'^\ t". i 9 ^ CRIMINAL TRIALS IN SCOTLAND, FROM AD. M.CCCC.LXX XVIII TO A.D. M. DC. XXIV, EMBRACING THE ENTIRE REIGNS OF JAMES IV. AND V., MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, AND JAMES VI. COMPILED FROM THE ORIGINAL RECORDS AND MSS. WITH HISTORICAL NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS, BY ROBERT PITCAIRN, ESQ. W RITER TO HIS MAJESTY's SIGNET, F.S.A. SCOT. AND HON. F.S.A. PERTH, &C. VOLUME FIRST— PART FIRST. EDINBURGH : WILLIAM TAIT, PRINCE'S STREET; AND LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMAN, LONDON. M.DCCC.XXXIIL PRINTED AT THE BAVKATTXE CLUB PEE55 BY BALLANTTSE ASD CO. CRIMINAL TRIALS IN SCOTLAND, FROM A.D. M.CCCC.LXX XVIII TO A.D. M.DC.XXIV, EMBRACING THE ENTIRE REIGNS OF JAMES IV. AXD V., MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, AND JAMES VI. COMPILED FROM THE ORIGINAL RECORDS AND MSS. WITH HISTORICAL NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS, BY ROBERT PITCAIRN, ESQ. WRITER TO HIS majesty's SIGNET, P.S.A. SCOT. .^VD HO.V. F.S.A. PERTH, &C. \OLUME FIRST—PART SECOND. EDINBURGH : WILLIAM TAIT, PRINCE'S STREET ; AND LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMAN, LONDON. M.DCCC.XXXIII. PRINTED AT THE B.\UNAT\'NE CLIB PRESS BY BALLANTYNE AND CO. TO THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD JUSTICE-CLERK, AND TO THE HON. THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY, THIS FIRST VOLUME OF A COLLECTION OF THE EARLIEST RECORDED PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE SUPREME CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL OF SCOTLAND; COMPILED BY THEIR lordships' PERMISSION, AND UNDER THEIR SANCTION, IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BV THEIR lordships' OBLIGED AND FAITHFUL SERVANT, THE EDITOR. PREFACE. The Editor has at length the satisfaction of having brought the present Collection of the earliest Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, of which authentic memorials are now preserved, to a conclusion. This task has occupied several years of laborious exertion, which, it must be admitted, has been severer than might at first have been anticipated ; but, when the difficulties he had to grapple with, and the repulsive materials from which these volumes have been compiled, are candidly considered, it will readily be allowed that the under- taking required no ordinary exertion of application and perseverance. It has all along been the Editor's anxious study to furnish the PubUc with a copious selection from these ancient Records, (the ear- liest, perhaps, as well as the most remarkable, in this department, of which any country in Europe can now boast,) in a scrupulously faith- ful and accurate manner, without using even the slightest hberty with the phraseology or structvire of the original text. His editorial la- bours, therefore, have been confined chiefly to the selection of the most remarkable Cases, and the addition of svich collateral historical VOL. I. a vi PREFACE. and antiquarian illustrations as the nature of the subject seeAied to demand, or his more important professional exertions, which, during the whole of this ])eriod, also happen to have been of a severe and laborious description, allowed him to make. The present work was first suggested by the late lamented Sir Walter Scott, whose attachment to the early history, literature, and anticpiities of his native country are so universally known and appreciated, that his name may now be said to be indissolubly identified with them. The idea and plan of such a work as the present had, many years ago, occurred to that truly great man ; and, at one period, he had himself contemplated the j^ublication of the most remarkable of the ancient Criminal Cases of Scotland, combining the facts of each with all the correlative circumstances, worked up into a popular and narrative form. From this under- taking, however, he was diverted by his numerous avocations and literary engagements, but chiefly from the consideration that many years must necessarily have been consumed in acquiring all the requisite stock of materials and information, before he could com- mence the composition of such a work. Both previous to, and shortly after the institution of his favourite literary Association, the Bannatyne Club, he encouraged the Editor to attempt the publica- tion of the present Collection ; but, being diffident of his adequacy to so important and extensive an undertaking as had at first been contemplated by Sir Walter Scott, it was proposed by the Editor that he should, in the first place, carefully investigate the Kecords and MSS. belonging to the Court, and make pretty extensive Selec- tions from the earlier portion of the reign of King James VI., in the PREFACE. vii manner that appeared to liim likely to be the most accurate, and, at the same time, the most practically useful. These Selections were accordingly made and subjected to the cri- tical examination of Sir Walter Scott and of Thomas Thomson, Esq., Deputy Clerk Kegister of Scotland, now his successor as President of the Bannatyne Club, together Avith the outlines of the plan which seemed to be best calculated to make the proposed Collection as useful as possible, as a work of reference. With a few modifications? these learned individuals concurred in advising the publication of the work, in the form in which it is now found. The patronage of the Lord Justice-Clerk and the Lords Commissioners of the High Court of Justiciary, the Lord Preside>t of the Court of Session, THE Lord Chief Commissioner of the Jury Court, Baron Hume, and many other eminent individuals, whose names rank highest in the profession of the Law, as well as in the literature of this country, was liberally and readily granted in furtherance of the work. The Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs, also, and many other lite- rary and Antiquarian friends, having subscribed to the projected pub- lication, the Editor felt that he could not, in gratitude, any longer decline undertaking the remaining risk and responsibility, great though they, from the outset, appeared to him to be. It was clear to all, however, that no adequate compensation could reasonably be ex- pected for the expenditure of time and labour, and the large pecuniary advances which must necessarily be involved in the undertaking of so very extensive an engagement, unless many of the members of the principal Legal Bodies should come forward in support of the Editor, viii PREFACE. after the publication of the preHminary Parts of his projected work. This hope, unfortunately, has not hitherto been realized. These explanations appear to the Editor to be in some measure called for, in consequence of his having been frequently and freely censured by many of his friends, as if he had rashly and unadvisedly incurred so very heavy a responsibility, and as if he had wilfully sacri- ficed so many years to intense application on pursuits so little likely to yield a corresponding return for the labour and expense bestowed. Without farther intruding on the reader's patience these personal concerns, he trusts he has shown satisfactorily, that he had the best grounds for expecting a more favourable resvdt. In the face of at least the extreme probability of suffering considerable pecuniary loss, after the time when the first two or three Parts were published, he is conscious that he has in no wise shrunk from the fulfilment of any part of the obligations under which he conceived and felt himself to lie towards those who so liberally and disinterestedly came forward to sup- port the present work, but has steadfastly brought it to a termination, under circumstances of considerable difficulty and discouragement. It belongs to his subscribers and to the public to judge in what manner he has succeeded in redeeming his pledge, in faithfully lay- ing before them these remarkable relics ; and whatever disappoint- ment he may unintentionally have occasioned, in the discharge of his difficult task as an impartial Editor, it will, he trusts, be impu- ted to no lack of zeal or industry on his part. In the course of any voluminous work of a historical or anti(piarian cast, and especially one of the nature of the present, which embraces so wide and va- PREFACE. ix ried a range, it must naturally be expected that an Editor, notwith- standing the exercise of the utmost care and vigilance, must, in many instances, fall short in affording satisfactory elucidations of obscure historical events, local or provincial occurrences, and other incidents of a minute description, of long forgotten superstitions, and similar vestiges of former ages. The reader's indulgence is requested in all such instances. Even those whose previous studies and habits have not rendered the difficulty of conducting investigations of this description quite familiar, will, on reflection, perceive, that much patient industry must be exercised in ascertaining and settling even one solitary fact, or a single obscure or controverted point. The grave nature of a work conducted on the plan of the present, it may be farther noticed, entirely precluded the possibility of redu- cing any portion of it into a " popular " form, so as in any manner to compete, in point of interest, with works of fiction, or the lighter and more fascinating literature of the day. Such a work may indeed still be considered as a desideratum ; but, in the Editor's humble opinion, it wovdd require to be executed by a master-mind, such as his who suggested this publication. The merit of a Collection on the present plan appears to be, that the reader should be presented with all the facts, circumstances, and details, in the graphic and masculine lan- guage of the times when they actually occurred. All the requisite materials are thus afforded for arriving at a sound opinion as to the real complexion and merits of the case — and it only remains farther for an Editor to put the reader in possession of such contemporaneous documents and State Papers, &c., from authentic sources, as may tend to throw additional light on the original, though frequently X PREFACE. obscure and quaint, Record. Prefatory notices to the various remark- able Trials, and copious explanatory foot-notes, were likewise found to be necessary to aid the modern reader towards the better under- standing of these Records ; which, being expressed in the vernacular and now almost forgotten Scottish of centuries long gone by, evi- dently appeared to stand in need of occasional glosses. It is, perhaps, hardly to be expected that the circulation of a work so quaint and antiquated as the present should be general or widely extended. The language alone is apt to deter many from patiently gleaning views of the state of society and manners of these periods, which are very imperfectly known or understood ; indeed to many they are only familiar through the medium of works of fiction and romance. But to the lawyer, the historian, the antiquary, and the genealogist, especially, this compilation will be found to be of con- siderable practical utility, as it abounds with ample materials for the prosecution of their favourite studies ; while, at the same time, the more general reader will at every turn meet with varied portraitures of national manners, customs, and the superstitions of l)ygone ages, which might in vain be searched for elsewhere. The reader will find in the Appendices to the several reigns, and also scattered over the Avhole Collection, valuable Selections from the various Public Records, and especially from those of the Privy Council, Great Seal, Privy Seal, Lord High Treasurer's Accounts, &c., in which are contained very important historical materials. The Editor has also deemed it pro})cr to present a considerable body of State Papers, Original Letters, and similar illustrative documents, PREFACE. xi procured from various sources, which, as will be observed, have uni- formly been specified. It would be as presumptuous, as it seems uncalled for, to attempt an historical account of the origin and progress of the Criminal Tri- bunals of Scotland. These have already been so fully and satisfac- torily treated of by Baron Hume and by the other Institutional writers, that any attempt to offer new or additional remarks were equally vain and fruitless. On the suggestion of several friends, the binder has been directed to preserve the annexed Notices, which were originally prefixed to the various Parts of this work, for the purpose of exhibiting the order and manner of publication, as well as to account for the anomaly of postponing the printing of those Criminal proceedings which occurred during the earlier reigns of King James IV. and V., and Mary Queen of Scots, till the conclusion of the series. To render consultation of the work as easy as possible by readers of every class, a very copious General Index has been constructed with great care and labour, and at a considerable additional expense. General Register House, 25^A 3Iarch, 1833. PROSPECTUS OF A COLLECTION OF ANCIENT CRIMINAL TRIALS, SELECTED FKOM THE BOOKS OI' ADJOURNAL OF THE IIIGII COURT OF JUSTICIARY OF SCOTLAND, AND OTHER ORIGINAL RECORDS ; BY ROBERT PITCAIRN, WRITER TO HIS MAJESTy's SIGNET, F.S.A. SCOT., AND HON. F.S.A. TERTH, &C. The importance of the Records of the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland has hitherto been very little known, excepting to the comparatively few, who have made the investigation of the Legal Antiquities of Scotland a peculiar study. The difficulty expe- rienced in deciphering these Ancient Registers, (which are scattered over a voluminous collection of Court Books, &c., and are nearly unintelligible to a great proportion even of those educated to the profession of the Law,) and the great labour and time to be expended in examining and selecting such portions as may be useful in practice to the Lawyer, or interesting to the lovers of History, Genealogy, and Antiquities, &c. as well as for the more popular purpose of general information and entertainment; have hitherto prevent- ed any attempt at a regularly Chronological Series of our Ancient Criminal Trials and procedure. The only portion of these valuable Records known to the public, has been imperfect- ly exhibited, in Collections of Abridged Cases, by Mr Arnot, and Mr Maclaurin; and from occasional notices contained in our Institutional Writers. Mr Arnot's Abridgement of a few remarkable Cases, was professedly prepared by him to illustrate some of the more prominent features in the history, manners, customs, and superstitions of the peo- ple of Scotland ; and not to exhibit an accurate or satisfactory digest of those interesting and important remains, as they are to be found in the Records. However entertaining and instructive Arnot's Compilation may be, in other respects, it gives only a partial, and, in many instances, far from a faithful transcript, even of the Trials of which he has pre- sented a brief outline ; and it may be safely said, that all have received a high colouring from his peculiar notions, both in politics and religion. Mr Maclaurin's Arguments and Decisions, on the other hand, were collected, with a view ' to the advancement of ju- risprudence, and (to) be useful also to many gentlemen not bred to the law, who are called upon, by the constitution, to serve as jurymen.' Owing to the nature of his plan. VI lie has noticed only fifteen cases which had occurred before the commencement of the eighteenth century. The present Editor has been induced to undertake a Collection upon a more regular plan, and on a more extended scale, than have hitherto been attempted ; and in this he is encouraged by the liberal sanction and countenance of the Right Honourable the Lord Justice Clerk and of the Lords CoiM.MissioxERS of the High Court of Justiciary, who have granted free access to all Books and Papers of the Court which it may be ne- cessary to consult. He has also been honoured by the countenance of the Right Honour- able the Lord President of the Court of Session, Baron Hume, the Keeper and Commis- sioners of the Society of Writers to his Majesty's Signet ; and likewise of Sir Walter Scott, Baronetj the President, and Thomas Thomson, Esquire, Deputy-Clerk Register of Scotland, Vice-President of The Bannatyne Club ^who, indeed, originally suggested the idea and plan of this work) ; by the support of the Members of that Club, of the Members of The Maitland Club, recently formed in Glasgow for similar purposes, as well as of many whose names rank high in the profession of the Law, and in the litera- ture of the country. The earliest portion of the Ancient Criminal Records of Scotland now extant, commences so far back as 7th Nov. 1493, in tlie sixth year of the reign of King James IV.; and although at that remote period, and during the subsequent reigns of King James V. and Queen Mary, the memorials to be obtained are unfortunately brief, yet notices do frequently occur, both highly characteristic of the state of society, and illus- trative of the history, jurisprudence, literature, institutions, language, manners, customs, and superstitions of those periods. In the meantime, it has been arranged, that the Part to be first published, shall consist of a portion of the many interesting and important proceedings and Trials which occurred during the reign of King James VL ; and, after that Volume is concluded, Selections from the earlier portion of the Record will next be printed. By adopting this order of l)ublication, an opportunity will be afforded, for more minutely investigating and illus- trating the most ancient volumes of the Record; and, if the Collection be favourably re- ceived, and other circumstances permit, it is in contemplation to extend it to the com- mencement of the last Reign. Copious Indices, Tables of the Justiciars of Scotland, a Glossary of obscure Law terms, and an Appendix containing illustrations, selected from the Records of Privy Council, the Privy Seal, and the Treasurer's Books of Scotland, and from other original documents, will accompany or be interspersed with the Collec- tion. It 18 proposed, that this work shall be published in Parts, consisting of not less than the third part of a Volume each, as speedily as may be consistent with strict accuracy, and with the Editor's professional engagements. The impression, which is to be limited, will be executed by Messrs Ballantyne & Company, in their best manner, from a new fount of types, upon paper manufactured expressly for the use of this work, by Messrs Dickinson & Company of London. The First Part will be ready for delivery to Subscribers, early in the month of May next. Such progress has been made by the Editor in arranging the materials collected by him during a period of several years, that the remaining Parts will be published at regular intervals, until the Collection is completed. The price of each Part, which shall contain two hundred pages of letter-press, not to exceed Fifteen shillings to Subscribers. Subscriptions will be received by the Publishers, William Tait, 78, Prince's Street, and John Stevenson, 87, Prince's Street, to either of whom, or any of the Booksellers in Edinburgh, London, and Dublin, and in the principal towns throughout the United Kingdom, the names of Subscribers are requested to be forwarded, as early as con- venient, so as to regulate the extent of the impression. General Register House, 3lst March. 1829. VUI NAMES OF SUBSCRIBEES ALRKADY FOinVAKDED TO THE PUBLISHERS. The Right Hon. Charles Hope, Lord President of the College of Justice. The Right Hon. David Boyle, Lord Justice Clerk, The Hon. David MoNVPENNy, Lord Pitmilly, one of the Senators of the College of Justice, &c. The Hon. David Hume, one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer, &c. • His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry. The Right Hon. Lord Montague. The Bannatyne Club, (One Hundred Copies.) The Maitland Club, (Fifty Copies.) (Subscribed from the general Funds of these Clubs.) Library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. Library of the Society of Writers to his Majesty's Signet. Library of the Society of Solicitors in Supreme Courts. . Library of the Faculty of Procurators, Glasgow. Library of the Society of Procurators, Paisley. MEMBERS OF THE BANNATYNE CLUB, IN APRIL, 1829. Sir Walter Scott of Abbotsford, Bart. President. Tlie Earl of Aberdeen. William Bell, Esquire. Right Hon. William Adam, Lord Chief Cora- John Borthwick, Esquire. missioner of the Jury Court. William Blair, Esquire. Sir William Arbuthnot, Baronet. Rev. Philip Bliss, D. C. L. James Ballantyne, Esquire. George Brodie, Esquire. Sir William MacLeod Bannatyne. The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry. Lord Belhaven and Stenton. John Caley, Esquire. George Joseph Bell, Esquire. James Campbell, Esquire. Robert Bell, Esquire. Hon. John Clerk, Lord Eldiri. IS William Clerk, Esquire. Henry Cockburn, Esquire. David Constable, Esquire. Andrew Coventry, Esquire. James T. Gibson Craig, Esquu-e. '\^'iIliam Gibson Craig, Esquire. Hon. George Cranstoun, Lord Corehouse. The Earl of Dalhousie. James Dennistoun, Esquire. Robert Dundas, Esquire. Right Hon. William Dundas, M.P. Lord Clerk Register of Scotland. Henry Ellis, Esquire. Charles Fergusson, Esquire. Robert Ferguson, Esquire. Lieut.-General Sir Ronald C. Ferguson. The Count de Flahault. Hon. John Fullorton, Lord Fullerton. Lord Glenorchy. The Duke of Gordon. William Gott, Esquire. Sir James R. G. Graham, Baronet. Robert Graham, Esquire. Lord Gray. Right Hon. Thomas Grenville. The Earl of Haddington. The Duke of Hamilton and Brandon. E. W. A. Drumniond Hay, Esquire. James M. Hog, Esquire. John Hope, Esq. Solicitor-General. C'osmo Innes, Esquire. David Irving, LL.D. James Ivory, Esquire. Rev. John Jamieson, D.D. Robert Jameson, Esquire. Sir Henry Jardine, Knight. Francis Jeffrey, Esquire. James Keay, Esquire. John G. Kinnear, Esquire. Thomas Kinnear, Esquire, [Treasurer.] The Earl of Kinnoul. David Laing, Esquire, [Secretary.] The Earl of Lauderdale. Rev. John Lee, D.D. The Marquis of Lothian. Colin MacKenzie, Esquire. Hon. J. H, MacKenzie, Lord MacKenzie. James MacKenzie, Esquire. James Maidmeut, Esquire. Thomas Maitland, Esquire. Gilbert Laing Meason, Esquire. The Viscount Melville. William Henry Miller, Esquire. The Earl of Minto. Sir James W. Moncreiff, Baronet. John Archibald Murray, Esquire. William Murray, Esquire. James Nairne, Esquire. Macvey Napier, Esquire. Francis Palgrave, Esquire. Henry Petrie, Esquire. Robert Pitcairn, Esquire. John Richardson, Esquire. The Earl of Rosslyn. Andrew Rutherfurd, Esquire. The Earl of Selkirk. Right Hon. Sir Samuel Shepherd, Lord Chief Baron of Scotland. Andrew Skene, Esquire. James Skene, Esquire. George Smythe, Esquire. The Earl Spencer, K.G. John Spottiswoode, Esquire. The Marquis of StafiFord. Major-General Straton. Sir John Arcliibald Stewart, Baronet. Hon. Charles Francis Stuart. Alexander Thomson, Esquire. Thomas Thomson, Esquire, [Vice-President.] W. C. Trevelyan, Esquire. Patrick Eraser Tytler, Esquire. Adam Urquhart, Esquire. Right Hon. Sir George Warrender, Bart. The A^enerable Archdeacon A\'rangham. MEMBERS OF THE MAITLAND CLUB, IN APRIL, 1829. The Right Honourable The Earl of Glasgow, President. Robert Adam, Esquire. Robert Aird, Esquire. John Bain, Esquire. Joseph Bain, Esquire. Robert Bell, Esquire. John Carrick, Esquire. Henry Cockburn, Esquire. James Dennistoun, younger. Esquire. .John Dillon, Esquire, Glasgow, [Vice-Presi- dent.] James Dobie, Esquire, Beith. Richard Duncan, Esquire. John Eadie, Esquire, [Treasurer.] James Ewing, Esquire. Kirkman Finlay, Esquire. John FuUarton, Esquire. James Hill, Esquire. Laurence Hill, Esquire. John Kerr, Esqiiire, [Vice-President.] R. A. Kidston, Esquire. G. R. Kinlocb, Esquire. David Laing, Esquire. .John Gibson Lockhart, Esquire. James Maidment, Esquire. J. H. Maxwell, Esquire. David Meikleham, Esquire. William Meikleham, Esquire. W. H. Miller, Esquire. William Motherwell, Esquire. Alexander MacDonald, Esquire. William Macdowal, Esquire. Andrew MacGeorge, Esquire. Donald Macintyre, Esquire. Alexander MacNiell, Esquire. Robert Pitcairn, Esquire. J. C. Porterfield, Esquire. Edward Piper, Esquire. Hamilton Pyper, Esquii-e. P. A. Ramsay, Esquire. William Robertson, Esquire. Sir Walter Scott of Abbotsford, Baronet. .James Smith, Esquire. •John Smith, Esquire. John Smith. Esquire, Youngest. William Smith, Esquire. George Smythe, Esquire. John Strang, Esquire. Sir Patrick Walker, Knight. William Wilson, Esquire. John Wylie, Esquire, [Secretary ] XI John Anderson, Esquire, F.S A. Scot., Writer to his Majesty's Signet. James Anderson, Esquire, Solicitor at Law. Charles Baxter, Esquire, Writer, Edinburgh. Patrick Boyle, Esquire, Principal Clerk of the Court of Justiciary. John Trotter Brockett, Esquire, F.S. A. Lond. and Newcastle. Robert Brown, Esquire, Writer to his Majesty's Signet. James Burn, Esquire, F.S.A. Scot., Writer to Iiis Majesty's Signet. Charles Cowan, Esquire, Valleyfield, Pennycuik. John Craig, Esquire, of Ballewn, Honourable East India Company's Service. WiUiara Dallas, Esquire, Maitland Street. James Davidson, Esquire, Keeper of the Records of the Court of Session. James Doualdson, Esquire, of Broughton-Hall. John Douglas, Esquire, Writer, Glasgow. Henry Home Drummond of Blair-Drummond, Esquire, M.P. William Pitt Dundas, Esquire, Advocate. John Elder, Esquire, Writer to his Majesty's Signet. Daniel Fisher, Esquire, F.S.A. Scot., Solicitor of Supreme Courts, Edinburgh. John Eraser, Esquire, Advocate, Sheriff-Substitute and Commissary-Depute of Stirlingshire. James John Eraser, Esquire, Writer to his Majesty's Signet. John Gordon of Cluny, Esquire, M.P. James Graham of Leitchtown, Esquire, 26, Pitt Street. Humphrey Graham, Esquire, ^^'riter to his Majesty's Signet. John Hamilton Gray, Esquire, F.S.A. Scot., Advocate. Donald Gregory, Esquire, Assistant Secretary to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Sir William Hamilton of Preston, Baronet, Professor of Universal History in the University of Edinburgli. Robert Handy side, Esquire, Advocate. Alexander Henderson, Esquire, Edinburgh. James Hill, Esquire, W.S. Keeper of the Register of Sasines, Glasgow. James Hopkirk, Esquire, Advocate. John Glassford Hopkirk, Esquire, LL.B. Writer to his .Majesty's Signet, Edinburgh. Robert Jamieson, Esquire, F.S.A. Scot , General Register House, Edinburgh. Robert Jameson, Erquire, Sheriff and Commissary-Clerk of Clackmannanshire. Xll James Keith, Esquire, M.D. Edinburgh. John Lennox Kincaid, Esquire, younger of Kincaid. Edward Lothian, Esquire, F.S.A. Scot., Advocate, Edinburgh. William H. Lizars, Esquire, F.S.A. Scot., Edinburgh. James MacAUan, Esquire, Writer to His Majesty's Signet. John Mackean, Esquire, Writer to his Majesty's Signet, and Accountant. Duncan MacNeill, Esquire, Advocate, Sheriff-Depute of Perthshire. Charles MacDowall, Esquire, Advocate. Mr Andrew Milligan, General Register House, Edinburgh. Thomas M. MoiFat, Esquire, Solicitor at Law. John Shank More, Esquii-e, F.S.A. Scot., Advocate, Edinburgh. William Morehead of Herbertsliire, Esquire. James Morrison, Esquire, Banker, Stirling. William Patrick, Esquire, Writer to his Majesty's Signet. Messrs Phin and Pitcairn, Writers to his Majesty's Signet. Alexander Pitcairn, Esquire, F.S.A. Perth, General Register House, Edinburgh. John Pitcairn of Pitcairns, Esquire, F.S.A. Scot. Arthur Pollok, Esquire, Merchant, Glasgow. George Woolley Poole, Esquire, Solicitor, London. Alexander Pringle of Wliitebank, Esquire, F.S.A. Scot., Advocate, Edinburgh. John Anderton Robertson, Esquire, Writer to his Majesty's Signet. Patrick Robertson, Esquire, Advocate, Edinburgh. John Sawers, Esquire, Writer, Stirling. . Charles Kirkpatrick Siiarpe, Esquire, Edinburgh. Thomas Sharpe, Esquire, Coventry. John Smythe, Esquire, Advocate, Edinburgh. William Stewart, Esquire, Writer to his Majesty's Signet. •Fames Swan, Esquire, F.S.A. Scot., Writer to his Majesty's Signet. David Thomson, Esquire, Clerk to his Majesty's Signet. Mr Abram Thomson, Edinburgh. Hugh Tod, Esquire, Writer to his Majesty's Signet. Thomas Trotter, Junior, Esquire, W.S. Edinburgh. William Trotter of Ballendean, Esquire, F.S.A. Scot. Henry Wight, Esquire, Advocate, Edinburgh. Richard Woolley, Esquire, Wester Dairy House, Edinburgh. In presenting to the Public the Fikst Part of the ensuing Collection of Criminal Trials, the Editor begs leave to acknowledge, with gratitude, the dis- tinguished encouragement with which he has been honoured, from the first outset of the work, and without which he could not have persevered in so la- borious a task, with any degree of satisfaction or confidence. The compilation of this work was projected for the pm-pose of giving piibli- city to the most important portions of the Ancient Records of the Supreme Cri- minal Tribunal of Scotland, and of jilacing beyond the risk of destruction, the most interesting of the Causes Celehres of that Court ; materials of great value alike to the historian and the lawyer, and possessing no ordinary attractions for almost every class of readers. It therefore becomes necessary that all such Se- lections be exhibited with scrupulous accuracy and fidelity, which alone can stamp authenticity and value on any publication of this description. To account for the apparent meagreness of the Part now published, it may be stated, that many of the public Records of Scotland during the minority of King James VI. are imperfect, and have perhaps been wilfully destroyed ; for, besides the disturbed state of the country, and other obvious causes, which might satisfactorily account for the loss of volumes of Registers, there is but too good reason to conjecture, that portions of the National Records were, in some in- stances, liurjjosely suppressed by one or other of the prevailing factions. This circumstance has induced the Editor to be more copious in his extracts than he would otherwise have been; as every gleaning may elucidate some historical point, or illustrate some features of national character, customs and manners, hithei'to but imperfectly known. IV At this period, the original ' Books of Adjournal,' properly so called, must have been carelessly kept ; and the Clerk has recorded the proceedings of the Court in a very brief and unsatisfactory manner. In many instances, the ' Minute Books' alone have been preserved, from which the projier Record of the Court was usually framed, aided by the ' Dittays,' evidence of witnesses, and other productions. To the Editor it therefore seemed imperative to pre- serve all notices of any importance, even though they should be brief. The sub- sequent portions of the Record are much more perfect, and they greatly increase in interest as it advances. 'With regard to the antiquity of the language, which must at first sight prove somewhat embarrassing, it may be remarked, that after the accession of King James VI. to the English Crown, it gradually assimilates itself to the dia- lect then used in England. In no case has the ancient orthography been altered, with the exception of the contractions, the retaining of which would have been useless, as well as extremely perplexing to a general reader. The earliest existing Record of Justiciaiy, during the minority of King James VI., is preceded by this curious memorandum ; ' Nota. Fra the liinderend of Auguft, 1568, to the fecund day of Marche, in the famin yeir, na Dyettis of Juf- ticiarie haldin, be relToun of the pell and Regentis being in Inglande.' General Register House, \st May, 1829. The Editor has been enabled to offer to the Public, the Second Part of the Criminal Trials, which, occurred before the High Court of Justiciary, during the Reign of King James VI., sooner than he had anticipated ; and it is hoped, that this Livraison will prove greatly superior, in intez-est, to the Part already published, which embraces merely the earlier and more defective portion of the Records, in that King's minority. After this time, the proceedings of the Supreme Criminal Tribunal of Scot- land merely begin to assume a more regular form, and the Record to exhibit a pretty accurate abstract of the objections to the relevancy of the Indictments, and to mark many of the other peculiarities observable in the forms and plead- ings before this Court. It is proper to notice here, that it has been the settled plan of the present Collection, to give a scrupulously faithful view of the whole of the proceedings which took place in each of the Cases selected, in the precise form in which these occur in the Books of Adjoui-nal ; excepting in various minute jiarticulars, in- dispensably necessary to be adopted, for the sake of unity and of more lucid ar- rangement. No modern * Reports,' it is conceived, however accurately they miglit be framed, could convey, whether to the Lawyer or the general enquirer, so clearly and so forcibly, the many peculiarities which are connected with these ancient proceedings ; and at the same time indicate the gradual steps, by which our present system and forms have been modelled. When these are very prolix or uninteresting, they shall no doubt be curtailed ; but this shall be done with a IV sparing hand, and in such a manner, as clearly to point out each of such depar- tures from the Record. Owing to an embarrassing hiatus in ' the Books of Adjournal,' arising through the loss of at least one large "\^olume of the Records of the Court of Justiciary, (from October 1591 to ]May 1590,) the Editor deemed it incumbent on him, to make pretty extensive researches into other Public Records of Scotland, of the same period. But, perhaps, in his anxiety to render this Collection as perfect as his opportunities and ability permit, he may have incurred the censure of some, whose pursuits do not usually lead them into such investigations. He trusts, however, that the space occupied by these illustrations of National His- tory will not be grudged, and that the extracts he has made may be generally acceptable. At tlie suggestion of some of his friends, the Editor has prepared, in illus- tration of this and the former Part, a Fac-simile plate, containing a few exact specimens of the MSS. from which the present Selections have been formed. Should these be generally considered as interesting, occasional Fac-similes of Royal Letters, &c. will be delivered, with each succeeding Fasciculus of this work. General Register House, Is f Jidt/, IS29. Since the publication of the former Part of this work, the Editor has arranged and greatly enlarged a Collection of Original Papers, formed by him during the last two years, illustrative of the mysterious and hitherto inexplicable History of the Conspiracy of John Earl of Gowrie and his brother, against King James VI. ; which will be found to embrace a body of valuable and authentic information, on every point connected with the transaction ; and a great por- tion of which is entirely new to the public, having been recovered from nume- rous Records, contemporary MSS. and similar oi'iginal sources. So much has been written, and conjectured, on that remarkable event, that, in presenting to the public, for the first time, correct transcripts of the various Criminal proceedings which were instituted after the Conspiracy, it appeared to be the duty of the Editor, to accompany them with a Collection of such authentic Documents as are still preserved ; and for that purpose, to use every exertion, in investigating the public Records, and all the repositories of MSS. to which he had access. The result has been highly satisfactory ; and it is hoped, that, from the discoveries now made, unquestionable materials are provided for elucidating this hitherto dark passage of Scottish History. The Editor is of opinion, that the publication of these Papers, in their original form, is more in unison with the spirit of the present work, than had he drawn up a fresh Narrative or Dissertation, accompanied by proofs and illustrations. He has accordingly adopted this plan, so as to leave the reader to draw the ob- vious conclusion from the evidence now afforded. In every instance, the sources from which each of the Papers has been procured are carefully noted ; as it is essential, in matters of historical importance, to observe the minutest accuracy. A concise and popular Account of Gowrie's Conspiracy has recently been published, in Constable's Miscellany, Vol. XLIII., by the Reverend Mr Parker 11 LaWSON, M.A. ; to whicli reference may be made for a clear outline and detail of the leadino- facts. The reader will also find much valuable information in Mr Morison's ingenious and able paper, in the Transactions of the Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth ; where he has incontestably proved the reality of the Conspiracy against King James VI., even from the facts then published ; havino- brought to the examination of the subject an impartial and unbiassed mind, with a perfect knowledge of the localities of the scene. The Editor would particularly refer the enquirer to Mr Morison's ' Summary of the Evidence on the Gowrie Conspiracy, with Plans of Gowrie House,' as a valuable compa- nion in examining the history of this remarkable event. Tlie other portions of this Number will, it is hoped, be found superior in interest to the preceding Pai'ts. It was intended that this Part should have been accompanied by a fac- simile Plate of the signatures of the principal persons mentioned in the His- tory of this Conspiracy, taken from Original Autographs ; but circumstances prevent this, initil the iniblication of the next livraison. Another Plate, also, containing a fac-simile of the Letters of Robert Logan of Restalrig, recently discovered among the Warrants of Parliament, is in the course of being prepared. Both will be delivered with the ensuing Part, as early in January next as possible. The Editor has again the pleasure of acknowledging the kindness of Charees KiRKPATRiCK SiiARPE, Esquire, who has liberally presented a curious En- graving, executed by himself, very closely resembling the original "Wood-cuts in the curious Tract, reprinted at Part II., page 213, ' Newes from Scotland, declaring the damnable life of Doctor Fian, a notable Sorcerer,' &c. The binder is desired to insert this Plate in "\^olume I. to face page 213. General Register House, \2th Ocioher, 1829. The Collections relative to the Conspiracy of John Eaul or Goavrie, and his brother, are concluded in the present Part. If the Editor has indulged in too copious Illustrations of this very remarkable historical event, he has been led into the error by the discovery of many important original documents, which, as he humbly conceives they tend to establish, beyond a doubt, the truth of this much controverted point of History, he deemed it his duty to present to the public, in this work. Instead of attempting to sum up the evidence now laid before the Public, taken in connexion with the numerous Histories, Accounts, and Theories, already in print, the Editor leaves it to the reader to draw his own conclusions. He will consider his labours amply repaid, should the future Historian be thereby led to a clearer view of the origin, and progress, of the i-ash an J ill-advised plot of these misguided but highly talented young Noblemen, and of the fatal catas- trophe which so speedily overwhelmed them, in the premature execution of their mad attempt. The natural restlessness, and irritability, of King James, and the very pecu- liar circumstances in which, on his return to the capital, after the tragical issue of the Conspiracy, he found himself placed, seem to^iave induced him to endeavour, to the utmost of his power, to counteract the almost unparalleled attempt made by the Ministers of Edinburgh ; who greedily availed themselves of this oppor- tunity, to inflame the public mind, and to turn the tide of popular feeling in u favour of Goavrie, who was universally idolized by the Presbyterian party, as their future leader, against the strenuous efforts then making, by James and the Court, for the ijermanent restoration of Episcopacy. The steps taken by the King, for this purpose, were most injudicious ; and they certainly proved the ^ery means of spreading the disbelief of the Royal Narrative more widely. To this cause alone, indeed, may be attributed the scepticism which then prevailed, and which has so generally, even down to these times, occupied the public mind. His Majesty's advisers, by indiscreetly attempting to prove too much, and to leave no circumstance unexplained, afforded plausible grounds, for the deepest suspicions of the correctness of the whole statement. James, when too late, found this to be the case, and experienced, to his cost, the sagacity of Domitian's bitter reflection, as recorded by Suetonius, " conditionevi Princ'qmm miserrimam aiehat, qu'thus de Coiijnrat'wne compcria non crederetiir, XI SI occisis!" The noted distich, which Calderwood, in his JNIS. Church History, states to liave existed in his times, and v^hich, he says, was painted above an ancient Chimney-i)iece in the Castle of Ruthven, (now called Hunting Tower), may per- haps be considered as worthy of memory. Vera diu latitant, sed, longo temporis usu, Emergunt tandem ovm, latuere diu. A Fac-simile Plate of the commencement, termination, and subscriptions, of three of the Letters of Robert Logan of Restalrig, which occur at Vol. n., page 322, accompanies this Part. General Register House, Q.oth January, 1830. The present Part of this Work will, it is hoped, prove more generally attrac- tive, being of more diversified interest, than any of the preceding portions ; and the Editor believes he does not promise too much, when he adds, that the subse- quent Parts must equally surpass the present, as well in point of curiosity as in historical importance. After the accession of King James VI to the English throne, the Judicial proceedings in Scotland were necessarily conducted with greater minuteness, and were recorded with stricter accuracy, than formerly ; for the various public functionaries, in every department, were liable to be frequently called upon for full reports of individual Cases ; either to gratify his Majesty's craving for what- ever was new and curious, or to enable him to judge of the expediency of par- doning or condemning the unhappy persons whose fate must needs be sealed by the unenviable exercise of his royal prerogative. To this circumstance, then, it may perhaps be attributed, that the Records of the Supreme Criminal Tribunal of Scotland, begin to be kept with greater clearness, and their authority and value to be proportionally enhanced. In Cases of peculiar importance, the Editor has always been anxious to afford all the elucidation within the limited range of his reading and observation, by laying before the reader such illustrations as apjieared to him necessary to the better understanding of those Trials ; and especially, to put the reader in pos- session of Original and contemporaneous Papers, which generally afford the clearest and best explanation of the many remarkable events which so frequently occur in the course of this Work. He trusts that many of the Documents now for the first time presented to the public, from sources not generally accessible, may be deemed worthy the attention of the lover of History. II It is iniicli to bo roprcttt'd, tli.it (lio traji^ical story of the Murder of Sir 'I'lioiMAS KiNNKDY ofCiilzeaii, kiiiglit, 'i'litor of Cassillis, &e. by tlie IMuiir.s oi' ArciiiNDiiANi',, M-liicli is now rendered ini])erislial»Ie by tlie i)en of the greiitest livinfj; wiiter, cdiild not be inserted in the jHTScnt Part, owing to tlie cbrono- lof^ieal arran{>fenient ol" the book. 'I'lie l*]ditor did not. in the meantime, consider biiiiscir ;it liix'rl y to pnblisii tiiat most extraordinary Trial as a .separate volume ; but, lia\ itit;' iiis materials for I'.Mrr \\ in eoiisiderable forwardness, he is ready to |uil)iisii that l'\ixe}ei(/ii.s at a mneb eariitr date than previously notified, should siicb be the desire of tlie pnblic. 'J'lie iiicsciit Series of 'I'l'ials, diniiifi^ the reij^n of \\\\\'^ .lames \'I, will be eompletcd in four additional I'arts, making in all nine I'arts, or three large \'ohnnes. Owing to the dinicnlty of eolleeting the requisite materials, the pub- iieatioii of llie ieatliiig trials \\liieb occurred in the reigns of King James I^'^, King .lames \', and t^neen Mary, shall be deferred till after I'art \'1II is eireu- l.iled. Should the l''ditor's health, and bis i)rofessional engagements, tlieii |)ermit, a new Series of'J'rials, modelled into the shape of Reports, and in a more modern form than tlii' present, will be commenced. The lengtliened pleadings, \c. (hu-iiig, and s\ibse(pient lo. the reign of Charles I. entirely i)reelude the idea of eont inning llic \\ ork in the o/7i,>7//r// form ; Mhieli, however useful and interest- ing such a mode of cililing a book of this class may prove, during the earlier period ol" the history and jiracl ici- of our ( liniinal 'I'ribunals, would be cumbrous and useless at a more recent date, \\lu'n then" could be no e.xeuse for continuing the obsolete, and now almost forgotten style of these pleadings, whieli could yield no pleasure, and but little additional information, (o the general reader. (jiKNKHAl. liK(;iSTI.li lloLSl'., V2Hi JprU, 1S30. The Editor has the satisfaction of presenting the present Part rather earlier than he had anticipated. Since the last Fasciculus was circulated, he has been favoured \^itli commu- nications from several individuals, who have taken an interest in the progress of this Work, suggesting various improvements ; but he is chiefly indebted to the Public Press, for numerous practical hints, of which, in preparing this por- tion of the Collection, he has amj^ly availed himself. Amongst other alterations of the original i)lan, the prefixing of Introductory Notices to leading and remarkable Cases, on a more extended plan than the Edi- tor had at first deemed advisable, has now been adopted. The difficulty of col- lecting authentic materials for explaining and illustrating such obscure and long- forgotten events, has necessarily occasioned great additional I'esearch and expense; and had he not previously made pretty extensive inquiries relative to some of these Trials, and especially, the extremely interesting one of Mure of Arcir- INDRAYNE, this Part must have been delayed for some months longer. In what manner these intended impi'ovements have been executed, it does not become the Editor to judge. He sincerely wishes that this very arduous task had fallen into abler hands ; but still has the pleasure of reflecting, that he has spared neither time nor labour in his endeavours to make the Work as complete as its proposed limits admit. Those who have had the greatest experience in carrying on researches of this description, will be the readiest to make all libe- ral and proper allowances, for such unavoidable defects as must be expected to accompany inquiries, in their nl^ure so very extended and obscure. 