopuH KomnnuH; Faustue episcopus; A^- m-llus episeopus; Vi^jrilius; Ilcntiie Fiilgentius; IduciUH ClaruB ; Timotheus episcopiirt, neu potius Sulviuiius Mhs- silieiioiH; Vinct-ntiua LirinonsiB; ProaptT AquitHniciis; Joniinos (tiiacopiis Romaiius; Antoninus episeopuH; ItiiHticus diuconuH ; GennatUue ficholuriua episcopua Cunistaulinopolitanus. Herolt, J. Discipulus de eruditione christifide- lium, cum thematibus sermonu dnicalium. Argen, 1490. f *B. 130.1 Xtjtr. — Black letter, 2 eolutnns, 62 and 51 lines, VM folios, title-page wanting. — Scrmones discipuli de tempore et de sanctia, cum proniptuario exeniplorum. Parisiis, 1500. sm.4' *G0C2.14 /^ote. — Black letter, '2 cotuiniiH, titlc-pnge wanting. Heron, D. C. Constitutional history of the uni- - versity of Dublin. Dublin, 1847. 8° . . . . — Introduction to the history of jurisprudence. London, 1800. 8° Herox, U. Journey through the western counties of Scotland, in 1792, 2d ed. Perth, 1799. 2v. 8° Herrand von Wildonie. Der verkehrte Wirth. [Hagen. Gesammtabenteuer, v. 2] Herreka, F. de. Poesias. [Quintana. Parnaso espanol, V. 1] Herrera Tordesillas, A. de. Histoi-ia general de los hechos de los Castellanos en las islas i tierra firme del mar oceauo. Madrid, 1601-15. 8v. in 4. srn.f — Novvs orbis, sive descriptio Indiae occiden- talis, metaphraste C. BarUeo. Accesserunt et aliorum descriptiones, et navigationis Aus- tralis J. le Maire historia, uti et navigatio- niini omnium per fretum ilagellanicum nar- ratio. Arastelodami, 1022. f " Herrkk, R. Hesperides. EtUted by H. G. Clarke. London, 1844. 2v. in 1. 24''.,' Herriks, J. Elements of speech. Lend., 1773. 8°. Hekrig, L., and ViehofT, H. Archiv tlir das Sta- dium der neueren Sprachen. Band 1-33. Braunschweig, 1S40-G3. 33v. 8° Herring, K. Practical guide to the varieties and relative values of paper. With samples. London, 1800. pp. -30. 4" Herring, The. Its natural history and national importance. Mitchell, J. M Herrmann, E. Geschiehte des russischen Staates. See Strahl, P Herschel, Sir J. F. W. I'hysical geography, from the Encyclopadia Britannica, 2d ed, Edinburgh, 1862. 12" — Treatise on astronomy. New ed. Pref. by S. C. Walker. Philadelphia, 1845. 12" ... . Hersey, C. Military life and sufferings of Col. T. Bigelow. Worcester, I8G0. pp. 24. 8" . . — History of Worcester, Mass. See Lincoln, W. Hersey, G. C. Murder of B, F. Tirrell. See Yer- rington, J. M. W Hertel, J. Theognidis sententi^ elegiacje, cum interpretatione et scliolijs E. Vineti. Ac- cesserunt poetarum opera sententiosa omnia [Grace] et ad verbum conversa. Adjecta est omnium versio Latino carmine a diversis. Lipsi.-e, 1613. sm.8" *B. Contents. — Phocylidea, Pythagoras, Solon, Tyrt.T!Ufl, Nauinncliius, Calliuiacliufl, Mimnermus, Eveuus, Khia- nua, Eratosthenes, Panyusia, Linutr, Menecrates, Poni- dippus, Metrudurus, Siiuonides, Seuariorum libellus. Herts^et, E. Foreign office list, forming a com- plete British diplomatic and consular hand- book. London, 1864. 8" 4179.25 5603.12 *335S.l 4020.20 3907.17 421G.10 3877.15 3929.3 2.342.24 2356.32 3684.32 44^.1 HERTWIG 284 HEUSDE Shelf. No. HER-nriG, O. R. Tabollen zur Eitileitung in die kanoiiisclieu iintl apokryphUcIien Biicherdes Alten Testaments. Berlin, ISod. l.s° . . . B.190.32 — Tabellen zur Eiiileitun^ ius Xeue Testament. UerlJn, l.s4r». t^vn; exMtant e.x recenaione T. Robin- Hunl, cum [vurlorum] nollA, cvrunto C. F. Loenm-ro. LIpslu', 1778. 8" 2087.8 Carmiiiu [(irrccej. Kd. stereot. Llpdla;, [I82IJ, |.p. tJO. 24" •B.lflOa.2 — EplcH. With iin EngtlHh comnienlftry by F. A. pjiley. London, IM'.I. s" 2987.10 -_ RemiiiiiK, hichidiiig I he Hbiilil of llercnleo. Trui)>«liited Into verse, willi ii tIiH>'ertatinu, by • C. A. KIloii. 2d ed. London, 1815, h", . . 2987.11 Shelf. No. IlESionrs, continued, — Opera et dies; Scutum Herculis; Theogonia. [Lect. Poeta: Gra?ci, V. 1] 4200.7 — Ojierum et dierum liber i, n; Dies. [Vorst. \'cterum poetaruni ri septem ; Oralio in S. Andr;eain ; In I>-opIiis et aliis scriptoribus liber. See Diogenes Laerttus B.109.4 IIKTKRIU.S, or Klherius. Adversua lOHpandum, ar- ch iepl.'icopum Toh'tanumde adiqitifUieChristl lilii Dei, llbrl duo. [Canislus. Thesaurus, V. 2, p. 1] 41.403 — - Same. [Maxima bibliofh. vet. pair., v. l.'tj. B.110.2 ilKTTNiCH, U.J. r. LiteraturgeHcbichte des acht- zelmteu Jahrhunderts. Braunschweig, In'hI- 62. 3v. 8" **21'.KL10. and210Q.8 Con/cii(». — Vol. I. nio EmbUmcIiu Litfrnnir viin H'iIW)- 1770. II. Die ftvmzttnUi-ho Mlcmtiir. III. i)io iK'uI«ulio Lltymtur. IcrUuch UMK-17-H). IlETZKL, P. J. Introduction aux Coutes des fees. .Sec Perrault, C 26,L.2 IlEUHEiiEit, C. F. Sabbath harp, a collection of hymn tunes, anthems, etc. Boston, [186-]. obl.s" 8047.28 — and reraheuu, 11. Kuphouia : a collection of glecM uni) part song-'. Ilostnu, | \st)-]. obl.s". 8017.4 HeuHDK, p. W.van. Inilia [ihilosopliia' Phitonicu'. TnOiXli nd Kheuum, 1827-3J, 2v. in 3. 8' . B. 165.4 t'ontcnri. — Vo].]. l'hil..«.>|ililn imlrH. 11,1. Di. v.rl nn«>n<. 11,2. DodUclpMiiU. II, :i. Li« v^rl h1v» ruu dPTOi HClviillfl. HEUSDE 285 HTGGiNS Sbuir. No. IlF.rsnK, P. W. vnn, continiied. — Die SotTiiIische Scliulo orler Pliilosopliie flir drts tii'un/clinte .latirliuiulfrt. Die Kncyclo- pnilic, iilicrsetzt von ,). Leutbechpr. Kr- Iiui.u'fii, 1S;{.S. -Jv. in 1. 8* 0105. G IlEUSsKX, II. V. van, [Kt'rkolijko liistorie en out- iKMh-n der zeven verecni^rdt' provincitMi. [Met] lu"*oliryving drr hisschoplyke muntcn van Utrci-hf, onz., door F. van Mieris.] Lei- dt-n, 17,'5-',M*.. 4v. in i'.. f^ *00r0.2 HEUzfe, L. (5. Les assoloincnts et les systfcines de cultnre. Paria, ISiv>. S" 3992.0 — Los inuti^rcs furtilisantes. 4e 6d. Paris, ISIVJ. H' .390*2. J3 — I.es plantcs fourragores. 3eed. Paris, 1861. 8°. 4003.9 — Les plantcs iudustriellcs. Paris, 1859-00. 2v. 8* 4003. S IIkuzet, J. [Soloctn? ("■ profanis j^crlptoribus his- tori.T, ([uilnis arlniista sunt honestt' vivcndi pricccpta.] Ed. nova. Londoni, 1819. 12°. 4929a. 11 IIicVK language, Grammatical sketch of the. Smith, n 2300.45 Hkwitsok, "U'. C. Specimen of a catalogue of lyca'nidffi. iS'ee London. British museum . SSOI.U Hewitt, J. Ancient armour and weapons in Europe. Oxford, 1800. 2v. in 3. 8* . . . . *2:233.9 Coti^rnr*. — Vol. I. The iron period to the end of the l.ltli cciitiiry. n. The 14lb century. IH. SujiiJlemuiit : l.")tli-17th conturica. Hewlett, J. Duty of studying the Holy Scrip- tures with patience; The patience, comfort, and hope to he derived from the Scriptures. Sermons. [Dihdiii. Sunday library, v. 4] . 54U.23. Hexham, H. English and Nethcrdutch dictionary. New ed. enlarged by D. Manly. Rotterdam, lorj. r ♦2890.23 — "Woorden-hoeck der Js^ederlandtsche tale, met de Engelsclie nyth'gginge van nieuws over- sien, cnde vermeerdert door D. Manly. liot- terdain, 1078. 4° *2890.23 Hexham, Xnrthumherlond, lusurrcction at, JIarch 9, iroi. lirown, J Pph.v.357 Hkv, W. Life. See Pearson,.! 2542.27 Hkvuebf.and nnd der Lasa, T. v. PhiUdor as chess-aulhorand chess-player. See Allen, G. 4001.12 Hevlyx, p. Cosmographie: containing^the choro- graphie nnd historie of the whole world. 2d ed. London, 1057. f *0270.2 Sole. — Pages 1011-1086 wanting. — - Same. Gth ed. London, 1674. sm.8' . . .**0270.1 — The history of the reformation of the church of England. 3d ed. London, 1074. sm.f. 3521.0 Heym, J. V. Deutsch-RussiscJi-Franzosisches WiJr- terbuch. Moskau, 17UfMi7. 2v. 4" . . . . *411i.4 — Nouvcau dictionnaire ruBse-fran9oi8 et alle- mand. Moscou, 1790-1802. 2v. i" *41il.5 Hhymo. See Haimo. Heyne, C. G. Ueber die Archaologie der Kiinsfc des Alterthums insbesondere der Griechen and Kiimer. Braunschweig, 1822. sm.8° . 4099.3 — Sammlung antiquarischer Aufsatze. Leipzig, 1778, 79. 2v. in 1. S° **4077.3O — Heyne biographiscb dargestellt. See Heeren, A. H. L 4237,19 Heyse, C. W. L. [Biicherschatz der deutschen National-Litteratur des xvi. und xvii. Jahr- hunderts.] Berlin, 1854. 8° 4129.35 — System der Spraehwissenschaft. Herausgege- ben von U. Steinthal. Berlin, 1856. 8*' . . 2955.25 Heysi-:. .T. C. a. Allgemeines Fremdwiirterbuch, Oder Handbuchderfremden Ansdriicke. 8te Ausg. Hannover, 18:i8. 2v. in 1. 8" . . . HIHAO — Deutsche Sehulgrammatik. lOte Ausg. Han- nover, 1.H32. ts" 4S88.2 — Leitfadea zum TJnterricht in der deutschen Sprache. 7te Aufl. Hannover, 1830. 8". . 4S89.2 Heyse, P. J. L. Italicnisches Liedcrbuch. Ber- lin, lsr.O. lO* 4799.23 Shelf. No. Heysr, p. J. L., cotUinucd. — Itomanisclie inedita anf ifaliiinischen Biblio- theken gesammelt. Berlin, 1850. 8° . . . **408fi,8 — Stadia Uomanensia. Particiihi i. [Diss, acad.] Berolini, 1852. pp.47. 8° **4080.18 Heywood, J. H. Jlemoir of C. M. Taggart. See Taggart, CM 5442.21 Heywooti, W.S, Poem. S?e Westminster, ;i/(7s«. 4355.54 Hezel, W. F. Geschiclite der bihiischen Kritik desA.T. Halle, 1780. 12" B.lOOb.8 HiBBAito, D. U. A treatise on cow-pox. New York, 1835. pp. 09. 12' 3790.40 HiBBKUT, E. K., and Hnist, R. The American flower garden directory. Phila., 1832. 8'. . 3834.13 HlCHBuuN, B. Oration, di'livered March 5, 1777, to commemorate the t)Ioody tragedy of the 5th of March, 1770. Boston, 1777. 8° . . . 4354.1 HiCKlK, D. B. Catechism of Greek accidence. 2d ed. London, 1825. pp. 72. 24*'. [Pinnock's catechisms] 7039.55 HiCKi.ix, .1. Excursions in North Wales: a guide to the tourist. 5th thousand. Loudon, 1851. 16° 2473.22 Hickman, G. H. Life of L. Cass, with his letters and speeches. Baltimore, 1848. pp. 72. 8° . 4129 83 HiCKOK, L. P. A nation saved from its prosperity only by the Gospel. A discourse in hclialf of the American home missionary society, 31ay, 1853. New York, 1853. 8° 5538.5 — Rational psychology. Auburn, 1840. 8" . . . 6092.1 — System of moral science. 3d ed. New York, 1858. 12° 0008.12 Hicks, E. Observations on the slavery of the Africans and tlieir descendants. New York, 1814. pp. 23. 12° 4310,12 — Review of the life, character, and writings of, A'ee Burnap, G. W 5440a. 27 Hierocles. Commcntarius in aurea Pythagore- orum carmina, J. Curterio iuterprete, Lon- don, 1073. 8' *B.169.U — Upon the golden verses of the Pythagoreans. Tr. [by .1. Norris.] Glasgow, 1756. sm.,s° , 2979.29 — Commeutaires sur les vers dores de Pythagore. [Dacier. Bibliothi-'que des anciens phiioso- phes, V. 2] 2964.5 — De providentia et fato : una cum fragmentis ejusdem : et Lilii Gyraldi interpretatioue sym- bolorum Pythagoras; notisque 3L Casauboni ad Commentarium in aurea carmina. Lon- don, 1673. sm.S"* *B.169.11 Hieroolypiiics. Barrois, J. B. J. Lecture des hit^roglyphes 2110.21 — Goulianof, J. A, de. Sur I'expression des signes hieroglyphiques 3030.11 — Korn, F. Vorschule der Hieroglyphik . . . . 6071.13 — Kosegarten, J. G. L. De prisca JEgyptiorum litteratura 5034.20 — Sharpe, S. Egyptian hieroglyphics 3030.12 See also: Rosetta stone. Hierography. Tentamen hermeneuficum in hie- rographiara crypt icam veteruni gentium. Jannelli, C 4143.4 HiERONYMUSaSanctaFide. Tractaf us contra erro- res Judaiorum et contra Thalnuidisticas quia- quilias. [Maxima bihiioth. vet. patr., v. 26], B.110.2 Hieronymus, E., St. uKpistolarum libri [tres, edente P. Calybe]. [Lugduni, 1518.] f " . . *B.140.7 Xote. — With the autograph of Mni-tin Luther. — Martyrologium. [Achery. Spicilegium, v. 4]. 4152.7 — Quastiones Hieronymiana;. See Le Clerc, J. , 6030a. 10 HiGDEX, R. Polychronicon; together with the English translations of John Trcvisa and of an unknown writer of the 15(h century. Edited by C. Babington. Vol. 1. London, 1865. 8°. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles]. *2423.7 HiGGIKB, H. M. Patriotic glee book. Chicago, 1863. 0^.4* S0i7.00 HIGGINS 286 11 1 LI, HiGGixs, Vr. M. The entertaining pliilosophcr. London, i&ii. p.S" 3067.26 HiGGi-NSON, E. " Jesus Clirist tlie same yester- day, and to-day, and forever." A sermon, July 21, l>a9. Newcastle, Ks.-!9. 12° ... . 3469.27 — Beligious value of Christ's simple humanity. London, lt.:i7. pp. 75. 12° 3469.27 — The sacritice of Christ interpreted; with re- marks on the doctrine of atonement as es- poused by Mnsree. Hull, [18.33]. pp.60. S°. 3469.27 HiGGissoN.S. [Writings of Laco.] Boston, 1789. pp. 39. 8° «1S.10 HiGGixsos, T. W. Address to tlie voters of the third congressional district of Massachu- setts. Lowell, 1850. 8° B. 160. 58 — Merchants: a Sunday eveniuQ; lecture. New- buryport, l!^51. 8° B. 170a. 04 — Scripture idolatry: a discourse. 'Worcester, 1854. 10° B 160b. 110 — Sermon preached thanksgiving day, Nov. 30, 184S. Nenburyport, 1848. 8° B.100.13 Things new and old : an installation sermon. Worcester, 1862. 8° 6DSS.173 The tongue : two practical sermons. Ncwbnry- port, 1850. 8° B. 160a. 112 The unitarian autumnal convention: a sermon. Boston, 1853. 8° '. 6088.58 HiGGOSS, B. Historical and critical remarks on Burnet's History of his own time. London, 1-25. 8° 2529.8 Higher law, The. [From Tiffany's monthly. No titk-page.] pp. 15. 8° B.lOOa.5 HIGIIEK law, The, tried by reason and authority. New York, 1851. pp.54. 8° B. 100. 19 Highlands of Scotland. Language, poetry, and music of the Highland clans. Campbell, D. 2534.16 IIiGiijiouE, A. Treatise on the law of idiocy and lunacy. London, 1807. 8° .3800.43 HILARIO, or llilarianus, Q. J. Chronologia, sive de raundi duratione. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., V. 6] B.110.2 Hilary, St., bishop of Aries. Ilistoria Oenescos, heroico ciirniine descripta. [.Ma.\ima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. 7] B.110.2 Hilary, St., bi.ihop of Poitiers. See Siimmtlichc Werke der Kirchenviiter, V. 4-7 0024.1 4150.1 B.lin.',' 4152.7 ConunU. — Vot. IV CI). 7, 8]. 7.n-6>{ Biiclicr tiher dio Dreieinifc-koit. V[B. 11,10]. VondiTDraeiiiiBkrilirorl- Bctxong) ; (iL'g«u dun KiilBcr Konslunliua ; Cifgun dio Ariuncr odcr gcgcn Auxouliu« von Muilnud ; Sclirift UbiT die Synoden odpr iiljcr den Glauljen diT Oricnta- Icn; KoninU'iitar zum EvuiigeUuni dcs Miltrliiius; Ab- hiindlunKcn Ubt-rdiL' I'sHlmen I, n. VI [B. 11, lli]. Fsal. men ll-CXXXIV. Vll [II. 13]. I'a.ilnion CXXXV-CL ; IJrlff an Bclni) Tochtvr ; Morgengi-snng. Aliquot Psalmorum interpretatio. [Marttnc. Vet. script., V. '.!] HILDEIlKUTfS Cenomanensis, .S7., Iiishop of Tours. Kpislohc l.xxxill; Carmen de myslerio mis- 8(p; roema in Hereugarium; Sermones duo. [Ma.xinia biblioth. vet. patr., V. 21] — Kpistoix XV. [Acln-ry. Spicilegiuni, v. 13] . Uii.DKHitANiJ .Junior, mof/inter, Libellus de con- teniplalione. [Martene. Vet. scrii;t., v. 9]. 4150.1 HiLDEIlKA.Mi, C. W. IJe pra'cii>nis qua; veterum pliilo.sophorum de Nuiunio bono fnerunt sen. Ichliis. rurlicula2. [UIsh. acad.] Dlissel- dorl', 1S47. pp. IS. 4° It. 190. 10 Hii.dkhkanii, Joachim. Libellus de li.tresibus a N.C. adseculuMl XVI. llelmstadii, 1710. 4°. •0030.8 HlLlil'.liiiANI), Johunn. rhilosophhe gnoslica' orl- gh»M. l^issertulio historlco-pbilosophica. li.roliul, IK)9. |)|i. Hll. Km.K° Ii.l7(ia.l20 HlLI)KliK,\M»T, (i.K. IH' nirlorlbllH femoriH luxali- onlbnii. [Klii.s.uiud.i llahc,l»10. pp.22. h°.*rph.v.373 HiLDKGARDIs, ,Sl. Kpli"l"larinn liber; ({UHsliones XXXVIII, piTS. Illlili'gardlni solulu-; Itigiilie S. Ileni'dii-ll C'Xplicatio; i;.\|iIU-atlo »yTnlMill S. Alhunanll. |Ma,\iiiia biblioth. vet. patr., V.23) ItllO-2 Shelf. No. HiLDF.GARDis, St., Continued. — Kpistolic variorum ad s. H. cum ejusdem re- sponsionibus ad eos. [Martfeue. Vet. script., v.a] 4150.1 HiLDENiiUANn,C. Die Purgatio canonicn und vul- garis. Miinchen, 1841. 8° 4293. 'u HiLDERSiiAM, A. Fonteyne des leveus, dat is ; De historie van de Samariritaensche [sic] vrouwe verklaert. Als mede De historie van des hove- lincks soon. Uyt het Kngels, vermeedert door D. van Laren. 3de druck. Aruhem, 1059. 4° *6002.18 A*iscoiir>e on tlie life and clmrneter of Uev. N. TtiHver, D. D., June L*i>, ltS40. Worcester, IMU. K= 4347.110 — The perfect mmi : ji sermon on the death of lion. J. Davix, preached ut Worcester, April 2^, lN5t. New York, 1N-.4. S' 4.147.20 — The strong slall hrnkcn : discourse on the death of . I. W." Lincoln. Boston, 1853. 8* , . . . 4347.58 — Address at the festival of Leicester academy. 5ee Leicester 4387.25 IIiLL, n. 'M. Ilvmns of Zion ; for Baptist churches. New Haven, \KV1, Wl" 3440. .33 Hill, I^. S. The harvest festival, and other poems. lioston, 18^1. pp.711, sm.ri" 2407.42 UiLL, .1. H. Pe ivrc et oiiere reficlendi ecclesias. I l>iss. inaug.] Hake Magdebvrgicic, [1721]. jip. (Vl. 4° *0004.10 UiLL, 1*., The descendants of. See Tarsons, U M.Pph. V. 133 Hill, Kowland, rfscoi/Hf J7(7i. Life. S'ee Sidney, E. 2543.2 Hill, Rer. llowiand. Village diaIog:ues, from the 18th London cd. New Vork, IS','5. 3v. 1:^". 5458.16 Hill, S. liay state collection of church music. See Johnson, A.N 8047.20 Hill, S. S. [Short account of I'rince Edward Island.] London, 18:'.',). pp. 'Ji"«. 8* 23G8.17 Hill, T. Annual address bef<»re the Harvard natural hi.-itory society, May lit, 1853. Cam- bridge, 1853. 8° . . .' B. 170. 10 — Integral education. An inaugural address de- livered at Anlioch college, .Sept. 8, 1859. Boston, l^o'.l. 8° 5594.4 — Law: asurmon. Boston, IS4G. 8° 6088.153 — Liberal education. Address delivered before the rhi Beta Kappa society, July 22, 185S. Cambridge, ]8o8. t<' 5504.2 — Kcligion in public instruction. Baccalaureate address, Autiuch college, June 20, 1860. Bos- ton, 1860. 8* 5594.3 — Address at his inauguration as president of Harvard college. A'ce Cambridge, Afass. , . 4387.2 HiLLAno, G. S. Address before the Norfolk agri- cultural society, at Dedham, Sept. 26, i860. [No title-page. J 8" 4.39na.G8 — Connection between geography and history: a lecture before the American institute of instruction, Aug. 1S45. Boston, 1846. 12°.4390a.68 — Ilelation of tlie poet to liis age. Address before the rhi Beta Kappa society of Harvard university, Aug. 24, 1843. Boston, 1843. 8^4390a.CS HiLLKit, M. krkliirungs-Kegi.ster aller Niihmen in der H. Bibel. Hamburg, 1712. 4" . . . . *G013.5 HiLLiiousE, A. L. Description of the European olive tree. Paris, 1818. pp. 43. 4° . . . . **5S44.1 HiLLHorsE, J. A. Oration at New Haven, Aug. 19, is;i4, in commemoration of the life and services of Gen. Lafayette. New Haven, 18.34. 8° 4347.49 — [The judgment, a vision.] New York, 182L pp.46. 12° 4406.27 HiLLlAUD, F. Digest of Pickering's reports, vols. vm-xiv, inclusive. Boston, 1837. 8" . . . 3706.6 — Remarks at the opening of the police court in Koxbury, May 15, 1855. Roxbury, ItSo. 8°. 5637.1 HiLLiAKD, T., Sermon at the funeral of. See Wil- lard, J 4349.7 HiLLiEit, T. Hand-book of skin diseases. Phila- delphia, 1865. 12° 5795.15 Hilling EKN, J. G. ThranenundSeufzer Uberden Kelch-Kaub, in dem Krtz-Bischofthum Saltz- burg, 1563. Salfeld, \::i2. pp. 20. 4". . . *6055.11 HlLPEKT, J. L. Diciionary of the Knglish and Gerniun, and tlR* German and English lan- guage. Carlsruhe, K>57. 4v. 4° *2890.10 Himalaya, Astronomical ami hypsometrical deter- minations upon. Schliigintweit, H D.4.K.2 HiMENi Hawaii: he Meahoolea'i i ke akua mau ia lehovd. Oahu, i^27. 18° B.lCOb.lIO HiMLY, C. G. AugciUieilkunde. Jena, 180G, 12", 3c04.15 Sbelf. No. Hinckley, T., Letters and papers of, 1676-99. [Massachusetts historical society. Collec- tions, 4th series, v. 5] 2351.1 HlNCK.s, W., aTid Smitli. F. H. Congressional bnnijuct at Washington, in honor of George Washingtnn, Feb.22, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8°. 4.344.20 IIIXCSI.\R, archbishop of Jicima, Annalcs Ber- tiniani. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 1] . . 4210.2 Hind, H. Y. Essay on the insects and diseases injurious to the wheat crops. Toronto, 1857. 8' 3895.13 — Explorations in the interior of the Labrador peninsula. London, 1863. 2v. 8° 2.367.14 Hind, J. R. An astronomical vocabulary. Lon- don, 1852. pp. 63. 16" *3929.2S Hindostan. History and travels. — Malcom, II. Travels in Hindu.stau . — JIaurice, T. History of — - JIodLnn liistury of 3043.17 .3040.19 3040.17 Language. — Gilchrist, .T. B. Oordoo Ilisahdi;or, rules of hindoostant-e grammar .5033.14 — Hadley, G. Grammatical remaiks on tin- jar- gon of 4125.9 — - Grummnr, with vocabulary, English and Moors, Moors and Enj^lish 3030.13 — Kaverty, H. G. Thesaurus of IlindiistanI tech- nical terms 5038.12 Seealso: Muors langruage. Literature^ science^ and religion, — Biot, J, B. fctudes sur I'astronomie indienne. 3922.20 — Campbell, AV. Decline of Hiudooism, and pro- gress of Christianity 4244.5 - — Hoisington, H. R. Tattuva-Kattalei, Siva- Guana- Pot ham, and Siva-Pirakasam ; transla- ted from the Tamil 4240.18 — Maurice, T. History of its arts, sciences, etc. 3040.18 — Moor, E. Plates illustrating the Hindu Pan- theon 3050.13 — Nork, F. Indion als das Stammland der He- briier und ihrer Fal)eln 6071.23 — Muir, J. San.skrit texts on the religion and institutions of India 3012.32 — Robbins, T. Idolatry of tlie Hindoos .... 5432.6 — Sacred hymns of the Brahmans. See Rig-Veda- Sanhita 3011.20 — Schaubach, J. C. Ue studii astronomici apud Indos origine etanti(iuitate 4102.23 — Schlegel, C. W. F. v. Sprache und \Veislieit der Indier 4245,25 — TVeber, A. Indische Literaturgeschichte . , 4240.19 — - Indische Studicn 4258.4 See alto: Banians, Bengal, Bhowanipore, CaBhmere, Cochin, Himalaya, India, .Mulubnr, Nagpore, Saaskrit language and lilt^rature, Tinnevelly, Travauoure. HiNE, L. A. The human gospel. Number 1, God and humanity: a lecture. Cincinnati, [1851]. 8° 6088.61 HiNGESToN, F. C. Royal and historical letters during the reign of ilenry iv, king of Eng- land. Vol. 1. 1390-1404. London, 1860. 8°. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] *2424.2 HiNGHAM, il/rtss , Address on the 200th anniversary of the settlement of. Lincoln, S 4355.61 HiNKLEY, E. Tables of the prime numbers, and prime factors of the composite numbers from 1 to 100,00-). Baltimore, 185:1. 8° 3936.35 HiNJiAN, K. K. Letters from Charles ii, James II, William and Mary, Anne, George ii, to the governors of Connecticut, with answers, 1635-1749. Hartford, 1836. 12' 2.33G.28 HiNRlCHS, F. [Richard Wagner und die neuere Musik.] Halle, 1854. 1-^ 4277.8 HlNTON, James. Life in nature. London, 1862. p.S" 3829.13 HCsTON 288 HISTORIA Shelf. Xo. HisTON, James, and Cox, G. First steps to the Latin classics. Loudon, 1S28. pp. GO. 12°. 4939.15 — Key to the First steps. London, lS-,'8. pp. 30. 12° 4939.14 HiSTox, .John H. Harmony of religious truth and human rea-son. London, 1KJ2. 12° 515S.8 Hints for the improvement of early education. 1st Am. ed. New York, 1K20. 8" 3593.30 Hints on toleration : in live essays. By Philagath- arches. Loudon, 1810. 8" 54-10.1 HlXTS to my countrymen. Sedgr^vick, T 2397.3 Hints to the public, and the legislature, on the nature and elVect of evangelical preaching. liy a barrister. Tart I, li. London, 1808. 8**. 545S.4 HiszPETEK, (.T. E. Devi ac naturaGra^corum ora- culorum pri-ecipue belli I'eloponnesiaci jctate. Diss, inaug. ISerolini, 1850. pp. 30. 8° . B. 170a. 103 HiORTDAHL, T., and Irgens, M. Geologiske Uuder- sdii:elser i Bergeus Oniogn. Med et TiUwg af T. Kjerulf. Christiania, 18(52. pp. 34. 4" . 5873.12 HiP-JOiNT. De rarioribus femoris luxationibus. Hildebraudt, G. E rph.v,373 HiPPABOiius. Fabularum quatuor perditarum fragmeuta. [Meiueke. Fragm. com. Gr., V. 5] B.1G2.8 HiPPEL, T.G.v. [Ueberdie Ehe.] 2tc Aull. Ber- lin, 1770. sm.S" GOG6.17 — [Kreuz- und Querziige des Ritters A bis Z.] Biel, 1795. 2v. 10° 2807.5 — [Lebenslaufe uach aufsteigender Liuie, nebst Beylageu A, B, C.J Berlin, 1778-81. 3v. in 4. 10° 4899.10 HiPPiSLEY, G. Expedition to the rivers Orinoco and Apure, in South America. Loudon, 1819. 8° 2315.14 HiPPOCKATUS. OEuvres completes, trad, nouv., avec le texte grec en regard. Par il. Littre. Paris, 1839-01. lOv. 8° *4203.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Prcfnce; Introduction; Do 1'hu- ciciiiic mudt-'ciue. II. Tniit^ des nirs, dtrs enux, ct dva licux ; Le proiiustie ; Uu retriiiiL- duiii« li-s mtiladifa aigucs-, tpidomies, icr livrc. III. ti>id(-iiiics, tivro ilii;; I*i'8 jilaieB df tell'; Dl- rofficint- i]ii mCdi-cin; De fnic- turos. IV. Dvs artk'iiliitiuiis; Alorliliquo; AphortsiiicA; Sfmieiit; \.a Iwi. V. lie, ive-vuc liiTc des tpirti'iiiics; Des huniciim; Prorrlitticitn.*, Icrlivrc; Prinottonsconiiues. VI. Di'Tart; De la iinturc de riionniie; Dii ri-pitie tuilu- tJiirc; Desvoiits; Du I'lisnge dvs Il()iiidcs ; Den nialadU'fl, livrc Icr; DesHflcctliina; Dcs Ueiix tlniis rhonmic; Dc Ift niulHrrli<)Tde«; Dea A»tuU-ti; Dii rC'^me, livn; lcr-lVi>, on des sonieos. \'1I. D<-« ninlndlcs. IUto tie, luc ; Des nltVctimm intcrtu-o ; Kvinnrques nur Ic-s nivdecina Ciiidiens; De In natura- do In fvmnie ; Du fa-Iiis du se])t et de liiiit inoi» ; Do In f^iniC*- rtitlun ; D« 111 niittiro dc IVmfant ; ive livro des mnliidiea. VIU. Des inaludiuH des reinmeo, livro ler, IIQ ; Dot foiiimeK HtiT)lci>; Dch ninladk-H i\v» jcuiio f)Mo»; De la BUiierfetBtion ; Do rexeiaiuii du falua ; lleninr(|ueii delurliteiiBurleH Uvp-n rclntlfsnux niiiladioitdviireiniiiea; Do rnniitoiiite ; Do lu ilf-ntitiun ; Denfclandes; Desrliiilrfi; Den neiiiaint-i. IX. l*riirr)i£tic|uc, llvru nv; Du coour; Do rnllnu-iil: De liivlstlun; Do tu nature dca on; Du mvdi'c-ln; Do la blonHiraiirc ; Prf-ceptoii ; Doa rriwii; Do* jimrit eritu|ueii; Lettren, df-crotw, el liiirai)|ruep ; Autre ot inolUvurtcxto Inttn du Tntlt6 den m'niniiioH. X. Deniler ciiiip d'tvll ot ilcrulcreii remurquepi; Appendlco; Ad- denda et currif^eudii ; Tables. — Epifltola de sanitate tuenda nd Ptolemirnm regcin. [Uoiosonude. Anecdota Gr., v. 3J . B.lfil.3 Note. — Erroneously nnrrlhed to IMppocmtos. — Henrlcl Cope demnnfttrallo medico -prnctiea prognoHiicnrvm. [(ir. et Lat.] Denvo ed. K. G. Uahlinger. Uine. 1772. h" 3723.13 UiPPOi.VTCs, St. Bevvfij* liber (lirisiiiH und den WldercliriwtfMi ; Bewcls gt-gi-n die .Jutlen; Fragment ge^-en (Ue Griccben, lietltelt : Ge- ^v\\ I'hilo, liber die DrfucliedcH rnivevHunitt ; Ge^en die Ket/erci di-« .NuettiK ; I'liigmeiit uun "leiii W'li kr, \'on fler rili-nlii^'ie ; Ijede iiiif ilif li<-itiK<' 't'beuphnuU- ; ApMstolhcbe I 'i-lnTlli-liTung liber die GinuIengeHcheiike. [.siiiiimtllclie Werke der KirclienvUter, v. 1 (B. 7)J n('2l.l Shelf. No. HiPPOLYTUS, St. y continued. — De consumnuitione mundi, ac de Antichristo, et secnndo adventu Christ!, oratio; Pe the- olopa et incarnatione liber; Homilin;; De XII apostolis, [Maxima biblioth. vet.patr., V. 3] B.1U).2 — DemonstratiodeChristoet anti-Christo, interp. Combetis; Explicatio historite Susannie; De captivitate Babylonica. [Maxima biblioth. vet.patr., V. 27] B,110.2 — Philosopluiniena, sive omnium Iiperesium refu- tatio. Ed. E. Miller. Oxouii, 1851. 8° . . . 6040.15 A'o(c. — Erroneously attributed to Origines. — Excerpta ex libro de theologia et incarnatione. Gr. et Lat. [Cauisius. Thesaurus, v. 1.] . . 4H0.3 — Hippolytus and his Jigo. Bunsen, G. 0. J. . . 0040.8 HiproLYTi'S Thebamis. ('hroincon. [Frngmen- tum.] Gr. et Lat. [Canisius. Thesaurus, V. 3, p. 1] 4H0.3 — - Same. [Maxima biblioth. vet. ])atr., v. 15]. B.110.2 UiPPOXAx. Hipponactis et Ananii fragment a, [edidit] T. F. Welekerus. Gottinga^, 1817. sm.4° **29SS.19 HiRSCiiAu, of Wvrtcmherg. Codex Hirsaugiensis. [Stuttgart. BibHothek des liter. Vereins.v.l]. 4335.1 — Tritbeim, J. Annales Uirsaugienses GOSO.5 HiRSCliEL, B. Hydriatica odor Jligrlindung der Wasserlu'ilkundf. Leipzig, 18-10. 8° . . . . 3808.28 HiRSCHKELi), L., and Leveillc, J. B. Nevrologie, oil description et iconographie du systtme nerveux et des organes des sens de rhomme. Paris, 1853. 4° *5S00.16 Hirst, G., Sermon upon the death of, with ex- tracts from his writings. .See Colman, B. . 5459ii.37 Hirst, H. B. Penance of Koland; and other poems. Boston, 1S49. 13° 4179.14 HiRT, A. Lehre derGebiiude bci den Griechen und Ronu-rn. Berlin, 1827. 4° **4103.I3 HiRT, J. F. Institvtiones Arahicre lingvse. Ad- iecta est chrostomathia Arabiea. Icnas, 1770. sm.S" *5039.12 HiP.Tlus, A. De bello Gallico; Ue hello Africano; De bello Alexandrino. [liistoriie Uonuune scriptures, v. Ij 4240.13 — Dc bello Gallico. 5cc Ca'sar, C. .1 4919a. 3 niR>:i!:L, L. Hiob, erklUrt. Leipzig, 1830. 8" . . . *0017.l, and *G053.20 HisiNGKK, W. Versueh einer unneralugiscben Geographic von Scbweden. Uebcrset2t vou K.A.Blode. Freyberg, 1S19. sm.8* . . . . 3809.24 IIlsSMANN, M. Lebcn ties Freylierru von I-eibnitz. Miinsler, 17,s3. pp. SO. > 4237.13 lIlSTOiltK lilteraire de ta Kraiice, par des Benedic- t ins cJe Saint- Man r, con timne par des mcmbrcs de PAcademie di's inscriptions. Tome 1-24. I'aris, 1733-1804. 24v. iu 25. 4° **4692.1 Content*. — Vol. I. Les tunipx qui ont pK'cCdt la nnlw- gffnccdo Jtiiuii-Christ ; l-lV0Blwele». II. vu sliclo. III. Vio ot vno sliioleit. IV, V. Vino et IXo slOelcH. VI. Xo »l4clc. VII, VIII. XlenkVIo. IX-XV. xuv«ti^cIo. XVI- XXIII. xnie Hluclo. XXlV. xivosliiclo. AVifc — The ortplnnl pnyeetor wni Rivet, wlio nni«o- cialed with liiiuHelf I'oticet, Cotoinli and olbern. Hlvot died In I74',l. wlilUt the lUli vol. wiik in |>r>'KTt'Bti. TIMb vol. wait revUed and completed by Tatllundier, ^vlio pre- flxi'd to it ini euloiry on Itlvet. Tlie lOtli vol., publlnlied In 17<%, and Hie lltli lo t7/il», are due in (K'niencot. Tho 12lli (In lfriiin, oiler K4>bili(in vnn deneu Scbwiiniiern, uIh alien Amiliiipti>ten und neiien (^niikern. [ Auh dem Kngllschen Uber- Hct/t vein H. FIgken.} Franrkfnrlb, 1701. pp.82, f". (Aniibaiilisliciun Paiitbeun] . ♦n.130.5 nrsTOUiA 289 HISTORY SlK-lf. No. HiSTORiA miscella abincerto nuctore consnrcinata; complect ens Kutropii histoi-ium lloinnuiim cum additanuMilis ruuli l>iai'oni ct I-aiulul- phi ^ftgacis, ndilitis notis II. Canisii. Ed. noviss, Chtrii, lH5i. l::'* LTJ.S.U HiSTOiU.K Avgvstic scriptoressfx : At-I. Sparlianus, Ivl. Capitolinvs, vVel. T.ampridiva, Vvlc. Gal- licanvs, Tri-lK-Ilivs Pollio, Fluv. Vopiscvs. Lvpivni, uvji. ;f.;° L'ii:i9.i9 — - 8:11110. [Cum pra'f. J, L. K. riittmanni, ed. .7. r.-ScIimidt.] IJpsiic, 1774. 8° *B.17S.4 lIiSToivi.K Homana' scriptores Latiui veteres. Ge- iicvie, 105:1. 2v'. V '. . 4:^40.3 Confy-Hf.*. — Vul. I. TituB LIviiis; L. Florl In rcliquoa T. Livii libron, qui di'HiderHiilur, epitome; MvHsiiln ('or- vinus; L. rionia; C- W'llcjus I'utvrctilus; SextUB Aurc- llus Viftor; Si'xtus Kiifiifl; KiKropiufl; PaiiH Dincoiii do (Tf 5tls KoiDAnoriim nd Euirupii liiHtorlani ndditiunes ; Au- rdil Cuasiudori chronicon: Jorniindcs dc rcfmorum ac temporum sucot'ssione; C.J. Cwsar; C. SnlliistiusCriBpus. II. Suciunius; 'I'ucitus; ^lius Spartiiitiusi Julius C'upito- liiius; VulcatiusGiillicanua; .idiuHLaniitridius; Trebel- liu9 Follio; Flavius Vopiscus; Aiiiitiitinus QIiircL-llinus ; I'onipotiiua Livtua ; .T. Bnptista E^ialius ; Justlnus; Alcintns do mnpstraliljus, ct P. Victor de regiotubua urbis Konifp; De orlgiae, furina et mag^nitudine urbia Roma; ; Index. HiSTORi.K Komanje scriptores minores: Sex. Aur. Victor; Sex. Kiifus; Eutropius; Mes.sala Corvinus; studiis societatis Bipontinas. Ed. accurata. Biponti, 1789. 8* **2926.14 Historians. Kritik neuerer Geschichtsclireiber. Rankc, L 4147.8 Historic character of the Pentateuch vhidica- ted. A reply to part 1 of bishop Colenso's * Critical examination.' 3d ed. London, 1803. S' 5-128.1 Historic gallery of portraits and paintings. Lon- don, 1807-11. 7v. 8° 2257.2 Historical and descriptive account of Warwick and Leamington. Abridged from a larger work. Warwick, 1717. 12' 2486.27 Historical and genealogical researches and recor- der of passing events of Merrimack valley. VoLl,No. 1,2. Haverliill, IS.57, 58. 4" . . 2350.8 Historical illustrations of the origin and progress of the passions. London, 1825. 2v, 8" . . 5003.11 Historical magazine, and notes and queries con- cerning America. Vol. 1-8. New York, 1857-C4. 8v. sm.4'' *43I5.1 Historical memoirs of religious dissension. Lon- don, 1790. 8"* *rph.v.345 Historical register, The. fl714]-3S. London, 1717-[39]. 25v. h" *2259.C Historical remarks and anecdotes on the cas- tle of the Bastille. Translated from the French published in 1774. London, 1780. pp. 29. 8° 5575.1 HISTORISCH - ethnographisch - statistiche Notizen iiber die Nationiilitaten Ocsterreichs, ihre Zahlen und Sprachverhaltnisse. Wien, 1849. pp. 06. 8-* 2827.7 HiSTOKiscHE EnthuUungen iiber die Geburt und JugendJesu. Cincinnati, 1851. pp.G4. 8°. B. 100a. 76 History and articles of masonry; from a ftlS. in the British museum. Edited by M. Cooke. London, 1801. sq.lO" 3509.3.1 History, military and municipal, of the ancient borough of the Devizes. London, 1859. 8". 250fl.4 History of a cotton bale. London, n. d. obl.s" . 599Ua.20 History of England, from the earliest period to the first year of William iv. 41st ed. Lon- don, 1820. pp. 72. 24°, [rinnock's cate- chisms] 70.19.61 History of Ireland, 5th ed. London, 1828. pp.72. 24°, [I'innock'a catechisms] 7039.60 History of the county of Berkshire, Mass. Pitts- field, 1829. 12=" 2358.5 History of the English Bible, with reflections. New York, [182?]. pp. 36. 18°. [.\merican tract society, N. Y., Series 4, No. 4] .... 3429.34 37 Sliclf. No. History of the processes of manufacture and uses of printing, etc. From the Encyclopaedia Britannica. New York, 1864. 12° 4029.6 Contents. — T. C. IlntiBurd, Priutlnp; C. Tomlinnon, Puttory and porcelain; Glass, its historj' and niniiu- fiu-lure; Making gaa-li[fht; Iron, ita mauufucture, prop- erties, and usca. History of the recent developments in sinriiual muuifestations in Philadelphia. By a mem- ber of the first circle. I'hila., 1851. 12* . ♦Pph.v.374 History. Bibliography, etc. — Branca, G. Bibliogralia storica di ogni na- zione 2176.20 — Dupin, L. E. Bibliothiique umverselle des bistoriens 4141.6 — - Universal library of historians 2292.8 — Koner, W. Akademische Abhandlungen, etc., 1800-50. Auf dem Gebiete der Geschichte . 4136.8 — Mencke, J. B. Catalogue des principaux bis- toriens 2170.24 — Wachler, .T. F. L. Gescliichte der liistorischen Forschung uud Kunst 416G.5 — Zuchold, E. A. Bibliotheca historico-geogra- phica 2178.5 Philosophy of^ Study oj\ etc, — Divine footsteps inhuman history 2237.3 — Fournier, E. Sur les mots historiques . . . , 2211.18 — Harrison, F. The meaning of history .... 2211.12 — Herder, J. G. v. Ideen zur Philosophic der Geschichte der Menschheit 2211.10 — Kraiise, C. C. F. Philosopliie der Geschichte, 4140.8 — Monteil, A. A. Traite de materiaux manu- Bcrits de divers genres d'histoire 2033.4 — Ranieri, A. Prolegomeni di una iutroduzione alio studio della scienza storica 2211.8 Ancient. — Bouchitt(^', L. F. H. Lemons dMiistoire anci- enne .3591.29 — Duncker, M. W. Geschichte des Alterthums. 4H2.4 — Eichhorn, J. G. Urgeschichte 4129.2 — Hebbe, G. C. Ancient history 4142.3 — Heeren, A. H. L. Politik, Verkehr, und Han- del der vornehmsten Viilker der alten Welt. 2291.5 — Rollin, C, Ancient history 2225.2, and 4149.8 — Schlosser, F. C. Geschichte der alten Welt und ihrer Cultur 4147.3 — Smith, T. Concise view of 7039.34 — Taylor, AV. C. A catechism of 7039.63 — Wilmsen, F. E. Vorlesungen iiber die Ge- schichte 4159a.2 Modern, — Cussy, F. de. ^fcvenements politiques les plus remarquables, 1814 k 1859 2307. U — Gervinus, G. G. Einleitung in die Geschichte des 19ten.Tabrhunderts 2307,10 — — Geschichte des 19ten Jahrhunderts seit den Wiener Vertriigen 4146.2 — Goodrich, S. G. First and second book of history 7039,23,24 — Lossius, C. F. Denkwurdigkeiten aus der neuern Geschichte 2294.7 — Neu-vermehrtes historisch- und gcographisches Lexicon 4100.2 — Piunock, W. Comprehensive system of . . , 7039.33 — Putfendorf, S. v. Introduction a. I'histoire mo- derne 6212.2 — Schlosser, F. C, Geschichte des 18ten und 19tea Jahrhunderts 4146.6 — Sengler, I. Die gegenwUrtige Krisis der Welt- geschichte und wie sie geworden ist .... 4129.45 — Smith, G. Lectures ou 2211.9 — Smyth, W, Lectures on 4142.2 — Yonge, C. M. Lankmarks of, from the refor- mation to the fall of Napoleon 2308.6 HISTORY 290 HOBUBG SliLlf. No. History. Modern^ continued, — Zeller, J. L, L'aunee historique 6219.2 See also: Chivalry, Crusades, Heraldry, Middle apes. UniversaJ and misceUaneons. — Beck, C. D. Allgemeine \\e\t- und Viilker- Gescliichte 4140.4 — Cantii, C. Histoirenniverselle 414'-'. 5 — Catechism of 7aiil.50 — C'onti, N. de'. Hisloria universa, I54o-Sl . . . 4150.4 — Dodd, W. Beauties of 4589a. II — Hardie, ,T. American remembrancer fi2-"J4,6 — Held, F.W. A. Illustrirte Weltgeschichte . . 6211.20 — Higden, K. Polyclironicon 242.3.7 — Hort. W.J. Introduction to tlie study of . . 7039.29 — La Croze, M. V. de. Abrege de I'liistoire uni- versale 6297.1 — Jlillot. C. F. X. Elements of general history. 4144.2 — Prevost-Faradol, L. A. Revue de I'histoire universelle 3591. .31 — Schlosser, F. C. 'Weltgeschichte 4140.5 — Schmidt, W. A. Zeitschrift fiir Geschichtswis- senschaft 4107.2 — Tytler, A. F. Universal history 4142.1 — Worcester, J. E. lilements of history .... 70:iU.22 — - Epitome of history 7039.28 See also: Antiquities, BiopTapby, Chronolopj-, Ci\'ili- zatioD, Ecelesiaslical liistory, Etlinoprapli.v, Geoprapliy, KuruigiuaticH, Political scieuee. Social science, Slutifities, Treaties, and the names of countries, cities, etc. HiTA, G. p. de. Historia de los vandos de los Zegries y Abencerrages, cavalleros Moros de Gi'anada. Bartfelona, [date cut from the title]. sm.S' 4259.5 Hitchcock, D. Poetical works. Boston, 1806. 12°. 4409.24 Contents. — Shade of Plato ; Knight and quack ; Sub- tlety of foxes. Hitchcock, Edward. Catalytic power of the Gospel. Discourse before the Massachusetts home missionary society, May 25, 1852. Bos- ton, 1852. 8° 6538.5 — Life and Labors of Mary Lyon. Northampton, 1851. 12° 2.344.17 — Reminiscences of Amherstcollege. Northamp- ton, 18113. 12° 2387.20 — Sermon before G. N. Briggs, governor, etc., at the annual election, Jan. 2, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8° •4.356.12 — Address on retiring from the presidency of Amherst college. .SVf Amherst, Mass. . . . 4387.22 — Ichnology of New England. See Massachu- setts 6873.1 _ Discourse at the funeral of. See Tyler, W. S. 4347.39 Hitchcock, Eno.s. I)iscourse at the ordination of J. Gould, at Statidisb, Sept. 18, 1793. Port- land, [1793]. 8° Mies. 6 — Funeral discourse on. Sir Tapjian, D 4347.40 Hitchcock, Etiiau A. [Remarks on the sonnets of Shakespeare; with the sonnets]. New York, 1805. 8° 4595.9 Hitchcock, K. D. Life of E. Robinson. See Smith, II. B 4319.12 HlTZKJ,F. nogrill'tlerKritfk,am AltenTc.stamcnte praktisclieriirlert. Heidelberg, 1831. 8°. . 0019.1 Das Blich Daniel erkliirt. I.eip/ig, 1850. 8°, [Weidmann. E.xegetisches llaudbucli zum A. T., V. 6] *6017.5 — Dan IIolic I.led erkliirt. Die KIngliedor erk- liirt von O. Tlienlus. Leipzig, 1865. 8°. [Weidmann. Exegetlsches Ilunilbncll zum A. T., V. 12] •0017.10 Der Proiihet Ezechlel erkliirt. Leipzig, 1847. 8°. (Weiilmanii. ExegetiHchcB Ilundbucli jumA. r.,v. 4) •0017.0 — Der Prophet .lirimla erkliirt. I.eiiizig, 1841. 8°. [Weidmann. Exegetlsches Ilaiidbueh lumA.T., V. 2| •6017.2, and 6070.26 — T'rgeschlclite unri Mytliologie der I'liillstiier. Leipzig, 1815. 8° 4214.11 Shelf Nv. IIITZIG, F., continued. — Die Spriiche Siilomo's erkliirt von E. Bertheau. Der I'rediger Salomons erkliirt. Leipzig, 1847. 8°. [VVeidmann. Exegetischea UaudbucU zum A. T., v. 4] *6017.0 — Die zwiilfkleinen Propheten erkliirt. Leipzig, 18:iS. 8°. [Weidmann. Exegetisches Hand- buch zum A. T., v. 1] »S0I7. 1, and 0053.20 HiTZiG, J. E. Leben von Chamisso. See Clia- misso, L. C. A. V. 2877.9 — and Hiiring, W. Der neue Pitaval. Criminal- geschjchte aller Liinder. Vol. 1-34. [Vol. 31-:i4] fortgesetzt von A. VoUert. Leipzig, 1842-63. 34v. 12° •3699.2 HIVER, — . Histoire critique des institutions judi- ciaires de la France de 1789 a. 1848. Paris, 1848. 8° 4186.3,8 HoADLY, Benjamin, 6isfto;7. Discourses concerning the terms of acceptance with God. 7th ed. London, 1706. 8° ••&143.S — Tracts [and] sermons. London, 1715. 8° . . 3454.6 Cmtteids. — Letter to Rev. Mr. Fleern-ood, c miracles, 1702; Letter about the bishop's votes upon tli© Occnsionnl bill, 170.1; Letter to Rev. F. Atterbury, con- cerning virtue and >nce, I70G; Second, letter in answer to his Larpe vindication, 17(Ui; Vindication of the antient prophets, in answer to Sir R. B., 17U9; .Some considem- tions od'ered to the lord bishop of Exeter, 1709 ; Humble reply to the lord bishop of Exeter. 1709; Queries to the authorj of the late discourse of free-thinking, 1713; Ser- mons concerning the evils of which Ctiristinnity hath been made the occasion ; Sermons concerning the ex- tremes of implicit subjection, and intidclily. HOADLT, Benjamin, jr., M. D. The suspicious husband, comedy. [Bell. British theatre, V. 4] _ Same, [.lones. British tlieatre, v. 9] . . . Hoar, E. R. Cliarge to the [^rand jury.at the ,July term of the municipal court, in Boston, 1854. Boston, 1854. pp. 22. 8° HOARE, C. Cultivation of tlie grape vine on open walls. 2d Am. ed. Boston, 1840. 12° . . . HOARE, E. N. Exotics ; or English words derived from Latin roots. Dublin, 1803. 16° ... , Ho.VRE, 1*. Memoirs of G. Sharp, from his own manuscripts. 2d ed. Loiiilon, 1828. 2v. 8°. HoARK, R. C. Classical tour through Italy and Sicily. 2d ed. London, 1819. 2v. 8° . . . HOBART, A. Historical sketcli of Abington. Bcs- ton, 18:19. 8° HOBAKT, .1. II. Comjiauion for the allar. 22d ed. New York, 1850. 12° — Mistakes concerning repentance : Delay of re- pentance. Two sermons. [Dibdin. Sunday library, v. 4] HOBART, N., Discourse delivered at tlie l\ineral of. Sec Welles, N HOBBES, T. Opera philosophica qujc Latine scrip- sit omnia, coll. G. Moleswortli. I.ondlul, 1839-41. 3v. 8° 4179a.! 4575.20 4289.31 4003.35 45S5.30 2454.3 2766.10 2356.34 6448.12 S444.23 4349.16 cioi.a Contents. — Vol. I. Vita, aiithore scipso; Vltw Hohlii- ann' auctaHum, authore U. Blackbonrne; Vita, carniino expressa, authotv selpso ; Ukmeutornm phllosophlte soctlo prima, de corpore. II. Sectlosocundu.Ue hnniliu. ; Sectlo tertlu, de cive. HI. Leviathan, slvo de nuiteria, fornni, et poteslate clvltatis eceleslastlcw et civllis. — Elementa philosophica de cive. AmsterodamI, lO.'!?. Km. 12° 6609a. 40 IIOBiiii^, II., Memoirs of. iffee Armstrong, R. G. . 2348.67 lloi>in>iisK,.'.C.,/<>ri/ llroughtim. [Letters written by an lOnglislimnn resident a( rai'is tliirlng tlie last reign of tlie emperor Napoleon.] Pliiladelphia, 1810. 8° 2052.10 IIouiJRO, or lldlihurg, C. Tlieologia mystica, oder geheinHl<> Kralll- (iotles-I.elire der fromnien Allen. Nlmiigeu, 1084. sin. 12° •6008.21 — Tlieologia mysdca.oder geheinie Kralft Tlieo- logia iler Allen ; sambt eiiiem .Sendsehrcihen .1. Ariidsaii I'i. Wolllarluni. Fraiiekfurl, 1717. 3v. ill 1. »m.8° •11.117.8 HOCIISTETTF.R 291 HOFFMANN Sliolf. No. HOCJISTF.TTER, F. V. Madeira : cin Vortrng. Wicn, ItiCl. pp. 79. »' .■505(i.30 HoCKIili, N. Deutscher Volksf;liiubo in Sung unci Sage. (Jottingi-n, It^'l. \.h° 422.3.1 — Dii' .stuninisas.'fii der llolionzolli'rn and Wel- Cen. Ilii^si-ldorf, iX>r. ts° 422.'?. 30 HOCSEM, J. (icstii pontilic-iini I.oodii-n^iuiii. [Cha- peauville. Gesta pontif. Tungiuiiaium, v. 2]. 2813.5 HODGK, A. Trial for the murder of his slave. See Belisario, A. M 3570.28 HonOKS C. W. Sermons. liurlington, l«5ft. 12°. 544.'). 13 Hoi)OK.s, .). Construction of tlie great Victoria bridge in Canada. London, IBCjO. Te.tt 4°, and Atlas of 45 plates f° •3',).G.1 noDGKs, IS. M. The excision of joints. Boston, l.Sl-.l. b' 3745.20 HoDiiKiN, T. Lectures on the morbid anatomy of the iierous and raucous membranes. Loudon, 183(1-40. 2v. H° 3742.6 Hodgson, T. Essay on stereotype printing. New- castle, IS-.'O. 12° 2115.19 Hodgson, W. 11. Address [and] second annual address to the Mental improvement society of the Liverpool mechanics' institution, 1S45, 46. Liverpool, IS45, 46. 2v.ini. 12° . . . *4163.1G Hoe, W. The Shakspere treasury of subject quota- tions synonymously indexed. London, 1803. pp. 86.' 10° 4599.21 HOECK, C. F. C. Kreta. Mythologie und Ge- schichte, Religion und Verfassuug dicser Insel. Giittingen, 182:j-29. 3v. 8° 6072.10 — Romische (ieschichte vom Verfall der Republik bis zur Volleudung der Monarchic unter Coustantiu. Band 1. Abth. 1-3. Braun- schweig, 1841-50. 3 parts in Iv. 8° . . . . 4190.10 HOEFER, J. C. F. Nomenclature et classification chimiques. Paris, 1845. 12° 3977.25 — Dictiouuaire de botanique pratique. Paris, 1850. 8m.8° »4282.6 — Sec Nouvelle biograpliie universelle 2242.6 HoEGEl,, J. B. Vorschule des Englischcn. Wien, 1852. 8° **2583.8 HOENIKGHAUS, J. V. La reforme contre la ri- forme, ou retour a Punite catholique par la voie du protestantisme ; traduit de I'alle- mand. Paris, 1845. 2v. 8° 0043.9 HOEVEN. See Des Amorie v. d. Hoeven, A. HoF, S. fDialectvs Vestrogothica, ad illustratio- nem lingvK Svecame veteris et hodiernre.] Stockholmiffi, 1772. sm.S° *«2885.9 Nou. — Imperfect, ending at p. 328. HOFEK, A. Geschichte A. Hofer's. See Hormayr, J. V 2828.25 Hoffman, C. F. The pioneers of New York : a dis- course before the St. Nicholas society. New York, 1848. 8° 4129.51 — [A winter in the west.] 2d ed. New York, 1835. 2v. 12° 2377.20 HOFF.MAN, F. B. CEuvres [publiees par L. Castel]. Paris, 1828-29. lOV. 8° »2675.5 Cuiactita. — Vol.1. Notice bio;n'aphi(jiio ut littcriliru mr Hoirinaii ; Tliuatrc : Xoplite, tragedie ; Bupliroshio et Corudiii, ou lo tyrnn corrige, opera ; Stratoiiiue, co- rocdiehtToIque; Mcdee, tragedie l>Tique; Adricn, opera; Abel, tnigedic lyriiiue ; CaHias, ou nature et patriu, drume lieroique; Bion, comedie; L'origiiiul, eoniedie. II. Lc brigand, drame ; Le jockei, coinedie ; Le secret, comedie ; Ariodant, drame ; Leon, ou Lc eliateau de Montencro, drame ; Le tresor suppose, ou le danger d*ccouter aux portee, comedie ; Les reiidez-vous bour- geois, o])era-boutron ; Le roman d'uoc beure, ou la fullo gagcure, cuniedle ; I.isistrala, ou les Atlieriiennes, co- medie. III. Melanges; Memoire addresse a M. le niaire de Paris ; Keponses a M. Geoirroy, relativement a son article sur I'ojtera d'Adrien ; RepoDse definitive de J. L. GeotTroy, aux deux brochures de Holfman, sur I'opera d'Adrien; Memoire presente au conseil d'etat par li-a auteura draniatiques ; Observations sur lo traitement des auteurfi au theatre de I'upera-comique ; Fin du proees des Deux gendres; Nouveaux eclaircissemcnssurConaxa et lea Deiu gcudrea ; Des faiseuis de constitutions ; Con- Shelf. No. HOFF.MAN, F. B., continued. sideratiuus historii|iies sur les revolutions; Du ponvoir militaire; Dillerence entre I'inBurrection des Alats-Unia el eelle de TAm^rique du 8ud; Ijuelques ritlexioiis sur I'etat auancier de I'Angleterre ; feconomle politique; Avons-nous les veritablea memoires de Sully ; Sur lea abreges historiques ; Des v^pres sicilienues; LeVesuvo; runornma de Naples; Voyage en Fniuee, le-3elettro; Theatre du Uanelagli ; Do I'utilite de la geographic ; Un episode du voyage du eapitaine Wallis; Diderot; Sur la critique ; L'erreur et la verite ; De I'etude de la physio-. logic; DU8fyl,e; Sur les poemes en prose; Des plnisan- teries traduitea ; Du genre ossiauique ; Des vers lyriques ; Conservatoire de niusiquo ; Des disputes sur la musiquo ; De Itt chanson; Prevention contre lea ouvrages fails en fiociete ; Seance de I'lnslitut de France pour la reception de MM. Laeretelle et fijtienne; Des cabales iitterairee; Des eomites de lecture ; De la fin du monde ; Tableau des desordres do radmiuistmtion de la justice et des moyens d'y remedier, par J, B. Selves; MeB souvenirs: Idylles; Fables; Contes; fepltre; Stances; Romances; Chansons; Pieces diverses. IV-X. Critique : 4. Lettrea charapenoises; Craniologle; Physiologic iutellcctuelle; Observations sur la phroonoiogic ; Le magnetisme et lea somnambules ; Medecine. 5. Astronomic ; Gcologie ; Ge- ognosie; L'homme fossile et les aerostats; Geographie; Voyages. 6. Suite des voyages; Politique et histoire. 7. Suite du politique et de I'histoire ; Litterature an- cicnnc. 8. Litterature etrangere ; Litterature frun^aise. 9. Suite de la litterature tirantaise. 10. Beaux-arts; Ouvrages divers. Hoffmann, Franz. Franz von Baadcr, als Bcgriin- der der Pliilosophie der Zukunft. Leipzig, 1850. 8° 0105.9 Hoffm.vnn, Friedrich. Anweisung zu einer pruxi medica, in Orduung gebracht voa G. F. Kiiin- maun. Dim, 1724. 10° 3728.11 — Geognostische Abhandlung von der Stadt Rom. 5ee Platner, E v. 1 of 2737.1 HOFFJIANN, Friedrich L. Catalog der Commerz- Bibliothek in Hamburg [nebstj lte-5te Fort- setzung. Hamburg, 1841-59. 4° *2170.10 — Peter Lambeck als bibliographisch-literarhis- torisclier Schriftsteller uud Bibliotliekar. Nebst biographischen Notizon. Socst, 1804. PP-35. l.S° 2841.17 HOFFJIANN, J. G. Die Beviilkerung des preussis- chon Staats zu Ende des Jahrcs 1837. Berlin, 1839. 4° 4833.2 Hoffmann, L. Mathematisches Worterbuch. B. 1-3, [and] Lief. 1()-19. Berlin, 1858-61. 3v. and 4 parts. 8° .3930.13 CoHtejits.— Vol.1. A— B. II. C— 1&-19. K — Proportionalzirkcl. III. E— J. Lief. Hoffmann, S. F. W. Die Alterthumswisseuschaft. Leipzig, 1835. 8° '4205.0 — Handbuch zur Biicherkunde, fiir Lehre der klassischen und deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, 1838. 8° »4135.5 — Die Iberer im Westen und Osten. [Mit Fragmente v. Artemidorus.] Leipzig, 1838. 12° 4'244.21, 22 — Lexicon bibliographicum scriptorum Gra;co- rura turn sacrorum turn prolauurum. Lip- sia;, 1832-36. 3v. 8° *4135.4 Hoffmann, W. Die Geschichte des Handels, der Erdkuude uud Schifffiihrt aller Viilker uud Sta:lten. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1847. 8° . . . 4290.28 Hoffmann von Fallersleben, A. H. Altnieder- liindische Sprichwiirter nach der iiltesten Sammluug. Hannover, 1864. 8° **2847.25 — Deutsche Lieder aus der Scbweiz. 4te Aufl. Leipzig, 1848. 16° 2904.25 — Die deutsche Philologie im Grundriss. Hres- lau, 18.30. 8° 2151.7 — lu duici iubilo nun singet und seid froh, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Poesie. Hannover, 1854. 8° ♦•2870.21 — - Same. 2te Ausg. Hannover, 1801. 8° . . 3437.27 — Geschichte des deutschen Ivirchenliedes bis auf Luthers Zeit. 2te Ausg. Hannover, 1854. 8° »»3437.26 — - Same. 3te Ausg. Hannover, 1801. 8° . . 3437.27 HOFFMANN 292 HOLCROFT Shelf. Nu. Hoffmann von Fallersleben, A. H., cojitinued. — Hovsz BelgiciB. [Vol. 1,2,7, ed. 2a.] Hano- vers, Lipsije, etc., 1837-62. 12v. 8° . . . . 2814.5 Contents. — Vol. I. Vebersicht der mittelniederlandi- echen Dichtung. II. Niederlandische Volkslieder. III. Floris ende Blancefloer, door Diederic van Assenede, mit Einleituag, Anraerkungen, und Glossar.I V. Caerl ende Elegnst. V. LaDtsloot cnde die seone Sandrijn ; Kenout Tan Montalbaen. VI. Altniodertandische Schaubiihne: Abele Spelen ende Sotternien. VII, Glo&sarium Bel^- cura. VIII. Loverkens: Allniederlaodische Lieder. IX. Altniederlandische Sprichwftrter nach der iiltesten Sumnilunir : Gesprachbuchk-iD, romanisch und fldmisch. X. Kiederlandische geistliclie Li>?der des XV. Jahrhun- derts. XI. Antwerpener Liederbuch vom Jahre 1544. XII. Bruchstucke mitteluiederlandiecbcr Gedicbte, □ebst Loverkens. — Niederlandische Volkslieder. 2te Ausg. Han- nover, 1856. 8° **2S75.7 — Unpolitische Lieder. 2te Aufl. Hamburg, 1»43. 2v. 16" 2904.20 — Unsere volksthiimlichen Lieder. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 185Ct. 8" 2892.14 — Verzeichniss der altdeutschen Handsdirifteu der k. k. Hof bibliothek zu Wien. Leipzig, 1S41. 8° *2151.15 Hoffmanns, — de. Le marquis de Pombal et I'An- gleterre. Paris, 1840. pp. 16. 8°. [Revue etrangere et fran9aise de legislation, sept. 1840] V. 2 of 4295. 26 HOFFMKISTER, C. Schiller's Leben, Geistesent- wickelung, und Werke. Stuttgart, 18:J8-42. 5v. in3. 8° 4237.12 HOFLAND, B. W. Panorama of Europe: a new game of geography. 7th ed. London, [1831]. 24" 7039.16 — Tales of Clairmout castle. London, [18— ]. 24*. 4579a. 40 HOFLING, J. W. F. Das Sakrameut der Taufe. Erlangen, 1846-18. 2v. 8* 6066.27 ConletUs. — Vol. I. Do^Tuatisch-hiatorische Einlcltiing und Grundlegung, sowie Darstcllung dca Kntcchiime- nates und der Taufe der Proselyten. II. Dnrstellung und Beurtheilungderkirclilichen Praxis hin&ichtlich der Taufe und des Katechunicnates der Christ enkiuder. HOFMANN, A. W. Report on vegetable parch- ment. London, [1858]. pp. K. s" 2112.19 HOFMANN, J. J. Lexicon universale, historiam sacram et profuuam, ehronologiam, geogra- phiam, etc. explanans. Lugduui Batavorum, 1698. 4v. f° **4262.3, and 62.10.1 HOFMANN, R. Das Leben Jesu nach den Apo- kryphen. Leipzig, 1S51. 8° 0037. 8 HoFMKisTKK, A. Haiidbuoli der nuisikatischen Lit- erntur. Bund 5 oder zweiter Ergiinzungs- band, 1852-50. Leipzig, I860. 4" *2170.30 HOFMKisTKK, AV. (termination, [etc.] of the highi'r cryptopamia, and IVurtificiition of the conifer.-e; trant*Iuted by F. Currey. London, 1802. h". [Kay society] *3824,10 nOFSTAF,TKH, F. F. Altdeutsche Gedlchtc aus den Zeiten der Tafclrunde. Wien, 1811. 2v. 1C*.**2000.38 Content*. — Vol. I. Lanzelet dp Lnc Llriclm von Znt- zlchoven. II. Dlo Abontruur dea fruuon Grala ; Der tbeuro MDrlin. UOOAN, E. The Pennsylvania state trials: con- taining the impciu-hnicnt, trial, and actinittal of F. ilopkin^on and J. Mcholsun. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1794. h" 2372.19 HooAitTii, W. Ausnihrllche Erkliirung der H. Kiipferftiche. Sre Lirhti-nberg, (i. 0. . . . 4069.33 Hooc, .laiiK'S, ffif EttrU'k nhrjihcnl. h. 1770, d, I8;i5. Jacobite relics of fecolhind. Edinburgh, 1H19-21. 2v. H° 2530.27 Hooo,. fames, publisher. Weekly luHtructor. Vol. 1-0, and new serleH, v. 1, 2. Edinburgh, J8I5-19. Hv. 1.8" •5363.1 Hooo,T..I. Two hnnilred and nlncdaya; or, the journnl ofa traveller on the continent. New York, 1827. 2v. 12' 2273.2C Sbulf. No, Hogstro:m, p. Beschreibung des schwedischeu Lapphmds. [Allgemeine Historic d. Reisen, V. 20] 4160.11 HoH.T. Gift und Kontagium. Leipzig, 1862. 8°. 3787.22 HouENSTAUFKN family. Der Untergaug der Ho- henstaufen. Lau, T 2817.15 — Geschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Zeit. Raumer, F. L. G. V 4214.1,2,3 HOHLK, Die, des Todes. Aus dera Franzosischen von F. C. Schlegel. Leipzig, 1800. 12° . . 4699a.5 HOISINGTON, H. R. The Tattuva-Kattalei, Siva- Gnana-Potham, and 8iva-Pirakasam : trea- tises on Hindi! philosophy. Translated from the Tamil. New Haven, 1854. 8° 4240.18 HoiT, T. \V. The right of American slavery. [3d] ed. St. Louis, 1860. pp.51. 8° 3573.5 HOLBACH, P. H. D., baron rf'. System of nature. New ed. with notes by Diderot. Transl. by H. D. Robinson. Boston, 1S48. 2v. in 1. 8°. 6105.5 Holbein, F. v. Theater. Rudolstadt, 1811, 12. 2v. sm.8° 4908.14 Conte}\ts. — Vol.1. Fridolio, Schauspicl; Der Brnut- Bcbmuck, OriglnBlschauspicI ; Der Verstorbene, eiu roniantisches Gemalde ; Der Verrather, ein Lustspicl. II. Leonidas, dramatisches Gedicbt; Mirina, Kijnigin der Aroazonen ; Die beideu Blind«n, Oper ; Das Wieder- aebcn, eiu liindlichcs Gemalde. Holbein, H. Alphabetum mortis. Nachgebildet von H. Lodel mit Randzeichnungen vom G. Osterwald. Koln, 1S49. pp.29. sm.S" . . 3445.33 — Dance of death ; also Bible cuts. Soe Douce, F. 4069.25 HoLBEiiG, L. Nicolai Klirati iter svbterranevm. Ed. 4a. Hafnia?. 17(Hi. sm.s" 487G.33 HOLBKOOK, G. R., and Co. Description of the Bos- ton water works. Boston, 1848. pp.46. 18'. 2.353.18 HoLBiiOOK, John. Catalogue of the Codex Hol- brookianus. 5'ce Halliwell, J. O E.1G6.14 HoLBi:ooiv,.lohn E. North American herpetology ; or, a description of the reptiles iidiabitingtlie United Mates. Philadelphia, 1812. 5v. 4" . *5S73.5 HoLBKooK, Josiah, and others. Scientific tracts, designed for instruction and entertainment. Vol. 1-3. Boston, 1831-:{3. 3v. 8' ♦aOSO.i Contents. — Vol. I. The atniospbero; Geology; Grnvl- tntion; Aulmal mechimUm, the eye, t!ic ear, by J. V. C. Sniitli; Heiit; Entomology; Forest treen; Tbc weather; Art of building; Evnponttion; Sound; Meteors; Li to of Columbus; Cliarai^ter of ColiimbuB; Tho properties and fuiictioufl of organtKcd beings; Whalo fishery; Man, physiciilly considered ; Elertrivily ; Military pmjectilea; llnil-ronds. II. Popular superittitionit; AgriculturvIlhiB- tratedhy chemislry ; Norih-wesl pntusugp; Lift> and char- acter of Kohert Eulton; Volcanoes and oxplontono in colli niinoa; Tho ocean; On canalii; Age of the world; CuvcrnR; Self-educntlon of bUHlnesH men; Manuscript mapH; Temperaments; Ptiilosupby; Association olldeaa; The bee; Surveying; Invention and discovery; Evi- dennea of Christinniiyi by Jacob Abbott; Lifo of Peter thedreat; The river Niger; African shivo trade; The elephant; Comets. III. Lives of the Indiann; Muchau- lem; American colonir.ntion society; Man ns an ol\|oct of natural history; Natural theology; Fermentation; The ant; Koads and their cuiiHtrurtion; Ornithology; Kiivigation, comnuTce and discovery; Centre of grav- ity ; Ichthyology, and sonse of feeling, by J.V. C. tSniith ; Natural blsti)ry of tho dog; Innects; Metallurgy; Heart and clrculnllon of the blood, by J. V. C. Smith; Inllu- once of dilVercnt |>rofe«sione on health; Mechanism of tliu muHotes and nerves, by J. V, C. Sniltb; Utility of comparative anatomy; Water; Analogies. of vegetable and auittial life, Ijy Kdward .larvis. IIoLCOMMK, J. P. Sketches of the political issues and controversies of the revolution : n dis- course, Jan. 17, lh50. Ulchmond, IKOO. 8''.lL170b.75 IIOLCOMKK, VV. II. The alternative. New Orleans, IMW. pp.15. 8' 4320U.28 HoLCltoFT.T. Letter to W. Windham on the intem- perance and dangerous tendency of his pubtic eoniliicl. London, 1:9:1. pp. .VI. 8" . . . . 2527.12 — [Li'ltiT indiicril liy [ihi' aliovr], on politlctil In- temperance [and ] its dangerous ellects on the eommerciid ])art of the kingdom.] London, 17U5. pp.39. 8" 2527.12 nOLCROFT 293 HOLT bhilf. No. HOLCROFT, T., COtltllllll'li. — Narrative of facts rt'Iatlng to a prosecution for liif;li treason. London, 17'J5. 8° 45J8.8 IIoLDEN, O. The union harmony, or universal collection of sacred nuisic. itostou, 1793. 2v. in 1. uld.^" 8047.35 Hoi.OATK,.LB. Alias of American history, [Cam- bridge], 184-.;. pp. 08. 1.4° i^SO.i Holiday, G. H. Guide to Latin prosody. Lon- don, 1824. 12° 4939a. 10 Holland, K. G. Essay on the Christian name. Union Mills, N.Y., 1S4I>. pp. 40. 12°. [Chris- tian tract society, 1st series, No. 4] . . . . B. 160b. 18 — Essays: anil a drama Boston, 1852. 12° . . 4169. 3 — Natur.il e\ idence on the being of God, and im- mortal life. Bath, 1845. pp.30. 8° . . . .*4163.12 — Keviews and essays. Boston, 1849. 12° . . . 4278.2 HOLL.VM), Sir Henry. Essays on Scientific and other subjects, [from] the Edinburgh and Quarterly reviews, London, 1SH2. S° . . . 5172.7 Holland, Hyacinth. Geschichte dcr deutschen Literatur. ler Rd. Mittelalter. Regensburg, 1853. 8° 2871.10 Hollani>, J. G. Eulogy on A. Lincoln, pro- nounced April 19, 1865. Springfield, 1805. 8° 4342.3 Holland, lath/ S. S. Jlemoir of Kev. Sydney Smith : with a selection from his letters, ed- ited by Mrs. Austin. London, 1855. 2v. 8°. *2543.9 Holland, W. L. Uber Crestiens de Troles und zwei seiner Werke. Tiibin^'en, 1847. pp. 40. 8°**26S7.5 — Crestienvon Troies,eine literaturgeschichtliche Untersucluing. Tubingen, 1854. 8° . . . . **26S7.S Holland, the kintidom of. See Netherlands. Holland, the proL-ince of. Esquiros, 11. A. The Dutch at home 2864.17 — Grotius, H. DeantiquitatereipublicjEliatavica;. 2819.20 — Ireland, S. Picturesque tour through, in 1789. 2801. 15, and 2862. 14 — Kluit, A. Historic der hollandsche staatsrege- ring 4214.6 — Kousset de Jlissy, J. Historischer Bericht dcr grossen Staats- Veriinderung in der Kepublick Holland, 1747 4217.4 See aUo: Amsterdam, Groningcn, Leyden. HOLLEY, A. L. Treatise on ordnance and armor. With an appendix referring to gun-cotton, etc. New York, 1865. 8° 3955.2 HOLLEY, M. A. Texas. Observations, historical, geographical, and descriptive. Baltimore, ISa. 12° 2376.33 Holliday, .1. Account of the putrid bilious yellow fever, called the black vomit, in the Havanna, 1794. Boston, 1790. 8° *.M.I'ph.v.l39 — Observations on his treatment of the yellow lever. See Bultinch, T M.Pph.T.139 Hollond, — . [Vie de village en Angleterre, on souvenirs d'un exile.] 2e ed. Paris, 180.3. 12°. 4709.18 HOLLOWA Y, W. The peasant's fate : a rural poem. Wilmington, 1803. 12° 2407.37 Holly, H. H. Country seats; containing litho- graphic designs. New York, 1803. sm.4° . 4102.22 Holm, A. JJe ethicis politicorum Aristotelis princi- plis. Diss, inaug. Berolini, [1851]. pp.06. 8° B.170a.l00 HOLJIBERG, H. ,J. Ethnographische Skizzen Uber die Viilkerdes russischen Amerika. Abth. 1. Hehingfors, 1855. 4°. [Aus den Akten der Finnl. Societ. d. Wissensch.] 2310.34 HOLSIBOE, C. A. Det oldnorske Verbum, opiyst ved Sammenligningmed Sanskrit og andrerSprog af samme J-lt. Christiania, 1848. pp. .'IS. 4°. 4881.1 Holmes, Abiel. Address before the Washington benevolent society at Cambridge, July 5, 1813. Cambridge, 1813. 8° 4390a.70 ^ Sermon preached in Boston, and at Cambridge, -Vpril 25, 1799, the day appointed for a na- tional fast. Boston, 1799. 8° 5150a. 34 Holmes, Abicl, continued. — Two sermons preached Jan. 25, 1820, the 37th anniversary of the author's installation. Cambridge, 1829. 8° 5460a. 7 — Sermon on the Sunday after the funeral of Pres. Willard. See Lathrop, J 4317.124 Holmes, Arthur. The constitution and personal liberty. Speech in assembly, March 9, 1859. [Albany, 1859.] 8° 4320a.29 Holjie.s, L). The Wesley oflering; or, Wesley and his times. Boston, 1860. 10° 5558.25 Holmes, K. Keport of an exploration and survey of the territory on the Aroostook river. Au- gusta, 1839. pp. 79. 12° 2.339.17 Holmes, J. Uhetoric made easy. See Stirling, J. 5609. 10 Holmes, M. PL [Scenes in our parish. 2d series.] Philadc-lphia, 1834. 18° 4579a.28 Holmes, <_). W. Benefactors of the medical school of Harvard university, witli a sketch of Dr. G. I'arkman. Boston, 1850. pp. 37. 8° . . 4387.5 — Boi-der lines of knowledge in some provinces of medical science. Boston, 18li2. pp.80. 12°. 3721.26 — Contagiousness of puerperal fever. [No title- page.) pp. 28. 8° 5796.36 — Introductory lecture at the Massachusetts medical college, Nov. 3, 1847. Boston, 1847. S° 6087.100 — Oration before the city authorities of Boston, July 4, 1803. Boston, 1803. 4° *240a.l5 — Oral ion before the New England society, in New Y'ork, Dec. 22, 1855. [No title-page.J 8° . B.170a.41 — Poem delivered at the dedication ot the Pitts- field cemetery, Sept. 9, 1850. [No title-page.] PP- 8. 8° 4405.6 — Position and prospects of the medical student: an address before the Boylston medical soci- ety, Jan. 12, ls44. Boston, 1844. 8° . . . . 5796.25 — The professor at the breakfast-table; with the story of Iris. Boston, 1860. 12° 2-397.16 — Puerperal lever, as a private pestilence. Bos- ton, 1855. pp. 60. 8° 4205.1 — Urania ; a rhymed lesson, pronounced before the Mercantile library association, Oct. 14, 1816. Boston, 1840. 8° B. 170. 97 — Valedictory address to the medical graduates of Harvard university, .March 10, 1858. Bos- ton, 1858. 8° 5790.25 — Poem at the dinner given to prince Napoleon. See Everett, E 2393.11 — Answer to the " Homoeop.ithic delusions" of. See Neidhard, C 5796.25 — and others. Keport on medical literature. [I'liihulelphia, 1850.] 8°. [American medi- cal association. Transactions, V. 1] .... 2180.10 H0L3IES, S. Sermon occasioned by tlie death of Gen. S. Leach, delivered Sept. 23, 1832. Bos- ton, 18.32. 8°. 4347.50 H0L3IES, Sir W. H. Free cotton: how and where to grow It. With a map of British Guiana. London, 1862. pp. 43. 8° 3651.33 Holmes family, Genealogical memoirs of the. Vinton, J. A 4.332.3 Holms, W. H. M. M. JIad or sane murderers at large. With Danish and Norsk national aiis and English words. Ediuburgh, 1804. pp. 16, 8°; pp. 5, 4° 8043.13 Holroyd, J. B., lord Sheffield. Observations on the mairafactures, trade, and present state of Ireland. Parti. Dublin, 1785. pp.04. 8°. V. 3 of 2478.3 — Speech, April 22, 1799, upon the union with Ire- land. Loudon, n. d. 8° *Pph.v.353 — Kenmrks on his Observations upon the com- merce of the United States. [Champion. Present situation, etc.] 4.326.4 HOLSTEIN. Cimbriscli-hollsteinische Antiquitsien. Khode, CD 42.30.8 Holt, E. Historical sketch of the North church. I)iscourse at [its] re-opening and dedication. Portsmouth, 1838. 8° 5516. S HOLT 294 HOMERL'S Shelf. Ho. Holt, J. Address to the people of Kentucky, at Louisville, July 13, 18(51 ; also liis letter to J. F. Speed. New York. ISC.l. 1(>' 4310a. 118 — Letter upon the policy of the general govern- ment, etc., and the duty of liuutucky. Lou- isville, Ky., 1851. 8" 4330a. 30 — - Same. Lm ed. Washington, 1861. 8" ..43-'0a.31 — Letters of J. Holt, E. Everett, and C. Stew- art, on the present crisis. Philadelphia, 1861. 12° 4310a. 119 — Speeclies in Boston and New York, on the pres- ent crisis. AVashinjnon, ISOI. 8* 4320a. 31 — Reply to the review by Holt of the court mar- tial in the case of Major General Fitz John Porter. 5ee Johnson, R 4320a. 54 HOLTONjJ., Biogniphical sketch of. 5ce Whitney, F.A 4348.0 HOLTON, W. C. Cruise of the U. S. flag-ship Hart- ford, 1862-63. [Ed. J by B. S. Osbon. New York, 1863. pp.84. 12" 4310a. 120 HoLTY, L. H. C. Gedichte, besorgt [von] F. L. zu StoUberg und J. H. Voss. Carlsruhe, 1823. sm.8° 4248.9 HOLTZE, F. W. Syntaxis priscorum scriptorum Latinorum usque ad Terentium. Lipsiie, 1861-62. 2v. S' 2934.3 Contents. — Vol.1. Substantiva ; rrtppositiones; Pro- nomina. II. Verbura ; Adiectivum; Ductriiia eiiimciu- tionum. HOL.TZMAXX, A. Kelten und Gernianen, eine his- torische Untersuchung. Stutt^'art, 185j. 4'. 2825.13 Holy, or Passion week. Buneen, C C. J. Die hei- lige Leideusj^eschichte und die stille Woche. C0O7.4 — Cancellieri, F. G. Funzionidellasettimanasan- ta nella cappelia pontiticia 3404.24 HOLYOAKK.,G. J. The case of Thomas Pooley, the Cornish well-sinker, [imprisoned] for writing; on a <,^ate. London, [1857]. pp. 32. 16" . B.160b.69 — Report of a public discussion. See Grant, B. 6056.6 HoLYuKK, E. Sermon to the convention of minis- ters of the province, May 28, 1741. Boston, 1741. 8" *4.357.2 HOLYOKK, F. Dictiouarium etymologicum Lati- num. 6th time corrected. Loudon, ltH8. 6m.4* *4933.1 HOLZSOHUHKU, S. J. De statuura imperii potestate legislatoria contra jus commune. [Diss. acad.] IIala;Magdeburgic;c,[1703j.pp.56. 4°.+430l.22 HOMANS, B. Register of the conunissioncd and warrant officers of the navy of the United States, etc., to April 1, 1843. Baltimore, 1813. pp. 65. 8" C. 153. 10 HOMANs, J.S. Merchants and bankers' almanac for 18(H,05. New York, l.sr>4, (Vi. 2v. 8" . . 6043.1 HOMANS, S. Report of tlie Mutual life insurance company. .SVe New York 3921.29 HoMBKUci, T. Mytholoi^ie der Griochenu- Romer. Leipzig, \Ki\i. h" 6072.7 HoMBiriMi, E, C. Auserlesene Gcdiehtc. [Muller. Bihliothek di-utscher Dichter de8 XVii.Jahr- hunilerts, v. 7] ." . 2879.10 HOMK, IL, fotf/ Koirifs. Loose hints upon educa- tion. Kdinhurgh, I7N1. 8° 3596.8 — Sketches of the history of man. Hubtin, 177'1- 75. 4v. 12' 3588.15 — - Same. New ed. Edinburgh, 1807. .3v. 8*. 4H5.0 Ho.Mi:> J. Douglas, Irag. [Bell. British theatre, V. 3] 417na.l — - Same. [Jones. British theatre, v. 4.] . . 4575.20 IIOMKH, n. Method of ascf'rlahiing the speclllck ttharcH of jtniprielorH u|inti tiie Inclosure of conunon llflils. With Inconveniences of opf'H fields. Oxford, 1766. h" 3992.12 HOMKUt JanifM I.. [Short inriuiry into tlie coni- m'Tciid i)olicy of the Ifniied States. By a uut- ctmnt of lioHlon.) Boston, IH|5. pp.22. 8".*4163.13 HftMl'U, .lornitlum. 'Che niirceHHJon of gi-ueratiouH iinioiig niiinklnd : n ci-iitury rtertuon pri'itehid at Newton, I>ec. 25, 1791. BoHton, 1792. b'.5150a.35 hhclf. Xo. HoMKR, S. The protective system. Washington, 1846. 8". [Newspaper cutting. From the tri- weekly Union] *4103.9 Homer, W. B. Writings, with an introductory es- say and a memoir, by E. A. I*ark. 2d cd. Boston, 1849. I'i" 5442.25 Homeritks. Niifioi T(jjv 'OfinptTtiiv, [Boissonade. Anecdota Gr., v. 5] B.161.3 HOMERUS. Copiie cornv, sive oceanvs enarrationvra Homericarvm ex Evstathii in eundem com- mentari)s coucinnatarum, H. luulo autore. BasilecT, 1558. f° *4180.6 — QvEe exstant omnia, cum Latina versions lo. Spondani. Ed.ult. Basileie, [iOOli]. 2y. f°. 2990.5 Cnntcnrs. — Vol. I. Ilias ; Eiiitome Ilindos, Pindaro The- bnno aiictore; Daretis rhrypH de bello Trojano liltri 80X, Lat. carmine n Com. Nepote redditi. U. Odyssca, Butracliomyoaiifchia; Hyniui; Epigrammam. — lAia? KOI 0^vo(j€ta. 'Ei' O^otta, iret aw' [1800]. 4v. sm.4'' ,*B.167.14 Note. — " ' Curis Th. Gren%-ille, K. Poison, Randolph, Cleaver, et Rogers." " — Lvunides. — IHas et Odyssea, in pristinam formam redacta, cum notis, [etc.] R. P. Knight. Loudiui, 1820. La" '. *4200.15 — Carniina. Recognovit F. H. Bothe. Lipsiie, 18;i2-35. 6v. 8' B. 167.1 r«iH/cttfs. — Vol. I-III. IHna. IV-VI. Odyssen. Vl. Batraclioniyomncliin; Hynini; Epipramiuata et frag- nii-iita camiinuui epicorum. — Ilias; Odyssea; Batrachomyomachia; HymnL [Lect. Poets Grajci, V. 1] 4200.7 — Iliad and Odyssey, translated by A. Pope. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 12] . 4604.1 — Werke. Aus dem Griechischen neu iibersetzot und erliiutert von C.T. Damm. Lemgo, 1769- 70. 2v. 8* 4998.15 ContentB. — Vol, I. Odyssee. IL Ilinde. — Werke, von J. H. Voss. 4te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1814. 4v. 8' **2D08.8 Conleius. — V'jl. I, II. lliHs. III. IV. Odyssco. — IXiiis, £K TT]s TETapTrji ai-iiy KoiTCwj. Argent., 1650. sm.8° *H.169a.l7 — l]ias,Gi\Tce et Latinfe. Ed. Sam. Clarke. Vol. 1. [Libri i-xii.] Loudiui, 1729. 4° . . . . ; . 2991.18 — - Sanie. Anistchedanii, 1743. sm.r^" . . . . 2999.6 — - Same. Ed. Ua. Loudiui, 1790. 2v. 8' . *B. 167.4 — Iliad, chiefly from the text of lleyne, with Knglish notes. By W. Trollope. London, 1827. 2v. 8° 2999.28 — KiAi'ij, litteradigammarestituta, illustr. T. S. Brandrelh. Londini, IMI. 2v. 8" . . , , **2997.16 — Fragments of the Iliad, from a Syriac palimp- sest. Kd. by \V. Cureton. London, IK'»l. 4*. 2991.28 — The lirst book of [the] Iliad, witli a literal in- terlinear translation. 3d ed. London, 1^3U. 12' 4909.3 — IHadis liber sextus, Grieco et Latine, [Vorst. Vet. poet. Gr.] B. 109.0 — The Iliads, translated by J. l>gilby, adorned with sculpture and illustrated. [Loudon, 16.10.] i" 2990.14 — The Iliad. Translated by J. Macpherson. 2d ed. Dublin, 1773. 3v. 12° 2998.15 — I'lie Iliad, tianshiled into unrh}ined English metre, by F. W. Newiium. Ltuidou, 1S56. p.H°. 2998.11 — The Iliad, rendered into English blank verse. By L. [Stanley], earl of lierhy. London, lh'14. 2v. 8" 4995.2 — P:irsing lessons to the lirst book of [the] Iliad. [With an Knglinh prose version.] 2d ed. London, IH31. 12° 4909.4 — Illacb'. Traduction nouvelle, par IC. Pesson- neaux. Pails, IK6t. 12'' 2999.24 — lliax, uibrrselzt [hIc] von .L II. Voss, Wlen, 1814. 2v. BULtt' B.107.10 IIOMRUUS 295 HOOLE Sh'ilf. No. IFoMKiins, coniinueft. — Cmnipi, S, Osscrvazioni intorno all' IliaiK'. 2059.11 — Oihiacetay hetu TUtv cjijj ijctsqji' avvTO^wv. Unsil- vK. ISM. f *41«0.0 — Udyssea, Gr. ft Lat., ed. S. Clarke. Ed. 3n. (ilasguic, 17Ui>. :;v. 8* B.1G7.2 — Odyssea et cnriiiina iiiinnra. Ex. rec. K. A. Wollii. HiliHTtolmsa'. l»:JI-.3-.i. 'Jwinl. i.M*.*iJ.109a.S — The Odyssey. KoU-s by J. J. Owen. 4tli td. New York, IMfi. li." .' li9*Jt).2G — Odyssoe, uibersi'tzt [sic] vouJ.H.Voss, Wien, 1«H>. 2v. sm.s" B.lOr.li) — Spohn, F. A. W. t'ommeutatio de extrema Odyssese parte kvo recontiore orta qiiaiu Homerico 2008.11 — Ilymnes; Frajrniens; T,a batrachomyomaebie. [Kaleonnet. Les pc-tits poeines greesj . . . B. 101.2 — Hynmi. Kecensuit, appiiratuiiicritiinimeollegit, [etc.] A. liaunioistor. IJpsioe, 1800. h" . . 21)00. 2«> — Hymniis.in ('erei-em, editus a D. liuhnkeuio. Lugduni Batavonim, 1781. H° *Ii.lti7.3 — - 8aiue. Accediint dure cpistolie criticje et C. G. Mitscberlichii adiiot. Lugdimi Batavo- ruiii, 1808. 8" **200G.30 — Hymn to Ceres, translated from the Greek, by K. Uole. [Anderson. Poets of Great Brit- ain, V. 12] 4004.1 — Groddeck, G. E. De bynmorum Homericorum reliquiis B. 107. 10 — Mattluje, A. II, Aniniadversiones in bymuos Homericos 2000.31 — Batracomiomachia, de N. Pag'ano. [Colle- zione di tutti i poemi in lingua napoletana, V. 17] 47D0a.l — La batracommioniacbia, trad, da F. M. Farao. [Collezione di tutti i poemi in lingua napole- tana, v. 24] 4700a. 1 — Arnold, 31. On translating Homer 2000.18 — Barter, W. G. T. Homer and English metre. 2008.17 — Braudreth, T. S. Dissertation on the metre of Homer 290r).28 — Crusius, G. C. Griechisch Deutsebes AVorter- buch liber die Gcdicbte des llomeros . . . , 2984.28 — Dissen, L. G. Kurze Anleitung die Odyssee mit Knaben zu lesen 40,V.)a.l4 — Dunbar, G. Use of the digamma in the poems of Homer 208,>.27 — Herodotus. La uaissance et la vie d'Homtre. 2U88.22 — Koppen, J. H.J. Erkliirende Anmerkungen zum Homer 2998.13 — - iJber Homers Leben und Gesiinge .... 2008.14 — MUIler, \V. Homeriscbe Vorscbule B.lfi/.S — Niigelabach, C. F. v. Homerisciie Theologie . 2096.34 — Newman, F. W. Homeric translation , . . . 2903.10 — Schoenemann, C. T. G. Commentatio degeo- grapbia Humeri 2987.12 — Thiersch, B. Das Zeitalter und Vaterland des Homer B. 107.0 — Tychsen, T. C. Commentatio de Quinti Smyr- na;! paralipomenis Homcri 3006.12 — Ukert, F. A. Bemerkungen iiber Homer's Ge- ograpbie 2998.7 — Wolf, F. A. Fine Beilage zu den neuesten Un- tersuclmngen Liber den Homer 2098.12 — - Prolegomena ad Homerum 2908.6 Homes of American st:itesm£n, by various writers. New York, 1800. 8* 2342.22 HOMiLETics. Grirtin, E. D. Art of preaching . . 54-37.3 — Maury, J. S. L'(51oquence de la chaire . . - . 6085. HoMODKis, A. P. de. See Omodei. Ho3iiKOP.\THY. Brandt, .T. C. F. Die gebrauch- licbsten homuopatluscben Arzneimittel , . 5785.16 — Bryant. W. C. I'opular considerations on . . 0U87.87 — Curie, P. F. Domestic homtcopathy 3807.27 — Kpps, J. Domestic bomoeopatby .3807.28,29 — Hahnemann, S. Dissertatio de indole et fatis artis homoeopathice medendi 3807.22 Sliclf. No. Hom»t:opatiiy, continnaL — Jabr, G. H. G. Manual of bomreopatbic prac- tice .3807.21 — Joslin, B. F. Principles of 4205.16 — Possart, A. Homiiopathische Arzneimittel- lebre 5785.15 — WilkinBon, J. J. G. Plan for extending hom- oeopathy 0087.108 HONDT, J. Nova et acevrata Italix hodiernae de- scriptio. Luf;fduni Batavorum, 1627. 0^.4". 4750a. 25 HoNEYWOOL), St. -J. Poems, with some pieces in prose. New Y'ork, 18U1. sm.8° 2400.47 HoNOKiUS Augustodunensis. De imagine mundi libri trew ; Dephilosophia mundi libri quatuor; Series Homanorum pontiflcum; De scripto* ribus ecclesiasticie; De haerenibus; Gemma nnimje, sive de divinis officiis libri quatuor; De priedL-stinatione et libero arbitrio dia- logus; In ProverbiaSalomonis; In Ecclesiaa- ten ; In Cantiea canltcorum ; Sigillum B. Ma- ria? ubi exponuntur Cantiea canticorum, [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 20] B.120.1 — Ex Summa totius et ex Imagine mundi. [Frankfurt. Societ.is, etc., v. 10] 4210.2 HoNOKius I, iiope, Epigramma, de apostolis in Cbristi ad ccclos ascensioue obstupescentibus. [Maxima bibliotb. vet. patr., V. 12] B.110.2 Hood, E. P. The age and its architects; the Eng- lish people in relation to the times. London, 1850. 10° 4300.29 — Literature of labour. 2ded. London, 1852. 10°. 350U.:i4 Hood, T. Up the Ilhine. 2d part. Now York, 1852. 12° 2863.27 — The lay of the labourer. [Smith. Weekly vol- ume, V. 1] 8030.3 HooGEKBEETS, U., HistoHe van de rechtsplegiug ontrent. See Brandt, G 4231.1 Hook, W. F. Book of fimily prayer. Introduc- tion by G. W. Doane. Philadelphia, 1839. 18" 5448.29 — Hear the church. A sermon preached June 17, 1838. 2ded. Loudon, 1838. 8° *l'ph.v.3S5 — Inaugural discourse pn ached in the parish church of Leeds, April 10, 1837. London, 1837. 8" ♦Pph.v.385 — Letter on the use of the Atbanasian creed. Oxford, [1838]. H" *Pph.v.3S5 — Lives of the archbishops of Canterbury. Vol. 1,3,4. London, 1800-05. 3v. 8" 2544.10 HooKEK, H. The child's book on the Sabbath. New Y'ork, 1835. 10° 5454.15 — The farmer's own book. New Y'ork, 1839. 24°. 4U0ti.29 HOOKER, John. Letter, written previous to the late election in Connecticut, to [lawyers of] t!ie democratic party, n.p., [18r.;j]. pp. 8. [No title-page.] 8° 4320a. .33 Hooker, Joseph D. The flora of Australia. Lon- don, 1S59. 4° 5840.9 Hooker, 11. Works, with life by I. Walton. New ed. arranged by J. Keble. Oxford, 1S36. 3v. in 4. 8° 0004.4 Contents. — YiA- I. EdUor's preface; Life of Hooker, by Walton. I-III. Laws of ecclesitistical polity. IV. Sermona; Travera' auiiplieation to tht! council; Hook- er's answer to Travera' Bupjilication; Sermona. — The ecclesiastical polity and other works. Life, by I. Walton. Notes by B. Hanbury. Lou- don, 1830. 3v. 8° 3547.15 HooLE, C. Terminationes et exerapla declhiatio- num et conjugationum, itemque Propria quae maribus. Qua? genus et As in prcesunti Englished and explained. Revised by T. Sandon. London, 1803. 24° 4033.11 Hoole, .J. Account of the life and writings of John Scott. 5eeScott, J 2548.6 — S'eeBelUJ. British theatre 4179a. 1 Confeiirt.— Vol. XXIV. Cyros, traff.; Cleonice, priu- cesa of Bithyiiia, traff. XXXIV. Timniiihed, trag. nOOPEK 296 HOENE Shelf. No. Hooper, G. Waterloo : a history of the oainpai^'n of ISlo. London, l.SiVJ. h° 4053.0 HOOPEK, S. Speech on the necessity of rejjuliit- ing the currency of the country, delivered iu tlie house, April 0, 1804. AVashington, ](.04. 6' 4320a. 34 — Theory and elfect of laws regulating the amount of specie in banks. Boston, 1S60. pp.55. »*. 5040.6 HOFE,A.J.B.B. The American disruption. Three lectures. 0th ed. London, 1802. 8° . . . . 4322. ".i/ — Social and poUtic.il bearings of the American disruption. 3d ed. London, 1803. pp.42 8°. 4322.27 noPE, T. Household furniture and interior decora- tion. London, 1807. pp.53. 60 pi. f . . *39.F.l HOPF, C. Historischgenealogischer Atlas. Abth. L Deutschhind. Band 1. Gotha, 1S5S. C. 2840.3 Hopkins, F. \V. Eulogy on T. B. Kansom. See Butler, J. D 4390a. 54 Hopkins, James D. Oration pronounced before the inhabitants of Portland, July 4, 1805. Portland, 1805. 8° 4394.28 HoPKi.Ns, John. Psalms in Knglish metre. See Bible. Psalms. English 6014.4 Hopkins, John U. Relations of science and re- ligion. A discourse, Aug. 24, 1850. Albany, 1>5IJ. 8° 4.390a.71 View of slavery, from the days of Abraham to the 19th century. New York, [1804]. 12° . 3579.24 Bible view of slavery. [Handbook of tlie de- mocracy. P.ipers, Xo. 8] 4310.1 — Reviewof [his] Bible view of slavery. [Phila- delphia, lt-o:i ?] pp.15. h° 4310.13 — Keply to the bishop of Vermont on slavery. See Goodwin, D. K 3579.20 Hopkins, Manley. Handbook of average. With a chapteronarbitration. 2ded. Lond.,18o9. 8°. 3072.14 Hawaii: the past, present, and future of its island-kingdom. London, 1S02. p.S" . . . 3046.22 Hopkins, Mark. Address before the Society for the promotion of collegiate and theological edu- cation at the West, Boston, May 20, 1852. Boston, 1.-.52. 8° v. 1 of 5590.1 Baccalaureate sermons, and occasional dis- courses. Boston, 1862. 8° 5442.16 The central principle: an oration before the JS'ew England society of New York, Dec. 22, 1853. New York, lK.'i4. 8° 4390a. 72 Discourse commemorative of A. Lawrence, Feb. 21, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8° 4129. B8 Fruit in ohi age: a discourse commemorative of N. .laekson, May 17, ls03. Boston, 1803. 8°. 4.347.43 The Salibath and free institutions: a sermon, May, 1847. Boston, 1S47. 8° 5442.17 Science and religion : a sermon delivered Aug. 24,1856. Albany, 1856. 8° 5442.17 — Sermon at Plymouth, Dec. 22, lS4fl. Boston, 1847. h' 6442.17 — Sermon before E. Everett, governor, etc., on the anniversary election, Jan. 2, IMB. Bos- ton, iH:i». 8° nsso.ii Sermon before the annual convention of con- gregaliimal ministers of .Massachusetts. Bos- ton, IM.'i. 8° •l'ph.v.:i7«, anil •4357.12 Sernnm before the Pastoral association of Mas- snclnisells. May :io, 1K13. Boston, 1843. 8°. 0442.17 — Si-rmon |on] the death of E. Kellogg, Oct. II, 184(1. Iliislon, imo. 8° 4347.47 The temple of (i(Ml : a sernn)!! at the dedication of the South congregational church, Pitts- tleld, Nov. 13, 18,50. Boston, I85U. 8" . . . . 5442.17 Hopkins, S. Timely articles on slavery. Boston, )8.',4. jip. 81. 8' B.160.78 Hnus I'ahitliui ; Allan- tiadesi t'liriftlanii-x Augustus; ( uniiina \ aria. ( Uoslgaurd. Delleia- poerarum |ianoriini| .4229a. 19 Ht>iir. Ad Possessorem epistola. [Gry- nieus. Monumeiila s. patruiu] B.HI. 3 Horn, iim/. Important message to the people, and more so to the .lews. Sacramento, 1858. pp. 20. 8° 0088.8-1 Horn, lloorn, or Hornea, Philippe ii de Mont- nlorencl-Nlvellc,olm^!(A•. Vie. .See Juste, T. 2813.22 lIORNiiniK, C. Kiigelsk-ilansk og dansk-engelsk llaand-Oldbog. Rjilbenbavn, 1803. 2v. 10°. 4880.20 HOUNE, G. On the redemption of time ; Life a journey : sermons. [Dibdin. Sunday Mbrmy, V. 1] 5141.23 HoRNE, T. 11. Introiiuelion to the erilical study and kiiowh'dge of the Holy Srriplnn'S. New i-d. frmn 8lh Lomlon i-d. I'hiluclelpliia, IMo. ...- .s" 6011,5 HOUNER 297 HOUWALD siioir. Mo. Horner, L. Memoirs of F. Horner, with selec- tions from tiis correspondence. Ktilnbnrgh, 184'J. 111°. (CluiniluMS. liistruetive library]. SS-la.aS HORNKR, S. Giusepiie Ginsti and Ijis times. Lon- don, 1804. »° 2"49.29 HoKNKs, M. Die fossilen Mollusken des Tertiser- Beckens von AVien. IJivalven. [^'iennll, l(sili-05.] 2v. i". [\'ienna. Iv. k. gi-'ologis- clieu Keifhsnnslalt, V. a,4] 3SG0.29 IIORNiss, J. Spureu eines romisclien l.nftznges im sclilesi.sclien Gebirg. Leipzig, [1S44]. pp. 2?. «ni.s° H.inob.22 UoRRY, — . [Letter to Abbott I.awrenee, dated Boston, Feb. 4, lS4c'i.] [No title-page.] pp.". 8° . . . .■ •4103. !,■? HoR.SDlTRcti, J, Indirt directory, or direction.^ for sailing to tile Ka.st Indies. 7tU ed. London, l.vVi. 2v. in 1. 4° »30.Ti.9 HciRsK. Aelleste Gescbicbte der Pferde und I'fer- dezucht in Paliistiua, Aej^ypten, Arabien, u. s. w. [Miulnielis. Jlosaiscbes Ueclit, v. 3] . G029a.2 — Cbarlier, 1*. Des indigestions gazeuses du chevaUetc 4002.27 — GueudeviUe. Traite de la ferrure des clievaux. 4004.18 — IHayhew, E. Diseases of tlie equine race . , . 4004.2 — - Illustrated horse management 4004.4 — JIazzuclielli, F. Scuola er|uestre 4001.9 — Moll, L. La connaissance du cheval 4004.1 — Tattersall, G. Pictorial'gallery of English race hor.ses 4002.29 — Tennecker, C. E, S. v. Lehrbuch der aeussern allgenieineu Pferdekenntuiss 4004.8 — - Naturlelire des I'I'erdes 3903.31 — Walsh, .1. U. The horse in the stable and tlie field 4004.3 See also: Stables. HOBSE training. Anleitung Pferde abzurichten. Hiinersdorf, L 4004.22 UORSEI.L, W. Hydropathy for the people. Witli notes and observations by K. T. Trail, titer. ed. New York, 1S50. 12° 42(15.20 IIOR.'JKMANSHll", Art of modern. Lebeaud . . . 4004.28 HoR.sF()Rn, E. N. Tlie army ration. New York, 18IH. pp. 42. 8° 5953.30 — Protection of safes against tire, dampness, rust, and frost. Boston, 1803. pp. 21. 16° . . . 6973.4 — Kelation of the chemical constitution of bodies to taste, n. p., n. d. pp. 7. 8° 5973.4 — Report [on tiiej " Description of the causes of the explosion of steam boilers, and of some newly discovered properties of heat," [etc., by] J. Frost, n. p., n. d. pp. 2. 8° . . . . 5973.4 — Report on Mystic pond water to the Boston harbor commission. Boston, 1801. pp. 19. 8°. 4.355.65 — Scientilic researches. Albany, 1852. pp. 45-80. 8° 5973.4 — Service-pipes for water. Cambridge, 1849. pp. 48. 8° B.170.8 — Ueber den Wei-th verschiedener vegetabilischer Nahrungsmittel, hergcleitet aus ihren .Stick- stotfgehalt. [Heidelberg, 184(1.] pp. 40. 8°. [Annalen der Chemie und Plmrmacie, Bd. OS, Heft 2] 5973.4 HORSLKY, J. Index of places mentioned in Ilors- ley's map of Northumberland. Edinbujgh, '1853. pp. .39. 8° *I'ph.v.347 HORSLEY, S. Critical disc|uiaitions on the eigh- teenth chapter of Isaiah. Philadeljihia, ,1800. 12° ».3434.20 — Sic Dibdiu. Sunday library, v. I, 3 S444.23 ConUnm. — Vo}. I. Observ-nnce of the Sniibiith ; two •ermons; Annivcriijirj' Btrmon fortbe sons of tbe clergfy. 111. Tbe Syropliceuician woiuuu: two sermons. HORST, G. C. DSmonomagie, Oder, Geschichtc des Glaubens an Zauliercl. Frankfurt, 1818. 2v. sm.S° 0100.7 — Dcnteroskopie, odcr, merkwiirdige Erschein- ungen. Frankfurt, 18.30. 2v.ini. 8° . . . 0090.15 38 Slielf. Xo. noKST,G.C., continued. — Mysleriosophie, oder, Veredlung: des protes- taiilisclien (iotte.sdieustes, [u. s. w.]. Frank- furt, 1.S17. 2v. 8° 0008.23 — Zauber-liihliolhek. Mainz, 1821-20. Cv. 8°. 0090.14 UORT, W. ,1. Introduction to the study of chronol- ogy and history. Philadelphia, 1810. 24° . 7039.29 Horticulturist, The, and journal of rural art and taste. Vol. 9-18, [or, new series, v. 4-13]. Rochester, etc., 1854-03. lOv. 8° »5874.1 HOSKINS, G. A. Viaggio a Meroe e in Etiopia. [Marmocchi. Via^'gi, v. 8 (t. 18)] 2275.1 HOSKYNS, C. W. History of agriculture in [all] times. London, 1849. 1(1° .3992.22 HOSMER, C. L. Aldermanic wisdom upon the ques- tion of license. Boston, 1849. pp.10. 8° . B. 170. 110 — [Christ and the Pharisees upon the .Sabbath. By a student of divinity.] Boston, 1850. pp. 71. 8° 6088.225 H0S5IER, G. VV. Report of delegates from the Gen- eral aid society for the army, to visit the gov- ernment hospitals. Buflalo, 1802. pp.16. 8°. 4320a. 35 HOSMER, W. H. C. Poetical works. New York, 1854. 2v. 12° 4409.5 Contents. ~Vo]. I. Yonnondio ; Legends of the Sene- caa ; Inrlion trajjitiona and songs ; Bird-notes ; Tlio months. II. Occasional poems; Historic scenes ; Mar- tial t.vrics; Songs and ballads; Funeral echoes; Son- nets ; Miscellaneous poems. HOSPITAL scenes after the battle of Gettysburg, July, 1863. Lancaster, 1804. pp. 3-3. 8° .4310a. 101 Hospitality. De tesseris hospitalitatis liber. Tommasini, ,J. F 4139.20 Hospitals. Degen, L. Der Bau der Kranken- hfiuser 3707.19 — Nightingale, F. Notes on 3791.19 See also: Insane hospitals, Military' hospitals. H<5st, G. Efterretninger om Mardkos og Fes, 1700- 68. Kitlbenhavn, 1779. 4° 5051.20 HOSTE, or L'Hoste, P. Treatise on naval tactics, translated by J. D. BoswalL Edinburgh, 1834. 4° 3051.13 Hot-house. Die praktische Obst-Treiberei. Tat- ter, W 3992.8 Hotels. Histoii-e des hOtelleries, cabarets, hotels garnis, et cafes. Michel, F 4001.2 Hothaivi, D. Life of Behmen. London, 1664. pp. 48. sm.f° 0080.7 Hotman, F. De verbis fevdalibvs commentarivs. [Brisson. De verborum significatione] . . 3030.4 Hottentot fables and tales. Bleek, VV^ H. I. . . 3057.11 Hottinger, .1. H. Promtuarium, sive bibliotheca orientalis. Ileidelberg.T, 1658. 4° *2104.17 HoUDARTde Lamotte, A. Incs de Castro, tragidie, [Theatre fran^ais, V. 44] . . . . ^ 4708.1 Hough, F. B. Plan for seizing and carrying to New York Wm. Goffe, [being] the affidavit of J. London, [etc.]. Albany, IS.'iS. pp. 17. 12° . 4347.31 Hough, G. H. Anglo-Burmese dictionary. Maul- main, 1845. 2v.ini. 12° 3038.16 Hough, L. S. Lecture on the human soul, with its relations to tlie external world through the medium of material organs, and its relation to a future state. Boston, 1843. 12° . . . . 5009a. 8 HOUSSAYE, A. Lc rol Voltaire. 2e ed. Paris, 1868. 8° 4703.10 HOUSSE, L. Die Faustsage und der historische Faust. Luxemburg, 1802. 8° 2907.13 HOUSTOUN, M. C. H. Texas and the Gulf of Mex- ico ; or, yachting in the New world. [Smith. AVeekly volume, v. 1.] 8030.3 HOUWALD, C. E. v. Theater. Wien, 1827. 6v. 16°. 4899.6 Contcnte. — Vol. I. Das Bild, Trauerspiel. II. Die Feinde, Trauerspiel. III. Der Fiirst und der Burger, Drama; Die altcil Spielcameraden, I.ustspicl. IV. Die SiihDung, Drama; Der Leuehtlhurm, Trnuerspiol ; Die Freistatt, eio ti-agisches Bild. V. Die Ileimliehr, Trau- erspiel ; Seinom Schicksal kann niomand ontgchen, dramatiBirtes Sprichwort; Gedichte. HOtnVALD 298 HOWS HotnvALD, C. E. v., continued. — Vermischte Schriften. Leipzig, ISSo. 2v. 16°. 4S98.S Contents. — Vol. I. Die Freislutt. eiu trag. Eikl ; Sei- ncm Scbicksiil kaiin uiemand cmgehcu, dnnnnlisirtes Sprichwort ; Jacob Thau, dor Hofuarr, Erzftlllung; Has Sfctrvflcn bci Xacht, hist. Siiizzc. II. Matorialicn zu einem Volks-Kalender; St-enen aus eincm Bade ; Das Bcgriibuiss, ErzahLung; Der Epilog zu Maria Stuart; Gedichte. Der Louchttlnirm. Die Heimkelir. NcueAufl. Leipzig, 182'i. sm.S" 4878.18 HOVEV, A. Miracles of Clirist as attested by the evangelists. Boston, isri4. 1«° 3434.20 HoVET,C. M. Magazine of horticulture. Vol. 1-26. Boston, IsatMiO. 2ev. S° *isn.\ HovEY, S. Letters from the West Indies. New York, I8;S.S. 12° 43G7.15 How to increa.se competition for the purchase of labour, and how to raise the wages of the la- bourer. From the plough, the loom, and the anvil, n.p., II. d. pp.18. 8° B. 170. 29 How to speak in public, (ilasgovv, 1881. sq.lO" . 50U9.25 How.\KD, B. C. Keport of the decision of the su- preme court of the United Slates in the case of Dred Scott 1-.S-. J. F. A. Sandford, Dec. 1858. Washington, 1857. 8° B. 160. 108 — Eulogy on Andrew Jackson. See Duseubcry, B. M 2317.25 How.vuii, D. H. Mayflowers. [.Scientific tract?]. 3'J3'J.6 HoWAUO, E., Discourse occasioned by the death of. See Howard, S 4349.13 Howard, F. Iv. Fourteen months in American Bastiles. Baltimore, ls03. pp.89. 8°. . . 4.320a.. 30 HOWAKD, G. W. F., earl of Carlhle. Diary in Turkish ttnd Greek waters. Edited by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1855. 12° 3083.0 HowAUi), H., earl of Surrey. Poetical works and life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 1] 4604.1 Contents. — SoD^, eonnets, elegiea, translatioDa, etc. HowAKD, J. Works. London, 1791, 92. 2v. 4°. 3571.15 Contents. — Vol. I. State of prisons in Rnfjland ami Wales, with an account of some foreign prisons and hoHltllals, 4tll ed. 11. History of lazarettos in Europe, with papers rulntivc to the plague, 2d od. — State of prisons in England and Wales, with an account of some foreign prisons and hoH- pitalH. 2d ed. Warrington, 1780. 8° . . . . 5575.1 How.vul), N. Latin exercises e.xtended, selected from the best Uonuin writers. Newcd. Lon- don, n. d. 12° 49.19. S — Key to Latin e.vercises. London, 1820. 12° . 4939.9 Huw.Mti), Uiciinrd L. Lecture introductory to the course in tlie Starling medical college of Co- lumbus, rolunibus, 1819. 8° 0087.107 HowAKi), .S'tr Uobert. The committee, comedy. [Bell. British theatre, V. 20] 4179u.l HowAKi), S. Discourse on the death of Mrs. Eliza- beth Howard. Boston, 1777. 8° 4349.13 — Sermt)U preached Nov. 18, 1791, at the ordina- tion of llev. T. Adams. Boston, 1791. 8° . 6400a.8 UowAuii, W.A. Kansiis-Lt'compton constitution. .SjK-ecli lu the house, March 23, 1858. [Wash- ington, IxSM.] 8°. [iNo title pagy) 4310.8 Howe, 1C.,j>. Complete preceptor for the acconloon. Boston, [l.-^l]. pp.40. obl.8° 8002.49 — [Complete precei)tor for the banjo. By Gumbo Cliuir.l lioston, n.d. obl.b° 8061.05 — [Klhiopian glee book. By Gumbo ClialT.] Bos- ton, 1819. obl.h" 8017.7 — InHtruclor for the guitar; udiled, n collection of widlzeii, etc. Boston, 1 18511. pp. on. obl.8°. 8051.80 — MuHh'Iau*s companif>n. lHt-3fl part, containing 94 I'olllllons.etc. lioslon, | IsMIJ . 3v. obl.N°. 8017.10 — I'iano forte Inntruclor. Boston, [18.')0]. pp. 5(1. obl.4° 8051. .30 — Ucliool for tlicclarlonett, with marches, wultzcs, [etc.]. Boston, [1851]. p|i. 50. obl.l" . . . 8052.51 Howe, E., jr.^ continued. — School for the violin. Boston, [1851]. pp. 56. obl.8° : • • • 8051.87 — Seraphine and melodeon instructor. Boston, [1851]. pp. ,58. obl.S" 8052. .35 — The violin complete, lioston, [1,850]. 4° . . . 8001.72 Howe, J. M. Consumption, bronchitis, etc., [cured by inhalation. New York, 186-]. pp. 12. [No title-page.] 12° B.I60b.34 — Cimsimiptiou curable. Information respecting tlie practice of F. H. Kamadge. New York, 1858. pp. 98. 12° B. 170b. 106 How'E, N. A century sermon, delivered in Hop- kinton, Dec. 24, 1815. Andover, 1818. 8° . . 5540.3 — - Same. 4tli ed., with a memoir and notes by E. Nason. Boston, 1851. 8° 6646.4 Howe, K., enrt. Letter on his naval conduct in the American war. See Galloway, J 4327.16 Howe, Samuel, Jlemoir of. See Ellis, R 5450a.28 Howe, Samuel G. Address at the anniversary celebration of the Boston phrenological soci- ety, Dec. 28, 1835. Boston, 1.S38. 8° . . . . 5001.31 — Essay on separate and congregate systems of prison discipline. Boston, 1846. i)p. 90. 8°. 6575.5 — Historical sketch of the Greek revolution. New York, 1828. 8° 4252.2 — - Same. 2(1 ed. New York, 1828. 8° . . . . 3077.5 — Letter on the sanitary condition of the troops in tlie neighborhood olTJoston. Washington, 1881. pp. 18. 8° 4320a.37 — Letter to loyal women, touching contributions for the army. Boston, 1882. pp. ,W, 8° . . 4.320n.38 — Letler to [the] commissioners of Massachu- setts for the State reform school for girls. Boston, 1854, pp, 38. 8° B.170.23 — Letter to tlie governor of Massachusetts upon his veto of a bill providing for an increase of state beneficiaries at the school for idiotic children. Boston, 1857, pp, 24, 8° . . . . 0087.82 — Refugees from slavery in Canada West : re- port, Boston, 1884. 8° 4320b. 2 — Review of his report on idiocy. See Emerson, G, B 3800.68 — and others. Address of the committee ap- pointed at Faneuil hall, Sept. 24, 1840, on the recent kidnajipiiig case, [etc,]. With an appendi.K, Boston, 1848. pp.42. 8° . . . . B.160.79 llDWEi.i.s, W. D. rooms of two friends. See I>iatt,.LJ 2397.17 llowisox, H. U. Criminal trials. Uichmond, 1851, S° 4289,40 Contents, — John Fisher; .Tolin Cnnipfield ; Cnpnellus Sullivan : Honr.v li. Allison; William P. Aileock; Har- riet llofiper; Samnel Hastings; Eliznbetli Soutluird ; Edward Clements; Thomas Held. HowiTT, A. 51. Art-Student in Munich. Boston, 1854. 16° 2803 llowirr, E. Selections ftom letters written during a tour through the United Stales in 1819. Nottingham, il,s2l)]. 12° 2308 IIowiTT, M. Sketches of natural history. [In verse,] IMiiladeljihia, 1834, 24° 46iWa IIOWITT, W. Bookof Ihc-ieasons, I'hila,, 1831. 12°. 3829 — History of priestcraft in all ages and nations Ni-wYork, 1833, 12' 0003 — History of the supernatural in all ages and nations. London, 188:). 2v. p,b° 6435 — Transportation as the t)nly means of convict reform; also, Letters on the game laws., Loudon, IsiVl, ]>p. 75, ii,8° II(iwI.ANl), .1,, I-ile and limes of. See Hall, E, B, HoWLEOI.Ass. Mai'vellous adveiitnres of Tyll OwlghWH. .S'ee ICulenspiegel, T Howi-ETT, T, 11. Healings ott.od with iiur imllim. Discourse, ,7une I, lMi5. \Vii>hinglnu, 18ii5. 8°. I10W8, J. W. S. Golden leaves from llie .\inerlcan Iioets. New York, 1885. 12" ' — Cioltlen leaven iVom the British poets. New York, 1881. 12° 3570 4347 431 26 .21 .42 .10 .28 .22 .82 .41 ,13 2.3 .25 ,10 I IIOWSB 299 HUGO Shelf. No. HowsE, J, Grammar of the Cree lanpmpe, with an analysis of the Chippeway dialect. Lon- tioii, 1M4. h* 2306.34 Howso.N, J. ,S. Life and epistles of St. Paul. See C'onyheare, W..I COIO.H HOYER, J. G. V. I.itteratur der Kricgswissenscliaft- en iind Krie. W. Hoyt family : a geuealoj,'ical history. IJosinn, is:,r. h" *2333.2a HitoswiTHA, or Ilrotswitha. S'-c Koswitha. Hub, I. Ueutscliland's HalhuUn- imd Itomanzcn- Dichter voix (1. A. Itiirjrer bis auf die ueiieste Zeit. IlleAutl. Karlsruhe, [ISS'^J. r... 2901. 8 — Die kontisflu- und huniori>tisehi' hiteratur tier doiitscliea I'rosaisteii des IGten Jiilirliunderts. Niirnberjr, 1S5(), 57. 2v.ini. 8' *4236.1 HUBUAiU), G. H. New Hampshire journal of med- ieiue. See New Hampshire 7716.2 IluitiiAHn, J, Essay ou music. Boston, 1808. pp. 19. 4° 8043.2 HriiBAKD, S., Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Ailceu, S 5440a. HCBBAKi\ W. J., Life and character of. See Todd, J. E 4348.12 HUBBARnTON, J't., Address on the 82d anniversary of the battle of. Clark, H 4355.14 HuBEK, J. N. Diecartcsischen Beweise vom Dasein Gottes. Aupsburg, 1854. pp.55, b" . , B.lGOa.114 HUBER, V. A. English universities. From the (ier- nian. [TrausUitedby F. P. Simpson], abridged by F.W.Newman. London, 1S43. 2v.in3. 8°. 2470.12 Hubert, C. A. Wartuns, Zucht, und Pflege der Schafe. Berlin, 1814. sm.H" 4001.20 Hubert Valleroux, E. Mumoire sur le catarrhe de ToreiUe moyenue et sur la surdite qui eu est la suite. 2e'ed. Paris, 1845. 8' 5803.30 HUBERTUSUURO, Dic Strafanstalteu zu. Berg- striisser, W 3575.19 HUbxer, F.O. Die IrrthUmerdes Schutz-Systems. Leipzig, 1851. 8° 4280.8 — Jahrbuch Tiir Volkswirthechaft und Statistik. Leipzig, 1852-63, 8v. 8' 5G44.1 — Nachrichten aus dcm Gebicte der Staats- und Volkswirthschaft. Leipzig, 1853. 2v.ini. 4^*4290.14 — Statistische Tafel aller Lander der Erde. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1852. Folded sm.4° B. 170. 21 — Die Zolltarife aller Liinder. Leipzig, 1852. 8°.*4290.21 HuBNER, H. Deutscher Zeitungs-Katalog. Leip- zig. 1861. 8° 2156.3 HiJBNER, Jacob. Beitrag^e zur Geschichte der Schmetterlinge. Augsb., 1780-90. 2v.ini. S°. 3895.10 HiJBXHR, .Johanu. Biblischo Uistorien. Herausg. von F. C. Adler. Nebst ehiem Anhange von M.E. Engel. Leipzig, 1827-29. .3v. in 1. H". 3429.10 HUbner, Julius. Catalogue de lagalerie royale de Dresde. Traduit de I'Allemand par L. Gran- gier. Dresde, [1856]. 16° 2834.30 HiJBSCHSiANX, A. Nachrichten iiberdieFamiliede Wctte. Jena, 1M8. pp. .33. h" . 2X48.2, and 4129.92 HUCBALP, Uubald, or Ubald. Vita S. Lebuiiii. [Frankfurt. .Societas, etc., v. 2] 4210.2 Hui>DE, J. Epistols duse de reductione equatio- num et de niaximis et minimis. [Descartes. Opera, V. 7] 3926.5 Hudson, Charles. History of the towu of Marlbo- rough. Boston, 1802. 8° 2.356.29 — Speerh in the house, on the annexation of Texan, Jan. 20, it^io, "Washington, n. d. 8". [Xo title-pa-e] 6087.127 — Speeeh in the houpe, on the cost of the war and finances of the country, Feb. 15, 1848. Washington, 1848. pp. 16. 8° 6087.127 — Speech in the house, on the Mexican war, Dec. 16, 1M6. Wa>hii)gton, ISiO. pp.16. b° . .6037.127 — Speech in the house, on the three millichrift, ihr Zu- stand und friihester Gebram-h im Alterthum. ITim, 1801. sra.4° **2112.12 — Untersuehungen uber den Mythos der beriihra- tern Volker der alten Welt, vorziiglich der Griechen. Freyburg, 18i2. 4" 0071.7 HUGENBERGER, T. Das Puerperalfieber im St. Petersburger Hebammen-Institute, 1845-59. St. Petersburg, 1802. pp. 07. 7 tables. s° . 3773.18 Hughes, John, b. 1677, d. 1720. Miscelbmeous po- etical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 7j . . . • 4004.1 — The siege of Damascus : trag. [Bell. British theatre, v. 12] 4179a. 1 Hughes, John, nbp. of N^ew York, b. 1798, d. 1864. The catholic chapter in the history of the United States : a lecture, March 8, 1852, New York, 1852. S" 5515.1 — The church and the world : a lecture at Phila- delphia, Jan. 31, 1850. New York, 1850. 8°. 6088.71 — Kirwan unmasked : a review. New York, 1848. pp. 72. 12° 5404.40 — Life, with an account of his burial. Piiiladel- phia, [1804]. pp.70. 12" 5559a. 15 Hughes, T. The cause of freedom. London, 1863. pp. 10. 12° 4322,09 Hughes, W, The geography of British history. London, 1863. 16° 2435.5 Hughs, T. Universal class-book. Philadelphia, 1830. 12° 7069.20 Hugo, archbishop of Rouen. In laudem memoriae libri tres ; Super tide catholica et oratione Dominica. [Martene. Vet. script., v. 9] . . 4150.1 Hugo, of Poitiers. Historia Vizeliacensis monaste- rii. [Achery. Spicilegium, v. 3] 4152.7 Hugo deAvalon. Vita. S^e A(\am, of Fynsham. 2423.3 Hugo de Cleei'iis. Comnientarius de maioratu et senescalcia Franci;e. [Maxima biblioth. vet.patr., V. 20] B.110.2 Hugo de S. Victore. Hugo und die theologisehen Kjchtungeu seiner Zeit. S'ce Liebuer, C. T, A.. 6060.10 Hrco 300 HUMBOLDT Shelf. No. Hugo von Langrenstein. Martina. Herausgegrebeu diirch Adclbcrt von Keller. .Stuttgart, IMrt. f*'. [Stuttgart. Uibiiothek des liter. Vereins, V. 38] *4235.1 Hugo Eterianus. De aniniMrum re<^ressu ab inferis ; De processione .Spiritus S. contra Gnpcoruni errores libri tres. [Maximii biblioth. vet. patr., V. „»■,•] B.110.2 Hugo Liugonensis. Traetalus de corpore et san- guine Christi contra Uerengarium. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. IS] B. 110.2 Hugo Kotliomngensis. De ecclesia et ejus minis- tris ; Epistolfe. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 2.*] B.110.2 Hugo, G. v. Civilistisches Magazin. [B. 1-2] -Ite Ausg.; [B. 3] 2te Ausg. Berlin, 1815-32. 6v. sm.H" M292.7 — Histoire du droit romain, trad, de ralleinnnd sur la 7e ed. [par A. J. L. Jourdau], Taris, 3822. 2v. 8° 4303.12 Hugo, J. Historia Romana, sev origo Lat.ii vel Ital- ic ac Rom an a; vrbis. Ronije, 1055. sm.f . 4755.1 Hugo, V. M. Cbatiments. Geneve, 1853. 16" . . 4189a.3(j — Lucrece Borgia, drame. Kouv. ed. Taris^ 1843. H" 41S7.4 — (Euvrea oratoires. Bruxelles, 1853. 2v. 18° . 4709.8 — M'illiam Shakespeare. Transl. by A. Baillot. London, 18*14. 8" 2693.8 — Exainen du livre des Miserables de. See I'er- rot de Chezelles, E 4703.17 Huguexet, I. Origiue et formation des asphaltes et leuremploicomme cimcnt naturel. Paris, 1^7. 8° 4093.14 HUGUES, mo7ik of Verdun. Chronicon. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., v. 8] 4210.2 HUGUES de Saint-Cher. Concordantiae majores utriusque lustrumenti dictionum. See Con- cordantis 5430,4 Huhn, J. B. DenckmalU gottlicher Giite und Vor- sorge vor seine evangelische Kirche an dem Exempel der saltzburgiscben Emigranten. Gotliu, ir3'^. 4" . . . ^ *G055.11 HuiDKKcU'KK, IL J. Obituary. From the Cliris- tian examiner for Sept., 1854. Boston, 1854, pp. 12. 8° 4129.su HUisn, U. Nature, economy, and practical man- agement of bees. 2d ed. London, 1817. 8*. 5898.5 — Beee : their natural liistory and general man- agement. New ed. eid. J^uudon, 1S4L 12°. 5898.16 HULBKKT, E.J. Map of the mineral district of Lake Superior. 5n ; Soii- etto. III. [5]. Briefe an F. A. Wolf; Amtlichc Arbelten und EutwUrfenuftdeni Juhre 1800; Ueber dns Munt-edes Petlts-Augiistlns. [C] Sonottej Uober dio Verschieden- heit doB menBchllelien Spraehbnucs uud ihren Einfluss nuf diegelRtigeEiitwIekclungdesMenficheugeitchleehts; Ueber den Zusammenhnnfr der Sehrlfl niit der 8])rneho ; Ueber dio Buehstalienschrift und deren Zunamnienhauff mitdeni tipraebbau; Ueberden Dualls; Sonetto. IV,[7]. Ideen zu ehieni \'er8ueh, die Oriliir.en der Wfrkmnukett des Staatfl xu bentimmen ; Denkuchrlfl fiber I'reuHHena el&udlitehe VerfuHiung; Mtnudre devaul nervir de rtfu- totiun ik celul du conitn de Capo d'lnlHa; Lettn' d M. Abel-ltt'muNat, stir hi nature des formes frruninuiticalen en Kvneral et snr le genlu de la langue ehhiidse eu par- ticuller; Nollrciiurln tinnnniaire Japonnine du P. Oynu- fTuren ; I.eltre li M. r^rinllerung iiber Schiller und ih-n (iaug seiner (ieislesentwiekhiug von W. V. Ilunibohlt. Slullgart, is;i(). sm.H" . 4230n.4 — liber die Kawi-Spracbe auf der Insel Java. Ilerlin, lh:ilV-:ui. ^\, 4* *1241.5 — Letters to a lady. Introemen( d>s roelien dans leH ileux hiini.-'pbei'es. I'ariH, I8,'.'J. h'. 3S0(i.4 lUTjinoi.PT 301 HUNT Shelf. No. Humboldt, F. H. A. v., continued. — £s$ai politique sur le royaume do la Nouvelle- Espagne. Turin, 1811. 5v. 8* 4310.2 — Histoiro de la piOfjrnpliic du iiouvefiu conti- nent et dcs projirt-s di- rnstronomii* nnuti'Hic aux lot' et ir.e sii'des. Tarts, is;i(\-:t'.). r>v. s'. ^JJIG.IO — Kleinere Schrifton. liand 1. (ieoKiiostischc uml physikalische Erinneninpfcn. Hilt cinem Atl.-is. Stutfi^nrt, ]So:5. s% imd Atlas, «)l>l.4°.*42r0.12 — Kosnios. Kntwurf einer pliysischeu Welt- besctireihnnj;. Stuttjiart, lsio-li2. r>v^ in (1. S°, and Atlas, obl.-i' M270.il — Prospect [zum] Tjigebuch einer Ueise vom Mississippi nncli den K listen dcr Siidsee, vnn Balduin JloIIliausen. Leipzig, 185?. pp. 11. r B.190.2 — . [Hliitter der Erinnening an Alexander von Iluniboldr.] Berlin, ISOO. sq.Hi' 2848. 2S — Tribute to the memory of IIund>oldt. New York, l.s.V.i. pp. :H). ,s^. [['ulpit and rostrum]. 4840.1 — Cntta, B. liriefe iiher Huinhnlilt's Kosmos , 4270.7 — JvliMicke, H. Kill biograpliisches Pcnkmal . . 42;{7.2 — ^Vitt\ve^, W. C. Leben und Wirken 3>s30.U Humbug: a look at some popular impositions. New York, 18J0. 12" 4409.10 Hume, D. History of England. Vol.2 [1508-1688]. London, 182:1. 8" 416". :j — Account of the life and writings of. See Kitchie, T. E 2543.10 Hume, J. It. Joseph Hume: a memorial [in verse]. Loudon, 1855. pp.8. 4" 4441.10 Hummel, D. SaIzbrunnimSommerl840. Leipzig, 1847. pp. 75. 12' B.170b.S0 Hu.MMEi,, J. N. Ausruhrliclie Anwcisung zum Piano-Forte-Spiel. Wien, 182S. ;U'.in2. 4°. 8041.5 — Bagatelles pour le pianoforte. Leipzig, n. d. pp. 30. 4' 8041.4 — Grand trio pour le piano-forte, violin, et vio- loncellc. Vienne, n. d. pp.23, obl.4* . , *4055.52 HUMPHRKY, H. Essays upon the .Sabbath. New York, 1829. 24° 5454.20 — The Missouri compromise: an address [at] Pittstield, Feb. 20, 1854. Pittsfield, 1854. 8". 4310.19 — Sermon at I'ortland, Sept. 12, 1838, before the A. B. C. F. M. Boston, 1838. 8° . . . . *TpU.v.379 — The woman that feareth the Lord : a discourse at the funeral of Mrs. D. W. V. Fiske, Feb. 21, 1844. Amherst, 1844. 16" 2348.47 HUMniKEYS, A. A. Physics and-hydraulica of the Mississippi river. See United States. War department , , 3941.19 HuaiPHKEYs, D. Life and exploits of Israel Put- nam. New York, 18.34. 18' 2.348.02 HUMi'HUKYs, E. K. Dangers and duties of the present time. London, 1853. pp. )>4. 8° . . 4009.10 — Education of officers, preparatory and profes- sional. Boston, 1802. pp.40. 8" 5953.13 — Prospectus of the collegiate school, 14 Frank- lin square. Boston, 1804. pp. 11. 8° . . , 4.387.55 HuMPHKEYs, H. N. Coinage of the British empire. Newed. London, 1801. 8" 2532.2 Humphreys, J. Letter to E. B. Su;?den, in reply to his remarks on the alterations proposed ia the English laws of real property. London, 1827. 8" *Pph.v.368 HUMPHREY'S, T. D. Complete treatise on trousers cutting. Glasgow, I860, pp.31. 7plates. 4^.4013.17 HuNAUS, G. C. K. Die geometrischen Instrumente derges.immten praktist-hen Geometric. Heft 1-3. Hanno\er, 1802-' ; Thymus Tym Cope, by J. R. Chandler; Peter Chardon Brooks, by E. Everett; James Gore King, by C. King; Nicholas Brown; Stephen Girard ; Samuel Ward, by C. King ; Matthew Carey ; Thomas Kddy ; Jonathan Goodhue ; Jo- seph Peabody, by G. A. Ward; Jacob Lorillard, by W. Berrian; Gideon Lee, by C. M. Leupp; Walter Kestored Jones, by W". A. Jones; Samuel Appleton, by E. Pea- body ; Joseph May ; Samuel Slater, by J, L. Blake ; Alex- ander Henry, by S, A. Allibone; Jonas Cbickerinp, by J. L. Blake; Asa Clapp; Patrick Tracy Jackson, by J. A. Lowell. II. Elias Hasket Derby, by E. H.i)erby ; Sir William Peppcrrell, by U. Parsons; Stephen Allen, by W. M. Allen; Major Samuel Shaw; Amos Law- rence; Abbott Lawrence, by N. Appleton; William Law- rence, by 8. K- Lothrop; John Jacob Astor, by D. K. Jaqnes; Judah Touro, by A. Walker; John Ilromfield, by J. (Juincy : Hnrrj- H. W. Hill, byW.lt. King; James Brown, by G. S. Hillard; John Hancock, by G. Mount- fort; Robert Morris. — Merchants' magazine. VoL 1-45,47, 49. New- York, 1839-03. 47v. 8' *3194.1 Hunt, L H. Three years in a mad house. Written by liimself. Hkowhegan, 1^51. pp. 84. 8" . 0087.102 — - Same, '^d ed. [Boston], 1852. 8° . . . .OUor.lOO Hunt, J. H. L. The seer; or, couinion-phiccs re- freshed. Boston, ]8'ew Eng- land society of San Francisco, Dec. 22, 1852. San Francisco, 18.53. 8° B.l-pa.63 Hunt, Thomas P. The boolj of wealth. New Yorls, * 1836. 18° 3648.29 Hdnt, Thomas S. Slcetch of tlie geology of Canada. [Canada. Universal exhibition of 1855] . - 7035.3 HusT, VTashingfon. .Speech at Lockport. [Hand- book of the democracy. Papers, No. 14] . . 4310.1 Bust, William. American biographical panorama. n.p.,lM9. 8° *2345.15 HCJJT, Genealogv of the name and family of. See Wyman, T. B.,ir *332.1 HiiNTEN.F. Instructions for the piano-forte. French and English. Boston, n. d. pp.96. 4° . . 8051.1 HtrsTER, A. Alphabetical list of patented models, etc. [in the United States patent office]. Washington, 1859. pp. r.C. 8° 6375.18 — Catalogue of the extraordinary curiosities in the National institute. 2d ed. Washington, 1857. pp. 71. 8° 3834.2 — - Same. Washington, 1859. pp. 48. 8° . . . 6375.18 Hunter, H. Sacred biography. IstAm.ed. Bos- ton, 1794-1803. 7v. in4. 8° 3428.11 Hunter, .lohn. Essays and observations on nat- ural history, etc. Added. Lectures on the Huuterian collection of fossil remains, by R. Owen. London, 1861. 2v. 8° 3903.24 Con/emj. — VoJ. I. Observntions on natural history; PhysioloBy ; Psychology; Palfrontolopy ; riiytolofrj"; Troallso on animals. II. Observations on con»pnrativo anatomy. — Life. 5m Foot, J 2542.13 HONTEB, .Toseph. Review of Wesley's narrative. See Wesley, J 5558. 3 Hunter, Robert E. Shakespeare and Stratford- upon-Avon, with a record of the tercentenary celebration. London, 1S(H. 10° ...... . 4590.5 Hunter, Robert 51. T. Hunter's oration, [with the] oi)cning ode [by J. R. Thompson] de- livered at the inauguration of Crawford's equestrian statue of "Washiupton, Uichmond, Va., Feb. 22, 1858. Richmond, 1858. 8° . . 4.344.20 Hunter, T. Philosophical character of the late lord lioliugbroke. London, 1770. 8° . . . . 3434.15 Hunter, William, M. D., h. 1718, d. 17*3. feloge. [Vici|d'Azyr. (Euvres, v. 2] 3720.11 Hunter, William, of the Inner temple. Political state of Europe, 1805. Loudon, 1805. 8°. . 2307.9 _ Travels to Vienna in 1792. Added, Tours in Hungary in 17y'.l and 1800. 3d ed. London, 1803. 2V. 8° 22-4.1- HUNTER, William, nf Newport. An oration, July 4. n. p., (1801]. 12°. [No title page] ... MIOS. 17 IIUNTINC. lieckford, P. •I'hought.s on 4001.19 _ Gerard,.!. Chassesd.ins I'Himalayn 301s. 7 _ llartig, (i. L. Lehrbueh fur .Uiger 4004.9 Valvasone, E.di. La c;iccia, poema 4802.11 Hi:ntin(ii>(>n,S.S.,cok"iiyiiiou» by GucsaiirtI, it is nttributi-d to lluoii do Vilk-nuuvo in tho Siaioirc litterairc de la /Voiiec, T. W. HUPEL, A. ^y. Klistnisdu'SpraoliU'hrenebstciuom vollstiindigfii W<"ii-tcrljiich. Uiga, 1780. 8". 4885.12 1IUR1>, T>. .Map fxhiluting tin* Farminjjton and Ilainpsliirt' and Hampden canals, t'tc. New llavt-n. IS-'S. lukk-d-J4' 2379.38 HtiRD, I. Discourse in Itoston, Jane 11, ITlH), be- fore the Humane society. Boston, 171)11. S''.5400a.lO Hdud, J. C. The law of freedom and bondage in the ITpited. States. Boston, 1k58-(V^. 2v. 8". 3035.8 — Topics of jnrisprudence connected with condi- tions of freeiloni and bondage. New York, ISofi. 8° B. 100.49 HuRD, U. Introduction to the study of the prophe- cies: in twelve sermons. 3d ed. London, 1773. 2v. sm.6° **3430.28 Hurricanes and gales, Laws which govern the movements of. Jinimm, G 3967.9 HURTER, F. V. Geschichte Kaiser Ferdinands it. und seiner KItern, bis zu dessen Kriinnng in Frankfurt. Schall'hausen, 185U-54. 7v. 8°. 4il3.13 — Geschichte Papst Innocenz des Dritten und seiner Zeitgcnossen. [B. l],:itc Aufl.; [B.2-4j, 2te Aufl. Hamburi*teka. BieFaniilien dcrBlattwespenund Uolzwespen. Hartig, T. H 3896.10 Hymnes et chants nationaux de tons les pays. Paris, 1803. pp.63. 16° 22.37.14 Hymnology. Colleciimis. — Additional hymns. See Evangelical Lutheran ministeriiun for New York 5440a. 12 — Alexander, A. Selection of hymns 544ya.31 — Allgenieines evangelischcs Gesang- undGebet- buch 6007.12 — Butticher, P. Hymns of the old catholic church of England 3449.4 — Bunsen, C.C.J. Gelstlicher Liederschatz . . 0007.1 — Choctaw hymn book 2309.30 — Christian hymns for public and private wor- ship. 5ee Cheshire pastoral association . . 6067.13 — Christosophisches Gesangliuch 544'.ia.ll — Dabney, ,I.P. Selection of hymns and psalms. 5449.19 — Droste-Uiilsholf, A. V. Das geistliche .lahr . 4878.50 — Dwiglit, T. Hymns from AVatts, Doddridge, and others 3440.38 — Eliot, W. G. Collection of hymns 5449.10 — Fosbery, T. V. Hymns and poems for the sick and sullVring 3449.8 — Gemeiii^ihalUiilie Gesangbnch, Das, der lu- therisclieu uiid reformirteu Genieinden in Nord-Anierica 6019.14 — Gerhardt, P. Oeistliclic Lieder .')449.9 — Gesangbuch fiir die neue Kirche. ,9ee Liturgie. 5449a. 4 — Gesangbuch zum Gebraucli der cvaugelischen Briidergemeiueji. .SVc I'nited brethren , . 5449a. 3 Greenwood, F. W. P. I'suhns and hymns for Christian worship 6449a. 5 ITarcourt, \V. V. Symmetrical psalmody . , . 5449a. 22 Man-dd, .1. .1. Camp, social, and prayer meet- ing hymns 3440.37 - Hymns adapted to divine worship 3440.31 — Hedge, F.H. Hymns for the church of Christ. 0007.0 — Hill, B. M. Hymns fur the use of Baptist churchi'S 3140. :13 llynms for divine worship. In Mahratta , . 514l'a.20 — Hymns set forth in the years 1789, 1808, 1820. 5ce Protestnnt episcopal church, U. S. A. , 5440.15 Hymns suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, etc. Sec Protestant ejiiscopul church, U..S. A 3543.2 — Kehrein, J. Kirehen- uiid religiose I.leder nusdeni xiitcn his xvteu .lalirliundert . . , 3148.15 — Ken, T. IMoriiing, evening, ami midnight hyiiuis 6448.13 Kennedy, B. II. Psalms and liymns arranged ill thtMirder of the seasons .'(119.12 — Kiiiiigsfeld, G. A. I.uteluische llymiicii uiid Ocsiingeaus dem Mittelaller 0067.11 Shelf. No. IIY5INOLOGY. CoUecHoi}S, C07ltwU€d. — Knapp, A. Evangelischer Liederschatz . . . 0064.1 — Latest collection of hymns and spiritual songs. 5449a. 26 — Leavitt, J. Companion to the Christian lyre. 3440.30 — Longfellow, S. Hymns for public and private devotion 6449.14 — - Hymns of the spirit 5449.13 — Lunt, W. P. Christian psalter 5449.7 — Lyte, H. F. Spirit of the Psalms 5449.24 — Jlason, L. Slanual of Christian psalmody . . 3440.28 — Jleister, E. G. L. Christliches Gesangbuch . 6067.5 — Jlone, F. J. Lateinische Hymucn des Jlittel- alfers 3437.25 — Nason, E. Congregational hymn book . . . . 5449.17 — Neale, ,T. M. Hymni ecclesiffi 5449.20 — - Hymns of the eastern church 5449.30 — - IMedijuval hymns and sequences 3440.50 — Kettleton,A. Villagehymnsfor social worship. 3440.40 — Newton, J. Olney hymns 5449a. 7, 28 — Palmer, R. Book of praise 5449.15 — Park, E. A. Sabbath hymn book 5449.16 — Peabody, ^y. B. 0. Springfield collection of hymns 5449.11 — Peaslee, R. Hymns and spiritual songs . . . 5449a. 32 — Psalms and hymns. See Connecticut general association 5449.6 — Psalms and hymns. See Protestant episcopal church, U. S. A 344fl.29 — Psalm-ba-k voor die tot die cvangelisclie hroeer-kerk behoorende Neger-o^meenten . 6007.8 — Psalms of David in metre 3440.34 — llambach, A. J. Authologie christlicher Ge- sauge aus alien .Tahrhunderten der Kirche . 5449.32 — Eider, G. T. Lyra Anglicana 6449n.2 — Rusling, J. Hymns fen- Sunday schools . . . 3440.30 — Schlosser, J. F. H. Die Kirche in ihren Lie- dern diuch alle .Lahrhunderte 3448.18 — Scott, O. Camp meeting hymn book .... 3440.32 — Selection of hymns for religious meetiugs . . 3449.32 — Selection of hymns for the use of prisoners . 5449a. 25 — Smith,.!. Di\'ine hymns, or spiritual songs . 5449a. 9 — Social and camp-meeting songs 5449a. 27 — Social hymn-book 5449a. 8 — Sjiecimen of an improved metrical translation of the Psalms of David. .■;«> Bible 5H9n.l9 — Steele, A. Hymns, psalms, etc 6449.8 — Thompson, A. C. Hymns on heaven .... 5449.3 — Watts, ,1. Hvmns and spiritual songs. 3440.35,0007.10 — Wesley, J. Whole collection of hymns. 3440.39, 0067. 14 Illustrative icorh'S, — Blew, W. .L Hymns and hymn books . . . . .1441.16 — llolVmanu von Fallersleben, A. 11. Geschichtc des di-utscheu Kirchenlicdes 3437.27 — Sedgwick, D. Index of authors and translators of psalms and hymns 2153.25 — Wackirnagel, C. E. P. Bibliographic zur Ge- schichte des dcutschcn Kirchenliedes im XVI. Jahrhnndert 2180.7 .*trc fitso; MomioiiiKiil, Psalmody (foe hymns accom- panied by the nuislc). IlYiuNS. 1st Sgan Karen rd. Maulmain, 1845. IS'. 5419n.l6 HVillNsfor divine worship. Compileil for the use of the Methodist new coniu'.xion. London, 1K03. «• 6448.9 Hymn.s for ilivine worship. [In Mahratta.] Bom- bay, 1854. 32° 6449a. 20 Hymnh in Pwo Karen. Istod. Maulmain, 1851. ls°. 5149a. 21 HvNi'MAN, .1. S,, and Crozer, .1., Substance of n de- hale belweeu. Alnwick, 1!<'.'3. 12° . . . •Pph.v.305 nYritlUKllu's. Adhorlalio sentenllls 160 compre- heiisa ad religiosam palajslram exercentes, inlerp. Combells. | Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., v. 27) B.110.2 Hvl'ElllliEN. Orations fur Lycophron and for Knx- eni|ii)iis ; printed in lacsiiulle, with account of I he discovi'ry of the manuscript at Thebes, by .1. Arden. Eillted by C. Bablngtun. Cam- bridge, [ Hug. |, lh.')3. pp. 30. f° '2970 2 HYPODEUMIC 305 ILLEGITIMACY Shftir. No. llYPOnKRMlc injections. Riippaner, A 5809.10 Hysteria. Traitt- clinii|uo et tlu*rapeutiquc de PiOstt^ric. IJn.iUtt, r 3774.2 lAMKMCi!r<*. Adiiortatio ad philosophiam, intor- pivtntiom' Latina iustnixit T. Kicssling. Lipsix, 1813. ^' 0108.3 — On the mysteries of the K;!yptiaiis,ChaUl<':niR, and Assyrinns. Trauslatt-d fivin Uiv. Cirt'ok liyT. Taylor. Chiswick, IS-M. 8* 34S7.2 — De vita !\vtlmtfori/^ etc. — iiarin<,'-(SouUI, S, Iceland: its scenes and sajsiis 2Sr>1.14 — Codex j'lris Islandorum. 5"^^ Haco Y Gamla. 4301.0 — HiortdahI,T. Geologiske Uudersiigelser i lier- f^ensOmegn 5873.12 — Life in, at the end of the 10th century. See Njal Thorgeirsson 2875.12 — Metciilfe, F. The O.xonian in 2805.9 — Oersted, A. S. Isleuzkir annalar sive auualea Is^Iandiei 4220.7 — Prcyer, W. Keiscnacii Island iin Sommer 1S60. 2805.7 Laiigitoffe. — EttmUller, E. M. L. Altnordisches Lcscbuch. 2901.2 — Ilolniboe, C. A. Det olduorske Verbum ved Sammenlig'ning nied Sanskrit, ate 4881.1 — Rask, H. C. (oiiipendiou^; grammar of the Icelandic lan;;uage 4125.4 — - Kortfattet V«jl(.'(hiing til det olduordiske el- lergamleislaiidske Sprog 288G.14 — - Vcjiedning til det islaudske eller gamle nord- iske Jsprog 4880.16 Literature. — Einarsen, H. Historia litei-aria Islandiie . . . 2S65.in — islendinga Sogur. See Copeuha;;eu 4220. 18 — Maurer, C. Islandische A'ulkssiigeuder Gegcn- wart 2876.29 — Percy, T. Five pieces of Kunic poetry, trans- lated 2875.17 — Eiihs, F. XJebcrdenUrsprungderisliindischen Poesie aus der angulsilclisischen 2870.29 Stx aUo: Edda, Scalilii. IcuNErMOSiii.i:, British, in the British museum. fi^ee Loudon. British museum 5800.14 IciTNOLOGY of New England. See JIassachusctts. 5873,1 IcHTHYLOGY. Catalogue of fish collected and de- scribed by L. T. Gronow; List of the speci- mens of fish in the British museum; Cata- logue of lophobranchiate fish, by J. J. Kaup. See London. British museum 5909.4 Sm aUo: Fisb breeding, Fisheries, Ilei Kew Brunswick, Nova Jjcotia, Ocean. ng, Labrador, IroNOLOGY. Iconologie. Ripa, C G081.3 Ii>A3Iay: a story. Pike, M. H 4278.29 Ida Kandolph, of Virginia. A poem in three can- tos. Philadelphia, 18G0. V^'' 4409.6 iDACirs, or Ithacius, Clarus, ^. 385. Contra Vari- Tnundum Arianumlibcr. [Uerold. Usereseo- logia] B.120.3 — - Same. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 5] . B. 110.2 IDACIUS, or Ithacius, Leniiceusis, _tf. 445. Chroni- con; Fasti consulares. [iluxima bibliotli. vet. patr., v. 7] B.110.2 — Collectio historica chronograph ica ex Idacio. [Cauisius. Thesaurus, v. 2, p. i] 4140.3 39 Shelf. No. IdALMA, L', overo chi la dvra la vince, comedia per musica. Bologna, 1084. pp. 76. sm-r^" . *4S09a,43 IDE, J. A pastor's review. Discourse in Sledway, Mass., Nov. 2, 1864, the fiftieth anniversary of [his] settlement. Boston, 1865. 8° .... 5543.17 Ideal. Kelatiou ul' the ideal to theactuah Brown, J.G.B B.rOa.17 Idealism. See Materialism. iDf'Ks, Les, imperiales. Bruxelles, 18G1. 18" .. 3500.33 IDELER, ('. L. Ihmdbuch deritalianischen Sprache und Literatur. Poetischer Theil. 2te Aull. Berlin, 1822. 8^ 4208.7 iDELEic, J. L. Die Sage vou dem Schuss des Tell. Berlin, 1836. sq.lO" 2903.33 IDELEK, L, Ueber das Verhaltniss des Copernicus znm Alterthum. [No title-page. pp. 393- 454 of some unknown work.] 12° . . . . B. 170b. 102 Identity of the religicnis called druidical and He- brew. London, 1829. 12° 3487.20 Ides of March, The; or, Abraham Lincoln, private citizen. By a merchant of Philadelpliia. Plnladelplua, 1801. pp. 29. 8° 4310a. 70 Idiot, The, and his helpers. Millard, W 3800.49 Idiotjcon Austriacum, das ist: Mundart der Oes- terreicher. 2te Aufi. Wien, 1824. 8° . . . *4124.8 Idolatry. Blount, C. Origin of 6099a. 12 — Moses Ben Muimon. Do idololatria liber , . 2910.3 — Voss, G.J. De origine aeprogressu idololatria. 6031.2 It'FLAND, A, W. Conscience. [Tliompson. Ger- man theatre, v. 4] 2875.31 iGLESiAvS, P. Iglesias martir de las libertades pa- trias. 5ee Mnrtinez de Yelasco, E 3103.10 Iglesias de La Casa, J. Poesias. Nueva ed. Madrid, 1821. 2v. 24° 3100.21 Ignatius, of Antioch. Corpus Ignatianum : the Ignatian epistles, in Syriac, Greek, and Latin, by W. Cureton. London, 1849. 1.8° .... C040.10 — Epistolae, cum niartyrio. Coltatis edd. Gra^cis versioniljusque .Syriaca, Armeiiiaca, Latinis recensuit J.H.Petermann. Lipsia?, 1849. 8". 6040.25 — Epistolsc genuina; et suppositiciEe ; Martyrium Ifinatii. [Cotelier. Ss. patrum opera, v. 2]. 0020.2 — Epistola; xii, Gr. et Lat, [Gryna-us. Mon. patr.] B.141.3 — Epistolje. [Ilefele. Patrum ai)ost. opera] . . 6050,20 — Epistolie, Lat. [Maxima bibl. vet. patr., v. 21. B.110.2 — Qii» snpersunt. [Jacobson. Patr. apost.] . . 0040.12 — Martyrium ; Fra^nienta. [Grabe. Spicilegium]. 0029.3 — Epistles, with life and martyrdom of. See Wake, W 0040.23 — Briefe, [See Saramtliche "Werke der Kii'ch- envater, V. 1] 6024,1 — De scriptis, qua? sub nomine Ignatii circumfe- runtur. See Daillu, J 6030.6 IGNAZIO de Loyola. Bartoli, D. Histoire de St. Ignace de Loyola 6060.18 — - Life and institute of St. Ignatius de Loyola, 2557.18 — Bouhours, D. Vie de Saint Ignaee (i070.18 — Quesnel, fr^res. Histoire de I'admirable Dom luigo de Guipuscoa , 4709a, 3 Ignoramus, coraoedia. Ruggle, G 4575.31 Ignorance, Evils of social. Se£ Sketches of pop- ular tumults 3568.30 IHRE, J. GlossariumSuiogothJcum. Upsalise, 1709. 2v. in 1. f° **2880.3 Ilari, L, La biblioteca pubblica di Siena disposta secondolcmaterie. Siena, 1844-48. 7v.in8. 4°.*2I70.13 Contents, — Vi.I. I. Delle IpttLTO. II. Scienze morali. III. Matematicbo. IV, jt. 1, 2. Scieuzo fiaiche. V. Bib- bia sacra e teolugia. VI, Storia. VII. Arli. Ildepiionsus, or Hildefonsus, 5^, De virginitateS. Muriie; Sermones xii in praicipuis B. 3Iariae feriis, [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 12] . B.110.2 Ilicini, B. Novella. [liaccolta di uovellieri itai- iani, V. 2] 2773.14 Illegitimacy. Desportes, F, Essai historique sur les enfants naturels 4306,5 — Koenig-swarter, L. J. Legislation relative aux enfants nes liors mariage 4306.4 ILLESCAS 306 rXDEX Shelf. So. Illescas, G. de. Historia pontifical y catolica, vi- das, y hechos notables de todos los svmos pontifices roiuauos. I'arte 3, 4 corapvesta por Luis de Bavia. F. 5 por Slarcos de Gvada- laxara y Xabier, P. 6 per Jvan Hanos de Velasco. [V. 1,2], 5a imp. Madrid, Ui52-rs. 6v. 4° »6051.1 ILLGEN, C. F. Symbolaram ad vitam et doctrinam Lffilii .Socini illustraudamparticula 1,2. Lip- sia;, 1826. 4° 6038.5 — ZeitschriftfiirdiehistorischeTbcologie. [Bde 1-15] herausg. v. C. F. Illgcn; [Bde 16-34] V. C. W. Niedner. Leipzig, 1832-B4. .34v. 8°. *6077.2 ILLIGER, J. C. W. Terminologie fur das Thierreich und Pflanzcnreicli. Helmstiidt, 1800. 8°. . 3S83.11 Illinois. Annual report of the adjutant general. Springfield, 1863. 8° »63S8.10 — Journal of the senate of the 2l8t general as- sembly. Springfield, 1S69. 8° 6388.3 — Laws, passed by the 18th general assembly, at its 2d session. Springfield, 1854. 8° . . . . 6388.4 — Curtiss,D. S. Description of 2407.27 — Peek, J. M. Gazetteer of 2379.24 — Rautoul, R. Value of the public lands of . . 4377.40 — Turner, J. B. Plan for an industrial university for 4129.6 See aUo: Alton, Chicago, Ogle Co. iLLiTJIiN'ATEn calendar. The, and home diary for 1840. [Illuminations from the " Heures " of the Duke ot Anjou.] London, 1846. i° . . »2200..32 ILLL'MINATI, Extracts from a letter on the order of the. Zimmermann, J. G rph.v.349 iLLUMiNATios, Bradley, J. W. Manual of . .2115.14,15 Canton, R. Art of illuminating nuide easy , . 2115.22 _ Delamotte, F. Art of 2115.16 Laurent de Lara, D. Illuminating on vellum. 2115.32 iLLUMixissi, Real existence, and dangerous ten- dency of. Paysou, S 5439a. 2 Illustrated magazine of art. Vol. 3, 4. New York, 1864. 4° »8061.1 ILLUSTP..\TED news. Vol. 1. Jan. — July, 1853. New York, 1853. t° *52.30.1 lLLUSTK.\TED news of the world. London, 1860. f. *5210.1 ILLUSTKIKTE Welt, Die. 9ter, I2ter Jahrgiing. Stuttgart, 18111,64. 2v. 1.8° ♦7281.1 iLLUSTUIRTKZcitung. AVochentliche Nachrichten. B. 34, 3I>-:J«, 41-13. Leipzig, 1850-04. 8v. f°. •7180.1 ILLUSTKIRTKR Kalender fiir 1850-58, 00-63. Leip- zig, 18.50-62. »v. 4° *3180.2 ILLYRIAN language. Frohlich, R. A. Handworter- buch der ilirischeu und dentschen Sprache . 4119.17 _ Leitfaden die ilirische Sprache eigeu zu machen :i034..'!r .Stulli, J. Lexicon Latino-ltalico-Illyricum . 4782.1 Voltigi;i,J. Kicsoslovuik illii-isckoga i nim- acskoga 4114.11 ILMENAU, Nnchricht von dcm FrauenCloster zu. Leuckrcld,J. 4228.6 IMAGINATIVE biography. Brydgcs, S. E 2561.20 I,MBICKI>IS, A. Ilistoiredcs gucrrcs religieuses en Auvergne i)cndant !es lOe et 17e siccles. Paris, 1855. 8° 6054.13 Imbekt, B. I-e jalonx sans amour, conu-dic. [Theatre fran^ais, v. 41] 4708.1 IMMONATI, C-. G. Uibliotheca Latino llcbraica. [Ace.] AdventvH Messijc viiidicatvs. Prjc- mittitur ChronotnxiB S. Scriplura;. lioina', 1091. f° •2100.12 I.MI1KEX, C. L. Vita; Fiagmentn. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. jxjet.] 11.191. 9 I.MITATION of Christ, i>v iinitnfiiine Chrlsti librl (juatuor. Accedunt prcces iidHsic. Curavit J. Hnil.li'tn. Gera-, M*-!?. 8r|.16° B.117.3 Thom:c a Kenipls dc Imilatlniic Chrlsti llbrl quatuor. [.No tilli-|"'ge.l "ni.lli". . . . ••6009a. .30 - Indlalion of<'llr[^'t. [ Irani'latcd] by J. I'ayne. With ail essay by T. ( 'Imliriers. lOdlted by 11. Malcolm. New ed., with life ol'tlie iiullior, by C. L'llnialin. HoHloii, lN'j6. 12' 51."iM.9 Shelf. No. Imitation of Christ, continued. — Imitation of Christ. [Introduction by Rev. W. S. Perry.] Boston, IsiH. 12° M40.29 — Imitation de Jesus Christ. [Bnchon. Choix d'ouvrages mystiques] 6080.8 — Menosprecio del mundo e imitacion de Christo. [Granada. Obras] . v. 18 of S.'iOOa.l, and v. of 6021.0 IML.W, G. Description of the western territory of North America. Dublin, 1793. 12° 4363.20 Immortality. Alger, W. R. Critical history of the doctrine of a future life .34.53.44 — Bancroft, A. Doctrine of 5440a. 18 — Blackmore, R. Immortality of the soul . . . 2558.9 — Browne, I.H. De animi imniortalitale : poeina. 50011a. 3 — Clark, T.M. Immortality of man 00>i8.04 — Dighj-, K. Immortality of reasonable soules. 3500.16 — Drossbach,M. Diepersoulicbe Unsterblichkeit als Folge der atoniistischen Verfassung der Natur 6005.27 — riii^'ge, C. W. Geschichte des Glaubens an Insterblichkeit 6022.17 — Heiutz, C. H. Principales theories relatives k rininiortalite de Paine, elevees en Alleinagne depuis Kant 4191.15 — Hudson, C. F. Immortality through Christ alone 5469.15 — Keratry, A. II. de. De I'immortalitc dc I'ame. 5609a. 2 — Martin, T.H. La vie future 6005.32 — Jleudelssobn, M. Pbiidon 4876.12 — Olshausen, H. Antiquissimnrum ccclesije Grscse patrum de iinmortalitate anima? seu- tentia; 4163.27 — Scblager, F,. Die Uusterblichkcitslehre . . . B.127.19 — Simon, K. II. Geschichte des Glaubens nicht- christlicber Villker an eine Fortdauer der Seele nach dem Tode 6100.5 — "Winiewski, F, De animorum immortalitate communis Graecorum persuasio B. 190. 05 See also: Future life, Heaven, Jews (Rclipuu). Impartial inquirer. The; [an] examination of the conduct of the president in execution of the act of May I, 1810: [with] reflections upon the invasion of West-Florida. [Boston], 1811. pp. 90. )S° 4318.38 iMrEUiAi, journal of art, science, mechanics, and engineering. Vol. 1-3. Manchester, [ 18 — ]. Sv. 4° »402!.8 Imteriai, magazine; and, monthly record of gen- eral knowledge. Vol. 1-12, and 2d series, V. 1-4. London, 18I9-.I4. lOv. 8' •7364.1 I^iiroRTANT truths relating to spiritual and prac- tical Christianity. With extracts from Bellmen's Way to Christ. London, 1769. 12° 5446.34 iMI'ttS'iritl-;. Ave-Lalleinant, F. C, B. , Das deut- sche Gaunerthum 2866.4 — Hisluria de tribus impi^storibus biyus saiculi . 00.59a. 18 — Look lit popular inipo^ilions, ,Sc(' Humbug . 4409.10 — Sketches of 6009a. 15 I.Ml'UKS^MlCNT, C(U-rcspondencc on. Webster, D., and Baring, A 4295.20 Incarnation of Christ. Anselm, .S7. Cur Dciis homo, Oder ^\'arum ciu (;ott-Mensch .... 34li9.28 — Baur, F. C. I lie cliristllcbe Lchre der Mensch- wcnluiig Guiles 3401.23, and 0030.11 iNCLOsriiE, Advantages and disadvantages of bills of. See Kmiuiry .')9»2.12 iNiiKPK.NiM'^NT chronicle, and universal advertiser. •luiii' i:), 17:0— ,Ian. 1, 17M,.lan. 2, 1797— lleo. 31, 179M. Boston, 1770-1798. f° »8020.4 INIU'X, The. A weekly journal of politics, litera- ture, ami news. Vol. 1-5. London, 1802-05. 5v. f° •4320.1 Index expnrgatorius. Literary policy of the church of ICoiiie. Mindbam, .1 2183.8 Index of nil the towns and villages In the eonuty of York, and county of the city of York. York, 1708. 8° M"lill.v.317 INDIA 307 INDUSTRY Shulf. No. I.NUIA. [View 01' llie state and prospects office traile and oolonizalion of Jiulia.] ^d ed. London, )tsa. 8° •l"l)Ii.v.339 Gait^rai and miscdlinicfltis icorka, — Allen, D.O, India, ancient and modern . , . 4253.1 — Anderson, (J. JI. Universal calculator, for In- dia niercliuiits :irt.^3.8 — Code of (lentoo laws Id'dO.^l — Colebrooke, H. T. Miscellaneous essays . . 4-.'40.1() — Hay, .1. IH- rebus Indicis 414',l.fi — Henchnnin, 1'. Trade lii'tween Kurope and . . 4'."4.5.5 — l,aa^en, C'. Indisolie Aln itliuni--liunde . . . 3015.1 — Jloore, W.J. Sanitary art applied to Euro- l)eaiis in 3707.33 — Kifc'liliugalc, F. Sanitary state of the army in. 3707.32 Dfsrriittion, travels, etc. — Bradsliaw. Overland cuide to 3015. R — llor-burKli,.). India directory 3033.9 — Indian army and civil service list. See Great Hritidn. Secretary of state for India . . . . 24S7.17 — Major, I!. II. India in tbe IStli century . . . 2204.19 — Markbam, C. U. Travels iu — Megastbenea. Indica 4205.16 — " I'erfz, G. II. Der .-elteste Versucb zur Ent- deckunj:: des Seeweo;os nach Ostiudien . . . 2240.14 — Popular overland ixnide 3030.15 — Thevenot, .1. de. Travels into Ibe East-Indies. 4200. 14 — Valle, 1'. della. Via;;gi per la India 4245.23 — Vartlienia, L. de. Travels in, 15U3-8 2204.29 Ilistorif. — Auber, r. Progress of tbe British power in . .3044.22 — Kaye.J.W. Historyof the Sepoy war, 1857,58. 5044.5 — Martin, K. M. Progress of lirilisli India . . . 3045.19 — Mnnger, S. K. The conquest of India by the churd 55.39a. 21 — Neumann, C. F. Geschichte des engliscbeu Reicbesin Asien 6044. 9 — Orlich, L. v. Indien und seine Regierung^ , . 3044.23 — M'estergaard, N. L. Ueber den altesten Zeit- rauin der indiscben Gescbicbte 3040.23 — Wilson, H. U. History of British India . . . 3040.25 Aatural history, agriculture, etc. — Cassels, W. R. Culture of cotton in 3651.28 — Geological survey of India. .9ce Great Britain. Secretary of state for India 5R00.1 — Guntber,A.C. L. G. Reptiles of Uritisb India. 6880.1 — Lees, W.N. Tea cultivation, cotton, and other agricultural experiments in 3048.25 — Piso, W. Historiffi naturalis etmedicffi India orientalis libri VI 6820.4 — Scblagintweit, II. Results of a scientific mis- sion to, l,s,54-58 D.4.K.2 — Sndth, R. M. • Cotton supply question, in rela- <'0"'to 3051.32 — Wight, R. Prodromus florx peninsulie Indire orientalis 3S5i;.7 BeUgioii. — Buchanan, C. Apology for promoting Chris- tianity in 5530a. 20 — Dall, C. H. A. Lecture on the danger of giv- ing India education without religion . . . B.170a.87 5« aUo: lliiidoslan. ISDHN.V. Constitution and address of the consti- tutional convention. New Albany, 1851. Pl>- 32. 8° 6087.27 — Report of the adjutant general. Indianapolis, '*'•■'• S° »G386.10 Indians of America. Allgemeine Geschichte der Liinder und Viilker von America 4307.5 Beeson,,!. Plea lor the B. 100b. 90 Bibaud, F. M. 31. Biographic des sagamos il- '""■•es i-jc,6.'J — Buchanan, J. Sketchesof the North American Iidiaus 4360.20 Indians of America, continued. — earlier, A. Rapports des I'ltats-Unis avec les ludiens 4324.4 — Catalogue of portraits of North American In- dians, deposited with tin! Sndthsonian insti- tution. [Washington. Smithsonian miscel- laneous collections, v. 2] 3360.2 — Cowley, C. Memories of the Indians about Lowell 4.355.17 — De Korest, J. W. History of the Indians of Coniu'cticut 2306. .32 — Domenech, E. Blanuscrit pictographique am- ericaiu 2360, .37 — Gra]>hic sketches of the aborigines of America. 2.30C.40 — Hanson, J. W. Sketch of the Kennebec Indians 2339.12 — Holmberg, H. J. Etbnograpldsche Skizzen iiher die Vdlker des russischen Amerika . . 2310.34 — Indians of the Commonwealth. See Jlassa- chusetts 2306.41 — Jacobs, S. S. Nonantum and Natick .... 2306.30 — Kane, P. Wanderings of an artist among the. 2306. .38 — Ke-\V'a-Ze-/.hig. Ways to elevate and improve the condition of the 4366.16 — Le Beau, C. Reise unter die Wildcn von Nord- Ainerica 4109a. 8 — Loskiel, G. H. Mission der evangelischen Hriider unter den Indiauern in Nordamerika. 6059.10 — M'Kenney, T. L. History of the Indian tribes of North America 23.1.1 J.l — Morton, S. G. Characteristics of the aborigi- nal race of America Pph.v.383 — Mliller, J.G. Geschichte der amerikanischen Urreligionen 6073.20 — Orbigny, A. d'. L'homme americain sous ses nqiports physiologiques et moraux .... 2366.33 — Parkman, F. War of the Indians against the English colonies, after the conquest of Can- ada 4309.8 — Pauw, C. de. Recherches philosophiques eur les Am^ricains 4169a. 3 — Penhallow, S. Wars of New England with the eastern Indians 4312.6 — Pidgeon, W. Traditions and antiquarian re- 'O'arches 2366.35 — Ratinesque-Scbmalz, C. S. The American na- tions 4366.18 — Speeches on the passage of the bill for the re- moval of the 2306.39 — Tanner, J. Captivity among the 4300.1 — Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography 4300.21 — - Indiau traits 2360.26 — Traits of American Indian life and character . 2.300.31 — Vetroinile, E. Indian good book 5448.26, 26 See aUa: Cherokee, Choctaw, Cree, Dakotah, Dela- ware, I'lat-heail, Kennebec, Labrador, Mobegao, Nar- rapan8et, Ojibwe, -Seneca^Siuux. Indigestion not a disease of the stomach. John- son, E INDO-EUKOPEAN languages. Die Deklination der indogcrmanischen Sprachcn. DUntzer, J. II. J 3709.39 INDO-EUKOPEAN legends. Croyances et I^gendea de rantiquite. Maury, L. F. A iNDO-EuitoPEAN tradition and folk lore. Kelly W. K ' Industrial exhibition, London, 1851, 1802. See Great Britain. Commissioners for the exhi- bition, etc. ISDUSTiiiAL exhibition, Paris, 1851. See France. Commission sur I'lndustrie des nations . . INDUSTRIAL exhibition, Paris, 1856. Proces-ver- baux. See Paris. Societe d'horticulture . . Industrial exhibitions. Nouvelles inventions aux expositions uuiverselles. Joljard.J. B. A.M. Industry. Bellers, J. Proposals for raising a col- lege of — Brisljane, A. Reorganization of — Proceedings of the friends of domestic industry, 1831. See Friends of domestic industry . . . B.l 1.87 3487.7 2236.14 4029.20 3992.11 4033.11 .3658.5 3568.33 3658.4 iNDtrsTEr 308 IXSKI, Shelf. So. IsDCSTRY, continued. Periodicals, — Almanach des progr^s de Piudustrie. See La- boulayc, C. P. L 8019a. 1 — Bulletin de la Societe d'encouragement pour riudu^trie. See I'aris 3380. 1 — Canadian journal of. See Toronto 70GU.1 — Transactions of the American institute. See New York city G300a.6 Transactions of the Society for the encourage- ment of arts, etc. ,See London E.129.1 Set also: Manufactures. Infant baptism. Brief illustration of the divine right of 4103.13 — Cotton,.!. Grounds and ends of the baptism of children 5400.2 — TTardlaw, R. Authority, nature, and uses of. 5455.4 — Woods, L. Lecture on 5455.3 Infant damnation and salvation. Ilayden, W. B. History of the doc.'-nia of infant damnation . 6088.63 — "Wines, F. H. Children in paradise 5457.16 Infant education. Wilderspin, S 3593.31 Infant education ; or remarks selected from Wilder- spin, Goyder, and others. Portland, 1S2.S. -.M". 3599.20 Infant feeding, and its intlueuce on life. Kouth, C. H. F 3r"9.6 Infant schools. Gerando, J. JI. de. Cours normal des instituteurs primaires 3599.17 — Jubede La Perrelle.C. Guide des salles d'asile. 3598.5 — Pape-Carpantier, M. Enseignement pratique dans les salles d'asile 3598.4 Infantry. Manual for volunteer corps of. See (ircat Britain. War department Pph.v.364 — Stuart, U. B. History of 3953.21 See atso: Ligtit infftutry. Infajjts. Dendy, W. C. Management of ... . 3779.7 — Nurture and management of. See Maternal physician 3777.22 Infidelity. Church, M.B. Reasons for being an intid.-l B.17nb.4 — Cunningham, A. Infidelity portrayed .... 5447.33 — Davis, H. The .subterfuge of 6n,s8.76 — Norton, A. Latest form of l'ph.v.377 — - Uemarks on " * The latest form of infidelity ' examined" 5435.4 See also: AthciMn, Mirnclvs, Scepticism. iNiaDEi.iTY. [No title-page. pp. 1C5-184 of some unknown work.] S" 008S.157 Infidels. Geschichte der Feind<' der christliehen Ueligion. Mosheim, .1. L. v 6005.11 Influi-:ncf, des inventions modernes snr Tart de la guerre. Paris, 1803. pp.72. 12°. . . . 5950.30 Influx, Intercourse between the soul and the body by. Swedenborg, E 5545.41 iNFUSOitiA. Ehrenberg, C. G. Organisation der Infusorien 5892.4 — Pritchard, A. History of 3892.14 Lno.vll.s, W. The ganglionary system of nerves in the cavity of the cranium, and its use. Boston, 1H.12. pp. 15. 8" 5790.20 — Observationes ad ubscessum bursalem per- tincntea. Ilostonla?, 1803. 8° . . . . ♦M.l'ph.v.l.lii iNOEBsoLL, Charles. Letter to a friend In a slave state. PhlladHphhi, IWK. 8° •. . 3035.10 lN. lNGK.\nAM. J. W., Address at the funeral of. See Woart, J 4317.42 iNGKAfti, R. A. Inquiry into the condition of the lower classes. London, 1797. 8" . . , . *Pph.v.344 iNGULPil, of Croijland. Hlstoriarum liber I. See SavUe, H 4170. S Inheritance. Das Erbrecht in weltgeschiehtlichcr Eutwickelung. Gans, E 4305.8 Injections. Des injections medicamenteuses dans les cavites closes. Velpeau, A. \. L. 31. . . 3705.32 Injections as a means of preserviug health. [No title-pnge.] pp.38. 8° MIOS.IS Ink, History of. Davids, T 2115.18, and 4019.8 IN.M.VN, T. On myalgia; its nature, causes, and treatment. 2d ed. London, 1800. 8° . . . 3806.10 INNES, C. C'oucerning some Scotch surnames. Ed- inburgh, 181.0. pp. 09. sm.4° 2435.27 — Scotland in the middle ages. Edinb., ISOii. 8°. 2477.2 — Sketches of early Scolchhislory and social pro- gress. Edinburgh, 1801. 8° 2477.3 — Memoir of professor Dalzel. See Dalzcl, A. . 2490.30 iNNES, W. Advice to church members. Revised from Edinburgh edition. Boston, 18:i:i. 18°. 5158.31 Innocent III, ;i<7«'. Geschichte Papst Innocenz desDritteu. See Hurler, F 3554.17 Innocent IV, pope. Regesten. See Albert von Beham 2874.21 INSOCENT VIII, pope. Bull on the marriage of Henry Vll with Elizabeth of York. [Lon- don], 1847. pp. 7. sm.4°. [Camden society, No.3;l] *24!6.39 Inoculation. Transactions, to promote a general inoculation oftlie cow pox. See Milton, .l/Vtss. 5790.27 Inorganic nature. Darstellung der vier Bestand- theile der anorganisclien Natur. Winterl, ,T. J 3977.15 INQUIF.Y, An, into the moral and political tendency of the religion called Roman catliolic. Lon- don, 1790. 8° •Pph.v.355 Inquisition. Eymericus, N. Directorium iuquisi- torum B.110.8 — Maistre, J. de. Lettres sur rinquisition espng- nole 6107. ft — Monies, R. G. Artes dc la inquisiaion espa- nola 54SHi.l3, aud(i075.5 — - Inquisitionis Hispanicas artes aliquot de- t,.ct:e 5490.21 INSANE hospitals. Construction, organization and arrangements of. Kirkliride, T. S .1800.57 Insanity. American journal of 5773,1 — Hucknill, .1. C. History, treatment, etc., of . 3800.61 Calmeil, .1. L. F. Der Wuhnsiun in den vier letzten Jahrhuuderteu 4205.9 — Flourens,,l.M. P. De la folic 6009.7 — Galenus, C. A che guisa si possano e ci>noscere e curare le inferuiita deir animo 4.S09a.ll — Ilighmore, A. Law of idiocy and lunacy . . 38011.43 — .I.irvis, E. Causes of 0087.91 — Oegg, .1. De scdc ct orlginc morbornm psy- chicorum Ppli.v.373 iSfc alto: Lunacy. iNSCRIfTioNs. Coneslabile, G. C. Iscrlzlonlotriis- che eetruseo-lntiue 2740.10 — Vidua, C, Inscriptiones antiqua; 2900.17 Bee aUo: Epllaiihs, Salem. Insects. Badham, D. In«ect life 5,'S9na.4 — Hind, II. y. Insects injurious to wheat . . . .'1895.13 — Trimble, 1. 1*. Insect euendes of fruit and fruit trees 381M.I2 See ntno; Rocs, Ihilti'rdics, CtircrplllnrH, I'lircnlluiiltUH, Dlptcra, Ilynicii.iptcrii, I.cpl.I-.pt.Tn, Styrlapuila, 8!lk- wunil, 8l)l'6.4 — Grant, J. Impressions of 8030.3 — Hall, A.M. Stories of the Irish peasantry . 2570.11 — Holroyd, .1. 15. Observations on the numufac- tures, trade, and present stare of 2478.3 — Howard, J. Tresent state of prisons and hos- pitals in 3571.15 — Johnstone, J. New road map of 247(i.27 — Le Gouz de la Boullaye, F. Tour in, 1644 . , 2470.23 — Slann, H. Educational tour in 0080. 20 — Jlarshall, J. Digest of population, produc- tions, revenues, shippinjj, etc., of 3080.4 — Moreaude .Tonnes, A. Statistique del'Irlande. 2520.3 — O'lirieu, L. Traile and manufactures of . v. 3 of 2478.3 — Piickler Miiskau, H. L. H. v. Tour in, 1820-29. 2274.18 — Kodeuberg, .1. A pilgrimage through Ireland. 2470.24 — Twiss, li. Tour in, 1775 v. 2 of 2409. 22 — View of the present state of, 1797 l'ph.v.348 — Young, A. Tour in, 177ti-79 v. 3 of 2409.22 History, antiquities, etc, — Biographical anecdotes of the founders of the Irish rebellion, 1798 2478.2 — Carey, M. Ireland vindicated 2476.13 — Dod, R. P. Peerage, baronetage, and knight- age of, for IS.'iS, 02-04 2434.5 — Grose, F. Anti(]uities of 2473.3 — Hanulton, H. ('. Calendar of state papers re- lating to, 1509-73 — Harwood, P. Rebellion of 1798 — Ila\(Tly, BI. History of — Ili-ti.ry of — O'Neill, II. Fine arts and civilization of an- cient Ireland 2473.4 — Papworth, J. W. Dictionary of coats of arms belonging to families in 24-35.24 — Ryan, U. Worthies of 2478.6 — Smytli, G. L. Ireland, historical and sta- tistical 2470.18 — Tone, T. W. Rebellion of 1798 2455.18 — T^an^actions, during the famine in 1S40, 47. .SV<' I Mibliu. .Society (■! friends 4.300.2 — ■Whiteside, .J. Life and death of the Irish par- liament 2478.25 Lailf/tutffe and literature. Grimm, .7. L. C. Iriscbe Elfenmiirclien . . . 4178.9 — NeilN(>n,\V. Intrrnludion tothe Irish laiiguiigi". 25S7.25 — O'li.illy, K. IrWi-Kuglish dielionary .... 4581.3 — Walker, , J. C. Historical memoirs of the Irish 7002.10 4174.3 2470.12 7039.00 bards Wright, C. II. II. (iraniniar of the modern Irish language 2587.20 Law. Law and practice in respect to the occupation of land. .S'cc Great llrilaln. P.-irliameut . . 7073.2 S1orriii,.T. Patent and close rolls of chaticery of the ri-igUH of Henry VIII, Kdward VI, Mary, ami Klizidnlh 70.V2.0 - Rolls of the reign on luirleH 1 70,'>2.5 McholU, G. Illslory of the IrUli poor law . 3&7U.&7 Ireland, cojiiinued. Polities and politlenl econotiti/, — Considerations on the woollen manufactory of V. 4 of 2478. 3 — Holroyd, J. B. Union with Ireland .... Pph.v.353 — Stockdale, J. .Speeches in parliament on tlie Irish Roman catliolic petition 2515.12 — Thorn, J. H. Tlie claim of, 1847 B. 170b. .32 — Thornton, W. T. Establislmient of peasant proprietors in 4306.17 — Tucker, J. Reflections on the matters in dis- pute between Great Britain and . . . .v. 2 of 2478. 3 See also: Coniiaught, Cork, Dublin, tiuhvay, Killar- ncy, Wexford, Witklow Co, iRELANii. Political tracts of Menenius. 2d ed. Dublin, 1849. 8° 2476.19 Conunls. — The game's up (after the con\nction of .1. Mitchel) ; A stitch in time (disturbuuies in Dutjlin, .luly 29, IMii) ; Menenius to the jieople (after the Blfair of Jiallin(;arry); Luck and loyalty (Dec. 1848). iREN.Ki's, St, Contra omnes hiereses libri qulnque. Textum Grajcum et Latinum illustravit A. Stieren. l.ipsi.-e, 1863. 2v. 8° 6040.13 — Adversus Valentini et similium Gnosticorum liaM-eses libri V. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 2] B.110.2 — Schriftcn gegen die Ketzereicn. [.Siimmtliche Werke der Kiichenviiter, V. 2] 0024.1 IRGEKS, M. Geologiske Undersiigelser 1 Bergens Omegn. See Hiortdalil, T 5873.12 IRHOVE, W^. van. Disp. pliil. hist, theol. ad Tit. I, 12 et Matth. X1I.3(), [de verbis] jutrr£,jfs tz;)jai [etl orifta an} 01', [Oeiriclis. Collectio opuscu- lorum, V. 1] 6006.1 Iridectomy in iritis, choroiditis, and glaucoma. Gra'fe, A.v 5714.5 IKIRH emigration. Letters on. Hale, E. E 3645.11 Irish quarterly review. Vol. 1-9. Dublin, 1851-59. 9v. 8° *5237.1 IRMISCM, T. Ueber einijje Kumariaceen. Halle, 1802. 4° 5841.2 Iron. Ede, G. Case-hardening of 3869.23 — Fordyce, W. Iron : its ores and processes of manufacture 3860.33 — History of the processes of manufacture and uses of 4029.0 — Johnson, W- R. Use of anthracite in the man- ufacture of 3807.5 — Landrin, U. Manuel complet du mnitre de forges 4019.37 — Lesley,.!. P. Iron manufacturer's guide . . . 4206.9 — Maimlacture of, in Pennsylvania. See I'hila- delphia 6378.9 — Taylor, R. C. Inforination in regard to , . , 3865.26 — Trurau, W. Iron manufacture of Great Britain 4013.16 IroN-clads. Grabe. Ueber die Bedeutung des ersten Kampti's von PanzerschilVen 3954.21 — Holley, A, L. Treatise on oi'ilnancc and armor 3955.2 — Piron, F. P. iL ttudes sur Ics cunonni(!res cui- rasst'es 3954.18 — Report in relation to armored vessels. See United Slates, lit parltmiit of the navy . . 3955.12 Iron sliip-buildiug. GrinKliuiii, .1 3952.39 Ikon trade. Beecroft, ti. Comiianion to the . . . 3936.23 — .Scrivenor, U. History of the 3661.24 Iron work. Ancient, from the 13th century. Clark- sou, 1). A 39.F.S IKVIN, W. Eulogy on Andrew .lackson. See Du- senbery, H. M 2347.28 IRVINIC, A. The millennium : Personalily andotllco of the Holy Spirit : two sermons. [Hibdin. .Suniiay library, V. 5] 6444. *23 iRViNo, C. ('alfchism f)f .lewish nntltitiilies, 1st Am. ed. New York, 1.S32. 21° fi4K9a.36 iRVlNt), D. l^li>im-i)ts of English comiiosititni. I'lliiadeiphlu, 1803. 12° 7009.40 IltVING 311 iTAi.y 2553. 1-J IKVINC, U., conlimied. — History of ^colislipnotry. Kditcfl by J. A. Car- Ivli'. With a iiicniuir and glossary. Kdin- l)ury:b, l.stll. s" IKVINO, E. For tlip oi-nolcs of (Jod, four orations. For ji[d{;ment to conio, an nr;;nnicnt, in nine parts, .id cd. I.onilon, Iv.M. h° 6002.2 IllVINo., J. History of IniMilmrlonsliire. 2d ed. Dnnibnrton, l.sOo. 4° *2471.6 InviNc, WnsliiiiKton. Ahbot.sford and Newstead Abbi'y. Pln'liidi'lpliia, IMS. 12° 2.'!90.21 — Alliandjra: talcs and sliotclics. Nmv ed. Thil- adelpbia, 1M2. 2v. 1-.;° 2.'i90.20 — Bracebridge ball, a inrdloy. Npw York, 1622. „-*■• •*" 2390.17 — History of New- York to tlie end of tlie Dutch dynasty. 6tli ed. riiiladclpbia, 1829. 2v. 12° 2.'!9l3.1fi 2396.19 2.396.18 — Legends of tbe conquest of .Spain. I'liiladel- pbia, ls:i5. 12= 2390.23 — Tlie Koeky mountains; or, adventures in tbe far West. From tbe journal of Capt. Bonne- ville. I'hiladilpbia, l.sir. 2v. 12° — Tales of a travelbr. 2d Am. ed. New Y'ork Wis. 2v. ts° _ ^ — Tour on tbe prairies. I'biladelpbia, 1K35. 12°. 23% 22 — Salmagundi. .S-«' Irving, William 2:i90.15 — Viag^^i d'djeda, Nicuesa, e Valdivia, trad, da 15. I'oli. [.Marmoccbi. Viaggi, V. 3] 2275.1 IRVINO, William, Paulding, J. K., and Irving, Washington. .Salmagundi; or, tbe wbim- wbams and opinions of Launcelot I.ang- stali', Esq. Notes by E. A. Duyckinck. New York, 181)0. 8° 2396.15 IRWIX, E. Adventures in a voyage up tbe Rod-sea in the year IT77. London, 1780. 4° . . . . *3042.8 Is the Bible the word of God ? or, a remonstrance ou behalf of protestantism. London, 1851). pp. 20. 8° K.lCOa.lIO ISAAC, a converted Jew. Liber tidei, de .S. Trinitate ct de incarnatione Domini. [Ma.vima bib- liotb. vet. patr., V. 3] B.110.2 Isaac, bishop of Langres. Epistola prolixa de ca- none niissas. [Achery. Spidlcgium, v. 1] . 4152.7 Isaac, patriarch of Armenin Magna. Oratio in- vectiva adversus Armonios hicreticoa, iiiter- prete CombeBs. [Maxima bibliotb. vet. patr v-20] . .B.110.2 Isaac, the Syrian. De conteniptu mundi. [Ma.\i- ma bibliotb. vet. patr., V. 11] B.110.2 Isaac, D. Tlie importance of Christian commun- ion. [Sermons on important subjects] . . . 5442.14 ISACtUS, or Isaacius Argyrus. Htpi tar,,Mi, iroir,r,. KMy. [Bachniann. Anecdota Grasca, v. 2] . B.162.6 Is.EUS. Orationes uiidedm. [Dobson. OratBres Attici, V. 4, 14] ■. . . . B.103.1 — Oratio de hareditatc Cleonymi. [Mai. Class. auct., V. 4] B 17*^ 3 ISBRA.NDiriES, E. Journey through Russia and 1 artary, to China. See Le Bruyn, C 3080.6 ISEGiiEM, A. F. van. Biographic de Thierry Mar- tens d'.-Vlost, premier imprimeur de la Bel- gique. Nouv. lid. A lost, 1856. ir .... ISELIN, I. GescbichtederMenschheit. Neue Aufl. Zurich, 171)8. 2v. Bm.8° ISESC.RiM. Annales Ottenburani. [Frankfurt. yocietas, etc., v. 17] ISHERWooD, B. F. E.Kperimental researches' In steam engineering. Vol. 1. riiiludclphia, "^•^'•, *' *8011.2 ISinORUS Ilwreticua. Fragmentum libri de adnata anima; Fragmentum moralium; Fragmen- tum lib. 1 et II expositionum propbetie Tar- clior. [Grabe. Spicilegium] 6029.3 IsiDORl-s Hispaleiisis. Epistola ad Masonemepisc. de restauratione sacerdotis ; De conversis. [Cani-ius. Thesaurus, v. 2, p. 2] 4140.3 — Gottborum, Vandalorum, et Sucvoruni in His- pania chronicon. [(Jrotius. Historia Got- """■■'"h] 4629a.3 2115.25 4149.9 4210.2 IsiDORtis Hispalensis, continued. — Historia Suevorum. [Goldast. Rerum Ruevi- caruiii Kcriptores] 4250.12 — De ordiiic creaturarum liber. [Acbi^-ry. Spici- legiuni.v. 1] 4152.7 IsmoRl's Tclusiota, St. Epistobirum libri v, iu- terpretibus .lacobo Billio et C. Rittershusio. [Maxima bililioth. vet. pair., V. 7] B.110.2 ISING, A. M. Oratio de meritis principum Arausi- oneusium et Njissavionim. [(ierdes. Scii- niuni antiq. nd hist, reform, spect., V. 1] .. 6055.15 ISO, or Yso. De miraculis S. Otiuari libri duo. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 2] 4210.2 IsocRAMCs. Opera qua» extant omnia. [Dob.son. Oratorcs Attici, V. 3, 14] B. 163.1 — Orationes diue, iid Dcmoniciim et Nicoclem. .See JEsopus 4099a. 20 — Panegyricus, with English notes. By C. C. Felton. Cambridge, 1817. 12° 2996.6 — Tensees morales. Tr. par I'abbi! Auger. Paris, l~f<2- 18° 4999a. 2-1 — Advice to Demonicus, translated by .J. Digby. [Tela. Pbilosi.phical library, V. 1] 5603.19 ISOI'ERIMETHICAI. problems, Treatise on. Wood- house, 11 3925.31 ISRAELITE indeed. The. A periodical devoted to tbe illustrnlion and defence of Hebrew Christian- ity. Vol. 2-4. New York, 186!I-0I. 3v. S° . *7485.1 ISRAELITES. See Hebrew language, .lews. ISSEA, serenata pastorale per musiia. Lisbonn, [1772]. pp. 32. sm.S°. [Drammi varii, v. I].*4799.17 Issue, The, explained, [.\gainst the election ot Mr. Uahn, as governor of Louisiana. New Orleans, 1864.] pp. 8. 8° 4320a. 47 Ister, J. Romantische Erziiblungen desTages und der Vorzeit. Leipzig, 1796. 12° 28*8.12 ISTORIA delta potenza navale d'Inghilterra e di Francia. Colonia, 1783. 12° 2519.17 Italy. Ministr)/ of agriculture, etc. Statisticadel regno d'ltalia. Popolazione. Movimento dello stato civile neir anno 1862. Firenze, 1864. 1.4° »4731.4 — [Itincraire de I'ltalie. 2e ii. faite snr la 9e cd. italienne de Florence.] Paris, 1817. 12°. . 2734.18 — [Narrative of a three years' residence in Italy, 1819-22.] 2ded. Dublin, 1831. 12° ... . 2765.13 Art. — Burckbardt, .1. Anlcitung zum Genuss der Kunstwerke Italiens 4099.24 — Spetli, B. Die Kunst in Italien 2737.20 Biography. — Crescimbeni, G. M. Vite degli Arcadi illustri. 2744.28 — Liverati, C. E. Ritratti di 3() fra i componenti del terzo congresso scientitico italiano . . . 4740.20 — Napione, G. Vite ed elogi d'illustri Italiani . 4743.25 — Regli, F. Dizionario biografico dei piu celtbri poeti ed artisti [teatrali], 1800-00 2741.23 — Vannucci, A. I martiri della libertk italiana, 1791-1848 4718.16 Ecclesiastical history. — Larnac, L. LVvangile et I'ltalie 2703.6 — Pilatte, L. Le iirotestaiitismo de I'ltalie . . . 4744.2 — Y'oung, M. Italian reformers in the lOtli century 2745.13 Description, travels, etc. — Baedeker, C. Lakes of Northern Italy . . . 2864.24 — Beaumont, A. Travels from France to ... . 2830.4 — Beschrcibiing von gaiitz Italien. [Jlerian. Topograpbia, v. 10] 4201.3 — Bon-Compagni, 0. Considerazioui suU* Italia centrale 4713.19 — Burnet, G. Letters written in, 1685, 86 . . . 4199.15 — Cadell, W. A. Journey in, 1817, 18 2764.6 — Cantii, I. L'ltalia scientilica contempornnea. 2743.6 — Cobbe, F. P. Politics, people, and places in, in 1801 2765.14 ITALY 312 ITALY Slielf. Ko- It ILY Descriptitm, irnrels, etc., continued. — Coghlan, F. Handbook for Xorthern Italy — Cooper, J. F. Gleanings in — Falii, M. Corografla d'ltalia — Galiffe, J.A. Tour in ISlfi, 17 • • • _ Grotelend, G. F. Zur Geograpliie und Oe gcliiclite von Alt-ltalien • • • — Hoare, K. C. Classical tour through Italy — Hondt, J. Italiie hodicrna: descriptio . . — I eti, G. L'ltalia regnantc- _ Lichtenthal, I>. Manualc hibliograflco del viag- giatorcin Italia •••••,• ?i!r ll _ SIcudelssolmBartholdy.F. Letters from Italy. 4Mr,.44 _ Meyer F. J. L. Darstellungen aus Italieu . . 47jU.OO _ OiUleben.E. G.y. Beitrage zur Kenntuiss von Italion • ■ ■ •.• 5868.27 _ Kaumer, F. L. G. V. Beitrage zur Kenntniss dieses Landes „;,, Tr Directions for travellers in . . . 2a.3 — MrnUi, L. Grammar 47S8.-T — OUemlortr, H. G. Xt'w method Of learning . 4789.0 — - Key to tlie now mt'thod 4789.7 — Panizzi, A. Italian giammur 47Mta.7 — Vem-roni, G. Maitro italien 27S0.10 — Tergiiui, A. Italian grammar . . 4125.0, and 47S9a. 5 Language, Lex^icograpJii/, — Albert! di Villanova, F. d\ Grande dizionario itahano-francese 4111.1 — Baretti, G. Dictionary of English and Italian. 4111.9 — Carena, (i. Osservazioni iutorno ai vocabo- larj della lingua italiana 2784.0, and 47S5. 5 — Cornion, G. L. B. Dizionario portatile itali- ano-tVancese 47S5.G — Corvaia, G. Scritti relativi alia formazioue di un nuovo dizionario italiano 2785.28 — Elena, (i. Dizionario figurativo della lingua italiana 4785.3 — Gherardini, G. M. .S. C. Manuale lessigralico. 4786,30 — - Voci e maniere di dire italiane 4781.5 — Graglia, C. Pocket-dictionary 4119.23 — Valentini, P. Vocaboli italiani pretcrmessi ue' nuovissimidizionurii 4785. 8 — Vanzon, C. A. Dizionario universale della lin- gua ituliana 47S5.1 Literature. BihliograpUy . — Allacci, L. Drammaturgia 2175.21 — Fontiuiini, G. Biblioteca dell' cloquenza ital- iana 2160.12 — Gazzino, G. Indice cronologico c bibliografico d'ilUistri Italiani dal BBColo XI al XIX , . . 2749.19 — Melzi, G. Dizionario diopereauouiiue ei)seud- onimo di scrittori italiani 214-1.12 — Molini, G. Giornalegenerale della bibliografia italiana 21G1.2 Literature. Collections. — Albert, E. Tesoro della prosa italiana . . . . 2771.20 — Bruno, C. Focsie di piii celebri autori . = . . 4199.12 — Cancrini, L. Geimue di poetesse italiane, 1290- 1S55 4774.22 — Ebert,A. HandbuchderitalienischenNational- Literatur 4770.22 — Ferrario, G. Poesie pastoral! e rustical! . . . 4808.11 — Gironi, R. Raccolta di lirici italiani 4808.8 — Gregorio, K. di. I'oesie dei re suevi iu Sicilia e dei loro cortegiani V. 3 of 4'J'-'5.] — Ide!er,L. Uandbuch doritalianischen .Sprache. 42U8.7 — Kopisch, A. A'olksthiimliche I'oesieen aus al- ien 3IundartenUaUens und seiner Inseln . . 2780.10 — Marcoaldi, O. Cauti popolari iuediti 2789. Iti — Mathias, T. J. Conipouimenti lirici de' piii il- iustri poetid'Italia 4775.13 — Eaccolta di uovelle dall' origine della lingua italiana 480S.12 — Raccolta di pocmi didascalici 4808.13 — Riicrolta di poesie satiriclie 4808.9 — Raccolta di prose italiane 4808.10 — Tigri, G. Canti popolari toscani 4199.9 Literature. History. — Cantd, C. Delia litteratura italiana 2770.7 — Foster, M. E. Hand-book of Italian literature. 2770.24 — Giesfbrecht, W. De litteraruni studiis apud Ital05 primis medii revi sxeculis B. 190. 51 — Gingiiene, P. L. llistoire litti-raire d'ltalie . 4208.9 — Levati, A. Letteratura italiima uei prinii 25 anni del secoloxix 4770.2-3 — Libri-Carrucci, G. IS. LT. Sciences mathema- tiques eu Italic jusqu'a la tin du xviie siccle. 4275.20 40 Sliclf. No Italy. TAterature. Jlislorij, contimied. — flieinhard,.!. N. Der C'harakter und die AVcrke der bestcu itidianisclien Dichtcr 4773.15 — Muratori, L. A. Delia perfetta pocsia ita- liana 4194.7 — Ozanam, A. P. Italiens Franciskaner-Dichter im 13ten Jahrhunderte 4773.11 — Panizzi, A. Essay cm the romantic narrative poetry of the Italians v. i of 4203.10 — Rathery, E. J. B. Influence de I'ltalie sur les lettres fran-ptiacarnm, qtianim meuiio apud scriptores vcteres occurrit- II. Rempbah, .^pj-plioniiD deus; DissertJitionea de icira Gosen; Xovn interpretatio tabulte Berabinoevel Isiaca;; De festo Osiridis invenri; De diebus iEpjnUiacis in ve- tnsto knlendario commenioratis ; Obsco'ationea in Tan- theon jEpypriomni ; De Redemtore stante super pulve- reni, Job W; 25; De grenuinasipniticalione rfj^ SiaBnKTjq in N. T.; Dc verbo otioso, Matt. 12: 3(5; De sulsura igTiis wterni, Marc9: 49. III. De Hngiin Lycaonica; Theses theolo^ca:i[i Rom. 0; De futura Iudnrorunicon%-crsione; De copnitione Christi secundum cnrncm; De epislola ecripta Laodicca; Do Jezubele pseudo-prophetissa; Do Judfeonim cognatione cum Lnceditmoniis, 1 Mace. 12 : 7, 21; De ultimis Paul! apost. labonbus; De origrfne festi nativitatis L'hristi ; De origine iinn^num Christi in cccle- Bia Christiana; De Sanctis quibusdam inco^itis ; De regno niitlenario Cerinthi. IV. Dc miraculo legionis fulminatricis ; Dc Alcxandro Severo Christinnorum sacris per Guosticos initiato; De nomiuis Abraxas sigmiSca- tione: De baptismo Arianorum vctenim in Trinitatem; De Xestorianismo ; Demeritis Ncstorii, deque controver- BitB Ncstoriantc fontibus ; De Henotica Zenonis ; De morte tnigica imperatoris Anaslasii Dicori ; De indulpontiis pontiliciorum; De 0£o^r^'eV(TTia acriptorum sacn-rum N. T. in rebus historicis ; Theses tbei.ilopictc ad illustran- dam confessionem electoris Bmndenburgici Johannis Sigismandi; Observationes de ordine decrctorura Dei; De crcfttione ex nihilo; De peccato Dn(;inali; De actu natural] et personal! in Christo; De resurrectione camis futura; De stylo thoologico; De sanclitate acadt-mia- rum; De vinculo verilaiis et pictalis; Oralio in mcmo- riam coofessionis Augustano!. — Pantheon ^gyptiorvni, cvm prolegomenis de religione et tlieologhi yEgyptiorvm. Franco- furti ad Viadrum, iroO-52, 3v. in 2. 8° . ■. 6066.6 JACK, 0/ Dover, Jests. [Hazlitt. Old English jest-books, v. 2] 4599.8 Jack," C. J. Lecture on the influence of slavery on the constitution, etc., June 22, 1S60. Brook- lyn, ISGO. H" 4320a. 48 Jackman, I. All the world's a stage. [Collection of farces, v. 4] 2575.35 Jackson, Andrew. [Biographical sketch.] Bris- tol, i:. I., 1S3G. 18° 2348.61 — Addrt-'ss in favor of his election. See New York. City and county. Kcpublican gen- eral committee of young men Pph.v.74 — Addresses on thu prei^entation of [liis] sword to congress, ^ee United States 4349.3 — Monument to the memory of. See Duscnbery, B. M 2347.25 — Self vindication against the charges of Jack- eon. .S^e Martin, W 4347. CH Jackson, Anna. The art principle and its ni»plica- tion to the teacliiug of music. I'liiladelphia, 18G3. pp.30. 12° 4049.61 Jackson, Charles. Treatise on the pleadings and pructicf in real actions, lioston, 1828. 8° . 3073.5 Jackson, Churh-s T. Address before tlie Plymouth county agricullurul socit-ty, at Itridgewater, Sept. 25, 1K50. Boston, 1^50. 8". H. 170.16 — Manual of ctht-nzalion : with a history of the discovery. Boston, IhGl. 12'* 3802.30 ^ Report on the geology of the public lands of Mastnachusetts and Maine. iioston, \s:i'<. pp. 91. 8" V. 2 of 3868. 18 Report upon the proiicrty of the Black river ndne9,(>ct.22, lHri2. Boston, 186.1. pp. 8. 8'.5860a.22 — Niiturul history of wati-r. [Scientific tracts] . 3939.6 Ciay, M. (,'liiims of .Iiu-ksun to the discovery of elherlzution 6087.8.1 — Jackson, J. B. .S. Claims of JackHon, etc. . , 60^7.94 — Lord, J. L. Defence of Jackson's chiiinn . . I1.IG0.122 Stanly, K. Rights uf Jat^kson to the discov- ery, etc 6087.88 JACK8t»N, K., and llowdllch, H. L Report of llic niinorlly of the commllt<'e of the prhuury Hchool board, on theciKte scIiooIn of Ito^toll. With reiuarkft on the city solicitor's opinion by \V. I'hUllps. Boston, IHI6. pp.36. 8'. MieS.O Shelf. No. Jackson, G. Popular errors in English grammar, ^particularly in pronunciation, ])oiuted out. 3ded. London, 1830. pp.27. 24° 2585.30 Jackson, L R. Life of W. 11. Harrison. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1840. 18° 2348. 5S Jackson, James. Another letter to a young phy- sician. Boston, 18G1. 12" 3728.10 — Memoir on the last sickness of Washington and its treatment by the attendant physi- cians. Boston, 18G0. pp.31. 12° 2341.14 — Syllabus of lectures delivered to the medical students of Harvard university. [Boston, ISIG.] 8° 3789.21 Jackson, James C. Consumption : how to prevent it, and bow to cure it. Boston, 1862. 8' . , 3794.38 Jackson, John, enf/raver, and Chatto, W. A. Treatise on wood engraving. 2d ed. With a chapter on the artists of the present day, byH.G. Bohn. London, ISGl. 8° *4003.25 Jackson, John, manager of the Theatre ro7/al, Edinburgh. History of the Scottish stage. with memoirs of [the author's] life. Edin- bnrgli, 1793. 8° 2555.31 Jackson, John, of Darhn, Pa. Dissertation, his- torical and critical, on the Christian ministry. Philadelphia, 1855- 8° 60S8.2U Jackson, John B. S. Review of M. Gay's state- ment of Jackson's claims to the discovery of the inhalation of sulphuric ether, as a pre- ventive of pain. [No title-page.] 8°. [From the Boston medical and surgical journal, June 30, 1847] 6087.94 Jackson, N., Discourse commemorative of. See Hopkins, Mark f4.347.43 Jackson, P. T., Memoir of. See Lowell, J. A. . . 4129.74 Jackson, R. Treatise on the fevers of Jamaica. Philadelphia, 1705. 12° 3797.34 Jackson, Rev. Samuel. Attention to the word of God. See Sermons on important subjects . 5442.14 Jackson, Samuel, professor in the unirersity of Pennsylvania. Introductory lecture to the course of the institutes of medicine, in the university of Pennsylvania, Oct. 12, 1855, Philadelphia, ISm. 8° 6087.93 Jackson, Samuel C. Religituis principle a source of public prosperity. Sermon at the annual elec- tion. Boston, 1843. 8* . *4:t5G. 12, and *Pph.v.334, 376 Jackson, Tatlow. Authorities cited antagonistic to H. Kinney's conclusions on the writ of ha- beas corpus. Philadelphia, 1862. pp.8. 8", 3G35.10 — ilartinl law: what is it V and who can declare it? IMiiladelpbia, 1862. pp.19. 8° . . . . 3035.10 Jackson, Thomas. Centenary of Wesleynn meth- odism. I>ondon, IKiU. 8° 3648,5 — Life of the Uev. R. Newton. N. Y., 1855. 8°. 5558.7 — Jacob's return from Padan-Aram. See Sermons on important subjects 5442.14 Jackson, Thonuis J. Life and military career of ** Slduewall" Jackson. Loudon, [1S63]. pp. 15. 8° 4322.49 Jackson, William. Lecture on rail ronils, Jan. 12, 1820, before the Massachusetts charitable me- clumic association. 2ded. Boston, 182U. 12°. 6086.13 Jackson, William A. Address at Albany, Feb. 22, 185H. [No title-page.] 8° 4347.44 — Oration, at Wiudluim Centre, Green Co., N. Y., July 4, 1859. Albany, 1863. H" 4347.44 — [Docuuu'nts relative to an attack upon the cluirai'ter of Col. Jackson.] n.p., 1HG2. pp. IG. [No title-page.] 8° 4347.44 — [Memoir.] Albany, 1862. pp.40. 8° . . . . 4;M7.44 Jacob, — . Traill complet du nouvcau systi'me T, C. J. B. [Jules Janin. liiogriiphie par E. de Mirecrturt.] Paris, 1854. 24° 0049a. 10 — [Samson. Biographic par E. de Mirecourt.] I'aris, 1854. 24" 6G49a.n Jacquot, F. Du typhua de I'armee d'Orient. Paris, 1858. 8* 3700.25 •Iacjo, R. Edgehill, and other poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Groat Britain, v. 11] . 4004.1 Jahn, F. L. Deutsches Volksthum, Neue Ausg, Leipzig, 1S17, 8' 2804.11 — Merke zum deutschen Volksthum. Hildburg- hausen, 1833. 10° 2819.8 — Ruuenbliitter. n. p., 1814. pp.29. 8° . . . . 2817. 6 Jahn, Johann. Appendix hermeneuticae sen exer- citationes exegetica;. Vaticinia de Messia. Viennie, 1813-15. 2v. in 1. 8° 6025.16 — Bibli^che Archaologie. Wien, 1790-1802. 4v. 8° 0018.21 — Einleitung in die gtittlichen Bucher des Alten Bundes. 2te Aufl. Wien, 1802,3. 3v.in2. 8°. 0025.17 Jahn, Johann C. Neue .Tahrbiicher fiir Philologie und Piidagogik, Leipzig, 1831-04. yOv. 8°. *3217.1 Kote. — Since J855, published in 2 parts : the first, en- titled Jahrbiichcr fiir classi&che Philologit! ; the second, with the title above, whieh ia also the general title of both parts. — Jahrbiicherfiir classische Philologie. lter-3ter Supplement band. Leipzig, 1855-00. 3v. h°. +3247.3 Jaiix, O. Gottfried Hermann. Eine Gedachtni.ss- rede, Jan. 28, 1849, Leipzig, 1849. pp. 32. 8°. 4129.73 Jahr, G. U. G. New manual of homoeopatliic prac- tice. Edited by A. G. Hull. 2d Am. ed. New York, 1841, 42. 2v. 8° 3807.21 Jahrbuch Tiir die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums. Bd. 1,2. Leipzig, 1860-01, 2v. 12° *6277.1 Jahrbuch fiir Volkswirthschaft und Statistik. See HUbuer, F. 5044.1 JAHRBiJCHER dcs k. k. polytecbnischen Institutes in Wien. ,yee Vienna 7914.1 jAHRBiicHER Tur slavische Literatur, Kunst und Wissenschaft. Neue Folge. Band 1-3, Stes Heft. Bautzen, 1853-50. 3v. 8° *4255.8 Jalaguiek, — . Le temoignage de Dieu base de la foi chretienne. Toulouse, 1851. pp.80. 8°. 6063.19 Jamaic.\. [New history of Jamaica, to the taking of Porto Bello.] 2d ed. London, 1740. 8°. 2312.12 — Abridgment of the laws in force in, 1704 , . , 30.35.19 — African slave-trade in B. 100.76 — Bickull, K. Picture of slavery in 5572.25 — Jackson, R. Fevers of 3797.34 — Stewart, J. I'ast and present state of ... . 4307.3 James, the apostle. Missa divina. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. 2] B.110.2 James, the less, pseud. Protevangeliiim, Bive de natiillbus Jesu Christ! et ipsius matris. [Thilo. Codex apocryphus N. T.] . ... 6018.11 James I, of England. Opera, edita a J. Monta- cuto. Francofurti ad Mocnum, 1089. f° . , *4181.2 Contents. — Paraphrasis apocalypseoB ; Dutc medita- tiones bih-t.-c ; Dsemonolu^a, sive dJulogus de artibus miifpcis; B'i5iJ. pp. 12. 12" . . B.lGOb.23 — Letter to tlie Uight Kev. L. S. Ives, occasioned by his address to the convention of his dio- cese. 3d ed. New York, 184S. pp. 32. 8°.U. 100.91 — Life of John Jay: with correspondence and miscelhuieous])apers. N. Y., 1833. 2v. 8". 2342.20 — Keply to remarks of Kev. Jloses .Stuart on Hon. John Jay, and an examination of *' Conscience and the constitution," New York, 1850. pp.22. 8° B.1G0,07 — War and peace : the evils of the first, and a plan for preserving the last. London, 1842. h" 3577.13 — Introduction [to A reproof of the American church]. .S'ce Wilberforce, S 4103.8 Jayadeva. Gita Goviuda; scholia selecta, anno- tationem criticam, interpretationem Lati- nam adjecit C. Lassen. Bonnx ad Klienum, 1830. 4° 3012.35 Jeaffkeson, J. C. Life of Robert Stephen- son, with descriptive chapters on his most important works, by W. Tole. London, 1802. 2v. 8* 2545.3 Ji:an dcFlagy. GarinleLoherain, chanson degeste composee au xire sii*cle mise en nouvcau Ian- gage par A. T. Taris. Paris, 1802. 12'. . . 2088.10 Jean d'Ypres. Continuatio chronici S. Bertini. [Marteue. Vet. script., v. 0] 4150.1 Jeasnk d'Albret, 8047.2 Jknny Lind mania, The, in Boston. By Asmodeus. Boston, 1850. pp. 40. 12° B. 170b. 83 Jenyns, L. Memoir of llev. J. S. Ilenslow. Lon- don, 1862. 12° '. 2547.27 Jenyns, S. Art of dancing, and other poems, [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 11] . Jermyn. J. Book of English epithets. London, 1819. 8° JERNINGHAM,E. Eloquence of the pulpit in Eng- land. See Knox, T 5009.4 jKlioytv.y of Prague. Historia et monumenta. See IlHS, J 0050.0 — IIus und Hieronyraus. llelfert, J. A 3550.30 jEKKKii, G. L. Naturgeschichte fur die Jugend. 4te Aufl. Niirnberg, 1833. 8° "3S19.9 jERKOl.li, B. Signals of distress in refuges, homes of charity, reformatories, etc. Lon- don, 1803. 8° 4487.17 Ji:rskv, Narrative of the oppressions of the island- ers of. .See .Authentic 2497.7 jERUSAi.E.M. Catlicrwood, F. Description of a view of 4289.25 — Lewin, T. The siege of, by Titus 3083. 18 — Mariti, G. Uialory of 5018.2 Pierotii, E. .Jerusalem explored 5W0.12 JES.S, Z. System of practical surveying and divid- ing of land. 2d ed. rhiladelphia, 1814. 8°. 7058.17 JES.SE, bishnp of Amiens. Epistola calechetica ad sacerdotes. [Maxima bihlitjth. vet. jtatr., v. 14] • B.1UI.2 Jesse, .1. H. Memoirs of the preleuders and their adherents. [Smith. Weekly volume, v. 2] . 8030.3 jESSof, W., und Chapnmn, W. l'ropc)>e(l line of inivigation between Newcastle und Maryporl. Eslinndes, also, of that from Stella to Hex- liani. Nowciistlo, 1795. 8° •l'ph.v..301 Jesuits. Instructions secretes ^res. Histoire de Padmirable Dom Inigo de Guipuscoa 4709a. 3 — Steinmetz, A. Year amongthe English Jesuits. 3530.12 Jesus JIaria, J.de. Vida y exeelenciasdelavirgen Maria. 2a imp. Madrid, 1657. f° *6051.3 Jeux, Les, de quadrille et de quintille, et un recueil de decisions. Seed. Paris, 1725. 12° . . . 4001.20 JevoNS, W. S. a serious fall in the value of gold ascertained. London, 1863. pp. 73. 8° . . 3646.38 Jewel, J. Apologia ecclesias Anglicanae. [Ran- dolph. Enchiridion theologicum, v. 1] . . . 3451.14 Jewelry. Manuel dn bijoutier, du joaillier, de I'orfevre. Julia de Fontenelle, J. S. E. . . . 4029.1 Jewett, .1. P., and Co. National tlute teacher, Boston, [1850]. pp.79, obi. 8° 8052.66 — National tlutiua and accordion teacher. Bos- ton, [1850]. pp.03. obl.4° 8052.43 Jewitt, L. Handbook of English coins, from the Norman conquest to the present reign. Lon- don, 1804. pp. 64. 11 plates. 32° 2539.40 Jews. Brackenridge, H.M. Speeches on the Jew hill 2406.30 — Catalogus scriptorum contra Judxos. [Cani- sius. Thesaurus, v. 4] 4140.3 — Imhonati, C. G. Be scriptoribus Latiuis, qui contra Juda?os, vel de re Hebraica scripsere. 2150.12 — Schmitthenner, C. J. Scriptores Gr:eci et Lat- iui, qui de rebus Judaicis commemorarunt . 4163.31 Antiquities and law. — Do Wette, W. M. L. Lelubuch der hebraisch- jiidischen Archiiologie 6028.5 — Floury, C. Planners of the ancient Israelites. 3425.10 — - Les moours des Israelites B. 127. 21 — Godwin, T. Moses et -Aaron, seu civiles et ec- clesiastici ritus • 4149.4 — - Rites used by the ancient Hebrews .... 5429a. 3 — Horzfeld, L. Metrologische Vornntersuchung- en zu einer (Jeschichte des ibriiischen resp. ahjiidisdien Handels 5489.4 — Irving, C. Catechism of Jewish antiquities . 5489a. 35 — Levy, M. A. Geschichte der jiidischen Miin- zen 5489.6 — Planners and customs of the 5489a. 1 — Mii-ha-lis, J. 1). JInsaischcs Reelit 0029a. 2 — Pei-les,.!. Die l^eichenreierlichkeiten imnach- hiblischen Jmlenthume 2296.11 — Sualschiitz, J. L. Das mosaische Recht . . . 4293.22 — Sclden, .1. De jure naturali et gentium jnxta (lisciplinani Ehra-orum 4290.11 — Si)encer, .1. De legihus Hebraiorum ritnali- bus 0033. 1, and 6073.7 — Totius Hcbrseorum juris, rituum, antiquitatum, ac legum oralium systema. 5ec Mischua . . 5460.3 Jliiitnry. Alexander, A. History of the Israelites, fVom tile death of .Joseph to the death of Moses . Deppiug, G. B. Les Jnifs dans le moj'en iigc . ICwald, (t. II. A. v. Geschichte des Volkes Is- rael bis t'hrislus 41.54.0, and Graetz, H. (ieschichte der Jmh'U, lo;7-1205 . Jahrbuch fiir die (ieschichte der Juden und des Judenthums ,Jost, J. M. Geschichte des isruelilischcn Volkes Horn, K. Indien das Stammland der llebriier und ilirer raheln Milinan, II. II. History of the Newman, F. W. Hebrew monarchy ftom the time of Samuel to the Habyloidsh captivity. I'iuniick, W. Catechism of the history and a«- lifiuities of the Rask, v.. •'. l>eu leldsle hebrniskc Tldsreg- nlng iniltil Moses Salvador, .1. Hislniredes institutions de Moise el du peuple hehiou Sndtl), K. Tribes of Israel in America .... 3129.30 4164.5 6124.11 2297.10 0277.1 4154.8 C07I.23 2297.4 3420.13 7039.48 6429.11 4149.11 2299.10 JEWS 319 JOBBINS SlK-lf. No Jews. JJistory^^ coutiuKcd. — Stanley, A. I*. I.ccturos on the Jcwi^ihcluirch. 5424.0 — WiHt', I. M. History of the Isrnclitish uulion. 4154.4 Literature and art. DcIitzsoh.F. (JpschifhtrtUTJiidisclienPoi'sie, Edeliniin, H. roftical coinpositious by ancient Jewish autliors ill Spiun Fiirst, J. Bihliotlit'ca Judaii-a HerztVhi, L. ifhcr die Kuns^tUMstuiist^n der lit hr;ifr und iilti-n .ludon Hurwitz, H. Hebrew tales, from the writings of ancient sajjes Lowth, K. De sacra poesi Hebr»orum . , . Taylor, I. The spirit of tlie Hebrew poetry . Zunz, L. Die synugogalc I'oesie dt's Jlittelal- tcrs 4144.3 2UV4.I0 54S9.7 54Si).15 0033.3 34:.'5.4 C073.3 Jieligion. — Brechcr, G. Die Unsterbliclikeitsl^hre des israelilisclien Volkes 0005.30 — Critical review of the claims presented by Christianity for inducing apostacyin Israel . 0088.88 — Diitme, A. F. .Tiidisch-alexaudrinische Relig- ions-1'hilosophie 0095.10 — Diillinijer, J. J. I. Ileideuthum und Juden- thum G073.1 — Eisenmenger, J. A. Entdecktes Judenthum , 6073.8 — Frnnck, A. La philosophie religieuse des He- brcux 6073.13 — Ghillany, F. W. Die Menschenopfer der alten HebrJier 6073.5 — Israelite indeed, The; on Hebrew Christianity. 74S5.1 — Jolianusen, J. C G- ^'etcrunl Hebra-orum uo- tiones de rebus post mortem fiituris . . . B. 170a. 122 — Knlisch, I. Doetrinal dilVerence between Ju- daism and primitive Christianity 3420.5 — Klose, C. R. W. De polytheismi vestigiis apud Hebra^os ante Mosem 5489.1 — Martinejiu, H. Providence as manifested through Israel . 5453.11 — Mendelssohn, SI. Uber religitise Macht und Judentum 5489.11 — Philippson, L. Dieisraelitische Religionslehre. 54S9.5 — - Neues israelitisches Gebetbiich 5t4f>. 10 — Rpghellini. Examen du Hlosaisme 0073.4 — Skreinka, L. Entwicklungsgeschichte der jtidi- schen Dogmen und des jUdischen Cultus . . 2290.10 — Triglanci, J. De tribus Judaorum sectis syn- tagma . . .^ 6073.14 See aUo: Esscnes, Hebrew !niig:unprL', Jerusalem, Ka- raite Jews, Pak-)>tiue, iiubbinic langUftge, Syriu. JlXMAN, G. Winds and their courses : or, the laws of hurricanes and gales. London, 1801. 8". 3907.9 Joachim, G.. and Otho, L. V. Opvs Palatinvm de triangvlis. Neostadii in Palatinatv, 1096. f-°. *5910.7 Contents. — Joachim, O., T)c falirica canonis doctrinfle trinngtilorum; De Iriquetris reclarum linearum in pla- Ditie ; Dv triangulis glubt cum aninilo recto ; Otho, L. V., Tie triuugiilis globi siue angulo recto ; Tria meteorosco- pia numeromm. Joan of Arc, Histoire de Jeanne d'Arc. See Bar- thelemy de Beauregard, J 4015.7 — Harcourt, A. P. Vie de Jeanne d'Arc .... 4G00.24 JoANNKS, abhot of BicUiro-, in Spain, Chronicon continuans ubi Victor desinit. [Canisius. Tliesaurus, v. 1, p. IJ 4140.3 JoANSKS, archbishop of X ice. Oratio de nativitate Domini, interprete Combelis. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., V, 12] B.110.2 JOASNES, bishop of the Carpathiiuis. Ad nion;ichos ex India,capitahortatoria. interprete J. Pon- tano. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 12] . B.110.2 Joannes, Carthttxinn mon?c. Epistolx quinqiie. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 24] B.110.2 Joannes, rf<'«c«H at rt-itu-e. Chn>nicon Venetum; Chronicon Gradense usque ad annum 1008. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc, v, 7] 4210.2 Slu^If. No. Joannes, inonl: Chronicon Besucnse. [Achcry. Ii^picilegunn, v.l] 4152.7 J OAHNEi^-, of St. Saba. laropia l//iiXt''0cAiJ5 £k TT/q evdoTCpas Tiiiv AiOiontov %(i>fJ«J, rrjf lv6cov [Boissonade. Anecdota Gra'ca, v. 4] ... B.16I.3 Joannes, previoushj Suhikas, patriarch of the Nes- iorittns. Fidei professio. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 20] B.110.2 Joannes a Leydis. De origine et rebus gestis dom- inorum Brederode, Helgico sermone. [Mat- th^i. Analecla, v.2] 41.39a. 1 Joannes de Ilerardo. Chronicon Casauriensc, sive Piscariense. [Achery. Spicilegium, v. 5J . 4152.7 Joannes de Ragusio. Oratio habita in concilio Basileensi de communione sub utraque specie. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 4] 4140.3 Joannes Climacus. Scala Paradisi, interprete Mat- tbaio Radero. [Maxima biblioth, vet. patr., V. 10] B.110.2 — Escala espiritiial, traduzido por L. de Granada. [Granada. Obras, v. 17] 5509a. 1 — - Same. [Granada. Obras, v. 0] 6021.6 Joannes Damascenus. Opera omnia. Item loan- nis Cassiaui libri aliqvot. [Gr. et.Lat. Pra;- fatus est M. Hopperus.j Basilese, 1575, f. *B.140.10 Cont(mts. — Joannis Dnmascnni opera ; Cassiani opora, Liitine: De institutis Ccenobiorum primilivni ecclcsiie libri IV ; De octo vitiia capitalilms libri vill ; Collationoa piitrura xxill; De incamatiou« Christi contra Ncstorium libri VII. — Iambi de Christi nativitate et epiphania, et de pentecoste; Versus anacreontici. [Lect, l*o- etic Grajci, V. .3] 4200.7 — Liber contra Acephalos et Monophysitas, Gr. et Lat. ; Dissertatio adversus Nestorianos, Gr. et Lat. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 2, p. 1]. 4140.3 Joannes Euboicus. Semiode sanctorum iniiintium cffide. [Mai. Class, auct., v. 10] B. 172.3 Joannes Gabras. Loyos sis niv eiaoiou ms iimpayiai ^CtyTTOitrjg Tjuwv Oeotokov rrjv f(f Ta ilyia Toiv ci} luiv. [Boissonade. Anecdota Grieca, v..3]. B.101.3 Joannes Geometra. Hymni v in Virginem deipa- ram ; Pnradisus, interprete F. Morello. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 27] B.110.2 — Hymni. [Lect. Poets Grieci, v. .3] 4200.7 Joannes Gorziensis. 5ee Frankfurt. Societas, etc., V.4, 10 4210.2 CoiUenta. — VoI.IV. Miracula S. Gltnlesindis et S. Gor- gonii. X. Vita Clirodegangi episcopi Mettcasis, Joannes Hierosolymitanus, Pseiido-.Toannes. De institutione primorum monachorum in lege veteri exortorum. [Maxima biblioth. vet, patr., V. 5] B.110.2 Joannes Iperius. See Jean d'Ypres. Joannes Monazon Georgides. •S'ee Georgides, J. M. JovVNNES Philoponus Gnunmaticus. De Grajcas lin- guae dialectis. See Scapula, J 4970.20 Joannes Raithuensis, or Itaithenus. Scholia in Scalam Paradisi sancti Joannis Climaci ; Epistola ad Pastorem. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 10] B.110.2 Joannes Sapiens Cyparissiota. Expositio materi- aria eorum qua: de Deo k theologis dicuntur, F. Turriano interprete; Palamicarum trans- gressionum sermones duo. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. 21] B.110.2 Joannes Secundus. See Everard, J. N. Joannes Theasalonicensis. Oratio in mulieres fe- rentes et de Christi resurrectione, interprete Combefis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr,, v. 12J. B.110.2 Jobaup, J. B. A. M. Bulk-tin du Musee de I'indiis- trie. Tome 1-14, 29-38. Bruxelles, 1841-00. 24v. 8° *3.303.1 — Nonvelles inventions aux expositions univer- selles. Bruxelles, 1857. 2v. h" 4033.11 JOBBiNs, J.R. Ancient domestic architecture. See DoIlman,F.T 8090.9 JOCERT 320 JOHNSOX Shelf. No. JoBEnx, A.J. Plaies tVarmes a feu, mt'moire sur la cautOrisation, etc. Paris, 1833. H° 3755.3 — TraiU- de cliirurjrie plastique. l^aris, 1840. 2v. 8°; Atlas, Iv. f 3745.-^7, and 37.H.2 — Traite des maladies chirurgicales dii canal iu- testinal. Paris, 1829. 2v. 8° 3700.17 JOBIUS monacbus. 0[jeris de dominica iiicanrntione fragmentum. [Slai. Class, auct., v. lOj . . . B.172.3 JOBST, .T. G. Kurzer Innbegritf des ewigen Evan- geliums. Bath, 3S38. 12** 3134.25 JOCUXDUS. Trauslatio S. Servatii, 1088. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., v. 12] 4210.2 JOECHER, C. G. De Opheorvm vel Orpheorvm ha;- resi. [Diss, acad.] Lipsias, 1730. pp.20. 4°. B. 190. 60 JOFREDis, P. See Gioffredo, P. JoGUES, I. Description de Nieuw Netlierland, et notice sur Ueue Goupil. New York, 1802. pp. 44r. 1.8' 4312.4 JoilvVNXES vom Kreutz, St. Zeha Briefe. See Tauler, J 60G3.21 JoHANNSKX, J. C. G. Veterum Hebraiorum uoti- onesde rebus post mortemfuturis. Partic.la. [Genesis.] Uavnia;, 182G. pp.50. sm.S" . B.170a.l22 JoH.vxsEN, C. Die Nordfriesische SpracUe. Kiel, 1862 8° 2885.27 John, the beloved disciple,. Liber S. Joannis apoc- rvplms, Latine. [Thilo. Codex apocrypbus N. T.] 6018.11 John, of Brabant. Expenses of Jobn of Brabant and Thomas and Henry oi Lancaster, 1202-03. Edited by J. Burtt. [Loudon], 1853. pp. 34. sm.4''. [Camden society, No. 55] . . v. 2 of *2416.39 John, of Xa^isau. Litera; ad coetiim Embdannm una cum Embdensinm responso. [Gerdes. Scrinium antiq. ad hist, reform. .*ipcct., v. 1]. 6055.15 John, of SiUisburi/. Polycraticus, sive de nugis curialium et vostigiis philosophorum, libri octo; Epistola? cociii. [Jlaxinia biblioth, vet. pair., V. 23] B.110.2 John IT, Idn;/ of Spain. Cronica del rcy don Juan seguudo. See Garcia de Santa JIuria, A. . , 4251.2 J OHS If pope. De ratione lidei. [Herold. Ilicreseo- logia] B.120.3 John IV, pope. Apologia i)roHonorio papa. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 12] B.110.2 John XXII, pope [Ualtbasar Cossa]. Decrctales extravagantes. Sec Clement V 4290.5 John Bull's bible; or, memoirs of the stewardship and stewards ol' Jolin Bull's manor of Great Albion. By Demodocus i'oi)licohi. Loudon, 1810. 8" 252G.2 Johns, J., Sermon on the death of. See Thorn, , B.170a.l J. H, 127 Johnson, colonel. The white fawn. A sketch of a domi'stic incident in the early settlement of the Genesee. [Smith. Weekly volume, v. 1], 8030. 3 Johnson, Alexander B. The advanced value of gold, suspended specie pay men ts,leg»l-lender notes, taxation, and national debt, investigated im- partially. Ulicu, N. Y., isr.2. i)p. 32. 8° . 4320a. 114 Johnson, Alfred. Address before the VVashinglo- nian societies of Belfast, Feb. 22, 18-43. Bel- fust, 1843. 8" B.170.81 Johnson, Andrew. Speech on the state of the union, Feb. r> and ft, 1861. Washington, I86I. 8'. . 4320a. 52 Johnson, ArtoniHS N. Dannonyupon the Pesta- lo/ziun system. Boston, 1854. 8' 4053.0 — and J. C, and Of*gnod, J. Normal Bong book. Boston, IK'i.'i. obi. 8' 8049a. 4 — OHgno'l, J., and lUll, S. Bay state colleetlon of church nmslc. Boston, [1856]. obl.8'. . 8047.20 JOHNSONt C. Scc]^^t\\. British theatre, V. 6, y . . 4179a. 1 Co^itrnla. — Vnl. VI. Tlio iriitncAtPr, alloml by H. (•Hn-li'k. IX. Tho country Iamci, or tliu cualoiii ot tlio manor, cutn. JoMNHON, Edward. Pomentic practice of hydropa- tliy. New York, IHI'J. »*-»" '. . . . 42ft5.1.'» — Indigestion not a dls«'nso of the fttomacli. London, [185-]. pp.32. 32* 3700.39 Sliclf. No. Johnson, Edwin. Discourse before the American education society, Mav 20, 1863. Boston, 1803. 8'* V. 5of*5175.3 Johnson, Edwin F. Railroad to the Pacific : its general character, etc. 2d ed. New York, 1854. 8° 0087.76 Johnson, G. Diseases of tho kidney. London, 1852. 8" 3740.60 Johnson. James. Influence of civic life, sedentary habits, etc. 1st American from the London copy. Philadelphia, 1820. 8° 3707.4 — Einliuss des burgerlichcn Lebens, des hiiufigeu Sitzeus, [u. s. w.]. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt mit Anmerkungen von H. Breslau, Weimar, 1820. 12" 3707.3 Johnson, James C. Carmina nieloda : a song book for schools, including elementary course by A. N. Johnson, and chorals for elementary practice by W. Tilliughast. Boston, [1855]. 0^.12" 8047.40 — - Same. [A later edition.] Boston, n. d. obI.8° 8040a. — The cherub : songs for Sabbath schools, [etc.]. Boston, [1S53]. obl.8° 8O40a.2 — Flower festival on the banks of theKbiue: a cantata. Boston, [1855]. obI.12' 8047.48 — Juvenile oratorios. New York, 18G2. obl.S". SOiOa.l Contents. — Tlio fcstivnl of tho Rose ; Tlie liiUinn sum- mer; Tho cliildruu of JcruAalvm. — The Slay festival : a musical recreation for liowertime. Boston, [18— ]. pp. 3G. 12" . 8046.32 — The palace of industry : a juvenile oratorio. Boston, 1851. obl.8' ', 8049a. 5 — Wildwood songs : new words to familiar melo- dies. No. 1. Sweet robin. 2, The generale. Boston, ISOO, 61. pp.32. 4* 4409a. 22 Johnson, James Y, Madeira: its climate and sce- nery. 5ce White, K 3057.7 John.son, Jeremiah, (/en.. Discourse on the life, chanicter, etc. of. .^ce Johnson, S. K. . . . 2343.20 Johnson, Jeremiahjr. Lee Avenue Sabbatb-school manual. New York, 1857. 32" 5454,35 Johnson, Joseph B. Fears an. Works, with Illurphy's essay. Edited by Kobert Lynam. London, 1825. Ov. 8* 4173.6 Content*. — Vol. I. t.lfo nnd (p'tiiim of Johnnon ; Tho Umiiblor. II. The Rnmbtur; Thtr Irlh-r. III. Ailvioi>t8 ; LIvpn uf cniluciit iktboiiii. V. rhilohi(rlcnl tmvtn ; Pi)lltli:nl tracts; Misci'lhiiicoiiH tnicUj ncillt;iitii»iitt; Hy- vii'wa mid ci'itlcliims. VI. Journey to Iho wcntcni Inl- ninln of Scodnixl; IllHtory of Hntifii^'liifi; Tulvn of iiiiiiRl- nntlun; Popihh; Poonintn; LctiiTs; Prn^'cr* and incdt- tuttuns; BiTinouH; Indi-X — Beauties of Johnson. Boston, 1828. 32°. . . 4509.29 — poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets o( GreatBritJiIn, V. II] 4004.1 Conlfnit. — Loiiilnn; Vnnlty of human wlihoi; Ircno, atriiKu<)y; Pooinntn I.ntlua. — Dictionary of the English lau'^uage. Hnrri- snu's edition, with life of the author. Lon- don, 1780. i" *4580.1 — - Same. Abstracted fi'om the folio ed. by the author. Sthcd. London, i:U2. 2v. in I. b'.*4U4.15 JOUNSON 321 JONES Shelf. No. Johnson, Samuel, LL. D., contimted. — General dictionary. EiiIiir;;t'(I, [with] a com- prehensive grammar, by \v. Terry. London, ISO'J. ur *25S5.2-i — Memoirs of Charles Frederick, king of Prussia ; with notes, and a continuation, by Mr. Ilai-- rison, and a transhition of poems written by the king. London, I78'>. 8° 2S52.G — Rasselas: a talc. London, ISiiO. '^4" . . . . 457'.)a.41 — - Same, [English and Hi-ngalee.] Translated by Maha-Kjija Kalee-Krishnu Jlahadur. Cal- cutta, 1833. 8° 45''.S.2 — Irene, trag. [Bell. British theatre, v. L*5] . . -lir'Ja.l — Journey to the western islands of Scotland, 177.1. [Muvor. British tourists, v. 2] , . . . 2469.22 — Remarks on the journey to the Hebrides. See M'Nicliol, I) 2477.17 — [Tyranny unmasked : an answer to a late pam- phlet, entitled Taxation no tyranny.] Lou- don, 1775. 8" *. . .*Pph.v..167 — Life. S'eeBoswell.J 2546.3 JoHNSOX, /Cer. Sanmel. Tlie crisis of freedom: a sermon at Lynn, June 11, 1854. Boston, 1854. 8" B. 100.23 — Hymns for public and private devotion. See Longfellow, S 5449.14 — Hymns of the spirit. See Longfellow, S. . . 5449.13 Johnson, Samuel li. Life of Gen. Jeremiah John- son, Brooklyn, 1854. pp. .34. 8° 2343.26 Johnson, Walter K. Notes on the use of anthra- cite in the manufacture of iron. Boston, 1841. 12° 38G7.5 Johnson, William. [Eton reform.] London, 1861. pp. 77. 8° 3592.5 Johnson, William C. Speech on the rejection of petitions for the abolition of slavery, in the house, January 25, 27, and 28, 1840. Wash- ington, 1840. 8" 6087.123 Johnston, A. K. Ind^x geogrnphicus, being a list, alphabetically arranged, of the principal places on the globe. Edinburgh, 18(>4. 1.8°. *2282.1 — Royal atlas of modern geography. Edinburgh, IStil. f= *2280.8 — GeoUijrical map of Scotland. See Murchison, Sir li. 1 3867.25 — New road map of Ireland. See Johnstone, J. 2470.27 Johnston, E. S. Sermon, June 1, 1805, [on] the assassination of A. Lincoln, Harrisburg, Pa., 1865. S° *4342.3 Johnston, F., and Hamilton, W. [Washingtoni- ana: containing a sketch of the life and death of Washington.] Lancaster, 1802. 8°. 2341.13 Johnston, James F. [The suspending power and the writ of habeas corpus.] Philadelphia, 18(12. pp. IS. 8° 3035.10 Johnston, James F. W. Report on the agricultu- ral capabilities of the province of New Bruns- wick. 2d ed. Fredericton, 1850. 8" . . . . 4362.21 Johnston, John, b. 1003, d. 1675. .S'ec Jonston, J. JoHNsroN, John, Cnited States agent of Indian ajTairs, Account of the Indian tribes inhab- iting Ohio. [Worcester. American antiqua- rian society. Collections, V. 1] 2311.1 Johnston, R. [Address to the inhabitants of Edin- burgli, on the outrages committed Dec. 30. By Amicus Veritatis.] Edinburgh, 1819. 8° *Pph.v.354 — [Letter to the citizens of Edinburgh, answer- ing the aspersions of an "eye-witness," and placing the conduct of the magistrates in its true light. By Civis.] Edinburgh, 1819. 8' *Pph.v.354 — [Letter to the magistrates of Edinburgh, in consequence of the official statement in jus- tification of their conduct with regard to the execution of Robert Johnston.] Edin- burgh. 1819. 8° *Pph.v.354 — [Letter to the magistrates of Edinburgh, on the execution of Robert Johnston. By an eye- witness.] Edinburgh, 1819. 8" *Pph.v..354 41 SiR-lf. No. Johnston, W. New road map of Ireland. See Johnstone, J 2476.27 Johnston, William. Pronouncing and spelling dictionary, [and] grammar. 3d ed. Lou- don, [after 1701]. 12' 4589.26 JOHNSiONK, J., Johnston, W. and A. K. New road map of Ireland, forming a complete tourist's guide. Edinburgh, 1812. Folded 12° . . . . 2476,27 JoiGNKAUX, P. Traite des amendements et des engrais. Paris, 1848. sm.lO" 4008. .33 Joineh's assistant. Newlands, J 4020.19 Joints. Barwell, R, Diseases of the 3745.25 — Hodges, R. M. Excision of the 3745.26 See alto: Luxations. JoiNViLLE, F. F. P. L. M. d'Orleans, pnnce de. Campagne de Tarmee du Potomac (mars- juiilet, 1862). New York, 1862. pp.64. 8° . 4321.25 — The army of the Potomac. New York, 1802. 8° 432L24 r— fitudes sur la marine. Paris, 1859. 8° . . . . *2641.8 Jolly, J. Histoire du mouvement intellcctuel au xvie sitcle et pendant la premiere partie du xviie. Paris, 1860. 2v. 8" 4660.23 JOLOWicz, H. Bibliotheca iEgyptiaca. Leipzig, 1858. 8° *2I64.12 — Polyglotte der orientalischen POesie. In me- trischcn Ubersetzungen deutscher Dichter. Leipzig, 1853. H" 4240.15 JOMINI, A. Ji., baron de. Life of Napoleon. Trans- lated, with notes, by H. W. Halleck. New Y'ork, 1864. 4v. 8% and Atlas, sm.obl.4'' . . 4625.3 — Precis de I'art de la guerre. Nouv. ^d. Paris, 1855. 2v. 8° 3954.17 — PfL'cis politique et militaire de la campagne de 1815. Paris, 1839. 8° 4603.19 — Treatise on grand military operations: or his- tory of the wars of Frederick the Great, as contrasted with the modern system. New Y'ork, 1865. 2v. and Atlas. 8" *3955.16 — Atlas pour le traitu des grandes operations militaires. n. p., n. d. pp. 20. 26 plates. Atlas,f° *28.H.I — Sa vie et ses ecrits. See Lecomte, F 3953.41 Jonas, bishop of Orleans. See Achcry. Spicile- gium, V. 1, 5 4152.7 Contoils. — Vol. I. Btitutione regin. De institutioue laicalL V. De iu- — De cultu imaginum libri tres. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., V. 14] B.110.2 Jonas, J. Predigt Uberder Leich Martini Luther. 5ee Mohuike, G. C. F 4237.11 Jonathan Ben Uzziel, Targum on Exodus. See Bible. Pentateuch 5417.6 Jonckbloet, W. J. A. Geschiedenis der Midden- nederlandschedichtkunst. Amsterdam, 1851- 55. .3v.in4. 8° **2871.4 Jones's mercantile directory of the iron district of South StalTordshire and East Worcestershire. London, 1805. 12° 4489.5 Jones, Mrs. Account of the loss of the mission- aries, Messrs. White, HilHer, Truscott, Oke, and Jones, Feb. 28, 1820. From the 5th Lon- don cd. New York, 1827. pp.24. 8° . v. 9 of *7410.1 Jones, a, D. Memoir of elder Abner Jones. Bos- ton, 1842. 12° 2347.17 Jones, C. Report of the case between C. Jones and the rector and inhabitants of New York. See Davis, M. L 2371.27 Jones, Edward. Prevention of poverty, by bene- ficial clubs. 2d ed. London, 1796. 8° . *Pph.v.344 Jones, Edward, ba?'d to the Prince of Wales. The bardic museum of primitive British litera- ture. [Welsh and English, with music] London, 1802. 4" 4560.1 Jones, Electa F. Stockbridge, past and present, Springfield, 1854. 12° 2357.12 Jones, Ernest. Corayda, and other poems. Lon- don, 1860. 12° 4569a.fi JOXES 322 JOENANDES Shelf. Ko. Jones, F. Topography of Nineveh. London, 1855. 3 plans, folded r *D.4.Q.2 ConfeiUs, — Bemnins of anrient Xiai'vch, with the enceinte of Mosul; Plan of the ancient cities of Nini- riid and Selainiyeh ; Slap of the countrj" included be- tween the river Tigris and the L'liper Zab. \ot«, — The text which these sheets are intended to illustrate may be found in the Journal of the Koyal Asiatic society, v. 15, p. iT. Jones, Sir H-irry D. Journal of the operations of the royal engineers before Sebastopol. See Great Britain. War department . . . v. 2 of S'Jol.SS JONES, Henry. The earl of Essex, trag. [Bell. British the.itre, V. 6] 4179a.l - Same. [Jones. British theatre, v. 4] . . 4575.20 Jones, I. Life by P. Cunningham. Remarks on some of his sketches for masques, etc., by J. E. Planch^, etc., and live court masques of Ben Jonson, J. Marston, etc. Edited by .1. P. Collier. London, 1S4S. 8°. [Shakespeare societyj 2543.3 Jones, Jenkins. Tables of annuities aud assur- ances calculated from a new rate of mortal- ity amongst assured lives. London, 184:i. 8°. 3923.33 Jones, John, o/ Ilarewood. History and antiquities of Harewood, York. London, ISo'J. S° . . 2505.21 Jones, John, of Peclcham. The natural and super- natural : or, man, physical, apparitional, and spiritual. Lonilon, IWil. 10° 5G0S.16 Jones, Hev. John, of Plymoidh. Ecclesiastical re- searches ; or, Pliilo and Josephus apologists of Christ. London, ISr.;. 8° 3434.6 Grammar of the Greek tongue. 2d ed. Lou- don, 1808. 12° 4089.11 — - Same. 3d ed. London, 1S15. 12° .... 49S9a.l4 Origin of the introductory chapters in Jlat- tliew and Luke, and the orthodox faith traced to the Gnostics. London, 1813. 8° . 3424.7 — The Tyro's Greek and English lexicon. 2d ed. London, 182.5. 8° 2084.12 Jones, John, a semint, b. 1774. Attempts in verse. See Southey, E 2548.5 Jones, .lohn E. Slavery sanctioned by the Bible. Philadelphia, 18iil. pp. 34. 8° 4320a. 50 Jones, John T. Granimjitiral notices of the Siam- ese language. Bangkok, 1842. pp.92. 1.8'. ,3030.10 — and E. G. Outlines of Old Testament biog- raphy. Siamese. [1st ed.] Bangkok, 1844. 8° 5124.3 — Caswell, J., and Buell, W. P. Catalogue of Scripture proper names, as transferred into the Siamese language. Bangkok, 1842. pp. 71. 1.8° 3030.10 Jones, Joseph. Book of the young; an invita- tion to early Christian piety. O.xlbrd, 1KS7. 10° 6458.21 — Clironiilogical and analytical view of the Holy Bible. Oxford, Is30. 8° 5433.1 — Human resi>onsibility considered: a sermon; with remarks on Calvinism and Armlnian- ism. Oxford, 1834. 8° 5443.0 — Plea for Christian iiiity, etc. Oxford, 18.32. 8°. 6453.7 Jones, .lost ph H. Work of grace in the presbytc- rian congregation at Nt:w Brunswick, N. J., 18.37. Philailelphia, is:iy. 18° 6559a. 30 Jones, O. Grammar of ornament. 100 phites, drawn on stone by F. Bedford. London, 1850. f »4070.6 Jones, Eichartl. IMstrlbulIon of wealth, jmd the sources of taxation. [Parti. Eent.J Lon- don, IKll. 8° 3053.18 Jones, Eobert. The resurrection rescued from the siddlers' calumnies. [I'heidx, v. 2] .... 4157.1 Josi;s,T. E. Iiilroductlon to tlie study of Ihefora- minlfern. .9™ Carpenter, W. 11 3880.10 Jones, Wlllliiin. boukHcller. Urltisli theatre. Dub- lin, I7UI-95. lOv. 12° 4576.20 Ctmietiij. — Vol. I. I. Illekerslaffi Lovo In n vlllnire; Tho molilof tile mill; LIutiol ■nil CUriwa; Coliius, by Shelf. No. JONES, William, bookseller, contimied. Milton. II. The fair penitent, a trapedy, by N. Rowe; Tho iRonrning bride, a tragedy, by Congrcvc ; Zara, a Iragedy. by A. Hill; Venice preserved, or a i,l.>t dis- covered, a tragedy, by T. Otivuy. III. The beggar's opera, by J. Gay ; Rule a wife and have a wife, a com- edy, by Beaumont and Fletcher ; Every man in his humour, u comedy, by Ben Jonson; She stoops to con- quer, or the mistakes of a niglit, a comedy, by Dr. Golil- smith. l\. The distrcst mother, a tnigctly, translated by A. Philips from the .\ndromaquc of Kaciiio ; Douglas, a tragedy, by J. Home; Jane .Shore, a tragedy, by N. Rowe ; The carl of Essex, a tragedy, by H. Jones. V. E. B. Sheridan, : The school for scandal, a comedy; Tho critic ; The rivals, a comedy ; A trip to Scarborough, a comedy. VI. C. Maeklin: The man of the world; Tho true bom Irishman ; Love a la mode ; Tho governess, a comic opera, by Sheridan. VII. The beaux stratagem, a comedy, by G. Farquhar; C. Cibber: Love makes a man, a comedy; The careless husband, a comedy; The conscious lovers, a comedy, by Sir K. Steele. VIII. John Buvgoyno: The lord of the manor, a comic opera; The heiress, a comedy ; The maid of the oaks, a dra- matic entertainment ; Kiehard Cceur de Lion, an histori- cal romance from the French of Monsieur Sedaine. IX. Tho way to keep him, a comedy, by .\. Murphy; Tho suspicious husband, a comedy, by I>r. Iloadly ; The wonder a woman keeps a secret, a comedy, by Mrs. Centli^TO ; The claudestlno marriage, a comedy, by G. Colman and D. Gnn'ick. X. The provok'd husband, a comedy, by Sir John Vonhrugll and C. Cibher ; All in tho wrong, a comedy, by A. Murphy ; The Jealous wife, a comedy, by G. Colmau; The West Indian, a comedy, by It. Cumberland. JONES, William, of Xai/Itrnd. Sufferings necessary to perfection ; Decency and order in divine worship: sermons. [Uibdin. Sunday libra- ry, v. 2] 54H.23 Jones, .Sir William. Poetical works, with the life of the autlior. Loudon, 1810. 2v. 12° . . 4509.0 Cotltents. — Vol.1. Life; Miscellaneous poems. II. Odes; Hymns to Grecian and Indian diviuiUes; Talcs in verse ; Songs and ballads ; Essays in prose. JONOHE, B. de. Gendsche geschiedenissen, 150(i- 83. Gend, [1781]. 2v. sm.S° 4229.5 Jonson, B. Works, with a memoir of his life and writings, by Barry Cornwall. London, 1838. 8' 2504.6 Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Brilaiu, v. 4] 4004.1 — Seeliell. British theatre, v. 1, 4 417Ua.l Coiitoi/*. — Vol. I. The alchyinlst, com. IV. Kvery man in his humour, comedy, altered by I). Garrick. — Every man in his liumour, a comedy. [Jones. British theatre, V. 3] 4675.20 — The masque of queenes and the twelfth night's revells. .S^^^e Jones, 1 2543.3 JONSTON,A. Psalmi Dnvidiei. See Uible. Psalms. 3417.45 JONSTON, J. Theatrvm vniversale omniviu aiiima- livin. Tabvlis a RL Jleriano ;eri Incisis orna- tvm. Heilbrvnnensis, 175.1-07. 2v. f° . . *4271.9 JOPLINC, ,T. Prai'tiee of isomeirical perspective. Newed. Lmidnn, [I8I1I]. pp.90. 8° . . . 4007.40 Jordan, J. P. Grammalik der wendisch-seibi- schen Spracho in der Oberlausit/,. Prag, 1811. 8° •4123.0 — Tascbenwiirterbneh der biilimischen und deut- Kcheu .S|iraehe. Slereot. Ausg. Leipzig, [1847]. 10° •4119.19,20 Jordan, W. The Held of Waterloo: a poem. Alnwick, 1824. 12° »Pph.v.305 JoRDANl's, friiir. I'lie wonders of the East [circa 13:10]. Trauslali'd I'nim the Laliu original by H. Yule. Luudun, 1MB. pp.s5. 8°. [Hak- Inyt society] *-iMi.'J8 JoitDKNS, C. H. Blumenlese deutschur Siuiigc- dichte. Berlin, 1789. sin.»° ••2878.28 JoUNANliEM, 07- .lordanes, hhliDp of liareniia. Do Gelarum sive Gothorum orlglne et rebus gestls. Ed. C. A. Closs. Stultgarlla!, ISOl. li!" 2829.0 — - Same. [GroUus. UlatoilaGolthorum] . . 4829a. 3 JORNANDES 323 JOYCE .ToitNANPKs, «?■ Jortlnnoa, continued. — Da (Jetaniiu s'lvv (iitthornm origine et rebus gt'Stts ; IX' j^vslis Itomunoruin aliurumque gt'iitium, sfu (Ic rt'xnorum ot teniponnn suc- ccssidiie. [Maxiiimbiblioth.vet. patr.,v. 11]. B.110.2 — De n'Kimniin iic temjiorum succossione. [IIls- toriif Konum.x scnptorcs, V. 1] 4:240. S JoSErii, or' Exeter, or .lost'pliu^ Iscanus. De bcllo Trojano cum uotis S. Bresemii. See Dictys Cri'tensis 2974.25 JOSKPII, tin: carpenter of Xazareth. Uistorla Jo- seplit, tabri lijjiiiirn. Arabic^, cum vcrsione Lrttiim. [Thiio. Cmlpx aiiotTvphiiy \.T.]. G018.U JosKPli, the patriarch. IHsturia, Anibict", cum vcr- sioue Latiua. .^t'c Jlohammcd 30.J4.10 — Phonetic reading of tbe Asbburnhnm signet. See Pote, li. K B.lGOb.UJ JosKPH liabbi, called Ca-cus, or Lu»cns. Para- plirasis Cbaldaica in libros Cbrouicornm, cum versioue Laliua. See Bible. OidTcstanieut, Chronicles 5417.5 Joseph U. uud seine Zeit. Kamsliorn, C 2*53.4 JosKPHUs, F. Opera, rccensuit, nova versione do- navit, notis iilustravit J. Hudsonus. Oxoitii, 1720. 2v. f * *G040,2 Contents. — Vol. I. Veterum tcstimooift de Josepho vjusquo scriptis ; J. A. Fdbricius do Jo8oplio ct (>jii3 ecriptis; Antiquitatum Judalcnruiii Hbri 1-XV. II. An- titj. Juiliuc. libri XVI-XX; Joeephivitn; Debello .Tuduico Bive JuclaTcfc hiatoriic do excidio libri Vll ; Do antiqtiitatQ Juilrcoruni, coiitrn Apionom; Do Maocnba-is, sen do ru- tioiiia Inipcrio liber; Dissertatio Cbr. Cellarii qua Joso- phi do Herodibus historid a im^^eia^ suspicioue coatra J. Iliirduinum juetis viudiciis ndeeritur. — Workes, translated by Thomas Lodge. Lon- don, 1G:J2. f* **2300.10 — Works, translated by 11. L'Estrangc. Also, Philo's embassy to Caligula. Loudon, 1702. f *G290.8 — Works, translated from the Greek. Also a coiilinuation of the history of the Jews, from Josephus to the present time, by G. 11. 51ay- nard. With notes by E. Kimpton. Loudon, [about 17tHl]. f *4970.1 — De bello Judaico. 5ce Hewesippus B.II0.2 — Josephus an apologist of Christ. 5eeJones, J. U424.(i JosiiPHUS Christianas. Hypomuesticon, sive liber sneer memorialis, Gr. et Lat. [Fabricius. Codex pseudepigrapUus V. T.,v. 2] GOlOa.l JoSKPHUS Indus. Xavigatioues. [Gryna;us. No- vus orbis] 41G0.8 JosEPiius Thessaloniceusis. Orutio in venerandam crucem. [Maxima biblioth. vet. p;itr.,v. 14], B.110.2 JosLEN, Oifihop of Soissons. Expositio symboli et orationis Dominica;. [Jlartene. Vet. script,, V.9] 4150.1 Jo.sMX, B. F. Principles of homoeopathy. New York, 1850. 12° 4205-16 JoHSE, A. L. Grammar of the Spanish Innguagc, with practical exercises, lievised by F. Sales. 9th Am. ed. Boston, 1839. 12° . . 5039.1 JOSSELYN, J. New-England's rarities discovered. See Worcester. American autiquai'iau soci- ety. Collections, V. 4 2311.1 JosT, J. il. Geschichte des israelitischen Volkcs. Leipzig, 1850. 2v. 8° 4154.8 JoUBERT, J. Penseea, prec^dees de sa correspon- dance, d'une notice de savie, [etc.] par P. de RaynaK 3e *:d. Paiis, 1802. 2v. 12° . . . 4677-24 JoURDAiN,A. L. M.M. Brechillet. Kecherches sur les traductions latiues d'Aristote. Paris, 1819. b' B.1G4.10 JOUKDAN, — , and 3IaggioIo, — . Le manuel de Part du dentiste. Nnucy, lh07. 12° .... 3805.39 JoURi>AN,G. L'ilede Sardaigne. Paris, 1861. pp. 31. 703.; JOURDAN, L. Uu philosophe au coin du feu. Pa- ris, 1861. 18° 4690.28 JouRniEK, A. Kxcursion »grODOmique en l£ussie. zedd. Paris, 1861, 8' 3065.20 Sbeir. No. JotiRDlKR, A., continued. — Des forces produetives, destructives et impro- ductivesdehi Russio. 2e ed. Paris, 1861. 8°. 3005.19 Journal de medocine ctdechirurgiepratifjues. 2e ser. Vol. 24-34. Paris, 185:j-63. llv. 8°. . *5799.1 JOURNAI- des (U-bats, Sept. 1853-Juin 18G2. Paris, 1853-02. 19v. f *7380.1 Journal des savan.s. 1605-1791, 1816-03. Paris, 1681-1803. 109v. 4° *3313.2 — Table des matieres, 1005-1750. i'aris, 1753-64. lUv. 4° *3313.1 — Table niethodique et analytique des articles, 1810-5S, precedec d'une notice bistorique sur ce journal p;u* H. Cocheris. Paris, 1860, 4°. *3403.2 Journal et annales des mines. Journal des mines, v. 1-38, 1795-1S15. Annales des mines, le aer. V. 1-13; 2eser. 1-8; 3e sC-r. 1-20; 4eser. 1-20; 5e ser. 1-20, Lois et decrets, v. 1-9; 6e s^r. 1-4, Lois et decrets, v. 1, 2. Paris, 1795- 1803- 134v. 8° *3347.2 Journal general de I'imprimerie et de ia librairie. Paris, 1810-57, 59-04. 67v *21G7-1 Xote. — Since 1?57, published tn tbrt'o parts, " BiliHo- grapbie de la France," " Chrouique," und " Fcuillotou commereial." Journal bistorique et litteraire. Li^ge, 1834-59. 25v. 8° *3286.1 Journal of a nobleman : being a narrative of his residence at Vienna duriug the congress. From the last London ed. Phihidelphia, 1833. 12° 2308.10 Journal of agriculture. Vol- 1-13; new series, v. 1-9. Edinburgh, 1829-01. 22v. 8° *7985.1 Journal of health. Cornell, W. 31 5759a. 1 JoURNALof public health, liichardson, B. W. . . 575ya.2 Journal of self-culture, and industrial review. Vol. 1, No. 3. Boston, 1810. 12° B. 170b. 52 Journal of the pilgrims at Plymouth, in 1020, with illustrations, by G- B. Cheever. 2d ed. New York, 1848. 12° 235S.2 Journal of the times. Sept. 12, 1818— March 0, 1819. Vol. 1, No. 1-20. Baltimore, 1618, 19. [No title-page.J 1.8° 3201.4 JoURNiiKS de juin, 1848. Kecitcomplet des evene- ments qui ont eu lieu a Paris, les 23, 24, 25 et20juin. New York, 1848. 10° B.160b.95 JOUTEL, — . Journal of M. de La Salle's last voy- '' age to discover the Mississippi. [French. Historical collections of Loui^iaua, v. 1] . . 2376.21 JouvENCY, J. De diis et heroibus poetieis. See Sii-et, L. P 4929a.25 Jouv, V. J. ^. de. Sylla, trag(^die en cinq actes. Paris, 1822. 8° 2007.9 — and Jay, A. Lea herniites eu prison. [Suivi par le proces de MM, Jouy et Jay.] 5e c^d. Paris, I8ii3. 2v. 10° 4709.10 JoVELLANOS, G.M.de. Obras, ilJustradas por V. de Linares y Pacbeco. Nueva ed. Barcelona, 1839,40. 8v. sm.8° 3104.9 Contents.— Vo}.l. Pocsias escogidaa; Tragedia. tit- ulada £1 Pelayo, II. El deliDcuente bonrado, comedta; Uiscursos; Oraciones; Dictamenes; Moiiiorias. llI.Me- morias; Uepresentaciones; Instruccioiies; Elogios; Ea- critos g'ubernativos; Escritos sui^Itos. IV, V. Educa- cion publica. V, VI. Cartas. VI, VII. Informee. VII, VIII. Memoriae. VIII. Carta hislorico-artietica Bobre el edilicio do la iglcsia catedral de Palitm eu Mallorca; Pan y Toros, ornoion; Nottciu biatorica del D. Uuepar Melchor do Jovollanoa. JoviANUS, F. C. Histoire de 1' empereur Jovien. 5ec LaBIetterie, J. P. K. de 2999.12 JOVIUS, P. De Moschouitarum legatione liber. [Grynaius. Novus orbis] 4160.8 JOWETT, B. Statements of Christian doctrine and practice. Oxford, 1861. ])p. 72. 8° . . . . 5453.10 — Nofs on the epistles to the Thessalonians, Ga- latiaus, und Unmans. See Bible 6010.15 Joyce, J. Analysis of I'aley's Evidences of Chris- tianity. 3 parts. 3d ed. Cambridge. [Eug.], 1803. 8" *Pph.v.352 JOYCE 3-24 JUKGEXSEN Shell". No. Joyce, J., continued. — Analysis of Taley's Natural theology. Cam- bridge, [Eng.],'lSOi. 8*" '. . .*Pph. V.352 Juan y Snntacilia J.,iiud UUoa, A. do. Voyage his- torique de I'AmOriquc meridionale. Ouv- rage qui contient uuc bistoirc dos Yncas du Perou. [Traduit de I'espagnol par E. 31au- Villon.] Amsterdam, 1752, 2v. 4° , . . . *-ilG1.6 yote. — Of tills work, Juan ^vrote merely the " Ob- sen-atioDs nstronomiques ct physiQues foites pour detcr- intiier la figure et la grandeur de Itt terre." — - Voyage to South America. [Mavor. Vt)y- ages, V.2] fi2G7.1 — - Reisenach Siid-America. [Allgemeine His- toric der Reiscu, V. 9j 4160.11 JrBfe de la Fcrrelle, C. Guide des salles d'asile. ". 2e Od. Paris, 1853. h" 3598.5 JUCH, C. W. Neue Arzney-Taxe zur Pharmaco- poaBorrussica. Niirnberg, 1819. pp. 23. 4" *3785.3 — Pharmacopoea Borussica, [Latin and German], 3teAufl. Nuruberg, 1817. 4° 37S5.3 JucHEKEAU de Saint-Denys, A, de. Revolutions de Constantinople en 1807 et 1808. Paris, 1819. 2v, 8° 3082.13 JunX, L. [Bioffraphie.] See Pestalozzi, C. . . . 6045.11 Judaism. See Jews. JuDD, S. History of Hadley. With family genealo- gies, by L. M. Boltwood. Northampton, 18G3, 8" *2356,33 JUDD, "NV. Jlemoirs and remains, and biographical sketch, by O. B. Judd, New York. 18J5. 14". 2348.46 JiTDGMEXT, Day of. Richter, P. Die Lehre vom jungsten Tage 6065.20 — Swcdenborg, E. Account of the last judg- ment 5545.2 Judgment, The, a vision. Hillhouse, J. A. . . . 4406.22 Judiciary. Esprit, origine et progrfes des institu- tions judiciaires. Meyer, J. D 4293.6 See also: The diviBion Biography under Great Brituin, and United Status. JUDSON, Adoniram. Dictionary, English and Bur- mese. Maulmain, 1849. 4° 3022.21 — Dictionary, Burmese and English. [Edited by E.A.Stevens.] Mimlmain, 1852. 8' . . . 3038.3 — Hague, W. Life and character of 4347.40 — Wayland, F. Memoir of 2344,18 JUDSON, Ann H., Memoir of. See Knowles, J. D. 2348.35 JUDSON, E. C. Questions on the Acts. See Jud- 8on, S. B. 5429.7 JUDSON, H. T. Alphabet of phrenology. New York, 1833. pp. 47. 1-S* " 3600.41 JUDSOX, S. B. and E. C. Questions on the Acts of the ApostleB. let Burmese ed. Mauhnain, 1848. 2v. in 1. 24° 5429.7 JUGE, M. A. The American planter: or the bound labor interest in the Uuitfd States. New York, 1854. pp.43. «' B. 160.112 JuciLKit, J. F. De nvndinationo servorvm apvd vet- eres. Accedit medlcvs Koniunvs servvs .sexa- gintaaolidisaistimativs. Lipsia', 1741. 12*. B. 170b. 71 — - Same. Kd. 2a. Lip(*i;e, 1748. 12" .... 0060.15 JUMA de Eontenelle, J. S. E. Manuel complet du bijoutler,du joailller, de I'nrfevrf, etc. Paris, 1832. 2v. 8m.r.;°. [. Manuel- Koret J 4029.1 — and Malepeyre, (\ F. The arts of tanning, currying, and li-ather dressing. With uildi- tiun« by C Morfit. I'hihulelphiii, 1^5'.;. 8°. 4016.10 JuMA lex. Commentarius ad .luliurn legem. HeineccluH, J. G 4293.13 Jul.lANi's, hhhnp of Toledo. De orlghie luinuinaj niorti-* librl tren ; Contra .lndauH librl tros; CoiiiiitentKrliirt In Naiim proi)he(ain; (loiitra- rluruia in Hpeciem utriuHipic Te»lamentl loco- rum lllirl duo. [Maxhimblh].vel.patr.,v. 12].B.110.2 JUUANUH, K. ('., empfror. In ConHtantii laudem uralio. (ir. et Liit. ( Iiit'T|'. I). Prluvio.] tUim l>. Wyltenbuchil uniinudverttionlhiid. Uec. ti. U.Schttfer. Llp«ljc, I8'i2. 8" **2Wm.tl sbt-ir. No. JULi.VNUS, F. C, eynperoTy continued, — Epistolie qusedara ineditse. [Fabricius. Lux evangelii] 3434.11 — La IJlettcrie, J. P. R. de. Traductions tie ti.uel- ques ouvrages de Julien 2999.14 — - A*ie de 4r59a.3 — Leben. [Schrockh. Allrgem. IJiogr., v. 2] . 4143.0 — Strauss, D. F. Der Roniantikcrauf dem Throne derCasaren • B.lG0a.l28 JULiANus ^gyptius. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v, 2] B.102.7 Julius, N. H. Catalogus bibliotheca^ per xl an- nos in Europa et America coUectie. Bcrolini, 1S50, 8° 4129.34 Julius Valerius. Alexamlri Macedonis res gesta;. See Lampre«*ht der Pfulfe. [Alexander, v. 2]. 2900.35 JULLIEN, Marc A. Essai general d'Oducatiou physique, morale, et intellectuelle. Paris, 1808. 4' *3591.2I J ULLIEN, Marcel B. Cours superieur de grammaire. Paris, 1849. 2v.ini. 1.8° 3591,33 — Theses supplementairea de mt-trique et de musi- que anciennes, de grannnaire et de littOra- ture. Paris, 1861. b° 2932.4 JULLIEN collection of tlute and violin music. Bos- ton, [1851]. pp.56, obl.4* 8052,07 JUNCKER, J. C. W. Conspectus rcrum qua? in path- ologia medicinali pertractantur. Halla; Mag- deburgiciE, 1789. sm. 8* 3789.22 Jung, G. GeschichtederFraueu. Frankfurt, 1850. sm.S" 4289.2 Jung-Stilling, J. H. Sammtliche Schriften. Her- ausg. mit einer Vorrede v. J. U. Grollman. Stuttgart, 1835-38. 14v. 8° *2877.1 Contents. — Vol.1. Lebonsgeschiclito von ilim selbst heschrieben. II. Scenen aus dera Geislcrreiclie; Chry- Biion Oder d«8 goldene Zcitalter in vier Gffsiiugen, nebst cinigen Liedcm uud Qcdichtun. III. Die Siegsgesehk-hte der christlichen Religion in ciner gemcinnutztgen Erk- Idrung dcr OITeiibarung Joliannis; Nncblrag sur Siegs- geschichto. IV, V. Das Hoimwch und der Schltissel zu deniselbcn. VI. Theobald odcr die Schwiirnior; Theorie der Geisterkunde ; Apologic der Theorie der Getstor- kunde. VII, VIII. Dor grnue Mnnn, cine Volkschrift. IX. Siimnktlielie Romune: Die Gcscliichtcl'lorcntins von Fnhlendorn ; Die Gescliichto deH Ilorm von Morgentlinu ; LcbenKgescliiehte der Theodore von dor Linden. X, XI. Des christlichen Mensehonfrounda bibliscbn ErKiihlung- en. XII. Erztlhhingen. Xlll. Schatzkiistlein ; Go- Baramelte Gcdichto; Zerstreuto Aufsiitxe auB .lung-Stll- lings Tusclienbueh, 18(X"i-16. XIV. Derchristlichc Meu- Behenfreund; Ucber den Kevylutiuiisgeiat unsercr Zcit ; Verdieidigung gogen diuBoficbiildiguugen ciniger Jour- unliaten; Ucber Koliquien; Antwort auf dio Briofe lies Prof. Sulzcrs ilbor KftthoHelsmus und Protestantlaniua; Die grosso Pnimceo wider die Krunkhoit des KcliglouB- Kweifels; Die Sctiluuder oincH Ilirtcnkunben gegcn den VerfuBser dt-8 ScbttlduB Notbankor; Dlo Tlioodicoo des HIrtenknnhon. — Leben. Basel, 1789-1817. NeueOriginal-Ausg. Ov.in 3. 10" 4239a. 5 JUNILius. De partibns diviuic legis. [Maxima biblioth, vet. patr., V. 10] B.110.2 Junior. Descriptiototius orbis. [Bode, Scrlptores renim mythicarum] 2911. 0, and 0072.8 — - Same. [Mai. Class auot., v. 3] B.172.3 Junius, pseud. Letters, with notes and illustra- tion-s by R. Heron. Phila., 1804. 2v. 8* . 2655.12 — Wm. Burke, the author of. See Symons, J. C. 2555.10 Junius, or Jonghe, A. van. Adagiorum centurlaj octo cum dimidin. Sec Adagta 4150.2 Junius, F, Vita ab ipsomet conscripta. [Gerdes, Scrinlum nutiq. ad hist, reform, epcct., v. IJ. 6065.16 Junius, P. S<'e Young, P. Junkin, G. Polilii-al Ialhn'ien which have brought on this civil war. New York, 1863. 12" . . 4323.43 JUPITKK, the planet. De quutnor phuuMis circa Jo- vemeircunivoIutiH,quosauctorjMedi('easidera nuncuiiaiidosdfcrevit. [(lalilci. Mderiusnuu- cUis] 3(t29.2tf JUuGKNSKN, U. Priurlpes geneiaux de I'exacio mcKure du temps par les horloges. [Aveo Atlas.] C"i'''nhagMe, isnr,. -jv. 4° .... 8022.1 .ILItlKN 3-25 KALtlVAT.A shcir. No. JUKlKN de La Gravi&re, J. P. E. Cuorres nmritimcs sous h\ ri'publi(iue et I'empire. rnris, 184*. 2v. 1'^** -1019.4 JmiSiMUDKNOK. See Law. JUKY. liiuiUT, F. A. Dasenglische GesehworiK-n- gericht 430i.7 — Duiicombe,G. The laws of England concerning juries 4305.10 — Edwards, C. Tlie juryman's guide througliout the etale of New Yurk 3034.25 — Spooner, L. Trial by 4:.>U4.11 — Stenmnn, C. V. l>ie Jury in Straf^aclien . . , 4304. JusTii, T. Le comte d'Kgiuont et le comU- de Hor- nes, 15'J2-0S. liruxelles, ISOJ. S° 2813.22 — Vie de Marnix dc Sainte-Aldegonde, 1538-1)8. Kruxelles, lS5s. h" 2853.5 Jl'STiCE of peace, i'hoicc presidents relating to tbedutyol". Kilburn, It 4.305.15 JUSTIFICATIMN, ('liuliiiondeley, C Protestant doctrine of justilieiition confuted 00G3.8 — Lntomus, C. Tropositiones de justificatione fidei Oor.Oa.l? — JlcIIvaine, C. P. Justification by faith . , . 5453.25 — Oxforddivinity compared with that of the Rom- ish and Anj^licau churches with reference to. 3451. G JusTixiANUs I, emperor. Codicis Ivstiniani libri XII [ot] Corpvs ivris civilis, [cum] Accursii eonimentariis ac Contii et D. Gothofredi, [etc.] hu-ubrationibus ilUistrati. Ace. Ctiju-cii I'aratilla, [etc.], Lugdvni, 1012. 6v. f '' . . *4300.2 Confcjifs. — Vol. I. Codicis Justiaiani libri IX. II. Volumeii leguni ]iflr>iitn, Insuiit: Cod. Justin. libri X-\M ; Autlicnticfe aeu novcllie constitutioncs ejusdem priiicipis; Fi'udoruiii libri il; Conslitulionos FridiTici tl, imiirratoriii; Extrava^aiitcsdua! Heiirici Vll impcia- toHs; 'I'ructntun de puce CoDstantitv ; Institutionuiii sive primorum toliiia juriaprudoutirr clcmentnrum libn c^ua- tuor. III. Corpus juris civilis Jusltniimfi; Diguatum vi:tu9, IV. InfurtiHlum, scu pniidi'ctarum tora. 2. V. DiRfstuiii Dovuni, scu pandoctiirum toni, 3. VI Index (.'t suiiiniii rt-rum omuiuiu, autbure Stepliauo Daouz. — Pandectje, in novum ordinem digests; [studio U. J. l*otiiier]. Nova ed. [cura P. J. J. G. Guyot]. Lugduni, ir.-S^. 3v. f° M300.1 — Anecdota on liistoire secrete de. See Proco- pius 2994.32 .IrsTixus. Historia, ex Trogo Pompeio pristinic veritali restituta. A'rsellis, 1021. sm.s" . . 2929.0 — Historia; Philippine ex recensione J. G. Gra;- vii. [Cum notis variorum.] Lugduui liata- vorum, 10S3. &" *B.1"8.3 — IJistoriarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri XLIV. [Ed. M. Mailtaire.] Londini, 1729. 12'* .**2U29.14 — I)e historiis Philippicis, et tolius mundi orij^i- nibus. Ilhistr. P.J. Cant el inusum Delphini. Acc.J.Bongarsii exccrptiones chronolugicK. Kd. laAmer. I^hiladeiphiie, 1815. 8° . . . B. 177.0 — Historiarum I'hilippiearum, etc. libri XLIV. [Historic Komauie scriptores, v. 2] .... 4240.3 — Histoire universelle, trad, par I'abbe Paul. Kouv.ed. [Lat.et Fr.] Avignon, 1810. 2v, 12* 2929.13 JfSTisus, ilartyr. Opera. Itecensuit, prolegome- uis ac versione instruxit J.C.T. Otto. l*ne- fatus est L. F. O. Baumgarteu-Crusius. Je- na:, 1842-47. 3v. 8' 6040.26 Content*. — Vol. I. Prolegomena; Oratio et coliortatio ■(I Ontcos; De nionarcliia liberet iiimiiue apologia. II. liiiilogus cum Tryphonc ; Epintola ad Diognetum ; Frap- nn'iitA drpurditorum actaquc mnrtyril. III. Exposllio TeviK fldel; Epivlola ad Zenam ct Ciercnum; CotffUlatio dugnifltum quorumdiim Ariiitotolifl; Quocslionca et ru- ^poiisiones ad orthodusos ; Quwationcs Christiuuorum ad gtintiles; (Juicstioncs gcntilium ud Cliriatianus. — Opera. Lat. [F. Sylburgiointcrprete.] [Max- ima bibUoth. vet. patr., v. 2] B. 110.2 — (SeeObcrthiir, F. Opera ss.patrum Gr., v. 1-3. 0029.1 CoiUcnlJi. — Vol. 1. Ad GrBcos oratio; C"hortAtlo ad Qracoa; Liber dv moQ.ircliia ; Apologia I, II. II. Dia- logus ''um Tr>ph<.ne Judeec. III. Rj IstolA al Diog- Shelf. No. JlTSTiNirs, Martyr, continued. — ApoIos:ie fiir die Christen an den Kaiser Anto- ninus Pius; Zweite Apolngie; Gespriicii niit dem Juden Tryplio; Ilede an die (iriechen ; Krmahnung an die Griechcn. [Siimmtliche Werke der Kirehenviiter, V. 1] 6024.1 — Fragmenta. [Grabe. Spicilegium] 6029-3 — llilgenfeld, A. Kritischo Untersucliungcn tiber die I'jvangelien Justin's ," . . . 6025.10 — Otto, J. C. T. De Justin! martyris scriptis et doctrina 6040.27 — Semisch, C Die apostolischen Denkwiirdig- keiteu des 6105.27 ^ - Fine kirchen-und dogmengeschichtliche Mo- nographic 0040.28 — Volkmar, («. Ueber Justin den Jliirtyrer and sein Verhiiltniss zu unsern Evangelien . . H. 160a. 67 Justus, abbot. Serrao Iiabitus in conventu multo- rum abbatum ejusdem ordiuis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 20] B.no.2 Justus, bishop of UrgeLlum. In Cantica Cantico- rum expllcatio mystica. [Maxima biblloth. vet. patr., v. 9] B.110.2 JUVENALIS, D. J. Satyrie, scholiis veterura et fere omnium eruditorum commentariis. Pee. 14. C. Henninius. Ultrajccti, 1685. 4° *B.171.8 — Vita ex antiquorum mouumentis; Satyrarum libri V. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] . . . B.191.9 — Satires, translated into English verse, by Dry- den and others. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 12] 4G04.1 — Juvenalis et I'ersii satyrie expurgate a J. de Jouvency. Amstelodami, 1744. sm.lG" .**4029a.39 — Juvenalis et Persii satirje, ex. rec. et cura notis Kuperti et Kcenig. Londini, 18:{5. 8" . . . B.174.2 — Juvenalis et Persii satiric expurgatse, notis il- lustrat.-e. Curavit F. P. Leverett. Bostonise, 1830. 12° 2025.25 — Satirae. .SeePersius Flaccus, A B. 179a. 20 — Juvenalis and Flaccus translated and illustra- ted, by B. Holyday, Oxford, 1073. f ° . . . 2921.7 JUVENCUS, C. V. A. In iiistoriam evangelicnm car- mina. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v, 4] . B.110.2 — Liber in Genesim. [JIarteue. Vet. script., v. 9]. 4150.1 - Vita a P. Crinito ; l»e historia evangelica libri IV. [GoMfried. Corpus vet. poet.] .... B.191.9 JuvENis, J. 5eeGiovane,G. Kakstner, a, G. Dissertationes mathematicse et physicje. Alteubvrgi,1771. 4° 5913.4 Contents. — Dcinonstratio thcoremalis Newtoniani do relatione intor coefficiciitea a.-qiiutiuiiiB et aunimaa po- tenlianim radicum; De multiplicatione iniagiiium opo duoi'um speculontm planorum ; Dc miniino in rctiexione ; In wquatiouibus dilfei'eutialibus homogcoeis separuii posse indeterminutas; De vera infiniti notiono: Ad the- oriara cochlea; pertinensobservatio peomelrica; Gnomo- uica universalis analytica; Korum quic lacrymia vitreia Bccidunt nova ratione explicandorum tentaincn ; Quot spharte vitreee fequales mediam et se tnutuo tangere possint? De inertia corporum ; De translatis in dictione geiiinetrarum ; Tbeoria projectionis stercograpliico' buri- zontalis; De lege continui in natura; Unde pluresinsint radices, luquationibus acctioncs augulorum definicniibua. Kahle, E. M, Zeit und Raum. Berlin, 1839. 8°. 5005. 1 Kaladlit Okalluktualliait. [Gronlandske Folke- sagn, med dansk Oversa;ttelse.] >;oungme, 1869-01. 3v. 8° 4878.5 Kalb, C. v., und ihre Beziehungen zu Schiller und Gothe. See licipke, E 2847.23 Kalee Krishna Bahadur. Vidvun-Moda-Tarau- ginee [by Chirusjeevee] ; or, fouutain of plea-sure to the learned. Translated into English by Kallee-Krisliua Bahadur, tee- rampore, 1832. pp.52. 8* 3025.10 — Gay'e fables, translated into Bengalee poetry. A'eeGay,J ■. 450S.1 — Kasselastrans.into Bengalee. See Johnson, .S. 4508.2 KalevalA. OlVersattaf M. A.C'astren. iJeising- fora, 1841. 2v.ini. sni.b" 4220.20 KALEVAI.A 326 KARAMSIN bbelf. No. Kalevala, continued. — Traduction compltte du Kalewala. See Uo\x- zon-Leduc, L. A 4236.15 KXlidasa. JV'alodaya. Sanscritum carmen Cali- daso adscriptum, una cum Pradschnacari Mithilcnsis scholiis, edidit, Latiiia iuterpre- tatioueinstruxitF. Bcnary. Berolini, 1S30. 4°. 5024.1 — Vayyov-Maiaa 17 ycvia\oyia Tor- Ptij j or, ^£ra- 0/)ajv£iff(i f\- TwL' WpaxiiaviKitv iraoa A. raXavov. TvTTaXchv. Ev A9/;i'aK, 1850. 8" ..... , 5024. C — Kitusanhara id est tempestatum cyclus, carmen t-an-skritum, ed., Latina interprelatione, ger- mauica versione metrica, aunotationihus iu- struxit P. a Bohlen. Lipsiie, 1840. 8° . . . 5024.8 Kalilah and Damnah. See liidpai 3022.1" Kalisii, I. Guide for inquiries into tlie biblical writings. From the German. Cincinnati, l'^''- »° 3420. 5 K.tLS, W. Diss. phil. de a;dium Hebneorum tcc- tis Deut. XXII. 8. [Oelriclis. Collectio opus- culorum, V. 2] 0000.1 Kaltkisen, H. Oratio in concilio Basileensi, de libera prxdicalioue verb! Dei. [Canisius. The- saurus, V. 4] 4H0.3 Kaltenbaeck, J. p. Die Mariensagen in Oester- reich. "Wicn, ISJ.^i. sni.s" 4224.21 KALTSCI15IIDT, J. II. (jesammt-Wiirlerbuch der deutsclicn Spraclie. Leipzig, ls:i4. 4° . . . *4111.8 KA.1IPE, F. F. Gcschicbte der religiiisen licweg- uug der neuern Zeit. Leipzig, 1852-00. 4v. in 3. 8° 6055.1 Kajipex, X. G. van. Gescliicbte der Niederlande bis 1815. Hamburg, 1831-33. 2v. 8* . . , . *421C.6 Kampfe uud Triumphe der romischen Kirche. Leipzig, 1843. 12° 3463.18 K.vxK, E. K. Access to an open polar sea in con- nection witll the seurcli after Sir J. Franlilin and his companions. New York, 1853. i)p 2*- 8° • 62roa.50 — Tidal observations in the Arctic seas. [Wash- ington. Smithsonian institution. Contribu- tions, V. 13J 3340.1 — Allen, . I. II. Discourse upon, March 1, 18.)" .6440a. 10 — Chapman, G. W. Tribute to 239?. 19 Kane, P. Wanderings of an artist among tlie In- dians of North America. London, 1859. S°. 23C0.3S Kane, T. L. The .Mormons : a discour.-ce liefore the llisloric.il society of Pennsylvania. [2d ed.J Philadelphia, 1850. 8" 0088.188 Kannegiesseu, C. L. Gedichte der Troubadours im Versniaass der Urschrift Ubei'setzt. Tu- bingen, 1852. sq.lO" .*»40S0.41 Kansas. An act to punish ofl'enccs against slave property, passed Aug. 14, 1855. Shawnee, 1855. pp. 4. S" B. 100. 30 — Brewertou, G. D. The war In 23r8.2:i — Briggs, C. W. Ueign of terror in B.UMi.sS — Gordon,. LW. Origin of the troubles in .. B.IOOu. 14 — Howard, W. A. Kausas-Lecomjiton constitu- •'" 4310.8 — lly.itl, T. Prnyir for a postponement of all the land sales In Kansas; its interior and 4310.8 — Kolfiiison, .s. T. 1. e-\terior llle 43^g 2 — Seward, W. II. Immediate admission of Kan- sas into the union ^^^q g — Humner, C. Protest against slavery In . . . 4310.8 Sec ol.o; Ni-lini.kn. Kansas annual register for I81H. A. Stark, editor. I^aven«orlli, 1801. K° ' .jj^i;..) Kansas Mnti- righn. Appeal to the democracy of Hie .Souili. by n southern democrat. Wash- Inglon, Ihjr. pp. 3N. N" 43,,, g Kant, I. .Siiinmillelie Werke. Heiausg. von C. KoBinkiunz und F. W. .Scliubert. Leliizig 1838-40. lav. Iul2. b° •0103.1 Contmn.—ynl. i. Klpinc Infrl Troit- flkol MouAKtrrc; Tho man of «vnsil)ility tuul the man witliuitt f(!ullug, two cbnrnctiTg. — Kussisi-hcs historisi'lies Lcsebuch niis Karnm- siii'sCcscluchte Uiissliuids. St. Pt'tersbur^'', ISIU. --'v-h" 30^5.14 Karkn caliiular and annual, 184i)-51. Cross, K. li. 30.18.15 Karkn lauKiiagf. Bcnnt'tt, C. Anglo Kareu vo- rjibulai-y 3038.21 — JIason, K. Synopjiis of a f^raminar of the . . 3031.3 Karkn literature. Thesaurus ol luiicn knovvlcdtju. [In Karon.] See Kiiu-Too 303S.7 Karl Ludwig von Lorrain. *'<■<■ Carl J-ud\vij^. Kakl ^Ii'int't, zuni erstun Mai lu'rausg. durch A. v. KflliT. Stutt^'art, 1S58. S^ [Stuttgart. liibliotlK'kdt's litfr. Vereins,v. 45] *4;i35.1 Karstkn, y. I'hilosophnruni {Jra?corum veteruni pra;siTtini qui ante riatonein tlorucruut ope- runi reliquiic. Amstelodamij 1830-38. 2v. 8''. 4204.10 Contcnli*. — Vol. I. Xenophnnes Colophonius ; I'ar- mcntdvs Kloala. II. Kni|it.-do<;loS Agritjcnthius. Kaswini. De rebus India; loci. See Gildemei.. 2v. 12" C071.I9 K<\NVi language. Die Kawi Sprache auf der Insel Java. Humboldt, C. W. von 4241.5 Kay, J. Social cnndilion and education of the peo- ple in Enghmd und Europe. London, 1850. 2v. 12* 430G.21 Kate, J. W. History of the Sepoy war in India, 1857,58. Vol.1. London, I8&4. 8° . . . . 5044.5 KAYSER,C.G. Bucher-Lexikon, [1750-1858]. Leip- zig, 1834-00. Hv. 4' *2150.15, and *413I.l — - Same. Sachregisler. Leipzig, 1838. 4". *2150.16, aad*4131.2 Kayserlixg,M. Moses 3Iendelssohn, sein Leben und seiue Werke. Leipzig, 1802. 8°. [In- stilut zur Fiirderungder israelitischen Lite- raturj 2S45.14 Keacii, B. Travels of true godliness. With notes and a life, by H. Malcolm. 2(4 ed. Bo^ton, ]8:J1. 18" 5447.48 Keach, O. V\'., and Burditt, B. A. Modern school lor the drum. Boston, [1859]. pp.4(j. obl.8% 8052.85 ' Shelf. No. Keank, A. II. Handbook of the history of the English language. London, 1800. 10° , . . 2585.31 KEATiNfii:, U. Tiavels throui,di France and Spain to Morocco, with an account of the British embassy to that court. London, 1817. 2v. in 1. 4° 3051.32 Keckkhmann, B. Systenialogices. Dantisci, 1G03. [No title-pnge.J H° 3007.30 Keelixo, K. .1. The death of Moses, Sermon prcai-hed April 23, 1805, as a tribute to A. Lincoln. Washington, 1805. 8* *4342.4 Keexe, J. B. Handbook of gauging, with an ex- jUanution of Sikcs's hydrometer. London, 18(11. pp.70. 12° .3939.2 Keeekstkin, 0. Ansiehten iiher die keltisclnii Altertbunier, die Kelten iiberhaupt uml be- sonders in Teutschland. Halle, 1810-51. 2v. and 2p. 8° 4230.7 Contents. — Vol. I. Arcbiiologisohon Iiihnltcs. II. Alith. I. Sprachlicbcn Inbaltc-s. Abth. 2. Ethno^'raiih- isclien Inbaltos. Abth. 3. Sprnchlicben Iiihaltefi; III. Abth. 1. Dcs Tacitus Gumiuaiu. Kehrein, J. Kircheu-und religiose Lieder aus dem xiiten bis xvteu Jahrbundert. Ba- derborn, 1853. S" **344S.15 Keightlky, T. Life, opinions, and writings of J. Milton. London, 1855. 8° 4170.4 — MythologioderFeen und Elfon. AusdemEng- liscbeu iibersetzt von O. L. B. Woltf. Wei- mar, 1S28. 2v. sm.ft" B.117.7 Keir, Books relating to proverbs, emblems, etc. at. Stirling, W / . 2170. 10 Keith, C. H. Boston flute instruction book. Bos- ton, [1845]. pp. 04. obl.4'' 8052.70 Keith, T. On the use of the globes. 1st Am. ed. New York, 1811. 8'' 7058.19 Keith, Sir W. Collection of papers and tracts. London, 1740. 12* 4549.10 Kelbra, Historische Beschreibung von dem Klo8- ter S. Georgii zu, LeuckfeM, J. G 4210.9 Keller, Heinrich. KeisechartederSchweiz. Zu- rich, 1S34. Folded 12° *2834.35 Keller, Heinrich A. AltfranzosischeSagen. Tii- bingen, 1839, 40. 2v. in 1. S" 4188.17 Contents. — Ilavclok dcr Dane; Kaiser Karl ini Mur- genlnnd; Roland; Kbnig Wilhelm von Etiglniid ; Snnct Brandau ; Robert der Teufel ; Die lange Nacht ; Farthu- nopex von Bluia. — Erziihlungen aus altdeutschen Handscbriften gesammelt. Stuttgart, 1855. 8". [Stuttgart. Bibliotiiek des liter. Vereius,v. 35] *4235.1 Keller, I. KesponsioadAiacem. 5ee Harstein, N. G052.4 Kelley, W. D. The practice of justice our only security for the future. Kemarks in the house of representatives, Jan. 10, 1805. New Y'ork, 1805. 8°. [New York. Loyal publica- tion sodety. No. 82] , 4322.18 Kellner, J. O. He originibus feudalibus. [Diss. acad.] Halje, 1710. 4" H304.22 Kellogg, A. S. Memorials of Elder John White, and his descendants. Hartford, 1800. 8°. .*2332.10 Kellogg, Ebenezer, Sermon on the death of. See Hopkins, Mark 4.347.47 Kellogg, Edward. Labor and other capital. New York, 1849. 8° 4290.20 — [Kemarks upon usury and its effects. ByWhite- hook.J New York, 1^41, pp. (.0. 12° . , . 4280.9 Kelly, H. 5ee Bell, J. British theatre, v. 7, 30 . 4i;9a.l Contents. — Vol. VII. The school for wives, com. XXX. False delicacy, com.; A word to tho wise, com. — The romance of an hour. [Collection of farces. V. 5] 2575.35 Kelly, W. K. Curiosities of Indo-European tra- dition and folk-lore. London, 1803. 12° . . 2230.14 — Syria and the Holy Land. London, n. d. 8°. 30^2.11 Kelsey, F. Desciiption, cultivation, and manage- ment of honey bees. N.Y., J835. pp.24. 8°. 58!}8.29 Kelso, Description of the town of. Lazarus, E. 2479.2 KELTKG 328 KEK Shelf. No. Kelysg, Sir J. Report of cases in pleas of the crown, in the reign of Charles II. [With adrtitious.] London, 170S. f°. [Black letter.] *4301.4 Kemble, .1. M. The Saxons in England: the En- glish commonwealth till the Xorinan con- . quest. London, 18W. 2v. 8° 4175.13 — Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis. Part 1. Le- gend of St. Andrews, with translation by. See Poetry 2587.2-1 Ke.mp, D. van der. Disp. crit. pro Cornelio centu- rione et Sergio Paullo proconsule in Julianum imperatorem, ad Act. x, l.etxill, 7. [Oel- richs. Collectio opusculomm, V. 1] .... COGG.l KE51P, J. Sermons, with the address at his inter- ment, by W. E. Wyatt. Baltimore, 183.3. 12°. S«4. Hi Kempis, Thomas a. See Thomas k Kenipis. Kex, T. Morning, evening, and midnight hymns. AVith introductory letter and biographical sketch. London, ISCH. pp. 2(i. 12° .... 6-HS.13 Kendal, S. Discourse, June 14, 1^10, at the inter- ment of S. Dexter. Boston, IRIO. 8° . . . 0088.239 — Sermon before C. Strong, governor, [etc.], 3Lay 30, 1S04, the day of general election. Boston, 1804. 8° *4356.8 — Scripture an adequate rule of faith : a sermon preached Oct. 23, 1793, at the ordination of T. M.Harris. Bosjon, 1704. 8° 5460a. 13 Kendall, — . Clarinet instruction book. Boston, [1843]. pp.64. obl.S° 8052.55 Kend,\ll, E. H. Sermon on the primitive state of tliq Christian church, and the abuses of the papal hierarchy. Boston, 1.S53. 12°, . . . B. 170b. 12 Kend.\ll, .1. Discourse before the Humane society of Mas.saehusetts, June 8, 1813. Boston, 1813. 8° B.170a.00 — Discourse upon the 50th anniversary of his or- dination. Plymouth, 1850. 8° 6088.214 — Sermon, Feb. 14, 1836, occasioned by the loss of the brig Kegulator, of Boston, in Plymouth harbor. I'lymouth, 1836. 8° 54C0a.23 — Sermon at the funeral of. Sec Briggs, G. W.5440n.20 Kend.vll, T. Grammar and vocabulary of tlie lan- guage of New Zealand. London, 1820. 12°. *4I25.5 Kesnauu, K. II. " Essays and reviews," their ori- gin, persecution, prosecution, etc. Loudon, 1863. sm.h° 3427.12 Kennaway, C. E. Conaolatio ; or comfort for the afflicted. [A selectiou.J 4th ed. London, 18JS. 16° 5458.22 — Sermons, preaclied at Brighton. London, 1845. 12° ,5443.22 — - Same. 2d series. London, 1847. 12° . . . 5443.23 Ken.nehiic Indians, Sketch of the. JIanson, J. W. 2330.12 KENNEr)Y, B. H. Psalms and hymns arrangi'd in the order of the Christian seasons. London, 186.!. sq.I6° 5149.12 — Senarii Grffici, in curia Cantabriglensl recitati. Cantnbrigia!, 1826. 8° •Pph.v.345 KENNEDY, E. B. Exploration of the Cape York peninsula. .SVc Macgillivray, .1 3040.17 Kenni;i)Y, E. S. Thoughts on being; suggested by meditation upon the intinite, the inwnate- rial, and the eternal. London, 1850. 8° . . 6101.4 Kennedy, G. 5Iy early adventures during the cam- paigns of Napoleon. Boston, 1833. 12° . . 4579a. 31 Kenni'.hv, Junies. The bankrupt act. See Great Britain. Parliament 3035.22 Kennedy, .lohn. Hebrew servitude and American slavery. London, 1863. pp. (io. l(i° .... 3572.32 Kennedy, John I". The border stales: thelrpowcr and duty. Philadelphia, 1861. pp. 47. 8° . 4320n.59 — The great drama; an ajjpeal to Maryland. Bal- timore, 1861. pp.16. 8°. .4.320a. 00 Kennedy, L. H.,and rarki'rT. lieporl of the trials of sundry negroes, charged with an nllenipt 10 raise an Insurrection In South Carolina, etc. C'hnrleiiton, \h'ii, 6° 4376. .36 fi'et*. — Imprirritcl, wAniIng pp. 37-40, 46-4A. Slmlf. No. Kennedy, William M. [Privilege of the writ of habeas corpus under the constitution of the United St.ates.] Philadelphia, 1862. pp. 16. 8°. 3635.10 Kennedy, William S. Messianic prophecy, and the life of Christ. 2d ed. Andover, ISIIO. 12°. 3475.18 Kennet, B. Lives and characters of the ancient Grecian poets. 2d ed. London, 1735. 2v. in 1. 8° 29S9.3 Kennet, W. History of England. London, 1706. 3v. f ° *4170. 14 Kenny, T. Life and genius of Shakespeare. Lon- don, 1864. 8° 4598.1 Kenriciv, J. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. London, 1850. 2v. 8° 4245.4 Kenrick, T. Exposition of the liistoric.il writings of the New Testament. See Bible. New Tes- tament 3425.7 Kenrick, W. Falstaff's wedding, comedy. [Bell. British theatre, V. 31] 417'.ia.l Kent, J. Address delivered at New Haven, before the Plii Beta Kappa society, Sept. 13, 1831. New Haven, 1831. 8° 439-1.17 — Course of reading. New York, I.SIO. pp.69. 12°. 2143.30 Kent, S. Dictionary of arms, British and foreign. No. 1-3 [A- Beck.] London. 1717. 4° . ♦Pph.v.333 Kent, Jiiu/hnid, Proceedings in the county of, 1642^6. Weller, T 24;G.5 See also: Canterbury. Kentijcky. Adjutant general's report, 1862. [No title-p.age.] 8° *6399.1 — Davidson, K. Early settlement of 2.379.27 — Holt, J. Duty of 4320a..30 — Imlay, G. Laws of 4303.20 See also: Mammoth cave. Keny'ON, W. a. Poetry of observation, and other poems. Boston, 1851-53. 2v.ini. 16° . . 4169.6 — Tailoring and tailors : a lecture. Boston, 1849. r.i° B. 160b. 65 Kepler, J. Astronomirc pars optica. Franco- fvrli, I6II4. 4° •3922.21 — De cometis libelli tres. Avgvst.-c Vindelicorvm, 16:9. 4° •3922.21 — Commentatinncula; De insigni defectv solis, apotelesmata calculi Kudolphini. See Tcrren- tius,J ♦.1929.31 — Dissertatio, cum nvncio sidereo nnper ad mor- tales misso ii (Jalilajo. Franrofvrti, 1611. pp. 51. sin.8° *3929.29 — Eclogx clironicte ex epistolis doctissimorvm. Francofvrli, 1615. sni.4° •3929..31 — Harinouices mvudi libri V. Lineii Austria;, in 19. f° 4050.16 — De lesv Christi vero anno natalitio, considera- tio novissinia; sententiaj L. Suslyg:c I*oloni, quatnor annos in vsitatam epocham deside- raulis. FrancoCvrli, 16CI6. pp. :!s. sin.4° . . •3929.. 30 — De Stella nova in pede Serpentnrii [1604], et qui sub ejus exortnm de novo iniit, Tri;,^ono igneo. Accesserunt de stella incognita Cygnl narratlo, [etc.]. Praga-, 1606. sm.4° .... •3929.30 — Rc'spiuisio ad ei>istolam J. Bartschii,de compv- tatione et editione ephemcriduni. [S.igani], 1629. pp. 11. 4° • •3929.31 — Brahe.T. Tabulie Itudolphinas . 3920.00 — Brewster, D. Life of 3939.18 — Forsler, \V. Johaiin Keppler und die llarmo- nie der Sphiiren 3929.6 — Ivory, J. New and universal solution of Kep- ler's problem 3921.2 — Pohl, (i. 1'. Grundlegung der drel Keppler'- scheu Gesetze 3029.37 Keppkl, a. .lourney across the Bnlcan, and visit to Azani, and other ruins in Asia Jiinor, 182i)-.l(l. London, 1831. 2v. 8° 3083.17 — Journi^v from India to England, 182L 2d ed. Lniiihiu, 1827. 2v.ini. 8° 3044.13 Keii, J. Letter; Political memoir to the court of Vicnne. [Leibnitz. (Euvres, v.4] 2872. .1 KfiRATKT 329 KING Sbelf. Ko. KfiRATBV, A. II. L'existonce de Dieii et I'immor- tlllit(' do I'lime. rni-is, 1815. ia° C009n.2 Kerquklex-Tick.markc, I. J. de. Reise in die Nordsee. [All^cmt'im' Historic der Kcisen, T.21] 1100.11 KfeKI, F. H. IinpiTtituros Orientis, compeiuiio ex- llibiti. Tyilmvia', 1744. 1" 30S0.6 KER>f,,I.L:. Sclilesisolie .Sugcn-Clirouik. [ItuAbtli.] Brcslau, W40. pp. tf .. li,» 4231.33 Kerjjkk, a. .1. Div Sulieiiii von I'lcvorst. 2te Aull. Stutljfiiit, l,s.i;!. iv. in 1. 8° .... 1222.9 — 3Iystcrien dcs inncrn I.t-buns ; crliintcrt nus der (ii':vcliichte der J>eheriu vou I*revorst. See Escliennmyer, A. C. A. v 0105.24 Kerr, W. S. K., marguess of Lothian. Tlie confed- erate secession. Kdinbtirgh, 18(;4. 8" . . . 4324.15 — I.ft question iimerieaine. Paris, IS(i5. 8' . . 4-'l'^0.23 Kersenbroick, H. Belli monasteriensis contra anabaptistica nionstradescriptio carmine be- roico facta. [Gerdes. Scrinium autiq. ad liist. reform, spect., V. 1] 6055.15 — Narratio de obsidlone monasteriensi, sen de bello anabaptistico, 1535. [Meucke. ticript. Germ., V. 3] 4261.2 Kersey, J. Knglisli dictionary of words derived from otlier languages. 3ded. Lond., 1721. S°. 4586.17 Kersten, A. F. C. Quo jure Kantius Aristotelis categorias rejecorit. [Diss, acad.] Berlin, 1.--53. pp. 11. 4° B. 190. 17 Kertbi:.\y, C. 51. Ausgewiililte ungarische Vollcs- lieder iibersetzt. Darmstadt, 1S51. 8° . . **2875.0 Kervyn de l.etlenliove, .1. M. B. C. Introduction to tbe autobiography of Cliarles v. See Cliarlcs V 2852.20 Kervyn de Volkaersbeke, P., and Diegerick, J. Documents bistorinues inodits concernant les troubles des Pays-Bas, 1577-84. Gaud, 1848, 49. 2v. 8° 2820.41 KESSEL51EYER, P. A. Uber den Ursprung der Jle- teor^teine. Frankfurt, ISOO. 4° 5803.14 Ketchum, H. JlcClellan's peninsula campaign. [Handbook of tlie democracy for 1863, 64J. 4310.1 Ketteli., T. p. History of the war debt of Eng- land and of the U. S., and tlie two compared. [Handbook of the democracy for 1863, 64j . 4310.1 Kettnkr, C. De jure detractiouis. [Diss, iuaug.] Hals llngdeb., 1709. pp. 51. 4° H304.22 Kevin's bed, Wichlow co., Ireland: a descriptive poem. Cosby, major 2476.31 Ke-W.v-Ze-Zihg, or ."^ampson. Address [on im- proving] the condition of tlie Indians. Bos- ton, 1>61. 16° 4366.16 Keyes, J., Case of the commonwealth vs, D. L. Child for libel on. See Whitmjin, J. W. . Pph.v.3S0 Keymor, nr Keymer, .1. Observation upon the Dutch fishing, about 1001. [Pheuix, v. I] . 4157.1 KEY'S, J. Breeding and management of bees. New ed. London, 1814. 12° 6898.17 — Practical bee-master. London, 1780. 8° . . . 5898.6 Keyser, .1. de. L'ambassade vers I'empereur de la Chine, on grand cam de Tartaric. See Aieu- lioff, J 3(M0.6 Ketser, K. Religion of the Northmen. Trans- lated by K. I'ennock. New Yoik, 1854. 12°.6072. 19, 20 KhaLID Ben Yezld Ben Moawiya Ben Abi Sofyan. Liber secretorum aiciiemiie ; Liber trium ver- boruni. See Artis auriferie vol. tres .... 5979.21 Khalil Ben Shahin lOtz Tzahiri. Precis de juris- prudence musulmane, [En arabe.] Paris, 18,15. 8° .3610.12 KHEVENHII.LEK. F. C. Annales Ferdinandei, oder Beschreibung Kiiysers Ferdinand! ll. Leip- zig, 1721-20. lav. in 9. f° •4200.2 Kidneys. .lohnson, G. Diseases of the 3740.60 — Bayer, P. F. O. Traite des maladies des reins. 3740.01 KlEy-lAisc. emperor of China, fclogo de la ville de .^loukdrn et de ses environs ; poc-me, [avecj une piece de vers sur le the, trad, en frun^ois, par Amiot, et publiee par Deguignes. Paris, 17,-u. 8° . .»3018.13 42 Sbolf. No. KiESEiNOSWALDA, Versteinerungen von. Geinitz, H. B 5803.15 KiLBODRN, J. Ohio gazetteer. Stli ed. Colum- bus, 1826. 12° 2384.12 Kii.uuRN, R. choice presidents relating to the ollicc and duty of a justice of peace. 7lh ed. London, 1703. 16° *4.305.15 Kii.iAN,(onrnd.I. Diiitetikder weibliclien Schiin- heit. Hamburg, 1806. 12° 3779.23 — DiU'erenz der echten und unechten Erregungs- theorie in steter Bezichuug auf die Schuleder Neubrownianer. Jena, 1803. 8° 3723.12 — System der gesummteu Medizin. Jena, 1802. 2v. 8° 3717.11 KiLIAN, Cornelis. Dictionarium Teutonico-Latino- Gallicum. Ilac ed. access, auctarium vocum Belgicaruin. Adiun.ximus etiam L. Potteri libellos duo. Anistelodami, 164a. 8° . . . . *2885.5 KiLLARNEY, Panoramic view of. McGl.ashan, J. . 2476.28 Kimball, D. T. Discourse in Ipswich, Oct. 8, 1800, on the 50th anniversary of his ordination. Boston, 1857. 8° 5543.14 Kimball, H. The ship of state bound for Tsir- shisli: a sermon in .Sandwidi, Nov. 21, 1801. Boston, 1861. 8° 4320a. 82 Kimball, J. H. Emancipation in the West Indies. See Thome, J. A 3572.27 Kimball, K. B. [Cuba, and tlte Cubans.] New York, 1850. 12° 4307.10 KiMBER, T. Field works; with observations on their construction and uses. Loudon, 1861. pp. 42. 8° .3953.27 — Life of Vauban. See Vauhan, .S. L. de . . . 3953.28 KiMMKL, E. J. Monumenta lidei ecclesis orientalis. JenaJ, 1S50. 2v. in 1. 8° 6065.17 KiMPTON, E. Universal history of the Holy Bible. 1st Am. ed. Trenton, 1813. 4v. 8° . . . . 3428.12 KiKD, T. Anthologie neugriechischer Volkslieder. Mit deutscher Ubertragung. Leipzig, 1801. sq.lO" 3079.20 KiNDERLiNG, J. F. A. Geschiclite der nieder-sach- sischen Oder sogenanten plattdeutschen Sprache bis auf Lutliers Zeiten. Magdeburg, ISOO. 8° **2S70.28 KiNDLiNGEK, N. Geschiclite derdeutschen Hiirig- keit, insbesondere der sogenauuten Leibei- genschaft. Berlin, 1819. 8° 4296.18 King, C. W., and Lay, G. T. Claims of Japan and ^Malaysia upon Christendom, in notes of voyages made in 1837. New Y'ork, 1839. 2v. 12° .3018.12 King, Rer. Charles W. Antique gems : their ori- gin, uses, and value. London, 1800. 8° . . 4003.23 King, D. Historical sketch of Redwood library and atbenjeum, Newport, R. I. Boston, 1800. pp. 63. 8° 2128.22 King, E. Morsels of criticism : tending to illustrate some passages in Scripture. 2ded. London, ISOO. .3v. S° 3426.13 — Remarks on the signs of the times. Philadel- phia, 1800. 12° 3434.26 Kino, J. Anweisung zur englischen Sprache fiir die Deutschen. llteAufl. London, 1795. 12°. 4889.7 King, Sir P., baron of Ockham. Church of the primitive Christians. London, 1847. 16° .6059a. 16 — Demiraculo, quodlegiofulminatrixolimfecisse dicitur. [Mosheim. Dissertationum syntag- ma] 3454.6 King, S. W. Italian valleys of the Pennine Alps. London, 1858. 8° 2764.16 King, Thomas B. Report on Calilbruia. Wash- ington, 1850. pp. 72. 8° 4129.06 King, Thomas S. Address in memory of Sarah Paul, .lune 20, l!'59. Boston, 1860. 12°. . . 4349.17 — The doctrine of endless punisliment for the sins of this life, unchristian and unreasonable: two discourses. Boston, 186S. 8° 6406.1 — Losses and gains of a clmrch : a sermon, Sept. 19, 18.>2, on occasion of the death of Daniel tt'eld. Boston, 1852. 8° 5460a. 14 KING 330 KIRK Sliilf. Xo King, Tliomas S., contimied. — " Patriotism :" a discourse before the Ancient iiiid honorable artillery comiiany, on their ai3th anniversary. Boston, ISol. 8° . . • 54C0a.l4 — The railroad jubilee: two discourses, Sept. 21, 1«1. Boston, iSol. 8° C0S8.179 — The relation of tins life to the next. Albany, l!-59. pp. U. 12°. [Tracts for the times, Ko.S] 5M6.1 — Review of E. Beecher's " Coullict of ages." Boston, 1854. pp.42. 8° 5«0a.45 — Sermon at the ordination of C. D. Bradlee, Dec. 11, l,'>a4. Boston, 1865. 8° ■ .6460a. 14 — Trinitarianism not the doctrine of the New Testament: two lectures, partly in review of Dr. iJuntiugtou's discourte, Jan. 7 and 14, ISI'iO. Boston, 1800. S° 5403.20 Notice of two discourses in reply to N. Adams. See Adams, N 5460a. 2 King, William, abp. of Dublin, b. 1050, d, 17-".l. In- ventions of men in the worship of God. 1st Am. from 4th Kng. ed. New Haven, 1811. l'-t°. 5457.14 KlXG, "William, LL.I)., b. lOlj:!, d. 1712. I'oetical works, with life. [xVndorson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 0] 4004.1 Contmts. — Ajt of cookery; Art of love; Furractary; MuUy of Moumow-n; Orplious and Eurydice; Uuflima; liisci-lhiin-'i.uB poema. Kiso, 'William li., Addresses on the death of. See United States. Miscellaneous ilocumeuts . 2:!43.31 KlXGL \KK, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea ; to the death of lord llaglan. 3d ed. Kdiuburgh, 18i;3. 2v. 8° 3("«-9 — Review of his Invasion, etc. See Head, F. B. 3003.20 KiNGSLEY, C. The Roman and the Teuton ; a se- ries of lectures. London, 18114. h° 2. 5, .13 KlNGSi,EY, J. L. Discourse [at] NewHaven, April 25, 1838, the 200th anniversary of tlie settle- ment of the town. New Haven, 1838. 8° . 2303. S Kingston, W H. G. Lusiianian sketches of the 'pen and pencil. London, 1845. 2v. 12° . . 3090.20 Kington, T. L. History of Frederick the second, emperor of the Romans. Cambridge, 1802. 2v. 8° Kinmont, A. Twelve lectures on the natural his- tory of man. With a biographical sketch of the author. Cincinnati, 1839. 8° KINNKY, Mrs. H., Life of. Src Witham, W. . . . Kixnicltt, T. Life and character of Hon. J. Da- vis. Read before the American antiquarian society. Boston, 1854. 8° 4.147.21 — Discourse commemorative of. Sec Hill, A. . 4347.48 KISSKY, W. M. Portugal illustrated ; in a series of letters. London, 182.S. 1.8° 3090.14 KlHCHlloKlcn, .1. Geschichle des Neutestument- lichen Canons bis auf Hieronymus. Ziirich, 1W4. 8° ""-'-^ KinniiioFi-, A. Bucher-Kntalog, 1851-00. Leip- zig, 1850-01. 2v. ..m.4° •2150.20 KiKciiNKi!. CM. DeMoiitanistis specimen I. De eorum origiiie, prima conditione, sentenliis ac disciplina. [Diss, acad.] .leua?, 1.'-:|2. pp. 31. 8° lM70tt.99 KIKIUI language. Grammutikder Kiriri .-^praelie. Mumiui.i, V 2380.12 KiHii V. N. [Addresses nnd sermons, cut from 'newspapers] •6400a.lS Cmlriif. — Ailfttoil ,„i\ C«nf.,nil« iiilnlnie miil IrndliiE .omimny, Jan. 7, IfWII; At 111" Inilnllnll"!! "f "»>■• I'- «• Wlrrliy, Toronto, Ocl. 1, Wa;-, A1 Hi' Inylnit of llio conicr-.tuno of tlio Uount Vcmon iliiirili ; Alxtrail of a «. mnin on tin' now ll.|uor law, July. 1S521 Ftoin a «. niion on llio Nobraika quriUon, ainl In dcfi'noo of llic dfriry ; flio iii'rvor«lon of niuJc; Vl.naof ilmroli mn.loi Obiorvanic ..f lll« Haliltalli. _ [lermonn ond ndclrosses; a collection of cut- tings from newspapers) *Mma.U _ 8irmon«, etc. (.slips cut from newspapers) . •6400tt. 16 Kl 2810.9 4270.9 2348.54 nmleni: — BlnnlnB of Jndnnifnt and miri-y, > of lh«iill.|ti.1n., Nov. »1, ixll : VIolory a.rrlbrd I 'rmon 1 nod, Shelf. No. RK, E. N., continued, Bcmlon, April 13, 1862; Some of Ihc refulls of tin' (Croat rebellion ; Discourse in Roxbury ; ScTOion nt the dedico- tii.n of the North chnrch, Newbnryport, Oct. 2;',, 1861; Fasting nnto tho Lord, sermon, April 13.[18fw]: The Africo-Americon race ; The nmiy ; The disbanded army ; Notional repentance; Gog and Magog. - [Short essays and addresses; being separate portions of various books) •54C0a.l5 fV/trc tits. — Bennty ; Address before the annnol meet- ing of the Christian alliance at New York, IMo; Ad- dress before the Ladies' society for the promotion of education at the West ; Laura Bridgman : Address before the Massachusetts Sabbath school society. - Three sermons. [No title-page.) 12°. . . . »5450a.3» Coi.^- Boston, 1853. 8° • • .•S400a.l6 _ Daniel in the lion's lien: [a sermon, with man- uscript addili.ms. No title-page]. 8°. . . •5450a.39 _ Di-^course otcasitmed by the trial and execution ,if 1 W Webster. Boston, 18,W. 12° . . •.'.400a. 10 _ Discourse on the death of D. Webster, ""^^j^^j^^ ,g ton, 18.V2. 12° * '* _ The drunkard's character and ilestiuy: 'i "•«■ course. Bosl.m, 1840. :)2° . •5400a. 10, and l.059a.23 _ The evening au.l the morning ; or, evil lollowetl by good. l.Nolltle-pnge.) pp.30. If,- .. •.5400a. 15 _ Thefearof dealh. j lloston,] n. d. pp. 2. 8. [Slip from the Wntchuian and llellecttn-] . •5400a. 10 _ Goil ilelighls in railhful preaching: sernum [at the settlement of W. C. Whilcomb, Jan. 3, 1860, in Southbridge. Bostt.u, 18.-,0.) 8° . '.VlOOa.lC _ Greatness of the soul : an atldfess delivered at the 7th anniversary of the Mount llolyoke female seinitiary, South Hadlcy, Mass., Aug. 1,1844. Bost.m, 1844. 8° •6450a. 15 _ Growth of the holy child: [a sermon. No title- , ..o *5400a.l6 page.) 8 _ Jesus the great missionary ; nsermon, Nov. l.i, IKili, at the onliimtlon <.f S. Wolcott, as a '■""■■"^ '-'TT """'""•'"" .::^S::;« KIUK 331 KLEINSCHROD Shelf. No. Kirk, E. N., continued. — Justiticatton by grace, through faith: a dis- course in ISoston, Feb. 10, 1S55. Madison, Ind., Is'iD. 8" *54G0a.l6 — Lecture on the mysteries of t lie Bible. [Slip from a Boston newspaper] *5160a.I0 — The love of pleasure: a discourse [on] the open- ing of a new theatre, Sept. 10, ltsj4. Boston, 1854. 8" *54COa.lO — Memorial of J. Chester, D. D. Albany, 18.i9. pp. '.*3. b" *5400a.l0 — Oration on the national fast, May 14, 1841. New York, 18-iI, 8" *51G0a.l5 — *• Our duty in perilous times : " a sermon, June 1, I.SOO. Boston, lh50. 8" *54G0a.l6 — [Pastor's aiidress to] the Maternal association of the new congregntional church, orgiuiized Oct. G, 18}'2. [With the constitution of tlie association.] Boston, 1843. 12" *o450a.39 — Paul the apostle : [a sermon before the Young' men's Christian association ot Boston.] n, p., n. d. 12° *5460a.l5 — Plea for the poor : a sermon, Dec. 20, 1842. Boston, 184a. 1G° *o4G0a.lC — Prayer for rulers : a sermon in Boston, Feb. 12,1^54. [Slip from a newspaper.] 8" . .*54C0a.l6 — Public worship a universal duty: a discourse in [Paris], Sept. G, 1857. Paris, 1857. 8* . *5460a.l5 — Remarks at the funeral of J. H. Lane. [No title-page.] 8" *5450a.39 — Results of the temperance reformation. [No title-page.] 8° *54G0a.l5 — Robbing God: a fast-day sermon. [New York, 1850.] h". [From the American national preacher] *5400a.lG — Sermon, Agreement with God. [Loudon, 18:iS. No title-page.] 12'' *54G0a.l6 — Sermon at the ordination of Rev. \V. L. Gay- lord, Sept. 14, 18ti0. Keene,18iiO. S* . . . *54G0a.l5 — Sermon before the American and foreign Chris- tian union, Boston, May 29, ISGO. [No title- page.] 8^ [National preacher, Nov., 18G0, New series, V. .3, No. II] *54G0a.l5 — Sermon. The danger and evil of departing from God. [New York, 1851.] 8". [Ameri- can national preacher, Nov., 1S51, v. 25, No. 11] * . *54fi0a.lG — Sermon. Man's natural enmity to God. [Lon- don, ia38. No title-page,] 12°-; *5460a.lG — Sermon. Obligations of young men. [London, 18.38. No title-page.] ir *54e0a.lG — Sermon. On the traffic in intoxicating liquors. [Preached in Albany in 18:i5. Albany, 1S35. No title-page.] 12" *5460a.IG — Sermon. The temperance reformation con- nected with the progress of religion. [Lou- don, 1838. Notitle-pageJ. 12° *o4G0a.l6 — Sermon preached on the Sabbath after the death of Miss Sophia [W.] Willie. [No ti- tle-page.] 8°. [American pulpit, Oct., 1845, V. l,No. G] *o4G0a.l6 — Sermon. The Christian ministry. London, 18.37. [No title-page.] 12° *5460a.l6 — [Speech at the annual meeting of the Christian alliance in New York, in 1815. No title- page.] 8' *54G0a.l6 — [Speech at] the 2.sth anniversary of the Ameri- can Sunday school union, May 27, 1852. Bos- ton, 1^52. 12° *5450a.39 — [Speech before the American and foreign Christian union. New York. No title- page.] 8° *5460a.l5 — The unrivalled glory of the cross : a sermon at the dedication of the ilount Vernon congre- gational [church]. Boston, 1M4. 8° . . .*J4()0a.l6 — Valedictory sermon, preached in Albany [in 1837. Albany, 1837. No title-page]. 12°.*5460a.l6 — Tlie wailing Saviour. Boston, [1865]. 32°.*5450a.43 — Wives and husbands: [a sermon. No title- pagej b° *5460a.]5 Shelf. No. Kirk, E. N., continued, — Address at the annual meeting of the Educa- tional commission for freednien. See Hague, W 4320a. 4 Kirk, John, The mother of the Weslcys: a biogra- phy. 2ded. London, 18G4, S° .' 2547.32 Kirk, .lohn V. History of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy. London, 18G3. 2v. 8° . . . 4G63.25 KiUKiiHiDK, T. S. On the construction, organiza- tion and general arrangements of hospitals for the insane. Phila., 1854. pp.60. 8°. . 3800.57 KiRKLAND, Caroline M. The helping hand : an ac- count of the home for discharged female con- victs. New Y'ork, 1853. 4° 3574.12 KiRKLAND, Charles p. iJestiny of our country. New York, isri4. pp.71. 8"* 4320a. 57 — Letter to tlie Hon. B. R. Curtis [on] his pam- phlet on the *' Emancipation proclamation." 2ded. New York, 18G3. pp.20. 8° . . . . 4320a. 58 KiRKLAND, J. T. Address, May 29, 1801. Boston, ISOl. 8° 4394.18 — Discourse before C, Strong, governor, [etc ], May 29, I81G, being the anniversary election. Boston, ISIG. 8° *435G.O — OrationJ before the society of * B K of Har- vard college, July 19, 1798. Boston, 1798. 8°. 4394. 18 — Sermon before the Massachusetts society for the suppression of intemperauce, M.ay 27, 1814. Boston, 1814. 8° 54G0a.l7 — Sermon deUvered May 9, 1798, the day of a national fast. Boston, 1798. 8° 54GOa.l7 — Palfrey, J. G. Life and character of . , , . Pph.v.383 — Parkman, F. Discourse occasioned by the death of 4163.7 — Young, A. Discourse on the life and charac- ter of 4103.7, and Pph.v .378 KtRWAN, J9.tetf(/. See Murray, N. KiRWAN, R. Metaphysical essays. London, 1809. 8°. 5fi06.7 KissAM, R. S. Nurse's manual, and mother's guide, Hartford, 1834. 12" 3779.13 KiTCiiEL, H. D. Appeal to the people for the sup- pression of the liquor traffic. New Y'ork, 1848. pp. 48. 12° B.1G0b.71 Kitchen apparatus. Rosina, G 40GG.24 KrrciiiN, T., and others. New universal atlas; seventy maps on 104 plates. 2d ed. London, 1799. f° .^. . *2220.15 KiTTO, J. I'ictorial Sunday book. London, [18G-]. f° *5440.7 KJERtJLF, T. Om Fjeldstykket mellem Lserdal eg C^rland samt om Protilet over Filefjeld. See Hiortdahl, T 5873.12 Klaj, J. Auserlesene Gedichte. [Miiller. Bibli- othek deutscher Dichter des xvii. .Jahrhun- derts. v. 9] 2879.10 KLArKOTiT, H. J. V. L'afKnit(5 du cophte avec les langues du nord de I'Asie et du nord-est de I'Kurope. Paris, 1823. pp.11. 8' *o034.27 — Asia polyglotta. [Xebst Spr.ichatlas und Leben des Budd'a nach mongoli'^chen Nachricht.] Paris, 1831. 4°, and Atlas, f° *4234.1 — Chrestomathie chinoise, publiee au frais de la Societe asiatique. Paris, 1S:J3. 4" *5034.4 — Dernier mot surle Dictionnaire chinois du Dr. R.Morrison. Paris, 1830. pp. .32. b" . .*5034.15 — Kaukasische Sprachen. Halle, 1814. 8°. . .*4U0.il — Ueber die Sprache und Schrift dcr Uiguren. Paris, 1820. pp.69. f° *5034.1 KlAUTZSCH, — . Abhandluug iiber Herodorus von Heraclea. [Diss, acad.] Brandenhui-g, 1853. pp. 22. 4° B, 190. 47 Klebe, a. [Gotha und die uiuJiegendc Gegend.J Gotha, 179G. sm.8' 2834.23 Kleixert, a. F. LTeber die Echtheit sammtlicher in Jesaia enthaltenen Weissagnngen. ler Theil. Beriin, 1629. 8° G028.4 Kleinschmidt, S. Grammatik der gronlandischen Sprache. Beriin, 1851. 8° *4124.2 KLEINSCHROD, C. T. V. Die internationale Patent- gesetzgebung. Erlangen, 1855. b" .... .3CG6.16 KLEIST 332 KNIGHT Shelf. No. KLEIST, E.C.v. Samtliche"Vrerke. Carlsruhe, 1770. 2v. in 1. sm.S° **28r9.6 Contents. — Oden ; Lieder ; Idyllen ; Erzahlanpen and Fabeln; Sinngediclite : Khapsodien; Der Friihlinp. ein Gedicht ; Cissidcs uod Paches, in drey Gesangen ; Sen- eka, Traucrspitfl ; Prosaische Aufsatze; La primavera in vers! sciulti. — Die sammtlichen Werke. [Mit KhrengedUcht- niss.j Wien, 1792. sm.l2° 4878.50 KLEIST, H. V. Leben und Briefe. Mit einem An- hange, herausg. vou E. von Biilow. Berlin, 184<. sm.8° 2847.26 Klemm, F. (r. Die Fraiien. Culturgeseliichtliche ■Scliililerungen. Dresden, 1851-59. 6v. W°. •4289.6 — Gescliichte des siichsisclieu VaterlandeB. See Engelhardt, C. A 2824.1 Elexcke, .1. Diss, pliil. anfiq. de ohlatione tlivris fertis ivngi solita. [Oelrichs. CoUectio opus- culorum, V. 2] G0C6.1 KLEXCKii, p. F. H. Ale.'sander von Humboldt, ein biographisches Denkmal. Leipzig, 1851. 8". 42-37.2 Klengel, a. a. Air russe varie pour le piano- forte. [MS.] n. p., n. d. pp. 9. obl.4° . . ♦4055.62 — Polonaise pour le pianoforte. [M.S.] n.p., n.d. pp. 11. obl.4° *4055.52 — Ronde pour le pianoforte. [5IS.] n.p., n.d. pp. 13. obl.4° •4055.52 — Roudeau militaire pour le pianoforte. [MS.] n. p., n. d. pp. 11. obl.4° *4055.52 Klexze, L. v., and Schorn, L. Beschreibuiig der Glyptothek des Konigs Ludwig i. von Bay- ern. JIunchen, 1S!3. 12° 4099.22 — De-iicription de la glyptothlque de sa majesty Louis I. roi de Bavicre. Munich, 1835. 18°. 4089.42 Kleo3Iei)e.s. Ueber Kleomedes uud seine Sehrift : 'KvKXtKii Sewpm Titjv n£Tcti}ooiv. See Schmidt, C. C. G 4102.26 Klesheim, A.v. Steyer'sche Alpenblumen. Griitz, 1827. 12 Lief, "in .Iv. 8° 4223.14 Kleuker, J. F. AustVdirliche Untersuchung der Griinde fiir die Aeclithcit uud Glaubwiir- digkeit der schriftlichen Urkundcn de-** Cliris- tenthums. Leipzig, 1793-1800. 5v. in 3. 8°. 5428.20 Contrnta. — Vol. I [B. 1, 2]. Von don innprn Morlinia- len, wonacli diu Acclitliuit dit'scr Sciiriflcn untei-suclit wcrdcn kiinn; Uobcr d«.-n Vrsi)mnff und Zwcck der vier Evangellen iind der ApoBtelgescbicIitp. II [3, 4], Ueber den Ursprungund Zweck dernijostolichcn IJric-Io; Uultur den Urspruu^ und Zweck dor Otrcnbarun^ Jidinniiia. Ill [.",], Ueber die Apokrypben dea Neuen Testaments. Klimius, N., ])seud. See Holberg, L. Klino von Steinaw, M. Das gantze sechsisch Laud- recht. Fraucoforti, 1000. f° *4290.4 £LINGKNIlElUi, J., or U. V. Die Klingenbeiger Chronik, zum erstenmal gunz horuusg. von A. Ilenue von Sargaus. Gotlia, 1801. 1.8°. 2823.6 Klingeh, F. M. V. SiimmtlicheWcrke. Stuttgart, lfrl2. 12V. in 7. sq.lO'' 4898.13 CoM^en/41. — Vol. 1. Ulo Zwllllngo, eln Trauerapiel; Die fotscheu Splolflr, cln Lu«t.%pitd; EirHde, ein Trau- erapiel; Konnidin, ein Trauerapiel; DerHeliwur ffcpen die Kbe, ein LilNIsplet. II. Traucraplolen : Uer (lUiii^t- lini;, Arlatodemoa, Medea In Korluth, Medea auf dein Kaukanoa, Uainoklei. Ill [U. :l. 4]. I'auita Lclien, Thalen und iinilenfabrt; (leHeliicbte l{a]diaelHfIu Aquit- laa. IV [rt, It]. Oeaeblebte Giafara den Uarmeeiden ; Ilcinen vor d.-r SUndllutli. V [7, 8]. Per KauBt der MurK'-iililnder ; lle^elilehto eliiei DeutBclien der ueuo-iten Zelt, VI [a, HI]- IJer Wellinann und der IJiihler; Salitr, Eva'a l-lratgeboriier Im I'aradleae ; Paa KU frUbo Ertva- Chen del (.enlui der Mennclibell.DrurbatUek. VII [11, VJ). lietraehtuiiyeu uiui (iedanken Uber veraeliiedono Oeiienatiliida der Wolt und der Llteratur; Lebenaklzxo Kllneera. KliT-sciik, T. F. fJcichiclitc des Ca:libat.s der ka- tlliil. (ielstliclieu. Augsburg, 1S:10. 8° . . . 00(W!.12 Ki.oiT, O. Tilly Ini drelssigjalirigcii Kriige. Stutt- giirt, l^nl. 2v. 8° 2&'>3.0 Klopstdik, K. G. Klii|inluck. Kr; uud iilier Ihn lieriiuBg. von <;. F. Cruiiier. Iluiuburg, 17.S0- 1)0. 4v. I.III.8' **2878.I0 t'fintfnti, — Vol. I. [.flben, \i'J\-^' ; Klelnere {ledlchto. IMV. UeMlaai KIcliiora UiHllclile ; LuUeu, i;4li-liJi, Shelf. No. Klopstock, F. G., continued. — Life of Adam; to which is added, the death of Adam. Plymouth, [Eng.], 1820. 8° . . . *Pph.v.335 — La morte di Adamo, tradotta da G. Gozzi. Ge- neva, 1829. 24° V. 2 of 4705.10 — Messiiis, a islenzku sniiinn af J. Thorhikssyni. Kaupmanuahofn, 1834. 8° 4907.4 — Oden. Mit Anmerkungen und Biographic des Dichtersvon J.G.Gruber. Leipzig,1831. 2v. 8°. 4222.5 — Ode an den Konig. Ivopenliagen, 1752. pp. 12. .•!m.4° ••2878.6 — OdeanGott. 2teAusg. Hamburg, 1762. pp. 16. sin.4° *»2878.6 Klose, C. R. W. Dissertatio de polytheismi ves- tigiis apud Uebra^os ante Mosem. Gottiugw, 18.30. pp.8. 4° 64S9.1 Kloss, G. Catalogue of his library; including many books with MS. annotations by Me- laucthon. London, 1835. 8° •2138.8 Kluber, J. J. Litteratur des teutschen Staats- rechts. See PUtter, J. S 2161.13 Kloit, a. Historic derHollandsche staatsrcgcring tot aau het jaar 1795. Amsterdam, 1802-5. 5v. 8° 4214.6 Kluit, H. p. Dissertatio de deditione profugo- mm. [Amstelodami, 1829.] 8° 4293.6 Klunzinger, C. KUnstler aller Zeiten und Volkcr. See MUllcr, F 4082.5 KLiiPFEL, C. Urkundcn zur Gescliichte des schwii- bisclicn Bundes [14SS-1533]. Stuttgart, IMli- 83. 2v. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothck des liter. Vereins] ••2874.6, and v. 14, 31, of *4225.1 Knapp, a. Evangelischer Liederschatz. Stutt- gart, 1837. 2v. 1.8° 6064.1 Knapp, F. N. Discourse at the funeral of Rev. J. Pierce, Aug. 27, 1849. Boston, 1S49. 12° . . 4349.35 Knapp, G. C. Lectures on Christian theology. Translated by L. Woods, jun. New York, 1831-33. 2v. 8° 6022.2 Knapp, Jacob. [Review of Rev. Sir. Cusliman's " Calm review of the measures employed in the religious awakening in Boston, in 1842." liyChristophilos,] Boston, 1840. 8° . . •Pph.v.l58 Knapp, John F. [Iteport of the trial of J. F. Knapp, for the murder of J. White.] Salem, 1830. 8° *Ppli.v.3,56 Knapp, M. L. Essay on cholera iufantum. Ciii- cinnali, 1835. pp.90. 8° 6790.14 Knapton, C. Drawings by the old masters. 12 plates. See Pond, A 4000.27 Knebei., 0. L.v. Briefwechselmit seiner Schwester Ihnrielte [1774-1813], Herausg. von U. Iiiiulzer. Jena, 1858. 8° 2844.17 — Briclwcchsel mit Gothc. See Giithe, J. W. v. 2907.12 Knebland, a., and M'Calla, W. I-. Discussion on tlie question " Is the i)unishment of the wicked eternal?" Philadclphiii, 1824. 8°. 3453.46 KNEISEL, F. v. l>''r Sclliefstaiul der Ziihne, dessell Ursachen und Ahhiille. [ lieuls<-h uud frau- ziis.] Weimar, 1830. pp. 22. 4° . . • ... 3800.8 Knesciikk, Emil. Dasdcutsche Lustspiel inVergnn- gcnheit uud Gegenwart. Leipzig, 18(11. 12°. 2870.40 KNESCIII^i^, Ernst H. Neues uUgrmeineH deut- sches Adels.Lexikoll. Vol. 1-4. Leii)zig, 1859-Ki3. 4v. 8° •2830.8 CoWctl/a. — Vol. 1. A— liny. 11. nor.— Eberg. III. Elierh.— tirallen. IV. Orollen— Knihelm. KNiCKKRBOCiiKi!, Thc. Vol. 1,2,9, 14, 17-22, 25, 27, 28, 30-34, 4:)-54, 50-59. New York, 1833- 02. 34v 8° 'SlSLl Knioiit, C. English cyclop;\"dla. A'(/7He///! — Cyelop.Tclla ol'arts and sciences ; with numei-ous Ulustrallons. Loudon, 1801. 8v. iu 4. 4°. •A. 184. 4 eoiilriita. — Vol.1,11, A— Cub. Ill, IV. Col— Jlj. V, VI. .loi— Ilol. Vll.VlII. Ilel— Zyin. — CvclopaHlIn of biography. London, 1858. Ov. 'in 3. 4° • •A.I84.2 C.m(rn<..-V.d. 1,11. Aor-rui. Ill, IV. Oad-tjul. V, VI. Itab— Zwl. KNIGDT 333 KOLB Shelf. No. KNir.iiT, C, continued. — CycIopiPiIiii of j.^eog:niphy ; with numerous iUus- trntions. Loudon, Ks5n. -Iv. in ::. 4" . . .•A.184.1 CuiitfiilK.— Vol. I, II. An— Goo. Ill, IV. Geo— Zwo. — Cyclop.Trn cottiigc, or the poet's home, A menioriul i)f F. Kiii^rht. litiston, 1855. 12*. 2397.9 Knight, C DitlicuIUe.^ and disadvantages of Eng- lish society. London, 1^29, 8" 2514.17 Knight, H.C. Life of James Montgomery. Bos- ton, 1S-.7. 1-'* 4549.3 Knight, J., and Spauldhig, L, An Knglish and Tamil dictionary. Kevi'scd by S. Hutdiin^'S. Madras, IS44. 8° 3038.4 Knight, \V. If. Diary of a pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet. London, 18(>3. 8' 5(H5.6 Knightiiooi), Analytical catalogue of books on. Moule, T 2153.9 Sec also: Malta (Knights of). Knightsbridge, Memorials of the hamlet of. Davis, H. G • 2499.4 EnobeIm a. Die liilcher Exodus und Leviticus er- kliirt. Leipzig, 1857. 8*. [Weidniann. Exe- gotisches Ilundbuch zum A. T., V. 8] .... *6017.8 — DieUiicherNumeri, Deuteronnniinniund Josua erklart. Leipzig. INlU. 8°. [VVeklmann. Ex- egetisches Handbuch zum A. T., v. 9J . . .*G017.11 — Die Genesis erklart. Leipzig, 1852. 8". [Weid- niann. Exegetisehes Handbucli zum A. T., V. 7] ♦G017.3 — Der Prophet .Jesaia erkliirt. Leipzig, 1S43. 8'*. [Weidmunn. Exegetisehes Uandbuch zum A. T.. V. 3| *6017.4 — Der I'rophetismus der Hebraer. Brcslau, 1S37. 2v, in t. 8° 6028.3 Knobeloch, S. Dc sanotitate ecclesiarvm. [Diss. ac;id.] HalarMagdebvrgicai, 1722. pp.tj(j. 4''.*G064.10 Kncepflin, i;;. Les bienfaiteurs des pauvres au xixe siecle. Paris, 18(12. 8" 3570.59 Knowledge. Bava di San Paolo, G. E. Vicende e progress! delle scienze, arte, e costumi dal secolo xifino al secolo xviii 2192.5 — Pieraccini, L. Sistema dellc cognizioni umane. A. 148.8 — Kosetti, D. Dello scibile e del sue ensegna- nic-nto A.14S.7 Knowles, Jnmes D. Importance of theological in- stitutions: address before the Newton theo- lo;^ical institution, Nov. 14, 1832, Boston, 18.(2. 8" 4394.19 — Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson, including a history of the American baptist mission in the Burman empire. 3d ed. Boston, 1829. sm.8° • 234S.35 — Perils and safeguards of American liberty: ad- dress, July 4, 1828. Boston, n. d. 8° . . . . 4.394.19 Knowle.s, James S. Debate on the character of Julius Casar. n. p., n. d. pp. 50. 12". . . 7009.30 Knowlks, W. .J. Poetical expression of the gos- pels. Boston. 1858. 12° B. 170a. 125 Knox, a. Thirty years' correspondence Tvith J. Jebb. 5ccJebb, J 5553.4 Knox, John, the reformer, b. 1505, d. 1572. History of the reformation iu Scotland, [with] other pieces of his writing. Memoir, introduction, and notes, by W.M'Gavin. Glasgow, 1831.8°. 3524.8 — History of the reformation in Scotland. Edited by D. Laiug. Edinburgh, 1846. 2v. 8". [Wodrow society] *5493.5 — M'Crie, T. Life of 4175.14 — Nienieyer.C. Lebcn v, 11 of G059a.2 Knox, Iter. John, L. J/. Sermon for the times. Preached in aid of the "Jacobins of Mary- land " Baltimore, 1S04. 8" 4320a. 42 Knox, T. Principles of eloquence. Also, Jerning- ham's Ess.ay on the clotiuence of the pulpit in England. Boston, 18U5. 12" 5G09.4 Sholf. No. Knox, V. [Elegant extracts: or, useful and enter- taining passages in prose.] London, 1794. 2v. j» 1. S° ". 4175.2 — [I'>pistles, eh'gant, familiar, and instructive, se- lected from the best writers. A supplement to Extracts in prose and poetry.] London, n«l. 8" 4175.3 — [Extracts, elegant, instructive, and entertain- ing, in poetry.] J,ondon, 1791. 2v.ini. 8". 4175.1 — Winter evenings: or lucubrations on life and letters. New York, 1805. 2v. 12* 2558.12 liNOX, W. Sermon in the chapel of Trinity college, Dublin, April 7, 1790. London, [1790]. 8°.*Pph.v.357 — Sermon preached Nov. 29, 1798, a day [of] thanksgiving for the victory by Lord Nelson over the French tleet. London, [1798]. 8°.*Pph.v.357 Ko Thah-Iiyu, Memoir of. See Mason, F 5539a. 8 KoBELT, G. L. Die nuinnlichen und weiblichen Wollust-Organe des 3Iensohcn und ciniger Siingethiere. Freiburg, 1844. sm.f .... 3770.2 KoBERTSTEiN, A. Grundriss der dcutschen Na- tional-Litteratur. 4te Ausg. Leipzig, 1847- 50. Iv. in 2. 8" 2871.8 KoCH, Cliristian. Table des traitt-s entre la France et les puissances (^trangtres. Suivie d'un re- cueil de traites qui n'ont pas vu le jour. Basle, 1802. 2v. 8° ■ 3680.3 Kocn, Cornelius D. De Aristotele in nummo au- reo. [Diss acad.] Helinestadi, 1703. pp. 10. 8m.4* B. 100a. 123 KoCH, G. A. Deutseh-lateinischesvergleichendes Wbrterbuch der alten, mittleren und neuen Geographie. Leipzig, 1835. 8° *4152.1 Koch, M. Untersuehungen iiber die Empurungund den Abfall der Niederlande von Spanien. Leipzig, 1860. 8° 2815.5 Koch, W. D. J. Synopsis tiorae Germaniea; et Hel- veticfc. Ed. 3a. Lipsire. 1857. Iv. in 2. 8°. 3855.14 KOELER, F. L. A. Die Odontide. n. p., 1807. pp. 28. sm.4° **2878.6 KoENiG, E. La science du vrai, trad, de I'allemand. Paris, 1844. 8" 6105.12 Kcenigswarter, L. J. Essai sur la K'gislation re- lative aux enfants nes hors mariage. Paris, 1842. 8° 4306.4 — fetudes historiqnes sur le dt'veloppoment de la 80ciet(5 humaine. Paris, 1850. 8" 4306.6 Kohl, J. G. Descriptive catalogue of maps, charts and surveys relating to America, mentioned in vol. 3 of Hakluyt. Washington, 1857. pp. 86. 10° 4355.19 — Skizzen aus Natur- uud Volkerleben. Dres- den, 1S5I. 2v. 8' 2862.16 Kohler, a. R. Beschreibnng des Imllischen Wai- senhnuses und der frankiscben Stiftungen. Halle, 1799. 8" 4306.15 JVtrfc. — KOhler collected and Biranped the matiriiila. Profs. Schuize, Knapp, uud Nieiueyor composed and published tliu work. KoHLRAUSCH, H. F. T. Clironologischer Abriss der Weltgeschichte. lOte Autl. Elberfeld, 1834. pp.08, r 2231.8 — Deutsche Gescbichte. Fiir Schulen bearbeitot. lOte Aufl. Elberfeld, 1833-35. 3 Abth. in Iv. 8' 2S17.I2 KoLB, G. F. Staatsprozesse in England. Leipzig, ISei. 2v.ini. 16" 2519.20 Contents. — Vorwort ; Trozessc ppgcn : Sir N. Throck- morton, 1M4 ; Sir Vl . HuU-igli, I(i(l3 uml ](5I«; Penoh- Bm, Om'ch, Williams, Prynnc, Burton, Bnstwick, Lil- bume. J. Hampden, 1615-38; Gnif StrtUVord (T. Wunt- worlh),1641; Kttnig Karl 1, 164S>; Die Konigsmordcr, inBbesoiidcre HarriHi-n und J. Cook, ICOl); Sir H. Vniie, 1662; W. Stnyley, lfJ78; Viscount Staff.ird. 16811; Lord Ktiftscll, 168a; A. Sydney, IGS:!; J. Uamixh-n, UW4 und IttJo; SirT. Armatrong, IG84; Lndy A. Lislr. IfkSa; Mi»« • E. Gaunt, HM.J; H. Cornish, 168.'); Ueury.I.onl Dclamc-ro. 1685; iJiesiclienBisulii^fe, 1GS8; Nachtrag: Lord .TelFer- ies ; Aus den M|idtcrn Staat«procc»S'm in Knglnnd ; l^inif^e neucre poUtische Frot'csso in Doutscliland; Process go- KOLB 334 KOSTEE B.130.5 Shelf. No. KOLB, G. F., continued. gen G. Kiiikel ; Verfahrf n p*-?cn Temme : NcuzeitUche Stanlsprucesse in llalien. ira Kircheustaute, in Jlodeua. KOLB, G. F. Slatistik der Industrie uud des Han- dels der Scliweiz. Ziirich, 1S39. pp. 4(). 8°. 0087.03 — Vergk-ichendo Statislik der Vulkeizustiinds- und Staatenkunde. 3te Aufl. Leipzig, 1802. go 5043.20 EOLBE, J. H. Der unterweisende Dorfgiirtner. Eisleben, 1837. sni.8° 3S59.29 K.OLDERIP-ROSEXVISGK, J . L. A. Disseitatio de usu jur.iraenti iu litibus probandis juxta leges DanijB antiqvas. Havniie, 1815. 2v. in 1. sra.8 i-j-.j KOLLAR, V. Monograpliia chlainydum. Cum tabu- lis coloiatis. Vienna:, 18,;4. pp. 49. f . . *.38.D.2 KoLLiKER, A. Observationes de prima insect- orum genesi. [Diss, acad.] Turici, 1S42. pp31. 4° 3892.10 KONECNV, J. N. VoUstiindiges Tasclien-Worter- buch der cedioslawisclien und deutscheu Sprache. Vol. 1, 2te Aufl.; v. 2, 3te Aufl. Wein, 1S30-S5. 2v. 10° ....._ *2884.19 KONEK, \V. Kepertoriura liber die von 1800 bis IS^oO in akadomischen Abhaudlungcn (u. s. w.] , auf dem Gebiete der Gescliiclite er.«cliieu- enen Aufsatze. Berlin, lS3a-5ii. 2v. 8° . . •4130.8 Contents. ^Voi. I. Einlcitung; Chronoiogie : Allge- mfine Zeitgescbichte ; Gfscliiehte Ui'ulschlands und L'ngams ; Geschichte der Slaaleu Europa's mit Auflualiine Deutschlands; Geschichto Aaiens, Afrika's, Anieriku'a, Australiens; Geachichtlich-etlmogniljhische MiaccUen. 11. Cenealugie; lleraldikund Sphragislik; Bi.igraphiu; Diplomatik ; Geographie, KcUcn, Edinogruphio und StalisUk ; Xumismalik ; Inschriltenkuude; Mythologie. — Das Leben der Griechen und l{omer. See Guhl, E 2960-23 KoNiGi.iciiE, cliur-und furstlichc Edicta wider die iicuen einsclileielienden Sclnvarmer, [u. s. w.]. Ciitlien, 1701. pp.44. f°. [Anabaptis ticum Fanthcon] • KosiGSiiKHG. Natuiforscherversammlung, im Hcrbst 1800. SwTasche, H 3825.7 KONlGSKIvLl), G. A. Lateiniselie Hymnen und Ge- siingeiuisdemMittelalter.deutsch. Mitbeige- druckU-in Int. Urtexfe. Nebst Annicrkungen von A. W.v.Schlcgel. Bonn, 1817. 12°.. 0007.9 KOSTOrtms, C. De plij>icilogia plnntaruin secun- dum Arisloteli'ln i-t Tlieophruslum. [Uiss.in- aug.] lierolini, 1S4S. pp. :i7. 8° B.170a.91 KONU.NGS-sKfGG.s.iA. Sec .Specuium regiile . . . 2874.20 KOPISCH, A. Agruini. Volkstliiimliclie I'oesiecn aub alien JIundarteu Italieus und seiner In- seln. liclin, 1M.S. 12° ••2789.10 KbrKE, E. Cliniloltevon Knlbundihre Bczieliung- e'u zu .Scliiller und Giitiic. Berlin, 1852. 12°. 2847.23 KOPKK, K. Ludwig Ticck. Erinnerungeu uus dem Leben des Uicliters. Leipzig, 1853. 2v. 12°. 2848.17 KOPP, H. .Ittlircsljericlit iiber die Fortschritte der Cliemie. Sec Licbig. J . v KOPP.U. V. liruclistiickezur Eiiaulcningderlcut- sclien (Jescliiclile nnd Ueclile. Ca.ssel, 1799- IMII. 2v. in 1. 4° . . . • KOPPE, J. B. Introduction lo tlic epistle to tlic Kumans. Sn Turner, S. II KbrPES, A. L. The world in llle middle ages: an lilstoriciil geogrnpby. Willi m"P» 'Voin the utias of Spruiier. New York, 1854. Iv. In 2. 12° KoppK.N, C. y. Die Keliglon des Buddha. Bcr Uii,' 18i7-5B. 2V. 8' ContanU.— Vol. I. Die llellglon dea Buddha und Hire EnUtcliunrt. 11. Lie lainaUclie lllerarclile und Klrelio. KoppK.v, J. H. .1. Erkliirendc Anmerkuiigen zum Homer. 2te Aull. Hannover, 1792-1810. Ov. «m.^° "2»°8-" _ Clier IloinerH I.eben nml Gesiinge, verbessi'rt vom K. E. Huhkoiif. Ilnnnover, 1821. nm 8°.»«2098 1 KORN, «.. u/tciwnr,l» Nork, V. Blbllschn M.vtliolo- Blc de« alien und neuen Tcslnmenles. ler Band. .Stuttgart, 1842. b° «071.2fi Shelf. No. KORN, S., contiuited. Braniinen und Rabbinen, Oder Indien das Stammland der Hebriter und ihrer Fabeln. Meissen, 1830. 8° 0071.23 Etyraologisches Handwiirterbuch der lalein- ischen tiprache. Leipzig, 1837, .38. 2v.ini. 8°. *4112.3 Das Leben Mosis, ans dem astroguostisclien Standpunkte betrachtet. Leipzig, 1838. 8°. 0073.12 — Der Mystagog Oder Deutung der Geheimen- lehren, Symbole und Feste der christlichen Kirche. Leipzig, [18.38]. 8° 0008.24 — My then der alten Perser als Quellen cliristliclier Glaubenslehren und Ritualien. Leipzig, lt>:i5. 3985.1 4293.9 6422.8 2294.8 3040.24 0071.9 — Vergleiclieude Mythologie zum nahern Ver- stiindniss vieler Bibclstellen. Leipzig, 1830. g. 0071.23 — Torschule der Hieroglyphik, oder die Bilder- sprache der Alten. Leipzig, 1837. 8° . . . 0071.13 ;\'o(c. — Selig Kom was the author's Jficish name, which, after his con\eraion, he changed to Friedrich or Felix Nork. KbRNER,C.T. Life, with selections from his poems, tales, and dramas. From the German, by G. F. Kichardson. London, 1827. 2v. 8° . . 2878.4 Contents. —Vo\. I. Life; Martial poems; Mieccllnno- oui poems; Prose tales. 11. Zriny, a tragedy ; Joseph Ileyderich, or German fidelity, in one act. KoRSER, P. M. Historische Volkslieder aus dem lOten und 17ten Jalirlaundert. Stuttgart, 1810. 8° 4223.22,23 KORS.MASN, H. Linea amoris sive commentarius in versiculum glossK ad 1. Juliam de adulte- riis. [Ace. tractatusdeanmilotriplici.] Col- onix, 1705. sm.S° *(i000.15 — De miracvlis mortvorvm. [Fnuicofurli], 1010. sm.8° •O'Ota-a — De miracvlis vivorvm. Francofurti, 1814. sm.S° •0109«.2, 4 — De virginifato.virginum statu et jure.tractatus jucuiidus. Ed. nova. Coloniic, 1705. 8m.8.*0006.15 KORTE, J. Heise durch Kgypten iiber .Jojipe uach Paliistina, Syrieii und .Mesopotamien, 1737- 39. [Paulus. Kcisen in den Orient, V. 1] . 4243.5 KORTii.M,.T.F. C. Entsteliungsgeschichte der frei- stiidtischen Blinilc im Jlittelalter und iu der neueruZeit. Ziirich, l,S27-29. 3v. 8° . . . 4297.7 Coritenta. — Vol. I. Mittelaltor; Seehs7.chutei Jahr- hundcrt. II. OOBchlcl.te der englisehen Revolution untev den Sluarls. 111. Geseliichto der uo.damerican- ischcn Revolution. _ und Reiehlin-Meldegg, C. A. F. v. Gosehichte ICuropa's im Uebergange vom Mittehiller zur Neuzeit. Leipzig, 1801. 2v. 8° 2294.3 KosAKEN, Die, in ihrer geschiclitlicben Entwickel- ung und gegenwiirligen Zusliinden. Von A. v. B. Berlin, 1800. 8° 30()0.8 KosciiUtzki,E.v. llnser Geld- und Abgabenwcsen. AuPs Neue herausg. von E. Pelz. Leipzig, j^,- ]._,= 4292.2 KosEOARTE.N, H. G. L. Civrminum oHcntalium trigii. .'^Irale.sundii, 1815. 8° 3025.27 — De prison -Egvpliorvm litteratvrn. VimariiC, 1828. PI). 77.' 10 plates. 4° •5034.20 KOSEOAUTEN, L.G. or T. Dichtungen. 6te Ausg. Greifswald, 1824-27. 12v. 10° 2877.12 Co«(eii/a.— Vol. 1. Engllschftund aehotHaehe Lledor. II. Jucunde. III. Die In.elfalirt oder Aloysiu. und Agnea, liludliche Dlehtung- IV. Sagen der klrchllehon Voi-feit. V. KilglHclio und eraiselie tiagen. VI-XI. Lyi'lsclie (iedlehte. XII. Ko.ogarlen. Leben. KOSSUTH, L. Crnndnl, \V. 1,. l.elltr on Kossuth nnd his mission 4120.71 — McCnlln, W. L. Iteview of IJr. Buardnian's lldilress ilgainst Kossulh 4120. ,5 — Sherman, II. K"s.-u(h: his enreer, his mission. 4840.8 KosTEIi, K. B. Imniaim.l, oder Charn.'lerislik derneulestnmentlicheu Wunilererziihhingi'n. Leipzig, 1821. 8° 0073. IS KOSTER 335 KRUG Sholf. No. KoSTER, H. Trnvcls in Brazil, from 1809 to 1815. Philndelpliia, 1817. 2v. 8* 2315,15 KoSTER, J. K. Till- tragical quality in tho friend- ship of Jonathan and I>avid. [Kthvards, H. 15. Scloctions from Gennan lirrr;itnrc] .... 60C1.G KoSTLIN, C. R. Gothe's Faust, Brine Kritiker nnd Anslojier. Tiihinpen, ISOO. S° 4908.1 — Der I'rspruiifjf nnd die Koniposition dor synop- tischeu Kvantrelien. Stuttgurt, 185:i. h' . . 6025.8 KosTLiN, J. Vw sc-Iiottii^elie Kirche, ilir innores Lebon nnd ilir Verhiiltniss zum Staut. Huin- bnrp, 1S5-J. b" G0j3.10 KOTZEBfK, A. F. F. V. Travels from Berlin, through Switzerland, to Paris, in 1804. Lou- don, 1804. 3v. 10° 2600.40 — Exile to Siberia; Journey throug-h Switzer- land ; Travels throu^'h Italy, [flavor, ^'oy- ajies, V. 20j 6207.1 See Thompson. German tlieatre, v. 1-3. . . 2875.31 Contents. — Vol. I. The stranger; Virgin of the sun; Piiarro. 11. Lovers' vows, allorvilfrum the Natural son; AJc-Iaideof Wulfliigeii, a trngedy; Count Benyowsky, or thc^conspimcy of Knmtschutka. III. D^nf and damb, or the orphan; The Indian exiles; False delicacy; Tho liupiiy family. KoTZEBUK, M. V. The Russian prisoner of war among the French. Edited by A, von Kotze- bue. London, 1816. 8° 2863.23 KOVAI.EFSKI, J. t. Diotionnaire mongol-russe- frangais. Kasan, IS44-4'J. 3v. 4° *30G0.10 Kkafft, H. U. Reisen und Gefiingcnschaft [1573], herauss'. von K. D. Haszlur. Stuttgart, 1801, 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Ve- reins, v. lilj *4235.1 Krai?, J. Altdeutsche Heldendichtungen, bfar- beitet in Prosa. Stuttgart, 1855. 2v. sm.8'. 2900.31 ContetUa. — Vol. II. Parcival. Der Nibeluiigen Kutb ; Gudrun. KRA.JT3IR, K. [Biography.] n. p., n. d. pp.12. 8" 4Si8.2 Kkamer, — . Frenndliche padai'ew Sydenham society] 5724.3 Kr.ANCKE, F. Lehrbuch des gemeiueu Kechnens. Hannover, 1819-21. 2v. 8° 39.30.20 Ku.VNNOST, J. K. De usu exiguo scti Vellejani in foris Germanise. [Diss, acad-] Hala Mayde- bvrtricie, 1707. pp. 30. 4° *4304.22 Kra.sinski, v., count. Sketch of the religious his- tory of the Slavonic niitions. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. KUinbtiri^h, h'^51. 8° . . . . 3516.14 — Histoirereligieusedes nations slaves. [Traduite de I'anglais.] Paris, lh53. 8° G0S0.23 Kratzenstkin, H. Geschichte aus seinen eigen- hiindigen Schriflten. [Auabaptislicum I'au- theon] B.130.5 KkaCS, F. Das Kranken-Zerstreuungs-System als Schutzmiitel bei Epidemien, u. s. w. Wien, ])>01. b" 3808.10 Krause, C. C.F. Abriss derAesthetik. Herausg. von J. Lcutbecher. Goettingt-n, 1837. 8° . . 6095.7 — Abriss des Systemes der Logik als pliilosophis- cher \Vi?senschafl. 2te Ausg. Gotting^en, 1S28. fr* 6095.3 — Abriss des Systemes der Philosophic. Ite Abth. Giittingen, 1828. h" 0095. 4 — Abriss des Systemes der I*liilosophie des Rech- tes. Giittingen, 1S2.S. 8° 4304.15 — Die absolute Religionspliilosoptiie in ihrem Verbiiltnisse zu dem yetuhlglaubigcn Theis- mus. lierau^g. von H. C- v. Leonhardi. Giittingen, 1834-43. 3v. a" 0095.1 bholf. No. Krattsk, C. C. F., contimted. — Ergebniss der Kriiik dor religionsphilosophi- sclien I^ehren Jacohi'y und Bouterwek's. Got- tingen, ls43. pp. 02. h" 0095.5 — Ge.schichtederMusik. Giittingen, 1^27. sm.8°. 4277.10 — Die Lehre vom Erkennen und von der Krkennt- niss. llerausg. von H. C. v. Leonhardi. Giittingen, 1,^30. b" 0095.6 — No\'ac theoriae lincarum curvarum spccimina quinqne prima. Kd. H. Schrocder. Mona- chii, 18;i5. 4* 4270.16 — Die reine d. i. allgemeine Lebcnlehre und Phi- losophie dor (iescliichte, herausg. von II. C. v. Leonhardi. GiJttiugen, 1813. 8" 4146.8 — Theorie der 3Insik. Herausg". von V. Strauss. Giittingen, 1838. 8" 4277-4 — Vorlesungen iiber die Grundwahrlieiten der Wissenschaft. Giittingen, lf>2!). 8° . , . . 6095.2 — Vorlesungen iiber psychische Anthropologic, herausg. von H.Ahrens. Giittingen, 1848. 8'. 6095.8 Krauth, C. p. The two pageants. A discourse [in memory of A. Lincoln], June 1, ls65. Pittsburgh, 1805. 8" *4342.6 Krebs, H. Sermon in memory of A. Lincoln, de- livered April 19, 1805, in Saint Louis. From the German. Translated by a lady hearer, n. p., [1805]. 8" *4342.4 Kreissmann, a. Anthems and hymns set to mu- sic. Boston, 1850. pp 90. obI.8° 8047.27 Kkemer, a. v. Aegypten. Forschungen wiihrend eines zehnjjihrigeu Aufent baits. Leipzig, 1803. 2v. 8° 3056.33 Kresisier, J. F. Die nrteutsche Spraclie, nach ihren Stammwiirtern. Weimar, 1822. 8". . 2885. 2 Kretschmann, C. F. [Die Jagerinn. Ein Ge- dicht.l Leipzig, 1772. pp. 48. sm.S" . , .**2879.14 Kreuser, J: Der christliche Kirchenbau, seine Gescliichte, Symbolik, liildnerei, nebst An- deutungenfUrNeubauten. Bonn, 1851. 2v. 8°. 4090.2 — Der Hellenen Priesterstaat init vorziiglicher Ruksichtaufdie Hierodulen. Mainz, 1.S22. 8°. 6076.20 Kreutzwald, F., find Neus, H. Mythische und magisclie Liederder Ehsteu. St. Petersburg, 185J-. 8° 4223.2 KREUZ-und Querziige des Hitters A bis Z. A'ee Hip- pel, T. G. V 2867.5 Kriegei{,C.G. Zwei Liebes-Worte an die vertrieb- ener Saltzburger. Dresden, 1732. pp. 27. 4°.*0055.11 Kriegsverfa.ssu-ng, Die, des teutschen Bundes, nach den ueuesten Bestimmungen. Mainz, 1^2. 8' 2817.5 Kries, F. Lehrbuch dor reinen Mathematik. 3te Aufl. Jena, 1S22. Iti" 39.39.11 Krilof, I. A. [Fables, in Russian. St. Peters- burgh], 1831. 8" 3030.1 — Fables russes, publiees par M. lecorateOrloff et imitees en vers irancais et italicns. Paris, 1825. 2v. in 1. 8' 4253.10 Krische, A. B. Die theologischen Lehren der g.iechischen Denker. Eine Priifung der Darstelluug Cicero's. Vol. 1. Giittingen, 1840. 8' 6092.5 Kri.shna. Dialogues of KreeshnaandArjoon. See Bhagvat-Geeta 3011.28 Kritisch k Ueberschau dor deutschcn Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft, herausg. von L. Arndts, J. C. Blutsehli und J. Pdzl. 6er Band. ^liinchen, 1859. 8° *5619.1 Kritische Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Gesetzgebung, [u. 8. w.] . Herausg.von J. Piizl. Band 1-4, 0. Munchen, 1859-04. 5v. 8° *5G19.2 KroniivA, Do, fan Sassen in Kimen, fan Wedekind went up Albregt fan Brunswyk 1279. Na der shrivt berigted un furlugted dorg K. F. A. Scheller. Brunswyk, 1820. 8" , . 4875.20 Krug, W. T. De Aristotele servitvtis defensore. [Diss, acad.] Lipsi.T, 1813. pp.15. 4" . . 4162.27 — Handbuch der I'hilojjuphie und der philoso- phischen Literatur. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1822. 2v. b" **5608.7 KRUG 336 LA BLKTTEUIE Shelf. No. Krug, W. T., conthnied. — KalUope und ihre Sclnrestcrn. Ein iistlietischer Versuch. Leipzig, 1S05. sin.S" 4077.38 — [Meiue Lebensrt'ise. Aiitobiogriipliic. Von T'rceus. Nebst F. V. lleinliard's liriefen an den Verfass^er.] Leipziji, Ji^-'S- S" 4237.7 Krl'hl, H. De via et rutioiie qua Aristoteles in i^uiuini boni notioue invcnieudn et describeuda usus est. Bieslau, 1S33. pp. 34. 4°. 4102.34, and B.190. 64 KRUMM.VCHEn.Friedricb A. Tlie little dove. [With The adventures of little l>o\vny, by S. S. Moodie.] Boston, 1839. IS" 2879.18 KRUaiMACHER, Friedrich W. Kircliliche Lehrstim- men. Elberfeld, lS:i2-47. 2v. 8° 6063.37 — The risen liedeemer. Translated by J. T. Betts. New York, 1803. 12° 5446.18 Krusi, H.,and\Vhitaker, W. J. Frosrcssive course of inventive drawing on the principles of Pes- taluzzi. Fart I. London, 1850. pp.44. 1.8". 4270.15 KUBEL, .1. [Eulo^iuni iunerale in Knbeliura.] Ilalber.>tudii, 1721. pp. 10. 4° 4210.9 KucHLKK, H. L. Album von Combe-Varin. Zur Erinnerung an H. L. K. See Mayer von Ess- lin^eu 3825.6 KUDELiv.v, J. ijber Briicke's Lautsystem. Wien, 18."»^\ pp. 62. 8° 2954.23 KUDRUN. See Gudrun. KUGL.ER, F. T. Handbook nf paintini;. German, Flemish, and Dutch st-hools. Howritten by Dr. Waa^cn. London, IhGO. 2v. p.S* . . 4067.29 — Handbuch der Kunstgesehichte. Stuttgart, 1842. 8* 4277.3 KUH.v. Adalbert. Slarkische 8agen und Miirclien. Berlin, 1843. 8° 4224.7 •»- Zeitschril't fiir vergleicheude Sprachforschung. 5pe Aufrecht, T 4268-1 — and .Schleicher, A. Beltriige zur vergleicben- den Sprachibrschung aul dem Gebiete der arischen, celtischen und slawischen iSprach- en. Jer-:ier Bund. Berlin, (858-03. 3v. 8°.*B.142.2 KiJHN, v\dolph. Meine Hellung durch die Kalt- Wassercur in Elgersburg und llmcnau. Gotlm, 1842. 16° 3608.35 KUliN, C. De notionis definitlone qualem Aristo- tek's constituerit. Halls, IMI. pp.54. 8". B.I70a.ll3 KIJHNER, U. Gramnuir of the Greek language. Translated from the German by B. B. Edwards and S. 11. Taylor. Audover, 1844. 8" . . . *4121.5 KliiiNoi,, C. G. Comnientarivs In ilbro.*! Novi Tes- tamenti. Vol. 1-3, ed. 3a; v. 4, ed. 2a. Lip- siac, 1823-27. 4v. 8° *6015.2 Content: — Vol.1. SInttliirua. II. Mnri^iis ct Lucoa. III. Jolinnno*. IV. Acta npostolorum. KOSFTIGK KabinotsordresOlimsdcs GrosRcn. n. p., n. d. [NoIltlejKige.] pp.12. 16° . . . . I!. 170b. 117 KtJNST, Die, die Krnnkliciton des Ohrcs und des Geliiirs zu hcilcu. Gotlia, 1825. H" . . . . 3805.42 KUNST, I>i(', mit Welbern gUli-klich zu seyn ; ein Aimanach fiir das Jahr Ison. Berlin, 1800. 24° 2879.25 KUSSTMANN, F. Ilrabanu.s Magnentius Maurus. Klne liistori^rhe .Monogritphic. Mainz, 1^41, 8* 0070.9 KUNUNfiA ok hiifdinpa Myrllse hoc eat rcgum prin- ctpunique institutio ab Incerto auctore con- ei-ripta. In Hermonem Lutinnni vertit, no- tis(|; IlIuHlrivil .L ScIicUitiis. [Suevice et Latine.] Ilnlmhu Svecorum, lOOlt. f " . . . .3501.9 Kurdistan. Garzonl, M. Gramnuitlcn e vocabo- Inrln dellu lingua knrdu 5037.13 — TiiTcb, 1*. ForKchmigeu iihcr die Kurden . . 4244.3 — Wagner, .M. Beise naclile neurslcn Kiitderkungen ]n dein Gebii'te der Druck- und Fiirhekun^t. 2Ie Aull. It'Tllii, 1862. K" 4016.10 KUUZ, -J- F. Kxanien ralionvm u .Sfxtci Kntpiiuo timi ad propvgiiandatn «(vani impYgiiauiliim l>cl exiHteutlam collecttirvm. ,S'ic Wtllim- iHiOcr, d. F 4103.22 Shelf. No. KussaiAUL, Adolf, and Tenner, Adolf. Nature and origin of epileptiform convulsions caused by proIu.se bleeding, and also of those of true epilepsy. Transhited by E. Bronner. Lon- don, 1859. 8". [Loudon. New Sydenham -society] 5714.5 KUTORGA, — . Essai sur I'organisation de la tribu dans I'antiquite, traduit du russe par M. Ciio- pin. Paris, 18;W. 8", 4280.6 KUTSCMKIT, J. V. Das deutschc Kirchenthum. Eine geschichtlich-statistische Betraclitung. Danzig, 1846. pp. 08. 8' 6088 .224 KtJTTNKK, C. A. F. Quaestio necessitatis quam defiuitionem qnem fontem ultimnm Aristote- les statuerit. Diss, inaug. Berolini, [1853]. 8" B.170a.ll9 KUTTNEH, C. G., and Nicholson, W. Dictionary of the German language for Englishmen. Leip- zig, 1805-13. 3v. S' MllS.S KiJTTNEK, J. D. [Fredigt] hey Anwesenheit eini- ger Salzburgischen Emigranten in Leipzig. Leipzig, 1732. pp.20. 4^ *6055.11 Kynast, Dor, n castle near Hirschberg, Silesia, Die Uuinendes Kynasts. Schmidt, W.L. . . B.170b.ll8 Kytet.ek, A. I'rocecdings against Dame Kyteler, persecutedfor sorcery in 1324. A'ee Wright, T. 4178.1 Laeand, p. Beitrajre zur Kunde des Schwaben- spiegcls. Berlin, 1801. pp.80. 8** 2874.25 LABANOFdeKostof, prince A. Catalogue des cartes gcographiques, topographiqiies et marines, de [sa] bibliothtque h Saint-Petersbourg. Suivi d'une notice de nianuscrits. Paris, 1823. 8' *2178.3 La BAKitK Duparcq, ft. dc. L'art des indices, par- ticulierementii la guerre. Paris, 1802. pp. 38, 8" 5953.15 — Notice desouvrages historiques et militaircs du capitaine Ln B. D. t\iris, l.'-SO. pp. 10. 8°. 2172.21 — Des sources bibliographiiiucs milituires. Paris, 1850. pp.31. 8° 2172.21 La Barkera y Leirado, C. A. de. Catalogo biblio- gratico y biogralico del teatro autiguo eepa- nol. Madrid, 1800. 1.8" **2170.31 Labaume, E. Uistoire de la chute de Fenipire de NapoU'on. Paris, 1820. 2v. 8' 4027.6 La Bkau.mei.le, L. A. de. [Memoires pour servir a Phistoire de Mme. de Maintenon et £i cello du sieele pnssf.] Am^terdam, 1755, 50. Cv. * in:i. 12" ♦*4690.2 — Vie de Slaupi-rtuis, suivie de lettres ineditcs de Frederic le Grand et de Maupertuis. Paris 1850. 12° 2055.25 La BEDOYfcRE, H., comte rfe. Description histo- rique etbibli«graphu|uede [na] collection sur la itvolution fran(;:iise, I'enipire, et larestau- riUion. Paris, 1802. 8* *2103.11 Larer, H. v. Jagdund dreiandere Minnegedichte seiner Zcit und Weise, herausg. von .]. A. Schmeller. Stuttgart, 1850. 8'. [Stuttgart. Bibliolhek des liter. Vereinsj. **2874.10, and V. 20of •4225.1 Larehee, B. Address on moral education, deliv- ered at .lackson college. Columbia, Tenn., 1K{5. 12° ♦Fph.v.38l Laberhis, D. Vita: FragmiMila. [Gottft-ied. Cor- pus vi't. poet.] 11.191.9 LAnLACiiE, 1^. Complete method of singing, wllh examples. Boston, [1858]. 4°. • 81)11.14 La Bl.AN('ui';iiE, H. de. Monograidile du stereo- scope. I'aris, [lw:2]. 8° •3920.45 La Bi.i-TTERiK,.). P. IL de. Ilisloire de IVmpereur .lovii'u et tniduclions de quelcjucs ouvragcs dereniiiereur.Iullen. I'arls, 1748. 2v. 16". 2999.12 CV»i/rii/«.~ Vnl. 1. lilBtotpc tlolVmi>«T.Mn-.Iiivlcii: Ito- inni-qtiwi: OinHi-rliitiitii xiii»lii«, ii'll fiuit UlAtiirr J..vl.'iiirl^ i'mikII- tloiiMiU'-HiiviiiiliiicoUNi'n; Lvn (^'i-Hiirx il<- Jiili>-li ; IU'iiini''|tli'a. II. MI»' Julli.'ii; l(fiitiir(|ii('H «iir lo MfiiuiioKoii; I.nltrra L'lioUlua dnJiillcn; I^abUnlK-ffiirlqiii-; Tnblo dm niMll^rri. I.A BLKTTEKIE 337 LACTANTIUS Bhvir. No. La Bletterie, J. P. R. de, continued. — Lsltres au sujet dc la Uelntion du quWtlsme [de .loan riiolipeimx]. Paris, 1733. pp. "S. S'".S° 0000a. 10 — Vie de rempercur .lulicn. Nouv. ed. Paris, 17<«- 1-!° 4r59a.3 La Bo^tik, E. de. (Euvres oomplt'tes, reunios et publiix-a avec dos uotcs par L. Feuguie. Paris, 1S46. 12° 4I8S.20 Labor. Hood, E. P. The literature of .•i5i;;i.34 — licllojjg, E. Labor and other capital .... 4'.;itu.20 Labor reform league of New England. Adiiress to the members at their late convention in lios- ton. liy one of the members. Boston, 1847. S° B.irOa.CS La Bordk, le sieur de. Uclationderorigine, moeurs, etc. des t'araibes. See Hennepin, L. . . .41G9a.I3 Laborde, ,1. I!, de, and lioussier, P. J. Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne. [Avec des chansons.] Paris, 1780. 5v. 4° •4044.9 — Histoire abregee dc la mer du Sud. Paris, 1791. 3v. 8°, and Atlas, 4° 2271.8 Laborde, L. E. S.,l., comtede. De I'organisation des bibliothiques dans Paris. [Lettresl,2, 4,8.] I'aris, 1845. 1.8° 2170.14 — Beaux-arts. .9ee France. Commission sur I'iu- dustrie des nations. Tr.ivaux, v. S 4029.20 — Comraentaire geo^'raphique sur I'E.xode et les Nombres. See Bible. Old Testament. Penta- teuch C010.5 Labokixu classes. Granier de C'assagnac, A. de. Histoire des classes ouvrierea 55(^5.10 — Labourers' friend, ISOl 7574. 1 — Robert, — Histoire de la classe ouvriiire . . 4290.13 See aUo: FniQco (Social distinctions). Poor, Slavery. Laboring classes. The, of England. Also, A voice from the factories, a poem. Boston, 1847. >-° 3570.86 — - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1848. 12° 4300.26 Laboui.ayu, C. p. L. Almanach des progris de I'iudustrie et de I'agriculture. Paris, 1802, 03. 2v. sq.ie" »8019a.l Laboulaye, E. R. L. Essai sur les loiscriminelles des Romaius concernant la responsabilitti des magistrals. Paris, 1845. 8° 4305. S — Les ttats-Unis et la France. Paris, 1862. pp. '2- S° 4322.6 — Etudes morales et politiqucs. Paris, 1802. 8°. 4703.12 — - Same. 2e ed. Paris, 18ij:i. 12° 4090.27 — Paris en Amerique. 12e ed. Paris, 1864. 18°. 4305.17 — Separation : war without end. New York, 1804. pp. 19. 8°. [New York. Loyal publication society. No. 8] 4322. 18 — Why the North cannot accept of separation. New York, 1863. pp. 10. 8° 4320a. 62 — Glossaire de I'ancien droit fran^ais. See Du- pin, A.M. J.J 3033.9 Labourers' friend. 1801. New series. Loudon, 18I51- 8° 7574.1 Labodrt, L. a. Recherches sur I'origine des lad- reries, maladreriea et leproseries. Paris, 1854. 8° 3790.39 Labrador. Hind, H.Y". Explorations in the in- terior of 236; . 14 — Storer, H.R. Observations on the fishes of . 6895.16 La BRUYtRE, J. dc. Les caracttres. Paris, 1824. ^'•'- ~^' 4699a. 25 — Les caracteres. See Theophrastus .3004.4 Lace, History of. Palliser, F. B 4016.19 La Cecilia, G. Cenno storico eull' ultima rivo- luzione toscana. [Document! della gucrra Santa d'ltalia, v.5] 4-|g q Laciiaise, C. Les medecins de Paris juges par leurs oeuvres. Paris, 1645. 8° .... . 57.'52.3 La CHAUsstE, P. C. N. de. La gouvernante, coni- idie. Nouvelie Edition. Pari-,1"S9. pp. no. ®° v.2of*2604.12 — Hclanide, comedie. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1788. PP- S2. *° V. lof*206«.U Sboir. Ko. LA CHAUSSfcis, p. 0. N. de, continued. — Le pvejug(5 ii la mode; Melanide; L'dcole des meres; La gouvernante. [Theatre fran^ais, V. 10] 470S.1 LA Chenave des Bois, F. A. See Aubcrt de La Chenaye des Bois, F. A. Lachmann, Carl. Auswahl aus den hochdeutschen Dichtcrn des 13ten Jabrhundcrts. Berlin, 1820. 12° 2900.39 CoiKewfs. — Von dern oitnen Holnriche; HerHartnino ▼on Ouwe ; Iwein ; Hcv Wolfram von Eschenliach ; raicival; Sente Willelialm (von Oransc) ; Her Waltpr vou der Vogelweide; Her Wirntvon Grafenberlc, Wipa- lois; Hor Keinmar der ttUe; Meister GottVit von Straz- l)urk, TriBtan ; Meister Frigcdank ; Der Strickare, Dlu welt (Dispel); Hor l3lrich von Lieliteiisleiii ; Grafe Otto vun Uulenluobe; HerGotfrit von Nifen; Meister Kunrat vouWur^eburk.DiuguldinSmittci Daz Bucli vonTroijo. — Catalogus MSS. et bibliothecam amplecteus Lachmanni. Berolini, 1852. 8° 4129. .39 LACH5IANN, Carl F. T. De fontibus historiaruni T. Liviicommeutatio prior. Gottinga;, 1822. 4°.**2923.2 Lacordaire, J. B. H., Memoir of. See Montalem- bert, C. F. de 285(5. 19 Lacour, L. Annuaire du bibliophile, du bibliuth^- caire et de I'archiviste, pour lSCO-62. Paris, 1860-02. 3v. 12° *2119.1 Lacouture, £. La verite sur la guerre d'Ame- rique. Paris, 1862. pp. 16. 8° 4322. 2S Lacroix, F. The mysteries of Russia. Translated from the French. Boston, 1818. S° . . . . 4129.03 La Croix, J. de. Medulla logicie coutracta. Ed. 3a. n. p.,n,d. 18° 6000.30 Lacroix, P.iul, (Lc biblinphile Jacob). Annuaire des artistes et des amateurs, 1800-62. Paris, 1860-62. 3v. 8° M097..1 — Catalogue de la Bibliothtque de I'abbaye de Saint-Victor, redig(5 par Rabelais, commente par le bibliophile Jacob. Suivi d'un Essai sur les bibliothiques imaginaires par G. Brunei. Paris, 1802. 8° 2004.8 — Curiosit^s de I'histoire des arts. Paris, 1858. 16° 4034.22 Crmtevls. — Notice sur le parcliemin et le papier- Re- cherches sur les cartes a jouer; Origines de rimprime- rie; La reliure, depuia Tantiquite jusqu'au dix septieme •iecle ; Histoire de I'orfevrerio frangaise ; Lea instru- ments de musique au tnoyeu ago. — La jeunesse de Moliere, suivie du ballet des In- compatibles,pit'ce en versincdite de Moliire. Paris, 1858. 32° •*4697.I5 — Lettres k M. Hatton au sujet de I'incroyable accusation intentt^e contre M. Libri. Paris 1819. pp.64. 8° '2128.24 — Rijforme de la Bibliothique du roi. Paris, 1845. 12° 2128. IS Lacroix, Pierre F. de. Lettres d'un philosophe sensible. La Haye, 1709. 12° 4099.5 Lacroix, S. F. Elementary treatise on arithmetic. Translated by J. Farrar. 3d cd. Cambridge, 1825. 8° .3936.17 LACROIX de Marlfes, J. Histoire de la domination des Arabes et des Maures en Espagne et en Portugal. Paris, 1825. 3v. 8° 3102.11 La Croze, M. V. de. Abrege de I'histoire univer- selle. Revu p.ar F'ormey. 3e ed. Amster- dam, 1761. 12° 6297.1 La Cruz, San J. de. Obras espirituales. Impres- sion 1.3a. Pamplona, 1774. f° 6051.4 Lactantius Placidus. Argumenta metamorpho- seon Ovidii. [Muncker. My thographi Latini, ■^-^J 6072.11 — Glossse et alia quadam. [Mai.Class.auct-,v. 3]. B.172.3 — Mythologicae narrationes. [liode. Scriptores rerum mytliioarum Latini tres] 6072.8 Lactantius, L. C. F. Opera, ed. O. F. Fritzsche. Lipsia;, 1842-44. 2v. in 1. p.8°. [Gersdorf. Bibliotheca patrum, v. 6] *60,39.S CvMemt*, — InstitutioBum divlnanun librl rn; Epi- tome divlnsrum insttt. ad rentoiUura fratrem; De upi- LACTANTIUS 338 LAING Shelf. No- Lactantius, L. C. F., continued. ficio Dei : Do ira Dei ; L. Cecilii liber de mortibus pcr- secutorum; Fni^nenta; Canuina. — Opera omnia studio 31. Thomasii emeiidita, [^Maxima biblioth vet.patr., V. 3] B.110.2 — Divinarum iustitutionum libri septem; De ira Del; De opilicio Dei; Divinarum institu- tiouum epitome; Phoenix. [Herold. Hiere- seologia] B.120.3 Elegia de PhtEnice, vulgo Claiuiiauo adscriptu. 5ee Claudiauus, C • B. 171.1 ,VoM. — According to W. Ramsay, in Smith's Piction- aryof Greek and Itoman biography, the De Phcenice has been erroneously ascribed tt> Lactantius, and is probabl7 s compilatioD comparatively modem. La Ccesta. See Arroyo de La Cuesta, F. La Ccrxk de Sainte-Palaye, J. B. Histoire litte- raire des troubadours. [Publice par Tabbe Jlillot.] Paris, 1774. 3v. V^' 4709. G Ladakh, Travels in. Torreus, H. D 3043.14 Ladd, W. History of peace societies. [Scientific tracts] 3939.6 Ladevi-Koche, p. J. De I'unit^ des races Iiu- inaiues. Bordeaux, 18G1. b' 38SS.lfi Ladreyt, C. Chrestoinatliie de la litt^rature fran- 9aise. New York, 1S54. 12° 4688.7 — Repertoire de litterature fraujaise. Pliiladel- phie, 1842. 12" 4688.9 — Study of Frencli simplified. New York, 1844. 12° 4688. 8 LjESTADIUS, L. L. See France. Commission scien- tifique du Nord. Voyages en Scaudinnvie, V. 8-10, 16, 17 2863. 1 Conferita. — Vol. VIII-X. MC-I^oroloeie. XYJ, XVII. Gewgraphie physique, geograi>hie botouique, botaniquo et pbyiiologie. • L^TUS, p. See Leto, G. P. La Farina, G. Istoria documentnta dclla rivolu* zione siciliana, 1S4S. [Document! deUa guer- ra santad'Itulia, V. 9, 10] 4718.9 La Fayettk, M. M. P. de La V., comiesse de. His- toire de 3Imc. Henriette d'Ang-letfrrc, pre- miere femme de Pliilippe d'Orleaus, Am- sterdam, 1720. 8m.l2' **469G.9 La Fayettk, M. P. J. K. Y. G. de M. de. Baylies, F. Kulogyon 4394.1 — Greg?:, J. Kulogy on Pph.v.378 HilHiouse, J. A. Oration on the life and services of 4347.49 — Ticknor, G. Outlines of events in the life of . 4040. 16 LAKEKiufcKE, F. Notice sur M. J. M. Lehuerou. Paris, 1M4. pp.35. K* 4188.4 Lafevek, M. Architectural instructor. New York, 1856. 4° •8090. S La FiGANifeUK, F. F. de. Catalogo dos manuscrip- tutf portuguezos existentes no Museu britan- nice, ^i^bou, 1?<53. 8° *2164.15 Lafitau, J. F. HiMtoire des decouvertes et con- (luestes des Portugais dans le uouvcau mondc. Paris, 173L 4v. U)" 3090.30 — - .Same. Paris, 1736. 4v. 16° *4169a.l0 Lafoni>, K. fctudu sur la vie et les tcuvrea de Lope de Vega. [Avec Lea lleurw de Don Juuu, comedie.] Paris, lKi7. 12° 3003.5 Lafonu dl Lurcy, G. See 3Iarmocch[. Viaggi, v. 3. 0, 7 2275.1 Con/enif. — Vol. Ill [T.G], Vfaffirto In Cinn, cc, trnd. dl I', VvroU. VI CT. 1^}. VlnfTfflo ncll' Ainorlca apa- ^uola In tempo tlullo Kuurrv dell' Ind<>pcndi.'iiza, vcrxl- OnodtAKcdl. VIICT.14]. VInKjrl ni'lla I'olliiCMlatiuullv lioleclrcunvlclnodvir Aukirallu, trud. dl V. tiavinl. Lafont, J. de. Lc rcndez'vous, o« I'amour supostf, eomedio en un acie et en vera. Nouv. <^d. Purls, 1769. pp.38, ti* v. 3 of •2664.12 A'nr«. — TltUoomPdy lina boon nttrlbutod lo C. H. F«- Ksn, btit "d'aprci I'Amour vcnfri* Cd« LnfontJ' Cunt 1a Di6nio IntrlfTUO, la raflme marches lv« tiiCmoa Idcov." — Olamm4> dn«odalM tfroma^UM, v. 2, p. US>. I Shelf, ^o. Lafoxt, J. de, contimted. — Le naufrage, ou la pompe funehre de Crispin; Lc8 trois freres rlvaux. [Theatre fran^ais, v, 41] 470S.1 Lafojjt d'Aussonne, Pabbe. Lettres anccdotiq'ies et politiques sur les deux dt-parts de la famillo royale, en 1815 et IS.'^O. Paris, IS32. 8° . . , 4G42.19 Lafontaink, a. H. J, Die Gewalt der Liebe in Erziihlungen. Berlin, 1799. 2v.ini. sm.)S''.*4879a.l2 — L'homme singulier, ou £mile dans le moude. Iniitu de I'allemaud par Breton et Frieswiu- kel. Paris, 1801. 2v. 12° 4699.18 — Der Sonderling. [Ein Koman.] 3te Aufl. Halle, 1801. 3v. sm.8° 4878.11 La Fontaine, J. de. Fables. Notes parF, Sales. Boston, 1838. 10° 4068.28 — Fables choisies, avocuu nouveau commentfiire par M. Coste. Paris, 1785. 24° 4C99a.20 — Le Florentin; La coupe enchant(Je. [Theatre frau(;ais, V. 29] 4708.1 La Fokme, F. J. Nature, causes, etc., of pulmon- ary consumption. [Boston, 185-.] pp. 12. 12° B.lOOb.58 Lafosse. See Touchard-Lafosse, G. Lafosse, a. de. aiaulius Capitolinus, tragedie. [Theatre fran^ais, v. 44] 470S.1 La FrL'STon, F. de. Constitution et organisation de I'armee de terre des :fetats-Unis de I'Amc'- riqueseptentriouale. Paris, 18(i3. 8° . . . . 4322.21 La Fuentk, C. Confessio hominis peccatoria coram Deo, a. 1559. [Gerdes. Scrinium autiq. ad hist, reform, spect., V. 3] 6055.15 Lagabdi;:, P. AualectaSyriaca. Lipsiae, 1858. 8°.*3021.13 — Ad Analecta tjyrraca appendix. Lipsiae, 1858. 8° *3021.13 Lagrange, J. de Chaucel de. Amasis, tragcdie. [Theatre fran9ais, v. 44] 4708.1 La Gueuonnh\re, A., comtc. de. Les hommes d'etat de PAngleterre au xixe siecle, suivis d'un coup d'oeil sur la llussie et sa politique, Paris, 1855. 12° 2542.26 Contents. — Sir Robert Pocl ; Lord Aberdeen; Benja- miD d'leni^li; Lord ralmcraton; Sir Junies Graham; Lord John KushcU; VVillinni Gladstone. La IIarpe, B. de. Journal of the establishment of the French in Louisiana. [French. Histori- cal collections of Louisiana, v. 3] 2376.21 La IlARi'K, J. F. de. Du laiiati.sme dauslalanguc revolutionnaire, ou persecution coutre la re- li^'ioii chretienne. Paris, 1797. sm.8° . . **4640.21 — Lyree, ou cours de litterature. Nouv. 6d. par M. L. S. Auger. Paris, 1813. 8v. 12° . . 4660.30 — Warwick; Philocttte; Coriohiu; Virglnie; Me- lanio. [Thriitre fran^ais, v. 20] 4708.1 — The Earl of Warwick, tragedy translated by T. Krancklin. [Bell. British theatre, v. 17J. 4179a. 1 La Hodue, I., de. 'Ihe cradle of rebellions. A iilstory of the secret societies of l'"rauce. Kew York, 1804. 8° 4042.14 Lahr, H. v. d. De hominibus propriis et liberis Germanorum. [Diss. acad.J Unix Jilagdc- burgica', 1701. ])p. 03. 4° *4304.22 — Conuiu-nlurius in jus Teudale Germanicum. See Senkeidnrg, H. C. v 4291.4 Laing, D. Miscellany of Hie Wodrow society : con- taining tracts and original letters. Vol. 1, Edinburgh, 1844, b°. [Wodrow society] . 5943.0 Cotitetitn. — ConfcHnlon of fnilh of (lie ohurclioa of Swllitcrland, traii»hited (Voin the Lutiii by O. Wlnlmrt, 1&M; Cortaniuit cum Liithi'ranU, 8axoii!iv hiibitinn, per J. Muhil, Hcotnin, Ik>'M; llltitorio ul' Ihv cHtaui of Scot- land, July, 1^>6 — A]»rll, IHW; Anc coiupcndluB truclivu, bo (j. K<-uiiiMly, In 1^.18; AnnwKr to the Coni)ii-ndiui tracllvo, bo J. l)avld»one, l'»(Vl; Letter from Q. Kennedy to Jnmeii, archbUhop of (!lni>ifow, tntfether with CMno- apondrncK of (j. K. iiiiil J. Wlllock, al Ayr, IRM; Letlori to J. Cnniiibnl! of Klii.vcanrlt'ni-h, A.vmhlro; I'urtiiu and niaiiiTof burinll ui>«d In lh<< kirk of MonlroU; Kobi-rll rontaiii parvua cal(M'hl«niufi, l.'>r;t; ItvKlHter of mints- tara and rvadora in Ihu kirk of Hcotland, 1574 1 Suppli- cation of tlio gonoriil uuBcmbly to tlio rogant, earl of LAING 339 LAME bhulf. No. LAINQ, D., coiitinnetL Morton, 1578 ; I*rcsliytrr>' nt UiuMln(Ttoii*9 »ul>9cription to Ibu sfconil book of ilUciiilliio, Sept. 1501 ; Act of ]>rci- bytory, n|>poin(h)f: two iiiiiiitiicrA to tbo lon!» nt Fnl- kirk, Aug. 12, I.'irS; LptttTs nnd pnptTs of J. Cnnnl- chni'l. K'»H4-*«!; U.nlh mul fiint-rnl of J. Lawjson, I5S4; Vittitnlions of tlic kirk of llnlyrooilbouse, by tbo jiroB- bytory of EiliiiburKb ; Vinjiculion of tbc church of Scot- land, in r<>|)ly to Dr. Bitncroft's Bormon nt Piuil'd Cross, 1.188-9; Ano fonnr of sinilrio mntiTs to be uslt In tbo «K(i-rsl)Ip, IflWMtJ; A fcbort fonuc of ovening and inoni- inff prayer, by J. Unvidsoii, 15tt5; Letters of J. Welach to U. Boyd of Trochrifr, 1607-19; Ano ufold nduionl- tlon to the niinlBterln of Scotland, by A. Uuiuo. 16II9; Fonno and mfliier of ordaining miuistiTB, etc. In tbu church of Scotland, ICO.). LaiNG, J. J. Compftuiou to Manual of illumina- tlou, Se<^lira(Uey, J. \V 2115.15 Laing, Samuel. Critique of T.uin^'s notes on the schisiu in the German catholic church. See Grcff, W. K » . . . .B. 170b. 51 Laing, Samuel, jr. National distress; its causes nml remedies. London. 1S44. 8" 3570.2 LAiNNk:, A.F.,and others. Slemorial du commerce et de I'iudustrit' ; Annalus de la science et du droit commercial. T. 1-23, 25, 27, 2S [T. 9-28 forming 2e serie, 1-20]. Paris, 1837-64. 20v. S" *3296.2 Laird brothers. Correspondence respecting the Birkenhead iron-clads. See Correspondence. 4322.54 Laire, F. X. Specimen historicum typographic KomauK xv. ScTCuIi. Romae, 177S. H° . . . *2I14.25 Laisne, J. Aide-memoire des officiers du geuie. 4e^d. Paris, 1801. 12" 3930.18 Lajakd, J. B. F. Introduction ^ I'etude du culte public et des mysteres de Mithra en Ori- ent et en Occident. Avec planches. Paris, 1847. 4', and PI., f *.1030.12 — See IHstoire litteraire de la France, v. 20, 21 . 4692.1 Lajatico, tV mrirckei^e di. See (."orsini, N. Lake, Sir Kdward, b. 1597 or ItiOO, (/. 1074. Inter- views with Charles i on being created a baronet [etc.]. [London], 1858. pp. 20. sm.4''. [Camden society, No. 73] *2426.17 Lake, Edward, />. D., b HH2, rf. 1704. Diary, 1077- 1678. Edited by G. P. Elliott. [London], 184G. pp. 32. 8m.4''. [Camden society, No. 39] V. 1 of ♦2416.39 Lakk district, Eng. Baines,E.,j>. Lakesof Cum- berland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire. . 2493.23 — Sedgwick, A. Geology of the 5868.35 Lakes of the United States, Ueport of the survey of the northern. Meade, G. G 4363.3 Lalaing de Moutiguy, E. Memoires sur Montigny, avcc annotations par J. B. Blaes. Bruxelles, 1862. pp. 51. 8". [Brussels. Societe de I'histoire de Belgique] 2820.32 La Laxde, J.J. L. Catalogue des livres compo- sant [ea] bibliotlieque, [vendue k I'eneh^re. Avecles prix]. Paris, ISOS. 8" *21.38.10 La Landelle, G. J. G. de. Le Ianga<;e des marine, recherches historiques et critiques sur le vo- cabulaire maritime, Paris, 1859. 8° . . . . 3930.14 Lalanse, M. L. C. Curiosites biographiques. Paris, 184G. 16' 4149.16 — Curiosites des inventions et decouvertee. Paris, 1855. 16' 4019.33 — Curiosites litli^raires. Paris, 1857. 16° . . . 4070.23 Lallemand, C. F. Des pertes seminales involon- tuires. Paris, 18.36-42. 3v.' 8* .3740.59 Lallemand, L. Traite d'anesthesie cUirurgicale, See. Perrin, JI 3802.40 — Perrin, M., and Duroy, J. L. P. Du role de I'alcool et des anesthesiques dans I'organisme. Paris, 1860. 8" • 3977.10 Lally-Tollendal, T. G. de. Memoire, ou secondu lettre ii ses committans. Paris, 1790. 8' . . 4653.11 Lalor, J. Money and mofraJs: a book for the times. London, 1852. 8* , . . '. 4290.23 Lama Hawaii, Ka. Feb. 14, 1834— Dec. 26, 1834. Lahainaluna Maui, 1834. 4° 7231.7 La :\Lvi)i:id, M. G.de. 5e€ Garcia de la Jladrid, M. Bhelf. No. La Marciik, O. de. Rationarium nulse et imperii Curoli audaeis ducis Burgundicc. [Matlha^l. Analeet:i,v. 1] 41.30a.l La MAimoKA, A. de. Itineraire do Pile de Siir- daigne. Turin, i860. 2v. L8* 2763.2 Lamaiitini^, a. M. L. Prat de. Atheism anion;; the people. Boston, 1850. pp. 71. 8m.8°.B.100a.lOO — Confidences. Paris, 1849. 8° 4703.5 — Cours familierde litteratnre. Revue mensuelle. Unentretien par niois. Paris, 1^56. 2v. 1.8". 2663.16 — Disconrs sur la propriete litteraire et arlislique, le 13 mars, 1841. [No title-page.] pp.10. 8°. 2114.40 — Harmonies poetiques et religieuses. Bru- xelles, 18.35. 16° 41S0a.7 — Nouvelles conlidences. Avec une partie ine- dite. Paris, 1851. 8' 4703.6 — Travels in the East, including a journey in the Holy Land. With a memoir of the author. Edinburgh, 1850. 2v. 16". [Chambers' in- structive and entertaining library] 3(i4S.6 La Masa, G. Documcnti della rivoluzione sieili- ana del 1847-49, [e] Aggiunta. Torino, 1850, 51. 3v. p.8° 4724.20 Lamballe, M. T. L. de Savoie-Carignan.princesse de. Secret memoirs of the royal family of France during the revolution. By [C. Hyde, marchioness of Govion-Broglio-Sola- ri]. Philadelphia, 1826. 8" 4642.5 Lambeck, p. Lebensgeschichte. ^eeHoiTmanu, F. L 2841.17 Lambert, of Hcrsfdd. Annales. [Frankfurt. So- cietas, etc., v. 3, 5] 4210.2 Lambert, of St. Omer. Clironica, a. 1 — 1120. [Frankfurt. .Societa8,etc., v. 5] 4210.2 Lambert, St. Triumphus S. Lamberti maj-tyris in Steppes obtentus. [Chapeauville. Gesta pon- tificum Tungrensinm, V. 2] 2813.5 — Vita. Item revelatio S. Lamberti. [Canisius. Thesaurus, V. 2, p. 1] 4140.23 Lambert Li Tors, and Alexandre de Bernay. Li romansd'AIixandre. Heruusg.vonH.Miche- lant. Stuttgart, 1840. 8°. [Stuttgart. Biblio- thek des liter. Vereins].**2874.n, and v. 13 of *4325.1 — - Same. See Lamprecht, der Pfaffe . . v. 2 of 2000.35 Lambert WaterJos, of Cambruy. Annales Cam- eracenses. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 10]. 4210.2 Lambkrt, — . La magie sans magie, comedie. See Fournel, F. V 40%. 13 Lambert, C. F. Histoire litteraire du rfegne de Louis XIV. Paris, 1751. 3v. 4° **4012.1 Lambert, E. R. History of the colony of New Haven. New Haven, 1S3S. 12° 4336.25 Lambert, F., Leben von. SeeHassencamp, F. W. 0045. U Lambert de La Croix, P. de. Memoires svr la vie de Charles, dvc du Savoye, 1505-.39, avec vn discovrs sommaire dv svcc^'s dv sitge mis av- devant dv chateav et cit^ de Nice, par Fran- cois roy de France et par le Tvrch Barbe- rosse, 1543. [Sardinia. Historia; patriae monumenta, v. 7] . . . r 4800.1 Lamberti, L. Foesie. Firenze, 1806. IS". [Par- naso degl'Italiani viv^nti, v. 14] 4799a. 2 ContcnXi. — La popola/ioce di Sautoleuce; Odi; So- nelti. Lambertus Parvus. Annales. [Frankfurt. So- cietas, etc., V. 16] 4210.6 — Chronicon, 988-1194. [JMartene. Vet. script., V. 5] 4150.1 Lambinet, P. Recherches historiques, litt^raires et critiques, sur I'origine de rimprimerie. Bruxelles, 1799. 8" **2U3.12 Lambrusciiini, L. Sail' inimacolatoconcepimento di Maria. Roma, 1843. 8" 6074.8 Lajibruschini, R. Guida dell' educatore, foglio mensuale. Firenze, 1830-45. 9v. 8° . . . . 3596.2 — LettureperifanciuUi. Firenze, 183G-45. 9v. 8". 3596.2 Lam&, G. Cours de physique de I'ilcoie polytech- nique. 2e ed. Paris, 1840. 3v. 8" 3967.14 CorUenta. — Vol. I. ProprietcB gfnernlen doB corps; Tlitoiie plivkiquo de la chHleur. II. Accustiqne; Th^o- LAME 310 LAXGE Shelf. Ko. LAiife, li., continued. rio physique de la lunuere. III. tlectricil6; Magne- lUme ; t ciurnuts clectriquc« ; Radiations. LameNx.us, H. F. U. de. Amschaspands et D.ir- vands. aeid. Paris, 1S43. [Xo title p.ige.] s°. 430G.S — The book of the people. Translated from the French. Glasgow, 18.39. pp. 87. 24° . . . 4306.31 — Correspondance. GEuvres pcsthumes, publit'es par E. D. Forgues. Nouv. cd. Paris, 1863. 2v. 8° 2077.8 — Lettre sur les doctrines philosophiques et poli- tiques de. See Gioberti, V B. 160b. 112 Lajietii, a., baron de. Histoire de Passemblee constituante [irSU, 90]. Paris, IS2S, 29. 2v. 8". 4642.23 LXmmkkkr, J. Gedichte. Besorgt von J. Keruer. Gmiind, 1819. pp. 72. sm.l2° 2879.26 LAMOIGXON de Malesherbes, G. de. Memoire stir la liberty de la presse. Paris, 18H. 8" . . . 3563.36 Lamoxt, J. Der Erdstrom und der Zu.^aminen- hang dessejben niit dem Magnetismus der Erde. Leipzig, 1802. pp.74. 4° 3961.22 LA3iOKiNit:RK, A. C. L. de. Bibliothique poetique, ou choix de plus belles pieces depuis JIarot. [Avee une introd. p.ir Vahhi C. P. Goujet.] Paris, 1745. 4v. 12° **4670.18 Lamothe-Lanoon, E. L. de. Histoire pittoresque de la convention nationale. Paris, 1833. 4v. 8°. 4057.16 La Motte Fouqui^, F. H. K., baj'on de. Sigurd, der Sclilangentodter. Ein Heldenspiel. JSerlin, 1808. sm.4° 4908 8 Lampadil'S, W. A. Life of F. Jlendelssohn Bar- tholdy. From the German. With sketciies by Benedict, Chorley [etc.]. Edited and transl.by W. L.Gage. New York, 1SC5. 10°. 8040.20 Lampadius, Willielm A., b. 1772, d. 1842. Beytriige zur Atmosphiirologie. Freyberg, 1817. sm.8°. 5909.20 — Systematischer Grundriss der Atmospliiirolo- gie. Freyberg, 1800. sm.8° 5969.20 Lajifrecht, der Pfaffe. Alextinder, Gedicht dos zwiilften Jahrhunderts. Urtext, and Ueber- setzungvon H.Weismann. Franlcfurt, 1850. 2v. 10° *»2900.35 Cftntenli. — Vol. I. Unext und Upbcrsctzung nebst historisclior und Bprachlichcr Kinlcituuf; und lirliiute- rungvn. II. UeberscltunKdcs Psuudo-KailiBtheiies; Ju- lii Valcrii rc'9 ircslii' AlL'Xuudri Macudonis; Itincrnri- umAlexnndri-, l.i romnnn d'Alixandro p«r Lambert I.i Tore el Alexnndre dc neniny; Proben uus zwei frnuz5- niechcn Prona-Konmnen ; ))us englistlio Alcxandurlivd ; Daseeliolttsche Alcxanderliod; Die lio1>raisehen Darstcl- lunpc-n der Alexnndergcscbioblo ; Alexander be) den Penvm und den Tiirken. — Alexander. [Massmann. DenUmicler deut- scher Spraclio] 2900.28 Lampiucdi, B. Carmen. [Sanazaro. Poemata]. 4199.2 LAMPliimrs, A''.. Vita- Comniodi Antonini, Anlo- iiini Diadumeiii, Antonini Melitigabali, et Alexandri .Severi impcratorum. [Historia; Augustiu .-^criptores sex] B.178.4 — - Same. [Kistori.'c Honianje scl'iptores, v. 2]. 4240.3 Lamson, A. Agricultural life in some of its intel- lectual aspects : address before the Norfolk agricultural society. Boston, 1857. 8° . . . 0443.1 — Cllurch of the lirst tliree centuries, witli special reference to the doctrine of the trinity, Bos- ton, 18(10. 8° .3401.20,21 — Congre;,'ationalism : a discourse delivered be- fore the .Mnssiiehusettscnnventlonof congre- gational ministers, May 2h, ]k04. Boston, ixio. !•' .'*41li3.», »4:W7.12, and5l43.1 — DlMiuiuri'u, Feb. H, 1857, the Sunday after the fu- neral of lion. J. Endlcott. Boston, l,sB7. 8°. 5443.1 — Discourse, Oct. 28, 1800, on resigning the pas- toral charge of the First parish in Dedlnim. BoHton, IMilii. 8° 6443.1 — Discourse on the life and character of lion. .J. liichurdson, .)unc27, 1N48. Boston, 1858. 8°. 5443.1 — HIsiory of the First church In Dedhain. Tlirce discourses. Dedhnni, 18.39. 8*. • 11113.10, and S-HS.l *— The (neinory of .John Kohlnsnn : a discourse, Dei-. '.;1, iK.',]. lloHton, ]Ky.:. h' 5553.30 Shelf. No. Lamson, A., continued. — Sermon, Oct. 31, l,-i58, the Sunday after the foi-- tietli anniversary of his ordiuiition. Boston, 1859. 8° 5443.1 — Discourse after the death of. See Gannett, K- S 5440a. S3 Lajiurk, F. de B. B. de, tloge de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. tEuvres.v. 2] 3720.11 Lancashire. Piccope, G.J. Wills and invento- ries 2425.1 — Raines, F. R. Cliautries within the county of. 2425.3 See also: Liverpool, Mauehester. LANCASTER, J. Voyage to the East Indies. [iU- vor. Voyages, v. 1] 6207-1 Lancaster, N. Plan of an essay on delicacy, with a specimen of the work. London, 1748. 12°.*Pph.v.371 Lancelot, C. Le jardin des racines grecques raises en vers frau^ois. Nouv. cd. par De Lestre et Jannet. Paris, 1S07. 12° . . . . *»4989.1» — [Primitives of the Greek tongue; withrulesfor deriv.ation.] Boston, 1812. 12° 4989.12 Lancelot, of the lake. Lanzelet de Lac, Gedicht von Daniel Arnaud, iibersetzt von Ulrich von Zatzichoven. [Hofstaeter. Altdeutsche Ge- dichte, v. I] 2900. .38 Lancet, The. 1824-64. London, [1824-64]. 82v. 1.8°. *5743.1 Lancette fran$:iise. Gazette des hflpitaux civils etmilitaires. 184-J-03. Paris, 184-.'-U3. 12v. f°. *3760.2 Landed property, and the economy of estates. Low.D .30-10.41 Landi, C. In vetervm nvmismatvm Romanorvm miscellanea explicatioues. Lvgdvni, 1500. 4°.**273^.6 Landolfo, *7?-eccMo. Historin Mettinlanensis us- que ad 10S5. [Frankfurt. Societas,etc., v. 8]. 4210.2 Landrin, H. Manuel complet du maitre tie forges. Paris, 1829. 2v. in I. 18°. [Jlanuels-BoretJ. 4019.37 — Manuel du coutelier. Paris, 1835. 18°. [Man- ucls-Roret] 4019. 3« Landsberg, a. B. v. Das griine Gewdlbe in Dres- den. 4te Aufl. Dresden, 1835. 10° ... . 2834.32 — Le Gruene Gewoelbe, ou tresor royal d'objets precicux. 4e I'd. Drcsde, 1855. pp. 92. 8°. 2834.33 Landscape painting. Blarvy, L. Landscape painters of England 4061.27 — Price, U. I'rinciples of • .... 4067.13 Landulpiius de Colunina, or Sagax. Additameuta ad historiam miscellam. See Historia mis- cella 2758.14 Lane, James H. Vindication of the policy of the administration. S])eech, in the senate, Feb. 10, 1S04. Washington, 1804. 8° 4320a. 63 Lane, .Tmias H., Remarks at the funeral of. See Kirk, E. N ,5450a. 39 Lane, L. Narrative of Iiis early life, redemption of himself from slavery, [etc.]. By himself. 4th ed. Boston, 1848. pp.64. 24° 60S6.I1 Lane, R. Life, by E. E. Hale. [Worcestei-. American anliqunrian society. Transac- tions, v. 4] 2311.1 Lanfranc. Commentarii inepistolas raulioinnes; De corpore et sanguine Domini liber; De- creta i)ro ordim- S. Ilenediclt; Epistolarum liher ; De cehunla confessione lihellus ; Serino. [Maxima hiblioth. vet. pair., V. IS] B.110.2 Lanfrey, P. L'eglise et les philofophes nu 18e sitclc. 20 M. Paris, 1867. 12° . . ^ . . . . 0108.21 — Le rt'tablissement de la Pologne. Paris, 1803. pp. 10- 8° 3004. .38 Lano, I*. P. Lang,eineCriiniual-GeschicIttc. See Hurter, F. V 2847.21 Lanodai.e, lord. See Bickersteth, H. Lanudon, S. Seruion at the ordination of E. Sprague, In Dublin, N. II., Nov. 12, 1777. Bos- ton, 1778. 8° • *4103.5 — Summary of Christian faitliand practice. Bos- ton, 1708. iip. 01. 