11 The very remarkable Case of the Mures of Auchindrayne is one of such interest, that it may perhaps be fairly considered as altogether unparallel- ed in the annals of crime. That Trial, and the illustrative matter accompany- ing it, have necessarily occupied a large portion of this Uvraison ; but the Edi- tor hopes it will prove as generally interesting, as the plots and crimes of these extraordinary men are unequalled. In the course of his researches for elucidating the facts and events attending that Case, (which have been actively prosecuted during the last three years,) the Editor fortunately discovered, among the valuable MSS. belonging to the Fa- culty of Advocates, Edinburgh, an Historical and Genealogical Account of the principal Families of THE NAME OF Kennedy. This History illustrates, not only the lives and characters of the actors in that shocking tragedy, but the deadly Feuds then prevalent in Carrick, to an extent which could scarcely have been anticipated. Had the information to be obtained from these singular Memoirs been made use of in this Collection, it would have encroached too much upon the limits now assigned to it, and caused the supjjression of other interest- ing Trials. The Editor therefore has, by the liberal permission of the Curators of the Advocates' Library, preferred publishing the History of the Kenne- dies as a sejiarate work ; — and, with this view, has, for a considerable time past, been engaged in preparing it. A limited iinjiression only has been struck oft'; and it is expected to be completed before the first of August next. It is trusted, that, upon the whole, this Part will be found much more gene- rally attractive than any of the preceding ; as it abounds in historical incidents, and in Trials of deep and universal interest. General Register House, 19/// J/ili/, 1830. In the period embraced by the present Part, the principal Trials, of peculiar interest, which occurred before the High Court of Justiciary, were those against the Roman Catholics and Jesuits, for hearing and celebration of the Mass, for maintaining the Supremacy of the Pope, for declining the King's autho- rity, and for devising treasonable Plots against the person of his Majesty, &c. The Rebellion of the Earl of Orkney, and his son, also occupied a prominent portion of the Criminal proceedings during this time ; and the Editor has amassed a considerable collection of historical materials, illustrative of that remarkable treason ; all of which are now, for the first time, laid befoi'e the public, being taken from original and authentic documents. Another Rebellion in the Western Islands of Scotland was likewise suppressed within this time, relative to which the reader will also find that suitable illustrations have been given. Besides these leading Trials, a number of very remarkable Cases occur in this Part for Murder, Fire-raising, Perjury, Slaughter and Houghing of Oxen and Sheep, &c., Piracy, Incest, Oppression, Witchcraft, Poisoning, Subornation of Witnesses, Uttering ' treafonable, blafphemous, and damnable fpeeches' against the King, Fire-raising in Coal-pits, Hamesucken, Mutilation and Demembration, Egyptians or Gipsies abiding within the realm, &c. It is trusted that the present Number may be considered as important and interesting as any of those forming the preceding Volumes. General Register House, 25^/^ October, 1830. The present Part closes this Collection of the leading Trials which occurred before the High Court of Justiciary, during the eventful reign of King James VI. Part VIII. contains numerous Cases of considerable interest and novelty, and throws much light on various public transactions, and also on many of the private occurrences of the period immediately preceding the demise of that monarch. There are, however, so many remarkable Trials contained in it, that it would encroach too much on the limits of a brief notice, to recapitulate a few of the leading Cases. Having collected a great mass of materials, in the course of preparing the present work for publication, the Editor has selected from them a number of Original Papers, believing that they would be esteemed a suitable accompa- niment to this concluding Volume. He has, therefore, printed them in an Appendix, which will be found materially to illustrate many of the preceding- Trials. Among others, he has been so fortunate as to have discovered the only documents which remained to clear up the extraordinary Trial of Mr Thomas Ross, a poor Clergyman of a very respectable family, but a maniac, who was mercilessly put to death, under form of Law, by the special warrant of King James VI, for writing a Pasquil against the Scottish Nation. This pasquinade, it may here be remarked, was neither printed nor in anywise circulated by the author, but was simply affixed to the door of St Mary's Church, Oxford ; from which it was almost instantly taken down by a student, and delivered to the Vice Chancellor, who transmitted it, without delay, to Court. IV The remainder of the Appendix will be delivered with the Introductory Part, which embraces the Criminal procedure during the reigns of King James IV, King James V, and Queen Mary. The Editor does not, at present, expect to finish that arduous undertaking luitil the month of November or December, 1831. It is his intention to prepare accurate Indexes, which will be delivered, along with Title-pages, &c. for the whole woi-k. When concluded, the Collection will form Three lai-ge Volumes. In reply to several enquiries, the Editor begs to notify, that he purposes to close this Collection of Trials with Part IX. General Register House, 15th December, 1830 Since the publication of the Eighth Paut of this Collection, about the close of last year, the Editor has again carefully examined the entire Books and Papers of the High Court of Justiciary, from the earliest existing Criminal Records, in the reign of KiNG James IV, down to the conclusion of the reign of Mary Queen of Scots. Although the first view of these documents presented a most discouraging aspect, the Editor deemed it to be an imperative duty, not only to scrutinize every vestige of information to be obtained from them, but to undertake a very extensive and laborious examination of all the contemporary Records and other ancient MSS. which might be expected to illustrate so interesting a portion of the public and domestic History of this country. The meagreness and imperfection of the historical materials of this eventful period of eighty years, so far as they have hitherto been laid before the public, are universally acknowledged. Eveiy attempt therefore, however feeble, which tends to throw additional light on the Annals of Scotland, during these three remarkable reigns, must be considered of more or less importance, according to the authenticity and genuineness of the sources from whence the information has been procured, and the fidelity with which it is communicated. In the prosecution of this humble, though extremely laborious and responsible task, the reader will find that the Editor has strictly adhered to the plan which he originally proposed, by communicating the result of these researches in the precise form in which the various entries are made in the Public Records. Owing to the importance of the additional historical materials which have been discovered by the Editor, in the prosecution of these minute researches, he found it to be impracticable, consistently with his duty to the public, to condense the whole of these three reigns within the narrow compass of one Part, without at the same time entirely suppressing a great mass of valuable matter. Had he rashly adopted such a I'esolution, the present Collection would have been extremely imperfect and unsatisfactory, at those very periods, where, chiefly, a store of authentic and indisputable facts, drawn from the Public Records of the country, still i-emained to be greatly desiderated. The concluding portion of the Trials which occurred during the reign of King James V, and those of the eventful reign of Mary Queen of Scots, together with historical Appendices, a copious Index, &c., will be contained in a Supplementary Part. As the work is in a state of forwardness at press, it is expected that the Supplement will be ready for publication in the month of February next, which will close the present arduous undertaking. General Register House, Isi November, 1831. The concluding portion of the present Collection has occupied the anxious attention of the Editor, for a period of above twelve months beyond the time he had been led to anticipate, when the Ninth Paut was published. Fortunately, the Editor had, during the progress of this Work, amassed a great variety of materials from authentic sources, illustrative of many important events connected with the histoiy of the reigns of KiNG James V. and Mary Queen of Scots ; which eventually have proved of much use, in elucidating the Criminal proceedings of these reigns. Besides availing himself of these, however, he found it necessary to consult many of the public Records, the MSS. in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates, and other Collections of original documents, which required a considerable expenditure of time, besides much minute, laborious, and persevering research. The result of these investigations is now laid before the Public ; and it is perhaps not too much for the Editor to hope, that, in the view of rendering this work as complete as possible, the Subscribers may concur with him in thinking, that the additional time, thus expended, has not been altogether unprofitably employed. In fulfilment of the proposal made at the commencement of this arduous undertaking, a very copious and elal)orate General Index is now given along with this Part, which will be found to comprehend all that is practically useful to those who are likely to consult this Collection, whether for general reading and information, or for purposes of legal, historical, antiquarian, or genealogical investigation. Owing to the interest excited by the large Collections made by the Editor, and the body of evidence which has been published in some of the former Parts of this work, in reference to Gowry's Conspiracy, he has deemed it his duty to render the whole still clearer and more generally acceptable, by endeavouring to procure accurate Plans of the scene of that remarkable transaction. This he has fortunately been able successfully to accomplish, and that, too, from the most authentic source of information ; as his friend Mu David Morison, Secretary to the Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth, had occasion, a few years ago. IV to get drawings and ground-plans made, from surveys and sketches taken on the spot, previous to the pulling down of Gowry House, in the year 1807, to make way for the Prison and County Buildings, in Perth. These Plans accompany Mr jNIorison's ingenious Dissertation, which has been published in that Society's Transactions. The ultimate views of THE Ruthvexs and their associates, in embarking in so hazardous a plot, will likely for ever remain as inexplicable a mystery as liitherto ; but whatever may be considered by the future historian to have been the probable schemes of these rash youths, it is perhaps not arroga- ting too much -to affirm, that the field of enquiry may now be considered as greatly narrowed ; and that the circumstances, as well as the truth and reality of that Conspiracy, may henceforth be considered as matters of historical certainty. To the politeness of Francis Grant, Esquire, S.A., the Editor is indebted for the use of the accompanying valuable engraving of Gowry House, which was carefully prepared, under his own inspection, from the only authentic sketch of that memorable place which is known to exist. With regard to the contents of this Supplementary Part, there will be found, in addition to many curious and valuable Trials of a miscellaneous description, a considerable accession of original histoincal materials, illustrative of the progress of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland ; a very important Appendix to the reign of King Jainies V., compiled with the strict- est care from the valuable Records of the Privy Seal, and the Accoimts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland ; proceedings against the Papists, Jesuits, &c. ; and numerous original and interesting Documents relative to the Murders of David Riccio and King Henry Darnley, &c., many of which are now for the first time laid before the public. Owing to the manner originally adopted in publishing this work, it has been found necessary to divide the First Volume into Two Parts. Particular directions for the Binder are printed on the back of the prefixed Title, to pre- vent the possibility of mistakes being committed in the aiTangeraent of the Book into separate Volumes. General Register House, %oth March, 1833. CRIMINAL TRIALS AND OTHER PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. The earliest Volumes of the Criminal Recoi'ds of Scotland, now extant, are the two ancient MSS, still preserved in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. It is probable they had been acquired by the Curators of that excellent institution, by purchase, at the sale of some Collector of the last centuiy, into whose possession they must have found their way by very improper means, at a period when such documents were considered of no imjiortauce. Although these Volumes chiefly consist of the proceedings of the Justice-aires of Lauder, Jedburgh, Selkirk, Peebles, Edinburgh, Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, Air, and Wigton, yet as they abound in numerous particulars, highly illustrative of the history, manners, and habits of those portions of Scotland during the reign of King James IV, the Editor has considered it necessary to give at large every remarkable Case which occurs in them. It may be noticed here, once for all, that the Books of Adjournal and Minute Books of the Supreme Criminal Tribunal of Scotland, as well as the Records of the Justice-aires, &c. at these remote periods, were kept in an obscure forensic Latin. This circumstance, added to the well-known difficulty of deciphering the ordinary MSS. of these centuries, and the fact of the Books now preserved being generally mere scrolls and memoranda, written with many contractions, and evidently during the hurry of the Court proceedings, have hitherto rendered the task of examining them, and presenting the public with the more important cases, a labour of a peculiarly irksome and repulsive kind. Fortunately, however, entries have in many instances been made in the forcible vernacular of the period, and original Warrants and Letters have also been recorded, or have been foimd, after diligent search, among the loose papers belonging to the Court. Many of these are alike curious as specimens of our language, and valuable as historical documents. VOL. I. f A 2 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1488. After deliberate consideration, it has been deemed proper, and most likely to be acceptable to the great bulk of readers, to give a close technical translation ' of such portions of the Records as are conceived in Latin, excepting where very remarkable phrases or terms are made use of ; but in all such cases the original expressions are given in foot-notes. In every instance, where the vernacular is employed, or where quotations are necessarily given, the same scrupulous fidelity has been observed as in the subsequent parts of this work. In Parlktmento excellent'tjfimi Principis ac domhii nqjlri metuendiffimi do- mini Jacobi IV Dei gracia Regis Scotontm IlhiJlrllJimi, teuto et iuchoato apud Ediiihiirghe, die Litnejcwto die men [is Octohris, anno domini 1488. Per CommiJ)(iriosfid)fc)ipt. vix. Colinum Comiteim de Ergile, Dominum Campbele et Lome, Cancellarium Scocie ; Patricium Dominum Halis, 3Iagijlrum Hospicij fupremi domini nojtri Regis ; Robertum Dominum LiLE, Magnum Jiijticiarinm Scocie ; Alexandrum Hume de eodem Magnnm Camcrurium Scocie ; Willel:mum Kxollis P/ecepforem de Torfichin, Thefaurarium, militcm, et midtos alios CommiJJarios in liac parte. '^\^\y Crrasoii — a^ntrrromimining^ SnitT) X\)t (L^ugllsT), ^r, — dfisljttnrr against Wyt iiiiig at * \\)t #idti of Stirling/ [In consequence of the loss of the early Volumes of the Books of Adjournal, it becomes necessary, in order to render the present Collection as complete as possible, to investigate from otiier authentic sources the proceedings whicli took place immediately after the accession of King James IV. For- tunately the Records of Parliament, of the Great and Privy Seals, and the Books of tlie High Treasurer of Scotland, afl'ord some notices of the steps which were taken against the partisans of the deceased King James III. These shall be given iiere at lengtii ; but as tlie leading circumstances connected with them must of course be minutely discussed in Mr Tytler's correct and impartial History of Scotland, it is only further necessary to lay before the reader such documents as do not fall within the plan of that learned gentleman's truly valuable work. James Stewart^w< Earl of Buchan, whose sobriquet, was Hearty James, was the brother uterine of King James II. He married Margaret, the heiress of Sir Alexander Ogilvy of Auchter- house, by whom he got tliat barony and the lieritable sberift'ship of the county of Forfar. On the fall of Lord Boyd, in 1471, he was made Lord High Ciianiberlain of Scotland; and, in 1473, went as ambassador to France. He was made Warden of the East Marches on his return. Having partici- pated in ' the Field of Stirling,' he became obnoxious to the vengeance of the successful party ; but he had the good policy to submit and sue for iiis Majesty's clemency, which he obtained, and was received into his favour. Although he was subsequently charged with having entered into a con- spiracy with John Ramsay, Lord Bothwell, and Sir Thomas Tod, in 1491, to deliver his Prince into the hands of King Henry VIII, the circun)stance is rather unlikely, for he was no party to the Iiulen- ' Proper names and untranslated words are uniformly given in the same form as in the Record. 1 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. » 3 ture.' It rather seems to hare been a ruse on their part, to induce Henry to give credit to their plot, and to advance the money required by them. This nobleman died before Feb. 6, 1499-1500, when his son is styled Alexander Earl of Buchan.- Owing to the historical importance of this and the following cases, they are given here in their ori- ginal form, divested only of the usual contractions, which are extremely perplexing to an ordinary reader.] Oct. 6. — Quo die, Jacobo comite Buchanie fepe vocato, per fummo- nicionem regiam et tenorem eiufdem lub teftimonio Magni Sigilli regii defuper directam ad relpondend. dicto domino noflro Regi, in prefenti Parliaraento, fuper certis proditoriis actionibus in dicta furamonicione contentis, et per teno- rem eiufdem : Quo Jacobo Comite Buclianie, fie fepe vocat. et non comparente, dominj commiffarij continuarunt dictam caufam fummonicionis ad craftinum, ad decimam horam cum coutinuacione dierum, in eadem forma et effectu ut nunc eft, abfque preiudicio paixium.^ Oct. 7. — Continuatur ad craftinum, ut fupra. [Coram nohilihis Domhiis Colino Comite de Ergile, Domino Camp- bele et Lome, CanceUario Scocie, Laurencio Domino Oliphant, JoHANNE Domino Diiummond, Roberto Domino Lile, Andrea Domino Gray et Johanne Domino Glammis, Comm[(Jionuriis ParUu' menti et Jnjilciariis, S^c.'] Oct. 8, {die 3Iercurii.) — Continuatur ad craftinum, in eadem forma ut nunc eft, abfque preiudicio partium. \_PerJ}(premum dominum iiojlrum Regem in projiria perfonaJ] Oct. 9, {die Jouis.) — Quo die. Jacobus Comes Buchanie cepit fe ad Remiffionem dominj noftri Regis ante dicti, pro proditorio aggrelfu in regnum Anglie Regi eiufdem : Ac pro proditoriis communicatione et laboracione cum prefato Rege Anglie, pro importacione certorimi Anglicorum ad diftructionem regni et ligiorum Scocie, et pro inftigacione et caufacione dicti Regis Anglie in propria perfona cum fuis armis et copia virorum in regnum Scocie aduenifle : Et pro proditoriis arte parte et confilio datis et exhibitis Andree Epifcopo Moi'auien., Alexandro Domino Forbes, Johanni Domino Bothuile, Johanni Rofs de Montgrenane, Johanni Murray de Tuchadam, Stephino Lokart de Cleghorne, et Jacobo Ilommill fciffori, in Fabricacione commiffionis et certorum Munimentorum Regi Anglie per Joliannem Dominum Bothuile et Henricum Wyot Anglicammi delatorum, ad frangend. pacem et treugas per quondam patrem fupremi dominj noftri Regis et Parliamentum et Regem Anglie unitas, ' See Notice preBxed to the Forfeiture of Lord Bothwell, Oct. 9, 1488. " The following characteristic entry occurs in the High Treasurer's accounts : — 1502-3, Feb. 17. ' Item to ye King to put in ]ie caudil, at the heving of Erie of Buquhanis fone, xiiij f.' It is probable that the King had become god-father or sponsor for the child. ^ At the second diet the King is present in per- son, with a great concourse of Lords spiritual and temporal. See Acta Pari. II. 199, &c. 6 * CRIMIXAL TRIALS. A.D. 1488. DOMIN'CM BOTHUILE, perfonaliter apprebeiifum, fi eius prefenciam commode habere poteritis, alioquin apud Caftnim de Bothuile, et ad crucem fori burgi noftri de Lanark, per publicam proclamacionem, ita quod huius fummonicio ad eius noticiam verefmiiliter peruenire poterit ; quod compareat perfonaliter coram nobis in noftro proximo Parliaraento, tenendo apud Edinburghe, die Mercurij, octauo die nienfis Octobris proxirne futuro, cum continuacioue dierum, ad re- fpondend. nobis, in prefato noilro Parliaraento, pro proditoriis feductione et duc- tione quondam Jacobi (III) Regis Scotorum, patris noftri defuncti, contra commune bonum rempublicam et Regni noftri, faciendo eum oppriraere luos Prelatos, Barones, burgenfes et ligeos, per communem vendicionem et empcio- nem Jufticie, ad eorum finalem diftructionem ; vigore cuius, mercatores alieni- gine, ad regnura noftrum aduenien. erant omnino diftructi et depredati, fie quod nulli al(ieni ?) pro refectione regni non audebant dictum regnum intrare : Ac pro proditoriis arte, parte, confilio et affiftencia datis et exliibitis Jacobo CoMiTi BucHAXiE, in proditoriis aggreffii et palFagio in regno Anglie : Et pro prodi- toriis communicacione et laboracione cum prefato Rege Axgeie, pi-o importa- cione certorum Anglicorum ad diftructionem regni noftri et legiorum noftrorimi : Et pro proditorie arte et parte cum dicta Comite Bucbanie, in caufacione et inftigacione dicti Regis Anglie, in quantum in eo fuit, ad intrand. dictum reg- num noftnmi, in propria perfona, cum armis et copia virorum, pro diftructione noftra et ligeorum noftrorum : Ac pro proditoriis ingreffli et paflagio in Anglia, per ipfum Jobannem factis, diuerfis vicibus : Et pro proditoriis arte, parte, con- filio et affiftencia datis et exhibitis AxDREE Episcopo Mouauien., Jacobo CoMiTi BucHANiE, Alexaxdko Domino Forbes, in Fabricacione cuiufdam Commiftionis et certorum Alunimentorum Regi Axglie, per vos Johamiera et Henricum Wyot, Anglicanum, delatorum, ad infringend. pacem et treugas per dictum quondam patrem noftrum et Parliamentum eius et Regem Anglie initas, contra commune bonum et rem publicam, et ad perpetuam diftructionem regni ; virtute cuius, guerra fuper vna parte regni noftri proclamata, et diuerfi ligei illius partis depredati, occifi, et incendium paffi funt : Et pro proditoriis delacione dicte Commiffionis et Munimentorum ad Regem Anglie, ad perpetuam fubiectionern regni noftri obediencie Regis Anglie : Et pro proditoriis arte, parte et confilio Fabricacionis cuiufdam Commiffionis, et eiufdcm miffiionis Co.MiTi Noutiiu:mbrie et DoMixo WiLLELMO Tyldare, Anglkuuo, militi, continen. quod ipfi virtute dicte Commiffionis et poteftatis darent Remiffiones omnibus Scotis partem Anglicorum contra nos et fideles legios noftros capienti- bus : Et pro proditoriis arte, parte, et confilio datis et exhibitis dictis i^erfonis, in caufando dictum quondam j)atrcm noftrum diuerfa Appunctuamenta et Con- cordias, lublcriptione maiuiali diet! quondam patris noftri fubfcrijJt., nobis tunc 1 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 7 Principi, pro communi pace et tranquillitate regni premifT. frangere et ab eifdem refilire, que diuerfis vicibus erant promifla et per vos et (quemlibet) veftrum fracta et non obferiiata ; racione cuius fractionis, Comites de Huntle, Erole, Marchell et Dominus de Glammis eius opinionem reliquerunt, et ad loca propria accefferunt : Et pro proditoriis arte, parte, et confilio datis et exhibitis dictis perfonis, in confuleiido predictum quondam patrem noftrum ad exeund. Caftrum de Edinburghe cum armis et copia virorum, poll diuerfa Appunctuamenta per ipfum apud Blaknes et alubi condita per iplum fracta, ad inuadend. nos eius filium, tunc Principera, apud Striuelin : Et fuper aliis quam pluribus crimini- bus et proditoriis tranfgreflionibus per ipfum Johannem contra nos et regnum noftrum inique perpetratis, juri parend. : Ixtimax. dicto Johanni, quod flue dic- tis die et loco cum continuacione dierum comparuit fme non, nos nicbilominus in premiffis, Jufticia mediante, procedemus : Et prefentes literas debite execut. et indorfaciones earundem reddite latori : Et vos qui prefentes executi fueritis litis ibidem dicto die, coram nobis, portan. vobifcum Summonicionis veftre tefti- monium in fcriptis, pro dimiffis feu ipfos teftes. Ad quod faciendum vobis et veftrimi cuilibet in hac parte, coniunctim et diuifim, plenariam committimus poteftatem. Datum fub teftimonio Magnj Sigilli noftri Apud Edixbukghe fecundo die menfis Augufti, anno regni noftri primo. Poft cuiufquidem Summonicionis lecturam, idem vicecomes probauit in pre- fenti Parliamento dictam Summonicionem legittime executam, per indorfacio- nem fuara et certos teftes in eadem indorfacione contentos, in judicio, ad hoc inibi per ipfum productos et j urates, videlicet, Johannem Hamiltoune de Wod- hall et Patricium Hammiltoune ; cuius indorfacionis fie eft tenor. Iiidcrjhc'ioues five Executiones Sinnmonicionis Forisfacture. The vj day of fe moneth of Angnll, the ;ere of God J'".iiij^lxxxviij qeris, I Carrik, Parfewant, perfonaly paft to the cheif cheniis ' of Bothuile, and ])are fummond Johne Lord Bothdile to com- pere before our fouerane lorde, perfonaly, in his Parliament to be haldin at Edinburgh, the viij day of October nixt tocum, with conlinuacioune of dais, to anfuere to his hienes upone all the pojiitis and articlis and crime; of Treffoune contenit in fir otir fouerane lordis lettrez : Before thir Witnes, Johne of Hammiltoune, Patric of Hammiltoune, Johne Baxtare, and James Echiftonne. Akd fane, one the morne, the vij day of Augnft, I the faid Carrik, Purfewant, palt to fe merkat corle of Lanark, and fare, be oppin proclamacioune, furamonde and wamit the faid Johne Lord Bothuile to com- pere, perfonaly, before our fouerane lorde in his Parliament forfaid, to anfuere to his hienes to all the poyntis, articlis and crime; of Treffoune contenit in fir our fouerane lordis lettrez, and eftir f e tenoor of f e fammjTi : Before thir Witnes, George Aitkynfonne, Williame Forfter, bail;eis of Lanark, Tho- mas Were, and Johne Mowate, with vtheris diuerfe. Ix witnes hereof I bane fet to mv Sisnet. Quo JoHAKXE Domino Bothuile fepe vocato, vigore predicte Summoni- cionis et per tenorem eiufdem, ad refpondendum dicto domino noftro Regi, in prefenti Parliamento, fuper omnibus proditoriis actionibus in dicta Summoni- ' Mansion-house, chief dwelling. O. Fr. chefmez, {chef mez, i. e. chefmaifon.) 8* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1488. clone contentis, et non comparente, legittimo tempore diei expectato, ordine et proceffii, continuacione dicte Summouicionis, per Dominos, Barones et Bur- gorum Commiffarios iuperfcriptos, hunc ufque juridice procedi, vifis et Intellee- tis, Colinus Comes de Ergile Dominus Campbele et Lome, Cancellax'ius dominj noftri Regis, et eius nomine, de fuo expreffo mandate, requifinit et peciit a dictis Dominis, Baronibus et Burgorum CommilTariis, fua fenfiamenta et Decreta Par- liamenti, penes proceffum dicti Joliannis Domini Bothuile, fi ipfe fuit culpabilis in proditoriis accionibus pronominatis in dicta Snmmonicione contentis : Quibus Dominis, Baronibus et Burgorum Commiffariis regni fui ftatubus deligenter et mature auifatis inuenerunt, et vnufquifque pro feipfo deliberauit, quod dictus DoMiXUS Bothuile fuit culpabilis in omnibus proditoriis actionibus in dicta Summonicione contentis, excepto tempore de Blaknes. Et ideo datum fuit pro judicio fine Laudo Foriffactiu'e, per os Alexandri Dempftar Judicatoris Parlia- menti, in mode et forma fequen. in wlgari. Judicium Jive Laudum Forisfacture. This Court of Parliament fchewis for law, and I gif for Dome, that fForla- mekle as it is fundin be fenfment of Parliament, that Johne Lord Bothuile has committ and done TrelToune agane oure fouerane lord the King and his realme, in all the poyntis and articlis aboune writtin, contenit in the Summondis maid J^airappone, except the tyme of the Blaknes : That ])airfore he has Forfalt to our fouerane lord the King his lif, landes,' ofRce3, gudis movable and vnmou- able, and all vtheris his pofleffiouis pat he haid within the realme of Scotlande, euermare to remane with oure faid fouei-ane lord, his airis and fucceffouris, for his TrelToune and offence. And that I gif for Dome. \^Coram Rie.gb pe/Jb)ialifer ibidem J cdente.~\ Mq\) Crf ason — dTitltj of Stirling, ^r* [John Rods or Ross of Mountgreenan was Advocate to James III. Warrant was granted, Jul. 2, 1488, for his apprehension, and he was at the same time summoned for the traitorous pursuit of the Prince (James IV) to beyond the Bridge of Stirling, and for there making Burnings, ' herefchips,' and slaughters, on Jun. 10, being the day preceding the Battle of Sauchie. The Castle of Keir, to which the Prince had retired, was at the same time burnt by the King's adherents, with the Place of Airth, &c." There seems to be nothing additional worthy of mention, as to the Lord Advocate's case, excepting that he does not appear to have been restored to the King's confidence. His estates were conferred on Patrick Huine of Fastcastle ; and James Henderson of Fordell succeeded to his important office of Lord Advocate.] Oct. 14, {die Martis.) — Quo die^ comparuit in Judicio Carrik Signifer, vicecomes in hac parte, et prefentauit quandam Summonicionem regiam, fub tef- ' On Oct. li, the Parliament confirmed a grant of the Lordships of Bothuill and Creichtoun to Patrick Lord Halis, Master of the Household; and on Oct. 17, they were erected into the Earldom of Bothuill, he. ^ Seo Rcr/. Mag. S'uj. XH. 64;. — Treaf. Accounts. ^ This case had been continued from time to time, from Oct. 8 preceding. 1 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 9 timonio Magnj Sigilli regij fibi directam, fuper Summonicione Johannis Ross DE MONTGRENANE, coram prefato domino noftro Rege et tribus regni fui fta- tubus ibidem congregatis ; cuius Summouicionis tenor fequitur et eft talis. Summonicio Forisfacture contra Johaiinem Rofs de Montgrenane. Jacobus dei gracia Rex Scotorum, Vicecomiti et Balliuis fuis de Are, iiecnon Lyonj Ilegi Armo- ruin, Rothiffay, RofTe, Snawdoune, Merclimonde, Heraldis ; Vnicorne, Ormonde, Cariik, Montrofe, Signiferis ; Hectori Meldrum, Willelrao Campbele, Clauigeiis ; Syraoiii Spardouro, Donaldo Malynny et Geoigeo Schaw, Cvirforibus, viceconiitibus nolliis in liac parte ; falutem. Mandamus nobis et pre- cipimus, quatenus fummoneatis, legittime et peremptorie, coram teftibus, Johannem Ross de Mont- grenane perfonaliter apprelienfum, fi eius prefenciam commode habere poteritis, alioquin apud Mont- grenane et locum fue habitacionis, et ad crucem fori burgi noftri de Are, et ad crucem fori burgi noftri de Irwin, per publicam proclamationem ; ita quod Lujufmodi Summonicio ad eius noticiam verefimiliter peruenire poterit, quod compareat perfonaliter coram nobis, in noflro proximo Parliamento, tenendo apud Edinburgbe, die Jouis, nono die menlis Octobris proxime futuro, cum conlinuacioune dierum, ad refpondend. nobis in prefato noftro Parliamento pro fuis proditoriis arte, parte, confdio et affiftencia datis et exbibitis Jacobo Cowiti Buchanie, Stepbino Lokhert de Cleghorne, et Thome Fothring- hanio de Powry in extraportacione et duecione quondam patris noftri cum armis et copia virorum apud Blaknefs, pro noftra et noftrorum finali diftructione, attento quod nos eo tempore prout omni alio extitimus parati perimplere Appunctuamenta per ipfum nobis mifla, promifla, et fubfcripcione eius manuali fubfcript., confilio eius fracta, prorupta et fpreta, quamobrem Comites de Huntle, Erole, Mer- fchell et Dominus Glammis eum dictum Johannem Roffe et eius opinionera reliquerunt, et ad loca pro- pria redieruut : Et pro proditoriis arte, parte, confilio et affiftencia datis et exhibitis dictis perfonis, in preparamento et araymento campi bellici contra nos apud Blaknes, in quo nouiter appunctuatum exti- tit : Et pro complicione Appunctuamentorum prius premifforum, dictus Jacobus Comes Buchanie, Willehnus Dominus Rothuen, Thomas Fothringham de Powry, Willelmus Murray de Tulybardiu dabantur fide-iuffores et obfides : Ac pro proditoriis arte, parte, confilio et afliftencia datis et exhi- bitis dictis perfonis ad prornmpend. dicta Appunctuamenta, pro communi tranquillitate pace et con- cordia regni inita, poftquam dictus quondam pater nofter ad caftrum de Edinburgbe peruenit : Et pro proditoriis arte, parte, confilio et aftiftencia datis et exhibitis dictis perfonis et Andree Epifcopo Morauien. in miffione et deftiuacione Johannis Domini Bothuile in regno Anglie ad Rege.m eiuf- dem, pro proditoriis importacione ipfius et ligeorum fuorum ad dillructionem noflram et legiorum noftrorum et Corone regni Scocie fubiectionem perpetuam legiancie et obediencie dicti Regis Anglie : Et pro proditoriis arte, parte, confilio et afliftencia datis et exhibitis dictis perfonis, in confuiendo dictum quondam patrem noftrum ad exeund. Caftrum de Edinburgbe, cum armis et copia virorum, ad inuadend. nos, tunc exiftentem Principem, apud Striuelin : Et pro proditoriis fugacione et profecu- cione noftro perfone extra ponteni de Striuelin, ibi Incendia, depredaciones et occifioiies facien, : Necnon pro proditoriis arte, parte, confilio et afliftencia datis et exhibitis dictis perfonis, in faciendo patrem noftrum contra nos fe eregere, ad diftructionem noftre perfone, in preparamento et araymento campi bellici, apud Striuelin, vndecima die menfis Junij vltimi elapfi, poft diuerfas Concordias et Appunctuamenta inter nos et patrem noftrum iiiita, ad que femper eramus, pront tunc prompti, geiiu- bus flexis, inter bella optulimus perimplere, et confilio fuo fracta et perturbata ; cuius confilio, cum aliis, in inicio belli dictus quondam pater nofter campuni reliquit, et in manus riliuin perfonaruin inci- dit, et occifus fuit : Insuper, pro proditoriis arte, parte et confilio Occifionis eiufdem, fuis proditoriis confilio, ductione, et gubernacione : Et fuper aliis quampluribus criminibus et proditoriis tranfgref- fionibus, per ipfum Johannem Ross contra nos et reguuni noftrum inique perpetrate, juij parend. : Intimando dicto Johanni, quod fiue dictis die et loco cum continuacione dierum coniparucrit fine non, VOL. I. - I I? 10 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1488. nos nicliilominus in premifTis, juflieia mediante, pvocedemus. Et prefentes literas debite executas et Indorfaciones eaiundem reddite latori : Et vos qui prefentes exeeuti fueritis fitis ibidem dicto die coram nobis, portantes vobifeum Summonicionis veftre teflimonium et nomina teftium in fcriptis pro premiflis feu ipfos tefles : Ad quod faciendum vobis et veftmm cuilibet in hac parte coniunctira et diuifira plenariam committimus poteftatem. Datum fub teftimonio Magnj Sigilli noftri, apud Edin- burgiie, fecundo die menfis Julij, anno regnj noftri primo. Poll cniufqiiidem Summonicionis lecturam, idem vicecomes probauit dictam Summonicioneni legittime executam, per fuam indorfacionem, et certos teftes in eadem indorfacione contentos, ad hoc inibi in judicio productos et juratos, vide- licet Nigellum Campbele, Hugonem Flemyn, Walterum Kide, Thomam 5oung, Johannem Montgumery et Robertum Fergulliill de eodem ; cuius indorlacionis tenor fequitur. Indorjac'tones five Executiones Summonicionis Forisfacture. The xiij dayof the monetlie of Auguft, the jcre of God (I'".iiij<'.)lxxxviij 3eris, I Carrik, Purfevvant, and fcheref in ]iat parte, perfonaly paft to )ie Chemis of Montgrenane, and fare fummond, chargeit and warnit Johne |ie Ros of Montgrenane to compere before our fouerane lord in liis Parliament to be haldin at Edinburghe the ix day of the nionethe of October nixt to cum, with continuacioune of dais, to anfuer to his hienes apone all ])e pointis, articlis and crime, of Treffoune contenit in our foue- rane lordis jettrez : Before fir Witnes, William Campbele, Hew Flemyn, Thomas goung, and Walter Kid, with vtheris diuerfe. The famniyn day, I fe faid Carrik paft to ]ie merkat corfe of Irwin, and fare be oppin proclamacioune fummoud fe faid Johne the Rofs of iMontgrenane to compere before our fouerane lord fe faidis day and place, to anfuere to his hienes apone the poyntis and articlis con- tenit in fir lettrez : Before fir Witnes, Johne of Montgumry brofer to the Lord of Montgumry, Johne of Montgumry of Giffyn, Robert of Fergulliill of fat like, and Johne of Fergulhill, with vtheris diuerfe. The xvj day of f e monethe of Auguft, I Carrik, Purfewant, paft to the merkat corfe of Are, and fare be oppin proclamacioune fummond and chargeit the faid Johne the Rofs to compere before our fouerane lorde, at day and place aboune writtin, to anfuere to all poyntis and articlis con- tenit in fir lettrez : Before thir Witnes, Johne Campbele of Schankiftoune, Fergufe Ferguflbune of Kilkerane, Andro Bufljy alderman of Are, James Campbele of fe Brownfide, with vferis diuerfe. In witnes hereof I haue fet to my Signet. Quo Johanne Rofs fepe A'ocatus, per dictum Summonicionem et tenorem eiuf- dem, ad refpondend. dicto domino noftro Regi in prefenti Parliamento, fuper proditoriis actionibus in dicta Summonicioiie coiitentis, et non comparen. legit- timo tempore diei expectato, ordine et procelFu continuacionum dicte Summoni- cionis per Dominos, Barones, et Burgorum conimiHarios hue ufque juridice pro- cedi, vifis et intellectis, Colinus Comes de Ergile, &c. Cancellarius dicti domini noftri Regis et eius nomine, de luo expreflb mandato, requifuiit et peciit a dictis Dominis, Baronibus et Burgorum CommilFariis fua fenfiamenta et Uecreta Par- liamenti, penes proceff'um dicte Sumniooicionis, fi dictus Johannes Rol's de IMont- grenane fuit culpabilis in proditoriis actionibus prenominatis, et in dicta Sumiiio- nicione contentis : Quibus Dominis, Baronibus et Burgorum Commiftariis deli- genter et mature auilatis, inuenerunt, et vnufquifque pro feipfo, deliberauerunt, quod dictus JoiiANXES Ross fuit culpabilis in omnibus proditoriis actionibus 1 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 11 prenominatis in dicta Summonicione contentis, exceptis factis apud Abirdene: Ex ideo datura fuit pro Judicio fiue Laudo Foriffacture, per os Alexandri Dempftar Judicatoris Parliaraenti, in modo et forma fequen. in wlgari. Judicium five Laudum Forisfacture. This Court of Parliament fchewis for law, and I gif for Dome, that forfamekle as it is fundin be fenfment of Parliament, that Johne the Ross of Mont- GRENANE has committ and done Treflbune agane oure fouerane lorde ]je King and his Realme, in the pointis and articlis abone writtin, contenit in pe Sum- mondis maid J)airapone, except ]>q wyrkingis maid at Abirdene, That ])airfore ))e laid Johne J)e Rols has forfalt to our fouerane lorde })e King, his lif, landis, officis, gudis movable and vnmouable, and all vtheris his poffeffionis quhatfum- euer he haid within ])e realme of Scotlande, euermare to remane with our faid fouerane lorde, his airis and fucceffouris, for his Treffoune and offence. And J)' I gif for Dome. l^i^i) Crmsoit. Eodem die, Cuthberto Murray de Cokpule^ fepe vocato, per Sum- monicionem regiam et tenorem eiufdem fub teftimonio Magnj Sigilli regii defu- per directo, ad refijondend. perfonaliter dicto domino nofti'o Regi, in prefenti Parliamento, fuper certis proditoriis actionibus in dicta fummonicione contentis ; et non comparend. continuatur ad craflinum videlicet decimum quintum menfis inftantis Octobris, cum continuacione dierum, in eadem forma ut nunc eft, abf- que preiudicio parcium. 2£lf fjulatiouia for ii)t tiwt StUministratioit of S"stirt» [One of the earliest public Acts of the first Parliament of King James IV^ throws much valuable light on the energy and vigour recommended and enforced by tlie advisers of the young King, whose personal activity and zeal in the discharge of all the functions of the royal office are well known and acknowledged. It is preceded by the following brief resolution,^ which, as is generally allowed, he fulfilled even to the letter. ' It is avifit and concludit, anent the furthe putting of juftice throw all the Realme, that our fouerane lord sall ride in proper persoune about to all his Aieris : And |)at his Justice fall pas with his hienes, to minifler juflice, as beis thocht expedient to him and his Coun- fale for the tyme.' As the future proceedings frequently refer to the discharge of the important duties intrusted to the Lords and Barons named, it has been considered necessary to lay before the reader the particulars, which as usual are concisely stated.] Oct. 17. — ' Anent the ftanching of Thift, Reff, and vtheris innorraite3 throw all Jje realme, thir Lordis vnder writtin has maid faithe and gevin J)ar ' This case was continued from time to time ; but, from the imperfect state of the Records, it does not appear whether lie was forfeited or not. The probability is that he was not, otherwise so much dL'lay would not have been granted him. " Acta Purl. IISS, cap. 9. ' lb. cap. 8. 12 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1488. bodily aitliis to our fouerane lord, in this his Parliament, that ])ai and ilkane of thame fall diligently, withe all cure and befinace, ferche and feik quhar ony fic trefpaffouris ar fundin or knawin within ])ar boundis, and tak ])ame and jullify' J^anie, or niak J>ame be fend to our fouerane lord to be juftifiit : And J)a' fall liaue pouere of our fouerane lorde, vnder his quhite walx, to tak and punys the faidis trefpaffouris but fauouris, according to juflice : And als, to gif Jjarae pouere to caufe vtheris fmale Lardis within ])ar boundis to mak faith elik wife, and to rife and affift to \>ame in the takyne of pe faidis trefpaffouris. Bakons appointed to search for and punish trespassers. The Lord Halis and Alexander Hume for the 3Ierse, Lol'diane, ]>e Wardis of Hading- TOUXE, LlNLITUQIf and L.IUDF.RDAILE. The Lord Halls for Kiecudbrycut and Wiutoune. The Erle of An'guse for the fclierefdomei of Roxburghe, Selkirk, Peblis, Lasask, The faid Erle and the Lord Maxwell for Drumfbese. The Lord Kennydy for Carrik. The Schereff of Are for Are. The Lard of Cragy for Kile. The Lord of Montgummerry for Cunynghame. The Erle of Leuuenax, the Lord Lile, Mathew Stewart, for Renfrew, the Monk- land, Len^hey, Bothdile, Glasgh; Kilbride, Avandaile. And the forftiid Lordis and tlie Lord of Montgummerry for Dunbartane, the Leuuenax, Bute, and Arane. The Schereff of Steruiline and James of Schaw for Steruelinschir. Archibalde Edmanstoune for 3Ienteitiie and Straitiiegarthenay. The Chancellar, the Maister of Ergile, for Ercile, ]'e half of Lorne, Knabdane, Kyn- TYRE and COWALE. Duncane Campbell, Neile Stewart and Ewyne Campbell, for Discuer, Toyere, Glen- unaiiAR, Rannociie, Apnadvle, Glenlyoune, Glenfalloiche. The Erle of Athole and Alexander Robertsoune for Athole. The Lorde Drummonde for Straitherne, Blwhequhedere, and Dunblane. The Lord Oliphant for ])e Lavvlande of fe Scherefdome of Perthe, Strathebratne, and the bifchoprik of Dvnkeldene. The Lord Gray, the Lord Glammys, the Maister of Craufurde for Anguse, Hie land and Law land ; and to fitt with ])E Justicis of the Regalitej, &c. The Erle Marciall for the Mernis. The Erle of Huxtlie, the Erle of Erole, the Lard of Ikuerrugy fra the Months northe fra Inuerneffe, in The Schereff of Fiff and ]ie Lorde Lindesay for ]'e fcherefdonie of Fiff. df oiftiturt Qi X\)t €ai1 Qi 5!tnino.i, ijis sou xiyt iHasUr of lttnno.i:, antr EovtJ %\)\tf ifrallciJ. [Shortly after the coronation of James IV, the leaders of the party who had unsuccessfully opposed him while Prince, at the Field of Stirling, precipitately organized a Conspiracy against him, ' Execute them ; put them to deiith, after legal trial. 1 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 13 under the pretence of revenging the late King's death. For tliis purpose they hoisted the bloody shirt of James III as tlieir standard, and appealed to the sympathies of the people. The attempt appears to have been premature, and proved abortive ; for John Earl of Lennox, and Robert Lord Lyle, the Earl Marischall, Lords Forbes and Crichtoun, with the Master of Huntley, &c. were totally overthrown, in the month of October 1489, near Touch, at the Talk Moss, being about six- teen miles from the town of Stirling. The King, however, with singular leniency, speedily restored them to his favour, and spared theii- estates. Reference may be made to 3Ir Tythr's valuable Historical work' for a full account of all these transactions, which are likewise related by Buchanan, Lesley, &c. which last authority states,^ that ' ane greit nomber of the Lennox men wer (lane, and findry of the Barronis, fie as the Lords (Lairds) of Kilcrouicht and utheris, tane and hangit tliairfoir.'^ Sir James Balfour informs us, that this ' Laird of Kilcreuche' was ' Chieft'e of the Galbraithes.' ^ It has been thought that the reader would prefer to have before him the King's warrant for recall- ing the Forfeitures which had taken place. The Act of Parliament itself may be seen in the new and valuable Edition of the Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, printed under the care of Thomas Thomson, Esquire, the present Deputy Clerk Register.] Jun. 26, 1489- — Pkeceptum Regis pro extraccione procejjus Comitis de Lettenax, Roherd Dombii L'de, et Mathej Stewart.^ Rex, Clerk of our Registre. Wit 3e, that fforfamekle as it is now fundin and declarit be the thre eftatis in this oiire Parliament, that Jje Procefs of For- faltour led apone oure coufingis Johne Erle of LeueNx\x, Lord Dernely, Matho Stewart his fone and apperand are, Robert Lord Lile, in our Parliament haldin laft of before, in our burghe of Edinburghe, is fundin and declarit of nane avale, as ]>e Act of Parliament maid now pairapone proportis : It is oui'e AVill, and we charge 30W, that 36 herfore, incontinent eftir the ficht of ]jir our lettrez, tak furthe J»e faid jjrocefs of Forfaltour of 50ur bukis of Par- liament, and deliuer \>e fammyn to Jje faid Johke, Matho, and Robert, and diftroy J)e fammyn procefs, in fie wife, ])at it be neuer fene in tyme tocum. And this one na wife 36 lef vndone : Halding ])ir our lettre5 fubfcriuit with our hande for 3our werrande. Writtin at Edinburghe, the vj day of Februare, the 3ere of God J".iiijMxxxix 3eris, and of our regne the fecunde 3ere. [James R.] Dilecto clerico noftro Magistro Ricardo Murehede, Decano Glafgueu. Clerico Rotulorum noftrorum et Regiftri ac Confilij, &c. ' Tyller's Hist, of Scotland, IV. 345, &c. « Bannatyne Club's Edit. 4to, 1830, p. 60. ^ The want of the Criminal Records prevents us from ascertaining who these persons were. * Annales, I. 215. ^ This was done by Act of Pad. Feb. 5, 1489-90. Vid. Acta Pari. IL 217. 14 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1493. LAUDIR. CvRiA ftqyremi domini ?io/?ri Regis, {tenfa apudy hurgum de Laudir, die Joms,Jeptmo die menjis Nov[emhns, anno 3IiUefimo) quadringentefimo Nonogejimo tercio, coram nobilibus dorninis (Roberto domino Lyle et LAt;REN)Tio domino Ouphant, Jnjiiciariis Jhpremi domini Regis, ex {parte aujiruli aque de) Forthe. Ettters t^l (^tnrral Memission, GRANTED BY KiNG JaMES IV. TO THE INHABITANTS OF BERWICKSHIRE, THE Merse, and Lauderdale. James, be the grace of God King of Scottis, to all and fyndrie oure Jufticis, Juftice clerkis, Ci-ounaris, and thare deputis, and utheris oure officiaris, liegis, and fubditis, (quhome it) efFeris,^ qviliais knawlege thir oure lettres fal cum, greting. For famekil as We grantit, of before, generale Remif- fionis to all and lyndri oure liegis and fubditis, inhabitant the boundis of the Sherefdome of Berwic, the Merfe, and Lawdirdale, for all crimej and actionis comniittit be thame, in ony tyme bigane, before the day of oure Coronatioune : And as 5it, ane pairt of oure liegis has nocht rafit thare Reniiffionis thai-eupoune : We heirfoir, of our fpeciale grace and favouris, has Refpectit,^ Remittit, and Forgevin, and be oure Lettres fpecialie Refpectis, Rernittis, and Forgevis for evirmare, all and lyndri oure liegis and fubditis, inhabitant the boundis of oure Sherefdome of Beruic, the Merse, and Lawdirdale, of quliat eftate, degre, or conditioune thai be of, to be unattachit, unarreftit, unperfewit, unfolowit, ony nianer of way, in all tyme3 to cum, be ony of our officiaris, liegis, or fubditis foir- faidis, for ony crime5, ofTenfis, reffis, herfchippis, flauchteris, birnyngis, murthir, trefonis, or uthir trefpaffis quhatfumevir, committit or done ony maner of way, before the date of oure Coronatioune foirfaide, be ony of our liegis or fubditis forfaid. Quhairfor, We charge flraitlie and commandis 50U, all and findrie oure liegis and fubditis forfaid, that nana of 30U tak upoun hand, to attach, arreft, perfew, or folow ony maner of way, ony of our liegis or fubditis forfaid, for ony crimen of trefone, ofTenfis, or trelpaffis quhatfumevii-, committit or done be thame, or ony of thaim, in tyme5 bigane, before tlie day of our Coronatioune forfaide, in ony tyme to cum. As 5e wil anfuer to us thareupoune, and undir all the hieft payne, charge, and offeus that 36 or ony ane of 30U may committ or inryn* agane our Majeftd riall,' in this prefent ; difchargeing 50U and ilk ane of ':;ou of ';our officis in that pairt, be thir oure Letres : Gevin undir oure Priv^ Sele, at Dingvale, the xxiiij day of October, the 3ere of God I", iiij'. nynty thre 3eris, and of our regne the fext 3ere. ' The words williin parentheses are supplied from similar entries. The commencement of the volume is much decayed and destroyed by damp, &c. ^ Whom it concerns ; to whose knowledge, &c. ' Respited. * Literally run into ; incur. ^ Royal. 6 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 15 LAUDia. Nov. 9, {dies Sahhati,^ viz. tercia dies Itineris.) — Thomas Broune, in Langtoune, convicted of art and part of the (laughter of umq'" Thomas Achin- foune. — Beheaded." — James Broune in Langtoune was put to the liorn, &c. for the fame crime ; and his cautioner, William Amere, fon of Robert A. in Todrik, was amerciated in L.20 for his non-ajipearance. — (Nov. 12.) Robert DouGAL in Langtoune was beheaded for the fame daughter. jiamtsurlun — ^touti)rf if. Nov. 12. — William Cokburne, fon and heir of the Laird of Lang- toune, and nine others, permitted to compound for art and part of the fore- thought felony and ' Hamefukiu' done to Robert Sleich, his wife and children, at the Place of Oxindeu : And alio, for Stouthreif of a bonnet and ' quhyngare' from the faid Robert, at the fame time. iStiHiirij: ^arrs in forliilJlint time. W^illiam Cokburne,^ fon and heir of the Laird of Langtoune, came in the King's will for flaying of Hares, during the forbidden time. <^tout|)rrif from tfjt EaiiU of ^^pottisiMootr, ^r, Nov. 13.— Symon Furde in Toftis, and Thomas Furde of Litil Har- law, and fix others, came in the King's will, for forethought felony and ' Hame- fukin' done to James Spottifwode of that Ilk, George and Adam Spottifwode, at the Place of Spottifwode : And alfo, for art and part of the Stouthreif of three lances from the faid perfons, at the fame time. — The Mafter of Hume and George Hume of Wethirburne became cautioners for the fatisfaction of the Kinsr and parties. (Amerciated L 4 each.)* ^lau ill)tn— dTorttljou g:i)t dfrloni). James Spottisavode, junior, Adam S. and Thomas Wod, got a Remif- fion for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of vmq'^ Thomas Burne, in the town of Blythe : And alfo, for art and part of the forethought felony done to Alex- ander Hog. — The Laird of Spottifwood became furety for fatisfying the parties. ' Saturday or Scihhath, the Jews' day of rest. Sunday is universally translated in ancient docu- ments, especially legal writing-s, dies Soils or dies Dmimiica. Want of attention to this circumstance has led to frequent errors and mistatcmeuts. ^ ' Mem". Quod de bonis Thome Broune datur in elimofina uxori et prolibus, ij. vaccas, le rov. . . conium, cum utenfdibus domino Regi pertinen.' ' This case took place on the same day with the preceding. * This fine was probably to the King. The parties would not be so easily dealt with. It may betaken for granted that all entries of similar ' amerciaments' and fines, in the IJecord, were merely to the Crown, in moditm jtcvna, with- out reference to the ' airythment' or compensation to be made to the private party, which was matter of private negotiation or of reference to arbiters mutually chosen. 16 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1493. LAUDIR. J'tloni) tionc ta tf)c ilauU of 23Ii>t|). James Spottis'\a'ODE, junior, and Robert Steill came in the King's will for the forethought felony done to James Weddale of BIyth. The Laird of Spottifwood became cautioner to fatisfy the parties. Amerciated L.3 for each. jfovtti)0\ig;i)t df clout). Nov. 14, (Jexfa dies Ithieris.) — The Laird of Spottiswode, Adam and James, his fons, and George, his brother, came in the King's will for the forethought felony done to William Knox and Cuthbert Forfter, at Ryecluche. The Laird became furety to fatisfy the King and parties. Each amerciated in L.9i * Slfflirtto jtibtnis, pro Sntnfrrtionc in ortfunio rommissa/ [The following case of a boy of eight years of age being punished by public flogging at the parish church of Legerwood, until blood should be drawn from him, is so remarkable, that the Editor has deemed it best to give the precise words of the Record, tlie force of which would be much weakened by any translation. In all similar instances, wherein the ordinary technical phraseology of the Books of Adjouraal has been departed from, he has uniformly followed the same rule.] Nov. 14. — Quo die Thomas Gotheasoune juvenis in judicio fatebatur Interfectionem Johannis Sinythe, filij Thome Smy' : Quapropter ordinatur per Jufticiarium, Vicecoraes Dominus de Corfby ad hoc juratus, affligere eundem Thomam, pro hujufmodi Interfectione, apud Ecclefiam de Ligertwode, in cujus parochia diet. Interfectio fuit commifla, in die lolemni, ulque ad effufionem fan- guinis ; quia dictus Thomas Gothrafouue commifit dictam Interfectionem in octennio, et in hac etate non poterat ad mortem pro crimine juftificari.' Curia Ithieris Jujlicim-ie de Jedworthe, iuchoata die Lnne, N^ov. 17, 1493. ^nttifommunins iuitf) tl)c «f nijlisl)* Nov. 19, {die Martis, tercia die Itincris.) — Waeter Talzour ' Baro de Haffindene,' i)ermitted to compound for Intercommuning with tlie Engliili. — The Laird of Bucluche became furety for the entry of the laid Walter, at the next Juftice-aire. Crrasoitaijli) iitinij bitf) X\)t 53ulu of ^Hjaiin. Thomas Turnebule, in Gaithoulcot, produced a Remiffion for his trealbnably being with Alexander formerly Duke of Albany ;' and fpecially, at the Burgh-Mure of Edinburgh. ' Brother of King James III, and uncle to King James IV; and who treasonably conspired against his brother. After having escaped from Edinburgh Castle, in 1470, he fled to France, and was for- 6Jac.IV. criminal trials. * 17 JEDWORTHE. Sntrrrommuniiia iaiti) ^rdjitialti Slrmstrans. Walter Robsone, in Harden, came in the King's Will for Intereom- rauning with Archibald Armftrang, being at the horn for the Slaughter of the Laird of Eldmere. — Walter Ker became furety. Crrasonnfilp firiits iMitf) fi)t Sufer of ^liiani), ^r. Ralph Anysle produced a Remiflion for his being treafonably with Alexander formerly Duke of Albany ; and alfo with Richard Reid, Engliflnnan, before the date of his Remiflion : Alfo, for art and part of the treafonable Stouthi-eif and ' Herfcliip' made at the Place of Spittale of xxiiij oxen and cows, and vj horfes and mares, with goods and utenfils worth x'"' li.,' from the tenants thereof.