8° 6463.21 LANfJK, (;. Cntersin-luiugcn fiber die {iesehiclile und tlas ViM-l)iiItnissdi-r nonliscluMt und di-ut- fchen Jleldeiisage. Frankflirt, 1832. s° . . -f.'Jl.lS LANGE 341 LA ROCHE Sholf. No. Lanob, H. Bibelatlns. zelin Kartcn zu Bunsens Bibclwcrk. Ste liible. Whole Bibles. Ger- man 5421,7 Lange, J.l*, The resurreclion of the body. [I'M- wartls. iSi'lections from German literature] . 6061.6 Lamgk, L. Jourmil of a residence at Tekin. See lien,J..orAnferm<>}i!/ 3018.0 Langk, 1*. Chronica Neumbiirgeiisis s. Naumbur- gensis abOItone M.ndCarolum V. [Meucke. Script. (Jurm., v. ii] 4261.2 Langi-:nsciiwauz» M. Kreuzlidele Jesuiteu-Lie- der. Leipzig, 1848. pp.-ll. sq.Ui". . . .B. 160b. 118 — Aus den Papieren eines weggejagteii Jesuiten. [Gcdichte.J 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1S48. pp. L>4. 12° 0086.20 Langfohd, J. A. Religious scepticism and iuli- delity. London, LSoO. 12° 0065.12 Langham, W. [Garden of henlth, containing a description of simples. London, 157^. Ko title-page.] sm,4'' . 3786.11 Langhoknk, J. Miscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson, roets of Great Britain, v. 11]. 4604.1 Langlics, L. 3L Ilistorische Untcrsuclmng iiber rersepolis. [Paulus. Rcisen in den Orient, V.4] 4243.5 Langstkoth, L. L. Practical treatise on the hive and honey-bee. With introduction by K. Baird. 2d ed. New York, U-S?. 12°. . . . 5898.25 — - Same. 3d ed. New York, 1859. 8° . . . . 5898.24 Language. Grimm, J. L. C. iJber den Ursprung der Sprachc 2955.10, and 4206.5 — TTazard, K. G. Essay on 2390.11 — - I,anguai;e; its connei-tion with the condition and iH'ospects of man 5599a. 10 — Letellier, C. L. A. Applications de la theorie du langagc qui donne naissance k la laugue universelle 2955.18 — - Cours complct de langue uuiverselle . . . . 2955.17 — Miiller, F. M. Science of 2955.13,30 — Renan, J. E. De I'origine du langage . . . 4950.15 — Stcinthal, H. L)er Ursprung der Sprache . . . 4957.2 — Wilson, J. Nature of 2955.8 See aUo: Akrn, Albanian, Anglo-Saxon, Arabia, Ara- mn-an, Bukeles, Bambnra, Bnsa, Basque, Bengalee, Bo- hcntiu, Bu1[^ai'ian, Uuniiali, Calniuck, Celtic, Chatdce, Cliina, Chippeway, Cimbrian, Denmark, Egypt, Eng- lish, Finland, Flanders, French, Gaelic, Georgian, Gipsy, Gothic, Greenland, Gvisons, Haiissa, Hebrew, Heve, Hindodtan. Hungiirj', Iceland, lllyrian, Indo-European, Ireluud, Italy, Karen, Kawi, Kiriri, Kurdish, Lapland, Latin, Lithunnean, Malta, Minorca, Mongolian, Moors, Mutsun, Ncvotne, Patois, Persian, Phenecian, Pima, Poland, Polynesian, Portugal, Punic, Quichua, Ro- maic, liomance, Romanesc, Russian, Samaritan, Snmo- i«.-dic, Sanskrit, Semitic, Scr^'ian, Siam, Biriane, Slavic, Spanish, Swedish, Syriac, Tamil, Tartar, Tatche, Tibe- tan, Turkish, ligures, Wallachian, Wcndish, Wolof, y^kama, Zend, Zulu; al^o: Names, Philology. Languages. Boulnrd, A, M. H. Essai de traduc- tion interiineaire des cinq langues, hol- landaise, allemande, danotse, suedoise et hebraique . . . .' 2886.18 — Ticknor, G. Best methods of teaching the living lanfrua^es 2955.14 Lanman, C. Dictionary of the United States con- gress. 2ded. Washington, 1804. 8" . . . *C.172.1 Lannau-Rollani), a. JMichel-Ange poete, pre- miere traduction complete de ses poesies, pr6- cedee d'une etude sur M. A. et Vittoria Co- lonna. Paris, 1600. 12° 2789.14 La NouE, J.S. de. iMahomet second; La coquette corrig^-e. [Theatre fran9Mis, v. 38] 4708.1 Lansdowne, lord. See Granville, G. Lansing, D. C, Discourse commemorative of. ^VeThompson, J. P 4.347.51 Lajjtbckt. Vita Heriberti archiepisc. Colonien- sis. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 4]. . . . 4210.2 Lanz, C. Siaat^papiere zur lieschichte des Kaisers Karl V. Stuttgart, lb4o. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins] **2874.I2, and V. 11 of ♦4225.1 Shelf. No. Lanzoni, G. De intropbysicis Ferrariensibus dis- sertatio. [Grjevius. Thes. nntiq. Ital., T. 9, V, 8] 4710. 1 LAON. Fragnienta. [Meinekc. Frngm. com. <^r., V. 6] U.ir.2.8 Laos, Travels in. MouUot, A. H 5ul(j.l La P1':na,D. M. de. Manual dt-Nueva York. Nueva York, 1851. 18° 4379a. 1 La Peyiucke, L de. Prieadamit.x: siveexercitatio super versibus xii, xiii, aud xiv, capitis v, epistohe Paiili ad Romanos. n. p., 1055. pp. 70. ^u\.V^° *G009a.22 — Systenia tlieologicvm ex pra;adaniitarvm hypo- thesi. Pars 1. n. p., 1055. sm.ri" .... *G0Ci9a.22 La Place, P. S. Exposition du systfemedumonde. need. Bruxc'lles, 1827. S" 4275.18 Lapland. Liudahl, E. Lexicon Lapponicum . . 4113.1 — Linne, C. Flora Liipponica 3857.10 — Possart, P. A. F. C. Kleine lappUindische Grammatik 2886.19 — Sajnovics, J. Demonstratio idioma Ungarorum et Lapponum idem esse 4886.5 — Schetfer, J. Beschreibungvon Lappland . . . 4210.16 — Voyage en I^aponie en 18:18-40. See France. Commission scientilique du Nord 2865.1 La Plata. See Rio de La Plata. Laporte, J. de. Anecdotes dramatiqucs. See Clement, J. M. B 2175.8 Lappenbeiu;, J. M. iiistory of England under the Norman kings. Translated by B. Thorpe. Oxford, 1857. 8° 2527.2 — and I'auii, R. Ge^chichte von England [bis 1509]. Hamburg, 1834-37. 5v. b° . . . . *4220.1 Lapraiie,!'. M. V.K. de. Idylles heroiques. Paris, 1858. 12° 4^67.19 — Poemea evangeliques. 3e 6d. Paris, 1800. 12*. 349u.ll — Questions d'art et de morale. Paris, 1801. 1'^° 4077.25, and 5603.16 Lara, J., Dispute between J. X. Ximeues and. See Ximenes, A. L Pph.v. 309 Larcher, L. J. La femme jugee par les grands ^crivains des deux sexes. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1854. l.S° 3571.8 Larchkk, p. H. Historical and critical comments on the history of Herodotus, with a chrono- logical table. From the French. London, 1844. 2v. 8° B.166.1 — Remarques critiques sur I'Etymologicum mag- num. [Orion Thebanus. Etymologicon]. 2980.10 Lardner, D. Analytical treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry, and the analysis of angular sections. 2d ed. London, 1828. 8°. 5928.2 — The bee and white ants, their manners and habits; with illustrations of animal instinct and intelligence. London, 1850. 12°. [Mu- seum of science and art] 6898.28 — Popular lectures on the steam engine. With additionsby J. Renwick. N. York, IS'^'8. 12". 4015.23 — Treatise on mechanics. 5ee Kater, H 3945.20 Lardner, N. Sermons. See Boston. Benevolent associations. Society for promoting Christian knowledge, etc. Christian monitor, v. 17 . 5459.5 Large, J. Secrets of farming. London, 1803. 8°. 40U8.2 La Rive, A. de. Traits d'electrlcite theorique et appliqut-e. Avee fig. Paris, 1854-58. 3v. S°. 3966.13 Larnac, L. L'evangile et I'ltalie. Paris, ISOl. pp. 14. 8" 2703.6 La Roche Guilhem, Mile. de. (Euvres diverses. Amsterdam, 1711. 32° 4G99a.35 CojUente. — Atilla, roi des Huns; Histoire d'Axiane; Sigismond, prince de Pologiie; La pradounade, ou la guerre dcB sunnets; Dialogues. LAROCiiE-PoNcift, J. de. See France. Commis- sion scieutitique du Nord. Voyages en Scan- diuavie, v. 1, 8-13 2805.1 C'orUents. — Vol. I. Astrononiie et hydrographie. VIII-S. MOteorologic. Xl-XIIJ. Magntliaine tuiTestre. La Roche, S. v., die Freundin Wielands. See Assing, L 2848.18 LA KOCHELLE 342 LATIN tilielf. No, La Eochelle, France. See lioclicUe. La KocHiijAQiKi.Eix, M. L. V. D. de. Hemoirs. Translaled from the French. 2ded. Edin- burgh, 1817. k° 4M3.11 LAKorssE, p. Miettoslcxicologiqucs, lOOexercices sur les rapports et la projirii-te des mots. Livre de I'l-Ieve. Paris, [ISiB]. 18° ... . 4n88.35 — - Same. Livre dii maitre. Paris, [1S64]. l.s". 4G8S.3(J Larrabee, C. Thouglits on peace and war: the result of twenty odd years* reflection. Hai't- ford. Conn., 18-io. pp. 6.3. 8° 3577.14 Larrey, D. J., haron. Cliuique chimrgicale, dans le s camps et les hopitaux militnires, 1792-1836. Paris, IS2i)-30. 6v. 8°, Atlas, f° *3"42.20 Larrey, F. H., baron. Notice sur I'hygi^ne des hopitaux militaires. Paris, 1862. pp. (H. 8°. 3767.25 Larroquk, p. De I'esclavage chez les nations chreliennes. Paris, 1860. 12° 3572.31 — Opinion des deistes rationnlistes sur la vie de Jesus selon M. Renan. 3e ii., augm. d'une reponse a A.KevUle. Paris, 1804. pp. 48. 8° 5470a. 5 Larsow, F. De dialectorum linguae Syriacae reliquiis. [Diss, acad.] Berol., 1841. pp. 28. 4° 5030.11 Laryngoscope. The laryngoscope, and its em- ployment in physiology and medicine. Czer- mak, J. N 5714.9 Larynx. Alison, S. S. Medication of the . . . . 3795.38 — Green, H. Priority in the medication of the . 5796.37 Las.a, T. v. Heydebrand und der. See Heydebraud und der Lasa, T. v. La Salle, K. de. Necessity of an expedition to take possession of Louisiana; aieniDir of dis- coveries made by him; Journal of his last voyage, by Joutel. [French. Historical collections of Louisiana, v. 1] 2376.21 Las Casas, B. Narratio re^donum Indicarum per Hispanos qvosdam devastatarum verissinia. Oppcnheimii, 1614. 4° *4I53.12 — Relation of the first voyages and discoveries made by the Spaniards in America [including the dispute with Scpulveda]. Loudon, 1099. 12° •2316.6 — Relazione dclla distruzione delle Indie. Trad. di G. Castellaui. [ilarmocchi. Viaggi, v. 5, T. Ill 227S.1 Las Casks, JI. .L E. D. Cieucalogical, historical, chronological, and geographicd atlas. From the last J^ondon ed. Improved by (J. Gros and J. Aspin. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1820. f° •62S0.5 La Serna dc Santauder, C. A. Dictionnaire biblio- graphique choisi du xvo siecle, precede d'un cssai Bur I'origine de I'iniprimcrie. Bru- xclles, 1805-7. 3v. 8° 2114.20 Laski, orii Lasco,J. Kpistola;. [Gerdes. .Scrinium antiq. ad hist, reform. »pect.,v. 1-3] .... 6055.15 — Leben und Schriften. .Srr Jiarlels, P 60-15.11 Lassbimig, .1. v. I.iedcr .Saal das 1st : Sammelung altleutscherfiediehte. St-tiallen, 1816. 4v. 8°. 2871.7 LA33KN, C. Indische .\lterlhumskunde. [Slit At- las.] lionu, 1847-61. flv. 8° ♦SOW.l — Indische .'Mierthuinskunde. Anhang zum III. und IV. Itande. Leipzig, 1862. 8° »3015.1 Labskn, .1. Mistorlschi; und schrilTtmiissige I-;ror- terun^dir vor wenig Zeit in Eiigelland nnd .^cliottland entstundeiu'n neiien .Sects dor Quucker. See tiuiicker Oreuel B.130.6 Last appinl. The. (Aguiu.-t the election of A. G. Curliri, ns governor of Pennsylvania. Pliilailtl|>hia, I860. No title page.] pp. h. •j* 4320a. 04 LA8TE8IO, or Liwle, N. dullo. Lettcre famillarl con unnn'irrnzloMi'lnlornonll'nutoredeir ab. I. .MorelH. |{a<4KaMo, 1m()5. h° 2747.28 Lahtkyiiii;, F. C. I,., c„m^■ ,le. Cuuseries urtlstl- ques. I'aris, IH«''2. i^'° 4700.12 Lastkyhie, J., comfc de. illstulru dc la libertci polltlquo en Franco. Icparlle. Paris, IscKi, 8°. 4003.12 Sbelf. No. Lastri, 31. Etruria pittrice, ovvero storia della pittura toscana, dedotta dai snoi monunienti die si esibiscono in stanipa dal secolo x lino al presente. [Con una versione francese da B. Renard.] Firenze, 1791-95. 2v. f ° . . . *S070.10 La TEUitituE, P. de .S. Dissertation on the puer- peral fever. Boston, irs9. 8° *M.Pph.v.l39 Latest collection, The, of original and select hymns and spiritual songs. New York, 1807. 24° . 5149a.26 Latham, K. G. Descriptive ethnology. London, 1859. 2v. 8° 2233.8 Contents. — Vol.1. Eastern and Northern Asia, Eu- rope. II. Europe, .Africa, India. — Elements of comparative philology. London, 1863. 8° 2955.23 — The English language. 4thed., enlarged. Lon- don, 1855. 2v. 8° 4175.9 — Essays philological and ethnographical. Lon- don, ISIJO. 8° 2955.7 — The nationalities of Europe. London, 186.'i. 2v. 8° 2235.11 — Native races of the Russian empire. London, 1854. 8° 3068.3, aud 4252.6 Lathrop, .lohn. Discourse at the commencement of the imh century. Boston, 1801. 8° . . .54C0a.l8 — Discourse before the Sticiety for x^ropagating the gospel among the Indians, [etc.], Jan. 19, 1804. Boston, 1804. 8° 5400a. 18 — Discourse, Dec. 15, 1774, the day recommended by the provincial congress [for] thanksgiving. Boston, 1774. 8° 5400a. 18 — Discourse on the peace, preached Nov. 25, 1784. Boston, 17S4. 12° 4318.8 — Discourse, in Boston, April 13, 1815, the day of national thanksgiving in consequence of the peace. Boston, 1815. 8° SlOOa.lS — Errors of popery : delivereil .Sept. 4, 1793, at the lecture founded by P. Dudley. Boston, 17U3. 8° ' ' 54C0a.l8 — Patriotism and religion: a sermon, April 25, 1790, the day [of] a national fast. Boston, 1799. 8° 5400a. 18 — Prayer by Dr. I.athrop, and eidogy by Prof. AVebber, at the funeral of Uev. Joscjih Wil- lard, and a sermon, the next Lord's day, by [A.] Holmes. Cambriiige, 1804. pp.41. 8°. 4.'!47.124 — The present wnrunexpected, unnecessary, ruin- ous : two discourses on fast-[days], July 23, [and] Aug. 20, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8°. . .5400a. 18 — Sermon at the dedication of the new South nieuting-house in Dorchester, Oct. G, 1813. Boston, 1813. .s° 4.355.31 — Sermon at the interment of. See Parkman, F. 4:J48.25 Latiirop, John H. Address at his iiiaugiiratitm as chancellor of the nnh'erslty of Wisconsin. See Madison, Wis 4129.13 Latiirop, Joseph. Christ's warning to the churches to beware of false prophets: two discourses. 0th ed., with enlargements. Boston, 179.3. 8°. 5460a. 18 — Sermons on various subjects. Boston, iS07. .8°. 5145.17 — Sermons. New series. \Vith a m<'molr of the author's life, written by himself. Spriuglield, 1821. 8° 6445.16 — Spragiie, VV. B. Address delivered on the 100th anniversary of the ordination of 4,347.52 — - .Sermon at the Internicnt of 4347.52 LATHRor, M. I). Directory of Columbus, Ohio. Sec ('olumbus, Ohio 4.385.6 Latimicr, 11. Certayn godly sermons, vjipon the Lord's prayer, preached 1553. Lodon, 1662. sm.4°. . .' •5443.20 — Sennous on various subjects. I'rellxed, his life. London, 1788. 2v.ini. 8° 0062.10 *— 27 sermons. London, 1602. sm.4° *644;!.20 — [Select biography: life of H. Latimer.] Lon- don, 1820, 21° 2510,31 Latin granmuir, for the use of the llamlltoidan pupils, Edinburgh, 1820, pp, 07. 8° . . .49398.11 Latin language. Ross, L. Lateiiitsch Ist Qrlech- Iscl 4957.6 LATIN 343 LATIN Shelf. No. L.VTIN language, continued. — ycholliT, t. J. (i. Compendium prseceptonim stjii bene Liitini 40.37.7 — Varro, M. T. l)c lingua Lntinii . 2145.2, and B.I70B.H — An'Ircws, !•;. A. Latin i-xorciscs 4y.l9.1 — Bailey, N. Knglisl, and Latin exerci.ws . . . 4U:jUa.28 — Clarke, J. Introduction to the making of Latin 4039.2 — Dana, . I. Graninniti<'al exercises 49:ioa.l3 — Bavys, P. Directions to write good Latin . . 4939.12 — Ellis, W. English exercises, tiauslated from C'cero 49.'!9.11 — Exaniiila minora. Knglish examples to bo reuilercd into Latin 4939.21 — Guy, J. New Latin primer 4939m. 33 — Howard, N. Latin exercises extended .... 4939.8 — Latin tutor 4939.7 — Leverett, F. P. Xew Latin tutor 4939.3 — Kamshorn, J. G. L. Lateiuisclies Eleraentiir- bueh 49.37.3 — Richards, C. S. Latin lessons and tables . . . 4937.8 — Scbulze, C. F. Voriibun^'en zuni Uebersetzeu aus dem Deutschen ins Lateiuiscbe 2934.10 — Turner, W. Exerci.^'es to the accidence and grammar 7109.8 — Valpy, E. Knies and exercises illustrative of elegant Latin style 4039.5 — WUittaker, G. Key to the Exampla propria . 4939.6 Grammar. — Adam, A. Latin grammar 49o0a.35 — - Latin grammar abridged 4'.i3'.)a.36 — - Rudiments of 4930a. 7 — Bowles, T. Institution of 4937.7 — Catechism of 7039. 5S — Cleveland, C. D. First lessons in Latin . . . 4939a. 63 — Colet, J. tAY saints' millennial star, The. \ ol. 14. Liverpool, 1852. 8° 55«-2 T All T Die Gracchen uiid Hire Zuit. Hamburg, ' 1854. 10° 1109-11 — Dcr Uutcrgangdcr Uohenslaufen. Hamburg, 1851). 10° LAUDERDALK, el'jlilli earl of. See Mallland, J. LAUIilKRi — - Muuui-1 des marchand.s de vins, dca dibitanis dc bolfsons ct du jaiigcage. Nouv. lid. par V. Mulepeyre i-t Vnsserot. Purls, 18S2. am. 12°. (Muuuclfl Horcl] 4029.a Lauouths, G. IHstory of ancient. Kgypt, as ex- tant In the Greek liintorlaiis, and others. London, 1T7I. 8° 30M-1* LaUOIKR, C. dc BcUeconr, cnmlc et pauperibuB; De vctcrl clborum deloclu in Jejunlia ChrlBtlanorum el niaximc in Uundragc.lma; Do vctcrl more boptlxandl Juda^o. et Inlldelc.; Kxplicata vetcrli cedcBlo! traditio circa solcmulorcB bapll»ml dies. IV. luqulsltlo in cbartam ImniuultotiB qnara B.Gcrinanui ParlBlorum epiBcopUB Bubulbano monuBtorlo dodlsso fcrtur; ABSorlio luqulsltionlB In chartain, etc. ; Exonion do certains privileges et autre, pieeea, pour servir ou lug.ment du procc/., qui est outre M. furebov(!qoc do Paris et le. moine. de S. Germain des Pre?; InqulslUo In cbartam ftindollonl.. et prlvllegla VlndoclncUBl. mo- naslcrll; Remorquc. »ur le« deux prtlendu. prlvllOgo. dl'rboln v, etc.; luc|ul«lllo In privllegia Prn:mon.tra- tcntlB unlinlB ; Exnnun du ]irlvll(-gc d'Alexnndro V, elo. ; Cen.ura re.pon.li.nl. cpm N.CnIlloclu.Bo mendacllBlrro- llvit ; Capllull I.audunen.l. oecle.lte Ju. apertum in mo- liaateria Pneinonslraleu.lum dicece.l.. V. Kxamen da certoln. privilege, pour .crvlr au JuBcmeut pyiniinsli rfin§i- ensla hisloriiv. VII. Dissertntlo contliiona jutllelum do nuctoro libronini Uu imJtntioiic Christ! ; Rcninrqiics aom- nuurua siir la contoHtnilun touc-hftut I'nutlii'ur do I'lnii- lAttoii lie Jt-siiH Christ renihii- u]ittiirc!il(>, etc. ; Itcmnrquci 8ur to forniulniro du seniiont du foy qut do troiive dnns 1p procis vpHjiiI du clprp6; Kxnnion du bruf quo lo papo OK-ment IX. n fivit contro lo Nouveaii Tcitoinuiit lnipriiu6 ■t Uons; Exnmvn du brfrcontrc lo riluol du M. rvvdciue d'Alet ; Fncttint pour runlvcrnitO dv Farin ; Lvltrv iiu su- Ji-t do tn IvfTt'iido do S. AmbroAintcn; Le iiioyci] de roc- llllor loe six pi'tiposilionti, IfJtVJ; Vnria do iiintrimoiiio; 8oloctin qtircdfim scripHonvs coiilrn Ltiunoitim nc pro Lauiioio; Empdclicmcn!) du marin(;c; Lnunoinnn hpu colli-cllo conmi omnium cpiiv nd Lnunofum ipsiusiiuo soriptii portlnent. VIII, IX. Epiatolui; Index. — Dc seholis celebrioribiis sou a Carolo Magno, sen post Citrolum per occideutem instauratis. 5eeMabinon,J 4249.3 Laubkl Hill cemetery, Guide to, [Smith. Weekly volume, V. 1] S030.3 Laurembeko, J. Scherzgedichte, hernusgegeben von. J. M. Lappeuberg. Stuttgart, 1801. 8". [Stuttgart. Bibliotbek des liter. Vereins, V. 5SJ *4235.1 Laurens, H. South Carolina protest against slavery: a letter to J. Laurens, Aug. 14, 177ti. New York, 1801. pp.34. 8" . . .- . 4310.03 — Correspondence. [Moore. Materials for his- tory] 4311.9 Laurent, A. Mothodedecliimife. Paris, 1854. 8*. 5U73.10 Laurent, F. ^iltudes 8ur I'histoire de Phumanite. Le christianismc. Paris, 1855. 8° 3464.21 — ;fctudcs, [etc.]. La papaute et Tempire. Paris, 18fJ0. 8° 3464.20 Laurent, P. E. Manual of ancient geography. Xew ed. Oxford, 1810. 8° 4152.4 Laurent de Lara, D. Art of illuminating and missal painting on vellum. 7th ed. Loudon, [1803]. pp. 87. 12° *2115.n2 Laurentius, Mshop o/Xovara. Ilomilia de poeui- tentia; Homilia de eleemosyua. [Maxlnui biblioth. vet.patr.,v. 9] B.110.2 Laurentius, monk of Liege, Gesta episcoporum Virdunensium et abbatum S. Vitoni; Lau- rentii de Leodio gesta. [Frankfurt. Socie- tas, etc., V. 10] 4210.2 — Historia Virdunensium episcoporum. [Acliery. SpicUcgium, v. 12] 4152.7 Laurie, J. S. Sketches of the English constitu- tion. London, 1804. pp.84. 16" 2519.22 — Sketches of political economy. London, 1804. pp. 84. 16° 3648.33 Laurie, S. S- Fundamental doctrine of Latin syntax. Edinburgh, 1859. 8" 2934.24 Laurie, T. Government is of God. Sermon in Dedham and West Koxbury, 3Iay 12, 18G1. Boston, 1801. 10° 4320a. C5 — Historical discourse to the South evangelical church, West lioxbury, June 10, 1800. Bos- ton, 1801. 8° 5549a. 10 — Three discourses preached in the South evan- gelical church. West Roxbury, Mass., April 13, 19, and 23, 1805. Dedham, 1805. 8° . . . *4342,4 Laurie, William A. History of free masonry and the grand lodge of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1859. 8° 3567.38 Laurie, William F. B. The second Burmese war. Operations against Itangoon, in 1852. Lou- don, 1853. 12° 3049.3 Laussedat, A. Lemons sur Tart dc lever los plans, Paris, 1861. 4' 4081.5 Lauzun, a. L. de Gontaut, due de. Memoircs [publics par C.J. Barrois]. Paris, 1822. 8". 2056.10 La Vallu'^re, L. C. La Baumc Le Blanc, due de. BibhothiMjue du theatre fran^ois. See 3Iarin, F. L. C 4097.4 Lavater, J. C. BeitrJige zum niiheru Kentniss Lavater's. See Ucgner, U 2848.13 44 Shulf. No* Lavater, L. De spectns, lemuribus, variisque pru'sn^itionibus. Ed. 2a. Ludgduni Batav., 1059. 8in.l2'' +6099a.l8 La Vendee, War in. La Kochejaquclein, M. L. V. D. dc * 4013.11 La Vii.LEMAK18.24 •43U5.20 43U0.8 .4294.17,18 42W.S ternational ... - , j Clark, C. Principles to govern neutrals and belligerents Cobden, K. Speech on tlie ment act" '.',''' 'r' ' Cumberland, R. Treatise of the laws of na- ture - ,,,, , Cussy, F. de. Phases et causes celcbres du driii't maritime dea nations i!'!!?'?.* Gardner, D. Treatise on international law Gihbs, F. W. The foreign enlistment act . Grotius, H. De jure belli et pacis - Droit de la guerre et de la paix llael.chner, U. P. E. De jure geutium quale fu. rit apud populos Orientis t,,,, Halleck, H.W. International law JblJ.li . Harcourt, W. V. Letters on some questions of international law *13.ia HelVter, A. W. Das europiiische Vblkerrecht der Gegenwart j , ., . Slackintosh, J. Discourse on the study of the law of nature and nations . Martens, G. F. v. Precis du droit des gens moderncde I'Europe ,',.' " ' ^-'^■^^ . Molinari, G. de. Questions de droit public Naville, E. Des relations conimcrciales des peuples consider^s dans leur rapport avec les affaires d'Orient ■■;.'■ ,,„n n Puffcudorf, S. V. De jure natura; et genlium. 4300.13 . Putter, K. T. Beitriige zur VbUcerrechts- Gescluchte und Wissenscbaft tr,'l''m - Ri»l,ts of neutrals and belligerents . ..... 5618.-0 - ''T'^L ^'!"r r!".':"'! f r^s^^ni^d 3015.21 "uigiitTandduties of nations in time of war. 3013.10 - Vattel, E.de. Le droit des gens 4.i0i).J _ - Principes de la loi naturelle *'•'■" _ Wlieaton, 11. History of tlie law of nations . 4204.4 _ Wolff, C.v. Institutions du droit de la naiure w'oo\sey" T. D.' Introduction to the study of international law Set oI»o: Aml,i..».lors, Crolinc, Cwok, EJlrailili"", „nr.»m«ot, MLood, A., N«Mrallty, Trout, \l..la- 4.347.55 6887.1 . 2406.31 3010.36 42S9.41 3613.7 3013.18 Imprvwrooot, UoD. Periodicala. Hugo G. V. Civillstisches Magazin Krillsclie Ueberscliau dcrdeutschcn Gesct/.gc- bung und lieclitswi.-seiiscbaft ....... Kritische VicrteUahrssclirift ftir Gesetzgebung, etc Law reporter Klieiuisihes Museum lur .lunsprudeuj; .... ZeitBClirift I'lir UeclitswiHsenscliaft SMiiltO' Bor.Crinnn lliw, Caninn, C«u«c» cHibrri, Civil Ipiw, Coilv.^>nnclii|t, Copj-riichl, frli.iliull Inw, Kocl<..l..lle»l l»w. l'.u.l»l !.,>, ll..l.». curia... Inh.rit- .„.., Ju,lU l.,ry, .lury. l.e...h..l.l, M,.rlUm« 1»«;,«"/;1»1 low, Meillcnljurl.ljrucluiici >lltlury law, MuhRiiini lAWB, rr,ii>» (Iri'iMlinn 4292. 5C1U.1 5619.2 70i-.:..i 4209.2 42UV.1 LAWES resolvtions. The, of womcns rights. Lon- don, 1C32. 8° • • ^**P^;* LAWRKSCK, Abbott. Appleton.X. Memoir of .43.i0a.li — Bradford, S. D. Letters in reply to those of Mr. L. to\Y. C.Eives 4163.13 — Memoiresur. See Paris. Institut des archives ^^ historiques ^"^ LAWKEXCE, Amos. Diary and correspondence. With incidents in his life. Edited by W. U. Lawrence. Boston, 1855. 1.8° ....... 2343.31 _ Hopkins, M. Discourse commemorative of. 4129. J8 — Grav F. T. Sermon on the deatli of 5440a .^fi — Lotiirop, S. K. Sermon after the funeral of. 4347.53 LAWliENCE, G. G. Three months in America in llie summer of 1863. Uudderslield, n. d. pp. 03. ,i,o 4322.01 LAWRENCE,' L ,' Sermon at the funeral of. See Miles, H.A .• • «■»'••>' LAWRENCE, R. The doctrine of predestination: twosermons. [Dibdin. Sunday library, v. 4]. 5444.^.5 LAWRENCE, William, of Boston. Sermon after tlie interment of. See Lollirop, S. K. . . LAWRENCE, William, F. H. S. Introduction to comparative anatomy and physiology. Lon- don, 1823. 8° : • LAWRENCE, William B. Address at tlie opening of the 11th exhibition of the American acad- emy of the tine arts, May 10, 1825. 2d ed. New York, 1826. 8° _ French commerce and manufactures and negro slavery iu the United States. Paris, ""■" pp. 16. 8° • ' LAWRENCE (Mass.) directory for 1857. By G. Ad- ams. Lawrence, 1857. 18° • 4389a.4 LAWRENCE families, Genealogical memoir of the. LAWS of race, as' connected with slavery. Philadel- phia, 1800. pp. 70. 8° • • ■ LAWS of war, and martial law : comprising a lew extracts from Halleck's work on international haw, [etc.]. Boston, 1863. pp.15. 12° „,. „- L\wsoN, G., Life and times of. See Macfarlnnc, J. 264, .-0 LAWSON.John. Lectures concerning oratory. 3d ed. Dublin, 1760. 8° • -XjO"-'* LAWSc.N, .lohn P. Episcopal ehnrcli of Scotland fi-oiu tlie refi>nnation to the revolution. Ed- inbu.gh, 1814. 8° • • • ^•'^■^ LAWSON, T., and Coolidge, R. H. Sickness and mor- tality iu the army of theriiited States, from .Ian. 18r.5toJan. 1860. Washington, 1800. 4.3,91.20 LAWT»N,E. Lectures on science, [etc.]. St. Louis, 1802. 12° • ■ LAWTON, H.A. Elodie, and other poems. Lon- on, )84<. 12 , ,,,- I \v (i T Vovage from Canton to .lapan, 18.i,. Sec King, C. W • • • • 3»'8-'- iwvnn A 11. Monuments of Nineveh; from drawings made on the spot. lOOillustralions. London, 1853. f ° • • • • • •D.4.R..2 _ - Same. Second series ; including bas-reliels from the palace of Sennacherib and bronzes from llie ruins of Nimroud. 71 plates, ''"""^p ^ j^ ^ 4322.9 4310.17 . 4320a. 66 rcnntlli' lit" . MUhlk- OUCH, ili,u l«»-, .M iii.liliml !««, l'i,unl of llio). I'dperly, ll-nl ITop- rnv, KVponm"al.«H.r. Tonurc, Iru.l., will., W<..,.»n, «t< olao: Till- following nnnio. of counlrioi ntwl n«- lloiill AlhBli., ll"l|tlmi>, imniAt.1., lT..ii,-.i. Ml.'.li,.ol, U.nn.n,,lm-.. II.IUI... lc.l«n.l,.Irw., M«ln«, U.-..1.. S.KOny, Hpoln, B>«»li\NN, r. Processvs ivridicvs contra sagas et veiielicos.daa ist rechtlichcr Process gegen die Ihilioldeu ui " Ciilhi, IIS2U. ain.4' LAYS of liberty; or, verses for the times. Boston, 1854. pp. 54. 8ln.l2° LAYTON, F. A. The instant reckoner. I.oiulon, [l'8.V.']. 8° LAZAiiE, O. To whom it may cone by W. Dexler Smith, dr. Ln/.arc. Boston, [1M)5]. pp •6090.19 4100.10 ■in. Wrillen Music by C. . . 5. 4° . . . . LAZAiiKTTos in Europe,' Accouu't of the principal. Howard, .) ' ' ' W- I ' LAZAurs, E. Description of the town of Kelso. Kelso, 1781). 12° LAZARUS, M. E. The hnman Irinily l8ol. 12° .',683.7 4350.1 3571.15 2479.2 New York, 0098.20 1. A /..Vitus U1 LKCIII Sliclf. No. LAzAitrs, M. E , couthnti-d. — The trinity, iu its thoologioiil, scientific, and practii'iil nsperts. [With] The inciiruatiou. New York, 1851. 8' 0036.15 LAZIU8, W. Ilo gfiitivm nliqvot migrationibvs, st'rtibvs lixis, rt'liqviis, lingiuirumquo initiis ft iiniiiutjititmibus ac iliaU'ctis, libn xii. Kil. lia. KmueolVrti, ItHJO. f *4250.4 Lea, I. t^hfck list of the slu-lls of North Aiiierica. [Washington. Smithsonian misofllancouB collections, V. -j] 3350.2 Leach, G. The churdi ami home : a coHcction of saered music from Hamlel, Haydn, etc. Boston, [1857]. 001.4" 804I.4G Leach, S., Sevmon occasioned by the death of. See Holmes, S 4347.50 Lkao. ixeposition of lead ore in veins. Wallace, W 3S05.*J3, and 3807. *J Leark, J. Observations ou the child-bt'd fever. 3ded. London, 1775. 8° 3773-20 Lkakk, W. M. Kesearchcs in Greece. Loudon, 1814. 4** 29S3.10 — Proben von den Leakcpciien fiinf Klassen des Schrift-Neugriechisclicn. Ste Neidlinger . 2088.19 Leakr family, of Bedlington^ Durham. Bury, J. W. . . . ." 2435.29 Leamixgtox, IIi.sIorJcal and descriptive acoonnt of. 2480.27 LiiA.Mint Hisi)alfnsis. Kegula, sive de iustitu- tionc virginumetcontemptn mundi. [Max- ima biblioMi. vet. putr., v. 12] B.110.2 Learning. Itaker, T. KetJections upon learning. 2548.12 — I'oii-i't, P. De eruditione soUda, superliciaria et falsa 0080.10 — Waterliouse, E. Apologie for learning and learned men 5453.27 Sr€ also: Knowledge, Literature. Leaseicold. Saggiodiunsistemalivellarc. Poggi, G 3667.2 Leathkr-duessimg, Art of. Julia de Fontenelie, J.S. E 4010. IG Leavitt, Jonathan. Sermon at the installation of W. A. Stearns, as president of Amherst col- lege. Se^ Amherst, Mims 4387.22 Leavitt, .Joshua. Christian lyre. Vol. 1. 5th ed. New York, 1831. l-S"* 3449.34 — Companion to the Christian lyre. New York, 1833. 32° 3440.30 — Easy lessons ia reading. Ster. ed. Keene, 18;i5. 18* 7009.27 Lic.v\'iTT, T. II. Facts about peat as an article of fuel. liostou, 1805. S" 5993.2 LEiiANox, Arf.,S!/ria. A tenyears' residence, 1842- 52. Churchill, C. H 3083.16 Lebanon, A\ H. Centennial celebration, July 4, ISOl. Boston, 1802. a" 4337.45 CorUents. — Historical discourse by Kev. D. II. Alloii; Poem t».v Ul-v. C. H. Fay ; Oration by Prof. J. W. I'attor- sod; ProceudiugA. Le Barre, p. de. Memoires de Le Barre et de N. Sohloyer pour servir a I'histoire de Tour- iiai, 1505-70, par A. Fiucliart. Tom. 1. [Memoires de Le Barre.] Bruxelles, IS59. S°. [Brussels. Societe d'histoire belgiquej. 2820.24 A'ote. — Imperfect, waatiog the " Notice 8 €t Soldwyur." ■ Le Barre LE Bas, C. W. 5eeDibdin. Sunday library, v. 1,5. 5444.23 Coitf^«(«. — Vol. I. The fear of God; The love of God: sermooa. V. Tliu labourers !ti the vineyard: scnnoQ. Lebeau, C. Reise unter die Wilden in Nord- America ; iibers. von J. B. Nack. Frankfurt, 1752. 2v. iu 1. sm.S" *4169a.8 — and Ameilhou, U. P. Histoirc du Bas-Empire. [Vol. 22-24J coutinuee par M. Ameilhou. Paris, 1757-80. 24v. 12" *4259.1 — - - Same. [Vol. 28 and 29, Table aiphabe- tique par llavicr.J Paris, 1758-1817. 30v. in 29. 12' *5079.I SUelf. No. Lebeaup, — . Art of modern liorsomauship. Translated from tin' French, by D. J. Des- mond. Philadelpliia, 1833. 18" 4004.28 Lebeda, a. v., and Schebek, E. Bericht Uber die Feuerwaft'en. Wien, 185H. 8' 3953.23 Lebedefk, H. Grammar of the East Indian dia- lects. London, 1801. 4*^ *5033.9 LeBegue, J., Manuscripts ou the art of painting collected by. [Mcrrilield. Painting, v. 1]. 4000.22 Leben und ans^ewiihlte Schriftcn der Vater und Begrliuder der reformirten Kirche. Th. 1-3, 5,6,8,9.Elberfeld, 1857-01. 7v. 8'. Kamely: — Beza, T., von H. Heppe 6045.10 — Blnurer, A.,vonT. Pressel 0045.11 — BuUiuger, H., von C. Pestalozzi 0045.9 — Capito uud Butzer Strassburgs Ileforiuatoren, von J. W.Baum 0015.7 — Farel, AV., und Viret.P., vonC. Selimidt .. G15.11 — OekolanipMii, J., und Myconius, O., Keforniiito- ren Basils, von K. R. Uagenbaeh 0045.8 — Oleviauus, C, und Ursinus, Z., von C. Sudholf. 0045.12 — Vadiau, J., vou T. Pressel 0ii45.1I — Vermi^'li, P. M., vou C. Schmidt tW-15.13 — ZwingU, If., vou B.Christoffell 0045.0 Lebexsbkschrkibungen ciniger gelehrten Frau- enzimuier. Breslau, 1795. sui.a" 4289.7 Contents. — Kntlinrina dio Zwoyte; A. M. von Schur- maiiu ; Anna Dacicr ; A, L. KarHCliiiin ; M. K. Des Jardins ; D. C. Erxlebeu; J. C. Unzcriun; Cluisliuu, KOnigiou voa Suliwedea. LEBENSLAUFEnach aufsteigender Lime,nebstBcy- lagen A, B, C. Hippel, T. G. v 4899.10 Lebeht, H. Traite d'anutomie pathologique. Paris, 1855-01. 8 parts, f *3720.1 — Traite pratique des maladies canct^'reuses et des affections curables confoudues avec le cancer. Paris, 1851. 8° 3745.29 Leblois, L. Notre pfere qui es aux cieux. Reflex- ions sur I'oraiboa domiuicale. Paris, 1855. pp. 28. S" 0088.227 Le Bouthielikr de Rauc('', A. J. HistoriadissidU litterarii circa studia monastica. [Mabillou. Tractatus de studiis monasticis] C052.8 Le Bret, J. F. Geschiohte vou Italieu. [Univer- sal history, v. 40J 4150.7 Lebrija, Ai. A. See Bible. Polyglotts. Complu- teusiau 5440.1 Lebkun, — . Nouveau manuel du mouleur. Nou- velle ed. Paris, la'JS. 18°. [Manucls-Roret]. 4019.36 Lebrun, F. 51. L'art de batir eu beton. Paris, 1843. 4' 4102.12 Le Bkun, p. D. il. (Euvres. Paris, 1811. 3v. 8'. 4098.2 ConUtUs. — Vol.!. Kolice sur la vie et sur les ouvra- ges d*! Le Brun ; Odes. 11. iBIe^es; Epitres; Los veillees duramasse; La nature; Traductions; Vera de la pro- mierc jcuueBstJ de I'auteur. III. Epi^^rammea; Poesies diverse a. Le Bruyn, or Le Brun, C. Travels into Sluscovy, Persia, and part of the East-Tudies. Added, Account of the journey of Mr. Isbrants, through Russia and T;irtary, to China. Trausi. from the French. London, 1737. 2v. f°. 3080.0 LecCE, F. M. da. Gramnuitik der albanesischen Sprache. [Vater. Vergleichungstafeln] . . 4207.6 Lecerf, p. L. Le protestautisme et la societe. Paris, 1853. 8° 4306.3 Le Cerf, p. T, De Angliae regni geuio, dotibus ac moribus. [Diss, acad.] 'Wittenberg a:, 1682. pp.28. 8m.4° 4103.21 Lechevalier, J, B. Beschrcibung der Ebene vooTroja. Mit Eriimt. von A. Dalzel, Aus dera Euglischeu iibersetzt vou Heyne. Leip- zig, 1792. 8° **2996.33 Leciii, L. Delia tipografia bresciana nel secolo xv. Brescia, 1854. 4° *2200.14 LECHLER U8 LL FOUT Shalt. No. Lechlkr, G. V. Das npostolische und das nacha- poBtoIische Zeitalter. 2te Aiifl. Stuttgart, lt<57. 8" (i04G.3 Lkchkain, a clistnci on the Lech. Mtteu-uud Sa- genkuiide. Leoprechtiii;;, K. v 2S04.12 Lkckie, 1>. K. Journal of a route to Nagpore in 1790, ^vith au account of Nagijore, und a jour- nal from that place t.o Benares. Loudon, 1^00. 4° 3040. 15 Lkcleiic, Jean. Opera i>Ui]osophica. Ed. 3a. Am- stelodami, irtH. 4v. in ;i. 12° *00y9a.l4 Contents, — Vol. 1 [1]. Logica sive ars raticionnndi ; DieserlHiio pliilu&oithica de nrgumcnto thoologico ab in- vidia ducto; Ontolo^n, sive de eute, in pencre. [2J, IHieuniatolo^u ; T. Slanlcii Historia philosophise ori- entnlis, reccasuit, ox lingua Anp lien in Latiiiam transtu- Ht, nutisquc in orucula ChalduTca et iiidice phtlolo^co auxit J. Clericus. II £^, 42- Pbysica> ftive da rebus cor- porcis. — Ars critica. Ed. 4a. Amstclxdami, 1712. 3v. em.6° **295'J.I3 J\'oIe. — Vol, 3 is enlitloil "Epistola; criticaj et ecclcst- asticsc. Acccssci-c epistola de IliiiDtuondo," etc. — Criticism upon Quiulus Curtiua. See Arria- uus, K 2D78.36 — [Epistohe theological.] IrenopoU [8aumer], 1079. sm. 8° *(j069a.ll — Historia ecclesiastica duorum primorum a C. nato sarculorum. Am^iteUidanii, 1710. f ' . . *G041.3 — Quicstioues liierouymiiinaj. Amste!a;danii, 1719. 12° C039a.I0 — La vie de Kichelieu. 3e ed. Amsterdam, 1724. 3v. 10" 4629a. C — Des Amorie v. d. llocven, A. De J. Clerico dissertatio 4231.2 — Elnem, J. J. v, Auimadversioues ad J. Clerici scripta 42l9u.l Le Clekc, Joseph V, See llistoii-e litt^raire de la France, v. 21, 22 4G92.1 Le Clkro, N. G. Clerc, dit. Histoire physiiiuo, morale, civile et politique de la Ku.ssie anci- enne. Paris, 1783-85. 3v. 4* *4251.5, Lecluse, C. A. De jure statuum imperii, danda; civitatis. [DiBs.acad.] Oala;, 1090. pp. 50. 4°.*4.1(}4.22 LfeCLUSE, F. Lexiquc fran^ais-grec, avec le mot latin. Paris, 1823. 8" *4083.C Lecomtk F, Guerre des £;tats-Uuis d'Amerique. Paris, 1803. 8° 4321.13 — L'ltalieen 1800. Paris, 1S6U 8° 4713.9 — Joniiiii, sa vie et ses ei-rits. Paris, 1800. 8", and Atlas, IStU. obl.4* 3953.41 — Relation de la campague d'ltalie en 1859, 2c ed. Paris, 1800. 2v. 8' 4713.15 — Campagues do Virginic et de Maryland en 1802. .Sec United states. History 4321.18 Le Conte, J. L. Clasnilication of the coleoiiteru of North America. Stc ^Vashington. Smitli- soniun mIscoUaneous collections, V. 3 . . . . 3350.2 LkCT,J. Poetx Gra;civeteres. Appositaest Latina interpretatio. Colonia: AUobrogvm, 100(V-10. 2v. iu3. f MiOO.r C'ontenta. — Vol.1. Homcrun; HcHlnrluH; OrpbouH; Cal- HinachuB ; AnituB ; Nicaiidor ; Theocritus ; MoHchiis ; Jtlon ; IMonyilua ; Coluthtiit ; 'rr}-|ihludi>ruit ; Munit'iii ; 'rhi.'OKnlii ; rhocyUdua; VytUagorcu nun-it curnihiH cum frnirnic-ntla allorum; ApoIltinliiK l(liudlu«; Op])laiiu«; C'lilntuA SinyntoiuB; Noiinl Dlonynlaca. 11. BophocleH; UiirifildcN; jKarliylu*; AriBtuphaui-n; Exukli'lln uductio lli'bnDuniiii. HI. IMiularuH; Alcirtiii; Hu|i)ihoi Hluii* cliorus; Ihycu*! Anaercon ; IliiceliylldvH; Hlinonldcn; Alcmnn; Arrhnrfm hyniniia{ ftliiietnU Ht'tnpliraatJv Janiblol trlmolrl. Sh«If. No. Lectures, historical, expository, and practical, on tlie communion ofliee of the protestaut epis- copal church in the United States. Uy a presbyter of the church. Phila.,18G5. 12°. 5H5.12 LEDEBUit, C. F. V. Tonkiinstler-Lexicon Berlin's, von den iiltcBteu Zeiten bis auf die Gcgeu- wart. Berlin, 1861. 1.8° 4085.5 Le Dran, H. F. Treatise on guu-shot wounds. Loudon, 1743. 24" 3759.26 Le Due, \V. G. Miuuesota year book for 185J. 8t. Paul, 1851. pp. 01. 16* 4389.21 Lee, Ilcv. Andrew. Discourse at the ordination of Rev. J. Ellis, at Top.shaui, .Sept. 10, 17^9. Portland, 1789. 8° *41G3.5 Lee, Andrew, b. 1790, d. 1841. Sleinoir ol'. ^'ee Tay- lor, O. A 2348.49 Lee, Ann, Testimonies concerning. Sec Wells, S. Y 5559a. 2 Lee, Arthur. [Appeal to the justice and interests of the people of Grrat Itritain. By au old member of parliament.] 2d ed. London, 1775. 8° *l*ph.v.3fi7 — Life of. 5'eeLee, K. H 4307.6 Lee, E. B. Life of J. P. F. Uichter, preceded by his autobiography. 3ded. Boston, 1804. 10°. 2847.24 — Review of Memoirs of J. and J. S. Buckmin- ster. .S^ee Ticknor, G 4347.11 Lee, H. Evidences in support of the memorial to congress, "setting forth the evils of the ex- isting tarillV JSo.4-11. Boston, 1832. 8". 4290.15 — - Same. No. 4. Boston, 1832. pp. 34. 8° . 0U.s7.G7 — - Same. No. 5. Boston, 1832. pp.34. 8°. 6087. 05 — - Same. No. 7. Boston, 1832. pp. 19. 8° . 6087.04 Lke, L. Woman's right to preach the gospel: a sermon at the ordination of Rev. Miss A. L. Brown. Syracuse, N. Y., 1853. S" . . , .0088.121 — and May, S. J. Discussion on the doctrine of the trinity. Syracuse, K. Y., 1854. 8' . , . 60^8.91 Lee, N. See Bell. British theatre, v. 1, 10, 15, 31 4179a. 1 Cuiilents. — Vol.1. The rival qut-'cna, or tbo death of AlexHiidcr the Great, tnip. X. Thcoilosiutt, or tliu forco uf hive, triig. XV. (Edipus, trap. XXXI. Lucius Ju- nius Itrutus, fiitlior ul' his country, tni({. Lee, R. H. Life of A. Lee. Boston, 1N29. 2v. 8*. 4307.0 — Memoir of II. Preble, containing portions of her writings. New York, 1850. 12* .... 4319.4 Lee, Samuel P. Cruise of the U. S. brig Dolphin [in the Northern Atlantic, 1851-52]. Wash- iiigdui, 1S54. s" 2367.0 Lee, Sojiliia. The chnpter of accidents, comedy. [Bell. British theatre, V. 34] 4171ia.l LeEjW.L., Tribute to the memory of. 5ce Damon, S. C 4347.18 Lke Boo, Pchw prince^ Interesting particulars of. •See Shipwrcrk 3040.18 Leechman, W. Sernhuis. Prelixed, an account of the author's life and lectures by J. Wodrow. London, 17S9. 2v. 8' 6145.18 Leeds, (t. Comiiiemorative sermouupon the death of Rev. C Mason, April 13, 1802. Jioston, 1862. 8* 4347.09 Leeds, S. 1*. Address at the funeral of Capt. L. D. Gove. Hanover, 1803. 8* 4320u.G7 Leeds, Kug. capture by the Parliamentarians in 1012. Lister, J 2515.0 Leem, K. Nachrichten von den Lap]i('U in Kinmar- ken. Aus dem Diinischen iiherselzt von .1. C'. Gunner. Leipzig, 1771. 8" 2805.19 LeK8, W. N. Tea cullivalion, cotton and other ag- rlculluial ex]>er!ments in India. Loudon, 1.S03. 8* 3018.25 Le FAirKii, A. l^e soclalisnic pendunl hi n'-voUition fran^uise. Paris, 180,3. 12' 3509.32 LkFkkkon.A. De rebuH Gullorum lihri ix. See Kndli, P 4210.4 J-KEEVKE Deshuyes, f^loge de. [ VIetj-d'Azyr. (Kuvrcs, v. 2J 3720.11 Le FoiiT, L. F. L Conrsconiplel d'auglols. Paris, 1810. 2v. In 1. 12' 46.su. LEFOUE 349 I-EIBNITZ shL'if. ^■o. Lefoitr, — . Dcsoription do I'fsp^ce bovine dc la I''niiici': rai-e HaiiKuuie. Sec France. !MiuiS' try of a;;riculture, etc 7020.10 LlCFRANCK de l\)!npij;miu, J. J. Didon, tragtidic. [Theatre fram;ais, V. 40] 470S.1 Legaciks. Darstellunjj dcr Uechte von Vermiicht- nissen uiul Fideieonimisseii, \Vt',»;tpIiaI, E. C, 42S0,7 Lkoaki:, 11. S., Eulogy ou. 5ce Preston, W. C. . 4^47.57 Lkgknduk, A.m. KlenieutHot'fieometry. Trunsl, from Brewster's Eii^lisli version by I.. Stil- son. 1st Biirnu'se e(i. Jluulmiiin, 1S42. l.t^". 7920.1 Legends. Sur lus Itgendi's i)ieuses du nioyeu-age. Maury, L. F. A C0G5.25 Ste atao: Fairy tales. Legentii,, C. Industries du chnnvre et du lin. See France. Conimissioa sur I'industrie des nations, v. 4 4029.20 Legge, J, The Chinese classics. Vol. 1,2. Ilong- koug, 1801. 2v. 1.8° 6012,1 Co)i/eri/4. — Vol. I. Coufucian analects; Tho (n'oat Ipnniint;; Tlio ductriuu of tlio menu. II. Tlie works of Mvuuius. Legion of iionor. La legion d'honncur, son insti- tution, sa splendour, ses curiosities. MazaSjA. 400.1.18 Legion of liberty, uiul force of truth. lUth ed. New York, 1S17. 12^ *l'ph.v.374 — - Same. N'ew York, 1857. 12" 4290.23 Legis, G. T. Fundgiuben des alien Nordens. Leipzig, 1829. 2v.ini. 8" *4220.11 Coiueutit. — Vol.1. Die Rtinon und iliro DenkmaliT, ncbst b<:itriif^cn zur Kuude des Skalduutbuiucd. II. KlldH. Legislation. Comte, F. C. L. Traite de legisla- tion 4285.2 — Lermiuier, J. L. E. Cours d'histoiredeslc-gis- lations compareea 4280.5 — Spencer, H. Over-lugislatioii 3500.21 Lii GLAY, E. a.. I. llistuire (U* Jeanne de Constan- tinople, comtesse de FlauUre et de Haiuaut. Lille, 1841. 8* 2813.20 — Menioire sur les biblioth^ques publiques et les priucipales bibliotheques particulieies du de- partemeut du Nord. Lille, 1841. 8" . . . . *21G3.8 Le Gobien, C. liistoire desisles Marlnnes. Paris, 1700. sm.l2* *4249a.7 Le Gouz de La IJoullaye, F. Tour in Ireland, 1044. Edited by T. C. Croker. London, 1837. 12°. 2476.23 LegOYT, a. L'uniigrafion europeenne; son impor- tance, sea causes, ses eflets. Paris, 1801. b°. 2295.3 LegranI-), a. De I'analogie et des difiurences entre les tubercules et les scrofulea. Paris, 1819. 8° 3795.14 — Dc Tor et du mercure dans le traitement de la syphilis. 2c ed. Paris, 1842. 8° *3770.41 Legkand, L. The life of G. B. McClellan. New York, 1802. pp. 98. 12" 4320a. 01 Legrand, 31. A. La famille extr.^vagante ; L'aveu- gle clairvoyant; Le galant coureur; Le roi de Cocagne; La nouveaute. [Theatre fran^ais, V. 30] 4708.1 Legraxd d'AuBsy, P. J. B. Voyage d^Auvergne. Paris, 17S8. 8' 2GG0..34 Le Grice, C. V. Analysis of I'aley's principles of moral and political philosoijhy. 5th ed. JJarlow, 1857. 8' *Pph.v.352 — Honour the king: a sermon. Penzance, 1821. 8" *Ppb.v.345 — InditTereuce not Christian charity: a sermon. Penzance, 1813. b" *Pph.v.345 — Sermon preached in the chapel of St. Michael's Mount. Penzance, 1826. 12° *Pph.v.345 — StuJies and teachings of the clergy : a sermon. IVnzance, 1830. 8° *Pph.v.345 — Syllabus of Locke's Essay on the human under- standing. See Locke, J Pph.v.352 Legros, — . Lncyclopedie de la photographic sur papier, collodion, verre ndgatif et positif, etc. Suivi d'un abridge, Paris, n. d. 8°. . 4024.4 Sliolf. No. LeILvrdy doH('auHeu,C. Dusalaire: lois<^conomi- ques fpu re^^issent lariinunrration du travail. 2oed. Hruxelies, 1802. 12° 3048.13 — Traits d'economie politique. Bruxelles, 1801. 12° 3048.12 Leiimann, J. A. O. L. Deutsches Lesebuch. ler Theil. 2te Aufl. Danzig, 1830. B' 4889.1 Leiimann, J. G. C, and Petersen, C. Ansichten und Baurisse der neuon GebUude fur Ilani- bnrgs olTentliche liildungsanstalten, mit dcin Plan fiir die kiinftige Aufstellung der Stadt- bibliothek. Hamburg, IMO. 4° *2n0.3I Lehmann, p. A. Hvgonis Grotii manes ab initiviB obtrectationibvs vindicati ; acceditscriptorvm eiv8 tvm editorvm tvm ineditorvm conspcc- tvs triplex. Delphis Batavorvm, 1727. 8°. 4237.15 Lehnekt, J. H. Eunomia odor die Pflichtenlehre des Christenthums. Berlin, ls?5. 8° . . . 3588.4 Leiinin, II. V. Prophezeiungen des Bruder H.von Lehnin. Sec Bouverot, L. de B. 127. 10 Leiiu±kou, J. M. Histoire des institutions caro- lingiennes et du gouvernemeiit des Carolin- giens. Paris, 1843. 8° 4188.5 — Histoire des institutions merovingiennes et du gouvernement des Merovingiens. Paris, 1S43. 8° 4188.4 — Notice sur. See Laferriere, F 4188.4 Leiu, C. Nine months in tlie tjuartcrmaster's de- partment ; or, the chances for making a rail- lion. Cincinnati, 1802. 12° 4324.10 Leibnitz, G. W, Opera omnia, nunc primum culk'cta, studio L. Dutens. Geneva:, 1708. Ov. 4° *4221.5 Contents. — Vol. I. felogo de Leibniz pnr M. de Fon- tciipUe; Vitu Lcibnitii iK;r Brucke ; Disputatio do phi- lusophia Leibnitii Chrisliiina) religloui haud pomiciosn, anctore C. Kortliolto ; Opera theolugica. II. Logica ot iiictupliysicii J riiysica e<^"^'i'ali3, t-hymia, medicina, bo- tanica, historiu iiuturalis, artes, etc. III. Opera iiialbe- niuticE. IV. riiilosopliin in frcncrc; Oputcula SiiieD§i.'B attiiigcniia; Ilistoria et aiitiquitates; Jmisprudi'iiiia. V, VI. Opora philologica. VI. CoUuctauea etymolo- gica. — Gesammelte Werke. Erste Folge. Vol. 1-4. Hannover, 1843-47. 4v. 8° *4222.6 CfitUcnts. — Vol. I-III. Annalea imperii occidcntia Erunsviceusca. IV. Gcschichtliclie Aut'siitzo uud CJe- dtchte. . — (Euvres, pnblit'-es, avec notes et introductions par A. Foucher de Careil. Tome 1-G. Paris, 1859-05. Ov. 8° 2872.3 Contents. — Vol. I. Lettres de Leibniz, Bossuet, Pel- liestin, Molaims et Spinola pour la reunion des protea- tants ct des cuthuliqties. II. Lettres de Leibniz, Boa- suot, A, Ulrich, laduchessc Sophie, niadame de Briuon, pour la reunion des protestants et des catholiquc-s. III. Mars cbrisliaiiissimus, ou epolog:io dea armea du roy trea-clirestienc.ontrc les Chrestiena; Reraarnues 8ur uu livre intitule Nouveaux interests des princes de I'Eu- rupe ; Remarques sur un manifeste frongnis ; XXH ovd*>n- nancesdc Louis XH I, publieeaeu l(i3G; Kespon«io Leopol- di imp. rationibus quibus Ludovicus XIV aruia cepisse contendit; Dcmandes d'information, etc., 16£9; liai&uus toucbant la guerre ou raccoramodcnient avec la France; Consultations sur les affaires geocniles, a la &i de IC'Jl ; Status Eurojite incipiente novo eaiculo; La justice eu- couragee contro les chicanes et menaces d'un parlisun des Bourbons; Dialogue entre un cardinal et I'anii- rante de Castille ; Manifeste pour la defense des droits de Charles in. IV. Paix d' Utrecht inexcusable; Cousullation abregee sur I'etat dea afi'aires, mars 171^; ICeflexlous d'un Hollandais sur la letlre contro Lea Boupirs de I'Eurupo ; Souvclles reflexions siu: I'etat dea aflairea (1713); Letlro d'un palriote d la rc- publique de Vcnise (1713); CoDsiderationa relatives a la paix ou a la guerre; Heiiexions pulitiques faites nvunt la paix de Rnfitadt ; Projet d'alliance avec les puissaiioes du Nord, 1713; Considerationa sur la paix qui bo traite a Rastadt, 1713; Wuuderlicbo und romanesko Einfallo die Staats-Gcschiiftebctreffend; Fricdens-Unterhnndlungen vordem Rasiiidter Fricden; Memoire aur Talliance do I'cmpereur avec le roy d'Angletcrre; Denkschrift iibcr der politiscben Weltlage, deutsoh und frauziisisch; Me- moire pour dea armemeus da mcr sous commission de sa majcaieimperiale; BericbiandeuKuiaer Uber die iCyrs- LEIBNITZ .350 LENAU Leib-nitz, G. M"., eontinned. litadischen Verhiiltiiisse, ilcutsch und franziis. ; Ker of Kvrslund's Politicul IiiciDoir to the court uf Vu'niie j DcnkschriftiiberpolitischeSachen.deutsclnmd ffanzos. ; Lettrt: d I'abbe de Siiiut-l'ienv ; Observations sur le [iro- jct d'lme paix pcrpetuelie do I'abbt; Appeudice. V. Proji'l deconquStede l'£pyptf prC-sente a Louis XTV, VI. Es!iai do deiuonstmttons poUtiquvs tuuchunt I'eloctiou nu trOue de Pologue (Hj09) ; Seeurilas publica interna et externa (107O), doutsch und IVnuzits; De niatrimo- Iiioruiu priocipura Germauijc protestanttum in gradibus solo canonico jure probibitis contractorum validitate ; Entroticn de Pliilarete et d'Eupene sur le droit d'am- bassade des electeure et princes de I'ompire. — Opera pliUosophica [breviora] qua; exsfant Latir.a, Gallica, Germanica omuia. Instrux- it J. li. Ertlraaiin. Bcroliiii, 183t), W. 2 V. in 1. l.s° 60ai.3 — Codex juris gentium diplomatidis. [Pars* 1 cuiu Mantissa.] Guelferbyti, 1747. 2v. f°. *4291.6 — Epi^tola; ad diversus, cvm annot. divvlgavit C. Kortholtvs. Lipsix, 1734-42. 4v. in 3. sm. s° •4248.11 — Epistola: xi.vi art Teuberum. Lipsia;, 1S45. pp. 28. 8° B.lCOb.99 — Epistolarum ad Teuberum particula II. I.ip- si;e, [l.vio]. pp. :iG. s° B.lCOb.lOl — Eefutation iuedite de Spinoza. [Lat.etfrau^.] Prect'dee d'un memoire par A. Fouclier de Careil. Pails, 1854. s° 0105.18 — Briefweclisel zvvisclien I.eibniz, Arnauld, nnd dcm Lanrtgrafen Ernst von Uessen-Klieiuf'Lls. See Grotefeutl, C. L 2844. IG — Fabuhi nioralis tie necessitate persevcrantiie in causa publica: salutis, Lat. et Gall. [Gerdes. Scriuium autii]. ad liist. reform, spect., v. 3]. 0055.15 — Opuscules. [Ues ilaizeau.x. Kecueil, v. 2] . 4189a. 8 — Hissiuann, M. Versuch iiber das Lebeu . . . 4237.13 — Mackic, J. M. Lile of 2848.16 — Sloman, H. Claim of Leibnitz to the inven- tion ol the dilleiential calculus 3925. .IS — TVaddingtou, C. T. De la religion de Leibniz. 0091.3 LEICESTER academy. Eestival, Aug. 7, 1855, with the address by A. Mill, and the poem by I. F. Shepard. Worcester, 1865. pji. 72. 8° . . 4387.62 LEiORSTEnsimtE, Select views in. Throsby, .J. . 4490.2 LEiuiiALius Lu;,'duneusis. Epistola; duo. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 14] B.110.2 .Leifchild, J. Sermon, Nov. 9, 1850. See Rich- ardson, J. W 3548.10 Lei<;ii, Edward. VccUx consortium; or, a lit con- junclurc of religion and learning. London, liitp3. sm.f" *4141.3 Leigh, Edwin. Bird's-eye views of slavery in Mis- souri. .St. Louis, 1802. pp.3, and maps. h". 4310.05 Lkigh, S. New picture of London, 2d cd. Lon- don, 1S18. 18^ 2487.7 — New i)cicket road-book of Scotland. New ed. l^oiidon, 18^10. 18° 2487.9 Leighton, K. Whole works. Prcflxcd, a life of the author, by J. N. Pearson. New ed. London, 1828. 2v. 8° 6505.4 CoiUetUM. — Vo). I. Life; DoddrldKo's preface; I'rac- tlen! ronimenlary on tliu litt epintlo of 8t. i'eter; Medhatlons, eritlenl and practical, on l*a. IV, XXXIt, CXXX; rniltniontonrt. vin; Kxposltorj- lectures on I'h. xxxix, Iwdali VI, Iloni. XII. II. I.eotures on tbc rtrst iiino cliapters of St. Matthew; Bermonn; Expoattlon of tlio creed, llio I.ord'fl prayer, and the ten coMnnalnlnienlH; Ttii'olofrieal lectures; Kxhortutlons tothecandidale- for the deirrceof master of arts In the university of Kdln- burwli ; ftrallon ; Defence of episcopacy J Cliarses ; lu- strucllona for a holy life. — - .Suinu. London, 1839. 2v. 8* S505.ll Leipzig. Blbel-Gessellnchatl. Filnfier Bericht auf die Jahre 1841 bis 1845. Lei|jzlg, l.Mil. pp. 21. uni.s' It. 100a. 04 — KoiiIkIIcIi siiellslsche (iesellschan der Wisseu- schiiflen. Bericht liber die Sihrifteii welelie die (Jescllscliull bis Jetzt veriillelitlicht lint. Leipzig, 1853. pJi. 10. 1.8° 4191.12 — NIcolalscliule. Juhresberlcht, 1846, 40. [Von C. F. A. Nobbe. No title page.] pp. lo, 8°, 4129.22 Slielf. No. Leipziger Repertnrium der deutschen und aus- liindischen Literatur. Gersdorf, E.G.. . . 4207.2 Lkisewitz, J. A. tiiimmtliche Schrifien. Jlit einer Lebensbeschreibung. Einzig rechtniiis- 6ige Ausg. Braunschweig, 1838. 12° . . 2807.6 Leiste, C. Besehreibung des brittischen Amerika. Wolfenbiittel, 1778. sm.8° 4302.30 Leisure hour, The. London, 1852-04. 13v. 8° . •7311.1 Leisure hours : pieces in prose and verse. By E. L. Private ed. Calcutta, 1840. 8° 2397.2 Leith, S. Tradesman's book of ornamental designs. London, 1847. 40 plates. 4° 4080.16 Note. — Mr. Lcith seems to have written the preface, and made the designs, forty in number; but the body of the letter-press consists of an Essay on ornanicnial art by J, Uallantyno. Leith, History of. Campbi-II, A 2477.20 Lekeuusch, E. Composition und Entstehung der Apostelgcschichte. Gotha, 1851. 8° . . . . 0025.5 Lelewel, J. Die Eiitdcckuugen der Cartliager nud Grieclien auf dem Atlantischcn Ocean. Berlin, ISil. 8° 2203.10 — ^Itiloguc de la geographic du moyen fige. Bru.velles, 1857. 8° 2284.10 LfcLUT, L. F. Physiologie de la pensec. 2e ed. Paris, 1802. 2v. 12° 6008.25 Lemaire, IL llistoire de la revolution fran^aise, dejjuis 1787 jusqu' en 1810. 2e ed. Paris, 1821, 22. 4v. 12° 4050.45 — Bafailles, sieges et combats des Fraugais, 1792-1815. See Blancliard, I> 4043.12 Le Maire, J. Descriptio navigationis Au^tralis, 1015. See Herrera Tordesillas, A. de . . . . 4170.1 Le Masckier, .1. B. Memoirs of Louisiana, based on tlie historical memoir of Butel-Dumont, [ French. Uistorical collections of Louisiana, V.5] 2370.21 Lemazurier, p. D. Galerie historique des aeteurs du theatre fraujais depiiis 1000. Paris, 1810. 2v. 8° ••4700.12 Lembice, F. W., and Schiifer, II. Gescliichte von Spanien bis [1270]. [lid. 2, 3] von 11. Schiifer. Hamburg, 1831-01. 3v. 8° *4220.5 Lejicke, II. Leben und Wirken des Prinzen D. A. Gullitnin. Miiiisler, 1801. 10° 5558.31 Lemene, F. de. Sonetti; Madrigale; Canzone. [Gironi. Kaccolta tli lirici italiani] 4808.8 Lejiercier, N. L. Agamemnon, trag. en cinq aetes. Paris, 1797. pp. 87. 8° . . . v. 1 of *2004.12 Le Mesurier, T. Tracts on the Roman catholic question. London, 1809. 8° 3403.13 Lemiekke, A. M. llypermnestre; (iuillaunieTell; La veuve du Malabar. [Theatre fninyais, v. 34] 4708.1 LKMMItlE, J. van. Chroulcon Groninganum, Bel- gico scnuonc scriptum. [Mattluei. Analectn, V. I] 4139a. I Le Moi.NK, 15. De nielanophoris epistola. [Poleni. I'triustiue thes. antiq. supp., v. 2] 2970.7 LEMoNNiK.it, C. Promenades au Jardin des plautes. See Rousseau, L 4277.27 Ll^:M(t.NTEY, p. E. fissal sur l'i!-tablissenient nio- narchique de I.ouis .\iv; iirt'-cedt' de nou- veiiux mt'-nioires de Daiigeau. Paris, 1818. 8°. 4028.4 — Introduction frangaise. .See Kiilnf, I. A. . . 4253.10 Lempehtz, II. llilderllcftc zur (iescliiehtc des Bileherhandcla. Jahrg. 1-11. Kiilu, 1863- 03. f° •2120.8 Lkmpkikiie, C. The American crisis considered. London, 1801. p.K° 4323.47 Lemprikrk, J. Diclioiiary of ancient elassleal and seriplunil proper names. [Abridgeil by T. Browne.] Burlington, N. . I., 1812. 8°. . •4937.6 Le Nain di^ Tilleinonl, L. S. llisloiro des cmiio- relirs diirant les sl.\ premierH sieeles de I'e- glise. T. 1, nouv. lid. ; T. 4, 5, 2e i/d. Paris, 1091-1738. Ov. 4° •4201.2 — lliHtolreecclesiastiankfurt. Societies, etc., V. 7]. 4210.2 Leo, H. Altsachsisclie uud angelsiichsiscbe Sprach- proben. Halle, 1S3S. 8° 25S7.32 — Geschichte der italienischen Staaten, 568-1830. Hamburg, 1829-32. 6v. 8° *4220.4 — GoschiclitedesMittelaiters. Halle, 1830. 2v. 8'. 4145.17 Leo von Kozinital. Keise durch die Abendlaude, 140.5-07. .S'ec Schaschek . . 2874.13, and v. 7 of 4225.1 Ltox, E. de. J-a verite sur les i;tats coiifedertis d'Amiiriquc. Paris, 1802. pp.32. 8° . . . . 4323.2 Leon, J. A. The art of manufacturing and reiin- ing sugar; inclnding the manufacture and reviviiication of animal cliarcoal. With an Atlaa. London, 1850. pp.49. 10 plates. f°. *39.D.l Leon, L. de. Poesias. [Quintana. Paruaso es- panol, V. 1] 3104.19 LeonakI), 1''. liecueil des traitez de paix, fsiits par les rois de France. Paris, 10y;i-17 19. sv. 4°. 4012.2 yote. — Tlic last tivo volumes have no general title and consist of 2^f treaties, etc., with separato title-pagoa dated froni liiit? to 17ly. siioir. No. Lbonaup, G. Practical treatise on arithmetic, [with I two methods of book-keeping. Uth ed. Boston, 1843. 12° 7019. 4.S Leon.\ki>, L. VV. North American spelling book. Revised ed. Keene, N. H., 1830. 18° ... . 45S9a.34 Leonakd family, (ienealogical memoirs of the. jSVc Vinton, .T. A 4332.3 Leone, A. Antiqnitatum necnonhistoriarumurhis ae ngri Nola', ut et de niontibus Vesuvio et Abella descriptionis iil)ri tres, [Grrevius. Tlies. antiti. Ital., T. 9, p. 4] 4710.1 Leoniiakd, C. C. V. Taschenbuchfiirdiegesammle Mineralogie. Iter-Uiter Jalirgang. Frank- furt, 1817-22. ICv. 8° . . .■ *7S07.2 — - Same. Repertorium. Ites, 2tes tjuiuquen- ninin, 1800-10. Frankfurt, 1811. sm.S , . . *7807.1 Ll'.ONlCKNO, N. De Plinii et plurium aliorum in mcdicina erroribus. [Plinius Secundus. Histoire naturelle, v. 9] 2922.1 Leonidas Tarentinus. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. IJ B.102.7 Leonidks Alexandrimis. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Au.tlecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.1C2.7 Leoxtr'h, bishop of Keiipolis, in Cyprus. Frag- nientum contra Uebrajos; In Symeonem, quando is Dominnm in ulnas suas snscepit; In diem festtim Mcdijc-Penteeostes. [Maxi- ma biblioih. \et. patr., V. 12] B.110.2 — Fragmentum contra Hebrasoa. [Canisius. Thesaurus, y. 1] , . , , 4140.3 Leontius Byzantinus. Libri tres contra Eutychi- anos et Nestorianos; Liber adversus eos qui pioferunt nobis qua:dam ApoUinarii lalso in- scriptanomiue patrum; Solutiones ar;,Mimen- tationum Severi; Dubitationes hj'potheticie coutraEutychianos. [Canisius.Thes!mrus,v.l]. 4140.3 — De sectis liber; Contra Eutychianos et Nesto- rianos libri tres. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 9] B.110.2 Leontius Mechanicus. DespharaAratea. [Grace.] See Aratus Solensis 2977.3 Leonthls Mytliograplius. Fabuiarum liber. [Mai. Class, auct., V. 3] B.172.3 — 3IythoIogicai narratioues. [Bode. Sciiptores rerum mytliicarum Latini tres] 6072.8 LEONTIU.S Scholasticus. Epi^'rammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 3] B.102.7 Leopardi, p. .S. Narrazioni storiche relativi alia guerra dell' indipendenza d' Italia. Torino, 1850. sm.8° 4718.13 Leopold I, emperor of Germany. Leben. See Happel, E. G 0260.8 Leoprechting, C. t. Aus dem Lechrain. Zur deutschen Sitten- uud Sageukunde. Miiii- chen, 1855. 16° **2804.12 L£oczon-Leduc, L. a. La Fiulande, avec la tra- duction de sa grande epopee : Le Kalewala. Paris, 1845. 2v. S° 4236.15 Lepe, D. di. Viaggio. [Marmocclii. Viaggi, v. 3,T.5] 2275.1 Le Peltier, E. Vie de E. Eenan. Paris, l.s04. PP- 31. 8° 4704.9 Lepidoi'tera. Catalogue of the described lepidop- tera of North America. Morris, J. G. . . . .3895.14 — List of specimens of lepidopterous insects in the British museum. See London. British museum 5899.11 Le Plaisant, or Placentius, J. L. Pugna por- corvm per P. Porcium potitiim. n. p., 1048. pp.17. 24° B.170b.ll6 LePlay.F. G. F. Coutellerie et outils d'acier. Sec France. Commission sur I'iudustrie des nations, v. 6 4029.20 Lfe PoiVRE. See Poivre, P. Leporius. Libellus emendationis, give satisfac- tionis, de raysterio iucarnatiouis Cbrisli. « [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 7] B.110.2 Le Priol, C. J. Introduction a lapliysique.et par- ticulierement a la mecauique. Strasbourg, 1800. 8° 5947.12 I.EPROHON 352 LETT Shelf. No. I Lepkohox, Mrs. Antoinette de Jlirecourt; or, ' secret marrving and secret sorrowing. Montreal, 18tH. 12" 4409.1 LEprosY. Recherches sur I'origine des ladreries, maladreries et leproseries. Labourt, L. A. 3790.39 Lepsius, C. R. Das allgemeine linguistisclie Al- phabet. Berlin, 1^55. pp. (54. S° 4202.2 — Ueber die arabischeu Sprachlante und deren Umsclirift, [u. s. w.] Berlin, ISGl. 4°. [Ans den Abhandlungcn dor Akadcmie der Wis- senschaften zu Berlin] 5030.8 — Briefe ans Aegypten, Aethiopiennnd der Halb- insel des Sinai. 1S4-M5. Berlin, 1852. 8'. . 4245.6 — Die Chronologic der Aegypler. Einleitung und erster Theil. Krltik der Quellen. Ber- lin, 1849. 4'. 3050.10 — Denkmiiler aus Agypten und Athiopien nach den Zeichnungen der in 1812-45 ausgefiihrteu wissenscluiftlichen Expedition erliUitLTt. Berlin, 1849. pp.36. 4° 3051.33 — Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien, nach deu Zeichnungeu der in 1S42-45 ausge- fiihrteu wissenshaftlichen Expedition. Ber- lin, [1859, tiO]. 12v. Elephautf . . . .*D.2.A-L Contents. — Vol. I, II. Topogrnphie itnd Arcliitcctur. Bliilter 145. HI, IV. Denkmaeler des olreu lieiclis. Bl. ]53. V-VIII. Denkmaeler des noQen Keiclis. Bl. .304. IX. D. nu9 der Zeit der gricchischen und rnemischen Herrscbnfl. Bl. 90. S. AetliiopischeTexte, mit Uebersetzung, Glossare, etc.] St. Peters- burg, 1857, 58. 2v.ini. 8' 4244.3 Lerminiek, J. L. E. Cours d'histoire de legisla- tions compart^es. Droit international. £po- que romaine depuis Auguste jusqu'ii la fiu de Commode. Paris, [1830]. 8" 4280.5 — ttudes d'histoire et de philosophic, Paris, 1836. 2v. 8° 6105.22 — Philosophie du droit. Paris, 1831. 2v. 8'. . 4304.16 Leroux, p. Dt' I'humanitc', de ."^on prinripe, ot do son iivenir; la vraie definition de la religion. Pari-s, 1S4U. 2v, 8° . 6071.15 — and Keynaud, J. E. Encyclopedic nouvelle, pur unc societe de savans et de litterateurs. T. 13, 8. Paris, l8:ir>-41. 4v. 8" *4182.1 Corucnta. — Vol. I. A-Ari. IX. Ari-Hos. III. Bot- Cona. VIII. Snp-Zor. LerouX de TJney, A. J. V. Les fcnunes Cf^lebres de I'nncifune France. Paris, 1N48. 12°. . . 4188.19 — Vie (i)' la reiur Anne de Bretagne. [Avec de.s illustrations photograpbiques.] I'uris, 1800, 01. 4v. VZ" 4665.6 Lerow, G. L. The politician's manual. 2d ed. Poughkeepsie, IHIO. 18° 3568.18 LkKov.A. J.M.Qinrurd. U.-ge, 1863. pp.8. 16'. 2103.0 l.E Uov, C, jfCluge de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. tEuvrea, V.2] 3720.11 LeKov, J, Achates Tiberlnnus, slvc gemma Cic- saren, Angusti apolluo.'iin repricsentans. [I'lileni. rirhisquf tlic>*. antiii. mipp., v. 2]. 2970.7 Lei:oV, L. La nu'tleciiie euralive, ou lu purgiiliou dirigee centre la cauBc des maladies. 6o 4:d. ParJjt, 1817. 12° 3799.21 Li'.UOV.P. L. Adventures offniirUii><.slnn pallors cast upon SpitzbiTgcn. [Mavor. Voyages, v. Ij . 6267.1 Lkhaou, A. li. UiHtuire de (ill JUa.'^ de Santillune. 24ouv. !5. 1.8° .... 4885-5 Lesley, Rew J. P. Address to the SutTolk north association of congregational ministers, "With Rernions. Boston, 1849. 12°. . , . 5559a. 1 Lesley, J. P., Sec. Amer. iron assoc. Iron manu- facturer's guide to the furnaces, forges and rolling mills of the United .States, with discus- sions of iron, [etc.]. With maps aud plates. New York, 1850. 8° 4266.9 Lesije, ("harles. Short and easie method with the deists. 7th ed. Boston, 1719. 12" 5439ft. 5 — - Same. [Randolph. Enchiridion theolog^- cum,v. 2] 3451.14 — - 8ame. Sec Religious conference 5447.11 Leslie, Charles R., and Taylor, T. Life andtimes of 8ir J. Reynolds. London, 1805. 2v. 8". 4068.1 Lessey, T. Divine providence. [Sermons on im- portant subjects] 5442.14 Lessing, G. E. feammtliche Werke. Carlsruhe, 1824, 25. 30v. in 15. 16° *424S.5 Contents. — Vol.1 [B.l. 2]. Oden,Lieder, Frflgrmento, Gedichto, Epiprainiiintn, Fabeln, ErzabhiD^i'n, Poesio and Kunst. II, III [8-*i]- Knnst und Altortlumi. IV [7,8]. Liistspiele: Der jiing'e Gclehrto; Der Misojrjni; Die Juden ; Der Frcigeist; Der achate; Minna von Buru- helm. V [!), 10]. Traucrspiele : Miss Sara Sftrnjisoti ; Philotns; Kmelia GnlotH: Nathan der Wfise, ein dra- rantisches Gcdicht. VI [11, Hi]. Lustspiele: Der Sehlaftrunk; Die Mntrone von Epliesus; Die gluck- licho Erbin ; Trauerepiole : Fniinm ; Snmiiel Ilenzl ; Ductor Foust; Hamburpiselie Draniaturgie. A'll [13, 14]. Hnnjburpisclie Dnimaturpie; Bejtiiijje zur Gea- chichto tmd AufDohmo des Theaters. VIII [15, 16], Thcatralische Bibliothek im Aiiszii^, Litteratur und Theolopie. IX-XIII [r-21>]. Litteratur und Tlicologio. XIV, XV [27, .'tl)]. Bricfiveehsol. — Nathan der Weise, Eiu dramatisches Gedicht. n.p., 1779. sm. 8" 2879.22 — Emilia (ialotti. [Thompson. German theatre, V. 6] 2875.31 — Boden, A. liCssing und Goeze 2844.10 — Danzel, T. W. Leben und Werke 4237.1 Lessons on astronomy, adapted to the planetarium, globe, etc. Now York, 1833. [No title-page.] pp. 7. 8° 3929.8 L'ESTHANtiE, R. Fables of jlisop and other emi- nent mythologists : with morals aud retle.x- ions. 2'd ed. Loudon, 1694-99. 2v. f ° . . 4970.10 Contrntn. — ViA. I. .T.nop'a falilen; Fablen of nnrlnn- (lus ; AninniiA ; Aluttotniii" ; PuBglus ; Allacollanenus. II. FableB and storiuH niunillK'd. Le Tkllier, C. C. Grammaire ft-an^oise. 38e cd. Paris, 1823. Bm.Vi" 4680a. 19 Letellikk, C. L. a. Applications de la theoriedu Inngage qui doniie naissance ii la lungue unl* verselle. Caen, 1851,55. 2v. 8° 2956.18 Cours coniplet de lauguc universelle. Cnen, 1852,53. 2v. 8' 29:^5.17 (7ou(fln(«. — Vol. I. flrammnire. II. Radlcaux. Li:ti, G. II eereminiiale liistorico e politico. Am- sterdamo, 16S5. 6v. 12° *6228.1 — [Coucla\id(''ponte(ici romuni.] n.p., 1067. 4'. 3553.19 — llistoria e meniorie recondite SDjira alia vita di (jrouivele. Ainslerdamo, UVx^. 2v. sm.S". 2519.8 — LMtalia ri'gnanlf, 6 vero di'srritlouedelh} stato presculcd' Italia. (Jt-ueva, 1675,711. Iv. Hm.l2''.*4I99a.6 — I^a niiMiari'liia vniversuU' del re Lvlgt XI v. AiiiHli-r-lanio, 11192 [lOso]. 2v. 12° 46V9n.7 — [NepolisinvH Kuiniiniis, id est lllstttrla de ra- lioiK- statvs pdutilieiirn Romanorum. Italice prinitint eilita, nuucaulcin hilinltati donnta.J .Stuttgardia.', HKl'j. iii" ♦fi074.18 LETI 353 LKVALLOIS micif. No. Leti, G., conthiiied. — Kagtingli historiei e politid. Opera niiova- luentc ri!>tiiinputa eon viii' ftg'giuntrt. [CoIIo cutiilo^'odegli opt-re tii Leti.] Auistirilamo, iron. '^v. sm.8' 622S.2 — II tcatro brittaiiR'o,o vero hisloriadclla Gnuidc Un'ttagua. Ainstfrihuno, ins-i. 6v. in 3. 12" *4i:8. 15, und 4429(1.5 — Vita del re Filippo ii. iuoiun\ii dellc Spagne. Coligiii, lOru. 2v. iu3. 4" 3101. U — Vita di Cesiire liorgia. Vnn prcfazione e note di Massimo Pabi. Milano, ls5:t. 10". . . . 2749.31 — Vita di don Pu-tro Giron.ducad'Ossuna. Ani- stiTdamo, ltVJ9. 3v. 12" *4239a.9 — - Same. Amsterdamo, ITOO. 3v. 12°. . . 3094.22 — [^"ita di Olimpia Maidalchiiii Pamtili.] u. p., irsl. 12° 2749.21 — [ Lebensge-schichte der Donna O. Slaldachini. Uebers. v. G. U. Kicherz.] Leipzig, 1783. 8111.8° . 4199.14 — Vita di Sisto v, poutetice Komauo. Amster- damo, 1093. .3v. 6m.l2 *60G9a.l8 Lkto, G. p. Komana: historiic compendium ab in- teritu (Jordiani junioris ad Justinum iii. [Historia; KoinaiKu scriptores, v. 2) 4240.3 Le TouKNKUi:, r. Voyage ii Krnienoaville. [Hous- seau. tEuvres, v. 1] 419S.2 Letrosnk. a. J. Kecueildes inscriptions grecquos et hitines de I'figypte. [Avec 39 plancbeg.] Paris, KS42-4S. 2v. 4°, and Atlas, sm.f . . *3050.14 Lkttek eonoerniug literary property. Edinburgh, 1709. 8° *Pph.v.347 Lettkr from a blacksmith to the ministers and elders of the church of Scotland. Hudson, 1825. pp. OS. Ks' 3547.25 XiETTER from an Irish gentleman on the proposed system of commerce. Dublin, 1785. pp. 35. 8" V. 2 of *2478.3 Letteu in wiiieh the true notion of orthodoxy is en<|uii'f'l''il<>- -New Uavt-n, 1757. jip. 24. ?>°. ♦41G3.5 Lettek on thf American war, by a nortIi»-'rn sym- pathis.-r. Loudon, 180:1. pp. 24. 10° . . . 4322.70 Letteu to the eufrancliised tenantry of the county of Northumberland, liy a Northumberland fiinner. Newcastle, [1833]. 8° *Pph.v.350 Lettek to the governor of Massachusetts, on occa- sion of his late proclamation, Aug. 20, ISOl. Boston, 1861. pp.12. 8° 4320a. OS Letteu to the inh;ibit.ints of Edinburgh, on the nfw police bill. Edinburgh, 1822. 8°. . *Pph.v.354 Letteu to the pn-sident of the United States, by a refugee. New Vork, 1803. pp. 32. 8° . , . 4320a.69 Letter to the linen-manufacturers of Ireland, on the subject of protecting duties. Dublin, 17.>4. pp. 75. 8° V. 4 of *2478.3 Lettek to the maj{>rity of the trustees of the Dud- ley observatory, n. p., [1858]. pp. 14. [No title-page.] 8° 4358.2 Letteue d'una Peruviana. Graffigny, F, d'l. d'H. de 4G99a.l9 Letteue d'uomini illustri, che fiorirono nel prin- cipio del secolo XVII. Venezia, 1744. 8°. . *4209.5 Letteue iuedite di quaranta illustri Italiani del secolo xviil. Milano, 1S30. 10° 2748.14 Lettebino books, Consideration on our ways of. 5'ee Folious appearances 2113.23 Letters. Gabbema.S. A. Iliustrium et clarorum virorum epistolre 4210.24 — Ronchini, A. Lettere d'uomini illustri conser- vati in Parma 2771.19 — Select collection of original letters, by eminent persons, from the reign of Henry viii. . . . 4549.8 Letters from Cambritlge, illustrative of the stud- ies, habits, and peculiarities of the university. London, 1828. 8° 2490.21 Letteus of Mutiny, to the president of tlie United States. Washington, LslO. 8° *Pph.v.l2 Letters from Washington, on the constitution and laws; with sketches of public characters. By a foreigner. Washington, 1818. 12" . . . . 4303.15 45 Sh«lf. No. Letters on practical subjects, from a clergyman to his daughter. Hartford, 1822. 18° 5447.60 Letteus on the new theatre. [Boston, 1827.] pp. 10. 8' **E.224.11 Letters to Ada. .5(?c Pise, C. C 6447.33 Letters to the i)eopIeof the northern states. [On the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and on slavery. No title pa-ic] pp.48. 8° 4310.18 Letters upon the annexation of Texas, to J. Q. Adams, published in tlie Boston atlas, [by] Lisle. Boston, 1845. pp. 47. 8° 4318.50 Lettish language. Grammntik dcr lettischeu Sprache. Uosenbergcr, O. B. G 4885.15 Lettkii:s ediliantes, ecrites des irussions eirangeres, Montmignon, J. B 3535.8 Lettsom, .1. C. Memoirs of J. Fothergill, W. Cuming, G. Cleghorn, A. Uussell, 4*. Collin- sou. 4th ed. Loudon, 1780. 8° 3735.7 — Natural history of the tea-tree, with observa- tions on the effects of tea-drinking. London, 1799. 4" 5S41.1 Letzner, J. Nuchricht von dcm freyen Reichs- Stiffte Luckem. See Leuckfeld, J. G. . . . 422S.7 Leuuer, B. Catalogus regum, electorum, etc., item et comitum potentiorum vetcrum Sax- oniae, Thuringia?, Misnia;, etc. [Mencke. Script. Germ., v. 3] 4261.2 Leuckfeld, .T. G. Antiqvitates Blanckenbvrgen- ses. Nebst Nachricht von der Pfaltz-Stadt Wallhauseu. Wie audi genealoi4ischen Slammtaleln derer Herren vonOIdersliausen. Franckiurth, 17US. sm.4° 4228.8 — Antiqvitates Bursfeldenses, und die Burssfeld- isclie Societ:ct. Nebst NachriL-ht von denea Cl'istern Kingi'Iheim und 8. Blasii in Nort- heim. Leipzig, 1713. sm.4° 4228.6 — Antiqvitates Gandersheimenses. Beygefiiget ein sehr altes nieder-siichsisches Reim- Chronieon, imgleiehen der Hroswiths La- teitiischesCarmen von Erbauung dieses Stiffts. Wollleiibiittel, 1709. sm.4'' 4217.3 — Antiqvitates Ualberstadenses, oder historische licschreibungdes vormahligeu BischolTthuras Halberstadt. Wolftenbiittel, 1714. sm.4''. . 4218.2 — Antiqvitates Micliaelsteinenses, et Amelunx- bornenses. Bey gefUget J. Letzners Nacli- richt von Luckem. Wollfenbiittel, 1710. sin. 4". 4228.7 — Antiquitates Walckenredenses, oder Beschrei- buiig der kiiyserl. freyen Keichs-Abtey Walckenried. Leipzig, 1705. 2v.in 1. sm.4°. 4217.3 — Beschreibuug von dem Closter S. Gcorgii zu Kelbra. Nebst geuealogischen Nachricht von denen Gralfen von lieichlingen, wie auch von deuen alten Pfaltzeu Alstedt und Wal- hauseu. Leipzig', 1721. 4° 4210.9 — Chronologia abbatvm Bosavgiensivm; ange- hengeteine Nacliricht von dem Prauen-Klos- ter zu Ilnienau. Naumburg, 1731. sm.4° , 4228.5 — Historia Hamelmanni oder Nachriclit von dem Ijeben H. Uainelmauus. Quudiinburg, 1720. 4° 4210.9 — Leben und Sehrifftea J. Spaugenbergs. n. p., 1720. pp. 24. 4° 4210.9 — Nachricht von dem Lieben-Frauen-und Marieu- Closter in der Alten-Stadt Magdeburg, u. p., n. d. 4° 4210.9 — - Same. [Meybaum. Chronicondes Closters Marien-Boin] 4210.9 Leuco. Comcedia? fragmenta. [Meiucke. Fragm. com. Gr., V. 3] B. 102.8 Leucocvthemia. An essay. Damon, H. F. . . 3603.37 Leue, F. G . Das deutsche Schoffeu-Gericht. Leip- zig, 1847. 8° 4293.4 Ledret, F. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Parent-Duchatelet. See Pnrent-Duchatelet, A. J. B 3706.8 LeV.villant, F. Travels in the interior districts of Africa. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 21] . . . . C267.1 Lev-\li,ois, .7. Critique militante. I'aris, 1803. 12° 4707.8 LEVANT 354 LIBERTY shelf. Ko. Levant. Hammer-Purgst.-!!!, J. v. Topocrra- phische Ausichteu gesamnielt auf ciner Keise in der Levante 4244. S — TlK'venot, J.de. Travels into the 4.iG0.U Le Vassok, M. Mistoire de Louis xiii, roi de France et de Navarre, conteiiant les clioscs les plus romarquables arrivt-cs dans I'Kurope. Nouv. L'd. Amsterdam^ 1757. Gv. in 7. 4" . *4612.4 Levati, a. Letteratura italiana nei prinii veuti- ciuqueanui delsecolo XIX. Milano, )831. 8°. 4770.23 LEVEiLLt, J. B. Description du sj'steme nerveux. 5ce Hirschfeld, L 5800.16 Leveling, H. P. Anatomisclie Erklarung der Original Figiiren von Andrt^as Vesal. In 7 Biicliern. [B.1,2.] Ingolstadt, 1781. f ' . . 3750.15 LfevfeQLiK, J. C. La science du beau, dans ses prin- cipes, ses applications, et son histoire. Paris, 1801. 2v, S° 5r.03.4 Lever, Essiay on the. Ward, G. G 4018.30 Leverett. F. p. New Latin tutor, ister, ed. Boston, 1833. I'J" 4930.3 — - Same. Key. Boston, 1832. 12" 4030.4 LevesqL'k, 1*. C. Sentences de Theognis, de Pho- cylide, de I'ythagore, et des sages de la Grece, recueillii,s et trad. Paris, 1783. 24° , 4909a. 21 Lfevi, £. Jlistoire do la magie. Paris, ISOO. 8°. 5607.7 Levi, L, Annals of British lel. 12° 4CS0a.8 — Grammar of the French tongue. Revised by S. Pasquier. Gth Am. ed. New York, 1828. 12° 4fi89a.9 — - Same. 7th Am. ed. New York, 1829, 12M0S0a. 10 LfeVY, le rabbi. La synagogue et M. Kenau. 2e ed. Lunc-viile, 1803. pp. 42. 8° 547Ca.8 Levy, M. A, Geschichte der jiidischen Munzen. Leipzig, lb02. 8= 6489.6 Lewald, E. A. De religionibus peregrinis apud veteres Romnnospaulatimintroductis. [Diss, acad.] lleidelbergjt', 1814. pp.32. 4". . . B.190.18 Lkwix, T. The siege of Jerusalem by Titus. With the journal of a visit to the city, and a sketch of its topography. London, 1S113. 8° . . . . 3083.18 LEW1N.S, W. Her majesty's mails: an historical and descriptive account of the British post- office. London, I8(i4. sm.h" 2487.14 Lewis, ('. Narrative of some of the proceedings of the mormons. Lynn, 1848. pp. 24. 8° . .6088.136 Lewis, D. Sermon on the day of elucthig his miijesty'8 council, Jlay 25, 1748, Boston, 1748. b" M1G3.5 Lewis, E. Eulogy on Andrew Jackson. See Du- ficnbery,B. M 2347.25 Lewis, Sir G. C. Dialogue on the best form of government. London, 1863. 12° 5568.1 — Essay on the origin and foimalion of the Ro- mance languages: uii examinalitni of Ray- nouard'8 theory. Oxfttrd, 18.35. 8° . . . . **!685.14 — Essays on tUv administraiion<* of (ireat Bri- tain, 1783 to 1810. Edited by Sir E. Head. London, InVK 8" 2527.7 — On fonigrt juri-»-dietif»n and the exlradiiion of criuiinnlH. London, 1859. pp.78. 8' . . . 3014.18 — Ilisloriciil survey of the UHtrouomy of the un- denttt. London, 1862. 8" 3022.10 — Kemnrks on the UHe and nbu.<'ord. LiBRi-CAnRUCCi della Sommnja, G. B. I. T. Cata- logue d'une grande collection de livres. Pa- ris, 1S57. 8" *4135.6 — Cfituloguo of ancient manuscripts and printed books. [Triced.] London, 1862. 1.8" . . . *2137.21 — Catalogue of manuscripts in various languages, sold by auction. London, 1859. 8° *2138.13 — Catalogue of the choicer portion of [hits] li- brary. London. 1^59. l.h° •2138.14 — - Same. [Triced.] London, 1S59. 1.8*. . . *2136.33 — Catalogue of the niutbematical. hit-torical, bib- liographical, etc. portion of [his] library. London, 1861. 8° *213G.34 — Histoire dfs sciences math^matiquea en Italic jusqu'a la fin du xviie siecle. Taris, 1835- 41. 4v. 8= 4275.20 — Memoires de mathematique et de physique. Vol. 1. Florence, 18J9. 4° 5911.16 — Repouse au rapport de M. Boucly. Paris, 1848. 8' 2128.24 — L'incroyable accusation inteutee coutre. See Lacroix, P 2128.24 LiCETO, F. Pro urbts Ca^sena^ antiquitate apologia. [Grrevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 7, p. :i] . . . 4710.1 Lichens. Lichenographia universalis. Acbarius, E. 3f^50.l2 J>icnNfrsicli 8<0l>st;Fr«jrmente;Bcm<-Tku»gca vvmiUchtcii IiibatU. HI, Vondem Nutzoii, den die Ma- tlivmalik cineni Bel Esprit bringon kann; rulricili^clicr B«-ytrag xur Metliyologie dor DeutKheu, nebst eiaer Vor- rede uber das metbyologische Studium iiberhaapt; Timo- SliQlf. No. LiCHTENBUUG, G. C, contimml. rue, dnfl ist.Vt'rthcidi^uufr zwcjor iBrnfliton dio durch dio Krlll'lifckoit dcr Lftvalcvimliou IJewcisKriindo mid drr Cottiugiscbcn Mcttwiirstc bc\vog«n den \vuhreu Glau- bcii au^uuommcn lial>cn wn Coiinid I'liutuvin; F. Eck- ni-d nn den VcrfasstT d«r Hunu>rkunsc" ku seiner Epistol an T Gi^bliiird; Anscli]i>E;-ZL-ddi-I iiu Niiliuii^u vuu I'liil- ndelpbia; Bripfu nua Eiigliind; Bruchnfiicko luia dfiu Tnpfibui'ho von (lor HeiBii naeli England; Utber Phy»i~ u(;nomik wider dio Physiognomen, zu Bt-rOrdcrunff dcr Meiiscbunlicbv uiid McuNtrlienki-imtniss; Fru^ruciit von di'ii ScbwRiizon. IV. Von cin Pnnr nlteu d«ut8chi*n Dniuicn; Aufj^itzo au9 dom Giitriugischcu und llanuii- verischon Mii^nzin; AufMillzo ana den Ooiriiifrisidirn TriscbcnblirluTn. V. Aufsiitzo aus di-m GotlinpiechL'n Til s."h I'll biioh. VI, VII. NitolftHflCopvmicus; I'hyeika- liiichc nnd mntlicmatiscbt! Aufftutze nun dcm GiUMngi- sclicii Taaclicnbucb. VIII. PliyHikaliachc un3, pp. 7. 8\ [New York. Loyal publication society, No. 3.")] M322.18 — Civil liberty and self-government. I'hiladel- phia, 1853. 2v. 8° 4286.12 — Guerrilla parties considered with reference to the laws and usages of war. New York, \mz. pp.22. 12° 4310a. 112 — History and political science, necessary studies in free countries. Inaugural address, Feb. 17, 1858. New York, is5^. 8° 4394.21 — On international copyright, in a letter to W. C. I'reston. New York, )845. pp. 67. 8°. v. 2 of 4295.62 — Lincoln oder JMcClellan ? Aufruf an die Deutschen in Amerika. New York, 1864. pp. 4. h". [New York. Loyal publication society, No. 51)] .' *4322.18 LIEBER 356 LIMISORCH LlEBKR, F., continued. — JIamml of political ethics. Boston, 1S3S, 39. av. 8° «S5.3 — No party now but all for our country. Ad- dress, April 11, 181)3. New York, I«H. S°. [X. York. Loyalpublicationsociety,No.lO].*4322.18 — Plantations for slave labor the death of the yeomanry. New York, 1803. pp. 8. S°. [New York. Loval publication society. No. ofl] ■ »i322.18 — [Washinston and Napoleon. A fragment.] New York, ISM. pp. 12. 4° 43M.22 LlEBEKT. G. 5filton. .Sfudien zur Gcschichte des ciiglischen C.eistes. Hamburg, I8I1O. sm.s°. 4609.3 LlEBlG, .1. V. delations of chemistry to agricul- ture, and the agricultural experiments of J. B. Lawes. Translated by S. W. .Johnson. Albany, 1855. pp. 87. 12° 6979.19 — Die Tliier-Clieniie in ihrer Anwenduug auf ^hy^iologie und I'athologie. 2te Autl. Braunschweig, ls43. 8° 3977.9 — Kopp, H., and Will, II. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortscliritte der Cheraie fur 184S-5«, 00- 63. Register fur 1847-50. Giessen, 1849-04. 15v. 8° »3985.1 — Foggendortr, J. C, and Wijhler, F. Hand- worterbucii der reinen und angewandteu Chcniie. 2te Aufl., ucu bearheilet von nuh- ren (jclelirten und rcdi^'irt von H. v. Keh- lingundll. Kolbe. Vol. 1-8. Braunschweig, 1S4S-61. 8v. inlO. 8' 0974.1 Consent*. — Vol. I. A-AhH. It. Anim-nitti-rs. 111. Billersiiss-Chro. IV. Chrj-Ex. V. F-11. VI. J-L. VJl. M-0. VUI. P-K. IX. S-Sro. X. So-Tz. LlF.BNEK, C. T. A. Hugo von St. Victor und die theokifrischen Richtungen seiner Zeit. Leip- zig, 1832. 8° 6069.1 — and others. Jahrbiicher fiir deutsche Theo- logie. Bd. 1-3. Suttgart, ISSO-SS. 3v. 8°. 0000.10 LlEBUStni, G. Skythika, odor etymologische und kritische Bemerkuugen iiber alte Bergreligion uudspiitereu Fetisfhismus. Camenz, 1833. 8°. 6070.4 LitGE. (iestapontificum Leniliensium. [Chapeilu- ville. (jcta pontilicum Tangrensiuni] . . . 2S13..') — - Same. [Martene. Vet. script., v. 4] . . . 4150.1 — Historia iusi^^nis monasterii S. I.uurenlii I.eo- diensis. [JIartene. Vet. script., v. 4] . . . 4;r)0.1 — Sinionon, C. N. Po('sies en patois de Liege . 4194.0 LlETBEHT, hishop of Cambruy. Vita. [Achery. Spicilegium, V. 9] 4152.7 LlEUTAUi), jI. tlogc de. fVicq d'Azyr. Oiuvres, V.;)] 3720.11 Life. Birhat.JLF. -X. Uecherches physiologiquca .surlavie 5744.3 — Grindon, L. IL Life: its Mature, varieties, nnri plieuomeua . 3768.3 _ Moleschott, .1. IJer Krcislauf des Lebens . . 4277.21 — Nelson, F. G. P. Contributions to vital statis- tics .3763.19 — Savory, W. S. Life and deulh 3709.47 — Windship, C.W. Phenomena of vitality . M.Pi)h.v.l38 Stc aUo: Longovily. Life Infiurunce. F.xperlencc of the mutual life in- Burance company. .Sir .Ni'W York 3921.29 — New Kngland luutual life insurance conipnuy. lleporls, 1841-02 3923.34 LiFEiIoi.i". Value of property. Willich, ('. M. . 3923.18 LitiATiiiiK. Warren, J. M. Ligature of both carotid arlericH 6790. .35 _ Ligature of the left Hubclnvlnn artery . . . 8790.30 Light. L'Inlluence dc In luinUrc suluirc pour modlller les 5trcs des troU rtgncs de la na- ture. Senebier, .1 5979.0 LifiiiT nud Ileal, IdeniltleH of. Cooper, C. C. .. 3900.19 I^UJlIT for voiing Amerleu; a series of sketches. New York, 1852. pp. 12. 12° II. 100b. 4 LldllT Ihlaiilry. Chaiseurs ii pled. Aumale, 11. K. P. L. d'Orliuin, . ,s* 0072.4 LlMKS, TreatLse on, (ailnioro, Q. A 4100. 1 Limits, The ductrino of. Whewell W 51)22.14 Lincoln, A. I.cttfra on ijufstions ol' national policy. Ro^tcll^, IsiLt. pp V2. Hi" 4a20a.71 — The martyr's iiuimiinent, as exiiibitud in his spt'cches, nit'ssag'es, orders, and proclama- tions, IS'H)-(i5. New York, ISG."). 12" . . . 4342. 3S — Tn na-umriam. f<;iMiis IVoin Abr.'dianiLtncorn.] New York, [iMio]. jip. 14. 4^ *4342.19 — - Same. i;2de(l.] New York, 18(*.5. pp.28. 4°.*4342.19 — Opinions on * slavery,* and ' reconstiuetion of the union,' with notes by W. AVliiling. u. p., n. d. IG" 4310.00 — The pre^^ident's words: a selection of passages from [hlsj speeches, addresses, and letters. Boston, 1SG.5. IG" 4342.40 — The republican party vindicated — the demands of the South explained. Speech, at the Cooper institute, Feb. 27, 1800. New Y'ork, l&GO. [No title paqfc.] a" 4320a. 39 — - Same. Tribune tracts, No. 4. New York, [ISiioJ. [No title-page.] 8* 4320a. 72 — Funeral niureh to tlie memory of Abraham Liucoln. [Arranged from Donizetti.] Bos- ton, KMi.i. pp.5. 4° *4350.1 — Lincoln memorial : a record of [his] life, assas- sination, and obsequies. New York, 1805. 8". 4342.17 — Liucoluiana. Boston, 1805. sm.4'' .4342.9 Coitlriitr. — Sprmons* Abbott. F. E. ; liriffham, C. H. ; Chiulwick, J. W.; CurJiitT, J. ; Curwin, E. T. ; Dniiion, S.C.; Dutton, O. II.; IlHrlitell, .1. II.; Hughes, D.L.; null. M.; Junkiii, C; Miirslmll, W. R. ; Pults, J. F.; Kowland, L. S. ; Slratton, .1. B. ; Silver. A. ; TalbotI, J. J.; Wiitsoti, B. ; Euloptra, apcochcs, nnd Ielti.-r9 : Banks, N. P.; Cairulht-rs, J. J. ; Gilbert, K. H. ; Hurlburt. .S.A.; Jones, A. T.; Stulibins, II.; Thompson, J. P.; Adams, C. F. ; Disraoti, B. ; Gn-y, Sir U. ; Morsp. F. H. ; Uusscn, Lord J.; Smith, G.; Silva, 8r. It. dii; D'Aubi^pie, Dr. Mrrk"; Democratic nssocitttion. Florence, Italy; Law- rence. T. B.; Laboulayo, E. ; Mill, J. S.; Martin, H.; Aitpi^ndix: Letter tVom Kev, E. Nason; List of pulilica- ti'iiig relaliit^ to tliu assassination, death, and funeral obsequies of A. Lincoln. — [Magazine articles on president Lincoln] . .*4342.I0 Content!. — Atlantic monthly, Juno I8G0 : The place of Lincutn in historj', by Georpe Bancruft; Harper's now monthly, Juno and July, 1865: The Assassination of A. Lincoln; Personal recollections of A. Lincoln; Our young folks: Abr.ih«m Lincoln; Friend of process, June Iftii: April 19, 1805, by Hev. Juhn Weiss; In memoriam (poetrj-), by Cora L. V. S. Hatch; The murdered presi- dent, by O. B. Frulhingham. — Our martyr president. Voices from the pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. New York, 1805. 12° 4342.36 Contend. — Sermons : Vf. R. Williams ; H. W. Beccher ; H. W. Bellows; S. H.Tyng; C. S. Robinson ; W. I. Bud- ington; J. McClintock; A. N. Littlcjohn; T. L. CnyU-r; J. P.Thompson; J. Eells; E.S.Porter; A. P. Rogers; 8. D. Burchard; J. E. Rockwell; S.T. Spcur; R. Lowry; A. 8. Hunt; W.Adams; II. J. Fox; H. B. Smith; Ura- tiuns: G. Bancroft; B. Simpson; Prayers: 8. H. Tyng; E P. Rogers. Poetic.ll tributes to the memory of A. Lincoln. Philadelphia, 1805. 12' 4342.30 [Portfolio, containing memori;ils of president Lincoln.] 12 llroadsides *4334.1 Contetxt*. — Lincoln, A. : Farewell address to bis Dcighbors. Springfield, Fi.-b. 12, 181)1; Prueliimntion of cm^nL-ipHtion; Tribute to the declaration of independ- ence; President Lincoln's favorite poem; President Lin- coln is the best man I ever knew; Abraham Lincoln — quotations ttom Shakespeare applied to our nntionul be- reavement; Death and burial of A.Lincoln ; In perpetunm memoriam; National vicisiiitudes; Original hymn ; The prckident's assasfination ; Smith, W. D. : In memoriam, A. Liucoln ; Also a manuscript copy of the same. Shelf. No. Lincoln, A., continued, — Sermons preached in Boston on the dealh of A.Lincoln. Boston, 1805. 12" 43-12.35 Contents. — Funeral service at Washington; Opening prayer by bishop Simpson; Sermon by P. D. Gurlcy; Closing prayer by E. U, Gray; Sermons in BuHton: E. N. Kirk; C. A. Burtul; J. M. Manning; J, E. Todd; J. F. Clarke; G. H. Hepworth; W. 11. Nicholson; W. Hague: K. B. Webb; R. H. Neulo; H. W. Footc; F. D. Huntington; W. XL Cudworth; C. Robbins; W. S. Stud- ley; R. Ellis; S.K. Lothrop; E. E. Hale; A. A. Miner; J. Reed; G. Putnam j G. L. Chuucy; A. L. Btouo; J. D. Fultou. — Abott, A. A. Life of 4313.33 — Allen, K. Discourse on account of the murder of. 4342.32 — Andrew, .T. A. Message to the senate and houf-e, on the death of, April 17, 1805 . . . . 4342.0 — - Message to the senate, on the death of, Jlay 17, 18G5 4342.0 — Atwood, E. S. Discourses in commemoratioo of 4342.6 — Bahcock, S. B. Discourse on the death of . . 4312.2 — B;idger, H. C. Discourse commemorative of the life and services of 4342.2 — Barnes, A. Discourse on 4342.2 — Beeclier, H. W. Sermon on the death of . . , 4342.37 — Benjamin, S. G. W. Ode on tlie death of . . . 4342.32 — Binghiini, J. A. Argument at the trial of the conspirators for the assassination of . . . . 5G85.1G — Bingham, J. F. Discourse occasioned by the assiissinaliou of 4312.2 — Bhu-kburii, \V. M. Tlie crime against the pres- idency 4342.2 — Bliss, T. E. Discourse commemorative of the life and cliar;icter of 4342.2 — Booth, U. U. Personal forgiveness and public justice 4342.2 — Boston. Memorial of 4.342.7 — - Proceedings on occasion of the death of. . 4.342.2, 8 — Bontwell, (1. 8. Eulogy on the death of . . . 4342.2 — Brook-*, P. Life and death of 4342.2 — Bullock, A. H. Addn.-sson 4342.0 — Burrows, J. L. Discourse on account of the a.ssassination of 4342.2 — Butler, .KG. The martyr president 4342.2 — Carey, L E. Discourse on the dealh of . . . . 4342.2 — - Fast d:iy sermon on 4342.2 — Carnalmn, D. T. Oration on the death of . . 4342.2 — Chatlin, W. L. The presidrut's deatli and its lest-ons 4342.2 — Chamberlain, N. If. The assassination of . . 4342.32 — Chase, T. Address on the character and ex- ample of 4342.32 — Chester, .J. Discourse preached the Sabbath following the a.-^sassiimtion of 4342.2 — Clitrk, D. JCulogy on the life and character of. 4342.2 — Clarke, J. F. Services at Indiana Place chapel, April 10, 18G5, after the assassination of . . 4342.32 — Colfax, S. J-ife and principles of 4'.42.G — Colman, G. W. Discourse on the death of . . 4342. G — Cooper, J. Memorial discourse on 4342 G — Craig, \V. Sermon on 4342.2 — Crane, G. B. Sermon on th'.' death ot .... 4342.2 — Crocker, S. L., ^"r. Eulo^^'y upon 4342.2 — 'Cromwell, H. Oh I speak to me once more. Music 4350.1 — Crozier. H. P. Discourse upon the life, ser- vices, and death of 4342.2 — Cudworth, W. H. Eulogy on 4542. 2 — Cutter, E.F. Eulogy on 4342.2 — Daggett, O.E. Sermon oti the death of . . . 4342.32 — Darling, H. Discourse, April 19, 1SG5, the day of the funeral obsequiesof . . . . 4.342.2 — Dascomb, A. B. Discourse in honor of . . . 4342.2 — Davidson, K. Discourse upon the death of. . 4342.2 — Day, P. B. Memorial discourse on tlie charac- ter of 4342.2 — Dean,S. Eulogy on 4342.2 — DeNormandie, J. A few words after the assas- sinaiioa of 4342.32 — Dix, M. The death of president Lincoln . . . 4312.2 LINCOLN 358 LINCOLN Liscoi.s, A., coiilinued. - Duaiie, R. H- Sermon, April 19, isr,5, the dny appointed for the fuucral obsequies of . . • — Pudley, J. L. Discourse on L 4342. n 431J.:i DullielJ, G. Discourse after the brutal murder ^^^ ^ three 4342.3 4342.3 4342.3 4342.3 4342.32 4342.3 4342.3 4342.3 4342.6 4312.32 4342.3 4.350.1 4342.6 _ Dunning, H. Address on occasion of the fu- neral solemnities of _ - Tlic as^assiuatiou : its lessons to young men ' -i '.,.*, _ - Tlie nameless crime: discourse, April 23, li^(>5 '. — Dyer, D. Discourse occasioned by the assassi- nation of _ Eddy,D.C. The martyr presilent . . — Eddy, R. "The martyr to liberty sermons ».'''<• _ Edwards, H. L. Discourse commemorative ot our illustrious martyr — E'-ar J. H. The martyr-president _ EUiliorn, D. Trauer-Uede, am Tage der IJei- setzung des — Ellis, C. 31. Memorial address on _ Everett, C. C. Eulo;,^y on — Earnn J F Requiem to the memory of . . . _ Furquiiar, J. The ch.inis of God to recogni- tion in the assassination of . . . _ Fowler, H. Character and death of 4cH..J — Frelinghuysen, F. T. Oration at the obsequies ^^^^ ^ of ... ■ — Gaddis, M. P. _ Gillette, A. D. Sermon on the death of . . . — Glover, L.M. The charactur of . ...... _ Gordon, W. R. Funeral sermon occasioned by the assassination of ■ — Gurley, 1'. D. The voice of the rod 434-.3 — Hall, C. H. Discourse after the assassination — H.1II, CJ.' President Lincoln's death; its voice to the people .■;.'■ r ■ " — Hall, N. Sermon on the assassination of — Uam'ill, S. M. President Lincoln Sermon upon tlie assassination 4343.3 4342.3 4342.3 4342.6 4342.3 4342.3 4342.3 a faithful Hammond, C. Sermon on the life and charac- ter of ,' ■ ' . J ' I * ' Han.iford, P. A. Our martyred president . . Hardin^-e, E. Funend oration on .... . . Hathaway, W. Discourse occasioned by the dealh of 4342.6 4312.3 4342.19 4342.3 4342.3 From the our Haven, G. Discourse on the ohanieter and ^^^^ ^ career of i-' ' V'.i' llawley.lJ. Discourse commemorative ol the ihatli of Havden.C. A. Tribute to . .... • • • • llepworth, G. H. .Sermon on the death ot . Uodge, 0. President Lincoln. Princeton review, .Inly, 1W>5 Hollaml,.I.G. Eulogy on . ....... Jlowlett, T. K. Dealings of God with nation ', ' ' r ',\'^ Ives A. I".. Discourse on occasion of the diatli of .TelVery, R. The mission ol Jo!.ns(m, II. Discourse on the death ■'' Johiislou, E. S the assassinalionof ' ' ' \ Keeling, R. .1. Sermon as a tribute of respect Ke'l'lcr, m'. 'RV.,uiein to the memory of. . . •«*"•' Kirk, E.N. As^.assiualioilof ....... . 0460a..l9 Krau'lh, C. P. The two pageants on / ■ ■ ■ . Kn-lis, II. Sermon In memory ol . . . I.aurii-, T. Discourses on the dentil of . la/Ml', C. To whom It may concern Lin.idu'« adndiilslnitlim. ( llanillpook of the diiMocrncy fur lMi3, lH] . Llndin,•"■=■» — Snlvely, W. A. Memorial scrinon and address ' on ihe dealh of .;••,' ■'^■'' _ Spidh, A. Rede bel dcr Il.grUbnissleler de» ^^_^ rriishlenteu ■,■■,■' .....Vn _ .Snrague, I.N. President l.incoln's dealh . . ■.H-.B — Starr, F., jr. Discourse on the death ol .. . I- -.0 — Stewart, U. Discourse on Ihe death of ... • 4'H~.o LINCOLX g Sliulf. No. Lincoln, A., continued. — Stoddard, K. H. An Ilorntian ode 4342.5 — Stone, A. L. Discourse ocoisiont'd by the death of 4.142.5 — Strong,,).!). Discourse on tluMloatli of. . . 4^42.0 — Sturz, .1. J. Kfdfu bL'i der BiTliner Todten- fvivr rUr 4342.6 — Sunnier, C'. Kulogy on 4342.5 — Sutphen, M. C. lU^iCuurso on tin- death of . , 4342.5 — Swain, L. Sermon on the assassination of. . 4312.5 — Sweetscr, S. Discourse on the duith of . . . 4342.5 — Tapk'v, It. r. Eulusy of 4342.5 — Taylor, A. A. I-:. Our fallen leader 4342.5 — Thonnis, A. G. (_>iir national unity perfected in the martyrdom of our president 4342.5 — Thompson, II. S. A nation mourns her chief. Music 4350.1 — Thompson, .). C. Discourse upon the character and death of 4342.5 — Thoni])son, J. 1*. Abraham Lincoln; his life and its lessons 4342.5, and 4322.18 — Tinilow, U. It. Discourse occas-ioued by the death of 4342.32 — Treatment of Gen. Grant, and Gen. McClellan ; Arbitrary arrests. [Handbook of the democ- racy for 1JS03, r4] 4310.1 — Tucker, J. T. Discourse in memory of . . . . 4342.5 — Turner, J. AV. Little Tad. Wordsand music. 435U.1 — - " Live bulouGmument." Poetry and music. 435U.1 — - A nation weeps: dirge on tlic death of . . 4360.1 — - The nation's honorfU dead. Music. . . . 4350.1 — AValden, T. Sermon preached before the death of the president, and two addresses on the Sunday and Wednesday following 4342.5 — M'ashiugton, D. C. Colored people's educa- tional monument a>^sociatlon. Celebration in memory of 4342.6 — AVebb, K. li. The assassination of 4342.5 — AVIiitc, 10. N. I'ersonal inlluence of 4342.5 — AVhite, 1*. H. Sermon occasioned by the assas- sination of 4342.5 — AVilks, ^V. Lnglish criticism on president Lin- coln's anti->lavery proclamation 4322.64 — AVilliams, IL II. "God's chosen ruler". . . 4342.5 — Wilson, W-T. The death of 4312.5 — Windsor, J. II, '* The surety of the upright." A discourse 4342.6 — Woodbury, A. Sermon suggested by the assas- sination of 4342. .32 — - A sketch of the character of 4312.32 — Worcester, T. Discourse ou 4342. G — Wormian, D. Discourse ou the death of . , , 4342.6 — Yard, K. li. The providential signilicance of the death of 4342.6 — Yuurtce, S. L. Sermon on the occasion of the funeral of 4342.6 A'ote. — Besulc!) the abovo, a collection of newspapers frf>ni vnrioua purta of tliv United States, KngliinO, etc., couipritiiiip niuro tbuu 2lXK) Nos., has been made, con- tninln^ arliclea rclaliiif; to thii life ond assussinalion of prfgidont Lincoln, and mntters comu'cU-d tlicreivith. Many of the Bcrmons, etc. above referred to wtro not received iu lime to be entered under the names of the authors. Lincoln, V. W^,jr. Address before the Massachu- setts charitable mechanic association, Oct. 2, 1815. Boston, lb45. b" 4394.22 — Address before the Mechanic apprentices' li- brary association, Feb. 22, 1844. lioston, 1M4. 8' 4304.22 — Inaugural address to the city council, 1S5S-60, lttn:i-65. Boston, 165 S-Go. Cv. in 4. S' . G350a. 16-19 LiNCitLS, J. W., DiscourBC ou the death of. See Hill, A 4347.58 LiNCoi*N, Levi. Address at Worcester, March 4, isa3. Worcester, 1S03. 4* 4304.23 — Speecli in the house, Feb. 7, 1S37, on the reso- lution to censure J.Q.Adams. Washington, li^-V. ft° 4310.67 Lincoln, Luther IJ., Sermon at the funeral of. ^ecMoors, J. F 6088.3 Q LIN WOOD Shelf. No. Lincoln, N., Tribute to the memory of. See Rob- bins, C 4347.59 Lincoln, S. Address delivered before the citizens ot llingliam, Sept. 2S, lHo5, the 200th anniver- sary of the settlement. Hingham, 18.35. 8°. 4355.61 Lincoln, W., and Hersey, ('. History of Worces- ter, Mass. Worcester, lK(i2. 8' 2356.32 LiNCOLNSHiUE, Chronicle of the rebellion in, in 1470 2416.39 — Marrat, W. Sketches in the county of Lin- coln 2409.23 LlNiJ, .Tohn. [Answer to the declaration of the American congress.] 5th ed. London, 1776. 8° *I'pli.v.3r.7 LiND, Jenny. 5('e Jenny Lind mania in Boston . I!. 170b. 83 LiNDAllL, K., and Ohrling, J. Lexicon Lapponi- cuni, cum infeipret. vocab. Sveco-Latina. llhist. pra'fatitiiic .1. Hire nee mm auclum gntmniiitica Lapponica. Ilo)mia\ 17bO. 4°. *41I3.1 LiND.VLL family, Genealogical memoir of the. See Vinton, .1. A 4332.3 LiNDEM.\NN, J. G. Geschielite der Meimingen iiltercr und iieuerer A'olker von Gott, lle- ligion, und rriesterthum. Steitdal, 1784-05. 7v. sm.8° *607G.23 Linden, O. Our martyr president : poetry by W. D. Smith, jr.; music by O. L. Boston, 1865. pp. 5. 4" *4350.1 LiNDLKY, J. Horticultural i)art of the Gardeners' chronicle. See Gardeners' chronicle .... 5000.2 Lindsay, A. W. C, lord. Scepticism, a retrogi-es- sive movement in theology and pliilosojihy. London, ]8ill. 8° 5507.1 LiNDWooi). See Lyndwood. LiNiiN. Nevill, J. Seasouable remarks on the linen- trade of Ireland 2478.3 — Pelz, E. Noch ein Wort iiber die deutsche Leinwandfriige B. 170b. 19 — Warden, A. J. Linen trade, ancient and mod- ern :J650.1 LiNGAN, J., Address occasioned by the death of. ^"06 Custis, G. W\ P 439na.43 Link, H. F. Icones anatomico-bolanicai ad illus- tranda Elementa philosophic' botanica;. [Lat. et Germ.] Ed. 2a. Berlin, 1837, 38. pp. 50. 24 plates, f *38.G.4 Linn£, C. v. Colhctio epistolarvm ad viros illus- tres. Accedunt opuscula pro et contra [Linna?um]. Edidit D. H. Stoever. Ham- burg!, 1792. 8" .3S36.8 — Flora Lapponica. Amstela?d;mii, 1737. 8". .*3857.10 — Systema plantarum Europx, curante J.E. Gili- bcrt. Colonice-Allobrogum, 17t5-S7. 7v. 8°. 3847.20 ConlciUfi. — Vol. I-IV. Clia Flic teres nil turalcagciiei-uin; Chanicterea CBscutialcs pcnenim et Bpecierum ; Synon- ima anliquorum, etc. ; Descriptiones riiriorunt, nec-noa flora; tres noviu. LugJumca, Delphinalea, Lithuanica, etc. V, \'I. Fundamentorum bolaniconim pars prima, exhibcns oranea disaertationes aeademieas, qiin) varioa Bphorismospbilosophia; botanica: illuslinre possunt, VII. I'undamentorum bolanicorum pars secuuda, exhibens Disscrtationcin de \\t& ct mentis Linna^i in re herbaria ; rhilo3ophiam botanicain; Cnlicam botanicam. — The young botanist : or, a sketch of Linnsns. Boston, [ISJOJ. lb° 2847.37 — Biick, A. Gediichtnisrede auf Carl von Liun(5. 2847.35 — Brightwell, C. L. Life of Linna-us 3n39.7 — tlogede. [V^icq-d'Azyr. <_Euvres, v. 1] . , . 3720.11 LiNO(.'ii:ii, G. ilusarum mytholoj^ia. See Conti, N.de' 6072.1 Linton, C. The healing of the nations. With in- troduction and appendix by N. P. Tallmadge. New York, ]85o. h° 6090.8 LlNTZ, H. Geschichte der Rechtsphilosophie, mit besonderer Kiicksicht auf Socialisinus und Comiuuuismus. D.mzig, lS4r). 8* 4304.13 Linus. Dc passione D. Petri et Pauli, ad ecclesias orientalc-3. [Maximabiblioth. vet. patr.,v. 2]. B.110.2 LiNWOoi), W. Great men: their cluiracteristics, influence, and destiny. A lecture occasioned by the death ofCIiauuiug. Loudon, 1843. 12°. *4163.3 LIOXARDO 360 LTTTA Shilf. ^^> LioxARDO d'Arczzo. Antioco fi^liuolo di Seleuco rt- di JSiria s'innaiuora di Stratonica sua ma- trigDJi. [Kaccolta di iiovelle, v. 2] ... 4S0S.12 LIOCVILLE, J. Journal de inatlieniatiqucs. T. 1-20 [in lOv.J ; lie ser. T. 1-8. Taiis, lS30-0.t. ISv. 4" •3362.2 LiPFAKD, G. The white banner. Published quar- terly. Vol. I. [Including] Adonai, the pil- grim of eternity. Philadelphia, lt-51. &" . . 4405.1 — Es.say on the writings and geuius of. See Burr, C.C 41:29.70 LlPPl, L. II maini:intile racquistato, coUe note di varj scelte da L. Portirdli. Milano, 1S07. 8*. [Classici italiaui, v. lO:,] **4806.r LiPPiNCoTT, S. J . C. Haps aud mishaps of a tour in Europe. Boston, lSo4. 1^° 2273.23 LiPSiAMhortile^-es. [Rapin. Hortorum libriiv], 4008.28 Lipsius, J. Opera omnia postremuni ab ipso re- ceusita. Vesalia;, 1675. 4v. 8" **2920.14 Contentf. — Vol. I. Faraa Lipsii postunin in qua ipsius vita, A. Miru-u iiuctore, nevHriii puctaruni etorntorum do eu elugia le^mitiir; Opcni omnia quw ntl criticHm pro- pria appelant; Vurianint ]votiouuni libH ni; Antitpta- ruiii lectionum lilji-i v ; Kpistolicarum quicstionuni libri V; Klcctoruin Ubri duo; Xutiu id Vulorium Maximum; Animud. in Svnuciv tra^oediaB; M. T. Ciceroni 9 consoln- tio; Judicium deronsolationo Ciccvonis; Satyrn Mcnip- pjt.i, sumniuni; Do recta pronuutiationo Lntinm llu- t;uiL-, dialo^Ufi. II. Kpistolurum seioctarum ccnturio; V ; Kpistolaruiu conturiaad Ituloset Hispnnos; Epietoloruin scli-ctiirum ccnturia ml Gcrmanot) ct Gallos ; Epistolnrum si'lcctarum ceiituria; 111 ad Itvlgas; liistilutio epistulioa. III. Lto mililia IConuinn libri v.oonimentarius ail Polybi- um ; Annluclaad niilitium Itomanam; riiUorccticuii.sive demiicliinis, tomifnliR, teli^, tibri v; Adinirnnda, aivo do mugTiituditic Itomana libri iv; riatumuliuni sermouuin li- bri II, ipii de gbidiatoribuii; Dc ompitheatro; De ampi- tbcntria extra Kuinnm ; DcVv stn et Vestalibus syiitnf^ma ; Do bibliotlici'if t^iytitagnia; Du cruce libri in ; Diva virgo Ilullcn^is; Diva virgo Asprlcullia; Uejtictiuncula Saiini- ouis cujusdam Balnvi; Lovaiiiuni libri trcs; De niaKia- tratibua popuH Homani; Du Vetera Latinonimscriplura; De re pecuiiiuria Tcterum Itomauorum ; I)e iiumtiiibua Itomnnorum; Dc rilu conviviorum apud Komanof); De censura et censu; De anno, vjusquc miionc i-t tnli-r- calatione. I\'. Politicorum sivo civiUit doctrinni liltri VI; I'oliticorum iiotic; Do una rcligioiie, udveisua Dia- logialam liber: Monita etcxempla pulilicii libri li; Com- ment, in Pliuii puuo^yricuu) ; Do eonataiilm in jiublieia mnlia libri II; Manuducllnnia nd Ktuit-um pliilosupbiam libri III ; Pbyaiologim Stoivoruui Ubri III. — De bihliothccia syntagma. Sec Mader, J. J. 2128.15 — Lii)sii vi !id rum virorum eruditi)rum epistohu. [liurniann. Sylloge epistol;irum, v. 1, 2] . , 4221.6 I.UjUOK trallic. Extent and evils of Sunday liquor trallic in citius. Marsh, J 6088.28 LiKUTi, tJ. (i. Kotiziedelle cose del Friuli. Udiiie, 177(1,77. 5v. S° '. 4728.4 Liscow, C. L. [Sammhing sutyrisfher und erugthaf- ter SchrifU'U.] Frankfurt, 17:J9. sm.a" , . 4008.17 LiSFRANC, J, Pri-cisdemedecineoptJraloire. Paris, 1M5-47. 3v. 8*" 3755.7 LiSLic, E. Du suieide, statisti*iue, medccine, hlstoire et h'-gislation. Paris, lh5(i. 8* 3800.44 Lisle, Edward. ObMervutions iu husbandry. 2d ed. Eoiidon, 1757. 2v. 8» 5099.0 LiSLR, .1. G. S. lAl'v, writtea by himself. London, i;u.». h" 2542.15 LiSTKK, .1. Autdblngraphy : [with] The defence of lliailCorcl and capture ol Leeds in 1042. Kd. by T. Wri-ht. London, lh42. i)p. 80. 8°. 2515.0 LiSTON, U. EhincntH of «uri:ery. Phila., 18:i7, 8", 3762.4 — I'nicllcal Murgcry. In, lK't7. b" .... 3762.8 LlTKHAUY guzutiu, The. 1817-51, 51-G2. London, lhi7-0\;. 47v. 4* •5100.3 LiTBRAHV history. Andrew, U. Dell' orlgine, pro- gri'SHJ e hlato iiHimledi ognl Icltirutura . . 4170.10 — Birliigi'm, J. Literary history of the middle Hg«" 2100.26 — Bluuut, T. Cenaura cclcbriorum authorum. 2105. Ml, and 4150.0 — Daricr, B. J, de. Itapporl hut U: progrett tie I'hiHtoIro et de la llllerature anrlniue, depuitt JThU 1000.24 Sbelf. No. LiTKRAKY history, continued. — Fabricius, J. A. Bibhotheca Lrftina mediie ct inlima'setatis 4139.2 — Griisse, J. G. T. LitorJirgeschiclite allerbekaun- ten Viilker der Welt 4130.0 — Hettner, II. J. T. Literaturgeschichtc des xviuten Jnhrhunderts 2193. 10, and 2195.8 — Jarry de JMancy, A. Atlas historique et chrono- logique des litteratures ancioniies et nioder- nes, des .sciences, et des beaux-arts . , , , B.lSOe.4 — La Harpe, J. F. de. Cours de la litterature, an- cieune et nioderne 4GC0.30 — Leigli, E. Conjuncture of religion and learn- in;,' 4141.3 — Merlfker, C. F. Musologic 2195.15 — Mundt, T. GeschichtederLitcraturderGegen- wart 2195.9 — Schilhorn, J. G. Amcenitates liti'raria' . . . B.159.37 — Schlegel, C- W. F. v. Gcsclnchte deralteii und ni'uen Littcratur 2307.10 — Stolle, G. Intrortuctio in historiam Htterariam. 2195.18 — Struve, B. G. Introdm^tio in notitiam rei lit- terariie et usum bibliothecaruiu 2195.16 — Tannehill, W. History of literature 2193.11 — Wachler, J.F. L. Geschichte der Littcratur. 4143.2 Sreaho: Biblii.{;nipby. Pools, vlt«o: rnplish, French, Latin, Oriental aud Sanskrit littTuture; and t)iu named of various countries, etc.. na: Arabia, Dtihemia, Den- mark, Klandera. Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Jcwa, Netberlands, Portugal, Russia, Scandinaviit, Venice. Literary men, Disorders incident to. Ncwnham, W Pph.v.3S5 LiTEKAKY property. Champagnac, G. de. £tude sur la i)roprieti5 lltteraire 3000.30 — Commission dc la irt'opritte littcruire et artis- tique. See France, ministry of stale . . . 5Ct'i2.1 — Lamartine, A. M. L. P. de. Discours sur la proi)rii'te litteraire 2114.40 — Letter concerning literary property . . , . Ppli. v.347 — Nodicr, C. (^leslions de UttOrature legale. 2144.7 — Uenou;nd, A. ('. Kights of authors iu litera- ture, sciences, iind the fme arts 2114.40 Liter ATuiu:. Bibliothek der schoncn Wlssen- schaften 5114.2 — Giai-omiui, L. Delia nobiltiidclle lettere . , , 4774.8 — Tht-ry, A, F. Cours de littt-ratare geiieralc . 3591.34 Sceaho: Ralbids, Belles k'ttrea.RibliogTflpliy.Dramft, Kpif^rams, Epibtk'a, Epilajdia, Epitbota, l.v^onds, Let- ters, I'oeti'y, Rhelorio, Itomances, Tales. Atxo: Anglo- fiaxon, CbineHe, Knplisb, Freneb, Pruvou^al, and Ori- ental literature, nml tbo names of othur countHcsand naliuuB of whoso literaluro tho library poast-aiiea col- lei'tiona ur imjiortant specimens, ns: Arabia, Au>itrln, R<'1^nm, Ituhcmla, Denmark, FlanderH, Germany, Grevi-o, Iceland, lljily, Jows, LItbuunia, Livonia, Neltior- laiidt, Norwayt rortugili Russia, 8axony, Scandinavia, Spain, Sweden, United Statusi Vonico, etc. LiTHOGKAPiiY', Instructions in. Huso, G 2115.20 LiTiioritiTY. lUnndln, P. F. ParallMe enlre la tuillect lalitholritie 3f^04.28 — Civiale, ,T. Traitc pratique et historique de la lithotritie 6793.6 — AVarren, .T. M, Lithotrlly and lithotomy, with the use of ether iu M.l'ph.v.l34 Lithuania. Nessdmauu, G, U. F. Littauisi-he Volkslieder 2>*75.1, and 4223.4 — Ulii'sa, L. J. Dainos odcr litthauische VolUs- lU-dcr 4224.19 — Schlcirhi-'r, A. Uandljuch der litauischcn Sprachu 2S80.20 — Schlozcr, A. L. Geschichte von Litlainn . . 4212.0 — Tettau, W. J. A. v. Die Volkssagcn Lit- tlHiiiciis 4224.8 LlTTA, r. Famiglle celehii d'ltalia. Dispeusa 137-118. Jliluno, 1858-04. 12 parts, f ° . . . •27-iO.l A'oW. — For contenta of earlier volniuea, nee Index of I8tll. C'<>iir<-rif«. — Vol. XI. Gainbnra dt IlrrMeta; Cond >l<-nn Gborard^nea dl I'lxa ; rarTirnI durhl dl I'arma ; Hitd> rinl dlMi'iinKu; Munfrudi dl lac-nza; Da I'olcntA, aignuri * +3101.2 LlTTfeRATURK cftnadit'iinc, La, do 1850 1\ ISOO. l*ub- Iie« par In direction du " Foyer caimdieii." Quebec, 1«(;3, (4. 2v. 8° 4395.2 LiTTM-:, C C, and iJrtiwn, J. Catalogue of law books, lioslon, IMS, lti° 2185.31 LiTTLK, a. li, Jlcnioriiil of closing scenes in the life of G. li. Little. Caiubridge, 1801. 8°, 4348.15 LiTTLKUALK, U. F. unices from the service-books of the holy casteru church. See Greek church 54(8.17 LiTTLKTON, A. Latin dictionary, iufourparts. 4th ed. London, 1715. 4° *4932.5 — - .Same. Otli ed. London, 1735. 4° . . . . *4932.4 Littleton, Sir T.,and ('oke, Sir E. Institutes of the laws of England, Fart 1-4. [Fart 1], 16th ed., revised by F. Ilargrave and C. Butler. London. 1809. 7v. 8' 4294.3 LlTTB±, M. P. fc. Histoire de la langue fran^aise, Paris, 18i>3. 2v. 8' 2085.10 — 5ce Histoire litteraire de la France 4092.1 — Kotice 8ur sa vie et ses travaux. See Sainte- Beuve, C. A 4704.2 LiTURGiKS. Brett, T. Liturgies used in the cele- bration of the eucharist 3448.2 — Daniel, il. A. Codex liturgicus ecclesice uni- versal 5448.1 — Fasiculussacrarumlitaniarum 6448.32 — Nenle, J. M. Liturgies of Alexandria, Jeru- salem, Constantinople, etc 3448.13 Pahner, \V. i>issertatiou on primitive litur- gies 3448.3 — Ritual of the Gospel church. See Brookline, Ma-iHf 6440.9 — Vetromile, E. Indian good book 5448.25,20 Sc'^ also: Enifland, Cliurcli of, Greek church, Tray- ers, Kclomied Dutch church in North America, Itomnn CHthulic church, Swodcu, Church of. Liturgy for the use of the church at the Warren Street chapel. [Prepared by F. W. P. Green- wood.] Bostuu, 1840. 16* 3449.3 LlUTPKAND, or Luitprand, hisho]) of Cremona. Antapodosis, sive historia gestorura regum et iniperatorura. [Fraulifurt. feocietas, etc., V. 3] 4210.2 Liver. Eisenmann, G. Die Krankheits-Familie Cholosis 3799.17 — Frerichs, F. T. Diseases of the 5714.7 Li VEKANi, F. II papato, I'impero e il regno d'ltalia. 3a ed. Fireuze, ISOI. 12° 4718.17 — [II papato, I'impero e 11 regno d'ltalia : memo- ria di F. L. esaminata e confutata.] Konia, 1801. 12° 4718.21 — La curia romana e i Gesuiti. See Andrea, G. 4718.18 LiVERATi, C. E. Kicordi del terzo congresso scien- tifico italiano ossieno ritratti di trentasei fra i suoi component!. Firenze, 1842. sm.f ° . 4740.20 LiVEKMORU,A. A. The Christian religion; its divi- nity, suiliciency, and perpetuity : a discourse, Kov. 14, 1852. Cincinnati, 1853. 8° . . . . 0088.53 — Discourse [on Prov. xxii. 0, with the first an- nual report of J the *' Sunday school associa- tion in connection with the Cheshire pas- toral association." Keene, 1837. S' , . . . *4163.13 — Discourse on thanksgiving day, Dec. 7, 1837. Keene, 1837. 8" *41G3.13 — Sermon at the ordination of J. Thurston. Windsor, 1838. 8° *4163.13 LiVERMOKE, E., Sermon on tlie death of. See Ware,J.F.W 4348.11 46 Sholf. No. LiVERMORE, G. Opinions of the founders of the. republic on negroes a.^ slaves, as citizens, and fls soldiers. ISostou, 1802. 8° 3573.6 — - Same. Boston, l.sr>2. 4°. [Large paper] . ,%5571. 5 — - Same. 4th ed. Boston, 1803. 8° *5573.3 — Ctpinions of the early presidents, and of the lathers of the republic, upun slavery. Is'ew York, l;s(;3. pp. !'.». .s". [New York. Loyal publication society, No. 18] 4322.18 — Remarks and resolutions commemorative of Hon. J. Quincy. Sea Worcester. American antiquarian society 4345.4 LiVERMoKE, N., Sermon on the death of. 5ecWare, .1. F. W 4348.11 Liverpool, Picturesque hand-book to 2480.25 — Conference on missions, in ISOO. Papers read, etc 3535.6 — Domestic mission society. Report presented at the 14th, Idtli annual general meeting. [By F. Bishop.] London, 1^51, 62. 12" . , 0059.28 Liverpool and Manchester railway. Booth, H. Account of the 4018.30 — Sandars, .1. I'l-ojected railway between Liver- pool and Manchester Pph.v.338 Liverpool mercury, and Lancashire, Chesliire, and general advertiser. 1802. Liverpool, 1802. 2v. V *0460.1 Lives of the English saints. [P. 1, 2, 4-11, 13, 14. By J. P. Newman and others.] Loudon, 1844,45. 12 parts in 7v. 10* *B.117.4 Contents.— \o\. I. P. 1. Tho Cistercian saints of Eiifr- laud: St. Stephen Harding. 2. St. Itichiirc), tlie Snxun ; St. Willibalilj St. Walburga; St. Wiuabald. IIL 4. Hermit soinlB: St. Guiidleus; St. Helier; St. Herbert; St. Edelwald; St. Bettelin; St. Neot; St. Burlholoiucw. 6. St. Wulstan, bp. of Worcester; St. WiUiani, abp. of York. IV. (J. St. Paulinus, abp. of York; St. Ed- win ; St. Ethelburi^a ; St. Oswald ; St. Oswin ; St. Ebba ; St. Adamnan; St. Bega. 7. St. Gilbert, prior ofScm- priiieham. V. 8. St. Wilfrid, bp. of York. 10. Stephen Langton, abp. of Canterbury. VI. 9, 11. St. German, bp. of Auserre. VII. 13. St. Aelred, abbot of Rievaux ; St. Ninian, bp. of Candida Casa. Vlll. 14. St. Edmund, abp. of Canterbury; St. Waltheof; St. Robert; St. Richard, bp. of Chichester. Lives of Scottish poets ; with portraits and vignettes. Loudon, 1821, 22. Ov. in 3. 24° 2546.30 « Contents. — Vol. I [1]. Janiea the first; Thomas the rhymer; J.Barbour; A. Wynlouu ; G. Douglas; A. Ramsay; W. Mcston; J. Home; J. Bcatlie; U. Burns. [2]. James the fifth; W. Duubar; Sir J. Inglis; Henry tho minstrel; Sir D. Lindsay; A, Barclay; A. itont- pomcry; Earl of Stirling; W. Druramond; J. Thomson; J. Oswald, 11 [3]. James the sixth ; Sir R. Maithtnd ; A. Johnston; Hamilton of Bangour; Hamilton of Gilbert- field ; S. Colvil ; A. lioss j J. Armstrong ; J. Ogilvie ; J. Macpheraon ; C. Salmon. [4]. A. Hume ; J. Bellenden ; M. A. Boyd; W. Wilkie; R. Fergusson; W. J. Jlickle; A. Gcddcs; J. Grahame. Ill [5J. It. Henryaon; A. Scot; W. Kennedy; J. Ogilby; A. Pennycuik; Earl of Glencaim; D. Mallet; W.Falconcr; Lord Gardenstone ; It. Blair; Dr. Moor; J. Grrcme; C. Whitefoord; Dr. Graiuger; H. Macncill; J. Wilson, [(j]. Earl of Ancram; Ricliard, lord Maitland ; Earl of Haddington ; Lord Binning; Michael Bruce; T. Hlacklock ; J. Logan; A. Atacdonald; J. Mercer; Appendix; Sujiplement; Index. LrVET, C. L. La grammaire fran<;.nise et les gram- mairiens du lOe siecle. Paris, 1859. 8". , 2684.7 — Precieux et precieuses, caracteres et moiurs lit- t(iraires du ire siecle. Paris, 1850. 8° . . , 2G57.9 Contents. — Madame de Ramhouillet; L'abbe Cotin; Madame Cornuel ; L'abbe d'Aubignac; Scudery; Wile, de Goumny; Le Pays; Joan GrilJct; Bois-Hobert ; La guirhmde de Julie. Livingston, E., Life of. .^ee Hunt, C. H 2347. .36 Livingston, John. The United States lawyer's directory and official bulletin for 1850. New York, 1850. 8° 4301-15 Livingston, John H. Marriage of a man with his sister in law. New-Brunswick, 1810. 8°. . 6457.8 — psalms and hymns, catechism, confession, and liturgy of the Reformed Dutch church in Korth America. New York, 1814. 18° . . . 3449.35 LITIUS 363 LOCKE'S Shelf. Xo. Livius Andronicus, M. Frasmenta, cum vita ox Lilio GiraUlo. [Gottfriud. Corpus ' vet. poet.l B.191.9 — Eeliqiiia!. [Kibbeck. Tragic. Lat. reliq.] . . B.1'J9.4 Livics I'ataviniis, T. Uistoriarvm libri. Anistor- ilanii, W.a. 24° »*4929li.38 — Historiarum libri ijni supcrsiint omnes et tleper- ditoriim fragmenta. Ex rccensione A. Bralc- enborcliii, odidit J. T. Kreyssig. Lipsiic, 18J8. 5v. M' B.ir9a.l3 Eenim Komanarum ab urbo condita libri, emen- dati ab C. V. S. Alscliefslii. Beroliui, IWl- 4li. :Sv. S° 2924.14 Historiarum ab iirbe contlita libri. [Uistorise Komana; scriptores, V. 1] 4240.3 TliL' liomane bistorie; also tbc ISruviariea o< ],. Floras. Translated by I'. Holland. Lou- don, 1000. f° ■ **4920.6 Histoire romniue, trad, en frau50is par Antoine de I,a Faye. [I'aris], 11107. f *4920.5 Kiiniisclie Gcsclliclite. Ubi-rsetzt niit Anmor- knngen von K. lleusinger. Braunschweig, 1S21. 5v. >S° **2924.2 Historiarum libri quinque priores. Kdinburgi, 1701. 12° 4929.5 Historiarum libri priores quinque. Ed. :!a. i:tie.T, 1821. 12° 4919a. 37 Historiarum libri qninque priores ad sccundam .1. Dvniock ed. e.xpressi. Cur. G. M. Guun. Kdinburgi, IS:!:). 12° 4929. C Historiarum liber primus et seleeta quiedam capita. Curavit C. Folsom. Cantabrigi.-e, I.S29. 12° 2924.19 Origines Koinana;. AVitli notes by Rev. E. St. ,lohn I'arry. London, 1802. 10° 2758.3 P(. lontibus historiarum T. Livii. See Lach- mann, U. F. T 2923.2 HVLANUlscllK Reimchronik, herausgegeben von F. Pfeifl'er. Stuttgart, IK44. 8°. [.Stuttgart. Bibliothck des liter. Vereins].**2S74. 14, and V. 7 of *4225.1 Livonia. Geschichte der Sklaverey, und Charakter dcr Bauern in Lielland. Jaunau, H. J. v. . 4296.20 See aUo: Lettish luiiKangc. LIZARPS. Catalogue of lizards in the British mu- 6cnm, by J. E. Gray. 5(e London. British museum 5SS9a.3 LiZARS, .1. System of anatomical plates; with de- Fcriptions and observations. 1*. 1-C. Edin- burgh, 182.3, 24. K°, and Atlas, f° .3750.14 LJUNGSiedt, Sir A. Historical sketch of the I'ortugnese settlements in China. [With] a description of Canton. Bo.ston, I8:!0. 1.8°. 3015.30 LlaSo.s, V. Catechism of .Spanish grammar. Lon- don, 1824. pp. 04. 24°. [i'innock's cate- chisms] 70.'J9.59 Lloyii, II., and Tempclhoir, G. F. v. Geschichte des sieben.iidirigin Krieges in Peutschland. Berlin, 178.'>-1801. Ov. in 3. 1.1° •2824.22 _ - lYI>, W. .Sermon at the funeral of John WII- klns. .Vic WilkiuB, .1 0023.8 LoBAItl) SIrUhl.oi- l.ondjiirdo dl .Slrlgo. Sec .Slrl- clil Lumbiird. LonECK, C. A. ARlnnplinnnn pIvo de thoologltc niystlcie tJr:trccr. X'asc. 1, Regi- montii Frussorum, 1850. 8° ....... . 4203.5 LOBEIRA, V. de. Amadis, erstes Buch, nach der "al- testen deutschen Bearbeitung, herausg. von A. von Keller. Stuttgart, 1857. 8°. [Stutt- gart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, v. 4(1] . . *4235il LoBENSTEix-LOBEL, E.' I^. Gruudrlss der Serai- ologie des Auges. Jena, 1817. 8° 3804.13 LoBSTEis, Jacques F. D. Uccberches ct observa- tions sur le phosphore. Strasbourg, 1815. 8°. 3977.16 LoBSTEiN, Jean F., liloge de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. U5uvres,v.3] 3720. U Local preachers' magaziuc. The, and mutual-aid association reporter. London, 1851,52. 2v. 8°. 5442.7 Locati, U. De riacentina: urbis origine, successn, ct Inudibus. [Grievius. Tiles, antiq. Ital., T. 3, p. 2] 4710.1 LOCHNEK, G. W. C. De bypocrisi philosophorvm qvorvndam speciatim Pytbagorie. [Diss, iiiaug.] Altortii, 1843. 4° 4163.28 — Vita Fausti Socini. [Diss, acad.] Jsorim- bergiE, 1841. pp. 10. 4° B. 190. 40 Locke, John. Works. London, 1714. 3v. f ° . . *4171.2 6"wiif*:«(8. — Vol. I. Of humnnuiiilersfnntling; Letlerlo the bishop of Worcester, on some pussngea relalini: to the Essay on linniRn nnderstnndinK; Keply to the tiiahop of Worcester's answer to his letter; Iteply (o the answer til his second letter. II. Consennenecsof the lowering of interest, und raising the value of money ; Observations on a printed paper for encouraging silver money In England, and lor keeping it here; Further obser\'ntious concerning raising the value of money ; Two treatises of government ; Three letters coneorning toleration ; Itea- sonahleness of Chi-lstiunity ; Two vindications of tho Itensonnbicnessof Cliristianity. III. Thoughts concern- ing education; An Essay for understanding^St. Taul's epistles: I'araphrase and notes on St. Paul's epistles to tile Galatians.Corintliians,nomans, and Ephesians ; I'ost- humous works: Conduct of the understanding; Exami- nation of ftlaiobninchc's opinion of seeing all things in God; Discourse of miracles; I'art of a fourth IcUer for toleration ; Memoirs relating to Anthony, earl of Shaftes- bury; New method of a cninmon-plnce book ; Letters between Locko and his friends. — Syllabus of Locke's Essay on the Iiuman under- standing. 4tli ed. Harlow, 1807. 8° . . »Fph.v.352 — Philosophic de Lo(*e. iVc Cousin, V 50113.15 Locke, John L. History of the town of Camden, Maine. Hallowell, 1850. 12° 2339.11 Locke, R. A. The moon hoax ; or, a discovery that the moon has a vast population of bumau beings. New York, 18,VJ. pp. 03. 8° . . . 4105.8 Locke, S. Sermon before tlii^ JIassachusetts con- vention of ministers, May 28, 1772. See Bos- ton. Benevolent nssociutions. Society for promoting Christian knowledge, etc. Chris- tiau monitor, v. 10 5159. S Locke's system of classical instruction [texts, and interlinear translations]. London, v. d. 13v. 12°. Kametij ; — Essay on a system of classical instruction; combining tiie methods of Locke, Milton, Aschani, and Colet 4909.1 — Stories I'roni llalitm writers, selected from I'a- nizzi 41)(i9.8 J,ntln sefic.t. — Cwsnr, C. J. Invasion of Britain, in Latin and English, interlinear ■I909.9 Ovidlus Naso. 1'. Metamorphoses. Book 1 . ■IWjii.lo Pha'drns. Imllalion of -Hsop's fables .... IWOH.ll — Sluu't J^atin gruimmir 49:i7. 10 — Tai'IHls,C. C. Life of Agricola. Part 1 . . . 49011.12 — Virglliiis .Maro, P. First book of the yF.neid, with jiursing lessons. 2v.in 1 4909.13 Orech nericn. — Anarreon. Odes 4909.2 — lliiodolus. Selection from the hlDtorlen . . . ■lliou.6 LOCKK'S 3(53 LOMENIE Sholf. No. Locke's sj'stem, etc. Greek series, contitmed. — Itomonis. lliiitl. liouk I. AVith pursing les- sons. 2v ■J9(i!l.3,4 — l.uciiiniis. Selection from the dialogues . . . 4%9.G — Xenophon. Memorabilia of Socrates, liixik 1, part I i'jm.7 LoCKiiu;r, .1. (;. Ancient Spanish tiallads; with intrnduclion and notes. New ed. Boston, isi'ii. s° soai-is Locks. Uraniah,.!. Construction of 4U1S.30 — tirnndpre, r,. J[. J. O'll. de. Nouveau manuel coniplet du serrurier 4010.40 — Price, (i. (lunpowder.proof locks 401n.;J2 — - Treatise on 401S.31 Logman. Fabidap, cum Interpretatlone I.atina. 5ce ErpeniuK, T. van 4122.7 LocoMorivK engines. Colbiirn, Z. Description of the ^triielureof 4019.7 — Slllinmn, J5., jr. Fuel for locomotive steam use 5953.27 Locusts. DelocustishiGermaniavisis. Ludolf,.T. 4200.16 LoDBKOC. ].odbrokar Quida; or the death song of 1 Lodbroc. [Tlie Icelandic original] with Knglish trnnslation by ,1. Johnstone. Copeu- liagen, 1813. lU" **2875.26 LODOK, E. rortraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. "With memoirs. Loudon, lS2:i-2i;. 5v. l.S" 2541.18 LODl poudrelte manufactui-ing company. Night soil asanumure. Economy of poudrette. [New York, 1S50.] pp. 2S. 8° B. 170. 14 LoFFRHiio, F. L'antichitii di Pozzvolo, con le des- ci'i/.ioni de' baglii di Agnano, ecc. trascritte dal J. Villano. Napoli, 1702. pp. 64. 4°. V. fiof *4723.12 — Antiquitas Puteolorum, ex Italicis Latina fecit S, Havercampus ; Dissertatio de situ l'ida:opoli3 et Neapolis. [Grcevius. Thes. antiij. Ital., T. 9, p. 4] 4710.1 Logan, .lames. The Scotish Gaijl; or, Celtic man- ners. IstAm. ed. Boston, 183.3. 8° . . . . 2474.16 Logan, .John. Miscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 11]. 4001.1 LoGAN,.Tohn A. Great union speech in Chicago, Aug. 10, 18Ct3. Chicago, 18(13. 8° 4320a. 73 Logan, *i> W. E. Geological survey of Canada, lieport of progress from its commencement to lsil:i. Montreal, 18ti3. 1.8° 5873.13 — Commission geologiiiue du Canada. Kapport de i)rogrL'S depnis son commencement juscju'tl lSii.i. Traduit dc Tanglais par B. ,7. Darey. Montreal, IslU. 1.8° 5873.15 — Sketcli of the geology of Canada. See Canada, Iniversal exhibition of 1S.J5 7035.3 Logarithms. Hutton, C. Common, hyperbolic, and logistic logarithms 39.33.8 — Napier, .7. Logarithmornmcanonis descriptio. 5933.4 — Veg;i, G. V. Tabula; logarithmico-trigonome- t'ic:e 5933.2 Logau, I'". V. Auserlesene Gedichte. [Miillcr. Bibliothekdeutscher Dichterdesxvii. Jahr- hunderts, y. 6] 2879.10 Logic. Amauld, A. Port-Royal logic ,5609. 18 — Best, W. System of logics 7009.44 — Blakey, R. lligtorieal sketch of 6084.8 — De 5Iorgan, A. Formal logic; or, the calculus of inference 3607.22 — Fischer, C. Logik und Metaphysik Oder Wis- senscliaftslehre 6086.4 — Fries, ,7. F. System der Logik 6085.5 — Gilljart..7. W. Logic for the million 6085.8 — Hamilton, \V. Lectures on 6003.2 — Heereboard,A. E.vplieatio synops. logicae Bur- gersdician.-E 5609.20 — Hesselbein, .7. Tlieoria logica 2934.11 — Kcckermann, B. Systema logices 3607.30 — Krausc,C. C. F. Abrissdes Systemes der Logik als philosophischcr Wissenschaft 60U6. — - Die I.clire vom Erkcnnen und von der Er- kenutnis9 6095 Shelf. No. Loai(% continued. — La Croix, ,7. de. Jredulla logica; contracta . . 5009.30 — Mill, .7. S. System of 5009.10 — Nicole, P. Logica, sive ars cogitandi .... 6086.8 — Thmnson, W. Treatise on pure and applied logic 5608.30 — Trenilelenburg, F. A. Logisclic Untersuchun- gen 60S5.2 — Ullord, ll.G. Elementary treatise on . . . . 3607.28 — Wbately, 1{. Elements of 3607.28 LoHKNSTEiN, D. C. V. Ibrahim Bassa, Traucrspiel. [Tieck. Deutsches Theater, v. 2] 2878.5 LoHKR, F. Des deutschen Volks Bedeutung In der Weltgeschichte. Cincinnati, 1847. 8° . . . 4210.15 — Fiirsten und Stiidte zur Zeit der Holienstaufen. Halle, 1846. 8° 2816.15 Loii.mann, .7. 1». P. Anleitung zum wiirdigen Ge- niisse des heiligen Abendmahls. Niirnberg, 1833. 12° 5455.35 LOHR, J. A.C. [Der vollstundige Monatsgjirtner. Von J. C. F. MUller.] 4te Aufl. Frankfurt, 1800. 16° 4008.26 LOISELKIJR, J. Les crimes et les peines dans I'an- tiquite et dans les temps modernes. Paiis, 1803. 12° 3579.30 LoLLio, A. Dieci orazioni. [Uaccolta di prose italiane, V. 1, 2] 4808.10 Lombard, J. G. [Materiaux pour servir a I'his- toire des annces 1805-7.] 2eed. Paris, 1808. 12°. 2836.20 Lombard, P. Sententiarum libri quatuor; necnon Thomas Aquinatis Sumnia theologica, accu- rante J. P. Migne. I'arisiis, 1841. 4v. 1.8°. [.Migne. Patrologia Latina] *B.110.1 — Textus sententiarum cu conclusionibus IT. Gorichem, et concordantiis Biblie ac cano- num. Basile£e,1502. f° *B. 130.12 yote. — Black letter; double columns. L05IBARDI, B. Comento sulla Divina commedia. See Dante Aiighieri 4800.5 LOMBAiuii, G. F. Eorum, qua de balneis aliisque miraculis Puteolanis scripta sunt, synopsis; Schola Saleruitana de regimine sanitatis casti- gata. [Graevlus. Thes. antiq. ital., T. 9, P.-l] 4710.1 LoMBARDi, N. La ciucceide o pure la reggia de li ciucce conzarvata, pocmma arrojeco. Napoli, 1783. 18°. [Collezione di tutti i poemi in lin- gua napoletana, v. 5] Lombards. Grctius, H. HistoriaLangobardorum. — Schmidt, J. E. Tractatio historico-juridica de Langobafdis eorumque in Italia regno . . . Lombardv. Bazancourt, C.de. Campague d'ltalie de 1859 — Cantii, C. Sulla storia lombarda del secolo XVII — Kos.T, G. I feudi ed i comunl della Lombardia. — Scliupfer, F. Delle istituzioni politiche longo- bardiche LOMEIER, J. De bibllothecis liber. See Mader, .7. J LoMKNiK, L. L. de. Beaumarchais et son temps. 2e ed. Paris, 1858. 2v. 8° — Galerie des contemporains illustres, par un Uomme de rien. Paris, 1842-44. lOv. 24° . 4799a. 1 4829a. 3 4217.4 2716.3 4799.10 4720.1 4729a. 3 2128.15 4703.11 6249a. 1 Contents. — Vol. I. Soult; Thiers; Chateaubriand; LafStte; Guizot; Lamurline; Benyer; Lamenneis; Bupin ulne; Beranger; Odilon Ban-ot; Victor Hugo. II. Arngo; George Sand; De Broglie; De Cornienin; Wellington; Mole; Ingres; Mettemich; Alfred de Vigiiy; Mohammed-Aly; Ihreliira-Pacha; Ganiier- Pages. III. O'Connell; Meyerbeer; Mauguin; Scribe; A. Mickicvicz ; B. Espartei'O ; Ballanche; Balzac; Bcr- nadotte (Charles XIV); Lord Palmerston; Auguslin Thierry; RoBsinl. IV. Sir Robert Peel ; Silvio Pellico; Royer-Collard; Moncey; Martinez de la Rosa; Lord John Uussell; Casimir Delavigiio ; Duperre; A. \V. do Schlcgel; Horace Vernet; L'archidue Charles; Ville- main. V. Lafayette; Brougham; Larrey; LacorUaire; Nolhomb ; Mannont ; Alexandre de Humboldt; A, Du- mas; Cousin. VI. C'aeimir Perier; Manzoni; Gerard; Czartoryski; Gay-Lussae ; Villele; Lebeau; Toreno; LOM^NIE 364 LOiNDON Shvlf. Ko. liOMENiE, L. L. de, contimied. Bosio; Pasquicr; DelaoToix, Til. Talleyrnnd; Bcrze- lius; Le ^■uC-ral Bertrand; Koschiii-I'acba; NuiliiT; T. Moore; Oudinot; Deluroclu'; Sismondi; Auber; Colet- tis. VIII. Constant; Maurocordntos ; iJnrid (d'Augt-rs) ; Abd-EI-Kadir; Sebaetianl; Tieck; Decazes; Ncssel- rod«; Dupuj'trcu; Carrel; CooiJfr, IX. Cuvier; Le general Jackson; Bugcaud; Thonvaldsen ; Sntnte- Beuve ; Cborubini ; MnrCigroac ; Barautc ; Uhland ; Scott. X. Goethe; Sponlini; M. de Salvandy ; Schtilliug; Am- pere; Cobdeu; St. Simon; Fourier. LOMONOSOF, M. AV. Alte nissische Geschiciite bis 1054. Aus dem Itussischen ins Deutsche ubersetzt [von H. L, C. Backmeister]. Kig^, 170S. S" 4252.11 London, J. Affidavit in regard to the seizure of \V. Goffe. 5ee Hougli, F. B 4317.31 London. City. — Addresses presented to Lord Denman and his lordship's answers : with the proceeding's on his jirst accession to office. London, 185U, pp. 72. 12' 244S.24 — Catalogue of the library of the corporation, IbS'J, aud supplements, 1S60-G4. London, lh:V.M}4. 5v.in3. S° *2135.30 — iluuimenta GildhalK-e Londouieusis. Edited by II. T. lliley. Vol. 1, 3. Loudon, ls5'J-r)2. 2v, 8'. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] . *2414.13 Contents. — Vol.1. Liber rtlbus. III. TronslntioiiRfrom tbe AnFlo-Xonnau jiortion uf Libt-r nlbus; tUossark-s; F.xtracts from the Assisa pnnis, 21 Edward l— 10 Ib-nry VI, and thu Liber inciuoraiidoi-um, ti'mp. Edward li ; LcUtT of J. CarjJcuiiT. — White book of the city of. Carpenter, J. . . 2495.fi Desci'iptiont history^ etc. — London and its environs described, with a plan of London, etc. [Alphabetically arranged.] Londuu, 1701. (5v. h" *249G.20 — Britton, J. Picture of 24S7.8 — Chamberlain, H. History aud survey of , . . 4490.5 Critical observations on the improvements of.rph.v.347 — Cruchley, G. F. Ticture of 24S7.10 — Dodd, V. History of, with 122 plates . . 2480.5 Muyhew, H. Linidoii hibour and the London poor. Those that will not work 3570.1 Mogg, K. New picture of 4178.18 — Oultou, W. C. History of the theatres of, 17'J5-1817 2552.20 rost-office suburban directory 2483.5,(1 Scott. J. Narralives of two families exposed to the great pla^'ue of, lOliS 4539a. 30 — Smith, C. Flan of London, Westminster and SnuthWiirk 2487.11 — Vaughun, W. Commerce, docks, etc. of . . . 3ii52.9 — VVukelield, 1'. Ferauibuhitions In 24U5.U See aUa: Bt. Uunatan't lo tho eft»t, Tliomoi. Jicncvolcnt associatinna. — AflBOcifttlon for preserving liberty and property, etc. AddreHM to the people of (Jreat Britain nnd Irehinfi on the threatened Invasion. LondON 305 LONDON bhoir. No. London. Jiritlsh rnuseitm, continued, — - Observntions on the plun ftud progress of thecutiiloguG of the libniry of the 2128.10 Spei'imens of natural history. — - Guide to the exhibition rooms of the de- partmont:? of natural history and antiiiuilies. [London], Ifsii'j. ^° 3vS2o.S — - Catalo^'iio of manimiilia. Parts 1-3. Lon- don, ISSD-o-*. ov. inl. 10° *0iK)9.1O Contriitn. — I'ttrt I. Cctacca. II. Seals. III. Uiigii- liitit fiii-cli>tf(lu. — - rutalo^ue of the specimens and draw- ings of mammals, birds, reptiles, and fishes, of Nepal and Tibet. 2d ed. Lon- don, isr>;j. 10" 5909.0 — - List of the ostcological specimens. [Ky J.K.Gray.] Loudon, 1M7. 10" *5909.14 — - List of the specimens of Uritish animals, I^jirts 1-17. Loudon, 1S-1S-5G. 5v. 10*. J^'ameh/ ■■ — - - 1. Centrouia; or radiated animals, by J. K. Gray v. 1 of 5900.5 — - - IL Sponges, by J. E. Gray SHsita.l — - - IIL Birds, by G.R. Gray v. 1 of 5909.5 — - - IV. Crustacea, by A. White . . . .v. 2 of 5909.5 — - - V, X,XIL Lepidoptera, by J.F.Stephens. V.2, -J of 5909.5 — - - VL Hymenoptera aculeata, by F. Smith. V. 2 of 5009.5 — - - VIL Molhisca, acephala and brachio- poda, by J. E. Gray v. a of 5909.5 — - - A'lII. Fish, by A. White v. 3 of 5009.5 — - - IX. Eggs of British birds, by G. K. Gray. V. 3 of 5900.5 — - - XL Anoplura, or parasitic insects . v. 4 of 5900.5 — - - XIII. Nomenclature of hymenoptera, by F.Smith V. 4 of 5909.5 — - - XIV. Nomenclature of neuroptera, by A. White V. 5 of 5009.5 — - - XV. Nomenclature of diptera, by A. White ... .V. 5 of 5900.5 — - - X\'I. Lepidoptera (completed), by H. T. Stainton v. 5 of 5000.5 — - - XVII. Nomenclatorof anoplura, euplex- optera and ortlioptera, by A. White . . v. 5 of 5000.5 Mammals, Jieptiles, Fish. — - Catalogue of the bones of mammalia in the collection. [By E.Gerrard.J London, 1862. 8°, 3903.22 — - Catalogue of amphibia. Part 2. Batrachia gradientia, etc. Loudon, 1850. pp. 72. 16°. v. 1 of *5aoy.5 — - Catalogue of specimens of lizards. [By J. K. Gray. J Loudon, 1S45. 10" *5889a,3 — - Catalogue of tortoises, crocodiles, and ain- pliisbieuians. [By J. E. Gray.] London, 1844. pp. 80. IG" *5880a.3 — - Catalogue of tish collected and described by L. T. Gronow, now in the museum. Lon- don, 1854. nr ♦5900.4 — - Catalogue of lophobranchiate lisb. By J. J. Kaup. Loudon, 1850. pp. 80. 4 pi. IG" . . *5909.4 — - Catalogue of fishes in the collection. By A. GUntticT. Loudon, lSOO-04. 5v. S" . . . . ♦3907.7 — - List of specimens of fish. Part 1. Chou- dropterygii. London, 1851. 10" *5009.4 ifollusks. — - Catalogue of auriculida;, proserpinidas, and truucatelledae. By L. Pfeiffer. Loudon, 1857. 10" *5879.9 — - Catalogue of bivalve moUusca. Part 1. Placentadx and anomiadx. London, 1850. pp. 22. 10" *5889a.2 — - Catalogue of conchifera or bivalve shells. By Deshayes. Part 1. Venerid^, cyprinid.-e, glaucouomidse. 2. Petricoludx, corbiculudo;. Loudon, 1853, 54. 10" •5879.8 Sliulf. No. London. British museum, continued, — - Catalogue of moUusca. [By J. E. Gray.] Part 1. Cephalopoda antepedia. Part 2. Ptcropoda. London, 1849, 50. 10° *5S89a.2 — - Catalogue of mollusca. Part 4. Brachio- poda ancylopoda, or lamp-shells. London, 1^53. 10" *5879.4 — - Catalogue of pulmonata, or air-breatliing mollusca. Parti. [By E. Pfeiller.j London, 1855. 10°. *5879.4 — - List of mollusca. By J, E. Gray. Part 1. Volutidie. London, 1855. pp.23. 10". . . *5S79.4 — - List of mollusca and shells collcctefl and described by MUL Eydoux and Souleyet. London, 1855. pp.27. 10" ♦5889a. 2 — - List of shells of Cuba, collected by M. Ka- niou de La Sagra. Described by A. D'Or- bii^'uy. London, 1854. pp.48. 10" .... *5879.9 — - List of shells of South America. Collected and described by A. D'Orbigny. London, 1S54. pp. 89. 10" *5879.9 — - List of shells of the Canaries. Collected by Webb and Berthelot. Described by A. D'Or- bigny, London, 1854. pp.32. 10" *5S79.9 — - Nomenclature of molluscous aninnxls and shells. [By J. E. Gray.] London, 1850. pp.09. 10" *58S9a.2 Inserts. — - Catalogue of halticida?. By H. Clark. Physapodes and cedipodes. I'art 1. Lon- don, 1800. 8° 389G.14 — - List of British curculionida3, with synonyma. By J, Walton. London, 1850. pp. 40. 10° . *5909.14 — - Catalogue of British icJineumouidie. By T. Desvignes. London, 1850. IG" ♦5909.14 — - List of lepidopterous insects. By G. R. Gray. Parts 1, 2, and appendix. London, 1817-50. 3v.ini. 10" *5000.13 — - List of the specimens of lepidopterous in- sects. By F. Walker. Part 21-31. Lon- don, 1800-04. llv. 10° ♦5899,11 Co)U«tfs. — Parts 21-2fi. Geometrites. 27. Crnmbites and Tortricites. 28. Tortricites and Teucitos. 29, iSO. Tencites. 31. Supplement. — - Catalogue of neuropterous insects. [By F. Walker] Part 1-4. London, 1852,53. 10'.*5009.13 Vifiuciiis. — Part I. Phn-'ganidcs-perelities. II. Siliilfc- nemoptmdes. III. Tenuitidte-cphemendoe. IV. Odo- nnta. — - Catalogue of neuropterous insects. By Dr. H. Hagen. Part 1. Termitina. London, 1858. pp.34. 16° *5909.13 — - Specimen of a catalogue of lycajnida;. By W. C. Hewitson. London, 1802. 4° . . . . *3891.11 — - Catalogue of niyriapoda. By G. Newport. Parti. Chilopoda. London, 1856. 10". .*5909.H Crustacea, etc. — - Catalogue of Crustacea, Parti. LeucosiadK. By T.Bell. Loudon, 185.5. pp.24. 10° . . *5879.4 — - Catalogue of the specimens of amphipodous Crustacea. ByC. S.Bate. Loudon, 1802, 8°. 3873.5 — - List of the specimens of Crustacea. London, 1847. 1G° ♦5879.4 — - Catalogue of entozoa. [ByW.Baird.] Lou- don, 1853. 10° 6889a. 1 — - Catalogue of recent echinidia, or sea eggs. Fartl. Echinidia irreguhiria. London, 1655. pp.09. Opiates. IG" *5889a.l — - IJst of British diatomaceie. By W. Smith, London, 1859. pp.55. 10° *5899.]4 — - Guide to the collection of minprals. [By N. Story-Maskelyue.] London, 1802. pp. 13. 8". 3805.27 Chemical society. Quarterlyjournal. Vol. I-I7. London, 1849-G4. 17v.' 8" ♦3900.2 College of advocates. Catalogue of the library. London, 1801. pp. 90. 8" •2133.12 - Doctors' commons. List of the price of each lot at the sale of the library. London, 1801. pp. 10. 8° ♦2133.12 LONDON 366 LONDON Shelf. No. London. luRti/utionsj contimied. — Dilettanti society. Principles of Atiicnian architecture, Tenrose, F. C 3070.15 — Geological society. Quarterly journal. Vol. l--'0. London, 'lS45-iU. 20v. S' *38G8.1 — Horticultural society. Journal. A"ol.l-y. J-I8. lOv, -i" *3990.3 — Institute of actuaries. Assurance magazine, and journal of the institute of actuaries. Vol. 1-9. London, 1S5(M»1. 9v. 8° .... *7644.1 — Institution of civil engineers. Minutes of pro- ceedings. Vol. 1-15 (pt. 1), 16, 17, 19-:il. Lon- don, k>37-lJ2. 19v. b" *402S.l — - iSame. Index to vol. 1-20. 1837-61. Lon- don, 1805. 8* *103S.2 — Liune:in society. Transactions. Vol. 1-22. London, 1791-1856. 22v. 4° *5S61.1 — London library society. Catalogue by J. D. Cochrane. 2d ed., enlarged. London, 1847-52. 2v. in 1. 8° *2134.20 — - Supplement to the second volume of the catalogue. Lon Ion, 1856. pp. tH. 8°. . . *2134.20 — Meiiii-o-chirurgical society. Transactions. Vol. UH. [V. 19-28, forming 2d ser,, v, 1-10.] London, 1809-61, 4-Iv. in46. 8° *5"45.2 — - Same. Index to the first 33 vols. [By J. llennen.] London, 1851. 8° *57-i5.1 — Microscopical soLMety, Quarterly journal of microscopical science. Vol, 2-4, 7, S; new series, V. 1-1. London, 1S5:1-M. 9v. 8". . *5S7S.l — - Transactions. Vol. 1-3; new series, v. 2-4, 7-12. London, 18i4-lVK 12v. 8' *587S.l — National gallery. Catalogue of the pictures, 1845. London, 1845. pp.46. 8* 4289.29 — New Sydenham society. Publications. Lou- don, 1S59, 60. 8v. a", yameli/: — - Bright, K. Abdominal tumors and intu- mescence 5714.6 — - Casper, J. L. Handbook of forensic medi- cine 5714.10 — - Diday, P. Syphilis in new-born children . 5714.1 — - Frcrichs, F. T. Disi-ases of the liver . . . 5714.7 — - Gooch, U. Some of the diseases peculiar to women 5714.2 — - Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. Spinal cord and medulla oblongata 5714.4 — - Selected monographs, Loudon, 1859-61. 2v. 8" *5714.5 Content*. — Vol. I. Kudsmnnl and Tunner on epilepti- form convulsions from tifeinon'linge ; Wii^ior on tlio ru- iccllon of Ijonos nnd joints; Gi'ftcfc's ttirvo mfimoii-s on Irldvctomy In irllis, cboroidilis, luidcliiucoinu. 11. Cxvr- muk on the prnclicul \\»q» of tlie Inrynfroscopc; UuKch on thronibbkU of tlio curcbrul sinuttus; Uchroudci' van drr Kolk on utropliy of the Imdn; ItmlU-kc on tlio up- pUctitlon of MtutlHtlcR to inrdk-ul onqulHvs; Csmnvch on tlu' uses of cold in HurRlcal ]>riicticc. — - Semple, H. II. Selected memoirs on diph- ' theria 5714.3 - Vear-book of medicine, surgery, etc., for 1859-63. London, 1860-64. 5v, 8* *57I4,8 — philological society. Proposal for the publica- tion ot a new English dictionary. [London, 1858.] pp.32. 8" 2585.10 — - Trunsactions for 1851-59. London, [1855- 60]. 5v, 8* *2940.8 — Photographic Bociety. Journal. Vol. 1-7. London, 1^^51-62. 7v. 8' •4024.1 Rrllglou« tract society. Visitui", or monthly instructor. .S'sest Ms, of Uranius belonging to M. Simondes. Lon- don, 1Mp3. pp.29. .S' 4096.2 — - Transactions. 2d series. Vol. 1-6. London, 1813-59. 6v. 8" •2957.4 — Royal society of London. Diplomatti et sta- tuta. l,ondini, 1752. 4" 3283.3 — - Philosophical transactions for 185(>-61. Vol.- 148-151, London, 1851M'>2. 4v. 4° *3270.3 — - Same. Index to vol. 71-100. London, 1821. 4" *3200.3 — - Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philo- sophical transactions, 1800-;i0. London, 1832, 33. 2v. 8° 3283.4 — - ilalliwell, J. O. Catalogue of miscellaneous manuscripts in the library of the K, 166. 41 — - Sprat, T. Hisioryof the 32S2.17 — Society for the dillusion of useful kuowled;;e. British alnmnac for 1828-63, C5. London, 1828-65. 36v, 16* •2489. 1 — - (:ompanion to the almanac for 182^s-63, 65. London, 1828-65, 36v. 16" *2489.1 — - Arithmetic for young children. See First stage 7019.51 — - Kxercises for the improvement of the sen- Bcs 3599.28 — Society for the encouragement of arts, manu- factures and commerce. Examination pji- jjers set at the Society of arts examinatlonn, l,si2. London, 1H62. pp.21, l.fs" •7212.1 — - Journal. Vol. 10-12. London, lN6J-(i4. 3v. 8* *72I2.1 — - TranftacHons for 1846-18. Supplemental volnine. London, 1852. »m.4'' **K.119.2 — Stalisiieal society. Journal. Vol. 1-25. Lon- don, 1N39-62. 25v. h" •2288.1 — - Same. General Index to the first filtern volumes. Loudon, 1854. 8° •2288.1 LONDON 367 LORD»S LONDON". Infititiitions, continued. — University of London. Caleudar for 1831. London, Ifstl. 1(1' 2400.30 — Zo(>U>j;[ii-aI society. Transactions. Vol. 1-4, p. t). Lon-.V.). *lv. 4' *58G1.2 London cutalogno of bonks. Jtrili^^h catalogue of books piiblislit'd during the year 1^57. Lon- don, n. d. pp. xlviii and W. 8' . . . v. 5 of *2153.4 — Enjjlish cata!o.;,'ne of books, 1S.15 to 1803. iiy S. Low. London, lHi4. 8* v. 6of*2153.4 — Englifili catalogue of boi)ks for 18G1, 02. London, 1&02, 03. 2v. pp. 08 and 52. 1.8". V. 7, 8 of *2153.4 London oataloijue of periodicals, newspapers, and transactions of societies for IhiH, 02, 04. London, 1801-04. 3v. pp. 10, 10, and 10. 8°. *2]70.3 London chronicle during the reigns of IJenry vii and Henry VIII. Edited by C. Hopper. [Lon- don], 185U. pp.21. sm.4°. [Camden society, No. 7;t] *2420.17 London citizen, Tlie, exceedingly injured : account of the case of a citizen of London sent to a private mudhnuse. London, 1731). 12°. . *rph. v.309 London Christian instructor. See Congregational magazine. London clubs, The, their anecdotes and history, private rules and regulations. London, 1853. .32' •• 2409.33 London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosophical mag- azine and journal of science. 4thseries. Vol. l-2'.t. London, 1851-05. 2itv. 8** *338G.l London Greek grammar. 2d cd. London, 18~9. 12* 4989.5 London Latin grammar, including the Eton syn- tax and prosody in English. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1829. 12° .' 4037.0 — - Same. 4th ed. London, 1S30. 12^* . . . . 4y39a.2 London new price current. [Vol. 18-40.] 1810- 57. 28v. 4* »7011.1 LoND()N times. 1S35-44, 50-53, GO. London, 1835- 00, 30v. f* *7410.1 — - Index to The times, and to the topics and events of the year 1802, 03, London, 1803, G4. 2v. 8* *7451.20 Long, C. .Sermon at the funeral of Kev. J. Gregg. Hudson, 18:10. 8" *Fph.v.37S Long, S. II. Description of Col. Long's bridges. Concord, 1830. pp. 74. h° 4018.30 L0NGBorHOM,B.T. Treatise on dentistry. Balti- more, 1^02. pp. OS. 12° 3805.30 LoNGKPiKUKE, H. B. de Kequeleyne de. Hedee et Jason, tragedie, en cinq actes et en vers. Paris, 1799. pp 40. 8° v. 1 of *2004.12 — Medee, tra^'edie. [Th(^*atre fran^ais, v. 4uj . . 4708.1 Longevity. De la long-evitu humaiue. Flourens, M. J. P 3709.8 See aUo: Uealtli, Ilj-g . Life I!, Sanitarj" economy. LONGKVITY of animals. Delia indefinibile durability delle vita nelle bestie. Bellani, A 3767.9 Longfellow, 1L \V. Saggi de' novellieri italianl d'ogni secolo. Boston, 1832. 12" 4789.4 — Sonj,' of Hiawatlm. Boston, 1850. 12° ... . 2405.39 LoNGFKi.i.ow, S. Doctrine of the spirit. A ser- mon, in Brooklyn, N. Y.,3Iarch2, 185S. New York, 1858. .s°' 6088.41 — A sipiritual and working church. A sermon preached in Brooklyn, Oct. 30, 1853. New York, 1853. 12° B.170b.45, and 6088.145 — and Johnson, 8. Hymns for public and pri- v:ite devotion. Boston, 1801. i:ith ed, 10°. 5449.14 — - Hymns of the spirit. Boston, !8fi4. 10°. . 5449.13 LoNGlNUS, Dionysius. Treatise on the sublime. . [U'elsted. Works] 2507.5 LoNGiTUttK. Exposition des operations faites en Lapponic pour la determination d'un arc du meridien en IhOI-3. Svanborg.J. . . . 5923.17 Longman, llurst, llee>*, Orme, and Brown. Cata- logue of old books, for 1820. Part 1-4. Lon- don, 1820. 8° •2139.13 HlicU. No. LoNGUS. Pastoralium de Daphnide et Chloc libri IV. [Mitscherlich. Scrlptores erotici Grieci, V.4] B.1G2.4 — Gli aniori pastorali di Dafni e Cloe tradotti in italiuno. [Caro. Opere, v. 7] 4803.5 — - Same. [CoUezione degli erotici greci, v. 2].B.1G2.3 "Looking unto Jesus;" a narrative of the brief race of a young disciple. By her mother. Boston, 1853. 10° 4170.16 Loon, W. van. Elentberia, sive de nianumis:^ione 'servorum iipud Ilonianos. [Puleni. Utri- nsque thes. nntiq. supp., v. 3] 2970.7 Lopez, T. Mappji general, ])articolarmentedePKs- paiia, y de sus posesiones. Jladrid, 175a-84. [No title-pnge.] 74 sheets. l.obl.4° . . . . *D.4.P.2 Lopez de Stunica, J. See Bible. Polyglotts, Com- plutcusian 5440.1 Lokain, J. Hints to emigrants, or a comparative estimate of the advantages of Pennsylvania, anil of the Western territory, etc. Philadel- phia, 1810. 10° 2379.35 LoRCKjC.B. SkaudinavischerLay;erkataloj^. Leip- zig, 1857. pp. 55. 4° 2150.25 LoKD, C. E. Shivery, secession and the eonstitu- tiun. Boston, 1801. pp. 58. 8° 4320a. 74 Lord, Henry. Histoire de la reli^non des Banians. Avec un traite dc la religion des ancicus Per- saus. Paris, 1007. 12° 60G9a.l4 Lord, John. The Christian philosopher, and meta- physician. A scries of tracts. Portland, 1852. 12° 6056.8 Vontenls. — Essny on the amliiguity of lanffungre; Re- view of Hcv. Itr. Dwiglit's uildruss before the Phi Beta Knppa society, Ali)lm of Maine, Sept. 6, 1849; Anlhro- pology, or an essay on the htinin'ii faculties; Letters to Kev. \Vllli«m B. Haydeii; Essay ou the seven senses, «ilh an appendix; Essay on the progress and prospects of man, or of human niiture; Review of iidiscuiirse, en- titlfd "Tiie New .tciusalcm, the church of the future," by W. B. Hnydcn; Iteview of the philosopliical cor- respondence between H. G. Atkinson and H. fllartinenu, "On tlie hiwd of men's nature and develoiieineiils;" Review of o book entitled " Ptnilhetism.man considered in respect to form, life, sensation, soul, mind, and spirit," by Leroy Snndcrl.ind; Essay on the vis, mediiatrix na- turic; Essay on lopic; Essay on the ratiouiUe of the doint^s of chluroform. Lord, Joseph L. and Henry C. Defence of C T. Jackson's claims to the discovery of etheriza- tion. Boston, 1848. pp. 37. 1.8° .... B.160.122 Lord, N. Disfourse commemorative of Abiel Chan- dler, July 29, 1^52. Boston, 1852. 8° . . . . 4347.2 — Discourse on the character of Prof. S. Chase, Hanover, 1851. 8° 4347.14 — [Letter of inquiry to ministers of the gOf^pel on shivery. By a nortliern presbyter.] Boston, \>aA. pp. 32. 8° B. 100.31 [A northern presbyter's second letter to minis- ters of the gospel ou slavex'y.] Boston, 1855. pp. 99. 8° B.160.93 — [lleport on a memorial of the alumni of Dart- mouth college, at Boston and the vicinity, on scholarships and prizes.] Boston, 1858. pp. 54. 8° 4129.96 — True picture of abolition. Boston, 18G3. pp. 10. 8° 4310.15 Lord, AV. B. Arguments of counsel in the court of appeals of New York, uponthe power of con- gress tu make the United States treasury notes a leg;d tender. New York, 18G3. 8° . . . . 3035.18 Lord North's li^land, Language and inhabitants of. Pickering, J 5040a.l Lord's prayer. Bucan, W. Homiliarum sylvae in orationem Domiuicam 5144.17 Morton, H.J. Conversations on the .... 5447.41 Kosenius, M. O. Forklaring over Kadervor . 5429.2 Lord's supper. Analecta historica de obiinenda euchurlstia sub utraque. [Gerdes. Scrinium antiq. ad hist, reform, spect., v.4] 6055.15 — Brett, T. Liturgies used in the celebration of the 3448.4 LORD'S 368 LOUIS Shelf. Xo. Lord's supper, coniinued. — Fleetwood, \V. The reasonable comraimicaut. 5458.25 — Greenwood, F. W. 1*. Essay on the 5155.30 — Leetures ou the comuiuniou office 5i45.12 — Lohniann,.T. P.r. Anleitung ziiui Geniisse des heili^en Abendmahls 5455.35 Lords protest, The, on a motion that the Hanove- rians, now in the pay of Gre.it Britain, be no longer continued in the service. London, 174:1. 12" *l*ph. v.33t3 Lore, D. D. Eulogy on A. Jackson, delivered at Pottsville, Pa., 1S45. See Dusenbcry, B. SI. 2347.25 LOREXTz, R. AUgemeine Geschichte der Volker des Slittelalters uud ihrer Cultur bis auf Ciu'l V. Elberfeld, 1S37. S° 2307.12 Lorenzo, G. De desponsatione maris Adriatici. [Gra:vius. Thes.antiq. Ital., T. 5, p.4] . . . 4710.1 LORETZ, J. Grund der Verfassung der evangeli- schen Briider-Unitiit. Barby, 17S9. sm.8° . 6059.19 Lorimer, P. The Scottish reformation; a histori- cal sketch. "NVitli 25 illustrations, London, IStM. srn.S" 3524.10 LORISG, C. G. Argument for a railroad from Boston to Woonsocket. Boston, 1847. pp. 61. b° 4394.24 — England's liability for indemnity : remarks ou the letter of *' Historicus." Boston, 1S04. pp.46. S° 4320a. 75 — Menioii- of the Hon. William Sturgis. Boston, lSii4. pp.04. S° 4345.9 — Neutral relations of England and the United titatcs. Boston, 1803. 8° 4310a. 110 — Oration, July 4, 1821. Bo.stou, 1821. 8° . . . 4394.24 — and Field, E. VT, Correspondence on the pres- ent relations between Great Britain and the United States. Boston, 1802. 8° 4323.31 LORING, K. G. Dana, K. H., .;>. Remarks on the proposed removal of B.lOOa.l — Phillips, AV. Argument for the removal of . B.lOoa.3 — Swift, J. L. Speech on his removal from the office of judge of probate B. 160a. 2 LORii.viNE. Keuiiiou de la Lorraine a la France. llaussonviUe, C. O. B. de C 4004.8 LOERY, A.C., filoge de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. (Euvres, v. 3] 3720.11 LOSKIKI., G. H. Geschichte der Mission der evnn- >,'elischen Briider unter deu ludianeru iu Kordameriku. Barby, 1789. 8m.§* 0059.10 Los Martvres, B. de. Vida. [Granada. Obras, V. IS] 6509a.l LOSSING, I!. J. The league of slates. New York, ISO.3. pp. 28. it" 4318.1 Lossiu.s, C. F., and Sehulze, C. F. Historisehcr Bildersaid, oder Denkwiirdigkeiten ans der neuern Geschichte. Gotha, 1815-22. 4v. in 5. 8° 2294.7 LoT!!i.\N, marquess of. See Ivcrr, W. S. K. LoTiiRor, Mrs. hi. L., Seruiou after the death of. ,Sc<:Peubody,A.P 4347.61 LoTiiKDl", S. K. Address at the opening of the rooms of the American unitarian associa- tion, March U, IW.Vl. Uo.slon, 18.')4. S° . . . 4394.25 — Address before the Indejiendent company of cadets, on their centennial anniversary, Oct. 19, 1841. Boston, 1841. 8° 4394.25 — Address before the Masssachusetts stale tem- lieruuce society, Mny31,lK'l5. lioslon, 1.S15. 8°. 4394.25 — Address to the Benevolent fraternity of churches, April 27, 1856. Boston, 1866. 12°. 4394.25 — Causes, principles and results of the present contlict. lll.-^course befi)re the Ancient and honorable arlillery cumpaiiy, June 3, 1861, Boston, ixoi. 8' 4320a. 70 — The Christian niiine and Christian liberty. A sermon, lloslon, 1813. H' •Ppli.v.377 — Dangerous tendencies of elvlll/atlon ; aserinon preached fast day, April 5, 1855. lloston, ls55. b- 0100a. 19 — [.Nature ttn* M103.13 Sbclf. No. LoTHROP, S. K., continued, — Preparation for death. A sermon after the in- terment of P. O. Thacher. Boston, 1,S43. 8° .6088. 109 — Sermon at Dover, N. H., June 28, 1840, on the one hundredth birthday of Ezra <.;recn. Boston, 1846. 8° 4347.34 — Sermon before E. Washburn, governor, [etc.], at the annual election, Jan. 3, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8° *4.%0.13 — Sermon, .Tan. 19, 1840, on the destruction of the Lexington by are. Boston, 1840. 8°.. 5460a. 19 — Sermon on the death of H. G. Otis, Nov. 5, 184S. Bo.ston, 1.S4S. 8° B.160a.47 — Sermon ou the Sunday succeeding the death of M. Grant. Boston, 1801. 8° 4347.32 — Sermon on the Sunday succeeding the death of R. Sullivan. Boston, 1802. 8° 4348.17 — Sermon preached the Sunday after the funeral of Amos Lawrence. Boston, 1853. 8° . . . 4347.53 — Sermon preached the Sunday after the inter- ment of W. Lawrence. Boston, 1848. 8° . 4347.55 — Report of the select committee, etc. See Soci- ety for propagating the gospel, etc 3534.3 LOTicimrs, P. Poemata, selectis i*. Bvrmanni et C. F. Qvellii notis illvstrata, recensvit C. T. Kretzschinnr. Dre-sda;, 1773. sni.8° . . . •*493S.15 LOTTIN, V. C. .Sec France. Commission scien- tiflque du Nord. Voyages en Scandinavie. y. 7-14 2805. 1 Cnutnm. — 'Vo\. VII. Astronomie et liydrogmnhie. "\1U-X. Metuorolopie. XI-XllI. Maguetismu torrL-slro. XIV. Aurores borenles. LOUBAT, A. American vine dresser's guide. [French and English.] New York, 1827. 18°. 4003.36 Loudon, G. E., Vie du feldmareclial baron de. See Pezzl, J 4640.20 Louis, the dauphin^ dakc of Burgundy. Projets du gouveruement. 5ee Saint-Simon, L. de U. de 2057.7 Lonis I, of Bavaria. Gedichte. 2te Autl. MUn- Chen, 1829. 2v. siu.8° •«2878.23 Louis II, duke of Anjou, Ileures de. .See lllumi- nateil calendar • Louis XI, 0/ ft-nju'C. Gesta Ludoviei xi Franco- rum regis. [Mart6nc. Vet. script., v. 4] . . Louis Xlll, 0^ JPj-fliiec, Uistoire de. A'ee Le Vas- sor, M. ." ■UllS-i Louis .\IV, of France. Capeligiie, J. B. II. R. Son gouvernoment et ses rclatloiis diplonm- tiijnes avec TEurope 2647.22 — Choisy, F. T. de. Minioires pour scrvir i\ I'his- toire de 4695.10 — Forlia d'Urban, A. J. F. de. Les deu-ic der- uiires canipagnes de 4706.14 — Lambert, C. F. Histoiro litteraire an regne de 4012.1 — Lemontey, P. ii. Essal sur I'etablissement monarchique do 4028.4 — Leti, (i. La monarchia universale del Luigi XIV 4029a. 7 — Michelet, J. Louis XIV ot lo due de Bour- gojJi.e M17-8 — Noailles, A. M. Memoires poliliques et miU- laires pour servir ii I'histoire de 4705.9 — Pelli.sson, F.P. llistoirede, 1001-78 4619a. « — Quincy, ('. S. Illstoire militalrc du rt'gne de Louis le grand 1011.1 Louis .W, of J-'rtnux. Goncourt, E. L. A. Les maitresses de 2647.21 — Luynes, C. P. d'A. de. fllrnioires sur la cour de — Noailh'B, A. M. Memoires poliliques et mlli- laires pour servir ii I'liistoire de . . . — Ti)ci|Uiville, A. C. 11. C. de. Illstoire philo- sophUjuo du regne do Louis \V1,'/ I'rann-. I'olilical and conlidenlial correspondence; with idiservalions by II. M. Williams. London, 1.SU3. 3v. 8° . . — Teslament, avec line Iraduction arabc par Sil- veslre do Saey. Paris, 182(1. 12° . . . 2200.32 4150.1 2657.6 4705.9 0108.1 4026.1 4629a. 2 LOUIS 369 LOWELL si.wir. No. Louis XVI, of France, couthived. — Proces de. See rouceliu de La Roche-Tilhnc, J.C 4G2G.4 Louis I. of Spain. Boccadiferro, C. A. Orazione d'IK-h)(lidi Luigi I 3101.14 — Veiiuti, N.M. Ksf-quie di Lui^i I 3101,14 Louis IV, St. Ludwigiv, I.nndgfiif vonTluiringcu unit Hosscn. Sfe t^inion, (J 2852.23 Louis Fniin;ois do Hlois. Le directeur des rimca reli^ieuses. [IJuchon, Choix d'ouvrnges mystiques] COS0.8 Louis-l'uiLiPPK, of Frimce, Histoire du i-^gne de. 5ce Nouvion, V. de 4052.19 LociSK Aupustc, tjrnnd duchess of Saxe Weimar. La frraiido-ducliesse Louise. See Coppet ot Weimnr 2050.15 LoutSiAiiE arcliipelngo, Discorei-ies and surveys iu. 3IncgiIlivray,J 3046.17 Louisiana. Proceedings of the convention for the aniendnu'iit of tin' constitution. [English and Fn-ncli.] New Orlrans, I8G4. &" . . . 0375.15 — Proceedings of tlie convention [Jan. 23, to Mavcli 2('>, I.S'W], in Enghsh and French, with the ordinances and constitution. New Or- leans, IS()1. s° . . 0375.10 — System of penal law for Louisiana. By K. Liv- . ingstone. New Orleans, ]tt'J4. 2v.ini. sni.f. 3031.4 — Barbe-.AIarbois, F. de. History of 2370.20 — Darby, W. Geoi,'raphical description of , . . 2370. IK — French, B. F. Historical collections of . . . 237G.21 — Gayarre, C. History. French domination . 4370.25 — Kobin, C. C. Voyages dans la Louisiane , , 2370.18 — Stoddard, A. Sketches of 2370.17 — Tonti, le chevnlier. Relations de la Louisiane. 2309.19 — Travels in 23(38.27 5«< at9o: New Orleans. — State colonization society. Facts in reg-ard to African cnlonization; a memorial to the cit- izens of La. NewOrleans, 1857. pp.23. 8". B. 100.27 — State seminary of learning, Report of the board of supervisors. Baton ICouge, 180O. pp. 15. 8° 4387.00 Lounger's common-place book. 3d ed. London, 1805-7. 4v. 8° 2246.9 LODREIRO, J. de. Flora Cochinchinensis, accedunt aliae [plantn?] observat;e in Sineusi impprio, Africa orientali, Indi^que locis variis. Ed. C. L. Willdenow. Berolini, 1793. 2v.ini. 8°. 3850.0 L'OUTEr.TUr.E. T., The hero of St. Domingo. See Elliott, C.W 5579.6 LOUVET de C'onvray, J. B. Quelques notices pour I'histoire, et le recit de mes perils depuis 1793. Paris, 179.>. 8" 4C52.23 LouvirxE, C. A. d'AUonville, marquis de. M(^- moires secrets sur Tetablissenient de la mni- son de Bourbon eu Espagne. Paris, 1818. 2v. 8' 2050.9 LOUVRK. See Paris, Love. Guizot, F. P.G. L'amoiir dans le mariage. 2519.12 — Swei^lenborg, E. Delitia; sapientJa3 de amore conjuginli ; voluptates in.snni!e de amore Bcortatorio 5540.10 Love and patriotism ! or the extraordinary adven- tures of M. Duportnil. Boston, 1825. 12°. 2407.34 Love given over: a satyr agfdnst the pride, etc., of woman. London, UlUU. sm.4° *Pph.v.333 Love of God, Discourses on the. Walts, I. , . . 5447.61 LovEjOY, E. P. Green, B. Discourse in com- memoration of the martyrdom of 4.147.62 — Root, D. ^Memorial of the martyred Lovejoy. 4347.62 — Stone, T. T. The martyr of freedom: a dis- course 4347.02 — Tracy, F. P. Sermon on the Alton outrage and murder of 4347.02 LovEjoY, .) . C. The law and tlie oftence : a lecture on prohibitory laws, in ngard to intoxicating drinks. Boston, 1^52. 8" B. 170. 72 — The North and the .south I Letter to O. Love- joy, March 10, 1859. [No title-page.] h" . . 4320a. 77 47 S lie If. No. LovKjoY, J. C, continued. — Victory over death. Sermon at the interment of Kev. J. AVildcr, at Cambridgeport. Bos- ton, 1M4. 8" 4347.123 LoVKJOv, O. Remarks in reply to Messrs. Critten- den and WicklilVe, of Ky., in tlie house, April 24, 1802. Washington, 1802. 8" 4320a. 78 — Speech on the barbarism of slavery, April 5, IHOO. Washington, [ISOO]. 8' 4310.16 LovELACK, R. Lucasta. Poems, now first edited, and revised, with notes, by W. (■. Hazlitt. London, 1804. 10°. [Library of old au- thors] 2009.20 Lev ELL, E. Sincerity the best mark of a good (.'hristinn. Sermon, July 10, 1727. London, 1727. 8° *Pph.v.300 LOVELL, J. Oration, April 2, 1771, to commemo- rate the tragedy of March 5, 1770. Boston, ir71. 4*' 4354.1 LoVERiNG, J, Electricity, magnetism, and electro- dynamics. See Farrar, J 3900.20 LoviBo.ND, E. Miscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of (Jreat Britain, v. 11]. 4004.1 Low, D. On landed pi-operty, and the economy of estates. London, 185(5. 8" 3040.41 Low, J. Instructor for the dulcimer. [Edited] by J. Low. Boston, [1S5S]. pp.20. obl.S" . 8051.36 Low, Sampson, Jr. The charities of London in 1801. London, 1802. 10" v. lof *4487.18 — Guide to the charities of London. Supplement. London, 1803. 10" v. 2 of *44S7.18 Low, Samuel. Poems. New York, 1800. 2v. iu 1. 12° 2397.20 Low, Seth, Tribute to the memory of. See Farley, F. A 5440a. 71 Lowe, C. Death of president Lincoln : a sermon in Charleston, S. C, April 23, 1805. Boston, 1805. 10° *4342.32 Lowe, E. J. Ferns : British and exotic. London, 1850-00. 8v. 8" *5844.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Gymnogrammn ; Notliochlrcna ; Niplioboiu«; Polypodium. IL Polypodium ; Struthi- opteria; Kevrodium ; Hymenolepis; Vittarin; Cera- topteris. III. Adiautum; Onychiuin ; Plutylotna^ Al- loaorus; Doryopteris; Pteria. IV. Pteris; Ilypolepis; Clieiianthcs ; Doodia ; Blecbmim \ Woodwardia ; Ste- nochla;iia; Brainea; Lomaria. V. Aspleuiuiu; Dipla- zium; Ilemidictyum ; Ceterach; Scolopondrium. VL Oiioclea ; Fadyenia ; Cyclopcltis ; Didj'mocIil:rna ; Aspi- diiim. Vli. Aspidium; Hypoderris; Me<)oclila!na; Ole- andra; Nephrolepis; Woodsia; Cystfpteris ; Hcmioni- tiB; Olfersia; Hjinenodium ; Acrostichiim ; Polybotrj-a ; Plttt>'cerluni; Ophioplossum; Botrycbiura. VJIL Os- niunda ; Hymeoophyllum ; Trichomanea ; Davallia ; ThyrsfiptPria; Cibotium ; Tricliiocnrpa; Deparia; Dick- Bonia ; Gbiclieiiia; Cyathea; Hemitelia; Alsophila ; Todea ; Dictyoxiphuiin ; Mohria; AucmidictyoQ; Lygo- diuin; Ang^iopteris ; MaratUa. Lowe, F. Sermon at the annual meeting of the subscribers of the Devon and Exeter female penitentiary. Annexed, the 17th annual re- port. Exeter, 1837. 8° *Pph.v.385 Lowe, T. IF. Essay on the absolving power of the church. Oxford, 1825. S" *Pph.v.345 Lowell, Mrs. A. C. [Introduction to geometry and the science of form.] Boston, 1843. 12". 3920.30, and 4209.7 — [Theory of teaching. By a teacher.] Boston, 1841. 12" 3593.33 — Thouglits on the education of girls. Boston, 1853. pp. 72. 12" 3599.31 Lowell, Charles, D.V. Characteristicks of a good soldier: a sermon before the Ancient and honorable artillery company, June 4, 1810. Boston, 1810. 8" 0088.116 — Discourse in the West church, Dec. 31, 1820. Boston, 1820. 8" 5400a. 20 — Extracts from a sermon, preached Aug. 7, 1842, on the deathof T. Dennie. Boston, ;842. S". 4347.29 — Gospel preaching. Sermon at the ordination of T. B. Fox,aspastor of the First church, New- buryport, Aug. 3, 1831. Cambridge, 1831. 6".5400h.SO LOWELL 370 LUBECK ~~ shelf. No. LowELi,, Chiirles, CD., conlinxted. — The niiiiic of Christian the only appropriate name for believers in Christ. Sermon at the dedication oflhe Third congregational church in Cambridge, Dec. 25, 1S27. 3d ed. Boston, IS'S »° . 5'160a.20 — Sermon at the dedication of the Second congre- Ritionalclmrch inMUton, Oct.-.;i, 1829. Bos- fon,lS.-9. S° .54C0a.22 _ Sermon at the ordination of G. W. Wells. Cambrid-e, 1827. h' 5400a.20 — Sermon at the state prison, in Massachusetts, Nov. 2'J, 1SI2. Boston, 1813. 12° 64603.20 — - .Same. [A different ed. No title-page.] b°. 0088.85 _ Sermon, Jan. 2, 18:11, being a quarter of a een- turv from [his] settlement. Boston, 1S:!1. 8°.5160a.20 — Sermon, Sept. 12, 1821, at the ordination of 11. M. Hodges, in the South parish in Bridge- water. Boston, n.d. 8° 5460a.20 The trinitarian eoutroversj'. Discourse at the ordination of D. JI. Stearns, [over] the First church in Dennis, May H, 1828. Boston, ,j;._,, g» 5460a. 20 The wisdom and goodness of God in the ap- pointment of men, and not angels, to the Christian ministry. Sermon in Berlin, at the ordination of K. F. Wallcut, Feb. 10, 18:10. Boston, 1830. 8' 54008.20 _ Proceedings in the West church on the decease of. Ste Boston. Ecclesiastical organizations.5440a. 20 Lowell, Charles, esq., member nf Hancock bar, Me, Down-East commentator. A disser- tation on liberty and slavery. Ellsworth, Me., 1850. pp. 24. 8" B.160.81 Lowell, Charles K., Address at the funeral of. See Putnam, G 4347.63 Lowell. John, Address delivered before the Mas- sachusetts agricultural society, Oct. 13, 1818. Boston, 1818. 8° «M-26 — [Are you a Christian or a Calviuist? suggested by the late review of American unilarianism in the Tanoplist, and by Worcester's letter toChanning.] Boston, 1815. pp. 72. 8°. . 3461.25 — [rcrpetual war, the policy of Sir-. Madison.] Boston, 1812. 8° 4318.42 _ - Same. Boston, 1813. pp.78. 8° 6087.11 — [Kights of the congregational parishes of Mas- sachusetts. Ueview of •' The rights of the congregational chnrches of llassachusetts. The" result of an eccles-iastical council con- vened at Groton, Mass., July 17, 1820." From the Christian examiner, v. 4, no. 2.] Boston, 1827. pp. 32. 8° 35)3.5 — - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1827. pp. 30. 8° . 3513.5 — [I{oad to peace, commerce, wealth and luippi- ncss. By an old fanner.] ii. p., [1813]. pp 10. 3977.7 3083.2 |. / 4318.44 Tlmnghis upon the conduct of onr administra- tion iu relation both to Great Jlritain and France, espicially in rcfereni-e to the Chesa- peake. Boston, ISOS. pp. 28. S° 4318.30 LOWELL, John, jr., Jlemoir of. Sec Everett, E. . 410:i.l3 L^iWELL, John, LL. D., Sermon on the death of. .SVr Greenwood, F. W. 1' 4347.64 Lowell, nee. .lohn, nf Kewhnry. Advnntaires of God'a presence with lils people in an expedi- tion against their enemies. A sermon preached at Newbury, May 22, 1755. New- buryport, 1800. 8» 6400a.21 LoWKLL, John A. Memoir of V. T. Jackson. New York, 1848. pp. 14. 8' 412U.74 — Reply to n pamphlet recently circulated by K. Biook». Iloslon, 1K18. W 4120.11 — CorresiHindenco. ,SVc lirooks, K 2:104.16 LoWKLL. M'l". t:ataloguc of the city library. l,owell, 1801. h' •21M.1« — Clinrler and ordinances, nltli act* of the legls- Iniiircrelallvulolheeliy. Iloslon, 180.3, »• ' shelf. Ko. Lowell, yTasa., cnntinued. — [Hand-book for visitors to Lowell.] Lowell, IMS. pp. 40. 10° 4359.12 — Appleton, N. Origin of 4;;'J0a.ll — Cary, T. G. Proiits on manufactures at . . . 6046.3 — Cowley, C. Memories of Indians and pioneers of the region of 4355.17 — Miles, H. A. Lowell, as it was, and as it is . 2357.27 — Middlesex mechanics' association. Catalogue of the [library]. Lowell, 1860. 8° 2136.26 Lowell directory for 1853. By G.Adams. Lowell, 1833. 24° *3«»»-8 LOWESSTERN, I. Elements constitutifs du systi^me de la troisitme ecriture cuneiforme de Perse- polls. Paris, 1847. 1.8° 3040.22 — Essai de dechiffrement de I'ceriture assyriennc pour servir k I'explieation du monument de Khoisabad. Paris, 1845. pp. .30. 3plates. s°. 3040.21 LOWENTJIAL, J. J. Chess congress of 1802. [With] an account of tlie proceedings and a memoir of the British chess association, by G.W. Medley. London, 1804. 10° 4001.32 LoWEit, M. A. Dictionary of the family names of the United kingdom. London, ISC.O. 8° . . '•2533.1 LowiG, C. Principles of organic and physiological chemistry. Translated by D. Breed. Lou- don, l.'^oS. 8° Lo^^TJoi s, T., and Parke, T. Duties, [etc.], of cus- toms and excise, in Great Britain, on mer- chandize. Liverpool, 1809. 8° . . . . LowmiES, W. T. Bibliographer's manual of Eng- lish literature. New ed., by II. G. Bohn. Parts 1-10. London, 1S5S-04. flv.inlo. p.S°.*2153.20 LOWKEY, G. P. The commander-in-chief ; a defence upon legal grounds of the proclamation of emancipation, and an answer to Curlis. 2d ed. New York, 1803. pp. 34. 12° • 4320a. 79 Lownv, J. W. TabuLir view of characteristic British fossils, stratigrapliically arranged. [No title-page.] 4 plates. Folded 4° . . . . 3803.15 LOWTii, R. Introduction to English grammar. Philadelphia, 1775. 12° 4519a.29 Same. New ed. London, 1782. 12° . . . 45898. :iO _ - Same. London, 17'J9. 12° 4549B.28 — De sacra poesi Uebr.TOrvm. Cvm notis I. D. Micluielis, edidit E. F. C. llosenmiillcr. Lip- six, 1815. 1.8° 6033.3 — Correspondence with the bishop of Gloucester. See -Warburtou, W Pph.v.34S — [Remarks on Dr. Lowth's letter to Dr. War- burton, the bishop of Gloucester.] 2d ed. London, 1700. 8° •l'ph.v.343 LOWTH, W. Commentary upon the larger and lesser prophets, being a continuation of bishop Patrick. 4ih ed. London, i;:W. f °. •6440.4 Loyal democrats, To. Who are the sympathizers with the rebellion ( [In favor of the election of J. S. Wadsworlh as go\ernor of New Y'ork.] New York, 1802. pp. 7. b° . . . . 43i0».8O Loyal leagues. I'roceedings of the convention of loyal leagues held al .Mechanics hall, Utiea, May 20, 1803. New York, 1803. pp.07. 8°. 4320.2 Loyal national league. See New Y'ork. Loyal publication society. Sec New York. Loyola, I. de., St. See Ignazio de Loyola. LOZANO, P. Sec Anlii,'iieiiades Arabes de Espana . 3100.20 II. U. Anuales mouaslici. Loudon, ISlll, 8°. [Great Britain. Kolls ehroni- •2423.5 '.0.'Ui0n.3l _ Cli> doeamentufor I<«l2-il4.] Lowell, 1803-OS, n360a.32 LUAKIl; 05 2V. cIcb] 6'(,nle'ir«. — Vol. I. Annnici Ue Mnrfc-on, lOOO-U'S'.!! AiiimU'i do 'Ihcoke.bciiii, lIXIll-l'.'&li Anunlo. do nur. t.,11, llHH-l::i'>;l. II- AimnlcadoWlntoula.fllO-l'^Tl Au- „A)-B do Wiivpi-lnin, l-PJ-.tl. LUBBOCK, J. W. On the theory of the moon, and on the perturbations of the planets. London, 183il, 37. 8° **' LIIUKCK. Ileeker, J. II. Gesehiohlc dcr Stadt l.libeek _ Berson, F. W. AngrilT unci VertheldlgunK am linrglhore zu Liiheek .181.10 4313.14 2819.9 lObeck 371 LIJCIANUS aheit. No. IiiJBECK, confi'mteri, — E%crost, U. Statistical details respecting the republic of 11.170.64,00 LUBIEMSKI, or Lubit'uiei'kl, S. Historia reforma- tioiiis roloiiicic. Fifistiiilii, 1085. sm.b' . *H.lir.H I^UCA^ Gtovaniit B. ili. Aiinotationes practical ad concilium Tridentinum. Sec Mftternich, F. 6030.13 LucA, Uiuseppp dc. I/Italia nieridionaleo Pantico r<'ame ddlc due SioHie. Xapoli, ISOO. 1.8" . 2735.5 LUCANUS, M. A. riiarsalia, per G. Verscllaiuim recogaita. Cum coDimciitariis [variorum]. Parlsiis, 1514. f *41S0.2 — Pharsalia, cum commcntario P, liurmanni. Lt'ida*, 1740. 4' ♦B.171.5 — Fliarsalia; j^ive dv litdio civile libri decuni; cum suppl. T. Maii. Londini, ItilS. 24" . . . **4909a.25 — Pharsalia, cum iiotis II. Grotii et U. Bfiitleii. Glasgiia-, ItSlO. S* B. 174.1 — Pharsalia, tran^^lnted by N. Uowc. [Anderson. Poets of Great liritaiii, v. 12] 4004.1 — Vita, ex P. Crinito; Pharsalia; Poemation ad C. Pisonem. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.]. B.191.9 — Ad C'alpurnium Pisoucm poemation. [Keicli- ard. Sylloge opu?c. vet. poet.] B. 179a. 5 Lucas, ubbas montis S. Comclii prope Leodlum. Summariola in Aponii commeularia in Can- tica. [Maxima hiblioth. vet. p;itr., v. 14] . B.110.2 LCCAS Tudensis. De altera vita, fKleiqueeontrover- eiis advcrsus Albigcnsium errores libri tres. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., V. 25] B.110.2 Lucas, F. Concorduutiae Bibliorvni s^crorvm vvl- gatae editionis. Antverpi.-c, 1617. f " . . . . 5430.3 LUCA3. .1., and I)e;n'er, E. K. [Practical reading lessons on the three great duties.] Philadul- pliia, IfsiO. 12" 45S9a.2 Lucas, P. Trait*5 philosophique ct physiologique de l'her<.'dit«S naturelle du systeme nerveux. Pari;), lS4:-50. 2v. S' *4265.8 Lucas, R. de N. The perils of trusts and trustees. Loudon, 1860. 12* 3607.32 Lucas, S. Secuhiria; or, surveys on the mainstream of history. Loudon, 1802. 8" 5172.8 Lucca. Jlemorie e docunieuti per servire alia storia di Lucoa 2711.4 — Torselli, V. Delle scienze in 4770.31 — Keale accadcmia luccliet-e di Bcienze, lettere ed arti. Atti. T. 1-17. Lucca, 1821-61. 17V. b' *3284.1 LuCCHEsiNi, C. Delia illustrazione delle lingue auliche e moderue e priui-ipalmente dell' italiaua, procurata nel secolo xviii dagl' Italiani. Lucca, 3819. 2v. 8° **2955.12 Vonttnta. — Vol. I. Lmjnia italiana e linp^e moderae d Luropa. II. Lingue aitticbe e orientali. LuCCiiESiM, C. or G. [Lettere di un Italiano sopra la storia d'ltalia di Carlo Botia.] Italia, 1826. 2v. in 1. 32' 2729.8 .V««. — " Ci vien detto essere il'uno dci due rratolU Luccliesini. Mu di Cesare o di Girolamo ? " — Mflzi. LUCCHESINI, G, [Sulle cause e gU effetti della con- federazione renaua.] Pte. 1, 2. Italia, 181^ 23. ^U'. 8" 2S16.7 LUCE^S.B. Seamanship. Fortheuseof the United States naval academy. 2d ed. Newport, R. I., 18ii:j. ^'' 3952.44 LuCHET,.!, P. L. de la Roche du Maine, marquis de, Le vicomte (!•• Itatjac, ou memolrespourservir ft I'histoire de ce siculc. Dublin, 1784. 2v. in 1. 1ft' 4699.32 — and others. Gallery of portraits of the natiouni a**sembly. Translated from the French. Loudon, 1790. 2v. 8° 4652.22 LuciA di Lammermoor. Opera. Donizetti, G. . . 8042.1 LuciANtTS Samo.-^atensi.s. Opera Graece Latine. Curavit I. P. t;chmidivs. Mitaviae, [v. 8.] Lip.iiae, 1770-1800. 8v. 8m.8'' *B.109.8 ConUnu. — Vol. I. De aomnlo, sea vita Lucianl : Ad •um qii]diz«rat,Prom«thva« os In verbia; N)^oua.ilr« Blielf. Ko. LuciANUS Samosntensis, continued. d>' inoribusphituaophorutn : Judicium vocnliiim; TImon, flivo miKniilliropoK; riale.voii, eou dc triuisforiinitlono j Proniothcus, sivo Cflucnstis; Deoriini dIn1o(n ; Diiilopi niaririi. II. Mortuorum difllofci; Mcnippus, nive Necy- uiimntia ; Charon, sivo coiitonijilniilcs; Do sncriflciis; VI- tiiniiii auctio; Piscntor, elvc rcvivisccntPH; CfltalpuB, sivo TyrHnmia. IH. Du iis qui mercede conducti in divitum fitniiliis vivuiit ; Apologia pvo iis qui morcedo condiictl BtTviuut; Pro eo quod inter salutandutn vcrbo laiisua fuofnt; llcrmotimus, sive de ncctis; Herodotus, vol Actio ; Zcuxis, vol Antiocluis ; Harraonidcs ; Scy tlia, sou hOKpcs; Quoiiiodo hiBtorin scribenila sit. IV. Historia) vcrre libri duo ; Tyranni('iliane8 ; Euimcliua, seu Pampliilus ; Dc astro- Ikitrta. V. DemoiiactiBvita; AmorcHi Imngiiics; Pro ining- inihus ; Toxnrls.sivc niiiicitia ; Lucius, sive at^inus ; Jupitor cutifutfttus; Ju)jitorTraBo;dup. VI. Soninium, scu Cal- lus; loHromeiiippus.sivellypcrncphelus; Bis accosatus, Bcu Fora; Do parasUo, sive quod ars sit parasitica; Aii- aoharsis, seu de gymnnsiis ; Dc Ittctu ; Khetorum prtccep- tor ; Philopseudcs.Ecu incredulus ; Ilippias, sive balnoum. VIJ. Allocutio,Hlve Bacchus ;Allocutio,9ive Hercules Gal- licua ; De electro,sou cycnis ; Muscce encomium ; Adversua indoctum et Hbros multos ementem ; De non tcniere cro- dendocalumiiire; Pseudologista, sive de Apophrado ; D« domo ; Mncrobii ; Patria; encomium : De Dipsadibus ; Dis- aertatio cum I^siodo ; Navigium, seu %-ota ; Dialog! mere- trie ii ; De morte Percgriui. VIII, Fugitivi; Saturnalia; Cronosolon; Epistolse satumales; Convivium, seu Lapi- thse; Dedea Syria; Deniosthenis laudntio; Deoruni co- mitia; CynicuB; PseuduBOphista, seu Solcocista; Philo- patris, eeu qui docetur; Charidcmus, sive de pulchritu- diue ; Nero, give dc ibthmo perTodiendo, — Works, translated by several hands. With life of Lucian, a di.scourse on his writings, etc., byJ. Dryden. London, 1710-11. 4v. sm.S'. 4996.12 Contents. — Vol. I. Life of Lucian; The vision, or Lu- cian's life, by T. Fcrnc; Defence against one who calls him Prometheus, by tho same; Of sacrifices, by W. Moyle; Herodotus or Aetiun, by the same; Conference with Hesiod, by the same; Panegjrick upon Demosthenes, by another hand; The coblcr and his cock, by Sir H. Sheers; The parasite, by the same; The aes, by A. Baden ; Alexander, or the false propht't, by C. Hlount; Mourning for the dead, by the same; Tha council of the gods, by the same; Jupi'er Tnigccdue, being the dialogue of the gods, by the same; The Syr- Ian goddess, by the same; Philopseudes, or the lyar, by tho same; Icaromenippus, or voyage to heaven, by T. Browu; The saturnalia, orpagan carnival, by the same; Chronosolon, or the satumalian lawgiver, by the same. II, Charidemus, or of beauty, by J. Drake; Philopa- tris, or the learner, by the same; On an illiterate fel- low that bought all sorts of books, by the same; Tho judgment of the vowels, by S. Cob; The encomium on our country, by Mr. Gildon; Calumniator, by the eamo; Charon, or tho conteniplator, by Mr, Cashen; The im- ages, by Mr. Vernon; Defence of the images, by tho same; The Stygian passage, or the tyrant, by Capt. Sprag; The tyrant-kiiler, by Mr, Hill; Dipsas, by tho same; The ship, or the wish, liy A.Baden: Harmonides, by S. Atkinson; Phalaris l-ll ; Hemiotimus, by H. Blount; The king-fishcr; Zeuxis, or Antiochus, by Capt. Ayloffe; Hippi.is, or the bagnio; Bacchus, by Cnpt. Aylotfe; Praise of flies; Nero, or the cutting the isthmus. III. Tho eunuch, or Pamphilus, by T. Brown ; Timon, or the man-hater, by the same; Of those that, f>ir hopes of preferment, or for a pension, live in great men's houses, by the same; Apology for those who serve fora pension, orwages, by the same ; Apology for niisiaking one word for another, in sahiiinga friend, by the same; Tho true history, by the same; Tragopo- dapra, or gout-farce, by J, Philips; Tlie Lapithfe, or the drunken feast, by T. Brown: Prometheus, or Caucasus, by the same; Pseudologista, or the black day, by tho same; Dialogues of the courtesans, by the same; The auction of the philosophers, by L. Eohard ; The fisher- man, or the philosophers ^-e^^ved, by C. Echord; Dia- logues of the sea-deities, by Mr, Savage; Dancing, hy the same; Dialogues of the dead, by J. Digby. IV. The ridiculous orator, by Capt. Aylolfe; How to wjito history, by the same; The double indictment, exposing the philosophers, by the same ; Of those who have lived to a great age, by the same; An encomium on our coun- try, by the same ; Description of a house, by the same p The Gullick Hercules, by the same; History of amber, or the swans, by the same; Tho amours, by the same; The fugitives, by the same; Demonax, by tho same; The cynick, by Mr. Drake; Satuvnalian epistles, by H. Hare; Astrology, by the aanie; The Scythian, or Ana- charsls, by another buid; Jupiter ooufuted, by th* LUCIA NUS 372 LUCRETIUS Shelf. Ko. LuciAXT^s Samosatensis, continued. oamp; The fiiyitivcs, by the same; Anachnrsis, or the exercises of youth, by J. Wnshinglon ; Tht- disinherited son, by another hand; Menippus, or the necrwninucer, by J. Drake; Xigrious, or the momls of philosophera, by another hand ; Dialogues of the pods, by X. Tflte; ToJtaris, or of friendship, by J. Tyircl. — [Works.] From the Greek, with the com- ments of Wieland. By ^\\ Tooke. London, 1820, 2v. 4* *4200.9 Contents. — Vol. I. Character and \vritinps of Lucian ; Lucinn's dream; Niprinus; Tiroou; The dream of Mi- cyllus; The lie-funcier; IcBromenippus; The puraMte; The ship ; The modern Lnpithie ; Sale of the philosoph- ical sects : The resuscitated pbilosopliers ; Six and twenty confabulations of the deities; Fifteen eonfabu- liitious of the marine deities; Thirty coofercucea of the dead; The ferry; The descent of Menippus; Jupiter Tragoedus; The council of the pods; Jupiter convicted; Three satumalian tracts; The lil'e's-end of Peregrinuaj Runaway slaves; The c)Tiic; Alexander; Dcmonax; Fanthea ; Hcta;rean colloquies ; Herodotus ; Zeuxis ; Amber and stvans on the Po; Bacchus; The dipsa- des. II. Toxnris; How- to write historj-; The true history; Lucius, or the inchauted asa; Anocharais and luxaris; Gymnastic exercises; Dancing; Hippios; En- comium on the fly; The philosophical sects; Folly of the learned who engage themselves in opul^t families; The eunuch; Mourning for the dead; Sacrifices; Apol- ogy for an error in salutation ; Astrology ; The lialycon, or metamorph^isia: Hannonides; The Gallic Hercules; The Syrian goddess; List of verj* aged persons; Praise of the country; Altercation with Hesiod; School of ora- tory; Illiterate bibliomaniac; Apophras; Against cal- umny; I'unegyrie on Demosthenes; Double indictment [ Prometheus; Nero, or cutting through the isthmus; The Tyranuicide; Disinherited son; Phalaris; Enco- mium on a magnificent hall; Charidemus; Philopatris; Tragopoilugra. — CEuvies, traduites du grec [par J. N. Berlin de Ballu]. Paris, 17S&, 89. 6v, S" 2995.4 Contenttt. — Vol. I. Preface; Le songe, ou la vie do Lucien; A. un homme qui lui disoil, tu es un Prome- thi-e ; Nigrinus, ou les mueurs d'un philoeophc ; Lc juge- mcnt dea voyclles; Timon, ou le misanthrope; L'Al- cyoo, ou de la metamorphose; Promethic, ou le Cau- case; Dialogues des dieux ; Dialogues dcs dioux marins; Dialogues dea morts; Klenippe, ou la Necyomancio; Caron, ou les eontemplatcurs; Des sacrifices. II. Lea Bcctes a I'Hncan; Le pCchcur, ou les i-C8suscil(.-s; Le passage, ou le tyran; Dcs gens do lettres qui se metteut aux gages des grands; Ajiologie pour un engagement oupriis dee grands; Sur uno faute commiso en »Rluant; Hermotime, ou le ehoix des secies ; Ilerodote, ou Aullon ; Zcuxis, ou AntiuehuH; Hnrmonide; Le Scythe, ou rfctranger; De quelle mnnlere on doit ecrirc I'histoire; L'histoire vt-rltablc ; Lw nieuririer du tyran ; Le flls dC's- herite; Phalaris I-ll. 111. Alexandre, ou le faux prophete; De la danne; Toxni-iit, on de I'nmitie; Lu- cius, ou I'asno; Juptter confondu; Ju|)iter le tragiquo; L« Bonge, ou le coq; leurumC'nippc, ou le voyageur at-rien; La double accusatlim, ou les tribunaux; Lea jiortruitH ; Pour les portraits, defem*ii du dialogue prcc6- drnt; La vie de Demouax; L'cunuque. 1\'. Le paru- ■Ite, ou lu professiuu dc pnraBito vnl un art; Du I'at- Irologie; AnacliarBln, ou dea exerclccB du corpn; Du deuil; Le maltre desorateurs; Le lui-uteurd'luclination, ou I'increUule ; Uippla*, ou le linln ; Prefacr, ou Itacelius ; Piiface, ou Herculc; De I'ambre ou des cygnes; Conlro un ignorant qui achotoit bcaucoupde llvrea; De la d6ia- Uon; Dcs horn mcti qui ont vtcu long-leiiiits; Dialogues dc* courtlsanuea; La niort dv Ptn'-grlnua; Les cMclavea fugitifs; f^toge d'un apparlcnient ; Lc mauvals gram* mairleu. V. Le navir*-, ou leBsmihnii*; LcMsnturnuIea; Cronosolon. ou lo Ifglnlatrur dcs wituninlea; L«i ban- quet, ou !«• Laiillhes; De la deense de Syrle; felogodfi ' Dvmoalht-no; L'usRembU-o dea ditiix; £logu du la moucho; K'.logn do lu pntrlr; Les Dlpsndoi-; Conversa- tion avec II(-ilode; L('('^'ni \ Pliilo].ntTli», ou lo Cathd- eutnenn; Charldfrne, uu .<> Micyllua; Dcr Shelf. Mo. LuciANTS Samosatensis, continved. Liigenfreund odor der Unghiubige; Ikaromenlppus odor die Luftreiso ; Dcr Parasit, oder lleweii. d:is« Scbmarolzen cine Kunst sey ; Das Schitf oder dio VTiinschc; Das Gastmal oder die neuen Lajiithcn ; Der Verkftuf der philoBophisclien Secten; Der I-'ischer oder die wieder auferstandenen Philosophen. II. Vorrcdetu den Giittergespriiehen; Schema der Venvandtschaften der griechischen Gdtter, u. s. w. ; Prometheus; Sccha und zwauzig Gottergesprache; Funfzehn MeergtJtter- Gespi-iicho; Charon oder die Weltbesehaucr; Dreissig Todtengesprache; Die Veberfubrt oder der Tyrann; Die Hollenfnhrt des Menippus, oder das Todtenoi-akel ; Zusatz dio Aeehtheit dieses Stiiclis betrcHVnd; Jupi- ter Tragiidusj Die Golter%xrsammlung; Der iiberwio- seno Jupiter. III. Satumaliachc Verliandlungen; Das Lebensende des Peregrinus; Die cntlaufncu Sclavcn; Der Cyniker; Alexander oder der falsche Prophet; Demonas; Panthen, oder die Bilder; Vertheidigung der Bildor; Hetarcngespriiche; Herodotus oder Action; Zeuxis Oder Antiochus; Der Bernstein oder die Schwa- nenamPo; Bacchus; Die Dipsaden. IV. Toxaris, oder die Freunde ; Wie man die Gescheihlc schrciben miisse ; Derwflhrcn Geschicbte Itcs-liles liuch; Lucius, oder der magische Esel ; Der Scythe.oder Anacharsis und Toxaris ; AuacharsiSjoder iiber die pymnastischen Uebungen ;Von derTanzkunst; Ilippias, oder das Bud; Lobrede auf dio Fliege. V. Hemiotimus, oder von den philosophischen Secten; Dastnmrige Loos der Gelehrten die sichauvor- nehmeMndivicheI-'amilienvermiethen;Schutzredeftlrdi« vorhcrgehendc Schril'l ; Dor Eunuch, oder dcr Philosoph ohne Geschlecht ; Vou der Trauer um dio Verstovbenen ; Von den Opfeni; Sehutzrcde fiir cinen im Grttssoa begangencn Fehler; Von dor Astrologic; Dcr Eisvogel, oder dio Verwaudlung ; Hnrmonides ; Der gallische Hercules; Von der syrischen Giittin; Vcrzcichnlsa von Pcrsonen, die bis zu elncm schv hohen Alter golebt habcn ; Lob dos Vaterlandea ; Eiu kleiner Wortwechsel mit Hesiodus. VI. Die Kednerschule; Der unpelebrto Bucheruarr; Apophras; Gegen die Vcrliiumdung; Lobschrift auf den Demosthenes; Der doppelt Ange- klagle; Prometheus; Nero, oder das Project den Isth- mus zu durchstechen i Der TyranneumiJrder ; Der ent- crbte Sohn ; Der crste and der zweylo Phalaris ; Lobrede auf einen schiinen Saal ; Charidemus, Uber die SchUn- heit; Philopatris; Tragopudagra; Sinngedichte. — Diiilogues des morts, cxpliqin'-s d'aprijs une mctliode iiouvelle par deux traductions l"ian- ^.lises, piir C. Lepruvo.st. Taiis, l&OU. 10". 2995.5 — Dialogi selfcti. -Sec vKsopus 49U9a.20 — Selection IVoin [the] dialogues, with literal iu- U-rliuoar translation. London, l!<29. 12* . 4909.6 — Epigrammala. [lirunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.102.7 LuciFKK Calaritanus. Ad Constantium imperato- reniproS. Athanasio; Dere;,'ibasiipostatid8; De non conveniendo cum iLTret iris; Henou pnrcendo in Dcuni deliiunieutihus ; Jlorieu- diim esse pro Dei Filio. [Miixhna biblioth. vet.patr.,v. 4] B.110.2 LuciLius, C. Vita; Opera. [Gotttricd. Coipus vet. poet.] B.191.9 LUCILLIL'M. Kpigniiiunala. f Itrunck. Annlectapoi't. Gr.,v.2] B.1C2.7 LUCIO, G. De re}j[no Ul.vrici liber; hibcriptiones DalmaticK*. [Graivius. Thes. autiq. Ital., T. 10,v.l4] 4710.1 LVCKA ^Jl'inovcr. Lelzners Nachriclit vondem iVey- en Keiclis-Stifl'te Luckcni. Lcuekleld, J. G. 4328.7 LUCKK, G. 0. F- Krinncrunycu an K. O. Mliller. Giiltiugen, IJSH. j.p. 4'J. 8' ....'... . 2848. fi — W. M.L.deWette. Iliiniburg, I8J0. pp. 30. 8°. 42a;,5 — Tiieolo;,'isL'he Zelt^^chritt,. ^fc SeUIeierinacher, K. E, D 0004. la LucKETiu.s Carus, T. De rerum natura libros sex intcrpr. Ulustravit M. Fayua in usum Del- 1)1. liu. I'iiribiis, 10^0. 4"" ♦B.in.6 — - >»me. Aitiiitic umendutioncs T. Fabri. Cau- tahrigla?, loso. 12- *B.1T1).3 — - t>ame. Cum R. Bentlellanhu!idverslonlUu», G. Wakelhhli coninientariiM, [etc.] ed. It. C. A. lilchstftdt. Vol.1. Lip>iu:, 1601. t>' . . B.i;i.8 A'o(«. — No more «a» publiihcd. — - Same. <'uni eoninienlariis (i. Wakefield f. lira A. Duncan]. Ghuyux-, l>si;{. 4v. b'. Ba74.7 LUCRETIUS 373 LUPUS Shelf. No . LuCBKTius Ciirus, T., contimted. — - t^nniQ. Eil.A.Forbiger. London, [1S-::S]. ir.".R.174.13 — - Same. Willi a tiiuisliition and notes by H, A. J.Munro, Ciimbridge, 1804. 2v. b" . , 2922.1G — Vita, ex I*. Crinito; Of rcruni natiint, Hbri VI. [<;i)ttfm'd. Corpus vft. poct.J B.191.9 — Naturu of things, transhilvd from the Greek by T. Crcecli. [Aiidurson. I'oett* of Great lirit- aiI^ V. 13] 4004.1 — Delia nattira dello cose libri sei, trad, da A. Slari-hetti. Milano, IbVi. 8'. [Cliwsici ItiU- iaui, V. ■-*■»'<■.] **4S08.6 — Scbaiii'r;;fniiilde d'T Kriejrs-l'est in Attika; C>ri_'-iiial-ifxt niicli der Eichstiidtsclien Ans- (jabo; lH'8 licrrn von luubel Ufbcrsetziiii^ in Hi'xatm*tern ; Aiinn.'tkimj;i*n und arznui- wi>st' nsclinfiliclier KumuK'iilar von .J. C. F. JI(■i^{(■r. Ziillicliau, iSiO. ti" ^022.19 — Anti-I-ucretius, sivu de Deo et iiutura. AVe rolij:nuc,M.de 41)38.20 Lut'KEZiA lioKGiA. Opcra. Donizetti, G 8042.11 LUduk, J. G. Zfitscliriit fur KrUkundu, ala a or- gleichendf Wisseusclialt. lleriiusge;;ebcn von Liitlde, Berghaus, [undanderuj, Alagde- burg, l84'J-ua. lOv. inS. 8" M11G.2 LUDEN, II. Geschichte des teutschen Vulkes [bia 12:C]. Gotha, ISiT-:!?. 12v. 8° 4215.1 Ll'DERS, G. A. Johauu Hus dargestellt. Cilstrin, 1851. p.8° t)0"0.14 LuuKWiu, H. E. Die Diplomatie undihreueuesiten Bearbeiter. [Leipzig, IMl.j pp.Ul. 8°.v.l of *4295.2G Ludlow, E. Memoirs, wiili a collection of orij;!- nal papers. Veviiy, 1' 'JS, 'JU. 2v. in 3. 8° . . 2546. G LuDi.ow, J. jr. Sermon commemorative of na- tional events, April 23, lsM5. Albany, 1805. S'. *4342.4 LUDOLF von ^ueUeni, or feiehem. De itiuere Terrs S^anctxu liber, herauisg. von F. Deycks. titutt- gart, 1851. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibiiotlick des liter. Vereins] **2874.15, and v.25 of ^4225.1 LuuOLl", or Leutholf, J. Ad historiam jKthiopi- cani conimenturivs. Fruncofurti, lOKl. i".*i200.lij — De loevslis anno prieterito in Germania visis, cum iliatriba, de locustis,cibo Israijlitarumin deserlo. Francofurti, 1094. pp. 88. f°. . *4260.10 — Relatio nova de hodiurno Habessiiiise statu. Francofurti, lOiKl. pp. .32. f *4200.16 LUDOVici, J. F. De prjesuraptione bonitatis. [Di.'iS. aead.] irlalic, irou. pp.40. 4° . . . *43D4.22 LUDOVicu.s, a Roman patriiian. iS'avigatiouum ulCthiopije, ^gypti, utriusque Arabia, Fer^i- dis, .Syris, Iiidiie, intra et exira Gangem, libri VII. Arcliaugelo Madi'iguano interprete. [Grynaeus. >iovusorbis] 4160.8 LUDViuli,S. BriefejmsderTUikel. N.York,liy47.16''. 3083.11 — Das ."ichwert der Kevolutiou. Keise von Xew- Vork naeli Faris, Hamburg, Leipzig, Berlin, Wien uud FestU, 164?, 48. u. p., 1848. 12°. 2804.13 LUDWIG, J. F. Dc jure suifragii regis Bohemia-. Ste Goldast, M 4250.7 LUGENBEKL, J. W. Sketches of Liberia. Wash- ington, 1^50. pp.43. 8' 5055.15 LUIGI, or Aloysius Gouzaga, St, Opera omnia, par- tim Italice, paitim Latine, ed. A. lluuser. Colouiie, lt50. 32*". [Bibliotheca mystica et aseetieaj 0009a. 23 — Vita breve. A'et Ce-ari, A 2749.0 LuiTBEiiT. Epistolii ad Ludovicum regem pro re- fonnatioue quorundam abusuum. [Maxima b.bliuth. vet. patr., v. 1<.] B.110.2 LuiTGAUDis, or Lucaidis. De Luitgardis,qua;Con- radi magni marchionis 3Iisnensis uxor fuit, origine auevica. ^>Ve Schiittgen, C 4217.4 LULLIUS Bassus. Lpigrammata. [Biuuck. Ana- lecia puet. Gr., v. jj B.102.7 LuLLJU-S, U. L'ltimum testamentum; Fotestas di- vitiartim; Compendium artis alcliiiidre et naluralis philosophiie; De lapide et oleo phi- losopboriMii ; 31ouus accipiendi aurum pota- bile; L!)pid:irium, sive de lapitioii, Percus- sion, I'ltcumonia, Surul'iilu. LuNT, G. Address delivered before the Miissachu- setts horticultural society, on the dedication of Ilortieultural liall, May 15, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8° 4394.27 — Oration delivered in Newburyport, July 4, 1S:!3. Newburyport, 1833. 8" 4394.27 — Patiitjtism a moral duty. Lecture before the Democratic union association, March 21, 1858. Boston, 185S. 8° 4304.27 — [Uadicalism in religion, philosophy, and social life ; four papers from the Courier.] Boston, 1858. pp. 79. 12'* 3568.28 Contents. — Revival sermons; Emerson ns a lecturer; Fair play to women; Tlie pliilosopby of ul)olitioi]. — The union. [A poem.] Boston, 18G0. pp.ls. 16° 2307.27 LuNT, W. F. Christian psalter. 3d ed. Boston, 1S44. sm.8° 5410.7 — The Christian standard of honor. Discourse delivered Jan. 8, 1854, the Sunday following the death of Hon. T. Greeuleaf. Boston, 1S54. 8° 4347.33 — Discourse before the Ancient and honorable ar- tillery company, June 7, 1847. Boston, 1847. S°.5460a.22 — Discourse in Quincy, March 7, 1843, at the fu- neral of Bev. P. AVhitnoy. Quincy, 1843. 8°.4347.12l — Discourse in Quincy, March, 11, 1S48, at the in- terment of J. Q. Adams. Boston, 1S48. 8°. 4390a. — The divine right of government: a discourse on the annual state fast, April 10, 1851. Bos- ton, 1851. 8° 5460a. 22 — Everything beautiful in his time : a discourse delivered in Quiucy, Sept. 15, 1850. Boston, lb50. S" 5460a. 22 — Some erroneous views of conscience considered. Discourse in Washington, Nov. 30, 1851. Washington, 1851. 8" 5460a. 22 — The spiritual pldlosophy. Discourse at the in- stallation of Kev. G. Svhitney, [at] Jamaica Plain, Feb. 10, 1830. Boston, 1S36. 8' . . . 5400a. 22 — Trial of the spirits. Discourse at Quiucy, June 25, 1854. Boston, 1854. 8° 54G0a.22 — Two discourses delivered Sept. 29, 1830, on the 20Utli anniversary of the First congregational church, Quincy. Boston, ls40. b" 5543.13 — The union of the human race. A lecture be- fore the Quincy lyceum. Boston, 1850. 8°. B.irOa.2 LUPix, M. De tide juridica. [Diss, acad.] Huhe Miigdeburgic.^, 1099. pp. S4. 4° *4304.32 LuPO Protospata. Annales. [Fi-ankfurt. Societas, elc.,v 5] 4210.2 — Kerura in legno Neapolitaaogestarum uccclx- Mcn chronjcon. [Gra;vius. Thea. autiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 1] 4710.1 LuroLl»L:s de Bcbenburg. De veterum iniucipum Germanorum zolo et fervore in Christian;im religionem. [Maxima bibl. vet. patr., v. 20J. B.110.2 LUPTOX, 1. J. The horse, in the stubieaud the lieid. .See Walsh, J. 11 4004.3 LUPTON, W. The resurrection of the sanie body. A sermon before the university of Oxford, April 2, 1711. Oxford, 1711. H." 540G.3U Lupus, abbot of Ferriercs. Fpistola ad Carolum Calvum; Collectaneum de pra;dcstiuatioiie, de libero arbitrio, de sanguine Chiisti. [Quatremaire. Veterum auctorum qui ix sreculo de praedestinatione scripseruut, v. 2]. 6061.5 — EpistoK-e ; Homilia; duo, cum hymuis de ti. \\'ig- berto. [Maxima bibUoth. vet. pair., v. 15]. B.U0.2 LUPUS 374 LYXN sbcif. ^t.. Lupus Servatus, a pre?hyter of Mnypnce. De tri- bus quaestionibus liber. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. pitr., V. Ifl] B.110.2 — - Same. [Quatremaire. Vclerum aiictonim qui IX sxculo de pi-;edestiuatiuue scripseruut, y.2] 60C1.5 Xcte. — The question whether T.npus FermriensiB and Lupus ServatUB are to he distinguished is decided in tlie Muxiina hibliotheca in thene^tive; hy Quatremaire in the affirmative. LURINE, L. Les rues de Paris. Paris ancien et moderne. P;iria, l>4i. 2v. iiil. 8° 4631.7 LuSATH. Jordan, J. P. Granimalikder wendisch- Rerbischen Sprache in der Obirlausitz . . . 4123.0 — ■ffillkoium, E. ijageii uud 31iilirclieu nus der Oberlausitz 4224.24 LusHiNGTox, H. The Italian war, 1848-9, and the last Italian poet. With a biographical pre- face by U. S. Venables. Cambiidge, ISoft. 12°. 4718.15 LusiGNAN, S. Kevolt of All 15ey, against the Ottoman Porte, with an account of Egypt. London, 1784. 8° 3C52.8 LCTHEK, JI. Sammtliche Schriften. Herausge- g'ben von J. G. Walch. Ualle, 1740-50. 24v. 4° »0047.1 Xole. ~- For contents ace tlie cataiopue printed in l.Sfil. — Briefe, Sendschreibeii und Bedcnken, gesara- melt von W. M. L. de Wette. [Vol. (5] von J. K. Seidemann. Berlin, 1825-28, 50. (iv. 8°. *()05S.5 — Concordanz der Ansichten und Urtheile des grosseii ReformMtors Uber die wiehtigsten GegenstUnde des (jianbeus, [u. s. w.]. ilc- rau.sgegeben von Lomber, Lucius, Kust, [u. s. w.]. Darmstndt, 1S28-3I. 4v. 8° . . . •6057.2 — SinnreicheTischredcn. Neue Ausg. Stuttgart, 1830. 2v. in 1. 8° *C057.3 — Ungedruckte Prcdigten. Herausgogeben von W. Hoeek. 15. 1. Berlin, 1847. 8° 0057.6 — Conimeutary on tlie Psalms of degrees. See Bible. Old Testament. Ps.ilms 3425.0 — Enarratio Psalmi lA. See Bible. Old Testa- ment. Psalm; 0069a. 17 — Fabricius, J. A. Notitia littei-aria scriptorum omnis generis de 2184.10 — Frieilerich, G. J^uther. Kin historischos Ge- dicht in vicr Gesiingen B. 170b. 97 — Mcl;inihthon, P. Vita 0059.25 — Mohnike, G. C. F. Lcbenseude 42.37.11 — Scott, J. Luther and the Lutheran reforma- tion 5159n.32 — Tischnr, .1. F. W. Lcben und Thatcn . v. 4 of GU51ia.2 — - Lire 3550.29 — Vogel, E. G. Bibliothccd I.utheraini. Ucber- siclit der gedruckten Dr. M. Lulher betreflcn- den biogrjiphischeli Schriften 2182.7 LuTlli:it und dessen Keformation. Magdebni'g, 1*34. 8° 3529.16 LuTHP-KAX church, Gerniany. Bretschneider, C. G. l>ogm.itik der evangelisch-lutherischen Kir- che .....' 0022.8 — Hiise, C. A. Ilutlerus rcdivivua oder l)og- miitlk der evaiigeli.sch-luthi'ri.sclien Kirchc . 0059a. 5 — Twfsleti, A. 1). C. Vorlesiingeu iiberdie Dag- matik der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche . 6019.2 LUTIiEKAN church, Ciiitctl Sfiitcs. See Evaiigel- lc:d Lutheran niinisterhim. I.IJTIIOMII!, S. I'.i.islohe, [le nachchrlBtlleho KnlwIekelunB. LUtzen, Account of the battle of. Fleet>fooil, (!. [Cninden Koclety, No. .■)»] 2416.39 LUXAN, iir Luzon, f. de. Poemiis. [Quintuua. I'nrnaoo enp.ifio], v. 4] 3104.10 Luxations. .Sur Icr luxiitlons congeuitaleH. Ouvrio, J r. 2 of 3301.27 Sbeir. No. LuxEMEOLT.G. Biographic hixembourgeoise. Noy- en, A 4041.12 LUYKES, C. P. d'.\. de. Slemoires sur la cour de Louis XV, 1735-58. Publics par L. Dussieu.'C et E. Soulie. J'aris, 181)11-65. 17v. b° . . . 4673.1 LtrrxE.'!, H. T. P.J. d'Albert, rfiici/e. Industriedes nu-t.aux predeux. [France. Commission sur I'industrie des nations, v. 0] 4029.20 LCZAC, J. De Socrate cive. [Diss, acad.] Lug- duni Batavorum, 1796. 4* **2960.31 LUZERXK. Schweizerische Volkslieder nach der Luzernerischen Jliindart. Iliillliger, J. B. 2875.24 Lyautey, H. J. See France. Slinislry of war. Memorial de I'arlillerie, v. 1, 2 3954.25 Contents. — Vol. I. Hemoire Bnr le fir a ricochet. IL Meinoiro snr les boites d Unties et leur tir. Ltc.exid.^^, Specimen of a catalogue of. ^Jcc Lon- don. British museum 3891.11 Ltcophhon. Alexandra. Cum Grieco commenta- rio Tzetzfe. Versiones, lectiones et emen- dationes atyecit J. Potterus. Ed. 2a. Oxonii, 1702. 2v. in 1. f° *4180.7 — Alexandra, sive Cassandra. [Lect. Poetie Gr.Tci, V. 3] 4200.7 — A£f£(s Wiiav^pac;, [Bachmann. Anecdota Gra-ca, v. 2] B.162.S Ltcostiiexes, oc 'WohThart, C. Apophthegniata, ex probatis scriptorihvs colleeta. Accesse- runt parabolne ab Erasmo olim excerpt.'c, etc. Ed. altera. [Londini], 15%. 8°. . . •B.199.10 — Wunderwerck. Durch J. Herold gezogen und verteutschf. Basel, 1,557. f ° *4271.7 Lycuugus. Oratioin Leocratem. [Dobson. Ora- -tores Attici, v. 4, 14] B. 163.1 Lydgatk, J. The cliilde of Bristow, a poem. Edi- ted by C. Hopper. [London], 1859. pp. 28. sm-4°. [Camden society, No. 73] 2420.17 Lying-in chnrity. Advantages of the. See Lon- don. Benevolent associations. Society for Meliveriug, etc M.Pph. v.l39 Lyman,.!. Sermon at the [ordination] of l!ev. \y. (iraves, in North Woodstock, Aug. 31, 17iil. Northampton, 1791. 8° *4163.5 — Sermon before .7. Bowdoin, governour, etc., Slav, 30, 1787, the tlay of general election, r.oston, 1787. 8' •4356.0 — Sermon before the convention of the clergy of JIassachusetts, May 2'.l, 1800. Boston, 1800. 8°. 4357.8 Lyman, T. Address to the cily council of Boston, ,Ian. 5, 1835. Boston, ls35. 8" *6353.2 — Communication to the city council, on introduc- ing water into the city. Boston, )S34. i>p. 311. 8° »6353.2 — [Short account of the Hartford convention, taken from official documents; with the se- cret journal of that body.] Boston, 1823. pp. 30. 8° 4390a. 45 — Memoir of T. J.,ynian. [Hartford, IROI. No title-page.] pp. 14. 8*. [From Barnard's Anierit-an journal of education, March, l>6l]. 4347.65 LYMrilATUS. Die Lyiiiiiligrniase, und ihre Bczic- liung zum Bindegewebe. Becklinghausen, F. v 3765.27 LTNCEtis. Centaurl fra;;nicntuin. [Jleineke. Frngm. com. (ir., V.6] B.162.S LVNDWtxin, W . Provinciale, sen constitvtiones Angli.t<. Oxnnia', 107'.l. f »5520.1O Lyme, H. Latin primer, llrst part. Sen Biglow, W.4U29a.l4 Lyne, T. A. AssasHination ui .Land 11. Smith, at Carthage, III ,.liine27, IMI. Annexeii, speech of II. L. It.i.l, alMinf .1. \V. Wociils. Added, lirii'f oiidiiie of the faith of the latter day saints. New York, 1841. pp. 17. 12° . . , 6544.20 Lynn, .\Uish. Directory and almanac for 1864, 58, 00. ByG.Adanis. Lynn, 18,'.:l-.'il). .3v. 1 8°. 2389.24 — Directory and town register fiir 18.32. By C. K. Luinnius. Lynn, l,s:!2. 18° 2380.10 — Formation and progress of (he I'^irst inetlio. dlst church In. Cluik, W.lt 4355.15 LYON 375 MACAULAT Shulf. No. Lyon, James A. Lecture on Christinnity and the civil hiWH. Columbus, 1850. b° .' . . . . 4:J20a.81 Lyon, .lohu. The hiirp of Zion, a collection of pot-ni!*, etc. Liverpool, 185;{. 1(1° 5544.18 Lyon, M., Life ami labors of. See Hitchcock, E. . 2344.17 Lyons, K. D. Treatise on fuvcr. London, ISOI. 8°. 37iHi.24 Lyons. Discoisosoprulo stato delhi cittkdl Lione. (iiuutini, F 2725.20 Lysei!, .1. [I'olygamiii triumphatrix, cum notis A. Yincentii.] Londini Scunorum. UiS'>. 8m.4*. C000.13 Lysias. Orntiones triKinta quatuor. [Dobson. Ora- tores Attlei,v. :*, 1^] B.163.1 — Kctlcn gegen Eratosthenes uud Agoratos. [Wie- hiiid. A'eues attischcs Museum, V. 3] . . . 4955.11 Lysh'I'I's. Como-iliarum duarum frugnienta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 3] B. 162.8 Lysons, S. The modt*l merchant of the middle ages, excmpHlied in the story of Whltting- ton and hiscat. London, lSi;o. 8° 2448.12 Lyte, H. K. ** The spirit of the Psalms," with some additional psalms and hymns. 3d ed. London, KS(i4. 3^" 5449.24 Lyttklton, George, lord. History of king Henry II, and of the age iu which he lived. London, \767-7l. 3v. i" *4161.5 — Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [An- derson. Touts of Great Britain, v. 10] . . . 4004.1 — Observations on the conversion and apostle- ship of St. i*aul. [Boston. Benevolent asso- ciations. .Society for promoting Christian knowledge, etc. Christian monitor, v. 111]. 5459.5 Lytteltox, George W., loi-d, and Gbidstone, \V. E. Translations. London, 1801. 8" . . . 4938.8 Lytton, E. G. E. L. Buhvcr. Athens: its rise and fall. New York, 183;. 2v. 12" 4252.12 — - Same, New York, 1S:IS. 2v. h" 3078.9 — Extracts from Confessions and observations of a water-patient. Appended, a descrip- tion of the (.)range mountain water-cure, n. p., n. d. pp. 43. 12° ... B. 170b. 105 — Letters to ,K)Iin Bull on aflairs connected with his landed property, etc. London, IftSl. 8" . 6087.39 — Paul Clitfurd. New York, 1830, 31. 2v. p.f^". 4576.23 — Sculpture; a poem. New York, 1831. pp 14. 8°. 45G5.5 Haass, Johann. [Ueise dureh Kursachsen in die Oberlausitz nach deu evangelischen Briider- gemeinorteu Barby, Gnadau, Herrnhut, Niesky uiid Kleiuwelka.] Leipzig, IbOo. Hi". 6059.23 Maass, Johann G. E. Gruudriss der Rhetorik. ote AutJ. Herausg. von K. Rosenkranz. Leip- zig, IS3G. b° 3607.12 Mabillon, J. Onvrages posthumes de Mabillon et de Kuinart, [publies] par V. Thuillier. Paris, 1724. 3v. 4* ♦6061.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Hisloirti de la contestation sur I'au- tcur de riraitation dc Jcsus-Christ; Lettres et ecrits sur la questiuu dei» Axjines ; Lettres et f crits sur le culte ilea Mints inconnus; Lettres ot ecrits sur les etudes raonfts- tiques; Lettres direrscs de Mabillon, et a MabiUon. II. Ilinentriuin Bur^undicum ; Sur les anciennes sepul- tures de nos roig; Votuiii Mabillonii de quibusdam Vos- eti opusculis; Dots des relieieuses; Lettre de Mubillon touchant le premier institut de I'abbaye de Remiremont ; Avis 8ur I'histoire des monnsteres; Reponse aux cha- Doines rfeguliers touebant la preseance dons lesetats; Traiie d« Irt messe ct de la communion; Refleiions sur 1m prisons des ordresrcligicur ; AntiquitezdeSt. Donis; Lettre a SI. do Bloia touchnnt le discememcnt des un- ciennes reliqucs; Memoirc-j sur la sainte lurme de Ven- ddnic; I>is3ertatio bistori<'a de pallio archiepi.tcopali, •uctoreRuinart. ML I'rbani papoevifa ; Historia trnns- lationis retiqutiirum S. Maxlmi apud ^'antuacum ; Thew- derici Ruinarti iter liitcrftrium in Alsaliam et Lolburiu- {riani . — Annales ordinis S. Benedict!. Absolvit E. Martene. Kd. la Italica. Lucre, 17;ii>-45. 6v. f *B.131.1 — Iter Germauicum, et L Launoii de scholis cele- bribu'^ iu Uccidcnte instauratis. f Kd.] I. A. Kabricius. llamburgi, 1717. sm.tt *4249.3 — Prwfationes in Acta sanctorum ord. S. Bene- dict! et dissertationes v. Tridenti, 1724. 4". *6061 4 j Shelf. Ko. MABILLON", J., continueiL — - Same. [EtJ dissertaliones vi. Ace. P. Bas- tide dissertatio de autiriua ordinis S. Beue- dicli intra Gallias propngatioue. Venetiis, 1740. V •B.lSl 2 CoH/*iir». — Prrefntiones; Dlsscrtntio de pane eucha- riBticoazymoacfernientato; Kiisebii Homnniepistoln ^a cultu siuietorum igiiotorum; Lettre d'un Benedietin & I'evcaquv de Blois, touebant le discememcnt des aiicivn- nc8 rellquea, au sujet d'une dissertiition de Mr. Tliiora centre U- eainto hiriue do VeiidOmo; Trnite oil Ton refute la nouvello explication quo quelques auteurs don- nent aux mots de nicsso et de communion, qui se trouv- ent dims la regie de S. Benoiat; Lcttro de Mnbillon, li un de ses amis, touchant le premier iu&titut de I'ab- bnye de Kemiremoiit, — Traclntus de studiis monasticis, Latins vertit J. I'orta. Ed. altera. Venetiis, 1745. 3v, in 1- •1'' *6052.8 — Correspondance in^^dite. 5ee Val^ry, A. C. . . 4187.3 Mably, G. B. de. Le droit public de I'Europe. Nouv. ed.par Rousset. Amsterdam, 1773. 3^' 't^** 3037.10 — Entreliens de Phocion, sur le rapport de lamo- rale avec la politique. Tr. du greede Nicoclea. Paris, 17S3. 3v.iri 1. 18° 4609.33 — - Same. Paris, 1801. 16" 40U9.37 — Observations on the Greeks. See Translations from the French 4791.16 M'Allistku, M. II. Eulogy on Andrew Jackson, Savannah, 1645. See Duseiibery, B. M. . . 2347.25 M'Allum, D. Remains. With a memoir [by J. Croivther]. New York, 1840. 1:;° 5446.21 — Jesus Christ, the king of glory: a discourse, Jan. 10, 1808. North Shields, l&OS. 8" . *Pph.v.358 Macani;us, D. See Maccngni, D, Macarius ^gyptius, St. Opvscvia nonnvlla et apo- phthegm.ita. [Gia^ee, cum versione Parthe- nii.J Ed. I. G. Pritivs. Lipsiie, 1099. sm.8°.*0050.30 CoiUeiUs. — De custodia cordis ; De perfectione in spi- ritu; De oratione; De pnlientiaet diseretione; De i-lt^va- tioue mentis; Decharitate; De Hbertute mentis; Apo- phthfpmata Macarii a P. Possino edita; Apophtbeg- niflta Mucarii a J. B. Cotelerio edita; De Macario relaiio ex IlieroDj'mo, ex Palladio, ex Cassiodoro. — HomiliEG L, interprete J. Pico Parisieusi. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 4] B.110.2 — De paradiso etlege hpirituali. A'ce Marcus Ere- n»'ta ■ V. 5 of B.110.2 Macaronic verse. Delepierre, O. Macaroneana, ou melanges de litterature macaronique des dillerents peuples de TEurope 2195.12 — Gentlie, F. W. Geschichte der Slacaronischeu I'OPS'*' 2196.8 — Nodier, C. Du langage factice appelt^ macaro- n'H"e 2955.22 — Orsini, C. Capriccia macaronica 2809.24 M'ArthL'R, J. Observations on the authenticity of Ossian's poems. [Ossian. Poems, v. 3] . . 2574.6 Macassar. Erzehlung des Krieges zwischen dem Konig des Macassar und der Oest-Indisuheu Companie, 16(;(>-G'.l. Speelm.inn, C 4157.4 Macaulav, C. S. History of England from the accession of James i to the [restoration of the Stuart family] . Ed. iii. London, 17(19- 7-- 5v. 8° 4170.2 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Sliscellaneous writings. London, 1860. 2v. 6° 2564.3 Conttnts. — Vol. I. Cootributions to Knight's quarterly mnRnzine: Fragments of a Roman tale; On tbe Royal society of literature; Scenes from "Alheuitiu revets "; Critielsnia on the principal Italian writers; Dante; Pu- trarcb; Some account of the f?reut lawsuit between the parishes of St. Dennis and St. Oeorge in the water; Conversation between Cowley and MiltoD touching the (p-cat civil war; On the Athenian orators; Prophetic ac- count of a grand national epic poem, to be entitled ""Ihe Welliugtoniad," and to be published a. u. Iijf24; .Mit- ford's bistorj- of Greece; Contributions to the Edinbuigh review: John Drj-den ; History; Mill on goveninientj Westminster reviewer's defence of Mill ; Utilitarian the- ory of government. II. Contributions lothe Edinburgh review : tiadler't taw of population ; Sadl«r's refutatloa MACAULAT 376 M'GnEGOR Shelf. No. Mac.iul.w, T. B., lord, continued. refuted; Mirubeau; Barerc; Contrihiillonp to the Enry- clopo-dia Britanniea: Atlerbury; Biniynn; fioldsinilh; Johnson; Pitt; Miscellaneous poems, inscriptions, etc. — Histoire du re;jne de Guillaume III. Trad, de I'anglaispar A.richot. Paris, 1S5S-G1. 4v. 12°. 2529.14 — Lavs of aucient Home. Xil ed. London, 1843. sq.s° 2758.4 — Correspondence with the bishop of Exeter. See I'liilpotts, H 3547.14 — Observations on [his] eliarges against the cliaracter of Pi-nn. See Forsler, W. K. . . 4129.00 Macbrihe, D., feloge de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. Oiuvres, T. :i] 3720.11 McBridk, .1. Speecli at tlie inauguration of J. W. Hall. See Corry, W.il B.170a.9 MacCabe, W. B. Catliolic history of England [to A. D. 975]. London, 1847-19. 2v. S° . . . 4174.5 Maccagm, Domenico, or Domenico de Belli, or della Bella, horn m Muccagno. Epitomre liistoric:e novem dvcvm Sabavdorvm. [Sar- dinia. Hist, monum., v. 7] 4S00.1 — Verbani lacus locorumqiie atjjacentium choro- grapliica descriplio. [(-rrsevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 7] 4710. 1 M'Caink, a. History and mystery of niethodist episcopacy. Baltimore, 1S27. pp. 70. 8° . 555S.2 McCall, J. Communii-alion presented at the an- nual meetin^of the [New York] medical soci- ety, Feb. ISo:!. [Utica], n. d. pp. 11. 8°. 6087.92 — Jseeds, duties and privileges of the medical profession, n. p., n. d. pp. 12. 8° 0087.85 McCalla, W. L. Kcview of Dr. Boardman's ad- dress against Ivossuth : a lecture, March 9, 1852. rhiladelphia, 1852. pp. 31. 8° . . . . 4129.75 — Discussion on eternal punishment. See Knee- land, A 3453.40 HcC.\NiiLESS,W. Eulogy un Andrew Jackson, Pitts- burgh, 1845. See Dusenbery, B. .M 2347.25 Mac Caki'IIV, D. V. Collation of the various edi- tions and manuscripts of tlie 5Ienioires de la conrd'Espagne ir>78-82, par le marquis de Vil- lara. Dublin, 1SC.3. pp. 39. 1.8° 2103.9 M'CART.vr.v, W. Eulogy on Andrew .Tackson, Easton, Pa., 184.5. See Dusenbery, li. JI. . . 2347.25 31cCAt:i.EV, .1. A. Character and services of A. Lincoln : a sermon, June 1, 1805. Baltimore, 1805. 8° »4342.0 McClki-lax, G. B. Army of the Potomac; report of its operations, [1801, 02]. New York, 18C4. 1.8° 4322.2 — Letter of acceptance [of the nomination to the presidency, and other documents], n. p., 1801. pp. 7. 8° 4320a. 80 — - Same. [Handbook of the democracy for 180:t, W] 4310. 1 — Report on the organization and campaigns of the army of till! Potomac. [With] cniiipaign In Western Virgiuia. New York, 1804. 8° . 4.322.8 — - ,Same. [Ilaiutbook of the democracy for 1803,01] 4310.1 — Went point oration [at laying the corner-stone of the Battle monument]. [Handbook of the democracy for 1803, l-l] 4310. 1 — - .'^amc. See West Point 4328.15 — [.McCleilan from Aug, 1, 1801, to Aug. 1, 1802.] New York, 1802. pj). 20. 8° 4320a. 84 — [McClellan'a cumiiaign,] New York, 1802. pp. 12. 12° 4320a.83 — [Life and services. Campaign document, No.4.] n. p., 1801. pp. 03. 8° 4320a. 87 — - »$uuic. [Handbook of the democracy for 1803, 111] 4310.1 — Barnard, J. fi. The peninsiilnr campaign as developed by the re|iort of 4310ft. 73 — Ketchum, II. Kevk-w of the report of the committee on the conduct of the war. [Iluinl book of the ileiniicracy for 1803,01], . . . 4310.1 — I.egniiid, I,. Life of 4320ii.(ll — Hwliitoii, W. The " Tlmen," review of . . . . 4.120b. W Shelf. No. McClella^'d, R. Letter on the crisis. Detroit, 1860. pp. 11. 8° 4320a. 88 MACCI.KSFIE!.n, \fit enrl of. Sec Parker, T. McCl.lNTOCic, Sir F. L. Meteorological observa- tions in the Arctic seas, 1857-59. [Washing- ton. Smithsonian Institution. Contributions, V. 13] 3340.1 McClintock, J. Discourse delivered on the day of the funeral of president Lincoln, April 19, 1865. New Y'ork, 18r>.5. 8° »4342.4 McCkack AN, J.H.L. [Earning a living: a comedy, in live acts.] New Y'ork, 1849. pp. 03. 8° . 4-105.7 M'Crie, T. Lileof John Knox : contniningillustra- tiiuis of the history of the reformation in Scotland. 3d ed. Etlinburgh, 1814. 2v. 8°. 4175.14 — Sketches of Scottish church history. 4tli ed. Edinburgh, I84G. 2v. 12° 3824.14 Maccullocii, .John. Proofs and illustrations of the attributes of God, from the physical uni- verse. London, 1837. 3v. 8° 5480.1 McCuLT.ocH, John K. F.ssay on exchange, inter- est, money, etc. Boston, 18.")0. 8° 3040.44 M'Derjiot, M. Source of the pleasures derived froia tragic rrpvesentations. London, 1824. 8°. 2550.19 McDoNOGH, .1. \^■ill, and instructions to his exe- cutors. New Orleans, 1851. pp. 08. 8°. .4347.130 McDOUCALL, ,T. A. French interference in Mexico. Speech in the senate, Feb. 3, 1803. Balti- more, 1803. 8° 4320a. 89 — Speech on the arrest of Gen. Stone, and the rights of the soldier and citizen. Delivered in the senate, -April 15, 10, and 22, 1802. "Wash- ingTon, 1802. 8° 4.320a. 89 MacDougall, p. L. Modern warfare as influenced by modern artillery. London, 1804. 8° . . . 3955.21 McDowell, 1. statement, in review of the evi- dence before the court of inquiry. Washing- ton, 1803. pp. 04. 8° 4.320a.9O Macedon. Gesehichte Macedoniens. Flathe, L. 4262.4 JtACEUoxius. Epigrammata. [Brunck. .\nalecta poet. Gr., V. 3] B.lfl2.7 JIAC El'Key, J. ir. Substance of two discourses, occasioned by the assassination of the presi- dent, Easter day, 1805. Wooster, Ohio, ISIS. 12° »4342.32 SIACICR, A. Fragmenta. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.191.9 MacFarlan, K. Latin version of the poems of Ossian. See Ossian 2574.0 MacFaiilase, C. Pictorial history of England. Imhx. .See Craik, G. L 2422.1 MacFarlane, J. Life and times of G. Lawson ; with glimpses of Scottish character from 1721) to I.VJO. 3d ed. Eilinburgh, 1802. p.S°. 2547.20 McGeaciiv, K. Suggestions towtirds shortening the time of transit between the eastern and western Inuuispliercs. London, 1810. pp. 17. With maps. 8° 2314.26 McGee, T. D'Arcy. Canadian ballads, and occa- sional verses. Montreal, 18."i.s. 12° ... . 4408.34 McGiLL, A. T. The band of God with the black race. Philadelpbia, 1.S02. pp. 19. 8° . . . 4310.20 MACGILLIVRAY, .1. Voyage of II. M. S. Rattle- snake, l.slli-.')n, including discoveries and sur- vcy.s in New Guinea, the l.onisiiule Archipel- ago, etc. Adilrd, 10. 1!. Keniu'ily'sexpediiion for the exploration of the Cape York penin- sula. Loniloii, l.'<52. 2v. 8°. .3040.17 McGiNi.i Y, W. A. Rational triumph I or Ihe dan- gers of victory. Discourse In Shrewsbury, upon the federal triiiinplis, Feb., 1802. Wor- cester, 1802. 8° 4320a.Bl McGl.AsiiAN, J. Panoramic view of Killarnoy, fl'om the summit of Mangerlon. Dublin, I8.'.l. FoMeilsci.lO" 2470.28 MACOOWAN, J. Death; a vision. Manchester, 1K23. 8° •Pph.v.336 — Life of Cain. See Cessiier, S Piih.v.336 M'GREiioll, Sir (). Occupation of Amelia Island. .svr \arrallve, e 2305.10 McllKMiY 377 JMACKKNZIE Sholf. Mo. McHenry, G. Thecotton trade considered in cou- uection with negro shivery. London, liSCiS. 8". 3G50.12 Maciiiavki.i.t, N. Opere. Nuovii ed, Geneva, 17ys. lOv. Vi" *41lK)a.3 Content*. — Vol. I. l*Toftticlon(j, ccc, dogU cdltorl ilol 1798, del 17i«. del 1782; Vila; IJrovo di Clomonto vil; Lcttcru dl MiicIiiuvL'lli a Cleiiu'iito Vll; Procnito tlc-U' autorv; Istorto florfiitino. II. latorle florcntiiii!. 111. FratnnitMitl iHtorici ; Et>trutto di Icttt^rv a' A'wcl di Dnlla ; Nutiinid'iioti)iiil flnri-ntitil; Dosoi-lziune del luoilu toiuito dal dut-a Valcnlliio ui-llo nniinnxznro Vitt-lloRzo Vitplli ; Dl<1 modo dl trutlure i popoU dolla Vnldichiunii rilx'Hiili ; Diocorso st>pm lo vosv di I'isa comijlotuto; Uilratti di-llo cose dvUn l-'riincift; Hltrntti UcH' Alamnpiiii; Itiipiiorto dcllcrosedollAMapnu;DiscorsoscprarAlAmugiia; Soiu- tnario dclltf cose di Luccn ; Vita dl Castruccio CuBfracnni ; latnisiouD per uno cliD vndn anibaaciatorc ; DUcorao aiillii rirunim dl Firenie; StMitcnzo perrnddieiro incdito. IV. Arto d^Ua picrra; Duo provvisloiii per istniirv mlUzie nazlonali iiclla repubblica florvutina ; Consulto per VvK— siono del coiuaiiduiitu dello fautorie; KelaKiontj d'una viaita per fortiflcare Firouze. V, VI. Discorai Bopra lo decadiLivlo. VI. II priucipe. \TI. Mniidrngola, cum- ntedlft; Cli«io,coninicdla; Coinmeiiia in prosn acnzu titolo; Aiidria di Terciizio trndutta; Commcdia in versi Hcnza titolo. VIII. Asinod'oro; Dell' oecusione; Delia I'ortu- ua; Delia In^ratitudinc; Dell' ambiziono; Deceiinali; Kovelladi Uclfagor; Kimcultiinamentefitaiiipate; Sere- notn; Cant! caniescialcsclii ; Foesic diverse ; Descrizioue della pcste di Firenze dull' anno 1527 ; Lcttere seritte so- prn difforenti affari di govemo a uome della repubblica florentiiia; Lcltere seritte ad A. G. Tcbalducei M«l"s- pinij Patente di Uliviuri Gundngni ; Patcnte di Itall'ti- ello MnKinghi; Jobanni do Couipagniii potcstati Ilnr- ga^; Discurso owciro Dialogo sulla liugiia ; Discorao morale. IX. Legazione alia coiitessa Catcrina Sfor/n; Commissione in campo contro i Pisani ; Lcgaziouc prima alia corte di Prancla; Legazione al duca Valentioo. X. Legaxioui : Prima a Siena ; Alia corte di Roma ; Avviso ; Letters famigliari ; Capitoli per una bizzarra compnptia ; Allflcuzione ad un mngistrato; Tostamentuin Nicotai de Macliiavellis; Aliud tcstamcntum; Lamented! uuuumo di stato. — Opere. Milano, 1804, 5. lOv. 8°. [Classic! italianijV. 109-1 IS] **4804.4 ConfCTif^. — Vol, I. Elogio di Macliiavelli scritto dal cav. G. B. Baldelli; 11 prineipo; Vita di Castruccio Castracanl da Lucca; Modo tenuto dul du<'a Valen- tino nello ammazzare Vitcllozzo Vitelli, ecc. ; Islru- zioue a un anibiisciature ; Dell' ira c de' modi di cunirlit, dialogo; Deacrizione della pesto di Firenze; Coijitoli per una conipagnia di piaccre; Allocuzione fatta ad on Diagistrato; Kitratii dellc coso delta Francia; Delia natura de' Francesi; Ritratti dellc cose dell' Alamagna. II, III. I tre libri de' discorsi sopra la prima doca di Livio. Ill, IV. Istorie florcntine. V. Legazioni : Alia Catcrina Sforza ; Prima alia corte di Francia; Al duca Valentino ; Prima a Siona. VI. Prima alia eorte di Itoiiia ; Scconda alia corte di Francia; Al signore di Piombino; A Giaopaolo Baglioni ; Al marcbese di Mantova ; Sccunda a Siena ; Coramia§ione del dominio Fiorentino ; Legaziono aeconda alia corte di Homa; Legaziono tcrza a Siena. Vll. Legaziono all' impcratoro; Commissione al cam)io contro Pisa; Legazione seconda a Mantova; Legazione ' terza e quarta alia corte di Francia ; Commissione a Pt$a in tempo del concilio; Commissione per fare solilati; ComniiBsiono a Pisa, eec. ; Legazione: Al capUnIo do' iVatt minori a Carpi; A Venezia; A Modena; Seconda a Modvna. VIII. Mandragola, commedia; Clizia, comme- dia; L'Andria di Terenzio, commcdia trad, in Toscauo; Commcdia in versi; liime ; Decennnli primo, secundo; Deir aaino d'oro; Capitoli, serenata, ecc. IX. Conmie- dia; Novella piacevolissima; Lctr^re; Patente di U. Giifidagni; Patented! ICatTaello Mozinghi; Discorso so- pra il riformar lo stato di Firenze fatio ad istanza di papa Leone x ; Frammenti istorici ; Estratto di lcttere ai dieci di Balia; Nature do' uominifiorcntini; Delmodudi trattaro i popoli della Valdichiana ribellatt; Discorso eopra Ic cose di Pisa; Sommario dellc cose di Lucca. X. I Betw libri dcir arte dclln gucrra; Rnpporto dello cos© dclla Magna; Discorso sopra le cose d'Alemagna e so- pra rimperadoro; Due prowisioni per islituire milizie uaziimali nella rrpnbhlica fiorcniina; Consulto o parcre per I'elezione del comandonte delle fantcrie; K<^'lnzi>yno per fortiflcare Firenze ; Dlscono ovvero diiilngo, in cui ^i esamina se la lingua, in cut scrissero Dante, il Boccaccio e il PctrarcB, si debba cbiamare itnliana, toscnna, o fio- rentina; Discorso morale ; La m(.Mitv d'un uomo di statu, ossia raccollA di sentenzc estratte dall' opere dol Ma- cliiavflli; Duo tcsteraerili latin! falti dal Slacbiavclli. — Work.s, faithfully translated [by H. Neville]. I^oudon, KfeO. f *2800.y 48 Sbclf. No. Machtavelli, N., continued. — De niip-ationibvs poiivlorvm septentrioiialivm ; et do ruina inipeiij lloniani liber. Fiietua ex Italioo seriuune Liilinu.s, per II. Tvrle- ruiu. Frauc, 1504. sm.8° *419f».19 A'ofe. — Tbis ia a voraiou of tlio Ist book of Istorie fioroiitine. — II ^overno di L. de' Medici in Firenze. [Al- bi'ri. Tesoro della prosa italiana] 2771.30 — No^elIa. [liaccolta di novellieri italiani, v. ]]. 277;j.l4 — !Novelladl IJelfagor. [Kaccoltadinovelle, v. 2]. 4808. 12 — [Der neue Machiavel. Eiu Buch fiir Fursten.J Leipzig, 1849. pp.79. 8" I3.170h.72 — Machiavel et sa doctrine. 5ee lVIaz6res, — . , 2ii05.4 — Maebiavelli und das System der modcrnea Politik. See Slundt, T 2745.17 Machinfkv. Babbage, C. Method of expressing by signs the action of .'1921.20 — Hartniaun, C. F. A. Handbuch des Maschi- nen- und Fabrikenwosens 8001.11 — Kicholsou, J. British machinist 401K.2S — Willis, K. Principles of mechanism ^945. 25 3IACHO. Fabuhirum duarum reliquia;. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5] B.162.8 Macieiowski, \V. a. Slavische Rechtsgeschichte, aus dcm rolnischen iibersetzt von F.J. Buss und M. Kawrocki, [u. s. w.]. Stuttgjirt, 1835- 39. 4v. in 3. b" 4305.11 1\U'Ilvaine, C. P. .Tu.stification by faith. Colum- bus, 1S40. 16" 5453.25 — Oxford divinity compared with that of the Komish and Anglican churches. Philadel- phia, 1841. 8° 3451.6 McIntyre, H. Map of the city of Boston and im- mediate neighborhood. Boston, 1852. Size, 55x*'3in. . **Map stand 50. l,and folded f. *B. 180.2 Mackay, C. Cavalier songs and ballads of Eng- land, 1042-84. Loudon, 18G3. 1G° 2539.5 MACK^vy, U. "W. Sketch of the rise and progress of Christianity. London, 1854. 12* ... . 6056.5 — The Tubingen school and its antecedents. London, 1803. 8° 5509.1 McKaye, J. [Birth and death of nations. A thought for the crisis.] New York, 1802. pp.33. 12° 4.324.23 — The mastership and its fruits : the emancipated slave face to face with his old master. New York, 1804. pp.38. 8°. [New York. Loyal publication society, No. 58] • *4322.18 McKean, J. [Memoir towards a character of Uev. John Eliot.] Boston, 1813. pp.40. S"" . . 4355.28 — Plea for friendship and patriotism; in two dis- courses. Boston, 1S14, 12*" 5450a. 37 — [Remarks on J. Q. Adams's review of Mr. Ames's works.] Boston, 1809. pp.50. 8°. 4318. .34 McKean and Elk land and improvement company. First annual report of [the] directors. Phil- adelphia, 1857. 8 maps, folded 8° 4.372.15 McKee, liev. Prof. Extract from [a] lecture, the morning after the funeral of the Misses Ha- ven. New York, [1855], [No title-page.] 8". 4347.36 McKekn, J, Inaugural address in Brunswick, Sept. 9, 1802, with eulogy pronounced at his funeralby Rev. W. Jeuks. Portland, 1807. 8°. 6002.8 — Sermon before the council, the senate, and the house, Slay 28, 1800, the day of general elec- tion. Boston, 1800. S" *4356.8, and 6062.8 M'Kenney, T. L., and Hall, J. History of the In- dian tribes of North America, with sketches of the principal chiefs. Philadelphia, 1838- 44. 3v. f" *23.I.l, J.l Mackenzie, A. Travels from Montreal to the Frozen and Pacific oceans. [Mavor. Voy- ages, v. 24] 6267.1 Mackenzie, C. Notes on Haiti. London, 1830. 2v. 8" 4307.7 Mackenzie, E. Memoir of T. Spence, New- castle, 1826. 8" *Pph.v.340 Mackenzie, G., Memoir and discoveries of. See Wools J 39GI.15 MACKENZIE 378 MADEK Shelf. No. JLiCKEXziE, T., lord. Studies in Roman law. Ed- inburgh, 1SH3. 8° 3612.12 Mackie, J. M. From Cape Cod to Dixie and tlie tropics. New Yorii, 1804. 12° ■i-i09..3 — Life of G. W. von Leibnitz, on the basis of the German work of G. E. Guhrauer. Boston, 1845. 12° 2848.16 McKiNLAY, J. Tracks of McKinlay and party across Australia. See Davis, J 3047.18 5IACK1NNON, W. A. History of civilisation and public opinion. .M ed. London, 1849. 2v. 8°. 3561.24 McKlNSTRY, J. Vindication of Gen. JIcKinstry, formerly quartermaster, western dep.artment. St. Louis, 1SG2. 8° 4320a. 92 Mackixtire, E. p., Discourse commemorative of. See Tappan, B 4347. 60 Mackintosh, Sir J. Defence of the French revo- lution a;;^ainst the accusations of Burke. Philadelphia, 1792. 8° 4187.7 — Vertheidigung der franziisischen Revolution gegen die Anschuldigungen des Herrn Burke. Nach dem 2te Aufl. iibersetzt. Hamburg, 1793. 8° 4699.7 Discourse on the study of the law of nature and nations. With life, by J. G. Marvin. Boston, 1843. 8° 4294.8 MaCklin, C. The man of the world, comedy; The true born Irishman, comedy ; Love a la mode, comedy. [.Tones. British theatre, v. 6J . . 4575.20 The man of the world, comedy. [Bell. British theatre, V. 27] 4179a. 1 Mackjnight, T. Life and times of Edmund Burke, London, 1858-60. 3v. 8° 2447.22 — Life of Henry St. John, viscount Bolingbroke. London, 1863. 8° 2S43.4 Macky, J. Journey through England, in familiar letters from a gentleman to his friend abroad ; [including] a journey through Scotland. Vol. 1, 4th ed.; v. 2, .3, 2d ed. London, 1724-29. 3v. p.8° 2164.15 Maclaren, C. The plain of Troy described : and the identity of the Ilium of Homer with the New Ilium of Strabo proved. Edin- burgh, 1803. 8° 3084.15 MACLAUC1II.AN, H. Memoir written during the survey of the Availing street, 1850, 61. Lon- don, 185i. pp.42. 8° 2494.27 Maci-ean, L. History of the Celtic language. London, 184ii. 12° 4580.18 M'LeoI), Alexander, D. D., h. 1734, d. 1833. Two letters to. See Ware, H.,jr 6463.3 McLeoi). Alexander, tried in 1841. [De la question de juridictiou qui s'est presentee devant les cours des fctats-lTnis dans Taflaire de Mac- Leod. [No litle-page.] Paris, n. d. pp. 15. 8" V. 2of »4295.20 Gould, M. T. C. Trial for the murder of Amos Durfee 4312.16 _ Webster, D. Case of v. 2 of 4296.20 Maci.kiiI), H. D. Elements of poIitic.il economy. London, 18.58. 8° 3640.38 Theory and practice of banking. London, 1855, 66. 2v. 8° 3045.30 ILVCI.K.ol), N., and Dewnr, D. Dictionary of the Gaelic language. London, 1815. 8° . . . . *4113.6 McMaiion, J. v. L. Historical viewofihe govern- ment of Maryland. Vol. 1. Baltimore, 1831. 8°. 2374.30 MaCMK'Iiaki., W. [The gold-headed cane.] Lon- don, 1827. 12° 2616.15 Content*. — Mrmolm of Dm. nAilolllIb, Mend, AmIcow, rilrHlni. Dnllllo. MAOMiI.i.AN's magflzhiP. Edited by D. Mnssor. Vol. l-«, 10. Candirldge, l.«6'.l-(M. flv. 8°. *7314.1 MacMiii.IjKN, J. Paul, preBcnl, anil liiture of Iho New York nociely library. New York, 1866. pp 42. 8° 2128.21 JUcNAH, !•". M. [Memorial of nn Intended publi- cation of K. M. .MalbllothrrlH nynlnffinn ; V. UrHiiiiiH, rt«> blbllu- tbpcls coimnftiilnllo; (1. I'liiirlri'llim (1« llbrnrlU; 11. ('nHHnnn-uii,0iitnlaffOlt1urlit' iiiiiiuM, lib. Ml; F.rnti'Icluii, lib. nx (III iDNtlttitldiic ipIji. tit. XV; M. Ncnmlor d» blblloHiPclit ilrpLTilltlii no imvllpr Intnirrls; J. V. Toin- n*lnuN ib» blbHutliPolii M8lt§. cimi nrlii« di' BcrvU rol llbrnrlw ailbtliltUi K. Fltrinlliii ■Ic •(iituU ctoctoriiin In blbllolhouli; 1). lloniriK'liiA, do 3IADER 379 MAGANZA Madkr, .T. ,I., continue Ku- dolpbciu ; C. 8apittnriu8, orntiw do bibliolhecft Jenciisl acAdt'niicn ; J, n I'tlnirk, opii>lciln do blbliutboco BudonsI ; J. Lomelcrus do bibliutbecis; B. C. Struve, hiBtorin i-t mcniorabtlin bibliotliocre ,Iciion»i»; H. Pipping, sacra arcana rL^tvota bibliothocic Tliuiiiniuu Lipsieusia. Madison, J. Letters and other writings. Phila- delphia, ISlio. 4v. S' . 2401. G ConteiUs.—Vo\. I. ITlM-lZiKJ; Letters; Copy of tho dvciarution of riehta, us reported by the select coininit- tee of the Virginia convention of 177G; Draft of a plan of povoninifnt for Virginia ; Memorial and remonstrances against the general assembly, addressed to the general assembly of Virginia; Remarks on Jlr.Jefl'erson's draught of a constitution for Virginia ; Notes of a speech on the question of vesting in congresa tiie general power of regulating commerce forall the states; Notes of a speech In the bouse of delegates of Virginia, in opposition to paper money; Petition for the repeal of the law incor- porating tho protestant episcopal church; Notes of antieut and modem confedemciea, prepamtory to the federal convention of 17H7; Notes on the confederacy ; Additional memorandum for tlic convention in Virginia in 17^, on the federal constitution; Questions from, and answers to, tbc count dcMousticr; Substance of a con- versation held by J. Madison.. jr., with Col. Beckwith ; Substance of a conversation with the president, May 5, 171*2; Sketch of ideas on French relations, to be used at county meetings; HeltHdius, in answer to Paciflcus [A. Hamilton] on Washington's proclamation of neutrality, April 22, 1793. 11. 1794-1815: Letters; Extract of a let- ter from A. Gallatin; ICxaminalion of the British doc- trine, which iubjects to capture a neutral trade not open in time of peace; Substance of a communication made Jan. 23, 1607, by Dr. Bollman; Negotiations with Mr. Rose; Memorandum as to Robert Smith; Talk of the president to the deputies from several tribes, 1812. 111. 181G-1828: Letters; Instructions prepared for the navy department; Address to thu agricultural society of Albe- marle, Virginia; Memorandum concemingj. Handolph's assertion as to Florida, and the alleged expression that France wanted money and must have it ; Jonathan Bull and Mar)' Bull, an apologue; Keview of a statement at- tributed to Gen. J. Annsirong. JV. 1829-1836: Letters; Notes on sutTrage; Speech in the Virginia state conven- tion of 1829-30, on the question of the ratio of represen- tation in the two brunches of legislature , Dec. 2, 18:*9 ; Power of the president to appoint public ministers and consuls in the recess of the senate; Sovereignty; On nullification; Advice to my country; Instructions to Dr. Franklin and Mr. Jay concerning the free navigation of the Mississippi, Oct. 17, 1780; Address to the states, by the United States, in congress assembled, April 2fi, 1783; Essays; Political observations, April 20, 1795; Virginia resolutions, 1798, 99; Address of the general assembly to the peojile of tho commonwealth of Vir- ginia. Jan. 23, 1799; Report on the Virginia resolutions at the session of 1799-18'Xl; Correspondence with tho legislature of Virginia ; To the genera! assembly of Vir- ginia, March 1, 1817; Navigation of the Mississippi; Correspondence with tho Virginia national republican state convention. — Debates on the adoption of the federal consti- tution, in the convention at Philadelphia, in 1767; with a diary of the deb:it"'8 of the congress of the confederation. Washington, 1845. 1.8" v.oof 42(i:j.o, andC.139.5 — Selections from [his] private correspondence, 18i:i-:j(l. Published by J. O. McGuire for pri- vate distribution. Washington, 1859. 4°. 2340.11 — The federalist. 5ee Hamilton, A 4:i8G.9 — [Diplomatick policy of Mr. Madison unveiled, Boston, 1810, No title-page.J pp.55. 8°. 4318.36 — View of the administration of. See Jefferson, T 4103.4 Madison: the capital of Wisconsin, its progress, capabilities and destiny. Madison, Wis., 1855. pp.48. !rm.8° 4377.12 Shelf. No. JiADi.ER, J. H. Die Fixsternenwclt. 2te Auflage fnebst] Nachtrag. Berlin, 1801, 8° . . . . 3929.7 — Populiire Astrouoniie. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 1852. 8' 4275.21 Madras, Visit to. Dall, C. H, A 5045.20 Madrid. Kcal sociedad economica. Memorias. Madrid, 1780-95. 5v. 4° 7641.5 M.*:cius, Q. Epigrammata. [lirunck. Analeeta poet. Gr,, v. 2J B.U)2.7 Maerlant, J. van. Kymbybel met glossnrium, voor de eerste mael uitgegevcn door J. Da- vid. Brussel, 1858,59. 3v. 8' ♦5424.5 yofe. — The Rymbybel consists of a loose translation of the liistoria scholastica of Pierre le mangeur, uud of part of the Jewish war of Flavius Josephus. Maertens, C. A. Neuer Versuch iiber die Wahr- heit unsrer Erkenntuiss. Braunschweig, 1803. 8° 6105.26 Maffei, G. p. Le istorie dell' Indie orientali [con una scelta di lettere] tradotte di latino da M. Francesco Serdonuti. Milano, 18(i(). 3v. 8°. [Classici italiani, V. 122-124] **4805.1 Maffei, P. Epistol® septem. [Mart^ne. Vet. script., V. .3] 4150.1 Maffei, S. De amphitheatro.ac priecipue de Vero- nensi, libri duo, [Lat.et Ital.J; De amphifhe- atris Giillise epistola cum Lat. interp.P. Fac- cioli; De antiquis Gallia theatris epistola cum Lat. iuterp. P. Faccioli. [Poleni. Utri- usque thes. antiq. supp., V. 5] 2970.7 — History of the ancient amphithe.itres, particu- larly that of Verona. From the Italian by A.Gordon. London, 1730. 8° 4950,-32 — La Merope, tragedia. Venezia, 1792. S* . , 4798.25 Maffeo Vegio. De liberorum educatione libri vi; Deperseverantiainreligionelibri vi; De qua- tuor hominis novissimis, morte, judicio, in- ferno et paradiso, meditatioues ; Phihilethes, eeu Veritas iuvisa exulans, dialogus; Liber Xiii ^ueidos, supplementum; Astyanax; Velleris aurei libri iv; Antoniados libri iv; Disputatio inter solera, terrara, et aurum, [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v, 26] ... B. 110.2 Maffitt, J. N. [Report of the trial of J. N. Maf- titt, before a council of ministers of the meth- odist episcopal church, Dec. 26, 1822.] Bos- ton, 1823. pp.31. 8° 4347.67 Magagnati, G. La Clomira. Favola pastorale. [Venetia, 1613.] sra.8° *4S09a.62 MAGAGNO,/>5ewrf. See Maganza, G. B. Magai.hakns, or in English^ ^Magellan, F. Viag- gio. [Marmocfhi. Viaggi, v. 3, T. 5] . . . 2275.1 — Voyage round the world. [Mavor. Voyages, V- IJ 6267.1 Magai,otti, L. Opere. Milano, 1806. 2v. 8°. [Classic! italiani, v. 217, 218] **4808.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Lettere scientificho ed erudite. 2. Saggi di natural! esperienze. — Varie operette con giunta di otto lettere su le terre odorose d'Europa e d'America [e della vita d'autore, da G. B. Corniaui], Milano, 1825. 16° 4767.28 Note. — For a list of the operette, see the index of I8GI. — Lettere dilettevoli e curiose [publ. per cura di B. Gamba.] Venezia, 1825. 8° 2748.6 — Canzoni. [Gironi. Raccolta di lirici italiani], 4808.8 — Difesa del miracoli. [Albferi. Tesoro della prosa italiaua] 2771.20 — Lezione sopra I'inganno de' sensi. [Raccolta di prose italiane, v. 3] 4808.10 — Novelle. [Raccoltadi novellieri italiani, v. 1] . 2773.14 — Rosana ama Antenore degli Amerighi. [Rac- colta di novelle, v. 2] 4808.12 Maganza, G. B. Rime di Maga'^-no [Maganza], Slenou [A.Raca],eBegotto [B. RustitchelliJ. In lingva rvstica padovana. Venetia, 1659. 4v. in 1. sm.8° **4799.9 MAGAZIXE 380 MAIN Shelf. No. Magazine of useful knowledge. In modern Ar- menian. 1830-45. Smyrna, lSs!0-J5. 3v. f". *7231.4 JlAGDEBUKG. Centun;e Magdeburgenses .... 6051.6 — Cupnc-r, C. Slasdeburgrsch Weiclibildt . . . 4200.4 — Leuckfeld, J. G. Nachriclit von dem Lieben- Frauen-und Marien-Closter in 4210.9 Magee, W. Discourses and dissertations on the doctrines of atonement and sacrifice. From the 5th Lond. ed. New York, IStO. 2v. 8°. 3451.11 Magellax, Strait of. Relacion del ultimo viage alestrechodeMagallanes 4301.20 See also: MagriillmeDS, F. J[.\GENniH, F. Formulary for new remedies. AVith introduction by C. T. Iladen. Trausl. by R. Dunglison. PhUadelpliia, 1824. 12°. 3780.27 — Precis elementaire de physiologic, 4e ed. Paris, 1836. 2v. 8" 3703.21 — Grundriss der Ptiysiologie. Aus dem Franzo- sischcn von C. F. Heusinger. Eisenach, 1820. 2v.in 1. 8" 3763.20 — Prnssic acid in diseases of the breast. Trans- lated by J. G. Percival, New Haven, 1820. pp.80. 12' 3795.37 — Additions aux Recherches sur la vie et la mort. 5eeBichat,M. F. X 5744.3 Maggi, C. M. Sonctti. [Gironi, Raccolta di liriei italianij 4&08.S BlAGic. Bloc'iiiel, S. Experiences de physique amusante et de magic blanche 4029.4 — Campanella, T. De sensu rerum et magia, li- bri IV 6090.10 — Delrio, M. A. Disquisitionuni magicarum libri sex Onuo.3 — Ennemoser, J. GescluclUe der Magic . . . . 50U7.0 — Hauber, E. D. Bibliotheca, acta, et sci*ipta magica 6100.15 — Levi, £. Histoire de la magie 5607.7 — JIartius, J. N. Unterricht in der natUrlichen Magie 3967.24 — Maury, L. F. A. La magie dans I'antiquiti^ et au moyen age 5008.4 — Poniponazzo, P. De naturalium ellectuum causis, sive de incantatiouibus OUH'a." — Salverte, E. Philosophy of 0100.8 Magic word, The. [Poems] by Alton. Boston, 1855. 8" 4179.13 Magill, A. T. I'useyism : a discourse. SeeGvccn, L. "W 5459a. 35 Magnen, J. C, Exercitationcs de tabaco, n. p. 1058. 12' 5859.20 Magnes. Quatuor eomocdiarum fragmeuta. [Mei- neke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 2] B.162.8 Magnkticai, observations at Washington. See United States. Department of the navy . . 3901.7 Magneti^^m, Animal and meilical. Durant, C. F. Tiieory of animal iiiagnetism 3705.22 — Guidi, F. 3Iu^netisme animal et Putilite dc la nnHlecine mat^netique 3705.23 — Szapary, Ctc de. Maguutismc et ningnf^'tothi- rapie 380!*. 33, ;(] Seealto: MciIIcaI electricity. Magnetism, Terrestrial. Davis, D. Manual of . 3906.!) — Farrar, J. Klemeuts of 3900. 2n — Lamont, J. Der Erdstrom uiid der Zusammen- Imng de^Helbt^n mit dem Maguetlsmus der ErUu 3001.22 5«e aUo: Compniii, Elcotrlclty, Elvr.tro-niDgnotltim. Magnin.C, Notice 8»r lu vie et Ich ouvragcs de Camoens. .S^ci; CamoeiiM, L. do 30<.»3.13 MAGNO, G. (.'anzoiii ; Sonetto. {(iironi. Rurcnlla dl Uriel italliMill 4808. k MAONUK, or MagiioalduH, St. Vila S. Magni, im- tliore 'Mieodoro, [GaiiishiH. ThcMaiirus.v. 1], 4140.3 MAGNtlH, in'i'Mhi/li-r. Amiah-s IJelchernpergeiiHea, [Frankfurt. Sociela^, ele., v. 17) 4210.2 Uagni;s,0. lliHtorhide genllvm fepteiitrfonulhim uarlis conditiunibiiri. liaHllea*, 1507, (' . . *121(i.8 Shelf. No. Magoox, E. L. Orators of the American revolu- tion. 2d ed. New York. 1848. 8° 4278.7 Coh/ohM, — The battle-flelils of early American elo- quence; James Otis; ShihuoI Ailnins; Ji>sinli Quiiicy; Johnllnncock; Joseph Wftrrfo ; jJhn Adams ; Patriotic piety of 70; Patrick Henry; Richard Henry Lee; Alex- ander Hamilton; Fisher Ames; William I*iiikney; Wil- liam Wirt; Thomas Addis Emmet; John liaudolph. — Proverbs for the people : drawn from the Book of Wisdom. Boston, 18-19. 12" 4278.6 Maha-Bharata. Ardschuna's Reise zu Tndra's Himmel, nebst andereu Episoden dos Maha- Bharata ; in der Ursprache zum erstenmal herausgegeben, metrisch iibersetzt, und mit kritischen Anmerkungen versehen von F. Bopp. Berlin, 1824. 4° 5024.5 Mahn, C. a. F. Die Biographieen der Troubadours, iu provenzaliscber Sprache. Berlin, 1853. pp. 58. 12° •*46S0.2O — Etymologische Untersuchungen auf dem Ge- biete der romanischeu Sprachen. Berlin, 1855. 16" **466G.24 — Die Werke der Troubadours, in provenzalischer Sprache. Vol. 1, 4. Berlin, 1846,53. 2v. 16".*4686.21 Contents. — Vol. I, Wilhelm IX, tiraf von Poitiers; Bemart von Ventadour ; Marciibruu ; Juufre UuUel, Prinz von Blaya; Rambaut III, Grof von Orftnge; Bea- trix, Griifin von Die; Pelre von AuvcrnnO; Guillcmvon Cnbeslniiig; PeircRogier; Alfonsll, KOnlRvon Aragon; Richard I, Graf von Poitiers und KOnig von England; Robert I, Delphin von Auvergne; PeJro Hainion von Toulouse; Arnniit von Rtarucil; Guiraut von Bomeil ; Peire Vidal ; Bertnm von Boro ; Folquct von Marseille ; Puns von Capdueil ; Itambaut von Vaquciras. IV. Gui- raut Riquier. Mai, a. Classicorumauctorume Vaticaniscodicibus editorum T. 1-10. Romae, 1828-38. lOv. 8'.*B.172.3 Contents. — Vol. I, Ciceronis de re ptibltca qiim supcr- 6unt; GargiliiMarCialisdearboribnspomifene; Snllustil historiarum ct Archimedis frngmenta. II.. Ciccronia antiqnus iutcr]>rcs item Ciceronis orationum (Vagnicnta nuperis Icmporibus reperta item orntionnni (n C. Vcrrcm partes ex antiquissimo palimpsesto Vaticano. III. My- thugniphi tres; Fabulo) riia;dri ut niuiit iiovn; ; Boetliil opURciila duo ; Cassiodorii supplementum ; Epigram ma ta Vetera; Gcographua vctus; Gargilii Klartlalis frngmcn- tum do poniis; Placidi glossto et alia qun'dam. IV. Scripta Aliquot Oribasii, Procopil, Isaei, Themistii, Porpliyrii, Pliiluuis, Aristidla, et alia quicdam. V. Anctores aliquot do re grainnioticHli ; Ciinnina Cliris- tiana, ct alia quiedam. VI. Procopii flarn'l eommonta- rius in Gcncsim Ufiqno ad cap. Xvtil ; EJusdem fra^- mentiim in Canticum Salomonli; Anoiiymi Bcholia in ]tlatthn;um et Alarenm; Glosaarium vctus latinitallo. VII. Scriptorcs de rebus Alcxandrl Magiil; Common- taril iuVirgilium; Pynnnildia; lltHtorica et grammatl- calin quivdam. VIII. Thesaurus novus Intiiiitatls, sivo lexicon votus membranis nuno prlnium erutum. IX. Procopii Gaxtc! commentiirius in Salomonis pi*ovcrbln; Ejusdcm catena voterum patrum tn Canticum Cantico- rum ; Scholia minora lu cvangclia Luciu et Johannia; Ilerennil rommeuturius ad metnpliyHtca Arlsloteli*; Goorgil Phraiitza' ehronicon pan'um rcrum sul temporln. X. S. Cyrllll Atexnndrini coiiimoutnrluH In Luccu ovou- gellum; Hem allorum patrum fVagineuta. — [Pra'fiiti() ill] Vctus et Novum Testamentum ex antiquissimo codice Vaticano. Ronue, 1857. pp. 10. 8° B.170a.05 Majdai-ciiini Pamtili, O. Lett, G. Vila di . . . 2749.21 — - Lfbensgeschichte 41U\>.14 Mailath, J. v. (Jeschichte der Mitgyaren. 2te Autl. Itepensburg, 1852, 53, 3v. 8" . . . . 2827.10 — Neiu'refieHchichtederMagyaren. ItVgcnsburg, 1863. 2v. a"*^ 2827.11 — Geschichto von Cstreich [bis 18-l'.i]. Hauil>urg, ls31-:.o. 5v. 8° •421fi.4 — Ungrische SiJraehlchro. 3to AuH. Pcsth, 1838. 8" •4124.7 MAiMONiiiKS. Sf'v MoKCf* Ben Maimon. Main, It. Practical and spherical astronomy, Tam- l)riilvri-, 1803. 8" 31)22.23 Main, T. .I., and Bruwu, T. The indicator and ily- nainoiiieler, with their tippjicaliou.'* to the Hiciini-englne. From the 4th Lund. ed. Philadelphia, 1804. pp. GO. 8" 4015.31 MAIN 381 MALCXtLH! SUolf. No. Main, T. J., and Browu, T., continued. — The nijtniu' stcnm-engiiic. -ith cd. London, , INio. H' 4015. :i2 — - Same. From the 4th l^oud. ed. I'hihidcl- phia, ISfi-K ^'' , 4015. 'JS Mainaiuh, A., Vitadi. S'ee Mhnno.D. M 471)9.7 Maixk, n. S, Ancient law: its connection with the early history of society, and its rehitiou to modern ideas. London, ISIU. s" . . . . 3012.17 — - Same. With introduction by T. W.Dwi^ht. 1st Am. from the '..•d Lond. ed. New York, 1S(H. S" 3012.18 Maine. Acts and resolves, 1842, 45. Augusta, 1S42, 45. 2v. 8** *G339.5 — Annual report of the adjutant general, 18G1- fi;i. Augusta, isr,:i, 0.1. :iv. 8° *0339.14 — Digest [or abstract] of returns from the agri- cultural society of Maine, 1850,01. Edited by S. L. Goodale. Augusta, 1857,02. 2v. 8". *6339.8 — First, si?cth annual rejiort of the secretary of the Maine board of agriculture. Augusta, l>57-ril. 2v. 8" 0.139.8 — Jackson, C. T. Report on the geology of. v. 2 of 3808. IS — Poor, J. A. Maine a field for immigration . . 4338.45 — Rosier, J. Waymouth's voyage to the coast of. 4338. 4(> — Sewall, R. K. Ancient dominions of 2339.10 — Whitnuin, W. E. S. Maine in the war for the union, 4343.1 — Willis, W. Law, courts, and lawyers of . . . 2345.19 •See also: Aroostook, Augusta, Rninswick, Camden, Cumberlaiiil, GunJiner, Pittstou, Tori land. BLviNK historical society. Collections. Vol. 1-0. Fortland, 1853-59. Gv, 8° *2339.1 Maine li(pior law, Letters on the. See American tempei-ance union B. 170.71 3IAINE register, The, and United States calendar for 1831. Portland, [1831]. 24" 4389a. 33 Maine register for 1855. By G. Adams. Portland, 1855. 8° 6339.18 M.\iNTENON, F. d'A. de. Lettres a diverses per- sonnes; [recueillies par M. La Beaumellc], Amsterdam, 1755, 50. 8v. in 4. 12" **4C90.3 Contents. — Vol.1 [1]. Lettros d divcrsea pprsonnes; [2] A M. I'nbbe Gobelin. II [3]. A Me Tabbesae Go- merfontaine et aux dames de St. Louis ; [4] A M. le car- diiinl de Noailles. Ill [5]. AM. le due de Xoailles; [6] Lettres de Me de Maintenon et de Me de Coylus. IV [7], Lettres de Me de Maintenon, et de Mmes de Ventadour, dc St. Gcran. d'Harconrt, de Lcvj-.du mare- cbal de Villeroi, etc. ; [8j Lettres du clerge de France a Me de Maintenon. — Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de. See La Beaumellc, L. A. de 4690.2 Maiswaring, Sir T. Reply to Sir P. Leicester's answer to Mainwaring's admonition to the reader of Leicester's books. Manchester, 1^54. pp.30. 12". [Hell. Tracts, v. 2] . . M586.20 Maioraggio de Conti, A. M. De senatu Romano libellus. [Poleni. Utriusque tlies. autiq. supp., V. 1] 2970.7 Mair, J. Book-keeping methodiz'd. 0th ed. Ed- inburgh, irOO. 12" 4209.5 — Book-keeping modernised. 5th ed. Edinburgh, 1789. 8" 5088.1 — Introduction to Latin syntax. New ed., by T.S.Joy. New \ork, 1817. 12° 4939a. 51 — - Same. [With] an epitome of ancient his- tory. New York, 1821. 12" 4939a. 54 Maihe, .T.F, [La princesse Borghese, histoire de I'empire. Par J. F. M.] 2e ed. Paris, 1833. 2v.in 1, 8" 2662.10 Maisonnel' VE, J. G. F. Operations applicablesaux maladies de Povaire. Paris, 1850. 4" . *M.Pph.v.l36 Maistre, J. de. Considf'rations sur la France. [Suivi d'un Gsz^ai sur le principe gen^rateur des constitutions politiques.J Nouv. ed, Lyon, 18.14. 8" 6107.3 — Correspondance diplomatique, 1811-17. Re- cueilliepar A Blanc. Paris, 18G0. 2v. 8". 4052.15 — De l*cgli*e gallicane dans son rapport avec le ijuuverain pontile. Lyon, 1838. 8" 0107.1 Shelf. No. Maistre, J. de, covtinued. — K.vamen de la philosophie de Bacon. Paris, KS30. 2v. 8" 0107.4 — Lettres a un gentilhomme russe, sur Tinquisi- tiou espa. Macrizi historia regvm Islamiticorvm in Abyssinia. Inter- pretatvs est et vna cvm Abvlferiae descrip- tione regionvniNigritarvm editet F.T. Rinck, Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1790. sm.4" 3025.26 Malabar. Cellarius, J. A. Aantekeningen over de .'fpraak, weetenschappeu en kunsten der Mallabaareu B. 170. 89 — Vis&clier, J. C. Letters from Malabar .... 5045.8 See also: Tamul language. Malaher. L. Poesies diverses: selections from French poets, and the drama of Esther, by Racine. With notes. London, 1,S52. 10" . MALANGUEULfe, Bataille du. Shea, J. M 5L\LAKi.v. Caucellieri, F. G. Sopra I'aria di Uoma, c della sua campagna — Parsons, U. Dissertation on Malaspina, C. Vocabolario parmigiauo-italiauo. Parma, 1850-59. 4v. 8° Malaspina, S. Remm Sicularum libri sex. [Grajvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, v. 5] . . Malaterra, G- De rebus gestis Robert! Guiscardi, ducis Calabriae, et Rogerii, coraitis Sicili^. [Graivius. Thes. antiq. ItaL, T. 10, v. 5] . . M.VLAYsiA. Claims on Christei.dom. King, C. W. Malbero, A. Die Literatur des Bau- und Inge- nieur-Wesens der letzten 30 Jahre. Berlin, 1852. 8° Malcolm, J. Compendium of modern husbandry, written during a survey of yurix-y. London, lbiii.Ni,Giovun>iide'nr(;iovnnnlilii Kovenua. Lobeii de». [Sfelnem. Lebensbeclirelblin- g'-n, V. 1] 5806.3 (iU',IU.17 4246.0 4067.10 2455.21 Shelf. No. Malta. Descriptio insula; Melit.-e, a (^uintino Ila;- duo; Ca;lii Secundi Curionis de hello Meli- tensi historia; Descriptio Melita atque ailja- centium iusularuin, auctore J. F. Abehi. [Gricvins. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, v. 15] . 4710.1 — Gesenius, F. H. W. Versuch iiber die maltesi- sche Sprache 50.32.7 — Mitge, — . Histoire de Malte 4724.5 Malta, Kinr/htso/. De equestri ordine Melitensi. [Ma(tli.-Ei. Analecta, v. 10] 4139a. 1 — Falkeustein, C. C. Geschichte des Johanniter- Ordens 4149.10 — Porter, W. History of the Knights of . . . 22:13.8 Maltbie, E. B. Zoological science or nature in living forms, illustrated. New York, 18()5. 12°. Atlas, 48x53.5 in. *Map stand, 50.fi, and 5889.1 Maltbv, E., bishop of Chichester. On good works ; The grace of (jod : Divinity of Christ : three sermons. [Dibdin. Sunday library, v. li] . 5444.23 Maltby, I. Treatise on courts martial and mili- tary law. Boston, 1813. 8° . 3035.16 Maltby, .1. Sermon at the ordination of the Rev. C. Hamlin, missionary. Bangor, :838. 8°.*Pph.v.3<9 Malte-Bkun, C. Universal geography. Boston, 1824-31. 8v. 8° 4153.1 Contents. — Vol, I, Mathematical, physical and polit- ical principles of geogrnphy. II. Asia, excepting In- dia. III. India and Occanica. IV. Africa and the ad- jacent islands. V. America and its islands. VI. Tur- key, Hungary, and Uussin. VII. Prussia, (ierniany, Switzerland, and Italy. VIII. Spain, Portugal, Franco, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, and Holland. Maltox, .T. Picturesque and descriptive view of Dublin ; with a brief history to the present time. London, [1707]. pp. (50. 25 pi. obl.4°.*2470.10 Malvezzi, V. El Romulo, historia. [Quevedo. Obras, v. 1] 4252.1 Mal^ Vybor z veSkeriS literatury Cesk^, V Praze, 1851. 8° •4223.15 Mamertinus, C. Panegyricus Slaximiano Hercu- leo dictus ; Panegyj'icus gonethliacus Maxi- miano Augusto dictus ; Pro consulatu gratia- rum actio Juliauo Augusto. [Panegyric! ve- teres, v. 3] B.172.2 MA5IERTUS, C. E. De statu anlm.-plibritres; Contra poetas vanos carmen. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr.,v. 6] B.110.2 Mamiani, V. Grammatik der Kiriri-Sprache. Aus dem Portugiesischen Ubersctztvon H.C'. von der (iabclentz. Leipzig, 1852. pp.62. 8". 2386.12 Mammalia. Catalogue of the bones of mammalia in the British museum. See London. Bri- tish museum 3903.22 See aUo: (Quadrupeds, Whale. Mammoth cave. Davidson, U. Excursion to the . 2379.27 — Rambles in the 2377.27 Man. Chapman, ,T. Reward and punishment, in the constitution of man 0063.33 51102.4 6108.11 51500.9 3888.16 4276.9 4141.10 — Dewey, O. Problem of human destiny . . — Furrand, B. Man, natitrai and siiirituid . — Hartley, 1>. Observalious on ' — Huxley, T. II. Man's place in nature . . — Kiuiuout, A. Natiirtil history of .... — Wanley, N. Wonders of the little world . See also: Ethnogni]tliy, Mankind, Itaces. Man, Isle of. Woods, G, Account of the . . — Tour through the, in 1791. [Miivor. British tour- ists, V. 6] 2469.22 ^LvNAssEii Ben Israel. See Menasseh. Manciikstkh, Dt/A-t; o/. .SVc Montagu, W. D. MAN(,:iiESTEit, Kiifj. Account of the lunatic hospi- tal. Manchester, 1778. 8° •M.Pph — Harland, ,1. Mamecestre: chapters fiom tho early history of — Proceedings in, Aug. 115. 1819. A'(?e Newcastle upon Tyne . • I'pli. v. 350 — Anti-slavery conference. Report of tho pro- ceeilitigs, Aug. 1, 1851, 111 couimeluoratlon of the West India euiiinclpiitlon. London, 1854. pp. 40. f° U. 1(50.8 2497.6 .139 2425.4 MANCHESTER 383 MANNING shelf. Mo. JIANUHESTER, Eng., contimied. — Art treasures exhibition. Catalojrue of the art treasvires of the United king
  • ni. [I.ou- don], K-io?. 1'.;° 4099.4 — - Same. Suppieniental eatrtlofjue. Drawings of old masters, engravings, etc. [London], 1R5.-. 1'.;° 4099.4 — - Handlioolv to tlie gallery of British paint- ings. London, lSo7. 12° 4099.4 — - A walk through the. .Sec Waagen, (i. K. . 4oau.4 — Free iilirary and nuiseum. Librarian's tirst report, witli [six] lists of books suirgested for purclnise, [by K. ILdwards], Maneliestor, 1851. 4° 2137.22 Manchkstek guardian, 1S02. Manchester, [Eng.], 18fi2. 2v. f° ♦7700.1 SlANriirsTKR, Mnxa. Ortliodox congregational eluireh. Statement presented to an ecclesias- tical council, Oct. 5, 1858, [in regard to the conduct of F. V. Tenney], Manchester, 1858. pp.44. 8" 5549a. 12 Manciikstkr, ,V. H. Directory for 1858, 60. By Adams, Sampson, and Co. Manchester, [1857, 59]. 2v. IS" 2.'!89.52 — History of. Potter, C. E 2:i38.10 MANrixi, M. de. See Gay, S 2602.7 Maxdevit.le, H. Libre primario [para aprender la lengna espanola]. New York, 1857. pp. 78. 16° 3105.8 Manesca, .7. Oral system of teacliing French. New York, 1849. 8° 4083.2 Maxesse, R. v. Saninilung von Miunesingern aua dem sehwiebischen Zeitpuncte CXL Dicliter enthaltend. [Herausgegeben v. Bodmer und Breitinger,] Zyrich, 1758, 59. 2v. 4° . . . *42.32.4 Manetti, a. Dialogo circa al sito, forma et misure dello inferno di Dante. [Veuezia], n. d. sm.8° »4809a.6 MAJtETTi, G. Vita, auctore Naldo Naldio. [Grae- vius. Thes. anti(). Ital., T. 9, p. 8] 4710.1 Manfkedi, Slartiuo. i\Ionumentornm historicorum urbis Luca; libri quinque. [Grajvius. Tlies. antiq. Ital.,T. 9, p.8] 4710.1 Manfrkdi, Mutio. LaSemiramis: tragedia. Tavia, 1593. sm.l2° *4809a.41 MANICHEISM. Baur, F. C. Das manichaische Re- ligionssystena 6059.1 — Peter, of Sicily. Historia Manichaeorum seu Policianorum B. 190.24 M.-vnilla. a lady's visit to Manilla and Japan. By.\nnad'A. London, 1863. 8° 3017.19 Manilli. J. Descriptio viliaj Burghesije, extra portam Pincianam. Lat.vertit S. Havercam- pus. [Graivius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 8, p. 4]. 4710.1 MANIN, D. Letlere, con note e document! Bulla quistione itali.aua. Torino, 18S9. 12° .... 2748.7 — Martin, B. L. H. Daniel Manin, and Venice in 1848,49 2740.5 — Rovani, G. v. Memoria storica. [Documentl della gnerra Santa d'ltalia, V. 3] 4718.9 Tommaseo, N. Manin, il Veueto e I'ltalia . . 4718.12 Mahkisd. Caldwell, C. Original unity of the hu- man race .3888.9 Ehrenfeuchter, F. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Menschheit 6068.16 Hale, M. Primitive origination of 64S0.3 Iselin, I. Geschichte der Menschheit .... 4149.9 Ladevi-Roche, P.J. De l'unit6 des races hu- maines 3888.15 Meiners, C. Grnndriss der Geschichte der Menschheit 4149.2 Pricliard, J.C. Physical history of 4276.10 — Quatrcfages, J. L. A.de. UnitS de I'espice hu- maine 3909.13 See iil*o: Ethnogrnlihy, Man. Races. Mass, H. Baccalaureate delivered at Antioch col- lege, 1857. n. p., n.d. 16° 6086.12 Dedication of Antioch college, and inaugural address; with other proceedings. Yellow Springs, O., 1&04. 18° 4278.41 Shelf. No. Masn, H., continucA. — A few thoughts on the powers and duties of woman. Two lectures. Syracuse, 1853. 24°. 4289.11 — Letters on the extension of slaveryinto Califor- nia and New Me.xico. Wasliington, 1850. pp. 32. [No title-page.] 8° B. 160. 30 — New dangers to freedom, and new duties for its defenders : a letter. Boston, 1850. pp.32. 8°. B. 160. 50 — Oration before the authorities of the city of Boston, July 4, 1842. 4th ed. Boston, 1842. 8" B. 170a. 40 — Reply tothe " Remarks " of thirty-one Boston schoolmasters. Boston, 1844. 8° »5590.2 — Report and resolutions on the "code of honor,*' and on intemperance, profanity, etc. Colum- bus, 1857. pp. 16. 8° B. 170. 43 — Report of an educational tour in Germany, and parts of (7reat Britain and Ireland. Witli preface and notes, by W. B. Hodgson. Lon- don, 18)6. 16° 6080.20 — Seventh, eighth annual report of the secretary of the board of education [of Massachusetts]. Boston, 1844, 45. 8° *5696.2 — Speecli in the house, Feb. 23, 1849, on slavery in the United States, and the slave-trade in the District of Columbia. Boston, n. d. 8°.6087.118 — Speech in the house, I<>b. 28, 1851, on the fugi- tive slave law. [Washington, 1851. No title- page.] 8° 6087.118 — Speech in the house, on the institution of slav- ery, Aug. 17, 1852. Washington, 1852. s° . 0087.118 — Speecli in the house, on slavery in tlie territo- ries, Feb. 15, 1850. Washington, 18.W. 8° . 6087.118 — Speech on the fugitive slave law, delivered at Lancaster, Mass. Boston, 1851. 8° . . . B. 100a. 52 — Two lectures on intemperance, Syracuse, 1852. 18° c 6068. 18 — Life of. See Mann, M • 4348.21 Mann, J. A. Cotton trade of Great Britain. Lon- don, 1.860. 8° 3651.26 Mann, iVrs. M. Lifeof H. Mann. Boston, 1865. 8°. 4.348.21 Mann, R.J. Tlie colony of Natal. London, [1859]. 8° 3056.3 Mann, W. W. What we are coming to 1 Peace, reconciliation, recoufederation. n. p., 1803. [No title-page.] pp. S. 8° 4320a. 94 Manners and customs. Goldsmith, J. Manners, customs, and curiosities of nations 2237.15 — Poivre, P. Manners and arts in various na- tions 469SI.4 Manners and customs of the Jews, [etc.]. 1st Am. ed. Hartford, 1833. 12° 54S9a.l Manners and minor morals. American Chester- flelii 3589.33 — Bellegarde, J. B. M. de. Politeness of man- ners • 3589.1 — Butler, C. The American gentleman 3.589.30 — - The American l.idy 3589.28 — Canons of good breeding .3589.31 — Muzzey, A. B. Young man's friend 3.589.25 Sigourney, L. H. Letters to young ladies . . 3589.26 — Stanhope, P. D. Advice to his son 3589..32 Manni, D. M. Vita di Arlotto Muiuardi piovano di S. Cresci a Maciuoli, Carpi, 1762. pp. 46. sm.S° **4799.7 Manni, V. Dizionarloportatilefrancese-italiano.ed italiano-francese. ,See Cormon, G. L. B. . . 4786.6 Manning, Jacob M. Discourse before the Ameri- can education society. May 24, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8° 54l)0a.24,and V. 5of *5175.3 — New-year's address delivered before the Boston Young men's Christian association, Jan, 2, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8° 54fl0a.24 — Sickness and its lessons. A discourse, Dec. 13, 1863. Boston, 1863. 8° 54C0a.24 — The soldier of freedom. A sermon before the officers of the 43d regiment, M. V., Oct. 5, 1862. Boston, 1862. 8° 4320a. 95 Manning, James, Life, times, and correspondence of. SceGuild, R. A 2387.18 MANNING 384 JIAUCHESE 3104.19 ' sbL-u. ^o. MASSISG, James A. Lives of the speakers of the house of commons. London, ltvith humilitj-; On spli-itunl prido ; sermons. VI. Necessity and bene- fits of ttie Lord's supper: a sermon. JlAKZOl.l, r. A. [Sfarcelli Palingenii Zodiacus vi- ta; : hoc est, de hominis vita, studio, ac mO' ribus optimt! iustituendis, libri xii.] ISasilcf , 4800a. 53 Edizione riveduta 4791.3 -. Les deux pages, ou Auguste et SeeDezMe 'i^OS.l Die Yiilker der Mandschurey. 4243.0 MANTAUFFELD, Theodore Mastchooria. Platb, J. H • ■ • Mastova, M. Discorsi sopra i dialoghi di S. Spe- roni. [Speroni. Opere, v. 1] 4791.19 JUnual, A, of school drill. Loudon, 1802. pp. 50. 12° 3=89-8 Manuel, patriarch of Constaiithiople. Responsa ad Bollse episcopi interrogationes. [Ma.\ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 22] B.110.2 Manuel Uolobolus. Xnx"". [Boissonade. Anec- dotaGra;ca, V.5] B.161.3 Manuel ii. Pala;ologus. FuuL-bris oratio in fra- trem ejus Theodorum I'aUcologum, inter- prete Combetis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr. V. 20] — UcXcTii irpos luOvaov. [Boissonade. Anecdota Graeca, v. 2] . . MANUEL, F. i'oesias. [Quintana. Parnaso espanol, v. 4] MANUFACTUi!E.s. Bishop,.I.L. Ilistory of Ante rican manufactures, 1G08-I8ti0 — Heuze, L. G. Lesplantes iniluslrielles . . . . — Noble, D. Influence upon health and life . . — Ure, A. Dictionary of arts, inauufaclures, and science MAKUKES. Kenwlck, J. K. Essay on calcareous manures Pph.v.341 — Heuzi5, L. G. Les matitres fertilisantes . . . 3992.13 _ Joigncaux, P. Traitt' des engrais 400S.33 — New and improved pcudrette. See Lodi pou- drette munufacturing company B.170.14 MANUSCKii'T literature, Uiuts to novices in. Ualli- well.J.O E.1C0.14 MANUSCHifis. Libri-Carruccl della Sommaja, G. R. I. T. falaloguo of ancient manuscripts. 2137.21 _ - Catalogue of manuscripts in various guages ' — Mouteil, A. A. Traitt! do mattiriaux n ecrits dc divers genres U'hlstoirc .... See aUo: HleroitlyiihlCB, Inseriptloni. MANUZIO, Aldo, U vccchio. Aldus Manutius und seine Zellgenoasen. See .Sdiiick, .1 2114.24 MANUZiii,!'. Kpislolarum libri XII ; ejusdom prtcfa- tiones, cum nolis .). Kirchmanui. Accessc- runt M. .1. Tliiunnsii pra-loiivium, [etc.]. Llpsln!, 1009. Bni.8° »*4799.11 _ De leglbuH et tie senatu libri II. See Hosinus. 42(Hi.l8 MANZi, G. Testl di lingua Imdlli tratli da' codlcl della Hlbllotecu Vatlcana. Koma, 1810. 1021. sm.l2° Manzoni, A. Opere varie, dall' autore. Milano, 1S45. 1.8' ConfeiiK.— Sotiiie storiiho ; A.l.lclii, trap-dia; Dis- coriio sopra alcuni puiili della storia loncobatdica in Italia; 11 eonte di Camiaeiu.la, tragcdia; Lettre sur I'uiiitS do tcmpa et de lieu dans la traeedle. etc. ; Del ronianzo storico e, in genere, de' componimenti inieti di Btoria e d" invenzione; Doll' invenzione, dialopo; Sulla liniriia Italiana lettera; Osscnazioui sulla monilo cat- ti.lica; Inuisacri; Strofo per una prima conmnione; II ciutiuo niaggio, ode. Tragedie e poesie varie. Geneva, 1829. 2v. .,,0 4705.16 CoiiKiit!. — Vol. I. rrefazlone; Adelchi, tragcdio; Inni saeri ; II cinqno roagpo. ode. II. U conto di Car- mngnola, tragedia ; roosio vario in morte di Carlo Imbo- nati ; Urania, poemotto ; La morto di Adnuio, tillgedia, di Klopstock, tradotta dal C. G. Gozzi. — .Sulla morale cattolica. Firenze, 1835. 12° . B.U7.5 — La peste di Milano del 1030. [Alberi. Tesoro della prosa italiana] JI.iNzoNI, F. B. Cajsena; chronologia, ab II. Bucci aucta. [Grajviua. I'Ues. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 8] ; Maranoni, G. L'anUt.'atro Flavio di Itonut veil- garmeute dcttoil Oolusseo. lloma, 1740. 4 . 4J50.-J JiARBl.i':, M- Freedom of the press wantonly vio- lated, letter to president Lincoln. [Hand- book of the democracy for 1803, 04] JIARBOUUS, bishop ofltennes. Kpistola tinerelarum plena. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. patr., v. 21] . B.IIO..! MARBtvr, J. B. M. Remai'tiues critiques sur I'ouv- ra"e de M. Roguiat : Cousidiirations sur Part 18'J0. 8° 3964.16 B.110.2 L B.1C1.3 3104.19 3051.'M 4111 1:1. ti 5:U0.28 3981.4 lan- 2138.13 2033.4 b°.**278a.27 Content". —I'edlcat.Tla; Nollzle dl Hlefann Porrarl o dl .un fnn.lnUn ; Coiitlum dl Hlcfan.i IVr.arl de.,rllt« dii I.1"" nalll"t«Alb'Tll In lingua lallna ed orn lrnd..tln Inlliiirui llallanai l)r.«l..nl dl Hletlino I'..rearl ; IT..1KJ Itallano dl »orJ aulorl i Poole dl •uturl dol Mwlo XV. 2771.20 4710.1 4310.1 de la guerre. MAKCEL, G. Tablettes chronologiques, contcnant Petat de I'eglise. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1709. 12 .•3334. II Chronicon. MARCELLINUS, count of lUyrieum „ „„ , [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 9] HAW.i MARCEi.LiNUS,i)«,s!>../(er. Libellus precum contra Danuisum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 5]. B.110.2 MARCELLUS, 51. L. .1. A. C. Demartin du Tirac, comte de. Les Grecs aiicieus et les Grecs modernes. Paris, 1801. 8° 3073.13 — Rimcmbnuue intorno all' Oriente, [con] No- tizia biograflcn. [Marmocchi. Viaggi, v. 2, T. 3, 4] • ; MARCKT, J. H. [Conversations OU chemistry. Ad- tloil, discoveries on the lixed alkalies, by II. Davy. Edited by J. L. Blake.] N. Haven, .Sivine.'2dea. Greeulleld, (Mass), 18'20. 1'2°. 3977.'20 — - Same loth Am. ed. fr.>m Ihe btli London ed., by W. H. Keating. Phila., 1824. 1'2° . 6979.17 _ [Coiiver.«ations on poliUcal economy.] Phila- delphia, 1817. 12° • .-3048.35 — Mary'.s grammar; interspersed with stories. Newed. London, 1850. 24° 7109.10 MARCtiUAE, G. Uistoria nnturalis Brasilia;. See Piso, W ,•■,••„■• — Tractatus topographicns et meteorologicus Bra- silia', cum ohserviitione eclipsis solaria. Set! Piso, W MABCIIANP, E. Voyage louud the world. [Mavor. Voynges,v. 13] MABCIiANii, ,1.11. llylaire, [roimin,pai'odiede Be- llsaire,] purnn milapliysicien. Amsterduin, MAHCiiANP, P. ■ lii.stcilre crititiue de I'Autl-cotton. .See (iue.snel,/j'.'rc8 4,09u.3 MAROIIANT do lieaunionl, F. M. Manuel du cu- rU'UX dans le cimi'lli'ie du Pere La Chaise. 3e ed. Paris, 1S28. 18° • • ■ ••'034 MAIIC1IEHE,V. I.ivesof the most eminent panilel'S, and archilects of the order of H. 2275.1 . 7029.16 68'20.1 5820.4 0'J07.1 4099.0 ID sculptors Dominic. Translated by C. P. Meehau. Dub- lin, 1^52 4088.16 MAKCIIESI 385 MAKITI.MK Sholf. Nu. Marchesi, G. Forolivii civitntis compenduim liistDrii'uin. [(.ir.Tvius. Thea. antiq. Iliil-, T. 0, p.K] -irio.i JlAKCMKTTi, A. l>ellii iiatvra (lolle conu-to. Tre- nu'ttimo ossiTHiiziuiii jiitoriio nllc conifte tIeU' mino Iftsi, t^L*, f<3, Fircnze, ltih4. 4". .1021.0 — Soiu'tti. [Cironi. Haccolta di Hrici italiani] . 4608.8 Mauchisiu, cnurilliere. Amialcs .lanuonses, 12:^0- L'4. [Fmnkturt. Sock-tas, i-tc, v. Isj . . . . 4220.1 Makci, p. J. Do inutilitate brocnrdici vulgaris. [Diss, inaug.] Haljc, iron. pp. 4:j. 4". . . *4.304.22 Marciwvs, emperor of Constant hwple. Novellrc constitution's. See Novclho 4300.C Marciox. Itaur. K. C. IVlurdas Kvangelium Mnr- cion's 0025.2 — HiJgenfeld, A. Untersuchungen iibenlas Evan- gelium Marcion's ii025.10 — BitscliI, A. Das Evanpclium Mart'ions und das Kvuiigt'lium dt's Lucas 6025.12 — Thito, J.C. Kvangelium iIarcionis,ex Mss. de- script uni ab A. Halin 6018.11 — Volckniar, G. Das Evau^eliuin Marcions . . 0025.11 Marcionitks. Bapti^ma viearium Marcionitarum. 8tlch, J.G G066.25 JiAUCo.-M.Mi, O. Canti popolari incditi, unibri, li- guri, pi('oni,i)icniontesi,Iatini. Genova, 1^55. 12° 2780.10 MARCODURA>Tfi, F. F. M. TuIIii Giceronis historia per consules dcscripta et iu aunos distincta. 5eeCicci-o,M.T B.171.3 Marconi, H. i*lan de maison penitentiarc. See Skarbek, F. dc 5571.2 SIarcou, .T. Anu-rican geology. Letter to Messrs. Meek and Hayden. Ziiricb, 1.S5S. pp.10. 8*. 3869.35 — Dyas et trias ou Ic nonveau gres rouge en Kuvdpe, dans l'Anu'Tii|UP du Nord et dans rinde. [Zurich, 1850. No title-page ] pp.C3. 8° 3869.35 — Esquisse d'une classification des chaines de inontagnes d'nne piirtie de I'Ameiiqne du IS'ord. [Avec deux cartes.] Paris, 1855. pp. 24. b° 3869.35 — Notes on the cretaceous and carboniferous rocks of Texas. Boston, 180!. pp. 12. 8". [From the I*roceedings of the Bostuu society of natural history, V. 8] 3869.35 — Notes pour servir k nne (lescription geologique des Montagnes Kocheusen. Geufeve, 1858. pp.24. 8° 3869.35 — Reply to tlie criticisms of .T. D. Dana. Includ- ing Dana's two articles, with a letter of Agas- siz. Zurich, 1850. pp. 40. 8" 3869.35 3f ARCfLF, ntOTi^. I'^orniularum lihri duo. [('anci- ane. Barharoruni leges antiquje, v. 1] , . . 4300.3 — - .Same. Accessorunt et veteres fonnulEe in- certoruin anctornm. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., V. 12] B. 110.2 Marcus, bp. of Otrtinfo. Ilymnus in magno Sab- bato. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 13] . B. 110.2 Marci^s Eremita. Opuscula de paradiso et lege Kpiritmdi, dc popniteniia,'de baptismo, etc. I-utinointerprete Joanne Pico. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. 5] B. 110.2 A*ofc. — The trontinc " De parndiso ct lepe spiritudli " Is TMtlier to be Ancribed tu Macarius .^gyjitiim. Marenco, C- Trngedie inedite, agguintevi alcune tiriche e la I'iu de' Tolomei. Flrenze, 1850. 12° **4799.1 Maret, H., kiogc de, [Vicq-d'Azyr. (Euvres, v. 3J 3720.11 Marett, P. R. Yachts and yacht building. Lon- don, 1805. 8" 5956.6 >lAKGAN, in GUimorganshire. Annales, 1000-1232. Luard, H. K 2423.5 Margaret of Anjou, queen o/Enfjlund^ and others. Letters written in the reigns of Denry V andlienryvi. Kdited by C. Monroe. [West- minster], 1803. sm.4*. [Camden society, V. Wi] .... *242fi.30 49 SUelf. No. Marguerite d'Angouleme, or de Valois, queen of Nui'arre. l^Mieplamei'on, ou histoii-e des nmantsfortuni''s,nouveIlPs. Avoc une notice pur [P. Lacroix]. Paris, 1S41. 12° 4678.30 Margukhittks, J. de. Biogniplucal notice of Fe- lix Mendi'lsRohn Baitholdy. 6Ve flleudels- sohn Bartholdy, F 4040.4+ Marhkinkkic, p. C. Theologische Vorlesungcn. Herausgcgebcn von H. JIattlnos und AV. Vatke. Berlin, 1847-49. 4v. 8° 0022.3 Conttnts. — Vol.1. Systuni dur tlieologischcn Monil. 11. Systoiu dcr cUvistUchen Doeiiiatik. Hi. (.'liriittlielio .'^ymbolik oder comiiorntivo Darstelluiig des katltolt- sehen, IiithcriscliPn,reformlrt<'n, Boeinianischen und dea Li'lirbcpriII'09 d«i' grii-cbisclieii Kirclio; uoliet oineni AbriaB der Leliro und Verfassunjr iWr klcincren occidi>n- tflliscticD Rolieions-I'iirtlii'ieii. IV. CUrihtlicliu Dug- mciigCBcliic-htu. Maria Theresa, queen of Huiigary. [Aliet-ting case of the queen of Hungary ; iu relation both to friends and foes.] London, 1742. 12° . . *I'ph.v.370 — [Letters wherein are set forth the reasons that oblig'd the court of France to endeavour to strip the queen of Hungary of the ricliest of her dominions.] London, 1742. 12°. . . *Pph.v.3.3fl — Maria TheresianndihreZeit. .9ceRnmshorii, C. 2853.3 Mariagk, a. Numeration par huit anoiennement en usage pur toute la terre. Piiris, 1857, 8", 3936.30 Mar[ANA, J. de, and Medrnno, M, .T, de. Historia general de Kspafia [y continuacion]. Mad- rid, 1733-41. 3v. 4° *4251.1 Marianne, or Ladroue Islands. Histoire des isles Mariaues. t*?ee Le Gobien, C 4249a. 7 MVRIANus. Kpigraramata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.162.7 JLVRIANUS Scotus. Cronicon. [Frankfurt. Socie- tas, etc., V. 5] 4210.2 MARtE Antoinette, J. J. de Lorraine. Corres- pondnnce inedite,* publiee par le comte P. Vogt d'HunoIstein. Paris, lfs04. 8" . . . , 4016.20 — Goncourt, E. L. A. Histoire de 4642,22 — Montjoye,C. F. L. V. de laT. Histoire de . 4642.26 — Staiii-Holstein, A. L. G. N. de, R(itlexions sur le proces de la reiiie 3579.6 MAR1EN-B4, 05. [Frankfurt. iSocietas, etc., V. l;<] 4210.1 Marinoni,J. J. V. De astronomica specula do- mcstica et organico apparatu astrouomico libri duo. Vienna, 1740. f° *502O.ll Marinus Flavio-Neapolitanus. Lile of Proclus. 5ee Proclus Diadofhus 4271.5 3IARITI, G. Travels through Cyprus, Syria, and I'alestine, with [a iiistory of Jerusalem]. London, 1701, 02. 3v. 8" 5048.2 Maritime capture. Shall England uphold the capture of private property at sea? London, 1802. pp. 41. S^ 5018.25 MAIJITIME 386 MA ROT sutfir. So. 3lARiT!ME law. Codigo de las costumbree mari- tinijis de Barcelona. Set^ Barcelona 4301.10 — Dijk, H. A. van. Specimen juris gentium de collegiis archithalasbicis v. il oC 4*J05.*^G — Naville, E. Im droit maritime -I'ibO.il — Ward, K. Kehilive rights and duties of bellig- erent and neutral powers, in maritime atrairs v. 2 of 4295.r,2 — ■\Villoock,J. W. History and law of navigation. aOS'i. 41 JiAKlus Mercator. Acta; Liber subnotatiouuni .id Juiiaui I'elagiani capitula; Theodori Mop- suesteni sermo a Mario Mercatore Latinfe expoi^itus et confiitatus. [3Iaxima bibliotli. vet. patr., V. -^7] B.110.2 Makivaux, p. C. de Cbamblain de. La surprise de raniour ; Le jeu de I'amour et du ha^a^d ; La nitre contidente ; Les fausses contidences ; Leiegs; LVpreuve. [Theatre fran^ais, v. "^4]. 470S.1 Mark, St. Divina litur'ria, seu missa, e Gra-co sermone tu I-atiuum conversa. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 2] B.110.2 3L\RKKT houses. Kapport sur les marches publics en Angleterre, en Jielgiqne, en HoHaude et en Allemagno. See tSeine 7030.4 SLvRKHAM, C. U. Contributions towards a gram- mar and dictionary of Quichua. London, 1S64. lU* 4306,17 ^ Expeditions to the valley of the Amazons, 153"J, 1540, 1630. London, 1859. b". [Uakluyt society] *2264.23 Contents. — Expedition of Gonznio I'izarro to the luiid of cinnniiioii, 153£)-42, by GBrcilnsso liica do La Vega; Voyngp of Fraiielsco de Orvllane, 1540, 41, by A, do Hrr- rera ; New discovery of tlio (treat river of tho Aiiiazr.ns, by C. de AcuflM, l&llt ; List of the jiriiiciiml Iribes of the valley of the Aiuazt>iib. — Travels in Peru and India. T ondon, 1862. S°. 2305.23 MarIvO Kralje^its. Serbisclu- Ileldensage, [iiber- setzt] von.J, X. Vogl. Wien, 1851. 8". . . **2875.8 SIxRLBOKOUGH, ^l/i-z.ss., History of. Hudson, C. . 2350.29 Marles, Lacroix de. See Lacroix de JIarlts, Marliano, G. li. Topography of Home in ancient time. [Livius. Uomane historie] 4920.6 Marmier, X. See France. Commission scienti* lique du Nord. Voyages en Scandiuavie, v, 18-21 2805.1 ConUntt. — Vo]. X\'in. Histolro de 1ft .Seandinavio. XtX. Littiratiiro da Hcaiidlnuvio. XX, XXI. Rvlntiuu du voyagt.'. Marmocciti, F. C. Kaccotta di viaggi dalla sco- pcrla del nuovo continente fnio a' di nostri. I'rato, lMO-45. lb v. in 8. 8° •2275.1 dontenta. — VoL T, T. 1, 2. Coiinl blogmiililcl intonio a ChriHtoforu Colombo; Stirpv del Colombo, cninl dl W. In'lntiT; Karrnziouc dui riunttro vlof;^ iiiirnproii du C. Colitmho, Mfly-lStM. pubb. da M. V. Naviirrctc, prima vrrttlniio llHllnnn; Appendlc-<>. II,T..t,4. 8talo politico, monilo e Hoclalo dclUi Turchla, nitrntto del vlii^^o del ronto Vuliii-y; Uiiiit-nibraiizc Intgniu nU' Urtciito dol TUcontoMnrccllufl; Nolo rd upRlunte: XotlxInhtugrnflcA Inlomo al vlicontr di MnrecUuit. HI, T. A-7. VlnprGTi do' conipagnl del Colombo; Lettem di Ameripo Wspuccl ft Piero Soderliil; Vioi^rgi dl AmerlKo Venpucei ; Vlnp^fl dl AlonBO dl OJrdn ; \\n^^\n dl Pedro Aluiiso Nifiu di ' rig. tovai Gucrrn, 1499; VIukrIo dl VIncente VnAns Plnxon, 14119; VlnKirio dl DleRn dl Ijipo p di llodrigo di UaMldva, Mm-, VlHiriti.. dl DIejco de NIcmmh, IftHVll ; Vlntrpl dl Juan Pongode Leon, l.VK-'Jl ; VUprjrlodl \'n%co Xmici dl Bslhoa; Avvrnliire dl Valdlvla o del huoI ooniimRnl, o dritlno dcir iiairoloKo Mlei-r Codru ; Vlnpt^lu de] MaRftl- l«iio, )A10; ItoliixiitiKi del cnnc|nlMi<) did Peril u dclltt provlnel* dl Ciisoo rhlAmntn Niiovu CaHllglin upcralo da F. PiKHrro, aerlitii du I*. Xii>* Cliiii, pull' At- Utitlcu. II man- d.-llo Indie, le Id.-Ie d.lln Moiida n lo Plllp- plfiff.dl Uulirinln LflT'iid dl Lurey; Vliitrtrlo dl Alominii- dro llume-H l.xhorn. IV.T.K.H. Vhttrfrlodl AtenHnmlro llumva.dn Ih-llil n l.nliurn, Cnbul. llucknrn ntd KliomNtin «L'. V, T. Ill, 11. Vliiiritl, relnzi»nl u iiieiiK.rbi relntlvo Alls wroperlA, nWt* aiilleliUA ed Hlla •turin de) Peru, dl guild e dn| MeMlrc ritte dtil ftlontialnoR dnl VeluHeo • cUI T'lroKoinoe; \ IhitkI. ■''■■'-re. rt-lnitlonl o mpinorl» rrimlvn nlln vo\*r\n cd alls i-oii'iuUtii d l-cniHiidn Shelf. No. 3IARMOCCHT, F. C, continued. Cortes, A Ivft IxtlilxochitI,Las Casns; Lettered! B. di Laa Cnsas n Kilippo ii, re di Spagna; Lcttera di Francisco da IJoU'giifl, VII. T. 12, l;j. Viuppio uell' America Bpnpmoln in tempo delle puerre dell' imlependeiiza di Gubriele Lafond di I.iircy ; Vinppio in filriii e in I'ftles- tinn di Giovanni Robinson. Vll.T. 1-t-lfi. Vinppio nella Polincsia e nelle isole circonvieine dell" Auslntlin dl U. Lafond tli Lurey ; Viaggi in Arabia di J. L. Biirckhurdt; Viaggi neir inteniu dell' Australia o Nuova Oliinda del maggiore T. L. StitcJiell. VIII, T. 17, 18. Vinggi di Bcnmrdiii de Saint Pierre e di Leguevel al Madagascar, ■lie isiile Comore ed all" isola di Frnneirt; Viaggio ngll Stati Unit! dell' America seitentrlonalo del conte F. C Voluey; Vinggio nelle euiitradc di Me8opotamifl,dl Cul- dcu e di Asxiria del coluiinello (Jhesncy u viaggiu a Meroo in i£tiopin dell' Oi^kiiis. Marmont, a, F, L. V. de, due de liaguse. Me- moirea de 1702 a 1841. 2e ed. I'aris, 1857. yv. 8' *4627.2 Marmontel, J. F. (.Euvres completes. Nouv. {-A. [par M. de Saint-Suriu]. Paris, 1818, 19. 19v. in 18. 8' 4707.1 Contents. — Vol. I, IL Memoires d'un pi-ro pour scr- vii' d I'instmction de ses eufants. II, Upiiiiun sur lea cnltes. III-VI. Coutes morniis. VII. Bclianire; Cen- sure de In faculledc tlieologic do Paris c<'ntre Belisnire; C'orrespondance uvec Voltaire. VIII. Les Ineaa, ou la destruction de I'empire du Perou. IX. Tragedies: De- nyc-le-tyran; Aristumenc; Clvupnlre; Les lleru(;llde«; Numitur; Diduii, Irag, lyr. ; Penelope, trag. lyr. ; Zindro et Azor, com. bal. ; L'ami de la mnison, com. m^lve dfl chant; Lucilo, com. m^lee do chant; Le Huron, com, m£lce de chant: Silvain, com. ; Ln fausec magie, opf'ra comique; Agaret Ismael.dranie lyrique. X. M^luiigcs, XI. Lft Pharsale de Lucain. XII-XV. I^lemcnts de lit- teraturu, tires de I'Eucyclopedie. XVL Giammaiiv ut logique. XVII. MO tn physique ct morale. XVIII. lt£- gence du due d'Orleans. — Belisaire, [sulvi de Fragmens de philosophie morale]. Paris, 1707. 8" 4708.3 — C'ontoR mor:mx. DerniCreed. Paris, 1775. ;tv, 8" 4705.5 — Les Incas, ou la destruttion de IVmpire du Perou. Paris, 1777. 2v. 8" 4705.1 — - Same. Paris, 1789. 2v.ini. 12° 4708.2 — PoL'tique fran^oiso. Paris, 170:t. :-'v. 8" . . . 4705.2 Marnix de Saiiite Aldegonde. P. itienenkorb dess lU'il. Koin. Iiiienschwurms, [u. s. w., iibers.] durt'h .le-suwald Pifkhart [.I. Fischurt]. Chri.stliugen [Strassburg, I5fs0]. Vi" . . . . 6464.30 — Tableau des ditUTcnd^s de lu religion, prtJctde d'unc introduction gL-iKTule pur K. ^uinct. Bruxelles, 1857. 4v. 8° OO^t.6 — Viede. Sep Juste, T 2853.6- Marnock, K. Floriouitural magazine, and miRcel- lany of gardening. Vol. 1. London, 1K16, 37, fe« 5847.2 Maroons. Crimes against the exiles of Florida. Giddings.J. It 4290.15 Marot, <;., J., and M. (Euvics, avcc lea pieces du dill'erentde Clement avecSagon^publiees [par Leugletdu Fresnoy]. La Uaye, 1731. 4v. r, 2091.0 C'oH/etiM. — Vol. L Prefaro historique; Ahregfi do la vie do C. Marot; OpuNctiles; Klcgteii; fepilrca. II. Biillndeii; ChaniA roynux on rnntlqiieft; ChatDHina; Ron- deaux; ^plgrumnies; Kitrenen; l^pltnpheH aatyrlqueii; ISpitAphefl ■t^^lenx ; Compliilnteii iinr lu mort do pluftlonrs dlntlngucN ; Urasiou devnnt lo ernciHx ; lUanons du rorpH feminin de pluflcursauleuia. III. Traduetlonsde diver* Bulcurs: le cclogiio de VIrgllo; ler, IV Ilvre de la MOta- morphoie d'Ovide : LOaiidor et ll6ro; Irf- Judgement d* MlnoH; DeNvlNloniiec rIx BOiinelHde P6lnirquo; ICpltapho do Madame I.iuiro, parFnin^oln i ; fepigrnntinede Halino- nluH nu ruy ; Loh iriiitvs vem de ll(-roalde; Colloiiuei d' Krunmu hititulu: Ahhatis et orudlta>, et Virgo mUogH- hium; Cinipiaiite ptieiMUiieH de I)ll^ld: I.es oommnnde- mend; Le ennthine de Shrienn, etc. ; pBoautncB '.]i\ Ct 41, tr, pnrC Miiltre; I'neiiume (W, pur F. Panquler; Canllqud de Midiie. par Bonnaventiiru DeNperlerH; PoOidci nllrU liiiee^ a I'. Marot ; DC'plorntlon iinr la inurt de Marot, elc. IV. Leu iwuvi-ea de.I. Marut: Voyage de GOiies; Voyiigo de VenlHo; Le duclriiial dei prlneeMex; tpttru*; teHt eiintre le* ii(rnto d<'H dameo; nallnden; PuJ'»lo« dv M. Marot; Iteeu-lt dm piece* dlireri'iul entre C. Mn- rul, Fmii^'ol* ringon et l.a Muoti-rla. MAUQUAUD8EN 387 MAUrfiNE bhelf. No. MAKQt'AitnsKN, H. Ueber Haft und BUrfisclinft bfi deu Aiigflsachsen. Erlaiigen, US5J. pp. 70. s' 42S9.32 SrAKit AT, W. [Skftohos in the county of Lincoln,] Vol. 1. Rostou, [Eng.], 1813. [No title- pa^ie.J VJ' 2499.23 JlAKKiAUE. Ilippol, T. (;. V. rcbcrdieEhe. . . COtiO.l? — James, H. Love, nuirria^'e, nnti divorce, and tlie sovt'reigiity of the iiulividnal, . . . . B.170b.G6 — I'irot, .). B. C. Du luariugL' romain, cliretion et fran^iiis G0C6.9 — Unper. .1. Div Ebe in ibrcr welthistorlscht'ii Kntwickliing 0060.8 Waukl\<;k of u man with his sister In law. Liv- ingston,.!. H 5457.8 Marryat, K., Answers to enquiries concerning the books of. See t'nry,r.G 4!f)3.13 Marsh, 7. 8° . *Pph.T.345 Marsh, William H. Duty of a christian people in relation to the fiif;itive slave law : a sermon, Nov. 28, 1850. Worcester, 1850. 8' . . . . B. 160a. 29 Marshall, A. E. Debates and proceedings of the Georgia convention, assembled in Jlilledge- ville, Dec. 10, 1850. Milledgeville, 1850. pp. 28. 8' 4310aj^00 Maushai,!., E. C. [Are the West Point graduates loyal?] New York, 18i>.i. pp. s. V4'' , . . 4320a. 96 — Book of oratory. New York, 1852. 12° . . . 4399.3 — History of the T^nited States naval academy. New York, l'-62. 12° '4328.6 Marshall, H. [Memoir.] Boston, 1828. 24'. . 2348.60 Mar.shall, .lames. Digest of all the accounts relat- ing to the population, productions, revenues, financial operations, etc., of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1833. 1.4° Marshall, John, chief jtiHtife U. S. Hi^^tory of the colonies planted by the English [in] North Aiurricu. Philadelpliia, 1824. 8° — Het leven van (ieorge Washington. Uit bet Engelsch door .1. ^\'erninck. Haarlem, 180.5. lOv. 8" Marshall, John, F. R. S. The human body: its structure and functions. \Vitli plates. Lon- don, [l>C.o]. L'v. 4% nndl" 3740,24 Marshall, T. W. M. rhri>tian missions: their agents, and tlieir results. New York, 1805. 2\-. 8* 5538.8 Marshall, W. On planting and rural ornament, 3d ed. London, 1803. 2v. 8' 4005.30 MarshalI' fi(md> , (ienealoipcal memoirs of the. Ste Vinton, .1. A 4332.3 Marsham, .1. Canon chronlcus -Egyptiacus, Ebra- icu?', Gracus. Franeqiierfe, 1696. 4' . . . . •4147.9 3680.4 4325.3 2340.2 Marsigli, L. F. Description du Danube, depuis la montngno de Kalenherg en Autriehe, jus- qn'au continent de la riviere .Iiintra dans la Bulgarie. Trad, du latin, [par A. A. B. de La Martiuifere]. La Uaye, 1744. 6v. f*'.*28.1-K Contentn. — Vol. 1. Obsprvations pcopmiilit(|UPS,nslro- noiitii'ities, hvdrographiqucB. II. AntiqiiitOs romainoa; Autiquitea luCOtca. 111. Mincrnux ct iiietaux. IV. Pois- suiis. V. OUcaux. VI. ObsL-rvatiuua myites. Marsillac, J. La vie de Guillaume Penn, Paris, 1791. 2v. 8° 2341.27 Marsollikr des Vivetferes, B. J. Camilla, ossia la sepolta viva, conimedia tradotta dal fran- cese. Lisbona, 1799. sm.8' . . . . v, 2of **4799.17 Marsus, D. Fragmenta. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] B. 191.9 Marti";ne, E. Dc antiqua ecclesiie disciplina in di- vinis celebrandia officiie. Lugduni, 1706. 4°. ♦6052 6 — De antiquis ecclesia? ritibus libri quatuor. Ko- tomagi, 1700-6. 4v. 4" *6033.2 — De antiquis monachorum ritibus libri quinque, Lugduni, 1690. 2v. in 1. 4" *6030.7 — and Durand, U. Veterum scriptorumet mon- nmentorum historicorum, dogmaticorum, mo- ralium amjilissima coUectio. Paritsiis, 1724- 33. 9v. r ♦4150.1 Contents. — Vol, I. Regura et principum aliorumque vironim illustrlum epifltolie et diplonrnta bene multa. II. Vetera tnonuineata iinpcrialia monasteiii Stabulcu- sia ; Wibtildi abbniia Stiibulenaig et Corbeiensia epistohu: Alexaurtri papn- III repistrum cpistolnnim pro Kemcnai provincia; Cpistolie vuriorum ad sanctatn Hildef^ardcm c'uin responaisad easdem; Friderici n iinperatoris cpia- tolte varijR cum aiiiiimai'iia privilegiorum ecclcaia; Ko- loance vt quibusdam aliorum epiatulia. IIL Ambrosii Camaldiilcnsis itrdinia preepositi geueralia epistuluniiii libri XX, piiKfalioiies in variaa tranalationea dc Uraico in Laiinum ab co fuctas, et ^^ro^aTO evuditorum ad eiim rpistolic; Alberti Sarthianenais ordinis Miiiorum ^-icarii ^encralis ut quorumdain aliorutn epiatuiic sclectic ; fetri Dulpltiui Uamaldulensia ordiuis epi»tol« cc.vlu ; j^gidii Vitcrbienais, TUomoc WoUeii, et Alfonsi Ciuconii queedam epiatolni. IV. riui'es scriptores historic! de rebus prrc- serllm Geminnicia : Acta variu de Wenceslao et Uuperto im))Cratoribua; Gesta Trevireiisium arcbicpiaeoponiiii; Aunalea Novesicnsea ; Amclg'ardi excerpta ex pestis Lti- duvici XI; Gesta poDtiflcum Trajecten»;iuiii et Leodicii- tiuui; Hi^toria Andai;iiicnsi& monaslL-rii S. Uuberti, auctoro aiiouyino; Historia monnsterii S. Laurentii Lcudiensia. V. Chronicou Laraberti I'arvi a Heiiioro ini ; Vita IS. Kicunis; Vita S. Nil! a Bartholumtco Crjpla.* Fcrrata: abbute Griece conscripta, et a Sirleto In Latinum convcraa ; Vitu Beali Giraldi dt Balis; Vila S. Bcrtrandi Couvenarum epiacopi ; Vita S. Stephani Grandimoutenaia, auctore Gcrardo ; Vita B. Uu- gonis de Lacerta, scripta a Guillelmo Dandinii; Vila Pftri Venerabflia abbatia Cluniaccnais, auctore Koduiru monacho; Vifa Margarita.- Burgunds, srriptu aGuillvitno Gratianopolitano i De felici obita Johanns coniitiaaaB Alunconii «t Bleaensl»; FroceBbua conteataiionum de MARTEXE 388 MARTINELLI bhclf. No. aiARTfeNE, E., continued. winctirate et dociriiin B. Cnthnrinro Spoensis; Vita Gnliriclis Pala-ori, auctorc Aiigtistino Unino. VII. Vnria concilia, episcoporum sintuta s/uorl..li«, actaquo pliiriinn (]un3 concilium Pijiaiium pncccsscnuit uc siib- BfcutR sunt. VIII. Varia conciliii, opi;icopuruiii stalula SA'nodalia, cum iiniplissima collcctione nctorum nd con- cilium BnsiUense pcrtiuentium, ct duplici historin coii- cilii Tridentini. IX. S. Cypriani canneii ad FcUct-m, > dc rcsiiiTecIioiio inortuorum; Juvvnci lilipr in Ocnoisitn; S. Hilnrii alifjuut I'salnionim interpretatio; S, Nili trac- IntDs dc Chri&tinna philuBopliin ; Ccclii Svdulii ciirnion dc vcrbi incaninlionc; S. Maxiini homilin; sex; Fausti ejMscop! scrmunes sex ad numnclios; S. Bonifacii ser- moncs; S. Ambrosil Aulperti lilier de cupiditnto; Ejua- dem sermoin puriflcatione B. Maria;; Homilia ejusdi-m in traiisflgTinitionv Domini; Pnuli dioconi serniu in as- snnipliouQ MariK ; Qmcstiones in Daniclcm prophetnm a Petro diacono cnodala; ; Wiubodi qua'slioncs in Octaten- cbum ; Paschasii Kadberli libi-r do corpyre et eangruino Domini; Ejnsdom libri trea do fide, ape et clinritate; Flori uinpistri opusculum dc expogitionc missne ; Ejusdcni opusculum adversus Amalarium; Kabnui Mauri in li- brum Josue libri tres; Ratlicrii Veroneusia prrcloquiorum libri VI ; De vita vcre apostoHca, auctore Bupcrto Tuili- ensi ; Dc divprsis ordiuibus ct profesMonibus qua; sunt in ecclesia; Viviane Priemonstratensis de Hbero nbitrio et p-atia tractntus; Josleni Sueasionensis expositio tsyin- boH ct orationis Dominicfe; Petri Venerabilis advcrsua sectam Saracenorum libri duo; Biigonis Kuthunnigensis de memoria tractutiis; Ejusdcm super fide catliolicn et oratibnt? Dominica jTUapistri Uildcbrandi libcllusdc con- lempliLtionc; Anonymi libcllus adversus eri-oroa Albc- ronis Merkcnsis; Nicolai Oresmii libcr de AnticUristo, Martens, C. v. Causes cC-lfebres du droit des gens. 2e ed. T. 3-0. Leipzig, 1859-01. 3v. 8° . SfiH.O — Guide diplomatique. Leipsic, 18:i3. av. 8° . 4-'Sfi,7 3IARTENS, G. K. V. I'rL'cis du droit des gens mo- diTiie di:' I'Europe. Gottingue, 1801. sm.S". 4295.28 — Kecueil des principaux traites conclus par les puissances de TKurope rlepuis 1701. T. 1-3, 5-7. Gottinf-ue, 1791-1800. Ov. b" 3686.1 — - Same. t^upplenK'nt. Precudt; de trnitcs du Ihe sit'cle anterieurs a J7(U, et qui ne so trouveutdansautres recueils. T. 1,3, 4. Got- tingue, 180'^-8. 3v. h" 3(586.2 — Nouvcau recueil g(^n(*ral de traites, conven- tions et autres transactions rt'inarquubles. Continuation par C. Saniwcr. T. H-10, 17, p. 1, 2. Gottingue, ls5i)-01. 3v. and 2 p. 8". 3686.2 Martens, T., Biographie de. See iBeghem, A. F. van 2115.25 Martenskn, II. Meister Eckart. Einc tlieologi- sche Studie. Hamburg, \M'Z. h° 0070.23 Maktiai. law. Jackson, T. What is martial law? and who can declare it? 3035.10 — Laws of war, and martial law 4320a. 60 — Nicholas, S. S. Martiallaw 3635.10 — Parker, J. lIabeascoi*pu.-iand martial law . . 3650.9 Sec aiso: Military law. MartiAlis, G. De nrboribns pomiferls, fragmen- tum ; De pomi,-*, Men medieina ex ponds. [.Mai. CliiHS. aurt., V. 1] B. 172.3 — Fragmcntum dc rura houm. [Gesner. Scrip- tores rci rustica?, v. 3] B. 178.0 Mahtiams. M. V. Epigranimaluin libri XIV. IIIub- trnvit V. Collesso ad usuni Delphini. Lon* dini, 1720. h' 2929.25 — Vllaox I*. Crlnito; Kpigrammata; Xeuia; Ap* ophoreta. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] . B.191.9 Martiaijs, liiHhop of Limonain. Kpislohe. [Max- ima biblioth. vel. jiatr., v. 2] B. 110.2 — . Ad iiurdi;,''ak'iiMc:i«i(lstola; Ad Tolosnnosepls- lola. [(irjnu'UM. Mon. patr.] B. 141.3 Mautianay, .1. Trait"' historhpic du canon dL-s II- vres dc lu Sidntc-fCcriture. Purls, 1703. 12°. 0027.18 Mautii, K. Illslurl.i Tibiirtina ampliilcotn. Lat. reddltn, earn S. llaviTcampl. [Gra;viu8. ThOH. »nli(j, Ital., T. H, p. 1] 4710.1 Mautin, St., fihp. of lira (fa. Heqnatuor vfrtutibua cardlnalibus; !>*• mnrlbus; \*i-rsuR. [Max- Una biblioth, vet. pair., v. 10] n.110.2 Uaktin 1, pope. Kpiflolic. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 12] B. 110.2 4024.3 2746.5 nlielf. No. MARTix, A. Xeuestes Repertorium der gesainra- ten Photographie. AVien, 1K56. 8° Martin, B. L. H. Daniel Mauin, and Venice in 1848, 40. Translated by C.Martel. Introduc- tion by I. Butt. London, 1802. 2v. p.S*" . . — Histoire de France jusqu'eu 17fi9. 4e td. Pa- ris, 1860-62. 17v. 8" 4614.1 Martin, F. Statesman's year-book for 1804, 05. London, 1864, 65. 2v. p.S° 2280.12 Martin, G. l*ro veteri et vera Gra?caruin litera- rum pronuntiatione. [Havercainp. Sylloge scriptorum de lingua: Gr;eca.' pronuntiatione, V. 2] 2985.20 MARTIN, .lacques. [La religion des GaiUois.] Paris, 1727. 2v. in 1. 4' *6051.5 Martin, John. Familiar dialogues; in which the right of private judgment; the doctrine of infallibility, [etc.] ; with the sentiments of Dr. • Price, on civil liberty, etc., are considered. London, 1776. pp.74'. S° *4163.16 Martin, Joseph. Universal chronologist, and his- torical register. With a contiuuation by U. Boyle. London, 1826. Iv.in2. 8° 2224.18 Martin, Leopold C, and Triibncr, C- The current gold and silver coins of all countries. Lon- don, 1863. pp. XX, and 141 plates. 8°. , .**2223.17 Martin, Louis Aime. Essai sur la vie et les ouv- rages de IJeruardin dc Saint-Pierre. S*;e Suiut-Picrre, J. II.B. de 4709a. 20 Martin, Louis August. Histoire morale de la Gaule, jusqu'ii la chute de Tempirc romaiu. Paris, 1848. 8" 4186.7, and 4194.4 — La morale choz les Cbinois. Paris, 1862. 12°. 3024.0 Martin, Luis. Madrigal. [Qtuntaua. Parnaso espauol,v.2j 3104.10 Martin, R. M. History of Nova Scotia, Cape Bre- ton, the Sable Islands, New Brunswick, etc. London, 1837. 12° — Progress and present state of British India.' London, 1862. 8" Martin, T.H. Philosophie spiritualiste de hi n.i- ture. Paris, 1849. 2v. 8° — Des superstitions dangereuses pour la science. Paris, 1863. pp. si. 8° 5001.30 — Lu vie future. Paris, lt^55. 12° • 0005.32 — fctudes sur leTimeede Platon,avecune traduc- tion. See Plato B. 165.3 Martin, W. A. Sci-ew-euttingtables, for mechani- cal engineers. London, I860, pp.10, obi. 10°. 4019.11 Martin, W. t.'. L. Tlu' sheep : our domestic breeds, and their treatment. Loudon, 1854. 12°. , 4004.30 M.VRTIN, or Martyn, William. HIstorleof England from William the conqueror unto the end of Henry the ei^dith. [London, I6I8. J^otitle- page.] sm.r M171.8 Martin, Col. William. Self vindication against certain charges made against him by Gen. JackKon and others, in relation to transac- tions in the campaigu against the Creek In- dians, 1M3. Nashvillf, 1829. pp. 4S. 8'*. . 4347. OS MARTIN-Soi-on, — . L'albuuiinuric, on liydroplsic caus(ie par maladie des reins. Paris, 18.38. 8". 3740.62 Martindale, M. Original poems, sacred and moral. Sunderland, iMHi. pp.56. 8°. . *l*ph.v.3r)S Martineau, II. England and her soldiers. Lon- don, 1859. sm.-s^ 3724.17 — EsBential faith of the universal church. Lon- don, 1831. pp. 88. s° •5403.11 — The faith us uulblded by many prophets: an essay. London, IS32. pp.98. 8° *5463.1l — ProvidenceuM manifested through Israel. Lon- don, 1832. 8° •5453.11 MARTINkau, J. The Bible and the child: a dis- course. Ilostou, 1M5. 12° *4103.6 — " Owe no nuin anything : " a discourse on com- mercial murals, Nov. 30, 1850. London, n. d. 8° 5450U.46 Mautinki.IjI, G. L'hnenel dl Delfo, serenatn per muhica. l.isbuna, K85. Hi". [Dranind varil, V. 2J Mroit.i? 33GS.23 3045.10 GU02.8 MAnriNET 389 MASON Shelf. No. SJaktinkt, J. F. Kleiiio kntochtsmus der natuur. 'Jtlcdruk. Amsterdam, irro. 12° 3829.19 — Catvi-liism of nnturo. Tninslntcd fioin the Dutch. rhihuU-lphin, i:'.H. IS" 7029.31 Makfink/., K. Do tln'iitra Stij-iintino cpistohi. [I'nU'iii. l'triii-;i|ut' tlics. iiiiti'|. t-upp., v. 5j. 2970.7 Maktim:z, .M. Dictiuimiium tfiniirlotton, in tiuo voces Latiiia' oinut'5, et (iru'i-n? his n'spon- (Icntes cum (iiilliiM t-t Tt'iitonicii sin^iiljiiiiiu iiiterpiotiilionc, t)rtliiu' iilpliiih. iiroponiintur. Kil. noviss. Amsti'Ioihimi, Ifiri2. h" . , . . ^2885.5 Martini z-l'AsvUALis. Snint-Mnrtin, son muitre Miiiliiiez, etc. iV? Jlatter, .1 5G03.22 MaritxivZ do la Ilnva, F. liosqu'jo historico de la ptWiticii i\o Kspana. .Maitrid, l^r>7. 2v. 12*. 3094.8 — E>piritudcl,sijrlu. .Madrid, 1S!.")-51. lOv. sm.S". 4(UU.)0 SlAKTiNiz do Vfiascii, K. Don rublo Iglesias, in:irtir dc las lihortadL-s pdtrias, 1^20-25. Math-id, 1SC2. pp. fi9. 8' 3103.10 Mahtini.C- D. a. Dognuivon der Gottheit Christi. \o\. 1, Kostock, ISdO. h° 0037.19 Martini, G. Storia d"Italia, 1814 al 1834. I'arte prima, 1M4-22. Capolngo, 185i)-52. iv. p.8°. 4718.7 MARTiNiguii, Voyage dans I'isle de la. Kobin, C. C. . . . ! 2376.18 Martins, C. See France. Commission scientitiquc du Nord. Voyages en t-candinavie, v. 8-10 10, 17 • . . • 2805.1 Conttfnla.—Vo\. VIII-X. MCtOoroIopio. XVI, XVII. Geographic pliyeiquv, geograpliie botanique. MARTINI'S de Laudnuo. Kpistola par^netica ex meris S. Script uri-e sentt-nliis contexta. [Ma.vima bibliolh. vet. patr., V. 27] B.no.2 Martin rs, -S/., bishop of Ihurs. I'rofessio fidci [sive de sancta triuitatej . [Maxima biblioth. vet. pidr., V. u] 15. 110. 2 Martirk d'Anghiera, P., Jcnotcn as Peter Martyr. Dc rebvs oceaiiicis et novo orbe, decades tres. Item de Uabylonica legatioiie libri ill, et item de robvs iEthiopicis, [etc.], opuscula quada. Damiani a Goes. Colonije, 1574. 8''.*41fi9a.l — Du insulis miper repertis liber. See Grynjeus, S 4100.8 Uarthis, J. N. Unterricht in der natUrlichen Magie, umgearbeitet von J. C. W'iegleb. Berlin, 1779. 10" 3967.24 Martii's, L. Index Latinus in Johannis Scapnlae Lexicon Gra-co-Latinum. See Scapula, J. . 2980.3 Martyn, 1!. Account of the colony of Georgia. [Georgia historical society. Collections, v. 2J. 2375.25 Martyn, W. See Martin, W. 3IARTYK, Teter, of Anghlera, See Slartire d'Ang- hicra, r. 51 \rtyr Vermigli, Peter, See Vermigli, P. M. MARrYKOi.oGY. Assemani, 8. E. Acta [Syrorura] sanctornm martyrum 0050.5 — Challimer, U. ^lissionary priests, etc., that have suffered death in Kngland, 1577-1084 . 0070.8 — CriigtT, T. De martyriis falsis 0006.25 — Ruinart, T. Atti de' primi martiri della chiesa cattolica 6041.2 Maruccini, L, Bassjinum, sive dissertatiode urbis antii]uitate et de viris ejusdem ilUistribus. Lalinp vcrtit S. llavercampus. [Gr-Tvius. Thes. autiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 8j 4710.1 Marcllk, F. See Maurolico, F. Marvin, .1. G. Sketch of the life of Sir J. Mackin- tosh. 6'ee Mackintosh, J 4294.8 Marvy, L. Landscape painters of England: in a series of engravin;:s. AVith notices by W. M.Thackeray. London, [1850]. 4' . . . . *4061.27 Marx, C. Dct ISIe Brumairc des Louis Xapoleon. >'ew-V«rk, I.-52. pp.02. S" 4129. ft? JIarx, J. Gcschichte des Erzstlfts Trier. Ite Abth., Bd. 1,2. Trier, 185^,59. 2v. 8' , . 4213.1 — History of the robe of Jesus Christ, preserved [at] Trt'ves. 'J'ransljtted from the French. Philadelphia, 1845. VJ° 6074.21 SLoIf. No. 'Mxv.Y^ mother of Jesus. Jesus Maria, J. de. His- toria de la vida de la virgon Maria 0051.3 — Lanibrnschini, Tv. Sull' immacolalo concept- miMifo di J^Iaria C074.8 — Oettiiiger, lO. M. Literatur der wunderthiiti- gcn Marirnbilder 5550.5 Maky, queen of Eiir/land. Privy purse expenses, with a memoir and notes by F. Madden. London, 1831. 8° 7054.9 Mart, Qneen of Scots, Lettrcs, instructions et niemoires, publies et aceompagncs d'un re- sume chronologique par le prince A. Laban- ofl\ Londres, 1844, 45. 7v. H° 2477.9 — Buchanan, G. Dc Maria Scotorum regina . 2479.3 — CInruel,P. A. Marie Stuart et Catherine.de Mi'dicis -. • • • 2520.5 — Sanderson, W. Life and reign of ...',.. 2410.18 Mary, .1. French and Fnglish grammar, [with] exercises, n. p., n. d. sm.S" 40S9a,26 Maky Di?-Cliftbrd : a story. See lirydges, Sir S. E. •1579a, 20 Mauy-Lafox, J. li. Histoire du midi de la France, jusqu'a nos jours. 2e cd. Paris, 1813-15. •Iv. 8" 4003.16 — Histoire d'unevilleprotestante, [Montauban.j Paris, 1S02. 8° 4003,14 — Le marechal de Richelieu et Mme de Saint- Vincent. Paris, 1803. 8" 4017.1 — Tableau historique et litteraire de la langue connue sous le uom de langue roniano-i)ro- ven^ale, Paris. 1842. 12' **40SG.23 Maryland. Report ofthe committee of grievances, [etc.] , of the house of delegates, on the recent mobs and riots in Baltimore, with deposi- tions. Annapolis, 1813, 8° 0375.5 — Abridgement of the laws in force, 1704 . , . . 30;!5.I9 — Allen, K. Sketches ofthe early history, to the year 1050 4129.55 — Kennedy, J. P. An appeal to 432Ua.0O — McMahon, J. V, L, Historical view of the government of 2374.30 — jlilaryland and Massachusetts. See Massachu- setts. Miscelhineous documents 4320a, 98 — Streeter, S. F, Maryland, two hundred years ago 4374.30 — Tyson, P. T. First report of the state agricul- tural chemist 3800.10 — Unconditional union state central committee. Address to the people, Sept. 16, 1S03. Balti- more, 1803, pp. 20. 8° 4320a. 97 See also: Annapolis, Baltimore. Mary's scrap book. London, 1838. pp. 87. sq.lO". 7029.41 SL\s, S. do. See Sinibaldo dcMas, Masaniei.lo, or Aniello, T., History of the rise and fall of. See Midon, F 2724.8 Mascagni, 1*. Anatomia univcrsa, xliy, tabulis aeneis juxta archetypum hominis adulti rep- raesentata. Cura A. V. lierlingljicri, [etc.], ed. PisiB, 1823-31, PI. atlas f °, colored with duplicates in outline. *50 A T. f ". *3720.2 Mascakiji, a. La congivra del conte G. Lvigi de' Fieschi., Venetia, 1029, sm.4° *2728.17 — - Same. Venctia, 1037. 4" **272S,18 — - Same. [Carrer, Breve storiedi varii autori], 2773.24 Masexius, J. Antiquitatum Trevirensiura libri XXV, See Brower, C 4250,6 3IASIUS, or Maes, A. Gramraatica lingua; Syriara;. See Bible. Polyglotts 5420,3 M.\SKELL, W. Ancient liturgy of tlie church of England and the modern Roman liturgy in parallel columns. 2d ed. London, 1810. 8". .3418.17 — The blessings promised to united worship. See Harwood, P 4103.11 Masks. Maschere sceniche d'antichi Komani. Ficoroni, F. de' 2953.22 Masox, a., Address on the death of. SfcCheever, C. A Pph. v. 378 MASOX, Ri'v. Charles. Discourse on the national faBtday, Jan.4, 1601. Boston, 1801. S" . . . 6400a. 25 MASON 390 MASSACHUSETTS Shelf. So. IIASON, Her. C, continued. — i'arocliial sermons, with a memoir [by A. P. Feabody]. Boston, ISOo. 8° 5152.20 — Commemorative sermon upon the death of. See Leeds, G 4347.09 SLiSOX, Son. Charles. The ebelion in Iowa. [Handbook of the democracy for ISiiS, 04]. 4310.1 Mason, F. The Karen apostle ; or, memoir of Ivo Thah-Iiyu. 1st Am. ed., by H. J. Kipley. Boston, 1843. 18° 6539a.8 — Synopsis of a grammar of the Karen language, embracing botb dialects. Tavoy, lS4ii. 4°. 3031.3 MASON, H. M. I'rimarv geography, [lu Karen.] 3d ed. Tavoy, 1848. 12° 3038.14 Mason, Jeremiah. Proceedings in Massachusetts and New Hampsliire on tlie deatll of Hon. J. Mason. Boston, 184'.i. pp. 41. 8° . . . 4.347.70 MASON, Hen. Jolm, d. 1094. Select remains. New York, 1828. 18° 5447.43 MASON, Jlev. John, 6. 1705-6, d. 1763. Essay on el- ocution or pronunciation. 3d ed. Loudon, 1751. pp. 43. 8° 6009.13 — f Essay on tlie power and liarmony of prosaic numbers.] London, 1749. pp. 88. 8° . . . 5009.13 [Essay on tlie power of numbers and the princi- ples of liarmony in pocticid compositions.] London, 17411. pp.75. S° 3009.13 — Treatise on self knowledge, llevised ster. ed. Boston, 18:i2. 18° 5147.34 _ Same. [Boston. Benevolent associations. Society for the promotion of Cliristian know- ledge, etc. Christian monitor, V. 0] . . . . 6459.5 MASON, L. Manual of tlie Boston academy of mu- sic. 2d ed. Boston, IS-iO. 12° 4059.30 — Vocal exercises and solfeggios, with an accom- paniment for the pianoforte. Boston, n. d. pp. 5r'. obl.4° SWl-5? — Sabbath hymn book. See Park, E. A 6449.16 — Spiritual songs for public worsliip. See Hast- ings, T 6"?a-17 — and Creene, D. Miinunl of Cliristian psalmody. Boston, IS:!2. 18° 3140.28 — and Ives, E., jr. Juvenile lyre ; or hymns and songs for schools. Boston, 1831. pp.72. 8°. 5449.1 — and Webb, G. J. iiostou ghe book. Boston, n.d. obl.S° 8047.10 _ xhe psaltery; a new colleelion of church music. Boston, 1845. obl.8° SW7.67 MASON. 11. K. Slavery in America. Boston, 185.1. ",;p.34. 8° 15-H50-35 Mason, S. .'Speech on the objections ol the jiresi- dcnt to the bill to e.^tiiblish a fiscal corpora- tion delivered in tlie house of represenlatives. ■Was'liingtcm, IMl. 8° *I'ph. v. 382 Mason, W. Sec Bell. British theatre, v. 31, 34 . 4179a. 1 CotXmK. — Vol. XXXI. Cnmclocuj, ndrnmaiiciiorm. XX XIV. F-lfriiin, n drumatlc poflin. SalTo, drammn lirico sul modello toscano; (^di nel Caratlaco, poema drainmaltico, recale in verso iliiliiino. [.Muthias. Poesic liriche]. . 4773.17 MAWNic montlily. The. Vol. 1, 2. Boston, 18il4, 65. 2v. 8° '"fi'-l MASS Masson, J. K. Doble ordinarlo do la saiitn misa Wra^'M _ Valera C de. Tratiido de la mIsa 1 de su saii- tidad S'OO.IO MASSA da Oullese, A. De origine et rebus Ealiseo- rum. [lira-vluB. Tiies. aiilii|. Hal., T. 8, p. :i]. 4710.1 MASSACiiisi'.rTS. Colony and province of Mmsu- Chiufctln bay. — ActsBudluws. [in92-17?0.] Boston, 1720-31. r. •0420.6 _ - Same. [H.92-1746.] Boston, 1742-10. r. •0420.3 _ - Same. [1770-74.] Boston, 1770-74. pp.10. [NotilU-I.Hge.) f •0420.0 _ - Same. i;oO. Boston, 1 1707]. pp.10, r. •0420.12 — Charier Kranled by William and Mary. Boston, 1742. pp.14, r 'W'O-^ _ - tSftinc. Bo.ton, 1769. pp. S4. f°. (Imperfect]. I4»0.2 Shelf. No. MASSACHUSETTS, contimied. — Charters and general laws. [1634-1779.] Col- lected [by N. Dana, W. Prescott, and J. Story]. Boston, 1814. 8° C410a.2 — Compact, with the charter and laws of tlie col- ony of New I'lymouth, charter of the coun- cil at Plymouth, articles of confederation of the united colonies of Kew England. Bos- ton, 1836. roy.8° »0410a.l — Journal of the house of representatives, 1748, 56, 0_>, 03, 05, 69-72. Boston, 1748-72. 9v. C *6410.2 — Speeches ofthe governors, from 17f'5t.o 1775, and the answers of the liouse, wilh other papers. [Compiled by A. Bradford.] Boston, 1818. 8°. •6433.1 — Temporary acis and laws. [1736-5.J.] Boston, 1742-[53]. Bm.f° •6420.4 — - Same. [1730-55.] Boston, 1775. sm.f °. . *li420.1 — - Same. [1730-74.] Boston, 1703-[74]. f ° . •6420.6 — Felt, J. B. Who was the first governor of . . 4355.36 — Jliuot, G. R. Continuation of the history of . 2:i52.18 — I'apers on the boundary line between Massa- chusetts and Rhode Island 43.38.2 Hcvolutionnrif period. — Acts and laws. [1775-80.] Watertown, Boston, [1775-80]. f° • . •6420.0 — Journal of convention for framing a constitu- tion, 1779,80. Boston, lSi2. 8° •M50a.3 — Journals of each pro\ iucial congress in 1774 and 1776, and of the eoniniiltee of safety, with an apjiendix. Bo.ston, 1818. 8° . . . . *6410a.3 Journal of llie house of rcpreseiitiitives, July, 1775— May, 1776, June, 1777 — April, 1778. [Watertown], 1776-78. 4v. f° »6410.3 Commonicealth. Constitntion. — Constitution agreed on by the delegates of the people, 1779, NO. 1st Worcester ed. Worces- ter, 1787. 16° •0459.17 — Constitution of Massachusetts and of the United States. Boston, 1807. pp.94. 16°. •0459.16 — Constitution, adopted 1780; with the amend- ments annexed. Boston, 1822. pp. 86. 8° .•6410a. 4 Debates, resolutions and other jiroceedings of the convention, Jan. 9 to Feb. 7, 1788, for ratifying the federal constitution. Boston, 1788. 8° •61.503.1 — - Same. Boston, 1808. 12° *64,50a.2 — - Same. Boston, 1856. 8° •04.')0a.4 — Debates in the convention chosen to revise the conslitution, 1820,21. Boslim, l.«53. 8° . . •0450a. — Debates and proceedings in the state conven- tion to revise the conslitution, 1853. Boston, 1853. 3v. 8° •6450a.7 — - Same. Boston, I.S63. 2v. 4° •0450.1 — Discussions on the conslitution proposed to tlic people of Massachusetts, by the conven- tion of 18,'i3. Boston, 1854. 8° •6450n.lO Docuiueuls priuled by order ofthe constitu- tional cniiveiilion, 18.V).' Boston, 1.N53. 8° . 'ftlSOa.O Journal of the convenlion to revise the constitu- tion, 1820, 21. Boston, 1821. 8° •6460a. 5 — Journal of the constitutional convention, 1853. Bo»lon,1853. 8° •6450tt.ll Rules and orders to be observed in the conven- tion of delegales, 1853. Boston, 1853. 10° . •6439.3 CommomrcaWt. Laws, resolves, etc. — [An act to regulale the jurisdiction and pro- ceediugs of llie courts of probate, 1818. No title-page.) pp. 32. 16° •6439a. 2 — General laws, IVom [1780] to 1827. Boston, 182.3-27. 3v. 8" •04 10a. 12 — General statutes, passed 1859. Boston, 1800. 8°. •3700.7 — Laws, IVom Nov. 28, 1780, to Feb. 28, 1807. Boston, 1807. 4v. 8° •0410a.8 — Laws, from Nov. 1780, to April, 1838. Boston, 1801-19. 14v. 8° •M2na.l — Laws. [179^1805] Vol. 2-4. JlOBtOU, 1793- [1806). 8v. [.No title-page.] f •0420.8 MASSACHUSETTS 391 MASSACHUSETTS Slii'lf, Nu. M ASSAtI I LSKTTS, rmitill lird. — Lnws pnsBcd [IWK'-o]. Vol.4, lioston, n. d. [No tUlc-piigc] 1° •6420.10 — Laws, from 1'i.b. 1S07, to Dec. 1810. Boston, iKir. s° •frflOa.O — Liiws, May-.Juiie, IMI'J. Cliark-stowll, lsr>. S°.*(3410.14 — Laws, Slay, 1S14— Feb. 1818. [IJoston, 1814- 18.] 8° «(M10a.l3 — Laws passed by tlic general court, 182(1,27. Boston, lS2r),:;7. h" •G410a.ll — Militia laws oftlie I'liitcil .States and of Massa- eliusetts, with notes, etc. liy W. II. Sumner. 2ded. lioston, 182U. pp.Ul. 12° *C459.3 — - .■iamc. By H. A. S. Dearborn. lioston, ix^it. 12° •0450.4 — - Same. Boston, IMO. 12° •0459.5 — Perpetual laws to 17S8. [Edited by I. Tbomas.] Worcester, irs8. 8° *M10a.O — IVrpelual laws, 1780-80. Boston, 1780. f ° . . ♦6420.7 — I'rivate and special statutes, 1780-1805. Boston, 1800. 3v. l.s° *0440a.l — Private and special statutes, 1822-59. Vol. 6-10. Boston, 1837-01. 5v. 8° *0440tt.2 — Keport of the commissioners appointed to re- vise the general statutes, [with] amend- ments. Boston, 1834, 35. Ov. 8° *0430a.2 — Report of the eonmiissioners on the revision of the statutes. Boston, 1858. 8° *6430a.l — Report of the penal code of Massachusetts. Boston, 1844. 8° »fi420a.2 — Resolves of the general assembly, 1777. Bos- ton, 1777. pp.54. 8° *6I20.11 — Resolves of the general court, 1783-88. Bos- ton, [1784-88. No title-page.] f° •6420.9 — Resolves of the general court, [1790-1800]. Boston, 1790-1806. f° •0420.13 — Resolves of the general court, [1796-1800]. Boston, 1790-1806. f. [Imperfect] . . . .*6420.12 — Resolves of the general court, 1806-10. Boston, [lS(l(i-10]. 3v. iul. 8° *0420a.5 — Resolves of tlie general court, 1807-.38, [and] acts and resolves, 1839-05. Boston, 1807-65. 21v. s° *6442.1 — Resolves of the general court respecting the sale of eastern lands. Boston, 1803. 8°. . *6410a.7 — Resolves on the death of A. Lincoln. Boston, 1865. [No title-paye.] pp. 3. 8° *4342.6 — Dawson, H. B. Act , May 1, 1770, for estab- lishing the stile of commissions 4.347.7 — Dickinson, K. Compilation of the laws of . .0410a. 10 Commonwealth. Legislative series. — Journal of the house of representatives, Jan. 0— .March 12, 1808. Boston, 1808. 8° . . . . •frllOa.5 — Legislative documents printed by order of the senate, 1833, .3f>-57. Boston, 183.3-57. 25v.8°. . •0416.1 — Legislative documents printed by order of the house of representatives, 1832, 33, 30-57. Boston, 1832-57. 26v. 8° •6416.1 — Public documents. [House and senate.] 1858- 04. Boston, 1858-65. 19v. 8° ^6414.1 Rules and orders of the senate, 1809-10, 34, 30, 5:l-.5j. Boston, 1809-56. 6v. 12° ... . •6439.2 Rules and orders in the house of representa- tives, 1805, 11-15, 20-23, .35, 36, 38,50,52-51, 65. Boston, [1805]-55. 17v. 8° *6439.1 Rules and orders of the general court, 1856, 57. Boston, 1^56, 57. 2v. B° and 12° *6459.4 Manual for the use of the general court. Bos- toir, 1858-65. 8t. 12° •6439.5 Commo7ucealth. Miscellaneous documents. Documents submitted by the secretary, 1838, 46-55,57. Boston, 1838-57. 12v. 8° . . . . *0446.1 C-53, 55; Schools, l.*tJ7; Votes on tlic nniciid- ment to the constitution, lS5o. Report, first-fourth, on the agriculture of Mas.sachnsetts. By Henry Coluian. Boston, 18:38-41. 2v. 8° •6445.1 Contents, — 1st. County of Essex, l&l?. 2d. Coimty of Berkshire, 1838. 3d. Wheat and silk, IWO. 4th. Counties of Franklin and Middlesex. Report, first-twelfth, of the secretary of the board of agriculture, 1863-64. Boston, 1864- "S- la^-- 8° •0445.4 Returns of agricultural societies tor 1845,40. By J. G. Palfrey. Boston, 1840,47. 2v. 8°. . •6445,2 Returns of agricultural societies, 1853-64. ByC. L. Flint. Boston, 1.851-05. 13v. 8° . . . .' *6445.4 Transactions of the agricultural societies of the state, 1.S47-52. By W. B. Callioun and A. Walker. Boston, 1818-53. Ov. ^° *C445.3 Abstract of Massachusetts school returns, 1837- 46. Boston, 1838-16. 7v. 8° 'OlSS.! Report, lst-28th, of the board of education [and] of the secretary of the board. Boston, 1838-65. lOv. 8° *6455.3 Report, lOth, [enlarged edition,] on common, schools. Boston, 1849. 8° •64.55.2 Abstract exhibiting the condition of banks, 18-38-57. Boston, 1838-57. 2v. 8° *C453.15 Abstract of the census, 1800, from the Stii U. S. census. ByC. W.Chase. Boston, 18li.3. 8°.*0457.11 Address from the general court to the people of the commonwealth. Boston, 1786. pp.40. 8°.*6459.24 Census, June 1, 1865. [With remarks by Dr. N. B. Shurtleff.] Boston, 18.57. 8° 'C457.IO Commissioner's report on matrons and labor in the common jails. By C. W. Bellows. Boston, 1854. pp. 12. 8° , . , *0458.4 Contested elections in the house of representa- tives, 1780-1834. Boston, 1834. 8° *6447.1 Controverted elections in the house of repre- sentatives, 1780-1852. Boston, 1863. 8° . . •6447.2 Journal and documents of the valuation com- mittee, 1860. Boston, 1801. 8° *6457.12 Proceedings of the convention of the people of Massachusetts, holden at Faneuil hall, Bos- ton, Oct. 7, 1862. Boston, 1802. pp. 31. 8° . 4320.5 Proceedings in the legislature, upon the act of Maryland appropriating 7000 dolhirs for the families of those killed, April 19, 1801. Bos- ton, 1802. pp. 15. 8° 4320a.98 Proceedings of the house of representatives relative to the convening, holding, and keep- ing the general assembly at Harvard college in Cambridge. Boston, 1770. pp.00. 8°.*6420a.lO Remarks upon the controversy between Massa- chusetts and South Carolina. By a friend of the union, Boston, 1815. pp. 21. 8° . . . 00.37.23 Report of the adjutant-general, with reports from the quartermaster-general, [etc.], 1860- 04. Boston, 1800-05. 5v. 8° •6436.1 Reports made by the attorney general to the legislature, I83.i-37. Boston, n. d. 8° ... *0447.4 Report of the attorney-general, 1800-04. Bos- ton, 1801-05. 6v. 8° ^6447. 5 Report of the bank commissioners, 1851-54, 50- 04. Bostou, 1851-05. 2v. 8° •0453.14 Report of the board of state charities, 1805. Boston, 1805. 8° •6158.16 Report concerning the Indians of the common- wealth. ByJ.M. Earle. Boston, 1861. 8°.^6458.15 Report upon idiocy. By S.G.Howe. Boston, 1848. 8° »6453.3 Report on insanity and idiocy. [By E. Jaryis, M. D.] Boston, 1855. 8° ♦6453.4 MASSACHUSETTS 392 MASSACHUSETTS M.vssAcnr SETTS, continued. — Kcpmt on the insects of Jtassachusetts injuri- ons to vegetation. [By T. W. Harris.] Cam- briilge, IMI. S° *6-150.16 — Report, Ist-lOth, of tlie insnranee commission- ers. Boston, 1^5li-03. ov. S° ♦64515.1 — Report on le^iahzing tbe study of anatomy. Boston, 1831. b° *(M53.1 — Report, !st-9th, of tlie loan fund commission- ers, 1!m7-c;5. Boston, lSo7-03. S° *(H56.1 — Report of a plan for tlie promotion of liealtli, by the commissioners appointed by the legis- lature. Boston, ISoO. S° *r>457.1o — Rep()rt on prisons and prison discipline. Boston, isiio. s° *oi5s.ir — Report, 1st — 22d, relating to registry and returns of births, marriages and deaths, 18-i:!-i)3. Boston, 1813-C5. 13v. 8° *C-157.1 — Report of the street railway commissioners, IWio. Boston. 1RI)5. pp. 00. S° *6453.12 — Reports on the fishes, reptiles and birds. [By 1). H. Storer and \Y. B. O. Pcabody.] Bos- ton, I8i9. 8° *0450.15 — Returns from the banks and from the institu- tions for savings, 1857-01. Boston,. 1857-65. o,.. 8° »6453.1C — Returns of corporations organized during 1803, 61. Boston, 1801, flj. 8° *&153.17 — Returns of criminal oases, 1854, 55, 57. Boston, 1853-37. S' *6WS.l Returns of joint stock companies, 1851-63. Bos- ton, [1S53]-6.1. 8° *M63.18 Returns of the keepers of jails, and overseers of the houses of correction, 1819-53, 55-60. Boston, 1849-60. 8° *6458.2 — Returns, Sheriffs', concerning jails and houses of correction, 1801-63. Boston, 1801-03. 8°. »6458..3 Returns of the railroad corporations, 1800-04. I'renared by O. Warner. Boston, 1801-65. 5V. 8" '■6«3.n Returns relating to the poor and to indigent children, 1855, 57-ia. Boston, 1856-03. 8° . . ♦0458.8 — Stntepapersou nuUilicalion. Boston, 18.14. 8V0433.10 — Statistical tables of the industry of Massachu- setts, for the year ending .Vpril, 18-37. Pre- pared by J. 1". Bigelow. Boston, 1838. 8° . ♦6453.2 — Statistics of the condition and products of cer- tain branches of inilustry, 1845. o.'i. Prepared by J. (i. Palfrey and V. DeWitt. Boston, 1840,50. 2V. S' •6450.10 — Supplement to the ichnology of New England. Rei)ort, 1863. By E llitcbooek. Boston, 1805. r • »5Sr3.2 Description^ etc. — Barrows, W. High school policy of 6590.3 — Elliott, E. 1). l.aw of mortality In 0087.101 — Felt, .I.B. Statistics of towns in 2;l.52.17 Forbes, A. The rich men of 4305.39 — Heard, , J. M. Origin of the free public library system of 2128.23 — Hildreth, H. Book for Massachusetts chil- ,1,.,.,, 2307.28 — Palfrey,.!. O. Remarks on the proposed state constitution 6087.21 — Poole, A. Stntislical view of tbe executive departments of Pph.v.384 — Rogers, W. It. Proofs of the protozoic age of some of the altered rocks of eastern Mass. . B.irO.l — SpolTord, J. Gazetteer of 2383.9 — Wood, I. MiissacliusettB compendium . . . 6459.25 Jfititori/, politicly etc. — Argument In the case of libode Island against .Massachusetts. .SVe Khole Island 4.TI0.49 — Bullock, A. II. Mnssachuseiisandlhe wartax.431Un.2t _ Clark, .1. S. Sketch of the congregational churches of — Deani', S. Nnrnen of clergymen who have preached election scrmonB In 43B6.7 bhelf. No. M.\SSACHUSETTS, Continued. — Hale, C. I'roceedings of the nunnery com- mittee of the legislature 4.358.14 — Will.trd,S. History of the rupture which now divides the congregational clergy, 1857 . . . 5543.24 .Jurisprudence. — Allen, C. Reports of cases in the supreme court, 1801-03 3700. S — Gray, U. Reports of cases in tlie supreme court, Oct. 1855 — Sept. 1859 3703.1 — Quincy, J ., jr. Reports of cases in the superior court, 1761-177a 5093.11 — Tyng, D. A. Reports of cases in the supreme judicial court, during 1806 4301.13 X(j[e. — For oilier reports, 8ce Index of 1861. See also the names of the folloiring places : AMiipton, Amherst, Andover, Berksliii-e, UUleriea, Uostun, IJrieli- ton, Bristol, Bi-ookliue, fftiiibriUpe, C'ulie Cod, Climies- towii, Chelseu, Concord. Dnrtmoiith, Ijedhnni, tH'frficld, Dorchester, lluxbiirj*, Eiisthiini, I'oiihavcn. I'lill Hiver, Fi-iiiiklln coiint.v. Grflflon, GreciifieUl, Groton. Hartley, Ilnrdwick, Hatfield, Haverhill, HiiiFhain, liu|,kii.toii, Ipswich, Lawrence. Leicester, Lcxinfc-lon, Lowell, Lynn, Maiden, .Manchester, Marlborough, Mcdticid, Aledl.'id, Mcdway, Mendon, Merriniaek valley, Middlcsi'X, Mid- dletun, Uilton, Monsou, New Bedford, NewburyporC, Norfolk comity, Korthainpton, .Northboroiigh, (Jrleuns, Pittsfield, I'lyinouth, Princeton, Quiney, Ucadlnir, Kcho- tioth, Uockport, Koxbury, Salem, ScituBto. Soiiiervllle, SouthbridBC, Sprinffflcld, Stoekbridpc, SliirbridRe, Taunton, Templeton, Watertown, Wayhind, WellHeet, Westminster, West Itoxbury, Wcstfield, Westport, Wil- braham, Williamstown, Winchcndon, Worcester. For the annual elecliou sermons, see Sermons. Massachusetts anti-slavery society. Proceedings at the annual meetings held 1851-1856. Bos- ton, 1850. pp.07. 8° B. 160. 117 MASSACiii'SETTS Bible society. Circular address, witli the constitution, etc. Boston, 1809. pp. 24. 8° 5420.11 Report of the executive committee, prepared for the anniversary, 1813, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 29,3(1,50-115. Boston, 1814-05. 4v. 8° . . . 5420.11 MASSACllt'.sKTT.s charilable mechanic association. Kiiieteenlli triennial festival, Oct. 14, 180.1. Address by W. W. Cbipp, jr., [and others). Boston, 186:l. S" v. 9 of 2354. 25 — 9th annual report, isno. Boston, I860. 8°.v. 9of 2354.26 — 9th exhibition, Sept. 1800. Boston, 1800. s". v. 9 of 2364.25 — Sec Farwell, J. H. Exhibition intelligencer . 8030.4 MASSAC1h:sett.s eongregatiomil charitable society. Act of incorporation, regulations, and mem- bers. With a brief sketi;li ot its origin, [etc. J. Boston, 1815, pp. 211. 8° B. 170.53 MASSACllusliTTS convention of congregational min- isters. Historical sketch of the convention, with an account of Its funds, [etc.]. lani- bridge, 1821. pp.32. 8° 43,57.1 Kutc. — For the annual sernionn preached before tin, Convention, i-ee .Sirnioiis — Report of the committee on slavery, May -30, 1819. Boston, 1849. 8° 4310.22 JiASSAriitiSKTrs emigrant aid company. Orgiini zation, objects, [etc.]. Also, a ile.scriiitiou of Kanzas. 3d ed., witli add. Boston, 1854. pii. ^,4 B» B. 170b. 70 — Report on Nebraska and Kansas. Boston, 1854. pp.33. 12" B.l-Ob.74 MASSACllt'si'-Tls female eniancipalion society. Star of enianci|iation. | Essays and poems.] Boston, 1841. 12° 3579.29 Massaciiusi-'i'Th general hospital. Annual report of the board of trustees tor 1.S2:I, 27-29, 32, .3:1, 3,V01. Boston, I8.'l-I15. 4v. 8° 77.30.1 MASSAcim-sliTT.s historical society. Colled ions, 4th series, V. 5-7. Hoslon, 1801-05. :lv. 8'. ^-iSai.! Jfrte. — For the ront.nl. of tile enrller v.ilntne.. Vei Indox of ICOl . . MASSACHUSETTS 393 MATH KMA TICS Massachusetts Iii^toriciil society, ctyiitinued. Cvitlfitts. — Vitl. V. Tlir lUnckloy pnpppi; Nnrrativo pf thp wrrs in New riipliiiul wUli tin* Kr«'Iich nnil Iiirti- aiis, by Rov. 8oaiut>l Niltis. VI, VII. Tho Wiulhrop pnpers. — I'rticwdings, 1855-0.3. lioston, 185SMi.1. 4t. 8°. 2351.2 — I'roc'ci'dings in respect to the meiiiory of W. H. Prescolt, Vvb. 1, 1859. Boston, 185'.t. jip. S3. 8° 4317. S9 — Tribute to the niemnrv of .losiali Quincy, .luly 14, 1801. lio.sloii, 1S(\4. pp. .32. 8° 4.345.3 Massachusetts horticulturiil society. [I'rocecd- iiifis on the estublishnient of the society, con- stitution, nnd by-hiws.] Ito.'^ton, 1829. pp. 51. 8° 6874.2 — Eeport of tlietrnnsnctionsof the society for the year 18.37-S, with j)rclinitnftry observations. By J. L. l!us,«ll. Hiislon, 18.39. 8° . . . . 5874.3 — Account of the sixth anniversary, and list of members. (Gray, .\ddress, Sept. 17, 18.34]. 5993.1 SlA.ssACHlTSKTT.^ medical society. Acts of incorpo- ration, by-laws and orders. Boston, lS5n. pp.47. 8' .37.33.9 — Medical dissei-tations at the annual meetingsof the society. Vol. 3. Boston, 1822. 8° . . . 5703.2 Cotu^iita, — J. Broolc8 on pneiiiiiDiiia; A Hnskell i>ii oynanohe trncliciilia, or crimp ; O. Pruscott on thu natural Iitiitory and modkinal efVecta of the 8i-oa1roximnte cause of fever; J- C Warren on tho sensofial and ner\-ouH systema in man and auintaia. JIASSACUL-SKTTS Society for promoting Cliristian Icnowledgc. Keports of tlie directors and treasurer. Soe.leuks, W 54C0a.l2 MASSAniusKTT.s Society for tlie suppression of in- temperance. Letter to the mechanics of Bos- ton, respecting the formation of a city tem- perance society, lioston, 1831. pp.2l>. 12".K.lC0b.73 JI ASSACHUSETTS State tcmpei-ance committee. [Ad- dress to the members of the genei-al court friendly to tempei-ance.] Diaft of a bill for tlie present session of tlie ley:islature, 1855. [No title-page.] pp.22. b° B. 170.92 — Facts for the people. The JIassachusetts anti- liiiuor law no failure. [Xo title-page.] pp.12. 12° B.ieob.S2 Massac!mset(..s anti-liqiior law; also, the pro- ceedings of the convention held at Worcester, June 23 and 24. Boston, 1852. pp. 3«. 8° . B. 170. 114 Massachusetts teachers' association. The Mas- sachusetts teacher. Vol. 7-17. Boston, 1854- f>4. llv. 8° *528f..l Massaciiusktts temperance society. Addresses. Boston, 1861. 12° 3576.13 C'onlenlg. — Blfihop Potter's address on the drinking- nsatres of society ; Address from members of the clergy of tile church of Engiuud : Speech of J. B. Gough, Sept. 17, IStit); Social clubs; Dr. Warren on the useof tubaceo. — Plain facts, addiessed to the inhabitants of Boston, on the city expenses for the support of pauperism, vice and crime. Boston, 1834. pp.28. 12° H. 160b. 46 — Th enty-sixth report of the council. Boston, 18.38. pp.24. 8° B.170.H5 SIassachusetts centinel. Published by Warden and Kussell. Jan. 1, 1785 — Jan. 7,1789, March 19. 1788— March 14, 1789, July 1, 1789— June 12, 1790. Boston, 1785-90. Hv. f°. Iv. 4°. »7981.1 Massachusetts Columbian centinel. Jan. 3, 1795 — Uec. 30, 1797, April 10, 1799 — Dec. 29, 1833. Boston, 1795-18.32. 37v. f° *79S0.1 \fite. — The words " MsssAehusctlfl federalist" became part of the title Oct. K. 17Kt, and ceased to be so I'ee. 31, 1S17. Two years aflenvnrds "American federalist" was adopted and retained, in small typo, to the last. 50 Shelf. Ko. Massaciiusktts magazine, or montlily muscuiu. Vol. -i, for irS)i. Boston, ir!»2. 8° .'1146.3 Massaciil'sktts quarterly roviow. Vol. 1-3. Bos- ton, 184S-50. .'iv. b" *4104.23 Massachusetts register: a state record for 18.')2- 55, 67-59. By G. Adams. Boston, 1852-59. 7v. 8' 4386.1 massaciiusktts register and United StateB calen- dar, 1801-47. Boston, lSOl-47. 47v. IS". . *2349.1 Massaciiusktts whig. Aug. L'4 — Nov. 9, 1843, Au^-. 8— Nov. 7, 1844. Boston, 1813,44. f°. *4184.1 MASSALONtio, A., and Scarabelli, G. F. Sludii snlla tlora fostiile e geologia stratigrafica del Seni- galliese. Imola, 1859. 4° *5Sr0.15 Massakkllu, A. Acta concilii Tridentini. [^[ar- tt'ne. A'et. script., V. 8] 4150.1 Masses. Beethoven, L. v. Mass, in C SOIL'. 52 — Be Monti, ii. ilass, in B Hat 8042. .'•3 — Farmer, II. JIass, in B ilaf 8042.54 — Haydn,.!. Third niasji, in D 8042.51 — Mozart, W. A. Twelfth mass, in vocal score . 8042.50 Massik, J.W. America: the origin of her pres- ent conflict, and her claim for anti-slavery sympathy; incidents of travel in 1803. J-on- don, 1804. 8° 4365.14 — The American crisis, in relation to the anti shi- very cause. London, 1802. pp.11. 10° . . .4322.05 MA.SSIKU, G. llistoire do la poesie frangoise. Pa- ris, 1739. 12° **4670.21 Massmann, H. F. Denkmaler deutscher Sprache nnd Liti'ratur. Ites Heft. Jliinchen, 1828. 8°.**2900.22 — Die hohe f*chule. Eiu Traum. Berlin, ]s58. Pp."i- 10' 3599.37 Massbianjt, J. C. Descriptio osteologica crani! myi-mecophagae tetradactylae. Diss. Inaug. Berolini, 1823. pp.24. 4" .3902.11 Masson, .(.R. Doble ordinario de la santaraisa; con nn ejercicio cotidiano y algunas medita* clones. Paris, 1823. .32" fi069a.33 Massy, it. T. Analytical ethnology: the mixed tribes in Great Britain and Ireland. Lon- don, n. d. 10° 2435.3 Master's liouse, The; a tale of southern life. By Logan. New York, 1854. 12° 4278.15 MasuCCI<» Salernitano. Maestro Diego portato morto da M. Koderico al suo convento, un altro fiate credendolo vivoli da con un sasso, e crede averlo morto ; Misser Mazzeo proto- giudice trova la ligliuola con Antonio Mar- cello, il quale, iion conosciuto, se ue fugge, ecc. [Rarcolta di novelle, V. 2] 4S0S.12 Matches, Fabrication of. Dussauce, H 4029.5 Materia medica, Bouchardat, A. Blanuel de ma- tiere niL'dicale 3780.11 — Cullen, W. Treatise of the .3785.22 — Dynamidiorum libri duo. [Mai. Class, anct., V. 7] B.172.3 — Merat, F. V. Dictionnairedematiferem^dicale et de therapeutique generale 5785.7 — Monardes, >V. Oosas que se traen de nuestras Indias occidentales que sirven en medicina. 43(18.2 — Pereira, J. Elements of 37&0.37 — Salmasius, C De homonymis hyles iatricjc exercitationes 2910.2 — Thomson, A. T. Elements of 5785.3 — Trousseau, A. Traite de matiere m^dicale . , 5793.1 Seealjio: Mc^dicnl botany, Pharmncopoeia.l'harniBcy, Phosphorus, Prussicacid, Purgative medicinea. 3IATERXAL physician. 2d ed. Phila., 1818. 12° . 3777.22 Mathematical montlily. Vol. 1, 2. Cambridge, 1859,00. 2v. 4° 5913.1 Mathematical tables. Button, C 39;i3.8 — Sliles, S. P 5933.1 Mathematics. Bihliograjyluj and hhtory. — Forbes, J. D. Kevicw of the progress of, in more recent times 4271.4 — Ueilbrouner, J. C. Hisloria matheseos uni- versiE 59]o.3 JIATHESTATiCS 394 MAXTH.El tJhelf. No. Matiikmatics. Bihliographi/, etc-t coniiimed. — Libri-Carrucci della Sominiya, G. B. I, T. His- toire des sciences niatheniatiques en Itulie jusqu'ii la fiu du xviie sitcle 4275.20 — JIurhard, V. W. A. Litteratur der mathema- tischeu ^yissenscllafte^ 2172.33 — Scheibel, J.E. Einleituiigzurmathemutisclien Biicherkenntuiss 2172.32 — Soliiicke, L. A. Bibliotlieca mathematica, 1830-54 2172.15 — Webber, S. Matliematics, intended to be the text-book at Cambridge 5914.2 Comprehensive and inisceUaneoim worLs. — Edwards, L. C. Questions at tlie examinations for admission to the Koyal niiliiary academy at AVoolwich 3920.10 — Hutton, C. Course of 4275.13 — Kaesituer, A. G. Dissertatioues niathomjUica. 5913.4 — Kries, F. Lebrbuch der reinen Jiatlu-niatik . 3U;i9.11 — Libri-Carrncci della Sommsya, G. B. I. T. yie- nioires de matht-matique 5911.10 — Mersenne, M. Cogitata pliysico-mathematica. 5913.2 — Newth, S. Mathematical examples 3930.20 — rrestet, J. Nouveaux eli-meus des malhema- tiquea 5911.6 Uiccati, V. Opuscula mathematica 5911.8 Suzanne, P. H. Dc la maniere d'etudier les mathematique* 591S.8 — Wolf, C. V. Elcmenta matheseos universa; . . 6912.2 Dictio7im'ies. — Davies, C. srathemalical dictionary and cyclo- pedia 42S2.3 — HolTmann, , L. Mathematisches Worterbucb . 3930.13 See aUo: Alprebra, Anuuities, Aritlinietlc, Astronomy, CalcuUia, Engiuccring, Goiitjine. Geonii.-try, Lnprnritlims, Morhanics, Navif-ntion, Optics, Physics, Probabiiitiefl, Froblouis, Surveying, Trigouometry. Mather, 0. Cordcrius Americanus. A discourse at the funeral of Ezekiel Cheever. [With] poem^ from Checver's manuscript. Boston, 1828. 8' 4:^47.8 Memoirs of the Kcv. Increase Mather. [Abridged and altered from the Kemarka- bles.] Loudon, 1725. pp.88. 12° 4344.10 The serviceable man. A discourse to the gen- eral court of Massachusetts, at the anuiver- eary election, 1090. Boston, 1090. sm.b" . .3458.102 The valley of Baca. A sermon on the death of Mrs. Hannah dewall. Boston, 1717. sm.S°.345S.101 Matiikk, I. MemoirH. AVc Mather, C 4344.10 JiATilKW, J. BriMoI guide; being a history of Bristol, the Ilotwells and Clifton. 5th od. Bristol, 1819. 12' 2499.8 Matihas, T. J. Componimrnti Uriel de'piiiinu.'; Cflii/onp a) nlpr. Ma- f lilfiK ; I.ollTa |imniii«« rM' odlxIniKi NtAtnpalii In Firvitxu; 1,1'iiitrii di'll' nb. I., liixlnrdt |irvincH8fi iiU' xdliclijiia ro- inmin dt (iiioslupoflf. A|i|>rovnxlutind'AroAdla ; I.oitnrn dell' Aiilurn kkII rriidill o t-iilil In(tl«<-\ lniii|iKMto drdlcntu A T. Tnaio; ritrl>:ili)|i*' ; 'Imdiixlunt: HmITo, drniuiitA inuaicti dl G. ^Inxtri; Odt rti'l (.'nrnltnoo di O. Miiiinnt I.lnldlii, innnudln per In morlndl Kilunwln KInff « 11. Hlllon; InnniillK .Ni\|adl ill MAr.v> AIkiumMk. sbeir. No. Matiiieu.C L. Instruments de mathi'mntiques,de physique, d'n?lronomie, etc. [Fiance. Com- mission sur rindustrie des nation.^, v. 3, p. 2]. 402ft. 20 Matiuku, J. 31. A. C. Le pouvoir temporel des pnpes. raris,lS03. 8" 5517.1 3I.\.TiGNOX, — . I.,a question du surnaturel; ou, la grace, le merveiUeux, le spiritisme au 19e sife- - cie. 2c cd. Paris, 1803. 12° 5453.23 Matius Calvena, C. Vita, ex P. Crinito; Frag- meuta. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet. J . . B.191.9 Matlack, L. C. History of American slavery and mcthodism, from 1780 to l.*^49; in two parts, with ,in appendix. New York, 1849. 12* . 429G.21 Maticox. Parodiorumfragmonta. [Brunck. Ana- Ici-ta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.1C2.7 Mattki, D. B. Memori;e historical Tnsculi anti- qui, quod nunc dicitur Frascati. l.at. vertit 8. Havercampns. [Gra;vius, Thcs. autiq. Ital., T.8,p.4] 4710.1 Mattf.k, a. J. iiistoire de P(5cole d'Alcxandrie comparee nux principales (5coles contempo- raines. ','e ud. Paris, 1840-18. 3v. 8* . . . 6095.18 — Kritische Geschichte des Gnostieismus. Aus dem Franzosisclicn iibersetzt von C. U. Dur- ner. Heilbronn, 1833. 2v. in 1. 8' . , . . 0059.2 — Saint -Martin le philosophe inconnu, sonmaitrc Martinez et leurs groupes. l*aris, 1802. S* . 5003.22 Matth.i:!, A. Veteris a?vi analecta sen Vetera ali- quot monumenta. Lugduni Batavorum, 169ir- 1710. lOv. sm.8* *4130a.l Contejita. — Vol I. Pontws, A., HarindenuB Bfirbn- rossu, ECU bcUutn quod Carulus V cum Barbarosaa ct Tur- ci^ otim gesMt; Sclionhovius, A., Kjiistoln do origiue Francormn; Votiis chrouicou Bi:lgicuiu incerti auctoris; ' Altci-iiig chvoiiici IVagun.">iIuin5 Frapmptitum clirouici rhythmici; Lununcpo, ,1. de, Clironicon Gronln^nnum, Btlgico seniiono scrijituin; Krp, H. nb, nlibatissa Cce- nobii, Vrouweu-Clooster lUcti, Aiiuab's vcrnnpiili, Ulil- l-VvJ; Concbivo Ultrnjoctiuum, seu ritus cligcndl ollm ot iiiipoiitiiidi dioecoiii irpiscopmn; Gorardus Xovioma* gus, rhnj]ipus Burgt)ii^ii9^ I-a Mnrcho, O. do, Ratio- nnnuni aula? ot imperii CaruU atidacis, diioia Bur^in- dia;; llermonuus, G., IloUnmlin- Gelria-quo bellum, quod gofltum circo l.'if7 fit dehicupa; Scvivoriiis, P., KjiistoltQ XV. II. Annalvs rcruin in llullandia ot dicece»i Ullnijectina gc.'tiaruni, 14H1-&J, Bi-l^ci> «cr- muuo scrlpli, aiicloro inct-rto; BuninuH, T., Ex Itia- turia Gnllica cxccrpdtni, coiitbieiis rCA costns in llol- bmdia ot dltwccsi UUraj., 1481-8a ; Lt^vdln, J. b, Do orig- Inc ct ri;bu» gfttlis doiniuoruui do Brcderude, Bolgico slmiiuiiio Mcripunii; Vptora aliquot tcftjuiienta bvcuIo \itl,xiv I't iiiiliu^i'(|uciit>eScri)iUi; Matllia-I, A., Kcciia- titiiiL's Hvu pRvkK-tioiR'S »olrmuus ad tit. tod, de piKn. ot liyputli. III. Kmo, alibflfl WrrciiBis, Cliroiilcoii 1204- 87; ComillM llollniidi:!; oxpodillo iu Syriani ; Meneo, nbbiiH WironsiB, t'hronicon, 1:217-7^; Auunyini continu- ntto uiiquo ad auimm 1:^17; Cuxtro, .1. dc, tiluu9 Arubicl, itiMi niiiriB ICubri, ilcHcrlptio; \\l vctcra tcstiimunlu m'c- iilo XV ot si'qiu'iitt uoiiBtM'ipta; Ponlinuis, J. I., ol Scri- vorhis. P., Ki>icbalui)i idouui*- tm-ii, quod Padvrbornii', itnuuliiruiu IVtrl cl Pnull, vulgo Abdiucbof nuncupall; 8lbi-and l.oo, Vltu> vt ru3 geRtw nbtititum iu LIdbini ab nnU umidiLn uoquo ml nim. i57S; /uodci' van Culoobiiro)), Origbu'sCulouluirKlon' ab uxor- dio doinlnil uiiquo ad ann. 14'M; Hi-nlun, (iluMa) Groico- Lallnn? ; Auonyinl cbronlcuii divcrMonnn gcstoruin ; Adiiant VI, P. Scrlvcrli, J. 1. Poiiianl, alioruniquo opia- (obo a!l(|uul; VctuR J«» Ti*an»liialanlcniu ilJ.il« Vt-rnoii- imrcb. VII. Bi-nlngba, E., C'lironycli, oft Illpitorlc van Oo't-I^lcBlaut. VIII. AruoUiUNdi'lk'VorKi'nu', Ubi-oni- fon Moiiantrrlcnsc ab Initio oplmropatiui UFxpio ad ann. 11.''7, Ui'ldlro ncnnono mirlpunii ; Anonynii nlliid olirou. MiiiuiHl. lib II. dl' Mormi imqiiu ad iqdMOoiium J. do Iluya iniHoum iu pOHKCHnlunoni ]&(17 ; Tyni|iluii, M,, EpUcupo- nun Moniii>iorli'nr'ztg, ISSt. sij. 10". (1021)11.3 Mati'HKWS, J. Voyiigo to the river t^icrra Loono, on tlie const of Africa. [Mavor. Voynyes, v. i.t] m\7A Maithia. a. U. Animiidversioiu's in IiymuoR ilo- inmicos, eiini prolegonieuis. Ll[i5i;e, 1*00. 8* «**ju'jr..:ii — Aujifiilirliche gricchische Granimatik. Leip- zig!, 1807. 8° ♦••^OS'1.10 — Gnnulriss der (ieschichteder gricclusclien niid roniiselieu LitttTHlur. Jenn, isiy. tiin.?*'* . **i?0.'i3.14 Matthias. Fnignu-ntsi tniditionumeive Kvmigflii. fOriibe. Spirile;,niiniJ 001*0.3 Matthias Corviuus, A-i*;*/ of Huiujary. Ia-Iicii. [Sohriickh. Allgemeiui' Biographie, v. 3] . 4143.0 Matthia.s Meclioviu.s, or Mleckov. De Knrmatia Asinna attjuc Europea lib. ii. *S'te GrviuiMis, S ' . . . 4160.8 Matthisson, F. v. lia-sreliof am Sarkofag:e des Jabrbunderrs. Grimma, 1799. pp. 13. sin.4°.**2S78.6 — GfiHt'lite. VoMstanuige Ausgabe. Tiibiujfeu, isll. 2v. 10" 4S07.1 — Lyriscbe Anthologie, Ziiricb, 1803-7. 20v. in 10. :i4'' 4909a. 10 BIatznkk, E. Altfranzosiscbe Lieder erUiutert, ncbst eineni altfranzosiselien Glossar. lier- lin, 1S53. «• **2fitj7.7 MAUDE, .». Visit to the Falls of Niagara in 1800. London, IS-.Yi. 8* 2301. L'7 Maudu n\ I. Sliort view of the history of the col- ony of Alassachusett-s bay. 2d ed. London, 1774. b* *Fph.v.3G7 MaUGVIX, G, Sec (^nnitremaire, J. \l. Mauni>ui:;l, H. Journey from AIojipo to Jerusalem. New Haven, 1814. 10° 3085-30 — Kei--evon Alejjponach Jerusalem, 1097. [I'au- lus. Sannnhing der Keiwen in den Orient, V. t] 4243.5 Maunsell, H. Disease:; of children. See Evan- son, K. T 3777.21 JLvuPKiiTns, V. L. Moreau de. Journey to Lap- hiud. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 10] 620?.] — Vic et leitres de. AVe La Beanmelle, L. A. de. 2G55.25 MaUUEK, C Isliindisebe Volktsagen der Gegen- wart. Leipzig, 1800. 8" 2870.29 Maubkk, F. J. V. D. Conmientar Uber das Jiuch Josua. Stuttgart, 1831. 8° *6017.21 — Commentarins grammaticus historicus in Ve- tus Te»tainen(uni. [Vol. +] scripsit Aug. neiHg;*tedt. Lipsiie, 18:;5-^S. 4v. b" . . .*6017.12 C-»tt9nl».'-\'o\. I. Grncsis — Esther, Ji-snia, .Icrflinia, Tlircui. II. l-:7if>. — \'o\.l. I'CkHiuenco de In cliiiire. IJ. £ly- Quunco ill) In chaire; Paiieey'1»"tIo Snint Louis; Pmie- [■ > fi'iuo de Saint Augustiii ; Slir \va aonuons de Bossuut ; t:i<'Ko do F. do Salignncde La Motte F£iiC*lon; ^loge da I'ahbe d« KadonviUiors; Discours do reception a I'lusti- lut; R6potise de M. I'abbo Sicmd. MAtiRV, L. F. a. Les academies d'autrcfois. L'an- cienue academie des sciences. Paris, 1804. 2v. 8° 32S3.7 — Croyauces et legendes de Pantiquite. I'aris, 1803. 8° 34S-.7 — Les fees du moyen-age. Paris, 1843. 12°, . . 0072.17 — Uistoire des religious de la Greco antique. I'aris, 1857. 2v. 8° 0070.3 — L(?gende8 pieuses du nioyeu-age. Pans, 1843. 8° 60 5.25 — La niagie et I'astrologie dans I'anliquite et au mojenage. Paris, 1800. 8° 50OS.4 — Le sommeil etles reves : etudes psychologiques. I'aris, 1801. b° 5008.1 — La tcrre et Thomme. 2eed. Paris, 1861. 12". 3809.18 Mauiiv, M. F. Sailing directions to accompany wind and current charts. 6tii ed. Washing- tun, 1853. 4° 3951.12 — Astronomical observations at Washington, 1849, 50. See United btates. Department of tbenavy 3950.19 MvVVOK, W. F. British tourists; or, traveller's pocket companion, through England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. London, 1798. 5v. sm.l2° *2469.22 Coiitcius. — Vtil. I. PeniiHiit, T., First, secoud tour in Scotland, 1769, 72, II. Johnson, S., Journey to the wtsti^rn islands of Scoilimd, 1773; Twisa, Ii., Tour in Ircliind, 1775; Hutchinson, W., Excursion to the lakes, « itli ft tour through part of tlio north of England, 1773 74; Bray, W., Tour through BoniG of the midland coun- lies, into Derbyshire and Yorkshiro, 1777. Ill, Sulivau K.J.. TourthrouRh England, Scotland, nnd Wales, 1778; Young, A., Tour in Ireland, 177G 71); Wytidhaui, H. P. lour through Monmouth&hire Dud VFaK-M; Pennant T. J.Hiiney from Chester to Loudon, 1780. IV. MorilK. C. P., Travels through England, 178^; New te, T., Tour in England and Scotland, 178.5; Shaw, S., Tour to the west of England. V. Haesell, J., Tour of the Isle of Wiglit, 1789; Robertson, D., Tour through the Isle of Man, 1791 ; Skriue, H., Tour through South Wales ; Tour through North VFales; Journal of a thrwu weeks' tour 1797, through Derbyshire to the lakes, by a gentleman of the university of Oxford; Index. — Voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to the present period. Loudon J790.97. 20v. 18° G20fla.l CtrntentR. — Vol. I. C. Columbus, Firat-fnurth voyage; Ktopraphicat notices of the Cabots, and their discovBriea ; Kiographii-al notices of AmericusVesputiua, and hiidis- coveriea; Diacoveriea of tho Spaniards, from the dcnth of Columbus, to tho expedition of Ilernundo Cortez- Conquest of Mexico, by U. Cortcz ; Conquest of Peru, by F. Pinarro; Character and description of the aboriginal AmPricans; Vaequez do Gflraa, First, second voyage to the East hidies; Pedro .\lvare/, de Cahral, Voyage to the East Indies; General view of the progress and the dc- cTinf of the Portuguese interest in tho East Indies; P. Magellan, Voyage round tho world. TI, View of the rariy voyages of the English to th« «oa«t ofAlrio*; Sir SIAVOR 396 MAXIMA Mayor, W. F., continued^ V. Drake, T. CnvciiUi^h, W. Ralcigrh. O. Vmi Xoort; J. J.anca&tcr, to the East iDOies; W. Keeling, to Bnn- tnm find Bimda ; H. Mitldtoton. to the Kud Spa nnil Sh- mt; G. Sj.illierfjen, round the world; J. C. Schomcn and J. L« Maire, round the world ; Conimodon" Beanlisu, to the East Indies; Capt. Monk, for the dJscovi?r>- of n north-west passage lo Japau. IH. T.James, for thedi^- cover>•of anorth-wo6t passage to India; H.Ellis, forth© discovery of a north-west passage to the South sons; W. Dampier. round the world, etc.; Capt. Cowley; W. liogers, round the world. IV. P. Kolben. to the tape of Good llojie ; Capts. Clippcrtou and aUel- voi'k, round the world; Com. Koggewein, for the discovery of a southern continent; Com. Anson, round (he world; Don G. Juan and Don Antonio do Ulloa, to South America. V. J. H. Grose, to the East Indies; J. Byron, round the work! ; S. Wallis, round the globe ; V. Carteret, rtmnd the world; L. A. Bougainville, round the globe; C. J. Phipps, towards the Xortli Pole. VI. J. Cook. First, second voyase to the southern hemisphere. VII. J. Cook, to the noitlit-ru hemisphere. VIII. A, Spamnnn. to the Capo of Good Hope, and round th« world; T. Forrest, fi-ora Balnmbangan to New Guinea and the Moluccas; J. Malthows, to the Sierra Leone ; N. Portloclc and G. Dixon, to King George's sound, and muod the world. IX. H. "Wilson, Shipwreck on the Pe- Icw islands; A.Phillip, to Botany Bay; J. Shorthmd, between Port Jackson and Balavia; Ctipt. Mar»hntl, from Port Jnckson'to China ; Lieut. Watts, to Otaheiie end China; W. Bligh, to the South sea; Historical nar- rative of Lord Macartney's embassy to China. X. P. Pirard dc Laval, on the MnldiWa islands; G. Roberts, fibipwrcck; J. Byron, narrative uf the loss of the Wa- ger, man of war; Nnrrntivo of the loss of the Centaur; Narrative of the loss of the Grosvenor Indiaman. wrecked OQ the coast of Cafltaria; Loss of the Hnlsewell Indiaman, ofl' Seaoombe; M. de Brisson's narrative of hia shipwreck on the const of Bnrbary, and captivity among the Moors; Barbarity of the Dutch to the Eng- lish at Ambovna; Historical account of Russian discov- eries in the northern hemiiiphcre; General view of llko KuHsian attempts to discover a north-east passage to the Indii'*; Table of the latitudes and longitudes of tlie principal places in the world. XI-XX. Travels. XI. Through Norway, Lapland, Iceland, and other noribcrn countries of Europe; J. Thevenot, ft-om Italy to Con- stantinople; J. Chardin, through Mingrelinand Georgia, into Persia; Lp Compte and J. B. Du Iliilde, in Uliina. XII. J. Addison, through Italy and Swisserland; T. Shaw, through Barbary ; into Syria and the Holy Land ; J. Bell, from St. Petersburg lo Pt.-kin; J. Wiiiduii, Journal of an embassy to Meipiiuoz; P, L. Moreau do Muupertuis, to the Polar circle. XIII. It. I'orucke, through Egypt ; J. Hanway, thr<)Ugh Kussla into Persia ; R. Wood, journey to Palmyra; C. Nleliuhr, In Arabia and other oriental countries. XIV. J. Bruce, into Abys- einia. XV. F. dfl Pages, towards the South Polei F. de Pagt>8, towards llie North Polo; C. P. Thunhirg, In Europe, Africa, and Asia; in Japan. XVI. P. Bry- done, through Sicily and Malta; II. Swinburne, thiougU Spain; N. W. Wraxall. through Franco. XVII. N. W. Wraxftll, through tho nortlieru parts of Euroite; A. W. Costigan, In Portugal; S. Ilearne, journey from Fort Prince Wales to tho Northern ocean. XVIII. W. Coxc, In Switzerland; J. Moore, View of nociely and manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany. XIX. J. Moore, View of society and manners in Italy; J. P. Brissol do War\-ille, In tho United State* of America. XX. J. Pitts, Captivity among tho Al- gerlnes; Atlvcntures of Prhjce Menzlkoff; AUventurea and melancholy fate of Iwan ill; SndVring* of Mr. Holwell and otherM in the Black hole of Calcutta; W. Hamilton, Account of tho earthquakes in Calabria and Sicily ; Narratlva of tho sulferlngn of J. Hrlslow of the BeuK«li>rt'"eTt *'"'''"B' ton years captlvily witlj llyduf Ally and TIppoo Snib; Adventures and j.ii(lerinif* In Ad overland Journey to India. VoyaKOS and travpls, from the discoverj .uAinu- ricii to tlip tnivol.1 oflorrt Valontia. London, i8i:». yHv. vi" *(52fir Con/«til«. — Vol. I. Explanation of naiitlenl terms; Voynffe»:C Columbus, I'lrst-fonrlh ; J. and H. Cabot; Amerb:us Veaputlus ; Vastpiez de Gania, First, seeond to Ihc East Indies; P. A. du Cabral, to the East Indies; I'. Hagellnn, r»und the world ; V. Dnake, round the worhl ; B)r J. Lnnrastcr, tu the En>t Indh^s; Hir 11. !>IUMl»t>fii, to the lied Heii ami Sural ; ('apt. T. James, fur the dis- covery of « n*)', Adventures of f-mr ICusslati sall- ori.cait In « stonn up-jn I'-sst .■*pil,,l.. i^-. n. II. «.. An- Mavor, W. v., continued. son, Voyage round tho world; Bon G. Juan and Don Antonio de Ulloa, to South Amcrien. 111. Voyages round the world: J. Byron; S. Wallis; P. Carteret. IV, V. J. Cook, First voyage round the world. VI, VII. J. Cook, Second voyage. VIII-X. J. Cook, Third vi.ynge. XI. C. J. Pliipps, towards the North Pole; Thumoa Forrest, to New Guinea and the MuIuccas; Henry Wilson, Shijiwreck on the Pelow Islands; A. Phillip, to Botany Bay; II. Fielding, to Lisbon; P. Thunberg, to the Indian seas and Japan. XII. F. do Pages: Round the world; Towards the South Pole; To- wards the North Pole ; G. Vaueouvtr, round the world. XIII. J. Matthews, to the liver SieiTa Leone; W. Bligh, to the South sea; E. March;ind, round the world; J. Truifibull, round the world; General index. XIV- XXVIII. Travels. XIV. J. Addison, through Italy and Switzerland; M. W, Montagu, in Europe and Asia. XV. J. Hanway, through Kunsia into Persia, and through Russia, Germany, and Holland; C. Niebubr, in Arabia and other oriental countries; T. Shaw,^through Baibary; J. Bell, from St. Petersburgh to Pekin; K. Pococke, through Egypt. XVI. J. Bruce, in Aby^^inia; K. Wood, Journey to Palmyra; P, L. Moreau do Mau- pertuis, Juurney to Lapland; Sir W. Hamilton, Tour in Calabria and Sicily. XVll. T. Smollett, IhroiinU France and Italy. XVIII. P. Br>-done, through Sicily and Malta ; H. Swinburne, through Spain ; X. W. Wrax- nll, through the westcrn.southem, and interior proviucea of France, and through the northern parts of Europe, XIX. .1. Moore, View of society and manners in Franco, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy ; W. Coxe, In Switzer- land. XX. P. 8. Pallas, through the southern i)rovinces of the Russian empire; G. Staunton, Account of the embassy to China of Earl Macartney. XXI. F. Lo Voil- lunt, in the interior districts of Africa; E. Browne, in Ejrypt and Libya ; J. Barrow, in the interior of Southern Africa. XXII. C.N. S. deManoncour Sonnini, in Upper and Lower Egypt; 1). V. Deui>n, in Upper and Lower Egypt ; M. Park, in Africa. XXIII. G. Forstcr, in tho northern part of India, Kashmire, Afghanistan, and Persia; F. Buehamin, from Madras through Mysore, Cannra. and Malabar. XXIV. S. Ilcarne, (Vom Fort Prince of Wales to the Northern ocean ; I. Weld, through the United States and Canada; F, A. F. de Rochefou- cnult Liancourl, tlirnugh the United States, tho country of the Iroquois and Upper Canada; A. Mackenzie, fioin Montreal to the Frozen and Pacific oceans. XXV. J. F. Bourgoing, in Spain. XXVI. A. F. F. v. Kolze- liue, Esile to Siberia, Journey through Switzerland, Italy; G. D. Whiitington, through Spain. XXVII. J. Corr, Stranger in France; Travels lound the Baltic; Tour through Holland. XXVIII. G. Valenlia, in India, Ara- bia, and Egy[)t. MAXENTius, J. Adcpistolam llonnisdai responsio. [diynants. Mon. putr.] B.H1.3 — De Cliristo profcsio; Contra Nestorianos ca- pitula; All t'pistolam llonnisda^ rosponsio ; • Contra .\ci-pli;ili>> Iibflhi>; I,>iiil«>gi contra NcstorianoB. [Maxima bibliotli. vot. pair., v.y] B. 110.2 Maxima bibllotheca vctervm patrvm et rtntiqvorvm scriptorvni I'ccU'siusticorvin. Lvgdvni, 107?. 'jrv. r *B. 110.2 CnntcntK. — Vol. I. Indices tres: Anthorum aljiha- beiicns, ipsorum a-tatc.s et seripla Indicans; Classleui', Authores per nrnterlnsdequihus egerunl oxaeti'-disiribu- ens; GcnoraJIs materiarum ampliH^imus. II. P. 1. S. Jacobus, apostolus; 8. Marcus; S.Petrus; S.Ilnniabas; 8. Hennas; Proehorus; Linus; S. Ignatius : 8. Polyear- ]ius; 8. Martlalls; S.DIonysIus Areoji.; S. Cloinmis Ho- nninns; Aristuas; Testamenta Ml patriarcharum; SihyU larum oracula. P. 2. Juslinus Martyr; Athenngorun ; Tlieiipldlus; Tatlanus; SS. evangelioruiii diatcssnron; 8. Mellto; IrenoJU". HI. Clemens Alexaudrlnns; Mi- nuetus Felix; S. Hlppolytus; Ammonius Alexaudrinus; S. Victor Capvinnus ; S. Grogorins ThaninnturgUB ; Sexfn» Pythagoricus phllnsoplius; IHonyslus Alexnndrlnus; 2euo Vorouensis; VIetarnius I'ltabionennis; Dorulheus Tyrius; Arnobliis Afer; Laolantlns; Methodius; Isaau ox Judroo. IV. Euseblua PaniphlUis; Jnvencusj 8. An- tonlus Magnus; I'aehomius; OreslesU; Mnearliis; Sera- ph. n ; Julius Firndrns Materiius; Hi-rmlas; Lucifer; VletorlnuB Afer; riiaihadlus; Piulaniis; Dldynuia Alexnndrihus; 6. Opiatus; Victor Anlioehiiius; 'Iltua llostrennls; M.Cyrillus lliurosolyiuitunus. V. Apollina- riUK Laotlleensls; Andreas CnsarlenslH; 6. Hiiinasus; Fausllnu>el Mareellliius; Phlt» I'ai) alhlus; Phihistrliis; Idiiolus; Cirsnrlns; Aslerlus; S. Thoopldhis; 8. Joaimea IHeros. ;DlBtlrtehn«; Itorolheus; 8. Ginulentlus; 8. i:hiM- inaiJus; Au-.L... f..,.|.-i.il...; Ao.phiI..ehius; K. Nova- MAXIMA 397 MAXIMILIAN siiuir. xo. Maxima bibliothecn, continuftl. Ilia; Miii'liims Tiironrn»li«; MnroiiR Kromitn; Sojibi-O- niiia; Ilcpcfippus; Tluoi-Iiylncfua; Thiiotlu-ii* Illtros. ; Thiif>tlifH9 Atoxim(I.;l*rubA Fulcoulft; Eiischius Vurccl- IoiirN; Si'virinniiH; Evmrrius Pinillcim. VI. MHximu* Tuurliiciialii; Tlchi.nlws; Synoslun; I'nullniin Nntrnms; Pnulinus rotrlconHii9:8uIpkiua SovoriiS; Q. J. Ilihiri- on; SoviTiw Siiiictua; raiiliiv Oronius; CwUus Sftlulhi^; Bclinariiia; Llhi'Hui.; S. rroeliis; Kiisobiun Eniiswiiim; FitctieHu* ; S. Cif gfnthis; Cluiidlonu? Mnniercua ; C. Sol- lius ApoIHnnris SItloiilus; Eiidofiti ; Bmliiiirius. VII. I.»>pr>riii«; Cai.rvoliiB; Aiionymi lirovInHuiii fliltl nilvor- Biin Arrinnon:Jounnp9CnsKlni)ii«; ViiiL't-iiliiifi lATitu-ii-lo; PocrutPH UcholnstitiUM : llrrmiii» Sozoiiicnu»; Is(>(l^'rll^^ IVht»i»tii; Sixtufl ill; PolrusClirydOloptiB; Lpo MnK'iuis; S. Niluo; S. Simi-on Slyliln; S. Hiliirius; Iiliu-Uis. VUl. I'roKpcr AquItnnlPiiB; ArnohlHS junior :TlK'Oiloni»; Pnlvi- (iniis ; SnloitliiB ; Onndiiia Mnrius Victor ; 8. Bnslllufi 8u- lcuoln)r>p. ; S. Vnlrrliinua Ccniclienfis; FiiiiHtus; ICurlci- U!*; Dcsldvrius; Tlu'odiiliis; Nemesius; vEnona GnrauN; Antoninus Conslrtiillni'iiBts; A^iellus; Uropnuins; C< ro- oHs; Victor Viiensls ; Euppnius; Gcliialns; Gildus; Vij,'!- IIu« Tapscnsia ; Pascluisius ; S. CfcsniluH Art-lntcnsls ; Te- rcdius; S. Puteriiis. srn I'atritius; S. Orit-nsiuB; llcmi- irfus; S. Klputherins. IX. 8. l-'ulgcntlus; Esnodhia; Nonnus; lluaticus Hi-lpidiiis; Tiircius Hums; S. Lnu- renilus ; Fulgent ius FprrnnduB ; Cresconlus ; Marc<>lHnu9 ; JonnnpsMuKcntiiis; AlcimusAvilus; S.Bcnedictus; Le- ontinitByjtimtinn9:I)rucontius;JusliiBOreelitnuU8; Are- tiiB ; Apipi.'tii8 ; Znchnriiis ; Annstnsiua SInnitn. X. Fncun- dua; S. Arutor; Priinasiua; Junilius; Kualicus; Mnrtl- nuacp. Briicnn-nsis: S. Joannes CUmncus; Jonnn«'s da Baitu; Dunie) mnnachus; Venanttna Fortuntttua; 8. AndrcAS CrctvnRis. XI. Gn-gorius Florens TuronmiBis; Fredeganus: Evnfrritis; Isaaciis Synis; Clirysipptis; Annslnsius Antioctuiins; S. Gallns; Jormuidee; Kvnn- tiUB; Scdiitus; Cassiodorus. XII. S. Cylumbnnus; S. Ail<'rAnua;Cnmcaiiu$; S. Enlogius Alexandrinua; H.>hy- cbtuB ; S. Soplironius ; Honoriiis l ; Antiorhus nionadius ; I,bu8; Theophridus; S. Mnxinuis abljos; Inccrti nutlioris atilillienes hairtticorum wt ccclcnia; ortho- doxip circa nonnulla fldei dogmata; .loannes Corpntliiu- ruui opisci'ims; Nicephorus Clinrtophyliix; HiUlcphon sua; 8. Julianua Tolotanua; Gcorgius XicomedionHiN ; Jacobus monnchus; Sevcrus Alfxnndrinua; CosmnaHio- roa. ; Pantalcon; Pulrua Apollonitis Collatinus; Mnroul- fUR moiiachua ; Deinetrius Cyziccnus ; Anonymi naniitio du reclu (Ulo Artnenoruni ; Joannes Nicoenus; Jotinnc.t TlitrSBuloniccnsis; 8. Gregorius Antiochcnus; Inccrti anttioria encomium in S. Joannem Baptistnm ; Annsta- stU8 bi bliottiucarius ; Joannes papa iv ; Tbcodoms papa I ; hiartinus papa I ; Anonymi comniemoraiiu eoruin quii! BiBvitcr acta sunt in S. Martinum papam; Anonymi rulatio fiictip molionis in S. Maximum, etc.; Annstitfiius munachua; Anonymi relatio de dogmutituis ciuiw mota sunt inter 8. Maximum, etc.; Anastu<^iua A pocri3inrius;TiieodosiU8etTheodovus; Anonymi cliron- icon Alcxandrinum; Anonymi narratio de Dominica imagine: Za':hanus Hierosolj-m. ; Anonymus de Per^ica caplivitnte ; Anonymus in dcpositionem veatis S. Marim in BInclirmia; Anonymi encomium in deposilioncm xonrc S. iluriic; S. Leander. XIII. Altlielmua; 8. Ger- manus;8. Hunifacius; Paulusdinconus; Marcus Idruniis; Anastasiua abbas; Inccrti autlioris collectanea conlrn Scvvrianos; Ethcrius ct Beatus: Ambro^ius Autpertns; Ordo Komanus antiquus de divinis ecclesiai ofiiciis ; Ano- nymi narratio deroinicuload JesuCbristiimaginem luc- t'l; Anonymi nltoriusnarratiodemiraculoquod conti^it tomjiorc c|uo Persa; urbcm Constant, obsedcrant. XIV, TlK'odulphue; Uodoinus; Jesse; Nicepborua Conslant. ; Apponiua; I.ucas abbas; Udalricus; Claudius Tauri- ncnsia; Jonas; Dungalus; Metliodius (non illo Tyti); Michael Syiiecllus ; Leidradus ; Agobardua ; Amnio ; Pa»chasIu8;Engelmodu9; Theodorus Studita ; Joscjihua Thcs&alonicensis; Naucratius; Ualitgarius; AmalariiiN- FrccutpliuB. XV. ServutUB Lupus; FlorusLugduncnbia; Christianus Druthmarus; Wnlal'rtduB Strabo; Hlppoly- lua ThcbiinuB ; S. Eulogius Cordubensis ; Alvania Cordu- bcnsis ; Anprvlomus ; Itatranmus ; Galindo ; Ecelesia Lug- dunenain. XVI, Basiliusiniperntor;TlicodoruB Abucnra • PctruB SIculus; Luitbortus; Olfridus; KavenQatcnsia ccclcsifo cleri opielola ad Joannem pai)am vici; Ger- nianlic epiBCOporuni cpislola ad Joannem vill ; G. LugduncneiB ecck-siir epiBlola; Ado Vit-nnensls; Kcmi- giua ; Salomon Consianticnais ; Wnldramu* ; Smaragdua XVII. Auxllina; Leo 8aplen«; ICaduIpliun; Hcrivcua; Odo; p. legrinuB; Moysca Biirrepha; Fludonrrlus; Adel- agua; Odilo; Gvrbi-riua. XVUI, Fulbcrlus Camoit-n- Bis; Hcmo; S. Bruno llcrbipolennii; Hcniiannua I'oii- tracfu»; Humbc-rtiin; Nicelaa Pectoratus; lingo Lingu- ncnsie; LturiindunTroaniengis; Adcluiannua Brixienito; Gultmundus; Miorologus de ecclesiaeticia obten-ationi- bua ; Olymplodcru* ; Kabbl 8aniuel M»rrocbiunu« ; Maxdia bibliotlieca, continned, Ueodinnu9;'rii(;«phyIaotusAcrida;arcbiepi'(copu8: Joan- nes Calecas; Joannes XipbiHuus; Samona; Miflmcl Fspllua; 8. Ansi-Imua LucensI:*; Lanfrancun: Anoiiy- muB dc Bercngarii damnatione nuiltiplici; Victor jiapa III. XIX, Eutbymins Zigahenua; Znclinriaa Cbrlwu- pulitnnus; Alexius Comncnu»; Conslantinua Harmo- iiopnlus, XX. Honorius AuguatoduncnsiB ; Isaac Magitto Ariiienitc catboHcus; Gcrmanus Constant.; AmcdcuB; Callixtns ll; S.Bruno Asfcnsis; Oddo Afiteneis; Stcpb- anns AugustodunenRiH ; Ouillclmus de Cnmpcllte. XXI, GoflHdus Vindocinensis; S. Kurbortus; Hildebei-tua Tn- roncnsia; Marbodua; Pctrus Alplionsus; OdoTornaren- sis; Algorus; Franco; Drogo; Pi-frus diuconus Casoi- nensia ; Joannes Sapiens Cypnriositia ; Potbo Prumicusia ; >iicolnus Clflra-vallcnuiB; I'liilippus Solilarius.. XXII. Michael Glycas; Simoon junior; BuHilius monacluis; Joannes Carpatbiorum cpiscopus; Simeon 1he»iBMlonI- censis; Tbooriunua Graicua; Manuel Conatant. ; Potrus Mauritius; Fctrua Pictavicnsia; Guillelmus ablma; Guigo; Hugo Eterianus; Arooldua Camotensia; Arniil- plius Lexoviensis; Hugo Kotbomagcnais. XXIII. JR\' redus nievnllensisi Anonymi rythmus de lando virgini- talis; Guarricus; Anonymi frugmentum contra errona Folmari; Joannes Sarislieriensia ; S, Hlldcgardis; Eck- borius; Joannes Zonaras; XicolausMctlioncnsis; Pdrns Cellensis, XXIV. Petrns Bleacnsia; Guigo it, CarthuBi:v> prior; Bernardus Cartbusiie primus prior; Joannes Cartbu8ia3 monachns; Stcphanus dc Chalmito; Alex- ander papa lit; Ebrardus; Bernardus t^bbas Fonlis Calidi; Emiengardus. XXV. Stei>hanuB Tornacensia; McetHs Cboniatcs; Miobacl Cboniatcs; Lucas Tudentiis; Reinerus; Petrus de PiUchdorlT; S. Edmundus; Xico; Guillelmus Arvcmus pp.; Guillelmus frater Minoribi; Stephanus Temptier;Urbanus iv ; Rid»ertns dc Sorbona ; Eupelbertua ; GuihertusTornacpHBis; Humbertusde Ito- manis; Coelestinus, papa V; David do Augusta ; Jacobus Caietanus ; Athanasius Constant, patriarcba ; Ptolcmcua Lucensis; GeorgJus Pacbymercs. XXVI. Justus nlibas; Barlsamus; Andronicus Const. ; Theodorus lector; I.u- jioldus; Petrus Bertvandus; Nicolaus Cabasilas; Grego- rius Palamas: Philotheus; Nicolaus Oresmius; Gernrdus Zutfanius; Radulphusde Bivo; Manuel Calucus;Articuli revocati Paridis per Guidouem, anno I3I8; Articuli de Divina essentia damnuti per ParisienscR; Parisit^nais acadcniia> constitutiones, anno 1344; Joannis de Mcrcu- rio errores ; Joannis de Ulricuria erroros et propositionos ; Conclusionura revocatio per Simouem, anoo 1351; For- mula revocationia per Guidonem, anno 1354; Articu- loi-umLuduvici res-ocatio, anno 1362; Joannis do Galore revocatio, anno 1363; De Almarlcianorumhscrcsibusnar- ratio ; Dionysii Soulechat Minorita; revocatio, nnnis IUGS et 1369: Manuel Secundua Paleologus; Demetrius Cydo nius; Uieronj-mus a S. Fide; Georgius Scbolarius; Kiehardus Harapolns ; Mapheua Vegius ; Bessarion ; Joannes Autonius Campanus; Moyses Mardenus; Sifud, sive Sulaka. XXVII. Supplementum: HippoIytusPor- tuensis; Commodianus; Eustatbius Antiocbonns; S. Dnmasus; Evagrius Ponticus; Severianus; Marina Mcrcator ; Theodotus Ancyranus ; S. Arscnius ; S. Euch- erius; S. Nilua; S. Ciesarius Ardateosia; 8. Fulgcntiua ; Eustratius Constantiuopolitanus ; Xicetas Darid; S. AiiF^elmus Lucensis; Alexander Licop. ; Hipercchiua; Evagrius monachus; Joannes Geometra; ScvcrinuB;Eu- aebius episcopus; Eufropius abbas; Procarius abbas; Paulus diaconus; Maximum Planudes; Martinus de Lau- duno; Epigrammata sen hymni S. GalU monastcrli vi- rorura; Merobaudes; Carmina inccrti autli.; Anonymi liber de fide ; Anonymus de hjere&ibus ; Anonymibenedic- tio Dei; Anonymi oppoMtio ex pirte Sevcrianoruui contra fidcm oi"thodoxaiD ; Anonymus contra Gritcorum errores ; Incerti autlioris collectanea contra Judn:os; Anonymi collectanea de quibusdam ha^resibus; Inccrti cujusdam narratio; Missa qua ^tbiopes communiter utuntur; Miasa Mozarabum ; Missa Gra;comm ; Missa qua utuntur antiqui Christiani episcopatus ATigamallonsis; Miaaales orationcB ex vetustissimo MS. Gothico mtssali. — Index locorvm Sacrac Scriptvrsc a R. P. Sime- one a S. Cruce absolutus. Genvai, 1707. f".*B. 110.1 — Apparatus ad Bibliothecam maximamveterum patruiii. Lc Nourry, D. N 6070.19 Maximilian I, emperor of Germany. Lettres md- dites sur les affaires des Pay.-i-Ba.'! ; publi^cs par M. Gafhard, [U7i>-loOb]. BruxcUes, lSol,52. 2v.ini. 8° 28:3.18 — Urkuiiden, Briefe und Actenstiicke zur Ge- gohiclite Jlaximilians i und seiner Zeit. A'ce Chrael, J 2S7-i.fl Maximilian Alexander Fhilipp, privz zu JVied Xeuivied. Verzeichuiss der auf geiner Reise in ^'ord Amerlka beobacliteten Siiugethiere. Berlin, 1862. b" .'iao;;.:0 MAXIMIUAN 398 MAYO dhcif. No. llAXTMH.iAN Alexander Pliilipp, vontiinied. — Yoyajre an Bresil ; traduit de Pallemanil par J. i!. I!. Evriis. I'aiis, 1821-32. St. 8°. Atlas. Iv. f° '. •418-1.3 JIAXIMIANUS Callus Etniscus, C. Elcgia; sex, ex reccusioue AVernsdorlii. Iterum exciuli fecit J.A.Giles. Loudini, 18S8. 8°. B.ITT.U, and*4205.17 Maxuiisi'S, M. Ars mctrica. [Mai. Class, auct., T. ,1] B.172.3 Maximus, emperor. Novellaj coiistitutioues. Sec Novelise coiistitutioues 4300.6 Maximus, St., hishnp of l^irin. Homilia; do tem- pore, de sauctis, de diversis. [Maxima bib- liotli. vtt.patr., T. fi] B.1I0.2 — Horailia; SOX. [ivrartene. Vet. script., r. 0] . 4150.1 MAxi3it'S Confessor, or Mouadius, St. Seuteulia- nim decharit.iteex patribus collectaruin ceii- turije quatuor, OpsopEco interprcte; De vir- tute et vitio ccnturiaa quinque, interpreto J. Pico ; J-ie incarnatione verbi diulogus, intorp. B. Pirkheimero ; Liturgipe exposilio ; Dispu- tatio cum Pyrrlio, F. Turriauo interpreto; .Sermo asceticus, F. Nobilio interp. ; Contra Aceplialos et Monotholitas opiiscula trede- cim, F. Turriauo iuterprcte. [Maxima bib- liotli. vet. patr., v. W] B.110.2 — Scliolia in libros Dionysii Aroopagita:. See Dionysius Areopagita B.140.8 M.vxiMUS Margunius, bishop of Cr/thera. Hymni Anacreontici. [Loct. Poetic Grjeci, v. .3] . 4200.7 MAxnius Tyrius. Dissertations, translated from the Greek, by T.Taylor. London, 1804. 2v. 8°. 420j.20 SlAXWHLt., Iter. .John, ilistaken notions -wlucU the lieatlieus bad of tlic Deity, aisd tbe de- fects of tbeir morality; lnim:itbIigation, jiroiaulga- tion and observance of tbe la>v of nature. Sfc Cuniborlaud, K 4300.10 Maxwkll, Jobn, successircltf Mskop of Hoss avd KiUnla. Burden of Isaucbar : or, tbe tyranni- cal practices of tbe jiresbyteriau government in Scotland. [I'benix, v. 2] 4157.1 Maxwi'LT,, yf. H. Life of field-marsbal bis grace the duke of Welliugton. London, 1839-H. 3v. 1.8° 2541. 7 BFay, D. M. H. Operatic violin instruction book. Boston, [IRailJ. pp.77. 4° 8051.73 May, F. On tetanus or lock-jaw. Boston, 1705. 8° 'M.Ppb.v.lSO .M.VY, George. Birth-town of Shnkspero, and tbe vicinity. [Kvosbam, l(il7.J 12' 4179a. 10 — Dcscrijitive history of livesliam. Evesliam, 1845. 8" 4177.1 SIay, George F. Suggestion towards a navy. New York, ISC2. pp. 10. 8" 4.320tt.ll5 AIAY, II. Sermon in Braintrce, at the installation of the Bev. Sylvester Siige, Nov. 4, 1807. Boston, 1808. 8° 6088.52 May,. I., Sermon on tlic death of. 5cc Greenwood, F. W. P 4347.71 May, Samuel, and others. IttTinarks on a letter from the Mollis Street society to tbeir uniia- rian brethren, [etc.]. Boston, isiii. pp. 22. 8' *4]Ci3.», and (iOSM.ir.3 — Tbe Hood. A sermon. Boston, 1W!1. 8' . .0088.l!lil May, Samuel,, jr. Inauguration of tbe Maine law In New York. An orutiou, July4, 1865. Syr- acuse, 1855. H' B.17Un.;i» May, .'. 4:i. K° 3064. rio ilAZAR\y, .l.cartUiint. Frnukliii, A. Uistoircde la l!il)liotliiM|uc mazarine 2128.11 — GiiaMi> Prioruto, ti. llistoria dol cardinnic . 20.39.5 M.AZAKIS. KrutfT^/iu it' iif'^'jVj ij rcvois vSK"bli' et'ltov TTEjit TtV',} T If f(5 Til ^HfflXCfl trVitXvaTTIK'liOliSVUtl'. (Uoi.-isonade. Auccdota Cirwca.v. .31 . . . . B.IOI.S Mazas, A. 7. a li'gion d'lioniicur, son institution, Pa BiilincU'iir, sfs i-uriositOs. I'aris, 1S54. 8°. 4063.18 )IAZAS, K. N.'w niotliort for tin- violin. French and Eiiylish. Hoston, fl.s— ]. pp. 5.3. 4° . . . 8051.70 JIAZE, Tlic, of baukinj;. liy a depositor. Kdiu- liurgh, lsr..3. pp. IH. s" 3640.40 3!.vzfcRi-:s, — . De !\lK«hiavel et do I'influence de sa doctrine. Paris, Itilfi. 8° 2S05.4 JiAzois, V. Le palais dc Scaurns, on description d'unc ntaison romaine. 2et'd. Paris, 1S2?. 4". 2950.37 JiAZZA, Angclo. Opcrc. Piirina, 1810-20. 6v. in 2. •»° 4:91.1 Cnntents. — y^]. I .1. Sonotti : Filosofici; Mornii ; Spi- ritiiiili; Tuolo^cl; Mistii-i; SnrH. 2. Sonetti sull' ar- moniii; Eroici; Nuxiuli; Di vario aisomento; Piiicu- voli. 11. S. Itnii ; Kpistolo : Pocmutti ; yruinmenti. 4. Do' piilcori deir iinninsiiitD-.iom; Htiri tre, pooinii del Doltor Akonsiilc trnniiortato iliill' incli'BC in verso sciolto it- aliniio; T.-rzc rime. 5. Del ilolori di Maria Vcrplne cami (juattro in ottave ailructiole ; Slaiize sdrucciolo a Meleliior Cvsarotti ; OUuve riiuo. plane ; Odi 3uU' or- nionia ; 0(H vnrie. — Poesie. Pisa, 1816. 2v. IS'. See Piirnaso degl' Italian! viventi, v. 31,32 4"99a.2 Co»»lfa/«. — Vol. XXXI. Vers! suU' armonia ; Odi vane ; Sonetli ; Slanzo. XXXII. Dei dolori di .Maria Verpinc ; Sonetti; Scloltl; La gnMa rialonica, all' ombra dell* ab. CetmrotU. SIAZZA, Antonio. Urbis SalemitaujE historia et antiquitates. [Grxvius. Tlics. antiq. Itnl., T. 9,p.4] 4710.1 ."irAZZAREi-LA FaMO, F. La bntracommiomaeliia [di Omero] aliasse la guerni ntra le rranou- chie e li surccc. [CoUezionc dl tutti i poemi in lingua napoletana, V. 24] 4799a. 1 Mazzella, .S. Sito et antichita dolla citta di Poz- zvolo e del .svo amenissimo distretto. Na- poli, 1691. 8° *4S09a.2 - Situs et antiquitas Putcolorum, locorumqne vicinornm ; Urbium Puteolorum et Cumarum descrijitio, Latine vertit S. llavercanipus. [Gnevius. Tlies. aiitiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 4] . . 4710.1 MAZZixi, G. I.ettero intorno alle cose italianc. .SeeOrsini, F 2718.13 JlAZzocciii, A. S. In mutiluni Campaui aniphi- tlieatri titulum aliasiiucnonnullusCanipanas inscriptiones commentarius. [Poleni. Utri- usque thcs. antiq. supp., v. 5] 2970.7 JlAzzoccm, D. Dissertatio qua demonstratur an- tiques Vejos liodiernam civitafcm CastcIIa- nam esse, Latine vertit A. Prt'igerus ; Yejo- rum defensoris epistola opolog -tica, Latine vertit A. Pr»igerus. [Graivius. Tiies. antiq. Ital., r. 8, p. 3] 4710.1 MAZzucnr.LLi, F. Mcuola cqucstre. Nuova ed. Jlilano, 1805. 2v. 4° 4001.9 Meacham, .T. Report on tlic distribution of the income of tile .Smithsonian fund, etc. Waslt- infjton, 18.54. pp. 03. S° 4129.18 Mead, C. .Sketch of his life. See JIacraichael, W. 2640.15 MhAiiE, G. G. Life and public services. Pliiladel- phia, ]!VA. pp. Su. 8° 4.320a. 99 — Report of the survey of the north and norlh- west lakes. Detrfdt, 1801. 8° 4303.3 Meade, W. .Sermon on confirmation. 3d ed. Alexandria, 1N33. 10° 5458.33 Meadow.s, T. T. The Chinese and llieir rebellions. .Vddcd, an tisray on civilization. Loudon, IS-10- 8' 3017.7 Sbelf. Nu- Meaoiif.r, T. F. Letters on our national stnigfjle. New York, 1804. [No title-page.] pp. 15. 8". [New York. Loyal publication society, No. 38] 4322.18 Mean.7itinued. — ScliniiensteiD, A. Lelivbudi der gerichlliclicn JFedizin 3787.24 — Traill, T. S. Course of lectures on . .• . . . 3789.0 — VogeljC. DasstaatsarzUiclic VerfalireUitbeo- rotisch und practisch dargestellt 3787.21 See also: Insanity, Pi.jsons, Frepnnncy, Snicide. SlEDiCAi. news. The, [and library]. Vol. 19, 21. Philatldpliia, ISOl, Kt. S° *7715.1 Medicai, practitioner's pocket companion. l*hila- delphia, 1822. 24° 3789.32 Medical statistica, Elements of. Hawkins, F. 11. 3717.12 Medical times. The, and gazette. Vol. 1-21 ; new series, y. 1-24, 2U-29. London, 1840-04. 4iiv. ill 48. 4° *o711.1 Medic.vl zoologv. Elements of. Moquin-Taudon, H. B. A. .' 3780.10 Medici, Age and rule of tbe. See Da Ponte, L. L. 2729.12 Medici, P.. de'. Laude. See Jledici, L. de', il magnijico • ... 2795.2 Medici, C'ateriua de'. SFarie Stuart et Catherine de Medicis, etude bistorique sur les relations de la France et de I'ficosse dans la seconde raoitie du xvie siecle. 5ee Cberuel, 1*. A- . 252C..5 Medici, Cosmo II de', grand duke of Ti/scaiti/. Descrizione delle feste fatfe nelle reali nozze de Cosimo de' Jledici e Maria Miiddaleua arcidvchessa d'Avstria. Fireuze, 1008. 4°. *4208.8 — Guerra d' amore festa del. .SVe Salvadore, A. 4208.8 Medici, Cosmo III de', graud duke of Tuscany. II mondo fosteggiante bnlletto a cavallo per le reali nozze de Cosimo iii e Margherita Lvisa d'Orleans. Firenze, 1061. pp. 00. 4°. *420S.8 Medici, Lorenzo de', il viagnijico, h. 1448, d. 1492. Poesie. S'aggiungono le Stanze in lode dclla Nencia, i Beoni, le rime spirituali, ec. Ber- gamo, 1763. 8° 2795.2 — La Nencia da Barberino. [Ferrario. Poesie rusticali] 4S0R.11 — Sonetti. [Oironi. liaccolta di lirici italiani]. 4808. S — Roscoe, W. lllustrazioni storico-critiche alia sua vita 274.'). 2s — - Vitadi 2745.27 — and others of the Sledici family. Kiniesacre; raccolte e d'osservazioui corredate per F. Cionacci. Ed. 2a. Bergamo, 1700. 8° . . . 2705.2 Medici, Lorenzo di', h. 1403, d. 1480. Laude. See Itledici, L. de', U magnifico 2795.2 Medici, Lorenzo or Lorenzino de*, b. 1514, d. 1548. Apologia sopra la luibcita e niorle d'Alles- sandro de' Medici. .See Savonarola, G. . . . 42S0.1 — Discorso, apologia sopra la uuscita e morte d'Allessandro de' Medici. [Gravius. Tlies. aniiq. Ital., T. 8, p. 2] 4710.1 Medici, Lucrezia de'. Laude. See Sledici, L. de', il m>irjniJlCO 2795.2 Medicim!. ISihlingruphg and htslory. — Catalogue des livres nn-diciiles dans la Biblio- tbeipie impiriale. .Sir Paris 2170.27 — Cliouiant, L. Uibliotbeca medico bistoricu . . 2180.15 — Conradi, .J. W. 11. Griuidriss der medicinl- Rclien Eni-yclopiidie nnd Melliodologie . . . 2180.10 — Haller, A.v. liibliotbeca medieina' pnictiea: . 3710.10 — Holmes, G.W. Iteport on medical literature In the Unitcil Stales 2180.10 — Lives of medical men. [Smith. Weekly vol* unie, v.2l 80.10.3 — Meryon, E. Tbe history of 5730.2 — Kenouanl, P. V. History of medicine, from its url);iQ to the nineteenth century 420S.3 ComprPhenaive and. miscellaneous works. Albers, .T, K. II. flaiulbueb del* ullgemelnen Arzuelmittellebre 3791.12 Aufliii'Uouvieie, J. \V, Me(lecinc,san8 Ic me- ^beir. No. SIedicine. CompreJien.'iive works, continued. — Boerhaave, H. Methodus studii medici . . - 3710.15 — - Prpelectiones aclldemica^ in proprias iustitu- tiones rei medica: 5719ft. 1 — Bradford, R. Mother's medical guide .... 3779.21 — Clarke, E.G. Practice of physic 3728.12 — Cullen, TV. First lines of tbe practice of physic 5713.15 — Frank. J. P. Traite de medecine-pratique . . 3710. 14 — Guglielmini, D. Opera 591 1-5 — Gunn, .7. C. Domestic medicine 3791.8 — Hammond, C. D. True guide to health . . . 3789.10 — llartsoeker, N. Conjectures physiques . . . . 5942.3 — Iloilniann, F. Anweisung zu einer Praxi medica 3728.11 — Holmes, O.W. Border lines of knowledge in. 3721. 20 — Jackson..!. Letter to a young; physician . . . 372S.10 — - Syllabus of lectures on 3789.21 — Kilian.CI. System der gesammtenMedizin. 3717.11 — New Sydeaham society publications. 5ce Lon- don 5714.1-10 — Paine, M. Inslitntes of 5713.5 — Parsons, U. Physician for ships 3723.14 — Pelz, E. Das Medicinalwesen 4205.22 — KanTsay, D. Improvements. ]):ogress and state of merlii'ine in the xvillth century.M.Pph.v.l39 — Reid,.I. Physiological, anatomical, and path- ological researches 3724 . 14 — Root, H. K. I'cople's medical lighthouse . . 4205.2 — Rush, B. Medical inqniries nud observations. 5713.8 — Scholand, .7. M. Ptlege und liehandluus der Kranken, Slerbenden, Todten nnd Schein- todten 3723.11 — Simpson, .7. Y. Physicians and physic . . . . 3718.12 — Spear, .7. S. Boston guide to health 7701.20 — Sprengel, O. Gcsihichte der Arzrreikunde . . 4205.14 — Steggall,.7. Manual for students at Apotheca- ries-ball 3723.15 — 'Ihomas, R. Modern practice of physic . . . 3710.18 — Thornton, R. J. The philosophy ol medicine, or medical extracts 3710.25 — Ticknor, C. Exposition of quai'kery 3789.11 — Vogel, C. Grundlchren der iirztlicben Praxis. 8718.11 — Ward, S. H. Rational medicine : its position nnd prospects 3717.13 — Warren, 1. Household physician 37U1.1S Dicttonarles. — Dictionnaire de medecine 5735.1 — Jlodiciidscb-chirurgiscb-tberapeulisches Wiir- terbuch 6732.2 — Kyslen, P. II. Dicticmnnire de nnSdecine . . 37.13.8 — Reese. U. Jl. Medical lexicon 3789.33 — Thomas, .7. Comprehensive medical dictionary. 3734.18 decin . .3700.2 Itnlbbini, P. Delia Incertez/a della niedicinii. 3721.27 lliirlow, G. IL Mainial of the practice of . . 3rR9.1.s Periodirals nnd transactions. American journal of the medical sciences . . American niedicjd recorder Annales niedico-psycbologiiiues Annuaire medical etpharmaceutiijuede France. ,\rchiv liir puthologisi'he ,\nutonde, u. s. w. . Braiihwailhe, W. Retrospect of practlcd metlit'ine and surgery Boston mi'clieiil aiul surgical jourmil Bulletin general de theraiieudijue nmlicale et chirurgicale Ilulleliu nii'dicnl beige Curmll, W. SI. .lourual of health l)ubliu unarterly journal of medical science . . Edinbuigll metiical and surgical journal . . , lulinbingh medical jonrind .lonrnal de nudechce el de chirurgie pratiques. llall,W. W. Jouniid oIlMiillli Lancet, The Lancelte IVan^aise Medical examiner Metlicnl news and library Medical times and gazette Meilico-cblrurgical re»i<« 3710.1 6749a. 1 6;oo.i 57 19a. 6 7717.1 6710.11 S,-40. 1 3295.1 0712.1 5r59a. 1 5718.1 6:47.1 3747.3 671'9. 1 7714.1 6742.1 3700.1 5717.1 7; 16.1 5711.1 6,48. 1 MEDICINE 401 MKINICUS siioir. No. iltcDK^iNE. Compt'cheniiirc worJcst, continued. — SK-moires de I'Aciidcmie royale de medecine. ^ee Paris 5741.1 — MUllcr, J. Arcluv fur wisscnschaftUcUe Medl- cin, u, s. w 3748.1 — Kew Uainpshire joumixl of medicine 77fi5.1 — Nt'w Oilrans nu'iHciil and surgical journal . . 57.18.1 — New York journal of nu'dicinu 5719.1 — rimrmaceutical journal 5715.1 — I'anking, W. H. Abstract of the medicAl sci- ences 5S08.1 — Keimpression des ouvra;res periodiques sur les sciences medicales, publics en France. See Kncyclographie 5712.1 — ne\'ue medicale franijaise et etrangtre .... 3738.1 — Smith, S. American medical times 7711.1 — Transactions of the medico-chirurgical society of London. .See London 3746.1 — Wiuslow, F. medical critic and psyc!iolog- ical journal , 3778.2 — Year book of. See London. New Sydenliam society 5714.8 See alw: Anntomy, Horoditnry diseases, Homceopa- thy, Uospitals, Hygiene, MvOk'al botany, electricity, JQiiaprudonce, statistics, and zoology, Materia modicn, Mid«-ifi'rj-. Military hospitals. Movement cure, Path- ology, PIiomiHcy, Physiology, Surgery, Therapeutics, Veterinarj- art. Water cure. MEDICINISCH-CHlRURGISCFI-THERAPEUTISCHEg Worterbucli oder Repertorium der vorziig- lichsten Kurarten in deiu Zeitraume von 1750-1&;1S. Berlin, 1S39, 40. 3v. 8' . . . . *5732.2 llEDico-CHiKURGiCAL review. Analytical series, V. 1-24 ; Decennial series, V. 1-21; New series, V. 1-0; British and foreign, v. 1-34. Lon- don, 1821-G4. Uksv. 8° *5748.1 SliCDLEY, G. W. Memoir of the British chess asso- ciation, 5ee Liiwenthal, J. J 4001.32 BlEDLicoTT, J. G. Cotton hand-book for Bengal. Calcutta, 1S02. 8° 3051,27 Medulla oblongata, Structure of the. Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C 5714,4 Medway, J/rtSS, A pastor's review. Ide, J. . . . 5543.17 Meek, A. B. Romantic passages in Southwestern history ; incUiding- orations, sketches, and es- says. New York, 1S57. 12° 2407.26 — Songs and poems of the South. 4th ed. Mo- bile, 1857. 8' 4278,4 Meekmax, G. Orig^incs typographicfe. H;igjeC'omi- tum, 1705. 2v.ini. 4' *2110.20 Meestere, G- de. Chronicon monasterii Eversham- ensis. Brugis, 1852. pp. 79. 4". [Bruges. Societe d'emulation de la Flandre] 2821.21 SIegasthenks Indica. Fragmenta coUegit E. A. Sdiwanbeck. Bonnie, 1840, 8" *4205.1G McGATHEHioii) quadrupeds, Osteology, natural affinities, etc., of. Owen, R 3S'J1.8 Meginfked. De vitaet virtuiibusB.Eramerammi, liberunus. [Cauisius. Thesaurus, T. 3, p. 1]. 4140.3 Meginiiard. Translatio S. Alexandri. [Frank- furt, Societas, etc., V. 2] 4210.2 Meidinger, H. Vergleichendes etymologisches Wiirterbuch dergothisch-teutouiachen Mund- arten. Frankfurt, 1833. 8° *4113.8 Mei DINGER, J. V. ItalienischeGrammatik. Neue Ausg. [Frankfurt], 1797. 12' 4789a. 3 Meier, E. Deutsciie Kinder-Reime und Kinder- Spiele aus Schwaben. Tlibingeu, 1851. 8* . **2875,4 — Geschichte der poetischen National-Literatnr der llebriier. Leipzig, 1850. 8° 5(28,5 JlEiEB, F. C. J.ehrbuch der Dograengeschiclite. Giessen, 1840. b' 6024.3 — Versuch eincr Geschichte der Transsubstantia- tionslelire. I^Iit einer Abliandlung von Ur. Taulus, Heilbronu, 18.'J2. s° 6066.26 Meter, G. A. Dionysii AreopagitJe et mysticorum seculi XIV doctrine inter sc comparautur. Diss, aciid. Halis, 1845. pp. 42. 8° . . . . 6088.231 — Die Lehre von der Trinitat in ihrer historischen Entwickeliing. Hamburg, 1844. 2v.ini. 8°. 6036.9 51 JlEiER, J. Diss, philolog. de suflitn ad Exod. xxx, 34, 38. [Oeh'iclis. Collectio opusculorum, V. 2] 00G6.1 Meier, M, U. E., and Schumann, G. F. Der atti- sclierrocess. Vicr BUcher. Halle, 1824. 8°. 5615.7 MEIERorro, J, H. L, Ueber Sitten und Lcbensart der Romer. 3te Ausg. Berlin, 1814. 2v. in 1. 16" 4950.40 MeIGNAN, Vnhhd. M. Renan Y(:i'\xXubliOes par I. L. A. Diegerick. Tourimi, 1853. pp.72. 8°.. 2813.21 5IELI, G. I'oesie siciliaiie, Ed. rivedata dalT au- tore. Palermo, 1787. 6v. sin.S° ••4799.0 Co}tteiUt. — Vol. 1. I.n buceollon; I'aralVasi ;. Annero- ontiL-bi, u canzuiietU. 11. Ek'Kil: Snilrl; C'apitiili ber- ul.ihl; Dlllrnuimu; Ronninr.1 lllo«ollil. III. IV. D. Cliiiteloltl e Sanciu Punza, poeina. V. La fata galanti, pocina burnlBeu. 5IICL1SII, .1. Geopnipliical lieseriptionof tlie world. New ed. I'hiladelpliia, 1>22. 8° 0280.1 — Travel.s ill the United States, in 180ii, 1807, ISOil- 1811. Pbiladelpliia, 1812. 2v. 8° 2:!08.9 JlELIi'o, bishtip of .Sardis. I.ibellus de transitu S. Virgiuls. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. pair., v. 2] . B. 110.2 Nvte. — liellovcd to l)u ipurliiuB. Mei.lado, F. de P. Eiiciclopedia inocteriia . . . A. 143.1 Meli.e, .). .1. v. Apotheosis iililiosopliorvmGiiieco- rvni »|i(elulini Pytlmgorae elvsqve crisis phi- los()i)blra. [Iilss. iieud.] lenne, 1742. pp. 47. 4° B.lC0a.l24 MICLLKX 403 MENCKE Shelf. No. Mkllen, G, The ngo of print: n poem. Boston, lts:in. pp. 40. b' 4404.10 Mellkn, John, of Ilanovcr, h. 17*^2, d. IS07. Doc- trine of the cross. Discourse jit Welltleet, Ajiril i:i. irSo, ill theordhmtionofLevi Whit- man, riymouth, 17^5. b° *41G3.0 — Duty of ministers to preach doctrines of prac- tice. 8ennou ut Norton, Jan. ;J, 17o:i, at the ordhnition of Joseph Palmer. Boston, 1753. S' *41C3.5 Mei.LKN, John,o//f«rH.s7aWc,6. ITo-*, rf. IStiS. Nat- ural rehgion. [Dudleian lecture], Sept. 4, 17iKJ. Boston, 17U!>. S° 64S0.35 — Sermon lu-fin-e the governor, [etc.], on tlie an- nual election, May .11, i:i>7. Boston, 171*7. 8". *-135(J.7 Mellkn, \V. V, Beport relative to leasing ahan- doned phmtations ami aft'uirs of tiie freed people. Wasliingfon, 18f".4. pp. 19. H" . . 4320a. 2 Mellin, a. S. A. Kncych)pUdisches Worterhuch der krilisclien rhilusupliie, oder ErklUriing der in Kants Scliriftin enthalteueu Begrille und Siitze. Ziillicliau, 1797-1804. 6v. 8° , *6082.3 Melloni, 3\[. La thermochruse ou la coloration calorilique. Ire ptc. Najjles, 1850. 8" . . . 3903.22 BlEi.MoTH, AV. [Letters of Sir Thomas Fitzos- bornc] 5th ed. Lon«lon, 175S. s° .... 2550. IG Mki.odeiin. Greeu, J. B. Instructions for the . . 8052.30 — Gurney, T. E. School for tlie 8052.25 — Howe, E., jr. Jlelodeou instrnctiou 8052. 3ij — Taylor, V. C. Jlelodeon instructor 8047.13 — AVhite, E. L. Melodeou without a master . . 8052.32 Melpumkxe, the planet. Tables of. See United States. Department of the navy 5921.2 Melson, — . Sermon. See London. Wosleyan methodist local preachers' mutual aid asso- ciation 3573.41 Melvill, J. Autobiography and diary ; with con- tinuation by U. Piteairn, Edinburgh, 1842. 8°. [Wodrow society] 5493.7 Melville, A. Conimentarius in divinam Pauli epistolam ad Ilomanos. See Ferme, C. . . . 5493.4 Melzi, G. Dizionarto di opere anonime e pseudo- nime di scrittori italiani. Milano, 1848-59. 3v. 8' *2144.12 Contents. — Vol. I. A-G. U. II-R. IH. S-Z. Membranes. Traite des membranes, Bichat, M. K. X 37C5.31 Memminger, C. G. Lecture : African slavery con- sistent with moral and physical progress. *■ Augusta, Ga., 1851. 8° 6.160.41 MtMOiRKS anonymes surles troubles des Pays-Bas, Io(».V-80, avec notice, etc., par J. B. Bhies. Bruxelles, 1859-01. 3v. 8". [Brussels. So- ciete de I'liisfoire de Belgique] 2820.27 SlEMORL\Ls of a departed friend. London, 18-15. 12' 5447.8 3IEMORIK de* pittori messinesi e degU esteri clie in Messina tiorirono. Messina, 1821. 8" . . . 4065.15 Mesk^rie e documenti per servire alia storia di Lucca. T. 11. Lucca, 1800. 4° • *2711.4 Conlente. — Vol. I-V, VII-X. See Index of 1861. XI. Drlla zeccft e deUe monete di Lucca Dei secoli di mezzo, discorsi di GuilioCorderodiSaD-Quintino; Delle viccnrle dclln zecca lucolicsu sotto Cirlo Mn^o e Biin eiiriie in Italia, discorso dal nb. Duiucnico Barsocctiiiii ; Di;tla zecca edcHc mom-te di-gli anlichi marches dclla Tosi-niia, ragionuinciito dtl cav. Guilio CordtTo di Unti-Quiiitiiio. Memphis. L'antica Memfi. Odescalchi, L. dei . 3059.29 Mena, J. de. Cronica del rey don Juan segundo. 5eeGjirciade Santa M;iria, A 4251.2 — Poesius. [t^uiutana. Parciaso espanol, v. J] . 3104.19 M£nagk, G. Meuagiana. [Kecueil fait par (ial- land, Boivin, Piuson, Dubois, el de Valois.] Paris, 1G93. 12° **4695.5 — Meuagiana ou les bons mots et rcmarques cri- tiques, historiques, morales et d'erudition, de 31. 3Ienaiie, recueillies par pes amis. 3e ed. [Par B. de La Slounoye.] I'aris, 17Jo. 4v. 12= 4709.7 Shelf. No. MfeXAGE, G., continued. — and Casaubon, \. Nota?, observatioucs et emcn- dationes in Diogeueni Laertium. Addita est hl.vtoria mulit-rum philosopharuni ab eodcm Jlenagio scripta. Ed. 14. G. liuehnero et 0. Jacobitz. Lipsia?, 1830-:i:t. 2v. 8" 4204.5 MenANi»kh Atheuiensis. Fabniarum .sexiiginta deperditarum fragmenta; Vv<.oy.t\i fiovucrixo'- [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5] B.102.8 Menandkk Protector. Les ambiissades des cmpe- rcurs Justin le jeune et Tibere. [Cousin. Histoire de Constantinople, V. 3] 29G1.2 MfeNANT, J. Zoroastre: essai sur la pliilosophie religieusede la Perse. 2e ed. Paris, 1857. S*. C07C.8 Menasseh Ben Israel. Letterin answer to certain questions touching the reproaches cast on the nation of the Jews. [Phenix, v. 2] . . . . 4157.1 Mencius. Works. [Legge. Chinese chxssics,v. 2]. 5012. .34 — Shang ^lung, and Hea Mung. See Collie, D. . 4244.2 JlENCKK, F. O. Ilistoria vita; et in litcras nieri- torum Angeli Politiaui. Lipsia;, 17-'*G. 4° . . 2745.30 Mencke, J.B. Catalogue des principaux histo- ricns. Nouv. M. Lipsic, 1714. sm.8° . . . *2176.24 — De charlataueria eruditorum. Lipsias, 1715. Rm.S° *2206.9 — Zwey Keden von der Marckschreyerey der Ge- lehrten. Cosmopolis, [1716]. sm.8° .... *220G.9 — - Same. Nebst versclnedifer Autoren An- merckungen. Leipzig, 171G. sm.S" .... *220G.9 — Scriptures rervni Germanicarvm, praecipve Saxonicarvm. Lipsix, 1728-30. 3v. f . , *42G1.2 Contejits. — Vol. I. Autoris anonynii chronicoo vctus ex libria Pentheou cxcerplum de imp. Romanis a Carolo M. ad mortem l-'riderici II (769-12.')5) ; Clironici Albcrici monaclii Trium Fontium Lcodietisis dicecesis Icclioiies eniendatiores et auctiorcs, vel ejus continuntio, nb anno 960 ad an. 1241; Andrete prcsbyteri Itali clironicon brcvc liactcnu8 ioedilum, ab an. 6C8 ad an. 874 ; Annates Francorum vctusti, 801-22; P. Saxii pontiGcium Arelu- tcnse, ECU historiu primatum ccclesine Arclatensis; Ui- plomata B(->Iecta, abbatinm Cliomburgensem, propc Ha- Ittra Suevorura &itam, concementia. lOilO-1480, prtemisso catalog:o abbatum Chomburgciisium; Diplomata res comitum Gteiclicnsium, 1217-1^8, illustrantia; Diplo- mata Bremenaia, anccdota c chronico Bremensi mnioii, dinlccto Saxonicacon8eripto,inedito,deccri'ta (1)85-1541); Ili])1omata monastcrii Oldeslebcnsis e libro Copinli qui GotbiB Bcrvatur (1101-1519); Diplomata Cnpellendorf- ensia, gunealogriam Burggraviorum Kirchbergensium illust. (12U;J-162G) ; Diplomata vniia Misiiiee et Tlmrin- giffi monasteria concementia (112(i-1501), item Conrad! marcbionifi diplomata duo, seu donationes S. Sepulcbro et Hospitals Hierosolymitano facta-, (ll-l.")) ; D. Acciaioli vita Caroli M. pleniiis e M.SCI0 edita; Lcgenda patroni Germania;, S. Bonifacii, lib. ll. ct alia legcnda Boni- facii vernacula, cum notis; Ermokli Nigelli de rebus gestis Lndo\-ici Pii imp., 781-820, caraien elogiacum, cum notis Muratorii ; Bciizonis episcopi Albiensis panegyriciis rhythmicuB, de rebus Henrici lli, seu iv imp., cum notis J. A. Franckensteinii; Eberbardi Windeckii histoiia Sitn^muiidi imp. vemacuia (13SG-1461) ; Antonii de Musica conimentarii rcnim a Carolo v imp. apud S. Digerium gcGtanim; A. P. Gassun annates reipublicns Augustburgensia.sive AugustanosVindelicorum (1-1576) ; Cosmte l*ragensi8 clironicn; Bolicmoruni lib. in (usque ad 1125), pra^iixia ducnm ac rcgum Bohemia; elogiia, versibua decantatis a M. Cuthenio et C. Cropacio. II. P. Langii chronica Xeuniburgensis s. Naumbergensia eccl. ab Ottone M. (9(!7) ad Carnlum V imp. el in an. 1536 perducta; AnonjmuB de fuiidatione ot benefnctor- ibus ecclcftia' P('ga\-ienei9, cum catalugn nbbatum Pega- viensium (1157-1511)) et diplomatibus (12.50-1456), item cnlcndario Pogaviensi; Calcndarium sive necrologium monastcrii 8. Maria; io Kemniz ; Clironicon montia Sercni, »cu Lauterbergense (1124-1220) ; Chronicon terrre Mienensis, 428-14^ii; AunnU-s Vetero-Celicnsea, continentea historiam Slisnife marchionum (785-1375) ; Kes Misiiicn; ab an. 142G ad an. 3488, ct J. Puclie- li-rr> adscripttp; Chronicon Vctero-Cellenso minus {801- 14S4>; Monumontft quttdnra vctusta (1180-1200), ut ct dcdictitiunes variorum altanum et capellarum in Cclla VL'teri (1175-1508); Erpliurdianus aiitiquitdtuin variloquus u fundata civitate (4y8-1517); Thcodoricl Engelbu»!i chronica Erfordcnsis civitatis (43.'J-142l') ; Chronicon ct annalcB Torgavicnscs (129G-1(J01). incerto autore; G. Spalutiui clivonicon eivo annates (1513- 26) ; A. Tbummii chronicoa vetu^tiBfiiniic arcis et urbis Coldiren«i8 (451-J(K7); P. M. .Sagiltnrius: Difiscrtulio ilEXCKE 404 3IE.NTAL Mkncke, J. B., continued. de Kochlitio; De nummis .Saxouiie ^lucnm disscrta- tiones sex; Syllabus munetto cuiircK Snxoniciu iit- edilus; Dissertatio de coniUis palatini digiiilate in Fridcricum Sapieiitcm cloctorem collnia; DisserUtio de locis sepulchral i bus faniilin: Wilikiiidca; ab i-xcessu OttonisUlntis; — S. Reylieri monumeuta landgmWorum Thuring'ise et marcliionum Misuifc, cum F. Ilortlcdei-i et W. £. Tcnzelii tiotis vt additionibus, ncccsscro passim moDuinonta ducum Saxouia; ex A. Scunerti Atlienis et inscriptiones Wittenb. ; \V. E. Tcnzelii Fridt-ricus Furtia redivivua. h. e, %-ita et fata Fridcrici Admorsi landgravii TUuriugifc (1240) ; J. Gavzonis reruni Saxoiiicanim lib. II ; P. Mvlunctbouis oratio (15M) de Friderico Adiuorso ; G. Spalatini \ita: aliquot ducum et elcctorum Saxoniie a Friderico l usque ad Jobanncm Fridcricum (1409- 1535) ; G, Amoldi vita Mauricii ducis et elcctoris Sax- oma>; J. Cameraiii oraiiones funebrcs (1553-69) in Mauritium d. et elect. Saxoniie ; Epistulfe arcante, plerfcque Gallico idiomntc, ab Henrico 11 Gallisc rege ad miuistros et ainicos suos et ab bis vicissim ad regera, An. ]&J8 et 1553, data:, quibus prtesertim ea, quEe ud foedus Mauritii, elect. Saxon, cum GalHs, cjusdemque mortem, et res paulo post in Germania frestas, spectaut, dcscribuntur i Excerpta Saxonicn, Misnica ot Thuringi- ca ex mounchi Pu'ueu»is, (scu vero nomine Joli. Lind- neri sive Tiliaui,) ononiastico vernnculo autograplio; Mouachi Iscnacensis, (*-uIgo Johanuis Robte,) clironi- con Tburiafnfc vcmaculmn; De S. Bennone, episcopo Misnensi in Sasonia et Slavorum aposlolo, script!^ varia, imprimis Hier. Emscri vita S. Bunuonis, cum nolis G. Henschenii el I». i'apebrocbii; Variae lectiones et 6upplementa ad vi||tm S. EliiinbethtF, auctore Tbeo- dorico de Thuringia sen de Apoldia; Libcllus dc dictis IV ancillaruni S. EHsabetbn:, sive exnmen niiraculorum ejus; Auctor rbj-tbnucus vcmaculus do vita Elisabutlire landgr. Tburingtiv ; Perc^inatio sen passnghim ad Terrnm Sanctam Albert! ducis Saxouia:, (147U) vemac- ula cxnratum ; J. Riithnlter de nu-ritis Albert! ducia Saxouia: locum tenentis gc-ncralis per nrabnnttam in doniuni Ilurguudicam, lingua vcriiacula; ti. Spain- tint dissertalio gimealogicn-ltiHtoricn de libcris Albert) ducis Saxonijc, lingua vevnacula; Addenda ad Anniiles Vetero-Cellenses. III. M. Doeringi! continuatiu ebron- ici Theod. Engelhusii, 1420-1)8; Cliroiiica brev!» de qui- busdam novissimis temporibus actis in parlibus MiSMie et Thuringle, et etinm dc aliis memuria dignis, ItJOl- 1497; Anomymi Saxonis historiu impcratorum a Carolo M. usque «d Fridcricum ll, ct quidt-m ad an. 1235; Chronici Pegaviensis collationcB ct continuatio, lli"»- 1236; Fragmentum cbroinci C'licnuiiccn6i«, 1408-151(1; Kmondationos et supplentonta nd chronJcon Mariis- burg; Memorabilia qun-dnni In cbronico lerric Misiicn- nis; Obronicoii Ijuvdliuburgcnso, 370-102;); Clironlcon S. Petri, vulgo Snmpetrlnum ErfUrtcniic, ub a. c. 31 klvo polius 10.^-1355 -, Cbronicon parvum vcnmculuni ri>runi in Mliinia, ab. on. U75 ad an. 1341); Kpkonia de Hc]>- kau breve cbronicon Magdeburgeiise ab auonymu Oer- manlce vcrsum; CoUatloncs chronict Magdeburgenbts a Moibumlo, cdili cum codiccMS. in arcbivo elect. Drcs- dic; G. Torquati pontiticum ccclvsiaj Mugdcbur- gcnsls series et ordo ab exordio fundationis num (iMS7) usque nd an. 1513; J. Lntumi catalogus cpiacoporuni ct arcbicpiscfiporum Moguntineuslum, ut>qiie ad 1582, cum notia II. U. do Llngcu ; II. Boiititcn clironl- con SIcHviccnNe, usque ad nn. 1530; Cbronicon Curia', ■cu rerum, qutu Ciirlo) Regniilanm ad 8a1nm ct In unlvcrsa Vurlscla a primis iullils nd nn. 1597 aoel- dcrunt, cuilcctum ab Enocbo Wldcnianno; J. Oltlionis catnlogus epfHcoporura et arcbicplHCojioruni nreniun- stum, 780-1580; Urovo cbronicon ccclesia^ IlameU-usiii, aucloro J. do Poeldr, an. 1374, conscriptum, acccdit cjusdttm civitalln diBcursun Iiistiirioufi, ci>nscri]>tU8 u G. Jtekben, cum addll. S. Spllckt-ri ; GcnealoKi" comltuin LeUiilccn»lum, dcductji a maJoribUH Vipertt Illius Ih-MI- comI cnmtlis (trulzrnaiM, auiloro I*. Albino Nlvcinoiiilo, olc, cum acccsMonibua C, U. 8cli\vartzli; Annalctt Kr- fttrtunjM'a Giinnonici, nb an. 1440 usque ad nn. 1407, sivu cunllnuallo chrunici 'I'huringlci Jolinnnin Itoihil; A. I'nini cbronicon I'lniringlv venuiculum, uwquu nd an. lAUO, cum uppcndlclbuH do Erfurto ct Norilbusa, 2<'{0- 154U; llUtorla belli SmnlOHldlcl, I.'i4fl, Gernitmlcu scr- mone scrtiita n duco quodam bcllico (fnrtu Ipso S. fjclierlllhio a llnrleuibncli) qui a parte protcstAnllum bello llli Intcrfult ; II. a Kcrimeiibrocb narrnllo dc ubwld- luno klonaatfrit'iinl, sen du bctlo aiiabaptUtlco, 153.9; Auonyiut cbroulctipi lluhrmlcum ub orlf{ino ducum llu- 4iem. u*quo ad nn. 13:^1 deductum; CoaniiD Prngennls cbnmlrni Doliemoruin lib. ill; II. Luubcrl cnlnloffui rv- icum, olvriorum, iinlallnonim, dur>uin, ninrcbtnuiim. Item «t comltum p'llcntlonnn vclcnini Miixonlii, I'lntHngiii! et UUnlo-, clc. ; lilplomdlMTiuni raioll iv, v\ cuitUe I.lpMl. •nsl di'kcriptuni; Uv orlglna, vefuatale, np|)i'lbill. sm.4*' .... 3092.8 Mendez, M. Tbe cbaplet,u musical entertainment. [(Collection of farces, V. I] 2575.35 Mendham, J. Literary policy of the olmrcb of Kome. 2d ed., enlarged. London, ls:JO. 8°. 2183.8 Mendova, B. de. Coninientaircs sur les evene- . incnts de la guerre des Pays-Bas, 1507-77. Trad. nouv. jiar J.oumier; avec notice, etc., par Guillaume. T. 1. Bruxellcs.lSOO. S". ' [Brussels. iSocictc de l'bi.>4toire de Belgiqne]. 2S20.29 Mendon association of congregational ministers, Centurial history of the. Blake, M 2367.16 Mendoza, D. II. de. Poesias. [Quintana. Par- naso cspaiiol, V. 2J 3104.19 Mendoza, I. L. de, mnrqucs de Santillana. Poe- Bias. [Quintana. Parnaso cspafiol, v. 1] . 3104.10 Meneckates. Seutentiic. -Sc^ llerlel, J. . , . B.lOUa.lO Menkomini, G. Geologia della Xoscana. See Savi, P 3807.14 Menelal's. Menelai spha'ricoruin libri iii. Cur. K. Halleius. Pra'fiitionem addidit G. (Cos- tard. Oxonii, 1758. 8° 4977.14 M i:n en I I'S, pseud. Ireland. Political tracts. See Ireland 2470.19 Mknoakini, G. Grammatica lingua; Selicro. Keo- Kboraci, IHOI. 1.8" 2300.42 Mknoe, T. Griif F. L. Stolberg und seine Zeitgc- nossen. B. 2. Gotlia, InC.2. 8° 4847.2 Meninski, F. M. Lexicon Arabico-Pcrsico-Tvrei- cvni. Secvndis cvrlf rci'ognit\ ni [a It.dc Jeii- Isch et F. de KlezlJ. VieniuT, 17hO-[lhO;'J. iv. r" •3080.7 — Dizionario. 5rflCladyrgy, A 3030.9 Mknnechet, ft. llistoire de France par les ecri- vains conteniporuins. 5(!f Paris, A. P. . . . 40-'ltn.l TklKSoy, ptteud. for A. Itaca. See. Maganza, G. It. Mensuhatkin. Mensuration of siipeitlcies and ^ulidM. Day. J 7(t58.18 Mental hygiene.' Hay, 1 3SO0.&O jMi'.n'IAL dCK'ure. See Intellccf'ial f-cleuco. MKNTELLU 405 jmi;ki;ihklu sucir. xo. Mi£NTEi,i,E, E. Atlas (le La monavcliie prussieunc. Loiidi-fs [rari>], 1?SS. 1" *;iti30.U -Vote. — Thl9 volumo was Intended to ncconjpnny t.A nionnrchie I'ruHnieuiu', by Miinljoiui. It coiisisld of 10 iim]is by Alfntclk*. IW leaves of stntl-Htleiil tnlilea, probn- bly by J. C Luveuux mid -f. MnuviUun, and *j:t platcfli llluatnitiug tUe uiilitaiy syittuni ul' rnis^ia, by J. Man- villou. — Pri/cis (le riiistoire 47. b° 3610.19 MHNl'Uu;ii, J. Le geide do ht hiagae fran^oise. [ICu frilly, et allein. liayreuih], l(ie.i. ls°.»4CS9a.37 — Secret d'lipprendie la langve fran^oise. Sup- plement. [En fraufj. et alleni.] n. p., 1081. l^° »40S9a.3r — Traitti des terarcs des ;irts liberaux et iileeani- ques. [lin train;. etalleni.) ii.p., lUSl. Ih'.^-tdSOa.S? MCNZEL, C. A, Neaere (jesi-hichte der Deutscheu von der Keforiaatioii bis zur Bundes-Actc. Ureshia, lS20-:io. 3v. S° 4218.1 Menzei,, W. Lite deutaclie Literatur. 2te AuH. Stuf tgart, ISiii. iv. iu 2. sm.s° 4230.9 — Die (jesiinge dor Viilker. Leipzig, isjl. 8° . 42-3.20 Menzies, AV. Treatiseon the sauiiarj mauagement aud utilisation of f^ewa^e. London, L'-liij. 4". 3942.17 ME^'ZI^•I, U. l*oetiea e satire [colla vita dell' au- lore didP ab. i}. I'aolucci da Spello]. Mi- Inno, IBiig. 8°. [C'la.ssici italiaul, v. 225] . **4S08.5 — Sonetti; Canzoni. [Giroui. liaccolta di Uriel italiani] 48C8.8 MfeR.\T, F. ^'., and Lens, A. J. de. Dictionnaire universel de matiere uit^dicale etde tlierapeu* tii4ue geuerale. Paris, 1829-34. Ov. 8° . . *57S5.7 Conlents.— Vol. I. A-B. 11. C-U. III. E-K. IV. L-N. V. 0-(J. VI. K-Z. Mekay, a. Les libres precheursdevancier.s de Lu- ther et de Rabelais. Paris, 18UU. 18° . . . 555S.30 Mercantile honor and moral houesty. Bostou, ISoO. pp. 20. 12° l).I70b.07 Mercantile law. Annales du droit commercial. Lailiue, A. F 3298.2 Set also: Banks and buDldng, Cnniers, Commercial law, Insurance, Trade. Mercein, T. F. R. Childhood and the church. iS'ew York, 1Sj8. pp.53. 10° 5446.38 — Natural j^ooduess : or, honour to whom honour is due. Isew York, W54. 10° S440.22 — The wise master-builder. A sermon. J^ew York, n. d. 10° 544G.37 Mercek. a. G. Sermon for the day of national fast, Jan. 4, ISOl. Boston, 1^01. 8° . . . .4320a. 102 Mercek, C. F. [Weakness aad inefficiency of the government of the United States of North America. By a lute American statesiuan.] - London, 181.3. p.S° 4323.49 — Menioire relatif a I'abolition de la traite afri- caiue. ,!s'ee American colonization society . 3571.16 Merchants and bankers' almanac for 1804, 05. Homans, J.S 5643.1 Merchant-.' directory. Beawes, W 3070.11 Merchant's polyglot manual. Jlichelsen, E. H. . 5t:83.8 Mercier, L. S. Tableau de Paris. Kouv. ed. Amsterdam, 1782—8. 12v. 8° 4B38.0 — Kew picture of Paris. Translated from the French. Dublin, 1800. 2v. 8° 2630.34 Mercikr de Lacombe, C. Henri iv et sa politique. Kouv. ed. Paris, [ISO-]. 12° 4067.16 Merciei! de Lacombe, U. Le Mexiqueet les fitats- Unis. 2e ed. Paris, 180.3. 8° 4314.21 Merck, .J. H. Ausgewiihlie Schriften zur schouen Lileralur uiid Kunst. llerausgegeben von A. Stahr. Uldenburg, 1840. 8° 2905.4 — Briefc an und von. Ac« VVrgner, C 2817.18 nholf. Ku. MEiccuiiiALK, G. De arte gymnastica. [Polcni. Utriusque thes. autiq. supp., v. 3] 2970.7 Merciirv, tlu'iilrinet. Schickard, W. De .^Icrcurio sub Sole viso et aliis uovitatibus uranicis . , 5923.30 — Winlock, J. Tables of 3921.30 .Merian, AI., and Zeiller, M. Topographin. Das ist, Beschrcibuu':; und Abbildung di'r fiirncnib- slen Sliittund Pliitz. [JlilJ ILuipt-Register. Frankfurt, 1043-88, 1720. Uv. f° ♦4201. S Confeiits. — Vol. I. Topogrnpliia provincinrum Austria- car nni.Austrirc, Sty rirc, t'arintIiia;,CHmioloj,TyroliB,ete. II. Topographla Frunconite, Bn%-nri«j, SveviiB. III. To- pograpbia Alsatla-, Puialinatus Itlienl et vieinaruin repi- onnni, arcliiepiscopatnum Mognntinensis, Trenirensis, et ColoniensiB. IV. Topograplna von Braunscbweig und Liineburg, Ilassia. et regionnni vicinnrnm. V. Topographia electoral. Urundenburgici, ducutus Pom- eraniu;, et Westphalini. VI. Topograpbia superioris et inferioris Saxoniie, Tburingia;, Misnia;, Lusulitp. VII. Topograpbia Helvetia;, Uhu'lia: et Valesia-, el Oermanlte inferioris. VllI, IX. Topograpbia Gallia;. X. Topo- grapbia Italia;, Morea;, urbis Roma;. XI. Uaupt-Keg- iater. Merida. De vitis et mirncnlis patrnm Emeriten- sium. See Paulus diaconus Emeritensis . . 6050.21 Merivale, C. The conversion of the Itoman em- pire. Boyle lectur.s. London, 1804. 8° . . 5513.20 — History of the Romans under the empire. Vol. 6, 7, 2ded. London, 1860-82. 7v. 8° . . . 2755.4 Meriwether, J. A. Speech delivered in the house, In reply to the chai'ge of extravagant e.v- penditures of the public money by the whig party, n. p., 1841. [No title-page.] 8° . *Pph.v.3S2 JIERKEL, J. Lex Sa.\oiium. Berlin, 1853. pp. 20. 1.8° 4294.0 MEUKfeN, L, W. van. Tooueelpoiizy. See Winter, N. S.van 2891.2 Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. History of the refor- mation iu Europe in the time of Calvin. Ge- neva aud France. London, 1803. 2v. 8° . 3527.13 Merleker, C. F. JIusologie. Systematische ijbersicht des Entwickelungsganges der Sprachen, Schriften, Drucke, Bibliothekcn, [etc.]. Leipzig, 1857. 8° 2195.15 Merlin, A. Die Sagen von Jlei-lin. Slit alt-wiil- schen, bretagnischen, schottischen, italien- ischen und hiteinischen Gedichte. Herausg. vonSan-Marte[A.Schulz]. Halle, 1853. 8°.**2536.29 — Galfiidi Monnmetensis liber de prophetiis Mer- lini. .See Apocrypha 6018. 5 — Son histoire, ses oeuvrcs, son influence. See La Villeinarque, T. H.de 2530.20 Der thcure JIbrlin. Heldcngedicht. [Hofstae- ter. Altdeutsche Gedichte, v. 2] 2900.38 Merlin, R. Reflexions impartiules sur le catalogue des livres imprimt^s de la Biblioth^que royale. Paris, 1847. pp. .32. 8° 2128.6 Merlini, G. Sulla costruzioue del tetti degli edi- flq. Milano, 1842. 8° 4095.0 Merobaudes, F. ( armen de Christo. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 27] B.110.2 Merge. [Braunschweig. Geschichte der Vijlker im Allerthume] .3052.9 Merrei.l, W. H. Five months in rcbeldom ; or notes from the diary of a Bull Run prisoner, at Richmond. Rochester, 1802. pp.04. 8°.4320a.l03 Merri.\m, G. and C. Have we a national standard of English lexicography ? or, some compari- son of the claims of Webster's and Worces- ter's dictionaries. Springfield, 1854. pp. 15. 8° B.170.SO Merp.ick, J. L. Appeal to the American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Spring- field, 1847. 8° 0088.9 Merrick, P. Eulogy on Andrew .Jackson, Boston, 1845. S'eeDusenbery, B. JI 2347.25 Merrifield, M. p. Original treatises, from the 12th to 18tli centuries, on the arts of paint- ing. With translations, [etc.]. London, 1849. 2v. 8° 4CK5C.22 MEKRIFIELD 406 METASTASIO Sliulf. Xo. Merrifield, M. p., conthmed. Contents. — Vol. I. Intrudtiction; Jelian Le Beptiet ThI)u1>i du Tocnbulis siiioiiiiiiis ot i-quivocis ooKTiini; ExfioriiQeiiiA de coloribtis; — Feinis de 8, Audcumr de coloriliits fnciendis; Kraclius de coloribus et arlibuB RomnQonuu; J. Arclii-rius or Ari'lievius de coloribus diviTsis inodis. II. Bolognese mauuscript, Sogreti per colon; Marciuia mnnuscript, Secreli divers! ; Piuluaa manuscript, Kicctte per far ogni sorte di colore; Gio- vanni Biirista Volpnto, Modo da tener nel dipin^r; Pierre Lebnio, Rccueil des essnies des men-eillcB do la pcinlure; Giovanni 0'K.elly Edwards, Storia della ori^nizzazione civile delle belle ar(i in Venezia. SrKRRiMACK vaUey, Historical and genealogical researches of 2350.8 Merrual", p. L'flgypte contemporaine, 1840-57, de3Wli^met-AfiaSaiai'acha. I'aris, 1858. 8°. 3052.12 Merryman, J. DecLsioii iu the Merrymnn case, upon the writ of habeas corpus. See Tauey, K. B 36.35.10 Meeryweather, F. S. Glimmerings in tlie dark; or liirhts and shadows of the olden time. London, 1850. IT 4165.10 Mersennk, 31. Co;?itata physico-mathematica. Parisiis,HVH. 4" •5913.2 Mersox, E. La guerre d'Amurique et la mediation. Pari.sl8G2. 8' 43^2.5 Merswin, K. Gottcsfreundo im Hten Jahrhun- dert. 5ce Schmidt, 0043.13 Merula, Gaudeuzio. De Gallorum Cisalpinorum antiquitate ac orifriue. [Grajvius. Thes. an- tiq. Ital., T. ],p, I] 4710.1 Merula, or de' Merlani, Georgio. Antiquitatis vicecomitum :Mt'diutani libri x. [Grxnius. Thes.antiq. Ital., T. 3, p. 1] 4710.1 Merula, or Van Merle, P. De leiribus Uoniano- rum opus posthunuim ; D^- coiuitiis lloinan- orum upus posthun.um. [Poleni. Utriusque tlies. autiq. supp., V. 1] 2970.7 Mervesin, J. [Hisioire de la poUsie framjoise.] Paris, 1706. U° **4C97.7 Merwin, S. DiscourKC on the completion of fifty years service in the ministry of the gospti, Feb. 25, lJ-55. New Haven, ISiS. 8" . . . . 5543.20 Mery tales and quicke answers. [Ilazlift. Old English jest-books, v. 1] 4599.8 Meryon, E. The history of medicine. Vol. I. London, 1861. 8° s 5730. 2 Meseritz, L. K. v. Kakodiimon des preussischen Staats. Berlin, lt-07. 12" 2819.9 Mlsnarij, P. Introduction aux Projct de gouvor- nement du due de Bourgogne. See Saint- Simon, L. de U. de . . 2657.7 Mesomi;!)[:s. Ilymuns ad Nemesin, etc. [Brunck. Analcctapoet.Gr., V. 2J B. 102.7 Mesopotamia, Observations on, Pococke, K. . . 3010.7 Mess, C Dictionnaire coniplet russe-fran^ois-idle- maud. 2e C-d. Mobcou, 1826. 4v. in 2. 8* . *;!035.13 Con(enM. — Vol. I. A-0. IL P-V. ME39ALA, or Messalla Corvinus, M. V genie Augnsti. Sec Entrophis — - Same. [Ticdler. Scriptore nianif] ■ _ Same. [MfNtoriac Komnnne scriptores, v. 1] . _ Sxme. [lUstorlffi Homana; Kcriptores niino- res] — Liff, by Cornelius Nepos. Sfc Berwick, E. . . Mkhsina. Mcmorle de'pitlnri mesninesi Mesbin«;i:«, H. Sentiments on reslgnalion. Ports- month, N. II., IS07. 12° MKSZLENYi.a. K. Memorial. Boston, 1850. pp.04. in- Mkta^jknks. (^untuor cnnifrdiarum frngmenta, [Meineke. Frngm. com. Gr., v.3] Metallic tractors, ExperlmentH with the. Her- hohlt, T Mktam.<'II)H. Miinnal of the. Apjohn, J MiirALi.ri:'iY. Idau, K. Atlas du nihieur et du nii-talturgislf — Byrne, O. Metal worker'» nt-Nlstiint De pro- historlic Ko- B. 178.5 B. 177.7 42^0.3 2920.14 2758.12 4005.15 6147.13 2:t48.01 B. 102.8 3802.13 3869. 17 38.C.1 &800U.1 Metallurgy, continued, — Percy, J. Metallurgy, iron and steel Shelf. No. . . 5SG0a.2 See also: Electro-Metallurp>", Foundry, Iron, Miiulder. Metals. Abridgments of specifications relatinfr to plating or coating metals with. .See Great Britain. Dupartineut of justice. Commis- sioners of patents. Metajioiiphism, Studies and experiments on. [Washington. Smithsonian institution. Mis- cellaneous collections] C.203.3 Metaphysics. Burnet, J. Antient metaphysics: or, the science of universals 6091.1 — Ferrier, J.F. Theory of being- 61U8.9 — Fries, J.F. System "der Metaphysik 6098.13 — Kirwtin, K. Metaphysical essays 5606.7 — Nullity of 5609a. 7 — Parr, S. Metaphysical tracts by English phi- losophers of the I8th century 0092.2 — Suarez, F. Metaphysiciu'um disputationum touii duo 0050.8 See also: Intellectual scionce. Log Philosophy, I'sychology, Heuson. , Mind, Ontology, 3IETASTASIO, P. Opere. Firenze, 1826. 4v. 16°. 4765.8 Contents. — Vol. I. Notizie; Artiiserse ; Adrinno In Blrin ; Dtnietrio; OUmpinde; Issiiiile; Ezio; Diilono abbiuidouiitii; Lh cleuienzii di Tito; tiiroe; II snguo di Scipiuuc; II natal diGiovc; Ladanzn; l.'isola disubiliila; Le CiucBi ; 11 vero onmggiu ; I.'Amor priplonicro ; II Clc- lojie; L'HSilod'Aiiiove; La pncefra la virtue la bellesza; Le tiro/Jc vendicttte; II sogno; Vnrianli doU' Adriano; Viirinnti dullii Dklone ; L'inipresario dt-llo Cnuarie, inter- mez/.i per la Didone; II Irionfo d'Aniorc. II. Catone ia Utifft jUeniofoontc; AlesBundroneir Indie ;AcliiUe in Scl- ro ; Ciro riconosciuto ; Tcniialocle ; Zenobia ; I]>ennestm ; Ai;tigono; 11 tenipio AoW uteruitu; La contesadc' Nuini; 11 Pnlladio consi-rvato; II Parnnao accusato o difeso; Aatrea placutn; Gioas re di GiuUa; Uetiilia libernta; Snnt' Elena al Calvaiio; Sonctti; Cnnzonetto ed altrl couiponimeuti; L'imperial ruBidcnziiv di Sclionbrunn; Strufe per niURicA da ciintHrsi a canone; Cannonutta IKT un hallo di viMani e villanolle; Pnrnfrasi del sulmo Miserere; Inno a S. (jiutio; Varinnti del Ctitone; Vari- ant! doll' Aleseandro. III. Semiranilde ; lire pnstorej L'Eroe cinese ; Attilio llegolo ; NSttcti ; II (rionfo dl CIo- lia; Itomolo cd Ersilia; II Ituggicro; Oiuseppc riconos- ciuto ; Lft niorte d'Abelo ; La pussiuno di Geaix Crisio ; Per la festiviiddel S. Natale; Isacco flgura del Itedentoro; Alcide al bivio; Egerln; II rai-na»o eonlXiso; PartenopCi Cantato; Epitalnmii ; I voti pubblicl; La pubbllca folicitd; II convita degit del; La atnida dvlla gloria; L'origino di'llclcggi; Varianti della Semlraniide. IV. La Galatea; L'Endiniiuiiu ; GU orti KdperUU ; I.'Angel- Jca aerennta; Atenaide; La corona; La pace iVa le tra dec; La rispcttosa tencrezzii; Aueuriodi folicith; Trl- buto dl rUpvtto o d'amorc; La gara; La ritrosia dieur- niata ; L'apc ; It quudro aninialo ; Com|ilinKMitI ; II ratio d'Euroi)a; Invito a cena d'Orazio a Torquato; Itlsposta ad Ornzio; Tradiii:lone della satirn in di Giu- venale ; Tradiixloue della aatira VI del libro II di Orazlo ; Traduzlone d'un epigranima greco; Arte pootlca dt Orazlo; Annotnzloni alia nu'dehinui;Giu.«tlno; Eittratto doir Arto poctlca d'Ariiitollli; ; OumTvoRioui mille trugc- die « comniedio greclio ; Lctlcro HColte ; 11 SIfaoo [ Scherzo e»tcinporo»eo. — Works, Translated from the Italian, by J, lloole. London, 1767. 2v. 12" . . . .'. . 2770.10 roM/c>i/«. — Vol. 1. Artaxorxei; TIic Olympiad j Hyp- ■Iplle. 11. Titun; DcmutrluB; Denui)ihooii. — Temistocle; Artaserso; with translation. Sec (apuzzi, F 4190.6 — Artaxrrxes : an opera performed at the Khi;4V tlicatro. Music by IhiHSc. [In English and Italian.] London, 1766. 12° *I'ph.v.363 — Artaxerxes. An Knglish opera. Dublin, 1760. pp. in. 12* 4676.25 — [l/OHmjuade, dramnni per musica. LUbona], 1774. pp. NH, tim.h". [Dramml vavie, V. 2] .*I799.17 — II Hogiu* dl .*ramml varie, V. I] *i799.l7 Mf:TAXAS 407 MEURSIUS ttholf. No. MfcTAXAs, S. J. pe roxiilorfttinn dc In r^'tine, et d-'s ultf-nitions df cctte membmnc visibles h rnphtliiilnioscope. riiri:*, IStil. 4" 5S02.1 MtTCAi.F, I>. Nature, foundation, and extent of moral obJiKiUion. lioslon, ISdo. 12° . . . . 35S5.23 MiiTCAi.K, n. "Till- fiiitli once dolivcrcd to the saints." Five lectures. Detroit, Mich., 1859. pp. 41. 8* 5463.28 MiCTCAi.K, T. Address to tlie Phi Beta Kappa soci- ety of Brown university, Sept. 5, 1832. Bos- ton, ISTI. h* * 43W.31 3lETCAi>rK, V. TheOxonian in Iceland. London, IS'll. p.S* 2SG5.0 MKTCAr.KK, S. L,. Caloric: its apcndes in nature. Philadelphia, ISj'.i. 2v. 8" 39G0.5 Mktei.i.I's, moil I- of Tcgernsce. Quirinnlia in lau- deni S. (Juiiini niiirtyris. [Cani^ius. The- saurus, v. .'I, p. 2] 4140.3 Meteokitks. Versuch eines Quellenvcrzeichnisses zur Literatur iiber Sli'troiitcn. BuHuicr, O. 5S63.14 Mkteorological observations at Washington by J. M. Gilliss. See United States, Depart- mpnt of the navy ■. .3961.7 Meteorology. Cornelius, C. S. Meteorolof^ie , 3691.10 — Directions for meteorological observations by A. Guyot. [Washington. Smithsonian in- stitution. 5Iiscellaneous collections, v. 1] . 3350.2 — Fitz Uoy, R. 5Iauu;d of practical meteorology .3961. 9, 11 — Hutchison, G. Causes and principles of mete- oroloftical phenomena 3961.18 — Lampadius, AV". A. Beytrjige zur Atmospha- rologie 5969.20 — - Ctnindriss der Atmosphiirolosie 5969.20 — Pouillet, C. S. M. Notions generales de la nu't^'orologie .3967.27 — Saxby, S. M. Lunar influence on weather . . 3961.13 — Tables, meteorological and physical. [Wash- ington. Smithsonian institution. Miscel- laneous collections, v. Ij 3350.2 See aUo: Arrolites, Atmospherp, Climate, Psyclirom- etry, Tlicrmumeler, Storms, ToruaiJo, Wateraixiuts, Wind*. Meteren, E. van. Historien der Nederlandcn, [13r>9]-1612. Amsterdam, 1652. f* *4270.4 — Beschreibung des nederlenriischen Kriegs. In Hochteutsch vbergesetzt. Arnhem, 1614. f. *4270.8 Meteyarij, K. Life of J. Wedgwood. With an introductory sketch of the art of pottery in England. Vol. 1. London, 1865. 8* . . , *402o.24 Methodism. Arminian and Wesleyan methodist magazine, 177s-is56 7415.1 — Coles, G. Heroines of 5558.12 — Finley, J. B. Sketches of western methodism. 5558.13 — Hulme, S. Jubilee of the Methodist new con- nexion 3547.28 — Jackson, T. Centenary of AVesIeyan methodism. 3548.5 — Mathiek, L. C. History of American slavery and methodism, ITHO-Ksjo 4296.21 — I'orter, J. Compendium of 3548.14 — Smith, G. History of AV'esIeyan methodism , 3548.4 — Soutliey, R. Kise and progress of 555S.2G — Tucker, J. History of the principles of . . Pph.v.347 — Wakeley, J. B. The heroes of 5558.9 Mkthodism as it should be. By ♦' Elihu." Lon- don, Ihor. 8" 3548.0 SIethodist episcopacy, History and mystery of. M'Caiue, A 5558.2 METiionisr episcopal church, U. S. A. Doctrines anddi>eip]ine. New York, ls36. pp.60. 32^.3440.39 — Journals of the general conference, 179<>-1856. Vol. 1-3. New York, isJS-oO. 3v. 8' . . . 3543.8 — Minutesoftheannual conferences, 1773-1845, 52- 59, Vol. l-3,i>-7. New York, 1840-59. Gv. 8°. ,3543.7 — Emory, J. Original organization of the . . . 3477.3 — Gorrie, P. D. Episcopal methodism, as it was antl is 3548.12 — Stevens, A. History of the 5558.11 — West, U, A. Debates in the general conference, 1W4 V. 2 of 3543.8 auuif. So. Methodist magazine, a cnntlnnation of the Armi- nian magazine, 1798-1821, See Arminian magazine, V. 21~+1 7415.1 Methodist magazine: or, evanfrelical repository. [ Afterwards New methodist magazine, and Methodist new connexion magazine.] Vol. l-".'5," new series, v. 1-10; 3d series, v. 1-29. Leeds, 1798-1801. 04v. 8* *7417.1 Methodist magazine, and quarterly review. Vol. 1-11; new series, v. l-Jl ; 3d series, v. 1-8; 4tli series, V. 1-15. New York, 181S-63. 45v. 8°. *7416.1 Methodius. Cyrill und Method der Slawen Apos- tel. 5cc Dobrowsky, J 4236.12 Methodius, W.s7m;;o/7V''^'- Opera. Liit. interpret- ibus Combefisio et Possino. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. 3] B. 110.2 Contents. — Conviv-ium virginum ; De resuirectione ; Do libcro nrbitrio ; De Syineoue et Auiia; Oi'atio ia minus iiulmaruui; Itevclittiuncs. — De rebus quie ab initio mundi contigerunt, quse- que deiuceps contingere debeut. Gr. et Lat, [Grynjeus. Mou. patr.] B.141.3 Method'i us Confessor, ^«irirtrt7io/CoJi6'Zrt77/tHop/e. Ucati Dionysii Areopagitaj niartyrium. See Dionysius Areopagita B.140.8 — Traetatuii duo ad eos qui dicunt, Quid profuit nobis Filius Dei crucilixus. [Maxima bib- liotli. vet. patr., V. 14] B.110.2 Metoohita, T, Miscellanea philosophica et histo- rica. Graece. Descripsit C. G. Miiller. Pra;- fatus est T. Kiessling. Lipsiae, 1821. 8° , . 6050.15 Meti;e. Hermann, J. G. J . Handluicli der Sletrik. 29ftfi, 19 — Munk, E. Metres of the Greeks and Uomans. 2986.18 MeTRODOUUS. E7r(j'/Ju//^iJra ; U.01. 8" . . . . 3597.28 Meuksinge, a. Handboek van bet mohamme- daansche regt, iu de maleische taal. Amster- dam, 1844. 8° 4294.21 Medrsius, Joannes, b. 1579, d. 1639. Theophrastvs, sive de illius libris [perditis]. Accedit The- ophrastearvm lectionvm libcllus, Lugduni Batavorum, 1640. sm.l2° 4999a. 24 — Glossarium Graeco-barbarum abbreviatum. See Scapula, J 4120.2 Meuusius, Joannes, b. 1613, iL 1653. Arboretum sacrum, sive de arborum, fruticum et herba- rum consecratione, proprietute, usu et quali- tate. [Rapiu. Hortorura libri iv] .... 4008.28 MKUSCHKN 40S MICHAELSTETX Shelf. Ko. Meuschex, J. G. Novum Testamentum ex Tal- nuide et antiquitatibus Hu-bricoruni illustra- tum. X,ipsiae, ITofi, 4" *6016.1 3lEL'SEL, J. G. Gc'schichte vou Frankreich. [Uui- versal liistory, v. 35-30] 4130.4 Mexia, D. Foesias. [Quintima. Farnaso espanol, V. 4] 3104.19 MEXICAN' empire, The, and the American union. Boston, 1S05, pp. 12. ^° . ■ 4314.7 Mexican war. Berry, F. Review of the Mexican war on Christian principles B. 170. 34 — Galhitin, A. Feace with Mexico B. 170. 31 — Hale, A. Discourses on the (HiSa.I30 — Hudson, C. AYarwith ilexico 4163.9 — Jay, \V. Causes and consequences of the . . 4278.11 — Kamsey, A. C. History of the war between Mexico and the United States, by Mex- icans 4314.31 — Richardson, W. H. Journal of the campaign in New and OM Mexico 4314.30 -»- Severance, L. Speech on the war against Slexico 4103.9 — TiMen, D. R. Speech on the 41U3.9 Mexican war. The. Review of the annual nies- s^ige of the president of the United States to congress, Dec. 7, l.'^47. Washington, 184S. [No title-page.] pp.32, h" H. 170. 36 3IEXICO. Concilium Mexicanum prdvini-iale ill celebratum Mexiei, lo^o. Mexici, 1770. 4". *G020.5 — Le Mesique et Fiutervention. Faris, l^OJ. pp. 72. 8" 4314.2 — Mexico : the country, history, and people. Lon- don, 1&03. Vd". [Reli^aims tract society] . 4314.28 — Bazuncourt, C. de. Le Mexique cuntenipo- raiu 4314.27 — Canipe, J. H. Conquest of. . , 2319.13 — Chaniplain, S. Voyage to, 1509-1(502 2204.20 — Chevalit-r, M. Jlexico, ancient and modern . 4314. S — Gordon, T. F. History of aucient Mexico , . 4314.25 Hernandez, F. v. Flantarum, auimalium, niin- cialium Mexieanorum Iiistoria 4170.4 — Huiuboldt, F. H. A. v. Essai politique snr la ^ouvellc■l■:spagne 4316.2 — Jlercier de Lacombe, U. Le Mexique et les t:tats-Unis 4314.21 — Molina, A. de. Vocabulario en lengua Castel- lana y Mexicanit 4111.6 — Muraour, K. Conquete du Mexique par Cor- tex, guerre de Pindepeiidance et republique, expedition fran^aise iiu Mexique, ltiiil-i)3 . . 4314.29 — Question mexicaine et la colonisation fran- ^aise 4314.1 — Quniet, E. L'expedition du Mexique .... 4314.23 — Solis, A. de. Iiistoria de la conquista de Mex- ico 4 170a. 4 — Torquemada, J. de. Monarchfa Indiana . . . 4101.3 — Vigneuux, K. Souvenirs d'un i)risonnier de guerre an Jlexiqne ls04, 55 4314.26 Mexico, (Julf of. Derrotero de Ian costas del Seno Mrjicano. Scr. Spain. Ministry of nnirine . 2305.22 Mevbaum, H. Chronleon des Closters Marieu- Born bis I5S0. Nebst Leben des autoris [he- rausg. von] J. U. I-euckfeld. Magdeburg, i;-0. 4° 4210.0 Meyek, li. G. Magn(!'tisme terrestre. See Franee. Commission scli-ndtique du Nord. Voyages en Scandinavie, V. 11-13 2805.1 Meyeu, Krnst H. !■'. (iesrhlchteder Botanlk. Ko- nig^^berg, 1^51-57. 4v. p.h" 4277.12 Meyek, F. J.L. Darstellungen »UH llalii-u. Ber- lin, 1792. sm.K' 4750.60 Dartitellungen aus Nord- Deutsch land. Ilnm- hur^', islO. 8" 2S63 13 Meykk. H. a. W. Kritlftrh rxcgellscher Komnien- tar tlber dnH Neuc TeHtunieiit. Abth. 1-16. Gollihgen, IK-17-50. I2v. [Abth. 1, 6, 3to Aufl.; 2, 3, 4, 6-», 2tc Aun.J b* *C0]5,3 Content:— Vo\. UAl.lh. 1, Il-ft I]. Dn* rvnii««Hiiiii rt.« Mnltliilua. II [Abni. I, IIkTI I'). KvmiKoMon don Uarku* iiiiO I.ukni. Ill [Al»th.'.']. Kmn^olliim (In Jo- Sbolf. No. Meyer, H. A. "W., conthmed. hnniies. IV [Abth. 3]. Apostel^escliichte. VCAbth. 4]. Brief an die liiinier. VI [Abth. 5 mid G]. Brief nn die Koriiitber. VII [Ablh. 71. Brief nii die Galatpr;CH.] Brief nn die Eiilicsev; [9, Heft I.] Brief an die I'lriliiiinT. VIII [Abth. 9, Heft 2]. Brief an die Kolosscr nnd Pliilo- mon; [10.] Brief nu die Thessalonicher, benrb. von G. Lunomiinn. IX [Ablh. 11]. Brief an Timothciia und Titus, bearb. von J. E. Hulher. X [Ablh. 12], Krstcr Brit-f des Petrus, Brief des Judas, Zweiter Brief del Petrus, bearb. von J. E. Huther. XI [Abth. 13]. Brief «n dieHebriier, bearb. von G. Liincmann; [14.] Briefc des Johannes, bearb. von J. E. Uutlier. XII [Abth. ISJ. Brief des JakobuB, bearb. von J. E. Huther; [16.] Die Oa'enbarung Johannis, benrb. vou F. Dilsterdieuk. Meyer, Johann C. F. Commentatio in qua doc- trine stoicorum etliii-a cum Christiana com- paratur. Goltingie, liS23. h° COGS. 14 Meyer, .Johann F. VertlieidigungderMeyerischcn I^ehrL' voni Acido piiigvi. See Wieglcb, J. C. 3977.19 3lEY'ER, Johann H. Geschichte der bildenden Kiinste bei deu Griechen. Dresden, 1824, 25. 3v. in2. 8°, and Atlas, obl.4° *4284.1 — Uebersidit der Geschichte der Kunst bei den Griechen. Dresden, 1{<20. f° **40S0.10 Meyer, Jonas D. Esprit, origine et progres des institutions jndiciaires des principnux i>ays de FEnrope. La Haye, 1818-23. r, AV. F. Hinterlassene kleine Si'hriften. Slit Vorwort nnd liiograpliie von E. F. vou Feuchtersleben. Wien, 1842. 3v. 10° . . . 4S99a.6 Contents. — Vol. I. Vorwort; W. F. Meyeni (Uioprn- pliie) ; Brit'fu; Ucber Biugraphien; Staniinfulge der ■VWssfnBchaflen ; Der Alensch uiid die Dinge. II. Der Mcni^eh uiid die Meiisctien. III. Der Slennch tind das Ilulu-ro. Mi^;zi£;res, A. Shakspcare, ses oiuvrcs et ses crit- iques. Faris, 1800. 8" 2596.14 Mezzofanti, G. -pagne. Paris, 1847. 2v. 8" 4200.;.'5 — and Fouruier, fc. llistoiredes liotellcries, ca- barets, hotels garnis, restaurants et cafes, etc. Paris, 18J1. 2v. I.S" 4Gfll.2 JIiCHELET, C. Tj. Entwi(-'kelungsgeschichte der neuesten deutsdieu Pliilosoplde. lierlin, ISW. 8' 6105.20 — Der historische Christus und das neue Chris- tenthum. EinGespriicli. Darmstadt, 1S47. 8". 0037.20 MiCHELET, J, tEuvres. Bruxelles, 1840-44. 4v. 1.8» *4iyi.4 Contenta. — Vol. I. Introiluction a I'liistoiro univer- sollo; Discours d'ouverture prononcc b la fncultC' dea lettrcs ; lYnduction ties a:u^Tes choisies tie Vico ; Histoiro de In rt-piiblique romnine ; Tableaux ctironolopiques et Eyuctironiciuos de Thistoirc modenie. II. Precis de I'liUloire modenie; Memoires de Luther, ecrita par lui- mfiiue, trnduila et mis en ordre ; Origines du droit frnn- ^ftU, chcrciiies dans les symbolcs du droit universe!; Pr£cis do I'histoire de Franco jusqu'a la revolution fran- (Aise. Ill, IV. Histoire de France. — Histoire de France au 10e-18e siecle. f T. 10- 15.] Paris, 1S57-03. 6v. 8°. Namely: — - Vol. X. La Ligue et Henri iv. 2e ed. . . 4617.5 — - XI. Henri IV et Richelieu 4(il7.2 — - - Same. 3e ed 4i>t7.6 — - XII. Richelieu et la Fronde 4(il7.7 — - XIII. Eouis XIV et la revocation de I'edit de Nantes. 2e ed 4017.9 — - XIV. Louis XIV et le due de Bourgogue. 4til7.8 — - XV. La regenee 4017.10 — La sorcicre : the witch of the middle ages. From the Frencli, by L. J. Trotter. Loudon, 1SG3. p.S° 5C07.14 BIiCHKLi, M. A. Agri et urbis Burgomatis descrip- tio. [Gravius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 7] 4710.1 MiCHELSEN, A. L.J. Sammlung altdilhmarscher Rechtsquellen. A!ton:t, 1842. 8° 4293.8 MiCHELSEN, E. H. Merchant's polyglot manual in nine languages. London, IMiO. 8° 5683.8 — The Ottoman empire aud its resources. 2d ed. London, 1854. 8" 4243.7 MiCHiE, A. The Siberian overland route from Pe- king to Peter.sburg. London, 1804. 8° , . . 5046.2 MiCHiKLS, J. A. X. Les chasseurs de chamois. Paris, i860. 16° 4709.17 — Histoire des idees litteraires en France au xixe sitcle. 4e ed. Paris, 1863. 2v. H" .... 4060.22 MiCKiEWicz, A. Vorlesungen iiber slawische Lit- eratur und Zustande. Neue Ausgabe. Leip- 2ig, 1849. 4v. in3. 16° 423G.11 Michigan. Acts of the legislature, lSi9, 58. De- troit. 1839, .58. 2v. S° *6397.12 — Agricultural college of the state. Lansing, 1837. pp. 58. S" B. 170. IS — Annual report of the adjutant general for 1662, 63. Lansing, 1862, 64. 2v. 8" *G397.K) — Joint documents for 1858, 02. Lansing, 1858, 63. 2v. 8" ■. *G397.15 — Report of the progress of the geological sur- vey, I860. Lansing, 1861. 8° 6397.20 .— Reports of tlie superintendent of public instruc- tion for 1855-57. By Ira Mayhew. Lansing, 1858. 8" ." 6397.2 — Revised statutes, approved May 18, 1846. De- troit, 1846. 8" *6397.5 — School funds and school laws. By Ira May- hew. Lansing, 1858. 8° 6397.1 — Blois, J. r. Gazeteerof the state of 2382.8 — Farmer, J. Map of 2379.39 52 Shelf. No. MiGHifiAN, continued. — Tappan, H. P. Review of his connection with the university of 6397.3 Scealeo: Brownstown. MiciiON,J. H. Deuxieme le^on ii M. Kenan. Le Messiefou — leMessiedieu. Paris, 1863. pp. 71. 10° 5475.21 MiCKLE, W. J. Poetical works, with life. [Ander- son. Poets of Great Britain, V. 11] 4604.1 MlCROGKAPHlC dictionary. Griffith, J. W. . . . 3883.10 MicKoscoPE. Beale, L. S. The microscope, in its application to medicine 3780.9 — Donne, A. Cours de microscopic, complemeu- taire des etudes niedicales des fluides dc Pecon- omie 37.11.1 — Griffith, J. W. Elementary text-book of the . 3920.55 — Transactions of the Microscopical society. See London 5878.1 — Woodward, C. Instructions for using the . . 3920.51 Middle ages. Berington, J. Literary history of the 2190.25 — Biblioth&que de I'fccole des chartes, revue con- .sacree a I'etude du moyen age. See Paris. fecole royale des chartes 2272.1 — Britton, J. Dictionary of the architecture and archaeology of the 4096.12 — Canciani, P. Barbarorura leges antiquae . . . 4300.3 — Canisius, H. Monumenta ad historiam media; £etatis illustrandam (>070.21 — Crosnier, M. Vabbe. fitude des sculptures, peint- ures, etc., du moyen-age 4277.5 — Fabricius, J. A. Bibliotlieca Latina medije et inlimffi atatis 2207.1 — Kdppen, A. L. The world in the ..,,.. 2294.8 — Leo, H. Geschichte des Mitlelalters 4145.17 — Lorentz, R. Allgemeine Geschichte der Viil- ker des Mittelalters 2307.12 — Maurice, F. D. MediiBval philosophy .... 5606.15 — Monumenta Germanic historica, d-,md. See Frankfurt. Societas, etc 4210.2 — Mone, F. J. Lateiuische Hymnen des Mittel- alters 3437.25 — Potthast, A. Bibliotheca historica medii jcvi, 375-1500 2176.22 — Ramee, D. Le moyen-age monumental . . . 4050.17 — Raumer, F. L. G. v. Lateiuische Geschicht- schreiber des Mittelalters 4145.18 — Rehm.F. Geschichte des Mittelalters .... 4145.10 — Schindler, H. B. Der Aberglaubedes Mittelal- ters 2307.13 — Schmitz, L. History of the 2294.9 — Yonge, C. M. History of the, from the reign of Charlemagne to that of Charles V . . . . 2308.7 See also: Chivalrj-, Crusades, Feudal law, Germany (Jurisprudeuce), Poets, Romances, Middleboko', Mass. Peirce academy. Semi-cen- tennial jubilee, Aug. 6, 1858. [Oration by B. F. Hallett, poem by G. C Burgess.] Boston, 1858. pp.48. 8° 4387.50 MiDDLEBURY, Vt. Middlebury College. Addresses and proceedings at the semi-centennial cele- bration, Aug. 20, 21 and 22, 1850. Middle- bury, 1850. 1.8° 6087.5 — - Catalogue of the graduates, embracing a biographical register and directory. Pre- pared by T. S.Pearson. Windsor, 1853. 8°. 6087.78 Middlesex, Eng.^ Domesday book in relation to . 24. K. 3 See also: Brentford, London. Middlesex, Mass. Society of husbandmen and manufacturers. Transactions for 1851. In- cluding the speeches of E. Everett and R. C. Winthrop. n. p., 1852. pp.57. 8° 6993.10 Middleton, C. Miscellaneous works. London, 1752. 4v. 4" ♦4171.9 ConttiUs. — Vol. I. Introductory discourse; Free in- quiry into the miraculous powers, aupposed to have ■ubsisted in the Christian church from the earliest ngea, MIDBLETON 410 MIGXE Shelf. Ko. MiDDLETON, C, continued. throuph scTeral successive centuries; Remarks on two pamphlets lately published n^nin^it Dr. Midrtleton's In- troductory discourse; Vindication of the Free inquir;-; Trefnce to an intended answer to nil objections against the Free inquiry ; Oratio de novo physiolopin? explicnndte munere. II. Retlections on the dispute between Peter end Paul ; Reflections on the variations among the four evangelists ; Essay on the gift of tongues; Remarks on a story concerning St. John and Cerinthus; Essay on the allegorical and literal interpretation of the creation and fall of man; Letter to Dr. Waterland, containing remarks on his Vindication of Scripture, in answer to Christinnityasold as the creation; Defence of the Letter to Dr. Waterland; Remarks on a reply to the Defence of the Letter; Remarks ou Observations, addressed to the author of the Letter; Remarks upon the Proposals by Bentley, for a new edition of a Greek Testament and Latin version ; Farther remarks upon the Proposals ; Do Lalinamm literamm pronuncialiooe ; Dr Middleton's let- ters to Mr. Warburton, etc. III. Lelterfrom Rome.shevp- ing an exact conformity between popery and paganism, with a prefatory discourse and postscript; Examina- tion of the bishop of London's discourses, concerning the use and intent of prophecy ; Dissertation concerning the origin of printing in Eflgland ; Account of the pro- ceedings in the university of Cambridge against Dr. Bentley ; Second part of the account ; Remarks upon a pamphUt, entitled, The case of Dr. Bentley farther stated and vindicated; Account of the state of Trinity college. Cambridge, under Bentley; Treatise on the Roman senate; Bibliothecse Cantabripiensis ordinandne melhodus. IV. Gcrmana qun;dnm anriquitatis orudiKB quibus Komanorum rilus varii tarn sncri quani profani, turn Gracorum atque vEg^-ptionim, nonnuUi illustmntur, etc. ; De medicorum apud vetcres Komanos depentium conditione dissertatio; Disscrtationis de medicorum KomiB dcgentium condilione ignorabili et servili, de- fensio; Epistles of M. T. Cicero to M. Brutus, and of Brutus to Cicero, with the Latin text. _ Life of Cicero. New ed. London, 1810. 3v. go 2755.12 — - Same. Londou, 1S39. l.S" 2755.11 _ Histoire de Cicerouj [trad, en fran^ais par Provost d'ExilesJ. 2e cd. Paris, 1749. -Iv, JO" **4918.12 MiDDLETON, Sir Henry. Voyage to tlie Red Sea and Surat. [Mavor, Voyages, v. 1] . . . . G2(17.1 MiDDLETON, Henry. The government and the cur- rency. Kcwed. Kew York, ISOO. 12" . . 3046.36 MIDDLETON, Mass. Kepublican convention, March 4, [1812], E. Gerry, for governor, W. King, as lieutenant governor. [No title-page.] pp.8. 8" *rph.v.C4 MlDDLEToWN, Co?i«. 'Wesleyim university. Cliron- icles of the class of 1850. Cambridge, n. d. pp. S. 4° 4383.2 MiDDLETOWN, N. Y. Lyceum. Brief InHtoncal sketch, together with the constitution, list of members and lectures, 1862-3. Middletown, N.Y., 1853. pp.17. 8' IS. 170. 93 MinoN, V.,jr- History of Masanicllo, the fisher- man of Naples. An exact relation of the in- surrections in HH7. Loudon, 1729. 12". . . 2724.8 MiDWiKKKY. Brauu, U. Compendium der Geburts- hiilfc 3774.3 — Cazenux, P. Truile de I'art des acconclie- nients 3774.25 — Moreau, F. J. Traltc* i)ratitiue des accouulie- mens 3772.7 — Murphy, E. W. Lectures on 3772.4 — NJi-'ele, F. C. Lehrhuch tier Geburti^hUlfe . , 3772.13 _ - KatechiBmUM der Hebaninienkunst .... 37r2.13 — Ould, F. Treatiseof 3;72.1U _ Siehold K. C. J. v. Lehrbuch der (Jeburtb- hUlfe 3771.3 — .Sleiu»O.W. Lehre der llehanimenkuusi . . 3r;9.24 St* alto: Prcgiiancy, I'uerpcral fever, VaRinH. Mit:OK,— . HiBtolrcdcMalte. Paris, IWO. 3v. H\ 4724.5 MiiiKIH, F. van. Heschryvhig dn hisschoplyko munten en ze^fden van Utrecht in t' J*yzon- der, SccHeuMHen, U. F. V G070.2 — and Alphen, D. van. iJeschryvinj? dor .Stad Leydcn. Lcyden, 17rO-»4. 3v. 1" N270.5 MiGNE, J. P. Patrologiffi cursus completus. Se- ries 2a, in qua prodeunt patres, doctores scrip- toresque ecclesiic Latina; a S. Gregorio magno usque ad Innoceutium ill. Parisiis, 1845,40. 4v. 1.8" *B.n6.i 2Cote. — For the contents of the previous volumes, see iQdcx of 1801. Cofitents. — Vol. I-IV. Petri Lombardi sentcntiamm libri quatuor, necnon Thoma; Aquinatis summa theolo- gica. ■ Same. Indices, generales simulctspeciales. LutetiK Parisiorum, 18iV^-r4. 4v. inip.b' . *3470.36 ■ Same. Series Gneca, a S.Barnaba usque ad coneilii Florentini tenipora. [Gr. et Lat.] Vol. l-iO, 05-117, Lutetia; Parisiorum, 1857- C4. 104v. imp.8° •5461.1 Con(e«f«. — Vol. I. Clemens Romanus. II. Clemens Romunus, Barnabas, Matthias, Bartholomicus, apos- toli, Analeclus papa, Hennas, Anonymus auctor testa- menli XII patriorchnrum, Anonymus auctor episto- Ire aJ Diognetura, Cleri Achaifc epistola de martyrio S. Andreie. Hi, IV. Dionysius Areopngita. V. Iguntiua, PolycarpUB, Evaristus, Alexander l, Sixtus I, Telefi- phovus, Hyginius, Pius I, Anicetus Soter I, EleuthcrJus, papic, Mclito Sardinensis, Papias llierapolitauus, Quad- ralus, Aristidcs apologista, Agrippa Castor, Aristo Pello-us, Claudius ApoUinaris, llcgesippus, Panta-nus, Uhudon, Maximus Hierosolyiuorum ep., Pulyeratcs, Theopliilus Caisaricnsis, Senipion, ApoUoniua, Plures anonymi sieculi U. Keclesibrum Viennensis et Lugdu- nensis epistola de raartyrio S. Pothini, etc., Victor I papa, Archreus. VI. JustinusMnrtyr. VII. Irenteus. VIII, IX. Clemens Alexandrinus. X. Zephirinus pontifeX Romanus, Cajus presbyter Romanus, .lulius Afiicaiius, Cullislus 1 poutifcx Uoraanus, Urbauus l pontifex Ro- manus, Asterius Vrbanus. Pontianus. Antenie. Fabi- aiuis. pupa?, Alexander Hicrosolymilanus, Anntolius Alexandrinus, Theognostus Alexandrinus, Picrius catc- cliista Alexandrinus, Malchio presbyter, liippolytus Portuensia, Gregorius NeocKsarieusis, Dionysius Alex- andrinus. Macarius Magnes. Archelaus MeHopotHmlw episiopus, Pamphilus Ca-sariensis presbyter, Phi- leus Thniucos episcopus, Thconas Alexandrinus. Xl-XVn. Oripones. XVIII. Methodius, Alexander LyeopotitJinus, Pelrus Alexandrinus, Alexander Alexan- drinus, KuBtuthiuB Anlii>ehenuB, Titus Bostrensls, Theo- dorus Heraclecnsis. XIX-XXIV. Eusebins Pamphilus. XXV-XXVIII. Athaiinslus. XXIX-XXXII. BasilUis. XXXUI. Cyrillus llieroaolymitanus, Pelrus It Aloxan- drliiue, Timotheus Alexandrinus. ApollinuriuB Laodi- ccnuB Isaac ex Judieo Chriatiauus, Diodorua TavsenBls. XXXIV. Macarius .^gyptius, Alacarius Aloxandrinua, Fulladius Uolcnopolitauus. XXXV-XXXVIII. Gvego- riuB, Ciesarius Gregoril tVator. XXXIX. AmphUochlua Iconiensls. Didymna Alexandrinus, Nectarius Constan- tinopolitanus. XL. Phllo larpasius, Asterius Aninsenua, Ncnu'siua Emescnui*, ilieronymuB tlieologus iSra'cus, pHtre.1 vKgyptiisaJculi iv, Orslesius Tabcuuensis, Sera- pion Thni'nilonus, Pachuniius TabennensU, Anionlus MdgnUH abbas, Isniaw nlfhnn. Evagrlus PontlcuB. X[,l- XI-III. Ejiiphaniua Constiinlieiisis, NonnuH I'armpollta- miH. XLiV-XLVI. Cregorius NyweuuB. LXV. 8eve- rlannBUabalitiinuB,Th.-uphilu8 Alexandrinus. PalhidliiB llelenopolitauus, Phllosturgiuc, Attieus Con»tantiuopo- UlaiiuB I'roclua ConstrtntinopoHtanus, Flavianus Con- Btiinllni'politanus, MnreUB Eremitn, Marcus Diadochua el MarcUB dlaconun. I. XVI. Theodorus Mopwupntenua, SyneoiuB. Arsenlns Eremlla. LXVll. Socpaten, So- TomenuK. LXVUI-I-XXVl. Cyrillus AlexamirinUB. I.XXVll. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, ThcoilotuB AncyrauuB, PauIUB EnK'senuB, Acftclua Uorrhareii»l8,.lo«nncB Aiulo- clu'uux, Memno Eplicalnun, AciicluBMolitcneBeplBcnpUB, RiibliuhiB Edessenuit, FlrmuB Cienarcft; Cappailoeln-ei)!*- copu", AmplillocliluB SideniiB. LXXVlll. UiUorun Po- lniit..tn.Zi'»imuBabbiii. LXXIX. Mlus abbiis, Ilyper- ucliiUB ftbbns. LXXX-LXXXIV. Tlieodon-lUB CyreiiitlB. LXXXV. HaBilvUH MeloucleiiBlB, Euthallua dlacouu*, JoainieiiCarpalhlnN. Euiloelalmpfiarilx,.fl£neBiiOn»a'U*, ZailinriiiB MltyUuiea, HelftNluB CyzlceuUB, Theotlmut junior ToinitainiB, AinmonhiB prifliyter AlexandrinuB, Andn-nB 8utnonBteii«lB. tiennadlu- pnlriurcha, t^iulull- anu» ABculanuB, CitiulidualBaiiriiB, AnlipaierlJoBli-cnBlB, DalnuUlUB monaclm*, 'ItniothuuB HeryteUBlB, EuBtnllilus BeryteiiBl", Anunyml Ivagmenlo lilalurita, ex ed. A. Mall, IWI7. I.XXXV1. Para I. Thnotheun (p. pn-Bbytcr, Joauin-B Moxentlui. preabyter Antlocln-nui.; TlirodoruB Icrlor, I'rocoiiiuBpreiibytcrTyrornin.'llieodoruBHiytho- polltn'nuii, Timotlieua Illeroi-oiyiiiHiinuB, llmothcUB III Ale>»ndrliiuB,Thewdoi.luB AU'xandrlnUB, liuscblus Al«x- MIGNE 411 3ULES Shelf. No. MiGXE, J. P., continued. andrinua, Eunvbluit Enirscnu^, GrcircTitlus Tnphnrensia, Epiphnnius CuiiitlAiitinoiiolitaiuia, Isimcus NiniWtanus, l{Arsitiiu|ilt)uM Ai)iiohor<>ta PiiliiMllnus, Etistnthiiis mon- DcliUH, Juittiiiiiiima inipernlor Augustus, Agapetus Cj). dinconus, Lc-onihia Byzunliiui^ »cu llierosoly- niiunus. Purs 2. Lcontius Il.vzautinus, EpJiniimua Autioi'hoims, PhhIus Silttitiurius, Eutycbius patrinrcba, EvHjrrlus SchulAotlrtia, Eiilog^iiis Alcxniidi'inus, Synieon junior, Znchnriiis HivroButyinitmms. Mudostus Hiorosoly- mllunus, Jobius moniichuH, Krcchttus Aiitiochlfu in Per- slJo cplicopus, PftniB Laoiliccnus. LXXXVll. Purs 1, 2. Procoplus nazajuH, Pnrii H. Procopius Gnzfeus, Joniinca Mofohiitt, Sophronius Utcrusolyuiilunus, Alcx- nnUvr tnouuchus. LWXVIII. CoNmnn Indlcopleustea, Conmantlnun Hinconiis Cp., Jonnnos Cliiniicus, Agnthius Uyrlnivufl, Dorotheua nrchlmnndrlta, Gre(;orin9 Antio- cliiMtus, Joannes J^junnlor. LXXXIX. Auiistnsius Si- nitita Anliocliriuis piitrinchn, Anastiislus I Aniiochenus, Aiinstiisins nhlinn 8. Eutliymil, Antiochns Lnurio S. Subfc nionitPluiB. XC. Mnximus abbas. XCI. Maximua Confessor, ThaliiMJus nbbn'mi- tanus, Joannes Cameniata, Gn-gurius mouachus, Sy- meonis Magistri et LogothetH) annales, Gcori^ius mona- cbus, Joseplius Genesiua. CX. Georgius monachus, cognomento Hamartolus. CXI. Nicolaus Cp. patriar- cba, Anonyrnus: nionitum, fraginentum historicum, Basilius Neopatrensis, Bnsilius Coesarefe Cappadocise cpiscopua, Cognomento Minimus, Greporius presbyter, Josephus Gencsiua, Anonymi Wta S. Luca: jun., Leo Grammaticus, Anonymi vita S. Cleraeiitis Bulgarorum cpiacopi, Moses Bar-Cepha, tiyrus, Theodoras Dapbno- pata, Nicepborus presbyter, Eutycbius Alexandrinus, Georgius monachus. CXIL Constantinus imperator Porpbyrogenitus. CXHI. Constantinus imperator, Nicon in Greta, Theodosius diaconus. CXIV-CXVI. Sj-meon Metapbrastes. CXVII. Basitius Poi-pbjTogen- itus imp., Leo diaconus Culocnsis, Anonyrnus: De veli- tatioDC bellica Nicepbori Augtisti, Excerpta ex bistoriia Arabum de expediiionibus Syriacis Niciphori Phoca; et Joannis Tzimiscia. Uippolytus Thobanus, Georgides mooachua, Ignatius diaconus, Xilus, Christophorua Protoasecretis, Micba;! Uamartolus, Anonymi versus politici catanuctici juxta alpbubetum ex parte animie dolenlis ad salvatorem, Suidas. Xote. — The above volumes were not received in time to allow the names of the various authors occurring in the first part of the alphabet to be inserti.-d in ibtir proper places, but tboae >vbicb follow will be found in alphu- bi-licnl order, with reference to the volumes of tha Patrologia; cursus in which they arc printed. — - Same. Series Sa, a S. Barnaba usque ad Fliotium. Pnrisiis, 1845, 40. 13v. in 9. l.b' *B.126.l Contents. — Vol. I-XIII. SanctJ Joa:inIs Cbrysostomi Oj,era omnia. Shelf. No. MiGNR, J, P., continued. — Nouvelle eneyclopeclie thu'ologiqiie, ou nouvelle eerie de dictionnaires sur toutca ItiS parties de la science religleuse. T. 40, 41. Taris, 1^.5.1. imp.s". Xameh/ : — - T. XL, XLI. DictioDnaire des manuscrits, ou rueueil de catalogues de niaiiuscrits . . .*2190.15 — Troisiunie et dernifere encycloptidie theolog- ique, ou troisi^me et dernicre sOrie de dic- tiomuiires sur toutes les parties de la science reUjiiouse. T. 3S>-4:i, Paris, lt>5S-(iO. iuip.S". Namely : — - T. XXXIX-XLII. Dictiounaire de biblio- graphie catholique, par F. IVroiuK's , . . , *2180.3 MIGNET, F. A. A. Histoire de la rOvolutiou fran- ^aise, 17S9-1814. Paris, 1837,45. 2v. [0e,7e ^d.] 8° 418S.1 MlQNOT de Montigny, K., :feloge de, [Vicq-d'Azyr. CEuvres, v. 3] 3720,16 Miguel, M. E., lujuste acclamation de I'inlant. See Silva Lopes Rocha, A. da . . . . v. 2 of *4295.26 MiKLOSiCH, F., aud Fiedler, J. Slavische Biblio- thek Oder Beitrage zur elavischeu Philologie and Geschicbte. Wien, 1851, 6S. 2v. 8°. . *4255.7 MiiA y FontaiiaLs, M. De lus trovadores en Es- pafui. Estudio de lengua y poesia provcnzal. Barcelona, IHGI. 8" **4686.2 Milan. Artaria, F. II duomo di Milano 410J.33 — .Breislak, S. Descrizione geulogica della pro- vincia di Milano 3806.17 — Corio, B. Storia di Milano 2727.9 — Predari,F. Bibliografiaencielopedicamilanese. 2102.9 — Saloraoni, A. Memorie storico-diplomatidie degli ambasciatori di Milano 2760.4 — Fondazione scientifica Cagnola. Atti. T. 1. Milano, 1856. 8" *32S5.1 — I. R. istituto lombardo di scienze, lettere ed arti. Atti. Vol. 1, fuse. 1-10. Milano, lSo8. 4° *5280.1 — - Memorie. "Vol. 1-7, Milano, 1S4.3-58. 7v. 4°. *5240.2 Milane.se dialect. Vocabolario milanese-italiano. Cherubiui, F 4785.4 Milbiller, J. Gescbichte der Deutschen. See Schmidt, M. 1 4217.1 Milboukne, L. Measures of resistance to the higher powers : sermon, preached Jau. 30, 1709-10. 3ded. London, 1710. 12" ... . *4179.7 Milburne, H, Retreat of the British army under Sir John Moore, and battle of Corunna. Lon- don, 1809. 8° *l'ph.v.3G6 MiLER, F. Description de la cathcdrale de Stras- bourg. Ge ed, Strasbourg, n. d. 12' . . . 4099.26 Miles, G. H. Mohammed, the Arabian prophet. A tragedy, in five acts. Boston, 1850. 12" . 4278.17 Miles, H. A. Discourse on the life and cliaracter of Rev. J. C. Smith, delivered in Newton, March 28, 1858. Boston, 1858. 8° 4347.101 — Genealogy of the Miles fiimily. Lowell, 1840. pp. 12. sm.4' 4333.30 — Lowell as it was, and as it is. Lowell, 1845. lfi° 2357.27 — Sermon in Lowell, the Sabbath following the funeral of Hon. L. Lawrence, April 17, 1839. Lowell, 1&9. b° 4347.54 Miles, J. W. Philosophic theology; or, ultimate grounds of all religious belief based in rea- son, Charleston, lb4y. 8° 5606.3 — [Relation between the races at the South.] Charleston, 1S61. pp.20. 8" 4310.23 Miles, L. Phrenology, aud [its] moral influence, Philadelphia, 18:^. 18° 3600.43 Miles, P. Advantages of ocean steam navigation, foreign and coastwise, to the commerce of Boston, and the manufactures of New Eng- land. Boston, 1857. 8" 4355.57 — Postal reform. New York, 1855. S" 5054.1 Miles, S. P., and Sherwin, T. [Mathematical ta- bles.] Boston, 1830. pp.90. 8" 5933.1 Miles, W. On stables and stable fittings. Lon- don, 1860. pp. 82. ti" 4002.30 3IILET 412 JIILLES Shelf. No. MiLET, P. IJelation de sa captivity p.armi les On- neiouts eu IB'JO-l. Nouvelle-York, 1864. pp. 66. 8° 4312.19 MiLiTAr.v art and science. Brabazou, L. Soldiers and tlicir science 3953.32 — Burgoj-ne, J. F. Military maxims 3953.20 — - National defences 3953.20 — Campbell, J. Soldier's pocket companion . . 3953.30 — Carl Ludwig von Lorrain. Grundsiitze der holiern Kriegskunst 39.E.3 — - rriucii>es de la strategic 3953.38 — Dufour, (J. II. Strategy and tactics 3955.24 — Duties of the royal engineers. See Royal en- gineers *1020.21 — Forbes, H. Manual for the patriotic volnn- teer 4292.10 — Grabam, J. J. Military ends and moral mcuns 3955.15 — Hover, J. G. von. Litteratur der liriegswis- senschaften und Kriegsgescbichte 2172.30 — Influence des inventions modernes sur I'art de la guerre 5950.30 — Jomiui, A. H. de. Treatise on grand military operations 3955.10 — Kimber, T. Field works 3953.27 — La Barre Duparcq, £. de. Des sources biblio- graphiques militaires 2172.21 — - L'art des indices, particulicrcment a la guerre 5953.15 — Laisne.J. Aide memoiro des ofliciersdu genie. 3930.18 — Marbot, J. B. 31. Remarques critiques sur ^ Considerations sur l'art de la guerre, par Bogniart 3954.16 — Musketry instruction of the army. See Kegu- lations 3953.31 — Polyienus. Strategematum libri octo . . . . 4977.20 — Quiney, C. S. de. Maximes et instructions sur l'art militaire 4011.1 — Seelborst, A. v. Deutschland's Militair-Liter- atur, 1850-00 2172.20 — Tartaglia, N. I.a noua scientia 5956.25 — Ternay, C. G. d'A. de. Traite de tuctiquc . . 3951.27 — Vegetius Renatus, F. Scrijitorcs autiqui do re niilitari B. 178.1 — A'ergnaud, A. D. Manuel coniplet d'art mili- taire 5959a. 10 SfC aUo: Armour, Ai-Ollcry. I-'ire-nniiB, FoltiflciUion, Infumry, Sicgea, Soldier, Zouiivos. MlLiTARYcducation. Barnard, H. Military schools in Franee and l"]u.<.iia 5592.0 — Dwight, K. I'lau lor 5'.ia:l.25 — Humphreys, E. li. Education of ullicers . . . 6953.13 — Rejioi-t on army schools. See Great Britain. War department 3598.8 MlI.lTAHV hospitals. Notice sur rhy^'ienc des lio- |>ilauM militaires. l.arrey, F. H 3707.25 MlUTAliv hygiene. iremi>el, E. A. L. Hundbuch der Ivriegs-llygieine 3728.9 — Muriincau, 11. England and her soldiers . . . .•)724.17 lIii.n'AKV law. Benet,S. V. Treatise on .... :)0:i5.15 — He Hart, W. C. Observations on 3ii:)5.14 — Maltby, I. Treatise o 3015.10 — I'ipon, J. K. Manual of 3035.32 See aUo: Alartlnl tnw. MiLITAIiY mentor, The. Letters written by a gen- eral olllcer to his son. Ist Am. from Al l.ond. ed. .Salem, 1808. 2v. 12° 6950.33 MiUTAitv surgery. Dcrame, II. Mllitiircliirur- gl:'Che .Sluilien .3743.17 — Graie, ^V. Army surgeon's manual 3759.28 — Hamilton, F. II. Military surgery and hygiene. 3703.17 — Hamilton, It. Diities ofn regim.iilal surgeon. 3742.3 — Hcnnen,.!. Grundsiitze der Mllitiir-Cliirurgie. ,3749.0 — Parsons, U. Litter on some points of . . M.Pph.v.l33 — VannotI, J. Hunrlbucli llir ilen angehenden I'eldurzt 3728.8 — WebKler, W, The army medical slalV .... 6796.30 Shelf. Ko. MlLIZiA, F. Trattato del teatro. Tenezia, 1794. *° ••2190. 12 — Lives of celebrated architects : with observa- tions on their art. Translated by Mrs. E. Cresy. With notes, [etc.]. Loudon, 1820. 2y- S" 4085. .^ Mill, John. Examen variantium lectionum J. Millii iuN.T. &e Whitby, D 5140.5 Mill, John S. Dissert.itions and discussions: political, philosophical, and historical. Bos- ton, 1805. 3v. sm.S° 2505.20 Conlctits. — Vol. I. The contest in America : The right and wrong of state interference with corporation and church property ; The currency juggle ; A few obser- vations on the French revolution ; Thoughts on poetry and its varieties; Prof, Sedgwick's biscoiu-GC on tho studies of the university of Cambridge ; Civilization ; Aphorisms, a fragment ; Armaud Carrel ; A prophec.v ; Writings of Alfred de Vigny ; Benthani ; Appendix. II. Coleridge ; M. de Toetiueville on democracy in America ; Bailey on Berkeley's Theory of vision; liiichelet's His- tory of Frnnec; The claims of labor; Guizot's Kssays end lectures on history; Early Grecian history and legend. III. '^'indication of the French revolution of February, 1&18, in reply to Lord Brougham and others ; Appendix ; Enfranchisement of women ; Dr. Whewell on moral philosophy ; Grote's History of Greece ; a few words on nou-iuter\'ention ; The slave power; Utilita- — Considerations on representative government. New 1'ork, 1802. 12° 3504.23 — The contest in America. Boston, 1862. pp. .32. 12° - . . . . 4.320a. 104 — An examiuation of Sir W. Hamilton's philoso- phy. London, 18(15. 8° 5002.7 — Print'iples of political economy with some ap- plications. From the 5th London ed. New York, 1804. 2v. 8° 3(154.3 — System of logic, ratiocinative and inductive. 5th ed. London, 1802. 2v. 8° 5009.16 — Enfranchisement of women. See 'U'omau's rights 4289.17 — Reybaud, M. R. L. Biograpliie 3654.2 — Taine, H. Ktude sur 4690.21 MILLS, S- J., Memoirs of. See Spring, G 4345.5 31ILLAKD, \y. The idiot and his helpers, including the history of Essex hall; with notices of the Earlswood asylum. Loudon, 1804. pp.64. 10° 3800.49 JIiLLENNiUM. Geschichtc des Chiliasinus. Corrodi, H 0003.34 Miller, C. "W. Address on re-opening the slave trade, at .Wylde-Moore, S. C, Aug. 29, 1867. Columbia, S. C, 1857. 8° B. 100.71 MlLLlclt, II. The headshipof Christ, and the riq-hts of the Christian people. With jireface by 1". Bnyne, Edinburgh, ISOI. 8° 3524.15 — My schools ami schoolmasters; or, the story of my edui'nlion. Boston, 1854. I'2° 2540. U MiLi.Kit, J. Mahomet, trng. [Hell. British thea- tre, V. '23] 4179a. 1 Miller, Samuel. Letters on unitariunism. Tren- ton, 1821. 8°. . . • 3401.27 — Letters on the eternal .sonship of Christ; addressed to Prof. Stuart. Phihuielphia, 1823. 12° 54i;3.1fl — Sermon at Baltimore, Sept. 9, 1835, before the A.li.C. F. M. Bo-ton, 1835. 8° . . . . •Pph.v..37» SIii.LMR, S. I'\ Lii'e aiui character of A. Lincoln. Oration at I'mnklin, N. Y., .luue 1, 1806. Delhi, 1805. 8° "4342.4 MiI.I.KU, William, The king's vesture, compara- tively applied to. Sm Prior, W.M 6468.14 MlLLi:u, A\'iniiim A. Elements of eheniislry. Cliemieul plij'sies. Piirf 2. Elei-tiieily und iniigiielism. l-'rom the ;til London ed. New York, 1804. 8° 5903.2 MiLLKS, J. Topographical notcB resiiectiug Bath, Wells, Glastonbury, Taunton, etc. Lomlon, 1861. pp.11. 12°. [Hell. Tracts, v. 1] . .•1580.20 MU.LKVUYK 413 MIND MILLEVOYK, C. H. (Eavros completes. Bruxolles, 1823. iv, sni.U'*. . Shelf. No. NOUV. I'd. 4G'J0.3G Contents. — Vgl, I. liotlec sur Millcvoyo ; Sur I'clOglo ; ISlL'gii's; Notes; Puvrnva illvovs; BiiUndcw; Itoninnccs; rhiiiiaons; Dir.nlna vt hiiilnin«. II. Lea Bucoliquoa de Virgrilo ; Clinnts truduits d« I'llinde ; Poesies ItpOrcs ; I)i- nli't^uca do Lucicn. III. (.'liurlvtnaguu a I'uviv, poeiiio en (tix chnnts; Alfi'i^d, puome eu qunlro chniif»; Notes; Lo nin^uii d'E(;il!, potime ; Kniiiiu et ^pliiiird ; Itclzunce, ou la ]K*»tu do MitrsuilU'', pui-me ; Note ; La morl do Uotrou ; (•ofHii, ou Ic liLTOB Lii'gi'ois; L'utiiour inntemcl, poinip; Notes; Labiiliillto d'Auiitorlitz; Hcrmniin i-t Thuaiieldn, scene lyrtqiic ; Fmi^Tneiiisdo Saul, trHgedloeii troisuL-tos. IV. Coreaiis, trtiErC'dle on trola actcn; Nouveaux dialo- gues dvs niorta; Cunnidin, trngOdiu cit cinq actes; Frat;- nu'uta do Clovia, po^mo lieroiquc; Clovia; Ugollii, tra- Kvdiu on cinq actes; Los enibvIlisseniCDis dc Paris; La fOtitdea martyrs; La fol, ros]itTunco ct la ctiaiito; Noto; £pignuamti4. MiLLiKOUX, J. F. Apor^jus sur les institutions et Ifs mtrurs des Americiiins. Paris, LSiV.*. 8". 4322,7 — C 11 IV.' (1 1' nit ion americaiiie. Kcvue do eon passe, conjectures, su-^gestions. I'liris, ISiil. pp. 4«. »" 4323.28 MiLLON, E. fetudes de cliiinie organique. Lille, 184y. pp. U9. 8" 3977.20 MiLLOT, C. K. X. Elements of general history. Translated tYom the French [by W.Kenrick], IstAm. ed. Worcester, 17MJ. 5v. b" . , , 4144.2 — Histoire littt^rmre des troubadours. Paris, 1774. 3v. 12" **40S0.33 Mills, C. Sermon at Cra\vfordsviIle, the Sabbath before the coinraencomiMit in Wabiisli college. Indianapolis, 1841. b" *Pph.v.379 Mills, K. Essay on the local or lay ministry. London, 185]. 12° 3437. IC Mills, S. J. The United States west of the Alle- ghany mountains. See Schermerliorn, J. F. 5543.27 — and Smith, D. Keport of a missionary tour west of tiie Alleghany mountains. Andover, 1815. pp. (54. 8' 5530a. 1 MiLMAN, il. H. History of Latin Christianity. 2d ed. London, 1857. Ov. »" 3514.12 — History of the Jews. Boston, 1SG4. 3v. sm.8°. 2297.4 — Characters of the apostles ; a sermon. [Dibdin. Sunday library, V. GJ 5444.23 MiLMAN, R. Lii'e of Torquato Tasso. London, 1850. 2v. 12" 2745.29 MiLNEU, John, bishop. Chief arguments againstthe catholic petition, and of answers to them. London, 1805. pp. .53. 8° 2478.2 — Summary of the history and doctrine of the Scriptures. New York, 1S20. 12' 3419.14 MiLXER, Joseph. History of the church of Christ. With additions and corrections by I. Milner. From the last Lond. ed. Phila., 18:i5. 2v. b*. G044.1 MiLXES, K. M. Memorials of a tour in Greece. London, 18;i4. 8" 3075.12 MiLTiTz, A. V. Manuel des consuls. Loudres, 1837, 38. 2v. 8° 5GI8.5 Milton, J. Poems, both English and Latin. Lon- don, IG15. sm.S" *4178.14 — Poetical works. With notes [und] life, by Rev. H.J.Todd. London, 1801. Gv. tt" .... 2564.8 Con/frUs. — Vol. I. Some account of the life of Mil- ton; Nuncupative will of Milton; List of editions, traostations. and alterations, of the poetical works; List of detached pieces of criticism rctatiug to tlio poetical works; Appendix to the life; Prolt-goinena, etc.; Commendatory verses; Mr. Addison's criticism on the Paradise lost, with notea by the editor; Dr. John- sun's renmrka on Milton'averei6cntiou, with remark!) by the editor; Inquiry into the origin of Paradise lost. II, III. Paradise lost. IV. Paradise regoined ; Miltou'a defence of tragedy; Samson Agonistes, V, Lycidaa; L'AIIegro; II Penscroso; Arcades; Comas; Sonnets. VI. Odes; Miscellanies; Translations; Elefrianim liber; Epigrammatum liber ; Sylvarum liber ; Appendix ; Glos- aurial index. — Poetical works. From the text of Rev. H. J. Todd. With essay by J. Aiken. London, 1808. 4v. 18' 45G9a.13 MiLTox, J., contimicd. Contents. — \'q\. I. Essny on the poetrj- of Milton; Pnrndisc lost. Hook I-vi. II. PnrudiBo loat. Hook vii-xn. 111. Pnrndiac rceninod; Snnison Agonistoa; CoiiHiH, a innsli.. IV. SIlRcellnnuona poems; Klegtarum liber; Eiiiyrammatum liber; Sylvumm llbcr. — Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets ofGreat Uritain, v. 5] 4G04.I Con(eii/«. ~ Paradise lost; Paradise rcg-nincd; Samson Agoniatea; Comus; L'Allegro ; 11 Penseroso; Arcades; Lycidus; Occasional poems; Sonnets, etc. — ^eeliell, J. British theatre, v. 1, 24 4179a. 1 Contents.— yo\. I. Comus, n mask. XXXIV. Sam- son Agonistos, a dramatic poem. — Areopagitica : a speech for the liberty of unli- censed printing, to the parliament of Eng- land. London, 1738. 12" *Pph.v.370 — Comus, a mask. 4th ed. Dublin, 1775. pp. GO. 12* 4575.25 — Comus, a mask, adapted for representation. [Jones. British theatre, v. 1] 4575.20 — Licida, recato in verso itaiiano da Matbias. [Mathias. Poesieliriche] 4773.17 — LiteriE pseudo-senatOs Anglicani, Cromwellii reliquorunique perduellium nomine ac jussu scriptfB. n. p., 1G7G. sm.12'' *4179.28 — Paradise lost. New ed., with notes by T. New- ton. London, 1749. 2v. 4' *4G01.1 — Paradise lost, with life, by J. Feuton. [No ti- tle-page.] 18° 4179.21 — Paradise lost. New York, 18(53. 24" 2G09.30 — Paradisar missir a Islenzku snuinn af thjdds- kaldi Islendinga, Joui Thorhikssyni. Kaup- mannahofn, 18'.J8. 8° 417G.3 — The first book of Paradise lost. With notes on the analysis and parsing, and a life of Milton. By C.P.Mason. Loudon, 18G1. pp. GO. lG".4580a.22 — - Same. Adapted for use in training schools. By J. Hunter. 2d ed. Loudon, I8G1. pp. S3. IG" 4589a.2I — L'Angeleida per servire d'appendice al Para- diso perduto. See Valvasone, E. di .... 2789.13 — Hamilton, W. D. Letters of state, etc. . . . 242G.19 — Liebert, G. Milton. Studien zur Geschichte des englischeu Gelstes 4G09.3 — Sotheby, S. L. Ramblings in the elucidation of the autograph of 2G00.10 Milton, Mass. Transactions of the town, to pro- mote a general inoculation of the cow pox. Boston, 1809. pp. 4S. 8" 579G.27 — First congregational church. Two sermons suggested by the centennial celebration, Jnnel],lSG2. Morison, J. H 554.^.7 MiLWAUivEK. Young men's association. Cata- lo;,-ue of tlie library. Milwaukee, 18G1. 8° . *2I34.15 MlMiiTic art. Ideen zu einer Mimik. Engel, J. J. 29ui.l7 MiMXERMUS. Quae exstant. [Bruuck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 1] B. 162.7 — Sententiae. 5ee Hertel, J B.lGOa.lG MiMFUiss, R. Harmony of the four evangelists. See Bible. New Testament. Gospels. Har- monies 5420a. G MiNAS Geraes, Voyage dans la province de. Salnt- Hilaire,A. de 43G7.1 MiXD. Abercrombie, J, Culture and discipline of the 5447.37 — Bailey, S. Letters on the philosophy of the human mind 5G07.4 — Blakey, R. History of the philosophy of . , . G092.3 — Carlile, J. Anatomy and physiology of the hu- man mind GOOUa.5 — Chapone, H. Letters on the improvement of the 3509.25 — Fearn, J. Physiology of the 6003.10 — Meiners, C. Ueber die Denkkrafte des Men- sehen 5007.21 — Rush, B. Diseases of the 5G0G.1 — Thompson, J. C. The essential principle of the. 5nu7.8 illND 414 MIKANUOLA 3809.28 3i83.12 3869.32 3869.2(5 5S60a.24 7S67.2 42li6.al 3869.27 ,68(i0a.23 5863.16 3865.25 Shelf. Ko. MiXD, continued. See alto: Brain, Injianity, lustinct. Intellectual sci- ence, Mental hygriene. Metaphysics, Philosophy, Phre- tiologj-. Psychology-, Reason, Self-consciousucss, Soul. MmEK, A. A. Oration delivered before tlie autlior- ities of tlie city of Boston, July 4, lso5. Bos- ton, 1855. 8° 4394.32 — [Sermon al South Carver, Jtass., at the funeral of T. Barrows.] Bo.ston, 1860. 8"" 4.347.132 — Addresses at his inauguration. See Medford, Mass. Tufts college 4.397.30 Mixer, T. B. American bee keeper's manual. 4th ed. Kew York, IS52. 12° 5898.15 — Winter management of bees. Clinton, N. Y., 1831. pp.24. 12° ; 5898.31 MiXEHAi, springs. Althaus,J. The spnsof Europe. 3808.22 — Atkins, J. Treatise on cold and hot springs . 31^09. .37 — Braiune, C. Baigneuses et buveurs d'eau . . 3809.44 — Elisio, G. De balncis Puteolorum, Baiarum et Pithecusarum 4809a. 2 — Seegen, J. Handbuch der Heilquellenlehre . 3807.17 See alio: Pyrenees, Pynnont, Saratoga, Spa. MixERALOGT. Accum, F. Analysis of minerals. — iiristow, H. W. Glossary of — Brorhaut de Villiers, A. J. F. M. Traite cl^ meutaire de mineralogie — Comstock, J. L. Introduction to — Hurtmann, C. F. A. Handworterbuch der Min eralogje — Leonhard, C. C. v. Taschenbuch fur die ge sjmimte Mineralogie — Phillips, W. Elementary treatise on .... — - Outline of — Qucnstedt, F. A. llaudbuch der Mineralogie — I'oth, J. Die Gesteins-Analysen — Smith, A. Blowpipe characters of minerals . See also: Coal, Geology, Metallurgy, Metals, Mines, Petrifaction, Salt. MiNERBETTi, A. Orazione delle lodi di F. Medici. [Raccolta di prose italiane, V. I] 4808.10 MlMKREl., P. A. K. Industrie des colons. [France. Commission sur I'industrie des nations, v. 4]. 4029.20 MINE.S and mining. Beau, F. Atlas du miucur et du mitallurgiste 38.C.1 — Hartmann, C. F. A. Handworterbucli der Bergwerkskunde 6S00a.24 — .lourual et aniiales des mines 3347.2 — Schubert, G. H. v. llaudbuch der Bergbau- kunde 3806.6 MixiANA, J. E. De theatro Saguntino dialogus; De circi nntiqultate, et ejus structura dialo- gus. [Poleiii. Utriusquc thes. antiq. supp., V. 5] 2970.7 MiNISTitv at large in Boston, Princijiles and results of the. Tuckcrinan,J 3S70.85 MiNMSTiiY of the gospel. Bridges, C. The Chris- tian ministry 3437.14 — Carr, J.II. The local ministry 3437.17 — Jackson, J. The Christian ministry 6088.211 — 3Iills, U. Essay on Ihc local or lay ministry . 34.37.16 — Whalcly, It. Tlie parish pastor 3437.18 See alio: Honillellca, Panlornl duly. Pulpit, Sennons. SIiNNESiNOKH*!. Assailly, O. d'. Les chcvaliers-i)0- elu» de I'AlIemagne 2870.27 liodmer, J.J. Kabclu au« don Zciteu der Mln- ncHlnu'er 4219a.8 Minnesota. Executive documents for 1»62. Saint Paul, 1863. H' »0400.1 — Journal of the council, 1849. Saint Paul, 1850. (,• 'IMOO.O Guide for emlsraiits to Minnesota, Ijy a tourist. Saint Paul, 1K57. pp. 23. 12° 4376.20 Bryant, C.S. MaHsacre by the Sioux Indians in. 4328.13 — Le IJuc, \V. G. Minnesota year hwk lor 1651. 4.18U.21 — Taylor, J. W. Nortbwest Hrlllsh America and Us relall on to the hlate of 4370.2 I Shelf. No. Minorca. Soler, J. Estad actual de I'agrlcultura i en la isla do Menorca 3105.22 — - Grammatica de la IcnLiua nienorquina . . . 3105.23 MisoT, G. R. Eulogy on Washington, before the inhabitants nf Boston. Boston, [ISOo]. 8°. 4-344.21 — - Same. 2d ed. Boston, [1800]. 12° . . . . 2340.26 MiNTo, W. Lifcof J. Napier. .«ee Stewart, D. . 2541.10 3IlNL*CCI, M. Historia degli Vscochi, continuata all' anno 1613 [con] Suj>pliniento all' anno 1616 [daP. Sarpi]. [Veuezia], n. d. 4° . . »4199.3 — - Same. Vcuetia, IG.'O. sm.l2° **2729.7 MiNUCUs Felix, M. Octavivs. Et Cypriani de idolorvm vanitate. I. a Wovver rccensuit. [Basilea-], 1603. sm.S° *B.117.13 — Octavins cum notis [variorum] ex rec. .1. Gro- novii. AcceduntC^ecilius Cyprianus do idolo- rum vanitate et Julius Firmicus Slaternus de errore profanarum relij^ionum, Lugduni Bsitavorum, 1709. 8° »0050.2« — Octavins, Christian! et Ethnic! dlsputatio. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 3] B.110.2 — Oclavius. [Gersdorf. Bibliotheca pair., v. 7] C039.9 MiNUTDM, C. Vita di Giovanni Scrcambi. See Cambi, o?- Sercambi, G 2773.16 MiNUTOLi, W. Menu v. Kecollections of Egypt. Pliiladelpbia, 1827. 12° 3055.17 Mlls'ZLoFF, It. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der poet- ischen und wisseuchaftlichen Literatur Russ- laiids. Berlin, 18,54. 8° »4I19.3 MiNzn>'i, O. Poesie. Pisa, I!<04. 18°. [Parnaso degl' Italian! viventi, v. 30] *4779a.l MioT, A. F., cte de Melito. 3Iemoires [publics par le general de Fleischmaiin]. I'aris, l.'-SS. 3v. 8° 2653.8 3I10T, J.F. Memoires pour servir a Thistoire des exiH-ditious en Egypte et en Syrie, [1798-1801]. I'aris, 1804. 8° 2662.7 MiRA, G. M. Manualc teorico-pratico di biblio- gralia. Palermo, 1801, «->. 2v. 8° 2128.18 MiRA dc Mescua, A. Poesias. [Quinfana. Par- naso espafiol, v. 4] 3104.19 MiRABKAU, G. H. liiquetti de. Collection com- I>k-tte des travaux ii I'assemblde nationale i)ar E. Mejan. Paris, 1791, 92. 4v. 8° 4043.9 — Gallery of portraits of the national assembly. SccLuchet, J. P. L 4(552.22 Xote. — C'est A tort (lu'on a supposS la coopt-ration lie Mirabeau & la Ualerie des C'tals-gC-n&raux; il Ctull trop occU)>c iKiur nieUrc du sien dans les portraits peu sait- lants que tra^aieut l.aclos et Luchet; et il est surtuut Invruis^uihlablu de lui uttilliuer son propre portrait, sous le noui d'lraniba. On n'y reconnnit ni la nianicre dont il avail coutume de parler de iui-niijine, ui aueuno forme de sou etyic. — liioijraphie univereellc. MiItABEEEA e Alagona, V. Ichnograpliiic Syracu- sarum autitiuarum explicatio, ut et niimis- niatum aliquot selccliorum rcijiublic.T ejns- deni libera' et regiiin qui in ilia dominati sunt. I.aline \erlit .s. Ilavercanqms. [Gra;- vius. Thes. anlhi. Ital.,T. 10, v. II] . . . . 4710.1 MiRABEi.i.us, A. Sec Nani, 1). MiKACLES. Damon, 1). Miracles as an evidence of Christ ianity B.lOOn.GO — Ilildi-efh, I!. Letter to A. Noiton on .... 6436.2 — Ilovey, A. Miiacks of Christ 3434.20 — Koster, F. B. Cliarnctcrisllk der ueutcsta- inentlichen Wunderi-iziihlun'^en 6073.18 — Tlciich, K. C. Notes on the 6010.12 MiRANOoi.A, O. Flores illvslri\in jioetarvm. >*en- ctils, 1674. 8ni.l2° ^B. 179a. 22 Cotl/eiKa. — Verglliua; Oviiliun; Iloratlus; Juvelialist PerniUH; Lucnnun; Heueca; lluutlUH: ]'lautUH;Tereutlunt Lucrelius; Martialls; Hiillus Italieus; Sliitiusi C. Va- lerius l-'laecus; Maul II us; t'ntul ills ; PrepertUlsilibullua: tiuudlainisi Ausouius; T. CalpliuriiluM; Petroidus Arl,l- ter; ulyniplui NcuiesianuNi CuruelluaGalius; Puu.liiua. — - Same. n. p., 1030. sm.lC". . •II. 179a. 23 MIRANDOLA 415 MITHKA MIRASDOU, O., con^";merf. rotirmif*.— Aiisoiiius; Bovtius; T. Cnlphuniiiis; C«- tulliia; ClimtUnuus; Cornelius Gollus; C. Vnlcriiis I-lnc- cti8 ; Honuius ; Jiivi-nnlls ; Lucnnus ; Liicrplius ; Mnnillus ; Mnniiill?; Olympius Nonipslnnus ; OvitHus; riuiliniis; PvrsUis ; PotroiiSus Arbiter ; riHIltus ; VrLipcrtlus ; SonecA ; Sillus ItiiUciis; Sutilia;TcrciiliU8;Tibiinit9; Vergiliiu, MIRKCOURT, E. dc, psead. See Jacquot, C. J. B. Mli;£s, J. A mes juges. Ma vie et incs affaires. Paris, isdl. 12° SiHS.l! Slinuss, A. Das europiiisclie Cesandsclialtsieclil. Leipzig, isir. '^v. in I. 8° 4280.9 WlI!Vli.i.i:,_<|c. I,e vrai secret de M. Heliaii et de ses umiires sur la resurrection. I'aris, 11ter, J. Essay on tlie spirit of 5439a. 15 — Marshall, T. W. M. Christian missions : their agfnts, and their re.sults 553S.8 — Mijer, O. Die Propaganda, ihre I'rovinzen und ilir Rceht 6075.3 — - De titulo missionis apud catholicos .... 6530.1 — Memorial volume. Ste American board of commissioners for foreign missions 3535.2 — Missionary herald. See American board of commissioners for foreign missions .... 6167.2 — Missionary jubilee, Atig. 5, 1850. Sec Williams- town, Mass. Williams college 6538.2 — Missionary magazine. See American baptist missionjtry union 5166.1 — Montmignon, J. li. Choix des lettres edffi- antes, ccrites des missions ^trangeres . . . 3635.8 — Newcomb, H. The monthly concert 5539a. 5 — Saunders, -l/j-s. Tract on 608S.139 — Spirit of missions. See Protestant episcopal church, U. S. A 7516.1 — Wayl.ind, F. .Aloral dignity of the missionary enterprise 6088.24 See alio: Japua, Tfniicvelly. MissIRiN'i, M. Sermoni sulle lettere. 4a ed. Agg. i sermoni sulle ani. la ed. Firenze, 1835. J*° 4798.28 Mississippi. Journal of tlie house of representa- tives, fl84(ij. Jackson, 1810. 8° *6376.6 Shelf. No. Mississippi, contlmied. — Laws of the stale, Jan., 1,S24, to Jan., 1838. Jackson, 183S. S° , . *0376.1 — - Same. Passed Jan. and Feb., 18-18. Jack- son, 18.38. 8° »637fi.2 — - Same. Passed Jan. and Feb., 1840. Jack- son, 1840. 8° *0376.3 Mississippi river. Report upon the physics and hydraulics of the. See United States. War department 3941.19 — Tonti, /c c/iet'(///er. Relation du fleuve . . . . 2;;00.19 Mississippi valley. Hart, A. M. Discovery of the . . 4329.12 — Schoolcraft, li. R. Travels in the central por- tions of the 2301.2$ BIissouiii. Laws passed at the 1st session of the loth assembly, 1838. Jellerson, 1838. 8° . . *03S9.4 — Revised statutes, 1834, 35. St. Louis, 1835. 8°. •0389.8 — - Same. 1844, 45. St. Louis, 1845. 8° . . . ♦0389.7 — Leigh, E. Bird's-eye view of slavery in . . . 4310.05 — Parker, N. H. Missouri hand book 2379.5 Missouri compromise. Humphrey, H. The Mis- souri compromise : an address 4310.19 — Rogers, E. P. Repeal of the B. 170b. 94 Missouri valley, The, and lay preaching. Wliar- toit, F 6543.23 Mistake, Le, du siege d'Orleans public pour la premiere Ibis p:ir F. Gue-sard et E. de Cer- tain. Paris, 1862. 4°. [Frauce. Documents inedits] »2C50.9 Mitchell. D. W. Ten years in the United States. London, 1802. 12° 2.363.23 Mitchell, Donald G. [Dream life : a fable of the seasons. By Ik. Marvel.] New ed. Kew York, 1803. 10° 4409.30 — [My farm of Edgewood.] New York, 1804. 1^° 2407.21 — [Reveries of a bachelor.] Newed. NewY'ork, 1804. 16' 4409.31 Mitchell, John. Life of Wallenstein, duke of Friedlaud. 2d ed. London, 1840. 12° . . . 2852.10 Mitchell, John M. The herring, its natural his- tory and ntttional importance. Edinburgh, 1801. 8° 3007.17 Mitchell, M. Correspondence relative to the award of the king of Denmark's comet medal to Miss .Mitchell. [Ed., wiili,ph.v.370 Modest defence of gaming. London, 1754. 12°.*Pph.v.371 Modesie, V. De la propiitit^ iatellectuelle. See Passy F 36G0.35 Modestu.s. De vocabulis rci militaris. See Vege- tius Kenatus, F B. 178.1 MODOINUS, or Jloduinus, H., hisho]) ofAutun. Car- men ad Tlieoflulphuni. [Maxima biblioili. vet. patr., V. H] B. 110.2 MOEiiLi'.R, J. A. Gesamnielte Scliriften und Auf- satze. Kegcnsburg, is:i9, 40. 'il. 8°. . . . 6063.20 Content*. — Vol. I. llieronymuB und AuguBtimia im SIreit ttber Gal. 2, 14 : Ucber den Brief an lUneiietoa, die Zcit seiner llernUHgnbe, Jlarstcllung Bclnes Inhnlta; Anftolit), ErzblBcbof von Canterbury, cln Ueltrng Rur KenntnitH des reliBiiii-sittlleben. iltVentllebkirelilicheti undwiMeUBCliaftlichen I.cbcnBiin Xi. und xll.Jftlirhun- derl ; U.leuchtunB der UenkBCbrlH fOr die Aufhebung (lea den katbollseben Geialilchcn vorgeachriebenen Cli- UbateB, nilt drei AetenBttlcken; Kurzo Uetrnrbtungon ttber .ina hi»lori«ehe Veriiilllni»J der UiilvcrBimten Hum Stante; Fragniento auB und ttber raeudo-lBidor; Ueber daa VeriiiillniBB doB iBlaniB znm Evnngeliuni; Veraucb ttber den tr.prung dea (inoBUciainuB. II. Betrnebtun- gen ilber tbn ;;ustand der Kircbe Ini XV. und zu Anfang dea XVI. JabrliundertB; Der Salnt-SinionlBmus; Mrueb- ■tttcku aua der lieaeliiebte der Aufliebung der 8kln- Tercl; Hendaebrelbon an lierni llautain ; CeBelilellln dea SIOneblliuniB In der Zi'lt aeliier i:nl»tebung und eraten Auablldung; IJeber die neueate Uekiinipfung der kalholUeben Kircbe| KInlellung In die Klrebengo- aehlelito. — Athnna.'iuB der (ir«B.''e und die Kircho seiner Zeit, besonilem lin Kampfe mil deni Arialiis- muH. .Mainz, 1^27. 2v. 8° COCO. 10 — I'atrologie, oiler chrlHlliilie IJteriirgeschlchte. lleraua. von F. X. Keithmayr. Band 1. Ue- gcuHhiirg, liHO. »" 0038.13 — Syinbollk, Oder Durslellung der dogmntlsehen Gegenniitze der Katlioliken unri I'rolestan- ton. Ote Aull. Mainz, 18.18. h' mH.W Sbelf. So. MoGG, E. -N'ew picture of London. With maps, [elc-]. 5th ed. London, 1842. 24' 4178.18 510GUL empire. Sec Mongols. Mohammed. Alcorani textus universus. Apposi- tis notis, atque refiitatione. Pr.tmissus est prodromus, auctore L. Marraccio. Patavii, 1698. r. *^.\W.S Selections from the Kur-an : with a commen- tary, from the Arabic, and an introduction from Sale, with additions. By E. W. Lane. London, 1843. 8° 3024.13 — The Koran ; arranged in chronological order. By J. -M.Rodwell. London, 1861. 8° . . . 3024.7 — Al-Kornnum JLihumedanum : Das ist, der Turchen Religion, Gesetz und Lelir. Mit einer schrift'lmiissigcn Widerlegung. Niirn- T, ,<•-,■ .I" .... *6070.16 berg, lOoit. 4 — Historia losephi iiatriarchx, ex Alcorano, Ara- bice. Cum triplici versioue Latina, et scho- lijsT. Krpenii. Lcida:, 1617. sm.4- . . . . »3024.10 — Bry, J.T. de. Acta Mechmeti I t'.t^ a — Daumer, G. F. Mahomed und sein Werk . . ^[-J-'-;° — Gagnier, J. La vie de Mahomet *'-''^''? — Happel, E. G. Alkoran • — Morality of the East, from the Koran. I'lela. Philosophical library, V.3J — Noldeke, T. Geschiehtc des Quorans — Sureuo-er, A. Das Lebeu und die Lehre des opieUp»-i, n ■J0'>4 12 Mohammad .- • • •'"-*•"= — Weil.U. Historich-kritische Einleitunginden Koran — Jlolianimed, sein Leben und seine Lehre . — ■\Villinet,,l. Lexicon Arabicum in Coranum . 6030.13 Mohammed 111, «"(("». Particular Beschreybung der Ordnung vnnd Heriiiclikeyt in dem Fest der Beschneydung des Sultan Machmet im Vi»i. Augspurg, 1583. pp. 54. sm.4° Mohammed beu Omar el Wakidi. Extrait du lure intitule Conquete de la Syrie, en arabe ct en franijais. See Grangenet de Lagrange, J. B. A . . Ebn Geber Al Bntani. De scientia tellaruin, cumaliquot addilionibus J. Uegio- manti, ed. B. Ugulottus. Bouonia;, 1645. [No title-page.] 4° • • ■ • *5023.4 Mohammed Ebn Seid Ennas laameri. Carmen Arabicum aniantom plangens quern violeutia desiderii exstinxit. See Kosegarten, H. G. Mohammedan history, Aiumlce Muslemici. See Abu-'l-Fechv, Ismael Ibu AH S041.6 MOHAMMEDAN law. BuiUie, .) . Digest of Molium- mndan law • • • 3010.20 — Khalil lUn Sluihin. PriiCis de jurisprudence mnsulmane 3010.18 — Meursln.'c, A. llandboek van het Moham- medaanschercgl.intleMaleischelaal . . . 4294.21 MOHAMMKI.AN-ISM. Oelsuer, t^ E. Des eflets de hi religion de Mohammed 60,6.1.2 _ Rehmd 11. De religione Jlohammedica libri duo .6489a.I3 Mohan Lai. I-ife of the Amir Dost Mohammed Kahn, of Kivbul. London, 1840. 2v. 8° MOHEDANO, R. ami P. R. Historia lileraria de Espai'ia en los tiempos priinitlvos. 3a ed. Madrid, 1768-85. lliv. in 9. sin.4° . Mohegan Indians, Mission of (lie united breth- ' ren among the. Ucckewelihr, .1 Mom-, R. V. Die Geschiclite und Literatur der 'staatswlssenschaften. Eriangen, 1855, 56. 2v. 8" — Das Staatsrecht des Kilnigreiches A\ ilrltem- berg. 2te Anil. Tubingen, 184ii. 2v. 8° . — Staatsrecht, Volkerrecht und Politlk. Tubin- gen, 1860-62. 2v. 8° — Die Veiantworllichkelt der Minister 111 Eln- lierrscharien mil Volksveitlelung. gen, 18:17. 8° MOHLKR, J. A. .See Moehler, J. A. 6260.8 5603.19 3024.11 3025.34 3024.9 4103.25 4240.20 Mohammed 3044.24 •4247.7 35.36.. 1 4285.1 4304.2 3501.23 TUbin- 4201.20 MOIINIKE 417 MOLlfcRE Shelf. No. MoiiNiKK, G. C. F. (JesdiicUte dcr Littoriitur dcr Grit'cheu luul Uoiiut. B. 1. Grcil'swaM, 18i;!. S' ■ **y053.]6 — M»rtin Lutiier's Lebeusendc. Strnlaund, 1817. 8" 4237.11 MOHK.J.C. De ciiusb prohibit :v alienntionisfeudl. [Diss, imuig.] Hula', 17ii'.). pp. 40. 4" . . H^O-i.22 MoiGNo, F. N. M. Cotonisation du lin. See AlU-u, S. M 3i')5l.34 MoLBErii, C. Dansk Glossariuni cllerOrdhojr over forceldcde djiiiKko Ord, I3de-indc Aurb, \q Dcel. A— K. Kiobcnliiivn, 1867. .s' . . . , *2SSG.15 — DipU'rcu A. V. S. StntlVIdt. Kt biographi^k Udkast. KioU-nliavn, lt>51. 8' 4S48.3 Mole. Talpjc Kurop:ca>nnatonie. Jacobs, F,AV. J. 3903.30 MoLECf I, At: attraction. Killessioni sulIalcggedelP attrazione iiKileeoliiri'. Bolli, G 5911.2 MOLKlt, K. Dc sj'di're novo, scu dc noua stella : qtia; nb 8 Oct. 10^4, inter astra Sagittarij videri cocpit, enarratio. n. p., 1606. pp. 24. sm.4° *3929.30 MoLESCHOTr, J. Dor Kreislaufdes Lcbens. Ant- worten auf Liebig's C'bemische Briefe. 2te Aufl. Ulainz, 1855. 10' 4277.21 — Lchre der Naliruugsniittel. 2te Aufl. Erlaii- gen, 1853. 8" 4265.12 — Lichtund Leben. Kede. 2te Aufl. Frankfurt, 1856. pp.48. Hi" G08G.24 — rbysiologie der Nahrungsmittel. 2te Aufl. Giessen, 1859. 8" 37GG.6 — Physiologic des Stoff"wechsels in Pflanzuu und Thieron. Erlangcn, 1851. 8° 4276.5 — Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Slenschen und der Thiere. Frankfurt, 185G-59. 5v. in 4. 8* *4267.15 MOLESWOKTH, R., lord. [Account of Penmark as it was in 1692.] London, 1694. 12" 2865.6 SIOLif.KE, J. B. Poquelin de. Giuvres, reveues et auguieutces. Paris, J6S2. 8v. 12" .... **4697.9 Cotitcnts. — Vol.1, rrcfnce, par Laprnngp ct Vinot ; L'estounly, on lea contre-tcmps; Le depit aiiioureux ; Lea prK'ivtistfs riilioules; Sgonnrclle, ou le cocu imagi- naire. II. L'esculc des maris; Les fasclicux; L'esoole des rcmrovs; La critttiUG de L'cscole des femmcs; Les plaisirA dc I'UIc enchantec, comedie inlilulee: La priu- cesse d'^lide. in. Le miiriagc force; L'uraour mi-de- cin; Le misantropc, precede par unc Icttre sur Le mis- antropc; Le medecic malgre lui ; Le Sicilicn, ou I'nmour peintre. IV. Ainpliitrj'on ; L'avare; Goorpe Dandin, ou le mnry coDfondii ; Lu gloire du dosmc du Val-de-Grace, poeme sur la peinture de M. Migiinrt, V. Le Tartuffe, ou I'imposteur ; M. de Pourceaupmac ; Le bourgeois gen- tilhomme. VI. Les fourberies dc Scapiii ; Psyche; Les femmes s^vantes. VII. Hum Garde de Xavarre, ou le prince jaloux; L'impromjitu de Versailles; Dom Juan, ou le ft-stin de Pierre; Melicerfe. VIII. Les amanB oiagniliqui^s : La comtesse d'Escurbagnns; Le malade Imagiaaire ; L'ombre de Moliere, par Brecourt. — (Euvres. Ed.nouv. Amsterdam, 1691. Gv.in 3. sm.l2° **4697.13 Contents. — Vol. 1 [1]. Vie de Moliere ; La gloire du Val-de-Grace ; L'cstourdy, ou I03 cootreten)|>s, 1G83; licpil amoureux, 1683; Les precicuses ridicules, 1683; bgunarelle, oule cocu imaginaire, 1G84; Les fascheuz, 16S4 ; [2.] L'escole des maris, 1684 ; L'escolt! des femmes, 1684; La critique de L'escole dcfl femmes, IGWO; La prin- r^ssc d'Elide, ensemble Les plaisirs de I'i&lc enchantee, J684; Le manage force, 161S3; L'nmour roedcciii, 1684. 11 [3]. Le misanlrope, 1684; Le fc-stin de Pierre, ou TAthee foudroye, 1683; Le medtcin malgre-luy, 1C83; I,e Sicilicn, ou l'nmour peintre, 1680; Am]il)itr>-on, 1684; [4.] L'avare, 168;J; George Dandin, ou Ic ninry confoudu, 16:^; L'imposteur, ou le Tartuffc, 1684; Le bourgeois gcntilhomme, 1688. HI [.5]. M. dePourceaugnac, 1G34; Lee foorbcries dc Scupin, 1684; Psiche, 1681; Le malnde imagfnaire, )C83; [6.] Les fetnmea s^avantes, 1683; Lea amaiiM magniflquts, 1684; Dom Gurcie de Navarre, ou le prince .ialoux, 1684; L'imprumpiu do Versailleii, 1684; La comtcKse d'Eacnrbagnaa, 1684 ; Melicertc, 1684 ; L'om- bre de Moliere, par Brecourt, 1683. A'ofe. — TliiB edition was originally published by El- zevir, in 167o, in 5 volumes. One volume has been added _ by Wcletein, and also new title-pagcs to each volume, dated IffJl. The separate plays are all scpaniicly paged, Bud are of dilTerenl years, 1680, 1683, 1684, etc. 63 Bhelf. No. MOLlf;KE, J. B. Poquelin de, contimird. — G^uvros, nvec observations sur t-Iiaque piece, par M. Bret. Paris, 1805. Sv. 12" 4704.10 Contents. — Vol. I. Discoura prtlimlnnii-c; Vio do Moliorc par Voltaire; L'Jitourdi; Le depit amouroux; Lea pr«cieu8C3 ridicules. II. Sganarelle, ou le cocu iinaginnive; DonGnrcie de Navarre, on lo prince jaloux; L'ecolc des maris; Les farhcux ; L'C'cule des femmes. 111. Lo critique de L'C-colc des femmcs; L'impromptu de VeVBiiilles; La princossu d felidu ; Lea fflteado Versaillcfl cu 16<>4 ; Le mariage force; Don Juan, ou le festia de Pierre. IV. L'ainour medccin ; Le misantlirojie; Lo medncin malgrelui; Melioerte; Pastorale comique: Lo Sicilicn, ou l'nmour peintre. V, Le 'I'artufe; Amphi- tryon ; George Dandin, on lo mnri confundu. VI. L'ava- re; l-fitodeVoraiiilleseii 1668; Monsieur de Pourceangnau; Lea amatia magnitiquca. VII. Le bourgeois gentilhom- mo; Les fourbcries de Scupin ; pHichfe. VIIL Lob fem- mes savantcs; La comtesse d'Escnrbagnas; l.u malade imaginaire; La gloire du Val-de-Grace, poeme. — Oiluvres, avec un commontaire par M. Auger. Paris, 1818-25. 9v. 8° **4706.4 Contents. — Vol. I. Avortisscmcnt; Discoura prelimi- nairc ; Vie de Moliere; L'otourdi,ou les cuiitre-teinps; Le depit amoureux. II. Les precieuses ridicules; Sga- nnrclle, ou le cocu imaginaire; Don Garcie dc Navarro, ou lo prince jaloux ; L'ecole des maris; Les fncheux. III. L'ecole dca femmes; La critique de L'ecoledes fem- mes; L'impromptu de Versailles; Lo manage force. IV. La princesse d'Elidc ; Les plai^irs de V lie enchan- tee ; Don Juan, ou le festin de Pierre; Don Juan, ou le festiii de Pierre, par Thomas Corueille. V. L'araour me- decin ; Le misanthrope; Le medccin malgre lui ; Meli- certe ; Pastorale comiquo: Le Sicilien, oit I'amom- pein- tre. VI. Le Tavtuffe; Amphitryon; L'amphitryoa de Plaule avec la traduction. VIL L'avare; George Dandin ; Relation de la fdte de Versailles, du 18 juillet 1668; M, do Pourceaugnac; Les araans mngnifiques. VIII. Le bourgeois gentilhomme; Psyche; Les four- bcries de Scapin. IX. La comtesse d'Kscarbagnas; Les femmes savantes; Le malade imaginaire; Poesies di- verses. — (Euvres completes, avec les notes de tous les commentateurs, [par J.Tiischereau]. Paris, 1823,24. 8v. 8" **4706.6 Contents. — Vol. I. Avertissement de Teditcur; Eloge de Moliere par Chamfort; Vie de Moliere par Voltaire; Supplement a la vie; Fac similes; L'etourdi ; Le depit amoureux; Les precicuses ridicules; Sganarelle, II. Don Gircie de Navarre ; L'ecole des maris ; Les facheux ; L'ecoledes femmes; Stances de Boilcnu au sujet de L'ecole des femmeii ; La critique de L'ecole dee femmes. III. L'impromptu de Versailles; Le mariage force; La princesse d'Elide; Les plaisirs dc 1' tie enchantee; Don Juun, ou le festin de Pierre; L'amour medecin. IV. Le misnntbropej Le medecin malgre lui; Meiicerte; Pastorale comique : Le Sicilien, ou l'amour peintre. V. Le Tnrtuffe, ou l'imposteur; Amphitryon ; L'avare. VI. George Dandin; Fdte de Versailles; M. de Pourcoau- gnac; Lesamans mognifiques. VIL Le bourgeois gen- tilhunime; Psyche ; Les fourbcries de Scapin, VIII, La comtesse d'Escarbagnas; Les femmes savautes; Le malade imaginaire; La gloire du Val-de-Grace; Table chronologique des pieces de Moliere. — Works. French and English, [on opposite pages]. J-ondou, 1739. lOv. 12" **4697.I0 Contents. — Vol. I. Memoires aur la vie do M. par M. de La Serre; L'etourdi, ou les contre-tema; Le depit amoureux. — Memoirs of the life of Moliere; The blun- derer, or the counter-plota ; The amorous quarrel. H. L'avare; Les precieuscs ridicules; Don Garcia de Xa- varre, ou le prince jaloux. — The miser; The romantick ladiea; Don Garcia of Navarre, or the jealous prince. III. L'ecole des maris; L'ecole des femmes; La critique de L'ecole des femmes; L'impromptu de Vci-saillea. — The school for husbands; The school for wives; The schoul for wives criticis'd; The impromptu of Versailles. IV. Le misuntrope; Le medccin malgre lui; Dom Juan, ou 1<* festin de Pierre. — The mnn-hater; The mock-doctor; Don John, orthefeastofthestatue. V. L'amour medecin; Le TartulTe, ou l'imposteur; Monsieur de Pourccauguac. — Love's the best doctor; Tartitilc, or the impostor; Squire Lubberly. VI. Amphitrion; George Dandin, ou le muri confondu ; Sganarelle, on le cocu imaginaire. — Amphitryon; George Dandin, or the perplex'd biia- band; Sganarel, or the cuckold In conceit. VII. Le mariage forcfe; Les anians ma^niflquea; Psiche. — The forc'd marriage ; The magntticrnt lovers ; Payehi. MOLlfeUE 418 MONALDINI Shelf. No. SIOLit.-iE, J. B. Poquelin de, continued. VIII. Le bour^eoU peniilhomine; Lea facheox; Lo SicilieD, oa I'amour peintrt. — The cit turo'd gcntle- raon; The impertiucnts; The Sicilian, or love makes a painter. IX. Les femmes s^avantes; Les fourberies deScapin; Melicerte. — The learned ladies; The cheats of Scapin ; Melicerta. X. La comtesse d'Escnrba^as ; La priDcesse d'felide ; Les Ktcs de VcrsaiUca ; Le malade imaginaire. — The couutcss of EscarbngDas; The priu- (■es3 of Elis; The feast of Versailles; The hypocon- driack. — 5ee Theatre fran^ais, V. 3-6 4708.1 ConttnU. — Vol. III. L'etourdi, ou les coiitre-tcmps; Le depii amourcux ; Les precieust's ridicules ; Sgnnarulle, ou le cocu imaginaire; L'ecole des maris; L'ccole des femmes. IV, Le misanthrope; Le nitdecin malgre lui; Tartufe; Amphitryon; George Dandin, ou Le nmri con- fonda. V. L'avare ; Moiis. de Pourccaugiinc ; Le bour- geois gcntilhorame; Les fourberies de Swapin. VI. Les femmos eavantes ; La comtesse d'Escurbagnas ; Le malade imaginaire; Lo dC-pit amoureux; L'amour raodeciu. — La critique de L'escole des femmes ; Les plai- sirs de I'isle enchantee. pp. 241-326. 12" . **4697.11 A'o^c — From vol. 2 of some old edition; perhaps a reprint of that of Tans, 1G32. — Deux pieces in^dites. [Publiees par M. Viollet Leduc] Paris, 1819. pp. 70. «" **4706.2 Conttnts. Tolant. -La jalousie du barbouille; Lo medecin — Les femmes s^avantes, comedie. Paris, 1678. pp. 84. 12° **4G97.14 — Les fourberies de Scapin, comcdie. Paris, 1680. pp.82. 12° **4697.14 — Le malade imaginaii-e, comedie. Paris, 1G79. 12" **4697,14 — Psich^, tragc-die-ballet. Paris, 1680. pp, 84. n" **4697.14 — Le Tartuffe, ou I'impostevr, comtJdie. Paris, 16G9. sm.12'' **4697.12 — Le Tartuffe avcc de nouvelles notices, par [C. G.] ttieune. Paris, 1824. 8' **4700,3 — Le Tartufe. 2e(;d. avccle mandomcnt de I'ar- clieveque Hardouin. Paris, 1844. .32°. . . **4fi05.21 — Auger, L. S. Discourssur la comedicet vie de. 4706.14 — I'.ctliira, L. F. I)isscrt!ition sur 4695.29 — lilazc de Ilury, M. P. K. Molii-re, and the French classical driima 4695.22 — Bordelon, L. Moliure conit'dieu dans les Clianips iClisi-es 4605.20 — Iln'-cnurt, (;. M. de. L'ombre de 4697.14 — Cailhavad'Kstendoux, J. F. ictudessur. . . 4706.11 — l)onneau de Vist-, J. Zelindo, comedie, ou la vt-ritable criti(]ue de L'cscoledes femmos . . 4695.19 — Fortia d'l'rban, A, J. F. dc. Disscrtaliou sur lafemniedc 4706.14 — - Leltrt's sur hi femmede 4706.14 — - Le mariage du ci-lebre Moiifero 4706.14 — Fournel, F. V, Les uuntt mporaius de .... 4696.13 — Fournicr, ft. I.e roman do 4696.10 — (irinuirost, .). L. le (i. do. J^a vie do . . , .4695.18,27 — Lacroi.\, P. JluUot dosincompatiblog, pii'ccin- ^dite 4697.15 — - Lajcunesscde 4697.15 — Paringault, K. La languc du droit dans Ic th<^- alro de 4706.16 — Kuynaud, M. Lom medocins au temps do , . . 4706.15 — Itlccobonl, L. Observations Nur le gOnio do , . 4695.20 — SouHo, K. UochorchcB sur Molioro et sur sa famille 4690.12 Mi'LlNA, A. Vocabvlarlo on longva cnstollana y Mioxicana. Mexico, 1571. 2p. In Iv. 4° . . *4111.6 Molina, (L J. De vita ct doclrlna tiermo. See Santdgata, A 2741.24 MoLisiAUl, (j. dc. Lottres sur la Uusslc. Paris, iwttl. 12* . » 3009.7 — Napolton III publicist*.. Jtruxollos, 1861. 12*. 2042.14 — QnrHlJont d'oconomlo politique et de droit pub* Mr.. I'nriH, IWJl, 2v. b" 3640.30 — f'Ztude Mur la vie ct les ouvrnges de I'abbi^ dc .Sulnl-Plcrrp. A*cef"fljttcldc.s«lnt-i'ien(*,(', I. 3577.16 Shelf. No. MoLiNi, G. Giornale geuerale dt'lla bibliogrnlia italiana. Anno 1-L P. 1. Bibliogi-aria, Fi- renze, 18GI-&4. 4v. 8° »2!CI.2 Moi.lToii, F. J. Philosophie dor GeschioliU', Oder iiber die Tradition [in dem Alten Uuudo]. lerTlieil. 2te Aufl. MUnster, 1857. 8° . . 4145.10 Moll, L. Arts agricoles. See France. Commis- sion sur I'industrie des natious, v. 3, p. 2 . . 4029.20 — aud Gayot, E. La coimaissance geuerale du cheval, avec atlas. Pari^, 1861. 2v. S° . . 4004.1 3IOLL Flanders : a novel. Deioe, D 4609a. 2 MoLLARD-LEFbVUii,— . Letter, [etc.], on his con- version to protestantism. 2d ed. London, 1825. 8° *l'ph.v.35e MOLLEK, H. F. Dor Graf von Walltron, odor Sub- ordination. Ein Trauerspiel. Frankfurt, 1777. sm.8** 2878.27 MOLLER, J. Cimbria literata, sive scriptorura du- catus utriusqve Slesvicensis et Holsatici-his- toria literaria. Havuiie, 1744. 3v. f ° . . . *4250.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Scriptorea iiidi(r<>nas, et quorum patrin necdum cxquiriri potuit. II, Adoptivi sivo cxteri ofliciis functi sive diutius commoniti. IH. Quadragiuta sex insignium scriptorum historiiu longiores. MoLLER, J. F., and Uhlich, L. [MoUer and Uhlich. lieleuchtungdes Miiller'schen Schriftstiickca Nr. VH. der amtlichen den Prediger Uhlich in Blagdeburg betreflenden Verhaudlungen.] Loipzi-^, 1S47. pp. 73. 8" 6088.67 MbLLHAL'SKN, B. Koison in die Felsengehirge Kord-Amerikas. Leipzig, 1861. 2v. 8° . . 2316. )2 MOLLIEN, G. T. Travels in the republic of Colum- bia in 1822, 23. Translated from the French. London, 1824. 8^ 2365.17 MOLLUSCA. Catalogue of mollusca in the British museum. See I^ondou. British museum . 6879.4 — Catalogue of mollusca in the British museum, by J. E. Gray. Part 1, 2. See London. British museum 58$9a.2 — Catalogue of pulmonata in the British museum, by E. Pfeiffer. See London. British mu- seum 6879.4 — Die fossilon ^Vlollusken des Tcrtia?r-Bockens von Avion. Sec lUlrnes, M 3860.29 — List of mollusca collected and described by MM. Eydoux and Souleyct. See London. British museum 5S80a.2 — IJst of nuillusoa in the British museum, by J. E. Gray. -S'rc London. Brilisli museum. 5879.4 — Nomenclature of molUisca in the British mu- seum, by J. E. Gray. See London. British museum 58S9a.2 MOLNAK, A. Dictionarinm IIungarico-Tiatinum ; rovisum studio F. Pariz Pajiui. Leutsehoviiu, 1708. 8" *1S80.8 Moloch. Dor Molochdienst der alton Hebriior. ■See Daumer, G. F 0070.0 IVfoi.Uft'AS. Voyage to the, 1774-76. Forrest, T. . 3040.20 Mui./.A, F. M. Poosie colhi vita doll' aulore scritta da P. A. Serassi. JMihiuo, 1808. 8". [Clas- sici italiani, V. 60] .... • **4803.3 — Ghodino, trovando suo padrigno a giacersi con la sua aposa, si daagridarcon lui,occ. [Uac- ccdladi novclle, V. 2] 4808.12 — Sonetti; Canzone. [Gironi. llaccolta di lirici italiaut] 4808.8 ' MOMicNTtiM. Measure of the forces of bodies mov- ing uith diftVrent velocities. TroadwoU, D. 3955.7 MOMMSKN, T. l»io riimischo ChronoJogio bis auf Ca'^iar. Berlin, 1N68. 8° 4209.10 — Ilondscho (Joschichte. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1850, 57, 3v. In 2. 8° 4190.11 — - Same. :Ue Anil. Berlin, 186!. 3v. 8' . . 2758.7 — History of Kouie. TrunHliilod by Uov. W. P. Dickson. London, 1802. 2v. 8° 2768.2 MoNACi, L. do. Ezorliius tortius. [Gra;vlns. Thos. autlq. Itul., T. 6, p. 1] 1710.1 MONALDISI, (i. A. Novvs thesavrvs gemniarvni v«-lerviii. Koma-, 1781-8.-^. Hv. 1° *42Hn.I RIOX Alien Y 419 MONTAMSM Sheir. No. lIONAiH'iiY. ratriarclia; or, the natural power of kings. Kilmer, K , 428C.1G MoNAKDKs, N. Uistoria iiii'dioinal do lascosasque 80 tiafii <\v nufstiMs liidias occidentulcs que einu'ii on nuMlu-ina. Tiatadodo la iufdra be- zaar, [etc-l- St-villa, 157-1. 8ni.4° 43G8.'2 MoNASiR' architrctiire. licuiains of ancient mo- nastic nrchitoclnrc in England. Totter, J. . 39.C.1 MuNASi'U' orders. Foi^brokc, T. 1). Economy of monastic lifo 2571.11 — Mabilloa, J. Tractatus dc studiis monastieis. 605"-i.8 — Marti-ue, E. DeautiqtiU monachorumritibus libii V 6030.7 — KiiU's and duties of monastic life. Sec Anorcn liiwle 2426.1 — Weber, C. J. Darstellung dor lijosterwelt und iln>es Geistcs 6075. S See also : Benedictines, Franciscans, Jesuits, Moiiki. MoNciiKSNAY, J. de L. de. Bolreana, on bons mots de M. lioileau, avec les poesies de .Sanlecque. Amsterdam, J742. 12' **4095.7 MONE, Franz J. Celti-sclie Forscliungen zur Ge- scluchte Mitteleuropas. Freibur-;, 1857. 8°. 4233.4 — Einleituug in das Nibelungen-Lied. Heidel- berf,^ 1S18. pp.89. 8' 2903.8 — Gescliichte des Heidenthums Im ndrdlichen Europii. Leipzig, 1822, 23. 2v. 8°. [Form- ing V. 5 and Oof Creuzer's Symbolik der al- ien VolkurJ G07C.10 Contents. — Vol. I. Die Iteligrioncn -dcr flnnischcn, slnwbt:hen und scandinavisclieii Vijlker. II. Die Hcli- pi'-'iifu dcr Biiiilicbcu tcutschcn mid der celtiichen Volker. — Lateinische Uymnen des Slittelalters. Frei- burg, 1S53. 3v, S' **3437,25 Contents. ^-Vq}. I. Lirdcr RnGott und die Eogel. II. MurienliedtT. III. llciligvnlicder. — Untersuchungcn zur GescUichte der teutschen Ileldensage. Quedlinburg, 1830. 8° . . . . 4236.7 MoNE, Fridegar. Griccliisclie Geschichfe. ler Biind, System der Entwickluugsgesetze, 2te Auli. Berlin, 1859. 8° 3074.6 Money. Garnicr, G. Valeur des nionnaies de compte chez les peoples de I'antiquit^ . . . 2981.7 — Lalor, .T. Money and morals 4290,23 — "Walker, A. Nature aud uses of money and mixt-d currency 6087.75 Money getting, Art of. Kedc, L. T 3646.28 Money market review. A weekly commercial and liuancial journal. Vol. 4-7, 9. London, 1802-64. 5v. 4° *5640.1 MONFEKUATO. Croulca di M. Galleotto del Car- retto. [Sardinia. Hist, monum., v. 3] . . . 4800.1 MONGITOUE, A. Bibliotheca Sicula, sive de scrip- toribus Siculis uotitiae. Fanormi, 1708-14. 2v. f *2170.28 — 5ceGraivius. Tbes.antiq.Ital.,T. 10, v. 1,3,14. 4710.1 Contents. — T. 10, v. 1. Itegni Sicilio: delineAtio; 3. Suppler men turn ad n. Pirri uotitiam refine capcllfc S. Pi-iri sacri palatii urbia I'aiioriDi; 14. Sacra: donius maasionia SS. Triiiitatia lailitaria ordlnis Tbeutoni- coniiii urbts t'onormi, et oiBgiii ejus priEceptoris, monu- munta biatorica. MoNGOMA, Travels through, 1820, 21. Timkowski, G 3015.7 JIONGOi.iAN language. Dictionnaire mongol-russe- frau^jiis. Kovalefski, J. £ 3060.10 Mongols. Hammer-Purgstall, J. v. Geschichte der goldenen Horde in Kiptschak, das ist, der Mongolen in Uussland 4242.2 — - Gescliichte Monjroleu in Persien 4242.3 — Ohsson, C. d*. Histoire des 4242.4 MONITEL'R. Avant-Moniteur, ou tableau sommaire des huit premiers muis de la revolution fran- ^aise, principahment compose des memoircs de J. 6. Bailly. I'aiis, lfc05. f" 4640 4 Sbolf. No. MoNiTEUU universel, Le. Journal ofliciel de {'em- pire fran^ais. 5 mui, 1789 — 31 dec, 1851; sept., 1853 — dec, 1804. Paris, 1789-1864, 14rv. f° *73t0.1 MoNiToK.Le, et le Merriniac. Adts, N 3954.22 Monk, G., dztke of Albemarle. Guizot, F. P. G. Monk. Chute de la ri'publique et retablisse- ment de la raonarchie en Augleterrc, en 1660 2528.7 — Skinner, T. Life of 254G.5 Monk, M. [Awful exposure of the atrocious plot against the clergy and nuns of Lower Canada formed by Maria Monk.] K. Y., !836. 16° . 3464.34 Monks of the West. Montnlembert, C. F. dc . . . 3514.4 MoNMOVTUSMiRE, Tour throuf^h, by H. P. Wynd- ham. [Mayor. British tourists, v. .3] . . , 2469.22 MONNIER, F. Le chancelier d'Aguesscau, sa con- duite et ses idees politiques et son influence sur le mouvement des esprits, Avec plusienrs ouvrages iuedits, Paris, [1862]. 8° .... 2655.13 MoNOD, A. Exchisisme ou I'unitt^ de la foi. Dls- cours a Paris, 8 juillet 1849 et 23 Janvier 1853. Paris, 1853. pp.40. 8" B. 160a. 70 MONOGUAJis. Diefllonogrammisten und die Kiinst- lerallerSchulen. Nagler, G. C 4085.6 MONKEALE, Del duomo di. See Serradilalco, L. F. P., duca di 8100.4 MONS. Une succursale du tribunal du sang. Alt- meyer,J.J 2815.13 MONSON, Mass. Academy. Celebration of the semi- centennial aiuiiversary, July 18 and 19, 1854. Wew York, 1^55. pp.90. 8° 4129.16 Monstrosities. Bianchi, G. P. De moustris ac monstrosis quibusdam 5S60.26 — Sehenck, J.G. Monstrorum historia 4153.12 MoNTABERT. See Paillot de Montabert, Montagu, C, earl of Halifax, Miscellaneous po- etical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets ofGreat Britain, V. 0] 4G04.1 Montagu, E. W.,.;V. Rise and iidl of ancient re- publicks. Philadelphia, 1806. 12° 3564.21 Montagu, lady M. W. Travels in Europe aud Asia. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 1.3] 6267.1 Montagu, W. D., rf?*/je of Manchester. Court and society from Elizabeth to Anne. Lon- don, 1864. 2v. 8" 2545.4 Montaigne, M. de. CEuvres, avec notice biogra- phiquepar J. A. C-Buchon. Paris, 1838. 1.8". [Pantheon litterairej *4]93.2 Contents. — Essaifl ; Voj-flges en AllotnagTie et en Italic, en 158", 81; Correspondance ; Avis dictes par Cotberine de Medicis a Cburles IX, pcu de temps aprta •a niajorite; De la servitudo voloutaire, ou le contr' un, par Ealieniie de La Boetio. — Essaia. Nouv. ed. Ensemble la vie de Pau- theur. Paris, 1652. f *2700.I0 — Essays, in three books, with account of the au- thor's life. Made English by Charles Cot- ton. 3d ed. London, 1700. 3v. 16" ... 4189.7 Montalembert, C. F. de. Lettre a M. le comte de Cavour, 2e ed. Paris, 1861, pp. 8. 8° 4714.3 — Deuxifemelettre aM. lecomtedeCavour. 4e ^d. Paris, 1861. pp. 72. 16° 4714. ^'5 — Mrmoir of the Abb^ Lacordaire. London, 1863. S'* 2056.19 — Monks of the West. St. Benedict to St. Ber- nard. Edinburgh, 1861. 2v. 8' 3514.4 Montanari, G. B. L'esule pisauo canti tre. Ve- rona, 1836. 16° 4798.35 MONTANELLI, G. L'impcro, il papato c la demo- crazia in Italia. Flreuze, 1859. pp.67. p.S". [Miscellanea, V. 3] 47J8.12 MONTANISM. Kirchner, C. M. De Montanistis. De eorum origine, prima conditione, senteu- tiis ac dLvcipHua B.170a.;iW — Schwegler, F. C. A. Der Montanismus und die christliche Kirche des zweiten Jahrhunderts. 60^0.0 MONTAKGOX 420 MONTMIGKON Shelf. No. MONTARGON, E. F. de, dit dans snn onire Hi/a- ciiithe de VAssomption. Dictionnaire nposto- Jique a I'usnge de MM. le.i cures. Paris, i;oL'- 68. \iw. 8° 5445.6 MOSTALB.AN. Histoirc d'une ville protestantc. Mary-Lafon, J. B ■ 4663.14 MONT.AUsiEH, C. de Sainte Maure de. Sa vie et sou temps. 5ee Koux, A 2057.8 JUOSTCLAIR, J. W. Real and ideal : a collection of metrical compositious. New York, [ISlHJ. pp. SID. 10" ■ • 4409.9 MONTECCHI, M. Documenti risguardanti la divisi- one civica mobilizzata sotto gli ordinl del generale Ferrari. [Documenti della fjuerra sant.T d'ltalia, V. 4] 4713.9 MONTfioi'T, J. F. de. Essai historiiiue sur la fa- mille de I'empereur Valerien. [Toulouse], n. d. [No title-page.] pp.47. 4° ■"4691.2 — Recherches sur les antiquites de Toulouse. [Toulouse], n. d. [No title-page.] pp. 40. Opiates. 4" **4691.2 MosTEiL, A. A. Traite de matcriaux manuscrits de divers genres d'liistoire. Nouv. ed., ang- mentOe. I'nris, Iis.%. 2v. 8° 2033.4 MoNTEMAYOR,J.de. Poesias. [Quintana. Pamaso espafiol, V.2] 3104.19 MONTfiJioNT, A. Guide universel de I'etrangerdaus Paris. Paris, 1813. 16° 4189a. U- MONTENEGRO. Tcliubar Tchoikovitcll, — . Volks- lieder der llontenegriner Serben 4223.9 — Wiiigfield, W. F. Tour in 3083.10 MONTES, R. G. de. Artes de la inqui>izion es- pafiola. Primer traduczion castellana. n. p., 1^51. p.H". [Ileformistas anligiios es- panoles] **54'.i0. 13, and 6075.5 Inquisitionis Hispanica; artes aliquot jam olim detects;. Blatriti, 1857. 12°. [Kefomiistas antiguos espanoles] **5496.21 MONTESINOS, F. Memorie e tradizioni storiclie dell' antico Peru raccolte in un viaggio in quella contrada, traduzione di Felice Grazi- oni. [Marmocclii. Viaggi,v.5] 2275.1 MOJJTESQUIEC, C. de Secondat, baron de. ffiuvres complfetes. Nouv. I'd. liasle, 1701). 8v. in 7. y 4167.17 CtmtrnW.— Vol. I. Avcrtisppmpnt; Lettrc d'Holvethia ■ur le manuHcrit dp I'Esprit (Ips lois; AvprtissPment ; ]^lopo (le Wonlepfiiiieu ; Annl.vsc de TEsprlt dps lois, Jinr d'Alcmbprt. 1-IV. Pe I'esprit dps k.is. V. Letti-ps por- BsnPS. VI. C<«i8idi'riitlons siirlpa causrs de la prandeiir dps Komains et de Icur dcendpnce : Uissprliiliiin sur la politifiup dPB Homalits dans la nllrioli : l>inl"piie do Sylla pt d'Eiiprate ; Essai sur Ip RoOt. dans Ips olioses do la naliiroetderart; Lysiniaquc. VII [VII]. Le temple do Guide; Ceplilsc ct raliiovir; ArsBce et Isnitnip, liJs- tolre oripntalo: Poesies; Dlscoiira prononces & I'aea- dvinio de Bordeaux ; febauchp de I'elofje hlsloriciue du niarl'phal de Kerwick ; Penstes diverees; Anecdolps; [VIII.] I-ettrea famlliercs; Analyse ralsonneu do I'Es- prlt des lois. — (Euvres compliites, avcc dcs notes de Dupin, Crtvier, etc., etc. Parin, 1S.'!8. 1.8°. [I'an- tliion litK-ralre] •4193.3 Contends. — Notice sur In vie do Montesquieu, par TValckenaor; I.pllrps pprsanes; Le Ipniplc de Onldo; Grandeur rt d"eadpnpe de" Honialns; Ho I'esprit des lots: ntrense de I'Esprll des lois; I{(-ponse alix olisorvn- tlons do Groiley; (p. h°. 2757.0 ,— Obkervntlonsiiur rKsprltden Inlx. AccCrt/vlcr, J. B. L .3610.16 Shelf. No. MONTFAucON, B. de. Collectio nova patrum ct scriptorum Giaecorum. [Gr. et Lnt] Pa- risiis, 1T07. 2v. f° •6020.3 Contents. — Vol. I. Eusebii Pamphiti commentarii in Psolraos. II. Eugeniileeatioad Alhanasjum;AthanaMi sermo major de fide ; Commentarius in MatthstuiD, in Lupum, et in Canticnm canticoruni; Sermo dei>alitntia; Commentariusin Psalmos; Frapmenta; Cosniae Indico- plpusto; Chrisllonorum opinio de mundo, sive topopTA- phia Christiana; Eusebii commeutarii in Ilesaiam. — Correspondanceinedite. 5ce Valcry, A. C. . . 4187.3 MoNTKEKUuv, Z. J. and A. J. Tluatre. Nouv. ed., auf^mentee de trois comedies, [etc.]. Paris, 1739. 3v. 12° •»4697.6 Contents. — Vol. I. La mort d'Asdrubal, tragedie; I-o mnriapc do ripn.comedie; Le marisansfenime, eomedio; Trasibule, tragi-comedie; L'inipromptu dp I'hOtel de Conde; L'eeole des filles, comedie. II. La femme juge et pnrtie, coniedie; Leproeesdela femniojuge et partie, coniedip; L'ccole dcs jaloux, ou Le cocu volontairp, comedie; Le gentilhommp de Bpauce, comedie; La Clle capitaine, comedie; L'ambigu coniique, ou Les amours do Didon et d'l^nee, tragedie. III. Le comodien po6te, com¨ Trigaudin, ou Martin Bralllard, comedie; La dame niedccin, comedie ; La dupe de 6oi-mesmc, com- fedie ; Crispin gentilhomme, comtdie. l^ott. — The sole production of Z. J., the elder Mont- fleury here published is the first in the seriea, La raort d'Asdrubal. MONTGtRON, L. B. C. de. La veriti? des miracles operes par I'intercessiou de M. de Paris. Utrecht, 17.37. 4° 6051.9 MONTGOMERY, Jaine.«,Wicpoe*o/.S7(i;^rf<^ Works. New edition. With a sketch of his life. Mor- ristown, N. J., 1817. 2v. sm.l6° 4509.15 — Life of. Sec Knight, H. C 4519.3 MosTGOMEitY, James, svpt. of York factories, Saco. [.Strictures on the cotton manufactures of Great Britain and America.] Newburyport, 1841. pp. 70. 8° 6640.8 MONTGOJIERY, Joliu T. The writ of habeas corpus, and Mt. Binney. 2d ed. I'hiladelpliia, 1802. pp.29. 8° 3635.10 MONTGON, C. A. de. Jlemoirt'S, publiez par lui- meine, [1725-.3J] ;coiitenantn('goeiationsdau8 les cours de France, d'Kspagne, et de Portu- gal. [Lattaye], 1748-53. Sv. 12° 4019a. 5 Monthly mi.-^celhiuy of religion and letters. Vol. l-y. Boston, 1839-43. 7v. 8° •5:56.5 Monthly religious magazine. F.cliied by F. I). Huntington, E. M. Scars, and R. Ellis. Vol. 1-32. Boston, I844-C>4. :i2v. 8° »."|397.1 MONTT, L. Grammar of the Italian language. Bos- ton, 1855. 12° 4788.3 Monti, V. Pocsic. Pisa, ISOS. 2v. 18°. [Painaso desl' Italian! viventi,v. 17, 18] 4709a. 2 — Due errata corrige sopra un tcsto classico del buon secolo della lingua. [Volgarizzamenlo delle pistole d'Uvidio.] Milano, 1820. pp. 78. t," 2786.25 — Prose lllologichc. [Albcri. Tesoro della prosa italiaiia] 2r71.20 MONTKiNY, — de, St. ro,sme, ,1. F. B. de, anil l.u Source, T. de. Relation ih' la mission du Missisipi du Seminaire de (Quebec en 170u. Nouvclle York, 1801. 8° 4312.1 MONTrc;NY, E. do L. See Lnlaing de Montlgny, E. Montii;ny, E. M. dc. Sec lllgnot de llonligny, E • MONTJOVE, 0. F. L. V. de la T. Hlstohe de Marie- Autoinette-Joscplie-Jcannc de Lorraine, reinedc Fiance. 3ei5d. Paris, 1810. 2v. 8°. 4042.20 MONTMIGNON, J. B. Clioix des Icttres ediliantes, (Scrltes des missions c-trangeres. Paris, 1808,9. 8v. 8° ♦asas.s Ctmlsnn. — Vol. I-IU. Missions de lo Chine IV. Missions de riiula. V, VI. M1..1..... du Lovai.l. VII, VIII. Mlssli>ns dP rAnnrlque, MONTMORENCY 421 MORE bliulf. No. MoNTMORiCNCY, F. de, baron de Monttfjttt/ et de Letize, Notice sur la uiort de. Sec Gacliard, I^. I* 2SI7.30 MoNTl'KNSiKK, A. M, L. d'Orlcaiis, diirhcsse de. Mt-moiri's [revus per Scgrais]. Nouv. (5d. [dirigt'e par J. F. HtTunrd], oil Ton n njoutu divers ouvrngos do JUuk-moiscUc. Mivstriclit, irro, av. vz" *mc96.5 (•on(«U#. — Vol. I-\ni. Mtmoiroa. VII. Lettrca de Mniicinolgollc ct de Mndnmo do Mottcvlllo; Lcs amours do Madcmuiscllo ot d« M. do Lauzun. VII, La rvlntlon do Tiale Invlajblo; Histuiro de la iirtnccsso du I'apbla- gOQle; Portrait* diver«, — M^moires, avec note.'f biographiqiios et histori- qucs par A.CIuTUcJ. I'aris, IS-'jH, 59. 4v. i::'. 2C58.10 MoNTKKUiL, J. de. Kpi.stuhL' selet-ta- Joliannis de Moiisterolio. [Mart^ne. Vet. script., v. 'Z]. 4'50.1 Monuments. Ciarksoii, U. A. Monuments . . . -lObO.lS — Geary, S. Cemetery desif^ns lor tombs and cen- otaphs -1074.10 MOOAK, G. (Historical manual of the South church in Andover.] Andover, lt<5'.>. 1*^° 2357.17 MOODIK, S. iS. [Adventures of little Downy, a lield mouse.] Hy MisslUac'k. London, [IJs;i-J. ~'^^■^5r0a. 37 Moody, C. C r. liioi^raphical sketches of the Moody family. Boston, 1S47. 10" 2334. IG MOOPY, II. K.xplanatory notes on Hampshire. See Domesday book 24. K. 2 Moody, L. Destruction of republicanism the object of the rebellion. The testimony of southern witnesses. [Uoston, ISCj-.] pp. 1G. 8" . . 4320a. lOfi — - Same. London, 1 8ii3. pp.35. 10° • • . . 4322.73 — Facts for the people, showing- the relations of the United States government to slavery. Boston, 1S47. 24" 6086.17 Moody, K. B. Tlie evil and the remedy. A dis- course on the national fast, April 30, 1S03. Boston, IH03. 8° 433Ca.l07 Moody, S. What is your name ? a popular account of the meanings iind derivations of Chris- tian names. London, 1S03. sm.S" 2235.29 Moody fannily, Biographical sketches of the. See Moody, C. C. P 2334.16 Moon. Lubbock, J. W. On the theory of the . . E.1SI.19 — Observations, 1831-51. See Great Britain. Admiralty. Royal observatory, Greenwich . E.140.8 — Schroter, J. H, Selenotopographische Frag- mente zur genauern Keuntniss der Moud- flache 5921.24 Moor, E. Plates illustrating the Hindu Pantheun. Edited by A. P. Moor. London, 1801. 4" . *3050.13 Moor, J. Elementa lingua; Gra^cse. Pars prima, complectens partes oratiouis indeeliuablles. Ediuburgi, 1800. 8^ 4988.2 — Elements of the Greek language, [With] Ew- ing's continuation. By S. Blatcliford. New York, L-^O?. l-i" 4a^9a.l7 — Fragmenta grammatices Grsecce, Ed. 8a. Ed- inburgi, 1800. pp. 70. 8° 4088.2 MooRK, C. W., and Sevcy, E. Trial of Moore and Sevey for a libel on .Samuel D. Greene, 18:13. Boston, 1833. pp. 78. 8° . 5686.6 MoORK, E. See Bell. British theatre, v. 10, 11 . . 4i;9a.l Content*. — Vol. S. The gamester, trag. XI. Tlio foundUng, com. — Fables, and other poems, with life. [Ander- son. Poets of Great Britain, V. 10] .... 4504.1 MOORE, Francis. A voyage to Georgia in 1755. [Georgia historical society. Collections, v. 1], 2875.25 MooRK, Frank. Slaterials for history printed from original manuscripts. 1st series. New York, 1801. 4° MSll.g Corttcntt. — Correspondence of H. Laurens, of South Curotinu. — The rebellion record: a diary of American events. Introductory address by E. Everett. Vol 1-5. New York, 1861-03. 6v. fe" . . . 4323.3 Sholf. No. MooRE, George. Lives of cardinal Alberoni, the duke of Uipperda, and marquis of Pombal. 3dcd. London, 1814. 8" 3002.7 MoORK, George H. Historical notes on the einploy- ment of negroes in the American army of the revolution. New York, 1802. pp.24, h". 4325.43 MoORE, Jacob B. Gazetteer of New Hampshire. S'cc Farmer, . J 2382.10 MOORE, John, jl/./).,/). 1720, r/. 1802. Works. With memoirs of his life and writings, by K. An- derson. Edinburgh, 1820. 7v. 8° 2573.5 CotUtnta. —Vo\. J. Life; View of society mid mnnncra In France, Switzerland, flud Ccrmnny. 11. View of so- ciety ond ninnners in Italy. III. Jouninl, etc., In Fniiicc. IV. View of tlio causes and piogrcss of the French revuluiifin. V. View of the CDnimencemeiit and progress of romance; Zeluco: various views of iiuniaii nature. VI. Edward. VII. Mordaunt. — View of society and manners in France, Swit- zerland, and Germany. Boston, 1702. &" . 2277.18 — - Same. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 10] 6207. 1 MooRK, Sir John, b. 1761, d. 1800, Circumstances attending the retreat of the British army under the command of. See Milburne, H. Pph.v.306 MoORE, John IL Y'^ounj; gentleman and lady's mon- itor: a collection of select pieces. New York, 1813. 12° 7069.17 MoORE, John W. Star collection of instrumental music. Boston, [185^]. obl.4'' 4055.51 Moore, T. Irish melodies. Accompaniments by Sir J. Stevenson. Boston, n. d. obl.4'' . 8041. .30 — Memoirs, journal, and correspondence. Edited by lord John KusseU. Loudon, 1853-50. 6v. 12" 4518.19 — [Odes upon cash, corn, catholics, and other matters.] Boston, 1829. pp.92. 12" . . . 4569a. 7 Moore, W. J. Health in the tropics. London, 1802. 8° 3767.33 Moore, Z. S. Sermon at the annual election. May 27, 1818, before J. Brooks, governor, [etc.]. Boston, 1818. 8* ■ M366.9 Moors, J. F. Discourse at the funeral of Luther B. Lincoln, in Deertield. Boston, 1855. S" . 6088.3 Moors. Antigiiedades arabes de Kspana 3100.20 Moors' language. Hartley, G. Grammar, with vo- cabulary, English and Moors, Moors and English 3030.13 Lebedeff, H. Grammar of the East India dia- lects 5033.9 MOORSOM, W. S. Historical record of the fifty-sec- ond regiment (Oxfordshire light infantry), 1750-1858. 2d ed. London, 18C.0. 8° . . . . *2422.5 Mooyer, E. F. Altdeutsche Dichtungen. See Meyer, N 2900.26 MOQUARD, avocat. Nouvelles causes celebres ou fastes du crime. Paris, 1842-45. 6v. in 3. LS" 3684. .33 MOQUIN-Tandon, H. B. a. Elements of medical zoology. Tr. and ed. by K. T. Hulme. Lon- don, 1861. 8" 3780.10 Moral stories. [In Mahnitta.] Bombay, 1854. pp.86, 12" 3038.17 MORATiN, N. F. de. Poesias. [Quintana. Par- naso espanol, v. 4] 3104.19 Moravia, Literature of. Moravske narodni pisne. Susil, F 4223.3 Moravians. See United brethren. More, C. The life of Sir T. More, lord hiffh chan- cellor of England, n. p., [I63J]. [No title- page.J em. 4° H177.13 Xote. — This is that life of the chancellor, which Iins usually been ascribed to I'hunias Mure, a distinguished Roman eathotic priest of the reign of James J, but which the Itev. J, IluDtcrhns edited us the work of liis brnlher. When entire, it probably had 4.32 pages, exclusive of the dedication. This copy has 428 pages, and the dedi- cation, 3 leaves. Same. London, 1726. 8" . . 4177.14 MORE 422 MORENA Shelf. No. More, Hannah. [Coelebs in searcli of a wife. From the 2cl Lond. etl.] N. Y., 1S09. 2v. V>\ 4179.8 — [Estimate of tlie religion of the fashionable world. 1st Am. ed,] Phila., n. d. sm.T4°. 5447.62 — Percy, tragedy. [London, 177S. No title- piige.] b" *rph.v.363 More, Heury. Opera omnia. Londiui, 1071). 2v. f° *6080.4 Contents. — Prajfntio gcneralissmm; Enchiriflion etlii- cum, pnt-cipua nioralis pliilosophia; rudimviita couiplcc- teus; Epistolii H. Mori ad V. C. qua? apologiam com- pleclitiir pro Cartesio; Eiicliiridion nietaphjsicuni, jiara prima: De cxistvntia et natura reruni incurporeorum in gcnere; Philofiopliematum ermlitl authoria difftciliiiiu Dugarura df priiicipiis motuum iiaturaliimi, sive de cssen- tiis mediis ct do modo rnrefactionis ct coBdensationis cxaminatio; Adnotamenta in Tentamen de gravitationc, et in observation cs circa expcrimc-ntnm TomceHianiim ; Trium tabularum cabbalisticarum decern Sepliirotbna Bive uuraerotioncs exhibentium descriptio; Qua'stiom-s et considerationes pnucrebrevcsriue iutractatuinprimuui libri Druschini; V'isionis Ezechielis eivo Mercavte ei- pusitio ; Catccbismus cabbnlisticus sive Mercavicus ; Fundamcutu philosophiic sive cabbalas icto-predo-me- lissa-a;, (luae omnem crcntionem proprie dictain oegat ; Philosophiw: Teutonicne [Bochmcnica-] censura; Ad V. C. epistola altcrn, qusc brevevo iracttilAs theologico- politici cout'utalionem corcplectitur, paucuque babel do Cuperi libri scupo, cui titulus est, Arcann alhtrisnii reve- latu ; Diulogi divini dc utlributis et providentia Dei. II. Anitdotus adversOs athcismum; Appendix ad dictum Antidutiiin ; Enlhu&iasniustritimpbiitus; Kpistola> IV ad Itenatum Ues-Cartes; Immorlalitae aninia;, quatvnus ex cognitione natune rntiuuistiuo lumine esl dcmoustra- bilis; Conjcctura cabbalisliia, sivo mentis Musoicw iu tribiiH primis capilibus Geiicscos, secundum tripliccm crtbbnlam, vir. literalem, pliilosopbicani, mysticam sivo divino-moralcm fiiterpretalio; Triplicis cabbala: defen- »io; Dialoirorum divinorum postremi duo; Camiimi quiedam autliorispartiiu ex poemaliaejus philosophieis, puriim aliunde dcBum|)ta. — Divine dialogues concerning the attributes and providence of God. Glas^row, 1743. IS" . . 3486.30 — Enchiridion ethicura. Ed, nova. Amstclre- danii, IGU5. 8m. 12" **3588.36 — Modest en(inii-y into the mystery of iniqtnty. London, ln nil ; Pn^caiio ex rftalniiscolloclfti Utopia j Epipramniala; Dialogil.iici- •ncl « Grweia in Lntiiium scrmuiiem converul ; Epio- tolrr, quibuaadjeclajBiint Erasmi adT-Mcruui cpiololai; Guliehni Covrliii Nuctrlui >.•] iBCuIa do T. Mori niorte. — Wnrkcp, wryttenby him in the Kn*^'lysh tonge. [CoUected by W. Uastell.] London, 1557. sm.f ♦4171.10 A'trfe,— Black letter. This copy ecmta!n» Ibo letter of Sir T. More "to tlio Christian reader" renpuctlng tbo printer'* fanltM. commonly mining, but waiita tho youthful poemB, 8 unpagv-d IcavcB. CjHfejU*. — I.yf'' of Jhon Plcui, crlo of ^rirnniluln, triilntod outo of Latin; lllatory of kyng niuhurd the third ; Trcutico uppO the«e wordua of acrljituro : Kemcm- hvr thelaBt thlnges. andlliou iihall neuer»lMnc; Dluh-go concernhiK herenlea ; Hiippllcallon of bouIcb ngalitatu 'llio BuppllcHliu of brggam [by Hlinon FJnh] ; UOIutnlli.n of Tlndiilo, part I, 1!; Aunnwer to .Ilion Frylli'a boko AirnynHt the bb-»»ed (tuirnin. nt of the aulter; Aiiologyo of SlrTlioman 31o Ua>itt; A godly Inairuclluu; A (lodly hiBiructlon In l^tjn; A dovout prayer in I.nlyn, collected out of tlio r»ikliiiiL'» ; A gudly iiiedllation ; A (Icuout pniyr; Letter Iu hlB nlfv; III* epitsphe hi Liilyn; LottnfB. — EplKnmiinatBpI(''rnunish. London. A. M. :.5:i:f, [177:1]. 4" 3431.4 MORKLAM), Henry, earl of, History of. A'cr Brooke, 11 2573.4 MOBKLLI, .1. Bartolini, A. Sopra due sconosclutc edlzioni di Tilmllae rlandiano 2200.15 — LnstcMU), N. Narrazione iutorno all' abate Natale Lastcsio 2747.28 MoilEl.1,1, iM. M. Atti delhi solenue corouazione fatla iu Campidoglio. Panua, 1779. Hm.4*.**2745.14 MORKNA, O. antl A. Auuales Laiidenses, 1153-ti8. [Fraiildurt. Societas, etc., v. Isj 4210.2 — Ilistorhi reruin Laudcusiiim, tempore Kederlcl .iEuobarbl Cicwirla, t:uui F. Osil emend, et notis. [(Ira'vlus. Tlie.s. nntii:oHKX,K. Priucipesdudessein. ^^ee Volpato, J. 4060.20 — Catalog© delleopere di. ^ee Palnierini, N. . 4065.18 MuKiiOF, D. G. Polyhistor. Sivedo notitia aucto- rum ct rerum coninientarii. Ed. 2a. Lube- cae, lOyj-OS. 2v.ini. 4° *4155.2 — Polyhistor literarius, pliilosophicus et practi- cus, cum aocGssionibus Frickii et Mollori. Ed. 3a, cui prjefationem pramisit J. A. Fabri- cius. Lubeca;, 1732. :Jv. in 1. 4° *4155.3 — Auserleseue Gcdiclxte. [Miiller. Bibliotbek deutscher Dichter des xvuteu Jahrhun- derts, V.8] 3IOUI, A. de'. Novelle. Firenze, 1832. 8°. [Rac- colta di novellieri italiani, v. 1] MOBiANo, F. Arte de leer los imprcsos antiguos castellanos, Sevilla, ISill. sq.lO" MouiCH[Si, C. L. Dei,'!' istituti dipubblicacarltae d'istruzione priinaria iu Roma. Koraa, 1S;J5. 8" MoRiENt'S Komanus. Liber decompositione alche- mia; de Arabico versus. See Artis aurlferae vol, tres MoRiEK, J. Second journey through Persia, Arme- nia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople, be- tween 1810 aud 1810. With maps andeugrav- ings. London, 1818. 4" * MoRiKoFEK, .1. C. Diu schweizerische Literatur des aclitzelinten Jahrliuudcrts. Leipzig, 1S61. S' 2870.17 BIORiN, — . The silk raiser's manual. Translated from the French. Boston, ia36. 12° ... . 4003.39 MoRiN, A. J. Fundamental id'-as of mechanics. Tran^L by J. Bennett. New York, 1860. 8°. 3945.30 — Sre France. 3Iiuistry of war. 3Iemoi'ial de I'artillerie, v. 2-^5 3954.25 2879.10 2773.14 3104.8 2737.0 5979.21 42G0.15 Contents. — Vol. II. MOmoirc sarl'emploi dpsmotcura dnus les usioes i6toD dans I«s fooderics de rartUIerie, dont le but etail de comparer Ico etMs dt-s nioteurg emplujes. IV. Bur la resistance dca corpA solidos ou mou& a la pcuc- trution dee projcctilcB. V. Experiences but la penetra- tion des projectiles duns divers milieux. — Machines motrices et moyens locomoteurs. [France. Commission sur I'industrie des na- tions, v. 3, p. 1, sect. 1] 4029.20 MoRiN, F. Les hommes et les livres contempo- rains. Fans, 18(J2. 16° 4709.10 Sholf. No. MORISON, Jolm. Fathers and founders of the Lon- don missionary society. Kew ed. London, »■ (I- 8° 3535.4 — Portraiture of modern scepticism. London, 1832. 16' 3434.27 MoRlso.v, .John U. Memorial of iiev. E. Peabody. Itostou, 1857. pp. 42. 8°. [From the Chris- tian examiner fur Slarch, 1857] 4347.78 — Two sermons preached in tlie First coiigrega- tioiuil cliureh in Milton, June 15 and 22, 1862. HuslDU, 186L'. 8° 5543.7 MORITZ, C. P. Mytliolugical liclions of tlie Greeks and RfmiauB. Translated by C. F. W. Jaeger. New York, 1830. li>° 3489.9 — Travels through England, 1782. [Mavor. Brit- ish tRLANi>, G., Memoirs of. 5ee Collins, W. . . • 4005.25 MoRLANij, Sir S., Brief account of. See llalliwell, J. O E. 166. 14 MoRLANn, W. W. Morbid cfttcts of the retention in the blood of the elements of the urinary secretion. Philadelphia, 1861. pp. 83. 8° . 3740.66 MORLKY, U, English writers before Chaucer; with a sketch of English literature. London, 1864. 8° 2553.14 Mormon. The book of Mormon, translated by J. Smith, jr. 3d ed. Nauvoo, 111., 1810. 18° . 6069a. 13 MoRMONiSM. Bennett, J. C. History of the saints 6076.19 — Kane, T. L. The mormons: a discourse. . .60SS.1S8 — Latter-day saints- milleimial star 5544.2 — Lewis, C. Narrative of some of the proceedings of the mormons 6088.136 — Lyon, J. Harp of Zion, a collection of poems. 5544.18 — Pratt, O, The seer 6o,s8.1 — - Series of pamphlets 5544.9 — Prntt, P. P. Faith and doctrine of the mor- mons B. 127. 17 — - Key to the science of theology 5544.16 — SkandinaviensStjerne 5544.6 — Smith, J. Book of doctrine and covenants of the latter-day saints 5544.28 — - Relation of the mormons to the United States 6088.182 — - Selection from the revelations, translations, and narrations of J. Smith 5544.5 — Taylor, J. The government of God 6544.7 — - Three nights' public discussion 5544.11 — Van Dusen, I. M'Gee. Spiritual-wife system . 6088.187 — Watt, G. D. Discourses of B. Young, the twelve apostles, etc 5544.3 See also: Smith, J. MORNAY, P. See Duplessis-Mornay, P. MoKo, A. L. De' crostacei e degli altri marini corpi che si trouvano su' monti. Venezia, 1740. 4° 5860.33 JIOROcro. Badiay Leblich, D. Travels iu . . . . 3040.13 — Braithwaito, J. Revolutions de Maroc, depuJs la mort de Muley Ismael . 3059.6 — Chenier, L. S. de. Present state of 3057.12 — Guerra contra el imperio Jlarroqui, 1859, 60. .S'ce Spain. Deposito de la guerra D.4.J.2 — Hust, G. Efterretninger om Marokos og Fes. 5051.20 — Keatinge, BF. Residence in 3051.32 — Pidou de Saint Olon, F. Relation dc I'empire de Maroc 5059a. 15 MoRRES, J. Scripture evidence of the doctrine of proportionate rewards in the next life con- sidered as a motive to duty, [etc.]. Bleltou- Mowbray, 1819. 12° *PpU.v.349 Morrill, I. Sermon preach'd at Wilmington, Aijril 3, 1755, to Capt. P. Osgood and his comi)any of soldiers. Boston, 1755. 8° . . *4I63.5 — Sermon at the funeral of. See Stone, E. . . , 4347.72 MORRlN, J. Calendar of the patent and elose rolls of chancery in Ireland, of the reigns of Henry vni, Edward vi, Mary, and Elizabeth, [1514- 1611.']. Dublin, 1861,62, 2v, S° *7052.6 MOERIX 424 MOSES Shelf. No. MoRKiN, J., continued. — Calendar of the patent and close rolls of chan- cery in Irel.-ind, of the reign of Chiirles I, [!Ca5-4.3]. Dublin, 18(5.3. l.S° •r052.5 MOKKIS, B. F. Memorial record of the nation's .tribute to A. Lincoln. 'Washington, 1805. 8°. 4342.15 Morris, John G. Catalogue of the lepidoptera of Korth America. Washington, ISGO. pp.76. t-°. 3.--95.14 — - Same. [Washington. Smithsonian institu- tion. Miscellaneous collections, V. 3] . . . 3350.2 — Synopsis of the described lepidoptera of North America. [Washington. Smithsonian insti- tution. Jliscellaneous collections, v. 4] . . 3350.2 JIoiiKis, John r. Genealogies recorded in the Scriptures, u p., 18:S7. 38 plates. f° . . . 5120. U Morris, John W. Memoirs of the life and writ- ings of I!ev. Andrew Fuller. 1st Am. ed. Edited by U. Bnbcock. Boston, 1830. 8° . 2540.2 Morris, K. Organization of the public debt and a plan for the relief of the treasury. New York, 1803. pp.22. 8° 4320a. 108 Morris, T. House for the suburbs; socially and architecturally sketched. 2d ed. London, 1801. 8" 4102.21 Morrison, A. F. Eulogy on Andrew Jackson, Indianapolis, 1815. See Dusenbery, B. M. . 2347.25 Morrison, U. Dernier mot sin- le Dictiounaire du Dr. li. Morrison. ,<.ee Klaproth, H. J. v. . . 5034.15 MOKRllT, J. B. S. Miscellaneous translaiions and imitations of the minor Greek poets. Lon- don, 18U2. pp. 51. 16° 2904.0 COMfenW.— Loves of Hero nnd Lrnnder, tram Musisus ; Tim rape of Europa, from Mosi-hus ; Moiiofly OD tile lieuth of llion, from Moschus; Eveiiiiife- stnr, from Moseliua. MORROSA, A. da. Pregi di Pisa. Pisa, 1810. 18°. 2734.8 MORSACIU.M. tJber eine Urkunde des xil Jh. Grimm, J. I.. C 2822.20 Morse, A. Further traces of the ancient Nortli- - men in America. Boston, 1801. pp. 10. 16°. 43.59.3 — Genealogical register of the descendants of several ancient puritans. Vol. 2, 3. Boston, 1869, 01. 2V. 8° *2333.23 Con/crtM. — Vol. II. RichnrdB gcaealogy. III. Brie- hum geuealoffy. Morse, C. W. General atlas of the world. De- scriiitions by C. C'olby. N. Y., 1850. 1.4° . . •6280.3 Morse, .1. American geography; or, view of the United S^tat.'s. Elizribetlitown, 1789. 8° . . 4383.8 — American universal geography. With maps. Boston, 17U3. 2v. 8° 4153.5 — - Same. 4th ed. Boston, 1802. 2v. 8° . . 0280.3 — - Same. 7th ed. Charlestown, 1819. Vol. 2. Boston, n. d. 2v. h° 0280.6 — General alias, contiiining 03 maps, by Arrow- smith nnd Lewis. Boston, 1812. 4° . . . .'0280.15 — Geography made easy : an abridgment of the American universal geography. lOtb ed. Boston, 18110. 12° 0287.4 — - Same. IMh ed. Boston, 1810. 12° .... "039.38 — Sermon at Charlestown, April 17, 1790, occa- sioned by the death of lion. T. Kussell. Bos- ton, 1791.. 8° «47,97 Worse, (J. A. Slavery and ■iviliziilion. An address at cherry Valley, July 4, 1850. Cooperslown, K. Y., 1860. 12° B.100.14 Morse, Samuel F. B. [ foreign conspiracy against the liberties of the lulled Slates. By Bru- tus.] New York, 18 15. 12° 4329n.l5 — Present iillempt to dissolve the American un- ion, a ISrillsh urlstociatlc plot. New York, 1802. pp.42. 8° 43208.109 — The coii.-lltnllon ; Iteply to the letter of E. N. Crosby; Elhieal |io»itlon of slavery In the nodal system. | Handbook of the ikinoc- racy for 1803,01) 4310.1 Morse, .--Idney K. Geographical, stilllMlical and ethical view of the Amirlcan slaveholders' rebellion. New York, 1M13. pp.19. 8° .. 4:1208. 1 10 Slielf. Ke. BIORSE, Sidney E., continued. — l*remium questions on slavery. New Y'ork, 1800. pp. 30. 8° 4310.24 — System of geograi)hy for schools. New Y'ork, 1844. pp. 12. 4° C2S0.10 MoRSZiiEm, J. V. Spiegel des Uegiments. Her. ausg. von C. Gcedeke. Stuttgart, M-iCi. pp. 61. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vercins, V. 37] *4225.1 Mortars, Treatise on. See Gillmoie, Q. A. . . . 4100.1 MORTlLLAlto, V. Leggende storiche siciliane dal xia al XIX secolo. Palermo, 1862. 4° . . . *-J723.1 MORTmiCK, T. Student's pocket dictionary of his- tory, chronology, and biography. 2d ed. London, 1789. 12° 6234.1 MORTIMER-TEKNAfX, L. Scc Temau-X, L. M. MORTv>N, E. Key to true happiness. Hudson, Ohio, 1854. 10° 0080. MORTo.v, H. J. Conversations on the Lord's prayer. Philadelphia, is;i8. 18° 5447.41 MORTO.N", J. C. The prince consort's farms. Lon- don, 1863. 4° 3991.5 MORTON, S. G. Distinctive characteristics of the aboriginal race of America. Boston, 1842. 8°.»l'ph.v.383 — Illustrated system of human anatomy, special, general and microscopic. Pliila., 1^49. 1.8°, 3752.14 MoRTllnuiL, J. A. B. Hisloire du droit byzantin ou du droit roniain dans I'empire d'Oricnt jusiju' it 1453. Paris, 1817. 3v. 8° 4303.16 JIosAic law. See Jews (Antiquities). Mosaic; origin of the I'entateuch considered in con- nection with parts n and in of Bp. C^olenso's 'Critical examination.' London, 1804. 8° . 5428.3 MOSBI.ICCH, li. ,Vabbe. Vocabulaire occanien-fran- fais et fran9ais-oceanien des dialecles paries aux iles Marquises, Sandwich, Gambler, etc. Paris, 1843. p.8'' '. . . . ♦4119.0 MOSCllELES, I. Allegri di bravura caratterizzando la forza.la leggerezzaed 11 ca[iriccio, calcolati per piano-forte. Lipsia, n. d. pp.31, obi. 4°. 4055.58 — Sonate melancolique pour piano-forte. St. Pe- tershourg, n. d. pp.14. 4° *S041.4 M0SCHENi,C. Opere poetiche. Lucca, 1811. 4v. 16°. 4798.44 Co}itetits. — Vol. I. Vitft
  • recedulo da notUio do' Mori Delia Fpagim. IV. I'ocsic varie. MosciIUS. Qua! extant carmina. [lirunck. Ana- lectapoet. Gr., V. 1] B.lfi2.7 — F,.1]. Ohuh- brllekl.elio Ge.elilelile. V Cl>-l'l]- Klelnere Selulllen i Verntlitelilea: An« MDiter'« frlUioitler I'erlode, In Zi'll- ►elirlflon Ernelilenonen ; I'mKnieute; lIlntorUelieH. lllier KliV»Ier nnd Htlfler jI.el)en.In«tnB Militer'w von I'rludrlell Nleolal; Ilellnpen ; Mil»er'» llrlefweeluel. JIosES, the Ilclirew lawffirer. Korn, S. Das I.ehen Mosis,aiisdemastrognostisclienSlandpunkle bi'Iraehtet 0073.12 — Moses Ben Mainion, Kensons of the laws of . 01)73. 2 MOSES 425 MOVERS Shelf. No. MosKs, the ITehrew laicffh'er, continued. — Warburton, AV. Divine legation of Moses demonstrattnl 0023. 2 See alao: Jvws (Aiitiiiulttcs anil laws). Moses Barcepha. Comnientariide Paradise. [Max- ima bihiiotli. vet. putru v. 17] B.110.2 MosKs Uon Alaiiuou, or >Iuiinonides. Pe idololatria libiT, emu inttrint-tatione Latiiia, et notis D. V'ossii. Amstehidainl, 1700. pp. OS. 1*. [Voss. Opera, V. 5] **2910.3 — Rea.-^uiis of tlit- laws of Moses, from the *' More Nevocbim." Witb notes, dissertations, and life of (be autlior. IJy J, Townley. London, 1S27. 8° 0073.2 — Connnentariuin in Jlischna. See ^liscbna . . 5400.3 MosKS JIardcnus. Fitk-i professio. [Alaxinia bib- . lioth. vet. patr., V. 20] B.110.2 MosKS Sepbardi, rabbi. See Alfonso, V. Mosics in Egypt: oratorio. Uossini, G 8042.55 MusiiEiM, ,1. L. V. Disquisitio de vera aitate Apol- ogutlci a Tt'rtuUiano couseripti. Lugduni I'.u- tavurum. 1720. pp.04. 8° **34'J9.]0 — Dissertationvni ad Uistoriam ecclesiasticara pcrtineutivm vol. 1, 2, Altonaviie, 1743. 2v. 1(5° G040a.4 Contejita. — Vol.1. Do ectato Apologotici Tertullinni, et iiiltig pLTSpriuutioais Ctiristiantirum ; Du turbata per reccntioresPlntmiicosccclesia; Do caussiH suppositorum llbrurum inter Christiunos sa:cu1i pnmi ut sccundi ; Do TL-ra ivtRtc Apologctici qucm Atlicnagorns pro Cliristi- ftnisitcripsit ;Destudiu etlinicoruiu Chnstiiniosimltandi; Demoiiatratiu eucIig Nicolaitarum adversus doctis»iimoa ejus opu^niituros; EpUlola ad C. A. Houmunnura do Joanne in fLTvcns oleum coDJL'cto; Epistola rcsponsoria Ad C. A. Ilf uiuaniiiim ; Disscrlolio qua ostonditur : Ccrio bodic ct <'xpIorato constitui non posse utruni Ebioa quidam iiovu! sccttD nuclor extitcrit olitn inter Cltris- tianos ncc ne? Dissertntio dc Galluruni uppcllationibus nd concilium unlverHm ecclcsim uuitatcm ecclesio) spectabilcm tollenlibus; Specimen tractutus edendi do turbis sjicris in ccclesia Gu^laricnt^i a tuniporo rcfor- Diatiouis, exhibuDs turtins prhiias sacramcntnrins Kiiig- ^o et Uravurtoauctaribus; Micbiclis GeUdusii luartyro- loi^ium ooruni, qui iu llispania ob profcstnioncm ruligi- ouis protKStantium supremo supplicio atl'ecti sunt, ex Auglico Lntiue convcrsum; Ltuidatio funcbris J, A. 6chmiilii; Addenda ad primum volumcu. 11. Commcn- tutiu du vera natura communionis bononim in ecclesia Uieroflolyniitana; Commcntatio do uno Slmone Mngo; Disscrlatio do prophctia ecclesia; apostolica;; Commcn- tatio de luniine eancti sepulchri; Inquisitio in veritalem tniraculorum Francisci dc Paris, sajculi nostri tbouma- tur^i; Historia critica nova: explicationis do^matis do tribuaiu Dcopcrsonis, quam P. Maty exco^tavit; Disser- tatiu qua docelur scrvatorem uoslrum, Jcsum Christum, rcsurrcctiuuem mortuorum corporum, qualcm Chrintiani crcdunt, ex tencbrisin lucera revocasseet dcmonslrasHe; Kovus rcligionis Christiana: hostis ex Uallis patefuc- tua et fugatus ; Supremum bouoris et amoria officium E. F. llciatcri. — Dissertationvm ad sanctiores disciplinas perti- neutivm syntagma. Lipsia?, 1733. 4° . . . 3454.5 CotUcnU. — Dc thcologo non contcutioeoj Dc eo quod Justum est circa sacrarum littcrarum ex profaiiis scrip- toribus intcrprclaltoncm et emendalioncm; Do raptu Chrisli in ccelem quern Sociuiani fingunt; De pa>nis hicrcliconiin ; Devi ar^mcnti quod a tuto ducitur in sacriacontrovcrsiis; De Christounico thcologo iraiatndo; De mira<:ulo, quod legio fulminatrix olimfccisse dicitur, disccptatio inter Guil. Moylium et Pctrum Kiugium. — Kircbengescbicbte des Neuen Testaments. [Vol. 5-7] fortgesetzt von J, R. ischlegel. Heilbronn, 1770-00. 7v. 8" *G044.S — i* Ecclesiastical bistory, ancient and modern. Translated from the Latin, by A. Maclaine. Kew York, 1824. 4v. 8° C043.7 — - Same. Trauslatt-d from tlie Latin by -f. Murdock. Kdited, with additions, by H. Soames. London, 1841. 4v. 8° C043.6 — Gescbicbteder I''eindederclirist lichen Religion. Forti^esetzt von G.Winkler. Dresden, 178:t. 8°. 0005. 11 — Hisloria Tartarorvin ecclesiastica, Ilelnista- di, 1741. 4" 6054. S 54 Shelf. No. MoSHEnr, J. L. v., contintted. — llistoi'ical commentaries on the state of Chris- tianity during the lirst 325 years from the Christian era. Vol. 1, translated by R. S. Vidal; Vol. 2, by J. Murdock. New York, 1851. 2v. 8° 0043.4 — "Wabrheit und (Uittlicbkeit der christlicben lieligion. Herausg. von G. Winkler. Dres- den, 1784. 8" *00n5.11 Mosmii-Eduin Siidi lien Abdalbih. Le parterre de tleurs. icdition autographique par N. Scmelet. Paris, 1828. 4" *4241.9 — The Guli,stan, or rose garden. Translated by F. Gladwin. Witb essay on Saadi's life and ge- nius, by J. Ross, and a preface, by R. W. Em- erson. Boston, 1805. 10° 3027,15 — Rosengarten. Is'ach dem Texte und dem arab. Commentare Sururi's aus dem Persischen iibersctztvonC. H.Graf. Leipzig, 1840. 1*^°. 4245.27 Mother Koss, Life and adventures of. De Foe, D. 4000a. 3 MoTiiicits. Bradford, R. Mother's medical guide. 3770.21 — Thery, A. F. Conseils aux meres sur les moy* ens de diriger ct d'instruire leurs fiUes . . . 3591.23 Motley, J. L. Causes of the American civil war. New York, 1801. pp.23. 12' 4.320a.lll — - Same. New York, 1801. pp.46. 12° . . . 4323.15 MoTT, A. Biographical sketches and interesting an- ecdotes of persons of color. N. Y., 1854. 12°. 5579.9 MoTT, V. Biographical memoir on J. Revere. New York, 1847. pp.40. 8° 4347.93 MOTTEVIELK, F. B. de. Memoires pour servir k I'histoire d'Anne d'Autriche, t^pouse de Louis xni. [RedigesparBlaizot-Dcsbordes.] Am- sterdam, 1750. Ov. 12° **4G9G.l MOTTLEY, J. Life of Peter i, emperor of Russia, London, 1739. 3v. S° 3000.12 Mottoes borne by the nobility, cities, etc., Hand- book of. EIvin,C. N 2435.4 MouiloT, A. H. Travels in the central parts of In- do-Cbina (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos, 1858- 00. London, 1804. 2v. 8° 5040.1 MouKDEN, :fcloge de la ville de. Kien-Long . . . 3018.13 Moulder. Manuel du mouk'ur. Lcbrun, — . . . 4019,38 MouLE, T. Bibliotheca heraldicaMagnie Britannice. An analytical catalogue of books on geneal- ogy, heraldry, [etc.], witb supplement, [etc.], London, 1822. 8° . ^ •2153.9 Mount Auburn cemetery. Bigelow, J. History of. 2;153.20 — Story, J. Address on the dedication of . , B. 170a. 05 Mount Calvary; or the passion of Jesus Christ, Written in Cornish ; interpreted 1082, by J, Keigwin. Edited by D. Gilbert. London, 1820. S" 3475.28 Mountains, Su le condizioni dinamiche del soUe- vamento delle montagne. Sava, R 5806.7 MOUNTICNAY, R. Dedication of the select orations of Demosthenes, to Sir R. Walpole. Done into English, with notes, by jEscbiues the third. Loudon, 1748. 12° *rpb.v.370 MOUXTFORD, W. Address on behalf of the Seamen's widow and orphans' association in Salem, Jan, 20, 1851. Boston, 1851. 8° 4394.33 MoUNTMORRLS, lord 11. Impartial reflections upon the question, for equiilizing the duties, upon the trade, between Great Britain and Ire- land. London, 1785. pp.79. 8°. . . v. 2 of *2478.3 MouRADJAd'Ohsson. Sec Ohsson.C. d'. MouRAviEF Apostol, L M. Viaggio per laTauride fatto nel 1820, tradotto dal russo. Napoli, 1833. 8° 30S5.11 ^[ouRNER;The. Grosvenor, B 5447.03 MoussAUU, P. Lescalamites, ou le bombardement de Copenhague. Precede de La paix de Til- sit. Copenhague, 1808. 8° 4098-4 MoVEMKNT-cURK, Theory and practice of the. Taylor, C. F 8302.21 Movers, F. C. Denkscbrift iiber den Zustand d(T kalholisch-theolog. Facultiit an der lJni\er- eitjit 2U Breslau. Leipsig, 1845. pp. 84. S''.00S8.1O3 MOVERS 426 MULLER . 4191.16 Slielf. No. MOTER.S, F. C, continued. — Kritisclie Uulersucliungen iiber die biWische Clironik. ISoun, IKH. S° 6C26.3 — Loci quidam historic canonis Veteris Testa- meiitiillustrnti. Vratislaviic, n.d. pp.:K. b°. C088.S.1 — Die Phonizicr. B. 1, B. 2, Th. 1, 2, Th. 3, Abth. 1. Berlin, 1841-51). 4v. 8° »4244.10 Contents. — Vo]. I. Vntersuchunepn iiber die Reli- gion und die Gottheileu der Pliiiiiizier, niit Kiicksii--lit auf die yenvaiultcn GOlterdienste der heidnisrlien Is- raelilen, der Carthagcr, Syrer, Babjlonier uiid Aeg>-p- ter. II [B.2, Th.l]. Polilisclic Geachieliteuud Staats- lerfasaung. Ill C'^]- Gesehi.hle der Colonien. IV [3. Ablh. 1]. Handel und Schiffahrl. _ Die Unfiiliiglicit des Trol'. .«eyffarlh in Leipzig, wissendi!it1liclie Wcrke iiber das Altcrtliura zu le^en, 211 versttlien uud zu wUrdigen. Breslau, ltS12. pp.41. 8° 00S8.100 pe vtiivsqve recensionis Vaticiuiorvm lerc- niiae, Griecae Alexandriiiae et Hibraicae Jlasoretliicae, indole et origine. Hambvriji, 18:i7. pp. 54. 4° MowATT. .4. C. See Kiteliie, A. C. 11. Moves, U. Heads of a course of lectures on the phi- losophy of chemistry and natural history. n. p., n. d. pp. 15. 8° 59S8..3 MOYLE, \Y. De miraculo, quod legio fulminatri.t oliin ferisse dicitur. [Mosheim. Disserta- tionum syntagma] 3451.5 MOZAKT, .1. C. S. W. A. Don Giovanni: opera. Arranged for piiiuo solo. Boston, n. d. pp. -g_ 40 8042.15 — - Same. ' Italian text, witli English transla- tion. Boston, n.d. pp.40. 1.8° 8012.16 — Requiem, in vocal tcore. Accompaniment by V. Novello. Latin and En;,'lish. Boston, n. d. pp. 1.8. ).ft° 8042.57 — Sonatas fur tlie piano forte. Boston, n.d. 4°. 8041.3 — Tneltlli mass, in vocal score. Witli accompa- niment by V. Novello. Latin and Englisli. Boston, n. d. 1.8° 8042.50 MPONGWKlan-uage,Grammar of the 3038.1 Mu\zoviitii, A. [introduction to Slavic gram- mar. InSl.ivic] 2d.d. Uuda, 1800. 0°. . 4886.14 Mrongovius, C. C rolnisch-deutsclies Worter- buch. Konigsberg, 1833. 4° *4121.1 Muck, P. H- rie injusta oppositione jurium niajcs- taticorum superiorilatis terrjtorialis.et resei- vatorum imperatoriorum. [Hiss, acad.] Ha- liC, lOUl). pp. 40. 4° ♦4304.22 Wticous membrane, Jlorbid anatomy of the. llodg- kin, T 3'«-6 MUDGE, W. Account of tlictrigonomc'trical survey carried on in i:91-'.l4. See Williams, E. . . 3911.11 MCDIE, R. Guide to the observation of nature. New York, 18:i3. 18° 3829.25 McENcii, F. iJber Iteli^'ion und Christenthum. Hermann, >lo., IMS. pp. W. 8° . . . . . .GUSS.MO MuESEi.KK, Instruction pratique sur I'emploi de la lampc dc. See Belgium. Ministry of public works 3803.13 MUGNOTitrs, A. Sef Mui'ioz, A. MUIILKXBKHG, II. Uescripliouberiorsrraminumet planlarunt calamariarum Americic Seplen- trionalis indigcnarum ct circurum. Phila- delphliE, 18ir. s° 3845.13 — Reduclion of the gonera of North American iilnuts to the system of Jussicu. Sec Smith, J |,; 38S4.0 llUlILENFl.l.!<, L. V. Inlroiluclory lecture [on the Germim languuge] delivered in the university of London. 2d ed. London, 18211. 8° . . . 48S6.2 MUIE, J. Original Sanskrit texts on the religion ' and Instltulious of India. London, 18J8-02. 4,_ ^f *3012.32 Coniwl*. — V„l. I. Tliff nivlbical and leffcndary «c- oomin of call-. H- riia lr«n.-lllniala}an oilKhi of tlio llln, and Ibelr "llliill)- n llli Urn we.l.Tn bran, h,'> of tUu Arlon faro. III. 'I lie Vcda»; O|)lnloni of lln-lr aulhorl, and of lalat Indian writora, In re»«rd to llieli Shelf. No. MuiR, J., continued. origin, infi|>iriition, and authority. IV. Comjiarison of tlic Vedic With the later representationa of the piincipal Indian deities. MuLBEitUY. Cobb,.T.II. Growthofthe. . . .400n.4n, 41 Stradivari, C. Sulla coltivazione dei gelsi . . 4il0.'i.l2 — Tinelli, L. Cultivation of the Pph.v.374 MUldexer, W. Bibliotheca gcographico-statistica, v. 10, 11. See Zuchold, E. A 2178.5 — Bil>liothecahistnric8,v. 11.. See Zuchold, E. A. 2178.5 — Bibliotheca liistorico-geographica, T. 9. See Zuchold, E. A 2178.5 MuLFuMii, I. S. History of Nev» Jersey. Philadel- phia, 1851. 8° 2372.17 MuLGKAVE, lord. See Phipps, C. J. MULLACH, F. W. A. Quiestionum Democritearum specimen. [Diss, acad., 1, 2.] Berlin, 1835, 42. pp. 32 and 25. 4° 4205.3 MULLAI.Y, J. Laying of the telegraph acro.ss the gulf of St. Lawrence, It 55, and the Atlantic [ocean], 1857,58. New York, 1858. 8' . . . 3966.12 — Milk trade in New York and vicinity. Wilhin- trod. by It. T. Trail. New York, 1853. 12°.B.160b.70 Mullen, S. Pilgrim of beauty ; cottager's Sabbath; and other poems. London, 1845. 8° . . . . 2504.11 MiiLLENUoFF, G. Zur Runenlehre. See Lilien- crou, l!.v <122-1 MiiLLEH, Adam. Vcrniischte Schriflen iiber Staat, riiilosophie und Kuust. Wieu, 1812. 2v. in ] s^o 4S7S.1 JliJLLEK, Adolf. Leben des Erasmus von Rotter- dam. Hamburg, 1S2S. 8° 4237.6 MiJLLElt. August E. Jlethod for the piano-forte; revised by .1. Knorr. Translated by G. A. •Schmitt. Boston, [1854]. 4° 8051.10 — Six grandes caprices pour le piano fort4. Liv. 1,2. Leipzig, n.d. 2v.ini. pp. :« and 2.'). 4°.»4055.58 — Trois griindes caprices pour le piano forte. Liv. 1,4. Leipzig, n.d. 2v. iul. pp. 27 and 20. 4° *4055.58 MuLLER, Carl. Heilinethode .Scharlach, Masern, Friesel, und dergleicben Krankhciten schuell zu heben. Mit Anyahe jede Verbrcnnung auf's Sicherste zu -lieilen. Leii)zig, 1859. pp.47. 10° 3799.36 MULLER, Carl L. Den macedoniske Konge I'hilip ii's Mynter. Kiobenhavn, 1855. 8° .... .3073.15 MIJLLER, Carl O. Archiiologie der Kunst. 2te Ausg. ISresIau, 1835. 8° 4277.2 _ Die Etrusker. Gekriintc Freisschrill. Bres- lau,1828. 2V. S° 2710.18 — Geschiclite der griechisclien Lilcratur. Bres- lau, 1811. 2v.ini. 8° B.163.4 — Literature of ancient Greece. Continued by J. \V. Donaldson. London, 1858. 3v. 8° . 3074.4 I'lolegomena zu einer wissenehaftlichen My- thologie. Glillingcn, 1825. 8° 6071.14 _ Erinni-niuKcn an. ,ster SlnRof; Trlhlran del von Vriberl; Mol^lrr Kelyn; Melater Ellen von der Leyne; MeUter Kudln(r<-r; MelBler Gcrvelyn; Der IV'nhelnier; SbynnenljerBcr; Floren und Illanlaclietlnr; ll.Walthervon der VoRcl- weldo i I'weln ; Herman llamen ; Iteynolt von iler I-lppc ; Der Gulere ; Kin aldt RIeUter GeBangbucb ; Frygedank ; Der Unvurtiaghelo; Der Ooldener: I^agniemo und Klelnere Cledlchto i Conrad von Wuoriburg vom Troja- nUcben Ktlege. MUl-LER, Ferdinand H. Darstcllunsfdes Stromsye- tenis der Wol^-a. Berlin, 18.19. 8" 30rp7.4 _ and Khiuziugcr, C. Iiii' Kllusller aller Zeilen und Viilker. [Neustes KUnsllerli'xIkon.J Vol. 1, 2. Slullgarl, 1867, liO. 2v. 8° 4082. & Ccmanx.-Vol.l. A-K. IJ. r-l. MULLER 427 MUNICIPAL . 3953.24 3804.2? Slitilf. No. MUller, Franz. Uebcr R. Wagner's TannliSuser und Siingerkrieg auf Wartburg. Weimar, 185:). s" 42S0.31 MiiLLKH, rroderic JI. History of nni-icnt .-Sanskrit liti'raturi', as it illiistpiiti's tin- nli^'ioii of tlie liraliinans. 2(i ed., revised. J.undun, 1.S110. s° »3032." — Laii!,'»ngos of the seat of war in tlic Kast. 2d cd. London, ItsM. S" 2955.19 — Lectures on tlie science of language. London, IWl. S° 2955.13 — - Sunie. From the 2d Lond.ed., revised. New York, l»li2. 8° 2055.30 — Troposals for a missionary alphabet. London, lna4. pp. 52. K° 2955.21 MUlli:i{, Freilerlk, hooLseller. Al|ihnbetische naam- lijst van boeken, landkaarlen die in bet jaar J8«10, istll in Nederlnnd uit»;egevea zijn. Amsterdam, ISOI, r>2. 2v. sni.s" *2152.21> — Bescbrijvende catalogus van rooo portretten van Nederlnnders. Amsterdam, 185:i. S" . . . 2152.34 — Catalogus van de bibliotbeck der Vereeniging ter bevordering van de belangen des boefc^ Imndels. i'ee Amsterdam 2152. .32 MUlleu, Friedricli, iminler, b. ir.5n, seuil. See Lobr, J. A. C. MUlleu, Jobann. Bericbt iiber die neuesten Fort- scliritte der Pbysik. Vol. 1. Braunschweig, lS4'.>-52. 8° 42r5.10 MUller, Joliann C. Grcuel der falschen Messicn, wie aui'h Schatz-Kanimer des wahrcn Mes- siie Jesu Christi. n. p., 17U2. pp. 48. f°. [Annbaptisticura Pantheon] *B. 130.5 MOllek, Jolianu K. J., and Beyer, C. Promtua- rium iuris nouum. Ed. altera. Lipsia, 1792- 97. 7v. 4° *4290.1" Contents. — \o\, I. Abbreuiaturft — Commissio. H. Commisaio Cicsarea — Epistola. HL E]iituIJhium — lu- darU9. IV. Index — Mutuum. V. Nacliltarrecht — Pri- ui^uus. VL Priuilcgia mulicrum — Socidffi cOQtractus. VII. Socielas cociugalia — Zythum. ML'ller, Johaun G. Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urreligiouen. Basel, 1855. 8° 6073.20 Ml'LLKR, Johann Gottwerth. [.Siegfried von Lin- deuberg.] Neueste Ausgabe. Carlsruhe, 1791. 2v. 10° 4899.5 MUller, Johannes. Archiv fiir Anatomic, I'hysiol- ogie, [u. s. w.]. [Continued by] C. B. Keich- ert und E. Du Bois-Keymond. Berlin, 1834- 64. 31v. 8° *3748.1 MUller, Julius. Christian doctrine of sin. Trans- lated from the 3d German ed. by W. Pulsford. Edinburgh, 1852, 53. 2v. 8° 3451.23 ilt'LLEK, L. C. Collectanea Anglo-Saxouica. Hav- nias, 1835. 12° 25S7.21 MUlleu, N. Anweisung aus Kartoffelu Brannt- vvein Essig, und Likiir zu gewinnen. 4te Ausg. Wirzburg, 1797. 16° 3977.22 MUller, O. M. C. t^allustius Crispus Oder Unter- Buchung der Xacbrichtcn von seinem Lebeu, [u. s. w.]. Ziillichau, 1817. 10° 2949.0 MiJLLER, V. K. Danmarks og Norges Sagnliistorie. Kiobenliavn, 1823. 4° *4220.10 MUller, W. lijbUotbek deutscher Dichter des 17ten Jalirhunderts. [Vol. II, 12] fortge- eetzt von Karl Fiirster. Leipzig, 1822-31, 12v. 16° **2879.10 MuLLER, W., continued. Contents, -~Vo\. I. Ausorlcsnno Opdiplite von Martin Ol>Ua von IJobiTfL-ld. II. AiidrencOlyiiliius. III. Paul Flcmnihiir. IV. Rudolf W.-nkln-rlin. V. Simon Dacli, Robert Kolicrtliin und IK-inricb Albert. VI. Friedricli von Logan nnd Hans Assniann von Abscliatz. VII. Julius Willu'lni Ziueltgref, Andreas Tacherninc:, Rniat Cluisloiih lloniburg und Paul Gorliard. VIII. Johaun Uist nud Daniel Georg Morhof. I.\. Gcorg Plitliiip Harsdorliy, Joliann Klaj, Siginund von Uirl:|. b* 0200.3 Ad(lr('S.4 to tbe Itoyitl geograpblcal society of London, May 23, InOI. London, iSOL 8° . 5200.4 — I'libeozolcdeposits ofGerniiiiiy. .Sec Sedgwick, A 0803.13 I'byslcnl utructuro of Devonsblre. See Sedg- wick, A 5803.12 Shelf. No. SIURCiiisox, Sir Roderick I., continued. — [Keviewof Murcbison'sSiluria.] 8°. [No tille- p;igc. From Sillimau's journal, 2d series, v. IU, Mtiy, 1855, pp. 371-.385) B. 170. 40 — and Geikie, A. First sketch of a new geologi- cal mnp of Scotland. Constructed by A. K. ■Tohnston. Edinburgb, 1801. pp. 22. 8° . . 3807.25 Murdoch, D. Death of A. Lincoln. A sermon, AprU 23, 1805. Milforrt, 1805. 8° H312.6 MURDOCK, J. N. Building tbe tombs of tlic proph- ets. Discourse, July 4, 1S6S. Boston, 1858. 12° 5450a.4fl — Discourse delivered in the Baptist church, Brookline, on the national thanksgiving, Aug. 0,1803. Boston, 1803. 8° 4320a. 112 — Tbe true basis and ends of civil government. Discourse, Nov. 26, 1858. Boston, 1858. 12°.5450a.46 MuRDOCK, P. Life of James Thomson. See Thomson, J 4509a. 11 MURET, M. A. Tarlarum lectionum libri xviiil. Ed. nova. Vol.1. Halis Snxonum, 1791. 8°.**4955.5 — Adagiorum miscella. Sec Adagia 4150.2 Murh.m;d, F. W. a. Litteratur der mathematischcn Wissenscbaften. [VoL 1, 2.] Leipzig, 1797, 98. 2v. 8° 2172.33 MURJJER, T. See Eulenspiegel, T. MURiMiY, A. All iu tbe wrong : a comedy. New York, 1817. pp. 95. 24° 4575.33 The way to keep him: a comedy. New York, 1817. 24° 4575.33 — SeeBell. British theatre, v. 4, 12, 17, 24, 33 . . 4179a. 1 Contcnfs. — Vol. IV. Tho Grecian danghter, traer. XII. All in the wrong, com. XVIl. Tho way to keep liim, com. XXIV. The orphan of China, trap., with a letter to Voltaire. XXXIII. Xcnobia, trag. j The school for guardians, com. — See Collection of farces, v. 1, 2, 4, 5 2575.35 Consents. —Vol. I. The apprentice; Tho tipholsterer, or what news? II. The old maid. IV. Three weeks after mnrriaee, or what wo must all como to. V. The desert island. See Jones. British theatre, v. 9, 10 . . 4575.20 Content K. — Vo}. IX. Tho way to keep hiin, com. X. All in tbo wrong, com. MUBVIIV, E. W. Lectures on midwifery. 2d cd. enl. London, 1802. p.8° 3772.4 MuRR, C. G. V. Histoiro diplomatbitic du cheva- lier Martin llebaim tie Nuremberg. Trad. parll.J. Jauscn. 3et'd. Strasbourg, 1K02. 8°. 3090.19 Murray, A. Ili.itory of the European languages. ■\Vith a life of tbe author. Ediuburgh, 1823. oy. 8= •4207.2 Murray, Her. .Tames, of .Xciccm'tlc. Sermons to as- ses, to doctors in divinity, to lords spiritual, and to ministers of state. With [author's] life. London, 1819. 8° 6443.2 JIURRAY, John. Engliab .spelling-bohk ; with read- ing lessons, otb Am. frttiu 5th Loud, ed. New York, 18(19. IS" 45S9a.3< Murray, Her. John, b. 1741, rf. 1815. Life, l)y hiin- srlf. 7th ed., with notes, by L. S. Everett, rtica, N. Y., 1810. 12° 6.W9a.5 Murray, /iVr. .lobn, h. at .ivtrhn^ Irctaml, 1742, (/. 1793. Character, set In a liiir anti impartial light. Salem, [1709]. pp.15. 8° B. 170b. 77 Murray, Rcr. John, h. at Alton, F.ng., 1741, d. 1815. Messages I'rom tbe suiierior slate. See Spear,.!. Jl 4109.4 Murray, John, /ii/Wi.t/icr. llauilbook for travellers in South Wiiles. London, 180O. 10° .... 2473.20 Handbook for travellers In Swilzerbiud, Savoy ttud I'ieilnmnt. Newed. London, 18.13. 12°. 2834.5 _ Ilitiiclbook lor vlsllors to Paris. London, ISO-l. 1C,» 2034.20 Mu'RRAY, John V. Picturesque tour of the river Tbames In Us western course. Londonjl853. h« 2496.24 MURRAY 429 MUYS Shelf. No. SIURR.VV, I.,. English grammnr, [niul] exercises. Abri.lgrrt by A. Klinf. Jliirlforil, 180". 12° . ■15S9a.20 — Alji-iilgiiient of En^ilisli gnimuiar, 12th Bos- ton ed. lioston, ISIU. Is" 4589n.33 — - .Same. See Kntick, J. 45SS.33 — Englisli exercises in parsing, orthography, etc. From the lull English ed. New York, ISOS. ir 7109.4 — Eiiilouie of the English langtiage. Stbcd. liy C. liacon. New York, 1S30. 24° 7109.12 — Introduction to the English reader. 7th I'hila. ed. rhilaili'lpliin, IMS. 10° 7009.25 MURR.W, X. [Letters to the Kt. Rev. J. Hughes. liy "Kirwan"]. Istser. I'hila., 18.T1. lh° . .3404.38 — Reply to Kirwan's Letters. Sec Hughes, J. . 61W.4U JlLKK.U, O. S. The struggle of the hour: a dis- course, ,Jau. 29, 1801. Foster's Crossings, 1801. 8° 4320a. 113 MuKR.n-, T. B. Chronicles of a city church, St. Buustan in the East. London, 1800. pp. 89. sm.4° 2403.7 MuRTEDo, or Multedo, G. Annales Januenses 12l'>t-00. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 18] . 4210.2 MfS.K AnglicaniE. Bourne, V B. 173.0 ilus.i-;us Grammatirus. Dc Herone et Leandro car- men, [Gr. et Lat.] ; cum conjecturis inedilis 1*. Krancii, e.x receusione J. Schraderi. Leo- vardia;, 1742. 8° **29n0.20 — Carmen de Hero et Leandro. See Orpheus . B. 109a. 3 — De Herone et Leandro. [Lect. Poet® Graci, V. 1] 4200.7 — Hero and Leander, translated from the Greek by F. Fuwkes. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 13] 4004.1 — Hero et Leandre, tr. par J. F. Grcgoire et F. Z. Collonibet. [Falcounet. Les petits poemes grecs] B.1CI.2 lIusAUs, J.C, A. [PhysiognomischeReisen. Vor- an ein physiognomisch Tagebuch.] Alten- burg,1781. 4v.ini. [Val.l,3te Aull.; v.2, 3, 2te AuH.] 10° 4898.10 3ruscLES. Aeby, C. Uutersuchungeu iiber die Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit u.s.w. . . . 3802.39 — Sleno, N. Slusculi dcscriptio geometrica , . , 3705.33 MUSCULUS, or Miisel, W. Loci commvnes sacrse theologia;. Basilex, 1504. f° *B.110.5 MUSCUTT, E. History of church laws in England, 002-1850. London, 1851. 8° 4294.9 ilU-SEtJM fiir altdeutschc Literatur uud Kunst. Ha- gen,F. H.v.d 2900.28 Mdseu.m of foreign literature and science, [Con- ducted by R. TYalsh.] Vol. 1, 2, 8-11. Phila- delphia, 1822-27. Ov. 8° 5140.5 MusGRAVE, G., and Co. Royal, naval, and mer- chant flags of all nations. London, n. d. Folded 10° 3955.35 MusiiROO.iis. Elenchus fungorum. Batsch, A. J. G.C 3855.20 Music. Bibliography. Handbuch der musikali- schen Literatur, [1852-39]. Hofmeister, A. . 2170.30 Comprehensive and miscellaneous worTcs, — Asioli, B. Principj elementari di musica . . . 4048.24 — Brown, R. Elements of musical science . . . 405.3.7 — Callcott, .1. \V. Musical griimmar 404(1.03 — Comettaut, O. Musique et musiciens .... 4040.40 — Fetis, F. J. Music explained to the world . . 4030.2 — Gretry, A. E. M. Essais sur la musique . . . 4048.25 — Hubbard, J. Essay on 8043.2 — Ives, E., jr. aiusical spelling-book 8043.17 — Jackson, A. Art principle and its application to the teaching of 4049.61 — Krause, C. C. F. Theorie der Musik 4277.4 — La Borde, J. B. de. Essais sur la musique an- etenne et moderne 4044.9 — Panseron, A. A B C of 4057.22 — (juicherat, L. M. Principes raisonnes de la musique 3591.28 — Richardson, X. Inklings for the lovers of . B.lOob. 50 Sbolf. No. Mu.stc, continued. — Spangenberg, C. Von der Sluslca und den Meistersiingern v. 02 of 4225.1 — Virues y Spiuola, J. J. de. Grammar of musi- cal composition 40;"i3.4 — Waller, T. Grounds and rules of 804Ua.lO — Weber, G. Theory of musical composition . 4053.10 — Wohllahrt, H. Guide to musical composition. 4057.24 Dictionaries. — Adams, . I. S. Dictionary of musical terms . . 4030.4 — liernsdorf, E. Keues Universal-Lexikou der Tonkuust 4085.7 — Hamilton, . J. A. Dictionary of musical terms. 4030.3 History and hiograpliy. — Alslcben, J. Abriss der Geschichte der Musik. 4048.23 — Brendel, F. Geschichte der Musik in Italieu, Diutschland und Frankreieh 4045.10 — Ilullali, J. History of modern music .... 4049.02 — Ilutcliinson, E. JIusic of the Bible 3484.4 — JuIIicn, M. B. Thiises supplementaires de mu- sique ancienne 2932.4 — Krause, C. C. F. Geschichte der Musik . . . 4277.10 — Ledebur, C. F. v. Tonkiinstler-Lcxicon Ber- lin's 40S5.5 — Rithl, Vi. H. Musikalische Charakterkiipfc . 4040.42 Periodicals. — Ortlepp, E. Instrumental- und Vokal-Conccrt. 4049. CO — Quarterly musical magazine 4045.14 — Scudo, P. L'annee musicale 4039.10 MusiCA, A. de. Commentarii rerum a Carolo V imp. apud S. Digcrium gestarum. [Mencke. Script. Germ., v. 1] 4261.2 MUSL.VY von Borros Jeno, E. Vereinigung aller Religionen in der Religion Jesu. Leipzig, 1847. 12° B.lOOb.lOS Musosius Rufus, C. See Rufus, C. M. MusrKATT, S. Chemistry, theoretical, practical, and analytical, as applied to the arts. Lou- don, n. d. 2v. roy.8° *3971.25 CoHteius. — Vol. I. Ace— Eth. II. Fuel— Zinc. MusSATO, A. Historian Augusta; de gcstis Henrici VII CjESaris libri XVI ; De gestis Italicorum post Henricum Vll ; Tragoedia; dua", Eccerinis et Achilleis; Epistolie ; Elegi; Soliloquia; Ecloga;. [Grsevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 0, p. 2] 4710.1 Musset-Pathay, v. D. de. Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de J. J. Rousseau. Suivie de Icttres inedites. Paris, 1821. 2v. 8° . . . . 2C55.17 MussEY, O. Review of E. Fisher's lecture, on the Korth and the South. Cincinnati, 1849. pp. 98. 8° B.1C0.115 Mus&EY, R. D. Essay on the influence of tobacco upon life and health. Boston, 1830. pp. 48. 10° — - Same. New ed. New Y'ork, 1830. pp. 04. 10° MussON, E. Lettre a Napoli-on ill sur I'esclavage aux £tflts du sud. Paris, 1802. S° MUSTON, A. The Israel of the Alps: history of the persecutions of the Waldenses. Translated by W. Hazlitt. London, 1832. 8° — The Israel of the Alps; [or], the Vaudois of Piedmont. Translated by Rev. J. 31out- goniery. Glasgow, 1857. 2v. 8° MUTsux language. Arroyo de la Cuesta,F. Gram- maticaMutsun 2.366.44 — - Vocabulary of the 2300.47 MUYS, G. Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der nllen Viilker- u. Mythengeschichte. liiilu, 1850- 58. 2v. 8° 4950.18 5700.80 5790.79 3573.4 2803.25 3527.15 ConleiUs. — Vol. Ilcllenikl. Griccbenland und der Orient. II. MUZIO 430 KAMES ■ ^ ~ shelf. No. MUZIO, G. G. Le ris-poste cavallercsche. "^'"'^S'''' „. ,„ 1584. ff. lOli-223. sm.S° ifeuua.ij MUZZEY, A. B. Brotherhood in the sanctuary : a sermon at the dediiation of the Lee-Street cliurch, Cambridge, March 35, 1817. Bosto^, ^^^^^^ _ Plea for' the ' Christian spirit: a sermon preached Feb. 2, 1S45, [at] Cambridgeport. Boston, 1S15. S° ; ,;J;,'.w _ Young man's friend. 2d ed. Boston, 1S38. 12 . JSb'J.io MY own experience. [Temperance tract.] Boston, 1S40. pp. 36. 12- *]^^-^ Mt son's booli. New York, 1839. 10° ...... 3oSJ.« Myalgia: its nature, causes, and treatment. In- man.T 3800.10 MYCO.MUS, or Geisshiissler, O. Leben nnd ausge- wiihlte iSclirifteu. SecHagenbach,C. U. . . 0045.5 MYDDEI-TOJf, Sir 11. Life. See Smiles, S 2147.24 Myer, I., jr. [Presidential power over personal liberty : a review of Binney's essay on tlie writ of habeas corpus.] n. p., 18b2. pp.91. CO 3635.10 Myers, L. A. Lincohi. Memorial address, June 15, 1S05. Philadelpiiia, 1865. 8° *1312.4 MYERS T. Nature and structure of the Chinese langua-e. Loudon, 1825. pp. -32. 8° . . . *5034.16 Myln-e, W. An epitome of English grammar. With .ilterationsand additions, by J. K. Gib- sou. New York, lS.-,4. 21- 45S9a.50 MVRHrtiDA. Catalogue of myriapoda in tlie Brit- ish museum, i-ce London. British museum. 5009.14 Myrjiecophaga tctradactyla. Pescriptio osteolog- ica cranii mvrmccopliagac tetraductylae. Ma3sm.-iun, J.C 3902.11 MYUTii.LS. Duaruin comcedianim iragmenta. [Jleineke. Fnigm. com. Gr., v. 2] B. 102.8 Mysteuies. Lobeck,C.A. De tlieologiw mystic.-e Graicorum causis 00^, .J Mystei:ies. I'lai/s. Wright, T. Mysteries of the 12tli and llith centuries 0001. .S Mvsteky, I'liilosophy of. Dendy, W. C 6100.9 MYSTIC beauties, The, of free masonry developed 1st Am. ed. Salem, 1S22. 16° ....... Mystic pond water, Heporl on. Uorsford, E. N. . MYSTIC river, Improvement of. Dana, K. IL, jr. . Mysticism. Arnold, G. Ilistoriactdescripiiothc- ologia: mysticse B . 1 1 / . 12 — Gi;rres,J.,I.v. DiechristlichcMyslik . . . . 0068. 20 _ lleinroth,.!. C. A. Geschichtc uiid Kritik des JIvsticisiiius aller Viilker nnd Zeiten .... 548X.2 — Iloburg, C. Theologia mystica . B. 117.8, and OUOS. 21 — Noack, L. Die cliristlielie .Mystik im Mittelal- teruiid in der neuern Zeit 0008.25 MYTllES, Sagen, und Miirchen aus dcm deutschen lleidentlmnie. Leipzig, 1865. sm.»° .... 4221.20 Mytiioi,i)<;Y. Abregi; de niythologie 70fi9.47 — Buur, r. C. Nttturreli-ion des Allerthunis . . 0071.12 — Bell, J. Dictiunnryoflhegods, demi-gods.etc. 4931.5 — Bode G. II. Scriptores rerum mythicaruin Latinilres 2911.6, and 0072.8 — Chomiire.l'.C. Dictioiinaireabn-gOdalulable. _ _ _ _ 6189a. 10, 25 — Coiiti, N.de'. Mythologiae libri decern ... 6072. 1 . _ Creuzer, li. K. Iteligions rte runliquite . . . 6076.17 _ - .Syml.olik und Mythologie der alien Viilker. .3487.6 _ Dlftioumiireabi-.gi-d.'s mythologies 3481.29 — Eikerniaiin,C. Jlylhologiedervorziigliehsten Volkerdes Altertliums 0071.11 — Gale, T. Historln- poeticie scriptores antiqul . 6072.14 — Gautruche, I'. Toeilcal hidtory 6489a. 6 — (ieruzez, N. K. Li yons de mylliologle . . . . .3691.29 — (jervlise, of Tilbury. Othl lluperialia .... :H87.3 — Goodrich, S.G. Book of 7069.40 — Giirres,.!. .L V. Mythengeschlchtc der aslal Kchen Well — IlernuiMM,.). G. .1. Ueber (las Wesun und die Behaudluniid.r Mylhoh.i^le 0072.10 — llomberK, T. Jlylliologle der Griechen und rji7'> *• ~~ ~ Shelf. No. MYTHOLOGY, continued. — Hug, J. L. Mythos dor berulimtern ^ olkcr der alten Welt, vorziiglicli der Griechen . . 00/1.7 — Jacob!, E. Ilaiulworlerbuch der griechisdien ^ und riimischen Mvtliologie 00,.-.. — Kavanagh, M. Myths tnu'ed to their primary source through language • 0071. 1» - Korn, S. Vergleiehende Mythologie zum lia- hern Verstiiudniss vielcr Hibelstellen , . . . 0071.23 . Meiners, C. Kcligionsgeschichtc der altosten _ Volkerbesondersder Egyptier 6070.-2 . Moritz, C. r. Jlythological fictions of the Greeks and Romans ii»J.» - Muller, C. O. Prolegomena zu einer wissen- schaftlichen Mythologie rf-i ii - Mmicker, T. Mytliographi Latiui • "tyi,, - Noack, L. Mvtliologie und Otfenbariing . . . 00.6.21 - Schwab, G. Die schonsten Sagen des klassi- schen Alterthums •..• ^-"'■ - Schwenck, C. Mythologie der asiatischen A ol- ker ',.'*,' - Viilcker, C. H. W. Mythische Geographic der Griechen und lUimer - Volliuer, W. Vollstiindiges Worterbuch der Mythologie aller Natioiien Sec also: Asin, EBypl, France (AnllquUics), Ger- many, Greece, ludiuns, Seaudmuvift, Syi-irt. 3509.31 4:i55.65 56S6.3 0071.10 4163.3 6082.1 0072.13 NACCARI, F. L. Flora Veneta. Venezia, 1S20-28. ^ 0v.in2. 4° • ■ ". ■ NAEGi-i.fc.O. DiiitetikderSchwangerschttft. D"S- seldorf, 1853. pp.73. sq.l0° 3<,9.H NAEiu:, A. F. [De Dica-archo recentiore gram- matico.] Bonnae, [1834]. pp. «• 4° . . . B.190.48 N.EVius, C. Vita, ex P. Crinito et L. Giraldo; Fragmenta. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.]. B. 91.9 — Eeliquia^. [Uibbeek. Trag. I at. reliq.] . . . B.1JJ.4 NagkieF. C. KatechismusderHebaranienkunst. 4tc Aufl. Heidelberg, 18.39. 8° ...... 3/, 2. 13 _ Lehrbuch fiir Geburtshulfe. 4te Aufl. Heidel- berg, 1839. 8° • 3"2-'^ NAGELsiiACH, C. F. V. Homerische Theologie. -te Autl. Bcarbeitet von G. Autenrieth. Nurn- , ,o,., (j» 299G.31 berg, 1861. 8 ,• _ Die nachhomerische Theologie des gnechischen Volksglaubens bis auf Alexander. Niiruberg, I,'^67. 8° ,■„• • Nagli-.k, H. M. Letters about G. B. JlcClellan. [liandbook of the denioeracy for 1863, 64) NAOLKit, G. C. Die Monogrammlsten und diejeni- gen KUnstler welche sicli eiucs Zeichcns, etc., bedient habeu. Vol. 1,2. MUnchen, 1858-60. av. 8° *"*■•■" eoilIent«.-Vol. I. A-Cf. II. Cf-Gl. Naopork, Account of. Leckie, D. K NAGY, C. (Neueste stntistisch-geographische Be schreibung des Kiinigreiehs Vngani, Croa tien, Slavoiiien und der ungarischen Militiir Grenzc] Leipzig, 1.'*:I2. 8° Naiiast, Letters IVoui. Wheildon,W. W Naldi, N. Vita Jaunoclii Mauetti. [Giwvlus. Thes. antiq. Ilal.,T. 9, p.8] Nal1)1ni,0. Bonnie I'unitiiPiemontese. Firenze, IbOl. pp. 15. 8° ■ ■ ■ NAi.oiiAYA. Nalodiiya, carmen. Sic Kahihisa . . NAMES. Abel,U.F. O. Die deutschen I'ersonen- Nameii — Charnock, K, S. Local etymology — Ferguson, U. The river names of Europe . . — Moody, S. Meanings and derivation of Cliris- llau names — I'nderdouk, ll.,jr. Bibliograiihy of — Saherle, A. J. E. B. Names of men, nations, and places ,' ' ' — I'olt A. F. l>le Pcrsoncniiamen, lusheson' deie die Fandlicnuunien und iliie Entste- liuugsarteu . See alto: BurnamAS. 0072.3 4310.1 3040.15 ♦•2827.9 4358. 16 4710.1 4713.7 6021 . 1 41'.'0.43 22S3.0 4959.20 2235.29 223?. a 2235. 13 4233.6 NAN! 431 NASHUA Slu'ir. No. Nani, D., Amnntius, U., nntl Torti, F. Florikgii mnpni lihri xx. opvs svll^•iss^l^is cclebiitinim seutcntianim tlo-^Jculis relcrtiim. >iUuIio I. IjiiiKii loouplftntum. Kd. ftuctii F. S. ln.su- huii lubore. Colonic, IfuW. '-iv. f . . . . M150.3 Nantes. Uivocation de I'cdit de Nnntes. Mkii- elft,.1 40)17.0 Natikk, .Iidiu'S. Manual of electrometallurgy. 4th ed., enlarged. London, 18(i0. p.S" . . . 4018.9 Napikk, John, hogiirithmorvmcanonisdescriptio, Lvgdvni, UVJO. b' 5V»33.4 — Miritici loj^'nnihmorvm canonis constrvctin, et corvm ad niitvrales ipsorvm nuineros habitu- dines, [etc.]. Cum anuotatiouibus II. iiriij- gii. Lvgilvni, lO'.'O. 8* 5933.4 — Account of the life, writings, and inventions of. A'ct' Stewart, D 2511. IG Napier, M. Life and times of John Graham of Claverhouse, viscount Dundee. London, 1800-(V^. 3v. S" 2543.5 Napikh, Sir TV. F. P. Life. Edited by 11. A. Bruce. London, 1SG4. 2v. 12° 2547.18 Napionk, G. Vile ed elogi d'illustri Italiani. Pisa, 1818. 3v. 12° 4743.25 ContrnU!. — Vol. I. Klogio dt G.Botero; Rnpionainento intonui alle pfltui'e di ti. A. Moliiieri. II, Elogiuilei cro- nisli pivniontcai; ElofriodiM. Bnndelto; SoiiL-tt!. III. Vita dl P. Asiniiri conte di CtmierHno, di A, Pullndio, di L. A. Murntori, di S. Bcttinelli, di G. Xevizzauo ; Let- tern di G. Husiai. Naples, the cifij. Aloe, R. d'. Guide pour la gale^ rie des tableaux du musec Uourbon — - Naples, ses nionumens et ses curiosites . . Naples, the kingdom. Kequisitorie ed atto di ac- cusa del procuratore del re nella causa della settu I'uniia italiana. Napoli, lf<5U. 8" . . — Collezione di tutte i poemi iu lingua napole- tiina — Costanzo, A. di. Istoria del regno di Napoli, 125l-H8li — Flauti. G. Gli uomini illustri n.apoletani ante- rior! all' era volgaie Galiani, F. Vocabolario napoletano — Gladstone, W. E. State prosecutions of the Neapolitan government — Mallet, K. Neapolitan earthquake of 1857 . . — Saiut-NoD, J. C. K. de. Voyage pittoresqueou description du royaume de Naples — Sumnionte, G. A. Historia della citia e regno di Napoli — A'asi, M. Itineraire instructif de Kome a Na- ples — 'U'entrup, F. Zur Kenntniss der ncapolita- nischen Mundart — Zahn, J. C. Gothische Sprachiiberroste in Neapel Napoleon I. (Euvres. Paris, 1821, 22. Gv. in 5. 8° Contents. — Yo\. I [T. 1 and 6], Gtiit-alogio de Xa- poleon Bonaparte ; Precis chrouolopquo el hisloriquo du la vie de Napoleon Bonaparte; Catnpngtie de llus- Bie; Campng'ne de Saxe; Campague de France; 1815. II. rri'Tnit-re cnrapagrne d'ltalie. III. LettreaM. Mat- teo Buttaroco; Le souper de Beaacaire; Premiere cam- pagne d'ltolie [suite]. IV. Expedition d'^gj'pte; Con- Bulat; Empire. V. Empire. — Correspondance. Publiee par ordre de Nnpo- leon III. T. 1-lG. Paris, 185S-IH. 16v. 4°. . *2rill.ll — Correspondance, avec le ministro de la marine, J8{M-15. Paris, 1837. 2v. in 1. 8° 2052.5 — Napoh on his own historian. Extracts by an American, London, 1818. 8° 2G42.17 Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, from his birth to his dethronement. J^oiidon, n. d. 12'*.*l'ph.v..?G4 — Antommarchi, C F. Les deriiiers momcns de. 2fH2.y — ChampolUon-Figeac, J. J. Fourier el Napo- iL-on 4IS7.5 — Choi^eul-Gouffie^, la comtesse. RilmiuiBcences Bur Pempereur 2(Ul.5 G0R6.14 2;35.23 4713.3 4799a. 1 4S04.5 2745.19 47yya.l 2723. IG 5S0G.3 4730.1 4723.12 4199. IG 2780. G 2885.17 2G52.4 2G42.13 2r52.r) 2397.47 NAPOLtON I) continued. — l)oris, C. Memoires secrets sur .... — Fabry, J.B.G. Itineraire de Huonaparle, de rile d'Flbc k Pile Sainte-Ilelt-ne — Gcnin,T.H. The Niipolead: [a poem] . . . — Gourgaud, G. Napoleon ct la grande armtSe en Pussie 2642.6 — Hobhouse, J. C. Letters from Paris during the last reign of 2052.10 — Hooper, G. Downfall of the first Napoleon . 4(i53.6 — Jomini, A. II. de. Life of 4025.3 — - Precis politique ct militairc de la campagne de 1815 4GC3.19 — Labaume, E. llistoire de la chute de I'empire de 4G27.6 — Maitland, F'. L. Surrender of Buonaparte . . 2042.10 — Nodier, C. E. military conspiracies wliich had for their object the destruction of the govern- ment of 2053.13 — Observations on lord Bathurst's speech, March 18,1817 4052.17 — Poore, B. P. Early lile and first campaigns of 4025.9 — Tracts, speeches, and songs on the invasion of England, by. 5ce Anti-Gallican 254.S.H — Van-Ess, W.L. Life, to ]8U7 4027.5 Napoleon HI. Napoleonic ideas. Translated by J. A. Dorr. New York, 1859. 12° 2G42.15 — Alberi, E. La politica uapoleonioa e quella del ^^overno toscano 4713.7 — Duvons, A. Voyage en Normandie et en Bre- tagne,aoat, lh58 4060.17 — Giusti, 1. La nuova politica napolconica . . . 4713.7 — Marx, C. Der Ifte Brumniredes 4129.07 — Molinari, G. de. Napoleon publiciste, sa pen- see clierchee dans ses ecrits 2fi42.14 — St. Bernarde, H. Ultimate objects of . . . . 402ya.20 — Schoilcher, V. Crimes of the second of De- cember 41S8.1 — Voyage en Algerie, sept., 18G0 305U.25 Napole(.)N J. C. P. Bonaparte, le prince, Appel du jugemeut, etc. See Bonaparte, J. N 2611.6 Napoli-Signorelli, p. Vicende della coltura nelle due Sicilie. 2a ed. uapolet. Napoli, 1810, H. 8v. 8° 4727.10 NARBONNK, L. de. Souvenirs contemporains de. 5ee Villemjiin, A. F 4187. 6 Nardi, J. Le historic ddla citta di Fiorenza, et lo stato della citta di Lioue [da F. GiuntiniJ. Lione, 158,'. 4° 2725.20 NARDiNt, F. Veji autiqui, seu dissertatio investi- gans veruni ejus urbis situm. Lat. vertit A. Preigerus. [Greevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 8,p. il] 4710.1 Nares, G. S. Seamanship. 2ded. Portsea, [1802J. 8" 3952.26 Nares, R, The power of faith; Love the principle of true religion: two sermons. [Dibdin. Sunday library, v. 4] 5144.23 NARRAGANSET language. Indian names of places in Khode Isl.ind. Parsons, U M.Pph.v.l33 NARRATIVE of a voyaj^e to the Spanish main; oc- cupation ot Amelia Island by M'Grej^-^or; sketches of East Florida, etc. With an ap- pendix. London, IMy. b" 2305.19 Narrative of the proceedings of his majesty's fleet in the Mediterranean, aud the combined fleets of France and Spain 1741-14, [etc.] . Byasca- officer. 2ded. Lomlou, 1744. 12'. . , . *Pph.v.33G Narva, 11 prigioniero di .• • • 4704.7 Nason, E. Congre^^atioual hymn book. Boston, 1858. 10° 5449.17 — Eulogy on A. Lincoln, May 3, 1805. Boston, 1805. h" *434-.'.4 — Sir C. H. Frankland, or Boston iu the colonial times. Albany, Ksiio. 8° 4348.23 Nashua, A'. //. !• irst uniiari;in congregiitional so- ciety. History ol the society, [etc]. Nashua, 1859. pp. 39. 12° 5549a. 13 — - Farewell address. Osgood, S fijlUa-^i NASSAU 432 NAUDET Shelf. No. Nassau, Bubbles from the Bnmnens of. Head, F.B 41G3.14 See also: Schwalbacb. NATAL, The colony of. Mann, U.J 305G.3 Natali, p. de', or Natalibus, P. de. Catalogus sanctorum et gestorum eorum. Lugduni, 1514. f *B. 130.11 — Catalogus sanctorum. [Venetiis], 15'Jl. f°.*B. 140.0 A'ote. — Black letter, 2 columns, G6 lines. Nataxaeli, J., pseud. Sec Ca^arotti, I. National almanac and annual record for 1SG3, 04. Philadelphia, 1803, 04. 2v. l'^" *4339.1 National association for the promotion of social science. Report of the committee on Trades' societies, London, 1800. 8" *55G0.2 — Transactions. 1857, 59-r4. Edited by G. W. Hastings. Loudon, 1858-65. 7v. 8° . . . . *5566.3 National convention (medical). Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. Philadelphia, 184-,'. 8° 578G.4 National convention for revising the pharmaco- peia. The pharmacopu!ia of the United States of America. 4th decennial revision, rhiladelphia, 3803. 1:^" 5785.14 National emigration convention of colored people. Proceedings at Cleveland, O., Aug", '^i, -5 and 20,1854. Pittsburgh, 1854. pp. 7"J. S° . . . B. 170.47 National hymns. Hymnesetehautsnatiouauxdc tousles pays 2237.14 — White, K. G. National hymns 2300.4 National intelligencer, The. Tri-weckly, v. 1-30, Nov. 24, 1800 — Feb. 28, 1829; Daily, v. 17-32, March 2, 1829 — Dec. 31, 1844. Washington, 1800-44. 40v. f *GH0.1 y'ote. — Tola. 1, 2, arc imperfect. Single numbers are irniithig in some of llie fullowin^ vohinics. From lUi-l to the jircscut time the set is incomplete. National-Magazin fiir Handel und Gewcrbe, Haus- und Landwirtlischaft, Statistik und Keisen, neue Erfiudungen und Niitiunal- Unternehmungcn. H. 1. Leipzig, 1834. -i". *7231.2 National magazine, The; devoted to literature, art, aud reli;;ion. Edited by A. Stevens and J. Floy. Vol.J-13. Kew York, 1852-58. 13v. 1.8' *r222.1 National preacher, The. May and June, 18G5; Vol. 39, No. 5, 0. New York, 1S05. b" . . . *4.342.4 Content*. — In momorinm of prciitdent Lincoln, hy Ilov. Ur. Gurley; Tliu iiallon>i1 hei-i-Hvonii'nt, by U. W. Beecher; Peraonnl forgivenesB und public juslicv, by K. 1(. Hooth; Ourniitloiial boitou-, by H. 1". 8peni-; GikI vellhiff bimself, by W. It. Williunis; Victory and ro- unluu. by S. II. Tyng. N.vnoNAL quarantine and sanitary cnnvontiou. Proceeding!* and debatet^ of the third conven- tion. New Ynrk, 1859. 8* — - Eourth convcMitiiin. JJoston, 1800, 8° , . , — Uepnrt [to tin- tliird convention] on the iinpor- tauce of sanitary measures to cities, by J. Itell. New York, 1850. «• — Quarantine regulations. Boston, 1800. pp. .'HI. .3750.3 3750.0 3750.1 3750.5 NATIONAL review. Vol. 0-17. London, 185S-G3. 12v. b" *523S.I Natural history. Anunlei* dew sciences naturcllcs. 5805. 1 — Blngley, W. Earnlliar account of the produc- tions of nature 3829.9 — Brodcrlp, \V. J. Leaves from the note book of nnittunilist 3829.7 — Ciitulogiie of hpeclmeuK of. See London. Koyal colli-;,'!* rjf wiirgrourt 3812.2 — Choidurit, 1^. ( 'alaJogiiH jlbroniiri li[«turii-uriini de HL'icutia nutmali ftyMtt iiiiitii-ns 2180.15 Shelf. No. Natural history, continued. — Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D. de. Histoire des pro- gres des sciences naturelles 4276.2 — Darwin, C. Natural history of the countries visitedbyH. M. S. Beagle 2271 3 — Deliifosse, G. Le^ous d'histoire naturelle . . 3591.28 — Directions for collecting, preserving, and trans- I)orting specimens of. See AVashington, Smithsonian institution. Miscellaneous col- lections, v. 2 3.150.2 — Harting, P. Skizzen aus der Natur .3819.12 — Hartwig, G, The tropical world 3825.20 — Howitt,M. .Sketches of. [Inverse] . . . . 450''a.42 — Hunter, J. Essays on 3903.24 — Illiger, J. C. W. Terminologie fur das Thicr- reich und Pfianzeureich 3883.11 — Intellectual observer : a review of 5817.1 — Jauflret, L. F. Voyage au Jardin des plantes. 3829.31 — Jcrrer, G. L. Naturgeschichtefiir die jugeud. 3819.0 — Knight, C. Cyclopiedia of A. 184. 3 — McNicolljD. H. Dictionary of natural history terms 3883.14 — Martinet, . I. F. Catechism of nature 7029.31 — Oersted, H. C. Die Naturwisscnchaft in ihrem VerhJUtniss zur Diclitkunst und Ueligion . . 4277.17 — PUnius :, ]>. 8. TnbulartI umjoris temjiM Iteallnl In- RtaurAlK). — DeinslltiU'iidahlldinthron. Sir Madi-r, d. .1. . 2128.15 Nauukt, .1. Ki-pnnse de la hibliotlieijiie nationuli- ii M. Keullji'l de Conches. Paris, 1851. pp. n. ti' 2128.1 NAUDKT 433 NEANDEU Shuir. No. Nau.iet, J., covtlntied. — Notice liistoriquc sur Hoissonadc. [Boissonnde. CritiqiiolittiTaire, V. I] 4703.13 Naue, J. F. Vcrsiu'li I'incr nitisiknlisclien Ageiide Oder AltnrK-esaiisPi z»ii» Gebrmu'h in pro- testnntisflieuKirchcn. ITalle, flSlH]. ob^.4^ 8043.50 NAiiMACHu-s. Scntfiitia:. See llertel, J. . . . B. 109a. 16 Naumann, (\ F. Lelirbucli der Geognosie. 2te Aull. Luip/ig, ISTiS-r.e. 2v. l.!^" 5873.20 Naumann, K. .SiTiipeum. Zeitsclirilt fiir Bildi- oMK'k\vi,ssencI»ift, [ii. s. w.]. ler-17er» 20er- 25er.Irtlirg. Leipzig. 1840-04. 2:iv. 8" . . . *2I46.1 Nauxton, 5"//- K. Observntions on queen Eliza- beth, her times and favourites. [i*henix, v. 1] 4157.1 NAUSiritATKS. Fiibularuni duarum reliquiae. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5] B. 102.8 Nautical almanac. See Great Britain. Admi- ralty. United States. Department of the navy 4270,17 NAi'TtCAL astronomy, Treatise on. Riddle, J. . . 3924.17 Nautical magazine. Vol. 1-33. London, 1832- [04]. .33v. S° *5408.1 Nautilus Pompilius. Memoir of the pearly nau- tilus. Owen, R 3871.24 Nav-ageko, A. Opera omnia. Patavii, 1718. 4*. 2800.26 Contents. — YUn a J. A. Viilpio conscriptn; Epigram- ma J. Chcccotii, Gr. ct Lnt. j Oi'fttio in funero B. Liviani ; Oratio in funcre L. Lnui-ctani; Epistolie ad Leoneni X, oU Petriim Benilnini, nd J. Sndolctuni; Epistola ad J. Gloriorium ; Epietolcc ad NauBcrium ; Varin; lecliones in omnia opera Ovidil; Carmiiia; Illustriuin poftarum camiina nd Nnugcrium; Nnugcrius, sive do poctit-n, dinlogufl H. Fracastorii ; Itime; Tmdiizioni, o parafraBi d'lilcuni epi^rammi latini; Duo sonctti di P. Bembo in morro del Navngoro ; Stanza di M. A. Bevnzzano in morto dello stosso; Cinque lettere del Jiavagero scritte di Spa^ia a G. B. ItnnnuBio; Duolcttprc del Benibo al Nnvflgroro; Prcfnzione al Viappio del Navngero ; Prefa- zionc antica di R. Fani ; Viuggio fatio in Ispagim; Viaggio per la Franria; Altri viaggi; N<>tizia dello edizioni delle operti del Xavagero. — Carmina, See Carraiua quinque illustriuni poetarum 4938.29 Navacjero, B., c«rrf. Vita. SeeVaUevo, A. . . . 4791.20 Naval architecture. Grantham, J. Iron ship- building 3952.39 — Ilerbin de Halle, P. E. Des bois propres an service lies jirsenauxde la marine 3952.40 — Russell, J. S. Fleet of the future: iron or wood? 3952.28 — Sommerfeldt, H. A. Construction of ships . . 3950.2 Sfe also: Docks, Dry docks, Iron-elada, Rigging, Steam-engine, Yacbta. Naval art and science. Babron, J. B. A. Pra- tiques de I'art naval 3952.31 — Bount-'foux, P. M. J. de. Nouvelles stances nautiques 3952.32 — Bougiier, P. De la manceuvre des vaisseaux . 3951.20 — Chalmers, J. Admiralty policy of naval con- struction 3952.27 — Goodwin, W. W. De potentiie veterum gentium maritime epochis 4.3no.lG — Hoste, P. Treatise on naval tactics 3951.13 — Naval tactics. [France. Ministry of marine, etc.] .3952.23 — Parker, F. A. Squadron tactics under steam . 3955.9 5c< alao: Anchors, Compass, Navigation, Seamanship. Naval gunnery. Ordnance instructions for the United States navy. See United .States. De- partment of tlie navy 3055.10 — Simpson, E. Treatise on 3952.30 Naval institutions of a republic. "Wood, "W. M. . 4329a. .39 N.VVAL light artillery, Instruction for. Parker, W.n .3952.29 Naval stafl" rank. By a naval staff officer, n. p., [180-j. pp.11, b" 4320.7 Navakke. Favyn, A, Histoire de 4G10.3 — Zuaznavar, J. M. de. Legislucion de Xavarra. 4246.12 55 Shulf. No. Navaruf.tk, M. F. de. Relations des quatre voy- ages par Colomb, 1 49.'-1504 ; sulvies de divcr- ses U'ttres, [etc.], trad, par F.T. A. C.de Ver- neuil et de La Roquette. Paris, 1828. 3v. 8'. 4367.6 Navier, p. T., Eloge de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. (Euvres, V. .3] 3720.11 Navigation. Barrett, E. Dead reckoning; or, day's work .3955.13 — Bowditch, N. American practical navigator. E. 180. 35 — Forbes, R. B. Remarks on ocean steam navi- gation 5953.20 — Ocean steam navigation. Memorial to con- gress. .See New York 6493.1 — Riddle, E. Treatise on 3924.17 — Wilson, II. Treatise on 5920.30 Naville, fe. Du droit maritime ct des relations commerciales des peuples. Paris, 1S40. pp. 91. 8" 4289.41, and v. 2 of *4295. 20 NATLER, J. Collection of sundry books, epistles and papers. From a London ed, of 1816. Cincinnati, 1829. 8" 0061.10 Contents. — Account of the most remarkable transac- tions relating to Naylcr; Power and glory of the Lord shining out of the north ; Wisdom which is from beneath, and wisdom which is from above; A few words occasioned by a discourse concerning the quukers; Call to magistrates, etc., to repentance; Churches gatliered against Christ and his kingdom; Manifestation of tha ground upon which we stand ; To all vain janglers, etc. ; Salutation to the seed of God; Love to the lost, and a hand to the helpless; The Lamb's war against the man of sin ; Message from the spirit of truth unto the holy seed ; What the possession of the living faith is; Door opened to the imprisoned seed ; A few words in answer to the resolves of independent teachers; Letter to king Charles II ; Account from the children of light ; Answer to tha book called Fanatic historj- ; Milk for babes, and meat for strong men; Epistlo to friends; Epistles to rulers, priests and people. Nazarius. Pane^yricus Constantino Augusto. [Panegyrici veteres, V. 3] B. 172,2 Neale, D., Vindication of the church of England against. .S'ec Grey, Z. , . , , 3547.13 NeALE, J, M. History of the so-called Jansenist church of Holland. Oxford, 1858. 8' . , . 3527.4 — HymniecclesiEe. Oxonli, 1851. sm.l6° . . , , 5449.20 — Hymns of the Eastern church. London, 1802. 32" 5449.30 — The liturgies of S. Mark, S. James, S. Clement, S. Chrysost.om,S. Basil. London, 1859. 16°. .3448,13 — Mediaeval hymns and sequences. London, 1851. 32' 3440.50 — Mediaeval preachers and mediasval preaching. A series of extracts; with notes and an in- troduction. London, 1856. 12" ...... 5444.11 — Ecclesiastical Latin poetry of the middle ages. [Thompson. History of Roman literature] . 2953.12 Nealk, R. H. Sermon before G. S. Boutwell, gov- ernor, [etc.], at the annual election, Jan. 8, l!-52. Boston, 1852. 8" *4?56.13 Neander, Joachim. Auserlesene Gedichte. [Miil- ler. Bibliothek deutscher Dichter des 17ten. Jahrhunderts, V. 11] 2879.10 Neander, Johann A. W. Allgemeine Geschichte derchristlichen Religion und Kirche. Ham- burg, 1825-36. 4v. in6. 8" 6040.5 — General history of the Christian religion and church. Translated from the German, by J. Torrey. 2d Am. ed. Boston, 1848. 2v. 8". 6043.1 — History of the Christian reh'gion and church, during the three first centuries. Translated by H. J. Rose. Philadelphia, 1843. 8' . . . 3514.2 — Geschichte der Pflanzung und Leitung der christlichen Kirche durch die Apostel. Ham- burg, 18-32, .33. 2v.ini. 8° 6043.10 — History of the planting and training of the Christian church, by the apostles. Trans- lated by J. E. Ryland. New York, 1S47. 8". 6013.2 — - Same. Revised according to the 4th Ger- man ed., by E. G. Robinson. New York, 18'>5. 8" 5513. 1 NEANDER 434 KELSON Shelf. Xo. Keander, Jolmnn A. W., cotithiued, — Der heilige Bernhard uud sein Zeitalter. 2te Aufl. Hamburg, 1S4S. 8" 3555.10 — Das Lebcn Jesu Cbristi. 4te Aufl. Hamburg, \Mo. 8" 6037.5 — tJber die welthistoriscbe Bedeutuug des neun- ten Buchs in der ii Enneade des Plotiaos Oder seines Buchs gegen die Gnostiker. [Diss, acad.] Berlin, 1S45. pp. 20. 4' . . 4191.9 — Zum Gediichtniss August Neanders. Berlin, IboO. pp. 30. S' 2S4S.4 Contents. — Nennder's Heimgang von S. Baub ; Bede gehaltcn in Stcrbehause von F. Strauss; Itede am Grnbe von F. W. Krunimaclier ; Am Tage der Beerdigimg von K. I. Kitzsch. Neasdei:, M- De re poetica Grsccorvm libri IV. Ed. J. Volland. Ed. 2a. Lipsire, 1503. sm.S°.*B.lG9.10 — De bibliothecisdeperditis ac noviter instructis. 5eeMader, J. J 2128.15 Nebraska : a poem, personal and political. Bos- ton, 1854. pp. 42. 12° B.170b.95 Nebraska. Report on, etc. See Massachusetts emigrant aid company B. 170b. 74 — Thompson, J. P. No slavery in 4310,8 Nebraska and Kansas bill, Bauks, N. P. Speech on 'the B.lfiO.59 — Sumuer, C. Protest against slavery in Kansas. 4310.8 — Walley, S. H. Speech on the 4310.8 Nebraska question, comprising speeclies in the United States senate by Douglas, Chase, Smith, Everett, [etc.]. New York, 1854. 8° . G0S7.132 Nechscheei, H. Touti Xameh. Eiue Saramlung pcrsischer Mahrchen. Uebersetzung von C. J.L. Iken. Stuttgardt, 1822. 8° 3025.25 Neck. Nouvelle methode de traitement du torti- colis ancien. Guerin, J v. 1 of 3801.27 Neckam, A. De naturis rerum libri duo, with the poem De laudibus diviua; sapieutia;. Edited by T. AVright. London, 1803. 1.8°. [Great Britain. Kolls chronicles] *2423.2 Neckar. Sagen des Neckarthals. Baader, J. F. . 4224,14 Necker, J. Importance of religious opinious. Translated from the French. Philadi-Iphia, 1791. 10" 5458.45 Necker, S. C. de Nassc. Mi-langcs, extraits des munuscrits de Mmc. Necker. Paris, 17US. 3v. 8° 4707.4 Contents. — \o\. I. Obaervatlona dc Tfedltcur; PensOcs et traits; Do la mnniere dont to socIC't^ Jugo les gciis d'esprit; Pciisecs Gt Iraita; Lcttrcs; Do la lecture; Do la maniere de jtigcr les livrcs et Ics nutctirs; Pvtis&ee et traits dc ftociOlS ; LcttruB; Dc rutilitu ct do la n6cGSsiI& dc s'cxiiinincr; De resjirit vt du gC-niu ; Des images, dca eumparuieons et dea aUusiuns; Portrait d'l-^nillio, ou do Umv. do Liiuzun. II. rcnaeea ot traits ; Lottros ; Bouvciiir d'uuo conversation nvcc M. du BufTon, nur un ouvrugv do M.Thonius; ItCllcxions graniuiDticnlus Bur quelquva pages d']^niilo; Sur M.doUuibert; Pcuat-oa et troltB do socK-lC-; Lvttrt;9. III. Pon)^6ea ct traits; Lettrvs et fyagmuno de Ivttrcs; Portrait dc M. Thouins; Portrait dc M. dc Maul^-on ; 8iir I'Anic; Mnxhnes imittes do Marc-Aunile; Sur Mnic. Gcotnin; I'ciiscca ct trails de soclctC'; Lcttrc qucm'n c'crlle M. du Bull'un deux Juura avant aa mort ; CotumoucomcDt d'uu 61ogo du Mmo. do B&vlgii6. — Nouveaux melanges. Paris, 1601. 2v.ini. 8*. 4707.5 Content*. — Vol. I. Pen^I-rn ot souvenirs; Sur un non- TCBU gciiro de •iicclatcur; 8ur I'duiv; Knignicnt sur Fontcncllo; Fragment apris uno convcntation avco M. Diderot A son rctuur dc ItUNhIo ; Souvenir d'uiio drrnlero conversation avcc 31. do Button; Fragment sur Ic bon- hcur. II. Pcns6eielsouvcnli'[nO ; Des Uvroscn g(*n{'ral,otdca lectures, q til convlcnnent A divers gonrca d'esprit ; 0ur lu style ; felC-glo sur un clmcIlL-ro do campagnc, tradulte de (iray ; I'orlrult de mon ami ; Mur- ceau sur lu divorce; Iloapico de rliarll6. Nectaril'9. Notllla ex (^allaudlo; Sormo rlc fpHto .S. Theodori et dc jijutiin ft cleemoHyna, apud (julluntliiini ex coiDcc Narihiiio (;xxxiv; In- dex gra-citutU in llbruH de ti initiitc. f Mlgiic. Ptttrologltt Grscca, V. 39] 5171. fl Shelf. No. Nees von Esenbcck, C. G. Catalogus bibliothecse [su»]. Breslan, 1852. pp.92. 4' 4289.50 Nees von Esenbeck, T. F. L. Genera plautarum flora Germanicse. Bonnie, 1835-45. Cv. iu 5. 8' *38o7.4 Contents. — Vol. I. Gramineie, post nuctoris mortem absolverunt A. Futterlick ct S. Endlichcr. II, Cypo- raceic ; Helobia; ; Coronariie, III. Families Dioscori- dcarum, Amaryllidearuni, Irideanim, Orchidearum, Palmarura, Aroideanim, Najadeamm, Hydrocliaridea- rum. IV. Monochlaniyderc. V [5], Gamopctali?, post • auctoris mortem absolverunt A. Futterlick ct H. Endli- chcr. [6.] Gamopetalrc, nuctore F. C. L. Spcnucr, post auctoris mortem absolverunt A. Futterlick ct S. Eudll- cher. Negeb, The, or "South country" of Scripture. Wilton, E 3085.9 Negri, D. M. Sicilia?descriptio. [Grasvius. Thes. autiq. Ital., T. 10, v. 1] . . • 4710.1 Negri, G. Istoria degli scrittori iiorentini. Fer- rara, 1722. f" *21G0.9 Negro, oj- in Latin, Fuscus, or Fosco. De situ or^ lllyrici. [Graivius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, v. 14] 4710.1 Negro-Dutch dialect. See Psalm-bcek voor die tot die evangelische broeer-kerk, etc. . . . 6067.8 Negroes. Baldwin, E. Qualities of our colored population 5572.15 — Bunneister, II. Anatomy and psychology of the African negro B.160.fi0 — Campbell, J. Negro-mania 42y0.10 — Imprisonment of free colored seamen in south- ern ports, ^ee Proceediugs, etc B.lCOa.38 — Livermore, G. Negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers .S573.0, and 5573.3 — McGill, A. T. The band of God with the black race 4310.20 — Miscegenation: the blending of the races . .4320a. 105 — Moore, G. U. Employment of negroes, in the American army of the revolution 4325.48 — Mott, A. Biographical sketches of persons of color 5579.9 — Nell, W. C. Services of colored Americans in the wars of 177G and 1812 B.160.57 — Subgenation : an answer to Miscegenation . . 4330a. 11 See also: African raco. Neidhard, C. Answer to the Homoeopathic delu- sions of O. W, llolmes. Philadelphia, 1842. pp. 3(1. 8° 5796.25 Neidlinger, — , Proben von den Leakeschen funf Klassen des"Schrift Neugriechischen. Got- tingeu, 1810. pp.30. 8* ••29S8.10 Neigebauu, J. D. F. Die Insel Surdinieu. 2te Ausg. Leipzig, [1855]. 8" 2716.6 Neil, S. Shakespere: a critical biography, Lon- don, ISGl. 12° 2508.29 Neilson,W. Greek exercises. Baltimore, 180U. 8°. 4988.3 — Introduction to the Irish language. Dublin, ISO*, a" 2687.25 Neifkjus, M. Adagla. 5c'cAdagia 4150.2 Nkison, F. G. p. Contributions to vital statistics. 3dcd. London, 1857. 4' 3763.10 NliLATON, A. fvk'Uieus depathologiecliirurgicale. Paris, 1814,47. 2v. .S° 3792.23 — Paiallele des divers modes opt ratoires em- ployes dans le traitement de la catarncto. Paris, 1850. 8" ♦M.Pph.T,137 Nell, W. C, 8en'lces of colored Americans in the wars of 177G and 1812. Boston, 1851. pp. 24. 8' B.1G0,57 Nellt, G. Novcllc. [Uaccolta dl novelllcrl Italian!, V. 2] 2773.14 Nei.i.i, p. Poesie Ratirichc. [Haccolta di pot-slo satirich.-] 4808.9 — Satire, [.^ansnvino. Setle libri dl sath-e] . . 4709.20 NitLSON, Henry A. TwodiscourstMoii the Sabbath fujlowing the burial of ])reKitl(>nl Lincoln, May 7, 1806. Springlleld, Ills., 1806. 8° . . •4342.4 HKLSON 435 NETHERLANDS Sbclf. No. Nelsox, Horatio, lord. Biographical memoirs of. ^-ee Cliarnock, J 2523.6 Nelson, J. Journnl, beinj? an account of God's dealing with him. AVrilten by himself. Ad- ded, an account of his death. Kcw York, lb21. -^r 4549a.37 Nemesiaxvs, M. a. O. Vita, ex Petro Crinito; Cynei;eticon; Uucolicpu. [Gottfried. Cor- pus vet. poet.] B.191.9 Nemesius. De uatura lioniinis liber, Latine con- versus a Ninisio Ellebodio. [Maxima bib- lioth, vet. patr., V. 8J B.110.2 — Xotitia ex bibliotheca Gallandii; De natura hominis, ex editione C. F. 5Iattha?i. [Sligne, I'atrolo^'ia Graica, V. 40] 6471.7 Neolouy not true, and truth uot new. Hebert, C 5453.18 NEornvTUS. De calamltatibus Cypri, Grrec6. Stubbs, W 2423. G Nepal, Catalogue of the specimens and drawings of mammals, birds, reptiles, and lishcsof. .S'ce London. British museum 5009.6 NeperUS, J. Sec ^"apie^, J. Nhpotismus Romanus. Sec Lcti, G 6074.18 Nki'TL'NE, Mass, orbit, etc., of. Adams, ,1.0. . • . 5910a. 1 Nekio, N. Janua srammatica;. See Latino, F. . , 4199.4 Nerves. Bernard, C. Physiologic et pathologic du systtme uerveux 3802.23 — Carter, K. B. Influence of education and train- ing i n preventing diseases of the nervous sys- tem 3802.18 — Gluge, G. La termiuaison des nerfs ct les ca- naux nerveux 37GG.33 — Hirsclifeld, L. Description et iconographie du systtme nerveux 5S00.1G — Remak, R. De systematia nervosi structm*a . 3761.21 — Scarpa, A. Engravings of tlte cardiac nerves, etc., with descriptions 5800.15 — Verity, R. CImn;jes produced in the nervous system by civilization - 4265.4 — Wagner, R. Neurologische Uutersuchungen . 5S02.6 — Warren, J. M. Neuralgic affections following Injuries of the 5796.35 See also: Brain, Head, Spine. Nervo, le baron de. Les finances de la France sous le regue de Napoleon ill. Paris, 1861. pp. 63. 8* 4663.15 Nesfielo, W. Report of a trial, in the consistory court at Durham, in a cause of substractiou of Easter olferin;(s. W. Nestield I's. P. Watson. Newcastle upon Tyue, lt;22. 12* *Pph.v.365 Nessel, 31. Medicinal spaw waters. [French and English.] Loudon, 1715. pp.56. 12' . . . 3SC9.37 Nesselmaxn, G. H. F. Littauische Volkslieder, gesammelt uud metrisch iibersetzt. Berlin, lt^53. 8" **2875.], and 4223.4 Nestorians. Assemani, G. S. Dissertatio de yyris Nestoriunis 6040.6 — Lorch, P. Forschungen Uber die iranischen Nordchaldiier 4244.3 Netheklands. Verhandelingen over de natuur- lijke geschiedenis der Nederlaudsche over- zeesche bezittiugen. Uitgeg. dooi- C.J. Tem- minck. Leiden, lS3a-44. 3v. i" *3O40.8 ConienU. — Vol. L Zoologie. II. Botanie. III. Land- CD Volkcnkunde. Xctc. — Under this bend ore placed references to works relating to tlic "kinedom of Holland" or "of tho Netherlands," to the United Provioces, and to the Span- ish Ketherlands. Description. — Bcschreibung der xvii niederlUndischen Pro- vintien. [Merian. Topographia, v. 7] . . , 4261.3 — Christyn, J. B. Description geograpliique et historique des XVII provinces belgiqnes . . 4229.4 — Guicciardini, L. Descrittione di tutte i Paesi Bassi 4830.5 Shelf. No. Netherlands, continued. — Rafilcs, T. Tour through some parts of tho . . 2274.15 — Smithers, U. Tour through the 2863.22 Ecclesiastical liistory. — Brandt, G. Historic der reformatie in de Nederhmden 0054. 2 — - H istoire abregee de la reformation des Pays- Bas 6049a. 5 — Heussen, H. F. van. Kerkelijke historic der zeveu Vereenigde Provincien 6070.2 — Ypeij, A. Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche hervormde kerk C054.1 JJi story. — Answer of the states general to the declaration of war of Great Britain, 1674. [Phenix, V. 1] 4157.1 — Arend, J. P. Algemecne geschiedenis des va- derlands 4211.2 — Basnage de Beauval, J, Annates des Provin- ces- Uuics, 1046-78 4201.1 — Bor, P. C. Oorsprongk, begin, en vervolgh der Nederlandsche oorlogen 4270.1 — Des Roches, J. Histoire ancienne des Pays- Bas autrichiens 4229.1 — Dujardin, B. Histoire generale des Provinces- Unies . . . ' 4212.2 — Feyerabend, S. Historia Bolgica, 1529-83 .. 4229.3 — Gachard, L, P. Actes des (5tats g^neraux des Pays-Bas, 1576-S5 2820.40 — - Analectes historiques, 1406-1795 2820.42 — - Lettres ecrites par les souverains des Pays- Bas aux etats de ces provinces, 1559-1794 . . 2813.19 — - Rehitions des anibassadeurs venitiens sur Charles-Quintet Philippe ii 2813.17 — Grotius, H. Anuales et liiBtoriae de rebus Bel- gicis, 1560-1009 4240.9 — - Apologeticus eornm qui Hollandiae, etc., pra'fuerunt ante mutationem, IGIS 4229a. 2 — Kampeu, N. G. van. Geschiclite der Nieder- lande 4216.6 — Kervyn de Volkaersbeke, P. Documents his- toriques inedits concernant les troubles des Pays-Bas, !57;-S4 2820.41 — Koch, BI. Empiirung und Abfall der Nieder- laude von Spanien 2815.5 — Maximilian i. Lettres sur les atfaires des Pays-Bas, 1478-1508 2813.18 — Meteren, E. van, Historieu der Nederlanden, 1369-1012 4270.4 — - Beschreibung des nederlendischen Kriogs . 4270.8 — Miiller, F. Beschrijvende catalogus van 7000 portrotten van Nederlauders 2152.34 — Raynal, T. G. F. Historie vanhet stadhouder- schap in de Nederlanden 2815.15 — Scrieck, A. van. Van den oorspronck en de saecken der Neder-Iandren 4233.1 — Strada, F. De bello Belgico, 1555-90 4S20.5 — - De bello Belgico, 1555-1678 4214.4 — - La guerre des Pais-bas 2815.14 — Toze, K. Geschichte der Vereinigtcn Nieder- lande 4130.4 — Vaderlandsche historie der Vereenigde Neder- landen 4218.1 — Vaderlandsche historie verkort 2819.11 — Viglius, — . Jlemoires sur le commencement des troubles des Pays-Bas 2820.23 — Wicquefort, A. L'histoire des Provinces-Unies, depuislapaixdeMunster 2820.9 Language. — Ahn, F. Concise grammar of the Dutch lan- guage 4889.14 — - HoUandische Sprachlehre 2886.23 — Calisch, I. M, Hulliiudisch-deutsches Wor- terbuch 4113.7 — Hexham, H. Woordeu-boeck der Nederlandt- eche tale, met de Engelsche uytlegginge . . 2890.23 NETHERLANDS 436 NEW Shelf. Ko. Netherlands, continued, — Jaarsvt-Mt, J. van. Holliindisclie Spraclilelire fur DeiitscUe 4114. 3 — Jauson, B. Z;ik-\voordouboek der Nederduit- sclie en Eugelsche talen 4U9.14 — Kilian, C. Dictionarium Teutonico-Latino- Gallicum 2SS5 5 — Fji, K.vauder. Grammar of the Dutch lan- guage' 2S84.15 — Sewel, W. Dutch and English dictionary . . 4114.17 — Weidenbach, C- F. Deutsch-UoUiindisches Taschenworterbuch 2SS5.G See also: Negro-Dutch. Literatu7'e. — Alberdingk Thijm, J. A. Litterature neerlau- daise 2870.24 — Hoft'niann von Fallersleben, A. H. Altnieder- liiudische tiprichworter 2847.25 — - Horae lielgica 2814.5 — - Niederlandische Volkslieder 2875.7 — Jonckbloet, W. J. A. Gescliiedeuis der Mid- deuuederlandsche dichtkuust 2871.4 — Kausler, E. DenkmUler altuiederliiudischcr Spracheiind Litteratur 2873.16 — Miiller, F, Boeken, laudkarteu, etc., iu 18G0, 01 uitgegeven • .... 2152.29 — Otto, F. Die Gesammtliter.itur Niederlands . 2151.9 — Stichtelijke poezij, verzameld uit vaderlaudsche dichters. See Christtlijke harp 4219.3 — Tiele, P. A. Bibliotheck van Nederlandsche pamfletten, 1500-1702 2152.30 — Troys, L. Blumenlese hollandisclier Gedichte. 4223.29 — Wolff, O.L.B. Probeu altholliiudischer Volks- lieder 4224.31 Afi/tholof/i/. — Bergh, L. P. C. van den. Woordenboek der Nedei'laudsche mythologie 0072.18 — Wal, J. de. Over de beoefening der Neder- landsche mythologie G072.25 Sff alio: Annvcrp, Bolgimii, Brabaut, Flaodcrs, Fries- land, Hollanil, Moiis, Vtrcctit. — Koninklijk instiluut voor dc taal- land- en vol- kenkunde van Ncerlandsch Indie. Bijdrageu. D. 1-4; Nieuwc volgreeks, D. 1-4. Graven- hagc, 1853-fU. Sv. 8° *425S.l Nettement, A. F. llistoire de la conquOte d'Al- ger, suivic dc la coniiuOte de I'Algeric. Paris, 1850. S* 3054.5 — Histoire de la litt(*raturc fran^aise sous la res- tauration [et] sous le gouveruenieut de ju- illet. Pju-is, 1853, 54. 4v. h" 2070.24 Nextleton, A. Village hymns for t^ocial worship. Ster. ed. New York, 1834. 32" 3H0.40 Neu-veumkiiktks htstorisch- und gcographisclu-s allgenieincs Lexicon. 3tc AuU., [niit] Sup- plement, von J. C. Beck uud A. J. Buxtorll". Basel, 1742-14. Ov. f M1G0.2 CKCKKit,C. G. Lexicon der Keligions-u. christ- lichen Jvfrehengeschiciite fiir alio Confcs- Hiunen. [Mlt .Supplement.] Umeuau, 1834- 37. Ov. h" •G083.2 COTilfiU*. — Vol. I. A-F. 11. (i-K. 111. L-O. IV. n-Z. V. 8u|i|)lcmciit. lIlfltorUch-kritlMclie Einlcilung in das Neno Ti'-lairient. Li-ipzig, Isin. »" 0025.7 NeUI; Gallerie deH licberniilUrllchen, Wiiudcrbaron unilGeliehnnlHHVoUen. Ite Kcilie. l)ie Wun- dor und GeheimnUso der Gej«terweU. Wel- nuir, 1M9. 10" ♦0100.12 Shelf. No. Neue practische Gesprache. In deutscher und rus- siwcher Sprache. 3te Aufl. [Moskau], 1823. 12" 3035.18 Neuenak, or Nuenar, H. v. Origines Francic^e. See Peutiuger, C B.117.9 Neukomm, S. David; an oratorio. Words by J. Webb. Boston, [18— ]. obl.S" 4058.16 Neumax, H. New dictionary of the Spanish aud English languages. 3d ed. London, 1817. 2v. 8" *5030.14 Conte7U3. —Yo\. 1. Siiauish and English. II. Ineles y cspnfiol. — and Baretti, G. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. Boston, 1828. 2v. 8'. *4112.7 CoJttenta. — Vol. I. Spanish-Enerlish. II. English- Spanish. Neumann, C. F. Gescliichte des englischen Ueiches in Asien. Leipzig, 1857. 2v. h" 5044.9 — Ostasiatische GescUichte. 1840-00. Leipzig, 1801. 8° 3017.15 Neumann, W. Die Componisten der ueueren Zeit. Cassel, 1854^7. 45v. in 11. 32" *4086.12 Conlents. — Vol. I [1-G]. Mendelssohn; Mozart; Bt'et- hoven ; Schneider; Spohr; Lortziiip. 11 [7-15]. Cheru- bini; Donizetti; Bellini; Ilaydu; Itossini; Iteissigcr; Meyerbeer: David; Marsehner. Ill [IG-IS]. LisKt; Suliei-i; Beilioz. IV [liW^y]. Bach; Weber; Chopin; Schumann; Gluck. V [24-2(J]. Wagner; Handel ; Spon- lini. VI [27-;}U]. Auber; Schubert; Weigl J Ilulivy; Oiielow ; Gi-itry. VI I [31-34]. Boieldicn ; Adam ; MC'hul ; ntrolil; Flotow; Venti; Mercadaiite. VIII [3fi-37]. Balfe; Bennett; Benedikt; Kroutzcr; Glaaer; Ktiekon; Dorn. IX [38]. Winter; Vogrlcr; Feska; BeL-lhoven von W. V. Lcnz. X [30-12]. F. Lachncr; I. Laeliner; V. Lachner; Gumbevt; Ciniarosa; racsiellc; llimmel; Lindpaintner; Kalliwoda; Gndc; Saloinnn. XI [-13-40]. Tiiubert; Hillcr; Zoltcr; Ilummel; Klein; Kittl ; Mar- kuU; Lijwo. Neumauk, G. Auserlesene Gedichte. [Miiller. Bibliothek deutscher Diohter des i7ten. Jahr- huuderts, v, U] 2879.10 Neus, II. Fhstnische Volkslieder. Urschrift und Uebcrsetzung. Keval, 1850,51, 2v.ini. 8'.**2875.10 — Mythische und m;igisclic Licder der Ehsten. 5'eeKreutzwald,F 4223.2 Neuss, or Nuys. Annales Novesieuses auctoro Wcrnero Titiano. [Martene. Vet. script., V. 4] 4150.1 Neutkalitv. Beniis, G. Precedents of American neutrality 4322.10 — Macqueeu, J. F. Laws of war and neutrality. 3014.20 Nevelet.LN. Fabvla; viiriorvm avetorvin. Fran cofvrti, 1000. sm.S* *B. 179.0 Content*. — J^.sopl fabula) Gricci>-I.atiiia! ccxcvii ; Aphthoiitl So))h. fabu1a> Gr. Lat. XL; Giibriai fab. Gr. hat. XLI1I ; Bubriiv fab. Gr.*Lnt. XI ; accedunt anonyml votoris fabulw, Latino carmine roddltni XL, ex exsolutls i;ititionibun ct codice Mf<. luct reddlln* ; a-[37j. Concord, 18.37. 8°. . *03I2.5 — Militia law. n. p., [isos]. pp.30. 8° . . . . *0312.8 — Perpetual laws, 1770-89. Portsmouth, 1789. 8°. *03i2.2 Revised statutes, passed Dec. 23, IS42. Concord, 1813. 8° ♦6312.6 — Report of the adjutant general for 1863. Con- cord, 1803. pp.52. 8° *6338.10 — Report, 9th, upon the common schools, 1855. Concord, Inj".. 8° *G3.38.I2 — Gazetteer of the stnte of. Farmer. .F 2382.10 — Introduction of printing into. See Portsmouth. 2115.07 See alao: Derrj'fleld, Dunbarton, Lebanon, Maocbet- t«r, Purtfitnoiiih, Wbitu niountaiua, Wiltuc. NEW HAMPSHIRE 4:38 NEW YORK Slielf. Ko. Ne\t Hampshire journni of medicine. Vol. 1-S, erlited by E. H. Tarlier; v. 4-S, by G. H. Hubbard. Concord, lSJO-58. St. 8°. . . . '765.1 Kew Hampsliire register, and United States calen- dar, for 1812-38. Exeter [and] Concord, 1812- 58. 47V. 18° ■'•■'95a-l — - Same. For 1803, 1807. See Curtis, S. . . . 4389a. 20 — - S.ime. For ISIO, 11. See Concord pocket alnuinac 4389a.22 New Haven, Conn. Kingsley, J. h. Discourse on tlie 200t,h anniversary of the settlement of , 2393.8 — Lambert, E. K. History of the colony of . . 4330.25 — First church. Thirteen historical discourses. Bacon, L 2336.15 — North church. Discourse on the completion of fifty years service in the ministry. Jlerwin, S. 3543.20 — Yale college. Catalogue of officers and stu- dents, 1820, 22-35, 39-4S, 52-62, 64, 05. New Haven, 1820-05. 2v. 8° 4387.39 - Cntalogus eorum qui alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt 1702-03. Novo-rorto,1703. Folded slieet ■'■il03.4 _ Catalogus eorum qui aliquovis gradu cxor- natil'uerunt, [etc.]. [Editusannis 1787,93,90, ISOo, 11, 14, 20, 20, 29, 32, 38, 50, 53, 50, 59, 62.] Novi-Portus, 17^7-1802. 2v. 8° 4387.38 _ - - Same. Novi-Portus, 1826. pp. 68. 8°.*Fph.v.387 — - - Same. Novo-Portu, 1853. 8° 4129.32 _ Discourses at the ordination of T. D. AVool- sey, and his inauguration as president. New Haven, 1840. 8° *129.5 CmtenU. — Sermon by L. Bncon ; Charge by N. Tor- tor; Kipht Hniid of FeUowsliip by T. Smith; Inau^ur- atinsaddressby J, Day; Inaugural discourse by T. D. Woolsoy. _ - Laws. NewHiiven, ISOS, 11, 17. 8° . . . 43S7.36 — - Obituary record ofgruduates deceased during the year ending July, 1862. [New Haven, 1882.] pp.79. 8= 4387.41 — - Fisher, G. P. History of the church in . . 4355.38 _ Uuggles, S. B. Semi-centennial address, 1864 4387.34 — - [Yale-coUcge subject to the general assem- bly). New Haven, 17S1. pp.44. 8° . . . . 4387.43 _ - Class of 18:il. [Invitation to the] junior ex- hibition, May 4, 1830. n. p., [1S30]. p. 1. J,,. 4387.43 — - Class of 18.32. Circular, explanatory of the recent proceeiiin<;8 of the sophomore class. New Haven, 1830. pp. 15. 8° 4387.43 — - Library. Catalogue of books. Now Haven, ]^,^3 jji 2139.45 _ - Linonian society. Catalo^aie of the gradu- ated members, 1733 to 1853. New Haven, 1853. 8" 4387.42 NEW Jersey. Acts of the 07th general assembly. New Brunswick, 1843. 8° •U370a.9 — Journal of the proceedings of the legislative council, at Trenton, Oct. 26, lb41. Belvidere, 1B42. 8- •.•.370a.7 _ Minutes of tlie votes and proceedings of the OOtli general assembly. Trenton, 1842. 8° . ♦63708.8 _ Laws. Trenton, 1821. 8° 'OSTOa.lO _ Statutes. Trenton, 1817. 8° •(.370a.ll — Uegisler [l»t-3(l) of commissioned olTiceis in the servhe of the UnitcU States. Trenton, 18<12,li:i. 3V. 8- '03708. 13 — Report of the niljutant general for 1801, 02. Trenton, 18112,03. 2v. 8° '03708. 12 _ Report, 3d, on the geological survey of tlio Hale, for IWiO. Trenlon, 1^D". 8° 6370a. 6 _ CJuiUe-bookof the Central railroad of .... 2370.17 — Mulfurd, I. S. Civil and polilicui lilstory of . 2372.17 St* aUo: New Bninawlck. NEW Jcmcy historical society. Collections. Vol.1. [New York], 1810. b' 2372.16 Ubelf. No. New Jersey historical society, continued. Contents. — Whitehead, W. A. East Jersey under the proprietary governments; with The model of the gov- ernment of East New-Jersey, by G. Scot. New Jerusalem church. Liturgic und Gesangbuch fiir die Neue Kirche bezeichnet als das Neue Jerusalem. Baltimore, 185S. 10° 5449a.4 Fernald, W. M. New age for the new church. 5545.1 — Farsous, T. Remarks ou " Swedeuborgianism reviewed, by E. Pond " 5543.4 — Pike, J. G. Swedenborgianism depicted in its true colors 5545.42 Porter, W. n. New Jerusalem on earth . . . 6003.35 — Tafel.J. F. J. Magaziu fiir die Neue Kirche . 5545.8 New Jerusalem magazine. Vol. 27-37. Boston, 1854-05. llv. 8° »5405.1 New London, Conn. Funeral observances in honor of A. Lincoln, April 19, 1865. Including ad- dresses of G. B. Willcox and T. P. Field. New London, 1805. pp.34. 8° •4342.4 New Mexico, E.Ktension of slavery into. Mann, H . / B.160.36 New monthly magazine, Colburn's. Vol. 1-133. London, 1821-55. 133v. 8° •5317.1 A'ole.— Vol. 1-48, edited by T. CampbcH; v. 49-02, by T. Hook; V. 63-73, by T. Hood; v. 74-133, by W. H. Aiusworth. NEW Orleans. Gleig, G. R. Campaign of the British army iit, in 1814, 15 4327.10 — Norman, B. M. New Orleans and environs . 2369.13 New Orleans medical and surgical journal. Vol. 11-13,15-17. New Orleans, 1853-00. 6v. 8°. •5738.1 New Orleans price-current. Vol. 1, no. 45— v. 29, uo. 31; Nov. 13, 1830 — Dec. 30, 1857. New Orleans, 1^30-57. 22v. f° •7640.1 New picture of Edinburgli for 1S19. Added, a de- scription of Leith. Edinburgh, n. d. 16° . 2477.26 New pleasing instructor; or, young lady's guide to virtue and happiness. By a lady. Boston, 17,i.j. I,,' 4689a.lO NEWpoeket-diclionary of the English and Russian and Russian and English languages. Stereo- type ed. Liipsic, n. d. sm.l6° •4119.18 New pocket-dictionary of the English and Swedish languages. Ster. ed. Leipsic, n. d. sm.l6°.*4119.24 New quarterly review. Vol. 1-9. [Loudon, 1863- 60.) 9v. 8° •5110.1 New South Wales. Biaim, T. H. History of . . 3U47.9 — Fhiuagun, K. History of 3047.17 New Sydeuhain society. Hoc London. New York, Cili/. Mimicipul (jovenimcnt. — Commissioners of the central park. Report, Isl, 3d, 51h-7th. New York, 1857-64. 5v. jj" •6482.2 — Commissionirs of health. Laws and ordi- nances relalive to tlie preservulion of the public health. Compiled by O. W. . Morton. New York, 1860. 8° ♦0482.1 — - Reports, resolutions, and proceedings, 1830- 6!1. New York, 1860. 8° ♦0482.3 — Coiumissioners of public charilies and correc- tion. Fil'ili annual report, 1804. New York, 1865. 8° • tlirce voices: the soldier, faiTner, and poet, and the copperhead*. 6. NEW YORK 440 NEW YORK Shelf. No. New York, 07y, continued. Voices from the miuy ! 'l he soldiers open their batteries on Iho copiierheads — The |ire&idenl corcIiHily suattiinoil — Ko eoniprumise with traitors! 6. Nitrlhcrn true iiK'n nud southern truitors I 7. Butter, B. F., Chnrtn-ter und i*esutts of tlic wiir — How to prosecute mid how to end it. 8. Liibouliiye, E- R. L., Separation : war without end. 9. The venom and the nntidote. 10. A few words in hehnlf of the loynl women of the United Sintes. by one of themselves, 11. No fuilure for the Korth. 12. Pellftrtn, E., An nddrcss to king cotton, 14. The prcscr^-ntion of the union, n iintionnl doniestio necessity, io. Elements of discord in Seccssiii, etc. 16. Lieber, F., Xo pnrty no«' hut all fur our country. 17. Anderson. C, The cause of the war: who brought it on, and for what purpose, 18. Livermore, G., Opinions of the early presidents, and of the fathers of the republic, upon slavery. 20. Military despotism ! Suspension of the habeas corpus! Curses coming home to roost! 21. Anderson, C, I.etteraddrcsscd to the Opera house meet- ing, Cincinuati. 22. Ovven, It. D., Eniuncipaiion is peace. 23. Cooper, P., Letter on slave emancipation. 24. Fransioli, J., Patriotism, a Christian virtue: sermon July 26, lbC3. 25. Owen, It. D., Conditions of recon- Btruelion ; Letter of S, P. Chase. 20. Hamilton, A. J., Letter to the president of the tnited States. 28. Cooper, P., The death of slavery. 20. Liober, F., Plantations for slave labor the death of the yeomanry. 80. Kehel conditions of peace and the mechanics of the South. 33. The two ways of treason; or, the open traitor of tho South face to face with his skulking abettor at the Norih. 34. Everett, E., ^Ulams, .1. Q., and Canning, G., The Monroe doctrine. 3.5. Liebcr, I-'., The arguments of aeccsmionists. 36. Stephens, A. H., and Gantt, E. W., Prophecy ami fulfilment. 37. Chase. S. P., How the South rejected comiiromiso in the peace conference of ISiJl. 38. Meagher, T. F., Letters on our national strug- gle. 3y. Drisler, H., and Xcwman, L. C, Bihlo view of slavery. 40. Butler, G. B., The conscription act. 41. Gasparin, A. E. de., Laboulayo, E. It. L., Martin, B. F. H., and Cochin, P. S. A., Heponse a la I.igue loyale et nntionale de New York. 42. Ueply to the Loyal national league of New York, with the address of the league to Messrs. A. K.dc Gasparin, l^.Ii.L. Laboulayo, and others, M'ilh their reply. 44. ProctJedingsof the Ist anniversary of [h« Loyal puhlicdtion society, Feb. 13,1804. 45. Steb- bins, H. O., Speech in the house of reprcaentativea, March 3, ISW. 4(1. llow the wiir was commenced : an appeal to the deniocmts. 47. Results of the serf eman- cipation in Russia. 48. Kiiggles, S. B., Resources of the United States. 49. Soldiers' and sailors' iiatriotic songs. 50. Hamilton, J. A., The constiluiion vindi- cated: Nntioiiality, secession, slavery. 54. Wells, U, A., Our burden and onr strength. 5G. Stephens, A. H., Tho assertions of a secessionist. 57. Arthur, T.S.. Growler's income tax. 58. McKayc, J., The niastcrshl|i und its fruits: tho cmAnci])ated slave face to face with hEs old master. 59. Lieber, !•*., Lincoln oder McCIellan ? 60. Thompson, J. P., Peace through victory, fil. Sherman t!». Hood — " A low turtincUnedto be very sweet" — Some- thing for Douglas democrats to remember— An appeal to history — Where governor Seymour got his "lessons' — On the Chicago surrender. 02. Swinton, W.. Tho war for tho union. 77. Liebcr, F., Address on secession. 78. Proceedings at tho 2d anniversary mceling. Feb. 11, ]8t;5,Avilh the annual reports. 82. Kelley. W. 1)., Tho practice ofjunllcoonr only security for the future: re- nuirks delivered In thehouMOof representatives, Jan. 16, 18r>5. 83. Llvber, F. AmeiidmentH of the constitution, submitted to tho consideration of ihu American people. 84. Broom, W. W., An Englishnian's thnughta on tho crimes of the South, and tlie recompen«« of tho North. &5. Thompson, J. P., Abraham Lincoln, hla Ilfv nud itt lessons: a sermon, April 3U, 18U5. — ProceedingH at the mass meeting of loynl citi- zrii.-*, on Union square, N. Y.,.Iuly 15, ItHVi, New York, INl'.'. b* 4320.10 — Union league club. Iteporl of tlie spfciiil com* mittee on emigration, May 1*', lt>04. New York. lHft4. pp. *^1. 1:J' 0470.25 Nkw York, Cit;/ turical ami antifpiarlaa colleelion; Collection of II, Caslmii- de Uham.Jv. — Regents of the university. Report, 2d-14th, on the condition of the state cabinet of natural history. Albany, 1^4'.M•.I. 13v. 8". ♦0471.2 — Reports, (,ieoh>gieal und mineralogiraUfor 18^17- 41. Albany. 18-10, 41. Tiv. 8°. I'lates, Iv. 4°. •0471.6 — Reports on the insects of the state. Hy Asa latch. Albany, 1850. 8' ^0471. 3 Miscellaneous documents. — Adjutant geiu'ral. Annual report [for 1801, 0;{J. Albany, 18rp2.-04. Hv. 8" *0470a.l4 — - Ki'cord of the oflieers and privates of the regiments which were orgaiii/ed and calU'd Into service to assist in suppressing the rebel- Hon. Vol. 1-3. Albany, 1804. 3v. 4° . . . *0170.1 XKH' YOUK 441 NEVVCOMB Shelf. Ko. New York, State, continued. — Catalogue of maps aiul surveys in tlie ofTices of the secretary of slate, [etc.]. Albany, 1851. 8' *2in9.21 — Census for IK15. Albany, lS:;ri. f *(J480.1 — Census fur IMj. Albany, lS4h.v.25 — Commissioners relative to encroachraents and preservation of New York harbor. Report. Albany, Ihotl. 8° *li470a.3 — Governor [.I. A. King]. Communication rela- tive to the abduction or enslavement of citi- zens of this state, Jan. 31, 1857. Albany, 1857. pp.8. 8° B.1G0.C5 — Names of persons for whom marriage licenses were issued previous to 17S4. Albany, 18GU. 8''.*G460a.9 — Prison association. Report lst-4th, (ith, 7th, l<.)th. Albany, 18-)5-0*. Sv. 8* *04S7.1 — Ke^'t^nts of the univert^ity. Reports, 18.%, "8, ■IU-5I. 5;{-5r, (!-', '■'•''. Albany, lKI(:-(i.!. 2lv. 8°. *(H01.1 — Report ol the joint library committee on the subject of international exchanges. Albany, 1847. 8° ; . . *I'ph.r.l63 — Report on criminal statistics, 185U, 51, 04. Al bitny, 18.Jl>-(14. 8* *0487.2 — Stall' LMigineer and surveyor. Keport on canals. Albany, 1851. 8° *(H87.6 — - R' port on railroads, 1850, 51, 54, &l. Al- bany, l.^jU-O.X 4v. 8° *6i87.5 — State library. Catalogue. General library: Isi supph'inent. AlbjiTiy, 180]. 8° *2133.1 — - RepurL of the trustees, 1847,50-02. Albany, 1847-(i-'. 14v. o' *C471.1 — Superintendent of tlie insurance department. 2d, 4th, lith report. Albany, l^Cl-Or). 4v. 8°. *(5470a.lO — Daly, C. F. Jurisdiction of the surrogates' courts 4371.10 — Darby, W. Tour from Auw York to Detroit, in 1818 2368.8 — Dawson, H, B. Sons of liberty iu 4371.8 — Gordon, T. F. Gazetteer of 2;J82.4 — Jenkins, J. S. History of political parties in. 2371. liO — Notice sur les chemins de fer de New- York, 185S-59. See France. Ministry of agiicul- turc, etc 7010.17 — Richter, M.A, Constitution of 1847 . . . . U. 100b. 45 — Saint John de Cri*veco2ur, J. H. Voyage dans. 4;iC5.15 — Seymour, II. Topography and history of . . 4371.35 — Street, A. B. Council of revision 2;t;i.28 — Tauuer, il. S. Travellers' hand book .... 438'.ia.l See also the namea of the fnUouing places: AlLntiy, BnDsron, Cwoperstown, X'airliolJ. IIudouQ river, Niagara Fane, ° *l*ph.v.350 — Poll at the election taken Sept., 17>0, Jan., 1835, July 20, 183G, July 25, 1837, July 20, 1847. Newcastle upon-Tyne, 178l'-i847. 8° . *l'ph.v.346, 351 — Proceedings respecting an enquiry into the rights by which any roads over the town- moor, etc., are enjoyed. Newcastle, 1771. 8" *Pph.v.347 — Rights of the publick to the library at St. Nich- olas' church, Newcastle, considered. By Bib- liophilos. Newcastle, Jb20. pp. 8. VZ" . . 2125. IS — Chai)man, \V. Reports on the proposed canal between Newcastle and the west sea . . . l'ph.v.301 — Considerations on the revenue of the proposed canal Pph.v.361 — Dodd, R. Keport on the inland navigation from the east to the west sea I*ph.v.361 — Greenhow, T. M. Kxpedieucy of establishing iu Newcastle an academical institution for tlic middle classes 3806.18 — Jessop, W. Report on the proposed navigation between Newcastle and Maryport . . . . Pph.v.361 — Oliver, T. Reference to a plan of the borough of Pph.v.351 •— Thompson, J. Most advantageous line of navi- gation from Newcastle towards Cumberland. Pph.v.361 — Infirmary. Abstracts of the statutes, rules, [etc ]. \\ ith a list of subscribers, n. p., n. d. 8° *l'ph.v.346 — Literary and philosophical society. Transac- tions, papers, and memoirs. Vol. 1. Part 1. Newcastle, 1831. 8" *Pph.v.351 — - Remarks on the history of the. Glover, R. M Pph.v.351 NEWCOMit, H. The monthly concert. Pittsburgh, 1S;IG. 12° 5539a.5 Newco.mu, S. a critical examination of our finan- cial policy during the suutlicrn rebellion. New York, 18G:j. l.:" 3653.24 KEWCOIIBB 4^2 XE\VTOX SlicU'. Xo. Newcombe, W, Observations on the life and clmr- actcr of Jesus Clirist. [Boston. Christian monitor, v. '.ij 5139.5 NEWDiiuATK, C. N. Letters to H. Laboudiere on the balance of trade. 2d ed. London, 1S49. 8» 3657.10 Newell, J. Sermon, preaclied at Stow, May 16, 17*3. Boston, 17S4. 8° *41C3.5 Newkll, K. H. Tlie martyr president. [Verses.] New York, lSi;5. pp. 43. 10° *43K.32 Kewell, W. The changes of life : a discourse de- livered the Sunday after the death of Mrs. H. F. Webster, Oct 16, 1853. Cambrid;,'e, 11-53. 8° 4347.116 — Tlie Christian scliolar: a discourse delivered the Sunday following tlie death of A. Nor- ton, Sept. 25, 1S53. Cambridge, 1S53. 8° . . 4347.74 — Corrupt gifts: a discourse, Jan. 22,1854. Cam- briiige, 1854. 8° 5460a.39 — Discourse delivered before the First parisli in Cambridge, May 27, lSi5. Cambridge, 1855. 8* 5460a. 39 — Discourse on the Cambridge church-gathering in 1636; delivered in the First church, Feb. 22, 1840. Boston, 1846. &' 5460a.39 — Our national legislature ; a discourse on the day of the annual fast. Cambridge, 1812. 8" 0088.108 NEWFOUNDLANn. Martin, K. M. History of . . 2368.23 — Pedley, C. History of 4312.23 Newgatk, Coi7n., History of. I'helps, li. H. . . 2336.24 Newiiall, F. H. Life-work of Tlieodore Parker. A discourse. Boston, 1S60. 8° 5442.4 — The theater: a discourse, March 15, 1863. Bos- ton, 1863. 8° 6400a. 27 Newlasi), H. Life and contemporaneous churcli liistory of Antonio de Dominis. Oxford, 1S5U. 8° 3556.4 Newlands, J. Carpenter and joiner's assistant. Glasgow, 1860. 4* 4020.19 Newjian, F. \V. Clinrncter of tlie southern states of America. Manchester, 1803. pp. 14. 8°. 4322.30 — [Foreign alfairs. A series of articles reprinted from the Sheffield Free press.] bhetiield, 1852. pp. 50. 16° 01180.18 — The good cause of president Lincoln. [Lou- don, 1^63.] pp. 24. 12° 4322.30 — History of the Hebrew monarchy from the ad mhiistration of Samuel to tlie Babylonish captivity. 2d ed. London, 1853. 12° ... 3120.13 — Homeric translation in theory and practice. Keply to M. Arnold. London, 1801. 8° . . 2998.10 — *' I'lace and duty of F.ngland in Kurope : " a lec- ture, April 28, 1852. Added, an address by M. Mazzini. London, 1852. 12° B. 100b. 87 Newman, J. 11. Apologia pro vila sua: a reply to a ]>amphlet entitled "AN'liat, then, does Dr. Newman mean t " London, 1864. 8° , . . . 6464.5 — Loss and j.'ain ; or, the story of a convert, Boston, 1851. 12° 4179.8 — Lives of St. Hichard, St. Willibnld, St. Wal- burga, St. Winabald. [Lives of the Knglish saints, p. 2] n.117.4 — Sketch of M. T. Cicero. [Thompson. History of Uunian literature] 2953.12 Newman, S. C. Kelioboth in the liast. Historical oration, July 4, 18r.0. Fawtueket, 1860. 8° . 2350.30 Newman, \V. W. flioral, religious, and sectarian education: a lecture at Market hall, Syra- cuse, Oct., 1M8. Syriicuse, 1848. b° . . . . 4129.21 Newnham, \V. Kssay on the disorders incident to literary men. London, ls:i6. »'.... •l'ph.v.3S5 Nkwi'okt, G. Catalogue of myrlapoda in tlie Brit- ish museum. .SVe London. Jtiitish nuisrum. 5909.14 NewPOKT, U. /. Service's at Ilie dediculiim of the school liouse erei'led by the trustees of the Long wharf. Newport, 1863. s° 0335.23 ro.i/fri«— Adilri'Mi'li of W. C. roixpim, W. 11. Cmli- M«n, A. U. Iiumont,Hnt] 11. Kouimaiili r». Sliclf. No. Newport, li, /., continued, — lledwood library and atlieuKum. Catalogue, [etc.]. Providence, 1843. pp. '.)5. 8° - . . . 2135.11 — - - Same. Boston, 1800. 8° *2i:i5. — - Historical sketch of King, D 2128.22 News from New-England ; a true account of the present bloody wars. London, 1676. Bos- ton, reprinted 1850. pp.20, ^nl.4° 235S.3 NEWsPAI'EliS. Hatin, L. E. Bibliographic gOne- rale des journaux 4619.1 — Streeter; G. L. Newspapers published ia Salem, 170S-1856 2170.26 Newte, T. Tour in England and Scotland, 1785. [Mavor. British tourists, v. 4] 2459.22 Neavth, S. Mathematical examples. London, 1859. 12° 3930.24 — Die wichtigsten Lehren der Statik, Dynamik und Hydrostatik, erliiutert durch die bekann- testen Maschincn. Deutsch von Carl Hart- mann. Weimar, 1S51. 16° 5948.15 Newton, A. Suggestions for forming collections of bird's eggs. [Washington. Smithsoniaa institution. Miscellaneous collections, v. 2J. 3350.2 Newton, C. P. Analysis of sounds, and exempli- fication of some of the best systems of stenog- raphy. "With an improved system. New York, 1838. pp. 16. 8° 2115.62 Newton, Charles T. History of discoveries at Ha- licarnassus, Cnidus, and Branchtda;. [Vol. 2, p. 1, 2.] London, 1862, 63. Text, 1.8°. »3071.16. I'lates. Vol.1 *3070.1« Newton, E. A., Discourse on the death of. Ean- dall, G. M 4347.73 Newton, .Sir I. Opuscula mathematica, philo- sophica et philologica. CoUegit J.Caslillio- neus. Lausanne, 1744. 3y. 4° ♦1275.7 Concents, — Vol. I. Annlysis per ft ad Oldeiiljureiiini ; Ex- cerptum ex duiibU cpisloHs «d J. WuIHiilum ; Exccrp- tum ex epIstulA LeibintU nd Chnmbcrlnynum; E]>iillola ad abbntem C'ontl ; Notiu iu cpislolniii Luibiulil ad abba- tciii Conti. 11. Dc muudi syBtemnte ; Lcctieues opllctc ; ScripCu hiBcrta trauBaclioIiibUBpliilusopliicis; Do iiutura acidorum; Sciila gnidiiiim caloris et nipoi-is. 111. Brovia cbronica i priniA rerum in Euro}ia gestarum niemoritlad rcrsidcin aU Aleximdpo mniriiuiupoteslntem rcdactnnij Clii-oiioloeia veterumreguoruin ; Ad Danielis prufctic vatlciiiia, iicc non b. JoaiiiiisniioiillypsinobBcr- vatioiios; Uc Judicoruiu ulaliur urn gentium cubtlis, etc. — Opticks. Also two treatises: Enumeratio linea- rumtertiiordiiiis,audTructatusdequadratura curvarum. London, 1701. sin.4° '*4275.6 — Pliilosophiit; natiiralis princiiiia niathomatica; perpetuis comiiientuiiis illustrata, couimiini studio T. I.e Seur et F. Jaequier. I'.d. all. Colloniic Allobroguni, 1700. .3v. 4° . . . . 6912.3 — Burnet,.!. ICxaiuination of his philosophy . . 6U91.1. — Des Maizeaux, P. llenmniues sur la letlre de Leibniz, it iM.ConIi, etc 4189a. 8 Newton,.!. Olneyliymna. BlUcd. London, ISOO, 21° 64IUa 28 — - Siinie. F.dinburgli, [186-]. lli° 644l)tt.7 Newton, liichard. Kcmarks on his university ed- ucalion. Sfc Amliurst, N 2400.35 Newton, Uobert, Life oi. *Ve Jackson, T. . . . S5S8.7 Nkwton, T. Works; with some account of his life. 2d ed. London, 1787. Ov. b° 6500.0 Coiilenlt. — Vol. 1. Life and niiecdoteB ; Specili on iho dIoNeiiler'i. bill ; HeiillmintHeuiiceiiihtK lideralUni ; Let- ter to tlie new |iarlliimeiil. 1-llL IlIiiBerliilluna: 1. MuBvH and IiIh tvrltlngHi On llie lilBtory >d' tbe creallun, and tlie fall of our llml pai-enl"; On tlie III. lory of Illenii- tcdlliivlaii werlil i I'be deluire, and (be BiibBe(iuentliliitoT7 of Muab. 11. C'linfiiBlou of lanBrnage, dibparaloo of lunn- NEWTON 443 NICEPHORUS Newton, T., continual. kind, nnd origin of nntion* ; On thr liialor>- of Ahrniinra ; Abratinin'H uiroi-in^uji isnao ; On tlie rcmninilcrof Al)ni- ham's tiintory, and tlip stato of ruliRion in iiis time ; On tlieliiatory of Hiopalriorcllaaflvr Abniiiani ; On llu'irlita- tor>- after Isaac ; David and Natiian ; ICoIlglous molHO- clioly : Sclf-lova ; God'aoraniprvsonco ; Goodness of God. S. ItcHsioii our gri-nli'st idoosiiro; llcllfdon our grralcst comfort; Government of our tbouglits; Government of tlic tongue; Mi-n ttio anltiora of tliidr owni misery and happiness ; A ctieerfnl and a wounded spirit j I'lnttery ; Jleproof; AfTur'a wi^Ii ; Puliilc worslilp ; Dreams; llio abuse of names and words; Modesty and sliame ; Against learned jiride; Tbo jibilosophy of scripture ; — Sermons; Forms of prayer; Pbarisaism and popery; Sermon preaebed before tbe bouse of commons during tbo rebeilion, 17-ifi; The Saviour's ciiuieo of his apos- tles; Cod and tbe king; The good Samaritan; Mode- ration; The gospel preached to the poor; The imperfect reception of tlie gospel ; — Cliilrges: Itcuding tile Scrip- tures; Increase of poperj-; Licentiousness of the times; Late attcmptaagalnst tbe church ;I)issnasive from schism. IV-VI. liissertntions: 4. Expediency of tlio Christian revelation; Exiiedicncy of writing the Scriptures; Jolm the Baptist; Our Saviour's incariiati-5S. pp. -24. 16°. . 5460a.40 NeVex.A. Biographic lu.xembourgeoise. Luxem- bourg, ISiJO, ill. 2v. 4' *4C41.12 Neyfield.C. DasWestland. .Sec Engelmann.G. 4370.5 Niagara Falls. Maude, J. Visit to, in 1800 . . . 2301.27 — Parsons, H. A. The book of 2379!34 NiBBT, A. Del foro romano, della via sacra, dell' anflteatro Klavio, c de' luoghi adjacenti. Koma, 1.SI9. 8" **273".9 — Itiin-raire de Rome etdes ses environs. Rome, 18:!4. 2v. 12° 4737.2 — Sag^'io di osservazioni critiche, gcografiche, antiqiiarie, sopra J'ausauio. Koma, 1817. PP- ■•5- 8° *»2!>93.5 2903.8 B. 162.7 Nibellt;, P. Un mysti-re de famillc. Paris, 1854. 10° 4009a. 12 NiBELUXGK.X. Nibelungen Noth, illustrirt mit llolzschnitten. Die Bearheitung des Textes von G. Pfizer. Stuttgart, 1843. 4° »2901.15 — Nibelungen Noth. [Krais. Altdeutsche IIol- dendichtungen in Prosa,v. 1] 2900.31 — Das Lied dcr Nibelungen. [Lassbcrg. Lieder Saal, V. 4J 2871.7 — Nibelungen Lict. [,'HiilIer. Samlung dcut- scher Gedichte aus dem xii.-xiv. Jahrhun- dcrt,v. 1] 2001.3 — Neuaufgcfiindencs Bnichstiiok desNibelungen- licdes, aus dem Xlll. Jahrhundert. Jlit lie- merkungen von E. J. Lcichtlon. Freiburg, 1820. pp.71. 10° •*2003.10 — Hagcn, F. II. V. d. Die Nicbchingen : ihre Bc- deutungfiir die Gegeuwart und fiir immer , 2003. B — Mone, F. J. Einleituug in das Nibelungen- Lied — Timm, H. Das TSibelungenlied nacll Darsfel- luiig und Sprachc ein Urbild deutscher Poe.sie. 2003. 7 NlCENETiis Samius. Epigraramata. [Brunck. An- alecta poet. Gr., v. 1] NiCANDKU. Theriaca ; Alexipharmaca. [Lect. Po- etfe Grseci, v. 1] 4200.7 Nicaragua: past, present, and future. Stout, P. F. 4307.11 NiCAKCHUS. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.162.7 NiCCOLiNi, G. B. Arnaldo da Brescia, tragedia. Marsiglia, 1843. 8m.8° 4199.5 — Elogio di L. B. Alberti. [Alb^ri. Tesoro della prosa italiana] 2771,20 NiCCOLLS, S. J. Discourse on the assassination of A. Lincoln, April 23, 1.S05. St. Louis, 1S05. 8°. »4.342.4 Nice. Dudley, D. History of thecouncil ofNice. .3514.14, 15 — Fervel, J. N. Histoire de Nice et des Alpes maritimes 2729.10 'SlCS.THOV.Vs, patriaTch of Constantinople. Opera omnia. Lutetije Parisioruni, ISIiO. imp.s°. [Migne. Patrologia Graeca, v. loo] .... •5472.8 Contents. — Prolegomena ; Epistola ad Leonem in pa- para ; Antirrbeticitresadvcrsus Constantinuni Coprony- mum; Apologcticus duplex pro sacris imagiuibus; Do- monstratio altera de sacris imaginibus; Canoncs; Bre- viariumhistoricum de rebus gestis post Maurieii impe- rium ; Chronographia brevis, ab Adamo ad Micbieiis et Theopliili tempera ; Epistola ad Theodosium monacbura et inclusum contioens quarumdam quajstionum aolutio- nem ; Epistola ad eumdem do ligandi solvendique potei- tatc. — Chronologia; Opusculaiv contra iconomachos, interp.Turri.ano; Frajmentum de sex syno- dis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 14] . . B. 110.2 — L'histoire de I'empereur Heraclius, etc. [Cousin. Histoire deCon.stantinopIe,v. 3] . 2901.2 — Opuscula IV, contra iconomachos. [Cauisius. Thesaurus, v. 2, p. 2] 4140.3 NiCEPHORUS I, emperor of Constantinople. De ve- litatione bellica Nicephori. [Jligne. Patro- logia Graeca, v. 117J 5472.17 NiCEPHORUS Blemmidas. VtuiypaqiiaavvoTiTiKri. See Dionysius Periegetes B.162.9 NiCEPHORUS Bryennius Ca-sar. L'histoire de Con- etantin Ducas, de RoiiiainDiogene,de Michel Ducas, et de Nicephore Botaniate. [Cousin. Histoire de Constantinople, V. 3] 2961.2 NiCEPHORUS Chartophylax. Epistola; tres. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. I'Jj B.110.2 NiCEPHORUS Chumnus. See Boissonade. Anec- dota Grjeca, V. 1, 2, 3, 5 B.161.3 Kotc— For contents in Greek, see F.ngelmaim : " Bib- liotbeca ciassicomm scriptorum." For the same in French, see vol. 1 of Boissonade's Critique littcrairc, etc. NiCEPHORUS Gregoras. EiricroXci. [Boissontide. Anecdota Gr.'cca, V. 3] B.I6I.3 NiCEPHORUS philosophus Cbristianus. Vita S. An- tonii Caulea;, patriarcha; Constantinopohtani. (Migne. Patrologia Grseca, v. 100] 6472.9 KICEPHORUS 444 NICOLAUS Shelf. No- NiCEPHORus presbyter Cp. Yita S. Andres Sali seu Stulti. [Migne. Fatrologui Grtcca, v. Ill] 54r2.14 NiCETAS, of Byzantium. Editonim Putrologia; dissertatio de relate et scriptis Xii-etae l^yzan- tiui, in qua etiam de Niceta Davide; Js'ioeta! refutatioopistolie regis AnneuiK; Confut.itio dognuitiimMahomedis. [Migue. Patrologia Grsca, V. 105] 5472.8 NlCETAS Aconiinatus Choniates. L'liistoire des em- pereursles Corameues, Jean, Manuel, Alexis, Andronique, Isaac I'Ange, d'AIexis Ducas Murtzuplile, de la prise de Constantinople, et de Tcnipereur Uaudouln. [Cousin. His- toire de Coastautiuople, V. 5] 2961.2 — Thesauri orthodoxae tidei, seu de philosophoruni ethnicorum et Judajoruin hseresibus libri quinque priores, 1*. Morello interprete ; Dl' or- diue qui tunc observatur, cum quia a sara- cenismo ad fidem veram transfugit. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 25] B.110.2 — De Manicbajiset Cubricis; De Srassalianis, bcu Kucliitis. [^laximabiblioth. vet.patr., V. IS]. B.110.2 NiCETAs David, the PaphlaQonian. Opera omnia. Lutetiie Parisiorum, liiG2. irap.ti''. [M,igue. Patrolugia Gr:eea, V. 105] *5472.8 CnnicjUJ. — Orationca latidatorix alincQue nonnullie fcstivCT!; Vita S. Ij^iiatii archtcpiscopi ConstantiiiniJoU- taiit ; Krjipmcnta exposltionis in Lucte evnngtlium ; Ex- rgesiECurminum arcanoruiu S. Gri^i;orii Ttieolugi. — Orationes xvii laudatoria; summorum pri- mique ordinis apostolorum, ali.Tqiie quredam festiva?, iuterprute Combetis. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. parr., V. 2?] B.110.2 — Parapbrasis carminiim arcanorum S. Gregorii >i'azian2eni. [Migue. Patrologia Grieea, v. 38) 5-171.5 KiCETAs Pectoratus. Ifibellus contra Latinos. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. IS] B.110.2 NiCETAS Serron. Comraentarius in oraliononi i et II S. Gregorii. [Migue. Patrologia Grieca, V.3C] 5471.5 NiCETius. De vigiliis servorum Dei; De bono psalmodiac. [Achery. Spicilegium, v. 3] . 4152.7 "NicuoL, J. p. Cyclop.'ediaof the physical sciences. 2d cd. London, ISliO. 8° *3D33.2 — Address on national education. 5ec Glasgow. Public school association G059.27 Nicholas, G. Letter justifying the conduct of the citizens of Kentucky, as to some measures of the government. Lexington, irOiK pp. 31.'. 8". 4374.20 Nicholas, S. ^>. Conservative essays, legal and political. IMiiladelphia, ISfiS. 8= 5563.1 — Martial law. Philadelphia, 1802. pp.31. 8". 3635.10 NiciioLivS, Sir G. The farmer. Londou, Isil IG'. 5U0ya.5 — History of the English poor law. London, IS54. 2v. 8' 3570.55 — History of the Irish j>oor law. Loudon, J85G. b» 3570.57 — History of the Scotch poor law. London, 1850. 8' 3570.56 NiCiiOL-S, Mr», C. L H. Uesponsibilities of wo- man. .S'cc Wonmu's rights 4280.17 Nichols, Idiabod. Catechism of natural theology. Portlauil, 1829. 12* 3480.25 — Sermon the Sunday after the funeral of. A'ee St.'hbius, II 4347.76 NICUOLM, .John, llhistrations of the literary his- tory of the eighteenth century. Vol. 1-6, Ad- ditiomi by J. B. NiuhoU. Vol. 7,8. Londou, 1817-5-t. 8V. 8" *2554.1 — Memoir of L. WcLstcd. .SVe Widstcd, 1 2567.5 NlCll(>L>t, .foliu (j., iHid Sinitli, (:. .1. Autographs uf royul, noble, learned, and remuikablc per- tfonugeHlii Lngli^h hititory, from Kichurd ll tu Charles II. London, IHvi). f* 2520.0 — andllruce, J. \VHI« from Doctors' Comnions, ll',<5-iiV.K». \V'cjA\\. am.4'. [Cam- drii society, No. S3] •2426.27 Sliclf. No. Nichols, John T. G. Sermon at Saco, Me., May 10, 1S52, on the Sabbath following the decease of S. Pierson. Boston, 1852. b" 4347.79 Nichols, M.S. G. Experience in water-cure. New York, 1854. 12" B.lGOb.36 Nichols, T. L. Esoteric anthropology. New Vork, 1853. 12' 4277.26 — Forty years of American life. Loudon, 1864. 2v. 8' 2368 4 Nichols, William, />.7)., b. iG'H. d. iri8. Answer to his Defence of the church of England. fireePeirce, J 6053.11 Nichols, William, livimj in 1802. Life of Samuel Wesley, jr. See Wesley, S.,jr 4559a. 17 Nicholson, John, cicil engineer^ Operative me- chanic, and British machinist. 1st Am. from 2d Loudon ed. Philadelphia, 182i). 2v. 8'. 4018.28 NlCH0LSt)X, John, comptroller-yeneral of Pcvnayl- vania. Impeachment and trial of. Sec Ho- gan.K 2372.19 Nicholson, William, publisher at Halifax, The garland of sacred poetry. Halifax, 1803. 32°. 5449.25 Nicholson, V>'illiam. Dictionary of the German language. A'cc Kiittuer, C. G 4113. 5 NiCLVS Milesius. Epigrammata. [Brnnck. Ana- lecta poet. Gr., v. 1] B. 162.7 Nick, F. Die Hof- und Volks Narren alter Viilkcr und Zeiteu. Stuttgart, 1861. '^\. 24* . . . 2280.20 NiCKEKSON, E. Attempt to show the dilference between faith and unbelief, n. p., u. d. pp. 36. 8° Ii.l60a.S5 Nico. 5ce Meiueke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5 |4] . . B.16-'.8 Nico, or Nicon, Armenian abbot. Acta S. Nii-onis ab abbate monasterii S. Niconis anno 1150 scripta. [Migue, Patrologia Grieca, v. 113]. 5472.15 — Fragmentum ex epistola ad Enclysiium de in- justi excommunicatioue, et aliud de pessinm pessimorum Armeniorum religioue. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 25] B.no 2 NicocHAKKs. Octo comccdiarum fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 3] ... . B.162.8 NicoDEMUS, of Herac.lea. Epigrammata. [Urunck. Analectapoet. Gr., V. 2] B.162.7 Note. — The ciglit ppiprnm^ of Kirndimus hnvo been ascribed by Bruiick to Nicomedcs Smyrna'us. NICODEMUS, the Pharisee. Evangelium Nicodcmi, Gr. etLat. [Thilo. Coilex apoc. N. T.] . . 6018.11 NICOLAI, C. F. Lebeii und Meiuungt-n des Magis- ter Sebaldus NuthaiiUfr. [liuuian.J Berlin, 1775,76. 3v. [B. 1, ti- .\nll.J 16" 4899.9 NicoLAi, N. M. Dl' bouilicamenti delle terrc pon tine. Koma, I80U. f *4710.1 Nicolas, crtno/io//,te(/c. /fecChapeauville. Gesta poutilicum Tungrensium, V. I, 2 2813.5 CoiiffliKs. — Vol. 1. Gcstn S. Ltmiborll poiiliflcin t>t ninriyilB. H. Tilumphus S.Laiiibortl niortyviadu Caitiro llulluniu. Nicolas, J. F, Dclaratson et del'antoritr, en ma- tiere de philosophie, [etc.]. Metz, 1n33. 12". 6090R.8 Nicolas, Sir N. H. Memoirs of the life and times of Sir C. Ilatton. London, 1817. 8° . . . . 2447.23 — Privy purse expenses of IClizabeth of Vork: wardrobe accounts of Edward i\ ; with a me- moir of Elizabeth of Vork. Lonilon, ISiiU. h". 7054.8 NicOLAUS. Fabuhiiucerta. [Melueke.Fragm.com. Gr., v. 5] B.162.8 NicoLAti'', archbishop nfConstnntinnple. Epistolaj. Lut>-ii:e Parisiorum, 1863. imp.b**. [.Migne. PatrologiaGrieca, v. Ill] *5472.14 rTortrriiff. — Prroriiffo; llomllln do rapta I'liCRHAloiitca (fi-uK»>vi>Ium); Ki>1ii(oIid Cl.\ni; LUh r ud pni'iioAltum Hiicri Muiitis, ul \y\>\s» \u urdlito vhiv. NicoLAirs, nf Clmrvmir, EpS^^toIic i v. [Maxima bililioih. vet. patr., v. 21] B.110.2 NlCOLAiH (u'lunt,/>j.s/i(i/) if Anijvr.'t. Statiitu syno- duliu. [.Vclury. Splcllcgiutu, v. I,J .... 4152.7 NICOLAUS Uo NISAMI Shelf. iNo. NiCOLAl's Mcthononsis. De corpovc et songuine Clii-isti. [.Maxima biblioth. vet. patr.,v.-^-t] . B. 110.2 NiCOL.vus Studita. Vita. [Migue. ratrologia Gr.Tca, V. 106] 5472.8 NiCOLAY, L. H. V. [(Jnhvinc, cine Uittergo-scliichte. lu sechs (lesiingi'U.J tit. VcWrsbuvg^, 177:1. pp. 70. •Jia.s" «*2S7i).H NICOLK, 1'. Tenstes, proceilces d'unc introduction par JI. Mersan. Taris, lt>15. 24" 4090a. 24 — Logica, sive ars cogitandi. .^f^e Arnauld, A. , fi08(>.S — Port-Uoyalloi,'ic. ^^c Arnnuld, A 51)09.18 NiCOLiNi, — . Lif'uof Gftvazzi. SceGavazzi, A. . (.074.24 NicoLso.v, \Y. The English historical library. London, lOlKWiO. 3v. 8' *4178.4 NicoMACiius. Fabularum duarum reliquije. [.Mi'inoke. Fragm.com. (Jr., v. 5] B.102.8 NiCOMiCDKS Smyrnanis. Kpigramraata. [Brunck. Aualecta poet. Gr., V. 2J B.1G2.7 A'trfu. — The flrat eight of these epigrams arc by Nico- domus of Ueniclea. NiCOPHt>x. Quatuor comcedlarura fra^menta. [Meineke. Fragni. com. Gr., v. 3] B. 102.8 NicosruATUS. Comcediarum octodecimperditarum fragmeuta. fJIeincke. Fragm.com. Gr., v. 4]. B. 102. S NiCUESA, i>. dc. Via^'gio, trad, dall' inglese di W. Irving, da B. Foli. [Marmocchi. Viaggi, V. :i, T. 5] 2276.1 NiDER, J. Dc visionibus ac revelationibus opus, rt-'censente U. von der Uardt. Hclmstudii, 10LJ2. sra.S" *6100.14 NiEBUHK, B. G. Beitrage. [FJatner. Beschrei- bun'„' der Stadt Kom] • . . 2737.1 NiEBUHi'., C. Travels iu Arabia and other oriental countries. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 15] . . . , 6207.1 NiEDERUOKKER, A. Mecklenburg's Voikssagen. Leipzig, 165S-GI. 4v. p.s° 4228.9 NiED:iEU, C. \y. Geschichte der christlichen Kir- clie. Leipzig, 1840. 8° 6045.1 NiEMA.ND, Die drc'i Monrhe von Kolniar, von. [Hagen. Gesammtabenteuer, v. .3] 2900.29 NlE-MBSCH von Streblenau, N. [Savonarola: eln Gedicht, von N. Lenau.] 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1.S44. 6m.8° 4257.8 NlEMi'^TZKi, F..s'. [Amusing story-feller, or collec- tion of pleasing anecdotes. In Kussian. 3Ios- cow], 1824. 2v.ini. sq.lG" 3035.17 NiEMEYKK, A. H. Lehrbuch fUr die oberen Keli- gionsolassL-n iu Gelehrtensclmlen. 17te Ausg. Halle, 1835. 8' **3451.26 NiEMEYEK, C. Leben Johann Knox's and der beiden JIarien. Leipzig, 1824. 10° . v. 11 of 6059a. 2 NiEMEVKK, H. A. Collectioconfessionuni in eccle- siis rel'ormntis publicatarum. Appendix, qua continentur Puritanorum libri symboUcL Lipsiffi, 1840. 2v. in 1. 8" 6005.16 — Conimeutatio historico-theologfica de Docetis. HaliE, 1823. pp.49. 4° B. 190.-39 NiERSES lV.K\nii^tM,patriarc?tof Armenio. Preces [quatuordecim linguis] redditie. Veuetiis, 1815. 24* 5448.46 Contents. — Armenice, Armenice Transilvanorum ver- nacula, Turcice Armeniacis cliaractenbuK, Grrece, Lat- ine, Italicc, Gallioc, Anglice, Gemiaiiice, UuDgaricO, 6erviane, Uispanicc, UoUandice, lllyrice. — - Same. Viginti quatuor linguis. [Editio Mechitaristica.] Venetiis, 1837. sm.lO' . . B.127.8 ContenU. — Armenice, Gricce, Latine, Itatice, Gallice, HU|>anice, Genoanice, Hullandice, Suetice, Anglico, llibtmiee, KiisMce, Polonicc, lUyriee, Hungarice, Itjer- ic«, £thiopicv, Turcice, Persice, Arabicc, 8iriace, Ue- bfttice, Cttaldaice, Siaice. KiEUHOFF, J. L'ambaseade de la compagnie ori- eutale des Provinces Unies vers I'tinpereur de la Chine, ou grand cam de Tartarie; trad, en fran^oia, par J. Le Carpenticr. Leyde, 1005. f^ 3040.6 Shelf. No. NiEUPOORT, G. TI. Ritvvm apvd Romanospxplica- tio. JCd. (tu. Acces.>i. J. M. Gesneii prulvsio. Berolini, 1743. 8° 0070.21 NiEUWKNTYT, B. Tliu religious pliilosopher: or, the right use of contemplating (In- works of the Creator. TransLited by J. chamberlaync. London, 1718, 19. 3v. 8° 3480.19 NiGilTiNGALK, F. Notes ou hospitals. 3d ed., en- larged. London, ISI)3. 4° 3791.19 — Observations on the sanitary state of the army in India. London, 1803. pp.92. 8° .... 3767.32 NiGON de B'Tty, L. i4i'-toire abrrgi^e de la liberie individuelle cbcz les prinL*i|>MUX peuples an- cii'iis et modernes. Paris, lis34. 8° .... 4290.14 Nile. Bi.'ke, C. T, Sources of the ii055.18 — Sp'^ke, J. n. Di.^covery ol the source of the . 3050.6 NiLES, H. K. Address on the occasion of presi- dent Lincoln's funeral obsequies in York, Pa. York, [1805]. 8" ♦4342.4 NiLES, J. M. Gazetteer of Connecticut and Khode Island. See Pease, J. C 2382.6 NiLES, S. The vanity of mau considered in a ser- mon delivered Feb. 22, l^-OO, commemorating the death of G. Washington. Boston, 1»00. 8°. [Imperfect] 4348.2 — History of the French and Indian wars in New Kngland. [Massachusetts historical society. Collections, 4th series, V. 5J 2351.1 NiLUS, St. Opera omnia. Lutetia; Parisi(n-um, 1800. imp.S". [Migne. Patrologia Gra;ca, V.79J *5462.3 Conteiits. — Notitia inNilum; Kpistolarum libri qua- tuor ex editioiic LeoiiU Allatii cum Pos^sini recunsiune coHata; S. Nil! uarrationes de cicde moiii.chorum in monte Sina, ex ed. Possiiii; Onitio in Albiaiiuni, ex eJH9di;in ed. ; Oyiiscula S. Nili a .T. M. Buiiresio prinium oditti: Liber de monastica exereitationo; Peristerin seu tiiiclntus dc virtuiibus excolendis et viiiis fugiendis; Trai'talus do pau])erlate voluntaria; De nionnchoium pra'stantia ; 1 lactutus ad eulogiuni monathiim ; De viiiis qiiic opjiosita sunt virtufibus; Do octo Bpiritibua malitiiE ; De oratioue ; De innligtiis co(;itatioiiibusi In- Btitutio ad motiachus: Seiitentiir ; Capita parictieCica {ex Auctario Kroutonis Ducici) ; Sernio in illnil evan- ecUi; "Nunc qui haliet sncculuin, tollat, Biniiliter et perain," etc.; — Spuria ; Tractulus mumlis; De tenta- tione monachi Pachon; Epicteti mmiuali'; — J. Marire Suaresii dissertatio de opei'ibus S. Nili; Ejusdera liber chronologicuB de vita S. Nili; — SupplemL'ntum: Deocto vitiosis co^itationibus ex ed. J. B. Cotelerii; Sermouum et bomiliiirum tVag:iiienta ex Photio, — See Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 7, 27 . . . B. 110.2- CotUent s. — Voi. VII. Parwneses; Capita de orationo; Liber asceticus; AdversuB viiiaorationes vtri ; EpistoIa>. XXVII. Peristeria, seu de viriulibus exeutendis, et vitiia fti^iendis; Tractatus niuralis, in quo Bpiritunlis sunt odinuuitinnes; ICpicteti manuate; Sermo do^mnricus; De nionacliorum pra-Btanria; Tractatus mortilis; Trac- tatus ad euloglum mouuchum ; Tiactatus de vitiis ad Eulo[fium mouacbum; Senteutia; ; Sermo; Epistolio DCLVIT. — Paraeneses. Gr, et Lat. [Grynreus. Mon. patr.] B. 141.3 — Tractatus de Christiana philosophia, [Marteue. Vet. script., V. 9] 4150.1 — Vita, auctoreS.Bartholomjeo. [Martene. Vet. script., v. 0] 4150.1 NiLUS. Versus alphabetici. [Boissonadc. Anecdota Grjeca, V. 4j B.I61.3 — - Same. [.Mij^ne. PatroIogiaGneL-a, v. 1I7J. 5172.17 NjMEGUEN. Negociations a la paix de Nime^ne. [Estrades. Lcttres, memoires et negocia- tions] 4029a. 8 Nineveh. Botta, P. E. Discoveries at [Khorsa- bad] 42-14.4 — Jones, F. Topograpliy of D.4.Q.2 — Layard, A. H. Bronzes from the ruinsof Nim- roud D.4.R.3 — - Monuments of . - . • D.4.I{,2 Nino, P. A. Viaggio. [Marmocchi. Viaggi, v. 3]. 2275.1 NisA.Mi Kendschewi. Carmen Persicum in laudcm altissiuu Dei.. See liosegarteu, H. G. L. . • 3025.27 NISARD 446 KORADIN Shelf. No. NiSAED, J. M. X. D. Histoirede lalitteraturefran- ^aise. 'Jeed. Taris, 183 -lil. 4v. 8' . . . 2670.23 NiSARl), M. fe. C. Cuiiosites de retymologie tran- ijiise avec rcxpUcatioa de quelques proverbes et dictons popuhiires. Paris, 18ii3. 12°. . . 4GSS.11 — Le8 filadiateurs de lii republiquedeslettres aux xve, xvie ct xviie siecles. Paris, 18G0. 2v. 8° 2256.10 Contenta. — Vol. IF. Filelfoou riiilelplie; Popg-io ; L. Vallu; J. C ScaligLT. I!, G. Scioppius; F. Gurtissc. — Histoire des livres populaires ou de la litt^- rature du colportage depuis le xve eiecle. Paris, ISoi. 2v. 8" 2il»o. II, and 4145.1 KiSSEN, M. Norsk Bog-Kortcgneisc, 1814-47. Kris- tiaiiia. 181H- 8" *4127.5 NiTHARO. Historic. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., V. 2] 4210.2 NITSCH, C. L. De revel.itione religioiiis externa eadi'mque publica comnientatio prima. Vite- bergie, 1805. pp. 2:i. 4' B. 170. 120 NiTSCii, P. K. A. Zustaiid der Griech(.'n, nach dea verscliicdenen Z'.'Ualternund Volkerscliaftoii. Fortgesetzt von Kopke und Hopfner. Er- furt, ISOO-it. 4v. [ler, 2or Th., 2te Aufl.] 10". 4252.17 NiTZSCH, (J. f. System der cliristlicheu Lehre. 4te Aufl. Bonn, IS:J1). S" 6023.12 NjAL Tliorgcirsson. Story of burnt Njid;or, life in Iceland at the end of the 10th century. From the Icelandic of the Njals t>a^'a, by G. W. Dasent. With introduction, maps, and plans. Edinburgh, 1801. 2v. 16° 2875.12 No fiction, Hero of. Harnett, V 454'Ja.30 No.\CK, L. Die christliehe Dogmengeschichte. Er- langen, 185^1. 1.8" 6023.16 — Christliehe JMystik im Jlittclalter und in der neuern Zeit. KiJnigsbiTg, l8o3. 2v. in 1. 8". 6008.25 — Der Genuis des Christenthums Oder Christus in der Wcltgeschichte. Bremen, 1852. 3v. in 1. 10" 6056.9 — J.G. Fichte nach seinem Leben, Leliren und Wirken. Liepzig, 1862. 8" , , . " 5(507.10 — Mythologie und Oflenbarung. Darmstndt, 1845, 40. 2v. 8" 6071.24 — Schellins: nnd die Philosophie der Komantik. Berlin. 185U. 2v-. 8' 5604.2 — Speculative Keligionswis&cnschaft. Darmstndt, 1817. 8' G095.12 KOAH, M. M. Travels in England, France, Spain, and the Barbary states, 1813-15. New York, 1819. 8" 2273.28 NOAILLKS, A. il., due de. Memoires politiqucs et militaires, pour servir h I'histoire de Louis xiV et de Louis xv, composi-s sur les pieces originiih's recueillies par Noailles. Par M. Pabbii Millot. -'c ed. Paris, 1777. 6v. 12°. 4705.9 NOBBK, C. F. A. Litteratura gfographiae Ptole- maceue. [Diss. acad.] Lipsiae, 1838. pp.33. 8" ■ B.17Da.l08 — Prinros schedae Ptolemaeeao, archaeologicae, criticac et grammnticue. Diss. acad. Li|)- Piae, 1841. pji. 2h. 8' B. 170a, 110 — Schedae PtoleniaeeaeiL [Diss, acad.] Ltpsiac, 1842. pp.27. 8' B. 170a. 107 NOBII.T, L. Antlnori, V. Elogio storico dl . , . . 2715.15 — Casfili, ri()re invec- tiva Jtdvcrsus Julianum imp. [Migne. Patro- logia Gra^ua, V. .36] 5471.5 — Dionysiaca. [Lect. Poetoe Grffici, v. 1] . . . 4200.7 -- Notitia ex Fabrii'io; Ex prxfatione coniilis a Marcello Gallice adoruata ; Paiaphrasis in evangelium secundum Joanneru, ex 1>. Uein- sii Aristarcho sacro ; Daniolis Ileiusii ad Nonni paraphrasinexereitatiouea; Dionysia- corum argumenta cum fragmeiitis nonuullis ; (XdleL'tioel iuterpretatio historiarum iiuarum meminit S. (iregorius Nuziauzcnus. [.Migne. PatrologiatJra'ca, v. 43] 5471.8 — Puraphrasis in evangelinm sccundnm Joban- noui, ex interiu'elalione Hordati, etc. [Max- ima biljliolh. vet. jiatr., v. 9] B.1I0.2 NON-ltKsiDENi'E, Thoughts on Pph.v.3.'i0 Nn.N'SENSE, New book of 4Hniu.6 NooDi", (i. Anuca responslo de jure occidcndi li- beros npud veteres Komanos. See Bynkcr- Hho('k,C. van 4303.3 NoORiiEN, C. v. Syndiolae ad comparandam myth- ologiam vedicain cum mylhologia German- ica. Adonuni in vvtusii)! urbium SyriiD nummls priL'sertim Mediceis oxposittc ; Uissi-i-tatio ad fuslos consulares ; Epistola ad P. Antoiiiuiu Pagiuni, do niimrno Kenidis Antipii;; Disa. du Pa.^cti vli [iatiiioi'iim cyclo ; DisMTtatio dccyclo Paschali Itavennate; Epi:>tola consularis; Dc nuniismate UioclettnnielMiixiiiiiaiii; Do niimismnte Liciiiitini Licinii; Pni'ertfon clirono logic ura d« votis dcccnnultbus. IlL C'enotaphia Pisana Caii et Lucii Ca.*»arum, diasertulioniltus illustriita, cum Pareigo d<; annia rogni Uergdis.do priesidibua Syrtu;, ac Romauis in Asia proriuciid; Hiatoria controvcTsiic de uno c triu- itttte pnsso; Aj>ologia moiiachorum Scytbiie ; Aoon- ymi Bcrupuli circa vctercs SeraipelagiKnorum sccta- tor«9 evulsi ac erudieati; Hespoiisio ad appeiidicern suctorisScrupulurum; Jauseniani eiToriaealuinniu sub- lata; In imtas Johanniis Gamcrii ad inscriptionesi'iiisto- larum synodaliuni XCet xcii inter Augusliuianas cen" Bura; Homuin quinqtitiginla F. Maccdo in itiiicrario 8. Augustlui poaL l!a|itismuni Mudiolauo Itoniam ; Pnrtcnc- sia ad V, c. Juliannem llarduinum. I\'. Hi'nriei Norisii cardiualia vita; Hialoria Duuatialarum ; Appendix nd eumdvm liistoriam, scu lectioiies Norisinna: babitte ia acadt^inta Piaana; Hixtorin; Goiliescalcante synopsis; Dc aanctitate Siricii papoj dies.; Corrigenda et addenda ad bistoriam Polagiiinam ; l^]>iatola; vuriu ; Appendix ad Norisii editiuncm, aeu gbst.-rvulionum in sacra Xorisii opera Ubri tri-s; Defengio Norisiante dissertatiunia de ■ynodo V adversus P. Garneriuni. V. laturia dello liivcstituro dcllu dignitd ccclcsiiLatiche ; Lettere aopra vari punti dt crudizione scrittc a diversi. — De dvobvs nvmmis Diocletiani et Licinii, [et] de votis dei-ennaiibvs iniperatorvm ac Ciena- rvra. Tatavii, 1070. f *B.141.4 — Historia lVhi;^iana et dissertatio de syuodo v oecumcnica, additis vindiciia Augustiuiauis. Amstt-'Iodaini, 1077. f *B.141.5 — - Same. Ed. nova, locnpletata quinque dis- sertationibus. Lovauii, 1702. f** *B.141.4 — Dissertationea iv cenotapliia I'lsana Ciyi et LuciiCiEsnruraillustDintes. [Gra;vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. fi, p. 3] 4710.1 NoRK, F., prtciousbj S. Korn. Ste Korn, S. NOH.MA, Opera. liellini, V 8042.7 Normal scliools. Uaruard, H., Normal schools de- signed for the education of teachers .... 5502.13 Shell". No. NoRM.\L schools, continued. — Their tlieory, workings and results. See Amer- ican normal scluiol a^^.^ociutiun 3592.19 NOR.iiAX, B. yi. New Orleans and environs. New Orleans, 1845. W 2300.13 XoRMANKV, A. The commercijil hand-book of chemical analysis. London, 1850. 12"" . . . 3978.5 Normandy. Davons, A. Voyage de I'empercur Napoli-on lit en Normnndie, I85S 4000.17 — Frerc, fc. ALinuel du bibliographe normanil . 2103.7 — Goube, J. J. C. ilisioire du duche de Norman- die 4004.13 NORRIS, E. Selection from the historical inscrip- tions of Babylonia, etc. See London. Brit- ish nui?enm D.4.Q.4 NORRIS, J. Collection of miscellanies, [etc.]. 5th ed. Loudon, 1710. 12" *4177.G — Essay towards the theory of the ideal or intel- ligible world. Part 1, 2. London, 1701-4. 2v. 8" 0098.15 — Treatise concerning Christian prudence. Lon- don, 1710. 12" 0000.22 NORRis, T. The American angler's book. Lhila- delphia, 1S04. b" 4007.5 — - Same. New ed. Fhiladolphia, 1805. 8" , UOOj.l North, ftf. L. Saratoj^a waters. 2d od. New Y'ork, 1843. pp.72. 18° 3809.46 North American continent, Anent the. London, 18IH. pp. 15. 8° 4322.55 North American medico-chirurgical review. Ed- ited bv .S. D. Gross, T. D. Kicbardson, and S.W. Gross. Vol. 1, 2, 4, 5. Philadelphia, [1857]-^il. 4v. b" *5720.1 North American phalanx. Expose of [its] con- dition and progress. New York, 1853. pp. 28. 8' B. 170. 40 North American review. Vol. 1-99. Boston, 1815-04. 99v. 8° *3113.2 North and South. >_By the white republican of " Fraser's magazine." London, 1803. p. 8° . 4323.44 North, The, and the South. Kepi inted from the New I'urk tribune. New York, 1854. pp. 40. 8" B.10n.l02 — Same. New York, 1854. pp. 48. 8° ..... . 4320.17 North, The, and tlio South: the crisis before us. [From„the New York. herald, Sept, 24, lfc50. No title-page.] pp.15. 8° B.lCOa.13 North, The, and the South misrepresented and misjudged. Philadelphia, IbGl. pp. 4-3. 8" 4320.18 North and the South, Lecture on the, Jan. 16, 1849. Fisher, E 4310a. 86 North British review. Vol. 1-30, 38-41. Edin- burgh, 1844-05. 40v. b° *5299.1 North Carolina. I'roeeedings and di'bates of the convention called to amend the constitution of the state, 1835. Ualeigh, 1830. 8° . . . . *0374.2 — Public laws of the state, passed by the general assembly at its second extra session, ItOl. Kaleigh, 1801. 8" *0374.27 See also: Newbem. North country words, Glossary of. Brockett, J. T 2580.22 North Pole, Possibility of appro.ichiug the. Bar- rington, D 2307.8 Nortii-wkst passage. Brown. J 2203.5 Northampton, Mass. Historical sketch of. Wil- liams, S 4129.04 — Public library. Catalogue, including the agri- cultural library. Northaniplon, 1802. 8°. . 2135.14 — Round bill sciiool. Outline ot the system of ed- ucation. With a list of instructers and pupils. Boston, 1831. pp.24. 8= 4397.20 Northangkr abbey : ii t;tle. Austen, J 4570. 2S NoRTimiHioL'GU, iMnss., Sketch of the town of. Hudson, C 2350.29 Northcotk, J. S. The Roman catacombs. 2d ed. Loudon, 1659. 10" 2737.13 NORTH END 448 NOVA Shelf. No. KoRTHKxn, C. Obstacles to the Rrenter success of common scliools. Address before the .\nier- ic.in instiniteofinstn>ction,at rorthmd, Aug. 30. lS4t. Boston, ISt4. In" . . 3399.7 NORTHl-.xn. W. D. .Argument Cora milroad from Uanvers to Maiden. 5'< e Choate, K 5080.2 NORTHKRX traveller; containing the routes to Ni- agara, Quebec, and the Springs. New York, lS-3. 18° 2.379.31 KoRTii.MES. Davis, A. Discovery of New-England by the 4iri3.]3 — Ferguson, R. The Northmen in Cumberland . 24'.l3.-,>4 — Keyser, R. Religion of the 0072.19 — Morse, A. Further traces of the ancient North- men in America 4359.3 NORTHMORK, T. Washington, or liberty restored: a poem. Baltimore, l.?(i9. 12° 4569a. 8 NoRTHnup.C.B. [Political rem.irks.] Charleston, ISfll. pp. 31. S° 4320.19 — [Southern odes, by the outcast.] Charleston, 1851. pp. 40. 8° 4.320.20 NoKTHUMBEKi.AND. Glossary of terms used in the codl trade of v. 2of45R0.20 — Horsly, J. Index of places in Pph.v.347 — Letter to the enfranchised tenantry of . . . rph.v..'!50 See also: Alawick, Hexham, NcwcaHtlc-upon-Tyne, Tyne. NonTHUMBERT-AND, earl of. See Percy, A. NORTOX, A. [Additions mnde in the second edition of the second and third volumes of F.vidcnces of the genuineness of the gospels J Cam- bridge, 18(8. pp. 18. S° 34.38.10 — Discourse on the latest form of infidelity. With notes. Cambridge. 1S39. s° Pph.v.377 — Remarks on a pamphlet entitled " ' The latest form of infidelitv' examined.'* Cambridge, 18.39. pp. 72. 8° 6435.4 — [Review of Prof. Fri.sbie's inaugural address.] Cambridge, 1823. pp. 35. 8°. [From the North American review, .Ian., 1818] . . . ,*41G3.H — Thoughts on true and false religion. 2d cd. Cambridge, 1823. pp.03. 8° . . • *41fi3.7 — Verses. [Cambridge], 1853. pp.35. 8° . . . ■1400.1 — Hildreth. H. Letter to A. Norton on miracles. 5435.2 — Newell, W. Discourse on the death of . . . . 4347.74 NtHiTox, Caroline E. .S. Kn^dish laws for women in the nineteenth century. London, l.*^54. 8°. 42.^0.10 — Thelady of LaGaraye. Cambridge, 18fi2. sm.4°. 2504.13 NoRTO.v. Charles E. [Considerations on some recent social theories.] Boston, ls.'.3. 10° .... 3568.29 Norton, .T. [Review of the lite correspondence of Rev. Dr. Worcester with Rev. W. E. Chan, nins.] Boston, 1817. pp. Rs. 8°. .341)1.25, and 54G0a. 55 — Things as they are ; or trim'tarianism developed. Part 2. In reply to I). Thomas [and] N. Em- mons. Boston, 1K15. 8° 5403. 2 Norton, R. Maple leaves from Canada, for the grave of A. Lincoln : adiscourse by R. Norton, and arldressbyR. K. Burns, with proceedings of public meetings. ,st. Catharines, ISOo. 8°. •4342.4 NonviNS, .J. Ilistoirc do Napoleon. I'aris, 1827. 5v. 8° 4027.4 NORWAT. Fnyc, A. Norges Historic 2829.7 — (lebhardl, 1^. A. Geschiclite von Norwegen . 4130.4 — Slilnter, K. C. H. Kircheugeschiclite von Nor- wi'K'n 0054.3 — Nissen, M. Norsk Bog-Forlegnelsc, 1814-47 . 4127.6 — Snorre .sturlus. 3. MnrlJ-roloffium. Ill, p. 2. Eckerlinrilus de \'ita Notkcri. IV. Actus sive procCBSUi canonizutionis. NOTT, E. Miscellaneous works. Schenectady, 1810. 8° 6443.3 Cotltenls. — Piscourse in Albany, fourth of July. 1801; Discourse in Albany, before the I.ndii'B society for the relief of distressed women and children, March 18, 1804; Discourse in Albany, occasioned by the death of Gen. A. Hatnillon, July 29, 1804; SemiMU before the peneral assembly of rlio presliyteriun chnrcli. May 19, 180C; Addresses to the candidates for the baccalau- reate, in I'nion cotloFc. at the connnencenicnt, May 1, 18115. July 30. 18tl(i, July L".», IhW ; The star in the East : ft sermon, by the Rev. c. IJuchanan. NoTT, S. Freedom of the mind demanded of American freemen. Boston, IKJO. 8° . . . 3593.34 — The present crisis : with a reply and appeal to European advisers. Boston, 1800. pp. 43. 8°, 4.320a.8 — Sermons, from tlie fowls of the air and the lilies of the Held. Boston, 1834. 12° 5444.14 — Si.xtcen years' preaching and procedure, at Wareham, Ms. Boston, 1815. 8° 5470a. 14 Nouettk-Dei.oujie, 15. Les fttats-Unis et I'Eu- rope. I'aris, l,sii3. pp.30. 8° 4321.11 — Un Europecn au pivsident Abrahant Lincoln. Paris, 1803. pp.10. 8° 4321.14 NouoARiiiiE de Fayet, A. Recherches historiques snr lo proces et la coiulauniation du ilucd'En- ■;hicn. I'aris, l.sil. 2v. 8° 2053.11 NouRRlssoN, — . Le cardinal de IJeruUe, sa vie,8e9 ticrits, son temps. Paris, 1850. 12° .... 4019.3 NouvEAU dictionnaire frau^ais i)olonniH. Breslau, 1824. 2v. in 1. 12° 2886.7 NouviCAU dictionnaire frainjois, compose sur le Dic- tionnair(> tie IWcadeniie fraii^oise, enrichi de grand noiuhre dc mots. Paris, 1793. 2v. 4°. 4080.12 NouVEAU niantiel d., aiigm. llruxi'lli's, l.s.ir. l.s° 3769.24 NouVEI.I.K biograpliie niiiverselle [on] generale, publiee par M.M. Firmin Didot fri'res, sons la direction de ,L C. F. noefcr. T. l-3il, :)S- 41,43. I'aris, l.«5,'-01. 4lv. 8° •2242.8 NouviDV, V. de. Ilisioire du iTgue do Limis Phi- lippe, l.s;io-18. Paris, 1857-01. 4v. 8° . . . 