- — Andrew Ker of Fairnyhirft became furety. Jjiiiisins in ii)t CritslisI) of Ciinrtrale. Symon 50UNG, in Rouchlee, produced a Remiflion for art and part of the theftuous and treafonable inbringing of the Engliflimen of Tyndale to the ' Herefchip' of Thomas Leipdene and ]\^athew Michelfoune, dwelling in Hun- dolee. — Andrew Ker of Farnyhirft became furety to fatisfy the parties. Sntrrrommuniiiff '^iiiy Xlyt f I)irbrs of %t\i\n\, Nov. 20. — Walter Scot of Edfchaw permitted to compound with the Treafurer for his treafonably Intercommuning with the Thieves and Traitors of Levyn. Crrasoitafili) ftring; ioitT) tijr tSnkt of ^Itiaiti). Patrick Mow produced a Remiflion for his treafonably being with Alexander formerly Duke of Albany. ^orttfjouijljt dTdonij — ^toutijrrif. William Tayt in Cesfurde-manys, and Robert Burne his coufin-ger- man, came in the King's Will for art and part of the forethought felony done to Thomas 5oung, by way of Murder, at the ford of Cale :' And alfo, for Stouthreif of a horfe, a faddle, a bow, with a fatchel and purfe,^ and 20 f. being in the faid purfe. — Sir Robert Ker, knyght, became furety. Each amerciated in 40 f. feited, Oct. 4 of tliat year. In 1482 lie went to Enprland, swore fealty to King Edward IV, and assumed the Title of King of Scotland. Tlie King, liis brother, sliortly afterwards forgave him ; but he once more proved a traitor ; and, after having given up tlie Castle of Dunbar to the English, again retired to England. On Jul. 22, 1484, he was routed at Loeliniaben ; but escaped to France, leaving the Earl of Douglas, &c. prisoners. He was a second time forfeited, Oct. 1, 1487, and his estates were finally annexed to tlie Crown. This turbulent Prince was killed at a tournament in Paris, in 1485. • Ten score, L.200. ^ g^g ^Jar. 2, 1494-5. = ' Cum pera et loculo.' Pera usually denotes a poke, budget, or bag for provisions, &c. VOL. I. f C 18 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D, 1493. JEDWORTHE. John Murray, (refidiug) with Walter Ker in Cesfurde, produced a Remiffiou for art and part of the Slaughter of William Auchinlek : Item, for the Stouthreif of five elns of white woollen cloth from David Wodes man, during the time of the Rebellion of Alexander Duke of Albany. Crtason — JUitn'rommuninQ; iuitl) tfjr Btifer of laiOann — Caluns Drisonrr anft r.vartins liansont, sVr» Adam Kirktouxe, in Craling-mylne, produced a Remiffion for trea- fonable outputting and inputting, and common Theft, common Relet and com- mon Treal'on, before the date thereof : Item, for his ti'eafonably being with Alexander late Duke of Albany ; Item, for the treafonable carrying off of a llioe-maker in Jedworthe' to the Englifli ; and caufmg him to be redeemed for L.4,0. — Dand' Ker of Farnyhirft became furety to fatisfy the party, Jjiinsins in t\)t drngllsf) aiili i^IunUniiiti: iWinto, ^r, William Grymyslaw, at the Kirk of Haiiindene, permitted to com- pound for art and part of the treafonable bringing in of the Englifli of Tynedale to the ' Herefchij)' of 100 cows and oxen, 100 flieep, 20 horfes and mares, and fundry iitenfils, furth of Mynto : Item, for his trealbnably Intercommuning with the Thieves of Levyn. — Walter Scot of Howpaflot became furety for fatisfying the parties. Coiuealiiig; * pas-ptniips* fouiili in iiftinto-i^irlt. Nov. 21. — John Sixclark in Mynto, and four others, came in the King's Will for ti'eafonably concealing and Stouthreif of x"" ' pas-pennys"' per- taining to the King, found in the Kirk of Mynto. — The Laird of Bethroule and William Langlandis became their fureties. '»' * ?t?rrfsrf)ip' of ^?arr|)t)3f— lUsrttin^ Craltors of ilrbrn, Walter Scot of Howpaflot allowed to compound for trealbnably bringing in William Scot, called Gtjde, John his brother, and other Traitors of Levyn, to the ' Herefchip' of Harehede : Item, for theftuoufly and treafonably Reletting of Henry Scot, and other Traitors of Levyn : Item, for the trealbn- ' Jedlmiiih. "^ Andrew. ' These were likely to be ten score ' paces' or ' Nohillis of pay s,' English fjold coins or Nohles, wliith are frequently mentioned in our old Acts of Parlia- ment. The term pace seems to have reference to their ireiylit, q. d. Heavy Nohles, Nobles of weight. Although found in the Khk of Minto, there is no reason to suppose they were Pace or I^aster-offer- ings. There is no doubt that tliis jto/e was ' treafure-trove,' accidentally turned up and concealed by Sinclare ; and as such it belonged to the King ; who, on the other hand, could have had no claim to pious Easter-oflerings, made in grateful remembrance of the Resurrection. See also Nov. 9, 1302. 6Jac.IV. criminal trials. * 19 JEDWORTHE. able Stouthreif of foi-ty oxen and cows, and two hundred flieep, from the Tenants of Harehede, at the fame time. — Robert Scot of Quhitchefter became furety for his entry at the next Jnftice-aire. ^tout|)rrif— ^t.iu0f)trr— Cmnmon CTjrft. Peter Hall, in Newbiggin, produced a RemifRon for theftuoufly concealing of a target (shield) made of tanned hide," and a fword, from John Hall and Edmund Hall, furth of Newbiggin : Item, for art and part of the Slaughter of John Henrifoune in Lyntounlee : Ifem, for Healing fix ewes^ from Thomas Henrifoime, dwelling in Jed-Foreft : Ifem, for the Slaughter of the faid Thomas : Atul for common Theft, before the date of his Reraiffion. — David Anyfle became furety to fatisfy the parties.^ QJoHN Lord Drummond, depuft/ and lieutenant of Johx Lord Glammis, and Robert Lord LiLE, Jtijticktrs on the South parts of the Forth.'] 33urntn0 of ittnnto— ^Ijcrp-sttaluttr, ^r. Feb. 26, 1594-5, {fecunda dies Itineris.) — Gilbert Schevil, in Beth- roul, produced a Remiffion for Burning of Mynto : Item, for being art and part with Alexander late Duke of Albany : Item, for flealing fourteen flieep, ' 5owis,' (ewes,) &c. &c The Laird of Bedroule became his cautioner. ^lausljttr, ^r« James Pilmure, in Ednem, produced a Remiffion for theftuoufly wafl;ing of the goods of George Smythe, at the time he lay with his wife:" Item,for the Slaughter of Alan Glafgw. — Ralph Ker became furety to fatisfy the parties. Crrasona&Ii) finnsing: in t|)r Cl)irbrs of llrbni, ^r. Feb. 28, [dies Sabhafi.) — Hector Laudir, brother of the Laird of Todrig, produced a Remiffion for treafonably bringing in of Willoc Elwalde, Rolland Elwalde, and five brethern of the Armftrangis, Traitors of Levyn, to the ' Herfchip' of Quhitmur : Item, for art and part of the Stouthreif of V" ^ cows and oxen, and the whole houfehold goods from the Tenants of Quhitmur, at the fame time : Ite7)i, for Treafonably bringing in the Forftaris and other Thieves of Levyn to the Pot-Loche of Selkirk, &c. &c. — Robert Scot, fon of Walter of Edfchaw, became furetie to fatisfy the parties. ' ' Unius tergoris corticati.' - Ovium le jOwis. ' At the end of the proceedings of tliis Aire, there is the following entry : ' Summa totalis extractus Itineris, Vf-iij"" xv lib. xviiij f. iiij d. (L.575, 18s. 4d.) * In Adultery, ' tempore quo concubuit cum uxore ejus.' There are numerous entries to the same effect, both in the Criminal Records and in the Register of the Privy Seal, where Remissions frequently occur for this offence. ^ Five score. 20 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1494-5. JEDWORTHE. ^IauQ:|)tn- of ^iv tSrortjc ^aruplnUj, r][)iT|)Iain, Roger La>:glandis, Sir Robert Ker, ku', and John Rntherfurd of Edgarftonne, often called to enter Roger Langlandis to underly the law for the Slanghter of Sir George Farnylaw, chaplain, under the pain of L.20, for which they had become bound to the Sheriff of Roxburgh, as they confeflTed in judo-e- ment ; and not appearing, they were amerciated in the laid liim : And it was oi'dained, that the laid Roger lliall be denounced Rebel at the horn ; and all his goods to be efcheated to the King. ^laugljtrr. Thoisias Rutherfurd, Ion of Nicholas R., denounced Rebel, and all his goods ordained to be efcheated, for not underlying the law for the Slaughter of Dutliac Rutherfurde. — John R. of Edgarftoune, his cautioner, amerciated L.40 for his non-appeai-ance. 2r|)rft— ^totitfjiTif— 33rtn0nin: in tijt €i)it'oto ot Erbnt. sVr. Mar. 2, {quarta dies Itineris.) — Alexander TuRNBULE,fon of Andrew of Dridaue, produced a Remiffion for the theftuous Refet of Adam Howatfoune and Robert Jakfoun in the Thefts committed by them ; and fpecially, in the Theft of fix ewes (' '^oivis ') from James Ker, furth of Faftheuche : Item, for art and part of treafonably bringing in the Thieves and Traitors of Levyn upon Thomas Myddilmaft, in Ploro ; and Slaughter of his wife, and two fons, called Ninian and John : Item, for art and part of the treafonable Stouthreif, from the laid Thomas Myddilmaft, at the fame time, of xj horfes and mares, price 100 merks ; xliiij oxen and cows, price L.88, &c. — (the specification is so remarkable that the remainder of the charge is given in the original terms of the Record) — ' ij lejiaiid/s armorum,' precium L.20 ; xl lib. auri et argenti ;^ fex cocliarium argenteoi'um,^ precium 6 marc. ; una magna duodena vaforum ftaneoruni,'' precium L.7 ; fex togarura virorum,' precium L.8 ; xj togarum fubuncularum feminearum," precium L.22 ; xij flammearum," precium L.12 ; v cadurcarum,'' precium L.IO ; v arcium," precium 50 f. ; vj lancearum,'" vj bipenium," precium L.2, 10 f. ; 2 annidlorum aureorum,'' precium L.5 ; iij le ti/kis dejeddirbeddis, precium L.5; xxij parium linthiaminum,"' precium L.ll ; xxij coopertorium de le iror/et," precium L.IO; xvj lodicum," precium L.6; xx trinaclium," precium ' Suits of mail or armour. ^ Gold and silver coin. ' Silver spoons. * A great dozen of tin or pewter flagons or vessels. ' Men's govirns. '» Women's kirtles. ' Scarfs or veils. ' Generally understood to be blankets or coverlets ; but in this instance the term seems to be figura- tively used for a sort of shield or target. ■' Iland-hows. '" Lances. " Halberts or Pole-axes ; ' Jeddart-flaffis.' '' Gold rings. " Pairs of linen sheets. " Blankets ; worsted coverlets. " Sheets. "' Perhaps crinacUum, hair-pins, or bodkins. The Editor never met with this word before, and he does not find it in Ducangc or the other Glossaries. 7Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 21 JEDWORTHE. 20 f. ; V gladiorum,' precium L.5 ; unius dacre core] frimiti," precium L.3 ; ocrearuin cellarum" et aliorum bonorum utenfilium, precium L.5 ; quinque capparum Flandrie/ precium L.2, 10 f. ; duarum telarura panni gerfij/ precium L.IO ; trium telarum panni linej," precium L.3 ; v boxarum, precium L.2, 10 f. ; quatuor le co^tvw, precium 26 f. 8d. ; quinque duplij camentorum biftmiti/ precium L.2, 10 f. ; trium ulnarum pauni Anglicani," precium L.3 ; trium manitergiorum,' precium 6 f. — Robert Scot of Quhitchefter became furety to fatisfy the parties. jroi*tt!)oucrIjt felony— raouuKiufl—^^toutl^riet David Tait, brother of William in Cesfurdmanys, came in will, for art and part of the forethought felony done to Thomas ^o\mg, and cruelly Wound- ing him, at Cail,'" under lileuce of night; and for Stouthreif from him, at the fame time, of his horle, laddie, bow, pair of fpurs, ' qvihin5eare,' purfe, and xx f. of filver therein. — The faid William became furety to fatisfy the King and party. Curia Itineris Jujlk.'ume de Liddalisdale, inclioafa Mar. 3, 1494-5. Cfje (Qnxl of liotib^ell antr ^)t %mti of ^^Wvnlt amerciatrt, ^r. William Elwalde. — Patrick Earl of Bothvile and Lord of Liddalif- dale, and George Turnbule of Hall-Rule," Captain of Hermitage, called as lawful fureties of the faid William, as they received him in Indenture from the Coroner;'^ and not compearing, they were amerciated in xl. — On the fame day, they wei-e alfo amerciated for the non-appearance of eighty-five others, Elwaldis, Armflrangis, Wighames, Crofares, viz. to the extent of L.850 ; among the reft appear Archi- hald Armjtrangf Cole W'lghume, 8if. <#Iati0Tjttr— ^nttrromiminiitn; inft!) a llrfcrl. Mar. 3, {quiuta dies Itineris."') — Robert Scot of Quhitcheftir permitted to compound for the Slaughter of Adam Craufurde : And for Refetting, iupply- ing, and Intercommuning with Alexander Jardine, being at the horn The Laird of Buckcluche become furety to fatisfy the parties. ' Swords. ^ One ddker of tanned hides. A daker of hides consists of ten skins. ^ Riding greaves or boots. ' Flanders caps. ^ Webs of gi-ey (worsted) cloth. ^ Webs of linen cloth. " The Editor can form no idea of the nature of tliese articles. There must surely have been some extraordinary mistake on the part of the transcriber, in copying the items from the Dittay. « Three elns of English cloth. " Handkerchiefs. '" See Nov. 20, 1493. i' Aula de Roule. '2 A (.o'^ " ' Viz. tercia Martij Carnifpriicy, ' (in Le7it.) 22 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1494-5. LIDDALISDALE. aarsrtttitir a 3Krl)tl— ^lautjljtfi- of ti^c llaiitj of (iJlmnt. Elizabeth Thomsoune, in Corriflieuche, permitted to compound for Refetting Joifle Glenquhiu, being at the horn for the Slaughter of the Laird of Elmere. (J?.rpritsr9 of tl)C ^ivt of 3iftiiooiti)^' SuMMA Totalis extractus de Jedwortbe, (Exceptis bonis efcaetis), Item, pro expenfis Domini Justiciarii, tempore Itineiis, Item, pro expenfis Domini Thesaurarii, et Abbatis de Dunfermling composi- T0RUM,3 ......... Item, pro expenfis Domini Camerarii compofitoris, . . . Item, Clericis Justiciarie, ...... fSurama Expenfai'um, Ixiij li.] Item, pro hofpitio Domini Jufticiarij, ..... Item, pro hofpitio Domini Thefaurarij, ..... Item, pro hofpitio Domini Abbatis de Dunfermling, .... Item, pro hofpitio clericorum, ...... Item Fratribus de Roxburgh, in elemofina Regis, .... Item, pro firma Domus Affife, ...... [Summa hospitiorum, viij li. vj f. viij d.] SuMMA totalis Extractus, expenfis deductis, . . . I^.V". xiiij li. xiij f. iiij d. (Vij'. xxxiij li. except. Liddifdaile.) Bona, 2}''ffo»t>s Itineris de Jedworthe. Matho Gothrafone, in Mow, ...... j cow, vij gait. Jok Wricht, in Lyntoune, ...... j mere, j pot. David Wricht, in Lyntoune, brothir to Dik Wrycht, ... j cow, j nag. Johne Tumbule, Sande Turnbulis brothir of Bellentyn, callit blind Johne, ij ky. Johne Tumbule, callit Caje, in Nethir Bonecheftir, . . . iiij ky. xv^.lxxxiij li.' xiiij li. xxviij li. xiiij H. vij li. xxvj f. vii d. xlf. XX f. XX f. xlf. XX f. [Curia Itineris Jiifticiarie de Selkirk, inchoata die Mercurij, quarto die moifis Martij, I594(-5.) Coram Johanne domino Drummonde, depu- taio et Locum-tcnente Johannis domimiGlaimmvs, t'/RoBERXi domini LiLE, Jujliciuriornm _/.' d. n. Hegis, ex parte aujlrali aqua de FortJie.'] ^\)tt^ aiitj .?i)ovsr-6traIliig:, Mar. 5. — Dauid Turnbule, fon of the Laird of Quhithope, in Ern- heuch, produced a Remiffion for art and part of the Stouthreif of xiiij ewes (' 5o«7V) from Ninian IMurray, furth of Kerfliop : Item, for Stealing a white horl'e furth of Innerlethane, from Thomas Foreft, &c. — Walter Scot of Tufche- law became furety for fatisfying the parties. ' Reference may be made to the Appendix to this reign, for many interesting notices connected with the Justice-aires. ^ L.1583. ^ Tlie Compositors for each Aire were formerly appointed by the Privy Council. 7Jac.3^3£- criminal trials. * 23 SELKIRK. ^toiitljrt if from ti)t Coixicr of ?i?oU)pnsIot, kt. James Turnbule, brother of the Laird of Quhithoii, produced a Remiffion for art and part of the Thift of xviij ewes furth of Bowhill, from Robert Blacdene, in company with Walter Dalglefch : Ifem, for art and part of the Stouthreif of iron windows,' doors, and ' crukis' furth of the Tower of Howpaflot, pertaining to the Laird thereof.^ — The Laird of Quhithop became fiu-ety to fatisfy parties. 33uninitr t])t l^Iarr of dfast|)nif|)— Mif?er6rl)ip* of i^anuitsrljab, ^r. Andrew Turxbule, 'calvus' (bald), produced a Remilfion for art and part of Burning of the Place of Faftheuch, and Stouthreif of certain horfes, cattle, and other goods furth thereof : Ifem, for the theftuous Refetting of the Traitors of Levyn, coming with them to the Place of Hangitfchaw ; and for Stouthreif of eight horfes, and goods and utenfils therefrom, to the value of p 1. — The Laird of Quhithop became furety to fatisfy the parties. 3Ucsttttntj: Ciaitors of '£t\)tn, ^r.— ^pprrssion— Sntcrrommuntncj iiiitij tlje CEiifflisI)— ^latitjfjttr, kc. Mar. 5. — John Scot of Dali.oriane allowed to compound for art and part of the Reletting of John Rede and John Scot (Scot-Stow, in Tufche- law) in his theftuous deeds ; and fpecially, the time that the faid John (Scot)- Stow Hole a ' dri/'f (drove) of flieep from Thomas Johnfone, furth of Quhithop : Item, for treafonably Refetting Hector Armftrang, a traitor of Levyn, in his theftuous deeds and treafuns, &c. &:c. :^ I/em, for common Oppreffion of the lieges, in taking and plundering them of their horfes and goods, by his own authority : Item, for Intercommuning with the Englifli, in treafonable manner : Item, for common Relet of the Thieves of LiddalilUaile, Edvdale, and Ewifdale : Item, for Slaughter of one called Colthride, &c. &c. — Robert Scot of Quhitchefter became furety to fatisfy the parties. ^:orgt--stfaltntj: from tijr €ai'\ of Slnrrus's ^erbants, ^f. Mar. 6. — Adam Scot, in Auldinuifchop, fuffered to compound for Stealing two horfes from the I'ervants of the Earl of Angus, coming to Ilere- mitage : Item, for the theftuous and treafonable Reletting of the Traitors of Levyn in their Thefts and Treafonable Deeds, &c. &c. — Walter Scott of How- paflot become furety to fatisfy the parties. * ' Feniftrarum ferrearum ;' perhaps tlie phrase may denote stanclteons, or rather the strong iron frame-work built or soldtred into the solid masonry, beyond the casement. It was not usual to glaze iron work. 2 Walter Scot. ^ There is a long catalogue of similar crimes of no interest. 24 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1494-5. SELKIRK. William Clerk, at the Kirk of Ettrick,' produced a Remiffion for the Slaugliter of Robert Hay, Gilbert Cokburne, Thomas Lovel, and Gilbert Ker- michel. — David Priugil of Torwodlee became furety to fatisfy the parties.^ ^rrrrpt in falmur of ^iv d)omas Curnibulr. Justice, It is our will, and for certane confiderationis niovyng us, We charge 50U, hat je charge nocht, nor compel our lovit knycht. Sir Thomas Turnbule, to fynd fouerte, in our Juftice air, for fatisfactioune of party, for ony aetioune ])at he may be accufit of, committit before our Coro- natioune. And ]iis Precept be 50U fene and underflandin, delyver ])e famyn agane to Jie berar. Gevin uudir our fignet, at Linlithgw, ])e xxv day of Februare, and of oure regne Jie fevint ^ere. [JAMES R.] aSontJ fiy m^aUtv ^rott of Bululniirfjr. [The following document is given here, as a specimen of the forms of such writings at this early period. They are only occasionally inserted at length in the Record, in remarkable cases, and in many instances contain the signatures of the parties.] Apud Edinburghe, 3Ia/J .Tvi/J, 1498. — In prefence of ])e Lordis of Counfale, Walter Scot of Bukcleuiche is becummyn plege and fouirte for pe entre of Georg 5o""8'' takin by Rin3eane of Rujj'furde, Hew of Doiiglace, and ])are complicis, furthe of Mynto tonne; contenit in a Bill of complaynt gevin in be \)e fade Walter, Jjat he fall entir pe faide Georg joxmg, in pe next Juftice-are of Jedvvorthe, pe thrid day of pe famniyn, till undirly pe law, apone pe actionis and crime3 til be imput be pe faidis Rin3ean and Hew, and ])air complicis ; undir pe pain of xl li. [Curia Itineris Juft'iciar'te cle Peblis, inchoata die Lune, xij die menfi^ Novemhris, 1498, coram Johanne domino Drummond.] Nov. 15, {qiiarta dies Itineris.) — John Twedy of Drummel5ARe and five others came in the King's Will for art and jiart of the Oppreffion done to Ofwald Portewis and Jonet Flemyn his f^joufe, in ejecting them furth of their fet in Uvir Kingildurris. — The faid John became furety to the King and parties. Each fined in five merks. 3iailjarous ^^jjpirssion, ^r. Nov. 16. — Alexander Scot, in Hoptoune, allowed to compound for Oppreffion done to Andrew Tal5our, in riding his mare to death : Item, for ' ' Apud Ecclefiam Forelle' (viz, de Ettrick.) - ' SuMArA totalis Extractus de Selkirk, ij''.xxxv li. Suinma Exponfarum, xxxvi li. — Summa Hofpitiorum, iij li. xiij f. iiij d. — Summa totalis Extractus, expenfis dcductis, ij' .iij li. vj f. viij d.' IUac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 25 PEBLIS. OpprefRon done to Thomas Elphinftoune, in ftriking his cow till flie died : Item, for OpprefRon done to a child' of the Laird of Adamlande, in ftriking him till he could not rife : Item, for forethought felony done to Thomas Elphinftoune, in Manniflande, and hurting him. — William Bel, in Pehlis, became furety to fatisfy the parties. <#"tenltit0 out of X\)t itirfe tsi Sinurleitfjen. David Tait, fon of Roger Tait, produced a Precept of Remiffiou for art and part of the Stealing of a golden fignet (leal), a gold ring, two filver girdles," nine veils' of ' lawne,' * holland-claithe,'^ and other goods, to the value of XX li., from John Turnbule, brother of the Vicar of Innerlethane, furth of the Kirk of Innerlethane : Item, for art and part of the Theft of xij merks of gold and filver from Sir Williame Jurdane, furth of the faid Kirk. — David Tait of Pryn^ became furety to fatisfy the parties. ^toutl)rtit James Huntare and Gilbert Huntare, fons of the Laird of Polmude, convicted of art and part of the Stouthreif of half a ' fudder' of hay from Thomas Frefal and his brothers, furth of Nethir Myn5eane. — Walter Huntare, fon and heir apparent of the Laird of Polmude, became furety to fatisfy the King and party, viz. each of them v li. austttiiTtr a Cmitor — dTirf-raisfnja:. Nov. 18, {dies Sahbati, Jexta dies Itiueris.) — Thomas Myddilmast of Greveftoun produced a Refpite for Refetting of James Elwalde and his accomplices, during the time the faid perfous committed Fire-raifing and Burning of a ' Pele'° in Bothil, together with goods and utenfils to the value of iiij*" li.' belonging to William Hair : And for being art and part of the faid Burning of the Place and goods forefaid, being in the hands of our lord the King for the time, by reafon of Ward. — Sir John Hay of Snaide, kn', Sheriff" of Peblis, became furety. ^tmitijitif of tl)t cravl of ^itcrus's Imut, Siu William Cokbuhne of Scraling, knight, came into the King's will for art and part of the Stouthreif of a lance from a certain man of the Earl ' Cuidam pioli. ° Or zones; ' ciugnlonim' •' Perhaps scarfs; 'Jiammearum^ * Fine linen cloth, orisfinally imported from the Low Countries. ^ Pirn. ^ Peilh, or Peylls, were places of strength or fortifications, generally constructed on natural or artificial eminences ; and must have been very numerous in Scotland. The name, however, is often applied to Roman forts or custella. They seem to have been chiefly of use to retire to in cases of sudden attack or invasion, as, from their size and strength, they could not sustain a protracted siege. "' Fourscore pounds. VOL. I, f D 26 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1498. PEBLIS. of Angus ; which had been his own lance, and was previoufly flolen by the faid man from his fervant, the fame day. EdwaB-D Cokburne produced a Remiffion for the Slaughter of Roger Twedy, in company with the Laird of Hennirlande. — William Cokburne of Hennyrlande became furety to fatisfy the parties. ^latiffljtcr— ^toutlji'tif— iHulilatioiT tnirinci; 4?avliameiit. Sir William Cokbuune of Scraling, kn', James his brother, and John Pattonibun, in Kingildurris, produced a Remiffion for art and part of the Slaughter of ^^^alter Twedy, fon of John Twedy of Drava, in Peblis : I/em, for art and part of Stuuthreif of a Iword and fliield from the faid Walter, at the fame time : Item, the faid William and James, for forethought felony done to Andrew Twedy, within the town of Edinburgh, during the time of Parliament ; and for Mutilating him. — Sir William became furety to fatisfy the parties. Jiuvniiifr of Cobaiitounc — ^Iaug:f)tfr, ^r, Nov. 19. — William Mure ay of Newhall produced a Remiffion for art and part of the treafonable inbringing of John Douglas, Traitor, furth of England, the time he committed Fire-raifing, Burning, and ' Herefchip' upon the town and lands of Covautoune ; extending in damages to the value of jjmi i^erks and upwards, about thirty years laft bypaft : Ite7)i, of art and part of the Slaughter of William Boware, at the fame time. — John Earl of Morton became cautioner to fatisfy parties. — The faid William was amerciated in x I. as cautioner for his own appearance, and xl 1. for the appearance of Alexander, John, Thomas, and William, his fons, all of them having failed to enter." . J-toutljrtif— Cattlr-sttaltns. (Iter Jifjlkiarie r/t'EDiNBUuGHE, Feb. 26, 1501-2.)— William Tait, alias Foii/c-t//oicwi/.'!.— David Pringil, in Tynneis, became furety to Mr Richard Laufoun for his entry at the next aire of Peblis, to underly the law for art and part of the Stouthreif of xxvj oxen from ^^'illiam Murray, furth of the lands of Halis, in Lothian, under the pain of xl li. ' 1 2000 merks. - ' Summa totalis liujus Extractus, ij'^.lxxx li.' ^ There is notLing worthy of being noted of the proceedings of this Aire, wliieli was of sliort duration. IUac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 27 JEDWORTHE. [Iter Jnjlidane de Jedworthe, inchoata die Lune, ultimo die Octohris, 1502, coi-am Andrea Domino Gray, JuJficiario,f. d. n. Regis, ex part aujlrali acpie de For/he.'] auultai), $((. Nov. 4, {dies Veneris, tercia dies Itinens.^) — James Dauidsone, in Sprouftoune, produced a Remiffion for the theftuous wafting of the goods of John Cordonar, during the time he lay (in Adultery) with the faid John's wife, Williame Cranftoune of that Ilk became fiirety to fatisfy the parties. C|)f ilaiv^of Cabtrs nmnriatrt, ^r. ^ Nov. 6, {dies Suhhuti.) — Robert Scott, Ion of John Scot, in Dallo- Ow/vvXiui /^i raine, called BelUt Rohin. — ^^'illiam Douglas of Caveris, furety for the faid^ciZ»/w, /^ }v.rfu anU ?i?orsrs. (ty^Le^^h. Walter Scot of Edilhaw produced a Remiffion for art and part of ^ W^S. the Stouthreif of viij oxen from Robert Laudir : Item, for the Stouthreif of iiij horfes and fundry other goods from him at the fame time. — John Scot of Valis became furety for the fatisfaction of the jiarties Richard Jak, junior, in Auld Roxburghe, convicted of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Thomas Dun. — Beheaded. •&' |j?orst anti ^fjcrp-sttnling — iiuniing of ?l?lii3m.instounf, ^r. David Scot, called Lady,^ in Stirkfchawis, produced a Remiffion for art and part of the Theft of a horfe, price xl f., and fundry houfehold goods, value xl f., from John Spedane furth of Blakhalche : Item, for art and part of the Theft of xl flieep (' wedderis') from John Spedane and Andrew Michelfone furth of Blakhalche : Item, for art and part of the treafouable in-bringing of the Robfonis, Doddis, and Charlis, Engliflunen, to the Burning of Hirdman- ■ftoune, belonging to Adam Ruthirfurde : And for art and part of the Stouthreif of V horfes and mai't's, price xx 1., from the faid Adam at the fame time : And for the Burning of certain corns, extending to ij'^ bolls, price of each boll 3f. The lofs fuftained in Burning the houfes of Hirdmanftoune extending to x 1. ;'' ' John Cdltliird, in Rutlierfurdf, was the same day convicted of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of John Jaksone and James Jaksone, and beheaded. ' There is no mention made of the nature of his crime. ^ See Nov. 9 and 10, 1502. ■■ It is likely there must be an enor in the Uecord here, or that the fire had been very partial, and confined to a small part of the bams or other offices. 28 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1502. JEDWORTHE. Item, for art and part of the ti-eafonable in-bringing of Archibald Armeftrang, Ninian Armeftrang, David TurnbiiU of Bonecheftir, and other Traitors of Levin and Liddalifdale, to the Burning of the places of Thomas 5oung, Thomas his fon, William Johnefone, and Symon Leich in Crageiid of Mynto ; and for the Burning of feven horfes belonging to them, at the fome time ; the lofs fuf- tained in Burning the forefaid Houfes, and goods therein, being to the value of xl 1. : ItejNI, for art and part of the treafonable in-bringing of the faid Traitors to the ' Herelchip' and Stouthreif of xvj oxen and cows, iiij horfes and mares, from the faid Tenants of Mynto, ij cows from Margaret Urd, ij mares from Gilbert Johnefone, j mare from Symon Leiche, together with fundry other goods to the value of xl li., plundered from the faid Tenants at the fame time. — William Turnbull of Mynto became furety to fatisfy the parties. Nov. 7. — George Turxbuel, in ^Vyndis, and twenty others of the name of Turnbull, (among others Blew JoJtne.) Alan Davidfone, tawbonare,' George Turnbull of HawrouU, Mai'k Ker of Dolphinftoune, Thomas Turnbull of Bethroull, &c., were amerciated in xl 1. for each of thefe perfons failing to enter and underly the law for art and part of the cruel flaughter of Robert Oliuer. ^tcalinri: .il)orsc9, Cattl?, ant( MyttT^ — lUsettiittj iUebcls, ^t, ^This portion of the Register of the Justice-aire of Jeilburgh aflords numerous instances of the activity of tlie family of the Olivers in Stryndis, who appear to liave made the most of the recent Michaelmas moon, the Goddess of the Borderers in their ' Herfthips' and forays ! The most interest- ing and curious of these entries are those which follow, though other Murders, Stouthreifs, and ' Herfchips,' to a consi& Stryndis, Dauid Oliuer |iar, Martine Oliuer ]>nv, and INIathow Oliuer ])ar, has committit diverle Reiffis, Ilerefchijipis, Slauchtaris, and Stouthis ; ffor jje quhilkis J)ai have takin ])ame till oure foverane lordis Remiffioun, and has refufit to fynde fufficient fouerteis for fatisfactioime of parteis, as law will, efter ]je forme of law : That })arfore the Sheref of Roxburcht, fall tak the fliidis Robert, Dauid, j\Iar- tine and Mathou, ande put ])ame in prelbne and lure keping, as he will ajii'uer, for pe Ipace of fourty days ; at the ifche^ of ])e quhilk tenne ande cnde of xl dais, }>e faidis Ibuirteis being unfundin, as faid is ; J)at J)e faidis Robert, Dauid, ' Ewes. ' Caution, surety. ^ Expiry, tenninatioo. 15 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 31 JEDWORTHE. Martine and Mathow be had to J)e Gallowfe and hangit quliill J)ai be dede. And Jjat I gife for dome. Memd. fat ]>e faidis Robert Oliuer, David Oliuer, Martine Oliuer, ande Mathou Oliuer war deli- veiit to Jie faid Sheref, incontinent cftir ]ie faide dome, to be kepit and demanit as faid is, eftir fe forme of fe Dome forelaide. John Faui.o, in Litildene, produced a Reniiffion for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of David Henrifone, at the Kirk of Maxtoune : Item, for art and part of the Stouthreif of xx oxen and cows, v horfes and mares, and T flieep, from Alan, John, and William Heni'ifone, furth of Miirhouflaw, in company with Thomas Grymiflaw and his accomplices, the King's Rebels and at the horn. — George Fawlo of "Wellis became furety to fatisfy the parties. — He alio produced an- other Reniiffion for art and part of the treafonable taking of Thomas, John, Alan, and Thomas Henrifone, junior, furth of Miirhoullaw, in company with the King's Rebels, viz. the Ruthirfurdis, and carrying them to Chrillopher Milburne and Bertholomew INIylburne, Englilli-men, and detaining them there for the fpace of three months : And for art and part of redeeming them, viz. ' raiijhmyng' at the rate of xx 1. Scotch money : Item, for art and part of the Stoiithreif of four fcore oxen and cows, ij" flieep, from the faid Thomas, &c., furth of the Place of ]\Iurhouflaw, price of each cow ij merks, price of each ox ij merks, price of each flieep iiij f., &c. &c. — ^A'alter Haliburtoune became furety to fatisfy the parties for the ' i-anibmyng-' of the laid perfons ; and Alexander Lord Hume, for the faid goods. Jiriitjjiitfl: in tijr Craitors of Hfbin— 5>erescl)t}) of ^nntoutte. Nov. 9. — David Scot, called Ladij,^ produced a Reniiffion for art and part of the treaflbnable inbriiigiiig of the ylrm .Strang is; Traitors of Levin, to the ' Herefchip' and Stouthreif of nine fcore oxen and cows, xx horfes and mares, and fundry other things to the value of xl merks, from the Tenants of Syntoune. — He became furety, of confent, to fatisfy the parties. ^lautjijtff— ^toutljrcif of Cattle, ^r. James Gray in Favvlifliope, and ^Villiam Dun in Quhitmer, produced a Reniiffion for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Anthony Tayt : Ife7)i, for art and part of the Stouthreif of iv horfes from the faid Antliony, at the fmie time : Item, for art and part of the Tlieft of eight fcore of llieej) from George Tait, furth of Pyrne, and xl flieep furth of Gaithope, &c. &c. : Item, of a horfe ' For farther notices of this worthy, see Nov. 6 and 10, 1502. 32 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1502. JEDWORTHE. and eighty flieep from William Clegliorne : Item, of eight fcore and fix ' hoggs" from George Tayt and his Tenants, fiirth of Pyrne and Sithop : Item, xvij ' gayt'- from John Cleghorne : And other goods to the value of xl f. — James Ker of Lintoune became furety to fatisfy parties. ^lausfjtn— lUsctting * .i^)ob Wyt iuntr/ anil *l3nnti t\)t man/ kt, William Ker in Quhitmere, James Ehvande^ there, and Alexander Gray in Grenehede, produced a Remiffion for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of John Furde, in the town of Selkirk. Ralph Ker of Prymfydloche became furety to fatisfy the parties. — Patrik Gray, with Ker and Elwalde, produced a Refpite for Refetting the fons of William Elwalde, ' Hob^ ])e King,' and ' Dand' J>e man,' in their trealonable deeds ; and fpecially, in tlie Theft of nine fcore of flieep furth of Tweddale and Laudirdale. — James Ker of Lintoune furety to fatisfy parties. Conrfaling: * |3aisr iJtnncis.' Robert Lofthous" in Lyndene, Conuicted of concealing certain * paife penneis" to the value of x merks, on his ownConfeflion. — Banished furth of Scotland. To remove within xl days, under pain of ' tinfal"* of his life. (f^pprrsston — ^toutljrrif — Conboratton, ^r, Nov. 10, {dies Jovis) — Adam Douglas, and Robert, Henry, Symone, v;^^ c»^| >».*«■ i> ^<^- and George D. in Swynfyde, his brothers, permitted to compound for art and %Ji- part of the OpprefTion done to William Colvile of Ravinnifcrag, Robert Boyd, and John Kennedy, in taking and detaining them upon Levin,' and deftroying iij horfes belonging to the laid perfons, at the fame time : Item, for art and part of the Stoutlireif of a fword, a fliield, a purfe,'" and x 1. therein, from the laid William Colvile at the fame time : Item, for Convocation of the lieges, and coming upon Sir William Colville of Ucliiltre, in Hordane," wifliing to flay him on forethought felony. — Ralph Ker of Prymfidloche, furety to fatisfy the parties. ^pjpiTssion Isonr to i\)t ilairti of €>rf)iltrft. Robert and Henry Douglas, brothers, permitted to comjiound for ' Sheep of one year old. ^ Goats. ' Elwaide. ■* A familiar Border abl)reviation for Rohi'vi, not Hidbert. ^ Andrew. ^ 'Sow Loft us. ' See Note to Nov. 21, 1493. ^ Loss. ^ A district of Lancashire, tiien infamous for its ' Trailouris and ' lyminaris,' who made numerous raids and forays every year on tlie least protected parts of the Scottish Borders. To do justice to the Borderers of the Scottish side, they were to the full as active as their Southern neighbours, and fre- quently penetrated as far as the heart of Yorkshire, and the adjacent counties. '" ' Unius IMan- cipij,' which jfenerally denotes a deed of conveyance, or title-deed. In the present instance, it may be figuratively ])ut for some' sort of purse or scrip. It is more probable, liowever, that the word has been erroneously transcribed from the Dittay by the clerk, in place of iiiar/'ujrij, (or marcupij, as it was sometimes written,) a purse. " Harden. 15 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 33 JEDWOKTHE. art and part of the Opprcffion done to Sir William Colvile of Uehiltre, in occupy- ing, labouring, and manuring his lands of Farnefyde and Hardane, and taking and keeping his Houle or Pele,^ in Hardene, without any Leafe or title of law : Item, for the Theft of iij oxen from the faid Sir William Colvile, furth of Syn- lawis. — Ralph Ker of Prymfydloche became furety to fatisfy the parties. Btstt — 3Httn'rommunincr Saiti) i\)t Slrmstranflt9, ^r> Adam Scot, in Hawchefteris, produced a Remiflion for art and part of the theftuous Refetting of fix fcore flieep ftolen by the Laird of Mynto from George Ruthirfurde, furth of Langnewtoune and Sandyftanis : Item, for Refet- ting, fupplying and intercommuning 'with Archibald and Niniau Armftrang, William Scot, and their accomplices, the Kiugis Rebels. ?l?rrrsrljip of ^i)"toun — ^latisTjttr, ^r, David Scot, (callit) Lady^ produced a Remiffion, for art and part of the treffonable in-bringing of the ' Armflrangis,' to the ' Herefchip' and Stouthreif of nine fcore of oxen and cows, xx horfes and mares, and other goods and gear, to the value of xl merks, from the Tenants of Syntoune : Item, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Geoi-ge Newtoune and George Caveris, at the fame tyme. — He became furet_v, with confent of party. ^|)frp-stfaltii(j— ^totitljrrif, ^r. David Scot, (callit) Lady, produced a Remiffion for art and part of the Stealing of three-fcore flieep (' wedderis'), price of each vj f viij d., from Rali)h Ker, furth of BradmedoAvis : Item, for airt and part of the Stouthreif of vj oxen and cows, and other goods and geir to the value of x merks, from William Atkin, and John his fon, furth of Hanyng. — William TurnbuU of Mynto became furety to fatisfy the parties, ^pprrssion tiouf to X\)t il.iiiD of at j^ori^anir. Nicholas Ruthirfurde, in Hindole, prodviced a RemifTion for art and part of the Theft of five horfes from the Kingis Army of Norhame. — John Ruthirfurde (of Hundole ?) became furety to fatisfy the parties. * Ht^tvtsdjip' JDf dl nstljf tidjf anb 2?au(jinflsci)aiM, ^t. Philip Turnbull, in Qiihitbop, and David Turnbull, in Carlingpule, produced a RemifTion for art and part of the treafonable In-bringing of the Thieves and Traitors of Levin to the ' Herefchip ' and Stoutbreif of the goods being in Faflbeuche and Haiigingfchaw, belonging to John Murray, &c. &c. ' ' Uiiius deploidis ;' q. d. duplex Testis. " ' Unius cacobi, le caJdrone.' 36 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1502. JEDWORTHE. Mesfttiitg: tT)t ' ^rnisti-aitais* ann ti)t ^o\x of tijt Jtatrt of Cuscijetalu. Patrick Turnbull, ia Walchope, in-oduced a Remiffion for Reletting, Supplying, and Intercommuning with Archibald and Ninian Armftrangis, and William Scot, fon of David Scot of Tufchelaw,' in their Stouthreifs, Slaughters, Burnings, and other crimes committed by them. ^latisTjttr— 33unTiit0 of BtnteljIU— * ^ntstiji^* of MtvttlmQl)t —l\t5ttti\\Ci l\thtl5, kc, Peter Turnbull, in Bonecheftir, produced a Remiffion for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of James Ruthirfurd, fon of Adam, at the Kirk of Hawick : Item, for art and part of fortifying of the treafonable Burning of the Place of Bernehill, and alfo of twelve fcore bolls of oats, fix fcore bolls of bear,' and fixty bolls of wheat, pertaining to George Ruthirfurde of Langnewtoiuie : Item, for art and part of the ' Herefchip' of xxv oxen, xxviij cows, xvj ' 3oung nolt,'^ and three fcore flieep, from the faid George : Ifem, for art and part of the Burning of iij horfes, viij mares, and fundry other goods, to the value of xx 1., at the time of the Burning of Bernhill, pertaining to the faid George : Item, for art and part of Stouthrief of xl oxen and cows, v horfes and mares from John Giyniiflaw, furth of the Place of Camys, in company with the King's Rebels, viz. being Turnbullis, and at the horn, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of James Rutherfurde : Ifevi, for art and part of the treafonable In-bringing of fundry Englifli to the ' Herefchip' of Merch-cluche and Stouthreif of iv horfes and fundry goods and gear from Robert Laudir, furth of Mere- cluche : Item, for art and part of taking the faid Robert at the fame time, and detaining him in Bewcaftill, in England, until he redeemed^ himfelf : Item, for art and part of the Stouthreif of eight fcore and fix flieep (' hoggis'),* from George Tait and his Tenants, furth of Fichop : Item, for art and part of Stouthreif of xvij goats, and fundry goods and utenfils, from John Cleghorne, to the value of xl £ furth of Lethanehoip : Item, for art and part of the Theft of xl flieep (' ^oH-is,y from Willianie Cleghorne, furth of Lethanehope : Item, for art and part of the Burning of xxvj bolls of bear and xl bolls of oats, pertaining to George Ruthirfurde of Langnewtoune, in his Place of Sandyfl;anis, in company with John Turnbull of Mynto and his accomplices : Item, for art and part of the Stouthreif of twenty four fcore flieep from the faid George Rutherfurde, furth of the faid Place of Sandyftanis : Item, for Rcfetting, fupplying, and intercommuning with Mark Turnbull and John Turnbull, the Kingis Rebels. — Adam Turnbull of Bullirwell furety to fatisfy parties. * For the fate of a future Laird of Tusciielaw, and that of the celebratedJonNNiE Armstrang, see May 16 and 18, 1330. ' Bailey. ^ Young cattle. * Ransomed. ^ A year-old sheep, before losing its first fleece. ^ Ewes. 15 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 37 JEDWORTHE. JSurudtQ: anti * l^ecesc^ip * o( 3$oitIjuitfesIjtiUs. Nov. 15, {dies 3Iartis.) — Ewmund Aumstrang,' in Liddalifdale, and George and Hector, his brothers, there, compeared by the King's command, and were accused of art and part of the Burning and ' Herefchip' of Borthuicfchelis, viz. iij'^ flieep, iij""' oxen and cows, xxhorfes and mares, and fundry goods and utenfils, to the vahxe of F merks, from Mark Ker of Dolphingftoun and the Tenants thereof. — They found Hector and George Armftrangis, brothers, as their fureties for fatisfying the parties. ^tealms a ^taHtoix fi-om tije (i?ail of llei)ino.t. George Armstrang, brother of Hector, in Liddalifdale, compeared, and was accufed of art and part, along with one called Douglas, in his Thefts ; and fpecially, in the Theft of a brown curfour,* price xxx ' Angel Nobillis,' from the Earl of Levinox, furth of Edinburghe. — He found Hector, his brother, cautioner to fatisfy parties. Robert Ruthirfurde, in Todlaw, produced a Remiffion for art and part of the Theft of certain ' cufcheis of filk,"* flieets, linen cloths, ' fuftiane,' 'fcarfs,'" and other clothes, furth of the Kirk of Jedworthe. — Robert Turnbull of Blindhalche became furety to fatisfy parties. jrorttI)oiisI)t dT^Ioiti), kt. Alexander Wyndis of that Ilk, convicted of the forethought felony done to Philip Faula, on S' Mary's day : Item, of art and part of the forethought felony done to the Hiid Philij), in riding to Branxhame. — Robert Scot amerciated xl I. for his non-aijpearance to undei'ly the law, ^totit^ftfC anU Il?ei*e0f i)(p of ^xtn, ?^orses, kt. Walter Turnbull, in Branxhame, produced a Remiffion for art and part of the Stouthreif of eight fcore and eight oxen and cows from Patrick Murray and John Murray, furth of Carterhalche : Item, for art and part of the ' Herefchip' of fundry goods and utenfils, to the value of three fcore merks, from the faid Patrick and John, furth of Carterhalche : Item, for art and part of the ' fpuil3ie' of ij horfes, price xl 1., from the faid John, furth of Carterhalche, in company with the Traitors of Levin. — George Turnbull of Hawroull and Robert Scot of Stirkfchawis, became fureties to fatisfy the parties.' ' See May 18, 1330, &c. ^ 300. 3 60 ; three score. « Stallion. ' Probably cushions, on which to place their Mass-books, &c. ^ Or surplices ; ' flammearum.' ' ' Summa Totalis Imjus Extractus (viz. Itineris Jufticiarie de Jedworthe), Ij"'.V'^ xlj li.' (L.Soil.) h^. >A/V/»»^Vat ilk, George Hume of J)e Spote, James Weir, Hew Weire his fone. Hew Weire elder, William Huchon- fone, Thom Huchonfone his fone, Thome Smyth, Andro Clerkfone, Johne 5oung, Stevin Lythgw, Johne Grahame, Lowen' Cad5eu, Thomas Tuedy, Johne Huchon- fone, Peter Loky, Johne Twedy of Drummel5are, Marc Trumbill, Adam Trumbill of Philophauche, Williame his fone and apperande aire, James Turnbule in Kirk- hop, James Trumbill in Gargonno, Robert Murhede, Johne Adamfoune, Robert Scot in Hanyng ; and all and findrie utheris his men, kyne, tenentis, factouris and fervandis, alfe well at' ar nocht fpecefit as fpecefit, ]jair beneficeis, landis, takis, malingis, rentis, poffeflionis and gudis, to cefe and reft fra pe day of J)e paffing of pe faid mafte Reverend fader furthe of oure realme, quhiir his retornyne and comyne agane in pe fame, and fourti dais paireftir. And mai'e-atoure,* We have Exeimit,^ and be pir our letteris, fpecialie Exemis al pe perfonis abone expremit, alle well nocht nemmit as namyt, fra al comperence to Juftice-airis, Chalmerlanis-airis, Wardane-courtis, Seffionis, Sheref-courtis, and al uthir Courtis, for all ])e time abone writtin. And iulikwife, We have eespuyt, and be J)ir prefentis in pe law and by pe law, fpecialie Refputis all ]>e forefaidis per- fonis and all utheris, alfe weile nocht nemmit as nemmit, quhilkis ar or fal happin any tyme to cum, induiyn pis oure Refpuit, to be indictat, attechit or accufit for pe ilauchtir of umquhile Thomas Ruthirfvirde, committit and done within our Abbay of Jedworthe ; or for art and part, affiftence, rede, counfale or being in pe fame, remanyng, or way-pafling with pe flaier or flaieris, or for lying furthe and non-entre to our lawis fore pe fame ; or for gadering and convocatioune of our liegis, pe faid tyme, or peireftir ; and for al cryme, actioun, and caufe pat may be input to pame, or any of thame tharthrouch ; exceppand" pame pat flew the faid Thomas with pair handis, to be unattachit, unarreftit, uncallit, uncon- venit, unfummonit, unchalhangit, unvexit or trublit, in pe law, or by pe law, in pair perfonis, par borowis,' landis, and gudis quhatfumevir, for oure unlawis of ' Perhaps for LowTie ; Laurence. '" As well those that (or wlio). ^ Until. ■* Further- more. ' Exempted. ^ Excepting, saving. " Cautioners, sureties. 44 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. L'504. DRUMFREIS. non-comperence to owr lawis, or ony iithir maner of way for ]?e faid flauchtir, and actionis forefaid, or any jjart or pont' J^airof, as faid is. And alfe, Ref- placis and continuis pe puttin of Jjame, and ilkane of ]>a\m to our home, for nou comperence to underlie our lawis for pe faid llauclitir, or ony pont of pe premiffis, induring all pe tyrae of ])is our fpecialle Refpuyt. Quharfou, We charge llratlie, and commandis all and findri oure officiaris, liegis, and fubditis forefaidis, J)at nane of 50U tak apoune hande, til do or attempe ony thing incontrare, or breking of pis our fpeciale Licence, protectioune, and refpuyt, for all the tyine abone expremit, under all pe heaft pane,^ charge, and offence, ])at ge and ilkane of 30U may committ and inrine,' aganis our maiefte, in ]>at part : Thir oure Letteris, fra pe day of pe paffing of pe faid maift Reverend fader furthe of our realme, quhil his retornyne and cumyn agane within pe famyn, and fourty dais ])aireftir to indure, as faid is : Providing allvais, ])at ])is our Refpuyt, nor exenip- tioune, fal nocht extende to na crymis, quhilkis falbe committit eftir pe dait of pe fame. Gevin undir our Prevay Sele, at Drumfreis, Jje xxviij day of Auguft, pe 5ere of Gode ane Thoufande five hundrethe and foure 5eris, and of our reigne pe xvij 5ere. And nochtwithftanding ))is oure Refpuit, We wil ])at all pe per- fonis contenit in pe famyn, except Jjai }jat paffe with pe faid maift Reverend fadir, in propir perfone, fal anfuer to al partiis apoune dettis, in quhat Court ])ai be convenit, except oure aune propir dettis. James R. Crtason — aieaouittimti (MausUtv ?) of tfjc EatilJ of Crajjanis, [John Master of Montgomery (or of Eglintoun, as he is styled in the Peerages) was the second, and then surviving son, of Hugh third Lord Montgomery, a distinguished nobleman, who had been a strenuous supporter of the Prince at the Field of Stirling, and for his services was afterwards created Earl of Eglintoun. The crime for which the Master was here summoned, was for the Wound- ing of William Cuninghame of Craigends. The Mailer of Eglintoun was killed on the streets of Edin- burgh, April 28, 1320, in the memorable Feud between James^'j/? Earl of Arran and Archibaldy/a;roditione facta per dic- tmn Torculum in offencione noftre regie maieftatis, in Rapiua et detencione a noftris Officiariis, in executione eorimi officii, noftrarum Literarum, viz. cuiuldam Summonicionis emanate ad inftanciam noftram contra dictum Torculum et directe Gilpatrik Cori noftro Nuncio et ofRciario in hujufmodi execucione, exis- ten. viceffimo feptimo die menfis vltimi elapli ; et alterius Summonicionis eciam emanate ad inftanciam noftram directe Vicecomiti et Balliuis nofti-is de Inuer- nefe fuper dictum Torculum, ftiper diuerfis proditoriis actionibus, contra dictum Torculum : Ex pro proditoriis factione et compofitione Ligarum cum diuerfis noftris ligeis, et eciam cum noftris Rebellibus contra noftram auctoritatem regiam, in Inuafione noftri regni et ligeorum noftrorum in diuerfis Depredacionibus et Combuftionibus, Rapinis, et Homicidiis, et aliis ci'iminibus : Ex vlterius, ad fiibeundum magnam Aflilam, lecundam formam accufationis et Indictamenti defiiper conficiend. : Intiman. dicto Torculo quod fine dictis die et loco cum con- tinuatione dieruni comparuerit fiue non, nos nichilorainus feu dictus nofter Jufticiarius premiflis, jufticia mediante, procedemus et procedet : Et uos qui prefentes executi fueritis fitis ibidem dicto die, baben. vobifcum Summonicionis veftre teftimonium et boc breve : Ad quod faciend. vobis et veftrum cuilibet con- iunctim et diuifim in hac parte committimus poteftatem. Daxum fub teftimo- nio ]\Iagni Sigilli noftri Apud Edinburgbe, decimo tercio die menfis Decembris anno regni noftri decimo octauo. Indot'fatio Jive Executio dide Summonicionis. The xxilij day of ))e moneth of December, the sere of God J".V'. and v 3eris, I Johne Ogilby Sclieref-depnt of Imiernes, pafl with tliir our foucraue lordis lettres, and foyclit Torculane Mak- CLOIDE of ]ie Lewis, and becaul'e I tuth noiht appreliende him perfonaly, uor ]-air was na fure paff- age to mo till hisduellinge place, I paft to fe merkat corce of fe Burgh of Inuernes at xj houris befor nwno, and jiair be oppin proclaniatioune maid at ]je merkat croce, I fummonde, vamit and cliargit the faide Torculain Makdoid of fe Lewis to compere befor our louerane lorde )ie King or liis Juflice in pe tolbutli of Edinburgbe, ))e thrid day of Februar nixt tocum, in )'e liour of caufe, witli continuacioune of dais, to anfuere to our fouerane lord or iiis Juliite, for pe treafonabil art, parte and aiiillans takin and done witli Donalde Ila, baftarde lone to Angus of J)e His, ballarde, takand pairt with him and 18 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 47 InuaJande our fouerane lordis liegis of ])E Ilis and dillioyeand tliaim, to fe effect ])at ]ie faid Donalde fuld be LoRDE OF ))E Ilis ; and apone all punctis and articulis in ])ir our fouerane lordis lettres, and eftir J)e forme of Jie faniyn ; and Jiis I did befor ))ir Vitnes, Johne of Chalmer, Robert Innes, Alex- ander Miclielfone, Joline Aucliinlek Alderman of Inuernes, Johne Cutlibert, Johne Vans, Bailies of fe faid burgh, James Donaldfone, Alexander Anderfon, Henry Auchinlek, Paterfone, Johne of Ruthirfurde, Sir Villiani Paterfone Perfone of Balliefkan, and Sir Jo ke Cliaplane and Notar public, with o])eris diuerfe ; and for J)e mare vitnifling of ])is execufione I haue afKxit my fignet to ))ir prefentis. The quliilk execucioune was provit be ]>& faide Sclieref-deput and Lis twa wit- nes, ]jat is to fay, Johne of Rutherfurde and Alexander Patonefone. The quhilk citacioune, Summondes and execucioune beande rede and lauchfully previt, as faid is, ])e faid Toi'cule Makcloid beande oft tymes callit and uocht comperit, lauchfuU tym of day biddin, the ordour and procefle of pe faide Summondis at lentht fene, harde and vnderftande, and lauchfully procedit ; in pe name and behalf of our fouerane lorde, Maifter James Henrifone, Aduocat to his hieues, aflcit and inquirit, in his name and autorite and of his fpeciale commande, at pe Lordis, Baronis, and Commiflariis of Burrovis, thare warde and cenfment of Parliament, gif the faide Torcule M^cloide hade committit and done TreflTone till our fouerane lorde and his realme, in pe punctis and articulis abone writ- tine : The quhilkis Loi'dis and Eftatis beande auifit, ripelye wardit and deli- uerit, ])at pe faide Torcule Maccloide has committit and done opin and manifeft Trefoune, in thir punctis efter foUoing, contenit in pe faide Summondis, That is to fay, for the trelTonable art, part and affiftence gevin and done be him to Donalde Yla, baftarde fone of vmquhile Angufe of pe Ilis, alfua baftarde fone of vmquhile Johne Lord of pe Ilis, be Infurrectione and takand his part,' to pe intent that pe faide Donalde fuld tak apone him pe KiNGis propirte, and to be Loud of the Ilis : And for pe treffonable deliuering of pe laid Donalde to Lauchlane Maklane of Dowert, to J)e intent forfaide. And for pe treflbnable withhalding of him fra his hienes, and non deliuering of him in contrar pe com- mande of his diuerfe Lettres directe to him ])airapone. And for pe trelfonable Reving^ and withhaldin of his hienes Lettres fra his Officiarie of Ai-mez, callit Gilpatrik Cor, quliilk execute pe famyn apon the xxvij daye of October laft bypafl : And for pe trelTonable (making of) Ligis and Bandis^ with our fouerane lordis Rebellis, in treflbnable wife, as is contenit in pe Summondis befor expremit. And tharefter it was gevin for Dome, be pe mouthe of Johne Jardin, Dempftar of Parliament for ]je tyra, in forme and maner as efter followis : Dome or Sentence of Forfeiture. This Court of Parliament fchawis for law, and I gif for Dome, that Torcule Makcloide of the Lewis has committit and done Treflbne agane our fouerane lorde and his realme, in pe fpeciale pointis of Treflbnis and crimez forfaidis, ' The following words are deleted from the Record. ^ Taking by violence. ^ Leagues and Bonds, binding the parties to mutual assistance in all their quarrels, &c. 48 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1505-6. contenet in the fummondis ; for the quhilkis he has forfalt till our fouerane lorde his life, his landis,' his gudis, offices, and all vther his poffeffionis quhatfumeiiir he hade within \)e Realme of Scotlande or Ylis, euermar to remane with our fouerane lorde, his aieris and fucceflbiu'is, for his treffonabile offence : And J)at I gif for Dome. ^^laujjTjtn* of a iHrssrntjrr at ^rms — Conboratioit, kc. (Feb. 3.) — JohnLindissayofWauchop.- — Robert Lorde Crechtoune of J»e Sanquhare, Scheref principall of Drunifrefe, prefentit ane Lettir of Summondis vnder jje quhite walx and teflimoniale of Ipe Grete Sele ; of ])e quliilk the tenour foUowis, with pe tenour of pe executioune ))airof, execut be ])e faid Scheref prin- cipale. Summoniclo Forisfactiire Johannis LlmViJfay de Wauclwp. Jacobus Dei gratia Rex Scotorum : Vicecomiti et Baliuis fiiis de Drumfrefe, falutem. Mandamus vobis et precipimus, quatenus fummoneatis legitime et per- emptorie coram teflibus, Johannem Lindissay de Wauchop, perfonaliter, li eius pi-efenciam commode habere poteritis, fin autem apud locum fue habita- tionis, fi ad eundera tutus pateat accefTus, alioquin per publicam i)roclamacionem apud Crucem fori Burgi noflri de Drumfrefe, quod compareat perfonaliter, coram nobis feu noftro Jufliciario, in noflro Parliamento tenend. in pretorio Burgi noflri de Edinburghe, tercio die menfis Octobris proximofuturi, fi dies ilia Juridica fuerit, alioquin proxima die Juridica inde fequen., hora caufarum cum continua- cione dierum, ad refpondend. nobis feu dicto noflro Jufliciario, fuper iiroditoi'ijs arte et parte crudelis Interfectionis quondam Bertholomei Glendinwyne, Officiarij et "N'^icecomitis noflri in hac parte, et quondam Simonis Glendynwyne fui fratris in fua commitiua, in executione fvij officij Vicecomitis noflri in hac parte, nof- trafque literas haben., ad diflringendum et namandum terciam partem ter- rarum de "Wauchop, quondam Mergrete, fponfe quondam Johannis LindifTay, patris ipfius Johannis pertinen. : Et pro fuis proditoriis arte et parte Conuoca- tionis et congregationis noflrorum liegiorum, pro commiffione hujufmodi Ho- micidii fuper predictis Bertholomeo noflro "\^icecomite et officiario et Symone, in executione dicti officij Vicecomitis noflri in hac parte : Ex pro fua proditoria confectione Ligarum feu Obligationum, cum noflris fubditis, and ligeis contra ' Mar. 6, 1507-8. Charter by James IV. at Edinburgh, g^ranted ' Odoni (y) Makky in Stratli- naverne, pro fideli et gratuito fervicio Regi impeiifo, ac inportenim in refillacioue et invafione Rebel- lium Regis impendendo,' 8cf. of the lands of Assent and Ladochcliogitlie, in the shire of ' Inuernyfe,' pertaining to the King, in consequence of the forfeiture of Torquel Makcloid, formerly of Lewis, for liis lifetime, with power to let the same, &c. Beg. Mug. Sig. XIV. 464'. ■ In Sir James Balfour's Treatise, ' De jure PraOationis Nohiliuni Scotorum,' he remarks, ' In the penult of October, in anno 1505, John Lindefay of Vaucliope ves forfaultit for the cruel Slaughter of one Bartholoniou Glen- dinning, Meliinger, and Simon his brother, quha ver poynding the lands or three pairts of the lands, at the inflance of Margaret uniquhill fpoufe to Johne lies father.' Carmichacl's Tracts, p. 89. 18 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 49 DOS et noftnim regnum, in quantum in eo eft, omnino vfurpando : Ac commit- tendo fuper noftros veros ligeos Depredaciones, Rapinas, et Incendia, prodi- torio modo, infra vicecomitatos noftros de Druuifrefe et Roxburgh, aliafque regni noftri partes, in quammagnum noftre autoritatis detriinentuin, et predic- torum ligeorum noftrorum difpendium et grauamen: Inuadendo regnum noftrum hoftili et bellico modis : Ex ftiper alijs in premiffis iibi obiciendis et propon- endis reraanfuris, et jure parituris : lutiman. dicto Johanni quod fine dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum comparuerit fine non, nos nichilominus, aut dictus nofter Jufticiarius in premiffis, jufticia mediante, procedemus et procedet : Et vos qui prefentes executi fueritis fitis ibidem dicto die, haben. vobifcum Sum- monicionis veftre teftimonium et hoc breve. Datum fub teftimonio Magni Sigillj noftri Apud Linlithgow, vicefimo die menfis Junij, anno Regnj noftri decirao feptimo. Indorfatio five Executio prefute Sunimonicionis. Tbe ferin day of Jie moneth of Julij, tlie ser of God I°.V^. & V3eris, I, Robert Lord Crichtone OF THE Sanquhar, Sclieref principel of Drumfreis, pafl to J)e merkat croce of Drumfreis with pir our fouerane lordis Lettres, and at ])e command of fe famyn, be opin proclaraatione, ixivavnonA Johne Lindjay of Vauchop, to compere perfonaly befor our fouerane lord and his lordes Juftice at Edinburgh, or quhar it fal happin ])aim to be for |)e tyme, the third day of October nixt to cum, in J^e hour of caufe, with continuatione of dais, to anfuere to our fouerane lord or his Juftice, apone all punclis and articulis contenit in }iir our fouerane lordis Lettres, and eftir fe tenour of ])e famyn. And this I did befor thir Vitnefis, Robert Dal3ell, Williame Cwnynghame, James Cariutheris, Robert Makbrare, Eduarde Crichtone, Nichol Nelfone, Dauid Gluver, and Johne Barbour: And for fe mare vitneffinge hereof, I haf fet to my fignet, 5ere, day, and place forfaid. In name and behalf of our fouerane lorde, Maifter James Hennrifoune, Aduo- cate till (his) liienes, alkit and inquii'it, in his name and authorite, and of his fpeciale commande, at the Lordis, Barouns, and Commiffaris of Burrowis, thare warde and cenfment of Parliament, geif the faid Johne Lindiffay had committit and donne Treflfoune till our fouerane lorde and his Realme, in pe pointis and artikillis abone writtin ? The quhilk Lordis and Eftatis, beande avifit riplie, wardit and deliuerit, that ])e fade Johnne Lindissay has committit and donne opin and manifeft (TrefToune) in thir pointis eftir following, contenit in the fade Summondis ; that is to fay, in J^e cruel Slauchtir of vmquhile Bertilmow Glen- dinnowiiig, our fouerane lordis Officiare and Scherref in f)at part, and of Symone Glendinnowiug, his bro])er, being in his cumpany, in ]>& executione of his office, in ])e diftrin5eing of (the) thrid part of J)e landis of Wauchop, pertening to Mer- grete, the fpoufe of vmquhile Johnne Lindiffay, his fader : And for the treffonabill Convocatione and gaddering of our fouerane lordis liegis, for the committing of the Slauchter of ]>e faidis Bertilmow and Symone, officiaris and Schereffis for- faide : And for the treffonabill raakin of Liges and Bandis, with diuerfe our VOL. I. I G 50 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1506. fouex'ane lordis vntrew liegis, committande iipone our fouerane loi-dis liegis RefRs, Spul'^eis, Herefchippis,and Rafande fire, in treflbnabill wife, within Jje icherefdomes of Drumfrefe and Roxburglie, and Invaidande his reahne and liegis in maner of batale and treironabill wife : As is contenit in J)e faide Summondis maid J)air- uppone. — And paireftir it was gevin for Dume, be the mouthe of Jolinne Jar- dune, Dempftar of Parliament for the tyme, in forme and maner as eftir foUowis. Dume. — Tliis Courte of Parliament fchawis for law, and I geif for Dume, that Johnne LindifTay of Wauchop has committit and done TrelTone agane our fouerane lord and his realme, in ])e fpeeiale pointis and crime3 forefade, contenit in ]je fade Summondis ; for the quhilkis he has Forfalt till our fouerane lorde his life, his landis, his gudis, his officis, and all vj^er his polTeflionis quhatfumeuir he hade within ])e Realme of Scotlande, euermare to remane with our fouerane lorde, his airis, and fucceirouris for his fade treffonabill (crimes) forefade : And }jat I gefe for Dume. ?^i0|) Crtasou. [John Oig' Macgilleoun or Maclean of Lochbuy was the son of Hector, and grandson of John Macgilleoun of Loclibuy, who lived in tlie reigns of King James II and III. John Oig married a daughter of Macdougall of Loni, and was connected with the Macleods of Herries and Lewis, among which families there had been repeated intermarriages. The Indictment is not preserved ; but it may pretty safely be inferred that his crime consisted in being art and part with Torquil Macleod and others, in attempting to set up the Bastard Donald de Yla as Lord of the Isles.* This case was frequently continued ; and owing to the deficiency of the Records, it does not appear whether or not it was insisted on. The probability, however, is, that he was restored to the King's favour. Among other notices which occur in the High Treasurer's books, there is expended, Jan. 21, 1506-7, as follows ' Item, to Maklane of Lochboy, xiiij lib.'^ Maclean, with his two eldest sons, are known to have been ' killed in a family Feud betwixt them and the Macleans of Dowart.'* For the particulars of these Feuds, &c., the reader is referred to Mr Gregory's work before noticed.] Feb. 6. — Quo die, Johanne Makklane de Lochboy, fepe vocato per Literas Summonicionis Domini noftri Regis ad refpondendum fuper certis Pro- ditorijs accionibus in dicta Summonicione contentis ; et non comparen.continuatur ad dieniMartis, tertium diem raeufis Februarij proximo futuri, cum continuacione dierum et horarum. Curia Justiciauie, in 'pretorio hnrgi de Edinburghe, die 31artis, xv die Februarij, 1507, coram Andrea domino Av and ale, Jujliciario. Feb. 15, 1507-8 — Eduard Symsoune convicted of art and part of the ^ Young John. - See Feb. 3, 1505-6. ' Compot Tlies. General Register House. * Douglass Baronage, p. 370. 20 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 51 EDINBURGHE. Stouthreif, by way of mummyn," under filence of night, of certain funis of money, extending to fix fcore merks, or thereby, from Sir Donald MofTet, Chaplain, furth of his chamber, near the Kirk of Craggy. — Hanged. lA)i(Ireas dotninus Avandale, et Alexander Laudir, Prepofitus de Ed'm- hurghe, Jujliciani et Locimi tenenfes deputafi Andree domino Gray, Jnjliciarij Generalis.'] ^\m%i)Xtx anH WttxtuiM ^^ tije ^Wt ai antitevmeffane, ^t, Jun. 16, 1508, {die Vejieris.) — Donald Mole Makalester, convicted of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of John Ruflell, Patrik Weddale, and fundry other perfons at Innermeffane, and of the ' Herefchip' of their goods furth of the faid Place at the fame time : Item, of art and part of the Stouthreif of lundry oxen and cows from Perfone" M'^Martyne, in Kintyre : Item, o{ com- mon Stouthreif and common Oppreffion of the lieges. — Hanged. ^toutijretf Og iuan ot * ih\nm\nmS'* Adam Mure, Convicted of art and part of Stouthreif, by way of ' 3Itimmijng,'^ having his face muffled, under filence of night, of a certain fum of money from Sir Donald MofTett, Chaplain, furth of his chamber, near the Kirk of Cragy : 7/^???, of art and part of the Stouthreif of two horfes from William Wallace, furth of Drumboy. — Hanged. [^Alexander Comes dc Hnutlie, Jiijiiciarhis.'] C|)tft— JKesettiita 3Df)itij^0 aiilj Craitors, ^r, Oct. 9, {die Lnne.) — Cuthbert Lauder, of Todrik, Convicted of art and part of the Theft and concealment of two horfes from Alexander Turnbull, furth of Braidl^ : Item, of the theftuous Refetting of Alexander Cranftoune, common Thief, in his Thefts ; and of art and part with him therein : Item, of the theftuous Refetting of Williame Oliver, common Thief, in his Thefts : aud of art and part with him therein : Item, of fupplying and Intercommuning with Symon Turnbull and Robert Turnbull, the King's Rebels, and being at his horn ; and of art and part with the faid Rebels in their Thefts and Treafonable deeds ; and of the Treafon done to the King and his kingdom on that account : Item, of Common Theft and Common Refet of Theft : Item, of common outputting and ' During the festivities of the New-year, it was customary for parties to go about in disguise, accompanied by music. They were freely allowed to enter houses and exhibit their Mtuiimhiffs or drolleries, dancing and singing, &c. These morrice-dances have long since ceased in Scotland ; and even the last vestige of these ' Mummeries,' the Guisards of Edinburgh, and a (ew other j)laces, have nearly expired. The facilities wliich these licentious festivities afforded to commit robberies, induced a severer measure of punishment, in cases of delinquencies of this dislionourable sort, whilst murderers, &c. were allowed to compound for their atrocious crimes. * Parson. ^ See Feb. 15, 1307-8. 52 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1508. EDINBURGHE. inputting in theftuous and treafonable manner : Item, of common Treafon with the faids Robert and Symon, the King's Rebels. — Drawn and Hanged, and all their goods, moveable and immoveable, lands and poffeffions, efcheated to the King.' CuRTA Itineris Jujlkiarie de Kirkcudbright, Andreas Dominus Gray, Jtijticiariiis, &,c. (J^pjprrssing llatji) CaiUiius, ^r* Oct. 14, {die Sahoti.) — Ninian M'^cullocht of Cardines came in the King's will for art and part of the infraction of two Protections, granted in favour of Elizabeth Levinox, in the occupying and labouring her third (terce lands) of the Lands of Cardines. — He was alfo admitted to compoixnd for art and part of the Oppreffion done to the laid Elizabeth, in ' Reiving' from her 1500 ' jowis, wedderis,' and younger llieep, pertaining to her by reafon of her half, through the deceafe of umq'° James IVrcullocht of Cardines ; and of the Stouthreif thereof : Item, for the ' Spuil5ie' of the lands pertaining to the faid Elizabeth, by reafon of her terce and conjunct Infeftment of the lands and barony of Car- dines and Kirkmabreck ; and Stouthreif of her rents : Item, for Oppreffion done to the faid Elizabeth, in breaking up the doors of her barn, within the faid lands ; and for the Stouthreif of her corns and houfehold goods, extending to xl 1. — The faid Ninian became furety to latisfy the parties. Oct. (16?) — Martin Burnet, in S' John's Clauchane, Convicted of common Oppreffion of the lieges, in the execution of his office." — Remitted by the Lords.' Common Cljtft mxti l^itluv^, [FnoM markings on tlie margin of the Record, it appears that the Sentence originally recorded against this infirm old Highlander had been ' Suspen.' ; which marking was afterwards deleted, and ' SuB»rERSUs' substituted ; and finally, the latter was struck out, and ' Bannitus' inserted, through the clemency, no doubt, of his Judge or the King. It may be interesting to remark here, that the punishment of death inflicted upon females, at this early period, and for more than two Centuries after- wards, was, universally, drowning ; and in cases of very heinous crimes, burning at the stake. It was deemed highly indelicate and shocking to expose females to any other mode of execution than these, until the ' Maiden' was invented, when females of rank were sometimes beheaded. Owing to the helpless infirmity of this old man, it seems to have been considered an act of humanity to put him to death by drowning ; but it is probable that the King, who was noted for kindness to the aged and infirm, had ordered his sentence to be commuted to Bunishinetit.'] ' There is added to this entry, ' Nota, quod omnia prescript, commiss. post datam sue RemissioDis.' ° Pro- l)ably as a Messenger-at-anns. ^ ' Re" per domlnos.' It md,y \)e Respited. 21 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 53 KIRKCUDBRIGHT. MicHAELi Dow' M''al5ERache, Convicted of Common Theft and • Pikry.'" — Banished fiirth of the Sheriffdome, becaufe he was aged and decrepid, and was only convicted of (Stealing) * fchevis, tedderis, huikis, and faccis :'^ — And to remove from the Shire, within eight days ; and never to return, under the pain of death. ^laus!}ttr of tfjf ILaiib of Sal^.tll, kc, Nov. 18, {(lie Jov'ts, quarta die Itineris.) — David Glendunwell. — The Laird of Garrules* often called to enter the faid David, as he became furety for his entry, under the pain of xl 1. to the King's officer, for art and part of the Slaughter of William Dal5ell of that Ilk° and John Carmichell ; and not appearing, he was amerciated in the faid fum. The faid David was denounced Rebel at the horn, and all his goods were efcheated to the King. Craiins X\)t king's Hetters, $(t, NiNiAN M'Culloche of Cardines. — John Murray of Cokpule and Alexander Mcculloch of Myrtoune became fureties for the entry of the faid Ninian, along with himfelf, under the pain of 200 merks, to underly the law for trea- fonably taking and tearing the King's Letters, and for other crimes imputed to him ; and not compearing, they were amerciated in the forefaid fum. #pprrssins t\)t Hairtr of Call). John Gokdone, of Lochinver, pi'oduced a Signature of Remiffion for art and part of the Oppreffion done to Mr William Levinox of Caly, in detention of the lands of Plumtoune and Trunjeartoune wafte, &c. (J^pprfssion — .igurtins. John Gordone, of Lochinver, and Helifius" Gordoune, in the parilliof Kirkpatrick, produced a Signature of Remiflion for art and part of the fore- thought felony and OpprefRon done to Makadam, in the parifli of KoUis, fervant of the Laird of Gaitgirthe, and hurting him : And the faid John, for Common Opptreffion of the lieges. — The Laird of Lochinvar furety.' ' Niger, 'Dhu,' or black. ^Pickery, petty theft. ^ Sheaves, tethers, (halters, or ropes,) hooks and sacks (bags.) * Gairlies. * See the Notes from the Privy Seal Hecoril, appended to this reign. — ' In September, or thairby, there was a great fray betwix the Lord Maxwell and the Lord Crighton of Sanchar, where the Lord Crighton was chafed with liis companie from Drumfreis, and THE Laird of Dallyell and young Larde Crauchley, with dyveriis vther, were flayne.'— Andersons MS. Hist. Adv. Library. See also Apr. 5, 1513 — Sir James Balfour also notices this Feud in these terras : ' This 5eire, at Drumfreis, ther was a grate feight betuix the Lords MaxfwoU and Sanquhare and tlier frindes and followars ; quherin the Lord Sanquhare was ouerthrowen, and maney ot his frindis killed.' — Annales, H. 231. '' Elias? " At this period a considerable 54 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1508. KIRKCUDBRIGHT. Shilling Salmon in Ctosc--time, JoHNE GoRDOXE, of Crago, Convicted of art and part of the flaying of Salmon in prohibited time, in the water of Wr. Amerciated. — The Laird of Lochinvar became furety to the King and party.' (!^pprc06iii(j ti)t 9H)i)ot of Qinitrrrn nan's (J^ffirrr, k(, Oct. 19. — John Magge (M'Ghie), of Plomtoune, Convicted of art and part of Convocation of the lieges, in company with the Laird of Bomby, during the time of the Court, at the Standande-ftaiie, in Drumdranan, held by the faid Laix'd, in the year 1504 : Item, of art and part of the Oppreffion done to Sir William Schankis, Monk, calling him down from his horfe during the time of the faid Court : Aud of art and part of the Oppreffion done to Andrew Denis, Officer of the Abbot of Drumdranen, taking and detaining him againfl his will, until the conclufion of the laid Court. Fined vj merks. — The Laird of Bomby, and the faid James for himfelf, conjunctly and feverally, became furety to the King and party. ' liij li.' Alan and John Makclelane, in Kirkcudbrycht, were fined x merks each for the fame crime. — Peter Mur, of Bahnagachane, William Levinax, younger of Caly, Alexander Porter, brother of the Laird of Lag, Peter Levingftoune, and nine others, were likewife fined iiij merks each, excepting Peter Mur, who was delivered gratis to the Sheriff. — The Laird of Bomby became furety, along with themfelves, to the King and party. #pp iTss ion — Hull ing: Salmon — 23urnin0 a aSHooti, kt, William Levinox, younger of Caly, admitted to compound, by virtue of a Remiffion, for his forethought felony and Oppreffion, done to Thomas Mageiche at the Kirk of Girtoune, coming upon him in warlike manner, and befieging him in theforeiaid Kirk, in the year 1504 : Item, for the Slaughter of ' rede-filche' (Salmon) in the prohibited time, in the water of Fleit : Item, for the theftuous depredation of the Wood of Rowlkithe, and for Burning thereof. — The Laird of Bomby furety to fatisfy parties. ^toiit|)rtlf of e wnlawis aboue writtin, becaus he liad componit with fame for fe wnlawis ; and bad him tak ane memorriall of Maijter Thomas Dik/bune, fat he had commandit, &c. iUfsstiifftr UrjpvibrU for iTallmrj; in tiyt Uiscfjai-tje of Ijis Mniv, Oct. 17, 1510.— John Cowpae, Meffinger.' A PUD Edinhurghe, Oct. xe'ij, 1.510. — The quhilk day, J)e Juftice and Lordis of Counfale Ordanis ]jat oure fouerane lordis armys* be takiu fra Johne Cowpar, fumtyme Meffinger to our faide foverane lord ; and he to be deprivit, ande nevir to ber armys for all ])e dayis of his life, in exenipill of uthiris : Becaus it is undirftandin and confident be ]>& faidis Lordis, that he has faltit richt gretumlie in the executioune of his office, in dyuerfe actionis ; and Ipecially, for his hie contemptioune done, quhare he was warnit in jugement, J)e xvj day of October inflant, to haue comperit J)is day before Jjaime ; he beande oftymes callit and non comperand : That J>airfore, he falbe put in px'efoune, but' delay ; and ]jare to remane unto J)e tyme J)at our foverane lord have declarit and fchawin his mynd f>airintill. And for fie fulfilling hereof, the faidis Lordis has gevinfcharp commande ande charge to Lyoun King of Akimys. [^Andrcas domhms Ghay, Jujlldar'ms General'isP^ BTatunfj; a JSri&f to atquit a iHurUcrcr. Nov. 4, {die Lu/ie.)—P athick Agnew, Sheriff of Wigtoun, came in the King's will, for art and part of Ufurping his authority, Avithout Commiffion for that effect, by putting Thomas Porter to the knowledge of an Affile, and accufing him, 'per coloratcwijitflijicatam,"' for the Slaughter of John M'myane, committed by the faid Thomas : And for taking ' feyis ' and money to purge the faid Thomas of the faid Slaughter, he being guilty thereof. And ' ])er coloratam jujlijicatam,' purging him of the faid crime. — Fined v merks. ^Iauiil)tn% Gilbert JVrARTHUil, Convicted of art and part of the Slaughter of umq''' John Edgar. — Beheaded. Snttrromimnidis IjoitI) tijc CrnglisI), ^t, $it, John Neilsoune, alias Suppit-out, Convicted of art and part of the ' Sent. - Over. ' See Dec. 6, 1510. < The Blazon or arms borne officially by each Messenger ' at arms ;' inferring at the same time deprivation and degradation from his office. * With- out. 6 It is doubtful whether ' by a coloured judgment,' or ' under colour of justice ' is meant to be expressed here. Perhaps the phrase may imply, getting up a mock trial, in defraud of justice. 64 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1510. EDINBURGHE. Theft and concealment of three horfes (' naggis ') furth of Fifchuk, in company with fundry Engliflimen,' &c. &c. : Item, of his treafonably being and remain- ing in the kingdom of England, without a Licence from the King or Guardian (of the Marches) : Item, of Intercommuning with the Englifli, in theftuous and treafonable manner : Item, of treafonable inbringing of fundry Engliflimen, at various times, within the Kingdom of Scotland, to ' Spuil5ies,' ' Herefchippis,' Fire-raifings, Slaughters, Thefts, &c. — Drawn and Hanged. Cattlr-^Ualing:, Nov. 6. — Patrik M^clellane of Gilftoune, Convicted of art and part of the Stouthreif of xx oxen from Patrick Agnew, Sheriff of Wigtoune, and his fervants, under filence of night. — Beheaded. ^roflamatioii for rtflulatinti: i\)t ^roreetiinaia of i\)t ^mtitt^^ixt f The following Document (which is given literally as it appears on the face of the Record) is highly interesting, being so minutely illustrative of the form of procedure before the Justiciars, at the Aires held throughout the Kingdom. Although apparently framed for the Aire of Jedburghe, there seems no doubt that this Proclamation was Circular, and addressed to every district of Scotland, and was probably adopted by all the Sherift's and Baron-Bailies, in their Courts. The occasional occurrence of such Papers as the present, which have evidently been preserved by mere accident, tends to impress the mind of the enquirer with the conviction that, however brief and disjointed the early Records of the Courts of Justiciary confessedly are, their proceedings must have been conducted with the strictest regard to form and solemnity. It would appear that one of the practical uses of keeping any Record, beyond a mere list of the Cases which occureed at the Justice- Aires, was to enable the Clerks of Court to settle their Accounts for the fines and amerciaments, &c. with the Lord High Treasurer, to whom they were answerable for all such sums. Beyond this there seems, originally, to have been no intention of keeping a regular record of the official proceedings of the Court, excepting the preservation of an accurate roll of those who were defaulters, or who had been put to the Iiorn, or came in the King's will for offences committed by them. This circumstance sufficiently accounts for the brief manner in which all the entries are made in the early Books of Adjournal, at a time, too, when little importance was attached to the preservation of minute evidence, or of the details of procedure in each individual case. As all the Dittays, confessions, and depositions were dou'utlessly preserved, along with the Interlo- cutors of the Justiciars, the documents produced, and the Verdicts of the Assises, &c., the Clerks of Justiciary could readily furnish Extracts and Acts of Court, when required. In the absence of these materials, however, we have now very imperfect ideas of the precise details which took place in par- ticular Trials. Hence the peculiar value of such documents as the following Proclamation, which has fortunately been preserved. It may be worthy of notice, that the King himself was present during the whole of this Aire, which indeed he bound himself to do in every instance by one of the earliest of the Acts of his Parliament, which was passed immediately after the period of his Coronation.] ' We Command and charge, in our Soverane Lorde the Kingis name, and ' The other crimes of this individual, who was nicknamed Suppit-out, i. c. Swept out, (souppit,) are not necessary to be specified, being of no interest. 23Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 65 JEDIVORTHE. his Juflice, here now prefent, pat na maner of perfonis tak upon hande to invaid ane ane uthir, for aide ffeide ' or new, now cumand to pis prefent Aire, or paff- ande pairfra, and induring ]>e tyme pairof, under pe pane of dede : And pat na maner of pei-foune or perfonis beir wapinis/ except kniffis, at pair beltis, hot alanerlie^ our Soverane lordis Houllialde, the Juftice, Conftable, Marfchell, Compofitouris, pair men and houflialde, Shereff, Crounaris, and pair deputis, under pe pane of efcheting of pe Wapinis, and punifing of pe perfounis beraris pairof, as efferis. And certifieng all perfonis, pat na aide Signitouris of Reraiffiounis, wantande pe Gret Sele, or RemifRounis nocht ordourlie procedit be pe Selis ; pat is to fay, ffirft be pe Signet, fyne* pe Pnv6 Sele, and pe Gret Sele, falbe admittit ; with certificatioun, quha enteris uthirwayis, pai fall nocht be admittit. AxD pat all perfonis, jilegis ' for ony perfounis duelling within pis flierefdome, quhilk hes committit ony Slauchtir within pis flierefdome or without, or dilatit for art and part pairof, and als all plegis for ony perfonis duelling out- with pis flierefdoume, quhilk hes committit Slauchtir within pis flierefdome, or dilatit for art and part pairof, pat pai enter pe perfounis pat pai ar plegis for, now, in pis prefent Aird, till" underlie pe law, imder pe panis pat pai ar bundin' for pair entre (fie as pe Slauchtir of Sir William Colvile of Uchdtre, John CurmicheU, and pe Lanle of Dafyll.) Becaufe pai ar warnit lauchfullie for pe entre of pe jierfounis, be pe Proclamatioune of pe Aire, and fummoning and warning of all plegis to enter pe perfonis pat pai ar plegis for pair entre, as faid is. And pat na victiialis be faulde of derrer price na" pai war viij dais befor pe cuming of the Kingis grace to pis toune and pis prefent Aii-e, undir pane of efchetin of pe vittalis, and puniffing of pe perfounis fellaris pairof; and pat vittalis be broclit to pe market for redy money. And pat na lugeing nor ftabillis be fett or takin be ony perfonis, of deri'er price nai pai war fett and takin at utheris Juftice Airis obefor ; and quhafa dois, it falbe dittay to Juftice- Aire. And attoure, caflis^ and adnullis all Contractis and promittis of takin and fettin of houfTis of derrer price nai pai war wont to be fett, in uthir Juftice- Airis hald in pis burghe of Jedworthe of befor.' Thir are ])e piincf/s'" o/pE ditte to be inquirit. In the firft, gif " thay kene'" ony Trelbune to pE KiNGis perfoune or pe realme ? Item, gif pair be ony Slauchtir or Murthur ? Item, gif pair be ony ffyer-rafing or Byrnyng within pe realme ? Item, gif pair be ony Revifmg of wemen ? Item, gif pair be ony Thift ? ' Ancient feud. * Weapons. ^ Excepting only. * Then ; next. ^ Sureties ; cautioners. * To. 'Bound. o Jhan. ^ Lat. co««are ; to break, &c. '"Points. "If. " Know. VOL. I. I I 66 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1510. JEDWORTHE. Item, gif ))air be ony Reif ? Item, gif J)air be ony Reilet of Thift ? Item, gif ))air be ony Outputtaris or Inbringaris of wtheris mennis gudis ? Item, gif pair be ony fforthocht ffelonis or Opprelforris of Jje Kingis leigis, be onywais ? Item, gif Jiair be ony Refettis, fupleis, or intercommonis with ])E KiNGis Rebellis ? Item, gif fiair be ony Cul5ouris,' nycht-walkaris, or Sornaris ?' Item, gif J)air be ony Wichecraift or Soflary^ wfyt in J)e realms ? Item, gif Jjair be ony Convocationne or gadering of our foverane lordis liegis ? Item, gif ]?air be ony ))at llais rede-filche^ in forbodin tyme, or fmoltis* in mill- dammis ? Item, gif pah' be ony diftrevaris or pelaris of grene wode ? Item, gif Jjair be ony llayaris of deyr, be llalking, within wthir Lordis parkis "^ Item, gif ])air be ony J?at manteinis opin trefpairouris ? Item, gif })at ony wfis ffalfe-mettis,'' melbris,' or wechtis ?' Item, gif f)air be ony pat takis Tliift-but ?' Item, gif ))air be ony ftrikaris of ffalle mony ? Item, gif ony perfoune bringis hame pufioini,"' and quhow ))ai wie it ? Item, gif ony pafRs in Ingland, without pe Kingis Licenfe, in tyme of weire ? Item, gif l^air be ony Goldlhiyth pat niakis tFalle mextioune ?" Item, gif pair be ony Ligis or Bandis'" maid within burghe ? or gif ony biirges ridis or routis with ony Lorde or Larde, to landward ? or gif he be bundin to ony Larde in manrent ? Item, gif ony ftelis halkis or hundis ? Item, gif Jiair be ony brekaris of orchattis or doucattis," or 3ardis ? " Item, gif })air be ony trew brekaris,'" or ony ])at fettis iipone aflTurance with Inglifmen, in tyme of weir ? Item, gif jiair be ony })at ftelis wthir mennis pitis'" out of ))air ftankis ? Item, gif })air be ony diftroyaris of uthir garis ?'' Item, gif pair be ony Mutulatioun or dilinembi'ing of ony perfoune ? Item, gif pair be ony ])at lyis with wthir mennis wiffis, and diftrois J)air gudis ? Item, gif pair be ony hurdis fundyne wndir pe erde ? "* ' From tlie verb, to Cvhjc, to cajole. A cheat or swindler. - Who took free quarters, and spoiled the poor and defenceless. ' Withcraft or sorcery. ■• Salmon. '■' The young fry of salmon. " Such as ' einvvands ;' measures of length. ' Measures of capacity. * Weights. ^ Theft- boot. '" Poison. " ^Mixture of metals ; alloy. '■ Leagues or Bonds. '^ Dovecots. " Gardens. '^ Truce-breakers. "' Peats ; turf. It is likely, however, from the '■Jkinkis or ponds being mentioned, that the word ought to have been written ^ji'cfA' or pi kis, for pikes. '" This is likely to have been cunynguris, rabbit warrens, but improperly transcribed, '' Hoards orpq/es found under ground. 23 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 67 JEDWORTHE. Item, gif ))air be ony flaaris of haris in fnaw ? Item, gif ))air be ony within burghe ])at purchefle lordfchip, in oppreffioim of his nychtboris, or to pley with })ame at bare ?' Item, gif ])air be ony Malt-makaris ])at fellis malt ane put to pe mark ....?" Item, geif ))air be ony perfoun jjat has (fals or fen3eit ?) money of pe realme ? Item, geif ony perfone brekis money without pe Kingis Licence ? Item, geif pe Merchandis bringis hayme bul5eoun, accordin to pe Actis of Par- liament, and geif pe cuftumaris and cun5eouris dois Jjair diligence jjairto, according to pe faidis Actis of Parliament ? Item, anentis Cordynaris, geif ]?ai fellis flione and butis and pantounis ' J)an is contenit in pe actis of Parliament, ))at is to fay, a pair of mennis * folit flione for xij d. ; a pair of double folit flaone xviij d. ; a pair of " ij f. ; a pair of butis vj f. ; wemen and childoris flione for viij d. pe pair, and utheris geir accordin to Jjair pricis. Item, geif Berkaris" fellis Jjair ledder,' according to pe faidis pricis ? Item, geif ony Baxtaris' makis ony conventionis and gaderingis, and brekis pe aflis 'to Jjaim be pe Officeris of pe toune ; or fl;alis pe tovme and baikis nocht eftir Jje pricis pat is gevin ; or ellis haldis abak ande fulfillis nocht pe famyn ? Item, geif ])air be ony Mafl;erfull beggaris ? Item, geif Jjair be ony nichtbouris within burghe ])at ufurpis agane'" pe Officeris maide in burghe ? Item, geif ony malt-makaris of Leithe, Edinburghe or uthir placis, fellis Jtair malt, unput to pe mercat of pe burghe. And geif J)ai tak mair Jiane a boll of beir for a chalder making ? And geif Jjair be ony Jjat pakis, or pelis, or houfis wol, flvin, hidis, outwith pe hede-burghe, fik as Leithe, and uther imfre Portis and placis ; or takis away pe gudis, uncuftumyt ? Curia Jujlkiarie de Jedburghe, inchoafa die Martis, Novemhris xvij, 1510, coram Andrea domino Gray, JvjUciariof. d.n. Regis ex jxirte Auftrali aque de Forthe. [The chief incident connected with this Aire, which tlie Editor recollects, is the remarkahle occur- rence related by Bishop Lesley," who quaintly informs us, that ' The Ktng raid forth of Edinburgh, the viij of November one the nycht, Weill accumpaneit, to the Watter of Roulle ; quhair he tuik divers brokiu men, and brocht them to Jeduart ;'" of quhom fum wes juftifeit :'' And the principallis of the ' Pica or litigate at tlic bar. ' This evidently ought to have been ' oneput (m- uneput) to ye market." ' If they sell shoes, boots, or jiaiitons (jmttens,) at mair or at greater price than is contained, &c. ' ' Singill' soled shoes. » Pantounis. " Barkers, tanners. ' Leather. ' Bakers. » The assise set to them, &c. '° Against. ' The Original Scottish copy printed by the Bannatync Club, quarto, 1830, p. 81. "Jedburgh. " Executed. 68 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1510. JEDWORTHE. trubillis cum in lyning claytliis/ with nakitt fordis in tliair handis, and wyddyis' about thair neekis,' and pat thame in the Kingis will ; qnlia wes fend to divers Caftells in Ward, with fnuliie utheris of that cuntry men, alfo, Quhair throuchout, the Bourdouiis wes in greiter quietnes thaiiefter. The King thairfra ^aflit to Perth, quhair Juflice-Airis wes haldin the reft of that winter.' — Sir James Balfour contents himself with remarking, generally, that ' the King this 5eire, 1511, applays him- ielue quholly to the fuppreffing of Rebells, and the adminiftratione of juftice one robers, outlawes, and fuch lyke.'^] 2.a5ji) 33ufrlniri) amnri'atfl). Nov. 19.— Belde' Robin Scot.— The Lady of Bukcleuclie ' called as lawful furety of Be/de Roh'm Scot, as flie received him in Indenture from the Coroner ;' and not compearing, was amerciated the fourth day of the Aire. The faid Robert denounced at the horn, and his goods elcheated. » William Ker in Quhitmere, and James his brother. — Andrew Ker, Ion of Ralph Ker of Primlydloch, often called to enter the faid William to iinderly the law for art and part of the Slaughter of John Broune, under the pain of 100 merks ; and not compearing, was amerciated in the faid fum : And failing the goods of the faid Andrew, that the faid Ralph fliall be diftrained, becaufe he bound himfelf to make his fon fufficient for the laid amerciament. — The faid William denounced at the horn, and his goods elcheated to the King. ^lauffljtrr of ^ix ZmWmw Colbtlr of ltrf)iltrrr, fuiigljt. Nov. 20, {die Jle/ri/riJ, quarto die Itinerin.) — George HxVLiburton, Mark Ker of Dolphinfloun often called to enter the laid Geoi'ge to underly the law, for art and part of the Slaughter of (Sir) William Colvile of Uchiltre (ku'), and Richard Ruthirfurde, under the pain of 100 merks ; and not compearing, was amerciated in the laid fum. The lltid George denounced at the horn, and his goods efcheated to the King. ^I.iuffljtn- of t\)t Enirti of jfalafjilK Nov. 22, {die Veneris, qidnta die Itincris.) — Andrew Ker of Gate- ' Linen clothes. ^ Halters ; literally withies, which were sometimes employed for hanging the Border Thieves, at an early period. ^ Tiie following interesting illustration of this humiliating practice is perhaps the most extraordinary which can now be cited : 26th Oct. 1629, ' Robert Abroche, ane Makgregouh, ane grait lymer, quha haid bene anis or twyfe forgewin and remittit be HIS Maiestie for his Oppreffioun, wpone houpeof aniendiment, iit he continewit llill in his knaw- rie : And efter thair wes mekill fearcliing maid for him in the TIielandis, and all his freindis chargit to apprehend, come in to Perth this day, being Twyfday, ane preaching day efter fermone, and fell doun on his kneis, and ane tow {rope) about his neck, and offerit his fuorde be the point to the Chancellar of Scotland, quha refuifiit to accc])t of it, and comniandit the Eailleis to ward him : Lykeas they inflantlie wardit him, and patt baith his feitt on the gade, quhair he remanit.' — Mercer and Fleming's MS. Chronicle, Adv. Library. ■• Annates, I. 234'. ^ Bald-headed. •^ Elizabeth, daughter of Walter Ker of Cefsford, and relict of Philip Rutherford, younger, of that Ilk. ' There is no indication of his crime. 23Jac.IV. criminal trials. • 69 JEDWORTHE. fchaw. — James Ker of Quhitrig, and Lancelot Ker, lone of Andrew Ker, often called, as fureties, to enter the laid Andrew, to underly the law, for art and part of the Slaughter of John Murray of Falohill, under the pain of 100 merks, &c. as above. 0lau(i\)tn' of tl)t ilaiiti of dTalaljilL Thomas Scot, brother of Philip Scot of Aidichaw. — William Scot iu Hawik, George Scot in Goldelandis, and David Scot in Quhithauche, often called to enter the faid Thomas to underly the law, for art and part of the Slaughter of John Murray of Faulohill, under the paiu of 100 merks ; and not comjiearing, they were amerciated in the laid lum. And failing the goods of the faid fure- ties, if infufficient for the amount of the faid amerciament, that the goods of William Scot in Fynwik, and John Scot of Hanyng, lliall be diftraiued, becaufe they obliged themfelves to make the forefaid fureties fufficient. — Thomas Scot was denounced at the horn, and all his moveable goods efcheated to the King. Jjuniliitj of 3iranai)olm aiitj 9itrrum — Sntcrrommunins ijoitl) iSrntfUsf) Craitors, tf)C Slrmstrausis, kt. Nov. 24, {(lie Sahoti,Je.rta dies It'meris.) — John Dalglese produced a Signature of Remiffion for art and part of the Theft of xvj cows and oxen from John Scot : Itevi, for the traiterouslntercommuning with SymonTurnbull and his accomplices, Engliflimen, in treafouable manner : Item, for Reletting of ^Villiam Dalglefe,common Theif, in his Thefts ; and fpecially during the time of the Theft of eighty llieep from Thomas Murray : Item, for treafonable inbringing of Blade John Roicclejche^ and his accomplices, traitors of Leven, to the Burn- ing OF Buanxham ; and ' Herefchip' of horfes, oxen, grain, and other goods, extending to ' vj" markis :' And for the treafonable Intercommuning with the faid Ti-aitors, in their treafonable deeds : Item, for Intercommuning with ' the Armjlraugis' at the time of the Burning of Ancrum, and at other times : Item, for Theft and concealing xx oxen and cows from John Scot, furth of North- hous : Item, for Refetting the faid Rebels, at the time of the Theft of four horfes from Philij) Faulo and his neighbours, fiu"th of Quhitchefter-holme : Item, for Refetting William Dalgles and Sijmon Dalgles, Thieves and Traitors of Levin, in their Thefts and treafonable deeds : Item, for common Ti-eafon, common Theft, and common Refet of Theft, before the date of his Remiffion. — And be- caufe he could not find fureties to fatisfy the parties, judgment was given that he fliould be ^V^arded by the Sheriff forty days — and if he could not find fureties in the mean time, that he fliould be Hanged. ' RoughclifFe, or Rowcleff ? 70 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1510. JEDWOKTHE. Sntrironiiminiiitj bitf) a Mt'bti, Robert Dalgles, in Howdane, produced a Remiffion for Refetting, fupplying, and Intercommuning with John Davidjone. lUsrttins C|)irtirs aiili iirfttls. Thomas Dalgles, in Braidhanche, produced a Signature of Remiffion for art and part of the theftuous Refetting of Sijmon Dalgles and his accomjjlices, the time of the Theft of five horfes from David Hoppringle of Tynnes, price of one of them xx merlvs, and of the reft of them xl merks : Item, for the theftuous Refetting of Waller Dalgles and his accomplices, the time of the Theft of xvj oxen fi'om the faid David, furth of Bochill.' — Judgment was given that he Ihould be "Warded as above — and if he coukl not find furety in the mean time, that he fliould be Hanged. * '^txt$it\)\^' of X\)t itaiilr of Cruil^stoun, ^t, Thomas and William Dalglese, in Braidhanche, produced a Signa- ture of Remiffion for art and part of the Stouthreif and ' Herfchip' done upon the Laird of Crukftoim and his tenants, and Stouthreif from them of Ixxj oxen and cows, xiiij horfes, and heifers, and houfehould goods, to the value of ' xl markis.' — Judgment given as above. I^orse mxti Cattle ^tfaltng; — ^toutfjrtif — ' ^rrrsrljtp/ Robert Haw (Hall ?) in Hevefyde' produced a Refpite for art and part of the Theft of four horfes and heifers, and honlehold goods to tlie value of fifty ' markis,' from William Jacklbun, furth of Ruthirfurde : Ite»i, for art and part of the Theft and concealment of a horle, value xx 1. from Adam Edgar, furth of Baffindene : Item, of a laddie, ' le bridill, cadurce,^ a pare of fplentis, a fuerde, a buklere,' price ten ' markis :' Item, * vnius fiibuncule,' uuius toge," lodi- cum lintheaminum,'" and other houfehold goods to the value of ten merks, from the faid Adam, furth of his houfe, at the fame time : Item, for the Theft and concealment of two oxen from Thomas Johnefoun and Dougall Wilfoune : Item, of the Theft of a cow and eleven ' lioggis' ' from the Laird of Boyne-Jedworthe and Sir Henry Vallas, &c. &c. :" Item, of the Stouthreif of five horfes and heifers, gold and ftlver, and houfehold goods to the value of iij" merks, from William Jackfoun, &c. &c. : Item, of art and part of tlie ' Hei'efchip' of a horfe, lioutehold goods, and a ' bag-pipe,' price 20 merks, from George AVeyr : Item, ' Bowhill ? ''■ Heavyside. ^ It is doubtful what tliis word is intended to mean. It primarily signifies a coverlet, and is supposed to apply to a sort of shield or target. * A woman's kirtle. ^ Gown. '' Linen sheets. " Sheep of a year old, before shearing tlieir first fleece. " What follows is of no interest. 23 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 71 SELKIRK. of Refetting, fupplying, and intercommuning with the King's Rebels, being at the horn, &c. &c. : Item, of theftuously breaking the houfe of William Ruther- furde, in Nether Ghetto. — And becaufe he could not find fureties to fatisfy parties, Sextexce Avas pronounced, that he fliould be Warded by the Sheriff for forty days — and if, in the mean time, he did not find fureties, that he Ihould be Hanged. ©tfovring: a iHtssntfler — (i^pprrsstou, ^r, Dec. 6, {die lovis, xiiij die Itineris.) — Alisone Cuthbert, in Ednem, James Tynkler, and fifty-five others refiding there. Convicted of Deforcement and difobedience, done to John Couper' Meffenger at Arms, Sheriff in that part, coming to the lands of Ednem with the King's Letters, for poinding James Edmonftoun of Ednem, for a certain lum of money due to Jonet Edmeftoune : And when the faid flieriff in that part had diflrained flieep and oxen for the faid fum, the forefaid perfons came in warlike manner, to the number of two hundred pertbns, and deforced the faid flieriff : Item, for OpprelTion done to the faid .lonet, and Adam Home her fpoufe, in hindering them from labouring and manuring her lands of Ednem, and thereby breaking the King's Letters of Pro- tection. — Sentence. That the forefaid perfons fliall be put in fure prifons for the fpace of a year and a day — and their lives to be at the King's will ; and all their moveable goods to be efcheated to the King. Crrason— !?lit anti jpait iMitl) i\)t ©tiftt of SUftaiu), Dec. 9, {die Saloti, v/tima^ die Itineris.) — John Murray, alias UlaA Johnne, permitted to compound for art and part with Alexander Duke of Albany, in his treafonable deeds. — David Hoppi'ingill and Mr John Murray became fure- ties to fatisfy the parties.^ Curia Itineiis Jitjliciarie de Selkirk, tenia die Lune, ix Decemhris, 1510, coram Andrea domino Gray, Jiijliciario, S^c. ©cistrtintns t\)t SSSootis in «5ttiirfe--droiest, Dec. 11, {die Mercurij, tertia die Itineris.) — Walter Scot of How- paflot, the Laird of Cranstoune, and thirty-four others. Convicted of deftroying the Woods of Ettrik-Forefl. Each of them fined ' iij li.' A great many fimilar Cafes occiu- for deftroying the Woods in Ettrick Forest, and on the Water of Borthwick, at this time ; for which offence many of the leading proprietors were convicted, fuch as the Hoppringills of Smalham, Tynnes and Torwoodlee, Ker of 3are, John Murray (the Sheriff), &c. ' See Oct. 17, 1510. « Viz. xvi. ' ' Su?nma totalis hujus Extractus, I'».V«.xxvii li.' (L.1527.) ■* 72 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1510. EDINBURGH. The Aire terminated on Dec. xiv, die Sahoti, being the fixth day of the Aire, bnt there are no entries of any importance.' CUBIA Itineris Jujliciarie de Peblis, tetita die Saboti, xiiij Decemhris, 1510, coram Alexandko Gdthrie de eodcm, milite, Jujliciario deputato Andree domini Gray, &f. ^lauflijUi* of a Ommoit CI)ief» Dec. 18, {die Jovis, v die Itineris.) — Geokge Tuedy delated of art and part of the Slaughter of William 5oung ; and being accufed thereof, the forefaid Juflice depute, with the coimfel and advice of the Lords then fitting as AffefTors to him, becaufe it clearly appeared that the faid William had been and was a common Thief, as was proved by fundry of the King's Letters, under his fignet and fubfcription-manual, for taking the faid William, &c., and that he had been flain in the commiffion of Theft and crimes : Therefore, the faid George was acquitted of the crime of the forefaid Slaughter ; and command was given to the Juftice Clerk, that the faid George fliould never, thereafter, be taken or indicted for the fanie." CuEiA Itineris Jtifiiciarie de Edinburghe, coram Andrea domino Gray, Jujliciario, inchoat. die Sahoti, viij Fehruarij, 1510-(11.) Feb. 11, {die 3Jercurij, iv die Itineris.) — Gilbert Cameroun produced a Signature (of RemifTion) for art and part of the Slaughter of John Flemyn of Torbeddo : Item, of the Stouthreif of a fword, a ' bukler, a bonet,' and a French crown from him, at the fame time. — John Murhede, in Bathcat, and Thomas Douglas, in the faid parifli, became fureties to fatisfy the parties. Dnjta-1) — 22l!tlful Crrror on aiscisr. Feb. 12, {die Jovis.) — Alexander Bertoune, Robert Lumly, and XV others, Affifors, Convicted by a Great Affife (Grand Jury) of Wilful Error and rafli fwearing, finding John Laufoun, George Corntoun, Florence Corntoun, Edmund Cokburne, and Andrew Atkin, quit and free of the difturbance ' done to John M'ferland ;■* and finding the faid John M'ferland to be convicted and ' The ' fumma totalis' is not inserted. '^ ' Summa totalis, Extractus, Plvj li. xvj f. viij (].' (L.I06, Ifis. 8(1.) ' ' Quittos et inimunes de pci/iirbia feu perturbucione facta.' These words are usually rendered ' diflroulilance' iu llie old Itecords. Tlie crime was probably mutual Assault, arisiii>( out of Feud between the Laird and the townsmen of Dumbarton. * Probably Sir John Macfarlan of that Ilk, or of Arrochar, who, according to Douglas's Baronage, was killed at the Battle of Flodden, and, as is understood, was knighted on the eve of the battle. 23 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 73 EDINBURGHE. guilty of diftiu-bance done to the faid John Laufoune and his accomplices, as is fully contained in the Roll of the Conftabulary Court ; by favor and partial means. — Sentence. That all their moveables, as well cattle as other goods, fliall be efcheated to the King : And that they fliall be imprijoned for year and day, and farther, at the King's Will : And that they fliall be perpetually INFA- MOUS and PERJURED. iJ, xv die Itineris.^) — Thomas Dicsoune, at the Monaftery of Hethingtoun,^ Luke Heiiburne, and William Bracanrig, there, came in the King's will, for art and part of the Oi)preirion done to Robert Lau- der of Bafle, coming under filence of night to the lands of Quhitcaftell, and call- ing down the Houfe built there by the faid Robert. — The faid Thomas, &c., and Patrick Hepburne of Beynftoune, became fureties to fatisfy the King and party. (Amerciated xv merks.') Curia Itineris Jujticiarie, inchoata die Lune, xx die menjis Octohris, 1511, coram Andrea do:mino Gray, Jvjliciario, &^c. Cvfnsonaftl)) talung; X\)t CTnstle of 3lccI)Uoun, ^t, Oct. 30, {die Mercurij, viij die Itinerin.) — "\^'ILLIAM Craufurde, Ibn of AVilliara Craufurde of Lefnorys, admitted to compound for art and part of the treafonable taking of the King's Callle of Lochdoun from Sir David Ken- nidy, kn', (Captain thereof,) and ' Herefcbip' and OpprefRon done to the faid David, in ' Herefchip' of the faid Caftle : And for Refetting, fupplying, and ' This Aire lasted nineteen days, and terminated on Monday, ISIar. 3. ' Summa totalis Iiujns extractus, vijxxxviij li. iij f. iiij d.' ' (L.738, 3s. 4d.) ^ Haddington. ' In this and all other similar instances where the amerciament is marked, it is a fine to the King. The composition witli the party was a matter of private settlement or reference. VOL. I. I K 74* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1511. AIRE. Intercommuning with the King's Rebels, being at the horn, viz. David Crau- furde (of Kerfe,) John Schaw (of Keris,) and the ' Crechtounis.' — The Laird of Gaitgirth became furety to fatisfy the parties. Cvfaoonafili) talunu tlje Castle of Eocpoiin. Alan Cakthcart of Clowiynan, John Craufiirde of Drongane, and five others,' were admitted to compound for the treafonable taking of the Caftle of Lochdoime, as above. — Alexander Kennydy, young Laird of Bargany, furety, &c.^ €viitl ^pprrssion — ^toiitI)mf, ^"^r. Nov. 4, {xj die It'meris) — Heav Earl of Eglintoune, Thomas Mont- gumry in Kilbride, John Montfoide, younger of that Ilk, and feven others, ad- mitted to compound for art and part of Convocation of the lieges, and for art and part of the forethought felony and Oppreffion done to John Scot, burgefs of Irvin ; and of Stouthreif of pots and ' pannis, plattis, and pewdir wefchell,'^ from the faid Johne, furth of his houfe, extending to xx 1. : Item, for the fore- thought felony and OpiirefRon done to the faid John and his wife, coming to his houfe, and cruelly flriking his wife with ' bauche ftraikis,' at the time of the Stouthreif of the laid goods : Item, for forethought felony and Oppreffion done to the faid John, taking him into the Tolbooth of Irvin, and conducting him to the lodging of the faid Laird (of Montfoide ?), and detaining him there for the fpace of fix hours againll his will ; and then conducting him to the faid Tol- booth as a Thief, and putting tlie faid John in the ' ftokkis,' and incarcerating him therein : And for the Oppreffion done to the laid John's wife, at the laid Tolbooth, tearing her hair, cruelly flriking her, and pulling out her hair in great quantities. — 7'he faid Earl and the Laird of Montfoide became fureties, con- junctly and feverally, renouncing the benefit of divifion, to fatisfy the parties.* CuKiA Itineris Jnjlkiarie de Wigtotjne, inclioata die Sahoti, viij Noveuihri.s, 1511, coram Andrea domino Gray, Jujliciario, <§c. K\)t Coroner of Mitjton to prol2ure Btforrers in Court, $rr. Nov. 14. — ' ]iE Justice commandit Archebald M'CulIocht, Crovnar, to bring in jugement to morne' Heniy Nelefon, Johne Tait, William Nclejuun, till vnderly Jje law for ])e Deforfing of our fouuerane lordis Official-," vnder J^e pane of punifnig of him with ficlike punitioun as thai faid be pvnift.' ' Persons of no note. " Several other Cases occur at tliis Aire for tlie same crime ; but tlie parties were of no consequence. •' Pewter vessels. ^ Tlie Aire terniiiiateil Nov. Q, xiij" die Ilhicris. ' Summa totalis Extractus, viij'xxvj li. vj 1'. viij d.' (L.826, 6s. 8cl.) ' To bring into Court to-morrow. " Messenger at arms. 24JAC. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 75 KIRCUDBRICIIT. Nov. 18, {die MercuriJ, nona die Itineris.)