4002.10 Nova, S. La sporchla de lo bbelle. Napoll, 1787. 18°. [Collezlone dl tutti I poemi in lingua napoleliiiia, V. 10] 4790a. 1 NOVA SCOTIA 449 OCCAM Shelf. Nu. KoVA Scotia. Journal and proceedings of tlic liouse of assembly, Session lt58, iiy. Halifa,\, N. S., IS59. L'v. 1° 7031.1 — Revised statutes. 2d series. Prepared by J. M'ilkins, W. A. Henry, J. E. Stnitb. Hali- fax, 1S59. 8' 7032.4 — Statutes passed in the first session of tlie gen- eral assembly, ISOO. Halifax, u. d. »''... 7032.5 — Dawson, J. Map of 430'Ja.20 — Dawson, J. \V. Geography and natural his- tory of 4369a.25 — - Supplementary chapter to " Acadian geol- ogy". 3SG9.25 — Hamilton, r. S. Nova Scotia as a iield for emi- gration 4.302.18 — JInrtin, K. M. History of 23()t<.23 — Outram, J. Condition and resources of . . . 4302.30 — I'erley, M. H. Catalogue of the lislii-s of . . 6805.25 — - Descriptive catalogue of the tishes of . . . 5895.24 — Storer, H. R. Observations on the tislies of . 5895.10 NovALis, pseud. See Hardenberg, F. L. v, KovATUS, the monk. Houiilia de obedieutia et cal- canda superbia. [Ma.Kimabiblioth. vet. patr., V. 5] 15.110.2 Novella di Cacasenno figlio del semplice Bertol- diuo. Todi, n. d. pp.48. 24° li. 170b. 113 NOVELL.E constitutiones imperatorum Theodosii n, Valentiniani hi, Maximi [Marciani], Jla- ioriani, Scveri, Anthemii. xvm constitu- tiones [Sismondianaej instruxit G. Haeuel. Bonnac, 1844. 8° *4300.6 NOVELLO, V. Accompaniment for the piano, to the mass in C. A'ec Beethoven, L. v 8042.52 — Accompaniment for the piano, to the tweltth mass. 5eeMozart, J. C. S. W. A 8042.50 — Accompaniment to mass, in D, for piano forte. ircc Haydn, J 8042.51 Novius, Q. Vita; Fragmenta. [Gottfried. Cor- pus vet. poet.] B.191.9 Now.iCK, C. G. Schlesisches Schriftsteller-Lexi- kon der im 2ten Viertel des 19. Jahrhun- derts lebenden Schriftsteller. Breshiu, 1830- 43. Ov. iu2. sm.S" 2151.10 NOWKLL, A. Catechismus, sive discipliua pietatis Christianse. [Randolph. Enchiridion theo- logicum, V. 1] 3451.14 NowY slowuik kieszonkowy Polsko-Niemiecko- Frimcuzki. Nouveau dictionuaire portatif polouois, allemaud et franjois. Nouv. ed. ■\Vroclawiu, 1827. 8° 3034.30 NoYES, G. F. The bivouac and the battle-field. New York, 1863. 8° 4.327.19 Nubia, I monumenti della. Rosellini, 1 3050.25 NUKNAK, H. v. See Neuenar, H. v. Nugent, T. Nouveau dictionuaire de poche, fran- 9ais-anglias et anglais-fran5ais. Nouv. 6d. corrigee par J. Ouiseau. 27e ed., revue par Tibbens et Nimmo. Paris, 1835. 18° ... 4689a. 36 Nullity of metaphysics as a science among the sciences. Loudon, 1863. 16° 6609a. 7 NUMEKICAL contractions found in gome manu- scripts of Boetius. Halliwell, J. O E.166.14 NUMIDlA, Ruined cities of. Davis, N 3057.13 Numismatics. Traite elemeutaire de numismatique ancienne, grecque et romaine. Jacob, G. . 2223.8 Nunez, Y. [Account of the United Proviuces of Rio de la Plata. Translated from the Span- ish.] London, 1825. 8° 2315.16 NUNNEltlES dangerous and degrading. Dwiglit, T. 3404.32 NOk-eu-uin Abd-er-raliman Ben Ahmed El-Jami. Fabula; ex Ubro morali Bebaristan dicto. See Vienna. Ciesarea regia linguarnm orien- talium academia 4241.1 NUREMDERG. NUrnberger Polizeiordnungen aus dem XIII bis XV Jahrhundert, herausgegeben vonJ.Baader. Stuttgart, 1801. 8°, [Stutt- gart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, v. 63] . *4225.1 — Panzer, G.W. AeltesteBuchdruckergeschiclite NUrnbergs 2200.22 57 Sholf. No. NuKEMDEKG, Continued. — Tucher, E. Baumeisterbuch der Stadt NUru- berg, 1464-75 4235.1 NUREMUEKG chronicle. Schedel, H 4140.5 NuasE's manual, and young mother's guide, Ivis- sani, R. S 3779.13 NunsEUY rhymes. Deutsche Kinder-Reime und Kihder-Spiele aus Sehwaben. Meier, E. . . 2875.4 Nutshell, The. The system of American slavery " tested by Scripture." New York, 1862. pp. 71. 12° 5579a. 9 Nutt, D. Catalogue of theological books in foreign languages. Loudon, 1857. 8° *2139.11 — - Same. Appendix. London, 1S57. 8°. . .*2139.12 NUTT, T. Practical directions for the management of honey bees. 3d ed. 'VVislwch, 1835. 18°. 5898.11 NUTTALL, P. A. Pronouncing dictionary of the English language. Loudon, 1863. sq.l2° . . 4585.12 Nye, G.,ir. [Gage of the two civilizations: Sliall Christendom waver 't A review of our rela- tions with China.] Macao, 1800. sm.4° . . 3015.5 — [The memorable year, 1857.] Macao, 1858. sm.4°. 3015.4 — [Republications of essays upon art, and notices of the collection at the Lyceum gallery, 503 Broadway.] New York, 1849. pp.40. 8° . 4289.22 — Tea : and the tea trade. New York, 1850. pp. -?• 8° 6087.14 — Value of Mr. Nye's collection of the works of the old masters. Macao, 185S. pp.44. 4°. 4062.17 Ni'EUUP, R. Udsigt over Nordens aeldste Foesi ogdeusLitteratur. Kjdbenhavn, 1796. 16°.**2870.34 Ny'STEN, p. H. Dictionuaire de medecine, [etc.]. 9e ed., par Bricheteau, Henry, et J. Briand. Revue par A.L.J. Jourdau. Paris, 1845. 8°. *3733.8 NYSTR03I, J. W. Pocket-book of mechanics and engineering. 8th ed., revised. Pliiladelphia, 1804. 16° 3929.33 Oakes, C. H. Who's who in 1854, 55. London, 1854,55. 2v. 18° 4539a.32 OATHS. Kolderup-Rosenvinge, J. L. A. De usu juramentijuxta leges Daniffi antiquas . . . 4292.1 — Stiludlin, C. F. Gescbichte der Vorstelluugen und Leliren vom Eide 4.305.11 O'Beikne, E. F. Maynooth in 1834. Newed. Dub- lin, 1835. pp. 84. 12° 5464.35 Obeeland, canton of Berne, Switzerland, Pictur- esque tour through the 2861.10 Oberlin, J. F. Slemoirs. From tlie 3d London ed. With an introduction by [H. Ware, jr.]. Cambridge, 1832. 12° 4040.17 — Ziige aus dem Leben des. Schubert, G. H. v. 2847.34 ObekthUr, F. Opera omnia S. patrura Grajcoruui. Gr. etLat. Wirceburgi, 1777-91. 21v. 8". *6029.1 C(mte)tiB. — \o\. I-III. Justinus. IV-VI. Clemeus AlexaDdrinus. Vll-Xil. Origenes Adamantius. Oberto, cancelliei-e genovese. Annales, 1104-73. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v, 18] 4210.2 O'Brien, L. [Letters concerning the trade and man- ufactures of Irelaud.] Dublin, 1785. 8°.v. 3 of *2478.3 O'Brien, T. M. General orders of the war depart- ment. See United States C. 162. 25 O'Brien, W. Cross-purposes. [Collection of far- ces, V. 0] 2576.35 O'Briens, Historical memoir of the. O'Donoghue, J 8455.25 Observations on the plan and progress of the catalogue of the library of the British mu- seum. [By J. Bohn.] London, 1855. pp. ^8. 8° »2128.10 Observations on universal salvation. New Ha- ven, 1790. pp. 24. 12° 5450a. 61 Observatory. De astronomica specula domestica et organico apparatu astronomico. Marinoui, J. J. V 5920.11 Obstetrics, Report on. Storer, D. H 5796.36 OCCAM, or Ockham, WUIiam of. [Opera quaidam, J.B.Ascensio ed.] Lugduni, 1491, 95. 4°, , *B.140.16 OCCAM 450 OELRICHS Shelf. No. Occam, or Ockham, William of, continued. ContenU. — DialogDS inter ma^strum et discipulum de hrereticis; Compendium errorum Johannis XXII ; Opus sc dierura de utili dominio rerum ecclesiasticarum et abdicatione bonorum teraporalium ; Littere recita- torie gestorura Mioblelis Cesenic. Occult sciences. Des sciences occultes. Salverte, A. J. E. B 6090.4 Ocean. Das Leben des Meeres. Hartwig, G. . . 390r.6 Ocellus, L. De rer\'in natvra. Graece. [Recen- suit] A. F. G. Rvdolph. Lipsiae, 1801. 10° . »4205.28 — [TlEoi rov TraiTiis] en grec et en frau^ois avec des dissertations par le marquis d'Argens. BerUn, 1702. sm.8° 4200.13 OCHOA, E. de. Tesoro de los romanceros y cancio- neros espafioles. Paris, 1S3S. 8" 4246.8 O'CoxNELL, D., Funeral oration on. See Ventura, G 4454.1 O'Daniels, D. C. Discourse in "Westminster, Mass., on resigning the pastoral charge. Boston, 1855. 8° O0S8.129 — Letter to the Mohawk association of univer- sttlists. [Ilion, N. T., 1850.] pp. 19. 8° . B.lOOa.S? Odakt, a. F. Ampelographie universelle ; ou traite des cijpages. 3e ed. Paris, ISS4. 8° . . . 4005.28 Odd-fellows' manual. Grosh, A. B , . 55G9.15 Oddi, B. G. Gisippo, commedia. Pervgia, 1613. sm.l2° «4809a.4G Oddi, or Oddo, S. Comedie : ciofe il duello d'amori et d'amicitia; li morti viul, et la prigione d'amore. Veiiegia, loOr. sm.l2° *4809a.51 — L'erofilomachia, ouero il dvello d'amore et d'amicitia. Aggioutoui in questa nuoua ed. vn discorso di B. Pino, da Cagli, intorno al compouimento della comedia. Venetia, 1594. sm.ia" •4S09a.42 — I morti vivi, comedia. Nuouamente ristam- pata. Venetia, 1578. 18° *4809a.38 — - Same. Venetia, 1582. sm.l2° *4809a.39 — Prigione d'amore, comedia nvova. Di nuouo cor- retta, et ristampata. Venetia, 1020. sm.!2°.*4809a.34 Ode, J. Diss, theol. de anno Hebrjeorum jubila'o ad Levlt.xxv, 10. [Oelrichs. Collectio opus- culorum, V. 2] OOGG.l Odelebkn, E. G., baron von. Beitriige zur Kennt- niss von Italien, vorziiglich in Ilinsiclit auf die mineralogischen Verhiiltuisse dieses Lan- des. Freiberg, 1819, 20. 2v. in 1. 8° . . . . 5808.27 Odenwald, .Sageii der. Baader, J. F 4224.14 Oderico,G.L. Lettereligustiche. Bassano, 1792. 8°. 4724.8 Odescalchi, L. L'antica 5Ieinfi, ossia scorsa in Alessandria al Kilo, cc. Pisa, 1840. 2v.ini. 10" 3059.29 Odilo, St., abbot of Cluny. De Adalhaide oonjuge Ottonis I imperatoris. [Canisius. Thesau- rus, v. 3, p. 1] 4140.3 — Sermones. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pntr., v. 17]. 3.110.2 OdiokNK, T. The progress of rclinement, a poem. [With] a poem ou fame, and miscellanies. Boston, 1792. 1S° 440!)a.6 Odo, St., abbot of Cluny. Dc rcvcrsione B. 5tar- tini il Burgundia; TrjiclatuB, quod B. Marli- nu8 par tiiciiur apostolis; Serriioiu-s l\ ; Col- lationuin libri III; De B. Murtino antiplion% xii; Versus et hynini; Prtccepla duo I.udo- vlci IV ; Moralium in Job librl XXXV. [Max- ima biblioth. vel. pair., v. 17] B.110.2 Odo, of .ti^ti. E.\poHitio in Psahnos. [.Maxima biblioth vet. pair., v. 20] B.110.2 Odo Toniaccnils, liishop of Caiiibray. .Sucri ca- noiiis mifls.T t'.xpusitlo; De peccato originali libri tres; De advcntu CliristI illalogus; De bluspliemla in Spirituni .Sanctaiit liber nuns; lloliiilia- de vlllico iiii(|uitatiH. [ Maxiniu bib- lioth. vet. pair., v. 21] 1$.U0.2 O'UOSOiiML'K, .). Historical memoir of the O'Url- en». Dublin, WOO. 8° 246S.M Oeciisle, F. F. (ieHcliiflile des Baueriikrle^'es in den Hchwiibisrh-iyiinklschen (iriiuzliilideii, Hiilbroun, 1»H. K' 1213.18 Shelf. No- Oegg, J. De sede et origine morborum psychico- nim commentatio historica, medico-psycho- logica. Herbipoli, 1823. 8° *I"ph.v.373 Oegger, G. The true Messiah; or, the [Bible] examined according to the principles of the langu.apre of nature. Boston, 1842. pp.27. 8°. 0088. 178 Oehlenschlagek, a. G. Digte. Kiiibenhavn, 1803. sm.8° **2876.8 — Digtuinger. Kiobenhavn, 1811-13. 2v. 10°. ••2876.19 Contents. — Vol. I. Romanzor og Songc; Aly og Gul- hyndy, et Evcnt5T. II. Fortaininger: Reichmuth von Adocht; Malerict; Ljlilicriddcnie ; Munkebri)di'cne ; Eremiten. — Nordiske Digte. Kiobenhavn, 1807. sm.8° . •♦2876.10 Conle)U6. — Thors Reiso til Jothunheim; Baldar bin Code : Halcoa Jarl hin Rige. — Samlede Digte. Kiobenh.avn, 1823. 3v. p.8°. 4227.8 — .Eriighed varer tengst. Idyl. Kiiibenhavn, 1813. pp.82. sm.lO° *»2876.18 — Axel og Valborg. Et Siirgespil. Kiobenhavn, 1810. 10° ••2876.20 — Correggio. Tr.igedie. Kiiibenhavn, 1811. 16°.**2876.20 — Erik og Abel. Tr.agiidie. Kiobenhavn, 1820. 8°. 4227.6 — Faruk. Syngespil. Kiobenhavn, 1812. sm.ltf°.»*2870.16 — Fiskeren. Dramatisk Eveutyr. Kiiibenhavn, 1810. sm.8° ' **2876.15 — Fostbriidrene. Tragiidie. Kiiibenhavn, 1817. sm.8° ••2876.12, and 4227.7 — Frederiksberg. Et Digt. Kiiibenhavn, 1817. pp. 95. 24° **2876.21 — Freias Alter. Lystspil. Kiobenhavn, 1816. sm.8° ••2876.9 — Die Gotter Nordens. Episches Gedicht. Aus dem Diinischen, und mit cinem mythologi- schen Wiirterbuche, von G. C. Legis. Leip- zig, 1829. 10° *»2876.7 — Haobarth og Signe. Tragodie. Kjiibenhavn, 1815. 6m.S° ••2876.12 — Helge. Et Digt. Kjiibenhavn, 1814. 10° .. ••2876.14 — Hroars Saga. Kiiibenliavn, 1817. sm.8° . . **2S76.H — Hugo von Kheiuberg. Tragiidie. Kiiibenhavn, 1813. 16° **2876.20 — Kanarifuglen. Lystspil. Kiiibenhavn, 1813. sm.lO° ••2870.17 — Lurtlams Hule. Syngespil, Kitibcuhavn, 1814. 1.10° . ••2876.16 — En Ueise fortalt i Brevo til mit Hiem. Kiii- bctdiavn, 1817, 18. 2v. sm.8° ••2876.13 — Roveiborgen. Syngespil. Kiiibenhavn, 1814. sm.l6° ••2870.16 — Stierkodder. Tragiidie. Kiiibenhavn, 1812. 10° ••2876.20 OehlsciilXcer,.!. C. Supplement to English and German dictionary. AVc Gricb, C. F. . . . 2890.19 Oekol.\mpai>ius, J. Lchen und ausgewiihlte Schrilten. See Ilagenbach, V. K. ..... 604S.8 Leben. [Wagner. Lebeusbeschreibungen bc- riihmter Iteforraatoren, v. 10] 6059a. 2 Oelrichs, Johaun. Collectio opvscvlorvm liis- torico-pliilologico-theologicorvm in Germa- nia et Belgio editorvm. Bremae, 1708-70. 2v. 4° »6060.1 Contents.— Val.J. Vcrbruppro, O., DlHB.plillol. tbeoIOR. do voce 0*^*^3 ^''^"' '^'^v, Zi; Hacknmnii. U.,l>lBa. phllul. do Cenloitcho Moahilai-um idolo; Itiibke, C. A., Dits. plillol. dt' vituia deoolbitaoli Inveiiluni ocrlsiimln agro, ad illuBtr. Di-iit. XXI, 1-D; Roland, II., Dlip. |i1dUil. do flio I'Ubro nllHrlB Ilierotiolyniltaul ; lluildi^nit, J. F., Ulna, de Jure iCulolanilil in gi'ntu Ebm'a ; Itiiviuii, S., DlBi. plillol. tbool. doeo, qnod lldol inerentnr Jndaioi'uminon- Ulnenta HacrU in untlqnilatlbUB el bkobu earuni niyntlco j ValckcnKl', I.. C, UIbb. pbllol. deiltlbnB In Jurandoa ve- terlbuB, lIobra'lB inaxlnio ot OrwcU obBi-vvalis, par" 1, 2[ Wltliof, I*. T., Melolrma do loproBorlU voteniin llo- brniorum; Wolde, I., van, DIbb. antltinarladoteBtaniontl- facllonc lIobru'lB voterlbUB liinola, Jnwf. S. Ravlo ; Vrlo- ni»et, E. L., SylluhnB Bci-i|>torum Itabbhiioornni, iinlbu* prioolpnirtero uulgonllua OELRICHS 451 OLDEN Shelf. No. Oelrichs, Johann, continued, r«ddi ; Kvmp, D. van dcr, Ditip. tiUt. crit. pro Comcllo cciiturlonu i*t Sergio rmillo proconiulo in Juliinium itn- perntorcm.ntl Act. x.l ct XHI, 7; Wilkons, H., Spocimon antiqtiitntum CoHiithincarum sclcctnrum nil ilhisira- tioiiom nlrlu^qm- rpUtoIft' PuulIiiKr; llasc, T.. Diss, do decrolo Tiborii impcrntovla, quo Chrititum rofcrro voluit In niimeruni di'urum ; Irhovcn, G. (il), Disp. pliil. hist, tliuul. lid Tit. I, 12 ot Mntth. Xll, 30, qua quid silii velit onunclntuni, quo Crvloiisoa dicuntur J')i'U apyov tutolliBondum eit; Vorrius, J., ICxiimon Juris ciinoiiici rt pruxisfori eccK'afnaticipro- tCBtuntium In cnusft raptus ct ntnnibus; Trip, L., Diss, hist, ilo Jrsuitis. II. Zcibich, C. H., DiatribA do ondl- cum V. T. orlentollunt iitqu« occidenlnllum dEa§ciision- ibtis : Wolflffndt. D. S., Diss. crit. df origini; ntque indole r"ir Krri ot Ccthibh ; Tsopn-s, F., Diss, philol.thcol. do aulhentin scU'ctiorum C'vtiiibim; Vorbrugpe, O., Diss, phllol. thi^ol. dv plira&i inter duas vespcras, Exod. Xll, 6, aliisque lacla ; Mvivr, J., Diss, philol. de sufHtu nd Exod. XXX, S4. 38; Szathmar, S. O., Diss, pbilol. theol. do usu snlia in sncris Israt-litnruni cjusquc mystt-Tio, Lev. 11,13; Vriemocl.E. L., Thcacs sclcctir, prn? tiliis maxima controvcrsn; ex nutiquitatibua Israiiliticis; Jnnki, P., Diss, thcol. philol. do vasculo mnnnic cjusquemysterio, Exod. XVI, 32, 8cq. ; Ode, J., Diss, theol. do anno He- bneorum jubila:o ad Lovit. XXV, 10; Alphen, H. van, Diss, philol. do sacerdoto castrensi vetorum Ucbrworum, Deut. XX, 1, seq.; Kala, I. G., Diss, pbilol. do lediura Hebneorum tectis, Dcut. xxii, 8; Clemens, H. G., Diss, dc mai'iSalomonis oineo ojusque niystico ud 1 Keg. Vll, 23, seq, et 2 Chron. iv, 2, acq. ; Klenckc, J., Diss, philol. aotiq. de oblatione thuris fcrtie iungi aolita. 0ELRICH3, Johann G. A. Commentatio de doc- trina Pbitonis de Deo. Marburgi, 17S8. 8". 6039.10 Oelsner, C. E. Des eflets de la religion de Mo- hammed. Paris, ISIO. b" 6076.12 Oesteklkn, F. HandbuL'h der Heilmittellehre. 2te Aufl. Tubingi'U, 1S47. S" *5785.G Oesterley, G. H. Geschichte der Universitat GiJttiugeii. 5eeI*Utter, J. S 2843.10 Oettincer, fe. SI. Bibliographie biograpliique. [Interleaved.] Leipzic, 1&50. 4" *4H1.2 — Icouograplna Slnriana oder Versuch einer Lit- eratur der wnnderthatigcn Marienbilder. Leipzig, 1852. 8° 5.556.5 Offa's Dyke, Remarks on. Ormerod, G 2520.37 CFlaiierty, K. Chorofjfrapliical descriplion of West or H-lar Counaught. Edited by J. Hardiraan. Dublin, 1846. sm.4° 2476.14 Ogden, D. L. Discourses on baptism. New Haven, 1834. 24° 5455.5 Ogerio Alfieri. Fragmenta de gestis Astensium. [Sardinia. Hisl. monum., v.9] 4800.1 OGiERde Danemarclie,poemedu xiie sifecle. Raim- bert departs 2C71.17 Ogilvie, J. Providence, an allegorical poem. Boston, 1766. sm.8' 4569a. 26 Ogle Co., ///., Sketches of 2373.31 Ogletiiori'E, .J. Life, by T. Spalding. [Georgia historical society. Collections, v.l] .... 2375.25 O'Hara, K. -See Collection of farces, V. 2, 3 . . . 2575.35 Conlftite.- den pippin. -Vol. II. Midas, a burletta. HI. The gol- Ohio. Acts of a general nature passed at the 1st session of the 35th, 37th, 3sth, 50th, general assembly. Columbus, 1837-52. 4v. 8° . . . *6395.6 — Acts of a local nature. Passed at the 1st ses- sion of the .3oth,37th, 38th, general assembly. Columbus, 1837-10. 3v. a" *6395.6 — Adjutant general. Report, 1862. Columbus, laGJ. pp.85. 8' ♦6395.12 — Army register of Ohio volunteers. By C. A. Poland. Columbus, 1862. pp. 85. S" . . . *6395.1 — Auditor. Report to the :j8th general assembly, Dec. 3, 18.39. Columbus, 1839. pp. 41. &* . *6395.6 — Commissioner of statistics, 1857-61. [First"]- fifth annual report. Columbus, 1S60-62. 5v. 8' *6385.1 — Debates and proccedinga of the convention for the revision of the constitution, 1850-51. Columbus, Ibol. 2v, 8' *6396.I Shelf. Ko ■ Ohio, continued. — Journal of the house of representatives. 2d .•session, 54th assembly. [\Vilh] appendix, Columbus, 1861. 8° *6405.3 — Journal of the senate. 2d session, 54th assem- bly. Columbus, 1861. 8° *6405.2 — Laws nnd resolutions passed by the 54th gen- eral assembly, at its 2d session. Columbus, 1861. S" *6405.4 — L.iws, treaties, resolutions, and ordinances, of the general and state governments, which relate to lands in Ohio. Columbus, 1825. S" *6395.4 — Message and reports to the general assembly and governor for 1860, p. 1, 2, 1801, p. 2. Columbus, 1862. 3v. 8" *G405.1 — Public documents concerning the Ohio canals. Compiled by John Kilbourn. Columbus, 1828- 32. 2v. 8° *6.395.5 — School laws. 2d ed. Columbus, 1858. 8° . . *6395.3 — Statutes. Columbus, 1841. 8" *6395.7 — State board of agriculture. Report, 2d, 5th, 7t.h-10th, I2th-Hth. [With proceedings of the county agricultural societies, for 1847,50, 52-59. Columbus, 1848-00.] lOv. 8° . . . . *6.3S5.3 — State boardsof equalization. Proceeding:s, 1820- 53, .59, 60. Columbus, 185MJ0, 2v. 8° . . , *6395.2 — - Special report of the auditor, containing ab- stracts of the value of real property as equal- ized, 1853. Columbus, 1854. 8° . . . v. 1 of *6.395.2 — State library. Thirteenth annual report of the commissioners, 1S5S. Columbus, 1859. 8° , *G.395.25 — Treasurer. Report to the 38th general assem- bly, Dec. 3, 1839. [No title-page.] pp.9. 8°. *6395.6 — Fugitive essays relating to the early history of. Whittlesey, C 2408.24 Ohio gazetteer. Kilbourn, J 2.3.s4.12 Omogazetteer, and traveler's guide. Jenkins, W. 2.382.9 Ohio river, History of the region of the. Patterson, A. W 4327.4 Ohio soldiers in the army of the Cumberland. Ad- dress to the people of Ohio. Response of the people of northwest Ohio. Toledo, 1863. pp.20. 8" 4320.21 Ohrling, J. Lexicon Lapponicum. 5ceLindahl, E 4113.1 Ohsson, C. d', or Mouradja d'Ohsson. Hiitoire des Mongols, depuis Tchinguiz-Khan jusqu'i Tamerlan. La Haye, 1834, 35. 4v. h° . . . 4;>42.4 OiKONOMOS, C. Il£(it r/is yvn^iag npo(l>opai ti]5 E\XrjeiKr]S j'AoxKjrjs. Ei' IleTpaviToXEif AiwA, [1S30]. 8* . . . ., 2986.11 Oil. Des frictions d'huile comme mi^thode curative. Baur, H 3791.14 Oils. Gesner, A. Treatise on distilled oils . . , 3865.21 — Oppler, T. Fabrikation mineralischer Oele . 5975,26 See also: Paraffine. Ojeda, A, di. Viaggi dall' inglese di W. Irving da B. Poli. [Marmocchi. Viaggi, v. 3, T. 5J. 2275.1 OJiBUEnugumouinuu. [Hymns in Ojibwa.] Bos- ton, 1844. 18° 6449a. 14 Oke, G. C. Friendly societies' accounts. London, 1864. pp.47. 12* 3570.18 — Handy book of thegameand fisherylaws. Lon- don, 1862. sm.8" 3667.28 Oken, L. System of nature. See Stallo, J. B. . . 6108.13 Okes,R. Epigframmata nvmismate annvo dignata, et in cvria Cantabrigiensi recitata, 18i9, 20. [Cambridge, 1820. No title-page.] 8". - . *Pph.v.349 Olafsen, J. Om Nordens gamle Digtekonst. Kid- benhavn, 1786. 4° **2S71.3 Olberg, E. von. Geschichtliche Uebersicht der slavischen Sprache uud slavischen Literatur. Leipzig, 1837. 8" *4123.3 Old-Castle, Sir J, Life and times of the good lord Cobham. See Gaspey, T 2547.23 Olden Barncveldt, J. van, Historie van de rechts- plegiug ontreut, -S^ee Brandt, G 4231.1 OLDEN DOUP 452 OPEL Shelf. Ko. Oldesdokp, C. G. a. Gescliiclite der Mission der evangelischen Briidcr auf den caraibi- schen Inscln S. Thomas, S. Croix and S . Jan. Herausgegeben durch J.J. Bossart. Barby, irrr. 2v. s' 6059.ii Oldekshausen, Genealogische Stammtafelu der Herrcn von. [Leucltfeld. Antlquitates Blanckenburgenses] 4228.8 Oldfield, A., Memoirs of. See Betterton, T. . . 2553.21 Oldfield, T. H. B. [History of tlie borougbs of Great Britain.] 2d ed. London, irW. 2v. 8°. 2512.22 Oldys, W. History of the English stage, and Me- moirs of A. Oldfield. See Betterton, T. .. 2553.21 Oleakius, a. PersiscUe und arabische Spriiche und Sinngedichte. [Muller. Bibliothek deut- echer Dichter des 17ten Jalirhunderts, v. 9] . 2879.10 OLEVIANUS, or Von der Olewig, C. Leben und ausgcwiihlte Scbriften. SceSudhoff, C. . . 6045.12 CLIN, S. Works. New York, 1852. 2v. 8° . . . 3507.9 C6oi Cfpriniioaiuvn C'S rtiv ytiWiKiif yXioijoav, MerniJpiKiOtKTa c« roa AyyXiKnu vnn N. koi K. K'PiToiroaXoir. En X/Jlipi'fj, 1850. 8° 4088.1 OLLrviEK, R. L'eaprit de rencyclopCdio. See Di- derot, D A.I80.4 Olmo, J. del. Itelaclon historica del avto general dc fe, f|Vo »e celebro en .Madrid, 1080. n. p., 1(180. 8m.l° •0074.22 OLMSTED, F. L. Journeys and explorations in the cotton kingdom. London, 1801. 2v. p.8° . 2370.30 Olsiiauskn, II. AntiinissiniorunieccIesiueGraccac patrum dc ininiortahtate anim:ie Kcnientiac rcccnsentur. [Diss, aiad.) Iti glomoutl Uo- russonim, 1827. pp. 23. 4° 4103.27 Proof of the genuineness of the New Testa- ment. Translated, wllh notes, by D. Fos- dick, )r. Andover, IKW. 12' 3421). 13 Shelf. Ko. Olshauses, J. Die Psalmen erklUrt. Leipzig, ISii.'S. 8°. [Weidmann. ExegetischesHand- buch zum A. T., v. 10] *6017.9 Oltr.vm.vre, — . Le salut, discours prOcIie le 10 ct le 30 mars, 1853. See Conferences sur los priucipes de la foi reformee B.117.6 Olymfiodorus, of 'Thebes. In Platonis Alcibia- dem commentarii. See Proclus Diadochus . 3008.9 Oi.YM PIODORUS, rfeacon a( Alcvandria. Commen- tarius in ,Job, in Proverbia, in Ecclcsiasten, in Jeremiam, in Larnentationes Jeremije, in librum Baruch, in epistolam Jereniije, in Lu- cam. [Mlgne. Fatrologia Gr.Tca, v. 93] . . 5472.1 — In Ecclesiasten .Salonionis enarratio, Z. Ac- ciaiolo interprete. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. IS] B.no.2 Omagua, Expedition of Pedro de Ursua and Lope de Aguirre in search of. Simon, P 2204.25 Ojiar Ben Faredh, sheik-h, Extraits du Diwan de, en arabe et en frauQais. See Grangeret de Lagrange, J. B. A 4240.26 O.MonEi, A. F. de'. .(Etna; topographia, atqne ejus incendiorum historia. [Gr."evius. Thes. an- tiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 9] 4"10.1 Onderhonk, B. T. Obsequies and obituary notices of the late Eight Rev.B. T. Onderdonk, D.D. New York, 1862. 8° 3510.6 Proceedings of the court convened for the trial of. See I'rotestant episcopal ehurcli, U. S. A. Pph.v.386 Onderdonk, Henry, jr. [Names of persons and places; also nicknames and surmunes; with a bibliography. In manuscript, with news- paper cuttings. Jamaica, 1803.] 1.8° . . . **2237.6 — Queens county in olden times. Jamaica, N.Y., 1805. 4° ■»371.2 — Revolutionary incidents of Queens county. New York, 1840. 12° 4328.4 — Revolutionary incidents of Suffolk and Kings counties. New York, 1849. 12° 4328.4 Onderdonk, Henrv U. Episcopacy tested by Scrip- ture. New York, [1831]. pp.40. 10° . . . 3547.12 — - Same. See Episcopacy examined 3547.19 — [The case of H. U. Onderdonk stated and considered witli reference to his continued suspension.) Philadelphia, 1.S53. pp.62. 8°. 3540.9 One hundred comic songs : music ami words. Pieces by .1. W. Turner, E. T. Bates, and others. Boston, [1S58]. 8° 8013.12 One hundred skeletons and sketches of sermons. Hy Wesloyan ministers. Loudon, 1847. 16°. 5444.25 O'Neali., J. B. Annals of Newberry. Charleston, S. C, 1850. 12° 2375.15 O'Neii., A. Dictionary of Spanisli painters, 14th to ISth century. Loudon, 18:13, .34. 2v. 8°. •4084.8 O'Neill, C. Cliemistry of calico printing, dyeing, and blcacliiug. Manchester, 1800. 8° . . . 3977.6 O'Neill, 11. Fine arts ami civilization of ancient Ireland. London, lSii:i. sni.l° 2473.4 Onesti^s. Epigraminata. [Brunck. Analectapoet. Gr., v. 2] B.102.7 ONaAito, F. dall'. Venezla 1' 11 agoslo 1848, nie- morle storicllc. [Documenti della guerra santad'Italia,v.4] 4718.9 Onkelos. Targums on Genesis aiul Exodus. See Bible. Pentateucli 5117.0 Onondaga Indians. Frencli-Onondnga dictionary. Shea, J. G • 2:)05.30 ONTOLOiiY. Philosophiii prima, sive ontologin niethodo sciontillcii pertractata. Wolf, C, V DiHin.i Ontyd, C. G. Dc causa absorptlonU pervasa lym- phatlca. Diss. acud. Lugdunl Batavoruin, 1795. 8° •Pph.v.373 OPDYtCE, O. Libel case. G. Opdylie against T. Weed. New Vork, 1805. 8° 5080.6 Opel, J., and Colin, A. Der drelsslgJiUirlgo Krieg. Elnc Samnilung von historlsclu'll (iedichten und Prosadarstellungen. Halle, 18(12. 8°.. 2896.7 Ol \l\ 453 ORGANIC Slii-lf. No. Opera. Oper und Drama. Wngner, R 4229a. 4 Opkka chorus book. White, E. L 8041.48 Opkkas. lit'llini, V. La Sonmimbulii 8042.5 — De Uibas.A.L. Extracts tVom mock-rn operas. 8041.53 — Donizetti, G. La (ille da regiment 8012.4 — - Lueia di l^imimcrmoor 8042.3 — - Lucrezia Horj^a 8042.12 — Mozart, J. C. S. W. A. Dou Giovanni . . . . 8042.10 — A>rdi,G. Ernani 8042.18 — - La Traviata 8012.14 Oi'EUATlc album. Ives, l':.,jr S041.4'J Operk iuedite di varj autori. Napoli, 1709. 2v. 18°. [Collezione di tutti i poemi in lingua napoletana, V. 24, 20] 4:99a. 1 OlMlELlox. Coma'diarum pfrditaruni diiarum frag- raeuta. [iMeineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 4] , 15.162.8 Ophitks, or Orphites. Dc Opheorum vel Orpheo- rum haTcsi dissertatio. Joecher, C. G. . . B. 190. GO Oi'iiTHAL.Mosropic, Leijoiis sur les applications de ]'. Folliu, E 5802.12 Opinions of the press iu relation to tlie litiuor traf- fic, and the morals of Boston. Boston, 1S4G. pp. 63. 12" B.lGOb.79 Opitz.M. [Werke.] Bresslau, 1690. 4v. 16" . **2879. U Contcitts. — Vol. I. Vorreile;McmorinOpitlftnaa Chris- tophoro Coloro ; Lobgrdichte nn die Kvmigliclio M)ij^-stat 2u Pok'n uDd Schweden; An den Ilerzog* UldHchen zu Holsteio ; Vesuvius; Violguel ; Dapline; Lob dea Kriegos Gotttia; Zlatim, oder Gedichte von dur Ruhu dos Getniittieii; Lob dea Fcldlebens; Sopbuolis Aotieoue [Deiitsch]; L. Anoa'i Scnecre Trojanfrinncn; Dioujsii Cn tunis di^tticlm dcmoribusadflliuni[Lat.undDcut9ct)]; Des Heri'cn von PibrucTelrnstichadcutscb gept-ben; In- ccrti poctiK Teutonic! rhythraua de Sancto Aunone Colon, nrchiepiscopo ; Von dtr Wult Ey telkcit ; De Heinaii IjOb- gesung Bnccbi aus dum IloUaud. gebracbt; Fulicitaa Augusta bonor(4ue nupliaruin Vltidislai iv. Polon, ac Succ, Regis ot Coecila? Uenat« archiducU Austriir ; Ejus- (lt>m Deutsche Uebersctzung per Christopli. Colerum; Varianim lectionuni liber, in quo proicipuo Sarmntica. II. Die poetischen VValdor; Trostschriirt an lierra David Mullem; .Sylvurum libri ill; Epigram ma turn liber unus; Florilegium variorum epigmmmatum. III. Hobes Lied tialomonis; Klageliedcr Jeremise ; Jonas; Jndlth; Die Episteln der Sonn- undFesttage; Uuters- chtedcDC PsalmcD Dft%-id8; Lobgcsang aulT die Geburt Christ! ; Heinsii Lobgcsang Jc8U Christi in Iloch-deutscb gebracbt; L'eber das Leiden und Sterben unscrs Uerrn Jcsu Christi ; Trost-GedichI in Widenvertigkeit des Kriegea; Die Psalmcn Davids. IV. Hugo Grotiua von der Warbeit der Cbristlichen Religion in das Teut- sche ubersetzt; Elogia M. Opitii; Prosodia Germanica, Oder Bucb von der deutschen Poeterey; Enoch Ilim- manns AnmerckungL-u in die teutscbe Prosodie. — Teutsche Gedichte, erlautert von D. W. Triller. Franckfurt, 1746. 4v. 8° 4908.9 — Auserleseue Gedichte. [Miiller. Bibliothek dcutscher Dichter des 17ten Jahrhunderts, V. 1] 2879.10 — Dafuc. Drama. [Tieck. Deutsches Theater, V.2] 2878.5 Opium trade. An essay on the opium trade as car- ried on in India and China, Allen, N. . . . B.170.22 Oppeniikim, H. B. .System des Volkerrechts. Frankfurt, 1845. p.S" 4293.20 Opplvnus. De venatione; De piscatione. [Lect. Poetas Grsci, v. 1] 4200.7 — La chasse, tr. par M. Belin deBallu; Lapeche, tr. par J. jI. Limes, [Falconuet. Les pctits poemes grecsj B.161.2 — De venatione particula. .See Voret, J B.169.6 Opplek, T. Uandbuch der Fabrikation minerali- scherOele. Berlin, 1^62. 12' 5978,26 Opsopo-X'S, J. Oracvla mctrica collecta. Item Astrampsychi Oncirocriticon a I. Scaligero digestum. Gr. et Lat. Parisiis, 151>9. 8' . *6071.18 Optatus, 5^ De schismate Donatistorum libri vii. [Maxima biblioth. vet patr., V. 4] B.110.2 Optics. Brewster, D. Treutiseon 4269.8 — Coddington, H. Reflexion and refraction of light 3920.50 — Domini?, M. A. de. De radils visuB ct lucis . 3922.21 — Kepler, J. Astronomire pars optica 3922.21 Shelf. No. Optics, continued, — Newton, I. Reflexions, refractions and colours of light 4275.6 S«e alco: Colora, Light, Microscope-, RolYnction, Siiec- tuclos, Tulcscopo, Visiou. Oracles. De vi ac natura Gra?coruni oracutorum pi'aicipue belli Pelopouuesiaci ietate. Uinz- pcter, G 15.ir0a.lO3 See alto: Sibylllna oraculn. Oracvla raagica Zoroastris cvm scholiie Plcthonis et I'selli. StucUo J . Opsoptici. I'arisiis, 151)0. 8° *fl071.18 Oracvla metriea. ^^^e Opsopocus, .J 0071.18 Ok.vngk mountain water-cure, Description of the, Lytton, E. G. E. L. B B.170b.l(15 Oratorios. Jolinson, J. C. Juvenile oratorios . 8049a. 1 — - Palace of industry : a juvenile oratorio . , SOlDa-S — Kossini, G. Moses in Egypt 801*^.55 — - Stabat mater • S042.56 Oratory. Lawsou, J. Lectures concerning ora- tory 5CI19.14 — Welles, E.G. The orator's guide OiiU'J.l See also: Elocution, Eloquence, Rbctoric. Orbigny, a. d' L*homme anu5ricain (de rAmeri- que meridionale), considere sous ses rapports pliysiologiques et moraux. Paris, 1839. iiv. 8' ^100.33, and Atlas, f° 23. L. 3 Orbital motion, On. Pratt, H. F. A 39^4.15 0RCHE.STRA. Bericlit Uber die Orchester-Instru- mente. Schebek, E 4053.11 Orchids. Contrivances by which orchids are fer- tilised. Darwin, C 3859.21 Orde, T. Speech on the bill for a commercial ad- justment between Great Britain and Ireland, Aug. 12,1785. Dublin, i;s3. pp.40. 8°. v.2 of *2478.3 Ordeal. Purgatio canonica et vulgaris, Hil- denbrand, 4293.15 Orders in council. See United States. Miscella- neous documents 4329.20 Ordnance. Holley, A.L. Treatise on 3956.2 — Simpson, E. Treatise on 3952.30 — Treadwell, D. Construction of improved ord- nance 3955.7 Seealso: Cannon, Gunnerj', llifled cannon. Oregon, Beeson, J. Late war in B.IOOb.OG — DeSmct, P. J. Oregon missions, 1845, 46. , . 2378.32 — Dunn, J. Ilistoryof 80.30. 3 — Falconer, T. British claims to 4355,35 — Thornton, J. Q. Oregon in 1848 2378.20 O'Reilly, E. An Irish-English dictionary and grammar, DubUn, 1817. 4° 4581.3 Orelli,J.C. Chroniclietted'Italia. ^'i s'aggiunge la vita di Dante Alighieri. Coira, 1822. 2v. in 1, 1«°- 2719.23 Oresiesis, Oresius, or Orsiesius. De sex cogitati- onibus sanctorum libeilus. [Canisius. The- saurus, v. 1] 4140.3 — De institutis monasticis, [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 4] E.110.2 — - Same. [Migne. Patrologia Grseca, v. 40] . 5471.7 Okesme, N. Libepde Antichristo et ejus ministris. [Martene. Vet. script., v. 9] 4150.1 — TractatuB de mutatione monetarum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 20J B.110.2 Orfila, M. J. B., and others. Rapport sur les traitements orthopcdiques de J. Guerin. Paris, 1848. 4° 3740.25 Organ, Ditson, O. Organ instruction book . . , 8052.16 — Gebhardi, L. E, Thcoretisch-practisohe Orgel- schule 8052,15 — Schneider, F. Organ school 8052.18 — Zundel, J. The amateur organist 8052.11* Organic chemistry. Berthelot, P. M. C'himie or- ganique fondce sur la synthese 3973.12 — Liebig, J. V. Die Thier-Chemie, in ihrer An- wendungauf I'liysinlngie und I'athologie , , 3977.9 ORGANIC 454 ORMESSON bhelf. No. Orgaxic chemistry, continued. — Liiwig, C. Organic and physiological chemis- try 3977.7 — Millon, E. £tudes de chimie organique . . . 3977-20 — Robiu, C. P. Traitede chimie anatoniique, etc. 5972.1 Organization in daily life. Helps, A 35C5.2G OuiBAsius. Scripta aliquot e collectione librorum medicorum desumpta. [Mai. Class, auct.} V. 4] B.172.3 0*RiELLY, H. Origin and objects of the slnve-hold- ers' conspiracy against democratic principles. New York, 18G2. pp. IG. 8' 4320.22 Oriental bibliogrnphy and literature. Daumer, G. F. Haiis. Eine Sammlung persischer Ge- dichte 4253.19 — Herbelot, B. d'. Bibliothequcorientale . . . 3022.20 — - Orientalische Biblio'thek 4243.8 — Hottinger, J. H. Promptuarium, sive biblio- theca orientalis 21G4.17 — Jolo^-icz, H. Folyglotteder orientalischen Po- esie 4240.15 — Journal de la societe asiatique. 5ee Paris. . . 3317.1 — Journal of the Royal Asiatic society. See Lon- don 5018.1 — Remusat, J. P. A. Melanges asiafiques , . . 4240.27 — itoseniil, Oder Sageu und Kundeu des Morgen- laudes 4253.25 — Text-book of Hindu astronomy. Sec Slirya- Siddhauta 3921.18 — Wahl, S. F. G. Ge?chichte der morgenliindi- schen Sprache und Litteratur 4245.13 — Zenker, J. T. Manuel de bibliographie orien- tale 2164.11 SeeaUo: American oriental socu-ly. Oriental philosophy. T. Stanleii historia phi- losophias orientalis. [Leclerc. Opera pliilo- 8ophica,v.2] G099a.l4 Orientius, or Oreutius, St. Commonitorium, car- mine elegiaco. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V.8] B.110.2 Origenes. Opera omnia. [Gr. et Lat.] Wirce- burgii, 1780-94. 15v. H". {Oberthur. Opera omnia S. patrum Gr., V. 7-21] 0029.1 CottlenU. — Vo\. I, II. Contra Cclsum. III. Libri iv, TIcpi a/iX'Of 8CU dc ])nnciplis; LibelluB de oratlone; Exhortatio ad martyrium. IV. Dialog'us de rectn in Deum fldo ; Advcrsiis omtios hxrcseH libor, sivo philoso- pbumuDu; Epistolrc, qum supersunt. V, Coiumentaria, selecta, ct bomlliic iu Geiiosin ct in Exodum. V'l. In Lcviticum, in NumcroR, in Dcuteronoraiuui, in librum Jesu Navo. VII. In librum Judicum, H Uuth, in librum primum Return, iu libmm Job, in Pfialinos l-xxxvi. VIII. S«lect(i in Psalmos xxxvil-CL usqui] ad ccntosl- mum quinquaffc^imum. IX. Commontuiia in proverbio. Satoinotils; Libri in Canticum cunticoruni ; llomilitc in Isninm, iu Jcromiam. X. SolcctninThrcnos; Commcn- tariu in Ezocbtclt-m ; Iloniilim et sislucta in KzcchSelom; Commentiiria tn Osce; Commcntarla In ovan^clium secundum Mutthtcum, T. X, XI, \n. XI. Commeutnria In ovnngellum eocundum Muttbicuni,T.xni-Xvn. XII. Serlci vutcrls intorprctatiunlii com mtnta riorum OHgenls inMatlliivuni; In Luunm humiliic XXXIX. XIII. Com- montarln in ovangcllura .lonniilit, T. 1, III-Vl.X. XIV. Commontarla In wangclhim .Toannln, T. Mil, XIX, XX, XXVIll, XXXII; Frngnientum In Artn npoRtoloruni. XV. Coniniontaria In cplitttdam Puull iid Ronianos, lib. I-X ; FraifmcnLa Iu vpUlulas I'uuli. * — Opera omnhi [Gr. et Lnt.],exvariis editionibus opera et wludio C. ct C. V. Delarue. Lutctiie Parisiorum, 1857 02. 7v.ln9. imp.8*. [Mlgne. Patrologiu GiECCa, V. 11-17] *5401.8 Conterils. — Vol. 1. I'rirfatio; Admonitio goiicrallH in OrlKviilB u|iU(ulas; RplHlolu At'riciinl ud <>r)|7ouoni do tiUtorIa Sunnnno;; EpUtuln nil (.tref^orlnm ; I'raipncuta ox MbrU de roDum'iTlIuiic; Hvulvntln OrlRorda do roaur- recllonu ; FrQ(rui(-Mlafxllbrl)iiitronmIuni ; Htpt apxitiV llbrl 'junluur, Inlvrprcte lluflnu; Llbullua do onillune; Kxliurlatit^ nd iiiartyrluni ; l.ibrl cuntra CoUum ; hla- logua du TL'cta In Ifiiuni fido. II. Hidocla pt liondllwi In Uunealm ; InEiodum; In Lovlilcnni; Iu Nuinoroa; In iJoulvronitmlumiln Jrsutn Nave ; Hnlnclil : In Jiidli^i'a; iDprtnnim librum Itt'Kuin ; In Job; KxcRotIca In Taal- fnot. III. I'rirOiilo ad OHy>jiU opTum tomiim iir; Sbelf. Ko. Origenes, contimted. Fraementa: In proverbia Salomonis; In Cnnticum; Uomilite in Cnnticum cnuticoruni; Exccrpta Procopiana ex Ori^enc in CHuticum canticorum ; Homilifc :In visi- oneslsaifl*; la JiTcminm; Selecta in cumdcm ; Selecta in Threuos ; Homiliw in Ezcc-hiclem ; Selecta in eumdem ; Selecta in Osee; Commcntaria iu Evangclium secun- dum MatthtKum ; Honulia; et fragmenta iu Lucam ; Vnrise lectiones iu torn. XI el Xll comment, iu Mattbreum. IV. Commentaria iu evangelium Joanuis; Ex bomiliis in Acta apostolorum; Commentjiria in epistolam Paull ad Romanes; Fragmenta: Philocaliu. V. Hexaplorum qua: supersunt, illustr. P. L. B. Uracb : Genesis-Liber I. Kcgum. VI, P. 1, Hexaplorum qua; supersunt : Lib. Il-iv Regum; Lib. l, II Paralipomeuou; Liber Job; Liber Psalmorum. P. 2. In Proverbia; In Ecclesiasten ; In Canticiini cauticorumj_ In Hesaitim ; In Jeremiam; In Threuos sen Lamentationcs Jcrcmife; In Jeremiic pro- phetam e codice Syriaco-llexnplari. P. 3. Hexaplorum coutinuatio; Pbilosophumeua. sive omnium bfcreseon refutatio. VII. Supplementum ad Origenis exegetica; Spuria.- Commentnrius anonynii in Job; Scripta ad Oi-igenoin spcctantia: Apologia S. Pampbili pro Ori- gene; Rutiui liber du adulterationo librovum Origenis; P. Danielis lluctii Origeniaua; Kxceiptum ex Gcorgii Bulli dcfonsione tidi>i JSica>nie. — Commentarii in evangelium Lucae frngmentum. [Mai. Chiss. auct., v. 10] B.172.3 — Commentarius de engastrimytho, 1 Eeg. cap. 28. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 27] . . B.110.2 — Hexaplorum qua? supersunt. See Bible. Poly- glotts 5450.3 — Omnium ha;resium refutatio. 5ee Uippolytus, St C040.15 — Omelia volgarizzata sopra Ic parole di S. Gio- vanni : In illo tempore Maria stiibatad monu- mentum foris ploraus, [Piissavanti. Spec- chio, V. 2j 4801.5 — Scholia in proverbia Salomonis. See Tischen- dorf, L. F. C 5421.4 — Darstellung seines Lcbens und seiner Lehrc, 5«?eKedepenning,E.K C060.17 Original poems, by a citizen of Baltimore. Balti- more, 1:^09. 12" 2397.36 Original sin, Doctrine of. Appleton, N 3462.30 OliiGiNii, Del', et des progrfes de I'esprit r^volu- tionuaire. La lliiye, 1833. 8* 41S0.11 OitlGlNE, Deir, de' barbari, clie distrvssero rim- perio di Komii. Con vn cronico tin I'anno SOO. Venetia, 1557. 4° *4199.2 Origins, Porrfoiio of. PuUeyn, W 2192.15 Orinoco river, Expcilition to. llippisley, G. . . . 2315.14 Orion, T. Etymologicon. Primvm edidit, annota- tiones P. 11. l.,archeri, F. A. Wolfii et svas adiucit F. G. Stvrzivs. Lipsiae, 1820. 4°. . 2930.10 Orlanih, C. De urbis Sena; ejusque episcopatus antiquitate, [Graivius. Thes. autiq. Ital., T. 8, p.3j 4710.1 Orleans, Le misttrc du siege d'. See Mistere, Le, du siege d'Orleans 2050.9 Orleans, Mass., Ecclesiastical and civil history of, Pratt, E 4356.1 Orlich, L. von. Inilien und seine Kegierung. Lfipzig, 1859-01. 2v. in3. 8* 3044.23 Ormk, W. Eife and times of Baxter: withacriticnl cxaminiitiou of his writings. Boston, 1831. 2v. 1.8° 6553.1 Ormicrod, G. Discoveries of Uoman remains, in Sedbury, Gloucestershire. London, I860, pp. 14. 4** 2520.36 — Remarks on OlTa's Dyke. n. p., 1859. pp. 4. 3 plates. 4" 2520.37 — Strigulensin. Archa'ological memoirs of the district adjacent to the Severn and the Wye. London, 1801. 8* 2620.25 Ormkroi), 1{. Itcniarks on the 14tli Kection of Dr. PrieNtley'H DistjuisUionson matter und spirit. Cambridge, [lin-.], i:80. 8" *Pph.V.367 Ormesson, O. L. d\ .lourual, ct extraits dcei in^- molres d'Andro Lefevrc d'Ormesson, publlOa piir Chcruel. Tome 1, 2. 10-13-50, 1601-72. Paris, IHinj, 01. 2v. 4'. [France. Collection de documents in(''dltn] *2060.6 ORNAMEA'T 455 OSSIAN Shelf. No. Ornament. Ballant>iie, J. Ornamental art as applicable to mnnulactures 4080.15 — Jones, O. Granunnr of -1070.5 — Wornuni, K. N. Analysis of 410J.H Orne, C. F. Swci-t Anlnirn and Jlount -Auburn, witll otluT poi-nis, Cambridge, 1K44. 1(1°. 4409.14 Orne, H. Tlie letter.s of Columbus : originally pub- lishcd in till- lioston bulletin. Added, two letters of Col. Orne totJcu.DulfUreen. Uos- ton, 18^9. »" *rpli.v.7S Ornithology. Brehm, C. L. NaturgeschlcUte aller europiiiseheu Voy:el 3909.11 — Thienem;inn, !•'. A. L. Fortpllanznngsgeschichte der gesanimteu Viigel 3901.3 SeealMo: Birds, Pigeons, Pittidio. Oro-htdrography. Oro-hydrographischer Atlas. Sydow, E. V B.180d.4 Orography-. Orograpbischer Atlas. Sydow, E. v. B.lSOd.S Ohosius, p. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of the compendious liistory of the world, [with] a literal English translation. By Kev. J. Bosworth. London, 1S59. 8° . . . 2S85.14 — Adversus paganos historiiirum libri vii; Liber apologeticus dc arbitrii libertate. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. (!] B,110.2 Orpheus. Orpbica, Brocli hymui, JIvsaei carmen de Hero et Leandro, Callimachi hymnietepi- grammata. Ed. stereot. Lipsiae, 1829. 32''.*B.169a.3 — Argonautiea; Votum ad Musceum; Hymni; De lapidibus. [Lcct. Poeta: Grsci, v. 1] . 4300.7 — Orphee et ses amvres; L'Ari^onautique; Les hymnes ; Les pierres. [Ealconnet. Les pe- tits poemes (irecsj B.161.2 — Ucttt actantov, [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 3] B.162.7 — Bode, G. H. Commeutatio 2991.20 — Eschenbach, A. C. Epigenes, de poesiOrphica. 420S.15 Orpheus Britannicus. Purcell, H 8041.28 Orphic mysteries. De rerum Orphicarnm origini- bus et causls. Creuzer, G. F 2960.30 Orr, J. Theism : a treatise ou God, providence, and immortality. London, 1857. 8° . . . . 6036.6 Orsi, G. a. Dissertazione contro I'uso materiale delle parole. Koma, 1727. 4° 3584. 3 Orsiesius. See Oresiesis. Orsini, C. Capriccia macaronica, cum nova appen- dice. Florentise, 1819. sq.lo" 2809.24 Orsini, Felice. Jlemorie politiche, 4a ed., aumen- tata di un' appeudice per A. Franchi. NapoU, 1800. 16° 4718.22 — and others. Lettere edite ed inedite di F. Or- sini, G. Mazziui, G. Garibaldi, E. F, D. Guer- razzi, intorno alle cose d'ltalia. Milano, 1861. 2v.ini. 16° 2748.13 Orsixi, F"ulvio. De bibliothecis commentatio. See Mader, J.J 2128.15 Orsted, a. S., Werlaull', E. C, Engelstoft, C. T., Kufn, C. C, and Kolderup-Kosenvinge, J. L. A. Islenzkir Annalar sive annales Islaudici ab anno Christ! 803 ad annum 1430. Hafnis, IS47. 4" *4220.7 Orsted, H. C. Der Geist in der Natur. Deutsch von K. L. Kanuegiesser. Nebst biogr. Skizze von P. L. Moller. Leipzig, 1850. 2v. 8° . . 4277.17 — Die Naturwissenschaft in ihrem V'erhaltniss zur Dichtkunst und Keligion. Deutsch von K. L. Kuunegiesser. Leipzig, 1850. pp. 87. P.8' V. 2 of 4277.17 Oksua. See Ursua. Oktega, C. G. de. Catalogue of botanical books; comprising the library of Ortega. London, 1S32. 8° *Pph.v.86 Ortel, a. Antiquitates Gallo-Belgicse. See Peu- tinger, C B.117.9 Orthoiioxy'. Allen, J. H. Ten discourses on . . 6063.30 — Ammon, C. F. v. Die wahre und falsche OrthodoxJe 0003.12, 13 — Coquerel, A, L. C. L'orthodoxie moderne . . 6056.11 Shelf. No. Orthoepy. See Pronunciation. ORTiiopEnv. Kapport sur les traitements orlho- pidiipiesde J. Guerin. OrHIa, M.J.B. . . 3740.25 Ortlupp, E. Grosses Instrumental- und Vokal- Concert. 1-16 Biiudchcn. Stuttgart, 1841. 2v. 16° 4049.00 ORTLiKit. De fundatione monasterii Zwivildensis libri duo. [Frankfurt. Socielas, etc., v. 10]. 4210.2 Ortolan, J. L. E. llistoiic de la lesjislation ro- maine. Seed. Paris, 1814. 8° 4595.21 Ortolani, G. E. Nuovo dizionario jjeog^rafico, sta- tistico e biogralico, della Sicilia autica e mo- derna. Palermo, 1819. 8° *4724.9 Orton, J. Exposition of the Old Testament. See Bible. Old Testament. English 3426.12 Orunudoi, The. A monthly magazine. Vol. 9. 1854. Sibsagor, Asam, 1854. 8° 7231.6 Orvieto, Storia del duomo di. Valle, G. della . . D.3.M.2 Osann, F. G. De coelibura apud vetcres populos con- ditione. [Diss.acad.] Gissa;, 1827. pp. 13. 4°. B. 190. 44 OsBEKN. De e.xpugnatione Lyxbonensi, 1147. See Stubbs, W 2423.6 OsBON, B. S. Hand book of the United States navy : history of every vessel from 1861 to 1864. New York, 1864. 12° . . .C. 162. 12 Osborne, T. B. Speech on the sub-treasury bill, delivered in the house of representatives, Junes, 1840. Washington, 1840. 8°. . . *Pph.y.383 Osgood, D. Discoux-se at Cambridge in the hear- ing of the university, April 8, 1810. Cam- bridge, ISIO. 8° 6460a. 43 — Discourse delivered on the day of the annual thanksgiving, Nov. 19, 1795. Boston, 17U5. 8°. 5400a. 43 — Discourse, Feb. 19, 1795, the day for a general thanksgiving. Boston, 1795. 8° 5460a. 43 — Discourse on the day of general election, before the legislature of Massachusetts, May 31, 1S09. Boston, 1S09. 8° MSSfi.S — Sermon at the ordination of Rev. N. Thayer, Oct. 9, 1793. Boston, 1793. 8° 5480a. 43 — Sermon on the day of annual thanksgiving, Nov. 20, 1794. Boston, 1794. 8° 6460a. 43 — - Same. Newburyport, 1795. 12° 5460a.4a — Sermon on tiie death of Washington, Dec. 29, 1799. Boston, 1800. 8° 4344.21 — Solemn protest against the late declaration of war: a discourse. 2d ed. Exeter, 1812. 8°. 5460a. 43 Osgood, J. Bay state collection of church music. Sec Johnson, A. N 8047.26 — Normal song book. See Johnson, A.N. and J. C. 8049a. 4 Osgood, S. The coming church and its clergy. Address, June 30, 1858. 2d ed. New York, 1859. 8° 5460a.36 — Farewell address to the Unitarian society in Nashua. Niishua, 1841. 12° S549a.2 — Twenty-tive years of a congregation. Discourse in the Church of the Messiah, New York, Dec. 7, 1851. New York, 1.152. 18° 5549a. 25 O'Shaughnessy, W. B. Bengal dispensatory and companion to the pharmacopoeia. London, 1842. 8° 5785.13 O'Shea, H. A guide to Spain. London, 1865. 16°. 5099.1 OslANDER, J. E. Commentar iiberdeu ersten Brief Pauli an die Korinthier. Stuttgart, 1847. 8°. 6025.20 OsOBIO,J. History of the Portuguese, during the reign of Emmanuel. Translated by J. Gibbs. London, 1752. 2v. 8° 3090.18 — In G. Haddonum, magistrum libellorum sup- plicum apud Helisabetham Anglia; reginam, de religione libri tres. Diling.-e, 1509. 8°. *B. 127. 11 OssiAN. Poems, in the original Gaelic, with a trans- lation into Latin, by R. Macfarlan, with dis- sertations by Sinclair and Cesarotti. Lou- don, 1807. 3v. 8° 2574.6 Contents. — Vol. I. Diasortation upon the authenticity of the poema of Oaaian, by Sir J. Sinclair; Original poema with Latin translationa : Ualh Loduinn ; Caomh- Mhala or Comala ; Canaig-Thura ; Carthonn ; Oigh- Nam-Mdr-Shiil ; Guol-Nan-Daoine ; Croma; Calthonn OSSIAN 456 OVIDIUS OssiAN, continued, isCaolmhal. II. Fionughai ; Ti^hniora. 111. Tiglimora; CoDlaoch is Cathonna ; Translation of Cesarotti'9 disser- tation on the authenticity of Ossian's poems, by J. M'Ar- thur. — Poesie, [in versiital.tJaCesarotti]. Pisa, 1817. 4v. sin.S" *»2571.5 Content*.— ~Vot, I. Ragionamento preliminni^ [ntorno i Caledonj; Ra^onatnento storico-crilico intomo le coutroversie sull'autenticita dei poemi di Ossiau ; Fin- gal: poema epico. II. Coniala: poema drammatico; La morte di Cucullino ; Daitula ; Temora : poema epico ; Oscar e Dernuno ; Sulnialla. III. Callin di Cluta ; Car- ritura ; Calloda ; La puerra di Caroso ; La guerra d'lnis- tona; La battagUa di Lora ; Croma; Colnadona; Oina- niora; Cartoue; I canti di Selma ; Colanto e Cutona; Calto e Colama; Mingala: canzone funebre; Latnio; Oitona; Berato; Miuvana: canzone funebre; La Kotte. IV. La morte di Ganlo ; DissertaBione critica. — Der Tod Oskars, des Solms Karuths. Alia dem Lateinischen von Denis. Prag, 1772. PP- 12- Iii Areopagitae. i'ee Diouysius Areopagita B. 140.8 PACHYMEKES 458 PAINTERS Sbelf. No. Pachtmeres, G., continued. — Pai-aplirasis in opera Dionysii Areopagit.-c, in- terprete B. Corderio. [Jlaxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 2] B. 110.2 Facias LS. Epistolae tres de catholico nomine; Para?nesis ad pccnitentiam: Seruio de bap- tismo. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 4] . B. 110. 2 Pacific. Heap, G. H. Central route to tlie . . . 2-308.5 — Pirn, B. The gate of the 231i.27 See also: Hawaiian Islands, Loui^iade archipelago, Miitaysia, Murianoe Islands, Moluccas, New Zealand, Fliilippincs, Socictj- Islands, South Sea. Pacific railroad survey. Kailroad to the Pacific. Johnson, E. F 0087.70 PACiFiCfS : the rights and privileges of the several states in regard to slavery. By a whig of » Ohio. n. p., n. d. [No tiilc-page.] s" . *Pph.v.3S2 Pack, major. Memoirs of the life of '\^'illiam Wycberley. See AVycherley, W 2507.8 PACICiRl), A. S. History of the Bunker hill monu- ment. Portland, 1853. pp.33. 8" 4355.21 — Memoir of Jesse Appleton. 5ee Appleton, J- 5502.7 P.iCKAKD, J. B. The one key singer. Boston, n. d. pp.04, obi. 12° 8047.15 PACKARD, Tlieophilus. Sermon on the occasion of the liftieih anniversary of [hisj ordiuatiou as pastor of the congregational church in Shelburne, 3Iass., Feb. 20, 1849. Greeniield, 1819. 8° 6470a. 60 Packard, Tlieophilus, jr. History of the churches and ministers, and of Franklin association, in Franldiu county, Mass. Boston, 1854. 8°. 235G.31 P.\cuvius, 31. KeliquiiE. [Ribbeck. Tragicorum Latiuorum reliquix] B. 199.4 — Vita, ex P. Crinito; Fragmenta. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.191.9 Paddoc:k, J. Narrative of the shipwreck of the Oswego, on the coast of South Barbary. New York, 18.8. 8° 5058.10 Padre Ottoinanno. Uistoria. [Evelyn. Historia de tribus impostoribus] OOoOa.lS Paduan dialect, l.e rime di 3Iagagno, Meiion, e Begotto. Maganza, G.B 4790.9 P.ESTUM. Viaggio a I'esto. Komanelli,D 2735.25 Paez, a. de Texada. .S^ee Texadu. Pagan religions. Beugnot, A. A., comte. Histoire dc la destruction du pagauisme c» Occident. 0070.1 Chastcl, fi. Ilistoire de la destruction du pa- gauisme dans Tempire (^'orient C075.20 — llerbeirt, E., of Ctierbury. De religione genti- lium 0070.16 — Uiillmann, C. D. Ursprung der Ueliglon dcs Altertliums 6070.25 — LewaUl, E. A. Dc rcliglonibus perefirinis ajaid veteres Komanos paulatinl introductis B. 190. IS — Liebusch, G. Beinerkuii^'cn iiber alte Bergre- ligion und spiiteren Fetischismus 0(170.4 — Majer, F. Darstellung und Schilderung der Slylhcn, religiiiscn Ideeu und Gebriiuche al- ler Viilkcr flOC9a.l2 — Jleiners, C. AUgcmeine kritische Geschichto der Rellglonen 0070. H — - Grundriss der Geachichtc allcr licligionen, 4H9.2 — JInne, F. J. Geschichto dcs Heidenthnius im niirdlichen Europa 0078.10 _ Jliiiler, .1. (i. Geschlchte der amerikauischen UiTeligionen 0073.20 — Scpp, J. N. Das Ucidenthum uud desscn Be- deutungfiir dan ChrlslenHium 0075.22 — SiebcliH, C. G. In Grwconini Kuinanuruniquc doctrinn rellglonis plurliua Mint qua: cum Cllrl^tiana cniiHciiIiant 0003.32 — Stuhr, P. F. Gi^»clilch(e der liellglonsformen der heldiilschen Volker 0070.2 — Tzuclilrncr, H. G. l>er Fall ihs lleideiilliiinis. 0076.21 — Wuttkc, A. Gfscliichte den Jlel.lenthuius . . 0076.25 gee aten: IluddUm, Dnilda, Fatlchlim, Hritlipn, Idnl- • Irjr, Mllhra, M>'lliot'>r> . (iraolra. rarai-oiaiu, rol;tliu- Uin, Blianiiililvni, Solar adi, ration, Vanlia. Sbclr. So. Pagano, N. See Collezione di tutti i poemi in lin- gua napoletana, V. 17, 18 47»9a.l Contents.— Voi. XVII. Lo Bbintc rotola de lo Vftlan- zone. XVIII. Mortcllad'Orzolono; La Fenizia chellcta, Iragecommeca. Page, C. G. Spirit rappings and table-tippings exposed. New York, 1853. 12° *Pph.v.374 Page, D. Handbook of geological terras and ge- ology. Edinburgh, 1S59. p.8° ♦3883.13 Page, J. The fractional calculator. 5th ed., re- vised. London, ISGl. 10° 5C84.4 PAGE, T.J. Map of ihi' basin of La Plata. Scale, 1-3,000,000. New Y'ork, n. d. Size, 35X25 in. Folded 8° ■ 2305.14 Pagendarji, B. H. De bouorum secularlsatorum uatura. [Diss, acad.] Halie Magdeburgicie, 1707. pp. 40. 4° . . . *4304.22 P.iGES, F. X. Secret history of the French revo- lution, 17S7-90. London, 17U7. 2v. 8° . . . 4042.30 Pages, L. Bibliographie japonaise, depuis le xve siecle. Paris, 1659. pp.71. 4° *2170.17 PAGiiS, P. M. F. de. Voyage round the world; towards the South I'ole; towards the North Pole. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 12] 0207.1 — Voyage towards the South Pole; towards the North Pole. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 16] . . 0269a. 1 Paget, J. Lectures on surgical pathology. Edited by W. Turner. 3d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1805. 8° 3742.7 Pagi, a. Critica historico chrouologica in annales ecclesiasticos Barouii. Lutetiae I'arisiorum, 1089, f° *0050.3 Pagnini, Si. Thesauri lingua; sanctie epitome. ,S'ce Bible. I'olyglotts 6420.3 Paige, a. The electropathic guide : a lialf.ycarly journal. Vol. 1, No. 1, April, 1849. Boston, 1649. 8° 0087.97 Paige, L. K. Address at the centeunial celebra- tion in Hardwick, Mass., Nov. 15, 1838. Cam- bridge, 183S. 8° 4368.4 Paillot de Jloutabert, J. N. Traits complct de la peinture. Avec atlas. I'aris, 1829. lov. 8°. Atlas, 4° *4O07.1 Paillottet, 1'. De la propriete iutelleotuelle. *ccPassy,F 3006.35 Paine, B., and Smith, A. D. Argument and opin- ion on the nnconstitutionality of the fugitive act. u. p.,n.d. pp. 35. 8° B.lOOa.39 Paine, C. Address before the Mass. charitable lire society, iHay 27, 1808. Boston, 1808. 6° . B.170a.78 Paine, D. Jenny Jjiud glee book. Also, madri- gals, catches, rounds, quartetts, etc. Boston, U. d. obl.8° 8047.2 Paine, J. W., Final memorials of. 5eeStudley, W. S 4319.1 Paine, M. Institutes of medicine. 6th ed. New York, 1859. 8* 6713.6 I'AINE, Thomas, b. 1737, d. 1809. The age of reason : an investigation of true uud Jalse theology. Boston, 1852. 18° 0039a. 7 — Coinuion sense. Boston, 1803. pp.43. b°.*4I03.13 — - Same. New York, 1850. pp.48. 12°. . . 4280.14 — Dissertations tni goverunieni, the ulfairs ol' the bank, and paper-money. I'liiladelpliia, 1780. pp. 33. 8° 6640.23 — The rights of man. New Y'ork, 1818. 12°. . 4,'80.14 — Toiu 1 'nine's jests. Adiled.atrihule to Ihe swin- ish iiiu III Uuie, being a col led ion ol songs. [By U. Thomson.] Phihulelphin, 1790. 10° . . 4280.16 — Conway, M. D. Celebration of the 123J birth- day of 6410a. 67 — Vale, G. Life of 4311.4 Paine, Thomas, nflcnvards Koliert Treat, jr., b. 1773, (/. 1811. The invenlion of letters; a poiin, delivered in Cambridge, July 16,1796. 2d ed. Boston, 1795. 1'2° '•4103.17 Painti'.k.s. Datl, C. 1{. Vile de' jiitlori aiiliolil . 487. 3U — Viisnrl, G. Vile de' plu' eoccllenii pill oil . . 4805.3 Sff iil»o . Mi'ihina, S|i>i:ii, I'AINTIXW 459 rAUt'KEY Sholf. No. Paixti.s-o. AlbiTti, I,. B. Delia pittiirjv .... 4802.3 — - Throe books on 40S0.4 — Boi-Riiini, H. Trattalodella piltura 4805.5 — Bottiiii, u.C. Uiiccoltn (11 lettere sulla pittura, scritte nejjli sccoU xv-xvii 4089.43 — Buchanan, \V. llemoh-s ol' 4000.27 — l>uriu, A. Nouveau mauuel de peiuture chi- noiso 4004.20 — De.xter, F. j;s,i(;u*a no9 jours. V. Discourssurl'histoire; Histoire dos premiers Biocles de Rome, dcpuis sn foiidalion josqu'n la repub- lique; Jugement de I'auteur dc VAnnee littferaire sur cotto histoire; Memoires historiqucs, littf rajres et crit- iques, sur quelqiies eerivains de nos jours. VI. Anec- dotes relatives aux pieces de theatre. VII. Lc triomplio do Sophocle, dialogue dromatique ; Melanges de litttra- turo. Palissy.B. (Euvres completes, (Edition conforme aux testes origiuaux, avec des notes, [etc.], par P. A. Cap. Paris, 1844. 12° Palkowitsch, Ct. BiJhmisch-deutsch-lateinisehes Wiirterbuch. Fr.qg, 1820, 21. 2v. 8° . . . Palladas. Epigramma. [Brunck. Analecta po- et. Gr., V. 2] ", ■ ■ ■ Palladio, A. Rerum Foro-Juliensium, ab orbe con dito usque ad annum CCCLII, libri xi- oppugnatione Gradiscana libri V. [Grtevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. O.p. 4] ..... Palladium, The, of conscience. America; 4019.9 *4114.4 B.102.7 De 4710.1 1774. 3525.20 er le npi B.irhcrine ; Dia- nlogo tra duo soldatl del duea di Farma soptn giierra contra 11 papa; La disgratia del conlo dOllvorez; Ln rete dl Vulcano ; L'animn; Conlinuntione del Comoro. L'anima. [Prima vigilia] Vltima imprcs- sione. Villafranca, 1043. sm.l2° •4809a.44 divortio celeste, cagionato dalle dissolu- Villal'ranca, 1043. *4809a.44 *6030.2 tezzc della sposa romana. Bm.I2° ,„, , Pallegoix, D. J. B. Dictionarium linguic Phal sive .Sianicnsis, interpretatione Liitiua, Gal- liea et Anglica. Parisiis, 1854. f° Palliser, F. B. History of lace. London, 1805. CO ♦4016.19 Paljieh, A.H. Origin of the mission to Japan, and the treaty of Perry with the Japanese commissiouers. Washington, 1657. pp. 22. ^o 8016.25 — Letter to J. Clayton containing a plan for opening American commerce In the East. Washington, imv. pp. OS. 8° 5015.25 Palmku, It. 5L Discourse before the graduatmg class of the university of North Carolina, June 4, 1855. Raleigh, 1855. 8° U.170a.60 — The South: her peril, and her duty. A dis- course in New Orleans, Nov. 29, 1860. Nevir (Jrleans, 1800. 8° 4340a. 2 Paljii'.r, E. Thoughts on natural religion. New York, 1840. pp.18. 18° Mloa.lO PALMitu, John C. R. Explanation ; or 18.30. Being facts connected with the life of the author. Boston, 1831. 21° 2348.66 PALMKit, Joseph. Necrology of the ahimui ot Harvard college, 1851-52 to 1802-63. Boston, 1864. .8° 2340.6 PALMKU, Sir R. The hook of praise. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1804. 16° — Spt^ceh In the house of cnnimnns on the North American blockade. Lontlon, 1802. b° 5440.16 4322.. 32 PALMER 461 PAPACY Sholf. Mo. PAL5IER, Sir R., contimted. — Aniericnn ncutrulitv, iu reply to the speecTi of. 5c.'Bi'niusG. . ! 4322.10 Palmkk, Samuel. Calvinism of the prott-stant dis- senters asserted. London, 17SG. pp. 31. S^.MIGS.IS — Vindication of the modern dissenters against the aspersions of Uev. W. Uawkius, [etc.]. Loudon, 17i)0. pp. 38. 8" *41C*3.15 PALMKit, Stephen. Sermon at Rowley, June 7, irur, at the ordination of I. Braninu. Ded- ham, ir'J7, 8* 54COa.-H Palmkk, T. II. The historical register of the L'uited States. From the declaration of war in ISl-J. to Jan. 1, ISH, lid ed. Philadelphia, 1S14. ','v. 8' 4327.2 Palmi-.K, William, of Magdnlen college, Oxford. Kgyptian chronick-s. With au appendix ou Babylonian and Assyritin antiquities. London," IMU. 3v. 8' 3052.11 Palmer, liev. Wdliam, of fVorcester college, Ox- ford. Origiues liturgicie, or antiquities of the Pinglish ritual. 4th ed. London, 1845. 2v. b" 3448.3 Palmekim, N. C'atalogo delle opere d'intaglio di Kallaello Mort;chen. Firenze, 1810. pp.82. 8". 4005.18 Palmikiu, Mattia, of Pisa. Chronicon, sive Tem- poruni et historiarum coutiuuatio, 1460-81. See Eusebius Pamphilus B.130.8 Palmikki, Matteo, of Florence. Chrouicon, sive Temporura et liistoriarum continuatio, 44'J- 1449. 5ce Eusebius Pamphilus B.I.IO.S — De captivitate Pisarum liistoria. [Gr^vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 8, p. 21 ........ 4710.1 Palmiehi, N. Sulla costituzione di Sicilia infiuo al 1816. Con uu appendice suUa rivoluzione del 1820. Losanua, 1847. 8' 4724.7 Palms. Die Palmuu. Heissek, S 3845.18 Pall'dax-MCllek, F. Adam Homo. Et Dipft. Anden Ud^uve. Kjiibenhavn, 1851. 2v. 10'. 4229a. 5 Pajiciatichi, V. L'amicizia costante, tragico- media pastorale. Fiorenza, 1000. sm.8° . *4809a.29 Faxcikolt, G. Variarumlectionum utriusque juris libri III. [Heineccius. Jurisprudenlia Ko- maniiet Attica, V. 2] 4291.1 Pandolkini, A. Trattatodel governo della famig- lia.colla vita drt V.da Bisticci. Jlilano, 1802. 8". [Classici italiaui, V. 20] **4801.6 — Del governo della famiglia. [Albiiri, Tesoro della prosailaliana] . . . 2771.20 PA2«dosv, M. C. Grammar and dictionary of the Yakama language. Transl. by G. Gibbs and J. G. Sliea. New York, 1802. pp. 59. 8°. [Shea. Library of American linguistics] . . 2300.46 Pane, (). Annates dauuenses, 1197-1::19. [Frank- fart. Societas,etc., V. 18] ; . . 4210.2 Pajiegyrici veteres, ex ed. C. G. Schwarzii et Arnt- zeniorum,cumnoti8 in usum Delphiui. Lon- dini, 1828. 3v. 8"- *B. 172.2 CotUenra. — Vol. I. Epiatola Jacobi de La Bauno 8erenis-ricum ; II. J. ArntTienii pnrfatio ad panogyricos undecim relitiuos; Jaeport i»r«fatio. IH. C. G. Sch- warzii disscrUtio ad Mamertlnl panogyricum j Vita DiocletlanI i*t Maximianl : De auctore hujua pancgyrici, et qao tempore, quoque loco sit habitus; CInudii Ma- mertini pancgj-rieus Maximiuno Herculeo diclus; C. G. Schwarzii prolegomena; lie auctore hujus panegy- rici, et quo tempore, quoque loco sit hnbitug; Claudil Mum«rtini genvthliacus Maximiano Auguato dictus; Eumenti vita; Vita Euraenii, a C. G. Schwarzio; Eu- mcDii pro iustaurandis Bcholls oratio; Vita F. Valcril Conslantil Chlorl; EumL-nii pnneg>Ticu» Constaiulo Cicaari recepta Britannia dictus; Vita F. V. Constan- tini Magni; Dc aoctore hiljus panegyricl, ct quo tem- Panegyrici veteres, continued. pore, quoquo loco sit linbitUR; IncortI pnnpgyricas Maximiuno ct Coiistanlino; Eumcnii pnncgyricus Con- stantino Augusto ; Eumcnii gratinnini actio Coustnutino Augusto Flnviensium nomine; Du auctore Iiujus pane- g>Tici, et quo loco ac tempore pronuntialus sit; Incertl pnnegyricus Constantino Augusto dictus; Dc auctore linjus panpgyrici, ct quo tempore ac loco habitus sit; Nn^nril paucgj-ricus Constantino Augusto; Vita F. Claudii Juliuni; I)o auctore hujus punogyrici, ct quo tempore ac loco habitus sit; CInudii Mamcrtini pro consulatu gratiarum actio Julianu Augusto; Vita F. Throdosii Magni; Do auctore Iiujus panegyric!, et quo tempore ao loco habitus sit; Vltu Latini Pacati, n J. Sclifffero; Latini Pacati Drepanii paiiegyricus The- odosio Augusto dictus; Notaj variorum in panegyricos uudccim roliquos, Panizzi, A. [Elementary Italian grammar.] Lon- don, 1828. pp.01. 12° 4789a. 8 — Essay on the romantic narrative poetry of the Italians. 6'ep Boiardo, M. Bf 4208.10 Panopllst, The, and missionary magazine. Vol. 1-lfi. Boston, 1800-20. lOv. 8" *5]6r.l Panorama desbordsduKhiu. Paris, 1828. Folded 8° 28.33.1 Panorama espafiol, crduica contemporanea. Mad- rid, 1842-45. 4v. 4" 3092.23 Panseron, a. The A B C of music. Translated by J. R. Fry. AVith additions by F. Dorigo. Boston, n. d. 8° 4057.22 Pantalkon. De luminibus Sanctis, Gr. et Lat. [Gryuffius. Mon. patr.] B.141.3 — Sormo et orationes tres. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 12] B.110.2 Pantaleon, H. Prosopographije herovm atqve illvstrivm virorvm totivs Germanias P. 1-3. BasileBe,1505,G0. .3v. f *4260.7 Pantheism. Jasche,G. B. Der Pantheismusnach seinen verscbiedenen Hauptformen .... 6038-9 — Komang, J.P. Der neueste Pantheismus, oder die junghegelsche Wcltan.tchauung- .... 00.18.7 — Saisset, E. E. E.'ssay on religious philosophy. 5608.17 Panvinio, O. De vitis pontiticum liomanorura a Christo usque ad Pium v. See Platina, B. deSacchi 6081.2 De sibyllis et carminibuB sibyllinis liber. See Sybillivia oracula 0071.18 PANYASIS. Sententije. 5eeHertel,J B. 169a. 16 Panzer, F. Beitrag zur deutschen Mythologie. MUnchen, 1848. S° 0072.22 PANZtCR, G. W. Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte Niirnbcrgs bis 1500. Nurnberg, 1789. 4". . 2200.28 PAOLI, Pa'do A. Avanzi delle antichita esistenti a Pozzuoli, Cuma e Baja. [Ital. and Lat. Florence, 1768.] pp. OS. f *0.3.P.2 PAOLI, Pasquale, ossia la rotta di Pontenuovo, rac- conto corse del secolo xviil. See Guerrazzi, F. D 2749.32 Paolo diacono. Sermo in assumptione B. Maris virginis, [Martene. Vet. script., v. 9] . . . 4150.1 PAOLO Fiorentino. Dialogus de origine ordinis servitarum. [Marline. Vet. script., v. 6] . 4150.1 PAOLUCCI da Spello, G. Vita di B. Menzini. See Menzini, B .' . 4S0S.5 Papacy. Beggi, -Dr. — . Papal criminal history, 3403.19 — Documenti sul governo pontilicio et lo stato romano. See Roman states 4713.1 Diillinger, J. J. I. Papacy and the temporal power 3463.17 — Dupanloup, F. A. P. La souverainete pontifi- cale, selon le droit catholique et le droit euro- peeu 4714.30 — Duplessis-Mornay, P. Mysterium iniquitatis, seu historia papains 6060.2 Gregorius i Magnus, St., pope. La papautd moderne condanmee par Gregoire le grand . 3463.14 — Heidegger, J. H. Historia papatus 6075.10 — Laurent, F. La papaute et I'empire 3464.20 — Liverani, F. 11 papato, I'impero e il regno d'Jtalia 4718.21 — Maistre, J. de. Du pape 6107.2 PAPACY 462 PARIS Shelf. No. Papacy, continued. — Planck, G. J. Geschichte des Pabstthums iu (k'li abeiKlliiiidischon Kirchon 6079.3 — Keinigius, P. De summi pontificU auctori- tate 6074.17 — Sugenheim, S. Geschichte derEntstchungund Ausbildung des Kirchenstaates 6074.6 — Strada, J. de. Separation des pouvoirs spirit- uel et temporel 3463.15 — Valera, C de. Del pape 5496.10, and 6074.9 — Voet, G. Desperata causa papatus prodita k Jansenio 6071.1 See also: Poperr, Popes. Papai, F. Pariz. See Pariz-Papai, F. P.vPATo, II, I'impero e il regno d'ltalia. See Live- rani, F 4718.21 Pape, J. Der trcue Eckart. Epos in zwolf Ge- sjingen. Miinster, 1854. sq.lG" **'2S79.17 Pape-Carpantikr, 51. Enscignement dans les salles d'asilc, a donner aux petits enfants. 2e ed. Paris, 1854. S* 359S.4 PAPENconnT, F. Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter. Herausgegeben von C. Hufler. Paderborn, 1857. S^ 4196.2 Paper. Annuaire de la papeterio, ISfiO 212S.1 — Herring, R. Varieties and values of 4020.20 — Munsell, J. Chronology of 2113.30 — Planche, G. Die Piipierfabrication 4018. S — Piette, L. Manuel du directeur, du contre mai- tre et des chefs d'ateliers de papeterie . . . 4018.29 — Ruse, G. Samples of Finglish and foreign pa- pers 2115.20 Paper money. Paper against gold. Cobbett, W. 364(i.30 Papers on the boundary line between Mas.fachu- Betts and Rhode Island. By Plymouth col- ony. fBoston, 1S47.] pp.19. S° 43.3S.2 Papia-Popp.ea lex. Coninientarius ad legem. See Heineccius, ,7. G 4293.13 PAPIA9, bishop of Jlierapotis. Fragmenta librorura de expositione oraculorum doniinicorum. [Grabe. Spicilegium] 6029.3 Papinianus. Libriresponsorum. A'eeSchulting, A. 4300.11 Pappe, L. Floral Capensis medica; prodromus. 2d ed. Cape Town, 1857. pp. 52. 8° . . . . 3857.3 Papuan.s. Native races of the Indian archipelago. S(?e Earl, G. W 3046.19 PAPWORTu, .T. W. Alphabetical dictionary of coats of anus belonging to families in Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1N57-63. 12 parts. 8°.*2435.24 Parables, Lessons on the. Huntington, F. D. . 3429.29 Parabosco, G. I diporti, ritocchi, meglioiati ed aggiunti. Venetia, Hi07. sm.8'' *4809a.20 — I diporti. Firenze, 1S32. 8*. [Uaccolta di no- vellieri it.-diani, V. 1] 2773.14 PARAFKINE oils, History of the ni:niiifacture of. Storer, F. II 5i')46.9 Paraguav, Relation of the missions of. Mura- tori, r„ A 5430a. 4 pMiALYSis, I'racticrtl account of. Austin, T. J. . 3802.11 Pakai.YSIS of the lower extremities. Diagnosis and treatment of. Brown-Sequard, C. E 3802.12 Pakasitk-s. Kobin, C. p. Vegc^-taux (jui croissent flur riiomme *'t sur les aniniaux vivants . . 5844.3 — Sachse, G..I. De parasitis in ore 3800.9 Pakavev, C. H. de. Sur I'origine unique et hi^ro- glyphiquede tou8 iPspeiiples. Paris, 1S26. 8". 2111.9 Parciimk.vt, On vcgctiible, Ilofmann, A. W. . . 2112.19 Paucivai,, See I'ercivid. Pakdkk, L.J. Providences of God In history. A lecture, .July 25, 1858. Boston, lh59. 12" . B. 160a. 80 Pardieu de In Motte, V. de. Correspondance [ 1574- 9t], publiee pur 1. L. A. DU-gerlck. Bruges, 1n'j7. »• 2813.23 Paruoe, J. Traits and trndlllonn of Portugal, Phlhidelphlii, 18.34. 2v. 12* 3090.28 Pardon, \V. English dictionary. See Dyche, T. 4588.2, 5 pAlcKA,A. Novelle i|uaHro. AVc Soave, F. . . . -1199.25 Parknooo, M. Kugll^h and Kusitian dictionary. i&'ee Grummutin, N 3030.^0 Shelf. No. Parent-Duchatklet, A. J. B. Hygiene publiquc, pr^c. d'nne notice sur la vie de I'auteur par F. Leuret. Paris, 1830. 2v. 8* 3766.8 — De la prostitution dans la ville de Paris. Bruxelles, 1S38. 8° 3571.10 PARENTi, M. A. [OpuscoU concernenti a lingua, a stile, ad eloquenza e ad altre aualoghe mate- He.] Modena, 1837. 12' 2785.23 Pareus, or AV'iingler, D. Opervm theologicorvm exegeticorvm P. 1-4. Francofvrti, 1647. 3v. in 2. f* *6040,4 CoHicH/s.— Vol, I. Dc vita ot obitii scviptisque P. Parei; Commentnru in Vcms Teslamentiun et in libroa npo- cryphos. II. Commontaviils in TestQmciitum Novum; raralitlH partliciiica, in quibus scvipta pracipua patrum de virjjinitate. continentio, viduitate, coujugio et diga^ mia, collecta sunt. Pakieu, M. L. p. F. E. de. [Histoire des impats gL'iKiraux, etc.] Paris, ISofi. 8° _. 4290.24 Paring.\ult, K. La langue du droit dans le thea- tre de Moliure. Paris, ISHI. pp.ol. S° . . •*jr06.16 Parini, G. Foesie. Pita, lSO:i. 1»°. [Pnrnaso dcgl' Italiaiii vivenli, V. 24] 4r99a.2 Contents, — llvcspero; La nolto; L'auto da fo ; Sopra la guerra ; Poesie diverse. — Poesie. Firenze, 1800. 2v. 18°. [Parnaso degl' Italian! viventi, V. 13, 14] 4r99a.2 Contents. — Vo}. I, II mattino; II mezzogiorno. II. Poesie diverse. — Delia Vita cdeglisoritti di. See Bramieri, L. . 2749.30 Paris, A. P. Nucossite de piiblier le eatalo<;ue general des livres iniprimes [de la bibliothe- queroyale]. 2e ed. Paris, 1X47. pp. 03. 8°. 2128.8 — Le romancero fran^ois. Histoire de quelques anciens trouvftres etchoix de leurs chansons. Paris, 1833. s" 2680.8 — See Histoire litterairede la France 4092 1 — and Jlenneeliet, E. Histoire de France, par les (icrivains contemporaius. Paris, lb3G-3S. Cv. 12° 4029a. 1 Contents. — Les grandca chroniques do France, selon que elles 8ont consorvfies en rfegliao do Saint-Denis on France. Paris, F. de, Miracles op^rds par IMntercession de. See llontgeron, L. U. C. de 0051.9 Paris, J. A. Lifeoi'Sir H. Davy. Loudon, 1831. 4°. 2641.20 Paris. Municipal government. — Administration gentjrale de I'asslsfance pub- lique. Comptc moral udministratif de Pex- crcice 18&5. Paris, 1«0. 4° »7011.16 — Agrandissenicnt et construction des Italics cen- trales d'approvisioniienient. Kapport, 28 ftvrier, 1815. Paris, 1S45. 4° •7030.4 — Couseil de sidnbrite. Uapports gdneraux des traviiux, 18'.;s-3». Paris, 1840. 4° 7030.15 Honnisel, .1. Plioi do la ville et faubourgs de . 2034.25 Descauriet, A. lli.-itoire dis agrandissements de 20.37.12 Dictiounaire des arrondisseineus niuuicipaux . 2034.18 fevenements qui out eu lieu lea 23-20 juin. See Journees dejuin, IMS U. 100b. 95 Hnsson, J.C.A. Les consoininatious de , . 4180.10 Kotyiebue, A. V. V. v. Paris, iu 1SU4 2000.40 Luborde, L. K. S. ,1., coiule de. De I'organlsa- tioii ties bibliollieques iliins Paris 2170.14 Lncliaise, (.1. J..C8 medeeiiLS de I'arls juge^s par leurs cruvres 67.32.3 La IJodde, I., de. The cradle ol' rebellions . . 4012.14 1, urine, 1,. Paris aiicieii et uioderne 4031.7 Alarcbaut de lleuuniont, F. M. Manuel du cu- rleux daiis la cimetiere du I'ire La Cliaiso . 20,34.19 Mcrcier, L. S. Tableau de 4038.0 - New picture of 2030.34 Moiiti>uiont, A. liuideuniverscl de I'utrauger duns 4180e.n Murray, .L Huudbotik for visitors in .... 2034.20 IVisse, .1. L. 11. Physicians of 3733.7 Peuchet, J. Mtimoires de la police de .... -103^.6 PARIS 463 PARIS Shelf. No. Paris> contimied. — roullrtin de8aint-Foix O.F. History of. . . 4791.16 — PruiIlKimnif, L. Voyjige de rancit'U et nou- vt-aii Piiris 20:^4.18 — Srott, J. Visit to Paris in ISH 2034.21 — t^orol, A. Lc convent des Carmes, ct \v scnii- nairc de Saint Sulpice pendant la terrenr . . 4642.10 — Ternau.x-Compans, II. I.ettre sur Tu-tat actuel des bibliotheques publiques de 2128.9 — Teyssi^dre, A. P. de. L'etraiiger dans Paris . 2034.10 — Vutout, J. Souvenirs historiques du Palais- Koyal 4187.14 — Yaudiu, ,J. F. liisfoire critique et auecdotique dela presKe parisienne 2176.25 — VoItaire.F.M. A.dc. Histoireduparlenientde. 4618.2 — Vuiilemiu, A. Plan de Paris, avec ses fortifi- cations et forts detaches 2634.20 — Yriarte, C. Paris grotesque, les c616britc% de la rue [1815-03] 2033.8 Literary and scientific associations t etc. — Acndemie impc^riate de medecine. Bulletin. T. 1-21,24,25,27-20. Paris, 183G-64. 2()V. 8°.*5740a.l — - aienioires. T. 1-26. Paris, 1828-64. 26v. 4°. *5?41.1 — Acadeinie impc^^riale de musique. Histoire lit- teraire, [etc.],de 1645-1855. Blaze, F. H.J. 4045.12 — Academic royale de peinture et de sculpture. Vitet, L 4087.13 — Association polyteclinique. Entretiens popu- laires publics par £. Theveuiu. le-3e serie. Paris, 1860-63. 3v. 16° 7917.3 Camenf*.— Vol. I. Babinet: Surlcctiaos; P.Chaslcs: Surrhummo; Barrnl: Sur i'agricuUurc; Perdonnct : Sur les cliemhis de fer. II. Bnbinet: Plijsiquw du globe; G. .*iaint-Hilaire: Accliiiintnlion; Banal : Agricwlture; Uouchnrdnt: Abus dcs Hiiueurs fortes; Pcrdonnet: Grnodcs invcntiond; llombcrg: B1anchi.ssn^e iliilinge; Etcx: BoftuK-arta. III. Babiiiel: Plurfllitedesmondes; Trousseau: De IVmpii-i^me; Lesscps: Orisiue et resul- tais du canal de Suez ; Boucliardat : Le travail, son in- fluence BUT la 8Anl6; Barral; Kcvue de Texposition d© Loiidres; Thierry: Inttueiice du tliOdtro sur la classe ou^Tiere ; Samaon: Lecture. Bibliotlitque de la faculte de medecine, Re- clierches sur la. Franklin, A 2138. li Bibliotlieque imperiale. Catalogue de I'liistoire de France. T. 1-5, 8. Paris, liS55-(l3. 6v. 4°. *2160.l - Catalogue des li\ res imprinies sur velin, par J. B, B. Van Praet. Paris, 1M^2-2S. Ov. in 5. 8° *2142.l JurispnideiK-e ; IV. llistoire et T. 1. Conlentp. — \o\. I. Theologie. ] Sciences cl arts. III. Belk'8-letlre Tables. V. SiipplemcDt. - Catalogue des sciences medicales. Paris, lf57-[()l]. 1.4° 2170. - Balbi, A. La bibIiotlieq:ie imperiale com- paree aux plus grands etablissemeus .... 2120 - Cliampollion-Figeac, A. Etat actuel des catalogues des mauuscrits 2128 - Lacroix, P. Keforme de la Bibliothequedu roi 2128. - ftlerlin, U. Ileflexions impartialcs sur le c.italogue des livres iinprimes 212i - Kaudct, J. Kepouse a M. Feuillet de Con- ches 212; - Paris, A. P. De la necessite de publier le catalogue gen(!Tal des livres imprimes . . , 212S.8 - Techeuer, J. J. Cousider;itions a propos de dlvcrses publications sur la Bibliotheque roy- ale 2128.7 Bibliotheque mazarine, Histoire de la. Frank- lin, A 2128.11 Cercle de la librairie, de I'imprimerie, etc. An- uuaire de la librairie, de I'imprimerie, de la papeterie, [etc. J, lt60. [R^dige par J. De- lalain.] Paris, isr.o. 12° 2118.1 ficole imperiale des chartes. Bibliotheque. i5i5rie 1-4; 5e serie, T. 1-5. Paris, ISStMH. 25v. 8° *2272. 1 - Table des dix volumes, 1819-59. Paris, 1862. 6° 2272.2 Barnard, H. The poly- 6592.5 5910.5 Sliclf. N'o. PAnis, continued. — £coIe polytechnique. technic school . . — - Hucliette, J. N. P. Correspondiiuce surl'fc- cole imperiale polyterhni(jue — Institut des archives historiques. Abbott Law- rence. [Memoire.] Paris, 1850. pp. 3. 4°.*2340.10 — Institut de France, [.\nnuairej, 1790-9S, 1801- 6, 7, 8, 10-15, ir-21, 23-05. Paris, 1790-1803. OOv. in 13. 18° *3349.1 — - Acadeinie frnn9aise. Dictionnaire liistorique de la langue tVan^aise. T. 1. A-Abu. Paris, ls58. 4° 2090.13 — - - Petit dictionnairedel'Academiefrnmjoise, abtigi par J. E. Masson. 3e 6d. Paris, 1817. 2v. in 1. 4° *4119.23 — - - I'autex, P. Errata du Dictionnaire de PAcademie franqaise 2685.17 — - - liecueil des discours, 180.3-59. Paris, 1847- 66- 7v. 4° '. »3252.2 — - - Tastet, T. Histoire des quarante fnu- teuils de 1' 3263.5 — - Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Jlemoires. T. 1-19, 20, p. 2, 21, 24, p. 2. Paris, 1815-64. 22v. 4° *3292.2 — - - Jlemoires par divers savants, le sdrie, T. 1-1 ; 2e serie, T. 1-4, 5, p. 1. Paris, 1844-05. lOv. 4° *3302.2 — - - Notices et extraitsdes MS.S. de la Biblio- theque imperiale et autres bibliotheques, T. 1-15, 19, 20. Paris, 17S7-1802. 17v. 4° , , . *2190.1 — - Acadeinie des sciences. Memoires. T. 1-25, 31. Paris, 1818-00. 20v. 4° — - - Memoires des sciences mathematiques et physiques, par divers savans. T. 1-17. Pa- ris, 1827-62. 17v. 4° — - - yeances hebdomadaires. Comptes ren- dus. T. 1-59. Paris, 18.35-64. 59v. 4° , . . *3213.1 — - - Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D. de. Kecueil des eloges historiques 2055.18 — - - Maury, L. F". A. L'ancienne acadcimie des sciences . — - Aciidemie des sciences morales et politiques. Seauces et travaux. T. 1-22, 25-68, 71, 72. Paris, 1842-05. 0»v. 8° — - - Table gen(^rale alphabetique et chrouo- logique des seances et travaux, 1837-55, par noni.s d'auteurs et par ordre de matiires par M. C. Verge. Paris, 1860. 8° . . . — Jardin des plantes, Promenades au. Rous- seau, L 4277.27 — Louvre, Le. Notice des tableaux de la galerie espaguole exposes dans les salles du musee royal. Paris, 1838. 12° B.170b.89 — - Notice des tableaux exposes dans le musee royal. Paris, 1841. 24° 4277.11 — - Description du musee royal des antiques du Louvre. See Clarac, C. O. F. J. B. de — Musee des thermes et de I'hotel de Cluny. Catalogue des objets d'art, de I'iintiquite, etc. See France. Ministry of the interior . . . . 4099.30 — Society aslatique. Journal, 1822-65, Paris, 1822-05. 85v. 8° — - Kapport annuel fait k la Societe asiatique, 1850-59. Paris, 1860-00. 2v. 8° . — Societe de biologic. Comptes rendus des st-an- ces et memoires. le anuee. 1849. I*aris, 1850. 8° — Societe centrale d'horticulture. Exposition universelle de 1855. Proces-verbaux des se- ances du jury. Paris, 1857. 8° 3992.11 — Societe chimique de Paris. Lemons de chimie professees en 1800 par M.M. Pasteur, Cahours, Wurtz, [etc.]. Paris, 1801. 8° 3977.8 — Societe d'encourngement pour I'industrie na- tionale. Bulletin. Paris, 1802-04. 64v. 4° •3380.1 — Societe de geographic. Bulletin. le-4e serie; 6e serie, T. 1-9. Paris, 1822-05. 81v. 8°. •2280.1 •3242.1 •.3202.1 3283.7 •3215.1 •3215.1 4189.10 •3317.1 •5017.1 710.1 PARIS 464 PAKKER Shelf. Xo. Paris, continued. — Society geologique de France. Bulletin. T. •i, ;-H ; L'e .serie, T. 1-15, 17, 18, 20. 1831, 3->, .35-63. Paris, 1831-03. ii'v. 8° *5857.1 — - SIc-moires. T. 1-5 ; 2e serie, T. 1-0. Paris, 183-1-56. IIT. 4° »3S50.9 — Societed'liistoirede France. Anuuaire histori- que pour I'lmnoe 1837-53, 65-57, CO. Paris, ISIS-OO. 20v. 18' *46G9a.l — Societe impcriale zoologique d'accliiiiatatioa. Bulletin. T. 1-5, 7, 8, 10 ; 2e serie, T. 1. Pa- ris, 1854-54. 9v. 8° *3987.1 — Soeicte positiviste. Rnpport par la commis- tion cliargee d'exaniiner la nature et le plan de I'^cole positive, destinee surtout a regcn^- rer les medecins. 2e ed. Paris, 1850. pp. 30. 8° 4306.11 — - Rapport par la commission chargee d'exam- iner la nature et le plan du nouveau gouverue- nient de la republique fran5aise. I'aris, 1848. pp.33. 8° 4306.11 — - Rapport par la commission chargee d'exam- iner la question du travail. 2e 6d. Paris, 1850. pp. 15. 8° 4306.11 — Societe pour la propagation des connaissances EcientiJiques et industrielles. Bulletin des sciences geographiques, Economic publique, voyages. Paris, 1824-31. 28v. 8° *4107.1 — Sorbonne, Promenaded la 4163.13 Parise la duchesse. CItanson de geste. 2e (-d. [Ciuessard. Les anciens poetes de la France, V. 4) 2679.18 Parish, E. Discourse at Byliold, on the annual thanksgiving, Js'ov. 20, 1804. ^ialcm, 1805. 8°.5460a.46 — Oration at Bylield, l''eb. 22, 1800, the day of mourning for the death of Wasluugtou. Newburyport, ISOO. 8° 4344.21 — Ruin or separation from Anti-Christ. A ser- mon at Cytield, April 7, 1SU8. Kewburyport, 1^08. 8° 8400a. 5 — Sermon before theconvention of congregational ministers of Massachusetts, May 30, 1831. Boston, 1821. 8° *4.357.10 — Sermon before the Massachusetts missionary society, at their annual meeting in Boston, May 26, 1S07. Newburyport, 1807. 8° . . . 5160a. 50 Parish, H. Bell, L. V. Medical opinion in the Parish will case 3684.30 — Delalield, II. Parish will case 3084.28 Pariz I'ajjai, F. Dictiunarium Latino-Ilungaricum, Hungarico-l.atinum. Leutschovia-, 170,s. s°. *4886.8 Park, E. A. Discourse at tlie funeral of M. Stuart. Boston, 18.52. 8° 4347.105 Discoursi' before the convention of congrega- tional ministers of Massachusetts, ilay 30, isao. Boston, 1850. ^° •4357.13 — Discourse in Boston before the pastoral associ- ation of congregutioual ministers in Massa- cliusetts. May 28, IS44. Andover, Iis44. S°.*Ppli.v.370 —2 Sermon at ttie animal election, .Ian. 2, 1S51. Boston, IWl. 8° •4356. 13, and 5170a. Ill — Sermon at the installation of Rev. ,). M. Man- ning, .March U, 1857. Boston, IJ^7. 8° . . 64G0a.30 — Sermon at tlu' interment of C. B. .storrs, Sejit. 15, l.s:i3. Boston, 1833. 8° . 6088.73, and •I'ph.v. 378 — Utility of collegiate ami professional schools. An addre.^8. 2d ed. Andover, 1851. S°.v. 1 of »559fl.l — Ensay and memoir. iVr Homer, W. B. . . . Hfi.'ii — Selections from (.Jernian literature. 5ce Ed- wards, 1). It 0061.0 — [I,eIt<-rto I-;. A. Tark, touching his lale sermon belore the pastoral UHsociation of Massacliu- BcttH.] Boston, IWI. |)p. 30. 8" U'OtL.W X'lielps, A., and Sla.son, h, .Sabbath hymn book. New York. (I«5NJ. lO' 6419.10 Park, E. ° . 4340n.3 — Constitutional law, with ri'leience to the pres- ent condiliou of the L'luted States. Cam- bridge, 1862. pp. 35. 8° 3035.10 — Domestic and foreign relations of the United States. Cambridge, 1862. pp.74. 8° ... . 4340a. 3 — Habeas corpus, and martial law. Cambridge, IhOl. pp. 58. B° 3635.9 — - Same. 2d ed. Phihidclpliia, 1802, pp. 65. 8° 3035.10 — Inlernalional law. Case of the Trent. Cam- bridge, lt.62. pp. 00. K° . , 4340a. 3 — I^i'lttr to the people of Massachusetts. Cam- bridge, 1862. pp. 12. 8° 4340a. 3 — Personal liberty laws, and slavery in the terri- tories. Boston, 1861. pp.97. 8' 4310.2 — The light of secession. A review of the mes- sage of J. Davis to the congress of the con- federate slates. Cambridge, ImU. pp. 39. 8* 4340n.S Parker, Joel, ijovcvnnr of A^ ./. Speech at Free- hold, N. .1., Aug. 20, 1861. [Handbook of the democracy lor IslVl, 01] ." . 4310.1 Parker, John II. Introduction to the study of Gothic urcliitecture. 2d ed. Oxford, I»61. V,' 4009.26 PARKKIi, John R. Treatise upon telegraphs, em- bracing observations on the seniaphoric sys- lein. Boston, 1842. pp. 10. 8° 3000.51 — History of telegraphs. Sec ScleutlQc tracts . . 3U3U.0 PARKER 465 PARKJER Shelf. No. Parkkr, Joseph K. Human teeth. Sec Goddard, P. B 6800.12 Parkek, M. Life and acts. S-^Strype.J, . . . B.132.7 Pauickk, N. H. Iowa as it is in 1S57. New ed. Wiih map. riii.-u^-o, III., 1S5?. 12° .... 2377.28 Parker, Sainui-l, D,I),hL^hop of Oxford, Divine authority of the law of nature, and of the Christian religion. Loudon, 1(181. sm.4°. 4295.29 Parker, Samuel, /). /)., bishop of Mass., Sermon on the (ieuth of. .SVf Gardiner, J. S. .T. . . 5440a. 84 Pakkkk, Theodore. Collected works. Kditcd by F. P. Cobbe. London, 1803-65. 12v. 8m.8^ 5509.2 Conrtn/j. — Vol. I. Introduction; Of religion in ge«- ornl, or n dUcourso of ttie religious element and its nittnlffastutlons; Tlic rolnllon of the religious scutiiuent to God, or ftdlscourscof insptmtlon; The rolution of the religious clement tu Ji.>bus of Nnznrelh, or a discourse of Christinnlty ; The relation of the religious element to the greatest of books, or a discourse of th« Bible ; The relation of the religious element to the greatest of hu- man institutions, or a discourse of the church; The conclusion. II. Ten sermons of religion: Of pietj-, and the relation thereof to manly life; Of truth and the Intellect; Of justice and the conscience; Of lovo and the afl'ections; Of conscious religion and the aoul; Of the culture of the religious powers; Of conscious reli- gion as a source of strength ; Of conscious religion as a source of joy ; Of conventional and natural sacra- ments; Of communion with God; Prayers. III. Dis- courses of theology : Therelationof Jesus to his nge and the ages ; On immortal life ; The true idea of a Christian church ; Some thoughts on the most Christian use of the Sundiiy ;0f old age; Of the function of a teacher of reli- gion in these times; Of the delights of piety ; Of the relation between the ecclesiastical institutions and tho religious consciousness of the American people ; A false and true revival of religion ; Tlie revival of reli- gion which we need ; False and trut; theology ; Excesses of the renval — Theodore Parker's case ; Beauty in the world of matter, considered as a revelation of God; ■Whot religion may do for a man ; Farewell letter to tho members of tho Tweuty-eightli congregational society In Boston. I\'. Discourses of politics: A sermon of war; Speech delivered at theanti-warraeetiug; A ser- mon of the Mexican war; The political destination of America, and the signs of the times ; Some thoughts on the free-soil party, and the election of general Taylor; A discourse occasioned by the death of John Qulncy Adams; A discourse occasioned by the death of the late president Taylor; Speech at a meeting of the citi- xens of Boston, to consider the speech of Mr Webster; The state of tho nation, considered in a sermon for thanksgiving day; Aspect of freedom in America, a speech at the Massachusetts anti-slaver>- celebration of independence; A new lesson for the dny. V. Dis- courses of slavery : Sermon of slavery ; Letter touching the matter of slavery ; Speech on the abolition of slovery by the French republic; Speech at Fancuil hall before the New England anti-slaveryconvcntion, MaySI, 1848; Speech in Boston, May 29, Ifi.'iO, on slave power in Amer- ica ; The function of conscience in relation to the law* of men ; Speech at the ministerial conference at Boston, May 29, 1851 ; On the Boston kidnapping ; On the law of God and the statutes of men; Thoughts on the Ne- braska question ; Address on the condition of America. VI. Discourse of slavery : Some thoughts on the progress of America, and the influence of her diverse institu- tions; The new crime against humanity; A sermon of tbe dangers which threaten the rights of man in Amer- ica; An address delivered before tho New York city- anti-slavery society; A sermon on the consequences of an immoral principle and false idea of life; Tho ^eat battle between slavery and freedom, two speeches - The present aspect of slavery in America, and immediate doty of the North. VII. Disconrses of social sciepcc: A sermon of merchants; A sermon of the perishing classes in Boston ; A sermon of tho dangerous classes In society; A sermon of poverty; A sermon of the moral condition of Boston; A sermon of the spiritual condition of Boston; The public education of the people; The position and duties of the American scholar; The chief sins Of the people. VIII. Miscellaneous discourses: A discourse of the transient and permanent in Christianity ; The education uf the labouring class; The three chief •afeguards of socletj-; A sermonof the public function of woman; A sermon of the moral dangers incident to pros- perity ; The effect of slavery on the American people ; The material condition of the people of Mas8ochusetlB;Two Christmascelobrations. IX. Critical writings: A lesson for the day; Truth against the world; Strauss's Life of Juiis; The life of St. Bernard of Clalrvnux; Thought* 59 Shelf. No. Parker, Theodore, continued. on labour; Tho Pharisees; How to move tlio world; German literature; Primitive Christianity; Thoughts on theology; The excellence of goodness; Education of tho people. X. Critical writings: The Hebrew mon- archy; Ballad literature; William ElleryChanning; Tho eternity of God; Sonnets; Character of Mr, Frescott as an liisEorlan ; Prescott's Conquest of Mexico; Tho ad- ministrnllon of tho late Mr. Polk; Tho writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson; Hlldreth's History of the United States; Some thoughts on the different opinions in the New Testament relative to the personality of Jesus. XI. Sermons of theism, atheism, and tlio popular theology: Introduction; Of speculative atheism, regarded as a tlieorT-- of tho universe; Of practical atheism, regarded as a principle of ethics; Of tho popular theology of Christendom, regarded as a theory of the universe; Of the popular theory of Christendom, regarded as a prin- ciple of ethics; Of speculative theism, regarded as a theory of the universe; Of practical theism, regarded as a principle of ethics; Of the function and influence of tho idea of immortal life; Of tho universal provi- dence of God ; Of the economy of pain and misery under the universal providence of God; Of tho economy of moral error under tho universal providence of God. XII, Autobiographical and miscellaneous pieces: The like and tho different ; Discourse on the death of Daniel Webster; Buckle's History of cirilization ; A bumblo- bee's thoughts on the plan and purpose of the universe - John Brown's expedition reviewed; Letter to the Boa- ton association ; Some account of Theodore Parker's ministry; Letter to the American unitarian association; Theodore Parker's experience as a minister. — Speeches, addresses, and occasional sermons. New York, 1864. 3v. 12° H07.14 <7onr«rtf». — Vol. I. The relation of Jesus to his ago and tho Rgcs, a sermon. Dec. 2G, 1844; True idea of a Christian church, discourse, Jan, 4, 1846; Sermon of war, June ", 1846; Speech delivered at the anti-war meeting, Feb. 4, 1847; Sermon of the Mexican war, June 25, 1848; Sermon of tbe perishing classes in Bos- ton, Aug. 30, 1S46; Sermon of merchants, Nov, 22, 1846- Sermon of the dangerous classes in society, Jan. 3L 1847; Sermon of poverty, Jan. 14, 1849; Serinon of tha moral condition of Boston, Feb. 11, 1849. IL Sermon of the spiritual condition of Boston, Feb, 18, 1849; Some thoughts on the most Christian use of tho Sunday, ser- moo, Jan. 30, 1818; Sermon of immortal life, Sept. 20 1846; Public education of the people, address, Oct. 4* 1849; Political destination of America, and tho signs of the times, address in 1848; Discourse occasioned by tha death of John Quincy Adams, March 5, 1848; Speech at a meeting of the American anti-slavery societj-, to cele- brate the abolition of slavery by the French republic, April 6, 1848; Speech at Faneuil hall, before the New England anrt-slavery convention. May 31, 1848; Some thoughts on the free soil parly, and the election of ffon- eral Taylor, Dec, 1848. Ill, Speech at a meeting in Fanenil hall, March 25, 1850, to consider the speech of Mr. Webster; Speech at the New England anti-alavorv convention in Boston, May 29, 1850; Discourse occa- sioned by the death of president Taylor, July 14, 1850- Tho function and place of conscience, in relation to tha laws of men, a sermon for the times, Sept. 22, 1850 ■ Tho Btate of the nation, considered in a sermon for thanks- giving day, Nov. 28, 1850; Chief sins of the people a sermon, April 10, 1851; The three chief safeguards of society, considered in a sermon, July 6, 1851 ; The posi- tion and duties of the American scholar, address at Wa tervillc, Aug. 8, 1849. — Sammtliche Werke. Dcutsch von J. Zoithen 2teAufl. Leipzig, lS5-t-61. 5v. in 4. Iti" . .' 55(».f Conlents.—\o\. I. Das Christenthum Christi, da* der Kirche und das der Oesellsehaft; Deutsche Litera- tur; Das Leben des heiligen Bernhard von Clairvaux- Dcr Welt znm Trotz, eine Parabel von Paulus; Gedanl ken uber die Arbeit; Abhandlung Uber das Vcrgiing- liche und das Bleibende im Christenthume ; Die Phari- »aer; Ueber die Erziehung der arbeitenden Classe; Wie roan die Welt bewegt; Das Urchristenthum ; Straus*' Leben .7esu; Gcdanken iiber die Theologie mit beson- derer Racksiebt auf Domer's Cbristologie. II. Das Ver- haltniss Jcsuzu seiner Zeit und zu alien Zciten; Das wahre Ideal ciner christlichen Kirche; L'eber' den Krieg; Ueber die gefahriichen Gesellschafta-KlasBen • Ueber die Armuth ; Gedanken uber die chrisllichj Sonntagsfeier; Ueber die Unstcrblichkeit; Ueber dis fiffentllche Volks-Erziehung; Ueber den Kaufmanns- stand; Die Stellung und die Pflichten des amerikanl- Bchen Gelehrten ; Die politische Bestimmang Amerika'a und die Ztichen der Zelt. lU. Von der Frdmnilgkalt PAKKER 466 TAKMA SUclf. Xo. Parkek, Theodore, continued. und dem Verhiillniss dcrselbcn zum mensclilichcn Le- bcn; Von der Wahrlieit uiid dcm Geiste ; Von der Gerechligkcit und dt-m Gewissen ; Von der IJebe und den Xeigungen ; Von dem religriiisen Bewusstsein und der Sceic ; Von der Bildung der rcligiiiseu Vemiopen -, Von dem religWsen Bewusstsein aU einer Quelle der Kmft ; Von dem reliBiSsen Bewusstsein ols einer Quelle der Fieude ; Von den herlviimmliclien und den nntiir- lichen Sacramenten ; Von der Gemeinschim mit Gott. IV [4]. Gedanken iiber das Verliiillniss des Christen- thums; Der spekulutive Atheisnius als Weltauscliau- nne; Der praklischc Atheisnius als Princip der Moral i Von dem cliristlichen Kirchcnglaubcn nls Weltanseliau- nng ; Der christlicbe Kirchenglaubc als Princip der Mor- al; DerspekulfttiveTheismusalsWeltanschBuung; Vora praktiscben Theismus als Trincip der Moral; Vender Aufgfibc und dem Einfluss der Idee der Unsterblichkeit ; Von der Vorsebung; Von der Aufgabe des Sclimerzes und der Triibsal untcr Zulassuug der gijttlicben Vor- sebung; Die Aufgabe des sitllichen Imbiims unfer Zu- Inssung der Vorsebung Goltes; [5.] Tboodor Torkcr's Erfahrungeu als Prediger nebst einem kurzen Abriss seines Jugendlcbena und seiner Ausbildung fur dna geistliehe Anit. _ I'our sermons at Longwood, Penn., May, 1658. See I'enusylvania yearly meeting, etc. . . . 5142.3 ConutilB. — Biblieal conception of God ; Ecclesiastical conception of God; rhilosopbicnl idea of God; The soul's normal deligbt in tbe infinite God. — Beauty in the world of matter, considered as n revelation of God. A sermon. Boston, 1859. 12° 5142.3 — Discourse at the ordination of Mr. C. C. Sliack- ford.Mav 19, IHl. Boston, 1841. 8° . . . . *41C3.12 _ Eflect of sla\ ery on the American people. A Eerniou, July4, 1(-5S. Boston, 1S5S. 8° .. 5442.3 _ Friendly letter to the executive committee of the American unitarian association, toucliing their new creed. Boston, 1853. pp. -JO. b°. 5442.3 _ The great hattle hctween slavery and freedom, considered in two speeclies at New York, May 7, 1850. Boston, IbSO. S° 5442.3 _ Lessons from the world of matter and the world of man. Selected from notes of unpublished i-ermons, by K. Leighton. Boston, 18«5. 8°. 5444.28 _ The public education of the people. Uralion before tlie Onondaga teachers' institute, Oct. 4 1849. Boston, 1850. 8° 3442.3 _ Sermon of merchants, Nov. 22, 1848. Boston, ]g^7 s° 6442.3 _ Sermon of slavery. Boston, 1843. 12' ... . 5442.3 What rehcion may do for a man. Sermon, " Jan. 2, 1859. Boston, 1859. 12° 6442.3 iioer W U. Tribute to the memory and ser- ~ • !, „f' v. 1 of 5442.4 vices 01 _ Atkinson, W. P. Itemarks on an article en- titled "Mr. Parker and his views" 4103.12 _ Biirtol C A. Discourse on 5440a. 29 _ Browu'son, O. A. Kevicw of The transient and permanent in Christianity 4103.12 _ Clarke, J . I'". A look at the lite of . . . v. 1 of 6112.4 _ T Parker and his theology 544na.34 _ Frotiiingham,O.B. A sermon on . . . v. 1 of 5442.4 _ Gannett, li. S. Mr. Parker and his views, v. 2 of 64 12.4 lleuworth, G. 11. Uiscoursc after the death J; v. 1 of 5142.4 _ ^ewhall", 1''. H- Lifc-workof : discourse, v. 1 of 6142.4 _ Mayer von Ksslingen,—. Album von fonihe- "" Vurin y.ur Krinnerung an 3825.fi Poner N Theodore Parker and lihernlChris- — ,jft„i'ty Mira.rJ, andv. 2of 5142.1 _ Uevillc A. Sa vie ct 9C8 oeuvrcs 4318.30 sarirent, J. '!'• Answer to "Questions ad- ~ dressed t" T.Parker and his friends" . . .0088.101 _ Theodore l\,rkcr, the nlc.nii piilpil, elc. .0088.177 _ Warren, W. F. I'ln' KO"d and the evil in his opinions and Influence : u dl8cour>c . . v. 1 of 6112.4 Worrall T. U. Heview of Ifev. T. Pinker on revlvnU v.2 of 6442.4 _ (South Boston unllarlanordlmition.] Boston, IMl. pp.04- 8" M103.12 Shelf. No. Parkkr, Theodore, continued. — [Answers to questions contained in Bfr. Par- ker's letter to the Boston association of con- gregational ministers.] Boston, 1845. pp. .•)9. 8° V. 2 of 5442.4 — [Mr. Parker and his views. An article from the Christian examiner and religious miscel- lany.] Boston, 1845. pp. 30. 8° . . .v.2 of 5442.4 — Life and correspondence, by J. Weiss. New York, 1804. 2v. 8° 2347.41 Paricer, Thomas, \st earl of Macclesfiehl, The case of. Sec Wilson, G Pph.v.370 Parkek, Thomas, of Charleston, S. C. Trial of negroes for an attempt at insurrection in South Carohna.iu 1822. See Kennedy, L. H. 4375.35 Parker, William H. Instruction for naval light artillery, afloat and ashore. 2d ed., revised by S. B. Luce. New York, 1802. 8° . . . . 3952.29 Parker, William K. Study of the foraminifera. See Carpenter, W. B 3880.16 Parkes, E. a. Manual of practical hygiene, for use in the army. London, !8(i4. 8° .... 3707.21 Parkes, S, H. Window gardens for the people, and clean and tidy rooms. London, n.d. pp. 80. sm.S" 3570.20 PARKiiURST, D. B. Memorials, including two of his sermons. .Sec Willard, S 4347.76 PARKIIURST, E. A. Funeral march to the memory of A. Lincoln. New Y'ork, 1805. pp. 5. 40 *4350.1 Parkhurst, J. L. Elements of moral philosophy. Boston, 1S3'2. 12° 0068.17 Park Ji AN, F. Discourse on the death of l!ev. J. T. Kirkland. Boston, 1840. 8° *4163.7 — Enquiringoftbefalhers: discourses in the New North church, at the completion of the 124th year of the church. Boston, 1839. 8° . . . *4103.7 — Sermon at the interment of Kev. J. Lathrop. Boston, 1810. [No fitlo-pnge,] 8° 4348. 2S — Sermon at the New North church, Jan. 28, 1819, on resigning his pastoral charge. Boston, 1819. 8° 5543.8 — Sermon at the ordination of Amos Smith, Deo. 7, 1812. Boston, 1813. 8° 6400a.26 — Sermon, Sept. 19, 1830, occasioned by the revo- lution in the government of France. Bos- ton, 1830. 8° 64G0a.26 — Spirit of the Christian miuislry ; sermon at the ordination of John Parkman, in Greenlield, Oct. 11, 1837. Boston, 1837. 8° •41G3.7 Parkman, G. Bigelow, W. E. Evidence in the case of the Parkman inunler 4356.7 — Holmes, O.W. Biographical sketch of . . . 4.387.6 Parliament. D'Ewes, S. Journtils of patlia- ments during the reign of queen Elizabeth . 2540.12 — Pctyt, W. Jliscellanea parliamcntaria . . . 650Ua.2O Sre also: Canada, Groat Britilin. Pari.iamentarv debates on the Dissenters' chap- els bill, 7 and 8 Vict. Ch. 45. A. D. 1844. London, 1814. 8° 6053.8 PARI.IAMENTAltv debates in UllO. Edited, from the notes of a member of the house of commons, by S. U. Gardiner. [ Weslminster], 1S02. 8in.4°. [Cannlensocicty,No.81J •2120.2S PARi.iAMEfjrAKY pocket companion. Uod, C. U. 4539a. 31 PARMAMENTAltY pniclice. Cushing, L. S. llund- bnch tier parlaiuentarlsuhon Praxis .... 3.603.22 — JelTer,son, T. Manual of 36D8.16 Parliamen rARV representation and reform. Essay on. Young, J 3508.38 Parma Annaks I'lirmenses miuores et majorcs, 1038-1335. [Frankfhrt. Socletas, etc., v. 18J. 4210.2 P\n.MA iliidect. Vocabolario parinigiano-italiano. Malasplna.C ,• "^'^■^ PAUMA ami Piaceiiza. Socielas nnniumentis patrne edcndls. Jlonnmenia hlslorica ad provlncias ParmensemetPlacenlinamperlinenlia. I'ar m.e, 1865-02. 9v. 4° '1-^1.1 PAUMA 407 PARSONS Shelf. Ko. Parma, continued. Contenta, — Vo}. I'lV. Stntutft communU rnrmm dipesln anno MCfLV-MCCcct.xxlv. V. Stutiitn varin civiutis riacfntifT, ctlonlc G. Boiiorn. VI. Chroiilca F. dnlfmbono I'RrnieiiKis ordiiiis nilnonim ox codii-o bibliothocic Vnticnmr nunc |irimiiin cditn, curn A. Itor- tani. VII. Chronica Piirrarnsiii n spc. XI. nd oxiliim sec. XIV; ncccduut vnrift qurc speclnnt nd Iiistorinra pntriiv civik>m et ccclcsiaHticnni, cd. L. Uiirbiori. Vill. Chronicii tri« riftcentina a Johiunio Codagiicllo, nb anoiivnio ct n Gucrino ronscrfpta, ud. II. Piillaatrclli. IX. Chronica oivilnlia PlacoiUiu] J. Aeraz^iiri ct A. F. Villft, cd. A. Ilonora. — Historische Kachrichten von. Gumlling, J. P. V 4217.4 Parmalkis, S. N. Index of the revised statutes, 18-15. See Vermont v. 12 of G318.3 Parmklk, H. [Key to the first chart of the Ma- sonic mirror.] Nl'w Haven, 1^■J5. 24". . . 3569.30 PARSiENir>Es of Klea. Carminis reliquije. [Kars- ten. Philosophorum Grsecorum reliquiae, V. 1] 4204.10 Parmknio. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.102.7 PARMIKKO, .1. A. Composezejune poveteche. [('ol- lezionedi tuttli poemi iu lingua uapolctana, V. 22] 4799a. 1 PARjTAsodegl' Italian! viventi. Firenze, 1797-lSlO. 3."iv. IS', Xamelif : — Anguillesi, G. D. Poesie v. 15 of 4799ji.2 — BiTtola de' Giorgi, A. Poesio ... v. S-IU of 4799a. 2 — - Kime e prose v. .3:j of 4799a. 2 — Bertinelli, G. .A[. Poesie v. 19 of 4799a. 2 — Bondi. C. Poesie v. 11, 12 of 4:99a. 2 — Ceretti, L. Poesie v. 13, 20, 28 of 4:99a. 2 — Fantoni, G. Odi v. 33 of 4799a. 2 — - Poesie v. IG of 4799a. 2 — Fiorentino, S. Poesie v. 25 of 4799a. 2 — Foscolo, X. U. I sepolcri v. 27 of 4799a. 2 — Liimberti, L, Poesie v. 14 of 4799a. 2 — Mazza, A. Poesie v. 31, 32 of 479ya.2 — ilinzoni, O. Poesie ed imitazioni di sntire di Giovenale e d'Orazio v. .'iO of 4799a. 2 — 3Ionti, V. Poesie v. 17, 18 of 4799a. 2 — Pariui.G. Poesie v. 13, 24 of 4799a. 2 — Pignotti, L. Poesie v. 1-3, 21 of 47U9ii.2 — - La treccia donata v. 2("i of 4799a.2 — Piudemonte, I. Epistole in verse . . . v. 7 of 4:99a. 2 — - Poesio v. 27 of 47119a. 2 — Uossi, G. G- de. Poesie v. 4-6 of 4799a. 2 — Saluzzo, D. Poesie v. 22, 23 of 4799a. 2 — Savioli, L. Poesie v. 4 of 4799a. 2 — Vittorelli, J. Poesie di V., e di un autorc ano- ninio V. 29 of 4799a. 2 Parnassus societntis lesv. Fraucofvrti, 1G54. 2 pts in Iv. S" *4202.7 Contents. — Epica, seu Hcroiea. PARNELL, G. F. The superficial ready reckoner. London, lsG4. S" 5682. 5 Parnell, T. Miscellaneous poetic;ii works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Greiit Britain, V. 7] 4604.1 Paeola, L., and Botta, V. Del pubblico insegna- mento in Germania. Torino, 1851. 8° . . . 3596.4 Parr, S. Aphorisms, opinions, and reflections. With a sketch of his life. Loudon, 182G. 1G°. 2G09.27 — Metaphysical tracts by English philosophers of the eighteenth century. Loudon, 1837. b° . C092.2 Contents. — Clavis universalis, by A. Collier; A spe- cimen of inie pliilofiopliy, by A. Collier; Conjecture quiEdum dc eeusu, mwtu, et idcurum eeneratiune, auctore I). Hnrtley ; An inqnir>' into tbo origin of human appetites and aifuctioos; Man in quest of hliuself. — Parable of the marriage feast ; Faith and mor- tality: three sermons. [Uibdin. fcunday library, v. .3] 5444.23 Parr, T., Life of. 6*t;e Taylor, J 3709.14 Pari'-IZut, Col. See France, Ministry of war. Memorial de I'artillerie, v, 2, 5 3954.25 Shelf. No. PARRiiOT, Col., continued. ronM«/». — Vol. 11. Description d'une ninchlno pour decoupor les cuirnsses. V. Mnchinp pour cprouvcr los fluaqiios des niortiers; Mticliino it rcniottre les prains do lumiuro; Machine a fik'ter li'S e''ain3 do iumiOre; rrcssc d Itivior arliculu pour redrussor Ics plastrons do cuirasses. PARBOTT, M. J., Reeder, A. K., and Delnhay, M. ■\V. Kansas : a description of the country, its soil, [etc.J. [No title-page.] pp. 8. 8*". 6087.18 Parry, C. H. De Graecirvm atqve Romanarvm religionvm ad mores formandos vi ct efficacia comnientatio. Gottingae, 1799. pp. G8. 4'.B. 190.62 Parry, E. Cambrian mirror, or North Wales tour- ist. Chester, 1843. 18° 2473.23 Parry, W. [Remarks on the resolutions respect- in? the test act, passed at a meeting of the noblemen, gentlemen and clergy of the county of Warwick, Feb. 2, 1790.] Birmingham, n. d. pp. 47. 8" *41C3.16 — Thoughts on such penal religious statutes as nflVct the protestant dissenters. London, 1791. pp. 47. 8* *4163.15 Parsickism. Eckard, F. S. Die Religion der Feu- eranbeter 0076.7 — Zend-Avesta. Cercmonien des heiligen Diens- tes der Parsen 3014.31 Parsons, B. [Christian views : or discourses.] Boston, 1848. 12° 5444.9 Parsons, D. Election sermon, May 28, 1788. Bos- ton, [I7S8]. 8° *4103.S Parsons, H. A. Book of Niagara Falls. 3d cd. Buffalo, 183G. 18° 2379.34 Parsons, or Persons, R. Le tre conversion! dell' Ingliilterra d;il piganesimo alia religione cristiana; tradotte nelP italiano da F. G. Morelli. Roma, 1752-55. 3v. 4" 3550.13 Parsons, S. B. The rose : its history, poetry, cul- ture, and classification. New York, 185G. 12° 5847.20 Parsons. T. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Harvard university, Aug. 27, 1835, on the duties of educated men in a republic. Boston, 1835. 8° 4394.34 — Address commemorative of Rufus Cheat e, Sept. 29, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8° 508G.2 — The constitution, its origin, function, and au- thority: a lecture, March, 7, 18G1. Boston, 18G1. 8" 5046.14 — The laws of business for business men. Bos- ton, 1857. 8° 3G72.12 — [Remarks upon "Swedenborgianism reviewed, by E. Pond.'' From the New Jerusalem magazine for Sept. 184G.] Boston, 1846. pp. 2?- b° 5545.4 — Slavery: its origin, influence, and destiny. Boston, 18G.?. pp. 36. 12*' ". 4310.2a Parsons, U. Address before the American medi- cal association, at St. Louis, Mo., May 2, 1851. [Xo title-page.] 8° *M.Pph.v.l33 — Address before the Providence association for the promotion of temperance, May 27, 1831. Providence, 1831. 8° *M.Pph.v.l33 — Battle of Lake Erie : a discourse before the Rhode Island historical society. Providence, l*^5i- 8° *M.Pph.v.l.33 — - Same. 2d ed. Providence, 1854. 8° , . . 4323.14 — Connexion and reciprocal influence between the brain and stomach: a lecture. Provi- dence, 1840. 8° *3I.Pph.v.l33 — Descendants of Peter Hill, of York county. Me., with incidents relating to the Freiicli and Indian wars. Boston, l8o:>. 8". . *M.Pph.v.I33 — Indian names of places iu Rhode Island. Providenci?, I8GI. &" *3I.Pph.v.l33 — Letter on some points of military surgery. [No tiile-page.] 8° *M.Pph.v.l33 — Physician for ships. 3ded. Boston, 1842. 12°. 3723.14 — Prize dissertations. 2d cd. Providence, 1849. 8" 3717.4 PARSONS 468 PATERSON ahoif. No. Parsoxs, v., continued. CoiUcTits. — 1. Infiamniation of the periosteum. 2. Eneurvsis initata. S. Cnt&neoaa diseases. 4. Caacer of the breast, o. Malaria. — Report on medical sciences, presented at the third annual meetin;? of the American medi- cal association. Philadelphia, ISoO. 8°,*M.rph.v.l33 — Sketches of Rhode Island physicians, deceased prior to ISoO. Providence, 2859. pp. 64. %". [Rhode Island medical society. Transac- tions, v. l] 5713.7 — Speech at Put-in Bay Island, Sept. 10, 1S58, the 45th anniversary of the battle of Lake Erie. ' [Xo title-page.] &" *M.Pph.v.l33 — Spinal diseases. Boston, 1843. pp. 5G. 8'. . 5796.29 Parsons, "William, 6. 1755, d. 1837, Discourse on the deeense of. -See Young;, A 4103.7 Parsons, William, b. 1800, d. 1847, Obituary no- tice of. See Reed, C 4347.77 Paethenius. Bast, F. J. Epistola critica super Parthenio 4955.4 — Gale, T. Deamatoriis aflectionibus liber. Gr. et Lat., J. Cornario interprete 6072.14 — Meineke, J. A. F. A. Commcntationes de . . 4::i05.21 Parthenogenesis. On a true parthenogenesis in moths and bees. See Siebold, C. T. E. v. , . 5898.1 Parthenon, The: a weekly journal of literature, science, and art. Vol. 2. London, l8tV2. 4° *7261.1 Partiiey, G. Vocabularium Coptico-Latinum, et Latiuo-Copticum. Berolini, 1844. S" . , . MHO. 9 Parthian empire, History of the. Lewis, T. . . 3085.12 Parties, Dissertation on. Saint-John, U., lord Bolingbroke 3568.39 Partington, C. F. The clock and watch-maker's complete guide. London, 1825. 8° 4018.30 Partridge, J. A. The false nation and its "bases;" or, why the South cau't stand. Loudon, 1804. 8" 433Ca.l Partsch, p. Berichtiiberdas Detonations Phiino- mcn auf der Insel Meleda bey Ragusa. Wien, 1820. 8° 3869.33 Paruta, F., and Agostini, L. Sicilianumismatica. [Gravius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, v. O-s] . 4710.1 Paruta, P. The history of Venice. Likewise, tlie wars of Cyprus. Made English by Henry [Carey], earl of Monmouth. London, 105S. 2v. in 1. f* 2700.18 — Discorsi. 5ee Guicciardiui, F 4280.1 Parville, H. de. Causcries scientifiquca. le, 2eannee. Paris, 1862, 63, 2v. 12' .... *79I8.1 PARVILLEK, A. Stations, or devotions on the pas- sion of Christ. Dublin, 1S18. 32* 5448.45 PAS de statu quo. Jl sert I'Aulrichoetnuitaupape, Paris, 1802. pp. 10. 8° 4714.12 Pascal, B. Lettros ecrites il un provincial. Pre- cedecs d'une notice put Pascal par Villeniaiu. Kouv. ed. I'uriH, 1820. 8" 6075.4 _ Same. Precedees d'un essai sur ces Icttres et Bur Ic style de Tauteur. Paris, ls;iO. 1.8° 0074.28 — Pensdcs. Nouv. (^d. Par ie, 1820. 12' . , . .40yi)a.l6 Lc8 pensees, suivies d'une nouvelle table ana- liti.iue. I'aris, IKW. 1.8° 6101.9 — Des pen8(:'C8 de. AVe Cousin, V 6101.8. Pasciiasil'S, deacon at Rome. De Spiritu Saiicto libri duo. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V.8] B. 110.2 PASCHASIUS Uadbert. See Undbert, E'. PAasAn(«. — Vol, I. nioRrnplHcnl Introduction; Pro- ponftlB und niasonii for couotUntinp o council of tradoj A propoHal to plant a colony in Dnricn; Tlio WcdncB- diiy'aclul)iUaluffi)uP upon (tic union witli Ucutlnnd, 17U&; Enirluud'n (fi-t'iit concern. 11. Notlcvn uf •uinc of I'at- rrHun'H c'OutvmpurarlLHi nud CriuiulH ; Tlio Wudnrsdaj'* clut> diuloguus u)>on \\w nuluii \\h\\ KnRlaiid, 1710. 111. On 1)11.* union of i;rHon*a own library of tradii anil (Inancp, bIvimi liy iilm for public unv; I'Mtoraon and (lio lintik of Kngland ; t'ltcr- PATKRSON 469 PAULI PATERSON, W., coiitinueff. Bon and the iiiitl'. .3052.14 Patkiarciis. Rask, R. C. Longevity ascribed to the 5435.23 Testamenta xil patriarcharum. [Grabe. Spi- cili'gium] 6029.3 — - Same. Roberto Lincolniensi lutcrprete. [Maxima bibliuth. vet. patr., V. 2] B.1I0.2 Patricius, St., of Ireland. Life and labours of St. Patrick. With appendix on the ancient Christianity of Ireland. Dublin, 18S0. pp. 40. 10" 5559a. 20 dUeir. No. Patricius, St.^ of Ireland, continued, — Epistola. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pntr., v. 8]. B.110.2 PATRiciv, S. Commentary upon the histoncul books of tlie Old Testament. 5th t-d., cnrr. London, 1738. 2v. V *5H0.2 — Fifteen sei-mons upon contentment and resig- nation to the will of God ; also three sermous on the ministrations of angels. London, 1719. S" . . 5113.18 — The parable of the pilgrim. 5th ed. London, 1078. Km.4*' 5458.10 — Paraphrase on Job, I'sahns, Proverbs, Ecelesi- astes, and Song of Solomon. See Bible . . 5140.3 Patriot, The. [A dialogue.] March 21, 1790. n. p., n. d. [No titk-pjige.] pp. 02. 8°. . 2519.10 PATRioTis.^l amoral duty. Lunt, G 4394.27 Patterson, A. W. History of the backwoods ; or, tlie region of the Ohio. I'lttsburgh, 1843. 8". 4327.4 Pattkks()N, E. Appel du jngenient de la lere chambre du tribunal de la Seine du 15 fevrier 1801. 5fe Bonaparte, J. N 2041. 6 Patterson, J. W. Address on the life and charac- ter of A. Lincoln, June 1, 1805. Concord, 1805. 8° *4.142.6 — Address on the 258th anniversary of the plant- ing of the Popham colony. Boston, 1805. 8°. 4338.25 — Oration in commemoration of the lOoth anni- versary of the charter of Lebanon, N. II. 5e<' Lebanon, N. If 4337.45 Patterson, Robert. Narrative of the campaign in the valley of the Shenandoah, in 1801. PhilJidelpliia, 1805. 8" 4321.30 Patterson, Robert M. The character of A. Lin- coin. Philadelphia, 1805. 8° *4342.4 Fattie, J. O. Personal narrative of an expedition from St. Louis [toj the Pacific, and bnck through Mexico. Edited by T. Flint. Cin- cinnati, 1833. 12° 2378.29 Pattison, W. Poetical works, with life. [Ander- son. Poets of Great Britain, V. 8] 4004.1 Patton, J. H. History of the United States of America. 5th ed. New York, 1805. 8° . . 4343.2 Pau, Curative influence of the climate of. Taylor, A 3809.36 Paul, St., the apostle, Pauli apocrypha, in specie actus ejus et Thecla?, [Grabe. SpicilegiumJ. 6029.3 — Seiu Leben und Wirken, seine Briefe und seine Lehre. 5ee Baur, F. C 6000.4 Paul, of Bemried, Vita S. Herlucre. [Frankfurt, Societas, etc., V. 4] 4210.2 Paul Winfrid, or Warnfrid. Additamenta ad his- toriammiscellam. 5t'e Histona miscella . . 2758.14 — De gestis Langobardorum libri vi; Historic miscellae libri xxiv ; Libellus de episcopis Metensibus. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 13] B.110.2 — De gestis Langobardorum libri vi. [Grotius. Historia Gotthorum] 4829a. 3 — Liber de episcopis Mettensibus. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., V. 2] 4210.2 — Liber de gestis Romanorum ad Eutropii histo- riam additus. [Historise Romans scriptorcs, V. 1] 4240.3 AVe. — These additions have been attributed to Paul of Aquilera, called Winlrid. Paul I, emperor of Russia. Verordnungen iiber- setzt auf allerhochsteu Befehl. St. Peters- burg, 1797. 2v. 4" 3000.5 Paul, S., Address in memory of. See King, T. S. 4.349.17 Paulding, J. K. [John Bull in America; or, the new Munchausen.] New York, 1825. 12", . 2308.20 — Salmagundi. 5ee Irving, W" 2396.15 Paulet, L. Recherches sur Pierre I'hermite. Bru- xelles, 1854. 8° 265G.18 Pauli, C. \V, H. The great mystery; or, how can three be one? London, 1863. 16° 3409.30 Pauli, R. Bilderaus Alt-England, Gotha, 1800. '' 2418.14 — Geschichte Englands seit den FriedensschlUsseu von 1814 und 1815. Vol.1. Leipzig, 1864. b", 2525.3 PAULl 470 PEABODY Shelf. No. Pauli, R., continued, — Konig Aelfred iind seine Stelle in der Ge- scliichte Englands. Berlin, 1S51. S" . . . . 2418.16 — Geschichte von England. See Lappenberg, J. Br V. 3-5 of 422(5,1 Paulixus, 31. p. A., bishop of Xola. Curnieu ad Dcum postconversiouem et baptismum suum ; Carmen de doniesticis snis calamitatibus. [Mai. Class, auct., V.5] B.172.3 — Epistolarum libri v; De Martiniani periculis et Hberatioue epistohi metrica; Panegyricus metricus in obitum Ceisi; Natalitia vii; In Kjcetaiabitum; P^iaInli;Epigrammata. [Gry- n£us. Monum. patr.] B.141.3 — Epistolae lii; Poemata. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 6] B.110.2 — PoemaadversusPaganos. [Gcrsdorf. Biblio- thecapatruni^v. 7] 6039.9 — Vita a P. Crinito; De S. Joanne Baptista; Epistolje ad Ausouium. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.191.9 Paulli, O. Novus in Belgio Judseorum rex. n. p., 1702. pp. 33. f°. [Auabaptisticum Pan- theon] *B. 130.5 Paolus diaconus. Honiilia in verba Domini : Sim- ile est regnum coeiorum homiui rogi qui voluit rationem posct-rf de t^ervis suis. [Jlaxinia biblioth. vet. patr., V. 27] B.U0.2 Pacll's diaconus Emeritensis. Liber de vita et mi- racvlis palrvm Emeritensivm et AIlOsriAS- MATION de rebvs Emeritcnsibvs e biblio- theciiTam.iiode Vargas. Antverpia;, 1538. 4°.*C050.2l Paulus Siientiarius. Epigrammata. [Bruuck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 3] B.162.7 Paulus, H. E. G. Ext'getisches Handbuch iiber die drei ersten Evangeiien. Heidelberg, 1830-42. 4v. 8° 6010.11 — Das Leben Jesu, als Grundhige eiuer reinen Gescliicbte des Urchri.stenlums. Heidel- berg, 182.s. 4i)artsin2v. 8" G037.2 — Mcmorabilien. Eine philosopbisch-theologi- scheZeltschrift. Leipzig, 17'Jl-%. bv.in2. a". G056.20 — Philosophic der Oironbarung, Oder Entstehuugs- gescliidite, [u. s. w.] der v. t^cliellingischea Eutdeckungen. Diirmstadt, lb43, b" . . . 6105.3 — Sammlung der mcrkwiirdigsten Keisen in den Orient. Jena, iru;^-lbU3. Sv. in 4. b° . . . *4243.6 Conieutf.— Vol. I [l]- Rcise von Aleppo noch Joru- Htlcii), l(>D7,vun H. Muundrcll; Bvlon'a Bcmt-i-kiiii(^u aaf eiiiurltcise vou Cairo uncli PullUtiiiu; [2.] IMJelun's Uemerkmi^vu auf erincr Huieo durch Syrieii ; J. Kurtc's Iteisedurcli Epypten iibor Joppe iincli Paliistina, Sjricn and McBopolumicn, 1737-U'J; H. Dandini's Hcisebomerk- UDgcii Ubcr dio Mnroniten, lAi)6. 11 C^}. J. M.Wniiak'b'B Beschreibuiipvon Acgyptcn, 1CG4; [4.] Scbix-ibcn ciiiefl bcsIininUL-ii &]i8»iuunlra von der Gc«L-IIm:hnft J<>8U; Uo- lon's lUisL- von KhoduB nnuli Cniro; Sflii-L-ibcn dun Ur. Sliaw ; IJriof lif-s raters Du BL-nint ; Nuchrichtcn von P. C. Slcnrd iiber dns iilto iind ncuu Acgyptcn. III. £5]. Au0 Sk'iird'H Bfobnchtiinsun ubrr pn»2 AL'jryptcii, 1716; J. Gvori^enes l)i.-»c1irvibuit^ UiT Inael I'litmos, 6nmoi, Xlcnriu, und dfii litTgCB AtUos. [C] IV ["]. J. Schuiz, Uvltc durch vliicin TliuM von Vordcrnslun, Aegypton und bi^sondcre Syricn, 1762-56; HialorUcho Uiitentucliiins Ubor Pcraepoliii, von L. Langles; [8.] Toumvfort't Hoito lu dlo Lov&nUi, beraustf. von F. T. RJuk. — Thcologisch-exegotlsches Conporvatorhim lib- er dio alt- und neutestanientlichen Uelig- iontnurkunden. Heidelberg, 1822. 2v.ini. ti". 002S.0 — Wiih lehrt die Dognieiigettchichte Uberdas MyH- tihche in der Abendniuhlslehre ? Ace 3Ieier, F- C 6000.20 Pauli;s,J, De jure Unci; HcccptnrumHcntentlnrum librt V. AVfi Codex Theodosianua 4300.0 — Sententhiruni receptaruni libri V. See Sduil- »l'ig. A 4300.11 PAL'LV, A. !■'. KeuIEucyi'lopiidie der ehianischen AlterthuniHwiHHenHchiilt. [ V'^^^-7] fortj^e- setzt von C. W'tilz und \V. S. Ti ulVel. Stutt- gart, ]»3»-52, 7v. b" •4201.6 Pault, a. F., coniimied. CoWfH/8. — Vol.1. A.— Byz. II.C.— Dur. III.F,.— Hyt. IV. J.— Ml-z. V. Mi.— Pot. VI. Pro.— Sto. Vll. Sto.— Zyt Pauperism. See Poverty. Pausanias. Descrizione della Grecia, tradotta da A. Nibby. Roma, 1S17, 18. 4v. S° . . . . **2993.6 — Osservazioni criticbe, geografiche, antiquarie, sopra Pausauia. See Nibby, A 2993.5 Pautex, B. Errata du Dictiouuaire de I'Academie fran^aise. 2e tid. Paris, 1802. S' 2085.17 Pauw, C. de. Reeherches pliilosophiques eur les Americains. Avec une diss, par A. G- Per- nety. Londres, 1770, 71, 2v. in 1. sm.S". . *4169a.3 — Defense des Reeherches philosophiques sur les Americains. Berlin, 1770. sm.S" 41Ci9a.3 Pavia. Une visite ii la Chartreuse pres de Pavie. ^fcVisite 2734.21 Pawnbroking. Banquesde pret sur gage. Blaize, A 3045.29 Paxton, James. Illustrations of Paley's Natural theology. With descriptive letter press. Boston, 1827. 8° 3480.10 — Introduction to the study of human anatomy. London, 1S31-34. 2v. 8° 3752.21 Paxton, 7?er. James D. Appeal to the A. B. C. F. M. from tiie secretaries and prudential committee. Is'ow Haven, 184S. pp.40. 8°. 0008.55 Payex, p. Mt-moires avec annotations par A. Henne. Bruxelles, 18til. 2v. 8". [Brus- sels. Societe d'histoire de Belgique] .... 2820.31 Patne, A. R. M. The Geral-Milco ; or residence in a Brazilian valley of tbetjierra-Paricis. New York, 1852. 12° 2309.14 Payne, John. First annual address to the Phila- delphia annual conference of the A. M. E. church, 3Iay 10, 1853, Philadelphia, 1853. pp. 23. 8° C088.128 Payne, J. H. The apiarian's guide. London, 1833. pp.71. 12° 5898.20 Payson, E. Discourse, May 5, 1814, before the Bible society of Maine. Porthmd, 1814. b°.54riOa.46 — - ttame. 3d ed. Andover, 1818. 8° 5450a. 72 Payson, S. Proofs of the real existence and dan- gerous tendency ofilluminism. Charlestowu, 1802. 12' fi439a.2 Pazzi family. Conjurationis PactinnEe comiuca- turium. See Poliziauo, A 2720.7 — Conspii-acy against the Medici family. See Florentine misfortunes 3036.25 Pkabody, a. p. Address [before] the South par- ish Sunday school [on its] thirty-third anni- versary, June 2'J, 1851. I'ortsmoulh, Iti^l. 8* 64G0a.28 — American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Bo.-*ton, 1802. pp.24. 8' . . . , 5538.7 — Analogy of nature and the Bible. Dudleian h'Cture, M;iy 14, 1850. Cambriiigo, 1850. 8°. 5135.7 — Anti supernaturalism, a Kermon. Cambridge, 1845. 8° *i'ph.v.3r7 — Christian consolations. Sermons to the tif- flicted. Boston, 1847. 12* 5443.21 — Christian union. Sermon at the Instullation of Rev. N. S. Folsoni, over tin; First church in llavcihill, Oct. 7, 1840. Andover, 1840. b" . 0400a.28 — The coming of Christ. A sermon, April 25, 1841. Boston, 1841. 8" 6400a. 28 — Conversation. An address before the New- bnryport female high school, Dec. ID, 1840. 2ded. Boston, 1817. 12° 4358.10 — Discourse delivered at the ordination of Itev. A. D. Wheeler, Jan. 14, ls35. Llniington, 18:15. 8° 0400a. 28 — Essay on the prophecies relating to the Mes- siah. Boston, 1835. pp. 55. 12" B. 170b. 33 — Forgiveness. Boston, n. d. pp. 10. 10* , . . 645Ua.ti5 — The nature and intlueuec of war. An address before the American peace society, May 29, 1813. Boston, 1843. 8° *I*pb.v.370 PEABODY 471 PEASE siioir. No. PEABODY, A. P., continued. — Old nnQ. Sermon at Epping, N. II., Dec. 27, ]N."»u, at the interment of Hou. W. riinner. rortsnioutli, ISol. s° 4.147.80 — Our conver.>!ntion in heaven. Sermon preaclierl .Ian. L'^i, IS,')'.), tile Snmlay after tlic ileatli of M. S. Lotlirop. Ho.ston, I,So9. 8° 4:!47.C1 — Position ami duties of tlie North witli regard to slavery. Ncwburyport, 1S17. pp. 12. ^°. 4.')10.27 — " Quench not the spirit." Boston, 1849. pp. 12. lt>° u4.'i(ia.Clj — The revival of religion: sermon, preached Feb. 2.'!, 1S40. I'ortsmoulll, 1810. 8° •41(i3.(] — Sermon at Kppim;, N. H., Sept. 21, lSfi4, at the funeral of lion. \V. Plumer. Portsmoutli, ISSl. 8° 434S.7 — Sermon at the closing of the Sunday scliool room in Court street, Feb. 15, 18u7. Ports- mouth, lris, Pollctau, Marjoliu, Richerand, Civiale. Feissner, E, Address delivered at the great turn- er's festival, in Albany,. I une 28, 1858. [Sche- nectady], n. d. pp. 8. 8° IS. 170a, 23 Peixoto, N, A. Grammatica hespanhola para ubo dos Portuguezes, Porto, 1848. 10° . , . . 5039,8 Pekin, Residence iu, 1S20-21. Timkowski, G. , . 3015,7 Pelagiani.sm. Latins, J, De Pelagiauis et semi- polagianis libriduo 6004,24 — Lilienthal, T. C, Dissertatio de Pelagianismo ante Pelagium 6060,25 — Noris, H. Uistoria Pelagiaua B. 141. 4, 5 — Vossius,G.J. Histori^e de controversiis, qute Pelagius ejusque reliquia; moverunt, libri septem 6004.20 Pelasgi. 2ur Geschichte der Pelasger. RilUle von Lilienstern, ,1. J 4208.4 Pelegrinus, Peregrinus, or Pil;jrinuB, German bishop. Symbolum fidei. [JIaxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 17] B.110,2 Pelegrom, or Pelcgromus, S. Synonymorumsylva, e Belgarum sermone in Aiiglictnum trans- fusa, per H. F. Loiidini, 1650. sm.8° . . , 4937,30 Pelhaji, T, Speech at the trial of Warren Hast- ings, See Bond, E. A v, I of 2672.6 Pelham, ay. System of notation; representing the sounds of alphabetical characters. [Ap- plied to the story of Rasselas.] Boston, 1808. 12° 7069,28 Pi^LiGOT, E, 'M, Verres et cristnux, [France, Commission sur Tindustriedes nations, v. 6], 4029,20 Pellegrini, or l>ereH:rini, C, SccGnevius, Thes. antiq. Ital., T. U, p, 1, 2 4710,1 Contciifs. — T. IX, p. 1. lUstrtrla prlncipuin Laiigobar- (I'lrum. 2. DIaserlulionca tic vetcri algnlfleatu Tocia I'Mi-la', et de orlglne antiquiu faniilia} di Oollnionta, Lflt. vcrtlt S. Iluvcrcanipna; UiaHertationofl do Campa- nia Felice ex itai. Iranstulit A. Dulterua. Pellegrini, G. Delia artiliciale ridnzlone a so- liditii lapidea e inaltenibilltii degli animall scoperta da G. Sfgiito. Kirenze, is;l5. 8°. 4024,30 Pellegkino, or reregrinos, !\l. A, Consilium dc sagis. See .Munich, C 6090.10 Pelletax, E. Adresse an roi coton. Paris, 1863. pp.43. 8* 4321.21 — An address to king cotton. New York, 1863. pp. 19. 8°. [New York. Loyal publication society. No. 12] 4322.18 — Le crime. [The revolution in rolaiul.j Paris, 1863. pp. 48, 8° 3901.34 Pellico, S. Del doverl degli uomlnl. Parigl, 1834. r*° ......... . ,, * — Poesie. Torino, 1853. 10° — Tomnuiso IVIoro, trngedla. Parigl, 1834. 12° . — Six lettres incdiles tie. See Arrlvabcnc, (j. . PklLIS.son I'ontanler, 1'. Hisloire de Louis xiv, tleptiis til inort tin cardinal .Mazariii If'iU, jiis- qn'il lupiii.x de Nlnlegue, 1678. [Piiblk^e par Le Masrrler.] rai-ls, 17411, :lv. Bm.l2° . . I'KLLOllTlEll, S. lIlBlolre des Celtes. Nouv. dd., par M. de Chlnlae (de la Bustlde]. Paris, 1770, 71. 8v. 12° ■3587.12 47911.3 47118.32 4798.31 4619a. 4228.11 PEI-OUZE 473 PENNSYLVANTA SUcli". No. ruLoi'/.K, T. J., and Piemy, E. Notions griKJrales lie chimio, iivoc uu atlns de 24 pi. en couleur. I'aris, 1S53. 2v. t.° SU??.!? — - Tniiti' (le cliiniie gi'iuTnle, aniilytiqiie, indus- Iriilk' It iigiicolo. .')e td. T. 1,J, 4, 5. Paris, lSlil>-(«. -Iv. >s° 59;3.2 I'KLTiiiK, J. C. A. Slcti'orologie. Formation des trombes. Paris, 1S40. S° 3tlol.l2 Pelz, E. Andoutungt.'U zu cinerGowcrbc'-Ordauiig fiir dc» prcassisclicn Stant. Kuisse, 1844. pp. 55. 12° U.lCOb..TJ — Brit'f« ftus Xord-.\merika. Erster Uriel": Ilre- nirn. New York, ISoO. pp.?.'). 6i|.lci°. .'B. 127. 19 — Die Dorfgerichte in Preussen. ISrauiiscliwcig, lSl:i. pp. 5S. S" 42«>.4« — Uehtr den Kinlluss der pabriken and JIaaufac- tciren in Scldesieu. Leipzig, 1843-40. lCi° . 0059a. lU — Eiuige Worte iiber das neue prcussische Elie- gesetz. Leipzig, 1B43. pp. 52. 12° .... 42S9.47 — Gegen tlen Hunger. Leix)zig, H<49. pp. lo. sq.Ui" »B.127.19, and 0059a. 22 — Gescliichte Peters des Grossen. Leipzig, 184S. 8° 4252.10 — Ein .laliresbericht der Emigranten-C'onimissiire vou ^ewvork beleuchtet. Kudolsladt, 1S52. pp. 72. b' B. 170. 03 — Die Kinsburg. Leipzig, 1S47. pp. 48. 12°. B.170b.03 — Das Medicinalweseu. Eine Skizze von Dr. Iwan Oswa. Leipzig, 1848. 12° 4205.22 — Nenel'etersburgerSkizzen. Scliweidnitz, 1844. IC," 4253.21 — Die ncunte Versanimlung deutscher L.and- und Forslwirthe in Breslau. Breslau, 1845. pp. 30. 8" B. 100b. OS ~~ Noch ein Wort iiber die deatsclie Lcinwand- frnge. Breslaa, 1815. pp.47. S° B.I70b.l9 — Oflenes Sendschreibeu an eiueu Staatsniiuister iiber die deatsclie Leinwaudfnige. Leipzig, 1845. pp. 15. 12° B. 170b. 00 — Die I'atrinionial-Gericlitsbarkeit. Leipzig, 1843. pp. 45. 12° 4289. 19 — I'atriotisclie Betrachtungen. Heft 1. Bres- laa, 1847. pp. 70. 12° B.17()b.aO — Die Sclmceseburiragc. Breslau, 1840. pp. 20. 12° B.lC0b.41 — Das .Scbutzgeld. Skizze aas der Gegenwart in Deutschland. Leipzig-, 1846. pp. 31. 8° . B.170.59 — Stand der Lciuwiind-Aiigelegeuheit in Schle- sien. Breslau, 1^40. i>p. 14. 8° B.10l'b.40 — Die Stellung der Arbeiter bei der Landwirth- sclialt. Breslau, !sl7. pp. 20. 8° . . . . B. 170b. 53 — A^anderungen iuiXorden. Braunschweig, 1844. 3v. in 1. 12° 4210.22 — Das Wolter'sebeverbesserte Flachs-Spiunrad. Brestou, 1840. pp. 14. 12° B.lOOb.77 — Das Wort als That. Leipzig, 1819. pp. 10.32°. 605«a.21 Pli.nuEKTuN, K, Sermon, Slay 25, 1757, the anni- versary for the election of His Majesty's council for the province. Boston, 1767. 10°. *4350.3 Pkxanue ol Kolaud. Hirst, U.B.. . 2397.23, and 4179.14 Pendlkton, G. H. .Speech on the state of the union, in the house of representatives, Jan. 18,1801. [Xo title-pnge.] 8° 4340a. 9 Penuuh:m vibratiug seconds. Experiments for de- termining the variation in the length of the. Kater, II 3911.1 Fenfolu, C. The principle of rating railway, gas, water, aud other companies, [etc.]. 4til ed., rewritten. London, 1800. 8° 3053.17 PENIIALUiw, S. Wars of Jiew-England with the Eastern Indians, Kepriuted from the ed. of 1720, with an app. Cincinnati, 1859. 8m.4° . 4312.0 Fenichf-k, L. Collectanea pharuiaceulica. Pa- risiis, 1095. 4° 5644.4 Pkjiisotus, I. Select ess.iys on religious subjects. [i'enn. I'rimitive Christianity revived] . . 6453.16 I'KSissui.AK campaign. The. By a Prussian of- ficer. Boston, 1803. Ip. f° 4.340a. 10 .Vo*e. — A culling from The AmuHcan union, Feb. 14, 1811.1, where ll is creiiited to the Cologne gazette. 60 bhelf. No. Peninsular war. See Spain. PKNlTl'.NTIARlK.s. See Prison discipline. Pehn, W. Forster, W. E. Cliarges in Jfacaulay's History of England, against 4129.00 — Maisilhic, .1. La vie de Guillaunie Penn . . 2344.27 — Tryal at tlie Old Bailey, 1-5 Sept. 1070. [I'hc- ni.'c,v. 1] 4157.1 — and I'enington, I. Primitive Cliristianity re- vived, also select essays on religious subjects. Philadelphia, 1783. 8° 5453.10 Pknnant, T. First, second tour in Scotland, 1709, 72; Journey from Chester to London, 1780. [JIavor. Britisll tourists, V. 1,3] 2400.23 Pj-.xnih, .). V. The royal minstrel ; or, the witch- eries of Eiidor. All epic poem. Dorchester, [Eng.], 1817. 8° 450U,-l.3 Pknninu Alps, ItalLin valleys of the. King, S. W. 2704.15 Pennington, M. [Letters on dill'erent sulyccts, with the adventures of Alplionso, after the destruction of Lisbon.] 2d ed. London, 1707. 4t. p.8° 4549. tt Pennington, J. W. C. The fugitive blacksmith. 3d ed. Loudon, 1850. pp.84. 10° 0080.16 Pennsylvania. Acts^ laws^ etc. — Acts of the general assembly. And an appen- dix, containing the laws, passed between Sept. 30, 1775, and the revolution. I'hiladel- phia, 1782. f° '0300. 2 — Acts of the general assembly, 1824, 25. Harris- burg, 1825,26. 2v. 8° ♦0307.1 — Journal of the house of representatives, 1833, v. 2; 1838, V. 2, p. 2, app. tov. 2; 1840, V. 1, 2, p. 2, app. to v. 2; 1841, V. 1, app. to v. 2; 1»42, V. 1, 2, app. to v. 2; 1844, v. 1, 2. Har- risburg, 183.3-4-1. 14v. 8° *6309.1 — Journal of the senate. Session 1827, 28, app. to v. 2 ; 1833, .34, v. 2 ; 1838, V. 2, and app. to v. 2 ; 1840,v. 2, p. 1-3; 1841, V.l, 2; 1842, V. 2, app. tov. 2. Harrisburg, lS28-^2. llv. 8° . . . *63C9.1 — Laws. Ilepublished by A. J. Dallas. Vol. 2, Oct. 2, 1781— Oct. 2, 1790; v. 4, Dec. 1, 1795— Feb. 27, 1801. Philadelphia [and] Lancaster, 179:1-1801. 2v. f° *0300.3 — Laws of the general assembly, passed at the session 182(1,27-16,61, 54,68,01. Harrisburg, 1827-61. 22v. 8° *0367.2 — Votes and proceedings. Vol. 4, beginning, Oct. 15, 1744; v. 5, beginning, Oct. 14, 1758. I'liila- delphia, 1774, 75. 2v. f° *0300.1 — Proceedings and debates of the convention to propose amendments to the constitution. Vol. 1-0, 8, 9, 11-14. Harrisburg, 1837-39. 12V. 8° *0364.1 — Proceedings relative to the conventions of 1770 and 1790, minutes, constitutions, [etc.]. Har- risburg, 1825. 8° *0378.7 Miscellaneous legislative documents. — Adjutant general. Report, 1861, 62, 64, Har- risburg, 1801-05. 3v. 8° *0.';00. 10 — Addresses on the death of Hon. K. E. Eeed, Jan. 4, 1864. Harrisburg, 1805. pp. 38. 4°. 4350.20 — Heads of departments. Keports, 1851, together with the report of superintendent of com- mon schools. Harrisburg, 1852. 8° . . . . *6366.1 — Military department. Report of the executive office, for 1804. Harrisburg, 1805. 8° . . . »6306.2 Superintendent of common schools. Report, 1850, 50, 57, 00-63. Harrisburg, 1851-64. 7v, 8° *0378.4 — - Common school laws and decisions of the superintendent, with explanatory instructions and forms. Prepared by U. C. Hickok. Har- risburg, 1857. 8° *0378.5 _ Common school laws and decisions of the superintendent, and explanatory instructions and forms. Revised by T. H. Burrowes. Harrisburg, 1802. 8° *0378.6 Quartermaster general. Report for 1804. Har- risburg, 1865. 8° *63C6.8 PEXNSYLVANIA 474 PERELLO Shelf. No. Pexnstlvanta, continued. — Treasurer. Report from Nov. 1, 1&38, to Oct. 31, 18.19; Dec. 1, 1S41, to 'Soy. 30, lti42. Har- risburg [and] Bedford, lS:Ji)-i2. 2v. 6" . . *G30G.5 Dallas, A. J. Reports of cases in the courts of, 17;"i4-Sa , Gordou, T. F. History of Hogan, E. State trials of Ilopkinsonand Nich- olson Jardiiie, L. J. Letter from, 1794 Loruin, J. Comparative estimate of the ad- vantages of r., and of the WL'ttern territory. Manufacture of iron in. ^ee Philadelphia. Convention of iron masters Pleasant peregrination through parts of . . . Rogers, H. D. Report on the geological survey of 437 - Geologische Untersuchungen Saint JohndeCrevecoeur, J. II. Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie Sypher, J. R. History of the Pennsylvania re- serve corps Watson, J. F. Annals of Wright, W. The oil regions of 3707.4 2372.13 2372.19 4103.1 G.378.9 2379.22 '2.19,20 4372.21 4365.15 4331.4 2372.14 4372.40 See also: Gettysburg, Fhiladclphia, Pittsburg. — Historical society. Memoirs, Vol. 1. [Re- priutof 1826.J Philadelphia, 1804. 8* . , . *4372.2 Contents. — Vol, I, Sketch of the society; Constitu- tion of the society; Innugiiml dincoursc, Nov. 5, 1825, by W. Rawle ; Memoir on tlic locnlity of the grefti treaty between W. Pcnn nnd the Indian natives in 1CS2, by K. Vaux ; Notes on the provincial liternturo of !*«., by T. I. Wharton ; Memoir on the controversy between W. Penn (ind Lord Baltimore, respecting the boundiirios of Ph. and Md., by J. Uunlop; Letters of W. Penn, with his will and codicil; Pnpei's relntivc to the valcUtdory addrcH9 of president Washington ; Vindicution of llcck- ewelder's History of the Indian nations, by W. llawle; Account of the first But tleinent of the townships of Huck- ingham and Solcbury, Hucks Co., by J. Wnlson ; Account of the discovery of nntluncite coal on the Luhigli, by T. D. >)anies ; Some extracts from papers in the uQIce of the Bccretary of the connnonwealth at Iliirrishurgh, by U. Conyngham; Contributions to the medical history of Pa., by C. Morris; Notices of negro slavery, as con- nected with Pti., by E. Beltlo; Xutic^s of tlic llfo and character of It. Proud, by C. W. Thomson; Original leltcrsofW. Poun; Biographical sketch of Sir W.Keith, — - Same. A'ol.4, p. I.Philadelphia, ISiO. 8*. M372.1 Co»/enW.— Inaugural discourso, June 3, 1837, by P. S, Du Ponceau; Memoir wf W. Itawlc, by T. 1. Wharton; iJcscrtption of a sjiccimcn of engraving, by the aborigi- nal inhabitants of N. A., with a notice of suinu Inci- dents in tlie liiBtory of the early Bottlrrs on the wetC branch of the Susquehunna Kiver, by W. It, Johnson ; Memoir of It. Vnux, by T. MeK. Peiil; Examination of Benuchamp riivntngcnet's description of New Albion, by J. Pcuington; Iiiedltcd letters of W. Pvud, byJ. V. FiTiher. — Independent medical school. The voluntary system of medical education. Philadelphia, 1^5^. pp. 20. 8' G087.98 — Medicnl society. Transactions. 4tU scries. P. 1, rhihiilelphia, IMVG. S' 7760. 1 Union fitiite central committee. Address. Phll- adeljihia, 1803. &' 4340a. 5 Pennsylvania freedmcn's relief association. Re- port of u mcftlng, Nov. 3, I8!i:i, [on] tho condition of the Irccd people of the South. Phihidfphla, iw;3. pp.24. 8" 4320a. 2 Pennsylvania journal of prison discipline and pliilanthropy. Vol. 1-14. Philadelphia, 1845- 09. sv. 8" •7fi7fi.l Pennsylvania relief association for Kast'Tennes- see. Report to (he contributors. PhiluUel- phttt, 1804. pp.45, s* 43J0U.0 Pennsylvania yearly meeting of propreKslvo friends, Proceedlngn, Inrhiding four ^eriiioua hy T. rurltcr. Nfw York, IK'iN. 8° .... 5142.3 Pesrosk, K. [Ilit'tDry of (iennnny, from Its inva- sion by MariuH to the year 1n.'iU ] New ed. tondoD, 1803. 12* 2S01.10 shelf. Ko. Penrose, F. C. Principles of Athenian architec- ture. [Publi^^hcd by the society of Dilettan- ti.] London, ks51. f° ♦.'J070.15 Penrose, T. Poetical works, wit li life. [Ander- son. Poctsof Great Hritain,v, 11] .... 4004.1 Penry, J. Life of the pilgrim martyr, 1559-93. See ■Waddinfiton, J 5459a. 30 Pentonville prison, Report on the construc- tion, ventilation, etc, of, 1>S44. See Great Britain. Department of justice. Surveyor- general of prisons 3571.24 Pepoli, C. Les puritains et les cavaliers. Op^ra SL*ria. [Kr. etital.] Paris, 18H. pp. 75. b°. 8059.3 Pkrabeau, H. Glees and part songs. Sec Heu- berer, C.F 8047.4 PfeRAU, G. L. C. AHe de Maurice comte de Saxe. 5ee Maurice, of Saxony 3950.18 Perception, Internal. IJber die innere Wahr- nehmung. Suabedisseu, D. T 6098.8 Pekceval. Sec Caussin de Perceval, A. P. Perceval, A. P. Reasons wliy I am not a mem- ber of the Bible society. 2d ed. Loudon, 1830. 8' *Pph.v.385 Perceval, J., lord viscount Perceval, [ractiou detected by the evidence of facts.] Gth ed. London, 1743. 8^ 2520.7 A'o(c. — Chalmers, in his biographical dictionary, says this was lon(* attribvitcd to tlic enrl of Bath; and ftc- cordinply Watt, and tiie Bodleian catnlogrue, ascribe it to W, Pultency. But Watt also inserts it under the nam© given above, and a manuscript note in this copy, says, "wrote by my son John, lord visc't. Perceval." PERCIVAL, or Farcival. Pnrzival. liittergedicht. 5ee Eschenbach, W. V 2874.31 — - Same. [Krais. Alfdcutsche Heldendicht- ungen, V. 2] L'900.31 — - Same. [MUlIer. Samlunf; deutscher Ge- dichte ausdem xii.-xiv. .lalirhundert] . . . 2901.3 PerCIVAL, J. G. Oration before tlie >^. i!. K. society, Sept. 10, 18'^2, on some of the moral and political trutlis derivalde from tlie study of history. New Haven, 1822. 8' 4.394.46 — Report on tlie iron of Doilgt' and AVashinglon counties, AVis. Jlihvaukee, 1855. pp. 12. 8". 5808. 7 — Report on the I\en^in^tou silver-lead mines, Berlin, Conn. New Haven, 1^53. pp. 0. «*. 7899.1 — Annual report on thegeulogical survey of Wis- consin. See Wisconsin 58(18.8 PERCUS.STON. Abhaudl. liber I'erkussion. Skoda, J. 3795.39 Percy, A., earl of Sorthumherlaud. Description of tlie tiinmphiint show made at his installa- tion and initiation into the fraternity of the garter. May 13, 1035. London, 1851, pp. 10. 12° [Bell. Tracts, V. 1] *45S0.20 Percy, J. Metallurgy. Iron and steel. London, 18G4. b° 58G0a.2 Percy, T. Kive pieces of runic poetry, translated from the leelandiclanguage. [Appended arc the originals.] London, 1703. sm.8° . . .**2875,17 Cdulcnts. — Tlio fncnntalinn of Hervor; The dyinp odo of UoKiier Lodbrotr; The ransomo of KfiiU the Bcnld ; The I'uni-ral xun^; of Uueon; Tlie compJiiiul of liaruld. — Rcliqnes of ancient Knglish poetry: [with] a sui>plement of ballads from rare copies. Phil- adelphia, 1855. 1.8" 2534.16 — Key to the New Testament. [Boston. Chris- tian monitor, v. 12] 5459.15 P£;re La C'liaise, Manuel du curieux dans la cime- titredu. />VcMarcInint de Beaumont,!*. M. . 2034.19 PfenfeFiXK. A'cc Hardouinde Beaumont dePerelixe. Vu,\u'A\\WiiV^,ahhot<>f St, Afart/ tie /''oiitaines. iiis- toria ecclesia* B. Mari;e de Foutiinis O. C. [Achery. Spicilcginni, v. 10] 4152.7 Pereira, .J. lilenienls ornaiteria niedica and the- rapeutics. 4th ed. [by A. 8. Taylor and G. <). RecsJ. London, ]85'I-57. 2v. in 3. *>" . . 3:80.37 Peukllo, M. Anli(iuitas Sclcli,(juam olini vocn- runt Cusmenns, secundam Syracnsannnun coloulam. Latliic vertit S. llavercampuy. [GrojvluB. Thc8. anti^. Uai.,T. lo, v. 12] . . 47m. i PfiEENXfiS 475 PERIODICALS Shoir. Ha. PlinES.Nf;s, F. Diclioiinaiiede bibliogrnphie cntli- oliriinviiB, iro-,'. 10° 48SG.30 Feeez, a. Inslituliones imporiales eiotomntibus distincta!. Ed. noua. Amstelodaini, 1G02. sm.l2" »»303S.ll Pkrez de Pineda, J. Itreve aimario de induljon- zias. En apuiulizc : una carta de Antonio delC'orro. Madiid, 1602. 24°. [Ueformistas antiguos espafiolcs] • **549C.31 — Bievetratadodedoctrinn. n.p.,lS52. 12°. [Ue- formistas antigiios espnnoles] **549G.14 — Epistolaconsolatoria, Witli a notice of the au- thor in English and in S^pauisli [by B. B, Wif- fcn. London), 1S4S. 12° **3496.23 — Imajen del Antccliristo, i carta a Don Felipe ii. n. p., 1,S49. 10°. [Ueformistas antiguos es- panoles] **549ri.28 — Puplicazion aD. Felipeii. 5ceEnzinas,F. de. 5190.10 PKitiiiMKiiY. Pradel.P. Treatise on 4000.30 — Uimniel, E. Boole of perfumes 4000.29 PiiUlxt;slvl6l,p, .T. Mouunientorum .Sveo-Gothico- runi litier primus, Uplandia; partem prima- ri:im Thiundiam continens; [etj Monumenta Ullerakerensia cum Upsalia Nova iliiistrata. [Lat. et Sv.] Stockholmiae, 1790-91. 2v. in 1. f° .... 2S20.r Pkbiodicai-s. The academician. New York, 1S20. See Picl;ctt, A 7591.10 — All tlie year rouud. London, 1S59-02. See Dii-kens, C 7312.1 — Allgonieine deutsche Bibliothek. Berlin, u. s. \v., 17(i4-1^03 B. 149a. 3 — Allgeraeine Zeitnng. Augsburg, IMl-OS . . . 0210.1 — American a^'riculturist. New York, 1851-01 . 3190.2 — American annual cyclopedia. New York, 1.S02, 03 4313.1 — American journal of dental science. Philadel- phia, l.'-53-00 5770.1 — American journal of education. Hartford, 1S5G- 01. Sec Barnard, H '. . . 6593.1 — American journal of insanity. Utica, 185^-03. 5773.1 — American journal of science and art. New Haven, 1819-C5. See Silliman, B 5104.1 — Ainei-ican journal of the medical sciences. Phlladelpliia, 1827-02 3710.1 — American literary gazette. Philadelphia, 1803. 2152.20 — American medical recorder. I'liiladelphia, 1818-28 5749a. 1 — American medical times. New Y'ork, 1801, 02. SecSmith.S 7711.1 — American phrenological journal. New York, 185:3-00 3190.1 — American publisher's circular. New Y'ork, 1855-00 2150.2 — American quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1827-37 3174.1 — American railroad journal. New York, 1849-02. 5141.5 — Ami, L', de I'enfance. Paris, 1859-01 .... 5594.1 — Anglo-Africjin magazine. New York, 1859 . . 7572.1 — Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. Leipzig, ls:)2-02. Sie Braudes, K 6900.2 — Annaleu der Erd-, Volker* und tftaatenkunde. Berlin, 18.30-41. .See Berghaus, H. C. W. . . 4155.1 — Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Leipzig, 17UU-l.Si4. .See Puggendorff, .1. C 3918.1-3 — Anuales archeologiques. Paris, 1844-62. See Didron, A.N 3301 . 1 — Annates de cbimie et de physique. Paris, 1789-1802 3959.2 — Annales d'liygit'ne publiquc. Paris, 1853-63 . 37/5.2 — Annales de la marine. .S'ee Ucvue coloniaie . 5144.1 — Aunalcs de lu propagation de la foi. Lyon, 1827-02 3538.1 — Annales des mines. Paris, 1795-1863. See Journal et annales de..i!rum, The. London, 1828-03 3111.1 — Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1857-03 6314. ^ — Atlas, The. Boston, 1839-03 r • •. i 0300.1 — Aurora and general advertiser. Philadelphia, »81.' S070.7 PKRIODICALS 476 PERIODICALS Shelf. K' PEKIoniCALS, continued. — Bank note list and counterfeit detecter, Bos- ton, 1843^4. Sm Willis, H SMI. — Banker's mag.azine. London, 1SJ4-G2 .... 5:U5. — Banker's magazine. New York and Boston, :8S0-63 5340 — Bentley's miscellany. London, 1837-63 . . . Sass. — Bentley's quarterly review. London, lSo9, no. 5319. — Biblical repertory and Princeton review. Phil- adelphia, ISol-fiS 5412 — Biblical review. London, 1SJ6-50 7424. — Bibliografla italiana. Firenze, 1861-01. See Molini, G 2161- — Bibliographie de la France. Paris, 1810-04. See Journal general de I'imprimerie et de la librairie 2ir>7. — Bibliophile beige. Bulletin. Bruxellcs, 1845-62. 2157. — Bibliotheca sacra. Andover, 1814-63 5310. — Bibliothek der redendeu and bildenden Kiiuste. Leipzig, 1806-10 5i;9a. — Bibliothek der schiiuen Wissenschaften, u. 9. w. Leipzig, 1757-1805 5114.1- — Bibliotheiiuedes sciences. La Haye, 1754-SO . B.llS. — Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve, 1816-03 . 7217. — Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, 1817-63 . . 3110. — Bliitter fur literarische Untcrhaltung. Leipzig, 1854-61 5311. — Book, The, and its missions. London, 1861-64. See Rany.ird, L. N 7418. — Boston courier, 1824-60 7710. — Boston daily advertiser, 1849-60 rs8n. — Boston daily atlas, 183'.M5. See Atlas .... 0300. — Boston daily bee, 1842-01 • . . 0310. — Boston daily evening transcript, lS.30-62 . . . 7810. — Boston daily evening traveller, 1845-61 .... 7910. — Boston daily morning traveller, April 14, 1857- Sept. 15, 1857 7930. — Boston daily post, Us.52-fi0 7780. — Boston guide to health, 1845. See Spear, J. S. 7761. — Boston medical and surgical journal, 1828-63 . 5746. — Boston monthly magazine, 1825, 20. Edited by S. L. Knapp 5146. Boston quarterly review, 1838-42 3201 . bliclf. .No. 4107.1 2147.1 .3303.1 Boston review, 1861, 02 7514. Boston weekly messenger, 1811-43 7800. British critic. The. Loudon, 1793-1801 .... 4115. British quarterly review. Loudon, ISLVoy . . 3103. Brownson's quarterly review. Boston and New York, 18H-r,l 6217. Builder, The. London, 18i:'.-03 3110. Bulletin deslois. Paris, 1793-1803. Sr;e France. 3078. Bulletin des sciences gcographiqnes, etc. Paris, 1824-31. See Paris. Societc' pour la propa. gallon des connaissances scientiliques. . . • Bulletin du bibliophile. Paris, 1836-04. See Techener, .1 Bulletin du Musce de I'lndustrie. Bruxelles, 1841-00. See Johard, .I.B. A.jr Bulletin general de therapeuti(|uc m<^dicale et chirurgicale. Paris, 1832-r»3 Bulletin medical beige. Bruxelles, 1830 . . . BUrgcrfrcund, Der. Philadelphia, Jlay 1847- May 1*18. Site .Seideusticker, O • Campaign, The, May 31-Nov. 1, 1818. Wash- ington, 18-18. 25 numbers Canadian Journal of industry, science and art, 1850-.09. See Toronto Catalogue de la librairie. I'arls, 1858-04. See Iteiiiwnld, C 2149.2 Catidogue dos brevets d'inventlon. i'nria, 1820- irl. .8V« IViin :e. Jllni.stry of agriculture . 3970.10 Cendrlllon. Purls, L'-SO-OU 8071.1 CliemisclK^s Ceutral-Blutt. Leipzig, 18.10-) 1 . 7U16.1 Chrislian examiner and theological review. Bo-ton, 1.'-21-li:i 3140.3 C'liilslian Inquirer. New York, )860-«2 . . . . "9i)u.3 ClirlsUan iid^cellimy, and laniily vi»itur. Lou- don, 1810-02 5117.1 ClirMiun monitor. 1809-11. .S'ec Iloslon . . . 6iM.ti Chrbitlan observer. London, 18(i:hi2 .... 3117. 1 .3295. 6712. 7231 8030, 7.366, Periodicals, continned. — Christian register. Boston, 1826-61 . . . — Christian review. New York, 1836-01 . . — Christian spectator. New Haven, 1819-38 — Christian witness, and church member's maga- zine. Ed. by J. Campbell. London, 1814- 62 — Christian's penny magazine, and friend of the people. London, 184(>-(>2 — Church of England magazine. London, 1830- 40 — Church review. New Haven, 1851-04 .... — Churchman's tlimily magazine. London, 1863. — Civil engineer and architect's journal. Lon- don, 1838-63 — Civilistisches Magazin. Berlin, 1815-32. See Hugo, G. V — Colburn's new monthly magazine. London, 1821-55. See New monthly magazine . . . — Columbian ceutinel. Boston, 17S5-1832. See Blassachusetts ceutinel — Commissioners of patents' journal. London, 1851-04. See Great Britain. Department of justice. — Congregational magazine. London, 181&-15 . — Congregational quarterly. Boston, 1859-04 . — Congressional globe, 1834-01. See United States C.121.1 — Connaissance des temps. P.aris, 1858-64. See France. Ministry of marine, etc — Continental monthly. New York, 1802, 63 . . — Cornhill magazine. London, 1860-03 .... — Correspondance littc^rairo. Paris, 1860-02 . . — Cosmopolitan art journ.al. New York, 1857-59. — Country gentleman. The. Albany, 1x63-56 . . — Courrier des i:tats-rnis. New York, 1851-03. — Crayon, The. New York, 1855, 50 — Daily news. London, 1802 (HIO. I — De Bow's review. New Orleans, 1840-00 . . . 5101.2 — Deutsche Bliitter. Leipzig und Altcnburg, 1813-10. See Brockhaus, K. A 2839.4 — Deutscher Kirclienfreund. Mercersburg, 181S- 61. SeeSchalV, P • • • "077.1 — Deutscher Merkur, 1773-lSOO. See Wlcland, CM 6169a. 2 — Deutscher Zeitungs-Kutalog. Leipzig, 1801. See Hiibner, H 2156.3 — Dial. The. Boston, 1840-13 6235.4 — Dublin quarterly journal of medical science, 1840-63 7870.1 3168.1 5102.1 7413.1 7412.1 7411.1 5112.1 7302.1 3200.1 4292.7 5317.1 7980.1 7414.1 7516.2 6916.1 7317.1 7313.1 5115.1 8091.1 ,3990.2 3130.3 5281.1 7IS.1 Dublin review. London, 1830-62 3180.1 Dublin university magazine, 1833-03 3188.1 Eclectic magazine. New York, 1851-03 . . . 5226.1 Eclectic review. London, 1805-03 7215.1 Economist, The. London, 1843-03 3110.1 Edinburgh journal, 1833-03. Sec Chambers, W. audll 3130.1 Edinburgh medical jnurniil, 1835-63 3747.3 Edinburgh medical and surgical journal, 1805- 65 5'l"-l Erlinburgh new philosophicaljournnl, 1820-03. 79l(i. 1 Edinburgh review, 1S02-63 3112.2 Education reporter and weekly lyceum. Bos- 1830,31 8070.8 Eleclropathic guide. The. Boston, 1819. See Paige, A 0087.97 Emerald, The. Boston, 1800-8 . 6166.4 Europa. Chronik der gobildeten Welt. Leip- zig, 1801, 02 Evangelical Christendom. Londmi, 1817-5/ . Evangelical magazine and missionary chron- icle. London, 1793-1802 Evening mail. London, lHl.">-60 Examiner, The. London, 1851-02 Examiner, The, by Swill and others. London, 171^-14 4649.25 Exhibition iulclligcucer. Boston, 1817. See Farwell,.!. ll.and K. F 80.30.1 Farmer's nuuilhly visitor. Muncln'Sler, N. II 18.')2. .Sec Poller, C. E 7241.1 7612.1 7517.2 7180. 1 7181.1 ■I'.-OO.l PICllIODICALS 477 PEUIODICALS Shuir. No. I'ERionicALS, continued. — Fircsiilc iiioiulilv. New York, 1800. See ITull, W. W 7367 A — Floricultiujil cirbiuft, nnil llorist*« maguzino. London, 1S33-6!I. *Ve llilrrison, J OSM.l — Floriculturul mngiutnt.', anU miscellany of ganleniug. Lonilon, isao, 37. See Marnock, K 5S17.'>> — Fonogralic correspondent. Lundun, 1848, 50. See I'itmau, 1 2r.'a..1 — Fonogralio correspondent and reporter. Lun- dun, IMG. Swl-itmau, I . 2129.1 — Fonogratic magazine. Lundun, 1850. See Pit- man, 1 2129.0 — Foreign quarterly review. London, ISar-H) . 5118.1 — Frn.'ier's ni.agazine. London, 18:iO-03 .... .3187.1 — Ciardener.s' chronicle. London, 1841-50 . . . 6990.2 — Ganlener's weekly uia,ij^aziue. London, 18G0. .-li3 . 3115.1 — Giornale generale della bibliografia italiana. Firenzc, 1801-04. ^ecMolini, G 2101.2 — Giorualestoricodegliarcliivitoscani. Firenze, 1857-01 See Tuscany 5205.30 — Godey's magazine. Philadelphia, 1S4S-03 . . 5325.1 — Gdttingisclies historiscbes ilagazin. Hannover, 1787-91. ,See Mciners, C 4157.3 — Guide to Christian perfection, and Guide to holi- ness. Boston, 18:19-57 7457.1 — Gutenberg. ZeitschriftrdrBnchdrucker, u.s.w. Wicn, 1833-50 5170.4 — Harbinger, The. ^"ew York, 1S43-47. See West Uoxbury 5571.3 — Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, ISJIl-HS 5210.12 — liarpiT's weekly. New York, 1857-03 .... 5380.2 — Ueidelbergcr Jabrbiicher der Iiiteratur. Hei- delberg, I8C8-03 4117.1, and 5328.1 — Herald of progrejis. New York, 1801, 62 . . . S060.9 — Historical collections of the Essex institute. Salem, 1839-03. .SVe Salem 2355.10 — Historical magazine. New York, 1857-64 . . . 43-5.1 — Historical register, 1714-38. London, 1717-39. 2259.0 — Hogg's weekly instructor. Edinburgh, 1845-49. 5305.1 — Horticulturist. Rochester, etc., 1854-03 . . . 5874.1 — Household words. London, 1850-59. See Dickens, C 7310.1 — Illustrated magazine of art. New York, 1854. 8001.1 — Illustrated news. New York, 1853 5230.1 — Illustrated news of the woild. Loudon, 1800. 5210.1 — lUustrirte Welt, Die. Stuttgart, 1801, 04 .. . 7281.1 — Illustrirte Zeitung. Leipzig, l.SOO-04 .... 7180.1 — Illustrirter Kalender. Leipzig, 1830-02 . . . 31S0.2 — Imiierial journal of art, science, mechanics, and engineering. Manchester, 18 — .... 4021.8 — Imperial magazine; .and monthly record of general knowledge. London, 1819-34 . . . . 7304.1 — Independent chronicle, and universal adver- tiser. Boston, 177()-98 8020. 1 — Index, The. London, 1802-03 4320.1 — lustrumental- und Vokai- Concert. .Stuttgart, 18-11. SecOrtlepp, E 4049.60 — Intellectual observer. London, 1862-05 . . . 6817.1 — Investigator, The. London, 1820-24 3174.2 — Irish (juarterly review. Dublin, 1851-59 . . . 5237.1 — Israelite indeed. New York, 1859-01 7483.1 — Jubrbuch fiir die Geschichteder Juden. Leip- zig, l.Sin, 01 0277. f — Jabrbucb ftir Volkswirtbscbaft und Stalistik. l,ei|>zig, 1>52-01. .V11.1 — London times, lS:!5-(iO 7410.1 — Maemillan's magazine. Cambridge, 1859-04 . 7314.1 — JIagazin fiir Keligionsphilosophie, u. s. w. liclaistiidt, 1794-1802. See Henke, H. P. C. fiOlOa.l — JIagazine of horticulture. Boston, 1830-00. See Hovey, CM 5877.1 — Magazine of useful knowledge. In modern Armenian. Smyrna, 1839-45 72-31 .4 — Manchester guardian, 1802 7700.1 — Massachusetts ceutinel. Boston, 1785-90 . . . 7981.1 — Massachusetts Columbian centinel. Boston, 1795-1832 — Massachusetts magazine, or monthly museum. Boston, 1792 S140.3 Massachusetts register and United States cal- endar. Boston, 1801-47 2.34D.1 — Massachu.setts teacher. The. Boston, 1854-04. 6280.1 — JIassnchusetts whig. Boston, 1813,44. . . . 4184.1 — Mathematical monthly. Cambridge, 1859, 00. 5013.1 Mechanics' magazine. London, 1823-04 . . . _ Medical critic and psychological journal. Lon- don, lM)l-(i3. .S'ec Winslow, F Sledical examiner. I'liiladelphia, l,'^3S-42 . . _ Medical news. The. Philadelphia, 1801,03 . . — Medical times and gazette. Loudon, 1840-04 . Medico-chirurgical review. London, IS21-04. Jlemorabilien. Kinephilosophisch-tlieologi.sche Zeilschrilt. Leipzig, 1791-90. See Paulus . Jiemorial du commerce et de I'iudustrie. Paris, 18:i7-Ci4. See Lainne, A. F Merchants' magazine. New York, 1839-03. .See Hunt, r 3194.1 — Methodist magazine, n continuation of the Arniinlan magazine, 1798-1821. See Armi- nian magazine — Methodist magazine, or evangelical repository. ].,ondon, 1798-1801 — Methodist magazine, and quarterly review. New York, 1S18-03 — Jlissionary chronicle. See Kvangclical ning. . — Missionary herald. Boston, 1821-03. See American board of commissioners forforeign missions Minsionury magazine. Boston, 1817-03. See American baptist missionary union .... — Mittheilungcn auf dcm Gcsammtgebicte der (Teographie. Gotlm, 1855-04. See Peter- nmnn, A. H 4141.9 Money market review. London, 1802-04. . . 5040.1 _ Moniteur universe!, Le. I'aris, 1789-1804. . 7140.1 — .Monthly journal of the American unitarian Hssociution. llosion, 1800-03. See American unitarian association "309.1 — Monthly misccllauy of religion and letters. Boston, 1s!9-43 6150.5 — 5fnnl Illy religions magazine. Boston, 1844-04. 0397.1 — .ilusi'um of foieigu literature and science. Philadelphia, 1k."2-27 6140. S — Nachricliten von merkwUrdigeu Blichern. Ilttllc, 1762-58. See Banmgarten, S. J. . . . 6149.2 — National era. Wnshinglon, fir-r.O 6000.2 — National Intelligencer. Wai-hinglon, 180M-I4. 0140.1 — Natlonal-Maguzin lllr Handel und Ocwerbe, u.». w. Leipzig. 1M4 7231.2 _ >uliunnl inogttzhic. New York, 1832-58 .. . 7222.1 — .National review. London, li-6H-«t 6238.1 — Nautic il niuguzine. London, 1R32-04 0408.1 — Aene I'itaval, Uer. Leipzig, 1842-03. See llltzig, J.li 3000.2 — New England farmer. Edited by S. \V.. Cole anIS. lirown. Uoslon, 1819-01 8001.1 5915.1 37SS.1 5717.1 7715.1 6711.1 5748.1 6050.2 3290.2 7415.1 7417.1 7410.1 7517.2 5167.2 6100.1 Shelf. No. Periodicals, coidlmied. — New Kugland farmer and horticultural journal. Boston, 182:!-43. Sec Kesscnden, T. C. . . 7991.1 — New England galaxy and masonic magazine. Boston, 1817--'8 7800.1 — New England historical and genealogical regis- ter. Boston, 1847-03 2.%35.1 — New England palladium. Boston, 1801-28 . . 7800. '.J — New Englander, The. New Haven, 1843-04 . 7444.1 — New evangelical magazine and theological review. London, 1815-18 7457.2 — New TIampshirejournal of medicine. Concord, 1850-5S 7705.1 — New Jerusalem magazine. Boston, 1854-05. 6405.1 — New methodist magazine. See Methodist magazine 7417.1 — New monthly magazine, Colburn's. London, 1821-05 5317.1 — New Orleans medical and surgical journal, l«5-i;o. . . • 6738.1 — New Orleans price-current, 1830-57 7ti40.1 — New Y'ork daily tribune, ISOO, 01 7080.1 — New Y'ork journal of medicine, 1854-liO . . . 5719.1 — New Y'ork literary journal, and belles lettres repository, 1819-21 5235.1 — New York reader. No. 1. 1S26 7009.35 — Non-resistant, The. Boston, 1839,40. SeeNew England non-resistance society 8100.2 — North American medico-chirurgical review. I'hiladelpliia, 1857-01 5729.1 — North American review. Boston, 1815-04 . . 3113.2 — North British review. Edinburgh, 1844-04 . 5299.1 — Numismatic chronicle. London, 18:19-01. See Akerman,J.Y- 2223.3 — Ordeal, The. Boston, 1809. See Buckingham, J. T 2408.41 — Oruimdoi, The. A monthly magazine. Sib- sagor, 1854 7231.0 — Our daily fare. Philadelphia, 1804 4350a. 13 — Our young folks. Boston, 1803 7318.1 — Panoplisl, The, and mission.ary magazine. Boston, 1800-20 5107.1 — Parthenon, The. London, 1802 7201.1 — I'enuyslvania journal of prison discipline. Philadelphia, 1840-00 7575.1 — Peterson's magazine. Philadelphia, 1.-02-04 . 7401.1 — Pharnmceuticaljournal. London, 1841-05 . . 5715.1 — rhonographic reporter. The. Cincinnati, 1854- 50. Sec Pitman, 15 2129.5 — Phonographic reporter. The. London, 1853- 05. See Heed, T. A 2120.2 — Pionier, Der. Boston, 1800-04. SeeHeinzen,C. 7901.1 — Polyanthus. Boston, 1812-14 2408.40 — Pohtechnisches .lournal. Stuttgart, 1820-C4. See Dingier, J. G 3917.2 — I'opular science review. London, 1802-ti4 . . 7816.1 rriiclical mechanic's journal. Glasgow and London, 1842-05 4022.1 Precurser, The. London, 18.W, 51. .Sec Pit- man, 1 21-'9-* — publishers' circular. London, 1837-01 . . . . 2154.1 — Punch. London, 181 l-t»5 3102.3 — Quarterly jcnirnnl of microscopical science. London, 1x54-03. Sec London 5878.1 — Quarterly journal of the American unitarian association. Boston, 1804-59. See Ameri- can unitarian association . . . .■ 7380.1 — Quarterly journal of the Chemical society, 1849- 04. .S'ee London 3900.2 lia'iking's half yearly abstract of the inudical sciences. Philadelphia, l.M 1-01 5S08.1 — l!ea /icra^v E,\A//i'u)j. «m OawVai'Ui., 1820-29. Ei- A$o^aii, 1830. 2v. '" '• *° ' 3077.6 Fekraui.t, Charles. Contos. Dessins par G, Dore. Preface par P. J. Stahl [Hetzel] . Paris, I8O2! ''" *'*20,L,2 Pekrault, Claude and P. CEuvres diverses de phy- sique et de niechanique. Leide, 1721. 2v. 4°. 594_'.4 Content*. ~Vo\. I. De In pesanteur des corps. 6e leur reBSort, elde leurdurete; Du niouvenicnt pciislaltique; De Ift circulation de la sevc deaplantes; Du bruit; De in muaiiue des anciene ; Dc la uieclianique dcs auiniaux ; Des orpanes des bcub; Des organes ilu niouveiiieiit; IJea organe.4 do la Dourriture. II, De la geueratioudesijar- ties; Dcs sens exierieurs; Recuell de plusicurs ma- cbincB de nouvelle ioveDtlOQ ; Traite de Tori^iDe del fontaines. PERRAULT 4S0 PERUGIA Sllulf. No. PERRAULT, G. [Speculum religiosorum seu] De iustitutionereligiosoruin. ils. 144 fl". S' . *B.144.6 X<^e. — "XoHS avonsrcncontrOcot ouvra^cparraiccux de GQillanme PerrauU: tous los ninnuscrits du xille »iecle I'cu declarant le veritable et scul auteur. Ces six ii\Tpes out cle imprinies plusieurs fois sous )e faux nom d'Humbert de Romans.'" — Bi'lvirs litteratre de la Prance, v. 19, p. S4G. Fabricius aud Oudin attribute it to nurabertus. This copy seems to have been trans- cribed from an abbreviated Ms. — - Same. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 25]. B.110.2 PEKE.VULT, r. Giuvies cUveises de physique et tie mi5chaniiiue. See Pevrault, C 5943.4 Pebrenot de Champaguy, F. Menioires, 1573-90, annot.parA. L. P. do Kobaulx de .Sountoy. Bi-uxelles, 1800. S°. [Brussels. Societe d'histoire de Belgiquc] 2820.30 Perrin, J. B. Elements of French conversation. 2d ed. London, 1770. 12° 4f89.45 — - Same. I'hiladelpliitl, 1794. 12° 4689.47 Entertaining and instructive exercises, with therulesuf the French syntax. 7th ed. Eon- don, 1793. 12° 4f.sn.r4 — Fiibles amusantes. Baltimore, 1819. 12' . . 4i>s9.3ii — Selection of Perrin's fables. Accompanied by akeybyA.Bolmar. Philadelphia, 18.'9. 12°. 4ns9.28 — Grammar ofthe French tongue. 9th ed. Phil- adelphia, 1794. 12" 46S9a.l4 _ - Same. From 11th London ed. revised by M. Tocqnot. New York, 1810. 12° 4689a. 13 Practice of the French pronunciation. 5th ed. London, 1792. 12° 4089.17 Perris M. Du role de I'alcool. See Lallemand, L 3977.10 and Lallemand, L. Traitt; d'anesthiisiecltirur- giciUe. Paris, 1803. 8° 3803.40 Pekrix p. [Wetherie, Koman sentimental.] Liege, 1792. 2v.ini. 12° 4699a. 11 Pekrischief, K. The Sicilian tyiant; or, the life of Agathocles. Lomiou, ir.70. 12° 2744.20 Pekkot de Chezelles, E. Exaitien dii livru dea Misiirables de M. Victor Uugo. I'aris, 1803. pp.46. 8° 4703.17 Pekbuccio, a. L'Agnano ZelTonnato, poemnia aroico, e la mahitia d'ApoIIo, idellio. Na- poli, 1787. 18°. [Collezionc di tutli i poemi in lingua napoletanii, v. 1(^] 4799a. 1 PERBV, Aaron F. Speech, at Jlozart hall, Cincin- nati, Sept. 20, 18(H. Cincinnati, [ISO!]. [Ko title-page-] 8° 4340a. 11 Peery, Arthur L. Elements of political economy. Kew York, 1800. 8° 3040.1 Perry, Mnrsliall S. Case of C. Sumner. [Boston, 1850. No title-page.) pp.7. 8° 5790.30 — Sermon delivered after the death of. Sivels in, 1503-1508 . . . 2201.29 — Wagner, 51. Reise nacli Persien 4244 .23 See also: Parseeism, Parlhinu empire. Persian language. Ciadyrgy, A. Dizionario turco, arabo e persiano 3030.9 — Dieu, L. de. Kudimenta lingua! Persies . . . 6037.17 — Possart, P. A. F. C. Grammatik der persl- schen Sprache 4192.4 Persian literature. Firdusi. EpischeDichlungen. 3025.28 — Hammer-Purgstall, J.v. Geschichte der schd- neu Redekiinste Persiens 4241.12 — Persica anthologia. See Vienna. Ctcsarea regia lino;uarum orieutalium academia . . • 4241.1 — Pertsch, W. Die persischen Ilandschriften der herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Gotha . . . 2190.14 Persibs Flaccus, A. Vila; Satyrx. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.191.9 — Satires, translated by J. Dryden. [Anderson. Poets of Groat Britain, v. 12] 4001.1 — Satires, translated into English verse by W. Gilford. 5cc Aristophanes .B. 169. 12 •— Satireu berichtigt und erklaert von C. F. Hein- rieh. Lcipziff, 1844. 8° 2938.3 — Persii et Ivveiialis satirae. Ed. stoor. Leip- si.io,u. d. 24° B. 179a. 20 — SatyriE. Sec Juvenalis, D. J. . . B.174.2, aud4929a.39 — SatiriB expurgat.T. .See Juvenalis, D. J. . . . 2925.25 — Satires, translated by B. llolyday. Si;eJuve- ualis, D.J 2921.7 Personal liberty laws. Parker, J. Personal lib- erty laws, and slavery in the territories . . 4310.2 Pierce, E. L. I'ersonal liberty laws 4310.2 Thomas, B. F. Personal liberty law and " se- cession " 4310.2 Personality. Die Idee der absoluton Personlich- kcit. Hanne,J. W 6180.15 I'EBSOZ, J. !<". Impressions et teinturos. [France. Commission sur I'industrie des nations, V. 5]. 4029.20 Perspective. Jopling, .1. I'racticc of isometri- cal perspective 4007.40 Schmid, P. Practical perspective 42*9.24 Sec aUo: Drawing. Perthes, 0. T. Politische Zustiindc und Porsonen in Deutschland, zur Zeit dor fianziisischeu Herrschaft. 2te Anil. Gotha, 1862. 8° . . 2823.24 Pertsch, W. Die persischen tiandschriften der herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Gotha. Wien, 1859. 8° •2190. 14 I'KRTY, M. Die mystischen Erscheinungeu der menschlichen Natnr. Leipzig:, 1801. 8° . . 6607.5 Pertz, G. H. Der iilteste Versuch zur Entileck- ung des Seewfges naeh Ilstinilien ini .lahre 1291. Berlin, 1859. pp.12. 4° 2240.14 — Inlmltsverzeichnisse derzelin orslcn Biinde tier JIonumentaGeriuauiae. Hannover, 184S. pp. 74. b° *4210.1 — JItnuimenta Germania: historica. See Frank- furt. Societas, etc 42U).2 Peru. Campe, J. U. Conquest of. 2319.12 — Gnmdidier, E. Voyage dans l'Ara(5rique du . Slid 2305.18 — Hay, J. Do rebus Pcruanis • . . . 4149.0 — Juan y Santacilia, J. Voyage historique du I'Amt'rlquo nK'ridionalo 4161.0 — Jliirldiam, C. K. Travels in 2305.23 — liivero, iM. E. I'eruvinn antiquities 43110.0 — Vi'gii, G. tie la. Guerres chiles des Espagnols dans le Peru "ISOO .3 — - L'histoire ties Yucas 4360.7 Pkuuoia. Monumenti dl Perugia etrusca c ro- maiia. Vermlglloli, G. B 2740.11 PESCHECK 4S1 PET R ARC A Shelf. No. Peschkck, C. a. Geschichte dor GcKonrofonna- tion in l^iilunen. 2tc Ausg. Leipzig, 1850. 2v. 8° 605J.9 PiiSciiKL, O. Zeitiiltcr dcr Entdcckungen, Stiitt- ffiirt, IS.'iS. .s" 4153.fi Pestai.o/.zi, C. Boitold Ilallcr. [liiogr.] Elber- ffld, ISCil. pp. ft,-. S" »6045.11 — Hoiiirich llullini:;i'r, Li-beti iind ausgewiililte Sclirifl.Mi. KlliurMa, isrts. .s' »fiO!5.9 — I.co.hulii. [Iliofrr.] Ellicrl'cld, ISiM. 8°. . .*0045.11 Pest.vlozzi, J. H. llnuschild, K. J. Pcstallozii, Ubcrdcn .Statt. Kedc .' . . . . B.rOa.86 — RaumtT, (', G. V. Lifo and system of , . . ■. S5U:1.'.I6 r^.Tv\l',<)r i*i'tHvius, L>. Kationarii temporum P. 1,2. Acoedtint suppU'nientum, [efc.]. Ed. no- vi!-.';. Lugfduut Brttuvonim, 1745. 2v. 8' . *4160,3 Peter, St., the npnstl^. Votri apocrypha, in specie pr.Tdicatio. [(Jrahe. Spicilcgiiini] .... G029.3 — Jli.tsa. [Mnximabibliotli. vet.patr.jV. 2,p. 1]. B.110,2 — Historia .^. Petri. .*>e€ Xavicr, G C0:J7.17 Petkh, archdfttcon, Quasstiones in Danielcm pro- pllelani. [JIartt'nc. Vet. script., v. U] . . 4150.1 Peter, the deacon. See Ma.xima biUliotli. vet. patr., T. 8, B.no.2 Contents. — Liber de itrcamutionc ct fratia JcsuCbristi a•" 4340a.l3 Petersen, J. W. Memoria M. Antonio Wemero Cunoni erecta. itiagdeburgi, 1707. pp. 28. 4°. 4210.9 61 Sholf. No. Peterson, E. History of Rhode Island and New- port. New York, 18.Vt. 8" 2330.14 I'ETEUSON's magazine. Vol. 43, 44, 4G. Pbiladcl- phiu, 1862-04. 3v. 8" *7401.l Petiiekick, J. Egypt, tbe Soudan and Central Africa. Edinburo:h, 1861. 8° 3055.19 Petit, P. Hebrew guide: or, an English-Hebrew grammar, without points. London, 1752. pp. 00. 4' 3283.3 Petit, S. Lejirt'S Atticae. [Gr. et Lat. cum ob- servat. P. Wesselingii et variorum.] Lug- duni Batavorum, 1742. f " **49g0.4 — - Same. [Ileineccius. Jurisprudentia Ko- manaet Attica, V. 3] 4291.1 Petit essai sur le percement du mont Catillc pour le detournentont de I'Anio. [Fr. and Ital. No title-page.] pp.4. 12° *41C3.3 Petit-Radel, L. C. F. ^ce Ilistoire litteraire de la France, V. 16-19 4092. 1 Petition. Everett, E. Remarks on tbe memorial of 3,050 clergymen 0087.126 — Seward, W.H. Remarks on tbe right of . . .0087.114 Peto, Sir S. M. Taxation; an enquiry into our financial policy. London, 1863. 8° 3053.19 Petracchi, A. Istoria del blocco di Geneva nell' anno 1800. Genova, ISOO. 16" 4729a. 20 Petrarca, F. Cnrmina incognita. Ex codicibiis Italicis bibliothecae Monacensis. Edidit G. M.Thomas. Monachii, 1859. 4" **2S03.4 — Epistola; de rebus familiaribus et varia;, studio et cura J. Fracassetti. Florentiaj, 1859-63. 3v. 8" 2748.24 — Poesie minori, sul testo latino correto, volgar- izzate di poeti viventi. [Pubbl. da D, Ros- etti.] Milano, 1829-34. 3v. 12' 2803.13 Contents. — Vol. I. Discorso preliminnre dell' editoro ; Egloga: 1. Partbenio, volp. da C. Arici ; 2. Argo, volg. da G. S. Marcbetti ; 3. Amoro pastorale, volg. da A. Mczzflnotte; 4, Dedalo, vole, da T. Gargallo Castol- lentini ; 5. Tietfl pastorale, volg- da G. Adorni ; 6. Cure pastorali, volg. da G. Perticnri ; 7. 11 grogge infetto, Tolg. da G. A. Rovcrella; 8. La separazione, volg. da A. il. Hicci; 9. Qucrulo, volg. da A. Cavalli; 10. Lauro air occaso, volg. da F. Testa; 11. Galatea, volg. da L. Biondi; 12. La rissn, volg. da L. Mancini. II. Epistole cinque a M. Barbato, volg. da A. Negri; Epistola ad E. Toloinei, volg. da G. I. Montanari; Epistole due, volg. da A. Mezzanotti e F. Testa; A 66 ntedesimo, voig. da C. Arid ; Epistole tre a G. Barrili, volg. da C. Arici; Epistole tre, volg. da M, Angelelli; Epistole tre, volg. da L. Carrer; Epistole due, volg. da G. Barbicri ; Epistole sette, volg. da G. Adorui ; A Zoilo epistole due, volg. da L. Mancini ; Epistole cinque, volg. da P. Fiorentino, E. Cappelli, o T. Gargallo; Epistole due ed un cpitafio, volg. da T. Gargallo, e G. Adorni; Epistole tre, volg. da V. Valorani, e Teresa Albarelli- Vordoni; Epistole cinque, volg. da A. Bevilacqua; Al card. G. Colonna epistoln, volg. da A. Bevilacqua. III. Arringa a Cleniente vr, volg. da B. Bellini; A G. Col- onna epistole quattro, volg. da M. Leoni; Sette epis- tole a soggotti diversi ed elogio in morte della tnadre, volg. da Filodcmo Cefisio; A. Benedetto Xll epistole due. volg. da I. Montanari ; Epistola a G. Boccaccio, volg. da P. A. Paravia; Epistole tre, volg. da Caterina Fran- ceschl-Ferrucci, ea ; Epistole tre, volg. da Q. Viviani e F. dair Ongaro; Cinque epigi*afi, volg. da G. Adorni; Epistole tre, volg. da G. Marcbetti e L. Vivarelli; Versi di G. Boccaccio per I'At'rica del Petrarca, volg. da P. A. Paravia. — Rime illustrate con note dal P. F. Soave. Mi- lano, 1805. 2v. 8'. [Classiciitaliani,v. 4, 5].**4801.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Vita dal cav. G. Tiraboschi ; Rifles- Bioni del cav, Tiraboschi sopra la vita di Petrarca scritta dull' abbate de Sade; Sonetti e canzoai. II. Sonetti e canzoni in niortc di Mad. Laura ; Trionfl ; Giunta d'alcunc compozioni di Petrarca; Catalogo delle edizioni di Pe- trarca. — Le rime, le stanze e I'Orfeo del Poliziano. Parigi, 1836. 2v, 8 • , 4209.2 — II Petrarca, con I'espositioned'A.VellvtellOjdi novo ristampato. Con aggivnte. Vinegia, 1552. sm.4° **2803.10 Contents. — Sonetti; Canzoni ; Trionfl. — View of human life. By Mrs. Dobson. Lou- don, 1791. 8' 2803.11 PETRAKCA 482 PHAEMACOrCEIA Shelf. Xo. Peteaeca, E., canti7iiied. — Epistola liortatoriii ad Xicolaiim Lnurentii [Colli di Kieiizi] de capessenda libertale; Ad Carolum IV imp. ile I'ulsitale prUilisii Aus- trian! ab imperio cximentis. [Beniays. llorilegiiini reiiascentis Latinitati.«] .... B. 190.37 — Soiietto. [Giroiii. Kaccolta di lirici it.iliani]. 4S08.8 — Castiglione, G. A. I luoglii difflcili del I'etrar- clia dichiaiati 4S09a.8 — Genlis, £. F. D. de St. A. de. Petrarquc et Laure 2603.12 De rebus mcmorandis et viribus illustribus librl IV. See Vitre virorum illustrium 4100.3 _ Koman.J.J. T. Vie de Tctrarque 4799.21 PetuocuhR'S, or Petrocordius, P. De vita S. Martini carmen, in sex libris dispositum. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. patr., V. 0] B.110.2 Peteolkum aud its products. Tate, A. X 3S09.20 See also: Coal-oils. Feteon-tus Arbiter, T. or C. Satvricon, cvm Petro- niorvm fragmentis. Lvgdvni, 1018. 12° . *B.179a.9 Fragmentum,cum scholiisT. Keiuesii. Access. J. Schcfferi notie. Lipsia;, 1000. sm.S" . . »B.179a.6 Petboselli?:!, G. Le contadine bizzarre, dram- ma giocoso per musica. [Italian and I'ortu- gucse.] Lisbona, 1705. sni.S". [Urarami varie, V. 2] »*4799.17 Peteus. See Peter. Pettigkew, T. J. Inquiry into the particulars connected with the death of Amy Itobsart (I.ady Dudley). London, 1S59. pp. 41. S°. 2452.9 Fettit, W. v., and Durbin, J. P. Addresses, Har- risburg, Pa., April 0, 1S52. Published by the Pcnn. colonization society. Philadelphia, 1852. pp. 47. 8° 6572.28 Pettitt, G. The Tinnevelly mission of the church missionary society. London, 1851. l(i° . . 3537.5 Pettt, AV. The antient right of the commons of England asserted. London, lOSO. 8° . . . 2529.11 jlisccllaneaparliamentaria. London, 1C81. 12°. 5509a. 20 Petzhoi.dt, .J. Anzeiger fur Bibliographic und Bibliothekwissenschaft. Dresden, 1S40-03. Hv. 8° '2127.1 "DasBuchder Wilden" im Lichte franziisi- Bcher Civilisalion. 2te uuveriindcrte Anil. Dresden, 1801. 8° 2300.30 _ Katpcbismus der Bibliothekcnlehre. Leipzig, 1856. 10° 2123.9 Peucee, C. Coramentarius de praccipuis divina- tionum generibus. Vitcb., 1500. [No title- page.] Iv.in2. sm.S° *0I09a.5 PEUCIIKT, J. Memoircs tires des archives de la police de Paris, Uepuis Louis xiv. Paris, 1838. Cv.inS. 8° 4038.6 PEUTISoi;it, C. Scrmoncs convivalcs de finibvs Germaniae contra Gallos. Acccdit de incli- natione imperii fragmentvm, [etc.]. lenae, 1084. 12° ♦B.in.g PEYEft, J. !'"• A. Lois dis Francs [Lat. et Fr.], contenant la loi saliijue et la lol ripuairc. I'rec. d'uue preface par M. Itambert. Paris, 1828. b° 3010.17 PETEOS, v. a. Grnramatica linguae Copticac. Accedunt nddilamcutaad Lexicon Copticum, Taurini, 18-11. 8° . . . .' 30.30.7 — Lexicon lingua! Coptica:. Taurini, ISiS. f°. '3050.15 Commentatio in Thcodosii Alexandrini trao- tatum de proHOdia. Sec Orion, T 2980.10 PETTlEit, K. Description geonietriquede la France. SfC Puissant, L 3050.17 PEYTON, V. .L Les elemens de la laligue angloise, developpes en forme Ue dialogues. Nouv. (n\. 1 hlladelphie, 1791. 12' 45S0O.14 Pezeon, p. L'nntiquite des tcins retablic et dOfendue conire les .lulls et les nouveaux chronologistes. I'arls, 1«S7. 4° »2221.21 _ Di fensederanliqultedesteniH. Paris, 1091. 4°.»a221.20 1*EZZ1', J. La vie du baron de Loudon. Tr. par lo baron de lick. Luxembourg, 1792. 10°. . 4040.20 Shelf. No. Pfaff, C. H., and Tiborg, E. Ueber unreife, friih- reife und spjitreife KartolTeln, und von der Unschadlichkeit der unreifen und der rothen Kartollelu. Kiel, lsn7. 8° _3S47.21 PFEFFEL, C. F. Abri'ge chronologique de I'liistoire' et du droit public d'AUemagne. Paris, 1731. lO- 2833.8 Pfefferkopn, J., Streit zwischen J. Keuchlin und. See Weisliuger,J. N •_ fi069a.7 Pfeiffel:\!.VNN, J. Von den iibertrcfflichisten vfi beriimptisten fcawen, zwollfin der gemeynd, vnd zwiilff in sunderheyt. Mcyntz, 1533. pp. 03. sm.4» »4289.3 PFEIFFiiR, L. G. C. Monographia pneumonopo- niornm viventium. Cassellis, 1852. 8° . . . 3890.19 — Catalogue of auricalida;, proserpinidas, and truncatjlleda; in the British museum. See Loudon. British museum — Catalogue of pulmoiiata, or air-breathing mollusca in the British museum. See Lon- don. British museum 5879.4 Pfeil, W. Ueber Befreiung der Wiilder von Servi- 5879.9 tuten. Ziillichau, 1821. 8 3C67.30 Pfiszing, 3L Thewerdanck, des edlen, streitbaren llelden vnd Bitters Ehr vnd mannliche Thaten, Gcschichten vnd Gefehrlicheiten. Franckfurt, 1503. f° **2901-» PFISTEii, J. C. V. Geschichte der Teutscben [bis 1S07]. Hamburg, 1829-35. 5v. 8° »4216.1 PFizjiAiEit, A. Grammaire turque, ou des trois genres dc style usites, savoir I'arabe, le per- san et le tartare. Vienne, 1847. 8° . . . . 3032.5 PFLUGK, J. V. Epistola de bibliotheca Budcnsi. SecMader,J.J • 2128-15 Ph-EDiius. Fabularum Aesopicarum libri quin- que. Access. PubliiSyriet aliorum veterum scutentiae. Ed. nova. I'arisiis, 1815. 10°. B. 179a. 20 — Fabularum .Esopiaruin libri V, et novarum fabu- larum appendix. Ed. emendatior. llalae, ISIS. pp. 04. 8° 4929.17 — Fabularum Jisopiiirum libri V. NotisP.Dan- eti in usum scliolarum. Opera et studio N. Bailey. Ed. vigesima. London, 1823. 8°. 2938.5 — Tabula; xc. Sec Ncvelet, I. N B.179.0 — Falmla: novffixxxii. [Mai. Class, auct., v. .1]. B.ir2.3 — JEsop's fables, as Uonninized by I'hxdrus ; with a literal interlinear translation. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1830. 12° 4909.11 Pn.Eiiui's Epicnreus. De natura Deornm frng- mcntum instauratum et illustratum ii C. F, Hipp. Hamburgi, is:i3. i)p. 62. 4° . . . . B. 190.49 Phal.i:cL'S, Epigrammala. [Bruuck. Analecta poet. Gr.,v. 1] B. 102.7 PiiANiAS. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analectapoet. Gr., v. 2J B.lfl2.7 PnANDCi.i'.s. Fragmeutum elegiacum. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr.,v. 1] B.102.7 PiiAEMACi'.uncAi, chemistry. Bocker, F. W. I^ehrbuch der praktischcn medicinischen Chemie 6978.12 Chemisches pharmaci-utisches Central-Blatt. See Cliemiches Central-Blalt 7915.1 — Dullos, A. Chemisches Apolhckerbuch . . . 69." 2 2 I'll AiiMACEUTicAL journal and transactions. Vol. 1-ls; 2d series, v. 1-0. Loudon, 1841-05. 2lv. 8° •6715.1 PiiAEMACOi'tEA Belgica, Dordrnci, 1840. 8" . . 6786.11 PiIAUMACoriuA Borussica. Ed. 4a. Berolinl, 1827. 4° 6783.10 PiiAnjiAcoriEA universalis. 4lc Ausg. Weimar, 181.'), 40. 2v.ini. 8° ♦6786.4 PiiAEJiACOl'iitiA. British iiliarm.icopa-ia. See Great Britain, General council, etc 6786.0 — Codex, phunnacnpee fraiK;alse. A'ec France. Ministry of public instrucliun 6783.6 — O'.slniugliiicssy, \V. li. Bengal dispensatory, 6783.13 — I'enicher, L. Collectiinea pharnuicealica . . . 6814.1 I'harmacopica Danica. Sec Copenhagen. Col ■ legium saultalls regium 6783.12 PHARMACOrCEIA 483 PHILADELPHIA SUclf. Ng. PdAKMACopiEi.V, conthnied. — Plinrnmcopoeia of the United States. See Xatiomil convention 57&3. 14, and 5780.4 — Pliannacoptpia in usum nosocomii regii. See KdJnbur^h. Koyal intirmary 3780. i.'8 — Prt'ussfscho Pliarmnco|Kic 57S5.S — Kedwood, T. Supplement to the pharmaco- poeia 37,*5.13 — Thomson, A. T. London dispensatory. . . 37&5.I3 — Tran.^hition of the pharmacopoeia, ItsJO, by K. rhillips. See London. Uoyal college of physicians 57P5.1 — Zuch, C. W. Pharmacopoea Borussica .... 37So.3 Secalgo: Afatvriainedicu, MvJicul botniiy. Pharmacy. Pn.VKMACV. Boiu'hardat, A. Manneldepharmacie. 3780.11 — Dorn, A. Pharniaceutiscties Tasuhen-Lexi- cou 3786.29 — Gray, S. F. Klenientsof 57s5.3 — Langham, W. Garden of health 3780.11 — Mialhe, L. Chimie appliqucc ^ la physiologie et a la thcrapeutique 3808.12 — OesterU'ii, F. Uandbuch der neihnittellehre. 5785.0 — i'rocufdin;;s of the American pharmaceutical association. ,SVe American 5703.1 — Uiecke, V. A. Die neuern Arzneimittel . . , 3709.35 — Taddei, G. Eleraenti di (armacoiogia . . . . 5765.5 — 'IVousseau, A. Traite de I'art de formuler . . 5780. 1.'5 PilELlPEAL'X, J. liL'hitiou de rori<;ine du progres etde la condamnation du quietisme repandu en France, n. p., 173:i. 2v.ini. sm.tt" . . .COGOa.lO PiitLPS, Abner. The crucilixion of Jesus Christ, anatomiuilly considered, Boston, IboS. pp. iJJ. 8° B.lGOb.lO — [Letters and papers mostly in 3LS. relative to a railroad from Boston to Albany, dated 1808-28, including the original letter of Dr. Phelps, dated Feb. 15, IWS, suggestin^r tho project, an 1 circulars issued by a committee of tlie legislature in 1820, 27, of which Dr. P. was chairman, with replies from many par- ties along the proposed route.] — Report on constructing a railroad from Boston to the Hudson river, Jan. 19, 1S27. Boston, 18.'7. pp. :iS. 8° -1014.11 Phelps, Almira H. Botany for beginners. 4th ed. New York, 18:j8. 10° 3S59.31 — Familiar lectures on botany. Uartford, 1829. 12= 3852.22 Phelps, Amos A. Address on the position in re- gard to slavery of the A. B. C. F. M. With the proceedings. [No title-page.] pp.12, b", *4103.S — Lectures on slavery and its remedy. Boston, 1J>34. ls° 3570.37 PiiELPs, Austin. Sermon before N. P. Banks, governor, [etc.] at the annual election, Jan. 2, 1801. Boston, ISOl. S* *4356.14 — Sabbath hymn book. 5ec Park, E. A 5449.10 Phelps, D. Address, Jan. 24, 1830, preparatory to the organization of the Enst-Haverhill tem- perauce Kociety. Haverhill, 1830. 8". . B. 100b. 74 Phelps, E. \V. Bee-keeper's chart: a treatise on tlie instinct, habits, and management of the lioney-bee. Mew Vork, 1855. pp.93. 12°. 5898.21 Phelps, .J. S. Grant of land to Missouri. Speech Feb. 12 and 19, 1&52. [Washington,] n, d. pp.7. 8' 4326.S — Letter to citizens of Arkani-as in relation to a Padtic railroad. St. Louis, !858. pp.10, h". 4i00a.0 Phelps, K. H. History of [the] Newgate of Con- necticut, at Simsbury, now East Grauby. Albany, N. Y., 1800. Bm.4° 2330.24 — The vine: its culture in the United States, wine making from grjipes, [etc]. Uartford, lb55. pp. 28. la" 5999.15 Phexecia. .Movers, F. C. Die Phonizier . , . . 4214.10 — Phonizischc Geschichte. See Sanchuniathon. 4244. 1« — Schmckel, A. Geographische Ubersicht der plionicischen Colonien 4103.33 PiiENiriAN language. Gesenius, F. H. W, Paliio- graphische Studien iiber phoniziauhe Schrift. 503^.21 Shelf. No. Phenician language, continued. — - Scripture !iiigua>que Phreneciae monumenta quotquot supersunt 4241.7 Sceatso: Piiuic laiigtiiigo. PiiENix, The: or, a revival of scarce and vahiable pieces. London, 1707,8. 2v. 8" *4157.1 Contents. — Vol. I. G. Kuefa letter concerning Oripen ntiLl his opinions; Cod's first anlly out of Iiimself in the bii-tli of the universe; Ucsisn to hnrnionizo tlic Bible, by Hnmiu'l Torslicll ; Christ's birth niiss-liuied ; RL-for- niiilion of tho church in Ireland, during !lie reigns of lliMiry vui, etc., set forth in the life of George lirowno, nbp. of Dublin, by Itubcrt Wnre; Barlow's sum of the confcrcnco nt llnniplon court; Nnunton's Frugmenta regitlia, or obscn-ntions on queen Kliznbtstli ; Kt-ynior'a observations on the Dutch fishing, IfiO! ; Form of the coronation of Charles ll, at Scoon, with Robert Dow- glas' sermon on 2 Kings XI. 12-17; Answer of the states general of the United Provinces of tho Low coun- tries to tho English declaration of war, 1074 ; The peo- ple's anticnt liberties asserted in the tvyal of Penn and Meo^i of Rudynvd, Moor, etc.; Justice Vnnghnn'a report of Mr. Bushel's case; Apology of William, prince of Orange; IVoeeedings of theasscmbly of Jews in Hungnry to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ, by Samuel Brett, 1050 ; Charles ll's steadfastness in the protectant religion; Relation of Charles ll'a death. II. Dean Colet's sennon of conforming and reforming [on Rom. XII. 2]; Life of Colet, by Erasmus; Account of lady Jane Gray; Discourse of the troubles atFrankfort about the Book of common prayer; Calvin's Common jn-ayei^book ; Burden of Issachar, or the tyran- nical power and practices of tho presbyterian govern- ment in Scotland, hy John Maxwell, 164tJ; Better way to refute papists, by Hales of Eaton ; Discourse conceruing tho pence and concord of the church, by tho same ; Ruhbi Mannasseh Ben Israel's Vindicioj Judteorum ; Of tho torments of hell ; proofs that they are to have an end ; The resurrection rescued from the soldiers calumnies, by Robert Jones, [on Matt, xxvill. 13]; Account of the new latitude men; The reasonableness of men's having a religion, by George, duke of Buckingham ; Letter by the same to the autlmr of a Short answer; A treatise of human reason, by Matthew Clifford, Pherecuates. Octodecim comoediarum frag- menta. [Meiueke. Fragra. com. Gr., v. y]. B.ie2.8 Phidias, sa vie et ses ouvrages. See Rouchaud, L.dc 4003.22 PniLADF-LPiiiA. Annual report of the controllers of publicschooIs,lS04. Philadelphia, IsCo. 6°.*037S.27 — Annual report of the watering conuuittec for 1847,52. Philadelphia, ly-IS, 53. 2v. 8° . . *G.1~8.24 — Philadelphia in lb2i. Philadelphia, 18-24. 32°.4379a.lO — Barton, W. P. C. Plants found within ten miles around Philadelphia 3819.4 — Snowdon, J. K. Objects of iuterestin the mint of the United States at 2330.8 — Tnrnbnll, K. J. A visit to the Philadelphia prison Pph.v.344 — Watson, J. F. Annals of 2372.14 — Winslow, S. N. Biographies of successful Philadelphia merchants 2345.20 Benevolent associatio7is. — Ladies' associ.ition for soldiers' relief. First report. Philadelphia, lti03. pp.20. 8° . . 4350a. 78 — Pennsylvania hospital for the insane. Keports for 1840-55. By T. S. lurkbride. Philadel- phia, 1851, 50. 2v. 8" 3800.2 — Wills' hospital for the indigent, blind and lame. Kules and regulations. Philadelphia, lt?34. pp.24. 8° *:il.l'ph.v.43 Business corporations, — Board of trade. Manufactures of Philadelphia. Census of ISCO. Philadelphia, IbOl. pp.1. 4°.*037S.26 — - Keports, 20th-2tith annual. Prepared by L. Blodget. Philadelphia, lb50-01. 3v. b" . . *G378.25 .— Convention of iron masters. Documents relat- ing to the manufaclure of iron in Peunsyl- Viinia. Philadelphia, 1850. 8" *0378.9 — Society for the promotion of national industry. Addresses. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1819. 8°. 0379.19 _ - Same. 5th ed. Philadelphia, 1820. 12°. 0379.20 PHILADELPHIA 484 rHILLIPS Philadelphia, continued. Liierary and s^icntijic institutions. — Academy of natural sciences. Act of incorpo- ration and bv-Iaws. Philadelphia, IKBO. pp. 12. s° . . .' *2I35.17 — - Catalogue of the library. Philadelphia, 1857. 8- »2135.17 — - Proceedings, 1859-1803. Philadelphia, 1869- 63. 5v. 8° '5815.1 — American philosophical society. Transactions, Vol. 1-6; new series, v. 1-8, 10, 11, p. 1, 2, 12, 13,p. 1, 2. Philadelphia, irsO-lSfiD. lOv. 4°.«*E.145.2 Law association. Catalogue of the library, fete.]. Philadelphia, ISiil. 8° *2185.17 — Library company. Catalogue of books. Phil- adelphia, 1789. 8° *2133.6 — - Catalogue of books. Tol. 1-3. Philadelphia, 1835, 5U. 3v. in 2. 1.8° *2133.3 — Loganian library. Catalogue of books. Phil- adelphia, 1837. 1.8° *2133.13 — Uuivcrsity of Pennsylvania. Philomathean society. Report on the Koselta stone. Phi- ladelphia, [1858]. sm.-l° »3030.10 Miscellaneous organisations. — L'nion league. Proceedings regarding the as- sassination of A. Lincoln. Philadelphia, 18C5. pp.22. 8" *43«.G — - Brief sketch of its history. [Philadelpliia, 1803. No title-page.] pp. 3. 4° 4310.08 Philadelphia city directory for 18G0. [Compiled by W. H. Boyd.] 23d ed. Philadelphia, 18CD. 8° 4385.1 Philadelphia directory for 1790. By Thomas Stephens. Philadelphia, 1796. 12° 4389a. 41 I'HILANTHROPIC results of the war in America. New York, 1804. 24° 4330a. 32 Philastbius. Liber de haresibus. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. patr., v. 6] B. 110.2 Philbuick, E. S. IJeport coucerning cotton lauds in South Carolina, 1803. Boston, 1864. pp. i;. 8° 435(;a.90 PliiLE. Versus de animalium proprietate. [Lect. PoetsB Gra;ci, V. 3] 4200.7 Philemon. Connediaium quinquaginta septcm fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm.coni.Gr.iV.S]. B.162.8 Philemon, the younger. Comccdias fragmenta. [Jleineke. Fragni. com. Gr., v. 6] B.lfl2.8 I'HII.ET.HKL'S. Coma-81 .... 2817.25 — Lili, (i. Vita del catolieo re Kilippo n . . . 3101.9 — ,--an Miguel, K. Hisloriade 4240.7 \Vidsou,U. History of the reigu of. 3102. 14, and 4240. 14 I'HILir III, king of Himin. Gongora y Argole, L. de. KBsay ou the times of, by K. Churtou . 3093.14 — Watson, K. History oftlie reign of. 3102. 15, and 4210. 11 l>iiii.ii', the good, duke of Iturgundy. Jlemoires sur le regue de Philippe le lion. Nee Da Clercij, J. 2814.4 Philip, of Kichstmlt. Vita .s. Walpurgis. [Cu- ul.-ius. Thesaurus, etc, V. 4] 4140.3 Philip, landgrave of Hesse. Lebcn. [ISchrockh. Allgeuielue Uiographle, V.4] 4143 I'liiLip, U. Manly piety iu its principles. New York, 1830. 12° 5447.10 Jliii iPi'Ai'.i', J- Memoirs of general Moreau, London, 1814. 8° 2653.12 Piin.IPi'i, C K. Geschichte de» Frulstauts von St. Domingo, [Ilayti]. Dresden, 1826, 27. 3v. Inl. 16' 4109a. 11 — Die Geschlchten Ues siicliischeu Volks. Drub- ,len, WW. ltl° 2824.20 PiiiLiri'i, It. A. Tertlarverstelnerungen dos uord- weatllchcu DeutBclihinds. KaiiBel, 1843. pp. ». 1° »873.20 shcir. xp. PhiLippides, Fabularum quindecira perditaruni reliqui.-e. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5]. B.1G2.8 Philipi'ixe Islands. Blanco, M. Flora de Fili- pinas 4245. U — Bowring, J. Visit to the .3046.14 — Mallat, J. Histoire, geographic, etc 3046.11 — San Augustiu, G. do. Conquistas de las islas Philipinas 5041.1 PHILIPPSON, L. Die israelitische Keligionslehre. Leipzig, 1801-05. 3v. in 2. 8°. [Institut ziir Forderung der israelitisclieu Literatur]. 5489.5 — Neues israelitisches Gebetbuch. Berlin, 1804. S° 5448.10 — Y\n avOfi,ittKn. BeroUni, 1831. 8° *4200.0 Contents. — De internarum liumnni corporis pnrtiuiu COf^nitioue Aristotelis cum Plotonis seutciitiis compa- ratu ; Fbtlosophorum voteruiu usque ad Tbcophrustum doctxiDU de seusu. Philippson, M. Biogr. [Phllippson, P. Biographi- sche Skizzen] 5489.9 Philippson, P. Biographische Skizzen. 1-lltes Heft. Leipzig, IflH. 12°. [Institut ziir Fiirderuug der israelitischen Literatur] . . 5489.9 Contents. — Moses Philippson j Joseph Wolf. PIIILIPPUS Solitarius. Dioptra, id est, regula, sive amussis rei Christianse. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 21] B.110.2 PiiiLippUs, of Thessalonica. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 2] B.162.7 Philips, A. Poetical works, with life. [Ander- son. Poets of Great Britain, v. 9] .... 4004.1 — Tlie distrest mother, trag. from the Audroma- queofUaciue. [Hell. British theatre, v. 6]. 4179a. 1 Philips, J. Poeiicalworks, with life. [Anderson. I'oets of Great Britain, V. 6] 4004.1 Philiscus. Comwdiarum duarum fragmenta. [3Ieineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 4] B.102.8 PiiILiSTiSKS. Hitzig, F. Urgeschichte und My- thologie der Philistiier 4244.11 — .stark, C.B. Gaza und die philistiiisehe Kiistc. 4244. 12 Philluiore, J. G. History of England during the reignof George III. A'ol. 1. London, 1863. 8°. 2527.5 Phillip, H. Voyage to Botany Bay. [Mavor. ^'oyages, V. 11] 6207.1 Phillips, D. W. Discourse on temperance, April 6, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8° B.170.75 Phillips, Edward. Continuation of the Chronicle of the kings of England. ,s'ec Baker, U. . . 4170.10 PlIILLirs, Edwin D. Te.xas, and its late military occupation aud evacuation. Kew York, 1862. lip. 35. 8° 4350a. 10 I'HiLLips, George. Deutsche Geschichte. Berlba, 1832-34. 2v. 8° 4228.12 — Englisclie Keichs- und llechtsgeschichte seit der Ankuuft der Normannen. Berlin, 1827, 28. 2v. 8° 4304.17 Phillips, George S. [Essays, poems, allegories, fables : with an elucidation of the ' Bhagvat (ieeta.' By January Searle.] London, 1(51. 8° 4177.8 I'HILl.irs, Hon. John, h. 1T70, d. 1823, Sermon preached after the iulerment of. See I'al- IVey.J.G 4347.80 Phillips, .lohn, F. It. S. Manual of geology: practical aud thcoi-etical. London, 18oo. p.8°. 3809.29 PiiiLl.ii's, Mrs.M., Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Wisuer, B. B 4347.81 PiiiLi.ii'S, ifadam P., Sermon at the funeral of. .St'cl*earson, E 4347.82 Phillips, Iter, Sanuiel. Sermon in the audience of the ministers of the province at their an- nual convention, IHay 31, 1753. Boston, 1753. sm.4° •4367.3 Phili.ii's, Samuel, licut.-gor. of ^^os.ald\\in,T. Sermon on the decease of . . 3454.21 — Tappan, D. Discourse at the fiiner.d of . . . 4347.82 PuiLLIi's, Stephen C. Address on the nuuexalion of Texas, and slavery in the United States, Nov. 14 and 18, 1645. Boston, 1845. 8° . . . 4310.3 run. I. ITS 485 PHILOLOGY »liolf. No. Phillips, WcntU'll. Argument against tlie repeal of the personal liberty law. Boston, ISOl. pp.','t. rj^ 5572.5 — Aryunieut in support ul'tlie petitions for the re- moval of E. G. Lorin-j front tlie oflice ()f judge of probate, Feb. M, 1Sj5. lioston, 1S55. 8°.B.100a.3 — Can abolitionists vote or take otliee uiulertlie Uuitc'il States constitution S New York, IMS. pp. ■■'.'.>. s' MIOS.IS — Tile constitution a pro-slavery compact : or se- lections front the 5ladisou papers. 2d ed, Xew York, 1S43. S" 5572.1 — Disunion : two discourses at Music hail, Bos- ton, isr.l. 12° 43.iOa..3, and 5572.5 — Fraternity lecture, Oct. 4, 1S59. Also, letterto JHdy;e Shaw and i'rest. Walker, Boston, IS.V.1. 24° 5672.6 — Letter to Lemuel Shaw and James Walker. Boston, ISoil. pp.4. 12° 5572.5 -- The pulpit: a discourse at the Music hall, Nov. IS, 18li0. Bostou, ISIJO. 12° 5572.5 — Keview of Lysander Spooner's essay on the un- constitutionality of slavery. Boston, ls47. pp. 115. S° B. 100. 105 — Ueview of Webster's speech on slavery. Bos- tou, 1S50. pp.44. 8° B. 100.98 — Sketch of the life of Mrs. E. Garuaut. [No title-page.J pp. S. S° 5572.5 — Speech at the convention held at Worcester, Oct., 1851 [to consider the riyhts of women, Ko title-page.] 8° ". 5572.5 — ."speech at the Jleiodeon, Jan. 27, 1853. [Bos- ton, 1853. No title-page.] 8° B. ICO. 45 — Speech at the Worcester disunion convention, Jan. 15, 1857. [lioston, 1^57.] 8° 5572.5 — Speech in the house of representatives of Mas- sachusetts, before the committee on federal relations [against] the recapture of fugitive slaves. Boston, 1859. 24° 5572.5 — Speeches before the Massachusetts anti-slavery society, Jan., 1852. Boston, 1852, 8° , , ,B.1G0.21 — Tile war for the union: a lecture, Dec, 1801. New Y'ork, 18u2. 12° 433Ua.;i, and 5572.5 I'HiLLifS, William. Elementary treatise on mine- ralogy. 5th ed, from the 4th Lond. ed. By Francis Alger. Boston, 1844. 8° 4200.21 — Outline ofmineralogy and geology, New York, 1810. 12° . , , , 3809.27 Philo, bishop of Carpasius. In Cauticum canti- corum interpretatio, Latiua facta k Stephauo Salutato. [ila.\lma biblioth. vet. patr., v. 5] B.110.2 I'liiLo Juil;eus. Opera. Partim ab A. Tvruebo, partim a U. Uoesclielio Ulustrata. Grasci; et Latine ex S. Gelenii interpretatione. Col- ouis Allobrogum, 1013. f° »00o0.0 — Opera omnia. Gr. et Lat. Ad editionem T. Mangey cvravit A. F. I'feitfer. Erlaugae, 1785-92. 5v. in 4. 8° *OQ50.24 Contents. — Vol. I. De ea quam Moses dcscribit mundi crcatlone; Legum aUet^orinruin libri in. II. Ije cheru- bim et flumiuoo gladio ct do Cuin; Do sacrifloiis A be lis ot Caiiji ; Do eo, quod detcriua poUori insidiari suicat; De posteritate Caiui ; Do gigantibus ; Quod deus sit im- mutabilis. 111. Do agricultura; Do idantatiutie Noo; Do ebrietato ; Do bis verbis; rosipuit Noe; Do coufu- sioDe liug^-arulu ; Do luigrutioDO Abrahami. IV [4]. (^uis rcrum diviuarum baeres sit ; De congi-essu quuorendae eruditiuuis gratia ; Do profugis ; De uomtuum inutatiouo ; [.).] De Bonmiis; Vila sapioulis per dootriDam pell'ooli, boc est do Abrabamo. — Works, translated from the Greek, by C. D, Yonge. Vol, 1. London, 1&54. 12° ... , 0050.23 Chilological society. See London 2940.8 — Verhamllungen, u. s. w. See Verein der deut- scher Philologen 1850.1 Classical. — Jahrbiicher der classischenPhilologie. Jahn, J.C 3247.1 — Steinthal, H, Gcschichte der Sprachwissen- schatt bei den Griechen und Uiimern , , . , 4950.3 Comparative. Aufrecht, T, Zcitschrift flir verglcichende Sprachforschung Barnard, S. Polyglot grammar of [ten] lan- gua 4208.1 2955.15 4119.4 4207.9 2955.24 4202.1 Beriid, C. S. T. Verwandtschaft der german- ischen und slavischen Spraclien Bock, C. W. Erkliirung des Banes der iilteren und neueren Spr;ic!ien Bopp, F. Vergleichende Grammatik des San- skrit, Send, Armenischen, Griechischen, La- teinischen, Litauisehen, Altslavischen, Goth- isclien und Deutschen Cliaviie, H. J. Lexicologie indo-europeenne , Coquebert de Montbret, E. Melanges sur Ics bingues, ditvlectes et patois 2955.11 Dictionary, in four languages : French, Dutch, German, and English. See Polyglot lexicon. 2890. 12 Diimiuler, F. Werkeu aus dem Gebiete der Sprachforschung • , • 4268.1 Eiclihotr, F. G. Vergleichung der Sprachen vonEuropaund Indien 4201.1 Ilrddeman, S. S. Present state of our knowl- edge of linguistic ethnology 4950.5 - On the relations between Chinese aud the Indo-European languages 4956.5 Herrig,L. ArchivfUrdas studium der neueren Spraclien 3358.1 lleyse, C. W, L. System der Sprachwissen- schaft 2955,25 Holmboe, C. A. Det oldnorske Verbum, op- lyst ved Sammenligning med Sanskrit og au- dre Sprog af samme Aet 4881.1 J auiieson, J . AlHnities of tbe Greek and Latin langu:iges to the Gothic 4956,2 Kavauagh, M. Jlyths tr.iced to their primary source through language 6071.19 Klaproth, J. 11. v. Asia polyglotta 4234.1 Klilin, A. Beitriige zur \ ergleichenden Sprach- forschung auf dem Gebiete der arischen, ccl- tischen und slawischen Sprachen B.142.2 Latham, K.G. Elements of. , 2965.23 Lucchesini, C. Delia illustrazione delle liugue antiche e moderne e principalmente delP it- aliaua, procurata nel secolo XVlll 2955.12 Miiller,!". M. Languages of the seat of war in the East 2955.19 Murr.ay.A. History of the European languages. 4207.2 I'lctet, A. Les origines indo-europeennes , . :.'951.I0 Pierquiu de Geinbloux, C. C, llistoiie littij- raire des patois 2955 .9 I'ott, A. F. Etymolgische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der indo-germanischen Sprachen . . 2950.17 PHILOLOGY 486 PHILOSTORGIUS SJiclf. No. . 2955.20 Philology, continued. — Kapp, C. M. rhysiologie der Sprache . — Scliischkoff, A. S. Untersuchungeu iiber die Sprache 4201.3 — Schlegel, A. W. v. Kc-flexious sur I'cHude des langues asiatiqiies 5025.1 — Schleicher, A. Vergleichende Gramniatik der Indogermauischeu Sprachen 4957.3 — Vater, J. S. Lehrbucil derallgemciueuGrani- mntik 2959.10 — - Frolien deutscher Volks-Mundarteu, und aiidore Spracli-Fori^chungen 2S80.17 — - Vergleichungstaleln der europiiischen Stamm-SpracUen uud Siid-, West- Asiati- scher 4207.0 — 'Wiillner, F. A'erwandtscliaft des Indogerma- nischeu, Semitischen uud Tibetauischcu . . 4202.10, and 4240.24 — Wyn, — . iV'iue thousaud words in ten lan- guages 2951.22 Sec also: Language, and the names of various regions and nations. Philoxides. Duarum comcediarum fragmeuta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 2] B.162.S PHiLOSormcus. Burley, W. De vita et moribus philo^ophoruin B. 140. 15 — Dacier, A. Bibliothfeque des anciens philoso- plics 2964.5 — Kar,*ten, S. Philosophorum Griecorum vcte- ruui ^.)0. pp. 40. 8° 6088.102 Philosophv, The, of ragged schools. Loudon, ]s51. h° 6030a. 2 PiiiLosinPHANiss. [JlcliK'ke. Fnigni. com. Gr., v,5] B.ll)2.8 PHlLO.vrouoius. HlBtorlft ecclesiastica. [Jllgiic. I'atiolngln e vitis sophistarum libri duo, A. Buntinio hiterprete. See Vitie vivo- rum illustrium « 4100.3 PniLOTiiKi's monacbus. Ascclica. [Migne. Fu- trnlogia Gncca, V. 9SJ 6472.4 PHILOTiiKi's, patriarch of Constantinople. Ordo iustituendi diaconuni; I.nudatio in SS. Bft- siliuni Magnum, Gregoiium tbeologuni, et Juanneui C'lirysostonuini, J. Puntano edente. i:\Iaxima bibliotb. vet. p:itr.,v.:i(;j B.110.2 Philothkus de llomodeis, A. See Omodei, A. F. de. Philoxenus Cytliorius. Epimetrum de Pbiloxeni eonvivio. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., V. 4] B.1G2.S Philpotts, H,, hiiihop of Exeter, and Macaulay, T. B. Correspondence on certain statements respecting tbe cburch of England in the History of England. 2d ed. Loudon, ISCl. pp. m. S° 3547.14 PiiiLYLLiL'S. Octo comoediarum fragmenta. [3Ici- neke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 3] B.102.S Phinnkv, E. History of tbe battle at Lexington, April 19, 177.5. Boston, LSL'o. pp.40. S" , . 4.'J25.50 PlllPPS, C. .1., lord Mulgrave. Voyage round tbe world. 5ee Anderson, G. W C2C0.1 — Voyage toward the North Pole. [Mavor. Voyages, V. 11] 0207.1 Phipps, H. G. O. .Sermon on the frailty of man. Hingham, \>i\'Z. h' *Ppb.v..37S — Sermon at the interment of. See Sewall, E. Q Ppb.v..378 Pnipsox, T. L. Phosphorescence; or, the emission' of light by minerals, plants, and animals, Loudon, 1&C2, 10° 3829.22 — The utilization of minute life; being practical studies on iDsects, Crustacea, [etc.], Lon- don, 1804. p.8' 3820.0 Phoctlides. Carniina. Gr. et Lat. Kee. J. A, Schier. Lipsiae, 1751. 10" 2989.20 — Fragmenta. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. IJ B.1C2.7 — Poema admonitorium. 5eeHertel, J. . . .B.lGOa.lG — - Same. [Lect. Poetas Grasci, v. 1] , . , . 4200.7 — - Same. .See Vorst, J B. 109.0 — Sentences de, trad. 5ce Levesque, P. C. . . .4999a. 21 Pu. A 4347.83 Pickering, O. Digestof Pickering's reports, v. 8- 14. See Hilliard, V Pickering, T. Letter exhibiting to his constitu- ents the imminent danger of an unnecessary and ruinous war. Boston. IKUS. pp. 16. 8°. 4318.27 _ Defence of. See Swctt, S 2347.20 Pickett, A. and J. W. The academician, con- taining the elements of scholastic science. Vol.1. New York, 1820. 8° 7591.10 — Geographical grammar. 2d ed. New York, 18T7. 1.8° . C280.2 Pickett, C. K. The existing revolution ; its causes and results. Sacramento, 1861. pp.24. S°.1340a.H PiCKMAN, B., Discourse the Sunday succecdiug tlie death of. *Vr Brazer, .1 4.355.23 Pico, G. lluuesta schinva. l.'oli gli intcrmedij di G.F. Pico. Nuouamente postain luce. Viu- egia, 16119. Bm.l2' •4609a.66 PiCOdellaMiranilola, G. Opera. Argentina, 1604. j-o MlSl.S CVMenls.— .loannlal'lcl Mil anilulnj vita, per Joannem Franclseuin lllustrls prlnel|il« lialeotll I'ld Ollum «lo- pantisslmc conscripta ; lleptapais tie opere sex dleruin Oi-neseos; Deprccatorla ad Ueuni eleglaco carmine; ApoluKia tredoelm tiunistloniiin ; Tractatus do onto et uno, otim ohJectionlhUH nulhiisdam et resimusiunlhus ; Oi-iilio (luiedam elOBniitlBSima ; E|ilslohe plures.loninils I'iel Mlraiidulie et alUirum tHlnosuruin; iJlspulatioiium ailvemus nstrolopus libri MI. — Epislola Uermolno Karbaiti. 1 IWriiayH. Flo. rilegiiim leimscenlis l.aliiilliiliK] H. 190.37 Leben. [Meiiiers. I,fbeiisliischrelbungen,v.2]. 4150.0 — Memoir of. i'ee Gieswill, 3706.0 , \V . I 2743. 'JO PI COT 4S9 PIEltRE Shoir. No. PICOT, C. First lessons in French. New cd. Pliil- niii'Iiiliin, I.sct. i-v- 4080.4 — Fri'iicli stiulcnt's nnB legentnr Helvetia; reformatio et Bezic oncumiuni, [etc.]. Gencv.T, 1770. 4° ♦tall. 6 PiCTOKivr. Iiistory of llie (i real Eastern steani-sliip. London, [isiii). f° 3950.5 PiCTi'iti; of Uiiuiinglinm. 2d ed. Birmingliam, Ih:!1. 12° 2499.7 PICTUKK of New York. New York, 1807. 12° . . 4379a. 2 Picxuiucs. Sulla dillicoltii di ben giudicare delle opere di pittiira. Alberi, F 4067.20 PiCTURnsQdii beauty. The picturesque, as com- pared with the sublime and the beautiful. Price, U 4007.12 PlCTUiiESyirE hand-book to Liverpool. Liverpool, 1843. 12° 2480.25 PiCTURKSQUK tour through tlic Oberland, in the canton of Berne, in Switzerland. London, 1S23. 1.8° 28GI.10 PiDOKox, W. Traditions of Ile-Coo-Dah, and an- ti4.12 PiGANiOL de la Force, J. A. Nouvelle description de la France. 3e id. Paris, 1752-54. 15v. 12° 4619a. 7 <7on/r>tM.— VoI.I. I/Intcdn Frnnce. II. La I'icnrdicct I'Artijlfl. 111. Ln Cliuniimpnc, In llrIe-CI>iini]H'iic>ihv ctia premturc iinriitMlclnlluiiiiKopiic. IV, Ln nccoiitlo pnrtle do III lluurgogiii! ct K- PinipliliiL-. V. Ln rrovcncc. VI. Lo Lnii(ru<'dt>c. V]I. I^ pny« licl-'olx, In Nnvnrre ft Wcarn, lu (inyriino, la Gnscoftiic, In t^nliitungr, rAiifroiimoIa et If |inys d'AunU. \'11I. Lo Pultou ct la llri'titfuo. JX. La NorinnmHe. X. Lo Miiiiie, Ic Porchc, rorlftm- o)b, lo Nlrcrnoin ot lo Hourboinioin. XL Lo Lyoniioia, rAuvLTgiio, lo Lltnomln, In Mnrclio ct lo Ilcn-y. XIL Ln 'I'ouraino, TAnJoti, Ic Sauniiirotn, In riniuiro rrnn- 5<-il§r, iMinkcrquc, 5lcU:,Toulct ViTdtin. XIII. L'AUnco, la I-'roncIic-Conir^, In Itnuimlllon, In Lorrnliio ct Ic Bar- ruU. XIV, XV. lutroduclluii ik In Hcscrlittloii de U Fruni'fl vtnu drclt public dv en roynume. Pigeons In their wild, domestic, and captive states. Delnmcr, K. .S 4001. .'U PiGNOi.o, L. Aiiindes .lauuenscs, 1204,05. [Knuik- furt. SocietJis, etc., V. li-] 4210.2 Pjonokia, L Dc wtvIk et corvm apvd veteres niiiiUtcrilH commentarlus. Kd. 2a. PulavJi, KViO. 4' O'tTO.r, — - hanic. Kd.nov. Aniulelodaml, 167-1. hni.r^'.M'^ilO.vy — - Same. [Polenl. UlriiiHquelheM.aiit[i|.Hupp., V. 3] 2i)rn.7 SUclf. Xo. PiGNORiA, L., continued. — Origines Palaviuae et Antenor, Lat. verlit S. Havercampus; Epistola superantiquissimam picturam, qua; Poma; visitur; De ritu nujitia- runi ; Vita, bibliotheca et museum, auctore J. 1*. Touiaslno. [Gra^vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 0,p. .1] 4710.1 PiGKOTTi, L. Poesie. Firenze, 1812. 3v. lb". [Parnapo degl' Italiaui vivcnti, v. 1-3]. . . •4799a.2 Cotitents.—Xo}. I. 1,'oiiibra di Pope; Favole. II. Favole; Novello. HI. La felicild dell' Auslria o cJpUa Tospano; La toniba di Shakespeare; Roberto Manners; Soiictti; Imitazione dell' epistola ii del lib. ii d'Oraxio; roc'sio diverse. — Poesie. Pisa, 3813. 18°. [Parnaso degl* Ita- lian! viventi, v. 21] *470?a.2 Conteitts. — La sventura; II nitiglieiino di Gon e I'as- Ino; Fi.-toiite c Scmole, ossia la vanita dvgti uoniini e dcllc domic; Lacoutesa fra il ro&igiiuolo o 11 sonatorc; Favolo: I'lwole Esopiane. — La trcccia donata, poemetto eroi-comico. Fi- reuze, 180S. lb°. [Parnaso degl' Ilaliaui vi- vcnti,v.2G] 4709a. 2 PiGOKEAU, A.N. Petite bibliographic hiographico- romauciere. [Avei-] Supplements, 1-13, 15-19. Paris, lS2l-2;». 2v. S" 2171.6 PiGOT, G. Vindication of the antient Christian in the observation of f hristinas-day. Sermon, Jan. 4, 1720-30. Boston, 1731. 8° 5i60a.54 PiGOTT, G. Manual of Scandinavian mythology. London, 1839. p.S*' 2877.2 Pike, James, Sermon at the interment of. See Hemmenway, M 4163.5 Pike, .John. Discourse at Kowley, at the annual thanksgiving, Nov. 20, 1S46. Boston, 1846. 8'.5400a.52 — Sermon l>elore II. J. Gardner, governor, [etc.], at the annnal election, Jan. 7, 1857. Boston, 18r)7. 8° *J350.13 Pike, J. G. Swedenborgianism depicted in its true colors. From the English edition, n.p., l.Si4. pp.68. 12' 5545.42 Pike, Mury EC. Ida Jlay; a story of things actual and possible. Boston, lsj4. 12° 4278".29 Pike, JMarsliall S. Creola: or the slave nndmiiiNtrel. A poetical romance. Boston, 1850. pp.53. 8''.B.17C.06 Pike, K. t^ermon in Dorchester, on Uouiauism. Boston, 1854. 8' 5460a. S.-^ — Discourse at the funeral of .A.*/'a k>h TTajiai^oat^. 5'ee Thilo, J, C. 0018 U — Epistola CI. Tiberio Neroni. [Gryuicus. Mon. patr.] B.141,3 Piles, K. de. Cours de pcinture par principos. Paris, 1708. 12° 40G7.no Pilgrim, Parable of the. 5('e Patrick, S SiS^.lo PiLGUiMA<;i;. Guileville,G.de. PyJgrymageofman. 3473. i3 — - Pylgrcma^ie oMIie sowle .3473.12 PiLGROis. Sumner, G. Memoirs of the pilgrims at Leyden 4103. Li — Waddington, J, Springs of Iho jiilgrim movc- nu'iit 4328.fi PlLICHDORE, P. de. Contra hieresin Wuldonsium IractatUB. [Maxima bihl loth vet. patr., v. 26]. B.110,2 PiLKiNOTON, M. Marvellous lulventnres; or, the vicissitudes of a cat. Batlimoro, 1814. 18° . 4f)70a.38 Pillow, Fort, Iteport iu relation to the late mas- sacre at. \Vade, II. F. 4321.17 PiLLSBi'uv, P. The Bible: its history and Inspira- tion. Boston, 1848. pp. 36. 12° B. 170b. 30 — The church as it is: or the forlorn hojte of sla- very. 2d cd. Boston, IHT. pp. 00. J-.;". G()Mi.:;i, and IJ.lOOb.2& PiLSKN, J, Keply to K. Sehalk's crllJeiMns of the campaign in the inouuialn deiiarlmeiit, undiT 3IaJ.-Gen. J. C. Fn'inont. [New York], 1863. pp. 14. 8° 43I0n.Ior I'ni, H. The gate of the Pacillr. London, !h>3. h", 'j;f]l.*^; J PIMA 491 PISIDA Sholf. No. Pima, or N^vome, a lanpuajre of Soiiora, Grammar of the. 5''e Arle de 111 Ien«»mi Ni'vome . . . 23GQ.41) ri.N'AMoXTi, G.r. Hi'U opened to Cliristians, to cau- tion tiiemtVoni entering into it. Dublin, 1841. pp. J>0. IN" 6I5S.41 PiNCIo, 1*. De Tiniavo lluvio, pro vctustorum opin- ionc. (C!rievius.Tlifs.antiq.Iial.,T. fi,p.4J. 4710.1 Pi>'CKNi;v, C. TliR'e letters: Joiiatluin Kobbins; Kecent captures of American vessels; The ri^ht of expatriation. Philadelphia, 1709. pp. 05. 8" 4318. IG PiNDAlifS. ITc/ifot^oy, hoc est 'OAi'/iTr.vjxHi, lluOi- oi'(*:u(,Nii/coj'i\(i(, 'IiT^//iioi(jf(ii,inustrHti opera Krnsmi Schmidii. Witeberg:e, ir.io. 4", , **299l.30 — Ciirndnii. Ed. ster. Lipsi.ie. n. d. :*4*' . . . B.lOya.9 — Carniinii, e.\ recensione Hoeckliii, illust.L.Dis* seuius. Gothae et Erfordiae, ItiliO. 'Zy, 8°. B. 167-8 — Oda;. [Lect, Poetaj Gr;eci, v. 3] 4^00.7 — Odes, transhited from the Greek, by G. West. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 12J . 4001.1 — Olynipiques; Pythiques; Nemeennes; It-thmi- ques. [Ealconnet. Lespetitspotmes ^jrecs]. B.1G1.2 — Olynipiorum ode i; I'ythioruni ode vii; Ne- meorum ode ii; Isthmiorum ode iii. ^ee Vorst, J B.1G9.6 PiNDEMox rE, I. Kpistole in versi. Flrenze, 1609. lb^ [Parnaso degl' Italian! viventi. v. 27] . 4r99a.2 — Poepie. Firenze, 1805. 8°. [PurnasodegP Ital- ianiviveati, V. 7] 4799a. 2 Contents. — I'ocsie cnmpestri; Le qunttio parti del gioiiio; Puvslo vurtc ; I via^gi. PiNEi^, L. Essai de philosophic positive. Paris, 1815. 8* 6102.6 PiXEixi, F. A. Storia militare del Piemonte in conlinuazione di quellu del Saluzzo, 174t--18oO. Torino, 1854, 63. 3\". sni.S" 4720.5 PiXKLLi, 31. Bibliotheea Pinelliana. [Auetion catalogue.] London, [1789]. tt" *2139.18 PiXOOXK, E. P. Aui^ustie Tauriuorum chronica et autitiuitatum inscripliones. [Grsevius. Thea. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 0] 4710.1 PiXKEKi'ON.J. Ancient Scotish poems; from the manuscript collections of Sir K. Maitlaud. Written 1420-1586. Loudon, 17Sii. 2v. 12°. 2538.16 — General collection of voyages and travels. Vol. 1-6. Philadelphia, 1810-12. 4° . . . . 6261.3 — History of Scotland, preceding 1056. New ed. Edinburgh, 1814. 2\'. 8° 2474.15 PiXKXKY, W., Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Sparks, J 434S.5 PiNNEY, C Plan of the city of Boston. Surveyed for the insurance companies and agents. Boston, ISO!. 20phites. f° *6351.30 PiNXEY, N.,and Arnoult, E. French grammar. A new method. New York, 1801. 8° 4083.4 PixxocK, W. Catechisms. London, 1822-30. 2yv. 24'*. yamelr/: — Catechism of British biography 7039.40 — Catcchis-m of chronology 7039.41 — Catechismof classical biography 7039.42 — Catechism of ek'Ctricify 7039.43 — Catechism of entomology 7019.44 — Catechism of heraldry 7039.16 — Catechism of Latin grammar 7039.58 — Catechism of poetry • 7039.51 — Catechism of sacred geography 7039.55 — Catechism of the geography of the British em- pire. 5v 7039.52 — Catechism of the history of America. 2v. , , 7039.47 — Catechism of the history and antiquities of the Jews 7039.48 — Catechism of the history of Scotland 7039.49 — Catechism of universal history 7039.50 — UelVerrari, J. U. Catechism of Italian gram- mar ?039.63 — First catechism of the French grammar , , . 7039.54 — Meinemanu,W. C;tteL-hismofGerniangramm:ir. 7939.50 — llickie, D. B. Catechismof Greek accidence . 703'j.55 — History of England 7039.61 — History of Iieland 7 ■ '.t.fiO biioir. No. PiNNOCK. W., contimied. — Llfinos, V. Catochism of Spanish grammar . 7039.59 — Principles of English grtmuiar 7039.57 — Taylor, W.C. ('atecliism of ancient geography. 7039.02 — - Catechism of ancient history 7039.03 — System of modern geography and history. \in- larged by E. Williams. New York, 1H30. 12°. 7039.33 Piso, M. J-a caravana: rime piacevoli di diversi avttori. Nuouamente ristampate. Venetia, 1009. sra.l2° *4809a.50 Pino da Cagli, B. Gli ingivsti sdogni, comedin. Di nuouo ristampata. Venetia, 1585. sm.r^". *4S09a.52 — Lo sbratta, comedia. Di uvovo ristampata. Venetia, 1053. sm.S* *4S09a.23 — Breve consideraziono intornoal componimonto de 111 comedia de' nostri tempi. See Oddi, S. 4S09a.42 Pinto, F. H. Reisen durch Europa, Asia, und Af- rica. Amsterdam, 1671. 4" *4!57.4 PiNZOX, V. Y. Navigatio. See Grj-nreus, S. . - . 4100.8 — Viaggio. [Marmocchi, Viaggi, v. 3] .... 2275.1 PiOBEiiT, G. See France. Whiistry of war. M<5- morialdel'artiUerie, V. 4-0 . , . . • .... 3954.25 Contents. — Vol. IV. Sur los effeta des poudrea des dillC-ronts procfeilC-a de fabricnlion, et sur le mode de chartiemeiu d adopti^r pour lea roiidru iiioffensivea dnna Ics bouchi-s u fuu; Sur la reaislnnce dcs coi-ps sulides oil nious d la puuGtrutiou des projectiles. V. Expfeviencca sur hi penC'Iriiliondes projectiles daiis divers milieux; Sur Ics lois dc In resistance do I'uir. VI. Experience! Bur tea poudrus de guerre dea dttfereuts procedcs de lUbrieation. PiOL.V, G. SuU' applicazione de' principj della men- canica analitica del Lagrange ai principali problemi. Milano, 1825. 4" 3920.8 PiOTRowsivi, K. My escape from Siberia. Trans- lated by E.S. London, 1803. p.8'' 3007.3 — Meine Erlebnisse in Kussland und Sibirien, 1843-40. Nach dcm Polnischen von L, Ko- nigk. Posen, 1802. 2v.ini. 8" 3067.5 PiovANO arlotto, capricci mensuali di uua brigata di begliumori. Eirenze, 1858-00. 3v. 1.8'^. 4773.2 Piper, F. Mythologie der christlichea Kunst. Weimar, 1847-51. 2v. 8° 6071.21 Piping, M. Gramaticapiemontese. Torino, 1783. 8". 4786.15 — Poesie piemontesi. Torino, I7S3. 8" .... 4786.17 — Vocabolario pieniontebe. Torino, 17S3. 8°. . 4786.16 PiPOX, J.K.,and Collier, J. F. Jlanuai of military law. Londun, 1800, obi. 10° 3635.32 Pipping, H. Arcana bibliothecas Thomans Lipsi- ensis sacra retecta. 5ee Mader, J. J. . . . 2128.15 PiRCKiiF.iMEK, B. Ecciiis dedolatus, dialogus. [llutten. Opera omnia, V. 4] 2892.5 PiRON, A. La metromanie, comedie. Nouv. ed. Toulouse, 1803. pp.84. 8° v. 3 of *2064.12 — Gustave Wasa ; La metromanie. [Theatre fran^ais, v. 30] 4708.1 PiRON, F. P. J. iltudes surles canouni£;res cuiras- sees. Paris, 1802. pp.46. 12" 3954.18 PiRON, le Lieut, col. Sur la dessiccation du bois par le moyen de la vapeur d'eau. [France. Min- istry of war. 3temorial de I'urtillorie, v. 4] . 3954.35 PiRRO, K. See GriEvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10 v.2.3,5 4710.1 Coatcnta. — T. 10, v. ?. De imtrlnrcha Sicilio', de mc- tropoliin Siciliee, de prtesulum Siciliensium cleclione. 3. •Sicilia sacra, di^quisitioiiibue et noliliis illustrnta; Regire capellft! collcgiatre Sancti Petri ct regii pal- Btii I'unorniiiani uotUia, cum aupjdemcnto A. Mongi- toris. 6. Chronologiii regum penes quoa Siciliie tuit iuiperium post exactoR baracenos. Pisa. Acta varia ad concilium Pisanumpertiuentia. [Martfene. Vet. script., v. 7J 4150.1 — Concilium Pisauum, a. d. mcdi.\. [Achery. Spieilegium, v. 0] 415*J.7 — Morrona, A. da. PrcgidiPisa 2734.8 — Tronui, F. Meniorie istoriclie di 2;28.4 PlACATOR, P. Sea Fisher, P. Pisii, C. C. [Letters to Ada, frum her brother-in- law.] New York, 1634. '.b" 5447.32 PifiiiiA, or Pisides, G. Di mundi opiScio. [Lect. I'oetie Grteci, v. 3J 4200.7 prsiDA 492 PLANCK PisiDA, or Pisides, G., continued. — Poeraata : Opus *iex dierum ; De vanitato vita; ; Fragmenta. [Maxuua biblioth. vet. patr., v. 1,>] B.110.2 Piso, W. IJistoria natvralis BrasUiae. Lvgdvn. Batavorvm, HHS. f* *5820.1 ConUnli. — C Pisoiiis de meiliclim BniiiUciisi libri quiituor; G. MarcgravU do Lk-bst«iniice do Tntmyis. ot Chilciisiljus: Joanuca do Lact in urdinom digcssit et annotntiooes addidit. De IndijE utriusque re natiuali et medica libri XIV. AmsteK-edami, 165S. f* 5820.4 Contents. — G. Pisonis historiie naturnlie et medicro India! occideutalis libri quinque; G. Marcfp-avii de Licbslad traciatus topographicus et mettTologifus Brasilite, cum eclipsi solan; quibus nddili sunt illius el aliorum coiumcotariidelJrnsiHeosium cl Chilensium indole et lingua; Jacobi Bontii liistorioe natui-alis ot meiictc India; orientalis libri sex; G. PUwuis man- tissa aromatica, sivc de aroraatum cardiualibua quatuor et plantis aliquot Indicia rolatio nova. PiSTOlA. Notizie iuedite della sagi-estia pistoiese. Ciampi, S 4061.25 PiSTOKius, H. A. Notosandadditions to Hartley »s Observations on man. See Hartley, D. . . 5G06.9 PiTAVAi^, F. G. de. Causes celfebres et iutt-ressan- tes. Nouv. ed. Paris, 17;H-43. 20 v. 10° , . oroOa.l — Erziiblung sonderbarer Keclitsluindel . Aus dcra Krauzusisclieu ubersetzt. Leipzig, 1747-07. 9v. I:" 5709a. 2 PiTCAiRS, O. Life. .yecSIacniichael, ^y 2540.15 PiTiLLAs, J . de, pseud. See Uerbaa, J. G. de. PiTIscus, S. Lexicon antiquitatum Romanarum. VenctiiR, 1719. 3v. f" *42G0.1 Pitkin, T. statistical view of the commerce of the United States. 2d ed.,withadd. New York, 1617. S" 4303.5 Pitman, B. The [phonographic] reporter. Vol. 1-3. Cincinnati, 1S54-55. 3v. 12" *2129.5 Pitman, I. Fonografic corespondent and reporter, for 1840. Lundiin, IMO. S' *2129.1 — Fono^^rafic con'spoudcuf for 184S, 50. Lun- diin, [1848-50], 2V. 12" *2129.3 — Fonotiraficmagazeu for 1850. Lundun,lf«50. 12*. *2129.0 — Precurser, To. ls.oO, 51. Lundiin,ia50, 51. 18". *2129.4 Pitman, K.U. Practi'^abilityofjoiningthe Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by a ship canal across the isthmus, London, 1825. &* 2314.20 PiTRA, J. B. Sptcilegium .Solesmense.complectons sanctorum patrum scriptorumque ecclesiasti- coram anecdota haclenus opera. Parisiis, 1852-55. 3v. 1.8* *C021.8 Contents. — Vol. I. 8. Pnijlas ; S. IrcniBus ; Murinus ; 8. Dioiiyslun; AU-xandriiius:('uiiiiiiodhinusc))i&cc>[)UflAfri- canuN, Cnmi'-n opoloRctletim; S. IHladus Pictavi-naia epitoopu", Ti'uct4iti ill epitituliin iid Gnlututt.nd EphOHios, od I'liillppt'Uituii, All Colo-ifioiiitcH, nd Thi'ttBuloutcvuBCB, ad Timutheum, ad Tttum, ud I'liilcmoucm, in Gt-nusim, do evantcello ; H. lUu'tloIun, vpiscopua AuguHtodtinctieia; Civjiiii Vctlimt AqniUiid Juvoncus, Mctrum in Exodum, in JoBUO, B«'lcc(a fni(;inpntii; 8. Vk-tor CupuanuB; Jo- annen dlucniiun Roniiniuj cccloHin); H. Nicupborun patrl- nrclin, Antlrrhelicn; Ajipeudices. II. Du Sutivto Mcll- toiif dliiscrtiitiu; S. MilUuiila Sardviioii) opiscojtl iVug- iticiitii c(iia' huiiiTHunt omiiln, Gra-co ul Syriaco. II, 111. 8. Mi'llionli* cIbvIh cum variorum conimcnlArllii. III. 8, HkTOrymtiB StrldonoiiBtn; M. T. Vniro, Hontcntln-ad railnnum ; Loxuii mcdiciu dn ph,v»I.igiiyuibi ; Dainlgo- r'>n do vlrtutlliuH iHptdum ; Cellit-I dt> HculiilurU; Vot- truni (tnoitllcorum ptiy«luIi>((UH; Armenia veluii Inlcr- prntiitliiln Pliydlolofrum j Oriifonciii TIcliontuii AfiirjS. I'utrirlmi; 8. l*Hi.Iicriu»; 8, Grptrr.rlu» .MnRiiUB; H. lei. d'.mii llidpHlunBlii; AnsilPubuict Kbanliinj 8. Trmlon- tlui; AdlM'lmtinpbllOROptiUB; KabniuiN iMimrun; Anuiiy- jnu« AnKlu*. 1'iillin.lloiiuin ni.jiim.ilciiiiini ul iiiunilium Jibri quliiqu*'! V>irtt» do Mora hcu I'cirupi Cnpiianuii} XiUi'ij "Ivudu |.I<«:<' alltffurlco ol "•ymbollco ; 1)0 Chria- U inln iiioiiumcnllo IxOvv oihlbi'iitlbua. PiTT, C, Mi.HCt'llam'OMH po*-tkaI work h, with Hfo, lAixh-rsun. I'oetH of Grtler, J. I'lague and yellow fever at Lon- don, in 1005 3708.26 I*LAix, ('. de. Anticoton, ou refutation do la let- tre dcclaratoiri' du pi-re cotton. Sec tiuesnel, freres 4709a. 3 PlANCIIIC, G. Die I'apierfabricaiion. Deutseh von C. Uartnuinn. Weimar, 1n54. 10" 4018.8 l*hANCiil^, iL K. Kcmarks on Home of Inigo .loues' sketches for ma^*ques, ulc. ^Sefi Jones. I. . . 2543.3 PliANClniN, .L It. L., Notice nur la vie I't les ouv- ruges de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. iKuvres, v. 3] . . 3720.11 Planck, C. U. Die Weltttltor. Tubingen, ls5o, 61. 2v. Inl. 8' 01(15.11 Contentn. — Vol. I. Synloni doK relm-u Iti'nllxnuiH. II, I)nii ICi-lrh dvN IdoallniiiuH odcr kui' rhlluHoidilu tlur (K'Ncldclito. Planck, G.J. Elnh-ltungindletheologlsche WIh- senMlialleu. Leipzig, 179J, 95. 2v. hi 1. »". 0083.3 PLANCK 493 PLATO Sbclf. No. TLAycic, G,J.tGontimie(l. — Gescliiciite des Vab^ttliiinis in don nbendliind- isolien Kirclien. llamiovtT, 1805-7. 3v.in 4. Iti' *C0r9.3 — Geschiclite fdes] proteslantisclit'n Lelirbe- grids, :*te Aull. Leipzig:, l^iH-1^00. Ov. in 7. &' G028.7 Planck, IL He origine atque jiidolo vcteris tra- gcedht' rtpud Uoimuios. .9cc Kniuut<,Q. . . . 292C.4 Pi-ANCis, J„pseiid. See. Uiandii, G. P. Planck, -F. A. Trnotatua de gyiiKceo dojto. AVit- teiilicrga', i:ia. pp. 72. 4* 4103.23 Planing macliine. See WoodwortU's planing nui- t'liiuc. Plantagknkt?, Grcntt'sl of all tlie. See Edward i. 2437.3 Plaxt«. Die Pflaiize und ihr Leben. Schleidcn, il.J 3855.15 Sre aUo: Botany. PlaN'UDKS, M. nro( yoafifir.TiKrji t^uAnjoj; IT^ot tri'irfljs'.'?. [Bachmann. Auecdota Grxca, V. 2] B.1G2.G — - ^I'yKptaii xet/iMVu^ icni enoo^; Eri^oi. [IJols- Ronade. Anecdota Gi\Tca, v. 2, 3] B.101.3 — Orntio iu corporis Josu sepulturam, iuterp. J. Axoiiio. [.Maxima biblioth. vet. pntr.,v. 27]. B. 110.2 Plastic arts. Geseldchte licr bildonden Kiin.ste bci deu Griechcu uud Kumern. Meytr, .1. H 4077.28, and 42SL1 PL.\TEN, B. V. AfhandUng om eaiialer genoni Sverige mod sarskildt afseenrle it Wciierna samumnbindandc mod Oster.sjuu. Orebio, 1800. pp. (iO. 2 maps. 4° 4807.2 Plath, J. II. Pie Vulkor dor Mandschurey. Giit- tingen, 18:>0, 31. 2v. S° 4243.6 Platina, B. de' Sacchi. Liber de vita <'hristi ac pontiticum omuiii. Nureuberge, 1481. i". *G081.1 A'otc. — Ulack lellcr. 128 leaves, 2 columns, 55 lincB. — De vitis pontificvra Ronianorvra, vsqve ad Pavlvm IL Accessit svpplementvm perOii- uphiiuni [Pauviuiuml usq. ad Pivm v et deiiide per A. Cicarellamad Clemeutem viii. Coloni;ie Vbion'm, lf>00. 4° *G081.2 — Historia inclytie urbis Blantu^ et serenissimic f.imiliic Gonzagas. [Grievius. Tlies. autiq. Ital., T.4, p.2] 4710.1 Platner, E. Philosopliische Apborisraeu, Keue Ausg. Frankfurt, 1790. 2v. 12° 5808.27 — Bunscn, C. 0. J., Gerhard, E., Rostill, AY., and Urliclis, L. Be&chreibung der Stadt liora. Stuttgait, 1830-42. Gv. 8'. Iv. Atlas, obl.4°.**2737.1 CoHtetW. — Vol.1. Allgemeiner Tbeil, mit synchro- Distisclien Tabellen.eiuem grossen Stadtplaii iindifinein geognostischeu Ijlailc. II. Dae vnticanischp Gcbit^t und die vnticaiii^cbi.'ii Sumiiiluiiiren. III-\'I. Die sieben Hiigel, der Piacio, diis Wursfcld und Trastevcre. Plato, comic poet. Trigiuta comoediarum frag- menta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 3]. B.1G2.8 Plato, the philosoph'^r* Omnia opera cvm. com- meutariis l*rocli in Tima?am et Politiua, the- sauro ueteris pliilosophiae maximo. Basi- leae, 1534. 2v. in 1. f " *4I90.7 — Opera omnia, Marsilio Ficiuo iuterprete. Ar- gumeuiis et commeutarijs ejusdem Ficini illust. Lvgdvni, 1590. f* *2y'J0.12 — Opcra.cvmscholiisalllu'nkeniocoIIeclis. [Vol. 2,3 ex recenaione Ji. fttepbaui, ed. C. D, JJeck.J Kd. ster. Lipsiae, 1814-19, 8v. in 4. 10' *B.lG9a.l0 CoiitetUa.—Voi. I [T. 1]. Eutbypliro; Apologia 9o- crntis; C'rito ; Phaido ; Tliiiagos; Amatrirt-s;Thejututus; C-0 Sophiala; Kutbydcmus; Protuf^uras; Uippiae minor; CrntyluB. II [;i]. Uorgias; Ion; Pbiit-bus; M«noD ; [4.] Alcibiadeft utcrquu; Cliarniidet*; Lacbvs; Lysis ; Ilippurchua ; Menexeiius ; Politicus ; Mluos. 11IC.5]. Do republica sivc de jueto Itbri dccum; [G.] De Iv^buMlibri XJi; Ephioinis. IV C**]- Tiniiru»; Tinia:! LiM-ri Uc iinJma niundi ; Critrfts; Parmeiiidcs ut Syinpo- ■iun;^^. j fbiudrtut; lljppias ludjur ; Epiatolu!; Axiucbna; DojuBlo:De \-irtJt« ; Demoducus; Sisypbus; Eryxiits, CliLoplion; D< Huitiones. bbelf. No. Plato, the phllosoplipr^ continued. — Opera. Iiecen8ult,in linguam Lalinaniconver- tit, annotutionibiisexplanftvit F. Astins. Up- siae, 1819-32. llv. in5. 8" 'B.105.1 Contei\ia. — Vol. I [T. 1]. Protagoras; Pbu-drus; Gor- ei»s; Pba-do; [2.] Thcajtctiis; SopbiBta; Politicus. IL [;i] rttrmenUlos; Cmtylna; Pliilebus; Conviviuin ; [4.] I'olitirt; lib. l-VIil, 111 [.'O. Polilitt! lib. TX, X;Ti- iniuHs et Crltbis; [(i.] Leguni libur I-Vl; [7.] Logura lib.T vn-X(I. IV [H]. Epinoiiiis; Eutbyphro; Apolo^ft Socratis; Ciito; Aluibiiulca uturquo; lIi])piirobua sua de lucri cupiditnt«; Itivali.-s; Tlieiigi-s; fbnrmidt's; Laches; I,y«U; [D.] Ilippias major; Meuoxeiiui; Eulby- d'-uius; Mono; HippiBR minor; lo; t'litoi>lion ; Miii09 Buu do lege; Axiochus; Do juato; De virluti.'; Deinodo- eus; Sisypbus; Erj'xins; Mpisiolffi; Tima-i Loeivngis de uninui inundi ; DctluitionL-s. V [10, II], AimotuUo- ui;5 ill Platonia opera. — Opera omnia. Recensuit G. Stallbaum. Go- thae, 1828-00. lOv.in 12. 8° *B.1C5.5 CoHdcHis. — Vol. I. Apologia Socratia: Crito ; Phmdo; Symposium. II. Curgins ; rrotagorag. III. Poliliu, Ul- ro publiea. IV. I'bitdrus; Mcnfexciius; Lysis; Ilip- pinsuterquo; lo. V. Lnchca; Cbarmides; Alcibindra ulerque; Cratylos. VI. Eutbydemus; Mono; Euiby- pbro; Tbcngo8; Uivalcs; Hipparcbus. VII. Timaiug; Ci'itias; Timtei Locride anima mundi ; Accessit varictiia lectiouis pra:staiitis&iuii codieis Parisiui accuratis.'^iine cuotata. VIII. Thewtetus; Sopbista. IX. Puliticus; Minos; Philcbns. X-XIi CW]. Legos. — Platons Werke [iibers.] vou F. Schleiermachcr. Berlin, 1804-9. 5v. 8* **300S.6 CoiUcnts. — Vol. I. Vorerinnerung; Einlc-Itung; Pba- dros; Lysis; Pi-utngoraa; Lacbes; Anmeikuugon. H. Charniides; Euthypbron; Parnienidcs; De» Sokratea Vcrihuidignng ; Kriton; Ion; Hipjiius, diis klclnera Ge- spiiicb diegcti Namens; Hipparcbus; Mtnos; Alkibiadi^s, dersogenannte »weite. III. Ciorgias; Tbeatetos ; Me- non; Eutbydemos. IV. Kratylos; Der aophist; Der Siaalsmanii; Daa Gastmabl. V. Pbadon; Pbilebos; 'I'huages; Die Kebenbuhler; Alkibiadcs, dursogcnannto erste ; Menexenos ; Ui])pias, das grbs&eru Gesprach dicsea Iv'auicny; KJeilopliou. — See Dacier. Biblioth&que des anciens philoso- plies, v.3-9 2964.5 Contents. — Vol. III. Discours sur la vie, la doctrine, le style, les interprt-tea et les commentateurs dc Platon; Le premier Alcibiade, on de la nature bumaine ; Le sec- ond Alcibiade, ou de la priere. I\'. Le Tbeages, ou dt> la sagesse ; L'Eutj-pliron, on de la saintele ; L'apol- ogie de Socrate ; Le Criton ; Le Phedon, ou de rimmoi- talite de I'anie. V. Lacbes, ou de la valeur; Prota- goras, ou lea sopbisles ; Les rivanx ; Le grand UippinH, on du beau; L'li^ntbydemus; Le banquet. VI, VII. Loixde Pliiton. Vill. LeTbeelete.ou de la science; Le Prutugoras, ou les sopbiatcs; Le premier liipplas, ou du beau; Le second Hijipias, ou du mensonge. IX, Le Gurgiiis, ou de la rbetoiique; L'loii, ou de la pouaie; Le Pbilcbe, ou de la volupte moral; Le Monon, ou du la vcttu. — Dialogues dogmatiquea. Trad, par E. Cliauvet etA, Saisset. Paris, 1802. 2v. 12" ... . 3009.15 Coiitcnls.^J. Phedon; Gorgias; Le banquet. II. La politique; Le Timco; Critiaa. — Dialogues polemiques. Trad, par E. Cliauvet etA.Saisset. 2e s^rie. 2v. Paris, 18G2. 12°, 3009.13 CoitZents. — Vol. I. Theetete; Cratyle; Eutbydeme. II. Le Sopbisle; Parmenide; Mvnon; Pbilebe. — Dialogues socnitiques. Trad, par E. Cliauvet etA. Saiasct. Paris, 1801. 2v. 12° ... . 3009.14 Contents. — Vol.1. Eutbyphron ; Apologic de Socrate; CrUon; Premier Alcibijde ; Cbavmide; Laches. 11. Prrj- tiigiiriis ; Premier Uippias ; Menexeue ; Ion ; Lyois ; Ptiedre. — Platonic dialogues for English readers, by W. "VVhewell. Cambridg«^, l»5y-Gl. 3v. 10°. . 3009.5 CorUcnta. — Vol. I. Dialognea ot' the Socrntic school, and dialogues referring to the trial and dunlh ol' Socra- ti-ii. II. Anliaopbist dialugues. III. Tbo republic and tbii Tinia^us. — Dialogues, trad. nouv. par E. Chaavet et A. * aaisaet. Paris, 1803. Li" 3009.16 PLATO 494 PLUMBE SUelf. No. Plato, the philosopher^ contlnved. — Gorqias, Apologia Socrntis, Charmidcs, Hip- pias maior, ed. L. F. Uciudorfiiis. Beroliui, 1S05. 8° **3C0S.5 — Contra Atheos; the 10th book of the dialogue on laws, with notes and dissertations by T. Lewis. New Yoilv, 1S45. l'^* GOGS.ll — Les loix, traduction de Grou revu par A. Saissct. Paris, l^ti3. 2\'. lt° 3000.17 — Gaslniahl : ein Dialog [Gr.], mit Anmerk. vou F. A. Wolf. Leipzig, 17S?. 8* **300S.S — Larepubliqueou I'etat. Paris, 1802. 8* . . , SOOD. IS — Le Timoe [le texte grec, avec des] Etudes sur fie nii-rae et une traduction] par T. H. ilar- tin. Paris, ISll. 2v. 8° B. 165.3 — Fragmentaiuetrica. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr.,v. 1] B.162.7 — Ackermann, C. Das Chrislliche im Plato und in der platouischen Pliilosophie B. 1(52. 12 — Ast, G. A. F. Lexicon PJatonicum B. 1(10.2 — - Platen's Loben und Sdxrif'ten B. 105.0 — Baur, F. C. Das Chrislliche des Platonismus, Oder Sokrates und Christus B. 162. II — Bijckh, A. In Platonis qui vulgo fertur Min- oem cjusderaque libros priorcs de legibus conimeutarius 300S.7 — Fischer, C. De rarmeuide Platonieo . . . .B. 102. 10 — Grote, G. Plato aud the other couipauious of Sokrates COOi.5 — - riato's doctrine respecting the rotation of the earth 3924.10 — Hensde, 1*. >V. v. Initia philwophicE I'latoa- ic;e B.105.4 — Life, by W.G.Tennemann. [Edwards. Selec- tions from Gerniim literature] C001.fi — Oelrichs. J, G. A. Commontatio de doctrina Plutoiiis de Dfo C039.10 — Froclus Diadochus. lu Platonis Alcibiadem commenlarii 3008.9 — - Same. [Troclus. Opera, v. 2, 3] G104.1 — Souverain, I. Versuch iibcr den Platonismus der Kirchenviitcr 0024.2 — Stallbaum, J. G. Conjectural de rationibus quibu.sdam, quae inter Socralem ot ejus ad- versarios intercesterint, ex Euthydemo Pla- tonis maxinie ducta; 4205.18 — - Judicium de duobus dialoi^is vulgo Platoul adscriptis 4205.18 — - Schola critica et historica super loco Timaei Platonici dc animai munrlaua; elenicntis . . 4205.18 I'LATON Levshin. State of the Gruek churcli in UuBsia, or a summary of Christian divinity. New York, 1815. 12" 30G8.5 Platts, J. The literary and scientific class book, [Am. cd.] by L. W.Leonard. Keene, N. H,, 1827. 12" 7029.15 Pl \utus, T. M. [Les comedies. Textc latin, avec la traduction de J. B. Levee] augment(;* de disscrtiitionn par MM. Duval. I'uris, 1S20, 'Z\. 8v. 8° 2D38.I1 ConlentM. — Vol. I> Diii*ertAtlon aur Plnuto et sur noa vcrit« en |rC-iiC'ral; Coniilduriitioiia bur In foriiie ct In iIih- tribulion lies tliOAtroa aiitii|UL'i, par .M. .Miizois; Anijilil- (ruo; Aithinrla. II. Auluhiiin; C'nptlvi. 111. Curculio; CUHliiii;Cl»toUiirla. ]V. K)ilUIcui>; DnCcliitlua. V. Mc nivchiul; .Mcrcator. VI. MItua f^lorluKUn; Alostclliiriu; J'orau. VII. I'uiutlolus; roDiiuluH; blicliUD. VIII. Itudcoi; TiinuiiiiDua; Tmculciituii. — CnptivL I.U. S.l*. Cantabrlgia;, 1832. pp.51. 12' 4929.12 — Amphitruo, avec la trud. en fran^ois. [Muli6re. Uiuvres, v. e viris illustribus, cum commentJiriis Con- radi Lycvslheuis. See Vit;e viroruni illus- trium 4100.3 Plinius Caicilius Secundus, C. Kpislolarum libri decern et panogyrlcus. Ed. ster. Lipsiae, 1829. 32° B.rOa.lO — Letters, with occasional renuirks. By W. Met- molli. 5lh ed. London, 1770. 2v. 8° . . **2937.14 — LettresdePlinelo jeuiie. Kiom, 17UU. 2v. 12". 2937.16 — I'anegyricus Nerva« 'i'riijauo Augusta dictus. [Panegyrici veteres, v. 1] B. 172.2 Punt, T. Crime in England, 1801-48. London, Ibol. 12° 4300.22 Ploenmks, L. v. Mariken von Kymwegen. [Elu Gediclit.] Berlin, 1853. 10° ••2879.20 — Prinzessiu Use. Ein Miirchen. Boston, 1804. pp. 38. 10" 4S78.8 — Reisc-ErinnerungenausBetgien. Berlin, I8I5. 8" 2SG3.21 PLOKNN1E3, M. V. Di« Sagcn Belgieus. Kiiln, 1840. sq.IO" , .42Uta.l3 Plotinus. Opervm philosophicorvm omnivm libri L1V. Gra'ce cum L;il ilia ■M. Ficini iuterpre- tationc ct cuuinu-niatiune. Biisitea-, loSO, f" *41S0.4 — Les Enneades, trad. par M. N. liouillet. Paris, 1857-01. 3v. 8" 4204.0 — J\'cander, J. A. W. Uber die well Iiistuiisclie iJe- dcutung seines Bnchs gcgen die Gnostiker . 4191.9 Plowdkn, F. Benelicial consequences of inroll* ing all deeds, wills, and eoiiieils allecttng lauds, througliout England aud Wales. Lou- don, 17H9. 8° 3508.37 — Supplement to the investigation of the native riglits of British subj^-cts. London, 1785. h". 3508.37 Pl.uciiK, N. A. SiJt'Clack' de lu nature: or, nature di^iptay'd. Trunslated by [S.] Humphreys aud J. IL de Kuvid. 2d, 3d, 4th and uih ed. Lmulou, 17HMi:i. 7v. 12° ". *4277.24 pLt/MKi:, d. Memorinl ngiiinst Asa Wliiiney'u rallrotid scheme. [Washington, 1851. No titli-l'iigp.] pp. 48. b° 0087.77 PLU3IER 495 PLUTARCnUS Shelf. No. Plumkr, T. Speech at the trial of 'VV". Hastings. See BoikI, E. A 2572.5 Plumkk, AVilliam, b. 1759, rf. 1P50, Sermon at tlio iutenm-nl of. See IVabody, A. P 4347. SO Pi.UMEK, William, b. ITim, ti. 1854. JIaiihood, or scenes from tho past; a scries of poems. lioston, lt;43. l-' 4400. n — Sermon at the funeral of. See I'eabody, A. P. 434S.7 Pl.UMiKK, C. Kova plantarum Americanjirum ge- nera. Parisiis, ]:o;j. pp.7:;. 40 phites. 4°. *5S44.4 Pi.rjiMKit family, Memoir of tlie. S'ef* White.D. A. 'J3o5.04 pLiiMPTUK, C. J. The principles and pnu-tice of flocution. London, ISCil. pp. 7S. Ui" . . . 3Gn7.13 Pi.u.MrTKK, H. Oratio aiuiiversaria IJarva^ana, Oct. 18, 1722. Londini, [1722]. sm.l* . . *Pph.v.333 Plunkktt, a. J., earl of Finfiall, Correspondence bftween Lord Kedcsdale and. SeeMitford, .1. K 2478.2 PLUQUiiT, F. Contes populaires, pn-jugi-s, patois proverbes, noms de lu'u.x de Parondisscment de Biiyeux. 2e ed. Koueu, 1«;J4. 8* . . , . **2055.9 Plutakchl's. Omnivm qvic extant opervm T. 1, 2. Cum Latin;i intt-rprotutioue Crvserii et Xylandri [vjiriorumj notis. Accedit vita a l.UvaldocoUccta. LvtetisePiirisiorvni, 102i. 2v. r *4100.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Vitn; pnrallela;: Liljiir do fluvio- rum iiiontlumqiie iiomiiiibua. II. Opera inornltn. — Qvre svpersvnt omnia. Cvm annotationibvs variorvm. Opuru J. G. Hvtten. Tvbiuga;, 17Ul-lS0i. 14v. sm.8° *420t3.10 Contents. — \e libcris educaudis; Quoniodo adolcsccns po- Sina audire dcbcnt; Uo recta ratione nudiendi ; Quo- modo po95it adulntur ab aniico intcrnosci; Qtiomodo qtiis SU09 in viriute paraiidu sentiro poHsit profectus; De capi(?nda ex hostibua militate; De amicorum nmlti- tudino; De fortuna; De virtute ct vitio; Consolatio ad Apollonium; Dc tueoda sanitate pricccpta; Conjug-ift- Jiu prjvcGpta. VIII. Septem saplentura conviviuin; Do lupcrafitiune; Regum et imperatorum apophttieginntft ; Apopbthej-mntu Lacotiica; Inatituui Lacoiiicn ; Laca'- naruni apophthegmota ; De mulierum \irtutibus ; Quass- tioucs Romanic ; Qun;stiones Grojctc ; Paralleia Gneca ct Bomana. IX- De fortuiia Kotnanorum ;De Alexandri M, fortuna aut viriute; Bellouc an pace clariorca fuerint Alhenienses; De Iside ct Osiride; Du Ei apud Deljihoa; CurPytbia nunc nonroddatoracula carmine; Dedcfcctu otHCulorum; Virtuteta docori posse: De virtuto niorali; Decohibenda iro. X. De trantiuillit«tcaninu;De fraterao amore; Dc aniore prolis; An viiioaitaa ad infelicitatem •ufficiat? Animine an corporis affeclionos sint prj->res? De pnrrulitatc ; Ufcuriosilatc ; Dc cupiditate divitiarura ; De vitioso pudore ; De invidia et odio ; Qua quia ratione se ipso sine invidia laudet? Do sera numinia vindicta ; De fate; De gonio tiocrntis; DocxiUo; Consolatio ad uxo- rem suam. XI. Convivalium dinputationum libri IX. XII. Amntoriua liber; Amatoriio narrationca; Maxime cum priticl|i>bua viris philoaopho esse di(>aerendum; Ad priacipem in<.>i-ttditum ; An aeni reaptiblica gorvndasit; Prajcfpta gorendre rcipublicrc ; Do uuius in republics dominntionf, populari statu et pauci^rum impcrio; De vicando a;re alicno; Decern onitornra vit/c; Ai-istoplianla et Mt-uandri compurntio ; De Ileroduti mnli^iiatv ; De placitin phllosopboruni. XIII. Qun>stiones natura- Ics: De facie fu orbelunte; De primo frigtdo; Aqua: ct fpnia comparatio, sive aqnauc an iguis ait utiMor? De ftolerlia animalium, sive Icrrcatrianean nqiiatilia anima- lin eintcAllidioia? Crytlus.sive brutu nnanialia niliuno ; Dc cau caniium; i'latunicn quaeMioncs ; De antmu) prucreatione; De stoicorura repudrnantita; De ub^urdis ■toli^urum opinionlbua. XI V. Advcraus atoicua d" commuiiibuanotitus; Diaputatio, quo docetur, >ion posse •UBvitcr vivl secundum Ejtiruruni; Advureus Colotcm; Plutarchus, coniinued. Do oocDlto vivendo; De musica; FrnFmentn llbrnrnm perdiiorum Plutarchi ; De nobllitale; Do tliniorum ot montinm iioniinibua; De vita et jiocsi Ilomeri ; I'rovor- biii qiiibus Aluxandrini usi sunt ; Do nictris. — Moralia. Lipsiae, 1820. Ov. 10° , U.lG'Ja.ll CoiUeni*. — Vol. I. Do liboris ediicnndis; Df* audi- cndiapoctls; De recta ratione audicndi; Ua ndiilatoro ct anilco; Duiu-ofoctibiis in virtute; Dc capicnda ex in- iinicla utilitato; Do amicorum multituiliuc ; Dc t'ortuna ; Do virtute ct vitio ; Consolatio ad Apoiloniuni ; Do tuen- da sanitate prujccplaj Conju^alia pnecoptaj Septem sapicntum convlviiini ; De suporstitionc. II. Kcgum et iTliperatoriuu npoplifbcf*nuita; Apriplithe^malit La- conica ; InittitutaLacunicn ; Laeiunaruni apophttiugniata; Do mulierum virtutibus; Quiestioiics Uoninnn:; Quk's- tionesGrajcre; Panillclai Do fortuna Itomanorum; Do Alexandri sivo virtute, sivc fortuna; De gloria Athc- Tilensium. III. De Iside et Osiride; De Ei apud Dol- plios; Do Pylhia? oraculis; Do defcctu oraculurum ; Do virtuto morali; Do coliibendu ira ; De trmiquillitato nnimi; Do fraterno amorc; De amoro prolia; An viti- OBltaa ad infelicitatem suffloiat? Animine an corporis affectionefl sint pcjorcs; De garnilitatu; Do curiositate; De cupiditate divitiarum; Do vitioao pudore; Do invidia etodio; Do se ipsum citra invidiam laudandn. IV. Do Bcra nuniiiiiB vindicta; De fiito; De gcnio Sucratis; De exilio; Consolatio ad uxoreni; Syniposiaca; Amnto- riua; Amatoriie narrationcs. V, Philosopho esse dis- putnndum cum principibus; Ad principcm ineruditura; An seni sit gerenda rcspublicn ; Rcipublicrc gereuda- pra:- cepta; Dc uuius in republica doniinalionc ; De viti»ndo a:realieno; Decern orntoruni vitre; Comparatio Aristo- pbauis et Menandri; De Horodnti raalignitate; De pla- citisphilosophorum; Qu!C8tioi!69 naturalca; De facie in orbe UinjB ; De primo frigid© ; Aqua; et ignis compara- tio; De so]t;rtia animalium ; Gryllus; De esu cariiiuni* Platonicaj qua'stiones. VI. Deanimo: procreatione ; De Btoicorum repugnaiitiis ; Adversua sloicos ; Non suavitcr quidcm vivi posse socuadum Epicuri decreta ; Adversua Coiotem; De occulte vivendo; De musita; Lilirorum pcrditorum fragmenta; De nobilitate ; De fluvii.^; De Vila ct poesi Homeri ; Proverbia quibus Alesandrini usi sunt; Dc iiielris. Slorals; translated by several hands. London, lCi9L 4v. sm.S" *4206.9 Con/e't;«. — Vol. I. Of the conduct of childrcTi, by 8. Ford; Of anger, by W. Dillingham; Of bashfulness, by T. Hoy: 'ihiit vertue may be taught, by J. PhI- rick ; Laws and customs of the Lacedwmoniana, by J. Pulleyn: Music, by J. riiillips; Tranquillity of the mind, by M. Morgan; Superstition, by W. Baxtor; Apo- phthegms of kings and conimnnders, by E. HTnlon; Prt'servntiun of liealth, by M. Poole; IIoiv to profit by our enemies, by J. Hartclitto; Consolation to Apollo- niua, by M. Morgan ; Vcrtuea of women, by I. Chuuncy ; Lflconi.k npophthegma. by T. Creech; Hearing, by T. Hoy i Large acquaintance, by W. G. ; Fortune, or vortue of Alexander the Great, by J. Phillips; Banquet of the Bcvcn wise men, by U. Davis; How a young man ought to read poems, by S. Ford; Hatred and envy, by P, Lau- cnstcr. II. How to know a flatterer from a friend, by G. Tullie; That it is not possible to live pleasurably accord- ing to the doctrine of Epicurus, by W. Baxter; The Roman quealions, by I. CImuncy ; The Greek qucationB, by l.Chnuncy; The dcsireof riches, by .1. Patrick; How a man may praise himself without being lyuble to envy, by P. Lancaster; Procreation of the soul, as discoursed of in Tima'us, by J. Pbil lips ; A philtisopher ought chiefly to converse with great men, by K. Chetwood; Soeratca' Du:uion, by T. Creech; Plutarch's Sympoaiacks, by T. Creech; Of ioqulsiiivencss into things inipertineni, by M. Wheeler. 111. Whether 'twere rightly said. Live concealed, by C. Whitaker; Comparison betwixt Aris- toplianes and Menander, by W. Baxter; Of banisliment, by J. Patrick; Of a maii'a progress in vertue, by Mr. Todd ; Coiyngal precepts, by J. Piiillips ; Brotherly love, by J.Thomson; Fortune, by W, Baxter; Vertue and vice, by W. Baxter; Why the Pythian priestess ceases her oracles in verse, by J, Phillips; Sentimenta of nature with which philosiophers were delighted, by .7. Dowel; The atuieks' improbabilillcs greater than the poets', by W. Baxter; Piutarcii's Symjiosiacks, by T. Creech. IV. Why the oracles cease to give answers, by B. Midgley; Of Isis and Oaiiis, by W. Baxter; Con- cerning such wtiom God \» slow to puni^l^, by J. Piiillips ; Natural nft'ecJion towards one's oJIVjjring, by K. Brown; The fortune olth'- Uomaiis, by J. Oswald ; Of garrulity, hy J. Phillips; Of love, by J. Phlllipj.; Pive tragical histories of love, by Sir A. I. ; Discourse to an unlenrncd prince, byJ.ICeraey; Ilerodolua' Malice, by A.C; Com- mon conception ugitinst tlieijtoickh, by S. White; Con- PLUTARCHUS 496 POETRY Shelf. No. PLnTARCHUs, coHiimted. tradictionsofthe Stoicks, by E. Smith; Of fhcwordEt at Apollo's temple in Delphi, by R. Kippiix; Lives of the ten oraturs, by C. Barcroi\; Whether im aped man oueht to meddle in state nffoirs. by F. Ketherston. — (Euvres morales, trud. du ^ree, par J. Amyot; avccdes notes, fete.], pai" ^^^^- Brotier, Vau- villiers, et Clavier. Xouv. ed. Paris, 1819- 21. 6v. 8" 3000.22 Contents. — Vo\. I. Ep!tro au n.i ; Comment il fnut nourrir les enfanis; Comment il faut que les jeuncs gens lisent les poetes et fussent lour prolit dcs poesit>8 ; Comment il fnut ouir; De la verlu niornlc ; T)u Tice ot do IH vertu ; Que In vcrtu sc i>eut enscipnerot npprendlV ; Comment on pouna discemer Ic flatteur d'avec I'onii; Comment il faut refrener la colore; De Ucunosite; De 1« tranquillile do I'ame et reposde I'esprit; De la mnusaise honte; Obsenntions. II. De I'amitie frater- nelle; Dutrop parler; DeVavnrice otconvoitise d'avoir; De I'amour naturelle dcs peres et meres envers leurs enfants ; De la plumlite d'aniis •, De la fortune ; De I'envie et de la haine ; De I'utilite a tirer de ees ennemis ; Com- ment on pent juger dc scs jirogres dans la vertu ; De la BUpcrstition : Observations de lediicur; Du bannisse- ment ou do I'oxil ; Quil no fnut point emprnntor a usure ; Qu'il fuut cju'un philosophe converse avec les priucea ei grands seigneurs; Qu'il est requisqu'un prince soit savant; Que le vice est souffisant pour rendre I'homme nialheureux; Comment on pent se loucr soi-m^me; Quelles pnssionset maladies sont les pires.ceHnB de I'ume oueellesdn corps; Obsenntions. 111. Lesprecpptesdu mariRgo;LcbBnqnetde3septsnges;lnstnietionpourceux qui mauient les ullnires d'6tnt ; Si 1'br.mme d'age se doit encore entremettroctmeier dcs affaires publiques; T.ea dita notables des Hnciens^ois. princes et prnuds cap- itaines; Les dits notables des Kouinine; Observations. IV. Les dits notables des Lacfedemonicns; Les ver- tueux fnits des femmes; Consolation envoyfie a Apol- lonius sur la mort de son Bis; Consolation envoyf-e a an femme s«r la mort do sa fllle; Des delais do la justice divine; Que les bCtea brutes usont de la rnison; Que Ton no s^auroit vivrcjoycusemcutselonln doctrine d'Kpicurus; Obsei-vations. V. 8' il estloisiblc de mnn- gor chair; Sice mot conunun, cache tn vie, est biendit; Les regies et preccptes de snntc ; De la fortune d.-s Ko- mains; De la fortune ou vertu d'A1.5xandre; D'Isis ot d'Osiris ; Des oraciea qui out gesse, et ponrquoi ; Obser- vations. VI. Table d-;s matiercs. _ (Euvres mOlc^es, trad, par Amyot [ot Clavior], avec des notes, par MM. Brolier, Vauvillicrs, et Clavier. Paris, 1820. Gv. 8" 3006.2: -Vol. I. I-e« propos de table ou Syniposla- Si lc> Atlicnifiis out (te lilii" cxclUiics en .riiies qu-ei. leltres ; yiic «ls"ll'"'» «'-■ '""« ■■'' • 1>" '■»'"" cngrovi mir les portes ilvi lemplo d'Apollo en In vUlo do Delphc»; EstrunffcB Oveiicuieiis advemiB pour l*umour; Quels animiiuU .out le. plu» ndvi.ez, ceuj d.> lo tciTO oueeuxdo lamer; I,e.|uel est le plus ullle, le feu ou IVnu- Du premier Irold; Les eouies uiilurelks; Les „ueslio,i.plalouiques; De lu crtutinn de la.uei Uo la fiitnledestlnto; Iteeucll des diverses preuves et .irgu- mens<|ulenseiguenl, quo discipline, .out recordiMlousi l)e I'nmour ct do se. elVels ; L'nuiour ii'esl poiut JuBe- ment; Ob.ervallons. III. De In mulleultC .IHOrodolo ; Collnllnu ntireBee d'nucunes liistoires romnines avoo nutte. semblnlil. » Breeques ; Deerels propn.ez »u peuple AAtbeues; De trols sortes de pouveruenieuls, prlnei- pnule.eslnt populnlre, et seiBiieurle; Contre fololes rKpleurien; Du Diemoii de Socnilesi tjiui lc« 8l..lque« disent des cliose. plus eslrnuge. que i.e lout les poijles; I.e. coutrcdlcls de. philosophe. .loiques; De. cuu.i.m- ne.concepllon.eoulreles.toique.i ob»orvntloi,». IV. Vie. de.diiornleur.; Corapnri.oii d'Arl.tophnne ct do Mtnnndre; Le. oplnlou. de. philosophe.; Le. denuiu- do. de. cho.o. romnlnos; Les demnuilo. de. chose. m-CCQUe.; Ob~.rv.llou.. V. De rnn.our; Do In UMi.l- Jue. Ue In mu.lque, trad, do M. Uuretle; Do In fnco nul'nppnrolt dednn. lo rond de In lune, |-o..rc|u..l In prophtlisse Pylhlo no rood plus so. oracles eu ,«,.. !>.. Ileuve.et nioutnBne. el des chose, rnres qui ,oi.tenleou«iOb.ervnllon.. VI. l'rer..eo et c.liih.Koo do. ouvrnee. de I'lulnrque; Vlo d'lloniiro; K.ssi sur 1, .leet.urlniiot-.ied'llonifre; lie In noblesse; Irng- ineuls; ihr.oioloKle pour les duvres do I'lulnrque. Dolny of •'"• ^"^'^y '" ""^ liii'il'lifPi't of f'o •nhkf.l. l..••• 2587. *4 4799a. 2 6556.4 4569a. 16 2i00.4 don, 1843. Co'ileu's.- of St. Andrew, prolinbly by The legend Cyiiewulf. Poi'.TRY. Arisloteles. De arte poetica liber . . . — Cahiso, T. Delhi poe.sia — Catechism of ,' ' ' ' _ Chiahrcra, G. Dialoi;hi doll' arte poetii-a . . _ DuBos, J.B. Critical relleetions on . . . . — Eckermann, .LP. lleytriige zur Poeslo . . . _ Lnmorinlero, A. C. L. dc. Blbliothcquo poc- thpie ,'.*** — Mason,,). Power ofmimbers In poetical com positions Sulvl de la trad, dn minic, par Aiiiyol. UBS. 8' [.yon, 6107.0 Menzd, W. Mcnzinl, B. Muriilorl, I.. Uosenkninz, der Toesie Slockdalc, l Wolf, F. Lelchc . . B.103.7 21U».ll 7u:ili.Sl 27t-9. 15 2197.17 219li.7 4070.18 oonn. 13 4223.20 4.MI.'<.5 4194.7 Die Gesiinge der Viilker .... Deir alio poeiira A. Delia perleliu pocsla .... ,1 C. F. Allgcmelnc Gcscliichto 4137.3 . Nature and genuine laws of . .45l'ilia.25 liber die Lais, bequenzeu nnd 2190.10 roEi'UY 497 roLKxr I Sbuh'. No. Poetry, continued, Seealto: Dalliid'), Drnnia, Epic poetry, Soiigrs. For collections, »ea CuIU-clIons, Kticcolta, Uiino, and the tiiimes of vnriouB rountrfrs. roKTHY Of tlnwers, (.Irinin, M. M 2397.48 PoKTs. Poctiiruiii et ixxinatuuiiuediirevi historia. l'''yser, r 2207.13 Poets or the West. Loiulou, ISOO. sm.4° .... 231)7.1 PoGGKNnoKFF, .1. C. Annuluu der Physik und Cheniic. Leipzi/f, ir«K)-lsr.5. 212v. 8° . . , *3918.1 — BioKi'ftpliisch-literurisches llundwurtorbuch zur Guscliiclite der exaeten AVissenschalten. Leipzig, 1S(W. -iv. 1.8" 2172.35 — Haiidwurterbuch der reinen und angewandteu Chemif. See Liebig, J.v 5974.1 PoGGi, G. Consultazioui, decisioui e opuscoli iiic- diti. l''irenze, 1844. 8° 5024.3 — Tratlato teorico-pratico eul sistema livellare sccondo la iegislazione e giurispnidcnza tos- ciuiii. 2a ed. corr. dell' aw. E. Poggi. [Coa elogio dall' aw. V, Salvaguoli.] Kirenze, 1842. 2v. 8° 3667 2 PoGGi \i.K, A. B. Etudes sur lea eaux potables. Paris, 1803. pp.84. 8° 5796.40 PuGGio Braeciolini, G. F. Facetiarum libellus uni- cus, uotuHs et iinitatioiiibus illustratus. Mi- leti. Londiiii, 179S. 2v. 24" **4799.22 — Fables. See L'Estrange, K 4970.10 — Historia Florentina, illustiata ab J. B. Recan- ato. Venetiis, 1715. 4" *4iyi.3 — Historije Florentiua; libri octo. [Gi-;evius. Thcs. antiq. Ital., T. 8, p. 1] 4710.1 — Vertiitsuhung etlicher Biicher. See Weil, N. v. 4235.1 — Wie liieronynius von Prng durch das concilia za Costentz fUr ain ketzer verurtailt vn ver* preiitworde'ii ist, [u.s.w.]. n.p., [about 1528]. pp. 9. 4° .^ *6055.10 — Kisiird, M. E. C. Biographic 2250.10 — Sheplierd, W. Life of 2745.12 PoHL, G. F. Grundlegung der drei Keppler'scheu Gesetze. Breslau, 1845. pp. 20. 8° . . . . 3929.37 PoiCTiERS, Battle of. See tiimoiide de Sismondi, J. C.L 4909.15 PoixsiXET, A. A. H. Le cercle, ou la soiree k la mode. [Theatre frainjais, V. 34] 4708.1 PoiNSlXET de Sivry, 1.. liriseis, ou la colere d' Achille. [Theatre fran^ais, V. 34] 4708.1 PoiXTEK, J. Antiquities and curiosities of the uni- versitj' of Oxford. London, 1749. 12" . . , 2490.37 PoiNTis, J. B. D. de. Relation de I'cxpedition de Cartha<,'6ne,fjite par les Francois en 1C97. Amsterdam, 1698. 12" 2319.14 PoiRET,P. De erudilione solida specialiora, tribus tractatibus. Amstela?dami, 1707. 4° . . . *6080.15 — De eruditione triplici libri tres. Pramittitur vera niethodus inveniendi verum. Accedit defensio contra G. G. litium. Amsteljcdami, 1707. 4" *C0S0.10 — Solida deionslotheol.mysticae. 5f'e Arnold, G. B. 117. 12 Poisons. Hob, T. Gift und Kontagium .... 3787.22 — laddei, G. Kepertorio dei veleni c contravve- leni 3787.23 Poissox, p. Le procureu." arbitre; L'impromptu decarapagne. [Theatre fraii^ais, v. 3>.] . , 4708.1 Poissos, R. Le baron de la Crasse, comedie; Le poi-te basque, conR-die ; Les faux Moscovites, comedie. 5ec Fouruel, F, V 4096.13 Pui&soN,S. D. See France. Ministry of war. 316- luorial de I'artillerie, V. 3, 4 3954.25 CoJiteiUs. — Vol, III. Formulcs de probnbililCs, rela- tives uu n*sullut moyen tics observutions qui pL'uvt.-nt £trc uttli;^ daua rartillvritf. IV. bur la probability du lira la cible. PoiTEViN, F, La grammaire, les ecrivains et les lypographes moderues. Cacographie et ca- colo^'ie historiques. i*aris, 1803. 10" ... 4088.27 POTTEVIN Peitavi, P. V. Memoive pour servir k Phistoire de I'Acad^'inie des jeux lloraux. 3e 6poque. Toulouse, 1812. 8'. [Toulouse. AcaiUmie, etc. Kecueil, I8l2j **Of587.1 63 Sbelf. No. Poitevin-Pkit.\vi, p. V., continued. — Memoire pour servir k I'histoire des jeux flo- raux. Toulouse, 1815. 2v. in 1. 8° . . . . 0096.1 PoiVKE, or Le Poivre, P. Travels of aphilosopIuT in Africa and Asia. Baltimore, 1818. 12° . 4699.4 Poland. Geography, history^ etc, — Ane:eberg, — , Traites, etc., conccrnant la Po- logne, 1702-1802 3064.3 — C'zartoryski, L. Affaires de Pologne. Expose, 1803 3061.30 — Fortia de Piles, A. T. J. de. "Voyage de deux Fran^ais en Pologne 2864.16 — Lanfrey, P. Le rc^'tablissement de la Pologne. 3064.38 — Lubieniski, S. Historia reforraationis Polo- nica; B. 117.14 — Pelietnn, E. Le crime 3064.34 — Uaumer, F. L. G. v. Polens Untergang' . . . 4229:1.8 — Uoepell, R. Geschichte Polens 4216.9 — Sehebalski, P. La question polonfiise-russe . 3004.7 — Sternberg, H. Geschichte der Juden in Polen. 5425.25 — Topographische Charte von Poleu, See Re- pertorium. See also: Poson. Language and literature, — Bowring, J. Specimens of the Polish poets . 3037.13 — Frohlich, R. A. Leitfaden die polniuche Sprache eigen zu machen • 3034.37 — Mrongovius, C. C. Polnisch-deutsches Wor- terbuch 4121.1 — Nouveau dictiounaire polonois. See Nowy slownik kieszonkowy , 3034.30 — Popliuski, J. Grainmatik der polnischen Sprache 4114.19 — Rykaczewski, E. Grammaire de ]a langue po- lonaise 4SS6.3 — Terebelski, H. Der schnelllelirende Pole . . 2889.15 — Vater, J. S. Grainmatik der polnischen Sprache 2885.12 — - Grammaire abregee de la langue polonaise. 5036.3 — Wiszniewski, M. Historya literatury polskiej. 3064.12 — Wurzbach, C. Die Sprichworter der Polen, Uistoriseh eriautert 3037.17 Polar sea. Kane, E. K, Access to an open polar sea 0370a. 50 — Wrangell, F. P. v. Reiselangst der Nordkiiste von Sibirieu und auf dem Eismeere, 1820-24. 4245.14 See also: Arctic rcg-ions, North pole, Southern hemi- sphere. POLARISCOPE, Table and hydro-oxyg-en, Instruc- tions for using the. Woodward, C 3920.51 Polarized light, Introduction to the study of. Woodward, C 3920.51 POLDA, Polde, or Poldo, J. Chronicon eeclesiae Hamelausis. [Mencke. Script. Germ., v. 3]. 4261.2 Pole, T. Ori;j;iu and progress of adult schools. New York, 1815. 10" 3599.5 Pole star. On the right ascension of the. Safford, T. II 5923.5 PoLEMAR, J. de. Oratio in conciiio Basileensi hab- ita de civili dominio ciericorum. [Canisius. Tliesaurus, V. 4] 4140.3 PoLENi, G. Utriusque thesauri antiquitatum Ro- nianarum Grrecarumque nova supplementa. VeuetUH,1737. 5v. f *2970.7 ConlenU. — Vol.1. Merula, P. : De legibus Romiuio- nim, opiii) posthuraum; De coniitiis Hotnniiorum, opu9 postbumum ; — Aicher, 0., Brevis iiistitutiu do coinJtiis veterum RomHuorum, libellts tribus com pre hen sa ; PolIetuBjF., Historia fori Uomaui, rL>»(ituta,illu8trata et Bucta; Mujomtfius, M. A., De uenatu Kuiuuno libellus; ^^yptius, M.,^enatu8con8ulti de BiteuhaiiitllbusexpH- catio; Bunnaim, P., De vectitjalibus poiiult Roniani dissertatio; Buiiit'aetus, B., De urchivis liber sinfrularia; Bui'tsoDUB, A., De archivia commcntarius; Gciililia, S,, DispLitationuni illuMtriuni, sive do jure publicu populi Runiaai libur; A. G., De armis Rumuiiis libri iluo. II. Cuperus, G. : Apotheosis vel cousccrntiu Honieri ; Expli- catio pemmcB Augiistete ; NuniiBmata arttirjun expll- cutu; Iiiscriptiones et luarmura antiqua exposita et POLENl 498 POLITICAL aiielf. Ko. POLKNT, G., continued. illustruta; Do utilitate, qnnni ex nninisinatis principes caperc possunt, dissertotio; — Scboit, J. C, Homericio apotheosis in antiquo lapide designatw nova exi-lana- tio ; Le Roy, J., Achates Tiberianus, sive geimna Cteseroa Augusti apotheosin repra-sentans ; Cuperus, G. : Harpo- crates, sive expUcatio inia puncula; perantiqua;, quw re- pneseDtat sol cm ; Monumeula antiqua inedita; — Le Muine, £:., De melanophoris epistola; Salmasius, C. : Duuniminscriptionum veierum cxplicatio; Ejiisdemnd Sosiadfe aras, simmiajKhodii o^1lm,aln9,securinl,Thco- criti fistulam,nota: ;— Amaud, G. d". D« diis^ap£(Ip"15, sive adsessoribus, et conjunctis, commentarius ; Guibcr- leth T., De mysteriis deorum Cabirurum dUsertatio pbilo* lo.^ica; Astorius.J. A.,Di$gertalio de diis Cabiris; Brou erius de Niedek, M.. De populorum vetcrum ac receniio- nimadoratiombusdissertiifio; Patinus,C. : In trcsincrip- tionesGr^cas commentarius; In antiquum monument um MarceHintc commentarius; In antiquum cenotaphium JVIarci Artorii commentarius. III. Gorius, A. F., Do- scriptio monumonii, sivc coliimbarii libcrtorum ct scr- vorum LiviiE Augustie et Ca^sarum in via Appia ; Ferrarius, O. : Dissertatio do balncis ; Dissertatio dc gla- diatoribus; — Calliachius, N., Dissertatio de gladiaturi- bus; Dissertatio de suppliciis aervorum; Loon, W. v., Eleutheria, sive do manumissiouc scrvorum apud Ro- mnnos ; Claudius, J. J., Diatribe dc nutricibus ct p^dngo- gis; Mercurialis, G.,De arte gymuastica; Bombardinus, A., De carcere et antiquo ejus usu tractatus; Scha;ttgt'- uius, C, Historia librariorum et bibliopolarum vcteris et medii aivi ; Eschenbacbius, J. A., De scribis vetcrum Ro- manorum dissertatio; Clericus, J., De stylis vetcrum, et variis cbartarum generibus dissertatio; i'ignorius, L., De ecrvis ct corura apud voteres ministeriia commenta- rius; VeUerus, A., Ad Uieronymum Fabrum medicum de zeta et zetario, sive dia-ta ct dia:lario epistola; Popma, T.,De operis servorum liber. IV. Cuperus, G., et Sperling, O., Dissertiitiones sive epistola; mutuee de variis rebus et quwslionibus qua3 portinontad antiquita- tes Grajcas et Romnuas; Calliaebius, N.: Dissertatio de Osiride; Dissertatio do sacris Eleusinis et eorumdem mysleriis;— Relandus, A., Dissertatio do diis Cabins; Gutbcrletb, T. : Conjectanea in monumentum Heriie, TUisbes Mouodinria;, et Titi Claudii Glapbyri cborau- Im; Animadvcrsioncs pbilologicoj in aniiquam tn- scriplionem Grorcam Smynios reportam ; — Sponius, J., Rei antiquaria; sclcctie qua-stiones in varias disscrtu- tioucB distributn; ; Miscellanea cruditaj antiquitatis. V. MatTeius, S. : Do omphitlieatro, ac prwcipuo de Vcr- onensi, libri duo; Dcamphitbcatris Galliie epistola; Do antiquis Gallin; thoatrie epistola ; — Marlinus, E., Epia- tula de tbcutro Saguntino; Miiiiaua, J. E.: Du tbeatro Saguntlno; De cirei autiquitate, et ejus structura dia- lugus; — Calliacbius, N. : Dissoriatio de ludis sceiiicia; Dissertatio dc circcnsibus ludis; — Mnzocbius, A. S., In mutilum CampanI amphitheatri titulum alinsque non- nullus Campanas inscriptiones commentarius; Gutbcr- letb, T., Do saliis, Murtis Bacordolibtis apud Kouinnoa libor eingularis; ScbvtTer, J.: Dc militia navali vetcrum libri quittuor; Dc re vebiculnri ; — Ligorius, P., Do vebi- culiB antiquis; ScbelTur, J., In diutribam Pyrrbl Ligorii dc vchiculis antiquorum notai. — VilaFrontini. 5^(*rt Frontiuus, S. J 11.178.2 Poi.iiTiKA, P. tie. [Internal condition of the CniR-d States of America, ily a Russian.] lluUiiiiorc, IJSLM. b'' 4.'J24.9 I'oLijii. ixlliiscopcrtii. [2ue(l. per A, Bazzurini.J Voneziii, 1H41. pp. 5;(. l.S" 2192.20 POLIGNAC, M. de. Anti-Lucretius, sive de Deo et natura, libri novem. Cura C. d'Urleane de Itothelin. Anistclaedami, 1748. 2v, in 1. sm.b" **4t)3S.20 PoLlociiUs. A*ccMeineke, A. Fragin. com. Ur., v. 5. B.102.t< I'oLissKNo Vv^cjo, pseud. See Goldoni, C. Poi-iTtCAi-, ronimtTcial, and statistical sketches of the ^ipaui.sli empire in both Indies, etc London, 180U. b" ♦Pph.v.KOr. Political dtlualou, Exteutand power of. Itlsliop, A 2393,10 PoLiTU'AL fconomlsts. Kconomistes modernes. i:eybuud,M. It. 1 3054.2 PoLiTM^Ai- economy. Arnd, C. l->u» System \V. lCuHcher'8 3G5S.10 — BaHtlat, F. llarmonleii of 3040.37 — Itliick, M., and (iuiUiiumin, U. U. Anmiaire do rt'coiiomjr politl.juc 42H2. 11, and 5041111.1 — Uiirliin, .L 11. Political fconomy 30i,s,ll — Carey, II. C. Credit My«t('m in France, Great Hriliiin, and the United SlalOK 0087.0 Sbelf. No. Political economy, continued. — Cooper, T. Manual of 3047.8 — DestuttdeTracy, A. L.C. Treatise on. . . . 3055.0 — Florez Kstrada, A. Curso de ecouomia polit- ica 3r'55.5 — Gamier, G. Principesde I'tconomie politique. 3047.7 — Hamilton, R. The resources of a nation . . . 304U.42 — Hearn, AY. E. Plutoloj^y : or tlie theory of the etforts to satisfy human wants 30ii2.11 — Hubner, F.O. JahrbuchTur Volkswirthschaft. 5<>41.1 — Laurie, J. S. Sketches of 3048.33 — Le Hardy de Beaulieu, C. Traits d'liconomie politique 3648.12 — Mcculloch, J. R. Essays on exchange, inter- est, money, etc 3040.44 — Macleod, H. D. Elements of 3010.38 — Marcet, J. H. Conversations on 3048.35 — Slemorias de la sociedad economica. See Mad- rid 7('41.6 — Mill, J. S. Principles of 3054.3 — Molinari, G. dc. Questions d'ticonomie poli- tique 3040.30 — Notes on 4290.22 — I'erry, A.L. Elements of 3540.1 — Playfair, W. Causes of the decline and fall of wealthy nations 3642.22 — Roscher, W. Zur Geschlchte dir englischcn Volkswirthschaftlehre 5G42.1 — Say, J.B. Treatise on 3043.23 — Sempere y Guarinos, J. Biblioteca espaiiola economico-politica • 3648.32 — Smith, A. ^Vealth of nations . . . 3640.39, and 4292.3 — Smith, E. P. Manual of 4280.10 — Soutsos, J. A. Xlcpi JTUpayioyns xai 6)avofit]i Tov itXovtov 3654.4 SeoaUo: Agriculture, Balance of trade, Bauks and banking. Commerce, Corn, Cotton, Currency, Exchange, Free trade, Labor, Laboring classes. Landed property, Miuiufacturi's, Money, Opium trade, Taper money, Pop- ulation, Property, Protective system, Rent, Silk, Social science, Statistics, Tariffs, Taxation, Trade, L'sui-ylawB, Wngos, Wealth, Wool-trade. Political phiIo.ie Gcschichte uiid Literatur der Stiiatswissenscharten 4285.1 — - Slaatsrecht, Vnlkerrecht und PoMtIk . . . 3561.23 — - ^ic V'enintwnrtlichkeit der Minister , . . 4295.20 — Morgi-nslern, L. v. iMensch, \olk^Ieb"'n und Slaat, im miLllrlichen Zusammenhange . . , 4285.8 — Oppeidieim, H. B. System dc8 VolkerrechtB, 4293.20 — Paim-, T. UightHOfnum 4280.14 — PrL-vost-I'arailol, 1^. A. Essais de politique , 26il4.0 — Progress of nations 3501.27 — Rotteek,C. V. Encyclopiidieder Stiiatswissen- BchaiU-n 41.18.3 — Suini-.iohii, H. IMsHcrtation upon pnrtluH . . .35it8.:i9 roLiTrcAL 499 I'OjruA I Sholf. So. P01.IT1CAI. science, continued. — Spcncc/r. I'igs' inuat; or, lessons for the swin- i^liJiinllituiU' 35li8.2:! — Spinoza, It. de. Traitc^ iiolili,,uo 3.W0.:W — Tinniiuiii, !■'. \V. Nationnliliit und Stiiat . . 3503.16 — Vollgrair, C. roliKuosio und I'olilogic odor Staats- und Kechts-I'liilosopliie 4U0.7 5f'ti?jit>.- Bfttlut. Clvilljintion, Government, Linv, Law of iiiitiuns, LL-jrf.Hlmiun. Liburty, Mtiniircliy, RIui.ici]iul inMitutlon^ Pnrtirti, I'enop, r«tltIon, l>i)liUcal eco- nomy, I'upuliition, Presn, I'rlnce, Ut>]iro8Cntjitlon, Ho- ]»iiMk-s, Suditiiiii, stali'Hmeii, Social sclencp, Tiixation, Toleration. AUo: France, Gornntny, Grout Hritain, Greece. Italy, Homo, United States, lor the political In- stitutions of those countries. roLlTicvi, sermon, aildressed to the electors of Jliddlosc.x. [No title-pafje.] n.p., [ Lsos]. 8°. «18.28 roLiTicn, wars ofOtsejo : or, downiall of .Jacobin- ism and despotism. Added, an address to the citizens of the United .SItxtes; and ex- tracts from .Jacli Tar's journals, kept on hoard tlie ship Liberty. By tlie author of tlie plougli-jogger. Cooperstown, 1790. 8° . . . «IS.13 roLITi.sciiKs Bedeuclien iiber die Frage: ob der Kayserliche Titul und Nalimen, ohubescliadet Kayserl. Uixj. und des riim. Keiches Wiirde, dera Czaaren communiciret werden Iciinne ? n. p., irL'i pp.es. 4° ♦4217.4 POLIziAxo, A. Opera omnia emendatius quam an- teh.ic expressa. Basilep;, 1S53. ('.... 4r00. 12 Contents. — Epistolnrum libri XII ; Miscelloncoruni liber; Horodiani librl yill, i Grjcco Latino redditi; Epicteti Stoici enchiridion ; .Atexundri Aphrodisci pro- bleninta ; Mapni Athanasii in Psolraos opusculum ; Pla- tonifl Channides de teuiperanlia ; Lamia; Pra:lectio in priora Aristotolia annlylica; Panepistcmon : Prwlec- tio Politlnni; (Jnod irn in pueris optimm snjpe indolis est argumentuni ; Oratio in expnsitione Honiert; Oratio Buper Fabio Quintiliano. et Stntii Syluis ; Pricftitio in Suelonli expositionein ; Oratio pro oratoribus Scnen- 8inm, pro oratoribus Floreutinorum, pro prajtore Floren- tino ; Pra;loctio in Pcrsiuni ; Dialecticn ; fiylua, cuititulus Kutricin. Itusticus. Manto, Anibrn; Elegia, sive Epiee- dion ; Liberepigrammatum Lntilforum, Grajcorum ; His- toriii dc Pactiana conturationo; Eorum qure Gra;cfi passim admixta sunt iutcrpretotio, per quenda studi- osuni. — Conjurationis Pactianae anni I4"8 commenta- riura. Cura I. Adiinari. Neapoli, iriiO. 4° . i;;2ij.7 — Le stanze e I'Orfeo ed altre poesie [con la sua vita dal ab. Serassi]. Milauo, 1808. b". [Classici italiani, v. 35J **48n2.4 jVote. — The Orfco is printed from the edition of father Afto. — Cauzone. [Uironi. Eaccolta di lirici italiani]. 4808. S — Epistola Jacobo Antiquario. [Bernays. Flo- rilegium renascentis Latinitatis] B.l!)0.:)r — Le .stanze; Urlio. 5ee I'etrarca, F 4J0'.i.2 — llusticus. .SVe Kapin, U 40US.2.S — Greswcll, W. r. Memoirs of 274.'3.2U — Meiners,C. Leben 415ii.li — Jlencke, F. O. Vita et in literas mcrita . . , 2745.30 I'OLK, J.K., Eulogy on. .S'ee Woodbury, L. . . . 4317.87 Polk, L., Funeral services at the burial of, to- gether with the sermon [by S. Elliott]. Co- lumbia, S. C, 1804. 8° 4.350a. 20 POLLAKU, E. .\. Observations in the North : eight months iu prison and on parole, liichmoud, IW'S- 8° 4340a. 25 — Southern history of the war. The first-third year of the war. Reprinted from the Kich- uiond corrected edition. New York, 1S03-05. »»■. 8° 4323.32 POLLET, F. Historia fori Komaui, restituta, illus- trata et aiicta. [I'oleni. Utriusque thes. antiraire dc la France . 4092.1 POMOHARBA, Af. le colonel de. Extrait du memoire sur les armes rayees. [France. Jlinistry of war. ilumorial de Partilierie, v. 5] .... 3954.25 Pond, A., and Kiiapton, C. Imitations of original drawings by the old masters. London, 1741- 40. 44 plates. f° »4000.27 A'otc. — Claude and Pousein are the " masters," repre- sented Sn all but four uf tlie plates. Pond, E. ,Swedcnborgianism reviewed. See Par- sons, T 6545.4 PONSAKi), F. Lucri'ce, tragiidie. 4c iA. Paris, 1843- 12° 4099.10 PONSON, A. F. Traitt! de I'cxploitntion des mines de houille. Liege, 1852-54. 4v. 8°. Atlas, f °. 38. A. 3, 3867.12 Fost-de-Veyi,k, A. de Ferriol de. Le soninam- bule. (Tbiatrc fran(;ais, V. .35] 4708.1 PONTANO.G.G. Opera. [Vcneliis], 1505. 6ni.s°.*»49.3M.i7 ConttftiM. — Vrania, slvc de stellis librl quintiue ; Mo- teororuni liber unus; \ia horlis Hesperlduni librl duo* l.epldlnA slvo posloralcs [sic] pompai septeln, item Mo- llseus, Micon. Aeon j Hendecasylloborum libri duo; Tumulorum liber unus; Neulnj, duodoelin ; Kpigram- niata duodeciin. yote. — Unmet describes this edition ns a counterrolt of tho2d Aldlne ed. of l.'il.l, probalily executed at Venice, by OrcKorlo de fireKori, tbe year uneertuiii. Tbe Al- diiio editions were not paged. — Eplslola-. (.Vntthwi. Analecta, v. .?] .... 4139a 1 — HIsloritc Ntapolitaiiin, hiu iituiu suo tempore gestnniln, lilirl 81-x. (Gra'vlus. Tlies. autlii Ital., T. II, p. 3] 4-10., PoNTANUn, .1. L Kerum Jliinlcanim lii.«10iia. Accfdit clioroKniphlia regiil Ijunia^, [etc.]. Amsii-lodunii, 1631, f *2820.10 roNTf;(;oi:f.ANT, 1,. G. I.c I). .Souvenirs hliitorl- (pii'setpiirlinienluiriH. I'uris, lMJI-65. 4v. 8°. 4062.21 roNTiANl'S. EpIstolH-. [MlK'ne. l'alroIo;(lu(jriE. Ctt|V. 10] JH,1,.- Sbelf. Ko. PONTico Virunio, L., or Ponte, L. da. Uritau- nica.' historic libri sex ; prafixus est catalngus regum Britanniae par D. Pouclum. Londini, 15s5. pp. 58. 8° *4179.24 ffttte. — This author was called Virunnius, or Virunio, from his birthplace Belluno, the ancient Viruuo. Pontine marshes. De' bonilicamenti delle terre pontine. Nicolai, N. M 4740.1 PoNZlo, A. Hariadenus Barbarossa, sen belli, quod Carolus V cum Turcis olim gessit, his- toria. [Mattha?i. Analecta, v. 1] 41.39a. 1 Pool, J. T. Under canvass; or, recollections of the campaign of the 14th regiment Indiana vol- unteers, in Western Virginia, 1861. Terre- Haute, 1862. pp.64. 8° 4340a. 15 PoOLE, A. Statistical view of the executive de- partments of Slassachusetts, 1850. With a report of the meeting of the Boston tea party, [etc.]. 4th ser. Boston, 1850. 8°.*l'ph.v.3S4 Poole, S. The English woman in Egypt. [Smith. Weekly volume, V. 1] 8030.3 POOLEY, T., Case of, imprisoned for writing on a gate. SeeHolyoake, G. J B. 160b. 69 POOR, .J. A. 3Ieniorial iu behalf of the European and North American railway Co., and for a state policy favorable to immigration, [etc.]. Augusta, 1861. pp.51. 8° 4338.45 — Vindication of the claims of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, as the father of English colonization in America. New York, lMi2. f° 4324.3 Poor, Propositions for ameliorating the condition of the. Colquhoun, P 3570. 4S See also: Friendly societies, Ilospitals, London, Poverty. Poop.E, B. P. The conspiracy trial for the murder of the president. [Vol.1.] Boston, 1805. 12°. 6086.15 — Early life and first campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte, with a history of the Bonaparte family, [etc.]. Boston, 1851. pp.41. 8°. . 4025.9 Pope, Alexander. Works, printed from the ed. of Mr. Warburton. London, 1787, 8S. 6v. 12°. 4509.6 — Poetical works, with life, [.\uderson. I*oet8 of Great Britain, v. 8] 4004.1 Contents. — Pastorals; Essay on criticism; Ilnpe of the lock; Bloisa to Ahclnrd; Essay on man; Moral essays; Dnnciad; Odes; Imitations; Translations, etc. — niad »nd Odyssey of Homer. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 12] 4004.1 — Letters of Tope to Atterbury when in the Tower of Loudon. Editeil by J. G. Nichols. [Westminster], 1859. pp.22. sin.4°. [Cam- den society. No. 73] *2420.17 — Stockdale, P. Defence of the writings and genius of 4509a. 25 — - l.eller on the Universal prayer l'pli.v..H7 — Speiice, J. Essay on Pope's Odyssey .... 29;i9.21 I'OPK, Augustus R. Address at the laying of the corner stone of a house t)f worship for th» Allen Street eongregatioiiul soi-iety, Cam- bridge, Sept. 25, 1851. Cambridge, 1861. 8°. 54n0a.57 — Discourse on the life and ministry of J{ev. Z. Willis, delivered March 14, 1847. Boston, 1817. 8° 4.347.120 — Sermon on the burning of the First church in Somerville, preachetl ,luly 25, 1852. Boston, 1802. 8° 5,543.11 Pope, B. A. Introduction to the second war ol in- dependence in America. See Hudson, E. M. 4323.12 I'OPE, C. I'he yearly journal of trade, 1842. 20th ed. Loiuliin, n. d. 8° 306-'. 4 Pope, J. The cninpiiign in ^'irginia, of .Inly and August, 1802. Jlllwiiiikee, 1803. pp.71. 8°. 1.140a. 10 Pope, W. Kings of ancient Biilitin, from Itrtitus to Cmlwidailr. Abridged IVoni tlie Collecln- nea Ciiiiibrlea. I.omlon, 1802. p. 8" 2419.13 PoPEIty. IJrownlee, AV. C:. Popery, an enemy to civil and religious liberty :U(H.3n — Cituiip, .1. M. Text-book of f;u;t.26 POPERY 501 PORTER I Shylf. No. Popery, continued. — Onviii, A. JIastcr-kcy to 3403.16 — (jIovtT, F. A. rracliual popery, past, present, ami pio.-pective Pph.v..35(> — Xeviiis, \V. Tliought.s ou 3404.31, 39 — Political iiii.-chiifs of, by SouligniS. [Tela. I'llilo-sopliical library, V. 3] 6(103.19 — Seeker, T. Five serinous against popery . . 3404.3" I'OPES. KlU-udorf, J. I'riniat der riiniisehen Piip.° »410.3.4 — Briaut, L. Friendly remarks on a sermon by. 4103.4 — - Some more friendly remarks on Mr. Porter and Co 4103.4 Porter, Itev. J. L., F.Ii.S.L. Five years in Da- mascus. London, lSo5. 2v. 12° 30S3.8 Porter, H.,jr. Educational systems of the puri- tans and Jesuits compared. Premium essay. New York, 1S62. S° v. 1 of •S5%.1 — Plea for libraries. Letter in behalf of the So- ciety for collegiate and theological education at the West. JXew York, 1S4S. 8° . . v. 1 of *559().l — Theodore Parker and liberal Christianity. From the New Englander, Oct., 1844. New Haven, 1844. pp.33. 8°. . . . *4103.12, andv. 2of 5142.4 Porter, .sir R. K. Campaign in Russia, 1SI2. Bal- timore, 1814. 8° 3003.7 Porter, U'hitworth. History of the Knights of Malta. Loudon, 1S5S. 2v. S° 2233. S Porter, \VilliamD. State sovereignty and the doc- trine of coercion; with a letter from J. K. Paulding. Charleston, [1800]. pp.30. 8°. 4330a. 2 Porter, William H. The heavenly union, or New Jerusalem, on earth, [with I'roverbial truths e.xplidned]. Boston, 1850. 10° 0063.36 Porter, William T. Life. See Briulcy, F. ... 2347.23 POKTEISFIKI.D, W. Treatise on the eye, and phai- nomena of vision. Edinburgh, 1759. 2v. 8°. -3804.12 PORTEi'S, B., bisho]) of London. See Dibdin. Sun- day library, v. 1, 2, 5444.23 Contents. — Vol. I. Christ's sermon on the mount: sermon. II. raiablo of the Bowor: two sermons. VI. I»oy of judgiiieiil : sermon. Portland, Maine. [City documents, 1801, 02.] Portland, 1801, 02. 8° •B339. 15 — Perry, W. S. HistJory of the episcopal church in 6513.21 — Smith, T. Summary history, by W. Willis . . 2344.22 — Willis, W. (juide book for I'ortlaud and vi- cinity 438(ia.32 — - History of, from 1032 to 1804 2339.13 Portland reference book, and city directory, 1847- 8. By S. B. Beckett. Portland, 1847. 12°.43S9a.3: Porto, L. da. I.ettere sloriche, 1509-28, corr. di note di B. Bressan; agg. la novella di Ciu- lietta e Romeo c due lettere critiche dl (j. To- dfschini. Firenze, 1857. 12° 2748.8 — Storia di due nobili anianti cou la loro pietosa morte av\enula giii iu \'eroua. [Racvolta dl novcUe, v. 2J 4808. 12 Pobtolano, 11, del mare. Ristampato. [Ed. di P. Gerardo.j Venctia, 1012. j)]). 78. Bin.4° . 4305. 5 A'ofe. — 8itni»av!no nttrlbntcs the Portoluno to Alviso, or Luigl Cuduinustu ; others ton certuln Coppo. PoKTiiAiTs. Ileit/.mann, J. Portraits-Catalog. . 2171.18 — lirsloric. galliry (»f 2267.2 — JIuller, F. Beschrijvcude catalogue van 7000 portretten 2152.34 PouTRAiT.s of the principal reformers of the si.v- teeiitli century. New York, 1KI5. 12° . . . 5559a. 37 PoBTSMiM.Tll, JN''. //. Celebialion ol the centennial unniversary of the inlroductiui) of printing Into New lluinpsliire, [willi an oration by A. 1". Peabody], Oct. 0, lf50. I'orlBmouth, 1657. pp. 00. s" 2115.07 — Alden, T. Account of the religious societies In, to Jan. 1, 1805 4390.7 — North church, i II Htorirul sketch of the. Holt, E. 5540.5 — South i)Brli.h. l'eabo(ly,A.l'. Kcopenlngof the church ol the 6frl9a.5 — - - heriiionat theclu.HlngoftlieSundayacliool room iu Court street 5513.18 Shelf. No. Portugal. History. — Alexander, J. E. Sketches during the civil war of 1834 3091.8 — Conestaggio di Franchi, G. History of the uniting of the kingdom, to the crowue of Castill 3091.10 — Kingston, W. H. G. Lusitauian sketches . . 3090.20 — Kinsey, W.M. Portugal illustrated ; iu a series of letters 3090.14 — Latitau, J. F. Dccouvertes et couquestcs des Portugais dausle nouvcau moude.3090.:l0, and 4 100a. 1 — Ljungstedt, ^/r A. I'ortugese settlemeuts iu China 3015.30 — Osorio, J. History of the Portuguese, during the reign of Emmanuel 3090. 18 — Pardoe, J. Traits and traditions of 3090.28 — Schiifer, U. Ge.schichte von I'ortugal .... 3U90.17 — Silva, 1. F. da. Diccionario bibliogi aphico por- tuguez 2104.8 — Vasconcellos, A. A. T. de. Les coiitemporains. 3090. 10 Language and literature. — Adamson, J. Catalogue of books and tracts relating to 3093.10 — - Selection of sonuets 3093.10 — Bellermann, C. F. Die alten Licderbiicher der Portugiesen 4191.11 — Bouterwek, F. History of 4233.0 — D'Orsey, A. J. D. Grammar of .. 3034.32, and 3090.29 — Figueiredo, P. J.de. Arte da grammatica por- tugueza 4120.7 — La I'lganiire, F. F. de. Catalogo dos muuu- scriptos portuguezcs existentes no Museu Britanuico 2104.15 — Resende, G. de. Caucioneu-o Geral 4225.1 — Tabellarische Uebersicht der Geschichtc der portuguesischen Poesie 2190. C Sec also: Madeira. I'ORZIO, C. Congiura de' baroni del regno di Napoli contra il re Ferdinando I. [Carrcr. Brevi storie di varii autori] 2773.24 I'OSEN, Toiiographische Cliurte von. See Rcperto- rium • . • 2833.3 Posiuii'i'us, ejyigmmmitic poet. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Analecia poet. Gr., v. 2J .... B.102.7 — Sententiic. 5ee Hertel, J B. 109a. 10 Posiuil'PUS Cassaudrensis. F'abularum septeni- decim depcrditarnin reliqui;e. [.Meincke. Friigm. com. Gr., V. 5] B. 102.8 PosSART, A. Hoiuiiopathischo .\rzneimitteilehre aller in den .liihren 1850-57 gepriifteu Mittel. Nordhausen, 185lS. 8° 5785.15 POSSART, r. A. F. C. Grammatik der persisohcu Sprache. Leipzig, 1831. 8° *4 122.4 — Kleine lappliindische Grammatik, mit kurzer A'ergli'icluing der linnischeu Muudarten. Stuttgart, 1810. jip. 03. 8° 2SS0.19 Postage stamijs. Brown, M. Catalogue of Brit- ish, colonial, ami foreign postage stamps . . 2237. IS — Gray, J. E. Hand catalogue of 22 I. . 10 Postal reform: its urgent necessity and practica- bility. Miles, P 6051.1 FOSTlcLl.o, (i. De Etruriie regionis origiuibus, in- Btilutis, religione, ac moribus, [Grtevius. Thes. antiij. Ital., T. 8, p. 1] . 4710.1 — De Pluenicum Uteris, scu de prisco Latinte et Griccic liiiguie charactere. [llavercjiiup. Sylloge de lingua' tir. pronuntiatioue, v. 2] . 2985.20 I'OST-OEKK'E Lomion suburban directory. London, 1800. 1.8° '*'2483.6 — - Same. 2d ed. London, 18IV1. 1.8° .... •248;). Potato, riall", C. 11. lieber unreife, friihrelfe und spiilnifc IvarlolVeln 3847.21 PoTATtj rot. ^■roIik, G. La uialadie des poiumes, de lerro 4001.14 — Walker, A. On the cause and cure ol' the. . . 5992.5 Potato whiskey. Jlliller, N. Auweisung uus Karlollelu Brauntwcin, Essig, und Lilvdr zu gewluneu 3977. '22 rOTAl'O 503 rozzuoLO I iiJK'If. No. roTATii whiskey, cnntinmil. — Sihiniilt, C. W. Die Tcrbessortc Kiirtoflcl- l>nilinl\vi'iiil)remierei .' 3977.23 I'oTi:, H. K. Ini|iiiry into tlie phonetic reiiiiing of tlie Aslibiirnhniii si;;iiet, in riference tu tlie piifiiarcli Joseph. I.ouilon, IMl. pp..';!. xMt.160b.93 roTEJJTiA d'.iniore. Nella quiile si contieiic soil- elli, stninibotii, [ec.]. Bolognii, 153S. pp.44. 1-° •4798.18 roTGiE.s.sER, J. De shitv .«erv()ivni, veteri perinde atque novo. I.enigovi.ne, 17.iri. 4° MSOO.II I'OTllo I'runiicnsis. De stain tlonins Dei lib. V ; De niil^'niv domo sapientix. [JIaxima bibliotli. vet. patr., v. 21] B.110.2 PoTOMAi', .Vnnj-of the. Barnaid, .1. G. Engineer and artillery operations of the, ISfil, (i2. . . 3',I5.5.3 — JleC'Ielhin, <;. JJ. Operations, ISOl, U2 .... 4322.2 — - Ki-port on the, 1802 4322.8 — QninI, A. II. The I'otomac and the Mapidaa. Army notes, lS<">l-ii3 4327.20 roTT, A. F. Etyinologische Forschungen auf dera Gebietc der indo germanischen Sprachen. Th. 1,2. Abth. 1. 2teAufl. Lenigo, lt.59-61. 2v. 8° 295li.I7 — Die Personennanien, insbesondere die Fanii- lienuamen uud ibre Ent.stehungsarten. Leip- zig, 1853. 8° *42.33.5 — Die Unglciclihelt menscblicher Eassen. Lem- go, 1850. 8° 2235.21 — DieZigeunerinEnropaund Asien. Untersucb- ung ihrer Uerkunst uud Spraclie. Ilalle, 1844,45. 2v. S" 2955.20 roTT, J. H. SeeDibdia. Sunday library, v. 2, e . 5414.23 <7oM«nn. — Vol. II. On the untivily ; Christ consid- ered OS a Snviorir: two aunnons. \^. On brotherly rcconciliatiou ; The fruits of the Spirit ; two aermona. i\»TTER, A., bp. Tlie drinking usages of society: a * lecture, in I'ittsburgh, April 3, IS52. Boston, 1853. 12° .3570.18, and B.ieOb. 80 I'OTTKR, C. E. Address before the Amoskeag vet- erans, of Slanchester, N. H., Feb. 22, 1865. Ulanehester, 1855. 8° B. 170a. 52 — The farmer's monthly visitor, 1852. Vol. 12. jManebestW, N. H., 1832. 8° 4200.4 — History of Manchester, N. H. Sranchester, 1850. 8" 2.338.10 Totter, E. K. Speech, Slarch 14, 1803, upon the present national difficulties. With an .appen- dix. Provideuce, 1803. 8° 4340a. 17 I'OTTER, H. Pastoral letter to the clergy of the diocese of New York, ffom the bishop, n. p., 1805. 8° 5470a. 55 PoTTKR, J. Remains of ancient monastic archi- tecture iu England. [Buildw.as and Tiutcrn abbeys.] London, 1847. pp.30. 7fiplates. f°. *39.C.l PoTTl-.R, Louis J. A. de. Considerations sur I'liis- toiredespriucipauxconciles. Bruxelles, 1816. 2v. 8° 0020.15 — Histoire philosophique, politique et critique du christianisme et des eglises cliretiennes. Bruxelles, 18.38. 8v. 8° 6044.2 — Vie et memoires de Scipion de Ricci. Paris, 1820. 4v. 8° 0060.14 — Memoirs of Scipio de Ricci. Edited by T. Kos- coe. London, i\. d. 2v. 8" 2745.24 Potter, Ludwig. Auctariumpropriorumnominum Germaniea originis. See Kilian, C 28S5.5 Potter, W.J. Four sermons on the life and death of A. Lincoln. New Bedford, Mass., 1865. PP-W- 6° *4342.6 PorTEi;v. Abridgments of the specifications relat- iug to. See Great Britain. Department of justice. Commissiouers of patents. — Jkteyard, E. Sketch of the art of pottery in lingiand 4023.24 Pottery and porcelain. Chalfers, W. Marks and monograms on 4025.25 — Tomlinson, ('. History and processes of maii- uiacture, and uses of 4029.0 Shelf. No. Potthast, a. Bibliothcca historica medii tevi 375- 1500. Berlin, 1862. 1.8° 2170.22 POTTIEK, E. Meteorologie. Sec France. Com- mission 8ci<'ulilique du Nord. Voyages en Scaudinavie, V. 8-10 2865.1 Potts, K. Liber Cantabrigiensis. I'art 2. Lon- don, 1803. 10° 2490.38 Pouciii-;t, F. a. Nouvelles experiences sur la g(5- nerationspontau(5eet la resistance vitale. Pa- ris, 1801. s° 3825.25 Pouii.i.KT, C. S. JI. Notions generalcs de phy- sique et dc meteorologie. Paris, 1800. 12°. 3907.27 PouixAiN de Saint Foix,G. F. History of the city of Paris. See Translations from the Freuch, 4701.16 — L'oracle. [Theatre fran^jais, v. 38] 4708.1 — Dapline and Amintor, altered from L'oracle, by 1. Bickerstair. [Collection of farces, v. 5) . 2575.35 POULLKTIER de La Salle, F. P. L., tloge de. [Vicq- d'Az}r. (Huvrefi, V. 2] 3720.11 Pou.NDS, .1. [John Pounds, mender of shoes and teacher of children.] Boston, 1843. pp. 20. 1«° 5450a. 61 PouRiAU, A. F. Climatologie de la Saulsaie. Re- sume de neuf annees d'observations. Paris, 1859. pp.32. 1.8° 4001.3 — f;tude8 geologiques, cliimiques et ngronomi- quesdes solsde la Bresse. Lyou, 1858. 8°. 4061.5 PoussiELGUE, — . Homme ou singe ou la question de I'esdavage aux :fitats-Uois. Paris, 1S61. pp.24. 8° 4310.87 PoussiN, G. T. The United States; its power and progress. 1st Am. ed. Translated by E. L. IJu Barry. Phihulelpliia, 1851. 8° . . 4325.1 PoussiN, N. Collection de lettres. Paris, 1824. 8°. 2035.16 — Le Poussin, sa vie et son oeuvre. See Bon- chitte, L. F. H ._ 4065.20 PouY, F. Kecbercbes sur I'imprimerie et la libraii-ie et sur les arts et industries qui s'y rattachent dans le departemeut de la Somme. 2 parties. Paris, 1S03, 04. 8° 2111.10 PoVEKTV. Chalmers, T. SutBciency of the paro- chial system 3570.80 — Chamborant, C. G. de. Du paup^risme dans I'antiquite, et de nos jours 4306.9 — Cbanuing, W. Address ou the prevention of.B.170b.58 — Everest, U. Intlueuce of social degradation in producing pauperism and crime B. 170. 46 — Gerando, J.M.de. Le visiteur du pauvre . . 3570.9 — Ingram, U. A. Condition of the lower classes. l"ph.v..344 — Jones, E. Prevention of l'ph.v.344 — liucepflin, £. Les bienfaiteiu's des pauvres au xi.xesit-cle 3570.59 — Moreau-Christopbe, L. M. Du problime de la misfere et de sa solution 3570.3 — Waterston, R. C. Addi-ess on pauperism . . 3570.125, audPpb.v..334 Sec also: Friendly aocieties, Laboring eiasses. Powell, E. Treatise on the law of inland carriers. 2d ed. London, 1861. 8° 3075.4 Powell, M. C. [Statement of the proceedings of tiie session of the Presbyterian church, of Waterlord, N. Y., in the case of Mr. and Jfrs. M.C.Powell.] Troy, N.Y'., 1858. pp.24. I2°.l!.100b.l7 l*owELL, T. The attovruey's academy. London, 1630. sm.4° •4293.21 — The attornies almanacke, London, 1027. pp.72. sin.4° ♦4293.21 — Kepertorie of records, London, 1631. 8m.4° . *42U3.21 I'OWER, Tiromas. Oration delivered by request of tlie authorities of Boston, July 4, 1840. Bos- ton, isiu. 8° B. 170a. 49 I'oWER, Tyrone. Impressions of America during 3833-35. Philadelphia, 18.30. 2v. 8° . . . . 2308.13 PowNALL, A. Shakspere weighed in an even bjil- ance. London, 1804. pp. 86. 8° 4698.5 Pozzetti, p. Delia vita e degli acritti di G. Parini. See Bramieri, L 2749.30 Pozzuoi.o. .Sec Puzzuoli. ruAcrtcAL ^04 PRESIDENT Sholf. No. Practical hints on cTiurch floral decorations, by a lady. With an introduction by W. Gresley. Loudon, 1803. sq.-i4° 4105.30 Practical mechauic aud engineer's magazine. A'ol. 1-4 ; 2d series, v. 1, 2. Practical mechan- ic's jourual. Vol. 1-S; 2d series, V. 3-9. Lon- don, lS42-(a. 21v. 4° *4022.1 Prad VL, P., and Malepeyre, C. F. A complete treatise on perfumery. Translated, witli ad- ditions, by H. Dussauce. Phila., 1804. 8° . 4006.30 PraD(>x,N. a^^uvres. Nouv. ed. Pjiris, 1744. 2v. 12° *»4095.2 Contents. — VoL I. Pirame ct Thisbe ; Tamerlan ou la tuort dc Dajazet; Plicdrt- etHippoIyte; La Trooiie. 11. Stiitira-, Regalus; Scipion rAIrlcaiu. Cap. V. Pr.kadamit.s. Sive exereitatio super versibus 12-14, cap. V. epistolae ad Romanos. 5ee La Peyrire, I. de 0069a. 22 Praed, AV. M. Poetical works. New and enlarged edition. New York, l.*<59, 60. 2v-.in 1. sm.4''. 2564.12 — Poems. With a memoir by D. Coleridge. Lon- don, 1864. 2v. 16° 2S64.2S Pr.vgay, J. Der Kricg in LTng;arn. New York, 1850. pp. 98. S° 2827. 8 Prague, Guide dcs utrangers a 2834.21 Pi;AnuE.s,Tour on the. Irving, W 2396.22 I'K.visi-:, The, of St. David's day. Shewing the rea- son why the AVelchnieu honour the lecke on that day. London, 1851. pp. 8. 12°. [Bell. Tracts, v. 1] «45S6.20 Prat, J. M. Histoire du p^re Kibadeneyra. Paris, 1802. 8° 3092.0 Pratch, I. [Collection of Kussian national songs, set to music. In Russian. Saint Peters- burgh], 1815. 2v.ini. 8° 4053.9 Pratinus. Carmina. [Lect. Poeta; Gra?ci, v. 3] . 4200.7 I'RATT, E. History of Eastliam, "Wellfleet and Or- leans, county of Barnstable, Mass., from 1041 to 1844. Yarmouth, 1844. 8° 4355.1 PiiATT, G. W., and .lohnson, ,T. C. Pestalozzian Bcliool song book. Boslon, [18.'i2J. obI.4° . 8049a. 3 Pratt, 11. F. A. On orbital motion: theoutlinesof a system of pliysical astronomy. London, 1863. 8° 3924.15 Pratt, U. The seer. [.\ nionllily periodical.] Vol. 1, No. 1-8, 10-12. Wa.shington, 1853. 8°.. 6088.1 — Serii'sof pamphlets. A>'itli adiscussion between W.Gibson and \V. Woodman, [and] between J. 'J'aylor and three reverend gentlemen. Liverpool, 1851. 8° 6644.9 I'j: \TT, P. i*. Faith aud cloctrine of the mormons. New Y'ork, 18.37. 24° B. 127. 17 — Key to the science of theology. Liverpool, 1855. 16° 5544.16 I'R ATT, T. G. To the wliigs of Maryland, n. p., [1856]. 8° 4310.50 Pr.vv, G. Annales veteres Ilvnnorvm, Avarvm et llvngarorvm, ab anno Christi 210 ad anu. 1197 dedvcti. Vindoboiiae, 1701. f° .... 4250.5 — Dissertationes in itnnales veteres llnnnoram, Avarum et Hungiir<)rum. \'indobona', 1774. f 4250.5 I'RAV, L. G. The Christian's catcchiam. Boston, 1S4U. pp. 70. IS' 6453. .36 — llistorh-al sket'h of the Tweinii congregational society In lloslon, lioston, 1N13. 12° . .2354.18,19 Pkaykr, considired in reference to the church and the world. New York, 1831. 21* 6447.67 Prayf.r lor the Chrisiinn life; translated into Ben- gull, by Rakhaldas llaldar. n. p., n. d. pp. 14. 8° B. 160a. 91 Phavkr HOOK, History of a pocket. Dorr, B. . . 6147.40 I'rayi:r-.mkictinp. 32. 4° 2.343.33 — Ellis, It. Sermon occasioned by the death of 6440a. 03 1 roceedings in memory of. S'ce Massachusetts hlslorical society 4.147.89 Proci'edings on the annunncemeiit of thedeatli of. See New York historical society .... 2313.32 — ricknor, G. Life ol 2347.32, and 4341. 10 I'REsll'IcNT. War powers of the president, aud the h-gislative powei's of eon;,n-esH in reliilion tr» rebellion, treason and slavery. Whiting, W. 4350u.l6 PRESL 505 vnkvosr 6bolf. No. PitKSL, r. B. Botani^cUe Bemerkuugon. Trag, lfi-14. r 3851.11 Pri:s3. Bollan, \V, Freedom of speech and writr in g- upon public affairs 35C1.1S — Gmttk'r, A. dc. Coinmentaire sur les lots de la presse 3000.18 — Liunoiguon de MiUosUerbes, G. de. La libertd de la presse 3508.36 — I.e.vnmrii', A. Uistoire d'une deniantle en au- tori^atioa df journal 3508. .'H — Jlilion, J. iSpi-ccIi fur the liberty of unlicensed printing,' Tph.v.SrO — Schletter, H. T. Ilandbuoh dcr dcutsclieu l*rt'SS-; Voynecfl en difftrcntea piirtios do I'Afiique et dnns loa isles ndJHcento«: T. Niools, I.IOO; Sc.iry, ICOO; Anonyme, 1652; Edena, 1715; OviiiRton,16S9;Alcor<>rado, 1421; CndnMosto, 1454-56; P. de (intra, 14(!2. VJI. U. lt.>berts, 1721-24 [et] descrip- tion des isles du Cup-Vei'd ; Voyapes wu \ong dc la c6t6 oc- cideiitttle d'Afrlque, dejuiis lo Cap Blanco jusqu'a Sicrra- Lconii iC.Jiinucquin, mi"; A. Bnic, 1697-1702. VIII. A. Brue, lb'97-1722; Anonygie, 16i'5. IX. L'origino et les jiroprirs de lu Compapnie royftle d'Afriquo en Anploten-e ; I)('9eri|itinn do In riviiiie do Gambra et des royaumes voissins: K. Jobson, 1620, 21; Mines dor reciiellis daiu un voyape nur la Gumbrn, par un autcur anonyme ; B. Stibbs, 1723, 24; F. Mooie. 17W-35; J. B. Siilomon, 1731-35; Obsorvntions 3iir le commerce des EiuopcenB dnns la Onmbra; P. v. d. Bruerk. Ili05, 6; I.e Maire, 1682; Observations sur loa .Ialof:<. les Foulis, et les MnndingoB qui liftbitentlOB bords de la Gambra. X. Usages com- niUDS dea mfimcs pays da rAl'riqnc; Description do Sierrn-U'ona: W. Fiiieh, 1607; Villnult, 16('.6; J. Bar- bot, 1678; Atkins, 1721; Histoire nnturellu de la cote occideiitale d'Afrique. XI. Voyages en Guinee, a Benin, et sur touto la e6to, depuis Sierra-Leona jusqu'au Capdo Lope-Consalvo: VillauU, 1666, 67; T. Pliillips, 1693, 94; Loycr, 1701-3; J. Atkins, 1721-23; Des-Mar- chais, 1724,25. XII. W. Smith, 1726,27; B. Lamb, 1724 j W. Suelgravc, 1718-32; Dcscriptiou de la Guinee, con- tenant la gtographie ct I'bistoire miturelle et civile du pKys. XIII, XIV. Suite dc la description de la Guinee. SIV. La description des c6te3, depuis Bio de Volta jus- qu'au Cap Lope-Consalvo. XV, Suite do la description d&8 cfltes; Voyages dans la Guinee, ot au royaunie da Benin, jusqu'au royaume de Congo ; J. Burbot et J. Gra- eilhier, 1669. XVI. Voyages dana les ruyaumes de Congo et d' Angola: E. Lopez, 1578; A. Battel, 1589; M. Angelo de Gattinn, 1660, 67; D. Carli de Placenza, 1667; Merolla, 1682-88; J. Barbol le jeune et J. Case- neuve, 171X1; Description dea royaumes de Loango, de Congo, d'AngoIa, de Benguela et dea pays voisius, XVII. Continuation de la description de Loungo, de Congo, etc.; Description dea pays qui bordetit la cfite oricntale d'Afrique, depuis le Cap de IJonnc-Ksper- ancejusqu'au Cap de Gaurdafu; Kotbcn, 1713, XVllI. Suite de la description des pays qui bordent la c6te ovieutale d'Afrique: Kolben, 1713; A. Hamilton, 1720; F. Barreto, 1669; Empire do Monoinotapa; Voyages dnna rem|>ire de laCbino: Niculiof, 1655-57. XIX. Voyages duns Vempire de la Cliine, (suite): Moiitanua, 1662-65; Eolaircisiiemens sur les onibossades hollan- doises n la Chine, en 1655; Van Keebtoren, 1622; Nava- rette, 1658-69. XX. Voyages dans I'Asie, (suite) : Le Comle, 1687, 88; J. de Fontaney. 1688; J. Bouvet, 1693; .1. F. Genielli Careri, 1695-97; E. Isbrand Ides, 1693; L. Lnnge. 1717; P. A. Gaubil, 1722; C. A. Mezza-Barba, 1720-23. XXI-XXIV. Description de la Chine, conle- oant la geographie, et I'lilstoire civile et naturelle du pays. XXIV. Description de la Coree, de la Tartarie orientale et du Tibet: Hamei, 1653-68; F. Verbiest, 1682. XXV, XX.VI. Description de la Tartarie ori- entale et du Tibet. XXVl. Voyages dans la Tartarie, le Tibet, la Bukkarle, et B la Chine: J. de Piano Carpini, 12i6; Aacelln, 1247; G. de Bubruquis, 1253-55. XXVU. (Suite): Miirco Polo, 1272; Ambassade de Schah-Rokb k la cmr de la Chine; A. Jeuktnson, 1558, 59; K. Johnson, 15.59; B. Goez, 1602-4; Grueber, 1661; H. Deslderi, 1715 ; H. devergue, 1666-71 ; Desoription de I'isle de Aladagascar; La Uuie, 1670-75. XXXUI. Voyages de Carre et de L'Estra aux Indes orientales, 1668-75; J. Ovington, 1689-93; P. W. FloHs, 1611-14; Description du royuumo d'Amikan ; A. do Khodes, 1619-49 ; Description de Ton- quin: Baron, 1685; G. Taehard, 1685, 86; DeCbaumout, 1685. XXXIV. G. Taehard, 1687, 88; Fonlenay, 1686; Occam-Chamnatn, K18I-H6; Description du royaume do Biam ; A. dc Beaulieu, 1619-21; Description de I'isle de Sumatra. XXXV. Mendez Pinto. XXXVI. Dellon,1670- 72; G. do Mefhold, 1622; lavender, 1652; Deecriplion du royaume dcGolkunde ;N.Gr«nf, 1669; E tut dea Poiiugat) PRfeVOST 506 PRfeVOST Shulf. No. PKfevosT d'Exiles, A. F., coniimied. aax Indes orientaleB, en 1670 ; Luillier, 1722, 23 ; L'Ctnb- liss^meDt dc8 Frau^ois a I'ondichco" ; Supplement d la description des isles de France etde Bourbon. XXXVI 1. Voyapes dans I'lndoustan ; T. Rhoc, 1615-17; J. A. do Manileslo, 1638, 39; Beniier, IGGi; Tavemier, 1665, 66. XXXVIII. Descriptit>u de I'lndoustan; Premier voyage des Fran5ois dans I'Arabie heureuBe,1708-H; Monnoies del'Asie; Voyages aux Indes oricutalea, par Ic sud- oucst: F. Magellan, 15111-22; O. de Noort, 1698-16, 21; Description du Mexique. XLVIII. Suite de Ja description du Mexique. XLIX. Las Caeas, 1520, 21; J. Verazzani, 1523, 24; J. Cavticr, 1534-40; Ro- berval, 1542; Pizarrc, 1524-41; D. d'Alraagro, 1535, .'!6; ■^'nsco de Castro, 1541, 42; B. Nufiez de Vela, 154S- 46. L. P. de La Gasca, 1546-50; G. Juan et A. dX'Uoa, 1735; Description de Tierra-Firme et d« Perou. LI. Descriprion de Quito, et du Chili ; Correal, 1692-ltt ; Fre- zier, 1713; Voingc des mathematiciens espagnols de Guayaquil a Quito; La Condamiue, 1735-43; Lo Velen et La Kosn, 1743. LII. Description du Perou; Observa- tions faites au Perou pour determiner la figure de la terre, LIII. Orsua, 1560; Ferrior. 1606; Villalubos ct Miranda, 1621 ; Bonito Macul. 161*6 ; Carvallo, 1633; Brito ct Tolede, 1635 ; P. Tcxcira, 16.17, 38 ; Acuiia et Artiedu, 1639, 40; La Condaraino, 1743, 44; S. Cabot, 152G, 27 ; P. dc Mendose, 1535, 36; A. de Cabrera, 1538, 39; Descrip- tion duChaco; Description du Buenos-Aires et &clair- cissement sur In tcirv Mugellnniquo; Quiroga, 1745, 46; COlc du governement dc Uio d« la Plata jusqu'a Bresil; flistoire naturelle des regions cspagnulcs do I'Amerique meridionale. LIV. A. Cnbral; J. do Lery, 15ij6-58; Voiagfs des llollandaia ouBrosil; Description du Brcsll ; Inacctos et plantes du Surinam; Itali'igh, 15'.I5; L. Keyrois, 1596; Guiane fmn^;oiBO. LV. tlnblis- •emenn do la Nouvello Andatuusie, dcpuis I'Orinoqiio Jusqu'a Rio du la Hacha; Nouveau rolaume dc Grcnado; Voluges et gtablissemcns dans I'AmCriquo septenlri- onale: J. de Rlbaut, 1M2-65; D. de Gourguos, 1567; B. Lnudoniere, 156-1, 65; P. Amldor ot A. Barlow, 1583- 8.^; IL Greeuwill, l.'iHiS; W. lUlcigh, 1587; J. White, J588; Gosnold, 1602; J. Smith, 1606-9; Description de la Virginia et de Maryland; Description do la Nouv. Anglctcrre, de la Nouv. York, do la Nouv. Jersey, do la Pi'nniylvaulo, ot do la Caroline angloiso; Charlevoix, 1722 ; Description de la Nouv. Georgie avoc volage d'Oglo- thorpc, 1732-39. LVI. La Uocbe, 1598; Chuuvln ; 8. do ChHinplaIn, HKW-aO: Marquette, 1(^73; La Salle, lfi7(V 87; Dlbervllle, 1608-1702; Salnt-Dcnls; fetabllssemens duns la Bale d'lludnon ; fetabilNsomens des FnniV»is duns It! Cap Breton; Di^iicriptiun du Canada; Dilt'vrcndii dea Frangols ot dca AngloU. LVll. Ob»fli-vntions genfrales tur TAmtrlqur; VoSogus au nord-oucsl et au nor»l-c«t pour la dC-eouvorte d'un pnnvugo anx Indea orlcntales: LesCabols, H97-15:«; M. Frohlshor, 1576-78; J. Dovls, 1585-87; Barenitr., 15iM, 95; Voiiigo des llollautloU au nord-esl; Iie*'ni«k<'rkc. 1596, 97; G. Welmoulh, 1602; Hudson, lt'iO7-I0; T. Button, 1612; Gibbous, 1014; U. ByMh ct G. Uallln. Ullfi, 16; L. Fox. 1631 ; James, 1(«1 ; J. Munk. 1619,211; M. d'Agullar, HilW, 3; U. do Font.', Umi; J- Wood, 1670; Hoeringn, 1725-41; Spanbi-rg, 1711; Tchlrieow, 1741; Glllnni, 1668; Buriuw, 1719; Stroggs, ll-SJl; MlddU-lou, 17;i7. LVIII. Ellis. 1746, 47; lilst.-lro nniurellc do TAmt-rlque aeptentrlonale; R«guard. KMl; Maupertuis.l736,:(7iUulhU.r,17;.7. LIX. LX. VolngeBot t- tab I Use mens oux Antlllrs. LXI. Table des inntliTi's; A-C. LXU. U-K. LXIII. L-P. LXIV. Q-Z. LXV- LXVIII. ttiilto eontrnnnt lea n-Mltnllnn* "t Irs aiMI- tlonsrlo Itdlllotido llollADde. pour acrvlr do aupplfi- ment k rWiUou d« Pari*. LXIX. Ulsloire partlculkre hhelf. No Pui';vosT d'Exiles, A. F„ continued. do rislnnrte; Description de I'isle de Jenn Mnyen, on do laTrinile, et de la Nouvelle Zemblo; Voyage en Si- bC-rie de M. Gmelin, trad, de rallemand, KSS-.tT*. LXX, LXXI. Suite du journal de M. Gmelin, 17;J5-43. LXXI. Voyages dea Kusscs dons la mer gloeiale, et (lu Kumtschatka. LXXII. Relation nouvelle de la Samo- jedii-etdesSamojedos; Notice des Ostiaeks; Voyage fnit en 1740 a Beresow, par il. de Lisle. LSXHI, LXXIV. Ilisloire du Greenland. LXXIV, LXXV. Hisloire du Kanitscbatka. LXXV. Voyages et decouvertes le long des cOtes de la mer glaciale et sur Tocfcan oriental, taut vers le Japon, que vers I'Amerique, par M. Muller; E\trait du voyage en Sibcrie do M. I'abbe Chappc. LXXV!. Description historique dc In Lapouio sucdolse, pnr M. Pierre Tla;gstra'm; Voyage de M. A Ehrcnmalm, dnns la Norlande occldentale et dans la province lapono d'Aaehlc.en 1742. — - Snme. Nouv, ^d. Les figures et les cartes cravt'es par J. v. Schley. La llnye, 1747-80. -5v. 4" *-*151.1 Conrents. — Vol. I. Introduction; Premiers voyages dc8 Portugais aux Indes orientales: Vnsco do Gama; Cabrnl; Nueva ; Paehcco; Almeyde; Albuquerque; Son- ri-z; Sequeira; Cunna; Solyman Bacha; Castro; Pre- miers voyages des Anglois on Guinec et aux Indes ori.^'ntales: Windham; Lok; Towtson; Uutter; Baker; Carlet; Fenner; Stephens; Foster; Wbiddon; Drake; Wild ct Newton; Cumberland; Greenwill; Flyke;Lin- Bchoten ; Lancaster ; Raynolds ; Burrough ; Wood ; Davis. II. Lancaster; H. Middlcton; Scot; Mlehelburne; Keel- ing ; Sbari)ey ; Bowles ; D. Middleton ; Donnton ; Hippon ; Floris; Castleton; Saris; Cocks; Adams, ill. Voy- ^ ages en differentes portiesdo TAfriquo et dans les islca adjacentcs: Nicols; Scory; Edcns; Ovington ; Alcafo- rndo; Cada Mosto; Cintra; Roberts; Voyages au long do la c6te occidontalo d'Afrique, depnis le C«p-Blanco jusqu'a Sierra-Leona: Jannequin; Bruo. IV. L'origine ct les jirogrcs de la Compagnie roynlo d'Afrique en AiiglcteiTo: Jobson; fitibbs; Moore; Salomon; Com- merce do laGnmbra; Broeck ; Le Maire; Observations Bur les Jalofs, les FouHs et les Mandlngos qui habitcnt les borda do la Gnnibra; Usages communs des nifimcs pnys de VAfrique; Finch; Villault; Barbot; Atkins; Ilistoire naturelle do la cOlo occldentale d'AtViquo: Villault; Phillips; Loyer; Atkins; Des-Marchals; W. Smith; Lamb; Snelgravo. V. Description do la Guinfcp. VI. Voyages dans la Guineo et au royaume do Benin, contonnnt la description du royaumo do Btnin et do t onto la c6te: Barbot; Grny-llhier; Lopez; Battel; An- gelo do Gnttlna; Carii de Plaecnua; Mcrolla; Barbot le Jeuno; Descriplion des royaumes do Loango, do Con- go, d' Angola, do Benguela, et des pays voisins; De- Bcripti.m des pays qui bordont la c6to orientalo d'Af- rique, depuls le Cap de Bonne-Espirnnce jusqu'au Cap do Gunniafu: Kolbrn ; llanilllon ; EclairetsBenu'nB sur I'empiro do Mouomotiipa : Expedilion de Barroto. VII. Vi.yagos duns I'eniplre de la Chine: Nieuhof; Mon- tanus; Eclalrcisaemeus sur les fambassades hollan- doisea: Van-Kechteren; Navarctto; Lo Comto; Fou- taney; Bouvet; GomelU Careri; Isbrnnd Ides; Lango ; Gnubil; Mest/.a-Barbft. VII, VIII. Description do la Chine. VIII. IX. Description de la Corie, do In Tarta- ric orientalo et du Tibet. IX. VoyagcB dnns la Tartaric, le Tibet, la Bukknric ct d la Chino : J. do Piano Carplni ; ABceliu; Rubruquis; Marco Polo; Amhassade do Schhh- Itokli; Jenklnson; Johnson; Gooz ; Grueber; Desldnri ; II. do La Pcnna; Gerbillon. X. (Sulto) : GorblUou ; Voyages des Hollandois aux Indes orlenlalos: llont- mnn; Van Nek; Warwick; Description do la Grnndo Java: Van Cnorden ; Van Nek; Voyage au roy«>n"« d'AchIn; Vandvr lingen; Ihirnmnsen; Woen; Pyrard; DcBcrlptlon d<-BMaliUvos; Description doGoa; Spilberg; War^vlck; Vanw Ween ; apUtiorg; J. I.'ller- Ttiite ; Schiipciihiuii ; Xnrliorungli ; Wood ; CowIi>y ; Fro- (fcr; KogiT*; l-'n-nlcr; Aimon; PizaiTc. XVI. Voy- n^oa aux Tvrres AuHtrnlus, ou Antnrctlquos: Aniorio Vi-apuce; Gouncvlllc; Suvoilra [ Gui-tftn ; Uenianl della Torre; Metidoco; Mtnilnna; Qulroa; Nixlnl ; IV'lsnrt; Pool; Tasman; VInk; Keyts; Vlumfiig; DHmplfr; KofT- pcvecn ; Deux vnisscnux IVaii^ola; Voyajri'S crrniis, ou dims tcniitf fixe: Schouton; l>nnipier; 0«milll Ciirerl; Lu Bwrblualii Ic Oi8: Roth; Rcyiiat; Kcaal ; Coon; C4n"'"tlwr; Spccx; Brouwer; Van Die- men ; Vim dcr Lyn ; Itcyiiicrsz ; Mnntzulkcr ; Van Goens ; Spoolmnii ; Camplmit; ; Van Outlioom j Van Hoorn ; Van Iticbvck ; Van Zwol ; Zwaardokroon j De Hnaii ; Durvi'n ; Van Cloon; Patras; Vulckenlfp; Tlifdcn«;D'ImIu>ff; SIossol ; Histoirc aaturellodea Indis orioiilak'a. XVIII, Proiiiiora voyages, decouvcrtea ot itJiblissonicns doa Europcona en AmC'riquo: C. Colomb; Ojeda ct Vcspuoe; Nino; Yancz Pingon; Diego de Lopo2; Cabral; Corto-Kcal; J. Cnbot; B. Colomb; Ojeda ct Nicucasa ; Balboa ; Pro^res des Castlllana dans lc8 ilea ; Ponce de Leon ; Suite dea atlaires dcs Iiides, et decouvorte de la nier du Sud par N. de Balboa; Diaz de Solia; Di-scription dc I'lsle Eapagiiolo, vulgaire- nieiit Salnt-Doniineiie; II. de Cordoiie; Grijalva; Cor- tez; DoscriptiOD du Mexiqun, ou de la Nouvolle Es- pagnrt. XJX, XX. Suite dea voyages, decouvcrtea et ^tablisaen^eua dea Europcena en Amcrique: Laa Casaa; Alwura et usages des peuplca de Cuniana; Continua- tion deg d&couvertea: Vcrazzani; Cartier; Koberval; Voyages ct decouvertcs au Sud de rAineriquo: Pizarre; Altnagro; Vaaca de Castro; Nunez doVela; La Oasca; Ueacriptiuna des premiere pays decouvcrts dans TAme- rique mOridionale: Juan et d'Ulloa; Description de * Tierra-Firroe, Carthageue, Porto Belo, Panama, Perou, Limn, Cusco, Quito, Chili, Sant'Iago ; Divers voyages au I'erou : Correal; Frezier; Voyages des Diathf'maticiena capagnols de Guayaquil d Quito; La Condamine; La Vclen ct La Hosa. XX. Originc, gouvcmcment, religion, nioeurs, uaagea, sciences, nionuniens, curiosites, etc. da I'ancien empire du Perou: Bonguer; Voyages sur la Marai^on, ou la riviere des Amazunes: Orsua; Ferricr; \'illaloboa et Miranda; Bonito Mucul; Carvallo; Briio et Toledo; Texeira; Acuna ct Articda; La Condamine; Voyages sur la ri%i^re dc la Plata: S. Cabot; ftlendosc; Cabrera; Quiroga; Bougainville ; Uistoire naturelle di^s n'gionsespagnolcsderAnierique meridionale; Voyagi-8 au Bresil : De Lery ; Histoire naturclle du Bresil. X-XI. Suite dea voyages, decouvertcs et des etablissemens deg Europcena en Amerique : Voyages aur I'Orinoquc et sur la suite des cdtea de I'Anierique meridionale: Haleigh; Kcymis; Voyages et etablissemens dans I'Ameriqui) septentrionale, etablissemeut des Francois dans la Flor- ide: Uibaut; Laudoniere; Gourgues; Voyages des An- glais: Amidor et Barlow; Grcenwill ; Raleigh; White; Gosnold; Smith; Oglethorpe; Suite des voyages, dcs decouvertcs et dcs etablissemens des Francois dans I'Amerique septentrionale: Lu Koche ; Chauvin; Cham- plain; Marquette; La Salle; D'Iberville; SaJnt Denis; Albanel et Simon; La Htjntan; Moncacht-Ape ; Char- levoix. XXII. ttbservations generales sur 1' Ame- rique; Voyages au nord-ouest et 8U nord-eet, pour la decouvertc duo passage aux Indes oricntales: Les Cabots; Frubisher; Davia; Barensz; Hecmskerk; Wei- mouth ; Hudson ; Button ; Gibbous ; Byleth et Baf- fin; Fox ; James; Munk ; D'Aguilar; Fuca; Fonte; W(>od; Beeriuga; Spanbcrg; Tschirikow; Gillum ; Bar- low ; Scroggs ; Middlcton ; Ellis ; Viscaino ; Histoire natu- rclle do I' Amerique septentrionale : Itcgnard ; Maupcrtuis ei Uutbier; Kerguelen. XXIII. Voyages et etablisse- mens aux Antilles: Etablissemeut des Francois dana 1 ile Espagnole; Voyages et etablissemens aux ilea de rAiuerique septentrionale dans la merdunord ; Uistoiro nature lie des Antilles. XXIV. Description del'Islande; L'tio de Jean Maycn, ou de laTrinite; Nouvelle Zemble; Kctalion nouvelle de la Sumojedie ot dcs Samojedes; Kotice des Oatiacks; Voyage au Kamtsclmtka pur la Sibfrie: Gmelin; De Lisle. XXV. Histoire du Kamts- chatka ; Voyages et decouvertcs Ic long des cOtes de la mcr glacialc et sur roci-an oriental, lant vers le Japon, que vera I'Amerique, par Muller; Dissertation sur la terre de Kamtschatka, par Cuatcl ; Memoires, par En- gttt; Voyage a u pole horeul, par J. Phipps; Histoire du Groenlaud; Deecripiion hlstorique du la Laponle sue- dbise; Voyage de Arvid Ehreamulm. ffot^. — The " New and general collection of voyages and travels," London, 1744-47, in 4 vols. 4^, formed the basis of this collectioa. Sec note, page II, under AII- gemcine Hist'irie. Shelf. No. pRfevosT d'Exiles, A. F., continued. — Histoire iler Kei-sen zu Wasser und zu Lande. 5e(i Allgemoiiic llistorie 4100.11 PutVOST-PARAixn,, I'. A. Essais de politique et de littL-rature. 2e Od. Paris, 1801. S" . . . 2GG4.6 — Itevue de I'histoire universelle. Paris, 1854. 1.8*. [Coursd'^ducatioupourle^nik's.v. 12J. 3591.31 Pbeyer, W., and Zirkel, F. Rcise nacli Island im Sommer ISfiO. Leipzig, 1802. 8* 2805.7 PRIAPKIA, sivc divcrsorum poi'taruin in Priapiini lusus; illustrati comnientariis G. Scliopjjii. Accedunt .I.Scaligeriin Priapoiacommentarii ac F. Lindenbruch in eadem nota;. Patuvii, 1604. 8111.8' B.179.7 Prick, C. Life and forgeries of that most noto- rious character, called Old Patch. Enlarged ed, York, n. d. 12° *Pph.v.365 Prick, G. Treatise on fire and thief-proof deposito- ries, and locks and keys. London, 1850. 8° . 4018.31 — Treatise on gunpowder proof locks. gnn]jow- der-proof lock-chambers, drill-proof safes, etc, London, 18G0. 8° 4018.32 Price, R. Britain's happiness briefly stated and proved. London, 17'.)!. 8" *Pph.v.355 — Four dissertations. 3d ed., with additions. Loudon, 1772. 12° 6002.12 CoiUents. — On providence; On prayer; On the rea- flons for expecting that virtuous men shall meet after death in a state of happiness; On tho importance of Christianity, the nature of historical evidence, and miracles. — Sermons on the Christian doctrine, as received by the dilierent denominations of Christians. Boston, 1815. 8" 5470a. 56 — Nature of civil liberty considered. (SceSIartiu, J 4163.15 — Sermon on the Christian doctrine. [Boston. Benevolent associations. Keligious tracts, V. 4] 5459.6 Price, T. Essay on the pliysiognoray and physiol- ogy of the present inhabitants of Britain. London, 1829. 8" 2435.8 Price, Sir U. Essay on the picturesque, as com- pnred with the sublime and the beautiful. New ed. London, i;'jr>-98. 2v. 8° 4067.12 — Letter to H. Kepton, on the application of the principles of laudscape-p.iintiiig to landscape- gardening. 2d ed. Herelbrd, 1798. 8° . . 4007.13 Price, W. Elements of the Sanscrit language. London, ls3s. pp. 0.3. 4° *5033.8 PRICHARIJ, J. C. Kesearches into the physical his- tory of mankind. London, 1837-47. 5v. [v. 1, 4th ed.; v. 2-4, 3d ed.] 8° *4276.10 Contents. — Vol. I. Introduction; Origin and disper- sion of organized beings; Are the races of men several apccicB? li. Elhuogruphy of the African races. III. European races. IV. Aoiatic oatiODS. V. Oceanic and American nations- PRIESTCRAFT, History of, in all ages and nations. Howitt, W 6063.28 Priestley, J. Description of a new chart of his- tory. From the 7th London ed. New Ha- ven, 1792. pp.91. sm.8° *4163.2 — History of the corruptions of Christianity. 3d ed. Boston, 1797. 2v. in 1. 12' €059a.3 — Letter to W. Pitt on toleralion and church es- tablishments. 2d ed. London, 1787, pp.54. 8". +4163. 15 — Letters to the inhabitants of Northumberland and its neighbourhood. 2d td. Philadelphia, 1801. pp.90. 8" 4118.17 — Kemarks on the Monthly review of the letters to Dr. Horsley, [etc.J. Birmingham, 17N4. pp.29. 8° *4163. — Ketiiarks on some paragraphs in Blackstone's Commentaries on the laws of Kuj^hiud relat- ing to the dissenters, [and] Answer to Black- stone's reply. Philadelphia, 1773. 8" . . . , 3525.20 — Short account of a chart of biography. [iSo title page.] n. p., n. d. b" *l*ph.v.347 rUIESTLL:Y 508 PRISON tibulf. Mo. Pkiestlky, J., continued. — Ormerod, 1*. Remarks on the I4th section of Dr. Priestley's Disquisitions on matter and spirit l'ph.v.357 — Smitli, J.P. Letters to T. Belsliam, on sub- jects referred to iu his discourse on .... 3409.23 — and others. Theological repository. London, 1784-95. Gv. fv. 1, ;>, 3ded.; v.si^ded.] S". C05G.21 Prigioniero, II, di Narva, di.nrio di un ItJtliano, trasciunto in cattivita dui Uussi, ClKM-i4). Lugano, 18.37. 12" 4764.7 Prima morum et pietutis pra;cepta. Ediuburgi, 1790. pp.24. 12° 4y:J9a.2G Pkimasius. Commeutariain t'pistolas Pauli ; Com- mcntariiin Apocalypsimlibriquinque. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 10] B.nO.2 PniMATT, H. Duty of mercy, and sin of cruelty to brutes. 5ee Toogood, J 5450a. 57 Prime, G. W. Sermon, April 16, lsG5, after the deathof president Lincoln. Detroit, istjo, 8°. *4342.4 Prime, T. Check list of shells of North Anierjra. [^Vashington. Smithsonian institution. 31is- cellaueous collections, V. 2] 3350.2 Pi:iME numbers and factors. Tables from 1 to 100,000. Hinkley, E 3936.-35 PiUMiTU-: poetices: sive ilUistrium veterumque pne- tarumsententia. Londini, 1733. pp.91. sm.W'. **4929a.l7 Prince, J. Discourse at Salem, on the day of the national fast, 3Liy 9, 1798. Salem, 1793. 8* . 5460a. 80 Prince, Nancy. Narrati\e of life and travels, by herself. 2d ed. Boston, 185^. 18° 2348.52 Prince, Niithan. Thecoustituliou and government of Harvard college, from Ui3i> to 1742. n. p., n. d. pp. 43. 4" 4387-7 Prince Edward Island. Dawson, J. Map of , . 4369a. 26 — Ilill, S. S. Short account of 23G8.I7 — Martin, R.M. History of 23G8.23 PniNCK of Wales. Sev Albert Kdward. PRiNCii society. Publications. Albany, 1805. 3v, Xameli/ .• — Hutcliinson, T. The Hutcliinson papers. 2v, 4315.2 — Wood, W. New-England's prospect .... 4315.3 I'liixcKs. Itegum priucipumque iustilutio. See Knnunga 3501.9 ri;iNCKTON, Mass. Celebration of the lOOth anni- versary of the incorporation, Oct. 20, 1^59. Including the address of <'. T. Puvsell, the poem of I'rof Erastus Everett, [etc.]. Wor- cester, 1860. S*" 4338.15 — History of. Uussell, C. T 4355.56 hiiiNciPLics of English granmuir. 22ded. London, 18:i!. pp.72. 24°. [IMunoek's catecliisms] . 7039.57 PRINCIPLES of Jinglish grammar and idiomatic sen- teuces, in English and Mariithi, 2d ud. Bombay, 1853. 12° 3038.10 PRINCLE, Air J., t ogede. [Vicq-d'Azyr. (Euvres, V.3] .3720.11 I'RINOI.K, T. Poetical works. With a sketch of his life, by L. Ritchie. London, 1838. ti" . 2560.14 Printing. Annuaire de rimprimerie, i860. See Paris. Cercle df lu llbniirie, etc 21 18.1 — Aner. A. Entdeekung de» Xaturselbstdruckea. 2200. 1 1 — Bodoni, G. B. !Munuale tlpogralico 2200.12 — Dupont, P. Ilistoire de I'imprimerie .... 2113. -^4 — Duprat, V. A. Ilistoire de I'imprimerie impe- riale de France 2113.17 — Duvcrger, E. Hlf-toire de I'lnvention de I'im- primerie 2110.22 — EuclIo, D. Notizie dl Gutenberg, Fust o SchuelTer 2112.15 Prey, A. Nouvoau miinuel de lypographle , , 4019.35 — lllHtory of the proci-sse.-* of numufucturc and useK of, by T. (;. IluUHHrd 4029.6 — Lulie, E. X. Specimen histuricum typo giuphJH- Roniume \v. Ha-culi 2tI4.2 — Lainbinet, 1'. Recherchei hUloriiineK, llltcral- ren et critiques fiir rorigine de rirupiimeru-. 'Jll.'l.m — LafSerua de .Smi lander, ( '. A. Ot Iginr' di-I*im ]»rlin<-rle 2111.20 Slielf. No. Printing, continued. — Lechi, L. Delia tipografia bresciann nel sec- olo XV 2200.14 — I.empertz, H. Bilder-Uefte zur Geschiclitc des Biicherhandels 2126.8 — Maittaire, M. Annales typogrnphici, ab arlis invent.-E origine ad annum 1064 2200.1 — Meermnu, G. Origines typographicie .... 2110.20 — Ruse, G. Printing and its accessories , , . , 2115.20 — Saunders and Ottley. Author's priuting and publishing assistant 2115.33 — Vernjizza di Ereney, G. Dizionario dei tipo- grati e dei principal! correttori ed intagliatori dei stati Sardi 2200.16 — Weigel, T. O. Anfange der Druckerkuust in BildundSchrift 2200.33 — Zapf, G. W. Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte von Mainz 2114.26 — Zeitsehrift fiir Buchdrucker. Sre Gutenberg . 5170.4 Sec ntso: BiliHogTaphy, Bonks, Brescia, Comino, G., Enprnvinp, tiheiit, IHuniinutioii, Ink, Lilliyprnjiliy, NuroiiibcrR, Paper ond paiivr making, Press, Stwreo- lypi*, I>pi-s. PRIOR, Sir J . The life of E. Malone, with selections from liis manuscript anecdotes. London, IhOO. 8° 2455.21 PRiop., M. Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poetsof Great Britain, V. 7] 4604.1 Contcufs. — Solomon, orthe viiiiiiy of tlie world; Alma, or tliG progrrcss of the mind; Uany and Emma; Odes; Epigrams; Translutions, etc. PuiOK, K. C. A. Ancient Danish ballads. London, 1860. 3v. 8° 2876.1 — On the popular mimes of British plants. Lon- don, 1803. 8" 3834.6 Pkiou, W. M, The king*s vesture. Comparatively applied to W. Miller. Boston, 1862. 12°. . 5458.14 Priscianus. Periegesis Diouysii. See Dionysius Periegetes B.IC2.9 Prison. Eay,J. D. Talcs of tlie 3575.24 — Ecmale lil'e in 3574.21 I'uisoN discipline. Adshcad, J. Prisons and pris- oners 4:i06.1 — Beaumont, G. A. de La Bonnitre de. Ame- rika's Besserungs-System 3575.33 — Bergstriisser, W. Die kuniglich sticlisischeu Strafanstalten 3575.19 — Buxton, T. F. Lupiiry whether crime be pro- duced or prevented, by our present system of. 3575.31 — Discipline of convict prisons. See Great Brit- ain. Department of justice. Surveyor-gen- eral of prisons 70bi;s, -E. De vita excellentium impcrutorum- •SVe Vitai vi\orum illustrium 41G0.J PROcKF.niNCrSof a convention of delegates, assem- lili'd Jan. '.'a, 1.145, to lake into consideration the proposed annexation of Texas. Boston, I8t5. pp. 18. 8° 6087. 29 PuocEEi>iNr;s of tlie friends of a rail-road to San Francisco, lioston, April 19, 1849. 3d ed. Boston, ISI9. pp. 24. 8° 0087.59 Pkuceeiungs of a public meeting in Bufl'alo, against closing the canal locks, [etc.], on Sunday. Bufl'alo, 185s. pp.8. s° . . . . B. 100a. 110 Pbochohus. De Johanne evangelista historia, Gr. et Lat. [Grynajus. 5lon. pair.] B.141.3 — De vita, miraculis, et assumptione B. Joaunis apostoli. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., v. 2]. B.I10.2 PiiOCLrs, abp. of Constantinople. Opera omnia. Lutetiie Parisiorum, l.s04. imp. 8". [Migne. Patrologia Grseca, V. 65j *5471.1 CotUenU. — Omtiones; HomiUfc ; EpiBtolm. Opera. [JIa.xima biblioth. vet. pair., v. 0] . . B.110.2 Contents. — Oraliones sx; Tractatua do tniditione Divin* Mis&a: ; Epistulic S. I'rocli et aliuruni ; Frug- mcuta. — Sanctis episcopis per Armeniam contra Xesto- riura epistola, Grsci; cum Dionysii Exi;^ui ver- sione Latiua. [tierold. Hareseolo^ia] . . B, 120.3 ProclL's Diadochus Lycius. Opera, ed. V. Cousin. Parisiis, 1820-27. 6v. 8° *0104.1 — Commentaries on the 1st book of Euclid; Res- toration of the IMatouic theology ; Theologi- cal elements, and life, by Marinus. Trans- lated by T. Taylor. London, 1788, 89. 2v. 4°. *4271.6 — Commentarii in Platonis 'timjeam et I'olitica, See I'lato 4190.7 — Hymni. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 2]. B.102.7 — - Same. See Orphica B. 109a. 3 — Hypotyposes astronomicarum positionum, Georgio Valla interp. [I'tolemieus. Opera omnia] 4283.1 — and Olympiodorus. In Platonis Alcibiadem commentarii. Graece edidit itemque eiusdem Proeli institutionem theologicam adjecit F. Creuzer. Erancofurti, 1820-22. 3v. in 1. 8°. 3008.9 PkocoI'IUS, deacon of Constantinople. Encomium in S. Slarcum evangelistam. [3Iigne. Pa- trologia (ira^ca, v. 100] 5472. (i PkocofiL's, of Ctfsnrea. XviK^ora on histoire se- crete de Justinien, [en grcc et en fran^jais]. Geographic du vie siiicle, [etc.], par 11. Isaui- bert. I'aris, 1850. Iv, in 2. h" 2994.32 — See Cousin. Histoire de Constantinople, v. 1,2 .. 1 2901.2 Content*. — Vol. I. Lob pnerres contro lea Peraes, lea Vaodalea, et lea (•oiba. II. L'biatoire m^lee, rbiatuirc ■ecrcte, lea ati livrca dcH edidcea. — Vandalica et Oottliica. [tirotius. Historia Gotthorum] 4S20a Shelf. No. Pkocopius, Of Gaza. Opera omnia. I.utetise Pa- risiorum, lSi:o. 3v. imp. 8°. [Sligne. l"a- trohigia Gncca, v. 87] *5I03.8 Canlcnta. — y(i\.\. ConimoiitariUB in Gpnesin ; Com- tnriitiirtl in Exodum, ill Levilieum, in Xumcroa, in Deut- erononiliim.iii librnm Josue, in Judices,inliI)roslloKiini, in runiliiiomenn; C'uninienlnriua in PrciVL'rbia Sulomo- nis, nb A. Muio Gnvce cdilus. Lilt. iiitL-rp. Migrne. II. C'uninicntariua in Caiiticum canticoruni, ex ed. A. Mail, eiini interp. MlBno; Kraprinentft t'jiisdi-m commentiirii ox alio codico ; Commentariua in Isaiam prophetam, ex ed. J. Cnrterii; Epistola? ab A. Maio editn>, cum interp. Slipiie. HI. Pane^'ricus AnastaMiimp., Oncce ab J. B. C. Aiissio a Villoisune primnm ed., Gr. el I.nt. in collect. IJyzaiitina, Bonnie, 1820 j Descriptio basilicffi Sanctie- Sopbia.', ex ed. F. Coinbcfiaii; Monodia in eamdem ba- silicain tememolu collapsam. ex ed. J. Iriarte. — See Mai. Class, anct., v. 4, 0, 9 B.I72.3 Contents. — Xo\. IV. Epiatolai centum etcjuntuor. VI. Commeiitarius in Genesini usquo nd cap. xvill; Fia"- montnm in Canticuni Salumonia. IX. Coninicntiiriiis in Salomonia Pioverbia ; Catena veterura palrura in C.inti- cum cauticonim, Procopius, presbyter Tyrorum. Commentariua de Lxx discipulis et xii apostolis. [Migae. PatrologiaGra'ca, V. .so] 6462.6 Procter, A. A. Poems. lioston, 1801. 10' . . . 2564.29 Proctkr, B. W. Life and writings of Ben Jon- son. See Jonson, B 2504.6 Prodigies. Ca;sarias Heisterbacensis. Dialogus miraculorum 6100.10 — Kornmann, H. De miraculis mortuorum . . 0;oila.2 — - De miraculis vivorum 0109a.2 — Salverte, E. I'hilosophy of apparent miracles. 0100.8 — Wolf, J. Lectionum memorabilium centenarii -^^■1 • 4150.5 Progress. Arnott, N. Survey of human progress. 3504.26 — Seaman, E. C. Essays on the progress of na- tions 4290.27 — - Supplement to Essays on the progress of nat'ons .3500. .37 — Shipp, B. Progress of freedom 2397.18 — Slack, H.J. Pliilosophy of progress in human •ili'ii'rs 3568.32 — Theory of human progression 4300.20 ProgrI'.ss of nations, The, or the principles of na- tional development in their relation to states- manship. London, 1801. 8° 3504.27 Proiile, H. Weltliclie und geistlichc Volkschau- spiele. Aschersleben, 1855. 10° 4219a. 6 I*ROJECTiLES. Ballistica, et acoutismologia. Mer- senne, 31 5913.2 Pbojectio.n. Poncelet, J. v. Traite des proprictis projectives des figures 5921.40 — Puissant, L. Tlieorie des projections des ciirtes 5922.40 Projienade k la Sorbonne, suivi d'un essai de la biographic de M. Michelet. Par M. M. \. Paris, 1843. pp.48. 8° *4163.13 PuoMHTiiEUS und sein Mythenkreis. See Weiske, 1*- 6072.5 Promises of Scripture. Alleine.J. View of the. 3440. 08 — Promises of Scripture, collected under their proper heads, by S. Clarke. See Bible. Selec- tions from the wliole Bible 3429.38 Pronoun. Apollonij Dyscoli de prouomine liber. Wolf, F. A 4965.8 Pbosunciation. Jennison, J. Lessons in or- tlioepy 45S9a.48 — Walker, J. Classical pronunciation 4569.35 Propertius, S. a. Elegiarum libri iv. See Ca- tullus, C. V 4919a. 25 — Vila, ex I'etro Crinito; Opera. [Gottlried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.IU1.9 Property. Comte, F. C. L. Traiti- de la propri- etc 4280.5 — Guns, E. Leber die Grundlage des Bcsitzes . 4305.9 See also: Insurance, Real eetate. Property and income, Matters relating to. See Gui.le 6049a. 2 PROrHECIES 510 PROUD Shelf. No. Prophkcies. Aptlioip.E. Discourses on propliccy. 3434.12 — General delusion of Cliristiuns toudiiug propli- ecy 60a5.24 — Kurd, R. Study of the 34315.58 — Knobel, A. Frophelisimis der Hcbraer . . . «02S.3 — Newton, T. DisserliUions on tin- . .34:ili.3, nnd fiO'.T.* - Wintlirop, E. Ks^ay on prophetic symbols . 3431i.2a Sec al^o: Bible. PROsPKCr, The; a view of politics. Wright, C. . 4310a. 71 Piiospk<;tl-s, A, for the establishment of a con- cordium; or an industry liarmony college. London, 1841. pp. 8. b° *4103.1O PROSPaR, St., of Aquitaine. De promissionibus et priedictiouibus Dei; De vita contemphuiva ; De libero arbitrio; Epigramraaton liber ; De providentia Dei, carmen; De injjratis, car- men; Expositio in Psalraos; De vocatione gentium ; Ad Demetriadem virginem, de hu- militate et superbia; Chronicon. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. patr., v. 8] B.no.2 Clironicon integrum ab Adaino ad Komnm cap- tain iiGenserico. [L'anisius. Tliesnurus, v.l]. 4140.3 De libero arbitrio, adversus collectatorem. [Herold. Ha-reseologia] B.120.3 — Kxcerplum ex libro. Quantum reniedii hubeat confe.-sio peccatorum. [Canisius. Tliesau- rus, V.2, p. ^] 4140.3 PltoSTlTUTION. See Our plague spot 3574.11 PuuTiiCTioN I'S. free trade, national wealth vs. na- tioual poverty. Ward, E. B 604(J.1G Pkotectiv k system. Considerations on the etlects of protecting duties v. 4of247S.3 — Everett, A. U. Britisli npiuion^ on the . . .laaOa.S'J Hiibner, F. O. Die Irrthiimer des Schutz-.Sye- tems 4280.8 Letter to the liiieu-manufucturerB of Ireland outhe V. 4 of 2478.3 Pkotkst.\nt episcopal chnrcli of the United States. Debates and i)roceedings of the general tri- euniiil convention held in Philadelpliia, Oct. 4-24,1805. Vol. 1 of "The reporter." Phila- delphia, [180.)]. 4° 5541.1 — Hymns set forth in the years of our Lord 1789, 1808, and 1820. n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] I.S° 6440.15 _ Ilynina, suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, and other occasions of public wor- ship. Philadelphia, 1800. s' 3543.2 — Journals of the grner.il conventions, from 1785 to 1853 inclusive. Wilh notes and apjien- dircs, by K. L. Hawks mid W. .S. I'erry. Vol. 1. [17S5-180S.] Philadelphia, 1801. 8° . . . .')517.1 — Journal of the iiroceedinga in geiienil conven- tion, 1"5», 50, 02, liS. Philadelphia, H51-05. 4v. 6° 6647.2 Organization of Hie house of the clerical and lay deputies, lwi2. N. v., 1802. pp.18. 