—^^^Y^ M'kello and Patrick M'^kiiicrofclie. ' Med. Jjat Jje Scheref-dcput, ]\Iungo Murray, at ])e com- mand of ])e Juftice, relaxt Nevin M'kello and Patrik M'kincrofche fra })e proces of \(i home, and gaif |)aim J)e wand of pece,' for Jje Slauchtir of Alifoim M'gill- haffis dochtir.'" Curia Itineris Jujiiciarie de Kiukcudbbicht, inchoata die Veneris, xxj Nov. 1511, coram Andrea domino Ghay, Jiijliciario. Clirft from X\)t ^bijot of JDunlJf titiian* Nov. 23, {die S(d)oti, ij die Idueri.s.) — John Story, in Dundranane, admitted to compound for art and part of the Theft of 300 merks and a gold chain from the Abhot of Dundranene : Ifem, for art and part with Eduard Story, common Thief, in his Thefts ; and fpecially, the time of the Theft of a box from the faid Abbot : Item, for treafonably going out of the kingdom, and remaining in England : Ife?», for conmion Theft and common Relet of Theft. — The Laird of Bomby became furety to fatisfy the jiarties. #ppiTseion — ^triluufl a ^fjrvicr or iWrssrngn*, ^c, Nov. 27, {die Jovis, v die Itineris.) — Master William Levinax of Caly produced a Signature of Remiffion for being art and part of the forethought felony and Oppreffion done by him to Roger Gordoun of Garlarg, the King's Sheriff in that part, having the King's Letters in his hands to lummon the faid Mr William, at the inllance of John Gordoun of Lochinvar, ftriking the feid Sheriff in that part with a ftaff, and drawing liis ' quliin5eare' upon him : And of art and part the contempt and treafon thereby done to our fovereign lord the King : And of theftuoufly deftroying the "Woods belonging to the Laird of Lochinvar. — The faid Mr William, and William, his fon and heir apparent, became fureties to fatisfy the parties.^ ♦ SUaitJ of IBrumfrrsc, at 3tammrs--ciiijn' — <#>laucr!jtfr. Nov. 29. — The quhilk day, Johxxe Lorde Maxwell oblill him, ]jat betuix ]3is and Candilmes nixt to cum, pat he fal plefe my lorde Secreter and his clerk for }jair feis of pe Sells and writingis imdir pe Signet, of all pe perfonis being at ])e Raid of Druinfrefe at Lammes-evyn, and Slauchtir committit at })at tyme ; betuix ]jis and Candilmes nixt to cum, &c. And ])is to be extendit in pe See Notice to Oct. 11, 1531, and Jul. 23, 1566, Note. ' ' Summa totalis Jmjus Extractiis, vij'Iix li.' (L.759.) ' Tiiis Aire terminated Dec. 3, x die Itineris. ' Summa totalis Extractus, vij' Ixiiij li. xiij f. iiij d.' (L.7G'i, 13s. 4d.) 76 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1512. EDINBURGHE. bell fonnej decret, and })at lettres be direct Jjairupoim. Domini Abirdene, Ca.,' Ergile, EiTole, M. James Heniyfoun, Scot de Bahveiy. Curia Itineris Jufticiarie de Ed'inhirghe, inchoata die Martis, .rxvij Aprilis, 1512, Coram Alexandro Lauder de Bhjthe, viiUte, Prepojifo de Edin- hurghe,deputato Axdree domini Gray, Ji//!/cia/-ii. John Symoxtoun of that Ilk. — Robert Men5eis of that Ilk, John Tuedy of Drummel5ar, James Lokart of Le," and Richard Brouue of Culter- manis, were often called to enter the faid John, to underly the law for art and part of treafonably ffabricating and making Falfe money within the kingdom ; as they became fnreties, conjunctly and feverally, vinder the pain of 1000 merks, renouncing the benefit of divifion : And not compearing, they were amerciated in the faid lum. William Inglis of Langlandhill. — Robert Men5es of that Ilk often called as furety to enter the faid ^Villiani, to underly the law, for art and part of treafonably making the faid falfe money, under the pain of 100 1. : And not compearing, he was amerciated in the faid fum. \^Andreas Dominus Gray, Jiijitciarius.~\ (Jul. 23.) — The Lairds of Symontoun and Langlandhill were Refpited for three months, from Jun. viiij, for the above crime. Rex, We grant and gevis full Licens and fredome, be fir our lettres, to Johne Symontoun of THAT Ilk and William Inglis of Langlandhill, now beand wndir accufatioxin of crime of Treafone for ffalfe Money, to analy,' fell, and wodfet'' ]iair landis, Iieretage, and gudis, in all or in pairt, to quhatfumeuer perfonis, as tliay fall think expedient, to furnis expeiife for puttin of pair aiiis' in Jiair landis and Iieretage, and outredding of founds audit'' to ws be Jiair airis for conipofitionn, and doing of ))air wtliir neidfuU erandis ; and to pafs at large quhare ]iai pleife within our realuie, without ony arrefl or accufatioune for ]ie faid crime, for ])e fpace of Thre monethis ; to mak penny of J)air landis and gudis, as faid is. And alfe, we gif licens to all our liegis to by'' or tak in wadlet fra tie faidis John and William, or athir of Jiame, jiair landis or gudis ; and will and grantis ]iat fe alienatioun and felling Jiairof falbe na caufe of recognitiouu nor forfaltour of Jiair landis, nor dangir nor lliayth nawyis to pe byaris nor fellaris, nochtwithftanding Jiat )iai fland now wndir acculatioun of Jie faid crime of Trel'one. And alfe, gif pe faid Johne and Williame plefis to put fair fonnis and apperand airis in fee of pair landis, We fall reffaue refignationis jiairof, in favoin- of pair airis, or gif Confirmationis apoun pair awin Chartcris, fafar' as is balding of Ws, in pe fickerell"' foriYie pat can be devifit. Attour," We, of our fpeciall favouris and grace, Reraittis and Difchargeis, for ws and our fucceflburis, in favor of pe faidis airis, all proces of fforfaltour and of our borne, quhilk, be rigour of law, micht be led apone ' CanccUariHs, viz. Alcxiindcr Stewart, ArcMiisliop of Saint AiiJicws, natural son of King James IV by JIargaret Boyd. He was slain at I'lodilen. '^ Lee, in Lanarl Surest ; securest. "Moreover. 5 25JAC. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 77 EDINBURGIIE. ]>e faidis JoLne and William for ])e faide crime of Trefone, fa Jiat eftir ])air decefe Jiair airis may fucceid to ))aim in J>air landis, lieretege, and giidis, and entir Jiaiito be couifable brevis of our Cliapell,' ficlik and alfe laucbfully as and^ fai liad nocht committit Jie faid crime, nor had noclit bene wndir accufatioun ])airof. And alfe, We grant and gevis, and for ws and our fuccellbris renuncis, quliit- clamis, and difchargeis to fe airis of the faidis Johne and William, and fair affignais, all our efcheit ))at we or our fuc cefToris raycht have of Jiair faid landis and gudis for ]ie faid crime of Trefone, trif^ ]ie procefTe Jiairof war led apoune fame ; and all ryclit, iuteres, titill, and clame of rycht, petitour, and polleflbur fat We or our fuccelTouris hes, or ony wyfe mycht have, fairto. fat is to fay, to fe faid Johnis airis and fair affignais, fe efcheit of his landis and gudis ; and to f e faide Williamis airis and fair affignais, f e efcheit of his landis and gudis ; becaus f e faidis airis maid compofitioun with our The- 3aurar for fe famyn, and paif' foumis of mony fairfor to him in ourname. Gevin wndir our Preive Seill, at Edinburghe, fe viij day of Junij,f e 5eir of Godl'n.V'.aud xij 5eris,aud of our regnef e xxiiij jere. ^niti fidtoftii tfjf itr.T.viMrlis anXi ti)t Crridjtoiis — J^l.iugljtn- of tijr ilairtJ o( Uhl\^atvi(k, U)f)ilr at tijt ^avn, ^r» [There seems to be no doubt that the deadly Feud and Slaughter, which form the subject of the following solemn proceedings, arose out of the Battle between the Maxwells and Creichtouxs ou the Sands of Dumfries, in the month of July, 1508. These families were indisputably the most powerful Barons of Nithsdale, and had long been at enmity with each other. The vigorous measures adopted by King James IV had for a considerable time restrained them from proceeding to personal hostilities, but at length they suddenly broke out into open violence, having apparently challenged each other to the field, to decide their quarrel by force of arms. BisJwp Lesley gives a short but striking account of this affair, which it is thought proper to quote here. — ' Thair wes a gret gaddering the xxx day of Julij, betuix the Lord Maxwell and the Lord Creychtoun of Sanciiar, quhairthe Lord Creychtoun^ was chaiffit with his cumpany fra Drumfreis, and the Laird of Dolyell and the yoimg (Laird) of Crauchlay flane, with divers utheris, quhairof thair appered greit deidly feid and bludlhed ; bot the King tuk fie ordour, partlie be jullice and partely be aggremeut, that the hole caufe was fuddanlye quyeted and ftanched.''^ Robert, third Lord Maxwell, fell at the fatal Field of Floddon. On the other hand, his antagonist, Robert, second Lord Crichton of Sanquhar, ancestor to the Earls of Dumfries, survived many years. His son, William, the third Lord Crichton of Sanquhar, was stabbed to death in the house of the Governor of Scotland, the Duke of Chatelherault, by the Lord Sempill ; and his great grandson, Robert, the sixth Lord, was executed at Great Palace Yard, Westminster, Jun. 29, 1612, for being accessory to the far-famed Murder of John Turner, a Fencing-master, who had thrust out one of his eyes, while they were practising together, with his foil.' Sir William Douglas of Druralangrig, one of the parties more immediately concerned in the present case, was likewise a very powerful Baron, being an ancestor of the noble house of Queensberry. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Gordon of Lochinvar, and fell at Flodden, Sep. 9, 1513. So great a sensation did this case make, that it was evidently the immediate cause of the subsequent ' Act anent the Ileffet of llebellis,' &c., to which the reader is particularly referred.] ' Brieves from Chancery. ' \n ; if. 'If. ' Paid. ^ Sir James Balfour merely says, ' the Lord Sanql-hare wes ouerdirowen, anil maney of his frindis liilled.' Aiuiiiks, I. 2ol. " Lislri/'s History, Bannatyne Club's Edit, (iuarto, 1830, p. 78. " It is asserted tliat his lordship bore his misfortune patiently, until, happening to be at the court of Henry the Great of France, the King eiuiuired ' How he had lost his eve?' ' By the thrust of a sword,' replied his lordship — * Does the man yet live?' rejoined the King. From that hour he is reported to have determined on ])utting Turner to death — who not lieing his e*|ual, he resorted to the horrible expedient of ass;issinatio[i, which was effected by a fellow of the name of Rohcrl Ciirti/le, who, with the assistance of an accomplice, pistolled the unfortunate fencing-master.— See Stale Trials and Peerages, &c. 78 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1512. EDINBURGHE. Apud Edinburghe, xxiiij Septemhris, anno Domini I"'. V'^.xij". Sederunt Domini JuJiJeripti, (Rege jt>rg/ewfe,) Archibald, Erle of Akcuse, Andro, Lord Gray, Andro, Lord Avandale, * Alexander, Erle of Huntlie, "WiLLiAar, Lord Borthuik, Robert Lauder of ye Bass, kn*. * Archibalde, Erle of Ergile, George, Master of Angus, * Williaji Scot of BaUiery, ka*. Maiho, Erle of Lennox, Johne, Lorde Duojionde, * John Culcjuhoun of Lusc, kn*. • Williajie, Erle of Errole, Robert, Lord Erskine, Joune Somerwell of Camnethane, WiLLiAME, Erle of INIarschell, Henry, Lord Sinclere, knycbt, * Johnne, Erleof Crawfurde, George, Lorde Setoun, Adak Hepeurne of ye Craggis, WiLLiAji, Erle of Montros, Johne, Lord Hay of Zestir, knycbt, * Cuthbert, Erle of Glencarne, Alexander, Lorde Elphinstoun, "William Keitiie of Inuerrugy, kn*'. Johne, Erle of Athole, Andro, Lord Heres, Robert Douglas of Loclilevin, kn*. ANE^'Tthe Supplicatioune gevin into \y. Kingis hienes beWiLLiAMDouGLAs OF Drumlais'Eig, defii'ing fiat ])e actioun of cryme imput to him and utheris his men and ffrendis, for })e Slauchtir of umqhill Robert Crechtoune of KlRKPATRiCK, fuld be put to \q deliuerance of pe Loi'dis of Counfale ; quhether, gif Jie laide actioune fuld be jiut til ane Aflife, confidering, J)at })e faid umqhile Robert was at our foverane lordis borne, and his Rebell ))e tyme of his flauch- ter? Like as, at maire lenthe, is contenit in ))e faid lui)plicatioune. And in likewife, anent f)e Gomplant gevin in be Robert Lord Crechtoun of 3E Sanquhar,' and pe kyn and frendis of Jje faid umquhill Robert, defyrand, Jjat J»e faid actioun of cryme of J)e faid Slauchtir fuld be put to J)e knaulege of ane Affife, and na fenfment^ nor deliverance to be maide be ]?e Lordis of Counfale Jjairvpoune. The Lordis of Counsale forfaide, in prefence of })E Kingis hienes, ])e refonis and allegations of bathe |)e faid partijs, fene, herde, and undir- ftande Decretis and Deliveris, j^at })e crimiuale actioun of ]5e laides Slauchtir, contenit in our foverane lordis Lettres and Coniplante, fuld be put to ))e knawlege of ane Aflife, befor J)E KiNGis grace, or his Juftice, crimhialie : And als, deliveris, ])at our Sovei*ane lorde may inquire and fpere^ at his Counfale, quhere it plefis his hienes, and caufe be difcuffit be his Counfale, quhethir gif })e faid umquhill Robert Crechtoune was at his borne or nocht, the Lettres of Refpett for audit dais, grantit be our fouerane lorde to })e faide umquhill Robert, and J)e Relaxatioune of him fra ])e home, iuduring Jjat tym ; and als, Jje Lettres of J)e denuncing of J)e faid umqhill Robert, gevin of new be ])E KiNGis grace Jiaireftir, to denunce him of new ]je Kingis Rebell, ])e faid viij dais being pafl, and uthir aucht dais ])aireftir following ; at lenthe fene, herde, and confiderit, })E LoRDls foirfaide, Findis and Deliveris, ])at J)e faide umquhill Robert was Jje KiNGis Rebell, and at his home, ])e time of his Slauchtir. The forfaid Lord Crechtoune, and J)e Larde Drumlanrige, ar baitlie content, J)at ])E LoRDLs OF Counsale forlaide be apoun jjis Aflife. ' The reader is refuried to tlie Appendix for minierous illustrations of tliis and many otlier Trials, which occur in the course of the present Collection. ' Verdict. ' Ask. 25 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 79 EDINBURGHE. [Coram/T d. n. Rege et Andrea domino Gray, ejus Jnjliciario.'] Sep. 27, {die Lime.) — The Court of Jufticiaiy, in the Cal'e between Robert Lord Crechtoun and his men, on the one jiart, and William Douglas of Duumlanrig and his accomplices on the other part, was con- tinued till tomorrow, without prejudice of parties. \^AIexaiider Lauder, Jujiiciaiius dejmtatus.'] Sep. 28, {die 3Ltrtis.) — Continued to Thurfday next, and it was publicly proclaimed, that none of the Affife of the Lords elected thereon fliall retire from the town, until the faid day, and deliverance (of their Verdict.) Sep. 30. — The Lords declared as follows, having been firft fworn upon the Affife, in the prefent caufe, and thereafter elected by the King to give counlel to him as aforefaid. Magna Assisa. Archibalde, Erle of Angus, &c. (viz. tbe others above named, excepting thofe marle Slauchtir and Murthure of umq" Robert Crechtoun of Kirkpatrik, and cryme of Ti-elTone and Lefe-maiefte, allegit apon Jje faid AVilliam, Johne and Thomas, and jjair complices ; Jje Lordis forfaide, Findis and Deliveris, and confabs ])E KiNGis hienes, J)at ])e faid allegit crimes be na Dittay : And J^at Lettres be writtin of Difcharge ; and Inhibitiouu be gevin and direct to Juflice and Juftice Clerk, be our Ibuerane Lorde, and till all utheris ofRciaris, J)at nane of pame tak in Dittay, attache, arreft, or accufe Jje faid William Douglas, or his complices forfaide, for })e faide actioun, and na crime be imput to })ame pairapovui, becaufe it was funde obefore be ])e faide Lordis, J)at pe faid umq" Robert, ))e tyme quhen he was flane, was oure foverane lordis Rebell, and at his home, and for uthir refonable caufe, moving Jje faide Lordis ; except Fergy Feegussoun and RoBix Fergussoun, to quham ])is declaratioun and confall fall nocht extende, and ])aiin to be punift, as is contenit in }je decret and deliverance, be certane of \>e faid Lordis ])airapoune. Sederunt, vltimo die Scptcinbris, anno doinini I'".V'.ivij. James Aichebifciiope of Glafgw, Alexander Lauder of Blytb, (knyS) Mafter Patrik Panthere, Secretar Andro Bffdiope of Murray, Proui'ft of Eilinhurirlin, till our foncrann Lorde, David Bifcliope of Gajioway, Mad -r Gavane Uutubar, Ardii- Mailer Robert Forniane, Dene of Andro Bifcbope of Carnes, dene of Sanct Androis, Glafgw, George Bifcliope of |)e His, Mafter Gavane Douglas, Proved Mafler James Henrifoun, Juflice Archibald Earl of Angus, &c.' of Sanct Gelis Kirk of E(K. Clerk. John Priour of Sanct Androis, ' The remainder of tlie Great Assise l,ist mentioned follows, excepting William Kejth of Inverrugy. 80 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1512. EDINBURGHE. Slrt nnrnt * tijr lUssrt of lUfidlls, mti ilrrsonis firing; at our sobrr.inr lorUis Ijornr/ The Lordis, Prelatis, (and) Baronis abone written, with avife of jjE KlXGis hienes, hes Statut and Ordanit, Ipat becaufe of J^e Resset of Rebeleis, and perfonis being at our fouerane Lordis horne, is gretlie vfit within this reahne, in contrare his Lawis and diverfe Statutis maid be his hienes and his progenitouris ; and be ])e faid Lawis and Statutis, nocht alanerly^ ]je faid Rebellis and perfonis, being at Jje horne, fuld be punift and juftifijt' to pe deid, bot als well pe relfettaris, fupplearis, and manteinaris of })am. And it is thocht rycht odious and bevy to oure foverane lorde and his Lordis foirfaidis, Jjat ony reflet, fupjile, favoui', intercommonyn or affiftance fuld be gevin to the faidis Rebellis ; and quha )jat reffettis, fupplis, or interconimouis with pam to be punift to pe rigoure, according to pe Lawes and Statutis made obefore. And gif ony pei-fonis happins to committ Slauchter apone pe faid Rebellis and perfonis being at pe horne, pe tym of pe takin or apprehending of ))ani, falbe na punct of Dittay ; bot pe flaaris of Jjam to be revardit and thankit Jiarfore. Akd gif ony perfone takis or apprehendis ony perfone Rebell or fugitive, at pe kingis horne, and bringis pe famyn to his hienes or his Juftice, J)at perfone, Rebell or at pe horne, tilP have na Remiffioun of }}E KiNGis hienes, without fpeciale confent of Jje perfonis takaris of him ; and to be revardit be J)E Kingis grace, be pe gevin of pe half of pe vnlaw of pe perfone fugitive, or at pe horne, or his plegeis was imlawit or amerciat obefor, or be pe gevin of pe half of his efchet gudis, or ujjer pairt ])airof as falbe thocht (juft) be Jje Kingis hienes. And as to pe revard- ing or gevin of RemifTionis till indure for pe fpace of thre 3eris nixt to cum, to pe quhilk tyme pT. Kingis grace of his benevolence lies confentit ; and pe remanent of ]3is Statut till indure perpetualy, or quhill it be u}?erwais divifit be pe King, his Gret Counfale, or be pe Parliament. Item, in likewife it is Statut and Ordanit, ])at in tym to cum, anent perfonis Rebellis, and being at pe horne, and beis takin and apprehendit be ony of oiu- foverane lordis legis, and kepit xxiiij liouris eftir J)at he be takin, and pe takaris or apprehendaris of him haiffand him in fure keping, oujier'* in Caftell, his ftrenth, or ujjer fare place ; or quhar pe takaris or apprehendaris ar maifteris of pover,'" quharthrow pe faid Rebell or fugitive at pe Kingis horne may nocht evaide and efehape, and J)at be noturly' knavin or vndirftand, it fall nocht be lafull to pe kepar, apprehendar, or taker of him, nor to na u))er private perfone to lla him, bot bring hiin to pe law to be jufti- fiit be pe lawis of pe realme. And gif it hapnis J)at ony perfone, Rebell or fugi- tive at pe horn, be flane efter pe faid tuenty foure houris, he beande in firmance ' Only. '■' Executed, after legal trial. ' To. * Either. = Force. ^ Notoriously, ptiblidy known or understood. " Sure custody ; imprisoned. 25 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 81 EDINBURGHE. or fure keping, as faid is, Ipe flaaris of him, ujjerwayis na ' in forme of juftice and ordour of law, be J)E KiNGis Juftice, or uj^eris havande pover of his hienes or his Juftice, })at ))ai be reput and haldin as men-flaaris,^ exceptande, gif ony per- fons, kyn, or frendis of Ipe faid perfone being Rebel!, or at pe home, wald reif ^ J)e faid Rebell or perfone being at pe home, quharthrou he may nocht be furely brocht to J)E KiXGis hienes or his Juftice ; and in Jjat cace, he may be lefully flane but* accufatioune. [3Iaf/iens Comes cle LeniuuT, ct Alexander Lauder de Bhjth, viUes, Ji/Jfic/arii depiitati Andree Duniin'i Gray.'] aittcmptinri: to fret a IJrisoner from Bunbnr Ostlr. Nov. 5. — EuGENius IVrcuuME, dwelling with William Lauchlanfon ; and Andrew Williamfoun, dwelling with Alifter Rorefoun, Convicted of art and part of the treafonable making of Bond and League with Mulmorij ^Lulwane, in Arroche,' and one called DuncanJ'oiin, and fundry others in Lochabih and ClaNQUHAttane, for the treafonable taking and abduction of Ferqiihard M'^yntofche furth of the Castle of Dunbak, the faid Ferquhard being in the faid Caftle, in prifon and ward ; and of coming to the faid Caftle to the faid Ferquhard, for taking and carrying the faid Ferquhard furth thereof. — Hanged. [Curia Jvjliciarie, tenia apud hurgum de Edinburghe, die Veneris, Nov. xij, 1512, coram. Gcorgeo Domino SetounJ' dejnitato Axdree domini Gray, J tijticiarij ex parte AuflraJi aque de Fort/ie.] ^laut|:|)ttr of tf)r llairli of e Slauchter of vmquhile Patrik Dunber o/' Corfintoune, comrnittit at ]>e Kirk of CurnnoJc, wes takin and jullifijt'^ for ]>e fainmyn ; and Duncane CampheU and John Stdle, alfua committaris of ])e faid Slauchter, ar fugitiue fra our lavvis, and put to our home Jjairfor ; and ])e remanent of fie pei'fonis fpecaly dilatit of art and part of }ie faid Slauchter has optenit our Remiffioune for ])e lammyn : And becaufe J;e laid Slauchter was comrnittit at the Kirk, one Souday, jje tyme of IMefs, quhenne jje parrochinaris war gadderit, and ane grete multitude of fiaim ar dilatit of art and part })airof, We haue, of our fpeciale grace, Remittit, and be ]?ir our Lettere5 frely Remittis, to WlL- liajie Crawfurd of Lefnorijs, Alexander Campbell of Skellingtoune, parrochinaris of Jje faid Kirk, and generaly to all ])e remanent of \q parrochinaris ' This is one of the few instances where the Assise consisted of fourteen or any other even number, which was commonly avoided, in case of an equal number of Assisers voting; for the Chancellor had no casting vote. - Robert (or William) UaUell of that Ilk ? See note to Apr. 5, 1313. •' Sir Alexander Lauder of Blyth, knight. ' Quarto, Edin. 1831, with Illustrations and Notes by the Editoi-. '" Beg. Seer. Sig., Vol. VI. ^ Executed ; put to death after legal trial. 25JAC. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 83 EDINBURGHE. Jjarof, and vtheris our liegis, being ])air aflemblit pe tyme of pe committing of pe laid Slaucliter, all actioune and cryme J)at may be imput to ))aim, or ony of ])aim, for pe laid Slaucliter, art or part Jjairof, and all thing ];at may ony wife follow J^airupoun alaneily : And difchai'gis ])aim and ilkane of Jjaim for euer, be ))ir oure Lettre5, except pe principale committaris of pe faid Slaucliter, fugitife and at oure home for pe fammyn, and pe vthir perfonis, quhilkis war in fpeciale dilatit of art and part Jjairof, and has optenit our Remiffionis |)airupoune, as laid is. QuHAREFOlvE We chai'ge, flratly, and commandis 50 w, all and findry our Jufticis, Scheriffis, Juftice Clerkis, Ci'ownaris, and J)air deputis, and all vtheris our officiaris, legis, and fubditis forefaidis, Jjat nane of 50VV tak apoune hand to refaiff in Dittay, arrell, accufe, follow, truble, perfew, or proceid aganis pe faid William Crawfurd, Alexander Campbell, or ony vtheris our liegis, except before exceptit, for pe faid Slauchter, art or part pairof, or ony thing ])at may follow Jjairapoune in our Juftice-aris, or ony vtheris wayis, or to do ony thing incontrare ])is our Generale Remiffioune be ony maner of way in tyme cum- myng ; vnder all pe hieft pane, cliarge, and offens ]3at 5e and ilkane of ^ow may committ and inrin ' aganis our Maieftie, in Jjat part, difcliarging ';ow all our officiaris forfaidis, prefent and tocum, and 5our deputis of 3our officiaris" for ever, be ])ir our Lettre5 of Generale Remit, quhilkis We will haue pe ftrenth and effect of our Remiflioune, ficlik as and pe fammyn war gevin to })aim all fpecially nenimit fiarein be our Lettre3 vndir our Grete Sele, without ony impe- diment, reuocatioune, or agane-calling quhatfumeiiir. Gevin vndir our Priue Sele, at Edinburghe, pe fevin day of Januar, pe ^ere of God I^.Vc.xij 3eris, and of oure regne pe xxv 5ere. [James R.] It seems quite unnecessary to add any tiling farther to this Case, the parties concerned being so well known.] Dec. 6. — Robert Caaipbell of Schankilloune denounced Rebel and put to the horn, and all liis goods efcheated, for not underlying the law for the Slaughter of Patrick Dunbar of Corfintoune.'' — Johne Stewart of Torboltoune, cautioner for his entry, was amerciated in 1001. ; and becaufe his goods were not diftrainable, the goods of the Sheriff of Aire to be diflrained therefor, becaufe he took the faid John as furety forefaid. George and John Cami'BELL, brothers of the faid Robert, alfo denounced, &c., as above ; and the Sheriff of Air's goods to be diflrained for 200 merks of amerciament. — Andrew Bo^iby is alio denounced, and the Laird of Schankif- toun amerciated 401. as his cautioner. — John Campbell, Parifli Clerk of Cumnok, replegiated by the Archbifliop of Glafgow's CommifTary (Mr Richard Boithville) to his Regality. ' Incur ; literally run into. ^ Offices? ' See also Dec. 9, 1512. 84 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1512. EDINBURGHE. iHurtirr in (Jrlrinfttirsfj Castlr— 3$i-taMiT0 mavti, $(t. Dec. 7, {(lie Jlarf/s.) — Andreav Ada]mesouxe, alias Wei/ mis, Con- victed of art and part of the Murder and Slaughter of Thomas Peblis, in the Caftle of Edinburgh : Item, of the Theft of xxvj 1. and a filver merk, at the lame time : Item, for treafonably breaking his prifon in the faid Caftle, and going furth of Ward. — Beheaded. His head to be put upon the Weft Port, and his hands and feet fixed upon the Ports of the four Burghs neareft to Edinburgh. [Jacohus Comes de Arane Dominits Hammyltoime, Jujliciarius deputatus fpccialiter conjTdutP^ ^lausljter of tfjf Jtairli of Comutouit. Dec. 9, {die Jovis.) — James Campbell of Clevvis denounced Rebel, &c. for the Slaughter of Patrick Dunbar of Corfintoun.' — Geoi-ge Camijbell of Cefnok, ftirety for the faid James, was amerciated 200 merks. Andrew Campbell in Strade, Andrew C. in Wodhead, and "William Crau- furde, were alfo denounced, &c. ; and George Campbell of M^atterhede, Mathew C. in Trinjean, George C. of Cefnok, and George Craufurde of Beaux, their fureties, were amerciated 200 merks for each of them. The following Warrant is engrossed in the Record. Hex, Clerk of oure Jufticiaiy. It is our will, anJ Ave charge jow, Jiat ,6 defeife,-* and draw furth of our Adjornall, George Campbell of Cefnok, George Craufurd of Beaux, and Matlio Camp- bell, quhilkis ar unlawit as plegis for ])e non-entre of William Crawfurd, fone to William Craufurde of Lefnoris,' James Campbell, Andre Campbell in Straide, and Andro Campbel in Wodhede, dilatit of )ie Slachter of wmq''^' Patrik Dunbar of Corsyntoun. And alfua, ])at 53 draw furthe of our faid buke all wper perfouns pat ar undir panis for Jie faid Slacliter, and ]>are fouerteis, and ]'at 56 defeife paim fairof, becaus ]iai haif maid corapofitioun with ws Jiairfore. For ])e quhilk caus, we Remitt, forgevis, and difcliargis Jie fornemmit perfonis and Jiair fouerteis of ]ie faide unlawis and panis be Jiir prefentis, fubfcrivit with oure hande, at Edinburgh, ])e vij day of Januare, and of our regnne fe xxv ;ere. James R. \_Ah'.ravdcr lAiudcr de Jihjth, miles, J/[/?iciari/(s deptitafits.'] (DppitSision — SSilountJintr — i^rtafeiitij a ^afe-contriict, Jan. 8, 1512-13. — Henry Beg, Engliflimaii, dwelling in Bervik, and Richard Barro, Englilliman, his fervant, ConA'icted of art and part of the Oppref- fion done to Alexander Angus of Hoprig : And of the cruel Hurting and W^ound- ing of him, under filence of night, by way of Murder ; and of the concealing thereof : And of breaking the King's Safe-conduct granted to the faid Henry, by committing: the forefaid Hurting: and W^ounding. 1 See Dec. 6, 1512. ' Discharge, free, acquit. This word frequently occurs in Warrants, kc. of the same period. ' He is also stated to be brother of George Crawfurd of Beaux. 25JAC. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 85 EDINBURGHE. ASSISA. James Edmoftoun of Ednem, Henry Congiltoun of that Ilk, Thomas Louranfloun of that Ilk, Alexander Moubray of Cammo, George Lile of Stannepeth, William Newtoune of that Ilk.' IPatn'cins Crechtoune de Cranjioun-Hkldule, Jujliciarius deputatus.'] Mar. 8, [die 3Iarfis.) — Charles Murray was denounced Rebel and put to the horn, for not underlying the law for being art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Alexander Biglande — John Lindfay, formerly of Wauchop, now of Barcloy, amerciated 100 merks for not entering the faid Charles, as he had found furety to the Steward of Kirkcudbrycht, for that effect. Ahjintes ab A(Jlfa. William M'elellane of Bomby, William Sinclare of Auchinfranko, Richard Carnis of Barnbauchill, Thomas Tait of Banibarrache, Ninian Gleudunwyne of Partoun, Patrick Forfler.^ 212aminlriit0 tit ii)t i^iits's Ci)am6n% Mar. 11. — John Makerak denounced at the King's horn, for not enter- ing to undei'ly the law for art and part of Wounding Thomas Drummond, in the King's Chamber. (On the margin,) ' Ifta denunciacio fuit de fpeciali man- dato domini noilri Regis.' \_Arc/iihcdd?/s Comes de E7-gUe, Jacobus Comes de 3Iortouu, Georgius Domimis de Setoun, et Alexander Lander de BIyth, miles, Prepofitns de EdhihurgJie, Jnjiiciarii deptitati, Andree Domh/i Gray, Jnfticiarn Jpe- c'laliter conftituf.'] ^lauflijtef of m^htW of tTjat 3Hft, ^t, — ^tvCH fietlnee n itoitrg iWn.tUDeil anU Crrnrfjtoun of ^anquljar/ Apr. 5, 1513, {die 3Iartis.) — Robert Graham of Gillelbe denounced Rebel and put to the horn, and all his goods to be efcheated ; and James Johnef- toune of that Ilk, his furety, amerciated 1001. for his not entering to underly the law for the Slaughter and ftriking of William Dal5ell of that Ilk,'' John Carmichell, young Laird of Carmichell, John Wej'r, John Lokky, and Robert Bertoune ; according to the form of a Decreet Ai-bitral. ' Thomas Johnestoun of Gartno, William Johneftoun young Laird of Gartno, David J. bi'other of John in Bartycupane, Adam Scot of Tul'chelaw, and James ' Nine other persons of no rank are also specified. '^ Six others of no note. ^ See Sep. 24- and 30, 1512, &c. * Either there must be a mistake in this Record of Justiciary or in the Peer- ages, as to the Christian name of this person. Wood states, that Robert Daljell of DaUeil ' was killed at Dumfreis, in a (kirmilh betwixt Lords Maxwell and Crichton, 30th July, 1508 ;' and that Robert of D. was witness to a Charter in 1511. — Wood's Peerage, I. 311. See also Nov. 18, 1508. ^ This entry is very obscurely expressed. It does not appear from it which of these parties were struck, and wliicli of them were slain ; or whether they were all struck and slain. 86 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1512-13. EDINBURGHE. Johneftoun of Skare, were alfo denounced Rebels, &c. for the fame crime ; and the Laird of Johneftoun, their fui'ety, amerciated in 100 merks for each of them. — John Johnelloune of Wamfray was amerciated 401. for not entering Edward Mqffet of Hcu'di, who was likewife denounced, &c. James alias Jah Baty, Andrew his brother, Ronald Graham at the Water of Corry, and Patrick fon of Walter Graham, were denounced Rebels, &c. for the fame crimes. John Maxwell called France, Officer' of Lord Maxwell, was proved to be fick, and Lord JNIaxwell became furety for his entry, at the next Juftice-aire of Dumfrefe, under the pain of 100 merks. ^Inurjljtrr of strap €>xtn, George M'^Cullociie, fon of Archibald, Symon Makcubin,and Andrew Akynnane, were denounced Rebels, &c. for not appearing to underly the law for art and part of the Slaughter of nine oxen, ftraying upon the lands of Glenlufe. George Johnestoun of Auchinlbork, and William, called Foule-durris, were denounced Rebels, &c. for art and part of the Slaughter of Iwe Corry, fervant of Sir Alexander Kirkpatrick, kn'. — James Johneftoun of that Ilk, his furety, was amerciated in 200 merks, for their not entering to underly the law. [Alexander L,atuler de Bhjth, miles, Jtijliciarius Deputatus.'] ^Vaw^iyUv of X\)t i)Ouns ilairti of SIttiquanr, Apr. 9, {die Sahhati.) — Thomas Kennedy of Bargany,' Alexander^ and John his fons, Rolland his brother, Thomas Ferguflbune brother of the Laird of Kilkerane, John Colvile fon of William, and fix others, were ordained to be denounced Rebels, and all their moveables to be efcheated, for their not entering to underly the law, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of George Kennedy, fon and heir apparent of George Kennedy of Attiquane. — Execution of horning delayed till Friday nixt, with confent of George K. of Attequyne. David Earl of CaiTdlis became furety. [Andreas Dominiis Gray, JiifUciarius, c^c] Apr. 20, (die 3Iercurij.) — David Craufurde of Kerfe, and Thomas Corry of Keldwode, amerciated 1001. for not entering the Laird of Bargany, who was put to the borne along with the others. ' A Herald or Pursuivant. Tlie Wardens of ttie Marches, and many of the greater Barona, had Heralds in llieir train, who were made use of on all solemn occasions, and especially at marriages, feasts, and funerals, &c. ' France' was the name of this OfHcer, in like manner as Albany, March- mont, Xcc. of the Royal Heialds. " ' Relpicitur de ]iroceli'u, cornu de mandato Regis, quia poflea amerciatur.' ^ He is styled his ' fon and lieir apparent' in a subsequent entry. 25JAC. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 87 EDINBURGHE. \^Davkl Comes de CqfJilUs, Jiijticiarius deputatusJ] ^f)rrp .intr (JTattlr ^tfalins. Ajir. 26. — Richard Pott, in Eflcdaill, convicted of art and part of the Theft and conceahnent of four cows, from George Purwes and Roger Hunter, furth of Carterhope : Item, of the Theft of 30 flieep from the Tenants of Carter- hope : liem, of the Theft of 16 flieep from the faid Tenants : Item, of the Theft of 50 flieep from the Laird of Halkfchawis : Item, for Common Theft. — Hanged. Nomina Assise. Dominus ' de Amisfelde, Dorainus de Manerftoune, Dominus de Damhoy, Dominus de Tallo, Dorainus de Keldwode, Domiuus de Corsfurde, Dominus de Gerwefwode, Willelmus Ker de gair, Dominus de Kirk.- [^Geoi'g'ms Dominus Setoun, JujViciarius Dejmtatus.^ Common Cf)cft anU aarsf t of Cfjcft May 25. — Edward Johnstoun, fone of John in Crukitmone, and John Reid, (dwelling) with Mathew Graham, convicted of Common Theft and Com- mon Relet of Theft. — Hanged. Nomina Assise. Rogerus Kirkpatrik de Knok, Robertus Neilfon de Madinpap, Willelmus Colvile de Ravinnif- Willelmus Cunyngham de Cra- Dominus de Bennifyde,^ crag, ganis, Ricardus Carlile. ^Iaii3:i)tn- of X^t HaiitJ of (^rfiftoii. May 31. — William Dekesoune, fon of umq" John Dekefoun,* con- victed of art and part of the Slaughter of George Myddilmeft; of Greiftoun,' committed by the faid William, John his father, and John his brothei", upon forethought and culpable felony : Item, for being at the horn for the faid Slaughter. — Beheaded. ASSISA. Thomas Lowis of Menner, Gilbert Berde of Poffo, Thomas Wyly of Bonytoune, Ninian Paterfoun of Caverhill, John Elphinftoun of Hendirftoun, James Levingfloun of Girifwode, John Caverhill of Foulage, William Were of Newtoun, JohnCarmichell,Cap' of Craufurde.* \^Archibaldus Comes de Ergile, Jujiiciarius, ' in hac parte '^ Common C^tft anlr Creason. Jun. 4. — Andrew Story and Thomas Gillefpy convicted of common Theft and common Treafon ; and George Walch of common Theft. — Hanged. ' Laird. - The others are Mr James Gifferde and five tenants. 3 This is not unlikely ' Bemerfyde' (Haig), but it is very indistinctly written. Seven others (tenants) were on this Assise. * See Nov. 12, 1.512. ^ He is called ' of Grerftoune' in the former Trial. '' Six others, in Peblis, &c., but of no note. These lists of Assisors have been inserted in the present Collection from the importance of preserving the names. In many instances the occurrence of an Assise of Barons has been the sole cause of selecting the case. 88 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1513. EDINBURGHE As.SISA. Andrew Ker of Feniihirft, Mark Ker of Dolphinfloune, Robert TurnbuU of Blindliauche, Andrew M'Dowell of Garthlone, Walter Scot of Liiifelar, John Craufurde of Drongane, John Tuedy of Drummeljeir, Walter Scot of Howpaflot, John Charteris of Amisfelde, Thomas Cranftoun, Ralph Ker, John Charteris, his uncle.' \_Alea;ander Lauder de Blijth, miles, Jujlkiarius deputattis.'\ Jun. 28, {die 3Iartis.) — Malcolm DrujMMONDE and his accomplices, dilated of art and pai't of the Slaughter of GilfiJlan Crechtoun. Absentes ab Assisa. Andrew Murray of Abircarny, Robert Maxtoun of Cultoquhay, Patrick Scot of Mun;e, John Moncreif of that Ilk, Robert Barclay of Stercovy, John Crechtoun of Blakburne, David Chalmer of Strathy, John Kynnard of Inchefture, Andrew Monorgun of that Ilk, Andrew Currur of Logymegill, Patrick Butter of Gormok, Nefe ° Ramfay of Baraf, Hector Bruce of Col])malindy, W°^ Edmonftoun of Duntrethe, James Ilofs, fon of the Laird of Robert Boyd of Petkindy, Thomas Spens of Kinfpindy, Craigy, Robert Nory of Buchquhopill, John Muncreif in Little M., John Cochrane of Pitfour.^ ^toutlji'tif of ^pir.iUti ppvfssioii — * ^txt&tiM*' Patrick Mure and Nicholas Frefale' permitted to compound for Stouthreif and Oppreffiion done to James Portar of Lag, and Archibald Mure, in the ' Herefchip' of ten fcore bolls of wheat,* price of each boll iiij f. : Item, the laid Patridi', for Oppreffion doue to William INFclellane Laird of Bomby, by occupying, and labouring and manuring the Crofts of the faid William, near Wig- toune, for two years pall ; and for the ' fpuiljieing' of iij 1. of annual rent of certain lauds pertaining to him, for the faid fpace : Item, of the ' f2niii5ieing' of the farms and profits of the faid lands from the faid William for the forefaid fpace, extend- ing yearly to xx bolls of bear :*^ Item, for the Oj^preffion done to Andre w^ Dun- bar, in occupying of his fet of Denry, in the barony of Myrtoun. — Sir Alexander M'^cuUoch became furety to fatisfy the parties. ^jpjprrssioit — J^.imrsurluit — ^toutljrrtf, $it, Thobias Mure, ' tal5our,'^ in Wigtoune, allowed to compound for the ' A familiar iiirUnaino, on the Borders, for John, as Joch is now. IViJhin was, in like manner, often used for William ; Dund, or Dande, for Andrew ; Hob, for Robert ; Hob or Habbie for Ilalbert, &c. ^ Viz. cranted to Sir David. ^ Timber ; wood-work. ^ Fraser. He and liis brother Thomas, ' in Wigtoune,' compoimdcd for tlie stouthreif of ajumenl, or ox used for tillage, furth of the barn of Skellore. ' ' Frumenti,' wliicli was uniformly used to denote the grain iVora which ihe finest loaiies were made. ^ Barley. 26JAC. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 91 ■WIGTOUNE. forethought felony done to Duncan Makke, drawing his fword, and wifliing to flay him : Item, for the Oppreffion and ' Hamjulxkhi' done to Chriftiane Gib- foune, ftriking her and breaking up her doors : Item, for forethought felony and Oppreffion done to a Merchant of St Andi-ews, drawing his fword, coming upon him, and putting him to flight : Item, for the theftuous breaking up and opening the cellar of Rankin Mur, and taking therefrom victual and other goods : Item, for the Stouthreif of a cow from M^keyn, furth of Kerowoltok : Item, for common Oppreffion of the lieges, common ' Brigancie," and in taking and ' reiving' from them malt, corn, and other goods. — Sir Alexander Mcculloch became furety to fatisfy the parties. |>rri)tntincj; a Court from liriiifl: f)rllj, ^Vr. Patrick Agnew, Sheriff of Wigtoune, Nevin Agnew, John Adair, Alexander M^mychin, George Crukfchank, Thomas Portar, and Patrick Agnew, fervant of the faid Sheriff, convicted of art and part of Convocation of the lieges with warlike arms, 'jakkis and Iplentis,' contrary to the Acts of Parliament, and of the Oppreffion done to Sir David Kennydy, kn', coming to Lefwalt, and hindering him from holding his Court. — Each of them fined x merks, and the Sheriff became furety for himfelf and the others. Oppression — .il?ou.sc^l)rraliiitg;—^touti)rrif, Patrick Mure, in Wigtoune, permitted to compound for art and part of the Oppreffion done to Betoun ]\rkewin, fpoufe of Gilbert M'^ke, in cafling her goods furth of her ' mailing :'^ Item, for the Oppreffion done to Mr Richard Akinhede, Vicar of Wigtoune, breaking up the doors of his chamber, and keep- ing him furth thereof : Item, for common Oppreffion of the lieges. — Alexander ]\rculloch of Mertoun became furety to fatisfy the parties. Thomas Mure, his fervant, Nicholas and Thomas Freflile, in Wigtoun, compounded for the above crime, and for cafling the faid Mr Richard's fervant and his goods, over his flair : Item, the faid Thomas and Nicholas for flealing a grey horfe. ^touti)rtif — (JDpprrssion — *3Jrici:anne.* Thomas Fresai,e allowed to compound for the forethought felony done to (.lohn) M'ke, mercliant in Wigtoune, and Hurting him : Item, of the Stouthreif of his ' quhin3eare,' at the fame time : Item, of common Oppreffion of the lieges, by way of common ' Brigancie.' — Sir Alexander M'^cuUoch of Myr- toune became furety to fatisfy the parties. ' Fr. Briganderie, equivalent to what we term Highway Robbery, &c. ' ' Afledationem.' 92 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1513. WIGTOUNE. ^liiu0l)tfi— ^toutfjrrtf — ittutilation. Patrick Agnew, George and George Crukfliank produced a Remiffion for art and part of the Slaughter of Patrick IM'ke, and Thomas M'ke : Item, for the Stouthreif of feven cows from John IVrke of Myrtouue ; Item, for the fore- thought felony done to the faid John and his men, and for wounding him. — The Sheriff" became furety. They, along with Alexander Makmechane, produced another Remiffion for the Mutilation of iimq'° John Makke of Myrtoune of his thumb : Item, for the Slaughter of iimq'" Patrick and Thomas Makke : Item, for the Stouthreif of 7 cows, with, their calves, from the faid John. — The Sheriff of Wigtoune furety. Cattle-straliiicj:. Patrick Agneav, Sheriff" of Wigtoun,' compounded for art and part of the Stouthreif of four cows from Thomas Cunyngham, in Carrik The Laird of Orchertoune became furety to fatisfy the parties. ^tout^iTif ftp «i" ^^uUrrn\ John Makter, formerly in Carrik, now in Pennygham, convicted of the Stouthreif of the goods of Patrick M''Cul5ean the time he lay (in Adultery) with Chriftian M'cord his wife. — BaKISHED furtli of the fliire of Wigtoune, and to depart within eight days. ^toutljrrif anb Baduiifi of ffiSHooti. John Maklumphare, in Kirkmerin, dwelling with the Abbot of Saulefet, convicted of Stouthreif of the Wood of Garthlone, and of the barking thereof.^ — Others were amerciated iij 1. each for the fame crime, committed in the woods of Barrinraiier, Glenfiche, and Crofchre. MtnTommuitinf!; iMitI) lUfiels. John Makcoshen, in Innermellane, convicted of Intercoiimmning with Thomas M'clellane and Neill Nelefoun, Rebels, and at the horn. Fined xx nierks. — The Laird of Garthlone became furety to the King. ^lausljter. Thomas Portar, convicted of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of John Makmyane. — Beheaded. ' The conduct of the Sheriff of Wigtoun, as exhibited in this and tlie preceding cases, affords a melanclioly picture of tlie state of society at tliat ])eriod. Tlie liereditary Judge, and highest legal fnnctionary in the district, appears to have vied with the most des|)erate of the IJorder thieves in the commission of all sorts of crimes ; expecting, doubtless, that his high office and influence would si'.tli- ciently protect him from merited punisliment for his odious oppressions. ^ ' Remittitur quia pauper.' 26Jac.IV. criminal trials. * 93 WIGTOUNE. ^pprrssiou — ^toutI)rcif — Conborntion. (Die Jovin, iv die It'meris.) — Gilcrist MAKKIN5E, iu Killas, permitted to compound for art and part of the forethought felony and ' Hamefukkiu,' done to one M'carbere, dochter, fponfe of Andrew M'ylbride, and llriking her : Ite)7i, for the Stouthreif of vj cows and oxen furth of Kirkm'^brek, from the Tenants of the Laird of Ardwell : Item, for the Oppreffion done to Duncan Rrcullane in holding goods and his wife from his fociety and company : Item, for forethought felony done to Andrew IVPcuUocht of Ardwell, and fearching for him for his flaughter : Item, for Convocation of the lieges in great numbers, contrary to the Acts of Parliament, and for the forethought felony and Oppreffion done to Sir David Kennydy kn'. drawing his fword and wifliing to flay him : Ite)ii, of com- mon Oppreffion of the lieges, by common ' brigancie' and otherwife. — The Laird of Killufler' became furety to fatisfy the parties. ^pprrssiiiff tl)f IStuijI) of ilSIitrtoun — ^mmrsurfeiii. DoMiN'icK ]\rcLELLANE and Symon Makcriftin, allowed to compound for art and part of Convocation of the lieges, and going forth of Burgli in convo- cation'^ to tiie Place of Myrtoun : Item, for the Stouthreif of certain oxen, horfes, and flieep, from John M'ke of Myrtoun, at that time : Item, for the Stouthreif of bear' and oats from the faid John, furth of his barn, and deftroying the door of the faid barn. The faid Sijmon was alfo permitted to compound for art and part of the fore- thought felony, Oppreffion, and ' Hameiukkin' done to John Kells, coming upon him, wifliing to flay him : Item, for the Oppreffion done to M'calviu-dochter, wife of ... . Acariane, and cruelly flriking and beating her : Item, for common Oppreffion done to the neighbours' of Wigtoun, arrelling and troubling them at the Courts, becaufe they would not be his men : Item, for breaking of the Acts of Parliament, becaufe he is the Laird of Bomby's man." The laid Dominkk allowed to compound for Stouthreif of two oxen from Thomas Makke, furth of Torhous ; and for the forethought felony and Oppref- fion done to him and his brother, at the faid time, wifliing to flay them. They were both likewife permitted to compound for Oppreffion done to the Community of Wigtoune, in taking the beft: merchandise coming in fliips to the faid Burgh, and keeping thereof in their cellars : Item, for Oppreffion done to the faid neighbours, in gathering the profits of the Town and ' burrolandis,' and common liberty of the faid Burgh and community. ' M'Culloch of Killaissor ? - In anotlior part of tlie Record tliere is added tins translation, ' le routting.' ^ Barley. ■* ' J'iciniis,' usually translated ' niclitbouris,' i. e. inhabitants, townsmen. ' ' Ex eo quod eft vir Domini de Bomby.' 94 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 15l3. WIGTOUNE. Duncan M'ke, in Wigtoune, permitted to compound for art and part of the forethought felony done to John Murhede, in Wigtoune, and putting him to flight (for his Slaughter) : Item, of the Stouthreif of a ' brew caldrone' from John Wke, in Libi-ek, furth of his houfe ; and for forethought felony done to him fimdry times, wifliing to Hay him ; and for the breaking of the King's (Letters of) Protection : Item, for the forethought felony done to Symon M^criftin, in Wigtoun, coming upon him for his flaughter : Item, for common Oppreflion of the lieges, and fpecially of the Tenants of Librek, by way of common ' Brigancie :' Item, for art and part of the Oppreffion done to John M^ke, in Librek, in cafting down the 'dike' of his bear-croft.' — The Laird of Lochinver became furety to fatisfy the jjarties. 29 nil nil Is in tio I! — SSifafeiug EalJo6iirroU)s. Thoimas Makdowell, fon of Rolland in Quhitherne, Etht Robifoun, and Robert Afchennay there, allowed to compound for art and part of the foi*e- thought felony and Oppreffion done to Johnne Makke, in Librek, coming upon him in the town of Quhitherne, and cruelly wounding him : Item, for the Muti- lation of the faid John, and demembering him of an eye : Item, of breaking the Lawburrows formerly found between the laid parties. — And the faid Roherf, for art and part of the Ojjpreffion done to John INIakke, in Librek, in occupying and manuring two merklands of his let in Libreck, extending yearly to Ixxx bolls of meal and xx bolls of bear, in profits : Item, for breaking the King's Protection. ^toutTirrif from tfjf Jjisfjop of ^Ballotuap, ^^r. Patrick Waus, of Irlalk, and William Grahaine, living with him, were allowed to compound for the Stouthreif of fix filver ' tafles' or drinking cujds^ from the lord Billiop of Galloway,'^ near Wigtoune : Item, for the Stouthreif of certain oxen and cows from the executors of umq'*" Mr Alexander Waufe : Item, for the Oppreffion done to tlie Bifliop of Galloway, in ' hochin'* his oxen : Item, the faid Patrick, for art and part of the Oppreffion done to John M*^gilwyan, in Quhitherae, in the detention of his croft,' called Our Lady croft, for the fpace of xij years, after he had bought the fame from M''calphin-dochter ; the annual lofs thereby arifmg extending to five merks. — Item, the faid Patrich, for art ' Barley-field. - ' Tafraium argenti.' ^ ' Camliilecafe." This person was David Arnot, son of John Arnot of that Ilk, hy Katharine Melvil, (laui;hter of the Laird of Carnhee, in Fife. He was successively Archdean of Lothian, Provoll of Bothwell, and Ahhot of Canihuskenneth ; from which Ahhary he was translated to the See of Galloway, in 1509, on the advancement of James Betfiune to the Archhishoi)nc of Glasgow. In a few years afterwards he got the Ahhary of Tungland in commeiidam. His stile was ' David Candidie Casje Kegifque Capellie Striuiiingen. Epifcopus.* ^ Houghing, hamstringing. * A piece of cultivated land adjoining to the dwellinghouse. 26JAC. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 95 WIGTOUNE. and part of Convocation of the lieges : Item, for the forethought felony and Oppreffion done to Sir David Kennedy, kn', coming npon him at liis lands of Lefwalt, at the time of his holding his Court, and hindei'ing him from holding the fame : Item, for the Stouthreif of certain cloaks and other goods from the fervants of the faid Laird, at the fame time. — The Laird of Toi'hous became furety, along with the faid Patrick. 2Suniin0 at t\)t 43lacc of Bunsltn), Duncan IVrKE produced a RefjHte for his being art and part of Burning the Place of Duuflcey.' — The Laird of Lochinver became furety. i, fur common Oppreffion of the lieges dwelling iu Pennigham. He alfo produced a Refpite for art and part of the Burning of the Place of Drumflcey. — Sir Gawin Kennydy became furety to fatisfy the parties. #pprrssion — ^toutljrnf, iv^r. AXDREAV DuXBAR allowed to compound for art and part of the common Oppreffion done to Walter IVrcuUocht, in his farms, in the year 1505; taking three cows from the faid 'S^^alter's mother, to remove from his farm of Corfuloch- quhan, and for not removing therefrom, but hindering her fervants from labouring her fai'nis ; Ifev/, for the Oppreffion done to the faid "Walter, in occupying the houfes of the faid farm for the fpace of four years laft paft, and deftroying her crops (and flock), viz. to the value of fix fcore bolls of bear and oats, fifteen fcore of flieeji, and forty cows and ' queys :' Ifem, for Oppreffion done to the faid Walter, in taking his horfes and riding them to Kirk and market where he pleafed, and killing one of them : Item, for the Stouthreif of the ' tymmer' of two of his houfes, within the faid Walter's lands of Corfdochquhan : Ifeiii, for forethought felony done to the faid Walter and his ' bird," called Patrick IVrcrache, coming upon the faid Patrick on the road towards the Kirk, chafing him, and breaking the King's Protection granted to the faid Walter : ItCDf, for the forethought felony done to the ' plewmen'' of the faid Walter, coming upon them in warlike manner with a ' lance-fi;af,' and putting them to flight ; and for hindering them from ploughing the faid land : Ik'v/, for the Oppreffion done to John M'gilhofche,^ coming upon him, and chafing him : Ifefii, for common Ojipreffion of the lieges, by feizing their ' befi^ial''' and otherwife. — John Dumbar of IMochrum became furety to fatisfy the parties. (j^pprrssiirti tl)t ^arrist nnt« ^tililjean of tTjr €\),ipt\ llonal. Patkik ]Mukhede came in will for the Opprelfion done to the Sacrifl and Subdean of the Chapel Royal, in the ' fpuil5ie' of the Teind flieaves of Stow.^ ' Herd ; shepherd. - Ploughmen. ' Now called Mucklehose, or Maclehose. ■■ ' Aaimalia.' ' ' SuMMA hujus Extractus, k<'.lxxix li.' (L.979.) 