10° .5540a. 34 Proci-'edings ol the «-ourt eouveiicd lor the trial <»f Kt. Hev. B. T. Ouderdiuik. New York, 1845. 8° *Pph.v.3S0 _ psulins, in metre [with hymns set forth, 17S9, 1808. and 1820]. Nc-w York, 18:13. 24° . . . 3440.29 Kelections from the I'salnisol David, In metre. New York, n.d. 24° 5449a. 1 Spirit of missions. Vol. 1-30. New Y'ork, 18.!a- a. 30V. 8° *7515.1 — While, W. Memoirs of the 3540.7 — Wilnier, W. II. Doctrine, discipline, and wor- ship 6448.19 dee aUo: KiiKltniil, ('liurch uf. rnoTliST.VNT episcopal church of the fonfrderate .StateH. I'UHtorul l(-tt(-r from the bishops to the cUr^jy, delivered Nov. 22, 1802. [Au- gusta, 18..2.] pp.10. 8° 4340b. 18 _ - Same. [New York), n. d. pp.16. 8° . .434UU.1S I'lloTKHrANT epir.copiil cliurch in tile Eastern dio- cese, .loiinial ol' the pr4. b" . . . 5460a. 34 Proudiion, V.J. Kssiiis: de la justice dans la ri'volution et dans I'cglise. Kouv. 6d. JJru- xdles, 1800, 61. 4v. n'* 35GS.27 CENrE. Sapientia iiugeliea de divlna provi- dentia. Swedenborg, K 5545. G PuoviiiEXCE, li. I. Proceedings of the city coun- cil on the death of A. Lincoln; with tlie ora- tion delivered June 1, by W. Binuey. Provi- dence, 1^65. pp.56, 8° *434J.(> — Tenth annual report on the births, deaths and marriages, for ISiH. [2d ed.] Providence, 1805. pp.40. 8° 6335.22 — Brown university. Celebration of the one hun- dredth anniversary, Sept. 6, 1864. Provi- dence, 1605. 8* 4397.21 — - Early history of. Guild, R. A 2.387.18 — - Class of 1861. Oration and poem, delivered on class day, June 13, 1861. Providence, 1861. 8* 2387.19 — Butler hospital for the insane. Reports of the trustees and superintendent, Jan. 28, 1803. Providence, 1803. pp.34. 8° 7737.1 — First light infantry company. Commemoration of Washington's birth-day, Feb. 22, 1861. Providence, 1801. pp. 24. 12" 4.330a. 9 — St. John's Lodge, No. 2. Address delivered on the centennial anniversary, by O. M. Ran- dall. Poem, by C. C. Van Zandt. Provi- dence, 1857. 8' 3567.40 PROVIDESCE directory. By Carlile and Brown. Providence, 1826. pp.88. 12° 4-389.4 Prudentius, a. C. Opera omnia, ex editioue Par- mensi cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini. Londioi, 1824. 3v. 8° B.177.17 Contents. — Vol. I. Catliemorinon liber; Peristephanon liber; Apotfaeosii); Hamnrtigi^Dia. tl- Fsycliomachia; ReUtio SinDtnachi ; Sancti Ambrouli ppistola ad Valcnti- nlanum; Prudeolii contra SymniBCbi orntioncm lib«r I, II ; Diptychon. II, III. XoUe variorum ; Index. Shelf. No. pRUDENTius, A. C, continued. — Psycomachia; Cathemerinon libor; Periste- phanon liber; Apotheosis; Anmrtigenia; Con- tra Synimuchum libriduo, [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 5] B. 110.2 — Vita; Opera. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.]. B. 191. 9 PRUDENTIUS Galindo, St., bishop of Troyes. An- nales Bertiniaui. [Frankfurt. Societas,etc., V. 1] 4210.2 — De pra-destinatione, contra Joanm'm Scotiim Erigenum ; Tractoria; Kpistula ad llincnia- rum et Pardulura. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 15] B.110.2 — De pra?destinatione, contra Joannem Scotnm Erigenam, [Quatremaire. Auctorumipii ix. sa-culo de praidestinatione scripserunt, v. IJ. 0001.5 PRUDHOMME, L. Voyage de Tancien et du nouveau Paris. Nouv. t-d. Paris, 1815. 2v. 18° . . 2034.18 PiiUSSi.v. Barnard, U. Military schools in . . . 5592.6 — Biedermann, C. Geschichte des ersten preus- sischen Reichstags 4210.7 — Brockhaiis, F. A. Deutsche Bliitter, 1812-16, 2839.4 — Droysen.J. G. Geschichte der preu«sibchen I'olitik 2823.25 — Eggers, C. U. D. Ueber Preusseus Regener- ation 2819.9 — Forster, F. Neuere und neueste preussische Geschichte 2823.21 — Fourcault, F. Le canon raye prussien . . . . 3955.17 — Hoffmann, J. G. DieBevoIkerungdespreussi- schen Staats zu Ende, 1837 48.33.2 — Kuhn, A. MiirkischeSagen und MUrchen . . 4224.7 — Lombard, J. G. JMateriaux pour servir a This- toire des ann^es 1805-7 2836.20 — Manso, J. C. F. Geschichte des preussischen Staates, 176.3-1SI5 4210.14 — Mentelle, E. Atlasde Lamonarchie prussienne. 2830.6 — Merian, M. Topographiaelectoratus Branden- bnrgici et ducatus Pomeraniae 4261.3 — Meseritz, L. F. v. Kakodiiraon des preussi- schen Staats 2819.9 — Pel z, PL Die Dorfgerichte in Preussen . , . . 4289.46 — Rapport sur les prisons de Prusse. 5ee France. Ministry of the interior 7010.16 — Bobbins, E. Public instruction in .3599.29 — Riistow, W, Preussische Militairbudget fiir 1862 2823.30 — Stenze!,G. A. H. Geschichte des preussischen Staats 4210.3 — Streit, F. W. Post Charte der preussischen Staaten 2834.26 — Tetlau, \V. J. A. Die Volkssagen Ostpreus- sens, Litlhauens und Westpreussens . . . . 4224.8 — Topographische Charte von Preussen. ^ee Re- pertoiium 2833.3 — Vater, J. S. Die Sprache der alten Preussen . 2885.13 — Vehse, C. E. Geschichte des preussischen Hofs und Adels und der preussischen Diplomatie. 4819.2 — Zechnert, W. Preusseus Volkssagen 4224.27 Seealso: Altniark,Beichlingen, Berlin, Brandcnbiirp, Breslau, Konigsberg:, Lithuania, Livnoja, Neuss, Pom- eraiiia, Uugen, Saioiiy, Silesia, Treves. Prussic acid, Use of, in diseases of the breast. Magendie, F 3795.37 Prutz. K. E. Literarhistoriches Tascheubuch. Jahrg. 1-5. Leipzig, l84;i-47. 5v. 8" . . . 4210.6 Pruyn, J. V. L., and others. Reply to president Lincoln's letter of June 12, 1863. [Hand- book of the democracy for 1803-04] 4310.1 PRZIPCOVIUS, S. Cogitationes sacra ad initium Euangelii Matthiei et omnes epistolas apos- tolicas. Nee non tractatus varii argumenti. EIeutheropoli[Amste]odami],1692. f°.v.9uf B.*141.1 fon/en/a. — Coeitaticnes ad initium Matthrel et epis- tolas apostolicus; Dtssertatio de Concordia ecclesim; Api'logeticon adverausaatyram Uanielis Heynsii ; Apo- logia pro principe Itadivilio; Panegyricua; Vita FaustI Sucini ; DiBsertatio Fausti Socini operibus preniiltenda ; Judicium de libello Cichovii ; Apologia eiulum Polo- pRzircovius 512 FUFENDORF PRZIPCOVICS. S., continued. nite ad eleotorcm Erandebureicum; Hypernspistes, Beu dcfensio npologiir nb nfflictis in Poloniu. etc.; Ani- mndversioncs apologelicne in J. A. Comenii libellum; Responsio ad scriptum Goorpii Nemiricii ; Appendix; Dcmonstratio quod neque Pater Cliristi per mctaphoram Filter, neque Filiiia fjus, unigcuitua, p«r enndcm meta- ptaoram Filius dici queat aut dwlieat; Ueligio vindi- caia a cnluraniia athoismi; AniiimdvcrsioTii.'S in libellum de qaalitaie rtgmi Jcsu Cliristi ; De jure christionl nia^stralus el ]iri%-atoruiii in belli pticisque negotiis; Apologia prolixior tractntiis de jure christtani magis- tr»tus; Vinditiie tractatus de mnpistrntu contra objec- tiones Danielis Zwickeri ; Index rcrum et verborum. FsALMANAZAR,G. Historical and g:eographical de- scription of Formosa. :ided. London, 1705. 8" 3049.2 PSALM-B(EK, voor die tot die evangelische broeer- kei'k behoorende neger-<,'i.'nieenten na S. Croix,S.Thoniasen S.Jan. Barby, 1784. 8°. 0007.8 Psalmody. Adams, J. S. Psalms of life .... 0007.7 — Adams, N. Church pastorals 5HJ.0 — Ancifnt harmony revived 8017.11 — Baker, H. F. Church music 8047.22 — Barnes, L. B. Congregational harp ti047.-'5 — Continental harmony 8047.20 Emerson, L.O. Golden harp 8047. :i9 — Evangelische liedereu 0007.11 — Gould, X. D. Social harmony 8043,1 Hastinf?s,T. Spiritual songs for social worship. 5449a. 17 — Heuberer, C. F. Sabbath harp 8047. :;S Holdon.O. Union harmony 8047. ."^5 Ives, E., jr. American psalmody 8047.30 Johnson, A. N. Bay state collection of clmrch music 8047.20 Johnson, J. C. Thccherub: songsfor Sabbath schools SO40a.2 — Leav!tt,J. Christian lyre 34^9.34 Madan, M. Lock hospital collection of tunes. 8043.18 — Mason, L. Juvenile lyre ■ ... 5419.1 _ xhe psaltery; a new collection of church music 8047.57 — rai*l;ard, J. B. One key singer 804r.45 — Sacred songs, in 5Iahrattu 5440.5 — Selection of ancient Psalm melodies 804:i.4 — Taylor, V. C. Thecclestina 8047.23 — - The golden lyre 8047.21 White, E. I.. Church melodist 8047.24 _ llarmoiiia^acia 8047.19 _ - Mudt'rn harp 8047.14 — WliitH'inure, T. The Gospel harniunisT ; a cnl- lection of sacred music 8047. ."lO — Williams, W. The Sabbath school JSO47.40 — Worcester collection of nacred liarmony . . . 8047. 3t> — Zeuner, C. American harp Mi47.17 _ - Ancit-nt lyre 8017.12 PsEl-LUs,]^I.C. .SVeBoissonnde. Anccdota (Jr., v. l.B. 101.3 Parapbrasis in Cantirum canticnrum, interp. A, Schotto e F. Ziiio; iJialogusdedrenionumen- crKla.in Latiuum transfiisusper I'.Morellum. [Maxima biblioth vet. pntr., V. 18] B.110.2 llj,o\aiiiln">iiiva tis Tni' pv»niKtiv tniaTTiiir\v. See Westphal, U 2085.20 PsKirnoNYMiii's authors. Melzl, 0. Dizionario di opcre ps'-udonime di scritturi ilaliani . . 2144. 12 _ Weller, E. Index pseudonymorum 2144.20 PsKUDONVMots hnprints. Die falscben und fingir- ten Drnckorte. Weller, E 2144.10 P,sYrii<'i.<«>-ayn on 3903.24 — Krjiuse,C. C'. F. Vorksungm illterpsyehlRcho Anlhrnpologie 0005.8 — .Manwi'I, H. L. P»ychologIcttl chanictor of log- * iciil prncettses 3007.21 — MelnerM, C. Dcnkkriiftn und Wlllenskriifte des MenKchen 6007.21 Shelf. No. Psychology, continued. — Ferty, M. Mystische Erscheinungen der men- pchlichen r^atur 5007.5 — Scbultz-Schultzenstein, C. H. Die Bildung des menschlicheu Geistes 0100.2 — Spencer, H. Principles of 5603.13 See also: Dreams, Instinct, Intellcptual science, Meta- physics, Mind, Philosophy, Phrenology, Soul. PSYCHROMETRY. Psychro metrical table. Coffin, J. H. 30.50.2 Ptolem.kus, C. Omnia, qvje extant, opera, geo- graphia excepta. Basilea, 1541. f .... ^4283.1 — Geographicae ennrratiouis libri octo, B. Pii'ck- heyrahero interprete, annotationes J. De He- giomonte. [Argentoragi, 1525.] f° •2280.7 A'ote. — Bnineteays: "J. Htiltichius passo pour avoir dirige cetto C-ditiun d'apres laquelle M. Ser^-et a donu6 la sienne." CoUalion. — 82 folios numbered, then Unot nnmhered, then .11 of index, then 49 maps. These are diviiK-d into t^vo sets. Ancient and modem. The last, dated l.'>22, has the name "America" upon a representalioii of South America. — Geographical enarrationis libri viii. Ex. B, Pirckeymeri trnlatione, scd a M. Villanouano [Serveto] iam primum recoguiti. Adircta insuper ah codem scholia. Lvgdvni, 1535. f. *4I40.4 — La googratia. nuouamente tradotta di greco in italiauo da G. Rvscelli» con exposilioni del medesimo. Venetia, 1501. 2v. in 1. 4" . . *4I52.2 — Buttmann, P. C. Ueber den Ptolemiius in der Anihologie und den Klaudius I'tolemiius . B. 170a. 92 — Heeren, A. H. L. Dc fnntibus geographico- rum Ptolema-i 4102.21 — Nobbe, C. F. A. Litteralura geogrnphiaa Pto- lenifcere B. 170a. 108 — - Priores schedaj Ptolema-ex, archreologicK critical et grammatics B 170a. 1 in — - Schcdre Ptolema?ete B.170u.l07 — Voemcl, J. T. De loco Ptolemjvi geogr. in. 2, 12, emcudando, ubi de Philippopolis et Ca- byles situ agitur 4103.39 Ptoi.km.tu'S Chennus, or Ptolemieus llcpha'stion. NovK ad varinm eruditionem historiie. Gr. ct Lat. AVetiaU', T 0072.14 PiMi.EM.KUS Hiereticus. Epistola ad Florum. [Grabe. Spicileglum] 0029.3 Ptolkm.v.us Torcellensis [et Lucensis]. Annales, ab anno looo usque ad annum 1303. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. Vfi] B.110.2 Punnc characters of 1798-1801. J.ondon, 1799-1801. 2v. 8' 2.547.3 Prnnc worship. Horst, G. C. Veredlung des protostantischen (Jottesdienstes 0008.23 — King, W. Inventions of nien in the worship of (iod 6457.14 Pi'HLisiiKKs' circular. London, 1837-04. 27v. 8". •2164.1 rufHMAYK.n, A. I. Lehrgebiiude der russischen Sprache. Wohlfeile Ausg. Prag, n. d. 8*.*41H.14 — - Same. Prag, 1820. 8" *4120.1 rdricLEK-MusKAU, H. L. H. V. Tour in England, Ireland, and France, in 182(W.'9. Philadel- phia, ia33. 8' 2274.18 PUEUPiCKAL fever. noIme.i, O.W. The contagious- ness of 6790. .30 — - Puerperal fever, as a private jiesl Hence . . 4205.1 — Hugenberger, T. Das I'urrperallicbcr im St. Pelershurger Uebammen-Instilute, 1845-59. 3773. IS — La Territre, V. de S. Didsertiitiou on the. M.Pph.v.1-0 — Leake, .). Child-bed fever 3773.20 — Simpson, J. Y. Analogy between puerperal and HUrgiCal fever 5707.14 PL'FENiiokf, S. v. De consensv et dissensv prot- estanlivm. Krancofvrti, 1710. pni-N" . . .11.117.10 — Kxereitatio poslhuma, von der Einigkeit niid Dneinigkeit iler I'rotestanten, vertheidiget diircli Apologt'lam poslhundiim. n. p., 1090. P1I.57. 12" *0o50a.l6 PUFENDORF 513 PUTNAM I bbelf. No. rrFKNDORF, S. v.» coiitinned. — Introduction h I'histniro moderne de Tunivers ; nuamt'iiti'e par Uruzen de lii Martinih-e. Nouv. t'd., piir 5t. de Grace. Paris, 1753-59. 8v. 8° G2I2.2 — De i\ re nntvmc ct gtntivm libri octo. Accodit eris Scandica. lUustnivit G. Mascovivs, Francofvrti, 1750. 2v. 4* 4300.13 — Lc droit do la nature et dcs pens, trnduit du latin par J. Itarbeyrac, avec dos notes, [etc.]. Nouv. ed. Basle, 1771. 2v. 4" . . 3G13.5 — De officio liominis et civis juxta legem natu- ralem libri duo. Kd. 2a. Uolmiic, 16S9. sm.1*^'° "OOCOa-lO — Reli^^lous-Kecht, aus dem Lateiniscben iiber- eetzt. Frankfurt, KiDO. sm.S' *C050a.l5 rCFFER, K. Discourse on revealed religion, May 11, ^SOS, at the lecture founded by l\ Dudley. Cnnibridpe, INOS. b" 54G0a.Gl — Sermon nt tlie annual convention of congrega- tional ministers of Massachusetts, May 30, ISll. Boston, 1811. 8° *4357.9 — Sermon before V. Strong, goveraor, [etc], May 25, 1S03, the day of the general election. Bos- ton, 1803. 8" *435G,S PCGH, G. K. Speech to 50,000 voters who resolved to elect Vnllandighnm governor of Ohio. [Ifandbook of the democracy for 1863, G4] , 4350.1 ITGIX, A. X. W., Recollections of. See Kerrey, B. 4095.8 I'lTGNA jiorcoruni: an alliterative poem. Le Plai- pant, J. L B.irob.llO Puissant, L. Theorie des projections des cartes. I'aris, ISIO. 4" 5922.40 — and I'eytier, E. Description geometrique de la France. Paris, 1832-53. 3v. 4'. [France. Ministry of war. Memorial du depot general de hi guerre, V. G, 7, 0] *3950.17 Pujol, L., and Van Norman, D. C. Complete Frencii class-book. New York, 18G0. 8" . . 4683.3 Pulaski. Fort, Siege and reduction of. See United States 3953.22 PCLCI, L. 11 lioretto di Blorgante e Margvtte. Di nuouo correlto e ristampato. Fireuze, i(?.i.<. 31 leaves. sm.8° *4S09a.45 — Morgante maggiore [con elogio da G. Pelli]. Milano, 1806. 3v. 8°. [Classici italiaui, v. 30-:f2] **4S02.1 — La lieca da Dicomano. [Ferrario. Poesie rusticali] 4808.11 — Novella. - [RaccoUadi novellieri italiani, v. Ij. 2773.14 — Un Sauese per entrare in graziu del pupa invita ua suo cortigiauo a ceua, ec. [Kaccolta di novelle, v. :;] 4S0S.12 PULKOWA. Librorum in bibliothcca speculaePul- covensis anno 1858 exeunte conteutorum cat- alogus systematicus. Ed, curavit O. Struve. I'etropoli, 1800. 1.8° 213S.16 PuLLKYN, W. Portfolio of origins and inventions. Revised by M. A. Thorns. London, 1861. 12°. 2192.15 PULMAX, G. P. K. Kudlic sketches; being rhymes ou angling, etc., in the dialect of the west of England. AVitU notes and a glossary. Lon- don, lNi3. pp.78. 12% [Bell, Tracts, V. 2].*458G. 20 PuLMONAitY tuberculosis, Treatment of. Bennett, J.U 3794.12 See aUo: ConeampUon, Plithisis. PCLPiT eloquence. See Homiletics. PCLTKNKY, R. sketches of the progress of botany in England. London, 1790. 2v. 8° . . , . 3855.13 PuLTENKY, W., earl of Bath. See Craftsman, JS'ote 4519.1 Punch, or the Loudon charivari. London, I841-C2. 48v. in 35. 4" *3152.3 Punch's comic songster. New York, n. d. 24" . 4169a. 19 PusciiAUi), G. History of Congregationalism, 2d ed. New York, 1805. 2v. l:;" 5519.7 — View of congiegatiunaIi;^m, its principles and doctrines. Willi an introductory essay by II. b. oiorrs. 4th ed. Boston, laf-O. 1:^° . . . 3.->44.1G G5 Shelf. No. Punic language. Gesenitis, F. If. TV. Palaograph- isehe Studien iiber punische Sehrift .... 5034.21 — Mains, J. H. Specimen lingua; Punioa; inhod- iernu Melitensiuni superstitis 4710.1 Punishment. See Crime and punishment. PUNISIIMKNT, Future. Hastings, H.L. Future pun- ishment 54G9.20 — King, T. S. The doctrine of endless punish- ment unchristian 5466.1 — Kneeland, A. Discussion on eternal punish- ment 3453.46 PURCKi.L, E. S. "Writings and character of A. N. AV. Pugin. See Ferrey, B 4095.8 PURCKLL, IE Orpheus Britanuicus. A collection of the choicest songs, witli symphonies and thoi-ough-bass. London, 1098-1702. 2v.ini. sm.f *8041.28 PunciiARiJ. Carmen de gestis Witigowonis abbatis. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc, v. 4] 4210.2 Purgative medicines. La purgation dirig^e con* tre la cause des maladies. Leroy,L 3799.21 PuKiCELLi, G. P. Ambrosiana; Mediolaui basilica ac monasterii, hodie Cistersiensis,monnmcn- torum singularis descriptio. [Gravius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 4, p. 1] 4710.1 PuiiITANS. Hall, E. The puritans and their prin- ciples 3526.2 — Niemeyer,H. A. Puritanorum libri symbolici. 6065.16 — Pepoli, C. Les pnritains et les cavaliers . . . 8059.3 — "W^oods, L. Theology of the 547ua.36 See also: Dissenters, Noncouformista. Purpose of existence, popularly considered, in rela- tion to the origm, development, and destiny of the human mind. London, IHJO, 16'. . G108.10 PusEY, E. B. Do all to the Lord Jesus. A sermon. Boston, 1804. Hi" 51G0a.35 — The holy eucharist, a comfort to the penitent. A sermon in Oxlbrd, before the university. New York, 1843. 8° *Pph.v.379 — Patience and confidence, the strenjjth of the church. A sermon. 2d ed, Oxford, 1838. 8° *Pph.v.385 PusEYiSM. Green, L. W. Popery and Puseyism. 5159a.35 — Mcllvaine, C. P. Oxford divinity compared with that of the Romish and Anglican churches 3451.0 PUTEANUS, E. See Fatten, E. van der. FUTUTZ, G. H. G. E. zu. Was eich der Wald er- ziihlt. Ein Marchenstrauss. Boston, 1864. pp.62. 16" 4878.10 PUTNAM, A. P. A happy new yeur. Sermon at Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 1, IftGo. New York, 1805. 8° 5-!60a.l07 — Sermon occasioned by the death of Rev. G. Bradford, preached Feb. 27, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8° 4347.3 — Sermon occasioned by the death of E. Everett, preached Jan. 22, L'^OS. New York, I8(i5. 8". 4341.22 Putnam, D. Letter to Maj.-Gen. Dearborn, repell- ing his unprovoked attack on tlie character of the lale Maj.-Gen. Putnam. Boston, lbI8. pp. 12. b" 4325.49 Putnam, G. Address at the consecration of the cemetery at ForestHills, June 28, 1S48. Rox- bury, 1848. 8° B. 170a. 24 — Address at the funeral of the Rev. G. Whitney, April 6, 1842. Boslon, 1842. 8" 4347.120 — Address on the life and character of H. A. S. De;irborn, Sept. 3, 1851. Roxbury, 1851. b". 4348.9 — Address, Oct. 28, 1804, at the funeral of Brig.- Gen. C. R. Lowell. [Cambridge, 1S04.] 8° . 4347.63 — Discourse at Roxbury, fast day, April 0,1843. Boston, 3843. b" 51(;0a.G2 — Discourse on the death of W. II. Harrison. Boston, 1841. b' *Pph.v.3S2 — Godandourcountry : adiscourse, April 8, 1847. 2dL'd. Boston, 1847. 8" 54G0a.62 — The man and the soldier. Boston, 1861. pp.17. 24° 4330a. 4 PUTNAM 514 QUARTERLY hhoir. No. PUTKA5I, G., continued. — Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Uarvard university, Aug. 29, ISH. Boston, 1844. 8° 1394.30 — Our political idolatry : a discourse, April fi, 1S43. Boston, 1S43. 8° 5460a.68 — Sermon at the annual election, Jan. T, 1S4(>. Boston, ISIO. 8° »Pph.T.370, .and*4350.12 — Sermon at the funeral of Key. E. Porter, Dec. 11, 1S33. Boston, 1834. 8° 4348.4 — Sermon, Dec. 7, 1850, the Sunday following the burial of Rev. E. Peabody. Boston, ISjfl. 8°. 4317.78 — [Remarks upon an oration delivered at Cam- bridge by G. Putuam, before the Phi Beta Kappa society, Aug. 29, 1841.] Boston, 1811. pp. .35. 8° 1391.76 — [Review of Rev. Dr. Putnam's discourse deliv- ered on fast day, entitled God and our coun- try.] Boston, 1817. pp. 23. 8° 5160a. 62 PuTSAM, Mrs. H. Dana, D. Sermon occasioned by the death of Pph.v.378 — French, J. Discourse at the funeral of . . . Pph.v.37S Putnam, Israel. Grosvenor, L. Life of 4317.91 — Humphreys, D. Life and heroic exploits of . 2.348.62 Putnam, D. Letter to Maj. -Gen. Dearborn, re- pelling his attack on the character of . . . . 4355.49 PUTKAM, Israel W. Farewell sermon, March 15, 1835, at Portsmouth, N. H. Portsmouth, 1835. 8° *Ppll.v.379 — Sermon, Nov. 19, 1828, at the dedication of the Pleasant Street church in Portsmouth . Ports- mouth, 1829. 8° Tpb.v.375 Pl'TSAM, S., Life and character of. See Bartol.C.A. 5410a. 20 PUTNAJi, W. L., Sermon after the funeral of. See Bartol, C. A 1310a. C PuTTEN, E. van der. Historix Cisalpina) libri duo. [Grairiua. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 3,p. 2] .. 1710.1 PiJTTER, C. T. Beitriige zur Vijlkerrcchts-Ge- schichte und Wissenschaft. Leipzig, 1813. g» 1293.10, and V. 1 of *1295. 20 — Das praktische europiiische Fremdenrecht. Leipzig, 1845. 8° 4294.19 PUttek, J. S. Gelehrte-Geschichte von der Georg- Angustus-Universitiit zu Gottingeu. Fortgc- setzt [v. 3 und 4] von J. C. F. Saalfcld und G. II. Oesterley. Giittingen, 17C5-1S.38. 4v. 6°.*2813.10 — Litteriitur dcs teutschen Staatsrechts. [Vol.1] fortgcsetzt von J. L. Kliiber. Gottingeu, 1770-91. Iv. 8° *2151.18 I'UTTKKI.K'K, L. See Nees von Escnbcck. Genera pluutarum llora; Ocrmanicic, V. 1, 5, . . . . .3857.1 Puttu:k and Sinii>son. Catalogue of autograph letters sold by auction, March 10-13, 1862. London, 1802. 8° *2112.13 Puymaiouk, T. dc. Les vieux auteurs castillans. Paris, 1801, 02. 2v. 12° 3003.12 ConttnttK. — Voi.J. Introdurtlon; ro6mo9 et clironl- \ quc» Bur lo Cid ; ApoUuiiiiis : Gmii/.(II. Lolulon, 1864. 8° . *21.39.14 QUARTERLY journal of iuicr»).scopieal science. A'ol. 2-1,7-12. London, l^.'il-IH. 9v. s° . . . . »6878.1 (JUARTKRLY nHiHlciii ninuazlue and review. ^'oI. 1-10. London, 181t-2«. lov. 8" M046.14 QUARTERLY 515 QUfNCY I Sholf. No. QirAP.TKKLT review. Vol. 1-113. Loudon, 1800-03. 113v. f>' *31H.I Xote. Ttio (mlox to v. 1-19 forma v. 20; luilox to v. 20.;n» forms V. 4U; Iii. 2v. 5° '*2163.4 — Les Robespierre. Monographic bibliographi- que. raris, 1803. pp.44. 8° 2163.10 — Les supercberies Utteraires devoil^es. Galerie des auteurs apocrypbes, [etc.J. Tome cin- qui^nie et dernier. Faris, 1853. 8" .... *2144.5 — Critique sur. .See Le Roy, A 2163.6 QUEKBEUF, or Qncrbocuf, Y. iVI. M. de. Essai his- torique sur lu personiie et les ecrits de Fi*n6- loQ. [Fenelon. Uiuvres, v. 1] 4189.12 QUESNKF,, frires. liistoire de rudrairable Dom Inigo Dc Guipuscoa. ^'ouv. ed., augmentee de TAuti-cotton [par C. dc Flaix], et de This- toire critique de cc fameux ouvragc [par P. MarchandJ. La llaye, 1738. 3v.ini. sm.S'.*4709a.3 QUKSNEL, P. Lettrea inedites. See Val^ry, A. C. 4187.3 Question, La, del'esclavagc aiix £tats-Unis. La llaye, 1802. pp.65, ft^ 4310a. 21 QtLSTiuN.La, mexicame et la colonisation ffan- ^aise. Londres, 1864. pp. 40. 8' 43J4.1 Shelf. No. Question of war with Great Britain, examined upon moral and Christian principles. Boston, 1SU8. pp. 14. 8" 4318.20 Question, The, before us. Boston, 1862. pp. 12. 8°.4340a.22 QuiiSTioN, Tlie, Will the Christian religion be rec- ognised as the basis of the system of public instruction in Massachusetts ? discussed. Boston, 1830. pp.25, 8" , . . 6088.80 QUKSTioNs and expositions of slavery, obtained from those who have experienced it, by the author, n, p., n. d. pp.13. 8° B. 160b. 24 QufeTEi.E T, L. A. J. Sur la possibility dc mesurer rintluence des causes qui modlfieut les ele- menssociaux. Bruxelles, 1832. pp. 28. 8". 5567.10 QUEVRDo y Villegas, F. G. de. Obras. iSrvsellas, 1660-71. 4v. 4" *4252.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Hiatoria y vida de Mnrco Bnito do Plutarcbo; Doclamaciones variaa; ElRomulodel mar- ques Malvezzi ; Politica do Dios y govieniu de Cbri»tu ; Carta al rey de Franoia Luis Xlll ; Tira la piedra y escondo la mano; La fortuna con eeso y la hora do tudos, fantasia moral; El sucfio de las calaveras; El alguazil alguazilado ; Las zahurdas de Piuton ; El mun- do por dedentro; Historia y vida del gran Tacuilo del Buscon ; Visita do los chistos; Cartas del cavallero do la Tenaza; Libro do todas las cosas y otras muchaa mas; La culta latiui-parla; El entreraotido, y la ducfia y el soplon ; Cuento de cuentos; Casa de los locos do amor; Prematica del tiompo: Carta dc las calidades do un casnmieuto; Carta do Jornada do Andalucia. II. Vida do S. Pabio apostol; Vida y muertc do S. Tbomaa de Villauueva ; Memorial por el patronato do Santiago ; Do los remedios do qualqiiier fortuna; La cunti y la sepultura ; Doctriua para morir ; Virtud militnnto ; AtFccto fervoroso del alma agonizaute, con las siete pal- abrasque dixo Christo en la criiz; Politica de Dios y go\-iemo de Christo, sogunda parte. Ill, IV. Poeaias. IV, Epictcto y Pbocilides en espauol con consonanteo ; Dwctrina estoica. — Poesias. [Quintana. Parnaso espauol, v. 4j. 3104.10 — Imitation of the Visions. iiSee Wyn, E. . , . 4560a. 4 QuiciiEKAT, L. M. Addenda lexicis Latinis. Pa- risiis, 1S62. 8° 2931.4 — Princjpes raisonnt^-sdelamusique. Paris, 1837. pp.60. 1.8°. [Courscompletd'educationpour les filies, V. 8] 3501.28 QuiCHUA language. Markham, C. R. Contribu- tions towards a grammar and dictionary of Quichua 4366.17 — Tschudi, J. J. von. Die Keehua-Sprache . . . 2386.13 QuiOKSiLVEK, Cougeliitiou of, in England. Walker, K Pph.v.353 Quietism. La Blctterie, J. P. R. de. Lettres sur la Relation du quietisme 6069a. 10 — Phelipeaux, J. Relation de I'origine du pro- gres et de la condamuation du quietisme re- pauduen France 6069a. lO QuiN, JM.J. Visit to Spain; detailing transactions in that country, 1822,23. London, 18^3. 8°. 3002.0 QuiNAULT, P. L'amant indiscret, on le maistre etourdy, comedie. 5ee Fournel, F, V. . . . 4696.13 — La mere coquette, ou les amaus brouilles. [Theatre fran(;ai8, v. 37J 4708.1 QuiNBY, M. Mysteries of bee-keeping explained. New York, 1853. 8' 5898.14 QuiNCY, C. S. de. 'Histoire militaire du r6gne de Louis le grand. Paris, 1726. 7v. 4" . . , . *461I.l — Maxiraes et instructions sur Part militaire. Paris, 1720. 4" v. 7of*4611.1 QULNCY, Edmund. [Biographical sketch of Josiah Quincy. Cut from the New York tribune, lb64] 4394.38 QuiNCY, Mrs. Eliza S. M. Memoir [continued by Miss ElizaS. Quincy]. Boston, 1861. sm.4''.*2342.2S QUINCY, John. Lexicon physico-medicum; or, a new medicinal dictionary. 7tU ed. London, 1757. 8' 5736.10 QuiN'CY, Josiah, b. 1744, d. 1775. Observations on the Port bill. Boston, 1774. pp.32. 8° . .4325.30 — Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the superior court of judicature of the province of JUlassachusetts Bay between 1761 and 1772. Edited by S. M. Quincy. Boston, 1805. b" . 5693.11 QnXCY 516 QUINTANA Shelf. Ko. QULSCT, Josinh, b. 1772, d. ISM. Address at llie dedication ol Dane law college in Harvard university. Cambridge, 18-32. 8° 43S7.1 — Address before the Massachusetts agricultural society, Oct. 12, 1S19. [Ko title-page.] ^'■ . 43W.38 Address Illustrative of the nature and power of the sl.ivc states, and the duties of the free states. Boston, 1S56. 8° . . . B. ICO. So, and 439i..')8 — Address on the organization of the city govern- ment, 1827. Boston, 1827. 8° *6353.2 — Address to the members of the Union club, Feb. 27,18113. n. p., n. d. [Broadside] 4391.38 — Considerations relative to the library of Har- vard university. Cambridge, ia33. pp. 16. 8°. 4.387.1 Considerations submitted to the citizens of Boston and Charlestown on the proposed an- nexation of these two cities. 15oston, 1854. pp. 11. 1.8° 6087.60 Ui^torv of Harvard university. Boston, 18G0. 2v. 8° '2.387.11 — Inaugural address [as mayor], 1824. Boston, 1S24. 8° 6350a. 1 Letter to the president, A. Lincoln, Sept. 7, 1SC3. Boston, 1863. [Broadside. New Eng- land loyal publication society. No. 120] . . ■ 4394.38 — Memoir of J. Bromfield. Cambridge, 1860. pp. .34. 8° 4355.52 — Memory of the late James Grahame vindicated a-'ainst George Bancroft. Boston, 1816. pp. 69. 8° 4355.50 — Municipal history of Boston during two centu- ries, 1630-18:j0. Boston, 1852. 8° . . . . *2.353.31, 32 — Oration before the Washington benevolent so- ciety of Massachusetts, April 30, 1813. Bos- ton, 1813. 8° 4394.37, and B.170a. 09 _ - Same. 2d ed. Boston, 1813. S" 4394. .38 — Oration, July 4, 1798. 2d ed. Boston, 1798. 8» 4394.38 — Plea for Harvard: " The university of Cam- bridge not the name established by the con- Btitution of Massachusetts." Boston, 1849. pp.29. 8° ■J129-9 Remarks in relation to the orpjanization of the city council [of Boston]. Cambridge, 1851. go C350a.6 _ Remarks on U. Choate's letter to the " Whig state committee of Maine." n. p., n. d. 8°. 4394.39 — Remarks on the coustituliouality of the memo- rial of the city council for an extension of Funeuil hall market. (Boston, 1820. No title-page.] 8° 4394.38 _ Remarks on the nature and probable effects of introducing the voluntary system in the studies of Latin and Greek. t:ambridgp, ISII- pp. 29. S° 4387.1, and ♦l'ph.v.3S3 [Ueport on the pauper laws. Boston, 1821. No litle-pnge.] pp. .30. 8° 4394.38 — Speech before the board of overseers of Har- vard university, I'cb. 25, 1845. 2d ed. Bos- ton, 184.5. 8° *4103.]3 — Speech before the whig state convention, Aug. 10, 1854. Boston, 1854. 8° 4394.39 — Speech in the house of representatives, Feb. 25, 1811. Alexnndria, 1811. 8° 4391.38 _ Speech In the house of representatives, Jan. 25, ; 1812, Inrelation to maritime protection. [No title-page.) 8° 4318.40 Sp.eeh,.lun. 19, 1809, on the bill for holding an extra 8is>ion of congress, in May next. (No tUle-pnge.] 8° 4391. .38 — Speech, Jan. 14, 1811, ou the paksuge of the bill to enable the iieople of the territory of Or- leans, to form a constitution and state gov- crnineiit. (No liil'-page.] 8° B.170a.59 _ - Same. Builimore, 1811. 8° 4391,38 — Speech, .Ian. 30, 1811, ou the Inllucnco of place and patronage. n.p.,n.d. 8" 439^1.38 — Bpeecli on the bill for fortil) in;,' the ports and harboursol the United .Stales. Boston, 1800. 40»l.4l Shelf. So. QUISCT, .Tosiah, continued. — Speech on the joint resolutions approving the conduct of the executive, in refusing to re- ceive any further communication from F. J. Jackson. Baltimore, 1810. 8"' 4394.38 — Whigpolicyan.alyzed and illustrated. Boston, 1850. pp. 10. S" 4394.38 — Gannett,E.S. Discourseonthedeathof.v.2of 5440a.83 — Quincy, E. Biogr.lphical sketch of 4394.38 — Kemai'ks commemorative of. Sec Worcester. American antiquarian society 4345.4 — Tribute to the memory of. Sec Massachusetts historical society 4345.3 QciNCv, Josiah, b. 1808. Address at the exhibilion of the New York agricultural society, at Utica, Sept. 18, 1S45. Albany, 1845. 8° 6487.10 — Address before the New York state agricultu- ral society, Oct. 5, 1800. Albany, 1800. 8°. 4393.8 — Celebration- of the introduction of the water of Cochituate lake into the city of Boston. [Ad- dress], Oct. 25, 1848. Boston, [181>]. 8°.. 6.340a. 2 — Eulogy on the life and character of Zachary Taylor, Aug. IS, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8° . .4347.109 — Inaugural address [as mayor] , 1847. Boston, 1847. 8° 0350a-5 — Letter to the shareholders of the Vermont cen- tral railroad, March, 1852. Boston, 1852. pp. 20. 8° 6087-57 — and others. [Address of the whig members of the senate nnd house of representatives to their constituents, occasioned by the inau- gural address of Marcus Morton.] Boston, 1843. pp. 20. 8° B.I70a.57 Quincy, Josiah r. [JIanuscript corrections from a copy of the fourth folio of Shakespeare's plays.] Boston, 1864. pp.51. 8° 4592.2 QuisCY family. Brief account of the. See Whit- more, W. H 4333.9 QoiscY, Mass. Proceedings of a town-meeting relative to slanderous statements reported to have been made by Rev. W. 51. Cornell. Boston, 1835. pp. 17. 10° S450a.49 — Report of the committee chosen to consider the subject of an academy. Quincy, [1846 or 47]. pp. 12. 8° 4.387.02 '- Second centennial anniversary of the ancient incorporation of the town. Whitney, G. . . 4103.6 — First congregational church. L\mt, W. V. Discourses ou the 200th anniversary of the . 5543. 13 — - Whitney, F. A. Historical sketch of the old church 6543.1 QuiNET, E. L'expedition du Mexique. Loudres, 1802. pp. 39. 12° 4314.23 — UltramontaiMsm, or the Roman church and moilern society. Translated from the French, by C. Cocks. 3d ed. London, 1815. 12°.. 0074.19 Quint, A. U. The Potouuic and the Rnpidan. Army notes, lMil-03. Boston, 1804. 8° . . 4327.20 — Three sermons at New Bcdlord, fast day, April 13, nnd Sunday, April 10, 1805. New Bed- ford, 1805.. 8° *4342.4 Coiitriidi. — Xntlonnl sin tnuHt bo cxptfttedby nntlonal' catiiiiilty ; WliiU pruBUlviit l.liicotu did for IiIh country ; Suulliem chivulry, and wlint the nation ought to do with It. QuiNTANA, M. J. Tcsoro del Parnaso cspaflol, 6 poesias selectas, desde el tiempo de Juan de Menn, hnsta el tin del siglo xviii. Pcrpinaii, 1817. 4v. 10° 3104.19 C'lmtcfitB. — Vol.1. Juan do Mcna; r.I ninrquea da SatillUnnu ; IJon Jul'tro Monrh|Uu ; Uarcilovo ; l-'niy LuU do Leon ; Iriintltico dc liiTorroi i-'eruundo do llurl-eiii; Frntieinco do lUoJu; Ueninrdu do Unlbuenu ; I'utjlo d« ConlH-doB. II. DIfgo doMendoza; tVnnolicodo riguo- roa ; .lorgc do Monteinoyor; till Polo; Pedro do Ksid- nosa; Lola Uarahonii do Soto; Vleente ICNphn.'I ; .luiin doArgnU"; Kalhuur do Aleaxar; liullerio tie Cellna t LuUMiultn; I.nporeio l.eoniirdo do ArjienBida; llartu- loniu do Ai'Ki'nniiia; Kiiteiun iMiniuol du VilUKas; Ito- mnneca morUooi, etc. ; Lope do Vo^a. 111. l-o|,o d* Voga I Juan d« Jauregul ; Lult da GOngora. IV. QUINTANA M7 RACES SUolf. No. QuiNTANA, 31. J., continued. Frnnciaoo ilc yucvcdo; Luis do IHIon y Perevrn; El prliicipc (li« KH(|ullnclio ; Knniclsco MnmiwI ; Pifgo Mi;xia ; AffUAtiti'iU' Tcxiiilit Piu'z: Anlmiio Mini Aniuzciift; Jor>;c I'ilillas; Alon5i> Vui-itiigo do Citstllln, coiido do Torropnlnia; IjfiiAcio de Luznn; Nicolns Moratln; Josef CttduJsu. QuiNTlANUS. Kpistola ad Petrum FuUonem Anti- ochjff episco])mn ; Anatliomatismi duodecim, [Mi*jrne. I*ati-oloj»iu Gr;ecn, v. h5] 54G2.5 QuiNTir.iAxirs, M. F. Dcinstitutioncoratoiia libri XII. Ueco^nitPot cnuMHlati jut V. Uiirmau- lium. Lui^duni Uatavoniin, IT-'O. '^v. 4" . .*B.171.3 — - Same. Ex t^paldingii rccensioue. Ed. G. A. It. Wolffio. Lipsiae, 18Ifi-:;l, 2v. 8".. 2035.3 — - .'^ame. Ed. eteruot. Lipsiic, IS^D. '2v. in 1. 24" B.irOa.lS — The tenth and twelfth books of the iustitutions. With cxplftiiulory notes. By II. ti. Frieze. Kew York, isf.5. ir 2U35.r. — IVe iustitutioneoratoria.] Zehntes Buch uber- setzt von C. G. Herzog. Leipzig, 1820. 8°. B.177.8 — nud Flaccus, C. DeL-Ianiationes mnjores et minores, c.xrecensioue Burmauniana,cui no- tas adjecit J. J. Dassault. Parisiis, 1823- 25. .tv. 8° B. 184.7 QciNTix, J. Di'scriptio insula; Melitae. [Grsevius, Thes.antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 16] 4710.1 QuiNTUs Sniyru;eus. l*rtetermissoriim ab Honiero libri XIV. Grrece cum vers. Lut, L. Khodo- manni; etadnot. C. Dausqueji; cur. J. C. de Pauw. Lugduni B:itavonim, 1734. 8° . . . *B.1G7.7 — DereUctoruiu nb Honitro libri xiv. [Lect. Poetic Gra.'ci, v. 1] 4200.7 — CommentJitio de Qiiinti Smyrna;i Paralipo- mcnis llomeri. 5cc Tychsen, T. C 300fi.l2 — Qvinti 8myrnaei,Trypluodori, loannis Tzetzue el Colvthi carniina de rebvs Troiuuis. Ed. stereot. Eipsiue, 18:;5. 32" *B.169a.4 Quitma:*^, J. A. Speech on the subject of the neu- trality laws, April 29, 1850. Washington, ISoC, 8* 5G18.19 QuiTZMANS,A. Die heiduische Religion der Bai- warcn. Beweis fiir die Abstammung dieses Volkes. Leipzig, 1860. 8" .34S7.4 Quotations. Book of familiar quotations . • . . 4.')8(i.20 — Fournier, E. L'esprit des autres recueilli . . 409y.24 — Groi'Ott, J.C. Index to familiar quotations . 45Si;.24 — Morg^an, A. A. Tiie mind of Shakespeare . , 2698.23 — Nani, D. Florilegium: opus sententiarum Hoseulis rcfertum 4150.3 — Warter, J. W. "Wise saws and modern in- stances" 45SG.30 Rabadan, C. JIanosca's oral system, illustrated by ai>ractical course of lessons in the Span- ish language, Kew York, ISlfi. 12" ... , 5039a. 1 KABAxrs 3Iaurus. In Hbrum Josue libri tres. [Marteue. Vet. script., v. 9] 4150.1 — Pa?nitcutiale; Jlartyrologium. [Canisius. The- saurus, V. 2, p. 2] 4140.3 — Hrabanus Magnentius Maurus. Histor. Mouo- gr.-ipbie. 5ee Kunstmann, F 6070.9 Rabbe, a. Compendio de la historia de Espana, hasta la revolucion de la isla de Leon, con. uya introd. de F. Bodin; trad, al espauol por Don M. V. 31. Liceuciado. Madrid, 1824. 2v. 12* 4259.3 Rabbinic language. Bnxtorf, J. Lexicon Chal- daicum, Talmudicum et Kabbiuicura .... 4120.1 — CellariusjC. Kabbiuismus, siveinstitutiogram- matica llabbinorum scriptis accommodata . 5037.12 Rabbits, in their wild, domestic, and captive state. Delamer, E. S 4004.31 Rabbci.as. Kpistola ad Cyrillum; Canones. (Migue. Patrologia Grajca, v. 77] 5471.13 Rabelais, F. Catdn^'ue de la bibliotheque de I'ab- baye de Saint- Victor. See Lacroix, P. . . . 2664. 8 Babutix, K. de, conite de Bussy. See Bussi-Rabu- tin, R. du. SIi«lf. No. Raca, a. Rime in lingua padovana. See Ma- ganza, G. B 4709.9 Racan, 11. de Beuil, seigneur de, Oiiuvres. Paris, 1724, 2V. 12" **4709a.2 Conltiits. — Vol. I. Les pscnumes do Duvid ot les caii- tliiucs cu vers franQyU. II. fepltrc lui roy ; Odo hu ruv ; Sonnet ; ClinnHon dL'B bcrgLTS ; l^piKrninme d« Mnyiimd ; feplsraiinne do M. do Sigoiigne; Lcttre a M. de Mnllior- bo; Stant-fSuLes bcigerics; Odpit; Staucos; Sonneln; fel'Igrnninie^i; Madvigtil; felJigrftininesi Hiirongue pro- iionccc on I'Acadiinio J Lottre A messieurs do rAcadtmio fninguise. Raccolta di lirici italiani. Gironi, R 4S08.8 Raccoi.ta di novelle dall' originc della lingua ita- liana lino al 1700. Mibuio, 1804-10. 3v. 8°. [Classici italiaui, v. 231J-2381 **4808.12 ComeiKit.— Vol. I. Libro di noveUe p di bel pnrlar gen- tile contoiiento cunto iiowlle tmticlie illustiato con note trntte da. varj diil dwtt. G. Fumirio. 11. Novelle di vavj BUtori con note; tro novello di autoro incei'to; di Lio- nnrdo d'Arezzo, di M. Giovanni Sjibadioo dogli Arienti, di Mnsuccio Saleinitano, di Luigi Puici, di Niccolo / Machiavclli, di Luigi da Porto, di Franoeaco Maria Molza, dl Luigi Alnmaiini, di Anton Francesco Uoni, di Salvuccio Salvucci, di G. M., di Lorenzo MugalottJ. HI. La prima e la secoiida cena ; novelle di Anton Fran- cesco Grazzini detto il Lascu, alle ([uali si aggiuugo una tiovdia die ci resta della tcrza cena. Raccolta di noveUieri italiani, [pubblicata da G. Poggiale,ecc.]. Fireuze, 1833, 34. 3v. 8°. 2773.14 Contents. — \o\. I. Novelle di Matteo BandeUo, parte prhna-rinariu, 2S32j I diportl di Girolamo Parabosco, gioniala j>rima-tcrza; Le sei giomate di Sebastian© Krizzo; Uel uasoimcnto di Attila di S. Evizzo; Novelle " di Aecanio de' Mori da Ceno; Novello di alcuni autori fiorentini. II. Novelle di autoii Benesi; 11 pecorone di Giovanni fioreiitino, nel quale si contcngono cinquanta no VL-Uo antiche d'invenzione e di stile ; Lo cene di Anton Francesco Grazzini, delto il Lasca; Novelle di I'Yanco Sacclielti. 111. lili ecatomnuti ovvero cento novelle di G. UattistaGiraldi; 11 decamerou diGiuvanni Boccaccio. Raccolta di orazioni e pie opere per le quali sono state concedute le S. indulgenze. Sulla 8a ed. romaua. Padova, 1837. 16* Raccolta di poemi didascalici. Milano, 1813. 8°. [Classici italiani, v. 239] **4808.13 Contents. — La naulica, poema di Beniardino Baldi; Delia sifilide ovvero di morbo gallico di Girolamo Fra- castaro libri trc, volgarizzati da Vincenzo Benini colog- ncse ; La coltivazioue del riso del marcUfso Giarabattista Spolveriiii colle variu lezioni del medesimo. Raccolta di poesie satiriche. [Pref. scritta daR. Gironi.] Jlilano, 1808. 8°. [Classici itali- ani, v. 231] **4608.9 Contents. — 'Lodo-vico Ariosto; Ercole Bentivoglio; Luigi Alamanni; Antonio Vinciguerra; Giovanni An- drea dull' Anguillara; Giovanni Mauro d'Arcauo; Ber- nardino Giainbulliiri; Francesco Coppetta; Lodovico I>olce ; Anuibal Caro ; Mattio Franzcsi ; Cesaro Caporali ; Pietro Aretiuct ; Pietro Nflli ; Fi-anccsco Sansovino ; Lo- dovico Pattrno; Lodovico Adimari; Salvator Rosa; Quinto Settano [owero Lodovico Sergardi]. Raccolta di prose italianc. Milano, 1808, 9. 3v. 8°. [Classici italiani, V. 232-234] **4808.10 CoiUents.—\'o\. I. Discorso di Girolamo Tagliazuc- chi della maniera d'aramaestrare la gioventii; Ora- zioni : Alberto LolHo ; Biirtolommeo Cavalcanti ; Sebas- tiano Giustiniano; Alessandro Minerbetti; Luigi Ala- nuRvini ; DiBcorsi di Anton Maria Salviai. IL Orazioni: Alberto Lollio; Claudio Toloniei; Cardinal Conimen- done; Oruzione di M. T. Cicerone, volgurizzata di Oor- nelio Frangipane; Orazione di M. T. Cicerone, volgariz- zatu di Jacopo Bonfadio; Cicalata di Lorenzo Bellini; Lezione di Pier Francesco Giambiillarl ; Lezioni di Torquato Tasso ; Prediche de Paola Segiierl. III. Pro- fazione di Carlo Dati; Lezioni: Gio. Battista Gelli; Lorenzo Magalott! ; Benedetto Averani ; Discorsi di Lor- enzo belliui; Lcttere proposte per eseuipio au ogul genero. Raccolta di rime antiche toscane. Palermo, 1817. 4v. 8' 4809.6 Races of men. Brace, C. L. Races of the old world 2235.32 — Campbell, J. Falsely assumed equality of the various races of meu 4206.10 5458.30 RACES 518 BAFN a hell". No. Races of men, contimted* — Gobineau, A. de. Sur I'in^galitt? des races hu- maines 4153.8 — Ladevi-Roche, r. J. De ruuit6 des races hu- maiues 3SS8,15 — Meiuers, C. Untersueliuiigon iiber die Yer- schiedenheiten der Menschennaturen .... 4156.7 — Pott, A. F. Die Ungleichheit meuschlicher Rassen 22.35.21 — Rodier, G. Autiquitc des races humaiues . . 22.35.20 Raclnk, J. Lettrcs. [KeeueilUes par M.Racine fils.] T. 1. [LausanueJ.n. d. sm.l2° . . **4005.14 — Theatre coraplet, precede d'line notice pur M. Auger. Paris, 1S52. 12° 2709.14 — 5ee Theatre fran^ais, V. 1, 2 4708,1 Contents, — Vol. I. La ThiibaTde ottLeBfrdrcaennemis; Alexandre Ic grand; Andromaque; Lcs plaideurs; Bri- Innaicus ; Berenice. II. Bojazet ; Mithridate ; Iphigeuie ; riiedi-e; Esther; Athnlie. — The distrest mother, tr. from the Andromaque, by A. Philips. [Bell. British theatre, v. (>]. 4179a. 1 — - Same. [Jones. British theatre, v. 4] . . . 4575.20 -— The drama of Esther. _,SVe Malaher, L. . . . 4189.2 — Mithridate, tragedia, portata dal franccse da G. B. Richeri. Geneva, 1749. pp.90. sm.S". 4099.16 — Tergleichung der Fhiidra des Racine mil der des Euripides. 5ee Schlegel, A. W. v. . . , 2972.19 — and L. Lettres inedites, prt^cedC'CS de la vie de J. Racine, etc., par A. de La Roque. Pai-is, 1802. 8' 2056. IG Racine, L. Memoires sur la vie de J. Racine. Lausanne, 1747. 12° **4C95.13 Cickh, G. On the importance and value of arith- metic means [in niedicim-]. Translated by F. T. Bond. Lon.lon, 1801. pp. 7;J. 8'. [London. New Sydenham cocietyj . v. 2 of *57H.6 RADOWITZ, J. V. Gcsnnimelte ."jchriften. Berlin, IWJ, 53. Ov. Bm.8* 4897.0 Corifeitl*.— Vol. I. Ikoni>(rTB|»liln tier HolllRpn, ein Dellmtrxur K(iii-t(c<-"''lil<'lit<' ; '>'>' I><'vImimi uikI Motto don ■pitl-ni .MItt«-liiM»r»j M"' Am njarkoniaal ; VJ)lHuiiga Unga, ellur 8aga om Kigurd l''afiK'r»bano; Kong Knifnar Lodbroks og band 8t^niK^ri) Saga; Krakm Alaal ; Fortii'lling om Ni>rna-Oi>At; I'ortiulling uin Kngnara StVnnur; Haga- 13rudBl>'kkc um nogla Oldtlda Kongcr 1 Uniiniark og Bvorrig; I'orlffiUIug um SUrlu cllvr lli'dhm og ItUgiioa Saga; IIiTvi>r» og Kuii(f Ili-ldrckn riaga. 11. Om Forn- Jut og buiin Hla'gt; t^ngu oni Half og HalfH Ka-nipfr; Frinipi'liaiK'»Haga. ill. Suga um Kuiig lildrik nf U«rn og bani Ki«uip*i. RAKN 519 RAMSHORN sbclf. No. Eafn, Carl C, continual. — luscnptiou ruii!i]ui- du Piive. Publii'C par In StK-irti' ro}-aIt' (k'S iuitiqujiires du nord. Co- punliusius IS-)(i. s° 2S25.1? — Ficreyingii Saga cllur J'icrUboi'rnes IIiKtorie i den islandske ('.rundlcxt incd fa-rOisk og daiiskOvei-saBlti'lso. Kjolx'uliavn, is:).;. l.S". »4220.S — ami Jlolinikc, C. C. F. Fxivyiiiga Saga, iciit fiiriiischer, (iiinischor uiid duutscher Uber- sftzung. Kopcuhngcn, IS-'B. 8° 2835.20 RAKN.CarlU. Jlctallic tractors. Set Uerlloldt,.I.D. 3803. !.■! ItAKOLT, H. Dcr Nussberg-. [llagcn. Cicsiunmt- aljfiitoucr, V. 1] 21)00.31) Raugkii scliools. Cumin, 1'. Kducation of tlie Bristol nud riyniouth districts .■!59.'i.9 — Gutlirie.T. Plcai'or 35ro.5 — Pliilosophy of e039a.2 KAGtiCT, ('. [(."auscs of tiic i)rosent state of tlie circulating medium of the United States.] fliihidelphia, 1815. pp. 01. 8° *rph.v.28 KACri'SA, G. Elogia Siculorum, qui vetcri memoria Uteris floruerunt. [Gr;«vius. Tbes, antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. H] 4710.1 I!Anu.sA, thtke of. Sec Jlarmont, A. F. L. V. de. KAfUisA, Republic of. See \Vingliekl, W. i\ . . . 3083.10 Rai[i;l. See Varnhagen von nCnse. ICAllt, S. 5[. De domus Austriucai juribus ac pra;- eminentin. Jeuse, 1000. pp. 53. sm.4° . . 4103.20 Raikks, T. Private correspondence with the duke of Wellington, and others. Kdlted by H. Rjlikes. London, 1801. 8° 2533. 8 Railing. Orthogonal system of hand-railing. Jeays, J 4108.1 Railro.\i> journal. See American. Raimsoai) and insurance almanac for 1803, New York, 1805. 8° 5043.2 Railroads. Francis, J. History of the English railway 3051.23 — Guillemiu, A, Simple explication des cbemins de fer 4015.20 — Phelps, A. Report on constructing a railway from Roston to the Hudson river 4014.11 — Pietra Santa, I', de. Chemius de fer 3709.9 — Ralston, G. Facts and arguments in favor of railways in I'ennsylvania 4014.11 — Eecettes de chemins de fer (Strangers, 1S59, 00. [France. Ministry of agriculture, etc.] . . 7010.18 — Sedgwick, T. Remarks on railroads proposed in JIassachusetts 4014.11 — Single rail railway 4014.11 — Sylvester, C. Report on railroads and loco- motive engines 4014.11 — Thomas, W. Observations on rail-w.iys . . rph.v.338 See aUo: Bridges, Locomotive engines, Tunnelling. Al«o: Fmnce, Great Britain, Liverpool and Maucbefiter, Massachusetts, New York, United States. Raimeert de Paris. La chevalcrie Ogier de Dane- marche,poemeduxlIesiecle. Paris, 1843. 4". 2P71.17 R.viNE, J. History and antiquities of the parish of Blyth. Westminster, 1860. 4' 2491.15 Raines, F. R. History of the chantries within the county Palatine of Lancaster, n. p., 1803. 2v. in 1. Bm.4°. [Chetham society, V. 59,00]. *2435. 3 Rainif.ri, a. F. Sonetti. [Gironi. Raccolta di lirici italiani] 4808.8 R.viT, W. Vindication of the reformed religion from the reflections of a Romanist. Abt-r- dene, 1671. sm.8' 3463.35 R.VLEiGii, Sir W. History of. [Worcester. Amer- ican antiquarian society. Traiii^actions, V.4]. 2311.1 — Thomson, A. T. Memoirs of the life of . , . 2540.29 Rali'H. See RadulphuH, Raoul, Rodolph. Ralph Geinmell. A Scottish tale. Pollok, R. . . 4579a. .33 Ralston, G. Facts and argnments in favor of adopting railways in Peuusylvania. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1835. pp. 04. 8" *4014.H Ralstox, S. S. New theory of the Apocalypse, as corroborated by Daniel's numbers. Cincin- nati, 1853. pp. 04. 8° 6088.232 Slielf. No. Ram, J. Treatise on facts as subjects of inquiry byajui-y. London, ISOl. 8° .3030.6 Ram Chondro Sorma. Vocabuliiry of the Bengalee language. [In Bengalee.] 2d ed. Calcutta, 1820. obi. 12° 6038.25 Ramadgk, F. H., Information respecting the prac- tice of. .SVeHowe, J.M B.170b.lOO Ramavana, E.\trait du. La mort d'Vadjuadatta. See Yjitaclattabada 1341.10 Rambach, A, J. Anthologie christlicher Gesiinge aus alien Jahrliunderten der Kirche. B. 2-6. Aitona, 1817-83. St. 8° 5449.32 Contents. — Vol. Il-rV". Die vorzuglichstcn seit dcr Ilel'urniution orsclilenencn geistlichcn Liedcr dcr Deut- selien. V, VI. Iter bcilige Uesang dcr Deutschen. Rambaldo, Benvenuto da Imola. Excerpta ex commentariis super Dantis poetie comwdias. [3Iuratori. Antiquitates Italica?, v. 1] . . . 4240.1 Rambles in the 3Iammoth cave, during the year 1844. Louisville, Ky., 1815. 13° 2377.27 Ramee, D. Histoil'e generale de I'architectvre. Paris,'1800, 62. 2v. 8° 4102.13 — Le moyen-age, monumental et arcluiologique. Paris, 1843. 4v. pp.03. 444 plates. f° . . *4050.17 Ramers, C. Des Origines Lehre von der Auferste- bung des Flcisches. Trier, 1851. pp. 78. 8° .0088. 122 Ramesey, W. See Ramsey, W. RAiiiREZ Areas, A. Manual descriptivo y estadis- tico de las Espafias. Madrid, 1859. 8° . . . 3101.13 — Tratados de estadistica general y nociones pre- liininares para su forniacion. Tonio 1. Mad- rid, 1855,56. 2v. 4° 3651.3 Ramler, C. W. [Gedichte.] Berlin, 1759-70. sm.4° **2878.6 Contents. — Ptoloniaus und Berenice; Ode an seincn Arzt ; Ode an die Stadt Berlin ; Lied der Nymphe Per- Eanliiis ; Ode nu die Gbttinn der Eintraeht ; Ode an die Muse; Ode an Hymen; Ode an die Venus Urania; Ode an den Kaiser Josepb den zweyten; Auf den Tod des lireussiscbeu PriuzenFriedricb Ileiuricb Karls, 1767. — Poetische Werke. Berlin, 1800, 1. 2v.ini. 8°.*»2S7S.3 — Fabellese. Leipzig, 1783-90. 3v. sm.S° . . . 4899.2 — Lyrische Blumenlese. Carlsruhe, 1780. 2v. 10° 4899.1 Ramorino, G. II portafogli del generale. [Docu- menti dellaguerra santad'Italia, v. IJ . . . 4718.9 Rams.w, a. The gentle shepherd, a Scots pastoral comedy. [Bell. British theatre, v. 35] . . 4179a. 1 Ramsay', D. Chronological table of the principal events in the English colonies, 1607-1810. Charleston, 1811. pp. 54. 8° 2329.33 — History of South-Carolina, from 1670 to 1808. Charleston, 1809. 2v. 8° 2375.11 — History of the United States, from 1007 to 1808. Continued to the treaty of Ghent, by S. S. Smith. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1818. 3v. 8°. 4325.7 — Review of the improvements, progress and state of medicine in the 18tli century. Charleston, 1801. 8° *M.Pph.v.l39 Ramsay', E. B. Genius of Haudel, and character of his sacred compositions. Edinburgh, 1803. 12° 4040.31 RAMSAY', H. A. Necrological a; pearances of south- ern typhoid fever, in the negro. Columbia Co., Ga., 1852. pp. 23. 8° 3790.21 Ramsay, W. Manual of Latin prosody. 2d cd. London, 1809. 12° 2934.19 RAMSEY', A. C. History of the war between Mex- ico and the United States. Translated [from Mexican authors]. New York, 1850. 8°. . 4314.31 RAMSEY', or Ramesey, William, M.B. Astrologia restaurata; or, astrologie restored. London, 1053. f ° *4271.10 Ramsey, Viilliava, B.D., of I'Mltidelphia. Spirit- ualism a Satanic delusion. See Hastings, H. L 5109.22 RAMSHORN, C. Kaiser Joseph ii. und seine Zeit. 2teAnfl. Leipzig, 1801. 8° 2853.4 — Maria Theresia und ihre Zeit. Leipzig, 1861. 8°, 2853.3 KAJISHORN 520 EAPIN 4937.4 4037 3 Shelf. No, Kamshorn. J. G. L. Lateinische Schulgrammaflk. Leipzig, 1826. 8° — Lateinisclies IClcmeutarbucli nacli einer neucn Methode. Leipzig, IS'Jo. 8° EAiins, or La Banuie, P. Metapliysicarum libri XIV, in fotidi'in metapliysicos libios Aristo- telis. Pari.siis, 1506. sm.s" 5609.21 — Sa vie, ses ecrits et ses opinions. See Wad- dingtou, C.T 6105.8 Eamusio, G. B. Navigationi et yioggi. Venetia, 1559-65. 3v. f° *42r2.6 A'o/e.— For contents, see luaex of ISGl. The second volume of this set seems to be imperfect. EA2JD, A. Tlie slave-catclier caught in tlie meshes of eternal law. Cleveland, 1852. pp.42. 8°. 4310.31 BAND, G. C, and Avery, A. Specimens [ol'typesj. Boston, [1805]. 8° *2111.11 K.LND.\1.L, G. SI. Address delivered before the De Molay and Virginia encampments, June 21, 1858. Boston, 1859. 8° 4391.48 — The benefits of the rebellion. A sermon, June 2,1801. Boston, 1861. 12° 4330a. 5 — The church's forces and faults, in tlio worlc of her progress, for the conversion of the world. A sermon. 2d cd. Boston, 1800. 24° . . .55-390.10 — Discourse on tlie death of Hon. E. A. Xewton, delivered Sept. 28, 1802. Boston, 18U2. 8° . 4347.73 — Missions — the church's work: its mode and measure. A sermon. Boston, 1801. 24° . . 5539a. 9 •' Our Sunday schools and our country." A ser- mon, Oct. 9, 180U. Xew York, 1»U. 1.:° . . 5400a. 37 — Remarks, May 19, 1853, in favor of the admis- sion of the parish of the Free church of St. Jliiry for sailors. Boston, 1853. 8° .... 6517.14 — Sermon before the Ancient and honorable ar- tillery company, on its 22;th anniversary, June 5, 1S05. Boston, 1805. 8° 5400a. 59 — Sermon on the admission of R. F. Putnam, to the order of deacon, Sept. 26, 1859. Bos- ton, 1800. 12° 54C0a.38 — The true worshippers. A sermon, June 24, 1802. New York, 1802. 12° 5400a. 37 — Address on the celebration of the centennial anniversary of St. John's Lodge, No. 2. See Providence, K. 1 3507.40 Randoing, J. B. Industrie des hiines foulees. [France. Commission sur I'industrie des na- tions, v. 4) •1039.30 KANDOLfii, John, Msllop of London. Enchiridion tlieolotricuni, or a manuij for the use of stu- dents in divinity. 3ded. Oxford, 1S25. 2v. 8°. 3151.14 KASDOi-i'U, John, of Roanoke. Letters to a young relative. Philadelphia, I8:!4. 8° 2106.29 — Life and character of. ,S't'c Hammond, J. D. . 4278.19 KASUOi.rii, T. I'oems: with tlic JIuses looking- glar-s, Amvnias, and the jealous lovers. 5th cd., with adilitions. O.xford, I60S. sm.S° . 4178.10 RANCH I ASCII I, L. [HibliograUastoricadelledltii.e luoghidello8tato|)oiitilicio.] Uonia, 1792. 4°. 2162.11 Uanikki, a. Prolegoineni di una introduzione alio Ktudio della scienza storica. Fiienze, 1844. pp.60. h° 2211.8 Hv.N'K. Oeschlclitc der Uiiglelchheit der Stiindo. .Meiuers, C 4286.10 Kv.SKK, C. F. llesiodelsche Sturticn. CiiUingen, 1840. pp. 19. 4° B.190.26 liA.NKK, V. II. Untcrsucliungen iiber den Penla- teucli, BUS dem Gebiete der liiihcieu Krilik. Frlaugen, 18:14, 40. 2v. 8° *0014.13 ICANKU, L. peutschc Gescliichic im Zeitnlter tier Ueformallun. 2te Anil. Berlin, 1842, 43. 6v. ^•. 4215.5 Frunziisischc GeBchlchle vornehnillth Im lOlen und 17ten Julii'huiidert. Bund 1, 3, 4, 5. 21e Aull. Slullgarl, I.Si.i-62. 4v. 8° 4187.2 Civil wari* iiml monarchy In France, in the li^tll and i;ih icnluriea. Truu.-liited by 31. A. Gar- vey. Lol.ilon, 1S52. 2v. 8' 4102.3 — Ziir krilik neuurcr UCMchlclitBchrelber. Leip- zig, 1821. 8" ■1147.8 Shelf. No- Ranke, L., coniiynicd. ' — Die romischen Papste, ihre Kirche und ihr Staat im 16ten und 17ten Jahrhnndert. 2te Aufl. Berlin, ls:i8, .39. 3v. 8° G074.14 — - S.ame. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 1854-.57. 3v. 8°. 6557.10 — Serbisehe Revolution. Hamburg, 1829. 12° . 4210.20 — Ueber die Verschworung gegeu Venedig, im Jahrel618. Berlin, 18:il. 8° 2723.11 Rankin, J. E. The battle not man's, but God's. A discourse in Lowell, Aug. 6, 1803. Lowell, 1803. 8° «50a.21 — Discourse at the funeral of Mrs. M. Mason. St. Albans, 1862 4.348.03 — Discourse, March 23, 1802, at the funeral of Mrs. L. Brife'ham. St. Albans, 1802. 8° 4348.69 — Discourse, March 27, 1804. Lowell, 1804. 8°.54GOa.l0b — Discourse on the death of .\ . Lineol n , in Charles- town, April 19, 1805. Boston, 1865. 8° . . . *4342.5 — Discourse on the national fast day, Jan. 4, 1661. St. Albans, 1861. 8° 4350a. 21 — Duty of commemorating the deeds of our fathers. Sermon in Clmrlestown, June 18, ls65. Boston, 1805. 8° 4350a.21 Ranki.n, M. Texas in 1850. Boston, 1852. 12° . . 2376.32 Ka.nkisg, W. H., and Radcliffe, C. D. Half-yearly abstract of the medical sciences. No. 1, 2, 5, 18 19-22,24-32. Pllila., 1845-01. 15v. 8°. *5608.1 R\SS05i ' T.' B., Discourses during the obsequies ol. See Butler, J. D 4390a.64 Rantoul, II., jr. Memoirs, speeches and writings. Edited by L. Hamilton. Boston, 1851. b° . 2403.11 — Address to the workingraen of the United States. Boston, 1833. 12° 3570.24 — The fugitive slave livw : speech, April 3, ISol. [Boston, 1851. No title-page.] 8° B.160a.37 _ Introductory discourse, delivered before the American institute of iustructiim. B 1840. 4394.63 — Letter on the value of public lauds of Illinois. Boston, 1851. pp. 40. 8° 4.377.40 _ Letters on the death penalty. [Boston, 1840.] pp.14. 8° 50,5.7 — Oration at Concord on the 7Sth anniversary of the events of April 19, 1775. Boston, 1850. 8°. 4325.37 — Oration before the democratic citizens of the county of ^Vorc.•sler, July 4, 1837. 2d ed. ■ ^,. t.,,. iK-^T s" B.170a.4j \\orCLSter, ]8o/. 6 _ Speech at the lute anti-bank meeting m fealeui. n. p.,u. iL [No title-page.] 8° • 5640.25 _ Speech on the coalilion in Massachusetts, de- livered iu the house of represeututivcs, March 9, INVJ. [Washington, 1S52.J 8° 4394.64 R \SY \itii, L. N. The book and its missions, piist and'present. \'ol. 6-9. London, 1861-04. 4v. j.,0 ♦7418.1 RAOi;i.~Ghiber. " Ex historiarum lib: is V usquead annumlOtl. [Frankfurt. Socii tius, etc., v. , J. 4210.. RAI'lIALI., Jl. J. Bible view of slavery. Adiscouiv-e oil the day of the national last, Jan. 4, 1801. ^ew York, 1801. 12° • ... • • • 5572.27 K\riiiii.KN.:ius, E. Ue varia in liebraicis libris leclione. AVc Bible. PolygloUs 64.0.3 RAl-UIl.IA Linn.,Beachreibuii|,'derin Schlesion.ein- heliuibChen. See Schummel, I. L 3890. -s RAPicio, or Uavizza, G. Balneorum, qua! ad 11- nniviosliasunt,d>»crii,lio. [Gra;viu». llics. autiq. Hal., T. 6, p. 4J ........... •Lh'-' K vi-IN, 1!., and other.-, llortorum lib. iv, cum dis- putatione de cullura hortensi; 1. iMeurMl ar- boretum sacrum ; A. Polilianl rustuus. Ad- hec Lipsii leyes horteuses, et L. Bouamlol carmen do Vila rusllca. Ultrajecll, W",;^^^^^^ .^^ sm.tt" • / I .'i RAIMN 1 hoyruB, P. -41. 4v. in 2. S° . »n'955.20 fonttnrs. — Vot. 1 [1], Die vtTgk'ichcniln Gnimninlik ; tl'.] Ilif 8])ru<-licn U.-» Mitt.-lullors. 11 [:{]. IIU' lebeii- deit 8))rtiL-licu ^iochiHcli-ronilsch-ffotliiachor '/Am^o ; C4.] Supploinoiito . Die PIi>-i»iiilo(fi«iKTd«-utsel»cii Sprft- chu; Diu Dfclituugsfurnioii dos Mlttclultcrs. — Das goldne Alter dor dout.-icben roesie. Tii- biugen, 1801. 2t. 8° 2870. M Cimtenlit. — Vol. I. Von Klopstock bis GUtbc. II. Scblller, liobcl und Jrau Paul. K \ppt!Ksi;nt.\tione, I,a, di Stella. Con un capi- tolo spirituale bellissimu. Nuouamente ris- tampata, et corretta. Venetia, 1004. pp. 02. 12° *4798.50 R.vsiEL du Selva, U . See (iaesaol/rires. Kask, U. C. Dun aeldste hfbraiske Tidsregning iudtil Jloses. Kubenhavn, 1S2S. W ... 6429.11 — Danish grammar. [With dialogues and ex- tracts.] Edited by T. G. Kepp. 2d ed. Co- penliagen, 1S40. k' *4125.1 — Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon tongue, witll a pra.vis. New ed. Translated from the Dan- isli, by B. Tliorpe. Copentiagen, 1830. 8° . 2587.23 — Kortfattct Vejledning til det oldnordislie eller gande islandslte Sprog. Kobenhavn, 1832. pp. 70. sm.s" 2886.14 — Longevity ascribed to the patriarchs, and its relation to the Hebrew chronology. From the Danish. London, 180.3. 12° 5435.23 — Kemarlcs on the Zend language. London, 1834. pp. IS. 4= *5034.8 — Vejledning til Akrn-Sproget pa Kysten Ginea. Kobenhavn, 1828. pp. 78. 8° *5034.28 — Vejledning til det islandske eller gamle nor- dislie Sprog. Ivjobenhavn, 1811. l(i° ... 4886.16 — Grammar of tlie Icelandic language; compiled and translated by G. P. Marsh. Burlington, 1S38. 12° *4125.4 — Ueber die thrakisclie Spracliclasse. [Vater, Vergleiclumgstafelu, u. s. w.] 4207.0 R.\sPE, K. E. (Baroii ran Mxinchhausen.) Hochst wunderbare Keisen. Reutlingen, n. d. pp. 58. sm.8° *4103.16 — Wunderliare Reisen und Abenteuer zu Wasser und 2u Lande. Uebersetzt von G. A. IJiirger. Ste Ausg. Guttingen, li>60. 16° 2869.3 Rassow, H. Aristotelis de notionis definitione doc- trina. Berolini, 1843. pp.30. 8° . . . .B. 170a. 104 Rastell, \y, Registrum brevium, tarn originalium quamjudicialium. Ed. 4a, cui subjicitur ap- pendix, [etc.). Una cum libro S. Theloall, cui titalus, Le digest des briefs originals, [etc.]. Londou, 1687. f° *4290.8, and 5620 15 Raszmann, A. Die deutsche Heldensage und ihre Heiniat. Hannover, 1857, 58. 2v. 8° . . . 2893.12 Rathaltkk, J. De mt-ritis Albert! ducis SaxoniK locum tenentis generalia per Brabantiam in dumuni Burgundicam. [Meucku. Script. Germ., V. 2] 4261.2 Ratiibone, H. M. Diary of lady Willoughby, re- lating to llie period ol CInirles I. New York, lsi5. 12° 4576.24 Rathbone, R. Address at the annual general meeting of tlie Liverpool peace society. Liv- erpool, 1840. 8° B. 170. 55 Rathkrils, bishop of Verona, See Achery, Spi- cilegium, V. 2, 12 4152.7 Content*. — Vol. II. Opuiicula : De contemptu caiio- num ; QualitatU coujcctuni ci^usdam ; Discordla inter seipsum et clcHcos; Liber apolugeticua; De nuptu cu- jusdam illicito; Epistolamm llbeilus; Synodica ad prcsbyteros; Itenerarium Kotnuni euutis; Sertnonea. \li, Epislola de curpore et sangnlne Domini. 66 SlK-lf. No. Ratiikkius, bishop of Verona^ continued. — rr.Tlotjuiorum, seu meditMionum libri sex. [AlartC'uo. Vtt. script., V. 9] 4150.1 Ratiiehy, I'i. .1. It. llistoire di'H etiits g^nurauxde France, [etc.]. rails, 1845. b° 4186.9 — Intluence de I'ltiUie Hur Ics lettres fran^aiscs. Tiiris, 1S5:J. 8° 4194.3 Ration. The army ration: how to diminish its weight and bulk. Horsford, K. N 5953.29 Rationalism. Saintes, A. Kationalisme en AIlc- muffne 6005.7 — - Critical history of rationalism in Germany. 6005.1 — Tholuck, F. A. G. Geschichte des Kational- isnius 5C05.9 — - Vorgeschiehte des Uationalismiis 001)5.2 Ratna mala. In Mariilhi. Bombay, 1854. 32*. . 3038.30 Contents. — First lessous; Oood tidings; Honesty; Tim iilols (iuBtroyeil; The Africaii ^rl.aiid other storicaj Nut^uii buw&, etc. ; Child's picture book. Ratpert. Casus S. Galli, a. 570-883. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 2] 4i;I0.2 Katramn, Bertram, or lutram. De nativitate Christi opusculum; Jabri IV contra Gra- cos. [Acliery. Spicilegium, v, 1, 2J . . . . 4152.7 — De pra^destinatione Dei libri duo. [Maxima biblioth. vet.patr.jV. 15] B.110.2 — Liber de praidestinatione Dei. [Quatremaire. Auctoruni, V. 1] 6061.5 Rattazzi, U. .fctude sur M. Rattazzi, par C. de La Varenne. 5ec Cavour, C. B. di 2748.15 Rau, H. Fine Predict iiber Romer 8, 14. Mann- heim, 1854. pp.15. S" B.160a.r9 Rau, J. E. Examen juris canonici et praxis fori ecclesiastic! protcstantlum in causa raptus et afiinibus. [Oelriclis. Collectio opusculo- rum, V. 1] G06G.1 Rau, S. Diss. phil. thcol. de eo, quod fidei mt-ren- tur Juda?orum monumeuta sacris in antiqui- tatibus et sensu earum mystico. [Oelrichs. Collectio opusculorum, V. 1] 0066.1 Raumer, C. G. V, Geschichte der Padagogik. Stuttgart, 1843-52. 3v. 8" 6080.10 — History and improvement of the German uni- versities, [Translated by F. B. I*erkins.] New York, 1859. 8^ 5592.11 — The life and system of Festalozzi, Translated from the German, by J. Tilleard. London, 1855. pp. 80. 8° 3593,36 Raumer, F. L. G. v. Briefe aus Paris und Frank- reich im Jahre 1830. Leipzig, 1831. 2v. in 1. 16" 4189a. 4 — Das brittische Besteuerungs-System, insbeson- dere die Einkonimensteuer. Berlin, 1810. 12°. 4292.1 — Einleitungsworte zur offentlichen Sitzung der Akademie der Wissenschaften, 16 Oct. 1845. 3te Aufl. Berlin, 1845, pp, 13. 8° . . . . B. 160b. 90 — England, Zweite, vermehrte Auflage. Leip- zi;,^ 1H42. 3v. 16" 4178.12 — Geschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Zeit. Leipzig, 1823-25. 6v. 8° *4214.1, 2 — - Same. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1840-42. 6v. 8". *4214.3 — Handbuch merkwUrdiger Stellen aus den la- teinischen Geschichtschreibern des Mittel- alters. Breslau, 1813. 8" 4145.18 — Die Herbstreise nach Venedig. Berlin, 1816. 2v. in 1. sm.ia" **2704.21 — Historisches Taschenbuch, 1830-60. Leipzig, 1830-00. 32v. 12" *2309.1 -^ Italien. Beitrage zur Kenntniss dieses Landes. Leipzig, 1840. 2v. 16" 4199.20 — Lebeuserinnerungen und Briefwechsel. Leip- zig, 1861. 2v. 8" 2844.12 — TJeber die Poetik des Aristoteles und sein Ver- hjiltniss zu den neuern Dramatikern. n. p., n. d. »m.l2" **2976.I6 — Polens Untergang. Leipzig, 1832. 16" . . . . 4229a. 8 — Rede zur Eriiffnung des Vereins fiir wissen- schaftliche Vortriige in Berlin. Berlin, 1842. pp. 15. 8". . . . • B.irOa.CO EATOIEE 522 KEAD Shelf. No. Racjikr, F. L. G. v., continued. — Kede zurGedachtnissfeierFriedrichs II. Loip- zii;, 1S«. pp.41. 16° B. 160b. 63 — - Same, ate Aiisg. Leipzig, 1817. pp. 24. ia°.B. 160b. 02 — .«preu. Leipzig, ]«8. .32° 48"S.55 — Die A'ereiniijten Staaten von Nordameriija. Leipzig, 1845. 2v. 16° 4109a. 9 RAUSCHNICK, G. P. Geschichte der deutschen Geistliehkeit im Mittclalter. Leipzig, 1S42. sm.S° 6108.20 Raussb, J. H. Anlcitungzur Ausiibung der Was- serhcilkunde. Herausg. von T. Ilabn. Leip- zig, 1850-5-. AbtU. 1-3 in 2v. [Abth. 3, 2teAufl.] 16° 4205.24 — Mi.-iSgriirebeimGebrauch des Wassers. Zeitz, 184r. p.S° 4205.23 Rauwoi-ff, L. Bescbreibung der Kaisz inn die Morgenlander. [Aiigspurg], 1682. sni.4° . . *4243.9 Ravenna. Blemorie storico-criticlie degli scriltori ravennati. Ginanni, P. P 2160.13 Ravejjnatis anonymi cosmograpbia et Gvidouis gcograpbica. Ex libris manv scriptis cd. M.PinderetG.Partliey. Berolini, 1860. 12°. 2265.13 — Anonymi Ravennatis Britanniie cliorograpbia. /See Antoninus Augustas 4175.15 Eavenscroft, E. The anatomist, or the sham doctor. [Collection of farces, v. 1] • . . . . 2575. .35 EAVERTY, H. G. Thesaurus of English and Hin- dustani technical terms. Hertford, 1859. 8°. 5038.12 Ravizza, C. II suieidio, il sacrifizio della vita e il duello. Milano, 184-3. 8° 3579.7 R.\vOTH, F. Schlemm's Operations-Uebungeu am Cadaver dargestellt. Berlin, 1845. 12° . . . 3749.4 Eawdon, Jr. Life, now first printed. Edited by R. Davies. [Westminster], 1863. sm.4°. [Cam- den society, Xo. 85] *2426.29 Rawle, W. Biograpliical slvetch of W. Kawle ; In- augural discourse, Nov. 5, 1825; Vindica- tion of Mr. Heckewelder's History of the Indian nations. [Pennslyvania. Historical society, v. 1] 4372.2 Eawlinsox, G. The five great monarchies of the ancient Eastern world. London, 1862-65. 3v. 8° 3028.1 — Historical evidences of tbe truth of the Scrip- ture records. Eight Hampton lectures. Lon- don, 1859. 8° .3420.6 Rawlinsojj, Sir H. C. A selection from the histor- ical inscriptions of Assyria, etc. See London. British museum D.4.Q.4 Rawlinson , R. Designs for factory, furnace, and other tall chimney sliafts, [27i)latC8.] Lon- don, 1S58. f° *39.F.2 Eawson, W. Declaration against Habakkuk Glo- ver and .Tolin Gurnell. Boston, 1068. [Ms.] *4I03.4 K.w, I. Discourse on the life and character of Dr. L. V. liell, read .Tunc 10, 1862. Boston, 1S63. 8° 4347.5 — Mental hygiene. Boston, 1863. 12° 3800.50 Kay, ,J. flistoria planturum, species liactenus editas aliascjue iusuper nmltas complectens. Londini, 16»n-8M. Iv. in 2. f° *5S40.1 — Tbret' physico-tbeological discourses. 3d ed. London, 1713. 8° 3809.31 Conttnm. — Ch^ot; Thoilclufic: The ftitupo conflnprm- tlvn. — Wisdom of God in the works of creation. 7th ed. London, 1717. 8° 0023.9 Kay, W. Horrors of slavery: or, the American tars In Tripoli. Troy, 1808. 12° 3679.31 Kay society. I'ubllcatlons. 2v. f°, Iv. 4°, 3v. 8°. — Itljickwall, .1. Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland .3880.16 — Bowcrbank, J. S. A monograph of the British aponfcladiE .3873.17 — CerpenhT, W, II. Introduction to the ntudy of forninlnifera .3880.10 _ Uou'„'la.-, .1. \V., and .Scolt, .T. The llrltlcli ho. inlpiera-hi'ier.»pi*rn .'*891.1 Shelf. No. B.A.Y society. Publications, continued. — Giinther.A.C.L. G. Reptiles of British India. 5880.1 — Hofmeister, W. Germination of the higher cryptogamia, and fructification of the coui- fera;, translated by P. Currcy 3824.16 Rayer, p. F. O. Archives de medecine compar^e. T. 1. Paris, 1843. 4° 5SS1.1 — Cours de medecine comparee. Introduction. Paris, 1863. 8° 5885.2 — Traiti^ des maladies des reins et des alterations de sC'cretion uriuaire. Paris. 1839-41. 3v. 8°. 3740.01 Raymond, H. J. History of the administration of president Lincoln : including bis speeches, letters, addresses, proclamations, and messa- ges. With a sketch of his life. New York, 1804. 12° 4342.34 Raymond, M. Sermon before J. H. Cliflbrd, gov- ernor, [etc.], at the annual election, Jan. 4, 1864. Boston, 1854. 8° *4356.13 Kayn.il, G. T. F. Historic van het stadhouder- schap in de Nederlanden. Amsterdam, 1782. 8° 2815.15 — Histoire pbilosophique et politique des deux Indes. Geneve, 1780. lOv. 8° 6303.1 — Tbe revolution of America. Dublin, 1781. 12°. 4325.22 Kaynal, p. de. Notice sur la vie de Joubert. See Joubert, J 4677.24 Ray'NAUd, M. Les mi5decins au temps de Moli^re. Paris, 1862. 8° »»4706.]5 — - Same. 2e 6A. Paris, 1S63. 12° *«46U0.11 Kavnouard, F. J. M. Choi.x des poesies origina- les des troubadours. Paris, 1816-21. Ov. S°.»*46S0.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Les prouves htstoriques de la Inn- gHO ron]iLnc;Des rocherchcBsurronpiueet la formntion do ccttc Ifln^e ; Les Clements de Sft granimnire, ftviint I'au 1000 ; Ln ^nmiuairo do la lanf^ue des troubadours. II. Dissertations sur les troubadoui-s, aur les cours d'a- mour, etc. ; Les monuments do la Inn^e romnnc itisqu' a COS poetos; Rccherches ^r les divers genres do lours ouvrnges. Hi. Pif^ces anioureuses tirCos des po&sies da soixaiite troubadours, dcpuis KKIO Jusques vers lliCO. IV. Des tonsuns, deseomplaintoshistoriquos, des pii;ces sur les croisados, des slrvoutcs historiques, des sirvontos divers, et des pieces morales ctrcligieuses. V. Les bio- graphies des troubadours, et uu appeudice a leurs poesies impriniuos dans les volumes precedents. VI. La gram- mairo compar&e des laiigues de ri£uropo laUno, daus leurs rapports avoc la laiigue des tr-^ubadours. — Lexique roman ou dicliounaire de la langue des troubadours, compuri'e avec les autres langues tie TEurope latine. Paris, 1838-44. Ov. 8°. •*2(187.12 Contcjirs. — Vol. I. Rochorches pliilologlquoa sur la langue romane ; He8uui6 de la grammniro roninne ; Ko- mnn do Flamoncu ; Roman do .Taufre ; Uountn do (>£rard de Itussillon; Cbrutlique des Albigeois, puiimo de (iuil- launie de Tudele ; Roman de Fiorubrus ; Kumnn do Hlandin do Cornouailles; Fiices dlvorses ; Itrovlarl d'amor, par Malfro Krmongiuid do Hosiers ; Le libro do ScnequA; La vie do Sainte ^nimio; Les quatro vcrtus cardinaleH,. par Doudos do Trades; Vies do 88. Tro- phime, Honorat, Alexis; Evaiigile do Nlcodemo; l^vau- gilo de renfnncc. 11. Introduction au dielionnuire; A— C. 111. 1)-K. IV. L-I". V. y-Z. VI. Appeudice; Vocnbulalro alphabitiquo des mots disposes parfamilles duns Ic losbiue. — Les lempliers, tragedle. Paris, ISOfl. pp. 09. 8° v. 1 of •2004.12 — Examination of Kaynouard's theory on the relation of the Komauco languages to the Latin. .SVc Lewis, (I. C 4C8S.14 RAZ/.i, SilvRUo or Girolamu. La vita di Benedetto Varchi. [Grajvius. Tlies. aniiq. Ital,, T. 8, p. 2] ■1710.1 — - Same. [Varchi. Storia liorenllnii, v. IJ . . 4803.9 Rfe, A. del. Autlqullates Tiburliii;c, Latine vertit S. Ilavercaiiipiis. [Gnevlus. 'llies. antiq. Ital., T. 8, p. 4] 47IU.1 Read, J. M. Speech on the power of congress over tbe territories, and in t'litor of free Kansas, fl'ee white Inhor, and ol I'Vemoiit and liny- ton, Sept. 30, 1N')6. I'hilath'lphla, IN.O. h° . 4320.40 READ 523 UEED Sllelf. No. REAn, T. B. Lays ami ballads. Pliiladelpliia, 1S19. 1-° 2397.21 Keade, J. E. roetical works. New ed. London, 1800. 2v. S" 2566.12 Conlettt«.~Vo}. I. Youth nnA how it pnssod; Mlscel- laiioous poems; Italy; Claiuiiciil poomg; Tlio delate ; Hebrew poems ; On the i»horo at Terraciua ; Kiug Uoabdll'd lament; The family legonii; Vision of the ancient kings; Memnon. 11. Man in PnmiliHe; Mitti-el- lani'.iHs poems; Cain the wanderer; ratiline; Life's episode; Miscellaneous jioems; Kevolations of life. Readek, The, a review of literature, science, and art. Vol. 1-4. London, ISO:!, 64. 4v. f° . *ri82.1 Reading, j«rt,M. Uistorical address [by J. Flint] and poem [by L. K;iton] at tlic bi-ceutenuial celebr;itioii of the incorporation of the old town of Reading. Boston, 1S44. 12° ... 23Sr.I9 Rkadi.no, Course of. Kent, J 2143.30 RiCAL de Curbau, G. de. La science du gouverne- uient. Aix-Ia-Cbapelle [Paris], 1751-05. Sv. 4° *656I.12 Ukai. estate. Blount, T. Antient tenures of hind. 4'J94.:;0 — liumphreys, J. Reply to Sugden's remarks on proposed alterations in the law of . . . . rph.v.308 — Plowden, T. Benelicial consequences of in- rolling all deeds, wills, and codicils affecting lands 3568.37 — ■ Sugden, E. B. Letter on a proposed new code of the laws of real property Pph.v.SCS Scf also: Conveyancing, Landed property, Property, Rent. Real property. Pleadings and practice in real ac- tions. .Tackson, C 3673.5 RE.\r,i, E. La curia roinana e i Gesuiti. See An- drea, G. d' 4718.18 Reason, riourens, M. J. P. Delaraison. . . . 50U9.7 — Fries, J. F. Neue Kritik der Vernunft . . . . 0104.5 — Kant, I, Critik der practischen Vernunft. 5608.12, and 6103.4 — - Critik der reinen Vernunft . . . 5608.11, ajid 0103.2 — Young, J. Province of 6008.11) Ke.vsons against the ballot, candidly addressed to all reformers. By Balthazar. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1831. 8° *Pph.v.350 REAS<"iNS why the New Haven and Northampton railroad should terminate at Westtield. [No title-page.] 8° *Pph.v.3S4 RfiAUMUR, R. A. F. de. Mtooires pour servir k I'histoire des inseetes. Paris, 1734-42. 6v. 4°. *5892.1 Contents^ — Vol. I, II. Sur loa chenilles et sup ies pa- piilons, avee i'histoire des inseetes cnnemis dcs che- nilles. Ill, IV. Histoire des vers mineurs des fenilics, des teiguea, des fansses tcignes, des pucerons, des enne- mis des pucerons, des faux pucerons, et i'histoire des galies des piantes, et de leurs inseetes, et des moucbea a deux ailes. V, VI. Les mouches a deux ailes, et ptu- sieurs mouches a quatre ailes. Rebel bragand British bluster. New York, [1865]. 12" 4330a. 8 Rebellion record. Jloore, F 4323.3 Rebiiun, p. Dramen, heiausgegcbenvon H. Palm. Stuttgart, 1S59. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, V. 49] *4'225.1 Rebkow, Ebkow, Ebko, or Ekko, E. v. Sach- senspiegel aulTs newe vbersehen durch C. Zobel. Leipzig, l.WJ. f *4290.10 — Das Zeitbucii in urspriinglich niederdeutscher i>prache uud in Iriiher lateinischer Uber- setzuug, herauhgegeben von U. F. 3IaS8- mann. Stuttgart, 1857. S". [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, v. 42] »4225.1 — Breve chrouioon Magdeburgense Germanice versuin ad a. 1248. [.Menoke. Script. Germ., V. 3J 4261.2 Recchus, N. a. Kerum medicarum Novai His- panic. See Hernandez, K 4170.4 Rl'XIIENBEUG, C. O. Slerita .Saxonvm svb avspi- ciis marchionvm Misniae in s. r. imperivm et domvm Avstriacara. Lipsial, 1713. 4* . . . *4217.4 Shelf. &0. Reckk, E. C. C, known as Elisn, Fran von der. Geistliche Lieder, Gebete und religiyse Be- trachtungen. Nebst Vorworte von C. A. Tiedge. Neue Ausg. Leipzig, 1841. 16°. V. 4 of 2904.19 Reckungiiausen, F. v. Die Lymphgofasse und ihre Beziehung zum Bindegewebc. Berlin, 1862. 8° 3705.27 REiMiONEU. Henderson,—. Universal trade reck- oner 5684.8 — Townsend, S. Reckoner for cotton warps . . 5683.9 Reconstruction of the American union. Sharp, P. B 43.30a. 20 Recorpe, R., Notices of. Halliwell, J. O. ...E. 160. 14 RfeORK.VTioNS instructives et amusantes. Glrault, A.N 4689.31 Recreative arts. FaUavel,J. M. Lejeude tric- trac 4001.15 — Jeux, Les, de quadrille et de quintille .... 4001.20 — Tardieu-Denesle, — . Jeux innocents de so- ci(St6 4001.31 Sec aUo: Angling, Calisthenics, Cards, ClleBs, Rane- ing, Games, Uawiting, liuntiug, Magic, Rlu-ai sports. Rectum. Bodenhamer, W. Congenital malforma- tion of the 3790.36 — llayo, H. Observations on injuries and dis- eases of the 3790.36 Recueil des plus jolies chansons populaires. Pa- ris, u. d. sm.li," 4189a. .37 Recupero, G. Storia naturale e geuerale dell' Etna. Catania, 1815. 2v. 4° 2761.15 Red, white and blue songster. New Y^ork, n. d. 24° B. 170b. 115 Red Bca. Ehrenberg, C. G, Die Natur uud Bil- dung der Coralleninsein im rothen Meere . 3873.3 — Irwin, E. Voyage up the 3042.8 Keddelien, J. C. L. Ueber die Rose der neuge- bohrnen Kinder uud die Verhartung des Zell- gewebes. Liibeck, 1S02. 10° 3779.2 Redding, C. French wines and vineyards; and the way to iind them. Loudon, 1860. p.S° . 4003.34 — Literary reminiscences and memoirs of T. Campbell. London, ISOO. 2v. 12° .... 2548.24 Redk, L. T. The art of money getting. London, 1828. 18° 3648.28 Redenbaciier, W. Das Lichtfreundthum. Dres- den, 1846. pp.56. sq.lO" *B.i27.19 Redepesnlng, E. R. Eine D-arstellung seines Le- bensuud seiner Lehre. Bonn, Is41,rl6. 2v. 8°. 6060.17 Redesdale, lord. See Mitl'ord, J. F. Rkdfield, A. JI. Chart. See Maltbie, E. B. . . 5889.1 Redfield, James W. Outlines of a new system of pliysiognomy, [with] The twelve qualities of mind. New York, 1850. 8° 3600.23 Redfield, John H. Genealogical history of the Redfield family. Albany, 1860. 8° 2332.9 Redhead, T. W. The French revolutions from 1789 to 1818. Edinburgh, 1848, 49. 3v. 16°. [Chambers. Instructive library] 4642.28 Redi, F. Opere. Milano, 1809-11. yv. 8°. [Clas- sici italiani, v. 109-177] **4800.9 — Lettere di vario argomento. [Alberi. Tesoro delia prosa italiana] 2771.20 — Sonetti. [Gironi. Kaccolta di lirici italiani]. 4808.8 Redslob, G. M. Tartessus. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte des phonicisch spanischeu Handels, sowie zur alten Geographic iiberhaupt. [Diss, acad.] Hamburg, 1849. pp. 52. 4° . B. 190. 21 Redwitz, O. v. Amaranth. 23te Aufl. Maiuz, 1S64. 16° 4909a.3 — Ein lliirchen. 2te Aufl. Mainz, 1851. 10° . . **li878.7 Redwood, T. .Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia. 3ded. London, 1857. 8° *3785.13 Reece, R. The lady's medical guide. Philadel- phia, 1833. 18° *3779.22 Reed, A. The revival of religion. A nari-ative of the state of religion at Wyclilfe chapel, in 1819. Boston, 1840, 8° 5450a. 79 KEKD 524 EEF0R3IISTAS Shelf. No. Reed, C. General principles of English grammar. Boston, 1821. pp. 36. 18* 45S9a.4l — Obituary notice of VT. rarsona. [Also] a dis- course on the Sunday following his death, by T.Worcester. [Boston], 1847. 8° 4347.77 Reed, E., Life of. 5ce Reed, W. B 4344.14 Reed, H. Southern slavery and its relations to Northern industry. Lecture, Jan. 24, 1862. Cincinnati, 1862. 8" 4310.32 — Two lectures on the history of the American union. Philadelphia, 18.56. 12* 4325.15 Reed, I. Bibliotheca Rcediana. [Auction] cata- logue of [his] library. [London, 1807.] 8" *213'J.17 Reed, Bev. John, of Srklffcwaitf, b. 1751, d. h<31. Sermon before the convention of congrega- tional ministers, in Boston, May 27, 1807. Boston, 1807. 8° M357.8 — Sermon, Dec. 12, 1787, at the ordination of the Rev. Kilborn Whitman, in Pembroke. Boston, 1788. 8^ *4163.5 Reed, Son. John, 6. 1781, d. 1S60. Speech on the general appropriation bill, in the house of representatives, April 22, 1840. Washington, 1840. h" *l*ph.v.3S2 — Speech on the sub-treasury bill, in the liouse of representatives, June 27, ls40. Washington, 1840. 8" *rph.v.3S2 Reed, P. F. Incidents of the war; or the romance and realities of soldier life. n. p., 1862. 12*. 4330a. 10 Reed, R. R., Addresses on the occasion of the death of. See Pennsylvania 4350.20 Reed, S. Discourse upon occasion of the funeral obsequies of president Lincoln, April 19, 1865, Boston, 1865. 8° *4342.5 Reed, T. A. The phonographic reporter, 1853-55, London, 1853-55. 3v. 24° 2129.2 Reed, W. B. [A few thoughts on intervention. By a citizen of Pennsylvania.] Philadelphia, 1852. pp.40. 8° 4310.33 — Life of Esther de Berdt, afterwards Esther Reed. Philadelphia, 1853. 12° 43-H.H — "The model administration." An oration be- fore the whig citizens of Philadelphia, Feb. 22, 1844. Philadelphia, 1844. 8° 4326.28 — [Papers containing a statement and vindication of certain political opinions.] Pliihidelphia, 1862. pp. 32. 8° 4340a. 32 Review of Mr. Seward's diplomacy. [Phihi- delphia],n.d. [No title-page.] pp. GO. 8°. 3635.10 Rkedek, a. 11. Kansas: adescriptionof the coun- try, etc. 5e(; Parrott, JI. J 6087.18 Ri-:ES, L. S. D. Theroigne de Alcricourt ; a romance in five parts. Part 1,2. Philadelphia, 1855. pp. 70. 8° 4179.12 Reese, D. 51. Medical lexicon of modern termi- nology. New York, 1815. 24" 3789.33 — Plea lor the inteuipeialc. Isew York, 1841. pp. 86. 16° 3570.30 Reeve, J. History oftbc Christian church. 2ded. Boston, 1H50. 8° 3514.5 Reeve, L. Elements of conchology. [54 colored plates.] London, 1860. 2v. 8" 3872.3 Natural history of the hist of the Arctic voya- ges in search of hir J. Franklin, 1852-54. See Belcher, K 2263.6 ItEFUfiOTiONS in retirement. Boston, 1831, 10' , 5448.30 RivFi-EfTioNS on the perniciouH custom of recruit- ing by crlnipw. London, n.d. pp.25. 8". 4528.7 UKFLEt'i'ioN--* on the state of alhiirs in the South. First publinhedin the National int» IHgc-ncer. n. p., n. d. [No titli-pii^'r.] pp. ;il. k" , . 4310.76 Ukfok.matioN. Itonnechoae, F. 1'. E.B.de. Refor- mert* before the 0088.175 — Urundt,(i. Ilistorle der reformutle In de Nc- derhniden r^)5l.2 — - llUtoire de la n forniathin det* Pays-Has . 6ollta.6 — Cliarpenne, P. Illnlolrede hi n forme de Ge- ntve 3527.14 — Cliiusen, II. N. Populiire Vortriige Uber die Relormution 6ii55.6 Shelf. No. RefoR5!Ation, continued. — Gerdes, D. Annales evangelii sreculo xvi re- novati 6058,1 — - Miscellanea Groningana nova ad historian! reformationis ecclesiasticam spectantia . . 6055.15 — Hagen, C. Der Geist der Reformation und seine Gegensatze 0055.5 — Hagenbach, C. R. Wesen und Gescliichte der Reformation 6044.7 — Heckel, A. "W. Die Miirtyrer derevangelischen Kirche in den ersten Zeiten der Reformation. 5559a, 28 — Hoeninghaus, J. V. La reforme contre la r6- forme 6043. 9 — Leben und ausgewalilte Schriften der Vater der reformirten Kirche 6015.6 — Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. Reformation in Eu- rope in the time of Calvin 3527.13 — Pescheck, C. A. Geschichte der Gegenrelbr- mation in Bohmen 6054.9 — Portraits of reformers of the 16th century. . , 5559a. 37 — Rait, W. Vindication of the reformed religion, from the reflections of a Romanist 3463.35 — Rossetti, G. Antipapal spirit which produced the 6074.12 — Rotermund, H. W. Andenken der Miinner die Tiir und gegeu die Reformation Luthcri gear- beitethaben 6070.11 — Schiiifer, C. F. The three Saxon electors of the era of the 5537.20 — Schmucker, S. S. Discourse on the 3529.9 — Scott, J. Luther and the Lutheran reformat ion. 545Ua. 32 — Seckendorf, V. L. v. De LutheranisuioinGer- mania stabilito 6057. -I — Strubberg, J. A. Index theologorum Evange- lieo-Lutheranorum chronologicus 2184.10 — Wagner, G, 11. A. Lebcnsbeschreibungeu der berUhmter Reformatoren 6050a. 2 — Waterworth, J. Historical lectures on the re- formation in England 6053.5 — Woltmann, C. L. v. Geschichte der Reforma- tion in Deutschland 6019ft. 6 Sec also: Protpstiiiitium, WiiUloiisoB; and tlio nnnioa of protectant uutioiis in Eiiro])c. Reformatory schools. Carpenter, M 4.306.19 Ri':i'"oj;MKn Dutch church in North America. Cat- echism, confession of faith, and liturgy. Liv- ingston, J. H 3149.35 Keeormek's almanac, for 1848. Barker. J. . . . 4209.10 Reformistas antiguos espanoles. Jladrid and London, 1818-63. 8v. Ktnncly: — I. Texeda, F. de. Carrascon 5196.26 — 11. I'erez de Pineda, J. Kpistola consolato- ria. Reimpresa por B. B. Witfen 6496.23 — 111. — Inugen del Antecristo; Carta a Felipe ii 5496.28 — IV, Vald(?8, J. i A. de, Dos dialogos . . . . 5496.9 — V. Montes, R. G. de. Artes de la inquisizi6n. 6496. 13 — VI. Valera, Z. D. Dos tratndos : del papa i dclamisa 6496.10 — VII. Perez de Pineda, J, Breve tratado do doctrina 5490.14 — VIII. Valera, Z. D. Tratado a los cautivoa de lierberia; Aviso a los de la iglewia ro* mana; Sacharles: F.spafiol retbrnnido . . . 6190.12 — IX. Valdc'S, J, de. Ziento i diez considera/i* ones 5497-6 — X, XI. - Dos epiatolas de Sun Pablo , . . . 5496.8 — m, Lnzinas, 1'', de. Dos informaziones; Una snplicazion por J. Perez 6196.16 — XIH. Montcs, R. G.de. Inquisitionis IIIh- punica- artes 5490.21 — XIV. Vah-ra, Z. D. Instituziou reUgiosa,por Cnlvino 6:)03.30 — XV. Valdes,J,de. AKabeto cristhino, Hal- iano, espauol e ingles. Reimpre.so por It. Ii. Willen 5196.7 — XVI. — Ziento i dh-z coaslderazioues, del manuHcrltti de IhiMiburgo 5'196.6 — XVII — Ziento i dk'Z consldcrazlones, Re- iniprei'ioii nirjcn-adii 5196.1 REFORMISTAS 525 EELAXD Sboir. No. Ki:for5iistas antiguos espnnolcs, conthmed. — XVIII. Perez de Pineda, J. Breve suniario de iuduljeiizi.is 6490.31 — .\I.\'. I'omi- dc la Fupiite, C. Siimn de doc- triim; .Sprnnin en el iimnto; Ciitezismo cris- tiaiio; CouiVsioii del pccador 5490.20 — XX. Diaz, J. Historia du la nuicrte de . . . 5490.27 A'olr. — The nbore collection of the " KcfonniHliis " W09 cditod by LuN de I'soi: i lUo, wilh rlie oxcciition of two voIiiiiu'B, whicb were edited by U. li. Witlin, and printed, with tlie oxecidiyu of a sinyie smull volume, at bis 0ole cspeuHo. Kefraction. Pie astrononiischo Strahlcnbrcch- uil^. Hrulliis, V 3920. .38 RliFfCF. in pla^'ue iinii pestilence. liridge, W. . . 3440.09 KHFUTATIO.N of ftillaeious iirj!umentii anent the American question. 2il ed. London, 1803. PP- S. .s° 4322.30 liEiiKNURATiDX, (iroundsandreasonsof. Law, W. 0003.17 KEiiHELI.lxi, — . K.KanienduMosaismeetduCliris- tianisme. I'aris, ls.34. 3v. 8° 0073.4 RiCGijiEN. Die PUege des mcnschlichen Koipcrs. GiiscUen, A 3709.16 See also: Bathing, Food. Kegino. Chrouicon. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., ^■- '] 4210.2 Ekgistek and ehronicle of the Abbey of Abercon- waj'. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. [London], 1847. pp. 23. sm.4°. [Camden society, ^"■39] V. 1 of »24I0.39 Eegistru.m brevium, tam originalium quam judi- cialium. Rastell, Vi' 4290.8 Regli, F. Dizionariobio^ratico dei piii celebri po- eti ed artisti [teutralij che liorirono in Italia, 1800-00. Torino, 1800. 1.8° 2741.23 Eegnard, J. F. Le joueur; Le distrait; Demo- crite ; Lesfolies amoureuses ; Les Meneclimes, on Les jumeau.x; Le legataire universel. [Theatre fran^ais, V. 22] 4708. 1 Regnatd, J.E. Encyclopedic nouvelle. See liC- ■■oux, P 4182.1 Eegxaclt, H. V. Cours (Slementaire de chlmie. T. 1-4. 2c id. Paris, n.d. 4v. 8° . . . . 6979.20 Regnault, J. Cours pratique d'arpentage. Nou- ' velle methode. Paris, ISOl. 12° .39.39.12 Regxier, JI. (Euvres choisics. SecDesportes, P. 409'Ja.31 Kehm, F. Geschichte des Jlittelaltcrs. Marburg, 1821-39. 4v. in 7. 8° *4145. 10 Reiiob<)Th(j1/'ms.) inthepast. •S'ecNewman, S.C. 2350.30 Reich, E. Die Nahrungs- und Genussmittelkunde. B. 1, B. 2, Abth. 1. Giittingen, 1800. 2v. 8°. 3700.11 Reiciiard, E. C. Beytriige zur Beforderung einer njihern Einsicht in das gesamte Geister- reich. Helmstedt, 1780, 81. Bm.8° *6109a.l IlEicHARD, Heinrich A. O. Kleiner deutscher .Stiidte-Atlas. Hamburg, 18C^8. 4° ♦4361.20 Reland, a. Galatea, cum P. Bosschae notis se- lectis ed. C. F. G. Siedliof. Stuttgardiae, 1645. 10° **2878.19 KELAXD 5-26 EENAN Shelf. Ko. Eeland, a., continued, — Oe religioQe Jlohammedica Ubri duo. Ed. alt. Triijectiad Kliemim, 1717. stH.^" S189a.!3 — Disp. philol. de filo rii*iro altaris Hierosolymi- tftui. [Oelrichs. Collectio opusculoruin, v. 1]. 6006.1 — Dissertatio de diis Cabiris. [roleni. VJtri- usque thes. antiq. suppl., v. 4] 2970.7 Belatiox of abuses committed against tlie com- monwealth, lt)29. Edited by F. JIadden. [London], lS5i. pp.35, sm.l". [Camden society. No. 61) *242e.5 KKLiGiocUemici. Essays. Wilson, G 597s. 25 Ekligio medici. Browne, Sir T 2()09.5 KELIGION. Blackwell, T. Sacred platform of . . 5-147.24 — De "Wette, "W.M. L. Eeligion, ilirWesen, ihi-e Ersclieinungsformen und iUr Eintluss . . . . 0004.14 — Doddridge,!*. Rise and progress of religion in the soul 5447.17 — Fichte, J. G. Eeligionslehre . . . 5447. 14,aud li. 117.1 FoUen, C. Religion and the church 4101.3 — Fox, W.J. On the religious ideas 6063.5 Gladisch, A. Religion und die Philosophie in ilirer weltgeschichtliehen Entwickelung . . 6095.13 — Kant, I. Relij,'ion der blossen Vernunft . . . 61o:'..3 — - Religion riaus leslimitesde la raison . . . 0050.13 Leigh E. Conjuncture of religion and learning. 4143.3 Leroux, P. La vraie delinition de la religion. 0071.15 More, U. Religion of the fashionable world. 5147.02 — Noack, L. Die Religion in ihrem Wesen, ihrer Entwicklung und ihre VoUendung 6071,24 Xorton,A. Tlioughts on true and false religion. 4163.7 — Ripley, G. I'liilosophy of 5135.1 Ronge, J. Religion und I'olitik 42sy.4 — Schleiermuclier, F. E. 1). Veber die Religion . 0050.3 .St.amm, A. T. Die Religion der That . . . .B. 127. 19 Thayer, CM. Religion recommended to youth. 3410.02 — Weiller, C. v. Geschichte der Eutwiekelung des religiiJsen Gluubeus 0050.7 — Zollikofer, G. J. Meditations on the principal doctrines and duties of 5459a. 1 Sec also: Christiiuiity, Devotion, Love of God, Piety, Itepeutauec, Theology. Reugioss. Lindemann,J. G. Meinungeniilterer und neuerer Viilker von Gott, Religion, und I'ricstertlmm 0070.23 Maurice,.). F. D. Religions of tlie world and their relations to Cliristianity 0075.28 — Muslay von Borros Jeno, E. Vereinigung alter Religionen in der Religion .lesu B.lOOb.lOS Rohbiiis,T. A view of nil religions 5432.6 Rlil.IGKius iiU'ections, Treatise on. Edwards, J. . 5447.54 Religious conference, A, in four dialogues. Ad- ded, Leslie's Short method with deists. New York, 1808. 12° 5147.11 Rkligious declension, Causes of. Cliaplin, J. . . 5447.22 Ui-:LIOK>t:s education of cliildren. Edueazioue crisliauuepoliticade'ligliuoli. Antoniano,S. 3688.1 Religious educator, The. Vol. 1,2. Boston, 1800, 01. 2v. 12° 6409a. 1 ItKi.iiiious growth. Woodbury, A 5160a. 74 KiCLiGiofs magazine. Tlie, for 1S34-38. By the Messrs. Abbott. Vol.2; new series, V. 1, 2. nostou, 1K11-3S. .3v. 8° •6146.4 I; I, LiGi'ius opinions, On the importance of. Neckcr, ,1 5458.45 Ri;Lii;MiL.t principle a source of pulilie prosperity. .lucksou, S.C 4305. 12, and l'ph.v..S34, 370 UklYKA.B. J. Sermon, In Fall Kiver. Oct. 3, IS62. on tlieociMisiou of tlie dialh of th;^ Itev. O. Fowler. Fall Itiver, ls.'.2. 8° COSS.iH KKMACi.i;,.). L. DIctlonuiiire wallon-frunjals. 2e ed. Liege, n.d. 2v. 8* •2890.22 Rkmm'LUS, si. I'rlumphus S. Uinineli di' Malinun- dnrlensl co'noblo ex bibllollleeu StabMlellnl. [Chaiieuuvillc. Gestu poiilillcuni Tuiigien- siuin, v. 2] 2813.6 Ul.«AK,K. De syslemutis nervosi utruelurn. Ber- ollnl. IKl'^. pp. 10. 4° 3701.21 Shelf. N'e. EE5IARKS on banks and banking; and the skeleton of a project for a national bank. Boston, ISIO. S° tFph.v.383 Kemakks on the averages of Hamburg and on the commercial policy of Great Britain towiirds Prussia and other northern states. London, 1S:13. pp. 74. '8° B. 170. 58 Remakks on the canal or "ditjue" of Carthagenn, New Granada, and its navigation by steam. New York, 1855. pp.75. b° 4317.10 Eejiakks on the nature and importance of family prayir. 2d ed. Launceston, 1838. lfl"'.*Pph.v.356 RemA!;ks on the policy of recognizing the indepen- dence of tlie southern states of North Amer- ica, and on the struggle in that coutiiient. Loudon, 1803. pp. 31. 8° 4322.31 Kemakk.s on the science of history; followed by a priori autobiography. Boston, 1849. 12° . . 5008.20 Remedies suggested for some of the evils which constitute the perils of the nation. London, 1844. 12° 3570.84 Eemi, St., abp. of Lyons. Liber de tribus epistolis Hincmari, Parduli et Rabaui; Libcllus de tenenda immobiliter Scriptural Sanetx veri- tate. [Quatremaire. Auetorum, v.2] . . . 0001.5 Remigius Antissiodurcusis. See Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 8, 10 B.110.3 Contents. — \o\. VIII. Explanetiones eptstolarura beaii Ptmli apostoli. X^^. Expositio de celebrntiono iiiissrc, ex vcterum petniin sontentiis ; Klinrrationes in XI prophctas pofitorioi-ea ; Euarrationes iu PBalluoB. Remigius Florentinus. De svmmi pontificis avc- toritate, de episcoporvm residentia, et bene* liciorvm plvralitate, gravissimorvm avctorvm opvscvla. Venetiis, 15t)2. 2v.ini. 4 . . .•6074.17 Confeiifs. — Tliomos Aqiiinntis de eiimmi pontiflcia fluctoritute quwstioncs; T. de Vio de oadeiil polea- tate; De prilnAttI Komana^ 0ecle8iiB;I)e Byiiodorum dif- ferentia opuscula; Jacohi Naclanti de eudeni eompen- diaria uarratio ; Tboiuaj do Vio de pasloruin residentia traelatus; 11. Carnnieaide Miranda de eadeiii oimscnlnm; Jaeobi Kaclanti do oadem tractatus ; DominicI Sotho de eadem (luKstionos; Tliomiu Cnmiie^ii de i-csidentia opuscnln ; Ambrosli CatlMn'ini do eedeni traclatua ; Vtan~ cisci Ton'Onsia adversus Catliarlimm de eadem opuveu- lum ; Kiugdcm Calharini adversus Torronsein pro eadem reaponsio; EiusdeniTorreiiHieadversna Catliarinnm iiro eadein nntapologetieim), de eiidem opuseuluni et do eonniiendtttiune occlehiaruni ; Leonard! Venell de eadein traetnlua; Thomiv Aqninatls do pluealitate pra;beii- daruin soutontiai Cnrdinalis Caietaiii snper ea expliea- tlo; Donliniei Scoto do eadein t)iia!stio BubtillHsllna ; Eiusdein ^honia) super hac re consilium; Cnuunlaturuni de eadem oxpllcatio. Remington, A. G. Prose and verse. New York, n. d. 18° 2407.38 Remse.x, C. Slavery orfreedom : letters from Rem- senloRynders. Pittslon, Pa., 1856. pp.24. 8°. 5572.37 RfeMUsAT, C. F. M. de. Polititjue liberale, ou frag- ments pour servir it la defense tie la revolu- tion fruntjaise. J'uris, IsCU. 8° 4043.13 RftMUSAT, ■). 1". A. Melanges asitttiques. Paris, 1825,26. 2v. 8° 4240.27 — Observations snr i]uehiues points de la doclrino sauiantiennu. Puris, 1831. pp.07. 8° . . . 5026.18 Renan, J. E. Averroes et I'averroisme. 2e (5d. Paris, 1801. 8° .3602.6 — De I'origine du langage. 4e ed. Paris, 1804. 8°. 4950.16 — Vie tle,Jc8U8. 4e ed. I'aris, 1803. 8° . . . . 3475.16 — Larrotjue, P. Opinion des tltjistcs rationalistoa sur la vie de .Ii'sus selon 5170a. 5 — I,e I'elller, E. Vie de 47U1.U — \A-vy,lc rabbi. La syuagogue et 6170a. 8 — Melgnan, I'abbi, Renuu refuti! par Ics Allc- inunila 5470a. 1 — iMIehon, •). H. Deuxleme le^oii ii M. Reiian. lii^ Messie fou — le Mi^ssie tlietl 6476.21 — Jlirvllle, — de. Lc vral seciet de lienun sur lu resurrection 6470a. 3 — Pi-essensti, E. de. L'tjcole orltiquo ct Jtjsus- Chrlst 647UU.6 RENDU 5-27 REUMONT i SUolf. No. REND!', V. L'intolligcnce des bdtcs. Paris, 18C3. ii' 3907.25 RENfeic of Fratice, duchess of Ferrara. Mcmorinls. [ByI.JI.it.] London, 1859. la" 2744.23 Henikki, a. II viTo soggetto d'nmorc. Luccn, 1500. pp. 44. ism.S" *4798.49 Ukxnkll, T. Tukc licod how yo hour; Rijoioe in tho Lord alway: two sermons. [Dibdin. Sunday library, v. i] 5444.23 liENNKK, .1. C. llcnnynk dp linn. Hcrnusg. von N. Mi'vcr. lircmen, l,sl4. pp. ,W. (*° . . .*»2903.17 — Hi-nninlv dor Halm. Kin nltdeutsi-lies Hcldon- gcdiclit, iibcrsotzt von N. Meyer. Bremen, 1S13. pp. 111. ,s» *»2903 17 Ren.nik, .James. Alpliabet of botany. Rev. by A. Clarlc. New Yorlj, 1833. 1S° 7029.20 Kenxie, John, Life of. Sec Sniileii, S 2447.24 Renouakh, Antoine A. Catalogue [de sa] biblio theijue. Paris, 1854. 8° 2138.11 Renouaud, Angustin C. Theory of the riglits of authors in literature, sciences, and the fine arts. Boston, 1839. pp. 50. 8° 2114 40 Renouakd, P. V. History of medicine, from its origin to the nineteenth century. Translated by C. (i. Comegys. Cineinn.ati, 1850. 8° . . 43C5.3 Rexolt, S. L'union americaine et TEurope. Paris, 1861. pp.10. 8° 4333.24 Rent. Sources of taxation. Jones, R 3053.18 Repentaxce explained and enforced. Tliornton, J 5447.42 Repektoru-.m aller Oerter und anderer Gegcn- stiinde in der topogr. militiir. Charte von Preussen, [u. s. w.] in 215 Bliittern. Weimar, 1814, 15. 8° *»aS33.3, Atlas, Iv. f°. »*28.30.2 Repertiihil-ji aller Oerter und anderer Gegen- stiinde in der topogr.- militiir. Charte von Teutscllland, in 204 Blattcrn. Weimar, 1812, 13. 2v. 8° ♦*2833.2, Atlas, Iv. f°. **2830.3 REPERTOKirM fiir biblische und morgenlandische Litteratur. Eichhorn, J. G 4243.10 Reply of a unitarian c-Iergyman to the " Letter of a gentleman in Boston." Ware, H., jr. . .6088.241 Report of a meetinif of members of the unitarian body, held June 13, 1851, to deliberate on the duty of English unitarians in reference to slavery in the United States. [London], 1861. PP-24. 12» B. 160b. 27 Report of the proceedings at a dinner given by George F. Train in London, Feb. 22, 1801. Loudon, 1801. pp. 42. 12" 43.30a. 21 Report of the public meeting at Liverpool, Jan. 28, 1829, on the best means of removing the re- strictions imposed upon commerce by the East India company. London, 1829. 8° . . . *Pph.v..339 Reports. Allen, C. Cases in the supreme court of Massachusetts, 1801-63 3700.8 — Angell, J. K. Cases in the supreme court of Rhode Island, lS-'S-63 6702.1 — Dallas, A. J. Cases ruled in the courts of Pennsylvania, 1754-89 3707.4 — Gray, H.,jr. Casesinthesupremecourtof Mas- sachusetts, 1854-1858 3706.1 — Head, J. W. Cases in the supreme court of Tennessee, 1858, 59 ,3707.3 — Quincy, J. Cases in the superior court of Massachusetts Bay, 1761 and 1772 5093.11 Reppone, JI., pseud. See Sarnclli, P. Representation. Guizot, I". P. G. Origines du gouverncment representatif en Europe . . 4618.3, :5 — Hare, T. Election of representatives, parlia- mentary and municipal 5564.2 — Mill, J. S. Considerations on representative government 3504.23 Representative government and electoral re- form. Boston, 1803. pp.38. 8" 5640.13 Representative men. Menneskehedens Repr.-e- sentanter. Emerson, R. W 2407.19 Reptiles. Catalogue of tortoises, crocodiles, and amphisbicnians in the British museum, Hee London. British museum 5889a. 3 Sholf. No. Republican documents. Massachusetts republican resolutions, 1855. [No title-page.] pp. 10. 8°. 6087.15 Republican scrap book. The; platforms, questions at issue, etc. Boston, 1850. pp. 80. 8° . . .43.30a. 13 Repurlics, Rise and fall of ancient. Jlontagu, E. W.,jr 3504.31 REPUniATioN. Austin, I. J. Origin of the Mis- sissippi doctrine of 4390a. 41 — Cary, T. G. Letter to a lady in France, on . 4163.13 Resbe("(j, M. A. K. de. Notice sur I'enseignement et les dtudes danslcs facultes de droit, et uue analyse des loia, etc., de 1791-1802. See Tho- lin, E 2185.23 Resende, G. de. Cancioniero Geral. Altportugie- sische Liedersiiranilung. Neu herausg. von E. H. V. Kausler. Stuttgart, 1840-62. 3v. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, V. 15, 17, 26] •4236.1 Responsibility. Human responsibility consid- ered. Jones, J 5443.6 Responsibility of the North in relation to slavery. Cambridge, 1856. pp. 16. 8° 6572.32 Restelli, F. Influenza delle associazioni industri- ali e commerciali sulla prosperitii pubblica. Milauo, 1845. 8° 3658.3 Resurrection. Lupton, W. Resurrection of the same body 5466.30 — Mirviile, — de. Le vrai secret de M. Renan et de ses maitres sur la 5470a. 3 — Ramers, C. DesOrigines Lehre vonderAufer- stehung des Fleisches 6088.122 — Teller, W. A. Fides dogmatis de resurrectione carnis per quatuor priora secula 6065.31 — West, G. History and evidences of the resur- rection of Christ 3475.22 Resurrection, A, of the blue-laws; or, Maine re- form in temperate doses. 6th ed. Boston, 1852. pp.24. 8° B.170.76 Retina. De I'exploration de la rijtine. Metaxas, S.J 5802.1 Uettbero,F. W. Kirchengeschichte Deutschlauds. Gijttingen, 1846-48. 3v. 8° 6055.2 — Thascius Cacilius Cyprianus, Bischof von Car- thago, dargestellt nach seineni Leben und Wirken. Uoltingen, 1831. ft" 0050.16 Reuben Kent at school. Philadelphia, 1844. 18° . 2397.49 ReuCHLIN, H. Geschichte Itaiiens von der Griin- dung der regierenden Dynastien bis zur Ge- genwart. Leipzig, 1859, 60. 2v. 8° . . . . 4191.6 Reuchlin, J. Lexicon Uebraicum, opera S. Mun- steri. Basilea, 1537. f ° *5030.5 — De rvdimeutis Hebraicis. [Phorcae, 1506. No title-page.] t° 5431. l" — Lebensbeschreibung. [Meiners. Lebeusbe- schreibungeu, v. 1] 4156.6 — Weislinger, J. N. Streit zwischen R. und J. Pfefferkorn * 6059a.7 Reuilly, J. de. Voyage en Crimeeetsur les bords de la mer Noire, pendant I'anuee 1803. Paris, ISOO. 8° 3085.13 Reumont, a. v. Beilrcige zur italienischen Ge- schichte, Berlin, 1853-55. 4v. sm.8° .... 2719.22 Contents. — Vol. I. Italienischo Diplomaten und di- plomatiscbe Verhaltniaso; Vittoria Colonna; Galilei unci Kom ; A(^oIo Fireiizuola und die ilalieiiiscbe No- velle : Hie Iler/,opin von Paliauo. II, Atalanta Ba^tioni uud die Ihrigen ; FianeesLO Burlamacelii ; Antonio Foa- carini und Paolo Sariii; Paoli nnd Corsica; Der Raub floreotiniacher KuDStschiitze durch die Fnmzosen ; Bal- bo's italieniache Geschichte ; Die Biiste Paolo Kenier'8; Don Mauro Cappellari und Gasparo Salvi; Giacomo Leopard!. III. Cardinal Wolsey und der heilige Stuhl ; Gaota: Erinnerungen ana dem Jahre 1849; Beilagen: Roin nach der Belagerung; Die Garibaldialier in San Marino ; Magliabechi, Muratori uud Leibnitz ; Die atiin- dische Verfaasuug des Mittelalters in Savoyen und Piemont; Benvenuto Cellini's letzte Lebenajahre; Bei- lagen : Selbstbiograhe llairacia von Montelupo; Baccio Bandinelli ; Lo Petit-Nesle; Die Herzoge von Urbino. IV, Die letztcu Zeiten dea Jobannilerordena; Eleonoi-a Cyb6 und ihre Angeht^rigen ; Gregorio Correr; Bona- partesche Erinnerungen in Toscana; Monteuisrtt'a Orrletaniache Geschicbten. KEUIIONT 528 HHESA Shilf. No. Reumont, a. y.t continued, — Bibliograflii dei lavori pubblicati in Germania sulla storiii tntali:i. Berlin, Isff!. sm.S" . .*21G3.15 — Die Jugend C'ateriua'3 de* Jledici. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1S5S. W 2749.26 — RomiscUe Briefe, 1S37, 38. Leipzig, 1840. 2v. 12» 2?37.18 — Neuc riimische Kricfo. Leipzig, 1844. 2v. 12°. 2737.19 Reusxek, N. Symbolorvm iniporatoriorvm classes tres. [London, 1019.] 8° 4938.19 EkuS-S, E. Gescbichte der Ueiligen Sohriflcn Seuea Testaments. 2te Ausg. Brauschweig, 1853. go (1025. 6 Eecss, W. F. Calculations and statements rela- tive to the trade between Great Britain and the United Stales. London, 1S33. S° . . . . 3(553.29 KeL'TEB, H. Geschichte Alexanders des Dritten uud der Kirche seiner Zeit. Bd. 1, 2. Leip- zig, lS(iO. 3552.7 Rf'-VEIL, r. O. L'art de formuler. See Trousseau, ^ 5780.25 KETEL.iTiox. Ballon, H. Letters in defence of divine revelation 5163.5 — Haller, A. v. Briefe Uber einige Einwiirfe wider die Offenbarung 284S.9 — ruffer, R. Discourse on revealed religion . .5460a. 01 — Shuttleworth, P.X. Consistency of revelation with itself and with reason 3429.27 See also: Bible, EvidoncoB. Revere, J., Memoir on. See Mott, V 4347.93 REVETE51ENT. Traite des murs de revetement. Mavniel,- SOSl-'O Review of the agricultural statistics of France. London, 1S4S. pp.44. S° 6999.25 Review of Rev. Dr. Channing's discourse at the dedication of the Second congregational uni- tarian church. New York, Dec. 7, 1826. Bos- ton, 1827. pp. 30. 8° 5100a. 69 Review of Rev. Dr. Channing's Letter to .Ton- athan I'hillips, Esq., on the slavery question. Boston, I!~:i9. pp. 77. 12° 5J72..39 Review, of the " Trials of a mind, in its progress towards Catholicism." IMiila., 1855. 12° . . 0074.23 Reviews. See Periodicals. RfeviLi F, A Theodore rarker,sa vie ctsesfDuvrcs. raris, 18C.5. 12° 4348.30 Revival of religion. Reed, A 5450a. 79 KEVOit B II. I'C-ches dans I'Ameririue du Xord. r'aris, 18l«. 12° 4.307.10 lU'VOi uTioN, l,a,ami'ricaine devoil(5e. Paris, 1801. pp.31. 8° «23.7 Ri-voi.uTioN the only remedy for slavery. [No title-page.) pp. 20. 12° 6572.40 REVOi.rrioss, Essay on. Young,,) 3508.38 REVino coloniule. 2e si-rio. T. 1-10. Nouvelles annales de la marine. T. 21-32. Paris, 1818- (14. 28v.in20. 8° *5144.1 Ri'.virK de tlnologie et de philosophic chretienne, publiee sous la direction de T. Colani. T. 4,5. Paris, lWi2. 2v.ini. 8° •4104.24 KEVUK des deux niondes. T. 1-106; Seconde pi;- rlode,T. l-53,.'i5,56. Paris, 1829-05. lOlv. h°. •3315.1 Revuk mcidii-ale, fran9uise ct ttrangere. Anneo 34e_l.ji., 45e, T. 2, 4Cc, T. 1. I'aris, I8.M-03. Uav. 8° •3738.1 REYBAliii, M. It. L. Lc coton, son regime— sea problenies, son influence en Europe. I'aris, lBii3. 1,° 30.50.15 — fcconomlstes modcrnes. Paris, 1802. 8° . . . 3654.2 ContetitM.—i»'-UaTil CoMfU ; FrtdC-rlc nnatliit ; MIcliol C'lii-rnUvr ; .lulin miinrt .Mill ; IX-uii I'auctiur ; rclli'grluu Revheii.S. Monumcnta landgrnvIorumTliurlnglic ct marchloiium -Misiilii;. [.Mencke. Script. Germ., V. 2] 4261.2 _ .Same. Si'r. I'hvriiigla micrii 424U.5 RlYMi'.Nl), ^V. LllliraliMe du cecond eni]>lru friin- ^ttls. Berlin, 1801. 12° 4709,1 Sbulf. S'o. Reyxard. Ilartmanni Schopperi de admirabili fallacia ct astutia VulpecuhT Reinikes liber. Krancofvrtum, 1379. sm.l2° *«2903.21 — Reineke de Vos mit dem Koker, [lierausg. von F. A. Hackmann]. WulffenbUttel, 1711. 4°. "2903.18 — Reineke de Voss. Mit eener Yorklaring der olden sassischen Worde [von G.G. BrcdowJ. Eutin, 1798. sin.8° ••2903.19 — Reineke Vos. Nach der Liibecker Ausgabe vom Jahre 1498. Mit Eiuleitung, [u.s.w.] von Hoff- mann von Fallersleben. Breslau,lS34. 8°. ••2903.10 — Reynard the fox. A renowned apologuoof the middle age, reproduced in rhyme. [By S. Naylor.] London, 1S45. sm.4"' 2903.14 — Reynard the fox : a burlesque poem from the Low-German original. Boston, 1805. 10°. 2903.12 Rktnaud, J. E. Encyclopedic nouvelle. See Le- roux, P 4182.1 Reyxold.s, Edward. Address at the dedication of the Massachusetts eye and ear inllrniary, July 3, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8° B.170.42 — Address on the present condition, prospects and duties of the medical profession. Bos- ton. 1841. 8° •Pph.v.3S3 — Hints to stuilents on the use of the eyes. Ed- inburgh, 1835. pp.59. 10° 5809a. 1 — Importance of a knowledge of the principles of physiology to parents and teachers. Bos- ton, 1833. 8° •Pph.v.383 Rey'NOLds, E. "W. Relations of slavery to the war ; and the position of the clergy at the present time. Waterlown, N. Y., 1861. pp. 48. 8°. 4310.35 — The sphere of the Gospel; or the freedom of the pulpit. Buffalo, 1856. pp.19. 8° . .B. 160a. 109 Reynolds, G. Discourse on the death of Z. Tay- lor, .July 21, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8° . . . .4347.109 — ■ Discourse preached on the occasion of leaving the old meeting house, at .lamaica Plain, May 20, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8° 6400a.70 Reynolds, SiV J. Works. Life by E. Malone. 3d ed. London, 1801. 3v. 8° 4007.10 CoHfc»(<. — Vol. L Account of the life and writings of Reynolds bj- E. Malone. I, II. Discourses ut the Uoyal ftciideniy. 11. Three letters lo the Idler; Journey to riiinders and Dolland, in I7S1. III. Epistle to Reynolds by W. Mason ; Life of Dn Frcanoy ; The art of painting of Du Frusnoy, translated into English verse by W. Klason, with tinnotntlous by Reynolds; Sentiments of Du Fresnoy on the works of tho principal painters of the two last ages, ItKXl, 1700; Preface of Drydou to his translation of Du IVesnoy's poem, containing a parallel between poetry and painting; Epistle of Pope to .lervas, with Fresnoy's Art of painting; Chronological and nllihabelieal list of modern painters. — Life and times of. See Leslie, C. R 4008.1 RnK, Expediliou to the Isle of. Herbert, E. . . . 2028.1 Kiii;ks, W. J. Acctunit of the Smithsonian insti- tution. Washington, 1857. pi>. 54. 8° . . C. 153.21 — Alanual of public libraries in the United States and British provinces. Boston, 1859. 8° . . *2126.4 UlIRINlscUES Museum tiir .Jurisprudenz, [etc.], herausg. von .J. C. Hasse, ,J. Jitume, G. ]*\ Prechter und andere. II. 1-7. Bonn, 1827- 35. 7v. 8° •4269.2 lliiEINisoiins Taschenbuch flir 1815. Darmstadt, n.d. 32° ... 2879.28 RiiENANi's, or Bilde, B. Rervm Germanicarvm lihri III. Basile:ie, 1551. f° •4260.5 — Ori;;ines Gothicae. See Peulinger, C B.117.9 RlIENFOKl), ,). Coniparatio expijilionis anniversa- ri:c ponlillcis iiuiximicuni iiiiicu atquca'terna expiatimie .lesu (liristi; Ue lepra culis lle- brii'oriiin ; 1 >e styloai»ocalypseoscabbalistico; Jle seciibi futuro. [.Menschen. Novum Tes- tamciittini ex Talmude illuslratiiin] .... 6010.1 llllENlDS, ('. T. E. Abridgment of Tamil gram mar. 2d ed. Madras, l.>il5. l.s° 3038.23 RlIE.SA, L..I. Dninos odcr lilthauisclie Volkslletlor. GesHtnmelt, ilbcrsetzt und mil gegenliberste- henilein I'ltext. NcucAull. Von F. Kursclmt. Berlin, 1843. I«° 4224.19 EHETIAN 529 RHODE ISLAND Sholf. No. EilETiAN Alps. Zur rhatischen Ethnologic. 8trub, L 2«28. 23, iind 4213.11 EitETORir. Aristotelos. Rhetoric 2970.0 — licci'lli, G. C. Esnmc dclla rctoricn nntica e uso ilrlla mode rmv .^590.35 — CaniplH'U, {.;. IMiilosophy of 3007.10,35 — Caussiii, N. T)v cloqiientia sacra et Iiumana . 6085.3 — Gigii, M. Xorme filosoticlio di ra;;iouata lette- nitura 5fi09.5 — JaniU'Son, A. GnmuiKir of 5009.0 — .lullifii, M. IJ. Cours sup) Hour do grammaire. 3501.33 — JInass. J. G. E. Gniiulriss dtr Rhetorik . . 3007.12 — Principles of rhetoricul dtilivery 5009.2 — Russell, \V. Grammar of composition . . . 5009.8 — Stirling;, J. System of 5009.10 — Walker, J. Rhetorical grammar 5fi03.1 — Wliately, R. Elemouts of 3007.11 — Wiliard, S. rriuciples of composition . , . . 7009.42 5<« alto: jBsthelicp, Bellps-kttrcs, Elocution, Elo- quence, Oratory, Tttetv, Wurds. Khktt, R. B. Oration on tlie life, services, and character of J. C. Calhoun. See South Car- olina 4347.12 — Political life and services of, and speech, July 4, IhS'J. 5ce Wallace, D 4350a.85 Rhkumatism. Traite clinique du rhumatisme ar- ticulaire. Bouillaud, J. B 3806.9 RiiiANUs. Commentationes de. [Meineke. Ana- locta Alexandriua] 4205.21 — Epigi-ammutu. [liruuck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 1] B.162.7 — ,De imprudenti;i. ^ce Hertel, J B.I69a.l6 Rhind, A. H. Thebes, its tombs and their tenants. London, isfi2. L.s» 3051.29 RUIXR. Baedeker, C. Handbook for travellers on the 2804.26 — Lucchesini, G. Sulle cause e gli eft'etti duUa confetierazione renaua . . , 2816. 7 — Panorama des bords du Uhiii 2833.1 — Schreibcr, A.W. ItiutTaireportatif desbords du Khiu 2634.17 — Torablcson, W. Views of the 2ti62.21 — WiJIting.— . KeisedurchdenOber-undNieder- rheiuischen Kreis 4869a. 1 Rhinoplastic operations. Warren, J. 3r 5790.35 RllODK, Andreas A. Cimbrisch-hollsteinische An- tiquitsPten-Remarques. S'ee Rhode, C. D. . 4230.0 RilODK, Aui,'ust A. Xachriclit von gewissen 8chrif- ten, die wider die Hei-rnhuter nach und nach zum Vorsehen kommen sollen. Frankfurt, 1754. sm-^" 6059.5 Rhode, C. D. and A. A. Cimbrisch-hollsteinische Antiquilxlen-Kemiirques. Nebst einer Vor- rede Eabricii. Hamburg, 17-JO. 801.4" . . . *4230.6 Rhode I^land. Acts, taws, etc. — [Acts and resolutions passed] May, 1807. n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] pp.19, f *G330.1 — Acts and resolves of the geueral assembly, 1800- 05. [Also, messages and reports.] Provi- dence, lsna-05. Ov. 8° *6335.7 — Acts relating to the public schools of Rhode Island. Providence, 1S57. 8" *6335.25 — Charters and llgislative documents illustrative of Rhode Island history. Providence, 1844. pp. 70. 8' 4336.40 — Constitution, as adopted by the convention, at Newport, Sept., 1842. Providence, 1842. pp. 24. b" *6345.1 — Index to the printed acts and resolves, 1850-02, liyJ.K.Bartlett. Providence, 1863, 8°.v.2of *G335.4 — Journal of the couveutioa to frame a constitu- tion, Sept. 12, 1842. Providence, 1859. pp. 69. b" *e345.2 — [Public laws passed, 1822-39. No title-page.] 8" *6335.6 — Supplement to the revised statutes, being the public laws from Jan., 1857, to Jan., 1865. Providence, 1859-00. 8" *G335.8 G7 Rhode Island, continued. Miscellaneous domments. — Act of congress, granting lands for the estab- lishment of agricultural colleges, [etc.]. Providence, 1863. pp.11. 8° . *6345.30 — Adjutant-general. Report, 1861, 62. Provi- dence, 1862, 63. 2v. 8° *G335.30 — Argument in the case Rliode Island against Massachusetts. I'rovidence, 1838. pp.60. 8". 4336.49 — Census, in the year 1774; arranged by J. R. Bartlett. Providence, 1858. 8° *6345.5 — Census for 1865, Report on the. Providence, 1860. pp.09. 8" *6345.6 — Commissioner' of public schools. Report, 9th, 12th-17th, 19tb, 20th. Providence, 1855-05. lOv. 8" *G335.n — - Special report on truancy and absenteeism. Providence, 1850. pp.39. 8° *G335.2G — Committee on Indian tribes. Report, Oct., 1852. Providence, 1852. pp. 8. 8* 4366.22 — Finance committee. Report on bounty frauds, [etc.]. Providence, 1805. 8° *G345.15 — Governor. Special message to the general as- sembly, Jan., 1800. Providence, 1806. 8° . *6345.10 — Industrial statistics. Report, 1860. Providence, 1861. pp.22. 8' *6345.35 — Records of the colony of Rhode Island and Providence plantations. Edited by J. R, Bartlett, Providence, 1850-05. lOv. 8°. . *2336.13 — Registration of births, marriages, and deaths. Report Oth-llth, 1858-03. Providence, 1859- i\5, Gv. 8" *6335.18 — Report on the physical condition of the Rhode Island regiments. Providence, 1863. pp. 21. 6" 4340a.41 — Senate and house of representatives. Joint rules and orders, 18G5-0G. Providence, 1866. 12° *6345.40 — Angell, J. K. Reports of cases in the supreme court, 1828-6:i ' 5702.1 — Bartlett, J. R. Catalogue of books and other publications relatingto 2152.18 — Cowell, B. Spirit of '70 in 2336.10 — Interference of the executive in the affairs of. (Burke's report, 1844.) See United States. Miscellaneous documents 4336.3 — Papers on the boundary between Massachusetts and Rhode Island 4338.2 — Parsons, U. Indian names of places in . 3I.Pph,v,133 — - Rhode Island physicians deceased prior to 1S50 5713.7 — Pease, J. C. Gazetteer of 2382.6 — Peterson, E. History of 2336.14 — Rhode Island memorial (1844). See United States. Miscellaneous documents 4336.3 — Ross, A. A. History of 2336.27 — Staples, W.R. History of the criminal law of. 6.?45.20 — Stone, E. W. Rhode Island in the rebellion . 4327.22 — United States troops in (1844). See United States. Miscellaneous documents 4336.3 — Wayland, F. Affairs of Pph.v.376 — Webster, D. The Rhode Island question . . 4336.48 — Williams, T. Sermon on the conclusion of the second century from the settlement of . . . 5543.15 JVoEe. — Two of the works above referred to were not received in time to be placed under the author's uame. See also: Newport, Providence. — Grand lodge of Rhode Island. Proceedings for the year 5857-5860. Providence, 1857-60. 4v. in 1. 8° 3567.39 Rhode Island medical society. Transactions. Vol. 1. Providence, 1859. pp.64. 8° 3735.22 Rhode Island register, and United States calendar for 1826. Providence, [1825]. 12' 4389.3 Rhode Island register for 1853, 56, containing a business directory. By George Adams. Prov- idence, [1853-56]. 2v. 12' 4389.6 liHODES 530 lUCHARDSON Shelf. No. Rhodes, C. P. French maritime -commercial direc- tory. Havre, 18G1. 12' 2G34.4 Rhodes. Die Gotterdicnste auf Rhodus im Alter- thume. Heirter, M. W 54SS.5 Rhodian niaritim<4laws. Las Teyes Khodias verti- dfls al castfllano, Kee liarcelona 4301.10 Rhodigixis, C. L. ^t'e Kichieri, L. C. Khodon. Fragmenta. [Migne. ratrologiaGra;ca, V. 5] 5461.3 Bhoer, C. W. v. Dissertationes de effectu religio- nis Christiauae iu iurisprudentiam Koma- nara. Fase. I. Groniugae, 1770. S* . . . . *4303.11 Rhyme. ZurGe^ciiichtcdes Reims. Grimm, "W.C. 4141.4 RiANCEY, H. de. lutroductiou. See Clery, J. B. C.H 4G43.15 RiBADEXEiRA, P. Lcs vics des saints et fetes de toute I'annee, tr^d. frain;aise par ]fc, Daras. Seed. Paris, ISlia. i3v. in 12. 8° 55r>6.1 A'ofe. — Vols. 1-12 each contain a month. With De- cerabre is bound the "Table alphabetique et nnaly- lique par T. V'ossel de Fautereau." — Histoire du ptre Ribadeneyra. SeePrat, J.M. 3092.6 RiBBECK, F. Donatus uiid Augustinus oder der ersteentsclieidende Kampf zwisclienScpara- tisnius und Kirche. Elberfeld, 185S. 8" . . 6050.14 RiBBECK, O. Comicorvm Latinorvm praeter Plav- tvm et Tereutivm reliquiae. Lipsiae, 1855, 8" B.199.5 — Tragicorvm Latinorvm reliqviae. Lipsiae, Iboii. S" B.199.4 Contc^Us. — Living Andronicus; C. Xa-Wus; Q. En- nius; M.Pacuvius; L. Attiua; C. Julius Cicsar Sliabo; Mantra; L. Vurius Kufus; Gracchus; P. Ovidius Nnso; P. Poniponius SecunduB;lucei-torum poeturum fabula- ; Fabuliivum prffitextarum reliquiic; yuoietionum Bccui- caruni mauti&sa. RiBBENTitOP, F. H. C. Aristotelis covp. [Diss. acad.] Berolini, 1840. pp.32. S" B. 164. 11 RiCASoLi, li. [Le baron Uicasoli et la question romaiuc] Paris, 1861. pp.47. 8" 4714.10 KiCCATi, J. Opcrc. Lucca, 1751-Go. 4v. 4" . , . 5911.3 Contents. — Vol. I. Sagrgio intomo il sistema doll' universo; Delia ttepurazione detlc indcterminnto ncUo equazloni dill'erenziali del prinio grado, c dctlu ridu- ziunc dcllc equaziuni ditl'erenziali del s^condo grade, e d'altri gradi ulteriori. II. Dei [iriiicipj, e del nietodl delln flsicti. III. SclicdiDsmiflsIcu-nuitcmatici. IV. Vila delconto Jiicopo Itlccuti descvltta dal cuv. Crlstoforo tli Ittivero; Discorsi di nrgomcnto tilo.io(lco; Discursi di arpomcDto eccU-Biastlco; Discorsl di lu-gomento retto- rico, poetico.fid urudito; Conijpouimvntipoeticl; llBul- dnasiirre, Irnpcdiu. EicCATi, V. Opusculorum ad res physicas ct niath- ematicaa pertinentium T. 1, 2, Bonoui:f, 1757-02. 2v. 4*= 5911.8 Belle forzcvivee dell'azionidelle I'orze morte. Bologna, 1749. 4' 0011.12 Ricci, S. de', Vie et mtimoires de. ;57. 8° 6350a. 3 — Leg:islative protection to the industry of the people. Speech in the house of represen- tatives, April ','6, lS(jo. AVashington,l860. 8". 5G46.17 Rice, Daniel. A .'^ermon, preached on the day of president Lincoln's funeral, April 10, 1865. [La Fayette], 1805. 8° . . *4342.6 Rice, David. Slavery inconsistent with justice and good policy : speech at Danville, Ky. Kew York, 1812 [1802]. 8" 4310.36 Rice, J. H. Charity at home. A sermon. New York, 1824. 8° *Pph,v.379 — The power of truth and love. A sermon at Philadelphia, Oct. 1,1828. Boston, 1828. 8^*Pph.v.375 Rice, N. L. Sermon on the death of A. Lincoln, preached April 19, 1S05. New York. 1865. 8*. *4342.5 — Ten letters on slavery. St. Louis, Mo., 1855. pp.47. 8* 4310.37 — Correspondence on the harmonial philosophy. 5eeBland, P. E 0088.183 Rice, P. Correct method for the banjo. Boston, [185KJ. pp.04. 4" 8051.53 Rich, B., Discourse occasioned by the death of. See Young, A 4347.94 Rich, E. Occult sciences. .See Smedley, E. . . . 6100.4 Richard, of Cirencester. Speculum historiale de gestis regum Augliae. Vol.1. 447-871. Lou- don, 1803. 1.8\ [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] *2424.11 Richard, of Poitiers. ChroniconDCCMV-MCLill. [Marteue. Vet. script., v. d] 4150.1 'SilCAlMXD-tCanonof the Hohj Trinity, London. Itin- erarium peregriuorum et gesta regis Ricardi. 5eeStubbs,W v. 1 of 2423.6 Richard lepelcriu. La chanson d'Antioche. Trad. par le marquis de Sainte-Aulaire. Paris, 1802. 12" 4677.23 Richard I, Chronicles and memorials of the reign of. 5s, G. Discourse delivered iu t'cutral ehurrh, Boston, Oct. 10, 1851, ind'oduclory to his sole pastorate, Boslou, I8.>1# 8° . . . . 54G0a.n3 — A ("nreweli discourse, preached iu the Ceutrnl church, Bost<)n, May I, 1859. Boston, 1850. 8''.5460a:03 Richards, S. sketches of FHrndugton. Sec Far- niiuglou, Conn 4308.25 Uichauds family. Genealogical register of the. See Alorse, A 2333.23 Richardson, Albert D. The secret service, the Held, the dungeon, and the escape, ilart- fnrd, Conn., 1805. b° 4320.27 RlCHAKliyoN, Alexander. Letter, uddresKed to J. AVrlght. Alnwick, 1827. 12° *l*ph.v.3C5 RlCHAHiiaoN, B. W. Journal of public health, and Kanitiiry review. Vol. 1. J.undou, 1855. h''.*5759n.2 RlcliAunsdN, ('. A. II. " Mt-a^ure Uu- ineiisure " againsi J. II. Ilindimu-sh. [Alnwick, 1818. No tilh'-pnge.] Kin. 12° . *l'pli.v.:t05 RICHAKDSON 531 KICHTEK Shelf. No. Richardson, Charles. Supplement to a new dic- tionary of the English language. London, ISoO. 4" *2580.4 RiOHARDSOX, D. S. Arjjiiraent before the joint committee on the Troy und Greenfield ruil- roiui, April I, 18ii:j. Itoston, IS(i3. b" . . . . 50C0a.6 Riciiaui)Sox,(t. New collection of chimney pieces, 30 di'signs. [Kuglish and French text.] London, irsl. f° *40S0.S RiCHAUMsuN, H. l). The hive and the honey-bee. New York, 1S52. pp.72, ly' 5898.22 RiCiiAKiisox, Hon. James, of Dalham, b. i:7I, d. ISoS. Oration, describing the influence of conimorce, on the prosp^-rity, eharairter, and genius of nations, Sept. 1, 1S08. Boston, 1-^0;^. VZ" *41C3.17 — Oration, July 4, 180S. Dedham, ISOS. S* . . . 4394.49 — Discourse on the life and chnracter of. See Lamson, A 5443.1 RiCHAunsox, Tfrr. James, Jr. .Sermon [on the re- lationj of rch'gion and the pulpit to politics, delivered Nov. 12, 1S4S. Lawrence, 1&4S. 8". 5460a. 71 — Two years in the ministry; or farewell dis- courses at Jiouthington, Conn. Boston, 1847. 8* 6088.21 Richardson, Jolm, esf/., Wadham college^ Oxford. Grammiirof the Arabick language. London, l~rO. 4° *5030.10 Richardson, John, quaker. Life, giving his ser- vices in the ministry in England, America, etc. 4th ed. London, 1791. 12° 2348.45 RiCHARHSOX, .S'tr Jolm. Arctic ,«!earching expedi- tion: through Rupert's land and the Arctic sea, in search of Sir J. Franklin. London, ISo!. 2v. 8' 23G7.7 — Notes on the natural history of the last Arctic voyages in search of Sir J. Franklin, 1852- 54. .yee Belcher, 5i> E 2263.6 Richardson, John G. Obedience to human law considered in the light of Divine truth: a discourse, July 4, 1852. Lawrence, lb52. S°.B.160a.30 RtCHARDSOX, Joseph. Oration in the South par- ish in Weymouth, July 4, 1828. Hiugham, If^^^. 8° B. 170a. 68 — Sermon preached in the First parish church in Hingham, Feb. 2, 1851. n. p., 18>1. 8' . . 5460a. 72 — Sermon, June 28, 1856, the close of the fiftieth year of his ministry In Hin^^ham. Hingham, lbJ6. 8'' 5543.9 — Address at the celebration of the 200th anni- versary of incorporation. See Billerica, ilass 4129.57 Richardson, Jo^epli \V. George AVhitefield : cen- tenary commemoration of the opening of Tottenham court chapel, London. London, 1857. 12° 3548.19 Richardson, N. Inklings for the lovers of music. Boston, [185-]. pp.23. 12' B. 160b. 56 — New method for the piano-forte. Boston, n. d. •1° 8051.25 Richardson, S. The torments of hell : the pillars thereof removed. [Pheaix, v. 2] 4157.1 Richardson, T. Industrial resources of the Tyne, Wear, and Tees. See Armstrong, W. G. . 2463.4 Richardson, William. Philosophical analysis of some of Shakespeare's characters, with essay on his faults. [Shakespeare. Dramatick works, v.D] 4599.3 Richardson, William H. Journal of the campaign in New and Old Mexico. 3d ed. New York, 1848. 12» 4314.30 RlCHBOROtJGH, Antiquities of the ancient port of. Lewis, J V. 1 of 4586.20 RiCHEBOURG, JI. de, Memoire sur la premit;re guerre des Natchez. [French, Historical collections of Louisiana, V. 3j 2376.21 Richelieu, a. J. du Plessis, cardinal. Lettres, instructions, et papiers d'etat, publi(^'3 par Aveuel. T. 4. lii.'Jf>-35, Paris, isr.i. 4*', [France. Collection de documents intdits] , *2G40.9 Shtilf. No. Richelieu, A. J. du Ple.ssis, continued. — Caillet, J. L'administration du 4662.15 — Jay, A. flistoire du ministere du 40ri3.21 — Le Clerc, J. Vie 462ya.6 — Mary-Liifon, J. B. Richelieu et Mrae de Saint- Vincent 4G17.1 — Michelet, J. Henri iv et Richelieu 4617.2,6 — - Richelieu et la Fronde 4617.7 Richer, benedictine monk of Sens. Clironicon Se- noniense. [xVchery. Spicilegium, v. 3] . . 4152.7 Richer, monk of St. Remy at Reims, Annales; lUstoria. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 3] . 4210,2 RiCHERi, T. JI. I'niversacivilis etcriminalis juris- prndentia. Ed. 3a. Laude Pompoja, 1825- 29. 13v. 4° *5621.8 RiCHET, L. A. Des op(5rations applicables aux an- kyloses. Paris, 1850. 4° *JI.Pph.v.]3G RiCHiKRi, or Rhodigino, L. C, Lectionvm antiqva- rvm libri XXX. Basileae, 1542. i" *4200.6 Richmond, L. The dairyman's daughter, Otley, 181G. 12' *Pph.v.365 Richmond, Va. Records of the notary, 15 Feb., 1784 — 25 Feb., 17*-6. [Ms.] sm.4° *fi370.30 RiCHTER, C. F. De letate libri Jobi detinienda. [Lowth. De sacra poesi Hebrasorum] . . . 6033.3 RiCHTER, F. Lehre von den letzteu Dingen. Breslau, 1833, 44. 2v.ini. 8° 6065.26 RiCHTEK, Jean Paul F. Sammtliche Werke. Ber- lin, 1S2U-38. 65v. in20. 10* *4239.1 Co>Uents. — Vol. I [Th. 1-3]. Die unsichtbare Lofe, eino Lcbenabeschrcibung von Jean Paul. II [•*-'']• Leben des Quintus Fixlcin ncbst tier Geschicbtc der Vorrede zur zweiten Autlage ; Gronliindiache Prozessen, Oder satirischc Skizzen. Ill, IV [7-11]. Hesperus, oder 45 Hundpostagc, eino LebcnsbcschreibunR von Jean Paul. IV, V [12-14]. BItinien-, Frucht- und Domen- etiicke, Oder Ehestmid, Tod und Hochzeit des Armen- nd%okaten F. S. Siebenkiis. V [15, 16]. Ansivahl nus des Teufela Papieren. VI [17-21)]. Jean Paul's biopra- • pliische Belustigungcn unter der Gehirnschuale eioer Kiesin, eiuo Geisteigeschiclite ; Pnlingcnesiun, Jeau Puul's Fata und Werke vor und in Xijriibfrg; Der Ju- belsenior. VII, VIII [^l-2,'>]. Titan. VIII, IX [26-30]. Flegcljahre, einc Biograpliie von Jean Paul; ClavU Fichtiana seu Leibgeberiana ; MorH und Phobus, Thron- wechscl. X [3l-;J4]. Komischer Anhang zum Titan; Uamniorungen fiir Deutscliland; Frieden-Prcdigt an Deutschland; Politische Fastenpredigtcn wiihrend Deutchlands Martenvoche ; Daninierungschmetterlinge Oder Spliinxc. XI [35-38]. Briefc und bevorstehender Lebenslauf; Levana oder Erziehungslehre. XII [39, 40]. Das heimliche Klaglied der jetzigen Planner; Die wunderbare Gesellschaft in der Xeujalirnucht und das Freiheit-Biichlein; Das Kampanerthal oder iiber dio Uusterblichkeit der Seele, nebst einer Erklamng der Holzschnitto unter den 10 Geboten des Katechismus. XII, XIII [41-43]. Vorschuleder Aesthetik. Xllt, XIV £44, 45]. Kleine Bucherschau. XIV, XV [-16-48]. Uerbstbluminc, oder gcsammeltc Werkchen aus Zeit- schril'tcn. XV [4y, 50]. Museum; Des Feldpredigers Schmelzle Reise nach Flat z ; ncbst der Beichte dei Teufels bei einem Staatsmanne. XV, XVI [jI-54]. Dr. Katzenbergers Badereisc, nebst einer Auswahl verbes- • setter Werkchen; Leben Fibel's des Verfassers der Bienrodischen Fibel. XVII [55]. Ueber die deutschen Doppelwbrter. XVII, XVIII [56-58]. Der Komet, Oder XikolauB Marggrnf, cine komiscbc Geschiclite. XVIII [59,60]. Gesamiaelte Aufsatzcund Diclitungen; BriefeanF. H.Jakobi. XIX [61,62], Seliua, odcriiber die Unsterblichkeil der Seele; Bemerkungen iiber una narrischo Menschen ; Ironien; Satiren ; Einfalle; Ver- miscbteAufsatze V Briefe an Adam Lorenz voo Oerthel, 1783-8C. XX [63-65]. Ueber das Studiuni der Pbiloso- phic auf Schulen ; Etwas iiber den Mensclien ; Pbiloso- phische L'ntersuchungen; Bemerkungen iiber unsnar- rische Menschen; Bricfo an den Pfarrer Vogel, 1781- 1802; Vollstandige Mitlbeilung der schlechten, aber- witzzigen, unwahren und iiberflussigen Stellen, die ich in meinem noch ungedruckten satiriscben Orga- iion aus Acbtung fur den Gcschraack und das Pub- likuni ausgestrichen babe, 1784; Witz, 1784-87 : Aechta Sammlung mciner besten Bonmots, 1783; Des Amt- vogta Joauah Freudel Klaglibeli gegen Beinen ver- Sucbteu Damon, 1794; Dio verschiedeneQ Uesicbts- punkte woraus derTeufel, der Tod und der Maler dio Welt anaehen, 1785; Kleine Satiren, 1786; Von deni unglaublichcn Schaden, den ich ntir thate, wenn icli heftig binter den culs da Paris her eio wollto urn ala EICHTEE 532* BIGAULT Shelf. No. EiCHTEB, .lean Faul F., continued. zu slaiipcn. 17S5 ; Ironieen, 17S5, S6; Des Rektor Florinn Falbels und seiner Primflner Rcisc nach dem Fiebtel- berg, 1795; Der alte ins Lateinische zuriickiibersetzte Donatus, 1820 ; Lesors Leiden durch literarischc Sprich- wijrter 18IJ7 ; Ausschweif selbtsgeschichtlichen Inhalls, wie me'hre Bnvreater Kopfe des Vorfassers Rubm nu«- breiten 1820; Neojabrs Wiinschhiitlein fnr .einc GBn- „ervonFortunatus Karl Hofmann. 1791 ; Ungereimles Schuzzencarmen in freiem Metrum von Karl Hofmann, leitiKem Pnlcinell, 1791; Bine roich nicht dureh Ge- .chenke arm zu machen, 1811; Eino wohlferolbens Betracbtung liber die Stammbucher, vreleho einon eescbickten Kopf zn weiterm Xacbdenken daruber anfriscben soil, 1783; Briefo an Verschiedene, 1782- 95- Nenjohrs-Betraehtungen obne Traum und Scberz, nebst einer Legende, 1819; Beantwortung der Preis- aufgabe: Kann die Tbeologic von der nihem Vorelni- gung die einige Neuero zvvischen ihr uhd der Uicht- kun.t zu knapfen angefangen, sieb wohl Vortbella versprcohen? 1784; Salumallcn, den d.o Erde 1818 regierenden Hauplplaneten Salum betreffend, 181, ; Unparteiische Beleuchtung und Abfenigung der vor- zfiglichsten Einivurre, woroit Ihro Hocbi>urdcn memo «uf der neulicbcn Maskerade geousserte Meinung von der Unwabrscheinlichkeit meiner Eiistenz acbou zum IKciten Male baben umstossen n-ollen, ITSl: L'eber die Liebe- Die Spuren der Vorsehungbei dem Uebel der ArmuthundKrankheit; Pidagogische Kleinlgkciten; Impromptu-., "elcbe ieb kiinftig in S.ammbucher scbreibenwerde, 1811; Furmeino Freuudin.slatt ernes Neujabnvun.ches. 1791 ; Gesohiehte einer griecbisebcn Mutter 1821 ; Traum eines bosen Geistes vorseineni Ab- falle 1818; Fur und ividcr den Selbstmord, zwei Bricfe aus der No'uvello HOloise Kousseaus, 1788; Ernsle Ge- dnnken und Bilder, irOl-W ^D«> ■■el'*" »»«'' ^«" T"""'' 1794- Briefe an Emanuel, 1794, 95. _ Flower, fruit and O"""" pieces : or the life of P S Sicbenkiis. Translated by E. H. Noel. Fi'rsi series. Boston, 1,S45. la" 2878.24 _ Titan. Berlin, 1800-3. 4v. 18° 28r5.2U _ KomischerAnhang zum Titan. BerUn, 1800-1 2v in 1. 10° ^^'^-^^ _ Lee,E.B. Life of 2847.24 Snnyier R O. Biosraphischcr Commentar ZU desscn Werken • • • • • • • • •. 4^JJ.^ EICHTEB, .lohann G. O. Klagendes Z.on, Iledc bei VerfolgunK der Protestiiuten in balzburg- iscl.en Keligion, [u.s.w.]. Cotbus, 1733. pp 34 4" •0055.11 RiciiTFK SI A. [Oil self-government. Added, the new constitution of the state of Kew York.] Boston, 1S17. pp. tw; n° . B.lGOb.45 EICHTHOI-EN, 0. V. Kriesische Rechtsquellen. Berhn, 1840. 4° ; Z, ' ", " " •,*'''"•" TJipKiRi) T Decennial catalogue of the class of H4' See Uanover, N. U. Dartmouth col- I ^^" 4397.4 ElCKAufs, i.'li. 'l-oimli'tionand capital: a course of lectures. London, ibii. 12 ...... 3045.-0 KlCKF,i;s. Caracteres generuu.x dt, _™;';';'7«- 3g„,_„ R,ckct"on,"'i)''.' ili^tory'of ^6^ Bedford. New Bedford, W&-*. l-:° , " " "/ .* -■''"•" Rko V Amal, .1. HiHtoria politicly parlamentaria dt E 'puna. Mti.lrid, 18(io-iW. 3v. 8° . . . 30W.21 KiCOUi>,l''ml. Voyage aux cotes de Japon, 1812. 13. ice Golovuin, V •, • • r ''"''•'' EICOBU, 1-hilippe. Tntite pr.ithiue des maladies ve- n(:-rlcmie«. Taris, 1«I8. 8 ....... .•.),<0.3l) RlcoBl.-MAI)lANNA,J. li. Improved I rench gram- mar. New York, ISia. 12° 4«tifla.5 UICOTTI, E. Storia della moiinrchitt pieniontese. El'reuze, 18f.l. 2v. »in.h° 4720a. 2 RiDDl-F I> H. Our country for the sake ol the world. Sermon in behalf of the American home missionary society, May, 1861. Kew York, IrSl. h" ......■.••••■• • 6538.5 liiiiiiir V Treatise on navigation and nautical ii'strononiy, [with) tables. :tli ed., by .1. Itid- dle London, Ihill. b* )U24.I< RlDDLli J L. Ecile»lustlcal chronology. A view of general church history. Loudou, IBlo. b- ^''^-•'' Sbelf. No. Eider, G. T. Lyra Anglicana; or, a hymnal of sa- cred poetry, selected from English writers. New Y'ork, 18(i5. 1;;° 6449a. 2 Eider, J. [English Latin] dictionarie. Corrected by F. Holy-oke. London, l(i48. sra.4° . . . MOSS.l ElDLEY, N. Protestatio,habitaO.\onii 1555; Trea- tise against transubstantiation. [Eandolph. Enchiridion theologicum, v. 1] 3451.14 EiDLEY Hall estate, Xorthuntbej-ltLiid, Letter rela- tive to sale and purchase of. Bates, T. . Fph.v.350 EiDOLFi, C. Breve nota a una storia di quattro ore intorno ai fatti del 27 aprile 1859. Fireuze, 1S59. pp. 15. p.t>° 4718.11 — and others. Toscana e Austria, cenni storico- politici. Fircnze, 1859. p.S" 4718.11 ElECKE, V. A. Die neuern Arzneimittel. Stutt- gart, 1837. 16° 3799.35 EiEOEB, M. Darstellung der mittelhochdeutschen epischen Verskunst. See Gudruu 2900.20 RIEHL.W.H. LandundLeute. Stuttgart, 1854. 8°.**2»(i;!. 8 — MusikalischeCharakterktipfe. 3teAufl. Stutt- gart, isei, 62. 2v. 10° 4046.42 Contents. — Vol. I. Wenzel Uiiller; Emanuel »on Astorga ; Matthcson ; Sebastian Bach ^ F. Mendetssolin Bnrtholdy; Johann Adolph Ilasse; Gnsparo Spontitii; Adalbert Gjrowetz ; Antonio Kosetti; IgnaB Pleyel; Paul Wranitzky ; Franz Anton Iloirmcistev ; Franz Neu- bauer; Konradiu Kreulzer; Albert Lorlzing; Georg Onslow. II. Gioaebinio Kossini ; Vincenz Bellini ; Gao- tano Donizetti; Adriun Boieldieu; D. T. E. Auhtr; L. Spobr; C. M. von Weber; G. Meyerbeer; Muzio de- menti ; J. Ilaydu ; S. Bach. EiEKZi, Cola di, or Kienzo, Niccol5 Gabrini, Life and times of. See Uu Ccrceau, .1. A 2740.7 ElESE, A. Curl X. Gustiiv's Kriegezug iiber das Eis gegen Kopeuhagen im Jalire 1058. Ber- . lin, IbOl. pp 80. 9 plates. 8° 2823.20 RlESE, U. Disseitatio de legitiina viventis. Ha- lae, 1700. pp. 80. 4° ♦4304.22 EiETHJitlLLEU, C. J. Alexander Hamilton and his contemporaries ; or, the rise of the Amer- ican constitutioH. London, ItStH. p.^° . . . 2347.30 EiETZ, J. Catalogue of all the musical composi- tions of F. Meudelssoim. See iMeudelssohn Bartholdy, F 40-10.43 Eiffel, V. Christliche Kircheiigesehichte der ueuesten Zeit. 2le Autl. .Muiuz, lt'44-ili. 3v. S° 6043. S ElFLED cannon. Fourcault, F. Lc ciinon raye prussien .3955. 17 — Sclimoelzl, .J. Resultat des expt'Tieuces lailes pitr rartiilerie russe siir les etlets des canons de4 rayes de eainpagiie .O'.M.lft Thomas, L. liitled ordnance 3951.23 — Treadwell, D. Eillid cannon 3965.7 ElFLEl) Held pieces. Tile new lield arlillery of Eu- rope, Willi some aci"Uul of our own, [ liy Dr. li. Craig.] Wushiiigtoii, lsii2. ]ip. 32. (•°. 6953.10 EI0-Vki>a-SAS111tA. Colleclion of ancient Ilimlu bjinns. 1-4 A.shiaka. Translated by 11. 11. \Vilson. London, 1^50-5^. 3v. b° 3012.31 Sacretl hymns t»f the Bralnnuns ; with the com- mentary of Sayanacliar) a. Etlitedby.M. Rliil- ler. [."imiscfit text alone.] London, 1S49-U2. 4v. 4* •.1011.20 UioAUi.T, N. Uei accipltrariic scriptorcs. Accessit liber do cvro cauvm. Lvtetia;, 1(112. 8iu.4°.*B. 171.9 Cotitents.— AtJ/itirpiou KwftTrarTicoiroAiTotj vepi TTii Tiitv 'itfitiKttty ayuTpotprii TC Kill Oipituciai , tl/Jvtoffy^iof U) (Jot^o^£/>y^ ; Of>i'tooo0iof xfAtf- ati >'>«'*■«{ Tov ^ttoiXciiii Mt\ai}X; lUi't xyt't,)*' (TTl/ieAcus ; Detnetrll Conslanlliu'liolllanl de ro ao- elpHrurla liber, it I'elro (illlio l.allne r,.ilclltu>; Alius liber de re acelpllrnrla, I.iit. reibl. 11 1". GIlMo; l.nielliiB de cura eanum, Latino versus ab Andrea AurlTabroi Eldstola Atiuilai Hyniinuelil et ■llieodollonls de ro ue- cli>ilrHrla, Calalniiiea lingua; be UlvernU geuerlbus lal- eouuni, Inllrniitatlbus el niodlclnls eoruni ; Jneubl Auguitl '] huiinl de ro aeel]d(raria llbri tres; Ad Philip. jiuin lluralluin Ceveridum, sonmlulil ; llleronynd Frft- castwril aleon, slve de etna enuuin veniillcuruin. 1 RIGG 533 RITTEK Shvlf. No. RiOG, E. New American Latin prammnr, formed by Burr, Finley, nnd others. New York, 1.S07. r.;'' 49.'i9n.l7 RiooiNd. Forbes, li. B. T)ie Forbes rig .... :t9.V.'.'.H — - New rig for ships ami otiier vessels .... 595;!. 20 RiGGS, E. Muniiiil of tile Chaltloe language; con- taining a grammar and a chrestoinatliy. Bos- ton, ISW. «" MllO.G — Notes on tlie grammar of tiie Bulgarian lan- guage. Smyrna, ltH4. [No title-page] pp. •-H. I-j" :i03l.:!ii, nnd*4125.10 — Vocabulary of words used in the modern Ar- nieniai), but not found in tile ancient Arme- nian lexicons. Smyrna, IMr. b° .3034. .38 RiGHBTTi, 1*. Dcscrlzionc del Campidogiio. Ro- ma, ISSi-SS. -.'v. f° •4740.3 Right, Tlie, or the wrong, of tlie American war. ■..Med. New York, IMit. pp. 'Jti. S" . . . . 4,340a. 38 Rights of neutrals and belligerents, from a mod- ern ponit of view. Loudon, Ihf'C. pp. 41. 8°. S618.-0 •* Rights of tlie congregational ciuirches of Massa- cliusetts," Review of a pamphlet, entitled. Lowell, J 3543.5 Rights of the people maintained, iu the choice of their representatives. By an elector. Lon- don, 181S. s° *rph.T.354 RlLLIET, F. Traite cliniijue et pratique des mala- dies des enfants. See Barthez, A. C. E.de . 3777.29 RiMBAULT, E. F. Hand-book for harmony. Bos- ton, n. d. pp. 4->. l.S° 8041.37 — Hand-book for singing. Boston, u. d. pp. 42. l.s" 8011.35 — Hand-book for the piano-forte. Boston, n. d. pp. 42. 1.8° 8051.31 RiMMEL, E. Book of perfumes. London, 1S05. 16° 4006.29 Rlmjiei;, W. Elements of design. Boston, 1804. pp.39. 30 plates. 8° 4007.44 RiNCK, W. F. Die Religion dcr Hellenen. ZUrich, 1853,54. 2v. in 1. 8" 6071.10 Ringelheim, Nachricht von dem Closter. Leuck- feld, J. G 4228.0 Rijjggoli), C. Charts, with sailing directions [for bays and rivers in] California. 3d ed., witll additions. Washington, 1S52. pp. 4s. charts. 1.8° 2370.13 RlNK, F. T. Neue Sammlung der Reiseil uach dem Orient. Tlieil 1. Touruefort's ileise in die Levante. Kijuigsberg, IbOl. 8° . . . v. 8 of •4243.5 RlNUCCiNi.C. Sonetto. [Gironi. Raccoltadllirici italianij 480S.8 Rio, G. del. Monumentos literarios del Peru. Li- ma, 1812. 8° 4207.10 Contents. — Informe de Hipolito Unanne Bobre loB Tariws cstablecirnientos littT.-irioa hechos en Lima en el goblemo (Je F. Gil de Leiuos; Gobiemo de Manuel de Amat por Miguel Feijoode Sosa; Subre los derechwB piirroquiulea de Indioa, por Biirl,donie Maria de Laa Heras; Reeibinuento que su hizo in Lima a Juan Guti- errez Florez. iiiriuialdor; Expedieion al Gran Chaco; Trivilegios del cabildo de Lima; Descripcion del puerto del Callao, y la del pueblo de Vellavisttt; Rendimiento de Diego Cristobal Tupac-Araaro, 1782; Descripcion do fiuayaquil ; Defensa que la santa Inquisicion de la riudad do Loa Reyea ha hccho del tuero activo qua sapune deber gozar bus miniatroa en todas sua causaa. Rio de Janeiro, Voyage dans la prorince de. Saint- Hilaire, A.d'e 4367.1 Eio de La I'lata. Nunez, Y. Account of the United Provinces of 2315.16 — rage, T.J. Map of the basin of 2305.14 RiOJA, F. de. I'oesias. [Quintana. Farnaso es- panol, V. 1] 3104.19 Eios, V. de los. Memorias de la vida y de los es- critos de Villegas. A'fe Villegas, E. JI. de. . 3105.3 RlPA, C. Iconologie, niornlisce par J. B:iudouin. Paris, 107/. 2p. in Iv. 4° *00S1.3 KiPAMONTI, G. Historia; urbis Mediolani libri x.xxi ab anno saiutis Mccc.xiii. [Graevius. Xhes. antiq. Ital, T. 2, p. 1,2] 4710.1 Sbulf. No. Ripley, E. Thede.sign and blessedness of the Gos- pel. Sermon, Ulay 23, 1792, at the ordination of the Kcv. W. Emerson. Boston, 1T92. 8°.5470a.35 — Francis, C. Funeral discourse on 4163.10 t- Frost, B. Sermon at tlie funeral of 4161.10 Ripley, Sir George. Chymisclie .Scliriirten, tibera. von B. Roth-Scholtzeu. Niirnberg, 1717. .^.„.., , t 4 .-^ Ripley, /(cr. George. Discourses on the philosophy of religion. Boston, 1836. pp.80. 8° . . . 54.35.1 — Farewell discourse to the Congregational cimrch in I'urcha c street, Warcli 28, 1841. Boston, 1811. 12° 'IIOS.S — Letter to the Congregational church in Purchase street. Boston, 1840. pp.31. 12° *4103.3 — Sermon preached at the ordination of J. S. Dwight, in Northamptou, May m, 1840. Bos- ton, 1840. 8° 5470a. 20 — Temptations of the times. A discourse. May 7, 1837. Boston, 1837. 8° 5470a. 20 — Remarks on " ' The latest form of inUdelity' examined." See Norton, A 5435.4 — 5'ce New American cyclopa-dia A. 116.1 Ripley, S. Address at the ftniend of l!ev. B. Whitman, Nov. 8, 18.34. Boston, 1831). 10°. 4349a. 5 Ripley, W. P., Address at the funeral of. See Briggs, G. W 4163-6 RipoN, Description and history of. See Tourist's companion 44r9a.8 RirPEKUA, J. \V.,dulx. Life. ,S'ec Moore, G. . . 3092.7 KiPUAiUAN law. Le.x Ripuariorum, ou la loi ripu- aire des Francs. Peyre, J.F. A 3610.17 RlQUIEU, G. Lieder in provenzalischer Sprache. [Malin. Werke der Troubadours, v. 4] . . . 4086.21 RiSHANGEit, W. de. Chronica mouasterii S. Al- biini. Edited by H. T. Riley. A. D. 125<>- 1307. Loudon, 1865. 8°. [Great Britain. Itolls chronicles] *2«3.10 RIST, J. Auseilesene Gedichte. [Muller. Bibli- othek deutscher Dichter des 17ieu Jahrhuu- derts,v. 8] ■•• • • '»'■•'•'" Ritchie, A. CM. Autobiography of an actress; or eight years on tlie stage. Boston, 1854. 12°. 2-347.27 Ritchie, E. S. Catalogue of philosophical instru- ments, and school apparatus. Uoston, 1860. pp.84. 8° » sass-zi Ritchie, J. The tax-payer's guide; with an in- dex. Boston, 1S(>4. ijp. Ii2. 1'2° 3C58.40 Ritchie, L. The romance of history. France. New York, 1831. 2v. 8° 4602.14 — Sketch of the lil'e of Thomas Pringle. See Priugle, T 2566.14 RITCHIE, 1 . K. Account of llie life and writings of David Hume. London, 1807. 8° 2543.10 RITES. Marti;ne,E. De antiquaecclesiaedisciplina in divinis celebrandi.-> olttcns 6052.6 — - De antiquis ecclesise ritibus 0033.2 See alao: Baptism, Lord's supper, MaiTiage, Mass, Sacraments. RITMEIEK.C. H., Inmemoriam. Sec Nolten, J. F. 4210. a UlTSCHEL, A. Die Eutstehung des altkatholi- schen Kirche. Bonn, 1850. 8° 0040.9 — Das Evaugelium Marcions und das kanonische Evangelium des Lucas. Tubingen, 1840. 8°. 6025.12 ElTSON, J. Robin Hood: a collection of ancient poems, songs, and ballads ; prelixed, anec- dotes of his life. London, 1840. 8° . . . . 4175.4 — Life and publications of. .Vee Haslewood, J. . 2542.18 RiTTEK, A. H. iibcr die Emanationsiehre im tibergnnge aus der alterthumlichen in die christlicheDenkweise. Gottingen, 1847. fp. 40. 4° *>91-" — Uber die Erkenntniss Gottes in dcr W elt. Hamburg, 1830. 8° C0.:8.8 — Geschichte der cliristlichen Pliilosophie. Hamburg, 1841-53. 8v. 8° ........ •0102.2 — Geschichte der I'hilosophie alter Zeit. 2te Aufl. Hamburg, 1831-37. 4v. 8° 0104.2 RITTER .531 ROBBIXS Shelf. No. KITTF.R, A. H., continued. — Geschichte der pythagorischen Fliilosophie. Hamburg, JsiO. >" 6108. S — Welchen Eiofluss hat die Philosophie des Car- tesius auf die Ausbildung der des Spinoza geliabt, [u. s. w.] ? Leipzig, 1S17. S" .. B. 170a. 109 — and Freller, L. HistorinphilosophiaeGraeco- Komanae. Hambvrgi, 183s. s° 6102.4 Bitter, C. Atlas von Asien, zu AUgemeiner Erd- Itunde.ll. Abth. Entworfeuvon J. L. Grimm und H. Mnhlmann, her.iusg. Ton C. Rittcr undF.A. O'Etzcl. Lief. 1. Berlin, 1S40. 11 charts. f° *B.180f.l — - Same. Bearb. von H. Kiepert. Lief. 4. Berlin, )So4. pp. 4. 5 charts, f ° . . . . »B.lS0e.3 — Atlas von Vorder-Asien. 4tes Heft, Iste Ualfte. Bearb. von Carl Zimmermann. Berlin, lt<50. 15 charts, f ° *B.180e.2 — Ueber Barth und Overwegs Begleitung der J. Kichardsonschen Keiseexpedition zum Tschad-See. Berlin, 1850. pp.52. 8° . . . 4245.1 * — Ein Blick auf Paliistina und seine christliche Beviilkerung. Berlin, 1S52. pp. .37. 8° . . 3083.13 — Einleitungzuralll^emeinenvergleichenden Ge- ographic. Berlin, 1S52. 8° 2281.8 — Die Erdkunde im Verhiiltniss zur Natur und zur Geschichte des Slenschen. ler Theil, les Buch. Afrika. 2te Ausg. Berlin, IS22. 8°. •2297.2 — ijber die geographische Verbreitung der Baum- wolle und ihr Verhaltniss zur Industrie der Volker alter und neuer Zeit. [Berlin, 1652. No title-page.] 4° 3051.2 — Geschichte dor Erdkunde and der Entdeck- ungeu. Heransgegeben von H. A. DauieL Berlin, 1801. 8° 2275.7 ^ Die Vorhalle europiiischer Volkcrgeschichtea vor Herodotus, um den Kaukasus und an den Gestadon des I'ontus. Berlin, 1820. 8° . . . 415G.4 RITTERICH, F. P. Weitere i.eitraege zur VervoU- konimung der Augcnheilkuust. , Leipzig, • 1861. pp.- 70. 8' 3801.35 RitusanhAra id est tempestatum cyclus, carmen banskritum, Latine interpretatione instruxit P. a Bohleu. .See Kiilidasa 5024.8 ,RlVERO,M. 1*;., and Tschudi, J. .1. v. Peruvian au- tiquites. TiAusl. from the original Spanish, by F. L. Hawks. New York, ls5.). 8° . . . 4360.6 Rivers. Delaprupriete du cours et du lit de.s rivi- fcres. Rives, D. A 3685.1 Rives, U. A. De la proprietc du cours etdu lit dea rivicrfes iiou navigables et non fiottables. Paris, 1844. 8° 3685.1 Rives, W. C Discourse on the uses and impor- tance of lustory, ,7une 20, 1847. Richmond, 1847. 8° 4394.81 Rivet, A. See Histoire litteraire ih' la Kranci', v. 1-9 4692.1 RivlfcRK. See Eenol Riviere, H. RIXNEK, T. A. Hantibiieh der Geschichte der Phi- losophic. 2te AuM. Sulzbach, 1829. .'iv. 8°. 6092.0 Road to peace. Lowell, .1 4318.44 RoAns. Adams, W. B. Roads and rails 4014.10 Arnd, C. Der Strasscu- und Wegebau . . . . 4015.21 — Pechmann, H. v. Ban uud J.rhallung der JIaupt- und Vicinal- Strassen 4015.20 Ste aUo: RnllroailN. BOBBEItDS,.!. G. Answer to the Lord Ohancellor'a question, "What Is a unitarian?" [A ser- mon.) London, 1825. 8° . •Pph.v.342 RouiiIN.s, ciumdkr, n.n.. of Plymouth, b. 17.38, d. 1799. Discourse dtjlivercd before the Hu- mane society of .MassachusettH, .lune 14, 1796. [With an appendix.) Boston, 1796. 8m.4°. 3808.5 — Sermon before J. Hancock, governour, [etc.]. May 20, 1791, the day of general election. BoBlou, 1791. 8* •4306.7 — Sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. IC. Watson. Boston, 1767. H* 4319.0 ijbelf. No. ROBBINS, Chandler, D.D.,o/ rh/moiith, contimied. — Discourse delivered after the death of. See Shaw, W 4347.95 ROBBINS, Chandler, D. D., of Boston. Address at the laying of the corner-stone of the Second clmrch, Jliiy 30, 1844. Boston, 1844. 8°. . 5160a. 108 — Character of Kev. E. Peabody. Cambridl^e, 1857. pp. 12. 8''. [ From the Monthly relig- ious magazine for Jan., 18.57] 4347.78 — Discourse iu commemoration of Rev. H. Ware, jr., Oct. 1, 1843. Boston, 1S43. 8° 4347.113 — An Easter sermon. Cambridge, 185s. 8° . . 5460a. 67 — A feature of the times : a sermon in the Sec- ond church in Boston, Nov., [18.39]. Boston, 1840. 8° •4163.7 — Force of right purpose, the criterion of true manhood and the first principle of success ; sermon, Nov. 24, 1859. Boston, 1859. 16° . 54C0a.l09 — Memoir of Hon. William Appleton. Boston, 1863. pp. 64. 8° ♦ . . 2347.43 — The mother's law. A sermon occasioned by the death of the mother of the late judge Story. Boston, 1847. 8° 4348.62 — Sermon after the funeral of N. Lincoln. With biographical notes. Boston, 1856. 8° . . . 4347.59 — Sermon before the proprietors of the Second church, Sept. 17, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8" . . 5460a. 67 — Sermon, March 12, 1843, on the death of Kev. J. Simpkios. Boston, 1843. 8° 4348.61 — Sermon on the 25th anniversary of his ordina- tion, Dec. 5j 1858. Boston, 1858. 8° . . . . 5543. S — Sermon preached after the death of Mrs. E. Frothingham and Mrs. C. F. Wolcott. Bos- ton, 1850. 8° 4348.60 — Sermon preached at the installation of Rev. G. Reynolds, ,Iuly 8, 1^58. Boston, 1868. 8° . 5460a. 67 — Sermon to the Second church, Oct. 11, 18.35. Boston, 1830. 8° ........ 5460a.67 — Sermon to the Second church, Nov. 6, 1836. Boston, 1836. 8° 5400a. 67 — Thanksgiving sermon, at the Second church in Boston, Nov. SO, 1840. Boston, 1810. 8° . . •4163.7 — Tribute to the memoi^ of departed infants. Sermon, Oct. 11, 1835. Boston, 1830. 8°. 6100a. 109, and 5470a. 59 — Two sermons, March 10, 1844. Boston, 1844. 8° 5540.8 ROBHINS, E. [American popular lessons, selected from 5Irs. Harbauld, Jliss Edf,^e\vorIh, and others.] New York, [1829], .16° 7069.32 — Primary dictionary. 3d cd. New York, n. d. 12° 4589.30 — [Public instruction in Prussia.) Philadelphia, 183r,. 18' 3599.29 — Sequel to American popular lessons. New York, 1827. 16° 7069.33 ROBBINS, F. L. Discourse on the death of A. Lin- coln, April 23, 1805. Pliiladelpllin, 1805. 8°. •4342.5 RoBltlNs,,!..!. Report of the trial of Castner Han- way for treason, iu the resistance of the ex- ecution of the fugitive slavo law. Philadel- phia, 1152. S°'. . . .' n. 100. 107 ROBBiNs, N., Sermon after the interment of. See Thacher, T 4347.96 ROBBiNS, P. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. C. Kobbins, in Plymouth, Jan. 3U, 1760. Boston, 17(iO. 8° 5400a. 65 ROBBiNS, S. D. The worship of the soul : a dis- course. 2d ed. t:helsea, 1810. 8° •4103.13 ROBBIN.S, T. Addresn before the alumni of Wil- liams college, Aug. 16, 1843. Boston, 1843. 8° 4304.55 — Historical view, of tlie first plnnturs of New England. Ilarlfonl, 1815. 12° 4325.17 — Sermons on the divinity of Ciirist. Hartford, 1820. 10° 5403.8 — View of all religions; and the rellglous'ceremo- nies of ail nut ions at the present day. Includ- ing ail uliiidginenl of Uard's "Idolatry of llie Hindoos.'' 2d ed. Ilarlford, 1821. 8°. 6132.0 EOBEKT 535 KOCKY MOUNTAINS Shfllf. Xo. iiOBKKT, 0/ Sorlon. Opuscula de conscienlin, de confcssioiio ; Iter I'liiadisi. [Miixiimi bibli- oth.vrt. pair., V. -,'6] li. 110.2 TlOBERr,o/ Tori(/ni, abbot ojWront Sl.JIu-hel. Cro- nica, vel iiiu'tiirium chroniei SigL-bcrti LJein- blilccnsis. [Fiiinkt'urt. Socii'las, etc., v. (ij. -JSOO.a ROBEur, 0/ irnl/onl. Doiiu-sday oist. Taul's, TA'-J ; or, Kt'sistruin dc visilutione muuerioruin, and othLT documents rclatiiig to St. riiul's. Introd. [etc.], by W. II. Ihiie. [ »Vi-.°.*.M.l*ph.v.l37 ROBliKT, II. I.es mouvemeuts des corps celestes, deniontres h I'aide d'appareils cosmoyraphi- ques. I'aris, ls52. pp. 72. 12" 3929.35 Robert, L. E. Guograpliie physique, geographie botanique, et pliysiologie. [France. Com- inis.siou scientilique du Xord. A'oyages en Scandinavie, V. 10, 17] 2S05.1 ROBEitTHiN, I{. Auserlesene Gediclite. [MUller. Bibliothek deutscher Dicliter des l"ten Jahr- hundcrts, V. 5] 2879.10 ROBEitTON, .J. Answers to tbe objections com- monly brouglit against vaccination. Man- chester, 1S:W. pp. .'iO. 8° 3707. 36 Roberts, A. Discussions on the Gospels. Lon- don, IStW. 8° 3424.14 Roberts, J. Hand-book of artillery. New York, ISOO. 18° 3953.36 Roberts, Riehard. Autumn tour ia Spain, in 1S59. London, 1800. 8° 3102.12 Roberts, Kobert R., Life of. See Elliott, C. . . . 6558.20 Robertson, D. Tour through the Isle of Man, 1791. [Mavor. British tourists, V. 5J . . . 2469.22 Robertson, E. W. Scotland under her early kings, to the close of the 13th century. Edinburgh, 1S02. 2v. h° ". 2477.5 Robertson, F. \Y. Life and letters. Edited by S. A. Brooke. London, 1805. 2v. sm.b° . . . 4547.1 Eobertso-V, James C. Becket, archbishop of Can- terbury. A biography. London, 1859. S° . 2447.19 Robertson, John. Speech on the subject of abo- lition, in the house of representatives. May, 1830. Washington, 1830. 8° 5572.48 ^ Robertson, T. Nuevo curso de idioma ingles. Obra traducida por F. J. Rojas. 8a ed. New York, [1851]. 8° 4585.5 Robertson, W., Account of the life and writings of. Sec Stewart, 1) 2542.17 Robespierre, K. J. M. I., Tjrannyof. See Wil- liams, H. M 4640.24 Robespierre, Les ; monographie bibliographique. (Juerard, J. M 2163.10 ROBLN, Charles. Galerie des gens de lettres au xixe siecle. I'aiis, 1848. 1.8° 4661 . 1 ContenU. — De-Salvandy; Victor Hugo; Francois Arago; PauIFeval; Ernest Alby; Alturuche; Alexan- dre Uumas; ilippolyte Lucas; Auf^itste Maqiiet; Ariieue Uonssaye ; Lauiartine ; LouU Blanc. RoBIx, Charles P. Des veg^taux qui croissent sur rhoinme et sur les animaux vivants. Taris, 1847. !.«• 5844.3 — and Verdeil, V. Traitt- de chimie anatomique et physiologique, normale et pathologique. [Avee] Atlas de 1)1. col. I'ariB, 1863. 4v. s°. 5972.1 ROBlN, Claude C. Nouveau voyage dans I'Ame- riquc septentrionale eu 17&1. riiiladelphie, 1762. »° 4303.13 — Voyages dans I'interieur de la Louisiane, [etc.]. Paris, 1807. Sv. a' 2376.18 Robin Hood, Ancient poems, songs and ballads relative to. Ritsou, J 4175.4 ^ROBLNSON, C. S. The martyred president : a sermoii in Brooklyn, N. Y'., April 10, 18C5. Tievr ' York, 1605. 8° •1342.6 Slielr. No. Robinson, E. Greek and English lexicon of the New Testament. New ed. New York, 1858. S" 3484.21 — Physical geography of the Holy Land. Bos- ton, 1865. 8°. . . 6423.4 — Harmony of the four Gospels in (ireek, accord- ing to the text of Hahu. .See Bible. New T<'Stanient. (iospels. Harmonies 6010.13 — Life of. Sec Smith, II. B 4349.12 RoBixsoN, G. Viaggio in Siria e in Palestina, trad.* da G. Gentile. [Marmocchi. Vinggi, v. 6]. 2275.1 Robinson, H. Zurich letters, or the correspond- ence of several English bishops and others. 2d ed., in one series. Cambridge, 1816. 8° . B. 195. 11 Robinson, John, The memory of. See Lamson, A 5353. ?0 Robinson, Joseph B. Epitaphs from the ceme- teries of London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, etc. London, 1859. 10° 2634.3 Robinson, S. T. L. Kansas ; its interior and ex- terior life. 7th ed. Boston, 1837. 8° . . . 4.378.2 «« Robinson, Theresa A. L. v. Jacobs, [(je^chichteder Colonisation vou Neu-Knglaud.] Leipzig, 1847. 8° 4-324.14 — [Historical view of the Slavic language in its various dialects.] Andover, 1834. 8° . . . **3034.29 — [VolksliederderSerben.J 2te Aufl. Halle, 1835. 2v. 8° 4223.17 Robinson, Thomas R. Places of 5,345 stars ob- served at the Armagh observatory. Dublin, 1859. 8° 3924.30 Robinson, W. E. St. Patrick and the Irish. An oration, March 17, 1812. New Haven, 1842. 8°. 4.393.32 Robinson dcr J Ungere. Campe, J.H 4889.6 Robinson family, Genealogical memoirs of the. See Vinton, J. A 4332.3 Rocchetta, A.de. Peregrinationede Terra Santa ed' altre provincie. Palerjno, 1030. 4°. . . *4245.16 Rocco, M. La boccoleca e la f'eorgeca de Virgilio Marone,sportata'n lenguanapoletana. [Lat. and Neap.] [Collezione di tutti i poemi in lingua napoletana, V. 24, 25] 4799a. 1 ROCHAMBEAtr, J. B. D. de Vimeur, covite de. Me- moires militaires, historiqucs et politiques. [Publics par Luce de Laucival.] Paris, 1809. 2v. 8° 4673.5 — Campagne de I'armee de M. le comte de Roch- ambean. See Robin, C. C 4363.13 RocHAi;, A. L. de. Geschichto Frankreichs vom Sturze Napoleons bis zur Wiederstellung des Kaiserthums, 1814-52. Leipzig, 1858. 2v. 8°. 4614.3 Roche, D., and Ferguson, J. Acconntof the trans- actions between Capt. Roche and Lieut. Fer- guson, [etc.]. London, 1773. 12° . . . . *Pph.v.369 Rochefoucauld Liancourt, F. A. F. de. Travels through the United states, the country of the Iroquois and Upper Canada. [Mavor. Voy- ages, V. 24] 6267.1 ROCHELLE, or La Roclielle. Histoire de la ville de La Kochelle. See Arcere, L. I^ 4622.1 Rochester, A^ 1'. Revised charter of the city. Rochester, 1850. S' 6499.1 RoCHHOLZ, E. L. Alemannisches Kinderlied und Klnderspiel aus der Schweiz. Leipzig, 1867. 8° **2b73..3, and 4223.8 RoCHON de Chabannes, 51. A. .T. Heureusement ; La manie des arts, ou la matinee a la mode; Les amaus gi^nereux; Le jaloux. [Theatre frjin^ais, V. 36] 4708.1 Rock county, iris., History of. Guernsey, O. . . 4377.3 RoCKPOKT, Mass., History of. Babson, J.J. . . 2356.26 Rockwell, J. A. Remarks on the report of the secretary of the treasury on the linances: delivered in the house of representatives, May 11, 1848. Washington, ls49. 8° . . . 5640.26 — -Speech on the finances of the country : deliv- ered in the house of representatives, March 1,1848. Washington, 1848. 8° 5646.26 Rocky mountains. De Smet, P. J. Travels over the, 1845, 48 2378.32 KOCKY MOUNTAINS 536 EOLT / ' Shelf. .\u. Rocky mountains, continued. — Irving, W. Scenes, incidents and adventures in the 2396.19 — Marcou, J. Description geologique des Mon- tagues Roclieuses « 3869.35 — Mollhausen, B. Iteiscn in die Felsengebirge Nord-Amerikas 2316.12 RODDA, E. Youtli's manual of devotions through- out tlie year. 1st Am. ed., rev. New York, •1814. 32° 3440.64 EODDE, J. Deutsch-russisches fund russisch-deut- Bches] ^Viirterbuch. Riga, 1784. 2v.ini. S''.*4114.16 RoDENB-\OH, A. Coup d'ccil d'un aveugle sur les sourds-muets. Bruxelles, 1829. 8° .... 3691.8 EODEXBERG,J. Island of the Saiuts. A pilgrimage through Ireland. [Translated by L. Wrax- all.] London, 1861. 12° 2476.24 EODIEK, G. Antiquity des races humaines. 2e 6d. Paris, ISiH. 8° 2335.20 RoDOLF von Kms. Der gute Gerhard, herausge- geben von M. Haupt. Leipzig, 1840. 8°. . 4231.7 EODOLPH, abbot of St. Trudo, or St. Tron. Gesta abbatum Trudonensium. [Achery. Spicile- gium, V. 7] 4152.7 EoDOLPH, of Frumeiitspcrg. Itinerarium in Ta- Iffistiuam anno 1340. [Canisius. Thesaurus, V. 4] 4110.3 KODOLPH, monk of Cluny. ^'ita Tetri Venerabilis. [Marline. Vet. script., v. 0] 4160.1 RoDOLPH, or Euodolph, monk of Fillda. Annales Fuldenses. [Frankfurt. Societas.etc, v. 1]. 4210.2 RODOLFll, of Swabia. Ue Eudolpho Suevico anti- Caisare. 5ee Strauss, . J. S 4217.4 EOEDER, or Rodder, M. I'auegyricus de reforma- tione in Const, coucilio. See Hardt, H. v. d.G059a.l7 ROELivEU, It. Argument in favor of the constitu- tionality of the legal tender clause, Feb. 25, 1802. New York, lsli3. pp. 44. 8° .... 56G0a.3 EoEMEK, J. I'olyglot reader. Knglish text. New York, ISSii. 12° 7069.15 — - Same. Italian translation by V.Botta. New York, 1850. 12° 4789.3 EOEXICK, J.T. Kect'utiorvm poetarvm Gernmno- rvni carmina Latina selectiora. Ilelmstadii, 174S). s° **49.1S.6 HOEPELL, R. Geschiclite Polcns [bis 1400]. Th. 1. Hamburg, 1840. 8° »4216.9 Roger, o/ /^ore(/on. Anualium pars 1,2. [Savile. Rerum Angliearuni scriptorcs] 4170.8 Rogers, K. I'. lte])eal of the Missouri compro- mise considered. [Inverse.] Newark, 1856. 12° * . . . . B.170b.94 Rogers, Ili'uryH. Uemarksbeibre the Association for aged indigent females, itoston, 1850. 8°- B. 170. 61 Remarks on the project for supplying Boston with pure soft water. Boston, 1815. pp. 39. t," 4354.20 Rogers, Henry I). Annual rei)ort, 2d-Gth, on the geological survey of Pennsylvania. Harris* burg, lN3i<-42. 5v. 8° 4.372. 19 — Jahri'sherii-lit, 2er, 4i'r; lletrelf der geologi- sclu'u I nlersufhungeii in dciri Staate I'enn- sylvanieii. ilarrisburg, ls:iS-lo. 2v. 8° . . 4372.21 Annual report, 5th, on the geological survey of I'eniisylvania. [Newed.J Ilarrisburg, 1841. 8' 4372.20 Laws of structure of the more disturbed zones of the earth's crust. Kdtnburgh, "1851!. 4°. [ Krom the transHctions of tin? Koyal society oflMinburgh, v.21,p. 3,pp. 431-171] . . . .B. 190. 11 ROGER'S, Hester A. I'ixperienee, and funeral ser- mon, by Kev. l>r. Coke; to which ar<- added her spiritual letters. New York, IslO. 18°. 6159n.34 — The life of faith cxuniplllivd. Mew York, 1801. 18' 6446.36 RouKits, Jamis K. T. liducatlon In Oxford. Lon- don, IWil. p.h° 2490.20 Rogers, John, the llrst iCngllsh martyr of the re- formutloii. ice Chester, .J. L 2543.1 shell. No- RoGERS, R. Journals, and Bouquet's expedition against the Ohio Indians in 1701. Dublin, 1769. sm.l2° *4329a.l2 — Biography. See Stark, C 4315.12 EOGEKS, S. Itecolleclious. Boston, 1S50. 10° . . 2518.23 — IlecoUections of [his] table-talk, to which is added, Porsoniana. New York, 1850. 12°. 2518.15 ROGERS, William. Report of the case of E. A. Bourne versus the city of Boston, tried March, 185 1. Boston, 1S53. pp.80. 8° . . . 4289.34 EOGERS, William B. Address before the Lyceum of natural history of Williams college, Aug. 14, 1855. Boston, 1853. 8° 4394.56 — Proofs of the proft)zoie age of some of the al- tered rocks of eastern Massachusetts. Cam- bridge, 1850. pp. B. 170.1 — Report of the progress of the geological survey of the state of Virginia for 1839. Richmond, 1840. 8° 6372.12 ROGERS, William M. Address delivered at the dedication of the new hall of Bradford acad- emy, April 15, 1811. Boston, 1841. 8° . . . 435S.18 — Sermon before the Massachusetts home mis- sionary society, SIay28, 1850. Boston, 1850. s°.5400a.61 — Sermon occasioned by the loss of the Harold and Lexington, Jan. 26, 1810. Boston, 1840. 8°.5400a. 64 — Pleasures of science. See Sdentitic tracts . . 3939.6 KOGQE, C. A. Ueber das Gericlitswesen der Ger. manen. Ilalle, 18i0. 8° 4304.12 ROQNIAT, J. Remarques sur ses Considerations sur I'art de la guerre. See Marbot, J. B. M. . . 3951.16 Ron.iULT, J. Physica, Latinevertit, recensuit, am- plllicavit S. Clarke. Londlnii, 1710. [No ■ title-page.] 8° 3967.23 ROHTE, J. Chronleon Thuringios vernaculum. [Mencke. Script. Germ., v. 2] 4201.2 RojAS, F. de. Celestina. See Cota, K 3105.13 RoKiT.\N3KY, C. llandbuch der speciellen patho- logischen Anatomic. Wien, 184.1-41. 3v. 8°. 3741.9 — Lehrbucli der pathologischen Anatomic. 3te Auti. Baud 1. Wieu, 1855. 8° 3791.10 — Pathological anatomy. Part 1. Abnormal conditions of the organs of respiration. Transl. byJ.C. Peters. New York, 1845. 8°. 3794.39 EOLAND. Lachanson do Roland, oude Koncevanx du Xlle siiclc publice pour la premiere fois, par F. Mii'hel. Paris, 1817. 8° ••4685.7 — Euolandes Liet, von W. Grimin. Giittingcn, 1838. Iv. 8°, and IV. f °, plates 4220.21 ^ Roland de la Plaliere, .M.J. P. Appeal to impar- tial posterity, franslated from the French. 1st Am. ed. New York, 1798. ■ 4v. in 2. 8°. 4650.30 — Jlemoires, publ. par C. A. Uauban. Paris, 1804. 8° 10«-I0 EoLANiJi.NO paduano. Memorialis teniporum de factis In .Marehia etprope ad Marchiam Tar- visimvnl. [Grxvius. Thes. antici. Ital., T. 0, p. 1] •I'lO-l Roi.l.EXlI.VGE.N, G. Uer Friische uud MUuse wun- (lerseltsanie llothaltung; sonst Froschmiius- zlergenannt. iManktarl, HKi. 8° . . . .••2903.20 KOI.I.IN, C. Ancient history. Translated from the French. IJth ed. lloslon, 1807-9. 8v. 8° . 2225.2 _ - Same. Vol. 2-8. New York, 1820. 7v. 12°. 4149.8 — De la u\anlere d'etudier les belles-lettres, lid. stereot. Paris, 1823. 4v. 12° 4099a. 13 EOLLOCli, It. .Select works. Reprinted from the ori|?iual edilious. Edited by W. M. Gunn. Kdinburgh, I81.i-19. 2v. 8°. [Wodrow soci. . ety] 5193.8 CoiKc"". — Vol. I. VllR «t oblUi« U. llulllcl; Llfa of itriiu'liinl Itollofk, hy iirlmlpiU l.')inrtcri«; A IrcdtliO of our oircrlHiil ciimiiBi CBtochctkiil r«i)o»Ulou of iiiiiilfi oT ri'vuliiliuii ; Muriiioiin ; l>u tuturiin invntli thvluiv ainirubnlUmo ot rtf|iruliiitli»iio. II. Lovtureg uiiwii iho im»«Iini of ChrlBt, tliu roaurrcctloii «i" Clirltl, tlio nucciiitliju ul' Ctirlit. Koi.T, U. AnilnUfl, altcrrd by Tciniucci, fnun tin- Itoyiil slifpIiiT.i. [Ci.lli'cllini oriiirci-f*, v.f>J. 4 ,'575.. 35 ^B KOJIA 537 ROMANCES Slielf. No. Roma delle belle arti del rlisppno. Parte la. Dell' urchitottnrn civile, llassano, l>r. S° . ,**2737.10 ROMAir laii^im.tjo. David,.!. Jli'-thode pour <5tii- di'T In laiiguc gi'ceque modenie 49SS.1 — Nt-'idliiifjer, — . rrobea von don Lcnkesclien niiifKIassendes Schrift-Nougriecliischen . . 29S8.19 — Skarlatos Byzantios. AtltKOv uztTOfioi' rrji E.\- Xir-iKnt }\1. Modoetia?, I8o0, 51. 12" H183.7 — Martyrologivm Uomauvm C.'esaris Baronii no- tationibvs iUustratum. Noviss. ed. Accedit vetvs Komanvm martyrologivm cum martyro- logio Adonis, opera H. llosweydi. Antverpiie, ir.l.-i. f " *B.110.4 - Martyrologivm Uomauvm. Verteutscht durch C. Vetter. Dilingeu. 159'J, sm.4° *G074.15 - Missale Uomanum, juxta decretum concilii Tridentini restitutum. Prague, 1845. f . . ♦6040.5 - LVflice do la quinzaiue de Paques. Lyon, 184-^. S-^" C069a.35 - L'ofBce de I'eglise en latin et en fran^ois. Kouv. ed. Piiris, 1G96. sni.S" *6067.20 - - Same. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1707. 12" ... . 5448.22 - The office for the dead, in Latin and English. Dublin, 1820. 32" 5448.47 - St. Vincent's manual of prayers and devotional exercises. Gth ed. Baltimore, 1850. IS' . 5443.35 - Andrea, G. de. La curia romana e i Gesuiti . 4718.18 - Arcliinaid, A. Lcs origines dc I'eglise ro- maine 6074.10 - Azeglio, K. d'. The court of Rome and the Gospel 474-t.5 - Bordas-Demoulin, J. B. Sur la reforme ca- tholique 6108.22 - Bouvet, F. J. F. Du catholicisme en France. 0095.15 - Bungener, L. F. Rome et la Bible 3420.12 - Butler, C. Vindication of " The book of the Roman catholic church " 34(54.18 -, Capper, S. Acknowledged doctrines of the . 3464.19 - Field, H. M. The good and the bad in the . ,6088.242 - Gavanti, B. Thesaurus sacrorura rituum . . 6030.4 - Gregory, W. Trialof Antichrist, otherwise, the man of sin 3464.30 - Hu'^lies. J . The catholic chapter in the history of the United States 5515.1 - Huntington, F. D. The Roman catholic prin- ciple 6464.25 68 bhulf. No. Roman cntholic church, continued. — Inquiry into the moral and political tendency of the l'ph.v.355 — Kiimpfe und Triumphe der rdmischen Kirche. 3403.18 — Leti, G. Conclavi de' pontefici romani . . . . 3553.19 — Mnnzoni, A. Sulla morale cattolica B,117.5 — 3I;mri(;e, J. F. D. The roligion of Rome and its influence on modern civilization 5464.20 — Mejer, O. Die Propaganda 6075.3 — Mendham, J. Literary policy of the .... 218^1.8 — Murray, N. Letters to the Kt. Rev. J.Hughes. 3464.38 — Perennts, F. Ouvrages pour et sur le catholi- cisme 2IS0.3 — Rouge, J. Die HauptSiitzederchristlichapos- tolisch-katholischen Gemeinde zu Schneide- mUhl 6003.15 — - An die niedere catholische Geistliclikeit . GOGS. 15 — Schmucker, S. S. The papal hicrarcliy, viewed in the liglit of propheoy and history .... 5470a. 65 — Stiiudenmaier, F. A. Weseu der katholischen Kirche 6074.20 — Thomassin, L. Ecclesiae disciplina circa bene- ticiii 6080.1 — "Whately, R. Cautions for the times , , . .5460a. 105 — Wiseman, N. Appeal to the English people . 5404.10 — - Corapitum; or the meeting of the ways, at the 6074.26 See also: German catholic church, Inquisition, Jesu- its, Papacy, Popery, Popes, Roman states, Ultramoa- tanism. Roman catholic question. Tracts on the. Le Mesu- rier, T 34G3.13 Roman states. II governo ponteficio e lo state ro- mano. Document!, raccolti dal cav. A. Gen- narelli. Prato, 1800. 2v. i" 4713.1 — Boni, F. de. La congiura di Roma e Pio ix . 4718.14 — CaylaJ. M. Plus de question romaine . . . 4714.8 — Cesena, A. G. de. La papauto et I'addresse . 4714.5 — Passaglia, C. Pro caussa Italica, ad episcopos catholicos. See Caussa 4714.23 — - Obbligo del vescovo romano e pontefice mas- snuo di risiodere in Roma 4718.20 — - II ponteHce ed il prinoipe 4714.23 — Rangliiaschi, L. Bibliogratia storica dello stato ponteficio 2162.11 — Ricasoli, B. Le baron Ricasoli et la question romaine 4714.10 — Solution definitive de la question romaine . . 4714.1 — Souverainete du pape et I'unite italienne . . . 4714.11 — Tocsin, Le, du Vatican 4714.9 — Tuilerics, Les, et Ic Vatican 4714.7 See also: Papacy, Popes, Rome. Roma nce languages. Diez, F. C. Ety mologisches Worterbuch der romanischen Sprachen . . 4114.5, and 4786.3 — - Grammalik der romanischen Sprachen . . 2885.10 — I^uchs, A. Die romanischen Sprachenin ihrem Verhiiltnisse zum Luteiuischen 46S5.8 — Lewis, G. C. Essay on the formation of the . 4685. H See also: Provencal language, Romaneso langunge, Troubadours, Wallacbian lauguage. Romances. Petite bibliographie biographico-ro- manciere. Pigoreau, A. N 2171.6 Romances of the middle ages. Guessard, F. Lea anciens poetes de France 2679.18 — Tressan de la Vergne, L. E. de. Corps d'ex- traits de romans de chevalerie 4189.13 Seealio: Alexander the Grent, Arthur, Aye d'Avig- non, Illonde of Oxford, Dietricli of Bern, Uoon do Maicnce, Fiernbraa, Floovant, Floria endo BInncefluer, Gariii Ic Loherain, Gaufrcy, Gaydon, Gudvun, Gu! do Bourgogne, Gui de Nnnteuil, Uennynk de Han, Iluon de Bordeaux, Iwcin dur Ritter, Nibclungeii, Ogier do Daiiemarche, Parisc, Percivol, Roland, Kosengartcn, Bound table. Saint Great, Titurel, Waldere, Waltha- riui, WaUbcr von Aquitanien. liOMAXELLI 538 UOJIE Shelf. No. Eoji.\NELLi, D. Viaggio a Pompei, a Pcsto e di ri- torno ad Ercolanoed aPozzuoli. Ed. 2a. Na- poli, ISir. 2v. sin.ir **2r35.25 EOJIAXESH language. Aniprima lectura per la giuventegna da scola e'gl cantim Grischim . 2S85.20 — Christniaim, W. L. Nachricht von der soge- nannten romanischen Sprache in Graubiiud- ten 48SG.0 — Conradi.JL Deutsch-romanisclieGrammatik. 2885.15 — - Tasclienwijrterbucli der romanisch-deut- sclien Sprache 28S4.20 KoMAxa, J. P. Der neueste Pantheismus. Bern, 1S4S. 8° C03S.7 RoMANi, F. La somnanibule. Opdra. [Text. French and Italian.] Paris, ls38. pp. 61. 8°. 8059.1 ROMANix, S. 8toriadocumeutata di Venezia. Ye- nczia, 1853-30. 5v. 8° 4190.7 EOMANUS Junior. Aurea bulla pro mona.^iterio Xe- ropotami in nionte Atlio. [Migne. l*atro- losia Graica, V. 113] 5472.15 — De vita. [Migne. Patrologia Gra;ca, v. 109]. 64r2.12 Ko-MBERO, B. School for the violincello. Boston, n. d. 4° 8051.88 E05IBEKG, J. A. Die Wissenschaften im 19ten Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1S56-03. Sv. S°..*A.123.2 Rome. Antiquities and art, — Becker, W. A. Callus Oder riimi.'JChe Scencn aus der Zeit Augusts 4307.3 — - Riimische Alterthiimer 4202.6 — Ficoroni, F. de'. Le mascliere sceniche e le figure comiclie d'antichi Romani 2953.22 — Godwin, T. English exposition of the Romaue nnti.iuities 4950.49, 50 — Guattani, G. A. Notizic sulle antichita e belle arti di Roma 2735.4 — Hirt, A. Die Lehre der Gebiiude bei den Ro- mern 4103.13 — Mazois, F. Le palais de Scaurus, ou descrip- tion d'une maison roraaine 2950.37 — Jleierotto, .T. H. L. Deber Sitteu und Lebens- artderRiimer .' 4950.40 — Nieupoort, G. H. Rituura apud Romanos ex- plioatio C07fi.21 — Filiscus, S. Lexicon anti^uitatumUomauarum. 4200.1 — Poleni,G. Thes.auriautitores, V. 2] .... 4210. -I — Plulner, E. ]le«clnell)ung der .Stadt Kom . . 2737.1 _ lieuiiuinl, A. V. R.indaelic Urlfle, 1837, .38 . . 2737.18 — - JSeue riimischo llrlefe 2737.19 — lilghetti, 1*. Dcacrlzionc del C'»nii)ldogllo . . 474().:i Shulf. No. R05IE, continued. — Sanctis, L. de. Rome, Cliristian and papal . 4278.5 — Urlichs, L. RomischeTopographie in Leipzig. 2730.15 — Vasi,M. Itini5rnireinstructifdeKomeiiNaples. 4199.10 See also: Colosseum. Jlistory and hiography. Abregd de I'liistoire roinaine, k I'usage de l'i:eole militaire 4r.59a._l Ampi>re, J. J. A. L'hisloire roniaine ii Rome. 2758. o Appianus. Guerres civiles de la ripublique ■ 1977 2 romaine « -.>//... Audisio, G. La rivoluzione romana 4714.24 Bingley, W. Biography of celebrated Romans. 2758.13 Boucliitte,L.F. n. Lei;ons d'histolre romaine. .3591.29 Buonaparte, J. Sac de Rome 2717.10 Commentarius captre urbis, ductore Carolo Borbonio 3085.28 Crescimbeni, G. M. Le vite degli Arcadi il- lustri . 2744.2S Dio Cassius. nistoriie Romanic libn xi.vi . 4200.2 - RerumRomanarumlibriLXXX '^i'^^'^ - Histoire, abregee par Xipliilin - 2979.23 Fiedler, F. Scriptores historia: Roman.1: mi- ll 177.7 norcs sex xt.ni" Floras, L. A. Tile Roman histories 2929.11 Gibbon, E. Histoire de la decadence et de la chiUe de I'cmpire romain 2757.5 Goldsmith, O. Storia romana 2759.8 Gregorovius, F. Gcscliichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter ,V'^''l Guici-iardini, L. II sacco di Roma . . . .- . 2719.12 Historic Augustae scriptores sex 2929-19 Historix Koiuiinx scriptores minores .... 2920.14 Hoeck.C. F. 0. Kiimische Geschiclite vom Vcr- fall* dor Republik bis zur Vollendung der Monarchic uuter Constantin 4190.10 Hugo,,!. Historia Romana 4755.1 Kiugsley, C. The Roman and the Teuton : a series of lectures 2<57.13 Landi, C. In veterum numismatum Romano- rum miscellanea explicationes 2732. t> Le Nain de TiUemont, L. S. Histoire dc9 em- pereurs durant les six premiers siccles dc Kglise ^Ol-S Macaulav, T. B. Lays of ancient Rome ... 2758.4 Miidilen, F. W. Handbook of Roman numls- '>Ta7 '>\ nialics *,.j^.-.i . Momuisen, T. Die romischc Clirouologie bis auffae.MU- «'"•'•«• . - K;imi>clie Geschiclite 2;68.7, and 419(i.U . - Hi.-tory of 2/58.2 - Montesiiuieu.C.deSccondatdc. Cauaesolthe risf and fill of llic Roman empire 2757.0 ■ Papencorilt, K. Gescliiclite der Stadt Rom im Jlilteluller ■HW'---! . Thierry, A. S. D. Histoire romaine au ve siecle '-"S~- + . - Nouveaux n'cits de I'liistoire romaine au IVe el ve siecle 2757.9 . - Tableau de I'empirc romain 2757.11 - Valdis,.!. and A. l^osas aciiezldas eu Roma, el anode 1527 l>m\.9 - Westermaiin, A. Geschiclite der Beredsain- keit in Rom 4202.5 - Wielersheim, E. V. Gcscliichte der Vdlker- wauderuiig 2757.10 - Zeller, .I.S. Les cmpercurs romuins .... 2;6;.7 - Zeiio, N. Memorie de I barbari die distrnsseft rimpeiiodi Roma 4729a.. .s Political institutions and UijlsUition. - Ohapmaii, T. lOssay on the lloiiian Semite . . 2930.35 - GiUlliug, (-'. W. Geschiclite der lomischen Stmitsverlass-uug zu t'. t'iisar's Tod 4304. S - llillliiiunn, (-'. 1>. liomlscliu Grumh erfassuug. 4208.2 - Urtoliu .1. I.. E. Histoire lie la legislation ro- malm «U5.21 - Rolli, !•'. IJere imiiiii-ipali Roniauornm . . . 29jO.:H EOME 539 ItUSE Rome, coniimied. Jteligion of ancient Rome. — Ilortzbpr^, \V. A. R. De diia Romanorum piKriis r.072.2 — Homhor^j, T. MythologU- dpr Itumcr .... 0072.7 — Merivale.C. Conversion of the Uoiirin finpiro. 551^.20 — SctKMt, V. G. De reiigioni' Roiuanoriiincivili. ll.lUO.Ol — Scliweiick, D. Mythulo^ie der KunuT .... 0071.10 — Stoll, \\,\y. ropuliiru :Mytholof;ie dcrRiimor. 5i8S.30 Ste alto: I.nlin lanfTunpri', I.ntiii litornluro, Uoiiian cathalio church, Romnn stutcs. — Pontilii'io coUi'gio iirbano de propagiindn TkIc. Accademiii poliglnttrt chc gU aluiiui oirrono, per lii Epifuniii, iMiu. Koma, If 00. pp.Sl. 8\ 4129.15 — - t'atalo;^o dei lihri nella tipografia e libreria poliplotta. [Komii],18jS. pp.-J7. l.S'. . . B.100.12 — Vatican. [Derrizione del braocio nuovo del JIusoo Vaticano, Sluseo Chiiiramonti, Museo Fio-Clementino, Galloria degli arazzi, tial- leria di quadri.j Uoma, lS40-4i. IS" ... *4199.1 Sote.—X collection of catiiloeiies. — - Sagrestia Vaticana. Cancellieri, F. G. . . 27.37.7 — - Musee Chiaramonti. Nouveau bras dii JIu- see. Kome, 1^0, ^7. 10° 4079.8 — - - Sculpture. Indication antiquairc on de- scription da nouveau bras. Rome, ISoO, 57, 10° 4079.8 Romeo and Juliet. I'orto, L. da. La celebre no- vella di Giulietta e Romeo 2748.8 — Scolari, F. Su lamorte di, lettere critiche . . 277.1.15 KoMEYN. J, Plea for the evangelical press : a dis- course, Oct. 25, 1»42. New York, 1S43. 10°. 5460a, 68 RoMNEY, G., Lifeof. AVeHayley, W .- • 2540.24 RoNCHAUi), L. de. Phidias, sa vie et ses ouvragcs. Paris, 1801, 8° 4063.22 RoNCHiNi, A. Letlere d'uomini illustri conservale in X'arma nel R. archivio dello stato. Vol. 1. Parma, l&o3. 1.8° 2771.19 Contents. — A\o.mana\, L. ; AiiBuiUiira, G. A. tK-II'; BanduUo. M. ; Burtoli, C; Uembo, K ; BoiilHdio, J.; Caro, A.; Casa, G. (1<.-Ua: Guurinl, B. ; Guiucianliiii, F. ; Atolza, K. M. ; Snlviati, L. ; Tausillo, L.;Tnssu, B.;Tusao, T.; Tolomci, C; Trissoni, G. G.; A'ettuii, 1". RoNDELET, A. Les mcmoires d'Antoine, ou notions populaires de morale et d'ei-ouomie politique. Paris, 1»00. 12° 2662.18 RoNDOT, N. Objets de parure, de fantaisie, et de gofit. [France. Commission sur I'iudustrie des nations, V. 7] 4029.20 RONGE, J. Deutsche Ueilage zum Humanistischcn Journal. Krwiderung auf romische uiid russische Liigen. [London, ItSoO, Ko title- page. J pp. 15. 8" 4129.90 — [Die Haupt-jjatzc der christlich apostoliscli- katholischeu Gemeinde zu Schneidemiihl.] Leipzig, 1«45. pp.40. 8° 000.1.15 — An die katholischeu Lehrer. Altenburg, 1815. pp.8. 8° 0063.15 — Maria, oder die Stellung der Frauen der alten und neucn Zeit. Hamburg, 1849. pp. 15. 8°. 4289.4 — An meiue Glaubensgenosseu und Mitblirger. Altenburg, 1&15. pp. 15, 8° 6003.15 — Neue und doch alte Feinde. 2te Aufl. Dessau, lB4o. pp. 15. 8° B.lGOa.88 — An die niedcre katbolische Geistliehkeit. 2le Aull. Altenberg, ItilS. pp. 14. 8° 6003.15 — ReehUertigung. 2te Aufl. AJtenberg, 1&45. pp.51. 8° 6063.15 — Rede, gehalten am 18. Oct. 1845 bei Konstanz. Dessau, 1845. pp. 8. 8° B. 160a. 89 — Religion uudPolittk. Frankfurt, 1850. pp. 39. S° 4289.4 — Die vierzehn Artikel des badischen Miuiste- riums wider die Deutschkutholiken. Dessau, 1S40. pp. 16. b° 0088.238 — Short account of. ^eeAndresen, A 4103.11 Shelf. No. RoxsARi), P. de. Choix de poesies, prdc, de sa vie. Notes par A. Noel. Paris, 1862. 2v. 12* . 4067.15 RooF.=;. Sulla costruzione dei tetti dcgli cdificj. l\rprlini, (; 4095.6 ROORBACii, (>. A. r.ibliolheca Americana. V(d. 4, from March, l,s58, to Jan., 1801. New York, 1801. 8° -152.3 RoonnA van Eysinga, P. P. Handboek der land- en volkenkundc, [enz.] van Nedciiandseh Indie. Amsterdam, 1841-rjO. 5v. in 1. 8° *4240.1 Rocs, M. F. Appendix to the prophecies of Daniel and St. John. A'ee Auberlen, C. A. . • . . 5428.15 Root, D. Fast sermon on slavery. Dover, 1835. 8° *Pph.v.376 — 3Iemorial of the martyred Lovejoy: a dis- course, in Dover, N. II. n. p., [1837]. 8° . 4347.02 Root, E. Introduction to arithmetic. For the use of common schools. 1st Boston ed. Boston, 1S02. 12° 45S9a.9 Root, G. F. The bugle-call. Chicago, [1803]. obl.S° 8047.29 Root, H. K. The people's mediciU lighthouse. New York, 1852. 8° 4205.2 Root, .J. M, Speech on the president's message. Delivered in the house of representatives, Dec. 24, 1840. Washington, 1846. 8° . , . 4314.32 — Speech on the return of Santa Anna and Para- des to Mexico, delivered in the house of rep- resentatives, March 15, 1848. Wasliington, 1S48. 8° 4314.32 Ropes, J. S. Financial aspects of the rebellion, Jan., 1803. n. p., n. d. pp.78. 8° 4340a. 39 RoRET, A. Manuels-Roret, I'aris, 1S39-57. 18°. Namely -■ — Dessables, A. M. Nouveau manuel du tour- neur 4019.41 — Frey, A. Nouveau manuel complet de typo- graphic 4019.35 — Grandpre, L. M.J. O'Hier de. Nouveau man- uel complet du serrurier 4019.40 — Landrin, H. Manuel du coutelier 4019.30 — - Manuel du maitre de forges 4019.39 — Launay d'Avranclies, J. B. Manuel du fondeur en tous genres 4019.38 — - Manuel du fondeur sur tous metaux . . . , 4019. .19 — Lebrun, — . Nouveau manuel du mouleur . . 4019,36 Rosa, G, I feudi ed i comuni della Lombardia. 2a ed. Bergamo, 1857. 8° 4726.1 Rosa, S. Satire, con le note di A. M. Salvini. Am- sterdam, 1788. 8° **4799.2 — La musica; La pittura. [Raccolta di poesie satiriche] 4808.9 — Vitadi. 5ee Passeri, G. B 4061.13 Rosa Morando, F. Sonetti e cauzoni. Verona, 1750. 8° 4704.8 — Teonoe, tragedia. Verona, 1755. 8° 4704.8 RosCH, D. Chronic diseases : especially the nerv- ous diseases of women. Translated from the German, by C. Dummig. New Y'ork, 1851. pp.01. 8" B, 160b. 35 RoscHEK, W. Zur Geschichte der englischcn Volkswirthschaftslehre. Leipzig, 1852. 1.8°. 5642.1 — Das System. 5'ee Arnd, C 3058.10 RoscoE, W. Poetical works. 1st collected ed, London, 1857. sq.l6° 4179.18 — Considerations on the causes, [etc.], of the present war, and on the expediency or the danger of the peace with France. Ist Am, ed. Philadelphia, 1808. pp. 79. 8° . . . . 4629,40 — Ulustrazioni storico-critiche alia vita di Loren- zo de' Medici detto 11 magnifico. Firenze, 1823. 2v. 18° 2745.28 — Vita di Lorenzo de' Medici detto il magnitico, versione dalP inglcse del G, Mecherini. 2a ed. Pisa, 1816. 4v. 10° 2745,27 — Vita e pontificato di Leone X, trad, e corredata di annotazionida L. Bossi. Slilauo, 1816, 17, 12v, 8° 2745.22 Rose, G. Diaries and correspondence. Edited by Rev.L. V. Harcourt. London, 1860. 2v. 8°. 2457.19 ROSE 540 rOssler Shelf. Xo. Rose, G., continued. — [Tlie proposed system of trade with Ireland ex- plained.] Dublin, irS5. pp. 56. S° . . V. 2 of *24"8.3 SOSE, Tile: its history, poetry, culture, and classi- flcation. Parsons, S. B 5S47.20 E0SECR.\xs, W. S. Campaign with the army of the Cumberland. See Bickham, W. D 4328.8 ROSELI.ISI, I. I monunientl dell' Egittoedella Nu- bia, disegnati dalla spedizione scieutilico-let- teraria toscana. Fisa, lS3'.;-44. 9\'. S''. *.'!0o6.25, and Atlas, 3v. elephant V. . . *D.2.J.K.L EOSESBAUM, J. Die Lustseuche im Alterthume. Halle, IS.TO. 8° *42G5.11 EosEXBiiRGER, O. B. C. Formenlehre der letti- schen Sprache. Mitau, 1830. 8° 4SS5.15 RosENG.VRTiiN. Der Rosengarte [altdeutsches Heldengedicht] voa ^T. Grimm. Giittingen, 1S30. 8° 4232.6 RosENiL's.M.O. Forklaring over Fadervor. Mad- ison, [Wis.], 18U0. 12° 5429.4 EOSEXKRAXZ, J. C. F. Allgemeine Geschichteder Poesie. Halle, 1832, 33. 3v. 8° 4137.3 CoiUenta. — Vol.1. Geschichto der orientalischen und der antikcn Poesie. 11. Geschicbte der ncucren latein- ischen, der fi-anxdsischen und italicnischen Poeste. 111. Geschiclite dor spnniscbcn, portiigisiscben, cng- lisclien, acandionvi.-chen, niederldndischen, deutscheu uiid bluwiseheu Poesie. — Encyklopiidie der theologischen Wissenchaften. 2teAufl. Halle, 1S45. 8° .: *fi032.3 — G. W. F. Hegel's Lehcn. Berlin, 1844. 8° . . 6093. 2 — Die Naturreligion. Iserlohn, 1831. 8° . . . . 6023.7 RoSENMiJLLER, E. F. C. Handbuch der biblischen Alterthumskunde. Leipzig, 1823-31. 7v. in 4. 8° *0027.8 — Handbuch fUr die Literatur der biblischen Ki'itik und Exegese. Giittingen, 1797-1800. 4v. in 3. 8° *4183.6 — Institvtiones ad fvndamenta lingvae Arabicae. Lipsiae, 1818. sm.4° 5030.12 — Scholia in Vetus Testaracntum. Lipsiae, 1818- 33. 11 parts in 23 vols. [v. 1-1, 3d ed.; v. 6-15, 2d cd.] 8° . . . , *6026.1 Conrrnfa. — Vol. 1. Geuesis. 11. Exoduti. 111. Levi- ticus; Nmtiori ; Deiitcronoraium. IV-Vl. Jeaaitt, Vll- IX. Psaliiii. X. Jobus. XI, XII. Ejecbicl. XIH. llosens et Joel. XIV. Amos; Obndias; .Toiias. XV. Micbas; Nabum ; Ilnbacuc. XVI. ZcpbaniaB; Ilflfrf^ai; /■icbarliis; Malaebliia. XVII, XVIU. Jereiiiias: Vali- clnift; Tlireni. XIX. Sulomonls I'roverbla. XX. Sa- loRionls: Ecclcsiaslcs ct Canlicum. XXI. Daniel. XXXII. JosuB. XXIII. Judicesi Ruth. — Vocabularium Veteris Testamenti Hebraeo- Chaldaicum. Ilalac Magdcburgicao, 1827. 8°.*6013.12 — Fuldncr, G. II. L., and JIaurer, F. J. V. D. Commentationes theologicac. Lipsiae, 1825- 32. 4v. in 2. 8° •6028.2 RosensiCllkr, J. G. Scholia in Novum Testa- inentum. Va\. 5a. Norimbergae, 1S0.'J-15. 5v. [v. 1, Othed.] 8° '. . *6016.2 Conteittt, — Vol.1. Kvanpella Itlattba'i ct Marcl. 11. Evangella Ijlicn; ct Joanills. 111. Acta apontolorum ot Patili cplitola ad Romanos. IV. Paul! cpiHtoln? ad Cor- IntbloB, (ialatAt, Bplieiloji, riilHppenscit, Colossenses, et TlieiHalonlcenBCN. V. I'auli opiatobo ad Tiiiiolbcum, Tltutn, riillcnionem et llcbncoa, uplatola JacobI, utraquo Petri, opUtolo! Joannia, cplatola Juilnj et opocolypali Joannla. RoseSoi,, o iRnntllia; llrlefodea Polykarjina; Die Aliologelon ; Jua- tlnuB, derMUrlyrcr: Apoloulen; Oeaprilcb mltdem Try- plion ; Von der AuferstebunB ; Atbenngoraa : Apoloifie ; Uebor die Aufcratebuntr ; 'rlieopbllua von Antloclilen, drey ntlelu'rnn den Avtolykua; Tallanuaund llerinlaBI Irenilua, deaaen Work wider die (inoalUelien Ke7.orwyoii ; [L',] Grleeliiaebe Viiter voni Cleniena von Alexandrlon bia anf don Atbnnnaluai Clemena von AlexnndriuQ| UriKonea; Ureftorluai Metbvidiua; lllppolylua; Tlleug- lioaluav. Alvxandrlen; AtlianaBlua. II [:!]■ l.alelnlsoli» Viiter vom Mliiuelua I'ellx biB anf den LuklanllUB: miiHItlua l-'ellx; TerlnlllaUi Cyprian i Novaliaiina; Ar- nidiiuai Laklantina; [4.] Kuaeblua Klrebengeaeblcblol Auar-tlse ana der Colleellone eoiicllloruni rogla maxima ; Roate von undchlon Schrlflen, die juin cbrlalUcbBn ROSSLEK 541 ROUSSEAU I EOSSLEK, C. F., continued. AltPrthiiin pphiircn; Summnrischo Voratellmipr tl*r ctirlatUcheii Loltro der filtpston Zfitcn bia nuf das Con- ciHuni 2u NicJb; Diii clirijiiliche I.rlire ilcr Ullcsien Zcitfn. Ill [5]. Zwotc Pviloil.- bNnuf tlio Kirchpiivcr- enmmlunprtiChtilc-cdon: Atlinnnsiuii; EuBcbius; Cjril- Itis von JcnisHli-m ; [(>.] KiilplimiiuB; Tltiis von Bostni ; IMdymua von Aloxtnidricn ; Uober die I'liHosophlo dcr HItcsicnchridtllchenKircho. IV ["]. BoBiliustUMGrossoi Grcp^rius von Nysati ; GrvBorins von Nuxinnz ; Evapiiii!* ; Bcylii|ecnzuili>n Xi;»torinnl»clicn und folgcniien 8in-it- ipki-lten; [S.] Cyrill von AK-xnndrien ; Tliwodorct; Jolmnncs Damn seen us. V [11], Hihirius von Poitiers; IlieivnymuB; Augiistin; [lU.] Johnnnra Cossfnnus; Vincent von Lorins; Loo. Discliof von Uom; 'I'iro I'roe- per von Aquimnlcn; Vcbcr dun Deruf nller VOlkor; I"nu9tu8 Btncliof von Ricz; Miunertus Claudiunns; Hti- misclier Canon untcrdeni Nnmen dos Pnliats Getiisfus; Zuisiilxevon Aktt-n uudSchril'lcn die Sireitigkeircu und GeschlcIitoderchiistliglK'ii Li'lu-os|iiitcrerZyltenbctrcf- fcnd: Monolhi'Ietischo Slrcilipkcit; Bildorveruhnmg; Zwpy Synodalschrulben widL-r die Adoiitiuner; Aklen- elijcko tu don Gottschalklschon Strelti)^kciteu ilber die Friidpstinntion; Pa^ehnHius und KatrnmnuB ubcr dns Abcndinabl dos HtiTn; Streitigkciton zwiscbeu der IntuinfscUcD und griechiscbcn Kiicbo. Rosso, G. del. Monumenti di Fiesole. Fircnze, 1814. pp, 42. r 271)0.25 ^EOST, F. W. E. Svper Pythagora virtvtera ad nv- nieros roferente, nou revoointc. [Diss. acad.] Lipsiae, 1S(14. pp. li>. 4' 4163.42 ROST, J . C. Vennisclite Gediclite. [ Leipzig] , 1769. sm.S" **2S79.i:j — Versuch von SchUfergedichten und anderQ poetisclieu Ausarbeituiigen. IS'eue Aufl. fLeipzij,'], 1768. sni.h" **2S7y.l3 RoST, V. C. F.,and WUstemaiin, E. K. Introduc- tion to Greek prose composition. Part 1. Editcdby J. Kenrick. London, IS'.'S. 8°. . 2985.30 ROSTGAAKI*. F. Dclicis quorundam poutarum Da- norum. Lugduni liatavoiLUu, 1693. 2v. in 1. 12" *4229a.l9 C<»i(enr*.— Henrici Albcrti carraina quibus titulua eat: Museca adole^centin; Venus; Ejusdom nnagram- niata; EJusdcm arnica mnctne et odarum pugiltus; Jo- hannis Hopncri Titun Arclous; Venus Palntina, Atlan- tiadcs, Cbristiiinus Augutitus et onnnina varia; Cbiis- tinniAugnnrdi LaurusCimbrica,Mnno!iGinibnci,Tbrenl Hyperborei, et carmina vnriri; \'iti lleringii natnlitiaj chorea: et carmina varia ; Hcnrici Ihirderi epigram- maluni libri Ires, Ilnfnia libcrata, Pancgyricus, Canum cum calis certamun ; Olai Boriicliii Amugria vindicaCa, Arctos pullaia, Arclos rcspirans, Carmina varia. — Theatre, trad, en fran^ais avec le texte latin par C. Miignin. Paris, 1S45. 8" **2900.24 RoswiTHA. or Ilrotswitha von Gandersheim. Co- mijdien, iibers-etzt und erliiutert von J. Ben- dixen. Altona, 1850-53. 2v.ini. 4°. . . **2900.25 — Carmina. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 4] . 4210.2 — Latoinisclips carmen. [I-euckfeld. Antiqui- tates Gandershcinienses] 4217.3 Rota, B. Sonetti et canzoni, con I'egloghe pesca- torie. Aggivntovi molte altre rime. Vine- gia, 1560, 07. 2v.ini. S" **4798.34 — Egloghe pescatorie: Scherzo; AmarilM; Tirsi; Timeta; Aminta. [Ferrario. Poesie pasto- rali] 4808.11 — Sonetti. [Gironi. Raccolta di lirici italiani]. 4808.8 Rotation of crops. Les assolements. Heuze, L. G 3992.9 ROTATION of the earth, Plato's doctrine respecting tlic. Grote.G 3924.16 RoTER^iuxD, H. W. Andenken der Manner die rUr und gegen die Reformation Luthcri gear- beitcthaben. Band 1. Bremen, 1818. 8" . 0070.11 RoTii, E. iJie agyptische und die zoroastrische Glaubenslehie als die jiltesten Quellen unse- rerspckulativen Ideen. Mannheim, Ls40. 8*. 6075.27 Both, F. De re municipiili Komauorum hbri ii. Sluttgartis, IfeiJl. b° **2950.34 — Ueber den Sinn unil Gebrduch des Wortes Bar- * bar. [Diss, acati.] Jsiirnberg, 1814. pp.10. 4' **3001.6 3683.9 Shelf. No. ROTH, F., coniimied. — Ueber Thucydides nnd Tacitus; vergleichende Betraciitungen. [Di*;s. acad.] Miiuclien, 1812. pp.23. 4°. . .■ **3001.6 RoTH, J. Die Gesteins-Analysen. Berlin, 1861. 0^.4° 5863.10 ROTII, U. A. De luce ex ocniis quorundam anima- lium in tonebi'is prodeunte. [Diss, acad.] leuac, 1836. pp. 30. 8' 3874.22 Roth von Schreckonstcin, C. H. Das Patriziat in den deutsclien Stiidten. Tiibingen, ]>50. 8". 2810.16 RoTiiE,Il. Thcologische Fthik. Wittenberg, 1815- -is. 3v. in 2. 8" 6008.4 Rothhkam, J. [Establishments in religion. With remarks on the confessional.] Newcastle upon Tyne, 1707, 8* *Pph.v.343 Rotiimanx, B. Epitome confossionis fidei, a. 1532. [Gerdes. Scrinium antiq. ad hist, reform. spect., v. 1] 0055.15 Rotrou, J. de. Venceslas, tragc-die. [Theatre fran^aia, V. 40] 4708.1 ROTTECK, C. v., und Welcker, C. T. Staats-Lexi- kon Oder I'^neyklopiidie dor Stiiatswissen- schaften. Altona, [1S34J-44. 15v. 8° . . . HISS. 3 Contents. ~Vq\.\. Aa-An. II. Ap-Brnu. III. Brei- Cons. IV. Cont-Eis. V. Elbe-Friinkreiih. VI. Frankfurt-Gcwcrbe. VII. Gewo-Ilipp. VlII, Ilist- Just. IX. Juste-Lippe. X. Litte-Mos. XI. Miinz- Ornng. XII. Oran-Prax. XIII. Press-Kh^in. XIV. Eich-Slaat. XV. Staais-Zollv. ROTTNEK, A. Lehrbuch der Contorwissenschnft fiir den deutsclien Buchliandel. Leipzig, 1855, 4^ RouBAUD, F. Annuaire medical et pharmacou- tique de la France. 8e annee, 1850. Paris, 1^56. 8° 5719a. 5 RouELLE, J. On the mineral waters of Virginia. Pliiladelphia, 1792. 8° *M.Pph.v.]39 Rouen, Journal of the siege of, 1591. Coningsby, StrT 2410.39 RouLSTONE, J., jr. Tributeof affection to J. Roul- stone.jr. Boston, [1822]. pp.15. 12" . . *4163.3 Round table. La Villeniarque, T. H. de. L'ori- gine des ^pop^es chevaleresques de la table- ronde 4187.12 — - Les romans de la table ronde 2087.10 ROUQUETTE, A. La Thebaide en Ain(5rique, ou npologie de la vie solitaire ct contemplative. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1852. 8° 5575.4 Rous, or Rouse, F., jr., d. 1643. Seaven books of the Attiek antiquities. With additions by Z. Bogan. 4th ed. Oxford, 1654. sm.4'' . . 4960.50 — - Same. 5th ed. Oxford, 1058. sm.4'' . . . 4900.48 — - Same. 8th ed. Oxford, 1675. 4" 4900.49 Rous, J. Diary, 1025-42. Edited by M. A. E. Green. [London], 1S50. sm.4°. [Camden society, Is'o. 60] *2426.10 Rousseau, Jean B., Notice sur. See Gachard, L. ^ 2817.27 Rousseau, Jean J. (Euvres completes. [Avecdes notes par L. S. Slercier, G. Brigard et F. H. S. de L'Aulnaye.] Nouv. id. [Paris], 1788- 93. 39v. in 38. 8° *4198.2 Contend*. — Vol. I. Introduction parMercier; Voyage a ErmenonviUe, par feu M. Lo Toumeur. I-IV. La nouvelle Heloi'se, ou lettres de deux amants, etc. IV. Lea amours do milord Edouitvd Bomston ; Des ecritspubliiisaroccnsioiideLanouvelle Ijeioise. V,V1. Lettres elementflirea sur la botanique, suivies de Lei- Irea relatives a la bofanique et de Fragments pour un dictionnairc dca temies d'u^age en botaiiique. Vll. Discoura sur I'origine et lea foudemeiiB de I'inegaliie paiini lea hommca; Leltre a M. Philopolis; Discours 8U1- r^conomic politique; Projet de paix perpetuvlle et jugement aur Ic nifime; Polysynodic. VIll. Conliut social; Sur le gouvernement de la Pologne ; Lettrea Bur til l&gislation de la Corae. IX. Lettrea ecritcBde la Montague. X-XUI. femile, ou de I'educulion. Xlll. Emile et Sophie, ou Lea aolitaires. XIV. Pieces rela- tives a I'Emile; Mandement el arrfit contro ri'':mile; Extrait de la censure de la Sorbonne contre I'llmtlu; ROUSSEAU 542 ROWXAND Shelf. Ko. EOUSSEAU, Jean J., continued. Arrft de pjirlement; Des Merits publics a Tocciision d'Emtle; Ufs honiieiirs rcndus a la menioii'e de raulcur d'Eniile. XV. Di.scours a Dijon sur la question. Si le retablissemeiit des sciences et des arts a conlribuv a t'purer lea niceurs? Letirc d M. Tabbe Kaynul; Leiire a M. Grinini ; Keponse au discours d I'Academie de Dijon, piir leroi de Pologrne; Iteponse do Rousseau au roi de PoIogTie ; ICufutaLiun des obserx-atioiis fnites par Rous- seau sur la rcponso du roi de Pologne ; Discours sur les nvanlages des sciences et des arts, par M. Bordes; Der- niere reponse do Rousseau; USplique de ir. Bordes; Lettre sur une nouvelle refutation ; Di'saveu dc I'Acade- mio de Dijon. XVI. Letlre a M. d'AIenibert sur son article Gentve dans I'Eucyclopedie; Reponee a une leltro nnonyme; Dc rimitation thtdtrale, essai tire des dialo^ea de Platon; Reponse dc M. d'Alcmberl d Rousseau ; Desautres ecrits sur le mfmo sujet; Geneve, ou descriptiou du gouvernement de cotie republique, tiree de I'Encyclopedie. XVII. Traduction du premier livre de I'histoirc de Tacitc; Traduction de rApocolo- kyntosis de Sencque sur la mori do I'empereur Claude; Olinde et Sophronie, tire du Tasse; Traduction d'une ode sur le mariagre du roi de Sardaigne; Projet pour I'education de M. de Saiutc-Marie; La reiueFuntasque, conte; Le per&iftleur; Discours sur cette question. Quelle est la vertu la plus necessaire aux heros, et quels sont les heros a qui cette vertu a manque? Orai- son funebre de S. A. S. monseigneur le due d'Orleans; Lelevite d'fephruim; Lettrcs d Sara. XVIII. Narcisse, ou I'amant dc lui-mfime, coraedie; Fragmeus d'lpliis, tra^edie; La decouverto du nouveau nioude, iragedie; Lea prisonnicrs de guerre, comf die ; Lea mu^es galantcs, ballet ; L'engiigemeut t^merairo, comedic ; Le devin du • village, iutermede; Pygmalion, scene lyrique; Courts fragmens de Lucrece, trngedio en prose ; Le verger des Cbarmettus; Poesies. XIX, Projeiconcernant de nou- veaux signes pour la rausique ; Dissertation sur la mu- sique raoderne; Essai sur I'origine des langues; Lettre sur la niusique fi'ttn^;oise; Letlre d'un sympliouiste ; Leltie a M. I'abbe Kaynal au sujct d'un nouveau mode de musique invi'tite par M. Rlainvtlle. XX-XXII. Dictionnairo de musique. XXII. Exnmcn de doux principes avancC-s par M Ranieau dans sa brochure intitulee: Erreurs sur lu musique, dans I'Eneyclopedie; Extrait d'une lettre sur les ouvragcs de M.Rameau; Lettre a M. Burncy sur la musique, avec fragmens d'obser\-alions sur I'Alceste de M.Gluek; Sur un nior- ceau de I'Orphee de M. Cluck ; Les vingt et nn chapitres de la prophetic dc M. Wnldstorch, XXIII- XXVI. Lea confessions. XXVI. Les reveries du prumc— ui^ur aolitaire ; Eclairci^semens sur la musique du dcvlu du village, par le sieur do Muriguan, comedicn ; Notice des derniers jours do Jtuusaettu, circonstunces de sa uiort, etc. par Le Heguc de Presle, avec un addition, par J. H. De Magellan. XXVH. Expose succinct dc la conteNtation qui a'eat ^levec eutre M. Hume et M. Ruus- seau, avec les pieces justiflcutivcs; Plaidoyor pour et contro Rousseau et Hume. XXVllI. Pieces divorscs relatives aux calotmiiea publlees contre Rousseau et aux persecutions qu'a c&suyi'ca cu grand hoinmc; Rousseau justifle covers »a patrle; Reflexions phlleso- phiqucs et impartiales sur Rouasi-au et Madame de Wn- rens; PenHtCH diverBosde Madame de Warens. XXIX, XXX. Rousscaujugede Jean Jacques, dialogues. XXX. Declanition do Routiacau robitive d M. le pasluur Vur- nes; Vision de Pierre do la Montagiio, dit l*j voyant; Errata de I'ossui sur In mu!«iquo nnclennc et modcrne, ou loitrc d rntiteur de cot cssaL XXXl-XXXV. Lcllres. XXXVI. KKprit, maxlnu-s ct principes de Itounseau. XXXVII. Kecuel) dc pinntes coloriees pour snrvlr d I'intvIligcncG dcH lottres elemental re n sur la bolnnlqnu. XXXVIII. Rccucll dcH ODUvrcs de musique do Rousseau. — Miscellaneous works. London, 1767. fiv. 12". 4709.11 Con/enM. — Vol.1. Dissertation on tlio elTccts of cul- tivating Ilic artu and sciences; Dlsscrtntlon on the origin and foiinilailun of the Inequality of mankind. 11. Disurrtallon on puHtical economy; A lettt-r on French musick ; Nan-loHii*, or Ilio stitf-ndmlrer, a roniedy ; Iho village conjurer, an interlude; Extract from a letter, ivrltteu April A, 171'.), In regard to Rousseau's frv-edom of entry at the opera; Letter to Voltaire; Letter on tlin works of Itamcan ; Advortlnc- mont to an anonymoun writer; On tlientrlcal Imitation, an essay composed from Ibi- dialogues of I'lato, III, Epistle eonccnitng th" arlli^te (><'neva, In the sovonth voluniQ of the Enryclnpedle, and particularly on tlio project of eHtiibllsliIng A play-liuusf In that city; Ex- postulnry letter to Clirlmoplii'r d« llenumorit arcli- btKliop of Paris, — I'rensfd, the mamlatu of salil prelate, ■mil tli« proeoedluKS of lliu I'arllnuu-nt of PiitIm, rola- lUo to the new truHtlse on I'dueallnii, onOtleil, Eirilllns. IV. Ixttrnwrlllon frum tliamounuint. V. A troAtlso Shelf. No. Rousseau, Jean J,, contmzied. on the social conipnct, or t\\<- principles of politic law; Anecdotes relative to the persecutions of Rousseau; A project for perpetual peace. — CEuvres et correspondance inedites. Publices par G. Streckeisen-MouUou. Paris, 18()1. 8*. 4703.9 — Confessions. Period 1st. New York, 1850. 12" *1698.3 — The cunning man, tr. from Le devin du villag^c, byC. Burney. [Collection of farces, v. 2] . 2575.35 — Remarks on the writings and conduct of J. J. Rousseau. London, 1747. 1('«° 4709a. 16 — Chaudon, L. M. Life, as written by Voltaire. 2056.13 — Musset-Pathay, \. D. de. Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de 2655.17 — Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. N. de. Lettres sur les ecrits et le caract^re de • . 3579.6 Rousseau, L., and Lemonnier, C. Promenades au Jardin des plantes. Paris, 1837. 24". . . . 4277.27 RousSELOT, X. fitudes sur la philosophic dans le moyen-aj;e. Paris, 1840-42. 3v. 8" . . . . 0094.5 — Histoire de Pevangile eternel; [ou, Joachim, abbii de Flore, et Jean de Parme]. Paris, 1861. 8" 3515.11 ROUSSET de Missy, J. Ilistorischer Bcricht der grossen Staats-Veninderung, welchc sich in Holland creignet, [1747, u. s. w.]. Leipzig, 1747. pp. 70. 4° 4217.4 — Rccueil historique d'actes, n^g-otiations, m^- moires et traitez. Depuis la paix d'Utrecht jusqu'a present. La Haye, 1728-56. 21v. in 2:j. 10" 5080a. 1 ROUSSIER, p. J. Essai sur la musique auciennc et moderne. 5ee Laborde, J. B.de 4044.9 ROUTH, C. H. F. Infant feeding, and its influence- on life, 2d cd. London, 1803. 10" .... 3779,6 Rouvi£;re, J. M. A. See Audin-Rouviere, J. M. Koux, A. Moutausier, sa vie et son temps. Paris, 1800. S" 2057.8 Roux, H., and Barre, L. Herculanum et Pompei. Recueil general des peintures, bronzes, mo- saiques, etc. graves par H.Rouxaine. Paris, 2840-G3. 8v. l.S" •2751.6 Roux, p. J. Parallele der englischen und franzo- sischen Chimrgic. Aus dem Franzosischen von L. P.v. Kroriep. Weimar, 1817. 10°. . 3749.14 — Instrumi-nts dcchirurgie. [France. Commis- sion sur I'industrio des nations, v, 3, p. 2J . 4029.20 Roux-Feurand, 11. Histoire des progrf'.s de la civilisation en Europe. Paris, 1S33-41. fiv. 8". 4145.19 ROVANI, G. V. -Memoria storica di Danielc Manin. [Docuiuenti dellaguerra santa d'ltalia, v. 3]. 4718.9 Rover, F. Hydriasis oder die Heilkraft des kalt- en Wassers. 2te Aull. Leipzig, 1KI7. 12". 3808.31 Row, J. History of tht- kirk of Scotland, from 1558 toli'37; Willi titnliiiuatiou to July, 1639, by his son. Kilinburgh, 1&42. 8°. [Wodrow society] 5193.9 RoWjW. Life of K. Blair, containing his autobiog- rajiliy, from ir(i)3 to 103(1; with sujiplement to lOfsO. Edited by T. M'Crie. Edinburgh, 1848. vS". [Wodrow society] 5193.1 Row'UOTHAM,J. Graninuir of the French language. 1st Am. ed., with additions by F. 5L J. tfu* rault. Camhridge, 1831. 18" 4089a. 2 ROWE, N. IMificellaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 7] . 4004.1 — See Bell. British theatre, v. 3, 15, 22, 26,27. 4 179a. I (,'on(fi»/(i. — Vol. III. The fair penitent, trag.; Jano Shore, triig, XV. Lady .lano Gray, trag. XXII. Tarn- eriiine, trag, XXV. Tlie ambitious Bte])-mo(hor, trag. XXVll. The royal convert, trag. — See Jones. British theatre, v. 2, 4 4575.20 CoittenU. — Vol. II. The fair penitent, a tragedy, IV. Jane Hhore, a tragedy. RowlAnd, D. Manual of the English constitutlpn ; with a review of its rise, growth, anil present state. London, 186U. 12° . . 2516.21 ROWLANDSON 543 RULING Slivlf. No. KOWLANDSON, Jf. Narrative of captivity by tlie Indians, Ifirfi. (itli eil. 2cl Lancaster cil. Lancaster, IB'JS. Is' 4329a. M KowsTKiii.:, J. S. Qu.ikcrisin, past and present. Louilou, IS.i9. p.s° 3S42.U KoxBi:iu;siiiiiK, History and aniiiiuities of. Jef- frey, A 24-7.21 IloxnuiiY. Annuid report of tlie school committee, l(-)f.. [Xo title-page.] pp. IC. K° »5596.2 — SIunicipalri'Kisterfor WilMU. Uo.\bury, 1840, 4.S. tv. 1-4' COSO.ltl — Ke|)ort of tlie overseers of the poor made to the city council, Feb. 19, 1849. Koxbury, 1849. pp. 1«. >>' 0350a. 26 — Dillaway, C. K. The free echoole of 11545 in Itoxliurie 2M7.13 — Ellis, CM. History of Ko.\bury town. . . . 4r.;9.59 — (iray, T. llaU-centary sermon 41G3.C — Eliot church. Articles of faith and covenant. Uoston, 1853. pp. 28. 12° 54508.78 — Ministry nt large. Keport, Sth. Koxbury, l.-ar. pp. 23. 8° 3570.100 KoxBUKv almanac and business directory for 1847, 5L liy G. Adams. Uoston, n. d. 2v. 16°.43S9a.lO Kov, J. K. Kansas — her struggle and her defense : a discourse, June 1, 1850. [New York], 1860. 8° 0087.53 EoYAi. engineers. Duties of the corps. Vol. 1-10 j new series, v. 1, 2. London, 1837-52. lOv. 4°. 2v. s° ''4020.21 KOYAL kalendar, and coui-t and city register, for England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Colonies, for 1845,49. London, n. d. 2v. 12° . . . . 4488.20 ROYEH-CoLLARn, La vie politique de. See Ba- rnnte, A. G. P. B. de 2055.19 Rl'Aiius, .M. Epistolarum centuriae duae. [Zelt- ner. Ilistoria crypto-.Socinismi] 0035.3 EUAULT(£n<. Rualdus), J. Vita I'lutarchi, ex ipso, et aliis scriptoribus digesta. A'ce Plutarchus. 4190.1 ErBEUs, (). See Rossi, O. KtiuKii, C. E. Dissertatio de vitnla decollata ob inventum occisum in agro, ad illustr. Dent. XXI, 1-9. [Oelrichs. CoUectio opusculorum, V. 1] OOfiO.l RuCELLAi, G, Rosmvnda, tragcdia. Nuouamente ristampata. Fiorcnza, loCS. pp. 48. sm.8°.**4809a.7 — Le api. [Poema] con aunotazione di Roberto Titi. See Alamanni, L 4802.10 RIJCKERT, H. C'ulturgeschichte dcs deutschen A'olkes in der Zeit des Uebergangs aus dem Heidenthums. Leipzig, 1853, 64. 2v. in 1. 8° 4213.10 RiJCKEKT, L. J. The gifts of prophecy and of speaking with tongues in the primitive church; The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. [Edwards. Selections from Ger- man literature] 0001. Rdddimas, T. Rudiments of the Latin tongue. 17th ed. Edinburgh, 1709. sm.8° 4939a. 25 — - Same. 20th ed. Edinburgh, 1790. 10° . . 49:iita 20 — - Same. 24th ed. Trenton, 1805. 12° . . . 493Ua.52 RUDGE, T. A^jriculture of the county of Glouces- ter. Ix)ndon, 1807. 8° 3992.30 EnDHART, G. T. Thomas Morns. [Uiogr.] Neue Ausg. Augsburg, 1852. 8° 4177.11 EUDIGER, J. C. Vitae clarissimorvm in reliteraria virorum. Das ist : Lebensbeschreibunghaupt- gelehrten Jliinner. Wittenberg, 1705-9. 8v. in 2. i*m.8° *4H9.7 EunoLf H. See Rodolph. RtJDOLPiii, C. Gemiilde weiblicherErziehung. 2te Aull. Heidelberg. 1816. 10° 3597.15 RUEDA, L. de. C'omedias : Eufemia; Armelina; L08 onganos; Jledora; Algunos pasos del colo'iuio de Timbria; Coloquio de Camila. [Biilil de Faber. Teatro espahol anterior a Lope de Vega] 4240. 10 EUELLE, J. R. Operations des changes des princi- pales placres de i'Europe. 2e ed. Lyon 1775. >>' 3084.29 Stieir. No. EUETE, C. G. T. Bildliche Darstellung der Krank- heiten des menschlichen Auges. Leipzig, 1854-00. 9 Lief, in 7v. 4° *3800.2 EuFFI, S. Nachricht von dem Erdbeben zu l"a- lertno in Sicilien, i. Sept. 1720; aus dem Ita- liiiuisclien Ubersetzt. Leipzig, 1727. pp. 30. *° *4217.4 EUFFIN, baron von. Ueber hiihere Schafzucht. Wiinchen, 1824. sm.8° 4004.23 RuFmu.s. Epigrammata. [lirunck. Aualecta ' poet, (in, V. 2] B.162.7 RUFiNus Tyrannius. Historia ecclesiastica. See Grymeus.J.J B.130.7 — Liber de fide. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 27] u.no.2 A'o(e. — Erronoously aUributed to Rufiiiua. RnFDS, C. Musonius. Reliquiae et apophthegmata. Ed. J. Venhuizen Peerlkamp. Harlemi, 1822. „., '>° B.177.9 RtiGEN, Geschichte von. Barthold, F. W 2823.26 RUGGIEBI, Hny of Skihj. Historia brevis libera- tionis Messina; a Saracenorum dominatu.per comitem Rogerium, prineipeni Normannum, facta;. [Gn-cvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T 10 V-5] 4710.1 RUGGLE, G. [Ignoramvs. Comocdia.] 2.ied. Lon- dini, 1030. sm.8° **4575.31 EuGGLEs, S. B. Defence of the riffht and the duty of the American union to improve its navi- gable waters, in a speech, Oct. 8, 1852. New York, 1852. 8° 6490a. 1 — Past and present. Semicentennial address to the alumni of Yale college and graduates of 1814, July 27, 1804. New York, 1804. 8° . . 4387.34 — Report on the resources of the United States, presented to the international statistical con- gress at Berlin. [Also] Report in relation to the international agricultural exhibition at Hamburg in 1802, by J. A. Wright. Wash- ington, 1804. pp. 23. 8° 4329.7 — Rejiort upon the tinances and internal improve- ments of New Y'ork. New York, 1838. pp. 71. 8° 0490a.I,aud *Pph.v..383 — Resources of the United States. Report to the international statistical congress at Berlin. New York, 1864. pp. 30. 8°. [New York. Loyal publication society, No. 48] 4322.18 — Vindication in 1849 of the canal policy of New York of 1838. New Y'ork, [1849]. pp. 50. 8° C490a.l RiJHLE V. Lilienstern, J. J. Zur Geschichte der Pelas;,'er und Etrusker, so wie der altgi-iech- ischen und altitalischen Viilkerstiimme Uber- haupt. Berlin, 1811. 8° 4208.4 RuiiNivEN, D., and Valckenaer, L. C. Epistolae mutuae, editac a G. L. Malnie. Vlissingae, 1832. 8° 4955.16 — and Wyttenbach, D. Vitae T. Hemsterhusiiet D. Ruhnkenii. Lipsiae, ISOl. 8° **4955.12 ROhs, C. F. Scliweden. [Ueschreibung.] Ham- burg, 1S07. 8° 2805.5 — L'nterhaltungen fiir Freunde altdeutscher und altnordischer Geschichte und Literatur. Ber- lin, 1803. 10° **2870.37 — Ueber den Ursprung der isliindischen Poesie aus der AngelsUcbsischen. Nebst Bemerk- nngen Uber die nordische Dichtkunst und My- thologie. n. p., 1813. pp. 48. sm.8° .... **2870.29 — Geschichte Schwedens. [Universal history, v. 03, (H] 4130.4 EUINART, T. Atti dc primi martiri della chiesa cattolicji, trad, da F. M. Luchini. Itoma, 1777-79. 4v. 4° »0041.2 EULAJJD, O. Handlungsbuch. Stuttgart, 1813. pp. 48. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, v. 1] 4225.1 RULING, E. v. Zwei Prologe. Celle, 1802. pp.8. sni.4° **2878.6 KUMPELT 544 RUSSELL Shelf. Ko. EUirPELT. H.R. Deutsche Graramatik. lerTheil. Lautlehre. Breslau, ISGO. S' 4885.11 RUMPF, Joliann D. F. FremdcDfiihrer in Berlin, Potsdam, C'harlottonburg, [u. s. w]. 4te Ausjr. Berlin, Isiti. f^' 2834.8 — Gynaologie. Ein Gemiilde der Frauen. Ber- lin, 1824,25. 2v. ir>° *42S9.12 EUMPF, Johann W. Bibel und Christus. Griinde fiirdeuKirchenglauben. Strassburg, ISoS. S'. 6025.28 RCMPFF, E. A., Memoirof. 5?e Baird, K 2397.10 EUXES. Brynjulf, G. Periculum runologicum . . 28S5.2G — Grimm, W. C. Ueber deutsche Uunen . , . . 4i;iOa.9 — Jahn, F. L. RunenblUtter 2817.6 — Lcgis, G. T. Die Kuneu und ihre Deukmaler. 4220.11 — Liliencron, R. v. Zur Kunenlehre 4122 1 — Liljegren, J. C. Run-Lara . 2885.19 — Rafn, C. C. Inscription runique du Pir^e . . 2825.17 — - Monuments runographiques interpretes . . 2825.18 Rupert. Chrouieon S. Laurentii Lcodieusis, a. 959- 1059. [l'>ankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 8] . . . 4210.2 — De ineendio Tiutiensi et de Cunone episcopo Ratispouensi. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 12] 4210.2 — De vita vere apostolica dialogorum libri quin- que; De diversis ordinibus et profes»*ionibus qua; sunt in ecclesia. [Martfene. Vet. script., V. 9] 4150.1 RUPP, J. Dr. Rupp und die freie evangelisclie Ge- melnde in Kiinigsberg. 5'-'e Frcund, W. .6088.133 EUPPANEH, A. Hypodermic injections in the treat- ment of neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, [etc.]. Boston, 1865." 16' 5809.10 Rural economy, Doyle, JI. Rural economy . . 40('4.2G — Heuze, L. G. Les plantes fourrageres . . . . 4003.9 — Jlarshall, W. Planting and rural ornament . 4005 30 Rural enjoyments. Rusticationis laudes. Christ, J, F 4938. IG Rural scenes; or, a peep into the country for youth. 9th ed. London, [185-J. 24° 4579.43 Rural sports. Daniel, W. B 4001.5 RUEiCius. Epistolarum libri duo. [Canisius. The- saurus, v. 1] 4140.3 — - Same. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v, 8] . B.110.2 BusCELLl, G. Rime di diversi eccellenti avtori brcsciani. Venetia, 1553. 6m.b° **4799,14 Contents. — Barlolomco Amipio ; Bnrtolomoo Tibcro ; Baldnssar Cazznf;o; II route Kortunato Mnrlinenpn; II cante Vespcsiaiio Mnrtinciigo; 11 conto Giovfln- fruncesco dii Gainl)Ara; Caniino FLiita; Eniilio Kmilii ; FrnncGsco Pocopngni; Fiiblo Muiiicola; Frnnccsco Stullti : Frnncfsco Nurcs; Giovnn' Anilrcu Upon!; Glro- lamg Uoriiuti; GIrotunio Fc&nrvolo; (jiovniin' Antonio Sncchctto ; Lucia An)nnn ; Lcotic Cereto ; Martino Agntiu; I'nndlo Muntc; i'oinpeio Pocopagiil; Piotro Rarigrinno ;' Vcronlcft Guiiibai-n; Vicciixo Motcllo. RUSCONI, C. Le emigrazioni italianc de Dante sino ai uostri giorni, precedute da un sunto storico dei casi d'ltaUa m-i primi tredici secoli. To- rino, lK5:j, 54. 2v. a' 271G.7 — Giovanni r.entivoglio: storia bolognese del secolo dccimofiuinto. Kirenze, IS-'IG. 2v. ■ in 1. 32° 47C5.15 — La rcpublica romnna del 1849. [Documenti dellu ;,'Ufrra santu d'ltalia, V. 8] 4718.9 RUftE, G., and Strakcr, 0. Printing and its acces- sories : a book t>f cliargci, with instructions in lithography, and .samples of paper. London, [IWioj. ^° 2115.20 Rush, Benjamin, Af. D. Medical inquiries and ob- servations. Pliiladelphia. 17^9. 8" 3713.7 — - Same. 2d Am. ed. Philadelphia, 1791-98. 6v. 8" 5713.8 — Medical ini|uirief4 upon the diseases of tlie mind. aded. PJiiladclphla, 1818. 8° 50OG.1 — New method of inoculating for the small-pox. Also obMf'rvationM on the dulies of a physi- cian. 2d ed. Pliilad.'jphhi. 17^9. pp..T.i. h". 3713.7 — ObKervatloiis upon tlie origin of the niitligtiuiit biliourt or yellow fc^er In Phihidelphlii, and npon th<* means of preventing it. Philadel- phia, 1799. pp. 28. h" 370G.22 shelf. No. Rush, Benjamin, Jir. D., continued. — Three lectures upon animal life. Philadelphia, 1799. 8" *M.i'ph.v.l32 — Action for libel brought by B.Rush against W. Cobbett. 5ce Carpenter, T M.Pph.v.l32 Rush, Benjamin, esq. Letter on the rebellion, to a citizen of Washington. Philadelphia, 1802. pp. 23. 8° 3635,10 Rush, R. Occasional productions, political, diplo- matic, and miscellaneous. Philadelphia, 1860. 1,8 4405.3 Contents. — Introduction: Washington in domestic life; Washington. La Fayette, and Mr. Bradford; Char- acter of Mr. Calhoun; African slavery and the compro- mise act of 1850; Speech on the coiistiturion and the union, Nov. 21, 1850; Two letters to W. H. Trescot.npon public and diplonintic suhjects ; Chnrncter of Mr. Can- ning; Letter from Paris, repudiation of party; Essays: Value of early efforts at excellence; Labor neces- sary to eminence; Letter describing a visit in 1836 to Grove Park, England; Letter describing a visit at ' Christmas, l&tO, to Hnyley; Letter on tho death of William iv, and accession of Quccn Vicloria to tho British throne; Correspondence with Mr. Murcy, upon the first article of the treaty of 1SI8. in relation to tho Newfoundland fisheries ; Court and government of Louis Philippe, in 1S47, 4S, and the French revolution which followed. RusHWORTH, .L Historical collections, abridged and improved, [1G1SJ-4S, Loudon, 1703-8. Cv. 8* 4177.9 RUSKIN,J, The ethics of the dust. Ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crys- tallisation. London, 18GG. 12" 3868.25 — Modern painters. Part 1-3, 5. 1st Am. from 3d Lond. ed. ?»'ew York, 1852-59. 2v. 12". 4067.28 — Kotes on the construction of sheepfolds. New York, 1851. pp. 38, 8° 54G0a,n4 — Precious thoughts: moral and religions. From [his] works, by Jlrs. L. C. Tuthill. iS'ew Y'ork, 1S6G. 12= 4600.1 — Sesame and lilies. Two lectures. London, 1805. 10° 5599a.8 RUSLING, J. Hymns for Sunday schools. 2d ed, New York, 18;i8. 32° 3440. 3P RUSSEL, Ale.xander, b. 1818. The salmon. Kdin- burgh, 18154. h" 3907,14 Russell, AUxander, M.D., d. 1768, Memoirs of. Sec Lultsom, J. C 3735,17 Russell, Arthur T. Memoirs of the life and works ofL. Andrewes. London, I8G;j. 8* . . . . 2543.15 — Memorials of the life and works of T. Fuller. London, 18H. 12' 2609.7 Russell, ll. Address before the Massachusetts charitable meehaiiick association, Dec. 21, iSli'J, Boston, 1810. 8" 4301,53 — Eulogy on. ;>'ct' Haylies, F 4394,1 RussiCLL, C. The tanuin process. 2ded. London, n. d. 16' 4024.12 Russell, Charles T. Address before the Boston young men's Christian association. May 25, lN*iJ. Boston, I8,VJ. N" 4400a. 10 — Agricultural progress In Massachusetts for the last h;ilf century. An address, Sept. 25, 1^50. Boston, 1850. 8° , .4400a. 10 — Argument before the commissioners appointed to deleiinine the dividing line lu-tween Dim- vers and .Soiith Uanvers, Sei>t. 1, lt*55. Bos- ton, 1S55. pp.50, a" 4400a. 10 — Argument in behalf of the Boston and New York central railroad company, before tho commitlee on railroads and cansds of tho Massachusetts legislature, Feb. 3, 185i. Bos- ton, 18.)4. pp. .TJ. 8' 4400a. 10 — The eiilVanehisement of hibor. An address, yi'pt. 14, 1K51. MIddlebury, 1855. 8' . . , 4394.07 — lliKtory of Prhicelon, Mass.; with a sketch of the pre.siMit religious con(ro\ersy [there]. Boston, 1838. 8" 4355.60 — Oration before the municipal authorities of lloKton,.IuIy I, 1N")1. Boston, l.sril. 8" . . 4:utl.50 RUSSELL 545 KUSSIA Shelf. No. Russell, Charles T., confimial. — Speech on the nmeiidincnt, aUering the basis of representation in the honse of representa- tives, in the .senate of Jiassachusetts, April L', iSr,l. n. p., n. d. [No tille-pnge.] 4J00a.l0 — Address at tlie Princeton celebration. See I'rinrelon, Mass 4338.15 — Ar^runient for the petition for a railroad from Salem to .Maiden. .STcc fhoate, U 5080.2 KUSSELL, r., 6tlt dnke of Bedford, Sermon after the interment of. .SVc Cartwright, K. . . . Pph.v.353 Russell, George. Tonr throngh Sicily in the year ISIo. London, 1!<1». S" 2705.18 RIISSKLL, Cieorge U. Address before the Norfolk agricultural sociely, at Dedham, Sept. 24, 1S51. [ISo-Ston, 1«1.] 8° 4394.08 — Address Iwfore the Rhode Island society for the encouragement of domestic industry, and the Rhode Island horticultural society, Prov- idence, Sept. 17, 1852. Providence, 1S52. S°.B.170a 54 — Letter to the mass meeting at Providence, K, I., Sept. 10, ISolJ. Boston, [Ig.W]. 8° . . . 6087.42 Russt:LL, James, and son. Tobane Hill coal min- eral case. SceClillcspie, E. 11 6804.11 Russell, John, of the senior class of Harvard college, d. 1795, Sermon occasioned by the death of. SeeTappan, D 4349.14 EUSSELL, John, printer. Address presented to the members of the Faustus association, in Bos- ton, Oct. 4, 1S08. Boston, 180S. S° .... 4394.52 — Miscellaneous collection of original pieces. Springfield, Mass., 1086 [1780]. 12° .... 2409.48 Russell, John, earl. Essay on the history of the English government and constitution, tVom Henry vii to the present time. New cd. London, 1865. 8" 2513.21 — [H istory of the principal states of Europe, from thepeace of Utrecht.] Loudon, 1826. 2v. 12°. 2307.7 — Colonial policy of his administration. See Grey, H. G 2527.8 Russell, Jolm S. The fleet of the future : iron or wood ? London, 1S61. pp. 57. 8° 3952.28 Russell, Jonathan. Oration, July 4, 1800. 14th ed. Providence, 1814. 8° *4103.13 Russell, P. Two sermons : the first, on the occa- sion of the funeral solemnities of president Lincoln; the second, on fast day (June 1). Philadelphia, 1.805. 8° *4342.0 Russell, Richard. De epilepsia puerili. Lugd. Batav., 1721. sm.4'' *Pph.v.333 Russell, R. W. The American telegraph company. Remarks. Xew York, isiio. pp. 74. 8° . . 6965.40 — The English enlistment question. Review of secretary JIarcy's letter. May 27, 1850, in reply to lord Clarendon. New York, 1856. PP- H- 8° 5646.15 — The new maritime law. Review of Mr. Marcy's letter to M. de Sartiges. New Y'ork, 1856. pp. -18. 8° 5046.16 — Remarks on the English enlistment question. New York, 1850. 8° 5640.15 Russell, Hon. Thomas, d. 1796. Morse, J. Ser- mon occasioned by the death of 4347.97 — Thacher, P. Sermon on the death of .... 4347.97 Russell, Hon. Thomas. Oration delivered before the city authorities of Boston, on the fourth of July, 1804. Boston, 1864. 8° 4394.54 Russell, William. The education of females. An address, Nov. 21, 1843. Andover, 1813. 8° . 6690.8 — [Grammar of composition.] New Haven, 1823, 12° 6009.8 — Lessons in enunciation. [2d ed.J Boston, 1831. 18° 7009.31 — Principles and methods of human culture. New York, 1800. 8° 5592.12 — Rudiments of gesture. Boston, 1830. pp.56. 12°. 7009.29 — Spelling-book; second course of lessons. Bos- ton, 1846. 10° 7009.37 — and A. U. Introduction to the young ladies' elocutionary reader. Boston, 1815. 12° . . 4278.25 69 Russell, William U. On Bull Run; witli notes from the Rebellion record. New Y'ork, 1801. PP- l-l- 8° 4340a.40 — Letter on the battle of Bull Run. New York, 1801. pp.30. 12° 43.30a. 15 — The civil war in America. Boston, n. d. 12°. 4330a. 14 — Letter, on passages in his " Diary North and South." See \VIiite, A. D 4350a. 27 Russell, William S. Pilgrim memorials, and guide to Plymouth village. Boston, IS51. 12° . . 2358.7 Russell, ilistorical memoirs of the house of. Wif- fe». J- If 2547.2 RU.SSIA. Imperial depot of charts. [Maps. Titles in Russian. St. Petersburg], 1800-10. Folded 6i"-f° ♦3000.3 CoHfeiifa. — Skeleton map of tho Russian empiro, no scale, 4 sheets; Map ontnssiun territoiy as far east- wftnls as the Aral, 100 sheets, scale 13 1-4 m. to 1 inch ; Outlying portions, 9 sheets, scale la 1-4 m. to 1 inch; Kinptiom of Poland, G sheets, M 1-4 ni. to I inch; Mil- itary map of the frontiers of Russia and Turkey, 12 sheets, scalo 8 3-10 m. to 1 inch. — Imperial mission at Pekin. Arbeiten Uber China, seiu Yolk, fu. s. w.]. Aus dem lius- sischen von C. Abel uud I'. A. Mecklenburg. Berlin, 18i)8. 2v. 1.8° 4244.1 Description, travels, etc. — Alexander, J. E. Travels through, in 1829 . . 3005.18 — Ancelot, J. A. P. F. Six mois en Russie . . 3065.15 — Balbi, A. Das russische Reich verglichen mit den vornehmsten Staaten der Erde B.190.9 — Engelhardt, G. MiscellenzurgenauernKennt- niss Russlands 3036.7 — Fortiade Piles, A. T. J. A. M. M. de. Voyage de deux Franqais en Russie 2864.16 — Georgi, J.G. Description de toutes les nations de I'empire ^le Itussie 4251.4 — - Geograi'hisch iiliysikalisehe und naturhis- torische lieselircilningdes russischen Reicbs. 4253.8 — Hamel, J. Early English voyages to .... 3007.6 — Jacobus. Hodoeporicon Ruthenicum, de Mos- covitarum regi"^e, moribus, etc 4163.12 — Jourdier, A. Excursion agronomique en Rus- sie 3005.20 — - DCS forces productives, destructives, et im- pro ductives de la Russie 3065.19 — Latham, R. G, Native races of the Russian empire 3068.3, and 4252.0 — Le Bruyn, C. Travels into Muscovy 3080.6 — Molinari, G. de. Lettres sur la Russie . , , . 3069,7 — Pallas, P. S. Icones insectorum Rossix pe- culiarium 6892.2 — Reichard, H. A. O. Der Pass.agier zu Peters- burg 2834.7 — Tegoborski, L. de. Etudes sur les forces pro- ductives de la Russie 4253.5 — Tourguenef, I. S. Seines de la vie russe . . . 4188.23 Ecclesiastical history. — Platon Levshin. State of the Greek church . 3008.5 — Staatskirche, Die, Russlands 6054.5 — Strahl, P. Beytriige zur russischen Kirchen- geschichte 6054.4 History and politics. — Bernhardi, T. v. Geschichte Russlands und der europaischen Folitik, 1814-31 3003.10 — Ewers, J. P. G. Das iilteste Recht der Russcn. 4304.14 — Forgues, P. E. D. Guerre de Russie en 1812 . .3065.14 — GaUtzin,A. La Russie du xvnie siecle . . . .3065.16 — Karamsin, N. M. Geschichte Russlands . , . 3035.14 — Lacroix, F. Mysteries of 4129.53 — La Gueronniere, A. Coup d'ocil sur la Russie et sa politique 2642.26 — Le Clerc, N. G. C. ITistoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie ancienne . . 4251.5,0 Lomonosof, M. W. Alte russische Geschichte bis 1054 4252.11 — Manstein, C. H. V. Memoirs of, 1727-44 . . . 3001.12 EVSSIA 546 SABELLICO Shelf. Xo. KussiA, continued. — Piotrowski.R. ErlebnisseinKassIau(l,lS-!3-)6. 3067.5 — Portor, K. K. Campaign in, 1S13 30G3.7 — Schliizer, C. v. Les premiers habitants de la Enssie 4129.44 — Stralil, P. Geschichle des russischen Staates. 421<).10 — Strahlenberg, P. J. v. Der nord- imd ostliche Theil von Europa und Asia 4253.6 — TchuTkevitcIi, P. Keflectionsonthewarof 1812. 3065.13 — Urquhart, D. Progress of 4252.13 — Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Eussie sous Pierre le grand 3069.34 — Willien, F. tjber die Verhaltnisse der Eus- Ben zum byzantinlschen Eeiche B.190.3 Lang^iage. Dictionaries, Grammatin.X. EnglisliandEussiandictionary.3035.20 Heym, J. v. Deutscli-russiscli-frauzosisches Worterbnch 4111.4 Kovalcfski, J. E. Dictionnaire mongol-russe- fran^ais 3060.10 Mess, C. Dictionnaire complet russie-fran- ^ois-allemand 3035.13 New pocliet-dictionary of the English and Eussian language 4119.18 Kodde, J. Eussisch-deutsches Wijrterbuch . 4114.10 Schmidt, J. A. C. Eussisch-deutsches Wiirter- buch 3035.10, and 41H.1 Language, Grammars^ etc. — Boltz, A. Keuer Lehrgang der nissischen Spraelie 4124.6 — Folimonoff, D. Grammatik der russischen Sprache 3030.26 Frijhlich, R. A. Leitfaden die russische Spra- che oigeu zu machen 3034.37 Gretsch, N. Grammaire de la langue russe . 3035 9 _ - Practical lessons in Eussian grammar . . . .3035.10 _ Same. Key 3035.12 — - Eussian grammar, abridged 3035.11 Karamsin, N. M. Eussisclies Lesebuch . . . 3035.14 Neue Gesprache in deutscher und russischer Sprache 3035.18 _ Puchmaycr, A. I. Eehrgebaude der russi- schen Sprache 4114.14, and 4126.1 SziiUiisy, J. N. V. Spraclilehre um Eussisch spreciien zu lernen 4119.7 — Tappc, A. W. RussischesElementar-Lesebucli fiirUeutachc .3035.15 — - Eussische Spraclilehre fur Deutsche .... 3035.15, and 4114.9 Vater, J.S. Grammatik der russischen Spra- che 3030.0 Literature. Bowring, J. Specimens of the Eussian poets. .3037.10, 12 — Dietrich, A. Eussische Volksmiirchen .... 30.37.10, 12, and 4209a.2 Goctzc, P. V. Stimmen dcs russischen Volks in I.icdern 4253.20 Minzloff, E. Poetische und wissenschaftliche Litcratur Eusslands 4119.3 Vogl, J.N. Die iiltcsten Volksmiirchen der BusBcn 4224. IS Tlie/oUmping worlca are in Russinn i — Bunina, A. P. Collection of poems .10.30.2 — Kxtroits dcs mcillcurs auteursrusscB en prose, 30.30.5 — Gretsch, N. Lessons in 30.30.3 Izmallof, W. W, .lourney into Southern Eua- slft 3009.8 — Knrnmsin, N. M. Works 4252.14 — Krilof, I. A. Fabl;aclirichten saUzburglscber Eiiilgianten in America 6055.14 SAma-Vkiia. Die llymiieii des .Suiiia- Veda, heruus- gegeben, iibersetzt und niit (jlossiir verselien von T. Benfey. Leipzig, 18IS. 1.8° .... 3012.33 Samahitan language. .Synopsis luutitutlouum .Saniaritauarum. Otho, li 6037.10 Samahitans, bhort account of the ancient and modern. Fleury,<' 3426.10 Sbclf. No. Samm, C. de. TJne question italienne au seizi^me si^cle. Paris, 1801. 8' 2717.11 S.VM511 L'NG geistlicher Lieder. Nebst einem An- hang von Gebeten. Basel, 1831. 8° . . . . 6007.3 Samsitliche Werkc der Kirchen-Viiter. Aus dem Urtexte in das Teutsche iibersetzt. Kempteu, 1S30-53. 3»v. in 19. 8° »0024.1 ConMH^s.^ Vol. I [B. 1, 2J. Ck'meiis RomunuB; Ig- nfttiufl; folykarpus; Justiuus; Tatitin; Atlieiiagorng; Thcophilus. 11 [3, 4]. IrcnauB. UI, IV [5-7]. Cjp- riatius. IV [r]. Hippolytus; Grcgoiius TliHunia- turjus. IV-VIl [7-13]. Hilarius. VII-IX [14-18]. Athnansins. X-XIH [19-26]. Basilius der Gvosse. XIV- XIX [27-3S]. Epliriiniaus SyriuD. XIX, XX [38, 39]. Gregorius, Bischof von Nyua. SamoNas. Disceptatio cum Achmed Saraceno, su- per veritate corporis et sanguinis Christi in Sacramento eucharistiffi. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 18] B.110.2 Samotedic language. Castr(5n,M.A. Grammatik der samojedischen Sjirrtchen -3060 20 — - Samojedische Miirchen 4240.14 — - Wiirterverzeichuisse aus den samojedischen Sprachen 3000.17 Sampson, or Ke-Wa-Ze-Zhig. See Ke-Wa-Ze- Zhig. Sampson, E. Brief reraarker on the ways of man. Canandaiguii, N. Y., 1821. 12° 2558.11 Sampson, G. R. Address at the dedication of the new rooms ot the Mercantile library associa- tion, Jan. 1, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8° . . . . 4394.61 Sampson family. Genealogical memoirs of the. See Vinton, J. A 4332.3 Samson, J. I. Biographic. S'ee Jacquot, C. J. B.6649a.ll Samuel, of Morocco, De adveutu Messiie, quern Judiei teniere expectant. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., v. IS] B.110.2 Samuel, presbyter of Aria. Temporum usque ad suam lEtatem ratio. [Migne. Patrologia Grxca.v. ID] . 6401.10 Samwer, C. Nonveau recueil de trait^s, v. 14-16. See Martens, G. F. v 3080.2 San Antonio mission, California., Vocabulary of the language of the. Siljar, B 2360. 4S S.\N AuGUSTiN,G. de. ConquistasdelasislaaPhil- ipinas: la temporal, por les annas del Senor D. PlK'lii>e segundo; y la espiritval, porlosrc- ligiosos del orden tie San Augustin : fvnda- cion y progrcssos de sv provincia del nonibre de Jesus. Madrid, 1098. f° 6041.1 San Barti)Lomjieo,P. di. Travels in Travancore. See Visscher, J . G 6015.8 SAN Diego, Calij'ornia, Military reconnoissauce from Fort l^eavemvorlh to. Emory, W. H. 2378.8 San Francisco. ^lunicipal reports, 185U-00. [San Francisco], 1800. 8° C389.21 San JIiGUKL, E. Historia de Felipe II, reydc Es- pafia. Madrid, 1814. 8° 4246.7 SAN-QuiNTiNi), G.C.di. Delia zeccac dclle monete di I..ucca nei secoli di mezzo; Dello zecca e delle monete degli antiehi niarehesi della Toscana. [Jleniorie e documenti per servire alia storiadi Lucca, V. 11] 2711.4 San Azz Alto, J. Opera omnia. Lngduni, 1007. Bin.S" •*4938.31 Con(<-n/*.~ lip partii Vlrjrluli Ubrl (roa; l.amentatlo de ClulHtl nioiti'; Egloga) tjuhiquc; Frugiiiuutum i Elo- glunim llt>rl troH. — Poeiuata, [etc.]. 3a Pntavlnacd. Patavii, 1751. Bm.b° *41D9.8 C»H/f>Un. — SannnKnrll vlenii J, A. Vuljilo; Teitlinonla dfi SuuiiRziirio fjimquo Rcrl])tlH; Du pnrtu Vli'icliila; Do morto Cliriatl Inim-utntlo; licluguo; Klog-lniiim Ubrl irva; E]ilKrauitiiatou llbri tron; Ciirmliin lul tiuiuuiiEn- rium, vt (k< Hiiiiiiiiziirlo; TcnLIiiioiiIu do Alttllo (■J'lo^"^ ■crlplU; lipllliiiliuuhiiii; Curniiiiu In Allllluiii: li-all- liiuiilu do FuHcltvlIu cjuitiuc >L'i-l]>lla; lusulti'lli ciimilua ok'^iinllMsliim ; Notlselo liituiiio ullti vlnv u nftU icrlttl dl U. ('npccu, dill couto UlniiimaritL AlQKzucticIII ; tii'lp- lonU Cuplcll do vnU' ninxhuu cmiiion; Ui-iu'dlcU I.iiin- pi-ldll onrinuii. SANAZZAUO 551 SANSKRIT Shelf. No. San.\zzaro, .1., continued. — Oporn I.ntine scripta. See Vlnming, P. . . . 49">8." — Arcmliii. Viiipiiiii, ISCJ. Vi' *4199a.4 — - Same, Milaiio, 1S015. 8*. [ClassicI itnliani, V. 87] •M803.7 — Canzone pn.stonilc. [Gironi. Raccolla dl lir- ic'i itnliani] 4S0.S.8 — Memoir of. ."^ee Greswell, W. P 274.'). 20 Sasbohx, K. D. Address, Sept. 6, 1850, on the oc- cnsiim of the death of Gen. Z. Taylor. Han- over, 1850. 8° 4347.109 Sanborn, U. S. Discourse on the assassination of president Lincoln, delivered in Kipon, Wis., April 23, 18f». n. p., l.siw. [So title pa{;e.] 8°.*4342.n Sanchhz, a. N. K. de, filoge de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. CEuvres, V.3] 3720.11 Sanciif,;^, F. de. Blinerva, sou de causis linguae Latinae commentnrius, cui inserts, quae ad- didit G. Scioppius, et notae .T. Perizonii. Re- censuit C. L. Baucrus. Ed. uoviss. Lipsiae, USLI-ISOI. 2v. 8' 4935.15 Sanchuniathon. IJistoriarum Phoeniciae libros novem Graece versos a Philone Byblio, edidit Latinaqne versione donavit F. Wagenfeld. [Gr. etLat.] Brcmae, 1837. 8° 4244.17 lfote.~~Tt IB now iinivorsfillj* ngreeit that this work, discovered in a convent in Portuffftl, is the forpjury of a later age. — Smith's Dictionary of Classical biorjrapky. — Phonizische Geschichte. Nach der griech- isclien Bearbeitungdes Philo von Dyblos ins Deutsche iibersetzt. Liibeck, 18-37. 8° . . . 4244.18 — Goschichtliclier Wcrth. Ewald, G. H. A. v. . B.190.13 Sanctis, L. de. Rome, Cliristian and papal. [Transl. by L.Hunt.] New York, 1856. 12°. 4278.5 Sanctios, F. See .Sanchez, F. de. Sand, Car! L. C. L. Sand dargcstellt durch seine Tagebiicher und Briefe. Altenburg, 1821. 12° 2847.33 Sand, Christopher C. liibliotheca anti-trinitario- rum. Freistadii, 1084. sm.8° *B.117.14 Contents. — Bibliofheca anti-trinitariorum ; J. Stoinii epitome bistorim ori^nis unitariorum in Polonia; G. Schomanni tcstamentum; De tj-pographiis unitariorum In Polonia ; De Johannis Tyscovicii niartyrio ; A. Wis- sowatii narrntio quomodo in Polonia d trinitariis refor- matis scparati sint Cbrisliani unitnrii; Bistoria de splritn Belga; Vitic ac mortis A. Wissoivattii, nee non ecclesiarum unitariarum ejus tern pore historia; VindiciSB pro unitariorium in Polonia reli^ionis libertate. Sandars, J. Letter on the projected rail road be- tween Liverpool and Manchester. 2d ed. Liverpool, [1824]. 8° »Pph.T.338 Sandbt, W. History of the Royal academy of arts. With biographical notices. London, 1862. 2v. 8° 4085.4 Sandeo, F. De regibus Sicilise et Apulia;. [Gr.-e- vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 5] .... 4710.1 Sander, L. C. Auswahl altdiinischer Heldenlieder und Balladen. Kopenhapen, 1816. 18° . . **2875.28 S^vndep.s, C. W. Spelling book. Andover, 1839. 10° 4589a. 18 Sanders, D.C. Sermon, preached inMedfield, Jan. 5, 1817, near the 160th anniversary of the in- corporation of that town. Dedham, 1817. S°.B. 160a. 120 Sanders, N. De origine ac progressu schismatis Anglicani liber. Ed. et auct. per E. Rishto- num. ColonijE Agrippinie, 1585. sm 8° . . *3529.12 Sanderson, J. [Biography of the signers to the declaration ot independence.] Philadelphia, 1828. 5v. 8° *2345.14 Sanderson, W. History of the lives and reigns of Mary, queen of Scotland, and .Tames VI of Scotland, afterwards James i of England. London, [1656]. sm.f° 2410.18 Sandford, D. K. Introduction to the writing of Greek. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1828. 12° . . . 4989.10 S.\NDiNi, A. Vitse pontiiicum Romanorum. Ed. alt. Italica. Ferraria;, 174S. 8° 6070.17 Shelf. No. Sandler, C. Grosses Adreasbuch des Handels-, I'abrik- und Gewcrbstandes von Nord- Deutscldnnd. B. 1, B. 2, Abth. 1-3. Chem- nitz, 1861-64. 4v. 1.8° ♦2831.8 Sandoval P. de. Historia del emperador Carlos V. Nueva impres. Amberes, 1781. 2v. f. *42D0.12 Sandstone, New red. Dyas et trias ou le nouvenu gres rou^^e en Europe, dans I'Amerique du Nord et dans rinde. Marcou, J 3809.35 Sandstone, Yellow, Monograph of the. Ander- son, J 3863.14 Sandwich, Enff., Antiquities of the ancient port of. Lewis, J 45S6-20 Sandwith, II. The hekim bashi: or, the adven- tures of Giuseppe Antoni'Ui, doctor in the Turkish service. London, 1864. 2v. 12° . .3085.15 Sandys, W. Cliristmas carols, ancient and mod- ern; also specimens of French provincial carols. With introduction and notes. Lon- don', 1833. 10° 2536.5 — and Forster, S. W. History of the violin, and other instruments played on with the bow. London, 1864. 8° 4056.26 Sanfelice, a. De situ ac origine Campanile. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 1] . . 4710.1 Sanford, Hev. David, b. 1737, d. 1810, Discourse at the funeral of. ,SVe Emmons, N 5440a. 67 Sanford, Rev. David. Sermon to young men, in Medway, May 21, l(-48. Boston, 1848. 8°. 5470a. 64 Sanford, J. L. Studies and illustrations of the great rebellion. London, 1S5S. 8° 2528.2 Sanfranco, L. Capello di. Genealogia della fa- miglia Bonaparte. 2a ed. Torino, [184-]. 4°. 2642.21 Sangebhausen, C. F. Gesamlete Gedichte. Leipzig, 1782. pp. 80. 10° **2879.14 Sangiorgio, B. da. Chronicon Montisferrati. [Sardinia. Hist, monum., v. 3] 4800.1 Sanitary commission. See New England women's auxiliary association, UnitedStates Christian commission. United States sanitary commis- sion, Western sanitary commission. Sanitary convention. Debates of the third na- tional convention. See National quarantine convention 3756.3 Sanitary economy: its principles, practice, and moral influence on civilisation. Edinburgh, 1850. 16° 3769.45 Sanitary reform. Unhealthy condition of the lower class of dwellings. Girdlestone, C. . 3767.34 Sanitary review. Richardson, B. W 57o9a.2 Sanitary state of the army in India. Nightin- gale, F 3767.32 Sanlecque, L. de. Poesies. See Monchesnay, J. deL.de 4695.7 Sanskrit language. Benfey, T. Grammar of the. 30.35.6 — Bopp, F. Lehrgebiiude der Sanskrita-Sprache. 3032.9 — Frank, O. Grararantica Sanskrita 3032.8 — Gildcmeister, J. Die falsche Sanscritphilol- ogie 3034.34 — Halayudha Bhatta, Abhidhanaratnamala : a Sanskrit vocabulary 3033.3 — Price, W. Elements of the 5033.8 — Schlegel, C. W. F. V. Sprache der Indier . . 4245.25 — Vopadeva. The Mugdhabodha: a Sanscrit grammar 6038.20 — Williams, M. Practical grammar of the . . . 3032.6 SANSKRIT literature. Ardschuna's Reise zu Indra's Himmel. See Maha-liharata 5024.5 — Catalogus codicum nianuscriptorum Sanscriti- corum postvedicorum in Bibliotheca Bodlei- ana. See Oxford university. Bodleian li- brary 2190.13 — Gildemeister, J. Bibliotheca; Sanskrit*, sivc recensus librorum fSanskritorum specimen . 2104.13 — Muir, J. Sanskrit texts on the people of India 3012. .32 — MUller, F. M. History of 3032.7 — Salisbury, E. E. Discourse on Arabic and Sanskrit literature 5037.14 — Sclilegel, A. W. V. Indische Bibliothek . . . 3025.24 SANNYRIO 552 SARGENT Shelf. No. Sanxtrto. Trium comcediarumfraginenta. [Mei- neke. Fraj^m. com. Gr., v. ;i] B.162.8 SaxsoMjJ. Letters from Europe, during a tour throuph Switzerland and Italy, in 1801, 2, riiiladelphia, lb05. 2v. S° . '. 2763.8 SANSOX,fA. Des op^Tations applictibles aux solu- tions de contlnuite rc-centes et anciennes du canalintestinal. Paris, [ISoO]. 4°. - *M.Pph.v.l.3G Sansovjxo, F. Sette libri di satire. Di nuoue rac- colti. Venetia. 1500. sm.8' 4799.26 Contents. — L. Ariosto; H. Bentivogli; L. AlBmoTini; P. Xclli ; A. Viuciguerra ; F. Sanaovino ; Ed' altri scrit- tort. — See Raccolta di poesie satiriclie 4S08.9 Santa, L. della. Osservazioni sopra I'opera intito- lata, Bella costruzione cc. di una pubblica biblioteca. .SVe Follini, V 2124.10 SANTACitocE, 1*. De civilibus Galliai dlssensioni-, bus libri trcs. [Martene. Vet. script., v- 5]. 4150.1 Santa Cruz, TT. /., as a winter residence for inva- lids. Tuckerman, J 4-367.70 Santagata, a. De Josepho Mezzofantio ser- mones duo. Bononix, 1854. pp.29. 4". . 2741,25 — De vita et doctrina I. Ignatii MoUnae. Bono- niiie, 1845. pp.22. 4° 2741.24 Santeul, J. de. Hymni sacri et novi. Ed. nova. Amstelodami, 1700. sm.24'' 4189a. 5 Santillana, marquis of. See Heudoza, I. L. de. 3104.19 Santea. Reliquiae. [Ribbeck. Tragicorum Lati- norum reliquiic] B. 199.4 Sanuto, M. Ragguagli suUa vita e sulle opere di 31. Sanuto. Venezia, 1837, 38. 3v. 8' . . . 4106.9 Sappho. Carmina. [Lect. Poetas Gra;ci, v. 3] . . 4200.7 — Fragnieuta. See Anacreon 4205.22 — - Same. [Brunck. Aoalecta poet. Gr.,v. 1].B.1G2.7 — - Same. Translated from the Greek. [Ander- son. Poets of Great Britain, V. 13] .... 4604.1 — Fragmens. [Falcounet. Lea pelits poi^mes grecsj B.161.2 — La Faouiade, inni ed odi di Saffo. Pisa, 1803. 18°. [Parnuso degl- Ituliimi viveuti, v. 20j . 4799a. 2 yote. — Nel Giomnlc de Pisa, tomo Lix, ei nvrorte CBBcro qucstA Faoniudo una i^raziosa finzionc. — Fcd- etici. SarACHO. Rcgistruni boiiorum et proventuum ab- batiiB Corbeiensis. Falke, J. F 4250.10 SARAINA, T. De civitatis Verona^ origine, nmplitu- diue, viris illustribuft, dorninio, monumentis aniifjuis; Historiaruni etgrstorum Veronen- sium, temporibu.s populi, et domiuorum Seal- | igerorum libii iii. [Grsevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 7] 4710.1 Saratoga, N. Y. North, M. L. Saratoga waters. 380U.46 — Steel, J. H. BliiMTul waters (if 3^09.39,47 Sahbikw.ski, M. C. JiynniuN ad beatam Jlariam mulliplici lingua iniprcssus, cum borologio Miiriano, cur. Dom. Mettenleiter. Ratisbona, 1^16. pp. 36. 8'' **4938.1 SarCEUIUS, K. Narratio de Nassavicarum reglo- num rerormationc. [(ierdcs. Scrluium an- tiq, ad hist, reform, spect., v. 1] 6055.15 Sardanai'AM's, De Sardanapali epigrammatis dispulatEo. S'fi; ChoeriluH 2975.8 Sakuinia, ific tslavd. A/uiii, D. A. Ilistoirc geo- graphique, iioHtique et naturellc de la Sar- duigne 2705.15 — CIuvUt, P. Sardinia antiqua 4735.6 — Forester, T. Kaiiihl<-s hi 2763.3 — Jourdaii.G. I.'ilc de .Sardalgne 2763.7 — La Marmora, A. de. Iihu-raire de Pile do Sar- daigue 2703.2 — Nelgebaur, .1. D. V. (ieHchichfliclic Entwicke- lung der gegenwiirtlgen /iistiinde 2716.5 — Sardinia antiqna: (.'oiiuiu-iihiritiH J*. (Muveril ; De rebuM Siirdois, nnctore J. F. l'"ara; An- naleH Sardlnlie, auctore S. Vitale. [Grievlus. Thes. Hiitiq. Ital., T. 10, V. 15] 4710.1 Sbelf. No. Sardinia, the l-ingdom of. Historiae patriae mon- viuenta edita ivssv CaroU Alberti. Av^-stae Tavrinorvm, 1836-03. llv. V *4800.1 Contenta.~Yo\. I, II. Chnrtn-. a. d. 602-1200. HI. Edicta regum Lniigobardorum, 643-750, opcru ct Btiidio C. Baudi a Vesme. IV, V. Liber jurlum reiiiubliceo Gcnucnsis: chartic, 958-1373, cd. Hcrcule lUcottio. W. Leges municipnles, prscfaccm fcrcute K. Sclopis: Sta- tuta ac privile(;ia civitatis SecnsiB>, Augusta) prte- torin, Nicia;, consulatus Janueueie, an. McXLlll; Im- posicio officii Gazarie; Statute etprivilegia civitatis Tau- riDviisis, soL'ictatis B. Georgii populi Cheriensis, com- munis Casalis, civitatis Kporcdin:, civitatis Mouliscalcrii. Vll-IX, XI. Scriptures. V'll. Chroniques de Savoyo; Chronique du conte Uougc, par Perriuet Du-Pin ; Chron- ica Latina Sabaudin;; Chronica abbaliic Altiecui'ubee; Chronica Juvenalis de Acqvino ; Doininici Machanci epi- tonife historife novemducum Sahaudorum; Munioiresde P. de Lambert sur la vie de Charles due de Savoye ueu- vieme, MDV-MDXXXIX; Uititorico discorso di Giuseppe Canibiano de' signori di Rufha. VIII. Storia delle Alpt maritlinie di Pietro Gioffredo. IX, Fvagnieiita chron- icaj aniiquie ciWtatis Pcdona- ; Vita B. Dalmutii, incerto auctore; Chronicon Novalicieuse; Wftltharius, pocma heroicum ; B. Hcldradi Novuliciensis ahbatis vita ; Necrolupium prloratus S. Andrece TaurinCDSia; 8. Jonn- nis coiitVssuris archiejiiscopi Havcnnatis ecclesia) vita; Chronicon cceiiobii S. Mirhnelis do Clusa, a WiUelino monacbo ; Vcnerabilis Benedict! Clusensis ubbatis vitu, auctore Willelmo monacho ; Summariiu constitutiontja monnsterii B. Marifc de Abundaiitia; Necrologium niouastcrii B. Marioa do Ahundantia; Fragmcntum martyrolog'ii ecclcsia; B. Evasii Casalonsis; Kecrolo- gium coUt-ffii canonicorum SS. Petri et Ursi Augustas prtctoria; ; Selocta e libro anniversarioruin, refectori- orum, vigiliarum ct inissaiuni conventualium ccclesioB cathedralis Augustantc; Martyrologium Gra-co-Augua- tauum ecclcsia} S. Muuricii de Brusson in vallo Chal- land apud Augustauos ; Kalendarium Augustauum, descripsit Autonius Gal; Exiractus anniversariorum, ret'ectorioruni, vigiliarum et niissarum conventualium fieri solitarum in ccclvsia cnttiodrali civitatis Augustio prectorifc; Fragmcnta de gestia Aslensluni excerpta ex libro Ugcrii Alpherii; Mcmoriale Gulliclmi Veuturos civis Astcusis de gestis civium Asteusiuiu et pluriuin aliorum; Memoriale Becundini Ventura;; Cronaca dl SaluKzo di (lioflVedo della Chiesa; Cronica di Uonfer- rato di GiiUrotto de! Carrctto; Benvcnuli Saiigeorgil chronicon; Chronicon iinngiiiis mundl Jacob! nb Aquis. X. Coilcx diplomaticus Siirdiniao. XI, Gullielmini SchinviniD annnlcs Alexandrini ; Anastasii Gennonit comnivnlurioruin libri xi ; J. 1'. Mcyrnnesii Podenion- tiuin sacrum: Ue cpiscopis ct archlepiscopts Touriucu- sibus. «. — Trait(?s publics de la royalc maison do Savoie avoc les puissances (5trangere8 depuis la paix de Chateau-Cambresis jusqu'ii no8 jours. Turin, hS36-61. 8v. 4° 4721.4 — Botta, V. I'ublic instruction in 3596.5 — Casalis, G. Dizionario de^li stati del re di Sardegua 4725.1 See also: Alpa, Genoa, Nice, Piedmont, Savoy, Turin. Sardinian dialect. Dizionariu miiversall sardu- italianu. rorru, V 4781.3 Saudou, — . Le^fonrt do grammairo fran^alse et exerciccs de atylo. I'aris, 1837. 1.8*. [Cours complet d'educatlon pourleH filles] 3601.27 — rremieres notions de grammairc Iran^alse, [Cours complet d'educatiuu pour les flllcs, V. 1] 3591.22 Sargkaunt, W. C. Colonial oflicc list for 1803. ,SVc(ireat Itrltain 2487.24 Saruknt.E. The critic criticised: a reply to a re- view of Webster's system in the l>i'mofniiic review for March, 1850. Kpringlield, ItSOO. pp. 16. 8' 4589.20 SAROKNT, F. W. Lea Huts confedtirda et I'es- clavage. I'aris, 1S04. b" 4331.10 Saroknt, John T. Address on pauperism, Feb. 22,1846. Boston, lH4fl. S° •5470a.l00 — Answer to " (iue.sllons addressed to Rev. T. I'arkerund his friends." IJoslon, 1846. pp. '^^. b" 0088.100 — [Crisis of unitarianism in Roston.] lloston, lb59. pp.20, a" *6470ft.l00 SARGENT 553 SAUUIN Sliolf. No. Sargent, John T., contimied. — Cup of blessing, or the pastor's ncknowK-ds;- mcnt to his people, April 23, 1843. Boston, 1S13. pp. 12. Vi° •oiroa.ioo — Discourse nt the dedication of Sullblk .street cliiipel, Feb. 5, 1840. Boston, 1840. 8° . . •o470a.l00 — Discourse on tlie death of Hon. W. Sullivan, delivered Sept. 15, 1839. Boston, 183U. 8°. 4347. 100 — Moral of horticultural e.vhibitions. A sermon. [Cut from the Christian world.] Boston, 1.843 •54"Oa.lOO — " The national crisis " and our relative duties. A sermon. [Cut from the Daily atlas and bee,] Boston, 1801 ".54708.100 — Obstacles to the truth: sermon in llollis Street churcb, Dec. 8, 1844. Boston, 1S45. 8° H1C3.8, 12 — [ Ivi'port of the ministry at large. Cut from the rhri.stian register. Boston, 1844] . . . . *i470a.l00 — The ricli and poor. A sermon. Boston, 1844. 12' »5470a.l00 — Theodore Parker, the reform pulpit and the inlluences that oppose it: a sermon. Bos- ton, 18.52. 8° 0088.177 — [True position of Rev. T. Parker.] Boston, 1845. pp. 22. 8° V. 2 of 5442.4 Sargent, Joseph. [Notes on Cuba, containing an account of its discovery and early history.] Boston, 1844. 12° 4.367.8 Sargent, L. M. Address before the Massachusetts society for the suppression of intemperance, Slay 27, 1833. Boston, 18.33. S° 3570.47 — Address delivered before the Temperance so- ciety of Harvard university, Nov. 20, 1S34. Cambridge, 1834. 8° 3570.47 — Address delivered July 4, 1838. Temperance celebration. Providence, 18.38. 8' 3570.47 — [Boston atjueduct and the city of Boston.] Boston, u.d. pp. IS. 12° C350a.34 — [Letter on the 'state of tlie temperance re- form.'] 3d cd. Boston, 15.30. 8° 3570.47 — [Letters to J. H. Hopkins, occasioned by his lecture in opposition to the Temperance so- ciety.] Windsor, 1830. 24° 3579.11 — [" Licensed houses." An e.xamin.ation of the license law of Massachusetts. By M. L. V.] Boston, 1S33. 8° *Pph.v.383 — The rumseller's money. Moral suasion without law. New York, 1844. pp. 8. 8° 3676.47 — The temperance tales. New ed. Boston, 1863. 6v. 16° 3579.10 — Letter on the Maine liquor law. ^ee Ameri- can temperauce union B. 170. 71 Sakgent, W. Plan of an ancient fortification at Marietta, Ohio. n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] pp. 4, and plate. 4° 2370.40 S.\RiPOLos, N. J. Pro Grscia. Athenes, 1853, pp. 30. 8° 0087.51 Sarnelli, p. PosiUechcjata de M. Eeppone. [Collczione di poemi in lingua napoletana, V. 22] 4799a. 1 Sarfi, p. Uistoire dv concile de Trente. Trad, de I'italien par Jean Diodati. 2e('d. Troyes, 1655. f° 5510.5 — - Same. Trad, par Amelot de la Houssaie. Seed. Amsterdam, 1713. 4° 6020.0 — Lettere, raccolte e annotate da F. L. Polidori, con prefazioue di K. Perfetti. Firenze, 1^03. 2v. sm.S° 2748.22 — Aggiunta [e] Supplimento dell' bistoria degli Vscoclii. ■ .S'ee Miuucci, M 2729.7 Sarbazin, J. Tlie philosopher; or, historical and critical notes. Vol. 2. London, 1812. 8°.*Pph.v.300 CoiuciU*. — Bio^upliicftl note on Bemtt'lono ; Exaiu- iaatiuu of works on Egypt by UeyniL-v and Wildon. Sauskna, Oder der vollkommene Baumeister. Die Geschichte uud Entstchung des Freimaurer- ordens u. d. verscUiedenen Meinungeu dur- liber. 7te Aull. Leipzig, 1S51I. 8° 56i;9.2 70 Slielf. Ko. SARSON, L. Analysis of the i Timoth. I, 15, and an appendix : Chronologia vapulans. Cam- bridge, 1045. 4° 6429.19 Sartorius, E. Die Lelire von Christi Person und Werk. 6te Aufl. Hamburg, 1845. 10° . . . 6039.11 SARTor.EUS, G. F. C. Geschichte des deutschen Bauernkricgs. Berlin, 1795. 10° ..... 2819.13 — Versueh iilicr die Itcgicrung der Ostgothcn wiihrcnd ilirer llerrscliaft in Italien. Ham- burg, ISU. 8° 2719.25 Sartorius, J. Responsio ad iniqvam censuram anonymi Haleusis. Lipsiaj, 1717. pp. 23. sm.s° *2200.g Saeziano, a. da. Epistolae selecta; XXII. [Mar- tene. Vet. script., v. 3] 4150.1 Satire. Casaubou, I. De satyrica Grjecorum po- esi et Koniauorum satira libri duo 2953.10 — Poesie satiriche. Sec Raccoita de poesie sa- tiriche 4808. 9 Saturday evening gazette. Vol. 45. Boston, 1859. f° *S060.11 Satdrday review. Vol. 1-18. Loudon, 1&50-04. ISv. f° *6310.1 Satyrus Thyillus. Epigrammata. [Brunck. An- alecta poet. Gr., V. 2] B.162.7 Sauerwein, G. Pocket dictionary of the English and Turkish languages. London, 1855. 16°.*5039.13 SAtJL, Hebrew kin([. Saul e.xrcx, in typum regum temeratje religionis reorum. Sinnich, J. . . B. 141.2 Saulsale, Airij Climatologie de la. I'ouriau, A. F 4061.3 SAII5IAISE, or Salmasius, C. de. Defensio regia pro Carolo I. n. p., 1049. sm.l2° Hl"9.25 — - Same. n. p., 1050. sm.l2° *4179.27 — Funus linguai Uellenisticas. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1643. sni.S° **2985.16 — De Hellenistica commcntarius coutroversiam decidens. Lvgd. Batavor., 1693. sm.S° . . **2985.15 — Plinianje exercitationes in C. .J. Soliui Poly- bistora. Item Solini Polyhistor ex veter. libris eniendatus. Accesserunt huic editioni de homonymis hyles iatrics exercitationes autehac inedita, nee nou de manna et sac- charo. Trajecti ad Kheuum, 1689. 2v. 8° . **2910.2 — Pro rege et populo Anglicauo apologia. Ant- verpia;. 1051. 8m.l2° 4179.26 — Duarnm iuscriptionum veterum Herodis Attici rlietoris et Itogillffi conjugis honori positaruin explicatio; Ad Dosiadaj aras, simmije Kbodii ovum, alas, securim, Tlieocritifistulam, notas. [Poleni. Utriusque thes. antiq. supp., v. 2]. 2970.17 SAUNDERS and Ottley, Author's printing aud pub- fishing assistant. 7th ed. Loudon, n. d. 10° 2115.33 Saunders, E. E. [Tract on missions.] Salem, 1846. pp.40. 8° 0088.139 — and Worcester, S. M. Correspondence on mis- sions, n. p., n. d. pp.8. 8° GOSS.1.39 SAUNDERS, G. A new and scientiflc self-instruct- ing school for the violin. Boston, [1847]. obl.4° 8051.80 SAUNDERS, R. S. Orsltion on the death of A. Lin- coln. Delivered on Island 40, April 25, 1805. Memphis, 1805. 8° *4342.5 " Saurin, B. J. CEuvres choisies. fid. sti^reotype. I'aris, 1820. 24° 4699a. 32 ContentB. — Notice sur Snurin; Spartacus, tragcdie; Blanche ct Gui6cai'd, tragedio [imitee de I'ani^loiH de Thoinjison]; Les mceurs du temps, comedie ; Bevorlci, draine [iinitee de I'augloia de LUlo]; Poesies diveraes. — Spartacus; Les moeurs du temps j Blanche et Guiscard, imitee de I'auglais de Thompson ; Bcverlei, imitee de I'anglais deLillo; L'An- glomaue, ou I'orpheline leguee; Le mariage deJuUe. [Thtiiitre fran^^ais, v. 27] 4708.1 S.VUIUN, .1. Sermons, translated from the French by U. Robinson. Vol. 7, by J.SutcIitio. New York, 1S03-S. 7v. 8° 6]43.10 SAURIN 554 SAXONY 4310.4 4604.1 2^75.8 4303.7 4303.8 Sauein, J., continued. Contents. — Yol. 1. On tbe attribotes of God. II. On the truth of revelation. III. On ttie principal doc- trines of Chrisltnnity. IV. On Christian mornlily. V. On various subjects. VI. On sacraraental occasions. VII. On important subjects, by Joseph Sutclift'c. Saussure, H. de. Description de diverges esp^ces nouvelles ou pen connues du genre scolia. Paris, 1S5S. 8°. [Annales de la Societe en- tomol. de France, 3e stir., T. 6, pp. 19.3-248]. 3895.11 SAUVOLE, 3r. (le. Elablissement des rran5ais K la Louisiane 1090-1701. [French. Historical collections of Louisiana, v. 3] 2376.21 Sava, R. Su le condizioni dinnmiche del solleva- mento delle moutagne. Prato, 1803. 8° . . 5866.7 Savagk, James. Genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England. Boston, ISOO- 62. 4v. S° •2331.12 — Oration, July 4, 1811, at the request of the se- lectmen of Boston. Boston, 1811. 8° . . B.170a.77 Savage, John H. Speech on the slavery question. Delivered in the house of representatives. May 13, 1850. Washington, 1850. 8° . . . . Savage, R. Poetical works, including the Wan- derer, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 8] Savage life, Curiosities of. Greenwood, J. . . . SAVA^nAH, privateer. Trial of the officers and crew of the. Warburton, A. F 3684.31 S.WI, P., and Jleneghini, G. Geologia della Tos- cana e dei ptiesi limitrofi. Firenze, 1S.")I. 8°. 3807.14 Savigsy, F. C. V. Histoire du droit romain au moyen-age, trad, sur la derniere ed., prt*c. d'une notice de I'auteur, par C. Gueuou.\. 4v. in 3. Paris, 1839. 8° — Traite de droit romain, trad, de I'allemand par C. Guenou-x. Paris, 1846-50. 8v. [v. 1-i, 2d ed.] 8° — Zeitschrift fur geschichtliche Rechtswissen- schaft, herausg. von T. C. v. Savigny, [und andern]. Berlin, lSl.i-4S. 14v. 8° .... *4269.1 Savile, G., marquis of Halifax. Letters. See Savile, H 2426.16 Savile, Sir Henry, 6. 1549, d. 1622. Rervm Angli- carvmscriptorcspostUedampraecipvi. Lon- diui, 1590. f° niro.s Savile. Henry, 6.1612. Letters to and from H. Savile, including letters from George, mar- quess of Halifax. Ed. by W. D. Cooper. [Westminster], 1858. 4°. [Camden society, No. 71] •2426.15 Savings banks, Trcati.se on. Scratchley, A 3040.31 SAVIOLI, L. I'oesie. Pisa, 1798. 18°. [Parnaso degl' Italiani viventi, v. 4] 4799a.2 Savonarola, G. Devotissimi trattati. Veuctia, 1547. 8° *5457.19 CoHten/s.— Trntlati; Qunttro cspoBltloni sopru il Pater noiter; Espositlone sojira I'Avo Maria; Ksposl. tiono sopra i dieci comandninentl ; I'rodica doll' arte del ben morirc; Esposillono dl L. I'itlorio Hopra 11 Tater nostor; Alcunl sernioul dl L. rlttorlo. _ Compendio di rcvelationc. Firenze, 1495. 8°. *6457.13 _ Confi-ssionalc, cum add. Phicentia;, 1698. sm.8' •B.127.12 — Llbro della uitauiiluale. n.p.,n.d. 8° . . ••6457.21 Jl^otfl.— Thla copy contfilns 21 leaven, ,1.3 linos to a pntro, with a woodcut on the llrst.undwas printed about IWIU. _ II pater nostcr csposto; annotato da G. Pic- rinl. [Kirenzp, 1805.] pp. :17. 8° 6429.12 _ Poeslc. Finlize, 1k02. S" 4793.3 _ Profczie politiclie e religiose ricavate dalle sue nredlche da F. de' Ouicciiirdiiil. Florciiza, 1863. I.8- IJO^-a — Del reggimento degll stall, con due oimscoll del (iulcclardiiii e I'Apologhl dl Lorenzo de' 4 Medici. IMia, 1»<18. b" 4280.1 _ Lite and times of (i. .Savonaniln ; ilhulratlng ►the progress of the iclormiillon In Italy, dur- ing the Ijtll century. London, 1813. 12°. 0059a. 12 XVI . . Bernard, Shelf. No. S-Ivonarola, G., continued. — Madden, E.R. Life of 2746. 12 — Spangenberg, C. Leben, Lehre und Tod . . 4189a. 31 — Villari.P. La storia di Savonarola e de' suoi tentpi 3550.24 — - Life and times of 2746.8 Savory, W. S. On life and death : four lectures. London, 1803. ia° 3709.47 Savoy, E. P. de. Notice sur. See Gachard, L. P. 2817.29 Savoy. Baiozzi, N. Relazioni veneti nel secolo 4722.2 R. B. Tour through some parts of. 2274.16 — Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in . . . 2834.5 — Raffles, T. Letters during a tour through some iiarts of 2274.15 — Traites publics de la maison de Savoy. See Sardinia, Wie /.■in.'7rfoOT o/ . : 4721.4 SAWKINS, J.G. Report on the geology of Trini- dad. See Great Britain. Treasury depart- ment 3807.11 Sawyer, F. W. Hints at American whims, and hints for home use. Boston, 1800. 12°. . . 2396.10 — [Report ngiiiust the phoneticsystem of instruc- tion.] Boston, 1851. pp.6. 8° 3591.10 Sawyer, L. A. Dissertation on servitude. New Haven, 1837. 12° 3573.38 — Elements of biblical interpretation. New York, 18:)4. pp. 70. 16° 3429.16 Svwter, M. E. Treatise on disguised or mis- placed fever. New York, 1.8:!1. 12° ... . 3799.15 Saxby, S. M. Weather system ; or lunar influence on weather. 2d ed. London, 1804. 12° . . 3901.13 Saxe, C. Onomasticon literarivm. Triuecti ad Rlienvm, 1775-1803. Sv. in 7. 8° •4147.4 Saxe, J. G. Clever stories of many nations, in rhyme. Illustrated by W. L. Cbampney. Boston, 1.805. sq.l2° 2396.13 Saxe, P. I'ontilicium Arelatcnse, sen historia pri- matum eci'lesia; Arelatensis. [Jlencke. Script. Germ.,v. 1] 4261.2 Sax-horn. Burdill, B. A. Preceptor for the . . 6052.53 — Distin, J. Tuttn-forthe 8052.52 Saxo Gramraaticus. Historia: Danica; libri xvi, recognovit S. I. Steplianivs. Sorx, 1014, 45. 2v. in 1. f° *im.i Saxony. Description, etc. — Engel, E. Uas Kiinigreich Sachsen in statist!- seller unti staatswirthschaftlicher Bcziehung. 4210.8 — Eugclhardt, C. A. Vaterlandskunde .... 2824.18 — Geinitz, II, B. Charaktcristik (ler Schichteu und I'etrofaeteu des siichsisch.biihmischen Kreidegebir-j Sigismund, R. Erzgcbirge 5603.15 Lebensbilder vom sachsischen 2866.35 4240.2 History. Calvor, C. Das alte heydnische und christliche Nioder Saelisen Engelhnrdt, C. A. Geschiehte des siichsischcn Vaterlandes 2824.17 Kronika, Ue, fan Sasscn in rimcn, fan Wedo- kiiul went up Albregt fan Brunswyk, 1279 . 4876.20 Philiiipi, F. l>ie Geschiflitcn des siichsischcn Volks 2821--0 Schuuinaun, A. F. II. Geschiehte des nieder- Biii-hsi.schen Volks bis zum .labie 1180 . . . 4228.3 Vehse, C. F. Geschiehte der lliife des Ilausea .S.ichseii ■ Zimmerliiann, G. De miitata Snxonum vcte- rum rcligione " • 4819.6 0071.5 .furisprudeuce. Uergstriisser, W. Die kiiniglleh siichslschen Strafiiustalten 3S7S.I9 Carpzov, 1!. Jurlsprudentiu forensis Romano- Saxonlca •■-"'•' - I'raetli-a .Saxonlca rerum crimlnaliuiu . . . 4290.3 Kling von .'^teiniiw, M. Das gaulze secliBiscIl Landrechl 4;90.1 SAXONY 555 SCAKDEONE Sliolf. No. Saxony, continued. — Mcrkel,J. Lex Saxoniim 4'JOl.fi — l{cbk()W, K. V. IH'I- Sjirlisi'iisjiii'pi'l ■J.i'.tO.K) — Siichsiscli Leheiirecht uumlt Wuichbilt . . . -l-'W-i Language and literature, — Haltrich.J. Deutsche Volksmiirchen aus dem Siiclisenlaiuli' in Thliriiigeii 4223.31 — ITi'Iiaiul, sonst audi dif altsiichsische Evau- gi'Iien-Harmoiiie 3414.19 — SchelliT, C. F. A. BUchcrkunde der Bassiscli- niederdeutscheu Spmche 2151.0 — Versuch ei nes breniisch-nicdersachsischen ^Vorterbuclis, 5«r lireimii 2S85.3 — Warmund, A. Dat sassishe doncken-bOk . . 2sr5.19 SteaUo! DrtfStlen, Leipzig. Saxton, C. M. Hand-book of tobacco culture. New York, l-^i'-i. pp. S"^*. 12" 5009,10 Sax-ti'UA, Tutor for the. Distin, J 8Uj2.52 Say, J. B. Political economy. Translated by C. R. Trinsep. Oth Am. ed., by C. C. Biddle. Philadelphia, 18:J4. 8" 3643.23 Sayax \cn AKYA. Commentary on the sacred hymns of the ISrahmans. See Uig-Veda- Sanhita 3011.20 Sayeu, F. History of (iibraltar, to the last Mo- rocco war. London, isiVi. 8" 3101.12 Sayous, p. A. Le 18e siecle ix I'etranger. Histoire de la litterature fran^aise depuis la mort de Louis XIV jusqu'ix la riivolutiou tran^aise. Paris, ISGI. 2v. if 2670.22 Sayve, /c comte de. £tude aur la r(^volutiou de3 Etats-Uni-i. Paris, 1803. pp.47. 8° . . . . 4321.15 Sbarha, F. L'ami^r della patria supcriore ad ogn' altro. Venetia, lOCiS. 5m.l2' *4S09a.26 — La corte. Drama morale, n. p., 1657. [No tttle-pa;?e.] pp. :t6. Bm.r^" *4S09a.22 — La moda et la verita' ramintja col disinganno. Drammi musicaU. Venetia, l(Vt8. sni.l2'.*4809a.25 Scala, li. Histori.T Florentinorura libri quinque; Vita Vitaliani HorrhomiEL [Grievius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T.8, p. 1] 4710.1 Scalds. .Su gli scaldi 6 antichi poeti scandinavi. Grabergaf Hemso,,! 2825.11 Scalighko, or Scali^er, Giulio C. De cuukis fin- gUEE Latins Hbri xiil. [Lugduni], 1597. sm.8° **2934.11 — In lihros duos, qui inscribuntur De plantis, Aristotele authore, libri II. Marpurgi, loOS. Bm.s» *B.l(i9a.l5 — De subtilitate. Francofvrti, 1576. 8° . . . . **3967.28 — Biographie. [Nisard. Les gladiateurs de la republiijue des lettres, V. IJ 2256.10 Scaligkko, or Scaiiger, Giuseppe G. Opvscvla varia ante hac uon edita. Francofvrti, 1612. 2v. in 1. sm.S' **4959a.lO CotUenis. — Isaoci CaBauboni pracfatio; Aniitmdvor- sioDes in Mclchioris Uuilnndin! conimentarium in tria C. Plinii de pnpjTO capita, libri xlll ; Diatriba dc dcciinis In lege Dei; Xolitia Gallia; ct not« super nppcUalioni- buH luconim uliijuot et gentium apud C. Ccesarcm : Dia- tribte de Europieorum Unguis, item de hodiernls Fran- coruni, ncc non de vnria liternnim aliquot pronuritia- tione; De tliesi quadam chruuologica judicium; Kxpofiitio numismatis argcntci Constaiitini impt-r. ; Orphei poeto; vetustissimiiniiiaseuhymni sacri vcraibus antiquia Lntine express! ; EpigramniHta quccdum Latine versA o GriEcoruni tlorilegio; Poemata qumdam ct epi- grammatu nuuqunm sntetiac edita ; Animadveraioitea in Q. Annici Suneco: tragcedins; Aninii Comelii Qaiti elegia ct epigrammata cum animadveralonibus; Con- futatio stultissimie Burdonum fabulie; Ejiistolo: ad diversos ; Discours de la Jonction dea mere, du dessechc- ment dee marais et de la rt;paration dee rivieres, puur lv9 rcndre navigcables; Discours eur quelques particu- laritez do la milicc romaitie; Lcttrcs touchont I'expli- cation de quelques medoillea. ^ Epistolse nvnc primum editie. Prajfixa est ea quae estdtjgente fijcaligera. Francofvrti, 1628. sm.s" **2748.9 Sliclt'. No. ScALiGiyio, or Scaliger, Giuseppe G., continued. — Prima Scallgerana, cum praef, T. Fabri. Ul- trajecti, 1670. sm.S" **4959a.l2 — Scaligeriaua. [In French.] Ed. 2a. Lugduni Batavorum, 1668. sm.S" **4959a.l2 — De vctustate et splendore gentia Scaligerac. [Granius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 7] . . 4710.1 — Elenchus trihseresii N, Serarii. See Trigland, J 0073.14 Scandinavia. Descriptwn^ history, and antiqui- ties, — Handlingar riirande Skandinaviena historie. See ytockliolni. Kongl. vitterhets historie akademien 4818.1 — Hartman,C.J. HandbokiSkandinavicns flora. 5859.5 — Magnus, O. De gentium soptentrionalium conditionibus, etc 4240.8 — Outhier, U. Journal d'un voyage au Nord en 17:t6, 37 4802.15 — Sinding, P. C. History of, from the Vikings to the present day 2829.5 — Voyages en Scandinavie, 1838-40. [France. Commission scientifique du Nord, v. 7-21] . 2865.1 — Worsaae, J. J. A. Zur Altcrthumskunde des Nordeus 4260.10 Language., literature, and mythology, — Bockh, C. G. Bragur, ein Magaziu dernord- ischen Vorzeit 2875.23 — Catalogus lihrorum in Dania et Norvegia edi- torum. ,S'ee Copenhagen 4127.3 — Du Meril, K. Histoire de la poesie scandinave. 4236.5 — Frauer, L. Die Walkyrieu der skandinavisch- germanisehen Glitter- und Heldeusage . , . 0072.26 — Lange, G. Geschichte der nordischen Heldeu- sage 4224.13 — Lorck, C. B. Skandinavischer Lagerkatalog . 2150.25 — Marmier, X. Litt^rature de la Scandinavie. [France. Commission scientifique du Nord. Voyages en Scandinavie, V. 18] 2865.1 — MiJbius, T. Catalogus librorum Islandicorum et Norvegicorum tetatis medias 2151.10 — Midler, P. E. Danmarks og Norges Sagnhis- torie 4220.10 — Munch, P. A. Norrijnasprogets Graramatik . 2885. H — Nyerup, R. Udsigtover Nordensaldste Poesi ogdens Litteratur t^ 2870.34 — Olafsen, J. Dm Nordens garale Digtekonst . 2871.3 — Oldnordiske Sagaer. See Copenhagen. Kon- gelige nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab 2825.8 — Pigott, G. Manual of Scandinavian mythology. 2877.2 — Riihs, F. Unterhaltung fiir Freunde altdeut- *scher uud altuordischer Geschichte und Lite- ratur 2870.37 Stealeo: Denmark, Edda, Iceland, Nonvay, Runes, Scalds, Sweden. ScANZONi, F. "W. Die Ivrankheitender weiblichen Brliste und Harnwerkzeuge, so wie die dem '. Weibe eigenthiimlichen Nerven- uud Geistes- * krankheiten. 2te Aufl. Prag, 1859. 8° . . 5794.5 Scapula, J. Lexicon Gra^co-Latinum novum. Ad ha>c auctarium extatdialectorum omnium a 1. Zvingero redact. Ed. novis. Autore J. Harmaro. Londini, 1037. Iv. in 2. f " . . **2980.3 Note. — Pirated from the famous Theaaurua of EI. Stephens, Scapula having corrected the press. — - Same, Ace. [J. Harraari] lexicon etymol. et Meursii glossarium. Ed. novis. Basilia;, 1665. f 4970.20 — - Same. Ed. novis. AmsteLxdami, 1687. f°. *4120.2 Scarabelli, G. StudLi sulla Hora fbssile. See Massalongo, A 5870.15 Scarcity of seamen, n. p.,n. d. pp.32. 8" . . B. 170.44 SC4,KDEOXE, B. HistorijE de urbis Patavii anti- quitateet Claris civibusPatavinis libri iii; De sepulcliris insignibus exteroruni Patiivii ju- ceutium. [Graivius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 6, p. 3J 4710.1 SCARLET 556 SCUEFFEE Shulf. No. Scarlet fever. Sluller, C. Heilmethode de^ Scliarlach und anderer Kinderkranklieiten. 3799.36 — JImide, C. Uj-driatic treatment of, in its va- rious forms 42G5.7 — Sims, J, Observations on tlie scarlatina angi- nosa M.Pph.v.l39 Scarpa, A. Anatomicae disquisitiones de audita et olfactu. Ed. altera. Mediolani, 1795. f°. 3750.17 — Engravings of the cardiac nerves, [etc.], by E. Mitchell. Description, translated by R. Knox. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1829. pp. 88. 25 plates. 4° *5800.15 SCARKON, p. Jodelet; Dom Japhet d'Armenie. [Theatre franjais, T. .55] 4708.1 Scenes and adventures In Spain, 1835-40, by Foco Mas. [Smith. Weekly volume, v. 1] . . . 8030.3 Scenes and stories by a clergyman in debt. Writ- ten during his confinement in the debtor's prisons. London, 1S35. 3v. 8° 4570.20 Scenes in our parish. Holmes, M. H. ..... . 4579a. 28 Scepticism. lirown.W. L. Essay on the folly of 3134.23 — Crousaz, J.P. de. Pyrrhonisme aneien et mod- erne 6070.7 — Farrar, A. S. Critical history of free thought ia reference to the Christian religion .... 3434.9 — Gijidlestone, K. B. Anatomy of 6435.24 — Lanf^ord, J. A. Religious scepticism .... 6005.12 — Lindsay, A. W. C. Scepticism, a retrogressive movement in theology and philosophy . . . 5507.1 — Slorison, J. Portraiture of modern scepti- cism 3434.27 — Stiiudliu, C. F. Geschichte und Geist des Skeptiiiismiis 6065.9 See aUo: Infidelity. SCHAAFF, C. F. L. Die evangelische Briiderge- meine. Geschiclitlich dargestellt. Leipzig, 1825. 8° 6059.6 SciiAcirr, H. Der Baum. Studien iiber Ban und Lcben der hoheren Gewiichse. Berlin, 18G0. 8° 3815.20 SCHADE, O. Satiren und Pasquillc aus der Refor- mationszeit. 2tc Aueg. IJaunovcr, 1863. 3v. 8° 2892.13 SCHADEN, A. V. Nejjestcr Wegweiser durch MUn- chen. MiincBbn, 1S35. 12° 2834.28 SCHAEKFKR, C. F. The three' Sf4. 8°. . 601 J. 5 — I)er heilige Augustinui*. Sein Lebeu und Wirken. Berlin, 1854. 12° 6U.50.2S — Das Priiiclp le Siliide nidcT den heiligiii G<;ist und die ilarauH gezogenen Folgennigi'n. rSeltst An- liange liber !•'. ."iploric. Iliille, IMK 8° . . . 6063.10 Shelf. No. SCHALK, E. Reply to his criticisms of the moun- tain campaign. .5eePilsen, J 4310a. 107 SCHALL, J. A. Historica reUtio de ortu et pro- gressu tidei orthodoxaj in regno Chinensi, 1531-1669. Ed. altera. Ratisbona;, 1672. 12'.*B.127.13 SCHALLEU, J. Darstellung und Kritik der Philo- sophic LudwigFeuerbach's. Leipzig, 1S47. 8°. 6105.21 — Geschichte der Xaturphilosophie, von Baco vou Verulam bis auf uusere Zeit. Leipzig, 1841- 46. 2v. 8° 4275.14 — Briefe iiber Humboldt's Kosmos. SecCotta, B. 4270.7 SCHAJIYI,. Charakteristik Schamil's. See Cau- casus 4245.8 SCHANN.iT, J. F. Dioecesis Fuldensis cum annexa sua hierarcbia. Francofurti, 1727. f • . . . *4250.11, and •0070.4 — nistoria episcopatus Wormatiensis. Franco- furti, 1734. 2v. iu 1. f° •4250.9 — Historia Fuldeusis. Francofurti, 1729. f " . . 6070.6 — Hartzheim, J., SehoU, H., and Neissen, ^E. Concilia Germauia;, [et] index ScHEliEl., F. (lluiii/ar. Toldy). St'c Toldy. SciiEiU'ii., lliii'ttniuiu. [l.iber] erunicarumcu Ugui'is et ynijigibus ab iuicio iitiuli. [Nureniberge, 1493]. r° HMO.G JTofc— TUcUiMt folio, waiitintf. jhlch c'ontalus tlu} inipriut, i» Sec 3790.41 S0S3.3 SCHEDEL, Henri K. Maladies de la peau. Cazeuuve, P. Ij. A ScHEDEi., J. C. AUgemeines Waaren-l.exicon. Uuter Slitwirkuug von A. B. Reichenbuch und I!. Wagner, herausg. vou F. O. Wieck. I»;eue>le FortHchrllte v. G. S. Heppe. 6te Aull. Leipzig, 18li3. 3v. 8° SciiKKI.ic, C. W., Kloge de. [Vicq-d'Axyr. (Euvrcs, V.2] 3720.11 i^CIIICFKKK, .1. Heschri'ibung von Lappland und (lessen Liuwohnern. FninUlint, I6;6. 4" .*4210.10 — ]>(.' ntilllia navali veleruni; l>e re vehleularl velernin; in dialribani i'yrrhl LIgonI de ve- hii'ulis untiquoruiu nota'. [L'oleuL Ulrius- qiie Ihrs. aniiii. supp., V. .'i] 21170.7 SCHEFFER 557 SCHENCK Sholf. No. SCHEFFKR, L, C. De sensu legis decomviralis tes- taineniani. [Diss, acad.] llala;, 1705. pp. 5-J. -i" *4.'^04.22 ScilEFKLKR, J. AusorU'sene Gedichtc. [Miiller. Bibliotlu'k diutsclicr l>icbter des 17tcu Jahr- huudcrts, v. i)] 2879.10 SCHEiitKL, J. I-;. [Elnlc'itunjr zur nialhemiitischen lluclit'rki.'nntnit:s.] Niuo Autl. Uresslau, irry-sr. ;(v. sm-S" *2i72.32 SCHEini,K,J. llibliotlu-kdfrZauber-.Cehcimniss- uiid Offcnbaruiifis-lUidn'i- und dtr Wuiuler- Haustfcbatz-l.itc-ratur ulk-r Nutionuu. Stutt- gart, Ittllf. 10' *G109a.S Contentg, — Doktor J. Fniist's Mapia nnturnlU ct iii- naturalis, otltr Drvlfuchur llulk-iizwan^. — Bie fliopendcn Blatter dos xvi.iindxvii.Jabr- huiulorts. Stuttgart, isou. If." *4259a,3 — DasSclialtjalir. [Jauuar.] Stutt^'art, 1840,47. 5v. 10* *4259a.l ScHElDT, B. LocaTalmudicain quibus Jesuetdis- cipuloruin ejus fit im-ntu). [■Muusdien. N. T. ex Taliuude ilhistratuin] COlfl.l SciiELKK, J. A. X. Dictioniiairc dV-tyniologiu franv-aise. Paris, 1;^G2. 8" . 2683.7 SCHELiioKN, J. G. Amoenitates literarias. Fran- cofiirti, 1725-31. Hv. in 7. sra.S" . . . .*B.159.37 SciiELi.Kit, C. F. A. Bucbcrkunde dor sassisch- niodt'rdcutiicben Spracbo, hauptsUcblich nadi dt'U Sebriftdeukmiilern der berzogl. Bihliotbek zu Woltenbuttel. Braunschweig, 1S20. b" **2161.6 tSCHELLF.R, I, J. G. Compendivm pr^ct'ptorvni styli bene Latini in priniis Ciceronlani. Ed. 3a. Lipsi^, 1795. H" 4937.7 SCHELLiNG,F. W.J. V. SUmmtlichc Werks. Stutt- gart, 1S56-58. Hv. 8° *50O4.1 Ciyntenta. — Ito Abth. Tol. 1. Mnpsterdissertntion: Antiquissiml do prima niulonim humiiiiorum origiiio pliiloBOphcniutis Genes. Ill cxplicnndi tcotamen criti- cum ct philoaophicum ; U(.-1)lt Mythvn, lii«torisclio Sngvn niid Philosophenie dtr altestcn Welt; Ueber dio M&glichkeit ciner Form der Philosoptiie iiborhaupt; Ttieologisohe Kxamensdissertation: De Mnrcioiie Pftul- linarum epUtolarum emeudatorc; Vom Ich als Frincip der Pliilosopbic odcr iiber dus UubcdingCe im niciiseb- lichen Wifiscn ; Neue Deduktioii des Nalurrecbts; Pbi- losopbiscbe Briefe iiber Dogmutismus und Kriticismus; Abbandtungenzar Erlauteningdos Ideal ismiis der Wis- eensclinfielebrc; Ueber die Preisfrnge, welche Fort- scbrittc hat die Mctapbysik seit Letbuizcns uiid Wolfs Zeiten in Deutschtand ^emacht, und deren Losuiigen; Ueber die Frage, ob cine Philosopbie der Erfabruug, ins- besoudere, ob eine Pbilosophie der Gcschichte moglich soj- ; Ueber OA'cubarung und VoIkBunterricht ; Kecension J. G. Schlossers. II. Ideen zu einer Pliilosophie der Na- tur; Von der Weltsoele. III. ErsterEotivurfeines Sys- tems d'T Xuturphilosophie ; Etnlcitung zu dcm Entwurf ciiies Systems der Xaturpbilosophie ; System des trans- cendeululcn Idealismas; Ueber die Jenaische Allge- meine Litcraturzeitung, IV. Allgemeine Deduktion dt's dynamischen Processes oder der Kategorien derPbysik; Ueber den wabren Bogritf dcrNaturpbilosophtc und die richtige Art ihre Probleme aufzutosen ; Dnrstellung rocines Systems der Philosopbie; Bruno oder uber daa gbttliche und natiirlicbe Priacip der Dinge, ein Ge- sprach; Femere Darstellungen aus dem System der Philosophic; Die vier cdlen Metaile; Miscetlen. V. Abhandtungen, u. s. w. au5 dcm Krilischen Journal der Philosophic : Ueber daa Wesen der philosopbiscben Kritik iiborhaupt und ibr Vcrbiiltniss zum gegenwiirii- gen Zustand der Pbilosophie insbesondere; Ueber daa absolute Identiiats»ystcm und sein Verboltniss zu dem Deuesten Kcinboldischen Uualismus; Uuckert und Weiss Oder die Philosopbie, zu dem es keines Denkcus und Wissena bcdnrf; Ueber das Verh<niss der Naturphilo- sophic zur Philosophic Qberhaupt ; Ueber die Conslruc- lion in der Philosopbie ; Ueber Dante in philosophischer Beziehung; Notizenblatt; Vorlesungen iiber die Me- thode des okademischea Studiums; Philosopbie der Kuust. VI. Immanuel Kant ; Philosopbie und Keligion ; Propadeulik der Philosophio; System der gesammten Fhilonopbic und der Nuturpbilosophie insbcsondere. VII. Darlegung des wahren Verbaltnisses der Natur- philosophic zu der verbeasertenFichteschcnLcbre; Aua dcD Jahrbiicbem der Mediein als Wissenscbaft : Vorrede za den JahrbQchem; Apborismcn zur Einleitung in die Naturphilosophie; Aphorismen uber die Katurpfai- Shelf. No. SCHELLINO, F. "W. J. v., continued. losoiiliiij ; KritifiChoFrapmcnlc ; VorlauflgeBcaeichnungr iiuktes dt-r Mi-dicin uach Grunds^tzen der Kiitiii'iihilnsophie; Ui'ber dns Vrrhiiltnlss dor bildenden Kiinstu zu dor Natur; I'bilosopbiscbo Untersuchungon iiber das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit und dio damit zusammunhiingenden Gcgenstiinde; Stuttgurter Privatvorleaungon i Aufisiitze und Kecenaionon aua der Jenaer und Erlangcr Lilernturzeitung und dem Mur- gciibhitt: Notiz von den neuen Vcrsuchen iiber dio Eigensehat'ton der Erz-und Wnsserfuhbir, u. s. w. ; iJie Wiihnnohtsfeior, von F. Schloiermneher; Ult Streit des Philuntbropinismnsund llunianismusin derTbeorie dea Erzichung^uiitcrrichts von F. I. Niethnmraer; Ehrenpforte und THumphbopen fUrKotzebuebei seiner lliiekkohr ins Vutcrland; Einiges iiber die Schadel- lehro ; Bild vom^nsgroseben ; Noliz iiber ein merkwiir- diges Bild von Langcr in Miincheu ; Ueber die Verfussung der ncuon kUniglichen Akademie der bildendcn Kiinste in Wunchen. VI 11. Ueber dns Wesen deulscher Wissen- acliiift ; Denkmal der Schril't von den giittliclien Dingea u. 8. vr. des Herrn F. U. Jncobi, u. s. w. ; Aus der Allge- mcineu Zeitscbrift von Dcutschcn fiir Deutsche: Vor- rede; Briel'wechsel mit Esehenmayer boziiglich der Abhandlung *' Pbilosophische Untersuchungon iiber das Wesen der mcnscblichcn Freiheit, u,8.w."; Ludwig Au- gust Hiilsen; Die Wcltalter, Erstes Buch; Ueber die Gottheiten von Samothrake; Kleinero Aufsiitze: Ueber das Bogenannte Wericrsebiessen ; Bericbt iiber den pasi- graphischen Versuch des Professor Schinid in Dillingon ; Vorschlage, die Beschiiftigung der philol.-philus. Klasse betieffend; Xoch ein Wort iiber die Arbeiten der philol.-philos. Klasse. IX. Ueber den Zusammcnhang der Natur mit der Geisterwelt, cinGesprach; Kunst- geschichtlicho Annierkungen zu J. M. Wagners Bericht iiber die aginetiacben Bildwerke; Erlanger Vortrtige: Ueber die Natur der Philosopbie uls Wissenscbaft ; Ueber den Worth uud die Bedeutung der Bibelgesellschaften ; Sptcilegium observationum in novissiniam Amobii editioncm; Abhtindlungcn pliilolngrischen und mytho- logiscbeu Inhalts: Ueber eine Stello des Lucretius; Ueber eine Stelle Platons; Ueber eine Stello im Ilo- merischon Hymnus an Deraeler; Ueber die arabischen Nanien des Dionysos; Ueber das Alter kyklop- ischer Bauwerko in Griechenland ; Erste Vorlosung in Miinchen; Kede an die Studircndcn der Ludwig-Maxi- mtlians-Universitiit, 29. December 1830; Heden in den i^tfentlicbcn Sitzungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Miinchen. X. Zur Gesehichte der neueren Philoso- pbie; Vorrede zu einer philosophischen Schilftdcs Hro. Victor Cousin; Darstellung des philosophischen Empl- rismus ; Anthropologiscbes Schema ; Worte zum AJiden- ken des Freiherrn von Moll und Sylvestre de Sacys; Darstellung desNaturprocesses; Vorwort zu H. Stuffena naehgelassenen Schrilten; Vorbemerkungen zu der Frage iiber don Ursprung der Spiacbe; Epigramraata ; Gedicbte und metrische Uebersetzungen. 2te Abth. Vol, I. Historisch-kritischeEinleituugin die Philosopbie der Mythologie. II. Philosophic der Mytbologie. HI, IV. Philosophic der Oft"enbaj'ung. — Vorlesungen uber die Methode des academ- iscben Stadium. TUbingm, 1S03. 16° . . . 3599.30 — - Same. 3te Ausg. Stuttgart, 1830. 10". . 6080.22 — Fries, J. F. Schelling's ueueste Lehren von Gott und der \\>lt B. 170b. 70 — Noack, L. SchelUuy uud die Philosopbie der Uomiuitik 5604.2 — Paulus, H. E. G. Philosopbie der Offenba- rung C105.3 — Stallo, J. B. Philosophical system of . . . . G10«.13 SCHELLAvrrz, C. H. Parlumeuts-Fragen, 1. Ent- wurf einer deutsclien Kcichsverfassung, Leipzig, 184S. pp.16.' 8" 4289.36 Scheme submitted to the officers of the army and navy. [Against duelling]. London, 1707, 12° *Pph.v.369 SCHENCK, J. G. Lithogenesia sive de microcosmi membris petrefactis; et de cidculis brutorum corporibus innatis. Francolurti, 1005*. pp. 88. 4" *4153.12 — Monstrorura bistoria memorubilis. Franco- furti, 1609. 4" *4153.12 SCHENCK, N. H. Christian moderation : the word ft in season, to the church and the country. Sermon,May 19, 18(J1. Baltimore, ISGI. b\ 4340a. 76 SCHENCK, R. C. Speech on internal improvements. Delivered iu the house of representatives, Dec. 15, 1847. n. p.,n.d. [No title-page.] S'. 4400a. 3 SCHENECTADY 558 SCHIRRMACHER / Shelf. Ko. Schenectady, .V. T. Union college. Catalogue of recent additions to the [collection ol] en- gineering- models. By W.M.Gillespie, n. p., n. d. pp.11. S" 4129.11 SCHENKKL, D. Die religioseu Zeitkample. Ham- burg, [1S47]. S" 6005.6 — TT. M. L. de AVette uud die Bedeutung seiner Tlieologie Tiir unsere Zeit. Schafl'ijauscn, 1S49. 8° 4237.5 — Das wesendes Frotestantismus. Sehaffhausen, 1S46, 47. 3v. S* 6053.18 — In wie feru darf und soil der evangeliscbe Geist- liche von den ausgemachten sichern Rcsulta- ten der theologisehen Wissenchaft im Volks- uuterricht Gebraucli machen i 'Aarau, 1S43. pp.78. IZ" *4163.3 SCHERER, T. Life of Guendaline, princess Bor- ghese. Translated by A. F. Hewit. Kew York, 185G. 18° 2546.20 SCHERMKRHOKX, J. F., and Mills, S. J. The United States west of the Alleghany moun- tains, -with regard to religion and morals. Hartfor(f, 1814. pp. 52. 8" 5543.27 SCHERNER, C. A. Das Lebeu des Traums. Ber- lin, 1861. 8=*. 5603.17 ScHERTTLiNus. See Schaertlin von Burtembacli, S. ScHERZ, J. G. Glossarium Germanicum meiUi aevl potissimum dialecti Sueviciie, ed., iU lustr., suppl. J. J. Oberlinus. Argeutorati, i:81-[84j. 2v. iul. f *'^2880.1 SCHEBZEBiS C. Keisen in Nordamerika, 1852, 53. See Wagner, M 4169a. 4 SCHEU, V, G. De religione Romanorum civili. Diss. hist. Vitebergae, 1812. pp. 22. 4° . B. 190.61 SCHEUCHZKR, J. J. Fhysica sacra iconibvs »neis [occLj illustrata, Avgvstie Vindelicorvm, 1731-35. 4v. f° *5450.5 SCHEITKL, C. W. De judicio seu censura morum. [Diss, acad.] Hahc, n. d. pp. 70. 4". . . *4304.22 SclilCKARii, W. DeMercurio sub sole vise, et alijs novitatibus uranicis. Tubing:e, 1032. 4' . . 5923.30 Horologiuni Ebneum, sive consilium quomodo sancta lingua spatio xxiv. horarum appre- hendi queat. Ed. ultima. Londiui, 1703. sm.N' 5037.27 SCHIEBLER, C W. Der St. Simonisnms oderdie Lchrc St. Simons und seiner Anhiiuger. Leipzig, isni. sm.8' 6059a. 13 SCHIEKNKi:, A. >V(irterverzeichuisseaus den saraoj- edisclieu Spruchen. Set? Castren, M. A. ■ . 3060.17 -SCHILL, F. V. F. v. Schill's Zug und Tod im Jahre 1809. 5(3e Biirsch, G 2817.10 Schiller, Johann. UeberchristlicheKinderzucht in leather's Geist und Wort. Frankfurt, Ifyii"). Bm.S" 5447.15 SCHILLKR, Johiinn C. F. v. Siiramtliche Werke. Stuttgart, 1827-29. 18v. iu 9. 16' *4249a.3 Contentt. — Vol. I [R. 1], Nnchrlchton vou Scliillcr's Leboii ; Gcdk-htu der I'mtcii I'vHodo ; Scnicle, In xwcl Sc©. ucn; Gcdk-htedcrr.\v<-U(-nPerI(idc;MotrlBclio ruljumctz- ungfnj [!'.] CnBcliiL-hti'dcrdrilti'ii Porltxlo. II [;{]. DIo « Uiiuber; Die Vcrscliwtiriiiigdva FIciiko: [4.] Kabatuuud Llvbo; MetrlMchu L'l'ljcrHetziiDgoii: l|)lil)fi.'tti« In AuIIm; Bci-n<;n aun di'ti ('hUriir,U-riiin(.'ii dos Eurl|ildes. Ill [.'>]- Uon K«rlo«; Dt-r Monnchenfclnd ; [(ij \V«Mi'iintciD, tin (IrniiiiirlNchvit Oi^dkht: Krolor Thcll, }Vnll<-nBlcina I.iilfor; l)io I'IccoluininI; Zwcltcr Tholl, Wiillcniitolns Tod. IV [7]. Marin Hliiart; Die JiiriKlVau von Orluans; [8,] IH« IJniiil von Mt'-cliifi ; Wlllifllm T«ll. V [!t]. l>io HuldlKUDK diT Kihidhs Murlvtli ; Turnndot; I'liUdrn; [H!.]Derriiroiiit;li.rNHr(ialHOiiki'l;Niichl«ttii: Dumo- triu«; Wurbeck;IM<> Miillhciin; KUw Krosiinitllhtgcllniidlung nut der iiPUiTntcn Gtmcbkhto ; Die KoliniibUliiii' tilii oine mornl- Uclitt Analalt betrachlot ; I'ruanlacbo Hchrlficii derzwul- Irn I'crludo: Dor Verbrecher mm verlorencr Kbn\ cIhq wnbro Uvx-hlchto; Bjik'IdcBHcbivktnU, uln UruehttUck «UR ehu'r wnhreii OoKlikhte ; Der U(>liitnr*hber, uui don Tniilerfn dp« Ornren von O***; rhllotopliltclie UHer«| Ilrii'fcUberDonCurloii. VI, VII [tlf, I:t}. (lonchleblodcl Abfniia dor rercliifgtcD Nivderltnda von der ipnnUiii-on Schiller, J. C. F. v., cotUimted. Regierung-. VII, VIIl [14, 1."]. Goschichto des droifl- sigjabrigen Kriigrs; [lli,] Was hcJsst iiud zu welcbem Ende atudirt man Universalgeschichte? erne akadfin- isohe AntrittBrede; Etwas iiber die erelo Menscben- gpsellschnft nnch dera Li-itfaden der Mosniscben Ur- kunde, 1789; Die Sendung Moses; DieGesetzgebungdos Lykurgus und Solon ; Uebcr Volkcr^vanderung, Kreuz- ziige und Mittelnlter; Uebersicht des Zuslands von Europa zur Zeit des ersten Kreuzzugs, ein Fragment; Universulhiatoriscbe Uebersicht der nierkwurdigston Staatsbegebenboiten zudenZeitcn Kaiser Friedrichs I; Guschicbte der Uurulien in Frankreicb, wokbe der Re- gierung Hcinrichs iv. vorangiugeii, bis zum Tode Karls IX. IX [17]. Herzog von Alba bei einem Friihstuck auf dem Scblosse zu Rudolsiadt im Jabre 1547; DenkwUr- digkeitcnausdem Leben des Warschnllsvon Vieillevilo; Vorredc zu der Geschichte des Malteserordeus, nach Vertot von M. N. bearbeitet; Vorrede zum erstcn Theile der merkwiirdigen Kechtsfiille, nach Pilaval; Uuber Anmuth und Wjirde; Ueber das Patbetiscbe; Veb^ den Gruud des Vergnvigens an tragiscben Gegenst&n- den; Uebcr die tniglscbe Kunst; Zcrstreutc Betrach- tungen iiber versebiedene astbeiisebe Gegenstfinde ; [IK.3 Ueber die itsrbetiscbe Erziebung des Menscben; Ueber die northwendigen Orenzcn beim Gobraueh sclibncr Formen; Ueber nnive und sentimentnlische Diebtung; Ueber den nioralt^chen Nutzen iUtbelischer Sitteu; Uebcr das Krbabene; Gednnken iiber den Gebmuch des Gemeinen und Niedrigen in der Kunst; An den Herausgeber der Propyl&en ; Ueber Burgera Gedicble; Ueber den Gartcn-Kalcndcr nuf dus Jahr 1795; Ueber Egmont, Trouerspiel von Giithe; Ueber Mattbissons Gedicbte. — ^Esthetic letters, essays, and pbilosophioal let- ters. Transl. by J.Weiss. Boston, 1845. 18°. 5608.26 — Die Horen, eine Monatsschrift. TUbiugen, 1705- 97. 36v. in VZ. H" 4908.12 — Die riccolomiiii. With English notes by E. C. F. Krauss. Boston, 1S65. 16" 4909.15 — Selbst-Cliai-akteristik. Kach des Dichters Briefen eutworl'eu von II . Doering. 2te Ausg. Stuttgart, 1S5'J. sq.lO" 4899.13 — Wilhelm Teil. Ein Schauspiel. With Eng- lish notes By E. C. F. Krauss. Boston, 1805. 16' 4909.16 — Briefwechsel mit W. v. Humboldt. See Hum- boldt, C. W. V 4239a. 4 — The robbers, or Qiirl von Moor; Don Carlos, inl'aut of Spain. [Thoinpsou. Gorman the- atre, v. 5] 2875.31 — Carlyle, T. Life of 2846.16 — C'rantz, A. F. DieOcIisiade.oderfroundscluift- liche llnterlialtungen der Herren Schiller und Giilhe, mit einigeu ihrer CoUegcn , . . 2907.8 — Griin, C. Schiller, als Mensch, Geschicht- schreiber, ItinkLT, und Dichter 2848.19 — Hedge, F. 11. Hnitiun at tin.- Schiller festivity, Nov. 10, 1S5'J, in the Jioston Music hall . . . 4yoytt.l — Hoffmeister, K. Leben, Geistcsentwickclung uud Werke 4237.12 — Wolzogen, A. v. Schiller's Beziehungcn zu Eltern, Geschwistern, uud der Famtlic vou Wolzogen 2844.14 — ami Giiilie, J. W. v. Itriefwechsel zwischen Schiller und Goethe, 1791-1805. Stuttgart, 1Sj6. 2 v. 8" 2844.15 — - Litlerurische Spiessruthen oder die hoeliad- ligen uud beriichtigteu Xeuien, Mit erliiu- lernden Anmerkungen. AVeimar, n. d. Ui°.**2U07:8 SciULLiNc, N. 11. llandbuch lur Steinkohlengus- itL'leiiehtuug. Miteiner Geschichte der Gus- lu'leuchtuug vou F, Kuapp. iMiincheu, i860. 4" 3971.27 ScniNDLEK. H. B. Der Abergluube deu Mlttcl- aliert}. Ureslau, 1858. 8" 2307.18 ScilINKEL, C. F. KeisetugebUcher, Brlefe und Aphorismen. Mitgetlieilt, mit einiui Ver- zeichniHS siimmtHcher Werke Schinkel's, von A. V. Wolzogeu. ik-rliii, 18W. 2v. 8" . . . 28-14. 6 SCHiitLiTZ, S. C llandbuch der idtun Geographle. Hulle, IM','2. 8" **2283.7 SciiIiiKMAtiiKic, K. W. KaiHer Friderlch der Zweite. GiJttlngeu, 18JU-U0. 4v. «' . . . 2852.11 I I SCHISCHKOF 659 SCeLOSSER Shelf. No. SCHISCIIKOK, A. S. Untcrsiichunpen iilicr die Spraclic, mitgetheilt in den Niichricliten dcr russisclieii Akadoniie. St. retersburg, l^ti- 37. 3v. in 1. l.s' 4201.3 SCHLADKiiACH, J. Neues Universal-Loxikoii dcr Tonkunst, V. 1. fi'ee llcmsdorf, K 4085.7 SchlXckk, K, Die Unsterblichkcitslehre. Bos- ton, 1S53. pp. 48. s(i.Hi^ *I5.127.19 SCHLAGINTWKIT, A. iind 11. V. Ptiysioiilisfbe Ge- ograpliic uud Gfologie der Alpun. Leipzig, 1854. Iv. 4* 28(U.Vi, (ind Iv. Atlas, f . . , *28.L.;j SCHLAGiNTWKiT, K. Buddhism in 'Hbet, illus- tratt'd by literary docnnients uud objects of religious worship. ['JO phites.] Leipzig, lt^O:{. Iv. 8% and Iv. i'^ *3020.n SCHLAGINTWKIT, U., A. and U. V. Kesnlts of a eciontitic mission to India and Higli Asia, 1854-58. Vol. 1-3, and Atliis. Leipzig, 1861- 63. 3v. 4^ Atlas, l** *I>.4.I, K.2, M.2 Conteni9. — Vol. I. Astronomical dctoprai nations of latitudes and longitudes nud tnu^etic obscrviitions. II. Gvncnil bypsometry of ludin, the Ilimaliiyn, nod Weatoni Tibet, with sections across the chuins of the KnrakorCim nnd Kuenlficn. Ill, Koute-bouk of the weateni pnrta of the Himalaya, Tibet, nnd Cenlrnl Asia; Geographical glossary fruni the langungea of India and Tibet. SCHLKGEL, A. W. V. SammtMche Werke. Efer- ausg. von E. Booking. Leipzig, 1846, 47. 12V. IG" Ik *4219.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Vermischte Gedichte; Licdcr und Bonmnxon; Sonettc. II. Uhythniische Gedichte; Ion, 8chuus|iiel; Scherzhaftc Gedichte, Epl^ramme und lit- tcrnrische Scherzo auf Zeitgenossen; Ehrenpforte und Triumphbogen fiirden Theater- PriUidenten von Kotzc- bue. Ill, IV. Poetische Uebersetzungen und Nachbil- duilgen : Aus dem Indlschen; Aus dcm Griechischen; Aus dem Lateinischen; Aus dem Italiilniscben, Spa- Discheii und Fortugiesischen ; Au§ dem Knglischcn ; Aus dem Franziisischeii, V, VI. Vyrlesungcn tiber drama- tische KuuBt und Litteratur. VII. Spraclic und Poetik. VIII. Chnrakteristikcn und Littemtur. IX. Malerei, bildendo Kiinste, Theater. X. ICecensioncn aus den GOtlingischen Anzeif^en von gelehrten Sachen, 1789- 91. X, XI. Itecensiuncn aus der Jcnaischeu Allge- meinen Literatur-Zeitutig, 179G-90. XII. Kritiken aus dem Atheniium, 1798-1800; Aus der Europa, 1803; Re- censionen aus dcr Jenaiscben Allgemeinen Litteratur- Zeitung, 1804-8; Recensionen aus den Hoidelbergischen Juhrbijchem der Litteratur, 1810-16 ; Kecension von Uumboldta Vues des Cordillures, 1817. — Ueber dramatische Kunst und Litteratur. 2te Ausg. Heidelberg, lsl7. 3v.ini. 12" . . 2197.19 — IndtscheBibliothek. Bonn, 1820-30. 2v. sm.8°. 3025.24 — Observations sur la langue et la litterature proveu^ales. Paris, 1818. 8' **2G85.11 — Reflexions sur I'etude des langues asiatiques, suivies d'une lettre a il. H. H. Wilson, Bonn, 18;!2. l.S° 5025.1 — Vergleichung der PhJidra des Racine mit der des Euripides. Uebcrsetzt von H, J. v. Collin. Wieu, 1MJ8. 8^* **2972.19 SOHLEGKL, C. W.F. V. Siimmtliche Werke. Wien, 1822-25. lOv. in5. sm.a" *4222.12 Con(«nrfl. — Vol. I [Th. 1, 2]. Weschichte dcr alten und neueii Litteratur. II [3, 4]. Studien des classischen Alterthums. Ill [5]. Ueber das Studiuni der griech- ischen Poesie ; Gesprach uber die Poesie ; [6.] Ansichtcn and Ideen von der christlichen Kunst: Gemahldebe- Bchreibungen aun Parin und den Niederlanden, in dea Jahren 18U2H; GruodzOge der gothischen Baukunst; Vermischto Auf^atze. IV [7]. Komantische Sagcn und Dichtungcn des Mittelaltors: Geschichte des Zauberers Merlin; Lotber uud Mailer, eino Kittergeschiehte ; [8.] Roland, ein Heldengedicht in Romanzen nach Turpina Chronik ; Erste Fruhlingsgedichtc, 1800, 1 ; AbeodrOthe ; Stimmen derLiebe; Alarcos, ein Trauerspiel; Versuch einer metrischen Uebcrsctzung des Racine, erster Act des Bujazet ; Lehrgedichte- V [9]. Kunstgedichte ; Scherzgedichte: Spruche ; Romanzen und Lieder; Lyr- iflcbe Gedichte; Geistlicho Gedichte ; Gedichte aus dem Indischen; Noah's Morgenopfer; [10.] Beytriige zur KeoDtniss der romantischcn Diclitkunst; None Kunst und Litteratur; Alt« Weltgeschichte. Shelf. No. SciiLKOEL, C. \Y. ¥. v., conthiued. — Gcschiclite der alten uud ucucn Litteratur. Wien, 1815. 2v. 8" #. 2207.10 — Gesclilclite der Poesie der Grlechen und Rtimer. Berlin, I7US. 8" **2953.17 — Spracbe und AVeisheitder Indier. Heidelberg, 18U8. Bm.8'' , 4215.25 — Briet'e iibor Sclilcgel's Lucinde. See Schleier- niaeher, F. E. 4220a. 9 ScHLCGKi,, IL Katuurijkc gcscbicdenia der Ne- derlandsche overzeescUe bezittingen. See Netherlands 3040.8 SciiLEtJKL, .L A. Verniischte Gedichte. Hanno- ver, 1787-89. 2v.ini. 16" **2879.15 SCHLEicnEU, A. Fornienlere der kirchenslaw- isclieu .Spraehe. Bonn, 1852. 8' *4123.2 — Handburh dcr litauischeu Spracbe. Priig, 1856, 57. 2v. in 1. 8° 2886.20 — Die Sprachen Europas in systematischer Ueber- sielit. Bonn, 1850. 8" 4207.7 — Vergleicbende Gramniatik der indogerman- isehen Spracheu. Weimar, 1801, C2. 2v.iu 1. 8' 4957.3 — Beitriige zur vergleichenden Spracbforschung. 5'eeliuhu, A B.142.2 SCHLEiDEN, M. J. Das Alter des Menschenge- schlechts, die Kntstehung der Arten uud die Stellung des Menscben in der is'atur. Leip- zig, 1863. pp. r.ii. 8" 3888.17 — GruudzUge der wissenschaftlichen Botanik. 4teAiill. Leipzig, 1661. \.ii° 3855.16 — Die Ptiauze und ihr Leben. 5te Aufl. Leip- zig, lh58. 8^ 3855.15 — The plant; a biography. Translated by A. Heufrey. London, 1848. 8° 4266.14 — Studien. Populiire Vortrage. Leipzig, 1855. 8". 4276.12 — Zur Theorie des Erkenueus durcb deu Gesicbts- siun. Leipzig, 1861. 8" 3920.48 — and Scbmid, E. E. Encyclopadie der gesamm- teu Naturwissenschaften in ilirer Anweu- dung auf die Landwlrthschaft. Braun- schweig, 1S50. 3v. 8° 3835.4 SCHLEiEKMACiiEit, A. A. E. Bibliographisebes System der gesammten Wissenscbalt«kuude. Braunschweig, 1852. 2v. 8° 2128.17 SCHLBIEKMACHER, F. E. D. SammtHche Werke. SteAbtb. B.6, I'sychologie. Btrliu,1862. 8°. 3465.1 Note. — For the contents of the otbcr volumea, see the Index of ISCl. — Monologen. 6te Ausg. Berlin, 1843. 16° , , 4257.12 — Ueber die Ueligion. 4te Aufl. Berlin, 1831. 8°. 6056.3 — Vertraute Briel'e Uber [F. Schlegel's] Lucinde. Mit Vorrede von C. Gutzkow. Hamburg, 1835. 16° 4229a. 9 — The life of Scbleiermachcr, as unfolded in his autobiography and letters. Translated by F, Rowan. London, 1860. 2v. 12" 2846.15 — De VVette, W. M. L., and LUeke, G. C. F. Theologische Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1819-22. 3v. 8^ 6064.15 SCHLEMM, F. Schlemm's Operations-Uebungen am Cadaver dargestcllt. See Kavoth, F. , . 3749.4 SCHLESwiG-HoLSTEiN. Herbert, A. The Danes in camp 2864.31 — Moller, J. Cimbria literata 4250.2 SCHLETTEK, H. T. Hiiudbuch der deutsehen Press- Gesetzgebung. Leipzig, 1846. 8" 3666.17 SCHLICHTHOKKT, H. Geographia Africae Herod- otea. (Jottingae, 1768. 6" **2y88.23 — Ueber den WohuHizderKynesieroderlCyneter. Herodot. ii. 33, IV. 49. Gottlngen, 1793. pp. 24. sm-S" **2988.7 SCHLOSSER, F. C. Dante. Leipzig, 1855. 10°. . *42U9.9 — Geschichte der alteu Welt und ilirer Cultur. Frankfurt, 182(;-34. 9v. in 4. 8" 4147.3 — Geschichte der bilderstUrmenden Kaiser dea ostromischen Rcichs. Frankfurt, 1812. 8°. 4244.10 — Geschichte des 18ten und 19ten Jahrhunderts. [Namen- und Sacbregister von G. Weber. J Heidelberg, 1813-19. 7v. 8° 4146.6 SCHLOSSER 560 SCUMITTHENNER Shelf. Xo SCHLOSSER, F. C, continued. — Lcbeu ties Thcodor de Beza nnd des Peter Mar- tyt Vermili. Heidelberg, 1S. p.8° 2294.9 SciiMOKLZL, J. UOsultut des experience! fiiites pur I'jirtillerie russe sur les eflets des ciinons dc 4 rayeii de campagne. Tratluitde rulleniaml. Paris, ISiil. pp. 2S. 8° 5953.10 SCHMUCKKU, S. S. The Christian pulpit, the right- ful guardian of morals, in political no less than in private life. Discourse, Nov. 30, ISIO. Gettysburg, ItiMi. S° 5470a. 05 — Discourse of the reformation of the HUh cen- tury. 4th ed. New York, Is;)8. 18" ... . 3529.9 — Elemental contrast between the religion of forms and of the spirit. Gettysburg, 1852. pp. 5S. 8° 54r0a.65 — The papal hierarchy, viewed in the light of prophecy and history. 2d ed. Gettysburg, 18li5. pp. .32. 8° 5470a. 05 SCHNECKiCNBUituER, JI. Ueber den Zweck der Apostelgcschichte. Bern, 1S41. s° .... 6010.11 SCHNfeE, A. [liibliotheca liclgica. Catalogue ge- neral des publications beiges, 1830-00.] Bru- xelles, ISOl. pp. 97. 8° 2157.2 SCHNEiDiiti, Franz. Grammatik der wendischen Sprache katholischen Dialects. Kudissiu, 1853. S° 48S5.8 ScHNEiiJHK, Frederick. Danish grammar [for] En- glishmen. Added, a short description of Copenhagen, and extracts from Danish au- thors. Copenhagen, n. d. 10" *4125.3 SCHNEiUKK,.Johann C. F. Practical organ school. Boston, [1851]. obl.4° 8052.18 — Treatise on thorough bass and harmony. Translated by K. L. White. Boston, n. d. pp. 28. l.S" 8043.1 SCHNEHJEK, Johann G. Analecta critica in scrip- tores veteres Graecos et Latinos. Fasc. 1. Traieeti ad Viadrvm, 1777. sm.s" **4959a.l — Samndung vermischter Abhandlungenzur Auf- kliirung der Zoologie und der liandlungs- geschichte. Berlin, 1784. 8' 3908.5 SCHOBEK, D. U. Albrecht DiirersLeben, Schriften und Kunstwerke. Leipzig, 1709. 10° . , . 4007.33 SCHOBEiiT, le baron, Paix a I'Amerique. Paris, 1802. pp.32. S° 4.340a.34 SCHCEEEL, C. Le Bouddlm et le bouddhisme. Paris, 1857. 8° 4187.9 SCHOELciiEit, V. History of the crimes of the sec- ond of December. London, 1853. 8° . . . . 4188.1 SCHCEI.L, JI. .S. F. Uistoire abregee de la littirature grecque. Paris, 1813. 2v. »° **2952.11 — Geschichte der griechischen Litteratur. Nach der 2te Aufl. aus dem Franzosischen iiber- setzt, von J. F. J. Schwarze und M. Pinder. Berlin, l'.2!^30. 3v. 8° *B.163.2 SCHOEMANS, G. F. Comparatio theogoniae Hesi- odeae cum Homerica. Grypliisvaldiae, 1847. pp.28. 4" . .B. 190. 30 Dissertatio de compositione theogoniae Hesi- odeae. Grypliiswaldiae, 1854. pp.20. 4°. B. 190. 22 — Dissertatio de uymphis Meltis, gigantibus et Krinysia theogoniae Hesiodeae. Gryphis- waldiae, 1845. pp. 19. 4" B. 190.10 — Dissertatio de Oceanidum et Nereidum catalo- gis Hesiodeis. Gryphiswaldia;, 1814. pp. 20. 4" 4102.30 — Dissertatio de theogonia Hesiodea in sacris non adhibita. Gryphiswaldiae, 1S15. pp. 11. 4°. B. 190. 43 ScHOEPFLix,,J. Di Alsatia dlustrata, Celtica, Ko- mana, Francica. Colinariae, 1751-01. 2v. f". *4250.3 — Historia Zai-ingo-Badeusis. Carolsruha:, 1703- 00. 7v. 4" •4200.9 — Vindlciae Celticae. Argentorati, 1754. 4° . . *4210.3 SCHOLANI), J. M. Der Meuschenfreund, Oder An- leitung zur Pllege und Behaudlung der Krauken, Todten uud Scheiutodten, [u. s. w.] . Ie8-5ea Biindcheu. Magdeburg, ls37. 6°. . 3723.11 71 Shelf. No. Scholar's mission. The. Brownson, O. A. . . Pph.v.334 Scholastk; directory for 1801. Crockford, J. . . 3591.7 SCHOLL, C. Di-ei Stimmen, iiber die religiose Be- wegungderGegenwart. jraMnheim, ISSl. 8°. 0453.14 ScHOLL, G. H. F. and T. F. Deutsche Literatur- geschichte in liiograpliien uud l*roben nua alien .lahrhunderten. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1814, 45. 2v. in 1. 8" *4230.2 SciIOMBliliC, J. D. Theocratic philosophy of Eng- lish history. London, 1842. 2v. 8° . . . . 4174.4 SchBs, ,1. F. Voenbularyof the llaussn language, English and Haussa, Haussa and English. London, 1843. 12° H114.18 SciiON.i:u.s, C, or Schoone, C. van. Terentivs Christianvs sev comoedia; sacra sex. Colo- ma;, 1590. sm.s" **4938.21 Conr«itfs. — Nnamftli; Tobapiis; Nohemiaa; Saulus; JusepLus; Juditlia. — Terentius Christianus, sivc comoedise dua; Te- rentius [sic] stylo conscript* ; Toba;us sc. et JuJitha. His accessit Pseudostratiotes. Londini, 1091. sm.l2" **4938.27 SCHONBUKG and Co. Imperial map of tlie United States and Canada. Drawn by F. Coui^tte. [Size, 5 feet, 3 inches, by 4 feet, 4J inches; scale, 30 miles to 1 inch.] New York, 1806. *° *jrap stand, 50.6 SCHONEBECK. Neujalirsgabe der Volksversamm- lung im Landhause zu Schouebeck fUr 1845. Magdeburg, n. d. pp. 28. 10° B.160b.38 ScHONE.MANN, C. T. G. Commentatio de geo- graphia Argonavtarvm. [Diss, acad.] Got- tingae, 1788. 4° **2987.12 — Cotumentatio de geographia Homeri. [Diss. acad.] Gottinga:, 1787. 4° **2987.12 SCHONING, G. Abhandlung v. d. Begriffen und Nachricbten der Alten von den niirdlichen Liindern; Alte nordisclie Geograpliie. [Uni- versal history, v. 31] 4130.4 SCHiJNLEiN, J. L. Allgemelne und specielle Pa- thologic und Ther.apie. 6te Aufl. St. Gallen, 1841. 4v. in 2. 8° 5793.7 School, Record of a. Peabody, E. P 3593.28 School keeping. Essays on 3599.27 — Hall, S. R. Lectures on 3593.-33 School teacher's manual. Dunn, 14 3599.4 SCHOOLCKAFT, Henry Kowe. Travels in the cen- tral portions of tlie Mississippi valley, 1821. New York, 1825. 8° 2301.23 SCHOOLCiiAFT, Mrs. Henry Rowe. [Letters on the condition of the African race in the United States.] Phila., 1852. pp.31. 8° . B.160.42 SCHOOLMEN. Histoire de la theologie scolastique. Cousin de Saint-Deuoeux, A 0003.11 SCHOOLS. Bernhardt, A. P. Ueber die Organisation dergelehrten Schulen 3597.9 — Fortescue, H. Public schools for the middle classes 5592.15 See also: Infant schools, Rapectt schools, and tho names of towns, cities, and counu-i^s. Schoone, C. van. See Schon.-Eus, C. ScHOONHovEiJ, A. De origine et sedibus Franco- rum epistola. [Mattha^i. Analecta, v. )] . 4139a. 1 SCHOOTEN, F. van. Tractatus de concinnandis demonstrationibus geomctricis ex calculo algebraico. [Uescai-tes. Opera, v. 8] . . . 3920.5 SCHOPE.NHAUER, A. Parerga und I'aialiporaena: kleiue pLilosophische Schriften. Berlin, 1851. 2v. in 1. 8° , 610(3.3 Scnoi'i'E, or Scioppius, C. De arte critica coin- mentariolus. Amstelodami, 1002. sm.8" . *B. 179.7 — Biographie. [Nisard. Les gladiateurs de la republique des lettres, V. 2] 2256.10 SCHOKN, L. Verzeielmiss der Bildwerkc und Ge- miilde der Glyptothek zu Miiuehen. Sec Kleuze, L. v 4099.2 SCHOTT 562 SCHUBERT Shelf. Nc. SCHOTT, Andreas. De priscis Roman, gentibus ac familiis; De tribubus Horn. XXX V, rusticis atque uibanis; De hidis Itetisque Rom. ex kalcnd;irio vetcru. [Itosinus. Antuiuitatiim Uomnnarum corpus] 4200. IS ScnoTT, Arthur and Albert. 'WallacUisclie msehr- chen. Stuttgart, 1SJ5. 8° iiHA SCHOTT, H. A. Isagoge hi-storicocritica in libros Kovi foederis sacros. leiiae, ls:iO. S" . . C025.22 SCBOTT, J. .1. Raupeukalender Oder systemati- eches Verzeichniss aller [taupt-n, wi'lcbe in Deutschlaud bekaunt sind. Frankfurt, 1S30. 8° 3800.24 — Systematisthes Verzeichniss aller Sclimetter- linge, welche in DcutfChland bekannt sind. Frankfurt, l)-30. b° 3830.23 BCIIOTT, .lohann C. Homcrics apotheosis in anti- quo lapide iiesignai;E nova explanatio; De Delpliici tripodis usu et de eipgastrimjtlio- ruin munen'. hat. interp. 1*. Fiicciolo. [l*o- Icni. Utriu.sque thcs. nuiiq. supp., V. ■-'] . . 2970.7 BcnOTr, \y. Uberden Buddhaismus in Hochasien und in China, llerlin, 1!>W. 4° COrl.l Eutwurf einer Besehreibuui.; der cliinesischen Litteratur. litilin, l!-54. 4= *5034.10 — Versuch iiber die tnrtariSL-hen Spraclicn. Ber- lin, )»:!(.. pp. si. 4° 3000.15 — Verzeichniss der fliinesist-hen und niandschu- tungusischen ISiidier und Handsch.iften der K. Bibhotliek zu Berlin. Beilin, lb4u. b° . 2104.10 SCHOTTEL, J. U. Aus (jerinania's Todesklage. [JlUller. Bibliolhtk dinlsdier DicbJer des i;t.n Jabrhunderts. V. y] 2879.10 BCBOTTGiiX, C. De Lvitgardis, qvae Conr.idi magni vxor fvit, origiue Svevica. Dresdae, i;4u. pp. 15. 4- •1217.4 — Hisioria libraiiorum et bibliopolarum veteiis et medii a:\i. [Toleui. Utriusque thes. antiq. supp., V. 3] 2970.7 — Supiilemeutuiu al Bibliotbecam I.at. mediae et inliniie ailatis. See Fabricius, J. A. . . v. 7 of 2207.1 SCHOTiKV, J. Jl. Oeslerjeicbischi; Volk^licder mit ihren Singeweisen. See Zisku, I''. . . . 4223. 13 SCHOULEi;, W. Address before ibe JIassai;hu>ctt3 cbiiriiable inuchanic a.ssociiilion, on its Hth trieuniallesti\al.U.,t.5,lbfS. Boston, 1^4S. b*. 4394. G ECHBAUEK, L. Sec tirK;vius. Tbcs. nniiq. Ital., T.7, p. l; T.9,p. 7 4710.1 Co»(eiU«. — T. VII, p. 1. Urbis FulTiirioj descriplio ct moDumciltn ; L'rljis Uovcnuo; OcsLriptio et uiiliquUutKa. IX, p. 7. UcBcriplio cl monuiiitiila uibia ri(jii L,;i,iai. SCHBADER, W. H. C. De nrtis apud Arislotclem notionearvi. Beroliui, lbt:i. pp. ;)ii. b°. B.170a.llC SciinAMM, J. il. De viia et scriptis J. C. Vaniui. Ed. 2a. Ciislriui, 171S. sm.s° 0005.15 BCHEEiiiEn, A. W. Kuuvel itineraire portatif des bords du Rhin. Nouv. ed. I'aris, lt:)l. 24°. 2054.17 SCHEEIUEU, D. G. M. Aerzllidie Zimnier-Gym- naslik. Ste Aull. Leipzig, l!<02. b° . . . . 4001. S — Das rungymnastikon. Leipzig, Ibii.'. S° . . 4UU1.7 SCHKIKT und syniboUscheBiiclurimWiJerspruche. Leipzig, islj. pp. 02. S" 0088.95 ScBBiiciiii, J. M. Allgenieine Biographic. Ber- lin, 1772-91. 8v. in4. »" »4143.0 Coil/eil/i. — Vol. 1 [Th. ]]. llimtiitjiil ; Catovon Ullcn; OltodiT Grosw ; Iluiiricll tier Ui-uMu ; I'J.] Pc«Onifeii voo Alsarottt V«r«ueli Uljer illc MoUiuutr, d >»» Olo giyunon GvnlGKullti xii filler ZellKiiKleleb blulu-n; TilUi; Iricd- rlcb tier Hlreltburtj, KurrdrHt /.u gitebi,eu. I. II C:^, ;!]. Cbrthttiio, KOiii(,'ii» veil aebwcdeil. II [;!]. 1-riudrleh ^Vtllielm der Oru*te, Kurfilr&t vuii Unindeiiburtfl C^>] Kalior Cttnslaiuill der OroBiei KiiUer Julluiius. II, III [4, 6]. Pii||»l Adrltili der Setliptto. Ill [.i]. Ciiipiir veu CoMk")", Cbrt»llnii I'boiiinhlupt; (<",,] Mullliltl* Uer^lliufl, KOidg veil Unburn; KiiUer Juieiiti der KrMIC; I'btlipp Ja.ob Bponer. IV C!] I'"P" »l«le« der Ifli.rie; [S.] KnlBer Frledrleb der Zwelte ; I'bllipp der i;ro»iiulilbt|ie, Liiidtfritr veil lletivli. — ChrlslUchc KlrchcngeBchlcIitc. Leipzig, 1708- iiioi. .-iiv. h' 'noio-i Shelf. Xo. SCHKOCKH, .1. M., continued. — Christliche Kirchengescliichte seit der Refor- mation. [B. 9, 10 fortges. von H. G.Tzschir- ner.] Leipzig, 1801-12. lOv. b° *005S.2 SciiKODKR. II. Lexikon der bamburgischen Schriftsteller bis zur Gegenwart. ler-3er Band. Hamburg, lSol-57. ;iv. b° 2151.13 Contents. — Vol. I. A— Da5,;ovlu9, J. C. It. DaMOviua, K.— Guncher, U. U. Ill, Giiiither, G. D.— Kleye, J. SCHKODKK, J. H. Catalog iifver manuscripternn, pergamentstrycken och andra typhograph- iska rariteter i grefliga Braheska bibliothek- et. Stoi-kliolui, lb-'o-32. 8°. [Stockholm. Kongl. vitterhets bistorie, v. 12, 17] .... *4828.1 SCHnOKDiii: van der Kolk, .L L. C. Over de allan- tois en hare vormiug en veranderingen in den mcnsch. Amstenlam, Ibliu. pp. ;iO. 4°. 3771.24 — Atrophy of the left heinispherf of the brain, and right side of the body. Tiauslaied by AV. D. Jloore. London, ISIil. pp. 45. 8'. [London. Aew Sydenham soeietx ] . v. 2 of *5714.5 — Observationcsanatomico-piithologici etpractici argumenti. Fasc. 1. Ainstelodami, Ib2(i. 4". 3708.22 — Strueture and functions of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata. And on the cause and treatment of epilepsy. Translated by \V . 1). Sloore. London, lbS9. 8°. [London. Kew Sydenham society] •5714.4 — Waiirneuiingen over bet niaakscl van de mcn- sclielijke placenta en over haren bloeds-om- loop. Amsterdam, IbSl. 4° 3771.23 SCHROiiit, C. J. Deutsche Weinachtspiele aus Un- gern. Wien, IboS. 10° '. 422?. 21 SCHROTKK, H. 1(. V. Finnische Ruuen. Finnisch unddeutscb. Stuttgart, lS.il. sni.b" . . . . 4223.27 SciiRorKi!, J. H. Apliro litograpbische Fragmente zurgeuanern Kenntniss des Flaneten N'enus ; sainmt Beschreibung des l.ilientbalischen 27fussigen Telescops. Helmstedt, IT'.Ki. 4°. 6921.21 — Selenotopographisi'he Fragmente zur yen:iu- erii Kenntuiss der Mondtliichc. Lilientlnil,. 1791. 4° 6921.24 SCUUBAIIT, 0. F. D. Gesammclte Schriften und Schicksale. Stuttgart, 1839, 40. Sv. 10°.. 4899a. 9 Conltuta. — Vol.1. It. I-ebcn und Gesinoungen von ihmselb8tii>Kerkeraulge»ety.t. 111. Gtjistllehe Gedlch- te. IV. Vevniisehto Goiiiehto. V. Ideou ta eiiier Acathetik dtir Toiikuiist. VI. Vcrmlschto aehiifieu; AuBZUge uiid Stelleil uus der " Keutaeheu " Cbrollik, Jtihrgaiig 17^4-77. VII. Lebcn Klemeiis XIV. rOiula- cbeii I'apsts ; Hadrian in S.vrien, Opvrnach Mctaslaaio frei hearbeilet; Aus/.llgo und Slelk'ii aus der "Vater- laud«"-Chionlli, Juhrgang I7»'J: brlefe. VIII. Aui- zujjy und Stellen ttua der " Valerluud8"-Chroullc, Jahrgang I787-UI. — Scbubart'a Leben in seincn Brlefen. Gesam- nielt und beraiisgegeben von D. F. Strauss. Berlin, lb49. 2v. 10° 4237.20 ScHUUMtT, E. Tables of Jlelpomene, computed for the nautiial almanac. See United States. Navy department 5921.2 SCHUDiiuT, Franz. Werke. B. 1, 2, 4. Wien, n. d. 3V. obl.4° 4065.63 Contcnf*. — Vol. I. Erlklintg, Dallnde von Gillhe, In MuHik geaetzt ; Gretchen nni bpinnrade, una Gilllie't FuUBl; Sehiifera Klagelied, lleldenrtlaleln, Jiigers Ab- ondlltid, Meeres Slllle vun Gillhc; Her ^Vnnderer von Bolnnldt v. LUbeek, Murgenlled von Werner, Wnnderrri Naehtllod vun Gilthe ; Uaalluae l.lebe, NUlie des Gullt,b- ten, Der Flaeher, Kratur Verluat und Ktliilg in Tliule, Godlehte vun Giltlie ; Memnun, Antigone und Uodlp, von J. MajrhotVr, und nni Grabe Anaelino'a von Claudiua( Dloabgeblillitv Llnde, Uer'Flugder Zelt, vom Grafon Ludwlg von Sjiuelienyl, Der Tod und daa Miidelion von Cl.iudlua; Der JUngllng anf deni llilgel, von H. lldtleiibrenner ; 8uliuaucht, ICrlafaeu uud am l^lroina voii J. Mayrhofer; Geaitnlfo dea llnrlnera, aua Wll- beliii Melaler, von Gbttie; Der Hehiifur und der Kelter, von 1". H. do La Slolto FouiiuO, Lob der Tliriinen, von A. \V. von Seblegul, Der Alpen.lllger, vitn .1. .Mayer- Iioler; HulclUu und Gebeinies tiua dent WoatbatllehOD I I SCHUBERT 563 6CHWABE tihelf. No. Schubert, Franz, continved, Divnii von fiilllu'; lu-i-v I.irdpr: Sey mir pPcriiH^t von KU.kpi-t; FrrthliiipsgliuilK- von thl.ni, GcdiclU von Cralp-licrj KatlH umi Ti-iiunu', Gi'diclit von F. Seliiller; An dio Dnieigi-liendo Hunno, GL-Uiclit vun Kosepirtcn; Siuljoa Gi'^ii^u 11U9 WfUitT Scott's Fi'iiulein voin Svo; Willkumcn uud Abschlrd, GiKliclit von Gotlio, An dIo Lever (nncb Anncrt-on), Im Miiiiu-, Gediclir« von Hiiicli- Diiiiin (Heft 1-2) ; I'vrSclnnvltL-rliui; und 6w IliT^e, von F. Si-liltfK^l, An den Monil, von F. v. liJilty; Hckrors Ab- •chird, Eniniii, Dun Miidctiuns Klagi', Gedictit« von F. T. Scljillvr; Viei- Gediclite vun ICiitki-rt und rinten ; Greisen-Gusnng aus den Ocstlichen Uuscn von F. Kiick- «rt, DytliyrftiiibevonF. V. Scbillcr; LK'd eiuusScbieffera an diu Di-'skurcn, von J, Miiyrliofer, DerWnnd«ior, voo A. W. tic-htegfl, Aua Uvliopolis, vou J. Mayrbufui-. — Scliwanen^nsang, In Musik gesetzt. Ite Abth. \\'ien,u.d. pp.44. ohlA° 8041. 3S SCuUBKiiT, FrieciiiL-h \V. Allgemtine Stuatskunde von EuroiKi. Kouigsbergi llj3j-4t>. 7v. iuO. b" *4280.10 Contents. ~~Vo\. I. Allfrc^nicinc Einlcitun^; DoBrus- siscliu Iteicti. II. Fniiikivicli; bu» briiischo Kt-icli. III. Di«! Kt;ii;heS]iiiuitin uiid r«rtugii1. IV. Die ititlien- iscbcn tiiuiitvn Nt-iipul und -Siuilion, Surdinii^n, dcr Kii^cbt^nstuul, Toscuna, rannn, Modena, Lucca und H. Marino. V. Uii4 Ktiisertbum OcaleiTcich. VI. Dor preu*>si9cbo titaut. SCHUBERT, G. H. V. Vennisclite Schriften. Mit iNachlriigcn zii des Vei iasstTS tielbstbiogrii- phie. Ki-langL-u, 185:-yu. :iv. in J. b" . . . 2844.23 Contents, — rrnpen und Antworten uber dns Dies- scits und dun Jenai-ila in Brit'IVn ; Uvr Vorbof der lUiUen und Isratl's Tcmpcl ; \'ovbiUler und IJildcr BUS dein Lvben : Kapitiin Hfdlcy V'icm-s; Sir Henri llavelock, dcr Kriegsheld; Livingstone und Murtlii- ■on ; Grvgorius Lo|K'i;; Clirisiian Friedrich Sclnviirtz; Christiiin Gottlub ICralTt und David Splcisa; Jobuunes Kudolf Kolb. — Ueber Ahnen und Wissen. Miinchen, 1847. pp. (jf'. ^^ B.170a.82 — Der Erwerb au3 einem vergaiigenen und die Erwaitungen von einem zukunftiyi-n Lebtn. Eiue feelbstbiographie. Erlaugen, 1S54-56. 3v. H° 2844.22 — Handbucli der Geognosie uud lieigbaukunde. Miinberg, l^M. t>" 38G0.5 — Lchrbufh der Naturgeschichtc. Krlangeu, Ib'iy. l'-i° 3829.24 — Dif Zaiiberei.^Unden in ihrer alien und ueucn Form. Eriangen, 1S54. pp.4'.!, b" . , , . 60S8.137 — ZUge aus dem Leben des J. F. Oberliu. 3te Aufl. Nurnbcrg, 18'-'i». IG* 2847.34 SCHCCii, C. T. I)e pot-sis Latinae rhythniis et rimis, pi-aecipue monachoruiu. Uouaue.scUingae, Ibol. jip. 0','. b" 2D34.21 SCHUCHAKUT, C. Luc;is Cranach des Aeltern Le- ben uud Weike. Leipzig, lt51. :;v. in I. 1^" 4237.14 ScuUcK, J. Aldus Manutius uud seiue Zeitgenos- sen. Berlin, leiO:J. b° 2114.24 SCHDLTivNS, A. Excursus, couiinens stricturas ad dis?ert. iiislor. de lingua prinneva, eic. Lug- duui Batavoruin, ir^J'J. suLi** *5032.9 — Vetus et regiu via Hebrai'zandi, asserta contra uoviim et meiapbyhicam hodiernum. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1738. 6m.4' *5032.9 Sbtlf. No. SCHULTING, A. Jurisprvdentia veivs nnte-Jvstini- anea. Ed. nova. Lipsi;ic, 1737. 4" . . . . 4300.11 Contetitn.— Cnil Instimilonnni libri II ; Ju1ii Pnuli SPntt-ntiarnm rccoptnruni ad fliium libri v. et frngmen- tum ex institntionuin lib. II ; Tituli px corporo l_'l|)iiini XXIX; C'odicia Gre;;oviani ct codicia Honnngoninnt fnigincntn, quni invunta luictenua fucve, omnia; Mo- saiciiriini ft Jloinnn«rnm leguin collado ox inlc;gris Pn- piniitni, I'ault, Ulpiani. nllorunique vclerum juris nuc- tornm libris nnie tompoi-a imp. Justiniuni dcaumpta, cum quilmsdani aliia fraprmcntlfl; Consullntio vcterU cujusdain juriscunsultl; Papiniani responaonun libi'r; Doaliliel inagialri llbcr ni, coutincna divl Adrlual Imp. Bontentiaa el cplutolna. SCHULTZ, C. Ti-avels on nn inland voyage through ^■ew York, renusylvania, Virginia, [etc.]. Kew York, lS;p. :;v. s" 23G3.10 SCHtJLTzScHULTZHNSTicix, C. II. Die Bildung des menschliclieu Gei.>^tes. Berlin, 1^5-5. ti°. OlOG.2 SCHUr-z, D. Mittel eiii holies Alter zu crreichen. 5cc' Tissot, S. A. D 3799. .'J3 SCHULZ, J. L. Erliiuterung dcr romischen Ge- scliichie aus Miinzen. [Universal history. ErliiLitcrungssclirifien, V. 5, G] 4160.10 ScnULZ, Otto. Tirocinium; or, Hrst lessons in Latin. And, Elenn-nts of Latin gnimmar, by D. Beudau. New York, itjj'.f. i-^" . , . 49.'39a.l2 SCHULZ, Otto A. Haniibuih tlir Autographen- sammler. -See Giiutlier. J 2112.18 SCHULz, S. lii'ise duich einem Theil von Vorder- asieii, Ac'gjpteu uud besonders durcli Hy- rien, 17j:.;-5tj. [Taulus. Keisea in dea Ori- ent, V. 34] 4^43,5 SCHULZi-:, C. F. Vorubungen zum Uebersetzen aus dem Deutschen ins Lateiuisclio. ute Aufl. Jcua, lb-".L 10° 2934.10 ScnULZK. J. I). Stipendien-Lexikon von und fiir Deutschland. ler Theil. Leipzig, isi'o. b°.**33D7,7 SCHUMACiiiiK, H. C. Astronomische ^a.■hridlten. Altoua, lb*^;j-G4. 0-^v. 4° *J051.1 A'frfe. — Bd. 1-31 were edited by Sthumaclier; Bd. 32, by A. C. Poterson; nd.3i-38, by P. A. lianaen und A. (J. Petersen; lid. 40-(i:i, by V. A. F. Peters; uo edi- tor's name ia given iii iJd. 3i). SCHUMMEL, T. E. Beschreibung der in Sclilesien eiiilieimischcn Arteu dcr l-'amilie dcr Kudcr- vvanzen i'lotercs. Latr. Jlit 4 Kupf. liies- la'i, Jb3.'. pp. 54. y^" 3393.27 — Beschreibung der in Si^-lilesien einheimisclien Artvn der Galtung Kapliidia. Liun. Bres- lau, l.s:f,». pp. Hi. sm.b" 3890.23 — Beschreibung m.8° 3'9fl.20 SCHUPFKii, l'\ Delle istituzioni politiche longob;ir- diche libri due. Firenze, ]StJ3. 12° ... , 4729a. 3 SCHUKZ, C. The lire of slavery, or the life of the nation? t^pvech at Is'ew York, March (i, 1602. >.c\v York, 1802. b° 4.310,39 — Speech, delivered at Concert hall, Philadel. pUia, 8ept. 10, 18(34, New York, [1&04]. 8°. 4340a. 50 SCHiJrz, F.C.J. [Bt'inerkungenundliesclireibung der Schlacht bei Auersiedi.J n. p., ibOJ. PP--*«- 1^° ' 2819.9 SchUz, J. G. C. Examen rationvm a Sexto Em- pirico, etc. 5ee VVeiheumiijer, J. F 4163.22 Schwab, C. L. Lehrbuch der Anatumie der Haus- tliiere, Miinchen, 18^1. b" 4ooi lo Schwab, G. Fiinf Biicher deutscher Lieder und Gedichte von A. v. llaller bis auf dit-neueste Zeit. "..'te Aufl. Leipzig, 1S40. li;" . , , , 4223 2G — Die schonsten Sa;.en des klassischen Alter- thums. Stuttgart, ISiit'-lO. 3v. 8" . . . . 4202.13 — and KlUppel, C. 4er, 5er Nachtrag zu dem ^Vegvvei^er durch die Lite.atur der Deut- schi n. Leipzig, IftOU-Oii. 6" SCUWABE, J. Dereligione ritibvsqve ecclesiasticis Moscovitarvm. [Diss, theol.] Jenae, 17:^0. *" B.lC0a,i2l 2151.4 SCHWABENSPIEGEL 564 SCOTLAND Shelf. No. SCH%VABENsr!EGEL, Der, Oder schwUbisehes Land- und Lelieu KcchtbucU. Hcrausgegreben von F. L. A. vou Lassberg. Tiibingen, 1840. l.S°. 4301.17 Sdm-ALBACH, JVassoK, und seiue HeilqueUcn. Fenner, H 3S09.45 SCHWAKTZ, Carl. Handbuch fiir din biographi- sclien Geseliicbtsunterricht. Leipzig, IbSS-OS. 2t. [v. 1, 6th ed. ; v. 2, 4th ed.] 8° .... 2240.8 SCHWARZ, Carl. Zur Gescbicbte der ueuesten Theo- logie. Leipzig, ISoii. 10° B.117.2 SCHWEGLEE.F. C.A. Geschidite der Pbilosophie imUmriss. Stuttgart, 1S48. 8° 6105.1 Jahrbiicher der Gegenwart. Tiibingen, 1844- 47. 4v. 8° *4267.1 — Der MontanismusunddiechristlicheKircbedes zweiten Jahrhunderts. Tubingen, 1.S41. 8°. 6040.6 — Das nachapo.'itoUscbe Zeitalter. Tiibingen, 1S40. 2T. 8° 6046.2 SchweighSuser, Jean G. Discours sur les ser- vices que les Grecs ont rendus ii la civilisa- tion. I'aris, 1821. pp. -.y-l. 16° **3073.11 Schweighauser, Jobann. Opuscula academica. Argentorati, 1800. 8° 4396.4 Contents. — Systema morale hujus universi; An cla- rior pleoiorciuo homini data sit rcrum corporcurum, quam propriae mentia, cogtiilio ? Boni malique moralis distinctiouem sonsu morali esse juilirandam; Seoten- tiaram philosophicarum varii nrsumeoti fasciculus primus-tcrtius; Tbeologia Socratis, ex Xenopbontis Memorabilibue exccrpta ; Mores Socratis, ex Xcno- pbontis Mcmorabilibus delioeati ; Appendix ; Excrcita- tionesiu Appiani Alexandrini Ilonianas bistoriaa; De impressis ac lUanuscriptis historiarum Appiani codici- busj Emcndationes ot observationes in Suidam ; \ovU8 fasciculus emeudationum et observationum in Suidam. — Lexicon Polybianum. [Polybius. Histor., v.5].B.16C.5 SCHWEISFURTH, G. Plantae quaedam Niloticiie quas coUegit R. Hartmann. Berolini, 1802. pp.55. 10 plates. 4° '5S40.12 SCHWENCK, C. Jljthologie der asiatischen VBl- ker, der Aegypter, Grieclien, Itiimer, Ger- nianen undblaven. Franklurt, 1843-53. 7v. jj» ♦6071.10 ContcJlt*.— Vol. I. Die Mj'tbologie der Griecben. II. Die Mytbolofio der Kiiiucr. III. Die Mytliologio der Aepyptcr. IV. Die Mytbologie der Seniilen. V. Die Mytbologic der Terser. VI. Die Mytbologie dor Gcrmaucn. VII. Dio Mytbologie der Slaweu. — Wortcrbuch der deutschen Spracbc. Frank- furt, 1834. b° Hns.w SCHWEXCKFKLB, C. V. Teutsclic Thcologia. u. p., n. d. 77 leaves. sm.4° 6000.24 SCHWiEGKK, J. Auserlesene Gedichte. [JIUIlcr. Bibliotliek deutscher Uichtcr des 17teu Jahr- bunderts, V. 11] 2879.10 Science. Grimke,!'. S. Character and objects of . Pph.v.381 — Hunt, 11. I'oetryof 4275.10 — Martin, T. 11. lies Buporstilions dangcreuses pour 111 science 5601.30 — Koniberg, J. A. Die Wissenchaften im lOtea Jalirbundert A. 125.2 Periodicals, — Annuaire du Cosmoa et Manuel dc In science. SWdn.l _ DcbOrain, P. P. Annuaire scientilique . . . 0140.3 — FIguier.G.L. ],'unnee scientiliqui' 31134.10 — Samuelson, J. Popular science review . . . 7815.1 See ateo: Italy (Dlojirapby), Matbematlca, Natural kUtoo', rbyslcnl •cloncos, Transactions. SCIENCE of geology. From the Glasgow treatise?. iBtAm. ed. New Haven, 18:w. pp.72. 18". 7029.18 SCIENTIFIC American. Vol. 0, 10-12; new series, v. 1-3. New York, 1810-00. 7v. 1° . . . . "SOSO.! ScientiVk; tracts, 1831-33. lloibrook, .) 3l!3U.4 — - .--ame. New scries, WH, 35. .Suillli,.!. V. C. 3039.5 SciE.XTiKic tracts, fur the dllVuslon of uselulknowl- etlge. Bomoii, IHM. 8" *3U.19.fl Scientific tracts, etc., continued. Contents. — Philosophy of 6Clf-education, by B. B. Tluitcber; Outline of philosophy, by U. Park ; Advan- tnpea of early riBing by W. A. Aleott ; May-llo,vers. by D. H. Uoward; Natural history of water, by C. T. Jackson; Pleasures of science, by W. M. Rogers; His- tory of peace societies, by W. Ladd ; Science of human life, by S. Graham ; History of telegraphs, by J. R. Par- ker; Combustion, by R. A. Coffin; Granite rock, by 8. Fish ; Theory of the earth, by S. Fish. SciENZiATi italiani. Atti delta la-Sa riunione ; Di- ario del uouo; Atti del decimo congresso. Pisa, [etc.], 1801. 4° »6242.1 Scioppius. See Schoppe, C. SciTUATE, Mass. Report of tbe selectmen of the tinancial affairs for the year ending March 5, 1805. Boston, 1805. pp. 39. 8° G340a.l4 — History of the First parish in. Turner, J. B. B. 170b. 84 SCLOPIS, F. Histoire de la legislation italienne. Tmd. par C. Sclopis. Paris, 1801. 2v. 8° . 2717.8 SCOGIN, J. Jests. [Hazlitt. Old English jest- books, v. 2] «99.S SCOLARI, F. Su la pictosa morte di Giulia Cap- pelletti e Komeo Montecclii : aggiuutovi rime di T. Albarelli Vordoni con poesic di vari autori su Purgomento mcdesimo. Livorno, 1S31. 8° 2773.15 SCOLIA, Description de diverses especes nouvelles ou pen connues du genre. Saussure, H. de . 3895.11 ScoMUNiCA, Delia. Passaglia, C 4718.20 Scot', A. Nouveau recueil : ou, melange a I'usage destjeoles. 4e I'd. Londres, K'.r.'. 12°. . . 4689.32 Scot, G. Model of the government of East New Jersey. Sec Whitehead, W. A 2.372.18 Scot, Vf., and Forbes, J. State and govern- ment of the kirk of Scotland since the reform- ation, [and] Records touching the estate of the kirk, 1605-0. Edinburgh, 1840. 8°. [Woii- row society] • • 5493.10 Scotland. Board of agriculture and internal im- provement, (ieneral report of the agricultu- ral state and political circumstances of Scotland. Appendix, [by] Sir John Sinclair. EiUnburgll, 1814. 5v. 8° •'7997.1 Description, travels, etc. — Heron, R. Journey through the western coun- ties of Leigh, S. Pocket road-book of Logan, .L The .Scotisli Gael Mnckv, J. Journey tlirough Scotland .... Murciiisou, R. I. New geological map of . . Oliver. Scottish timrist Sims, C. S. Origin and signiflcation of Scot- tish surnames Sinclair, C. Scotland and the Scotch : or, the Western circuit Sinclair, Sir J. Statistical account of .... Tour in, 1700, 72, by T. I'ennant. [Mavor. British tourists, v. 1] Tour through, 1778, by K. J. Sulivan. [Mavor. British tourists, V. 3] Tour through, 1785, by T. Newtc. [Mavor. British tourists, V. 4] Transactions of the Highland society. See Edinburgh Ecclesiastical liislory, etc. Cnldcrwood, D. History of the kirk of . . . 6403.3 limix.J. Reformallon In 3.',24. 8, and 6493.5 Kiisllin, J. Die schottische Kirche, ilir inncre» Leben undihr Verhiiltniss zum Staat . . . 0053.10 Lalng, D. Ecclesiastical afl'alrs of, during the lOtli and 17th centuries 6493.6 Lav\son, J.P. Episcopal church of, fl-om the rel'iiniLation to the rivoluliiin 00.13.7 Loriiuer, P. The Scottish rel'ornial Ion . . . . 3524.10 McCrie, T. Hluslrations of the history of the reformation in - Sketches of Scottish churcli history .... 2454.16 2487. » 2474.10 2404.15 3807.25 2477.24 . 2435.32 2477.19 7987.1 2469.22 2409.22 2409.22 7980.1 4170.1-1 ;1524.I4 SCOTLAND 565 SCOTT Shelf. Nu, ScoTi.\xn, conliniu'd. — Jlimncr of public worship in tlie church of. See Letter from a bliuksmith 3547.35 — Kow, .). History of the kirk of, 155S-1039 . . 6493. B — .Scot.W. State iiiul jjoveriimeut of the kirk of, since tile reforinutioa 5493.10 — Stephen, T. History of tlie cliurch of . . . . 8053.6 — Thomson, A. Sketcli of tile secession church, nnd rise of the relief church 3624.20 — Turner, A. Scottish secession of 1843 .... 3524.12 — Wodrow, K. llistoryofthechurchof, 10(J0-8S. C080.2 History^ bioffrapJii/, etc, Ayloffe, J. CiileiKhirs of tlie Scottish rolls in the tower of London Buchiinun, G. Kerum Scoticarum historia . , V4; 2110.17 Sholf. Ko. Scott, John, of Ajmcell, con/hiued. — "Works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. llj 4004.1 and 4171 4178.10 2474.14 7039.49 2477.32 2519.7 2477.3 2435.27 2477.2 2553.16 3567.. 38 2546.30 3570.56 2474.15 2477.5 2475.16 4178.11 •.;474.17 — - History of — Catechism of the history of — Description of the repalia of — Drake, J. Impartial history of — Innes, C'. Early Scotch history — - Scotch surnames — - Scotland in the middle ages — Jackson, J. History of the Scottish stage . . — Laurie, W. A. History of the grand lodge of. — Lives of Scottish poets — Kicholls, G. History of the Scotch poor law . — Pinkerton,J. History of, preceding lOJG . . — Robertson, E. W. Scotland under her early kings — Scott, W. History of — - Stories from Scottish history — Wilson, D. Archaeology of ..*,..,. , Literature. — Chambers, R. Songs of Scotland prior to Hums 2538.19 — Ditson, O. Gems of Scottish song 8041.34 — - ° M103.5 Seablk, or .Serlc, A. [The Christian parent: or discourses concerning God.] New York, 17tir. ls° 6447.23 SEAnLE, .Inniinry, pscmt. See I'hillips, G. S. Skaus, IJ. Historical discourse. .Sii Priividenco, R.I. Ilrown university. Celebration of the lOOtll anniversary 4307.21 — Edwards, l(. B., and tclton.C. 0. Classical studies : essu) s on ancient literature and art. Boston, 184.1. 12° 4955.14 Sears, U., icrmon on the death of. See Gardiner, J.S.J 5440a. S4 Seai-s, E. H. Kcgeneration. Boston, IM.'?. 12°. 0073.15 — Kevolution or retdrni : a discourse occasioned by tlie present crisis. Boston, 18o(J. 8° . . B, 160. 26 — Voices of tile past: a discourse, Dec. 29, 1844. Boston, ls4o. 8° 6400a. 98 — M'orsinp. Boston, n. d. pp. 10. 12° ... . 6450a. 73 Seass, J. H. Standard spelling book. Revised cd. New Haven, 18:iu. 18° 45S9a.31 Seasons. Frost, J. Youth's book of the .... 3S2U.30 — Howitt, W. Book of the .■i829.10 — Tiiomson, J. The seasons 4509a. 14 Sebastopoi,, Siege of. See Great Britain. War department 3591.25,26 Secessio.v. Ingersoll, J. R. Secession resisted . 4:i20a, 45 — Parker, J. Tlie ri^jiits of 434Ua.3 — Washburn, E. Sovereignty in its bearing upon secession and states rights 4350a. 47 Bliclf. No. S«c also. war). State aovereigntj., United States (Civil 3707.4 3707.3 SfeCESSios, La, nux £fats-Unis et son origine par un jouruuliste americaiu. Paris, 18iil. pp. 30. 8° 4323.6 Seckendokf, V^. L. v. De Lutheranismo in magna Germani£e parte, [etc.]. Fraucofurti, 1>)«S. 4° *6057.4 Seckek.T. Five sermons against popery. Wind- sor, Vt., 18J7. IS" 3464.37 — On a general fast ; Thanksgiving for peace : twosermons. [Dibdin. Sunday library, v. 0]. 5446.23 Second, A. A quoi tient I'amour, fantaisies pari- siennes. Paris, 1830. 12° 4098.5 Second Advent. See Christ. Secketan, C. Quelques idees sur la methode. 4e article. [Lausanne, 1855.] pp.27. 8° . . . 6088.7 Sects. Abu-'I-Fath Mohammed Ben Abd-El-Ke- rim Esii-Shahrestani. Book of religious and philosophical sects 3022.18 — - Keligionspartheien und Philosophenschu- len 6098.6 — Evans, J. Denominations of the Christian world 3533.6 — Flottc,£. G. de. Les sectes protestantes . . 0063.16 See alio: Anabaptisticara Pantheon, Congregation- alism, Friends, Heresy, Metltudism, Presbyterian, Shakers, L'nitarianisni, Untversalism. SECUNDINUS, N. Eirtirro^ij irpwj Xv^flovlKov rov KaXXtixTOv. [BoisBonade. Anecdota Gr%- ca, V. 5] B.161.3 Sedaine, M. J. Le philosophe sans le savoir; La gageureimprevue. [Theiitre fran^ais, v. 33]. 4708.1 — Richard Cffur de Lion, historical romance, translated by J. Burgoyne. [Jones. British tlieatre, v. 8] 4575.20 Sedatus. Homilia de cpiphania. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. 11] B.110.2 SEDBfitv, G/oMO&sferi'/ttre, Roman remains in. Or- merod, G 2520. .36 Seddon, J. A. Speech on the Wilmot proviso, de- livered in the house of representatives, Jan. 7,1847. Washington, n.d. [No title-page.] 8°. 4310.6 '4014.11 2397.3 Sedentary habits.lpohnson, J. Influence of, on health — - Eiulluss des hiiufigen Sitzens auf Gesund- lieit des Jlenschen Seder olam zuta. [lleb. et Lat.] Ex versione G. Genebrardi. [Imbonati. Bibllotheca Lat- ino-Hebraiea] 2150.12 SedgwioicA. Geology of the lake district. Ken- dal, 1813. pp.08. 10° 6808.35 — and Murchison, R. I. Distribution and clas- siliealion of the p:il,Tozi>ic deposits of the llS'rtli of Germany and lielgium. London, 1.S4J. 4= 5863.13 — - Physical structure of Devonshire. London, n.d. 4° . . . 6803.12 Sedgwick, C. B. Speech on govei-nment contracts. Delivered in the house of representatives, April 28, 1862. [Washington], n. d. [No ti- tle-page.] 8° 4350a. 75 SEDGWICii, D. Index of authors and translators of psalms and hymns. London, 1800. pp.8. 1(3" *2153.25 — - Same. 2d ed. London, 1803. pp. 10. 10° . 2163.22 Sedgwick, T. [Brief remarks on the railroads, proposed in Massachusetts.] Stockbridge, 1828. pp. 23. 8° ' — [Hints to my countrymen. By an American.] New York, 1820. 8 ■ SfiDILLOT, J. Sur les revacolnations. Paris, 1840. !• 3780.69 Sedition, Letter on the bills for altering the criminal law of England, respecting. Cart- wright, J Pph.T.363 Sedhlius, C. Carmen de Verbi incarnatione. [Martene. Vet. script., v. 9] 4160.1 — Operis paschalis libri. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 0] B. 110.2 Sedulii:s Scotus. In omnes S. Pauli epistolas collectaneum. [Ma.xima biblioth. vet. patr., V. G] B.110.2 Seeboh.m, B. Memoirs of Stephen Grellet. Phil- adelphia, 1800. 2v. 8° 2314.23 Seed, J. Posthumous works, consisting of ser- mons, letters, essays, etc. Published by J. Hall. Loudon, i:6.'. 2v. 8° **5444.5 — Discourses on several important subjects. Ad- ded, eight sermons at lady Moyer's lecture. 5th ed. London, 1757. 2v. 8° *»5444.4 Seegen, J. Handbuch der Heilquelleulehre. 2te Aufl. Wien, 18lJ2. 8° 3807.17 Seeger, C. L. Oration at Northampton, March 6, 1810, in commemoration of the inauguration of Jefferson as president of the United States. Northampton, 1810. 12° *4163.17 Seeley, R. H. Sermon before H. J. Gardner, gov- ernor, [etc.], at the annual election, Jan. 2, 18.50. Boston, I^58. 8°. . . ♦4350.13, and »5470a. 19 Seelhorst, A. V. Deutscliland's Militair-Literatur, 1S50-60. Berlin, 1S02. 8° *2172.20 Seemann, B. Viti : account of a government mis- sion to the Vitian or Fijian islands, 1800-01. Cambridge, 1802. 8° 3046.15 SEER, Tlio. Pratt, 6088.1 Sefton church. Bridgens, R 4080.9 Sega, J. Inno di liberta alia Francia. Cambridge, 1830. pp.8. 8° 4798.1 Segar, J. Letter in vindication of his course in declining to follow his state into secession. Washington, 1862. pp. 39. 8° 4340a. 77 — Letter to Gen. Dix [on his proclamation to the people of the eastern shore of Virginia]. Washington, 1801. [No title-page.] pp.9. 8°. 4340a. 77 — Ship canals. Speech in tlie house of represen- tatives, Feb. 7, 1803. n. p., n. d. [No title- page.] 8° 4.340a. 77 Speech in the house of delegates of Virginia, March 30, 1801, on the resolutions, to seize, by military force, the United States guns at Belloua arsenal, and on the secession of Vir- ginia, n. p., n. d. 8° 4:!40a.77 SEGAR 568 SENDEN Segar, J., contimied. Vjp — Speech in the house of representntires, in de- fence of his claim to a seat in that body for the 3Stb congress. [Washington, 1864. No title-pnge.l »' 4310a. 77 — Speech on the Wilmot proviso, delivered in the house of delegates, Jan. 19, 1849. Richmoud, 1S49. S" 4310.6 — Vindication of the union. Speech, May 31, 186*. "Wasliinglon, 18G2. 8^ . . . . i . . . 4340a. 77 — To the voters of tlie (irst congressional distri^ of Vii, Washington, 1SG3. [No title-page.] 8*S340a.77 Segato, G. Artificiale ridiizione a solidita lapidea degli animali, 5ee Pelle^mni, G 4024.30 Seghezzi, a. F. Vita di Anuibal Caro. [Caro, Opere, V. 1] 4803.5 Segneri, p. Prediche. [Raccolta dl prose itali- ane, v. 2] 4808.10 'Segni, B. Storie fiorentine, 1527-55, coUa vita dl Kiccolo Capponi. 3Iilano, 1805. 3v. 8". [Classici italiani, v. 90-9S] **4804.2 ■Segrais, J. R., sieur de. (Euvres diverses, Am- sterdam, 1723. 2v. 12° **4695.11 Contents. — Vol. I. Xl&raoires anecdotes, II. £g1o- gues: Climcno; Timnrete; Amiio; Aminto; Olimpe ; Uranie; La pnix; AvU uu lecteur; Lettre de M. OgiLT Bur la I. ^gloguc; Lcttre d M. Huct, en rcponse de la precedcnte; L'nmour gw^ri pnr le temps, trap.; Itulu- tion dc t'islQ imaginaire; Histoire de la pribcesse de Paphtagonie. Siguier, P. A. Horlogerie. [France, Commis- sion sur I'industrie des nations, v. -i, p. 2] . 4029.20 SfeGUR, A. J. P. de. Les femmes, leur condition, [etc.]. Nouv. (-d., augmentee par [A. P. liugi- netj. Paris, 1820. 4v. in 2. Vi" 3574.39 — Le retour du mari. [Theatre frali^ais, v. .33] . 4708.1 S^GUR, L. P. Politique de tous les cabinets de I'Europe, pendant les regnes de Louis xv et de Louis xvi. 3e ed. Paris, 1S02. 3v. S". 4I5G.5 S:£gur, P. P. Examen de son ouvrage Kapoluon et la ^rande armee. Gourgaud, G 2G42.6 Seher. Primordia Calmosiacensia, [Frankfurt. Societas,etc., v. 12] 4210.2 Seidel, C. T. Abtinndhingvonder Secte der Elce- saiten. Helmstaedt, 1749. pp.40. 4°. . ,B. 190.45 Seidensticker, G. Der Biirgerfreuud. Philadel- phia, 1847, 48. 4" *7231.1 Seifert, P. [Hesiodi Opera et dies interprelata el partim recentiori poetie vindicatu.] Gry- phisvrtldiffi, 18i2. pp.14. 4° B. 190.42 Seilhac, le comte de. L'ubbe Dubois, premier mi- nistrede Louis XV. Paris, 1S62. 2v. 8°. . 2(550.17 SElNKf Department of the. Kapport sur les mar- ches publics en Angletene, en Belgique, en lloUaude et en Alleinagne. PariH, lS4(i. 4°. 7030.4 Seip, J. P. Account of the mineral waters of Pjt- mont. Also, an acrouut of the Spa, By G. Turner. London, 1733. 8° 3809.37 Seismology, First principles of observational. Mallet, R 5S06.3 Seiss, J. A. The assassinated president, or the day of national mourning for A. Lincoln, •lune 1, lhi''5. Philadelphia, 18fi5. pp.44. 8°. *4342.5 — Government and ('hristianity : a sermon for the times. Philailelphia, 1801. 8° 4340a. 78 — The last tlmi-H and the great consummation. Philadelphia, l.'-tlit. 12° fiflO.lO — The thruateuing ruiu; or, our times, our prom- pt ct, and our duty. A discourse, .Jan. 4, JhCil. Philadelphia, iNil. IG" . * 4330a. 17, 29 Bkixas,.L Key to tlu^ Chnldeo language. Ando- ver, mCi. pp. 12. 12" M122.9 Seizingkk, J. G. Theorli- und Praxis der Biblio* thek8\vittsenschaft. (Jrundllnii'ii der Archivs* wlKseuschatl. I>reHden, 18ii:{. 8" 2128.25 SeldeN,J. DudllsSyrls snyttigmntu ii. Addita- mentls locuplet. ojieia A. Jteycrl. JJpsiic, IGtlH. 2v. in 1. Hni.h" *B. 127.10 — De lure nnturall et gentium Inxia discipllnam Ebruoruni, librl vii. Londhil, IiJlO. I*. . •42U0.U Shelf. Ko. Select collection of original letters; from the reign of Henry vm to the present time. London, 1755. 2v. 12" 4549.8 Selecta poemata Italorum, qui Latine scripse- ruut. Iteruminlucemdata,cum [add.],accu- rante A. Pope. Loudini, 1740. 2v. sm.b" . *4199.13 Contentg. — Vol.1. Eclogrrc : A. S. Sannaznrii PhylHa, Galatea, Mopsus, Proteus, Herpylls Pharmacciitria, Salices; J. B. Anialthci Lycidas, Acon,Corydon, SariiuB, SiHb; M. H. Vida; Daphnis, Corydon, Nice; H. Fracas- torii SiphUis, eive morbus Gallicus, Alcon, sivc de cura . cauum venalicorum ; M. H. Yidte Bonibycum, Poeticor- um libri tres, Scaccbia, Indus; A. Palenrii de animorum immortalitiitelibr. ni. II. Elogii' : A. S. SannHzarii, Juni Etrusci, T, Strozo!, H. Stroztv, F. M. Molsa:, A. Naugorii, J. J. Pontani, A. Politiani, L. Areosti ; Oda: : M. A. Fla- minii, J. A, Augurelli, A. S. Sannazarii, J. J. Pontani, A. NauReiii, L. Areosti, P. Crioiti, N. Archn, A. Poli- tiani, J. B. Aninlthci, J. Colta>, G. Bmbaimni, P. G. Vaxis, H. F.iscitelli, J. Parlistanei, H.Amaltbfi; Sylvm: A. Politiani, J. SadoletJ, P. Bembi, U. Fracaatom, B. Castilionii, H. Amaltliei. Selection of ancient psalm melodies adapted to the canticles of the church in the United States of America. Boston, 1852. pp. 27. 8% 8043.4 Selection of hymns for religious meetings and private devotions. 4th ed. Baltimore, 1824. 18" 3449.32 Selection of hymns, for the use of prisoners. New York, 1820. 24" 5449a.25 Self-consciousness. Selbstbewusstseyn und Of- fenbarung. Conradi, C G105.19 Self-knowledge, Treatise on. Mason, J. . . . 6447.34 Selim II, emperor. De saero fa?dere in Selimum. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 1, p. 2] .. 4710.1 Sellar, ^V. Y. Roman poets of the republic. Edinburgh, 1803. 8" 2953.23 Selle, C. G. Medicina clinica Oder Handbuch der medicinischen Praxis. Ste Aufl. Berlin, 1802. 8" 3718.10 Selva, H. Rasiel de. See Quesnel, /r(?res. Selvaggi, G. Catalogo dci libri appartenuti al fu Don G. Selvaggi. Napoli, 1S59. 8" *2137.19 Selwyn, W. Carmen Gr:KCum, carmen Latinum, et epigramniata numismate annuo dignataet in curia Cantabrigiensi recitata. [Canta- brigia'], 182«. 8° •Pph.v.3-i5 Semikamis, La. Tragedia. Manfred!, M 48C9a.41 Semiscii.C. Die apostolischeu DcnkwUrdigkelten dcsMiirtyrers .lustinus. Hamburg, IH8. 8". G105.27 — Justin der Miirtyrtr. Fine kirclien- und dog- mcngeschichtlii'Iie Mouograplue. Breslau, 1840-42. 2v. 8" n040,28 Semitic languages, Semltische Wortforschung. Dietrich, F. E. C 4240.23 Semitic nations. Mythologie der Semiten. Schwenck, C G071.I0 Semler, J. S. See Universal history. Erliiute- rungsschriften, V. 1, 3, 4, 4100.10 Contents. — Vol. I. Anmorknnpcn zur egyptiscbim OcschicUtP. III. Erluuterung dca Rogenanntcn Canons doB Ptoloniiluii. IV. ErlUutoning nller MiVnzrn. VI. Uobor dio VtTBohiedeiiheU der Xulik'n vom Alter dor Wolt. Sempkre y Gunrinos, J. Ribliothcca cspafiola ccontimico-politica. Madrid, 1801-21. 4v. sm.lG" 3648.32 Semple, R. H. Memoirs on diphtheria. Selected and translitled by K. H. Semple. Bibliographical appendix by .). Chatlo. London, 1859. 8°. [London, kvw Sydfiiham society, v. 3] . , *5714.3 SicNAC, A. Le christhmisnie considcre dans sea rapports avec la civilisation moderue. 2e 6d. Paris, 1837. 2v. 8" C060.2 Senarclk, C. Jlisioria vera de morle J. Dia/iE, 1510. [GcrdcH. Serlnlum antiq. ad hist, re- form, spert., v. 4] (1055.16 Senuen,G. II. van. Geschichte der Apologelik. Obersetzt von P. \Y. (^uack und K. llimlir. Stuttgart, 1810. 2v. In 1. 8" 002d.23 SENEBIER 569 SERilON SUolf. No. Senerikr, J. Sur rhiflucnce di> In lllmi^rc soluire pour niodilier les i-tree doR trois regnes de In nature, et sur-tout ceux du r^gue vt^gC-tal. Geneve, 17S*^>. 3v. 8" 5970.6 — Rcclierches iiiiiilytiques sur la nature de I'liir infliimniable. Cieneve, I7S4. ts" 5979.4 Seneca, L. A. (Kuvres completes. Traduction nou- vellepar J.liumiird. rari8,l«GU, 01. 2v. r^\ i;i>18.3 ConteiUa.~Vo\.l. Dolacoliro; Consolntlon 6 Miu- ciii, li Holvia.d PoIylK-; Do la vio hoiirouse; Du ropos, oil ill' la rvtraitu tlu sngu; Dt? In constanco du etige; l>u liipro\i(]«>nco; Dc In trfiDqiiillU&ilu ruinc; Apotlit'Ose burli'8(|uo dii Cf-eAi- Cluudo; Do la clvmenco; Do la brievelfe dc la vio'; Hos bieufaits. II. LoUrcsiLuci- lius; Vuesiloiis iiuturullos, % — Tragocdiifi. Cum notis ^^arnnbii. Amster- drtmi, n. d. '^i" 2949.18 ConterUg. — Medea : Hippolitus ; (Edipus ; Trooa ; Aga- incmiiun ; Horcuica I'urciis ; Tbyoales ; Thcbais ; Herculoa CEtsua; Octuvia. Kote. — This volomo ia entitled " L. et M. Anual Senecaa tragcediw." — Vita,aP. Crinito; Opera tragica. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. j)oet.] B.191.9 — Medea, ii tragedy. Edited by C. Beck. Cam- bridge, 1834. pp.81. sm.I2" **2949.9 — Seneca's morals, by way of abstract. Added, An after thought. By «ir K. L'Estrauge. 3dAm, L-d. Boston, 1800. 12* B. 179a. 3 — - Same. Cleveland, O., l*-55. 12" B.ir8.7 — In mortem Claudii Cicsaris Indus. [Erasmus. Mori.-e cncomiumj 4938.9 — Trojauerinneu. [Opitz. Werke, v. 1] . . . . 2679.11 Seneca Indians, Report on the memorial of the. Adan, J.K Pph.v.3S3 Senolkr, F. Ueber das Wesen und die Bedeutung der speculativen I'liilosophie und Theologie. AUgemeine Eink'itung'. JVIainz, 1S34. 8° . . 6095.14 — - Same, Specielle Einleitung. Heidelberg, 1837. S" 6107.11 Senglek, J. Die Idee Gottes, Heidelberg, 184.5- 52. 3v. in 2. S" \ 6038.4 — Reden iiber die gegenwartige Krisis der Welt- geschichte und wie sie gewordeu ist. Carls- ruhe, Ks4:i. pp.54. 8° 4129.45 Sexkenbekg, H. C. v. Corpvs ivris Germanicl [ex ievo medio]. Cvravit G. G. Koeuig de Koenigsthal. Erancofvrti ad Moenvm, 17C0- 6(i. 3v. in2. f° *4291.4 Contents. — Vol. I. Jus Ceesoreum, sive Kayser-recht, Germnnice ct Liitine ex quinqiie codicibuB mauu- Bcriptis rite consL-rvatis ; Ordo judiciarius juns pro- >'incialts, sive Kichtstich Lnndrecht ox quatuor codi- ctbus; Ordo judiciarius juris feudalis iutegritati sute restitutua, sive Kichtstich Lebiirecbt, ex codice man- ii»cripto; Syllabus vocum aut obacurarum aut obso- letarutn, cum ,Bucciucta earum expositione ot illus- tramentis Grasbofiania, in Juria Csesarei libros I, II; Coronidis loco addituB est triplex index rerum pra^- cipuarum in Jure Cteaareo et utroque ordine Judtciario occurritntiun); CoUectio diploraatica manuscripte da rebus civiiatum et colonariia; ScKum Fri^aviorum ftub Itupt-rto imperatore; Itefonnatio Judicii aecreti Weatphalici, tempore Sigiamundi iinperatoria; Codex legum Kt conauetudinum judicii Westphalici summie sedislremoDicuais; Ordinatiojudicialia Hassiaca; Liber jadiciurius, sive Gerichia Biichlcin, qualia in AuBlria obtiucbat. JI. Speculi Alemannici jus provinciale et ft;udale; Autor vetus de beneflcils, cum conimcntario pcrpetuo itemque gloaaario et indice ampUsaimo Hie- ronymi von der Labr; acccdit codex Juris provlncialia et leudalia Alemannici e blbliotbeca Ctesorea. Sennacherib, Bas-reliefs from the palace of. Layard, A. H D.4.R.3 Sennekt, A. Mocumcuta ducum Saxoniae. [.Mencke. Script. Germ., v. 2J 4261.2 Senn'ott, G. On Andrew and iiutler, Boston, lS(i2. pp. 10. 8' 4350.18 SENSE.S, The, aud tlie intellect. Bain, A 5003.0 7:i Shulf. No. Sephoka; a Hebrew tale, descriptive of Palestine, and the manners and customs of the ancient Israelites. Abridged from the London ed. by T. M. Harris. Worcester, 1835. 12° . . 54S9.2G Sepp, J. N, Das Heidenthum und dessen liedeu- tungfUrdasChristeutlium. Regeusburg, 1853. 3v. 8" 6075.22 CoiifcfKS.— Vol. I. Kosmisclie Theologie: Die Natur- rcligioi) \iii(] dor rolytbeifinius. 11. Der heidnische Opferdionst und diu Myaterieiilebren : Sytitem dea Pan- tbi'lsmus. III. Dor Herociicult und die Messiaden der Vulkur: Dualisniua; Mit doiu bibllBcben uud mytholo- giachun Uuiversal-Uegiater. — Das Leben .lesu Christi. Mit einer spekulati- veu Abliandlung von J. v. Gurres. Regens- burg, 1841-54. 7v. in 5. [v. 1, 2, 2d ed.] 8°. *C037.4 Septimius Afer. Vita ex r. Crinito; Fragmenta. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.191.9 Sepulciikal emblems. GritbersymbolikderAlten. Bacbofen,J.J 3467-5 Seraphine. Green, J. B. Instructions for the . 8052.30 — Howe, E. Seraphine iustructor 8052.36 — White, E. L. The seraphiue ; a collection of opera airs, marches, etc 8052.31 SERXPiotifbishopof Antioch. Fragmenta. [Migne, Patrologia Gr.'Eca, V. 5] 5461,3 Seeapion, bishop of Thmuis, in Egypt. Liber ad- versus Manichaios; Epistola ad Eudoxium cpiscopum; Epistola ad monachos Alexan- drinos. [Migne. Patrologia Gra^ca, v. 40]. 5471.7 — Liber adversus Manichaios, Gr. et Lat. [Ca- nisius. Thesaurus, V. 1] 4140.3 — - Same. Lat. interprete Francisco Turriano. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 4] B. 110.2 Serassi, p. a., abate. A'ita del conte B. Castigli- one. ^t'e Castiglione, B 4791.18, and 4803.2 — Vita di Molza. See Molza, F. SI 4803.3 Seroambi, or Ser Cambio, G. Sec Cambi, G, Serenius, J. English and Swedish dictionary. Significations in Swedish aud Latin. 2d ed. Nykopiug, 1757. 4** **2890.16 Serenus, a. S. Vita ex P. Crinito; Fragmenta. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.191.9 Serfdom. Abhandlungen von Kauern und deren" Frohndiensten. Handschild, J. L 4296.16 Serqardi, L. Satyrae. [Vol. 4. Orationes, disser- taliones, prolusiones, epistoIiE,cum J.Mabil- louio epistolarumeommercium.] Lucie, 1763. 4v. 8° 4S09.4 — [Satire di Quinto Settano recate in versi Ita- liani da M. Missirini.] Ed. 2a. Firenze, 1835, 12° **4773.16 — Satira. [Raccolta di poesie satlriche] . , , . 4808.9 — De tota Graeculorum liujus aetatis literatura sermones. Post ed. HagEe-Comitum sextam editio prima, Augusta; Vind., 1704. pp. 1)6. 8° 4938.14 Sergeant, J. Select speeches. Philadelphia, 1S32. S'* 2393.3 — Speech on the sub-treasury bill, delivered in the house of representatives, June 24, 1840. Washington, 1840. 8" *Pph.v,3g2 Sergeant, T. National judiciary powers exer- cised in the United States prior to the adop- tion of the present federal constitution. See Du Ponceau, P. S 4295.3 SERI3IAN, or Sceriman, Z. [Viaggi di Enrico AVan- ton alle terre delle Scimie e de' Cinocefali.] Berna [Venezia], 17G4. 4v. 16" 4199a. 2 Serious address to the common people on account of the late insurrection at Hexham, March 9, 1701. Newcastle, 1701. 12" *Pph.v.305 Serment, J. H. Sur une gravure [representant des ntgres fugitifs poursuivis par les chiens dea planteurs] stances, Paris, 1865. pp. 32. 8^4350a.92 Sermini, G. Novelle. [Raccolta di novellieri ital- iani,v. 2] 2773.14 Sermon to contrabands. [No title-page.] 8*. . . 431U.41 EERM0XE3 570 SETHOS Skrmoxks quadrafre.sjmales Thezauri boui. Arge- tine, H.Ni. f». [Black letter] *B.140.11 Skemons by Wesleyan-melliodist minister.s. Wes- Icyan pulpit, lSoO-0:>, 55, 50. London, l&jO- 5i). Uv. li',= 5H-t.24 StRiioxs on Christ's love to good persons, and on doiug all things in the u;inie of the Lord Je- sus. Alnwick, u.d. [No titlc-pii<:;e.] V^". *rph.v.3G5 Sermons on important subjicts. By several minis- ters of the Wesleyan-methodit-t connexion. London, 1632. b" 5442.14 C'yutfnts. — Love to the Scriptures, by J, Townlcy; Ancient piety, by J. Sutulill^; The reccplion of tlio Gospel «t Berea, by T. Gnllnnd; The miracles of Chri§t, by K. Watson; Our atrength is renewed by wailing npon the LortI, by J Kdmoudson; The Chnsliun nut subject to the litw of sin and death, by J. Burdsall; Christian unity, by W. France; The importance of Christian commuuiou, by I). I^auc; Evangelical con- niBtcncy, by K. Trcftry ; Divine providence, by T. Lessey ; Jacob's return from Frtclan-Arnni, by T. Jack- ion; Attention lo the word of God, by S. Jackson; Secret things and things revealed, by W, P. Burgtas; TliB form of sound words, by James Bromley; The voice of blood, ns heard from the vietim on tlte ChriH- tian nltur, by J. liverptt; Divine providence a moral discipline, by F. A. Went; The puwer of the Oospfl, by K. Alder; Christian vigilauec, by T. H. Walker; Od sucking the things above, by J. Ucuumoni; Nodh'i fuilh, by P. M'Owuc. Sermons. Collections. Coquerel, A. L. C. Ser- mons C002.13 — Dibdiu, T. F. Sunday library 54H.23 — Farley, S. Uist-ourses on theological and speculative topics GnG2.2t — Freeman,.!. Sermons on particular i>ccasions. 5443.19 — K'-nip, J, Sermons 5444.10 — Latlirop, J. Sermons 5445.10,17 — ilorehead, R. Discourses on the principles of religious belief 5444.2 — Ncale, J. 5L Mediieval preachers and medi- icvul preaching 5444.11 — One hundred skeletons and sketches of . . , 5444. -'5 — I'arker, T. Occasional sermons 44U7.15 — Patrick, S. Sermnns upon contentment and resignation; also, on the miuistratiou of an- gels 5443,18 — Peabody, A. P. Sei-mous designed to comfort theaniicied 5443.21 — - Sermous for children 5o4Uu.20 — Saurin, J. Sermons 5443.10 — Seed, J. Sermons 5444.4 — Smithson, W. T. The methodist pulpit South. 5442. 13 — Spring, G. Pulpit ministrations; or. Sabbath readings 5442.5 — Stone, T. T. Sermons ^'MV^.■^^ — Theremin, L. F. F. Das Kreuz Chri.sti . . . 5443.26 — Trapp, J. Preservative against unsettled no- tions, and want of principles in religion . . 6443.14 — Watson, A. Sermons by bishops and other clergy of tlie church 5412.9 — ZoUikofer, G. .1. Predigleu 6442.22 — Wesleyuu pulpit • .... 6442,8 Kote. — For tbo annual Convention aermons In Mnesa* cbuaeitR. aco Holyokc, £., ];41; Clark, 1'., 1745; I'Uil- ll)jit, 8., 17^3; Uarnurd, E.,1773;I'orboti, 1-:., 17'Jt); Dana, J., ISU; Emmoni, N., 1804; Lymao, J.. IfiOO; Heed, J., IWi; ChniillH, P.. 1H08; Porter, E., 1810; Puller, U., 1611 ; Siwim«. C, J8I5; Chuniilnp, W. E., 181(1; Ware, H.. 181H; Uniicrua, A., IH'M; ParUh, E., IS'JI ; WoudH, L.,l8:f3; Abboll, A., lHl'7: Cudmati, J., IKll ; lIojikliiR, M., IM6: Untvun, A., I»-I8; Adania, N.. I8IU; Park, E. A., IthM; Todd, J., IH&'j; Ellla. (I. E., 18A8. l>or tlio flimual Klvelloii tennonti, see Cooper, 8., I'fiJ; Pirmberton, V... 17u7: Hievunit, li., 17111 ; Uuriinrd,T.,17ii3; Tnmor, C, 1773; Htlllnmo, U., 1770; Aduma, Z., 1782; i-umlitKii,ll.,l78:i; I.yiuun, J., 1787 ; ItobbluN, C, 17DI ; Parker, 8., l"«t; Deano, 8., J7U4 ; FoIjcb, P., 17W; Prrnrh, J., MM; Mcllen. J.. 17)17: Enimuns, N., 17II8{ Culttn, P., liin*; McKeen, J., I8tl0; Jlaiiemft, A., ]8))1 ; llnldwln.T., IKU; Puller, It., tMi:!; Kcudal, H., 1KU4; Allyii, J.. iHitt; Bltei'nnl.tt.. IHXi, Bfutl.y, W., ItHii ; Allen, T., IWW; 0«»Kood. D., iNi.f; TliHclier, T., IMl; Fualar, E., 1812; Allvn. W., IM-I; Applulon.J., Ibl-li Shelf. No. Sermons, rnutinved. Flint, J.. ISlii; Kiiklund, J. T., imC; Snell. T., T*!?; Moove, 2. S., 1818; Knton. P., 1819; .Tcnks, W., I8:iO; Ware, H., 1821; Huntinptton, D.. 1822; Thayer, N., 1823; Sharp, D., 1824; Sprapue, W. B., IWr.; Dewey, O., 18L'U: Stuart, M., 1827 ; Walker, J., Ifi28; Fiskc, W., 182;); Channiue, W. E., 1*10; Dean, P., 1832; Penbody, W. B. O., 183;); Veoniuns, J. W., ISM; Wninwright, J. M., IS'W; Biyelow, A., ISytJ; Dana, U., 18:17; Storra, It. 6., I8.'t8: Hopkins. M., 1839; Codman, J., 1840; Damou, I>., 1S41; Gamietl, E. S., 1842; Jaeksnii, S. C, 1843; Chapiii. E. 11., 1844; Braman, M. P., 1845; Putuam, G., 184(i; Bisbee. J. 11., 1847; Vinton, A. H., 1848; Pierce, J., 1849; Hinhcock, E., 180U; Park, E. A., 1851; Nealo, It H.,lt;52; Wulcott.S., 1853; Havmond.M., 1854; Loth- rojj, 3. K., 1855; Seeley, U. H., 1850; Pike, J., 1857; Huntinpton.r.D., 1858; Anderson, T. D., 18G0; Phelps, A., 1801 ; Alger, W. K., l^-J, Walker, J., 1863; Stenrne, W. A., l£(>4; t>toue, A. 1^ 1865. Sue oUo, Uomileiics, Preachers. Serous membrane, Morbid anatomy of the. Hodg- kiu, T 3742. Serkadifai.co, D. Lo F. Pietrasanta, duca di. Le antichila della Siciha. Palermo, 1634-42. 5v. f° *4750,G — Del ilvomo di Jlunreale e di altre chiese siculo- noriuanne. X'ali'rmo. I83a. f° *S100.4 Serkao, F., £loge de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. Giluvres, V. 3J 3720.11 Serrakhs, N. Triliffii'oseum, sea de celeberrimis tribus apud Judicos sect is; Miner\ al, J, Scaligero et J. Drusio depensum ; Kabbiui et llerudes, sen de tota Kabbmuium gente, etc. libri tres. 6'ee Tri^land, J (5073.14 Serr£, A. Livre utile aux ne-gocians de I'Kurope; coutenant latUtorie du change, [eic.J. I'uns, 1775. 12° 3084.27 Sekvan de Sugny, t. Lamuse ottomane ou chefs- d'ceuvre de la poesie tuique. Trad, eu vers fraiif.is. Paris, ^^j.i. l.b' 4240.12 Sekvetl's, JI. Christianismi restitvtio, 15J3. [^iu- reinberg, 17yu.] b" *0U30.12, 13 — Dialogurvm de trinitate libri dvo; De jvstlciu regiii (Jhristi capitula quatuor. n. p., liJ32. BUi.r. [Ms.] *C030.7 — Servet uud seine Vurgiiiiger. [Treclisel. Die prutestantischen Antitnuitaiiir, v. IJ . . , (J03$.0 Servi, J. de'. Canzone pasioiale. [l-'errario. Po- esie jiastoralij 4808.11 Servia. llhtitry. — Denton, W. Servia and the Servians .... 2S04.18 — Uanke, L. Serbische Kevolutiou 4210.20 Lavgiuige. — Frolilich, K. A. TaschenGiamraatik der ser- bischen Spraclie 28s0.ll — Jordan, J. 1*. Granimatik der wendisch-ser- bischen Spiache in der Oberlausitz 4123.0 — Karigllch, V. ti. Kleine serbitchcGrammatik. 4>.-60.(> — - Serbisch-deutsch-l.iteinisches Wortcrbucli . 4114.2 — Safafik, P. J. Scrbische Lesckoruer 42:j0.16 Literature. — FrankI, L. A. Scrbische Nationalliedcr . . . 4223.28 — Gerhard, W. Scrbische Volkslicder uud H el- deiimiihrchen 4223.12 — Kapper, S. Die Gesiiiige durSerbeu 3037.20 — Karajitch, V. S. [Servian national songs, In Servian] 4223. U — Marlto Kraljevits. Scrbische Ueldensage . . 2870.8 — Koliinson, T. A. L. v. J. Volkslieder der Ser- ben 4223.17 — ttubbotic, J. GrundzUge aua der Geschichtc der serbischen Lileratur 2870*35 — Tehuikovitch Tchuhar. Volkslietler der Mon- tfBegriniT und Ilir/egnwiiun r Si-rben . . 4223.0, 10 SEUVlTUiMi:, Dis.-crlatitni (til. ^aw\ei-, L. A. . . 3573.38 SE-iTlNl, It. Lu pia de' Tulunu'i, U'ggeiuhi roman- llca, in oliava rima. [Grossl. Fiorilcgiu dl n<>\ t-IU- runianliclie] 4706. 1* Sktuo.s, Llle of. ittTcnasaon, J 47u?.d SKTON-KAItll 571 SEWARD Shelf. No. Spiton-Kaur, vr. S. Splections from fnlcuttn ga- zettes of the years 17M»-y7, Vol. '2. Cal- cutln, Ks(p5. 8° *50U.4 Skttano, Q., psinid. Sve Serptrrli, L. Seumk, J. G. (iesaminelte scliriltfii. Hcrnusge- gfbcn von J. 1'. Ziinraermaiui. Wiesbaden, 18:iy-20. 5v. b* 4908.11 Contents. — Vol. I. Elofiro NaclirlchK'n Uher OIc Vor- nillc In Polon im Jiihr 17'M; Ucbcr duB l.t-bcn uiid den Clinriikterdvr Kuiaorinvoii Kusflimd Kntliarinn II ; /wcl Bi-k'fo Ubcr die m-uesteu Vcrtinderungfn lu Uusslimd ■Pit derTIinmbMtfipune I'uuls dcB Kislcn; liudc dc» rb)lii(iii.'r.4 Patrukles in Athcn.nUniiclt dor Mclilncht bcl Lcukira di<> Tlu-brtner die SpHriantT hurt bcdriingten; Vlv UvlHtieruiig, ErolKTiiiipmid ZorstiimnB von I'liuiiii, au» dcr Gesvlili'litc dcs iH-lo)ionnev vita ]1. Miii-tini )lbcr; Epifitola"; Dinlopi tre«i; Temprmim ratio, Siicru: bistorio; Sulpicii el rcliiiuis ojmmjiilis ac- ooiiiodiita. — Opera omnia, cum notis J. Vorstii et .t. Clerici. Lip.siie, 1709, sm.8° *n. 127.5 CoH(cH(s. — Vol. I. Ilistoriic sncvro lib. II; De B. Martini vita liber; Ei)lRtoli» III ad Eusebium presby- terum, ad Auvuliuni diiiconum, nd Buesulam Hocrum Buam; Dialo^i trva: De virtutibns inunaclioruni orienta- lliim; Dc vii-tutibiia U. Martini; V. Giselinl cUrouo- logln; Epibtoliu vit. — Sncrse historic libri duo; De vita B. Martini li- ber; EpistoL-e; Dialogi; Chronologia. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 0] B.110.2 Severus Sanctus. De mortibus bourn carmen; Cum notis J. M'eitzii, W. Seberi, et J. C. Wernsdorfii. Ed. J. A. Giles. Londini, 1NJ8. pp. (18, 8° B. 177. 13 — Carmen bui-olicum de mortibus bourn sive de efJii'at-ia si'.,'ni crucis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 0] B.110.2 Sevey, K., Trial of,for a libel on S. D. Greene. See Moore, C. W 5086.6 Sewage, Sanitary management and utilisation of. Menzies, W 3942.17 Sewall, E.Q. Sermon at the interment of Rev. H. G. O. Phipps. Hingliam, 1842, b" . . *Fph.v.378 Sewall, H., Sermon on tlie death of. See Ma- ther, C 3458.101 Sewall, U, IC. Ancient dominions of Maine. Bath, 1859. h" 2339.10 Sewall, Samuel E., and Andrew, J. A. Argument on behalf of T. Hyatt, on charge of contempt for refusing to ajipear as a wituess before the Harper's ferry committee, n. p., n. d. 8° . 4390a. 10 Sewall, Stephen. [Hebrew-grammar, collected from those of I. Lyons and R. Grey. With a praxis, etc.] Boston, 1703. 8° 5434.4 Seward, W. H. California, union and freedom: speech in the senate, Blarch 11, 1850. Wath- iiigton, 1850. [No title-page.] 8' 0087.117 — - Same. Boston, 1850. 8" Oua7.1l7 — The continental rights and relations of our country: speech, Jan. 2G, 1853, Wasliington, 1853. [No title-page.] 8°. . . 4400a. 1, and 6087.117 — Destiny of America: speech at the di-dication of Capital university, at Columbus, O., Sept. 14,1^53. Auburn, 1853. S" . 4:i55.80, and B.170a.35 — Freedom and public faith : speeches in the sen- ate, Feb. 17, and May 20, l8o4,on the abroga- tion of the Missouri compromise. Washing- ton, 1S54. 8' 0087.117 — Freedom in Kansas: speech March 3, 1858. Washington, 1858. 8" 4310.8, and G087. 117 — Incidental remarks relative to grants of lands to Hungarian exiles, etc., Jan. 30, 1850. AVashington, 1850. 8° 4393.6 — The North American fisheries: speech in the senate, Aug. 14, 1852. Washington, 1852. 8°. 4393.5 — Oration at Plymouth, Dec. 21, 1855. Washing- ton, 1S5G. [No title-page.] 8" B. 170a. 43 — - Same. Albany, 185(j. 8". . 4355.68, and B.irua. 44 — The relative powers of the senate and house of representatives : speech, Feb. 7, 1856. Wash- ington, [1850. No title-page.] 8^ 6087.117 — Restoration of union: speech, Feb. 22, 1800. Washington, 180G. 8* 4393.3 — The right of petition. Remarks of Messrs. Sewarrl, Hale, and Chase. Washington, 1850. 8" 6087.114 — Speech for the Collins steamers, April 27, 1852. Washington, 1852. [No title-page.] S'' . . 439t.5 — Speech for the immediate admissimi of Kansas into the union, April 9,1850. Washington, [1850. No title-page.] 8" 4310.8 — - Same. New York, [IS56. No tltle-pnt'O.] 8*. fiUft7.2tf SEWARD 572 SHAKESPEARE Shelf. No. Seward, W. H., continued. — Speech in the senate against the armed inter- veutiou of Russia in the liuug:ariaii revohi- tion. [Washington, 1S52. Xo title-page J. 8" 60S7.117 — - Same. 3d cd. Washint^ton, 1853. 8*. .6087.117 — Speech in the senate on the Central American question, Jan. 31, ISoG. Washington, [1850. No title-page.] S' 0087.117 — Speech in the senate on the Kansas and Ne- braska bill, 3Iayyo, 1854. [Washington], n. d. [No title-page.] 8° 4310.8, and 0087.117 — Speech on the claims of American merchants for indemnities for French spoliations, Jan. 21,1851. [No title-page.] 8" 4393.5 — Speech on the claims of the officers of the revo- lutionary army, Jan. 5, 1857. Washington, 1S57. 8° . . 6087.117 — Speeches at Albany and Buffalo, Oct., 1855. Washington, 1S55. S" 6087.8 — State of the country: speech in the senate, Feb. 29, 18G0. n. p., n. d. [No title-page]. 8° '..... 4306a.46 — The true greatness of our country: discourse at Kaltiraore, Dec. 22, 1848. Washington, 1848. 8° 4393.5 — The union : speech in the senate, Jan. 12, 1861. [Washington, 1861. No title-page.] 8' . . 4340a. 46 — The usurpations of slavery : s[-eech in the sen- ate, Feb. 23, 1855, on the bill to protect offi- cers of the United States. Washington, 1855. [No title-page.] 8' 6087.117 — Welcome to Kossuth: speeches in the senate. Washington, 1851. 8'* 6087.117 — The whale tishery, and American commerce in the Taciiic ocgan: speech, July 29, 1852. Wasbint,'tou,1852. [No title-page.] 8". . .6087.117 — Review of his diplomacy. SeeKeed, W. B. . 3635.10 Sewel, W. Dictionary, English and Dutch, Added, a grammar for both languages. Amsterdam, 17u8. 2v.ini. sm.4'' *4U4.17 Sewell, R. Practice under the pension, bounty, and prize laws of the United States. New York, 1864. 8' 3035.11 Sewing machine, The; its history, construction, and application. Uevzberg, R 4010.13 Sexes, True relation of the. Ware, J 5796.81 Sexstetter, A. Heytriige zur biihmisch- und miihrischenBriiderhistorie. I'rag, 1781. f°. 0059.7 Sextus Empiricus. Opera, Gra-ceet Latinvj. Cum vers. II. Stephnni et G. llerveti, Nofas addidit J. A. X-'abricius. LIpyix, 1718. I". *4200.3 — [Opera Grscce] ex recensione I.Bukkeri. Bero- lini. 1842. S' ♦4205.5 — In Sextum Scepticum coranifutatio. Ilentsch, H. G 0059.29 Examen rationvm a Sexto Emph-ico tain ad propvgnandum qvam impvgnandam Dei ex- istcntium coUectarvm. A'ce Weiheiimajer, J. F 4103.22 Sextus Rufus, the historian. Breviarium, sivede victoriiH ct provincila populi Romaui. See Eutropius B,178.5 — - Same. [Fiedler. Scriptores hlstoriw Ro- mans] B.177.7 _ Same. [IliHtoria; Romana: scriptores, v. 1]. 4240.3 - Same. [Uistoriic Romano: Kcriptores mi- noreHj 2020.14 SeYDKL, F. S. Nachrichten liber vaterliiudlwche Festungcn und Febtungskriege. Leipzig, 181H-24. 4v. 8" 2819.0 8EYrFAKTil, 1?, Si King Kleliard ill; King Henry Vin. VI. King Lear; 'I'hnon of Athens; Tiliis Andro- nleus; Maebuth ; Corloliinua. VII. JuIIuh Cwsar; Antony and Cleopntra; Cymbellnu ; Trollus nn«rt of King Henry the sixt; The life and death of Richard the third; The life of King Henrj- the eight; Trngtdies: The tragedy ufCoriolunus; Titus Audronicus; Romeo and Juliet; Timun of Athens; The life and death of Julius Civsar; 'Ihe ti-ngedy of Macbeth; The tragedy of Hamlet; King Lcnr; Uihello, the nioore of Venice; Anthony and Cleopaler; Cymbe- line, king of Brituiue. — CEuvres completes. Traduction de M. Guizot. Paris, ]80U-G:i. 8v. b" ' 2594.4 Contents. — Vol.1. Vie de Shnkspenre ; Hamlet; La tenijifite; Coiiolan. II. Jules Ci-sur; Cleoiarrc; Mac- beth ; Les meprises; Beauconp de bruit poiir rien. HI. Tinion d" Athenes ; Le jour dca rols, ou co quo vous vou- drez; Lea deux gentilshonimes dc Verone; Itomeo et Juliette ; Lesonged'unenuild'cte ; Tout est bien qui flint bien. IV. Mcsure pour mesurc; Othello ou le more de Venise; Comme il vous plaira ; Le conted'hiver ; TiVilus el Cressida. V. Le rui Lear; Cymbi-liiie; La mC-dninie femme mise d la ruison; I'l-ines d'amour perdnes; Pericles. VI. Le marchond dc Venise; Les joycuscs bourgeoises dc Windsor; Le rui Jean; La vie el la nnjrt du roi Ricliiird II; Henri IV (le jiartie). VII. Henri IV (lie panic); Henri V; Henri vi (le-3e parties). VIII. La vie et la mort du rni Richard til ; Le rui Henri Yin ; Titna Andronicus; Pocnies ct eonnets: Veniia et Adonis ; La tnorte dc Lucreee ; La i)luinte d'une aniante ; Le jielerin amoureux; Sonnets. — Dramatische Werke Ubersetzt von A. W. von Sciilegel und L. Tieck. Gle Ausg. lierlin, l!5(W, IH. 7v. 8m.8° 4599.4 ConUntg. — Vol. L Ki^nig Johann ; K<)nig Richard cler Zwelte; Kilnig Iteinrich der Vlerte, Krsler Theil. II. KOnlg ll.tnrich der Vlerte, Zw.-iterTluil ; Kiinig iltdn- rich der I-'iiiiftc; Ki>nlg Helnrieh der Sechsle, Krvter Thell. in. KOnlg HelnrUh der Seehstc, Zwelter, Drltler Theil; Kiinig Utchard der Dritte. IV. Kiinlg Hi-inrleh derAthte; Romeo und Julia; Kin Sonuncr- nacht«tnmm. V. .Julius Ciisar; Was Ihrwullt; Der Sturm. VL Hamlet, I'rinz v»n DUni-nnirk; Uer Kanf- munn vonVenediR; Wlceseuch gefiillt. VII. Der Wl- derapcnatlgen /iihmting; Viel Liirincn uni Xichts; UIb Coiui>dle der Irrungen. — Bailey, S. Received text and ityimprovemcnt.s. 2594.5 — Bottn, H. G. Bil)llographiciil account of the works of 2153.8 — Campbell,.). SlHikcspoare's Icg^alucquiremeuts considered 2608.21 — Clarke, C. C. Slinkcspeure-characters; ciiiefly those Bubordlnale 2593.11 — Collier, .1. 1*. I.'eply to Ilainilton's inquiry into the Sliakewjjeure fur;,'erieB 2593.6 — GervlnuN, G. G, Studlen Ul)er 2094.7 — - Shakespeare commentaries 2593.10 — II;i<'ki-tt..).II. ShiikeHpeare'nphiyxand actors. 2690.25 — iltiiiiiU'JU, N. Vj. S. A. (ienuineness of the niauuHcrlpt corrcctlouii in Collier'^ aunotated folio of 1032 2503.4,5 Shelf. No. Shakespkare, 'W., continued, — Hardy, T. D. Review of the Shakespearian controversy 2593.7 — Hoe, \y. Shakspere treasury of subject quota- tions . 4509.21 — Hugo. M. V. Shakespeare 2.V.»:j.8 — Ingleby, C. M. Shakspeare fabrications . . . 2598.27 — Lennox, C. R. Shakespcar illustrated . . . . 2ij9s.'j5 — Lennox, J. Collation of the folio editions . . 4590.10 — Meziures, A. Shakspeare, ses ccuvres et sea critiques 259(i.!4 — Morgan, A. A. The mind of 2598.23 — Powuall, A. Shakspere weighed in aw even balance 459S.5 — Quincy, J. P. Manuscript corrections from a copy of the fourth folio of Shakespeare's plays 4595.2 — Shakespeare jest-books. [Hazlitt. Old Eng- lish jest-books] 4599.8 — Theobald, L. Sliakespeare restored: or, the errors of Mr. I'ope's edition 4501.2 — Walker, W. S. Examination of tlie te.Kt of . . 2098.21 — Wiseman, N. W.Shakespeare: a leeture . . 4599.40 — Wordsworth. C. Shakspenre's knowledge and use of the Bible 2596.23 — Hamlet. Collated with the old and modern editions. [By C. Jennens.] London, 1773. 8° V. 1 of 2596.16 — - Trngicall historic of Hamlet. [A litho- graphic facsimile of the Hrst edition mide at the expense of the duke of Devonshire, lt5',i]. London, IC.Ol. sni.l' *A— — - Hamlet, 1(103, WiOl. Keprints of 1st and 2d editions, on opposite pages, liibliogrnptiical preface by S. Tinimins. London, 18>iU. 8" . 2593.3 — - J-anie. With notes, extracts from the old * Historie of Haniblet,* etc. By J. Hunter. London, I8I15. 12" 3599.39 — - Some remarks on the tragedy of Hamlet. London, 1730. [lieprinted 1801]'. pp.52. 10°. 4599.13 — Julius Ca'sar. Collated with the olii and mod- ern editions. [By C. .lennens.] Loudon, 1774. b" V. 2 of 2590. 10 — - Same. With introductory remarks, notes, [etc.], by . I. Hunter. London, KS(il. r.i" , . 4599.12 — King Henry vi., Essay on the authorship of the three parts of. 5(;(^ Wliite. U. (; 2501.9 — Kiut,'Lcar. A tragedy. Collated with the old and modern eihtions. [By C. Jennens.] London, 1770. 8° v. 1 of 2506. 10 — - S:inie. With notes by J. Hunter. London, 1805. 12° 4599.0 — Macbeth. Collated witli the old and modern editions. [By C. Jennens.] London, 1773. S° V. 2 of 2596. 16 — Merchant of Venice; witli Introductory re- marks, [etc.], by J. Hunter. Loudon, 1801. 12" 2598.33 — Othello. CoUated with the old and modern editions. [By C. Jennens.] London, 1773. 8" V. 2 of 2596.16 — - Same. Uebersetzt v. .1. H. Vosa. Jena, isoii. 10° 2593.20 — Pericles, prince of Tyre. [Bell. Briti.sh the- atre, v. 29] 4179a. 1 — Tempest. With glossarial and explimatory notes by J. M. Jephson. London, 1804. 24'. 4500.25 — TitiiH Audronicus. Traganlia von Tito Andron- ico, und tier holVertigen IvUyscrin, [TIeck, Deutsches Theater, V. IJ 2878.5 — Poeth'al works, with lile. [Anderson. Poets ofGrcatBrilain, v. 2] 4C04.1 CtniUnt^. — Vcnuinnd Adonln; Tnrfiuln and Lucroca; Souiicti; I'aBiIonata idtgrlin; Lover'i oomiilaiut. — Sonnets, with introductory and explanatory notes. London, Ih69. 12° 2008.28 SHAKESPKARE 575 SHEA malt. No. SlIAKKSPKARK, W., covlilltierl. — Soniipts, [Kiiv.) with] A loiiovs oomphiint; re- produced by |)liotc>-zincogra]iliy. l.,oii(lmi, 18(W. 4',' leaves. ,«m.4'' 2597.39 — Bnrnstortr, 1>. ScIilUsselzu Slmkopeure'sSon- '"'"<'ii 2598 31 — Ilitcluock, K. A. liemnrks on the sonnets of Shakespeare 4505.9 — A brief guide to the gardens of Shakespeare, and a pro.spectus of the Shakespeare fund. n. p., isia. pp. in. 12° 4599a. 4 — Jleniorials of Sluike.speare : [his] will, the in- dentures of conveyjince and mortgage of [his] house in ISIackfriars [photo-lilhogr.iphed], and photograplisof the Uroeshont and Chan- dos portraits. With annotations by H. Staunton. London, [IMHJ. 1° »J590.1 — [Ollieial programme of tlie tercentenary festi- val of the birth of Shakespeare, at Slralford- npon-Avon, April 23, ISCH.J London, 1S04. PP- W'. 12° 4598.21 — Sli:ckes])eare gallery; a reproduction in eom- nienioratiou of the tercentenary anniversary of the poet's birth. [By S. Ayling.] Lon- don, ISIH. sni.4° 2590.21 — Shakespeare illustrated by an assemblage of portraits and views. London, 1793. 2v. S°.*259S.I5 — Shakspeare memorial. Londou, 18()4. pp. 48. f ° **2590.7 — Friswell, J. H. Life portraitsof 4698.3 — Fullom, S. W. History of 4598.2 — Hunter, K. E. Shakespeare and Stratford- upou-.\von 4599.5 — Kenny, T. Life and genius of 4.)9S.1 — May, G. nirlh-towa of 447iia.lO — Neil, S. Shakespere ; a critical biography . . 2598.29 — Tercentenary celeliration of the birth of. Sec New Enghiiul hi>toric-genealogical society . 4594,1 — AVise, J. K. Shakespeare: his birthplace and its neighborhood 2598.22 Sham.wism. Observations sur quelques points de la doctrine samiineenne. Keinusat, J. P. A. 6025.18 SHAM-1'ATliiOT, The, unmasked. 5th ed. Haver- hdl, 1803. pp.43. 8° 4.329.14 SHASGiiAi. ^orth-China branch of the Koyal ast- atic society. Journal, Mo. 1-3. Shanghai, 1859. 3v. 8° 6019.1 Kol«. — Originally published as tlie Journal of tho Shanghai literary ah■■ <*" 3052.10 Sharpk, T. B. Sharpe's London magazine. Vol. 1-16; new series, v. 1-5, 7-11, 13-21), 20. Lon- don, 1840-04. 34v. 8° »3102.1 SnARRiicK, R. De officiis secundum jus natura; illust. opera Iteyheri. Gotha, 1007. 6tn.l2°. 0009a. 19 Shattuck, G. C. Address at the annual com- mencement of the medical school of Har- vard university, March 6, 1801. Boston, ISOl. *° 4387.14 — Diseonrse on the detith of. 5(!e Bartol, C. A. . 5440a.20 SHATTLicii, L. (-'ontributions to the vital statistics of the stale of New York. New Vork, u. d. pp. 28. 8° 6790.20 — Vital statistics of Boston, for the last 29 years, and a view of other periods. Boston, 1841. PP- ^5- S° 5700.20 — - Same. Philadelphia, 1S41. pp. 35. 8° . . 0340a. 3 — Report of a committee appointed to obtain the census, 1845. Sec Boston 6.368.7 SHAW, Charles B. [Is slavery a blessing? Reply to Prof. Bledsoe's Essay on liberty and slav- ery, etc.]. Boston, 1857. 8° 5572.43 Shaw, Cuthbert. Miscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. II] . 4004.1 Shaw, D. B., Sermon upon the death of. See Walker, H. D 4347.98 Shaw, J. B. The missionary a witness for Christ. A discourse in behalf of the American home missionary society. May, 1668. New York, 1858. 8° Shaw, Lemuel. Address delivered at the opening of the new court house in Worcester, Sept. 30, 1843. Worcester, 1845. 8° . . . . — A charge delivered to the grand jury for the county of Essex, at the supreme judicial court held at Ipswich, Mtty term, 18'I2. Bos- ton, 18^12. f>° — Discourse delivered before the Humane society of JIassachusetts, June 11, 1811. Boston isll. 8° — Oration delivered at Boston, July 4, 1815. Bos- ton, 1815. 8° 4.394.60 Shaw, Linus H. The war, and its cause. Sermon preached Nov. 21, 1801. Waltham, IsOI. S° 4340a. 80 Shaw, Samuel. Works. 1st Am. ed. Boston IS^'l. •■iy- 12° ' 6073.16 Coil(en(8. — Vol.1. Memoirs ; Preface ; Sermons; Im- manuel, OF a discovery of true religion ; Communioa with the Petty, il. True Christian's test. Shaw, Stebbing. Tour to the west of England. [Mavor. British tourists, v. 4J 2409.22 Shaw, T. Voyage daus la regenee d'Alger. Tr, par J. MacCarthy. Paris, 1830. 2v. in 1. 10°. 3059.31 Shaw, W. Discourse, delivered at l^lymouth, July 14, 1799, alter the death of C. Bobbins. Bos- ton, 1799. 8° 4347.95 Shea, J. G. Bibliographical account of catholic bibles, printed in the United States. New York, 1859. pp.43. 12° •2181.11 5638.5 4358.9 6646.18 4394.70 SHEA 576 SHEEWIN Sbelf. No. Shea, J. G., continued. — Library of American linguistics. New York, 18(U, 02. 7v. S°. Xiimely ■• — - II. Mengiirini.G. GraramaticalinguseSel- ica; 2366.42 — - II r. Smitli, B. Grammatical sketch of the Heve language 2366.45 — - IV. Arroyo de la Cuesta, F. Gramatica mutsun • 2366.44 _ V. Arte de la lengua nevome, que se dice pima 2366.49 _ VI. Pandosy.M.C. Grammar and diction- ary of the Yakama language 2360.46 — - VII. Sitjar, B. Vocabulario de la lengua de los niiturales de la niision de San Antonio, Alta California 2366.48 — - VIII. Arroyo de la Cuesta, F. Vocabulary of the Mutsun langua'je of Alta California . 2366.47 — Kelationssurlabatailledu Malangucule. Nou- velle York, 1860. K 4312.2 Shedd, W. G. T. Address before the literary so- cieties of Amherst college, Aug. 13, 1851. Northampton, 1851. 8° 4394.87 Discourse before the American education soci- ety, May 28, 1855. Boston, 1865. 8°. . v. 5 of »5175.3 — Discourse before the Congregational library association. May 25, 1858. Andover, 1858. 8» 4394.87 — Discourses and essays. Andover, 1862. 12° . 6509.4 — The guilt of the pagan. A sermon. Boston, 1804. 16° 6450a.59 — History of Christian doctrine. New Y'ork, 1863. 2v. 8° , . 3461.22 Nature and importance of a natural rhetoric: address, June 16, 1862. Auburn, 1852. 8° . 4394.87 6HEE, M. A. Life of .Sir M. A. Shee. By his son. London, 1860. 2v. 8° 2457.14 Sheep. Blucklock, A. Tre.atise on 4004.25 — Hubert, C. A. Wartung, Zucht,und Pflege der .Sclmfe *('W-20 — Martin, W.C.L. Sheep : our domestic breeds, and their treatment • • 4004.30 — Ruffin, baron von. Ueber hohcre Schafzucht. 4004.23 SIIEEP.SIIANKS, 'I'. Lecture at the first meeting of the Society for promoting religious and use- ful knowledge. Coventry, 18:15. 8° . . . ♦rph.v.385 SUKFriELD, J., duke of Bucldnrjham. Works. London, 1723. 2v. 4°. [22 leaves Ms]. . . *4171.6 Contents. — \e>\. I. Tho temple of denth ; Ode on love; Sonps and viTses; ■Iraiislnliwns; F:BBny on BUtire; EBsiiy onpoctrj'; Ode on nrntiis; The riiptnre; .Miseenunies; Trnged,v of Julina CtuBiir, altered; Tnigcdy of Mnrena Brutus. II. MemoirB, written by hiinaelf; Memoirs in the reign of Chiirles II ; Charaeter of ft tory, In nnswer to that of ft trimmer ; Charnctor of Charles II ; Charac- ter of the earl of Arllneton; Account of the revolution [Ms.]; Letter to Dr. Tlllotson; Speech in tho house of lords, for tho Idil touctilnp free and Impartial procced- liiffs in parliament ; .Speech, April 18. 1(195 ; OhsorvutUins on the statute of treasons, passed the 2,^th of Edward ill ; A feast of the Kiul8[.M8.]; Diaiogue between Augustus Cwsar and lliehelieu; Dialogue between Mahomet Htid the duke of Guise ; On .lulius Cffisar ; The story of Herod and Marc Antony; Observatious on tho first book of Tuliy'a letters to Attieus; Letter of Kpieurus to Mene- ceus; Essays: on friendship, on phiiosopliy. on vanity, on criticism, on autliors, oT vulgar errors; Letters to tho D — of Sh — i Letter to Mr. P— on tho late dispute about HoiDOr. — MiKCcllaneous poetical works, with life. [An- derson, rods of Great Britain, v. 7] . . . 4004.1 SlIEKKIl'.I.l), W. I". Conduct of tlie war. Speech ill the hoime of representatives, .Ian. 27, 1802. Wiishingloii, 18;'2. [No title-page.] 8° . . 4360a. 74 SiiEKFii;i,i), lord. See ilolroyd, .1. li. SiiEi'Kii'.i.ii family. Account of the pedigree of tho Sheineltl family. |pi). 31.'>-:|53 from vol. 2 of solii'' unknown work.] 8° 2436.20 Sheldon, L. H. Moral responsibility In respect to the fugitive Hiavo bill. A discourse. Ando- ver, ItOl. b' B.lOOtt.45 Shelf. NOto Shelpox, W. Brief account of the Caraibs. [Worcester. American antiquarian society. Collections, v. 1] 2311.1 Shelton, E. Diclionury of everyday difficulties in the English language. London, [1862]. p.8° 4686.21 Shelton, W. Necessity of morality among Chris- tians. London, 1667. sm.8° 5447.18 Shenandoah in isill, N.irr.ttive of the campaign in the valley of the. I'atterson, E 4321.30 Shenstone, W. Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. I'oets of Great Brit- ain, v. 9] 4604.1 Shepard, C. U. Address before the New Haven horticultural society, Sept. 25, 1838. New Haven, 1838. 8° 4393.34 — Syllabus to lectures on chemistry, Charleston, S. C, 1841. 8° 6973.3 — Report on the geological survey of Connecti- cut. See Connecticut 3867.10 Shepaiid, I. F. Poem at the festival of Leicester academy. 5cc Leicester, Mass 4387.52 Shepard, S. Sermon preached in the audience of C. Strong, governor, [etc.]. May 28, 1806, on the anniveraai'y election. Boston, 1800. 8°. ♦4356.8 Shepherd, G. The climate of England, its mete- orological character explained. Loudon, 1861. pp.05. 3 plates. Folded 4° 3001.19 Shepherd, W. Life of Poggio Bracciolini. Liv- erpool, 1837. 8° 2745.12 Sheppard, John. Memoir of Anne Steele. See Steele, A 6449.8 Sheppard, John H. Brief memoir of Winslow Lewis. Albany, N. Y., 1803. pp. 33. 8° . . 4394.20 Shebbukne, a. Memoirs of a pensioner of the navy of the revolution, by himself. Utica, 1828. 12° 2347.28 Sheridan, F. The discovery, com. [Bell. British theatre, v. 5] 4179a. 1 Sheridan, K. B. Speech at the trial of W. Hust- ings. See Bond, K. A 2672.5 — See Jones, J. British theatre, v. 5, 6 .... 4575.20 Ci»ucnt9. — Vol. V. The school for scandal, ft comedy ; Tho critic, a dramatic piece ; Tho rivals, a comedy; A trip to Scarborough, a comedy ftltered fl'Om Vanbruph'a Relapse, or virtue in danger. VI. Tho governess, a comic opera. Sheridan, Thomas, D. n., d. 1738. [The intelligen- cer.] London, 1729. 8° 2558.8 Sheridan, Thomas, so»i oftlicprecedinr/, b. 1720, rf. 1788. Lessons on elocution. Witliadditions by J.P.K. Henshiiw. Baltimore, [1834]. 12°. 6609.3 Sherikk. Das deutschc Schiillen-Gericht. Leue, F.G 4293.4 Sherman, Henry. Kossuth; a lecture, Feb. 10, 1852. Hartford, 1.S52. 8° 4840.8 Sherman, Henry B. [Tlie lofty and the lowly: a stTinon.] New York, 1845. 8° 0088.17 — Sermon iit the second centennial celebration at Woodbury, Conn. See Woodbury, Conn. . 4330.1 Sherman, James. Sermon, Nov. 9, ISSO. See Richardson, J. W 3618.19 Sherman, John. Speech on emancipation as n compensation for military service rendered by slaves. In the senate, Jan. 2, 1S04. Wash- ington, 1864. S° 4310.42 — llnilOrni national currency. Speedi In thesen- iite, l-'cb. 10, 181)3. [Washington, 1803. No tille-page.] 8° Sherman vs. Hood, — "A low tart, inclined tobc very sweet" — Something for Dougliis demo- crats to remember — An appeal to lilstory — Where governor Seymmirgot his " lessons" — On the Clilcago surrender. [No title-page. New York. Loyal publication society. No. 01.] pp.4. 8° SlIERWlN, T. Klemenlary I rejitlse on algebra. 7th ed. Boston, | LsllJ. 8° — Mathematical tables. See Miles, S. P 6046.20 4322.18 31136. 12 6U33.1 SUERWOOD 577 SICAUD Sholf. No. Sherwood, M. Jr. B. Chronology of nnoient his- tory. London, IWO. 8° 2230.24 — The cloak ; luldi-d, The quiltinjr [by E. Leslie]. London, n.d. pp. 7'J. 24° 4.570a. 35 — Life, with extracts from Mr. Slierwood's jour- nal. Edited by S. lielly. London, 1S53. 8°. 2547.21 Ship building. Sec Xaviil urcliitecture. Shipley, O. I'urgntory of prisoners : pnictical workinjj of peuiil reformation iu Ireland. Loudon, 1.S57. 8° 3575.32 Shipp, B. Progress of fVecdom; and other poems. Kew York, 1852. 12° 2397.18 Shipwrkck of tlie Antelope on the Pelew islands; with interesting particnliirs of Lee Boo, son of the Pelew king. Ixjndon, 1788. 8° . . . 3041!. IS SlIIPwnKCKS, Accounts of recent. See Steamboat disasters 4329.9 Shirlev, .1. The gamesters, altered by Garriek. (BelL British theatre, V. fi] , . . 4179a. 1 Shirley, W.alter W. Koyal and other historical letters illustrative of tlie reign of Ilcnry ill. Vol. 1. 1210-35. London, 1802. 1.8° [Great Britain. Kolls clironiclcs] *2424.10 Shirley, William. Letter to the duke of Newcastle, and journal oi the siege of Louisbourg, Oct. 28,1745. [No title-page.] pp.28. 8°. [Imper- fect] 4129.49 — Edward the black prince, or the battle of Poic- tiers.hist.trag. [Bell. British theatre, v. 9]. 4179a. 1 Shirreff, E. The chivalry of the South. London, 181)4. pp. 14. lfi° 4322.74 *' Short and easy method " with a late writer, arro- gating to himself the title of *' Orthodox clergyman." By an aged clergyman of Ma-s- sachusetts. Boston, 1813. pp.28. 8°. . . *4163.14 Short introduction to English grammar. London, 1780. pp. c;o. 10° 7109.5 Short introduction to Latin grammar. For the use of the university of Pennsylvania. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1783. 12° 49.39a. 50 — - .Same. 8th ed. Wilmington, 1804. 12°. .49.39a. 18 Short introduction to the Latin tongue. 3d ed. rhiladelphia, 1755. pp.51. sn).8° 4939a. 29 — - Same. 18th ed. Boston, 1785. sm.l2° . . 4939a. 27 Short Latin grammar : forming part of a system of cl.issical instruction on tlie plan of Locke, London, 1827. 12° 4937.10 Short system of polite learning ; being an introduc- tion to the arts and sciences. 0th ed. Lou- don, 1817. 24° 3939.21 Shrewsbury, earl of. See Talbot, B. A. Shropshire, Description of. West, W 2492.18 Shunk, F. R. Eulogy on Andrew Jackson, Harris- burg, 1845. See Dusenbery, B. M 2347.25 Shuuti.eff, N. B. I'roceedings at the consecration of the Cushman monument at Plymoutli, Sept. 16, 1858. Including the address and poem. Boston, 1859. pp. 90. 8° 2342.25 Shuttleworth, P. N. The consistency of revela- tion withitself and with humanreason. New ' York, 1832. 10° 3429.27 See Dibdin. Sunday library, v. 1, 4 5444.23 Content*.— yoi- I. Woo unto them that call evil pood, and good evil; Christ's yoke easy, and burden light: sermons. IV. Ueasonablencss and efficacy of prayer: a sermon. SlAM. Jones, J. T. Grammatical notices of Siamese. 3030.10 — Mouhot, A. II. Travels in, 1858-60 5010.1 — Pallegoix, D. J . B. Dictionarium linguae Tlial sive Siamensis 5030.2 SlBBv\LD, J. Chronicle of Scottish poetry from the 13th century to the union of the crowns. Ad- ded, a glossary. London, 1802. 4v. 8° . . 4175.16 Contenta. — Vol. I. Elegiac sonnet on the death of Alexander III; Extract from the nventurea of Sir Ouwnne ; Speech of itobcrt the Bruce before the battle of batinucltburn, from Harbour; Legend of St. .Serf, from Wynton's Chronicle; The King's Quair, and Song on absence, suitposed to have been composed by Jnnies 73 Shelf. No. SiBBALD, J., continvcd. I; The ITouIat, or datiprtM- of pridi;, liy Ilollnnd; Ac- count of tho pxfciitiun of 8ir W. Wallace, by Blind Hnrry; Robert Henryson'a fables Riid other poems; Peblis to tbeplny; Sir Penny, or thti powci- of money ; How D iiicrcluint bctray'd bis wife; Balndo of contrn- dictlons; Tlio three deJd polvis; Perell of imriimours, byMersar; Bnllaile ofcninHt deceitful women; Ballade ngainsl tho times; Tho niumlng maidin ; Poems by William Dunbar; Quintyiio Schaw's advice ton cour- tier; Kennedy and Dunbar's flyting; My gudamo was tt gay wife; Simmio and bia brother; Two pooms by Walter Kennedy; Poems by Johno Cleric; Sir James Inglis' General satire; Poems by Gawin Douglas. II. Poems by William Dunbar; Sons exylit throw pryde; Johne ITpon-land's complaint ; Poems by Stewart ; Few may fend for falset; Two poems by John Bellenden; Poems by SirDavid Lindsay ; Tho three priests of Peblis. probably by John Holland; James tho fifth's Christ's kirk on tho green ; The froirs of Berwick, thought to have been composed by Dund/ir; Poems by Alexander Barclay. III. Poems by Sir David Lindsay; Earl of Gloncaim's Epistle of the hermit of Loretto ; Pooras by Sir Richard Maitland; Poems by Alexander Scott; Damley's Ballnt ; Balnevis's Counsalc to Huntarts ; The banks of Helicon ; O lusty May ; Welcura to May ; Two poems by Ciapperton ; The lament of a poor court man ; The making of the Lairdis bed ; Ano aventuro on Wed- dinsday; Fethy's Luvar's lament; Sang aganis the ladies; Fleroyug's Ballat of evil wives; Ano de- scription of pedder colfois; A general satire; Of men evil to please; Counsel anent lending money; la praise of Sir Penny; The wooing of Jock and Jenny; T^vo poema by Wedderbume; John Rolhind's Seven eages ; The battle of Harlaw ; In commendation of Sir John Maitland; Tlio complaint of Scotland; Poems by Alexander Arbuthnot; Poems by Alexander Mont- gomerJe ; Poems by Alexander Hume ; Poems by Robert Semplo ; Nicol Bume's Address to the reforming ministers; John Burel'a Description of the queen's entry into Edinburgh, 1590; Poems by James vt ; Earl of Stirling's Parajnesis (abridged). IV. Observations on th-i origin of the terms Picti', Caledonii, and Scotti; Glossary, or explanation of ancieut Scottish words. SiBBEKN, F. C, Bidrag til at oplyse iiogle ontolo- giske Udtryk i Aristoteles's iletaphysik. [Diss, acad.] Ivjobenhavn, 1848. pp. 30. 4°. 4162.15 Siberia, Ehrenberg, C. G. Iiifusorien und ihre geograpbische Verbreitung besonders in Sibirlen 5892.4 — H.austeen,C. Reise-Erinnerungen ausSibiricn. 30G7.2 — Michie, A. Siberian overland route from Pe- king to Petersburg 5046.2 Pallas, P, S Icones insectorum Sibirije pecu- liarium 5892.2 — Piotrowski,R. Erlebnisse in, 184:j-46 .... 30G7.5 Sibley, H. H. Address before tbe Minnesota bis- torical society, at tbe sixth anniversary, Feb. 1, 1856. Saint Paul, 1850. 8"* 4376.18 SiBLT, E. New and complete illustration of astro- logy. London, 1784. Iv. in 2. 4° *5921.19 SiBOT. Frauenzucbt. [Hagen. Gesammtaben- teuer, v. 1] 2900.29 SiBRAND Leo. Vitre et res gestae abbatum in Lid- lum ab aede condita usque ad ann. Idrs. [Mat- tbjEi. Analecta, V. 0] 4139a. 1 Sibylline oracles. Sibyllina oracvla, renouata et illustrata a I. Opsopceo, cum interp. Lat. S. Castalionis. Parisiis, 1599. 8" *6071.18 — Oracula Sibyllina. Quotquot exstant recens., versione Germanica instruxit J.H.Friedlieb- Lipsiae, 1852. 8" 6071.17 — Sibyllarum oracula, cum fragmentis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 2] B. 110.2 — Sibyllinorum oraculorum, Gr. et Lat., libri octo. [Grynaeus. Mon. patr.] B. 141.3 SiCABD, C. See Paulus. Reisen in den Orient, v. 2,3 4243.5 Contents, — Vol. 11. Schreiben eineafiirGriechenlnnd beslimmten Missionnirs. III. Schreiben iiber Kairo, die WuBte Skete, daa Delta und Oberagyptcn. SiCARD, R. A.C. fclemens do grammaire gent-rale, appliques a la languefran^aise. 2e^d. Paris, l&ul. 2v. 8* 4688. 4 SICIIEL 578 SILESIA Shelf. Xo. SiCHEL, J. Tcono^^rnpln'e ophthalmologique, [avec] arias do 60 pi. col. Faii^, l^;■)2-^)l^. 2v. 4°. *3£00.4 Sicily, istavd oj\ and lingdom of the two Sicilies. Descj-iption. — Bnrtlett, W. n. rictures from Sicily .... 2rr>o.l7 — Cluvier, r, Sicilia antiqiia 473-5.5 — Gal.inti, G. 'M. Dcscrizionc geografica e poli- tica delle Sicilie 2705.12 — Honre, R. C. Classical tour throiiirli Sicily . 2705.10 — Luca, G. de. L'antico rcanie delle due Sicilie. '27'.i5.5 — Ortolan!, G. E. Nuovo dizionario gcojrrafico, statijiico e biogratico, della Sicili;i anticii e moderua 4724.0 — Eussell, G. Tour through Sicily in 1815 , . . 2705.18 — Saint-Xon, J. C. U. de. Voy;ige pittoresque ou description du royaume de Sicile .... 4730.1 — Serradlfalco, D. Lo F. 1*. Chiese siculo-nor- innnue 8100.4 — - Le nntichit^ della Sicilia 4750.6 — St.irkc, 31. Directions for travellers in the island of 27.^4.16 — Tuckermau, II. T. Isabel: a pilgrimage , . . 2405.30 Jlisioi-?/. — Fazello.T. Historia di Sicilia 4727.1 — Ferrara, A.F. Storia gcueralc della Sicilia . 4724.4 — Grsvius, J. G. Thesaurus antiquitatum et historiarum Sicili Hciiirnld on TowiT-lliU, Ijvluro liis viccutlon ; UitcourAcs coucvniing govi'nimoiit ; Lcttvri ; Tlio protvclur'B nilvico Iu Sydney, wlivii he wtiit to tlio kliii; of Swcilcn in I'ulniid; Lrttcrn to hiti fulher, Itob- «rt, vnrl of Lvlcvitrr; Lvltrrit to Henry Jtiivllo, aiiibii*- ■udorlii Franco; Ilistriiil; Ilia n|)ul<>(ry in tliu duy of hi> dentil; Cvnt-ntl vli-w of ({uvurunii-itt In Uuropo. 8IDSEV,K. LIfeof lord llill.G.C. IJ.,tatecomman- der of the forces. 2d ed. London, 18-15. 8^ 2543.2 SiDNKY, Air I*. Life. Aci; Lloyd, J 2510.7 biOuN. Erkliirung der grossen phunikischen In- Bchrltt von SIdon un- «*• 0003.32 SlEBEXHAvn,— . Dcfabulis, quae media aetatode rnblio Virgilio JVlarone circumferebantur. [Diss, acad.] Berlin, 1837. pj). 8. 4". . . B,190.59 SiEDENiCEES, J. p. Anecdota Graeca, ed. et praefa- tus est I. A. Goez. Norimbergae, 1798. 8". *B. 162.5 Cotifents. — Scholin iu Platonom; Lihnnii orntio pro Olympio ; Gemisti Plethouis opusculum; I'heoplirast] cliaructcres ethict. SlEBOT.D, C. T, E. V. Lehrbuch der Geburtsliiilfe. Berlin, 1841. 8" 3771.3 — Observationes quaedam de salamandris et tri- tonibus. [Diss, acad.] Berolini, 1828. pp. 38. 4*" 3873.27 — On a true parthenogenesis in niotlis and bees. Transl. by W. 8. Dallas. London, 1857. 8°. 5898.1 SlEDHOF, C. F. W. Naturgeschiclite der Stubenvb- gel Deutschlands. Braunschweig, 1845. 10*. 3909-10 Sieges and fortresses. Ueber vaterlaudische Fcs- tnngen und Festungskriege. Seydel, F. S. . 2819.6 SiEGFiUED der Dorfer. Der Frauen Trost. Ein Geilicht. [Hagen. Gesnnimtabenteuer, v.;i]. 2900,20 Siegfried vou Lindenberg. Konuiu. BIiilIer,.l.G. 4809.5 Siemens, C. Zuckerfabrikalion. 5eeStohmanu, F. 4003.10 SiENXA. Ilari, L. La biblioteca pubblicu di . . . 2170.13 — Fecci, G. A. Memorie Ktorico-eritichc di, 14S0- 1550 2725.19 SiFiun, or Sulakas. See Joannes. SiGEBiiRT, mou!: vf Gemhlours. Sec Frankfurt. So- cietus, etc., V. 4, 0, 8 4210.2 Contents, — \o\. IV. Vitn Tlcoclerici episc. Mettcnsfs. VI. Cliroiiica cum coiitinuntiuiiilms. Vlll. Vila H ic- berti ct gcBta obbiUum Goinblucc-uslum. SlGEHARD. Ex miraculis S.3Iaximini. [Frank- furt. Societas,.etc., V.4] 4310.2 SlGllAUT, J. Albertus i\iagnus. Sein Leben und seine Wissenschalt. Kegensburg, 1857. 8'. 0000.3 Sight. Hygiene de la vue. Chevalier, A 3604.14 Sec also: Eye, SpcctncU-s, Vision. SiGiSMiTND, B. Lebensbilder vom siichsischen Erz- gebir^^e. Leipzig, 1850. 10° 2S0fi.35 Signature, De Toriuine de la. G«iH:uc, M. C. . . 2112.10 Signers to the declaration of independence, Biog- raphy of the. Sanderson, J 23-15.14 SiGOURXKV, L. H. Letters of life. Isew York, 1800. 12" 2346.18 — [Letters to young Indies.] Hartford, 1833. 18*. 35SU.2(i — Vleasimt memories of pleasant lands. Boston, 1812. 12" 2397.32 SiKES's hydrometer, Kxphiuation of. Keene, J. B. 3U39.2 SlLBERSClll.Ar.s, .1. E. Geogeuie, oder Krkliirung der mosaischen Erderschalfung [uud] Siind- lluth. Berlin, 1780. 2v. 4*" 3425.1 Silesia, liorniss, .1. Spuren eiues riimischen Luflzuges im schlesi>chen Geblrg . . . .B.lflOb.22 — Kern, J. U. Schlesische Sageu-Chronik . . . 4221.33 — Kowack, C. G. Schlesihches Schriftstellcr- Lexikon 2IC1.10 — Telz, K. Kiniluss der Fabrikcn uud Wanuftic- turen iu bi-hlesicn G009a.l9 — Sciiuunnel, T. K. Besclireibung der in Schle- sieu elnheimischeu Arti'n der Faniille der Uu- derwauzen i'lotercs. Latr 3b00.27 — - Beschreibung der in Sehlesien eiuheimlscheu Arteu der Giitlung Knphidiu. Linn 38U0.28 — - Beschreibungd-riufeclilesleneiuheimischea Arteu der Gatiuug Tipula. iJeigeu. BachmUk* ke 8S0fl.20 — Weinhold, C Weihnadit-Spiele uud Lleder au^ Schlesien 2870.2 Stealso: Sftlxbruno. siLins 579 SIMONN'ET Shelf. No. SiLiL'S Italicus, C. [Punicorum. bellorum llbri .XVII.] Cum commoiitiiriis 1*. Marsi. Vcne- tiis, 149-'. l,'j| U'lives. t° »29J1.2 — Vita per Ilcriiiiinnuiu Utisetiiiini; runicormn bdloiuiii libii xvii. [Uottliittl. Corpus vet. pix't.] B. 101.0 SlLjEsrKd.M,l'. A. UcsailuircntaStatcnia. Stock- holm, lS,V.;-54. 2v. k° 43C5.0 — iSee France. Commission scieutiliciue du Nortl. Voyages en Si.'andiuavie, v. (j-lL', 14, Hi, 1? . 2805. 1 Conutttf. — Vot. VIII-X. MCteoi-yloeic. XI, XII. MiipiiOlismc tiTrfSlrc. XIV. Aliron-s burtnles. XVI, XVII, otosniphio physique, geographic botanique, bouuiquc ct pbysiulugiu. SILK. Cobb, ,1. H. Culture of 400.3.41 — ComstocI;, l<'. G. Culture of 40fi3.:l8 — D'llouiergue, .1. Essays on American sill< . . 4001.37 — Jlorin,— . tjillv raiser's manual 4003.30 — Tiuelli, L. I'roduction of Pph.v.3r4 SiLKWtn;.^t. IJoullenois, F. de. Conseils auxnou- veaux educateurs de vers a soie 4003.10 — Stradivari, C. Sulla educazione dei bacbi da tela 4003.12 SiLLiMAN, A. K. Gallop among American scenery. Kew York, 1843. 12° 2303.25 SiLLIMAN, Benjamin, 6. 17ro, 2. Cv. 8°. . *2104.8 SiLVA Lopes Kocha, A. da. Injusto accl.imation de riulaut Don Jliguel. Trad, du portugais. I'aris, 1828. 8° v. 2 of *4295.2G Silver. Benclicio de plata por fuudieion y anial- gamaciou. Gurces y Kguia, J 4200.10 SiLVESTEiwI, ;)o;)e. lipisiula; CLXI. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pati-., V. 17J B.110.2 SiLVESTiiE de Sacy, A. I. Ciirestomatliie arabe. Avec une trad, fran^aise. 2e ed. Paris, 1S20, 27, 3v, 8° 4240.21 — Grammnire arabe. 2e ed.,a laquelle ou ajoint un traite de hi prosodie ct de la metrique des Aiabes. I'aris, ISJl. 2v. 8°. plates . . . 3037.5, and »4240. 20 — Principles of general grammar. Translated by D. Fosdiek, jr. 1st Am. from 5th French ed. Andover, Ib'M, 12° 2197.20 SiLVESTKl, G. Catalogo di tutte le opere pubblicate [du esso] dal l;o0-18oo. Jlilauo, 1850. 10". 2139.10 SiMAN'CAiJ, Calendar of btate papers preserved at. Bergenroth, G. A. 7032.2 Simeon. Hcf; Syineon. S1.ME0X, C. Kxcelhnoy of the liturgy. Four dis- courses. 2d Am. ed. C40. pp. 24. 8° . . . *4103.C — Public spirit and mobs : two sermons after the Thompson riot. Springfield, 1651. 12°. . B.lCOa.25 Sholf. No. SiJIJiOKS, G. F., conilnueil. — The trinity: its Scripture foundation and early doctrines respecting it: a lecture. Spring- field, 1840. 8° 60.30.19 SixmoN.s, S. F. Observaqoes practieas sobre a lis- ica pulmonar. Trad, em portuguez i)or F. .T. de Paula. Accres. com notas por M. J. H. de Paiva. Lisboa, 17,«0. 12° »3705.36 SIMMS, C. S. Origin and signilication of Scottish surnatncs. Willi a vocabulary of Christian names. Albany, N. Y., 18112. 8° 2433.32 SiM.MS, F. W. Practical tunnelling. 2d ed. Re- vised by W. L). Haskoll. London, 18(10. 1.8°. 4011.19 SlJIMS, W. G. The power of cotton. New York, ISi-iO. pp. 19. 8° B. 170.118 Simon, E. H. Geschichte des Glaubenn nicht-christ- licher Vtilker an cine Fortdauer der Seele nach deni Tode, an Ge^peiister, Engel, IMit- telgeisterund J'eulel. Heilbronnam Aeckar, 180:!. 8° *6100.5 Simon, G. Ludwig iv. der Heilige, und seine Ge- malin die heilige Elisabeth von Ungarn. Frankfurt, 1854. 8° 2852.23 Simon, J. F. S. Suisse, (Ht J. Hisloire de I'ecole d'Alexandrie. Paris, 1845. 2v. 8° . . . . 5003.20 — La libertt; de conscience. I'aris, 1857. 12°. . (100K.19 — La religion naturelle. Se ed. Paris, 185!). 8°. 0025.29 Simon, P. de. Expedition of Ursua and Aguirre in search of KI lioi-ado and Oma^^na, 1500-1. Translated by W. liollnert. With an intro- duction by C. R. Slarkhara. London, 1801. 8°. [Hakluyt society] 2264.25 Simon, K. [ De Pinspiration des Livres Sacres ; avec une reponse au livre intitule. Defense des ' sentimens de quelques theologieus de Hol- lande] Kotterdam, 1087. 4° *6010.25 — Nouvelles observations sur le texte et les ver- sions du Nouveau Testament. Paris, 1005. 4°.*001O.2O — Opuscula critica adversus X. Vossium. Edin- burgi, 1085. 4° »e010.19 — Religions and customs of tlie eastern nations. Done into English by A. Lovell. London, 1085. sm.8'' 4253.15 — [Reponse del'ierre Anibrun [R.Simon] iil'His- toire critique du Vieux Testament par le P. Simon.] Rotterdam, 1085. pp. 48. 4° . . , *G010.28 SoiON Magus. Fj-agmenia de sim'oue 3Iiigo. [Grabe. Spicilegium] 6029.3 Simon Socratiuns. Di;ilogi quatuor. Additisuutin- certi auctoris dialogi Ery.xias et A.\iochus. Kec. A. Boeckhius. lleidelbergae, 1810. 8°.**3006.3 SiMONDi-; de Sismoudi, J. C L. Battles of Cressy and Poictiers, with interlinear translation, London, 1831. 12° 4089.14 — - Same. Boston, 1833. 12° 4900.15 — Histoire des republiques italiennes du moyen age. 5e (id. Bruxelles, 18:J8, 39. 8v, 1.8° , *4:93.a SiMONiUES, of Ceos. Carmiua. [Lect. Poeta; Grxci, V. 3] 4200.7 — Fragmenta. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr.,v.l]. B.102.7 JVcfe. — "The friiemeiits of Simonides of Amorgos have been ecUted, interiiiixecl witli those of Simonides of Ceoa, iind almost willioiit an uttempt to disringuish them, in Ul-ouck's Aniileettt," etc. — Smilh'a Ificiionari/ 0/ Greek and Roman biugraphy. Simonides, of Samos, or rather of Amorgos. De inuliei-ibus. See Hertel, J B.lOOa.ltJ SiMONipES, K. L. P., Report on the palimpsest JIs. of Urauius, belonging to, S^e London. Koyal society of literature 4906.2 SiMONis,./. Analysis et explicatio lectionum Ha- soretbicaruin, Kthiban et Karjan. Ed. 4u. Hidae, n. d. 8° *6013.12 — Onomastievm Novi Testameuti et librorvm V, 1. Apocryphorvm. Halas Magdebvrgicae, 1702. 4° *6073.0 — Onomasticvm Veteris Testamenti. Halae.Mag- debvrgicae, 1741. 4° •6073.6 SlJIONNEf,J. Essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de G. Peignot. Paris, 1803. 8° 21:4.22 SIJIONON 580 SJOGREN Sholf. No SuiosON, C. N. Poesies en patois de Liege, pr^- cedees d'une dis^^ertation grammaticale sur ce putois, et suivies d'uue glossaire. Liege, IMo. LS° 41W.6 SiMPKixs, J., Sermon on the death of. See Rob- bins, C 4348.61 Simpson, Iter. — . Form of public prayer for the Lord's day. [No title-page.] pp.16. 8' . ♦4163.1 Simpson, E. Treatise on ordnance and naval gun- nery. 2ded., rev. New York, 1862. 8°. . 3052.30 Simpson, J. Y. Account of a new anesthetic agent, as a substitute for sulphuric ether in surgery and midwifery. 3d Am. ed. Kew York, 1848. pp. 33. 8° »5797.14 — Analogy between puerpural and surgical fever. Edinburgh, 1S50. pp. 18. 8° »6"97.14 — Answer to the religious objections against the employment of anesthetic agents in midwife- ry and surgery. Edinburgh, 184S. pp.23. S°. *5797. 14 — Clinical lectures on midwifery and the diseases of women and infants. Edinburgh, n. d. pp.24. »° ♦5797.14 — On the duration of labour as a cause of mor- tality and danger to the mother and infant, etc. Edinburgh, 1818. pp.22. 8° *o797.14 — Pathologicid observations on the diseases of the placenta. Edinburgh, [1835]. pp.47. S°.*3772.29 — Physicians and physic: three addresses. Ed- inburgh, 1856. 16° ♦3718.12 — Remarks on the superinduction of anaesthesia in natural and morbid parturition. Boston, 1848. pp.48. 8° •5797.14 — Was the Roman army provided with any med- ical officers? Edinburgh, IfSl. pp.18. S°.^5797.14 Simpson, M. Funeral address at the burial of pres- ident Lincoln, at Springfield, 111., 3Iay 4, 1865. New York, 1805. 16° ♦4342.32 Simpson, S., and Wise, E. Readiest reckoner ever invented. 13th ed. Ee-calculated by C. O. Kooks. London, 1862. 10° 5684.6 SiMROCK, C. Das deutsche Klnderbuch. 2te Aufl. Frankfurt, 1857. 16° 2000.41 — Kheinsagen aus dem Munde des Volks und deutscher Dichter. 2te Aufl. Bonn, 1837. 12° 2900.34 SUIS, J. Observations on the scarlatina anginosa. With remarks by T. Bullinch. 3d ed. Bos- ton, 1803. 8° ♦M.l'pli.v.l39 SI.MS, T., Trial of, on an issue of personal liberty. See Stone, J. W B. 160.04 SiMSBUUY, Conn. History of the Newgate of Con- necticut. Phelps, R. U 2336.24 Sin. Miiller, J. Christian doctrine of 3451.23 — Woods, L. Letters to N. W. Taylor S453.2 SlXAI, liriefeaus der llulbinsel. Lcpsius, C. R. . 4246.6 biNCi.Aiii, C. Scotland and the Scotch: or, the western circuit. New York, 1810. 12° . . . 2477.19 SlNCLAIli, G. Produce and nutritive qualities of dilferent grasses. 4th ed. Added, the weeds of agriculture. London, n. d. 8° 3845.17 SISCLAIK, II. Lctteron the principles of the Chris- tian faith. From the 2d London cd. Boston, ]b20. 12° •J'ph.v.362 _ bame. I'refixed, a memoir by L. Richmond. From the 14tli Edinburgh cd. Baltimore, • 1S22. 10° &453.27 SINCI.AI11, Sir J. History of the public revenue of the British empire. 3d ed. London, 1803, 4. 3v. 8° 2512.23 — SUitistical account of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1791-09. 21v. 8° •7987.1 SlN<:i.Aiii, P. Freedom or slavery in the United Slates. 2d ed. London, [1n63]. 8° . . . . 4323.13 SISI)IN«;, P. C. History of Scandinnviii. 2d cd. New York, 1.-59. 12° 2829.5 HlNUKNJ'li Deutschlund, Das. Album der Llcder und Uoumnzen. Leipzig, 1^44,4.■^. 2v. ohi.i". 4058.17 hlNGIN*«-7 SKANDINAVIENS 581 SLAVEUV bliolf. No. SKANDINAVIENS Stjeme. Organ for de Sidste Da- gt's lietlige. Anrgaug, 1, 2. Kjubunhavu, lt>5*J, 53. liv. ia 1. b" Cj-i4.6 SK.UJniNAViscHKU Lagcrkatalog, 1657. Lorck, CM5 2150.25 SivjVNdinaviske ^'atnrfurskort*. Forhandlinger. 4de Jlodu. Cliristiuuia, 1847. 8" 3829.27 Skarukk, F., comte tie. (.'oiisklerations gcut-rales sur le meilleur regime de (.risou. Yarsovie, lb42. pp. ;i5, and plates. 4* 5571.2 Skarlatos IJyzautios. Aijuoi- ejTtrofiop rijj EAA;/- viKiji yXioaan^. AfJ'/i'Vffd'. 18.39. S' *4200.20 Skelton,J. Merie tales, [lltizlitt. Old English jest-books, V. 2] 4599.8 Sketchks, by a traveller. Boston, 18.30. 8° . . . 2:^97.(5 Skistchks of history, life, and manners, in the United States. New Haven, l&2ij. b' . . . 2308.26 Sketchi;s of imposture, deception, and credulity. I'hiladelphia, 1845. 10" 6069a. 15 — - Snme. [Smith. "Weekly vohime, v. 1] . . 8030.3 SKETCIIKS of pupuhir tumults. London, 1^37. 12". 3508.30 Sketciiks of scenery and manners iu the United States. New York, 182^. 12" 2397.5 Sketchics of the history of Ojjle county. 111., and the early settlement of the Northwest. Folo, III., 1809. pp. 75. 8° 2373.31 Sketch KS of tlie mythology and customs of the Hindoos, n. p., 1785. 8° *M.Fph.v.l32 Skillings, D. N., and Flint, D. B. Illustrated catalogue of portable sectional buildings. Boston, 1S62. pp. 60. 4" 4102.32 £kin. Cazenave, P, L. A. Abrege pratique des maladies de la peau 3790.41 — - Maladies de la peau 3750.13 — Clarke, A. Diseases of the 3799.37 — Fox, W. T. Skin diseases of parasitic origin. 5794.10 — Uibert, C. 31. Traite pratique des maladies speciales de la peau 3790.49 — Hardy, A. Maladies de la peau 3790.37 — Hillier, T. Hand-book of skin diseases . . . 5795.15 — Parsons, U. Cutaneous diseases which are not contagious M.Pph.v.l33 — Wilson, W. J. E. Cutaneous medicine and diseases of the 3790.60 Skixner, G. W. Aerie: a poem before the West Newbury lyceura, Feb. 19, 1852. Boston, 18.52. 12* B. 160b. 50 SKmXKK, J., bp. [The nature and extent of the apostolical commission. A sermon at the cou- seeration of S. Seabury.J Loudon, 1785. 4". 3454.20 Skinnek, O. A., Life of. ^'ee Thayer. T. B. . , . 4347.99 Skinnkk, S. Etymologicon Ihigua Anglicaute, ex Unguis duodecim. Londiui, 1671. f ... *4161.9 Jk'oCe. — The twelve languages are: Aoglo-Soxonica, Ruiiitiu, Golliica, Cinibrtca, sou Danica aiitiquu, Frunco- Theotiaca, st-'U Teutouica vetus, Duiiica recentior, bel- ^ca, Teutonicd rocentiur, Cambro-BritaDica, Frauco- Gallicu, Itnlica, HUpauica, Latiua, Uro^ca. Skixner, Thomas, Life of general Monk, duke of Albemarle. Vindication of Monk, by W. Webster. 2d ed. London, 1724. 8" . . . . 254G.5 Skinnkk, Thomas H. Education and evangelism: a discourse. New York, 1851. 8° . . v. 1 of *5596.1 — Essay on patriotism. SVe Choever, G. B. . . 43^9.1 — and Beecher, E. Hints, designed to aid Chris- tians iu their ofturts to cou\'ert men to God. 3dcd. Philadelphia, l.SfJ. 32" 3440.63 Skoda, J. AblmnUlung uber I'erkussion und Aus- kultation. 4te Autl. Wien, 1800. 8° . . . 3795.39 Skkeinka, L. Beitriige zur Entwicklungi^ge- schichte der judischen Dogmen und des jii- dischen Cultus. Wien, 1861. 8° 229G.10 Skrise, H. Tour through North and South Wales. [Mavor. British tourists, v. 5J 24G9.22 Slack, H. J. Philosophy of progress in human aflairs. Loudon, i860. 12° 3568.32 Slatek, E. C. The nation's loss : sermon upon the death of A. Lincoln, preached April 19, 1865. Pa'luc:ih, Ky., l86.j. o* *4342.5 Sholf. No. Slave-trade. Abolition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia, ^ec United States. . 5572.57 — lienezet, A. Pise and progress of the .... 3572, .28 — Clarkson, T. Abolition of the 3579.35 — - Es.sai sur la traite de negres 3573.23 — Debate in the house of commons, April 18 and 19, i:91 Pph.v.355 — Harper, U. G. Argument against the policy of re-opening the 4310a. 115 — Hiine, A. Veriiuderungeu des Negersclaven- handels 4296.13 — Jiigler, J. F. De uuudinatione servoruin apud veteres . ,. B. 170b. 71 — 3Iemoire relatif ii I'abolition de la traite afri- caine. See American colonization society . 3571.16 — Miller, C.W. Address ou reopening the . .B. 160. 71 — Keport on the slave trade. 6'ee South Carolina. 4310.46 — Spratt, L. W. The foreign slave trade the source of political power B. 160. 43 See also: Great Brilain (Sessional papers). Slavehy. Abolition of slavery the right of gov- ernmeut 5572.50 — Adams, C. F. What makes slavery a question of national concern ? B. 160.24 — Aggressions and results of. See Where, etc. . 4310.56 — Allen, G. Keport on American slavery . . . 3573.41 — Anti-slavery society ot Canada, Keport of . . B.160a.7 — Babington, C. Influence of Christianity iu abolishing slavery in Europe 4296.1 — Baker, J. L. Slavery 5572.6 — Ball, C. Slavery iu.the United States .... 2408.29 — Benezet, A, State of the enslaved negroes in the Britisti donuuions 4163.15 — Bickell, K. Slavery in Jamaica 6572.15 — Bourne, G. Picture of 4- • • 3579.38 — Brewster, F. E. Slavery and the constitution. B. 160. 10 — Brief reply to an important question 3572.29 — earlier, A. De I'esclavage dans ses rapports avec Punion americaiue 3573.11 — Cochin, P, S. A. L'abolitiou de I'esclavage . 3573.7 — Conway, M. D. Testimonies concerning . . , 5572.31 — Cox, G. F. Three questions answered . . . . 5572.11 — Dew, T. K. Essay on B.luu.ll2 — Iioggett, S. Two discourses on 5572.4 — Duuaut, J, H. L'esclavage chez les Musul- maus et aux £tats-Unis d'Amerique .... 5579.7 — Du Puyuode, M. G. P. De I'esclavage et des colonies 4296.7 — Edge, F. M. Free and slave labor in the United States 3573.40 — Eti'eet of disunion upon. See South, The , . . 4310.46 England, J. Letters on domestic slavery , , 4296.12 — Estes, M. Defence of negro slavery 4296.27 — Goodloe, D. K. Southern sentiment on the subject of 5573.1, and B. 160. S3 Goodwin, D. K. Southern slavery in its pres- ent aspects 3579.20 — Heroes of the nineteenth century 4310a. 117 — Hicks, E. Slavery of the Africans and their descendants 4310.12 — Hoit, T. VV. Kight of American slavery . . . 3573.5 — Hopkins, J. H. View of 3579.24 — Hopkins, S. Timely articles on B. 100.78 — liiprisonment of free colored seamen in the i-outheru ports. -S'et United States 5572.57 — Jay, W. Examination of the Mosaic laws of servitude B. 100.97 — Jones, J. K. Slavery sanctioned by the Bible. 432Ua. 56 — Kennedy, J. Hebrew servitude and American slavery 3572.32 — Larroque, P. De I'esclavage chez les nations chreticnues 3572.31 — Laurens, H. South Carolina protest agaiust slavery, Aug. 14, 1776 4310.63 — Laws of race, as connected with slavery . , , 4310.17 — Lincoln, A. Opinions on 4310.66 — Lord, C, E. Slavery, secession, and the consti- tution 4320a. 74 SLAVERY 582 SLAVIC SUclt. Ko. Slaveut, continued. — Lord, N. Letter to ministers of the gospel on B.ino.ai — - Second letter to ministers of the gospel on. li.KiO.O.I — Mason, K. U. Slavery in America 8.1(10.35 — Memminger, C. G. African slavery consistent with moral and physical progress B. ICO. 41 — Jliles, .1. \V. Kelation between the races at the South ■ . • «10.23 — Jlorse, O. A. Slavery and civilization . . . .B.lOO.Il — Morse, S. E. Premium questions on 4:il0.'.i4 — Musson, E. L'eselavage aux etats du sud . . 35r3.4 — Newman, F. W. Ch:iracter of the southern states of America 4322. 3G — Kordhofl', C. Uow slavery injures the free working man 5572.22 Owen, K. D. The wrong of slavery the right of emancipation 55<9.S Palfrey, J. (i. Five years' progress of the slave power B.l(i0.34 - I'apers on the slave power B. 1110.89 Parker, .1. Slavery in the territories .... 4310.2 Parker, T. Eflect of slavery on the American people 544'-. 3 - Greiit battle between slavery and freedom. 5442.3 - t-ermon of 544'... 3 Parsons, T. Origin, influence, and destiny of. 430S.2G Peabody, A. P. Position and duties of the ^■orth with regard to 4310.27 Peabodv, E. Evils, alleviations, and remedies of . : «10.28 Pease, G. Does the Bible sanction slavery? 4310.20, and 5572.49 Peck, L. B. Slavery in the territories .... 6572.48 Phelps, A. A. Lectures on 3570.37 PhUllps,,\V. Review of L. Spooner's uncon- stitutionality of slavery B.160.105 Pignoria, L. De servis et eorum apud veteres ministeriis 4296.28, and 5579.5 Pill'ibury, P. The church as it is : or the forlorn hope of B.10(ib.25 • Popma, T. De operis servorum liber .... 4290.28 . Potgiesser, J. De statu servorum, veteri perin- de atque novo 4296.11 ■ Poussielgue, — . Question de l'eselavage aux ttats-Unis «10.87 ■ Questions and expositions of B. 100b. 24 ■ Kami, A. Slave-catcher caught in the meshes of eternal law 4310.31 - Rnphall, M. J. Bible view of 6572.27 - Reed, II. Southern slavery and its relations to Xorlhern industry 4310.32 - Report of the committee on. See Massachu- setts convention of con^jregational ministers. 4310.22 - Report on slavery. .See South Carolina . . . 4310.48 - Kevolullon the only remedy for 6572.40 - Kevnolds, E. W. ilolations of slavery to the war 4310.35 - Rice, 1). Slavery inconsistent with justice and good policy 4310.30 - Rice, N. L. Ten letters on 4310.37 - Robertson, J. Speech on 5572.48 - Root, D. Fast sermon on, April 2, 18.15 . . Pph.v.370 - Sargent, F. W. Les etals confcderes et l'es- elavage ,4321.19 - Sawyer, L. A. Character and relations of . . 3573.38 , P. Slavery iind the Bible 4310.38 (.'. The life of slavery or the life of the nation* 4310.39 Shannon, .). I'hilonophy of shivery as identl- lied with the iihllosophy of human hajipl- neaa B. 160. 75 SIniw, C. B. Is slaviry a bleshin;;? 6072.43 Slavery I'rom u diliereiil jioint of view. See True, etc 4322.48 Smitli, U. Doca the Bible sumtlon American slavery? 3672.30, and 4310.44 Smylie, J. Review of n letter, on 6672.62 Sober view of shivery: by a cHI/en of the South B.ion.is Shelf. Xo. Slavery, continved. — Spooner, L. Unconstitutionality of . . . B.l«0a.27, 28 — Stephen, J. Slavery of the West India colo- nies 5573.8 — Stiles, .1. C. Modern reform examined . . . 4310.62 — Striiigfellow, T. Examination of Scripture testimonv on B.1C0.38 — Stroud, G. M. Sketch of the laws relating to slavery, in the several states 4296.2 — Sullivan, T. R. Letters against the immediate abolilionof B.160b..3» — Sumner, C. The barbarism of • 4310.48 — System of American slavery tested by Scrip- ture. See Nutshell • 5579a. 9 Tecnstra, 51. D. De negerslaven in de kolonie Suriname t"""!?, — " Thoughts on slavery " rebutted 4310. 4J — Torrey,J. Portraitureof slavery in the United States , 4290.18 — Xownsend, J. Slavery should be controlled by those only who are friendly to it, . — Traill, G. F. Speeches on slavery and cmanei- palion — Trimble, R. Slavery in the United Stales . . 432: — True interpretation of the American civil war. 4322.48 — Van Evrie, J. H. Causes of delusion on the subject of negro slavery B.100.51 _ Views on. . •• .B.160a.l5 — Wallon, H.A. L'eselavage dans les colonies. 4291.. ■ Webster, D. Speech on 4310.54 . - Speech upon the subject of ?*:'■''. ■ Weld, T. D. American slavery as it is . . . . 3572.27 - - Tlie Bible against slavery • • 3572 27 - - The power of congress over the District of Columbia 3572.27 - Whittier,.I.G. Slavery considered with a view to its rightful and perpetual remedy, aboli- tion . 6572.36 - Williams, T. Considerations on slavery in the United States 4310.67 - Wright, E. Eye opener for the wide awakes. 4310.1 - Wri^'ht, H. C. Slaveholders, as such, have no rights; slaves, as such, no duties 4310.61 - Yanoski.J. L'abolilion de l'eselavage an moy- eu iige Schatr, Scliui' 4310.50 4310.51 :.3 3573.9 Set atJio; Bums, A., Ciiltn. t:nii»"';i|"»tlon.Frcc nopro- ism. Fvcodmen, Fugitive aliivo Itiw. Liberty, Negvoes, Sei-lJoiu, Servitude, Slave trade, Vubsatftgo. Si.AVEKY. By a JIarylander, 8. 8° SLAVKItV in the southern states t:anibrid;,'e, 1^52. pp. 53. 12' Slavkuv and serfdom considered. pp.24, s' Baltimore, n. d. pp. 6572.42 By a Carolinian. 4310.43 Boston, 1881. 4340a. 82 Slavic languages. Dankovszky, G. Granimntica cuncturum Slavicaruin el Grivcarum dialec- toniiii - Gili'chish-slavisches Etyniologikon der Na- meu tier grlechiselientiottheiten Dobrowsky, J. Die Bild.samkeit derslawlsohen Sprache - i.lymologikon der slawlselien Sprachen . . - Iii.-tituliones liiigtiic Slavit-ie Frdlilich,R. A. Anhitungzur.schnellen Erleru- uiig tier vier slawisfheii llauiitfpraclieii Olbi rg, E. V. Geschichtliche llebersieht der slavisclien Sprache und l.ileiatur 4123.3 Robinson, T. A. L.v.J. Slavic language in Its various dialects 3034.21) Schleicher, A. Formenlere der klrchenslii- wisclnn Siirache Trnka, K. Lehrbuch der shiwischeli Spraclio iu Bohuien, Miihren uud Ubeningani 4123.1 42.33.8 4113.3 4126.8 4114.8 3034.37 4123.2 4123.6 Set alio: Uoliemln, l)ul|fiirlnii, lUyrlnu, Luuitlo, Fuliiud, ltu«»li\, Sorvlo, Slira'alil»li, Weiidl.li liui|(U.i»o. Slavic litenttuic. Dobrowsky, J. Slovanku . . 2870.34 — Durich, F. Bibliolheca Slavics i>»SiiA SLAVIC 583 SMITH nheir. Xo. Slavic literature, eoniimied. — Jahrhiicher fiir slavlsclie Llterntur, Kunst tind WNspiisdiaft 4363.8 — Mickiewicz, A. VorlosuiiKen iiber slawische LilpraturiMulZii5tiiux. Hennen.J. Gesehichte, Behandlung und Anomalien der Fochen 3749.0 — Hu-h, B. New method of inoculating for the. 3713.7 — Strieker, W. Studien iiber Jleuschcnblatteru. 3790.42 Sec also: Vaccination. Smalley, E. Death in the midst of life depre<:ated ; a sermon occasioned by the death of Kev. G. 1*. Smith, preached Sept. 9, 1b62. Worces- ter, [1652]. 8° 4347.100 — Sermon occasioned by the death of Hon. A. D. Foster, Aug. 15, lj52. Worcester, [1852]. i," 4355.42 Smaeagdus. Diadema monachorum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 10] B. 110.2 — Viaregia. [Acliery. SpicUegium, v. 5] . . . 4162.7 tlu-ll\ No. Smakt, C. Poetical works, -with life. [Anderson. PoctsofGreat Britain, V. 11] 4i:04.1 CmtUnta.—The divlnf iiltrihutcs; Tlii^ lioii-gnnlCQ; FaMus; UuUad!*; Poi-matii Latiiia, i-tc. Smart, E. K. Speech In defence of the North ngninst the charpre of aggression upon the South. Delivered in the house of representa- tives, April 23, 1852. Washington, 1862. 8°. Smeaton,.!., Life of. i>Jfe .Smiles, S S.lIEDI.EV, E. Ciceronianism. [Thompson. His- tory of Roman literature] 4310.9 2447.24 3963.12, 0100.4 .3808.33 3829.2 3750.17 2348.65 4710.1 Taylor, W. C, Thompson, H., and Rich, J|. The occult sciences : sketchi.-s of thetraditioiTs and superstitions of past times, and tlie mar- vels of the present (h\y. London, 1855. 12°. Smedley, J. Practical hydropathy. 3d ed. Lon- don, n. d. 12° Smellie.W. Philosophy of natural history. Phil- adelphia, 1791. 8° Smelling. Anatomicje disquisiliones de olfacfu. Scarpa, A Smelt, C. E., Memoirs of. See Waddel, M. . . . Sjieeego, N. Chronicon de rebus Vicenti,-e, 1200- 79. [GriBvius. Tlios. antiq.Ital.,T. 0,p. 1]. Smiles, S. Lives of the engineers; comprising also a history of inland communication in Britain. Loudon, ISOl, 02. 3v. 8° .... Con(i!n«.— Vol. I. Sir C. Vcrniuyden, J. Perry, Sir H. Myddelton, J. Metcalf, W. Edwards, J. BrindKy. 11. J. Smeaton, J. Konulc, T. Telford. 111. G. and U. Slc- plicnson. Sjiith, Adam. Nature and causes of the wealth of nations. New ed. Phila., 1789. .'iv. 12° . . 2492.3 — - Same. With a life of the author, notes, and supplementary dissertations, by J. 11. M-Cullocb. New ed. Edinburgh, 1803. 8" . 3040.39 Smith, Albert. To Cliioa and back; adiary. Lou- don, n. d. pp. 72. 8° 3017.9 — Natural history of the gent. 3d ed. Loudon, [1847. Kg title-pa','e.] 3:° 4579a. 44 Sjiith, Aquilla. Blowpipe characters of minerals. Edited by Uev.S. llaughton and R. H. Scott. London, 1802. pp. 04. 8° 3865.25 S5IITH, Asa D. Address delivered at the inaugura- tion of the author as president of Dartmouth college, Nov. 18, 1803. Hanover, 1803. 8° . . 4394.83 Smith, Asher L. How to be rich ; or, a key to hon- est wealth. New York, 1850. 12° 3frf0.80 Smith, Barbara L. Women and work. London, 1857. pp.00, srn.b" 4289.14 Smith, Buckingham. Coleccionde varies documen- tos para la historia de la Florida y tierras adyacentes. Tomo 1. Londres, [1857]. 4°.**2300.28 — Grammatical sketch of the Heve lani^uage. New York, 1801. pp.20. 4°. [Shea. Library of American linguistics] 2306.45 Smith, C. New plan of London, Westminster, and Southwark. n. d., 1815. folded 18" .... 2487.11 Smith, Caleb B. Speech on the Mexican war. De- livered in the house of representatives, Jan. 6, 1847. Washington, 1847. 8° 4314. .33 Smith, Charles, esq. Three tracts on the corn- trade and corn-laws. 2d ed. London, 1700. t,° *l'ph.v.343 S.MiTH, Rev. Charles. What we have secured by the war, and what remains to be secured. A dis- course, on the day of national thanksgiving, Dec. 7, 1805. Andover, 18(J0. 8° 4350a. 99 Smith, Charles H. Natural history of the human species. Edinburgh, n. d. 10° 4277.23 Smith, D. Missionary lour west of the Alleghany mountains. Sec Mills, S. J 5530a. 1 Smith, E. D. Destiny : a poem. New York, 1840. pp.27. 8° «93.14 Smith, E. P. Manual of political economy. New York, 1853. 12° «80.10 SMITH 584 SMITH Smith, Edmund, 6. 1608, d. 1710. Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Brit- ain, V. 6] 4601.1 4ir9a.l Contents. — Ptiredra and Hippolylua, n tragedy ; Odes ; ■ Kpistles, etc. — Phaedra and Hippolitus, trag. [Bell. British theatre, v. 38] Smith, Edmund, /J. A., attornetj. Practice of con- veyancing in solicitors' ofiBces. London, ISliS. ]2» .^35.20 Smith, Edward. Consumption; its early and re- mediable stages. Loudon, 1862. 8* . . . . 3794.13 ' — Journey through Texas, in 1849, for purposes ofimigration. London, 1849. 12° 2376.31 Sjiith, Eli. Missionary sermons and addresses. New York, 1S42. 12° 5459a. 36 — Trials of missionaries; an address, Oct. 24, 18:!2. Boston, 1832. 12° B.160b.64 Smith, Elias. Life, preaching, travels, and suffer- ings. Plymouth, ISIO. 12° 2.348.43 Smith, Elizabeth O. P. Old New York; or, demo- cracy in 16S9. A tragedy. New York, 1853. pp. 05. 12° B.170b.93 — Sanctity of marria;4e. .See Woman's rights . 4289.17 Smith, Ethan. View of the Hebrews ; or, the tribes of Israel in America. 2d ed., imp. and enl. Poultuey, (Vt.), IS.'o. 12° 2299.10 Smith, Eunice. DLiloguc: or, discourse between Mary and Martha. Boston, 1797. pp. 16. 8°.*4163.13 Smith, F. H. Congrestional banquet in honor of G. Washington, Feb. 22, 1852. See Ilincks, ■V7 4344.20 Smith, Frederick. Catalogue of British hymeuop- tera aculeata in the British museum; No- menclature of hymenoptera. See London. British museum v. 2 and 4 of 5909.5 Smith, Franklin W. United States rs. F. W. Smith. [Review of the argument of the juilge advocate.] Boston, 1865. 8° 5660a. 1 — [United States vs. Smith. Memorial of sena- tors and representatives in congress from Massachusetts, to the president of the United States, etc.]. Boston, 1865. pp.11. 8° . . 5660a. 1 — Argument for defence. See Thomas, B. F. . 5U60a.l Smith, George. History of Wesleyan mctliodism. London, 1862. 3v. [v. l,3ded.; v. 2, 3, 2dcd.] 3548.4 — Sacred annals : or, researches into the history and religion of mankind. New York, 1S5U-54. 3v. 8° 5432.3 Smith, George I'., Sermon occasioned by the death of. SeeSmnlley, E 4347.100 Smith, Gerrit. Abstract of the argument [on sec- tarianism], April, 1847. Albany, 1847. pp. 38. 8° 5460a. 82 — Argument on the fugitive slave law, June, 11-52, on the trial of H. W. Allen, lor kidnap- ping. Syracuse, n. d. pp.32. 8° 5.')72.54, and B. 100a. 11 — Be natural I A discourse In Peterboro, Nov. 20, 1864. New York, 1864. 8° 4S40a.43 — Controversy J)ctween the New York tribune and G. Smith. New York, 1855. pp. 32. 8°.B. 100.28 — Letter [on temperance] to S. M. Hojiklns. n. p., 1837. [No title-page.] 8° .3576.23 — Letter on tlie recipmcity treaty, .luly 17, 1854. (Washington, lh.Vt. No title-page. j ])p. 7. 8°. 6087.35 — [Letter] to my constituents. [Washhiglon, )8,M. No tille-piige.J pp.7. 8' B. 160. 16 — [Letter] to W. L. Garrison, Peterboro, Feb. 22, 18115. [liroadMlde] 4340a. 43 On Mcllellaii'fl nominutiou and acceptance. n. p., (1864. No title page.] pp.4. f° . . 4310.71 Theone test of character: a discourse, .July 22, 1860. New York, 1800. 8° 6400a. 82 _ A plea for the .South, Peterboro, March 0, ISOS. n. p., 186.'-.. [BroiirlKlde] 4.340a.43 — On the presidential r|ue»tlon, Peterboro, .lune 11, 18<4. n.p., n.d. (Uroadslde) 4.310a 43 Sl.elf. No. S^iith, Gerrit, coutinncd. — To the rank and lile of the democratic party. [No title-page.] n. p., 1864. pp. 3. f ° . . . 4310.71 — Speech, in congress, on the homestead bill, Feb. 21,1854. Washington, 1854. 8° 6087.111 — Speech, in congress, on the Slexiean treaty and " Monroe doctrine," June 27, 1854. [No title- page.] 8° 6087.111 Speech, in congress, on the Nebraska bill, April 6,1854. Washington, [1854. No title-page]. g" 0087.111 — Speech, in congress, on the reference of the president's message, Dec. 20, 1853. Wash- ington, 1853. 8° 6087.111 — Speech, in congress, on the sale of intoxicating drinks in Washington, July 22, 1654. [Wash- ington, 1854. No title page.] 8° 6087.111 — Speech, in congress, on war, Jan. IS, 1864. Washington, 1S54. 8' 6087.111 Speech, in the house, on the abolition of the postal system, June 15, 1^4. Washington, ISM, 8° 6087.111 — Speech, in the house, on the Pacific railroad, Miiy 30, 18.54. Washington, 1854. 8° . . . . 6087.111 — Speeches and letters (from January, 1864, to January, 1865) on the rebellion. Vol. 2. New York, 1865. pp. 76. 8° 4340a. 43 — Speeches in congress. New York, 1856. 12°. 4278.20 — Substance of the speech in the capitol of the state of New York, March 11 and 12, 1850. Albany, 1850. 8° 4310.5, and B.160a.l2 Smith, Gibson. Gospel of Matthew, etc. See Apocryphal New Testament 0025.25 Smith, Goldwin. Does the Bible sanction American slavery? Oxford, 1863. 12° .3572.30 _ - Same. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1.863. 12° . . 4310.44 _ England and America: a lecture. Boston, 1865. 8° 4310a.45 — Lectures on modern history, delivered in Ox- ford; 1859-61. London, 1861. 8° 2211.9 — Letter to a whig member of the southern in- dependence association. London, 1864. pp. 76. 10° M22-fi2 _ [Welcome to G. Smith by citizens of New York, Nov. 12, 1804.] New York, 1864. pp. 56. 8".4350a.95 Smith, Henry.' God in the war: a discourse, Aug. 6, 1863. Bullalo, 1863. 8° 4340a. 83 — The religious sentiments proper for our national crisis. Sermon, April 23, 1865. Buf- falo, 1865. 8= *4342.4 — Sermon before the A. B. C. F. M., Oct. 7, 1862. Boston, 1862. 8° 6400a. 102 Smith, Henry B. Argument for Christian colleges. An address. New York, 1857. 8° .. v. 2 of ♦5506.1 — History of the church of Christ, in chronologi- cal tables. Keviseded. New York, 1860. l°.»36.M.l — Nature and worth of the science of church his- tory: an inaugural address, Feb. 12, 1861. Andover, 1851. 8° 6400a. 103 — The relations of faith and philosophy : an ad- dress, Sept. 4, 1849. n. p., [1849. No title- page.] 8° 6460a.l03 — and Hitchcock, It. D. Life of E. Uobinson. New York, 1863. 12" 4349.12 Smith, Henry II. The principles and practice of surgery. With a bibliograpliical Index of American surgical wi-ilers from tlie year 178:t to 1800. I'hiliidelphin, 180:i. 2v. 8° . . . . '3763. 18 Professional visit to Londini and Paris. A lecture, Oct. 9, 18:i."i. I'liihulelphla, 1865. 8°. 6087.80 Smith, Hnglu Letters to marriiMl Indies. Athled, a letter on corsets. New Yin-k, 1827. 8° . . 3770.3 Smith, James. Lights and shadows of artist life and character. London, 1863. 12° 4005.27 Smith, ,s7r .lanu's E. Grammar of botany. Added, u reduction of the genera of Norlli American jilanls to the system of Jussieu, by II. Jluii- lenberg. New York, 1822. 8" .3864.(1 S.MITH. Jerome V. C. Class book of anatomy. 3d cd.,rev. Boston, 1837. 12° .3749.20 I SJHTH 585 SMITH Shtir. No. Smith, .Icromc V. C, continued. — Pilsri'iiiiSP lo riilestiiie. Hoston, 1R53. 12° . 3083.7 — Priu-ticiibility of cultivatiug the liouey bee. Boston, isn. IS° 5899a. 18 — Scieiitilic tracta ami fiuiiily lypeum. New sc- ries. Boston, 1S.!1, Xn. 4v. t>' ♦.T.Ba.S — See Ilolbrook. Sdeiititic triicts, v. 1, 3 ... 3'J3U.4 CotttettU. — Vol. I. Animal mechanism, tlio oyo, tho our. III. Ichth/oIaK}- ; Aiiimitl nieehmiism, fvelinp, tlu' lu'iirt and circulation of llio blood, mueclus and ncncs. Smith, .John, minis/er at h'ilbrandon, in Argyll- shire, llistoire (les Druidcs, et piirticuliere- im'iit de ceux de la Ciiledonio. [Tr. avpc ad- ditions] par David de St.-Georges. Arbols, "^«. s" 607C.13 Smith, John, of Cambridge. Disscrtatio de pro- plietia ct poesi Hebneorura. See Itiblc. Old Testament. Latin B. 120.4 Smith, ,}o\\n, professor of languages at Dartmouth college. Grammar of the Greek lauguiigs. Boston, ISO'.). 12° 4y W. M. Wighlman; Labor and rest, by J. Crobs; The divinity of the church, by 0. II. Parsons; Devoled- ness to Christ, by G. F. Pierce ; Angelic study, by J. W. Banner; God and man co-workers iu the salvation of the soul, by E. Wadsw-orth ; God in Christ Jesus, by A. Means ; Man subjected to the law of sulTering, by W. Sniilh ; The objects of angelic curiosity, by T. O. Sum- mers; The perfect law of liberty, by J. Soule; Chris- tianity reasonable in its doctrines and demands, by J. C. t.ranher}- ; Paul's commission to preach, by L, Pierce ; Salvation in its individual relations, by T. Boswell; Characteristics of Abraham's faith, by L. D. Huston; Kesuricction of the dead, by S. G. Starks; Win and pun- ishment of selBsh wealth, by L, M. Lee; Beligioua principle, by J. Anderson; All things work for good, by J. C. Granbery; Christ and Pilate, by D. S. Uoggett; Labor, the law of spiritual progress, by J. E. Edwards; The word of God, the only safeguard, by E.E. Wiley; The gospel, its character, requirements and blessings, by N. Head ; State of the soul between death and resur- rection, by U. N. M'Tycire; Gloiying in the cross, by N. F. Iteid ; Ministerial solicitude, by E. M. Mariiu ; Tito Holy Scriptures, by H. C. Thweatt. 2817.9 4167.4 4604.1 2575.35 6-207.1 S5IITHS0NIAN institution. See Wn.sliington, D. C. S.MITT, F. v. Zur niiheren Aufkliirung iiber den Krieg von 1812. Leipzig, 1801. 8°. . SMOLLETr, T. G. History of England, from the revolution to the death of George II. (De- signed as a continuation of Mr. Hume's His- tory.) London, lt23. 1.8° — Bliscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Gre-it Britain, v. 10] — The reprisal; or, the tars of Old England. [Collection of farces, v. 2] — Travels through France and Italy. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 17] SMOLNiKAit, A. B. Proclamation of the true union not only of the thirly-l'our states of Nortjl America but of other states on thi! globe, [etc.]. [Broadside] 4310.73 _ Pneumatology 1 Signs of the times. A debate. Baltimore, 1834. pp.48. 8° 6088.36 Smylie, J. Review of a letter on the subject of slavery. Woodville, n. d. iip. 87. 12° . . 5572.52 Smyth, George. The vanity of comiuests and uni- versal monarchy. London, 1705. 10°. . . 2308.4 Smyth, George L. Ireland ; historical and statis- tical. London, 1814-tU. 3v. 8° 2470.18 Smyth, W. Lectures on modern history, to the close of the American revolution. 3(i Am. cd., with additions by J. Sparks. Boston, 1835. 8° Snakes and lizards, On the egg-tooth of. Wein- Inml, D. F Snell, C. W. Lehrbuch der Kritlk des Geschmacks. Leipzig, 1795. 10° SMELL, T. Sermon before J. Brooks, governor, [etc.], Jlay 28, 1817, the anniversary election. litislon, 1817. 8° *43.'i0.» ■— Memorial tribute to. Sec Whiting, L 4347.102 SNEi.LiNti, W. .L [Truth, a gilt for scribblers.] 2ded. Boston, l.s:)l. pp.51. 8° 4394.91 Snivei.v, W. A. Memorial sermon and address on the death of [iresidiiut Lincoln, April 10 anil 19, 1805. Pittsburglia805. 8° •4342.5 SNODOitASS, J. Sermon •before the Society in Scotland for propagating Clirisliun knowl- edge. May 29, 17'.«. Eilinburgh, i;9t. i,« 3 liioa. 100 SNOitiio, or Snorri Slurluatm. Ileimskringla edr Noregskonunga-siigor. Hisloriareguni Nor- vegicoruin. Nova ed., oiiera G. Schiiniiig. T. 3 [cur.J S. T. Thorlaeius. T. 4-0, cur. It. Thorluclus et E. C. Werluuf. llavniie, 1777- 1820. OV. f° '2820.21 Seo alto: Eddo. Snow, E. M. Address In relallon to the eplzoiitlo disease among swine. Provitlenec, ISOl. 8°. 4004.10 4142.; 876.12 4077.37 SNOW 587 SOHB Sliclf. No. Sxow. H. Personal experience whilst investigat- iiifc' tlie new phenomena of spirit life and action, liustnn, INV,'. iip. iS. 8° 0088.46 Snowdkn, .1. K. Ancient anil modern coins at the mint of the United States, riiiladelpliia, ISiiiO. s° *2230.12 — Jledals of Wnsliinffton ; and other objects of iiKerost in tlie [United States] mint. Phila- delplija, ISOl. i° »2330.8 SoAMK, ,1. Ilampstead-wells: or, directions for drinking those waters. 1-ondon, 1734. 8° . 3809.37 So.VMKs, U. Latin chnreh during Anglo-Saxon times. London, I84S. S° C053.2 So.WE, K. No\'elIe morali. Nnovaed., accrescinta delle novelle di Tarca e di Bramieri. Tarigi, 182.). 2v. 12° 4199.25 SOBEK view of the slavery question : by a citizen of the South. [No title-pa^'e.] pp. ,S. S°.B.l(iO.I8 SOBIUS, .1. Dialogus de facultatibus Uliomaueu- siumnuper publicatis. [Hutten. Opera om- nia, v. 4] 2892.5 SoBOLSTCHiKOF, B. Principes pourl'organisation des grandes bibliothccjues. Paris, 1859. pp. "2. 12° 2124.14 SOBRINO, F. Nouveau dictionnaire frani;ois, espag- nol et latin. Tome 3e, le fran9ois expliqu^ par Ic fran^ois et le latin, enriclii d'un dic- tionnaire de geofjr.iphie par F. Carmon. Nouv. ed. Anvers, 1775. 4° *4IJ83.S Social and camp-meeting songs. 2()th ed. Balti- more, 1S31. 24° 5449a. 27 Social distinction. .See Heraldry, Nobility, Rauiv. Social Iiymn-book. Boston, 1843. 18° 5449a 8 Social science. Andrews, S. P. Science of soci- ety 4306.29 — Briaacourt, M. Organization of labor and association B.170b.C5 — Comte, I. A. 31. F. X. Syst^me de politique positive 4885.10 — Dennis, J. Early closing movement 3570.88 — Ellis, W. Education as a means of preventing destitution 6080.17 — Fisher, \V. L. Pauperism and crime 4306.10 — Frascr, P. A. Enquiry into the existing causes of demoralisation 3568.20 — Lamennais, H. F. R. de. Amschaspands et Darvands 4306.8 — Norton, C. E. Considerations on some recent social theories 3568.29 — Owen, R. Rational system of society .... 3585.27 — Proceedings of the 4th session of the interna- tional statistical congress. See Interna- tional 3641.12 — Proudhon, P. J. De la justice dans la revo- lution et dans Teglise 3568.27 — Schmidt, C. Society civile dans le monde ro- main et sa transformation par le christian- isnie 4306.10 — Spencer, H. Social statics 6568.11 — Transactions of the national association for the promotion of social science. See National . 6566.3 — Young, A. The fractional family 5570.5 Sf.e also: Association, Ethics, Family, Friendly soci- eties, Illegitimacy, Labor. Laljoring classes, Ministry, Pawnbrokiog, Peace. Political science. Poor, Poverty, Prison discipline, Prostitution, Ragf;ed schools, Ranl<, Reformatory schools. Slavery, Society, Temperance, Woman. Socialism. Biedermann, C. Vorlesungen Uber Sozialismus und soziale Fragen 3568.26 — Lintz, H. Geschichte der Rechtsphilosopbie, mit besonderer Riiciisicht auf Socialisraus . 4304.13 — Stein, L. Der Socialismus und Communismus des heutigen Frankreichs . 4290.18 — - Soclalistischeu. communi8tischeBewej,aing- en seit der drittcn franzosischen Revolution. 4290.18 SnciETV, History of civil. Ferguson, A. 4286.2, and 55tiS.10 Society for promoting manU'il labor in literary in- stitutions. First annual report, by T. D. Weld. New York, 1833. 8° •I'pb.v.SSl Sholt. No. Society for propagating the gospel among the In- dians and others in North America. Report at the 07th annual meeting. Boston, 1S.W. S°. 3535.1 Society for propagating the gospel, etc., <;o«(imtcrf. — Report of the select committee, presented at the 73il annual meeting, Slay 20, 1861. [By S. K.Lothrop.] Boston, 1862. pp.07. 8°. v. 2 of 3534.3 Society for the diffusion of spiritual knowledge. Cliarter and by-laws, li.st of officers for 1854, and address. New York, 1S54. pp.16. 8°.*00S8.125 Society for the promotion of collegiate and theo- logical education at tlie West. Permanent documents. New York, 1852. 2v. 8° . . . *5596.1 Contents. — Vol. I. First-oiRhth annual report; Pro- ceedings of a pnblic meeting in Boston; Dificourso by Kcv. A. Bunies; IJiseourse by Itev. Ur. Bea- man; Plain letters, etc., by Rev. Dr. Todd; Ois- coursc by the Rev. Dr. Bacon ; Address by Rev. Prof. Haddock ; Discourse by Rev. Dr. Condit; Plea for libra- ries, by Prof. N. Porter; Address by Rev. Dr. Cox; Dis- course by Itev. Dr. E. Bcecher; Address by Rev. Prof. Park; Discourse by itev. Dr. Skinner; Premium essay, by Prof. N. Porter ; Discourse by Rev Dr Peters ; Ad- drees by Rev. Dr. Kirk ; Address by Rev. Dr. Iloi'kins. II. Ninth-sixteenth annual report; Discourse by Rev. Dr. Hall; Address by Rev. Dr. Sturtevant; Discourse by Rev. J. H. Towne ; Address by the Rev. J. F. Tuttle; Discourse by Rev. Dr. Eddy ; Address by Rev. L. Whit- ing; Report of committee on Western lieser^-e college ; Discourse by Rev. Dr. Storra; Address by Rev. H. W. Bcecher; Discourse by Rev. Dr. Kirk; Address by Prof. W. S. Tyler; Address by Prof. H. B. Smith; Ad- dress by Rev. Dr. Thompson ; Discourse by Rev. Dr. J. F. Stearns. Society for the special study ofpolitic.il economy, the philosophy of history, and tlie science of government, proposed by a citizen of Boston. Boston, 1857. pp. 19. 8° 6087.62 Society of the Cincinnati. Institution of tlie soci- ety, 1783; and establishment of the Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts, with pro- ceedings, [etc.]. Boston, 1859. pp.74. 8°. 2383.8 Society Islands, Missions in the. Colton, A. S. . 5439a. iO SociNIANisji. Fock, O. Der Socinianismus nach seiner Stellung in der Gesamptentwicklung des christliclien Geistes 00.36.10 — Van Vranken, S. A. Socinianism subversive of Christianity ; a sermon 5463 7 Zeltner, G. G. Historia arcana crypto-Socin- ismi Altorphini 6035.3 SOCINUS. See Sozini. Socrates. Lnzac, J. De Socrate cive 2900.31 — Xenophon. Memorabilia 3003.7, and B. 106. 9 — - Memorabilia of 4909.7, and B. 106. 8 Sockates Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical history, from the accession of Constantine, to the 3bth year of Theodosius II. London, 1853. p.8°. B159a.5 EcclesiasticEC historize libri septem, Graced. See Estienne, R B. 1.30.6 - Same. .See Grynieus, J. J B.130.7 _ Same. Interprete J. Christophorsono. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr.,v. 7] B.110.2 History of the church. 5ee Eusebius Pamphi- lus B.140.2 Soderini, G. V. Trattato della coltivazione delle viti. Milano, 1800. 8°. [Classici italiani, v. 152) **4805.7 SOEMMERRiNG, S. T. V. Abbildungeu des mensch- lichenAuges. Frankfurt, IsOl. f° .... »3800.3 Abbildungeu des menschliclien Hoerorganes. Frankfurt, 1800. pp. 40. 5 plates, f ° . . . *3790.29 Ueberdie WirkungenderScbnUrbriiste. Neue Aufl. Berlin, 1793. 8° 3794.25 SOETBEER, A. Versuch die Urform der Ilesiodei- schen Theogonie naclizuweisen. Berlin, 18:i7. pp.80. s° B. 170a. Ill SoilsCKE,L. A. Bibliothecamathematica. Leip- zili, 1854. 8° 2172.15 Sour, C. Vollstandiger Hand- Atlas der neueren Erdbeschreibung. 4te Aufl. verbes.sert durch H.Berghaus, [mit] Supplement Band. Gbt- gau und Leipzig, l.-<49. 2v. obl.f. . . . •B.lSOb.2 soib£es 588 SOPHOCLES Shelf. No. Soirees canadiennes, Les, recneilde litt^rature na- tionale, le ann^e. Quebec, 18(U. 8° . . . 4395.1 Solar adoration. De ciUtus Solaris in lingua Sui- ogothica vestigiis. HJUlenber<^, J 2885.21 SOLARO della Margarita, C. Memorandum storico politico. Torino, ISoI. 1.8" 4713.5 SOLDIKR, Growth of tbe recruit and young. Aitken, W .3953.33 Soldiers' suffrage. Warner, W 4350a. 28 •Soles, J. Eeposicio de'Io estad actual de Tagricul- turaenlaisIadeMenorca. Mahon,lS57. 24°.**3105.22 — Gramatica de la lengua meuorquina. Ma- hon, 18oS. 24° **3105.23 Solera, T. Nabucodonosor, dramma lirico. Mi- lan o, 1S44. pp.27. 12" *4163.3 Solfeggios, Vocal exercises and. Mason, L. . , soil. 52 SoLiNCS, C. J. Polybistor et Pliniange exercita- tioues in Polyhistora. Saumaiee, C. de . . 2910.2 SOLIS, D. La comparsa de repeute. Melodrama. Madras, 1828. pp.44. 8" 8059.2 SOLis y Ribadeneyra, A. de. Historia de la cou- quista de Mexico, Barcelona, 1771. 2v. sm.8° *4179a.4 Solitude. Apologie de la vie solitaire et contem- plative. Kouquette, A 5575.4 SOLLING, G. Diutiska; a survey of the literature of Germany to the death of Gothe. London, 1863. 8° 2870.19 — Review of tbe literary history of Germany to the beginning of the 19th century. London, 1859. S" 2870.22 SOLOMOX. De rege Salomone peci^ante ejusque pec- cata insecutis Dei poenis. Zwiuger, J. . . . 6073.9 Solon. Qua: exstant. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 1] B.1G2.7 — SententiiE eiegiacffi. 5eeHerteI, J B.169a.lG — - Same. [Lect. Poetie Grfeci, v. 1] , . , , 4200.7 — Poesies. [Falconnet. Les petits poemes grecs] .B. l(il .2 SOLOWIKF, S. [History of Russia. 3d ed. In Russian. Moskow], 1857-62. 4v. 8* . . , . 306G.9 SOLTAU, F. L. V. Deutsche historischc Volkslieder. 2te Ausg. Leipzig, 1845. 8" 4223.24, 25 SoLTAU, J. A. h\ Ca^igraphische Vorlegeblatter. Rostock, n.d. obl.S" 2115.44 Solution definitive de la question romaine. Par A. C. B** — D***. Paris, 1861. pp. 15. 8* . 4714.1 Solution, a, of our national difficulties, and the science of republican government. Cincin- nati, [1863]. pp.00. 8° *4340a.S5 SoMAIZE, A. B. de. Le grand dictionnaire Ues pretievsee,ov la clef de la langue des ruelles. Paris, U160. pp.84. 8m.l2° **4G95.17 — Le grjuid dictionnaire dcs preticvses. [Suivi dej La clef du dictionnaire. Paris, ICGl. 2v. 12' **4695.25 Some considerations on the advantages to Ireland, arising from its distilleries, and the evils justly appi'eheuded from the revenue laws, n.p., [1783J. pp.22. Kt" v. lof*2478.3 Some thoughts on natural theology, suggested by " Vestiges of the natural history of creation." London, 1849. b' G023.3 Some useful observations on the cousequences of the present war with .Spain. London, [1702). 12* *Pph.v.330 Somersetshire, Eng. See Bristol, Glastonbury. SoMERVii.LK.M. Mechanism of the heavens. Phil- adelphia, \f-■^■^, 10' 3930.22 — Information on electricity, galvanism, electro- magnetism, etc. .See Davenport, T 6903. lu BoMERVn.LB, or Soniervile, W. The chase: u poem. London, I7U0. 4" *2571.8 — Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poots of Great Britain, v.8j 4004.1 Content*. — The clttkW, Uobbltiol; FloM-tjiortv; Tlio SoMERViLLic, Afnnfi. First church, Sermon on the burning of the. Pope, A. U 5543.11 — TuflH college. Ser Medfnrd, ,lA;j»«. Shelf. No. SoMME, Department of the. LMmprimerie, la librairie, et les arts et industries qui s'y rat- tachent dans le dcpartemcnt de la Sonime. Pouy, F 2111.10 SoMMERFKLDT, H. A. Atlas to the principles of the construction of ships. London, 1801. 14 plates. 4' .3950.2 SOMMERNACHT, Die. Einc Jugenddichtung. Tieck, L 4890.1 SOMNAMBULA. Bellini, V. Lasonnambula. Opera. 8042.50 — Romani, F. La somnambule. Op(fTa • . . . 8059.1 SOMNAMiJULiSM. Somnolism and psycheism. Had- dock, J. AV C09S.9 Song book for primary and advanced schools. Translated from the German, by Mrs. M. 8. B. DauaShindler. 1st book. Boston, [1858], pp.09. 12' 8(H0.30 Songs (with the music). Baker, B. F. School musicbook • . , 8047.37 — Bird, J. Singing school companion 8017.18 — Cliambers, R. Songs of Scotland prior to Burns 2r,:iS.19 — ChappeI,W. Music of the olden time .... 4(i44.10 — Ditson, O. Gemsof Scottish song set to music. 8041. 3t — - Dome melodist 8040.42 — - One hundred songs of Ireland 8043.11 — - One hundred songs of Scotland 8043.10 — - Parlor companion 8051.10 — Emerick, A. G. Songs for the people .... 8043.14 — Emerson, L. O. Golden wreath 8047.38 — Fink, G. W. Musikalischer Hausschatz der Deutscben 40.^3.15 — Hastings, T. The mother's nursery songs . . 8040.20 — Johnson, A. N. Normal song book 8049a. 4 — Johnson, J. C. Carmina meloda . 8047,40, and 8049a. — Pratch, I. Russian national songs 4053.9 — Pratt, G. W. Pestalozzian school song book. 8019a. 3 — Singende Deutschland, Das 4(08. 17 — Taylor, V.C. Song festival Mi47.10 — Union temperance song book 8040.40 — White, E. L. Seminary class book 8047.31 Sec also: rsiilmody. Songs (without the music). Carfee, C. S. Souve- nir minstrel 4109a. ]4 — Cunningham, A. Songs of Scotland 2530.9 — Forecastle songster 4ir.'.'a.l'.l — Jenny Lind forget-me-not songster 4Hi'.»a.l8 — New book of a thousand songs 4109a. 19 — launch's comic songster 4109a. 10 — liecucil des plus jolies chansons populaires . . 4189a. 37 — Red, white and blue songster B. 170b. 115 — Universal songster 4175.10 Sec also: Bullnds, Iljuinologry. Sonnet, M. L. J.H. Lemons d'arithnu'tique. Paris, 1837. 1.8". [('ours complet d'education pour lesfilU's.v. 0] 3591.20 — Notions de physique et de chimie. Paris, 18.38. pp. 48. 1.8". [Oours complet d'educalion pour les nik's, V. 8] 3591.28 — Pn'mii'i'i's notions de calcul, etc. [('ours com- plet dVducation pour les tilles, v. 1] .... 3591.22 SoNNiNi, C. N.S.de Manoncour. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 22]. C207.1 SoNORA. Sr.c lleve language. Soi'iiiKNS Reise von Memel nach Sachsen. Ro- man. Hermes, J. F 4898 7 SopniLUH. Coma'diarum quinque deperditarnm ft-iigmenta. [Meineke. Fnigm.com. Gr., v. ■1(3)] B.102.8 Sophoi'm:s. (^ua: exstant omnia, rum veterum grammulii'orum scliolils. Recensuit, vernionc et notis illus(., deperditarum fragmeuta coHe- git R. F. P. Brunck. Argentorati, 1780. 2v. 4° 3000.2 roHfrtiM, — Vol. I. (Efliiiui rox i ffitllpUB Oolitiu'im; AiitlK'ino; Trn'Miittv. ]|. AJnx ; riillnolcfru; Rloclru. SOPnOCLES 589 SOUTH CAROLINA Sl.olf. N.). SoPHoCLKS, continued, — TrilgiutUie septem. Cum miimuth'i'rsiouilms S. Musgravii. Acctnlunt rragmciitii ex ctl. Bruuckinua et schuliii Oricca. Oxoiiii, ISUO. 3v. 8° *B.1C8.3 Contents. — Vol.1. AJnx ; Elcctrn; CEil)|uis tyrnntius; CF.ilipptis Culonciiit; Aiitiptnv. II. Trai'liliiiic ; PtilKic- tutoit; Fragiiieiitii i-x I'l). Itruuckliinii ; Loxicon Sopho- cleum vx vd. Brniicklnnn; liuli>x loconiiii SuphocUti In Suiiliu h'xtfo citaturum ; liidfX ill Soplioelwm. 111. Scholia Griccn, — - Same. Koccnsuit E. AVunderus. A'ol. 1, 2. Sect. 3. Golhae, 183(5-50. 2v. 8° 3.167.9 Ci>n/«ii«. — Vol.1, riiiloktotos; CEdipiia rex ; a-: cquito Polono, S. Trzipcovio; Coiicionis Cluistl, qutu ImlM-tur cnitltc V-Vll ntnid Mnltliu-um cvanBcUstflm, oxplicii- tlo; ExpHcHtio prima- pnrtis prlini cni»llis «vnii(r do to1)ub divinia qiini'Slionesexpcdiinitur; rra'k'ctionosthoologica' ;Ti-nc- tatw9 do juitiflcfttlone; Elfiiclii sophiBticl in pi-iitlnm auilcorum oxplicnti; Cliristirinin r^llplonia lirevlMinm liislltntio; Qu6d rcKiiI Tolonifu hominuH, vulgd Kvnn- pillcl dicti, oniiiliio duborent no illoriini crolui ndjnn- prrp, qui immcrit6 AiTlnni tilquo KbionitiB vocanturj I»c bui)tii»mo tionsio ; lit* .lcBu"Clirl)(IO iion-ntorn ; Do i»latu prinii honilnln nnto loi)Siim diapiitnlio; Do Jcsu rlirlKtl uflturn, nee non do poccatorum per ipKiini cxpln- tiiuio diapiitHtio; AmtorlloncB thoologlcwdL' trino ot uiio IH'O ; Ureveii do dlvorsis inntorlU ttd i-ollKionom Cbrln- tianam portlnciitlbim iractalufi; Do unlKonltl lllll Dol I'xiHtpntia dUpiilailo; l{o«pon»lo nd llbiOhim Jarnbl Wulckl Do divinitiilo fllll Doi ft Splriltm SaiictI ; Dofm- bIo ttnimadvertiiomnn F. Soclnl In Aasorlloiu'i* iIiooIobI- pas do trino ot nnoDt'o; Do Johu ChrUll invocnllono dftiputallo; DU|iutatlunu do liunoro Clirisrl. — lllpen, C. p. Symbolic nd vitnm ct doetrlnnm Sucini illnslnuuiiini fiO.?H.ft — Locliner, V,. W . C. Vila U.11K).40 — Sozini nnd di« Anlitrinitarior suiiu-r Zi-lt. I 'rrt'disfl. Die pvott'Htiintisdicu Antitrini- tarUT, V.2] OOiW.O S(>/»»mi;no, NoIIzIl' di-I I'linouicn. Ciunipi, S. . . . 280r.8 iio/.oMENUS, H. KccloHlastioii! liistoriffi librl no- vcni, GrnorC'. 5fr KKlicnno. K ILl.lO.fl SOZOMENUS 591 SPAIN Shulf. No. So/oMENi's, H., continued. — Historia ecclcsiiistlcii. ^(^e Grynxus, J. J. . . B.130.7 — - Same. [Mi^ruc. I'atrologiu Gni-cu.v. 07] . 0171.1'^ — - Same. Interprcto J. CliHstophorsono. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 7] B.110.2 SozziNi, G., Novcllc (H. [Kaccolta di iiovelUcri italiani, V. '.;] 277.1.14 Sr.v, Uvlfi'mm. Spaw waters. Nessel, M SSOD.S? SPAcii, IMiilosophy of. Ilammett, G. A B.l70a.0ii Spain. Anuario estailistico de Kspafia correspon* dicnte a IWJ y 18r.O. Madrid, 1800. 4'. . . *3000.15 — Atlas histtirico y topogratlco de la guerra de Africa, contra el iinperio Marroqui eu lt?5'J y IStiO. J[adrid, iHil. obl.f" »D.4..I.2 — Censo espanol de 1787. [Madrid], n. d. sm.f*. 3100.6 — Censo de la poblacign deEspafiade 1797. [Mad- rid], ISOl. V 3100.7 — Censo de la poblacion de Espaua de 1857. Mad- rid, ISJ8. f° V. lof *3100.H — Constitucion du la monurquia espaiJola. Mad- rid, 1845. pp.53. 10° 3094.21 — Constitucion politica de la monarquia espaiiola. Promulgada en Cadiz, a 19 de Marzo de 1812. Cadiz, u. d, 10" 3105.12,14 — Derrotero de Ins islas Antillas, de las costas de Tierra-firme, y de las del seno Mejicano. 3a ed. Madrid, 1837. sra.4'' 2365.22 — Ley de enjuiciamiento civil. 3a ed. 3Iadrid, 1858. 8° 3010.13 — Nomenclator de los pueblos de Espaiia, [1857]. Madrid, 1858. V v. 2 of *3100.8 — Novisinia recopilacion de las leyes de Espaiia, [con] Suplemcnto correspondiente a los alios 1805 yG. Madrid, 1805-7. Ov. f" *3021.0 Description, travels, etc. — Bowles, W". Introduceion a la historia natural, y a la geografia fisica de Espafia 3829.3 — Carter, F, Journey from Gibraltar to Blalaga. 5098.3 — Cavanilles, A. .T. Icoiies et descriptiones plau- tarum, quw aut sponte in Hispania crescuut, aut in hortis hospitantur 5840.8 — Fee, A. L. A. L'Espagne, 1809-59 3094.12 — Garrido, F. L'Espagne contemporaine, ses progr^s moraux et materiels au 19e siiicle . 3092.20 — Lopez, T. Mappa general D.4.P.2 — Morcaude .Tonnes, A. Statistique del'Espagne. 3092.5 — - Estadistica de Espaua 4246.9 — Noah, 31. M. Travels in, 1813-15 2273.28 — O'Shea, H. A guide to 5099.1 — Quin, M. J. Visit to, 1822, 23 3092,9 — Kamirez Areas, A. Manual deseriptivo y esta- distico de las Espaiias 3101.13 — Rapport sur le regime de quelques prisons de I'Espag-ne. See France. Ministry of the in- terior 7010.10 — Roberts, R. Autumn tour in, 1859 2WZ.V4 — Scenes and adventures in, by Poco Mas. [Smith. Weekly volume, v. 2] 8030.3 — Townsend, J. Journey through, 1780, 87 . . . 4247.0 — Willaume, A. M. L. Sur le climat, le sol et les productions de I'Espagne 3104.5 History and biography. — Antigiiedades arabes de Espaha 3100,20 — Barozzi, N. Relazioni degli stati europei dagli ambasciatori veneti nel secolo xvi .... 4722.2 — Castro, A. de. History of religious intolerance in e054.10 — - Persecutions of Spanish protestants by Philip II 0059a. 11 — Cevallos, P. Machinations which led to the usurpation of the crown of 3101.10 — Conde, J.A, Histoirc de la domiuutioQ des Arabes et des Maures en Espagne 4243.2 — Frazer, A. S. Letters written during the Pe- ninsular campaign 2528.3 — Gachard, L. I'. Inventaire des papiers d'etat concernant les negoci.itions du guuvurnement espagnol avec Rome, 148a-1612 2817.31 Sliulf. No. Spain, continued. — Lembke, F. W. Geschichte von Spanien bis 1270 ^ 4226.5 — Louville, C. A. d'A. de. Etablissement des Bourbons en Espagnc 2G56.& — Maldonado, J. M. Historia de la guerra de la independencia, 1808-14 3092.4 — Mariana, J. de. Historia general de Espaiia . 4251.1 — IVIartinez de la Rosa, F. Bosquejo historico de la politica de Espaiia 3094.8 — Michel, F. Uistoire des races iflaudites de ri'Ispague 4290.25 — O'Neil, A. Dictionary of Spanish painters . . 4084.8 — Panorama espanol, cronica contenipordnca . 3092.23 — Pecchio, G. Journal of events in, 1822, 23 . . 3101.8 — Rabbe, A. Compendio de la historia de Es- paua 4259.3 — Rico y Amat, J. Historia politica y parlamen- tariade Espaua 3092.21 — Rosseifuw St. Hilaire, E. F. A. Histoire d'Es- paguejusqu'a la mort de Ferdinand VII. . . 5096.2 — Salmon, P. La revolucion de Espaiia aiio de 1808 3094.20 — Spanish empire in both Indies, ^ee Political t-ketches Pph.v.306 — Stanhope, A. Spain under Charles ii .... 3102.13 — Tapia, E. de, Historia de la civilizacion es- panola 3094.10 — Zeuobi da Fiorenza, S. di. Gli gran fatti che fcce re Carlo Magno,nelle parti dellaSpagna. 4799 25 Language. — Bachi, P. Easy method of learning Spanish . 3034.35 — Baretti, G. Spanish and English dictionary . 3033.8 — Connelly, T, iJiccionario delas lenguasinglesa y espauola 5030.9 — Dominguez, R. J. Diccionario de la lengua espauola 3030. 3 — Erro y Azpiroz, J.B. de. Alfabeto de la len- gua primitiva de Espaiia — Josse, A. L. Grammar, with exercises . . . — Llanos, V. Catechism of Spanish grammar . — Mandeville, H. Libroprimario paraaprender la lengua espauola — Moriano, F. Arte de leer los impresos antl- guos castellanos — Neuman, H. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages 4112. 7, aud — Peixoto, N. A. Grammatica hespanhola para uso dos Portuguezes — Rabadan, C. Practical course of lessons in . — Salkeld, J. First book in — Valbuena, M. de. Diccionario universal la- tiuo-espauol 4930.5 — Valdes, J.de. Dialogo de la lengua 5490.18 — Viugut, F.J. Spanish reader 3105.6 See also: Cuban dialect. Literature. — ■ Arrom, C. B. de. Cuentos y poesiaspopulares andaluces 3094.18 — Bbhl de Faber, J. N. Floresta de rimas anti- guas castellanas 4246.16 — - Teatro espaiiol anterior a Lope de Vega . . 4240.10 — Bouterwek, F. History of Spanish literature. 42.';3.9 — - Historia de la Uteratura espauola 3095.24 — Brinckmeier, E. Natioualliteratur der Spa- nicrseitdem Anfangedes xix. Jahrhunderts. 4143.8 — Cormon, G. L. B. Neuva colecciou de piezas eu prosa y en versos 4259.0 — Depping, G. B, Sammlung der spauischen Ro- inunzen 4259.4 — Foster, A. F. Spanish literature 309*. 13 — La Barrera y Leirado, C. A. de. Catalogo bib- liograiico y biografico del teatro antiguo es- paiiol 2170.31 — Latour, A. T. de. L'Espagne religieuse et lit- teraire 30ii4.11 — Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish ballads . . 3093.15 4126.3 5039.1 ?039.o9 3105.8 5030.14 5039.2 5039a. 1 3105.7 SPAIN 592 SPARROW Spain, continued. — Mohedano, R. Historia literaria de Espafia en los tiemposprinaitivos 4247." — Ochoa, E. de. Tesoro de los romanceros y cuncioueros espanoles 4246.8 — Poesias escogidas de nuestros Ciiiiciouerus y romanceros autiguos 3104.17 — Puymaigre, T. de. Les vieux auteurs castil- Ij'uis 3093.11 — Quintana, 51. J. Tesoro del Piirnaso espauol. 310i.l9 — Tabellariscbe Uebersicht der Gescbicbtc der sprtiiiscbeu Pocsie 219i>.6 — Ticknor, G. History of Spauisk literature . ;i0'.t4.5 — - ilistoire de la litturature espaguole .... 5095.1 Political institutions and jurisprudence. — Campanella, T. De monarchia Hispanica . . 4249a. 9 — Garcia de la Madrid, M. Historia de los tres dereclios, ronuiiio, canoaico, y espaiiol . - . 4304.11 — Marina, F. M. Teoria de las curtes 4240.11 — Zuaznavar y Franeia, J.M. Compendio his- torico dc la jurisprudencia de la corona de CatitiUa 4292.13 Sec also: Cadiz, Castile, Coniunn, Madrid, Meritin, Pyrenees, Simancas, Valencia. SrALATisus, i. e. of Spalt, proj}erly Burcbart, G. Clironicon, sive annales, 16i:i-2G; Dissertatio genealogico-bistorica de liberi.s Alberti dncis isaxonia;, lingua verniicula ; Vitre aliquot ducum et electorum Saxouiie a Friderico i usque ad Johannem Fridericum, 1409-1535. [Meucke. Script. Germ., v. 2] 4261.2 Spalding, T. Life of James Oglotliorpe. [Georgia historical society. Collections, v. 1] .... 2375.25 Spaxgenberg. A. G. Idea fidei fnitrura oder kur- zer IJegrifdercbristlichen Lebreiudenevan- geliscbeu Briidergemeinen. Bnrby, 1779. 8°. (;059.15 Spangenbekg, C. Vom Leben, Lelire vud Tode H. Sauonarole. Wittenberg, 1550. sm.f?". [Imperfect] *41S9a.31 _ Von der Musiea und den MeistersiiDgem, ber- ausgegebeu durcb A. von Keller. Stuttyfart, 1861. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, V. (»2] ' ■ • *42:.15.1 Spanoenukkg, E. P.J. Beytriigc zu den teutscbcn Kechleudes Mittelnlters. Halle, 1S22. 4'. 4302.1, 2 De veteris Latii religionibvs doniesticis, com- mentatio. Gottinguc, 1806. pp.80. 4*. . B. 190.54 SPANGFNBiatG, Johaiin. Lebeu. See Leuckfeld, J.G 4210.9 Spangknbekg, Jobami C. J. Ilundbucb der iu Jena seit beinabc fiiuflmndurt Jabren daliiu- pescbiedenen Gelehrten, Kiinstler und an- dern bemcrkenswertben Personen. Jcnji, 1819. l(i* 2S34.27 Spanhhim, K. Dissertatio de Juliani C.Tsaribus deque scriptis veterum satyricis universe. [t'usaiibon. De sutyricn] 2953.16 — EpiHtolffi. [Burnmnn. Sylloge epistolarum, v.:t] 4221.0 — I.fttrc oil Ton rend compte de I'Histoire crit- ique du Vieux Testament. See Simon, R. , 0010.28 SpA>*IIEIM, F. Opera quatenus conqilectuntur ge- ographiam, cbronologiam, ct bistoriam su- cram utque ecclesiasticam. Lugduni Battt- vorum, 1701-3. 3v. f *0060.4 Conttinta. — Vnl. I. Ooofrrnpliiu itacrA ot (tcrlcnlniitlca; Cliron(il'>ttt<^ HBiTii ; lllflorlii noclcfllantlcn nnli II. Lniidiillo fuiic-brU K. Hpaiiliomii n J. TrlfClniiJio ; U" anlliiiiUiilf ol oliicurln liUlnrlic Job! ; IJ« voio JcjihtB.*; iir^ nnftorv rpfklolre ml llebriron; Dc hl»- toriiD fviiiiK''l'cfl.- acrlplorlliUHot In iipoeic do Muroo; Do ■poRtolU xn (il api'Hlolndi; Dd {-oiivnrHluiilii rnutlnn cpwhii, deque I'niill Idnlorift «t nomine; Dc Hcla pro- fcctl'-no Pcrrl npoitoll 111 iirlieni Koninni; Do convernl- onlbiiH l.tieli Ilribtiiuni reftU, .Tulliv Mnu)n?iv AiikumIio cl I'hUlplil ImiHTiiloriii; I)l«tn'r1iilluni'« Ire* nnetorllatl pupm Uoiniinl pidlMlmum ndvomir; Dr piipn far, Cox, May, Robertson, lli'yues, Itodmnyno. SPARTIANUS 593 SPENCER Sla-lf. No. Spaktianus, a. Vitic Adriaiii, JKMi Veri, Didii Jiiliani, Sevcri, Antonini Getic, Antouini CnrncalH ct Pesceniiii Jsigri iiniicratorum. [llistoriiP Au^u^tx scriptores s<'x] . , • . B.178.4 — - SiimL'. fllistoriu' Komaniv srriiitoros, v.'J]. 4"i40.3 Sl'Xrn, A. Ht'do bi-i dt-r lio^'riiliiiis>lVit'r di's Priisi- dfiiton A. Lincoln, April lit, iMij. Pliiludfl- phift, 1S(15. pp. 15. 8" *4342.5 Spauliuno, E. G. \utioni\l rnmnces; confis'cation and emancipation : speech in the house of rc])resentiitives, June 1", ISO:.'. "Washington, lsr.-_*. [No tille-pnge.] S" 4:i50a.r3 Spauloixg, L. English and Tamil dictionary. Sfc Knight, J 3038.4 SPAZiEit, K. O. J. p. F. Kichtcr. Ein biographi- scIkt Coniim-ntar zu (lessen M'erken. Nenc Ausg. Heiliii, 1SI5. ov. in 1. 10° *4239.2 Speak, C. Essays on the punishment of death. 3d ed. Boston, IS44. 12' 3575.34 — Plea for discharged convicts. Boston, 1840. pp.32. If^" *4103.10 Spkar, Jesse S. Boston guide to health. Boston, 1845. S' 77C1.20 Spear, John M. The educator. Vol. 1, Boston, 1857. 8° *4164.25 — Labors for the prisoner, n. p., [1848]. pp. 7. 8" B. 170,57 — - Same. No. 3. [Boston], 1650. [No title- page.] pp. 16. 1.8** B. 170. 50 — Mes.sages from the superior state; communi- cftted by John Murray. Published by S. C. Hewitt. Boston, 1852. 1S° 4109. 4 — Twelve discourses on government: purporting to have been delivered by Thomas Jellerson. Hopedale, lt>53. pp. GO. 12* B.160b.43 Spear, r>. T. The duty of the hour. New York, 180;j. pp. 10. h' 4340a. 88 — Our national sorrow. A sermon. [National preacher. May and June, 1805] 4342.4 Specialk, X. Berum Sicularum Hbri octo, ab anno MCCLXXXil usque ad annum Moccxxxvii. [Grievius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, v. 5j . 4710,1 Species. Darwin, C. Urii^'iu of species by nat- ural selection 3829.5 — Huxley, T.H. Origin of 3829.4 — AVollaston, T. V. Variation of species with especial reference to the insecta 3S29.11 Spectacles, Scientitic use of. Wells, J. S. . . . 3804.29 SpectaTiir, The. A weekly journal. Vol, 1-31, 3:',-:i6. 1828-58, 00-03. London, [1828-03J. 35v. r *5110.1 Speculum regale. Konun^j^s-skuggsja. Konge- Speilet, et philosophisk-didaktisfc Skrift, lor- fattet i Norge mod Slutningen af det tolfte Aarhundrede. Christiania, 1848. 8° . . . . 2874.20 Spee, p. Auserlesene Gedichte. Herausgegeben V. C. Forster. Leipzi;,^ 1831. 12°. [Miiller, Bibliotbek deutscUer Dichterdes 17ten Jahr* hundertB, v. 12] 2879.10 — Trutz-Nachtigall : eingeistlich-poetisches Lust- watdlein. Mit Musik von F. X. Weninger. Innsbruck. 1^44. 10' 4898.9 Speecr, C. The mountaineer. [Essays.] New ed. Staunton, Va., 1823. 10" 2407.30 Speech. Versuch einer Physiologie der Sprache. Kapp, C. M 2955.20 Speeches of J. T. Buckingham, CM. Ellis, and A, Burlingamc. at the democratic meeting, Oct. 13, 1852. Boston, 1852. pp. 10. 8° .... G0S7.12 Speeches on the passage of the bill for the re- moval of the Indians, April and May, 1830. Boston, 183U. 12' 2300.39 Contents. — Speech by T. Frclinghuysen, P. Spragoe, A. Itobbins, U. K. Stoira, W. W. Ellsworth, G. Evans, J. W. Hiinttngtvii, K. Johna, jr., I. C. Bates, D. Crockett, E. Everett, J. Teat. Speed, J. Historic of Great Britaine vnder the conqvests of the Komans, Saxons, Banes and Normans. 3d ed. London, 1032. f* . *4170.7 75 Slu-lf. No. SpEEDWELL^chooner and cargo, William Troy, et al. versus. Troy, W 5660a. 7 Speelmanx, C. Erzehlung des Krieges zwischen dem Kiinig des Ueichs Macassar und der Oost-indischen Compagnie, 1006-09. Ham- burg, lOrO, pp. 30. 4^ *4157,4 Speke, J. H, Journal of the discovery of the Bource of the Nile. Edinburgh, 1803. 8* . 3050.0 Speke, R. Expedition von Zanzibar bis zum Tan- ganyika- und Nyanza-See. [Andree. Reisen nacii Arabien und Ost-AfriknJ 3050.5 Spelling books, Report on. See American society for the diffusion of useful knowledge , . . Pph.v.383 Spence, James. Southern independence: address in Olascrow, Nov. 20, 1803. London, 1803. 8**. 4322,42 Spence, Joseph, Essay on Pope's Odyssey, in five dialogues. 2d ed. London, 1737. 12° . . . 2999.27 — Polymetis; or, the agreement between the Ro- man poets and the artists, London, 1747. roy. f *4280.2 Spence, T, Case of T. Spence, committed to Clerkenwell prison for selling Paine's Kig-hts of man. 2d part. n. p., 1792. 8° , . . . *Ppli,v.340 — Constitution of a perfect commonwealth: beinj; the constitution of 1793 amended. 2d ed. London, 1798. pp.24. 12° 3508.24 — Dh'e k'onst'itush'un 'ov Sp'ensone'a, a kuntre In Fare Land, betwen Utope'a 'and Oshean'a. n. p., n. d. pp. 28. 12° 3508.24 — - Same. 4th ed., in ordinary orthography, [In his Important trial, etc.] 3508.24 — End of oppression: a dialogue. 2d ed. Lon- don, n. d. pp.12. 12° 3508.24 — Grand repository of the English language. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1775. sm.4° .... 4589.34 — Meridian sun of liberty ; or, tiie whole rights of man displayed. [Appended], Letter from R. Hodge to T. Bull. London, 1790. pp. 24. 12° 3508.24 — Pig's meat; or, lessons for the swinish multi- tude. 3ded. London, [1794]. 3v. 12° . . 3568.23 — Songs, n. p., n.d. pp.42. 12° 3568.20 — Tri'al ov T'om'is Sp'ens, [etc.]. 1st, 2d part. London, 1803. 10° 3508.22 — Trial of T. Spence for a political pamphlet, en- titled, "The restorer of society to its natural state." [With the pamphlet.] 2ded. [Lon- don, 1803.] pp.68. 12° 3508.24 — Memoir of. 5ee Mackenzie, E Pph.v.340 Spence, W. Agriculture tlie source of the wealth of Britain. London, 1808. 8° 3053.15 — Britain independent of commerce. 6th ed. London, 1808. pp.90. 8° 3653.15 — Objections against the corn bill refuted. 4th ed. Loudon, 1815. pp.40. b° 3C53.I5 — Radical cause of the distresses of the West- India planters pointed out. 2d ed. London, 1808. 8° 3053.15 Spencer, E. Maxims of morality. Middletown, 1858. pp.48. 24° B. 100b. 113 Spencer, H. The classification of the sciences. Added, reasons for dissenting from the philos- ophy of Comte. New York, 1804. pp.48. 8", 2121.7 — Essays: scientific, political, and speculative. London, 1858. 8" 5563.7 — - Same. 2d series. New York, 186-1. 8°. . 5563.2 — First principles. London, 1802. 8° 5007.11 — New theory of population; deduced from the general law of animal lertility. New York, 1852. pp.44. 12° B.irob.55 — Over-legislation. Reprinted, with additions, from the Westminster review, for July, lb53. London, 1854. pp. 42. 16° , , .3500.21 — I*rinciples of psychology. London, 1855. 8° . 5003. 13 — Social statics; or, the conditious essential to human happiness. New York, 1865. 8° . . 5508.11 Spencer, J, De legibus Hebraorum ritualibuset earum rationibus, libri tres, Cantabrigia, 1685. f° *0033.1 — - Same. Ed. 3a. Lipsia;, 1705. 4° *0073.7 SPEXCEU 594 SriRITUALISM Shelf. No. Spencer. P. J. Leben. [Schrockh. Allgemeine Biograpliic, V. :i] 4H3.6 Spekxkr, F. C L, Garaopctala.'. [Nees vuii ^e-n- beck. Genera plimtarum florie Gernianica?, V. G] 3857.4 Spenser, E. Poetical works, with life. [Auder- Bon. Poets of Great Britain, V. ii] 4004.1 Contentfi. — Faery Quecne; Colin Clout's come homo apiin; Virgil's pnat; Shephei-d'a cnlciidnr; Visions; Hj-mns; Mother Hubbard's talc; Prolhalnmion; Epi- thnlnmion; Sonnets; Elejrinc poems; Tpbts of the Muses; Ruins of Home; Ruins of lime; Miuopotmos, etc. — Calendarium pastorale, sive a?j;log^. Anglico olim scripts, mine Latino carmine donntre a T. Uathnrst. .7. Ball, editore. Typis Lon- doniensibus, [1732]. 8" 2G08.1G Speuling, O. Dissertationt'S de variis rebus et qua'stionibus qua? pertinent ad antiiputatcs Gritcas et Romanas. [I'oloni. Ctriusque thes. antiq. supp., V.4] 2970.7 — Unsedruckte Briefe. 5t'e Rhode, C. D. , . . 4230.6 Si'ERMATOKRiiCEA. Des pertes seminales involou- taires, Lallemand, C. F 3740.59 Speroni degli Alvarotti, S. Opere. Venezia, 1740. 5v. 4*" *4791.19 Contents. — Vol. 1. TestimonianzG d'uomiui illustri iutorno a Speroni; Dialogi ; Apologia doi dialog!; Uis- corsi ili M. Mantovft BenHvides. II. Bialogi ; Discorsi. III. Orazioiii; SuppUche; Discorsi. IV. Tragcdia; Uiudiciosoprn In tr»geili« di Canace e Macareo; Apolo- gia contra il Giudicio della Canaoe; Sommarii e frag- ment! di lezioni in difesn dclln Cannce ; Chi sia I'MUluro deir invcttivtt, frogmento; Risposta di Felice Paciotto; liiscorso di Fausliu Summo; Joannis Itaplisttc Gyrnldi epistolft ; Tragoiliii rifonnata; Sopra Rumn a pupa Pio IV ; Alia gran duchcssa di Toscana ; Au seigneur Pii?rie do Ronsflrd; Alia cootessa Tiene; Egloga; Mndriguli, Bonnvtti, stauKo; 11 miserere in ottnva rinia ; Principio del libro secondo deU'Eneida; Commudia, fragmento; Favole; Discorsi sopra Virgilio. V, Vita di Sporone Speroni; Letiere di S. Speroni; Li-tterc di diversi a S. Speroni; TvulatelH di vario argumouto, ed aringho forensi. Alcune prose scelte [pubbl. da B. GambaJ. Venezia, 1828. 24° 4799.24 Con/riifs. — Dtalogo dclhi cum dt-lla famiglia; Din- logo dfllc llnguo; Dialogo dclla diBCordiii j Dialogo doUo dignitadelle douno; Esame c giudizio delta coin- media di A. *'nro inlit. Uli Straccioni; Lettcro ecelto; EpitaB'io di O. Chiabrera. — Dialogo delle linguc. [Albfcri. Tesoro della prosaitaliana] 2771.20 — Kt;loga. [Ferrnrio. Poesiepastorali] . , . . 48ue.ll Spktii, B, Die Kunst in Italieu. Miiuchen, 1819. 10" **2737.20 SplDKua of Great Britain and Ireland. Blackwall, .1 3sy(i.ir. Spieokl, F. Avesta. 5ee Zend-Avesta . • . . . 3025.19 SpielMANN, J. K. iCIoge. [Vicq-d'Azyr. G^uv- res, V.2] - 3720.11 Spiera, F., Ucber das Lebensendo des. iSecSchaff, V 6003.10 ypiNA, A. de. [Fortalicium fidei.] Nurembcrgk, 1485. f". [Black letter] ♦5400.2 A'ofe.— Tabtilu forlnlicij fldfl, fi leaves; I'rcfnce, br- glnlnic '* Iiielpit prohemlu furtnticlj ndci: confcripll [i. qurndnm doclitrem cxinilQ ordlnU minor. Anno dfll M ceccux. In partlb. nccldonlln." 'Iho citlophon reads thUH: "Anno Iiicnnniti' dellatU.M.CCCCLXXW.VI. Idu« ocliibrU. In dlclOue.lli. Illc Ilbur (tpiC fidol fortn llrlum editor Inllliilnnll) hnpHHorlii arto Nurembcrgk ]mpt'i>iiii Anflionll kubi-rger hiibl elutis C- conipletun 7 in hiinc nnC' umi. itordiii'tuH," Thu l>i>uk Ih prlnli'd In two cuhinnm, vnch 70 llneii. Folio tl7 U omlrted hi tlio viiiinit'nition, nmhlng l.Vt infileud of \o\ lunvcii. 1( \t vnri'iiiitly Bllrlbuled to <}. I'hulnnuii or '['iitanuH,Thonini UurburenBlt, A. du Hpliia und U. do 8plna. RpiNAI.cord, .Structure uinlfuiictlonHofthe. Schroc- d<-r van der Kn]k,.I. L. C . 5711.4 Spinal dl^eiiJ^es. ParHonH, IF 5;9)1.2li Shelf. No. Spindler, C. Bliimlein TTunderhold ; romantischc Erziihlung. Strassbur^, 1K24. 1«° .... 2878.30 Spine. Gueriu, J. Deviations simuli-es de la co- lonne vertebrale v. lof3S01.27 — - ]£tiologie gcnerale des deviations laterales delV'pine v. 2 of 3801.27 — - Traitement des deviations de I'epiue par la section des muscles du dos . . , . • . v. 2 of 3801.27 — Hare, S. Curvatures of the 3801.28 — Liharzik, F. 1*. Das Gesetz des niensclilichen Wachsthumes als die UrsacUe der Rhachitis. 3704.41 Spinning by rollers. Origin of. French, G. J. . . 2448.25 Spinoza, B. de. Opera omnia. Itervm eilenda cv- ravit H. E. G. Pavlvs. lenac, 1802, 3, 2v. 8°. *C098. 1 Contents. — Vol. I. Kenati Des Cartes principiorum philosophia more geometrico denionslrnta; Acces- serunt cogltatn mctaphysica. In quibus dilllclliorea, qua; tnm in piirt(> melaphystces general!, quam special! occun'unt, quicstiones breviter explicantur; Trac- tatus theologico-politicus contincna di&sertntiones aliquot, quibus ostenditur libertntem philosophandi non tantuni salva pietate et roipublicre pace posse con- codi, sed eandera nisi cum pace reipublicie ipsaque piotnte toll! non posse; Rcraarques curieuses et nfices- sa ires pour Tintelligence do ce livro; Eplstolas docto- ruui quorundam Wronini ad B. d, 9. et nuctoris respon- siones ad aliorum ejus operum elueidationem non pnrum facicntes. II, Ethica online geometrico demon- strata et in quinque partes distiucta, iu quibus agitur: De Deo; De natura et on'gine mentis; Dc origino et mitura atlcctuum; Do servitute humana, seu do alfec- tuum viribus; Do poteniin intcllectus, seu de libertuto hunmna; Tractatus politicus in quo demonslratur, quoniudo societas, ubi imporium monarchicum locum hiibct, sicut ct ea, ubi optimi imperant, debet Inslitut, ne in tyrannidcm labatur et ut pax, libcrtasquo civium inviolata maneat; Tractatus dc intcllectus emonda- tione, et do via, qua optime in verani rerum cognitiunem dii-igitur; Compendium gratnmaliccB linguae Ilebrieio; Collcctunca do vita R. du Spinoza, — (Euvres. Trad, par E. Saisset. Paris, 1844. sm.y" G0U8 3 Contents. — lulrmlurtioii ; KiliHngnipbio gOiiCrnlc dos o?uvreHdi> Spinoza; La vie do Spimiza parCt'terus; 'I'raiiu lhC-ologico-]>ulitiquu; TraitC dclarC'furnie de I'ttntcudc- meut, et dv la vuio qui menu 4 la vraiu connalhsanco des Glioses; Lettres. — - Same. Nouv.ed. Paria, ISOI. 3v. 12" . 5009a. 4 Contentfi. — Vol. I. Introduction critique. II. Vlo do Spinoiia par ColeruB; Notice bibllograiiliiquo; Tvuilu tbeolugico-politiquo; Traite puliti(|UO. III. ^thiquo; De la rfefovmc de rcntontlemcnt ; Lcttres, — Triiite politique. Trad, on IVaiicais pour hi pre- miere fois, par .1. G. I'lal. I'liris, JSC.O. 1'^°, 3.^10.34 — Leibnitz, G. \V. lli-lulat ion I ncdite de Spinoza. (1105.18 — Saintes, A. Histoire de la vie de Spinosia , . O098.a — Wae.hter, J. G. Der Spinozisinus in .liiden- thum B. 127. 14 Si'iitiT eommunieatiuns. [No title-page,] jjp. 1(>. 24" B.lfiOb.ll? Spirit of missions. Sue Protestant cpUcopal clmreli 7515.1 Spirit olt be pil^^riins, for 182&-;i3. BoBton, 1828-33. Ov. s° *6157.3 Spirit, Tlie, dI tbe South towards northern free- men and soldiers delemling the Amei'ican ll;ig a;;ainst triutors of the diejiest dye. Bos- ton, ISiil. pp. 24. 12' 4330a. 30 Spirits, rblh)sophy of, in relation to inalter. Bur- nett, G. M 0000.9 Spiritual communieations from l^r. Ulysses Dow. n. p., is.'is. pp.50, bi" 4i()9.il Spiritual dcsi)otit" 4318.0 — On the tariff. Washiugton, 1832. pp. 20. 8°. 6646.23 — What is treason ? A eliarge to the grand jury at the March term, 1863. Salem, 1863. s° . . 4.340a. 48 Sprague, W. B. Address at West Springfield, Aug. 26, 1866, ou the hundredth anniversary of the ordination of J. Lathrop, D.D. Al- bany, 1850. 8° 4347.62 — Address, Aug. 9, 1865, before the Phrenakos- miau society of Pennsylvania college, Get- tysburg. Albany, 1805. 8° 4393. to — Aunals of the American pnlpit, to the year 1855, New York, 1857-66. 8v. 8° *2346.4 ConteiUs. — Vol. I, II. Trinitarian congregational. Ill, IV. Presbyterian. V. Episcopal. VI. Baptist. VII. Methodist. VIII. Unitarian. — Discourse, April 7, 1861, in commemoration of Hon. J. McLean. Albany, 1861. 8° . . . . 4.348.58 — Discourse, Aug. 2, ls64, in Syracuse, on occa- sion of the funeral of Rev. D. Waldo. New York, 1864. 8° 4348.60 — Discourse, Feb. 10, 1861 , the Sunday succeeding the death of N. Murray, D.U. Albany, 1861. — Discourse, Feb. 31, 1861, the Sabbath succeed- ing the funeral of P. Bullions, D.D. Albany 1SU4. 8° — Discourse, Oct. 23, 1864, in New Y'ork, com- memorative of G. Potts, D.D. Albany, ls04. 4348.64 4348.61 8° 4348.48 — Glorifying God in the fires : a discourse, No 28, 1861, the day of the anuual thanksgiving. Albany, 1S61. 8° 4350a.83 SPRAGUE 596 STABAT Shelf. No. Si-RAGUE, \V. B., continued. — Sermon, April '2, 1SG5, on occasion of the death of S. D. Willard, M.D. Albany, lSi35. b" . 4348.53 — Sermon at the annual election, May '..'5, 1825, before M. Morton, governor, [etc.]. Boston, 1>:.'5. S= *435C.10 — Sermon, Aug. VO, 1.S54, commemorative of Mrs. C. Lee. Albany, 1S54. 8° 4348.44 — Sermon, Jan. :j, 1S21, at the interment of J. Lathrop, D.I». Jlartford, I.VJI. b" . , . . . 4347.52 — Sermon, Jnuf 21, Ihot, at the installation of E. :>nialky, D.D. Troy, 1854. b" 5470a. 47 — Sermon, St-pt. 3, li>54, the Sabbath succeeding the funeral of ilon. J. Towusend. Albany, 1S54. 8" 4-^8.47 — Sermon, Sept. 5, 1858, on the completion of the Atlantic telegraph. Albany, 1858. 8' . . . 4393.33 — Sermon, Sept. 21, 1^57, on occasion of the death ol J. Ludlow, D.D. Albany, 1857. 8*" . . . 4348.52 — Sermon, Sept. U», ]8('>0, having reference to the character of C, Van Rensselaer, D.D. Al- bany, 1800. S" 4.34S.54 Spragl'e family, Memorial of the. Soule, K., jr. . 2334.12 SFKAT, T, History of the Uoyalsociety of London. London, 1067. sm.4'' *3282.I7 — Misi-ellaneous poetical works, with Hfe. [An- derson. Toets of Great Britain, V. 0| . . , . 4G04.1 Spu.\tt, L. W. The foreign slave trade the sourte ofpoliticalpower,of material progress, [etc. J. Charleston, 1^5S. pp. 31. b' B. 100.43 Sprengel, C. Geschichle der Arzneykuude, 3te Autl. Halle, Ift2l-2S. 5v. b" *4205.14 — Gescliichte der Botanik. Altenburg, 1817, 18. :;;v. b' 4276.18 — Hislovia rei herbariae. Amstelodanii, 1&07, 8. 2v. b" 4277.13 Sfkexgel, M. C Geschlchte von Grossbritlan- nien bis 1216. [Universal history, v. iT] . . 4130.4 SrRENGER, A. Das Lebcu und die Lehre des Mo- hammad. Berlin, 1»61, 02. 2v. 8° 3024.12 SrKENGi-:K, J., and Institoris, H. Malleus maleli- carum. n. p., u. d. b" *00y0.17 .Vole. — Black Ictlcr, double columns, 40 lliioa lo a coluiuu, imperfect, sujii'i"'*-'*' l" *'<> i''" l»i '-'^•i l-l^'J. — - Same. Hac ed. per R. MalTcum k crroribus uiudicatus. Venetiis, 15*0. sm.>>° *01Dya.6 Sprengeu, v. Thesaurus rei patristicx: eonti- neiis dissertationos prx'stuntiures ex N. le Nourry udparatu, Gallaudii nova bibliutUeca putrum,[etc.J. Wirceburgi, 1784-U2. 3v. 4°. *0020.S ContenU.—Yo\. I. Protsmlutn ; De omnibus sonoratiin Itiliiil ucclosiit- Bivcull bcrlptoribuB non Inspiiutis ; Do ^. (.'lomciitoUumnuo; Dvuiiuuvinu viroapuslulicouitlstoliD 0(1 liloguctum uucturu; In ir«a libros imstoria bcu Hur- nia: ; l)v S. Unniabu ; l>u nutis jirimorum SA. tnnrtyrum ; Uc vpistolu prcebytcrorum ft illttcoiii'i'uni Aoliiijui do niKriyrio d- Aiiilrcu; iipufitull ; Dv Ui-UitPaullI et l hccliu ; UvtCBtniuenitu XII putrlurclmruiii; Ue lllurglisot miH»lfl Jacobi apoBtoIl, Slftrci uvungfllntM! utPctri uposiolwrmu princlpls; Do opcribui saiictl UlunyHii Arcopn^itoi; In hlfttorinin Prucliurl (. hrlKtl (1)bc[])u1I v uctU iiiurtyi'll ti. iKiii^ti' • I'v t^l'ittu'i^ 8. PulyuiU'iil uplBCwpi Hiityrna: «t inurijrli; Do B. I'lipln lliiirupwli- iMiio opltcupo; Do uciIm U. tjynipliuruHU' avplvinquo tllt- urutiiijui; Do H. (jnadrulu Atlii'iiuruiu uplacupoi Da Agrlppn C'naturc ; 1>« AiUloim P^'llH.'ui Do uraeuluruiu Btbyllliicruni nurlpturv Ciiriiilnuu; Do udltlunlbua opu- rum H. Juallnl, TullunI, Alli<'iini;i/i'(L-, 1 livu|itilli Aiitlu- client i-t Uuniila;i Multii nd Jntlhil oi ulluruni rullgluiiii d«rvii>uruiu duclrliiiuit Hpcctmillu. 11. Do (fintiit ot ■crtptU JUKllnl.Tullinil, Alb<'iiMiiun»oC Tbcuplilll Antl- ucliviil ; 8a>it.'tu« riua I In CHtliidrii J(uniuiin acdil, ■Utlhii nb HyKl"<'> ■*"*" *-'' *'"" l"'*^ Aidfotuin ; Do iu^iIn tj, l-'o- llclUitla oJi)ft4|UP auptotii Illlviruui ; lit' H. lilwnyaloCurlii- tbloruni i-plafopo ; iJo Mi-lllonp Miirdli-iial oplacopo j I>a U. Cluudlu Apullliinrl cplacupn llk-nipulltanui Do Itiir- Spkenger, p., continued. dcanne Syro; De eccleBlarnm Viennen»l» et Lopdu- nensisepistoln, ubi de mnrlyrio S. Pothini episcopi ot nliorura plurimorum ; De omnibua IrciiiGi acriptis eonim- que ediiionibus; De Irenoii doclrino; De Clomcntis Alexandrini admonitione ad Gracos et do tribus Pa-da- pogi libris. III. De libris Stroraatum; Do iiHis Cle- menlis Alexandrlui operibns sivc voris, sivo fulsls, siro edilis, sivc non editis, AC do lis, qutc ille MTipiunim so esse promlserat, et de variis ohrunulof^iis iib illo rcpvn:- seutatis. Spreti, D. De urbis Ravennrc amplitudinc, vas- tatione, et instauratioue. [GrKvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 7, p. 1] 4710.1 Spring, G. Memoirs of the Kev. S. J. Mills. New York, 1820. 8" 4345.6 — Oration before the alumni of Yale college, res- ident in >»ew York, in conimemoiation of T. Dwight, D.D. »\v York, l.sl7. 8' . , . *Pph.v.378 — Personal reminiscences of [his] life and times. New York, IbdG, 2v. 12' 4349.24 — Pulpit ministrations; or, Sabbath readings. New York, 1804. 2v. 8" 5442,5 — Tribute to the memory of Jeremiah Evarts. New York, 1831. 8" *Pph.v.375 Spring, S. Discourse, Nov. 7, 171i3, the day ap- pointed for a general thanksgiving. New- buryport, 1794. b" 54G0a.83 — Sermon at the ordination of Rev. D. Slernl, Sept. 17, 1793. Newburyport, 1794. 8* . . 5460a. 85 — Sermon at the ordination of Uev. P. Thurston, Feb. 1,1792. Dover, 1792. 8" 5460a.83 — Thanksgiving sermou, Nov. 29, 1798, New- buryport, 1798. 8* 5460a. 83 — Two sermons, fast day, April 6, 1809. New- buryport, IbOO. 8"° 546na.S3 — Sermou at tlie funeral of. See Woods, L. , . 4347.103 Springer, A. Geschichte Oesterreichs seit dem Wiener Frieden, 1809. Leipzig, 1803-65. 2v. 8'. 4815.7 Springfield, Mass. Review of the system of su- perlntendency, with reference to economy, and general management at the armory. 2dGd. Springfield, 1^52. pp.79. 8° . . . . 4355.60 — - Same, od ed. Springiield, 1853. pp.83. 8". 4355.59 Springmann, C. F. Six exercises on the letter K, to obviate the dilUeuUy of its articulation. Newcastle, 1827. -s" *I*ph.v.350 Sprint, J. Cassander Auplicanvs; shewing the necessity of conformitie iu case of depriua- tion. [With a briefe answere and reply to theanswere.] London, 1018. sm.4'' . . . . *0064.13 Spuitnek, C. v. Hislorisch geographiseher llnnd- Atlas. Golha, lh40-53. 3v. obl.f ° . . . . *B.180b.l Contctilf. — XcX. I. A(!fts nmiqutio, XXVI Kartcn. II. StAUtcn KuropA's voni Atit'nitF> des .MIllclRltorH bla nuf dIunouOHio Zi-it, l.Wili Kiti'ti'ii. 111. 7.ur Gcanlilcliia Aslona, AlVicu'a, Aniciicu'a untl AiisinilU-us, xvn Kui- — Historfco-geographical hand alias, from the year470. 20col.nuips. London, I-SOl. obl.4*'. *2281.I Spry, J. H. Kellectionh upon lIintH to the public on the nature and ellVcI of eviingelicalpi'each- ing. London, 1SU9. pp.85, b" 6158.4 — Fiiinl prevalfiice SM, A. Fasciculus laudum Regit Lepidi [Krggio]. [Grievius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. ;j 4710,1 SquiER, 10. 'a.3 — Sonetli. [Gironl. Uaccolta di Uriel itallanij.i''"*-* Stancoxk, O. Annates Januenses, 1270-79 [Frankfurt. .Societas, etc., v. 18] 1210.2 Stasdisu, F. U. Catalogue des tableaux, dessin et t'ravures de la collection Siandish. Pai^ l,s42. 12° ..170b.88 Stasiioi'k, a. Spain under Charles 11; co' spondeucc, 1090-99. London, isio. 6°." 3102.13 iShclf. No. STvVnhope, G. Sermon preach'd before the oaeen, at St. James's, March 17, 1703-4. London, 1704. Bm.4° 4103. ,38 Staniioi-k, L. Greece, In 1823 and 1824. Added, tlu! HIV of Mustapha All. I'hila., If.'S. 8° . 3074.9 Stanhope, Philip D., earl of Chesterfield: Advice to his son. [No title-page.) 24° 3689.32 — - .Same. The polite philosopher, etc. Lon- don, n. d. 32° 4509.28 Stanhope, Philip II., carl Stanhope, iliscellanles [1785-1856J. London, 1803. 12' 2528.26 — Review of his History of the Anvricau revolu- tion. See Palfrey, J. G 4.325.47 Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the history of the Eastern church. With an ntroduction on the study of ecclesiastical bstory. London, 1801. 8° 3516.11 — - Same. 2d ed. London, -«. 8° 3512.19 — - Same. From the 2d ondon ed. New York, 1802. 8° ■ 3612.18,20 — Lectures on the hl.story o the .Icwish church. New York, 186:1-05. 2v 8° 5423.15 Stanley, T. llistoria phi'^sophiao ex Anglico sernione in Lntinum t 'Uslata [ii (}. Oleario]. Lipslae, 1711. 4°. ♦6091.2 — HIstoria philosophia: orientalls. [Leclcrc. Opera philosophica''. 1] 6099a.l4 Stanly, E. .Speech ex'sing the causes of the slavery agitation, 'i the house of represen- tatives, March 6, =0. Washington, n.d. 8°. 5572.48 — and Evans, A. RfOrt, vindicating the rights of C. T. Jacks* to the discovery of the an- lesthetic effects '"ether, n. p., 1852. pp.75. 8°. 6087.88 STANSFELD, H. D/feram, showing the fluctua- tions In the b'k rate of discount, during 140 years. Lone'", n- d- PP- ^. 8° 3646.39 Stanton, F. P. vport to the house, in favor of a line of mai't'^amships to Africa, and thence to London App. by the American coloniza- tion socit '• Washington, 1850. pp.79. 8°. B. 170. 69 Stanton, K. • '^^^^ church and the rebellion against"*^ governmeutof the United States. New Y'k, 18l'i4. 12° 4328.16 Staphokst ' • Bekenntniiss der KIrchen zu Ham- burg Hajnburg, 1728. 4° v. 5 of *»3527.15 — Haml 'S'S';l"i Kiichen-Gcscliichte. Hamburg, i;-^> il. 5v. 4° •*3527.15 Staples,*^'- K. History of the criminal law of i;jde Island, n p., n. d. [No title-page.] I-'-9.__8'' ■ *6345.20 Stapl)*^*^' '^'* '^'''e=^ Tlioma;, sen res gestai S. TIio- a; apostoll, S. Thomie archleplsccpi C'antu- irlensis, T. Mori. Colonia; Agrippiua:, 1012. sm.S" »4i77 21 _ H.-toire de Thomas More. Trad, du latin par A. Martin, avec notes et commeutaires par M.Audin. Paris, 1849. 8° 4177.10 Vila et obitus Thoma; Mori. See Hove, .Sir T. 4181.2 j,.VR of emancipation. See Massachusetts female emancipation society 3579.29 rARGAUiJT.J. A. No. 20. Reliquleuaus Weimar. Berlin, 1854. pp. 20. sm.8° 4129.40 oTARK, A. See Kansas annual register for 1804 . 4380.4 STARK, Caleb. History of Dunbartou, N. H., 1751- 1800. Concord, 1860. 8° 2338. U — Memoir and oBicial correspondence of Gen. J. Stark. Also a biography of Capt. P. Stevens and of Col. K. Rogers. Concord, 1800. 8° . 4,345.12 Stark, Carl B. Gaza und die philistKisclie Kliste. Jena, 1852. 8^ 4- :44.12 Stark, James. Doctrine of the trinity. Edinburgh^ 1801. pp. 89. 8° 3461.24 Stark, John. Memoir and official correspondence. See :?tark, C 43^5 j,, Starke, U.B. Notaeselectae in locadvbia [Vet. et] N. Testamenti. LIpsiae, 1710-24. 2v. in 1. 4° Starke, M. Information for travellers on the con- tinent, particularly in Italy and Sklly. 8th 027.10 ed. London, 18;2. sm.8° . 2734.16 STARKE 598 STEAUNS Slielf. No. Starke, il., continued. — Letters (^om Italy, between 1792 nnd 1798. Lonclon,4^soo. 2.-. S" 2703.5 Starr, F., jr. I'he martyr president. Discourse, April 16, isuo, on the death of A. tincola. St. Louis, isilo. 8° •4342.6 Stars. Argelan\er, F. W. A. DLX stellarum fixarum pos'iones media: ineunte anno 1S30. 3921.4 — Bayer, J. V. l-anometria B.isof.4 — Flamsteed, J. " tlas celeste 3924.22 — Miidlcr, J. H. j'e Fixsternenwelt 3929.7 — Mohammed Ebn «eber Al Batani. De Bcien- tia stellarum 5023.4 — Kobin8on,T. K. I ices of 5,345 stars, observed from lS2.<-54, at A-magli 3924.30 — Swedenborg, E. T\. earths in the universe, and theirinhabitai - 5545.3 — Wilcocks,A. KaturSif the temporary star of 1572 .V . 5920.12 ST.4.TE necessity considerc as a question of law. London, 17(t(». fe" . t *Pph.v.343 State of man before the pro . ligation of Christian- ity. London, 1848. Is*. 6039a. 3 — - Same. London, lSol,t\ 2v. 16° ... . 0o39a.4 State of the country. Fromi -Princeton review, Jan., 1861. Xew York, t ,;i]. pp. .32. 8°. 4340a. 47 STATE rights. Lewis, T. l'l,ograph from the ruins of ancient Greece . -^ 4320a. 43, 70 — Train, C.R. On the heresyoV,e doctrine of . 4340a. 65 State sovereignty and the doct\;*e of coercion. Porter, W. D. Sec also: Secession. •'}. 4330a. 2 State tracts. Beign of King CIl^j, ,i_ losd. [Two parts.] London, 1692, 93. j, _ ;„ i_ f •_ »4510.9 Statesman, The, or minister of stiite.'yrijlan, L. 5561.10 Statesm.vn's year-book for 1864, 65. 5^^'.;n, F. . 2280.12 Statics. Biot, J. B. Notions demt, jres de statique .< . . . .3945.23 — Varignon, F. Nouvelle statique . . .y _ , 5942.1 Statilius Flaccus. See Flaccua, S. v Statistics. Uioja, M. FilosoHadellast.at.o-a. 4290.26 — HUbner, F. O. -lahrbuch fiir Statislik . -; _ 6644.1 — - Statistische Tafel aller Liiuder der Ei'_ B. 170.21 — Journal of the Statistical society. See Lo'^.j> _ 2288.1 Kolb, (i. F. Vergleichcnde Statistik der y' kerzustands- uud .staatenkunde .... ^""5(543.20 Programme and proceedings of the Intel ,^0^ See Internatioi. tioualsliltistical congress, otc iwi-.......i."- ,j. ,^'2 Tratadoa de cstadistic^{,^ -8 A. Itibliothcca geographico-sta- Ramirez Areas, A. general — Zucliold tistica StatiL's, p. I'. Qvie exstant. C. Bartliius reoensuit ct animadversionibus illustr. Cygneic, 1661, 65. 4v. am-b" *i- CoM^enM. — Vol. I. Sylvftnim Uhri V ; Tliebniilos libri XII i Acilillelilos Ulirill; Indices; Anhnudvcrsiones nil Sylvan. II. Ill, IV. Animiulverf-lonos ad Tliybaldem. IV. Animadverslwnoi 13 .35 B lid AcliilU-muB libroe II. B. 191.9 — Vita, a P. Crinito; Opera. [Gottfried. Cor- pu-H vet. poet.J — Achilleidos libri II. [Ueichard. Syllogeopus- culoniiu velirum poelicorum] B.17!)a.5 STATUAllV. Alln-rli, I.. It. OnebookOf 41180.4 _ - Delia statua 4802.3 _ Fogelberg, B. K. LVuvre de Fogelberg . . . 4060.24 — RighcttI, I'- Di'Scrizioiie del Campidoglio . . 4740.3 STALPKNMAIKK, V. A. <:hrl.-.lliche Dogniatlk. 11. 1-3, B. 4, Abth. 1. Freiburg, 1S41-02. 3v. in 2, and 1 p. 8° 0038.2 _ GeBChlclite der BlscholBwahUii. 'J'Uliingeii, IKW. »• «OM-S _ PhiloKopllie din ChrlKti lllhuins oder Melll- phy»lk der lleillgiii .Sihrlrt. B. 1. Lehro von der Idee. UlesBeu, 1S40. S° 0005.11 Slielf. No. Stauden.maier, F. a., continued. — Der Protestautismus in seiuem "Wesen und in seiner Enlwicklung. Freiburg, 1846. 2v. 8°. 6053.14 — Das Wesen dor katholisclien Kirche. Frei- burg, 1845. 8° 6074.20 StXudlin, C. F. Geschichte uud Geist des Skeptl- cismus. Leipzig, 17i)4. 2v.ini. 4° . . . « 6065.9 — Geschichte der Vorstellungen und Leliren vom Eide. GiJttingen, 1824. »" 4305. H — Tzschirner, H. G., and Vater, J. S. Kirchen- bistorisi-hes Archiv. Halle, 1823-26. 4v. 16°. 6049a.3 Staunton, Sic George. Account of the embassy of earl Macartney to the emperor of China. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 20] 6267.1 Staunton, Sir George T. Proper mode of render- ing the word '• God ■' in trausl. the .Scriptures into Chinese. London, 1849. pp.67. 8° . 3018.10 Staunton, H. Memorials of Shakespeare. See Shakespeare, W 4590.1 Staunton, W. Ecclesiastical dictionary. Kew York, 1861. 8° 3532.2 Staveley, E. Map of Canada. Edinburgh, 18)4. Folded 16° 4362.31 Stays. Ueber die Wirkungen der Schniirbriiste. Soemmering, S. T. v 3794.25 Steam battering rams, Substitution of, for ships of war. EUet, C, jr 3953.42 STEAM engineering. Experimental researches in. Isherwood, B. F 8011.2 Steamboat disasters and railroad accidents in the United States. [With] accounts of ship- wrecks, etc. Worcester, 1846. 12° 4329.9 Steam-engine. Bourne, J. Treatise on the . .4011.18,21 — Cartwright, E. Certificates of the power of Cartwright's steam engine Pph.v..353 — Hann, J. Steam engine for practical men . . 4015.30 — Janvier, — . Machines a, vapeur appliquees ^ I'industrie S019.6 — Lardner, D. Popuhar lectures on the 4015.23 — Main, T.J. Indicator and dynamometer . . 4016.31 — - ^Marine steani-eugine 4015.22, 28 — Stillmau, P. Steam-engine indicator 4016.27 — Tredgold, T. Invention and progressive im- provement of the 4011.20 Steam-n.vvkjation. Mail steamers from the United States on the Pacitic to China. I'orbes, U. B 6953.26 Steakns, Charles, J)./)., 6. 1753, d. 1826. Sermon before the convention of congregational nun- isters in Massachusetts, June 1, 1815. Bos- ton, 1815. 8° ♦4.357. B Stearns, Charles. Facts iuthe life of Gen. Taylor. Boston, 1818. pp.35. 12° 4347.109 — The " fugitive slave law " of the Uuited States. Boston, 1861. pp.30. 8° 5572.55 — Report of the case of Charles Stearns against J. W. Ripley, for malicious prosecution. Spriuglield, 1851. 8° flOOOa.O STEARNS, 10..!. 'f he sword of the Lord; a sermon, y Sept. 26, 1861. Baltimore, 1861. 8° ..... 4.350a. 4 — [Plall'ormfornll parties. By Austro-Bofealis.] \ - Baltimore, 1860. pp. 21. 8° 4.350a. 4 \tARNS,<;. li. A few facts pertaining to currency and banking, lioslou, 1864. pp.16. 8° . . 6646.19 \KNS, J. F. Fennile iulluence : a discourse, in 5460n.94 Aj Newburyporl, July 30, 18.37. Newburyport, ■ 1S37. 8° 5 Sstorical discourse, commemorative ol' the or- *^* anizatiou of the First presbyterian church (^ Newburyport, delivered Jan. 7, Islii. New- *' *'yi>ort, l'846. b° .'i543.19 "^V' education a necessity of (he church. A -ursi-. New York, 1860. 8° . . . V.2 of *6696.1 "~ : Vclion of the jnsi : a »n-nion at the fu- of Kev. J. K. Einersou. Newburyport, ■* 8° 511(111. 6,-> SteARA*^ The go.-pel applied to the fugitive ** ' g,- : a 8eriuoii,iMMich2, 1851. Boston, ''''' B.lOOa.42 I STEARNS 599 \ STENOGRAHY Stiull'. No. Stkarxs, ()., cnnHmial. — Thr lioMsr oCtlio Lord : a sornioii. in ITingham, I>i'C. !■,", I.s.V,'. liostim, l.S:Vi. S° 54G0a.l04 — Th'' iricarniitioii ; a st'i-inoii at the ordination of lIi'V. ('. S. l.ocliP, in Wist Utilluim, Dec. (i, l«t. lioston, IsiS. (i° . . . S^(illa. 104, ami 5470a. (if. — Knowledge : its relation to tlie progress t)t'nian- I■, STENOGRAPIIV. Albrecht, C. Die Stenographie in Lehraustalten fiir huhere Bilduug .... 4129.35 STENOGRAPHY 600 STEVEN'S STESnoRArAjV, continual. — JJigelow, '. B. Self-taught stenographer — Newton, C-f. Systems of — Stetson, I. ^hort-hand shortened .... — Taylor, S. Ustein of SLelf. Xu. B.lfiOb.M . 21 1.5. (K . 2115.. IS . 2115.23 — Towndrow, ■ Complete guide to 2115.29 Stenzkl, G. a. -,^; Geschichte des preussischen Staats [bis 1>. ij. Hamburg, 183(1-54. 5v. 8°. *431C.3 Stephaxovitch K rajiteh, V. Set Karnjitch, V. S. STEPHASUS, aftioto/ij-jpc. Ex miraculis S. Mo- doaldi. [Franky,t_ Societns, etc., v. 8] . . 4210.2 STEPHASUS. daacon :e Constantinople. Vita S. Stephani jiinioi,^ monachi et martyris. [Migne. TatrolOja Gra!ca, v. 100] .... 6472.6 Stephanas, H. mid R. ^^^ Estienne. STEPHANUS Atheniensis,.,^,-^ p„^t. Philolaconis fragmentura. [Mei ,,.g_ pragra. com. Gr., T.5(4)] B.1C2.8 STEPHANUS Byzantinus. l.urbibns [Gricce]. T. de Pinedo Lntii jure ,,nabat et observati- •*^stelodami, ICrS. f°. ♦4160.5 3624.5 3573.8 3(124. onibus illustrabat, Stephen, bishop of Liege. G^a s. Lamberti pon- tificis et martyris. [Lipeauville. Gesta pontilicum Tungrcnsium, jj 2813.5 Stephen, bishop of Tournay. ^pistols cc.xL. [.Maxima biblioth. vet. put ^. 25] .... B.110.2 Stephen, of liaugc, bishop of -■t,^^,^ Tractatus de Sacramento altaris. [Aj^jma biblioth. vet. patr., V. 20] B.110.2 Stephen, 0/ Chalmc-to. De persevt,^,)^ ordinis. [.Maximabiblioth. vet. patr., v.jj .... B.110.2 Stephen, H.J. New commentaries ^ „,'(,"ia„.s of England. 5tli ed., prepared 1 jj^^ ^^^^^ with questions lor law students^ j^ ^^^^ phen. London, 1863. 5v. S° •■,.., Stephen, James. Slavery of the Brit; ^y^^.^ India colonies delineated. Vol. 1. v^don, 1824. 8° Stephen, James F. General view of the ^.^^^^^i law of England. Loudon, 1863. 8° .. Stephen, T. Guide to the daily service i',^'^ church of England. 2d ed. London, .^^ 16° ■, ■ J V ■ 544S.23 — History of the church of Scotland, from reformation to the present time. Lond(^_ 1843-45. 4v. 8° •■■.'.■ "SOOSS.e Stephen Templier, bishop c] Vans. RescriptuD de quorumlam errorum et librorum damnaAi tione. [Maxima biblioth. vet. pair., v. 25] . STEPHEX.S, Alexander II. African hlavery, the corner slone of the Southern confederacy. Speech at the Atheneuni, Savannah, .March 22, 1861. New York, 1862. 12° _ The assertions of a secessionist. From u speech, Nov. 14, 1860. New York, 1861. 8°. [New York. Loy^dpublicationsoc, No.oi;] . - and Ganlt, E. W. Prophecy ami fullilmeut. Speech in opposition to seccsMon, Nov. 14, IMiO Address in favor of re-unlon, 18113. New York, 18<13. 8°. [New York. Loyal publi- ™,ionsocie,y,No.36) ■ ... ♦4322.18 STEPHENS, Archibald J. Historical and legal in- troducli.in and notes on Ue Lolme's English coiislitulion. .See De Lolme, J. L STEPHENS, J. !■■. Catalogue of British lepidoptcrn 111 the lirillsh museum. Sec Loudon. Brit- ish museum • • STEPHEN.'*, K. Historical Introduction, ice Ba- con, F • * STEPHENS, ThomaB. Causes which have retarded the progress of Georgia, 1743. [Georgia his- torical society, (■ollcctlons, v. 2] 2375.25 STi'PHi'N».lhomas,(/ooA«,;(ii-. i'hiladelplila direc- tory for 17'J6. .SVc IMilladelphia 43Slia.41 STEPHENS, W. state of the province of Georgia, 1740 [Georgia historical society. Colkx- tions.v!'..).'! ...•■• ^375.25 Stephenson, K. Heporls and obsiTvutlons on the linen iiianufacturi' of Inland, 1760, 61. .SVc Ireland, ■rrustces of tin- linen nianufactuies. 2478.3 0.2 \ 432-. »4322 Stepney, G. Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 6] 4004.1 Stereoscope. Monographie du stereoscope. La Blanchtre, H. de 3920.45 Stereotype printing. Essay on. Hodgson, T. . 2115. lU Sternberg, A. v. Ungern. See Ungeru-Stern- berg. Sternberg, H. Geschichte derJnden in Polen, bis zumJahre 1848. Th.l. Wien, 1860. sm.s". 5425.25 Sterse, L. Works. London, 1700. 8v. 12° . . *2570. 12 ConlentB. — Vol. I. Account of the HTc and writinga of Mr. Stcrno. 1-111. Life anil opinions of Trislrnm Sbandy. III. A political romance. IV. A sentimental journey through France and Italy; Sentimental Journey continued. V. The Koran: or the life, character and Bentiments of Ti-ia juncta d uno. VI. Letters. Vll. VIH. Sermons of Mr. Yorick; Sermons. 4140.3 4200.7 4285.7 — Alcuni capitoli del viag:glo sentimentale di Y'or- ick; Vita e opinioni di Tristano Shandy. See Foscolo, N.U 4775.10 — Fitzgerald, P. Life 2547.20 Stersholo, T. Psalms in English metre. See Bible. Psalms 6014.4, and 6019a. 2 Steko, H., monaclius Allaichensis,fl. 1300. Anna- les ab anno 1152 ad annum 1273. [Caiiisius. Thesaurus, v. 4] Stesichorus. Carmina. [Lect. PoetaeGrseci, v.3]. — Fragmens. [Falconnet. Les petits poemes grCcs] B.161.2 Stetson, A. W. [Our national debt and currency. By a Boston merchant.] Itoston, 1864. pp. 72. 12° 3648.16 Stetson, C. Discourse on the state of the coun- try, on the annual fast, April 7, 1842. Bos- ton, 1843. 8° 54ima.90, and*Pph.v.370 — Discourses before the First congregational society in Jletlford, upon leaving the old church ; and at the detlication of the new. Boston, 184U. 8° *4in3.13 — Piety at home. Newcastle, 18.32. pp. 12. 12'. 3469.27 Stetson, I. Short-hand shortened. 2d ed. New York, 1824. pp. 40. 18° 2116.35 Stetson, S. Di.scour.se in Plymouth, Dec. 22, ISOii. Boston, 1807. 8° a460a.91 Stettner, G. (^unt^arittK Fenycry.) See Feny- (iry, J. Steub, L. Zur rliiitischen Ethnologii?. Stuttgart, 1S54. 8° *»282S.23, and 4213.11 Steijben, F. W. Kegulations for the order ami discipline of the troops of the L'uitcd State Boston, 1802. 12° Stevens, A. History of the methodist episcopal church in the United States of Americii. New York, 1864. 2v. 16° — Life and times of Nathan Bangs. New Y'ork, 18i;:i. p. 8° 6558.15 See National magazine, v. 1-8 7222.1 VENH, B. Sermtm before the general court of ^ the province. May 27, 1761. Boston, 1761. .s". ♦4366.4 ■;ns, I, \. Minority report, against the cxclu- '.:stoii of the le;.nilar southern dt'le;:iites at the 43OOU.06 6U50.44 S668.I1 6909.5 417 tt™.Atnltiinore conveiilion. .Sec Hallett, H. F. .4 (slJolin. History of Persia. London, 1715. Ste\!-' ,3049.4 *,Joliii A., jr. Bleniorial on the importance vtgislutloii to foster the commerce of the ^d Stales. Steven*"'"" • wi" 181" the' 1814."; Stevens, p"' „ , „ 15. .rnpliy ol. Sec Stark, 1 434o. 12 t-ji^towage of ships and their car- :1. [.(Miilon, fsfiO. 8° . . . . 8083.10 SceNew York. Chaniher of V. 3 of 6493.1 „ptn H. The duty of union in a just ;, discourse In Stoiieham, Mass., April 8, Ihetlayof (111' state Inst. From lit New York eilitton. Providence, 4318.43 Stevens, goes Stevens, \V. Phlluih'lr"'"'')' "'■ rgla,to 1,98. vJ7, 69. 8° 2375.12 I STEVENS 601 STOCK DALE filioll'. No. STiiVENS, W. R., r.nntiimed. — Isrni'l's stumbling blocks. A sermon, May 37, ISIU). [I'hihi.d'lphin, ISiiO.] S° 5470ll.fll — Orntion before the ruion society of Savannah, Oiv. Suvannnh, lti:i'.i. K° *l'|)h.v.381 — Sermon at the eon.seeratinn of the liurd orph:iu asylum of St. Stephen's churcli, Philadelphia, Nov. .■), ISIH. I'hihulelpliia, 1804. h° . . . 6Hf)0a.ll2 — Diseourse delivered before the Cieorpia histori- c;il society. [(Jeorgiuhistoricalsociety. Col- lections, V. 2] a.irs.ss Stevenson, A. Eulogy on Andrew Jack.son, Richmond, Va., 1845. See Dusenbcry, li. M 2.347.25 Steven.sivx, Sir John. Accompaniment to Irish melodies. See .Moore, T 8041. .W Stevenson, Joseph. Calendar of state papers, foreign series, 15o,s-.5U. London, Isia. S° . *"052.3 — Letters and papers illustrative of the wars of the Englisli in France during the reij,'n of Henry the ,Si.\th. London, iwil. 2v. in 3. 8°. [Urcat Britain. Eolls chronicle.^] . . . *2434 4 Stevenson, K. Life. &«Jeairreson, J. C. . . . 2Jt5..3 Stevenson, T. Lighthouse illumination. Lon- don, I83U. 8° 3020. 4il Stew,\i:t, A. Speech, in review of the free-trade doctrines contained in Mr. Walker's annual report on the liuances, Jan. 11, 1848. n. p., n. d. [No title pa^'e.] 8° 5046 27 Stew.vht, Charles. The West India question, im- mediate em:incip;Uion, and remarks on com- pensation. New llaveu, ISB. pp. n. 8° . 5572.44 — - Same. 2d Am. ed. Newburyport, 18.38. pp. 3a. 8° 6572.45 Stewakt, Charles, commodore, U. S. X. Letter on the present crisis. 5ee Holt, J 4:tl0a.H9 Stew.vht, Daniel. Discourse on the death of A. Lincoln. Johnstown, IsW. 8° *4342.5 Stew.vht, David, earl of Buchan, and Minto, W. Life, writinj^s, and inventions of John Na- pier, of Jlerchiston. Perth, 1778. 4° . . . . 2511.10 Stew.vi;t, Dngald. Collected works. Ed. by Sir W. Hamilton. Edinburgh, 1854-00. llv. 8°. 5602.5 CoMenig, — Vol. I. Dissertation: exhibiting the pro- gress of metaphysieal, ethical, liDd political philosophy, Biiicc the revival of letters iu Europe. 11-IV. Ele- ments of the philosophy of the human mini], prefixed. Outlines of moral philosophy part 1. V, Philosophical essays. VI. VII. Philosophy of the active and moral powers of man, prefixed, Outlines of moral philosophy, part 2. VIII, IX. Lectures on political economy, pre- fixed, Outlines of moral philosophy, part 3. X. Bio- graphical memoirs of Adam Smith, William Rohertson, Thomas Itcid, prefixed, a memoir of Dugald Stewart, by John Veitch. X!. Translations of the passages in foreign languages contained in the collected works of Stewart; General Index. — Account of the life and writings of William Robertson. 2d ed. London, 1&02. 8° . . . 2542.17 Stewap.t, James A. Powers of the government of the United States. Speech on African slav- ery, delivered in the house of representatives, July 23, 1850. Washington, 1850. 8° . . . . 4.110.80 Stew.vht, James H. Importance of special prayer for the general outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 4th ed. Hammersmith, 1827. 8m.8'' . . *Pph.v.356 ■Stkwakt, John. Past and present state of Ja- maica. Edinburgh, 182:j. »" 4367.3 Stich, J. G. Jiaptisma vicarivm Marcionitarvm. Vitenibergae, [1710]. pp.40. sm.4° . . . . 6006.25 Stiee, K. Words of the angels. Edinburjjb, 1602. 10° 5446.33 — Wordsof the Lord Jesus. Translated from the 2d rev. and enl. German ed. by W. li. Pope. New ed. Edinburgh, 180O, 61. 8v. 8° . . . 5506.3 — Wordsof the risen Saviour, and commentary on the epistle of ,St. James. Translated by \V. B. Pope. Edinburgh, 1800. 8° 5506.2 Stigel,J. Auf das Absterben3I. Lutheri : einGe- dicht. See Mohnlke, G. C. F 4237.11 76 Shelf, ^o. Stiger, J. L. 1st die Auswandernng nach den Vereinlfvten Staaten unter den jetzifjen Ver- Iiiiltnissen anzurathen ? Ziii'ich, 1804. pp. 48. sm.,',° 4329a. 1 Stiles, H. U. History of Windsor, Conn., includ- ing E. [and] .S. Windsor, anil Ellington prior to 1708. New York, 1859. 8° 2330.20 Stiles, J. C. Modern reform e.vamined; or, the union of North and South on the nubject of slavery. Philadelphia, 1857. 12° 4310.62 Still, P. Tlie cottar's Sunday, and other po^ms. [Smith. Weekly volume, V. 2] 3030.3 StillI;, C.J. How a free people conduct a long war : a chapter from English history. New York, lS(i3. pp.34. 8° 4350a. 7 — The historical tlevelopment of American civili- zation. Anaddres5,July29, 1863. New Ha- ven, 1803. 8° 4394.82 — Northern interests and Southern indepen- dence: a plea for united action. Philadel- phia, ls03. pp. 50. 8° 435"a.7 Stilling, J. H. See Jung-Stilling. Stillingfleet, E. Discourse on Scripture mys- teries; Dialogue on the doctrine of the trin- ity and transubstantiation compared. [Ran- dolph. Enchiridion theologicum, V. 1] . . . 3451.14 Stillman, p. Steam engine indicator, and the im- proved manometer steam gauge. New ed. New I'ork, 1804. 12° 4015.27 Stillman, S. Discourse before the ntembers of the Boston female asylum, Sept. 25, 1801. Boston, 1801. 8° 4359.40 — Discourse before the Blassachusetts baptist missionary society. May 25, 1803. Boston, 1803. 8° 5400a. 73 — [Election] sermon preached in Boston, May 20, 1779. Boston, 1779. 8° *4356.5 — Oration, July 4, 1789. Boston, 1789. 8° . . . 4.394.57 Stilson,L. Introduction to plane trigonometry, in- cluding the usual tables. 1st Burmese ed. ^lautmain, 1845. 4° 7921.1 — The youth's guide to arithmetic. [In Bur- mese.] Maulmain, 1848, 8° 7921.20 Stimpson, W. Check list of the shells of North America. See Washington. Smithsonian institution. Jliscelianeous collections, v. 2. 3350.2 Stimson, a. L. History of the e.vpress companies, and origin of American railroads. 2d ed. New Y'ork, 1858. 8° 4.327.8 Stimulants. Diflerenz der echten und unechten Erregungstheorie. Kilian, C. J 3723.12 Stippe, J. J. De templariorum equitum ordine sublato. [Diss.acad.J Hals, 1705. pp.tH. 4°. *4304.22 Stirling, J. Short view of English grammar. 2d ed. London, 1740. s° '*Pph.v.347 — and Holmes, J. System of rhetoric; added, The art of rhetoric made easy. Rev. and eul. byT. S.Brady. N. Y., 1824. p]i. 87. 12°. 5609.10 Stirling, W. Books relating to proverbs, em- blems, and ana, at Keir. IvOndon, 1800. 8°. 2170.10 — Cautillon's legacy. Sjieech in the house of com- mons. ■ With the reply of Palmerston [and] official documents. London, 1858. b° , , , 4010a. 20 Stober, a. Oberrheinisches SaLjenbuch. ijtras- burg, 1842. Iv. 8°, and Iv. 4°, plates , . , , 4222.2 — Die Sagen des Elsasses. St. Galleu, 1852. 8°.**28;5.5 Stobo, R. [.Memoirs.] Pittsburgh, 1854. 12°. . . 4349a. 1 Stock, C. LiteratorGiaecvs. Ed. 3a. lenae, 1728. 8° »4114.20 Stock, J. Duties of British Christians in relation to the struggle iu America. A discourse. London, 1803. 10° 4322.03 Stockbridge, J. C. Discourses delivered in tlie Charles Street baptist church, March and 23,1850. Boston, 1850. 8° *5470a.l9 Stockbridge (il/(t.ss.), past and present. Jones, E. F 2.35:-. 12 Stockdale, John. Report of the speeches in par- liament on the Irish Roman catholic petition. L'indon, 1805. 8° 2515.12 STOCKDALE 602 STORER Bhelf. No. Stockdale, John J. Proceedings on the enqniry into the armistice and convention of Cintra. London, 1,*09. 6° 4510a. 1 — Sketclies, civil and military, of the islnnd of Java, and its dependencies. 2ded. London, 1812. 8° .WJ8.24 Stockdale, P. Inquiry into the nature and laws of poetry: including a defence of Mr. Pope. London, irrs. 1G° 45r)9a.25 — The invincible island: a poem; with observa- tions* on the present war. London, 1797. 8° *Pph.T.359 — Letter to Granville Sharp, suggested by the present insurrection in St. Domingo. Dur- ham, [1791]. 8° *Pph.v.359 — Letter to ifr. Bryant on Mr. Pope's universal prayer. London, 1793. 8° *Pph.v.341, 359 — Miscellanies in prose and verse. London, 1778. 10° 45G9a.25 — Three letters : On the barbarities in Paris ; To the monthly reviewers; To the Rev. Dr. Pye. London, 1792. 8° *Ppii.v.341, 359 — Two farewell letters : 1, To an anonymous and skulking critical reviewer. 2. To the monthly reviewers. London, 1792. 8° *Pph.v.359 — [Letter to the Rev. P. Stockdale, in conse- quence of his letter to the bishop of Durham. And a postscript,] Stockton, n. d. 8°. . •Pph.v..'i41 Stockhardt, H. R. De coeli in generis humanl cultum vi ac potestate. Pars prior. [Diss, acnd.] Lipsiae, 1826. pp. 68. 4° B. 190. 53 Stockholm. Kongl. Sveuska vitterhots, historie och antiquitets Akademi. Handlingar. U. 2-5; [new series], D. 1, 3-13, 15, 10. Stock- holm, ir7C.-1841. ISv. 8° »4SI8.1 — - Handlingar rdrande .Skandinaviens historia. D. 1-24. Stockholm, 1816-40. 24v. 8° . . . *4S28.1 KOU, — Appended to v. 1-4, is " Kronologiskt regis- ter (ifvcr tryckta handlingur i i^venska historiun, Bl' Dr. Fanu" — Svenska akademi. Handlingar, ifran ar 1796. D. 1-20. Stockholm, IhOl-l:). 20v. in 10. b°. *4?4S.l Stocks and stock-jobbinj^ in Wall-street, with sketches of the brokers, and f vncy stocks. Kew York, 1S48. pp. 40. 8° 00fi7."l STonDAun, Amos. Sketclies of Louisiana. Phila- delphia, 1812. 8° 2:170.17 Stoddako, Anthony, and his descendants: u gen- ealogy. 5('e Stoddard, C 4332.0 SroDDAKi), C. and E. W. Anthony Stoddard, of Boston, Mass., and his descendants : a gene- alogy. New York, lsi;5. 8° 4332.0 STODDAitri, R. H. A. Lnicoln. An Horatian ode. New York, 1865. 8° ♦4342.5 — Footprints. [Poems.] New York, 1849. pp. 48. 8° B. 170.99 STOnoARD, S., Sermon at the interment of. 5cc Williams, W 4U13.2 Stohmann, p., and Siemens, C. Die Zuckcrfabri- kation. Braunschweig, 1862. 4° 4n03.1i'> Storks, J. L. Discoveries in Australia, during the voyage of [the] Beagle, 1837-43. London, 1840. 2v. 8° 3047.10 Stolbkrg, V, L. zu, und seine Zeitgenossen. See Mengc, T 4847.2 Stoll, H. W. Die (Jiittcr und Heroeu des clas- slschen Alterthums. Populiire Mythologic der Griechen und Uiimcr. 2te Aufl, Leip- zig, 1801. »m h" 5488. :w 8T01.L, M. tlogc. [VIcq-d'Azyr. (Euvres, v. 3] . 3720.11 StollE, C. ThUrlngiech-crfurtlschc Chronik, her- ausg. von L. F. Hesse. Stuttgart, 1804. 8°. [Stuttgart. Uibliothck des liter. Verelns, V.32] •4225 1 StoLLE, G. Introdvcllo In hhtoriam litterarlaui. Latlne vertit C. H. I.anglvs. Ieii:e, 1728. 4°. *»2I»5.1R Stomach, Ueelprocal influence between tin- hrain and. Pariona, U ]I.I'pli.v.i:i3 Shelf. So. Stose, a. L. Annual sermon for the Boston prison discipline society. May 28, 1854. Bos- tun, 1854. 8° 54li0a.76 — Discourse before the American education so- ciety, Jfay 29, I860. Boston, 1800. 8°. v. 5 of »5175.3 — Discourse before the Howard benevolent soci- ety, Dec. 15, 1>^50. Boston, 1851. 8° . . . . 5460a. 76 — Di.-coursein Park Street church, April 21, 1861. Boston, 1861. 12° 4330a. 18 — Discourse occasioned by the deatli of A. Lin- coln. Boston, 1865. 8° •4342.5 — Elements of national life. An or.'ttion. Provi- dence, July 4, 1865. I'rovidenoe, 18(i5. 8° . 4340a. 49 — Fasting and feasting. Discourse on tlie annual state fast, April 13, 1865. Boston, 1805. 8°. 4310a. 44 — God — the governor. A discourse. Providence, 1861. 8° 4.340a. 49 — Oration, .luly 4, 1854, before the authorities of Boston. 2d ed. Boston, 1854. 8° . . . . B. 170a. 48 — Plea for the Bethesda society : a sermon, Feb. 24,18,50. Boston, 1850. 8° 5460a. 76 — Plea for the monthly concert. A sermon. [No title-page.] 8° . 6538.9 — - .'Same. Boston, 1>65. 12° 5538.10 — Praise for victory. A sermon in Park Street church, Boston, Feb. 23, 1802. 4th ed. Bos- ton, 1802. 8° 4340a. 49 — Service, the end of living. Boston, 1858. pp.48. 10° 5460a. 76 — [Thankfulness and courage.] Thanksgiving discourse, [Nov. 21, 1803]. Boston, n. d. 10°. 4310a. 49 — The work of New England in the future of our country. Sermon delivered at the annual elertion, Jan. 4, 1805. Boston, 1803. 8° . .*4350.I4 Stone, Edwin M. Biography of Rev. E. Winches- ter. Boston, 1830. 12° 2348. .34 Stone, Edwin W. Rhode Island in the rebellion. 2d ed. Providenee, 1863. 12° 4327.22 Stone, Eliab. Sermon, Aug. 20, 1793, at the fu- neral of Rev. I. .Morrill. Boston, 1794. 8°. 4347.72 Stone, James W. Trial of Thomas Sims, on an issue of personal liberty. Arguments of R. Rantoul, jr., G. G. Loring, and decision of G. T.Curtis. Boston, 1831. pp.47. 8° . . .B. 100. 04 Stone, John S. Bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions: sermon. New York, 1839. 8° •Pph.v..383 — Discourse before the Boston children's friend society, Dec. 10, 18:i7. •Boston, 18:i8. 8° . . 64l'.0a.79 — Lectures on the institution of the Sabbath. 2d ed. Boston, 1848. 12° 5454.18 — Sermon occasioned by the burning of the steamer Lexington, preached at St. Paul's church. Boston, 1840. 8° 6400n.79 Stone, T. T. .Tustilication: a sermon, Dec. 13, 1840. Salem, 1847. 8° 6088.38 — The martyr of freedom: a diseourse, at East Jlaihias. Boston, 18:!8. 12° 4347.62 — Sermons. Boston, 1854. 12° . . . 6444.7, and 0062.23 — Sermons on war. Boston, 1829. pp.92. 24°. :J677.19 Stone. Traite des pierres dans les terres, les ani- nianx et les hommes. Venette, N 5740a. 20 Stony Creek coal estate. Geological examinations, present condition, and prospects of the. Tay- lor, R. C .3805.28 Stopini, M.-,jjseM<;. See Orsinl, C. Storkr, D. 11. Address at the llrst medical com- meucement of the .Massachusetts medical college. Boston, IS.Vi. 8° 5700.32 — AfUiress on nu'dioal jurisprudence : before the Slassachusetts medical society, Boston, 1861. 8° 6700.32 — Introductory lecture before the medical class of 1855-56 of Harvard university. Boston, 1855. 8° 67W).82 — Report of the committee on obstetrics of the American medical assochittou. Philadelphia, 1801. pp.113. 8° •5706.30 Storer, F. H. History of the maiuifacture of par- unineolls. »■«■ VVhttmore, W. H 0040.9 STOREK 603 STKANSKY I chilli'. Ku. Stoker, H. U. Chloroform inhalation duiing la- bor. Knston, 180:1. pp.8, b" *579ri.3(i — Elm tent;' for the dilution of the ciTvi.x uUtI. [Boston], I.-55. pp. S. S' *iirOG.;i(» — Kutokiii: the enipUtyniont of anivstlielu's in ehildl)irth. liosloii, lMV;i. pp. :iO. ^*' . . , *5rur».lj — Observiitions oa the fishus of Nova Scotia ami Labrador. [Huston, lN5o.] pp. \ii. 8". [From the Boston journal of natural history]. 5S95.10 — Keniovid of the uterus and both ovaries, by ab- dominal section. Boston, iWiO. pp. :i-^. »°. *57%.3() — Report on criminal abortion. Philadi-lphia, ISo'J. pp. (). »" *5r9li.3G — Studies of abortion. Boston, 1803. [No title- page.] pp. r. 8° *3773.:iO Sroaiiis from Italian writers, with interlinear translation. London, 1830. 12" 4'JGU.8 SroRiiis of popular voyages and travels. South Araericii. London, 18:.'li. 10° 2309.18 SroRKE, E. G., and Brockctt, L. P. Complete his- tory of the great American rebelliou. Au- burn, N. Y., [l«(»j]. 2v. H" 4320.31 Stokms, Philosophy of. Espy, J. P 3901.8 Si'ouK, G. C, and Flatt, C. C. Course of biblical theoloijy, translated, with additions, by S. S. Schmucker. 2d ed. Andovur, 1830. S". 3451.9 Storks, C. B. Address at the Western reserve college, Hudson, Ohio, at his inauguration to the presidency. Boston, 1831. S" . . . . *Pph.v.3Sl — Sermon at the interment of. See Park, E. A. 0088.73, and Pph.v.3:b SroRus, Hichard S. American slavery, and the means of its removal : a sermon, April 4, 18i4. Boston, 1844. S" B. 100.5 — Continuance in the ministry : a discourse, July 3, 1801, on the .50th anniversary of his ordina- tion. [With proceedings.] Boston, 1801. 8°. 435S.30 — The conversion of the worldy a discourse, June 17, 1810. Boston, 18-10. 8° 5460a. 88 — Discourse, Dec. 27, 1817, at the funeral of John 48. 8° 0088.218 — Discourse in behalf of the American home mis- sionary soc, May, 1865. New York, 1855. 8°. 5460a. 88 — Discourse in Braintree, on occasion of the death of Hon. J. Q Adams. Boston, 1848. 8° . . 4390a. 6 — The importance of religiously instructing the young: a sermon, May 18, 1845. Philadel- phia, 1845. 12" 5450a. 77 — Man's duty, in relation to the Lord's work: a discourse before the Massachusetts home mis- sionary soc, May 29, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8". 55.38.5 — Semi-centennial discourse before the Massachu- setts home missionary society. May 29, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8' o460a.88 — Sermon before E. Everett, governor, [etc.], on the anniveri-ary election, Jan. 3, 1838. Bos- ton, 1838. 8" *4356.11 Stours, Richard S., j>. Colleges, a power in civil- ization, to be used for Christ: a discourse. New York, I>50. 8" v. 2 of *o59G.l — Oration before the Kew England society, Dec. 21,1857. New York, 1858. 8° 4394. S6 — Sermon, Oct. 1, 1801, before the A. B. C. F. M. New York, 1801. 8° 5460a. S9 S TORY, J. Commentaries on the constitution of the United States. Abridged by the author. Boston, 1833. o" .3021.10 — Discourse delivered before the alumni of Har- vard university, at their first anniversary, Aug. 23, 1812. Boston, 1842. 8* 4.394.59 — Opinion in the case of W. Allen vs. J. Mclxeen, at Portland, l&^i3. Boston, 1833. pp.21. 8°. 5060a. 8 — Greenleaf, S. Discourse commemoraUve of the life and character of 0088.210 — Waterston, B. C. Lite and character of , . .4347.104 Stoky, M., Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Bobbins, C 4318,02 Stouy, Kobert, Life of. 5ee Story, K. H 2547.28 bTt>RY, Kobert H. Life of the Hev. Kobert Story. Cambrid;ie, 1802. p.8'' ■.'517.28 Sliulf. No. Story, S. A., jr. Caste: a story of republican equality. Boston, 1S50. 12^ 4278.9 Story, W- W, The American question. London, ISO*, pp. OS. 8° 4322.35 Stout, P. F. Nicaragua : past, present and future. Philadelphia, 1859. 8° 4367.11 Stow, B. Address before the Rockingham tem- perance society, Aug. 8, 1832. Portsmouth, 1832. 8* 3576.00 — Calling and election made sure. A sermon, Nov. 0, 1859. Boston, 1800. 8" 54fl0a.78 — [Daily manna. Translated into Chinese by W. Dean.] 8° 5170a, 21 — Voluntary associations — their use and abuse. A discourse, Nov, 30, 1837. Boston, 18:i7. 8" 5400a. 87 Stowage of ships and their cargoes, etc. Ste- vens, R. W 5083.10 Stowe, C. E. The religious element in education. Address, Aug. 30, 1841. Boston, 1814. 8" . 545Ca.83 S rowic, H. E. B. Sunny memories of foreign lands. Boston, 1854. 2v, 12° 2273.21 — Hart, A. M. Uncle Tom in Paris; or, views of slavery outside the cabin 4310.11 — Itejirint of an article on " Uncle Tom's cabin," .SVe American slavery 3573,10 — Thompson, J, it. Southern view of Uncle Tom's cabin B.100.9 — Voice from the motherland, answering- Mrs. H. ' B. Stowe's appeal 4322.40 Strabismus. Sur I'etiologie gen^rale du stra- bisme. Guerin, J v. 2 of 3801.27 Stkabo. ItLTum geographicarum libri xvii. Ace. notai [variorum, cur.T. Jansoniusab Almelo- veeu]. Gr. et Lat. Amstela^dami, 1707. Iv. in 2. f " *4160.6 — - Same. Gr. recens., Xylandri versiouem emeudavit J. P. Siebenkees, contin. C. H. Tzsclmclce, T. 7, curavit F. T. Friedemann. Lipsiae, 1790-1818. 7v. 8" *4203.3 — - Same. Gr. el Lat., cum variorum, prxcipiie Ca^atiboni animadversionibus, ed. T. Fal- coner. Oxonii, 1807. 2v. f *B.150.7 — - Same. Gra^ce cum versione reticta [et] tabulis seri iucisis xv. Cur. C. Mlillero et F. Diibnero. Parisiis, 1853-58. 2v. in 3. 1.8°. [Uidot. Bibliotheque grecquej . . , *3000.5 — Erdbescln-eibung, verdeutscbt von C. G. Gros- kurd. Berlin, 1831-34. 4v. 8" *4203.2 Strada, F. De hello Belgico decades duae, 1555- 90. Roniae, 1032-47. 2v. f *4820.5 — - Same. [I555J-1078 [1590]. Moguntiie, 1051. sm.4° *4214.4 — Histoire dc la guerre dea PaVs-Baa. Tr. par P. Du Ryer, Nouv. 6d, Bruxelles, 1727. 4v. sm.8° 2815.14 Strada, J. de. Separation des pouvoirs spiritucl et temporel. Paiis, 1802. 8" 3463.15 Stradivari, C. Sulla educazione dei bachi da seta, e suUa coltivazione dei gelsi. JMihmo, 1841, 8° . 4003.1 Strahl, p. Beytrage zur russischeu Kircbeiige- schichte. ler Bd. Halle, 1827. 8° .... 6054.4 — and Herrmann, E. Geschichte des russischen Staates [bis 1792]. Hamburg, 1832-00. Ov. 8°.*4216.10 STRAHLKNUERti, P. J.v. l»as nord- und ostliche Tlieil von Europa und Asia, mit Siberien und dergrosseuTatarey. Nebst einer Tabula po lyglotta und eiuem kalmuckinchen Vocabu- lario. Stockholm, 1730. 4° 4253.6 STRAiiiCR, C. I'rinting and its accessories. See Ruse, G 2115.20 STK.VNuh- surprising adventures of the Gooroo Sim- pie, and his tive disciples. With illusiratious by A. CrowquiU. London, 1801. 10" . , , . 2576.14 STRAKLifciR in Liverpool. 3d ed. Liverpool, 1812, 18" 2486.23 — - Same. 12th ed. Liverpool, 1811. 18".. .4479a. 15 STKANSKY, P. De republica Bojema. [Goldast. ('ommentarii,et('.] 425'. 7 STUASBURG 604 STRUBBERG Strasbckg. Closenor, F. Strassburgische Chro- nik . . , . . 4225.1 — 31iler, F, Descriptiou de la cathedrale de Stras- bourg 4099.26 Stratification. Gi^^emeut des roi-lies dans led deux hiiraispheres. Humboldt, F. H. A. v, . 3SGG.4 Strato Atlieuieusis. Como-'dia; Fhenicidis fnig- mentum. [Meiueke. Fragm.com. Gr., v. o]. B.102.S Strato Sardianus. Kpigrammata. [lirunck. Au- alecta poet. Gr., V. ■*•] B.IC'2.7 — 'Mfvia TTiiiSiKn. [Antholo-^iu Gneea, V. :JJ . .B.lOya.l Strattis. Octodecim cumutdiarum fragmeuTa. [Meineke. Fra^m. com. Gr., v. 3] B.1G2.S Straus-Durckhkim, H. E, G. Cattchisme rai- soiiue d'uue doctrine rcligieuse conforme a la theologie de la uature. i'aris, 16o5. pp.71. 10° GOr.0 20 — Theologie de la uature. Paris, Ibo'-l. 3v. 8° . GU2;J.4 Strauss, D. F. Cbarakteristiken uiid Kritikcn. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 18-14. 8" 6105. 7 — Kleine Schrifteu. Leipzig, ltG2. 8* 29UG.12 — Das Lebeu Jesu. 2te Aull. Tiibingen, 1837. 2v. 8° 6037.10 — - Same. FUr das deutscbe Volk bearboitet. 2te Autl. Leipzig, 1804. 8° 3475.16 — Life pf Jesus, critically examined. Transl.from the 4th German ed. London, 1846. 3v. 8" . 3475.7 — Lebeu und Schrifteu des Dichters Nicodemus Friscblin. Frankfurt, 1850. 8° 4237.3 — Letter to Hirzel, Orelli, and Hitzig, at Zu- rich. London, 1844. pp.31. 8° *4163.11 — Der politische und der theologische Liberalis- mus. Halle, 1848. pp.10. 8" B. 100a. 115 — Der Komauliker auf dein Throne der Ciisaron, Oder Juiian der Abtriinuigc, ManuUeini, 1847. pp. 79. 8° U.lOOa.liJS — SedistUeologisch-politischeVoiksreden. Stutt- gart, 1848. pp. 55. 8° B.170a.83 — Soliloijuies on the Christian religion. Trans- lated from the German. London, 18i5, pp. 67. 8" *41G3.11 — Streitsehrifteu zur Vertheidigung meiner Schrift Uber das Lebeu Jesu und zur Clnu'ak- teristik der gegenwartig'en Theolcgie. Tii- bingen, 18:17. 3v. in 2. 8° 6037.11 — llrichvon Hutteu. Leipzig, 1858. 2v.iiil. 8°, 4237.8 — Dobbin, O. T. Refutation of the mythic scliemcof 4103.11 — Tholuck, F. A. G. Kritik des Lebens Jesu von 6025.15 — and Hegel, G. W. F. Strauss, Uegel, and thnir opinions, [Xo title-page.] pp.50. 8".*4163.U Strauss, G. F. a. (ilockentoue. Krinnerungen aurt dem Lebeu eines jungen (jii istlichen. Elberleld, 1819,20. 3v. [v. 1,-lth ed.; v. 2, 2d ed.] 16" 5458.30 StkaL'ss, J. S. Positioiies historicae de Rvdolfo Svevico nnti-Cuesare, cum appeudice do hos- tlis eucharisticis. Hulae Magdebvrgicae, 1728. 4° 4217*4 Strebt, a. B. Council of revision of the state of New York. Albany, 1850. 8" 2371.28' — Froiitenac: or the Atotarho of ttie Iroquois. A metrical romance. From Beutley's Lou- don cd. New York, 1819. 12° . ■ 4278.10 Street, N. [Banking, in England and Scotland, with observatiouKupon the jusliec and jxdicy of iin alteration <»r the charter of the hunk of England.] Newcastle upon Tyne, 1822. pp. 70. 8' 3670.7 Street, (>. Dlwcourse ut Lowell, June 21, 1863, on the death of Lieut. Solon A. I'erkins, Low- ell, 1803. 8° 435Un.s Stuektkr, (j. L. Account of newspapers and other periodicals publlHlicd In Satnm, from 1708 to 1850. Siilern, 1^56. pp. 33. 8' . , . 2170.26 Strketkr, S. F. Maryland, two hundred years ago: a discourse, n. p., 1,-52. 8' -1374.30 SritKis/, W. M. Nomi'nclat()r fangoruni. Vlndo- b'MiaC, 1802. 8" 3R31.3 Streit. F. W. Tost Charte der estreicbiscli-toul- schen, preussischen u, teut. Bund. Stiuiten, [u. s. w.]. Berlin, 1836. [Folded map] . . 2834.^:5 StricivCi:, W, Studien iiltcr iMeuschenbliUtern, Vacciuation und Rcvaccinatiou. Frankfurt, 1861. 8° 3790.42 Strickland, G. G. Sermon, in West Amesbury, on thanksgiving day, Nov. 30, 1843. New- buryport, 184-1. 8° *4103.6 Strickland, W. P. Life and times of F. Asbury. AVith introduction by N. Bangs. New York, 1858. 12' 5558.14 Strigulknsia. Ormerod, G 2520.25 Stringfellow, B. F., and Goodloe, D. R. " Ne- gro-slavery, no evil," [and] an answer to the inquiry, '' L-* it expedientto introduce slavery into Kanzas?" Boston, 1855. pp. 55. 8" . B. 160. 55 String FELLOW, S. Brief examination of Scrip- ture testimony on the institution of slavery, [etc.]. New ed. Washington, 1850. [No title-page.] pp. -32. 8" B. 160. 38 Stkittkr, J. G. ilemoriae populorvm, olim ad l)aiivbivm, Pontvm Evxinvm,. Palvdem Blaeotidem, Cavcasvra, [etc.] incolentivm, e scriptoribvs historiae liyzantinae ervtac et digestae. Petropoli, 1771-79. 4v. in 7. 4". *4211.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Gotliica, Vnndnlicn, Grpfrdlca, Lnii;;oI)ttrdicn, Ui-rulica, Iluniiica ot AvAricn. II. Slavicn, Servicft, Cbrovuticn, Zaclilumica, Torbuiiira, Pii^Kiiioa, Diocleicn, Momvicn, Busnicn. Ill [T. 2, p. :;]. Biilgurica, Valachica, KuesicR, Polonica, Litliunnicn, PruHsicR, Snmotica, Peruiica ot Buoniicn. IV [3, 1]. Turcica. V [3, 2]. Chnzarica, Uuprrica, Patxiimcica, Uzicn, Comauica et Tatarica. VI [4]. Lnzicn, Aviis- gloa, Alisiinianica, Apsilicu, Tzanicu.Svunica, Mvscliica, ZiecliicQ, Iberica, Aleulcni lutbungico, CnrpEcn, Vnr- nica, Cbamavica, Varnnpica, Nomitzica, Dacicn, Pnn- iionicu, SHrmatica, Sc>'tliicu, Mussagutica. VII [^3- Indcx bistoricus. Stuodtmaxn, a. H. H. Heine's Wirken und Stre- beu, dargestellt au seineu Werken. llam-9 burg, 1857. 10" 4237.10 Strong, B., Sermon occasioned by the death of. A'eeWood, A. A 4349.18 Strong, C. Speech before the legislature of Mas- sachusetts, Oct. 16, 1812. Boston, 1812. 8°. 4320.33 Strong, .1. D. Discourse on the death of A. Lin- coln, April 10, 1805. San Fiauci?ico, 18ii5. 8". '•4342.6 Strong, N. Fast sermon, July 23, 1812. Hartford, 1812. 8" • 5460a. 84 — Sermon at the ordination of the Rev. T. Rob- bins, June 19, 1803. Hartford, 1803. 8' . . 54G0a.84 — Sermon, Jan. 0, 1807, at the iuneral of the Rev. J.Cogswell. Hartford, 1807. 8° 4348.36 — A tliankNgiving sermon, Nov. 27, 1800. llart- fniil, 1800. 8° 54G0a.84 Si'RONi;, R. M. [Memoir.] Albany, 1803. pp.48. 6' 4347.44 Strong, T. The tears of Columbia: a poem. Added, niisccHancous odes, Dedhani, 1812. jip. 32. 8" 4393.11 Stroth, F. a. Aogyptiaca, sev vetcrvm scriptorvm de rebvs Aegyiti corameularii et fragmentu. Gotha:, 1732-34. 2v. 10" **29e8.30 Contents, — Vol. I. llorodotl lib. ii, cum pnrto llbri ni, vt rolliliioriiin llbrorum iVnfrmuiiMH. IL DIodurl Hb, i, cum ri>Ui|u. Peace and reform, ag-ainst war and corruption ; in answer to Arthur Young. L'd ed. Loudon, 1704. 8° *Pph.v.337 Stuart, H. B. History of infantry. London, 1862. 12" 3953.21 Stuart, J. P. Reasons for adopting the principles of the New Jerusalem church. Cincinnati, 1815. pp.48, ir *41G3,3 Stuart, M. Essay on the prize-question, Whether the use of distilled liquors, or traffic in them, is compatible, at the present time, with mak- ing a profession of Christianity ? New York, 1830. pp. 70. 8' 3576.11 — Hebrew grammar with a praxis. New ed. An- dover, 182-3. 8° *4120.4, 5 — Hint« and cautions respecting the Greek arti- cle. [From the Biblical repository, v. 4.] n. p., n. d. pp.51. 8' **2985.26 — Letter to W. E. Channing, on the subject of religious liberty. Boston, 1830. pp. 52. 8". 5470a. 85 — 3Ir. Webster's Andover address and his polit- ical course while secretary of state. Essex county, 1844. pp.20, b" 4393.21, — Sermon at thedodication of the church in Hnn- Y over street, Boston, March 1, 1826. Andover, 1>26. 8" ; 54r0a.85 Sermon at the funeral of Mrs. Abby Woods, F» b. 24, 1816. Andover, 1H46. 8" 4348.66 — Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Messrs. P. Fi^k, L. Spaulding, Jl.Winsiow, and H. Woodward, as missionaries. Andover, 1819. 8° *Pph.v.375 — Sermon at the ordination of the Rev. W. G. Schauffler, as missionary to the Jews, Nov. 14,1831. 2ded. Andover, 1831. 8° . . . . .5470a. 65 — Sermon before L. Lincoln, governor, [etc.], May .30, 1827, the day of general election. Boston, 1827. 8" *4;i56.]0 blielf. Ni*. Stuart, M., continued. — Two discourses on the atonement. 2d ed. An- dover, 1828. 8° *Pph.V.375 — Commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews. See Bible. New Testament. Hebrews . . 5423.7 — Letteron the JLiiiie liquor law. .S'ce American temperance union B. 170. 71 — Clark, R. W. Review of liis pamphlet on sla- very, conscience, and the constitution . . . B-160.110 — Park, E. A. Discourse at the funeral of . . .4347.105 — Stricture upon [his] letters to W. E. Channing. See Treatise upon the eternal generation of the Son of God, etc 5463.4 Stuart dynasty, Memorials of the. Taughan, K. 2528.10 Stuaiit family. Catalogue of books illustrative of the. See Tudor 2139.9 STIT.BK, — . Fraus honesta, comcedia Cantabri- gix olini acta. Londini, 163;;. sm.8' , . . **4575.32 Stibbs, W. Chronicles and memorials of the reign of Richard I. London, 1864, 65. :;v. 8°. [Great Britain. KoUs chronicles] *2423,6 Contents. — Vol. I, lutroduclion ; Osbemus dc expiig'- ORtioue L^'xboncnsi; Noopliytus dc ciiluiititatibus C.vpri ; Itinerarium perppriuorum et pcsta regis Iticiirdi, auctore Iticardo, caiioiiico Sniictre Trinitatis Londuiii- eii^is. II. Epistolie Cantuarieiises, the letters of the pri'.r and convent of CLrist cliurcli, Cunterbnvv, fium A. U. 1187-»9. Student life. Ueber den Geist des dcutschen Stu- dentenlebcns iusbesoiidere zu Jena. Hce Geist 2864.14 Studek, B. Geologic derSchweiz, Bern, 1851-53. 2v. 16° 5868.25 Studlky, W. S. Final memorials of major J. W. Paine. Kemarks at liis funeral, L'ec. -jO, 1864. Boston, 1865. 16° 4340.1 Study, Essay upon. Clarke, J 35yy.35 Stuhk, P.F. Allgemeine Geschicliteder Religions- formen der heiduischen Vblker des Orients. Berlin, 1836-38. 2v. 8° 6076.2 Contents. — Vol.1. Die Religionfi-Systemo dor he! d- nischen ViUker des Orients. II. Die Ui;ligions-Systei)ie der iletlenen in ihrer gcschiclttlicben Entwickeluug bis auf dio makedonischo Zeit, — Die chinesische Reichsreligion und die Systeme der indischen Pbilosophie in ihrem Verhiilt- niss zu Otfenbarungslehren. Berlin, 1835. 8°. 6075.18 Stui.li, J. Lexicon Latino-ltalico-Jllyricum. Bu- d:E, 1801. 2v. iu I. 4° *47S2.1 Sturbridge, Mass. Clark, J. S. Historical sketch of 4.355.16 — Davis, G. Historical sketch of -, 2.156.40 Stukgk, J., Memoirs of. .S'ee Richard, H 25i4.8 Stuhgis, J. [Sketch of the character and services of Capt. Sturgis.] Boston, 1844. pp. .•)5. 12°. 4349.23 Sturgis, W., Memoir of, A'ee Loring, C. G. , . . 4345.9 Sturluson, S. .S'ee Snorro Sturluson. Sturm, J. Epistolae ad R. Aschamum. [Ascham, Epistolarum liber 4] 2558.7 Sturm, N. Cours de mecaniqne de rfecole poly- technique. Publie par E. Prouhet. Paris, 1861. 2v. 8° 3045.26 Sturtkvant, J. M. Address in behalf of the So- ciety for the promotion of collegiate and the- ological education at the West. New Yoi'k, 1853. 8° V. 2of*5506,l — American emigration. Discourse in behalf of the Anieriean home missionary society, May, 1857. New York, 1857. 8' 5538.5 StUBZ, J. J. Rrden gehalten bei der Berliner Tod- teufeier fiir deu I'riisideuten Lincoln. Ber- lin, 1865. pp.30. 8° *4.342.6 Stuttgakt. Literarischer Verein. Bibliothek. 1-64,68-77. Stuttgart, as4;t-64. 74v.in51. S°. *^225.1 Vonlent«. — Vol.1. Closener, F.,StraBBburgisclir Chro- niU : Ehin^en. O. v., Ueisen nach der Kittemctiaft ; Pius n, Piccolomini, t. S., De viiis illiiatribus; Ru- Innd, 0.,Handlung8buch: Codex HirfiaugienfeiB. II-IV. 1-abii, T , KvaenUtrium in Teira Hiinct^e, Arubin; at STUTTGART 606 SUEVI Stuttgart, coniinved. E|:j-pti peregrrinationem, ed. C. F. Uasslcr. V. Die TVein- gnrtner Liederhundsclirifl, hcrausfr, von F. Pft-irt'er und F. Fellner; luliaiii^-he Lieder des IIolienslaiiBsdiea Hufes inSicilien. VI. Brlefe der Prinzcssin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orlenns an die Haufn'iifin Louise, 1676-1722, bcrausg. von W. Menxel. VII. Schascbek u, Totzel, G., L^o's voD Rozmital Ueise dnrch die Abcndlande in den Jnhren 14*i5-67, hcrausg, von J. A. Schmeller; Livliiu- diftche Kcinichronik, berausg. von F. Pfeiffcr. VIII. Chronik des Kdlen En Ramon Muntauer, heniusg. von C. Lanz. IX. Bruclistiiok iiberdoii KreuzzugFriderich's 1., herausg. von F. v. Reiffenberp; Ein Buch von guter Spcise; AUe Heidelberger Liedurbandschrift, berau^g. von F. Pfeiffer. X. Urkundea, Briefe und Actenstiicke zur G090hicbte Maximilians I. und seiner Zeit, berausg. von J. Cbmel. XI. Staatspapi^TC zur tiescbichle Carl's v.,tuitgetheilt von C. Lanz. XII. Arabraser Liedcrbuch vom Jahre 1582, hcrausg.von J. Borgrannn. XIU. Lam- bert Li Torset Alexandre de Bernflj*, Li rumansd'Atex- nndre, berausg. von H. Micbelant. XIV, XXVI [.Jl]. Urkunden zur Gescbichte dea scbwiibischen Bundes, 14S8-15;a, berausg. von C. Klupfel. XV, XVII, XXI [26]. Kcsende, G. de, Cancioneiro geral: Altporlugie- fkisclio Liedersamralung, neu berausg. von Dr. E. H. v. Kaitsler. XVI. Curmina Burana: Latcini^che und dr>u(sche Licder und Gediebte des Xlit. Jabrhunderts Dtis Beneudictbeueru; Albert von Beham und Itegesten Pubst Inuocenz IV., berausg. von C. Hofler. XVIII. Wcinsberg, C. v., Einnahnien- und .iusgaben Register von ]4;i7 und 38; [19-0 Das biibsburg.-dstcrrciehische I'rbarbucb, berausg. von F. Pfeiffer; [20.] Luber, H.v., Jngd und drei andere Minnegodiehte Reiner Zeit und ^Veise: Des Minnera Klage; Dcr Mlnnondcn Zwist und Vorsohnung; Der Minne-Falkncr, hvruusg. v. J. A. Sebmcller. XIX [21]. Meisler Altswert, berausg. von W.HolIandund A.v. K.ellcr;[22.] MeinauerNuturlobre, berausg. von W.Wackemagel; [23.] Wiitcnweiler, II., Der Ring, berausg. von L. Eecbsteiu, eiiigcleitet dnrcb A.V.Keller. XX[24]. Vigneulk-s,P. G.de.Gedcnkbuch ous den Jahrcn 1471-l.i:;2, berausg. von H. Miclielaut; [2j.] Ludolf von Sucbem, Ue itinere Terra* Sancta; libor, berausg. vou F. Dcycks. XXII [27]. Tiirlin, H. von dem, Diu Cr6ue, berausg. von G. H. F. Scboll. XXllI-XXV. [28-30]. Faetuacbtcspiele aus dem loten Jahrhundert. XXVI [32]. Stolle, CThiiriugisch-erfurlisclioCbronik, berausg- von L. F. Uesse. XXVII, XXVIII [3:1, 34], Orimmelsbauscn, H. J. C. von, Der abenteuerliebc Siin- plicissimus uud andere Schrirten, berausg. von A. v. Kel- li-r. XXIX [35]. Erziihlungen aus altdeutscben Hand- scbrifu-n, gesammelt durch A. v. Keller. XXX [30]. Ileinricb Julius Horzog von Braunschweig, Scliuu- spiele, berauMg. von W. L. Uolland; [37.] Murszbcim J. v., Spicgol dca Kogiments, berausg. von C. Goidcke. XXXI [3M]. Laugenstcin, H. v., Martina, berausg. von A. V. Keller. XXXIl [311]. Dcnkniiilcr der provcnzal- iacben Litteratur.berauMg. von C. Bartseh. XXXIII [4U]. AniadiH, ursten Buch, nacb der iiltestun deutschen tJear- beitung, berausg. von A. v. Keller; [41.] FriscbUn, N., Deulsebe Uicbliingun, berausg. von D. F. Slniusa. XXXiV [42]. Repgow,E. v., DasZeitbuch, In urspriing- lich nicderdeulscber Sprache und In iViiher latuinlseber Ueberselzung, herausg. von H. F. Ma&imunn. XXXV [43]. Zorn, F., Wormser Chronik, init den Zueitlzen F. BurtboldB von Flcrahulni, berauag. von W. Arnold ; [44.] Conrad von Wiiritburg, Der trojunlscbe Krieg nacli den Vorurbeiten K. Fronunanns und F. Ruths, zuni ersten Mul berausg. durch A. v. Keller. X,\XV [45]. Karl Melnel, zum orsten Mai herauHg. durch A. v. Keller. XXXVll [4lt]. FaaluaelUspielo BUS dem Iflteu Jahrhun- dert. NiichlcBe,vou A. vou Keller; [47.] Fcdermann, N,, und Htiidon, U-i Uelaen In bUU America 15211 his 1555, hernutg. von C. KlUpf-l. XXXVIII [18]. Dallmlls Cbronlk von Biibmen, berausg. von V. Uanku; [4U.] Kebhun, P., Dramen, berauig. von U. Palm; [.W.] Wll- woltB von Bcbaumburg Gescbicbtcn und Talcn, ber- ■ u«g. von A. v. Keller. X.VXIX [51]. Boceucelo, G., Decameron von II. HtcinhOwel, horauMg. von A. v. Kol- ler. XL [^>2]. Dlvtrlch'H crnte Auxrahrt, btirausg. vod F. Htark; [53.] MUtvldeutiicheGudlclite,hei'uuiig. von C. Dnrtscb. XLI [54] Condet, J. de, Gedlchtc, berausg. von A. Tobltr; [55.] liuyge van Bourdeus, eln nlcdcr- |&ndli»ebe« Volkubucli, h.-rau-tf. von F. Wolf; [50.] Da» Buch der Ueiiplelu tier Allen Weliun, horaung. von W. L. Holbmd. XLIl [57]. Wyle, N. v.. Trannlutlonen, berausg- *"•* A. v. Keller; [58.] [.nureniberg, J. v., bcbcrzgedlclile, beraufg. von J. M, Lapiienborg. XLIII [Ait]- Wolrnit von Waldeck, Ingebueh wiihreiid dca Itelcbstagen fu AiigBburg I51H, heninag. von C. L. P. 'Iross; [UO ] Meb-mnz v»n dem I'lelrr, lieruung. von C. Uutf*U. XLIV. [Ul.] Kratn. II. U., Iblnen und iiifau- genscliafl, berounir. von C. D. Ilu«/Jer. XLV [(J2], Hpaagoiiberg, C, Von ilnr Munlca und den Mel»ier- sAnRern, horausir. A. v. Kellori [tU.] NUniberger Poll- tvlordtiungen, berausg. vou J. liiudnr- [tH] i'udrus Stuttgart, continued. Tuchers Baumeisierbiich der Stndl Viirnbcrg (14'>4-75t. XLIX. [tW]. Meisterlieder der Kolninror Hund-schrilt, berausg, von C. Bnrtseb. L [lift]. Kin geistHchos Spiel von S. Meinrads Leben und Sterben, heraui>g. von P. O. Morel; [70]. Des Teuiels Nct«, sntirisch-dldaktische-t Gedioht nu8 der er3.2, and B.irOa.fi — Letters of marque nnd reprisal. Speech in the seujite, Feb. 17, 1803. [Washington, IWi;!. No title-p.ijre.] 8°. v. 1 of 4350a. 1 — Monograph from an old note-book; with a postscript. Boston, ISGH. pp. 15. S' . . . 4394.45 — The national finances in time of war. Speech on tl'.e bill to establish a national^nrrency, in the eenate, April 27 and May 4, 1804. n. p., [1804. No title-pnge.J 8' . . . v. 1 of 4350a.l — The n;itional security and the national faith. Speech in Worcester, Sept. 14, ISi'o. Bos- ton, 1SG5. S° V. 1 of 4350a. 1 — No compromise of human rights. Speech in the senate, March 7, l&6t5. Washington, 1»''G. 8" V. 1 of 4350a. 1 — Oration before the municipal authorities of Boston, July 4, 1859. Boston, l^oy. 8" . . . 4394.58 — Our domestic relations: or, how to treat the rebel states. [Boston, 181)3.] pp. 2',\ 8°. [No title-page. Uepiinted from X\\g Atlantic monthly for I8it3] v. 1 of 4350n.l — Our foreign relations. Speech before the chi- zens of New York, Sept. 10, 1803. Boston, 1803. 8° V. 1 of 4350a.l, Hnd43U3.3 — The position and duties of the merchant [or Granville Sharp]. Address before the Mer- cantile library association, Nov. 13, If^Si. Boston, 1855. 8* B. 170a. 8 — The prayer of one hundred thousand. Speech on the presentation of the first inslullnientof the emancipation petition of the Women's national league, Feb. 19, 1803. n. p., n. d. [No title-pELje.] 8° v. 1 of 4350a. 1 — The promises of the declaration of indepen- dence. Eulogy 9n A. Lincoln, .June 1, 18i'5. Boston, 1805. 8" N312.5. and v. 2 of 4393.2 — Protection of freedmen : actual condition of the rebel states. Speech in the senate, Dec. 20, 1805. AVashington, 1805. 8" v. 1 of 4350a. 1 — Protest against shivery in Kansas and Ne- braska. Speech, May 25, 1854. Washing- ton, 1854. 8° 4.393.2 — Rail-road usurpation of N- J. Speedi in the senate, I'eb. 14, 1805. N.Y., 18i;5. 8". v. 1 of 4350a. 1 — Ransom of slaves at the national capital. Speech on tlie hill for the aholilion of slavery in the District of Columbia, in the senate, March 31, 1802. Washin;,'ton, 1802. 8°. v. 1 of 4350a. 1 — The rebellion : its origin and mainspring. An oration, Nov. 27, 18G1, New York, 18G1. 8°. V. 1 of 4350a. 1 — Reciprocity treaty. Speech in the senate. Dec. 21, l804,and Jan. 12and 1.3, 1805. New York, Ifii^J. 8" V. 1 Of 4350a. 1 — Reconstruction of the rohel states. Speech in the senate, June 13, 1804. Washington, n.d. [\o tiile-pag.-.] 8° v. 1 of 4350a. 1 — Report of the committee of the oveVsecrs of Harvard college, to visit the law school in 18JU. Boston, iN'iU. pp. 10. 8" 4308.1 — The republican party ; its origin, [etc.]. Speech before the Young men's republican union of New York, July II. ItGO. New York, [1800. No title-pirge.] 8» 4350a.] — [Resolutions and bills.] em.f* 4310.09 Conttn($.— 3\i\y 10. 18CI. UHl for the confl»ciitlon of propfrty of ppr»oni In rch.-lllon a|ttitii»t the con»ll- tutlon nnd Inwa of tlic Irilri-d 8tiitcro|H'rly uf llir omiuli-r*; July 23. 18«l, Johtt r''«olutl»ii rt-hitivc In llio pxlillilrluri ut tli» lixius- tryof nil iiiiHoni. In I,oiid<.ii, In IWIJ; r»ro. 12, IWII, Ililt to provide fur Hit- npp.ihiliiiciit of n aollcitor uf oUlnii fur (li» d>*pftrinif>ul of klaloi I>eo. 17, Itjtll, Bill to provide for iha nacurliilnTncnt and •AlUfiictlon of Sholf. No. SUMNEK, C, continued. cittims of AmevicHti citizens for spolintioiia c-ommitlcd by the Fn-nch prior to July 31, l«Ui; Dec. 18. )8C1, Hill for th« relief of the owucr of the British sIOp I'crlh- Bhire ; Jiin. 28, 18(U, Bill to provide for thi- ruvi&ion oiid consolidation of the statutes of the United StHtt-s; Feb. 28, ia*J2, Bill to carrj- into effect the stiimlutions of the treaty with Hanover for the abolition of the Stadt dues; March 5, 1S62, Bill to provide for carrying the niaile from the United States to foreign ports ; March 12, 1862, Bill to provide for the ndminiatrtition of the oath of allegiance to American citizene in foreign eountriefl; March li6, 1862, Bin forthe relief of the owners, oIBcers, and crew of the Danish bark"Jurgen Lorcutzen;"' June 13, 1862, Bill to carry into effect the treaty between the United Statee and her Britannic majesty for the suppression of the A fiican slave trade ; Dec. 9, 1802, Bill for the relief of the owners of the French brig " Jule» et Marie ; " Jan, 7, 18G3, Bill to prevent correspondence with rebels; Jan. 9, 186;i, Bill to suspend the uile of lands in the islands on the coast of South Carolina and Georgia, in and about Port Koyal ; June 16, 1862, Bill to provide for the settlement of the accounts of Isaac R. Diller, late consul at Bremen; Feb. 0, 1863, Bill to raise additional soldiers for the service of the United States; Feb. 18, 1863, BiU for the relief of Heury P. Blauchurd; Feb. 21, 1863, Bill to carry into effect the convention between the United States and the republic of Peru, sigued at Lima, Jan. 12, 1863, for the settle- ment of claims; Feb. 26, 1863, Joint resolution to facil- itate a proper representation of the industrial interests of the United States at the "International agrieultural exhibition " of Hamburg ; March 9, ISl&i, Concurrent re- solutions of congress conceiTiing foreign iutervenllon iu the existing rebellion; Jan. 11, 1861, Bill to remove doubts on the construction of the jtiint resolution ex- planatory of " An act to suppress insurrection, to pun- ish treason and rebellion, to seize and contiscato the property of rebels, and for other purposes," approved July 17, 1862; Jan. 18, IStil, BiU to remove ell diitquali- flcatiun of color in carrying the ninils; Jan. 19, 1864^ Bill to provide for the payment of the claims of Peru- vian citizens, under the convention between the United States and Peru, of Jan. 12, 1863; Jan. '25, 1864, Bill supplementary to an act entitled "An act to pre- scribe au oflth of office, and for other purposes," ap- proved July 2, 1862; Feb. 8, 18tji. Joint resolution to provide fur submitting to the several states an amend- ment of the uonslituiion of tlio United Slates; Fob. 8, 1864, Bill to secure equality before the law in the courts of tho United Slates; Feb. 29, 18G4, Bill to repeal all acts for the rendition of fugitives tVom service or labor; March 1, 1864, Joint resolution giving the assent of congress to the ucceptunee of a wuleh from the British privy council of trade, by the master of the American sehouner Highlander; March 2, 1864, Bill lor the relief of the owners of Ibe French ship " La Mnnche;" March 17, 1864, Bill to carry into ell'ect the convention with Ecuador fur tho mutuHl adjuttiiuent of claims; March 22, 1864, Bill to carry into ell'ect a treaty between tho United Stotea and her Britannic majesty fur the final settlement of tho claims of tliu Hudson Bay and Puget's Sound agricultural compunlos; Ajnil U'. 1864, Bill to establish A bureau uffreedmen; April 25, 1864, Bill to provide for the adjustment of claims of aliens Hgainstt he Uni ted Stutes since tho conimencemeut of the present rebellion ; April !U, 1864, Joint resolution to facilitate connnerclul, puklnl, and military communi- cation among the several states; April 3U, 1864, BUI to piovide for tliu greater elllclency of the civil sorvlee of the United Stales; May 24, 1861, Jolut resolution to amend tlio ehaiter of the eiiy of VVashlngiuni JuneOU, 1864, Bill to incorporate the National academy of litcr- oturo and art, and also to incorporate the National aca- demy of moral and political sciences; Dec. 13, lK(Hi, Bill to autliurlze the president of the United Slatea to trans- fer a gunboat lu the government of the rejiubllo of Liberia ; Jan. 21, 18l>5, Amendment to " Joint resolution advising retalfntlon forthe cruel troatmeut of prison- ers by tUo insurgents; " Jan. 31, 1805, Biltto carry Into oxeculion a convention between the United Sliitvs and Belgium for the cxiinctiun of the Scheldt dues; Feb. 'Z5, 186S, Amendment intended to be proposed to thu Joint reiolullun recognizing tho government of tho ■Inte of Louisiana; Dec. 4, 1865, Joint rcsoluilun pro- posing nn aineudinentof thn constitution of the United HlMtcH; Dee. 4, l8l», Bill to pruNerve tlie right of trial by Jury, by securing Imparilal Jurors, In liie courts of the United Slalesi Dec. 4, 1^6.*), Bill to carry out tho principles of a republican form of government lu tho District of Colnmbia ; Due. 4, ]HI!.!i, Bill to prescrlho on oAlli tonuiinlalna re[mblleaii form of gnvernniunl In the H'bi'l slales ; I)ee. 4, IMU, 1(111 In part uxecuiinn of tho guarantee of a repuhllean furm of govornmeiil In Ihtt cun»tltullon of the United States; Deo. 4, 18(Vt, Bill SUIDTER 609 SUNDAY SUMNKR, C, continued. •"PPlylnp BppropriHte It^pislation to enforce the Rmrnd- meiit to tI)o constitution prohibiting sltlvory ; Di-c. 4, 1S65, Bill to enforce tliu giitirantee of a republican form of govcmraent in certain states whose governments havo been usurped or overthrown ; Dec. 11, 18^, Ulll to war- rant and confirm the land titles of grantees under tho field order of major general Sherman at Savannah, Jan. 16, IStiS; Jan. 5, lt>0(!. Mill to provide for the rcvi- •lon aud consolidation of tho statutes of tho United States; Jan. 5, I8G6, Joint resolution pro|>osin)t an amendment to the constitution of tho United States for the protection of tho national debt, and the rejection of a»,v reboi debt; March 11*, 18fi6, Amendment i>ropo8odto tho bill for the admission of the state of Colorado Into the union ; March 12, IStiG, Auiendmcnt intended to ho proposed to the joint resolution proposing to amend the constitution of tho Uniled Suites; March 14, ISUti, Joint resolution authorizing commodore William llad- ford to accept the decoration of tho equestrian order of Saint Maurizcs and Lazzaro, ft-om tho Icinj? of Italy; Marcti 15, IStJG, Joint resolution protesting against par- dons by foreign governments of persona convicted of infamous otfenees, on condition of emigration to tho I.'nlted States; April 6, 1866, Bill for tho relief of J. G. Clarke. — [Resolutions and reports.] 8° , V. 2 of 4350a. 1 Coatcnts. —Feb. 11, 1862, Resolutions declaratory of the relations between the United States and the terri- tory once occupied by certain states, and now usurped by pretended governments, without constitutional or legal right; Feb. 28, 1863, Concurrent resolutions con- cerning foreign intervention in the existing rebellion ; Dec. 17, 1803, Resolution on the oath or atBrmation to be taken by the officers and members of the senate; Feb. 8, 1S64, Resolutions defining the character of the national contest and protesting against premature reformation of rebel states without proper guarantees and safeguards against slavery and for the protection of the frecdmen ; Feb. 20, 1864, Heport to accompany bill (So. 99), entitled " A bill to secure equality before the law in tho courts of the United States;" March 7, 1864, Report on the repeal of fugitive slave Bets; Jan. 31, 186.T. Resolution requesting the president to furnish ony information in liis power concerning an.v recent personal communications with J. Davis; Feb. 4, 18(W, Concurrent resolutions dcclari^ the rule in ascertain- ing the three-fourths of the several states required in the ratification of a constitutional amendment; March 8, 1S6j, Resolution declaring the conditions precedent to the reception of senators from a rebel state ; Dee. 4, 18^^, A republican form of government our first duty and the essential condition of peace; bills and resolu- tions in the senate of the United States, Dec. 4, 1805; April 5, 18G6, Report on the petition of J. G. Clarke. Rights of sovereignty and rigiits of war : two sources of power against tlie rebellion. Speech in the senate, May 19, 1862. New York, 1SC1. pp.16. [Xo title-page.] 8°. v. 1 of 4.150a. 1 The scholar, the jurist, the artist, the philan- thropist [Pickering, Story, Alston, Chan- ning]. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Harvard university, Aug. 27, 1.S46. 2d ed. Boston, 1846. 8° .... v. 1 and 2 of 4393.2 The slave oligarchy and its usurpations. Speech, Nov. 2, 1855. Boston, n! d. [No title-page.] 8° B.160.11 Slavery and the rebellion, one and inseparable. Speech, Nov. 5, 1864. Boston, If 64. 8° . . . 4310.48, and v. 1 of 4350a. 1 Speech for welcome-to Kossuth, Dec. 10, 1851. Washington, 1851. 8° . . v. 1 of 4393.2, and 6087.120 Speech in the senate, on his motion to repeal the fugitive slave bill. Washington, 1853. 8°. B.100.G2 Speech on the bill to establish a bureau of freedmen,in the senate, June 13 and 15, 1864. n.p., n. d. 8° 4320a.2 Speech on maritime rights ; in the senate, Jan. 9,1862. Washington, 1862. 8". . . . V. 1 of 4350a. 1 Speeches on the Boston memorial for the repeal of the fugitive slave bill, and in reply to Slessrs. Jones, Butler, and Mason, 1854. Washington, 1854. 8° 5572.33 Treasury notes, a legal tender. Speech in the senate, Feb. 13, 1862. [Washington, 1862. No title-page.] 8° v. Iof43o0a.l 7T Shelf. No. Su.MNER, C, continue!. — Treatment of prisoners of war. Speech in the senate, Jan. 29, 1865. N. Y., 1865. 8°. v. 1 of 4.150a. 1 — The true grandeur of nations. Oration deliv- ered [in] Boston, July 4, 1845. London, 1S46. 11'° 3577.12 — Extracts from The true grandeur of nations. Oration delivered July 4, 1846, in Boston, U. S. Liverpool, 1S4C. 8° 4393.2 — Union and peace I How they shall be restored. Speech, at Worcester, Oct. 1, 1861. Boston, [1861. No title-page.] 8° v. Iof4350a.l — Universal emancipation without compensation. Speech in the senate, April 8, 1864. [No title-p.age.] 8° 4310.48 — Usurpation of the senate. Two speeches on the Imprisonment of T. Hyatt. In the senate, March 12 and June 15, 1800. Washington, n. d. [No title-page.] 8° v. 1 of 4.350a. 1 — Usurpations of the senate in the origination of appropriation bills, [etc.]. Two speeches in the senate, Feb. 7 and March 6, 1856. Wash- ington, 1856. [No title-page.] 8° 0087.120 — War powers of congress. Speech in the senate, June 27, 1862. Washington, 1862. 8°. v. 1 of 4350a. 1 — The war system of the commonwealth of na- tions. Address, May 28, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8° .3577.21, and B.170. 54 — - Same. [2d ed.] Boston, 1854. 8° 3577.22 — VYhite slavery in the Barbary states. A lec- ture, Feb. 17, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8° . . . B.160.3 — [Remarks upon an oration delivered by C. Sumner, July 4, 1845.] Boston, 1845. pp.34. 8°. 3577.11 — [The Sumner outrage. Report of the speeches at the meeting in Cambridge, June 2, 1850.] pp.33. 12° 4.329.25 — Case of. SeePerry, M. S 5798.30 — Proceedings respecting the assault upon Sum- ner. See United States. Miscellaneous documents 6087.120 Sumner, Charles P. The compass. A poetical performance, Sept., 1795, at Harvard uni- versity. Boston, u. d. 10° 4394.44 Sumner, G. Memoirs of the pilgrims at Leyden. Cambridge, 1845. pp.35. 8° *4]63.13 — Oration before the municipal authorities of Boston, July 4, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8° . . . 2393.7, and 4393 3 — The Pennsylvania system, or prison discipline triumphant in France. Philadelphia, 1847. PP-21- S° 5575.6 SuMNEK, I., Memoir of. See Sumner, W. H. . , .4,347.107 Sumner, J. B., bp. Christian charity; Connexion between Christian faith and Christian prac- tice; The Christian's dependence upon his Redeemer : three sermons. [Dibdin. Sun- day library, v. 4] 5444. as SUMKER, W. H. Memoir of Increase Sumner, with a genealogy of the Sumner family. Boston, 1854. pp. 70. 8° 434; j — Reminiscences of La Fayette's visit to Boston Gov. Brooks, Gov. Eustis, and others, n. p. n. d. [No title-page.] pp. 11. 8° .... .' 4355. — Some recollections of Washington's visit to Boston [in 1789. Boston, 1800]. pp.8. [No title-page.] 8° 4344.20 SUMNEK family, Genealogy of the. See Sumner W-H 4.347.107 Sumter, Correspondence and other papers relatino- to Fort. See South Carolina ."43508.0 Sunday. Baxter, R. Divine appointment of the Lord's day proved 5454 j.^ — Chariest. LawfulsportstobeusedonSundays, 54543 — Furness, W. H. Sunday travel 5440a. 79 — Grosvenor, lord R. Letter to lord Grosvenor on his Sunday trading bill B. 160a. 92 — Hale, Sir M. Religious observation of . . . 3440.56 — Hessey, J. A. Sunday : its origin, history, and present obligation 6454.4 SUNDAY 610 SUTCLIFFE Shelf. Ho. Sunday, contimtcd, — Proceedings of a public meeting held in Buffalo against closing the locli:!: on Sunday . . B.lCiOa.llO — Profanation of. See Scriptural address . .PplLv-SSS — Whipple, C. li. Sunday occupations . . . .15.irob.7 See also: Sabbatti. SCNDAT at home, or a letter to a trinitarian friend. Boston, n.d. pp. 11. 12° 5430a. 03 Sunday scholar's own book. Pliila., 1837. 18° . . 54o4.38 SUNDAY-schooI pioneer : or, suggestions as to the best method of conducting new Sunday- schools. Philadelphia, u. d. pp.71. 12° . B. 170b. .38 Sunday school teacher. Haven, C. M 54o4.45 Sund.^y school teacher's companion. New York, 18.34. 24° 3440.57 SUNDERL.4ND, B. Church and state: discourse delivered thanksgiving day, Nov. 23, 1854. Washington, 1854. 8° 5460a. 90 — The crisis of the times: sermon, [fast day], April .30, 1803. Washington, 1863. 10°. . . 4330a. 19 — Memories of the metropolis. Discourse deliv- ered on thanksgiving, Nov. 24, 1853. Wash- ington, 1853. 8° 5400a. % — Sermon on the public worship of God, Sunday, Jan. 31, 18(H. Washington, 1864. 8° . . . 5460a. 96 Sunderland, L. K. Book of human reason. New York, 1857. 12° 4277.15 — Pathetism : an essay towards a correct theory of mind. Boston, 1847. 12° 0086.22 SUSDEKLAND, Ei\g. Literary and philosophical society. Catalogue of books. Sunderland, 1848. pp. 70. 8° 3570.5 SUSDIALS. Compositio horolog-icorum. Miinster,S, 8017.6 SuNUDN, flscountess. See Clayton, C. SUNNITES, Pillar of the creed of the. See Abu- '1-Berekat Abdallah Ben Ahmed 3022.19 Superior, Lake. Booth, J. C. Map of the mineral district of 2370.9 — Foster, J. W. Geolog>- and topography of the Lake Superior hand district 2373 29 — St. John, J. R. Description of the Lake Su- perior country •■ 2373.33 SUPERNATURALISM. Elliott, C. W. Glimpses of the supernatural 6100.0 Gioberti,V. Teorica del sovranaturale . . . 6108. lU — Howitt, W. History of the supernatural in all ages and nations 5435.22 — Matignon,— . La question du surnaturel; on, la grace, le merveilleu.i, le spiritismc, au I'.te sifecle 6463.23 — Peabody, A. P. Antisuperuaturalism . . . rph.v.377 SuPKBSTinoNS. Daumer.G.F. Geheimnisseder christlichen Alterthunis 6059a. 8 Grant, A. Superstitions of the Plighlunders of Scotland 3489.20 — Martin,!'. H. Des superstitions dangercuses pour la science 6001.30 SUPPLIC.VTION for toleration, addressed to James i by silenced ministers. First printed, 1009. With the king's notes. London, ls5U. pp. 48. Bm.4° 3525.9 Suppuration, Traitd pratique de la. Chassaignac, E 3764.10 SUBAULT, F. M. J. Grammar of the French Ian- guoge. Boston, 18'!1. 12° 4089U.4 _ - Same. Cundiridge, lH.'i5. 12° 4089a. 3 Surfaces. Superllcial ready reckoner. I'arnell, O.F S082.6 SURGERY. Apple, P. L. The ambulance surgeon. 3749.5 — Auvert, A. Helecta praxis niedicochlrurglco!. .37.U.1 — Bell, C. Institutes of 3/44.23 — Bclloste, A, Heelkonstlge verband-huyemeeB-' Icr . - 3709.22 — Bcrnnid, C. PrtelB Iconogrnphlque dc iniidecinc optratolre 3745.32 — Bernstein, J. G. Geschkhte ilir Chirnrgle . 3764.5 — Brodlc, Sir B. C. Lectures lllustrullve of va- rious auttiects In 3792.0 sin If. Xo. Surgery, continued, — Capuron, J. Methodica chirnrgire instituta . 5744.4 — Chopart, F. Triiite des maladies chirurgicales. :'>7y3.11 — I'2bcrmaier, J, C. Taschenbuch der Chirurgie. 37ti9.22 — Esmarch, F. Use of cold in 5714.9 — Fischer, G. Slittheilungen aus der chirurgi- schen Universitiits-lvlinik zu Gottingen . . 3745.28 — Fleet, J. Observationes ad chirurgiai operati- oues pei'tiuentes M.Pph.v.l39 — JobertjA. J. Trait(5 de chirurgie plastique . :i745.27 — Larrey, D. J. Clinique chirurgicale 3742.20 — Lisfranc, J. Precis de raedecine operatoire , 3755.7 — Listou, li. Elements of 37{.2.4 — - Practical surgery 3752.8 — Malgaigne, J. F. Anatomic chirurgicale et chirurgie experimentale 3752.19 — - i^lanuel de medecine operatoire 3749. 10 — Paget, J. Lectures on surgical pathology . . .3742.7 — I'alasciano, 1''. Memorie di chirurgia pratica. 3752.20 — Koux, P. J. I'arallele derenglischenuudfrau- zdsischen Chirurgie 3749.14 — Kuyscli, F. Observationum anatoniico-cllirur- gicarum centuria 3710.20 — Smith, 11. II. I'rinciples and practice of . . . 3753.18 — Syme, J. The principles of 3753.19 — Velpeau, A. A. L. JI. Nouveaux e'lements de medecine operatoire 3751.4 — Warren, J. M. Kecent progress in 3755.25 — Weber, C. O. Chirurgische Erfahrungen und Uutersuchungen 3751.10 SecaUa: Amhulnncc, AmpHtntion, AniKBthesia, Auto- plasty, Guiishut wounds, Iriilectony, Lltliotrity, Mili- tary surgery, Orthopedy, Ovarium, Pulypusi. Surgical bandaging. System des chjrurgischen Ve'-bandes. Caspari, C 3754.14 Surinam, Oe negerslaven in. Teenstra, M. D. . . 4290.3 SURINGAR, W. H. Une visite ii llettray en 1845. Leeuwarde, n. d. pp. 32. 8° 6575.3 SURINGAR, W. II. D. Hisioria critica scholiasta- rum Latinorum. Lugduul, 18^14, 35. 3v. iu 1. S° 4953.2 SURIREY de Saint-RiSmy. See Saint-Remy, P. S. de. Surnames. Falconer, T. Assumption of surnames without royal licence 3035.23 — Finlayson,J. Surnames and sirenanies . . . 26'13.11 — Hines, C. Concerning some Scolch surnames. 2435.27 — Lower, M. A. Family names of the United kingdom 2533.1 — Vilmar, A. F. C. Entslehung und Bcdeutung der deutschen Familieunaiueu 4233.8 See ateo: NanieB. Surrey, earl of. See Howard, H. SUKTEES, K. Catalogue of the valuable library at Mainsforth Hall. Durham, INiO. pp.00. 8°. 2137.17 — Lines composed on the grave of. Sec Bell, A. O 2137.17 Surveying. Bordoni, A, Delle diviso dei canipi e delle campagne 3926,27 — Instruclions to the surveyors general of pub- lic lands of the United Slates. Sec United States. Department of the interior . . . .C. 102. 19 — Jess, Z. System of i)racticiil surveying . . . 70;)8.17 — Regn)iult,J. Cours pratique d'arpentage . . 3939.12 SOuYA-SIDDHANT.v, a text.bf)ok ol Hindu astron- omy. 'lYanslation, notes, aiul aiipendix by E. Burgess. New Haven, 1800. 8° 3924.18 SU8ARION. Comccdjjc i'ragmenlum. [Meinekc. Fragin. com. Gr., v. 2J ^ * > B. 162.8 SUSIL, F. Jloravske niirodnl pismi. Druhd vydAul. Brne [BrnnaJ, Isoo. 8" MSaS.S Sussex, duke of. See Augustus Frederick. SUSSEX, Kv(f. See Arundel. SuiCLiKK, It. Travels in some parts of North AnuTlctt In 1H04-0. Philadelphia, 1812. 10°. 2368.22 SUTOLli'i'E, J. Ancient plely. [.Sennous on Im- jiortant sutuecls] 6442.14 SUTHERLAND 611 SWEET SUTHEiti.ANP, p. C. Journal of a voynge in Baf- lin'9 Hay and liarrow Straits, ISSO-.)!, in searcli of thr inissiuj; cri'ws of II. M. sliips Erebus anil Terror. I^ondon, isrj-j. 2v. p.s*. 2'J0:i.7 Sl'THKIil.\n1), T. ,1. Tliri'f political letlers to W. Jsflson [opposing tlie ek-ctiou of Harrison as president]. New York, ISIO. pp. (H. lli" .4.KD.13 SuTPllK.N, Jl. C. Discourse on the deatliof A. Lin- coln, ApriJ l(i, l,s(w. Philadelphia, IWlo. 8°. *4:i42.fi Sutton, H. M. The Lexington papers. Loudon, IISSI. 8° 4172.10 Sutton Coldlield, Warwickshire. [History of the forest and chase of Sutton Coldlield.] Lou- don, 1800. 8° 2504. U Suz.\NNK, P. U. l>e la maniero d'etudior les nm- theniatiques. le partie. Preceptes ^enc-raux ct iirithmetii]ue. -ie ed. I'aris, 1810. 8° . . 5U18.8 Sv.VNBKltc;, J. Exposition des operations faiteseu Lupponie, pour la determination d'lin arc du meriilien, en Iwil-.l, p.ir MM. tllverbom, Svanl)#g, Ilolmiiuist et I'alander. Kedigee par J. Svanbcrg. Stockholm, 1805. S° . . . 6923.1" SvEA. Tidskrift for veteuskap och konst. Up- sala, 1S1S-:S1. 14v. in 11. 8° *72a2.2 SVENsK bokhandels-katalog. Afdeln 1, .')-5. Stock- holm, 1845-52. 8° 4127.4 SWABIA. Kllippil, C Urkunden zur Gcschichte des schwiibischeu Uundes 2874.5 — Labaud, P. lieitriige zur Kunde des Schwa- beuspiegels 2874.25 — Meier, E. Kiuder-Ueime und Kinder-Spiele ana Schwabeu 2875.4 — ScliH'iUiisches Land- und Lehea-BecUtbuch. A'ee Sehvvabenspiegel 4301.17 Swain, L. God in the strife. A sermon, April 28, I8G1. Providence, 1801. 8° 4350a. 9 — Sermon on the Sabb;ith after the assassination of president Lincoln, April 15, 1805. Provi- dence, 1805. 8° »4342.5 SwAiNsi>N,W. New Zealand and its colonization. With a map. London, 185'J. 8° 3046.16 SwAX, J. [National arithmetick : or, observations on the liuauccs.] lioston, 1780. pp. 01. b°. 4353.24 SwANN, T. Inaugural address, delivered iu the senate chamber, Annapolis, Jan. 11, 1805. u.p., 1805. 8° 4350a. 71 Sweden. Description, travels^ etc. — Collin, H. S. Codex juris Vestrogotici . . , . 4301.9 — Fortia de Piles, A. T. J. A. A. M. de. Voyage de deu.x Fran^ais en Suede 2804.10 — Hisinger, W. A'ersuch einer mineraloyischeu Geographie von Sehweden 3869.24 — Nordeutlycht, F. O. v. Die schwedische Staats- Verfassung 2829.4 — Platen, IS. v. Om cjinaler genom Sverige . , 4807.2 — Kiilis, C. F. Schweden 2805.5 — Wolff, J. Tour through Sweden 2801.12 History. — Carlson, F. F. Gescliichte Schwcdens .... 2825. 19 — Flaux, A. de. Histoire de Suede 2820.20 — Geijer, E. G. Forniimsta handlande personer fran Carl XII. till Gustaf III v. 18 of 4848. 1 — - Gescliichte Schwedens bis 1600 4216.8 — Ivronologiskt register cifver tryckta handlingar i Svenska historicn af Dr. Fant. See Stock- holm. Kongliche vitterhets, hlstorie och an- tiquitets Akademi 4828. 1 — Vertot, K. A. de V. d'A. History of the revolu- tion In 2829.15 Lanffitage. — Del^n, C. Engelskt och Svenskt Icxikon . . 2*90.17 — Dielerich, U. W. AusfUhrliche schwedische Grammatik 2884.10, and 4125.2 — Hiilleuberg, J, De nominibus in lingua Suio- gothica lucis et visus cultusque Solaris . . . 2885.21 — Ucinrich, C. Svenskt och Tyskt hand-lexi- kon 4119.21 — Hof, S. Dialectus VestrogotUica ,8-5. » SWKDKN, continued. — Hire, J. Glossnrium Suiogothiciim — New poeketdietionary, English and Swedish. — Rydqvist, ,1. E. Svenska spr.'ikets la-jar . . . — Serenius, J. English and Swedish dictionary. Sjiiborg, G. Schwedische Sprachlehre Sliclf. No. 2880..') 4119.24 4880.10 2800. 10 28S5.18 Widcgren, G. Svenskt och Engelskt lexicon. 2890.24 Literature. — Afzelius, A. A. Swenska folkets sago-hiifder. 4227.4 — - Volkssageu and Volkslieder aus Schwedens iilterer und neuerer Zeit 4224.28 — Arvidson, A. Haudlcdiiing til tliet Swenske Poeterij 2885.25 — Riickstroin, P. O. Svenska folkbiieker . . . . 4220.14 — Diimers, F. L. Schwedens Dichterhain . . . 2875.9 — Geijer, E G. Svenska folk-wisor. 2875. 14, and 4223. 19 — - Schwedische Volkslieder der Vnrzeit . , , 2875.27 — Kylten-Cavallins.G.O. Svenska folk-sagor och Ufventyr 4220.13 — Svensk bokhnndels k.^talog 4127.4 — Swenska sprakets skduheter i vers och prosa. 4229a. 18 Sec also; Charles X, XI, XIV; Chrislinn; Gustavus II, IV ; GUBtavus Vaaft ; Tlliuudaland, Upland. Sweden, Church of. Evangelic-boken, nied dcrtill hcirande kyrko-ocli communion-boner. Norr- kiiping, 1852. sni.lO» *0019a.ll — Den Swenska psalni-boken. Af konungen gil- lad och stadfastad ar 1819. Norrkiiping, 1851. sm.W *0019a.ll S wed ENBO iiG, E. V. Opera philosophica et miuera- lia. DresdiE, 1731. 3y. f° *4271.3 Contents. — Vol. I. Principia reram nnturaliimi, sive novonini tentaminum pha'nomemi mundi elementarig philosophice explicandi. II. Rt-giium HUbterraneum, sive miuerale, do 1'erro. III. Ke^num subterraneum, sive miuerale, de cujiro et orichaleo. — Posthumous philosophical tracts, written in Latin before his illumination. Translated by J.J. G. Wilkinson. Boston, 1848. pp. 40. S°. 5002.1 Contents. — The way to a kuowledge of the soul ; The red blood; The animal spirit; Sensation, or the passioa of the body; The origin and propagation of the soul* Action ; Fragment on the soul, und the harmony be- tween it ami the body. — Account of the last judgment, and the Babylon destroyed, [etc.]. Boston, 1849. 8° . , . , 5545.2 — Delitiffi sapieiitiye de amore conjugiali; volup- tates insauia^ de amore scortatorio. Amste- lodami, 1708. 4° 6540.10 — Doctriaa nova? HierosolymiB de Domino. Tu- binga;, 1834. pp. 90. 8° *5546.9 — Doetrina nova: Hierosolyma; de Scriptura Sa- cra. Tubingx, 1835. pp.75. 8° *5545.10 — Doetrina vita; pro nova Hierosolyma ex prse- ceptis decalogi. TubingK, 1835. 8° . . . . .*5545.ii — Earths in [the universe], their inlutbitants, and the spirits and angels there. Boston, 1850. pp.94. 8° 5545,3 — On the intercourse between the soul and the body. Boston, n.d. pp. .35. 12° 5545.41 — Sapientia angelica dedivino amore et de diviua sapientia. Stuttgardiae, 1843. 8° , . — Angelic wisdom concerning the divinelove and wisdom. Boston, 1843. 8° — Vera Christiana religio. Ad fideraed.princlpis edidit J. F.I. Tafel. Loudini, 1857, 58. 2v. 8°. 5545.5 — Bush, G. Reply to R, W. Emerson, respecting Swedenborg 3673.41 — Clowes, J. Addj-ess to the clergy on the theo- logical writings of 4163.16 SWEDr:xiiOKGiANiSM. See New Jerusalem church. SwiCDEXBORGISM. Review of tlie doctrines, and history of the founder, [etc.]. New York, 1840. pp. 26. 12° B. 170b. 15 Sweet Auburn and Mount Auburn, «ith fiber po- ems. Drue, C. i'' 4409.14 5545.7 6062.6 SVTEBTSER 612 STDOW Shelf. Ko. SwEETSEB, S. Commemorative discourse on tlie death of A. Lincoln. TVon'ester, 1805. 8°. M342.5 — Discourse before the American education soci- ety, May 25, 1S58. Boston, 1S58. 8°. v. 5of*51-5.3 — Sermon in Worcester, March 23, 1861, the Sun- day after the decease of Miss Sarah Waldo. Boston, ISSl. 8° 4347.111 SWENSICA sprakets skiinheter i vers och prosa, eller Snensk antbologi. Stockholm, 1S20-2S. 3v. 1,;= 4229a. 18 SwETT, S. Defence of Col. T. Pickering, against Bancroft's History. Boston, 1850. pp. 12. 12- 2347.20 — Notes to bis sketch of Bunker-liill battle. Boston, 1825. pp.24. 8° 4358.12 — Sketch of Capt. Moses Brown. Boston, 1846. pp.24. 8° 4347.50 — Reply to his remarks on Frothingham's History of the battle of I3unker hill. See Frothing- ham, K 4355.44 Swift, ,7ohn. Sermon at the ordination of Kev. J. Lee, at Koyalston, Oct. 19, 1768. Boston, irm. 8° *"63.5 Swift, John L. Speech, on the removal of E. G. Loring, from the office of judge of probate. Boston, 1858. 8° B.lCOa.2 Swift, Jonathan. Works, with Ufe and notes by J. Hawkeswortli and D. Swift. London, 1765-68. lOv. B° *4174.0 Conicn/s.— Vol. I-XIV. The same as in the edition described in the Index of 1861, excepting that Vol. XIII contains, in addition, Swearer's Ijank ; Ad- vice to a young poetj History of Martin ; Thoughts on free-thinlting; and Vol. XIV, Essay onnational rewards; Observations on Ueylin's Histor)- ; Preface to Temple's Memoirs; Dedication and preface to his letters. XV. Change in the queen's ministry, 1710; Behavior of the queen's last ministry; Consequences of the queen's death ; Sermon upon the martyrdom of Charles I ; Ac- count of Japan; Letter to the Craftsman; Absurdities in England ; Remarks on Burnet's History ; Abstract of the history of England; Letter to a member of parlia- ment; Thoughts concerning the repeal of the test; Maxims controlled in Ireland; Letter on M'CulIa's project about half-pence ; Doing good, a sermon, etc. ; Proposal that the ladies wear Irish manufactures; Letter concerning the Dublin weavers; Answer to several letters from unknown persons; Substance of a speech to the mayor of Dublin ; Thoughts on religion ; Prayer for Stella; Sermon upon the excellence of Christianity; Giving badges to the poor; Considera- tions about maintaining the poor; The representation of the clergy of Dublin ; Answer to Bickerstair; Hints on good manners Resolutions when I come to bo old ; Laws for the dean's servants; A qnaker's letter from Philadelphia ;Charocter of Mrs. Il»™»d; Character of Dr. Sheridan; History of the second Solomon; On the death of Mrs. Johnson, [Stella]; Education of ladies; The antiquity of the English tongue. XVI. Letters to and from several persons ; Poems on several occasions. — Letters by Swift and his friends, 1703-40. Vol. 1-3, publislied by J. Uiiwkesworth, and [v. 4-0] by D. Swift. London, 1768, 09. 6v. [V. 1-3, new cd.] 8° v. 17-22 of •4171.0 Commit. — Vo\.l-VJ. Letters. VI. Reign of Wllllain II, of Henry I, of Stephen, of Henry II. _ Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [An- derson. I'oets of tireat Itriliiin, V. 0] . . . 4604.1 Swtl'T, M. A. KlementD of niiliual philosojihy. list Sgnii Karen cil.] Tiansluted by JI. Vin- ton. Muulinaln, 1KI6. pp. 71. 12' .... 3038.20 — First lessons on natural philosophy. Trnna- Inled into Burmese by Mrs. L. 1!. Slllnou. lluulmaln, 1M8. 1'2' 3038.11 SWIFT, T. Cuii'hicl of Jlr. Lenox, and tlic minis- ter In the ufluir wllli the duke of Yvrk, fully coii'siih red. 2d ed. London, 17Nil. 1'2' . ♦rpli.v.3fl9 SWIFT /. Sy»tem of tlif laws of Connecticut. Wliidham, 1796, 96. 2v. S" 3010.18 SwiauLiiNK, H. Travels through Spain. (Jlavor. VoyiigeK, V. lb] «=«"•' Shelf. Mo. SwiKBURNE, J. Account of bis services on the peninsula. New York, 186'2. [Notitle-page.] pp.11. 8° 4340a. 51 SwiNFlELD, R. de. Hmisehold expenses, 1289, 90. Edited by Rev. J. Webb. [London], 1864. 8111.4°. [Camden society. No. 69] •2426.3 — - Same. Abstract, illustrations, glossary, and index. Edited by Rev. J. Webb. [London], 1855. sm.4''. [Camden society. No. 62] . . *2426.6 SwiNHCiE, R. Narrative of the North China cam- paign of 1860. London, 1861. 8° 3017.16 SWLNTON, W. The " Times " review of McClellan : his military career reviewed and exposed. New York, 1884. pp. 32. S° 4320a.S5 — The war for the union. New York, 1864. pp. 20. 8°. [New York. Loyal publication so- ciety. No. 62] *4322.18 Switzerland. Vescripiion, etc. — Baedeker, C. Switzerland, with the neigh- bouring lakes of Northern Italy, etc. . . . 2864.24 — Bernard, R. B. Tour through some par* of . 2274.16 — Franseini, S. Statistica della Svizzera . . . 2828.24 — Girard, A. Systt-me mtHrique Suisse . . . . B. 170b. 96 — Gurowski, A. de. Rromenade en Suisse, 1815. 42'29.S — Helvetia, Khnetiaet Valesia. [Mcrian. Topo- graphia, V. 7] 4261.3 — Helvetiorum respublica 422'Ja.23 — Keller, H. Reisechurteder Schweiz 2834.35 — Koch.W. D. J. Synopsis flora; Helvetica! . . 3855.14 — Kolb, G. F. Statistik der Industrie uud des Uandels der Schweiz 6087.63 — Kotzebue, A. F. F. v. Travels through Swit- zerland 2660.40 — Meiuers, C. Briefe liber die Schweiz . . . .42'29a.l2 — Mendelssohn Bartholdy, F. Letters from Switzerland 4040.44 — Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in . . . 2834. 5 — Rattles, T. Letters during a tour through some parts of 2274 16 — Studer, B. Geologic der Schweiz 5868.25 nistorij, etc. — Bochat, C. G. L. de. Miimou'es sur I'histoirc ancienne de la Suisse 4212.4 — De I'eyster, J. W. Secession in 43Uia.7H — Gelpke, E.F. Kirchengescliichte der Schweiz. 3o'27.1 — Zscbokke, J. H. D. History of 42';9.0 Lantjuoge and literature. — Alpcnroschen. Schwcizerischos Taschen-Lie- dcr-Buch 42'29n.22 — Alpenrosen. Ein Schweizcr Almanach . . . '2879.27 — Hollmann von Fallersleben, A. H. Deutsche Lieder aus der Schweiz 2904.25 — Morikofer, J. C. Die schweizerischeLiteratur des 18ten .Itihrhunderts 2870.17 — Rochholz, E. L. Alemannisches Kinderlied niid Kinderspiel aus der Schweiz . 2876.3, and 422:1.6 — SI Hitler, F. .). Versuch elites schweizerisclien Idiotikon • ^n'^.^ — Weller, E. Das alle Yolks-Theater der s,.i,„ciz '. 2871.13 — Wyss, J. R. Idylleu, Volkssagen, Legenden uiid i;rziililungen aus der Scliwelz 2878.33 l^fii aUo: Alps, Ilasle, Coppet, Frlekthal, Geneva, Kynast, Luzerne, Oberland, Zurieh. Swords' pocket almanack for 1820. Astronomical calculations by J. Sanford. New York, [1S19J. pp. SO. 3'2' 43890.38 Syhel, 1L v. The history and literature of the erusiitles. Editeil by lady Dull' Gordon. Loudon, 1861. 12° 2'.'93.5 Sydney, i'ce Siilney. SYDOW, A. Sechste (ieneralversammlung des ovungelisclien Verelns zur Giistav-Adtdf-Stlf- ttiiig 21. and '22. Sept. zu Daruisluilt. Ber- lin, 1847. pp. '24. 8° 608S.1I6 SYDOW 613 TABELLAKISCHE b Shulf. Mo. Sydow, E. v. Hydi-ograpliisclier Atlas. 2te Aufl. Gotlifl, IHoti. ]ip. S. r, luul Atlas, t'" . . *Il.lSOd 2 — Mcthoiiisclu'r Hand-Atlas fur das wissen- sclmttliclu' StiuHuia di-r Erdkundp. [Mit] Supplcnu-iit. -IXL' Aull. Cotha, 1853. I" *B.lSOd.l — Uydrotopisclicr Atlas. Gotlia, IfiSO. 'JSplatt-s. ohlA° *U.180d.5 — Orographischer Atlas, tiotliu, 1S55. pp. 21. 061.4" *B.180d,3 — Oro-Iiydro;;raphischer Atlas. Gotha, 1856. 25 plates. oblA° *Il.lS0d.4 SVDOW, F. W. V. ThUriiifion uud dcr ilarz, mit ihren Merkwiirdigkcitcn, Volkssagun uad Logendeu. SondtTeihauseu, It^ltMi. 8\'. 8* *4213.3 Sykes, a. a. rarnphrase and notes upon tlio epistle to the llebrews. See Bible. New Tc-stanicut 5421.6 Sylvestek, C, Report on rail roads and locomo- tive engines. 2ded. Liverpool, 18.i5. pp.39. 8" *4014.11 SVLVESTKR, J. Garland of Christmas carols, an- cient and modern. London, ISOl. 10" . . . 2536.6 Symbolism. CoUectio confessionum in ecclesiis rcCormatis publicatarum. Niemeyer, H. A. 6005.16 Syme, J. Principles of surgery. Appended his treatises on "the diseases of the rectum," [etc.]. Edited by D. Maclean. Philadelphia, I6f>6. S" *3753.19 Symeon junior, St. Epistola ad Justinum junio- rem; De Sanctis imaginibus. [Migne. Pa- trologia Grsca, V. 86, p. 2] 5402.7 Symedx junior theologns. De fide et moribus turn Christianis, turn monasticis, orationes xxxiii, I. Pontano interprete; Divinorum amorum, sive commentaiionum sacrarum li- ber singularis; Capita raoralia ducenta duo- detriginta; Tractatus de alteratiouibus an- imie et corporis, interp. P. Possino. [Max- ima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 22] B.110.2 Symeon magister. Annales a Leone Armcno ad Nicephorum Phocam. [Migne. Fatrologia Grsi-ajV. lO'J] 54:2.12 Symeon Metaphrastes. Opera omnia. Lutetix Parisiorum, 1804. 3v. imp. 8". [Migne. Fatrologia Grsca, V. 114-110] *5472.1G Contents. — Vol. I. Leonis Allatii de Symeonis Meta- prastre scriptis diatriba; De auctoritate et teistimon lo Metapbrastce, auctore R. P. Uouorato a S. Maria ; Enco- oiium, Auctur.) M. Psello ; OfBcium eodijm auctore ; Ora- lis ill lamentfltiouem Deipnrie; SermoneB ethici XXV Q scriptis Basilii Magui collect!; Puraphrasis ia sermones S. Mucarii ^t jrypiii ; Precationes ; lambici tremetri ; Al- pbnbuta nioialiii quatuor ; Epistolti: ; Epitome cauonutn ; M. Hanckii cutalogus vitarum quas SyineoQ Metapbraa- tfs cotnposuit ; Danielis de Kessel catalogus do codem ; , Vil£c sauctorum. II, III. Vitai sanctorum. — Vita S. Dionysii. See Dionysius Areopagita . B.140.8 Symeox Stylites, St. Acta, auctore Cosma presby- tero, [Assemani. Acta martyrum, v. 2] . . 6050.5 — Sermo de semper mente complectendo suum cuiquc discessura. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 7] B.110.2 Symeon Thessalonicensis. De divino templo, ejus ministris, vestibus, et de SS. mystagogia, sive raissa commentariulus; De sacris ordi- nationibus. [Maxima biblioth. vet, patr., V. 22] B.11Q.2 SymmachU-S. Responsio et apologeticus adversus Anastasium imp. [Grynasus. Men. patr.] . B. 141.3 Svmmes, T. Funeral sermon for T. Bernard, 1718. n. p., [1718. No title-page. Imp,] sm.8* . *4163.I6 ^MONDs, R. Diary of the marches of the royal army during the great civil war. Edited by C. E. Long. [Westminster], 1S59. sm.4'. [Camden society, No. 74] *242G.18 R y SIGNS, J . C. William Burke the author of Junius. London, 1859. 8q.l6" 2555.10 i)YNCEi-LUs, M. Vita beat! Dionysii Areopagitae. A'ec Dionysius Areopagita B.140.8 Shelf. No. Synesius, of CyrenCf hishop of Ptolemais, Opera omnia. Lutctiie Parisiorum, 1804. imp. 8°. [Migne. Patrologia Gra;ca, v. 06] . . ,*5471.11 Contenta. — Orntio d« rcsno ; Do IJione; Calvitii en- cotiiiuiii ; De providuntiii ; Do iiisoiiiiiiis; Kpiatuliu; Ilomlliju; CuttistasU; Coustitutio ; Du dono aatrolabii; liymni. — Opera omnia, interprete D. Petavio. See Ma.tima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 6 B.no.2 ContentH, — De rcffiio, fld Arciidiuin Imperatorem ; DIo, vel do vital Ipsiua iiiulitutn ; Calvitii encomium ; JEpyp- tiUH, slvo du providuntiii libri duo; Epielolo; ; Homiliic ; CutiiatntiiH, diutu iu luaiLiinam barbarorum excurstonom ; Hymtii decom. — Hymni. [Lect. Poeta; Grajci, v. 3] 4200.7 I — Hymnes.tr. parGregoire et Collombet. [Fal- connet. Les petits pot-mes grecs] B. 161.2 — De hiudihus caluitii oratio. [Erasmus. Mo- ris encomium] 4938.9 Synopsis of the genera of American plants. George- town, 1814. 18" 3849.6 Syphkr, J. R. History of the Pennsylvania re- serve corps. Lancaster, 1805. 8° 4331.4 Syphilis. Diday, P. Nouvelles doctrines suria . 3770.45 — - Syphilis in cliildreu 6714.1 — Legrand, A. De Tor et du mercure dans le traitcment de la 3770.41 — RosenbJium,J. Die Lustseucheim Alterthume. 4265.11 Syuacu.se, X. Y. New York asylum for idiots. Account of the ceremonies at the laying of the corner-stone. Albany, 1854. pp. 42. 8'^.B. 170.52 Syiua. Description^ etc. — Badia y Leblich D. Travels in 3040.13 — Girardin, St. M. La Syrie en 1861 3049.5 — Kelly, "W.K. Syria and the Holy Land . . . 3042.11 — Mariti, G. Travels through Syria 5048.2 — Miot, .i.F. Memoires pour servir ^ Thistoire de I'expedition en Syrie 2052.7 — Pocoi-ke,R. Observations on 3040.7 — Selden,J. De diis Syris B. 127. 10 — Volney, C. F. C.de. Travels through Syria . 3085.14 — Wilkie, D. Sketches in D.4.Q.2 See also: Assassins, Palestine. Language and UtGrature. — Assen^ni, G. S, Bibliotheca orientalis Cle- meutino-Vaticana 6040.6 — Cellarius, C. Porta Syriae patentior . . . .B. 170. 119 — Gutbier, G. Lexicon Syriacum . . . • ... 0019.19 — Lagarde, P. Analecta Syriaca 3021.13 — Larsow, F. De dialectorum linguse SyriacJE reliquiia 5030.11 — Michaelis, C. B. Syriasmus, id est, gramma- tica lingua Syriacae 4122.3 Syrus, p. Vita, ex P. Crinito ; Fragmenta. [Gott- fried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.191.9 — Seutentiie. S^ee Phaedrus B. 179a. 20 Szafary, F., comte de. Magn^tisme et magneto- therapie, 2e M., augm. d'une 3e partie sur le gyro-magnetisme. Paris, 1854. 8°. . . . 3802.34 SzATHMAR,S.O, DiBS.philol.theol.de usu sails in sacris Israelitarum ejusque mysterio,Lev.ii, 13. [Oelrichs. CoUectio opusculorum, v. 2]. COGG.l SzEGEDiN, S. Vita per Matthieum ScaricEeum. [Gerdes. Scrinium antiq. ad hist, reform. spect.,v.3] 6055.16 SZOLLOSY, J. N. V. Sprachlehre, um franzosisch, deutsch, englisch, italieuisch, russisch, spa- nisch, uiigariscb, walachisch, und turkisch spreciieu zu lernen. KJausenburg, 1850. 8m.8= *4U9.7 SzuLDKZYNLKi, S. De origiue ac progressu tu- telae muUebris quae apud Romanos obtinuit. Diss, iuaug. Berolini, 1853. 8° 4289.15 Tabellarische Uebersicht dcr Geschichte der deutschen Poesie. Kebst eiuer Uebersicht der italianischen, spauischen, portuguesi- schen, englisclien und franzosischen. Halle, 1806. 3Ule;ives. obl.4" **219fi.6 TABERNACLE 6U TALLMADGE Shelf. No. Tabernacle, Le, du desert. Guers, E 34^5.19 Table talk. Sinnreiclie Tischreden. Luther, M. 6057.:) TABLE-TirpixGs exposed. Page, C. G Ppli.v.3?l Tablk-VUX de la revolution frau^oise, ou collection de gravures. [Planches, 1-29, -.ia-SS.] Paris, [1?90]. obl.r *B.180a.2 TACHfe, J. C. Descriptive e.italogue of the produc- tions of (Canada exhibited in Paris in 1S55. See Canada. Universal exhibition of lSo5 . 7035.3 — Sketch of Canada, its industrial condition and resources. See Canada. Universal exhibi- tion of 1853 7036.3 Tacitus, C. C. [Opera.] Amstelodami, 1678. sm.nr **1929a.41 — Opera quae exstant. Ex recensione J. Gronovii. Trajecti Batavorum, 1721. 2v. 4° 2942.8 Contents. — Vol. L Annalinm Hbri I-VI, xi-.\vi. II, Histoviurum Ubri v ; De aitu, moribus et populis Ger- maniffi UbeUus; Julii Agricoltc vita; Dialogus de era- toribus. — Opera, ex recensione I. A. Ernesti, cur. J. J. Obcrlinus. Bostoniae, 1817. 3v. 12° ... . 4928.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Annatium libri I-VI, Xl-Xlll. II. AnnnUum libri xiv-xvi; Ilistoriarum libri v. III. De situ, moribus et Jiopulis Germaniie; Julii Agd- coliB %'ita ; De oratoribiis, sive de caussis corruptie elo- quentiie dialogus; Stemiiia Ca^sarum illustratum ; In- dex stemmatis Co^garum illustrati ; ludez historicus. — Opera. Cum indice rcrum; adcuravit C. H. VVeise. Ed. stereot. Lipsiae, 1820. 2v. 32°. li. 179a. 15 Contents. — Vol.1. Annales. II. Historiffi; Vita Agn- coIk ; De oratoribus. — Opera quae supersunt, recens. ntque interp. est I. G. Orellius. Turici, 184G-4S. 2v. 1.8° . . 2942.5 Conrcnrs.— Vol. I. Annales. II. llistorire ; Germa- nia ; Vita Agricola: ; De oratoribus. — Opera. 5ee Histori.-e Uoman.-e S('riptores,v. 2. 4240.3 — Tai'ito, volgarizzato da B. Uavanzati, riv. e corr. da G. BiagioU. Parigi, Isui. 3v. 10°. •»2949.I2 Contents. — Vol. I. II. Annali. III. Storio; LaOfer- niuiiia; Vita di Giulio Agricola. — Opera, volgarizzate dal c. C. Balbo. Torino, 1832. 2v. 8° •♦2947.8 Contents. — YvA. I. Annali. II. Storic; Discorno del Bito, de' costunil de' popoll della Oorraanla; Vita di Giuilo Agricola J Dialogo doglionitori.osala dollo cause deliu corrotta cloc)ucn/,u, — Hlstorinrnm libri quinquc. Po moribus Ger- iiianoruni libellus; .J. Agrieolic vita; de ora- toribus dialogus. Ed. alt. [aJ.L. Kingsleyj. Movi-Portus, Conn., I.s:l8. 1'2° 4929.24 — Ilistoriarum libri quinquc: cum libro de Ger- luaiiia, et vita Agricola;. Cum uotls Bnrbou. Albania!, 18'.':i. 12° u — Eivc bookd of the history, with the manners of the Gernnins, and life of Agricola. With notes, by E. B. Williston. Hartford, 1828. l"9a.2 12°. — Germania and Agricola; litenilly trausliited, with ex|ilaniitory notes. IMttsburgli, ISSI PP-83. 12° 1,. — Ili'.Iiiry of Tacitus, traiislal.d by A. .1. Church and \V. .). lliodrlbb. Cambridge, IKOl. 8°. — Life of Agricola with a literal Inti-rilneiirlrann- lutlun. Part 1. London, lK-211. 12° .... — CommentariuH perijelinis iu Tiulli annales, con- neriplusnti. A. Kujiirll. I.oudini, n. d. 8°. — Dnliois-Guchiin, E. P. ladle el son sieclo . , — Uotli, K. Ueber Tocltua vurglulcheudc Bo. traclitungen Tacii.mo syiitcm, Prlniordlul fauna and the. Har- rande, .1 4929.25 IflOb.Ol 2947.11 4900.12 B.I76.2 2767.8 3001.0 3869.. 15 Shelf. Xo. Taddei, G. Element! di farmacologia sulle basi della chlmica. 2a ed. Firenzc, 1837-40. 6v. 8° 6785.5 — Kepertorio del veleni e contravveleni. Fi- renze, 1835." 2v. 8° 3787.23 T.VDDEO, notaio vicentino. Rhythmici vei'sus de Ecceliuo et Alberico de Roiuano, etc. [Gra;- vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 0, p. 1] 4710.1 Tafel,J.F.I. ManazinfUrdieNeue Kirclie. B.l. Heft 1,2. Tubingen, 1824-29. pp. 88. 1'2° . 5564.8 Taft, J. Practical treatise ou operative dentistry. Philadelphia, 1859. 8° 3806.15 Tagebl.vtt bei der vierzelmten Versammlung der Naturforscherund Aerzte Deutschhinds. No. 1-17. Jena, 18315. pp. OS. 4° '►3748.1 ■ i Taggakt, Charles M. Sermons, with a memoir by J. H. Heywood. Boston, 18511. 12° ... . 5442.21 — Moral mission of our country : two discourses, July 3, 1S63. Charleston, 1853. 8° . . . . B. 100a. 65 — Religion a life, not a special experience : a dis- course. Nashville, 18.52. 8° 0088.39 — Slavery and law in tlie light of Christianity : a discourse. Nashville, Tenu., 1851. 8°. . . B.100.87 — Spirits in the church: a discourse. Nashville, 18.i2. 8° 6088.93 — A'irtue of prayer and fasting: a discourse. Charleston, 1853. 8° 6088.77 Taggakt, Cynthia. Poems. Providence, 1834. 12° 2397.14 Tagliazucciii, G. Della mauiera d'ammaestrare ia gioventii nolle umaue lettere. [Raccolta di prose italiane, V. 1] 4808.10 Tailfek, p. Historical narrative of the colony of Georgia. [Georgia historical society. Col- lections, v. 2] 2375.25 Taillani>ie1!, R. G. Scot ferigene et la philoso- phie scholastique. Strasbourg, 1843. 8° . . 0070.10, and 0108.2 Tailoring and tailors. Kenyon,W. A B.16Ub.C& Taine, H. a. Histoire de la litterature anglaise. I'aris, 1803. 3v. 8° 2564.4 — Le positivisme anglais : £tude sur Stuart Mill. Paris, 1864. 16° 4690.21 — Voyage aux I'yn-'nies. 2et;d. Paris, 1858. 12°. 2660.32 Tait's Edinburgh magazine. Vol. 1-20. Edin- burgh, 1831-59. 26v. 8° *5312.1 TAivADs, E. pie Kunst in 18 Lectionen ein Kern- Jlngyar zu werden. 3te Autl. Wicn, 1860. Taking, The, of Gateshead Hill and blocking of Newcastle, also, the defeat near Abingdon and the victory at Burton. Reprinted fi-om the original edition of 1644. London, 1851. pp. 9. r2°. [Hell. Tracts, V. 1] •4580.20 Talassi, a. II trionfo della virfit. Coiuponinu'Uto drammatico. Lisbona, 1791. pp. 32. Bm.8°. [Drammi varie, V. 1] *479b, 17 Talbot, B. A,, earl o/ Shrewsbury, CatiUogue of the contents of Allou Towers, sold by auc- tion, July 0, ls57. n. p., u. il. l.s° 4074.30 T.VLBor. T. H. The constitutional pi'ovisiou re- specting fugitives from service, and the act of Sept. 18, 1850. Boston, 1852. 8° . . .B.lflOa.31 Talbdi, W. II. E. Troc'haici Gra-ci, pricmio Poi-- soniano dignali et in cvria Cantabi'igiensi re- citati. [Cambridge, 1820.] 8° •Ppli.v.349 Tales. See Raccolta dl uovcllc 1808. 12 See also: Fairy tales, Legends, Uomances. Talks of Clairmont castle. Holland, B. W. . . . 4579a. 40 Tall.vck, W. Friendly sketches in America. Lon- don, 1861. 12° 2308.11^ TALLEVl!ANl)-l'r:i!lo()UI), C. M. de. Comnierclal ™ relations of the United States wilh lOngland. Added, advantages to be derived from new colonies. Boston, 1MI9. pp. '22. 8° .... 4I-.;9.47 Tali.i.s, I,. Topoxrapliiial dicllonary of England and Wales, l.oijilon, n. d. 8° •2484.7 Tallm.mige, ,1. Speech In the house of represen- latlves uu slavery. Buitton, 184U. 8° . . . 4310.85 TALLMADGE 615 TAKTARY Shelf. No. Tallmadge, N. p. Speech on tlio bivnknipt bill, delivered in tlie senate of the United States, Washington, ISll. 8° »Pph.v.382 T.lLMUn. Extiiu-t!! from the Talmud. By P. I. Hershon. London, IwiO. pp.29. Hi". . . 3489.17 — Novum Teatainenluin ex Talnmde illustratum. Meuschen, J. G 0016.1 TAjtAvo de Vargas. See Vargas. Tajikiu.ane. SecTimiir. Tamii. languaRe. English and Tamil vocabulary . 3038.20 — Kxevcises in English and Tamil. See Phrase book .3038.3,5 — Knight, J. English and Tamil dictionary . . .3ii:is.4 — Klienius, C. T. E. Abriilg. of Tamil grnminar. 303.S.23 — Winsluw, 51. Tamil and English dirlion.iry . 6031.1 — Zie^'eubalg, H. GranKnatica Damulica . . . 0038.8 Tanev, H. 11. Decision in the Merrymau case, upon the writ of habeas corpus. Philadel- • phia, ISM. pp. 16. 8° 36.3S .10 — Parker, J. Review of the Merryinan opinion. 36.35.10 — Notice of [his] deatli, in the circuit court of the United .States. Boston, 1J:61. pp.24. 8° .4347.108 Tannkiiill, W. History of literature, to the revi- val of letters in the loth century. Nashville, 1827. 8° 2193.11 Tanner, A. Tractatus de processu adversus vene- ficas. 5cc Jlunich.C 6090.10 Tanner, H. S. The central traveller, through Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Mary- land and Virginia. 2d ed. N. Y., 1844. 16°. 2379.26 — Recent surveys aud internal improvements in the United States. Philadelphia, 1829. 12° . 2369.16 — Travellers' hand book for New York and Can- ada. 2d ed. New York, 1844. 16° .... 43«9a.l Tanner, ,T. Captivity and adventures among the Indians of North America. Edited by E. ■lames. New York, 18.30. 8° 4366.1 Tanner, Thomas. Codices manuscripti biblio- thecaBodleiana asservati. See Oxford uni- versity. Bodleian library v. 4 of 2130.7 Tanner, Thomas H. Signs and diseases of preg- nancy. London, 1860. p.8° *3771.9 T.VNNHAUSER und der Siingerkrieg auf Wartburg. Romantische Oper. >Vagner, R 4277.8 Tannin process. The. Russell, C 4024.12 Tanning, Artof. Julia de Foutenelle, J. S. E. . 4016.16 Tansii,lo, L. Poesie. Londra, 1782. 16° . . . .4809a. 18 — E jloga ; I due pellegrini ; 11 podere. [Ferra- rio. Poesie pastorali] 4S08.U — Sonetti ; Canzone. [Giroui. Raccolta di lir- ici italiani] 4808. 8 Tapel, T. L. F. Epistola -critica de Constantino Porphyrogenito imperatore. [Mig^. Pa- , trologiaGrieca, V. 113] v. 2 of 5472. 15 Tapeworms of man. Weinland, D. F 3874.9 Tapia, E. de. llistoria de la civilizacion espaiiola. Madrid, 1840. 4v. in 2. 8° 3091.10 TAPLEV, R. p. Eulogy of A. Lincoln, April 19, 1865, at Saco, Maine. [With] the proceedings of the town. Biddeford, 1865. 8° *4342.5 T.\PPAN, Benjamin, D.D. Sermon delivered at the interment of the Rev. Jesse Appleton. Hal- lowell, 1819. 8° 4348.65 T.\PPAN, Benjamin, jr. Discourse commemorative of E. P. Mackintire, Feb. 14, 1864. Boston, 1864. 8° 4347.66 Tappan, D. The beauty and benefits of the Chris- tian church : two sermons. Boston, 1800. 8°.5470a.81 — Discourse at the funeral of S. Phillips, Feb. 15, 1802. Boston, 1802. 8° 4347.82 — Discourse delivered in Boston, and in Charles- town, April 5, 1798, the day of the annual fast. Boston, 1798. 8° 5470a. 81 — Discourse delivered the day of the annual fast, April 5, 1798. Boston, 1798. 8' 5470a. 81 — Discourse, Nov. 17, 1795, occasioned by the death of J. Russell. Boston, 1795. 8° . . . 4349.14 — Funeral discourse in Providence, on the Lord's day after the interment of E. Hitchcock. Cambridge, 1803. 8° 4347.40 Sbclf. No. TaI'PAN, D., roirtinunl. — A minister's solemn farewell to his people. A discourse delivered in Newbury. Ports- mouth, 1793. 8° 6470a. 81 — Sermon at Chnrlestown, Feb. 19, 1795, the day of general tlianksgiving. Boston, 1795. 8°. 5170a.81 — Sermon at Kennebunk, Sept. 3, 1800, at the ordination of N. 11. Fletcher. Cambridge, 1800. 8° 5470a.Sl — Sermon at Newbury, July 24, 1794, occasioned by the death of eight persons drowned in the river Merrinuu-k. Newburyport, 1794. 8° . 5470a. 81 — Sermon, in Cambridge and Charlestown, April 11, 1793,onthe annual fast. Boston, 1793. 8°. 5470a. 81 — Discourse in commemoration of Washington. See Willard.J 4344.21 Tappan, H. P. Review of his connection with the university of Michigan. Detroit, 1864. pp. 62. 8° 6397.3 T.vppE, A. W. Erstes russisches grammatisches Lesebuch iiber die Formenlehre. Zur 7ten Aufl. der russischen Sprachlehre gehiirig. St. Petersburg, 1835. pp. 32. 8° *4114.9 — Neues russisches Elementar-Lesebuch fiir Deutsche. 6te Aufl. St. Petersburg, 1823. 8°. 3035.15 — - Same. 8te Aufl. St. Petersburg, 18.35. 8°. *4114.9 — Russische Sprachlehre fiir Deutsche, mit Bei- spielen zum Uebersetzen. 6te Aufl. St. Pe- tersburg, 1820. 8° 30.35.15 — - Same. 7te Aufl. St. Petersburg, 1835. 8°. *4114.9 — Geschichfe Russlands. ,Scf Karainsin, N. M. 30.55.14 Tappen, J.P. Actio qua auctoritate regiaacade- miam Georgiam Augustam dedicavit. See Gesner, J. M 2820.20 Tarantismus. Lettera sopra il tarantismo. Can- eellieri, F. G 2737.18 TARASIU.S, archbishop of Constaniinople. Apolo- geticus ad populum, "die qua infimaverunt imperantes Irene et Constantinus populis ut fieret patriarcha;" Epistola;; Oratio in SS. Deiparse prsesentationem in teniplo. [Jligne. Patrologia Grjeca, v. 98] 5472.4 TARBfe, P. Recherches sur I'histoire du langage et des patois de Champagne. Reims, 1851. 2v. in 1. 8° *4124.1 Tarbell, T., Sermon on Sunday after the death ^ of. See Gannett, E. S 6440a.83 Tarbox, 1. N. a correct apprehension of God, es- sential to true worship : or a view of the doc- trine of the trinity. Boston, 1849. pp. .iO. 8°. 6088.69 — The Hebrewworshipper. Boston, 1862. pp.20. [No title-page.] 8° 6470a. 60 Tardieo, a. a. Du cholera epid^mique. Paris, 1849. 8° 3805.41 — Dictionnaire d'hygiene publique et de salu- brite. Paris, 1S52-54. 3v. 8° *4265.5 — Jlanuel de pathologic et de clinique m^dicales. Paris, 1848. 12° 3799.13 — De li^ morve et du farcin chroniques chez I'homme et chez les soiiptdes. Paris, 1843. 4° »M.Pph.v.l35 Tardieu-Denesle, Mme, Les jeux innocents de societe. Paris, n. d. 12° 4001.31 Tarentum. Lexicon Gracarum vocum, quibus Tarentini ut suis utebantur. [Gricvius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 6] 4710.1 Taegioni Tozetti, G., £loge de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. (Euvres, v. 3] 3720.11 Tariffs. Die Zoiltarife aller Lander. Hiibner, F.0 4290.21 Taelton, R. Jests. [Hazlitt. Old English jest- books, V. 2] 4599.8 Tarsia, G. di. Rime. [Costanzo. Rime] . . . 4799. S Tarsia, P. A. de. Historiarum Cupersanensium libri III. [Graivius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 9, p. 5] 4710.1 TartagliAjN, La noua scientia. Vinegia, 1562. [No title-page.] 4° 6956.25 Tartarv. Castren, M. A. Tartarische Helden- sagen 4240.14 TAETAEY 616 TAXATION shelf. No. TART.tRT, continued. — Mosheim, J. L. v. Historia Tartarorum eccle- siastica 6054.8 — Schott, W. Tersuch Uber die tartarischen Sprachen ,1000.15 — Torrc-n.s II. D. Travels in 3043. H — Tott, F. de. Mt-moires sur les Tartarcs . . . :iOS5.~ — Tambcry, A. Travels in Central Asia .... 6045.7 — Witsen.N. Noord en cost Tartarye 4260.3 Taetessus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschic'lite des pho- nioisch-spanischenHandels. EedsIob.G.SI. B. 190. 21 TakveRjJ. C. Dictionary of French verbs. Pre- fixed, a French grammar. 2d ed. London, ISO. 12° 4C89.5 Tasche, H. Bilder auf der Reise zr.r Xaturfor- Bcherversammluiig in Konigsberg, im Herb^t 1800. Giessen, ISOl. 8° .3825.7 Taschenbuch fur Damen aul das Jahr 1800. Tu- bingen, ISno. 24° 2879.29 Tassix,R. P. Histoirelitterairedela congri^gation de Saint-:\Iaur, ordre de S. Benoit. Paris, 1770. 4° 4091.1 Tasso, B. Sonetti; Canzone. [Gironl. Kaccolta di lirici italiani] 4808.8 Tasso, T. Opere. llilano, 1S04, 5. 4v. 8°. [Clas- Bici italiani, T. 35-.39] »*4802.5 CojitentB. — rol. I, n. Elogio di Tasso, da Anpclo Fa- broni; Gerusalcmme liberatn colla prerazionc e coa annotazioni di K. Gironi. 111. Discorsi dell' arte poe- tica, e leltere. IV. L'Aminta e lo pocete amoroso. — La Gerusalemme e I'Aminta, eon note di di- versi. I'arigi, 18.3G. 2v. 8°. [CoUezioue de' niigliori autori italiani antichi e moderui, v. 12, 13] 4209.3 — Amintu, favola boscareccia. Venetia, 1020. pp.72. sm.l2° ♦MOOS. 15 — Aminta, fabula pastoral, trad, en castellano por ,). de Jauregui. [(Juintana. Parnaso cspafiolv. 3] 3104.10 — La Gerusalemiue liberata. [Con I'elogio di Tasso da A. Fabroni.] Livoruo, 1SU2. 2v. 8m.l2° 4199.23 — - Same. Ediz. stereotipa. Parigi, 1819. 2v. 9 24° 4799.20 — - Same. Prec. da un discorso critico lette- rario di U. Foscolo, c illustrata da note. Ve- nezia, IrtS. sni.l2° 4199a. — El GotlVedo [La Gierusalemo libcrada], canta alia barcurioia del dottor T. 31oiidini. [Tos- canae veneziana.] \'enezia, 1790. 2v. 10°. **2809.22 — La Gierosaleninie libberata, votata a Uengua napoletana 2740.29 Tasso.ni, a. Paragone degll antlclil c niodernl. [Ed. dl U. Guinba.] Bologna, IMO. 10° . / 4777.3,1 — La secchla rapKa. I.ondra, 1779. 12° .... 4799. h — - Same, ('on la Vila e con le note eoinp. da K.GironJ. [.Sotio posloe l.'ocealio.] llilano, 1«««. B°. [CluKulci italiani, v. 111,!) .... ♦•4800.5 Shvlf. No. Taste. Lehrbuch der Kritik des Geschmacks. Snell, C.W 4077.37 See also: JEsthctics. Tastet, T. Histoire des quarante fauteuils de I'Academie frau(;aise, 1035-1S55. Paris, 1855. 4v. 8° 3283.5 Tasweli., W. Autobiograpliyand anecdotes, lliol- 82. Editedby G.P.Elliott. [London], 1SS2. pp. 37. Bm.4°. [Camden society, No. 55]. ; V.2 of *241fl.39 TATOHfe, or Telame language, Vocabulary of. Sit- jar, B 2300.48 Tate, A. N. Petroleum and its products. Lon- don, 1803. 10° 3809.20 Tate,N. Duke and no duke, or Trapolin's vaga- ries. [Collection of farOTS, v. 5] 2575. .35 — , Psalms of David in metre. ,See Bible, Psalms. English 0014.4 Tatianus. Oratio ad Graecos, recens., versione iu- struxit I. C. T. Otto. lenae, 1851. S° . . . 0040.21 — Oratio adversus Gra'cos, Lat.; Evaugeliorura barmonia. [Maximabiblioth.vct.patr.,v.'2]. B.110.2 — - Same. Fragnienta. [Jligiie. Patrologia Gra?ca, v. 0] 6401.4 — Rede an die Oriechen. [Siiramtlicbe Werke der Kircheu-A'iiter, v. 1 (B. 2)1 C024.1 Tatter, W. DiepraktischeObst-Treiberei. Ham- burg, 1801. 8° 3992.8 T-ITTErsall, G. I'ictorial gallery of English race horses. London, 1850. 1.8° 4002.29 Tattnall, E. Catalogue of the phxnogamous and tilicoid plants of Newcastle county, Dela- ware. Wilmington, 1800. 8° 3845.11 Tattuva-Kattalei. llystical philosophy of the Ilindtts. Hoisington, H. K 4240.18 Tauchnit/, C. Proben von russischen, griech- isclien, hebrjiischen, arabischen, [u. s, w.] Scliriften, Musiknoten, [u. s. w.]. Leipzig, 1835. 28 leaves. 1.8° 4162.33 Tauler, J. Medulla animae oder yon der Voll- kommenheit aller Tugenden und siimmtllche Bricle desselben. Uebersetzt von N. Casse- der. Frankfurt, 1822. 8° 6003.21 — Nachfolgc des armen Lebeus Christi. Heraus- gegcben von N. Casseder. 2te Autl. Frank- furt, 1824. 1'2° 6039a. 6 — De vita et passione Jesu Christi piissima exer- citia. C'oloniae, 1857. 32°. [Bibliotheca mysticaet ascetiea, v. II] 00B9a.26 — Institutions divines. [Buchon. Choix d'ouv- rages mystiques] 0080. S — Leben. Sm Schmidt, C 6002.5 Taunton, En^., Topographical notes respecting. .sve Milll-s, J 4586.20 • Taunton, Mass. Bristol academy. Historical sketch of. Felton,C. C 4390a. 61 — King Philip Lodge, No. 44, of the Independent order of odd fellows. Constitulion, by-laws, and rules. Boston, 1840. pp. 35. 10° . . B.lflOb.59 Taunton directory for 1857, 59. By G. Adams. Taunton, 18r>7, 59. 2v. 18° 4389a. 2 Taureli.us, N. Alpes ca'sje, hoc est, Andr. Cre- salpini dogmata, diseussaetexcussa. [Altorfi Noricorum], 1,597, 8° *4279.1 Tavernikr, a. FranijolB ler et Odette de FoUem- bray. (JIarigiiiiu et Pavie 1518-25.) Bru- xelii-s, I8,"i.'i. 3v. 10° 4090.23 Taxation. Cunningham, T. History of the taxes of England 3063.16 — Koschlltzki, E. v. Geld- und Abgubeitwesen. 4292.2 — Levi, L. How It is raised, and how expended. 3053.21 — Parieu, M. I,. P. F. E.tle. Histoire des inipCts geiieraux sur la propriete I't le revenu . . . 4290.24 — Peto,iSir S. M. An eiuiuiry into our policy . . 3063.19 — I'roudhon, P. .1. Tlietn-ie de I'iinpAt 3063.26 — Rauiuer, F. I.. O. v. Das brittisclie Besteucr- ungH System, Insbesonderc die Kinkonimeu- steuer 4202.1 Sta alio: Amviimcnt. TAX-PAYEU'S 617 TAYLOR *434'>.r, 3800.30 5'J73.1 3802.21 Stulf. No. Tax.i»aykr's jruide. .'^cc Kltfhle, J 3058.40 T.AX-PAYKH's nmiuml: c(nitaiiniig nets of congress impojsiii^' direct «ud excise tuxes. Kcw York, 180-^. a" C.1C2.21 Taylkk, C. li. Montfigue: or, Is this religion? 1st Am. ed. Now York. 18:n. VZ" 4570. 2U — TJic records of a good man's lift', etc. 3d ed. London, 1832. 2v. 12* 2540.10 ronrrrifjr. — Vol. I. Mpmolr of E. Sinploton; Extrnclfi fi-om his wrltinps. II. FnlpcntluB nml Mwtu; Joan uf Kunt; Thtf liuly Aiiiic Cnrx; Uuyoii of MftrsoUlcn; The IiiilyLiHlo; The lowly Imly; Ann« yf I'lovva; The nou iiud huir; A vuiou of couacioDco. Taylor, A. A. E. Our fallen leader. Discourse, June 1, 18(>5, in Georgetown, D. C. Phila- delphia, isr»5. a" Taylor, Alexander. Curative influence of the cli- mate of I'au, and the mineral waters of the I'yrenees, on disease. London, 1842. 8'* . . Taylor, Alfred S. Chemistry, ^co lirande, W.T. Taylor, Charles F. Theory and practice of the movement-cure, riiihidclphia, 1801. 12° Taylor, Christopher. The probable causes and consequence of the American "war. Liver- pool, 1804. pp.31. 8" 4322.51 Taylor, D. T. Voice of warning. See Hastings, H.L 540U.21 Taylor, Edward. [Cursory renuirks on tragedy, on Shakespear, and on certain French and * Italian poets.] London, 1774. 8' 2590.27 Taw-OR, Lniily. Flowers and fruit from old Eng- lish gardens. London, 18(H. 10° 2009.31 Taylor, George, of Dublin, Jrcland. History of the rebellion in the county of Wexford in 1798. Newed. lielleville, 1S04. 10°. . , . 247S.10 Taylor, George, of Broolbjn, iV. Y. [Martyrs to the revolution in the British prison-ships.] New Y'ork, 1855. pp. 04. 8° Taylor, H. The decimal system, as applied to the coinage and weights and measures of Great Britain. 4th ed. London, 1851. pp.70. 24°. 2534.19 Taylor, Isaac. Ancient Christianity, and the doctrines of the Oxford tracts for the times. 4th ed., with suppl. London, 1844. 2v. 8' — Elements of thou^'ht; or, first lessons in the knowledge of tlie mind. London, 1822. 12°. — Saturday evening. London, 1832. 8° . . . . — The spirit of the Hebrew poetry. With a bio- graphical introduction by W, Adams. Kew York, 1802. 8° .1425.4 — Spiritual despotism. 2d ed. London, 1835, 8° 3501.4 — Wesley, and methodism. Loudon, 1851. 10°, 354S.3 — Words and places: or, etymological illustra- tions of history, ethnoloj^'y, and geography, London, 1804. p.8'* 2235.28 — Life of .Jane Taylor, A'ee Taylor, J 4509.25 Taylor, Mrs. Isaac, and Jane. Correspondence between a mother and her daughter at school. New York, 1818. 12° 5447.0 Taylor, James. [What is truth ? or, remarks on the power in the Imman soul of discerning truth and detecting error.] London, 1857. pp. 30. 8° 00S8.223 Taylor, James W, Alhghania: a geographical and statistical memoir. Saint Paul, 1802. pp. 24, 8° 4340a. 00 — Northwest British America, and its relations to the state of Minnesota. St. I'aul, 1800, pp. 41. 8^ 4376.2 Taylor, Jane. Writings, with memoir of her liJe by I. Taylor. Newed. Boston, 1842. 2v. in 1. 18° 4509.25 — Poetical remains and correspondence. By I. Taylor. Newed. Boston, L'S32. 24*. . , 457 9a. 25 — Elizabeth Palmer; or, display. A tale. Bos- ton, n.d. 18° 4579a. 30 — Corresi)ondence between a mother and her daughter at school. Sec Taylor, Mrs. Isaac. 5147.0 4325.5 . 3514.11 500S.23 3501.5 Sholf. No. Taylor. Jeremy. The great exemplnr of holy life in the life and death of Christ. 7th ed. London, 1084. f° *B.130.3 — Sele^aions, with some account of the author and his writings. Boston, 1803. 10° . , , . 2009.14 — Advice to his clergy. [Uandolph. Enchiri- dion theologicum, V. 1] 3451.14 Taylor, John, the water poet. The old, old, very old man : or, the age and long life of Thomas Parr. London, 10:i5. 12° .3709.14 — Life. See Southey, U 2548. 5" Taylor, Tttr. John, of Gl(i.S(/oiv, Religious union, with intellectual freedom. London, n, d. pp. 37. 12° *4103.3 Taylor,. John, a mormon, one of the twelve apostles. The government of God. Liverpool, 1852. 8°. 5544.7 — Three nights' public discussion [with] C. W. Cleeve, J. Robertson, and P. (Juter. Also a reply to K. Groves and C. Townley. Liver- pool, 1850. pp. 4U. 8° 5514.11 Taylor, Nathaniel G. Kelief for East Tennesee. Address, March 10, 1804^ New Y'ork, 1804. 8°.4340a.62 Taylor, Nathaniel W. Concio ad clerum: a ser- mon, in the chapel of Y'ale college. New Haven, 1828. 8° *Pph.v.375 — Letter to Dr. Hawes, 6'ee Tyler, B 5170a. 17 Taylor, O. A. I'iety in humble life: a memoir of Andrew Lee. Boston, 1844. 10° . , . . 2348,49 Taylor, Richard C. Coal lands, [etc.] of the Dau- , phin and Susquehanna coal company, and geological examinations, [etc.] of the Stony Creek coal estate, [etc.]. Phila., 1840. 8°. 3805.26 Taylor, Robert. Diegesis; a discovery of the origin, evidences, and early liistory of Chris- tianity. Boston, 1832, 8° 0073.23 — Review of the Diegesis. 5ee Ellis, G. E. , , , 6073.23 Taylor, S. System of stenography; revised by J.H.Cooke. Newed. London, 1850. pp. 68. 10° , *2115.23 Taylor, Thomas J. Running streams and tidal waters. Improvement of the river Tyne. London, 1851. 8° 3942.15 Taylor, Tom. Life and times of Sir J. Reynolds, 5ec Leslie, C. R 40G8.1 Taylor, V. C. The celestina: or, sacred minstrel, Boston, [1850]. obl.8" 8047-23 — The chime; also a melodeon instructor. 5th ed. Boston, n. d. obl.8° 8047.13 — Choral anthems, original and selected. Bos- ton, n. d. obl.8° 8047.3 — The Concordia: a collection of glees, trios, etc. Boston, n. d. pp. 48. obl.8° Jtt^.62 — Golden lyre : a new collection of church music, ^m Boston, n. d. obl.8^ 8&i7.21 — Song iestival : a library of songs, ballads, [etc.], Boston, u. d. obl.ft° 8047.16 Taylor, \V. B. S. Tlie fine arts in Great Britain and Irelaud. London, 1841. 2v. 12° . . , 4007.30 Taylor, W'illiiim. Cause and probable results of the civil war in Ameiica. London, 1802. pp.32. 8" 4323.33 Taylou, William C. [Catechism of ancient geog- raphy.] Loudon, 1829. pp. 72. 24°. [I'in- nock's caterhismt.] 7039.02 — [Catechism of ancient history.] London, 1829, pp.72. 24°. [I'innock's catechisms] . , . 7039.03 — Occult sciences, t^f^t; Smedley, E 6lO'J.4 Tavlor, Z. [Gen. Taylor and the WUmot proviso.] n. p., n. d. pp. 31. a" 0087,36 — [Sketcli of his life and public services.] Isew Orleans, La., [1848. No title-page.] pp. 2'.i. 8* 4120.84 — Fry, J. R. Life of B.lOub.98 — Obituary addresses on occasion of the death of. 5ec United States 4.347.109 — Q'.iiucy, J. Eulogy on tlie ILle and <*liar:K-ter of.4347.109 — Iteynolds, G. Discourse on the deaili of . . .4347.109 — fi:s. (^uiniim- eonuriliarum rragmenla. [Mi-iiK-ki-. Fnigin. com. ons, Reparative process in luiman. Adams, W 3744.1 TESGSTRO.M, R. Finsit antliologi. la delen. Hei- singfors, ISl.i. 12° 4220.19 Tenivelli, C. Bioprafia piemontese. Torino, l"S4-n2. ay. S° 2744.20 Tennant, S. Nature of tlie diamond; Action of nitre upon gold and platiua. [No tille-page.] pp. U'. 4". [From the riiilosopliical transac- tions] 2.571.11 TKXjtANT, W., Memoir of. •S'cc Conolly, M. F. . . 2510. IS Texnecker, C. K. S. v. Zur Kenntniss von Tfer- den, vorziiglieh die Krankheiten und Curar- ten betrell'end. Neue AuH. Freyberg, 1798. 2v. in 1. Hr 4004.24 — Lehrbuch dor IM'erdekenntniss. Altonburg, 1S25. 8° 4004. S — Naturlehre des I'ferdes. MUnchen, 1827. 8°. 3903.31 TEXXE.MAXX, VV. G. Geschichte der Fhilosopliie. Leipzig, 17'J8-1S19. llv. inl2. S° *0102.1 — Life of Plato. [Edwards. Selections from German literature] 6001.6 Texxent, Sir J. E. lielgium. London, 1841. 2v. 12" 2863.20 — The story of the guns. London, 1864. 12°. . 3955.25 Texnek, a. Epileptiform convulsions caused by bleeding. See Kussmaul, A 5714.5 Texxessek. Compilation of the statutes, from the commencement of the government to the present time. liy R. L. C'aruthers and A. O. P. Nicholson. Nashville, 1830. 8° *639S.6 — House journal of the 1st session of the 33d general assembly, 1859-60. Nashville, 1859. 8° *6398.3 — Public [and] private acts passed at tite 1st ses- sion of the .33d general assembly, 1859-60. Nashville, 1860. 2v. in 1. 8° *6398.2 — Reports from public officers and institutions, made to the general assembly, 1857-58. Nash- ville, 1858. [No title-page.] 8° *6398.1 — - Same, 1859-60. Nashville, 1S60. 8° . . . . »639S.5 — Senate journal of the 1st session of the 33d general assembly, 1859-00. Nashville, 1859. 8° *6.398.4 — Head, J. W. Reports of cases, supreme court, 1858, 59 3707.3 — Report. See Pennsylvania relief association for East Tennessee 4.340a. — Safford, ,J. M. Geological reconnoissance , . 2377.2 — Taylor, N.G. Relief for East Tennessee . .4340a.02 — State agricultural bureau. Second biennial re- port, transactions of 1856 and 1857, by E. G. Eastman. Nashville, 1853. 8° *6398.1 Texxev, C. J. Discourse, Nov. 20, 1827, the day of annual thanksgiving. Wetherslield, 1828. 8° 5470a. 72 Texxey, F. v., Statement [in regard to the con- duct of]. See Manchester, Mass 5549a. 12 Texxysos, a. Enoch Arden, etc. London, 1861. 16° 2564.27 — [Index to " In memoriam."] London, 1862. pp.40. 16° 4569a. 20 Textzel, W. E. Fridericus Fortis redivivus, h. €. vita et fata Friderici Admorsi landgravii Thuringice (1240). [Mencke. Script. Germ., v. 2] 4261.2 Tebebelski, H. Der schnelllehrende Pole. Wien, 1852. 32° 2889 13 Tekextiasus Maurus. Vita a P. Crinlto ; De lit- teris, syllabis, pedibus et metris. [Gottfried. Corpus, vet. poet.] . .13.191.9 TEKEXTir.s Afer, P. Comoedise sex. Ex recensions Heinsiana. Lvgd. Batavorvm, 1635. 6m.l2°. *«492»a.?7 Shelf. Xo. Terentius Afer, P., continued. — - Same. Interpretatione et notis illustravit N.Camus. Londini, 1688. 8° *B.177.1l Coiilents. — ProlPRomenn ; Andrin ; Eunuchus ; Hcau- tontimorumonos ; Adulphi ; Phornilo; Hocyrn, — - Same. Interpretatione et notis illustravit N.Camus. Londini, 1800. 8° 4927.1 — - Same. Ex recens. Lindenbrogii et cum no- tis selectis. Scholia, [etc.] adj. J, A. Giles. Londini, 1837. 8° 2946.3 — - Snme. With a commentary by Rev. E. St. John Parry. London, 1857. 8° 4914.3 ContcTUs. — Introduction; Andrin ; Eunuchus; llenu- tontimorumcnos; Adelplii; Hecym; riiomiio ; Terence and the new comedy; Index to the notes; Index ver- boruin et phrasium Terentii. — Vita, ex .^lio Donato; Sex comoedias. [Gott- fried. Corpus, vet. poet.] B.191.9 — Comccdije. [Latin, with the Englisli transla- tion by T. Cooke]. London, 1734. 3t. 16'. 2946.8 Contents, — Vol. I. Dissertation on the life of Terence, etc.; The Andrian; The stepmother. II. The self-tor- mentor; The eunuch. III. Pbormio; The brothers. — Comoedije tres: Andria, Eunuchus, Adelphi, Etona;, 1817. 12° 4927.27 — Select comedies : The Andrian, The brothers, Phormio, tr. by G, Colman. [Aristophanes. Comedies] B. 109. 12 — L'Andrienne, comedie, trad, en vers fran^ais, par M. B. IJaron. [Theiitre fran^ais, v. 29]. 470S.1 Terextius Christianus, sen comoediaa sacra; sex. Sec Schonaius, C 4938.21 Teresa, Santa, Vida de Gregoria Francisca de. [Torres Villarroel. Obras, v. 12, 13] . . . . 3105.10 Teresa d'Avila, or Santa Teresa de Jesus. Opera. Anfangs in spanischer Sprach geschrieben, naciimais in die Teutsche iibers. Zum 4ten- mahlauffg. Colin, 1732. 2v. in 1. 4° . . . . »6061.11 Contents. — Vorrede; Leben der Teresa von .Tesu; Weg der Vollkommenheit ; Ermahnungen; Von KIos- ter-9tilTtungen ; Bericht wie der Discalceaten Non- nen-Kloster zu visitieren; Seelen-Burg, Oder inner- liche Wohnungcn ; Der .Seelen Lieb-Seulftzer, Oder Betrachtungen gegen Gott ; Bedencken von der Liebe Gottcs, liber etliche Wort dcss Uohen-Lieds Salomonis ; Etliche Send-Schreiben; Rciationes iiber ihre Weiss zu betten ; Lehr-Puncten zu Ubung der Tugendten ; Liebs- SeuU'tzer, in Reynien verfasset; Betrachtungen Uber das H. Vatter unser; Register. Teridius, St. Regula ad monachos. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., V. 8] B.110.2 TitRMKS, Les, de la ley : or, certain difficult words of the common laws and statutes expounded. London, 1708. 8°. [ French and black letter English] *4.305.12 Terxaux, L. M. Histoire de la Terreur, 1792-94. Paris, 1862, 63. 3v. 8° 4642.13 Ternaux-Compans, H. Lettre sur I'^tat actuel des biblioth&ques publiques de Paris. Paris, 1837. pp.31. 8' 2128.9 Terxay, C. G. d'Arsac de. Traitf^ de tactique, par F.Koch. Paris, 1832. 2v. 8°, and Atlas,f°.»3951.27 Terr-e-filius: or, secret history of Oxford uni- versity. Amhurst, N 2490.35 Terrassox, J. [Sethos, histoire ou vie tir^e des monumens anecdotes de I'ancienne Egypte.J Paris, 1795. 2v. 8° **2662.12 — Life of Sethos, taken from private memoirs of the ancient Egyptians. Translated into Eng- lish by Mr. Lediard. London, 1732. Sv. 8°. 4707.6 Terrentil'.s, J. Epistolivm ad mathematicos Ev- ropaos, cum commentatiuncula J. Keppleri. I'jusdem de insigni defeotv solis. feaguni Silesiae, lO'.O. pp. 28. ?m.4° •■.3929.31 TEETULLIANCS 620 THALLOS Sliulf. No. Tertullianus, Q. S. F. Opera, per Beatvm Khe- nanvmetenebriseruta. Basileae, 1528. f°. *B. 140.1" — Opera. Recensuit J. S. Semler. Halac Magdc- burgicae, 1814-29. 6t. in 3. sm.S" »G050.29 Contents. — Vol. I [1]. Adversus Mnrcioncm libri v; [2.] De pnescriprionibns hareliconim liber; .idversus Hennogenem. Valentiiiianos, Praxcan, JutliEOS; Contra Gnosticos; Adversns Psyihicos. II C^J- !>• 'ifginibua TelaiidiH; De habitu muliebri; De cultu feniinanim; Ad uxorcm; De exhortatione castitatis; De monogniiiia; De fuga in persecutione; Ad Scapulam liber; De resur- rectioue camis; De carne Cliristi; [4.] De oralione; De tcstimonio animEe; De poenitentia ; Ad martyres; De patientia ; De epectaculis ; De idololatria ; De baptinmo ; De anima; De corona inilitis; De pudicitia. Ill [.'i, fi]. Apologeticu8 adversus gentes pro Christianis; Ad na- tiones; Depallio; Dissertatio in Tertulliauum de varia et incerta librorum indole ; Indices. — Opera, cur. E. F. Leopold. Lipsiae, 1839-41. 4v. in 2. p.8°. fGersdorf. Bibliothcca pa- tnim ecclesiasticorum Lafiuorum, v. 3, 4 (4- j)] ♦0039.0 Contents. — Vo\. I [1]. Libri apologcHci: Admarijres; De Bpectaculis; De idololatria; Apolopeticua; Ad iia- tiones: De testiraonio animaj; De corona militia; De fuga in persecutione; Contra Gnosticos scorpiace ; Ad Scapnlam; [2.] Libri ad ritus et mores Chrislinnorum pertinentes; De oratione; De patientia; De baptiimo; De poenitentia; Ad uxorem; De cultu feminarum ; De exhortatione castitatis ; De monogamia, pudicitia, iciu- niis, pallio; De ^-irginibus velandis. II [:l]. Libri polc- mici et dogmatic! : De prfcscriptioDibus ha;rcticorum; Adversus Marcionem libri T ; [4.] Adrcrsus Hermo- genem; Adversus Valentinianos; De came Christi; De rcsurrectione camis; De anima; Adversus Praxean; Adversus Judteos. — Apologetieus.perpetuo coramentarioS Ilavcr- c;impi. Lugduui Batavorum, 1718. 8° . . **3499.10 — Moslieim, J. L. v. De vera a'tate Apolojjetici a Tertullinno conscript! 3499.10 — Vivien, M. Tertullianus prKdlcans 605O.1U Th;sCHE>iAciiEB, J. E. Address at tlie annual meeting of the Boston natural liistory soci- ety. Boston, ls41. 8° •Pph.v..3S3 Test act. Burbauld, A. L. Address to tlie oppoa- ersof the repeal of tlie l'pli.v..355 — Debute on tlie motion for tbe repetil of sucli parts as relate to the proteslant ilissenters. 4103.15 Testa, A. J. Belaerliungen iiber die perioilisclien Veriinderungeu und Erscheinungeii im kran- ken und gesunden Zustande des Kiirpers. Wien, 1791. 8° 3702.22 Testi, F. Canzoni. [Gironi. Kaccoitu di lirici italiani] 4808.8 Tettau, W. J. A. v., and Temine, .1. D. II. Die Volk-ssagcn Ostpreussens, Littliauens und Westprcusscns. Berlin, 1837. 8^ 4224.8 Tetzel, G. Leo's von Kozmital Reisc durcli die Abendlande. See .Schaschek, — . 2874.13, and 4225.1 TKUnEU.N, IL E. Die Kngel bey dem Krcuze Jesu. Leipzig, 1784. pp.20.- 8m.4° *»28?8.6 Teui'ei.» Net/., Des, satirisch-didaktisclies Gediclit Busderersteii lliilfledes 15teii .lahiliuuderts. llerausg. von Iv. A. Itarack. Stuttgart, 1803. 8°. [.Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Ver- eins, v.iO] ♦4235.1 Tl'-iiKEr.l., W. S. Iteal-Encyclopiidiederclassischen AllfrtliumswlsBeuschaft. A'ec I'aiily, A. K. 4201.0 TeUTonii' nations. Thuninann, J. Untersucli- ungin ilhcr die allc Geschlclite elnlger nord- ischeii \olki-r 4229.7 — Zcuss, J. C. Die Dcutschen und die Nachbar- BtUinmo 4228.13 TEUT8011K .lugend In wclland liursclienKclmftcii und Turngeiiuinden. Aus dem Leben des F. .I.Wlt. Milgdi liur;;, 1828. 12° 2847. .12 Tkwkksiiuuy, JC»ff. AnniilcH de Theokesberla, llMlrt-ljrei. Luard, II. U 2123.5 Tkxaiia I'aez, A. lie. roesiim. ((Julntnna. I'ar- naso espai'iol, V. 4] 31ot.l9 Texas. Laws. Houston, l«:iw. 2v. Inl. h" . . . •0391.1 _ Clmliniug, W. E. I.etler i>u Ihe aiiiie.xiitiou of. 1103.3 Siii-lf. No. Texas, continued. — Holley, J[. A. Observ.ations, historical, geo- grapliical, and descriptive 2370.33 — Houstoun, SI. C. H. Texas and the Gulf of Mexico »030^3 — Letters upon the annexation of 4318.50 — Harcou, J. Cretaceous and carboniferous rocks of 3809.35 — Phillips, E. D. Texas, and its military occupa- tion and evacuation 4350a. 10 — Phillips, .S. C. Address on tlie annexation of. 4310.30 — Proceedings of a convention to take into con- sideration tlie annexation of 6087.29 — Rankin, JI. Texas in 18.50 2370.32 — Smith, E. Journcythrough Texas, in 1849, for emigration ^^'^-f^ — Thouglits on the proposed annexation of . . 4318. jO — War in Texas, a crusade to extend slavery . . B.100.25 Texas almanac for 1800, with historical and biogra- phical sketches, etc., relating to Texas, n. p., ?800. 8" ^^^^-^O Texeda, F. [Carrascon. Segunda vi5z impreso.J n. p., n.d. 16°. [Reformistas antiguos espa- noles] *'■ Texier, E. La Grice et ses insurrections. Nouv. ed. Paris, [180-J. 12° • Texts, Guide to preacliers in the selection of. Harris, T.M 5437.1 TEYSSfcDKE, A. P. de. Conducteur de I'etranger dans Paris. 3e .id. Paris, 18.37. 10° . . . 2034.16 Tezozomoc, Tozozomoc, or Torozomoc, A. de. Storia antica del Messico, trad, di Andrea Geri. [Marmocdii. Viag^i, v. 5 (101] . . . 2275.1 Thacher, G. H. Key to the " Trustees' state- ment.'' Letters to the majority of tlie trus- tees of the Dudley observatory. Albany, *»5490.26 3070.12 1858. 4289.53 Thachek, J. On the management of bees. Bos- ton, 1829. 12' 5898. IS 4.347.97 Thachek, Peter. .Sermon, April 17, 1790, on the occasion of the deatli of Uon. P. Russell. Boston, 179li. 4° •• _ Sermon, April li, 1798, at the interment of Rev. J. Clarke. Boston, 1798. 8° 4348.57 — Sermon, Feb. 12, 1795. Boston, 1795. 8° . . . 5170a. 41 T'li Acii Eli, Peter O. Lothrop, S. K. Sermon after the interment of 6088.109 _ Williams, J. M. Sketch of his judicial cliar- acter Pph.v.383 TUACHER, S. C. Memoir of J. S. Buckminstcr. SeeBuckminster,J.S 6002.5 Th.vciikr, T. Discourse at Boston, before the Humane society of Mass., .luiie lU, 1800. [With an appendix.] Boston, I.nuu. "sm.4° . 3608.6 — Discourse, M.irch 10, 1812, at the fuueral of Kev. J. Chickering, in Dedlmiu. Dedhain, 1812. 8° 5140a.47 — Discourse on the day of publick fast, April 9, 1812. Dcdham, 1812. 8° 5470a. 80 — Sermon at Milton, the Lord's day nncr the deathof Rev.N.Rohbins. Boston, 1790. 8°. 4.347. 90 — Sermon before the governor, [elc], Jlay 29, 1811, the day of geiiend election. Boston, 181i; 8° *«60.» TiiACivitiiAV, W. M. Landscape painters of Eng- land. .s'ceMarvy, L 4001.27 TiiACKWRAY, W. Use Of tlie globes. London, 1810. 12° 7029.37 TiIALAUA the destroyer. Southey, R 4009.9 TiiAI.Assitis. De chnritate ac continentla, neonon de renimiue mentis senlinliiirum ceuliirite quatuor; lyilielluB ad llieodDsium imp. [Migue. I'atiidogia Gra-ca, v. 91] 6102.11 — Do sincera charitute ac vera coutlneiilia, neo- non de regiinlne miiilis hecniontades qua- tuor. [Maxima hililiolh. vet. pair., v. 12] . 11.110.2 THAI.nERil, S. L'arl du cliaul applique an phliio. Boston, n.d. 4° 8041.7 TiiALLos, M. Epigrammattt. [Brunck. Amdecla poet. (Jr., V. 2j B.102.r THAM 621 THEATRE Sliolf. No. Tham, C. 1. Dc'Utsch-liiilmiisHies topogniphisch- gt'o«jrapIiischt'8 AVurterbucli. I'mg, KsOO. pp. '^'0. ft' Mill. 12 — Neuestes (U'utsch-buhmisches mid bohiniHch- deut:^che8 'raschenwortcrbucli. l*rag, 181S- 37. av. [vol. 1, Deutsch-biihmisch, 2te Aufl.] sq.lG" *2SS4.21 — and Tomsa.F. liiiluniscli dcutschcs Nazio- imlU'xikon. Blit I'iiu'r Viirrede des J. C Adulunj,'. I'riif;, KS(i5-r. -Jv. »° *11I4.12 TlIAME, P. df. Kuights liospitaUcrs in Kn;;liind. Edited by L. U. Larking', with an introduc- tion by J. M. Kt'ud)le. [Loudon], 16d7. 4". [CanuU'u sodi'ly, No. G5J *3420.i) TiiAMKs. Bo\vlt\^, — . Kew map of the river Thanie;^ 2495.25 — Hall, S. C. Book of the 2495.22 — aiacneill, S. J'ltiu for the Thames embank- ment ... 3767.12 — Murray, J. F. I'icturcsque tour of the river Thames 2495.24 TiiAMM, A. Chrouicon vetustissimie areis et urbis Coldicensfs, 451-1057. [Mencke, Script. Germ., v. 2] 4261.2 TnANE,J. Catalogue for 1774, of a collection of prints. Loudon, n. d. 8" *l*ph.v.347 TiiANdMAK. Vita et niirueuhi 8. Beruwardi episc. Hildesheimensis. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., V. 4] 4210.2 TiiATCiiiiK, B. H. Indian biography. New York, 1S42. 2V. 12" 4366.21 — Indian traits. New York, ls3:j-36. 2v. IS". 2366.26 — Fhilosophy of self-education. [Scientific tracts] 3939.6 TiiAYEK, Caroline JM. Keli^'ion recommended to youth, in a series of letters. To which are added, poems. 4th ed. New York, ls21. 32°. 3440.62 TiiAYKR, Christopher T. Discourse in Beverly, at the fiist observed in jMassacbusetts on account oflhe prevailing cholera, Aug. 9, 1832. Salem, 1832. 8' 54r0a.82 — Our faith. A Bermon, May 7, 1S4.3. Boston, 1843. 8° 5470a. 82 — Valedictory discourse in the First church, Beverly, July 4, 1858. Boston, 1858. 8".. 5470a. 82 TiiAYEH, E. The suicide of slavery. Speech in the house of representatives, March 25, 1858. AVashington, 1858. 8" 3010.83 TliAYER, JI. R. Reply to lAIr. C. In^ersoll's " Let- ter to a friend in a siave state." Philadel- phia, 1862. pp.26. 8° . . . . 3635.10, and 4350a. 84 Tjiayer, N. Sermon at the installation of Kev. W. Emerson, Oct. 16, 1799. Boston, 1799. 8".5470a.37 — Discourse before J.Brooks, governor, [etc.], on the anniversary election, May 28, 1823. Boston, 1823. 8" *435G.10 — Discourse on tlie life and character of. See Hill, A 4347.110 Thayer, T. B. Causes of the growth of crime in high places. Two discourses. Boston, IsOO. 12° 5470a. 40 — The Christian man in politics. A discourse, Oct. 7, 1860. Boston, 1860. 8° 5470a. 40 — Life, lubors and character of Rev. O. A. Skin- ner. Boston, 1861. pp.22. 8° 4347.99 — Sermon [before] the Ancient and honorable artillery company, June 6, 1864. Boston, IhtH. 8" 5460a. 130 — Theology of universalism. Boston, 1865. 16*. 5466. :i5 Thejjtetus. Epigrammata, [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., V. 2j B.162.7 Theatre. Alt, H. Theater und Kirche in ihrem gegenseitigen Verhultuiss historisch darge- Btellt 2175.19 — Gardiner, J. Speech on repealing the law against theatrical exliibitions 4390a. 57 — Milizia, F. Trattato del teatro 2196.12 — Newhall, F. H. The theatre : a discourse . , 5460a. 2 7 iiiii-ArRE fraiKjais. i;dition-Tou(iuet. [Avec lig- ures.J I'aris, 1821, 22. 44v. 18° *4:08. 1 Shelf. No Th£Atre fran^ais, contimied. Contents. — \o\. 1,11. J. Itucino. I. Lft TliObnidc.oii Irs frvrcHonncniis; Alcxitndro legrrHiul; Andromnqui.-; Loh pliiidciirs; llritaniiiciis; Hcriiiiice. II. Biijazct; Mitb- ridnte; IphigC-iiie; Pliidro; Estbur; AlbnUe. III-VI. J. B, r. MoliOrv. III. L'ctgurdi; Lo iJ6plt amourcux; Lea prvclcusea rldiculoM; SpinarcUu, ou le cocii iiuiigiiinlru; L'C'colo dcB muris; L'Ccoto des fcniincs. IV. Le niinnn- tliropo ; Irfi niOdccin miilRT& lui ; Trirtufo, ou I'impusttiur; AniphUryon ; Geor(;e r)niidin,ou le mnri coiifondu. V. L'uvnro; M. de rourccau^tinc ; Le biiurgeoia gontil- homniu;Ltia fourlicriea do Scnplii. VI. Los femmos savanlvs ; La comtesBe d'EsciubiiinmH ; Lo tnulude imnginniro; Le d&]>it amoureux: L'amour niL'ducin. VII, VIII. I*. ComoUle. VII. Lo Cld j Horace; China; I'olyoucto; Poiiipfu; Rodo^uuc. VIII. Iferncliiis, cin- percur d'Oricnt ; Sertorius ; Nicomfidc ; Lo mentpur. IX- XI. F. M. A.dc Vultniro. IX. CEdfpn; Mariainnti ; Urutua; Zaire ; Adulaido d« Guosclin ; Alzire, ou les AiiR'ricains. X. Lo lanatiniDO, ou Mahomet; MC-rope; La niort de Cfesar; 8C-niirnu)ia; Orostc; Catllina, ou Homo sauvGo XI. L'orpliolin do la C'bino; Tancrodo; Lo trhimvirat; L'enfiiut prodiguo; Nanino, ou lo projupc vaincu; L'^- cossaise.ou locafc. XII, XIII. F. C. Dancuurt. XII. Le chevallor dla mode; La maison de campa^e; L'ete doa coquettCBj Los bourgeoises dla mode. Xlll. Le tuteur; Les vcndang'og de Surfine; Les vacances; Le curieux do Compiegnc ; Le mari retrouve ; Les bourgeoisoa de qua- litfe; Les trois coushics; Lo pilant jnrdinlcr. XIV, XV. P. N. Destouches. XIV. Le triple manage; L'obstuclo imprevu ; Le philosophe marie ; Le glorieux. XV. Le dls- eipateur, ou )'honn4te friponne ; Le fausse Agni-s, ou le poete campngnard ; Le tambour nocturne, ou le mari do- vin ; L'hommo aiiigulier. XVI. Fabre d'tlglaiitine: Le PbiliDte de Molierc, ou la suite du Misantrope ; Le con- valescent do qualite; L'intrigue ^pistolaire; Les prfe- cepteurs. XVII. J. F. Collin d'Harleville : L'incunstant ; L'optimiste; Lea chateaux en Espagnc; Mons. de Crac dana son petit cnstcl ; Le vieux celibatairo ; Malice pour malice. XVI^^T. Comeille : Le baron d'Albikrac ; Ari- aiie; Le fest^^BtPierre; Le comte d'Es5 THEATRE 622 THEODORUS Shelf. Xo. THfeATRE fran^ais, continued. mcnt ; La manie des nrts, ou la matinee a. 1b mode ; Les amanspJiiPreux; Lejaioux. XXXV 11. D. A. dcBriieys: LegTondeur; Le luuct ; L'avocat Pntelin; F. Qutniiult: Ls mere coquette-, ou Ics amuns brouilles; R. Alain: L'epreuve reciproquc; L.J. C. S. d'Allainval: L'ecole des bourgeois. XXXVIII. J. 8. de La Noue: MaUomet second; La coquette corrigee; P. Poisson: Lc procureur arbitre; L'impromptu de campagne ; C- J- F. Heniult: Mnrius; G. F. Poullain de Saint Foil: L'oracle; X. Du Vaure: Le faux savant. XXXIX. J. B. L. Cresset: Le mechant; M. Guj-ot deMerville: Leconsentement force; C. Colle: Dupuis et Des Ronnis; La partie de chasse do Henri iv ; C. Goldoni : Le bourru bienfaisant. XL. J. de Rotrou : Venceslas ; H. B. de R. de Longcpierre : Me- dee ; C. C. Geuest : Penelope ; J. F. Ducbe : Absalon ; J. J. Le Franc de Pompig^nan: Didon; C. Guyraond do la Touche: Iphigenie en Tauride. XLI. A, L. Le Sago: Turcaret; B. Imbert: Le jaloux sans amour; A. R. Le- Bago: Crispin, rival de son mniire; N. Boinilin: Le port de mer; J. de Lafont: Le naufrage, ou la pompe funebro de Crispin ; Les trois freres rivaux ; J. F. E. de C. Desmahis: Le billet perdu, ou rimpertiiient. XLII. C. S. Favart ; L'.-inglais a Bordeaux ; Les trois sultanes, ou Soliman IE; C. J. Borat: Lo feinte par amour; N. J. Forgeot : Les rivaux amis ; Les epreuves ; M. de Bievro i Le jseducteur; Dezede; Les deax pages, ou Auguste ct Theodore. XLIII. D. Diderot: Le pere de famille; 0. G. Fenouillot de Falbaire : Le fabricaut de Londrcsj L'honnfete criminel, ou Tamour filial ; J. L. Brousse dea Fauchercts: L« mariago secret; C. M. G. E. Carbon- Flinsdes Oliviers: La jeune butesse. XLIV. A. Hou- dart de Lamottc: Ines dc Castro; A dtf La Fosse: ManliuB Capitolinus; J. de C. do Lagrange: Aniasis; F. d'l. d'Happoncourt de Grnfflgny: Genie; J. B. V. de Cbateaubrun: Les Troyennes; C. P. Colardeau: Ca- liste, imitee de I'anglais de la Belle penitente dc X. Bo we. ,hind, A. 3051.29 Thebes, its tombs and their tenants. H Thegan. A'ita Hludowici impel■utoI^^F[l'"l':^uk• furt. Societas, etc., v. 2] 4210.2 Theil, N. Recut'il de morceaux choisis des litte- ratures grecque, latine et fran5Hise. Classe ile-ivme; Classe de rhelorique, Ire, 2te partie. Paris, 1S15. 5v. 12° 6207.1 Theile, C. G. W. Zur Biographic Jesu. Leipzig, 1837. S" 003"-7 Theinek, a. Geschichte des Pontificats Clemens' XIV. Leipzig, 185.'!. 2v. 8° 0000 5 Theixeu, J. A. and A. Einfiihrung der crzwun- genen Khclosigkeit bei den christlieben Geistliclien und ihre Folgen. Altenburg, 1828. .-iv. in2. 8° COOS.IO Vertlieidiiiung des Tlieiner'sclien A\'erl;e8 : Die Einfiilirung der erzwungenen lilielo- Bigkeit bei den cliristlielK'u Geistliclien und ihre Folgen. See Dittersdorf, C. v. B. 170b. 50 Tiiii,i.i:u, E. A. Canada in 18S7-3S. Philadelphia, 1811. 2v. ir 230S.12 TiiELoALL, or TlK'lwall, ti. Le digest des briefs originals et des choses conceruauts eux. Rastell, VV 4290.8 TiiEi.YiMii'iioKA ; or, a treatise on female ruin. Miidan, .M 3574.13 TliEMISTiL's. Orationcs XIX. Grieci^ ac l^atiiie re- ccns. notisillust. D. Petavivs. I'arisiis, lUlS. 8m.4' »4304.2 Oratio in eos a (juibus ob priefecturani suscep- tam fuerat vltuperatus. [Mai. Class, auct., V. 43 B. 172.3 TllENIUs, O. Di? Bilcher der Kiinlgo crkliirt. Leipzig, 184H. 8°. [Weidmann. Excgc- tisches llundbucb zuni A. 1'., V. .'»] ♦0017.7 Die Ulielier .siiniuels erkliirt. l.fip/Ag, 1812. b*. [WciUniiinn. Excgetischea Haiidbuch zum A. 1'., V. 2] •0017.2 — Die Klagclledtr erkliirt. Sm Ililzig, !••. . . . 0017.10 TiiKoBAI.K, G. Nalurbllder iius den rhUllschen Alpen. 2le Anil. Chur, lMi2. Hi" 2804.20 TllEUIIALI), L. Slnike«peare restored ; or, a speci- men of the errors, as well conindlled, as iin- nliiended, by Mr. Pope In lii» edition of this poet. London, 1720. 4° •4591.2 Shelf. Xo. THEOB.vi.n, Z. ■WidertiiuiTerischer Geist, das ist, Bericbt was .Jammer, Elcnd, Angst, [u. s. w.] die Widertauli'er gestifftct baben, [u. s. w.]. Cotben, 1701. f°. [Anabaptisticum I'an- theon] *B. 130.5 Theocracy, fitu'dessurlatheocratie. Flot.ard, E. 3566.7 Theocritus. Bucolica et epigrammata qua ex- stant. [Brunck. Analecta poet. Gr., v. 1] . B. 162.7 — See Lect. Poetx Graeci, v. 1, 3 4200.7 ContC}its.—Yol. I. Idyllia et epigrammata. 111. Idyl- lium dc moi'tuo Adonide. — Idvls, etc., translated from the Greek by F. Fawkes. [Anderson. Poets of Gre.at Britain, V. 13] 4604.1 — Idylles ; Inscriptions ; flpitaphes. [Falconnet. Les petits pofemes grecs] B.161.2 — Idylliaqua?dam. [Vorst. Vet. poet. Gr. poem.]. B. 169. 6 — Bion and Moscbus. [Reliquiae] adiectae sunt G. H. Schaefferi notae. Nova ed. stereot. Lipsiae, 1827. 24° 'B.lOOa.S Theodoretus, or Theodoritns, bishop of Ctjrus, or Cyrrhus. Opera omnia, post recens. J. Sir- mondi, recognovit J . L. Schulze. Ace. aucta- rium quod adornavit J. Garnerius. Lutetix Parisiorum, ISCiO-Cil. 5v. inip.S". [lligne. Patrologia Gra;ca, V. 30-34] *5462.4 ConfeHtfi. — Vol. I. Be vita et scriptis Thcodoreti ; Qun;stion08 in loca dilHcilia Scrlpturaj Sacrw ; Qu«s- tiones In Genesim, Exodum, Leviticum, Nnmeros, Deuteronomium, Josuam, Judioca, Ruth, Libros Re- gum, Paralipomena ; Intcrpretfttio in Pgalmoa. II. Exi)lBnatio in Canticum canticomm, Isaiam, Jercmiam, Ezecliiulem. Daniolom, XU prophctaa miiioros. III. Commentarius in omnes Pauli epistolas i Historia eccle- siaslica; Historia religiosa; Oratio do divina et Bancta cliaritatc ; Valesii notie ad Ilisloriam ecclestasticam. IV. Eronistes, si'u Polymorplma; Demonstrationes per eylloRlsmoe quod immutubiUs fiit Dens Verbum; Com- pendium hiereticorum fiibularum ; De providentia ; (Sraj- carum at!'ectionum curatio ; Libollua contra Neatorium j Librorum XXVII adveraua varina propositioiiea argu- mcnta, ex Photii Bibliotlieca; He triuitftle; Epistoln*; Reprehensio duodecim anatlicmatismorum CjTilll ; In- dex pcculiaris in Thcodoreti Thcrapenticftm. V. J. Garnerii auctariuni ad ojiera Thcodoreti ; jyuadem dia- eertationos de vila, de libria, do flde Thooduretl. de quinta synodo gcncrnli, de Thcodoreti et Orientaliutn cauaa; Synodicon adversus tragtcdiain Ircnn;i. — EcclesiasticiB liistoriie libri quinque, GrsECfe. [Kstienne. Eccl. hist.] B.130.6 — llisloriaecclesiaslica. [Grynxus. Eccl. hist.]. B. 130. 7 TheoooIvIC, nio)il-j of Trevea. Ex translalione S. Celsi. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 8] . . 4210.2 Til EODORIO, monk, of Tolcgey. Vita ct passio Con- radi archiepiscopi. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., V. 8] 4210.2 TiiEOiioRic, of Thuringia. Libri octo de S. Eliza- beth. [Cauisius. Thesaurus, v. 4] ... . 4140.3 — Varijc h'ctiones, et supplemeuta ad ejus vitam .s. lilizabethjc pertiuentia. [Jlencke. Script. Germ., V. 2] 4261.2 TiiEOi)(tRii).\s. Epigrammata. [Brunck. Aua- lectapoet. Gr.,v.2| B.I02.7 TiiEODOKUS, abp. of Cmiterhnry. Cnpitula se- lecta. [Achery. Spieilegium, v. U| . . . . 4162.7 TiiEOnoKUS, bishop of Ilernckia. Fnigmenta In Isaiam. [Migne. I'lilrolDgia Gra'Cii, v. 18]. 5461.9 THEODORUS, bishop of Mopsncslia. In Novum Testamentum commeiitariorum quae reperirl potucrant. CoUegit O. F. Fritzsclie. Turicl, 1817. 8° 6025.13 — Cominentiiriufl in xil propbetas minores; Fraginenta In Genesin; Expoailio in I'sal- mos, in Jobum, in Canticum cantlcorum; Commentarii In Novum Teslameutum; Frag- menta dogmatlca. [.Mlgiie. Patrologia Grn;ea, V.6IIJ 6471.11 — De vilael Bcriptls. .S'co I''rltz8clie, O. F. . . . 6060.17 TUEODORU.s, bishop of Srythoiiolis. LIbellus do erroribus Orlgcnis. [MIgne. Patrologia Gra-ca, v. 86, p. 1] 5462.6 THEODORUS 623 THEOLOGY , tihvU. No. TEiEOnonus, monk: Anniiles Piilidenses. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., V. Hi] 4210. 'J TiiKOVOKVS, of lihaitku. De incarnntionc libcr. [>[i;;ne. l':itrn]oniii Gr:rca, v. 91] 5402.11 — De diviiia incaniatione, G. Tilmanno inter- prete, [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. k] . B.110.2 Theodoiii's I, pope. KpistoUt- (hio in causa Faull pjitriarcha; Constunrinopolitaiii. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v, l^J IJ.110.2 THEOnoiu'sAlnicara, 6iW(o;jo/Crtr«. Varia contra ha'i-eticos, Jmla'os, et Saracenos opuscula. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. patr., V. 10] B. 110.2 — Libelliis deunioneet Incarnatione, Cr. ot. Lat. ; lni/- Tog, SuKOvvrtg Etvai 6iu tovto ao^ov. [Boisson- ade. Anecdota Graica, V. 4] B.161.3 Theodorus Studita. Opera omnia. Lutetije Par- isiorum, ISGO. irap.8°. [ Mifjne. Patrologia Grajca, v. 99] *5472.5 Contents. — Prolegomena; Antirrhetici tres adversus Iconumuchos; Kefutatio canniDum Joanois, Ignatii, Sergti et Stcpfaani, iconomachorum; Quiestiunea icon- omuchis proposltte ; Adversus iconomachos capitula septeiu; Orutio pro sacris iraagintbus; Epistola ad Theophiluin imp. de eacris imuginibus; Epistola ad I'latuncm arch i man dri lam de ciiltu sacrarum imagi- num ; Scrmones catechetici, Latine ; Orationes; Epis- tularum libri duo; Capitula IV; Scholion in S. Basilil ascetica; Expllcatio liturgia? prrcsanclificutdrum; Ca- techesis clironica; CooetitutioneB Studitanec ; De con- fessiotie et pro peccatis satisfactioDe canones; Do quibuudam quicstionibus canon>-s alii ; Pcense monaste- rialed; Canou in adoratiunem crucis; Canon c-pinicius in crectione S6, imaginum ; Iambi de variis argumcntis ; Appendix ad Sermones catecheticos; S. Tbeodori tes- tamentum; Naueratii cont'essoria encyclica de obitu S. Theodori; Incurti nari'atio de schismate Studitarum. — Sermones catechetici cxxxv. in anni totius feata, de Gra;cis Latini facti a J. Livineio; Epistolas; Canon qui caniturin erectione SS. imaginum; Oratio in adorationem a. crucis. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 14] B.110.2 — Sermo de S. Bartholumajo apost., ex versione Anastasii biblioth. [Achery. Spicilegium, V. 3] 4152.7 Theodosil'S II, emperor. Codex Theodosianus. See Codex ' 4300.6 — KovelliE constitutionea. See Novella; coustitu- tioncs 4300.6 TheuDOSIUS diaconus. De cxpugnatione Cretac acroases quintjue, »d Js'icepborum Phocam imp., ex ed. X. M. Foggiui. [Migne. Patro- logia Grseca, v. 113] 5473.15 Sticlf. No. Thkodotus. Exeerpta. [Mignc. Patrologia GrKca, V. 9] 5401.6 TnEonoTus, bishop of Ancyra. Expositio symboli Nica'ni; Homilia;. [Migne. Patrologia Grn?cn, v. 77] 5462.1 — Expoaitio in symboluin Niciennm, seu adver- sus Nestorium, ex interpretiitioue L. Hol- stenii. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 27]. B.110.2 TuKODi'LPiius, bif=hop of Orleans. Capitula ad presbyteros suos; De ordine baptism! ; De .Spiritu Sancio; Fraj^menta sennonum; Car- minum libri vi. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 14] B.110.2 — Elegix' epi-stolares de suo exilio ; Tlieodulphi et aliorumpocraata. [Canisiift. Tliesaurus, v.2, P- 21 ^ 4140.3 — Fragmenta sermonum aliquot. [Ach6ry. Spi- cilegium, v. 5] 4152.7 Theodulus, or Theodolus, MsAop in Cnelo-St/rin. In epistolam ad Homanos enarratio. [Maxi- ma biblioth. vet. patr., v. 8] B.llO 2 Theofridus. Sermones duo de SS. reliquiis, et de veneratione sanctorum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 12] B.110.2 Theognetus. Fabnlaruni duarum reliquis. [Mei- neke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5 (4)J B.1G2.8 Theognis. Elegi, cvm notis F. Sylbvrgii et K. F. P. Brvuckii, ed. I. Bekkervs. Lipsiae, 1815. S" **3005.15 — Sententiic. [Lect. Poeta; Gran'!, v. 1] . . , 420U.7 — - Same. Gr. et Lat., interp. E. vinetus et J. Schegkius. See Hertel, J. . ..... . B.lfi9a.l6 — - Same. 5ee Vorst, J B. 109.0 — Sentences, trad, .^ee Levesque, P. C 4999a. 21 Theognis: a lamp in the cavern of evil. Torrey, E 4278.35 THEOG::iOS'rvs, of Alexandria. Fragmenta. [Migne. Patrologia Graica, V. 10] 54(il.7 Theognostus, of Constantinople. Encomium in onmes sanctos; Libellus ad Nicolaum papain in causa Ignatii. [Migne. Patro- lojiia Cr»ca, V. lOo] 5472.8 TiiEOLOGiscHE Quartalschrift. Ilerausgegeben von D. V. Drey, Kuhn, Helele, Welte uud Zukrif^l. Jahrgang 27-31, Helt 3. Tiibiugen, 1845-:iy. 4v. and 3p. 8° 6069.2 TiiKOLOGiSCHE Studien und Kritikeu. In Verbind- uug mit Gieseler, Liieke uud Nitzsch, lier- ausg. von C. Ullmann uud F. W.C. Umbreit. Hamburg, 182S-0U. 4;iv. b" 6089.1 TriEOLoGY. Bibliography. — Ilibliotiieca probata 2183.10 — Fiebig, U. Catalogus commentationum incol- lectione Weigeliana 4183.1 — Fuhrniann, AV. D. Handbuch der theolo- gischen Literatur 2180.9 — Nutt, D. Theological books in Ibreij^a lan- guages 2139.11 — Zuchold, E. A. Bibliotheca theologica. Ver- zeichniss der evangelischeu Theologie, 1830- 62 2182.6 Dictionaries J etc. — Buck, C. Theological dictionary 6032.4 — Uagenbach, C. R. Eucyklopiidie und Mctho- dologie der thcologischen Wissenschaften . 0030.9 — Harless, G. C. A, Encyklopiidie und Metho- dologie 6064.0 — Herzog, J.J. Real-Encyklopiidie fiir protes- tantische Theologie und Kirche 00.35. 1 — - Protestant theological encyclopedia . . . . 31j!;1.1 — Montargon, K. F. de. Dintionnuire apostolique ii I'usage de MM. les cures 5445.5 — Neudecker, C. G. Lexicon der Religions- und christlichen Kircheugefchichte G0S3.2 — Rosenkranz, J. C. F. Encyklopadie der tUeo- logischen Wissenscbalteu 6032.3 — Suicer, J. C. Thesaurua ecclesiasticua e patri- bus Gr£ecia 6030.1 THEOLOGY 624 THEOLOGY Theology, continued. Xatural. — Abu Jaafar Ebn Topliail. How one may by the lightof nature attaiu to the knowledge of tilings superuaturiil 34Sr..22 — Brougham, H. Dissertations on subjects of science connected with natural theology . . E.219.8 — Butler, J. Analogvof religion to the constitu- tion and course of nature 6025.27 — Daumer, G. F. Urgeschichte des llenschen- geietes fi098.ll — Hardinge, E. Theology and nature uW'^.lO — Hinton.J.H. Harmony of religious truth and human reason , .m 54o8.S — Joyce, J. Analysis of ralej's theology . . I'ph.v.352 — MaccuUoch, J. Illustrutious of the attributes of God 61SC.1 — More, Henry. Divine dialogues concerning the attributes of God 34S(i..30 — Nichols, I. Catechism of 3480.25 — Nieuwentyt, 15. Heligious philosoplier . . . 3480.19 — Orr, J. God, providence, and immortality . . 0O.JG.6 — raley, W. Evideuces of the existence and at- tributes of the Deity 3486.23 — Palfrey, J. G. Theory and uses of natural re ligiou 4103.7 — Eeimarus, H. S. Abhandlungen von den vor- nehmsteu Wahrheiten der uatiirlichea Kelig- ion 3480.11 — Rosenkranz, J. C. F. Die Naturreligion . . . 6023.7 — Simou,J.F. S. Suisse, d»< .) . La religion uatu- rellc 0025.29 — Some thoughts suggested by " Vestiges of cre- ation" 0023.3 — Straus-Dnrcklieim,H. E. G. Catechisme rnis- onne d'une doctrine religieuse cunforme a la theologie de la natbre 0005.20 — - Theologie de la nature 60J3.4 Ulrici, H. Gott und die Natur 5008.5 — A\ilkins, J. Principles and duties of natural religion • 0023.8 Wliewell, W. Indications of the Creator . . 5486.40 Wollaston,W. Keligionof nature delineated. 3434.6, and 0041.7 DoctHnal and polemic. — Alexandre, N. Theologiadogmuticaet moralis. 6028.1 Barclay, It. Apology for the true Christian divinity 0061.12 — Baunigarten, S. J. Uutcrsuchung thcologi- BCher Streitlgkeiten 0003. 9 — Baumgarteu-CrusiuB, L. V. O. Compendium der christliclien Dogmcngeschichte .... 0022.11 Jlalir, F. C. I.ehrbuch der chribtlichen Dog- niengesehichle 0022.4 — liucan, W. Inslilulioues theologiciC .... 64J3.24 Calvin,.). lustitu/.iim relijiosa 6603.30 — Cheneviere, J. .1. Dogmntique chretiennc . . 6022.7 Coijuerel, A.L. C. C'ours de religion clirelienne. 0(160.12 Daumer, G. F. Ptilt-mische IJIiitter bed'ell'eud (. bri^teulhum, liiheUlaaben und 4 lieoltigie. On03.22 _ Ziige zu einer ncuen I'hilosophie der Jie- ligion 0071.22 De VVelte, \V. \\. L. I.elirbucli der clnisUi- chen iJoi^matik 0022.12 — - Ueber l!eli(;iuu und I'lieologi'! OOW.i; Diilgnan, M. (i. Positive facts without a Bhiidow of doubt — Kyinerlcus, N. Direclorium lni|uisitoluni . . — (;a/,/ailiga, r. .M. lT;eliTlioiie.- lhe(ilogic;i; . — Gerbet, O. P. Coup d'leil sur la cnuiroversc chretlcnne, jusiju'ii iios jours — Gle^ele^, J. C. L. Dogmengeschichie . . . . Uieene, W. B. Doctilne of life, with its ap- plic.itionrt — nageMbuch, C. K. Lehrbuch der liogmeuge- BChichte n0-'2.fl — - Compendium ofthe history of doitrlnoB . . .3451.24 — - ■le.\l book ol till- history of doctrines . . . 3462.32 3451.5 li. 110.8 60-11.8 6013.2 6040.7 COOUa 7 Sbclf. Ko. Theology. Hagenbach, C. R., continued. — - Tabelhirische Ubersicllt der Dogmenge- schichte n.i80f.3 — Hahu,A. Lelirbuchdes christlicheuGlaubens. 01122.14 — Hale, E. E. Elements of Christian doctrine . 6163.13 — Hase, C. A. Lehrbuch der evaugelischeu Dog- matik 0023.15 — - Thcologische Streitscliriften 6063.39 — Jowett, B. Statements of Christian doctrine and practice 5453.10 — Knapp.G.C. Lectures on Christian theology. 00J2.2 — Liniborch, P. van. Theologia Christiana . . 0022.1 — Lutterbeck, J. A. B. Die neutestamcutlicheu Lehrbegrifle 0022.5 — jr.arheineko, P. C. Theologische Vorlesungen. 0022.3 — Sliirtineau, H. Essential faith of the universal church 0163.11 — Jlatthcs, C. Comparative Symbolik allor christlichen Confessioueu 0029a. 3 — Jleier, F. C. Lehrbuch der Dogmengc- schichte 6024.3 — Moehler, J. A. Symbolik, Oder Darstellung der dogmatischcu Gegensiitze der Katholi- keu und Protestanten 6022.10 — JUinscher, W. v. Haiidbuch der christlichen Dogmengeschichte 3451.27, and 0023.14 — - Lehrbuch der christlichen Dognienge- schiehte 0022.16 — Musculus, W. Loci communes sacrx theologiie. U 110.5 — Nieiueyer, A. H. Lelirbnch fur die oberen lie- ligionsclassen in Gelehrtenschulen 3451.25 — Kitzsch, C. t. System der christlichen Lehre. 602:). 12 — Noaik, L. Die christliehe Dogmengeschichte. 0023.16 — - Speculative Religionswissenschfift .... 6095.12 — Noble, S. Important doctrines of the Chris- tian religion 0001. S — Platon Levshin. Sunmiary of Christiiui divin- ity .3008.5 — Pordage, J. Theologia raystica 6008.23 — Price, H. Sermon on the Christian doctrine. 64;oa.66 — Pulieudorf, S.v. Keligious-Uecht : in welchen Lehr-Puncten die Protestanten einig sind . 6059a. 16 — Kilter, A. U. Gescliichte der clirislliclien I'hi- losophie 0102.2 — Sack, C.U. Christliehe Polemik 0003.26 — Sclnvarz,C. Zur Gescliichte der neuesten The- ologie «-ll~-2 — Sihweuckfeld, C. v. Teutschc Theologia . . 0066.24 — Shedd, \V. G. T. History of Christian doc- 3461.22 Principles of the Christian faith. 6463.27, and Pph.v.302 — Stiiudenmaier, F. A. C'hristliihe Dogiuatik . (lo:!».2 — Storr, G. C. Course of biblical llioology . . . 3451.9 — Swedenborg, E. Vera Clirisliaiia religio . . 6.M6.6 — ^ enema, 11. Institutes of 3461.20 — Vorliiuder, C. Tabellarisch-iibersichtliclie Darstellung der Dogmengeschichte . . . .B.lSOe.5 — 'Wegscheider, .1 . A . L. liistitutiones theologia; Cliristianx dogiiiatica; 0022.B — Wollebius, ,1. Comiiendlum theologia; Cliris- liaiiic SLW.!!! — Worcester, N. Bible news 3469.24 — Wordsworth, C. Christian institutes: aseries of discourses and tracts 5453.6 Miscellaneous tojiirs. — Augustinus, A., St. De civitalo Del 0060.27, liud 6059a. 14 — ('urio8lte Allianafiius . . . . B.110.6 — Epistolae Lxxv, Latinae factte a V. Jliirinerio; Institutio regia, interprete P. Possino. [Maximabibliotli. vet. pair., V. 18] B. 110.2 Theophylactus Simocatta. Quasstiones pliysi- cas et epistolas recensuit versioue Kimedon- ciana et notis instruxit J. F. Boissonade. Parisiis, 18.'i5. 8° 0050.19 L'liistoire de I'empereur Slaurice. [Cousin. Uistoirede Constantinople, V. .!] 2961.2 Theopompus Atheniensis. Viginti connrdiarum fragmenta. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., V.3) B. 162.8 Theorianus. Cum catliolieo Armenioruni collo- quium. [Maxima bibliotli. vet. patr., v. 22]. B.110.2 Thf.ohy of Imman progression, and natural proba- bility of a reign of justice. Boston, 1851. yt 4306.20 Theotimus junior. Epistola ad Leonem impera- torein. [Migne. Patrologia Grieca, v. 85] . 6102.6 Thebapeutics. BoucUardat, A. Manuel de the- rapeutique 3780.11 — Frank, J. P. Specielle Therapie 3710. 13 . Friedlander, L. II. Gescliiclite der Heil kunde 5733.5 Mitsclierlich, C. G. Lehrbucli der Arzneimit- tellehre 3791.10 — Pereira, J. Elements of 3;sU.37 — Schiinlein, J. L. Allgemeine und specielle Therapie 679.'i.7 Spooner, J. P. Different modes of treating disease 6796.31 — Thomson, A. T. Elements of 5788.3 Trousseau, A. Traite de tlu-rapeutique . . . 5793.1 — Virchow, R. Beitriige zur specielle Therapie. 3791.17 SeealBO: llonia;o;)B(l)>', InjcctionH, Matuiiu mcdica, Hcdicul electricity, IMiarmacopa-la, Water euro. Theremik, I-. F. F. Das Kreuz Christl. Predig- ten. Berlin, 1849-52. 4v. [Vol. 1, ote Aull.; V. 2, 4tc Aufl. ; V. 3, 3tc Aufl. ; v. 4, 2te Aufl.j 8« 6443.26 — The awaking. Boston, 1855. pp. .30. 10° . . 5459a. 50 THi-:KMo.r>vNA>tic.s of elastic fluids. Gill,.T. . , 3907.4 THtKMOMETEIt. I.'liistoire critique du tliennom^- tre. DeLuc.J.A 3907.6 TufeKY, A. F. Conseils aux Jeunes personnes sur It^s inoyens de completer leur education. Paris, 1M2. 18°. [Cours complet d'educa- tlon pour les lilies] ,3391.30 Conseils aux meres sur les moyens de diriger et d'inslruire eiles-m^mes leurs filles. Paris, 1837. 1.8°. [Cours complet d'education pour les lilies] 3591.23 — Cours de litterature g(:n(;rale. Paris, 1847-00. 2v.ini. [Vol.l,2e Od.] 1.8°, [Cours complet d'tiducatlon pour les lilies] 3501.34 Notions de pliilosophie. I'urls, 1814. 1.8°. [Cours complet d'educulion pour les lilies] . 3691.32 ^- Premiers conseils uux meres sur les moyens de dirlf;eret d'inslruire les lilies. [Cours com- plet d'education pour les lilies] 3591.22 _ und Dezobry, C. I.. Exerelcee de memoire et de lecture. Purls, IH37. 8°. [Cours complel d'educulion pour les lilies] 3.'>DI.24 THEUEUUANK, Der. I'Huzlug, M 2U01.1 Stieir. No. Thevenin, &. See Paris. Association polytech- nique 7917.3 THitVENOT, J. de. Travels into the Levant. In three parts. Kewly done out of French [by A. Lovell]. London, 1087. 3v. in 1. f ° . . '►4260.14 THtVENciT, M., Memoire sur la collection des voy- ages de. See Camus, A. G 2360.32 Thibaut, A. F. J. Ueber die sogenanntc histor- ische und nicht-historischc Rechtsschule, Heidelberg, 1838. pp. 39. 8° 4289.48 — System des Pandekten-Kechts. 6te Ausg. Jena, 1818. 3v. in 2. 8° 3626.20 Thibet. Catalogue of the specimens and draw- ings ol mammals, birds, reptiles, and lishes of. See London. British museum 6909.6 — Giorgi,A.A. Alphabetuin 'fibetanum . . . 4241.3 — Knight, W.H. Diary of a pedestrian in . . . 6045.6 TlllfcBAUl.T, D. Original anecdotes of Frederick tlie Great. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1800. 2v. 8° 2852.26 THiliBAUT de Berneaud.A. Manuel du vigneron fraii^ais, ou Tart de cultiver la vigne. 5e ed. augm. par M. F. Malepeyre. Paris, 1850. 12°. [Manuel-Koret] 4029.3 Thiek-pkoof depositories, Treatise on. Price, G. 4018.31 Thiele, J. M. Danmarks Kolkesagn. Kioben- havn, 1843. 2v. 8° 4224.9 Thiems, M. T. Dcutsches Lcscbuch. 2te AuH. Mo.skau, 1816. 8° 4888.1 Thiene.maxn, F. a. L. FortpflMnzungsgcschichte der gesammteu Vijgel. Leipzig, 1856. 4° . 3*.)01.3 Thiernesse, — . Coloration roug« du sang vei- neux. Gluge, G 3760.35 TuiEP.KY, A. S. D. Uisloire des Gaulois. Bru- xelles, 1842. 4v. iu 2. 8° 4186.2 — Kouveaux recits de I'histoire romaiue aux ive et Ve siecles. Paris, 1805. 8° 2757.9 — Recits de I'histoire romaine au Ve sitclc. Paris, 1860. 8° 2767.1 — Tableau de I'empire romuin depuis la fonda- tion de Rome. Paris, 18ti2. 8° 2767.11 THIEBKY, J. JJ. A. (Euvres. Bruxelles, 1839. 1.8°. *UVS.i. C(uir,?Hf*. — lllstoirc de la coiiquCte d'Antrlcterre par les NoriimndB; Lelli'CB sur I'hiatuire do Irruuce; Uix aus d'etudea hlHturiiiues. — Histoire du tiers etat. 2e ed. Paris. 18!)3. 2v. 10° 4I89.S — Recits des temps merovingiens, precidiis des considerations sur I'histoire de Frauce- [Bruxelles, 1839. No title-p^ige.) 1.8° . . . 4061.4 Thiers, L. A. Histoire du eonsulaiet de I'empire. T. 1-18, 20. Paris, 1845-62. 19v. 8°. •4li47.4. Atlas, f° *4634.1 Thiersch, B. Uebcr das Zeitidter und Valer- land des Homer. 2te Aull. Halberstadt, 1B32. 8" B. 107.6 Thiersch, F.W. GriecliisclieGiammatlk. Leip- zig, 1816. 12° *»4U»9.1> Thietmar. Chronicou. [Frankfurt. Sodetas, etc., v.3] 4210.^ Thijm. See Alherdingk Thijm, .1. A. Thilo, .1. C. Codex aiJOcryplius Novi Testamenti. Sec Apocryphal New Testament 6018.11 Third dispensation, The. London, 1841. pp. 24, [No title page.) 12° M103.16 TniUNi»Ai,ANi>. Moiiumeuta .Sveo-Gothica Uplau- di.x i)artem priniariam Tliiuudiam coutlueu- tla. Perlngskiold, J 28'20.7 TuoLUCK, F. A. G. Commcntar zu dem Evungelio Johnnnis. 2te Aull. Hamburg, 1828. 8° . 6026. 1» — Coiunieutaryon the gospel of .St.. lohn. Trans- luted from the Germuu by A. Kaulinan. Boston, ISIIO. 12° 6128. 1» — Gcscbichtedes Katlonnlisnms. IteAbth. Ber- lin, 1605. »° f'OUS. t'07i/rnis.— riotlilliut uud dua «r«tu Btudiuui der Aui'- Itl&ruuff. THOLUCK 627 TUOMASON I Sbfir. Nu Thoi.uck, K, a. G., roiitinued. — Die GlimbwiiriUgkeit der evangelischen Gc- scliichto, zui^h'ich oino Kritik des Lebena Jesu voii Strauss, '.ite Autl. Hamburg, is;i8. m" (jO'-'5.15 — Lfbi'iiszeugen der bitlierischeii Kirche vor und wiihreiid tier Zi*it dt-s dn-issigjahrigt-n Kricges. Btn-lia, isV.i. 8' 3550.28 — Die Lflirc vou der Siinde und vom Versuhncr. Hamburg, ]S2;J. 8° 5446.20 — Die rropheteu und tbre Weissagungen. Gotlia, 18(J0. 8° 3-126.11 — Vorgeschichtedes Kalioniilismus. Halle, 1853- (V^. -iv. 8" G0IJ5.2 — Life, character aud style of I'aul; Sermons; Sketch of rholuck'slitV-and cliaraeter. [Kd- wards. Selectious from (iermiin literature]. GOGl.C TII03I, A. British directory and official haud-book for ISii:*. London, 18(i:>. 8' *24S7.27 — - Same. 1863. London, 180:1. 8' *2487.26 TnoM, J. IL Chum of Ireland: a sermon, with anapiH'ndixon thefast. London, 1847. l*^". B. 170b. 32 — Doctrine of waste: adiscourse [on Matt. XXVI. 7-llJ. Cork, 1836, 12" 3409.27 — Vreveutive justice and palliative charity : a sermon. London, n. d. 12" *41G3.3 — Sermon on the death of Kev. J. Johns, July 4, 1847. Liverpool, 1847. 