1 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 97 APPENDIX. APPENDIX, ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE TRIALS WHICH OCCURRED DURING THE REIGN OF KING JAMES IV. I. Illustrations selected from the Register of the Privy Seal of Scotland. The historical value of the Public Records of Scotland has long been univer- sally admitted ; but comparatively few are qualified, and still fewer are inclined, to undergo the extreme drudgery of wading through a mass of ancient MS. volumes in quest of original and authentic information. The task Avhich the Editor had imposed upon himself seemed to demand of him greater exertions than could reasonably be expected of any author whose opportunities were less limited. In this view, and to redeem his pledge, he has carefully examined the entire Records of the Privy Seal, and the Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer, so far as they embrace the period of these early reigns ; and without enlarging on the obvious value of the new materials thus collected, he now begs to lay before the reader the result of an anxious and careful scrutiny. In accomplishing this desirable object, the limits of this work have necessarily been considerably encroached on, but it is hoped no one will deem the labour mispent, or the additional space thus occupied misemployed. The Editor only grudges that he could avail himself, in this work, of so small a portion of the information which these invaluable Registers afford. The reader is once moi-e referred to Mu Tytler's truly valuable Historical work, in illustration of such passages as do not occur in the ordinary Histories of Scotland. Jul. 2, 1488. — Refpite to Patrik of Dunbar, fone and apperand are to Patrik Duiibav of Kinquhunquhave, Ferguse Mcdowell, Joliniie M., and Jolinne Smytlie, for art and parte of )ie ^laufljtcr of vmquhile Patrik Mackowloche (M'^Culloche): For ix 5eris to cume to indure. Oct. 19. — Precept of Remiflioune' to Huchouxe Wallace of Smetliiftoune for arte and l)arte of Jie ^tit of certane gudis out of Jie Barony of Erliftoune, apoune Walter and MycLel Wakmyllane, &c., vnto ]te day of cure fouerane lordis Proclaraatioune, maid at Lanark ; ]iat is to fay, ]ie xxix day of Auguft, precedand fe date fairof. ' It is to be understood that all the Remissions in the Prifi/ Sial Record which are quoted in these extracts, were merely Precepts. The Remission was, in one sense, incomplete, until it had passed the Seals. VOL. I. I N 98 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1495. APPENDIX. Oct. 19 RerailEoune to Huchoune Wallace, brojier to Jolme Wallace of Cragy, ' in eadem forma et de eadeiii data.' Jan. 28, 1488-9. — William Mexteth of the Kerse, Archibald of Menteth, his brofer, Alex'' M. ' for thaim, tliair kyn, and frendis on tlie ta parte, and Robert Broisse of Arthe, Alexander, Lucas, and Robert Broitre, for thaini and bretlier, kyne, and frendis one the tother parte,' bound themfelves to abide by tlie Sentence of the Lordis of Council, ' tuiching Jie making of amendis for ))e ^TaucTjtcr of unKJllJilf 5)ol)ltf, ttje 33rof5t of Slt]be, and tuiching fe making of amite, luf, and tendiines to be liaid betuix the pairties, in tyrae to come. ' Jan. 27, 1491. — Reraiffion to Johne Tempiltoune for ]ie tljtfttofSe otutputtilT and away- takin of f e gtlSl'S of vmquhile George Campbele of Lovvdoune, t Jjc *cl)crcf of ^rc, I'e tyme lie was Stewart to the faid Scheref ; and fpecialy, ]ie tyme Jiat Jie faid Scheref was feyk, and for all crime, actioune, and accufatioun pat may be imput, &c. (Apitd Are.) Dec. 7, 1492. — Reniiffion to William Cummyng,- for art and part of the counfel and afliftance aflbrded i)y him to Alexander Lord Gordoune, in preparing tjif dFirlB of Suil&elil againll the King; and for all other crimes preceding this date, ' proditoria Tradicione in perfonam Reci.s, Murthuro, Raptu mulierum, communi furto, et actione regia contra eundem Willielraum proponenda, penes quandam boxam,'' aurum, argentum et jocalia in eadem contenta, et alia jocalia, exceptis.'* (Apiid Ahirdciie.) Nov. 9, 1493. — Remifllon to W1L3AME Gordoune, fone to George Erie of Huiitle, for the ^Taucjtcr of umquhile Robert Stewait, &c. Jan. 23, 1493-4. — Remiflion to ' Eduard Tayt, for the thiftwife Brclfefltg of tijf 5S(rft of ^tuSttlailtJ, and takin away of certane gudis, gold and filver, fra Sir Wil;oame Juidane, &c.' Feb. 15.— RemifTion to Johne Herreis, in Bercley, for Jie lUfc of rcrtant IjalltfS' owt of Dundranane ; and binding Jie men kepand ])aini, &c. (^Apud Kirkcudbrycht.') Apr. 27, 1194. — Rtmiffion maid to Alexander Lord Gordoun for Jie 33tvin)n0of))e Place of Jtr^lCllBrncj&t, 111 Uurljaiu ; and for ail actioune and cryme may be imput to him tharfor, &c. befor ])e xij day of December, 1492, Murthure and Revifching of women exceptit. (Apud Al/erdene.) Jul. 6. — RemifTion to Johne Forster of Nudre, Henry his brujier, and Johne Lethame, for art and part of ]ie §latltl)ttv of Will of Dundas and Duncan Dundas ; and for all v])er actionis to |ie date hereof. Dec. 28 — RemifTion to James Wardlaw of Ricardtoun, and John his brother, for art and part of the ^laugljtff of William and Duncan Dundas, committed upon the caufeway of tj[)C It^igl) Street of CrBfntmrgl), in the King's prefence. (^Apud Edhihurgh.') Mar. 5, 1494o. — RemifTion to Robert Scot of Dalorian, and Dauid Lawder, for thare trellbnable ^iHtciTOmimitting with diuerfe perfonis, the Kingis j^efjelll'd ; and for alTillance and lUSctting of thaim, &c., previous to Nov. 7, 1493. Apr. G, 1495. — RemifTion to Cuthbert Gordoune, for ])e j^a\tt)OS:\)t fctong done be him ' This Notice lias been obtaineil tVom the Ada Duminorum Concilii, a work IH■ilJtill^' under the Scottish Record Commission. It uboinids with interesting materials. '' I'rom other entries in the Register, the Editor believes that this person was Sir William Cmninyngot' Innerellochy (le tyme of )>e Ayre fairof, 8cc., vnto fe xvj day of November, 1493. (Apttd Kirkcudbrychl.) Feb. 9, 1496-7 RemifTion to Archibald ami Johne Ogilvy, fonnis to James Lord Ogilvy of Erie, for art and part of tbe ^laug]&tcr of vmq''' James Lindiffay, fone to Dauid L., he. Juii. 10, 1497. — Refpite to Dauid Hume of Wedderburne, and diuerfe vjieris perfonis, to tbe nowmerof I'(100)names,forthemaflerfull diftruetioune, l}(ntl.m(J,and carting downe of tijc ^lace of CijurtStounf, pertenyng to Williame Wallace of Cragy : And for tbe l^nl and ^toutjjt of tbe gudis and inficbt being in the fammyn, for pe tyme ; and for al maner of crime ]iat may be imputt to ])e faid perfonis, in fat mater alanerly. {Per fuhfcriptionem Regis.) Aug. 7. — Remiffion to Dauid Carmychell and Johne Inglis, for arte and parte of fe cruel ^laurljtfr of vmquhile James Lindefay : And for ]iair treflonable paffinginlngland, and rommonpil luitl) 3>ngIiSeaie«, and being at |)e Kingis home, &c. {Aprtd Norehame.') Nov. 17. — Refpite to Patrik M'Kowloche (MacCullocb), for art and part of fe S^\\xt\}n and Jp1aucl)tcv of vmq''" Archibald M. of Arduale, committed ' vnder filence of nycht,' &c. Jan. 26, 1497-8. — Remiffion to Hugh Rose of Kilrawok, and eleven otbers, for art and part of the cruel ^latig^&tf r of Alexander and John Noble, a Chaplain called Schir Maurice, and Wil- liam Gawane, committed within the Kirk-yard of the Cathedral Church of Rofs. (Apiid Inuernys.') Mar. 31, 1498. — Remiffion to Johne Nelesoune, and vther thre perfonis, duelland in CulrofT- fchire, within ]ie fcherefdome of Perthe, for the jFdrtljorljt fellong done be thaim, in cumpany with Robert Stewart, apone Sir Andro Mafoune, Abbot of Culrosse, and bis complices, at Blareball : And for forthocbt fellony done be the faid Jobne Nelefoune apone Robert Rede, at the Abbay of Culrofe. ' Deliberat. per Dominum,^ Patricio Blacater militi.' May 9. — Remiffioune to Walter Buchanan of pAT Ilk, Patrik his brujier, and Jobnne Blare, for pair inobediens and contempcioune done to pE KiNGis henes, in pe rC nianilll diuerfe tymes (ra J)l^ ^oSttS aganis his ennemyis of SlIglailB, &c. Jun. 12. — Remiffioune to Thomas CiAlbraithe of Balkindroche, James his biuper, and Andro Wawane, for art and part of pe ^laurl)tcr of Jobnne Myllare. Jul. 11. — Remiffion to Richart Were, and viij perfonis with him, for art and part of the ^laucljtcr of vmq''' NicboU Were, duelland in Halhill ; committit apoune forthocbt fellony. Nov. 11. — Remiffioune to Cuthbert Blare, and vper viij perfonis, for ])e dTortJjOrljt ffloilg done be )iame apone Alexander Pidcon (Punton ?) of pat Ilk," and William his fone, 8cc. {Per Jul- criptionem Regis.) Dec. 10. — Remiffion to Wil of Douglas of Caveris, and Wil and Archibald Dowglas, for there treffonable Ulltfrcominon^JU totfl) 1>C iltbcUiS ot iLcbl'lI, he. Jan. 20, 1498-9. — A Lettre of Remitt and forgevinnefs to Johnne of Dumbar, fone and apperand are to Jobnne of Dumbar of Mocbrum, and to bis feruitouris, Wil3am Fleinyn, and James Makcowloclie, and Johnne Core, quhilk war with Elizabeth Kennedy pat tyme fclio tuilt aiuap tfrtanc tlloilf|), extending to pe fowme of xliij li. gold and filuer, a filuer fclc, and vper finall gere, liad be bir in keping of a R(everend) fader in God, G(eorge Vans) 33tSrI)op of iSallotoaj), &c. Feb. 14. — Remiffion to Litle Johne Rorysoun, with pe Larde of Snayde, for pe JfortJ)ori)t ftloMi; done be him apone Donald Ferguffoun of Yle, he. (Apud Dumfre/e.) ' Viz. George Schaw, Abbot of Paisley, Lord High Treasurer, ^ There was a family in Ayrshire of the name oi' Pilcon ; but from subsequent entries, it would appear this individual was Punton or Pontoun of that Ilk. 100 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1499-1500. APPENDIX. Feb. 18 Remiffion to Alexander Jarding, grandfon (' nepoti') and heir of John J. of Apil- gerthe, William, his biotlier, Nicholas, fone of Humphrey J. of Bawgray, Edward J. and Nicholas, his Ion, &c. for Jfoi'CtJjOugijt lelottg done to the fervant of Alexander Kirkpatrik and the Inha- bitants OF Dryfeholme, &c. {Apud Drumfreije.) Remiffion to JonxE Hutoune, in fe Syde, Gawine and Johns Dryfefdale, and four others, ' for ])are being aganis pE Kingis hienes in ]ie 33attrII autt iFeMltf coramittit htiXfUt ^trtUcXitt, one Sand Barnaheis day ; and for all crimes and actionis pat may be imput to paim pairthrow, &c. vnto fe xxvj day of Januare, 1488-(9) jeris alanerly. (^Apud Drumfrefe.) ' Spectan. Domino de Cokpule.' Feb. 25 Remiffion to Thom Huciionsone and Johne Carynis, in )ie Copwod, for arte and parte of }e 33jjnij.nig of Jtotl)fcrguge, belangand to pe Larde of Bondby (Bomby,) &c. (Apud Drumfrefe.) Mar. 2. — Remiffion to \V1L5AME Adare of Kilhelt, and Thomas Adare, for the jFot' t])Ot])t fcUonj) done apon Andro Mcdowell of Elrig. Mar. 4. — Remiffion to Sir Alexander M<'culloche of Mertoune, kn^ and xxvj others, for art and part of the JlJuvm'ng: anil ' S^crc^cjjfp' of IDunSfefp antf STviHuclI, in company with the Laird of Garthlane (Gartliland.) (^Apud Wiytoune.) Reniiffioune to (Sir) Alexander M'cullocii of Mertoune, and xxix vperis perfonis, for arte and parte of tlie JSfvngng anti iUfing of SunSfecg anU SiiiiufU, ia cumpany with Jie Larde of Garthlane, and all vper actionis done be J>ame vnto J)e date hereof.' Mar. 13. — Remiffioune to Cuthbert Lord Kilmawris, and xx" vjier perfonis, for arte and parte of ])e dFovtI)OcI)t fcXloilB done be Jmuie apoune Gilbert Dunlop of Haupland : And pe violent ijUVttng of Downald Robifoune, cummand fra pE Kingis Hoifl :^ And for al vper actionis, &c. done and committit pe tyme pai tnke pE Tolbuythe of Irwin ; and al actioune and curamyng pairapoune, pat day except. Apr. 5, 1499. — Remiffion to Wil^ame Trumbull of Mynto, and to Archibald T., fone to vmq^"' Jolme T., for the ^laitcJjttr of vniq''^ Johne of Rutherfurd : And for ]iair treffonable paffing and iK fin at) It til J) t'n ^nglanil, &c. to pe day of pe makin hereof. (Apud Striuetin.) Aug. 18. — Remiffion to Andro Blacatar of that Ilk, and Niniane Nefbit, for the Jf Ofs tl)OtT)t dTcIonj) done be thaim apone Philp Nesbit of Wester Nesbit, and Johne his bruper, Patrik Nefbit in Mongols Wall, &c. : And for pe cruell ^laurjttr of vmq''' pe faid Johne Nefbit, and Philip Nefbit in Mongols Wall, apone forthocht felony committit : And for pe jTpuljCtnjJ of pair gudis, &c. : And of all crimes pat in onywife may be imput to thaim for the committing of the faid Slauchter and forthocht felony, tn t^t ISingl^ palate, and refidence, quhare his hienes was personalis prefeut : And of pe Gift to pe faid Andro and Niniane and pair airis of the efchete of all gudis, movable and vnmovable, landis, &c. pertaining to the Kingis hienes, be the occafiou of the faid Slauchter, &c. Nov. 6. — Remiffion to William Blakhall of that Ilk, for the ^laur]&ttv of Patrick TaljOur alias Richartfoun, dwelling in Inuerowry, &c. (Apud Spynie.) Feb. 3, 1499-1500. — Remiffione to Williame Hakket of Petfurane, Thome Hakket his fonne, and Thome Lathangy, for art and part of the ^lautljtct of Robert Carnys. Feb. 20. — Remiffion for Patrik M'Gregare, remittand hira the ^laurijtcv of vraq'^ Gillaf- pey M'Nelufe, &c. ' This seems to be the same with the preceding, but is entered in Scottish, &c. * Host, army ; probably in returning from the ' Feyld committit besyde Striuelin.' 13JAC. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * loi APPENDIX. Feb. 27. — A Refplt to Jhone M'Brar of Lochbo and al his complices, for ]>e ^tvidjm of ©togn ?llanSoun : For a ^ere ; exceptand Trefone. (Per Sulijbriptionem Regis.) A Ilefpite to Lachlane M'Lane of Doward, Johne M'Clane of Coil, Donald M'Clane eym ' to J>e faide Laucblane, and fair complices, ' in fimili mode quo antedicta.' (Per Sub/criptionem Regis.) Jun. 9, 1500. — RemifTion to Gilleise Makpaule (M'Phaill) and Patrik Makbane for art and part of the ^'laufj^tfr, ^iniKiig, lt\abi)ng, antt (0pprc53iouit vponne the Kyngis lieges, in Lochabir. Aug. 17 — A Letter of Gift to Adam Barde, Lochmanne,'^ of })e Gift of twa nierkis worthe of land, Hand nixt Drongane, within ]ie fcherefdome of Are, for al )ie dais of his life ; for his ^tvilUC of StoftmaitSrljip to (be) done as vse and cuftnm is, in tymes bigone, withe all pi-ofiittis pertenyng ]>airto. Oct. 16 — A refpite to David Lindissay for his tressonable being with ^Icjranttcr vmq'e ISui^e of 9H)an» &c. and for al v])er actionis conimittit be him vnto fie day of fe Kingis Corona- tioune : And for fe :Sfaxi\)Oti}t dFtUonj) and ^aintgufefeiii done apon Andio Carmichell, Alex''. Dikifoun, and Schir Johne Carmichell, Chapellan, done after )ie tynie of Jie faid Coronatioun, &c. : ' Dwatur. pro xix annis.' Jan. l-l, 1500-1. — Protectiovme for Schir Baldred Blacater his landis and gudis, ' in communi forma ; pro toto tempore vite fue duratur. &c.' A Letter maid to })E Lord Drummond and Schir Williame Murray of Tulebardin, knicht, fare kyn, men, frendis, and feruandis, for hertlynes to be had amangis paim in (tyme) to cum, Renuncand and forgevaud to ])e faid kin and frendis of baithe Jie faid parties, al actions and crimes of [le JSirngngtS of jT liJirk of ittoncinavtJ, and ^IaufJ)ter of ]ie Kingis liegis at )i' tyme,^ 3Sci)fe, Mc^CttiS, and ilnttvroiniminilig with Jie perfonis beand at )ie Kingis borne for pe faid crimes, and al vjier rnaner of actionis concerning Jiat mater, or pat may be imput to paim : Chargeand pE Justice and Juftice Clerkis confider pe perfonis being in pe Rollis, inditit for pe actiones abone expre- mit belangis, and baithe the laidis partiis, and inditit pairfore, pat pai diftroy and admd pe famyn ; and in tyme to cum, to tak nane of pe faidis perfonis in dittay, nor accufe, in judgement nor vtwithe, in ony wife ; difchargeing ]ie faidis otficiaris of pare officis in pat parte, concerning pe faid actionis. Jan. 23. — Remiffioun to W1L5AME Schort for pe tJifttof^SttliStl-urtton of pe gudis of Patrik Boyis, i\}t tjimc l)c lag bit!) \)\i luiffc.^ Jan. 25. — lleniiflioun to Robert Mure, fone to Adam Mure of Caldwell, knicht, for pe ^laiujtf r of vmq''^ Patrik Boure : And for pe ^ssxtiiOtljt ftlloiTg done apone the Lard of RafTtoune.' Feb. 20. — A Refpite and Licence to Andro Maluill to pa5 (it jJilgrtinagr to Jpaittt UamtS tn ^alicia, &c. : To endure fra pe fecund day of March next to cum, quhil'^ his returnyn and cumming hame again within the realme, and xl dais paireftir. ' Uncle. ' Hangman, executioner. See Dr Jamieson's Dictionary, &c. ' Old PitscoUie thus notices this horrible affair. ' In the mean tyme the Drusimondis burnt the Kir.K of Monivaikd, qubairin \ras six scoir of MuRRAYEs, with their wives and cbildraine; and few escaped thaiifra, hot war all aither burnt or slaine, except on (one) David Murray. Quhilk fact the King puuisched condignlie, thairefter ; for be headed (beheaded) monie of the principall aotouiis tbairof, at Stirling — Liner to ]ie faid Walter, Johnne, and Morife B. Androfoune, for art and part of J)e ^laugljtri* of vrnq'"" Johnne Dormondfoune, for Jie quhilk thai ar at oure fouerane lordis home, &c. unto the day of tiie making of the faid Refpitt, &c. : To endure for iiij monethis nixt to cum, eftir the date hereof, and farther, for the Kingis will to endure.^ {Perjuhfcrrptionem Regis.) Dec. 7 — Remiffion to William Hay (Master of Errol), fon and heir apparent of Wil- liam Earl of Erole, and three others, for ;Stoutljrflf of 31 ©jrf It from Sir William Keithe of Iniierpgy kn*. — William Craufurd of Federay, Gilbert Hay, and five otiiers. alfo got Precepts of Remif- fioune for the fame crime. {Apud Abirdeite.) Mar. 2, 1501-2. — Remiflioune to James Stewart of Garthilj, for the ^laut]&trr of vmq''' Andro Caldale, &c. to the date hereof. Mar. 21. — Letter to Alexander Erle of Huntlie, Thomas Lorde Fraser of Lovate, and WiLLlAME Monro of Fowlis, makand ]>ame or twa of fame; coniunctlie, ]>e faid Erie beand ane, Commiflaris to ^ctt ])E Kingis iLantll^ of EotljallVt and iWaluillOlf, hand within the fclieref- donie of Inuernes, for ]ie terms of fyve seris, entarand at fe ternie of Witfunday nixt to cum, to trew menne, for )ie plenyfing fairof, and expelling of brokin-mcnne furtlie of ]>o fainyn ; and to fett fe landis of CogfatI), asSrnt.and all vfer feriiie-landis fat pertenit to fovqiull iHaIUot't< of Jlriui5,and now being in ]}e Kingis liandis tlirow fe being of ))e faid Torquell his Rebel!, fugitive for fe lavvis, and at his home for al Jie tyme ])at f ai fall happin to be in f e handis of his liiones, be refl'oune foiifaid ; with power to gif a parte fairof to gude trew menne, for fair gude feruice, for f e fpace as fe faid Erle fal think expedient for fE Kingis honour. (Apud Striueling.) ' An, if. ' 1 1th April, 1500, a. r. 1 1, Precept of Remission was granted to them for the said crime. UJac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 103 APPENDIX. May 23, 1502.— Remiflion was granted to Alexander Wellem of Wodwray, for his treafonably abiBfiig fiom tljt Uin^ii MaiU at agtounc, Jf c. May 28.— Refpitt to Alexander Lord Hume, and diuerfe vfer perfonis, fpirituale and tern- porale, contenit in ]>e famyn, pare men, kynne, freyndis, allya, tennandis and feruandis : To endure for xl dais efter ))e laid Alexandris liarae-cummyne.' (Apitd Edinhurghe.) Sep. 14.— Refpitt and Affouerance to Ewin Alanfone for his being at ]ie Kingis home, and for all vfer actionis, to tilin Sauflff to ^e King, his Lordis of Counsale, or to fE Erle or Huntlie, to ^tt'rllll, or ony vper places : To endure for xx dais. Feb. 13, 1502-3 Lettre maid to Schir Johnne Ramsay of Trarinzeane, knycht," makand him Capttaiie of fe Place and |palace o£ Einlttftatu, and ISepave of \e Parke, loche, medois, warde, garding, and ;arde of pe famyn, for al Jie i'pace of nyne 5eris ; with power to mak Conflables, jevellouris,^ portaris, and ofer officiaris nedeful fur ]>e keping of Jie laid plaice, park, loche, medois, warde, garding and farde : For fe keping of ])e quhilkis, oure fouerane lorde affignis to fe laid Sr (Johniie) the fovme of xxiiij li. land, ])at is to fay, ten pund land of Kyncavil, and xiiij li. land of fe Norlhe aUirris, hand within pe loidefchip of Linlithqwfcliire, withe all dewiteis aud proffittis, as vfer Capitanis had of before ; with power to mak fubtenandis in ])e faides landis. Feb. 21. — Remiflion to James Marschale, for the ^laugljttr of Thomas Scherewynd, committed four years fince. (Apud Edinhurghe.') Feb. 25. — Refpeit to Robert Herise, fone and apperand are to George Herife of Tarrauciity, George and Robert H. bruder and fone to the faid Robert, and Thomas Skalis, for the ©jpvtSSl'ounc done to James Crechtoune of Frendract knicbt, in the llojtljjing' ai rfftanc \)OVit of his, &c. : To indure for the fpace of xl dais, and faireftir induring oure fouerane lordis will, quhilP thai be warnit of foure dais ; with this claufe, relefcheing of ])aim of ]>e home, taking of faiin to J)e Kingis pece, and geving Jiaira of ])e wand Jiairof.'' May 11, 1503.— Refpit maid to Maister Duncane Makke, Andro Akerfane, Litil Gilbert Makke, and Jolmne Clerk Makke, for art and part of ])e Uirntng of ]>« ?4.?ouSe aiiB place of iBunSfeai), in cumpany with Alexander M'culloch of Mertoune, kniclit : And for art and part of ))e JftElf of certane gudis being pairin \e fammyn tym, &c. : To endure for xix jeris. Apud Kirk- cudbricht, per Unas Signaturasjubfcript. per Regem. May 15. — Refpitt for Johnne Makke of Myretgune, and fyve vferis, for art and part of |>e 38frm'ltg of \t ?i>ouSe ailtr |)late oC IBungftfB ; and for all crime ))at may be imput to ])aim or ony of lianif, fur je iiiid actioune of ffyre allanerly : To endure for ))e fpace of xix ^eris. (^At IVigtoune.) Jul. 3. — RemilHon to John Stewart Makarchbald, and 59 others, for art aud part of the 2l55t'5tancc Cjifacn by them to ^CiU ^ttinart,' in his Thefts and Stouthreifs. (^Apud Fertile.) Aug. 11. — Precept maid to James Lorde Hammiltoune of fie ©ffi'te of ^UStvj) (Justi- ciary), within the boundis and ^\t of ictrailt ; with power to gefe Remiffionis aud Refpittis to al perfonis Inhabitantis ])e fammyn, for al crimes, except Treflbune in ])E Kingis perfoune : To endure for all the dais of his life. Aug. 25. — Reniiflioune to Thomas Maknare for arte and parte of |)e JlJtrm'ng of \t ^OUS anto |Mace of Sililcjime : And for arte and parte of Jie ^lautj)tcf of vaiq'^' Dauid Men^eis, Johne Meujeis, Johnne Kirkpatrik, Andro Daliell, Thomas MakcuUoche, and Thomas Myllare : * He was frequently employed in Negotiations with Kngland between 1 4-9.5 to 1501. See lii/mer^s Padera, xii. 348, xiii, 45, (it, d2. Wuvd'n Peerage, i. 7.'j3, &c. ' Tlie lorleited Lokd liomwELL. See this Collection, Oct. 8, 1488, &c. vol. i. p. • 4. ' Jailers. Fr.Javilleur. ' Houghing, ham-stringing. ' Until ' For the illustrations of this ceremony, see Nov. 18, 1311 ; Oct. 11, 1531, Nulicc ; and Jul. 22, 1566, Note. ' Several other Remissions were granted for the same olfeuce at various dates. 104 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1505. APPENDIX. And for all v])ir actionis, &c., Treffoune in Jie Kingis perfoune, Murthure, and RefFafmg of womeae except. (Apud Edinhurghe.) Oct. 2. — Remiffion to John Myretoun of Randlestoune, for art and part of the dfomiile ^btltiction (' JSapttig')' of Elezabeth Sym, relict of John Elder in Kingifbernys. (Apud Cowper.) Nov. 2. — Remiffion to John Spens of Lathalland, for cafling down and aiStvomiig tljc grain of Baward, belanging to Sir Andrew Wod of Largo knt ; and thereby oppressing the laid Andrew : And for ^jjutljit of ii)t JTctnU SljfahfS of the laid grain. Nov. 2 and li, and Dec. 10. — Reniifllons to Alexander Inglis of Tervet, Johne Mail- vile of Carnbe, John bis fon, Laurence Schethun, and five others, for art and part of the <©pprcSSton done to Thomas Butlaire of Rumgalli, in eating and dellroying certain grain belonging to the faid Thomas. (Ajmd Cvpriim.) Nov. 28. — Remiffion to Adam Scott in Tufchelaw for treafonably breaking Prifon, and his Warde within the Caftle of Edinburghe. (Apud Edinbmghe.^ Dec. li. — Remiffion to Patrick Dunbare of Kilconuuhare, for i\c5etttng Patrick his fone and heir apparent, and Fergus Makdowell, the time they were at tlje Jovn ; and for ^wtcrtom^ munilig with them. (Ajnid Striuelin.) Sep. 9, 1504-. — Remiffion to Thomas Tayt, fone of William Tayt in the Parifli of Culvene, for ait and part of the JJurnfng of J}avSanoc|)t J And for art and part of the ^laugi&tcr of John Sinclare, in the year 1402 (1502 ?) (Apud Druwfrefe.') Dec. 10. — Remiffion to Mark Ker of Dolphinstoun, and three others, for forethought felony done to John Rutherfurd and others. (Ajmd Jedburg/ie.) Remiffion to Robert Oliuere, called Bob with fe dog, for treafonable ^ntfrtommuning and affifling Dauid Oliuere, called Na-gude-PreiJf, and John Oliuere, called Cugeare, being at the horn. (Ajnid Jtdburghe.^ Jul. 20, 1505. — Refpitt maid to Vmfra Bell, and Ixxxiiij vjieris, for all maner of actionis, crimes, and offenfis quhatfumeuer, done be faim in ony tynie bigane, on to ])e day ))ai gat ])E Kingis grace, in his Juflice-Are of Drumfreife, immediatlie haldin eftir ])e jl^at'tl of (JFSltlialf : To endure for fe Kingis will. (Subfcript.pcr Regem.) Oct. 11. — Remiffion to Sir Williame Frafere of Phillorthe kn', for Refetting, fupplying, and intercommuning with fundry of the King's Rebels. (Apud Abirdene.) Oct. 13. — ' Preceptum Remiffionis Andree Warnoche, pro Comnruni iLittgatlont cum ligeis Regls, et pro tfonuntint ©pprcSSt'onC racione Dicte Litigacionis : Et pro jaaptna vnius le buge/iaff- tempore dicte Litigationis : Et pro furtiva (hllructione bonorum quondam Johannis Michel, tempore quo coucubuit cum fua vxore, &c. (Apud Lanark.f Oct. 24. — Remiffion to Alexander Pantoune, for the forft5ougl)t ftlonuS done by him to Henry Forbes of Kynnellare, vmq''' Malcolm Forbes, and the Chamberlain of Arbro', and their accomplices, at Mekle Echtfy : And for the l^uvtfng of Alexander Kay: And for art and part of the felony and ' jiJamtSultUfn' done to the Laird of Ovvdny :* And for the forethouglit felony and ' ' liaplus,' which at this period did not signify Rape, but ' revissing,' or forcible abduction. ' This seems to have bten some warlike instrument, a bill: apparently from O. l"r. bovi/c, bougmii, biiiih/c, which, however, is interpreted to lie a bolt or arrow (javelin) wiih a great head. — Cotgravc. The buge-staff is likely to have been a sort of poll-axe oi ' Jeddart-stalV.' — .See also Dr Jamiison. ' The present entry is rather singular, and it has been thought proper to insert it as it occurs in the Kecord. .See these extracts, Jan. 23, 1500-1. ' On Aug. 10, 1511, Kannald Owdny of that Ilk, and Isobella Pantoune, his spouse, got a Charter from the Crown of the lands and mill of Owdny, &c. Reg. Seer. Sig. IV. f. 184. 1 18JAC. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 105 APPENDIX. <@ppredj$t01I (lone to tlie fervants of the Laird of Tulydeft": And for Opprefling the faid Laird, and iHutt'latfng certain calfs belonging to him : And for ^tOUtljrcU of a ilieep from David Thomfone : And for common Oppreflion, &c. (^Apud Abirdene.) Oct. 3L — Remiffion to Andrew Tulydeff of that Ilk, for ©T^j^xtiiioxi done by him to William Turing of Foverne, in deftroying his ploughs and certain houfes, &c. {Apud Ahirdene.) Nov. G. — Remiffion to Robert Arbuthnot of that Ilk, and three others, for Common ©ppveSSi'on done by them to vmq'« Elizabethe Sibbald Lady Balcony, and Sir Andrew Lundy of Balgony, kn'. (^Apud Brechin.') Nov. 10 — Refpitt maid to Dauid Bonare, for fe ^lauc^tcv of vmquhile Thomas Multrare of Markinche : To endure for half a 3ere next to cum. (^Sub/cript. per Regem.) Nor. 23. — Refpitt to Johne Maklane of Lochboy, and alj his kynne, frendis, tennandis and feruandis, for all maner of actionis vnto fe day of jie date of fis Refpitt, and for twa monethis to endure. (Siib/cripf. j)erTiKGEM. Apud Edinburghe.) Dec. 18. — A Refpitt maid to Thomas Story ffor his trefTonahle paffing, Jafmait^ng, and duelling within fe realms of SSnglantI, baithe in tyme of pece and weire, without Licence of ))E KiNGis hienes, &c. : To endure for pe fpace of nyntene jeris next to cum. {Subfcript. per Regem.) Jan. 4, 1505-6 — A Remitt maid to Hew Lord Montgomery, John his bruder, John Mont- foid, Robert Ruffale, Walter Lyne, and Edward Maxwell, for all actioun and cryme \sA may be impute to Jiaim of fe 3Ke55ft, and Supple, (ntcrrommcngn with fe faidis aSelJclU'iS, of ony tyme bigane. (Sub/bn'pt. vfjiepi-a.') Eo die. — Lettre of Remit maid to Archbald Erle Ergile, Colyne Maister of Ergil, and xxxj vjieris perfonis, fair feruandis, for ]>e latSitt, Itttf rrommoitglT, and :$upple gevin to pe faid iHafetrr of itlontgomcrg, George Railftoune, and James Striueling, ]>e Kingis Rebellis foirfaid. (Sttb/cript. vtjiipra.) Jan. 23. — Lettre maid vndir ]>e Priue Sele, direct to Laxjchlane Makgilleone of Dow- ARD, andix vtheris landit menne within ])e Ills, ehargeand jiaim pat jiai have na intrometting nor dif- ponyng withe ony Kirkis, fermes, nialis, proffittis pertenand to $oi)nt 3Bl)5ri&op of ^lii anV Com« mentlatavt of fScoImcfeill, without tak or Licence of hym ; and als prayand Jiaim to help and fupple pe faid Bifchop, his factouris and feruandis, in pe gadering and vptakin of pe farayu. (^Subscript, per Regem.) Jan. 29. — Lettre of Remitt maid to Donald Makranald Vane, and generally to all vper personis, his tennandis, duelland apone his propir landis, and all bis familiaris and feruandis now being with hym in howfliald, Remittand to him pe rancour of pe Kingis hart and all actioun pat he has or may have again pame or ony of pame for all maner of crimes of CrcSSoim, ^lautjter, dftrf, 9Sttf, or vper actionis or ofFenfis quhatfumeuir, committit or done be paim or ony of jiaini, in ony tyme bygane, before pe day of pe dait heirof. (Apud Edinbiirghe, Subscript, per Regem.) ' Gratis Coraiti de Ergile.' Feb. 22. — Remiffion to Thomas Law, junior, in Glafgw, for art and part of the JTljfft, ' vnius paris oraculorum de le curell^ cum vno annulo auri,^ et vno le pendes cinguli,^ from Ifobella Huchonfone. (Subscript, per Regem.) Apr. 18, 1506. — Remiffion to William Lord Borthuik and eleven others for the ^fotitj&» ' Coral mass-beads. ^ Guld ring. ' Petidanls, or hanging ornaments belonging to a zone or girdle. See these Extracts, Mar. 11, ljOG-7. VOL. I. -j- O 106 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1506-7. APPENDIX. vitl oC rcrtatlt ' ijldhii,' furth of the Mocft of (tFnUMg, pertaining to Sir Oliver Sinclare of Rofling kn' ; and for the iHuttlattOtl of William Adamfone. {Apud Edhihurghe.) Apr. 24. — Refpitt maid to Johne Erle of Craufurd to pas in his ptlgvtmagc to ^attct ^oljnc of SlmcaS, or vjier pairtis he5ond fey; fra his paffing furtlie of his realme quhill' his againe cummyn in f>e fanimyn and fourety dayes paireftir. (Stibscript. per dominum Regem, apud Edin- hurghe ) May 10. — Remiffion to William Brovne alias Gilliam Tawbomare for the Sifaucj^tcr of Patrick Harpare. {Apud Edinburghe.) May 28. — Remiffion to Gilbert Tuedy for art and part of the ^laucljtfr of CPtitoarti Itjutltarc of poImwBr, committed fix years fince. (Apud Peblis.) Jun. 4. — Refpit maid til Andro Wode of Largo, knycht, for ]ie JSfff of atte anftfv anlJ faijjU fra vmq'= Johne of Bonkill, in fe fea ; and for all vfer actionis and crymis committit be him vnto ]>e day of ]>e dait hereof. (Apud Edinburghe, per Jignatiiram manu Reg is Jubscript.\ Jun. 11 and 16. — Remiffion to Sir Symon Prestoune of that Ilk, kn', Alexander Naper, and Robert Douglas, for art of the (@ppi'r^dton done to John Lord Somervel, and John S. : And for art of bvralttnj tflC ISltltg;'^ Protcrtt'on, granted to them in occupying the Lands of Guttaris and Gilmertoun : And for the §toutJ)ricf of certain horfes furth of the lands of Gilmertoun ; and for all action, &c. (Apud Edr.) Jun. 22. — Saufconduet maid to (Schir) Wi lliam Tyrwit, kn'., Inglisman, & xvj Inglismen with hym, to cum in pilgratjiage to ^aittt f.iniant.'' (Suhfcript. per Regem, upiid Edinburghe.) Jul. 1. — Remiffion to Andrew Chaxcellare, and Johne Bere, for abfcondiiig with the ' bludy-hand' with Gilbert Tuedy, after the g^laurj&tCf of CFttuavtl ftjuntarc of PolmuBf , commit- ted by the faid Gilbert ; and for art and part thereof. (Apud Lanark.) Jul. 16. — Refpitt maid to Donald Makewin Makkaroly of Clanlayne, for all maner of actionis ; to endure for xl dais next after )ie next feff, of Lamraes. (Siib/cript. per Regem, aptid Edinburghe.) Nov. 12. — Remiffion to Adam Tornbule of BuUirwell, for Kcfiettt'ng, Supplying, and Inter- communing with SHilltam Curnliult of IWpilto, and Mark, Edward, and Walter T., his accom- plices, being Rebels and at the horn. (Apud Jedburghe.) Jan. .3, 1506-7. — Lettre of Licence made to Archbald Erle of Ergile, and Hew Lord Montgumery to Intcrroininoun, and gif ^tiitti, fupple, and fortefy with mete and drink, George RAlL.sTOUNEaud James Stkiueling, beand at ]>e Kingis home for ))e Kxil'ttttjj; of William Cunyng- ham, Crohinar of 5UenfrcU), in pe executione of his office ; and als with Johne, Master of Montgumry, fone and apperand aire to ))e faid Hew, quhill fe next feft of Palme Sonday. (Sub- script, per Regem, apud Edinburghe.) Jan. 4. — Remiffion to Laurence Cowtis, in Ruthvene, for art and part of the treafonable 3)nSurrfct(ou against tljc ISing;, coming with Alexander, Earl of Huntlie, then Lord Gor- DOUNE, in an Army at iBunitettl. (Apud Edinburghe.) Jan. 28. — Refpitt to Archibald and Johne Heriot for art and parte of J>e ^laurljttv of vmq''' 3oI)llC dFtntounr , of tj^at 3)Ift : To endure for a ,ere ; and forjier, for fe Kingis will. (Sub- script, per Regem, apud Edinburghe.) •' Until. ^ Such Warrants were by no means infrequent at this period. Many Nobles and Lairds of Scotland also obtained leave to go in Pilgrimage to Canterbury, (to the shrine of St Thomas a Becket,) and to France and Spain, &c. 20JAC. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 107 APPENDIX. Feb. 8. — Refpitt maid to Johne Kennedy of Blarequhan, kniglit, Adame Rede of Star- quhite, and Maifler Vehtred Adunnale, to pas iu fair ^j^tlgrailiagr to ^anct CljomaS o£ Canttr= 6urg,' in Ingland, and S'anct Jiol)nc of ^XtttHi, tit jFrancf ; fra jiair paffing furth of |ns realme qutiill" tbare returnyn agane in pe famyn, and xl dayis faireftir. (^Apud Edinburghe.) Feb. 28. — Remiffion to Sir John Forman, knight, and xxiiij othere, and all other perfons being in company with the Archbishop of Glasgow and the faid John, in the Monastery of Jedburghe, the time of the ^laugjbtf r of Thomas Rutherfurd, for the faid Slaughter ; and for the ' l^creSCJbtp' of certain goods from the faid Thomas, committed by the faid perfons in the'faid Mo- nastery, at the time forefaid. (Per Siynetum datum ad reqitijitioneiii domini Regis.) Mar. 11. — Remiffion to Tho.m as Law, junior, for the ^toutljrtef ' I'wJM* /e pendes 50«e,pon- deris dimedie vncie argenlV ^ from Elizabeth Huchefoune. (Apud Striueling.') Apr. 5, 1507. — Paffport to Bernard Dromone, Trumpetter, and four others, his companions, to come from Bononia to ferve the King with their trumpets and mufical inftruments.'' (^Sub/cripit. per Begem apud Edinburghe.') May 31. — Letter of Bail^ery to Johne Maister of Athole, makand him Bailee of all and findrie fe landis, rentis, and polfeffionis with Jiair pertinentis, pertenyng to vmq'^' Alexander Ro- bertsoune of Strowane, and now to the Kingis hienes, threw reffoune of Ward, &c. (^Subfcripf. per RegemJ) Jul. 6. — Remiffion to John Mt'PERsoNE, for art and part of the iJurning of iijt |3Iatt of Siiltine, and ^omittOe committed therein, in company with Neill Stewart : And for all other actions committed previous to Jul. 1, 1303, &c. {Apud Perthe.') Jul. 7. — Remiffion to James Muschet of Culgartiie for the tijcftuoug llfStruttton of the goods of James Robefoun, tlie time he lay with his wife : And for forctj^Otl$I)t fclong done to the faid James ; and for hurting him : And for the <©ppvc:S5toil done by him to Sir John Hal- DAKE of Glennegafe, kn', and the Lady of Merchame, in calling down and deflroying the aque- duct of Lanerk : And for rommon #Jprc5^foit of the lieges. {Ajntd Perth.) Aug. 18. — Refpett to Sir Johne Lundy of ))At Ilk to pas in ISilgrainage to ^antt 3o{ine of SntftiSc X and taking his ' bamys, men, tennentis, &c., under his ferme pece and fpeciall Protectioun.' Sep. 8. — Letter maid to Alexander Erle of IIuntlie, in ))is forme. James, be Jie grace of God, King of Scottis. To al and findrie our officiaris, liegis and fubdittis, &c. Forfamekil as We grantit and gaue of before to Meugret, Jie fifter of Alexandeu of Jie Ilis OF Lochquhelcii, knycht, indurand our will, our landis of Scalpa and Torrea, with |)are pertinence, extending to four raerkis wrocht'^ of land, lyand in Strawrochille ^' and ))e landis of Morournycht, extending als to foure merkis wrocht of laud ; and pe landis of Vngoworrw, extending to vj'er foure merkis worth of land, lyand in Trauternes : Quhilkis Mergret hes applyit and fubiectit hir perfone, landis, and gudis, quheper in lauchfull mariage or afer wayis. We knaw nocht, to Donald Mak- carle M.\klauchlane Done, quhilk has affiftit to oure Rebell Torkill Makclode of Lewis, paffiiud with him, comniittand Reif, Spul;ie, and Oppreffioun apon our trew liegis ; quharfor it plefis ws nocht ]iat ]ie faid Mergret or he haf any profit of our landis. Herefor, We haue grauntit, gevin, and confermit, and be thir our Letteris, gevis, grauntis, and confermis pe faid tuelif merkis wrocht of I The Shrine of St Thomas a Becket. ^ Until. ' See these Extracts, Feb. 22. 1305-6. » This is given merely as a specimen of numerous similar entries. James IV. gave great encouragement to Minstrels, having often from fifty to sixty in his pay at one time, as officers of his Household. He seldom travelled without Minstrels, ' Tale-Tellaris,' &c. ' Wroucht, or worth ; valoT. " Strathardale ? 108 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1508. APPENDIX. laund of Scalpa, Torrea, Mon-ournycht, and Wngoworro, willi far pertinence, induring our will, to our traift coufing and counfalour, Sllf j-antttf, CFvlf of ^uittlie, %orts (Bovtsoant anB JJaitf jcnarbt, and to his affignais, to be brukit, difponit, gevin, or aflignit be him to quhat perfonis of jie Ii.is or aperis he plefe, ])at wil do him and ws feruice fairfor. Quharfor We charge flraitlie, and com- niandis sow, all and findrie our officiaris, liegis, and fubdittis foifaid, ]iat nane of 50W tak apon haund to lat,' flop, tnibil, inquiet, or niolefl, our faid couling or his aflignais, in J)e brouking, jofing, and vTing of fe faid landis, induring our will, and quhill we gif our fpecial Letteris incontrare ; vndir al fe biefl pane, and charge, and offence 56 or ilk ane of 50W may comraitt or inryne' agane our Maiefle in ])at part. Gevin vndir our Prive Sell, at Ed"., pe viij day of September, and of our regnne fe xx ^ere. [James R.] Sep. 13. — Remifllon to John Lord Oliphant, and two others, for art and part of the <@pi)l"f55ion done to John Lord Drummond, by deflroying and caftiug down the dikes between the lands of Drvmane and Balloche: And for fovctljougjt fflong don to vinq''' John Earl of BucHAN, done within the burgh of Perth, after the S'Xauglitfr of James Oliphant of Arquhel5ie, committed by the faid Earl and his accomplices : And for all other Oppreflions, forethought felonies, actions, and crimes, &c. (^Apud Edinhurghe.) Sep. 14. — Refpitt to James Erle of Arrane, Lord Hammyltoune, at his paflTing ' in pe realrae of Frans and vjier parteis be^onde ])e fey, on certane chargis and erandis of ouris and his awin ; and alfe, in ^tlgramagc to ^anct Sojnt of ^tnrad, and vjier placis : We haf Jiarfor takin vndir our ferrae pece, fpecial Protectioun, mantenance, fupple, defence, and Saufgard, our faid coufing, his men, kyn, lirname, tennentis, &c., and in fpeciale our louittis ane Reuerend fader in God, Dauid, Bischop OF Ergile, and James Hammyltoune of pe Schaufeild, kn',' &c. Sep. 16. — Remiffion to John Thowless, in Brechin, for the ^latlgljtef of Alexander Meill, committed ' on fuddantie," by the Itroke of a ' golf-club.' Oct. 10. — ^Remiffion to Patrick Dunbar, fon and heir apparent of Patrick D. of Kilquhon- quhare, and two otiiers, for the ^Iaug][)tcv of Patrick Makculloche, committed by them in the town of Wigtoune, ten years ago. (Apud Edinburgh^.') Dec. 18. — Remiffion to Alexander Gardin for the g'taugj&tft of John Jamefoun, within the Fortalice of Panmure, by throwing a ftone at him, 22 years fince. {Apud Slriuelin.) Jan. 24, 1507-8. — Protection and Refpitt to John Erle of Crawford, Lord Lindefay, Refpittand him for all acttoniS, $v t. fia ]ie day of fe date hereof, vnto his returning within fe realme, and xl dayis Jiaireftir. Mar. 4. — Remiffion to John Inche for Slnttftonimunt'itg toitj) (§£orge, C?ai'X of iiotjcji, the King's Rebel, and at the horn. (Apud Edinburghe.) Mar. 11. — Remiffion to Johne Gordon of Lochinver for art and part of the JSftf of a mart from John Makmulane of Arindavacht, &c. (^Apud Edinburghe.) Apr. 6, 1508. — Refpitt to Archbald Huchonsoune of ]ie Ilys and xxviij vjieris (becaufe of ]iair grit lawbouris, deligence, and gudeand thankfull feniice done behishienesin fe perfewing and taittng of Stucljaiie JDunrniir 33oto«otic, ^ovk, his fone, and ISonalti iHuk iHafealfSttr, liis Rebellis, and being at )ie home ; and for ))e bringing and deliuering of faim to be maid to his gude grace, or to quham he ordanis fame to be deliuerit, be his writingis) for )ie ^laugljtct of vmq' Donald Hutchonfoune, v])crwayis called Galdlanclte, bruder to ])e faid Archebald : And for all v)ieris ^lautjbfcvtS, |i)cvf5tl)ippi5, Ufvm'ngtS, JacfK^, itturt]&cn5, &c., before fe date of \\i Refpitt ; for ' Let ; hinder. * Incur. 21 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 109 APPENDIX. the fpace of 19 5eris. Providing allwayis, fat gif hisfaid Rebellis beis nocht brocht, &c. ))is Rcfpute to be of nane avale, &c. {Subfcript. per dominum Eegem, apud Edinburghe.') Apr. 20. — Remiflioune to Johne Chene of Essilmost, Henry and Jobne liis bre]ier, and Johne Balluny, for ])e fovtl)OtI)t felong done be Jiame apoune Duncane Forbes, in Jie Gallogate, within burghe of Aberdene ; And for fe ISitlt of fwerdis and vther wapinnis fra J>e faid Duncane and his feruitouris, ])e fammyn tyme : And for all vfer crimes, &c. Apr. 29. — Coramiflioune to Andro Bischop of Cathnes, Ronald Alanfoune of Ylanebi- gerne, and Alexander M^'clode of Dunvegane, and to twa of J)aim, conjunctly, to iti ]'e landis of J>e Hcbi^iS anlf 2i23'attii'nr£i in /Sfti), fat pertenit to Torqwyll RPclode of ])E Lewis, and now to fe Kingis hienes, be reffone of liis fForfatour, &c. ; for the term of five 3eris. (Aprid Dunfermeli»g.\ May 30. — Licence to ' Patrik Lord Lindesay of Je Biris, and Jiione Lindei'ay of Petcruvy, kny', his fone and apperand air, to pafs in fe realme of France, in fare ^Pilgramaje to ^anct 31)011 of i^mciiS and vferis pairtis be5ond fe fey.' To endure for fe tyme of fevin jeris. (Apud Edinburghe.) Oct. 17. — Remiffion to Harbert Maxwell of Kirkco.vwell, Andrew AJane, and two others, for the ^toutljrctf of a log' from the Debateable land between the faid Harbert and John Herijs of Maby : And for tlie treasonable ConSpfrarw made by them, in Convocating the lieges, with John Lord Maxwell and his accomplices, upon Robert Lord Crechtone, Sheriff of Drumfreife, and his Deputes, &c.' (^Apud Kirkciidbrycht.) Oct. 21. — Remiffion to Thomas Buk for the trfaiSonabte ConSpiraci) committed by him in Convocating the lieges, with John Lord Maxwell and his accomplices, against Robert Lord Crechtoune (of Sanquhare), t\jt *5triff of SrHinfrctSf, his Deputes, friends, and fervants, and hindering him in the execution of his office : And alfo for art and part of the ^Iattg]&tf r of William DAL5ELL of that Ilk, and John Carmichell, W)t SfputcS of the faid Sheriff, and of others flain at the fame time : And for all other crimes done by him, day and place forefaid : And for <©j)j>rcS5fon done to Mr John Hucliefone, putting violent hands on him, and ^jjiiiTjic of certain teind flieaves from him: And for the S'toutljrflC of certain oxen, to the number of four fcoie, from James Lindefay ; And for common aim ])e faid tyme, or be ony occafione or ony y]>eT thing fat mycht follow fairupone ; bot will fat fe farayn ceife fra euer, in tyme to cum.' (Apud Saiictandrois.) Jan. 18. Refpitt made to Thomas Lyn, burges of Edinburgh, for fe ^Iaut|)t{r of ymq'" ScHiR Lancelote Patoxsoun, Chapellaix,^ quhilk happinnit be negligent cure and medicine fat lie faid Thomas tuk one him to cure and hele fe faid vmq''^ Schir Lancelote of fe in6rmite of f e o-rantgor,^ fat he was infekkit with. To endure for xix jeris. (^Sub/cript. per donmmm Regem, apud Edinhurghe.') May 3, 1309. — Ilefpit maid to Malcolme Mtloid of Rvsey for all maner of acttontd, rriniCS anU offfllSiS quhatfumeuer, committit and done be him in ony tyme bigane, before fe day of f e dait hereof, to be vnhurt, &c. for fe fpace of fex monethis nixt to cum eftirfe day of fe date hereof, and forf er, during f e Kingis will, to f e effect fat he may in f e mentyme cum to f e King and fe Lordis of his Consale to do his leiful erandis, without arreft or trubill in ony wife. (Subfcript.per dominum Regem, apud Edinhurghe.) Nov. 7. — Remiffion to Sin Henry Wardlaw of Torry', kn*, and Michael Strathenry of that Ilk, for (ommoil ©pprrSSton committed by them : And for llcgctttltg, Intercommuning, and fupplying Rebels at the King's hom: And for ^toutj^reff, &c. {Apud Coicpare.) Remiffion to George Pitcarne, for <0pprt65ion and forcfljougjljt fclonu done to John Bikertonn. Nov. 9. — Remiffion to David Balfoure, in Petcullo, and David, his fon, for 3>ntfrrom« intiningwith George Earl of Rothes, being at the horn, &c. Nov. 11. — Remiffion to Walter Heriote of Burnturk, for his difobedience and contempt, and treafonable ^hiBtng from the King's armu againSt t\)t CPligltS]&, conveened at Sutoun ; and for all other actionis, &c. (Aptid Coirpare.) Nov. 1-1. — Precept of Remiffion to Henry Pitcarne of Drumgy, for treafonably ^liiBfng from the King's 3rmi) agauiSt t^t drnqliii)- Nov. 16. — Precept of Remiffion to John Tervet of that Ilk, and Elias Tervett, his uncle, for his difobedience and contempt in SblBtng from the King's ^inni) at S^tounc :^ And for common ©pprc^5ioit of the lieges, &c. Dec. 2. — Precept of Remiffion to Alexander Ker of Straloche, for art and part of the aSurm'lig of tjic plart of SSInne and |^oni£fit(t therein committed, in company with the King's Rebels, &c. {Apud Edinhurghe.) Feb. 2, 1309-10. — A Lettre of iStljabtlttatiount maid to Alexander Lekpreuik in fis forme : Forsamekle as fe faid Alexander wcs accufit for art and part of fe cruell ^Iautl)tcr of vmq''- George Hanimyltoun, and wes convict of fe fammyn be ane Affife, and faiifor Dome wes gevin in f eTolbuth of Ed^fat f e faid Alex' fuld be danipnit to dede for art and part of f e faid Slauchter, &c. : And now, for certane gude caufis and vther confuleracionis moving our niynde. We half Reabillit' ' See above, Oct. 17 and 21, 1508; and also Trials, Vol. I, • 77. ' This Cliurcliman seems to have been one of the old leaven, chronicled by honest Gtorge Marioreyhanhs, thus: — ' In the jeir of God 1533, Sir Walter Coupar, Chaiplaine in Edinhurghe, gate a pynte of vyne, a laiffe of 36 vnce vaight, a pock of aite-meill, a pynte of aill, a schei])e hede, ane penny candell, and a faire woman, for ane -wiij penny giute.'— ylwaZ/s of Scotland, p. 5. ' Lues Venerea. * A number of others got Remissions for the same offence ; among whom are Sir Andrew Kynnynmonthe of that Ilk, knycht; William, hisbrother; David Spensof Wolmerstoun, John Betoune of Balfour, Alex. Lathreise of Orky, &c. ' Rehabilitated; restored. L. B. rehabililure. 23 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS, * 111 APPENDIX. ]ie laid Alex' to bis gnde fame and honour, and alfe hes maid him lauchfull, be J)ir our Letteris, to excerfe all lauchfull dedis, in jugeraent and outwithe, and to bruke and joife all dignateis, officis, laodis, rentis, poffeffionis, and gudis, alfe fre as he did before fe committing ]ie faid Slauchter. (^Subfcript. per Rege.m, apud Edinburghe.) A Licence, Protectioune, and Refpitt maid to Maister Patrik Blakater, Arcbidene of Glafgw, to pas to fe realme of jfrnntt to htin tlft ^SttXti, and to vfer pairtis be5ond ]ie fey. (Sub/cript. per Regem, apud Edinburghe.) Feb. 10. — A Lettre maid to Marione of Ylis, dochter to iHaftratialtJ JJawne,' at f e inftance and requefte of J)E Erle of Anguse, of fe Gift of foure merk land of Cortynvale, lyand in J)e lord- fcliip of Kyntire, fre of all males and gerfovmes and dewiteis ; for hir life tyme. (^Apud Striuelbig.) Apr. 12, 1510. — A Refpit maid to Lauchlane M<^gillane, his kynnifmen, familiaris, and feruandis, faufly to cum to ])E Kingis prefence to Striuelin, or quhare it fall happen to be for ]>e tyme, for expedicioun of his erandis ]'at be has ado ; and fwely to returae agane quhare he come fra. To endure for xl dais. (^Apud Striuelin, Jiib/cript. per Regem.) Apr. 19. — A Refpitt to George Lord Seytoune, gevand him Licence to pas in qubat pairtis he plefis outwith ]e tyme : For the fpace of thre 3eris, &c. (^Subfcript. per Regem, apud Striueling.) Apr. 22. — Adam Ruthirfurd, fone to vmq'"= George R. of Langnewtoune, got Letters of ISej^abtlltatton, viz. Forfamekill as he wes apprehendit and takin rede-band committand i!ri)lft and crimes apone oure liegis, and fairfor wes put in oure Caftell of Edinburgh in fermance and prefoune, and wes kepit in oure faid Caftell be ]>e fpace of thre quartaris of ane 3ere with J)e mare^ to have bene juftifiit' for ]ie faid Thift, and for ^Jnuci)tcxii and vper grete crimes committit and done be him of before, ' neuertheles We movit of pete,' &c. (Sub/cript. per Regem apud Edinburghe.) May 10. — Refpitt to Robert Elwald of Redeheuche, and nine others,* faufly and furely to cum to ))E Kingis prefence, and faufly and furely to remane and abide for fe expedicione and doing of fair materis, concernjTig gude reule to be bad and kepit in J)e cuntre, &c. To endure for thre mouetliis. (Subfcripf. per Regem apud Striueli/ig.) May 26. — A Refpitt to all and findry ]>e iTenenttS antr tnljabitantfi of ]>e landis and lord- fchip of iLftltJlSBalt, faufly and furely to cum to J)E Kisgis hienes to Edinburghe, &c., concerning gude reule to be bad and kepit within fie faidis pairtis, &c. To endure for a moneth. Jul. 4. — Precept of Remiffion to Gillaspy Dow, (Bailee of Troutiones,) John ^Makgille- martyne, and fixty-three others, for Common ©pprr55foit of the liegis : And for JJfiScttfng, fup- plying, and Intercommuning with tl)t Stng'S 98thtIS : And alfo for jfirtnaiiinq, &c. (Apud Inueinys.) Jul. 9. — Precept of Remiffion to George Falconare of Halkertone and Robert F. for Common ©pprtSSt'on of the lieges, &c. (Apud Imiernys.) Precept of Remiffion to Andrew Kyxnard of that Ilk, dwelling within the Ihire of Inuernys, for ^uppljjing, iJcSclting, antl 355t5tantt given by hira to the King's Rebels, being at the horn : And for all other crimes and actions, &c. (Apud Inimrnys.) ' See Trials, I. * 45, Jan. 20, 1 J05-6. * And upwards. ' Executed. ' Thre Elwalds, two Nixsones, two Croseris, two Hendersonis, and Alexander Annestrang — On Nov. 20 thereafter, they, along with Sym and George .\rmestrang, James Forestare, Jaffray Blaliburn, and all and sindry vtheiis, the 3lnl)abitavi3 of JtlDtltStialc, got a Respite ' to be vnpunyst in thair persoiiis tor xix yeris,' [afiud Jedbiirt/he,) for all crimes previous to that date. 112 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1511-12. APPENDIX. Jul. 15. — Precept of Remifllon to Sir James Crechtone of Frendracht, kn', and xvij -others, for tbeii- tieafoDable ^hicntt from t|)f ^rmu at lutotin, where the King was in proper perfon, to refill the English, &c. {Apud Edinhurghe.) Jul. 24. — Refpit maul to ]ie Lord of Saxct Jhonis, in double forme, and to xxiiij per- fonis, his houfliald men, ta jaS to tj&t Court o£ 3K011Tt, tjc iJjo^JfS,' and Tjier partis. Nov. 27. — Commiflion to Adame Erle Boithuile, Lord Halys, and Adam Hepburne OF Craggis, and to ]'air Bailzeis, to inbring all maner of perfonis, trefpafTouris, committaris of quhatfumeuer crimes to{t|)fn tj^f bonnSi'S of fe fcherefdome of 9Boj-burgI)e and lordfcbip of a.iiHlis!» Balf, and within ouy vther landis, boundis, rovmes, and Bailjerijs pertenyng to fe faid Adam Erie Boithuile, quhilkis ar fugitive fra fe lawis : And glfe \Ki may nocht be apprehendit, fat ]>ai efchete fair gudis, and inbring ]ie fammyn ; and gife neid beis, to Uirnt fare houfis, and slaa f aim fat beis apprehendit ; and fe laif to Banys fe realme, fe quhilkis ar fugitiue. (Subfcript. per Regem, apud Jedburgh.) Jan. 12, 1510-11. — Precept of Remiffion to Thomas Murray, fon of vinq''' John Murray of Balloche, for the ^lawgljttr of George Murray, committed xj years fmce. {Apud Edinburghe.') Jan. 16. — Lettre of Rehabilitatioune to Patrik Mi^lellan of Gilestoune,^ fayand, fat f e KiNGis grace Reabillis fe faid Patrik to his warldly honouris, digniteis, and vfer priuilegis, and lauch- fully to fucceid to his fader and vf eris his predeceffouris, nochtnithllanding fe Dome gevin fat fe faid Patrikis hede fuld be ftrikm fra his body, for fe 9Setf anH ^toutjc of xx*" oxin and ky fra Patrik Agnew, Scheref of W'igtoune, and his feruandis, vndir filence of nycht, &c. {Apud Edinburghe.) Aug. 22, 1511. — Remiffion to Patrick Lesly, fon of Andrew, for art and part of CaSttnj Botun an» Spuiljtt of tlje piart of iJcmf.and taking the Laird of Tulydeff furth of the Place of Ranlloune. {Apud Edinburghe.) Oct. 15. — Precept of Remiffion to Mr William Levenax of Caly, for DtibaHtng anB l^urtfng Roger Gordoune, llieriff in that part, who came with the Kingis letters to cite him. {Apud Edinburghe.) Oct. 27. — Precept of Remiffion to Robert Gordoune of Glenne, for StippTnfng anti ^^SlStanrc afforded to his brother Alexander, Refetting him and drawing him out of the realm, as a fugitive, for the ^Taucj^tfr of John Dunbar of Mochrum. {Apud Edinburghe.) Nov. 1. — Precept of Remiffion to Cuthbert Earl of Glencarne, and five others, for art and part of the ^Taugjtrr of Alexander Makfarly, in Bute, &c. {Apud Are.) Eo die — Precept of Remiffion to William Cunynghame Master of Glencarne, and xxix others, for ISfSftting and 3)ntfrromijniiu'ng with the Kings iJtbfliS. {Apud Are.) Nov. 19 and 28. — Refpit maid to Donald Makclauchrane' for art and parte of fe ^Taurjtcr of Robert Farguffioune of Brakanfide, and Alexander Farguffi)une, &c. To endure for 19 years, with power to f e Scherifiis of Edinburghe and Drumfreife to releifche him fra lie home, and deliver him fe wand of pece,* &c. {Apud Edinburghe.) Jan. 26, 1511-12. — Precept of Remiffion to George Haliburtoune for art and part of the ^Iaugi)ttr of ^iiUam Coluile of fc*r]&iltre, and Richard Ruthirfurd, &c. {Apud Edinburghe.) ' The Knights Templars had their principal establishment in the Island of Rhodes. Their possessions in Scot- land were considerable, but their lands were feued out to vassals. Many considerable properties are still held of the superiors of these ' Temple lands,' as they are called. * See the proceedings against him in Trials, I. * towards the close of the reign of King James IV. ' Sic. See Jun. 3, 1512, of these extracts. * For explanation of this ceremony, see Nov. 18, J511 ; Oct. 11, 1531, (^Notice); and Jul. 23, 1566, (Note.) 5 24 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 113 APPENDIX. JuD. 2, 1512. — A Generale Remitt of })E Kingis fpeciale grace maid to fE Provest, baljeis, confale, and comunite of StlbtrBcne antf MlmUtantii of fair landis and fredome, Remittand haim all actiones, tranfgreffionis, crimes and offeniis quhatfumeuir, committit or done be paim before fe date hereof, &c. in ]>e forme of fe Lettre grantit to J)E burghe of DtrKDE. Jun. 3. A Refpitt maid, of the Kingis fpeciale grace, to Maister Alexander Kennedy, for bis treafonable fetiiting' of ti)t BfngfS g«i5rrfpciijunt==manttaTf, fubfcriuand ane Refpitt to Donald .M' clauchrane,'^ for ^Iaur|)ter and vfer crimes, of Jie quhilk he wes delatit. (At EdinburgJie.) Jun. 12.— A Lettre maid to )>e 3n]babitanttS (o£) tjc 31(5 o£ 33ute an* Cutnrag, and alfe to fe Inhabitantis of fe tovne of JaoSau, remittand faim all actionis, &c. committit and done be faim ony tyme bigane, before Jie date hereof (Treafone in fe Kingis perfone, Murthure, Fire, and Reuilmg of women exceptit.) At Edinburghe. Sept. 25. — Gift to Thomas Dunwede, )ie fone and aire of vrnq'*" Thomas D. of pat Ilk, of ]>e Ward, all landis, &c. quhilk pertenit to Jie faid umq'* Thomas,^ &c. II. Illustrations of the Reign of King James IV, selected from the Accounts of THE Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. [The value, in a historical point of view, as well as the extreme curiosity, of the Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland, is known only to the comparatively few individuals who have found leisure, perseverance, and opportunity to consult their truly remarkable contents ; for hitherto no con- nected view of them has been made public. In attempting a brief selection from the interesting stores of information which is to be gleaned from these Volumes, the Editor has felt it extremely difficult to refrain from the insertion of much extraneous matter of intense interest. The frequent deviations from the strict plan and spirit of this Ap- pendix, in which he has indulged, will show the reader the value of the ma- terials contained in the Treasurer's Accounts. It is hoped, however, that ample selections may one day be printed at the Public expense, under the Record Commission ; for no private individual can ever be expected to undertake the labour and cost of such a work, which, however valuable in itself, could never be expected to defray even a moderate share of the outlays which must neces- sai'ily be expended in the publication of such a work. To save occupying additional space, the reader is referred, generally, to the preceding Trials, which are more or less illustrated by the following Extracts. For the sake of those whose pursuits have not led them to the examination of such matters, a few brief notes are added, which, it is hoped, will prove not ' Counterfeiting, forging. ^ See above, Nov. 19 and 28, 1511. ^ Who was slain at the Place of Dunwedy. See this Collection of Trials, I. * 40. VOL. I. f P 114 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A. D. 1488. APPENDIX. unacceptable. The selections have purposely been made as diversified and enter- taining as the narrow bounds of this woi'k permit.] 1488.— Item, quhen ])E King com furth o( ^snct HoJnSton, for a barrel! of aill at j>e Blak- furde, .......... xij s. Item, for carying of clathin fra ^coiie, f ftcr ]>t Coronatt'oun, . . xv s. Aug. 5 — Itetn, to Patrik Johnlon, to tKijt ^lanan'S of iitutjquoto, I'at plautt to pE King, .■•.■..... vti. Aug. 20 — Item, Quhen ])E King pad to Jtantrt'Jtc to l.e Hurt, gevin him felf xx" Vni- cornis,' .......... xviij ti. I/em, for a i)OtiiiS boclit to ]ie King at Lanerik,^ . . . x inerkis. Item, Jie famiu tyme to 3)ol)UC of ^^rjafaj^ to fpend at his (the King's) command, xxti. Item, in Lanerik to IDan^artS and giiScvi'S,' ... . xxxvj s. I(em, ])E Justis^ coftis, ]>e tyme of ])e ^urc of itaiurifte, . . Ivj ti. iij s. Sep. 1 — Item, to pure ioufi^ of 33antiltrtfc, fat had ])are gudis tane away be Johne Stewart; at Jie Kingis commande, thre Vuicornis, . . . ij li. xiiij s. Sep. 3 and 6 — ' Item, Quhen the King raid to ]>e Slprt of SunBtC,' various coflly dreffes were made for him, too numerous and lengthened to admit of felection in this place. Sep. 7 — Item, in Dundie, to t])t Sfng him felf, . . . xxviij ti. Oct. 3. — Imprimis, for ix Coyt armouris to jie ^arroTUtg anti purcufantfe, price of ilk peyce, fylk, gold, ayfure, and Jie makin of faim, v ti. •,Jiimma of }e ix, . . x\v ti. Item, for tine elne and d. (one half) of haruanitc tarter^ to be Standart to ])E King, quhen he raide to t]&e ATurc of (§If5roSi), price of fe elne xviij s. \fumma, . iij ti. iij s. Item, for gold, ayfure, filuer, and colouris til it, and wyrkin'' of it, . vj ti. xvij s. Item, for thre vnce of fylkis to fren3eis*' til it, price, ... xiv s. Item, pairefter for v quartaris of tarttr to ])E Kingis Banere, price, . xxij s. Item, for golde, filuer, ayfure, and oder colouris til it, and wyrkin, . viij ti. xviij s. Item, for thre Bannaris to ]ie trumpatis,^ tarter, golde, filuer, and oder colouris, price of ilk peyfle,'" with ]ie makin, v ti ; fumma of ])e thre, . . . . xv ti. Imprimis, got for liuerayis to viij ^fitSrmcn" of ]ie Kingis, agane'^ tjbt Coioiiatfoun, for xx| elne velwos," to be viij gownis to pe faid ^cn^mcn, price of pe elne iij ti. v s. ; fumma, iij'^'vj ti. xij s. vj d. Item, for xij elne of blak fatin, to be ])ame viij doublettis, price of Jie elne xxxviij s. ; fumma, ........ . xxij ti. xvj s. Item, for flocin and llentin" to J'e famin doublettis, . . xxvj 5. viij d. Item, for vi eliie blak claitht to be viij pare of hose to ]iaim, price of ])e elne xv s. ; fumma, . .... . . . . . iiij ti. ij s. vj d. Item, for viij elne of cotonyt quliit claitht, to lyne |)e fam hofe, . x s. viij d. Item, for makyne of fame in ^antt 3tol)nc5toun,' ' J>e fam tym, . . viij 5. ' A gold coin fiist struck in the lUign of James III, which took its name from the figm'e of an unicorn support- ing a shield with tlie Scottish arms. Cardimnel says it usually weighs iS grains. ' That county has long heen famed for the excellent breed of its horses. ^ Of Sauchie, formerly his Keeper. * ]\Iorrice-dancers. The last vestige of these customs is to he found in Edinburgh, wliose Guisards go about witli masks, or \faiise faces,' and shirts worn above llieir clothes, singing and asking money. The custom has almost expired, and is now entirely confined to young boys. Their Cliristmas carols are quite forgotten. ^ The Justice. "^ This is evidently TARTAN, which it would appear was chequered with gold, silver, azure, and other colours. ' Working. ' Fringes. " Still customary with our state-trumpets. '° Piece. " Henchmen. " Against, pre- paratory to. " Velvet. " A sort of lining and buckram stulf, fur stiffening the dress. ''' Perth. 2Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 115 APPENDIX. Item, at Michelmes, agane fe parltamcnt bakliii in October, imprimis for xiij^ elne of fuf- teane to be doublattis to ix ^fnSmtn,' price of )ie elue, iij s.;fumma, . ij ti. vj d. Oct. 6.— Item, to 5nglt^ 3>oi)nt ii)t dFioIfr at ]'E Kingis commande, thre royfe nobillis,^ V ii. viij s. Nor. l.—Item, quhen the King raid to the <^mt of itawSer, fundry dreffes, &c. Jan. 3, U8S-9.—Item, ' agane ])e Parliament baldin eftir gule,' (nine Henfemen are again furniflied witii ' fide (lonff) gounis," ' dowblattis,' and ' boyfe.' And they afterwards get their ' Wit- fonda leuerrais,' confiding of ' sallow dammylt doublatis,' ' Inglis grene gownis,' and ' cayrfay hoyle.' It is unnecefiljry to enumerate the lengthened entries, which are made at full length in the Accounts. Feb. U.—Item, to (3tntit Mijnt }•£ Inglise Fule, at fe Kingis commande, v royfe no- billis, . . . • • • • • i^^'- May 31.— Item, in Edinbur' to gif Doll) Doj&ne t^t iFtite of SnglanHf, ]>at brocht ij fpan- Seallis to fE King, ...... x markis. Item, to him, . . . . . . yj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Jun. — Item, to Cunnynghame ii>t Singar, at ])e Kingis commande, a demy, xiiij s. Jul. 1. — Item, to W1L5EAM Sangstar of Lithqow, for a ^ang fitoftt" he brocht to ]>e King, be a Precept, . . . . • • • " 11. Jul. 10.— Item, to Dnglfe |3upartS pat come to Jie Caflell set and playt to Jie King, xij de- myfie, ....... viij ti. viiij S. Aug. 4 Item, for the expenfis maide, at the Kingis commande, vpone Deijf Lutkin^ and his folkis, quhen thai come firft to Stirling, thair coftis in Stirling, and therefter in Lijthgow and Edinburgh, at dyuerffe tymes, and for horfiTe to thaymc to ryd betwene, . . xij ti. Item, for the coftis maid in Edinburghe vpon xxxvj of his folkis that wes takin in Leyih, ay quhill thai wer juftifeit,^ ........ xxxvj ti. Item, to the famin SenSSe nttnite," at thair way-pafling be the Kingis commande, ij t. viij s. Aug. 31 Item, to Patrik Johnson and his fallowis ]iat ptagit a jlaj)** to )>£ King in Lythqw,^ . . . . . . • i'j *'• ''U s. Sep. 3. — Item, to 6tntit Doj&no, )'e Inglise Fule, Jiat brocht japis'" to ])e King, at his commande, . . . . . . • xti. Jan. 1, 1489-90.— 7/e»i, to })e King, in his bed," in \e mornyng (Utto ^far) x angellis, xij ti. Jan. 6, — Item, on Uphaly da'- to ])E Kingis oifrande,'^ . . • xviij s. Item, to ])e SKt'ng of JJrnt," pe fame da, .... . xviij s. Feb. 22. — Item, for Spardour'= to pafle to atcHioovt, to gar provyde for the Justis" coftis, again'' tje auve, ...... . . xs. Item, to Ker Meflinger to pafl!e to Eancrtft, for to gar provyd for the Justis to tSc ^^''^ > ^ s. ' They were also furnished with ' Galbertis' and * hose.' ^ English John, the fool, or jester. He seems to have been a favourite. *'' Rose Nobles, English gold coins, of the value of 36s. each, of the money then current in Scotland. ' Of what value would not this ' Sang bwke' be now considered ! ^ 1489, Jun. 26, An Ejibasst was sent by James IV to Denmakk, for a renewal of the ancient alliance; and also claiming damages for injuries committed by ' Luthkin Meke (33auis1) ^Sivatc) and his complices, within our souerane lordis Walter.' — Acta Pari. * Executed. ' An Embassy had been returned by the King of Denmark, accompanied by a number of the Pirates, who were delivered up to be executed. It does not appear what terms were made. ^ There are many instances in the same Record of plays having been performed before the King and Court, at this very early period, ^ At this time the Spanish Asibassador was resident at Court; and it is probable that thei'e was another Embassy from England. "* Monkeys, apes. It is proper, however, to remark, that the word likewise signifies trinkets or toys ; and alsojcs^s or drolleries. The King had a considerable collection of wild beasts presented to him at different times, and probably kept a regular Menagerie for his amusement : A foiiner gift with which GenliU John had been entrusted was two spaniels. " There was regularly an offering of this sort each New Year's morning, and commonly a 'caudill.' ^^ Epiphany, the Manifestation of our Saviour to the Gen- tiles ; TvELFTH-UAY. '^ Offering. '* This personage was the King elected on Twelfth-night, being the individual in whose portion of the cake a Sean was found. The same practice still prevails in England, hut a ring is now used in place of the bean. See Brand's J'o]>ular Superstitions, (Ellis's Edit. ) I)r Jamicson's Diet. v. Dane, &c. '^ One of the King's Mes.sengers-at- Arms. "■ Justiciar's expenses. "Against; preparatory to. 116 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1497. APPENDIX. Feb. 27.^— Item, to the King, in Edinburgbt, or* the Lordis raide to t|)c Sgre oC SLa- nerfS, . . . . . . . . xviij ti. Jul. 17, 1490. — 7toH, on Sonday, iu Edinburgbt, in fE The** (Thefauraris) Innis quhen ]>e King faw ])e procession, til 2 bim iiij Vnicornis, .... iiijti. xijs. Item, on Monunda, ]>e niorne efter, fend til him with J)E Provest of Meffane ^ xvj Vui- comis, . .... . . . xiiij ti. viij s. Jul. 23. — Item, on Fryda, in Dunde, to ]>£ King, to gif t]be dFrailSrbc nwnnt tj&at Jilagtt, xx'' Unicornis, ........ . xviij ti. Nov. 22. — Item, to Ormond to paffe in the Northland to proclame tje 9[pr(S, iij ti. Item, to Daue Strathaivching, Justice Clerk, to paffe to reflave the dittaytbare, ii'jH- Jan. 1, 1490-1. — Item, to 331fnt» '^MVt^ (on ' New Yere da'), . . xviij s. Jan. 2. — Item, for ij elne giene cayrfay,^ and iij elne cotton quhyt to ^atlttc Jfxalt, till a coyt,^ and fe makine of it, . . . . . . . xix s. Apr. 5, 1491. — Item, to Wallasse'' fat ttWii I't gttStt'S" to Jie King, . xviij s. Apr. 14. — Item, to |3omiin'co,^ to gif )>£ King leve to lat him blud, . xviij s. Apr. 15. — Itetn, til a man Jiat come to Lythgow to lat ]ie King blud and did it nocht, xviij s. Jul. 16. — /tow, to ])e ^panjcavtlS pat dansyt before pE King on ]ie cawfay of Edinburghe before })E The^ Iwgeing, xxx Unicornis, ..... xxvij ti. Aug. 30 — Item, to tljel^angmaitc of ^Btniurcjljt, to cum to Lythgow to hang a Theifof Zw2«, quliilk be had '° efter to Edinburgbt, . . . . . .vs. Oct. 24. — Item, til a fallow brocht pE King tj tooIfiS, in Lythgow, . . vs Item, on SanctJohnnis daj, to ^gSartS pat danfit to ]ie King," . . - . . _ Jul. 24, 1494. — Item, to paffe to fummond ^ix %a\)nt ai \t SlUfo'^ of Tressone in ^m- tore J and for pe expenfis of pe witnes, . . . . vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Itetn, to fpeid pE Erse lade," to by him claithis, . . . xviij s. Nov. 8 — Item, to pafs fra SlbcrUcnt with pe extiactis of the SStrtS to Makintosche, and RoosE o/'^«//oc/(^o(OTie, and to M'^KYE, . . . . . xxs. Item, to pafs to 33utc to bring pe witnes of pe execution of ^tr 3)oi)n oC %\ii luramondis, xl s. Dec. 12, 1496. — Item, to Watschod pe Tale tellare and Widderspune pe Tale tellare, togidder, ... . . ... xviij s. Mar. 31, 1497.— /to«, gevin to pe Slljbot of SFilffSSouit, for his reward, at pE Kingis com- mand, . . . . . . . . V ti. viij s. Apr. 10. — Item, to Johne Hert, for bering a pare of Monicordis '■* of pE Kingis fra Abirdene to Striuelin, . . . . . . . ix s. Apr. 19. — /to«, to the tua fitbelaris pat fang ^rapStetl" to 5E King, . . ixs. Jun. 8. — Item, to pE ]M aister of Homes man, pat brocht tithingis of ii)t 3Satcl of SuilSt, v s. Item, ])at famin day to Stevin Nefbit, Lang I'atrik Home's man, for ficlike tithingis bringing to pE King, ...... . . xlij s. Jul. 6. — A number of Payments at and previous to this date were made to tjt IBuftc of jOrft and 11)? Sutl!CSof3orft(PERKiN\VAKBECK.)"' Various payments alfo regarding MoNSSE,(iHonsiHfg.)''' ' Before, previous to, ere. " Given to. ' Methven. ' Blind Harrv, the Minstrel, liad a regular pension out of the King's Privy purse. This notice of a handsel is inserted to show the King was not uumiudful of the Minstrel. ■' Kersey. ^ These coats were party-coloured, green and white, or black and white, &c. ' The same day another payment of xviij s. is made to Blind Harry. ** Jests, tales, L. Gesta. ^ He was one of the Min- strels. '" Carried. " About tliis time there are payments for 'playing swerdis,' * gluves,' 'justing speris,' &c. '" Sir John Canochsqne of Isla and Kintyre, Lord of Glens in Ireland, who, witli thi-ee of his younger sons, were executed in Edinburgh, 1500. From him descended the Earls of Antrim, &c. Reference may be made to Mr Gretjorifs work on the Isles, in explanation of this and of all other matters connected with the Isles. '^ High- land lad. " A one stringed instrument. '^ An ancient Popular Romance. The King gave great encou- ragement to Tale- Tellers and Minstrels, who perpetually appear in every part of the Accounts. "' See Mr Tytlcr^s History of Scotland for the most authentic account of King James IV. 's proceedings in relation to that impostor. " See Transactions of llie Society of Scottish Atitiquaries. 16 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 117 APPENDIX. Aug. l.—Item, giflFen to 1>e King to play at fe Cartis with ])E SPAN3ARTIS, at i^orfntf,' xx Vnicornis, ....••• xvuj ti. Aug. \a.—Item, to Robin Kere, to funiiffe fe gitnnfe J'at seid^ with fE King to tie JUatW at Sgtoune, X Vnicornis, and xiij ti. xij s. . . . . • • xxj ti. xij s. Auo-. 21. Item, pat famyn nycht, to Dande Doule,^ be the Kingis command, to walk * one j)e Sandis, for to wait one ]>e SngliSe 3c]btp)3f«, ..... xviij s. Aug. 2i.— Item, to Johnitoune, )ie Chamerlanis man, Jiat brocht tithingis of ti)e Sfealtng ^ of t]bc 5>ngXi«m£n, • • • • • • • • • "J^- Sept. 1. Item, to a woman with ]>e grantgore^ fair (at St John's Kirk of Dalrye, when THE King " was ou a |3(lgi{ma5e to ' €tii\)itl)ivnt'), . • ■ . iij s. vj d. Sept. 18. — Item, to )ie werkmen (of Dunbar) to bring hame iHotf^e and ]>e ojiir SrtaitjErf, to gide paim fra Dalketh, ........ xxij s. Sept. 23. — Item, (in Striuilin) giffin be ]iE Kingis (command) to tljt Sue of ^omcrjSlBc, x Vnicornis, . . ....... ix 11. Dec. 10. — Item, to Dauid Prat ]>e |3anntour,^ in compleit payment of ^e Altar paynting,^ as refting awand to him, . . . • • • . ij fi. ix s. Mar. 10, 1501. — Item, to Duncane Riche, to pass to })E Maister of Anguss with pe ^or* tofoie '° of (irsWale, • • • • • • • • • ^ s. Apr. 10. — Item, giffin to ])e hlinti tolf ]'at bed her eyne fchorne," . . xiij s. May 2S.—Item, to itlatSttr aMiUt'am Baniar,'^ in his pensioun of Martymes bipaft, be command of ane Precept,'^ . - • • • • • • v li. Dec. 28.— Item, be J'e Kingis command, to 3)oi)nt SlnacrSon, tj&at Suailtfe fcit antt j&anBtg, xiiij s. Item, fe famyn nycht to ]ie King, to play at ])e bylis with Johne Anderfone, fat wantis feit and handis," . ........ xiiij i. Feb. 5, 1502-3. — Item, to ane man to pas to pE Erle of Athole with ]ie Kingis writings, to flop the balding of his ^tf befor fe JJingl'S JuStire ^ir, . . . . vj s. Jun. 26, 1503. — Ile»i, to iSoitii l^uUe of Perth, be the Kingis command, iiij Fr. cr., Ivj s. Aug. 6. — Item, to Johne Auchlek, for gilting of f e Quenis bukkilles, and bofes of J)E Quexis bridill and hamefing fat wes inint m SalftttJ), .... iij li. ij s. Item, to Johne Auchlek, goldfmyth, to gilt ane pair of fpuris for f e King, xv s. 6 d. Item, for to gilt f e ISingiS tcptuve (^ttptre), ij Hary Nobles, . . iij ti. ij g. Aug. 7. — Item, by the Kingis conimande, to Sir Johne Hume, to Banfett Inglismen, vti. Aug. 8. — Item, fe viij day of Augufl f e King was Spou^tt,'' and giffin to him, quhilk he laid one fe buke, vj demyis and vs quhit filuer, ..... iiij ti. vs. ' At this time the Kikg was at the Siege of Norham. A number of payments occur for carriage of guns, ' gun- stanis,' * ledin pelloliis,' * irne pellol^is' (cannon-balls), &c. ^ Went. ^ A great favourite of the King's, who seeras to have encouraged Jajies IV in Horse-racing, betting, &c. ^ Watch; icaulk, ^ Dispersion. ° Lues Venerea. On Oct. 2, foUoning, there is another payment ' to thaim that bed the grantgore in Linlithquho, and many others occur of the same ilescription. " James IV. letuined by ' Kyle,' ' Kilmarno,' and ' Glasgo,' to ' Striue- lin,' ^ There are numerous payments to him, both before and after this date. ^ In the Chapel Rotal at Stirling. '" Porteous-Roll. '- This was likely one of James's attempts in leech-craft, to couch the eyes for cataract. The phraseology is most ominous of evil success.' '^ The Poet. The frequent payments to Poets, Minstrels, &c. &c. in almost every page of these Accounts, abundantly refutes the calumnious charge brought against King James IV, for having neglected Dunbar and others. His expenditure, on the contrary, was extremely lavhh ; and considering the state of liis finances, may safely be termed prodigal. A sliglit inspection of these interest- ing accounts will more than satisfy the most prejudiced reader, that such reports have arisen solely from idle surmises. " On Dec. 20, another quarter's pension is entered, ' quhilk was peyit to him efter he com fiirlh of Ingland.' '* This is one, out of hundreds of similar instances of the King's urbanity. Johne, however, seems to have been more than match for his Majesty. '* This unquestionably fixes the day of the Marriage ; which, with the total disre- gard to Chronological detail which disfigures the pages of our earlier Historians, has been hitherto doubtful. The Editor has, perhaps, drawn too largely on the entries under this date, but their extreme curiosity will amply plead his apology. 1 118 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1503. APPENDIX. Item, to put in his tmtiiU and ))e Quenis tau»tU,i ij Fr. cv. . . xxviiij s. Item, ))at famyne day to J.e ?§n-aXtftS, be the KiNcas commande, xl Fr. cr. xxviijti. ^ Aug. 9.— Item, ].e ix day of Auguft, efter t\)t ^TartagC,^ for xv elne claith of gold to t|)C (lloim'tfS of ^iivri), OF Ingland, quben fclio and her dochter Lady Gray clippit the Kingis berde, ilk elne xxij ti. . . iij'xxxti. Item, for xv elne of damas gold, be the Kingis commande, to pe faid Statru 6rai) of Ing- LAND, ilk elne xij ti ' "j^lxxx ti. Item, for v elne Inglis claith to Walter Chepman,^ ilk elne xxxiiij s. . viij ti. x s. Aug. 10.— Item, to MAisT^. James Henrisounis^ man, of bridil filuer= of ane hors giffin for THE QuENE, for hir hors were ijrunt t'n Balfefjtjb, .... xiiij s. Item, to the Bisciiop of Glasgois man of bridal filuer, ficlyke, . . xiiij i. Item, to Lord Avendales man of bridal filver, ficlike, . . . xiiij i. Item, to Erle of Ergiles man of bridil filver of ane hors giffin to Jie King, xiiij §. Item, to the man fat brocht the hors fra tljt IS fug ol UngtanB, v Fr. cr. iij \. x s. Item, to J.e carturis of Leith brocht fe (SmrntS %nt « to Edinburghe fra Dalketh, xxij cartis, '"^cartvj§ vjti. xijS. Item, be ]iE Kingis command, giffin to James Hog for dighting of )>e fuordis, ]>at lefl^ at }ie ffuvtiaitdig of Fastingis Evin, and for dighting of harnes, , . . xxiiij S. Item, for xxiiij elne bollande claith giffin to J>e Archbischop of 3ork,8 be fe Kingis com- mand, ilk elne x s. . . . . . . . . _ xij ti, Aug. 13.— //m, to viij JtngltS ftlf nStvalt'S, be )>e Kingis command, xl Fr. cr. xxviij t. J/m, to ).e (TrumpttiS of Siiglanti, xl Fr. cr. .... xxviij t. Item, to ))e Siltglt'SC S'pclair that playit the fuperlalt," v Fr. cr. . . iij t. xs. Item, to )>E Quenis foure ^TtngtralfS Jiat remanit with her, x Fr. cr. . . vij t. Item, to ))e Inglise fMrilStralc ]iat paffit away, and the King fend for him agane, vijt. /ton, to ])e Thre iJMcnfitralfS of ^icrtoillJ, ix Fr. cr. . . . ijt. vjs. /few, to ])e 33erc ItBair '" of Ingland, viij Fr. cr. . . . . vt. xiis. /fe?«, to ])E Erle of Oxfurdis tua #TfU;Strat^)5, • • . vt. xijs. /few, to tj^t CTijrf (©BSarfe tliat PLAYIT |)E PLAY, XXX Fr. cr. . . xxit. Item, to tjc dTibc itoiuii itlcnStralfS, xl Fr. cr. .... xxviij t. Item, to t\)t ^ortatr of 3ingIantT, to by him ane hors, viij Fr. cr. . v t. xij s. Item, to ]if Coffcrarr of Criiglanli, Ixxx Scottis llidaris, . . . Ixxxxij t. Item, for ane cowp of filuer ouergilt to him,' . . . . . x t. Aug. 21 Item, payit to John Mayne, bovvar, for Ix juStuig'- gpcvfS at \e fHarfagt, ilk pece iij s. . . . . . . . . . . . ix t. ' Invariably practised at Marriages and Christenings, ' at hcving tlie barne.' The Accounts abound with such offerings in every expedition of James IV. ' The enijuiiing reader is referred tor an extremely interesting and minute contemporaneous account of the Marriage of James IV, and of the .Tourney of his Queen, Margaret, daughter of Henrv VII of England, to Scotland, by John Young, Somerset Herald, who was an eyewitness of the whole proceedings. LeIamVs Collectanea, IV, 258.. — See also FaiinH's Chronicles, 11,232. Hall's Chron. Lesley, Buchanan, and Drummond. The forthcoming volume of A?r Ti/tler's History (V.), will doubtlessly give the whole details, in his usual masterly style. ^ This is selected for the purpose of remarking, that the King was by no means negligent iu the encouragement of the arts Cuefman was an extensive merchant and burgess of Edinburgh, as well as the earliest Scottish Printer. It is highly probable, from the frequent occurrence of his name, that he held some respectable Office in the Royal Household. The list from which this dress is selected, is titled ' Pro Si r- vitoribus.' ' Afterwards Sir James Henderson of Fordill, King's Advocate, &c. '' Bridle money. ° In this sense, the f;car means her baggage, &c. ' Lasted; remained. ' Thojias Savage, Canon of York and Dean of the Chapel Royal, was consecrated Bishop of Rochester in 1492. In 1496 he was translated to the See of London, and in 1501 to York. He was accompanied by the Bishop of Durham, William Sever, Abbot of St Mary's, York, who had been consecrated Bishop of Cailisle in 1496, and was, in 1502, transl.ated to the See of Durham. '■' A great many payments are made to this rope dancer and his man, who were pensioned by the King. '" Bear-leader. " These large extracts, it is hoped, may suflice to excite the reader's curiosity to investigate this invaluable Record. '^ Tilting, jousting. 16JAC. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * II9 APPENDIX. Item, fex fcore fperis for Curnagfng l)e faid tyrae, ilk pece iij s. . . xviij t. /toH, for ane Jjlaft burttouite 5pnt, • ■ . . • . vs. Item, to Robert, Cultelar, for xxiiij ciuortli;$, xlj lang and xij fchort fuordis, pe faid tyme, for JTurnagins, ilk pece x i. . . . . . . . . xij t. Item, for xxx gjjere JjrtJt'S, ]'e faid tyme, ..... xxx s. Item, for fevin fcore virales and diamandis for gpertjS, ilk pece vj d. . iij t. x s. Aug. "28. — Item, pay it to Jolnie of Burgownis wif, for iiij elne plefance, and tua elne double kirfp, quliilk wes tane to Jie gratbing of ])E madin, |)e day ])E Quene come in Edinburglie,' xiiij s. Sep. 1 Item, payit to James (Dog) to cartaris and pynouris, for carying of beddis-clathes and hingingis fra )'E Castell to ])E Abbay, and othir places, . . . xxvj s. Item, to Jie faid James be laid doune for (Iray to beddis, and for ftrowing of ]ie Abbay close with girfe,' fe tyme of fE mariage, ...... xxxv s. Item, to ]ie faid James lie gaif, at diuerfe tymes, for xlij turfe^ of bent, ilk turfe iij s. vj ti. vj s. Sep. 3. — /to«, for vij laid'' of bent, ...... xxj s. Sep. 4. — /to«, ane pair of tyrapanes' to J)E King, .... xxiiij s. Sep. 11. — Item, ))at famyn day be ))E Kingis command to ]'e Italiene lase fat danfit, xxx Fr. cr. ......... . xxi ti. Item, for v elne blew damas, to be ane goune to bir, be ]ie Kingis command, ilk elne xxiiij s. vj li. Sep. 12. — Item, )ie xij day of September, for iiji elne rede taffetj to be tott armourt^ to tjlt ^cralBfS, the lyme of tJ)C ^ttan'agt, ilk elne xvj s. . . . . . lyj 5. Itein, for I buke of gold, bocht in Dunde be James Rollok, to fe faid cote armouris, v ti. v i. Item, for making of Jie faid cote armouris, .... viij ti. Sept. 19 — Item, be ))E Kingis command, to fe SSngTf^e pauntoiir '' quliilk brocht pe figuris of \t jEtfng, cauf en, antr pn'nrf of JnglanB, and of our (Bucnt,'' xx fr. cr. (French Crowns) xiiij ti. Item, to ane man to pas toStreuelin for l)ata(( a^'fSand 5uorUt5,and to cum aganejiat nycht, ixs. Oct. 24. — Item, to the ^cralBfe for ))air compoficionne of fe fgrljtt of ]iC 33arrf5 quhen Cris- TOFERE TAIL50UR faught, . ..... vj t. xiij s. iiij d. Oct. 31. — Item, in Couj)«r of dftff, the Lordis** being at t\)t ^ii^tttc ^fr Jmir, to ane mane to pas to Lynlithq^'' to ])e King with Jie Lordis myndis anent t^t CPadc of l&ot\iti, vij i. Item, do. ' anent tJ)C ItorH ^LfntffiSaj),' ..... vj i. Nov. 22. — Item, to Robert, Cultellare, for xvj Suortlt'S for turiiantng, ilk pece xs viiit. Item, to Muncur, armorar, for ane paire of cufchingis, brafes, and mending of pE Kingis harnes, at \t JTournaiifng, v Fr. cr. . . . . . . iij t. x s. Item, to Jobne Mayne, boware,'' for xxvij gpcrtS, .... liiij 5. Item, for tlire rtH jSpcrtfi,'" . . . . . . . ix s. Jan. 9, 1503-4 — Item, [lat famyne day, be Jie Kingis command to ^titiv Stojitt iHtlScgrabf, Inoliseman, XX Fr. cr. ....... . xiiij ti. Jan. 11. — Item, for iij elne tanne damefe to Sir Johne Miifeyrave, to ane doublet, ilk elne xxvj s. . ........ iij ti. xviij s. Jan. 13. — Item, for xiij day of Januar to Mailler Thomas Dikfoun, for Jie expenfe maid on Jie ' See Young's Accouut, in Ldand's Coll., before referred to. ' Dried meadow hay, or gorse. In nume- rous other instances it is entered as ' lasches to the chalmeris,' viz. rushes. ' Trusses, bundles. * Loads. * Timbrels ; perhaps a pair of Kettle-drums. King James IV was an expert musician, and there are frequent entries of various kinds of instruments having been purchased for his own use. " In Walpole's Catalogue of Painters, an artist of the name of John Mavnakd is stated to have assisted Toreyiano, as a Painter, in the planning of the Monument to be erected for Henry VII. Perhaps the Seal-Engraver of Henry VIII, John de JIavne, was the same individual. The only Painter who is said by Walpoh: to have been employed by Heiu'y \\\, was John Mabuse, or Mabuesins ,- but it is by no means likely that he could be the person. Maynard, therefore, it is thought, was the Painter who accompanied the Marriage train, in charge of the Portraits presented by the Kino of Kngland to his son-in-law. So far as the Editor knows, there are now no traces of liis works in Scotland. Mt is probable that this Painter remained in Scotland in full employment for two months, for under date Nov. 10, 1603, occurs this entry o( a propyne to ' Mtnour ye Inglise Pavntour, quhen he passit aicai/, 1 Fr. or., xxx li.' ' Privy Council. " Bow-maker. '" The above are given as specimens of the entries of this sort, which are very numerous. 122 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1504. APPENDIX. Item, to Johne Forman he laid doune for mending of ])e Kingis lectdecarap,' . iiij s. Item, to ane man quhillituke tua JITIbeffi^ in Menteth, and brocht to Edinburghe ; quhilk wer juftifyit, viij Fr. cr., . . . . . . . , v ti. xij s- Aug. 9 Item, for mailieis- to ])e Kingis leg fplentis,-' . . . xx s. Item, for ane pair leg fplentis to ))E King, ..... xHj s- Item, for tua gret bulilaris bocbt to ])E King agane pe MatW of ©Sfetfale, . xxviij s. Item, to Martin Bail5e of pe bors fcboing, be the Kingis command, . . v H. Item, to J)e Armoraris pat brocht pE Kingis leg fplentis, of drink-filuer, . . ij s. Item, to Sir Johne Home, . . . . . . . x K. Item, to Andro Stewart, \t IBuftt of ?II6anMfe iax^t, vi Fr. cr. . iiijti. iiij i. Aug. 13. — Item, in Drumfrefe, to iWcnStralfS to fe paim horfis to ©Sfettale, and fyne agane to Drumfreife, .......... xlij s. Aug. 14. — Item, to pE Fyparis of Drumfrife, .... xiiij s. Aug. 17. — Item, to pe man hangit tjt iffj&cbfo at the Hullirbufs, . . xiiij s. Item, for ane raip* to hing Jmim in, ...... viij d. Aug. 18. — Item, to ane gyde^ to pas with Sir Thomas Alane to Edinburghe for wyne to pE King, in ^sftBale, . . . . . . . . . ix s. Item, payit to James Redeheuche he gaif to an Inglife man, to pas to 3tortt 33acrc for proui- fione, in Canonbi), • . . • . ■ . . xv s. vj d. Aug. 19. — Item, to ane Inglifeman brocht ane deire to pE King fra ilorSSacrf, xxviij s. Item, to pe Priour of CarlllcS tua men that brocht prefentand mavafy" fra pe faid Priour to pE King, . . . . . • • • . . Ivjs. Item, to tua wiffis brocht aill to pE King, fra ^ir Jiojnc iHuSgrabc, . . xxviij s. Aug. 20. — Item, to Hew Muureif that come to Caiioniu fra ]ie Quene,'' . Ivj s. Item, to ^tr Sloljne ittuSgrahcS man that blew the hunting^ to pE King, . xiiij s. Aug. 21. — Item, to pe man that hangit tljcffilfbtS in Canonbl), be the Kingis command, xiiij s. Iteyn, to tua Inglise wemen that fang in pE Kingis pail^eouue,^ . . xxviij s. Aug. 22. — Item, for ane hors to pe cartair that bed his hors dede at the Hullirbufs, drawand pe pail^eounis, be the Kingis command,'" .... . . iiij li. Aug. 23.— //ew, in Slotfimaliane tops King to play at peCartis" with JtorB IDatrc, xhj s. viijd. Aug. 24 — Item, the King come to IDrumflCtSe furth of Eskdale, (to) the Justice and LoRDis to pe 3)tt$ttce itlfr pair, and remanit at pe faid Air, xxiij dayis, to pE Justices expeniis ilk day xl s, . . . . . . . • . . xlvj ti. Aug. 25. — Item, to pE King at cartis with ICorK SaJttr, . . . vij Y\. Aug. 31, — Item, be the Kingis command to Sir Alexander Jerdene and his men, for pe taking of ^il) JtintlfSau and other tua with him, eftir the tenour of pe Proclamatioune, xxx ti. Sep. 2. — Item, to James Tailjour to pas to feche tjjt UrmStrangiS to pE King, xiiij s. Sep. 8. — Item, to pe dFctriS of BrumfrciS xiiij s.,'- and of OTtgtoune, • . xiiij s. Sep. 11. — Item, to Johne Goldfmytli, for the turfing of the organis in ©^hbalc,''' xlij s. /to?!, to pE PiPARis of Drumfreife, ..... xxviij s. ' Fr. Lit (Incajiip ; a portnble bed he carried with him to the field, and in all his journeys and hunting excursions. * Flexible mfiil for the back parts and joints of the limbs. ^ Greaves. * Rope. ^ Guide. Before high- roads were cut, travelling must have been, in al! senses, a serious undertaking in those lawless districts. " Malm- sey wine. ' The Qi'een at that period appears to have kept up a constant and anxious correspondence with her absent lord. *^ Hunt's up, or some favourite hunting air on the bugle. "• The royal tent ; pavilion. "* These Accounts abound in almost every leaf willi simihu' acts of generosity and consideration for the poor and unfortunate. " Nu- merous entries of this nature run through the whole accounts. '^ It is unnecessary to cite each payment of this sort, which were profusely bestowed wherever the King went. '^ The King seldom left home without preparations for hunting, music, archery, golf, Sec, and the Organis always accompanied him, when he was to be stationary, for some time, at any place. 17 Jac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 123 APPENDIX. Sep. 12. — Item, to fe Franche fmyth to pE Kingis hors fhoing, fene pE King com fra Edin- burgh, ......... xxviiij s. vj d. Sep. 13.— /ton, to ^\x JSitijarS CjjanipkiiS ilrlen^tralfS,' Inglise men, that playit to fE King, . . . . . . . • • • 1^ s. Item, to William Cunnyngliames wif, in Drumfrelfe, for ])E Kingis bele chere,^ xti. Sep. li. — Item, in itotjtnaljanc to ane pur man that all f e Court tuk his hay fra him, be the Kingis command, . . . • . • • • • xs. Nov. 16 Item, for tua dofane barrit boltis^ for ])E King, • . xvj s. Item, for xij blent '' boltis, . . . . . • • iij s. Item, for ane pund corfe-bow threid, . . . . • . ij s. Item, for iij pair wyndefe cordis for corfe-bowis, . . . . vj s. Jan. 24, 1504-5 /ton, for ane corsebow and ane water-dog to |ie King,^ . viti. Item, ])e faid day to ane Tale Teller, that tellit Tales to ])e King,^ . . ix s. Feb. 1 Item, to James Hog, for dichting of viij fuerdis, binding of ])air handis, agane Faftingis Evin to fe JTiiriiaiJtltg, dichting of tber fteil fadilles with ymree, tua tre axes, and tua fpere hedes, . . . . . . . . . . iij ti. ij s. Feb. 2. — Item, to tjjf <&t5arfd that danfit to ])E King and Quene, be the Kingis command, vij Fr. cr. . . . . . . . . . . iiij ti. xviij s. Feb. 3. — Item, payit to Robert, cultellar, for vj gilt dagaris to jiE King, grathing of fe Kingis fchapis," and couering of ])e famjTi, grathing of fuordis, fchethtis, and beltis to Jiaim, binding of fuord handis with filk and cordis of filk to fe King, fene Mydfomer bipaft, of findry prices, as his compt bill proportis, . . . . . . . • . vij ti. x s. Item, to 38 faid Robert for iiij lang fuordis for tjc 33atreS/ and iiij fchort fuordis foi- CTufnaiJtng at dTaSttriiigfeCrbi'iT, ilk pece x s., . . . ... iiij ti. Item, for xxvj fokket hedis for pE Bar and Turnaying, . . . xxvij s, Item, for xxiiij virales and diamandis for ju^ttlig Sptvfe, . . xij s. Item, for Ij speris for fe faid Turnaying, ilk pece ij s., . . . v ti. ij i. Item, for ane ax-fchac,^ ....... xviij d. Item, for xij cotis and xij pair hofe, half Scottis blak and half quhit,^'' to xij (iHorri5) llaiT;$atr($. be the More" Taubroneris devife, agane JfaStrrfligt^ CFblir, be the Kingis command,'- xiij ti. ij 5. Feb. 9. — Item, to J)e Armorar that put one tj)e StfltgtS ]&arlU5, . . xiij 5. Feb. 10. — Item, payit for vj elne grene taifeti to Pate Sinclair to aUf routr for \)\i> T)or55 at the STonrnaptng at Fasteringis Evin, ilk elne XV s., . . . iiij ti. x s. Feb. 23. — Item, to Alex. HerlTe to loufe fE Kingis ftope,'^ quhilk wes tane quhen he was aiibot of 8Fitrf5ount,'* . . . . . . . vj ti. viij i. viij d. Sep. 14. — Item, to ]'e four Staltflie #Tfn5tvaIf5, and the ^ore tauirOJiar, to fee painihors to |9ei)Iig, ......... xxviij s. Item, to ane Ingllfenian and ane woman that wer fpuiljeit'^ paiTand to Quhitherne, be ane Inglifman and ane Scottis man, quhilk werjuftifeit 5airfoir, in 9!t,Ol5inaBen, . . xilij s. 1 The number of minstrels belonging to the King's honseholrl at this period, was thirtij-one. Their names and sala- ries are regularly stated. * Fr. entertainment ; vulgarly ' bclhj cheer.' ^ Ribbed arrows or quarrclh for his cross- bows. It may, however, imply that they were hnrbtil, though that was an unusual shape for quarrells, wliich were square in the points. Had the word been written berrit or boirit, it would signify sounding or whistling arrows. ' Mixed, of various sorts. ^ The King seems to have been hawking, almost daily, near Linlithgow, Falkland, &c. On Nov. 15, there is a curious entry, ' Iteji, to ane man passit in ane Loch, and rasit dukis (wild-ducks) to ye Halkis, be the Kingis command, ij s. iiij d.' The water dog was evidently to pick up the g.ame brought down by the * boltis.' ^ Such payments are very frequent. ' Scabbards. ^ The Barrage or Lists for the Tour- nament. '-' H.atchet, or axe-shaft ? '" 3/t)^to/; paity-coloured ; black and white. " Woorisli or black drummer. A Morion. " On the margin, ' .-Jfor gigaris.' " A silver drinking-cup. " This affords a very remarkable instance of the manners of the times, and of the revels sanctioned by long usage during the daft dat/s.' Tlie KiVg himself mingled freely in all the sports, and gained for himself the love and atlmiration of his people, being remarkably dexterous in all amusements, games, and manly exercises. '^ Spoiled ; robbed. 124 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1513. APPENDIX. Sep. 17 — Item, to fe rrufttt SFttar of iSrttmfreiSe' that faug to pE King in Lochmabane, be THE KiNGis command,^ ........ xiiij s. Oct. 5. — Item, to thre men to pas to pE Scheref of Ed". with ^lane purinaS, quhilk was juftefyit, . . . . . . . . . . vijs. Aug. 2, 1506 — Item, payit to Andro Aytoun he gaif to pe men that bed Jie CPrStJemen'' fra Striueling to Edinburghe, qubilkis \t CFrlc of ^untlo tuke, and turfit fe mannis heid,^ xiiij s. Oct. 20 — Item, to Ruthirfurd, Meffenger, to pas to ])E Justice, to warne him of be balding of \t afrcg, . • . . . . . . . .vs. Dec. i\.—Item, to xxx dofane^ of bellis forftanSarfS,^ delyuerit to Thomas Bofwell, iiijli.xij s. Jan. 1, 1506-7. — /to«,giffin to diuerfe iHengtraltS, gcbaUjmen'S, trumpttfrtiS, taubrounartiS, fitlieTarfe, lutarijS, rlarScJaart;*, anif pfpart's, extending to kix perfonis,' . x!j ti. xj s. Jan. 3. — Item, to ane man pailand to fE Beschop of Caithnes with fe Kingis Letteris, for redding of fame paffit in tj)? 91 cioiS, with Maky, .... xiiij s. Feb. 16. — Item, to JSiOJantonncS^ that fang to the King, . . xiiij s. Item, to 68Iantomif3 that the King fechit and gert hir fing in the Qcenis chamer, xiiij s. Feb. 17 — /to?j, to ]ic ©luetnc of JicCanongatt,' .... xiiij s. Mar. 6. — It&n, to SSHTantoneS and her tua marrowes'" that fang with hu-, . xiiij s. Dec. 22. — Item, for iij |3rcntit Ijuhfe to ]ie King, tane fra Snilro iHtnari';S wif, . 1 s. Jan. 1507-8. — Item, to jie tfaft Oiufgn of \t Canongatt," . . . xiiij s. Jan. 22. — Item, to ane 3)f Stour, be the Kingis command, . . . vs. lum, to (giau-Stcill ilutar, . • • • . . .vs. May 12, 1508. — Item, to Inglife Cuddy fat brocht in ane nafeit ggSe in fe clofe,'« be the Kingis command, ...... . . xxxvj s. Jun. 19. — Item, to i\)t Crrlc of (ffrgttt to gif to fe men that tuke f>e men fat brgnit Snirers mf^anf, .... . . . . . vij 11. Aug. 3. — Item, to Johne Beg, Mefllnger, to charge itortt iMaytuell and the EaiB of 3o]&nne^tottne to Ward, . . . . . . . . ix S. Item, to aue ofer to pas to %ax'^ Crtirjtouil of ^anquj&ar,'^ with fe Kingis writing, ix i. Feb. 9, 1511-12. — Item, to ane fallow, becaufe fE King pullit furtht his twtht, xiiij s. Feb. 25. — Item, to Kynnard, fe harbour, for tua teith di'awiu fuitht of liis bed be fE King," .......... xiiij s. Feb. 27. — Item, to pas with Letteris to fummond fe jilarll ^DUlOtltounj''^ and his complices for crymes of ilTrfSounc and ane Assise to pas fairupone, .... xiiij s. Jun. 27, 1512. — Item, to Andro Armeflrang to pas with Letteris to ittuSgCtlf, xxviij s. Apr. 2-1, 1513. — Item, to fummond fe EorB iHaySuelX"^ and )>e itavS of 3oJ)iU^ounr, xs. ' There are many payments to this person, who appears to have heen in great favour ■with the King. * The King shortly after this returned to Edinburgh, and went to the North. * Highlanders. * Trussed or packed up the man's head, to be fixed on the Ports of some burgh or castle. ^ Thirty dozen. ^ IMorrice- dancers. ' Ithasalready been remarked how liberal the King was in his establishment of this sort, which con- sisted of musicians from various countries. Besides his usual French and Italian Minstrels, he kept an Organist, e. g. 1512-13, ]"eb. 15. ' Item, to Guilzeame, Orgauar, Frencheman, and his v complices, French Menstralis, XKV 11. V s.' Juliane Drummond and the Italians had a payment of xxxv li, the same day for their quarter's wages. ' Wantonness. " She is elsewhere called ' the auld Queen,' and ' callit ye Queue of Mail.' '° Companions. '' It would appear from this entry, that she was a poor maniac and a privileged pensioner. '^ A naked mask, brought by English Cuddy, or Cuthbert, into the Palace Yard of Holyrood. " For this and the preceding entries, see the Trials, Vol. I, ■* 77, &c. " The King's skill in surgery and leech-craft was considered unequalled in these times, and he was extolled by contemporary writers, who assert that he was consulted by physicians and surgeons in desperate cases. The present instancis seem to savour of fiolic only, probably arising from a foolish wager with some of his courtiers. ".See Trials, Apr. 27, 1512, &c., Vol. I, ' p. 76. '" Robert Maxwell, son of John Lord Maxwell, got a Charter of the Stewardship of Annandale, on his father's resignation. — Reg. Mag. Sig. xviii. 173. 1 CRIMINAL TRIALS AND OTHER PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. It is an unfortunate circumstance that the regular series of the Books of Adjournal does not commence till the 18th day of November 1524, in the twelfth year of the Reign of King James V ; for unquestionably a variety of very important Trials must have taken place during his minority. No doubt, the public business of the country received a fatal shock from the disastrous con- sequences of Flodden-Field, and it would be long ere matters became settled after that unhappy day, when so many of the Nobility, and the flower of the principal families of Scotland, fell along with their King. The Editor has endeavoured, to the utmost of his abilities, to fulfil the pledge he made at the outset of this undertaking, by entering into a very extensive and laborious examination of all the early Records and Collections of MSS. within his reach, so far as connected with the objects of this present work. In his zeal to preserve all that is important, and that bears on the history, manners, and cus- toms of Scotland, he fears he may have encroached equally on his limits and on the patience of the general reader, whose pui'suits, perhaps, do not lead him to attach much value to what will be greatly prized by the historian and antiquary. The result of these researches he now begs to submit in the illustrative Notes and Appendix to this Reign, in the hope that they will meet with the candid consideration of all. What was remarked in the brief Notice prefixed to the Reign of James IV, and to that Appendix, is equally applicable to the present portion. It may be observed, that the Extracts from the Records of the Privy Council, which are here given in chronological order, at the end of this and the other reigns, lie scattered over a number of volumes, and are blended with Precepts of Charters, Gifts, Presentations to Benefices and Offices, Legitimations, Licenses, Safe-con- ducts, &c. ; of which, a number of the more important papers have been selected. To save the repetition of facts and illustrations contained in the Appendix to this reign, the reader is referred, generally, to its contents. 126* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1524. Curia Justiciauie Supremi domhii nojiri Regis tenfa et inchoata in Preto- rio de Ediuhurghe, per honorcd/dem virum Wilelmum Scot de Bahiery, mditem, deputatum nohUis et potentis domhii Colini Comitis Ergadie, domini Campbel et Lome, Ji(Jliciarii Generalis Supremi domini nojiri Regis, die Sahhati,^ xxiij" die inenjis Nouembris, anno domini M^V'xxiiy" : Sectis vocatis et Curia affirmata. Stistirt Clfrfe ^Ujorn into #fRrt. Quo die, in preleucia dicti domini Jufticiarij, Nicholaus Craufurd de OxiNGANG, Clericus Jufticiarie, tactis facrofancti Dei Evangeliis, fuum jura- mentum jireftitit corporale, ad fideliter miniftrand. in fuo officio Clerici Justi- ciarie, juxta fuam confcieneiam et difcrecionem. ^\mts,\)Ux at i\)t Hairtr of aaglanU. Nov. 18, 1524. — Jacobus Crechtoune de Frendi-ancht, miles, fepe vocatus ad intrandiim Robertum Stewart de Latheris, ad fubeundum legem pro arte et parte crudelis interfectionis quondam Jacobi Stewart de Ryland ; proiit ipfe plegius devenit pro ipfius introitu, fub pena V li. Et non comparen. in amerciamento dicte fumme ; et quod dictus Robertus ad cornu fupi'emi domini noftri Regis deuunciatur, et omnia bona fua, mobilia et immobilia, fuo vfui efcha- etur. Et hoc redditum fuit pro judicio.^ [Jacohus Prejiotine, hnrgen. et Prefiden.^ hurgi de Ed' Jvfticiarius Deputatus.'] iHurtitr of t\)t Crrasurrr of drtitnbiusf)' Jan. 7,1524-5, {die Sahhati.) — Thomas HAM]\iYLTOUN,called 'vnfaiiyt^^ William Were, William Were, his brothei"'s fon, and Gawin Hammyltoune, were denounced Rebels, &c. for the Murder of Mr James Haliburtone, burgefs and Treafurer of Edinburgh. — (Maij 11, 1525.) Weir of Stanebyris" became furety for William, his fon and heir-apparent, and AVeir, alfo his fon, that they fliould underly the law, on xv days' warning, for Intercommuning with Thomas Haramyltoun and William Weir, Rebels. Cominon Cljcft, iHurJjrr, l^.ipr, kt, Jan. 30. — John Steill, alias Kcmpy Stedl," Adam and Richard Bell, convicted by an Affile, and hanged for common Theft and Relet of theft, and ' See Note to Nov. 9, 1493. ■ It lias been tlionglu proper to insert the two entries wliicli occur in the regular Books of Adjournal, altliongh perliaps immaterial in themselves, for the purpose of affording a specimen of the manner in whicli tlie Record was then kept. ^ Provost. * Unsanc- tified, unhallowed. ^ His Christian name not given. See Feb. 4, 1525-(i, from whicli it would appear he was shortly afterwards Murdered. •' Keinpy denotes a person given to strive or contend for the mastery ; a champion (' canipioun ' in old writings), a wrestler, &c. 12 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 127 of common Murder and Rape : And for Intercommuning with tlie Englifli thieves and traitors. Assisa.* Alex. Kirkpatrik of Kirkraichaell, knt. Williame Bailie of Bakbe, Alexander Pennycuke, Johne Peunycuke of that Ilk, Alex. Dalmahoy of that Ilk, Thomas Hammyltoune, Alex. Crechtoun of Newhall, The Lard of Hanginfchaw, Johne Douglas, David Vacbe, James Maitland of Auchingaffil, Tlie Lard of Comiltoune, Thomas Bynne of that Ilk. 33outx 61) tl)t Movticv Barons to assist ti)t iCail of ^njrus, ^r. Apud Ed", xxvij 3IarfiJ, anno T" V'xxv", In hojpkio domini Cancellarii . Sederunt, CanceUarius, Eplfcopus Candklecaje, Comes Angufie, Ahhates de Ablrhrothok, Sancte Cruets, , Dominus Flemyng, Clerkus JuJJkkme {NkJiolaus Craufurd de Oxlngang), Magijkr Adam Otter- hurne. The quhilk day, ARCHIBALD EuLL OF Anguse, in prefence of })e Loi'dis above writtin, fwore })at he fuld lelely and treuly ferue in to THE office of Wardanery and Lieutenentry of the Bordouris, and to ftanche Thift, ReiflF, Slauchter, and al vtheris inconvenientis comraittit vpon our foverane lordis trew liegis; after }je forme and tenour of ]5e Commiffioun gevin to him ]3airupone. Comperit Andro Ker qfCesfiirde, Walter Scot of BuJecIeuche, Andro Ker of Farnijhirjl, 3Iark Ker of Dolphinftoune, George Butherfurd of Hundolee, and fwore })at })ey, be paim felf, kynne, freyndis, feruandis, and pairt-takaris, and al fat ])ai may raife and ftere,^ fall lelely'' and treuly ferue Archibald Erll of Anguse, ryde, gang, and ferue him at J)air poffible power, in to ])e office of Wardanery and Lieutenentry, for ftanching of Thift, Reif, Slauchter, and inconvenientis, and for Jje executione of justice, and furth-bering of the KiNGis autorite. 77?^ Lardof Hnnthill, the Lard of BethrowU, the Lard of WeUis, James Ker of jMerfingtone, James Murray of FaidehiU, WiUiam Kirk- tone, the Lard of Haldane, Walter Scott of Syntoiine, Robert Scott of Allan e- hciuche, fwore to ]>e effect above Avrittin. In prefence of ])e Lordis compei"it Andrew Ker of Cesfurde, ^Valter Scot of Bukcleuche, Andro Ker of Fernyhirft, Mark Ker of Dolphingstoune, ]>e Lard of Hundolee, \>e Lard of Himthill, ])e Lard of BethrowU, ]je Lard of Wellis, James Ker of Merfingtoune, James Murray of Fawlohill, William Kirktoune, ]^e Lai-d of Haldane, Walter Scott of Syntone, Robert Scot of AUanehalche, David Hop- pringill, in Gallofchelis, Adam Scot in Trufchelaw, and Robert Scott, Tutor of Howpajlot, and of their avne confentis has bund and oblift })ame, and ilk ane of Jjame, to rife with pair kynne, freynds, feruandis, part-takaris, and all pat pai may fteir, with Ai'chibald Erll of Angufe, Lieutenent, for ])e furth-putting of all ' This is the first recorded Assise in these books. It may be remarked, that the two Assises imme- diately following also consisted of thirteen persons. - Stir up, influence. ^ Loyally. 