12° 15.irOa.l27 — Spiritual blindness ami social disruption : a sermon. May 3, 1849. London, 1849. 12°. B. 100b. 14 TlIOSlAi, H. De captatoriis institutiouibus. [Diss. acad.] Hals Magdoburgicie, 1710. pp.70. 4°. *4304.22 — De jure injuslo heredipetarum. [Diss, acad.] Hal:e Magdeburgicas, 1695. pp.32. 4°. . . *4304.22 TiiOMANjF. Theory of cumpouud interest and an- nuities, with logarithmic tables. Loudon, 1859. 16° 3923.20 Thomas, of Lancaster. Expenses, 1292,93. See John, of Brabant v. 2 of 2416.39 Thomas, St. Liberde his, quae adhuc pucrpatravit Dominus, Gra?ce et Latiufe. See Apocryphal New Testament 6018.11 Thomas, the rhymer^ if Erceldoune. Sir Tristrem, a metrical romance. [Scott. Poetical works, V. 5j 4179.1 Thomas a liecket. Robertson, J. C. A biography. 2447.19 — Stapleton, T. Res gestae Thomje arcUiepisco- pi Cantujiriensis 4177.21 Thomas a Kempis. Opera et libri vite. Nurem- berge, 1494. f° *B.110.9 Content*. — De imitatione Christi; De meditatione cordis; Liber vite lUQgietri Gerhardi; De bumilitate Cbristi ; De discipulis iloinini Flori'titii ; Soliloquium aiiimc; Dedisciplinacluustralium-, Alplmbetum T borne Ketnjiis; Sermones; Dtalogus novicioruni; Canticmn de laudibus sanctarum virginum ; Epistole ; LibeUus de pauporiate, bumilitate, et patieutia; Libellus de vera computictione; Libellua ortuli rosarum ; Libellus vaHis liliurum ; Alpbabetuni monacbi ; Epitnpliium monacbo- nim ;Mauualemondcborum;Docti'iouK'juveuum; Hoa- pilale paupcrum. — Opera omnia. Emendataatq; aucta. Opera ac studio Sommalii. Ed. 2a, Antverpiae, 1607. 3v.ini. sm.4' *B. 144.7 Contents. — Vitffi per J. Tritthemium, G. Pirc-Kamer, FranciHcumTolensemet J. Badium Aacensium scriptu:; Senuunoa ad novitios trigiiitu ; Sermonta ad fratrea Do- Tem; Conctoneaet meditattooesaexet trigiiita ; Deimi- tatiuDC Cbristi libri qualuor; SoUlottuiuin nniniffi ; Uor- tulua rosarum; Vallialiliorum; Dc tribus tabemaculis; De diaciplina claustraliuin; De fiduU dlspensntore ; Hoapitale pauperum; Dialogns novitiorum ; Spiritu- alia exercitia religiosorum duplicia; Doctriaale juve- Dum; De vera cordia compunctioue ; De aoliitidiue et sdlentio; Dc recogiiilioiie prupnic fragilitatia; Knchiri- diuni monacliorum ; Manuule purv-ulorum ; De elevatiuiie mentis En Deum; Alpbabctum parvuin monacbi, in scbula Cbristi; Cons^ilatio puuporum vt iatirmurum; Oiitlioues plurimie admudum piot atijue devoto;; De mortiflcatiune sui ipsiua; De bumilitate; De vita bona et paciflca; De vita boni monacbi; Hymiii et cantica aplrituaiia ; De vita Ctiriati meditatiooea i Vita B. Lidea- Thom.VS &, Kempis, continued. viffis vlrpliiis; GlTiuiU MuK"i ct Domini Forentii vitre ; Vitic J. Urundo, J. Urinccriiik, I-. Bonieri, II. Brune, (i- Sutpbniiienjtis, A. Itui-cnsls, J. di' Vianii, .1. Cacubi vulpo Kctel, A. Schoonbove; Sex epiatolfe utllea ac re- liifiosa- pluriniuin. — The little Kempis. Short [selections] from [his] rarer works. Uoston, 1836. 32° 3440.01 See also: Imitation of Cbriet. Thomas de Villanova, St, Leben. See Poesl, F. 5556.4 Thomas Aquinas, S/. Deduobusprneceptischaritatis et decem legis praecepiis ; de venerabili sac- ramento nltaris. Recognovit C. Martin. Colonia;, 1851. 32°. [Bibliotheca mysticaet ascctica, v. 9] 0069a. 28 — Summa theologica, ad maimscriptos codices a F. Garcia, G. Donnto, J. Nicohii, ac T. Madalena collala. ,Sdt' Lombard, 1* B. 116.1 — Hampden, R. D. Life 5009.0 Tiio:n.vs Magister, or Tlieodulus. Ilpcc/hvTiKos noos 701/ ffaatXcti Av^itoviKOv tov \lu'Kaiii\oyuv\ Xitpi TOJf iv TT] IraAwc Km Htfieaiv E(po6o} ysyt- fiT^iji'cof; MtXirat 6vo. [Boissonade. Anec- dota Grajca, V. 2] B.161.3 TitOMAS, A. G. Our national union perfected in tlie martyrdom of our president. Discourse, April 19, 1865. Philadelphia, 1865. 8° . . . *4342.5 Thomas, Abel O, Civilization and Roman Catholi- cism. Review of O. A. Browuson's four lec- tures. Philadelphia, 1851. pp.32. 8° . . . 6088.45 — Dissection of the Trapezium of Kev. J. F, Berg, in his commentary on the Triangle. Phila- delphia, 1851. pp. 16. 8^ B.160a.59 — Triangle. The catholic question considered. Philadelphia, 1S51. pp. 32. 8° 0088.166 Thomas, B. F. [A few suggestions upon the per- sonalliberty law and " secession."] Boston, 1861. pp.22. 8° 4310.2 — Remarks on the relation of the " seceded states" to the union, [etc.]. Boston, 1862. 8" 4340a. 67 — Speech on confiscation. Delivered in the house of representatives, May 24, 1802. n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] 8' 4340a.67 — United States vs. F, W. Smith. Argument for defence. Boston, 1865. 8° 5GG0a.l Thomas, D. Letter to Norton. See Norton, J. . 5403.2 Thomas, F. S, Historical notes, 1509-1714. Lon- don, 1850." 3v. 8° 7054.5 TH03LAS, J, Comprehensive medical dictionary. With an appendix. Philadelphia, 1864. 8°. 3734.18 Thomas, L. Rilled ordnance : with a theory of the initial action and force of gunpowder. 1st Am. from 5th Eng. ed. New York, 1864. tt' 3954.23 Thomas, R. Modern practice of physic. 11th ed. Revised by A. Frampton. London, 1853. 2v. 8° 3710.18 Thomas, ■William, cioil engineer. [Architectural designs.] 18 plates. London, 1781. [No ti- tle page.] f° *4080.8 — Observation on canals and rail-ways. Also, report of B. R. Dodd, on a navigable canal between Newcastle and Hexham. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1825. 8° *Pph.v.338 Thomas, William, c/er/.; of the council to Edward VI. The pilgrim: a dialogue of the lile and actions of king Henry viii. Edited by J. A. Froude, London, 1861. 8° 2437.6 Thomasius, C. Leben. [Schrockh. Allgemeine Biographic, v. 3] 4143.6 Thomason, D. R. Fashionable amusements. New York, 1857. 12' 3587.8 — The war. Correspondence between the Young men's Chrit^tian associations of Richmond, Va., and New York : with a letter by D. R. Thomason. New York, n. d. pp. 16. ft" .4340a. 57 THOilASSra 628 THOMSON Shelf. No. Thojussis, L. Dissertationvm in concilia gene- rnlia et particvlaria T. 1. LvtetiiE Parisi orvm, IM". 4° *60':i0.9 — VetuB et nova ecdesiae disciplina circa beneficia et beneficinrios, Accedit tractatus benefici- ariusC.M. Sguanin. Venctiis, 1773. 3v. f ° . *C0S0.1 Thompson, A. C. L.vra ccclcstis. Hymns on heaven. Boston, 18()3. 12° 6449.3 — Memorial of Mrs. Anna P. Waters. Boston, 1854. pp. 36. 1'.;° 4349.22 — A pastor's joy and crown, and the iirst duty to a pastor : sermons preached in Roxbury, July 25, 1832. 8° 5460a. Ill TuOMPSON, B. Tlie German theatre, translated. London, 1805, 6. 6?. 12° 2875.31 Contents.— Vol. I-lU.hy A. vou Kotzebue. I. TIio strflDger, a drawa; Kolla, or the virgin of the sun, a plaj"; PizaiTO, or the death of Rona, a tragedy. 11. LoTer'a vows, altered by Mrs. Inehbald from Kotze- bue's Natural son ; Adelaide of Wulfingen; Count Bcn- yowsky. III. Doaf and dumb; Indian exiles; False delicacy ; Happy famil.v. IV. Otto of Wittelsbach, by J. M.Babo; Dagobert, by J. M. Bobo; Conscience, by A. W. Itfland. V. The robbers, by J. C. F. v. Schiller; Don Carlos, by .1. C. F. v. Schiller. VI. The ensign, by fichroeder; Count Koenigsmark, by C. von Reit7.en- Btein J Stella, by J. W. v. GOtho ; Emilia Galotti, by G. E. Leasing. THOMPSON, C. Eeiscbeschreibung von Palastina. rUniversal history. Erliiuterungssclu-iften, V. 1] 4160.10 Thompson, D. W. Day dreams of a schoolmaster. 2'ded. Edinburgh, ISiH. 16° .3590.15 Thompson, G. Lectures, with a history of his con- nection with the anti-slavery cause in Eng- land by W. L. Garrison. Boston, 1830. S°. 3579.25 Thompson Henry. Occult sciences. 5eeSmedley, ' E. . . . ; 0100.4 — and others. History of Roman literature. 3d ed. London, [1852]. 12° 2953.12 Contentt. — Dissertation on the sonrcea and formation of the Latin language, by H. Thompaon ; Latin poetry, by U. Thompson; Ecclesiastical Latin poctr>' of the middle ages, by J. M. Neale; Cicero, by J. H. New- man; Cicoronianism, by E. Smcdluy; Historians of Home, by T. Arnold'; State of Itonian literature in the time of Trajan, by T. Arnold; Literature of the age of the Antonini, by J. B. Oltley ; Post-Autoiiinian prose writers, by U. Thompflon. Thompson, H. S. A nation mourns her chief. Words and music. St. Louis, 1865. _pp. 6. 4°. *4.350.1 Tho.vpson, James. Discourse prtached 'at Harre, at the end of a ministry of fifty years in tliat town. Boston, 1854. 8° 0470a.84 — Sermon preached on the 37th anniversary of hisordinatiou,Jan 11,184L Boston, 18)1. 8°..5470a. 84 Thompson, James W. Trihute to the memory of llev. Henry Colman : discourse, Sept. 9, IsiU. Boston, 1819. 8° 6440a. 38 Thompson, /;er. JohnC. Discourse upon the char- acter and death of A. Lincoln, June 1, 1B05. 1-hiladelphia, IMiS. 8° *4342.5 Thompson, John C, exj. The essential principle of the mind. Lecture, April 29, 1850. Nash- ville, 1856. 8° 5607.8 THOMPSON, John 11. 'I'lie Southern view of" Uncle Tom's cabin." Erom the Southern literary raesscnKcr. [No titlepnge.] pp.8. s°..B. 100.9 Thompson, Jonathan. Most udvantaireous line of country through whiih a canal navigutioii may Ije carrieil from Newcastle upou Tyne towards Cumberland, etc. Newcastle, 1795. ^» '»I>ph.v.361 Thomi-so.n, Joseph P. Tlie college as n religious lustltutlon. An address. New York, 1859. ^. V. 2 of *SimA — Congpga'llonnl polity and biblical theology. DisiMurse. liosloii, 1860. 8° 6470a. 45 _ DNcourse conimeinorallvc of U. C. Lansing, 1) l>. New York, 1857. 8° 4317.51 Shelf. No. TH03IPS0N, Joseph p., cnrttimied. — Duties of the Christian citizen. Discourse. New York, 1818. 8° 5470a. 45 — God's providence in the late tire [in New York : a sermon], u. p., 1845. S° »4163.13 — A. Lincoln, his life and its lessons : a sermon, April 30, 1805. New Y'ork, 1805. 8°. [New Y'ork. Loyal publication society, fl^o. 85] . *4322.18, and *4342.5 — Peace through victory. Thanksgivino; sermon, Sept. 11, 1.-64. New Y'ork, 1864. pp.16. 8°. [New Y'ork. Loyal publication society, No. 60] •4322.18 — Revolution against the government not a right but a crime. New Y'ork, 1804. pp. 40. 8° . 4.340a.G8 — Right and necessity of inflic-tinp: tlie punish- ment of death for murder. New Haven, 1842. pp.54. 8° 6470a. 45 — No slavery in Nebraska. Voice of God against national crime. New York, 1854. pp. .30. 8° 4310.8 Thojipson, M. L., Sermon at the funeral of. See Walker, J. F 0088. lOG Thompson, R. W. Speech on the re-passage of the bill to establish a tiscal corporation of the United States, Sept. 9, 1S41. Washing- ton, 1841. 8° *l'ph.v.382 THoaipsoN, W. Sickness, and other poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, . V. 10] 4004.1 Thompson, Z. Astronomical calculations for 1823- 54. See Vermont register and almanac . . 6310.2 Tno.MSON, Andrew. [Observation on a letter by Lucius to Rev. A. Thomson. By Candidas.] Edinburgh, 1817. 8° •Pph.v.364 — and Struthers, G. Historical sketch of the origin of the secession church, and history of the rise of the relief church. Edinburgh, 1858. 16° 3524.20 Thomson, Anthony T. Conspectusof thepharnia- eopoeiasof theLondon, Edinburgh,. 'uul Dub- lin colleges of physicians. 3d Am. ed. fiom the 13th Eng. ed. by C. A. Lee. New Y'ork, 1846. sm.:2° 3~S9..35 — Domestic niaiiagenient of the sick-room. Lon- don, 1841. 12° 3798.30 — Elements of materia inedica and therapeutics, London, 18.32, .33. 2v. 8° 6785.3 — The London dispensatory. Edited by A. B. Gairod. 11th ed. London, 18,52. 8° . . ••.3785.12 'riio:iisoN, C. W. Notices of the life and character of U. Proud. Sec Pennsylvania. Historical society. Memoirs, v. 1 4372.1 Thomson, James. The seasons. Prefixed the life of the author by P. Alurdock. Birmingham, 1804. 12° 456(la.ll — - Same. New York, 1830. 12° 4569a. 14 — .hiliresz(?iten,neuiibersel/,t. Ilerlin, 1789. 10°. 4609a, iO — Spring: with a life of the poet, notes and rc- liuii'ks on the analysis of sentences. By W. M'Lcod. 2d ed. London, 1863. 12° . . . ,46rQa.lS — Winter : with a life of the poet, notes and re- marks on the analysis of sentences. Uy W. M'Lcod. 2d ed. London, 1864. 12°. . . .4579a. 10 — Poetical works, with life. [Andei'sou. Poela of Great liritaln, V. 9] 4094.1 ronfcnts. — Lessons; Liberty; Castle of indoleiico; Britannia; Odon, etc. — SceBell. British theatre, v. 14,32 4170a. 1 Confenta.—Vi)}. ,\IV. Tancred and Slglsnuinda.trag. XXXll. Edward and Eleonora, altered by T. Hull. Thomson, John. The letters of Curtius. [With] a speech on the British treaty. Richmond, 1801. 18° 2407.39 Thomson, K.H. [The literature of society.] Lon- ilou, 1862. 2v. 8° 2563.17 — Aleniolrs of the life of .«ir Waller Ualclgh. Pliilarlel|ihla, IR:I1. 12° 2.146.29 THOMSON 629 THUNDEUING Thomson, K. B., cnntlmml. — ilemoirs of viscountt'SS Sumloii, mistress of the robes to queen Caroline, lid ed. J.ou- don, IMS. 2v. 12° 2542.10 Tho.msox, Itobert. Tribute to tlie swiuisli multi- tude. 11 collection of patriotic songs. Sec ruino, T 4280. IS TlIOMS()X, Robert D. Kesearcbes on the food of animals, and the fattening of cattle; with remarks on the food of man. From the last London ed. New York, ls4i>. 12" 3700.23 Thomson,!', chemistry of animal bodies. Edin- burgh, IM3. s° 3977.12 Thomson, Williiim, 75.7). Outline of the necesnary laws of thought : a treatise on logic. 5th ed. Loudon, isiio. 10° 5008.30 Thomson, William, LL.D. History of Philip the third, king of Spain. Sec Watson, U. . . . 4240.14 Thorksuy, It. Diary (1077-1724). I'ublished by J. Hunter. London, 1S30. 2v. 8° .... 4545.7 — Letters of eminent men, addressed to R. Thoresby. London, 1S32. 2v. 8° 4545.8 Thouin, E. Repertoire bibliographique des ouvra- ges de legislation et de jurisprudence, 1789- 1S03. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1803. 8° *21S5.23 TiiOHLiiY, J. Knquiry into the nature, order, and o-overument of bees. Loudon, 1744. 8° . . 589S.S TiiousBUUY, W. Life of J. M. W. Turner. Lon- don, 1802. 2v. 8° 4005.17 Thornton, John. The preciousness of Christ. Boston, 18:!4. 18° 6447.35 — Repentance explained and enforced. New Maveu, 1834. 18° 5447.42 Thornton, John Q. Oregon and California in 1848. New York, 1849. 2v. 12° 2378.20 Thornton, John W. Colonial schemes of Popliani and Gorges. Speech at the Port Pophnm celebration, Aug. 29, 181)2. Boston, 1803. 1.8°. 4312.3 — Genealogical memoir of the Gilbert family. [Boston], 1850. pp.23. 8° 4355.48 TiiOKXTON, U. J. The philosophy of medicine: . or, medical extracts. 4tb ed. London, 1799, 1800. 6v. 8° 3710.25 THORNTON, W. T. Plea for peasant proprietors; with outlines of a plan for their establish- ment. London, 1848. 12° 4300.17 TuoRNWELL, J. H. The state of the country. Columbia, 1801. pp. 32. 8° 4340a. 63 TuoROM.vcHus, or Toromachus. Collectio histo- rica chronographica e.x Toromacho. [Cani- sius. Thesaurus, v. 2, p. 1] 4140.3 THOROUGH bass. Burrowes, J. P. Thorough-base primer 4059.25 — Schneider, F. Treatise on 8043.15 Thou, J. A. de. Historiarvm svi temporis P. 1-5. Francofvrti, 1009-21. Sv. 8° *4157.2 — Thuanus restitutus, sive sylloge locorum vari- orum, in [ejus] historia hactenus desidera- torum. Item P. Guicciardini paralipomena, Latine, Italici et Gallice. [Ed. A. de Wic- quefort] Amstelodami, 100.3. 8m.l2° . . . 6309a. 1 — De re aceipitraria libri metric! tres. See Ri- gault, N B.171.9 — Life of. .?«■ Collinson, J 2054.15, aud 2655.12 Thouar, p. n libro del fanciuUetto, ad esercizio delle facoltil iutclletuali e morali. Firenze, 1853. 10° 5599a. 11 Thought, Elements of. Taylor, 1 5008.23 Thoughts, in a series of letters, respecting the divi- sion of the states, n. p., [1813]. pp.24. 8°. 4318.45 Thoughts on non-residence, tithes, inclosurea, rare landlords, rich tenants, etc. By the author. London, 1800. 8° ♦Pph.v.350 " Thoughts on slavery,"' rebutted. Lowell, 1849. pp. 44. 8° 4310.49 Thoughts on the establishment of new manufac- tures in Ireland. Dublin, 1783. pp. 47. 8°. v.4of*2478.3 Thoughts on the e.xpediency of a relaxation of the corn laws. London, 1.S22. pp.59. 8° . 3570.7 shoir. No. Thoughts on tlieincreasinn; wealth and national ecouomy of the United States. Washington, 1801. pp. 40. 8° 4329.4 TnoUGHT,s on the inexpediency of continuing the Irish woollen ware-house, as a retail shop. Dublin, 1779. pp- 19. 8° v. 1 of *2478.3 Thoughts on the proposed annexation of Texas to the United States. New York, 1844. pp. 55. 8° 4318. 50 Thrack. Abhandlung von Thracien nach Herodot nnd Thucydides. Gatterer, J.C 2988.24 Thhacian dialects. Ueber die thrakische Sprach- classe, von R. K. Rask. [Vater. Vergleich- nngstafeln, n. s. w.] 4207.0 Thi;ek weeks .at Gettysburg. Woolsey, G. . . .4310a. 101 TuREI.KKl.n, L. E. Key to the structure of the aboriginal language, spoken in the vicinity of Hunter river, etc., New South Wales. .Sydney, 1850. pp. 83. 8° B. 170. 90 THR0.\T, Diseases of the. Gibb, G. D 3798.14 See also: Diphtheria, Epiglottis, Larynx, Speocli, Traeht-a. Theombo.sis of the cerebral sinuses. Dusch, T. V 5714.9 Throsby, J. Select views in Leicestershire, from original drawings, with descriptive and his- torical relations. [V\ ith supplement volume, containing excursions.] Leicester, 1789. 2v. 4° 4490.2 Thrupp, J. Anglo-Saxon home, [or] domestic in- stitutions of England from the 5th to the 11th century. Loudon, 1802. 8° 2418.11 Thrushes. Monograph of the Pittida:. Elliot, D. G .38.B.1 Thucydides. De bello Peloponnesiaco libri viii. Cum versione Latina. Ex. ed. J. C. Gottle- beri, C. L. Baveri. Londini, 1819. 4v. 8°. .3003.15 — - Same. Recensuit et illustravit P\ Goeller. Londini, 1835. 2v. 8° *B.166.6 — - Same. Recensnit J. G. Donaldson. New York, 1801. 2v. 18° 4999a.l8 — Histoire, trad, du grec par P. C. Levesque. Paris, 1795. 2v. 4° 2990.25 — - Same. Paris, 1795. 4v. 8° 3004.12 — Lexicon Thucydida^um: dictionary of words, jilirases, and principal idioms, containi-'d in the History of the Peloponnesian war . . 3004.20 — Qua; Thucydidi propria sunt; Judicium de Thucydidis historiis. [Dionysius Ualicarnas- sensis. Opera, v. (>] 4204.7 — Uber Thucydides, vergleichende Betrachtung- en. See Roth, F 3001.6 Thugenides. [Meineke. Fragm. com. Gr., v. 5]. B.162.8 Thummel, M. a. v. SiimmtUche Werke. Leip- zig, 1811-19. 7v. 16° 4897.8 Contents. — Vol.1. Vermischte Gcdichte; Die Inocu- lation dcr Liebe, ejno Erziihlung; VVilhelmine, ein prosaisch koniiBchee Gedichl. Il-Vl. Keisein (lie niit- tiigliehcu Proviuzin von Franltreich, ein Roman. VII, Leben M. A. Ton Thiimmels, von J. E. von Gruner; Anbang. — Wilhelmine, ein prosaisch komisclies Gedicht. Leipzig, 1769. 24° *»2879.19 THiJMMiG, L. P. Institutiones philosophise Wol- tian^e. Ed. nova. -Francofurti, 1729-36. 2v. 12° 6099a. 7 Thunberg, C. p. Characteres generum insecto- rum, variis cum adnotationibus ed. F. A. A. Meyer. Gottingiie, 1791. pp. 48. sm.8° . 3896.30 — Voyages to the Indian seas and Japan, [lla- vor. Voyages, V. 11] 0267.1 — Aminnelse-Tal bfver. .See Billberg, G. J. . . 2845.20 Thunder and lightning. Notice historique sur le tonnerre et les eclairs. Du Moncel, T. A. L. de 3901.17 Thundering legion. De miraculo, quoii legio ful- minatrix olim fecisse dicitur. [Mosheim. Dissertationum syntagma] 3454.5 THUNMANX 630 TIECK 4'J30.8 4213.3 4sG9a.l Shelf. No. Thcsmass, J. Untersuclmnsen iilier die alte Ge- schichte einigernordisclien Viilker, herausg. Ton A. F. Biiscliins- lierlin, ir?2. sni-S" . 4229.7 — Untersuchungcn iiber die Goscliiclite der ost- lichen euroniiisclien VtJlker. T. 1. Leipzig, ,— , „= ' 4147.10 l(/4. 8 ThUrlnger Volksfreund. Eiue Wochensclirift fiir Tliuringen, das Osterliind und Voigtland. [No. 1-52.) Jt-na, 1829. 4° 7231.5 Thdringi.a.. Herzog, C. Gcschiclite des thurm- gisclien Volkes .• 283C.16 — Sagittaiius,C. AntiquitatesgentilismietChris- tianisiui Tliuringici — Stolle, C. Tliuiingisch-erfurtisclie Chronik . — Sydow, F. W. V. Tlluriugen und der H.-UZ, Volkssagon und Legeuden — Wolfing,—. Rdsedurcli Tluiiingeu THVKiSGi.i sacra, sive liistoria monasteriorvm, quae olim in Tlivriugia floivervnt; accedvnt S.Reylicii monvmenta landgravioivmTbvr- in"iae et marcliiouvm Misniae. Fraucoivrti, j;3; f *4;40.S Thceston, E. a. Mosaics of human life. Phila- delpllia, ISliCi. 12 ^5711.5 Thurston, G. H. Piusburgh as it is. Pittsburgh, 1857. 12" 23---i-12 Thursi o.v, J. p. The union of the states, and the union of the families of the United States and Great Britain. I'ortland, 1801. pp. 32. g. 4340a. 69 — Appendix to the Union of the States. Port- land, 18(51. pp. 43. 8° 4340a. 69 Thinse, SlemoriaU of the family of. See Botfield, jj 2521.18 TIARRS, J.G. Exercises for writing German. 1st Am. ed. by 1!. Kiilker. Uostun, 1846. 12° . 48?8.5 — - Same. 11th ed. London, 1801. 12°. . . . 4889.10 — A key to the E.\ercises for writing German. London, 1859. pp.71. 12° 4889.17 — Grammar of the German language. 13th ed. Loudon, 18130. ls° 48S9.9 TiBEKGiiiE.N, G. Essai theorique et historique sur la generation des connaissances humalnes. Bru-xelles, 1844. 1.8° 0101.1 TlBCLLL-s, A. Vita, e.\ P. Crinito; Opera. [Gott- fried. Corpus vet. poet.) B. 191.9 — Carmiua. A'ci- Catullus, C. V 4919.25 — Electa. SeeOvidius Naso, P 4929.10 — Elegies, trunsl. from the Latin, by J. Grainger. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 13J . — Elegiac extracts from Tibullus and Uvid; with English introductions and notes, liy W. Itam' say. 3d ed. London, 1859. 12° — Panegyrieus ud Messallum. [Ueichard. Syl- loge opusculoruni veterum poeticorum] . .Ii.l79a.j TICBOSIUS, or Tycholiius. De septem regulis ad investigandam Scripturam liber. [.Ma.vimn biblioth. vet. patr., V. 0] B. 110.2 TICID.\,C. Vita.e.xP.Crinito; Fragmenta. [Gott- fried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.191.9 TiCKKI.L.T. Miscellaneous poetieal works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 8] . 4004.1 TicivNoii, C. Treatise on medical plnlosopliy. Xew York, 1838. 12° TicitNOK, G. History of Spanish literature. 3d Am. ed. Boston, ISiH. 3v. p.8° — Ilisloire de la lillerature espagnole. Premiere perlodo depuis les origines jusqu'ii Charles- Quint. Tr. pur J.U.iMagnabal. Paris, 1801. 8° ■ — Lecture on the best methods of teaching the living lan;;uageii. Boston, 1833. 8° . . . .•*20.'>5.14 — Life ol' (ien. Lafayette. From the North American review. Boston, 1^25. pp.tVl. b°.*M040.1ll — Lileof VV. II. Preacott. Boston, IsW. 4°. . •23JU.30, and**4:i41.1» — - Same. Boston, 18iV4. b° 2347.38 _ - Same. Boston, 1»IH. 12° 2347.32 — ( UemurkH on tln> life und writings of I). Web- ■ t r.J Philadelphia, 1811. pp. 48. 8' Shelf. No. TiCKNOR, G., covtinued, — Remarks on the character of the late Edward Everett, made at a meeting of the Massaclm- setts historical society, Jan. 30,1805. Bos- ton, 1805. 8° 4311.18,19 — Review of Memoirs of the Rev. .1. Buckmiu- ster and the Kcv. J. S. Buckminster. [From the Christian examiner, Sept., 1819.] Cau\- bridge, 1»49. pp.29. s= . . .»*2343.23,and4347.11 TiCKNOR, 11. M., and Baker, IS. F. The burnmg ship : a cantata, in three parts. Boston, n. d. pp. 40. obl.4° — The storm king: a cantata. Boston, n. d. pp. 10. 4° ^ 't ' TicosuisiioG.\, llome sketches of. Cook, F. J. Ticozzi, S. Raccolta di lettere sull' architettura, ec. SeeBottari.G.G ^^f-" TIDAL waters. Operation of. Taylor, T. J 394-. IS Tides. Lunar tidal wave in the North American lakes. Graham, J. D 39.4.20 Tieck, L. Gesammelte Novellen. Keue Ausg. _^ Berlin. 1852-54. 12y. 10° ^80, .i 8011.44 8041.13 2371.25 4601.1 2949.14 789.11 3094.6 6095.1 CmucM. — Vol. I. Die Ocmuldo i Die Vcrlohung ; DIo Hciecnden; Musikalische Leiden und Frouden; Der Goheimnissrolle. II. Dos Feat zu KencUvorth; Dlch- terlebon. III. Gliick gicbt Vcwloud; llcr fuiifzohuta November; Tod dosDiehtoi-B. IV. Dei-.Iobiro»rkt;l)er ilexeii-Sobbalb. V. Der Wl\6>ermenscb ; Der Mond- Biichligo; Weihnaoht-Abcnd; D119 Z«uberstlil08»; Uo- bereiluiig. VI. Der Gelelirte; Die Ahuenprobe; Der wvcderkehreode griechische Kaiser. VIl. Eiue Sora- meireise; Die Wuuderaiichtigen; Pietro von Abiino. Vlli. Das alte Buch uud die Koiso ins Blaue hineinj Der Alio vom Berge ; Eigensiiio und Launo ; Die Go- sellschaft ant den. Lande. IX. Der Seluiti-.geist ; Dio Klausenburg; Abeudgesiiracbe 1 Wunderllehkeileni Die Ulocko von Aragon. X. Dos Lobens Ueborflussi Der Aufrubr in den Cevenuen ; Liobeswevben ; Waidein- samkeit. XI. Die Vogelschouehu: Miihrchen-Novollo. Xll. Der junge Tiscblermeister. Nacligclassene Schrifteu. in 1. 10° Leipzig, 1855. 2t. C'oHffiiUS.— Vorwort; Dronmtischcs: Dio Sonimer- uacht, cin dramatisches Fragment ; Uos lieli, eln Feeii- luarchon ; Hanswurst al» Emigrant, l'ulil>eU81.iel i Autl- Faust Oder Geschiehto ciues dummeii Toufels, eln Lust- sl.iel; Melusino, Fragment; Lyrischos; Kovellistisebos: Uynoi Iliitteu-Moistor, Miirchon Novollos tVnguicnti K'ritisch.is: Bemorkungen iber Farloillchkelt. Uunnn- hcit u.ld Boslieit, bei Gelcgeuheil der ilerren ..Falk, .Merkei uud des Luslsiilels ■' Cauiiiloon" ; Dub llucU Uber Shakespeare, Fragment und Eluwilrfo. — Deutsches Theater [1450-1080]. Berlin, 1817. ••2878.5 Confenls. — Vol. 1. Hans RosenplUt: Dos Turckon vassnnachtspll ; Hans Saebs ; Dor bf.ss liuuel. ; Da. Nar. re,iK,lineydeu ; Comedia, darin die (iilltlu fulliis die Tu- gend, uud die Ciillin Venus die Wollust verllchl; Kin lomedla, Von dein relcheu slurbenacn Mensebou, der Uoea.tus gouannt; Coniedia, Die nngeleielion Klndor Kue, wio slo Got der llerr unredt ; Eln Coiuedl, Dio vcr- trleben Keyserln mit don nveycn vorlornen SObnen ; Jacob Ayrer: Der uberwunden Truramelseblager; Dor engelendlsche Jonu l'o»»et, oin Foslnaobl-Spiel t Tragc. dla, Von dein grloehlsclieu Keyser au Constunllnopol, und seiner Tochter I'ellmperia, niit doiu gehengten Ho- ratio; Comcdla, Von der schiiuen I'lioenecla und Graf TynibrI von Gulison auss Arragonlen, « lo es ibuen In lUrer obelichen Llcb gangrn, blss «lo eliollcli lusaunnen- kommen ; Comedia, Von der soldbn'n Sldea, wlo e. llir blss lEU Irer VorbuUratung organgen ; Kngllselie Conin- dlen uud TragiJdIen i Tnigoedlu von Tito Audronleo, und der bollerllgeu Kilj-sorln. II. Engllsebo Comlldleu uud Tragiidlon ! Cuuloedla, Von Forlunalo uud soluein Seo- kel uud VVQiisehbaMeln; M. Upll«i DartU' ; Andreas Urypblu.: Cardeulo uud Celludo; Horrlblllcrlbrlfax i Absurda eomlea, Oder llerr IVter B.lueuta; Casper von Lobvusteln: Ibrahim IJasHU. Daulul •»23«.a4 Epilog zur InindertjiihriKen Geburtsfeler Gii- Ihe's. Berlin, 1M9. )ip. 10. 8° Miiiui'lleder aus dem schwiibisclien Zeitalter, Biodorum Tyrensem. [Migne. Pairologia Gr;/(er o/ .Ivi/ioc/i. Oratio in cru- cem et in transtigurationem Christi. [Migne. PatrologiaGra;ca, V.80, p.l] 6462.6 TiiioTiiKVs, presbijier of Constantinople. De lis qui ad ecclesiam nccedunt, sive de roceptione hajreticornm. [Migne. Patrologia Grxca, T. 80, p. 1] 5102.0 TiMOTiiElis, itrcibytcr of Jerusalem. Oratio in Siineonem; Dialogus Christiani et Juda:i. [Jligne. l*atrologia Graeca, V. 80, p. 1] . . 5402.6 — llonnlia de Simeone sene et propheta. [Mai. Class, auct., v. 10] H.172..3 — Oratio de propheta Simeone. [Ma.xima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. 5] B.110.2 TiMOTiiEUs III, jiatriarch of Alexandria. Frag- meuta dogmatica. [Migne. Patrologia Gr;e- ca, v. 86, p. 1] 5402.6 TmoTHEUS lierytensis. Fragraenta. [Migue. Patrologia Graeca, v. 84] 5402.5 TiMOUK, Embassy to the court of, 1403-6. Clavijo, R. G. de 2264.21 TI3IPE, or Tympe, M. Episcoporum Monasterien- sium catalogus. [Matthasi. Analecta, v.8] . 4139a. 1 TiMPSON, T. Memoirs of Elizabeth Fry; with a biographical sketch of her brother, J. J. Gurney. 2d ed. London, 1847. 12' 2546.28 TiMUR, or Demur Lenk, known as Tamerlane. In- stitutes, transl. into Persian by Abu Taulib Alhusseiui; into Englisli by Maj. Davy. With notes by J. White. Oxford, 1783. 4°. 3022.23 TiNDAL, M. Christianity as old as the creation ; or, the gospel a republication of the religion of nature. Newburgh, 1798. 8° 6065.8 TiNDAL, N. Continuation of the history of Eng- land. ,S'ec Kapin Thoyras, P. de . ..... 4176.1 TlNELLl, L. Hints on the cultivation of the mul- berry [and] the production of silk. New York, 1837. 12° *Pph.v.374 TiNNEVELLY mislion of the church missionary society. Pettitt, G 3537.5 TiPULA. Beschreibung der in Schlesien einhei- mischen Arten der Gattuug Tipula. Schum- mel, T. E 3896.26 TIKABCSCHI, G. Memorie storiche modencsi col codice diplomatico. Modena, 1793, 94. 4v. 4°. *4191.2 — Storia della litteratura italiana. Roma, 1782- 84. 7v. in 9. 4° *4191.1 TISCHBEIN, J. H. W. Aus meinem Leben. Her- ausg. von C. G. W. Schiller. Braunschweig, 1801. 2v. 8° 2845.17 TISCHEJIDOKF, L. F. C. Anecdota sacra etprofana, sive notitia codicum Graec, Arab., Syr., Copt., Hebr., Aeth., Lat. Lipsise, 1801. 4°. 3421.5 — De Evangeliorum apocryphorum origine et usu. Hagae Comitum, 1^51. 8° 6010.27 — Notitia editionis codicis Bibliorum Sinaitici. Accedit catalogus codicum nuper ex Urieute Petropolin perlatorum. Item Origenis scho- lia in Proverbia toalomouis. Lipsiai, 1860. 4°. 5421.4 — Evangelia apocrypha. See Apocryphal New Testament 6018.3 — Qujestio de textus fonte pastoris Hermje. See Dressel, A. R. M 6040.22 TISCHEK, J. F. W. Calvin's Leben, Meinungen und Thaten. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1818. 16°. v. 3 of C059a.2 — Luther's Leben und Thaten. 5te Aufl, Leip- zig, 1818. 10° V. 4 of 6059a.2 — Life of Martin Luther. Added, a selection IVom [his] sermons. New York, 1841. 8° . 3550.29 — riiii-pp Melauehthou's Leben. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1801. 10° v. 6 of 6059a. 2 — Lebensbeschreibungen beriihmter Rcformato- ren. tS'ee Wagner, G. 11. A 6059a. 2 TissOT, S. A. Avis au peuple sur sa sant6. 2e c-d. Lausanne, 1763. Iv, in 2. 10° *3769.17 TISSOT 632 TONE shelf. No. TissOT, S. A., continued. — Auleitnng rdr den gemeinen ^I.inn. in Absiolit auf .^C'ine Gesundheit. 3te Aufl., aus dem Franzosischen Ubersetzt. Mannheim, 1772. 115° ».1709.33 Tithes. Canisius, H. De decimis, piimitiis, etc. 0066. U — Englisti clergy's right to tithes examined . . P[)h.v.341 TlTIAXl-s, W. See Wernerus Titinnus. TiTT.M.\x.N, C. C. Opvscvla theologica. Lipsiae, 1803. (j° 6066.3 Contentt. — Meletemata sacra in eTan^elium JoanniB; Ad locum Luc. li,8-14; Ad loca Pa. XL, 7-9 et Helir. .X, 5-7 ; De uolionc sacerdolis in epistola ad Hebr. ; De coni- paratioueChriscicumaugelisin epUtolaad Ilcljr. ; Seu- tentia Jacobi apost. de fide, operibus et Jusliticalione; Devocabulisoeconomiaf salulis; Deitihabilationc tipiri- tus Sancti ; De opere Spiritus Sancti salutari ; De opera Christ! salutari; De resuirectioae tnortuorum beneticio Christ! ; De glossematis N. T. recte investi^audts; De discrimine thcologifc et reli{;ionis; De theologis vete- rum ; De noxis, ex iascitia UliPuaruiu doctrina: Chris- tiasa; illalis. TiTTMAXN, F. W. Nationalita 'und Staat. Dres- den, 1861. pp.53. 8° 3563.16 TiTTMANN, J. A. H. Opuscula varii argunienti, ma.ximam partem dogmatici, apologetiei et historic!. Lipsiae, 18^33. 8° 6066.4 TiTUBEt,. Rittergedicht. See Eschenbach, W. v. 2874.31 Titus, emperor. Lebeu. [Schrockh. Allgemeiue Biographic, v. 1] 4143.6 Titus Bostrensis, bishop in Arabia, Libri tres ad- versus Manichieos, F. Turriano interprete; In ramos palntarum oratio ," Commentarius in Lucam. [Ma.xinia biblioth. vet. pair., v. 4]. B.110.2 — Libri tres adversus dlauicha^os, Gr, et Ljit. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v, IJ , 4140.3 — - Same. [Migne. Patrologia Grajca, v. 18] . 5461.9 TIVOLI, Journt-e pittoresque de. LTggeri, A, . . ', 2761.12 Tobacco. Adams, C. .S. Poem on the use of . . 4390a. 1 M:ignen, J. C. Exercitationes de tubaco . . 5859.26 — Mussey, K. D. lufluence of tobacco upon life and health 5796.79,80 — Saxton, C. 31. Hand-book of tobacco culture. 6999.10 TocyUEVii.LE, A. C. H. Clerel de. UStoire plii- losopliitjuo du rfegne de Louis xv. Paris, 1847. 2v. 8° 6108.1 — Amerika's Besserungs-System. Sec Beaumont dc la Honniere, G. A. de 3575.33 Tocquot, J.K. lioyal pocket dictionary. French and English. JJew ed. Loudon, 180S. ls°. 4689a. 35 Tocsis, Le, du Vatican. See Pius ix 4714.9 To-DAY, a Boston literary journal. Hale, C. . . . 2390.3 Todd, H..J. Life and writings of B. Walton, bp. of Chester. Added, ^Valton's vindication of the London Polyglot. London, 1821. 2v.in 1. 8'. 2447.17 Todd, James H. Xlie books of the Vaudois. The Waldensian maimscripts preserved in tlie library of Trinity college, Dublin. London, 1865. sm.8° 3528.10 Todd, John, D. D. Colleges essential to the church of God : letters to a parishioner. New York, 1847. pp. .30. 8° v. 1 of •5590.1 Lectures [to children]. Translated [into Ka- ren] by Jlrs. C. H. Vinton. 1st ed. Tnvoy, 1842. 12° 3038.13 — Sermon in Boston, May 20, 1853, before the convention of congregational ministers of Massachusetts. Northampton, 1853. 8°. .•4357.13 — Introduction to ".Scripture illustrated." See Field, C 6429a. 29 TODD, .John and George, booksellers. New descrip- tion of York. 12th eil. Vork, 18.(0. 12° . . 2480.20 Todd, John E. Death In tin? palace. Sermon In memory of E. Everett, Jan 22, 1805. Boston, 1865. 8° 4341.11 — Sketch of the life and character of W. J. Hub. banl. Toj-ether with the proceedings of the Sullolk bar, and remarks of chief justice Big- elow and II. \V. Pulne. Boston, 186-J. pp. 17. S° 4348.12 Shelf. No. TODD, R. B., and Bowman, V,'. Physiological an- atomy and pliysiology of man. \o\. 1. London, 1845. »° 3702.23 TODESCHIXI, G. Lettere critiche sulla novella di Giuliettae Romeo. [Porto. Lettere storidie]. 2748.8 ToDHUNTEit, I. Elementary treatise on the theory of equations. Cambridge, 1801. 12° .... 3930.27 — History of the calculus of variations during the nineteenth century. Cambridge, 18eech, and unity In society. By C. L. [No title-page.] pp.12. 12° •4103.10 TONGUES 633 TOURNAMENTS ToNORFs. Oesta pontiQcum Tiingrensiuin. Clia- pcniiville, J 2813.5 ToNTi, le cheralier, RcluUons ile la Louiaiiiiie, ct (111 tkiive Mississipi. AinsliTilam, 1720. Vi". 2309.19 TooGooi), J. Till- book of iiaturu: a discourse. Addfil, till! duty of mercy, and sin of cruelty to brutqj. rroni Dr. Priuiiitt's dissertation. Boston, ISO'.'. 4th ed. pp. 47. 16° .... 6450a. 6? TOOKK, .). H. Barclay, J. Sequel to the Diver- sions of Purley 2585.4 — Fearn.J. Anti Tooke 2685.6 TuoMiis, K. Slavery in the United States ; its con- sistency with republican institutions, [etc.J. An oration before the societies of Emory eollejro. Aug-usta, (ja., 1853. s" U.ICO.IOI — Speech on property in territories, delivered in tlie senate, May 21, 1800. Washington, IsOO. [No title-fiage.] 8° 4350a. 11 Tdi'Iiam.E. [Letters from Edinburgh, during a si.x months i-fsidence, 1774, 75.] London, 17711. 8°. 2477.10 — Life of John Elwes. From the Sd London ed. I'oughkeepsie, I8I5. 1S° 4549a. 35 TOPLADY.A. M. Works. Newcd. Loudon, 1837. 1.8° 5502.0 Contents. — Stonioirs; Historic proof of ttie doctri- DUl Calvinism of tlio cliurcii of Enelaud; Chronology of England; Ou abolition of clerical subscription; Sermons; Essays; Cliarch of Entjinnd vindicated from the charge of Arminiauism ; Juvenile poems ; Maturer poems. TorsELI,, E. Reward of religion, in lectures upon thebooke of Ruth. Loudon, 1597. sm.s° . 5429.8 TiiRBANE Hill case. Gillespie, E. I£ 5803.11 Tiiitcv, le tmirijuis de. See Colbert, J. B. ToiLNAno of 1851, in Middlesex county, Mass. Brooks, C 3967.29 Toronto. Canadian institute. Canadian journal of industry, science, and art. Kew series, V. 1-1. Toronto, l83r.-59. 4v. 8° *7306.1 — - Catalogue of the Ubrary. Toronto, 1858. pp.23. 8' V. 3of*73C6.1 ToRozi i.MOC, or Tozozomoc. See Tezozomoo. TuuQUATus, G. Poutilicum ecclesia; Magdebur- gcnsis series et ordo usque ad an. 1513. [Mencke. Script. Germ., v. 3] 4201.2 ToRQUEMADA, J. de. Monarcliia Indiana, con el origen y guerras de los ludios ocidentales. Madrid, 1723. 3v. f *4iei.3 Torre, F. della. .See Gra;vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., ■r.0,p.4; T.8,p.4 4710.1 Co/tfews. — T. G, p. 4. Dissertationes de Epiono, ot aliis quibusdamAciuilejcnsium diis.acde coloniaKoro- julionsi; Fragmenta inseriptionum fratruin Arvalium. T. 8, p. 4. Mooumeuta voteris Antii: hocost, Inscriptio M. Aiiuilii et tabula soils MiUu-fie; Explicatio inscrip- tionis Aotiquai de taurobolio. TOKRENS, H. D. Travels in Ladak, Tartary, and Kashmir. 2d ed. London, 1803. 8° . . . . 3(M3.14 Torrens, T. U. C. Life and times of Sir James R. G.Graham. Loudon, 1^03. 2v. 8° . . . . 2543.18 Toerente, JI. Slavery in the island of Cuba. [Spauish and English.] London, 1853. s°. 6572.53 ToRREi-ALMA, coiiM of. See Vcrdugo de Castilla. Torres, A. Oraciou en las e.xuquias del rey nues* tro seuor Don Carlos iii. Madrid, 1789. pp. i». f ° 3101.15 Torres, F. Prolegomena ct explanationes in apos- tolorum constitutioues. See Constitutioues. 3463.41 Torres Xaharro.B. Comedias; Imenca; Jacinta; Calamita; Aquilana. [BiilU de Faber. Te- atro espaiiol anterior a Lope de Vega] . . . 4240.10 Torres Villarroel, D. de. [Obras. Con vida por clmismo.] Madrid, 1794-99. 15v. 10°. . *3105.10 Contents. — Vol. I. Anatomia de todo lo visible e invisible, compendio universal de umbos mundos. U. Sucl'ios morales: Visiouesy visitos con F. de yuevcdo por Madrid; Barca de .\<]ueronte, y rcsideDcia infernal de I'luton- III Suefioa morales: Los dcsahuciadoa del muudo y de la gloria. IV. Tratados fiaicos, medicos y SO Torres Villarroel, D. de, continued. morales, vida natural y calulica. V. Trntados fisicos y medicos do ]os teniblores y otroB moviinientos do la tierra. VI. El orinitai"io y Torres, aventura curiosa on (lue so trata de la piedrtt fllosofal, y las trea carlillas, rfistlca, mcdica y ecclesifistiea. \'II-IX. Juguotes do Talia, cntretenimientOB del Nuraon, varius poeslas. X, XI. Extracto de los pronosticos del gran piscalor do Sulanninca, desdo el alio do 1725 husta el de 175^. XII, XIII. Vida do Cregoritt Francisca de Santa Teresa. XIV. Vida do Geronimo Abarr&tegui y Figue- roa; Cfttedra do Morir. XV. Vida, asceudoocia, na- cimieuto, crianza y aventuraa do U. de Torres Villar- roel. Toukev, E. [Theognis; a lamp in the cavern of evil. By Catius Junior.] Boston, 1850. 12°. 4278.35 ToRREY, Jesse, jr. Mond instructor, and guide to virtue. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1S24. 12° . . 3.587.9 — - Same. 0th ed. Philadelphia, 1825. 12° . 7009.22 — Portraiture of domestic slavery in the United States. Philadelphia, 1817. pp.94. 8° . . 4290.10 Toerey, John. Compendium of tlie flora of the northern and middle states. New York, 1826. 1-° 3859.28 TOKSELLi, V. Delle scienze in Lucca e dei loro coltivatori. Lucca, 1843. 8° 4770.31 TOESHELL, S. Design about disposing the Bible into an harmony. [Phenix, v. 1] 4157.1 TOETI, F. I'olyantbea floribus uovissimis sparsa. A'ceNaui, D 4150.3 TORTOLETTi, B. Giouata, tragedia. Macerata, • 1024. sm,12° »4S09a.32 Torture. Bernhardi, M. De tortura ex foris Christianorum proscribeuda 4304.22 — Reitemeier, J. F. De origiue et ratione qua;s- tionis per tormenta apud Grscos et Roma- nos B. 170a. 98 — Wasserschleben, W.A. Historia quaistionum per tormenta apud Romanos B. 170a. 121 TosTi, L. Prolegomeni .allastoria universale della chiesa. Firenze, 1801. 12° .3510.16 TOTT, F. de. Mcmou-es sur les Tares et les Tar- tares. Maestricht, 17S5. 4v. in 2. sm.l2°. 3085.7 Totten, J. G. Reports in relation to the survey of Boston harbor. See Boston. Jluuicipal government 6355.2 Touciiard-Lakosse, G. Histoire de Chiirles xiv (Jean Bernadotte), roi de Suiide et de Nor- vege. Paris, 1838. 3v. 8° 2852.28 Toulouse. Goudelin, P. Dictionnaire de la Ian- gue toulousaine . . ; 41S9a.9 — Montegut, J. F. de. Recherches sur les anti- quitt}sdc 4091.2 — Academic des jeux floraux. Recueil de piece's de pocsie et d'eloquence. Toulouse, [1732]- 1803. 08v. in 45. 8° **0087 . 1 Xote; This set contains theBccueilsforthe years 1733- 35, 30, 'lO, 42, 43, 46-53, 55^7, 18()(W2, 55, 57 5a-63. — - Memoire pour servir i I'histoire des jeux floraux. Poitevin-Peitavi, I'. V. 0590.1 — Soci(:-ti5 archiSologique du midi de la France. Memoires. T. 1. 1832,33. Toulouse, 1834. 4°. **4C91.4 Tourgueniek, I. S. Memoires d'un seigneur russe. Trad, du russe par E. Charriere. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1855. 10° 4188.24 — Recits d'un chasseur, trad, par II. Delaveau. 2e ed. Paris, 1859. 12° 4188.18 — Scenes de la vie russe. Nouvelles russes, trad. par X. Marmier. Paris, 1858. 10° 4189.4 — - Same. 2es(;rie. Trad, par L.Viardot. Paris, 1858. 12° 41S8..3 Tourist, The, or pocket manual for travellers on ■ the Hudson, tlie western caual, [etc.]. 3d ed. New York, 1834. pp. 95. ls° 2379.20 — - Same. 6th ed. New Y'ork, 1838. 18° . . 2379.21 Tourist's companion; a description and history of Kipon, Studley Park, etc. 0th ed. Ri- pon, 1833. 10° 4J79a.S Toukna.ments. Ursprung, Au.sbildung, Abnahme uud VcrfiiU des Turuiers. Budik, P. A. . . 2231.4 TOUEXAY 634 TKANSACTIONS Shelf. No. TOUKNAY. Le Barre, P. de. Mcmoires sur I'liis- toire de Touinai, 15i)5-70 2820.24 — Waruy, P. Jlemoires sur le siege de Tournay, 15S1 2820.28 TOUKSEFOKT, J. P. de. Eeise in die Levaute. [Rinlj. Eeisen uach dem Orit-nt] 4243.5 TOURSIER, — . La Bible, discours prC-che a Geneve le 9 et le 20 mars, IS5.3. Sec Conferences sur les principes de la foi reform(5e B. 117.0 TousSF.SEL, A. L'esprit des betes. Zoologie pas- sionelle. Mamniiferes de France, ie ed. Paris, 1862. 8° 3007.4 TouTi Nameh. Sammlung persischer Mahrchen. Necbschebi, H 3025.25 TaVEY, C. Wine and wine countries. London, 18132. 1(3° «08-=5 TowEU, D. B. Common scbool graWiar. Boston, 1^59. 12° 4588.8 — .ind Walker, C. Sequel to the gradual reader. 12th ed. New York, 1850. 12° 7000.18 TowGoou, M. [Dissenting gentleman's answer to Kev. Mr. White's three letters.] 5th ed. Boston, 1748. 8° *410.1.4 Tows officer, The. Freeman, S 3iil!4.21 Tow.NDHOW, T. Guide to stenography. 2d cd. New Haven, 1832. pp.32. 12° 2115.29 ToWNE, J. U. Colleges and free institutions : a discourse. New York, 1854. 8° . . . v. 2 of *5590.1 — Sermon before the Boston city missionary so- * ciety. Boston, 1843. 8° 5470.39 TowsLEY, E. Practical directions for the manage- ment of honey bees. New Y'ork, 1848. 18°. 5S99a.l9 Tow.NLKY, .1. Life of Maimouides. See Moses Ben Maimon 0073.2 — Love to the Scriptures : sermon. [Sermons on important subjects] 5442.14 TowTJLEY, R. Cliristianity in the 19th century : a sermon. Boston, 1852. 8° 0OSS.131 TowNSEND, A. Oration, July 4, 1810. Boston, ISIO. 8° 4400a.ll TowNSEND, E. Poems and miscellanies. Boston, 185(i. 4° »*23«3.2 TowNSiONi), G. The Bible arranged in liistorical and clironological order. See Bilile. Kug- Ijsli 5414.25, and 0011.4 — Vindication of "The book of tlie Roman catholic church," against [his] "Accusations of liistory against tlie church of Rome." See Butler, C 3404 18 TOWNSENI), lion. John, 6. 17«, d. 1854, Memorial of. S« Sprague, W. B 4348.17 Tow.NSEND, Hon. John, of St. .Tohn's Colleton, S. C. The South alone should govern the South, and African shivery should be controlled by those only who are friendly to it. Charles- ton, 1800. pp. 02. 8° 4310.50 TowssKM), Joseph. Journey through Spain, 1780, 87. Loudon, 17U1. 3v. 8° 4247.0 TowNSENIi, S. Ready reckoner for cotton warps. London, 1800. 8° 6083.9 ToWNSiiKNi), N. S. Canadian reciprocity. Re- marks in the house of representatives, Feb. 24, 1853. Washington, 1853. 8° 4100a. 4 — The union of the ih'mocracy— resolutions of '98. Spiech in the house of rejiresctiitalives, March 17, l8.')2. [Washiugton], n. d. [No title-page]. 8° • • 440Ua.4 TOW.NSON, T. Kvaugelical obedience; Lovt; (Jod, and keep bis conimandraents: two sermons. [Wbdln. Sunday library, v. 2] 5444.23 ToYNiiEE.J. Ulseases of the ear. London, 1800. g» 3805.25 TOZK, E. OeBchlchte der viTelnlglen Niederlunde. [Universal history, V. 34,35] 4130.4 Tkaiiiiab. y. VIUi, par P. Crlnltum; Fraginentu. [Gottfried. C;orpu» vel. poet.] B. 191.9 TnAilll'.A, .Medication of the. Alison, S. S. . . . 3795.38 TliAirs lor lUiiTiliood. No. I. On seeining. Ily Young England. London, 1844. pp. 30. 8° '1103.10 siiiir. .\«. Tkacy, F. p. Sermon occasioned by the Alton outrage and murder of Rev. E. P. Lovejoy, Dec. 22, 1837. Newburyport, 1838. 8° . . . 4347.62 Teacy,J. Colonization and missions. A historical examination of the state of society in West- ern Africa. 5th ed. Boston, 1840. pp.40. 8", 6470a. 40 — Discourse commemorative of Kev. J. \]|heeler, delivered at Burlington, Aug. 2. 1804. Cam- bridge, 1805. 8° 4348.67 - [Essay on Christian philosophy.] Andover, 1848. pp. 42 . S470a.4« — Report, 6th, of the Trustees of donations for education in Liberia. See Trustees .... 5470a.46 Tkadk, Yearly journal of. Pope, C • 5652.4 Tkades' societies and strikes. .Sec National associ- ation for the promotion of social science . . 3560.2 Tkadescant, J. Voyages to Northern Russia. See Hamel,J ' 3007.6 TKADES5IENS' tokens current in the United States for sixty years. Bushnell, C. I. ..'.... 4-327.7 TitAGEDY. Gravina, G. V. Delia tragedia . . . 4773.13 — Planck, H. De origine attiue indole vcterls tragoediie apud Romanos 2920.4 — Taylor, E. Cursory remarks on 2590.27 Tragic representations, Source of the pleasures derived from. M'Dermot, M 2350.19 Trahndokfp, C. F. E. Der Teufel kein dogma- tisches Hirngespinnst. Berlin, 1853. pp. 55. go 0088.240 Traill, T. S. Outlines of a course of lectures on medical jurisprudence. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1857. 16° 37S9.0 Train, C. R. Speech on the heresy of the doctrine of state rights. Delivered in the house of representiitives, May 24, 1862. n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] 8° 4350a. 72 TiiAIN, G. I?. Union speeches delivered in Eng- land during the present American war. Philadelphia, 1862. pp. 8S. 8° 4340a. 50 Speeches on slavery and emancipation. De- livered in London, March 12 and 19, 1802; also his speech on the " pardoning of trait- ors." Philadelphia, 1802. S° 4310.51 — On T. C. Grattan, secessionist. Boston, 1802. pp.48. 8° 4310a.l09 Traite, Le,de Londres. Copenhague, 1803. pp. 04. 8° 3080.4 TuAITE de paix entre le roy, I'empereur et I'enipire, condu ii Vienne, le IS nov., 1738. I'aris, 1739. 4= »4012.3 TRAiTfc de paix entre le roy, le roy de la Grande Bretagne, et les etiits generaux des Provinces- Unics des Pays-Bas,couclu ii Aix-la-Chapelle, 18 Oct., 1748. Paris, 1750. pp.79. 4° . . . »1612.3 Traits of American-Indian life and character. London, 1S53. 8° 2.306.31 TrAJAXUS, Jl. Uipius. Von ciner milden Stiltung TriOan's. Sec Wolf, F. A 2950.30 Transactions and publications of learned and scientilic associations. American association for the advancement of science. Proceedings, 1849-00 3935.1 — American education society. Quarterly regis- ter and journal, 1829-43 6176.0 — Anuirican normal school association. Proceed- ings of the llrst annual convention, 1859 . . . 3592.19 _ American orii'utal society. Journal, 1849-59 . 4244.7 — Berlin. Kiiniglicho Akiulemie der Wlssen- schaften. Abhanrtlungen, 1801-62 3322.2 _ - - Monatsherichtc, 183«-i)2 3334.2 — Boston. American academy of arts and scien- ces. Memoirs, 1785-1803 3-170.7 _ - - Proceedings, 1848-02 337U.0 — - American statistical association. Collec- tions, 1817 2362.1 — British association for the advancement of sci- ence. Reiwrts, 18.3:1-01 3»10-1 — Brussels. Academic royale. Annuulrc, 18.)5- 61 SW'-' _ - - liulletllls, lt>:t2-60 .'UN'i.l TRANSAC tAns 635 TRANSACTIONS SlK'If. No. Transactions, etc., llnissels, continued. — - - Jli'inoii-cs, 1777-S8 3:)81.1 — - - Jli'iuoircs couronnOs, 1818-54 338^.1 — - - l^rt'inoircscourouUL'Sft autrt's memoircs, 18U>-(;0 330R.I — - - Nouvcaux mi'nioires, lS'iO-51 3381.2 — - fiociiU'derilistoircde lii'lgiriuc. Colli'ctiuil (If iiu'inoires, 1858-iia 2s.>0.2i-33 — Cuiubriiljji', Eng. University. ABtroiioiniciil olisiTvivtions, 1828-54 E.loO.l — Cambridge, Mans. Astronomical observatory. Annals, 185ci-fi2 E.H4.fi — Cilmdfn society. Pnblications. See Camden. 2120. 1-30 — Clielliam society. Publications. Sec Clu'tliam. 2425.1-18 — Coi>enliagen. Konegligo nordiske Oldskrilt- Selslvab. Antiqu.-insli Tidsskritl, 1843-5? . 7282.1 — - - Fornnianna stigur, 1825-37 282ri.ll — - - Oldnordiske Sagaer, 182r>-37 2825. s — - - (ininlands historiske Mcndcsmasrkcr, 1S3S-45 4220.15 — - - Islendinga siigiir, 1829-.30 4220.18 — - - Slemoires, I83(J-49 4230.3 — - - Reports, 1838-39 4230.4 — - Societiis bibliopolariinillaiiniensis. Catalo- -40 . . Pph.v.l2n — - Koyal observatory. Astronomical observa- tions, 18:15-37, .39-59. Sec Great Britain. Ad- miralty E. 100.1 — - Iloyal society. Transactions, 17R*-1S03 . . 3300.1 — Florence. Accademia de' georgoflll. Atti, I"91-18ia 5257.1,2 — Frankfurt. Societas aperiendis fontibus rerum Germnnicarum medii a?vi. Jlonumenta Ger- mani.TB historica, 1820-03 4210,2 — Georgia historical society. Collections, 1840, *2 2375.25 — Giittingen. Georg-Augusts-Universitiit und Kiinigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Nachrichten, 1801-03 4819.1 — - Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft- • en. Abhandlungen, 184.3-01 3304.2 — - - Gclelirte Anzeigen, 1753-1803 3219.2 — (frcenwich. Koyal observatory. Astronomi- cal observations, 1830-02. See Great Britain. Admir.ilty E. 120.1 — - - Reduction of the observations of the moon, 1750-1851. See Great Britain. Ad- miralty E.140.8 — llakluyt society. Publications. See Hakluyt. 2204.18-38 — Institut zar Forderung der israelltischen Lite- ratur. Scliriften, 1804, 05. See Institut. — Leipzig. Kiiniglich siichsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Bericht liber die Schriften welche die Gesellschaft bis jetzt veriilTentlicht hat, 1853 4191.12 — Leyden. Vereeniging ter bevordering deroude Nederlandsche letterkuude. Verslagen en berigten, 1844-18 4255.11 — London. British museum. Publications. See London. — - Chemical society. Quarterly journal, 1849- 04 3900.2 — - Geological society. Quarterly journal, l.'^5- 04 .3808.1 — - Horticultural society. Journal, 1840-55 . . 3997.1 — - - Transactions, 1812-48 3990.3 — - Institute of actuaries. Assurance magazine and journal, 1850-01 7&14.1 Sholf. No. TiiANS.\oTio.vs, etc., London, continued. — - Institution of civil engineers, ilinutes of proceedings, 1837-02 4028.1 — - Linnean society. Transactions, 1791-1850. SsOl.l — - 3Iedico-chirurgic.il society. Transactions, 1809-01 6745.2 — - Microscopical society. Quarterly journal, 1853-r>4 • 6878.1 — - - Transactions, 1844-04 6878.1 — - New Sydenham society. Publications, 1859, 00 5714.1-10 — - Philological society. Transactions, 1854-59. 2940.8 — - Photographic society. Journal, 1854-02 . 4024.1 — - Royal agricultural society of England, Journal, 1840-00 399(i.l — - Royal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland. Transactions, 1834-00 6018. 1 — - Royal astronomical soc. Memoirs, 1822-03. 3341.1 — - - Monthly notices, 1848-00 3341.2 — - Royal college of physii'ians. Pharmacopeia, 1790 3785.17 — - - Translation of pharmacopoeia, 1833 . . , 5785.1 — - Royal geographical society. Journal, 18.32- 03 0205.2 — - - Proceedings, 1857-02 0200.1 — - Royal society of literature. Transactions, 184.3-69 2957.4 — - Royal society. Diplomata et statuta, 1752 , 3283.3 ^ - - Philosophical transactions, 1005-1801 , . 3210.1 — - Society for the dilTusion of useful knowl- edge. British almanac and companion, 1828-03,05 ■ 24S9.1 — - Society for tlie encouragement of arts, man- ■ ufaetures and commerce. Journal, 1802-04. 7212.1 — - - Transactions, 1840-48 E. 149.2 — - Statistical society. Journal, 1839-02 . , , 22t8.1 — - Zoological society. Transactions, 1835-59. 5801.2 — Lucca. Reale accademia lucchese di scienze, lettere ed arti. Atti, 1821-01 .3284.1 — Madrid. Real sociedad economica. Memo- Has, 1780-93 7041.5 — Maine historical society. Collections, 1853-59. 2339.1 — Massachusetts historical society. Collections, 1800-05 2:!61.1 — - Proceedings, 1855-03 2:151.2 — Massachusetts horticultural society. Trans- actions, 1S.37-S 6874.3 — Massachusetts medical society. Medical dis- sertations, 1822 5703.2 — Massachusetts teachers' association. Tlie Massachusetts teacher, 1854-04 5286.1 — Middlesex, Ttfrtss. Society of husbandmen and manufacturers. Transactions, 1851 5993.10 , — Milan. Fondazione scientitica Caguola. Atti, 1850 3285.1 — - I. K. istituto lombardo dl scienze, lettere ed arti. Atti, 1858 6280.1 — - - Memorie, 1843-58 5240.2 — Moscow. Societe imperiale des naturalistes. Bulletin, 1850, 01 38.37.7 — Munich. Konigliche bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhaudluugeu der his- torischen Classe, I83,3MiO 3274.1 — - - Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physi- kalischeu Classe, 1832-03 3204.1 — - - Abhandlungen der philosophisch-philo- logischeu Classe, 1835-00 3254.1 — - - Almanach fur 1859 32()5.1 — - - Gelehrte Anzeigen, 18-35-59 3224.1 — - - Monumenta Boica, 170.3-1801 2855.1 — - - Sitzungsberichte, 1800-(j4 3205.2 — National association for the promotion of so- cial science. Transactions, 1858-05 .... 5500.3 — Netherlands. Koninklijkinstituut voordetaal- land- en volkenkunde van Neerlandsch Indiii. Bijdragen, 185:!-03 4258.1 — New .lersey historical soc. Collections, 1S40. 2372,10 — New York, e/7//. American institute. Trans- actions, 1811-04 0485.1 TRANSACTIOXS 636 FEANSACTIONS Shell". No. Traxsactioxs, etc., covtimictj. — Now York state agrioultural society. Transac- tions, lS(iO-Ot 4005.1 — Kew York state medical society. Transac- tions, lSlS-29 M.Pph.y. 1, 3-5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 89, 110, 122 — Xewcastlc-upon-Tyne. Literary .^nd pliilo- sophical society. Transactions, 1831 . . . I'pb.v. 351 — Norfolk county, Mass. Agricultural society, 1840,51,52 6445.10 — Paris. Acadi'mieiraperialedemedecine. Bul- letin, ISiS-iU 5740a. 1 — - - Memoircs, 1828-61 5741.1 — - Association polytechnique. Entretiens po- pulaires publics par fi. Thevenin, 1800-G3 . . 7917.3 — - Cercle de la librairie, de rimprimerie, etc. Annuaire de la librairie, etc., ISOO 2118.1 — - £cole ijnperiale des cbartes. Bibliothiique, \m)-6l 2272.1 — - lustitut de France. Annuaire, 1700-18G5 . 3319.1 — - - Academic fran^j.aise. Dictionnaire bisto- rjque de la langue franijaise, 1858 2000.13 _ - - _ Petit dictionnaire. 3e ed. 1817. . . 4119.22 — - _ _ Recueil des discours, 180.3-59 .... 3252.2 — - - Acadcimie des inscriptions et belles-let- tres. Momoires, 1815-64 3292.2 — - - - Memoires par divers savants, 1844- 63 3302.2 — _ - - Notices et extraits des M8S. de la Bibliothcque imperiale, etc., 1787-1802 . . . 2190. 1 — - - Acadenjie des sciences. Memoires, 1818- 00 3242.1 — - - - Memoires des sciences matbematiques et physiques, par divers savans, 1827-02 , . 3262.1 — - - - SiJances bebdomadaires. Comptesren- dus, 1835-01 3213.1 — - - Acaderaie des sciences morales et poli- tiques. Stances et travaux, 1842-65 3215.1 — - Societe asiatique. Journal, 1822-65 . . . . 3317.1 — - - Rapport annuel, 1850-59 5017.1 — - Soci<5te de biologic. Comjptes rendus des se- ances et m(5moires, 1849 7710.1 — - SociC'td centrale d'borticulture. Exposition nnivcrsellc de 1855. Proces-verbaux dea sean- ces du jury 3992.11 — - Society cbiniique de Paris. Lemons de cbi- mie profess^-es en 1800 par BIM. Pasteur, Cii- hours, Wurtz, etc 3977.8 — - Soci(it(5 d'encouragement pour I'industrie nationale. Bulletin, 1802-64 3380.1 — - Society de geographic. Bulletin, 1832-65 . 2269.1 — - SociC'tc gijologiquc de France. Bulletin, 1831-63 6857.1 — - - MCmoires, 18.34-56 » 3860.9 — - Soci<5t(5 d'liistoire de France. Annuaire historique, 1837-5.3, 55-57, 60 4069a. 1 — - Societ^ impd'riale zoologique d'accliniata- ticn. Bulletin, 1854-01 .3987.1 — - SociC-te positiviste. Rapport, ls.]S-50 . . . 4300.11 — - Societfi jxmr la propagsition des connnissan. cc8 scientilihical society. Trane- ncllonB, 1780-1865 K.115.2 — - University of I'ennsylvanla. Philoma- thcun society. Report mx the Uosetta stouo, IS.'iS 3030.10 — Prince society. Publications, 1865 4315.2,3 — Riiy»orlety. I'uMlcjilluns. Sec Ray »ociety. 3S80. 15 — Uhoile Island niedlcid society. TraiiHuctlons, 1»3« .■17^15.22 shior. No. Transactioks, etc., contimKd. — Rome. PontiflciocoUegiourbanode propagan- da fide. Accademia poliglotta che gU alunni offrono, per TEpifania, 1800 4129.15 — - - Catalogo dei libri nella tipografia e libre- ria poliglotta, 1858 .B.190.12 — St. Petersburg. Academie Imperiale des sci- ences. Bulletin, 1800-64 32S0.2 — - - Compte rendu, 1849-57 3300.2 — - - Jlemoires. Sciences matbematiques, physiques et natnrelles, 1831-59 3260.2, 3 _ - - - Sciences politiques, bistoire et philo- logie, 18.32-59 3270.1 — - - M(5moires par divers savants [etrangers], 1831-59 . . . .• 3290.3 — - - Classehistorico-philologique. Bulletin, 1844-59 3290.1 — _ - - Melanges greco-romains tires du Bul- letin historico-philologique, 1850-64 • • • • B.150.9 — - - Classc physico-mathimatiquc. Bulletin, 1843-59 3270.2 — Salem. Essex institute. Historical collec- tions, 1859-65 2355.10 — - - Proceedings, 1853-04 7:'.iil.l — Scienziati italiani. Atti, 1839-62 5242.1 — Skandinaviske Naturforskere. Forhandling- er, 1847 3829.27 — Stockholm. Kongl. Svenska vittcrhets, histo- ric och antiquitets akademi. llandlingar, 1776-1841 4818.1 — - - llandlingar riirande Skandinaviens )iis- toria, 1810-10 4S2S.1 — - Svenska ak.idemi. Handlingar. Stockholm, 1801-43 4S1S.1 — Toronto. Canadian institute. Canadian jour- nal of industry, science and art, 1856-59. , 7.360.1 — Toulouse. Academic des jeux floraux. Re- cueil de pieces de poesie et d'tiloquence, 1732-18ia 6087.1 — - Socict^' arch^'ologique du midi do la France. Memoires, 1832, 33 4091.4 — Turin. Reale accademia delle scienze. Me- morie, 1818-63 E. 104.1 — Upsala. Kongliga vetensknps societet. Nova acta, 1815-41 B212.1 — Venice. I. R. istituto vcneto di scienze, Ict- tereedarti- Atti, 1855-62 5283.1 — - - Memorie, 1819-63 5240.1 — Verein der deutschen Philologcn, Schulmiinner undOrientidisten. Verhandlungcn der 22sk'n Versanimlung, 1804 4956.1 — Vienna. Caesarea regia linguarum orientalium academia. Authologia Persica, sea selecta e diversis Persis auctoribus exempla In Lati- num translata, 1778 4241.2 — - Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschailen. Alniannch, 1862 3359.1 — - - Mathemati.sch-nnturwisseuschiiltlichc Classe. Uenkschriflen, 1850-64 3310.1 _ _ - - Silzungshericllte, 18-18-01 3310.3 — - - l'hilosoi)bisch-historische Classe. Dcnk- schriflen, 1850-03 3320.1 _ - - - Sitzungsberichio, 1848-04 3340. ,3 - IC. K. geologische Reichsaustalt. Abliand. lungen, 1852-65 .3860.20 _ - - J ahrbuch, 1850-65 5806.4,5 — - - London exhibition, 1S02. Articles of ex- hibition 7803.40 — - K. K. polytechnisches Institut. ,Iahr- biiehcr, 1819-30 7914.1 — Washington. Smithsoni-in inslilution. Cuta- legue of i)HMication8 of societies, etc. . , . 2176.8 _ - - Contributions to knowledge, 1848-63 . . 3.340.1 — - - MiMcelbineoUB collections, 1802 335U.2 — Wisconsin historical society. Ui'ports, lst-4(h, and collections, 1855-69 4377.1 — AVoilrow society. Puhlicniions, INt2-50 . .81113.1.11 — Worcester. American untiquariiin society. 'i'ransaclions and culled ions, 1820-(io . . . 2311.11 TRANSCENDENTALISM 637 TKESSAN siR.ir. No. TitANsCKNtiKNTAUSM. Bssay On Ci'9!ln.U — (il't'cuo, W. IS. TriinsceiuU'iitiiIi:>in ...... 6108.4 TiiANSi.ATioN. Uuiliimnta lU'lla traduzione. Feiri di SauCostunti., G 47(57.27 TiUNSi.ATiONS from the Freucli. By D. Y. I-yiiii, 1770. 4° 47U1.10 CoMrnlt. — Obscn'iillons on tlio Grerks, fntm tlio nbbfc y\tt Mnbly ; '1 lio history of Ibo city of I'ariH, or nnecdolos conc(Tning tho orijinn iind iniprovcmouts of tUut colvbnitcd cn]iiliit, I'rom M. Av St. Koix. TitANSPORTATioN as tho Only means of convict re- form. Hewitt, W 3570. S2 TuANSitB.'iTAXTiATiuN. Versucb einerCeschiclite derTran.'isiibslantiationsIehre. Meier, F. C. 00615.20 Ti!Arr,J. Doctrine of tlie trinity. London, l?:il. S°. 54W.15 — lYeservative againj't unst'ttled notions, and want of principles in religion. London, 1715- 22. 2v. 8° 5443.14 Travascore, Account of, by II. Drury. 5ee Vis- scher, .7. C .WIS. 8 Travkl. Art of tr.tvelling to advantage 2310.(1 — Ciilton, F. The art of 2280.13 Travki.s. Carli da I'lacenza, D. Le cjualtro parti del mondo 4162.5 — Calton, F. Vacation tourists, 18(il 2275.2 — flieiners, C. Kleinere Liinder- uud Keisebe- schreibuugen 4219a. 7 — I'iuto, F. M. Ecisen durch Europa, Asia, und Africa 4157.4 SccaUo: Manners and cuetoms; VoyRees, and tho names of couutrios into which U'uvels have been made. Tr.AVELS in America. By George Fibbleton, Esq. New York, 1833. 12° 2.368.16 TnAVKLS in Louisiana and the Floridas, in 1802. Tr. by John Davis. New York, 1800. 12° . 2.308.27 Ti;avi;ls of a philosopher. Foivre, 1" 4099.4 Ti'.AVERS, J. Fontaines publiques de la ville de Caen. Caen, 1857. pp.14. 8° 4000.19 TuAVERSABi, A. Epistolarum libri xx. [Mar- tine. Vet. script., v. 3] 4150% — Leben. [Meiners. Lebensboschreibungen, v.2]. 4150. Ti:AViATA,La. Opera. Verdi, G 8042.17 'I'liKAuWELL, D. Construction of improved ord- nance. Cambridge, 1802. pp.28. 8° . . . 39.55.7 — Measure of the forces of bodies moving with different velocities. Cambridge, 1861. pp. 20. 8° .3955.7 — Practicability of constructing cannon of great caliber, capable of long-continued use, [etc.], Cambridge, 1850. pp. 35. 8° 3955.7 — Eifled cannon. [A letter to J. B. Floyd. No title-page.] pp. 7. 8° 3955.7 — Short iiccount of an improved cannon, [etc.]. Cambridg-e, 1845. pp. 23. 12° 3955.7 TRiiASdN. Cartwright, .J. Letter on the bills for altering the criminal law of England re- specting treason Ppli.v.353 — Sprague, P. What is treason? 4340a. 48 Treaties. Koch, C. Rccueil de trait(5a qui n'ont pas \-u le jour ', ' • ■ 3080.3 — Leibnitz, G. W. Codex juris gentium diplo- niaticus 4291.0 — Leonard, F. Recueil des traitez fails par les rois de France 4012.2 — Martens, G. F. V. Kecueil de principaux traites 3086.1 — Eousset de Missey, J. Kecueil historique d'actes, depuis la paix d'Utrecht jusqu'a pre- sent Sr>89a.l Treatise on the carnal mind. [On the existence of a devil. Charlestown,1811. No title-page.] pp.60. »° 1!. 170b. 10 TiiEATisE on usury, addressed to men of sense. New York, 18:i8. 18° 3050.40 TuhATisE upon the eternal generation of the Son of God. With strictures upon the letters of SL .Stuart to W. E. Channing. By an old soMitT of the Arian war. New Yoi-k, 1821. pp. 74. 8° 5103.4 W Shelf. XO. Trebei.lius Pollio. Valerianua pater ct Alius, (■allien! duo, triginta tryranni, Divus Clau- dius, [llistorix Kom.inse scriptores, v. 2]. . 4240.3 — - Same. [Historic Augusts scriptores sex]. B. 178. 4 TKEBi/t>NU. Gcschichte des Kaiserthunis von Tra- pezunt. Fallmerayer, J. P 3040.20 Ti'.icESSKN, Compte-rendu de I'exploitation de la ferme-ecole de, 1857. Crussard, J. C. . . . 3992.20 Tkecusel, F. Die protestantischen Autitrinita- rier vor Faustus Socin. Heidelberg, 1839-44. 2v. 8° 6038.0 Tkedgoi.d, T. The steam engine. Account of its invention and improvement, with an investi- gatiou of its principles. London, 1827. 4°.*4011.20 Tree of common wealth. Dudley, E 2612.21 Trees. Coleman, W. S. Popular description of . 3859.29 — Coultas, U. What may be learned from a tree ,3845.10 — Schacht, H. Der Baum. Studien Uber B.au und Leben der hoheren Gewiichse 3645.20 Sec also: Forest trees. Tkekell, a. D. Anmerkungen iiber die riimische Geschichte. [Universal history. Krliiutc- rungsschriften, v. 4] 4100.10 Trelawny papers. Edited by W. D. Cooper. [London], IS53. pp.23. sm.4°. [Camden society. No. 65) v. 2 of *2416.39 Tremblky, J. Essid de trigonometric spherique, Neucbatel, 1783. 8° 5928.27 Tee MLETT, F. W. A letter to the parish of St. Bo- tolph : written on the occasion of his resig- nation of its cure. Boston, 1.S51. pp.18. 8°. 5170a. 73 TllEMLETT, J. Short observations and reflections upon select passages of Scripture, for every Sund.ay in the year : with appropriate hymns. [Boston. Benevolent associations. Chris- tian monitor, v. 19] 5159.5 Trench, M. C. llemains. Edited by her son. London, 1S02. 8° 2543.7 Trench, H. C. Deiiciencie^ in our English diction- aries. London, 1857. pp. 00. 8° 2585.7 — - Same. 2d ed. London, 1800. pp. 80. 8° . 2585.8 — On the lessons in proverbs. New York, 1853. 12° 4177.7 — Notes on the miracles of our Lord. Reprinted from the last London ed. New York, 1850. 8°. 6010.12 Trendelenburg, F. A. Logische Untersuchung- en. Berlin, 1840. 2v. in 1. 8° 6085.2 Trent, Council of. Canones et decreta concilU Tridentini ex ed. Komana a. 1834 repetiti. Assumpto socio F. Schulte, edidit jJi. L. Kichter. Lipsiae, 1853. 1.8° 0020.7 — Acta concUii Tridentini. [Marti;ne. Vet. script., v. 8] 4150.1 — Catechismus ex decreto concilii Tridentini. Sec Kom.an catholic church 0005.18 — Cramp, .J. M. History and decrees of the . . 0074.25 — Metternich, F. Concilium Tridentinum . . . 6020.13 — Palcotto, G. Acta concilii Tridentini .... 6020.10 — Sarpi, P. Hisloire du concile de Trente . . , 6510.(5, and 0020.6 Trent, steamer. Case of the seizure of the south- ern envoys 4323.20 — Case of the Trent examined 5018.27 — I'arker, J. Case of the 4340a. 3 — Smith, P. A. Seizure of the southern com- missioners 5618.21 Trescot, W. H. Address beibre the C:illiopean and Polytechnic societies of the Citadel acad- emy, Charleston, S. C. Charleston, 1850. 8°. 4393.9 — A few thoughts on the foreign policy of the United States. Charleston, 1849. pp. 24. 12°. 4.329.5 Tressan de la Vergne, L. E. de. Extr.iits de ro- mans de clievalerie. Paris, 1782. 4v. 8° . 4189.13 CoHrejKs.— Vol. I. Tristan de leonoJs; Artus de Bre- tagnc; Flores et Blanche-Kleur ; Clejtnades et Clare- nioiidc; Roman de la rose; Piorro de Provence et la belle Maguelooe. II. La fleur des battailles, ou histniro d«- Uoolin de Mayence, de GeotTroy son fUs, d'O^er le THESSAN 638 TRIVET 9 Shcir. No. Tressan (Je la Vergne, T^. E. de, continued. Danois et de Mervin fits d'Ogier; Huon do Bordeaox; Gueria de Montglave. III. Dom Ursino le Nnvnrin ot dooQ Ines d'Oviodo; Le petit Jehnn de Saintre; Gerard de Nevers et la princesse Ruriant de Daramovtin. IV. De I'origiae des ronians ; Hiatoire de Rigda et de Regner Lodbrog; Zelie, ou I'ingenue. TKEVELY.IN paper.s prior to 1568. Edited by J. P. Collier. [Londou], 1857. sm.4°. [Camden society, No. 07] *2426.11 — - Same. Part 2. 1440-1043. Westminster, 1803. sm.4°. [Camden society, No. 84] . . *2426.28 Treves. Browcr, C. Antiquitatum et annalium Trevircnsium libri XXV 4250. G — Gesta' Trevirensium archiepiscoporum, 880- 1455. [Martene. Vet. script., v. 4] .... 4150.1 — Blarx, J. Geschiclite des Erzstifts Trier . . 4213.1 — - History of the robe of Clirist preserved at. 0074.21 Trl\l of Joseph Uardy for high treason. See Gur- ney, J 3097.1 Tehl, The, of our democratic form of government. Philadelphia, 1803. pp. 12. 8° 4340a. 61 Trials. Celebrated trials, from the earliest records to the year 1825 50S5.6 — Celebrated trials of all countries 4305.2 — Howison, U. R. Criminal trials 42«l.40 TniAyoLES. De triangulis. Joachim, G 5910.7 Tkibes. Organisation de la tribu dans I'antiquite. See Kutorga, — 4280.6 Tribune almanac and political register for 1S02. New York, [IsCl]. pp.04. 12° 4.330.2 TiiiCALET, P. J. Bibliotheca manualis ecclesiie patrum. Latio donat. a [.I. V. Patuzzi]. Veuetus, 1783. 9v. sm.4° *0038. 14 Contents. — Vol. I. Ignntuia Martyr; .TuBtinus Martyr; IreDieus; Clemens Alexandrlnus ; Tertulliftiius; Orige- nes; Cypriaous Martyr; Euscbius Creearienaifl; Atli't- nasius; Hilarius PictaviensU. II. Baeilius; Cyrillus HicrosolymitanUB ; Gregorius NaziauzenuB; Epbrcm; Gregoriiia Nyssenus. III. Ambrosiua; Epiphanius; Hi- crotiymus; PaillinuB. IV. Joannes Cbrysostumus; Cy- rillus Alexandrinns. V. Augustiima. VI. Prosper Aquitanus; Theodoretus; Leo Magnus, papa; Cn;sariu9 Areluteusis. VII. Gregoriua Magnus ; Joannes Damas- cenus. ^TII. Anselnius; Beniardus. IX. Soleetft uxioniata, aire sentcntiie Ignatii, Irena:!, dementis, Tertulliani, Cypriani, Hilarit, Basilii, E[ihreni, Cyrilli, Gregorii Nazianzcnl, Oregorii Nysseni, Ainlirosii, Iliero- nyml, Paulini, J. Clirysostonii, Grcgorii Magni, Angtls- tini, Beruardi; Index rormu (jure in toto opere vunti- nentur. Tr.K'ESiu.s, A. Elegia de Evangelii in ditione regis Polonise originc et iirngressu, 1.550. [tierdes. Scrinium antit). ad liist. relbrm. spect., v. 2]. 6055.15 Tricotel, fe. Turiites bibliographiques. Paris, 1863. 12° 4090.24 Trieste. Cassani, A. C. Saggio di proverb! tri- estini 4798.30 Grube, A, E. AusUtig nach Triest und dem Quarncro 3873.0 — Ileider, E. J. Slip- und Trocken-Dock In Triest 3950.4 TiuOAUT, N. De C^iristianis apvd Taponios tri- vmphis, sivc de persecvtione, 1012-20. Mo- nachii, 1523. 4° 5639a. 1 TUKii.ANn, J. Trhini scriptorum illustrium de trl- biiH Judaooruni sectis syntagma, Culphls, l;03. 2v. 4° •6073.14 Content*. — Vol. I. .1. Drusil do llaslila-Is quorum menlio in librlt Mnclial>ii-iinim libullus; N. Herarii trllio-reslum, neu de roleberrlnils tril,u» apud Jnda-os aerlla llbrl Ire*; J. Drnoll de tribua siiiTiM Judtvurum llbrl r|U»tuor; J. SiBllgerl eb^iielius Triliairesil N. Heniril. II. J. Trlglandll diatribe de seelu Eariuonnn ; N.Hemril MInervol J. Hi nllK'ro et J. Dru.lo depen.um j J. I>mjill ad MiiKTval Herarli responsio; N. tierarll Itnldilnl, et llerodeH, sen d. Trii;i)NiiMi:ti!V. ('hauvenct, W. Plane and aplic- riial trlKtinoiiK'try 302S.33 lliirlell, C. K. T. JtarNteUung der ebeiien und Hphiirlsclien TrlgOMonielrie 3939.10 bb.lf. No. Trigonosietry, conthmcd. — Lawlner, D. Analytical treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry .1928.2 — Peirce, B. Plane and spherical trigonometry. 3920.29 — - Treatise on spherical trigonometry .... 7058.20 — Trembley, J. Essai de trigonometrie sphe- riijue 5928.27 — Valette, S. F. La trigonometric spherique . . 5928. 2S Ste also: Triangles. Trilihrar co-ordinates, Elementary treatise on. Ferrers, N. M 3920.31 Trimble, Isaac P. Insect enemies of fruit and fruit trees. The curculio and the apple-moth. New York, 1805. 4° 3S91.12 Trimble, Isaac R., Alleged official misconduct of. See Cannon, A 5666.1 Trlmble, R. Slavery in the United States of North America. A lecture. London, IWiS. 8°. . 4322.38 Trimmer, S. Sacred history, with annotations and reflections. See Bible. Selections 5429.9 Trimmer, Character of a. Coventry, W 2515.5 Trinidad. Report on the geology of, by Wall and Sawkins. See Great Britaiu. Treasury de- partment 3807.11 Tkinhy. Adams, F. Queries, problems, etc., upon the rph.v.341 — Appleton, N. Poctrine of the 3462.30 — Baur, F. C. Die christliche Lehrc von der Dreieinigkeit Gottes 3041.23, and 0036.11 — Beyer, C. Gott kann weder in drei I'ersoiien getheilt, noch als dreieinigerverehrt werden. .3401.22 — Bickersteth, E. II. Rock of .ages 6447.5 — Calaray, E. Thirteen sermons concerning the. 5443.12 — Coi-uelius, E. Sermon on the doctrine of the. Ppli.v.375 — Doctrine of the trinity candidly stated . . .l*ph.v..35S — rrothingh,am, E. L. Law of tri-personality . 0U30.21 — Greene, W. B. Doctrine of the . 0030. 18, and 6088.172 — Hyndman,J. S, Vindication of the trinitnrian creed Pph.v..305 — King, T. S. Trinitariauisni not the doctrine • of the New Test.ament 6403.20 — Lamson, A. Church of the flr.st three centu- ries, with reference to the doctrine of the. 3401.20, 21 ~~ Lazarus, M. E. Trinity analyzed and illus- trated 0036.15 -^ Lee, L. Discussion on the doctrine of the . . 60.^?;. 91 — Jleier, G. A. Die Lehre von der Triniliit . . 0('30.9 — Noi-ton, J. Trinitnrianism developed .... 6403.2 — Pauli, C. W. II. The great mystery; or, how can three be one? .3409. .30 — Servetus, 51. Dialogortim de trinitale libri duo. 00.30.7 — Simmons, G. F. Tlie trinity: a lectuie . . . 0030.19 — Souverain, 1. Einlluss der I'latonisehen Phi- losophic auf die Ueieinigkeitslehre .... 6024.2 — Stark, J. Doctrine of llie 3401.24 — Trapp, J. Doctrine of the 5403.15 — Twenty questions to trinitarians 3409.27 Trip, L. Diss. hist, de Jesuitis. [Oeliichs. Col- leetto opuwculoi-uin, v. 1] 0006.1 TkiI'I.et, F. F. C. History of the house of repre- sentatives of the 31lh congress, 18.'>5-57, Washington, 1857. pp.31. 8° 4.325.40 Tripoli. Badia y I.eblich, D. Travels in .... 3MII.13 — Kay, W. American tars in 3579.31 Tiiii'i", K. B. White mountain guiile book. 4lhed. Boston, 18.W. 10° , 2379.29,30 Tristan, J. Achatis TiherinnI explicalio. [I'o- lenl. Utriusque thes. antiq. supp., v. 2] . . . 2070.7 Tristram, II. H. Great Saliara. Luudon, 1.m;o. 8°. 3057.10 — The laiiil of lai-ael ; ajounml of ti'avels in PiJ. esline. Lonilon, 1805. 8° 6IM2.1 TRrriii';iM,<)dIeldenberg, .1. T. 1,2 nnnalluin Ilii-- savglensium, [830-1513]. S. Galll, lO'.iO. 2v. Il, I. f •0080.5 Tritonk), A. Slythologia. A'ec CoutI, N. de' . . 0072.1 TliIToN.'*. Observatlones quxdam de triloiiibus. SiehoUI, C. T. K. v 3873.27 TltlvHT, N. Clironicim, 1130-1.307. [Aclnjry. Spl- cilfglum, V. 8] 4152.7 TRNKA 639 TUBINGEN Stu'ir. No. Tknka, F. Tlu'oretisch-practische8 Leiirbuch dor slawischeu .Spraclie in Biihmon, MUhrcn und Obcrungnm. Wiviu KW. -»v. in 1. t*" . . *4r23.5 Tuoi.TsoH, A. V. Die Knnikhcitcn tk's Olircs, iliro Krkeiuitntss und Uclinudlung. Wiirzburgi 18(V,*. s' 3g05.43 — Diseases of the onr. Translated by D. It. St. .Jolm Koosa.. I-Yom the 2d German ed. Now York, H,°. 60t».2 Twiss, K. Tour in Ireland, 1775. [Mavor. Brit- i.sh tourists, v. 2] 2409.22 TWISS 642 DFTORD Shelf. No. T^VISS, T. Law of nations : rights and duties of nations in time of peace. Oxford, 1801. S' 3613.11, and 3(il5. 21 — Law of nations : rights and duties of nations in time of war. Oxford, 180.3. 8° Si.lS.IO TwncUKLL, A., Memoir of. See Bowditch, H. I. 2317. :;9 Twt) months in the confederate states, [and] a visit to Kew Orleans under Butler. By an Kng- lish merchant. London, 18(3. 10° 4329.31 Ttchskn, T. C. Commentatio de Qvinti Smyrnaei paralipomensis Homeri. Cvm epistola C. G. Hevnii. Goettingae, 1783. pp.85. 8° . .**300fi.l3 — and iieeren, A. H. L. Bibliothek der ahen Litteratur und Kunst. Giittingen, 1780-91. lOT.ino. 10' *»4959a.2 Tyemox, or Theodamar. Vita et passio S. Tyc- monis martvTis in Terra S.ancta. [Canisius. Tliesaurus, V. 3, p. 2] 4H0.3 Tylf.e, B. llemarks on Dr. Taylor's letter to Dr. Hawes. Boston, 1832. pp. 12. 8° .... 5470a. 17 Tyler, G. P. Our nationahty. A discourse deliv- ered at Brattleborough, Vt., on thanksgiving day, 1802. Boston, 1S02. 8° 4.340a. 04 Ttler, John. Report, from the committee on finance, to investigate the alTairs aud con- duct of the bank of the United States, Dec. 18, 1S34. n. p.,u.d. [No title-page.] pp.48. 8°. 5040. .3" — Trocecdings on the announcement of tlic death of. Sec United States. " Confederate States," so called 4350a. 80 Ttlek, John E. Historical discourse, delivered be- fore the First church and society of Wind- ham, Conn., Dec. 10, 1860. Hartford, 1851. 6°. 4.355.51 Tylek T. p. Discourse delivered before the An- cient and honorable artillery company, June 5, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8° 5470a. 09 Tyler, W. S. Colleges : then- place among Amer- ican institutions. An address. New York, 1^57. 8° ^- " »'■ •5590.1 — Science and religion: a discourse, Jlarch 2, 1804, at the funeral of Prof. E. Hitchcock. .'iprin'^'lield, 1804. 8° 4347.39 TvNiiALE, W., and Frith, J. Works. Edited by T. Uusscll. Loudon, 1831. 3v. 8° .... 3408.3 Con/«i«.— Vol. 1. Prologues to the five hooks of Mobob; rrologuc to the i.rophet .lonas; The jjunihlo of the wiekcd mnnimoll ; The obedienec of ft ChriBtiftli mnn, Bnd how ChriBliaii nilcrB ought to povem ; The pnietiea of prolines. II. AnOMwer toSifT More's dlnlopuo; An expoBition upon the 6th, 0th, ondTth ehiipters of Miit- thew ; An exposition UJion the Isl epistle of St. John ; A vnth>v»y Into the Holy Scripture; The sncruinenls of IwptiBin, and the bo.ly and blood of Christ. III. The testunient of Master W. Tracy ; The Bupper of tlio Lord. For tho works of Trith, see I'rith, J. Tvsdall, J. Heat considered as a mode of mo- tion. New York, 1803. 12° .3900.12 — On radiation. New York, 1805. pp.48. 12°. 390U.13 TVNK. Arnislrong, W. P. Industrial resources of thedistrict of the 2103.4 — Taylor, T.J. Improvement of the 3942.15 Tv.so, Dudley Alkins, LL. D. Ueports of cases argued and deti'imiiied in the supreme judichil court of .Massachusetts, 1800. Newburyi>ort, lh07. H° -l-iOl-.lS Tvnu, /to'. I>urll<7 Atkins. Our count i-y's troidjies. Siriuon ju'eaclieil in I'hihidelplda, June 29, 1,SW. ISdslon, 18.')0. 8° 4340a. ."i9 _ - Buine. Philadelphia, 1804. 8° 434UU.5U _ Our country's troubles. No. 2. Sermou, July 5, 1857. Philadelphia, 1S04. 8* 4.340a. 59 _ The state and pro.^pecta of our church, as In- dicated by hir last ginerid convention: u Berniiin. Chielnnall, 18.0 — Duty and re.spousibility of private judgment in religion. A sermon. New Y'ovk, 1853. 8°. *5470a.38 — Guide to confirmation. Pliihuielpbia, 1833. 24°. .54:18.39 — Letter to Rt. Rev. II. Potter. N. Y., 1805. 8°. *547Ua.3S — A plea for union. A sermon. [Philadelphia], ls«. 8° •5470a.38 — The young man's glory; and the duty of a youngdisciple.PhUadelpliia, 18.32. pp. OS. 32°. 3440.67 — Victory and reunion : commemorative sermon, April 20, 1805. [National preacher. May and June, 1805] 4342.4 Types, Specimens of. Kand, G. C ?1".'." Typhoid fever in the negro. Kams.ay, H. A. .. 3790.21 Typhus fever. Carlyon,C. Typhus fever of Corn- wall Pph.v.345 — Jacquotr. Du typhus de I'armee d'Onent .. 3790.25 — Upham, J. B. Kccords of maculated typhus or ship fever 5790.00 — - Typhus fever in Great Britain in 1853 . . . 579l>.i;i Typography. See Printing. TYR.EUS, or Thyra:us, P. Tractatus de appnrition- ibvs sacramentalibvs, in qvibvs Christus cre- ditur exhiberi. [Nova ed.] Dilingae, 1040. sm.4° *'5t"'5-19 TYROL. Mythen und Sagen Tirols. Alpeuburg, J.N.v ^'-^-^ See also: Rhetlan Alps, Trent. TYRT.t*:us. Tyrtaei qvae restant omnia, ed. C. A. Klotzivs. Bremae, 1704. 8" •♦3004.10 — Fragmeuta. [Briinck. Analectapoet. Gr.,v. 1].B.102.7 — De bellica virtute. [Lect. PoeL-c Gra^ci, v. 1]. 4200.7 — - Same. See Ilertel, J B. 109a. 10 — Kriegslicder [with the Greek text. Weisse. Kleine lyrische GedichteJ 2878.22 — Messeniques. [Falconnet. Les petits potocs grees] . B-'ei-S Tyson, E. [Life of E. Tyson, the philanthropist.] Baltimore, 1825. 12° 4109.7 Tyson, Job R. On the colonial history of the east- ern and some of the southern states. Phila- delphia, 1842. pp.04. 8° 4325.39 Tyson, John S. Speech on the Jew bill. Sec Brackenridge, H. M 2400. ;10 Tyson, P. T. First report of state agricultural chemist of Maryland. [Baltimore], 1800. 8°. 3800.10 Tytlkr, J. Dreadful effects of the plague and yellow fever at London, in 1005; at Athens, Constantinople, etc. 1st Am. ed. Boston, IsH. 8° 3"»S-25 TZKTZES, J. Ta irpo 'Oftlf"', rd mifl' 'Oitripov, mil ra iitO' 'Oiiripov. Sec Quintus Smyrnieus . .1i.l09a.4 — Vivriarum historiarum liber versibus politicis constans; Versus ianibici. [Lect. Pocla) Gra>ci, v. 3] *-«"•? — De variis poetarum gcneribus ; De genere, vita et scriptis Lycophronis ; Scholia in I.ycu- phronis Cassanjlram. [Lycopbrou. Alex- andra] •"''"' " TzsciiiiiNEH, II. G. Der Fall tics lleitlentluims. Ilerausg. von C. W. Muduer. II. 1. I.> ip- zig, 1829. 8° • l''0'f'-21 — De diguitalc hominis per religimiem Chris- tiauam atlserta et declanita. Diss, theol.-hist. Vitcbergae, 1805. pp.54. 4° B.10Ua.l20 Uiili. Geschichte dcs Urspnings nnd der Religion der alten Ubier. Ahlenbriick, A UliALRIC, or Ulric,mOTa-()/CTw"!/. Aniiquion'scon. suetudines (;luniacensi8 monasterii. | .\chiTy. Splcilegiuiu, V.4] tlDALSCALf. Nurratlo lie controversiis lull r Her- mannum et Kginoneni. [Canisius. I'liesau rus, V. 3, p. 2] liFi-iNULS. Vila S. Ida;. [ Fiankluit. Soclelas, etc., V. 2] Ui-Koui), 11. O. Treatise on logic. New York, ls2:i. 12° 4228.2 41.52.7 inn.:( 4210.2 :lli07.28 UGGEEI 613 UNITARIANISM irooKKi, A. JoiiriU'C pittorcsquo de Tivoll. [Kr. mid rtnl.] Uomt', 18011. obl.4' 2761.12 ruoi.iNi, F. Storia dei conti e duchi d'L'rbino. Firciizi.', 1S.W. 2v. 10° 2725.20 I'r.oNi. F. A. Do dignit.ito ntiiiie pripstaiitia rci- publii'.T Cassiiu'iisis. [Gnevius. Thi-s. iin- ti.]. Itiil.,T. 9, p- IJ 4710.1 Uhdkn. II. F. Grsehichte (lor Confxn'pitionalistpn ill Xou-Enjiliuid bis 1740. Loipzig, 1842. n°. 0004.9 ITiiL, .1. A, [Prodifrt] aus VerHiiIassuns [dor] nach Crtilslicimgolvominoiior salzburgiscboii liiiii- granten. Fraiickriirt, ii. d. pp. 8S. 4° . . »0055.11 rHL.vxi), J. L. Kriist von Scliwabon. Trauer- spiel. ate Aiili. Ko.iton, isi;). pp. 7!<. 10". 4S78.24 — Golicbtc. Neuosto Aufl. Stuttgart, 1S41. 12° 4229a. 3 UHI.E.MANN, JI. A. Thotli odordio Wissonscliaftoa der alton Aogvjiter. Gottiiigen, !.'-o5. s° . 4345.9 UnLICll, L. Bokomituisse. 3tc Aufl. Loipzi^', 1S4,5. pp. N). 8° B. 100a. 117 — Botraolitungon auf Anlass der Synode in Ber- lin. 2to Aufl. Leipzig, 1840. pp. 24. 10°. B.IOOb.lO — Die Tlirono im Hiinmol uud aut" Krdou und (flo protostantisrbon Froumio. Dessau, 1845. pp.40. 8° 60SS.112 — Woitore Mittboilungen, zur Vervollstiindigung dorvoui ("oiisistoriuin zu Magdeburg lierau.s- gegobon anitliclion Verliaiuilungen. W'olleu- biittel, 1S47. pp. 50. 8° 0088.201 — [Kctzer-Gericlit zu Slagdeburj^. Nebst voll- stiindiger Mittlicilung allor der Stellcn au3 Vbliohs Scliriften,Avelclie Ketzereieu oDtlial- ten.] Leipzig, 1847. pp. So. l:j° . . . . B. 170b. 30 — [Ulilicli's Suspeusion so wie die Verkertlieiteu in den kirolilichon Kiinipfen unserer Taj^e.] Leipzig, 1847. pp. 65. 12° B.170b.30 — MuIIer und Ulllicli. Beleuclltung des Mijl- ler'scben SeliriftstUckos Xr. vii. der amtlicb- eu Verliandlungen. See MuUcr, J. F. . . . 6088.67 Uir.t'Ks. Spruclie uud Sclirift der Uiguren. Klap- rotb, H.J.v 6034.1 UiviiKT, F. A. Bemerkungon iibor llomer'a Geo- grapbie. AVeiniar, 1814. pp. 50. 8° . . . . »*2998.7 — Gescbiclite der europaiscbeu Staatea. See Heeren, A. H. L. ITKii.viSE, Gescbiclite der. Engel, J. C. v 4130.4 IlLDiticus. See Huldericus. Ulk, O. Die Natur. Ibre Krjifte, Gesetze und Er- scheinnngen irti Geiste kosmiscber Anscbau- ung. Halle, 1851. 16°- 3829.15 Ulfilas, or Ulpbilas. Versio Gotbica epistolae Fauli ad Komanos. See Bible 5413.7 — Bessell, \V. Uober das Leben des Ulfllas . . 2815.12 — Stamni, A. T. Vorscbule zura Ulflla 2SS5.11 Ui.iTius, J. See Vliet, J. van. Ulljiann,C. Memoria,I.Dalburs:ii. [Diss.acad.] Heidelbergae, 1840. pp. 39. 4° B. 190. 34 — Lite of Tbonias it Kempis. See Imitation of Cbrist 5458.9 — Sinless cbaracter of Jesus. [Edwards. Selec- tions from Gorman literature] 6061.0 — ."Jee Tbeologiscbc Studien und Kritiken . . . 6089.1 L'r.LOA, A. de. Voyage to Soutb America. [Mavor. Voyages, V. 2] 0207.1 — Voyage bistorique de I'Ara^rique meridionale. .S*«c Juan y Sant.acilia, J 4101.6 — Iteise nacli Siid.Amcrika. [Allgemeinc Uis- turle der Keiseu, V. »] 4160.11 Uluia y Pereyra, L. de. Raquel : poema. [Quin- taua, Parnaso espaiiol, T. 4] 3104.19 Ui.riAsus, D. F'ragmenta libri regnlarum. See Codex Tbetidosianus 4300.6 — Tituli ex coipore Llpiani x.\ix. See Scliul- ting, A 4.300,11 Ulkich, B. a. Treatise on government; showing the superiority of the United States govern- ment over all others. Chicago, 1864. pp. 39. S° 4.350a. 30 Uluicii von Zatzicboven. See Zatziiboven. L'Li'.n 1,11. Gott und die Natur. Leipzig, ls62. 8°. 5008.5 Shrlf. Nri. ri.r.in, H., covtiimed, — Das Grundprincip dor rbilosopbie. Leipzig, 1845,40. 2v. in 1. 8° . 0102.3 Ulthamontani.sm, or the Iloman church and mod- ern society. (Juiuet, E ; 0074.19 UiiBUisiT, F. W. C. See Thcologiscbe Studien und Kritikon 60,89.1 Uncle Sam's naval and patriotic songster. New Yoik.n. d. 24° B.170b.ll4 Uni>isuhii,l, E. F. Bearings of spiritualism on so- cial ro-organization ; a discourse, St. Louis, May 6, 18.55. New York, n. d. [No title- page.] 12°. . . . B. 170b. 13 Under.standixo, Syllabus of Locke's Essay on the. See Locke, J Pph.v.3.52 Underwood, J. R. Speech on tlic slavery ques- tion, delivered in the senate of tlie T'ulted States, April 3, IsiO. 'Wasliington, 1850, 8°. 4310.74 — Speeches, Feb. l.«, 10. and 25, 1852, in dl'fenco of his proposition to grant a jmrtion of the pub- lic lands to the old .states. Washington, 18,52. 8° 4310.74 Unger, F. Neu-Holland in Europa. Wien, 1801. pp.72. 8° 3845.19 Unoer, J. Die Ebe in ibrer welthisforischetfEnt- wirklung. Wien, 1850. 8° 6006.8 Ungekn Sternberg, .\. v. [Anthvilia tder Gesiinge eines nubekannten Dichters.] Dresden, 1828. 2v. in I. 10° 4878.53 — The Breughel brothers. [Tr,anslated] by G. H. Lodge. Boston, 1854. sm,4° 2895.5 Uniacke, C. Letter on the necessity of formilis a code of the laws of England. Boston, 1827. pp. 52. 8° 4289. .38 TTNioN.Tbe: a poem. Lunt, G 2-397.27 Union, The, must be preserved ! Four crisis letters to the ladies, proposing the speedy formation of the Martha Washington society. New York, n. d. pp.11. 8° 4350a. 32 Union, The, of churches in the spirit of charity. Boston, 1804. 12° 5549.5 UNION,The, past and future; bow it works, and bow to save it. By a citizen of Virginia. Wash- ington, 1850. pp.32. 8' B. 100. 95 Union league. Address of the national executive committee of the Union league. New Y'ork, 1800. 8° 4.350a, .34 Union temperance song book. Boston, [18— ]. 18°. 8040.40 Unitarian association for the state of New York. See Christian inquirer "900.3 Unitarian society for promoting Christian knowl- edge, etc. Principles and views of the Uni- tarian society explained and vindicated, n. p., n. d. pp, 8. 8° *4163.1 UNITARIANISM. Andrews, W. S. Unitarianism, or liberal Christianity, explained B.I70b.9 — Belsbam, T. American unitarianism , , . , 3401.25 — Beueticial tendency of the unitarian doctrine. 3409.27 — Channing, W. E. Tendency of unitarianism to form an elevated religious character .... 3409,27 — Cheever, G. B. Course and system of the uni- tarians surveyed B. 100a. 03 — Eliot, W. G. Discourses on the unity of God. 00.38.10 — I'ratres Poloni: Socinus, Crell, WoUzogen et Przipcovius. See Bibliotheca fratrum Polo- norum B. 141.1 — Fuller, A. B. Discourse in vindication of . . 5440a. 78 — Gannett, E, S. Unitarian Christianity. What it is, and what it is not 4103.7 — Higglnson, E. Religious value of Christ's simple humanity 3469.27 — Miller, S. Letters on 3401.27 — Norton, J. Review of the late correspondence of Dr. Worcester and W. E. Channing on the subject of . , .3401.25, and 5400a. 55 — Parker, T. Letter touching the new unitarian creed 5412.3 — Sand, C. C. Bibliotheca anti-triuitarioruin .B. 117. 14 — Van Vrankeu, S. A. Sociniauism subversive of Christianity 5403.7 INH ED BKETHREX 644 UNITED STATES 0059.16 6059.21 6059.1; 5453.26 Shelr. Nu. United Brethren. Bericht von der Feyer des er- ston Sacahirfestes der enieuei'tcn Briider- kircbein Hcrrnliut. Onariau, ]8-.;2. l'j° . . 6059.10 — Gedenklage der alteu Briiderkirche, nebst einem .\nhange. Gnadau, 1S21. 2v.ini. 8°. 6059.8 — Ge-^angbuch, zum Gebrauch der evangelischen Briidergemeinen. Barby, 1783. sm.S° . . . 54'I9a.3 — Gcsange zur bundertjiihrigen Jubelleycr der erneuerten Briiderkircbe. Gnndau, 1622. 12°. 6059.16 — Herrnbut'sJubelfeierim Jabre 1622. Dresden, 1822. pp. 62. 12° — Kurzgcfasste bistoricbe Xaeliricht von der ge- ^enwartigi'n Verfassung der evatigeliscben Briiderunitat augspurgiscber Confession. Erankfurt, 1774. pp. 84. 12° — Liturgiscbe Gesange der evangeliscben Brii- dergemelnen. Barby, 1791. 8° — Sunimaryoftbe doetriueof Jesus Cbrist. Lon- don, 1788. pp. 64. sm.8° , — Biisching, A. F. Ursprung, Fortgange, uud Verlassuug der Briider-Uuitat 6059.4 — tarpzov, J. G. Keligions-Uutersucbung der bobmiscb- und niiibrischen Briider 6059.9 — Cranz, D. Alte uud Keue Briider-Historie . , 0059.20 — Erzahhingeu aus der GeecMcbte der Briider- kirche C059.18 — Erobberger, <^G. Briefe iiber Herrnbut und die evangeliscUe Brlidergemeiue 6059.22 — IIecke\velder,J. Narrative of Ibe mission of the. 3535.3 — l.oretz,J. Grund der Verfassung der evange- liscben Bruder-Unitiit 6059.19 — Loskiel, G. II. Gescbicbte der Mission der evangeliscben Briider unter den Jndianern in Nordamerika 0059.10 — ilaass, J. Keise nacb den evangeliscben Brii- dergemeinorten Barby, u. s. w 6059.23 — Kbode, A. A. Nachrlcht von gewissen Scbrif- ten wider die Herrnbuter 6059.5 — Schaafl', C. F. L. Die evaugeliscbe Briiderge- meine 6059. — Sexstetter, A. Beytriige zur bobmiscb- und miibrischen Briiderbistorie — Spangenberg, A. G. Idea iidei fratrum, oder kurzer Begrif der cbrisllichen Lebre iu den evangelisclieu Briidergemeinen .... United colonies of North America. Declaration setting forth the cau.-es and nece.>-sity of their faking up arms. I'hila., 1775. pp.13. 8° . •4318.5 UxiTKD service journal, naval and military maga- zine, 1829-64. London, [18^9-64]. lOOv. 8°. •3140.4 United St.\tes. Acts, lairs, etc. Act to provide internal revenue, Jlay 2, 1864. VVashinglon, 1804. [No title page.] f° . . »C.830.1 — - Same. Itepoiled witbamendiuents, May 19, 18(H. Washington, 1804. [^o title-iiage.] f°. *C.230.2 Acts passed at the 1st sess. of the loih con- gress— 2d scss. of the IHth congress. [Wash- ington], 1819-24. [No title-page.] 8°. v. 4 of *C.129.2 — Acts and resolutions of the 2d sess. of the 37tb congress— 2d sess. of the .'18th congress. « Washington, 1802-05. 3v. 8° •C.139.10 See beUnc, under Congroaslonal documouts. — Constitution made 1787, with amendment pass- ed.lnn., 18l». New York, [l»05]. pp. 16. 10°. 4.329a. 50 Constitution deS Elats-Unis suivie de conseils de Washington au peuplc araericaiu. I'aris, 1802. pp.32. b° 4340U.3I — DecluratioM of indepeudeHce und constitution of the Uidtcd .Slates of America. New York, 181 4. pp. 85. 8° — Tiic embargo laws, with the message upon which they were lounU(d. With appendix, [and] the uon inlercourso hiw, Boston, I^WJ. 12° — The excise tax law, ujiproved .Inly 1, 1862; uud all the nmendnieuts, [I'Ic.J. With nu index. By C. E. Estee. New York, 1803. 8°. •0.162.24 — The fugitive Kluvc bill, approved Sept. IS, 1850. r.o.ton, 1864. pp. H. 8° B.lOfta.Ol 6059.; 6059. 15 2383.11 4329.20 Slieir. No. United States. Acts, lanyx, etc., coniimied. — Laws relative to direct taxes and internal duties. Salem, 1813. pp. 69. 12° »C.162.35 — The national baitlis. An act to provide a national currency, approved June 3, 1884. New York, l804. 8° 3640.37 — The new internal revenue law, approved June 30, 1804. With references, [etc.]. By U. E. Dresser. New York, 1864. 8° 0.102. 30 — - Same. Amended, JIarch 3, 1865. With references, [etc.]. By H. Dresser. New Y'ork, ls(i5. 8° 0.162. 29 — Revised code of the District of Columbia. [By K. Quid and W. B. B. Cross.] Wash- ington, 1857. 8° 6375.20 — Statutes at large, 1789-1803. Vol. 1-12. Bos- ton, 1850-05. 12v. 1.8° *5612. 1 — - Same. Bassed at the 1st, 2d sess. of tbe.Ssth congress, 1803-65. Boston, 1864, 05. 2v. 1.8°. •5612.3 — Uniform national currency and banking asso- ciation bill, together with extracts from re- ports of secretary of the treasury relating to uuilorm currency, n. p., 1803. pp.37. 8°. 5646.21 — .Sumner, C. Kesolutions and bills : 4310.09 — - Kesolutions and reports v. 2 of 4350a. 1 Department of agriculture. — Blontbly report bf the agricultural department. Oct.-Dec, 1805. Washington, ln05. 8°. . 7994.5 — Keport of the commissioner, 1S62-04. Wasb- iugtou, 1803-65. 3v. 8° — Keport of the flax and hemp commission, Feb. 27, 1805. Washington, 1805. [No title-page.] pp. %. 8° 7994.1 Department of the interu>r. — Census of 1820. [No title-page.] pp.40. 8°.*O.110.16 — Census, 7th. Report of the superintendent, Dec. 1, 1852. Appended report, Dec. 1, 1851. Washington, 1853. 8° *C.1I0.18 — Census, Sth, 1860. Washington, 1864,05. 3v. 4°.»C.210.1 Contents.— Vol. I. Agriciiltiiro. II. Poiiiilation. III. Mauul'acturcB. — - Same, rrelimiuary report on. Washing- ton, 1862. 8° O.110.19 — - Tersons and capital employed in manufac- tures, 1800. Washington, 1S66. [No title- Jiuge]. pp. 4. 8' — Instniclions to the surveyors general of pub- lic lands. Washington, 1855. 8° C.1C2.19 — I'atent oflice. Keport of the commissioner, 1843,45,47,48,60-62. Wiisbinglon, 1843-04. — Keport of the secretary for 1863, 04. [Wash- inglon, 1863, 64. No title-page.] 2v. 8°. . Department of the nary. — Bureau of navigation. Almannc catalogue of zodiacal stars. Washingldn, I80t. pp.37. I.s°. 6911. 9 — - American ephemeris and nautical alinaiiac, 1855,56. Washington, 18.')2, 53. 2v. 8". .*4270.17 — - - Same. 1865-07. AVasbiugton, 1863-65. 3V. 8° •7941.1 — - Tlie annular eclipse of May 26, 1854. Wash- ington, 1854. pp.13. 8° »7B51.5 — - Asteroids for 1859, 65. Supplement to the American ejihemeris, 1861,66. Washington, n.d. 2v. [No title-page.] 8° '/OeLS — - Tables of Melpomene, computed for the American ephemeris and nautical atiiianac, by E.Sclmbi-rl. Wasliiuglon, I860, pp.80. 4°. 6921.2 — - The total eclipse of July 17, 1860. Wash- ington, 1800. pp.6. 8° 'roSL'S — - Niival oljservalory. Astronomical observa- tions, l>19,6o,l)y M.r.Mauiy; 1801,02, by J. M.tiilllss. Wasliiuglon, 1859-03. 3v. 4°.. . KIB.-iO.lO — - - Jluguetical ami meieortdogical observa- tions made at Wasliiiigtun [1838-42J, by J. M. Gllllss. Washington, 18J.J. «' :m<\.7 UNITED STATES 645 UNITED STATES siuiir. No. Unitkd States. Dept. of the navji, contitined. — Btireittl of ordnnnce. Additional nu'lnonuida ibr morliir prnrtit-c. AVu^liington, ISO^. [No titU'-piigi'.] pp. .TO. Ifi" 5054.00 — - Ilrief orclniince instructions for voiiintoer niivy. [Wiisliington], ISiU. [No titlc-pngc] pp. 7. l:;" 5«j:i.40 — - Ordnani-e instructions for tlie United States navy. :i, CO-IU, U3-121i. — - General orders affecting the volunteer force, 1801. Washington, 1802. pp. 00. 10° . . *C.172.20 — - Geueralorders.embracing the years 1801-03. Chronologically arranged, with alphabetical index, by T. iM. O'Brien and O. Dielendorf. New York, 1804. 2v. 8° C.162.25 — Bureau of engineers. Report of the cliief engi- neer, 1865. Washington, 1805. 8° — Bureau of topographical engineers. Report upon the physics and hydraulics of the Jlis- sissippi nver. By A. A. Humphreys and tl. L.Abbott. Philadelphia, 1801. 4' *.3941.19 — Military academy at West Point. Admission by competitive examination. Extract from report of visitors, for 1803. New York, n. d. [No title-page.] pp. 32. 8° 3955.44 — - Catalogue of the cadets, 1819-25. n.p.,n.d. 18° *C.153.30 — - Official register of the officers and cadets. New Y'ork, 1853, 57. 2v. 10° C.162.6 — Oflice commissary general of subsistence. Cir- cular, Jan. 1, 1805. Washington, 1805. [No title-page.] pp.2. 10° •C.172.24 — Official army register for 1853, 61-05. Wash- ington, 1853-05. Ov. 12° *C.I02.5 — - Same. 1850. Washington, 1853. 12° . . B.lOOb.42 See below, under Congressional documents. — Official report of the siege and reduction of > ort Pulaski, Georgia, ls62. By Q. A. Gill- more. New Y'ork, 1802. 8° 3952.22 — Quartermaster general's office. The martyrs who gave up their lives in the prison pens in Andersonville, Ga. Washington, 1800. 8°. 4350a. 10] — - Roll of honor. Names of soldiers buried in the national cemetery at Alexandria, Va. Washington, IsOO. pp. 09. 8° 4350a. 102 — - Roll of honor. Names of soldiers interred in the national cemeteries at Washington. Washington, 1805. 8° 4350a. 104 — Report in relation to the pension establishment of the United States. Washington, 1835. 5v. 8° ♦C. 153.24 — Report of Lieut. Gen. U. S. Grant of the armies of the United States, 1804, 03. Washington, 1805. [No title page.] pp. 44. 8° 4350a. 93 — - Same. New York, 1805. pp.77. 8° . . . 4350a. 90 — Report of the board of education for freedmeu, department of the Gulf, for 1804. New Or- leans, 1805. pp. 20. 8° 4350a. 41 — Report of the secretary, 1803-05. Washington, 180.1-05. 2v. 8° — Report of the United States provost marshal, W. K. Hamlin, presented Jan., 1803. Provi- dence, 1.^03. jip. 7. 8° 4350a. 44 — Revised regulations for the army, 1801. Phila- delphia, IbOl. 8° "C. 102.2 UNITED STATES 646 UNITKD STATES Shelf. No. United States. Department of loar^ cojitiiiued. — Surgeon general's office. Circulars. Washinij- ton, 1S62-G5. [No title-page.] l(i' . . . . *C.172.23 CotUents.~im2: No. 13. 18(VI; No. 4-6, 8, 10-14. 24. lS6i: No. 1-7, 9; Circular letter, April 27. 18G5: No. 1-t. — - Report of the surgeon general, 1SC5. Wash- ington, ISiHi. [No title-page] pp.7. 8" . *C.172.24 — - Keport, 1st, on meteorolugy, by J. P. Espy. [With charts. Jan. 7— Miirch .31, 184:J. Wash- ington, 1S4;I.] pp. 4. 30 charts. ohlA° . . *B.1S0.3 - Reports on tlie materials available for the preparation of a medical and surreal history of the rebellion. Philadelphia, 1N(J5. 4° . . 5700.1 — System of target practice. SVashington, 18(i2. pp.48. 12* 3955. .39 — Gordon, W. A. Compilation of registeis of . the army, 1815-37 C.1G2.7 — Grace, W. The army surgeon's manual . . . 3759.28 — Greenleaf, C. R. Manual for the mediail offi- cial of the array 57Sfi.23 — Lawson, T. Sickness and mortality in the army, 1855-GO 3791.20 — Steuben, F. W. Regulations for the order and discipline of troops * . . . . 5950.44 Miscellaneovs documents. — Address and recommendations to the states. Philadelphia, 1783. pp. r.2. 12* *43l8.7 — Addresses in congress, and funeral solemni- ties on the death of J. Q. Adams. Wash- ington, 1848. pp.40. 8' 6087.128 — Addresses on occasion of the death of J. C. Calhoun, in the senate, April 1, 1850. With the funeral sermon of C. M. liutler. Wash- ington, 1850. pp. 39. 8° 4390a. 23 — Addresses on occasion of the death of J. M. Clayton, in the senate and house of repre- sentatives, Dec. 3, 1850. Washington, 1857, pp. ^2. 8* 4390a. 27 — Addresses on occasion of the death of Z. Tay- lor, July 10, 1850; with the funeral sermon byS. Pyne. Washington, 1850. 8* . . . .4347.109 — Addresses on the death of S. A. Douglas, in the senate and house of representatives, July 9, 1801. Washington, 1801. pp. 92. 8* 43I0a,55 — Addresses on the presentation of the sword of Gen. A. Jackson, to congress, Feb. 20, 1856, Washington, 1855. pp. 4(i, b" 4349.3 — American state papers. Selected and edited by W. Lowrie, [and others]. Washiugtou, 1832-01. 38v. r *C. 100.2 ContcjUs. — Class I. Foreign relntloua, C vols., to Marcli :i, 1859. II. Indian utruire, 3 vols., to MhicIi 8, 18'-';. 111. I-huinec, fi vols., toMny W, lts::8. IV. Coni- iiiorce and uuviKiition, '2 vnlii., to Maroh ■'{, 1K£). V. Mllltiiry utr.iiri., 7 vuU., to March 1, lf«W.* VI. Nuvul nOuirB, 4 vwU., to Juiut 1.5, iKMi. VII. l*«Nt-umuo. I vol., to Mnrcb 2, IH'a VIM. ViiUiU: hindfl, H vq\h., to lY-b. liH. iJif?. IX. nulnis, 1 vol., luMiircUy, 1»JJ. .\. Mla- cfUunuous, '2 voIr., to Marcli i, 1H23. ~ Comincrciul intercourse with and In states de- clared in iuaurrectiou. Wushingtou, 18U:i. .50. 8' 4:i50a.43 pp. Con^iressioual directory for the l«t ^iess^on of the 30th congress. 2d ed. Washington, IWiO. pp.71, 8' *C. 102.1 - Siune. 1st Hesnion of the 39th congresti. Compiled by U. P. Poore, Washington, 1806. pp.57. 8° *C. 102.28 CougresHlouulghtbe. I>cbati'sand proceedings, ]8t »es8. of 2;id eongreMH to 2d seatt. ol' ;^>th congress. Wiihhlnt;toii, IM4-<".5. Ohv. 4°. •€. 121.1 Court of claimri. ICuU'h of practice. Washing- ton, 1k5,). jip. 2i. H' 0.139.25 iJechiraiioit of war (ugahiNt (ircat Itrltahi, 1812], With the law concerning letterit of iMttftjue, [etc ]. n. p., n. d. pp.23. 12" . . 4329.20 Shelf. No- United States. Afiscellaneoits rfocs., coniinn&U — Exploring expedition, 1838-42, under Capt. Wilkes. Vol.13. Crustacea. ByJ.D. iJana. Part 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1852. Iv, in 2. 1.4". f 3870. 37 — - - Same. Atlas. Philadelphia, 1855. 90 plates, f* *3S.E.l — - Same. Vol.15. Geographical distribution of animals and plants, lloston, 1854. 4* , *4271.8 — - Structure and classification of zoophytes. By J. D.Dana. Philadelphia, 1840. 4° . . *3870..36 — - - Same. Atlas. Pluladelphia, 1849. 61 I>lates. f* *3S.E.2 — Library of congress. Alphabetical cat:Uogue. Authors. Washington, 1804. 1.8* *2190.18 — - Catalogue. Washington, 1801. s* . v. 1 of *2135.12 — - Catalogue of additions made from Dec. 1, 1801, to Dec. 1, 1805. Washington, 1802-05. 4v. 8* v. 2-5of *2I35.12 — - Supplement to the catalogue. Washington, 1828. pp. 10. 8* *2139.60 — Maps of the District of Columbia and city of ^Vashiugton, and plats of the squares and lots of the city. Washington, 1852. f . . 4330.10 — Message of the president communicating a let- ter in relation to the freedmen under the proclamation of emancipation. [Washing- ton, 1&;03. No title-page.] pp.7. 8* . . . 4:i50a.40 — Message of the president in relation to the slates of the union lately in rebellion, ac- companied by a report of C. Schurz ; also a report of Lieut. Gen. Grant. [Washington, 1805. No title-page.] 8* 4350a. 100 — Mf^sage of the president rehttive to the at- 9 tempted seizure of M. Fauchet, by the com- mander of the British ship-of-war Africa. Washington, 1802. pp.53. 8* 5014.25 — Message of the president, with the dispatches from the envoys to the French republic, April3, 1798. [Washington], n. d. pp. 7J.8*. *4103.17 — Official journal of the confereuce convention at Washington, Feb., 1801. By C.J. Wright. Washingtun, IMU. pp. 93. 8* 4.323.8 — Procei'dhigs in the senate and house on the resolutions [respecting] the assault upon sen- ator Sumner. Washington, 1850, [No title- page.] pp.8. 8* G087.120 — I'roceedings of the senate on the fugitive slave bill,— ubolitimi of the slave-lratoiiiur ; Uiuilo of ri'KTNliiir^. 11. Itod UiviT c\tilllll»'O0N. — Rep"i't of the conunittoe on the conduct of the war on the nttack on Petersburg, July 30, 18()J. Washington, 1805. 8" — — ('ainpagneM de Virginle el de Maryland en 1802 durunn-nts officieiH trnduits de ranghuH i)ar F. Lecomte. Paris, 1803. 8* 4321. 18 <'vrif«n(«.— Itnpport pnr M. Wnd«, tiii'inbrc ilu coniltO nilxto do lu ooiidulti* du la (fuurru. UNITED STATES 647 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. Unitkd States. Mt.^rcllnnenus dncs., continued. — lit'port ot <; It. McClellnn, one of the officers eont to tlie soat of wtir in Europi?, 1855, 50. Wjisliinpton, 1857. -I" *C.1W.2 — Report of the trial of the Spanish pirates, be- fore thi' circuit court. With an appendix con- taining^ several docnnients never before pub- lished, lioston, 18:{4. pp.80. 8" 50r)0a.4 — Report on the fieknest: and mortality on board eniijrrant fillips. Wnshin^'ton, 18iU. 8" . . 4*JS9.55 — Rhode Ishinc), Interference of tho executive in the atl";drs of. n.p.,u.d. [No titU--piiLre.] 8°. *4.'530.3 — Rhode Ishind, United Stiites troops in, etc. n. p.. n. d. [No title-paj;e.] 8' ■*J3.'iG..3 — llhinle I-ihiud memorial. Report, li. p., ii. d. (No title-paf.'e.] h° *4.^'iG..1 — Suhthiinp freeiiom in Kanj^as. Report of the eougres.fioual committee, in the lionso, .luly 1, 185C. n.p.,n.d. [Xo title-page.] pp.31, b". 0087.31 133.! ,133.; .143.3 143.; .143.- CONOKKSSIONAL DOCUMKNTS. [In coutiauiition of the sot recorded in the Inilox of 18CI.] '^oth Congress. 2d Session. Dec. 3, 1838— JIarch 3, 1839. Reports of committees of the house. 2v. Nos. 1-273. 8° *C.237.4 30Zft Congress. 1st Session. Dec. 5, 185U— June 23, ISfiO. Journal of the senate. 8° *C. Senate documents. 15v. Noi". 1-60. 8°. *C Senate miscellaneous documents, Nos. 1-02. Special Session. No. 1. 8°. . . *C, Reports of coniraitteea of the senate. 2v. Nos. 1-284. 8" *C. Journal of the house. 2v. 8* *C Executive documents, printed by order of the house. I5v. in 10. Nos. 1-202. lOv. 8". Cv. 4" *C, House miscellaneous documents. 7v. Nos, 1-1(10. 8° ■*C. Reports of committees of the house. 5v. Nos. l-Ci4S. 8' *C, Uouse reports of the court of claims. 5v. Nos. 1-265. 8° *C, 2d Session. Dec. 3, ISCO— March 28, 1861. Journal of the senate. 8° *C. Senate documents. 9v. in 11. Nos. 1-13. 8',*C. Senate miscellaneous documents, Nos. 1-20. Special Session. Nos. 1^. 8° . *C. Reports of committees of the senate. Nos. ^n5-311. 8" *C. Journal of the house, 8° *C. Executive documents, printed by order of the house, llv. Nos. 1-82. lOv. 8°. Iv. 4°.*C. House miscel. documents. Nos. 1-44, 8*,*C. Reports of committees of the house. 3v. in 4. Nos. 1-107. 8" *C. House reports of court of claims. 3v. Nos. 256-276. 8° *C, 183.' las.: 173.1 183.; 37tk Congress. 1st Session. July 4, 18'U— Aug. 6, 1861. Journalof the senate, s" *C. 193.1 Senate documents. Nos. 1-8. Miscellaneous documents. Nos. 1-12. Report of com- mittee. No. 1. 8° *C.193.2 JouruiU of the house. 8° *C.l'.i3.3 Executive documents, printed by order of the house. Nos. 1-2U. Reports of com- mittees. Nos. 1-4. 8° ♦C.193.5 House miscel. documents. Nos. 1-24. 8",*C.193.4 2d Session. Dec. 2, 1861— .June 26, 1802, Journal of the senate. 8" *C. 193.0 Senate documents. 7v. Nos. 1-72. 8° .*C.19;;.7 Senate miscel. documents. Nos. 1-108. 8''.*C.11J3.9 Reports of committei^s of the senate. Nos. 2-TiS ospedition, Transport vessels for the, 37 : iii S.M.27, S.R.|5, M. BabsarI). J. G. Dangers and defences of New York, 36: i S.o. BattebY at Hoboken, Iron steam. 36: ii E.23. Beck, J. P., Case of, Z7 : iii S.U.7G. Beits, R. Charges against D. P. Holloway. 37 : iii H.R.48. BiSHOr. M. Improvement in construction of ships-of-war, 37: n s..ra. BLOCKADE, Message in regard to the, 37 : ii E.2. Blythe island, Co., Naval depot iit, 36: i S.56. BOXESTBEL, A. D., agent jor the Jfeuomonec I}utlant, Chnrges against, 36: iE.47, ii E.4. BOOKS for members of congress, 36 . i E.62. BOSTON, Post ofBce removal at, 36: ii I1.R.13. Bbioade sutler of the brigade commanded by Gen. D. E. Sickles, 37 : ii S.IO. Bbigadieb generals. Appointments to the rank of, 37: ii E.10.5, iii S.29. In service, Jan. )S63, 37 : iii S.22. Not assigned to command, 37 : iii E.65. Nominated to the senate, 37 : ii S.27. BRITISH North American colonies. Imports into the United Slates, 1859-61,37:118.60. Trade and coiumcree with, 36: 1 S.23. See aUo: Canada, Hudson bay company. Britisu vessels. Capture of, having on board eontrahnnd articles for the BO-called Confederate States, 37 : iii S.27. BBOCCUUS,//o-i. P. E. Claim as associate justice ol Ibo supreme court, 37 ; iii 9.1t.72. BROWN, A., Claim of, 37: iii S.11.77. Brown, W. G., Case of, 37 : iii U.C.C.296. BUOWNE, U. .)., Client for the a-jricuUurat diviilon o/ the patent (lilca. MiBsion to Europe, 37 : iii E.53. Browne, H. M. C. Apliroliriatioii for services, 37: iii E.62. BUCHANAN, J., prcsidciU. Protest against the Covode eominittee, .)0: 1 E.S0,II)2. BUITERKIELI), .1. Contract for the transportation of tlio mail over laud from the Mississippi river to San Eraiieisco, 36: i S.26. CALIFORNIA. Boundary survey, 36: II E.40. Collection tljstriets in, ,37- ii ll.M.49. Esllniiites for Indian scr^'ice in, 37: Iii E.fln. Expenses of Indian hostilities in, 36: i ll.ll.CCiO. Indian allairs in, ,36: i S.4it. Indian reservations in, 37: iii K.49. 51. Judge's iibsence from the United States circuit court lor, .37; 11 E.i'-9. Private land claims, Si: I E.S-l. I.alld claims, .37: II 8.11.64. Land titles (1857-61), :17: 11 S.44, 111 8.2, 0. Southern counties of, .'W: I 8.M.2. See alio: San Franelsco. CAMERON, Hon. a. Arrest of, at the suit of P. Butler, 37: II 8.43. Message in relation to a resolution of tlie house ceusuring tlie, 37: II 8.60. CaNAIIA. Connierclal Intercourse with, 37: 11 E.149. See alto: Brit- ish North AiniTloan euluiilee. CANALH. See Cliosopeakc, Erie, Illinois, Interoeeanie slilli eui.ul, HIssisslpiil river, Niagara, Oswego, Washington. CaBUACK, E. II., and Ramsey, A. C. Claim for damages against the poslmasler general, 37 : II 8.47. Catalink, ueamer. Payments withheld on account of, 37 : I E.15. Testimony In reference to the pureliasu of, 37: II II.It.'2, Alipen- CAVALur troops raised for iervlec in each stale of the union, 37 : ii B.2II. , , C»!I»tl», Klglilh. De^ieney of appmprlallons for preparing Index Iollie,:W:llll.B."0. Index to, .17: II K.31. Paym. Ml of ihpniy marshals for laklng the, .17 : I E.18. •t.llmlnary report on. 37 : II K 116. United States. Index to Cong, docs., continued. CH IPLAINS. Memorial praying that no law may be passed Impair- ing their usefulness, 37 : ii S.M.21. Names of chaplains m the army, 37: ii E.84. Kegimental chaplains under pay, 37: il E.136. , CHARLESTON, S. C. Defences of the liarbor of, 36 : U U.M.1-. ro'- eign vessels in the port of, .36: ii S.5. CHENERY, R., Relief of, 37 : iii H.K.3. CBEROKEE Indians. Treaties, 1S17-19, 36: i H.R.SSl. CHESArEAKE bay to Uagerstown, Railroad from, 37: ui &.M..1, S-R.81. . », ,c o T CBESAI'EAKE canal. Military protection to, 37 : iii B.M.15. See auo. Georgetown. CHICAGO, Light-house and pier at, 36; 1 S.19. CHICKASAW trust fund, 36: i E.79. CHINA. Consular courts in, :)6:iS.7. Corre.pondenee and dis- patches of ministers to, 36 : i 8.30. Court for the mvestip.ln.n of claims, 37: ii H.E.34. Steam mail line to, 37: it 8.M.J. See also: McLane, R. M. CHINA mission. Estimates for, 36: i H.M.22. „ « ,0 CHII-I'EWA and other Indians, Amounts due, 37: in E.IJ, H.tt.lB. CUIRIQUI commission, 36: ii E.41. . i- 00 CHOCTAW Indians. Accounts, 37: iii E.75. Amount duo, 36: 1 E.»-. CHURCHILL. S. Manual for parades and reviews, Estimates for the publication of, 36: ii E.19. Civil expenses of government, 36; i E.lOl, H.M.42. CLAIMS, Court of. See Court of claims. .laiminii COAST survey. Annual reports, (1S59) 36 : . E.41, v. 7 i ('*»)*■■■■ F. 14. (1861) 37;iiE.70; (1S62) 37 : iii E.2'J, v. 9. Employ IS, ?ra) ^ i E^; (1859-M) 36:11 E.15; (1860^1) 37; ii E.83. Expenditures on account of, 1S60-61, 37; ii E.68. Coffee, Extracts of, for the army, ,37:118.16. , „„ . COINS, Means proposed for preventing the counterfeitmg of, .».; 1 8.53. Cole, D. S., Case of, 37 ; iii K.C.C.21B. COLLKOES for the beneflt of agriculture and tho meehnnio arts. Lauds donated for, 37: iii 8.48. COLONIZATION. See Einaneipation. _ ., COLORADO desert, Proposition to cede it to California, 37; 11 COLOEADo' territory. Report of tho governor on explorations in, 37 : ii E.5G. See also: Denver. COMSIEBCE, Protection of, 37: i E.IO. COMMERCE and navigation. Report of the secretary of the treasury, (1859) 36:iE. (V.15); (1860) 36: ii 8. (v. 8) i (1861) 37:11 L. COMMERCIAL relations with foreigu nations, 36; i E.4 (v. 2) 1 il 8.6 (v. 9) ; 37 : ii E.45, iii E.63. ,. COMMISSARY general of subsisteneo. Annual report, (1861) 3, : 11 8.1 (p. 72). See aim: War, Report of the secretary ol. COMTBOMISE. See Virginia. CONFISCATION ot the property of rebels, ^ ■ '' ^ "• CONFISCATION low in the District of Columbia, ,37: 111 E.Si. CONGRESS, Members of. Books for,.36: I E.62. Distance fVom Wnsh- inclon to the residence of each, 36 ; ii E.9. Interest in govern- ment contraela, 37 : ii E.15I. See olso: Docnment., House of representatives. Senate. c xt 00 CONSTITUTION, Proposed amendment of the, 36: il h.!*i, ^.M.-iJ. CONSULAR courts. See Cliina, Turkey. CONSULAR fees, ,'10: i R.561, 8.9, ii E.49. CONSULAR puiiils, 37 ; ill 8.14. CONSULS and eomniereial agents, 37: 11 8.1-. CONTESTED elections. .See Iowa, Kansas, Keiitneky, Marilan.l, Michigan, Jlissouri, Nebraska, New York, North Cai,.lliia, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia. CONTRABAND arlleles of war. Sec British vessels, Mexico. CONTRACTS. Army, 37 :ii 8.17. Ooverninent, .37 ; ii 11 11.2. luve.tl- gation lnto,:17: iii H.ll.r*!. Prevention of fnimls in maklog, 37; II 8.M.105. Transporlation of Indian goods, .37: ii 8.21. See aleo: Mail. „ C00I.IDOE, R. H. Sickness and inerlalily In the army, iao5.|.l), .I. Customs, Surveyor* of. RiMiiisilou of lluci atitX pennllles, 37 : 1 H.M. 3. Se« aUio: New York. Daily, S. O. See Xcbraskn. Contested eloctlonn. Dainrsb, F. Case of. 37 : iii S.IMl)7. Compousfttion for judicial ser- vices nt Constantinople, 37: Iii H.lCl. Dakota Indians, Kt-niovtil of llie, S7 : III H.IM3. Dakota territory. Appropriations for, 37: iii E.S6. Dalles city, Expedition from GrcKt S«H lake to, (1859) 36: I S.S4, Damages to privnto property, ClftUus on tlio war department for, 37: II S.(J9. See at»o: Holden, V. A., Hutchinson, J., Johnson, G. W., Mount Vernon ninnufaeturiuR company. Davidso.V. H. Boot apparatus, 30: 1 II.H.t^oJ). Davis, H. W. See Mnryland. Contested elections. Dead letters, Plan for diminUhlng tlio number of, 36: i 3.41. Debt, National, May 29, ISUU, 37; il E.122. See also: Expenditures. Loans, DEFAiCATioxs. See Fowler, I. V.. Illinois. Defences. See Fortiflcntion?, Harbor defences. Lakes, Maine, Military, River and Sea-coast det'enees. Deooes. W. H., and Smith. F. H., Contract of. 36: i E.85. Delaware, indemnity to loyal citizens of, 37: ii H.R.57. Dexvkk, Colorado territory. Branch mint at, 37: ii H.R. 86. Dei-akT-MKNTS, Temporary nppointniBnt of heads of, 37: iH E.24. Deskrkt. Constitution of the state, 37: ii H.M.78. DtCKl.vs, A.. Relief for; with minority report, 36: i H.R. 646. Dli'LOMATic correspondence. See State (Department of). Diplomatic costume, Instruction relative to, 36: i S.31. Disloyal citizens, Arrest of, 37: iii S.ll. DjSTiucTofColurabia. Abolition of slavery in the, 37: ii S.R.12. Act for the releatie of ccrttiin persons held to service or labor in the, 37: ii S.42. Alleged hostile orgianization against the gov- ernment in tlie,36: ii H.K.79. Banks. 36: i S.R.9. Circula- tion of bank notes in the. 36: ii S.tSS. Confiscation law in the, S7 : iii E.32. Payments to marshals of the, 37 : ii S.62. Hospi- tal for the insane. 36; i S.2 (p. 880). Penitentiary : Annual re- port, 36: i S.2 (p. 859) ; 37: ii E.l (p. 858). Buildings as a placo of storage, 37 : fi U.M.32. Prison^|^ the, by sen- tence of courts-martini, 37: ii E.127, H.J|^^Bb5.— Kcorgan- IzatEon of the mililia of the, 36: i E.69,^^^K. Slavery in the. 37: ii H.R.oS. See also: GeorgetXwn.^HHniopton. District land offices, Expenses of, 36: i E.60. See also: Land officcp. Documents, Distribution of, 37 : i H.M. 18. See also: American state papers. Domestic and foreign missionary society of the protestant episco- pal church in the United States, 36: i S.B.18. Dominican Republic, .'i7: i E.3. Drainesville, Fa., Engagement at, Dec. 20, 1861, 37: ii E-59. Dauw, C. S. Origin and prosecution of the Indian war in Oregon, 36: iS.M.59. Dltost, 8. F., Message racoramending a vote of thanks to, 37: ii E.82. DlTRFEE, W. F. Submarine gun, 37 : ii E.126. EaSTABROOK, E. See Nelraika. Contested elections. Edwards, A., and his nssoi-iutes. Claim for transportation of the mail, 1849-03. President's veto, 36: i S.-IO. EOTPT, Indemnity for maltreatment of a missionary agent in, 37: Ii E.117. Elizabeth Mary, achooner, Remission of fine imposed upon the own- ers of the, 36: i H.M 56, H.R.523. Ely, A., and others. Imprisonment at Richmond, 37: i E.17. EUA.NCil-ATlON, Bureau of, 37: iii S.M.IO. Emancipation end colonization, 37: ii H.R.148. Emancipation of the slaveaof rebels, 37: ii H.R.120. Emigrant bureau, Expediency of establishing an, 37 : iii H.R. 42. Emigration. .See Immigration. Emiokants to Oregon and Washington, 1862. Report by M. Craw- fftrd. 37:iiiS. 17. Employes interested in banks or government contracts, 37: iii H.R.&t. E.NOINEER bureau. Annual report, (1860) 36: ii S.l (p. 253) ; (1861) 37:iiS.l (p. W). Enoikeer bureau. Topogrophicol. See Topographical. England, Workingmen of. Correspondence with the, 37: liiS.49. Enlistme.n'T, Compulsory. See Prussia, Enlistments of the eleven regiments, 37: ii E.21. EnROLME.vT act, 37: iii S.M,41. Er.lE, Penn., Improvement of the harbor at, 37: ii H.U.135. Erie canal. Enlargement of, 37: ii E.128, H.R.114, iii S.M.12. Estimates of appropriutlonD, (1861) 36: i E.l; (1861-6:1) 37: 1 E.l; (1862)36: ii E.l; (1863)37: Iii E,3. Ether, L>r. Morton's petition fur compensation for the discovery of, 37:iiiS.R.89. Europe, Telegraphic communication with, overland via Russia, 36: ii H.R.«2. Expatriation of citizens, 36: i H.M.27. EXPCXDITL'BES, 1789-1860, 37: i E.9. See aUo: Receipts and expen- ditures. 82 United Statks. Index to Cong, docs.y continued. EXPENSKS of government, 86 : I 1I.M.35. Exports and imports. A'otc— These subjects are to be sought In the document Commerce aud navigation. FarraouT, D G. Message recommending a vote of thanks for ser- vices and gallantry, 37 : il 8.4!*, FAt'CUET, J., miniiiter plenipotentiary of France, Seizure of, by the British ship of war Africa, 37 : ill S.4. Ferqusson, Maj. D. Report on the counti-y between Tucson and LoboB bay, 37 : Special Session, S.l. FERREIRA, F. p. United States vs. F. P. Ferreira.36: i S.M.55. Finances. Annual report of the secretary of the treasury, (1859) 36: 1 S. 3; (1860) ,36: ii E.2: (1861) 37: ii S.2; (186LJ) 37 : iii S.l. FlSUERiKS, Correspondence with the British minister relative to, 37 : iE. 4. Fishing bounties, 86: ! S.R.41. FisKK, .1. L. Report of the expedition fi'om Fort Abercrombie to Fort Benton, 37: iii E.80. Florida, Twenty thousand volunteers from, 37 : 111 H.R.S. Flotilla. Armed flotilla on the western waters, 37 : ii E.5. Floyd, J. B. Letter of the attorney general in relation to the pay- ment of sundry bills of exchange accepted by Mr. Floyd, 87 1 ii S.5. FooTB, A. H., Message recommending a vote of thanks to, 37: 11 E.141. Foreign intervention, Resolutions concerning, 37: iii S.M.38. FOREIGN powers, Relations between the United States and, 37: H E.148. FORT Abercrombie, Dakota, to Fort Benton, Expedition from. "Tteport of J. L. Fiskc, 37: iii E.80. Fort Benton, Montana, Military road to Fort Walla-Walla from, 38: iiE.44; 37: iii S.43. Fort Fillmore, New Mexico, Surrender of, 37: ii E.ll. Fort .Jackson, La., Capture of, 37 ; ii S.56. Fort Kearney, Neh., South Pass and Honey Lake wagon road, 36: U E.63,64. Fort Leavenworth reservation, Kansas, 37: ii H.M.90, iii H.R.56. Fort Ridgely, Minn., and South Pass wagon road, 37 : ii E.35. Fort Smith, Ark., Wagon road to the Colorado from, 36: 1 H. M.98. FORTSumter, 5. C. Correspondence relating to, 36: iiE.61. Musicians and soldiers. Compensation for losses during their removal flora Fort Moultrie, 36 : ii H.R.70. Fort Union, New Mexico, Military road to Santa Vh from, 36: II H.R. 509. Fort Walla-Walla, Wasliington, Military road from Fort Benton to, 36:ii E.44; 37 iii : S.4.J. Fortifications. Estimates for, 37 : ii E.6. Increased appropria- tions for, en account of the seizures made by the southern states, 36: ii E.66. Permanent fortiflcations, 37: ii II.U.86. See also: Harbor defences. Lakes, Military, River and Sea-coast defences, Morgan, James St. C. Forts. Changes in the construction of, 37: ii E.115. Condition of, 36: ii U.K.8.5. See also: Seizures, Foster, C. H. Claim to a seat In the house of representatives, from North Carolina, 37: il H.M.15,21,5.3. H.R.118. Protest against the election of J. Piggott, 37: iii H.M. 14. , Foundries. Nnliomil foundries in Pennsylvania and Alabama, 36:iH.R.650. Fowler, I. \.,po&tmastcr, N. r.. Defalcation of, 36: i E.91, S.48. Fox Indians. See Sac and Fox Indians. Fox river, Improvement of, 37: iii H.R.55. S-M.14. Fraj*'CE, Presentation of American citizens to the court of, 37: i! S.19. See also: French army, French spoliations. FRANKING privilege, Abolishment of the, 36: ii H.R.I. Frauds, Prevention and punishment of, 37; iii H.M. 18. See also: Contracts, Indian trust bonds. Navy department. New York custom house. Free trade. Letter of the emperor of France on, 36: i E.30, FrredmeN, Sale into slavery of, 37: ill S.3. Fu£.MONT, .T, C, Corrospoudcnce relative to the purchase of arms by, {1861)37:iiE.67. French army in Mexico. Exportation of contraband articles to the, 37: iii S.24. Use of negroes in the, 37: iii 3.40. French spoliations, 36: i H.R.259. Geological survey. See Oregon, Washington. Georgetown, D. 0. Alteration in the bridges across the Chesa- peake and Ohio canal, 37 : it E.102. Railway on Pennsylvania avenue to, 36: is. R.80. GOLDSBOROUGH, L. M. Vote of thanks for services in the capture of Roanoke island, 37: it E.G6. GOVERNOR, transport steamer. Wreck of, 37: ii E.139. Great Britain. Correspondence with the British government re- Bpecting the extradition of J. Anderson, 36: ii S.ll. Reci- procity treaty with, for promoting commercial relations with the British provinces, 36: i E.96, H.M.89,92; 37: ii H.R.22. Treaty for the suppression of the slave trade, 37: ii S.67. Treaty respecting land titles, 37: iii S.R.38. See also: Brit- ish North American colonies, England. GREAT Salt lake, Expedition from Dalles city to, (1859) 36: 1 S.34. GRhENVlLLE district, S. C; Depredations on the mail in, and unfit- ness of the post-office building at, 36: I 5.58. Gl'ADALUPE Hidalgo, Unexpended amount of the funj set apart by reali' of, 36: 1 S.l. UNITED STATES 650 UNITED STATES United States. Index to Cong, docs., continued. Habeas corpus. Indenmifloation of the president and olhera Tor the snspension of the w-rit of, 37 : iii II.K.45. Letter from the attor- ney eeneml on the suspension of the writ of, 37 : i E.5, 6. Hal l, J. Papers in reference to the mail njuto preemption case, 3G: i S.oO. Bambcrg, Intemation«l agricultural exhibition at, 37 : iii E.31, S.46. Hasoveb, kingdom o/. Treaty for the abolition of sUde dues to the, 37 : ii E.52. Habbor defences, 37: ii E.UO. On great lakes and rivers, 37:ii H.R.2S. See also: Charleston, S. C. Habbor improvement. See Erie, Peon., Pro\inceto\vn, Mass. Haiclb^i river. Practicability of making it navigable for commercial purposes, S(j; i E.64. Habney, Gen, W. S. Administration in Oregon, 36: i E.65.98,ii E. 51. Reports made during his command of the United States forces in Missouri, 37 : i E.19. Harper's Ferr>-, Disturbances at, 3G: i S.2 (v. 2, p. 19). Harris. J. M. See Maryland. Contested elections. Harris, W. G. See Maryland. Coolested elections. HARTStiFF, G. L., lieut. U- S. A. Money refunded, 36: ii S.R.287. Hatteras Inlet, Compensation for losses by soldiers at, 37: ii S.R.4i>. Hatti. See Navasa. Heads of departments, Temporary appointment of, 37: iii E.24. HOLDEN, F. A., and others. Claim for damages to property by United States troops, 37: iii H.R.9. HOLLOWAY, D. P., Charges against, by R. Betts, 37: iii H.R.48. Horses. Feeding disabled horses, 37: ii E.22,61. Purchase of horses for the Pennsylvania cavalry, 37: i E.GO, Removal of dead horses in Washirfgton, 37 : ii E.31. HOXTMAS laud claims. 36 : i S.R.150. HOUSE of representatives. Alleged abstraction of books from tho library, 36: ii H.R.90. Alterations in the floor of tb« hull, 36: ii H.M.8. Amendment of rules. 36: i H.R.58. ContingtMit expenses, (1859) .'36; i n.M.2.';; (186()) 36: ii H.M.L3; (lK01):t7: iiH.M.33; (1862) 37: iii H.M. 24. Contingent fund, Deflcien- cles, 36: ii H.M.7. Employes, 36: ii H.M.14, H.R.'.H. Em- ployes under the doorkeeper, 36: i H.M.75. Employes in the ckTk's oflSce, 36: i H.5I.I4. Employes in the post o^ce, 3(it i H.M.21. Estimates of appropriations for deficiencies, 36: i H.M.40. Expenses of select committees, 37: ii H.M.88,89. List of members, 36: ii H.M.2. Organization of, 36: ii H.R.102. Standing committees, 36 : ii H.M.3. Stationery fUmishcd to the committees, 36: i H.M.77; 37: ii H.M.59. See also: Contested elections, Kentucky, May, H., North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia. Howard, W. a. See Michigan. Contested election. Hudson baycompuny. Relations betiveen the United States and Northwest British America, 37 : ii E.14C. HULL and Cozzens, and J. Naylor and Co. Compensation for the construction of the capitol building at Omaha city, 37: iii H.R.7. HUMPHHEYS, W. H., Impeachment of. 37: ii H.M.76, H.R.4-1. HdtCHINSON, J. Claim for damages, 37 : iii E.58. Illinois. Defaleations by collectors of customs in, 36: i E.31. iLLixois and Michigan canal enlargement, 37 : ii H.R.'JG. liUIIORATloN. Pasfiongers arriving in tho United States, (1859)36: IE.32; (1860)36: ii E.Hl ; (1861) 37: U E.3; {1862)37: iii E.67. See also: Emigrant bureau. IMPBACUMENT, Sec Humphreys, W. H., Watrous, J. C. Imports, Collection of duties on, 86: Ii H.U.59. See also: Commerce and navigation. Indian atrnirs. Account* for tho southom supcrintondcncy, 37: iii E.47. Annual report of tho commisMoner, {18.'»9) 30: i S.2 (p.373); (1860)36: II 8.1 (p. 23.1); (1861) 37:ii E.l (p. 624). Balances, Unexpended, 37: IilE.3^. Deficiencies in appropri- ations for Indian 8er>icc, 36: ii E.31. Disbursements, (l*l.'.9) 36:1 E.10;(1S80)37:119.31: (1«61) 37: iii 8.39. Estimates f.ir Indian service, 36: i H.M.24;37: H 8.M.79. Estlmatuii tbr ne- gotlHtlng treatioM with Indian tribes, 36: i E.61. ExtingulHli. ment of Indian tillo,36: I 8 15. Outbreak* of tho Imliinis in the NorthwoRt, 1863,37: lit E.68. Property of the Indian 37; ii K.l (p.44;i); (1802)37:111: K.I (v. 2). Appropriatlonn, (IWH). 61)37:118.13, Unlnnccs of appropriallons, (1859) ;W: I Ii6- (1861)) :(0:HE.I6; (I8lH)37: HI E.2U. Clerks, etc., employ.-d In, (IHIVI) :!6:ll E.«i (1861) 37:llE./i7i (1862) .-(7:111 h:.t\\\. ContluKont expenses. (IWK) 311: I K.I2i (18(W),'J6: ll E.3; (]H(11) 37: II E.i3; (ISHii) 37: 111 K.70. Keduntlou of expenses, 37: III E.Sil. Sfralto: Census^ Indian nlTalrs. Land offlcp, ratents. I'm- •lona, HiMtUtles (Bursau of), WashltifrtoA (I'uhllc hulldlngn). |jiT»l(XAI.rev«nun. ConinunilriUlon fy..ni lheeomniUI(.ner,.'ff ; 1118.20. United States. Index to Cong, docs., co7itinued. ISTER^'ATIONAL Agricultural exhibition. See Hamburg. INTEROCEAN'IC ship canal near the Uthmus of Dorirn Report of the survey by Lieut. Michlor, with maps, 36 : ii 6.9 (v. 7). Iowa. Contested election: L. G. Byington v*. W. Vandovcr, 37: U H.M.6, 16,28,37.40,42,48, H.R 68. iRON-CLAD ships, ordnance, etc., 37: ii H.M.82. luox-CLAD steamers, Construction of, 37: ii S.M.70. Japan. Building of ships-of-war for, 37: iii S.33. Compensation of interpreter to the mission to, 36 :t H.M.16. Diplomatic mission from, 36: i S.25. Jefferson territory. Establishment of a territorial organization, 36: i H.M.IO. Jews. Discrimination tn Switzerland against citizens of the United States of the Hebrew persuasion, 36: i E.76. John H. Jarvis, sJtip. Restoration to its owners, 37 : ii 8.RJ57. JOHNSON, E. F. Report on the defences of Maine, 37 : ii 8.41. Johnson, G. W., Damages suffered by, in consequence of the occu- pancy of his lauds by the war department, 37 : ii E.26. Johnson, R. Report as commissioner in New Orleans, 37 : iii 3.16. Johnson, W. P. Expulsion from the senate, 37: ii S.R.6. Jones, A. H. Appropriations for 8er\'icus, 37 : iii E.62. Jones, J. P., Payments for the relief of the heirs of, 37: II S.ll. Judges of the district courts of tho United States. Report of the secretary of state, 37 : i S.3. Jules et Marie, brig. Collision between the war steamer San Ja- cinto and, 37 : iii E.4. Jcegen Lorentzeu, Danish 6arJt, Seizure of, by the "Morning Light," 37: ii E.78. Kansas. Additional judge. 36: i H.M.34. Claims, 36: ii H.R. 104. Contested election: F. P.Stanton us. J. H. Lane. 37: I S.R.I. Constitution, 36 : i H.M.6, H.H.255. Half breed Kaw lands, 37 : ii S.58. Military command in, 37 : ii S.25. Public lands in, 37 : iii E.5o. Purchasers of school lands in,36: i H.R.665. Relief to Indian refugees In Southern Kansas, 37 ; ii E.132. Survey of public lands in, 37 : ii S.U.S2. Sur\'eyor general's ofRcu in. Ex- penses, (1862) 37: iii S.21. Taxation of the Wyandot Indian landsin, 37:iH.M.7. Kennedy, J. C. G., Case of, 87: iii H.R.19. Kentucky. Certificates of election given to members (if congress from, 36: i H.M.53. Contested election: J. S. Chrisnian vs. W. C. Anderson, 36: I H.M.3. Fedeml relations, 87: ii S.M.16 . KiTTt:R'V^|^^yard, Purchase of land ad,iuiuing, 37: iii S.5. Kline, j^^^ftPcnnsylvania. Contested elections. :R\^|^yi 'W ). IWInfici Lakes. IWmncatTon of,37: ii E.14. Harbor defences on the great lakes, 37: ii H.R.23. Naval defences of the great lakes, 3": iii H.R. 4. L.\ND ofHce, General. Annual report of tho commissioner, (18W) 86: iS.2(p.l70); (1860)36:ilS.l(p.4y); (1861) 37: iiE.lj (1862)37: iii E.l (p.56). » Land offices. Consolidated, 36: 1 H.U.606. Expenses of, 36: 1 8. .36. Sec also: District land ollices. Land titles, Treaty wiib Great Britain respecting, 37 : Hi S.R.SS. See alfo: California, Maine. Lands, Public. See Colleges, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wisconsin. Lane, J. II. Correspondence relative to his appointment an brigadier general of volunteers, 37: I E.8. Papers In relation to accept- iinco of appointment, 37: i S.M.U. Sec al9o: Kansas. Con- tested election. Lawson, Jirig. Gcn.T. Sickness and mortality in the army, (1855-60) 3I,liiH.M.IG. Mails, Dfiin-diuiona iiinni. See r.i-eeiivlUp dUlrict, S. C. Mails bctw^ou New York niid Wnihiiiffton city. D«rangcn)cnt oft .T: lil S. 18. Transportulli.ii uf. 37: iil E.41. Mails iVmu Sncmmputo, In California, to Olympla, in Washington territory, 36: iH.U.512. Mavse. Land titles ill lh# late disputed territory of, 36: i H.U.4.'>S. Moneys paid to, under the Aiilibtirton treaty, 37 : H S.63. Krport ofE. K. Jolinson on the defences or,37 : it S.41. Sec also: Kiltery. Major general. Keport, (IS.'i9) 36: 1 S.2 (v.2. p.STO). Majoi! genentU. Appointment of, 37 : lii 8.29. In service, 18fi3, fV7 : iii S.22. Without commund,37: Ui £.40,05. NanieSRnil num- ber of, 37: ii S.33. MAKfAL for pamdea and rovlows. Sef Churrhlll, 8. Marine corps. Pay and allowance!*, 36: I E.38, ii E.78; 37 : il E.24, Ell E.77. . Marine hospitals. Expenditures, (1854-fi5)) SR: I S. 27. MARVUiND. Contested elections: 3d district. W. P. Preston v. J. M. Harris, 36: i H.M.28, ii H.R.89; 4lh district, W. <;. Hiir- risonri. H. W. DaWs, 36:1 H.M.J, u H.R.OO. Resolutions of tho It'pisliituro declaring their devotion to the constitution, 37: ii S.M.IO, 1]. Seealto: Bultimorc. Massachusetts. Moneys paid to, under tho Ashburton treaty, 37: II S.63. I*rocoeding3 in tho legislature upon the act of the Btftto of Maryland appropriating § 7.000 for the families of those who were killed in the riot at Baltimore, 37: ii H.M.74. Sre atao: Boston, Proviucctowii, May, Hon. H. Report oequitting him of holding Intercourse with persons In rebellion, 37 : i H,R,2. Medical department. Estimate of the medical and hospital depart- ment, ;;7: ii E.9. Menomonee Indians. See Bonesteel, A. D. MERCirR, II., PrfHCh minUter. Visit to Richmond, 37: iii S.37. Meteorological observations by the corps of topographical en- gineers, 37: ii S. I (p. i;i4). Meteorological register, (IKiWiO) 36: i 8.52 (p. 329). Metroi'OLITAN railroad company. Proposition for a railroad be- tween New York nnd Washington, 37: ii H.M.65. Mexican military contribution accounts. Payments to clerks, etc., 37:iiE.125. Mexico. French army. Exportation of contraband articles to the, 87 : iii S.24. French army. Use of negroes in the, 37 : iii S.40. Interference of ourminister in favorof the French, 37 : iii E.23. Intervention of European powers in the affairs of, 37: ii E.4. Present condition of, 37: ii E.lOO, iii E..^4. See also: Guada- lupe Hidalgo, MiramoQ steamers, New Mexico, Rio Grande, Texas. MlAUl ludians. Annuities to the, 37 : iii E.18, H.R.10. Michigan. Contested election: W. A. Howard va. G. B. Cooper, 3G: H.R.87,44.5. Donation of lands to, 37: ii S.R.40,G2. Indian claims, 36: ii H.R.8. Michigan, Lake, Ship canal to connect Mississippi river and, 37: ii H.R.37. "MiCHLER, N. Report of his survey for an interoceanic ship canal near the Isthmus of Darien, 36: ii S.9 (v, 7). MiDSHli'MEX. Appointments in the naval academy, 37 : S.31, S.R.78. Miles, Col. D. 8., Proceedings of a court of inquiry in the case of, 37 : ii S.7. Military commission to Europe, 185,5, 5G. Report of Mfy. A. Mor- decai,36:i S.GO (v. 15). MiUTarY defences. Report upon, 36: i S.2; 37: ii E.92, a reprint of 24: iE.243,26:iE.206,and32:iK.5. Militakv establisbment. Contingent expenses, 36: ii E.60; 37 : ii E.51, iii E.84. Military posts. Estimates for rent of lands, 36: i H.M.46. MlUTARY road from Fort Union to Santa Fe, 36: i H.R.o09. From Fort Walla-Walla to Fort Benton. Report by J. Muiinn, 37 : iii S.43. HlUTTA. Abstract of annual returns, (1859)36; i E.28; (1860) 36: ii E..53; (1861)37:11 E.58. Employment of, in suppressing insurrection, 36: ii H.R.58. Reorganization of, 36: i S.28. See also: District of Colombia. Missouri. MlITERAL resources of Nevada, 37 ; iii E.26. Minnesota. Employment of a special agent of the treasury depart- ment in, 37 : ii S.9. Indian affairs in, 37: ii .S.M.77. Indian barbarities in, 1862,37: iii S.7. Indian councils in, 36: i 8.35. See also: St. Paul. MIXTS. See Denver, Nevada territory. MiBASlON steamers, Captnie of. 3<}: i S.2P. Missionary agent in Egypt, Indemnity for maltreatment of, 37 • ii E.117. Missionary society of the methodist episcopal church. Claim fur land taken for military purposes at Dallas, Oregon, 36 :i H.R.12U. MISSISSIPPI river. Levee on, in Tennessee and Kentucky, 36 : i H.R.318. Obstructions in the Bayou Manchac, 36: i E.46. Project of uniting by canal navigation Rod river and the, 37: iii 8.M.8. Removal of obtructiuns, 36: 19.8. Removal of obstructions at the Southwest Pass and Pass & rOutrc.36: ii E.5. Ship canal to connect Lnkc Michigan and the, 37 : Ii H.K.37. Mississippi sound. Memoir of W. P. Trowbridge on, 36: i E.30. MISSOURI. Contested election: F. P. Blair v*. J. R. Barrett, 36: i H . M.8, II . It .563. ReimbuTBemenl for moneys expended in repi'll- ing the invasion of the Osuge Indians. 36: i U.K. 40. Report of W. S. Harney, made during his command of the United Sutes United States. Index to Cong, docs.f continued. Missouri, continued. forces in, 37: i E.19. Troops raised for local defence, 37: iii 8.41. Volunteer militia in, 37 : ii 8.6. See aUo: Leavenworth Island, 6t. Louis. MORPECAI, A. Military commission to Europe In 1855, 56, 36 : i S.60. Morgan, G, D., Employment of, to purchase vessels for the govern nient, 37: ii S. 15, 8.R.9. MORSK, 8. F. U., Petition of, 36: ii 8.R.310. Morton, J. 8. See Nubranka. Contested elections. MORTON, James St. C. Memoir of American forliHcation submitted to tho secretary of war, 36: i S.2 (v. 2, p. 452). Morton, Dr. W. T. O. Compensation for the discovery of the ap- plication of ether, 87: iii a.U.89. MOUST Vi-rnon manufacturing company. Indemnification for in- juries to their buildings at Alexandria, 37 : iii H.R.38. Mountain Meadows, Utah, Massacre at, 36: I 8.42. MULLAN, Capt. 3. Report on tho construction of « mllitory road from Fort Walla-Walitt to Fort Benton, 37: iii 8.43. MUNSKE Indians, Condition of the, 37: iii E.61. MuRPRERsnOKO', Butt lo of, Gon.BoBecruns'sreportof the,37: Special Session, 8.2. Music, Military. Cost of regimental bands, 37 : ii E.72. Naval academy. See Annapolis, Md. Naval defences. Report upon, 37: ii E.02, a reprint of, 24: i E 243, 26: i E.20(^ and 32: i F.5. See also: Lakes. Naval depot. Scs Blythe island. Naval establishment. Statistics, 36: ii S.4. Naval supplies. Offers for furnishing, 3C: i E.70. Navasa island, Occupation of, by American citizens, 30: i 3.37. Navigation. See Commerce and naWgation. Navy. Captains and commanders in active service, Jan., 1863, 37: iii S.12. Contract for coal for the, 36; i H.R.508. Explana- tion of estimates of appropriatious, 36: i n.M.41. Number, station, etc., of ships of tho United States na\'y, 36; ii H.R.87. Officers: Pay and allowances, SO; i E.38, ii E.78; 37: ii E.24, iii E. 37,77. Thanksof congre3Sto,37: ii E.147. Voteofthanks of congress recommended to officers in the squadron of flag- offlcer Farragut, 37: ii S.49. .See also: Flotilla, Marine cori'Si Midshipmen, Navy yards, Pensions, President, Prize matters, Pursers, Seamen, Ships-of-war. Navy, Department of the. Allt^gcd abuses in the, 36 : i H.R C2. An- nual report of the secretary, (1859) 36; i S.2 (v.S, p.I137) ; (1S60) 30: ii 3.1 (v 3, p. 1); (1861) 37: i E.l, ii S.l (p. 3); (1862)37: iii E.l. Clerks, etc., employed in the, (1859) 36: i E.17; (1860) 36: ii E.76; (1861) 37: ii E.74. Contingent expenses, (1859) 36: i E.16; (1860) 36: ii E.23; (1861) 37: ii E.86. Contracts, 37: ii E.150. Expenditures, (1859) 36: I H.M.91. Reorganization of tho, 37: ii S.M.46. See also: An- napolis, Md. (Naval academy), Light-house establishment. New York. NaTY yards. Clerks, watchmen, etc., employed in, 36: ii S.S. In- vestigation of, 36: i E.34,71. Pay of master workmen at, 36: ii S.13. Surrender and destruction of,37: ii S.U.37. See also: Kittery, League island, Norfolk, V«. Nebraska. Contested elections: S. G. Daily vs. E. Eastabrook, 36: i H.R.44G; 8. G. Daily vs. J. S. Morton, 37: i H.M.4, U.K.3, ii H.R.69. Saline lands in,37: ii E.49. Survey of public lands in, 37: ii 3.R.32. Surveyor general's office in, Expenses, (1862) 37: iii S.21. NsoitOES. Laborers of African extraction in the island of St. Croix, 37: ii H.M.80. See also: Africans, Freedmeu, Mexico (Freuclt army), Slave trade, Slavery. Neutral rights, 36: i S.2 (p.27). Nevada territory. Branch mint at, 37: iii H.R.I7. Disturbances in, ;t7: ii S.36. Mineral resources of, 37: iii E.26. New England emigrant aid company. Claim for destruction of property, 37: iii S.M.29. NEW Grauada, Convention with, 36: ii S.M.13. New Mexico. Affairs in the department of, 36: i 3.2 (v.2, p.256). Cilizenshipto certain citizens, 37: ii H.R. 145. Claim for Indian depredations in, 36: i H.R.122. Indian hostilities in, 36: i £.69, ii E.24. Land claims in, 36: i H.R.821. Militiamen and vol- unteers called into service against the ludians, 36: i S.M.45. Private land claims, 36: i E.14, ii E.28,57,58; 37: ii E.112. Publio buildings, 36: i E.45. Slavery in, 36: i H.R. 608. Sup- pression of Indian hostilities in, 36 : ii E.63 ; 37 : iii H.R.52. New Orleans, Capture of, 37: ii S.56. Custom house, 36: i E.80, 8.49. Furnishing rooms in the custom house for the poat- offlce, 36 : i E.63. See also: Johnson, R. New York cilt/. Custom house : Contracts for, 37 : ii E.107. Fees on permits to land the baggage of passengers at the port of, 86; i E.72. Fraudulent transactions at, 37: iii S. 44. Mouey received by the collector, 37; iii E.tiO. Salary, fees, and per- quisites of collector, enrvcyor, and naval officer of, 37 : ii E.54. Solicitor of customs, 37: ii H.M.22, H.R.107. — Dangers and defences of, 36: i S.5. Ordnance depot on tho tide-walcrs of New York harbor, 37: ii 3.M.2, iii U.R.16. Persons employed in delivering letters in the post-offiee, 36 : i E.61. Public: stores, 36:1 E.67, H.R.647. United States assay office. 37: ii H.R. 106. S.M.7. New York, state. Arms for regiments from, 37: ii E.48. Contested election: A. J. Wiltiami^ou vs. D. E. biekles, 36: i U.If.UO. ii H.M.6. Democratic convention in relation to the priiseiit dis- turbed condition of the cuuntos Keeolutions adopted by the. UNITED STATES 652 UNITED STATES U^'IT£D States. Index to Cong, docs.^ continued. XEW 1 onyx., stale, comimted, 36:nS.M.19. District court, northern district, 36: i H.M.30. Indian reserve in Kansns terrilorj-, 36:iE..'5r. Milcnpe and per diem of marshals. 37: li E.8I. See also: Hnrlcra river. Kewport, R. I. Niivfll academy. Set Aiinnpolis. Md. KtAGAIlA ship canal. Expediency of coiistructinp the, S7: iii H.K.53. KOEFOLK, rn., Destrurtion of the United Slates vessels and other propertj- at, 37: 1 E.ll. KOSTU Cnrolina. Appointment of E. Stanly as military governor 0^,37: ii E.I23, 8 64. Certificate of the election of J. Pipgott, 37: iii H.M.13. Protest npainst his election, by C. H. Foster, 37: iii H.M.14. Claim of C. H. Foster to a sent in the house, 37: ii H.M. 15,21 ,53, H.R.H8. See also: Hntteias Inlet. KOBTHWESTERM" boundary, 36: i S.16. See also: San Juan. Ocean postage, Rates of, 36: i H.M.74. Offices newly created, (1859) 36: i H.M. 100; (1860) 36: ii H.M.44; (1861)37: ii H.M,91; (1863)37: iii H.M.27. OFFICERS, Appointment of, to fill vacancies, 37 : iii S.n.80. Ohio, Companies from, officered from other states, (1862) 37: II E.62. Ohio river, Komonstrance agninst obstructing the, by a bridge at Stenbenville, 37;ii S.M.107. Okdkance department. Annual report, (18.59) 36: i S.2 fv.S,p. 11(X)) ; (1863-W) 37: iii E.3 (v.4,p.l54). Estimates, 36: ii E.56. Reor gunization of the enlisted force of the, 37: ii E.l:10. See also: Armories, Arsenals, Foundries, Militar>' commission, Knvy (Department of), RiSed infantry arms, Submarine gun, War {Department of). OBDKANCE supplies. Expediency of establishing near the harbor of New York a depot for, 37^ ii S.M.2, iii U.K. 16. Report of the commission on ordnance and ordnance stores, 37; ii S.72. Storage of, 37: iii E.7. Oregon. Contested election; G. K. Shiel vs. A. J- Thayefr, 37: i H.M.13, H.R.4. Emigrants to, 37: iii S.17. General Harney's administration in, 36: i E.65, 98, ii E.51. Geological survey of, 36: i S R.177. Indian depredations in, 36: ii E.29. 46. Indian hostilities in. Claims growing out of, S6: I E.ll, S R,161; 37: ii S.46. Indian service, Estimates, 86: i S.17. Indian war in, Communication of C. S. Drew, 36: i S.M.59. Military atfitirs in, 36 : i S.2 (v. 2, p. 91). War debt, 11855, 56) 37 : ii S.R.8. OSSIPEE, tfar sfeawier, .37: iii S.45. OsWEi;0 cHnal, 37: ii E.128, H.U.114, iii S.M.12. OlTAWA Indians of Kansas, Appropriation for, 37: iii E.34. Pacific ocean. Overland route to the, 36: Special Session, 8.2 (bound with 36: ii S.v.4}. Survey of the North Pacific ocean, 37:iiS.R.13. Pacific t^ilroad. Act to aid in the construction of the, 37: il S.M.108. Memorial of the Central Pacific railroad company of California, 37: ii U.M.12. Pacific railroad and telegraph line, 36: i H.R.428. Sec also: Atlantic and Pacific telegraph. Panama railroad company. Compensation for transporting and furnishing supplies for Geu. Walker's men, 36: i H R.544. PaRAGL'aV. Convention between the United States and, 36: i E.48. ExpcnsRs of the Paraguay expedition, 36 : i U,M.86. Passaic, steam bau^rif. Accident on board the, 37: iii S.15. PasseSCER-S arriving in the United States. See Immigrnllon. Passpohts required of passengers gohig from New York city to California, 37: ii B.4. Patent offico. Annual report of the commlsflloncr: W. D. Bishop, (1859) 36: 1 S.ll (vols. G-8) ; 8. T. Shugert, (1860) nris and manufactures, 36: ii S.7 (vols. 5, 6), agriculture, 36: il E.48; D. P. Holloway, (1861) agriculture, 37: H S.39 (v. 5), me- chanical, ^vithout the descriptions and drawings, 37: li K.53 (V. 6). Building. 36: i S.54, 57; 37: iii S.K.104. Delay In printing report for 1859, 36:iIH.R.62. Printing report for 1660,37: 11 H.R.53. Receipts and dieburecmenis, (1862)37:111 E.43. See aUo: Holloway. D. P. PaTKaSTKk'S department. Annual report of the paymaster general, (1859)06: 1 S.2 (p. 621); (1860)36: it S.l (p. 238) ; (1861) 87: H B.l (p. 57); (1862)37: ill E.l (p. 42). Clerka in, Increase of, 87: UK. 131. Estimate*, 37: ii E.17. Report upon llie uon-pay- nient of rcfrimcnis, 37: III S.3>'J. See also: Soldiers. PATMASTKHil' clerka, Increase of pay of, 37: HI II.U.14. FEVITE.STtARV. See District of Columliln. PiUIirSYLVA.MA. Contested elections: I»t cong. district, J. M. Rut> Icr v. W. E. Lehman, 37: 1 H.M. 6, 10. H H.K.6; 3d cong district, J. Kline ««. J. P. Vcrroo, 37: I H.M.6. 11, 12, 11 H.M.'J?, B.R40. National fouQdr>- In, 36: 1 H.R.650. Purclinso of hurses for Pvnntylvanla cavalry, 37:1 £.60. Set al$o: EriL', Philadelphia. PEXSACOLA. war steamer, ^: 111 S.45. PCX!)1UNKKS, Invalid, Churgcs for Ibu examination of, 87 : II E.S8. P£XaiUS9. Annual r<-p'>rt of the comitilnslonpr, (1859) SO: 1 S.2 (p. 821); (1800) :i6: 11 8.1 (p. 467); (1861) 37: li E.l (p. 832) Potioluns to wuundfd volunteers, 37 : 11 EM. Set aUc; War of 1812 PBRTliHUiKK, iMp, Claim on account of iho datenllon of the, 37: I18.U.3. PbrVuu, Uutrngo on an American family at, .16: 1 8.4. rillLAUKLl-lllA, Post-oHlcu and courl-roum* h),;)6: I H.R.OOO. ruil.AU».i.)'UlA, frigaitt Paymuoi fur the rccnpturo of Ibo, 36: 1 tt.lt.lb3. PixROt, Y. Correapondenoa In relation to a auppoMd eoniplraey aff&lnat the fDTtranaatit, 37 : 11 H,£8. United States. Index to Cong, docs., continued. PlGOOTT, J. CcrtlficHfe of election from Norlh Carolina. 87: Hi H.M.13. Protest against his election, by C. H. Foster, 37 : ill H.M.14. PrR.\CY. runishment of, 37: i H. M.IS. PiTTSBi'RG and Connellsville railroad, ."57 : il H.R.134. PlTTSBuniiH landing, Tenn., Report of the recent battles at, 37: ii S.66. Pua'Ro-PNEDUONiA,36: iH.R.651. Polk, T. Resolution for the expulsion from the senate, 37: ii 3.R.4. POLVOAMT. See Utah. Pope, Maj. Gen. J.. Report of, 37: iii E.81. Porter, D. D. Thanks for brilliant services, 37: iii E.48. Porter, F. J., Court-martial for the trial of, 37: Hi E.71. Poets of delivery discontinued, 36: i E,57. POST-OKFiCK, Department of the. Annual report of the postmaster- general, (18i9)36: iS.2 (v. 3, p. 138); (I860) 36: ii S.l (v. 3, p. 418) : (1861) 37 : il S.l (p. 631) ; (1862) 37 : iii E.l (v. 4, p.119) ; (1863) 37 : iii E.82. Building, Healing, and ventilating the. 36 : 1 S.20. Clerks, etc., (1859) 36:iE.95; (1860) 36: ii E69; (1861) 37: iiE.42. Contingent expenses, (185'J) 36: i E.94; (1860)36:11 E.70; (1861) 37: ii E.76. Contracts, Copies of, 36: i K-IOO. Estimates. 36: i E.19, 20, H.M.66, 99, H E.22; 87: it E.41, iii E.13. Receipts and expenditures (1859) 36; i E.44; (ISfiO) 36: ii K.50, H.M, 25; (1861) 37: ii E.33; (1862) 37: iii E 64. See also: Dead letters, Franking privilege, Letteis, Mailable matter. Mails. Post-offices. See Boston, Greenville district, S. C, New Orleans, New York, Philadelpliia, St. Louis. Postage. On newspapers, periodicals, etc., 36: i H.M.78. Postage received annuallv since 1840, 36: i S.13. Rates of ocean, 36: i H.M.74. Postal laws. Proposed amendments to the, 37: ii H.M,85. Postal reform. Reforms in the postal service, 38: i H.R.68, Peti- tion of citizens of New York, praying a, 37: ii S.M.60. Postal service in certain states, Discontinuance of, 37 : l E.4, ii E.55. Potomac army. 5ee Army of the Potomac. Potomac water works. Report of the engineer, 36: i S.2 (p.903). Powell, L. W. Expulsion fVom the senate, 37: li S M.63. Presentation of American citizens to the court of France, 37 : U S.19. Presents to the president of the United States tVom the king of Siam,37:ii S.23. President. Messages at the commencement of the Kessiona of con- gress, 36: i S.2, il S.l; 37: l E.l, ii S.l, iii E.l. Aotc — Ap- pended to the annual messages are the reports and documents from the several executive depurtnienls. Inaugural address, March 4. ISOI, 36: Special Session, S.l (bound with 36: il S. V.4). Indcnmification for the suspension of the writ ofhubeas corpus, 37: iii H.R. 45. Powers over the army and navy, 37:11 H.M.9. Protest against certain proceedings in the house, 36: I H.R 394. Preston, W. P. See Maryland. Contested elections. Printing, Public. Annual report of the superintendent, (1859) 36: i S.14; (1860) 36: ii H.M.ll; (1861)37:11 H.M.18; (1862)37:111 H.M. 6. Alleged abuses in relation to, 36; i 8.R.205. Condi- tion of the. (i860) 36: It H M.4. Deficiencies in appropriullone for, 36:iH.M.29. Expenses, 36:liH.M.9. Emimatcs, 36:1 H.M .M. Lcrter from the superintendent relative to the print- ing of cerUiin documents, 37: U H.M.30. Muaillealion of the rates of, 36: 1 H.R ,249. PRFNTINO paper, Duty on, 37 : Hi S.32. Prisoners of war. Exchange of, 37 : H E.124, Hi E.17. PRIVATEEBING. Message in regard 10,87: ii E.2. PkivaTKBRS, Insurgent, in foreign ports, 87: it E.104. Prize matlcra, 37: HI E.73. PaoTECTroN of tho commerce of the counfrj-, 37 : i E.IO. PkovidkNOIA, Spanish bark. Seizure of the, 37 : il E.3S, S.R.2I. PROVINCETOW'N. jVn««., Protection of the harbor uf. 36; I H.H.13. Prussia, Compulsory enlistment of American citizens in the anay of. 36:1 S.38. Public buildings. See Washington. Public landN. See Lando, Public. PL'GET sound colli-ction district. Change of looatlon of port of snti7 for, 37 : II H R.119. PtiRSEKS in tho navy, Sea-sorvlco pay of, 30: I H.R.257. Quartermaster general. Annual report, (1859) 86:118.2; (1860) 36: II 8.1 (p.233); (1861) 37: H 3.1 (p.74) ; (1862) 37: 1» E.l (p.OO). BaiLROadS. Chesapeake bay to Hagerstown, 37; lit 8.M.9, 8.R.81. Washington to New York, 87: II H.R.61, lit H.U.63. Memorial of 3. P. Case, 87: III 8.M.26. Payments to, for the transporta- tion of troops, 37: 111 E,79. Railroads coneentruling upon tb* city of Washington, Construction of, 37:1113 23. See aUv: Metropolitan railroad Co., PuelQc, Pittsburg uud ConnwllaviUe. nAILWAY ■y»tcnii in Europe, 37: It d.U2. Rebel ofncern, I'arolc of, 37 : 111 K.fl". Reukl property ■el/.od In Washington city, 37: HI R,44. ReUKLLION. Vallandlgliam's uniendnionl to Mr. Wright's resolution, 37: III II.M.IO. Ser ul*o. Here-sl.Mi. War (Clvin. RitDELS. Alroi'Illt's In llic conduct of (tie war, 37: 11 8,K.4L Uf.CEirT!! and axpAndltures. Sec Truasuvy. BbOiPitOClTr uoAty with Crooi Brtuln, 30i 1 £.00, H.M.fiOi 87: II B.K.23. UNITED STATES 653 UNITED STATES I United States. Index to Covg. docs.y conUnved. Rld rlvfff, Project of (uiitlnff by canal Davigniion the Mlasieslppl tiv^r and tlip.37:iil S.M.8. Remissio.V of fines nnd ponuliiea Incurred by surveyors of the cus- toniis37:IH.M.3. Repbeskntation. Apportlonmcot of representation under the eighth census, 37 : 1 E.2. RliVENrK. Amount colU-cti'd, (1854-A9) 3fi: I 8.33. In foveiRn coim- Iries. 37: 11 E.m Marine, 37: i H.M. 14. See alto: Vinanceit, Frauds, Intonml revenue. Priudng paper. Tariff, Taxes, Tobncco. Trpnsiirj'. Rkvexvk oftU-t;r«, Hl^duclio(l In the number of. 37 : U S.34. EkvoluTIONaky army. Claims of officers uiid sokllers, 36: i H.K.-J50. Rice, Hon. H. M., Claim of, 9G: ii E.7£. Richmond, Viait of Iho French minister to, 37: ill S.37. RlFLEU infantry arms. Description uf the modern system of ^^11 ■rm4 AS adopted in the rnriouii European armtea, by J. Scntin, 36:1 S.60(p.lW). RlO GUANDlc, Hustilitlea on the, 36: i S.21,24. Bn-ER defences, 37 : ii E.llO. ROOEICTS, B. S. Keorganlzation of the mililia,S6: i S.28. ROSECltANS, W. 8. Rciiort of tho battle of MurfrecBboro", .;I7: Special Session, S.:^. 8AC and Fox Indians. Memorial asking indi^mnity for losses in KnnsBs, (ISM-tiO) 37: ii H.K.88. ST. CLAIR flats, Channel over the, 36: i 8.6. 6t. LOt:is, Missouri. Aisonnl. 36: i H.B.511, ii E.62. Custom-house and post-olBce, 36 : i E.75. War claims at, 37 : ii E.94. 6T. Paul, .Ififin., Approprintiun for u custom-house in, 36: i S.R.44. ST. PHIIXU'S, La., Capture of, 37: ii St^G. SaLARIKs increased, (1859-60) 36: i H.M.100i {18G1-62) 36: ii H.M.44; {1662-63) 37 :iii H.M.27. 8aN Francisco. Private land claims, 36: i S.K.12. Sam Juan island. Uifficulliea nt, 36: i 8.2 (v. 2, p. 30), S. 10. Oc- cupation of, 36: i E.77. SaSITaRV commission, Petition of E. Jarvis, 8. G. Howe, etc., respecting, 37: i 8.M,2. Santa F£, Milirary road from Fort Union to. 36: 1 H.R.509. SaKDINIA. Prtfsentation of public documents by, 36: i H.M.87. ecautFFLLK, M., collector at MUicaukic, Removal of, 36: i E.97. ScttON, J. Ktfled infantry arms, 36: i S.60 (p. 185). 6CUUBARTH, C. D., Gun contracts of. 37: ii S.64. Ska-coasT defences. 37: ii K.14, H.R.S6. Seamen registered in the several ports of entry, (1859) 36: i E.3; (1800) 36: ii E.8; (1861) 37: ii E.8; (1862) 37: iii E.2. Enlist- ment of seamen for tho navy, 37 : i E.7. Relief and protection of American seamen In foreign countries, 36: i H.&f.l6. Ke- lit^f for sick and disabled, .36; i H.R.655. SECEDED States. Collection of duties in, 36: ii E.72. Postal ser- vice discontinued in, S7:iiE.55. See alto: Rebellion, War (Civil). Secession. Committee of thirteen: Adjustment of grievances be- tween tho eUiveholdiiig and non-slaveholding stntes, 36; i* S.K.288. Report of, on the present condition of the country, 36: ii H.R.31. Rrsoluiions submitted to the committee, 36: ii 8. M. 2,5,7. Ste also: District of Columbia, Rebellion, Seizure of f-rts. South Carolinn, War (Civil). Seizure of forts, arsenals, and other property of the United States, d6:iiH.R.91. 8eKAT£. Appointment of committees, .37: iii S.M.42. Contingent expenses, (1869)36: i S.M.3; (1860) 36; ii S.M.16; (1861) 37: ii 8.M.66; (1862) 37: iii S.M.ll. Employes in the olEce of the secretary, 36: i S.M.G, ii S.M.12. S.K.309; Employes, Compen- saiion of, 37: ii .S.M.60; List of committees, 36: ii S.M.I. See also: Contested elections, Johnson, W.P., Polk, T., Powell, L. W., Simmons, J. F., Stark, B. SBAWXCt: Indians, Depredations upon the, 36: 1 H.R.300. bHiEL, G. K. See Oregon. Contested election. Ship canal. See Interoceanic. 6eiPS-0F-WAB. Construction of, 37: H S.59. Rifled cannon and armament of, 36: ii E.25,43. See also: Iron clad ships, Iron clad steamers, Japan. BlAM, Presents to the president from the king of, 37 : il S.23. Sickles, D. E. See New York. Contesied election. BlONAL corps. Organization of, 37: iii S.It.82. Simmons, J. F., Expulsion of, from the senate, 37: ii S.R.C9. Sioux Indians. Half-breeds, 37: ii H.R.83. Slave trade. Acts prohibiiiug the, 36: i U.R.6CI2. Appropriation for ■uppressing the, 36: ii £.11. luformation concerning the, 36: 11 E.7. Treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the suppression of the, 37: U S.57. Vessels arrested, 18.52- 62, ill the southern district of New York charged with being eugngedin the,37:iiS.^ £e«a:limeiit of, 37: ii K.69. See aUo: New Mexico. 6I.AVK9. Employment and sustenance in the disloyal states, 37: iii E72. Instructions to commanding generals in regard to the freeing of, S7: Ii 8.07. 3«e aUo: Emancipation, Freedmon, Negroes. United States. Index to Cong, doca.y continued. SloO, a, G., mail contractor. Compensation for extra mail facilities, 36:il8.U.292. Snake river Indians, Mnssarro of emigrants by the, 36: ii E.46. eNVUKK. A. G. Invention of a bullet machine, 37: iii H.U.16. SOLDir.RS. Blanks fi.r back pay, bounty, etc., 37: ii E.142. Pay- ment of, 37 : Hi E.29. BOSCOL Itancho, 37: ill H.R.20, S.R.95. South Carolina. Collection of taxes tn Insun'cctionary districts, 37: iii 8.26. Correspondence with the commissioners of, 36: il E.26, H.R.88. Volunteers, Colored, 37: ii £.1.13,143. Set also: Charleston, Greenville district. SOlTTll Pass wagon road, 37 : ii E.35. 8TADE dues. Duties levied by Hanover for the navigation of the Elbe, 37: ii S.M.68. STAMPS, brands, labels, etc., Use of false,. 16: i II.R.527. Stanly, Hon. E. Appointment as military governor of North Caro- lina, 37: ii 8.54. StaN.burgh landing, Pope, J., President, PriKuners of war, Privateering, Protection of I lie commerce, Kebelllon, Rebels. St. Pliillips, Seceded States, Secession, Ti-nitorlal relntlons.Trcnt (steauu-r), Vehna (slonp) Virginia, Vohinleers, Washinglon city, West Virginia, White House on Pamunky tlvor, Yorktown, Va. War claims. See St. Louis. Wa« Douartmont of. Annual report of tho secretary of, (IftSS)) 30: 18.2(v.2, p.l); (1860)36: 118.1 (v.2); (1861) .'J7: i K.i ; 11862) 37: 111 E.l (v.4). Appropriations. (185U) .16: I E.21 ; (1860-61) 87: II E.71-, (1861-6l>) 37: HI 8. 47. Balances of aiipropriallonn, S6: II EJH. Estimates for additional appropriations, 37: Ii E.119. Ck-rki, etc., (IMO) 36: I E.18; (1860) 36: il 8.12; Clerkn, Increnso or,;i7: il E.IU. Conlingont expenses, (185S)) 36: I E.25; , SB: IE.66. Pensions to soldiers of Ihu, 36: I H.R.6rt2. Ward. 0«n.,fnrM Ohintae agrvi^e, D««th of, 37: 111 S.84. Ujnued States. Index to Cong, docs., continued. Washi.notox. D. C. Bukingcstablishment in tbceapitol,37: II S-M.S. Claim for damages by changing the grades of the streets, 36: i S.R.150. Capitol extension, 36: i H.R.o«6, 8.2 (v.2, p. 561). 20.22, S.M.29;37:iiS.l (p.77), 8.M.97,iii E.35. Central guard bouse, Treatment of prisoners in the, 37: E.75. Columbian institution forthedeaf and dumb, 37: ii E.l (p. 899). Defences of. 37: i' E.7. Gas and coal consumed by restaurant.^ in tho eapitol, 37: ii E.91. Hospital for the insane. Report of the board of visitors. (1860-6n 37: iiE.l (p. 890). Jail: Condition and managemnt of the, 37: ii S.R.(iO. List of persons confined there without causes of confinement, 37: ii S.M.2. Vi^i^ors to the, 37: 11 H.R.ll. — Metropolitan board of police, 37: ii E.l (p. 911). Metropolitan gas-light company, 36: i n.R.275. Metropolitan railroad company, minority report, 36: i H.R.56o. Military "sy- lum, Condition of the, 37: ii 8.52. Obstructions of tho streets, 'A etc., 36: i S. 18. Public buildings: Annual report of the com- missioner, (1859) 36: i S.2 (p. 840) ; (1861) Iff: ii E.l (p. 848). Contracts for, 36: ii E.13. Expenditui-cs on, 37: ii H.R.137.— Improvement* about Winder's building, 86: ii E.20. Public schools, Congressional aid for, 36: i S.R.8. Railway on Penn- sylvania avenue, 36: ( S.R.80.. Rebel property in, 37 : iH E.44. Removal of dead horses In, 37 : ii E.31. Smithsonian instilu- tion:Annual report, (1S59) 36: i H.M.flO; (1860) 36: ii S.M.21; (1861) 37: ii n.M.77; (1862) 37: iii H.M. 2.'..— Troops in, 36: ii E.82 ; 37 : i E.20. Value of real estate in, 36 : ii S.M.17. WaSBIXGTON canal, 37: ii H.M.J7. Washington national monument society, 36: i H.R.567. Wasuinoton ten-ilory. Emigrants to, 37: iii 8.17. Estimates of appropriations for Indian service in, 36: i S.17. Geological survey of. 36: i S.R.177. Indian hostilities in, 36: i E.U, S.K. 161, ii" E.29,46. War debt, (1855, fi6) 37 : H S.R.8. Watrous, J. C, judge. Impeachment of, 36: ii U.B.2. West Indies. Sec Kavasa. WEST Point military academy. Annual report of the board of visit- ors, tl860)36:iS.2(v.2. p.658>i (1861) 37:iiS.l (p.ll4) ; (1862) 37: iii E.21. Organization, discipline, etc., 36: ii S.M.3. • West Virginia, Constitution of, 87: ii S.M.l»8. WuiTE House on Pamunky river, Occupotion of the, 37: ii E. 135,146. Wll-DFlRK, slaver. Capture of the, 36: i S.44. William, slavct\ Capture of the, 36 : i E.83, Williamson, A. J. See New York. Contested election. WiNO, W. W. Claim to a scat in congress from Virginia, 37: iilH.R. 23. Winnebago Indians, Removal of, 37 : iii H.R.13. Wisconsin. Donation of lands to, 37: ii S.K.40,62. Relief for, 37: iii S.R.105. Wisconsin river. Communication from T. J. Cram upon the im- provement of the, 37: ill S.M.14. Improvement of tho, 37 : ill H.R.S5. WORDEN, Lieiif. J. H. Imprisonment in Alabama, 37 : i £.6. WOKMKii, D., Case of, 37: iii R.C.C.204. Wyandot Indians. Lands in Kansas. 37; i H.M.7. Petition of, 37: iii S.U.16. Relief of, 37 : ii S.R.56. Yancton Sioux Indians. Appropriation for loss of goods by tho sinking of tlio steamer J. G. Morrow, 'Xi : iii E.56. Yorktown, Va., Misconduct of federal oineers at, ."17: ii S.R.43. YOUNO, B. Accounts of superintondent uf Indian affairs In Utah, 37: ii E.29. Unsettled accounts of, (1856-58)87:111 H.R.62. ifote.—See aUo: Public documents under the several departments, pp. 644-647. DOCUMENTS OF THE "CONFEDERATE STATES," (so (.'ALI.IC1>). ActSt laws, ftc. — An act to further provide for llio public de- IV'iu-o. iipproveU Oct. II, 1MV2. n. p., 1802. [No title-page.] pp.8. S° *4360ii.3 — rrovlsioiial and permanent constiliHions, to- gether with tlie acts and resolutions oC the lt>t-:id Kession of tlie i>rovisioiial congress. Hlontftoniery [and] Kii-liinoud, UsiH. 8" . .*4360a.l — I'uhhc laws, pjissetl at tlu' lst-:'.d session of the ]^lt congress; 1st .'lession of the 2d congress. Kdited by d. M. Matthews. Uichmond, lt.02- (M. Uv. H" *4.300a.i — The tax act, approved April 24, 18(»3. n. p., 1S0:J. [Nolitlu-page.J pp. IG. 6" *4;J00a.3 Departments of the interior, jusiicCypost-officet and state. — Communication from the attorney general, March Kt, IHi'iIi, upon certain claini8 under the act of Aug. 30, iHOl. Kichinond, 1803. [No title-pn;:e.] pp. M. K* *4300a.35 — Conimunic.'ilion from tlie postmaster pfeneral, March \\, lHi>:i, in relallon to nuiil piiy on niil- roitd.><, and other Hiihjects. Kichinond, IMC!. [No title-page.] pp. 0. h' . 4.'ltl0ft,:J8 UNITED STATES 655 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. United St.\tes. " Cim_M. stales," contimied. — Corrcs|)(indiMice of Ihu doiiiirlinent of state, in relation to liritisli consuls resident in Con- federate States. Kieliinond. 1m;:i. pp.,').'). S° '•4300a. 7 — Keport of tlie attorney general, .Ian. 1, lsr,3, with report of the sui)erintendent of public printing from Feb. •,'•.;, to Dec. 31, !>(■:;; Nov. In, 18i«; April L'.5, DSM. Kiclmiond, IStB. [Xo title-page.] !>'' '»i3C0a.35 — Report of the coinmisssioncr of patents, .Ian. 18«a-64. Richmond, 1862-64. [No title-page,] 8° "'■1300a. S — Report of the postmaster general, Feb. 'J.'i, ISO',', Dec. r, IS03. Kiehniond, ISO'.', 63. [No title-page.] s" »4300a.38 Department of the trensury. — Documents accompanying report of secretary. Richmond, lSO.'i. [No title-page.] pp.43. 8°.*4360a.]l CoHffnr«. — Keport of commissioner of taxes, Nov., 1863; Iteport of the chief clerk projuco lonn ojhce, Kov. 30, ]86;J ; EatJmatcH for appropntltlous from Jan. 1 to Juno 30, 1804; Report and resolutions of the bnnlt convention held In Augusta, Oa., Nov. IG and 17, 18l>3. — Instructions for the agcnt.s for collecting sub- scriptions to the produce lo.an, .Ian. 3, 1802. Ricbtiiond. 180'i. [No title-page.] pp.3. 8°.*43C0a.ll — Report of the secretary, .Ian. 10, Dec. 7, 1803; Jlay '3, Nov. 7, 1864. Richmond, 18i;3, 04. [No title-page.] 8° »4360a.I0 — Special report, July 31, 1801, containing the rates of duty under the United States tariU's of 1857 and 1801 and the Confetlerate States tariff of 1801. Richmond, IsOl. [No title- page.] pp.31. s° •43C0a.ll Deiiurtment of war. — Correspondence between the president tind Gen. .lohnston [etc.], during the months of May, June and July, 1S03. Richmond, Isi'rt. PP-04. S° »4300a.32 — General orders, No. 111. Proclamation of the president, Dec. 24, 1802, declaring Gen. B. F. Butler to be a felou deserving of capital pun- ishment. Riclimond, 1802. [No title-page.] PP-5- 10° ♦4.300a. 15 — Official correspondence between the agents of exchange, together with Mr. Quid's report. Richmond, 1804. 8° *4300a.l6 — Official report of the battle of Chickamauga. Richmond, 1804. 8" 'f43C0a.28 — Official reports of the battle of Bethel, June 10, 1861. Richmond, 1862. [No title-page.] pp.31. 8° *4300a,20 — Official reports of battles. [Jan. 24, 1802-Nov. 30, 1S03.] Richmond, 18O','-04. 3v. 8° . . "ISOOa.lS — Official reports of battles, embracing the de- fence of Vicksburg, by Jl.nj. Gen. Van Doni, and the attack upon Baton Rouge, by Maj. Gen. Breckinridge, [and others] . Richmond, 1803. 8° »4300a.24 — Proceedings of the court of inquiry relative to thef'allof NewOrleans. Richmond, 1804. S°.'*43C0a.21 — Regulations for the army, 1802. Richmond, 1802. 12° »4.3C0a.l7 — Report of Brig. Gen. Echols of the battle of Droop Mountain. Richmond, 1804. pp. 10. 8°.*4300a.23 — Report of Brig. Gen. Ripley of operations from Aug. 21 to Sept. 10, 1803. Richmond, 1604. W*i- 8° '*43C0a.23 — Report of Brig. Gen. Williams of operations in East Tennessee from 27 Sept. to 15 Oct., Is03. Richmond, 1804. pp. 9. »° ''43603.23 — Report of Gen. Beauregard of the defence of Charleston. Richmond, 1804. pp. ii3 .8° . i'43C0a.25 — Report of Gen. Johnstou, of his operations in the departments of Jlissi.ssippi and East Lou- isiana, with Lieut. Gen. Pemberton's report of the battles of Port Gibson, Baker's Creek, and siege of Vicksburg. Richmond, 1804. 8°*4.300a.'M Shelf. No. United States. " Confed.. States," continued. — Report of Gen. Lee of the battle of Chancel- Iiirsville; also, reports of Maj. Gen. Stuart aiul llri;;-. Gen. I^ee of oaviilry eng.igements at Kelleysville. Also, report of Brig. Gen. Lee of cavalry operations of the 14th and loth of April, 1803. Richmond, 1804. 8° »4300a.27 — Report of Gen. Lee of operations at Rappa- hannock bridge; also, report of Lient. Geu. Sniifli of operations in Lower Louisiana, and report of JIaj. Gen. .lones of engagement at Rogersville, 'I'enn. Riclimoud, 1804. pp.01. 8° '»4300a.27 — Report of Maj. Gen. Hindman of his operations in the Trans-Mississippi district. Richmond, 1804. pp. 20. 8° *4300a.23 — Report of Maj. Gen. Loring of battle of Baker's Creek, and subsetjuent movements of his commaml. RichniDlid, 1804. pp. 29. 8° . ♦43C0a.2.'} — Report of the secretary, with accompanying documents, Jan. 3, Nov. 20, 1803, April 28, Kov. 3, 1804. Richmond, 1803, 04. [No title- p.age.] 8° *4300a.l5 — Reports of the operations of the army of North- ern Virginia, from June, 1802, to aud includ- ing tlie battle at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1802. Richmond, 1804. 2v. 8° '*43G0a.26 — Southern history of the war. Official reports of battles, as published by order of the Con- federate congress at Richmond. New York, 1804. 8° '*43u0a.29 — Supplemental report of the secretary of war, March 17, 1862, on the negociations for tlie exchiiuge of pri.souers. [Richmond, 1802. No title-page.] pp.27. 8° ■*43C0a.l5 Miscellaneous documents. — Address of cong'ress to the people of the Con- federate States, n.p., n. d. (No title-page,] pp. 8. . *4300a.44 Communication from E. L. Lowe. n. p., 1801. PP- «• 8° *4300a.48 Evidence talcen before the committee appointed to inquire into the treatment of prisoners at Castle Thunder, n.p., 1803. (No title-page.] pp. 58. 8° *4.300a. 14 Inaugural address of president Davis, Feb. 18, 1801. Montgomery, Ala., 1801. 8° .... *43C0a.5 [Messages of president Davis, April 29, 1801- Jan. 4, 1805.] Richmond, 1801-05. [Notitle- Page.J 8° *4.3C0a.5 Majority report of the committee on foreign atlairs on recalling the commissioners sent to certain European states, [etc.]. n. p., n. d. (No title-page.] pp. 0. 8° *4.300a.44 JDnorily report touching the propriety of " re- calling our commissioners to foreign powers," [etc.]. n.p.,n.d. (No title-piige ] pp.8. S°.'»4.300a.44 Majority report of the committee on foreign affairs on the true policy of the war, and the navig.ation of the MississippL n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] pp.3. 8° '*4300a.44 - Same. (Another edition.] n. p.,n.d. (No title-page.] pp. 3. 8° . . , *4360a.44 Minority report of the committee on elections on the petition of J. P. Johnson, "claiming the seat of A. H. Garland." u. p., n. d. [No title-page] pp.4. 8° '•43G0a.44 Notes on makiug saltpetre from the earth of the caves, iiy G. VV. Rains. Richmond, 1802. pp. 15. 8° ''43C0a.40 Proceedings on tlie announcement of the death of J. Tyler, Jan 20 and 21, 1862. Richmond, 1802. pp. 54. 8° *43S0a.86 Report of the committee on claims, Feb. 9, 1804. n.p.,u.d. [No title-page.] pp.7. 8''.*4.300a.44 Keport of the committee on tiuauce on the bill to tax, fund, and limit the currency, Jan. 25, 1804. n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] pp. 12. 8° «4360a.44 UNITED STATES 656 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. United States. " Confed. States,'^ continued. — Eeport of the committee of forei^ relation;;, in relation to the capture of the Florida in the bay of Bahia, Brazil, n.p., ISiH. pp.9. 8°.*-I360a.44 — Report of the committee on the judiciary upon the suspension of the habeas corpus, Mayjl, 18(>4. n.p., ISfH. f No title-page.] pp. 10. h^.MSGOa.ii — Minority report of the committee on the judi- ciary on the suspension of the habeas cor- pus, May 28, I8G4. n. p., n. d. [No title- page.] pp. 17. 8" *43G0a.44 — Eeport of the committee on salt supply, n. p., 1864. [No title-page.] pp. II. b° . . , , *43G0a.44 — Report of the conference committee on the ex- emption bill. n. p., n. d. p. 1. 8° . . . . *43G0a.44 — Report of evidence taken before a joint special committee of both houses of the Confederate congress to investigate the affairs of the navy department. Richmond, n. d. 8" *4360a.42 — Report of the Roanoke Island investigation committee. Richmond, 18(52. pp. 14. 8° . *4360a.43 — Report of the special committee on the pay- ment of claims, May 2(3, 1804. n.p., lStJ4. [No title-page. J pp.7. 8° *4360a.44 — Report of tlie special committee on the recent military disasters at Forts Henry and Donel son, and the evacuation of Nashville. Rich- mond, 1802. 8° *43C0a.43 — Report of the special committee to inquire into certain outrages of the enemy, n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] pp.3. 8° *4360a.44 Cross Rkferexces To the whole article United States, yote. — Under each division compare America and Amencnn; see aUo: Indians, Ne\v England, West (The), nnd the names of the eevt^ral states, teri'ltorieu, and presidents. Bibliography. American literary gazette and publishers' cir- cular 2152.20 American publishers' circular 2150.2 Bl.ike, A. V. American bookseller's complete reference trade list 2150.5 Rhees, W, J. Manual of public libraries in the 2126.4 Roorbach, O. A. Bibliotheea Americana . . 2152.3 Shea, J. G. Catholic bibles printed in the . . 2181.11 Biogrophij, Alphabetical list of American surgeons from 1783-1800. [Smith. Trinciples and practice of surgery, v. 2] Biirnard, H. Mcnloirs of teachers, educators, etc Brothcrhead, W. Hook of the signers of the declaration of independence Hunt, F. Lives of Americ;m merchants . . , Hunt, \V. American biographical panorama. Lanman, C, Dictionary of the U. S. congress. Mttgoon, K. L. Orators of the American revo* lution Sabine, L. Biographical sketches of loyalists of tlie American revolution Sanderson, J. liiograjihy of the signers to the declaration of independence Spraguc, W. B. Annals of the American pul- pit Van Santvoord, G. l-ives of the chief-justices. 3753.18 5592.4 2320.3 2345.10 2340.15 C. 172.1 4278.7 2345.21 2345.14 2340.4 1344.2 Description^ voyages^ etc. American sketche.H 2368.20 Beauuiunt dc la Bonnlt-rc, U. A. de. Amcr- ika'rt BesHerungK-SyBtem 3575.33 Benihard, C. Reisc dutch N. Amerlkn, 1825, 20. 2304.21 Bogeii, F. \V. 1 he Uermun in America . 2;ir«.32, 33 Bremen, F. Hemmen 1 den Nya Verlden . , 410Ua.6 BrlHted, J. Resources of the 4303.8 Carey, M. American pockot ntUs 23H1.13 Shelf. No. United States, description^ ctc.^ continned. — Chevalier, M. Voies de communication nux iltats-Unis , • 2320.14 — Davison, G. 31. Traveller's guide through the middle and northern states 438S.25 — De\7elte,L. Reiseindeu VereinigtenStaaten, 1837 2364.23 — Ebeling, C. D. Erdbeschreibung und Ge- schichte von Amerika 4l.'ii)a.2, and4149.I — EngelmamijG. Das Westland. Nordamerikan- ische Zeitschrift 4370.5 — Everest, R. Journey through the, 1853, 54 , . 4303.6 — - Proportion of foreigners to natives in the several states of America B.170.G5 — Featherstonbaugh, G. W. Excursion through the slave states 4364.1 — Fidler, I. Observations on professions, lite- rature, manners, and emigration, in the . . 2368.14 — Oilman, C Toetry of travelling in the . . . 2407.28 — Hall, B. Travels in North America, 1827, 28. 2:^63.22, and 4363.18 — HaIl,F. Letters from the East and West. . . 2308.6 — Hamilton, T. Men and manners in America. 4302.4 — Homes of American statesmen 2342.22 — Howitt, E. Letters during a tour through the, in 1810 2368.21 — Imlay, G. Description of the western territory of North America 4303.20 — Jay,W. Casle and slavery in American church. 4163.8 — Luboulaye, £. R. L. Paris en Amerique . . . 4305.17 — Melish,J. Travels in the, 1800, 7, 0-11 .... 2308.9 — Micliaux, F. A. Voyage ii I'ouest des Monts Alleghanys 4363.14 — Miiliroux, J. F. Les institutions et les mocurs des Americains 4322.7 — Mitchell, D. \V. Ten years in the 2303.23 — Mitchell, S. A. General view of the 2361.22 — OlmsteadjF. L, Journeys and explorations in the cotton kingdom 2370,30 — Poletika, P. do. Internal condition of the . . 4324.9 — Power, T. Impressions of America, 1833-35. 2308.13 — Raumer, F. L. G. v. Die Vereiuigteu Staaten von Nordamerika 4169a. 9 — Reimanu, E. Die Vereiuigten Staaten von Nordamerika 4303.9 — Robin, C. C. Nouveau voyage dans l'Am(5rique septentrionale, 1781 4303.13 — Sabine, L. Report on the principal fisheries of tlie American seas 4327.6 — Schonberg, — . Map of the Map stand, 50.6 — ^^clluItz, 0. Travels through the states . . , 2308. lU — hiljestrom, P. A. Resa 1 Forenta Staternu . 4305.6 — billiman, A. K. Gallop among American seen. ery 2308.25 — Sketches of history, life, and manners, in the . 2308.20 — tiketclies of scenery and nmiiners in the . . . 230^.5 — iStirason, A. L. History ol the origin of Amer- ic;)n raih'oads 4327.8 — SutcliflT, R. Travels in some parts of North America in 1801-0 2308.22 — Tanner, 11. S. Central traveller 2370.26 — - Ueccut surveys, and internal improvements in the 2300.01 — Travels in America 2308.10 — Tuckerman, 11. T. Art in America 4002.16 — \'iew of the internal navigation of the. See Conuectcd view 4353.7 — Vigne, (J. T. Six months in America, 18;il . 2308.11 — Volney, C. F. Soil and cliinalu of thi; . . . . 4303.11 — Wakelield, P. Excursions in North America. 2368.24 — Walker, R. J. American llnances and re* sources 4322.44. 60 — Warden, D. B. Description des litats-UnU . 436;i.JO — ^ViHlicellu*^, G, A. AuH America •4100a. 2 — \\\)i coster, J. E. Gazetteer of the .... 4383.6 JJhtory. Ocneral, — Abridged history of the 4323.14 — Americnn annual cyclopedia and register for 1801,62 4313. 1 U^TTED STATES 657 UNITED STATES ShoK. No. United States. History, General, continued. — Hiirbcr, J. \y. llistoriciil scenes in 4329a. 17 — Ilnuifuid, A. ilisiory of the fedcriil govern- nient, 17S9-1S.T.) . / 4325.2 — Branium,.!. Offieinl lettersof the niilitnry and niival officers of the, 1S12-15. . . 4:124.7, nnd 4327.11 — Bushm-ll, C. I. Tradesmen's cards, political tokens, election medals, etc, for 00 years . 4327.7 — BurltT, F. History of tlie 43,'o.4 — Ciillendar, J. T. Sketclies of the history of America 4327.1 — earlier, A. Histoiredu peuple amdricain ct de ses rapports avocles Indions 4324.4 — Catalogue of phms of military positions in tlie old French and revolutionary wars .... 4355.13 — Clark, T. Naval history of the 43L'5.13 — Darby, W. View of the 41U9a.l7 — Everett, K. Claimson the goverumeuts of Na- ples, Holland, and France 4327.13 — Fay, If. A. Battles during the years 1812-15. 4324.5 — Geschichte der engUscheu Kolonien in Nord- Amcrikabis 1703 4100a. 7 — GilleUiud, J. C, War of IS12-15 4.''.Jfia.lO — Goodrich, C. A. History of the 7039.27 — Gordon, W. Independence of the 4325.0 — Grimshaw, AY, History of the, to the cession of Florida 4325.10 — Henderson, G. Administrations in the gov- ernment under Wasiiington, Adams, and Jefferson 4324.11 — Historical magazine. 1857-04 4315.1 — Hughes, J. The catholic chapter in the his- tory of the 5515.1 — James, AV. Military occurrences of the late war. 4.324.8 — Lossing, B. J. The league of states 4318.1 — Meek, A. B. Romantic passages in south- western history 2407.20 — Mills, S. J. Alissionary tour west of tlie Alle- ghany mountains, 1814, 15 5530a. 1 — Moore, G. H. Employment of negroes in the American army of the revolution 4325.48 — Morse, S. F. B. Conspiracy against the liber- ties of the 4329a. 15 — Nichols, T. L, Forty years of American life. 2.3G8.4 — Owen, K. D. The future of the Afx'icau race in the 5579.8 — Palfrey, J. G. Review of Lord Mahon's His- tory of the American revolution 4325.47 — Palmer, T. H. Historical register of the . , 4327.2 — Patton, J. H. History of the , 4343.2 — Poussin, G. T. The United States; its power and progress 4325.1 — Preble, W. P. The decision of the king of the Netherlands considered in reference to the rights of the United States and Maine , 4325.45 — Problem of American destiny solved by science and history 4329.2 — Ramsay, D. Chronological table, 1007-1810 - 2329.-33 — - History of the, 1007- IbOS 4325-7 — Keed, H. Two lectures on the history of the American union 4325.15 — Snowden, J. R. Ancient and modern coins at the mint of the 2230.12 — Stiger, J. L, 1st die Auswanderung nach den Yereinigten Staaten unter den jetzlgen Ver- hiiltnisseu anzurathen? 4329a. 1 — Still*^, C. J. The historical development of American civilization 4394.82 — Sullivan, J. Observations upon the govern- ment of the 4.320. .34 — Sullivan, W. History of the 4325.20 — Trumbull, B. General history of the .... 4324.0 — Triplet, F. F. C. History of the house of representatives of the 31th congress, I>55-57. 4325.40 — Tyson, J. R. Colonial history of the eastern and some of the southern states 4325.39 ^ Vattemure, A. Collection de monnaies et m^- dailies de TAmerique du Nord, de 1052 a 1858. — "VYalsh, R. Appeal from the judgments of Great Britain respecting the 4207.5 83 Shelf. No. United Statrs. Hiatory. General, continued. — AYaylen.E. Ecclesiastical reminiscences of the. .3540.8 — Webster, D. Diplomatic and olficial papers . 4343.15 — Wharton, F. State trials during the adminis- trations of Wasiiington Jind Adams .... 4294.2 — Wheeler, H. G. History of congress, bio- graphical and political 4344.1 — Whitniore, W. H. Origin of the founders of the thirti^en colonies 4325.40 — Williams, J. B. Defence of the great lakes . 4378.21 — Willson, M. History of the 7039.25 — Woodward, A. B. The presidency of the . . 2-383.6 History. Ciri7 war, 1861-05. — Abbott, J. S. C. History of the civil war in America 4.322.1 — Adams, W. E. The slaveholders' war .... ^322.24 — Address to Christians throughout the world . 4322.37 — Alison, Sir A. Revolutions of ISOO and 1801 in Europe and America 4323.40 — American church, The, in the disruption . . .4323.34 — American question, The 4323.45 — American question, The, and how to settle it. 4.323.42 — American thanksgiving dinner at London, Nov. 20, 1S03 4322.39 — Appeal to the people of the North. See Amer- ican struggle 4322.29 — Baird, S.J. Southern rights and northern du- ties in the present crisis 4310a. 2 — Barnard, J. G. The peninsular campaign and its antecedents 4310a. 73 — Barnes, W.H. The drama of secession . . . 2407,40 — Baxter, ^. E. The social condition of the southern states 4322.00 — Beecher, H. VY. Speeches at public meetings in England 4322.26 — Bellot des Minieres, E. La question am6ri- caine 4323.1 — Bernard, M. Alleged violations of neutrality by England in the present war 5018.23 — - Lectures on the American war 4310a. 9 — Bishop, J. P. Secession and slavery: a ques- tion of constitutional law 4310a. 10 — - Thoughts for the times 4310a. 10 — Blancs, Les, et les uoirs en Am^rique et le co- ton dans les deux mondes 4323.21 — Boislecomte, A. O. E. Sain de. De la crise americaine 4323.11 — Breckinridge, R. J, Our country : its peril and its deliverance 4323.10 — Bryan, E. B. Secession, the rightful remedy. 4310a. 80 — Cairues, J. E. The revolution in America. 43l0a.23, and 4.323.48 — - The slave power: its character and de- signs 4323.19 — Campbell, J. Right of the neutral powers to acknowledge the southern conlederacy . . . 4322.28 — Capen, N. Indissoluble nature of the Amer- ican union ... ■ 4310a. 24 — Case of the seizure of the southern envoys , , 4323.26 — Clark, C. Principles that ought naturally to govern the conduct of neutrals and bel- ligerents 5618.26 — Cobbe, F. P. The red flag in John Bull's eyes. 4322.72 — Concessions and compromises 4310a. .36 — Crisis, The 4310a. 44 — Crisis, The: its rationale 4310a. 45 — Daniel, L. La guerre aux fitats-Unis .... 4323.9 — De Peyster, J. W. Secession in Switzerland and in tlie United States compared 4310a. 78 — Des Essarts, A. S. L. La guerre des freres , 4323.22 — Edge, F. M. Contest between free and slave labor in the 3573.40 — - Destruction of the American carrying trade. 4322. S8 — - England's danger and her safety 4-322.45 — Effect of secession upon the commercial rela- tions between the North and South .... 4.324.34 — Elder, AY. Debt and resources of the .... 4310a. 68 — End of the irrepressible conflict 4310a. 70 — England and America 4310a. 71 TJJiITED STATES 658 UNITED STATES Sdelf. No. tJsiTFD States. History. Civil vnr, coniinvfd. — Kyma, L. X. Les trent«-qu:itre etoiles de I'uuion amt^ricaiiie 4^"33.18 — Federals and confederates: for what do tliey fight? 4322. CO — Fisch, G. Nine months in the United States during the crisis 4;t2.S.51 — Five cotton states, The, and New Yorii . . .4310a.8S — Foreign conspiracy against the 4310a. '.U — Four crisis letters to tlie ladles proposing tlie speedy formation of the Martha Washington society. See Union, etc 4350.32 — Fowler, W. C. Causes of the war between the sections 4323.20 — Franklin, W. B. Reply to the report of the committee on the conduct of tlie war . . .4310a. 102 — (^sparin. A, E. de. L'Amerique devant I'Eu- rope 4323.39 — - Uprising of a great people 4322.08 — Glbbs,F. "VT. Recognition : a chapter from the history of the American states 5618.24 — Glrard, C. Les fitats Confoderes d'Amtrique visltesen 1803 4321.20 — Goodwin, T. S. Natural history of secession. 4328.7 — Gow, D. Civil war in America 4323.50 — Grandguillot, A. La reconnaissance du Sud . 4323.25 — Grattan, T. C. England and the disrupted states of America 4323.17 — Guerre civile, La, aux fctats Unis 4323.27 — Guerre civile. La, en Amerique et I'esclavage. 4323.4 — Hall.N. The American war .. 4310a. 114, and 4322.71 — Hamilton, A. J. The public debt and the pub- lic credit of the ,j. . . .4320a. 19 — Handbook of the democracy for 1803, "4 . . . 4310.1 — Hardinge, B. B. Belle Boyd, in camp and prison 4327.24 — Haut, 3r.de. La crise americaiue 4323.29 — HautefeuiUe, Ij. B. (Juelques questions de droit international maritime, ii propos de la guerre d'Amerique 4321.22 — Hazard, K. G. On the financial and political condition of the 4320a. 24 — Holconibe, W. U. The alternative : a separate nationality, or the Africanization of the South 4320a.28 — Holt,.!. Address to the people of Kentucky; alsoletterto J. F. Speed 4310a. 118 — - Letter upon the policy of the general gov- ernment, etc 4320a. 30, 31 — - Letters of J. Holt, E. Everett, and C. Stew- art, on the present crisis 4310a. 119 — Hope, A. J. B. B. The social and political bearings of the American disruption .... 4322.27 — Howard, F. K. Fourteen months iu the Amer- ican Dastiles 4320a.30 — Howe, S. G. I^etter to loyal women, touching contributions for the army 4320a. 38 — Hudson, E. M. Tlie second war of indepen- dence in America 4323.12 — - Uer zweite Unabhiingigkeits-Krieg in Ame- rlka 4323.41 — Hughes, T. The cause of freedom: which is the champion in America, the North or tlie South y 4.322.09 — Hunt, K. B. Union foundations 4:!20a.40 — Ides, The, of March ; or, A. Lincoln 4:ilOa70 — Index, The, 1802-115 4320.1 — Interior causes of the war 4320a. 40 — IngcTsojl, ,1. II. Secession resi(*ti'd 4320a. 45 — Issue, The, explained: the election of BIr. Hahn, as governor of Lonisiunn 4320a. 47 — Jay,.!. The American rebellion 4322.47 — - I'ho great conspiracy 43'.'0a. ID ^_ . The trreut issue 4:i20u.50 — - Our iriuniph and our duties 4:)20u.5o — Jolnville, I'M'", r. L. .M.d'O., /rison and vn parole . . . 4340a. 25 — .- Southern history of the war 4323. '^2 — I'ool, J. T. Under canvass; or, recollections of llie campaign of the Mth Ind. regiment . 4340a. 15 — Pope, J. The campaign iu A'irgiuia, of July and August, 1S('>2 4:i40a.lG — Preble, U. II. Chase of the rebel steamer of war Oreto into the Hay of Mobile 4340a. 19 — Prcvost, F. Le blocus americain 4323.5 — Problem, The, of American destiny solved by science and history 4329.2 — Question, The, before us 4310a. 22 — Question, La, de I'escluvage aux fitats-Unis . 4340a. 21 — Kaudall, U. M. The benetits of the rebellion. 433UJ1.5 — Kebel brag and British bluster 4330a. S — Record of the federal dead buried from Libby, etc. 5e(; U. S. Christian commission . . . 4350a. 79 — Reed, P. F. Incidents of the war 4330a. 10 — Reed, W. B. Review of Mr. Seward's diplo- macy .3035.10 — Rcllections on the state of affairs in the South. 4310.70 — Refutation of fallacious arguments aueut the American question 4322.30 — Remiirks on the policy of recognizing the in- dependence of the southern states 4322.31 — Renouf, S. L'uuiou americaiue et I'Europe . 4323.24 — Republican scrap book 4330a. 13. — Revolution, La, amert-aine devoilee 4323.7 — Richardson, A. D. The secret service, the field, the dungeon, and the escape 4320.27 — Right, Tlie, or t!ie wrong, of the American war 4340a. 38 — Ropes, J. S. Financial aspects of the rebel- lion 4340a. 39 — Ross, F. Visit to the cities and camps of the Confederate States 4327.23 — Rug^es, S. B. Report on the resources of the United States pieweuted to the national sta- tistical congress at Berlin , , . . 4322.18, and 4329.7 — Russeil, W. a. The battle of Bull Run . . . 4330a.l5, and 4340a. 40 — - The civil war in America 43oUa.l4 — Sala, G. A. My diary in America in the midst of war 4321.27 — Sayve, le comie de. fctude sur la revolution des ttats-L'nis 4321.15 — Schafi", P. Der Biirgerkrieg und das christliche Leben in Kord-Amerika 4350a 94 — Scho\n:rt, le baron. Paix ii TAmerique . . , 4340a. 34 — Secession, La, aux .fctats-Uuis 4323.0 — Serment, J. H, Sur un gravure : stances . . 4350a. 92 — Shirrefl", E. The chivalry of the South . . . 4322.74 — Sinclair, P. Freedom or slavery in the , . , 4323.13 — Smith, Gerrit. S])eeches and letters on the rebellion 4340a. 43 — Smith, Goldwin. England and America . . . 4340a. 45 — Smith, L.M. The great American crisis . . . 4340a. &4 — Smith, 1*. A. Seizure of the southern commis- sioners 5018.21 — Solution, A, of our national diiTiculties, and the science of republican government 4340a. 85 — Southern generals, who they are, and what they have done 4320.29 — Southern hatred of tlie American government. 4330a. 30 — SpencCjJ. Southern independence 4322.42 — Spirit of the South towards northern fi-eemen and soldiers 4330a. 30 SUiOl". So. Unitf.d States. History. Civil war, covtivucd. — Stanton, R. L. The church and the rebellion. 4328.16 — State of the country 4340a. 47 — Stetson, A. W. Our national dtbt and cur- rency 3048.16 — StillC', C. J. How a free people conduct a long war 4350a. 7 — - Northern interests nnd southern indepen- dence 4350a. 7 — Stock, J. The duties of British Christians in relation to the struggle in America 4322.03 — Storko, E. G. Complete history of the great American rebellion 4320.31 -^ Story, W. AV. The American question . . . 4322.35 — Sypher, J. R. History of the Pennsylvania reserve corps ' 4331.4 — Taylor, C. The probable causes and conse- quence of the American war 4322.51 — Taylor, J. W. Alleghania: a geographical and " statistical memoii* * 4340a. 66 — Taylor, W. Cause and probable results of the civil war in America 4323.33 — Thomas, B. F. A few suggestions upon the personal liberty law and "secession" . , . 4310.2 — - Remarks on the relation of the ** seceded states" to the union 4340a. 67 — Thomason, D. R. Correspondence touciiing the war 4340a. 57 — Thompson, J. P. Revolution against the gov- ernment not a right but a crime 4340a. 68 — Thornwell, J..H. The state of the country , 4340a. 03 — Towuseud, J. The South alone should govern the South 4310.50 — Train, G. F. On T. C. Grattan, secessionist. 4310a. 109 — - Union speeches in England 4340a. 56 — True issue of the American civil war stated. See Federals 4332.66 — True policy, The, of the South 4340a. 58 — Tuckerman, H. T. The rebellion: its latent causes and true sl^uilicance 4340a. 55 — Two months in the Confederate States .... 4329.31 — United States army and navy journal, 1863- f'5 4350.4 — United States service magazine, 1864 7955.1 — Upham, N. G. Letter on the present crisis . 4350a. 31 — Vallandigham, C. L. Record on abolition, the union and tlie civil war 4322.13 — - Trial, by a military commission ; and the proceedings under his application for a writ of habeas corpus 4322.11 — Victor, O. J. The history of the southern re- bellion 4321.10 — Views on the war 4350a. 33 — Voice from the motherland, answering Mrs.H. B. Stowe's appeal 4322.40 — "SVade, B. F. Report on the condition of re- turned union prisoners 4321,17 — - Report with testimony in relation to the late massacre at Fort Pillow 4321.17 — Walker, R.J. American finances and resources. * 4.322.44,50 — - Review of our finances and of the report of S.P.Chase 5646.7 — War, The, upon Amei-ican commerce . . . . 43.50a. 64 — War, The, and why it is 4350a. 03 — Washburn, E. National reconstruction nnd the duty of the profession 4350a. 35 — Wells, D. A. Our burden and our strength . 4322.18, and 4350a. 69 — What shall be done with confiscated ne- groes? 4350a. 22 — Where will it end? 4310.55 — White, R, G. Poetry of the civil war .... 4329.28 — Whiting, W. Military arrests in time of war.4350a.46 — Whitney, L. H. History of the war for the preservation of the federal union 4322.3 — Willard, J. Letter to an English friend on the rebellion in the ...» 4350a. 65 — Williams, J. The rise and fall of ' the model republic' 4327.15 UNITED STATES 660 UNITED STATES Sheir. No. UsiTED States. Htstory. Civil tear, continued. — Wilson, U. Milit.iry measures, 1861-()5 . . .4W0a.2D — Woman's example, and a nation's work . . . 433Ua.33 — Woodbury, A. The preservation of the re- public 4350a. 52 — Wright, E. The programme of peace .... 43403.72 Xott. — For separate sermons, speeches and fupilive pieces relative to the war, see tbe following names: Adams, E. A., Adams, J. G-, Adams, W., Alger, W. K., Allen, B. It., Andrevv,J. A., Barrows, W., Barlol.C. A., Bassett, G. W., Beecber, H. W., Bellows, 11. W., Bin- ney, U., Blair, 51., Boardman, H. A., Boutwell, G. S , Eoynton. C. B., Brantlj-, W. T., Brigtit, .1., Brown, B. G., Brown, G., Brown, J., Bulkley, K. A., Eullotk, A. H., Butk-r, B. K-, Carpenter, H. S., Clapp, A. H., ClarkiJ, J. F., Cleavelund, E. L., dine, A. J., Cobden, K., Craig, W., Curtis, G. T , Dana, R. II., Davis, G., Davis, H. W., Davis, J., Dewey, O., Dickerson. E N., Dickinson, D. S., Dodpe, A., Drake, CD., Duffield, G., Dwiuell, I. E., Eaton, W. W., Eddy, D. C, Ellet, C, Ellis, C. M., Ellis, G. E., Ely, A. B., Everett, E., Fairbanks, C, Flanders, H., Ford, ^y., Fransioli, J,, Frotbinebnm, O. B., Fugitt, J. P., Gadsen, C. P., Gillniore, Q. A., Girardeau, J. L., Goddard, S. A., Goodricb, J. Z., Goodwin, D. 11., Hale, E. E., Hale, J. P., Hall, N., Hamilton, A. J., Hamilton, J. C, Hammond, W. A., Haskell, T. N., Haven, G., Havens, P. E., Hedge, F. H., Hepwoinh.G. U., Holt, J., Howe, S. G,, Huntington, F. D., Ingersoll, C, Jackson, T., Jacobs, M., Jenkins, J., Jobnson, A.. Johnson, J. B., Johnson, It., Kennedy, J. P., Kimball, H., Kirk, E. N., Kirkland, C. P., Knox, J., Laurie, T., Licber, F., Lin- coln, A., Logan, J. A., Lothrop, S. K., Lowry, G. P., McDougall, J.A.,McDowell, I.,McGill,A.T.,McGiuIey, W. A., McKaye, J., Macon, K., McPberson, E., Mann, W.W., Manning, J. M., Marshall, E. C, Mason, C, Mel- len, W. P., Mercer, A. G.,Moudy, K. B., Morris, It., Mur- ray, 0. S., National preacher. New York (Loyal national Jeague,andL'nionleaguectub),Nordboff,C., Palmer, It., Pendleton, G. H., Phillips, \V., Pierce, E. L., Pilseo, J., Polk, L., Potter, E. It., Prentiss, G. L., Prentiss, W. O., Putnam, G., Itandall, G. M., Itankin, J. E., Kush, B., St. John, T. E., Schurz, C, Segor, J., beiss, J. A., Se- ward, W. U., Seymour, T., Shaw, L. 11., Sherman, J., Sickles, D. E., Smith, C, Smith, G., Smith, 11., Spauld- ing, E. G., Spraguc, P., Sprague, W. B., Stephens, A. 11., Stone, A. L., Sumner, C, Sunderland, B., Swain, L.. Swinburne, J., Swinton, W., Thayer, M. It.. Thomas, B. F., Train, C. It., Train, G. F., Tyler, G. I'., Tyler, J., Tyng, S. H., Van Wyck, C. M., Wadsworth, C, Wal- bridge, H., Walker, A., Walker, J., Wallis, S. T., Ware, J. F. W., Webb, E. B., Weiss, J., Wharton, F., Wbar- lon, G. M., White, A. D., White, 1. C, Wicklilie, It. C, Wightman, J. M., Wilkes, G., Willey, W. T., Williams, N. W., William., T., Williams, W. It., Wilson, H., ■Winkler, E. P., Veatman, J. E. For nnltters connected w ith the general subject, see also : The adjutant gen- erals' repotts of the various status; "Alabama," Uuro- bcrtand, Gettysburg, Habeas corpus, Haillord (U. S. flag-ahip), Ditervcnliou, (juarleniiaster's depanment, Lincoln, A., Martial law, Maine, JIaryland, Negroes, Neutrality, North Carolina, Ohio soldiers. Personal Ub- «rty laws, Potomac, President, Ithode Island, Secession, Shenandoah, Slavery, State rights. State sovereignty, Tennessee, Texas, United States (Congressional doeu- nienlB, pp. (il7-C54, and "Confederate States" docu- ments, pp. (W4-(V»9), United states Christian commis- sion. United States sanltaiy' commission, Western sani- tary commission, Trent. Literature, — Checver, G. B. The American common-place book of poetry .• • • • '397.34 Clevehtnd, C. I>. Compendium of American literature 2390.5 — Gallagher, W. D. I'oetical literature of the West 4278.18 _ Gostiek, J. Handbook of American literature. 23S4.S — Uows, J. W. S. Golden leaven from the American poetn 2390.25 _ PoetB of the West '. . . . aiU7.1 — EuDfcll, W. Introduction to the elocutionary reader 4278.25 Mimu/ucturcs. — Uatchelder, S. Cotton muuul'actiire hi the . . 3(jS0.£5 — l!i.iliop, J. L. Jlintory of American manufac- tures, IciO.'v-lW.O 3051.25 — Lesley, J. r. Guide to the Iron furuucen, lorgen and roUlug mllln of thu 4200.9 United States, continued, Katiiral hi.ffory. — Browne, D. J. Forest trees indigenous to the, — Gray, A. Genera of the planLs of the .... — Gunn, J. C. Sledieinal roots and herbs of the — Holbrook, J. E. North American herpetology. — JIarcou, J. Letter on some points of the geology of Texas, Kansas, New Mexico, 3845.14 3t65.19 3791.8 5S73.5 etc. Mease, .1. Geological account qf the .... Eiilinesque-Schmalz, C. S. Medical botany of the . Synopsis of the genera of American plants . Torrey, J. Compendium of the flora of the northern and middle states Wood, A. Flora of the 3869.36 4388.26 3857.11 3849.6 3f59.28 3854.5 Political instiiuiions and affairs, — Bacon's guide to American politics 4323.46 — Callan.J.F. Military laws of the 3035.12 — Carey, J. L. Slavery and the Wilmot proviso. 5672.9 — Clusitey, M. W. Political text book 2383.7 — Curtis, G. T. Just supremacy of congress over the territories 4390a. 02 — Du Ponceau, P. S. Nature and extent of the jurisdiction of the courts of the 4295.3 — Elliot, .J. Debates in tlie state conventions on the federal constitution .... 4263.5, and C.139.45 — Goodell, W. American slave code 42>J(J.22 — Hamilton, A. The federalist, on the new con- stitution 3504.12, 13, 4286.9, and 5563.3, 4,6 — Hiilsemaun, J. G. Geschichte der Democratie in den Vereiuigten Staaten 4305.5 — Hard, J. C. Law of freedom and bondage in the 3635.8 — Livingston, J. Lawyer's directory and oflicial bulktiu for 1850 4301.15 — Madison, ,L Debates in the convention held at Philadelphia, 1787, on the federal constitu- tion V. 5 of 42(i3.5, and C.139.5 — Schatr, P. Die politischen, socialen und kirch- lichrcligiiisen Zustiinde der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordtimerika 4305.4 — Sowell, 11. I'eusion, bounty, and prize laws of the 30:«.ll — Sullivan, AV. Political class book 3ji)8.3l — TellUainpf, J. L. Law reform, comnierciid pol- icy, bjliik.s, penitentiaries, etc., in the . . .^ , 3620.23 — Whiting, W. War powers under the constitu- tion 3635.13 — Yerringtou, J. M. W. Proceedings of the state disunion convention, helti at Worcester, Mass., Jan. 15, 1857 4350a. SO Statistics^ commerce, cte, — Atcheson, N. American encroachments on British rights 4320.5 — Champion, It. United States and Great Brit- ain, with a view to their future commercial connexions 4320.4 — Coinnierce extijrieur des lOtats-Unis, 1850, 57. Si I- France. Ministry of agriculture, etc. . 7011.17 — Doiinant, D. F. Statistical account of the . . 4324.10 Homer, J. L. Inquiry into the commercial policy of the 4103.13 — Pitkin, T. Statistical view of the commerce of the 4303.6 — Kcuss, W. F. Trade between Great Britain and tho 3053.29 — Thoughts on the increasing wealth and ua- tioniil economy of tho 4329.4 United States agricultural society. Journal for 1851, 65. Washington, lS.'i4, 55. 2v. 8* . . 7993.3 United States army and navy journal. Vol. 1, 2, New York, 1803-06. 2v. 4° •■J360.4 United STATES Cliiistlan commission. Among thu wounded. Experiences of u delegate [itev. D. WuBlon], Phila., 1804. pp.14. 12° ..4340a. 13 UNITED STATES 661 UNITED STATES Sholf. No. Unitkd Statks Cliristian commission, covtiimcd. — Cliri-st in tho iirmy; a st'lection of sketchea. [Philadclphin], 18(«. PJ' 4n50a.l37 — A ddegalf's st<»ry. «y itev. H. Q. IJutterficld. n. p., n. (J. [Xo tillc-puije.] pp. 8. V^" . -l^aOa.lSO — Iiiforniation Tor army nu'i'tin;j:s. June, ISO-l- Jlarch, ISIk"). PhilatU'lpliia, 18fVI, (m. I'j' . KJSOa.iaO — Instructions to delegates, riiiladelphia, lSt)2. [Xo title-pn-je.] pp.13. 12" 4350a. 136 — Ladies' Cliristlan commissions: auxiliary to the U. S. Christian commission, rhiladel- phia, IHfVl. pp. *,'-l. 12" 4.350a. 13G — Kecord of tlie federal dead burieti from Libby, Belle If>ie, Danville and Camp Luwtou pris- ons. I'hiladi-lpliia, IM'i'>. b° 4350a. 79 — Keport, Isf-Uh. riiiladelpbia, 1803-00. 8° .*4350a. 135 — StateniL'nt for army meetings. June, 1804. n.p., n. d. [Xolitle-paq:e.] pp.4. 4' 4350a. 134 Unitei> Statks sanitary comniiseion. Bulletin. (Xov. 1, 18(i3— Aug. 1, 1805.] New York, 1800. 3v. in2. 8" *4321.28 — Documents. New York, ISOO. 2v. 8*. . . *4350a.l2^ Contents. — Vol. I. 1. AfMrcss to the secretary of war, Mtty 18, 1861. 2. Letter Trum the acting sui-geon general advising the inslituiion of n cotninission, May 23, 1861, etc. 8. Pliui uf or^fliiiziition, with npproval by the Bocretnry of war. 4. Address to the citizens of the United Stntus. 5. Address to life insurance com- panies. 6. Resolutions ti ppoiiiting flntinuial committee. 7. Letter to tho public, soliciting conlrtbutioos. 8. Seriesof iuciuiriesHsto the condition of the furces, July 13,1861. 9, Cttmp Inspeclioi) return — questions. 10. Noti- fication to Mssociate monibers. 11. List of ossocinte members, Juno 26, 1861. 12. List of nssociate mem- bers, June 29, 1861. 13. Address to the public from central flnnncd committee, July, 1861. 14r (iuthrie, G. J., Directions to nrmy surgeons on the field of battle. 2d ed. 13. Letter to tho executive financial committee, July 9, 1861. 16. Appcul of the executive flnancial committee. 1". Preliminary survey of tho camps near Wasbington. IZa. VanUureu, W. U., Knlcs for preserving tho health of soldiers. 2d cd. 19. Cnmp inspection return — questions. 20. Military discipline: resolutions pfissed July 2t), 1861. 21. Kesolutions, passed in the 2d, 3d iind 4th ee&sions. 'J2. Origin and objects of the com- mission. 23. Keport on the nnlitury hospitals in and around Washington, July 31, I8lU. 24. Objects to which the funds are Applied. 24a. Instructions to sanitary in- spectors. 25. Collection of pnpt-rs of tho sanitary commis- sion, Sept. 1, 1861. 26. Bellows, H. W., Notes of a preliminary sanitary survey of the furces of the United States in tho Ohio and Mississippi valleys, 1861. 27. Newberry, J. S., Report on the sanitary condition of tho United States troops in the Mississippi valley, Aug., 1861. 28. Advice as to camping, by the British govern- ment sanitary commission. 29. Knapp, F. N., Keport concerning tbo aid and comfort given to sick soldiers passing through Washington, Sept. 23, 1861. 30. Ke- port of the committee on the examination of offlctrs. 31. Vtiit Buren, W. H., Report on the use of quinine • as a prophylactic, 1861. S2. Keport concerning the Woman's centrifi association of relief at New York, Oct. 12, 1861. 33. List of associate members, March 15, 1862. 34. List of associate members, Dec. 7, 1861. 35. Knapp, F. N., Two reports concerning the aid and comfort given to sick soldiers passing through Washington, Sept. 23, and Oct. 21. 1861. 36. Newberry, J. S., Report on tho condition of troops in tho valley of the Mississippi, Kov. 30, 1861. 38. Camps and hospitals in Cairo, 111., and vicinity. 39. Knapp, F. N., Third report concerning the aid and comfurt given to sick soldiers passing through Wasbiugton, March 21, 1862. 40. Report to tho scoretary of war of the operations of the commission, Dec, 1861. 41. Two reports on the condition of militar)' hospitals at Grafton, Va., and Cumberland, Md., 1862. 42. Newberry, J. S., A visit to Fort Douclson, Tenn., Feb., 1863. 43- Letter to the president of the U. 9., July 21,1862. 44a. Appeal in behalf of the sick and wounded, July 4, 1862. i5. Regu- lations of the N. V. agency of the commission, and for Its transport 4kr\ ice on the Atlantic coast, adopted July 15, 1862. 46. Elliott, £. B., Keport on the mor- tality and sickness of the United States forces, iSG2. 47. Letter to the prcfcident, Aug. 5, 1862. 48. Appeal to •he public, Sept. 24, 1862. 49. Provision for disabled soldiers, Aug. 15, 1862. SO. What they have to do who stay at home. . 51. Revised general instruc- tions fur camp inspections. 52. Instructions to general Inspectors concerning certain campaign duties, Dec- 1, 1862. 53. Rules of the central office, Sept. 22, 1862. M. Shelf. No. United Statks sanitary commission, continued. MnteriHl for hospital clothing, Oct. 22, 1862. 55. Oper- ations of the sanitary commission at I'crryvillo, Ky. 2d od. 56. Clark, H. G., First report on tho condition and wantBOf tho general hospitals, Nov. 18, 1862. 57. Doug- las, J. H., and Brink, C. W., Reports of the operations of the inspectors and relipf agents, after the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. 58. Ordronaux. J., Pro- posed scheme for the relief of disabled soldiers, 1863. 69. Knnpp, F. N., Fourth report concerning the aid and comfort given to sick soldiers passing through Wash- ington, Doc. 15, 1862; with a supplement. 59a. Hame. 2ded. 60. Executive organization. Doc. 18, 1862. II. 61. General order for the executive service, Jan. 27, 1868. 62. Rules of tho supply department, Jan. 27,1863. 64. Newberry, J. 8., What tho U. S. sanitary commia- siou is doing in tho valley of the Mississippi, Feb. 16, 1863. 65. Clark, H. G., Second report on the condition "^ and wants of tho general hosititnis, Jan. 21, 1863. 66. General regulations for the supply department. 67. Perkins, 8. H., Report on the pension systems and invalid hosjiitals of Franco, Prussia, Austria, Rus- sia and Italy. 68. Preliminary report of operations, with the army of tho Potomac, during tho campaign of Juno nnd July, 1863. 69. Statement of the object and methods of the sanitarycommission, 1863; with a supple- me.jit. 70. Preliminary rci>ort of operations iu connec- tion with the engagement in the harbor of Charleston, July 1-20, 1863. 71, Keport of operations during and after the battles at Gettysburg.JuIy 1-3, 1863. 72. fciteiner, L. H., Account of the field relief corps, in the army of the Potomac, Sept. 19, 1863. 73. Letter to the president of the United States concerning tho removal of surgeon general W. A. Hammond. 74. List of associate mem- bers, March 15, 1864. 75. Newberry, J. S., Rejiort on the operations in the valley of the Mississippi, Sept. 1, 1863. 76. Agnew, C. R., Preliminary report of opera- tions during the campaign in Northern Virginia, May 24, 1864. 77. Knapp, F. N., Fifth report concerning aid and comfort given to sick and invalid soldiers, Oct. 1, 1863. 78. An answer to the question, " Why does the sanitary commission need so much money?" Jan. I, 1864. 79. Clark, H. G., Third report on the condition and wants of the general hospitals, May, 1863. 80. Bloor, A. J., Letters from the army of the Potomac, May, 18G4. 81. Regulations for field relief advance corps, July 8, 1864. 82. Rules for the executive service, July 14, 1864. 83. Financial report, June 1, 1861, to Oct. 1, 1864. &i. Newberry, J. S., Report on the opera- tions in the valley of the Mississippi, Oct. 1, 1864. 85. Case and opinions of T. W. Dwigbt, as to the trusts on which the funds of the Lnited States sanitary commis- sion are held, etc. 86. Plan of executive organization and rules of the executive service, Dec. 16, 1864. 88. Hoge, Mrs. A. H., Address at Packer institute, Brooklyn, N. Y-.inaidofthegreatnortbwesternfair. 89. Extracts from the quarterly special relief report, concerning the rebel hospitals at Ricbmond, etc. 90. Circular to branchesand aid societies. 90. Suppl. Bureau of infor- mation and employment, June 14, 1863. 91. Report of the auxiliary finance committee. 92, Report concerning the field relief service, with the armies of the Potomac, • Georgia, and Tennessee, May and June, 1865, 93. Cir- cular addressed to the branches and aid societies, July 4, 1865. 94. Knapp, F. N., Report concerning the aid and comfort given to sick and invalid soldiers, July 1, 1865. 95. Bellows, H. W., Report concerning provision required for the relief and .support of disabled soldiers and sailors and their dependents. — The economical relief of disabled soldiers, and amendments to our present pension laws, by J. Ordronaux, New York, 1804. 8". . .*4350a.l32 — Military, medical and surgical essays, 1802-64, Washington, 1805. S" *4.350a.l26 Contents. — Introductory, Mott, V., Pain and anres- thetics. A, Post, A. C, and Van Buren, W. H,. Mil- itary hygiene and therapeutics, B. Guthrie, G, J., Directions to surgeons on the field of battle. 4th ed. C. Van Buren, W. H., Rules for preserving the health of soldiers. 5th ed. D. Van Buren, W. H., Quinine as a prophylactic. 2d ed. E. Smith, F. G., and Stille, A,, Vaccination in armies, 3d ed. F. Slade, D. D., Ampu- tations. 2d ed. G. Smith. S., Amputations, foot and ankle-joint. U. Bumsleud, F. J,, Veuereal diseases. J. Flint, A., Pneumouia. 2d ed. K. UlJham, J. B., Con- tinued fevers. L. Hodges, K. M., Excision of joints, 2d ed. M, Stille, A,, Dysentery. N. llaramond, W. A., Scurvy. O. Packard, J. II., Fractures in military surgery, P. Metcalfi;, J. i'., MiasmatV fevers. 2d ed. Q. Metcalfe, J. T., Yellow fever. R.. Mott, V,, Hemor- rhage from wounds. S. Harris, £., Infectioufi diseases. T. Little, J. L., Plaster of Paris aplints. LTs'ITED STATES 662 UNIVERSAL niSTOKY Shelf. No. United States sanitary commission, continued. — [Miscellaneous documents, letters, etc.] Wasli- ingtou, lt>Gl-(il. [Xo title-page.J 8°. . .*4350a.l2S Contents. — Circnlar to nssocinto members, Sept. 23, 1881; Outline of what the United States sanitarj- cooi- missiuD has done and is doing:; Appeal for supplies, Sept. II, 1812; Proceedings, 22d session, July 11, 18&j; . Army and navy cluim agency; Appeal to the loyal women of America. Oct. 1, 1861; Letter written in reply to inquiries with reforence to the disposition of hospital supplies eent the sanitary commission, \ov. 16, 1861; Letter to Gov. E. D. Morgan, Oct. 22, 1861; What they have to do who stay at home ; The duties of an sssoeinte member; Letter to Mrs. Moon', March 3, 1863; Aid to the union prisoners in Richmond; Circular from the Sanitary reporter, Dec. 1, 1864; Letter to tho editor of the Boston joumul, by J. F. Jenkins, April 21), 186i; Queries about the sanitary commibsion by "Index" ; How the sanitary does its work, letter hy A. J. Bloor; Letter from chaplain Quint. — Karrative of privations and sufferings of United States oflicers and soldiers in the hands of the rebel authorities, Philadelphia, 1S04. S° . 4322.17 — - Same. With an appendi.x containing the testimony. Boston, [IStio], pp. 86, and plate. 8" . , . • V. 2 of 4322.18 — - Same. Loudon, 1865. pp.52. 10°. . . .4350a. 125 — Nelly's hospital, by L. M. Alcott; The busy bees; A "comfort bag" in the army, by J. T. Higgins. n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] pp. 8. b° *4a50a.l32 — Report of the secretary with regard to the re- cent demoralizixtion of the voluuteer army at Washington. Washington, 1801. pp. 4(i. 8%*4350a.l32 — Report on dysentery, [by A. Stille, and others], 2d ed. Washington, 1803. pp.43. 8=' . . *4350a.l32 — Report on military hygiene and therapeutics, [by A. C. Tost and W. H. Van Buren]. 4th ed. Washington, 1805. pp. 'Z^. b" . . . *4350a.I32 — Rules for preserving the health of the soldier. 15y W. H. Van liureu. [VVasbingtou, 18(>1. No title-page.] pp.14. Iti" *4350a.l29 — Sanitary reporter. The, May 15, 18G3, to May 15, 1805. Louisville, Ky., 1803-05. 2v. 4" . *4340. 10 — The soldier's friend. I'hiladelphia, 1805. 32'.*4350a.l2U — Spcet-h of the Kev. Dr. Bellows, miide at the Academy of music, I'hihidclphia, l^'cb. :i4, 1803. IMiiladelphia, 1803. 8" *4350a.l32 — A succinct narrative of its works aud purposes. New York, 1804. 8' 4321.10 — Statistical bureau. Ages of U. S. voluuteer soldiery. New York, 1800. pp. 43. 8" . *4350a.l32 — What the U. S. sanitary commission is doing , iu the valley of the Mississippi, Feb. 10, 1803. By J. S. Newberry. 2d ed. New York, 1803. [No litle-page.J pp.31. 8' M350a.l32 — IJosmer, G. W. Ki-port of dch-gates from the General aid society, at Buffalo, N. Y. . . . 4320a. 35 — llowe, S. G. Letter on the sanitary condition of the troops in the neighborhoud of Boston.4320a.37 — Steiner, L. 11. United Status .'^unitary coni- nussion, during the campaign in Maryland, Sept., 1802 4340a. 80 •— [Metropolitan fair in aid of the U. States san- itary uuniiuission.] N. Y., 1804. pp.22. 8". *43a0a.l33 — [Origin, oprratious ami results. Reprinted from the North American review, Jan. and April, 1804.J Boston, 1B04. 8" *4350a.l32 — Boston associates. Letter to the public, June 10, 1M04. Boston, 18(»4. 10" *4320.8 — - Report, March 31, Oct. 20, 1804, March 31, 1805, May, JbOO. Boston, 180-1-00. 8*" . . . M320.8 — BuQalu brunch. Final reportof the general aid society for the army, Jan. 1, 1805, to Sept. 1, ltt05. Bulfulo, l.>05. 8" ♦4350a. 133 — CiiUfornIa branch. How and where the money goes. Correspondence between H. VV, BcccherandU. W. Bellows. Sun Francisco, 1804. pp.8. S" •4350a. 133 — Ch'Velund brunch. Biillrlln,Nn.5. 2<1 ed. S. Wdlcutt's report upon his vi.sll lo Shernmu's urmy. CJevelund, lfi04.. [UroudMdeJ . .*4350ti.l33 Shelf. Xo. United States sanitary commission, continued. — New Euijland woman's auxiliary association. Constitution and by-laws, adopted Jan., 1804. Boston, 1S04. pp. 7. 8' *4340a.53 — - Letters from G. Moody, Feb. 5, 1803, and W. S. Rosecraus, Feb. 2, 1803. Boston, 1863. [Broadside] *4340a.53 — - Blonthly reports cut from the Boston trans- script, [luoomplete.] Boston, 180-^-05. S" . *4320.8 — - Report, [lst-4th], Boston, lS0:i-05. 8°.. H320.8 — Philadelphia associates. An appeal to the peo- ple of Peansyivania for the sick and wounded soldiers. [Philadelphia, 1801. No title-page.] PI). 40. 8° *4350a.l33 — - Officers and associates, [etc.]. Rhiladel- phia^ 1804. pp. 21. 8" *4350a.l33 — - Preamble and resolutions in relation to the reorganization of the army medical depart- ment, n. p., 1802. [No title-page.] pp. 7. S" •4350a. 133 H — - Report of the general superintendent, 1805, " 60. Piiiladelphia, 1805, 00. 8' *4350a.l33 — - Report of the solicitor of the protective war claim and pension agency, Jau. 1, 1805. Phil- adelphia, 1S05. pp. 24. 8° *4350a.l33 — Soldiers' relief fund committee of San Fran- cisco. Report of the treasurer and secretary. With a supplement containing the receipts by H. W. Bellows. San Francisco, 1805. pp. 03. 8" *-1350, 133 — Woman's central association of relief, New York. How can we best help our camps and hospitals ? Statement and correspondence. New York,- 1803. pp. .30. 8^ *4350a.l33 — - Operations of the U. S. sanitary commission at Beaufort and Morris Island. New York, 1803. [No title-page.] pp.8. 8° , . . .*4350a.l33 — - Report, 2d-4th annual. New York, 1803-65. 8° *4350a.l3;t — - Report, 2d, 3d semi-annual, 1862, O:?. New York, 1802,63. 8" *4350a.l33 — Women's Pennsylvania branch. Report, 1804. Philadelphia, 1864. pp.32. 8" *4350a.l33 United States service magazine. Vol, 1,2. New York, 1804. 2v. S" *7y55.1 Univbusai. history. Uebersetzuugder Algt-meinen WeUhistorie,vermerct von S.J. Haunigarteu [und andern] ; Fortselzung durcli eine Ge- sellsohaft von Gelehrten in Engeliind und Teutschlaud. Ualle, 1744-1814. 60v.in71. 4°. ♦4130.4 Conttuita. — Vol. I. VorrctJo D. HnuniRnvteni*; Vor- nnlc der Vcrfasaor; Eiuleitung /,ur Allpt'meiiH-u Welt- hfsloriu; Alpomeino WelthiBti'rie bis Abrnhnms G«- burt; Gesehichtc von Epyplcn biit dift'dle Zeltun Alex- niidcrs dcs GroMen ; Zustitze aun I*ocock« Itexehrolbuntt von Kg:ypton, II. Gcschlchto dcr Mod|)lter, Ammonl- tcr, Midionitor, EdomUer, Aninlukitcr, Cumuuiiter und rblliNler; Gcnchlchto der nllen Syrer und I'hOuicior, GeMcUichto der Jnden bin zur biibyloni«chrn Geraufpii*, III. Outtesdionst, Uegloruug, Go^elzc, tiowobnbciten, Gi'ler^iamkeit, KtiuHto uud Ilfindlung der JUdt^u; Jil- diaeho ZeltrocliuunB vom IJeruf Abriihams bis nuf dio bubyloniachu GefHiiponsclmft ; Gedchlehtt^ von Asoy- rien; Gcschlchto der Btibylouler. IV. lu'Behlchte d«r Medin", Pi-rsor, rtcythen uiul Gonierier, Phrypler, Tro- Jiinvr, Mysier, Lydiur, u. ii> w. V. Fabellintf o und llol- denzelten; Atlicolenscr ; Spiirtn. VI. VerBi-hledonu Vttl- ker von Gricebcrhnnd. VI, VII. aicilion, (.Totft, SumciB. VII, VIII. Miiei'donier; Annenler; I'onltiB; Cn]ipHdo- cler; I'ergnnniB, 'Ihriiclen, EjilniB, Ulthynieri, ColcliU, Iburlcn', Albiinieu, ItospuruN, Mcdien, Unctrlen, KdcMA, u. v. w. VllI, IX. GvHehlchto dcr Juden vun Hirer KUckkehr iiuh der babyluniMclien GeriniKeimelmft bla zur itcrittJlrunK ''('ninalumH. IX. Purlher iind remer. X-XV. ItUnilncho Gciichlcbte. XV. (:a(hu)clnlen*er. XVI. NunihUer, MuurilJiuler, Giltullcr, Alolanofriitullur, NItrrilen und Giirnmiinten, Lybler, u. a. w., Klhiopiar, Anibor; Nice und Trnpozunt, Spittilen ; Onlllcr. XVII. Gurmitnler, Urltnnnlor, lluiiiiun, Gollicn, Viiudalen. 8uo- ven, Erankt-n, Kurjfuniilcr, Alenninneu, lleiulfr, Gi'pi- dim, Mnrconianneii, 8anumh'r, Dnefer, I.uinburilcu, nultiaron. *XVHI. Oatrottulben, I.oudiarden ; l^Iiruno- l(.|{li>cbv Tiifvln r.u der AlKeiiiulnen Wel(K>'«clileht(i. XIX-XXI. Mt>bivninied; Ariibor. XXI, XXII. Tilrk- BU, Mojfuln und Tatiirn. XXII. Bhahe von PerBiou UNIVERSAL HISTORY 663 UPLAND Sholf. No. UxivicnsAT, history, continued. uiid KOiiipo voii IK-niiuz. XXIIl. Turkmnnpn uml lUbeken; Kimlu^^tan nfli-r TCeidi ili?9 G^ofl^*(>n SIopul; llrtlbhiBcl Indlcii!!. XXIV. Siuni, Kniiibojti. Kocliln- chlimuDilTiMiiikitipr; Mortfi-iiIiiiulitclieTularpy. XXIV, XXV. Chiim; J«i)an. XXV-XXVII. 0«tiiiai!.clio lintidlunps^'st'lUcliuneu. XXVH. Wcs[inilii. 6v. 8' *41C0.10 Contents. — Vol. I. C. W. Boytfrs Grnndsatzo der c^'pti»fht;n Zeirrecbuung; B. G. Cbiuswitz Abband- liin;; von d^n siebenzi^ Wochen Daniels; J. S. St'm- ItTs Anmcrkungcn zur cgypliscben Gt-scbicble; Bel- trSpe zur Erleuterung der alien G<'»cbichte ; C. Thomp- son* Keii-ebescbreibuug von Paliistina, ans dem Eng- lUchon uborsctzt; W. Wbislons Beschrcibung der ^tiftslitttie und des Tempels; A. Borricliii Abbandlung voni pcrsischcn Ueicbc ; Chronik von Pnros, odor ersfer flrundi;)iunigebcr Mnrmur x\i Oxford. II. B. G. Claus- wiiK Fort80l7,ang der Abtiandlung von den sivbenzig ■Wocben Danit-'Is; J. G. Wnlthera Ablumdlung von dcm Zi-itraume zwisebcn dem Anagnnge dea Isracliten aus Egypton und dem Ban dcs saloinonisclien Tenipcls; R. Pocockcs Bcscbrctbung des Morgenlnnds und einiger nndeni Gegenden; A. Anselma Abhandlungen von den ultesten Dcnkmalcn dcr Gescliiehtc ; Xouopbons Itiick- zug dor zehntftuseiid Grieuhcn; Die erheblicbsten ViTftnderungen des Isten Theils dcr Algcmeinen WeltbiBtoric. III. F. W. Beers Bcschreibung des nitcn Seytbleus; J. S. Semlers Erleuterung des so gonanten Canons des PtolemUus; M. G. Agnetblcrs syrncusani- scbo KuDige und Tyrauuen aus griechischeu Miinzen ; Gi'scbiclite der Umbrier und Sabiner nebst Nachriclit von den iibrigenaltesten Volkemin Italien; Gcscbi elite der Etruscer; Fortsetzuog der Verandeningen in der nvuen Ausgnbc vom 1747. IV. J. S. Semlers ErleutOj^M^ rung alter Miinzen, zura 7ten Thcil der Algemeinfl^^V Welthistorie; A. D. Trekells Ancicrkungen iiber ilio A rOniisclie Geschichte im 10len-i;3ten Thcil der Algcnie- inen Welthistorie; F, Carys Geschichte der Kiinige von ThracieD undf^om cimmerischen Bosporo, ericutcrt aus di-n Miinzen ; Geschichte der Turken, Tartom und Mo- puln ; Geschii'hie von Indien ; Geschichte der Cbineser ; Ueber die Bevolkcmng von America ; Von dor Unab- hiiugigkeit der Araber; Untersuchung Frcreta uber dii-n Feldzug des Trnjanus nach Indien; La Bleterio Abhandlung iiber die BeschalTenheit der rJimischen Itegivning unter den Kaisvn; Geschichte dcr Kijnigo von Thracien und vom cimmerischen Bosporus, von F. Gary. V. Die voruehmsten Begt'bcnhcitcn in dcr cbristlichen Kirche vom lten-7ten Jahrhundcrt; J. L. Sclnili:cn8 Erleuterung der rftraischen Geschicbte aus Miinzen ; Ergiinzungen deraltcnasiatischen Geschichte ; Auszug ftusdesJosephuscrstemBucho wider den Apion, von dem Altcrtum dc9 jtidischen Volka. VI, J. L. Schulzens Fortgesetzte Erleuterung der riimischcn Go- scliichtc aus Miinzen; G.I. Sleinfclds historisch-chro- nologischc und tbeologi.tr.he Abhandlung vom wahrcn Alter der Welt; J. S. Scralers Vcrsucbe iiber die Ver- Bchiedenheit der Znblcn vom Alter der Welt, zumal in der griechiachen Uebersetznng; J. S. Semlers Anmcrk- ung«-n iiber eiotgo gtellen in Jacksons chronologischen AIH;rriimem; Anbang eiues chronologiscben Briefes; Forigcsetztc Geschichte der Thcbaner, Arcadicr, Cor- inthrr, Argiver, Thcssalicr, Elecr und anderor kleineni Vulker; Geschichte dcr Regicrung Carausii roraisehen Kaisers in GrosbritaDaien, aus UUnzen erlilutert von Genu brier. rNMVEiisAL preceptor. Blair, D 7029.33 U.MVEKSAi.sons^^tcr, The; with illustrations. New td. London, n.d. 3v. in 1. Vl" 4179.9 Shelf. No. Univkrsai, pongrsfer, The; or museum of mirth: culli'ction oi' ancient and modern songs. London, [lM..'(;,i7]. :Jv. 8" 4175.10 Univkksalism. Cleaveland, J. Uuscriptural doc- trine of universal sidvation lS.l70b.21 — Cooke, T. irniversal salvation exphiined . I'ph. v. ;H7 — Hndsoii, C. V.' Human destiny: acritiqueon. 5411'.). 16 — reck,,!. De.-jcanton . 5400.41,61 — Thayer, T. B. Theology of 5460.35 Univkksalist quarterly and general review. Vol. 1-18. Boston, 1844-01. ISv. 8° *7288.1 Universalists, Trinitarian, Guide to. See Evangelist's manual 3453.6 Universities. Maiden, H. On the origin of . .3509.16 — Meiners, C. Ueber die Verfassung und Ver- waltung dentscher Universitiiten 0080.14 — Thohick, F, A. G. Das akadendsdie Lebeu dcs ]7teu .JaUiiiuuderts G005.2 Xnte- — For the histories of univertilties and catalogues of their libraries, see the namca of the places whi-ru thwy lire located. Universitv education. Fichte, J. G. Plan einer zu ]}erlin zu errichtenden hdhern Lehrau- stalt , 3597.8 — Schelling, F. W. J. v. Vorlesung<'n iiber die Jlethode des academischen studium .... 3599.30 University quarterly. Vol. 1, 2. is'ew Haven, 1S60. 2v. H° *7305.1 UNrARDONAELE sin. Die Siinde wider den heili- gen Geist. Schalf, P 0063.10 Uphasi, C. W. [Charge of ignorance and mii^repre- sentation proved against Kev. G. B. Cheever.] Salem, 1S33. pp. 24. 8° 0088.02 — Discourse on prophecy as an evidence of Christianity. Salem, 1835. b° *4103.14 — Letters on the logos. Boston, 1828. 12" . . . 5479.1 — Nebraska and Kansas. Speech in tlie house of representatives, May 10,1854. n.p.,n.d. [No title-page.] 8° 4310.8 — Oration before the New England society in New York, Dec. 22, 1S46. Boston, 1S47. 8°.*4400a.l2 — Orntion delivered at Salem, July 4, 1842. Sa- lem, 1842. 8° *4400a.t2 — Principles of the reformation: a dedication sermon, Nov. 16, 1826. Salem, 1826. 8' . . 60S8.2 — R<-niarks in the house of representatives, Feb. 27, 1855, on mediation in the eastern war, [etc.]. Washington, 1855. 8" ♦4400a,12 — Speech in the house of representatives of Mas- sachusetts, on the compromises of the consti- tution. Salem, 1849. 8" *4400a.l2 — Speech on the extension of the credit of the Eastern railroad corporation, April 11, 1857. u. p., n. d. [No title-page.] 8° *44Q0a.l2 Uphaji, J. B. Hospital notes and memoranda; in illustration of the congcptive fever, in New- bern, 1862, 63. Boston, 1863. pp.38. 1.8". 3801.29 — Hlustrations of typhus fever in Great Britain, in 1853. Boston, 1858. pp. 46. 8° *5796.61 — Inaugural address at the musical festival of the Handel and Hadyn society, May 23, 1865. Boston, 1865. 8° 8048.1 — Records of maculated typhus, or ship fever. New York, 1852. pp. 60. 8° *5790.60 Upham, N. G. Letter on the present crisis, Feb. 20,1861. Concord, I80I. pp.20. 8° . . . . 4350a. 31 Upham, T. C. [Elements of intellectual philos- ophy.] Portland, 1827. 1.8" 0091. 5 — Life of Catharine Adorna. Boston, 1815. 18°. 5459a. 31 — Principles of the interior or hidden life. 2d ed. Boston, 1844. 8° 5458.12 Upham, William. Speech on the compromise bill, in the senate, ,Iuly 1 and 2, 1850. n. p., n. d, [No title-page.] 8° 4310.75 Upham, William P. Memoir of Gen. J. Glover, of Marblehead. Salem, 1863. pp.01, sm.4'' - 4358.27 Upland. Monumenta Sueo-Gothica, T^plandiae partem primariam Thiundiam coutinentia. Peringskidid, J 2820.7 UPSALA. 664 TAII.LAXT Shelf. Ko. Upsala. Kongli^a vetenskaps societet. Nova acta. Vol. 7-12, fasc. 1. Vpsalioe, 1815-41. 5t. and 1 part. 4° *5212.1 IjRANirs, Keport on the palimpsest Ms. of. See London. Royal society of literature . . . 4095.2 tJRAxrs, ^fie j!)/(7?icf, Explanation of irregularities in the motion of. Adams,.!. C 6910a. 1 Urba sus I, pope. Epistola ad omnes Christianos. [Migne. Patrologia Grffca, v. 10] 5-161.7 L'RB.\Nl'S IV.ppyje. Jlet.iphrasis in Psalmumquin- quagesimum. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 25] B.110.2 Urbixo. Dennistoun, J. Memoirsof the dukes of. 2744.27 — Grossi, C. Begii uomini ilhistri di Urbino . . 2741.22 — Ugolini, F. Storia dei conti e duclli d'Urbino. 2728.20 I'KCULLu, J. de. Gramatica inglesa. Revisada porM. dclMar. Nueva- York, 1827. 12°. . 4589a. 7 Ure, a. Dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines. Edited by R. Hunt. 5th ed. Lou- don, 1860. 3v. 8° *39S1,3 Contents.— Vo\ I. A— C. II. D— L. III. M-Z. — Supplement to Ure*s dictionary of arts, manu- factures, and mines. Edited by R. Hunt. New York, 186.^. 1.8° 3981.4 Urkthra. Guerison des r^tr^cissements de I'urfe- tre. Guillon, G 3770.43 Urjcoeciiea, E. Mapotcca colombiana, Titulos do todos los mapas, relativos a la America espailola. Londres, 1800. 8° *2152.15 Vrixe. Beale, L. S. Urine, urinary deposits, and calculi 3740.58 — Morland, W.W. Morbid eifects of retaining in the blood the elements of the urinary secre- tion , 3740.00 — Neubauer, C. Analyse des Harns 3740.05 — - Analysis of the 6724.4 — Yirchow, R. Ueber Harnsiiure 3740.63 Urlichs, L. Rtimische Topographic in Leipzig, Stuttgart, 1845. 8° 27.16.15 Trlspergkr, S. Nachrichten saltzburgischer Em- igr.antcn in America. Halle, 1735-40. 4° . . *0055.14 Urn-burial. Browne, Sir T 2009.5 Ukquhart, D. Progress of Russia in the West, North, and South. Sthed. London, 1853. 12°. 4252.13 Urs.\chf- and Geschichte der Octoberereignisse zu Wien. Leipzig. 1S4S. 8° 4210.5 Ursicamp. Oratio de ecclesia; rcformatione. See Hardt, H. v.d 6059a. 17 tjRSINUs, Adam. Chronicon Thuringia; vernacu- lum. [Mencke. Script, (ierm., v. 3] ... 4261.2 Ursinus, August F. Balladen und Lieder alten- glisclier und altscliottisclier Dichturt. [En- glisch und deutsch. Mit lOinleitung von J. J. Kschenburg.] Berlin, 1777. 10° 2538.21 I'RSisus, F. Sec Orsini, F. IRSINL'-S, Z. I^ehcn und ausgewKhltc Schriften. SeeSudhof, C 0045.12 Ursonr, or Orso, iwtnio tjeiwrcac. Be victoria quam Genuenses ex Friderieo ll retulerunt Mcrxi, II, carmen. [Sardinia, liist.monum. Chart 2] 4800.1 Vksua, p. dc. Expedition in seiirch of El Dorado and Omagua, 1.500, 01. See Sinuin, P. dc . . 2264.25 I'SCOCK Tartars, ilistoria degli Vscoclii. Miuucci, M 2729.7, and 4199.3 I'SHKUL arts. Bulletin dn la Societi'! d'encourage- ment pour I'lndustrie nallonale. See I'arls. 33S0.8 — Figuier, G. L. L'ann6e Bclentiliquc ct indus- trielle 3934.10 — .Jobard, .1. B. A. M. Bull.lin du Mu.iie de I'iudustric 3303.1 Scf.aUo: Airrlcullurt^, Dlrni'hiiiir, Ilonkltlnfllnir, Ilreir- iDfr.Brlckiiinklnjr, CnUcK iirlnttiiKi (.'rtr]iniitry,('firrlntr<'", Clocki, Curryliiir, Cutli'ry, l>yrlii(;, (iln**, linliiMlnnl exIiUilHon*, Itiduatry, hivinllulia, I.t'iitliiT-iln'^nliiK, l.iicka, Mnniirnrlltroi, Malchon, UrhilliiriO', MorlnrR, U-iutdcr, I'Aper, Hplnnlng, Tcltorlnir, Tniintnir, Tprli- nolo^. Tr,>uiiari.oiitlliif[, Turning, Watchrnaklnir. Waarlng. Shelf. Ko. Usher, F. L. The signal, proposing a society for tlie moral and religious improvement of the clergy. Boston, 1815. pp. 12. 12° . . . B.lCOb.lll U.SHEn, cr Ussher, J. Works. Vol. 17. Dublin, 1S64. 8° ♦3502.3 roiitents —For the contents of Vols I-XVI, sfe Index of ISIU Vol. XVII. The onuses of the continunnco of contentions concerning church guverumput ; NotuB on tbi-ee sermons; iQiIex of names and subjects. — Annales Veteris et Novi Testament!. Ed. nova. Veronae, 1741. f° *4140.1 — Dissertationes de epistolis SS. Ignatii et Poly- carpi. [Cotelier. Ss. Patrum apost. opera, V. 2] 6020.2 — Vita Jacobi Usseri. 5ee Smith, T 4177.12 USOMARE, B. Annales Januenses, 1267-09. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., v. Is] 4210.2 UsoMARE, M. Annales, 1204-06. [Frankfurt. So- cietas, etc., V. 18] 4210.2 Us6z i Kio, L. Un Espanol en la Biblia: i lo que puede onseilarnos. n. p., n. d. [No title- page.] pp. 38. 10° . *«5496.27 LTST.\Riz, G. de. Theory and practice of commerce and maritime afl'airs. Transl. from the Span- ish, by .J. Kippax. Loudon, 1751. 2v. 8°. 3055.9 Usury. Canisius, H. Prselectiones academicse dc usuris 6066.14 — Kellogg, E. Remarks upon 4280.9 — Treatise on 3666.40 — Whipple, J. Importance of usury laws . . Pph.v.348 Uterus, .larjavay, J. F. Des operations appli- cables aux corps fibrenx de Tutt-rus. . . 5I.Pph.v.l37 — Storer, H. R. Removal of the uterus and both ovaries, by abdominal section 5790. .36 Utino, or Udine, L. da. Sermoncs aurei de Sanctis. n. p.,n. d. f° *B.140.12 A"i3tc,— The volume has .1110 leaves, without cohimns, pnftination, si)^naturcs, nnnie ofjihice or Jirlnler. It Is ill Gothic letters, and hss 41 Hues on each page. This coi)y agrees in all respects with that which Hayni places first, and to which he alllxcB Iho conjectural date Mo- Buntiao 1474. Utrecht. Gesta pontiflcum Tr,ajectensium. [Cha- peauville. Gesta pontilicum Tungrcnsium.] 2813.5 — Gesta poutificnm Trajectensium. [Marlfene. A>t.script., V. 4] 4150.1 UYTgJJuOGAEUT, J. Epi.stolas. See Limboich, p. , B.H0.18 Siimmtlichc poetische Werke. Ncuc Aull. Leipzig-, 1772. 2v. in 1. sni.S° . . . ••2878.25 UyteSWOG Vaccin.vtion. Roberton, J. Answers to the ob- jections brought ai;:ain.st vacciniu ion .... 3767. :18 — Stninum, V. Discourse upon viiccination . . 37(»7.n"' — ^(■dillot, J. Sur les revacciinitions 3790.59 — Strieker, W. Studieu iiber Vaccination . . . 3ri)0.42 Vaciikkot, E. Histoire criti«iue ik* IVcolc d'Ale- xandrie. Paris, ls^(i-.Tl. :;v. S" 0095.10 Vacuum. Expcrimruta nova Maydeburgica de vacuo spatio. Gucricke, O.v ti941.1 Vaijkhi-andscuk historic dcr Verccnigde Ncder- l:indon. Wagenaur, J 4',*18'l Vapkki.andschk historic Verkort. Wagenuur, .1. 'JK19.U Vaiiian,.!. Jllogr. 5tic rrcsscl/r. ....... C046.J1 VACJABoxna. Avt'-Lallenmnt, F.C.B. Dasdcutsche Gaiiucrlhuni ;>860.4 — Book of. Sec lAbor vngatoruni yuOO'.O Vagina. OccUision of tlic vagina relieved by an operation. Warren, . I. M M.rph.v.l34 Vahl, .1. Geographic pliysitjue, clc. [France. Commission scientiilque du Noi'd. Voyiigea en Scandinavie.v. 1(1, 17] 2805.1 Vail, A. American electro magnetic telogriiph; with tlie description <»f all telegraphs known. I'hiUulelphia, Isir.. K* 3WW.1 Vaili.ant,.!. A. KurzgefaKte walachische Spr.icli- h'hre. vermehrtvon S. Petri. Hernmnnstadt, [ISIG]. 12* 2884.17 VAII.LAXT 665 V ALETTE ,«h«If. No. Vaillant, Jean B.P. Rnpportsur la culture du co- ton on Alffirie, 185i. See France. Ministry of war 7011.30 Valacru's, J. Spoctaculu Veneta, epigramma- tibus nlifinot celcbrata. [Grffivius. Thus, antiq. Ital., T. 5, p. 4] 4710.1 VAi.ASQrKZ, r. Jlenioir of an pvpntf\il expedition in Centnil America. N.York, IS50. pp. 85. 8". 4307.20 Valbukna, M. dc. Diccionarioumver.«nllatino-es- panol. 3a cd. Jladrid, 1817. f* «4930.5 Valciodorknsk, Cbronicon. [Acbery, Spicile- giiiin, V. 7] 4152.7 Valckknakh, L. C. Opvwcvbi philolopicn, critica, oratoria. Lipsiae, 18QS, 0. 2v, i?° 4202.8 Coafcnl^.—Vo\. I. Dlssertntlo pIiilolORlea do ritiltn"! in juniiulo it TettribuB, Hcbr(p!« maxlmo et Gru-cis, ohxTVHlis; Di»sort«tio do Byran, Pliajnicio ttrcis Cnr- tbafrinioiistum nomtno; Sctiudlnsma do Hcrodotcn urbe Cadytl cl pnvllo losing rcpts, in campo KIt>(iiddo, cum iEpyptils (■ummi.sso ; Glossn; sacrft; ox Ht-pycluo ; Obaor- vntlODos nd nUf|uot Uesychii Afjfi? 'OfiCptKCti ; Di* Hygiiii fpupiiiunto Uosithenno ecbcdiiisnia ; Obser- vnitOQ^a quibufl via miiiiitur nd ongines (iiwcuB iiivos- tii;nndna ct leiicorum deTcctu^ rpsiirciondoa ; Epistula ad Math. Rtevcrum. II. Hectoris interitus, carmen Ho- meri, sivB Hindis liber xxi), cum Bcholiis Porphyrii et aliorum; Disscrtatiu dp pt-icstAntissimo codice Lcid«nsi ct de Roholiis in Honicrum iueditis; ObRiT- Tiitiones in AristKnelum ; J. Chrysostoml dut« onitioncs In litudi'm Pttiili npostoli, cum nolis L C. Valckvnier et veterl vorsioneLutiott Aniani; Schvdiiisma specimen «>xhibena adnotntionum criticnrum in loca qiiccduin li- brorum sAcrorum No\-i FfCdcris; Valckenajvianacx P. H. Koppiors obam-atis pbilolojricis in locii fiua-daro An- tlpbnnia, Theocriti, Pauli apoEtoli, Eratostbouis et Pro- pertii. — Diatribe de Aristobulo .Tudaeo. Edidit et lec- tionem publicam P. Wesselingii adjunxit J. Luziic. Lugduni liatavorum, 180(5. 4'' . . , *ij051.7 — Diatribe de Aristobulo. See Eusebius Pam- philus . . ; 6040. U — Epistolae nmtuffi, 5(?eKubnken, D 4!)55.I() — De ritibus in jurando a vetcribus, Hebrteis max- ime et Gra-cis observatis. [OeU-icbs. Collec- tio opusculorum, v. Ij fiOOti.l — and Leniicp,J.D. Obscrvationea acad., quibua via nuinitur ad ori^^enes Gr. iiivestigandas et praelectiones acad., de analogia linguae Gr, Aniniadversiones adiecit E. Sctieidius. Ed. altera. Traiccti ad Rhenum, 1805 *4955.1 VALDiiS, J. de. Alfabeto cristiano. With transla- tions in Spanish and in English. London, 1861. 3v.ini. p.h". [Keformistas autiguos e^pai^oles] **549G.7 yoie, — This book "origioatinp in an aftuftl conver- sation with Uiulia Gonznga," was ftrst written in Spanish. "Tim Spanish manuscript, nut having Itoen printed, very early perished, leaving the Italian veraion of Marco Antonio Mnpno to sen-e as the text for nil BucceedinfT translations." The Spanish version now printed, Tor circulatioiAn Spain, was made by Luis de Uso/. i Kio, and the llngtish by B. B. Wiffen. — Dialogo de !a lengua; ap^ndize, una carta de A. Valdi^s. Madrid, ISGO. 12°. [Reformist as antio;iios espafiolegj **5496.18 — Diiilogos. n. p., 1850. p.S". [Keformistas an- tiguos espanoles] **5496.9 — Ziento i diez conwderaziones. Ahora pubhca- das por priniera vez encastelhmo, [por L. de Usdz i Kio]. n. p.,lts5o. p.8°. [Keformistas antignos espanolesj , . **5496.5 — -^ .Same. Publicadas en castellano el a. 1855, ahora correjidas nuevamente, [con appen- dize]. n.p., 181J3. 1.8° **5496.1 — - Same. Conforrae a un 51s. escrito el a. l.')58, en la bibliotecade Haniburgo, Espana, 1S02. p.S". [Keformistas antiguos espanoles] . . **549C.6 — Lc cento e dieci divine consideraziuni. Halle, 1800. 8* ♦*o496.3 y<]Ce. — Appended to the above are " Cennlbiographiei •ui fmtelli Giovanni e Alfonso di Valdos^o," at tlie foot of wbicfa is th« itjme Eduard boebmer. 84 Shelf. No. VALnfts, J. de, continued. — Life and writings, by B. li. Win'on, with a translation from tho Italian of his hun- dred and ten considerations, by J. T. Betts. London, 1805. 8° **5491J. 34, jind 5490.35 Valdivia, p. de. Viaggio, tradotto dall' inglese di W.Irving dall dott. B. Poli. [Harmocchi. Viaggi, V. rUT. 5)] , , 227.^.1 Valk, G. Life of Thomas Paine, with [notes] on bis writings; and an appendix, containing hisletterB to Washington. N. Y., 1850. 8*. 4314.4 Valencia, Ilistoria natural, geogratia, agricultura, potilacion y frutOi* del reyno de. Cavanilles, A., 1 3100.5 Valkntia, G. Travels in India, Arabia, and Egypt. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 28J 6267.1 Valentin, F. AbrOgif^ de I'histoire des croisadcs, 1095-1291. 5eed. Tours, 1845. 12° .... 2299.7 Valentin, G. G. Die Einfliisse der Vaguslahmung auf die Lungen- und die HautausdUnstung. Frankfurt, 1857. 8" 3791.13 Valentinelli, G. Bibliogratia del Friuli. Vene* zia, 1801. 1.8" 2101.3 Valentini, F. VocMiboli italiani pretermessi ne' nuovissimidizionarii ; [colP] osscrvazioni sul vocfibolario degU accademici della Crusca. Lipsia, 1832. 8" 4785.8 Valentinianus III. Novellffi constitutiones. See Novella; constitutiones 4300.6 Valentino, B. La fuorfece o vero I'omnio prat- teco, CO li diece quatre de la gallaria d'Apollo. Napoli, 1783. 2v. 18°. [Collezione di tutti i poemi in lingua napoletana, V. 6, 7] . . . . *4799a.l Valentino, G. B. l.a mezacanna co lo vasciello de I'ArbascJa; la cecata napolitana e nnapole pcontrafatto. Napoli, 1787. 18°. [Collezione di tutti i poemi in lingua napoletana, V. 19] *4799a.l — La mezacanna co lo vasciello dell' Arbascia, poemma. Napole, 1-73. 12" 4793.42 A'^alentinl's. Fragmenta cpistolarura et homilia- riim, etc. [Grabe. LSpiciiegiumJ 0029.3 VALEKA,C.de. Los dos tratados del papa 1 de la misa. n. p., 1851. p. 8". [Keformistas anti- gnos espanoles] **5490. 10, and 0074.9 — Tratado para confirmar en la fe cristiana a los eautivos de Berberia. Aviso a los de la iglesia roraana, sobre jubileos. El Espaiiol reformado. n. p., 1854. 12". [Keformistas antiguos espanoles] **5496.12 Valeriani, D. Etrusco museo cMusino, con es- posizioni [di] F. Inghirami e G. B. Vermig;- lioli. Fiesolana, 1833. 2v. 4" 2750.15 Valeriano Bolzani, G. P. Antiquitatum Bellu- nensium sermones quatuor. [Grosviua, Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 0, p. 4] 4710.1 Valekianus, St. Homilia; xx et cplstolaad mon- achos de virtuTibus et ordine doctrinje apos- tolicje. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 8] . B. 110.2 Valerianus, p. L., Essai historique sur la famille dc. 5ee Montegut, J. F. de 4691.2 Valerius, J. Res gestae Alexandri Macedonis translatae ex jEsopo Graico. [Mai. Class, auct., v. 7] B. 172.3 Valerius ^dituus. Vita, ex P. Crinito; Frag- menta. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] . . B.191.9 Valerius Flaccus Setiaus Balbns, C. Vita, ex P. Crinito; Argonauticon hbri vui. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] B.19'.9 Valerius Maximus. Dictorvm factorvraqve mera- orabilivra libri nouem, adiectis animadversi- onibus a C.OoIero. Hauovise, 1014. tjm.8°. *B. 178.8 Valerius Rulus, L. Keliquise. [Kibbeck. Tragi- corum Latinorum reliquise] B. 199.4 Valery.A. C. Correspondance in^dite de Mabil- lon et de Montfaucon. Paris, 1847. 3v. 8°. 4187.3 Valerius. See Valois, A. de. Valette, S. F. La trigonometrie sph^rique, r^- Folue par le moyen de la regie et du compas. iiourges, 1757. 6" 59.'8.28 TALGTUS 666 VAN WTCK Shelf. No. VALGirs Rufus, C. Vita, ex P. Crinito ; Fragmenta. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet ] B. 191.9 TALGL'.inxEU.v, M. De origine et nntiquitate Pa- normi, primisque Siciliic et Italin? incoUs dissertatio. Latiue vertit J. L. Jlosluim. [Gra;vius. Thes. antiq. Itul., T. 10, v. 13] . 4710.1 Valiero, a. De cavtione adhibeiida in edeudis libris, nee non B. Navgerii vita. Access. P. Barrociiorationestres, [etc.]. Patavii,1719. 4^. 4791.20 A'ALLA, L. Biogrnphie. [Ni^a^d. Les gladiateurs de la republique des lettres, V. 1] 2256.10 Vallaxdigha.m, C. L. Kecoid on abolition, the union, and the civil war. [A series of speeches.] 7th ed. Columbus, 1S63. 8°. . 4322.13 — Tri;il, by a military commission : and the pro- ceedings under his application for a writ of habea.s corpus. Ciucinii.iti, 1S03. 6° . . . . 4.'i22.11 Vallauki, T. Delle soiieta Ictterarie del Pie- monte, libri due. Torino, 1844. 8° .... 2770.6 Valle, G. delta. Stovia del duomo di Orvieto. Koma, 1791. Iv. 4° text, *D.3.M.2, Iv. f° plates »D.3.N.2 — Viaggi [per] la Turchia, la Persia e I'India, colla vita dell' autore [scritta da G. P. Bel- lorij. Brighton, l,s43. 2v. 12° 4245.23 Valle tiberina toscana, Sulla orifjine della I. e R. accademia della. See Ghcrardi Dra^jomanni, F 4770.. 3:1 VALLfeE, L. L. Traite de la science du dessiu. Avec planches. I*aris, 1821.- 2v. 4° . . . . 4081.7 Valles, or Vallesius, F. Commentarius in qvar- tvm Aristotelis lib. meteorologicoi'vm. 3Iulto emendatior. Patauii, 1591. sm.4° .... B. 170. 118 Valois, a. de. Valesiana, ou les pense^s critiques, historiques et morales, et les poesies latines de M. de Valois. I'aris, 1C.94. sm.S° . . . **195na.2I — - Same. I'aris, 1(;93. 12' »4l>9a.2 — Life of Kusebius. St'e Eusebius Pamphylus . (iU4U.16 Valpekga-Calu.so, T. See Caluso, T. Valpv, K. Rules and exercises ijlustrative of ele- gant Latin style. From the 5th English ed. New Haven, 1819. 12° 49.39.5 Valpy, F. E. J. Etymoliigical dictionary of the Latin language. London, 1828. 8° 29S4.25 — [Etymology of the words of the Greek lan- guage.] London, 1860. sni.4° 2984.24 Valpy, R. Delectus seuteutiarum et historiarum, in usum tironum. Londiiii, 1818. 12° . . .4929a. 16 — - Same. Ed. se.>cta. Londini, 1821. 12° . . 4988.10 — Elements of Greek granimJir. Gth Am. ed., with additions by C. Anthon. New York, 1825. 12° 4«S9a.l2 Valtellina, II sacro macello di. Cantfl, C. . . . 3529.15 Value, V. System of French pronunciation. See (Jllondorir, ll.G 4688.5 Valvasiink, F.di. L'Angcleida. [Con I'eloglo da A. Keruglio.) Udine, 1825. 16° 2769.12 — L'Angeliida, ristanijiato secondo la rarissiina ediz. del 1.390, per servire d'appendice al Par- adiso per(hito di Milton, trad. daG. Polidori. Londra, 1812. 10° 2789.13 — La cacfia, poema. Milano, 1808. 8°. [Classici Italiani, V. 54] ••4802.11 — SceGlronl. ICaccolta di Uriel italiani 4808.8 VXMBf:RY, A. Travels in Central Asia; a journey from Teheran to Sainarcand. London, 1804. 8° 0016.7 VANBltuoii, Sir J. Sec Bell. British tbenti-e, v. 18,22,25-27 4179a. 1 ContetitM,—Vo], XVIIL Tho iirovok'il liiiiibnnd, or a Journey to London, cum. XXII. 'Xhu city wivfs' c<>n- ffilvnicx, com X.\V. Tliu inUtako, ctmi. XXVI Tho rvlii|»p, or virtue In dongvr, com. XXVJL Tho ]>ro' vok'U wife, com. — SeeJoun. British Ihratro, v. 6, 10 4575.20 Ctmtfnu — Vol. V. 1 hi" rrlB|>«o, or virluo In dnnf^r, Klltiftl liy Hhcrlilnn lulu A trip to Sc4*Tborougli, com. X The iirovok'd liuabiitid, com. Van Bliie.v, .1. Eulogy ou Andrew .luckson, Al- bany, N. Y., Is-lj. See Duscnbcry, B. .M. . 2.il7.'.0 Shelf. So. Van Choate, S. F. Ocean telegraphing. Cam- bridge, 1865. pp.41. 4° 8961.35 Va>'Couvek, G. Voyage round the world. [Ma- yor. Voyages, V. 12] 6267.1 Vaxcouveh Island, Four years in. JIayne, TJ. C. 2364.19 Vandals. Historia Vandalorum. Grotius, H. . 4829a. 3 Vandekdecken, — . Yarns foi- green hands. Prac- tiial yachtsmanship. London, 1800. 12°. . 3952.33 Vandekhaeghen, F. Bibliographie gantoise. Recherches sur la vie et les travaux des im- primeurs de G.and [148:1-1850]. Gand, 1858- 62. 4v. 8° *2113.18 Vandevklde, L. Precis historique et critique de la campagne en Italic en 1859. Piu-is, 1860. 8° 4672.7 Van Dieman's land. Flanagan, R 3047.17 Van Dusen, I. M'Gee and Maria. Ceremonies of the Mormon spiritual-wife system, being the celebrated " endowment.*' New Y'ork, IS.iO. PP- 30. 8° 6088.187 Van Dyke, H. J. The character and influence of abolitionism : a sermon in Brooklyn, Dec. 9, 1860. New York, 1860. 8° 4310.53 VANE, SiVH. Life. See Uphnm, C. W 2347.26 Van Ess, W. L. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte [to 1807]. Philadelphia, 1809, 10. 4v. 8° . . . 4C27.5 Van EvuiE, J. H. Negroes and negro "slavery." Introductory numbers : cause of delusion on the subject. Baltimore, [1853]. pp.32. 8°.B.160.51 Vanlni, L. or .J. C. (Euvres philosophiques, trad. par JI. X. Rousselot. I'aris, 1842. 12° . . . 0108.23 Contents. — Amphitheatre de I'eteruelle providence; Dialogues. — Arpe, P. F. Apologia pro J. C. Vanino . . . 6065.14 — Schramm, J. 31. De vita et scriptis 60('5.I5 Vanity fair. Vol. 1-6. New York, 1800-63. 6v. 4°. *7211.1 Van Lennep, H. J. The oriental album: twenty illustrations, in oil colors, of the people and scenery of Turkey. N. Y., 1802. pp.48. 4°. '0.4. L. 2 Van MiLDEKT, W. Inability of man to frame a religion Ibr himself; Insutficicncy of natural and moral philosophy to instruct us in relig- ious trulh : two sermons. [Dibdin. Sunday library, V. 3] . . . 5444.23 — Review of the life and writings of the Rev. D. Waterland. [Wateiiand. ^Vorks, v. 1] . . 5506.4 Van Noh.man, D. C. French class-book. See PnJol, L .• • • 4683.3 Vannoti,.!. Haudbuch fiir den angehenden Feld- nrzt. Riga, 1807. 8° 3728.8 Vannucci, a. I martiri della libeitii italiana, 1794 al 1848. 3a ed. Firenzo, 18i;0. p. 8° .... 4718.16 Vanoni, B. Erliiulerung uud Beschreibimg der Sciiroth'schen tind I'riesznitz'scheii lleilme- tliode nebst Abhandlung Uber die Cholera. Li'ipzig, 1850. llj° 3808 32 Van Rensselaek, C. Sermons, essays, and ad- dresses. Edited by his sog. I'hila., 1861. 8°. 240:i.l2 — Sermon having reference to the character of. .S'i'c Spragne, W. B 4348.54 Van Santvi)i(UI), G. Sketches of the lives and judicial services of theeliiel'justices of the su- preme court of the United States. New York, 1854. 8° 4.344.2 Van S1.1IAACK, H. C. Henry Cruger: the colleague of K. Burke in the British parliament. New York, 1859. pp.67. 8° 2.314. .32 VANSOJlEliKN, VV. .). Lectures showing the len- tlencies of the habits and customs of the Ka- rens to the destrnctiou ol Iheir constitutions. # 'I'ranslated into the Karen, by E. B. Cross. Tavoy, 1.S50. 12° .1038.12 Van VitANiiEN, S. A. Socinjani.sm subversive of Chrlslianity; u sermon. New York, 1841. 18° 6463.7 Van Wvck, (\ M. Fraud upon tho treasury Is treason ngaiust the goveninient : speech, Feb. 7,1862. W ashinghni, 1862. 8" 4;)60a.77 — True denioei-aey — history viiidlcaleil : speech, March 7, 1860. [VVashinglou, 18U0.J 8° .. 43600.80 VAN ZANDT 667 VASARI 8helf. No. Van Zaniit, C. C. Poem doliverprl on the centen- nial nnniversary of St. Jolm's Lod^re, No. 2. .SVc rrovidence, R. 1 35ri7.40 Van Zandt, J., Arjrnini'nt for tlic defendant fn the cnse of Jones j'Jt. .jrcc Chase, S. I'. . . B.iriOa.44 Vaxz(»n, C. a. Dizionario nniversalo della lingua italiana. Livorno, 18'.iS-K*. Sv. s" . . . . *47S5.1 Co>ttenta,—V»\. I. A-B. II. C-E. III. F-L TV. »I-0. V. r-Q. VI. B-9. VII. S-Z. Vn. Appeiullco. VAPKiiEAU, L. G. L'annt-e litternire et drnmatiqne, lWS-(i4. Paris, 1S5'.M15. 7v. 12' *5113.2 Varaxo, a. Opere poetu-he. Parma, 1789. 3v. 1(1° **4r09.1(i r ante ntn. '-Vol. I. Hlmo (-lovnniH, pnstnrnli. sncrc, jirofime, nnncreoiilictm, c sclicrzevoll. 11 Visioni sncro c morali. III. Upmetrio; Glyvnniii di nisrnlii tinmno one, trngcdlo. Tahoiii, B. L'Ercoliino, dialn^o nel quale si ra- gioiia delle Ilngue. Jlihnio, 1S04. 2v. 8". [Cliissiei italiani, V. 91, 9.5] **4S04.1 — T.t'/zioui della natura, della generazione del corpo humano, e de' niostri. Nvovamente sffanipate. Fiorenza, 1500. sm..S° *4809a.4 — Storiii liorontina [cnlla vita d'autore dall' ab. S, Kazzi]. 3Iilano, 1803, 4. 5v. &". [Classici italiani, V.H9-93] •MS03.9 — Egloga: Amarilli. [Ferrario. Poesie pasto- rals] 4808.11 — Istoria delle guerre della rcpublioa fiorentina, suceesse nel tempo che la casa de Medici s'iinpadroni del goveruo. [Graevius. Thes. antiq. lt:il., T. S, p. 2] 4710.1 — S'eeGironi. Raccolta di lirici italiani .... 4S0S.8 Vaugas, T. T.de. De rebus Emcritensibusex Hi.s- pania antiqua. See Paulus diaconus Emeri- tensis 6050.21 Vaiua : raoraIe-politique-litt(^rature. Paris, 18G0-G3. 4v. 12° 4709.5 Vakikty; containing original and selected songs iu that favourite eutertainmont. London, n. d. 801.8° •. *Pph.v.363 Vakignon, p. Nouvelle m^cauique ou statique. Paris, 1725. 2v. 4* 5942.1 Varney, T. The problem solved. Vol. 1, No. 1. Mt. Vernon, 184G. pp.18. 8° *4163.12 Var.nhagex vou Ense, C. A. Galerie von Bild- aissen aus Kahel's Umgang und Briefwechscl. Leipzig, 183(1. 2v. 8" < . . . 2848.5 — TagebUcher. Leipzig, 1802-03. Cv. [Vol. 1-4, 2teAufl.] S° 2844.24 Varnhagen von Ense, R. A. F. Rahel und ihre Zeit. 5ee Schmidt- WeissenfelSjE 284S.S Vaknum, J. B. The seat of government of the United States. Also, remarks on monumen- tal structures and the Smithsonian institu- tion. 2d ed. Washington, 1854. 8° . . . . 4305.1 Varro, M. Terentius. De lingua Latina libri qui supersunt. Accedunt nota; A. Augustiui, A. Turnebi, J. Scaligeri, et A, Popmae. Bipouti, 1788. 2v. 8° **2945.2 — Libronim de lingua Latina quae supersnnt. Cum argumentls C- O. Muelieri. Parisiis, is:jr. 10° B. 179a. 11 — De re rustiea libri in. [Gesner. Scriptores rei rusticai, v. 1] B.178.6 — Vita, ex P. Crinito; Fragmenta. [Gottfried. Corpus vet. poet.] B. 191.9 Vartuema, or Barteraa, L. de. Travels in Egypt, Arabia, Persia, India, and Ethiopia, 150.3-8. Translated from the Italian by J. W. Jones. "With notes and introduction by G. P. Badger. London, 1803. 8% [Hakluyt society] *2264.29 V.VSARI, G. Vite de' piu' eccellenti plttori, scultori e architetti, illustrate connote. Milano, 1807- 11. IGv. 8°. [Classici italiani, v. 126- 141] **4805.3 Shelf. Ko. Vasari, G., contimied. ContnitK. — Vol. I. Ln ftociotd. tlpofrriiflca nl fiolto puliblico; Prernziono di-H' odizlnno siinosc ; L'autore [Hotliii-i] dull' odizionc di Hunm 17-5n nl PovtPHi lettovl; Villi ill G. Vnsnri [si-riHii dii si misnio]; I'loumio dl fiiltn ToprTu ; Introduziouo i\IIo tre nrtl del dUppio. II. LcttiTii cU G. K. Adi'iiiiii iiViifinri; I'rocmio dclle vite; V'itii dl O. Cininbue, Aniolfo di Liipo, Niceoln c G. Piiimi, Andn-ii Tiifl, Gnddo Gtiddl, Margnritone, Gi- otui. III. Vitn di ApO'^lino od Agiiolo, Stcfuno e I'ff'ilino, P. Lntmiti, Andrea Pisniio, Hiionamico Buf- fiilnmoco, Ambrosio LorCnzoIti, I'letro Cnvallini, Si- moiio i« Lljipu Memmi, Tiiddi-o Giiddi, Andj'en di Clone Orgiipntt, Tommiiso dctto Giottinn, G. da Ponte, Ag- niilo Uiidill, Del Ik-nin, Huccio, Antonio Vininiano, Jnoopo dl CflBfutino, Splnullo. Glierardo Staniinn, Lip- po, Dnu Lorenzo, Toddi-o Hnrtoti, Lorenzo di Bicci. IV. Vita di Jac'Opo dulla l^ucrcia, Niccolo, Dello, Nannl d'Antonio di Banco, Luca dalla Robbia, Paolo Ucc«llo, Lorenzi Gliiborti, MasoUno da Panicale, Pnrri Splnclli, Masaccio dft S. Giovanni, Filippo Brunel- leschi, Donato, Michelozzo MicbL-lozzi, Antonio Fi- Inrctc e Simonu. V. Vita dl Giulinno dft Mnjiino, Picro d(jlla Francesca, I-Va Giovanni da Fil'SoIc, Leon BnttiEta Albert!, Lnzznro Vanarl, Antonollo da Mes- sina, Ak'ssio Bflldoviiietti, Vclhino da Padova, Fra Filippo Lippi, Paolo Romano 6 Maestro Mino e Cliimenti Caniicia, Andrea dal Castacno di Mugrello e Domenieo Veneziano. Gentile da Fabbrlono e Vittore Pisanello, Ptfsello o Francesco Peselli, Benozzo, Francesco di Gior- gio e Lorenzo Vecchietto, Galiiaso Ferrarese, Antonio e Bernardo Rossellino, Desideiio da Seitignaao, Mioo da Fiesole, Lorenzo Costa. Ercole. VI. Vila di JacofH Gi- ovanni e Gentile Bellini, Cosinio Rosselli, Cecca, Bar- tolommee, Gberardo, Domenico Gbirlundajo. Antonio e Piero PollajuoH, 8andro Botticello, Benedetto da Mfljano, Andrea Verrocchio, Mantej-na, Andrea Fi- lippo Lippi, Bernardino Pinturicchio, Francesco Fran- cia, Pietro Perugino, Vittore Scarpaccia, Luca SignorolU da Cortona. VII. Vitn di Lionardo da Vinci, Giorftione da Castelfranco, Antonio da Coreggio, Piero di Cosi- mo, Braniiinte da Urhino, Fra Bartolomraeo di Snn Marco, Mariotto Albertinelli, Raffaelino del Garb^j, Torrigiano, Giuliano e Antonio da 8. Gallo. VIII. Proemio alia vita di Raffaello da Urbino, Vita di KaHtiello da Urbino, Guglielmo da Mnrcilla, Sitnone detto il Cronaca, Domenico Puligo, Andrea da Fiesole, Vincenzio da S. Gimignnno e Timoteo da Urbino, Andrea dal Monte Sansovino, Benedetto da Rovezzano, Baccio da Montelupo e Rafl'aello suo figliuolo, Lo- renzi di Credi, Lorenzetto e Boccaccino, Baldasaarre Peruzzi, G. Francesco e Pellegrino da Modana. IX. Vita d'Audrea del Sarto, M. Propcrzia de' Rossi, Alfonso Lombard), Michel Agnolo, Girolamo Santa Croce, Dosso e Batlista, G. Antonio Licinio da Pordenone e altri pittori del Friuli, G. A. Sogliani, Girolamo da Trevigi, Polidoro da Caravaggio e Matnrino, Rosso, Bartolom- meo da Bnprnacavallo, ed ftltri pittori Komagnuolo, Francia Bigio, Morto da Feltro e Andrea Feltrini, Murco Calavrese, Francesco Mazzuoli. X. Jacopo Palma e Lorenzo Lotto, Fra Giocondo e Liberals e altri Veronesi, Francesco Granucci, Baccio d'Agnolo, Vnlerio Vicentino, Giovanni da Castel Bolognese, Mattco dal Nassaro Veronese, Marcantonio Bolognese e alli-i intagtialori di etanipe, Antonio da S. Gallo, Giulio Romano. XI. Vita di Sebastiauo Veneziano, Perioo del Vaga, Domenico Beccafumi, G. Antonio Lappoli, Niccolo Soggi, Xiecol6 detto il Tribolo, Pierino da Vinci, Baccio Bandinelli, Giuliano Bugiurdini, Cria- tofano Gherardi detto Doceno. XII. Vita di Jacopo da Piiutormo, Simone Mosca, Girolarao di Bartolommeo Genga e G. B. S. Marino, Michele Saniraichele, G. An- tonio derto il Soddoma da Verzclli, Bastiano detto Aristo- tile da 8. Gallo, Benevenuto Garofalo, Girolamo da Carpi, XIII. Vila di Kidolfo, David e Benedetto Ghirlan- diij, Giovanni da Udine, Battista Franco, G. Francesco Rujitici, Fra Giovanni Agnolo Montorsoli, Francesco detto de' .SaUiati, Daniello liicclarelli da Volterra, Tad- deo Zucchero da Santagnolo in Vado, Tiziano VeecelH da Cador, Jncopo Sansovino. XIV. Vita di Micbelau- golo Bonarroli, Francesco primuticcio abate di San Martino. XV. Vita di Lione Lioni Aretino e altri scultori e architetti"; Don Giulio Clovio; Vite di diversi arteflci viventi, diversi Fiamrainghij Degli accademici del dtsegno; L'autore agli accademic! del disegno; Vita di M. Jacopo Sansovino. XVI. Descrizione dell' appa- rato pur lo nozze del princpe D. Francesco di Toscana ; Appcndice; Indice. — Opere [pubblicate da Giovanni MasselliJ. Fi- renze, I8:i2-:J8. 2v. 1.8° M191.5 C'onlents.— Vol. I, II. Vite degli arfefici. II. Descri- zione dull' apparato per le nozze del principe Don Francesco de' Medici ; Ragionameiiti sopra le invenzioni da lut diplnte in Firenze in Palazzo vecchio; Lettere; Sonatti. VASOONCKLLOS 668 VEHSE Sliulf. Nu. Vascoscellos, a. a. T. (le. Les contcmporains portugais, espaguols et bresiliens. T. 1. Portugal. Paris, 1(<6'.). h° 3090. 10 Vasks. Buonarroti, F. Osservazioni sopra alcuni frammenti di vasi anticlii di vetro .... 4061.26 — Donati, F. • Delia mauiera d'interpretare le pitture ne' vasi littili anticlii 4003.24 — Hahn, F. FUnf Elfenbein-Gefiisse des friih- esten Mittelalters 4071.17 Vasi, SI. Itineraire instructtf de Eome k Naples. Kome, 1817. 12° 2734.9 — - .Same. 5e ed. Naples, 1841. 12' 41S9.I6 Vassalage. Gescliicute der deutsclien Hongkeit. Kindlingeri N 4296.18 Vasse, C, W., baronne de. L'art de corrigcr et de rendi-e les hommes constans. Londres, 1783. ]._.» 4()99a.7 Vatf.r, J. S. Anlmadversiones ad Aristotelis li- brum primum rhetoricorum. [Diss, acad.] Halae Saxonum, 1794. pp. 80. 8° . . . . B.170a.90 — Grammattk der polnischen Sprache. Halle, 1807. pp. 40 .ind 4 folded shrets. 8° . . . . 2885.12 — Grammaire abregee de la langue polonoise. HaUe, 1807. pp. 48. 8° 5036.5 — Grammatik der russischen Sprache. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1814. S" 3036.6 — Lehrbneh der allgcmeinen Grammatik. Halle, ISoT 12° 2M9.10 — Pasigrapbie und Antipasigr.ipliie. Leipzig, 179D. 18° 2115.13 — Proben deutscher Volks-ilundartea, [u. s. w.]. Leipzig, 1816. 8° 2886.17 — Die Sprache der alten Preussen. Braun- schweig, 1S21. 8° 2885.13 — Synchronistisuhe Tafelu der Kirohengeschichte. 2te Aufl. Halle, IbOU. f° B.180f.2 — ThcologiaeAristoteleaevindiciae. [Diss. acad. 1 Lipsiae, 1795. pp.68. S° B. 170a. 114 — Vergleicliungstal'eln der europiiischen Slamm- Sprachen und Slid-, West-Asiatischer. HaUe, 1822. 8° 4207.0 — AulTassung langer Lieder aus dem Munde Ues serbiscben Volks. See Karajitcb, Y. S. . . 4SS6.0 — AUgemeinc Geschichte der christlicheu Kirclie, V. 5-S. AV«Henke,H. P. C 6046.10 Handbuch der Geschichte der christUcben Kirche. .Sec Henke.H. P. C C016.4 V \ticas. See Eome. Vajke, J. C. W. Die Keligion des Alten Testa- mentes. Band 1. Berlin, l,s;«. 8° .... 6019. 3 Vatout, J. Souvenirs historiques du Palais-royal. Paris, is;j8. 8°. 4187.14 Vattkl, K. v. Le droit des gens, ou principes de la loi naturelle. Amsterdam, 1775. 2v. 4°. 3613.6 — - Same. Nouv.^d. Nimes, 1793. 2v.ia 1. 4°. 4300.9 VATTKMAItE, A. Collection de nionnaies ct mi5- dailies de I'Amirique du uord, 1652-1858. Purls, 1861. 8° 2330.15 Vaibas, S. L. de. First system of fortilication. Preceded by a life of Vuuban, introductory definitions, [etc.], by T.Kimber. 3ded. Lon- don, 1861. pp. 50. 8° 3063.28 Vauijis, J.F. Gazetlers et gazettes, liistoire cri- tique et uncedotlque de la prcsse parisienne. I'unn, 1860-03. 2V. 16° ♦2170.25 VAuniiis. 5ee Waldenses. Vaugiian, f. .1. Uevlsion of the liturgy: five dis- courses. With an introduction. 2ded. Cam- bridge, 181V). 10' 3448.14 VAi'OHAN, A'JT John. Kepori of BusbelPs case, as a juror in the case ol W. I'enn. [I'henix, v. 1]. 4107.1 VAUtiiiAN, John C, Connection with the Cleveland True dcmocrut and. .S'cc Briidburn, G. . . . 4129.77 Vai:oiian,U. The uge and Cbrlslluulty. London, IMll. 12° 6056.4 — FngliHh non-conformity. London, 1862. 8° . 352U.4 — Memorials of the Stuart dynu.sty, Including the history of England, from the dcceaMC of Ullz- abetlitothe ahillcution of James ii. London, Itiil. 2V. 8' 2.V.S.10 Shelf. No. Vaughan, W. Examination in a committee of the house of commons, on the coumierce of the port of London. London, 1790. pp.23. 8°.«*3652.9 — Letter on commerce and free ports.aud London- docks. London, 1790. pp. 24. 8° «*3052.9 — ISeasons in favour of the London-docks. Lon- don, 1797. pp. 9. 8° ••3052.9 — Tracts on docks and commerce. London, 1839. go ♦•3052.9 — Wet docks, quays and warehouses for the port of London. Part 1. London, 1793. pp.27. 8°.^^3652.9 Vault, F. E. de. Jlemoii-es militaircs relatifs ii la succession d'Espagne sous Louis xiv. Tome 10, 11. Paris, 1859-02. 4°. [France. Collec- tion de documents inedits, v. 59, 07] ... • 2050.20 Vaux,C. Villas and cottages. New York, 1864. 8°. 4102.15 Vaux, E. Memoir on the locality of the great treaty between W. Penn and Indian natives in 1682. [Pennsylvania. Historical society, v.i]...... ■■:■ «'" Vecellio, C. Costumes anciens et modernes. [Fr. etital.] 4e cd. Paris, 1859, CO. 2v. 8°. 2203.11 Vkcebius, C. Historia de duabus seditionibus Sicilia:, sub iniperio Cnroli V. [Graivius. Thes.antiq. Ital., T. lO.v. 6] ■17|C-1 Vedas. Essai sur le Veda. Burnouf, £. L. ..>301o.l9 See also; Atlittrva A'edn, Rig-Vedo, Sania Voda. Vega, Garcias-Laso, or Garcilaso de la. Obras. Madrid, 1821. 12 3100.23 — Le commentaire royal, ov I'histoire des Yncas, roys dv Perv. Trad, sur la version espag- nolle, par I. Bavdoin. Paris, 1633. 2v. 4°. •4306.7 — Histoire des gverres civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes. Trad, de Tespagnol par I. Bavdoin. Paris, 1650. 2V. 4° •4366.3 — Eglogas: Sonetos. [Quintima. Parnaso cs- taifol,v.l] 31M-19 Vega, Georg von. Tabvlse logarithmicotrigono- mctricae. Ed. 2a. Lipsiae, 1797. 2v. 4° . 5933.2 Ve<;a Carpio, L. F. de. See Quintana. Parnaso espaiiol, T. 2, 3 3104.19 CtmtenM.— Vd.n. Locii'co. IH. Canciones; Ilimno; Eetancias; Itomnnccs; Odns; Si>m-to8; Eplstola; Silva moral; La Galomachia; Si.iu-toB bullofccos. — fitnde sur la vie et les ccuvrcs de. See Lafond, jj 3093.5 Vkgetarle food. Uebcr den Werth verschiedener vegetabilisclier Nahrungsniittel, hergeleitet avis ihren Stickstollgehidt. Horsford, E. N. 6973.4 Vegetaule physiology. Ueber das Seclenleben der Pfluuzen. Fechncr, G. T 4277.20 Vegetvble substances used in the arts. Dexter, X. E 4019.10 Vegetable world, The. Williams, C 7029.19 Vegetation. Feuwlck,J. U. Elastic rtuids iu. Ppb.v.341 — Ville, G. Recherchcs expdrimentales sur la vegetation 3845.15 Veoetius Eenatus, F. De re militari libri V. ex rec. N. Schwcbelii. ArgentoratI, 1800. 8°. B. 177. 10 Artis veterinarian sive mulomedicina; libri iv. [(Jesner. Scriptores rei rusticic, v. 3] ... B. 178.0 -:- and others. Vclcres de re militari scriptores. Ace. G. Stewechii in Vegetiuin commcntarius, [etc.]. Vesallic Clivoruni, 1070. 2v. 8°.. *B. 178.1 Cotifcntt.— Vol.1. FlavH Vt'tterll llrnati liiatltiuoniin ri'l mllUaris llljri V ; Si'xrl .lulH I-Volillni rtnltcBciimtiUH i!tslrnti.p<.tlc(\li IlbrI IV ; Clitudlu«.1-:iluuUB do Inatrut'lldls BClobii« ; ModcBtuH di. vocnbiillii rol ndlilnvis j I'olyblua do militia ot camrnniolntioiui Itomanoi-um i JKuem I'y- llorctf llcuB, sen du tolomnda objildloiio ; Iimpi-ll uiitorlfl de ro mliitari oimitcuUim. niiod M. Tiilllo tnceroiil vtilgd lii- Bcrlljlliir. II. U. .stowt'cUil In F. Vpffotium coimiicii- Irtllup ; Iviiudolii coHjcclniioa, ot V. Mndii nutn' In 8. J. rroiitlnuin; P. 8grlvorll lu F. Vvgelliiiu otti. J.Froii- tiiiuiu aiilmadvorsluiioa. Veoio, Jf. Suplcmento de hi Eneyrta ilc Vlrgillo. ,Sfc Virgilius Maro, 1* B.173.5 Veiise, C. E. Geschichte der ileutscben Hole si ll der Ueformntlon. 47v. In2l. A.imc/i/ . VEUSE 669 VENN siiflir. No. Vkhsk, C. E., covtitmaf. — Vol. I-VI. Gt*!i('liifc dorpreussischen Mediatisirten; [8.] Die Hiife derSstruichischen Madiatisirtcn. V [9]. Die Hiifw der baierlschen Medialisirten; [in.] Die Hijfo der wUr- tcmbcrgiBchen Medialisirtpn. VI [11,12]. DieHijfeder dvel gvistlichcn KurtUrstenthumer Mainz, Ctiln und Trier; [12, 13.] Der Hof von Salzburg; Der Hof des Dcuinchordonsnniisters zu Mergentheim ; Dio Hofe der franliischen Itistbiimer Wiirzburg, Bamberg und Eich- •iliiUt; Die Hiifuder wt'stphdlischen Bistbiiracr Munster, Paderbom uud Osnnbriick und des niedersiiohsisclieu, 0!itphiili»chen Bislbums Bildcsheira; [13.] Der Hof zu Liillicb; Die Utifo dcv rheinischen Biittbumer zu Speyer, Wurnis, Basel und 8trasburg; Die Hofe der biiiuriscben Bistbiliuor zu Fuasau, Hegeuiiburg und Frei- sin^^OQ. Vr.iL, or Viel, C. M. de. Lettre pour prouver cen- tre Mr. K. de L'lsle, que la parole de Dieu est la seule rt'gle de la religion cbretieuue. Lon- dres, ICso. pp. 47. 4° *G010.28 Veilleks, Les, d'biver, ou lequendo 6 los amores de una gua- jira. Konmuce cubano. Habuua, ].s40. Bni.b". 4207.13 Velikopulski, I. [T!ie surprise. An opera-iuter- mezzo-vaudeville, in verse. In Russian. Moscow], lb30. pp.70. Kq.lO" 303027 ViSLLEJu.s Gallus. Fragmentum. [Goldast. Re- rum Suevicarum scriptores] 4250. 1:.' Velpeau, a. a. L. M. Dub injections medieamen- teuses dans les cavites closes. Paris, iMO. »". 3705.32 — Nouveaux eK-ments de medecine operatoire. 2e ^d., augm. Paris, 1S39. 4v. b" . . , , 3751.4 — Reclierches anatoniiques, pliyeiologiques et pathologiques sur lea cavit^s closes, de I'uco- nomic aniniale. Paris, 1«43. tt" 3705.32 Velseic, a. DcjtfUn ct zetario, sivc di^ta et disciario epiSwa. [Poleui. Ctriusque thea. antiq. bupp., v. .3] 2970.7 VelTHE.m, L. v. Spiegel historiaal, of rym-spie- gel. Uytgegeven door Isaac Le Long. Am- sterdam, 1717. sm.f " *42ri0.(i Velvet cushion, Tbe. CunninL,'bani, .J. >V. . , . 45r9u.32 VtNABLES, G. S. Biography of Ueury Lushing* ton. 5(je Lushiugton, H 471b. 15 Venc»-;-Villenkuve, la comtessej. de. See Fauris de Saint Vincent, J. de. Sheir. No. Venedey, J. Friedrich der Grosse und Voltaire. Leipzig, lHo9. 8" 2852.27 Vknema, II. Inedited institutes of theology. [Vol. 1.] Translated by A. W, Brovk'n. Andover, Ib53. 8' 3451.20 Venekeau diseases. Humstcad, F.J. Pathology and treatment of 3770.44 — Gibert, C. M. Manuel pratique des maladies veneriennes 3779.15 — ilomien, J. Geschichte, Behandlung und An- onnilien der LuHtseuche 3749.6 — Plenuk, J. J. Verlmndeling over de Veuus- zlekten - • • 3770.30 — Ricord, P. Trait6 pratique des maladies veue- riennes 3770.39 — Wulch, F. A, Darstellung der venerischen Krankheit 3770.40 See also: S|ierTn(itorr1ic£n, Sf pbilia. V^NfeaoNi, or Vigneron, G. Maitre italien, ou gframmaire fran^aise et italienne. Revue par U. Barr^ie. Milan, 1801. 8° 2780.10 — Complete Italian master. New ed. London, ISOl. 12° 4789a.J' Venktte, N. Traits des pierres dans les terres, les animaux, les hommes. Amsterdam, irOl. 12° 5749a. 20 Venkzuela. Hippisley, G. Expedition to the rivcrH Orinoco and Apure 2315.14 — Voyage to the Spanish main. See Narrative, etc 2S05.19 Venick. L'^tranger plainement instruit des choses les plus rares de la ville de Venise. Venise, ISOfi. l(i° 2734.20 — Venise. Guide historique, topo^^r.-iphique et artistique. Publie par le Lloyd autrichien de Trieste. Trieste, 1855. sq.lO" 2735.24 Bibliography and literature, — Agostini, G. degli. Istoria degti scrittori vi- uiziani 4741.3 — Foscariui, M. Letteraturflveueziana .... 2740.5 — Zeuo, r, A. Memoria de' scrittori veneti . , 21(32.23 IJlstory. — Contarini, G. De republica Venetorum . . . 4190a. 9 — Dandolo, G. La caduta della rcpubblica di Venezia 2723.13 — Daru.P. A. N.B. de. Hlstoire de larSpublique de Venise 4199a. 8 — Hazlitt, W. C. History of the Venetian re- public 2723.12 — raruta, P. History of Venice, with the wars of Cyprus 27(50.18 — Ranke, L. Ueber die Verschwbrung gegen Venedig im Jahre 1618 2723.11 — Raumer, F. L. G. v. Die Herbstreise nach Venedig 27(!4.21 — Romanin, S. Storia documentata di Venezia. 4196.7 — Splendor urbis Venetiarura chirissimus. [Grffi- vius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 5, p. 2, 3] . . . . 4710. 1 — Wilken, F. Ueber die venetianischen Consuln zu Alexandrieu im loten und lOten Jahrhun- derte B. 100. 10 — Zeno, N. Dell' origiue diVenetia. 4199.2, aud 4729a. 18 Natural history. — Catullo, T. A. Prodromo di geognosia paleo- zoica delle Alpe venete 5800.30 — - Dei terruui di sedimcnto superiore delle Venczie 5800.25 — Naccari, F. L. Flora Veneta 6852.2 — T. R. istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Attl. [Ser. 3, T. 1-9.] Venezia, lb5o-05. 9v, S° »5283.1 — - Memorie. Vol. 1-lJ, p. 1. Venezia, 1819-04. llv. uud ipart. f •5240.1 Venn, .T. [On instability in religion.] .Sermon. n. p., u. d. [No title-page.] b° .T . . . . 5470a. 63 VENTILATION 670 VERMONT Sheir. So. Ventilation. Communication to the American academy rel.itive to a late report ou venti- lators. Emerson, F B.170.9 Ventura, Gioacchino. Funeral oration on Daniel O'Connell, at Rome, June as, 184?. Boston, 1847, 8° 4454.1 Ventura, Gu^lielmo and Secondiuo. De gestis civium Astensium et plurium aliorum. [Sar- dinia. Hist, patr., V. '. 12° *3110.1 Vesale, a. De human! corporis fabrica libri septem. Basileae, 1555. f ° *.3740.34 — Auatomische Erklaruug der Original-Figureu von. See Leveling, H. P 3750.15 Veseli<5, R. V. Retjnik ilirskoga i nemaekoga jez- ika. Sec Kriililich, P.. A 4119.17 VjiSPUCCI,A. Viaggi. [Marmocchi. Viaggi, v. 3 (T. 5)] 2275.1 — Navigationes. 5ee Grynaeus, S 4100. s — Voyages. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 1] 0207.1 Vestioks of creation. Nattiriiche Geschichte der .Schopfung. Aus dem Engl, nach d(;r liten Aufl.von C. Vogt. Braunschweig, 1851. 8°. 4270.13 — Some thoughts on natural theology suggested by C023.3 Vetek Buoch, Uer, nach einer Breslauer Hand- schrift herausg. von H. Palm. Stuttgart, 18li3. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, v. 72] »4J.';5.I Veterinarian, The. Vols. 31-37. London, 1808- 04. 7v. 8° »579S.l VETERINARY art. Gerlach, A. C* Handbucli der Thierheilkunde 4003.7 — Jlayhevv, E. Illustrated horse doctor .... 4U01.2 Shelf. No. Veterinary art, contiimed. — Schwab, C. L. Lehrbuch der Anatomie der ilausthiere 4004.10 — Teunecker, C.E. S.v. Bruohstiicke 2ur Kennt- uiss von Pferden . 4004.24 See alio: Domestio anlmnls. Vetili.art du Ribert, N. P., Notice sur la vie et lesouvragesde. [Vicq-d'Azyr. ffiuvres, v. 3]. 3730. U VETROJUI.E, E. Adlachemudiguichl*lebcn, A. H. Verzeich* nlss der altd' utsflu-n lland-^ehriBen der K, K. Hotbll)liolliek zu Uieu 2151.15 — Hormayr, .1. v. Wlt-u's Gcschichte und ncine Deiikwlirdigkeiti'i 4229.2 HiirneM, 31. Die lossilen Mollusken des Tcr- liar-Becki-nfl von \V4en 3860.23 — Niirrallve of a rcHideiice at Vienna during the coiigreHg. ,^Vf; Journal ol a nolilcman . . . 2308.10 — Sdimidt, A. Wlt-n wie eM l8t 2is34.22 Urnuclie and Gej-chlchle der OctobererelgnNnc lu Wien, 18-i8 42!0.5 SlK-lf. Xo. Vienna, continupd. — Caesarea regia linguarvm orientnli vm acadomia. Antholo^ia Persica, sev selecta e diversis Pcrsis avctoribvs exemplain Latinvm trans- lata [a B. de Jenisch]. Vienn.ie, 1778. 4°. *424!.l Contents. — Vnbiilffi ex libro morali Mola Pschami Be- fatiristan, scu teiiipus veniuni dicto; Axiomnta et aea- tcntite sapientum et eruditorum virorum; Ek-pift Mws- livliid-dlii 8:vdii ; Coustlia selecta ex libro Penill £ttar dicti-; Vitic celwbriorum quoruodam poetaruni, — K. K. Akademie der Wisscnschaften. Almn- nach. 12ter, 15ter Jahrgang. Wien, 1862, 65. 2v. 12° *3359.1 — - Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Clas- se. Denksi-hriften. B. 1-22. Wien, 1850-64. 5v. f°, 17v.4° *.3310.1 — - - Sitzungsberichte. B. 1-37, 39-42, 43 (Abth. 2), 44-49. Wien, 1848-64. 48v. S" *3310.3 — - Philosophisch-historiche Cl-'isse. Denk- schriften. B. 1-13. Wien, 1850-64. 4v. f , 9v. 4" *3320.1 — - - Sitzungsberichte. B. 1-31,3.3-35,37,39, 40,42-46. Wien, 1848-04. 42v. 8°, 2v. 0^.4°. *3350.6 — K. K. g-eologische Reichsanstalt. Abhandlung- en. B. 1-6. Wien, Is52-*i5, 6v. 4" . . . . *3860.29 — - Jahrbuch. Jahrgang 1-14. Wien, 1850-64. 13v. 4" ♦5866.5 — - - General-Register der ersten zehn Bande. Wien, 1863. 4° *5S6G.4 — - Loudon international exhibition, 1862. [List of articles exhibited.] Vienna, 1862. pp, 15. 1.8° 786^,40 — K. K. polytecbnisches Institut. Jahrbiicher. Herausgegebeu von J. J. Prechtl. Wien, 1819-30. 16v. 8° *7914.1 ViENNK. Ec'clesiarum Viennensis et Lugdunensis epistola de martyrio S. Pothiui eplscopi. [Migne. Patrologia Grseca, v. 5] 5461.3 ViEUSsiii'X, A. Italy and the Itidians in the 19th century ; and a treatise on modern Italian lit- erature. London, 1824. 2v. i>.S° 2764.23 ViER/ia, Die, Veziere oder weisen ]\Ieister. Ein nltmorgcnliindischer Sittenroman aus dem TUrkischen iibertrageu von VV. E. A. Behr- nauer. Leipzig, ls51. 16" **3025.29 View of the present state of Ireland. 2ded. Lon- don, 1797. V>\ *Pph.v.:i48 Views on slavery, by an American. Boston, 1855. pp.22, 12° B. 100a. 15 Views on the war, the administration and the peo- ple, with special* remarks on McClelhin's campaign. Manchester,N. H., 1864. pp.24. 8" 4350a. :j3 ViaiRRs,F. De praecipvis Graecao dictionis idiotis- niis liber. Cum animadversionibvs. Ed. se- cvnda. Lipsiae, 18l:t. 8" •*2934.23 ViGiLULs, bishop of Tapsum. Contra Eutyrhetem Hbriquinque; Contra Arianos dialogus; Ad- versus Arianos, Sabellianos, et Pholiiiianos, dialogus; De trinitate libri xii. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 8] B.110.2 — Contra Eutyrlion vol Eutychetcm libri quinque. [Herold. ihcrescologia] B.I20.2 ViGLlUiS, or Wiger Zuichem ab Ayta, and Hoppers, J. Jlt-moires tiur le commencenient des troubles des Pays-Bas, avec notice, etc., par A. V\ auti'is. Bnixelles, lh58. 8°. [Brussels. .Sncii'Ii' d'liistoirt' de Bclgique] 28;i0.23 ViGNE, G. T. Six months fn America, [1831]. London, 18:i2. 12° 2368.11 ViGNKACX, K. Kouvenirsd'un i)risonnu'r;sici itidiani, V. lo-irj . . . .**4S01.4 ViLLANi.or Villano, Giovanni, o/ N4 leaves, including two blank, of which the first 15 contain the prologue, the general table of the 18 chap- ters of the work, and on the 15lh leaf, by itself, ihe special contents of the 2d book. The vol. begins, first line, thus: Speculu doctriale Vinceutii beluaeensis Irla ordinis pdicator. incipit, and ends leaf 404 recto, 2d col., & altus In quo &, agnus ambulct ct elephas natet. — [Speculum morale. Lib. 32. Argentorati, .T. Jlentellin, 1470.] f°. [Sine ulla uota] . . *^*B.150.2 Kote. — This vol. has the same general form of letters as the preceding, 62 lines to a full page, and double col- umns, without date or name. The complete work con- tains according to the Kloss catalogue three books of which this copy contains only the fir^t two. This copy lacks the second volume continuing book third. The first three leaves contain the tabl« of contents. I'he work begins thus; Incipit primus liber Speculi mo- ratis IN omnibus operi. The first bouk ends on M. 208, col. 2 recto, Liber primua Unit feliciter. The second book ends on fol. 260, col. 1 verso, licet non eodem ordine prosequutur. Viucenrii :jpeculi Moralis Liber Secundus in quo de quatuor nuoissinkis dinnerltur. fiiiit feliciter. This copy has running titles above eitcb page, and haa not the peculiar letter K. VINCENTIUS 674 VIOLLIER ViNCEXTitrs BelloTBcensis, or de Burgundia, conVd. — ["^pecnlrm historiflle. Argentorati,] Mentel- lin. 1473. '2v. in 1. f° ***B.150.5 A'ofe. — This contains the 3d and 4th vols, only, bound in one, of the orie'unl edition (not the li edition) by Meatellin, in each vol, of whieh the printer's name ie ^ven and in the last the date of 1473 It is in 2 cols, 62 lines. The 3d vol. has 201 lenves, nnd ends 2d col. recto, in capitals thus: Explicit, tercium, volumen. epcculi. historialis. Viucencii. inipressum. per lohan- ncra Mentellin. The 4th vol. has 213 leaves and ends 2d col. verso, in capitals Ihus : Explicit, speculum, his- toriale. fratris. Viucencii. ordinis. predicatorura. im- pressum, per, lohannem. Mentellin. anno. Domini, mil- lesimoquadringentestmoseptuagesimotcrcio. quBita.die, ljei.euibris. — - SflTne. [T.ib. 31. Augustie Vindelicorum ?], 1474. 3y. ina. f** ***B.150.6 ilTtXc. — This is a complete copy (except one leaf io the beginning: of vol. II nnd a lenf or tAvo at the begin- ning of vol. HI) of an edition which in one volume baa the date of 1474. It was formerly supposed to hove been printed by John Faust, but Mr. Duve in a memoir upon the subject, shows conclusively, that it was not printed by Faust or Schaeffer, but probably at Augsbourg. Vol. I be^ns thus: Incipit Prologus Frntris Vin- centij de Burgundia Ordinis predicntorum in libru qui dicitur Speculum Hystorinle. It ends, on fol. 341 verso, 2d col,, thus: Explicit regisfruni capituloru decern li- bror. prime partis speculi hystopealis fratris vincentij. Vol. II or part II begins: Incipit speculi hystorialis Vincencij pnrs secunda. Lihervudecimus. It ends, fol. 322 recto, Secunda pars speculi hystorlalis fratris vincen- cij. Etviccsimus primus liber in ordine totiuavoluminis finit feliciter The table of contents in 9 leaves in one case is placed at the end and in the other first in the book. Vol. Ill begins with Libt-r22; but chuiiter 1-vil am) all but 11 lines of chapter viil are wanting in this copy. It ends thus: videre non valeaut: Explicit trice- sim. primus liber. Then follow ten lines begiuning, Codicis and ending pat^ia. Then follows the date thus: M.cccc.lxxiiij. The work is printed in double columns, 52 lines, without folios, siguatures or catch- words. — - Same. [Augusta Vindelicorum?], 1474. 2t. f **B.150.4 \o(e. — These are the Ist and 2d vols, of another copy of the same edition ae the preceding. !fote. — The foregoinp; foi m a set of the original oditloD of the Speculum quadruplex, complete wilti the excup- lion of the third book (lorming usually tho 2d vol.) of the Morale, and of the first aud second vols, of the Mis- loriaW, together with a set of the lUstoriMlo of the edition of 1474 complete except one leaf at the bugin- uiugof vol. II and a leaf or two at ilie beginning of vol. Ill, and B duplicate of vols. I and 11 of this orfition, very complete and perfect. Among the whulu may be muUo out a complete copy of the Speculum quadruplex, ex- cepting the ;id port of tho Morale, and a leaf or two at the beginning of vol. Ill of tho Ilisturiale. — De beata virgine Maria libullus; Tractatus de Sj. Jobanne evangcllsta; Tructutus de erudi- tioue liliorum rc'^alium; De eousolationibus super niurtt! aniici. Basileae, 14S1. 1" . . *B.140.11 — Hmid- uud Lehrbuch fiir kuiii;,'!. Prinzi-n und ihrc Lehrer. [Mil] drci Abliundlun;;un iiber Bildung in Fraukreich bis zum Kltt'U Jahr- huudertvonF.C. Scblosser. Franklurt, ISW. 2v. b" 0080.13 C'oniwil*. — Vol. I. Die Schrlft den Vincent. 11. Dio drci Abbandlungcn. ViNCKN/.o. De Uubiconc aniiquo advcrsus Ari- niincHBcs scriplores. [Gra-vius. Ibes. an- tiq. ltaI.,T. 7, p.Uj .... 4710.1 Vinci, L. da. Trattato (i<'Ila piMura [con nn-morie Hiorlrhe «u la sua viin, studj t; optjie da Carlo Anioretti.] Miluuo, IbW. b'. [Cla.ssicl itoliaui, V. 33] ♦*4802.2 — Leonard de Vinci. AVe Clement, C 4007.31 VlNCKtfiSKKA, A. i-Vc Kaicoltadi pousie fatliii-bc. 4S(iy.li — .Satire. [>an«tjrvlnu. CJelle libi I di satlrrj , . 47UU.*'0 VlsmcAlloN, A, uC prulealunt principles, by I'bl- Jelemlieriif» AnKli<'»nti«. I.undmi, 1M7. h*. (1053.17 VlMK. Uarrat, J. A. A, Ln, sparluta ntru hulfe, e bernacchie. N:ipoIi, 178X. iS". [Collezioneditutti i poemi in lingua nnpoletnna, v. 22] *470ra.l Violin, C'lmpujiuoli, B. Medianism of vloHn ■ phiying 8051.07 — Ditson, <>. Tin- violin iiuule fjisy 80fll.82 — Fesscndf^n, L. (i. ]\loilein scliuul for the . , . 8051.77 — Howe, E. School for the 80^1.87 — - 'I'lu' violin complete 80.'>J.72 — May, D. M. II. Violin instruction book . . . f'OOl.rS — Ma/.UM, F. Kew metliod for the 8051.70 — Sandys, \V. HiNtoryoflhe 405(1. i>rt — Suiinilcrs, G. School for tho 80.M.80 — Spohr, L. Violin Bchool 8051.71 — Woodbury, 1. B. Instructions for playing the. 8(^51. Nl Vioi.iNCKi.I.o, School for the. BoniberR, li. . , , 8i.61.b8 VioLi.K'i' I-K i)i;<', A. Cut il'tpuc di'H livrt's compo- nant la bllilii)th-5i). h" 4053.4 VlRUNiii, or Virunuis. Sec Pontico Vlrunio, L. . 4179.24 VlsCKRA. Ueber die Lage der Eiugeweide im Beckeu. Froriep, L. F. v 3790.38 VlSClIiiR, F. T. Aesthetik Oder Wlssenschnft des Schonen. Reutliiigen [and] Stuttgart, 1840- 68. 3v. inTi. «' *0101.2 VlHCONTi, G. 5e€Glroni. Raccolta di liriciitaliani, 4808.8 ViMCONTl, P. K. Si'c Colonna, V. Visfe, or Viz(!, J. I>. de. Sec. Uoiineau de Vise-, J. ViHioOTHH. Gcscliichte der Witiigutlitn. Asch- bach, J 4213.12 Vision. CorneHus, C. S. Die Theorle des Sehens. 3920.39 — Schleiden, M. J. Zur Theorie des Erkennens durch deu GeHichtHstnii 3920.48 Stt aUo: Eye, OjitlcB, Slfrht, Hpoclaclo. Vl8U>.\, The, of Judgment. Southey, U 450ya.U2 VlHluNH. itrlggltta, St, TractalUM de vlsionlbus, auclore (J, Durante R 110.7 Shelf. No. Visions, continued, — Eckartshausen.C. v. SammlunErder mcrkwUr- digsten Visionen, Erscheiuuugen, Geister- und Gespenstergeschichten 0100.11 — Nider, J. De visiouibus et revelationibus , . 6100. 14 See also: Apparilions, Spirits. Visions in verse; or, dreams of creation and re- demption. Fuller, R. F 2409.49 Visitation. Macquecn, J. F. Search and block- ade 3614.20 — Whitman, J. Inquiry into the right of visit or approach by ships of 4289.35 VisiTE, Une, a la Chartreuse prfes de Pavie. Milan, 1836; pp. 75. 10" 2734.21 Visitor, or monthly instructor. See Weekly visi- tor, 1830-51 7310.2 VisscHKR, J. G. Letters from Malabar. Trans- lated from" the Dutch, [with] an account of Travancore, and Fra Bartolomeo's travels [there], by H. Drury. Madras, 1862. 8°. . 5045.8 ViT.ii virorvm illustrivm. Basilite, 1503. f , . . *4160.3 ContrrUs — .^inilius Probus Cseu potiuB Cornelius Nepos] de vita excelleniium iraperaloruin, cum ainio- tfltionibus Hieronymi Magii; Georglus Cattstiiider do viris lllustribus qui ante Procsm in Latio fu£t'e; C. PIl- niu9 Secundua de viris lUustribus, cum coinmentariis Conradi LycoslheniB ; C. Suetonius Tranquillus de cleriB rliotoribus et gTamniatlcis; F. Petrarclin de rebus me- niorandis et viris illuetribus, cum Lobnrdi birichii sup- pli-meulo; F. Flilloetvfttus de heroibus Trojan's, Ste- pliano Nigro interprete, et ojusdem liber de vitis sophis- tnrum, Antonio Bonliuio interprete; Cicaarum vilie ex Suida, HennQuuo Witokindo colluclore. VlTALE, S. Annales Sardinia; De mystica Sar- dinian fertilitate, eclogne iv. [Graivius. Thes. antiq. Ital., T. 10, v. 15] 4710.1 VlTALis, jwpe^s •notary. Vita S. Bertrandi Conve- narumepiscopi. [Mai-t^ne. Vet. script., v. 6]. 4150-1 ViTERiio, E. da. EpistoK-e select*. [Marline. A'et. script., v. 3] -, 4150.1 VlTET, L. L'Academic royale de peinture et de sculpture. Paris, 1861. 8" 4087.13 — fltuUes sur I'histoire de Part. le-4e s^rie. Paris, 1664. 4v. lO** 4088.18 Contents. — Vol.1. Anliquitfr: Gr^re — Romp — Bas-Em- pirc. II. Moycn dgu. III. Temps niodcrties: La peinture en Italie, en France et nux rays-llns. IV. Temps modernes: Arts divers — MuAlque religleuso — MuBiqutt dramutiquo. ViTi. See Feejee. ViTKiNGA, C. Obscrvatlonum sacrurum libri sex, • accessit avctorisgeo^'rapliia sacra et eivsdeni vita. Ed. noviss. Jeuic, 1723. 4' *0027.12 ViTTORKi.Li, J. Poe>ie. IMsa, 1809. 18°. [I'ar- uaso degl' Italian! viventi, V. 29] 4799a. 2 Con(eri(«. — Sonotll; Slanzc; Idlllli Odl; Canzonet- to; Anacreouliclie; Pocinotto glucoso. VlTUONi, F. Sul modo di compilari il catnlogo dl una biblioteca. Mllano, 18^1. 8" 2122.18 ViVKS, J.L. Eplstohv. -St't' Erasmus D 42;0.3 ViviA Perpetua. A dramatic pot'in. Adams, S.F. 26r6.39 ViViANi, V. Racconto storico dellu vitu di (Jalilei. See Galilei, G. . . ., 2749.18 ViviANUS. Tractatus de libcro arbitrio et gratia. [Martenc. Vet. script., v. 9] 4160.1 ViviKN, M. TerluUiauus pra-dicana. Venetiis, 1093-1707. 2v. in 1. [Vol. 1, ed. 4a; v. 2, ed. 6u.3 4° •G050.10 Vliet, J. V. Epistolu;. [Burmann. Sylloge cpis- tolarum, V. 3] 4221.0 VoAKiNo, — . Treatii-e on oalislhenic exercises. I,(nidi)n, 1827. ]ip. 08. 8" 3691.9 VocAHUl.AKV, A, ofHui-h words in llie Fji^lish hm- {^uage as are of diibiousor um>eltli'd lu'ct^ntu- ation. London, 1797. 8" 4586.3 VocAi. niu.--ic. .Sec pKalmody, Singing, Songs. VoKMEl,, J. T. De loco PtoU-macl geogr. in, 2, 12, rmendando, ubi de I'lillippoiiolis i>t Cabylea situagitur. [Diss, acad.j FrancuIUrti, IS45. pp. 5. 4" 4103.39 VOET 677 VOLTAIRE « Shelf. No. VoKT, G. Pesperatn cavsn pnpntvs, prodita k Tan- senio. Ani>teIo-, literature and philosophy. XIV. History of the warof 1741. XV-XVII. Annalsof the empire from the time of Charlemagne; Miscellanies. XVIII. Candid, or the optimist; Miscellanies. XIX. Philosophical miscellanies ; Elements of Newton's phi- losophy. XX, XXI. History of the Russian empire uiir der Peter the Great. XXII, XXIII. Additions to the es- say on general history, and the manners and spirit of nations, from Charlemagne to the present time. XXI V. Treatise upon toleration. XXV. The tales of W. Vade. XXVI. Thepriucess of Babylon; The man worth forty crowns. — Dramatic works. Translated by Rev. Mr. Fnmcklin. London, 1762-71. 7v. 12° . . . *4698.8 ConiCTiM.— Vol. I. Letter to Father PorSe; (Edipus, a tragedy: Mariarane, a tragedy ; Discourse on tragedy; Brutus, a tragedy. II. Dissertation on ancient and mod- ern tragedy ; Semlramis, tragedy by Alcarotti ; Letter on the tragedy of Julius Cujsar: Death of Caaar, tragedy ; VOLTAIRE 678 vosS Shelf. No. Voltaire, F. M. A. de, cnvtinurd. Aincli,.. or the iluke of FoU. III. T.cltcr to Ihe ilach- «ii« of Maine; Oresti-3. R trasefly; The pro'lignl, a com- ec [de Tliierot, par M. Jacob- sen]. Paris, 1820. 8° M194.2 [Connaissance dcs bautez et de« defauts de la poesie et de reloquence dans la langue fran- ^aise.] Londres, 174U. 12° ••4070.21 — - tiame. Londres, 1750. 12° 4Gll9a.2 — TheHenriade. Translated Ironi the Trench, by T. Smollett, T. Kranfklin, and others. London, 1702. 12° *4098.10 — Histoire de Charles .Nil. iOil. stt-r. Paris, 182S. 24° 4099a. 30 — Histoire de la guerre de mil sept cent quarante C't un. Amsterdam, 1755. 2v. 12° 4C99a.3 — Histoire de ('empire de Kussie, sous Pierre le- grand. fid. sitr. Paris, 1815. 2v. in I. 24°. .3009.34 — [Histoire du parlenient de Paris.] Amster- dam. 1709. 2v. in 1. 8° 4018.2 — Homelies pronoucees k Londres en 1705. i. p., J707. 1-.' 4099a. 1 — Mi'rope, a tragedy, translated with alterations, byA.Uill. London, 1749. [No title-page. J (,• •Pph.v.347 — La Pucelle d'Drleans. Nouv. id. augm. d'uno ipitre du p6re (Jrisbourdon. Londres, 1770. i,in.24° 4099a. 37 — Viede Molitrc. . [51oliire. (Euvres completes, V. 1] 4700.0 — [Memolren ct nnecilotcs pour servir it I'histolre de Voltaire] I'aris, 17K0. sm.^.° 4040.23 — Chaudon, L. .M. Illslorical and critical me- moirs of the life and wrillngs of 2050.13 — Gralflgny, F. d'l d'll. de. Vie privee de Vollaire et de Mine, du CInltelet 2055.15 _ Hounsaye, A. Le rol Voltnire 4703.10 Venedey.iJ. Krledrieli derGrosseiind Voltaire. 2852.27 VoLTIlilil, J. Klcsoslovnlk (vooubularlo-Woerler. biich) llllrlcsltoga, llallanskoga 1 iilmuc- skoga. Vienna, [1802]. 8° •1114.11 VoLUNTAHIE.s for the organ, etc. Zundel, J. . . . 4055.50 Shelf. So. VOLUSirs Ma?cianu5, L. Assis distributio. See Cortex Theortosianus 4300.8 VoLispX. .SeKdda. VoXDEL, .T. van den. Poezy of verscheide gedich- ten. Franeker, 1082. 2v. 4° •4255.9 Canletits. — Vol, I. Zegezangen ; Groolo lofdichtcn; Klinkdiehten; Lierdirhten; Afbeeldingcn; Bruilofl- diehten. II. Lijkdichten ; Grafaclirirten ; Geboorte- dichten; Danltditehton ; Brieven; Klaehten; Hekel- dichten; Lofdichtcn op uitgcgeve schriften ; Opdragh- ten; Byschriften op steden en gehouweii ; Lofdichtcn op schilderj-en, teekeningeu, printen en andere knnst; Byschriften op gedeiikpenningen ; Schouburgh- dichten; Gediebten in alamboeken; Itaedtsela; Gezan- gen ; Gedichten op slicktelijke en kerkelijke sloffen; Meugeldicht; Vertaelingen; Ouderymou; Leven. VOPADF.VA. The Mugdliabodha: a Sanscrit gram- mar. [Calcultii], l.'^.'O. 12° •5038.20 Vopiscfs, F. Pivus Aurelianus, Tatitus, Floria- nu», Probus, Firmus, S;iturninus, Prooulua et Bonosus, Cams, Nuraerianus et Carimus impp. SeeHistoriie Koniiinsescriptores, V. 2. 4210.3 — Vila divi Aureliani, Tacili, Floriani, I'robi, Firini, Saturnini, Prbculi, Bonosi, Cari, Me- nieliani, et Carini imperatorum. 5t'eHisto- rias Augusta; scriptores sex B. 178.4 VORAGiNK, or Viragine, J. de. ,See Jacobus do Vo- ragine 0000.15 VORLAXUKit, C. Tabellariscliiibersu-htliclie Dar- stellung der Dogmengeschicbte. 1-4 I'eiiode. Hamburg. 18:15-55. pp. CO. f° •B.lSOe.5 VORST, J. Veierumpoetarum Grsecoruin pot-mata. [Gr. et Lat.] Francofurti, 1092. sm.S" . . *B. 109.0 Contents.— Homerl lliadis liber sextos; IteslodI ope- rum et dierora lib. 1, II ; Theot-nidis sententiie; Pylha- gorte aurea carmioa ; Phoeylidis poeina admonitoriura 1 Pindari oda; ; Kuvi|)idis Hecuba : Sophoelia Ajacis para; JEschyli Promethel vineti pars; Aristophanis PlutI pars; 'Ihcocriti idyllia qua-dani; Moschi idyl. IV; Bionia idyl. V ; Arati apparentium para; Apolluuil Hiiodii argo- nauticomm particuia; Collimaelii hyninus in .lovem; Ui.niysii orbia descriptionis parlieuln ; Oijpianl do ve- nutione particuia; Epigrammata selccla ex florilegio divcrsorum epigrommatum veleruni. — Epislola!. .Sec Limboreli, P. van B. 140. 18 VoRSTius, or Vorst, A. Fpistola deobitu J. Meur- sii. See Meursius, .1 4999a. 24 VOKTKAO.H vor priitestantisclicn Freundcn, gehal^ enzu Jlagdebutgam Ueformationsfestc 1842. Leipzig, u.d. pp. 02. 12° B.lCOb.65 VOSBUUO, J. IL Virginia, and other poems. New York, 1805. 12° 4409a. 4 Voas, G. J. [Opera omnia.] Amstelodami, 1095- irol. uv. f ° ••2910.3 Confenta.— Vol. I. Etymologlcon llnguto Latina*. prie- flgitur de hterarum perniutatioue tractaius, ed. 9a. II. A rlslarchns.aivc dearie grannnatlca llbiiseptom: Bceo- dunt de viliis sernionia cl glossemolla Lnlino-barbarit librinovem. III. Tractaius plilloh.glcl : lio rhelorlca; lie a'rte poijiicn; He arllumet sfienllaruni naturaetcou- atltutlono. IV. Ars historlea ; De hiatoricis linccis Itbrl quatuor; Do historicis Lnflnis libri Ires; 1 1 l.lorlro uni- versalis epitome; Opuscule : Vila Fabtaiil fl Dliona ; Consilium Gregorio XV exlilbilum per M. Louiguni; Aphorlsini de statu oceleslic reslaur.tndo. per M, Loni- guin; In epislolam Pllnil do Chrlsllania, etc., com- meularlus; Uo copultiouo BUi; Do etudlorum ratlonoj Orallo In obiloni T. lirpcnll ; oratlo de hlstoilaj ullliiolo; In ftagnieiila LIvll Anilronlel, Q. liullll. C. Navil, M. Pacavll, ct L. Allll none; Ki.lslolir. V. Do Ihe.dogla genllll et physiologia Chrl.tlana, aivo do nilglno ao progveasu idolotriwi ; dctiuo naturie nllrandls, quibua homo odducllur ad Ileum llbri ix. VI. Tvaclalna theologlci: De ulllmls inundl anllqultatlbus, ao Impri- mis do teluporibuB rerum llebraarum, dlaserlallouo* octo ; De Jesn Chrisll genealogla ; De auiils quibus imtus, boi.ll«atu8, nuirtuus; llaimonlw evangellenj do paa- alono. morle, resurrectlone ac aaceiisiono .leau Chrlstl, llbri Irea; De bapllsmo dlapulallonea XX, et una do laera- inentoruin vl ac elll. acia ; rheses theological el hlslorleio do vardsdortrlnn Chriallame caplilhus. qUBS ollm dla- l.utamla. proposult In acadrmUi l.eldcn.l ; U rlatl- ones ires de Itibua sjndi. iposloM. o, Alhonash.no 01 Couslanlln,.polltiMio; III bo lie concr,.velall., quaa I'elaghla cju.quo rellqui.n ll.ovoruni, lllul K'plemi Fragmcnlum do Maiilchuls ot Sloldn Dlssortatlo opit- voss g 8bclt'. No. Voss, G. .T., cnnilnued. lolicn (le Jure nt)ipi;>(rntu9 in rcbiiB prclp»lni(iris; Ho* B|)l ilo lllii-n, fib ll(l(^'llt• Crxiio | Kiitl>fiictioiio Ji*»u Clirieill scrlptu adversus Fuustuiil Sociiium. — Histtiria? do controvcrpiis. quas rdnRivs eivsqve rcliqiiiieniovi'runt.libi'iseptcin. Kd.'.'a. Ani- elclodnmi. ICj5. i° •0004.20 — De tlieulogirt geiitili et physiologia Christirtna; si\e de origine idoIatri:e. Amsterdami, K>'S. av. 1° •0031.2 — EpistoliE. See Limhorcli, P. van B.H0.18 Voss, I. Kpistola;. [liurniauu. Sylloge cpisto- lariim, V. :)] 4221.0 Voss, J. H. Siinitliche Gedichte. Kiiuigsberg, lSOt>. Cv. 10° 42300.10 Conffnfs.— Vol. I. LiilBO. ir. Id.vllen. III-V. Oilon und E1e(tifOii. VI. Odi'n und Lifder; VcrmischteOe- dk'bti; ; Fiibeln und E|)t^uiiimv. — Bricfe neb.'it erlauterndon Rulngen, lierausg. von A. Voss. Halberstiidt, 1S20, ;M. 2v. Ill" »«28r9.8 — Mjtiiologische Briefe. [M.4,5] Herausg.von il. (i. lirzo.skn. Leipzig, 1^:I4. 5v. p.t>° . . 34S9.2 — Luisc: ein iaeiidliclies (iediclit iu drei Id} lien. KiiMigiibeig, 18-':i. 1-.:° 4878.20 Vou-Ti bfy 'IViii-nas Grabe. Kine cliiuesisclie Nanic. n. p., ir;;.'. pp.22. lli° **2870.14 VoY.iGK de lours mnjestes en Algerie, sept., IWiO. [.\vic] giavures. I'aris, [ISid]. pp.44. 1.8°. 3030.25 VoT.AGKpirtoresquede .Stockholm a Gothenibourj^. Sur le i-anal de Gotliie. titockliulin, 1843. pp. 4.i. obl.4° 28(15.30 V0Y.\Ghs iMund the world, and collections. Allye- ineine Uistorie der Ueisen 4100.1) — Anderson, G. U'. Voya^ei round the world. 0200.1 — Bo.igainville. L. A. de. Voyage autour du moniie, 17ii0-(i9 4141.8 — Canius. A. G. Slemoire siir la collection de8 gi-aiids et petits voxagesde 31. Thevenot . . 2.300.32 — Delano, A. Narrative of 2205.10 — tngeliiiann, W. BiUliotheca geographica, iroo-isM. 2irr.8 — Fanning, K. Voyages round the world, etc. . 2275.3 — Fil2 Uoy, K. VojMge of the Beagle 2271.2 — Harris, J. Complete collection of voyages and travels 0200.3 — Miirinocchi, F. C. Baccolta di viaggi dalla scoperta del nuovo continente 2275.1 — JIavor. W.F. Voya;4es and triivels. 0207.1, and 0209.1.1 — Fiiikerton. J. (leneral collection of 0201.3 — I'revust d'Exiles, A. F. llistoire generale des voyages g . 4139a. 4 SMalan: Arctic regions, Atlnntic, Hnkluyt society, Nortll pule, North-west passage, Pacitic, t'olar sea, South sea. Travels. Vkiemoet, E. L. See Oelriclis. Collectio opuscu- lorum, v. 1,2 0000. 1 Contents. — Vol. I. Syllabus scriptorum Rnbbiutcorum, quibus iitH'cipue antiquilHIes llebraica' tllustrantur. II. Tliesea select*, pi-K aliis muxime controversa; ex anti- guitetibuB Isratiliiicis. Vbolik.G. Observationsrelatives^ la m.nl.idie dcs ponimes dc terrc. Amsterdam, 1840. pp. 32. b° 4003.14 VuiLLK.Mix, A. rian de Paris, avec ses fortifica- tions et forts detaches. Paris, 1852. b° . . 2034.20 Vl'K Stephanovitch Karajitch. See Ktirajilcll, V. S. Vt'LCALD. Vita Bardonis. [Frankfurt. Societas, elc.,v. n] 4210.2 Vur.CATius Gnllicanus. See Gallicanus, V. Vui.GAKlLS, or Bulgarius. See Tlieophylactus. Vl'Llkus, J A. Jr'iiignienie iiber die Ileligion des Zoroaster. Aus dein ^er^i^chen iiljersetzt. Nebst dem Leben des I'erdusi aus JDaulet- fcha'hs Biographicen. Bonn, 1831. 8° . . 0070.9 VvLPIUS, J. Adagiorum epitome, fee Adagla , 4150.2 9 WADE Sbelf. No. Waagen, G. F. a walk through the art treasures exhibition at ManchestiT. London, 1^67. 12° 4099.4 ^VACIll.hi;, .7. F. L. Gi'.schielite der historischen Forsehting tind Kunst sfit tier Wiedeiher- slelhin^' der litler^ri^chen C'uUur in Furopn. Goltingin, 1812-20. 2v. in 3. 8° 4100.5 — Handbuch der Geschiclite dor Litteralur. 3te I'miirlieitung. Leipzig, 1.SH3. 4v. in 2. 8°. •4143.2 — t'eber Ilesiotis Vorsielluiigeu von den Giittern, der A\*i'it, den Bli-nschen und den menseh- lichon I'flicliten. [Diss, acad.] Kinteln, 1789. pp. 19. 4° 4103.34 ■Wachs.mi:tii, E. W. O. AllKOiminc Culturge- schichte. Leipzig, lS.")U-.'iJ. 3v. h° . . . . 4'.50.2 — Gcschichte Kninknichs im Kevolution.'izeit- alter. Hamburg, 1840-44. 4v. 8° •4228.3 — Geschiclite der politischen Parteinngen alter und nener Zeit. Braunschweig, lt5;;-50. 3v. 8° 4297.4 Conten/a. — Vol. I. Pns Alterthum. II. Uas MUtcl- Blter. til. Die neue Zeit. — Dissertation on the old Greek comedy. See Aristophanes 2977.25 Waghs.mutii, \V. De capitis poenae causiset sanc- tionc. I. Apud Giaecos veterea. 2. Apnd Itonianos et Germaiios. [Diss, acad.] Lip- siae, is:i». pp 27. 4° 4102.20 WACHTKlt, Joliann G. Der 8pinozismus im Jii- deuthumb. Atiistird.im, lli'J9. 6m.S° . . ♦B.127.14 WACiiTKH. .lohann G., 6. 1073, il. 1767. Glossarium Germauicum. Lipsire, 1737. 1° **2880.4 Waciitki:, O. Wechsellehre nach den deutschea und auslandischen Gesetzen. tetutt;,;art, 1801. 8° 3652.12 \7ACICLNltoDl':R, \V. H. [Herzenseri.'iessungen eines kunstlii-benden Klosterbruders.] Ber- lin, 1797. 10° 4898.12 WACKliH.NAGKL, Carl E. p. Bibliogrnphie zur Geschiclite des deittschen Kirchenliedes im xvi. .JahrhundiTt. Frankfurt, 1855. 1.8° . 2180. 7 WACKKH.NAUKl., Carl H. W. Alldeutsches Lese- buch. Mil einem Worterbuche. 2te Ausg. Basel, 1819. 2V. sq 8° 42.32.8 — - Same. 2to Aiifl. Basel, 1801. 2v. 8° . . 2900.52 — Altfranzcesische Lieder und Leiche. Basel, 18411. 8° 4188. 6 — Die deutsche Glasmalirei. Leipzig, l.«55. 10°. 4003.14 — Geschiclite ties deuischen I4e.\ainelers und IVntameters bis auf Ivlopstock. Berlin, 1831. 10° 2870.43 Waddki,, U. Jlemoirs of Jliss Caroline E. Smelt. Philiidelphia, 1^35. 24° 2348.55 Wadding i i>s,dit Kastus, C. T. De la religion de Liibniz. Paris, 1833. pp. 10. [No title- page.] 8° 0091.3 — R.inuis. sa vie, ses 6crits et ses opinions. Pa- ris. 1855. 8° 0105.8 — De la psychologic d'Aristole. Paris, 184S. »° B.103.8 Waddington, H. Carmen Griecum, nuniismate annuo dignatum, et in curia Cantabri^iensi ri'cilatum. [Cambridge, 1819. Ko title- page.] 8° •Pph.v.349 Senarii Griei-i, praemio Porsoniano diu'iiati et in curia Cantabrigieiisi recitati. [Cambridge, 1819. No title-page ] 8° •Pph.v.349 Wadding ION, J. John I'enry, the pilgrim martyr, l.-)3'.l-93. London, 1,S)4. 10° 5439a. 30 — Track of the hidden church ; or, the springs of the pilgrim movement, 1539-1020. Introduc- tion by E. N. Kirk. Boston, ISOi. 12° . . . 4328.5 W.4DE, B. F. Against the immediate restoration of the .seceded states, in itnswer to .Mr. Doo- little and others. Speech in the senate, Jan. IS, 1810. n. p., [1800. Ko title-page.] 6° . 4 340a. 02 — Plain truths lor the people Sptecli in the senate, March 13 and 13, lf-58. Washington, 1858. [No title-page.] 8° 008?. 122 WADE 680 WAKE LEY Shelf. No. Wade, B. F., contimied. — Speech on the Nebraska and Kansas bills, in the ifienate, Jliirch ;i, 1654. Washington, ISoi. [Xo title page.] 8° 60S7.122 — and Gooch, D. W. Report from the joint Se- lect committee on tlie conduct of the war. Condition of returned union prisoners. Washington, 1S64. pp.34. S" 4321.17 — - Report, with testimony, in relation to the late massacre at Fort Pillow. Washington, 18(54. [Xo title-page.] 8° 4321.17 Wade, E. Nebraska and Kansas. Speech, May 27, 1854. Washington, 1854. 8° 4310.8 Wadsworth, C. American patriotism. Sermon preached in Arch Street church, April 28, ISOl. Philadelphia, 1861. 8" 4350a. 59 — Our own sins. Seimon preached in Arch . Street church, on [fast] day, Jan. 4, 1861. Philadelphia, ISOl. 8" 4350a. 59 — Politics in religion: a thanksgiving' sermon, Nov. 23, 1854. I'hiladclphia, 1854. S" . . .0088.132 — Thankspfivinnr sermon, preached Nov. 28, 1861. Philadelphia, 1801. 8" 4350a.59 Waes o' war, The ; or, the upshot o* the history o* AVillHndJean. Macneill. M 2008.6 Wagesaau, J. Vaderlandschc historic der Vor- eenigde Nederlanden, inzonderheid die van Holland. Amsterdam, 1710-59. 21v. 8'' . *4218.1 — Vaderlandsche historic verkort, en by vraagen en antwoorden voorgestelt. Amsterdam, 175S. 10° 2819.11 Wagks. Du salaire. Le Hardy de lioaulieu, C. . 3048.13 Wagner, Adolf. Zum euro^iiischen Sprachenbau. Nach A. Murray bearbeitet v. Adolf Wag- ner. Leipzig, 1825. 2v.ini. 8" 4207.5 Wagnek, Albrecht. On tht process of repair after resection and extirpation of bones. Lon- don, 1659. 8". [London. New Sydenham society] *5714.5 Wagxi.k, C. Bricfe an .1. H. Merck von Gothe, Herder, Wielaud, [u.s.w.]. Darmstadt, 1835. 8" 2S47.17 — Briefe an und von J. H. Merck. Darmstadt, 1838. 8" 2847.18 Wagnkk, E. Wilihald's Ausichten des Lebens. Ein Rom;tn. Leipzig, IKIO. '^v. 10° . . . 4899a. 3 Wagnkk, G. H. A., and 'I'lscher. J. F. W. Lcbens- beschreibungen beriihmter licformatoren. JJ. 1-8, 10, II. Leipzig, lNUl-24. lov. 10° . f)059a,2 Contents.— Vo}. I. J. Wklef. II. J. Hu8«. HI. Calvin. IV. Luther. V. Zwiugll. VI. Mdunchthon. VII. Ernsmus. VIII. Iliitton. X.J. HauBaclii-tu, go- naiiiit Ot;kuluinpa(lliiH. XI. J. Knox. Wagner, J. K. Jahres-IJcricht fiber die Fort- i^chrittc und Leistungen der chemischen Technidogie. 7ter Juhrgang, 18GL Leip- zig, Ib02. «° 5977.1 Wagner, M. Heise nach Kolchis, und nach deu deutscheu Colonien ji-nseits des Kaukasus. Leipzig, ]^60. 10" 4244.24 — Roise iiiich Per^len und dem Lnndc der Kur- den. l,eipzig, lt-5J. 2v. 10* 4244.23 — and Scherzi-T, C. Ueisen In Nordamerika in 1^5.', 53. H. 1. Leipzig, 1851. l"^" 4IC9a.4 Wagnei:, Richard. Oper und Drauiu. Leipzig, 1852. :(v. 10* 4229a. 4 Content*, — Vol. I. Die Opur und (Ibi Wuiiftn der Mu- ■ik. II. Dun H('tinuii|ik*l uiid dnn Wi>B«n der dnimntl- ■clirn Dli'htkun*!. III. DlclitkuuHt uud Tuukunst im I)runia der /ukuiirt. — Drei Opcnniichtungcn neb[35. 8" *4356.11 Wait, D. R., and others. Address to the legisla- ture of Massachusetts for the annexation of a part of Deerfield to Greenfield. Greeulield, 1850. 8" *Pph.v.384 Waite, J. K. Discourse delivered in Gloucester, Dec. 22, 183<), on tlie interment of eleven mrtrlners, wrecked on Cape Ann, Dec. 15, 1839. Gloucester, 1840. 8" 5470a. 28 Waitiiman, R. War the cause of the present scarcity and high price. 2d ed. London, 1800. s*" *I'ph.v.344 Waitz, F. T. Anthropologic der Naturvijlkor. Leipzig, 1859, 60. 2v. b" 2235.9 Con(fnts. — yQ\.l. Ueberdle Elnhcit des Mi-nschen- gescliluchtva und den Xnturzustunii dus Itlunsclicn. II. iJie Neg«rv<)lker uud ilire Vcrwiindtcu. — De Aristotelis libri Xl^n E/'/irji-fiuc capite deci- mo. Diss, [acad.] Marbnrgi, 1844. pp. 18. 4°. B. 190. 15 — Introduction to unlhrojiology. [I'ransl.and] fdili'd by .1. F. Cnllingwond. London, 1803. h°. [London. Anthropological society]. . 2235.19 Wake, W. Genuine epistles of St. Clement, St. I'olJ'carp, St. Ignatius, St. Barnabas; the Shepherd of Hermas. Added, biographical noiice (it [iheirj lives. From a late Loudon fdilion, by W. Adams. Hartford, 1834. .s" . 6040.23 — - Same. 0.\lbrd, 1840. 12" 0029.4 — Letter to a young lady on prei)anitii)n for death. [Boston. Benevolent ussociiiliouH. Christian monitor, v. 9] 5459.5 Wakefikm), p. Kxcursions in North Americiu London, I80('.. 12** . . r 2308.24 — Instinct displayed: facts exemplifying the sa- gucity ol the animal creation. 4lh ed. Lon- drt't ItuWil Wniliinin, Uleliard ll»urdniiin,CAl«b U. IVdlti.nl. Wlllliim (illl, John Tuu- ucll, Itinhiird Ivy, .loRoph Krndtord, John KdMlir. .I>>i.«« Lcp, Hiimuul Ilrudburu, Mylvt'titKr IIut> hliiioti, Diuliti WAKELEY 681 WALKER eUelf. Nq' Wakklky, J. B., continued. DunliuTn, Smith Aniolil, Samupl Hamilton, Arrhlhild M'llroy, Wililtim UtivviOii, Johu Coliiils, ThtiJ)jbllui Lesaey. Jncob Grubcr, WAKinl, or El AViikiili. See Molianinicd ben Omar el Wnkidi. "Wal, J. (le. Over de beoefenint;r der Xoderlandsche mythologie. Utrecht, isir. pp. rii. s° . . 6072.25 Walachian language, l.esicon Uonia'nescii-La'- tinescu-Ungiirescu Nemtescu 4885.5 — Szolliisy, J. N. V. Sprachlehre, um walacliisch sprechen zu lenuMi 4110.7 — Vaillant, jr A. WulHchischc Sprnchlelire . . 2SS4.I7 ■WAI-ArillAN literature. Alexniidri, V. liallades et chants populaires de la Kounianie .... 4253.22 — Scliott, Arth\ir ami Albert. AVaiachische lna?lirchen '. . 4224.4 WALAFKiDtis t^triibo. De exordiis et incrumentia rerum ecclewiasticarum ; Sermo de subver- sione Uierusaleni; Poeniata. [Maxima bib- lioth. vet. patr., v. 1.5] B.110.2 — Poemata ; Sermo de subversione Hierusalem. [Cauisius. Thesaurus, v. 2, p. 2] 4140.3 — Vita S. Otmari abbatis Sangallensis. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., v. 2] 4210.2 WAI.BKiiiGE, H. (iration delivered at Cooper in. stitute, July 4, 18(52. n. p., n. d. 4° . . . . 4310.72 Walch, Carl F. Opvscvla qvibvs plvra ivris Ro- mani ac Germanici capita explioantvr. Ha- lae Magdcbvrgicae, 17S5-n3. :iv. iu 2. 4° . 4300.12 Walch, Christian VV. F. Historic der Ketzer- eien, Spaltungen uud Religionstreitigkeiten, • bis nut die Zeiten der Reformation. Leipzig, 1702-S5. llv. 8° *G0.39.1 Walch, F. a. Darstcllung der veneriechen Krank- heit. Jena, 1811. 8° *3770.40 Walch, J. G. Jliscellanea sacra sive commenta- tionvm ad historiam ecclesiasticara sanctio- resqve disciplinas pertinentivm coUectio. Amstelodami, 1744. 4° *6042.2 — Philosophisches Lexicon. 2le Aufl. Leipzig, 1733. 8° *4146.9 Walch liKEX expedition, Narrative of the. St. Clair, T. S 2365.24 Walckexkikd. Antiquitates Walckenredenses. Leuckfeld, J. G 4217.7 Waldeciv, W. G. v. Tagebuch wjihrend des Reichs- tages zu Augsburg lolH, herausgegeben von C. L. 1'. Tross. Stuttgart, lS(il. 8°. [Stutt- gart. Bibliothek des liler. Vcrcins, V. 611] . ■*4235.1 Waldeck, Volksiiberlieferungeu aus dem FUrsten- thum. Curtze, L 2864.23 Walden, T. The national sacrifice. Sermon preached on the Sunday before the death of the president, and two addresses, on the Sunday and Wednesday following. Phila- delphia, IStiS. 8° *4342.5 Waldexses. Arnaud, H. Glorious recovery by the Vaudois of their valleys .3528.11 — Bender, F. Geschichte der Waldenser . . . . 6054.14 — Charvaz, A. Origine dci Valdesi 3528.24 — Gilly, W. S. Researches among the 352J.13 — - Waldensian researches 3528.12 — Herzog, J. J. Die romanischen Waldenser . 3528.21 — Huston, A. Israel of the Alps .. 2863.25, and 3527.115 — Todd, J. H. The books of the Vaudois . . . 3528.16 Waldeke, king. Two leaves of king Waldere's ^ lay, [an] old Knglisli epic of the 8tb century. Fublislit by G. Stephens. Cheapinghaven, ^^ [IsOO]. pp. yi. 1.8° ♦2571.4 ^^Valdo, D., Discourse on occasion of tbe fune- ral of. 5e« Sprague, W. B 4348.50 Waldo, J. Abridgment of rudiments of English grammar. Georgetown, S. C, 1818. 1»° . . 45S9a..39 Waldo, S. P. LifeofStephen Decatur. 2ded.,with additions. Middletown, iConn.), Is22. 12°. 2347.19 Waldo, Sarah, Sermon after the decease of. See Sweetser, S 4.347.111 WALDRAJiUs, or Baltramus. Carmina, cum Sa- lomoiiis versibus. [Maxima biblioth. vet. patr., v. 10) B.110.2 86 tsiielf.No. Wales, E., Diacourse at the funeral of. See Har- ris, T. M «47.129 Wale."!, S. Mr. Frost, the chartist insurrection and its causes. [No title-page.] 8° *l-ph.v.350 Wales, T. B. [A tribute to the memory of T. B. Wales.] Boston, 1S63. pp.11. 8° ....4.347.112 Wales. Description. — Halliwell, J. O. Family excursions in North Wales W-3.16 — Honiiiigway, .1. Panorama of North Wales . 2473.21 — llickliu, J. E.xcuisions iu North Wales . . . 2473.22 — Murray, J. Handbook for South Wales . . . 2473.20 — I'arry, E. Cambrian mirror, or North Wales tourist — Tallis, L. Topographical dictionary of . . . . — Tour through, 17rK, by R.J. Sulivan. [Mavor. Biitish tourists, v. 3] 2409.22 — Tour through, by U. P. Wyndham. [Mavor. British tourists, V. 3] 2469.22 — Tour through, by H. Ski-ine. [Mavor. British tourists, v. 5] 2473.23 2484.7 . 2469.22 nistoryy etc, — Ayloffe, J. Calendars of the Welch rolls in the tower of London 2410.17 — Chronicle of the princes. See Brut y Tywyso- gion 2-411-W — Geoffrey, of Monmouth. Historia regum Bri- tannice, und Brut Tysylio 2418.9 — Grose, F. Antiquities of 2520.38 — Halliwell, J. O. Connexion of Wales with the early science of England E. 166. 14 — Jones, E. The bardic museum of British lite- rature 4680.1 — Walter, F. Das alte W.ales 2473.11 — Williams, R. Biographical dictionary of emi- nent Welshmen 2441.5 Walfori), E. The county families of the United kingdom. London, 1S60. 8° *2435.25 — The handybook of the civil service. London, 1860. 12° 2«6-2* — The shilling baronetage for 1802. London, 1862. 32° 4539a. 35 — The sliilling house of commons for 1862. Lon- don, 1862. 32° 4539a. 33 — The shilling knightage for 1802; prefixed, an essay on knighthood. London, 1862. 32° . 4639a. .36 — The shilling peerage for 1862. Loudon, 1862. 32" 4539a. .34 Walhalla. Meisterwerke deutscher Poesie. Mit Zeichnungen. Leipzig, 1844. 4' 4232.1 Contents. — Die vier Heymons-Kinder ; Kaiser Octa- vian ; Geaclifchto von der heiligen Tfalzgralln Genovefa ; Gescliicllte von der edlcn und Bcb&nen .Meluaino ; Salo- mon und Morolf ; Reineke Fuchs ; Gescbicbte von der schbuen Magelone ; Hirlanda. WalivER, Alexander. Beauty: illustrated chiefly by an analysis and classification of beauty in woman. Illustrated by H. Howard. 2d ed., rev. London, 1846. 1.8° M281.3 — Intermarriage. New York, 1839. 12° ... . 3769.10 Walicer, Amasa. Address before the young men of Boston. Boston, 1833. 8° 4.393.47 — Equality. [No. 1. On banking. From the Worcester palladium.) West Brookfield, Mass., 1849. pp. 74. 12° B. 170b. 59 — Iron-clad war-ships : or, the prospective revolu- tion in the war-system. Speech before the American peace society. May 20, 1862. Bos- ton, 1862. 8° 4350a.56' — Nature and uses of money and mixed currency, with a history of the Wickaboag bank. Bos- tou, 1K57. pp.83. 8° 6087.75 — The new national currency. Speech prepared for delivery in the house. [Washington, 1863. No title-page.) 8° 4350a. 37 — The suicidal folly of the war-system. Address before the American peace society, May 25, 1B63. Boston, 1803. 8° 3577.2 WALKER 682 WALMYSLET Shelf. No. Walker, Amasn, continued. — Synopsis of communications on tlie cause and cure of the potato rot. Boston, 1S5'.;. pp.48. 8° 6992.5 Walker, II. D. Sermon upon tlie death of D. B. Shaw, delivered .Ht East Abington, Feb. lli, l!S5t. 3d ed. Boston, 1854. 8° 4347.98 Walkkk, J. F. Sermon at the funeral of Sirs. M. L. Tliompson, wlio died in Danby, Vt., Nov. 1.3, 1855. Rutland, 1856. 8° (5088.106 Walkkr, James. Address delivered before the ahimni of Harvard college, .luly 16, 1S(>3. Cambridge, 18(Vi. 8° 4394.79 — Di.-icourse at the induction of F. D. Hunting- ton, as professor of Christian morals in Har- vard college, with [his] reply. Cambridge, 1855. 8° C088.72 — Di.scourse delivered in Harvard church, Charles- town, .July 14, 18.'i9, on taking leave of his so- ciety. Cambridge, 1839. 8° 5470a. 77 — Discourse on the law of the spiritual life. Bos- ton, 1K3S. ir 5470a. 77 — Jleuioirof Hon. D. A. White. Boston, 18ii3. pp.71. 8". [Prepared agreeably to a resolu- tion of the Massachusetts historical society]. 2.347.44 — Sermon before L. Lincoln, governor, [etc.], on the day of general election. May 28, 1828. Boston, 1828. 6° *435C..la — Sermon before the government at the annual election, .Ian. 7, 18, Conn. Century sermon, 1770. Dana, J 4338.30 Wallis, Siimuel. Voyage round the world. See Anderson, G.W 0200.1 — - Same. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 3] 0267.1 WAi.i.ia, S. T. Lei-iure: its moral and political economy. Baltimore, 18.V.I. pp. .'".I. 8° . . 4.394.16 — Reply to the letter of Hon. J. slierman. n. p., 1M13. (No title paKc] pp. 19. 8° . . . 4360a. 00 — Speech delivered at the Maryland institute, Feb. 1,1801. Baltimore, 1801. 8° . . . . 4360a. 00 Wallos, II. A. De I'esclavage dans les colonies pour servir (rintroduction ii riiistoirc de Pes- a clavage dans Pantiqultii. [Introduction.] \ Paris, 1847. 8° 4290.6 Walloon dialects. Dlctlonnnlre wallon fran^als. Remade, J. 1 2800.2J Wali.rae, F. F. Zeitbllder aus der neueren tie- schichle der Stadt Kiiln, mit besondorer RUck'tlcht auf Wahaf. ,svc Kunen, L. .. 2837.6 WALMVSI.I'.V, T. Expi'usesof the Judges of assize, tem|i. Elizabeth. Edileil by W. D. Cooper. London, 18.18. pp. 00. »in.4°. fCatnden •oclety, No. 73] •M21- " 4210.9 4228.S WALPOLE 683 WARD Shulf. No. VValpole, F. The Ansayrli, with travels In the lurtlier Enj^t la ISJIKSI. London, Ibol. 3v. 8' 3083.15 Walpolk, H. Memoirs of the reign ol' kinp (Jonr^ce tlie Sfecond. Kd., from the orignml M8S., with II preface imd notes, by the lute lord Holhind. 'Jd ed., rev. Loudon, 1.S47. ^iv. 8° 2428.5 — ReniiniiTences, [and] Walpoliana. Boston, 18','0. 2v. in 1. IG' 45CDa.45 WALPUiiGis, St. Vita S. Walpurgis virginis et ab- batissx Ileidcnheimensis. [Cauisiu,-». The- saurus", V, 4] 4H0.3 Walsh, J. H., and Lupton, I. J. Tlie horse, in the stable and the tit-Id. London, istil. 8" . . 4004.3 Walsh, Robert, b. i:S4. Appeal from the judg- ments of Great liritain respeetiu;^ the United Stfltet*. 2ded. IMiiladcIphia, ISIU. S" . . 42G7.5 Walsh, ftev. Robert, Af. R. I. A. Essay on ancient coins, me(hils and <;t'ms, as illustratiufj; the progress of Christianity in the early ages. 2ded. London, 182S. Vi" 2223.15 — Hi>torir'iiI account of Constantinople. See Kislier, Son, and Co 3040.1(3 Walsh, M*. Miscelhmeons poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Jlrituin, V. r.] ; 4004.1 WaLSHK, \V. H. Anatomy, physiology, pntholo;^v, and treiitnient oi'cancer. \Vith additions by J. M. Warren. Boston, ls44. 12" 3745,33 — Diseases of the Inngs, including the principles of physical dia;;nosi3. 3d ed., rev. and enl. London, I8ii0. p.fc' 3794.26 Walsixgham, Sir F. Anatomizing of honesty, ambition and fortitude. 5ee Cotton, K. . . 2519.19 Walsingham.T. Historia Anglicana. Edited by H. T. Uiley. Vol. I, 2. 1-^72-1422. .London, 1803. tH, 2v. L8\ [Great Britain. Kolls chronicles] *2424.9 Waltkr, F. Das alte Wales. Eiu Heitrag zur Vtilker-, Itechts- und Kirchengeschichte. Bonn, \>6\). 6° 2473.11 — Gesi-hichte des romisehen Kechts bis auf Jus- tinian. 2(e Aufl. Bonn, 1845. 2v. 8° . . . 4303.17 Waltek, H. Letter on the independence of the authorized version of the Bible. Loudon, 18,;3. 8° 3425.12 Walteu.J.G. I'ie trockneii Kuochen des meusch- lichen Kurpers. 4te Auti. Berlin, 1708. lu''. 3759.23 Walter, T. Grounds and rules of musick. Bos- ton, 174ii. sm.obl.H' 8049a. 10 — The Jicriplures the only rule of faith and prac- tice: a sermon. Boston, I72.'i. sm.8° . . . *41(i3.2 Waltkh, W. H. A manual of cliurch mutiic. New York, 18110. sm.4' 4049. C4 WALTrrAUius, poema heroicum medii sevi. [Sar- dinia. Hist, raouum., V. 9] 4800.1 Waltheh, p. A.F. Systematisches Repertorium iiber die Schriften sammtlicher historischer Gesellscliafteu Deutschlands. Darmstadt, 1845. 8" 2151.12 Walthkr von Aqiiitanien. lleldengcdicht aus dem Lateinisclien des zehnten .lahrhunderts, iibersetzt von tian-ilarte [A. SchulzJ, Mag- deburg, 185*. b° **2900.21 Walton, B. In Biblia polyglotta prolegomena. Praefatvs I. A. Dathc. Lipsiae. 1777. 8° . 6018.17 — Life and wriiin^is of. ,S."ec Todd, H. J 2447.17 Walt*»n, I. Life and death of Mr. Ricliard Hooker. See Hooker, It 60G4.4 Walton, J. List of British curcuIionidEe. See London. Briti-^h museum 5909.14 Walvischvanc;st, De, met vecle byzonderhodon daartoe betrekkeljk. 4 Deel. Beschryving der haringvisachery. Amsterdam, 1784-8G. 4v. 4' *4283.5 Walz, C. Reul-lincyc!opiidie der chissischen Alter- thumswissenschait, v. 4-0. See Pauly, A. F. 4201.6 Wanda, Kouigiun der Sarmaten. Eine roman- tische TrasOdie. Werner, F. L. Z 4S99a.l3 Slielf. No. Wandalbkrt. Martyrologium, carmine heroico, [Achery. Spicilegium, v. 5] 4152 7 WaNDKUING Jew. Die Sage vom ewigeu Juden historisch entwickelt. Grasse, J. G. T. . , 2878.13 Wani.ey.N. The wonders of the little world of man. London, 17SS. 4" *4141.10 Wakostrocht, N. Grammar of the French lan- guai^e. 1st Am. from 9th Lond.cd. Boston, 1805. 12' 4089a. 27 — - Same. 4tli Am. ed. Boston, 1817. 12" . 4GS9a.2l — Recueil choi.-^i de trails liistoriques et de con- tes moraux. l.'ime ed. par V. Wunostrocht. LondreH, 1S19. 12° 4G89.4d Wanslku, J. JL Beschreibung von Acgypten, 1GG4. [Paulus. Retsen hi den Orient, v. 2j. 4243.5 Wanton, H.^ pseud. See Seriman, Z. War. Coues, S. E. War and Christianity . . . Pph.v.334 — Erasnms, D. Plea of reason, religion and hu nmnity against war 3577.10 — Graham, J. J. Progress of the art of .... 3955.32 — Grotins, H. Le di'oit de la guerre et de la paix 3613.8, and 4rtO0. 8 — Jay, W. War and peace 3577.13 — Lawfulness of. See Friends. Yearly meeting iu New York B. 170b. 57 — MacDougall, P. L. Modern warfare .... 3955.21 — Peabody, A. P. The nature and influence of. Pph.v..'i7G — Stone, T. T. Sermons on 3577.19 — Sumner, C. War system of the commonwealth of nations 3577.21, and B. 170.54 — Whiting, W, War powers under the constitu- tion 3635.13 See also: Military art aud science. War, The: and why it is. Boston, 18G2. pp.12. h°. 4350a. 63 War, The, upon American commerce; by subjects of Great Britain. Boston, 1864. pp.20. 8". 4.350a. 04 War, The, in Texas; a review, showing that this contest is a crusade to extend slavery. Philadelphia, 1837. pp. 64. 8" B.160.25 Warburton, A. F. Trial of the officers and crew of the privateer Savannah, on the charge of piracy. Xew York, IkG:*. 8" .'iG84.3l Warbuk ton, T., lord bishop of Gloucester^ Life of. Sf'e Watson, J. S 2543.14 Warbukton, W. The divine legation of Moses de- monstrated. Prefixed, the life of the author by R. Hard. New ed. London, 1837. 2v. h". 0023.2 — [Letters to one of his friends.] Ist Am. ed. New York, 1809. 8" 2548.7 — and Lowtli, R. [Second part of an epistolary correspondence.] n. p., n. d. 8" . . . . *Pph.v.34:t Ward, A., Sermon after the death of. See Gan- nett, E. S V. 1 of 5440a. S3 Ward, Eber B. Protection vs. free trade, national wealth vs. national poverty. Detroit, 18li5. pp.8. [No title-page.] 6° 5640.16 — Reasons why the North-west should have a protective taritf, [etc. Detroit, 186UJ. pp. 8. [No title-page.] h" 4350a. 26 Ward, Elijah. Nationality of the democratic party, and its importance to the union. Speech in the house of representatives, March 31,1858. n. p., n. d. 8° 4400a. 5 Ward, G. G. Essay on the lever. London, 1829. PP-39. 8° 4018.30 Ward, U. L. Jlemoirs, with selections from her writings. Boston, 1843. 12' 4349.41 Ward, lii-v. James W. Sermon at the dedication of tlie new meeting-house of the First con- gregational society in Abington. Andover, 1849. 8= ■ . . 5470a. 94 — Slavery a sin that concerns non-slaveholding states. A sermon Boston, 1839. 12" , . . 5470a. 94 — Two sermons, preached In the Third church, Abington. Boston, 18;!5. S" *Pph.v.3r9 Ward, James W., esq. Woman: a poem, read July 17, 1852. Cincinnati, 1852. 1.:° , . . B. 160b. 49 Ward, M. F. Trial for the murder of W. H. G. Butler. See Cole, G 4289.43 WARD 684 WARliE Shelf. Ko. Wabd, S. H, Rational medicine : its position and prospects. An oration, Feb. 15, 18(J0. Lou- don, ISCO. 8° 3717.13 Ward, \V. History, literature, and religion of the Hindoos. Abridged from the 2d ed. Hart- ford, 1821. 8" 3044.20 — Idolatry of the Hindoos. See Robbins, T. . . 5«2.6 Warden, A. J. The linen trade, ancient and mod- ern. London, 18B4. 8° 3050.1 Warden, D. B. Description des £tats-Unis do I'Aniijrique septeutrionale. f^d. trad, sur celle d'Angleterre. Paris, 1820. 5v. 8° 4303.10 Warden, R. B. A familiar forensic view of man and law. Columbus, 1800. 8° 3623.3 Warder, J. The true Amazons : or, the monarchy of bees. London, 1712. sm.8° 5898.36 Wardlaw, R. Dissertation on infant baptism. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 1S32. 12" 5455.4 Ware, G. F. [Ketrospect, and other poems.] Bos- ton, 1846. 10° 4409.8 Ware, Henry, 6. 1704, d. 1,<45. Answer to Dr. Woods' Reply, in a second series of letters to trinitarians and Calvinists. Cambridge, liS22. 8° 5403.3 — Postscript to the second series of letters ad- dressed to trinitarians aud Calvinists. Cam- bridge, 1823. pp. 48. 8° *4ie3.13 — Eulogy pronounced July 20, 1810, on S. Web- ber. Cambridge, 1810. 8° 4347.114 — [Extract from an address delivered May 31, 1820.] Boston, 1820. 12° »5470a.75 Sermon, April 14, 1819, at the ordination of Ucv. J. Pierpont. Cambridge, ISIU. 8°. . *J470a.75 — Sermon before the convention of congrega- tional ministers of Massachusetts, May 28, 1818. Boston, 1818. 8° *4357.9 — Sermon before J. Brooks, governor, [etc.], Slay 30, 1821, ou the anniversary election. Boston, )S21. 8° *4356.10, and »rph.v.370 — Sermon, Dec. 18, 1821, at theordinationof Rev. W.Ware. [New York], 1821. 8° •5470a. 75 — Sermon, Jan. 1, 1817, at the ordination of Rev. H.Wai-e. Boston, 1S17. 8° *5470a.75 — Sermon, Jan. 17, 1821, at the ordination of Kev. C. Brooks, in Hingham. Boston, 1821. 8°. *5170a.75 — Sermon, July 9, 1820, after the death of John Adams. Cambridge, 1826. 8° 4348.8 — Sermon, Oct. 12, 1820, at the ordination of Kev. W. B. O. Peabody. Springfield, 1820. 8°. *5470a.75 - Sermon, Oct. 30, 1810, at the ordination of the Rev. Joseph Allen. Cambridge. 1817. 8° . •5470a. 7S — Discourse on the life and character of. See Pal- frey, J. G PpU.v.37S Ware, Henry, jr., b. 1794, d. 1843. Address before the York county unitarian association, Oct. 21, 1827. Kcnnebunk, 1828. 12° 5150a.Sl — Advice to a young woman at service. Boston, 1823. pp. 33. 12° •o470a.78 — Christ the head of the church. Sermon at the installation of Rev. K. H. Sears, in Lancaster, Dec. 23, 1840. Boston, 1841. 8° •4103.8 — The combination against intemperance ex- plained and justified. Address, Jlaich 27, 18.32. ,3d ed. Boston, 1832. 12° Ii.l00h.70 _ - Same. 4th ed. Boston, 18.32. 12° ... . *5470a.78 — Discourse at the ordination of R. C. Waterston, as minister at large, Nov. 24, 1839. Boston, 1840. 8° *4I63.8, and •.M7('o.78 — Farewell address, Oct. 4, 1830. Boston, 18;i0. 12° •5470a. 78 — The feast of tabernacles. A poem for miiKic. Carafiridge, 1837. pp. .38. 10° 4409n.4 — The law of lionor : a discourse occasioned by the recent duel in Washington. Cambridge, 1^3.■^. 8° •4163.8 Sloral principle of the temperance movement. Sermon preached Oct. 17, 1841, n. p., n. d. [No title-pa-c.] 8° •fl470n.78 I'emonalUy of the Deity. A sermon. noHtl. &", [Brussels. Sociiite d'lustoire de Helgiqlle] 2820.28 W.VRRE.v, I. Household physician. Bo.ston, 1859. 1.8° 3791.18 Warrkn,.7. L. Essay on Greek federal coinage. London, 18t8. pp.62. 8° 29C0.19 Warren, Jolin C. Address to the Boston society of natural history. Boston, 1853. 8° . . . . 4394.90 — Effects of chloroform and of strong chloric ether, Boston, 1.S4U. pp. CO. 12° 679(5.21 — Inhalation of etherial vapor for the prevention of paiu in surgical operations. Boston, 1840. pp.4. s° 5795.24 — Life, compiled chiefly from his autobiography and journals. By Edward Warren. Boston, 1800. 2v. 8° 231.3.25 — On the prevention of constipation. Boston, WoO, pp. 8. 8° 5796.34 Warren, John M. Account of two remarkable In- dian dwarfs exhibited under the name of the Aztec children. Boston, 1851. pp. 17. 8' 5796.13 — Amputation at the hip-joint for a large osteo- sarcomatous tumor of the femur. With plate. [Boston, 185'J.] pp. 7. 8° *5790.35 — Cases in surgery. Gun-shot wounds. Plural birtlis. Boston, 1S02. pp. 28. 8° *3751.9 — Cases of occlusion of the vagina relieved by an operation, Boston, 1853. pp. 28. 8" . . . *377tJ.38, *5;yo.3i>, and *M.rph.v.l34 — Fissure of the soft and hard palate. Boston, 1848. pp. 12. [No title-page.] 8° *3755.20, and *M.l'pll.v.l34 — - Same, rhiladelphia, 1865. pp.20. 8° . . 3755.13 — Foreign bodies in air passages. Boston, 1847. pp.8. 8° »3765.20, and *M.rph.v.l34 — Hypertrophic elongation of the cervix uteri. [Boston, 1864. pp. 6. No title-page.] 8° . *5796.36 — Inhalation of ether. [Boston], 1847. pp. 18. [No title-page.] 8° . . . *3755.20, and »M.Pph.v.l34 — Ligature of both carotid arteries for a renmrk- able erectile tumour of the moutli, face and neck. With two plates. [Boston, 1840. No title-page.] pp.11. 8°. . . . •3755.26, and ♦5706.35 — Ligature of the left subclavian artery for sub- clavian aneurism. Boston, n. d. pp.7. [No title-page.] 8° •.j;5J.2li, and •5700.35 — Lithotrity and lithotomy, with the uije of etlier in those operations. [No title-page.] pp.15. 8' *M.I'ph.v.l34 — On neuralgic affections following injuries of nerves. [Boston, lo64. No title-page.] pp.8. g» *5796.35 — Operation for artificial anus. Boston, 184S. pp.7. (No title-page.] 8°. *3753.20, and *.M.rph.v.l34 — Recent progress in surgery. Annual address before the Massachusetts medical society. May 25, 1864. Boston, lf04. 8° 3755.25 — Rhinoplastic operations. With plate. Boston, IWO. pp. 28. »° *5796.35 Shelf. Ko. WARUliX, John M., cfi-nlivuild, — Supposed encephaloid testicle ; hermaphro- dism. pp. 6. [No title-page.] 8" •57911. 30, and *M.l'ph.v.l34 Warrkn, Joseph. Oration, Marcli 0, 1775, to com- memorate the tragedy of tlie 5th of Slarch, 1770. Boston, 1775. 4° •4354.1 — Inauguration of the statue of. See Charles- town, Mass. Bunker Uill monument asso- cjntion 2355.1 Warrkn. Josiah. Equitable commerce : principles proposed as elements of ft new society. 2d ed. Utopia, Oliio, 1849. pp. (13. 8° . . . . 60S7.74 — - Same. Vol.1. New York, 18.H. 12° . . . 3058.1 — True civilization an immediate necessity. Boston, ISIW. 8° 3666.35 Warren, S. Popular and practical introduction to law studies. 3d ed. London, lJ-61. 2v. 8°. .3026.23 Warren, W. F. Theodore Parker : the good and the evil in his opinions and intltience. Dis- course, June 3, 18(i0. Boston, 1800. 8° . . . 6412.4 Warri*".n association. Minutes of the association, held in Sturbridge, 1789. Boston, 1769. pp. 12. 8° *4103.5 Warreniana; with notes, critical and explana- tory, by the editor of a Quarterly review. Boston, 1824. 12° 4569a. 2 WARROCii.'s Virginia and North Carolina almanac for 1865. 50th ed. Richmond, n. d. pp. 32. 12° 4329.17 Warta. Diva Wartensis, sen origines et miracula Mariae, quje Wartie in limitibus Silesis coli- tur. Balbiuus, A. B 6075.11 Wartek, J. W. Holy matrimony: a sermon. London, 1837. 6° *l'ph.v.350 — Sermon on the occasion of the eclipse. May 15, 1816. London, 1836. 8° •Pph.v.356 — Sermon on the re.opening of Patching church, July 12, 1835. London, 1835. 8° «Pph.v..35S — " Wise saws and modern instances." London, 1801. sq.I6° 4586.30 Waeton, John. Death-bed scenes, and pastoral conversations. Philadelpliia, 1828. 2v. in 1. 8° 5462.5 — - Same. London, 1830. 3v 1(1° 5458.28 Warton, T. History of English poetry, from the eloseof the 11th century to the beginning of the 18th century. London, 1840. 3v. 8° . . 4175.8 — Miscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 11] 4004.1 Warwick, Eng. Historical and descriptive ac- count of . . . '. 24R6.2? — Smith, \V. History of the county of 2602.0 Sec hUq: Birmingham, Leamington. W-\SHBURN, Alvan H. Address at the dedication of the Academy hall, Leicester academy, Oct. 20,1853. Boston, 1853. 8°. . . 4391.72, and 6596.39 WASHBLUtN, Andrew. Documents in the case of Maj. Washburn. [Boston, 1803.] pp. 27. [No title-page.] 8° 4360a. 23 Washburn, Edward A. The issue of modern phi- losophic thought. An oration at Burlington, Vt., Aug. li, 1850. Boston, 1830. 8° . . . . 4391.71 WASHBURN, Emory. Address at the dedication of the State reform school, in Westborough, Mass., Dec. 7, 1848. Boston, 1S49. 8° ... •4.393.12 — Address at the social festival of the bar of Wor- cester county, Feb. 7, 1850. Worcester, 1856. 8° 4393.6 — Address before the Massachusetts charitable mechanic association, at their ninth exhibi- tion, Sept. 26, 1800. Boston, 1800. 8°. v. 9 of 2364.25 — Address before the Middlesex south agricul- tural society, Sept. 22, 1858. Framingham, 1838. 8° *4303.12 — Address before the Worcester agricultural society, Oct. 11, 1826. Worcester, 1827. 8» •4393.12 WASHBURN 686 WASHINGTON Shelf. Ko. Washrukn, Fmory, continued. ~~ Adlrt'?? commnmorativ of tlie pnrt token by tlie inlinhtt:nits of tite original town of Lei- ce^iei-, in tlie events of tlie revolution. Bos- ton, lfU9. 8 •2360.36 — Address to tlie legislature, Jan. 12, 1^5i. Bos- ton. 1854. [>° 4393.6 — Ann'ri'-an Inw of casements and servitudes. I'liiliidelpliia, ItsCT. 8° 3073.15 — American law of real property. 2d cd. Bos- ton, II-(H. 2v. 8° 3073.9 — Anniversary address before tlie Boston young men's Cbri^tiau union, Nov. 2li, lS5o. Bos- ton, isiii. b° 4393.6 — Anniversiiry of the Massachusetts temperance society. Annual address. Boston, Issy. |.°. 4393.6 — Can a state secede ? Sovereignty in its bearing upon seression and stale rights. Cuinbriifge. IMlo. pp. 3li. b° 4350a. 47 — Civil polity a brr'uch of school education. Lec- ture, Aug.. 18r'D. Boston. JsOo. 12° . . . .*4393.12 — The connection between the social and politi- tal condition of a people, Jiml the diOlIc of Iioldiiifr .-'Ud ciilti^atin;,' their lauds. An ad- dress, Sept. i9, ISiil. n. p., n. d. [Xo title- page.] h° •4393.12 — Extinction of villennge and slavery in Kngland; wih. Somerset's ca-e. Itoslon. lWi4. pp 21. 8°.*4.393.12 — A tiee church, a free flospel. and a free j;overu- meiit. Address, [lioston, IbOO. No title- ra-'e.] 8° •4393.12 — Ilisioricrtl (-ketches of Leicester. Boston, l.'*GO. 8° .*2356.38 — Judicial history of JIassachusetts, from 1630to 17."5. Boston, ISIO. 8° •2352.19 — Laud monopoly in iigriculture hostile to labor and free institutions. An address, Sept. 211, IMii. n. p.,u. d. [.\o title pa;,'e.] h° . . .•4.193.12 — Lecture befoie tiie ^VoIce^ter lyceura, Maicli «o, is:i. Worcester, l!sU. 8° •4.393.12 — The Massachu-etts f.irmer. Address, Sept. 2s, lto4. Worcester, lbo4. 8° •4.393.12 — [Xatiouul reconstruction and the duty of the profe.-sion.l Boston. 1M>4. pp.10. 8° . . 4.350a. 33 — Tl^e origin and sources of the bill of rights declai'i'd in I he constitution of Massachusetts. Cumljridge, IslW. pp.22. 8° •4393.12 — rolitical iudueuce of school-masters, n. p., ISio. [Xo title page.] pp.27 8° •4393.12 — Professional tiuiiiing as an element of success and cep vative intluence. Lecture befoie the Uiirvard l.iw school, Jan. 11, l.s01. Bos- ton, l.Mil. 8° 4393.0 — liemaiks before a committee of ihe legislature, ujion a p> tition for a division of Worcester county. Worcester, 185."). 8° •439.1.12 — Report on the subject ot duelling, n. p., ls:)S. [No title-page.] pp. 10. if •4.393.12 — Ueport tu aid the construction of a r.'iil-road. boston, 18:i». [Xo titl.-page.J pp.15. 8° . •4.393. 12 — Ski-tch of the history of Leicester academy. Vai t 1. lioston, ls;.5. 8° •2330.39 — Slave property In the territories. Boston, 1800. pp. 14. 8". [From the Law reporter lor Oct., ISO"] •4393.12 — Speech in the house of representutlves of Mas- sachusetts, Keb. H, 18^tb, on the bill to ad the construction of the Western rnil-roitd. bpringllcirt, ls:is. >.° •4393.12 — Topi'giaphictl and hlstorlciil sketches of Lel- I ester. Worcester, 182U. pp. liO. 8° . . . .•2330.37 Report on constiui-tln;,' a railway from Uos- toii to the Hudson river, at or near Albiiiiy, .See I'helps. A 4014.11 — Report upon Ihe pa»sent;er ilepot of the West- ern rail load, iie Woicester, Mass 4393.12 Wabkhukm, 1., jr. The Usues: the IJreJ Scott decision : the parties. Speech in the house of representutlves. May 19, 1800. n. p., n. d. (Xo tltU-pst'C.] 8* 4310.81 Shelf. No. W.ASHBURV, I., jr., cnntimted. — Kan-^as contested election. .**peech in the hou-^e of representatives, March 14, ISoO. [Washington], n. d. [.\"o title page.] 8° . 4310.8 — Politics of the country. Speech in the house of representntives, .lune 21, 1S5G. [Washing- ton, 1850. No title-pa^'e.l 8° 4400a. 6 WASHBl'KX, P- T. Laws of the United States, relating to copy-rights, with notes. Ste. Blake, A. V 2100.5 Washington-, G. Diary from Oct. 1, 1789. to March 10, 1790. New York, IsoS. pp. 89. 8°. 2340.24 — [Farewell] address to the people of the United States. Sept., 1700. Harri>burg, 1832. 8° . 4-320.28 — - Same. [ICdited from the original manuscript by J. Lenox.] New York, 1,-50. 4° . . . . •4400.20 — - Same. [Xashville, Tenn.], 1801. 8° . . . 4.120.27 — Letter to J. Jladison.jun., esq. Mount Vernon, 1:(I2. 4°. [Fac-siuiileJ •2.340.28 — Tie, correspondance et ecrits, publics d'apres I'edition iimericaiue et precedes d'une Intro- cuction : par M. Guizot. I'aris, 1S40. t.v. 8*. Atlas, lv.4° ••2341.12 — Bani-rofr, A. Life of 4344.7 — Burroughs, C. On the moral grandeur of . Pph.v.3t>0 — Ellis, G. E. Commemoration of. A dis- course V. 3 of 5440a. 62 — Goff, A. W. Oration on 4129.70 — Gray, F. C. Oration on the lOuth anniversary of the birth of B. 170a. 28 — Guirey, \V'. Sermon on the death of 43-14.21 — llincks.W. Congressional banquet in honor of. 4344.20 — Hunter. H. JI. T. Oration at the inauguration of Crawford's equestrian statue of 4.34t.20 — Jackson, J. Memoir on the last sickness of . 2.141.14 — Johnston, F, Washiugtoniana: (ulogies, ora- tions, etc 2341.13 — Lii ber. F. Washington and Napoleon. A fru-nieut 4314.22 — Mar-hall, J. Het K ven vau Washiniiton . . . 2::4ii.J5 — Minot, G. K. Kul gy on 2:ii0.2(>, and 4344.21 — Niles,S. Sermon commennn-atingthedeath of. 434.S.2 — Of-good, D. .-erinon on the death of 4341.21 — I'apeis relating to the valedictnry of. Set Pennsylvuuiu. lli.storic.il society, v. 1. . . 4372.2 — Furisli, E. Oration on the deiith of 43-14.21 — Suowdeu.J. R. .Medals of 23JU.8 — Sumner, W. H. Some recollections of Wash- ington's visit to Boston in ITS'.i 4314.20 — Willard, .1. Addiess in cummemoratiou of . 4314.21 Washi-noton, or liberty restored. Nortlimore. T. 4jOUa.8 Wasiung I ON, />. C. M;inual of the bo.ud of trustees of the public schools. I'lipared by W. J. Khees. Wa^lliIlgton, IS :0. 10°. 0375.54 — Proceedings of the corporaliun and citizens on occasion ot the diaih of.l. Q. Adams. Wash- ington, 184S. pp. 10. 8° 4190a. 6 — Report of the trustees of public schools for 1850, .M, Oil. Washington, .830-0 i. 8' . . . 0375.21 — Bos.hke, A. Map of 2-1. J. 3 — Glelg, G. R. Campaign of the British army In 1014 4327.10 — Maps of the city of. .See United Mat. s. Ml.s- cellaiieous documents 4130.10 — Vnrnum.J.B. The seat of government of the United States 4305.1 — Colored girls' school. [Appeal for aid by Miss M. Miner] Ihiln., INil. pp. 12. 12°. B.ICOb.lOO — Colored people's eUut alional nionutnent associ- ation. Celebration in inrmury of A. Lincoln, July 4, 1805. Wa~liiugtou, 1805. pp. .33. 8°. •4342.0 — First unliarl. n ihuri h. Ueport, 1840, 50. Wash- lugluu. 1 40, 57. 8° 547Ca.I0 — Friendaol All lean cnlunlzatlon. Pro j eillu.;» ul a cuiilenllon held in Wushlngion, .May 4, 1M2. Washluglon, 1»42. pp. ii4. 8° . . . . 5572.35 — 3Iusstichusetts sohliei's relief a>sociatlon. Re- port of a meeting, Dec. 8, 1802. Washington, 1803. pp. 10. 8° 4.350u.:!0 WASHINGTON 687 WASHINGTON Sheir. No. Washixgtox. T>. C, continued. — ^fltioniil institute, Cutalopic of cnrlo-^ifies In the. Hunter, A n.s:H.'.', and r.375.18 — Smithsoniiiu ins'itution. Contrilmtions to knowledge. Vol. 12, 1.1. Washington, 18G0, C3, yv. 4" •33-10.1 Contents. — Vol. XII. Astronoinlcitl obsprvnllona tn the Arctic aeas, 18.5S-.S5. hy E. K. Kiinf, riMluci-il l.y C. A. Schotl; On fluctiiHilonB of level In tht> Nor[h American lakt». by C. Wliitilosoy ; MctcornUiRicnl ob- «er%atli.n» made at Provldenee. R. I.. 1831-(V1, by A. ChswoII; >tet<-. Bnche; lavcstlpntlon of the ten or eleven year period and of the disturbances of ihe horlzontiil component of the mnpni-tlc furce, invewtigition of the tolar-diumal varimion and of the annual inequality of the horizontal ftirce, and nf the lunar efTfct on the same, by A. D, Buche ; Kecords and results of n mag- netic survey of Pennsylvania and parts of adjacent Mates in 1840--11, with some addiiional records and results of 1834, 35, 43 and 62, by A. D. Bnche; Ke- tearchea upon the anatomy and phystolopy of respira- tion in the chelouiu, by S. \V. Mitchell and G. R. Morehouse. — - Lectures and scientific memoranda ap- pended to I3th report (1S50) V. 7or*C.153.3 Contents. — Lectures on nFricuKural chemistry, by S. W. Johnson; Lectures on the shells of the Gulf of California, by P. P. Carpenter; Latest researches of J. H. Mipdler relating to tho greneral movement of the stars around a central point; Report on the transac- tions of the Society of physics and nutural historj- of Geneva, from July, 1858, to Juuo, 185S), by A. de La Hive; Present stnte of ethnolopy in relation to the form of the huinnn skull, by A hetzius; Memoir of Pynimue de fandulle, by M.J. P. Flourens; On the means which \^ill be available fur conecting thenieiiKureof the sun's distancu in the next tweuiy- five years, by G. B, Airy; Kop pes. by C. M. Welh- erill; Kesearches on the phenomena which accompany the propagation of electricity in highly rajifled elastic fiuidf, by A. de La Kivt;; Ueport on the proceedings of the Society of physics and uatuitil history at (ieiieva, from July, latjiJ, to June. Ifcty, by F. Marcet; Re- searches on the figures of equilibrium of a liquid mass withdrawn from the action of gravity, etc., by J. I'ta- teau; History of discovery relative to magneliiiini Ac- cent researches relative to the nebulie, by I'rof. Gau- tier; Figure ot the earth, by M. Merino; Account of aero- nautic ^oyagea perlormed with a vie« to the advance- ment of science, by U. F. J. Arago; Account of bullonn ascensions, by J.' Glaisber; Account of the aboriginal inhabitants of the Califoruian peninsula, by J. Buegurt ; Account of Kjcekken-Moedding in Nova Scotia, by J. M. Jones; Abbiract of the tillb report of Dr. Keller on Lacustrian setilements, by A. Morlot; Agriculluial im- pli-ments of the North American stone period, by C Rau; Account of nu ancient fort and burial grouud lu Tompkins county, >;. Y., by D. Trowbridge; Account of an ancient town in Minnesota, by O. il. Kelley ; Ac- count of ancient relics found in Missouri, by J. W. 1-os- tev; Account of a mound in East Tenncsaee, by A. F. Ifanilsen; Purple and azure dyeing, ancient and mod- ern, Irausl. from "Aus der Nutur;" Method of preserv- h>g lejjidoptera, by T. H. Pcale; Account of a remark- able accuniulatioii of bats, by i-iganierre £. Morao; Tables of weights and measures. Lectures and scientific memoranda ap- pended to tlie I8tli repurt (lb04} C. - Contetae. — Memoir of J. B.J. Delambre, by J. Fourier; Essay on the velocity of lifiht, by C. E. Debiunuy ; Ozone and antozone, by C. M. Wellierill ; Vegetation and the Otitioaphere, by J. Juuiin ; Extract of a inem>>ir on the prcservaiiuu of copper and iron in aalt watir, by A. C. Becquerel; Preservation of wood; Caoutchouc and gutta-percha; The jiroducts of the combustion of gun- WASHINGTON 688 WATERHOUSE ghL'lf. No. "WASHiyoTox, D. C, continued. cotton nnd punpowd'T under circumstances nnnlngous to those which occur in praciice, Ijy L, von Karolyi; Desci-iplion of apparatus for testing the results of per- spiration and respiration in the Physiolopical iuslituie At Munich, by M, Peitenkofer; The soIrv eclipse of July 18, 1860. by J. Lamont ; Report on the transacliona of the Society of physics and natural history of Geneva, 1861, by M. Duby; On the crania Helvetica, by F. Troy- on; Experimental and theoretical researches on the fljrures of equilibrium of a liquid mnss withdrawn from the aclion of pravity, by J. Plateau; Artificial shell- deposits in New Jersey, by C. Rauj The intermixture of races, by G. Gibbs; An account of the aboriginal Inhabitants of the Ciilifurnia peninsula, by J, Baepert; The first steps in the study of htph antiquity In Kurope, by A, Murlot; Prize questions: Scientific expedition to Mexico; Journey to the Youcan, ltu>8ian America, by W. W. Kirby; Explomiion in Upper CulifumiB, by J. Feilner; Juunial of an exploration of Western Itlissouri in 1854, by P. K, Hoy ; Tables of weights and measures. — - Miscellaneous collections. Washington, lSW-04. 5v. S' *3350.2 Contents. — Vol, I. Directions for meteorological ob- eervalions and the registry of periodical phenomena, by A. Guyor, with additions; Psychrometrical table for determining the elastic force of aqueous vapor nnd the relative humidity of the atmosphere from indicaliona of the wet and the dry-bulb thermometer Fahrenheit, by J. H. Coffin: Tables, meteorological and physical, by A. Guyot, 2d ed., revised and enlarged. II. Recent Imyirovements in the chemical arts, by J. C. Booth and C. Morfit; Extracts from the proceedings of the bourd of regtrnts, in relation to the eleclro-niagnetic tele- graph; Cattilxgue of porlruita of North American In- diana, with sketches of scenery, etc., |iainted by J- M. Stanh-y, depi>sited wilh the Smithsonian instiiutlun; CHtiilogue of North American bird$, chiefiy in the mu- seum oT the .Smithsonian institution, by ti. F Baird, Ist 8vo ed.; Cutalopue of Xorih American reptiles in the museum of the Smithsonian institution: P. 1, Serpints, by S. F. Buird and C Girard ; Cheek list of the shells of North America, by I. Lea. P. P. Carpenter, W. Sliropson, W. G. Binney. and T. Prime; Direc- tions for collcctinp, preserving, and ii-ansporling spec!- in»'ns of natural history, 3d ed. ; Circular to officers of the llndion Bay company, 18Gl>: Instructions in reference to colI^U|u nests and eggs of North Amer- ican birds ; Circul^^Befercnce to the history of North American gmsshi^Hpf ; Circulars in reference to col- lecting North American tthtills; Circular iu reference to the degree of relationship among different naiions, by L. H. ftlorgan. III. Cutalogue of the described diptera of North America, by R. Osten-Satken ; Catalogue of the described lepidoptera of North America, by J. O. Morris; Classitleation of the coleoplera of North Amer- ica, by J. L. Le Conte; Catalogue of publications of societies, and of periodical works in the library of the 6milhsunian Insliluie, 1858: Foreign works. IV. Sy- nopsis of the described neuroptera of North America, with a list of the South American species, by li. Ha- gen ; Synopsis of the described Icpidoptera of North America : P. 1, Diurnal ond crepuscular lepidop- tera, by J. G. Morris. V. Bibliography of North Amer- ican concholopy previous to the year 1860, by W. G. Binney; Catalogue of publications of the Smithsonian Institution, corrected to January, 1862. — - - Cfttiilogue of publications of aoriptiea and of other periodical works in the libniry. Forei^tn workn. Washington, 1859. b" . . *2170.8 — - - MorriH, J. <;. CnlJilogue ol the described lephlopteru of Nortli America 3895.14 — - - Ohten-Sncken, U. Catalogue of the de- scribed diptera of North Anii-rhm 3805.15 — - }iv\im\ of Il(jn. \V. il. Willc.trom the com- iiiiiliM- to wliirb wuH rrfcrred iln- Icilci- of the Hon. It. (.lioate on the .Sinith.soniati institu- tion. WaHliington, IKiS. pp. IH. «" , . , *C.172.8 — - Keport on (he distribution of the income of the ttinltliKonlan lund,etc. Washington, 185-1. pp. ■■il- »• *C.172.9 — - - Same. Wushln^'ton, 1^4. pp. v;5. 8". •€. 172.8 — - [Tlie .Smitlisontan institution. From the American Journal of science and arts, v. 20, 2d ^erk*«, July, 1H55. New Haven, 1855.] pp. 21. b' •C.172.0 — - Account of the. Itbees, W. J C.I5.'J.21 — Union congressional committee, A few plain words with the rank and file of the union armies. Washington, 184H. pi>. 7. H" . . .-13500.38 Shelf. No. Washington territory. Journal of the council, begun Dec. 1, 1851}. Olympia, 1857. 8° . . , *G402,l — Nalural history of. Cooper, J. G 5812.1 Wassekschleben, H. Bcitraege zur Geschichte dcr vorgratianischen Kirchenrechtsquellen. Leipzig, 1839. 1.8° 4294.13 Wassekschleben, W. A. Historia quaestionura per tormenta apud Romanes. Berolini, 1836. 8° B.ir0a.l21 Wasson, D. a. Religion divorced from theology : fiircwell discourse in Groveland, Aug. '-iO, 1^5;;. Boston, li<52. 8" 6088.6 — Sacrifici;d religion and spiritual religion: in- stallation sermon, M:iy 1, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8° 6088.98 — Sermon before the Worcester free church, Dec. 2, 1&55. Worcester, 1^5. 8° 5470a. 27 — The universe no failure: sermon, Nov. 4, lf>55. \Vorce>ter, IbSfi. 8" 6088.31 Watchmaking. Principes gendraux de I'exacte mesure du temps par les horloges. Jiirgen- sea,U 8022.1 See also: Clocks. Watelet, C. H., filoge de. [Vicq-d'Azyr. (Eu- vres, V. 2] 3720.11 Water, W. te. Observata quaedam ad vitam .T. Hseretiii. [Gerdes. Scriuium autiq. ad hist. reform, i^pect., V. 4] 6055.16 Water. Etudes sur les eaux potables. Foggiale, A. B 5796.40 Water cure. Currie, J. Effects of water in fever and other diseases ;j>08.20, 21 — Gross, J. liiiefe iiber Kraukheitshuilung und Gesundheitspfiege mit besouderiT Riicksicht auf die Kaltwusser-Heilmi-thode .3808.29 — - Das frische VV'asser als Befortieruugsmit- tel der Gesundhcit und Ueilmittel in Krunk- heiten 3603.30 — Hirschel, U. Hydriaticaoder die Begriindung der Wasserheitkuude 3S08.28 — Horsell, W. Hydropathy for the people . . . 42(i5.-^0 — Juhuson, E. Domestic practice of hydro- pitlhy 4265.16 — Kiilin, A. Heilimg von einem hartuiickigen Uebel durcii die Kalt-Wassercur 3808.35 — Nichols, M. S. G. Kxperieuce in B.lUOb.36 — Rausse, J. H. Anleitung zur Ausiibung der Wiisserheilkunde 4205.24 — - Missgrifle beiin Gebriiuch dcs Wnssers , , 4266.23 — Rover, F. Hydriasis oder die Heilkntft dcs kaltcn Wassera 3808.31 — Smedley^d. rractical hydropathy 3S08.33 — Vanoni, B. Erliiuternng und Beschreibung di-r Sv'hroth'schen und I'riessnitz'schen Ileil- methodc 3808.32 — Weiss, J, Ilandbuch der Wasserheilkunde , 3808.34 Watkk cure. The, in America. Edited by a water patient. New York, 1(S48. S' 3807.30 Water cure journal, The, and herald of reforms. New York, lh45-52. 14v. iu 7. Vol. 1-10, 8"; V. 11-14,4° 3800.6 Wateruuhy,.!. B. [Advice to a young Christian.] Wilh an introductory essay, by Uev. Dr. AlexamliT. N<-w York, 1831. 12° 6447.21 — Considerations fof young men. New York, ]8;i2. 12° 6147.3 — Influence of religion on national prosperity: a sermon, the day of the aunuui fast. Port.s- mouth, lh30. h" *rph,v.37ft Watkkhou.se, B. Principle of vitality: a dis- course before the Humane society of Massa- chusetts. Boston, 17110. sm.4° 3808.6 WATKRiitH'sE, E. Fortesctitus ilhistriitus, or a commentary on that Iri'uii.sc: De liiudibiis Ifguni Anglliu, wiitten by Sir J, Eortescue. London, |lWt3. f° M200.0 — Hninble tipologie for learning and learned men. hondon, 1653. gm.b** 6458.27 WATERLAND 689 WATTS Shelf. No. Waterland, D. Works. Preflxcd, n rcvifw of thfi aiitlior's life and writings, by W. Villi llildert. Oxford, l«:;;j-'.8. llv. iu 12. 8" . *5jOG.4 CotUenta. — Vol. I, p. 1. Ki'vlew of the nuthor's life lind wrilliigs. I.p.l'. Vhi.Il.ntloii of ClirUt's tlivliiily. a tlcfi-ncL' of iome qm-rlfs ruliithig to Dr. Clarke's schi'ine of thp Holy Trlnily. II. Etuhi spniioiin, in arfi-iico of th« divinity of otir Lord Ji-huh Christ; An answiT to Dr. Whitby's rt'ply, respBCthip his book entitled, DIs- qufsltlDiira niodcntiv ; The ca«o of Arliiii 8ubscripti>.>it couBldtTvd : SuppK-ntrnt to Thw case of Arian subscrip- tion considered III. Second vindication of Christ's divinity. IV. Further vindiontion of Christ's divinity; Critical history of the Athnnnslan creed; Answer to ■onie qui-rles primed at Exoii, relating to the Arlan controversy; The Serlpturos and tliu Ariana compared; FJvo letters to Mr. Staunton ; DlHaertati.ui upon iho ai'S"- ment a priori for proving the existence of a first cause. V. Importance of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity; Ite- Diarka upon Ur. Clarke's exposilinn of the church cate- chism; Nature, oblipition, and cfFicacy of tlie Christian encraments considered; Supplement to ihe Nature, obli- Balion, and efficacy of the Clirl^tiau sacraments. \'L Scripture vindicat«;d, in answer to a book entitled, Christianity as old as the cretition ; Defence of the lord bishop of St. Daviil's in relation to the charge of per- Becution ; Advice to a young student, with a method of study for the first four years; Uecommendatory preface to the second edition of the sermons of the Itcv. J. Blair; Itegeneraiion slated and explained. \'U. Keview of the dooti-ine of tho euchurist. VIII. Charges and occasional sermons. IX. Sermons on subjects of reli- gion and morality; Summary view of the doctrine of Ju3lificatio:i; Enquiry concerning the antiquity of the pmetik'e of infant-communion. X. Letters on lay-biip- lism; Letters to the Itev. Mr. Lewis; Letters to J. Loveduy; Letters to the Uev. Dr. 2. Grey, B. Willis, and the Rev. Dr. Willtams; Letter to the Kev. Mr. Law; Additional notes by Waterland on some of his own writings. XI. Index. — [Remarks upon Dr. Clarke's exposition of the cimrcli catechism,] London, ir.'lO. S"* . , . 5453.19 ■Watkkloo, The field of: a poem. Jordan, W. . Pph.v,365 Waterman, K. Century sermon, preached before the Kirst church in Windhiim, Dec, 10, 1800. Windhiim, IbOl. 8' 554G.9 Watek.man.T. VV. Archbold'.s criminal procedure, etc. <*>>(? An-hbold, J. F .^.IS.l AVateks, A. F., 3Iemorial of. See Thompson, A. C 4349.22 Waterspouts. Formation des trombes. Peltier, J. C. A 39G1.12 Waterstun, R. C. Address at the installation of Itev. U. M. Rice, Sept, IS, 1844. Boston, 1^44. 8" 5470a. 79 — Address on pauperism, Feb. 4, 1844. Boston, 1M4. 8° 3570.125, and *Pph.v..334 — Charles Robert Leslie. Boston, 18C1. pp. 2'i. S' 4549.16 — Christianity applied to cities : a discourse, Oct. 29, 1851. Boston, 1851. h" 5470a.79 — Condition of the insane in Massachusetts. Boston, 1843. pp. 23. H" 3800.56 — The diffusive nature of Christianity : an ad- dress, May 27, 1840. Boston, IMO. 12° . .5470a. 79 — Discourse on the life and character of J. Q. Adams, delivered the .Sabbath after his death, Feb. 27, 1848. Boston, ls43. 8" . , . 4390a. 6 — Discourse on the life and character of J. Story, Sept. 14, 1M5. Boston, 1845. 8° 4347.104 — Letter to the committee of the Church of the Saviour from the pastor, fete, Bobton, 1852. Ko tille-page.J 8° 6083.190 — On moral and spiritual culture in early educa- tion. [Boston, I8:J6.J pp.20. 8° 5470a. 79 — Poem befure the Mercantile library association at their 25th anniversary. Bo.ston, 1S45. 8°. *4163.9 — Sermon on the true church of Christ. Boston, 18J4. 8° *Pph.v.334 — The Thursday lecture: a discourse delivered on occasion of resuming the Tliursday lec- ture, Dec. 14, 1843. Boston, 1844.. h" . . .5470a. 79 — The true position of the church iu relation to the age : a discourse, Nov. lu, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8* 5470a. 79 87 Shelf. No. Waterstox, R. C, continued. — Till' widow's son: a sketch from real life. Boston, 1843. 8" 5470a. 79 Watektown, il/ass.. Historical fiketch of. Fran- cis, C 41(13.10, and 4355.43 Waterwohth, J. Six liistorical lectures on the reformatiou in England. I'liila., 1842. 8° . 6053.5 Watltno street, Survey of the. Maclauchlan, H. 2494.27 Watson, A. .Sermons for Sundays, festivals, fasts, [elc], by bishops and other clergy of the church. Series 1-3. London, 1846-64. 5v. 8°. 5442.9 Watson, E., Sermon occasioned by the death of. See Robbhis, C 4349.fi Watson, Dr. .Tohn. Account of the first settle- ment of Buckingham and Solebury, in Bucks Co., I'enu. See Pennsylvania. Historical society, v. 1 4372.2 Watson, John, manufacturer. Theory and prac- tice of the art of weaving' by hand and power. Philadelphia, 1864. H" 4016.18 Watson, John F. Annals of Philndelphia and Pennsylvania, in the olden time. Philadel- phia, 1844. 2v. 8" 2372.14 Watson, John S. Life of R. Porsou. London, . 1861. 8° 2457.15 — Life of W. Warburtou, from 1760 to 1779. Lon- don, 1863. 8° 2543.14 Watson, P., Trial of, in a cause of substraction of Easter oflerings. SeeNesfield, W Pph.v.3G5 Watson, Richard, bishop of Llamhiff. Address to young persons after confirmation. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 1797. 18° 3440.55 — - Same. 3d Am. ed. Boston, 1818. 18" . . 5458.40 — Charj^e to the clergy of the diocese of Landaff, June, 179S. London, 1798. pp.31. 8" . . . *4163.1 Watson, Kichard, Wesley an preacher. Theological insitutes. New ed., with analysis, [etc.], by J. M'CIintock. New York, 1852. 2v, 1.8" . . 3451.13 — The miracles of Christ: sermon. Sec Sermons on important subjects 5442.14 Watson, Robert. History of tlio reign of Philip II, of Spain. New ed. Vol. 1, 3. Basil, 1792. 2v. 8" . v. 1,3 of 4246. 14 — - Same. 1st Am. ed. New York, 1818. 8°. 3102.14 — and Thomson, W. History of the reign of l*hilip III, of Spain. New ed. Vol.2. Basil, 1792. 8" V. 2 of 4246. 14 — - Same. 1st Am. ed. New York, 1818. 8". 3102.15 Watson, S. L. Remarks on temperance. Charles- ton, 1859. pp. 20. 8° 3576.22 Watson, T. The saint's delight. Annexed, a treatise of meditation. Loudon, 1657. 8°.*B.127.18 — The uprigfht man's character and crown : a sermon before the lord mayor. London, 1637. 8° *B.127.18 Watt, G. D. Journal of discourse.s by Brigham Young, his two counsellors, the twelve apos- tles, and others. Liverpool, 1854-56. 3v. 8°. 5544.3 Watteville, A.de. Rapport surlessourds-muets, Ics aveugles, etc. See France. Jlinistry of the interior 7011.15 Watts, L Poetical works, with the life of the author. Edinburg, 1782. 7v. 24° 6069a.32 Contents. — Vol. I, II. Pgalms of David imitated in the language of the New Testament. Ill, IV. Hymns and epiritual songs, in three books. V, VI. Horie lyrica?, in three books. VII. Divine hymna forsermoiie; Divine songs for children; Moral songs for children; Miscel- laneous thoughts; Inscriptions; Epigrams; Epitaphs, etc. — Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [An- derson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 9] . . . 4604.1 — Discourses on the love of God. New York, 1832. 24° 5447.61 — Hymns and spiritual songs. Boston, 1803. 12°. 6067.10 — - Same. With some new hymns. Philadel- phia, 1814. 32° 3440.36 — Logick : or, the right use of reason in the en- quiry after truth. 4th ed., corr. London, 1731. 8° 6085.7 WATTS 690 ■VTEBSTER Sbelf. No. TVatts, I., continued, — Lyric poems, n. p., n. 'i. fXo title-page.] Ifi". 60G7.15 — Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament. Boston, ISO.i. 12° . . 6067.10 — Rational defence of the Gospel, i'reface by A. Alexander. New York, 1831. 12° 5153.17 — Causes and mischievous etfects of unchar- itableness. [Boston. Benevolent associa- tions. Christian monitor, v. 14] 5459.5 Watts, J., Jlott, v., and Stevens, A. H. Medical and surgical rej^ister of cases in the New York hospital. Part 2. Vol. 1. New Y'ork, 1S20. 8° 3755.10 Wavein, or Waurin, J. de. Recueil des croniques et anehiennes istories de la Grant Bretaigne, a present nomme Engleterre, Edited by W, Hardy. From Albina to A. D. 088. London, 18M. S°. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles]. *2423. 8 — A collection of the chronicles and ancient his- tories of Great Britain, now called England.. Translated by W. Hardy. From Albina to A. D. 688. London, ISW. 8°. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles] *2423.9 V7.iYLANii, F. Address before the Providence as- sociation for the promotion of temperance, Oct. 20, 183!. aded. Providence, 1831. 8°. 3576.21 — Address before the Rhode Island society for the encouragement of domestic industry, and the Rhode Island horticultural society, t;ei>t. 12, 1851. Providence, 1852. 8° 4391.74 — The aH'airs of Rhode Island: a discourse. Providence, 1842. 8° •Pph.v.376 — Discourse in commemoration of Rev. J, N. Granger, Jan. 18, 1857. Also, an address at the funeral of Dr. Granj^er, Jan. 8, 1857, by Rev. A. Caswell. Providence, 1857. 8° . . 4347.4 — Discourse delivered at Union college, Schenec- tady, July 25, 1854. Boston, 1855. 8° . . . 4394.75 — The duty of obedience to the civil magistrate: three sermons. Boston, 1847. 8° , , . . . B. 160a. 48 Encouragements to religious effort : a sermon, May 25, ls:iO. Philadelpliia, 18-30. 16° . . . 5450a. 53 Memoir of the life and labors of Rev. A. Jud- son. Boston, 1853. 2v. 12° 2344.18 — Moral dignity of the missionary enterprise : a sermon. 2d ed. Boston, 1824. S° 6088.24 — The moral and religious aspect of the Ne- braska bill. Speech at Providence, R. 1., March 7, 1854. Rochester, 1854. [No title- page.] 8° ♦4310.8 — Sidvation by Christ. A series of discourses. Boston, 1859. 8° 6458.7 — University sermons delivered in the chapel of Brown university. Boston, 1849. 12° . . . 0002.21 — Review of the correspondence between R. Ful- ler and. See Hague, W 0080.9 Wayland, Mass. Town library. Catalogue of books. Boston, 1853. pp. 79. 8° 2139.70 Wayi.kn, E. Ecclesiastical reminiscences of the United States. New York, 1846. 8° . . . . 3546.8 Wayjioutii, G. Voyage to the const of Maine, in 1005. Sec Rosier, J 4338.46 Wavnk, A. Life. See Armstrong, J 2347.26 WiiAi^KKAF, The, a record of the lair held Sept. 4- 8. Sec Salem. Essex institute 2357.30 Wealu, J. Catalogue of books for 1801, on archi- tecture and engin«:ering, etc. London, [1801]. pp.32. 8° ••1?07.12 Wealth. Hunt, T. P. The book of 364H.2U — Jones, K. Distribution of 3053.18 — Smith, A. L. How to get rich: or, a key to hon- est wealth 3640.80 Wkai'O.n.s. Arracs ct armurcs du moyen ilge. A««cIlneau,C 4070.18 Wear, Eng., Industrial resourcen of the district of the. Armstrong, W. G 2403.4 W KA iiDA i.K men and manners. Fenlherston, J. R. 2493.28 Wka vl.Nd. Falcot, P. Tralte de la labrlcutlon des tinsua 4012.13 — Watson, J. Theory and practice of the art of. 4016.18 Memorial sermons. Boston, 1805. Shelf. No. »4342.5 Webb, E. B. pp. 61. 8' Contents. — The cnpture of Richmond ; Some of the results of the war; The assassination of the president. — Discourse before the American education so- ciety, May 27, 1862. Boston, 1803. 8°. v. 5 of *5175.3 Webb, G. J. Cantica ecclesiastica: consisting of English anthems. Boston, [1859]. 8° . . . 8W2.58 — Boston glee book. Sec Mason, L 8017.10 — The psaltery. See Mason, L 8047.67 Webb, J. David; an oratorio. See NeuUomm, S. 4058.16 Wkbb, R. D. The national .anti-slavery societies in England and the United States. Dublin, 1852. pp. 50. 8° B.lf>0.109 Webb family. Genealogical memoirs of the. See Vinton, J. A 4332.3 Webber, S. Matliematies, compiled and intended to be the text-book at Cambridge. Boston, 1801. 2v. 8° 5914.2 — Eulogy at the funeral of J. Willard. See Lathrop, J 4347.124 — Eulogy at the interment of. See Ware, H. .4347.110 Weber, A. Indische Literaturgeschichle. Ber- lin, 1852. 8° 4240.14 — Indische Studien. Beitrage fiir die Kunde des indlschen Alterthums. Berlin, 1850-05. 9v. 8° *426S.4 — Zusammenhang indischer Fabeln mit griechi- schen. Berlin, 1865. pp.60. 8° 2954.18 Weber, Carl J. Die Jlouclierei Oder geschicht- liche Darstellung der Klosterwelt und ihres Geistes. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1849. 4v. 16° 0076.8 — Das Ritterwesen und die Tenipier, Johanniter und Marianer, oder Deutscli-Ordens-Kitter insbesondere. [Mit] Sup|ilementheft. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1819. 4v. in 3. 8° .... 0076.9 Webeb, Carl M. v. Life. See Weber, M. M. v. . 4046.39 Webek, Carl O, Chirurgischc Erlahrungen und Untersuchungeu. Berlin, 1859. 8°. 3751.10 Webek, G. Theory of musical composition. Translated by J. F. Warner. Boston, 1611- 40. 2v. in 1. 8° 4053.10 Webek, Max M. v. Carl M. von Weber. The life of an artist. From the German, by J. P. Simp- son. London, 1865. 2v. p. 8° 4040.39 Webek, Michael. Upuscula acatlemica eaque apo- logelica. Lipsiae, IS2S. 8° 6066.6 — Girt und Gejj:engil't, Oder biblische Beweis dass Jesus nach seiner Auierstchung noch sieben und zwanzig .lahr auf Erden gelebt, und ge- wirkt hahc. Halle, 1820. 8° 6037.12 Webster, D. Speeches and forensic arguments. Stii ed. Boston, 1813. 3v. 8° 2393.4 (7oH(cn/8.— Vol. I. Uiscourflo nt Plymouth, in com- memoration of the lirsl Bcttlcnu'nt of New England, Dec. 22, 1820; Address at the hiyinK of the cornerstone of the Itnnkcr hill monument, Juno 17, \S'15; Discourse in eommeraoralion of the lives and services of J. Adamsondr. Jell'crson, Aug. 2, IHLti ; Speech nt a meet- ing of citizens of BuHlon, April ti, l^'2S, preparatory to the general election in Massacliusetts; Speech In Fan., eull Imli, Juiui 5, Isai, nt « puhlle dinner given liira hy tile citl/ons of lluslon; Argument in the case, the Trustees of Oarlmouth eullege tis. W. H. Woodward, ho- fure the supreme court of the United stiites, March 10, 1818; Argument in tlie impcaciinii-nl of J. rrescott, be- fore the senate of-MaHsaehiiNclls, 18-1 ; Argument in the case of Gibbons ei. Ogden, in Ilie suiircino court of the United Sljites, 18:^-1 1 Argument In the case of Ogden vs. Saunders, in tlio supreme court of the Utilted SIntea, 1827 ; Itelnarks in the cunvcnilun of delegates chosen to revise the constitution of Massaciinselts, upon the reso- lution relative to oaths of otilcc, ISIil ; Hennlrks in the ci>nvenllon, upon tile rcNointlon to divide the common- wealth into tiistricts for tiui choice of acnalora uceurd- iug to population ; Iteinsrits In the eoiiventlon upon ft r<'s laws of un-ditor and debtor In the I'nited Staten, (1820) ; Letter, nddressed lo Itev. L. Dwlght, on the aiihject of imprisonment for debt, May 2, 18;i0. t[. Speech delivered in the city of New York, March 10, 3831; Speech nt the dinner in honor of (he centennial birlli-duy of Wutihington; Uemnrks on the nomination of Mr. Van Iluren as miolsler to Oreat Britain, Jan. 24, 1832; Keport on the apportionment of representation; Speech on the bill for renewing Iho charter of Iho bunk of the United States, May 'la, 1832; Speerh on the pres- ident's veto of the bunk bill, July 11. 1832; Speech at the National republican convention in Worcester, Oct. 12. 1832; Speech in reply to Mr. Calhoun's speech on the bill " further lo provide for the collection of duties on imports," Fob. 16, 18.^i; Ilemarka made to tho citi- zens of Buffalo, June, 1833; Address to the citizens of Pittsburgh, July 9, 1833; Speech ou moving for leave to introduce u bill to continue the bank of the United Stales for six years, March 18, 1834; Speech on the preBldcnt's protest. May 7, IH34 ; ICeinarks on different occasions, on the removal of the deposits, and on the subject of a national bank, Jan. and Feb., 1834 ; Keport on the removal of the deposits, Feb. 5, 1834; Ketnarks on the atrairs of the general post-otlice, June 27, 1834; Itumurks in relation to sleaiu-boatB, Dec. 19, lS33j Speech in Salem, Aug. 7, 18*1; Speech at Concord, N. H., Sept. 3(J, 1S34: Argument in the GoodridRc case; Speech, Jan. 12, 1835, on the bill granting iudemnity to citizens of the United States for French spoliation on American commerce prior to 1800; Speech on the ap- pointing and removing power, Feb. 1(1, 18:15; Kemarks, Feb. 2tl, ISlto, on the bill to regulate the deposits of the public money. HI. Uemarks made to the citizens of Bangor, Aug. 25, 183>i ; Speech on receiving a vase from the citizens of Uoston, Oct. 12, 1835; Speech, Jan. 14, 183.1, on Mr. Benton's resolutionB for appropriating the 8ur|jlus revenue to national defence; Remarks, March 16, 183G, on presenting sundry abolition petitions; Re- marks on the deposit banks, March 17,1836; Remarks on a resolution submitted by Mr. Itcnton, on receiving Bpecieonly, in payment for publiclands, April 23, 1836; Remarks on the bill to authorize the purchase, on the part of the L'nitedStates. of the private stock in the Lou- isville and Portlond canal. May 25. 1836; Speech on in- troducing the proposition for tlie distribution of the sur- plus revenue, May 31, 1836; &|)eech on the specie circu- lar, Dec. 21. 1836; Remarks on the protest against ex- punging, Jan. 16, 1837: Remarks, on presenting a petit ioTi of merchants of New York, for the establishment of a na- tional bank, Feb. 8, 1837; Remarks. Feb. 20, 1837, in re- lation to the manuscript papers of Mr. Madison ; Remarks in relation to the reduction of ihe duty on coal, Feb. 24, 1837; Speech dulivered in Niblo's saloon, in New York, March 15, 18^17; Speech, May 17, 1837, at the dinuer given by thecltizeuaof Wheeling, Va. ; Speech at Madison, la., June 1, 1837; Speech, Sept. 14. 1837, on the^fill to post- pone the payment of the fourth iustaimeiit of the de- posit to the states; Speech on the currency, and on the new plan for collecting and keeping the public moneys, Sept. 26. 1837 ; Remarks, Jan. 10, IS-Hi, respecting slavery fn the bistrict of Columbia; Remarks, Jan. 17, IfSltS, in relation to the Commonwealth bank, Boston; Remarks on the preemption bill, Jan. 29, I&IS; Speech on the sub-treasury bill, Jan. 31, 1838; Second speech on the sub-ireasury bill, March 12, I8il8; Speech in answer to Mr. Calhoun, March 22, 18:J8; Speech in Faneuil hall, July 24, 1838 ; Remarks on the bill to graduate the price of the public lands, Jan. 14, 1K'S9; Arguments in the su- preme court of the United Slates, Feb. 9, 1839, in the great ujipeal case from the district of Alabama; Ad- dress at the triennial celebration of the National agri- cultural society, Oxford, England, July 18. 1830; Re- marks on the agriculture of Fnglniid, nt a meeting of menibers of the legislature of MaBsnchusetts,aiid others interested Inagriculture, Jan. 13, 1840; Remarks, March 8, 1840, in answertosomepartaof Mr. Calhoun's speech; Speech, March 30, li^, on th« trtmsur^ note bill; Shelf. No. Webster, D., continued. speech, May 18, 1840, on tho propospd amendment to tho bankru|)t bill ; Speech, June 6, 1840, on Mr. Clay's motion to strike out the compulsory part of the bank- rupt bill; Speech at Saratoga, N.Y'., Aug. 19,1840; Dec- laration of the principles and purposes adopted by a general convention of tho whlgs of Now England, at Bunker hill, Sept. 10, 1840; Speech at the mcrchant'a meeting in Wall street, New Y'ork, Sept. 28, 1840 ; Speech In the Capitol square, during tho whig convention, at Richmond, Va., Oct. /!i, 1840; Remarks to the ladioa of Itichinond, Va., Oct. fi, 1840; Remarks upon that part of the president's message which relates to the revenue and rtnanccB, Doc. 16 uud 17, 1840. — Address at Andover, Nov. 9, 1843. Boston, 1843. 8° 0087.40 — Addre.ss at the laying of the corner stone of the luUlilions to the capitol, July 4, 1851. Wash- iiiKtoii, l:s51. S° *4393.10 — Address at tlie laying of the cornerstone of the Uunker hill monument. 3ded. Boston, 18li5. S* *rph.v.380 — Address before the New York historical soci- ety, Feb. ^3, 186-,'. New York, 185-.;. H° ..*4393.10 — Correspondence between Mr. Webster and his Nt'w Hampshire neighbors, Washington, l8oU. pp. 10. 8° .*4:t93.10 — Diplnmatic and oflBcial paperdftiNew York, 1848. 8' Wfr 4343.15 — Discourse at Plymouth, Dec. 22718^0, in com- memoration ot the first settlement of New England. 4th ed. Boston, 18-^(}. 8" . . . .*4163.14 — Discourse in commemoration of the lives and services of J. Adams and T. .Tetft-Tson, Aug. :.', l8-'f>. Boston, 18^6. 8° . *4103.14, and B.ir0a.71 — Letter from citizens of Newburyport in relation to his speech in the senate, and Mr. Web- ster's reply. Washini?tou, 1850. 8° . . . . *4393.10 — Remarks on the removal of the deposites, and on the subject of a national bank. Washington, 18:J4. 8" *4393.20 — Remarks on the tariff bill, May 9, 1828. Bos- ton, 182.S. 8' *4393.20 — Remarks upon that part of the president's mes- age whicli relates to the revenue and finan- ces, Dec. Hi and 17, 1840. Washington, 1840. 8" *4393.20 — [Report upon the constitutional rights and privileges of Harvard college; and upon the donations that have been made to it by this commonwealth.] n. p., 1821. 8" . . . , *Fph.v 368 — The Rhode Island question. Argument in the supreme court of the United States in the case of M. Luther vs. L. 31. Borden, and otliers, Jan. 27, 1848. Washinfjton, 1848. 8°. 4336.48 — Speech at Abington, Oct. 9, 1848. n. p., n. d. [No title-p;ige.] 8° *4393.10 — Speech at Faueuil hall, Oct. 24, 1848. Boston, * 18(8. 8'. [Newsp.iper cutting] *4393.20 — Speed! at JIarshfield, Sept. 1, 1848, and speech on the Oregon bill, Aug. 12, 1848. Boston, 1848. 8" MSgS.tO — Speech at Niblo's saloon, 'Sevf York, March 15, 1837. n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] h° . . . *4393.10 — Speech at the celebration of the New York NevF England society, Dec. 13, 1850. Washington, 1851. 8" *4393.20 — Speech at the national republican convention, in Worcester, Oct. 12, 18:j^. Boston, 1832. 8" *4163.14 — Speech in answer to Mr. Calhoun, 3Iarch 22, 1838. [Washmgton], 1838. 8° *Pph.v.382 — Speech in defence of the Christian ministry, Feb. 10, 1844. Washington, 18H. 8° . . . *4393.10 — Speei-h in Faneuil hall, Sept. 30, 1842. Boston, 1842. 8" *Rph.v.3S2 — Speechin Philadelphia.Dec. 2,1840. Washing- ton, 1847. b" *4393.20 — Speech in reply to Mr. Calhoun, on the bill for the collection of duties on imports. Wash- ington, 1833. 8' *1393.20 WEBSTER 692 WEICHERT Sbelf. No. Webster, D., continued. — Speech, Jan. 20, 18.TO, with a sketch of the de- bate on the resolution of Mr. Foot. Boston, ■ 18.30. 8° *"'53-» — Speech, March 2.3, 1848, upon the war with Mexico. Boston, 1848. 8° *4393.20 — Speech on a bill to continue the bank of the United States for six years, March IS, 1834. Washington, 18.i4. 8° *Pph.v.3S2 — Speech on introducing his proposition for the distribution of the surplus revenue, Jlay 31, 1830. Washington, 1S30. 8° *4393.20 — Speech on Jlr. Benton's resolutions, for appro- priating the surplus revenue to national de- fence. Boston, 18.30. 8° 0087.124 _ Speech on Mr. Ewing's resolution to rescind the treasury order of July 11, 1830. Wash- ington, 1837. 8° *4393.10 — Speech on slavery, delivered in the senate, March", 1850. Boston, [1850]. 8° •4310.64 — - Same. Washington, 1850. 8°. B.lOOa.4, and *43U3. 10 — Speech on the compromise bill, July, 1850. n. p. n. d. [No title-p.ige.] 8° *4393.20 — Speech on the currency, and on the new plan for keeping the public moneys, Sept. 28, 1837. WashirigtonjgS?. 8° *1393.10 — Speech on thdflkr tariff bill, July 25, 1846. Washingtonfli^. 8° *4393.20 — Speech on the president's protest. May 7, 1834. Washington, 1834. 8° *4393.20 Speech on the sub-treasury bill, March 12, 1838. Washington, 18.38. 8° •4393.20 — Speeches at Buffalo, Syracuse and Albany, May, 1851. New York, 1851. 8° 44393.20 — Speeches at Capon Springs, Va., together with those of Sir H. L. Bulvver and W. L. Clarke, esq., June 28, 1851. n. p., u. d. 8° *4393.10 — Speeches at the festival of the sons of New Hampshire, in Boston, Nov. r, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8° •4393.10 — Vindication of the treaty of Washington of 1842; speech in the senate, April 6 and 7, 1840. Washington, 1840. 8° 4320.25 — Speech in answer to Mr. Calhoun, on the en- forcing bill. 5ee Calhoun, .1.0 4390a.22 [Seventy-second and seventy-fourth anniver- sHry of the birth day of D. Webster, Jan. 18, 1854, and Jan. 18, 1850.] New York [and] Boston, 1854,60. 2v. 8° 4317.115 — Adams, J. C. Appeal to the Whig nationnl convention, in favor of the nouiinatiou of Webster to the presidency B. 170b. 31 JeffricB, J. Account of the lust illness of . . .4347.116 — Kirk, E.N. liiscourse on thediath of . . . .5100a. 10 — rhillip8,W. Keview of his speech on slavery. B. 100, US ^ Stearns, W. A. Sermon in coniniemoration of. 0088.40 — Ticknor, G. Keniurks on the life and writings of 2.343.24 — Webster, G. W. Sermon on the death of . . . 0088.81) and Baring, A., lord Asltburton. Correspond- ence on Mcl.eod's case; on the Creole case; on impressment. n.p.,n. d. [No title-page.] pp. .32. 8° V. 2 of •4295.20 WEBSTi'.R, G. W. Liberal Christianity: a sermon. Wheeling, 1853. 8° 0088.82 — Sermon on the occasion of the death of D. Web- ster. Wheeling, 1852. 8° 0088.89 WiiUSTEii, H. K., Liiscourse after the death of. See Newell, Vf 4347.110 Weusteu, J. W. Description of the island of St. Michael, with renuirks on the other Azores or Western Islands. Boston, 1S21. 8" . . . . 3091.9 [Ai>pendix to the Webster trial. Also, the life of t)r. O. rarknnm, etc.] Boston, 1850. pp. 14. 8° 4365.82 — (Keview of the Webster case. By « member ofthc'N. Y.bur.) New York, 18.'.0. pp. 30. »". 4347. 117 — [Trial for the munlir of Ur. ('.. rarkninn, Nov. 23, 1.-4U.J Boston, 1^50. jip. »1. 8" . . . . 4280.33 4589.20 shelf. No. Websteti, .T. W., continued. — Kirk, E. N. Discourse occasioned by the trial and execution of 5400a. 10 — Spooner, L. Illegality of the trial of .... 4289..30 Webster, N. American dictionary of the Eng- lish language. Revised by C. A. Goodrich and N. Porter. Springfield, ISlH. 4° . . . . •4582.1 — American spelling book for primary schools. New Haven, 1833. 12° 4589a.36 — Grammatical institute of the English language. Tart 2. 0th Coun. ed. Hartford, 1800. 12'. 45S9a.28 — Improved grammar of the English language. New Haven, 1831. 12° 45SOa.lO — - Same. New Haven, 1843. 12° 4589a. 15 — LettertoDr. D. Rams.iy of Charleston, respect- ing the errors in Johnson's dictionary. New Haven, 1807. pp. 28. 8° 4589.21 — Philosophical grammar of the English lan- guage. New Haven, 1807. 12' 4,5S9a.l7 — Oration on the anniversary of the declaration of independence, July, 1802. New Haven, 1802. g. 4394.73 — Rudiments of English grammar. New York, 1811. pp.87. 18° 43S9a.40 — A reply to a renew of Webster's system. Sec Sargent, E WEBSTEit, S. Discourse at Newbury, March 20, 1792, at the interment of the Rev. J. Tucker. Boston, 1793. 8° •4103.5 Fast-day sermon, at Salisbury, on account of approaching calamities. Boston, 1774. 8°. *4103.5 Webster, T. On the amendment of the law and practice of letters patent for inventions. 2d ed. London, 1862. pp.42. 8° 3000.12 Webster, Warren. The army medical staff. Ad- dress at the inauguration of the Dale general hospitnl, Worcester, Mass., Feb. 22, 1805. Boston, 1805. 8° 5790. .39 Webstek, William. Vindication of Gen. Monk's conduct. See Skinner, T 2546.5 Wechabiten, Uber die. Frankfurt, 1813. pp. 24. S° 4245.22 Weckhehlin, R. Gedichte. [Jliiller. Bibliotbek dcutsiher Dichter des 171en Jahrhunderts, V. 4] 2S79.10 Wedgwood, H. Dictionary of English etymology. London, 1859-05. 3v. 8° •25S5.0 CoWBiiH.— Vol. I. A— D. II. E-r. III. Q-Z. — - Same. Vol. 1. A-D. Notes and additions by (i. P. Marsh. New York, 1802. 8° . . . 4.581.2 Wedgwood, J. Gladstone, W. E. An address. 4024.20 — Meleyard, E. Life of 4025.24 Wedowooi>, U. Essay on the constitution or de- crees of the apostles. Loudon. 1851. 12° . 0075.10 Weech.F. V.' Annierkungen zu Eniires Tuchers Bnumelsterbuch der Stttdt NUrnberg. See Tueher, E 4235.1 Weed, T. Libel case. SccOpdyke, G 6080.5 Weeds of agriculture. Sinclair, G 3815.17 Weekly visitor. The, lS33-:i5; the visitor, or monthly instructor, 1836-48; now series, 1848-51. ^ondou, 18:1-3-51. 19v. 8° . . . . '7310.2 Week.s, C. jr. [Geological proof of the Inspira- tion of the Bible.] Boston, 1855. pp. 61. 12° B. 170b. 49 Weeks, J. M. Easy method of managing bees. New ed. Boston, 1840. 10° 5699a.l5 — History of Salisbury, Vt. Middlebury, Vt., IhOO. 12° 2337.0 Weesii., The, trap'd : a p(>em, being a rellection on the bite satyrlcal fubli'. London, KWl. 4°. "i'ph.v.asS Wegsi'IIKIiier, J. A. L. Institutioues theologiat; Clu'lslianae dognialicae. Ed. Vila. Ilalae, 18:13. 8° 6022.9 Weiciiei.t, O. H. Theidogumena Aristotelia. Ilerollni, 1852. pp. .37. 8° U.167.12 Weiciieki, .1. A. Ueber das Leben and Geilicht des Apollonius von Rhodus, Meissen, 1821. b° •4200.11 WEIDENBACH 693 WEISSE Shelf. No. WEIDENBACH, C. F. [Deiitsch-liolliindisclies unci holliiiunscll-dfut.-iclii's Tasclu'invurttTlnich.J Keiii- Ausjj. Amstfrdiini, ISL*'!. liv. 1-'° . . *-S85.ri ■Weidi.ix<:, C. C'mii'uso uml griiiKllichc Monilite. I.olp/.ig, iroi. sni.rr 0069a. 19 Weidji.\.nn,— . Kurzficftisstes «.\cgelischrs Ilivnd- biicli zuni Keiu'U Testament. Von W. H. L. de Wettf. Leipzig, l.-as. 3v.in4. [li. 1, Th. I, li. ■,', Til. 1, 4,5, 2te Ausg.] h° . . . . 'COlO.!? — and Hirzcl, S. Kurzfiefusstoa cxegctisclies Jlaiiilbtteh zum Allen Testament. 10 Lief. Leipzig, lS.'!8-.'i4. llv. 8°. NameUi : — I. llitzig, F. Diezwiilf klelnen I'roplicten . 0017.1 — 11. llirzel, L. Hiob {i017.1 — HI. llitzig, F. IJei- I'ropliet .Teieini.a . . . 0017. 'J — IV. Tlienius, O. UiP UUeher Samuels . . . 0017. 'J — V. Knnliei, A. Der I'roplict .Ie.«aia .... 0017.4 — VI. Hertlicau, E. Das Bucli der Uidlter und I!ut 0017.4 — VII. — Pie Spriielie Salonio's. Hitzig, F, Der Predi^er Salonio's 6017.6 — VIII. Hitzig, F. Der Prnpliet Kzechiel . . 6017.0 — I.\. Tlienius, O. Die Biielier der Kiinige; Das vorexJlische Jerusalem und dessen Tem- pel 0017.7 — X. Hitzig, F. Das nuch Daniel 0017.5 — XI. Knol)el,A. Die Genesis 6017.3 — XII. — Die Biicher lixodus und Leviticus . 6017.8 — XIII. — Die Biicher Is'umeri, Deuterono- inium und Josua; Krltik des Pentateuch undjosua 0017.11 — XIV. Olslmusen, J. Die Psalmen 0017.9 ■— XV. Berttieau, E. Die BUclier der Chronik . 0017.10 — XVI. Hitzig, 1'". Das Hohe Lied. Tlienius, O. Die Klaglieder 0017.10 Weigel, K. Kunstcatalog. Abth. 1-2S. Leipzig, ls:iS-01. 2»v. in4. 8° *2171.17 Weigel, T. O. Katalog des BUcherlagers von W., Theologie, Philologie, Miscellanea. Leipzig, n. d. s° 4127.2 — Catalogus comraentationum theologicarum. See Fiebig, 41S.3.1 — and Zestermanu, A. Die AnfUnge der Druek- erkun.st in Bild und Schrift. Leipzig, 1S06. 2v. f ° *,*2200.33 Weihen.majer, J. F., and others. Examen rati- onvra a .Sexto Empirieo tani ad propvgnan- diim qvam impvgnandaiii Dei cxistentiam collectarvm. [Diss, acad.] Tvbingae, 1768. pp.35. 4° 4103.23 Weil, G. ^ Biblische Legenden der Muselmiinner. Frankfurt, 184.). 10° 3025.30 — The liible, the Koran, and the Talmud; or, biblical legends of the Slussulnians. Transl. from the German. New York, 1846. 12°. . 3025.31 — Historisch-kritische Einleitliiig in den Koran. Bielefeld, 1W4. sm.lO° 3025.34 — Mohammed der Prophet, sein Leben und seine Lehre. Stuttgart, 1843. sm.S° 3024.9 Weil, or Wyle, N. v. Translationen, herausgegeben durch A. von Keller. Stuttgart, ISOl. 8°. [Stuttgart. BibliotUek des liter. Vereiu.s, T. 57] H235.1 Cont'-nta- — Etliche biicher Enec Siluij, Pogij Floren- ttni, Felicis Hemerlin, niir sjiiiiijt uuilerii aiihiyll^en. Wetland, C. F., and Ackermaun, C. Bibel-Atlas. 2teAufl. Weimar, 1845. 4° *6021.I0 Weilk, or Wei.sse, F. U. v. Die Herrlichkeit ,Tesu Christi, au3 dem llolljiudischen, von J. C. Miillern. n. p., 1702. pp. 28. 8°. [Anabap- tisticum Pantheon] *B.I30.5 Weill, A. Der Bauemkricg. Darin.«tadt, 1847. 10°. 4210. 23 — La guerre des jiaysans. Pari^, 1847. 12°. . . 2860.20 WeilLEH, C. v. Ideen zur Gescliichte der Ent- wickelung dee religiusen Glaubens. Miiu- chen, I8US-14. 3v. in 1. 8° 0050.7 Weisgakt.ner Liederhandschrift, Die. Heraus- gegeben von F. Pfeiiler und F. Fellner. Stuttgart, 1843. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliotbek des liter. Vereins, V. 6] *4226.1 Shelf. No. Wrinholti, C. Die deutschen Frauen in dem Mit- lehiller. Wi.n, I8.-,l. 8° 28.33.4 — Wiiliiiai-lit Sjiiele und I.ieder aus Siiddeutsch- huul undSchlesien. Gra-z, 1853. 8° . . . . *»2876.2 Weinland, D. F. On the egg-tooth of snakes and lizards. On the armature of the lower bill of the hfttchiug tringa pusilla. Salem, 1857. pp. 8. 8° 3875.12 — All essny on the tapeworms of man. Added, a catalogue of all specieRofhelniinthes hitherto fuuml in man. Cambridge, 1858. 8° . . . . 3874.9 WEINSllloliG, C. V. Kiniiahnien- und Ausgaben- Kegister von 1437 uiid 14:8. Tubingen, 1850. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, V. 18] ... . *«2874. 10, and •4225.1 Weise, .1. 1*. [Ungezwungene Heimleuclitung der bissherigen llaunigarti.schen BeschuUliguug- en.) Frankfurt, 1747. 10° 0OC9a.5 Weiskic, B. G. I'rometheus und sein Rlytlienkieis. Herausg. von H. Leyser. Leipzig, 1842. 8°. 6072.5 Weislingi'-R, J. N. Hutlenus delarvatus ; Streit z\\'i.schen J. Reuchlin und J. Pfell'erkorn ; Auch von dem Leben F. von Sickingen. Coslanz, 17.30. 8m.s° •605na.7 Weiss, C. De metro Hariano conimentationes. [Lowth. De sacra poesi Hebr^orum] . . . 0033.3 Weiss, J. J., M. T>. Handbueh der WasserUeil- kunde. Leipzig, 1S14. 12° 3808.34 Weiss, iStv. John. April 19,1865. [Assassination of A. Lincoln.] New York, 1805. pp.8. 8°. »4342.I0, and 4370a. 1 — Conscience the best policy : a fast-day sermon, April 0,1848. New Bedford, 1818. 10° . . B.lOOb.lO — Co-operation in the Katlier's business : a dis- course at the installation of Kev. J. li. Mar- vin, June 25, 1805. Boston, 1805. 8° . . . . 6470a. 95 — Discourse occasioned by the death of C. Fran- cis, D. D. Cambridge, 1803. 6q.l6° .... 4349.9 — Discourse occasioned by the dejitb of Rev. E. I'eabody, preached Dec. 7, 1850. New Bed- ford, 1850. 8° 4347.78 — Discourse occasioned by the loss of the Arctic, delivered Oct. 22, 1854. N. Bedford, 1854. 8°. 5400a. 97 — Discourse ujion causes for thanksgiving, preached at VVatertown, Nov. 30, 1802. Uos- ton, 1862. 8° 4.350a. 55 — The four necessities : a new year's sermon, at Watertovvn, Jan. 4,1803. Boston, 18113. 10°. 4330a. 23 — Tlie least of two evils : a sermon, July 9, 1848. New Bedford, 1848. 12° B. 170b. 2 — Blodern materialism : a discourse at the ordi- nation of C. Lowe, July 28, 1852. New Bed- ford, 1852. 8° 6470a. 97 — Northern strength and weakness : an address, April . 50, 180). Boston, 1803. 8° 4.370a. 1 — Our relations with tlie spiritual world. Bos- ton, n. d. pp. 17. 10° 5470a. 95 — The political exigencies of political subnifssion. Address on the day of national thanksgiving, Dec. 7, 1865. Boston, 1805. 12° 4370a. 1 — KelOrm and repeal: a seimon, April 6, 1654; and legal anarchy : a sermon, June 4, 1854. Boston, 1854. 8° 0088.180 — Sermon upon capital punishment, April 22, 1,S4'.I. New Bedford, 1849. 8° 5400a. 97 — Sermon upon the late di^a&ters, preached May 15,1853. New Bedford, 1853. 8° 5460a. 97 — Unity and peace : a sermon, Jan. 10, 1847. Wor- cester, [1847]. 8° 5460a. 97 — Life and correspondence of T. Parker. 6'ce Parker, T 2347.41 Weiss, T. Allgemeine Theorie der Feuerungsan- lagen. Leipzig, 1802. 8° 3904.13 Weisse, Carl F. [Elegie bey dem Grabe Gellerts.] Leipzig, 1770. pp. 15. sm.4° «»2878.6 Weisse, christian F. Kleiue lyrische Gedichte. Carlsruhe, 1778. 2v. in 1. 16° **2878.22 Weisse, Christian H. Die evangelisehe Gesclachte kritisch und philosophiscb bearbeitet. Leip- zig, 1838. 2v. 8° 6044.5 WEISSENBOKN 694 WERXER Shelf. No. Weis'EVB'^rx, G. American engineering, illu'^- tr;ited by engravings. Xew York, l^;•'l. 2v. 4= *4(i;l.o. and Atlas f° «.39.D.l Weisskkb, II. W. Zwei Predigten am 7. nnd 8. Sonntng nach Trinitatis gelialten. • Scllleiz, 1.S47. pp. 30. Vi° 6088.237 TTelcker, C. T. Staats-Lcxilion. See Kotteck, C. V 4138.3 Welcker, F. G. Das nkndemisclie Kunstmuseum zu Bonn. Bonn, 18J7. 8° 4077.27 — Zeitsclirift fur Gcschidite und Anslegung der alt™ Kunst. B. 1. Goltingen, ISIS. 8° . **4077.29 Welp, H. II. Scenes in the lives of the apostles. [Sketches by various authors, mainly in v.rse,] Philadelphia, [1847]. 12° 5429.1 — Women of the Old and Xew Testaments. [Sketches by various authors, mainly in verse.] Phiiadelphia, [l!-4-]. 12° 5429.2 Weld, I. Travels through the United Slates and Canada. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 24] .... 6267.1 Weld, T. D. [American slavery as it is.] New York, 1839. 8° 3572.27 — [Tlie Bible against slavery.] 3d ed., rev. New York, is:is. pp. 74. 8° 3572.27 — [Power of congress over tlie District of Co- lumbia.] New York, 1838. pp. 55. 8° . . . 3572.27 — R port of the society for promoting manual labor in literary institutions. See Society. Pph.v.381 Welfic. Annales Wcingartensea, llUl-81. [Frank- furt. Societas, etc., v. 17] 4210.2 Welipoi.ski, S. I. Surprise. Opera-vaudeville. Musichy O.O. Knicht. [In Russian.] Mos- cow, lIvSO. pp. 76. sq.l6° 3030.27 Wellborn, M. J. Speech on the slave question, in the house of representatives, l''cb. 15, lt)50. n. p., n.d. [No title-page.] 8° 4400n.7 Wellkr, E. Das alle Volks-Tlieater der Schweiz. iM-auenfekl, 181.3. 8° 2871.13 Die falschen und lingirteu Druckorle. Kiper- torium der di utschen, lateinischen und frau- ^ijsi^chen Schrilten. Leipzig, 18li4. 2V. [Vol. l,2te Aull.] 8° 2144.19 — Inde.K Pseudonymorum. Nachtraege [und] neue Niichtraege. Leipzig, 1^51i-li2. 8° . . 2144.20 — Die I.ieder des dreissigjiihrigeu Krieges. Ba- sel, 1855. 8° 4223.18 Welleh, T. I'apers relating to proceedings in the county of Kent, l(i42-4(i. Edited by R. Al- mack. [London], lt54. pp. i'8. 8m.4°. [Cam- den society. No. 61] *2426.6 Welles, li.G. The orator's guide. Philadelphia, 18-22. 8° 6009.1 Welles, X. Discourse delivered at the funeral of Kev. N. Ilohart. New Y'ork, 1774. 8° . . . 4349.16 Wellesley, A., iliikco/ MWiiigtun. Civil corre- spondence and nieinorunda. Irehind, 1807-9. Eililed by his son. London, 18UU. 8° . . . 2524.10 — Galignani, I. A. Campaigns of 24. L. 2 — Gleig, G. R. Life of 2023.9 — Jani.s, G. P. K. Character and services of . 4454.6 — Maxw.ll, W. 11. Li:eof 2541.7 — Ruikes, T. Private correspondence 2o;3.8 — Yonge, C. D. Life of 2523.7 Wellklke 1, MiixK., Ecclesiiislical and civil history of. Prait, E 4355.1 Well>hn,J.K. The anti-slavery pioneer. Sla- very unconstitutional. [Adrian, Mich.], n. d. pp ;),;. h° B. 100. 113 VTellm AN, Joshua W. Church jiolity of llie pil- eriuis: ahurmon,Uce. 2l,)t50. Uoston, 1857. ^. 6470a. 26 ■Wells, D. A. Our burden and our strength. Bos- ton, 1881. pp. 39. 8° 4350a. 69 — - Same. Xew York, 1861. pp.39. 8°. [New Yuik. Loyal publication society, No. 54] .•4322.18 Wells, E. M. I". Address before Slloain Lodge, Keb. 22, 1840. u. p., n. d. (No lltlepuge.j fc» 6470a.00 — Address [In] commemoration of the death of preiidcut Uurrlauu. bOiton, 18-11. b° ... 1347.136 Shelf. Xo. Wells, E. M. P., continued. — Discourse occasioned by the death of the lion. W. Appleton. Boston. IHi2. 8° 5440a. 48 — Discourse on tlie occasion of the death of Miss M Ciiflin. Boston, n.d. 8° 5470a. 90 — Preparation for death. The si-xth I'rice lec- ture, n. p., n.d. 8° 5470a. 06 — Sermon on the death of Miss A. C. Butler. Boston, n. d. 8° 5440a. 48 — The world turned upside down: a sermon, Nov. 15, 1853. n. p , n. d. 12° 5479a. 9(5 Wells, G. W., Address at the funeral of. See BartoI,C.A 5410a.20 Wells, .1. S. Long, short, and weak sight, and their treatment. London, 1862. 8" . . . . 3804.29 Wells, S. Y'. [Testimonies concerning the char- acter and ministry of Jlother Ann Lee, etc., by members of the United society.] Albany, ^^27. 8° 6559a.2 Wells, Eng., Topographical notes respecting. Milles, J i 4386.20 Welss, Treumund, />sc7«f. See Pelz, E. Welstuu, L. Works, in verse and prose. Notes and memoirs of the author, by J. Nichols. Loudon, 1787. 8° 25G7.5 Con(rnr».— Memoirs of the nuihor; Poems on several occasions; Disserlntion on Ihe English lungunee; Dis- course to Sir Koberl WHlpole; -rnmshilions from lloi^ ace : .Ej,ilopue to "The widow Ijewilchcd " ; Epistle to Mr. I'ope; -I'he dissembled wanton, or my son gel mo- ney, a comedy; Foem to the princess of Wales; The sunimum honura ; Works of Uionysius Longinus.on the Bublime, translated fVom the Greek; The scheme and conduct of providence, from the creation to ilie comlug of Messiah. Welwood, J. Jlemoirs of transactions in Eng- land, for the 100 years preceding 1688. 6th ed.,coi-r. London, 1718. sm.12"' ; . . . . H179.22 Wencesl.vus, emperor. De exauctoratione Wen- ceslui. [Martfne. Vet. script., v. 4] . . . . 4150.1 Wexck, U B. Lati-inische Gniniinatik fur Schu- leu. Umgearbeitel von G. F. Grolefend. Tte Aufi. Fri.ukfurt, 1814-lli. 2v. 8° .... »*2934.22 Wendish language. Daiiiko, P. Lchrbuch der windischeu Sprache 4885.20 — Gutsnuinn, O. Deutscli-windisches Worter- buch •1S85.10 — Scitniider, F. Grammiitik der wendlschen Sprache k;ttholisehen llialects 4885.8 WEJJTIU.f, F. Bc-itriige zur Kennlniss der noapo- lilani^cllen Muudart. Wittenberg, 18,03. pp. o;. 4» 2780.6 WENTWiiltl-ll, 'I'nppan. Speech on the Kansas and Nebraska question, in the house of represen- tati\es. May 18, 1^5t. (Washington], n.d. [No title-p.ige.J 8° 4310.8 WESTWiiinil, -Ihunias, eiirl of Strafford. Letters and despatches, 1611-41, with an essay towards his life by Sir G. RndclifVe. [I'ubl.] by W. Kuowler. London, 1739. 2v. f " . . 2550.3 Wenz;g,.I. «esislawischer Miirchenschalz. Mit Musikbeilugeu. Leipzig, 1837. 8' 4224.12 WEKDEr, — . Jltithode ratlonnelle pour I'euselg- netnent de I'ecriture. (Cuuis coitjplet d'edu- cation pour les lilies, v. 1] 3691.22 WERDEr, E. 11 isloire du livre en France. P. 1,2; P. 3, -f. 1; P. 4. Paris, 1661-ii4. 4v. 12° . 2115.21 WEUiiKH.Ni), U. A. Udvalgto lyriske Dlgfe. Chri»tiani;i, 1846. 8° •..• 4227.2 Wi-RLAUi-K, E. C. Islenzklr Anmilar. See Or- sted, A.S «»■? Weuneu, Abraham G. Lebeusbeschreibung. See Frisch, S. G 2848.26 Weknkk, Antliony. Memorare; a collection of catholic music. [Words In Latin.] Boston, 1S..7. obl.4° -1056.50 WER.NEii, F. L. Z. Theater. Wleu, 1818. 4v. „,» 4890.8 — (Das Kreuz an der Ostsee.] 2to AulL Wlen, 1816. 16° 4809a. 13 WERNEB 695 WEST POINT Sholf. No. Wernfr, 0. A. Anlcitune ziim Uebcrpetzen nus der dt'utsclicn in din grieclnsche Spraclie. 2te Aurt. SmirL'iirt, 181..'. 8° **2985.21 Wern'Khus Titiiinns, or WcrntT von Titz. Annalos Novi'siensi's. [Miirti-nc. W-i. script., v. ll- 4150.1 Wernhkk vom NU'dirrtnin, [liormis^'.] vnn W. Crimm. Giitlin^en, 18:il). pp. i)H. 8° . . . 4232.7 Werthki.misciik ItihcL Ucbrrst'tziing von J. L. Sclnnidt. ^s:.v liil.lp. IVntntnieli 0018.13 — Scliuiidt, J. L. Sanil\ing d^-iit'iiipt'n St-Iiril'ten wi'lchonir odergt'geii diuwi-lbi-' zuni Vorscliein ptkoninicn 6018.15 — Siiiiiliold, J. G. Historic der sogcnannten wertlK'iniisolion Bibel fiOlS.H Wertheiuk: llonmii ^;t■ntinH'ntnl. Pfirin, P. . . 40'J9a.ll Wksknbkkk, .1. (le. Mt'nioires, nvec introduction pnrC.Kahli'nbeck. Hruxellcs, l85i). 8°. [ISrna- seU. Socit^te de riiistoirx'de Belgiqno] . . , 2820.25 Weskett, J. Tlieorie and Praxis der A.sFecuriin- zi'ii. Uebersi'tzt von J. A. Kngt-lbreclit. LU- beck, 178-'. 2v. 4° 3923.36 Wesley, J. Collection of hymns. New York, 1839. 32° 3440.39 — Collection of letters, on religious subjects, from various I'niincnt ministers, and others. Lon- don, 17'.i7. pp. 5.i. 8" V. 20 of *7415.1 — Colleciion of moral and sacred poems from English authors. Bristol, 1744. ;iv. 12" .4559a. 10 — Narrative of a remarkable transaction in [his] early Hie. 2d ed. Addtd, a review of the uork, by J. Hunter. Loudon, Iftii-'. pp. lt2. 8" 5558.3 — Arminian magazine 7415.1 — Holmes, D. The Wet-ley offering; or, Wesley and his times 5558.26 — Smith, G. Wesley and his times 3518.4 — Soutbey, R. Life of 5558.26 — Taylor, I. Wesley, and methodism . . . 3548.3 — and C. Collection of psalms and hymns. 5tb ed. London, 1751. 10° 6067.14 WESLtv, Samuel. Poems on several occasions. New edition, by J. Nichols. With life by W.Nichols. London, 1862. 24" 4559a. 17 — History of the Old and New Testaments in verse. A'ee Bible, ."^eleciions 5429a. .35 Weslky, SUf-anna. Biography. &Ve Kirk, J. . . 2547.32 Wesleyan methodist loeal ureachers' mutual aid association. Kiport lp the pniceedings of the first aggregate meeting. Loudon, 1849. pp.36. 8' v.l of 5442.7 Wesleyan methodist magazine. See Arminian mag'iziiie 7415.1 Wesleyan missionaries, Account of the lose of. Jones, Mrs v. 9 of 7416.1 AVesleyan pulpit, The. Containing sermons by some of the most talented muiisters in the connection. VoL 1. London, 1838, 39. 8" , 5442.8 — Sermons by Wesleyan ministers 6444. ".^4 Wesselhoekt, U. Das goldene Jubilaum des Rec- tors Benedict Wilhelm. Weimar, 1836. 8°. 2848.1 — and Grau, W. A systematic report of 392 cases tieuted hydropathirally at Brattkboro, 1848; also, causes ot the cholera. New York, 1849. 8" 6087.80 Wesseling, p. Lectio publica de fragmento Or- phei de Aristobulo Judaio. [Valckenaer. Diatribe de Aristobulo J udago] 6051.7 Wessenberg, I. H.C. V. Die grossen Kirchenver- samniluugen des Ijten und 16ten Jahrhun- derts. Consianz, 184U. 4v. 8" *6020.12 — [Denkschrilt iiber das Verfahren des Kom. Hofs bei der Kruennung des General-Vikars Irbrn. v, Wessenberg zum Nachfolger ia Bisthum Konstanz. JU.it Beilagen.] I'rank- lurt, 1818. 8" 6075.13 — [Reformation in the catholic church of Ger- many, detailed in a correspondence, on the Domination of Baron Voa ^Vessenbe^g, as successor in the diocese of Constance. Lon- don, 18ia. S" 6055.3 Shelf. No. Wessenberg, T. H. C. v., continued. — Ueber ScIiwarniereL Zweiie Ansgabe. Heil- bronn, 1848. b" 6067.18 West, B. Christ rejected. Catalogue. With sketches of other scriptural subjects painted by [him]. London, 1814. 8° *Pph.v.9 — Life and studies of. See Gait, .7 2344.24 West, Charles. Patholo^^ical importance of ulcer- ation of the OS uteri. Pbihidelphla, 1864. pp. 88. 8' 3776.34 West, Charles E. Address at the dedication of Goodell hall, Buffalo female academy. Buf- falo, 1852. 8" *Pph.v.l92 — Address on retiring from the ofTice of principal of Uutger's female institute. New York, 1851, 8" *Pph.v.l92 West, K. A. Divine providence amoral discipline: sermon. See Sermons on important sub- jects 5442.14 West, George M. [Living martyr and unholy alli- ance; or, calumny exposed and character vindicated.] Albany, 1850. 8° *Pph.v.l83 West, Gilbert. ■ History and evidences of the resur- ection of Jesus Christ. Boston, 18.34. 18° . 3475.22 — - Same. And conversion of St. Paul, by G. Lyttleton. London, 1748. 8° **E.219.9 — Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [An- derson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 9] . . . 4604.1 — Odes of Pindar. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 12] 4604.1 West, N. Complete analysis of the Bible. See Bible, fceleetions 5421.3 West, Richard. Miscellaneous poems, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 10]. 4604.1 West, Robert A. Debates in the general confer- ence of the methodist episcnpal church, New York, 1844. New York, is5.i. S° . . . v. 2 of 3543.8 West, W. Picturesque views and descriptions of objectsin Shrupahire. Biriningliam, 1831. 4''. 2492.18 — Picturesque views and descriptions of objects in .staQordshire. Birmingham, 1830. 4". . 2492,17 West, The. Drake, D. History, character and prospects of Pph.v.380 — Emigrant's guide, or pocket geography of the western states . - 2379.35 — Evans, E. Pedestrious tour through, in 1818. 2368.19 — I-'lint, T. Indian wars of 43.'9.11 — Hall, J. Sketches of 2373.16 — Henshaw, D. Letters on the internal improve- ments and commerce of 4376.3 — Hoffman, C. F. Winter in 23:7.26 — Patterson, A. W. History of the backwoods, 4327.4 — Peck, J. M. Guide for emigrants to 2379.23 — Steele, O.G. Western guide book 2379.37 West Bridgewater, Muss. Reports of the select- men, ovci seers of tlie poor, and town clerk. Boston, 1865. pp.62. 8° 6340a. 25 West Indies. Bickell, R. The West Indies as they are 5572.16 — Champlain, S. Voyage to the, 1599-1602 . . . 22W.20 — Coke.T. History of tlic 4317.5 — Davenport, B. New gazetteer of the .... 2382.3 — Hovtjy, S. Letters from tl;e 4307.15 — Monardes, N. Cosas que se traen de nuestras ludias occidentales que siruen en medicina . 4368.2 — St. Clair, T. S. Residence in the 2365.24 — bpence, \V. Cause of the present distresses of the planters 3653.15 — Stephen, J. Slavery of the West India colo- nies delineated 3573.8 — Stewart, C. The West India question .... 5572.44 — Tliume, J.A. Emancipation in the 3572.27 — Winter in the 4367.9 SeeaLio: AntillCB, Barbadoe8.Ciiribbee Islands, Cuba, Hayti, Jamaica, Murliiiiqiiv, iriniilad. West Point, A^ }'. Boynton, E, C. History of . 4:171.20 — Seymour, T. Military education ; a vindication of West Point and the regular army . . . . 4330a. 28 See aUo: United States (Departiueiit of wtir). WEST POtNT 696 WHATELr Shelf. Ko. West Point, 2V. T., continued. — Battle monument ; hi^toiy of the project to June 15, ISIH. Oration of M:ij.-Gen.McClel- lan. New Yorl:, 1804. 12° 432S.I5 West Koxbury, Mass. Brook farm plialanx. Tlie harbinfier, devoted to social and political progress. Vol. 1-4. New York, 1845-47. 4v. in 2. 4° 5571.3 — Soutli evangelical church. Historical discourse. Laurie, T 5540a. 10 West Viririnia. Auditor's report, Jan. 14, 1804. Wlieeliiig, 1804. pp. 4. [Xo title-page.] 8°. 6373.5 — Governor's [F. II. Pierpoiut'sJ message, Dec. r, 18i;.3. Alexandria, 1803. [No title-page.] i>° 6373.1 — Message of the governor, with the atljutant general's report. Wheeling, 1864. pp. 34. 8°. 6373.1 — Treasurer's report. Wheeling, 1664. pp. 4. [No title page.] 8° 6373.6 — Hospital for the insane. Report. Dec. 31, 1,863. n. p., n. d. pp. 10. [No title-page.] 8° . 6.373.20 WESTENBKRG, J. O. I'rincipia juris secundum or- dinem digestorum ecu pandec-tiirum. Nova ed. Berolini, 1823. Iv. in 2. 8° 6023.3 Westekgaard, N. L. Ueber den altesten Zeit- raum der indischen Geschichte mit Kiick- sicht auf die Litteratur. Uiber Buddlia's Tode.sjahr, [u. s. w.l. Kreslau, 1802. 8°. . 3040.23 Westekmann, a. Geschichte der Beredsamkeit in Griechenland und Rom. Leipzig, lS:J.3-35. 2v. 8° 4202.6 Western reserve, A year's residence in tlie. Haw- ley, Z 2309.11 Western sanitary commission. Report for the year ending June 1, 1863. St. Louis, Mo., 1863. pp.32. 8' 4.360a.l42 — Report in regard to leasing abandoned planta- tions, with rules and regulations governiugf the .same. St. Louis, 18i:4. pp.16. 8° . .4350a. 142 — Report on the white union refugees of the South. St. Louis, 1864. pp.44. b° . . . .4:i50a.l42 — Sketch of Its origin, history, [etc]. St. Louis, ISIH. 8° 4350a. 142 — What it does with its funds. Why it should be aided in this work. St. Louis, 1864. pp. 8. [No title.page.J 8° 4.360a. 142 WE.STF.RN tourist, The. New York, 1846. 24° . . 437Ua.30 AVESTFIt'-l.D, T. C. 'I'lie .lapauoe ; their manners and customs. [Witli photographic illustra- tions.] London, n. d. pp. 63. 4° 3018.6 Westkiei.d, Mas.i., Historical sketch of. Davis, E. 4366.22 Westminst!':r, J-'ng., History and survey of. Chamberlain, II 4490.6 Westminster, Mass. Celebration of the loothan- niversary of the incorporation. Address by C. Hudson; poem by W. S. Ileywood. Bos- ton, 1859. 8" 4355.64 Westminstkr Abbey, Gleanings from. Scott, G. G 4103.7 Westminster assembly of tlivines. Shorter cate- chism. See New Kngland primer 5453 40 Westminster Greek grainmnr. Camden, W. . . 40S(la.9 West.minsti:r review. [First series], v. 1-55; new series, v. 1-28. London, 1824-0)5. bSv. b" ♦3100.1 Westmoreland, Eng., Heraldic visitation of. St. George, .'Jir It 4580.2 WKSTon, 1>. Among the wounded. Experiences of a delegate. See United States Christian commission 4350a. 130 Weston, (ieorge .M. The poorwhilesof the South. Washington, 1850. [.No title page] pp.7. 8°. H. 160. 62 — Die urnien WeUsen des Sildelis. Washington, n.d. (Notitli-pnge.) pp.8. 8° B. 100. 00 — Who are and who may be slaves in the L'nited Slates. n.p.,n.il. [No lllle.page.] pp.8. 8°. B. 100.22 — Wb't are sectional ? [WuHliingloii, lt^50, No tlllepage.] pp.7. B* 0087.20 — Will the .-outh dissolve the union? [Wash- ington, It50. No IJlle-imgc.] pp. 7. b° . 6087.33 Sliclf. Xo. Westox, Gershom H. Rejoinder to a reply of a committee of the First p.trish of Dnxbury, Mass., to the public answer of G. B. \V. to a statement of said committee. Boston, 1852. «" 6088.184 — Reply to the public answer of. See Duxbury, Mass 0088.184 Weston, I. History of the Congregational church and society in Cumberland, Me. I'ortland, 1801. pp. 65. 12° 2339. 14 Weston, N. Oration at the centennial celebration of tlie erection of Fort Western, July 4, 1854. Augusta, 1854. 8° B. 170a. 84 AYestpiial, E. C. Darstellung der Reclite von Vermachtnissen und Fideicomniissen. Leip- zig, 1791. 2v. 8° 4280.7 Westphal, J. Die Historia vom giildenen Kal- be Aaronis. See Stapliorst. Hamburgische Kircheii-Geschichte, V.6 3527.15 Westphal, R. Die Fragmente und die Lehisiitze der griechischen Rhythmiker. Leipzig, 1801. 8° 2985.25 Westport, 3/n.«., History of. Ricketson, D. . . 2357.14 Wetstein, J. R. Rro Grjcca et geuuiua lingvae Grjecas pronuncialione. Adjectie sunt ora- tioues quttdam. 2a ed. Basilea?, 1686. 8° *29S5.19 Wettenhall, E. Gra;c8e grammatioa; institu- tio compendiaria. Ed. 9a. Londini, 1803. pp. 96. 12° 49S9a.25 — Compendious system of Greek grammar. Translated from the latest editions. Pbila- delpliia, 1S04. 12° 4969a. 18 — - Same. Translated by W. P. Fnrrand. 5th ed., by W. Slaughton. Fhila., 1824. 18° 4989a. 19 Wetzel, F. Cl. Gesammelte Gedichte und Nnch- lass. Hcrausgegeben von Z. Funck. Leip- zig, 1838. 16° 2867.4 WEXFonn, Ireland, History of the rebellion in the county of. Taylor, G 2478.10 Weyllk, C. O. Glossarium juridicum Danico-Nor- vegicum. Kiiibenhaflii, l(i52. sm.4°. . . . *4282.5 Whale fishery. Brandligt, C. Gescliiedkundige beschoiiwing van dc wnlvisch-visscherij. . B. 170.41 — Walvischvangst 42,'3.6 WHARKtN, F\ The Missourijuilley and lay preach- ing. New York, 18,V,1. pp. II. .s° .... 5543.23 — Morality of the C^ospel, and that of the world. Sermon, JIarcll 1, 1805. Hoston, 1865. 10° . 5460a. 08 — State trials of the United Stales during the ad- liiiiiistrations of Washington and Adains. rhiladel|iliia, 1849. 8° — A willing reunion not ilupo.ssible. Thanksgiv- ing sermon at Brookline, Nov. 26, 1863. Bos- Ion, 18ii3. 8° 4.350a. 60 Wharton, (ieorge M. Remarks on Mr. Binney's treatise on the writ of habeas corpus. 2d ed. rhila.lelphia, 1862. pp. 2'l. 8° 3035.10 — Answer to Mr. Binney's reply to " Remarks " on his treatise on the habeas corpus. I'hil- adelphia, 1802. pp.8. 8° 3035.10 Wharton, (irace, p.tcud. See Thomson, K. B. Wharton, T. I. Jlenioirof W. Uawlc. [Pennsyl- vania. Historical society, V. 4] — Notes on the iirovinrial llleraturc oi' I'ennsyl- vania. [Tennsylvania. Historical society, V. 1] • • • What is the cause of the secessions to Rome? New York, 18,15. pp. 11. 16° 6460a. 80 WlIATshull be done with the conllscaled negroes ? n. p., n. d. pp. 15. 8° 4.'!60n.22 Whatei.y, It. Miscellaneous remains. Edited by E. J. Whalely. London, 1804. b° 4649.9 — Cnutlcms lor the times. Parts. 1, 2. New York, 1853. 8° 6400a. 105 — Election: an essay. 23 ed. Dublin, 1602. pp. 48. p.s" 3104.20 — Elements of logic. From the last London edi- tion. New York, 1830. 12° 3007.20 4294.2 4.372.1 4372.2 WHATELY 697 WHITE Shvlf. No. Wil.\Tr;i.v, H., cnvtinuM. — KIcnuMits of rhotoric. CambridKe, 18a4. 12°. 3C0r.ll — TlifjuilpiiK'iit of conscience, aiulothersermons. London, IWH. Ifi" 641.5.14 — The pnrisli pnstor. I,on(ion, ISdO. l'j° . . . . 3437.18 — Sclectiona from lu8 writings. London, ISOfl. lft° 5458.23 — Substance of a sjieecli delivered in tlie house of lords on Irish poor laws. London, 1847. s°. 3570.109 — Memoirs of. See Fitzpatrii'k, \V. .1 2547.30 WlIKAT. I'ompar, — . Culture du ble en rales en distnnce (■■■;ide 4003.13 — Hind, II. Y. Insects and diseases injurious to. ;j»y5.13 AVheatlky, P. Memoir and poenus; also, poems by a slave. 3d od. Hoston, 1838. 24". . B. 170b. Ill \Yhf.ati.y, C. Illustration of (he Book of common prayer. New ed. London, l.sW. S° . . . . 3447.8 ■WIIEATON.II. Historyof the lawof nations; from the earliest times to the treaty of Washington, 1842. New York, 1846. l..s° 4294.4 — Discourse occasioned by the death of. See Hall, K. B 4347.118 Whedox, D. D. Baccalaureate sermon : delivered in the chapel of the Wesleyan university. Middletown, 18311. ,s° 6470a. 88 — Public addresses. Boston. IS5'J. 12° 2407.18 Wheei.eh, C B. [Biographic;il notices of C. Hay- ward, jr., and S. Ilildreth. Reprinted with additions from the Christian examiner, .Sept., 18:)'J.] Cambridge, 1839. pp. 3lj. 8° . . . . 4.347. .38 — [Biographical notice.] Boston, 1S43. pp. li>. 8° *41C3.14 Wheeler, H. C. History of congress, comprising memoirs of member.i. [Vol.1.] New York, 1848, S° 4344.1 CmUenta — Live^; I. E. Holmes, of S. C. ; S. Liihni, of O.; J. R. IligersoH, (iC Pa.; I». Dunpan, of O. ; J. AI. Bool, of O : 8. A. Dougliis, oflU.; J. Blnnt-hnrd, of Pb.j W. !J. Macloy. of N. Y.; A. II. Mcllvniue, of Pa.; H. A. Haralson, of Ga.; J. K. Giddhigs, of O. ; J. H. Lumpkin, of Ga.; W. Hunt, of N. Y. ; A. D. Sims, of 8. C: K. C. Winthrop, of i\tai*s. ; E. C. Cabell, of Fa. ; J. B. BowUu, ofMo.; E.B.Holmes, of N.Y.; R. Smith, of HI.; I). I'. King, of JIass. ; J. \V. Houston, of Del.; T. H. Bayly, of Va. ; .1. A. .VJcClemaud, of III.; .1, G. Chapman, of Md. ; K. Brodhead, of Pa. ; C. Hudson, of Maes. ; W. Duer, of N. Y. ; A. Ahbott. of Moss. Wheeler, J. Influence of the professions on civi- lization. Valedictory address, June 8, 1859. Burlington, 1.^59. 8° 4394.89 — Discourse commemorative of. See Tracy, J. . 4348.67 Wheelock, E. M. The human soul: a discourse. Dover, N. IL, IN'is. lii° B.lGOa.98 Wheildon, W. \V. Memoir of Solomon Willard. [Charlestown], 18fi5. 8° 4345.11 — [Letters from Naliant.] Boston, ia38. pp. 52. ll!" 4358.15 — Where will it end? a view of slavery in the United .States in its a°. 3035.13 Whitman, B. Address, Way 3o, is32, at the dedi- cation of the Musouic temple in Boston. Canibrid^re, \&2. 8" 4355.74 — Answer to Kliplialet Tearsou's letter to the can- did. Boston, 1831. pp.32, h" 5470a. 22 — On Christian salvation. 3d ed. Boston, ia31. pp.44. 12" 5450a. 52 — Pisoonrse before the Ancient Jind honorable artillery company, June 1,1820. 2d ed. Cnm- bridge, Imjo. 12° 5450a. 52 — Kipley, S. Address at the funeral of 4340u.5 — Whitman, J. Memoir of 2348.53 Whitman. .lames. An inquiry into tlie right of visit or ajjproach by ships of war. New York, 1858. pp.31. 8° 4289.35 Whitman, Jason. Memoir of Kov. B. Whitman. Boston, 1837. 18° 2348.53 — Sermon at the induction of Kev. C. H. A. Dall to the pastor;d cure in Needhara. Boston, 1847. 8° B.lGOa.Ol Whitman, John W. Trial of the case of the com- monwealth vs. D. L. (_'hjld for libel on Hon. J. Keyes. Boston, 18:^0. 8° *Pph.v.386 Whitman, W.E. S., and True,C. IT, Maine in the war for the union. Lewiston, 1865. 8°. . 4343.1 Whitmokk, William H. Account, of the Quincy family of Boston. From the New England historical and genealoj^ical register, Jan., lN5r. llcston, 1857. pp. 7. 8° 4;J33.9 — Account of the Temple family, with pedigree of the family of Bowdoin. Boston, 1850. pp. 15. 8" 4347.10 — The cavalier dismounted: an essay on the ori- gin nf the founders of the thirteen colonies. Salem, l.Sii4. 8° 4325.40 — The Hall family, settled at Medford. Boston, 1855. pp.12. 8'. [Krom Brook's History of Medford] 4333.10 — Kotes on the manor and family of Whitmore, Boston, 185ti. pp. 14. S" 4332.5 — and Storer, F. H. Results of the destructive distillation of bituminous substances. AVitU the history of the manufacture of paraffine oils. Boston, ISOO. pp.34. 8° 5646.9 Whitmokk, WUIiam W. Substanceof a speech on the trade with the East Indies and China. London, 1829. 8" *Fph.v.339 Whitmokk, Notes on the manor and family of. 5*66 Whitmore, W. K 4332.5 Whitnky, a. Plan lor a direct communication be- tween the great centres of the populations of Europe and Asia, 1851. [London, 1851.] pp, 12. 8" G270a.l0 — Jfemorial against his r;iiIroad scheme. See Plumbe, J 60S7.77 Whitney, F. A. Address at the consecration of Evergreen cemetery, Brighton, Aug. 1, 1850. Boston, 1S50 8° 4-355.73 '— Address at thefuneral of Mrs. S. P. Champuey, with a genealogical notice of the Champuey and Park families. Boston, 1855. S" . . . 4347.0 — Address on temperance, iu Brighton, Dec. 21, 1845. Boston, 1H6. 8' 3570.45 — Biographical sketch of J. Holton. Boston, 1865. pp. 13. 8° 4348.0 — The death of little children: a sermon at Brighton. Sept. 19, 1847. Boston, 1>47. 8* , 5470a. 30 — Theearly New-England home : a thanksgiving sermon. Boston, IMO. pp.11. 8° 5470a. 30 — Historical sketch of the Old church, Quincy, Mass. Albany, IbtH. pp.17, b" 5543.1 Shelf. No Whitney, G. Commemorative discourse at Quincy, Mass., on the second centennial an- niversary of the incorporation of the town. Boston, 1840. 8' *4U13.G — Moral and religious uses of mechanical exhibi- tions. A sermon. Boston, 1837. S" . . .M163.13 — Sermon on the death and character of W. H. Harrison, at Januiica Plain, April 18, 1841. Boston, 1811. 8° *41(i3.13, and OOSS.lll — Voices of the dead: a sermon, Dec. 20,1840. Boston, 1840. 8" *4103.13 — Address at the funeral of. Set' Putman, G. . 4347. 120 Whitnky, J. D. Keport of a geological survey of the Upper Mississippi lead region. Albany, 1862. 4" 5873.9 — On the Upper Mississippi lead region. See Wisconsin 5873.10 — Geology and topography of the Lake Superior land district. A, T. D. Ueber deutsche Vornanien und Geschleclitsnamen. Berlin, isoo. b" . . . , *4233.7 — Ostfriesische Geschichte. Aurich, 1791-1817. ' lOv. 8° *422S.l WIADA - Siielt". No. WiARDA, T. D., continued. — Jseueste osttriesische Geschichte, Leer, 1S17. 2v. .v" 422S.4 — Willkuren der Broekmiinner. Berlin, 1820. 8°. 2815.11 WlBALD, Wibold, or Guibald, abbot of Stnfels and Correy, or Corbetj. Epistolae CCCCXLI. [Marteue. Yet. script., v. :;] 4150.1 TlTlBBERSLEY, J. A Sermon preaclied at St. Nich- olas's church, ill Newcastle, at the assizes, July 28, 1752. Newca.stle, n. d. lu" . . •Pph.v.300 WlCB.*LD, "Wicbold, or AVicbod. Qua;stioues in Octateuclium. [Jlartt^ne. Yet. script., v. 9]. 4150.1 ■WiCKLiFF, or WvcLiFFE, .1. Life, opinions, and writings, by H. H. Eaber. See Bible. New Testament. English 5411.2 Leben. ["Wagner. Lebensbeschreibungen be- riihmter Retbrmatoren, v. 1] 6059a. 2 ^VICKL1FFK, H. Eappo-mania overthrown. Parti. Boston, 1853. 12° 5C09a.25 WiCKLlFFE, R. C. Message to the general assem- bly of the state of Louisiana. Baton Rouge, IgiiO. 8° 4350a. 51 Message a Passemblee generale de la Louisiaue. Baton Kongo, IMiO. 8° 4350a. 51 WlCKLow, Ireland, Guide to the county of. Wright, G.N 2476.25 ■WiciiSTKKD, C. The Englishman's duty to the free and enslaved American. A lecture, Jan., l,isc. Tullen- sis. [Krankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 4] ... 4210.2 WlDUKlND. Kes gestie Saxonicic. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 3] 4210.2 WiECK, F. Clavier und Gesang. Leipzig, 1853. 8°. 4057.23 WlEGI.EB, J. C. Vertheidigung dor Sleyerischen Lehre vom acido pingvi. Altenburg, 1770. 12° 3977.19 WIEGSIANX, A. F. A. Archiv I'iir Naturgeschichte. Berlin, 1834-iH'. 53v. 8° »5819. 1 AViELAND, C. M. Der deutsche Merkur vom Jalir 177.3-1800. Weimar, I7.-:1- 1800. 98v. 8° . . •*5150a.2 Jiin biographisclics Denklnal. See Doering. H v. 7 of 28118.1 _ AttiBchcs MuBCum. Zlirich, l"l)8-IS03. 4v. 8°. **49o5.10 Uotthiger, J..I., and .(acobs, F. Neuesattisches Museum. Ziirieh, 1«05-U. 3v. 8° . . . .♦•4955.11 WiEI.OPOLsKi MyrzkowskI, tc mitrquis A., Le comte AndrC' Zuinoyski et. See Mnzade, C. dc 3004.35 WlEB.Weycr, or PiscinarluB, J. Dc lamiia Ilbcr: ileni de cuminentillis ielvniis. Basileae, 1577. 4° 'OOUO.!! De pracMllgUs daemonuin ; accesslt liber apolo. getit^vH, et p!4i-vdomuimichlii4laeinonvm. jlji. »ile.i.-, I.-.77. r •60110.11 — Bclulalimi dia opinion.^ de. &'>'C l<>>dln, .1. . . (IUIIO.12 WittBK, I'. Sagen- and .Miilircheiiwidd. llni-uien, U41,42. ZV. ill 1. W 211(11. Itj (iO WILBEAHAM Sbelf. No. AViESELEK, C. Chronologic des ^postolischen Zeitalters. Giittingen, 1848. 8° 6043.12 — Eiiie Untersuchung Uber den Hebraerbrief. Kiel, 1801. 2v.ini. 8° 3425.8 WlESNF.R, .1. Der Bann in seiner geschichtlichen Entwickelnng auf dem Boden des Judeu- thums. Leipzig, 1864. 12° 5489.13 WiETERSHEiJi, E. v. Geschichte der Volkerwan- derung. Leipzisr, 1859-62. 3v. 8° 2757.10 WiETRowsivi, M. liistoria de Arriana hieresi. Yetero-Pragie, 1723. f° ♦0041.4 "WiFFEN, B. B. Reformistas antiguos espanoles. Obras y reimpresas. [List and notice.] n.p., 1865. [No title-page.] pp.2. 8° ♦♦5196.24 — Life and writings of J. de Yaldes. See Yal- des, J. de ♦•5196. .34, and 5496.35 — Notice, in Spanish and in English, of J. Perez. See Perez de Pineda. J 6496.23 WiFFEN, J. H. Historical memoirs of the house of Russell. London, 1833. 2v. 8° . . . . •♦2547.2 WiGALOis der Ritter mil dem Rade. See Wirnt von Gravenberch 2900.36 "WiGAND, J. De argvendis falsis dogmatibvs et doctoribvs, aliisq; iieccatis et pcccatoribus, iu.xtaverhum Dei, ErphordiK, 1580. sm.S°. ♦6069a. 17 — De persecvtione, exiliis, [etj martyriis piorvm, [etc.]. Fram-olvrti, l.'iso. sin.8° ♦6009a. 17 WiGAND, P. Deukwitrdigkeiten fUr deutsche Slaats- und Rechtswissenschaft, fiir Rechts* alterthiimer, Sitten und Gewohnheiten des Mittelalters. Leipzig, 1854. 8° 4304.3 — Traditioues Corbeieuses. Leipzig, 1843. 8° . 4257.2 WiGGLESWORTH, E. A seasonable ciiveat against believing every spirit, [etc.]. Two lectures. Boston, 1735. 12° ♦4103.4 — Two discourses after "Whitelield's preaching at Cambridge. Boston, 1754. 8° ♦4163.4 WiGGLESWORTH, M., Sketch of the life of." See Dean, J. W 4347.25 Wight, D. Letters concerning the First parish in Scituate. SteTurner, J. B B. 170b. 84 Wight, li., and Walker-Aruott, G. A. Prodromus Horie peninsul:e Indise orientalis. \'ol. 1. London, 1834. 8° 3850." Wight, Jsie of. Tour of the, in 1789, by J. lias- sell, [jlavor. British tourists, V. 5] . . . . 2169.22 — White, W. Gazetteer of the 26W.14 Wigutsian, J. M. Address before the Massachu- setts charitable mechanic a.ssociation, Oct. 14, l.x')7. Boston, 1857. 8° 4393.46 — Coiupmiion tothe air-pump, with flf description of the lever air-pump. 3d ed. Boston, 1.-53. pp. 72. 12° - 6908.36 — Iiuiiigural address, Jan. 7, 1861; Jan. 6, 1802. Boston, 1.-61,02. 2v. 8° e360a.4 — Letter of the mayor, in relation to the contri- butions of tile citizens of Boston for the re- lief if tlie soldiers, on Sunday, Aug. 31, 1S62. liostoii, 1862. 8° 4350a. 64 Annals of the Boston primary school coniniit- tec. See Boston. Public schools 0367.0 WiGHTWK'iv, G. The palace of arcliitecture: a roiinince of art ami history. Lomioii, l>m. 8°. •8091.2 WlORA.1t, G. \". [The Euglishmairs Greek concord- ance of the New Testunieiit.J 3d ed., rev. London, IsOU. 8° 3484.24 — [The lOiiglishinan's Hebrew and Chaldee con- cordance of the Old Testament.] 2ded. Lon- don, 18iiO. 2v. 1.8° 3484.23 WlLBEUFoncE, E. Social Ufo in Munich. 2d ed. London, 1804. 12° 2804. li7 WiLBEBl'"oitoK, S. Reproof of the American cliurch; with an introduction by [W.Jay]. New York, 1840. pp. 69. .-" •411)3.8 Ueview of his counsel to the American clergy Willi reference to slavery. Ste IJerry, 1". . U. 100.90 Wil.iiEia imri;, W. Review of his Piucllial view. Sir UcUhiim, T 5163.1 WlLURAllAM, MfiHu. Address at the centennial ceUbrution. St.. bbin.\ U. P 2.300.36 WILBUR 701 WILLARD Sholf. No. TVlLBUR, H. B., jV.n. Some siijrgcstioiis on the priiieipk'!* ami iiu'tliuds of I'lcnu'iitary in- slrm-lion. Albany, l»W. pp.31. s° . . . . 35OT.1'J WlLDflf, Her. IUmm'V. Klenientf of aslninoliiy. al iMl. Xi'W lliivfii, IMI. -:i° ;029.39 — The pilgrims : a sermon preached in ^Vem^ell, Dec. •.?•.;, IN^O, llie ■-'[, (/iecon7«erm'. Defaniilia au;u.sta Wil- helnii conquestoris. See Haeberlin, F. I). . 4217.4 William Ul, kbir/ of Eiujlmul. Histoire de Guil- lauine ill. See Macaulay, T. B 2529.14 WlLLl.VM U. count of flollnnd. Agalraa reli;.noso- rnin sive nieditafioues circa mysteria passio- liis dominicae. l!ec. F. G. Otto. Coloniae, 1849. .32°. [Bibliothecamy8ticaetascetica].U069a 23 William, the silent, princeof Oninye. Apology in answer to the king of Spain, etc. [Phenix, V. I] 4157.1 — Epistuhe ineditK. [Gerdes. Scrinium nntiq. ad hist, reform, .spect., v. 1] 6055.15 — Gacliard, L. P. Assassinat de Guillaume Ic 'I'aciturne, par B. (ierard et J.,Jaureguy . . 2817.23 — - Proscription de Guill.iume le Taciturne, par Pliilippe II 2817.28 — Gerard, B. Torniens de B. Gt^rard pour avoir tue (luillauine de Nassau 2820.50 William, of Malmenhnr!/. Kx scriptis historicis. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 10] 4210.2 — De gcstis regum Angiorum lib. v; Historiic novella: lib. ii; De gesiis pinifilicum Angio- rum lib. iiii. &e Savile, II 4170.8 WlLLIA.M, of Ti/re. (,'ontinnat.a historia belli sacri, Gallico idioinate, auctnre anouynio. [.Mar- tene. Vet.- scril)t., v. 5J 4150.1 Wu.I.I.VM Augustus, (/nl:e of (hnnlierland. [An at- tempt towards an apolo;.'y fur his il H the D .] London, 1751. 12° *Piili.v.370 Williams, 0. S. Jlap of the I'niled States, travel- ler's directory, and statistical view. New Haven, 1S!3. Folded 3;° 2379.10 WiLLiA.M.s, Charles. 'I'bc vegetable world. 1st Am. ed. Boston, 18.33. 18° 7029. 19 Williams, Charles W. On bent, in Its relations to water and steam. London, IbUU, 8° . . . 3967.5 — - ."Saiue. From thi- 2d Lululon ed. I'hiladel- phla, 1864. h° 3900. 10 Williams,!). [Lettirs on political liberty.] Lon- don, 1782. pp. 8(1. 8° 3608.38 Williams, Lieut. Col. ICdward, JIudge, Cupt. W., und Dalby, \. Account of llie trignone Irieal survey carried on In i;iil-'.i4, by order of the duke ofHIchniond. [London, 1795.] 4°. . 3911.11 M'lLLiAMs, Kpbrain), Aildress In commemoration of. .SVc While, .1 4317.126 WlLLIA,Ms, Helt-n .M. /Cvenements ({III se honi pas. ses en Fiance depiiis le ler mars jus(|u'uu 2il uoveinbru lAlA. Purls, 1810. 8° 4052.10 ' 02 WILLIAMS Shk-If. No. Williams, Helen M., co7itinue9. 8' 4350^61 Williams. James. Tht; rise and fall of ' the model republic' London, 1S03. h" 4327.15 Williams, James W. A ciiarge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Quebec, July 5, imi-i. Montreal, lhe4. S" 5450a. 84 Willia:\[s, Jane. The literary women of England. London, 1801. S° 2542.14 Williams, John, LL.P. Hemarkw on a treatise by ^y. Bell, entitled " Arguments in t)ri)of of the extraordinary birlh of John the liaplist, and the miraculous birth of Christ." London, ir'.iil. pp.27, b" *41C3.1 Willia:ms, Jicv. John, fuissitmort/. Narrative of missionary enterprises in the South Sea Is- lands. IstAm. ed. New York, [L>3r]. 8°. 3535.19 Williams, John, D.D. Memoir of the lile and writings of Kev. R. Hawker. See ilawker, K V. 1 of 5501.10 Williams, John M. Judicial character of P. O. Thacher, with proceeding's in the municipal court occasioned by [his] death. Hoston, 1843. 8° : *Pph.v.3S3 Williams, Josiah B., and others. Defense of the great lakes. Ithaca, New York, [1803]. pp. 10. 8° 4378.31 Williams, M. Practical uframmar of the Sanskrit language. 2d ed. Oxford, 1n57. 1.8° . . . . *3032.G Williams, Nathan W. Sovereign and subji-'Ct: six sermons, Andover, hsy'.i. s" 5470a. 32 Williams, Nathaniel .\L The North and the South thou hast created them : adiscourse delivered thanksgiving day, Nov. 21, 1801. Kllsworlh, IMil. 10" 4.330a. 27 WiLLiA.Ms, Uobcrt. Biographital dictionary of eminent Welshmen. Llandovery, 1N>2. 8". *2441.5 Williams, liohert II. '' God's eliosen ruler." Scr- num delivered [.June 1], a day of national hu- niiliali(ni. Predi'rick. Md., I,s05. S" . . . . *4342.5 WlLl.l.vM.s, Ituger. JC.xperiiiients of spiritual life and heallh.and their preservalives. Loudon, 1052. [Keprinled, I'rovidcnce, lMi:t.] pp. 73. 4". 5442.12 — Account of tlie writings of. See Uuild, R. A. 2152.17 Williams, Sanmel, A/>. /J., />. 1713,(7. 1817. His- tory of Vermont. Waliiole N. IL, I7!M. 8^ 2337.5 Williams, Saumel, LL.D. Ilisiory of the AnuM-i- can revolution. New IIaveu,'l8,'4. 12" . . 7031). 20 Williams, Ihv. Samuel, 6. 1813. A sketch of [his] life witli renuirks on ihe natives of M'e.slern Ailiea. Together with remarks oii Nesbit's hook. riiilaj7. pp.00. 12". . . 5055.10 Williams, Samuel \V. The (.Miinese empire and its Inhabitant.s. 2d ed, London, 1810. 2v. 1.12". 4244.15 — Narraiive of the American embassy to Peking, in .Inly, iH.'.'.t. Shanghai, IkV.i. pp.37, h" . 5015.20 Williams, Theodore. [.VnetlouJ eutalogue of [his] library. [London, 1827.] »" 2138. » Williams, lirv, Thonuis. Considerations on shiv- ery in Ihe L'nhed Stales. Providence, 1850. pp. 'Z\. 12" 4310.57 — Discourse on the evils und the end of war. Pruvidencu, 1802. 8° 4350a. 63 WILLIAMS 7C3 ■WILSON Shelf. No. Williams, 7?«'r. Thomiis, continued. Tlif miTcy of (iod. A centiiriiil sermon on the revival of rt'lij,Mon, a. n. 1740. IJiirtford, If^io. s" 54G0a.8G — Scriptunil iL'stimoiiy.on thceiidless punishment of sinners. Providence, 1>-:J0. pp. UJ. 10" . 5-150a.67 — Senium on tlie eonelu-^ion of the second cen- tury from the iJettlemeut of the state of Khndc L-ihiMd and I'rovidence plantations. Trovi- di'uce, Ks:{7. t>' 5543.15 — Sermon on [the] life and denth of Ucv. N. Em- nums. Itostnn, 1S40. 8° C0SS.4 TViLLL\Ms, Ifon. Thonnis. Speech on the restora- tion of the uiiiim, in the house, April 28, 1»C4. [Washington, ist^l. No title page.] »* . . 4350a. 91 Williams. Itiv. William. nfI/nffieM,b. IfiHS.rf. 174t. Sermon. Keh. i:i, 17-'1I, on theday of the inter- ment of Hev, S. Stoddard. Boston, \72^.i. 12' *41G.3.2 William-*, William, professor o/music. The Sab- bath school. A collection of hymns and tunes. Itoston, n. d. pp. Ofl. obl.!-i° . . . 8047. 4fi — and Coule, — . Instructions for the German concertina. Boston, n. d. pp. 30. obl.4'' . 8052.41 Williams, William K. The conservative princi- ple in our literature. Au a(i2. New York, n.d. 10° 4350a. 88 — Literary culture increasing the power of the Christian nnnistry. discourse, Oct. 20, 1S34. Boston, 1,-34. 8° 5470a. 33 — National renovatitm : its source, its channels, and its results. New York, 1^03 pp.24. 1'^". 4.330a. 22 — Discourse on occa>*iou nf the assassination of the president of the I'nited State?, April 14, 1805. [National preacher. May and June, 1805] . . 4342.4 Williamson, W. C. Uecent foraminifera of Great Britain. London, 18.^j8. 4°. [Ray society]. *3S80. 14 WiLLiAiMSTowN, Afntts. Williams oolleg-e. Cata- In-^rne of the officers and students, 1803-4. Williamstown, 1S03. pp. 24. 8" 4387.45 — - C;italoi,'"us eorum qui alifjuovis gradu ex- ornati fuerunt. Trojre, 1841. 8* *Pph.v.387 — - 3Iissiouary jubilee, Aug. 5, 1850. Boston, 185(5. 8° 5538.2 — - History of. Dnrfee, C 2:J87.12 WiLLlCH, A. F. 31. Lectures on diet and regimen. 1st Boston ed., abridged. Boston, 1800. 2v. in 1. 12° 3706.28 WiLLiCH, August. [WillichatChickamauga.] n.p., n.d. [No title-p;ige.] pp.8. 8° 4.340a. 70 AViLLICH, C. M. Popular tables for ascertaining the value of lifehold, property, etc. 5th ed, London, UsOl. 12° 3923.18 Willis, H. Willis and Co's bank note list and coun- tei-feit detecter. Boston, 184:i-54. Ilv. 4°. *5041.1 Willis, L. Semi-centennial address delivered in the Universalist church, Salem, Aug. 4, 1859. Salem, 1859. 8° 5543.10 Willis, .N. P. Poem before the Society of united brothers, at Brown university, Sept. 6, is:il. New Vork, 1S31. 8° 4267.3 Willis, R. Principles of mechanism. London, 1841. 8° 3945.25 Willis, S. W., Sermon preached after the death of. 6'ee Kirk, E. N 54G0a.l0 Willis, T. Medical works. Parti. Englished by S. P[«rda^'e]. London, 10^1. f° 3710.9 Willis, W. Guide book for Portland and vicinity. Portland, ifsji*. 18° 4389a. 32 — History of the law, the courts, and the lawyers of Maine. Porthind, 18iJ3. 8° 2345.19 — History of Portland, from 1(j32-1804. 2d ed. Portland, iM.o. 8° 2339.13 Willis, Z., Life and ministry of. See Pope, A. K. 4347. 126 WiLLisCH, U. O. Mein Glauhe hei des Glaubens Wirren. Grinima, 1840. pii. 16. 12° . - .B.160b.2 WiLLISToS. N., Sermon at the interment of. See Trumbull. B 4347.127 Sholf. No. WiLLKOMM, E. Sagenund Miihrchen ausderOber- lausitz. 2te Ausg. Hannover, 18-I5. 2v. in 1. 10". 4224.24 Wii.LSl,.!. IMstoire de la pliilosophie allemande depuis Kant jusqu'a Hegel. Paris, 1846-49. 4v. 8° 0094.2 WiLLMKi: and Smith's European times, publiBhed expressly for the United States, Canada, etc, 1.S02. f° *7020.7 WiLLMKT, J. Lexicon Hngvae Arabicac in Cora- nvm Haririvm et [Arabschahi] vitara Ti- mvri. Lu^'dvni Batavorvm, 17M. 4° . . . 5030.13 WlLLoi'cilUY, Sir H. Voyage to Northern Bussia, See ILimel,.J - . . 3067.0 WiLi.ouoiiBY, /<(«/»/. Diary. 5ee Ualhbone, H.M, 4570.24 Wills, Treatise on. Jarman, T 3035.3 WiLLsON, K. B. AddresH at the consecration of the Kiverside cemetery iu Graiton, April 29, iKol. Boston, 1853. 8° 4355.62 — The had I'rida)' : a sermon after the return of A. liurns to slavery. Boston, 1854. 8" . . B.lOOa.34 — The church n-cord; a sermon in Grafton, Dec. 27,1840. Worcester, 1847. 8° ...,,.. 5540-7 WiLLSoN, M. History of the United States. New York, 1840. 12° 7039.25 WiLLYAMS, C. Views in Egypt, Palestine, Bhodes, Italy, Minorca, and Gibi-altar. [Descriptions Fr.andEug.] London, 1822. 29col.pl. f °. *D.4.N.2 WiLMEK, W. H. The episcopal manual. 3d ed. Baltimore, 18J9. 12° 5448.19 WiLMOT, J., earl of Rochester. Select poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, v. 0] 4004.1 — Some account of the life and death of. See Burnet, G 4549a. 35 — - Same. [Boston. Benevolent associations. Christi.in monitor, v. 20] 5459.5 WiLMOT. See Eardley-Wilmut, Sir J. E. WlLMOT proviso, The. Taylor, Z 0087.36 WiLMSKN, F. E. Vorlesuugeu Uber dieGeschichte. Berlin, 17S3-85. 4v. 16° 4159a. 2 WiLSUN, A. History of Great Britain, being the life and reign of James i. London, 1653. f". *4171.8 Wilson, C. Discourses introductory to the apoc- rypha. See Apocrypha 3428.9 Wilson, Daniel, bishop of Calcutta. Analogy of religion ; a criticism of Butler's treatise. Boston, 1834. 18° 3486.31 — Thoughts on British colonial slavery. London, 1828. [No title-page.] pp.7. 8° 5572.88 Wilson, Pj'of. Daniel. The archeology and pre- historic annals of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1851. 8° 2474.17 Wilson, George, esq. Bribes no perquisites: or, the case of the earl of Macclestield. ' London, 1720. 12° *Pph.v.370 Wilson, George, M. D., F. Ji. S. E. Religio cheni- ici. Essays. Loudon, 1802. 12° 5978.25 — Kesearches on colour-blindness. Edinburgh, 1855. 8° 4060.25 — and Geikie, A, Memoir of Edward Forbes. London, 1801. 8° 2457.20 Wilson, Henry. Treatise on navigation. 0th ed. London, [irS- or 4-]. [No title-page.] 8°. 5926.30 Wilson, C«/;(. Henry. Voyage, shipwreck on the Pelew Islands. [Mavor. Voyages, v. 11] , 0207.1 Wilson, Hon. Henry. Aggressions of the slave power: speech in the senate, Jan. 20,1860. Washington, 1800. [No title-page.] b° . . 4310.58 — The Central American question : speech in the senate, Feb. 12, 1856. Washington, li^a. [^o title-page.] 8° 6087.113 — The Crittenden compromise — a surrender: speech in the senate, Feb. 21, 1861. [Wash- ington, 1801. No title-page.] 8" 4310.58 — The death of slavery— the life of the nation : speech iu the senate. May 1, 1802. Washing- ton, 1802. [No title-page.] 8° 4310.58 — The death of slavery is the life of the nation : speech in the senate, March 28,1804. Wash- ington, 1864, 8° 4310.58 WILSON 704 TTTNER Shelf. Nu. Wilson, JTon. Henrr, crmtinited. — Defence of tlie republican party: speech in the sennte, on the president's message, Dec. 19, 1836. Wnshinsrton, 1857. 8° 6087.113 — Executive patronngre ; speech in the senate, May 9, KW. Washington, 1866. 8° . . . . 4310.58 — Kansas affairs: speech in the senate, July 9, IS.W. Washington, 1856. 8' 6087.113 — Military measures, lSul-6o. New York, 18C6. pp. SS. 8° -13503. 2S — The new constitution. Boston, n.d. [Xotitle- page.J pp. 16. 8° 4:310.58 — The Pacific railroad : speech in the senate, Jan. 11, 1859. Washington, 1859. [No title- pase.J 8° 4310.58 — Personalities and aggressions of Sir. Butler : speech, in tlle senate, June 13, 1856. Wash- ington, n.d. [Notitle-page.l 8°. 43!0.82.and <08".113 — Speech in the senate, July 2, 1856, on the bill to authorize the people of Kansas to form a con- stitution and state government. Washington, 1856. [No title-page.] 8° 6087.113 — Speech in the senate, March 20, 185S, on the bill to admit Kansas under the Lecompton con- stitution. [Washington, 1858. No title- page IS" 6087.113 — Speech in the senate, March 27, 1862. on the bill to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia. Washington, 18iV3. [No title-page.] 8° . . 4310.58 — Speech in the senate, on the Lecompton con- stitution, Feb. 3 and 4, 1858. Washington, 1858. [No title-page.] 8° 6087.113 — Speecli in the senate, on the petition of the Kansas legislature: also " A question of ve. racity" settled for Hon. B. V. Hallett. Washington, 1856. (No title-page.) 8° . .6087.113 — The state of affairs in Kansas : speech in the senate, Feb. 18, 1856. Washington, 1856. 8°. •4310.8, and 6087.113 — Suppression of the slave trade : speech in the senate. May 21, 1860. Washington, 1860. [No title-page.] 8° 4310.68 — Territorial slave code : speech in the senate, .Ian. 25, 1860. [Washington, 1860. No title- page.) 8° 4310.58 WiLSOX, Horace H. History of British India, 1805- .35. London, 1818. 3v. 8° .3010.25 WiLSOX, Jacob. Notes on the errors of grammar. Canajoharie, 18.58. Ls° 2U55.8 Wilson, Jacob A. Oratio Harveiana in aulibus collegii regalis medicorum habita die Junii 29, MIKCCL. Loudini, 1860. 8° ,5719a. 2 Wilson, lion. James. Speech on the political in- fluence of slavery, delivered in the house of representatives, Feb. 16,1849. Washington, lM4y. 8° 4310.3, 59 Wilson, Rev, James, Sermon occasioned by the death of. Sec Tucker, M Pph.v.378 Wilson, James P. Essay on gramnnir. Philadel- phia, 1817. 8° 4207.8 Wilson, Jasper. Letter to W. I'itt, in which the real interests of Britain, in the present crisis, are considered. 3d ed. London, 1793. 8". ♦Pph.v. 337 Wilson, John, F, R. S. E. Lecture on llax, be- fore the New York state agricultural soci- ety, at Saratoga, Sept., 1853. New York, 1853. 12° 3660.35 Wilson, John, /jro/ctf.tor ff^ IHflinIiurf/k. Memoir of Christopher North. See ii anion, M. . . . 2542.28 Wilson, .John, prhtter. Address at the Burnscen- tenary in Koslou. .Sec Burns, K 4390a. 42 Wilson,. loliu G. IMseourses on prophecy. ^Ko. 1. Philadelphia, 1850. 8° 0088.191 Wilson, Rev. .Joseph. Frencli and Knglish dlc- tioiniry. Ni'W Vork, Wtl. 1.8°. 4681.0 WlLHo.N, .lohi'ph ,M. Presbyterian historical alma- lute, and annual remenihrancer ottlie church for WH. Vol.6. Phllaclclphla, IWH. «' . . 7642.1 W1L.S0N, P. Introdnetion to (Jreek prosody. New Vurk, isll. 12' 4989.14 Shelf. No. Wilson, Sir R. T. Life, from autobiographical memoirs, etc. Edited by Rev. H. Randolph. London, 1862. 2v. 8° 2543.17 — A narrative of the British expedition to Egypt under Gen. Abercrombie, in 1801. Abridged. London, 180.3. [No title-page.] 12° . . . *Pph.v.319 — Private diary, 1812-14. Edited by Rev. H. Ran- dolph. London, 1861. 2v. 8° 2455.17 — Commissaire anglais au camp russe pendant la guerre de 1812. See Forgues, P. E. D. . . 3005.14 Wilson, T. C.itholicity, spiritual and intellectual: a series of discourses. London, 1850. 8° . 6036.7 — Priestly systems repugnant to Christian prin- ciples. [Glasgow], n.d. pp.19. 8° . . . . 54"0a.62 Wilson, W. D. Discourse on slavery, before the anti-slavery society in Littleton, N. H. Con- cord, 18.39. 8° *4163.14 Wilson, William. Gathered together. Poems. London, 1800. 16° 4568.40 Wilson, William J. E. Anatomists' vade mecum : a system of human anatomy. London, 1840. 16° 3749.17 — - Same. 2d ed. London, 1848. 12° .... 3749.15 — The student's book of cutaneous medicine and diseases of the skin. New York, 18.'.5. 8° . 3790.60 Wilson, William T. The denth of president Lin- coln : sermon, April 19, 1863. Albany, 1865. 8°. *4342.5 WiLSTER, C. F. De religione et oraculo Apullinis Delphici. [Diss.acad.] Havnia;, 1827. 16°. IS. 170a. 123 Wilton, E. The Negeb, or " South country" of Scripture. London, 1863. 16° 3085.9 Wilton, N. H., Address at the centennial celebra- tion in. Peabody, E 4163.10, and Pph.T.380 WiLTSCH, J. E. T. llandbuch der kirchlichen Geo- graphic und Statistik. Berlin, 1846. 2v. 8°. 4153.10 — Atlas sacer sive ecolesiasticus. Gotha, 1843. pp.28. 4° text, and 5 pi. f° B.lSOe.l WiLTsiiiKE, Eng. See Bronghton GiU'ord, Devizes. WlLWoLT von Sch-iumburg. Gesehichteu und Ta* ten, herausgegebeu durch A. von Keller. Stuttgart, 1859. 8°. [Stuttgart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, v. 60] •4236.1 WiNCHicNoox, Miiss., History of the town of. Hyde, E 4169.8 Winchester, E., Biography of. See Stone, E. M. 2348.34 WiNCKLEK, E. Geschichte der Botanik. Frank- furt, 1854. sm.8° 4277.19 WiNDECK, E. Historia Sigismuudi imp. veruacula (i:is6-146i). [Mcncke. Scrij)!. Germ., v. I). 4261.2 WiNDKLK, J. Historical and descriptive notices of the city of Corkaudits vicinity, [etc.]. New ed. Cork, 1849. 12° 2476.26 WiNDii.v.M, W. Diary, 1784 to 1810. Edited by Mrs. H. Baring. London, 1866. 8° . . . . 2546.12 — Speeches in parliament; prefixed, account of his life, by T. Amyot. London, 1812. 3v. 8° 2672.3 WlNi>HAM, Conn. First church. Tyler, J. E. His- torical discourse beibre the 4356.6 — - Waterman, E. Century sermon beibre the. 6646.9 W1NI11SCIIMANN, C. J. II. I'ie Philosophie im Fortgang der Weltgescliichle. ler Theil. Alilh. 1-1. Bonn, 1827-34. .3v. 8° 6105.23 WiNDisciiMANN, F. Mithra. Ein Beltrag zur Slythengeschichte des Orients, J^eipzig, 1857. p|). 89. 8° 6026.9 Winds and their courses. Jinnuin, G. ...... 3967.9 Win USUI p,C. W. l'heuonu'na"rvilalily,orlawsof mobility and motion in animal bodies : a liis- eourse. Boston, 1818. ,s° . »1163.UI, and "M.Pph.v.l.'IS WiNDSolt, A. L. Ethica : or, charai'terislicsofmen, nninners, and books. Loiuiou, I860. 8° . . 2557.16 Windsor, J. H. ["The surety of the upright." A discourse, preached .luut* I, Iwi5.j llidde- lord, 1865. 8° •1342.8 Windsor, lioyal, guide. Brown, J. li 21119.29 Wind.sor, t'oHH., History of. Stdes, II. U. . . . 2330.20 WlNEIl, G. II. Hiblisches Iteahvorlerbuch. 2to Aull. Leipzig, 183:i-38. 2v. 8° *60:12 6 — - Same. 3te Aufi. Leipzig, 1849. 2v. 8° . 6081. 1 WINER 705 WINTHROP 5033.3 Wiser, o. B., coiilimicd. — GniinnmroftlieChiikleeliinsHiige. Translated l)y II. H. Ihu-krti. Amlovor, 18^5. 8° . . . — Griiininar of thi' idioms of the Giccli language of tin- Xcw ■IVslmiicnt. Translatcil by ,1. H. Agncw and (). (i. Kblicke. I'liila., isio. 8°. *4131.2 — Greek jrrauiimir of tlie New Testament. Translated from the German by JI. Stuart and !•;. Robinson. Andover, 1825. 1.8". . . *4121.4 — Handbucli der tlieolo'iischen Litcratur. 2to Aurt. I,eipzi[;, 1830. 8° *418.'J.2 Wines, E. C. a trip to Boston. Boston, 1838. •■■i° 2333.22 Winks, F.H. Children in paradise. Philadelphia, 1603. pp. ra. 12° 5457.16 Winks. J.audier, — . Manuel des marchands de vins 4029.3 — Redding, €. Kreiioli wine and vim yards . . . 4003.34 — Tovey, <.'. Wine and wine countries 4008.35 Sec also: Gra|io, Vino. WiNGFiKLt), E. M. Discourse of Virginia. See Worcester. American antiquarian society. Transactions, V. 4 2311.1 AVtNGFiiiLi), W. V. A tour in Dalmatia, Albania, and Jlomeuegro; with an historical sketch of Ragusa. London, 1859. 12° 3083.10 Wlniewski. F. [De aniuHirum immortalitate Grse- corum persuasio. Diss. tres.J Mouasterii Guestphalorum, 1845-49. 4° B. 190. 05 WlNKLUli, E. T. Duties of the citizen soldier: ser- mon iu the First baptist church, Charleston, Jan. 0, 1801. Charleston, 1801. 8° 4350a. 57 WiNLOCK, J. Tables of Mercury, for the use of the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Washington, 1804. pp.50. 4° 3921.30 WiNNEPissiOGEE lake guide book. See White mountain 2379.28 WiNSLOW, F. Journal of psychological medicine. Vol. 1-13. London, 1848-00. 13v. 8° . . . *37T8.1 — Medical critic and psychological journal. Vol. 1-3. London, 1801-03. 3v. 8° *3778.2 WINSLOW, H. The ajipropriate sphere of woman. A discourse, July 9, 1837. Boston, 1837. S° 5470a. 87 — Dangerous tendency to innovations and ex- tremes iu education. Boston, 18.35. 8° . "'Pph.v.3S3 — Discourse delivered on the day of annual thanksgiving, Jiov. 30, 18:J7. Boston, 1837. S° 5470a. 87 — Elements of intellectual philosophy. Boston, 1850. 12° 5000.13 — The importance of sustaining the law. A dis- course, June 10, 18.39. Boston, 1839. 12°. . 5470a. 87 — The mode of baptism : a discourse, April 24, 1843. Boston, 1843. 18° 5455.0 — Sermon btrore the Ancient and honorable ar- tillery company, June 0, 1833. Boston, 1853. 8° , 5470a. 87 WiNSLow, M. Tamil and English dictionary of high and low Tamil. Madras, 1802. 4° . . . 5031.1 WiNSLOW, S. X. [Biographies of successful Phil- adelphia merchants.] Philadelphia, 18i>4. 8° ■. . . Winter, N. S. van, and Merken, L. W. van^^ neelpoezy. Amsterdam, 1774. 4° . M^ Cc»/cir«.— Merken, L. W. van: Het beleg^JRfad Leydcn ; Jncob Simnnszoon de R>k; De CamiearctH; M:iria vnn Bourgondien, ^rnvinne viiu Urtlland ; Winter, N. S. ran: &Ionzongo, of dc koningklyke alaaf. Winter, A, in the West Indies and Florida. New York, 1839. 13° 4367.9 Winter evenings ; or lucubrations on life and let- ters. Kuox, V 2558.12 WISTEKBOT1IA.M, W. American atlas [to accom- pany Wiuterbothara's History of the United States]. Xew Voik, 1790. f° *23.J.4 WiNTERL, J. J. Harstellung der vier Bestand- theile der anorganischon Natur. Aus dem Lat. iiberaelzt von J. Schuster. Jena, 1804. 8° 3977.15 89 W 845.30 2891.: t Shelf. No. INTERTON, R. Pocta; minores Graecl. [Gr. et Lat.] Accedunt observationesin llesiodum. Cantabrigia;, 10.35. ls° •2904.7 CunfdaM. — Hesiodus; Tlieoeritua; Mosctiua; nion Smyrn.; Simniias Ithod.; Musieus; TJlooenia; Phocy- lidea; rytliagDi-ns; Solon; Tyrtrena; Simonidea; Klila- nuB; Niuinincliiua; Panyosis; Orjitiena; Minniorniua; LInua; Callinnielius; EvcnuaPar.; Eratosthenes; Men- ecratea; PogldijiiiUN; Metrodorus; Fraginonta quajdam. - - Same. Cantabi-igise, 1077. sni.S" *B.lfl9.3 intehtdn, Eiit/., History of. Andrew, W. . . . 2499.0 INTHROP. E. Premiumessay on the laws of pro- phetic symbols. 4th ed. New York, 1800. 13° 34.30.29 iJJTiinop, J., Life and letters of. See Winthrop, R. C 3.347.39,40 iNTnuop, R.C. Addiess, April 7, 1859, before the Young men's Christian association. Boston, 1859. 8° •4393.4 - Address at the opening of the grand musical festival. May 31, 1857. Boston, I.S57. 8' . . »4.393.4 - Address before the association of the alumni of Harvard college, July22, 1852. Cambridge, 1853. 8° B. 170a. 50 ■ Address before the Boston mercantile library association, on their 35th anniversary, Oct. 15, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8° *4103.9 ■ Address before the Maine historical society, at Bowdoin college, Sept. 5, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8° 4139.03 ■ Address [before the Blassachusetts historical society, April 9, 1857], and the remarks of the Hon. E. Everett, with a description of tlie Dowse library. Boston, 1857. 8° *4393.13 Address before the New England society, in the city of New York, Dec. 33, 1839. Boston, 1840. 8° •Pph.v.3&3 [Address of the Whig young men's convention to the people of Massachusetts.] u. p., u. d. [No title-page.] 8° *4.393.13 Address on laying the cornerstone of the pub- lic library of the city of Boston, Sept. 17, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8° ♦4393.13 [Address] to the people of Massachusetts. [Boston, 1838. No title-page.] 8° *4393.13 Admission of California. Speech, Mtiy 8, 1850. Washington, 1850. 8° ••f393. 4, and 6087.126 Algernon Sidney; a lecture, De^21, 1853. Bos- ton, 1854. 8° ■■. *4393.4 American agriculture: addrel^Oct. 15, 1852. Boston, 1833. 8° *4393.4 Archimedes and Frauklin : a lecture, Nov. 29, 1853. Boston, 1833. 8° *4393.4 Life and letters of John Winthrop. Boston, I8li4. 8° 3347. .39, 40 Luxury and the fine arts : address in aid of the fund for Ball's equestrian statue of Washing- ton, May 13, IS.'iO. Boston, 1859. 8° . . . . »4.393.4 Memoir of tlie Hon. Nathan Appleton. Bos- ton, 1801. pp. 79. 8° 4o9(la.l2 Oration at the inauguration of the statue of Frauklin, Sept. 17, 1850. Boston, 1856. 8°. 4345.10 Oration, July 4, 1848, on laying the corner- stone of the national monument to the mem- ory of Washington. Washington, 1848. 8°.*4393.13 Question of order. Interested members. [De- cision of the speaker of the] Massachusetts house of representatives, Feb. 19, 1840. n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] pp. 4. 8° '•4393.13 [Remarks before the Massachusetts historical society on the death of B. Silliman and C. C. Rafn.] Boston, 1804. [No title-pagej. 8° . *4.393.i.3 Remarks, Dec. 9, 1840, on the resolution calling for informatiou in regard to the government established in the conquered provinces of Mexico, u.p., n. d. 8° *4393.4 Remarks on the distribution bill, July 3, 1841. n.p.,u. d. [.N(o title page.] 8° *4393.I3 Remarks on the revenue bill, July 38, 1841. n. p., n. d. [No title page.] 8° *Pph.v,382 WINTHROP 706 WISE •■# Slu-lf. No. TTixTHROp, R. C, continued. — Speech at the great New York ratification meet- ing, Sept. 17, ISM. Boston, 1S04. 8° . . . . 4350a. 07 — Speech in the SlassacJtusetts house of represen- tatives, on the sub-treasury system, March 26,1838. n.p.,n.d. [So title-piige.] 8° . H393.13 — Speech in the whig con\ention of JIa'ss., Sept. 3, 1856. n. p., n. d. [No title-page.] 8° . . *4393.-4 — Speech [on 3Ii\ Tolk's administration], n. p., n. d. 8" *4393.4 — Speech on the annexation of Texas, Jan. 6, 1843. Washington, l.«45. 8° 0087.125 — Speech on tlie army bill, Feb. 22, 1847. Wasli- ington, 1847. 8° •4.393.13 — Speech on tlie Mexican w;ir, Jan. 8, 1847. Washington, 1847. 8° »4393.4 — Speech on the Oregon question, March IS, 1844, Feb. 1, 1845, Jan. 3, 1846. Washington, 1844- 4fi. 8° *4393.4 — Speech on the presidential question, Oct. 24, 1856. n. p., n. d. 8° *4.393.4 — Speech on the president's message, Feb. 21, 1860. Washington, 1850. 8° *4393.4 — Speech on the resolution that the exchequer plan ought not to be adopted, Jan. 25, 1843. Washington, 1813. 8° *Pph.v.382 — Speech on tlie rii^ht of petition, Jan. 23 and 24, 1844. Washington, 1844. 8° *43!I3.4 — Speech on the river and harbor bill, March 12, IStii. Washington, 1816. 8° *4393.13 — Speech on the tariff, June 23, 184B. Washing- ton, 1841-1. .-.^ •4.393.4 — Report on rules and statutes of the office of preacher an.VI. pp.24. S* 0103.7 — CoMKiilution of (he state, adopted Fili. I, 1M8. Madison, I.MN. pp.43. 8" 01ii3.4 — .lourinil of the council i>f the h-glslative assem- bly, 1837-411. MadiHon, In;17-JI. 2v. n°. . . •0403.3 Journal of the house of representatives of the legislative assembly ; 2d nesslon, 1837. Green hay, IK17. «° •0tn3.2 — Keviseil slalulis. Soulliporl, 18411. 8' . . . •0403.1 Wisconsin, continued. Miscellanemis documents. — Adjutant general. Report for 1802. Madison, 1803. 8° •MOS.IO — Bank comptroller. Report for 1854. Madison, 1855. pp.42. 8° 6403.21 — Board of public works. Report for 1853. Madi- son, 1853. pp. 50. 8° 0403.32 — Commissioner of emigration. 1st annual re- port, .^ladison, 1853. pp. 16. 8° 0403.29 — Deaf and dumb institute. Report of the board of trustees for 1852. Madison, 1853. pp. 12. S" 6403.38 — Governor, L. J. Farwell. Annual message, delivered Jan. 10, 18,52. Madison, 1852. 8°. 0403.14 — Governor, A. W. Randall. Annual message, delivered Jan. 15, 1858. Madison, 1838. 8°. 4289.44 — Institution for the education of the blind. Report uf the board of trustees, Dec. 31, 1852. Madison, 1853. pp. 19. 8° 0403.37 — Regents of normal schools. Proceedings, iluly 15, 1857. Madison, 1837. pp. 22. 8° . . . . 4129.20 — - .3d report, ISfiO. Madison, 1800. pp. 29. 8°. 0403..38 — Regents of the university. 3d, 5tli report. Madison, 1851,53. 8' 6403..35 — Report of the committee appointed to investi- gate into alleged frauds in the disposition of the land grant by the legislature of 1850. Madison, 1858. 8° *G403.5 — Report on the geological survey. Vol. 1. J. Hall on general geology and paheontology ; J. D. Whitney on the lead region, n. p., 1802. 4° 5873.10 — Report, Annual, on the geological survey of the state of Wisconsin [Is55, by J. G. Percival], 58 (by E.Daniels]. Madison, 1855-58. 2v. 8°. 5808.8 — Secretary of state. Report, Jan. 1, 1851. Mad- ison, 1861. pp.44. 8° 0403.16 — State prison commissioners. Report for 1851. Madison, 18,V>. pp. 22. 8° 0403.28 — Slale treasurer. Report, 1850, 52. Madison, l.'-51,33. 2V. 8° 0403.19 — Supreme and circuit courts. Rules of practice. Milwaukee, 1849, 57. 8° 0403.24 — Abel, H. I. Geographical, geological and statistical chart of 2379.25 — Curiiss, D. S. Description of 2407.27 — Ii-armer, ,). Map of 2379.39 — jMilchell, S. A. Jlap of the settled part of . 2379.25 — Percival,.!. G. Report on the iron of Uodge and U'ashington counties 5808.7 — Smith, W. R. History of 2373.30 — U'hitney, J. D. Geological survey of the Upper Mississippi lead region 5873.9 ^cc also: Mudinon, Milwiiulti'i rlur (Lake). Itwck county, Sujio- — Historical society. Reports, Ist-lth, and Col- lections. Madison, 18.Vi-:V.). 4v. 8° . . . . •4.377.1 Wisno.M, Hook of. See Apocrypha 0018.10 WiSDdftL ill iniuiature. From the tot h Loudon cd. ^w XU) k, 1830. 24° .3088.33 Wisic, I). Mfcialli of life. Boston, 1848. 12°.. 6447.20 Wisic, i;. tBF readiest reckoner ever invented. ,Sci' Simijsou, S 6084.0 AViSK, H. A. Territorial government, and the ad- mission of new stall's into tlu; union: a his- ttirical and constitutional treatise, n. p., n. d. 8' 4.300«.47 WisK, .John. The churches ipiarrel espoused. 2d ed. Boston, 1715. 10° 31,58.99 WisK, .lohn R. The New Forest: its history and its scenery. London, 180:1. sm.4° 2504.17 — Shakspeie: his hirlh|ilacc and lis ncighbonr- hood. Illustrated by \V. J. Lilitou. Lon- iloii, 1801. 10° 2598.22 Wi.iK, T. I'oiiliilatlon of the n'lison and philosophy of atheism. London, I roii. Iv. in 2. 8m.4°. C030.6 WISEMAN 707 woLcorr shelf. No. WiSE.n.VN, N. An appojil to the reason and pood fffliii": of the KnpHsh pcoiilo on tlip subject of tile catliolic hienirciiv. London, 1850. pp. :)■-'. S° ' 5404.1^ — [CoMipitnm ; or, the nieetinp of the way.-* nt the t catholic ehiirch.] Book!, 2. aded, London, ^ ls.il, 5-'. >Y. t'° (i074.2(i — Williiini .Shakespeare. Boston, 1805. Si' . . 45'JU.40 AVisinin-, W. T. The female se.\: a lectmc. Saint .John, \. »., is.w. Vi° 4-'8'J.13 WiSLICKNi-s, (i. A. Aus Amerika. Leipzig, 1M4. ■-'V. in 1. .s" 41003.2 — Neue Keform. Znr Fiirderun^ der Religion der .Men.-ichlichkeit. Halle, 1849-52. 4v. in 2. 4° fiOSl.S — Ob SchrilY ? Ob Ceist ? Verantwortnng gej^en nieine Ankliiger. 4te Anfl. Leipzig, 1843. pp.78. 8° 6088.1S5 ■VVlSNKU, K. B. Bein'fits and claims of Sabbath sehool-s: a sermon, .Jan. 17, IS'JO. Boston, l.S'U). 12° fi470a.86 — Discourse in coinmcinoration of the landing of the pilgrims, delivered at IMymouth, Dec. 22, 1S.S0. Boston, 1831. 8° ol70a.86 — Moral condition and prospects of the heathen: a sermon. Boston, 1824. 8° *I'ph.v.379 — Sermon before tile Society for propagating the gospel among the Indians in North America, Nov. 5, l82y. Boston, 1829. 8° 5470a. 86 - Sermon occasioned by the death of 3Irs. 31. Phillips, delivered [in Boston], May 18, [1823]. Cambridge, 1823. 8° 4317.81 WISSENSCHAFT, Ueber die, der Idee. Breslau, 1831. 8° 6108.12 WiSZXIEWSKI, M. Historya literatury polski(^j. Krakow, 1S40-.57. lov.ina. 8° 3004.13 ■WiszowATZY, A. Vita ac mortis [ejus] historia. SceSand, C. C B. 117. 14 "Wit, Essay upon. Blackmore, R 2558,9 ■\ViTCHCKAFT. Bodin, .1. De la demonomanie des sorciers 6090.12 — -De magorum diemonomania 61U9a.3 — Horst, (t. C. Diimonomagie, oder Ge'^cliichte des Glaubens an Zauberei and daiiionisclie Wunder 6100.7 — Laymann, P. I'rocessusjuridicuscoutrH sagas et veneficos 0090.16 — Slichelet, J, The witch of the middle ages . . 5007.14 — Schubert, G. H. V. Die ZiubereisUuden . . .61)88.137 — Sprenger, J. Malleus muleficarura 0090.17 See atsf): Demoiiolo^', Divination, Magic. Witches, Trial, condemnation and execution of. See Account 4163.11 WlTHA>i, W. Life of Mrs. H. Kinney for twenty years. By her first husband, n. p., 1842. 18° 2348 54 WiTHEIts, P. Measures to suppress a pamphlet entituled. Strictures on tlie declaration of Home Tooke respecting the princess of Wales. New ed. London, 1789. 12° . . *l'ph v.369 WiTHINGTOX, L. A bundle of niyrrh. Thanks- giving sermon, Nov. 28, 1850. Newbury- porl, 1850. 12° 5450a. 55 — - Same. 2d ed. Newburyport, lail. 12° . B.160a.78 — A review of the late temperance movements in Massachusetts. Boston, 1840. 8° .3576.40 — The soul of man. Sermon preached at Salem, April 22, 18.32. Salem, 18.32. 8° 5450a.55 WiTHiNc;rt>x, W. The growth of thought as affect- ing the progress of society. Boston, 1851, pp. 72. 12° 6093.18 WiTHoK, F. T. Meletema de leprosoriis vetemm Hebraeorum. [Oelrichs. Collectio opusculo- r«m, v. 1] 6066.1 Wits, H. De secido hoc et future. 5ec Meuschen, J.G 6010.1 WlTsruEL, J. H. W. Morgen- und Abendopfer in Gesangen. Ite amer. Aufl. Philadelphia, 1833. 12° 5448.18 WiTSEN, N. Noord en cost Taitaiye, gedeelten van Asia en Europa. 2e druk. Amsterdam, 170.'). 2t. f° *4260.3 Witt, C. de. Jefferson and the American democ- ^ racy. Transl. by U. S. II. Church. London, W 1802. 8° 2345.18 WW, G. de. Petites meditations cliretiennes. • Paris, 1802. 8° 5458.3 Witt, .L de. Elementa eurvaruni linearum. [Des- cartes. Opera, v. 8] 3926.5 WiTTE, C. Qnando e da clii sia coniposto I'Ottimo coiueiito a Dante, [coi] supiilimenti alia Bib- liograiia dantesca. Lipsia, 1847. pp. 53. 12° 4104.5 — Annierkungen iiber Dante's Lyrische Gediclite. See Dante Alighieri 4800.21 WiTTE, G. Diarium renim in Belgio 1506 usque ad 1580 gestarum. See Feyerabend, S 4229.3 WlTTENWEiLEU, K. Der Ring, heran.sg. von L. Bechsteiii. Stuttgart, 1851. 8°. [Stutt- gart. Bibliothek des liter. Vereins, v. 23] **2874.20, and *4225.1 WiTTicii. W. Studies and method of teaching in Prussian schools. New York, 1838. pp. 47. 16° 55U9a.3 WiTTWEK, W. C. Alexander von Humboldt. Sein wissenschaftlichesLeben und Wirken. Leip- zig, 1861. 8° 3836.9 WOAET, .J. Address at the funeral of J. W. Injra- ham, with tiie proceedings of the primary school committee. Boston, 1848. 8° . . . . 4347.42 WoDROW, R. Correspondence. Edited by Rev. T. M'Crie. Edinburgh, 1842, 43. 3t. 8°. [VVoilrow society] 5503.1 — History of the sufl'erings of the church of Scotland, from the restanration to the revo- lution. Edinburgh, 1721, 22. 2v. f° . . . . *6080.2 — Collections for life of Rev. Robert Bruce. See Bruce, R 5193.2 WODROW society, instituted for the publication of the works of early writers of the reformed church of Scotland. [Publications.] Edin- burgh, 184-'-5«. 24v. 8°. If'tmehj: — Bruce, R. Sermons, with life by R. Wodrow. Edited by W. Cunningham 5493.2 — Calderwood. O. History of the kirk of Scot- land. Edited by T. Thomson. 8v 5493.3 — Ferine, C. Analysis of tlie epistle to the Ro- mans, and Latin ccunmeiitury on the same, by A. Melville. Edited by W. L. Ale.xander. 5493.4 — Knox, .1. History of the reformation in Scot- land. Edited by D. Laing. 2v 5403.5 — Laing, D. Miscellany, containing tracts and letters. Vol. 1 6493.6 — Melvill,J. Autobiography and diary,. Edited by R. Pitcairn 5493.7 — Rollock, R. Select works. Edited by W. M. Gnnn. 2v 5493.8 — Row, J. History of the Idrk of Scotland, 1558- 1037 5493.9 — Row, W. Life of R. Blair, containing his autobiography. Edited by T. JPCrie . . . 5493.1 — Scot, W. State of the kirk of Scotland since the reformation, with Records of the estate of the kirk, lCOo-0, by .1. Forbes 5493.10 — Tweedie, W. K. Select biographies. 2t. . . 5493.11 — Wodrow, R. Correspondence. Edited by T. M'Crie. .3v 5503.1 WoHLER, F. Handwiirterbiich der reinen und an- gewandten Chemie. 5ee Liebig, .1. v. . . . 5974.1 WolILF.VHKT, H. Guide to musical composition. Translated by J. S. Dwiglit. Boston, n. d. 8° 4057.24 Wo.TTLSEK, C. A. Schliissel zur schnellsten Erler- nung der buhmischen Spraclie. Wieu, 1856. .32° 2889.14 WoLC'OTT, C. F., Sermon after the death of. See Robbins, C 4.348.60 WoLCOTT, J. [Pathetic odes.] Dublin, 1791. pp. 31. 8° 2500.1 VVOLCOTT 708 WOMAN Shelf. So. WoLCOTT, E. Letter to the Bev. Mr. N. Hobart. [The Xew-Engli.sh congregational churches are consociated churches.] Boston, 1761. [No title-page.] 8° *-116.1.5 WOLCOTT, s. Sermon at the aunual election, Jan. 5, 1S53. Boston, lSo3. 8° *435j^l3 WoLDE, L. van. Diss, autiquarin dc testaraentifac- tione Hebrteis veteribus igiiota. [Oelrichs. CoIIectio opusculorum, v. 1] Wolf, C. von. Elementa mathe.«eos universae. Ed. nova, auctior, (ienevae, 173ii-.38. 4v. 4° . . 15^1 606(1.1 . . 591a.2 CotUcnis. — Vol. I. Ue methudo inatheinatica brovis commenlatio; Elementa arithmetics, geometrin;, trig- onotiietrite plance, annlyseos 1am linitorum qunm iofi- nitoi'um. II. Mechanica et Gtniiua ; Hydrostatica; Ae- ronietria; Hydraulica. 111. Optica; Perspectiva; Ca- toptrica; Dioplrica; Sphierica et trigonometi'ia spbro- rioa; Astronoraia. IV. Geographia cum hydrograpliia; Clironologia; Gncmoiilcaj Pyrotechnia; Arclutectura luilitaris atque civilis. — Compendium clementorum matheseos univer- sso. Lausauna;, 1742. 2v. sm.S" 5919a. 2 — Institution du droit de la nature et des gens, trad, du latin. Avec des notes par £lie Lu- zac. Leyde, 1772. 2v.ini. 4° 361."^. 7 — Pliilosophia prima, sive ontologia, metliodo sci- entitica pertracta. Francofurti. 173G. 4° . 560(5.4 — Institutiones philosopliliE Wolliamc. See ThUramig, L. P 6099a. 7 Wolf, Ferdinand. iJber die Leistungen dcr Franzoseufiirdie Herausgabe Hirer 2p. HI, 4° **2950.36 — Geschichte der romiacheQ Litteratur. Halle, 1787. pp.45. sm.S" **2953.13 - LitterarischeAnalekten. [B.] 1. Berlin, 1816. »° **4955.7 — Miscellanea maximam partem litteraria. Ha- lae Magdeb., 1>02. pui.S" **495ya.3 — rrolej^'onicnaadUomerum. Vol.1. Halls Sax- onum, 1795. 8" **29l)S.6 — Arnoldl, J. F.J. Wolfinseinem Verliiiltniase zuni .Scluilweaen, U.S. w 3597.24 — Orion, T. Annolationes 2980.10 — and Ituttmaun, 1'. C. Museum antiquitatis studiorum. Vol.1. Berolini, 1808. 8*. . . **4955.8 Coiitenu.—G.L. SpuUlingii dc oratione Marcclllana diaputatio; G. Hermiiun! dis<4orUilio dc cllipsi et pK-o- nusmu in Gra:ca lintifua ; £])iinotron de rarioribuit r]iiil>tia- dain vcrborum forrais, «crfpsft P. Bultraannus; Apollo- nil UyHColl de proiiomhio lib., pHmutii ud. E. Bokki-ru9. — - Museum der Altertliums-WisseDschaft. Ber- lin, 1807-10. 2v. 8° **4955.9 Wolf, H. Kinc Usterpredigt. .Schleswig, 1846. Jip. 16. H" B.160U.H4 Wolf, .loliann. Lectionvm niemorabilivmet recon- dilarvra T. 1, 2. Lavingic, 1600. 2v. f ° . . *4150.5 M'oLF, .Idtiann C. (^vra* philologjcic et crltlca in (.Nuvuin Testanientuni totum]. Hambvrgi, 17:{7-'ll. 4v. [Vol. l,cd.:{u; v.2-1, ed.'Ja.] 4\ ^5424. 4 W<»LF, .loliann W. ivutsche Miirclien und Sugeu. Leipzig, ]M5. 8" T 4224.5 — Zeitschrift fiir dcutfiehe Mythologlc und Sit- tenkunde. B. 1. GiSttingi-n, ls53. 8'. . . **2H.32.7 W 2393.6 — \\* right, I{. IJle oi' 2514.7 WoLFK, S. M. Helper'H impending crisis diswected. I'lijladeiphiu. lh),o. h" 4:!10a.l22 WoLFKNldlTTKL, Dui'ul library nt. Bliclierkunde der MuSBiseh-nii'derdent, Spraehe der Blbllu- thek zu VVolfenbiittcl. Seheller, C. F. A. . . 2151.6 Wolff, .lenn. Tour to <_'opeidiiij;iMi, thiough Nor- way and Sweden. I.unddii, lisll. 4" . . . 2801.12 Wor, FK, Joftepli. TruveJw and adventures, 2d ed. London, leOo, 61. 2v. b* 2417.15 Shelf. Ko. Wolff, O. L. B. Altfranzoesische Volkslieder. Leipzig, 1831. 8° 41^9a.30 — Miirchen Schatz aller Zeiten und Volker. Leip- ^^ zig, JS45, 46. 3v. in 1. 10° 4224.32 j^^ Proben altbolliindiscber Volkslieder. Mit ^^ einem Anhange altscbwedischer, engliseher, [u. 8. w.]. Greiz. 18;t2. 16° 4224.31 — Der schlesiscbe Riibezahl Oder der scbalkbafte Berggeist. Leipzig, n.d. pp.67. 16'. . . 4 659a. 20 WOLFFHAUT, C. See Lyeostlienes, C. WOLFFKADT, D. S. Diss. crit. de origine atque indole tov Keri et CeibiMi. [Oelrichs. CoI- Iectio opusculorum, V. 2] G066.1 WOLFHAKI). Vita S. Walpuigis abbntissa; Heiden- heimensis. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 3, p. 2]. 4140.3 WOLFHER. Vita Godehardi episcopi Hildesbei- mensis. [Frankfurt. Societas, etc., v. 11]. 4210.2 Wolfing,—, lleise durcb Tbiiringen, den Uber- und Kiederrheinischen Kreis. Drc.'-den, 1795,96. 2v. sm-s" 48C9a.l Wolfram of Eschenbach. See Escbenbjich, W. v. Wolfram, L. F. Vollstiindiges Lebrbuch der ge- sammten Baukunst. Stuttgart, ls:{3-15. :>v. 4°. 8091.10 WOLFSDKN : an autbentic account of things there and thereunto porlaiuing, as tbey are and have been. ByJ.B. Boston, 1856. 12°.. 4278.13 WOLLASTON, F J. H. Plan of a course of chemi- cal lectures. Cambridge, I8(i5. pp. 4^. b° . 5968.3 WoLLAsroN, T. V. Variation of spei-ies, with es- pecial reference to the insecta; [witli] inquiry into the nature of genera. London, 1^56. 8m.l2° .3829.11 WOLLAsTiiN, W. [The religion of nature delin- ealed.j 6th ed. London, 1738. 4^ 3434.6, and *6041. 7 W0LLEBii;s, J. Compendium tbeologise ChriBtiame. Ed. nova. Londini, 1760. sm.l2" 3452,19 WOLLSTONECRAFT, M. A vindicuiiou of the rights of woman. Boston, 1792. 8' 3574.11 WOLOF language. Dictionuaire wolof-frau^ais. Dard, J 5032.6 WOLOWSKi, L. F. M. R. Papiers de teintnre ; men- bles ; Savons, bougies et parfnmeiie. [France, Commission sur I'iudustrie des nations, v. 7J. 4029.20 WOLSF.Y, T. Epistolie aliquot. [Martene. Vet. script., V. 3] 41.50.1 — Lile and times of. See Grove, .1 2546.4 WOLTMANN, Carl L. von. Geschichte der Uefor- mation in Deutschland. Altona, 1801-5. 3v. lO*- 0049a. 6 AVOLTMANX, Caroline v. Neue Volkssngeii der Buhmen. llalberstadt, 1821. 10" 4224,26 WOLZOGKN, A. von. Kaiael Sanli. SeiuLebenund seine Werke. Leipzig, I8ii5. 16' 4069.5 — Schiller's Heziehiin;,'en zu EHern, Geschwis- tern und der Familie Wolzugen. Stuttgart, 1859. 8' 2844.14 Wol?:o(;kn, J. L,, hnron von Tarenfelt. Opera omnia. Irenopoli, 1656. 2v. t*. [Biblio- tlu'ca fratrum Polonoruni] . . . , v. 7, 8 of *B. 141.1 Vontnit*. — Vol. I. Commenlnrliis In ovun(rcliuin Matltiivl, Mtircl, Lucre, Juliimiiln. II. Co mm ml ml us in Ada saiu'tunim aposloloniin, in eplittolinn Jaculil, In riilnlolum .ludio; rra-)itiratlo iid ulllcrtl S.S. litornrnni lectionvm, in qmi de nalura ct ))rujirictntl- liiiH vcfriil CIii'IhiI diKHeritiir; Cunipcudtiiui relinrloula ('lirlxMiina' ; Di-claratlo duitnim contrarlnrum ocntentia- ruin ill- lino iJeii pntre et du uno I>eo tii fHHciitin et trl- buH perooiilH; 'I'reH c-hlhi(;ll & ltiicu%vie dc mntiliitriiiii, bello, •lermiiU oni'; Aiiiiotiilti. .Nervojis dise.-ises of B.liJOb.35 — Seanzoni, F. \V. I>ie Krankheiten der weib- liclieu Briiste und Harnwerkzeuge, etc. . . . 5794.5 See also: Breast, Hysteria, Midwifery, Motllers, Ova- rium. Uterus. WOMAN'sexample, A.anda nation's work. A trib- ute to F. Nightingale. 3d ed. London, 1804. 10° 4.330a. 33 Woman's ri::hts conimensnrjite with her capa<-ities and obIi'„'ations : a series of tracts. Syracuse, 1«53. b° 4389.17 Contents. — Riirllts and condition of women, a sermon by Samuel J. M.iy; speech of Wendell Ptiilllps, at the conveiili'.n at Worcester, Oct., 1841; Speech of Abby Kelly F't'^ler; Education of females, an essay by Paulina W. pBvjs; I.ctier from Hnrriet Muvlineau; Enfranchise- ment of women, by John 9. Mill ; .Sanetily of marriage, by Mrs. E. Oaltes Smilh; Itesponsibilitics of woman, by Mrs. (;. I. li. Nichols; »|>eeeli of Mrs. M. E. J. Gage; Letter Irom Angeliua GrinitkC Weld ; Speech of Mrs. E. L. Uuie; Letter from Mis. Eli^rfbelh (;. Stanton. Wood, Alphonso. CIass-bo6k of botnny : with a ■■ flora of tiie United States and Canada. New York, IbOl. 8° 3854.5 Shelf. No. Wood, Artemns A. Sermon occasioned by the dealh of B. Strong, delivered Feb. 9, 1851. New York, 831. 8° • 4349 18 Wood, B. I'eace: speech in the house .of represen- tatives, Feb. 27, l.so:). 11. p., n. d. [No title- page.] 8° 4350a.02 Wood, I. The Massnehusetts comiieiidium. 2d ed., n V. I'ortlanil, IMli. tip. 99. h° 0439a. 35 Wood, ^ G. Bees ; their liabits, man igement, ami treatment. London, 1853. 10° .... 5S98.34 Wood, It. .Journey to I'alniyra. [.Mavor. Voy- ages, V. Ill] 6207. 1 Wooi>, T. Religion and customs of the ancient Britons, with remarks on the enors of popery, [etc.]. London, IWO. 8° 0053.3 Wood, William. New Englaiul's prospect. Boston, 18(i5. sm.4°. [Prince society. Puhlicalions]. *4315.3 Wood, VVilliuin M. The naval institutions of a republic: address. 2d ed. Auburn, 18.):!. s°. 4329a. 39 WoODniitnoK, .1. Sermon in East-Hampton, Feb. 1, 1850, at the funeral of Uev. P. Williston. Northampton, 1830. 8° 4355.77 WooDBiiinGE, W. C. Modern atlas. New ed. Hartford, n. d. 4° 0280.12 — Modern school geography. Hartford. 18)4. 10°. 7039.39 Woodbury, A. Courage. A sermon. Providence, llsOl. 8° 4.3oOa.52 — Old iige: discourse, April 7, 1853, on occasion of the burial of Abel Hutchius. Concord, 1833. 8° 0088.105 — The preservation of the republic. Oration, July 4, 1.S02. Providence, 1803. 8° .... 4350a. 62 — Rejoinder to " A looker on in Vienna," con- cerning the Concord young men's Christian association. Concord, n. d. pp.33. 8° . .0088.105 — Religious growth. Boston, n. d. pp. 34. 12°. 5450a. 74 — Sermon suggested by the assassination of A. Lincoln, preached April 10, 18ii5. Providence, 18(i5. 12° ♦4.342.32 — Sketch of the character of A. Lincoln: a dis- cour.se, June 1, 1863. Providence, 1805. 12°. *4342.32 — Who are evangelical? a sermon in Concord, N. H. Concord, 1853. 8° 0088.27 WOODBUKV, I. B. The flute, containing instruc- tions for playing that instrument. Boston, n. d. pp. 48. obl.8° 8052.71 — The violin, containing instructions for playing tliat instrument. Boston, n. d. pp. 48. obl.8°. 8051.80 WoODBURV, J. T. Speech upon granting 3000 dol- lars to aid the town of Acton in building a monument over I. Davis, A. Hosmer, and J. Hayward, killed at Concord flght, April 19, 1776. Boston, 1851. 8° 4394.69 WOODBUKV, L. Discourse before the American historical society, Jan. 20, 1837. Washington, 11-37. 8° . 4394.66 — Eulogy on the life, character, and public servi- ces of ex-president Polk. July 23, 1819. Bos- ton, 1S19. »° 4.347.87 — Eulogy on Andrew Jackson, Portsmouth, N. H., 1845. See Duseubery, B. M 3.347.25 WOODBUUY, Conn. Second centennial celebration of the exploration of ancient Woodbury, July 4 and 5, ls59. Edited by W.Cothren. Wood- bury, 1859. 8° 4336.1 Co/itcHts.— Proceedings; Address by W. Cothren; Poem by W. T. Bacon ; Proceedings, I'd day ; Sermon, by 11. B. Sherman ; Speeclies, poems, letters, etc. WOODCROFT, B. Brief biographies of inventors of macliines for the manufacture of textile lab- rics. London, 180.J. pp.00. 13° 4016.12 WOODHKAD, H. Memoirs of Christina, queen of Sweden. London, 1803. 3v. p,8° 2852.19 WooDHousK, R. Isoperimetric:il problems, aud tlie calculus of variations. Cambridge, [Eng.], 1810. 8° 3935.31 WooDMA.N, C. C. Argument in fiivor of a marine railway around the fulls of Niatrara. n. p., lSi'5. pp. 19. 8° 4378.20 WOODS TIO TTORCESTER siicir. xo. Woods, Abby, Sermon at the funeral of. See Stu- art, M 4318.60 Woods, Alva. Valedietory addre,«s, Dec. 6, I!'.'!', at tlie close qt the 7th collegiate year of the uuiversity of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, lS.'ir. -s". 4393.^5 Woods, G. Account of the Isle of .Man. London, 1811. h° 2-197.0 Woods, J. Elements and influence of the weather. Including memoir of G. Mackenzie. Lon- don, k-n to the simly of po- larized light. 3d ed. London, 1801. pp.54, 8' .3920.61 WOODWARD, J. J. Camp diseases of the United States armies as observed during the present war. rhiladelphia, 1803. 8° 0794.1 WOODWAKD, .S. 'I'he lielj) olthe Lord, [etc.] : ser- mon ut LcYington, April 19, 1779, in coin- nienioration ol the great distress of God's people, April 19, 1775. Boston, 1779. 8°. . '4163.6 W*»ODVVi»I'.'ni,S. l'oeinM,odeH, songs, [etc.]. 2d ed. New York, 1821. 8' 2,397.12 WOODWOHTII, W. VVoodworth's planing' nmchlnc. Argument in the case of Itrooks vs. Fisk. ,S'e. 14. 8" 6170a. 97 .WORCESTER 711 WRANGEL Shelf. No %VoRci:sTKR, Snmm'l M., continued. — aifiiiorial of the old unci new Tabcrnncle, Sa- U-m, Mnss. Itostun, 1n".5. j^i.M. 12° . . . 2:i57.'M — Nfw Knt,'I:iiurs glory iind crown. Discourse tit riyiuouth, IVc. *J:i, 1848. .SiiU-m, 1849. H" . 5470u.9r — Our country and our work. Discourse, June 18, 184;t. Siih-ni, 184:i. 8° 5470U.97 — The prospective condition of our country : with a tribute to the memory of president Taylor, Aug.4,lS.'VU. n.p.,n. d. [^'o title-piige.j h°.f)4:0a.97 — Tlie weapons of our wnrfjire. Sermon, I\Iay :28, IKiO. n. p.,n.d. [No title pnge.] 8". . .54:0.1.07 — Correspondence on mission.s. Saunderw, K. E. (lo»« I.IU WOKCKSTKK. Iter. Thomas, b. Vm, d. IbM. Call for Scripture evidence that Christ is the " self- existent eternal God.'' A letter to Rev. S. Spring, D.D. lioston, 1811. 12" »4103.17 TVoiiCKSTMK, Tliomas. D. D., ofjiostov. Abraham IJncoIn. A discourse, June 1, KSl'o. n. p., [l8(io. No title-pape.] 8° *4342.6 — The Christian .Sabbath. Two sermons. Bos- ton, 18)5:1. 8" 54G0a.l]3 — Discourse before the Boston society of the New Jerusalem [on Ex. XX. 1, \i]. Cam- bridge, I8*,»'i. 8° Mlfi3,13 — Discourse on the death of W. Parsons. See Reed, C 4.'J47.77 WoRVKsr EH, at I/, Mass. City document. No. l-*^0. [Inaugural addresses of mayors, followed by various reports]. Worcester, 1849-1)0. .tv. 8°. 6350a. .30 — Free public library. Catalogue of the circu- lating department. Worcester, 1S(U. 1:;" . 2136.27 — - Report, 1st, ;M-6th, I861-[i;tlj. 8' 2139.05 — l*roceedings of a public meeting, Aug. 28, 1847, upon the subject of the passenger depot of the Western railroad. [With a report by K. *Vashburn.] Worcester, [1847]. pp.24. S". *4392.12 — Barton, ^V. S. Epitaphs from the cemetery on Worcester common 4355.5 — Lincoln, W. History of 1:^350.32 — Yerringtou, J. M. W. Proceedings of tlie state disunion convention held at 4350a. 80 — American antiqunrian society. Archteologia Americana. Transactions and collections. Vol. 1-4. Worcester, 1820-60. 4v. 8° . . . *2311.1 Coruenta. — Vol, I. Ori^n of Iho American antiqunrian Bociety; Hoiuit.*|iiii, L., Discovery of a large country in the nortburn Ameriira, unci un account of La SaUe ii discovvry of the Mississippi; Alwater, C, Description of the antiquities discovered in Ohio and other western atatcs: .lohnston, J., Account of the Indian tribes in- habiting Ohio; Sheldon, W., Brief account of the Ca- raibs. II. Bumside, S. M., Memoir of IsHiuh 'I'hunia^; Gallutin, A., dynopiiis of the Indian tribes within the United HtittcD eiut of the Kncky mountains, and in the Briiieti and Uussian possessions in Xorth Anicrieii; Goiikin, D., Historical account of the Christian Indiana in_Xew England, 1675-77 ; Clinton, De Witt, Descripiion of a leaden plate found in Ohio; Galindo, Don Juan, Thi- ruin* of Copan, Central America; Letter from the Kev. Adam Clarke, to Peter S. Du Ponceau; Obilutiry notice of C. C. Baldwin. For contents of Vol. Ill, sea Index oflWJl. IV. Offlcersof the society; Original duc- unienta from the 8tute-paper oniee, London, and tlie BritiFth museum, illustrating the historj- of Sir W. lia- leigli's firbt American colony tnid the colony at Jnnies- town; Wingfield, V,. M., " A discourse of Virginia ;" Josselyn, J., New-England's rarities discovered; Nur- 4 rative of a voyage to Spitzbergen, lfil.3, at the charge oC^c Muscovy cumiiany; Appendix: Life of tiir Ibilpb ^^B; Notice of S. Jvuuisou; Index. — - Proceedings at the meeting, Oct. 21, 18r4, April 26, I'-eS, March 10, [and] April 26, 1806. Boston, 1804-06. 8° 4311.2 — - I'roceu'dings at a meeting, Jan. 17, 1805, in reference to the death of Hon. E. Everett, Boston, 1865. pp. '-'U. 8' . . . . 4311.3, and 4341.20 — - liemarks and resolutions commemorative of Hon. J. Quincy. Worcester, 18r,4. 8* . . . 4345.4 — Children's friend society. Circular and consti- tution. [No title page,] pp.7. 12°. . .B.170b.6i) — - Iteport, 7th, Jan. 26, 1856; with Kev. Mr. liale's addiess. Worcester, n.d. pp.34. 12". 357^.95 Shelf. No. WoRCESTKR, City, MaSR.y conUnved, — Young men's library iissoclntion. Report, 1st- 3d, 1854-56. Worcester. 18 4-56. fi" . . . *2130.G9 WoaCESTKK ahnanac, directory, and busine.'^s ad- vertiser, for 1846, 47, 50-52, 65. Worcester, 1840-55. Ov. 32" 438fia.50 Worcester rfj!//f(/y,^/r/.s-.s., History of. Whitney, P. 2358.4 WoJiCESTEK collection of sacred harmony. 6th ed., byO. Holdcn. Boston, 1797. obl.8'' . . . . 8047.36 WoHCEsTicR district medical society. Catalogue of the liljrary. Worcester, 1800. 12" . . . . 2139.01 WORfE.sTicK mngazine and historical journal. [By W. Lincoln and 0. ('. Baldwin.] Worcester, 1820. 2v. 8" 4358.7 WoRCKSTKKsHirE East, Kng., Mercantile direc- tory of the iron district of. Jones, — . . . . 4489.5 Words of counsel to men of business. By a man of business, n. p., n. d. pp.21. 8° . . . B. 170a. 26 WoiiDswouTH, Charles. Shakespeare's knowlrdge and use of the Bible. London, 1864. p.8° . 2590.23 Wordsworth, Christopher. Chri-tian institutes : a seriesof di>course8 and tracts, selected and illustrated with notes. 2d ed. Loudon, 1842. 4v. 8" 5453.6 — Diary in France, concerning education and tlie churcli. 2d ed. London, 1846. h" 2660.27 WoHLli. Burnet, T. Telluris theoria sacra . .3480.12,13 — I\Ielish,J. Geogrnijhieal description of the . 0:^86.1 — Turner, S. Sacred history of the 4157.5 World of fashion, The, A monthly publication. Vol. 18-20. London, 1S41-43. 3v. sm.4" . . 5157.2 Worms. Schannat, J. F. Hi^itoriu episcopatus Wormatiensis 4250.9 — Zorn, F. Wormser Chronik v. 43 of 4:^25.1 WORNUM, R. N. Analysis of ornament : thechanic- teristics of styles. 2ded. London, i860. 1.8°. 4102.14 WoRRALL, T. D. Review of Rev. T. Parker on re- vivals. Sermon, April 25, 1858. Boston, 1858. 8° V. 2 of 5442. 4 WORSAAE, J. J. A. Zur Alterthumskunde desNor- dens. Leipzig, 1847. 4" *4260.10 — Diinemarks Vorzeit durch Alterthiimer und Grabhligel beleuchtet. Aus dem Diinischen von N. Bertelsen. Kopenhagen, 1844. 8" . 4233.3 Worship. Sears, E. H 5-15Ua.73 WOKT, Ein, iiu Vertrauen an P. Hammer, Be- treflenddieSchrift: Vertraute Briefe iiberdie innern Verhiiltnisse am preussisclieu Hofe seit dem Tode Friedrichs ii. Berlin, 1807. pp.71. 12° 2819.9 WORTHINGTON, W.G. D. Speech on the Jew bill. Sec Brackeuridge, H. M 2406.30 WORTMAN, D. Discourse on the death of president Lincoln, delivered April 16, 18i:5. Albany, 1805. 8" *4342.6 WoTTON, Sir H. Reliquiae Wottonianje: Lives, letters, poems, [etc.], of su||di'y personages, [etc.]. 4tli ed., with additions. London, 1685. sm.b" ' *4179.IO Contents. — Lif«, by Izaac Walton ; Letter to Marcus VelseruB, Lat. and Eng. ; Letti*r to the professor of div- inity in Cambridge; Elements of architecture; Survey of education; Aphortama of educitliou; Characters of * some kings of Eni^land; Henrici IV vita et exeessus; Ad regem e Scotia reduci-m plaususet vota; Paneeyriek to king ClmrUe ; Paniltel between the carl of Essex and the duke of Buckinjfhimi ; Disparity between the same ; Life and death of Villiers, duke of Buckingham; The great action between I'ompey and Ciesar; Chanieter of Fcrdinando di Medici ; Election of the duke of Venice; Meditation on Genesis xxil ; Meditation upon Chri^ilnias day; Letters; Poems; Letters to Sir E. Bacon ; Letters to several persons; Letters to the lordZouch. — Characters of R. Devereux and G. Villiers com- pared. Newed. Lee Priory, 1814. pp. 37. 8". 2452.8 WoTY, W. Poetical c^udar. See Fawkes, F. , 4569a. 15 WUACiG, J. Flute pr^Btor. From tlie 40th Lon- don ed. Bosto^I. d. pp. 9IJ. 4° .... . 8051.7 Wran<;el, F. p. v. Naclirichten iiber die russi- schen Benitzungen an der Nordwestkiiste von AmeriUa. Jlit Zusatzen, verniehrt von K.E. v.Baer. St, I'etcraburg, 1-39. 8"., 4278.3 WEANGEL ■712 WYLIE , al.clf. Xo. Wrasgel, F. r. v., continued. — Keisc Vdn^s der Nordkiiste von Siberien mid auf dPm Eismeere, lS'J0-i:4. Bearbeitet von H. Engelhardt. Herausgegeben von C. Ritter. Berlin, ISM. 2v. S" 4243.14 Wkasgh.vm, F. Memoir of Eev. T. Zouch. Sfe Zoucli, T 5500.5 Wratislaw, W. Adventures in Con.slantinople, [etc.]. Translated from the liolieminn, by A. H. Wratislaw. London, 1S(W. p.S° . . . 30S.3.12 Wraxall, C. F. L. Life and times of Caroline Matilda, queen of Denmark and Norway. London, ISiH. 3v. 8° 2S41.13 Wraxall, N. W. Tour through the western, southern, and interior provinces of France, and through the northern parts of Europe. [.Mavor. Voyages, V. 18] C2ri7.1 ■Wright, Mr. and Mi^s. Retrospective sketch of an educative attempt, at Alcott house, Surrey. London, 1S4U. pp. 7. 8° »41C3.10 WKiGrtT, Charles. An appeal for rectitude in pri- mary politics. Boston, 18n:i. pp. 18. 8° . . 4;i40a.71 — The prospect; a view of politics. Buffalo, 1S62. pp. 52. 8° 4340a. 71 Wright, Charles H. H. A grammar of the mod- ern Irish language. 2d ed., enlarged. Lon- don, ISIiO. pp. 75. 12" 2387.26 Wright, E. Eye opener for the wide awakes. Boston, 18(i0. pp. 59. 12° 4310. fiO — Poem delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa society, Aug. 20, 1843. New Haven, 18411. 8°. 4.'!94.85 — [The programme of peace.]. Boston, 1862. pp.22. 8° 4:!10a.72 Wright, F. See D'Arusmont, F. W. Wright, G. N. [Guide to the county of Wicklow.] New ed. Dublin, 1834. 12° 2470.25 — Irisli and Welsh authorities of Topographical dictionary of Great Britain and Ipelaud. See Gorton,. r 2185.4 AVkight, Hendrick B. Eulogy on Andrew Jackson, ■\Vilke.sharre, 1845. .Sec Dusenbery, B. M. . 2347.25 Wright, Henry C. Anthropology; or, the science of man ; in its bearing on war and slavery. Cincinnati, 18!i0. pp.06. 12° B. 160b. 12 — First day Sabbath not of divine appointment, [etc.]. Boston, 18)8. pp.47. 12° B.170b.« — Human life: illustrated in my individual expe- rience as a child, a youth, and a man. Bos- ton, 1849. 12° 4278.30 — No tights, no duties: or, slaveholders, as such, have no ri;ihts; slaves, as such, owe no du- ties, lioston, 186). pp. 3ii. 12° 4310.01 Wrigi»t, John. A sermon, for which a prosecu- tion iscommencedona charge of blasphemy. Liverpool, 1817. 8° *Pph.v.342 Wright, .losepli A. Report in relation to the in- ternational agricgltural exhibition at Ham- burg. .S« liuggles, S. B 4:120.7 ■\Viiight. P. J. .luhilieof the Methodist new con- nexion. AVc Huliiie. S 3547.28 Wright, Robert. Life of Maj. Gen. Wolie. Loa- ,don, 1804. 8° 2544.7 Wright, Robert J. Of the dill'erences of opinions existing among Christians. New York, 1851. pp. 19. 12° B. 170b. 41 Wright, T. Anecdotu liliTurla: a collection of ])oi*nis in English, Latin, and French, illus- trative of the literature and history of Eng- land in the l:illi ciMitury. London, 1844. 8". 25.36.28 — Early iiiysterleH, and other Latin j)oi'lnH of the 12tli and i:ith centuries, i.oiiilon, 18.'iH. 6°. 0061.3 — History of domestic nianners and sentilnentH In Knglaiut during the middle ages. Loudon, lWi2. Hiii.4° ^^ 2020.27 •^ rolltlcal poems und songs r^^Bg to Enu'lish history. Edward ill— UicfflBl tii. Vol. 1. London, 185U. 8°. [Great Britain. Rolls chronicles) •2421.6 Wright, W. nil regions of Pennsylvania. New York, 1805. 12* 4372.40 Shelf. No. Writing. Rarrois, J. B. J. illements carlovin- giens linguistiqnes' 2110.18 — Faceio. d; Invenzioue delle lettere e della scrittura priniitiva 2112.15 — Henze,A. Lehre der Handschriftendeutung. 2112.14 — Hug, J. L. Die Erfindung der Buckstaben- scbrift 2112.12 — Paravey, C. H. de. Sur I'origine des chiflres et des lettres de tons les peuples 2111.9 — Sollau, J. A. F. Calligraphisclie Vorlegebliit- ter 2115.44 — Vater, J.S. Pasigraphie und Antipasigraphie. 2115.13 See also: Abbreviations, AlphHbets, AutoprapliB, Cu- neiform inseriptions. Hieroglyphics, Ink, Manuseripta, Paper. Signature, Stenography. Writs. La vieux natura brevium. Fitz-Herbert, A 4292.12 WiJLLNER, F. Verwandtschaft des Indo-German- ischen, Semitischen und Tibetanischen, nebst einer Einleitung liber den Ursprung der Spraclie. Jluuster, 18.38. 8° .. 4202.10, and 4240.24 WUNDEKLICH, C. F. Observationes criticae in Aes- cliyli tragoedias tragoediarvmqve reliqvias. Gottingae, 1809. sm.S° •*2979.23 WUNIBALD, S. Vita sancti Wunibaldi auctore anonymo. [Canisius. Thesaurus, v. 2, p. 1]. 4140.3 WiJRDTWEix, S. A. Concilia Moguntina. Mami- hemii, 1700. pp.33. sm.4° •0020.17 WiiRKi'.KT, L. Hammerschljige aus Wittenberg, gerichtet an alle Mvstiker und ihre (iegner, [u. s. w.]. Grimma, u.d. pp.14. 8° . . . 00SS.230 WiJRTEjiBKRG. Mohl, R. V. Das S aatsrecht des Kiinigreiches Wlirtteinberg 4304.2 — Vehse, C. E. Geschicbte des Hofs des Hauses WUrtemberg 4819.5 See also: Tiibiiigen, VValdeck. WURTz, A. Histoire generale des glycols. SiC Paris. Socit'te chimique 3977.8 WURZBACH, T. C. V. Biographisches Lexikondes Kaiserthums Oesterreivh, 1750-1850. Th. 1- 11. Wien, 1850-64. llv. 8° *284J.7 Cojitenu. — Vol. I. Abel-BIumenthal. II. Buinslii- Cordova. III. Coremilns-Eger. IV. Ergervfiri-FUuhs. V. Eliger-Gsellbofvr. VI. Guadaffui-tiabsburg Vlt. Habsburg-Hartliob. Vlll Ilorlmnnn-lleysor. IX. Ilibkr-llysel. X. Jablonowski-Karolina. XI. Kftro- lyi-Ki\viseli und Nachtriige. — Die Spricbworter der Polen historisch erliiu- 1 tert, mil beigetiigten Origiuulen. 2te Autl. Wien, 1852. 10° ••3037.17 WUTiKE, A. Cosmogonie der helduisclien \'olker vorder Zeit Jesuund der Apostel. Hang, 1850. 8° 0102.6 — Gcschichte des Hcidenthums. Breslau, 1852, 63. 2V. 8° 6076.25 Coii/fl»ta.— Vol. I. Di« eratcn Slufen der Clesehiehta der .\Ieii8cbheil: I'.ntwiekelunitsgeseblehte der %vlldell VdlUer. 80 wie der lluinieit, der Monffolen des Mittel- nlters, der Mexikaner und der rcruaiier. 11. Daa tielB- tesleben der Cliiiiesen, Japaner und liidter. Wyat, T. Poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, V. 1] 4004.1 Ctmtejitti. — SunuetH, epiittlea, iiolttttloDB, translalluus, etc. WVCHEHI.EY, W. Posthumous works, In prose and , verse. Prellxed, memoirs by Major I'licl^ Lonilon, 1728. 8° W 2307.8 — See Bell. British theatre, v. 1.3, 23 41?Ua.l CoHtcaW.— Vol. XXIH. Tlia country girl, com., altei-od by P. Garrlek. .\XilI. Thu plain dealer, com., ulturod by 1. BlokerBtuir. Wye river, Guide to the banks of the. Wlllett, M.0579R.30 WVER, S. van de. Cholx d'0|Uiscules. Iro 8L>r. Londres, 180:). 12° 2004.12 WYI.E, N.v. .See Weil, N. V. WVLIE, A. Address before the Phllomalhean soci- ety of Wabash cuilege, July 10, is:is. Bloom- uigton.Ia., 1838. 8° •Pph.v.381 WYMAN 713 YACHTS Stiolf. No. VP"YMAN,.T. On tho cancolliited strticturo of some of the lirttu's of the human body. [Uoston, IMO. No titU'-piv^^'.] pp. 15. 8* 6796.29 — Description of u double ftLtus. Boston, 18(ifl. pp. 1-*. S° •3773.29 — Description of an luuMiceplmlous fcetus with unusuitl miilfornuition. [Boston, 1804. No titk'-page.] pp. 4. 8' •3773.29 — Description of a portion of the lower jiiw and a tootli of the mastodon Andiuni; also, of a tooth and fragment of the femur of a masto- don from Chile, n. p., n. d. pp. 9, and 2 phites. 4* 5890.26 — Description of ft " white lish," or " white whale," boluga borealis, Lesson, n. p., n. d. [No titk'-pa^je.] pp. 9, and plate. 8'. . . *5890a.40 — Description of two additional crania of the enfjt''.ena,(tro.rlodytesjroriIla, lavage). [New Haven, IM'J. No title-page,] pp. 15. S" . 5SS0.2 — Exiieriments on the formution of infusoria in boiled solutions of organic matter. [New ll.iven, ISiVj. No title-page.] pp. 9. )S' . *5S90a.40 — Notes on the cells of the bee. Cambridge, isr.O. pp. 18. s' 5893.40 — Notice of remains of vcrtebrated animals found at Richmond, Va. [New llaveu],u. d. [No title-p:ige.] pp. 7. 8' *o890a.40 — ObservMtiunson the development of raia batis. [I!o>ton, 18(H. No title-page.] pp. 14, and plate. 4* 5890.25 — Observations on the skeleton of a Uottentot. [Hostonl, n. d. [No title-page.] 4)p. i'>. 8° *5890a.40 — On some remains of bntrachian reptiles discov- ered in the coa! formation of Ohio. [New Haven, 1857. No title-page.] pp. 6. 8" . *5890a.40 — On some unusual modes of ^'estation. [New Haven, 1857. No title-page.] pp. 13. 8*. *5890a.4D — Twelve lectures on comparative physiology, de- livered before uie Lowell institute, Jan. and Feb., 1849. Boston, 1M9. pp. 72. s:" . . . 5886.2 \Vy»lvx, T. B., j>. (JenealoL^y of the name and family of Hunt. Boston, l.s(l'^-:5. sm.4'' . , *43.32.1 Wvx, E. The sleeping bard; or visions of the world, death, and hell, [imitated from Qtie- ved'i]. Translated from the Cambrian Brit- ish by Ct. Borrow. London, IsiiO. 8* . . . 4569a. 4 Wynduam, H. 1*. Tour througli -Monmouthshire and Wales. [.Afavor. British tourists, v. 3]. 2469.22 ,Wynn, p. W. Diaries of a lady of quality from 1797 to 1844. Edited, with notes, by A. Hay- ward. London, ISOl. p. 8" 2547.19 Wysnk, E. [Lunonus: or, dialogues concerning the law and constitution of England. With an essay on dialogue.] London, 1774. 4v. 8' 6568.15 — - Same. L'd ed. London, 1785. 4v. 8* . . 4286.13 Wynne, J. Private libraries of New York. New York, i^60. h' *2126.3 W'YKLEY, W. The true use of arms. Reprinted from the ori^nnal edition, 1592. London, 1S53. pp. 42. V4°. [Bell. Tracts, v. 2] . . *4586.20 Wvss, .T. U. Idyllen, Volkssagen, Legenden und Erziihlungen aus der Sfhweiz. Bern, 1H15. sm-lft* ••2878.33 See alto: AJpenrosen. Wyth, J, Tortraits to the life and manners of the inhabitants of Virginia. First published by T. de Bry, 1590. New York, 1841. 24 pi. 8°. 2.366.40 WYTTKNBAOif, D, Epistolacriticaad Kuhnkenium. See Julianas, F. C 2996.11 — Vita Davidis Kuhnkenii. 5ec Kuhnken, D. . 4955- J2 ■Wyvili-, C -State of tlic representation of the people of England, on the principles of Mr. rut in 1785. York. 1793. b» *Pph.v.337 Xavier, St. Francisco. Lettres, contenanc son voy- age au Japon. [Bouvquet. i-es actes des apOtrcs modernes, V. 3] 3537.3 90 Shelf. No. Xavikr, G. HIstoria Christi Persicfc conscnpta, Latint reddita a L, de Dieu. I^vgdvni Ba- tiivorvm, 16;u». 4" *r)037.17 — Historia S. Petri Persic6 conscripta, Latinfc reddita. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1039. 4' . . *lK)37,17 Xf.naucmus. ComaMliarum octo doperditarum frag- menta. [Meineke. Frngm. com. Or., v. 4]. B. 162.8 Xi-:NiKN,FragmenteHusdenGerichtsaktenderHolle iiberdie. Sec vEakus 2907.8 Xkno. See Meineke. Fragm. com. (Jr., v. 5 . . . B. 162.8 XiCNOpiiANMcs Colophonius. Carminum reliqme. [Karsten. Phil()s. Gra;c. rcliquix', v. 1] . . . 4204.10 Xknoi'hon Atlieniensis. Quae extant opera, a I. Levnclavio tertia cura in iiatinura couuersa, nunc ab ..Eniilio Porto recoguitu. Franco- fvrti, 1595. 2v.ini. sni.H^ 3003.10 — [Opera] (piae extant et interpret. I. G. Schnei- der. [Cur. F. A. Bornemann] G. A. Sauppe. Lipsiae, 1S05-;W. 6v. [Vol, 1, 6, 3d ed.; v. 2, 3,4, 2ded.] 8" *B.166.7 Contents. —Vol. I. Cyri iliscipUna. II. AnabaaJa Cyri. III. liistoria Grtccu. IV. Coinnu-nlarii dicturvm fuctorvmquo Socratiti at! delViuk-niivm cvra scripti a Xonophontc; Apologia Socratia Xcno|)honti vvlgo ftd- seripta. V. OoconomicvB, Coiivivivm, Hiero, Ageailavs. Vr. Opvflcvla politicn, cqvesttia et venntica. — Minor works. Translated from the Greek, by several hands. London, 1813. 8° 3003.8 Contents. — Mcinoira of Socrates, tr. by 8. Fielding ; The banquet, tr. by .1. Wulwood ; Hicro, or tho condition of royalty, tr. by U. Graves; Economics, or good hus- bandry, tr. by R. Bradley. — Commentarien von dem leben vii heerzug Cyri des ersten. Auch von dem heerzug den Cyrus der ander wider seinen briider Artaxerxem gethan. Vfi wie die GridHieu au alien orthen ge^igt haben. Durch H. Boner auss dem Latein inus Theiitsch gebracht. Augspurg, 1540. f 2991.26 — Kvpov aia.Sactg. [Edited by G. Long.] Lon- don, 1831. 8' . . . . , 3003.6 - First three books of Anabasis : with notes, Greek-English vocabuhiry, [etc.], by J. R. Boise. New York, 1864. 8* 7099.25 — Cyropiedia. Translated from the Greek by 31. Ashley. London, 1728. 2v. 8' 300-3.9 — Memorabilium libri iv. Acecdit Socratica de- feusio ad judices. Gr. et Lat, Rec. B. Simp- son. Oxonii, 1749. 8' B.166.9 — [Memorabilia.] Cvm apologia Socratis. Re- censvit t. G. Schneider. Lipsiae, 1^01. 8°. 3003.7 — Memorabilia of Socrates. With uotes by R. D. C. Bobbins. Andover, 184S. 8* .... B.166.8 — The first book of [the] memorabilia of Socra- tes, with literal interlinear translation. Part 1. London, 1828. 12'' 4969.? Xenophon Ephesius. Ephesiacormn de amoribus Anthia; et Abrocoms libri v. [Mitscherlich. Scriptores erotici Urjeci, V. 4] B.162.4 — Gli amore di Abrocome e d'Anzia, volgarizzati da A. M. Salvini. [Collezioue degli erotici greci, V, 2] B.162.3 Xeres, F. de. Viii^gio da G- Piccini. [Marmocchi. Viaggi, V. 3(T. 0)] 2275.1 XiKENics, A. L. [A ietfer to the overseers of the Portuguese Jewisli synagogue, in Bevis- piarks, London, upon their conduct in the dispute between Mr. X. and J. Lara.] Lon- don, 1772. 12' *Pph.v..369 Xi.MENKs de Cisneros, F. See Bible. Polyglotts . 5440.1 — Jiistoiredu cardinal Ximenes. .S'eeElechier, fi. 42.39a. 8 Xii'HiLiNUS, J. Oratio in tertiam jejuniorum heb- donmdem, seu in crucia adorationem. [Max- ima bibiioth. vet. patr., v. lb] B.110.2 Yachts. Marett, P. R. Yachts and yacht build- ing 5956.6 — Vanderdeckeu, — . Yarns for green hands . . 3952. .33 YAJNADATTABADA TU TOUNG YAJNADATTABADA, ou la mort d'Yadjnadatta, dpisode extrait du Kamajana. Texte, [avec] une trad, fran^aise par A, L. Cliczy. Suivi d'uiie trad. lat. par J. L. Burnouf. Paris, ISaC. 4° •4241.10 Tajcrveda. Katliaka-Oupaiiicliat, pxtrait du Tad- jour- Veda, tvaduit du sauskrit, par L. Foley, llivr. Paris, 1837. pp.40, i' *3020.10 Takama language (Kcz-Pcrcc), Oregon, Grammar and dictionary of the. Faudosy, M. C. . . . 236G.4C Talden, T. Miscellaneous poetical works, with life. [Anderson. Poets of Great Britain, T. 7] . ■ • 4604.1 Tang-Tsze river, Five months on the. Blakiston, T. W 3015.10 Taxoski, J. De I'abolition de I'esclavage ancien au raoyen age. Paris, ISGO. 8° 3573.9 Takd, R. B. The providential significance of the death of A. Lincoln: a discourse, June 1, 18115. Newark, N.J. , 1M)5. 8° »4342.6 Yarkow, J. Trick upon trick, or the vintner in the suds. [Collection of farces, V. 5] . . . . 2575.35 Yates, W. Memoirs of John Chamberlain, mis- sionary in India. Abridged from the Cal- cutta ed. Boston, is:!l. 18° 4S49a.31 Yeadon, R. Address before the Huphemian and Philomathean literary societies of Erskine college, Aug. 12, 1857. Due- West, 1857. 8°. B.170a.81 — Address on the necessity of subordination, in our academies and coUejics, [etc.], Nov, 23, 1853. Charleston, 1854. 8° B.170a.47 — Speech at the pilgrim celebration, Plymouth, Mass., Aug. 1, 1863. New York, 1853. 8° . B.170a.-3 Year book. [Les aus ou reports del raigne du roye Kd\vard le quart.] London, 1530-72. 4°. . *4301.2 _ Same. Ouesque vn table. Lond., 1399. f°. •4301.1, 3 Year books of the reign of king Edward the first. Edited and tran. 79. 8° 4:i50ft.80 — Repiirl of the case of G. 0. Ilerpj.y, indicted for the murder of 11. !•'. llrrell. Boston, 1862. h'. 30S4.32 VoNGK, Charles D. The Idstory of tlie British navy, from the earliest period to the present time. London, 18. 16° ZU)8.« Slitilf. No. YOSGE, D. Christian holiness : or the fruits of faith. A manual of instruction for his lioek. Exeter, 1819. 12° •Pph.v.349 York, Enff. stranger's guide through the city and its cathedral. 5th ed. York, 1835. 12° . . 6679a. 9 — Dixon, \7.1I. Lives of the archbishops of . . 2544.3 — Todd, J. Description of 2486.20 — Take, S. Description of the Retreat for insane persons of the society of frieuds 3800,66 York museum. The; or, Churchill regenerate, and retmn'd from the shades, n. p., 1766. pp. 31. a' 2560.10 YoRKE, J. [Accoimt ofthe late dispute between the bishop of Ely and the fellows of Poterhousc, concerning the election of Fnmcis Barnes.] 2ded. n. p., [1787]. 8° •Pph.v.357 Yorkshire, Evg. Dayes, E. Excursion through Yorkshire 2462.18 — Indexofallthe towns and villages in . . . •Pph.v.347 — Sketches of Y'orkshire biography. [Zouch. Works, V. 2] 6506.5 Sec also: Blyth, Bradford, Hnrowood. YoRUBA language, Vocabulary of tlie. Crowther, S 5038.10 YoUJiANS, E. L. Alcohol and the constitution of man. New York, 1853. 12° B.160b.73 Young, Alexander, D.D. Christhinity a universal religion: a disi'oursc at the ordination ot Rev. J. W. Thompson, in Natick, Feb. 17, 1830. Boston, 1S3U. 8° •4103.7 — The church, the pidpit, and the gospel : a dis- course at the ordination of Kev. G. E. Ellis, March 11, 1810. Boston, 1810. 8'' *4103.7 — Discourse occasioned by the death of Sirs. C, G. Prescott, delivered May 23, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8° 4347.88 — Discourse occasioned by the death of lion. "W, Prescott, delivered Dec. 15, 1844. Boston, 1844. 8° '• •Pph.v.378 — Discourse on the sins of the tongue. 3d ed. Boston, 1815. 8° 5470a. 70 — Discourse ou the twentieth anniversary of his ordiuation. Boston, 181.3. 8° . *41(>:i.7, and 6100.110 — The good merchant: a discourse, March 20, 1837, after the decease of W. I'arsons. Bos- ton, 1837. 8° •4103.7 — The good imrishioner: a discourse occasioned by the death of B. Ificli, delivered June 8, 1851. Boston, 1851. 8° 4347.94 — Life and character of J. T. Kirkland. Boston, 1840. 8° *41ii.l.7, and •l'ph.v.378 — Ellis, G. E. Sermon after the interment of. v.2of f'U0a.fi2 — Ganuett, K. S. Discourse at the funeral of . V. 2 of 5140a.83 Young, Alexander, nnd Jlinns, T., printers. De- fence before the conmiittee of the liouse of representatives. Boston, 1805. pp.68. 8°, 4318.23 Young, Arthur, b. 1741, )utiiillulli I^COHII, nil ridt' ; ulv. YOUNG 715 ZEITSCHEIFT YoCNO, E., continued. — iSieeUell. BritisU tlieatre, v. 8, 29, 30 4ir0a.l Ce Orobiorum, sive Cenomanorum origine et situ, ac Bergomi rebus antiquis. [Gr.-evius. Thes. antiq Ital., T. .■), p. 1] . . 4710.1 Zanfliet, or Zantfliet, or Santfliet, C. Chronicon, 5icc.xx.v-.iIcccnLXi. [Marline. Vet. script., V. 5] 4150.1 Zannoni, G. B. Clcalata in lode dell' asino. See Cicalate 2808.7 Zanotti, F. M. Tie orazioui sopra la pittura, scul- tura, ed architettura. [Albert. Tcsoro delta prosa itaiiana] 2771.20 Zanotti-Cavazzoni, G. p. Poesie. Bologna, 1741-45. 3v. 8° 2807.25 Contents. — Vol. I. Didunc, tragedia ; Rime. II. Tito Miirzio CoHoIano, trngcdla ; Eimo. III. L'ignoranto presiintiioso, comtiiedin; Rime. Zantfliet. See Zanfliet. Z.\PF, G. W. Aeltcste Buchdruckergeschichte von Mainz. Ulm, 1790. s° 2114.20 Zappi, F. M. Sonetti. See Gironi. Kaccolta di Unci italiani 4808.8 Zappi, G. B. Sonetti. See Gironi. Raccolta di liiici italiani 4808.8 Zastkow, a. v. Histoire dela fortification perma- nente. 3me ed. trad, de I'allemand par E. de La Barre Duparcq. Paris, 1856. 2v. 8°, and Atlas f°, 39. E.O 3955.18 Zatzichoven, or Zazichoven, U. v. Lanzelet de Lac. Heklengedicht. [Hofstaeter, Alt- deutsche Gedichte.v. 1] 2900.38 Zea Bermudez, F. de. La vi5rite sur la question de succession ii la couronne d'Esp.ague. Paris, 18.39. pp. .30. 8° V. 2 of *4295.26 Zebulon ; or, the moral claims of seamen stated. Harris, J 6147.26 Zeibich, C. H. Diatriba de codicura V. T. orien- talium atque occidentalium dissensiouibus. [Oelrichs. Collectio opusculorum, v. 2] . , 6000.1 Zeiller, M. Topographia. See Merian, M. . . . 4201.3 Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine Erdkunde. Gum- precht, T. E 4116.1 Zeitschrift fiir Erdkunde, als vergleichende Wis- senschaft. Liidde, J. 4116.2 Zeitschrift fiir diegesaramten Naturwissenschaf- ten. See Halle 5818.1 Zeitschrift fiir die historische Theologie. Ill- gen, C. F 6077.2 Zicitschrift fur gescliiclitliehe Rechtswissen- schafl. Savigiiy, F. C. V 4269.1 ZEiTSCHKipr fiir Pliilosophie und philosophisehe Kritik. Fichte, I. H 4268.8 Zeitschrift tiir vergleichende .'^praehforschuiig. Aulrccht,T 4268.1 ZEITSCHRIFT 716 ZOBCL Sliclf. Ko. Zkitschrift, Ncue, fur Musik. B. 39-46, 4S-60. ^ Leipzig, )85.-!-en Averden ; Einc vollsliindige Vntcrsuchung iiber die BeachalTeu- heit, das Zeltalter und den Werth der Zendbiicher, nacb iiu^beru und inneni Griinden, und mit Beantwortuug der dagcgen gemuchten Einwlirfe. Zendavcsta, or the religious books of the Zo- roastrians. Edited by N. L. Westergiiard. Vol. 1. Copenhagen, 1852-54. 4° •4241.8 Con/cn(*.— The Zend texts: Yasna; Vispered ; The Ynsbfa; The Nyftish ; The Afrigiins; The Gibs; Miscel- laneous fragments; Sirozab; N'endidad. Avesla, die heiligen Scliriften der Parsen. Au8 dem Grundte.\te iibersetzt von V. Spie- gel. Leipzig, 1852-59. 2v. 8" 6075.17 ConfenW. — Vol. I. Ucr Vcndidad. II. Vispered und Ya^nc. Avesta: tlie religious books of the Parsees; from Siiii'gciV Geniuiii translation by A. li. Blecck. llarlford, 1SC.4. 8° 3025.19 Traitt; dc la religion des ancieus Persans. Lord, H flOOOa.H Zenker, J. T. Bibliotlieca Oricntalis. Mnnuel de bibIlograi)liie orientale. Leipzig, 1646, 61. 2v.ini. 8° •2104.11 Conten/n.— Vol. I. Lea Uvres arabes, persnns el tares ImprUnf'S depnis I'Inventlon de riniprlnierie Ju*qn'A nos Jours, tant en Europe qu'en Orient, dls|ioHC>N par ordro de inalieres; Table des nuteurs, des litres orlentaux ot des t'dlleurs; Un aper^n do la llltCrature orientale. II. Huppltioeiit'du premier volume; l.lttt-rature do rurieni ehW:tlen ; LiltC'rature de I'lnde ; Lltlerature des Parsls; I. literature de I'llidi'-Ghlne el d« In Matalslo; LltlC-ralure de In Chine; Mltbrature du Japon ; l.lttenf lure manloliouc, nioiiitolu et tlbtlalne; Table dvi nu- teurs, des tllrcs orlentaux et des (diteurs. Zeno, St,, of Vertma, Seriiiones. [Maxima bibll- olll. vet. JiKtr., V. 3] It. 110.2 Zkso, N. [DeiroriKiiiede'lMirlmrl.eheillatrvssero I'lmpirlo ill lloiiia oiide hiblie prlnclplu la cilia dl Veiiellnl. Veiietlu, l.'>57. »".... •411P0.2 — - Same. Venelia, I5.'.8. 8° 4r29a.l8 Ze.nu, I*. A. llemoiiHde'ficrlltoilvcnell. Venezia, 1744. MU.mj.lO" 2102.23 Shelf. No. Zenobi da Fiorenza, S. di. Libro chiiiniato La Spagna, nel quale si tratta gli gran fatli, che fece re Carlo Maguo, uelle parti della Spag- na. A'enetia, 1070. sm.8° 4799.25 .Vote. — L'autore di detto poetna in ottava rlnia, fu Soa- tegno di Zenobi da Fiorenza, come dall' ultima Etanzn dl esso si trae. — QitacfWo, VI. 5t8. Zephy'RINUS, pope. Epistolie. [Migne. Patrolo- gia Grseca, V. 10] 5401.7 Zesterm.vnn, A. Die Anfange der Druckerkunst. 5eeWeigel,T.0 2200.3.'S Zeuner,C. American harp : a collection of church music. Boston, [1832]. obl.S" 8047.17 — Ancient lyre : a collection of church music. 20th ed. Boston, n. d. obl.8° 6047.12 Zeuss, J. 0. Die Dcutsclicn und die Nachbar- sfamme. MUnchen, 18:j7. 8° 4228.13 — Die Herkunft dcr Baicrn von den Markoman- nen. Miinchen, 18:)9. pp. 95. 8° 4129.46 Ziegenbalg, B. Grammatica Damulica seu Ma- labarica. False Saxonum, 1716. 4° . . . . 6038.8 ZiEGLER, W. C. L. Beytrag zur Geschiclite des Glaubens an das Daseyn Gottes in dcr Theo- logie. GiJttingen, 1792. 12° B. 160b. 6 ZiEHNEKT, W. Preussens Volkssajen, Miilirchen undLegenden. Leipzig, 1838-40. 3v. sm.S°. 4224.27 ZIEMANN, A. Mittelhochdeutsches Wiirterbuch. Quedlinburg, 1837. 8° 4231.4 ZiGNO, A. de. Sopra alcuni corpi organic! che si osservano nelle infusioni. Padova, 1842. pp. 24. 8° . .■ 3874.S ZiLLE, M. A. Der evangelische Christ am Kefor- mationsfeste 1845. Reformationsprcdigt. Leipzig, n.d. pp.16. 8° OOSS.IOI — Das Gebet des Herrn und die Pfingstfcier. Drei Predigten. Leipzig, l,s43. pp. 43. 8°. B. 100a. 88 — Gcsiehte. Cliristlich-prophetische Gesiinge. Leipzig, 1840. 12° U.170b 92 Zimmerjiann, G. De mutata Saxonum vcteruin religione. [Diss, acad.] Darmstadii, 1839. pp.24. 4° • • • ■ 0071.5 ZiaiMEUMANN, J. G. Aphorisms and reflections on men, morals and things. Loudon, 1800. 18° 64.'iS.24 — Extracts from a letler, on the order of the II- luminati. Batli, 1798. 8° •I"ph.v.349 Zimmermann, W. F. a. Dcr Erdball und seine Naturwuuder. I'opulaires llandbuch der physisclien Geographie. 5te Aufl. Berlin, 1850-110. 4v.- 8° 3806.11 Consents. — Vol. I. Allgenieino Irdlsche and kosnilscho Verhiiltnls*e-, Die AtQiosphure dcr Erde. 11. Tellur- ischer Magnetismua; Die Gewiisser der Erde. III. l)le Wuuder der Urwelt. IV. Die bclebte Erde. ZUIMERN, S. W. Geschiclite ties riimisclien Privat- rechts bis auf .lustiiiian. B. 1, 3. Heidelberg, 1820-29. 2v. 8° 4293.12 ZlNKEiSEN, J. W. Geschiclite des osmanischeu Reiches in Europa. Th. 1-7, 1453-1812. Go- tha, 1840-03. 7v. 8° 5085.1 — Der Jacobiner-Klub. Berlin, IS.W, 5.1. 2v. s". 4042.29 ZiNKGUICl', J. W. Scliarfsinnige S|)riiclie der Teiitschen, A])oi»lith(';^iimlii geiuiiml. Her- ausgegebeu von B. F. Guttensteiu. Mann- heini, 1835. 12° 4899a. I — Auserlesne Gedichte. [Miiller. Bibliothek deiitselier Dicliter des 17teii .Itvhrhunderts, v. 7] 2879. II) Zi.NZuw, A. De I'clasgici^ Rmuanorum sacrls. [Diss, acad.] Berlin, '1851. pp. :)8. 4° .. B. 190.23 Zii'OLi, I*., p8i*ud. Sec Lippi, L. ZiREEL, F. Rcise nach Island im Sommer I860. A'ec Preyer, W 2806. 7 Zi.SKA, F., and Schottky, J. M. Oestenelchiselie Volkslleder mit ihren Singcweiseii. I'astli, 18111. 8° •4223.13 ZUBUI., JV. E. lie laii-^v priinorvm livuiani generis jiiiri-iilvni a pa;..'anis uilviiibralu. Allorlll Noiic, [1730]. pp.24. 4° 411,3. :)8 ZOBI 717 ZULUETA Sholf. No. Zom, A. Hcmoric eoonomico-politiche o sla de' Uanni arreoiti dull' Austria alia Toscana, 1737-lJ?iiii, dimostrati cou duciimenti ofllciali. Firenzf, lS(i((. 2v. S* -. . . 27-.'fi. fi Zodiacal star8, Ahnanuc oatalofrue of. See United •States. Department of the navy 5911.9 ZoDiAt'Us vitn?, sivo dc hoiuinis vitii, studio ac mo- ribus optinit iustituendia. fliunzoli, 1*. A. . 4800a. 53 ZoGGA, G. Abhandlun^en. Mit Zusiitzen von F. G. Welcker. Gottingen, 1817. IC . . . . **4955.15 Content*. — LykurRoii von den MKiindcn bczwun^en; Tyche und Ncnu*!il»; IVbor die fiOtlln von Kliiimnus; Ueber oin nciikninl Iin PiocU-incniiscIion Mutseum; Ueberdiddrn Dlvnnt ilcsMilhraahetrt'dViidt-nri^niischen KmiMiliMikniillrr; I't-bi-r dcu untnfiiiifrlfclu-u Gott dtjr Orpbikur; l>b.T Krii-cliisphe Mvtholofrle; llomvr; Ue- ber Lyknr^ utiil ^lio Sp«rtfr; Uubor ilen Ursprime dus Nuiiienx drr VoUkiT; DtT capiloliiiUvbo und dor pala- tiiiischv Hiipol nt'bat ibrer Naobburscbnft. ZoLLlKOFEB, G. J. SUmmtliche Fredigten. Leip- zig, 1798-1804. 15v. 8' 5442-22 — Exercises of piety. Transl. by J. Mauning. Abrid^a'd by T. 51. Harris. Worcester, 1803, 12° 545na.l — - Same. 2d ed. Worcester, 1807. 10* . , . 5458.26 — Sermons on the great festivals and fasts of the church, [etc.]. From the (ierman, by W. Tooke. London, hs07. 2v. h° 5445.19 — Sermons on tlie education of children. See lioston. Christian monitor, V. 11 5459.5 ZON^US. Tltpi tximaTwv T03V Kara Aoj-ov. [Boisson- ade. Anocdota Graeca, V. 3] B.161.3 ZoNARAS, ,7. Canon de sanctissima virgine, G. Genebrardo interprete. [Muxima biblioth. vet. patr., V. 23] B.110.2 Zoology. Fortescue, T. Quadrupeds and rep- tiles of Europe 3903.32 — Geoffrey Saint-llUaire, I. Essais de zoologie gencralc 3903.23 — Grube, A. E. Beitriige zur Kenutuiss der Thierwelt von 3'riest 3873.6 — Mal'tbie, E. B. Zoological science, or nature in livinjj- forms 5889.1 — riiipson, T. L. Practical studies on insects, Crustacea, moUusca, worms, polypes, etc. . . 3829.6 — Schneider, J. G. Sammlung verniischter Ab- haudlungen zur Aufkliirung der Zoologie . 3908.5 — Spix, J. B. V. Geschichte und IJeurtheilimg aller Systeme in der Zoologie , 3908.4 — Transactions of the zoological society. See London • • 5871.2 — Vogt, C. Bilder aus dem Thierieben .... 4277.14 — - Zoologische Briefe 4276.4 See also: Ilatrncbin, Brutes, Crustacea, CompRrntive Hoatoiny nnd physiobi^y, Entuniolug^', Mamniiilia, Medical zoolo^', licptilos, Vevtobrata, Paleontology, Quudrupvds, /oopbytes. Zoophytes, Structure and classification of. 'See United States. Department of the navy. Exploring expedition 3870,36 Sec al«o: Coral. ZOBN, F, Wormser Chronik mit den Zusiitzen F. Bertholds von Flersheim, herausg. von W. Arnold. Stuttgart, 1857. 8". [Stuttgart. Bibliothck des liter. Vereins, v. 43] .... *4235.1 ZoROASTt-R. liaug, M. Sammlung von Liedern und Spriiclieu , 5025.11 — Lehreuund Meinungen. 5ee Zend-Avesta . . 3014.31 — Mcnant, .J. Essai sur la philosophic religieuse de la Purse ^ 6076.8 — Oracula magira Zoroasfris - 6071.18 — KiJth, E. Die zuroastrischc Glaubenslehrc als die alteste Quelle unserer epekulativen Ideen 6075.27 — The religious books of the Zuroastrians. See Zend-Avesta 4241.8 — Vullers, J. A. Fragmente uber die Ueligion des 6076.9 ZuslMUS. Alloquia. [Migue. Patrologiu Grseca, V. 78] 5462.2 Sbotf. No. Zouaves. Lcb Zouaves, une esquisse historique. Aumale, H. K. P. L. d'O., due (V 2641.7 Zoucir, T. Works. .Memoir by Ucv. F. Wrang- ham. York, 1820. 2v. 8" 6506.5 Conienta. — Vwl. I. Mpinoir by I-". Wranfrhnm ; Four Sf^rmonfl; An enquiry into tbo propbctlc cbnnictcr of the Kumnnn, na dOBcnbod in Uanit^'l Vltr, :23-25; Tbe lii«tory and cbnrjicter of Aiiiiochii!* Ejiipluinoi*; An at- tempt to Illiisti'utv Home of tbe propbeoicu of tbe Old nnd New Teatninont ; Li-ttor to Dr. llnrslcy, on bis opin- ion concenilni; Anll-Chriat; Appendix. II Cbtiructcr of Rev. John Cbirko; Life of Jobn Lord, vlHccnint Lons- dale; Life of Dean Sudbury (ISOS) ; Lift- of Sir Goorgo Whelcr; The lif-! of Elijah; Skctcbos of Vorksblre bi- ogrupby; Appendix. ZSCHACKWITZ, J. E. Heraldica oder Wiipen- Kunst. Leipzig, 17-15. 12' 2«33.9 ZSCHOKKK, E. History of Switzerland, continued to 1848. See Zschokke, J. IT. D 4229.6 ZsCHOKKK, J. H. D. AusgewJihlte Novellen und Dichtungen. 3tc Ausg. Aarau, 1^30. 8v, S*. 4227.3 Contents. -~Yo\. I. Lebensgescbicbtlicbe UnirisBc; Sebiisucbt niicb dcm Scbiiucn des Unsicblbnrcn; Ala- montade ; Dio Bobno; Blatter nus dem Tu^rubueb des armCD rfiirrvikiu-B von Wiltobiro; Kriegeriftclie Aben- teuer eines FriedfortlBon; Hnrmutiius; Uer Fiii'stcn- bliek; Ef ist sebr niiiglicb; DusUcin. II. Die Priozes- ain von Wolfenbiittol ; Kr/.ablini^eii ini Nebel; Der Pascha von Budti; DerBlondin von Xjimur; Kleine Ur- encben, eine Doppe!g:esclii<;bto; T)ie Wuljiurpisnacbt. III. Afiatbokles, Tyrunn von Syrnkns; Der todte Gaat; Das Ab. AOED AND iNDiaENT FEMALES. IMO, Doc. 19 — Petition of a Committoo of the IlL-nevolent Associations, prating for a site whcri'OD to CTcct nu usylum fur. Aldermex. 1845, Doc. 37 — Opinion of C. B. Goodrich, on the powers and duties of, on tho death of the Muyor; 1S45, Doc. 43 — Opinion of J. P. Hogers concerning tho authority of Chn. of the Board to draw drafts in the o%-cnt of tho decease, inabil- ity, or absence of tho Mayor i 1840, Uoc. 17 — Kept, on expe- diency of paj-ing a snlary to; 184G, Doc. 31 — Kept, on same j 1853, Doc. 92 — Proceedings at their last meeting in 18^3; 1856, Doc. 78 — Proceedings at their last meeting iu IJwC; 1857, Doe. 85 — Proceedings at thiiir last meeting in 1857; 1858, Doc. 67 — Proceedings at their lust meeting in 1868; 1859, Doc. 79 — Pro- ceedings at their last meeting in 1859; 1860, Doc. 106 — Proceed- ings at their last meeting in ISOO ; 18ijl, Doc. 81 — Proceedings at their last meeting in 1861; 1862, Doc. 105 — Proceedings at their last meeting in 1862; 1863, Doc. 113— Proceedings at their lost meeting in 1863; 1864, Doc. 100 — Proceedings at their last meeting in 1S61. Ajjexs. 1SJ7, Doc. 16 (Com. Council) — Account of Inspectors of alien passengers; 1850, Doc. 24 — Monthly Tcinm of the number of alien passengers received at the House of Industry. AlMSBOUSES. 1835, Doc. 15 (Com. Council) — Kept, of Artomas Simonds; 1851, Doc. 70 — Final rcpt. on the erection of a new almshouse at Deer Island; 1852, Doc. 17 — Kept, concerning a new almshouse at Deer Island. Amcseme.st, public places of. 1852, Doc. 13— Bept. on memorial of Francis Parkman and others respecting. Appropriations. 183-1, Doc. 10 (City Council) — Kept, on audi- tor's estimates for the nuxt financial year; 1835, Doc. 11 (Com, Council) — Rcpt. on auditor's estimates for the next financial year; 1836, Doc. 2 (Com. Council) — Rcpt. on auditor's esti- mates for the next financial year; 18:37, Doc. 5 (Com. Council) — Rcpt. on auditor's estimates for the next financial year; 1838, Doc. 14 — Rcpt. on auditor's estimates for the next financial ycur ; 1839, Doc. 17 — Rept. on auditor's estimates fur the next financial year; 1840, Doc. 4— Ecpt. on communication of auditor relative to additional appropriations ; I&IO, Doc. 10 — Kept, on auditor's estimates for the next financial year; l&ll, Doc. 11 — Rcpt. on auditor's estimates for the next financial year; 1S42, Doc, 11— Rcpt. on auditor's estimates for the next financial year; 1843, Doc. 15 — Rcpt. on auditor's estimates for the next financial year ; lft44. Doc. 11 — Rept. on auditor's estimates for the next financial year; 1845, Doc. 10 — Rept. on auditor's estimates for the next fi- nancial year; I»16, Doc. 15 — Rept. on auditor's estimates for tho next financial year; 1847, Doc. 17 — Kept, on auditor's esti- mates for the next flnanciol year ; 1848, Doc. 14 — Rept. on audi- tor's estimates for the next financial year ; 1849, Doc. 17 — Rcpt. on auditor's estimates for the next financial year; 1850, Doc. 10— Rept. on auditor's estimates for the next financial year; 1851, Doc. 18— liept. on auditor's estimates for the next finan- cial year; 1852, Doc. 19 — Rcpt. on auditor's estimates for the next financial yoor; 1853, Doc. 17 — Appropriations, loans, and transfers; 1853, Doc. 22— Kept, on auditor's estimates for tho next financial year; 1854, Doc. 13 — Additional oppropriationa for Paring; 1854, Doc. 17 — Additional appropriations for Com- mon; 1854, Doc. 20 — Additionaloppropriations for Institutions at So. Boston and Deer Island; 1854, Doc. 23 — Additional ap- propriations for incidentals; 1854, Doc. 34 — Rept. on autlitor'a estimates for tho next financial year; 1854, Doc. 38 — Transfers • 1854, Doc. 67 — Additional appropriations for South and East Bo.ston Grammar Schools; 1854, Doc. 71 — Additional appro- priations for incidentals and claims ; 1855. Doc. 7 — Additional appropriations for Sowers and Drains; 1855, Doc. U — Addi- tional appropriations for Lamps; 1806, Doc. 17 — Additional appropriations for Public Buildings; 1855, Doc. 21 — Rept. on auditor's estimates for the next financial year; 18.55, Docs. 62 and *'^J7'^'^'^*'°"''* appropriations for Grammar School Houses; 1855, Doc. 64 — Additional approprialiuns for Public Buildings \ 1856, Doc. 9 — Additional appropriation for Paving; 1«56, Doc. 17— Additional appropriation for Lamps; 1856, Doc. 18 — Ad- ditional appropriations for Paving, Fire, and Health Depts.; 1856. Doc. 21— Transfers; 1850, Doc. 27 — Rcpt. on auditor's estimates for the next financial year; iSoG, Doc. 5-\ — Addition- al appropriation for Public Lands; 1350, Doc. 00- Additional appropriation for Assessors Dept. ; 1850, Doc. G3 — Appropria- tions for No. Cliarles St. Bridge; 1856, Doc. 06- Additional appropriation for Paving; ISHQ, Doc. 70 — Additional appro- priation for Alimny St. Bridge; 18.10, Doc. 71 — Additional appropriation fur Public Lands; 1857, Doc. 5 — Additional ap- propriation for Paving ; 1857, Doc. 6 — Additional appropriation for Common and Public Squares; 1857, Doc. 7 — Additional ap- propriation for Cemeteries; 1S57, Doc. 8 — Additional appro- priation for Bridges; 1857, Doc. 13 — Annual appro])riution for Public Librar>-i 1857, Doc. 15 — Additional appropriation for Paving ; 1857, Doc. 17 — lUpt. on the state of tho aijpropriatioa * Tins index embraces all the regular documenta, numbered and bound together at the end of Ciich year. Tliey are arranged in alphabetical and chronological order. INDEX. for Pacing; 1857, Doc. 20 — Additional appropriation for the Bunrd of Health; 1S57, Doc. 24 — Additional appropriation for tiiB Fire Dept.; 1857, Doc, 32— Rept. on auditor's cstiraatea for the next financial year; 1353, Doc. 18 — Itept. on auditor's estimates for tbe next financial year; lS58,Doc. 40 — Additional appropriation for Common and Squares ; 1858, Doc. 42 — Addi- ttODfil appropriation for Public Lands; 1858, Doc. 44 — Addi- tional appropriation for >videmner streets; J858, Doc. 53 — Ad- ditional appropriation for Bridjea; 1358, Doc. 54 — Additional appropriation for Schools; 1S5S, Doc. 56 — Additional appro- priation for Public Buildings; 1S58, Doc. 68 — Additional ap- propriation for Mt. Hope Cemetery; 1S53, Doc. 62 — Rept. on the illegality of mailing cxpenditiuva beyond appropriations ; 18.50, Doc. 14 — Additional appropriation for Public Enildinga ; 385y, Doc. 15 — Additional appropriation for Scwera; 1859, Doc. 16 — Rept. and ordinance concerning expeuditurcs be- yond npproprintions; 1859, Doc. 19 — Additional appropriation for Public Buildings; 1859, Doc. 22 — Itopt. on auditor's esti- mates forthe next financial year; 1859, Doc. 29 — Application for an additional appropriation for Land Commissioners; 1859, Doc. 48 — Additional appropriation for Lands; 1859, Doc. 57 — Additional appropriation for Public Buildings; 1859, Doc. 60 — Additional appropriation for Smallpox Hospital; 1859, Doc. 67 — Additional appropriation for Bridges; 1859, Doc. 68 — Application for an additional appropriation for Lands; 18G0, Doc. 7 — Additional appropriation for Common and Squares; ISGl), Doc. 8 — Additional appropriation for Engine Uonsea; I8C0, Doc. 14 — Additional appropriation for Sewors; 18G0, Doc. 18 — Appropriations for Steam Fire Engines and Houses; 1860, Docs. 19 and 20 — Additional appropriations for tho Eliot it Quiucy Schools; 1860. Doc. 22 — A'UUtional appropriation for the Market; 1860, Doe. 26 — Additional ojipropriation for Paving; ISGO, Doc. 28 — Additional appropriation for the Fire Dcpt. ; 1S60, Doc. 83 — Additional appropriation for Public Buildings; 1860, Doc. 85 — Rept. on auditor's estimates for the next financial year; 1860, Doc. 37 — Additional appropriation for Internal Health Dt-pt.; 18G0, Doc. 40— Additional appro- priation for Lands; 1800, Doc. 73 — Additional appropriation for Public Buildings; 1800, Doc. 76 — Additional appropriation for tho Public Uaidcn; 1860, Doc. 81 — Additional uppropriu- tiOD for the Harbor; 1860, Doc. 80 — Additional appropriation for Public Buihiings; i860, Doc. 82 — Additional oppropriation for the widening of Tromont St.; 1800, Doc. 87 — Additional appropriation for Land Commissioners; 1860, Doc. 92 — Addi- tional appropriation for Public Buildings; 1860, Due. 1*9 — Ad- ditional appropriations for Scwors; lyGl, Doc. 19— Kt'iit. on auditor'H enlimatce for the next financial year; 1861, Doc. 22 — Additional appropriation for Sewers; 1801, Doc. 28 — Addition- al appropriation for Laiid-s; 1861, Doc. 54 — Additional ajipro- priation for Paving; 1861, Doc. 57 — Additional appropriation for Paving; 1861, Doc. 70 — Additional npjjroprlation for I'av- Ing; 1802, Doc. 10— Kept, on the expediency of making quar- terly appropriiUlonn; 1802, Docs. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25. 26, 28 — Additional oppropriatlonn for Public Buildings, Lanipa, Ovor- ftcon* of the Poor, Comctoriea, Police, Printing, Public Lnuda, and Grammar School*; 1802, Doc. 31 — Itcpl. on auditor's cs- timatca for the next flnanchil year; 1802, Doc. M— Additional approprliition for Cily llusptial; 1862, Doc. 7;J — Api.ropriution for tho Common; 18iW, Doc. 76— Additional apifroprlalion for Public LandH; 186:(, Doe. 8— Additional appropriation for Fire Dcpt. ; 18**1, Doc. 211 — Appropriation forwldening Llndall fit.; 180.'I. Doc. Sit- Addltloiiirt appropriation for iho llty Ilos- pilol; I80>'), Doe. 82 — Additional appropriations for Lamps, Bells, nnd Clocks; 1803, Don. C3 — ^daltlonal appropriation for the Flro Dept. ; 1803, Doc. 38— Kept, on tiio uutlitor's osll- niate* for (lie next financial yrar ; 180.'!, Doe, -lO — Addlllointi ap- prfiprlatlonnfor tho llrallh Dept. ; 186.3, Hoc. -tl — Ap]iroprlntlon for a new Primary Hflmol lloUHcIn Chnnlori Ht. ; 1863, Doc. 06 — Additional npprupriallnn for I'niillc Landit- 1863, Dor. 8.1 — Ad- ditional appropriation for tli<> Common; IB03, Doo.88 — Addl- Uoonl PppfDpriallou for tho Flro Dopt. ; 1803, Duo. 101 — Addi- tional appropriation for Cemeteries; 1864, Doc. 8 — Additional appropriation for Sewers ; 1864, Doc. 9 — Additional appropri- ation for Bridges; 1861, Doc. 14 — Additional appropriation for the Fire Dept.; 1804, Doc. 17 — Additional appropriation for Landtj; 186*, Doc. 18 — Additional appropriation for tho City Hospital; 1864, Doc, 19 — Additional appropriation for Public Buildiugs; 1864, Doc. 22 — Additional appi-opriation for tho Fire Dcpt.; 1864, Docs. 25, £6, 27 — Additional appropriaHons for Printing, Health, and Lamps ; 1864, Docs. 31, 32— Additional appropriation for Harbor and Fire Dcpt. ; 1804, Doc. 36 — Kept, on auditor's estimates for tho next financial year; 1864, Doc. 72 — Additional appropriation for tho Fire Dept, ; 1864, Docs. 74, 75 — Additional appropriations for .City Stablea and City Hospital. Akcuiiect, City. 1863, Doc. 62 — An ordinance in relation to Armouiks. 1846, Doc. 33 — Kept, on unoccupied rooms auttablo for armories over Fancuil Hall, etc; 1852, Doc. 53 — Kept, on tho subject of an armory for tho Light Dragoons; 1853, Doc. 25 — Kept, of the Committee on armories; 1853 Doc. 72 — Re- port on petition of the Mechanic lUficmen to be refunded mo- ney paid for rent of armory. AssKSSOBS. 1844, Doc. 5 — Report of Committee to whom waA referred so much of the Mayor's address as related to ; 1850, Doc. 19 — Nomination of asst. assessors; 1804, Doc. 82 — Rept. of Committee on the assessor's dept. Auditor. 1834, Doc. 6 {City Council) — Rept. of auditor on ex- penses for printing, and salaries of City and County Officers; 16.'>4, Doc. 10 (Com'. Coimcil): — Twenty-second annual rept. of receipts and cxpenditmres; 1835, Doe. 17 (Com. Council) — Twenty-third annual rept, of receipts nnd expenditures; 18S6, Doc. 11 {Cora. Council) -Twenty-fourth annual rept. of re- ceipts and expenditures; 1857, Doc. 25 (Cora. Council) — Twon- tj'-fil"th annual n-pt. of receipts and cxpenditm-cs ; 1838, Doc. 30 — qventy-sixth annual rept. of receipts and expenditures; 1839, Doc. 31 — Twenty-seventii annual rept. of receipts and expenditures ; 1840, Doc. 19 — Twenty-eighth annual report of receipts and expenditures; 1841, Doc. 20 — Twenty-ninth an- nual rept. of receipts and expenditures; 1842, Doc. 15; Thirti- eth annual rept. of receipts aud expenditures ; 184.'!, Doc. £0 1-3 — Thirty-first annual rept. of receipts and expenditures^ 1844, Doc. 17 — Thirty second annual rept. of receipts and expendi- tures; 1845, Doc. 22 —Thirty-third annual rept. of receipts and oxpenditurcs; 1816, Doc. 20 1-2— Thirty-fourth annual rept. of receipts and expenditures; 1847, Doc. S4 — Thirty-flftii an- nual rept. of receipts and expenditures; 1848, Doe. 29 — Tlib-ty- sixih annual rept. of receipts aud expendiEures; 1849, Doc. 35 ^ Tldrly-scvcnth annual rcjit. of receipts aud expenditures; 1850, Doc. 21 — Thirty-eighth annual r<-pt. of receipla nnd ex- penditures; 1851, Doc. 49 — Thirty-ninth annual rept. of re- ceipt* and expenditures; 1852, Doc. 36 — Fortieth annual rept. of receipts imd expenditures; 1853, Doc. 45 — Forty-first annual rept. of receipts aud expcudlture« ; 1854, Doc. 59 — Forty-second annual rept. of receipts and oxpend!tni-es ; 1855, Doc. 49 1-2 — Forty-third annual rept. of receipts and otpendlturcs; 1856, Doc. 48 — Forty-fourth annual rept. of receipts and expendi- tures; 1357, Doc, 64 — Forty-fifth annual rept. of receipts nud oxpendiltires; 18i>8, Doc. 29 — Forty-sixth auuuat rept. of re- ceipts nnd expeudiliires; 1859, Doe. 41 — Forty-seventh annnal rept. of receipts aud expenditures; 1800, Doe. 66 — Forty- eighth annual rept. of receipts and expenditures ; 1801, Doc. 63 — Foriy-nlnth annual rept. of receipts and ex])endllurcs; 1862, Doc. 58 — Fiftieth annual rept. of receipts and expendi- tures; 1863, Doc. 78— Fifty-first annual rept. of receipts nnd oxpendllures; 1804, Doc. 05 — Fifty-second unnnnl rept. of ro- celpls and ox)>endituroa. AWNIvos. 1851, Doc.35— Ropt.on tho memorial of 9. 8. Holton and others In relation to, etc. Back Bav. 1819. Doe. 36— Rept. on tho memorial of D. Hears ct all., In relation to tho flats WC8( of Charles St. ; 1M9, Doc. 48 — Rept. nn tho memorial of D. Sears In relation to the flats we»t of diaries St.; 1850, Doc. 14 — Rept. In relation to thd INDEX. drainage of Back Bay; 1850, Doc. 34 1-2 — Kept, on the drain- ago of Back Buy ; 1851, Doo. 71 — Rept. on the drninage yf the norlhwosterly svction of the city; 1853, Doc. 63— Rept. ou Buck Bay lands, wilh the propoaition of the State Cuniiuis- eloni-rs; I8M, Uoc. 15 — rroposal fVom the State Commission on lands ; 18*1, Doc. IlM — Ropt. on ; 1857, Doc. 59 — Indenture bclwvt'u the Cooiniouwealth, tli<> Boston Water Power Co. and the City; lb5'd, Doc. 42 — Mc^sngt- of the Mayor aunouurinff the award of the Coraniissioners ; 18tX*, Doc. 50 — Rept. of the City Eng'ineeron the dtrectiou, grades, and sewerage ofstret^la; 18t», Doc. 70— R*-pt. on the drainage of; 18(31, Doc. 25— First r«pt. of the spoclul coinmitteo on improvements of; 1861, Doc. 79 — First Joint rcpt. of the CommitttMi and Conunissioncrs on ; 1862, Doc. A3 — Third rcpt. of Committee, and second joint rept. of the Committee and Commissioners on; 18(33, Doc. 81 — Rept. of the joint special Committee, with rept, oftheCommissioDCrs; ISGS, Doc. 94^ Rept. of City Engineer on streets, grades, nnd drainage ; 1863, Doc. 102 — Proposed amendment to the order in relation to; 1864, Doc. 23 — Rept. on the sewerage and griido of the Back Bay hinds; 18G4, Doc. 54 — Contract with J. E. & N. Brown; 18t>4, Doc. 99 — New tripartite indenture behveeu the City of Boston, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the Water Power Co. BaBK. 1839, Doc. 23— Rept. and ordinance regulating the sole and admeasurement of; 1840, Doc. 7 — Rcpt. on ordinance re- lating to the admeasurement of; 1854, Doc. 112 — An ordinance In rolutiuu to. Bates, JosaCA. 18G4, Doc. 79— Proceodinga of the City Coun- cil in relation to the death of. BaTUINo. 1860, Doc. 105 — Rept. on public bathing houses. Bells. 1862, Doc. fil — An ordinance in relation to the ringing of church bells. Bequests. 1838, Doc. 26 — B«pt. on the property devised to the dty by Ambrose S. Courtis; 1860, Doc. 63— Rept. ooElisha Goodnow's bequest to the Free City Hospital. « BOSTOK, Enqlakd. 1851, Doc C3 — Seals and documents ftom; 185G, Doc. 35 — Communication of the Mayor relative to the visit of the President of the Common Council to. BowLiNO Alleys. 1851, Doc. 41 — Acceptance of an act relating to; 1853, Doc. 69 — Rept. of Committee on. Bbiogbs. 1854, Doc. 84 — An ordinance io relation to So. Boa- ton bridges; 1855, Doc. 51 — An ordinance in relation to bridges; 1855, Doc. 64 — City Solicitor's opinion respecting the right of the East Boston free bridge ; 1856, Doc. 46— Rcpt. on Albany St. bridge; 1856, Doc. 47 — Rept. on East Boston free bridge; 1857, Doe. 34 — An ordiuance relating to bridges. BboaDWay lUlLKOAD. See Street Jiailways. Bctldinus. 1839, Doc. 15 — Report on the petition of Theodore Washburn and others for a repeal of the law in regard to the ercrtion of wooden buildings; 1854, Doc. 85 — An ordinance in relation to buildings; 1863, Doc 36 — An ordinance in relation to buildings. BoiLDiSGS, rcDLIc. 1840, Doc. 8 — Rept. on what alterations should be made in the manner of makin;; contractii for the erec- tion and alteration of. 18tJ, Doc. 25 — Ordianuce concerning the Bale of. 1847, Doc. 2 — Statement of the names of delinquent tenants of public buildings, together with the amount of rents due; 1851, Doc. 21 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1852, Doc. 8 — An- nual rept. of Supt.; 1853, Doc. 5)3 — Rcpt. of Supt.; 1854, Doc. 8 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1854, Doc. 104 — An ordinance in relation to; 18u5, Doc. 15 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1856, Doc. 6 — Aunuol report of Bn|it.; 1857, Doc. 11 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1858, Doc. G — Annual rept. of Supt. ; 1859, Doc. 7 — Annual rcpt. of the Supt.; 1Aj9, Doc. 18 — Rept. and order re- lative to the u Iters tiijns in the County building in Court Square; 1860, Doc. 10 — Annual rcpt. of Supt.; 1861, Doc 10— Annual rept. of Supt.; J8fi2. Doc. 8 — Annual rept. of Supt. ; 180.% Doc. 9 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1864, Doc. IS — Annual rept. of Supt. Bcbtiso-Grocsds. 1849, Doc. 28 — Rcpt. and ordinance rela- Uve to; 1849, Doe. 51 — Rept. on so much of the Mayor's ad- dress OS related to Intennents ont of the city; 1849, Doc. 09— Additional rcpt. on same; 1850, Doc. S9 — Rept. on the subject of inlra-murul burials. — See Cemeteries. CAMURlDOli liAlLROAn, See Street Railways. CEMKTEBlliS. 18-19, Doc. 54 — firand Jury's Communication re- apeeling the Cemetery nt South Boston; 1857, Doc. 72 — An ordinnueo In relation to Mt. Hope Cemetery; 1859, Doc. 10 — Annunl rept. of tlio Trustees of Ut. Ilopo Cemetery ; lttCO,Doc. 16 — Annual rept. of the Trustees of Mt. Ilopc Cemetery; 1861, Doe. 16 — Annual rept. of the Trustees of Mt. Hope Cemetery; 1862, Doc. 13 — Annual rept. of thu Trustees of Mt. Hope Ceme- tery ; 1863, Doc. 16 — Annual rept. of the Trustees of Ml. Hope Cemetery; 1863, Doc 37 — An ordinance in relation to Mount Hope Cemetery; 1863, Doc. 74— Mayor's communication io re- lation to the Cemetery at Gettysburg; 1863, Doc 106— Kept, on the Mass. Cemetery at Gettysburg, with oration of Edward Everett; 1864, Doc. 15 — Sixth annual rept, of the Trustees of Mt. Hope Cemetery; 1864. Doc. 73 — Bept. on abolishing the Board of Trust eea of Mt. Hope Cemetery; 1864, Doc. 83 — Or- dinance in relation to Mt. Hope Cemetery ; 1804, Doc. 96 — An ordinance in relation to Mt. Hope Cemetery. Census. 1850, Doc 42— Rcpt. in relation to a census of the City of Boston; 1851, Doc. CO — Rcpt. of a special committee on the census taken in May, 1850, and also a comparative view of the population of Boston in 18,50, *vith the births, marriages, and deaths, in 1849 and 1850, by Jesse Chickering, M. D. ; 1855, Doc. 69 — Census as taken May, 1855, 'with analytical and aaui- tary obsen'ations, by Josiah Curtis, M.D. CHABTEE, CiTV. 1834, Doc. 6 (City Comicil) — Rept. on altera- tions relative to the mode of election, and the powers of the School Committee; 1837, Doc. 21 (Com. Council) — Rcpt. on revision for the action of the inhabitants thereon; 1838, Doc. 5 — Statement of changes proposed, and reasons therefor ; 1841, Doc, 5 — Rept. on expediency of amending; 1841, Doc. 7 — Amendments which were made and adopted to the revised draft; 1842, Doc. 2 — Amendments to revised draft of; 1845, Doc. •! — Rept. upon revision of, with amendatory act; 1848, Doc. 16 — Rcpt. of Commissioners on revision of; 1852, Doc. 15— Order submitted by Mr. Hoharl respecting the Mayor and Aldermen; 1854, Doc. 27 — Charter revised ; 1854, Doc^— Bept. on Revised City Charter; 1856, Doc 62 — Report con- cerning alterations in; 1860, Doc. 78 — Rept. on amendments to; 1862, Doc. 15 — Rept. on amendment* to; 1^2, Doc. 18— Proposed amendmenta to; 1864, Doc. 78 — Rept. on proposed amendments to. CHELSEA. 1856, Doc. 26 — Eept. on the petitions of John Femio, and others, for the annexation of Chelsea to Boston. Chimneys. 1854, Doc. 86 — An ordinance in relation to. CHOLERA. 1848, Doc. {59- Rept. of Board of Consulting Phy- sicians on the subject of; 1849, Doc. 23 — Rept. on so much of the Mayor's address as related to ; 1849, Doc. 66 — Rept. on the Asiatic Cholera, together with the report of the City Physician on the Cholera Hospital ; 1861, Doc. 14 — Communication from Dr. H. U. Clark, trunsmittiDg the rept. of Drs. Buckingham and Hodges on the Cholera Hospital at Port Hill, in 1854. CiTV COCKCIL. 1840, Doc 3 — Joint rules and orders; 1845, Doc. 1 — Address of Alderman Parker to ; 1845, Doc. 42 — Opin- ions of Richard Fletcher, C. P. Curtis, and C. G. Loring, on powers and duties of, on demise of the Mayor; 1854, Docs. 2 and 3 — First and second repta, on rules and orders ; l&W, Doc. S — Kept, on rules and orders; 1856, Doc. 16 — Amendments to Joint rules and orders; 1861, Doc. 2 — Hcpt. on joint rules and orders. City Hall. 1837, Doc. 7 (Com. Council) — Rept. on the dispo- sition of the Court House, and the expediency of providing additional accommodations for the officers of the city govera- mcnt; 1838, Doc 17 — Report on the expediency of erect- ing a new City Holt; 1853, Doc. 31 — Majority and minority repts. on the subject of a new building for the use of the City Goveniment, and Public Library ; 1856, Doc. 31— Rcpt. on al- teratiouB and additions; 1857, Doc. 42 — Itept. of Committee INDEX. on Public Ballflin^ relative to a new City Hftll ; 1858. Doc. 8 — Bepl. relative to a new City Hall (reprint of Doc. 42, 1857) ; 18G0, Doc. 44 — Majority rept, on the enlarpeuicnt of; 18G2, Doc- 44 — Kept, of the Committee on Public Buildiogs on the erection of a new City Ball ; 1862, Doc. 104 — Proceedings at the laying of the comer stone of the new hall. Claims- 1851, Doc. 65 — Kept, of Committee on accounts, on the bills of Alden Giflord, and Hcaley & Spaulding; 1S52, Doc 54 — Ropt. on petition of H. L. Cummiogs to be compen- eated for damages Buataiued while in the service of the city; ISM, Doc. 47 — Rept. on Benson Loavitt's claim for performing the duties of Mayor in ISlo ; 1855, Doc. 40 — Rept. on claims of Charles Chipman and S. & H. Amea for damages on account of the failure of the city tu execute ita contracts; 1855, Doc. 74 — General rept. of the joint standing Committee on. Coal. 1840, Doc. 7 — Hcpt, on ordinance relating to admeasure- ment of; 1855, Doc. 30 — An ordinance in relation to weighers of; 1855, Doc. 37 — Rules and regulations for the construction of cosl holes; 1855, Doc. 42 — Regulations in regard to coal holes; 1863, Doc. 82 — Rulea and regulations in relation to coal holes. Corss. 1837, Doc. 3 (City Council) — Rept on the petition of Wm. Lawrence, that the city would provide some aubstitute for the amaller denominations of. COMMITTEES. 1843, Doc. 24 — Joint resolutions on the duties of; ]857,Doc. 23 — Ordinance to provide a clerk of ; 1860, Doc. 27 — Ordinance in relation to a clerk of; 1861, Doc. 21 — Rept. on the prerogatives and duties of the Committee on Public Instruc- tion ; J861, Doc. 30 ~ Rept. on the duties of the Cummittce on Institutions; 1864, Doc. 49- Bept. on the duties of the Com- mittee on Public Instructinn. COUUON. 1843, Doc. 2G— Itept. of Com. on Public Lands on the title under which acquired; 1852, Doc. 62 — An ordinance In relation to; 1854, Doc. 87 — An ordinance in relation to; ISCl.Doc. 75 — An ordinance in relation to; 1863, Doc. 27— An ordinance in relation to. COUSios COUNCIL. 18:15, Doc. 4 (Com. Council) — Rept. on rules and orders for the regulaUon of proceedings; 1839, Doc. 1 — Rules and orders; 1840, Doc. 3 — Rulea and orders; 1846, Doc. 37 — Reply of G. 8. Ilillard, Prcsidont, toa vote of thanks; 1847, Doc. 2t> — Resolutions, &c., on the rcsiguulion of G. S. Ilillard, President ; 1847, Doc. 49 — Reply of Benjamin Scaver, President, to a vote of thanks ; 1848, Doc. 47 — Reply of Bcuj . Seavcr, President, to a vote of thanks; 1849, Doc. 67- Reply of Benj. Scaver, President, to a vote of thanks; 1850. Doc. 52 — Reply of Francis Brinlcy, President, to a vote of ttinuka ; 1851, J)oc. 78 — Reply of Pranda Brinloy, President, to a vota of thanks; 1852, Doc. 74— Reply of 11. J. Gardner, Picsidont, to a vote of IhnukB ; 1853, Doc. ft't ~ Iteply of H. J. Gardner, Pres- ident, to a vote of lUunks; 1654, Doc. 127 — Reply of A. H. lUce, President, to a vote of tbunks; ISS.'i, Doc. 72— Reply of Wra. A. Bell, Prosideiil, ;>rofcm.,toa voteodhanks; 1855, Doc. 75— Reply of Jos. Story, President, tu a vote of iliauks; 1853, Doc. 65— Reply of 8. W. Waldron, President, to a vote of thanks; 1800, Doc. 104 — Reply of J. P. Brodleo, ProsidLiit, to a vote of thanks; 1S6I. Doc. 78— Reply of J. P. Brudleo, Presi- dent, to u vote of thuuks ; 1802, Doc. 103— Reply of Jowhuu D. Ball, President, to n vuto of tbauks; 1863, Doc. 11^- Reply of Geo. 8. Hale, President, to a vote of thnnka; 1864, Doc. 'J7 — Reply of Geo. 8. Hale, Prculdeut. to a vote of thanks. CoPLKY, JOHN Singleton. 1850, Doc. 45— Painting of Charlea 1. before Parliament, preMUtcd to the city. COKONKU.H. 1H6G, Doc. 70- Uopt. on Corouor'a bills. COKltKCTiON, IIOUSK OK. 1834, Doc. 13 (City Council) — Rept. of Comnillleo ; 1834, Doc. 2 (Com. Council) — tteml-annual rept. of over#ecrs ; 1837, Doc. 23 (Com. Council) — Repl. of Inspectors of Prisons; 1838, Doo. 21 — Rept. oflnspcctors; 1838, Doc. 33 — Kept, on health, cIcanllucM, ic. ; 1839, Doc. 4— Itejil. of In- apeetors; IHiflt, Doo. 22 — Rnpt. of Inspectors; 1830, Doc. 28 — lUpl.on licaltb, cleaullnrM. Ac; 1840, Doc. 2— Rept, of In. ■Irtttont; 1840. Doc. 21 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1840, Doo. 24 — Communication from overseers and master In relation to per- formance of medical duties; 1840, Doc. 26— Rept. of Standing Committee of Common Council; 1841, Doc 4— Kept, of In- spectors; 1841, Doc. 18— Rept. of Inspectors; 1841, Doc. 27 — Rept. of Standing Committee of Common Council; 1842, Doc. 6 — Kept, of Inspectors ; 1842, Doc. 16 — Itept. of Inspectors; 1842, Doc. 25 — Communication from Mosea Grant in relation to; 1843, Doc. 2 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1843, Doc. 20 — Rules and regulations; 1843, Doc. 21 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1844, Doc. 2— Rept. of Inspectors; 1844, Doc. 19 — Rept. of Inspec- tors; 1845, Doe. 3 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1845, Doc. 25 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1846, Doc. 3— Rept. of luspcctors; 1846, Doc. 24 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1847, Doc. 4 — Rept. of Inspectors; 18-47, Doc. 31 — Itept. of Inspectors; 1848, Doc. 3— Kept, of Inspectors; 1848, Doc. 33 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1849, Doc. 6 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1849, Doc. 40 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1850, Doc. S— Rept. of luspcctors; 1850, Doc. 28— Itept. of Inspectors; 1851, Doc. 7 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1851, Doc. 50 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1852, Doc. 3— Rept. of Inspectors; 1852, Doc. 29— An act in relation to; 1852, Doc. 43— Rept. of Inspectors; 1853, Doc. 11 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1853, Doc. 66 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1854, Doc. 9 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1354, Doc. 63 — Rept. on a new bouse of correction; 1854, Doc 66 — City Solicitor's opinion concerning contracts; 1854, Doc. 68 — Rules and regulations; 1854, Doc. 78 — Rept. on removal to Deer Island; 1854, Doc. 81 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1855, Doc, £8 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1855, Doc. 34 — Rules andreguhiUoos of; 1855, Doc. 60 1-2 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1855, Doc. C5 — Rept. on the expediency of placing the institution under the management of a Board of Commissioners; 1856, Doc. 13 — Income and cspcnditurea for ten years; 1856, Doc. 14 — Kept, of luspcctors ; 1856, Doc. 24 — Removal of; 1856, Doc. 42— Majori^ and minority rcpts. on workshops; 1856, Doc. 58 — Rept. of la- spectors ; 1857, Doc. 33 — An act to establish a Board of Direc- tors of Publif^lustitutions; 1857, Doc. 57 — Rept, concerning a Board of Directors of Public Institutions ; 1857, Doe. 64 —Rept. of Inspectors ; 1858, Doc. 14 — Rept. of the Board of Directors; 1858, Doc. 19— Rules and regulations; 1858, Doc. 25 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1858, Doc. 49— Rept. of Inspectors; 1858, Doc. 69 — Rules and regulations for the iulernul govt, of; 1859, Doc. S2 — Annual rept. of tlio Board of Directors; 1859, Doc.35 — Bopt. of Inspectors; 1859, Doc. 65 — Kept, of Inspectors; 18C0, Doc. 25 — Annual rept. of tbo Board of Directors; 1860, Doc. 64— Rept. of Inspectors; 1860, Doc. 91- Rept. of Inspectors; 1361, Doc. 15 — Rules and regulations; 1861, Doc. 20 — Annual rept. of the Board of Directors; 1861, Doc. 06 — Kept, of lo- Bppctors. 1862, Doc. 7 — Annual rept. of the Board of Direc- tors ; 1862, Doo. 40 — Ordlnnnco establishing a Board of Direc- tors, and defining their duiies ; 1862, Docs. 79 & 80 — Ucpts. of tho Inspectors; 1862, Doc. 84 — An ordinance in relation to tho Board of Directors; 1803, Doc. 17 — Annual rept. of tho Board of Directors; 1863, Doc. 73— Kept, of Inspectors; 1863, Doc. 1)8— Rept. of Inspectors; 1804 — Annual ropt. of the Board of Directors; 1804, Doo. 35 — Kept, of Special Committee on al- leged abuses. COunxs. 13-19, Doc. 8— Kept, on the roorganizjitlou of the Courts In tho County of SulTolk ; 18IS), Doe. 34— Rept. on tho act to establish the Superior Court of the City of Boston; lAM, Doc. 34 — Rept, on nn order respecting the salary of tho senior Justice of tho Pilico Court; 1853, Doc. ftl— Removal of tho Police Court to tlio new Jail yard; 1855, Doc. 12— Petlliuii of C. B. Goodrich, and others, for the establishment of a new Court; 1855, Doc. 20 — An net to CBtftblli>h a new Court in Suf- folk County ; 1855, Doc. 53 — City Sollcltor'a opinion lii ndalion to tho eotahllfthment of a new Court in Suffolk County. COURT HOUSE. 1837, Doc. 7 (Com. Council) — Kept, on dlnpoM- tlon of, and expediency of providing adtUlIounl acconimoda- tlouit; 1840, Doc. 0— Rept. on expediency of nllerlng tho old Counly Court llo., School St., for tbo purjiOHCs of a City Hall; 1840, Doc. 17 — Kept, on dUpotlllon of tbo Court Ho. on School INDEX. Bt.; 1800, Doo. 69~Ropt. oa the AltcratloD of tbo Court Ho., Court Sq. tRiKRS. 1H54, Doc. 88 — An ordlaanco In relation to; 1861, Doc 41 — Itopt. on City Crier's hou(i«. DtlDT, Cirr. 1854, Doc 3 (City Council) — Kept, ou redaction; ISU, Doc. 8 {City Council) — Kept, on public loans untl reduc- tion of debt ; 1834. Doc 12 (City Council) — Amt. of debt falling due Uie present fluoncUI year, Rud amt. to be placed to the credit of the Committee on reduction ; 1835, Doc. 2 (Com. Council) — Ropt. relative to tbo collection of dubt« duo the city ; 1835, Doc. 6 (Com. Council) — RepL on rate of Interest paid, bank In which depoflit»Breni«de,&c.;18:i5, Doc. 10 (Com. Council ) — R«pt. re- lative to thp collection of debts due tlio city ; 183G, Doc. 3 (Com. Council) — Amt. of debt fulHoe due, and amt. to bo received applicable to Ibe eitinguishment of the aamc; 1839, Doc. 9 — Liquidation of the debt, with amt. of the available city proper- ty; 18;®, Doo. 12 — Kept, on the expediency of appropriating $50,000, annually, for the reduction of the debt; 1840, Doc. 13 — Kept, in regard to duties of the Committee on reduction of, etc ; 1842. Doc. 14 — Rept. on reduction; 1845, Doc. 20— Kept, on reduction; 1845, Doc. 44 — Rept. on reduction; 1846, Doc. 34 — Rept. on reduction; IS-IO, Doc. 65 — Kept, on reduction; 1850, Doc. 49 — Rept. on reduction; 1851, Doc. 76— Rept. on reduc- tion ; 1852, Doc. 08 — Bept. on reduction ; 1853, Doc. 82 — Kept, on reduction; 18o4, Doc. 122 — Kept, on reduction; 1855, Doc. 68 — Kept, oa reduction; 1856, Doc. 75 — Kept, on reduction; 1857, Doc 83 — Rept. on reduction; 1858, Doo. 06— Rept- on reduction; 1859, Doc. 78 — Rept. oa reduction; 18fiO, Doc. 100 — Kept, on reduction ; 1861, Doc. 77 — Rept. on reduction ; 1862, Doc. 100— Ropt. on reduction; 1SC3, Doc.llO — Rept. on reduc- tion ; 1864. Doc. 87 — Rept. on reduction. Deeds. 1860, Doc. 32— Rept. concerning the registry of. Deek Island. 1847, Doc. 89— Kept, on the expediency of re- moving one or more of the Institutions, now located at South Boston, to Deer Island. Docks. 1862, Doc. 96— Rept. of the Committoo on ClaimB, on the eubject of the Summer Street Dock. DOOS. 1854, Doc. 89 — An ordinance in relation to. DOBcnESTEK AVENDE RAILROAD. Sue Street EaUicays. EaSTEKN AVENDE. 1861, Doc. 63— Rept. ol joint Special Com- mittee on; 1861, Doc. 73 — Opinion of the City Solicitor upon the conatructlon of; 1862, Doc. 60 — Rept. of the joint Special Committeoon; 1862, Doc. 82— City Solicitor's opinion on; 1862, Doc. 92— Opinion of the Harbor Commissionera on ; 1862, Doc. 98 — Rept. on submittiog a deed of transfer. Eastern Railroad Wharf. 1855, Doc. 27 — Kept, and order relative to the purchase of. EcoKOMT. 1856, Doc. 5 — Order to insure the most rigid econo- my in the different depts. of the City Government. Elections. 1835, Doc. 12 (Com. Council) — Opinion of City BuHcitoron elections and returns; 18-t;j, Doc. 80 — Rept. of joint Committee on the lawregulating elections, and the qualification of voters; 1844, Doc. 4 — Rept. of joint Committeo on same ; 1844, Doc. 16 — Qualification of voters, — opinion of City Solicitor ; 1845, Doc. 12 — Rept. on certificates of members elected to serve in tho Common Council; 1852, Doc. 61 — Rept. on the petition of B. F. Cook, et at., concerning the returns of ward officers; 1864, Doc. 90— An ordinance iu relation to; 1858, Doc. 41 — City Solicitor's interpretation of the word *' district," in the unendmenta to the Constitution, aa applied to elections. Electidss Contested. 1835, Doc. 1 (Com. Council)- Rept. on rcmonatranco of Saml. Chessman and others, against tho election of the sitting members from Ward 3; 18?.5, Doc. 6 — (Com. Council) — Kept, on remonstrance of Saml. Chessman and others relative to the cleclion in Ward 3, with City Solici- tor's opinion on elections and returns; 1837, Doc. 2 (Com. Council) — Bept. on remonstrance of 8. G. Shipley aiid others, against John Boles, Jason D. Battles, end Asa B. Snow, returned as members from Ward 3; 1839, Doc. 9— Kept, of majority of the Committee on tho remonstrance of D. JJickeraon and others, against the return of members of the Com. Council ftom Ward 12; 1839, Doc. 10 — Minority rept. on «amo; 1S43, Doc. 4 — Ropt. on remonstrauco against tho right to BOat« in the Council of persons returned from Ward 1; 18.11, Doc. 3 — Remonstxance of Osmyn Brewster and others against the right to seats of A, Abbott and T. Sprague ; 1851, Doc. 11 — Uojorlty rept. oa remonstrance from Ward 3; 1851, Doc 13— Minority rept. on aamc; 1853, Docs. 3 & 4 — Majority and mi- nority ropta. on remonstrance of G. L. Blaucy and others la regard to election in Ward 3 ; 1853, Doc. 8 — Majority and mi- nority ropts. on remonstrance of Charles Mayo and others la regard to eloctlone In Wards 1 & 11; 1859, Doc 36— Rept. oa contoated aeots In Ward 12; 18G0, Doc. 17 — Kept, on contested scats of members of tho Common Council from Ward 1; 1861, Doc. 7 — Rept. on the petition of Joseph F. Paul, for a. seat In the Board of Aldermen ; 1862, Doc. 16— Rept. on the right of Daniel D. Kelley to a seat in tho Board of Aldermen ; 1863, Docs. 20 & 21 — Majority and minority repts. of the Committee on the case of John C. Tucker. Ward 3 ; 1863, Doc. 42 — Rept. on the election in Ward 10; 1863, Doc. 44 — Minutes of the evi- dence in the case of John C. Tucker, Word 3; 1864, Doc. 30— Rept. of Committee on the election In Ward 3. Engineer, Citt. 184S,Doe. 38 — An ordinance relating to; 1858. Doc. 47— Expenses of dept. for five years preceding Oct. 31, 1858; 1863, Doc 26 — An ordinance estabUahlng a Committee on the dept. of. Estimates for the Financial ycnr. See appropriations. Eulogies. 1864, Doc. 25 1-2— On General Andrew Jackson, July 9, 1845, by PUny Merrick ; 1849, Doc. 3.5 1-2 — On tho life, character, and public services of James K. Polk, July 25^ 1849. by Levi Woodbury, LL. D.; 1850, Doc. 26— On tho Ufo and character of Zachary Taylor, Aug. 15, 1851, by Joslah Qulncy, jr. ExPESDiTDRES.— See Auditor. Fanedil Hall. 1845, Doc. 15 — An ordinance iu addition to an ordinance providing for tho appt. of a Supt. ; 1851, Doc. 25 — Resolutions of Common Council concerning the refusal of the Mayor and Aldermen to allow the use of the hall for the recep- tion of Daniel Webster; 1851, Doc. 26— Correspondence between the President of the Common Council and Daniel Webster in relation to the refusal of Foncuil Hall ; 1851, Doc. 31— Rept. on tho invitation to Daniel Webster to speak inFaneuilHall ; 1851, Doc. 33 — City Solicitor's opinion in regard to tho charge of Fan- euil Hall;1852, Doc 31 — Address of Daniel Webster, May 22d, 1S52; 1852, Doc 48 — Kept. ofCommittee on Public Buildings concerning; 1853, Doc. IC— Rept. on improving interior ofj 1854, Doc. 91 — An ordinance in relation to. Faneoil Hall Market. 1842, Doc 24 — Rept. and ordi- nance Id relation to; 1843, Doc. 6 — Ordinance for the regula- tion of; I&IC, Doc. 9 — An ordinance for the regulation of; 1851, Doc. 9 — Quarterly rept. of clerk; 1851, Doo. 62 — Rept. of Special Committee on ; 1852, Doc. 21 and 22— Maj. and mio. repts, on market leases; 1852. Doc.49— An ordinance in relation to; 18.'>4. Doc. 92 — An ordinance in relation to; 1854, Doc. 119 — Rept. in relation to the sale of; 18.>1, Doo. 128— Ropt. of Special Committee on the sale of; 1855, Doc 32 — Rept. on so much of Mayor's address as related to the improvement of; 1855, Doc 44 — City Solicitor's opinion on alterations in; 1855, Doc. 56— Rept. on sale of provisions, etc ; 1857, Doc. 48 — Rept. and or- dinance relative to; 1857, Doc. 79— Rept. on regulations of; 1858, Doc. 35 — An ordinance extending the limits of; 1859, Doc. 30 — Rept. and ordinance in relation to; ld<%>, Doc. 59 — Bept. on the enlargement of. Ferbies, East Boston. 1856, Doc 28 — Rept. on tolls; 1857, Doc. 68 — Rept. of Special Committee on; 1857, Doc. 80 — Final I rept. on the porcbase of the property and franchise of; 1858, Doc 12— Rept. of Committee on; 1858, Doc. 28 — Opinion of the City Solicitor; 1858, Doc. 61 — Rept. on the purchase of the property and fraucliise of; 1859, Doc. 21— Final rept. oo the purchase of; 1859, Doc. 39 — Bept., resolve, and order, for the purchaae of; 1859, Doc. 61 — Final rept. on the purchase of the property of; I860, Doc. 65- EepL on esubUshing tolls; INDEX. 18G0, Doc.74 — An order to pnrcli«Be; 1860, Doc. 83 — Hept. on; ISGO, Doc. 96 — Rcpu on the fnnj piissagre of school children 16G1, Doc. 71 — RepU on so much of the Mayor's address SB related to; 1862, Doc 32 — An act conceminfr; 1862, Doc. 83 — Kept, of Bob-Conimitlee on; 1862, Doc. PJ — Kept, npon a i-ubsidj to; 1863, Doc- 18 — Annual statenrent of the Enet Boston Co. ; 1863, Doc. 22 — Annoal return of the People's Co. ; 18(>3, Doc. 69— Rept. of joint Special Committee on tolls; 18tH, Doc, 16 — Annual statement of the East Boston Co.; 18&t, Doc. 44 — Bept. of Committee to ascertain the daily travel over; 1S64, Doe. 53 — Kept, on tolls; 1864, Doc. 81 — Kept, on a night boat to East Boston. FiSance. 1854, Doc. 93 — An ordinance in relation to. Fire. 1834, Doc. 4 (City Council ) — Act for the protection of the City of Boston against; 1837, Doc. 18 (Com. Councili — Kept, on ordinance for preventing and extinguishing; 1852, Doc. 66 — Kept, concerning further protection of life and property. Fire Alabms. 1851, Doe. 20 — Communication from Dr. W. F. Chaouing, respectiag a system of; 1851, Doc. 42 — Rept. con- cerning a uniform system of; 1851, Doc. 74 — Rept. of Commit- tee on Telfpraphic Fire Alarms; 1853, Doc. 76 — Ordinance; 1&5.>, Doc. 52 — An ordinance in relation to; 1861, Doc. 61 — Rept. on extension of system to Eant Boston. Fire Arms. 1854, Doc. 95 — An ordinance in relation to. FlOE Depabtmekt. 1835, Doc. 1 (City Council) — Ropt. on Fire Dept., and the difference existing between the t^vo boards; 1835, Doc. 3 (Com. Council) — Rept. on Mayor's com- munication in relation to the Chief Engineer; 1835, Doc. 8 (Com. Council) — Rept. on proposed alterations in the dcpt. ; 1837, Doc, 18 (Com. Council) — Rept, on ordinance estaljlish- ing; 1838, Doc. 24— First annual rept. of Chief Engineer; 1839, Doc. 24 — Second annual rept. of Chief Engineer; IfrlO, Doc. 22— Rept- of Chief Engineer; 1841, Doc. 22 — Fourth an- nual rept. of Chief Engineer ; 1842, Doc. 21 — Fifth annual rept. of Chief Engineer; 1842, Doc. 22 — Rept. on organization, w-ith an ordinance ; 1842, Doc. 23— Amendments proposed to an or^ dinance in relation to; 1843, Doc. 22 — Sixth annual rept. of Chief Engineer; 1844, Doc, 20 1-2 — Seventh annual rept. of Chief Engineer; 1845, Doe. 30— Eighth annual rc|>t. of Chief Engineer; 1R45, Doc. 33 — itcpt. on a petition for an amend- ment to the ordinance, bo that companies may elect their own officers; 1846, Doc. 25 — Ninth annual rept. of Chief Engineer; 1847, Doc. ;J6 — Tenth onnual ropt. of Chief Engineer; 1848, Doc. 36 — Elovcnth annual rept. of Chief Engineer; 1849, Doc. 47 — TweinU annual rept. of Chief Engineer; 1850, Doc. 8 — Rules and ri»gulatton9 of tbo departmont; 1850, Doc, 33 — Thir- teenth annual rept. of Chief Engineer; 1851, Doc. 13— Ropt. on the Roanl of Engineers; 1851, Doc. 32 — Rept. on the ic- orgunizatlon of the dept.; 1851, Doo. 43 — Ordinance estab- lishing; lft5I, Doc. 53 — Fourteenth annual rept. of Chief Engi- neer; 1852, Doe. 14— Rept. andonllnancc; 1852, Doc. 45— Kept. on a misunderstanding between dept. of this and other cities ; 1^12, Doc.46 — Firttienth annual roi)t. of CLiof Enginc<'r; 1852, Doe. 70 — An ordinance ; 1853. Doc. 61 — Sixteenth annual rept. of Chief Enfriueer; 1853, Doc. 76 — An ordinance; 1834, Doo. 28 — Onler concerning dopt. fund; 1854, Doc. 36— Rept. on Steam Flro Engines; 1854, Doc. 65 — Seventeenth annual rept. of Chief Engineer; 1854, Doc. 94 — An onltnanco in rchillon to; IRM, Doc. 50 — Elghleonth annual rept. of Chief Enghioer; 18.15, Doc. 58- An ordinance In relation to; 1836. Doc. 56 — Nineteenth annual rept. of Chief Engineer; 18.j7, Doc. 28— Rept. onpamdoof; lH'iJ. lti,c. 67 —Twcnliftii annual repl. of theCiiU-f Knglno'-r; 1>57, L)oc. 6ll — Alnjcrliy and mliinHly ri']>t«. on the Steam Flro Engine— Miles Greenwood; 1858, Doc.37 — Re(it.OQ public trials of Steam Fire EngincK; IKW, Doc. 45 — Twenty -Orst annual rejil. of Chief Engineer; 1855), Doc. 12— An ordinance m relation to; 1850, Doc. 59- Twenty-second annual rept. of Chief Engineer; 1860, D'tc. 48— An onllnanee providing for preventing and f^xlhigiilslihig Area, and eslahlUbing a dipt.; 1H6I, Uoe. 17— Twenly-tliird annual rept, ..f Chief Knglneer; 1861, Doc. M — An ordinance In relation to; 1861, Doo. 33 — Amendments to the ordinance on; ISfH, Doc. 39 — Rules fbr the government of the apparatus; 1801, Doc, 64 — An ordinance in relation to; I8I>2, Doc. 35 — Twenty-fourth annual rept. of the Chief Engineer; 1862. Doc. 94 — Rules for the distribution of the fire apparatus; 1863, Doc. 84 — Twenty-flfth annual rept. of the Chief Engineer; 1864, Doc. 24 — Twenty-sixlb annual rept. of Chief Engineer ; 18G4, Doc. 43 — Rules for the distribu- tion of the fire apparatus. FbaNKLin Fl'SO. 1853, Doc. 26 — Rept. of the Committee ap- pointed to examine the accounts of the Treasurer of. Free Store. 1862, Doc. 70 — Regulations for the survey of. Fort Hill. 18;i8, Doc. 29 — Inquirj* into the citj-'s right to cer- tain lands on; 18.54, Doc. 52 — Petition of the Fort Hill corpo- ration, for the acceptance of their net of incorjjoration. FotlNTAlNS. 1&52, Doe. 62 — An ordinance in relation to. Gallop's Island. 1850, Doc. 23— Rept. ou removal of gravel from. Gardens, Public. 1850, Doc. 18- Rept. on so much of the Mayor's address as related to; 1851, Doc- 22 — Rept. concerning an appropriation for improving; 1859, Doc. 63 — Rept. on im- provement of; 1860, Doc. 57 — Rept, of the Committee on ; 1861, Doc. 65 — Rept. of the Committee on; 1861, Doc. 76 — Au or- dinance in relation to. Gas. 1834, Doc. 7 (Cilj- Conncil) — Rept. on lighting streets with gas instead of oil ; 1839, Doc. 6 — Rept. relative to the expense of lighting the streets with gas instead of oil ; 1852, Doc. 39 — Rept. concerning the erection of a gasometer in Mason St.; 1854, Doc. 61 — Kept, on the Sbawmut and Suffolk Gas Com- panies, with order; 1856. Doc. 25 — Contract with Boston Gas Light Co. ; 186(1, Docs. 41 &. 42 — Majority And minority rcpts. on the Suffolk and Sbawmut Cos.; 1864, Doc. 29— Rept. of the Inspector of Gaa, for the month of Fehniary; 1864, Doc. 38 — Rept. of the Inspector of Gas, for tho month of March; 1864, Doc. 48— Ropt. of the Inspector of Gas, for tho month of April; 1864, Doc. 57 — Rept. of the Inspector of Gas, for the month of Maj*. Grain. 1860, Doc. 12 — Head measurer's rept. for 1859. GRAND JlRY. 1852, Doc. 65 — Rept. on tho right of (he Grand Jury to make oflicial vis'He to public institutions of the city. Hackney Carriages. 1855, t»oc. 13— Rept. on fares. Hancock House. 1863, Doc. 56— Rept. on the preser>-atlon of. Harbor. 1846, Doc. 5 — Memorial of Boston Marino Society concerning islands In the harbor, with rept. of Lieut. -Col. Thayer on same ; 1846, Doc. 22 — Itept. on nieniorial of Marine Society, and documents accompanying same; 1852, Dae. 33-^ Cummunlealion from City Solicitor respecting ; 185.3. Doc. 60 — Rept. of joint Standing Committee for 1852; 1853, Doc. 87 — Duties of City Engineer respecUng; 18.'J4, Doc. 96 — An ordi- nance In relation to; 1859, Doc. 64 — Mayor's communication In relation to a seientiflc Bur\-ey of; 1860, Doc. 34 — United States Commissioner's communication in relatinu to Mystio pond and river; 1860, Doc. 37 — rreliminnry rept. of tho V. 8. Commiesioners ou ; 1860, Doc, 88 — Rept. on the survey of tho Inner Imrbor; 1860, Doc. 97 — Second rept. of the V. S. CommUsionerB on; 1801, Doc. 12— Sjjeelal rvpt. (third) of the U. S. Commisaluners on the relation of Mystic pond and river to tho harbor; 1801, Doc. 62— Foiirlh rept. of U. S. Coninds- sioncrs; 18(!1, Doc. 63 — Fifth ropt. of tho V. &, Comnilsslon- ors; 1862, Doc. 92 — Opinion of tho V. 8, Commissioners ou tho effect of (ho construction of the eaHtem avenue ou (he bur- bor; 18a'J, Doc. 35 — Fifth rept. of tbo U. 8. Commissioners; 1863, Doc. WJ — Sixth rept. of the U. 8. CommiBsloners; 1H63, Doc. 71 — Kept, on pettrlon of A. R. Tewk^bury, In rt^lntlon to tho purcboso of certain lands on Point Shirley; 1803, Uoo, 71^— Re[)t. on the pctlllon of BeiU- Wheeler's heirs, to taki* ballast ftum Wlntlirop beaches; IKftS, Doc. HO — Rept. on tho petition of A, R, Tewltsbury, for leave to sell acorettonB, Ac., on tho heaebes at Points Shirley and WInthrop; I80;t. Doe, 107 — R<-|.t. on petltlonnfHeiiJ. Wheeler's heirs, to take bollnsl with- in the hariior lliieH; lHi.'t, Due. 108— Conmnmienllons of lleiij. A. Gould, pttbllshod In tho Daily AdvartUer; 1863, Duo. Ill — INDEX. Rept. on protection of tho head lands; 18(M, Does. 33 A 34 — Sovonth and Eighth n>pt«. of tho U. 8. CommUalonerai ISG4, Doc. 41* — CommunicntioD from A. Boschkfi, tn rolatiun to the Iclnnds. Hakuor Master. 1848, Doc. .T7 — Kept, for the yoar ending Oct. 2, 1848; 1K50, Doc, 37 — licpt. for tho year UDaiiig Oct. 1, 1850; 18ft.', Doc. W — An net conccniiiig-. Hay SCAtKS. 1854, Doc. W— An orJinnnco In relation to. Health. 1840, Doc 31 — Ordinnnco eatribll>hlne a Board of Health ; 1853, Doc. 2:1— OrdlutLiicocatiibUshiup tho ofllco of Supt.; 1854, Drto. 7 — Annual rcpt. of Supt.; 1854, Doc. aO— Mnjority and minority rcpta. relative to charges prtforrvd nguiust tho Supt,; 1854, Doc. 40 — Third rcpt. rclativo to sanio; 1S54, Doc. 73— lU'pt. on petition of Luwis Rico end others, in regard to house olVal; 1854, Doc. 98 — An ordinance in roiatlon to; 1855, Doc. G — Annual rept. of Supt,; 1835, Doc, 45 — An act in rela- tion to offcnsivo trades; 1850, Doc. 4 — Annual rept. of Supt,; 1857, Doc, 4 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1H57, Dnc. 25 — An ordi- nance in relation to; 1858, Doc. 4— Annual rept. of Supt,; 1859, Doc. 4 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1850, Doc, 33— An ordi- nance In relation to; 1859, Doc. G2 — An ordinance in relation to; 18G0, Doc. 5 — Annual ropt, of Supt. ; 1801, Doc. G — Annual rept. of Supt.; lS62,Doc,5 — Aunual rept. of Supt.; 18C2, Doc. 47 — An ordiiianco in relation tu; 1802, Doc. CQ — Kept, on nuiimnco at Wards wharf; ISti'J, Doc. 5 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 18(VJ, Doc. 39 — An ordinance in relation to; 1803, Doc. 61 — An ordinance in relation to; 1804, Doc. 4 — Annual rept. of Snpt. BiOQWAYS. 1854, Doc. 10 — Kept, on the expediency of choosing any persons, other than the Mayor and Aldermen, surveyors of highways. See Streets. Hospital, Cirr. 1819, Doc. 66 — Rept. on the expediency of estabiisbing a City llospitul ; 1?^7, Doe. 37 — Kept, on tho es- tab'ishmcnt of; 1857, Doc, 78 — An ordinance in relation to; 1860, Doc, G3— R«-pt. on Eliaha Goodnow'a bequest to; 18G0, Doc. C7 — Rept. on BO much of the Blayor's address as related to; 1861, Doc. 34— Kept, with plans and estimates; 1861, Doc. 60^ Second rept. on; 1802, Doc. 75 — Rept. and estimates on; 1802. Doe. 88 — An ordinance in relation to ; 1803, Doc. 1, Doo, 27 — Annual rept. of Directors; 1851, Doc, 50 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1852, Doc. 3 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1852, Doc. 26 — Rept, of Directors; 1852, Doe. 43 — Kept, of Inspec- tors; 1853, Doc. 11 — Kept, of Inspectors ; 1853, Doc. 30 — Rept, of Directors; 1853, Doc. 56— Rept. of Inspectors; 1854, Doc. 9— Ropt, of Inspectors; 1854, Doc. 45 — Rept. of Directors; 1854, Doc. 81— Rept. of Inspectors; 1855, Doc. 28— Kept, of Inspectors; 1855, Doc. 38— Kept, of Directors; 1855, Doc. .W 1-2 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1855, Doc. 65— Rept. on the expediency of placing the institutions under a Board of Connniasioner.s; 1856, Doc. 13 — Income and expenditure for ten years; 1S50, Doc. 14 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1850, Doc. 38 — Rept. of Direc- tors ; 1856, Doc. 68 — Kept, of Inspectors ; 1857, Doc. 27 — Rept. of Committee on institutions on the jn-esent condition of; 1857, Doc. 33 — Anoct to establish a Board of Directors of Public Institutions; 1857, Doc. 40 — Rept. of Directors; 1K57, Doc. 57— Rept. concerning the Board of Directors of Public InKtitiitions; 1857, Doc. &1— Rept. of Inspectors; 1857, Doc. 75 — Rept. on the sale of the old buildings belonging to; 1858, Doc. 14 — Rept. of the Board of Directors; 1858, Doc. 19 — Rules and regu- lations; 1868, Doc. 25— Rept. of Inspectors; 1858, Doc. 49 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1859, Doc. 32 — Annual rept, of tho Board of Directors; 1859, Doc. 35 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1859, Doc. aj— Kept, of Inspectors; 18G0, Doc. 25— Annual rept. of tho Board of Directors; I860, Doc. 54— Kept, of Inspectors; 1860, Doc. 91 — Rept. of Inspectors ; 1861, Doc. 15 — Rules and regu- lations; 1861, Doc. 20 — Annual rept. of the Board of Directors; 1801. Doc. 66— Rept. of Inspectors; 1862, Doc. 7 — Annual rept, of tho Board of Directors; 1862, Doc. 40— An ordinaneo establishing a Board of Directors, and defining their duties; 1862, Docs. 79 Sl 80— Repls. of Inspectoi-s; 1862, Doc. 84 — An ordinance in relatinn lo the Board of Directors; 18C;t, Doc. 17— Annual rept. of tho Rouni of Directors; 1863, Doc. 73 — Rept. of Inspectors ; 1803, Doc. 98 — Rept, of Inspectors ; 1864, Doc, 10 — Annual rept. of the Board of Directors; 1804, Doc. 66 — Rept. on amended rules. Institutions, See Houses of Correction, Reformation and In- dustry^ and Lunatic Hospital. INSUKANCE. 1850, Doc, 68 — Minority rept, relative to the insur- ance by the citj- of losses by fire. INTLLLIOBNCK OFncES. 1848, Doc.30 — Rept. of Committee on Licenses, on the subject of; 1848, Doc. 34— Resolves in rela- tion to. INTEBK-ATIOITAL EXCHAKOES. 1849, Doc. 46— Kept, in relation to donations received from Paris, and tho proceedings of tho City Government upon the subject of International Exchanges. Jail. 1834, Doc. 13 (City Council) — Rept, on the condition of; 1837. Doc. 2 (City Council) Rept. on removal from Leverett st. toBeUevue; 1837, Doc. 23 (Com. Council)- Kept, of tho In- spectors of Prisons ; 1838, Doc. 21 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1839, Dpc. 4— Rept. of Inspectors; 1839, Doc. 14 — Rept. on remov- ing tUe Jail in Leverett St., and erecting a new one in South Boston; 1839, Doc. 22— Rept. of Inspectors; 1840, Doc- 2— Rept. of Inspectors; lM(t. Doc, 21 — Rept. of Inspec- tora; 1641, Doc. 4 — Kept, of Inspectont; 1841, Doc. 18— 10 INDEX. Kept, of Inspectors; 1S41, Doc. 25— Kept, on bo much of the Mayor's nddress as related to ; 1S42, Doc . 6 — Rept. of Inspec- tors; 1&42, Doc. 6 — Majority and minority repta. on Jail in Leverett St.; 1842, Doc 16 — Rept, of Inspectora; 1843, Doo. 2 — Rept. of Inspectora on; 1843, Doc. 7 — Rept. of Committee on so much of the Mayor's address as related to the erection of a new County Jail ; 1843, Doc. 8 — Minority rept. on same ; 1813, Doc. 21 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1843, Doc. 31 — Rept. of Com- mittee on subject of a new Jail; 1844, Doo. 2 — Rept. of In- spectors; 1844, Doc. 19— Rept. of Inspectora; 1845, Doc. 3 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1845, Doc. 18 — Rept, on subject of erect- ing a new Jail; 1S45, Doc. 23 — Rept. concerning pluns and estimates for a new Jail ; 1845, Doc. 24 — Kept, concerning the location aud erection of a new Jail ; 1845, Doc. 25 — Rcpl. of Inspectors; 1845, Doc. JM — Rept., plans, Ac, for the proposed new Jail ; 1845, Doc. 36— Dr. Luther V. Bell's letter on build- ing:, heating, and ventilating; 1846, Doc. 3 — Rept. of Inspec- tors; 1846, Doc. 24 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1847, Doc. 4 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1847, Doc. 31 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1843, Doc. 8— Kept, of Inspectors; 1848, Doc. 8— City Solicitor's opinion on the jurisdiction of the Mnyor and Aldermen in providing a euitable Jail for Suilollt County ; 1848, Doc. 24 — Sheriff's rept. of the number of persons conflned therein for the last ten yearfl; 1848, Doc. 33— Rept. of Inspectors; 1849, Doc.6 — Rept. of Inspectors ; 1849, Doc. 22 — Rept. of Committee on the pur- chase of Jail lands; 1849, Doc. 40 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1850, Doc. 3 — Rept. of Inspectora; 1850, Doc.6 — Rept. on erection of a new Jail ; 1850, Doc. 28— Rept. of Inspectors; 1851, Doc. 7 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1851, Doc. 50 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1851, Doc. 61 — Rept. on the erection of a new Jail ; 1852, Doc. 3 — Kept, of Inspectors ; 1852, Doc. 43 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1853, Doc. 11 — Rept. of Inspectors ; 1853, Doc. 32— Rept. on the petition of Kathl. Hammond and others, in regard to the Jail lands; 1853, Doc. 39 — Rept. on Jail lands, with Mr. Bon- ney's amendment ; 1853, Doc. 40 — Majority and minority repts. on Jail lands; 1853, Doc. 66 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1354, Doc. 9— Rept. of Inspectors; 1854, Doc. 70 — Rept. on Jail lauds; 1854, Doc. 79 — Rept. relative to purchase of Jail lands, by Rov. John McEIroy; 1854, Doc. 81 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1855, Doc. 28— Rept. of Inspectors; 1865, Doc. 50 1-2 — Itcpt. of Inspec- tors; 1856, Doc. 14 — Ropt. of Inspectors; 1856, Doc. 36— Re- print of No. 32, 1853, on Jull lands; 1856, Doc. 44 — Ropt. on petition of John 1). Fitzpatrick, relative to Juil lands; 1856, Doc. 68 — Rept. of Inspectors ; 1857, Doc. 64 — Rept. of Inspec- tors; 1858, Doc. 2.5— Rept. of Inspectors; 1858. Doc. 49— Rept. of Inspectors ; 1859, Doc. 35 — Ropt. of luHpcctors; 18'>9, Doc. 65— Rept. of Inspectors; 1860, Doc. 64— Rept. of Inspectors; 18C0, Doc. 91 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1861, Doc. GO- Ropt. of Inftpectors; 1862, Docs. 7y&80 — Repta. of Inspectors; 1863, Doc. 73— Kept, of Inepeclors; 18G3, Doc. 98 — Rept. of Inspec- tors. JVSK SHOPS. 18'ffl, Doo. 16 — Kept, on conditions and restric- tions under which licunsea should be granted, with ordinance. Lands, Public. 18:M, Uoc. 2 (City Council) — Rept. on the ap- pointment of a Bupt., and the management of the lands; 1834, Doc. 9 (City Council) — Rept. on the petition of Cornelius Coolldgc, to re-convey certain lands baclt to the city, and have an execution against him stayed; 1834, Doc. 7 (Com. Council) — Another rept. on iame ; 18311, Doc. 8 (Com. Council) — lti'](t. on the disposition of land and buildings on Lovereit 6t.,UHed as a Juil ; 18;W, Doc. 18 — Kept, on the petition of Satnl. Greeley and others, for a grant of land on the " Nock" for the erocllon of a Chapel for the " Ilenevolent Fraternity of Churches ;" 1840, Doc. 20— Rept. on expediency of omeridlng the ordinance, so as to make It the duty of the Snpt. of Pub. Lands lo take charge of Iho erocllon and repulm <.f all public bulldhigB; I8W. Doo. 18— Annual rept. uf Wupt. ; 1813, Vnr. 23— Kept, of Ciminlttoo on rem on ■trn 111*11 agnln*t tho luilo of lands west of IMeasnnt St. ; lM3,Uoo. 23 1-2 — Opinion of lliflClly Solicitor uuBiirae; 1813, Doc 28 — Iti'pl. on lands contiguous to Hohton and I'ruvldnnce lUIIruod ; 1843, Ooo. 20 — Uupt. on the clolai of tho City to land occupied by the State for an arsenal; 1844, Doc. 3 — Rept. on expediency of altering the present organization of tho Com- mittee on, with an ordinance; 1846, Doc. 6 — An ordinance for the care and management of; 1S46, Doc. 30 — An ordinance for the care and management of; 1847, Doc. 10 — Rept. on tho situ- ation of the public lands, particularly those east of Harrison av.; 1847, Doc. £8 — An ordinance authorizing the sale of lands purchased by, or conveyed to the city for tho purpose of intro- ducing >vater; 1848, Doc. 46 — Rept. on the mode of preparing the lands for sale ; 1849, Doc. 32— Rept. respecting the grading of City lands at South Boston; 1849, Doc. 45 — Rept. in relation to tho estimates of the value of tho lands owned by tho City; 1850, Doc. 19 — Rept. on the petition of Ebenezer Stevens ami J. Shnckford Kimball; 1850, Doc. 20 — An ordinance concern- ing; 1850, Doc. 25— Rept. on tho subject of gi-ading tho City lands between First and Fourth Sts. ; 1811, Doc. 35 — Ropt. ■ of Supt, ; 1851, Doc. 47 — Rept., — expenditures of Committee on Public Londs ; 1851, Doc. 75 — Rept. of Supt. ; 1852, Doc. 11 — Rept, on petition of J. S, Tyler, and others, for inducements to build on land purchased of tho City; 1852, Doc. 62 — An or- dinance in relation to; 1852, Doc. 72 — Rept. of Supt. ; 1853' Doc. 13 — Rept. on so much of the Mayor's address as related to public lands; 1853, Doc. 32 — Rept. on petition of Nathl. Hammond and others, in regard to tho Jail lands ; 1853, Doc. 34 — Rept. of Supt. ; 1853, Doc. 36 — Rept. of sales and contracts ; 1853, Doc. 39— Rept. on Jail lands, with Mr. Bonncy's amend- ment; 1853, Doc. 40 — Majority and minority rept. on Jail lauds ; 1853, Doc. 51 — Communication of City Engineer, traos- raitling a plan of City lands In So. Boston; 1853, Doo. 52 — Rept. on petition of Abbott Lawrence, and others, in relation to North Market St.; 1853, Doc. 80 — Rept. on petition of C. C. Conley; 1853, Doc. 81 — Rept. of Commissioners; 1853, Doo. 85— Rept. of Supt. ; 1854, Doc. 29 — Rept. and order respecting public lands in tho City proper ; 1854, Doc. 30 — Rept. and order respecting sale of lands in So. Boston ; 1954, Doc. 70 — Rept. on Jail lands ; 1854, Doc. 79 — Rept. relative to purchase of Jail lands, by Rev. John McElroy ; 1854, Doc. 105 — An ordinance in relation to; 1854, Doc. 121 — Annual rept. of Commissioners; 1854, Doc. 123— Annual rept. of Supt.; 1855, Doc. 29 — An or- dinance to abolish the public land commission ; 1855, Doc. 70 — Ropt. of Supt. ; 185G, Doc. 36 — Reprint of No. 32, 1853, on Jnll lands; 1856, Doc. 44 — Ropt. on petition of John D. Fitzpatrick, relative to Jail lands ; 1856, Doc. 57 — Ropt. of Supt. ; 1856, Doc. G5 — An ordinance concerning; 18'»6, Doc. 77 — Rept. of Supt.; 1857, Doc. 29 — An ordinance concerning ; 1857, Doc. 35— Supt's. quarterly ropt.; 1857, Doc. 38 — Onler authorizing tho City to take mortgages; IS57, Doo. 61 — Rept. on certain proposals to purchase City lands; 1857, Doo. 6.5 — Supt's. quarterly rept.; 1857, Doc. 00 — Kept, of Iho Supt. ; 1857, Hoc. 74 — An ordinance in relation to; 1857, Doc. 81 — Rept. of Supt.; 1858, Doc. 31 — Supt's. quarterly rept. ; 1858, Doc. 39 — Supt's. quarterly rept. j l&W, Doc. 3 — Supt's. annual ropt.; 1859, Doc. 25 — Supt's. quar- terly ropt.; 1859, Doo. 44 — Supt's. quarterly rept. ; 1859, Doo. 65 — Supt's. quarterly rept. ; 1860, Doc. 3 — Supt's. annual rept.{ 1860, Doc. 65 — Supt's. quarterly rept.; 1800, Doc. 71 — New conditions of sale; I860, Doc. 75 — Supt's. quarterly rept. ; 1861, Doc. 4 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1801, Doc. 2;i— Quarti-rly rept, of Supt. ; 1861, Doc. 37— Quarterly ropt. of Supt. ; 1861, Doc. CO — Quarterly rept. of Supt. ; 18tl2, Due. — Annual rept. of Su]>t. ; JWiJ, Doc. .•>!- Quarterly rept. of Supt.; 1862, Doo. 63— Quar- terly rept. of Supt. ; 18t>2, Doe. 74 — Quarterly rejit. of Supt.; 1863, Doc. 4 — Annual rept. of Supt. ; 18G3, Doc. 28 — Au order concerning tho land between the Providence Railroad lallug to tho office of Surveyor General ; 1853, Doc. 38 — Ordinance in relation to tho survey of; 1853, Doc. 46 — Kept, on election of Surveyor General of; 1854, Doc. 99 — An ordi- nanco In relation to ; 1855, Doc. 14 — Annual rejit. of Surveyor General ; 1858, Doc. 22 — An ordinance In relation to tho survey of; 18>')9, Doe. 11 — An ordinance in relation to the survey of. Lunatic Hospital. 1830, Doc 8— Ui-pt. on a systcni for tho organization and govcmmont of tho hospital lately erected nt South Boston; 1639, Doc. 20 — Kept, and ordinance In relation to; 1840, Doc. 16 — First annual rcpt. of Superintoiident ; 1840, Doc. 24 — Kept, on tho admlnlslrntion and conduct of tho es- tablishment, and on an Inquiry us to tho manner in which the medical duties of the other establishmonts in South Boston are performed; 1841, Doo. 19 — Second annual rept. of Superin- tendent; 1841, Doe. 26 — Rept. on alterations in the ordiuauce relating to, and also on tho condition and expense of; 1842, Doc. 5 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1842, Doc. 10— Kept, of Inspec- tors; 1842, Doc. 17 — Third annual rept. of Superintendent; 1842, Doc. 18 — Rept. of tho Board of Visitors on duties of Supt., Steward, and Matron; 1842, Doc. 19 — An ordinance re- lating to; l&i3. Doc. 2 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1843, Doc. 21 — Rept. of Inspectors ; 1843, Doc. 27 — Kept, of Supt. ; 18-13, Doc. 32' — Rept. on employment of patients, by the erection of suit- ablo workshops, or otherwise; 1844, Doc. 2 — Rept. of Inspec- tors; 1844, Doc. 19 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1844, Doc. 22— Filth annual rept. of Supt. ; 1845, Doc. 2 — An ordinance In addition to an ordinance relating to; 1845. Doc. 3 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1845, Doc. 25 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1845, Doc. 31— Kept, of tho Supt. J 1816, Doc. 3— Rep' of Inspectors; 1846, Doc. 24 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1846, Doc. 35 — First annnal rept. of Board of Visitors, with seventh rept. of Supt. ; 1847, Doc. 4— Rept. of Inspectors; 1847, Doc. 31 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1847,Doc. 48— Rept. of Board of Visitors and Supt.; 1848, Doc. 3— Kept, of Inspectors; 1848, Doc. 33 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1848, Doc. 49 — Kept, of Board of Visitors and Supt.; 1849, Doc. 0— Rept. of Inspectors; 1840, Doc. 10— Kept, of Board of Visitors and Supt. ; 1849, Doc. 40 — Rept. of Inspectors ; 1849, Doc. 62 — Rept. of the Board of Visitors and Supt. ; 1850, Doc. 3 — Rept. of Inspectors ; 1850, Doc. 28 — Kept, of Inspectoi-s; 1850, Doc. 48— Rept, of Board of Visitors and Supt.; 1851, Doc. 7 — Rept. of Inspec- tors; 1851, Doc. 45 — An ordinance in relation to; 1851, Doo. 50- Rept. of Inspectors; 1851, Doc. 72— R«pt. of Board of Visitors and Supt.; 1852, Doc. 3— Kept, of Inspectors; 1852, Doc. 43 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1852, Doc. 69— Rept. of Board of Visitors and Supt.; 1853, Doc. 11 — Rcpt. of Inspectors; 1853, Doc. 56 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1853, Doc. 58— Rept. on a new Hospllal; 1853, Doc. 70— Rept. on so much of tho Mayor's address as related to a new Hospital; 1853, Doc. 86 — Annual rept. of Board of Visitors and Supt, ; 1854, Doc- 9 — Kept, of In- spectors ; 1854, Doc. 42— Rept. on a new Hospital ; 1854, Doc. 69 — Rcpt. on a new Hospital; 1854, Doc. 81 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1854, Doc. 126 — Annual rept. of Board of Visitors and Supt.; 1855, Doc. 28— Rept. of Inspectors ; 1855, Doc. 50 1-2— Rcpt. of Inspectors; 1855, Doc. 65 — Rept. on the expediency of placing the institutions und«r a Board of Commissioners; 1856, Doc. 8 — Annual rept. of Board of Visitors and Supt. ; 1856. Doc. 14 — Ropt. of Inspectors; 1856, Doc. 58 — Ropt. of Inspectors; 1857, Doc. 33 — An act to establish a Board of Directors of pub- lic institutions; 1857, Doc. 67 — Rept. concerning tho Board of Directors of public institutions; 1857, Doe. 64— Rept. of In- apectors ; 1358, Doc. 14 — Rept. of the Board of Directors ; l.H.>8, Doc. 19— Rules and regulations; 1858, Doc. 25 — Rept. of In- spectors; 1858, Doc. 49 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1858, Doc. 65 — — An ordinance in relation to the admission of patients for compensation; 1859, Doc. 32 — Annual rept. of the Board of Directors; 1859, Doc. 35 — Rcpt. of Inspectors: 1859, Doc. ('*5 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1860, Doc. 25— Rept. of the Board of Di- rectors; 1860, Doc. 64— Rept. of Inspectors; 1860, Due. 91 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1861, Doc. 15 — Rules and regulations; 1861, Doc. 20— Annual rept. of tho Board of Directors; 1861, 12 INDEX. Doc- 52 — Rept. on tlie commonication of John Hatton, charg- ing the Supt. with neplect of duty; 1861, Doc. 66 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1S62, Doc. 7 — Annual rept. of Ihe Board of Direc- tors; 1862, Doc. 40 — An ordinance establishing a Board of Directors, and defiaing their duties; 1862, Docs. 79 & Srt — Repl3. of the Inspectora; 18G2, Voc. 84 — An ordinance in re- lation to the Roard of Directors; 1863, Doc- 11 — Slcmorial of the board of Directors in relation to;18G3, Doc. 17 — Annual rrpl of the Board of Directors; 18G8.Doc.73 — Kept, of Inspec- tors; 18C3,Doc.91 — Communicafion from the Board of Direc- tors in relation to; 1863, Doc. 98— Uept. of Inspectors; ]8&i, Doc. 10 — Annual rept. of the Board of Directors- LviNO-iN Hospital. 1858, Doc. 20 — An order authorizing the Committee on Public Buildings to sell the estate on Springfield St.; 1858, Doc. 21 — Memorial of the Tiiistees respecting the disposition of their former institution on Springfield St. MaiiBLE. 1854, Doc. 51 — An ordinance in relation to the survey of; 18.J4, Doc. 117 — An ordioance iu relation to; 18G2, Doc. 70 — Regulations for the survey of. Markets, TvULIC. 1M8, Doc. 48 — Rept. on petition of John Albcc, eC ale., for more public markets. See Faneuil Hatl Market. Mayoie. 1838. Doc. 2 — Inaugural address of Samuel A. Eliot, January 1. 1838; I83f>, Doc. 2— Inaugural address of Samuel A. Eliot, Jonuary 7, 1839; 1839. Doc. 3 — Address of Samuel A. Eliittto tbe School Committee. January, 1839; 1S40, Doc. 1 — Inaugural address of Jonathan Chapman, January 6, 1840; J841, Doc. 2 — Inaugural address of Jonathan Chapman, Janu- nrj' 4, 1841; 1811, Doc 9 — Address of Jonathan Chapman to the City Council, on their first taking possession of the City Hall, School St., March 13, l.'ill; 1&4J, Doc. 1 — Inaugural ad- dress of Jonathan Chapman, January 3, 1S4J; 1S13, Doe. 1 — Inaugural addrvsa uf Martin Brimmer, January 2, 1S43; 1.S44, Doc. 1 — Inatip;ural additss of Martin Brimmer, January 1, 1844; 1815, Doc. 7 — Inaugural address of Thomas A, Davis, Feby. 27, 1845; 1845, Doc. 37 — Opinion of C. B. Goodrich, in regard to the powers and duties of the Board of Aldermen, on the dcatb of the Mayor; 1845, Doc. 38 — Opinion of Richard I'letcher on the authority of the City Council to elect a Mayor pro tempore ; 184*5, Doc. 42 — Opininns of 16i chard Fletcher, C. P. Curtis, and C G. Loring, concerning the pciwers and duties of the City Council upon the demise of the Mayor; 1845, Doc. 43 — Opinion of J. P. Rogers on the authority of the Chairman of the Board of Aldermen, in the event of the decease, inability, or ftbacncc of the Slayor; 1845, Doc. 43 1-2 — AddrcRs and pro- eecdiuRs at tho funeral of Thomas A. Davis, Nov. 1845; 1810, Doc. 1 — Inaugural address of Josinh Quiney, Jr., January 1, IWG; 1817. Due. I — Inaugural address of Josiah Qulncy, Jr., Jany. 4, 1847; 1848, Doc. 1 — Inaugural address of Josiah Qulncy, Jr., January 3, 1848; 1849, Doc. 1 — Inaugural oildress of John I'. Bigclow, Junuarj' 1, 1849; 1850, Doc. 1 — Inaugural oddrcsBof John P. Bigelow, Jaimnry 7, 1850; 1851, Doc. 1 — Inaugural address of John P. Bigelow, January 6, 1851; 1851, Doc. 80— Address of Jolm P. Bigelow to the Buard of Alder- men on retiring frum ofilco; 1852, Due. 1 — Inaugural address of Benjamin Scaver, January, I!i52; 18.53, Doc. 1 — Inaugural oddrcM of Benjamin Scaver; January .1, 1853; 1H53, Doc. 92 — Addresn of Boi>jamin Seaver to the Board of Aldurmeii on re- tiring; from olTlcc; 1854, Doc. 5— Inaugural address of J. V. C. SmlUi, January 16, 18,54; 1855, Doc. 1 — Inaugural ad- drcMof J. V. C. Hmltli, January 1, 1855; 1850, Doc. 1 — Inaug- ural address of Ah-xand.ir H. R!ee, Jannary 7, 1H50; 1857. Doc. 1 — Inaugural uddreim of Alexander II. Rice, January 5, 1857; J857, Doc. K5— AddreHK of Alexand.T II. Hire to tlio Board of Aldonnen nt thdr final moolluK In 1857 ; 18>58, Doc. 1 — Inuugu- riil ad59; 1800, Doc. 1 — Inaugu- ral address of Frederic W. Lincoln. Jr., January 2, 1800; 19G0, Doc HHJ— Address of Frederic W. Lincoln, Jr., to the Board of Aldermen at their final meeting in 1800; 18C1, Doc. 1 — In- auguMl address-of Joseph M. ^Vightraan, January 7, 1801 ; 18GI, Doe. 81 — Address of Joseph M. Wightman to the Board of Al- dermen at their final meeting in 1861 ; 1862, Doc. 1 — Inaugural address of Joseph M. Wightman, January 6, 1862; 1862, Doc. 33 — An ordinance to establish the office of Clerk to the Mayor; 1862, Doc. 5o — Veto message of Joseph M. Wightman on the proposed ordinance on public institutions; 1862, Doc. 63 — Veto message of Joseph M. Wightman on the salary bill ; 1862, Doc. 104 — Address of Joseph M. Wightman at the laying of the comer stone of the City Hall, Dec. 22, 1862; 1862, Doc. 105 — Address of Joseph M. Wightman to the Board of Aldermen at their final meeting in 18C2: 1863, Doc. 1 — Inaugural address of Frederic W. Lincoln, Jr., January 5, 1863; 1863, Doc. 113 — Ad- dress of Frederic W. Lincoln, Jr., to the Board ot Aldermen at their final meeting in 1863 ; 1864, Doc. 1 — Inaugural address of Frederic W. Lincoln, Jr., January 4, 1864; 18&4, Doc. 100 — Address of l^ederic W. Lincoln, Jr., to the Board of Aldermen at their final meeting in 1864; 1864, Doc. 101— Remarks of F. W. Lincoln, Jr., to the School Committee, Dec. 27, 1864. Messenger, City. 1852, Doc. 56 — An ordinance establishing office of; 1^4, Doc, 113 — An ordinance in relation to. METltOPOLlTAS imLKOAD. See Street Railways. Middlesex Railroad. See Street Railwaj/a. MILITIA. 1863, Doc. 100 — ItepL of the Special Committee OD militia organizations. Milk. 1859, Doc. 37 — An ordinance in relation to the inspection of; 1862, Doc. 49— Rept. of the inspector of; 1863, Doc. 49 — Rept. of the Inspector; 18G4, Doc. 37 — Rept. of the Inspector. MOLNT Ilorii CEMeteky. See CetneXertM. MLNicirAL Register. 1841, Doc. 1 — Rules and orders of the City Council, City Ofiiccra, ordinances, laws, etc. ; 1842, Doc. 3— Same ; 1843, Doc. 3 ; 1844, Doc. 6; 1845, Doc. 9 ; 1846. Doc. 2 ; 1847, Doc. 3 i 1848. Doc. 4 ; 1849, Doc. 2 ; 1850, Doc. 2 ; 1851, Doc. 2; 1852, Doc. 11-2; 1853, Doc. 2; 1854, Doc. 1; 1855, Doc. 2; 1856, Doc. 2; 1857, Doc. 2; 1858, Doc. 2; 1859, Doc. 2; 1860, Doc. 2; 1861, Doc. 3; 1862, Doe. 2; 1863, Doc. 2; 1864, Doe. 2. NriSANCES. 1803, Doc. 60 — Ropt. in relation to tho nuisanco created by Henry Spcrry, in erecting buildings on tho Back Bay below grade; 1863, Doc. 96 — Rept. on the petition of tho Rowc's wharf corporation, In regard to the nuisance created by the emptying of the sower into the South Dock. See Health. Officers, City. 1850, Doc. 40 — An ordinance In relation tot 1854, Doc. 100 — An ordinance in relation to; 1855, Doc. 33 — An ordinance In relation to contracta with ; 1856, Doc. 12 — An ordinance in relation to; 1857, Doc. 16 — An ordinance in nota- tion to bonds of; I860, Doc. 61 — An ordinance in relation to bonds of. Oil. 18&i, Doc. 60 — An ordinance to regulate the storage of petroleum, carth-oH, benzole, StC. OuNiDUSES. 1852, Doc. 42 — Communication of Chief of I'ollco respecting omnibus routes; 1863, Doc. 57 — Rept. on tho peti- tion of J. U. Hathorne, for an extension of omnibus routes. Orations. 1837, Doc. 26 (Cora. Council) — Jonathan Chapman, before tho CUy Govt., July 4, 1837; 1838, Doc. 35 — l^>v. Hub- bard Winslow, July 4, 1838; 1839, Doc. 30 — Ivors J. Auslln, July 4, 1839; JaW), Doc. 18 — Thomas Power, July 4, 1840; 1841, Duo. 17 — George T. Curtis, July 5, 1841 ; 1848, Doc. 20 — Horace Mann, July 4, \M2 ; 1844, Doc. 19 1-2— Peleg W. Chandler, July 4, 1H44; 184.'>, Doc. 2.3 1-2 — Charles Sumner, July 4, 18-15; 1846, Doe. 23— Fletclier Wflbster, July 4, 1840 ; 1817, Doc. 29 1-2— Tlios. O. Cary,July5, 1847; 1818, Doc. 27— Joel Giles, July 4, 1848; lK-19, Doe. 37 — Wm. W. Oreenougb, July 5, 1849; 18.50, Doe. 21 1-2— F.. P. Whipple, July 4, 1850; 1851, Doc. 47 1-2— Clms. Theo. RuHsell, July 4, 1*51; 1863, Due. 56 1-2 — Timothy Bige- low, July 4. 1853; 1*54,1)00. 621-2- Rev. A. L. Stone, July 4, 1854; 1855, Doc. 401-2— Rev. A. A, Miner, July 4, 18.56; 1H50, Doc. 41 1-2— Edward O. Parker, July 4, 1866; 1858. Doc. 131-3 — John 8. Holmes, July 5, 1858; 1869, Doc. 50- George 8un»- INDEX. 13 n*r, July 4, 1859; 18S0, Doc. BO 1-2— Edward Everett, nt the InauirurBHon of th« stntuo of Dunlol Webster, aopt. 17. 1859; 1880, Uoc. C2— Etlward Everett, July 4, 1800—1861. Dttc. 4G — ThoopMlus rArt>onoc. 5 — Rept. on tho origin and progress of the commission oa tbe revision of tlio city ordinances; 1848, Doc. 16 — Kept, of Commissioners on the rovisiun of; 1840, Doc. 58 — Kept, of Comiiiiasioui^rson ttio revision of; 18>'}0, Doc. SO — An ordinnnco in rvlution to tlio Koviscd OrdinancoN ; ISM, Doc. 44 — Itcpt. on the revision of; 1851, Doc. 24 — Kept, concerning ordinances, &c., passed in secret session of the Board of Alder- men; 18*4, Doc, SJ — Kept, on revised ordinances; 1854, Doc. 101 — An ordinance in nlntion to ; 1863, Doc. 99 — General rept- OD the revision of the ordinances, by T. C. Amorj', Jr. Parent Washington total Abstinence Socv. 1846, Doc. 13 — Kept, on a petition for aid. PACPEB3. 1852, Doc. 30 — Kept, concerning f'trei^n paupers. FAH'NOltOKEOS. 1856, Doc. 33 — Urdinanco in relation to ; 1862, Doc. 45 — Ordinance in relation to; 1862, Doc. 68 — Kept, and order for the regulation of. Physician, City. 1849, Doc. 60 — First quarterly rept. ; 1849, Doc. OC— Kept, on the cholera hospital ; 1S53, Doc. 9 — Quarterly rept.; 1853. Doc. 68 — Quarterly rcpt.; 1853, Doc. 79 — Comrau- uicnilon proposing a sanilitr>' survey, in view of the approach of the cholera ; 1855, Doc. 35 — Ordinance in relation to ; 1855, Doc. 41 — Ordinance in relation to; 1853, Doc. 32 — Annual rept.; 1857, Doc. 9 — Quarterly rept. ; 185S, Doc 33— Quarterly rept.; 1859, Doc. 9 — Anmuil rept.; 1S60, Doc. 77 — Quarterly rept.; 1861, Doc. 14 — Communication from Dr. H. G. Clnrk, treasmitting documents relative to the Cholera IJospilat at Fort Hill, in 1854; 1863, Uoc. 7 — Annual rept.; 1864, Doc. 5 — Annual rept. ; 1864, Doc. 61 — Quarterly rept. Placards. 1853. Doc. 24 — Ordinance in relation to; 1854, Doc. lie — Ordinance in relation to. Police and Watch. 1834, Doc. 4 (Cora. Council) — An ordi- nance pret^crihing tbe duties of the Chief Marshal ; 1834, Doc. 9 (Com. Council)— Annual rept. of the City Marshal; 1837, Doc. 15 (Com. Council) — Message of the Mayor in relation to; 1840, Doc. 25— Kept, ou the subject of altering thu hour of set- ting the watch, and also upon inoroasiag the pay of the mem- bers; 1»49, Doc. 21 — Quarterly rept. of Citj- Marshal; 18-19, Doc. 6-1- Rept. of the City Marshal for the year; 1850, Doc. 43 — Rept. on watch and police departments; 1S>^1, Doc. 5 — An- nual rept. of City Marshal; 1851. Doc, 28— Qu:irtcrly rept. of City Marshal; 1851, Doc. 48 — Quarterly rept. of City Marshal ; 1851.Doc. 5.*— Quarterly rept. of City .Marshal; lXi\, Doc. 66 — Rept. of Special Com. on Watch and Police Depts. ; 1852, Doc. 5 — Anuuiil rept. of City Mrtrshul ; 1852, Doc. S'j- Ordi- nance in relation to; 1852, Doc. (IS — Repl. on Watch and Police DepU.; 1853, Doc. 5 — Aunual repl. of the Chief; 1H53, Doc. S8 — Ordinance on the uuion of the Pulice and Watch Depts.; 1853, Doc. 42— Ordinance providing for the organization; 1853, Doc. 47 — Rept. on organization; 1853, Doc. 78— Ordinance; 1854, Doc. 4— Annual rept. of the Chief; 1834, Doc. 24 — Rept. on Police and Watch Depts. ; 1854, Doc. 31 — Rules and regula- lations; 1854, Doc. 48 — City Solicitor's opinion on tbe subject of police; 1654, Doc. 50 — Kept, on the pay of Police and \Wtch; 1854, Doc. 102 — An ordinance in relation to; 1855, Doc, 4 — Rept. of Chief, for seven months, lo Jan I, 1855, under the new organization; 1855, Doc. 31 — An ordinance in relation to the union of the Watch and Police ; 1855, Doc. 73 — Annual rept. of the Chief; 1856. Doc. 52 — Quarterly rept. of the Chief; 1856, Doc. 73 — Kept, of Committee on Oidinanccy, on tho appoint- ment of Special Police OlBccrs ; 1857, Doc. 10 — Annual rept. of the Chief; 1858, Doc. 5— Annual rept. of the Chief; 1858, Doc. 38 — Rept. on a uniform for; l&5i). Doc. 6 — Anna.il rept. of tbe Ciilef: 1859, Doc. 26 — Quarterly rept. of the Chief; 1859. Doc. 43— Quarterly rept. of tho Chief; I860, Doc. 4-AunuuI rept. of tho Chief; 1860, Doc. 29— Rept. on the powers and duties of Police; I860, Doc. 61 — Kept, on the alleged eriminalities in tbcdcpt. ; 1860. Doc. 58— Kept, of the Chief; 1860, Doc. 79 — Amendments to tho regulations; 1800, Doc. 93— Kept, on a re- solve of tho City Council of Cambridge, relative to the conduct of tlui odlcers nt tho Fourth Stutimi; 18GI, Doc. 9— Annual repl. of tho Chief; I6fi2, Doc. 3 — Annual rept. of tho Chief; 1862, Doc. 68— Kept, on Spei^inl Police Odlcers, and Street Stand*; 18G2, Doc. 81— Revision of the ordinance on; 1863, Doc. 6— Annual rept. of tile Chief; 18&% Doc. 14 — Argument of Thos. C. Amory, Jr., before the Committee of the Legisla- ture, on tho subject of a MetropolitJin Police; 1863, Doc. 30 — Ordinance in relation to; 18G4, Doc. 6 — Annual rept. of the Chief. Poor, Ovekseers of. 1834, Doc. 1 (Cora. Council) — Account of receipts and eiponditurea; 1837, Doc. 6 (Com. Council) — Mayor's communication spcci^'ing amt. of funds, investments, appropriations, Ac; 1859, Doc. 27 — Rept. on so much of the Mayor's address as related to; 1863, Doc. 15 — Rept. on the es- timates of; 186;!, Doc. 55 — Rept, of the Committee on the com- munication trnm; 1863, Doc. 10."i — Rept. on a communication asking an appropriation for aid to the poor having uo legol set- tlement; 1864, Doc. 21 — Rept. of the Committee on so much of tho Mayor's address as related to; 18G4, Doc. 55 — An ordi- nance relating to ; 1864, Doc. 70 — Rept. on the organization of the Board; 1864, Doc. 77 — Quarterly rept.; 1861, Doc. 91 — Rept. on recommending a relief building ; 1864, Doc. 95 — Ropt. ou a building for. PoFi-LATlox. See Census. Port Puvsicun. 1841, Doc. 24— An ordinance in addition to an ordinance to est^ibliah the office of; 1849, Doc. 37 — Rept. on tho expediency of abolishing the office. President of tue United States. 1351, Doc. 19— Commu- nication from, in relation to the rescue of a fugitive slave ; 1851, Doc. 44 — Ruply to the invitation of the city authorities to visit Boston. Printing, City. 1846, Doc. 27 — Rept. on the petitions of George Coolidge and Dense, Morgan, & Ewer, asking to be a]>potnted printers for tbe city; 1854, Doc. 103 — Ordinance in relation to; 186.3, Doc. 95 — Majority and minority repts. on the petition of the city printers for increased compensation. Prison DisciI'LINE. 1847, Doc. 11 — Mr. George Sumner's let- ter to the Mayor, on the subject of Prison Discipline in France. Property, CitV. 1859, Doc. 77 — Estimate of the value of the real estate belonging to the City of Boston, May 1, 18S9. Provident Association. 1837, Doc. 70— Communication from the Mayor in relation to tho memorial of; 1857, Doc. 77 — Kept, of Committee on Public Buildings on the memorial of. QPARANTINE, 1841, Doe. 16 — Rept. on alterations necessary in the ordinance relating to Quarantine, and lEainsford Island; 1850, Doc. 27 — Communication from the consulting physicians respecting quarantine regulations; 18i^7, Doc. 41 — Opinion of consulting physicians on quarantine regulations. QuiNCY, JosiAH. ISCA, Doc. 69 — Proceedings of the City Coun- cil on the death of. Railroads. 1855, Doc. 55 — City Solicitor's opinion in regard to assessing damages resulting from railroad locations. See Street Ttailwa'js. Railroad JCBILEE, 1851, Doc. 81 — Celebration upon the open- ing of railroad communication between Boston and Canada. RainsFORD Island. 1841, Doc. 3— Rept, on the connection of the City of Boston with, etc.; 1843, Doc. U — Rept. on expediency of removing hospital establishment from; 1847, Doc. 37 — So- licitor's opituon of tbe toanre by wbich the city holda posses- sion of. RECEIPT-). See AudUtyr. RECKIITino. 1862, Doc. 86 — Rept. in relation to the payment of bounties; 1882, Doc. 1U3 — Correspondence between the Mayor and Major Rogers in relation to the quota of Boston ; 14 INDEX. 186."?. Uoc. 89 — Rept. on the organization of a Committei* on recruiliug; 18(J3, Doc. 93— Hept. on a system for recruiting. BeformaTION. House of— I8S1, Doc. 13 (City Council) — llept. on the condition ; 1834, Doc. 6 (Com. Council) — Quarterly «pt. of Directors; 1834, Doc. 8 (Com. Council) —Memorial of the Directors, relative to the erection of a now edifice; 1837, Doc. 14 (Com. Council) — Receipts and expenditures; 1837, Doc. 23 (Com. Council) — Rept. of Inspectors of Prisons; 1838, Doc. 7 — CommnnicatioD from the Directors in relation to juvenile of- fenders; 1SJ8, Doc. 8 — Kept, of Directors conceraing the management of ; 1838. Doc. 21 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1838, Doc. 32- Kept, on health, cleanliness, &c.; 1839, Doc. 4 — Rept. of luspeetors; 1830, Doc. i.'— Kept, of Inspectors; 1839, Doc. 28 — Rept. on health, cleanliness, &c.; I&IO, Doc. 2— Rept. of In- spectors ; 1840, Doc. 6— IU:pt. of Directors on the effect of con- fining cliildren of both sexes in the same building; 1840, Doc. 21 — Rept. of Inspectors on; 1840, Doc. 24 — Communication from Directors and Supt., in relation to perfoi'mance of medical duties; 18-10, Doc. 26 — Rept. of Standing Committee of Iho Common Council on ; 1841, Doc. 4— Rept. of Inspectors; 1841, Doc. G — Reply of Board of Directors to a communication from the Mayor, in regard to the condition, &c. ; lty41, Due- 14 — Rept. on the subject of sending girls to, and whether any change is expedient in the law cstablishiog the institution; 1S41, Doc. 18— R*'pt. of Inspectors on ; 1;^, Doc. 27 — Kept, of the Standing Committee of the Common Council on; 1*12, Doc. fi— Kept, of Inspectors; 1842, Doc. 13 — Kept, of Directors; l&12,Doc. 10- Kept, of Inspectors on; 1842, Doc. 25 — Com- munication from Mobcs Grant in relation to; IHiy, Doc. 2 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1843, Doc. 21 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1844, Doc. 2— Kept, of Inspectors; 1644, Doc. 14— Kept, of Direc- tors; 1&44, Doc. 19— Kept, of Inspectors; I&15, Doc. 3 — Kept, of Inspectors; 184j, Doc. 19 — Rept. of Directors; 1S16, Doc. 3 — Kept, of Inspectors ; 1846, Doc. 19 — Kept, of Directors; DHG, Doc. 24 — Rapt, of Inspectors; 1817, Doc. 4— Kept, of Inspec- tors; l&i", Doc. 22 — Kept, of Directors; 1&17, Doc. 31 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1*18, Doc. 3— Rept. of Inspectors; 1848, Doc. 17 — Kept, of Directors; 1848, Doc. 33 — Rept. of Inspectors; 1849, Doc. 6— lU-pt. of Inspectors ; 1849, Due. 25— Kept, of Di- rectors; 1849, Doc. 40— Kept, of Inapcctors; IftM), Doc. 3 — Hept. of Insjifctora ; 1850, Doc. 12 — Kept, of Directors; 1850, Doc.28— Kept, of Inspectors; 1851. Doc. 7 — Rept. of Inspec- tors; 1851, Doc. 27 -Annual lopt. of Directors; 1831, Doc. £0— Kept, of Inspectors; 1852, Doc. 3— Rept. of Inspectors; 1S52, Doc. 2G — Kept, of Directors; 18J2, Doc. 43— Kept, of Inspec- tors; 1853, Doc.ll — Kept. of Inspectors; 185.3, DoC. 30 — Kept, of Directors; 1853, Doc. 46— Uejit. of Inspuetura; 1854, Doo. 9 — Bcpt. of Inspectors ; 1854. Doc. 45 — Kept, of Directors ; 1854, Doc. 81 — lU'pt. of Inspectors; 1855, Doc. 28— Kept, of Inspec- tors; 1855, Doc. 38— Kept, of Directors; 1855, Doc. GO 1-2 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1855, Doe. 65— Itept. on tho expediency of placing the Institutionn under a Board of Commissioners ; KSa, Doc. 13 — Income and cxpendituros for tun years; 185G, Doc. 14 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1856. Doc. 38— Ropt. of Dire c- tor»; 1850, Doe. OS—\U:\>i. of Inspectors! 1857, Doc. 33— Act to estjiblldh a Board of Directors of public InstUutions; 1857, Doc.*:t— Il.'pt. of Dln-ctors; 18.17, Doc. 57— Kept, couccmlug Ihu Boaril of Dlroctora of public institutions; 1857, Doc. 64- K<'pt. of Imtpitctom; J858. Doc. 14 — Ke|it. of tlic Board of Di- rectors; 1858, Doc. 19— Rules and n'guliillondt I8W. Doo. li.'S — Kept, of Iii«iiuelorit; 1858, Doc. 49 — Kept, of iuMpcclors; 1859, Doe. ;ni — Annual r'-pt. of the Board of Dlrectom; 1859, Doc. 3C— Kept, of hi(»pc.;U>nii 1859, Doc. (K — Kept, of Innpcctors; I8C0, Doc. i> — Annual rept. of llio Board of Directors; 18turs; 180l>, Doc. 89 — Kept, of tlio Coiniulttoo on the repl. of the luiii>ectur>t. In rugard to tlio iniin- Bgrmotit of ; 1860, Doc. 91 — Kept, of ludiKClont; IWll, Doc. Ifi — Rules nnd regulations; 1861, Doc. 2U — Annual rept. of ll>« Board of Dlrt-cfini; IHfll, Doc. 66- K.-j»t. of Inspectors; 1862, I)*.. 7_ Annual rept. of tlir Bi.anl of lilrrclor»; 1«62, lloO. 10 — An ordUiancA i>HUhll»lilng n Board of Directors, and d< fining their duties; 1862, Docs. 79 4 80 — Repts. of the InspCcton; 1802, Doc. &1 — Ordinance in relation to the Directors; 1863, Doc. 17 — Annual rept. of the Board of Directors; 1863, Doc. 73 — Kept, of Inspectors; 1863, Doc. 98— Kept, of Inspectors; 1864, Doc. 10 — Annual rept. of the Board of Directors; 1864, Doc. 35 — Rept. of Special Committee on alleged abuses; 1864, Doc. 66 — Rept. on amended rules. Reoisteb. See Municipal Register. Registkab, City. 1849, Doc. 33— Onlinance providing for the appointment of; 1850, Doc. 4 — Rept. of births, deaths, and marriages, for the year 1849; 1S51. Doc. 8 — Quarterly rept; 1851, Doc. 10 — Annual rept. for 1850; 1852, Doc. 7 — Annual rept. for 1851; 1853, Doc. 10 — Annual rept. for 1852; 1854, Doc. 12 — Annual icpt. for 1853; 1854, Doc. 106 — Oi-dinnnco in rela- tion to; 3855, Doc. 10— Annual rept. for 1854; 1850, Doc. 10 — Annual rept. for 1855; 1857, Doc. 14 — Annual rept. for 1850; 1858, Doc. 9 — Annual rept. for 1^57; 1859, Doc. 13 — Annual ropt. for 1858; 1860, Doc. 85 — Annual rept. for 1859; 1803. Doc. 34 — Annual rept. for 1862; 1864, Doc. 47 — Annual rept. for 1863. Riots. 1834, Doc. 11 (Com. CouDpil)- Rept. on the destniction of the Ursulino Convent at Charlestown, Aug. 11, 18;14; 1837, Doc. 12 (Com. Council) — Kept, on the riot in Broad St. on Sunday, June 11, 1837; 1863, Doc. 75 — Mayor's coramuuicfltlon in relation to the riot caused by the draft for the volunteer forces, July 14, 1863. BDSSIA. 1864, Doc. 58 — Speeches at the bantiuet in honor of the offlcera of the Russian Fleet. SAL.utIES. 1634, Doe. 5 (Com. Council) — Rept. on salaries for atyand County Officers; 1835, Doc. 9 (Com. Council); 1S36» Doc. 4 (Com. Council); 1838, Doc. 13; 1839, Doc. 18; 1840, Doo. II; 1841. Doc. 10; 1842, Doc. 8; 1843, Doc. 14; 1844, Doc. 13; 1845, Doc. 14; 184G, Doc. 12 — Kepts. on same; 1846, Doc. 17 — Kept, on expediency of paying members of the Board of Al- dermen a Salary; ISIG. Doc. 31 —Rept. on same; 1817, Doo. 12 — Rept. on salaries for City and County Ofllcers; 1847, Doo. 10 — Comparative statement of salaries paid by the city for tho years 1835-36-10-41-12-43-45-46. and amounts proposed to bo paid in 1847; 1848, Doc. 13 — Ropt. on salaries for City and County Officers; 1819, Doc. 13; 1850, Doc. 9; 1851, Doc. Ifi — Kepts. on same: 1851, Doc. 30— Ropt. on salaries of resident and noiJ-rcsident teachers; 1851, poo. 56— Salaries of City and County omcera; 1851, Doc. 69— Rept. on salaries of Asat. Teachei-s of Grammar Schools; 1852, Doc. 60 — Ropt. on sala- ries for City and County Omcers ; 1853, Doc. 33— Rept. ou same; IKW, Doc. 54 — Salaries of School Teachers; 1853, Doo. 71 — Revised salary bill; 1853, Doc. 77 — Kept, on salarlcB of Prim- ary School Teachers; 1854, Doo. 22— Rept. on salaries for City and County Omcers; 1855, Doc. 47; 1856, Doc. 39— Repts. on siimc; 185tl, Doc. 51 — Salaries of City and County Ofllcors, as passed July 3; 1856, Doc. 53— Salaries of the masters of the Latin, English, High, and Giris' High and NonnnI Schools^ 1857, Doc. 68— Salaries qf City and County Officers, na passed ; 1857, Doc. 01 — Rept. on the salaries of teachers of the Tub- llo Schools; 1858, Doc. 10 — Kept, on salories for City and County Officers; 1858, Doc. 27 — Salaries of City and County Officers, as revised; 1859, Doc. 24— Kept, on SBlarios for City and County OIHcord; 1859,Doc.4rt—SalBrie8of City and County omcers, ns revised; I860, Doe. 3i»— Rept. on salnrlos for City and County Odlcers ; I860, Doc. 04— Salaries of City and County Officers us rovleod; 1800, Doe. 95- Kept, on tlio milaries of teachers of sowing in tho schools ; 1861, Doo. 26— Rept. on sal- oriea for City and County Officersi 1861, Doc. 31 — Salnrics of City and I'ort Physicians ; 1861, Doc. 61 - Snliules of Officers of Institutions ; 1862, Doc. 27 — Rept. on salaries for City and Coun- ty Officers; 1862, Doo. 30 — Kept, on firemen's pay at East and South Boston ; 1802, Doe. 63- Mayor's veto on salary bill; 18C!», Doc. 24 — Rept. on salaries for City and County Officers; 1803, Doe. 105 — Rept. on sahiries of School TcBchers ; 1803. Doc. 109 -Salary bill na rovlsod by tho City Council ; 1864, Doc. 41-K«pt. INDEX. 15 on dRlnrlos for City ond County Odlcers ; 18(J4, Doc. 8G — Sn!nry bill UH rovUcd by llio City t'ouucll. ScuooL FOR Adults. IWl, l>oc. 17— Ro])*- <*» petition of F. T. Onky, und olliors, iu rv^furd to Adult Sclioola. ficuoni., CiiAiiiTY. 1853, Uoc. 4;J — Ropt. of Committee on tho commiinkatlon of Sumuvl Eliot, in regurd to the Cliarity School eatablidlti-d in Clinnnln^ St. ScnooL Districts. XaSO. Doc. .11 — Boundnrlee of (ho Wlotbrop, FraDklln, Duight, Brimmer, nml BoyUton diatricts. 8cnoOLHOL'SE3. 1837, Doc. 13 (Com. Council) — Kept, on tlio erection of a new house for the accommodation of tho north- em wnrds; 1^(3, Doc 12 — Kept, on the erection of one or more schoolhnuaes; 1844, Doc. 12 — Communication from tho Uayor enclosing a rcpL and rcBolvcs of the School Committee, relative to tho erection of t^vo new achoolhouscs ; 1842, Doc. 12 — Votoa of Comniittoo on Public Buildings, and rept, on con- dition of out-buildiug»andUBO of yards; 1840, Doo. 3G — Bept. relative to coat of land, Ac, for tho Uancock and Adams School- houses; 1847, Doc. C — Kept, on the subject of ventilation of tho gchoolhousoa of tho city; 1847, Doc. 7 — Rept. of Primary School Committee on tho same subject; 1847, Doc. 9 — Rept. on tho expediency of erecting a new schoolfaouse upon, or in the immcdiato vicinity of, South Cove; l&i?, Doc. 46— Rept. re- lating to tlio ventilation of scboolhouses ; 1847, Doc. 47 — Rept. relative to tho closing of one of the furnaces of tho Mayhcw School ; 185U, Doc. 17 — Repl. of the City Auditor, showing tho coat of the Grammar and Primary SchoolhonseB, and the land occupied by thorn ; 1851, Doc. 30 — Rept, on expenses of warm- ing end ventilating school houses ; I8ol, Doc. 60 — Rept. on vacant scats In the scboolhouses; 1854, Doc. 41 — Rept, and order for new scboolhouses ut South Boston; 1854, Doc. 72 — Rept. of facta relative to the purchase of a schoolhouse in East Boston; 1854, Doc. 118 — Bept. on the subject of tho purchase of a now lot in East Boston for a schoolhouse; 1854, Doc, 125 — Majority rept. on tho purchase of a lot for a schoolhouse in East Boston; 1855, Doc. 23— Rept. by Messrs. Woorlnmu & Fortcr on tho East Boston Schoolhouse; 1855, Doc. 24 — Rept. by Messra. ilinks & Chipman on same; 1855, Doc. 25 — Rept. by Aid. Woodberry on same; 1856, Doc. 74 — Rept. on the Adams Schoolbouso ; 185i), Doc. 52 — Rept, in favor of tho now Phillips Schoolhouse; 1861, Doo, 13 — Rept. of the Committee on Public Instruction, on plans of Primary Scboolhouses. School, Nautical. 1861, Doc. 33 — Rept. of the Committee on Pnbllc Instruction, on the memorial of R. B. Forbes, for tho establlsbmcnt of a Nautical School. Schools, Public. 1836, Doc. 1 (Com. Conncil) — Rept. on the petition of Sanil. Prince and others, for the establishment of a High School for girls; 183C, Doc, 9 (Com. Council)— Rules and regulations; 1837, Doc. 10 (Com. Council) — Rept. on the me- morial of tho Boston Academy of Music and many citizens, for tho introduction of music into tho public schools; 1837, Doc, 22 (Com. Council) — Semi-annual rept. on the condition of the Primary Schools; 1838, Doc. 3 — Malority and minority repts. on petitions relative to changes in the distribution of scholars in several of the city schools ; 1838, Doc. 6 — Rules of tho School Committee; 1838, Doc. 10 — Rept. on the expediency of insti- tuting and rpquiring somi-anoual meetings of the teachers, and examinations of tho primary schools; 1838, Doc. 15 — Rules and regulations; 1838, Doc. 19 — Rept. on an order authorizing the Committee to admit any child over seven years of ago to the primary schools; 1838, Doc, 22 — Rept, on establishing a model primary school; 1838, Doc. 23 — Rept. on the location, general superiulcndence, and course of studies pursued in the several schools; 1838, Doc, 29 — Rept. on tho erection of a school building on Fort ilill ; 1838, Doc. 30 — Rept, on the an- nual distribution of medals; 1839, Doc, 3 — Address of the Mayor — Samuel A, Eliot — to the School Committee; 1839, Doc. 7 — K«pt. on the origin of the Primary Schools, and the authority of tho Committee ; 1839, Doc, 11 — Rules and regula- tions; 1811, Doc. 21 — Extracts from the repts. of the Commit- tee appointed to m«lce the annual examinations of the public schools; 1841, Doc. 22 — Roles and regulrttionfl ; 1843, Doo. 13 — Kept, on the organization of tho lYimury Schools ; 1844, Doc. 18 — Kept, of tile Scliool Committee on tho senil-anniial re- turns from masters of the Gramnnir and Writing Schools ; 1844, Doc. 27 — Rules and regulations ; 1845, Doc, 5 — Rept. on R pe- tition respertlngtbo Wcllft's School; 1845, Doc. 20— Kept, of tho Vifltliug Committees on tho Public Schools ; 1846, Doc. 4 — Rept. relative to the best manner of canylng Into effect tho ro- qulaltlons of law, concerning tho examination of teachers; 1840, Doc. 7 — Amendments to tho law concerning tho exami- nation of teachers; 1846, Doc. 8 — Rept. on the appointment of a Supt. of Crammnr Schools; 1846, Doc. 23 — Rept. on tlm pe- tition of colored people, for tho abolition of the arlioul for colored children, i%'ith the opinion of the City Solicitor; J846, Doc, 28— Rept. of the Visiting Committee on the Public Schools; 1S40, Doe.38 — Ordera relotivu to the Primary Schools, with extracts from the rept. of tho Standing Committee ; 1847, Doc. 7 — Rept. of the Primary School Committee, on the sub- ject of ventilation ; 1847, Doc. 14 — Ropt. on tho subject of es- tablishing tho office of Supt, of Public Schools; 1847, Doc. 20 — Rept. on the subject of medals to Grammar Scholars; 1847, Doc. 21 — Rept. on books to bo need In tho Public Schools dur- ing the ensuing year ; 1847, Doc. 25 — Rept. on supplying phil- osophical apparatus for the use of the schools; 1847, Doc 33 — Rept. on the expediency of establishing another Grammar ond Writing School in South Boston ; 1847, Doc. 33 — Rept. on measures to enable the School Committee to discbarge Ihctr duties more effectually; 1847, Doc. 35 — Rept. on an order to consider what changes, if any, can bo advantageously made in the system of instruction in tho schools, In order to avoid any neglect of the lower classes by the head masters; 1847, Doc. 38— Rept. on the expediency of recommending the City Coun- cil to furnish, at the city's expense, the text-books and im- plements of instruction used in tlic Common and Primary Schools; 1847, Doc. 40 — Rept. of tho sub-Coramittce to make the annual examination of tho Grammar dopt, of the Grammar and Writing Schools ; 1847, Doc. 41 — Resolve and order for an Executive Committee of three, for the general supervision of Public Schools; 1848, Doc. 2 — Orders offered in tho School Coramitteerelating to Public Schools; 1848, Doc. 6 — Rept, on rules ond regulations of the Public Schools; 1848, Doc. 7 — Rept, on insJniction in music in the Public Schools; 1848, Doc. 20 — Rept. on the expediency of establlsbing a High School for girls ; 1848, Doc, 23 — Rept. on the expediency of restoring tho city medals to the girls' school, and of introducing a system of prizes for tho encouragement of pupils in all the classes In the Grammar Schools; 1848, Doc. 25 — Rept, of tho Committee on the estoblishment of a High School for girls ; 1848, Doc. 31 — Rept. of the annual examination of tho Public Schools; 1848* Doc. 31 — Rept, of the annua! examination of tho Public Schools ; 1848, Doc. 40— Rept. of a sob-Committee on vacations; 1848, Doc. 41 — Rept, of a sub-Committee on the subject of tho ad- mission of pupils; 1849, Doc. 7 — City Sfillcltor's opinion on tho mode of appointing the Primary School Committee; 1849, Doc. 13— Rept. of the Committee on the High School for girls j 1849, Doc. 14— Rept. on the memorial of John Green, Jr., et ale., relative to the requisite qnallflcalions for membership of the School Committee; 1849, Doc. 39— Rept. of tho annual eT- amlnalion of the Public Schools; 1849, Doc. 42— Rept. on the petition of colored persons for the abolition of the Smith (col- ored) School; 1849, Doc. 49 — Rules and regulations; 1849, Doc 65 — Rept, on the boundaries of the several Grammar School sections; 1850, Doc. 15 — Quarterly n>pt. of the Executive Com- mittee on Primary Schools ; 1850, Doc. 35 — Rept. on so much of the Mayor's address as related to the organization of a Primary School Board; 1850, Doc. 38— Rept. of the annual examination of the Public Schools; 1850, Doe. 46- Opinion ol the City Solicitor concerning the right of children to attend the Public Schools, whose parents are not citizens of Boston ; 1860^ Doc. 60 — Rept. of a joint Special Committee upon the expe diency of establishing the office of Supt. of Schools ; 1861, Doc 16 INDEX. 4 — Ru1e« and reflations; 1851, Doc. 16 — Kept, on the ap- pointment of a Supt. of Public Schools; 1851, Doc. 123 — Rept. on the appoiutinent of a Supt. of Public Schoole, with resolu- tions prescribing bis duties; 1851, Doc. 52 — AduusI rept. of the examination of the Public Schools; 1851, Doc. 57 — Kept, on a revised course of studies for the Gnmmar Schuola ; iHoi, Doc. tVi — Rept. on Phonetic instruction in the Piimarj' Schools ; It^^I, Doc. 67 — Rept. on a revised course of atudlea for tbo Grammar Schools; 1851, Doc. 63 — Minority rept. on a revised courae of studies for the Grammar Schools; 1851, Doc. 73 — First semi-annual rept. of the Supt. of Public Schools; 1852, Doc. 4 — Communication from the Mayor, upon the or^nizu- tion of the Grammar and Primary School Committees; 1852, Doc. 9 — Rept. on the cl^si&cation and consolidation of the Public Schools; 1852, Doc. 16— Rules and rcgTiiations; 1^2, Doc. 22 — Itept. of the Committee on Public Instruction, on the present organization of the Grammar and Primary School Committees; 1852, Doc. 27 — Rept. on the consolidation of Gram- mar Schools; 1852, Doc. 32 — Rept. of a Special Committee on Normal Schools; 1852, Doc. 40 — Rept. of a sub-Committeo on a plan for organizing a Normal School; 1852, Doc. 47 — Semi- annual rept. of the Executive Committee on Primarj' Schools; 1852, Doc> 50 — Rept. on the annual examination of the Public Bchools; 1852, Doc. 73 — Second annual rept. of the Supt. of Public Schools; 18o3> Doc 12 — Rules and regulations; 1853, Doc. 19 — Annual rept. of the Executive Committee on Primary Schools; 1853, Doc. 48 — Rept. on the coasoUdation of the Franklin, Johnson.andWinthropGrammar Schools; 1853, Doc. 62 — Semi-annual rept. of the Executive Committee on Prim- ary Schools ; 1853, Doc. 65 — Rept. on the annual examination of the Public Schools; 1853, Doc. 89 — Rept. on the High School for girls; 1853, Doc. 9l — Third annual rept. of the Supt. of Public Schools ; 1854, Doc. 14 — Rules and rcg^utations ; 1854, Doc>32 — Annual rept. of the Executive Committee on Prlmarj- Schools; 1854, Doc. 43— Rept. on a High School for girls; 1854, Doc. 44 — Rept on a High School for girls (second plan); 1854, Doc. 54 — Rt^pt, on the case of ii child excluded from one of the Public Schools; 1854, Doc. 64 — Soml-nnnual rept. of the Executive Committee on Primary Schools; \ii^tA, Doc 74 — Rept. of the annual examination of the Public Schools; 1854, Doc. 80— Kept, on the lligh School for girls; 1855, Doc. 8 — Rulea and regrulationa; 1855, Doc. 61 — Annual repts. of the Committee and Supt. of Public Schools ; 1855. Doc. 66 — Rept. on additional male teachers in the Grammar Schools for boys ; 1855, Doc. 67 — Rept. on High School instruction for girls; 1855, Doc. 71 — Action of the School Committee In rela- tion to the children of non-residents ; 1856. Doc. 37 — Rules and regulations; 1856, Doc. 55 — Kept, of the School Committee on text-books; 1856, Doc. 72 — Annual repta. of the Committee and Supt. of Public Schoola ; 1857, Doc. 18 — Rules and regula- tions; I8>57, Doc. 43 — Rept. on the supervision of Schools for special instruction; 1857, Doc. 44 — Kept, on music; 1857, Doc. 45 — Hept. of a 8i)eciBl Committee on the rept. of the Supt. of Public Schoola ; 1857, Doc. 49 — Itopt. on the attendance of dca- tltuto children at school; 1857, Doc. 52— Rept. on an order to ■ pay the expenses of a substitute during thu sickness of a teach- er; 1857, iJoc. 03— Rept. on Iho communication of Rov. C. h\ Bnrnnrd, In regard to study out of school hount; 1858, Doc. 11 ~ Annual ri-]>ta. of i tie Committee and Supt. of Public Schools; 1858, Doc. 17 — Rules and n-gulations; 1858, Doc. ;»— Kept, of the Commlltcoon text-books; 1858. Doc, 34 — Rept. on music; 1869, Doc. 2:^- Annual re])ts. of the Committee and Sur>t. of Public Schools; 1H6I), Doc. 9— Annuo) repts. of the Comnilttco and Supt. of Publlo Schools; 1800, Doc. 38 — Rules and regu- lations; I86i), Doc. 60— Annual repts. of thr> Committee and 0upt. of Publlo Schools; I8C0, Doe. 94— Kept, on physical training; ISflO. Doc. 00— lU-pt. on the free passngo of children ■ cross the East lloston FerHes; 18(11, Doc. :i8 — Itrpt. on nddl- lloniil acoimmudutlons for tln^ filrU' High and Nonnnl School ; 18>I1, Doc. 74 — Annual rvpts. of the f'innmltt4M> and Supt. of Publlo Schools; 1802, Doc. 07— Rept. on tha ezamtnatloD of teachers; 1863, Doc. 31 — Rept. on annual exhibitions; 18G3, Doc. 52 — Rules and regulations ; 1803, Doc. 54 — Annual ropts. of the Committee and Supt. of Public Schools; 1863, Doc. 59— Annual rept. of the Committee on text-books; 1Sf<3, Doc. 101 — Kept, on instruction in militai-y drill; 18C4. Doc. 50 — Annual repts. of the Committee ond Supt. of Public Schools ; 1S64, Doc. 56 — Rept. on music ; 1864, Doc. 71 — Rept. on rules and regu- Intions; 1864, Doc. 93 — Rept. on gj'mnasticsand military drill; 1864, Doc, 94 — Rept. on corporal punishment. Sealers of Weights axd Measures. 18it3, Doc. 64 — An or- dinance iu relation to; 1864, Doc. 62 — Annual rept, of the Sealer for the Northern District ; 1864, Doc. 63 — Annua) rept. of the Sealer for the Southern District. Sea Walls. 1S45, Doc. 35 — Rept. on expediency of erecting a wall parallel with Harrison avenue. SECOND-HAND ARTICLES. 1854, Doc. 107 — Ordinance in rela- tion to; 1862, Doc. 46 — Ordinance in relation to dealers in; 1863, Doc. 12 — Ordinance in relation to dealers in. Sewers. 1834, Doc. 1 (City Council) — Kept, on the ordinance relative to constructing, repairing, assessing, and collecting dues for; 1837, Doc. 10 (Com. Council) — Rept. on assessing and collecting dues for; 1838, Doc. 12 — Kept, on petition of Wm. Foster, and others, for altorotion in the ordinance relating to ; 1840, Doc. 15 — Communication of City Solicitor, and opin- ion of Sup. Jud. Court, in cose of Shaw, et aU.; 1841, Doc. 12 — Rept. on alterations necessary in the ordinance relating to; 1841, Doc. 15— -Rept. on, accompanied by an ordinance; 1844, Doc. 8 — Rept. of Committee of Aldermen on, with an ordi- nance; 1857, Doc. 47 — Rept. on drainage In Dover St.; 1S57| Doc. 73 — An ordinance in relation to; 1858, Doc. 23 — An or- dinance in relation to; 1858, Doc. 50 — Rept. of the Committee on; 1858, Doc, 63 — Rept. on drainage near Northampton St.; 1858, Doc. G4 — Rept. on drainage of Dover St.; 1860, Doc. 11 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1800, Doc. ,10 — Rept. of City Engineer on sewerage of the Bock Bay; 1.8G1, Doc. 11 — Annual rept. of Supt.^ 1862, Doc. 12 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1862, Doc. 38— Opinion of the Supreme Court in the case of D. W. Child va. City of Boston, for damages caused by the flooding of hla house, in Dover St., with water from the Common sewer; 1862, Doe. 02 — An ordinance in relation to; 1863, Due. 13^ Annual rept. of Supt.; 1864, Doc. 11 — Annual rept. of Supt. ; 1864, Doe. 46 — Kept, on sewerage at the south end. Sidewalks. 1849, Doc. 20 — City Solicitor's communication eon- ccrniug cellar doors, and defects In sidewalks; IHV), Doc. W — Jiept. on petition of T. C. Leeds, respecting Puurl St. sidewalks. See Streets, Slaverv. 1851, Doc 19 — Communication from the Prosldetit of the United States, iu relation to the rescue of a fugitive elavc. Smallpox. 1837, Doe. 1 (City Council) — Kept, on ozpedloDcy of establishing another hospital for persons alTectcd with small- pox; lSi56, Doc. 30 — Memorial of Lemuel Shattuck, iu relalion to Iho smallpox; 1801, Doc. 14 — Dr. Cheevcr's rci>t. on the smallpox hospital ostublishod in Albany St., In 1859-60. SoaTSTosh. 1802, Doc. 70— Kegulatlons for tho survey of. SOLDIERS, AID TO Famii.ih.'i OF. 1861, Doc. 32 — Fh»t rcpt. of the Joint Special Comndtteo ou thu fiind for soldiers' families; 1861, Doc. 56 — Second ropt. of the Connutttcu on sanut; 1861, Doc. 76 — Third rept. of tho Commit tec on sumo; 186't, Doc. 19 — Roles and rcgulallons of tho Conuuittco; 1864, Doo.' 7 — Rules and regulations t>f tho Committee. eoi.DiEit.S, D0N.VT10NS TO. 1862, Doc. 99 — Rept. of the Com- mlttco on, and rept. of Mrs. II. G, Otis, on thu Evflus House; 1864, Doc. 51 — Kept, of Mrs. H. G. Otis. SOLrciTOR, CITY. 1835, Doc. (Com. Council) -Oplnlona of John Pickering on certain questions propounded to him by the Committee of the Common Conneil on Electlomi; Iftl.'J, Doc. 12 — Opinion of .lohn Pickering on the legnlly of ii.yournlng word meetings for the cleetlon of flly tlllleeni; 1K'17, Doo. 3 (City Council) — Opinion of John Pickering and C. 1*. Curtis, on tbo authority of the city to issue certificates for frttotiooal INDEX. 17 parts of a dollar ; 1837, Doc. 2 (Com. Council) — Two oplntona of John Pickering roldtiTo to elections ; 1833, Doc. 4— Opin- ion of John Pickering: on the authority of the city to lutro- duco pure water; 1838, Doe. 7 — Opinion of Juhn Piokt-ring on tho powor to conHne minors in tho house of rcformntion, who hAVQ not been eoaviulcd befuro a judicial tribunal, iind tho authority to tax citizens for their support; 1838, Doc. 12 — Opinion of Julin Pickering on the power to Iny common Mwcra, ntn) aMos« ibo expense on all persons entering their private dniins into the same; 1S38, Doc. 29 — Opinion of John Pickering on Cho rights of the city to the Innils on Fort Hill ; IKS', Doc. 30 — Itcpt. on the expediency of making any alteration in Ibo onlinunco providing for the appointment, and prescribing the duties of an Attorney and Solicitor for the city, with drufl of an ordinance; 1840, Doc. 15 — Communication from John Piekertug upon trnnsmitting the decision of the Supreme Court on the subject oi* Common Sowers, and the lia- bility of the owners of real estate to contribute to tho expenses of tbueuiue; 1843, Doc. 4 — Two opinions of John Pickering njlutive to elections ; 1843, Doc. 23 1-2 — Opinion of John Pick- •ring on tho power of the City Council to sell any part of tho public lauds west of Pleasant St. end south of Uoytston St.; 1844, Doc. 16 — Opinion of John Pickering on the question whether the third section of the third chapter of tlie Revised Statutes, relative to the quuliScution of voters, applies to the City of Boston ; 1840, Doc. U — Kept, on tho amount of money paid for legal services rendered the city since January, 1843; 1846, Doc. 16 — An ordinance providing for the appointment of a City Solicitor, and prescribing his duties; 184G, Doc. 23 — Opinion of P. W. Chandler upon the right of the School Com- mitteo of Boston to establish and maintain special Primary Schools for colored children; 1*17, Doc. 37 — Statement of P. W. Chandler iu regard to the tenure by which tho city holds possession of Koiubford Island; 1848, Doc. 8 — Opinion of P. W. Chandler on the question, " Is the duty of providing a suit- able Jail for the County of Suffolk imposed by law upon tho City Council, or upon tho Board of Mayor and Aldci'mcn, ex- clusively;" 1848. I>oc. 35 — Opinion of P. W. Chandler on tho question, " Docs the City Charter confer upon the City Council any pouer to give annuities or direct donations in money from the City Treasury ; " ItHS, Doc. 45 — Opinion of P. W. Chand- ler on tho power of the Water Commissioners to establish the water rates; 1849, Doc. 7 — Communication from P. W. Chand- ler, transmitting the opinion of John Pickering on the modo of appointing the Primary School Committee; 1849, Doc. 20 — Communication from P. W. Chandler, in regard to the decision of the Snp. Jud. Court on an action for dumages for an alleged dofect in a eiaewttik; 1850, Doc. 13— Opinion of P. W. Chand- ler upon tho request of the Clilidren's Friend Society, for the use of water without charge; 18j0, Doc. 46 — Opinion of P. W. Chandler on tho right of children, whose parents are not citi- sensof Boston, to attend school; 1H51, Doc, 33 — Ojdnion of P. W. Chandler in regard to the control of FanetulHall ; 1852, Doc. 33 — Communication from P. W. Chandler in relation to the outer harbor of Boston ; 1S52. Doc. 61 — Kept, of P. W. Chandler on the petition of B. P. Ccok,ctui., on the election returns; 18fJ3, Doc. 3 — Opinion of P. W. Chandler relative to thy contested election in Word 3 ; 1853, Doc. 8 — Opinion of P. W. Chandler re - laiive to tho elections iu Wards 1, 3, and II ; 1853. Doc. 17 1-2 — Kept, in iho case of E, A. Boamo va. the City of Boston, with the argument of P. W. Chandler for the city; 185.?, Doc. 27 — Opinion of P. W. Chandler relative to the expenditurf^ of moneys raided by taxation; 18&4, Doc. 48 — Opinion of Ceo. S. Uilldrdou the power of the Common Council in police mat- ters; 1854. Doc. 66 — Opinion of Geo. S. Uillard on tho power of the Directors of the House of Correction to make contracts in regard to convict labor; 18iW, Doc. 44 — Opinion of Geo. S. Hillard on proposed atterstlona in the Market House; ]S£^>, Doc. 5.1- Opinion of A- A. Ranney on the authority of the Gener*! Court to e^tablUh a Court for the County of Suffolk, and impose upon the Ci^ of Boston, by taxation, the ezcliuive cost of It« mointcnaneo; 1855, Doc. 64 — Communication from A. A, Rjinney rospocting the right of tho East Boston Free Bridge Corporation ; 1855, Doc. O."; — Opinion of A. A. Itimiiey, rvlafivc to dainngos by a railroiul location; lfi55, Doc.71 — Opin- ion of A. A. Itunney on Iho acllnn of the 'School Committee in relation to the children of noQ-re»ildunts ; 1856, Doc, 7 — Synop- sis of payments from 1851 to 1855 for legal services; 18.^8, Doc. 28 — 0]>inion of J. P. Ueuly upon certain questions relative to Ih© East Boston Ferries; 18.58, Doc. 38 — Ojiinion of J. P. Mealy on tho question, " whether the Common Council have any control over tho matter of uniform for tho police"; 18.18, Doc. 41 — Opinion of J. P. Henly relative to the interpretation of the word "district," in tho third article of the umcndmrnts to tho constitution; 1360, Doc. 21 — Opinion "f J. P. Hcaly in relation to Uorso Kailroads through tho streets; I860. Doc. 9 — Opinions of J. P. lleuly, furnished under orders of tho School Committee, printed in tho appendix to tho annual rept. of tho Committee, p. IGI; 1800. Doc. 53 — Kept, of the Cummittoe on ordinances, on tho expediency of reorganizing tho law department of the City Govt.; 1861, Doc. 73— Opinion of J. P. llcoly iu regard to private rights affected by the construction of the '•Eastern Avenue;" 18G2, Doc. 24-.-Opinlon of J. P. Ilealy on the au- thority to exempt from taxation tho property left by Abbott Lawrence to be invested in model lodging houses; 1862, Doc. 52 — Opinion of J. P. Healy upon the abatement of taxes assessed upon tlie MassachuHctts Grand Lodge; 1862, Doc. 82 — Opinion of J. P. Healy relative to the proposed "Eastern Avenue;" 1863. Doc. 47 — Opinion of J. P. llcaiy on tho peti- tion of the Massachusetts Genci-al Hospital, fur the use of Cochituate water at reduced rates ; 1863, Doc. 103 — Opinion of J. P. Healy on the rights of the Overseers of tho Poor in Bos- ton, in the expenditure of money appropriated by the city. Soirn Bat Lands. 1853, Doc. 35 — Itcpt. of the Committee, and rept. of the Commissioners on; 1853, Doc. 44 — Kept, of entiraated cost of filling; 1854, Doc. 49 — Kciit. on so much of the Mayor's address as related to; 1854, Doc. 77 — Itept. of Land Commissioners respecting; 1857, Doc. 82 — Kept, of joint Special Committee on; 1858, Doc. 26 — Rept.'conconiing ex- penses of; 1859, Doc. 47 — Rept. in favor of changing the Evans' contract for filling; 1859, Doc. 51 — ItCpt. of Committee with the new Evans' contr.act for filling; 1862, Doc. 50 — Kept, on the purchase of the "ox bow;" 1862, Doc. 78 — Kept, on the contract of Wm. Kvans for filling. Sriltiruou.i LlQl^rOKS. 1842, Doc. 4 — Rept. on so much of Mayor's address as related to laws regulating tho sale of spirit- uous liquors; 1849. Doc. 10 — Rept, on so much of the Mayor's address as related to; 1851, Doc. 68 — Rept. of City Marshwl on places where sold; 1852, Doc, 41 — Rept. on tho petition of Henr>- Flympton and others ; 1853, Doc. 57 — .Miiji.rity and mi- norily rcpts. on petition of Lyman Beechcr and others; 1854, Doc. 18 — Majority and minority rcpts. on so much of the Mayor's address as related to the execution of tho laws; IR55, Doc. 40 — Preamble and r-'^soluiions in relation to the enforce- ment of the law against the sale of. Staples. 1851, Doc. 41— Acceptance of the act relating to stables ; 1853, Doc. 69 — Kept, of Committee on ; 1858, Doc. 36 — Kept, on propcsed removal of city siublcd to Suutli Buy land^i; 1858, Doc. 51 -Kept, on the removal of the city stables; 1361, Doc, 3ii — Kept, on papers of the City Council of 1860, concom- iog the conslruclion uf the city stables; 181j2, Doc. IMI — Kept, of ths Committee on Internal Health on th, Doc. 5 — Annual rept. of Supt.; W>n, Doe. 8 — Annual rept. of Snpt.; 18.VI, Doc. ]5_rropo(icd net In rflation to laying out and dUconllnuIng ecrlnin Btrectn In Ronton; 1850, Doc. »1 — Ordlnnnco In relation lo; 1857, Doc. 3 — Annual rept. of Supt.] iai7, Doc. 39— Rept. and order from tho I>and Commlhslonerii, rclntlvc to laying out certain streets, pasmigo-waya, and a Hr|Uttro on thn South Bay territory i 1857, Doc. 60 — Majority rept. on tho extomtlon of Dovonsbiro St.; 18.W, Doc, 62- Minority rept. on samo; 18.18, Doe. 3 — Annua! n-pt. of Supt. ; 1H58, Doe. 43— Rept. on tho extension of Albany St. ; laW, Doc. 48— Kept, on tho cxtun- ilon of Albany St.; 1MM>, T)oc, 5 — Annual n-pt. of Supt.; IKIO, Doo.W— Kept, on the widening of Water St.; 1K*>9, Doe. 7.'I — Hecond rrpt. on wlilening WaliT St.; 1M». Due. — Annual Npt. of Hupt. ; 180), Doc. U — Lokd for widening North St.| 1860, Doc. 46 — Kept, on raising the grade of Tremont St-t 1860, Doc. 47— Rept- on raising the grade of Dover St. ; 1860, Doc. 50 — Rept. of the City Engineer on the direction, grade, Ac, of the Back Bay streets; 18G0. Doc. 68 — Rept. on tho widening of North St.; 13G0, Doc. 72 — Rept. on the wldenlnjf of North St.; ISGl, Doc. 5 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1861, Doc. 27 — Rept. on the improvement of Dover St.; 18G1, Doc. 42 — Rept. on the improvement of Albion St.; 1862, Doc. 4 — Annual rept. of the Supt.; 18G2, Doc. 39- Rept. on the widening of Union St.; 1862, Doc. 48 — An ordinance in relation to; 1862, Doc. 68 — Rept. and order in relation to fruit otands in; 1862, Doc. 91 — Rept. on the grading of Dover St.; 1S62, Doc. 9.1 — Kept, on the subject of raising Emerald and Villapo sts. ; 1862, Doc. 97 — Closing rept. of the Committee on Btreets; 1863, Doc. 3 — Annual rept. of Supt.; 1863, Doc. 25 — An ordinance in re- lation to; 1863, Doc. 43 — Proposed amendments to tho ordi- nance; 1863, Doc. 45 — An ordinance in relation to; 1863, Doo. 81 — Rept. of joint Special Committee on Bock Bay streets, with rept. of Commissioners ; 1863, Doc. 94 — Rept. of City En- gineer on Back Bay streets, grades, drainage, &c. ; 1863, Doc. 114_Finalrept. of the Committee on streets; 1864, Doc. 3— Annual rept. of Snpt.; 1864, Doc. 23 — Rept. on grade, &c,. Back Bay lands; 1864, Dot. 46 — Rept. on grade, Ac, at tho South End; 1864. Doc. 67 — Reprint of Doc. 20, 1844, on South Boston sts.; 1864, Doc. 84 — Rept. on fast driving in the sts.; 1864, Doc. 98 — Final rept. of the Committee on sts. Street Railways. 1851, Doc. 77 — Rept. on tho subject of a railroad track along the marginal streets; 185:5, Doc. 49 — Kept, on Metropolitan Railroad, with act annexed; 1S53, Doc. 50 — Rept. on Cambridge Railroad with act annexed; 1S53, Doc, 64 — Majority rept. adverse to the location of tho Metropolitan! 1853, Doc. 66 — Minority rept. in favor of tho location of ths Metropolitan; 1864, Doc. 37 — An act in addition to an act to Incorporate the Metropolitan; 1854, Doc. 46 — An act in addU tion to an act to incorporate the Combrldgo; 1854, Doe. 53— Petition for the acceptance of tho act of Incorporation of lh« Boston and Chelsea; 1854, Doc. 55 — Petition for tho accept- ance of tho act of incorporation of tho Middlesex; 1854, Doc. /J7 — Petition for tho acceptonce of tho oct of Incorporation of tho Dorchester avenue; 1854, Doo. 60 — Rept. accepting the acts of incorpomtion of the Chelsea, Middlesex, and DorchoB- teravonuo; 1856. Doc. 49 — Location of Cambridge; 18.'!6. Doo. 50 — F-xten.ilon of tho location of the Metropolitan; 1856, Doo. 67 — PoiltioH of the Broadway Co. for approval of their Char- ter; 1857, Doc. 36 — Order conceruing tho Middlesex; 1857, Doc. 46 — Regulations for the government of; 1857, Doc. 53 — Charter of tho Broadway Co ; 1857, Doc. ft5 — Proposed loca- tion of the Metropolitan at So. Boston; 1858, Doc. 15 — llcpl. of tho Committee on tho location of tho Broodway; 1858, Doo. C2 — Rept. on occeptance of tho Suffolk chiirtcr; 1859, Doo. 17 — Ropt. on locating a turnout for the Metropolitan ; 1850, Doc. 58_Rcpt. on tho proposed meeting of the railways at a cen- tral point; 1859, Doe. 70— Additional location of tho Metro- politan; 1859, Dors. 71 and 72 — Majority and minority repti. on additlonol location of tho Middlesex; 1859. Doc. 74 — Addi- tional location and turnout for the Dorchester; 1859, Doc. 75 — Additional location for the Broadway; 1859, Doc. 76— Location of tlio Suffolk; 1800, Doc. 21 — City Solteltor'a opinion on; 18G0, Doc. 43— Rept. on tho oxfeiislon of tho Broadway; 1860, Doc. 52 — Mayor's message In relallon to the location of tho Broadway; 1800, Doc. 00— Additional location of tho Cam- bridge; 1800, Doc. 84 — New location granted to tho Cam- bridge, and a portion of the old rescinded; 1800, Doc. 101 — Rept. on the permanent location of tho Metropolitan In Harri- son av. ; ISfV), Doc. 102 — Rept. on the location of tho Metro- politan at tho north end ; 1800, Doc. 103— Rept. on the location of the Suffolk; 1801, Doc. 40— Location of the Broadway ; 1861, I>oo, 41— Minority rept. on the location of the Broodway; 1801, Doc. 45 — Rept. on tlio location of tho SulTolk; 1801, Doc. 47 — Location of the Bn.odwoy ; 1861, Doo. 48 — Kept, on the loeit- tion of th8 Motropollton at tho west end; 1801, Doo. 40 — Lo- INDEX. 19 eatlou of tlio Uclropolllaii Iq DorrlBon av, and Dover St. ; ISCl, Doc. fiO — Ropt. on location of tlio Carabriilgo; 18GI, Doc. 5.1 — Sfrcona loontioa of the SuiTolk; ISiU, Doc. CO— ThlrJ location of the SuiTolk ; 18C1, Doo. 72 — Fourth location of the Su(T>.lk (printed, but not rcponod to tho Board of Aldcmicn) ; I8C1, Doo. 80 — Rt>i)t. of the Contioittt-o on a ticket commutation system; 18C2, Doc. 14 — Rppt. on the ubo of tracks; 1SC2, Doc. 41 — Rept. and order In rclultun to the connection of the trocki of the SutTolk with the tracks of the Motropollinu; 1802, Doc. 42 — Rept. and oviier En regard to the East Boston Wharf Com- pany's tracks to connect with the Kostern Railrond ; 1862^ Doc. 43— Rept. on location of the SulTolk; 1SG2, Doc. G4 — Itept. on location of the Suffolk; 1802, Doc. C5 — Rept. on locution of the Cambridge; 1802, Doc. GG — Rept. on location of the ALid- dlesez; 1802, Doc. 71 — Rept. on location of the SulTuTk; 1602, Doc. 72 — Rept, on location of the Cambridge; 1802, Doo. 87 — Additional locatioua uf tlio Metrupolitim; 1802, Doc. UU — Bept. on locution of tho Sufl'olk; 1SG3, Doc. 61 ~ Rept. on lo- cation of the Metropolitan; 1803, Doc. 70— Rept. on Union Freight Railway; 18C3, Doo. 72 — Kept, on location of tha Suf- folk ; 1803, Doc. 77 — Rept. on the number of cars on Washing- ton St.; 1803, Doc. 83 — Memorial of the Broadway Co.. re- monstrating against the pctitious of the Suflolk and Dorches- ter avenue companies; 1803, Doc. 02 — Kiuth location of the Suffolk; 18&1, Doc. (39 — Additional location of the Broadway; 18G4, Doc. 85 — Location of the Metropolitan; 1804, Doc. 80 — Location of the McCropolitau ; 1S04, Doc. 00-^ Locution of tbo Broadway. 6TKKET Stands. 1862, Doc. 68— Rept. in relation to pcrsooB standing in the street to sell articles. fiCFFOLK County. 1660, Doc. 08 — Rept. of a Joint Special Committee on the relations of Boston to Soffollc County. Suffolk Railroad. See Street Railways. Taxes. 1836, Doc 6 (Com. Council) — Ordinance respecting the assessment and collection of ; 1830, Doc. 12 (Com. Council) — List of persons, &c., taxed on $25 and upwards; 1838, Doc. 34 — List of persons, &c., taxed on $25 and upwards ; 1881), Doc. 13 — List of persons, &c., taxed on S^ and upwards; 1840, Doc. 23 — List of persons, 4c., taxed on $25 and upwards; 1841, Doc. 8 — List of persons, &c., taxed on $25 and upwards ; 1842, Doc. 7 — List of persons, ic, taxed on $25 and upwards; 1842, Doc 9 — Kept. OD assessment of valuation of estates, and oaths to be administered to assessors; 1843, Doc. — List of persona, 4c., taxed on $25 and upwards; 1S14, Doc. 9 — List of persons, 4c., taxed on $:io and upwards; 1844, Doc. 23 — Rept. on tho ordi- nance concerning the assessment and collection of; 1^, Doc. 10 — List of persona, 4c., taxed on §25 and upwards; 1845, Doo. 13^ Kept, on uUerationa of tho ordinance concerning aascssmnnt and collection of; 1840, Doc. 14 — List of persons, 4c., taxed on <25and upwards; 1847, Doc. 13 — List of persons, 4c., taxed on $25 and upwards ; 1W7, Doc. 16 — Rept. on the expediency of amending the ordinance concerning the assessment and collec- tion of; 1&18, Doc. 9 — Rept. on measures to improve the method of BssessiDg, abating, and collecting; 1848, Doc. (extra) — An. ordinance concerning assessment, abatement, and collection of; 1848, Doc. 12 — List of persons, 4c., taxed on $25 and upwards ; ItHS, Doc. 26 — List of outstanding taxes, amounting to $5 and over, for years 1845-46-47; 1849, Doc. 12 — List of persona, 4c., taxed on $25 and upwards; 1850, Doc. 5 — List of persona, 4c., taxed on $6,000 and upwards; 1851, Doc. 14 — List of persons, 4c., taxed on $6,000 and upwards; 1852, Doc. 12— List of per- sona, 4c., taxed on $0,000 and upward-t ; 1852, Doc. 64 — Rept. on petition of James Parker to have taxes refunded; 18.53, Doc. 14 — List of persons, 4c,, taxed on $0,000 and upwards ; 1853, Doc. 17 1-2— Rcpl. of case of Ezra A. Bourne vs. City of Boston ; 1853, Dyc. 27 — City Solicitor's opinion in relation to the expenditure of moneys raised by taxation; 1854, Doc. 26 — List of persons, ftc,, taxed on $6,000 and upward-i; 1854, Doc. 70 — Rept. on tho Increase of taxes ; 1854. Doc. 110 — An ordinance in relation to ; 1855, Doc. 16 — Rept. on so much of the Mayor'a address as rc- Utcd to; 1855, Doo. 18 — List of persons, 4c., taxed on $6,(K>J and npwards; 1856, Doc. 22— List of persons, 4e., taxed on gC.OOOand upwards; 1857, Doc. 19— An ordinance In relation to; ISO?, Doc. 20 — An ordinance concerning asaosament and collection of; 1857, Doc. 31 — List of persons, &c., toxcd on $0,000 ond upwards; 1858, Doe. i;J — List of nersons, 4c., taxed on $10,000 and upwards; 1S59, Doc. 20— Ust of persons, &c., taxcdon $10,000 and upwards; 1800, Doc. 30 — M:,t of persons, 4c., taxed on $10,000 and upwards; 1801, Doc. IS — List of ])er- sons, 4c., taxed on $10,000 and upwards; 1802, Due. 24 — Rept. on proposed abatement of toxes on property left by Abbott Lawrence to ho invested in model lodging houses; 1802, Doc. 37 — List of persons, 4c., taxed on $10,000 and uiiwnrds; 1862, Doc. 52 — Rept. on petition of tho Mass. Grand Lodge for abatement of lax; 1802, Doc. 80 — An ordinonco in relation to the assessment and collection of; 1803. Doc. 40 — List of per- sons. 4c., taxed on $10,000 and upwards; 1804, Doc. 28— List of i>er9oua, 4c., taxed on $10,f)00 and uowords. TDEATRES. IS.™, Doc. 31 — Rept. in relation to the safety of audiences In case of tiro. TlMEI'lECES. 1853, Doc. 75 — Communication of Prof. E. N. Horsford, respecting the regulation of; 1H53, Doc. 88 — Kept, of Committee on Fire Alarms, on the regulation of. TKEASUFtY. 1845, Doc. 30 — Rept. of a joint Standing Committee on; 1818, Doc. 35 — Solicitor's opinion on the power of tho City Council to confer annuities or direct donations in money from; 1850, Doc. 22 — Kept, on tho Treasurer's accounts; 1852, Doc. 25 — Kept, on tho accounts of the late Treasurer, James C. Dunn. Trees. 1860, Doc. 23 — Rept. on removal of tho trees from Tremont Street. TnuANCY. 1846, Doc. 18 — Rept. on the subject of, In tho Public Schools; 1840, Doc. 9— Rept. in regard to truants from tho Schools, and vagrant children; 1852, Doc. 58— Ofllcer'a rept. In relation to; 1852, Doc. 71 — Rept. on tho administration of tho statute and ordinance in relation to; 1853, Doc. 21 — Offi- cer's quarterly rept.; 1853, Doc. 55 — OQicer'a quarterly rept.; 1802, Doc. 61 — Ordinance eonccruing; 1803, Doc. 90 — Ordi- nance conc«m!ng. See Vagrant Children. TKDCKS, 4c. 1849, Doe. 43— An order concerning the liccnsiug of trucks, drays, 4c. Union Pkeioht Uaii-Way. See Street Railwaya. UniNALS. 1859, Doc. 63 — Rept. on the subject of establishing urinals, closets, and lavatories in different parts of tho city. UltSCLINE CONVENT. 1834, Do c. 11 (Com. Council) — Kept, oa the destruction of the Convent at Charlcstown, Aug. 11, 1834. Vaokant CHILDREN. 1837, Doc. 3 (Com. CuuntilJ— Rept. on tho memorial of John Tappan and othurs vespectiug; 1837, Doc. 4 (Com. Council) — Rept. on inlcrmedinto schools for; 1837, Doc. 17 (Com. Council) — Kept, on the memorial of C. F. Barnard and others upon the subject. Sec Truancy. Vavlts. 1803, Doc. 82— Rules and regulations in relation to. Wards. 1838, Doc. 20 — Kept, on authorizing a new division; 1.S38, Doc. £5 — Rept. on division of the city, with ordinance; 1838, Doc. 28 — Ordinance on division; 1847, Doc. 18 — I'l'litiou of inhabitants of Ward 12, concerning wants of said ward; 1848, Doc. 23 — Rept. on petition that East Boston might f.jrm an independent ward; 1850, Doc. 16 — Rept, on the subject of a new division of the wards; 1860, Doc. 24 — Kept, on a new division of tho wards. W,\U1> Meetings. 1862, Doc. 30— An ordinance In relation to. Ward RoOM.S. 1861, Doc. 67 — Rept. and ordinance in relation to tho use of, for political meetinga. Washington, GEORaE. 1859, Doc. 60 — Rept. on tho expedi- ency of aiding in tho erection of an equestrian atatuo of. Watch. See Police and Watcli. Water. 1834, Doc. 12 (Com. Couneil) — Rept. of Loamml Baldwin, Engineer, on the subject of introducing pure water Into tho city; 1836, Doc. 7 (Com. Council) — Kept, on intro- ducing water Into the city; 1836, Due. 10 (Com. Council) — Rept. of R. H. Eddy, Engineer, on the introduction of soft water; 1837, Doc. 1 (Com. Council) — Rept. on the introduction 20 INDEX. of water, with an order; 1837, Doc. 9 (Com, Council) — Pro- vidiup funds to corertbo expense of mtroGucing water-, 1837, IXic. 2i (Com. Couacil) — Kept- of Danl. Trt-adwoU, J F. Baldwin, Hud Xdthiui Bale, on a plan fur giipplyin^ the city with w:itcr; 19S9, l^c. 1 — Order under whiih the Water Com- iiit!t»!r>u(;r3 were appointed ( lSu8, Doc. 4— Kept, ou the intro- duetion of wuter, acconipaniod by the opinion of the Ciry So- licitor; 1S38, Doc. 9 — Cutnmtinications from li. U. Eddy nnd L. M. Sar^nt, wiih evidence, etc., bi^fore the House of Com- mons, relrttive to the inlrodnctlon of water into London ; 1838, I>'C. ;i2— Rejit. of Conimii.>.iiinerii on tho best mnlrrlnl for dUtritnitlon woter pipec, niid the most eeononileal nxMln or Introducing water Into prlvnte houses; 18-18, Doc. 42— An ordlniinrn In addition to an ordinance to regulate tho pro- ceedings of the Coinmlssl'iners; ]tHS, Doe, -13 — Kept, of tho Commllleo UD water, and couolor rept. coneorning tho scl)0{hilo of water rents; 1K48, Dor. 44 — llopl. of tho Commltteo on wntiT «n the purchase of Jamaica Pond Aqneduot; IHIH, Doe, 4A — City Hullcltor's opinion on tin- powor xf tho CommUslon- ars to esinbtlsh the water rents; IKHfl, Doo. fiO— Aecoiint of tho clehrnllon on tho Introduction of fhn water of Lake Coehltu- aw; )M49, Doc. S — Scli«(lul« of WAtsr rates CitAhllshed by the Water Commissioners; 1849, Doc. 4 — Kept, of tho Commia- aionei-s respecting the progress of the water works; 1849, Doc. 6 — Rept. of Commissioners, stating the number of hydrants provided for extinguishing fires ; 1849, Doc. 18 — Rept. of Com- missioners on work to he done, and expenditures required; 1849, Doc. 24 — Rcpt. on the expediency of carrying tho wntcr ofLongPond to East Boston; 1849, Doc. 26 — An ordinance iu addition to an ordinance to regulate the proceedings of tho Commissioners; 1849, Doc. 29 — Kept, on the act of tho Legis- lature for supplying the city with watT; 1849, Doc. 38 — Rept. of Commissioners relative to reservoirs, &c. ; 1849, Doc. 41 — Engineer's rept. iu relation to taking water to East Boston ; 1849, Doc. 53 — Rept. concerning charges for water supplied to fountJiins; 1849, Doc. 57 — Rept. on a pinu of organization of the water dept, ; 1849, Doc. 61 — Rcpt. of tho number of per- sons, other than laborera, employed by the Commissioners; 1849, Doc. 63 — An ordinance establishing the Cochituate Water Board; 1849, Doc. 08 — Final report of the Commissioners; 1350, Doc. 3 1-2— Final rept. of Commissioners, W. Hale, J. F. Baldwin, and T. B. Curtis; 1850, Doc. 7 — Qunrterly rept. of the Water Board; 1850, Doc. 13 — City Solicitor's opinion on the right to give water to the Children's Friend Society; 1850, Doc. 29 — Tariff for 1851; 1850, Doc. 32 and 32 1-2 — Ordliuince providing for tho eare and management of the water works; 1850, Doc. 41 — An ordinance in relation to water rates; 1850, Doc. 45 — Annual rept. of the Cochituate Water Board; 1850, Doe. 51 — Rept. upon examining the books and ncci'unts of tlio Water Board; 1851, Doc. 37 — Rcpt. of Water Board on an Aqueduct to Deer Island; 1851, Doc. 38 — Communication ftoro the Water Ri-ard respecting the purchase of the Boston Aque- duct; 1H51, Doc. 40 — Rept. of Com, on water, concerning tho power of tho Water Board to purchase tlie franchise of the Jnmiiiea Pond Aqneduct Co.; 1851, Doc. 46 — Rcpt. ft-oin Water Board stating that they have purchased the property of the Aqueduct Corporation ; 1851, Doc. 64 — Rept. of Water Board on petition of R. Frothingham, J^; 18.'»2, Doc. 6— Annual rept. of Cochituoto Water Board; 1852, Doc. 24 — Rcpt. In re- lation to supplying tho fountain in Louisburg square; 1852| . Doc. 5! — Rept, on the daily consttn|plion of water; 1852, Doc. 67 — Rept. on woter loan; 185;i, Doo^ — Annual rept. of Water Board; IftW, Doc. 20— Reprint of atmuiil rept. for 1851; 1853, Doc, 74 — Repts. and ordinance in rwtion to water rates ; 1854, Doc. 11 — An ordinance in rolation'j'o water rotes; 1854, Doc. 16 — Annual rept.; 1854, Doc. 19-^A.n orJinanco relating to the water works; ItsH. Doc. SS-ifept. of Water Board ou rates; 1854, Due. 82 — An ordinanMP^ estivblish water rates; 185^1, Doc. Ill— An ordinance infl^lioi t.i ; 1855, Doc. 9 — Annual rept. of Wpter Board; IAIBl^oc. 30 — Mojorify ond minority repts. of Chmmltlee on ^^jBKworks ; 1855, Doc. 43 — An ordinance In relation to; 1855, J^^ 48 — An ordinance In relation to; 1856, Doc. II — AnnuaflHt of Water Board; 18/S7, Doc. 12 — Annual rept. of Water B8, l>oc. 24 — An or- dinance to cstabBsh water rates; T^, Doc. 57 — Communica- tion of tho WiOTr Board, relative ti> a supply for a skating ponil; 1858, PcmBO — An ordiuonceln relation to water rates; 1859, I)oc. 8-fAnnnol rept. of Water Board; 1R.19, Doc. 40 — CoinmnnloHlion from the Water Hoard, on Iho route of the new main pipe; 1S59, Doe. 49— Rept. of Water Board uii the llow- age of meadows on Sudbury river: 1859, Doc, 5(1 — Coninninl- cation from llie Water Board, with an ordinance to revise tho M-alor mtes; 1800, Doo. l.'I— Annual rcpt. of Wntt-r Bdard; ISOO, Doc. 45 — Rept. of thn Water Boord 6n laying the new main; 1801. Doc. 8— Annual rept. of tho "Water Bom-d; 18«2, jh»c. 9— Annual rept. of the Water Board ; 18(12, Doc. 11 —Rept. of the Water Registrar on the waste by hopper closets; 1802, Doe. 17— An ordinance providing for the cure nnd niannge- ment of the water works; 1SB3, Doo. 10 — Annual rept. of the Water Boanl; 1863, Doe. 47— Rept. of the Committee on UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY D 000 979 402 5 '«" -^^Ir v< »^, .& v"^ ■\;>i^- ^r,.T^' • I.- ^