128 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. AD. 1525. LiDDisDALE MENNE, EsKDALE, and EwisDALE, )jare wiffis and barnys, now duelland within pe boundis of Tevidale, Ettrik-Forest, and boiindis adja- cent J)airto, and hald Jjaim furth of pe famyne in tyme to cum. And attour' Jje forfaidis perfonis hes bundin and oblift Jjame, and ilk ane of ))ame, foi* Jjame felf, vndir pe jjane of tinfale^ of lyfe, land, and guddis, Jiat gyfe' oney of Jjare men, kynnifemen, feruandis, tenentis, adherentis, affifteris, pairt-takaris, or duellis within J)are heritagis, rovmys, bayljeryis,^ takis, or ftedings, committis ony tref- pas, fie as Slachteris, Murtheris, Trefonis, Revifingis, Spul3eis, Thifts, or vjier crymes, pe forfaidis perfonis fall bring in pe committeris jjairof befor pe faid LlEUTENENT, or his deputis, to vndirly pe law for pe faid crimes ; Jjai beand requirit Jjairto, vponne xx dais ; or ellis, fall within pe faid xx dayis after Jjai be requii'it, put pe faydis perfonis, Jjare wiffis, ])are barnys, furth of pe cuntr^, and hald ])aim furth of pe famin, and efchete J^are gudis, to be deliuerit to pe pairti dampnagit. And J)is Band to endure quhill pe feift of Candilmes nixt to cum ; and pe faid Act to be extendit anent Slachteris, pe committeris fairof beand put to pe Home. Attour, pe Lordis will and declaris J)at pe landit men and Heidifmen' of Tevidale," Sherefdome of Selkirk, Ettrike Forrest, and boundis pairof, now beand and abfent," [' sail obferue and keip pe famin Band, ficlyke as and {i/') they had compeirit and obleifl thaim thairto' ] in every poynte, efter pe forme and tenour pareof, and vndir pe panys contenit Jjairintill. In prefens of pe Loi'dis of Counfal comperit George Lord Hume, the Lard of Coldoinhiollis," the Lard of Polivorthe, the Lard of Craujione, the Tut our of Wedirhurue, the Tutour of Langtoune, the Lard of Suyntone, and fuore Jjat ])ai fuld lelely" and trewly ferue Erll of Anghouse in pe officis of Wardenrie and Lieutenery, with parae felffis, J)air kynne, freyndis, feruandis, men, tenentis, and all J)at Jjai may raife and flere, quhen and quhat tymes J)ai falbe requirit be him or his deputis J)airto ; or fall ryde, gang, affift, and fupld pe faid Erie, in ftauching of Thift, reiffis, flachtaris, and \pev inconvenientis, and in pecifing of |)e cuntr^, exercicioune of juftice, and furth-putting our foverane lordis auttorit^ : And })airupone gaif Jjair bodely athis. In prefens of pe Lordis of Counfale forfaid, comperit George Lord Hume, pe Lard of Coldaineknollis, pe Lard of Polworthe, pe Lard of' Coijhy, pe Lard of Suyntone, pe Tutour of ^Vederburne, pe Tutour of Langtone, of Jjare avn con- fent Band and Oblefl; parae, and ilkane of pame, to ryfe with Jjare kyne, freiudis, men, feruandis, pairt-takaris, and all ])at will do for Jjame, with Archbald Erll 'Moreover. ^ Loss ; from the verb to <)/«e. ^ If. * Bailiaries. ^ Cliiefs, lieads of Clans. ^ Teviotdale. ' Tliere is an evident omission here. The words within brackets, which follow, are supplied to fill up the sense, they being taken from another similar passage in this remarkable document. ' Hume of Cowdenknows. ' Loyally. ISJac. IV. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 129 of Angus, Wardane and Lieuetenant of Jje Eift and Myddill Marchis, for pacy- fing of pe cuntrd, perfewing of thefBs and tratouris, exercicioune of juftice, and furthe-putting of ]>e cuntiy, of ])E KiXGis autorite, qiihen and alle oft as })ai falbe requirit be him or his deputis pairto. And attour, pe forfaidis perlbnis has inlikwyfe bundin and obleft Jjaini, and ilkane of ))aira foi* Jjaim felf, vnder pe pane of tinfale of lyfe, landis, and gudis, gyf ony of fiair kynnifmen, feniandis, tenen- tis, adherentis, afifteris, pairt-takaris, adherentis,' pairt-takis or duellis within J)air heritagis, rovmys, bail5eryis, takis or lledingis, committis ony trefpaffis, fic as Slaughtaris, IMurthuris, Trefonis, Revifingis, Spule5eis, Theftis, or vper crimes, the forfaidis perlbnis fall bring in pe committeris, and j^are, of before pe faid Lieuetenent and his deputis, to vnderly pe law for pe laid crymes, Jjai beand requirit ])airto apone xx dayis ; or ellis, fall within xx dayis eftir ])ai be requirit, put pe faidis perlbnis, ])air wyffis, J^are barnys, furth of pe cuntre, and hald Jjaim furthe of pe famin, and efdiete Jjair gudis, to be delyuerit to pe pairti dampnalit. And ))is Band to endure to pe firft of Candilmes nixt to cum ; and pe laid Act to be extendit anent Slauchteris, pe committeris fiareof beand put to pe home, &c. Attoure, pe Lordis will and declaris, pat pe remanent of landit men and Heidis-men ])at is duelland within )je Merse and Lauderdale pat comperit nocht, and oblift pame in pis Act before written, fall obferue and keip pe famin Band, ficlike as and' pai had comperit and oblift paim pairto in euery poynt, efter pe foi'rae and tenour pareof, and vndir pe panys contenit pairintill. Stu'jstiiction in iHnritimr Cases. May 4, 1525. — The quhilk day comperit Williame Andirfone, burgefs of Edinburghe, in prefens of my Lord Juftice and Lordis of Counfale, and be- com cautionar and Ibuirtie for pe fchip callit ' pE fleand Gaist'' of Anster- DAIM,' pe merchandis, marinaris, and gudis being in pe famyne, now being in pe Port and havyne of Leithe, pat pe faid fchip, merchandis, marynaris, nor gudis, fall nocht be remouit nor tranfportit furth of pe famyne, vnto pe tyme pe pley* be decided betuix pE skiff arts and marynaris of pe faid fchip, and pE MEii- CHANDis OF CowpER and Saxctaxdrois, and Ross Herald, before pe Lordis of Counfale. \_Collmis Comes Ergadle, c^., Jufticiarius GeneraUs.'] Siuistiirtion of Xiyt 35.illirs .iiiti ^fjrriff of (!?tiiiifeura!) — fftres of ^fjnMtrsi)tp of tfjr CIti) nut Cotiiitp, in Criminal iW.ittcrs» The famyne day, in prefens of my Lordis Justice and of Counsale, comperand James Preftoune, Prefident (Provoft) of pe burghe of Edinburghe, and ' Tliis word is repeated. Perhaps for ' adheris.' '^ As if. ' The flying ghost or spirit of Amsterdam. * Law-plea ; litigation. VOL. I. t R 130 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1525. Ballies of pe famyne, one ])at ane pairt, and Patrik Barone, Sheref deput of Edinburghe, in pe name and behalf of pe principale Sheref ])airof ; and of pair avne fre will appointit and aggreit, in J)is wyle ; That is to fay, Quhat time ony Theif or trefpaflbur beis apprehendit within pe fredonie and jurifdictioune of pe burghe of Edinburghe, and beis convict of ony cryme, })at pe faid President (Provoft) and Rallies fall vfe pF. office of Scherefschip pertenyiug to ]>air office, in J)at caife ; and convoy ]3ame fouerly to pe place quhare Jtai fuld be juf- tifyt,' and remain Jjairat quliill" ])ai be dede. And inlikwife, pe faid Schereff of Edinbui'ghe and his deputis, quhare ony Theif or trefpalTour beis apprehendit outwithe pe fredome of pe faid burghe, and prefentit before pe Jullice or his deputis in jugement, gif f)ai be convict, be ane Affife, of quhatlumeuer cryme, J)at pe faid Schereffis fall vfe his office of Scherefschip pertenying to ])air office vpone pe faid trefpalTouris, and convoy them fouerly to pe place quhare J)ai falbe ordanit to be juftifyt, and remane Jjairat quhill J^ai be dede. Jun. 13. — Gilbert Earl of Cassillis, David Hynde, James Mure in Balloehtoyll, Gilbert Kennedy, ' pe Proveftis fone,' and John Montgomeiy in Balfagart, were acquitted by an Affife of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Martin Kennedy of Lochland. The Earl of Argyle prefided at all the diets of this cafe, wherein almoft every Kennedy^ of any confequence was called, as art and part ; together with a very long catalogue of the ufual allies and followers of the houfe of Cassillis ; fuch as Robert Grahame of Knokdoliane, Thomas Corry of Keldwood, John Mure of Auchindrane, Bartholomew Craufurde of Kerfe,David and Duncan his brothers, &c., for all of whom the Earl of CaffiUis became fui-ety, that they iliould appear and anfwer at the bar for that crime, and alfo for the Slaughter of Gilbert IVIak- ilwraithe. AssisA. Johnne Mure of Arrocbill, Walter Maxwell of Aikhede, Adam Stewart of Daldowds-, Alexander Douglas of the Manys, James Graliarue of Bankell, George Colquhoun, Johnne Maxwell of Stanelie, Robert Calender of Ballinchoiche, Martyne Mure of Bogend. James Stewart of Tuedy, Johnne Striueling of Kere, kny', Johue Stewart of Halrig, Thomas Kailfloun of that Ilk, Hew Douglas, burgefs of Ed", Thomas Abiriietljy in Glencorle. The Earl of Caffillis afterwards compounded with the King for the unlaws in which his followers were found liable, which muft have amounted to a very large fum. The original Warrant is Hill preferved,^ and is given here as a Ipecimen of fuch documents. ' Put to death, executed. B. Lat. jmtlficare. ^ Until. " For illustrations of all matters connected with this subject, and, in general, with the Feuds, &c., of Ayrshire, Wigtoun, &c., the reader is referred to Hijiory of the Kennedies, Quarto, Edin. 1830. ' Orig. INISS. belonging to the High Court of Justiciary. 12JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 131 Rex, Justice Clerk, Wit 56 our weilbelouit coufing and counfalour, Gilbert Erle of Cas- SILLIS, hes componit with ws for all vnlawis in ]ai wer delatit, contenit in our Adiornale, vnto |)e day of \ie date heirof ; and hes reffauit fra him payment for Jie famyn, at Jie making heirof: And Difchargis him of all Jie faidis vnlawis, be }iir prefentis, for euer. It is our will herfor, and We charge 50W, ]iat incontinent ]iir our Letteris fene, 36 draw all ]ie faidis vnlawis furth of our iaid Adiornale bukis, and defele ' ]>e famyn, je trepand pir our Letteris for jour Warrant. Subscriuit w' our hand at Edinburghe, fe xviij day of Junij, Jie jere of God r".V"^^.xxvj ^eris, and of our regnne fe xiij jere. James R. ^lauflljtei — ^n aiesisr UirtfttU not to trrpart from ti)c f olfiooti), until tf)t\) ijati tit\)tv atq^nitttti or * tvliV t1)t ^annrU Jim. 21. — William Carnys of Orchartoun, and vtheris, his complicis. — James Johnefoun, mafer, comperit in prefence of f)e Lard of Baluery, Juftice, fittand in Jugenient in J^e Tolbutii of Edinburghe, and Thefaurare, and faid jjat J)e Chancillar and Lordis of Counfale commandit pe Juftice, J)at he fuld caufe J)e Aflife chofin vpoun William Carnys of Orchax'toun, and vtheris his complicis, delatit of pe Slauchtir of ^Villiam Langmuir, proceid, and depart nocht furthe of ])e Tolbuthe,quhil Jjai had ow])" maid J^ame quyte, or fylit fame of ])e faid Slauchtir. ^irari) — ^luntjrriiicj rjooUs from a MM^ in Eeitf). Aug. 14. — Capitane James Cokburne, Alexander Schort, Dauid Logane, Dauid Mufchet, Dauid Dauidfone, and Thomas Logane, convicted and Hanged, as Pirates, for plundering certain goods and merchandize from Annand Peirfoun, dwelling in Norway, and his mariners, out of his fliip in the harbour of Leith. John Gardner acquitted by the Aflife. ^Iau0l)trr of SJol)" 3iortf df lemfns'— ^ iHiitor rdrastlj from i)i9 Monti of (Cautioiiarn to rittrr a^annrl. Aug. 18. — The following curious Supplication, with the deliverance in- dorfed thereon, is preferved among the Warrants of Court. ' My Lordis of Counfal and Auditouris of Chekker, \iito jour 1. huimlie menis and ihewis I, jour feruitour, George Geddes of Cutiiilhall: That quhare Williame Tuedy, ane fcolar, wes delatit of airt and pairt of Jie Slauchter of vmquhile Johne Lord Flemyng, and is innocent Jiairof, confi- dering, Jie time of Jie committing of ]ie famin, he wes at J'e fcule in Edinburghe : And becaus I duell amang his frendis, )iai follifl and tiftit' me to be fouerte for him, for his entre to Jie law: And becaus he durfl nocht compeir, lie being innocent, for feir of his parti,* I am vnlawit for his nonentre befor Jie Jullice ; howbeit, as I traifi, I fuld nocht haue bene reflauit fouerte, nor fuld nocht haue bene vnlawit, confidcring I wes and is of lefs-age,"" within xv jeris, and may nocht nor fuld nocht be fouirte, ' Discharge. ' See Appendix to tliis reign, &c. ° Enticed. * Adversary; prosecutor. ' In minority. 132 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1526, of ]>e law. Heirfor I befek ^our 1. to liaue confideratioune herof, aud gif command to ]ie Juflice Clerk to draw me out of Jie Adioiiial, fua pat I be nocht pondit' for Jie faid vnlaw. According to juftice, and jOur anfuer I hefeik. [Indorled] Jpud Edinburghe, xviij Augiijti, anno V'.V'^.xxu The Lordis Ordanis, ]iat becaufe J)is complenar is of lefs-aige, ])at pairfor fe Clerk of Jufticiary difcharge him of fe fouerte fundin be him in ])is mater, for pis vnlaw, and put him furth of his bukis. Clericus Register. Alex. Cambust". R. Glasgu. Ja. Decanus Abd, ^IauQ:][)trr of tf)r JCatrti of ^tonriinrrs. Feb. 4 et 12, 1525-6. — Lindsay, Rector of Colbintouiie, finds caution (Robert Lord Lyle) for his entry before the Jufticiar, on Feb. 19, to underly the law for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of . ... Weyre of Stanebyris. dfniUs brttorrn tfjr Itairtig of ^iiupsfcil^ aiiis ixix\\\\\\d)nt\\. Mar. 19-20. — John Charteris of Amysfeild, Robert and John, his fons, Gilbert and John Greir, brothers of the Lairds of Craufurdtoun and lie, Robert Charteris, brother of the Laird of Amysfeild, and thirty-leven others, found caution to underly the law on May xxix, in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, for the cruel Slaughter of Roger Kilpatrick, fon and heir apparent of Sir Alexander K. of Kirkniichaell, ku' ; Aiul for the Mutilation of the faid Sir Alexander. Mar. 24. — Sir Alexander Kirkpatrick of Kirkniichaell, knight, Robert, John, and William, his ions, found caution (Roger K. of Knok) to ajipear the fame day, to imderly the law for all crimes to be imputed againit them by John Charteris of Amysfeild. — He alfo became furety for the entry of William his brother, Henry K. junior, and Alexander his brother, Mr Cuthbert Welllie, and twenty-two otbei's, the fame day. #Iau0l)ttr of t|)r Eaiitr of Iuf|)in!)eri)i). Jun. 26, 1526. — Hugh Earl of Eglintoune, delated for art and part of the Slaughter of Edward Cunynhame of Auchinhervy. John Lindfay of Dunrod, his cautioner, fined for the Earl's non-appearance, in 100 1. The cau- tioners of Ai'chibald Craufurd of Hanyng, Archibald Montgomery Mafter of Eglintoune, James Montgomery, brother to the Earl, Mr William Montgomery, and others, were fined in the like furas — for their abfence. The principals were denounced rebels. ^toutljrrif of t\)t iuns's STrtiUn-i). Jul. 11. — Robert Bruce of Erthe, and Mr Thomas Bruce and James Bruce of Mungowellis, his brothers, received the King's Refpite for art and part of the Stouthreif of certain mangonels ' and Artillery coming from the ' Poinded ; distrained. • O. Fr. mangonel— An engine for slinging or darting stones, large arrows, he. with prodigious force. They seem to have been used long after the invention of artillery. 14 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 133 Castle of Stirling to the King's Majefty, at his burgh of Edinburgh, for the defence of his perfon : And for art and part of the Stouthreif of the King's Letters from his Officers ; and laying violent hands upon them. Jul. 11. — Walter Druwmond, Acquitted by an Affile of art and part of the theft and concealment of the King's Crown from his Crown-room, with the precious Hones therein contained, furth of the Palace or Monaftery of HOLYROOD.' ^lautjfjtrr of tf)t EattlJ of SturijinTjaibi). Aug. 1. — Hugh Earl op Eglintoune ; Archibald JMontgomery, his grandfon and heir apparent ; Mr William, his fon ; and James, his brother, find caution (Mr John Campbell of Lundy) to underly the law at the next Juftice- aire of Air, for art and jiart of the Slaughter of Edward Cunynghame of Auch- inharvy. Aug. 4. — Thomas Craufurd, heir of Auchinamys ; James Monfode, heir of the Laird of Monfode ; John Frifell of Knok ; John, his fon ; and twelve others, procure the Eai'l for their cautioner, that they should appear and anfwer for the fame crime. ?&i0f) Ci'tason — dFirlU of iifTdrost — Common Wijtlt, ^t, Aug. 9. — Jajies Elwald, Convicted for treafonably coming, in com- pany with Sir Walter Scott of Branxhelme, kn', and Avith the Traitors and Thieves of England and Scotland, againft the King and his Lieutenant at Mel- rose ; and for common Theft and Relet of theft. — Hanged. <^IausI)tev of ti)t EairK of CtsfiuJj. Aug. 14, — The following Warrant is pi'eferved among the Papers of the Court. Alexander Hoppringill, in Toi'fonfe ; John, James, George, and Adam, his fons ; James, his fifter-fou ; George Chefliolme of that Ilk, and eight others of no note, found caution to appear on 13th. Justice Clerk, Wit 56, it is underfland to »ii/ Lord of Aiigufe and to the Lard of Farnyher/i, Mark Ker, and ])e laif^ of ]>e fieiidis' of Jie Lard of Cesfurd,'' that Jiir perfonis vndirwrittin, delatit of art and parte of fe Slaucliter of the Lard of Cesfurd, ar innocent fairof, and wer uoclit at fe committing of Jie farayn : That is to fay, William Sklater, Dutho Paterfone, William Peblis, Thomas Peblis, Mongo Williamfone, Thomas Dickefono, Jolme Bard of Poflb, Alexander Bard, Thomas Bard, Niniane Bard, Alex'^ Horfbruck of jiat Ilk, Johne Gyffane of Cardrono, Thomas Myddilmefl of Gre- ' James Kirkaldy of the Grange, Francis Ramsay of Foxtoun, John Rankclour of that Ilk, and others, were on this Assise. ' The rest, or remainder. ' Blood relations. * Andrew Ker. 134 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1526. viftoune, William Tuedy, and James Cokburne. 3e fall ])airfore draw ]>e faidis perfouis and fair fourteis fmth of fe bukis of Adiornale, fat fai be nocht accufit nor trublit for Jie faid actioune. And alfe, fat ^e defeife' in fe Adiornale, William Peblis, vnlawit fis lafl Monunday fornonentie of Mongo Williamfone before fe Juflice, becaufe fe faid Mongo enterit fis Teuifday before fe Jullice, in fe Tolbuth of Edinburgh, and hes fundin new fouerte for bis entre agane fe thrid day of fe nixt Juflice. air of Peblis, or vpone xv dayis warning. 3e kepand pis WaiTant, fubfcriuit with ray hand, At Edinburgh, ]>c xiiij day of Augnfl, the 3ere of God I^.V^ tuenty and fex 5eris. Wk The^.^ Aug. 17. — Robert Kilgour, Convicted of art and part of the fore- thought felonj% committed when vmq"' Sir John Kilgour, his brother, and he cruelly flew John Giblbne and Thomas Wilfoue, his fervant, Aug. 12, 1526. — Aug. 23. He was ordained by the Earl of Angus, Lieutenant of the Eaft and South Marches, to be beheaded.^ ^i(j!j CiT ason — 3lti)i)ins inar afladtst tijt Mixq^q Eieiitenants, Oct. 24. — Andrew Crechtoune of Craufurdtovm, John Crechtoune of Kirkpatrick, and forty-fix others, were denounced Rebels, and put to the horn, for not appearing to underly the law for Convocatioun of the lieges in great numbers, armed in warlike manner, &c., and coming upon Archibald Earl of Angus, and James Earl of Arran, his Majefty's Lieutenants, near the Church of Linlithgow, being there for the time in the King's fervice, and exercifing his authority ; and treafonably invading them and other faithful lieges for their flaughter and deflruction. 'es* JiH^i) Cftason — 3HibatJiiifl: tift (irarl o( SKrian, ^c, Dec. 19. — John Lord Lindesay of Byris. — Sir William Scot of Balwery, kn', became cautioner for the entry of Lord Lindefay of Byris, on the third day of the Juftice-air of Fife, or ellewhere, on xv days warning, for art and part of Convocation of the lieges at the Burgh of Stirling, on the 1ft, 2d, and 3d days of September laft : And for art and part of holding private Councils at the faid burgh, on the faid days : And for art and part of the forethought felony and invafion made at Linlithgow, on the faid 3d September, upon James Earl of Arran and his part-takers, there aflembled for the prefervation and defence of the King's perfon. 9[t)itiing from tlje lUiii {o( Eilitiistlale) aflainst t!)e UovXitv Cljirbrs. [Without at all entering into the cause or consequences of the Raid here referred to, which the Editor considers quite unnecessary in this place, the facts being so well known,^ he has thought that ' Discharge. ' Wiirielmus Tliesaurarius, viz. Sir William Siott (if Bahverie, Justice Depute ami Treasurer. ' On the margin ' Decoli.atur,' which proves that the sentence was can ieil into execution. ' See the forth- coming Volume of IMr Tytler's History. 14JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 135 the following curious extract from Anderson's MS. History of Scotland' will be as interesting to the reader as it is highly illustrative of the manners and spirit of these troublesome times. It seems a pretty close version of Buchanans account of the same event, but the quaintness of the Scottish style adds much to its point. ' Thair chancit, in the beginning of this Raid,' ane thing worthie of raemorie, quhilk, for the noveltie of the fact, I wald not pretermit. Thair was ane man of law ^ birth in Jolmne Stewartis * ftabill and in alfe law office, ane horlTieiper. This man, eftir the Slauchter of his mailter, wandering about and wift not quhat to do, in end, with conftant mynd, interpryfit ane heicher attempt than accordit aither for his ftait or birth : For, pafTing to Edinburcht to the deftinat reveng' of his maifteris death, in the way he chanced to meit with a man of lyk fortoun to himfelf, anil ane of the fervandis of the fame Hous, and inquyrit of him, " Gif he fawe James Hararailtoune the Baflard ^ in the towne ?" Quho confelfing lie faw hirae — " Sawe thow him (faid he) moil wnthankful cretour — and wald not flay that moift wicked man, quho flew our guid maifler I Away I To the gallous with the I " — This mekill fpokin, pafling furth the way, he was bent to com directlie to Court. ' Thair was in the wtter clois" of the Palace to the number of two thowfand men in amies, of Douglass and Hammiltounes dependeris, bound to the Raid quhairof we fpak. This revenger of his maifteris Slauchter keipit ftilP his eye and mynd upone Hammiltoun, regarding no more elfe; quho haveing ane cloick about him, vnarmed, pafling furth of the clois, com wnder the long volt^ of the entres ;'" the revainger, awaiting him in the obfcure and narrow throit quhair the 3etis" ar hung, flew wpone him, and gawe him fax woundis (quhairof funi pearfid almoft to his vitall pairtis ; wtheris James efchewed, be bowing^- his bodie and obiect '^ of his cloick), and incontinent lap " in amangis the reft of the throng. ' Grit fture arrayfe'^ incontinent, for fum Hamiltounes fufpectit that this crnell turnes was done be THE Douglassis, quho as 5it had not forjet"' the auld malice ; fo that the twa factiounes had almoft fallin to it be the earis. In the end, the fture fumquhat fettiled. All men within the clois (were) coramandit to ftand by wtheris fydis'' about the wallis of the clois. The ftryker was fund, and the bkulie knyft' ftill in his hand. Inquyrit, " Quhairfra he com, and quhat was his buflines thair?" Quhill as his anfueris war flowand, he was caryid to priflbune, quhair the tortur (was) prefented vnto him. He confeftl^d, incontinent, that he had done the deid to reveng his maifteris Slauchter, lamenting onlie that fo honeft attempt had turned to nathing. Being verrie feueirlie tormentid, he wald not confes that ony man was in Confpiracie with him. In end, he was condamed, caryid about the Towne naikid, and brodit'^ with hot irnes in all pairtis of his bodie. He nevir, in word nor countenance, gave ane doUorous figne. Quhat tyme his right hand was cut aff, he faid, " It was moir lichtlie punifchit than it defervid, ftbr that it had not obayit ane ftout ftomack ! " ' This circumstance was too remarkable to escape the attention of Leslie, who briefly says, — ' Ane great conuentione of the Lordis being in Halyrudhous with the King, the xvij of Junij, thair com ane lempill" lyk man, being fume tyme feruand to the Erle of Leksox; and in the mids ane great confluence in the Abbay clofe, furiouflie and difperatlie ftmk Sir James Hammiltoln, knycht, with ane quhing5ear in the Wambe,'" thre findry ftraiks, to the heft ;^' albeit^^ that the faid Sir James deit nocht of thay ftraikis. The man beand fuddantlie takin, confeflit the deid, without ony repentaunce, crying, " Fye on the feibill hand quhilk wald not do that thing the hart thocht, and wes ' Advocates' Library, Jac. V, 2.2. fol. 282, h. ' The Raid of Lidhisdaili against the Thieves, where the Earl of Angus ' hangit 12 of tharae that war taltin, and keipit also mony for pledgis; quhome also, for that thair freindis wald not .-ibstene from Roberie, within fewe monethis eftir, he Execut.' ' Mean; low. * John Earl of Lennox, slain at the Field of Linlithgow. ^ Revenging. '^ Sir James Hamilton, natural son of the Earl of Arran. ' Outer close, or inclosure. ® Ever; constantly, * Vault ; archway. '*' Entrance. " Gates. "Bending; inclining. "Interposition. "Leapt. '^ Literally, a gi'eat rf«s< arose. " Forgotten. " To stand side by side ; in single file. " Pricked ; thrust at. " One of low or obscure birth ; a plebeian. '"Belly. " Hilt ; handle. '* Although; nevertheless. 136 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1527, determinatt to do 1" And being inquyrit " Quhat he wes, and quha had caufit him to do the fame ?" Anfuerit, " he wes ane fervand of God, fend be him to do that deid." And albeit he wes put to grite paynes, dailie, be the fpace of ane moneth thaireftir, wald nevir gif ane uther anfuer. Thairfoir he wes hangit, and his heid fixeit upoun the Port of Edinbwgh.''] Jul. 29, 1527. — Richard Loud Innermeithe and James Lord Ogiluy amerciated for not ajipearingto underly the law for remaining from the laft Raid made by the King upon the (Border) Thieves.'^ New Letters were ordained to be ifTued for their appearance ; and, in cafe of failure, that their whole moveables be efcheated, &c. ^fiiUing from tijt }iovtitv l\ni^, Jul. 29. — John Lord Gi.aimmys amerciated for the fame crime, and for Refetting Gawyn Lyoun and others his accomplices, Rebels. J'laiifl|)tn- of t\)t €avl of Cassillis. Oct. 5, {die Sahhali.) — HuGH Campbell of Lowdoune, Sheriff of Air. James Earl of Arran was amerciated 100 1. for not entering the Sheriff of Air to underly the law for the cruel Slaughter of Gilbert Earl of Caflillis. Campbell M'as denounced Rebel, and all his moveables ordained to be efcheated. — George Craufurd of Lefnorijs, and William his brother, John Campbell of Cefnok, Bar- tholomew Craufurd of Kerfe, David and Duncan his brothers, John Craufurd of Drongane, John and ^Villiam his fons, with a great number of others, found caution to underly the law for this crime, on the third day of the next Juftice- aire at Air.'' — Dame Issabella Wallace, Lady Lowdoune, alio accufed for the fame crime, was proved to be fick by Sir William Bankhede, her Curate, and two witneires. anibaUi'iTcj; tfjr <#f)trt(f of dTifr In a frnrrU Court. Oct. 8. — George Ramsay of Clatty, John Betoune of Balfour, James Betoune of Melgum, Johne Grahame of Claverhoule, and others, found caution to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Fife, for Convocation of the lieges to the number of 80 perfons, and in warlike manner invading John Lord Lindesay, Sheriff of Fife, in the execution of his office, in a fenced Court within the Tol- booth of Cowper, the doors being lliut, and the Aflife inclofed ; and for break- ing up the faid doors. David Abbot of Abberbrothock obliged himfelf to I'elieve John Wardlaw of Torry of liis cautionry. — Mu George Betoune, Rector ' Ban. Club Edit. ; 18.30 ; p. 139. ^ .Many otiiers of less note were cited for this offence, until the year 1.528. It is unnecessary, however, to nndtiply farther instances of the like entries, excepting wliere tlie rank of the parties renders them interesting. -* Numerous entries occur of persons cited for this crime ; and, failing to appear, they were all denounced rebels, &c. 15JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 137 of Glafgow, dilated of the fame crime, was replegiated by the Commiuary of the Archbifliop of Glafgow. — David Fkthy of Incheok, David Cokburne of Tret- toime, and John Betoune of Balijs-craggis amerciated for non-appearance, and ordained to be fummoned of new, &c. Oct. 14. — JoHNE JoHNESTOUN of that Ilk, John, Andrew, and Rolland Bell, William and Mathew Johneftoune, found caution to appear before the Jufticiar, to iinderly the law for the cruel Slaughter and Murder of Symon Armeftrang. James Douglas of Drumlangrig became cautioner. — Sep. 23. Fail- ing to appear, they were all denounced Rebels, &c. Sntcrrommuiiins toitf) tijt ^i)rnff of ^h\ Nov. 23.— William Cunynghame of Glengarnok, Mungo Mure of Rowallane, John Hammyltone of Colmyfkeithe, James Wallace of Carnale, Adam Wallace of Newtoune, John Foulartoune of Corfbie, and others, were amerciated for not appearing to underly the law for Intercommuning, affifting, refetting, and fupplying Hugh Campbell of Lowdoune, Sheriff of Air and his accomplices. Rebels, and at the horn, &c. Their moveables were ordained to be efcheated, &c. anUrrrommiuiing iuitl) ti)C ^fjcrtff of ^tr, William Cunynghame, Master of Glencairn, John C. of Caprin- toune, David C. of Bertaneholme, Robert C. of Aket, William Wallace, Tutor of Cragy, George Roffe of Hanyng, John Lokert of Bar, John Craufurd of Dron- gane, George Rede in Dandelly, and Quintin Schaw, Tutor of Keris, found cau- tion to appear before the Jufticiar on Dec. 4, for Intercommuning, &c. with the Sheriff of Air. . 3>mj)ortinti; anti WUttvins dfoi'seti Mont}}. Mar. 14, 1527-8. — George Caball, Convicted by an Affife of treafon- ably importing ffalfe and fforged pennies into the kingdom from Flanders and other places ; and of ufmg them in his merchandize and otherwife. — Sentence. To be drawn to the gallows and Hanged until dead, and his head to be placed on an iron pike, and fixed on the eaft gable of the Tolbooth of Dundee. His body to be quartered, and each quarter to be fufpended by an iron chain, and affixed upon each of the principal ports of that burgh, thereon to remain as a perpetual example to others. All his goods, moveable and immoveable, were ordained to be efcheated. VOL. I. t S 138 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1528. Jul. 28, {Ajmd Striuelii/g.) — Alexander Kennedy of Bargany, and Hugh his Ton, John Mure of Auchindrane/ and James his brother, Gilbert Kennedy of Kirkniichall, James K. of Blarequhane, Sir David Blacater, Curate of Girvane, Thomas Corry of Keldwod, Thomas K. of Coiff, Alexander K., bro- ther of James of Knokdone, Alex. K. of Glentig, William Abbot of Corfragwell, Gilbert K. of Barmaclannochane, Mr Walter K., James K., fon and heir-api^arent of Patrick of Drumnellane, John K., fon and heir-apparent of Gilbert of Kirk- mechell, Thomas K., fon of Alex, of Bargany, Hugh K., fon of Thomas of Dun- neyne, David K., brother of the Laird of Kirkmechell, Alex. K. of 5et, Thomas K. of Dunneyne, John K. of Bennane, Mungo Eklis of that Ilk, Patrick K. of Drumnellane, &c.' (in all leventy-five perfons,) dilated for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of vmq'" Robert Campbell in Lochfergufs, Alexander Kirkwod, and Patrick Wilfone. Mr Walter Kennedy, Rector of Douglas, David his brother, James K., Thomas Bofwell, Sir George Davidfone, John K., William Wricht and Duncan Makrinnyll, Chaplains, and George Berclay, Parifli-clerk of . . . ., were reple- giated by Sir Robert Wemys, Chajjlain and Commiffary of Gawin, Archbifliop of Glafgow, and found caution to underly the law for the above crime. John Kennedy of Bardrochat, Thomas Murdoch of that Ilk, James Ken- nedy, brother of the Rector of Douglafs, James Makrinnyll of Barneill, and feven others, found caution to underly the law for the fame crime, at the Juftice-aire of Air, &c.-' 3>nterrcimminniT(j 'oiiti) a UthtL Aug. 27- — JA]\rKs Lord Ogiluy, James Ogiluy of Cukiftoune. Dauid Gardin of Leys, and John Ogiluy of Innerquharite, amerciated for not appear- ing to underly the law for Refetting, fupplying, and intercommuning with Sir Alexander Spenfe, Monk of Cowper, his Majefty's Rebel. iDi'orlamation to pass to tfjr Uaiti of Crmptallounf, ^r. Procla:matiox,'' made of the Market- Crojs of Edinburgh, Sep. 10, 1528. — We do 3o\v to wit, J)at fForfamekill as ane grete pairt of our ibuerane lordis liegis wer comm audit be his Letteris to cum to his hienes, to Striue- LING, to have convoyit his grace to Edinburghe, and jjairefter to haif remanit ' Ancestor of the notorious Aucliindrane, who has been ' doomed to everlasting fame' by Sir Waller Smtf. in liis Ayrshire Tragedy. ^ The otliers are individuals of less note. ^ Other persons are cited for this Slaughter at subsequent diets of Court, and denounced rebels, he. * It is certified in the Record, tiiat this Proclamation was publicly made at the market-cross of Edinburgli, Sep. 10, 1528. 16JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 139 for Jje fpace of xx dais, oi* to haue pall quhare his grace and Lordis of his Coun- fale plefit. And now his grace, with avife of his faidis Lordis, has tane pur- pofe to remove towart Temptalloune, or v}jeris places thocht to him expedient : Quharefor I command and charge in our fouerane lordis name all and findry his liegis, quhilkis wer chargit be his Letteris be oppin proclamatioune of before, pat })ai addrefs and mak ])aim reddy, bodin in })air beft wife, and be in Ipis tovne of ])is nixt Thurifday, at evyne, pe xj day of September inftant, to pafs on Fri- day pe xij day of pe faid moneth with ]5E KiNGis grace and Lordis of his Coun- fale, quhare ])ai fal think expedient, vnder the panys contenit in his firll Procla- matioune foriaid ; and nochtwithflanding ony Letteris of Licence gevin in pe contrare ; certifying ])aim ])at lies gottin ony lie Letteris of Licence J)at nane of ])aim falbe admittit, bot }iair efchete falbe difponit vpone. And J)at pe Tovne of Edinburghe and Leithe furnife cariage with vittallis to pafs with f)E KiKGis grace and his Armye, for furniffing of pe famyn as efferis ; and })ai fall haue thankfull payment Jiairfor. aissisting ii)t (!?avl of ^itcjtis in vafsing; ^itQt oi ^rUoarfe. Sep. 26, (die Sahhati.) — George Nesbet of Dal5ell,' George Craw of Reftoune, James Ramfay in Fouldene, and William Redepethe, junior, were amerciated for not appearing to underly the law, for their riding with their friends, tenants, and fervants, and fortifying and affifting Archibald, formerly Earl of Angus and his accomplices, for railing the fiege of the Caflle of New- Werk ; and for art and part with him thei'ein, contrary to the King's Procla- mations, &c. antfrroimmmintr ixiiti) lUftels — 33urinns Castle of 2$roatfiri\, ^f. Fergus M'Do-well of Frewche, Thomas M'D. of Mondork, and Thomas Makcavat, found caution to underly the law at the next Jullice-aire of Wigtoune, for Refetting, fupplying, and intercommuning with Archibald and Robert Stewart, fons of the Sheriff of Bute, Rebels, and at the horn for the Slaughter of George Tayt ; and for the Burning and dellruction of the Callle and Place of Braidwik, in Arran, belonging to the Earl of Arran. — In a War- rant from the King which follows, dated Sep. 25, the Juftice is directed to take caution of thefe perfons, ' becaufe of our Generale Raid now deuifit to be vpone pe XX day of October nixt to cum, for recouering of ])e faid Caftell of Temptalloune.' Oppression — Cliasins Seer — iWutilation, ^c. Oct. 21. — George Ker of Lyntoune, Mr Thomas Ker of Sounderland- ' He was denounced rebel on Sep. 28. 138 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1528. Jul. 28, {Apud StriueUug.) — Alexander Kennedy of Bargany, and Hugh his Ton, John Mure of Auchindrane,' and James his brother, Gilbert Kennedy of Kirkniichall, James K. of Blarequhane, Sir David Blacater, Curate of Girvane, Thomas Corry of Keldwod, Thomas K. of Coiff, Alexander K., bro- ther of James of Knokdone, Alex. K. of Glentig, William Abbot of Corfragwell, Gilbert K. of Barmaclannochane, Mr Walter K., James K., fon and heir-apparent of Patrick of Drumnellane, John K., fon and heir-apparent of Gilbert of Kirk- mechell, Thomas K.. fon of Alex, of Bargany, Hugh K., fon of Thomas of Dun- neyne, David K., brother of the Laird of Kirkmechell, Alex. K. of 5et, Thomas K. of Dunneyne, John K. of Bennane, Mungo Eklis of that Ilk, Patrick K. of Di'umnellane, &c." (in all feventy-five perfons,) dilated for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of vmq'^ Robert Campbell in Lochfergufs, Alexander Kirkwod, and Patrick ^Vilfone. Mr Walter Kennedy, Rector of Douglas, David his brother, James K., Thomas Bofwell, Sir George Davidlbne, Jolin K., William Wricht and Duncan Makrinnyll, Chaplains, and George Berclay, Parifli-clerk of . . . ., were reple- giated by Sir Robert Wemys, Chaplain and Commiirary of Gawin, Archbifliop of Glafgow, and found caution to underly the law for the above crime. John Kennedy of Bardrochat, Thomas Murdoch of that Ilk, James Ken- nedy, brother of the Rector of Douglafs, James ]Maki-innyll of Barneill, and feven others, found caution to underly the law for the fame crime, at the Juftice-aire of Air, &c.' Aug. 27. — James Lord Ogiluy, James Ogiluy of Cukiftoune, Dauid Gardin of Leys, and John Ogiluy of Innerqidiarite, amerciated fur not appear- ing to underly the law for Refettiug, fupplyiug, and intercommuning with Sir Alexander Spenfe, Monk of Covvper, his Majefty's Rebel. itJrorlamation to pass to tijf Haiti of Ctnijitallouiif, ^r. Proci,amation,^ mtide at the jMarkef-CrqJs of Edinhnrgh, Sej). 10, 1528. — We do 30W to wit, J)at fforfamekill as ane grete pairt of our Ibuerane lordis liegis wer commandit be his Letteris to ciun to his hieiies, to Striue- LING, to have convoyit his grace to Edinburghe, and ])aireftcr to half remanit ' Ancestor of the notorious Aucliindrane, who has been ' doomed to everlasting fame' by Sir Walter Scott, in his Ayrsliire Tragedy. • The others are individuals of less note. ' Other persons are cited for tiiis Slaugliter at subsequent diets of Court, and denounced rebels, ^c. ■* It is certified in the Record, that this Proclamation was publicly made at the market-cross of Edinburgh, Sep. 10, 1528. 16JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 139 for J)e fpace of xx dais, or to haue paft quhare his grace and Lordis of his Coun- fale plefit. And now his grace, with avife of his faidis Lordis, has tane pur- pofe to remove towart Temptalloiine, or vjjeris places thocht to him expedient : Quharefor I command and charge in our fouerane lordis name all and findry his liegis, quhilkis wer chargit be his Letteris be oppin proclamatioune of before, J)at ])ai addrefs and mak ])aim reddy, bodin in ftair beft wife, and be in ]>\s tovne of Tpis nixt Thurifday, at evyne, pe xj day of September inflant, to pafs on Fri- day f»e xij day of J^e faid moneth with f»E KiNGis grace and Lordis of his Coun- fale, quhare Jjai fal think expedient, vnder the panys contenit in his firft Procla- matioune forfaid ; and nochtwithftanding ony Letteris of Licence gevin in pe contrare ; certifying ))aiin J)at lies gottin ony fie Letteris of Licence jjat nane of ])aim falbe admittit, bot J^air efchete falbe difponit vpone. And ])at pe Tovne of Edinburghe and Leithe furnife cariage with vittallis to pafs with Jje Kingis grace and his Armye, for furniffing of pe famyn as efferis ; and pai fall haue thankful! payment Jjairfor. ^ssistino: Hjt (!?arl o( ^nrjus in ratsiitg ^itQt of j^rUjarfu Sep. 26, {(lie Sahhati.) — George Nesbet of Dal5ell,' George Craw of Reftoune, James Ramlay in Fouldene, and William Redepethe, junior, were amerciated for not appearing to underly the law, for their riding with their friends, tenants, and fervants, and fortifying and affifting Archibald, formerly Earl of Angus and his accomplices, for raifing the fiege of the Caflle of New- Werk ; and for art and part with him therein, contrary to the King's Procla- mations, &c. antcrrommuniuQ; bjiti) lUfiels — Jiuniuis Castle of BioatJidi, i^t, Fergus M'Dowell of Frewche, Thomas M'D. of Mondork, and Thomas Makcavat, found caution to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of W^igtoune, for Refetting, fupplying, and intercommuning with Archibald and Robert Stewart, fons of the Sheriff of Bute, Rebels, and at the horn for the Slaughter of George Tayt ; and for the Burning and deftruction of the Caflle and Place of Braidwik, in Arran, belonging to the Earl of Arran. — In a War- rant from the King which follows, dated Sep. 25, the Juftice is dii-ected to take caution of thefe perfons, ' becaufe of our Generale Raid now deuifit to be vpone pe XX day of October nixt to cum, for recouering of pe faid Caftell of Temptalloune.' Oppression — Ci)astns £)ecr — iHutilation, ^e. Oct. 21. — George Ker of Lyiatoune, Mr Thomas Ker of Sounderland- ' He was denounced rebel on Sep. 28. 140* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1528-9. hall, James Ker in Farnylee, and nine others, were amerciated for not appearing to underly the law for art and part of the Oppreffion done to William Cokburne of Ormiftoiine, coming to his Park of Ormiiloune nnder lilence of night, armed with lances and other invafive weapons, breaking up the gates thereof, and with bows and dogs chafing and wounding ' his parkit deir :' And alio, for invading and wounding his fervants the keepers of the laid Park : And for the mutilation of one of his fervants, called Thomas Anderfon. — New Letters were ordained to be iffued for their appearance, under the pain of rebellion, &c. Caution for ^arUi.ms of tijt latr iJ?arI of ^nsus, Nov. 20. — ' George Hume of Spot comperit in prefens of \>e Lordis of our fouerane lordis Secrete Counfale, and for pe frething^ and releving of David Rayntoune of Bylle out of Warde furth of ])e Castell of Edin- burgh, pe faid George become fouirte for him, pat he fal in al tyme cuming lelely2 and trewly ferue our fouerane lord, and pe lord Hume, vndir pe pane of twa thowfand merkis.' (Nov. 22.) — ' In prefens of pe Lordis of Counfale, comperit Nicholace Ramfay of Dalhoufly, and James Towris of Innerleyth, kny', and become cau- tioners and fuerteis, coniunctlie and feueralie, for Pathik Hume, brofter germane to Alexander Hume Tutour of Wedderburne, that fforfamekill as pe faidis lordis has chayngit pe faid Patrikis Ward furth of pe Caftell of Edinburghe, to pe Tovne of pe famyn ; tharefor, J)at pe faid Patrik fall remane in Warde within pe faid Tovne of Edinburghe, and nocht remove Jjairfra, nor affift to Archibald Douglafe, fumtyme Erll of Angufe, nor his part-takaris, nor wi-ite nor fend to pame na maner of way ; and fall keip the faid Waixle quhill he be fi'ed be }ie Kingis grace and Lordis of his Counfale, vnder pe pane of ij" merkis. And fie faid Patrik fall anfuer for na manis dedis hot his avne dedis. 9(6iKinir tvoxn tTje l^ost at Crmptallouiir, kt, Dec. 16. — John Sitlingtoun of Stanehoufe, John Wilfone of Cruglin, Alexander IVrquuchin de Dalquhit, John Ferguflbne of Cragdareauche, and fixty feven others,^ denounced Rebels and put to the horn, for their abiding from the King's hod and army at Temptalloune. — A number were purfued at this period, for abiding from this army of ' Dowglas and Teujptalloune,' and the pi-evious ai'my at Stirling. Sntrrfommunincr 'miti) lUbds in Carrirlt, aiutr, aiiti arraiu Jan. 15, 1528-9. — John Neiesone of Cragcaffy, and Michael and John ' Freeing ; absolvinpf. « Loyally. ' Tliey were all Galloway and Wigton Lairds — amoiif^ tliem tlie Lairds of Balmagie, Garli(!s, Larg, Barclay. Creadiane, Torhouse, Andrew Agnevv the Siieriff of Wigton, &c. I6JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 141 Neilfone his coufins, were denounced Rebels and put to the horn, &c. for not underlying the law for Refetting, Supplying, and Intercommuning with his Majefty's Rebels, in Carrick, Bute, and Arran : And for Oppreffion done to the Laird of Mochrum, coming to his dwelling place of Mochrum, and breaking up the doors and windows, &c. Cmtbocatiou cttbt lirsrs — e Refe and Herfchip 16JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 143 of certane horffis and gudis at Peblis and in Tueddale, laitlie, and vpoun pe Capitane of Edinburghe, at pe Catflak, in pe Foreft of Ettrik, before our fouerane lordis Juftice in pe Tolbuthe of Edinburghe, vpoun pe ferd day of Auguft, for pe faidis Letteris : Or ellis, to put jjaini out of ]je Marc he, and bald J)aim furth of pe famine ; — and in f)at cace fal reftore pe gudis takin be Jjame or ony vjjeris complen5eand vpone ony perfonis duelland within pe boundis of his Wardanery, according to his Band, and fene pe date Jjairof : Prouiding alwais, ])at Jje perfonis pat enteris falbe accufit for na thingis before pe day of pe date of his Band, and acceptatioun paii'of ' ^toutfjitif — ^ppirsstoit — ^|)rrp-straliit0. Aug 5. — Jajies Guthry, Captain of the Caftle of Crechtoune, amer- ciated for not underlying the law for art and ])art of the Stouthreif and Oppref- lion done to William Borthwick of Crukftoune, in ' reiving' from his fervant and fliepherd of 100 flaeep, being at the grazings upon the lands belonging to John Lord Hay of Yefter. New term affigned, under the pain of rebellion, &c. — Andrew Purves and ten others found lecurity to apjiear at the Juflice-aire of Edinburgh, to anfwer for the fame crime. Cnnijofation — ©rnUIi,) df etiU fittiMttn tfje ItaiiUs o( (irtrmoiistoutt anH fiilitui) - iHariscj^alL Aug. 30. — Patkik Cockburne of Newbigging, James Cockburne of Langtoun, Gilbert Wauchope of Nudry Marfchall, and Gilbert his fon, John Pennycuke of that Ilk, John Lile of Stanypethe, Andrew Heriot of Trabrovne, Mr George Hay of Myn5eane, Patrick Sydeferf of that Ilk, the young Laird of Skowgall, and James Stewart of Cragyhall, Convicted by an Affife of art and part of Convocation of the lieges upon John Edmonftoune of that Ilk. George Loud Hume amerciated for not entering John Hume and ninety- eight others (chiefly Trotters, Brounfields, and Dickfons,) by virtue of the Bond for good rule of his country, to underly the law for art and part of Convocation of the lieges upon Gilbert Wauchope of Nudry Marfchell, in company with John Edmonftoun of that Ilk. Robert Lawder, the young Laird of Bafs, William Dewar of that Ilk, Thomas Vernour of Auchindinny, and Thomas his fon, Cokburne of Newhallj and fourteen others, were amerciated for not appearing to underly the Law for Convocation of the lieges coming with the Laird of Nudry againll the Laird of Edmonftoune. Eifievatins a Ci)ief — Cafeiitfj; iTijtft ijute. Sep. 30. — David Pollok of that Ilk found Robert Lord Maxwell as 144 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1530. Cautioner for his entry at the Juftice-aire of Renfrew, to iinderly the law for fetting to liberty a Thief called Stohhill out of his prifon, after having taken Thift-hute from him. ^ssuvnitfe irtijortu i\)t Eairtrs of Stinijas antj ^«lJrs=iHariSf]^an» Apr. 4, 1530. — ' James Dundass of J)at Ilk, in prefens of jje faid Juftice, for him, his kynne, freyndis, feruandis, adherentis and pairt takaris, and al ]>ai he niycht let,' AfTouerit " Gilbert Wauchope of Nudry Marfchell, Thomas Wauchope and Jjair kynne, freyndis, tenentis, feruandis, adherentis, and pairt takaris, vnto ]5e ix day of Maij nixt to cum ; and held up his hand hereto,^ and band (and) oblift him to oblerue and keip ])e faid Affouerance, vnder ])e pane of Pli. And hereupouu Jje faid Lard of Nudry afkit aue act.' Stssisting: ^TTjitbrs antj lUfids. May 15. — David Turxbull of Wauchope, Walter Turnbull of Howay, John Lile of Stanypathe, Philip Nefbet of that Ilk, Patrick Lumnifdene of Blenerne, John Edingtoune of that Ilk, and Robert Haig of Bemerfyde, denounced Rebels, and put to the horn for not entering to underly the law, for afTiftance given and affoi'ded to Thieves and Malefactors in violation of their Bonds. ^lauaUtcr of %oxti S^tmiw^* Sir Walter Scott of Branxholm, kn', come in the King's will (for the Slaughter of John Lord Fleming.)' — (May 17) He was amerciated for not entering John Vache of Kingiyde, David Newtoune of Machelhill, and four others, for the fame crime, who were all denounced Rebels, &c. HtJifii) Creason — ajviittiiittr in e\\Q[\%\)\\\t\\ — Cljtft, ^r. [A STRIKING feature of this period of liistory, was tiie disjointed state of civil society. On the Borders, especially, the most lawless excesses were committed, almost with impunity; and at length matters had come to sucli a pitch, that the King found it necessary to levy an army, and to march along with them in person to these districts. It may he remarked, that the robberies and ' herefchips' daily committed, were not confined to outlaws and desperadoes, or ' broken men,' as they were termed, belonging to no Clan, but persons of good family joined in the general foray, and among others, the Lairds of Hexderlaxd and Tuschelaw ^ distinguished themselves by the most reckless and daring Treasons and Kobberies. It is unnecessary to enlarge on this subject, which is notorious, and has long been matter of history. According to the Editor's usual plan, however, such contemporary notices as can now be gleaned, shall, without farther remark, be laid before the reader ; as the adoption of this method, in his opinion, affords the most vivid picture of the transactions recorded. In Anderjbn's MS. History,'' it is merely remarked, that ' The refl of the 3eir was moir peciabill, hot the bauldues of Tiieivis was never a ' Hinder. ' Gave assurance to. ' Snore, or gave his solemn oath. ' See Apr. 7, loiiD, &c. ' .See Way 18, 1529. " -Advocates' Library; chiefly' compiled tVoni liucliarjan, &c. 17JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 145 quliit repreffed. Qubairfor the King caufid hang, ]>e 18 of May, Williame Cokhurne of Hinderland, and Adame Scott of Tufcfiilaiv, Theivis apprehendit, in Ed', to terrifie wtheris.' But the Original of Bishop Lesley's^ History is rather more explicit. ' In the famyn moneth of May, the xvj day, thair wes ane greit conventioun of the Lordis with tpie King, in Edinburgh ; and the King himfelf prefentlie fittand in judgement. T/ie Laird of Hinderland, callit Cokburn, and Adame Scot of Tufchelaw, quha wes callit King of Theivis, was accufet of Thift, refett and niaineteyning of Tlievis, llauchter, and uther cryraes, and convict thairfor and lieidit ; and tlieir heidis fixit upoun the Tolbuith of Ediuburg.' " Without citing fartlier extracts, in this place, reference may be made to the Notice prefixed to the following article, where some interesting particulars are preserved in connexion with the fame fubject.] ]May 16. — William Cokburne of Henderland, Convicted (in prefence of THE King) of High Treafon committed by him, in bringing Alexander Foreftare and his Ton, Englillimeu, to the phmdering of Archibald Someruile : And for treafonably bringing certain Englillimen to the Lands of Glenquhome : And for common Theft, common Refet of Theft, outputting and inputting thereof — Sentence. For which caufes and crimes he has fforfeited his life, lands, and goods, moveable and immoveable ; vi'hich fliall be efcheated to the King. — Beheaded. The following Original Warrant was found among the loose papers belonging to the Court, and is given here, as throwing farther light on the sequel to these extraordinary transactions. GUBERN.\T0R, Justice Clerk, We grete 50W weill. Forfamekill as Williame Cokhurne, fone and heir of vmq'<= Williame Cokhurne of Hinderland, hes raenit^ him to ws, ])at he is havelie hurt throu J)e haifty jufty- feing"" of his faid fader, and iForfalting of him pairthrow : And Jiairfore defyres to have Jte autentik copy of ]JE Dome and Sentence gevin aganis his faid fader, and of all actis and proteftatiounis takin be him at fat tyme ; fa yiat he may prouide for fum remeid ]iairin. Quharfore, je fall geif to him, vpoun his expenffis, ]ie autentik copy of ]ie Dome, Sentence, and procefs led and gevin aganis his faid fader in maner foirfaid, to pe effect abone writtin. As 56 will anfuere to ws ))airupoune, kepand fis Precept for 50ure Warrant. Subscriuit with oure hand, At Edinburgh, )ie xxij day of Januar, the 5eire of God I^V^xlij jeris. James G".^ t Mail 18. — Adam Scot of Tufchelaw, Convicted of art and part of theftuoufly taking Blacli-malll, from the time of his entry within the Caftle of Edinburgh, in Ward, from John Brovne in Hoprow : And of art and part of theftuoully taking Black-ttKaU from Andrew Thorbrand and William his brother : And for art and part of theftuoufly taking of Bhic/c-maill from the poor Tenants of Hopcail5ow : And of art and part of theftuoufly taking Bladi-maill from the Tenants of Elchefcheill. — Beheaded. ' Quarto, Printed for Bannatyne Club, 1830, p. 141. = Sir James Balfour also notices the circumstance, but as is often the case in his Annals, gives a wrong date, viz. Jul. 27, and Caldencood's MS. Church History makes the same mistake. ^ Complained. * Execution; putting to death. ' James, Governor of Scotland, viz. James Earl of Arran, Lord Hamilton, Regent. VOL. I. 4- T 146 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1530. iJoiiJrr aiavons — ilrglrrt to fulfil tl)ctr BonlJs, ^f. [It is necessary for tlie right understanding of many of the proceedings which follow, that the reader should bear in mind the public events which gave rise to so remarkable a step as the levy of a large Army, under the command of the King in person, for the sole purpose, apparently, of suppress- ing a handful of Border Thieves. In the preceding Trials, however, it has been seen that the state of the Borders of Scotland was so lawless, and the Chiefs so refractory and turbulent, that nothing short of the strongest coercive measures was likely to be of the least service towards restoring a better state of society among the Borderers. The open Treason and revolt of the Earl of Angus, and the constant jarring and jealousies among the Barons, rendered the appointment of a Lieutenant inexpedient. It was therefore deemed necessary, for establishing tranquillity, that the King in person, accompanied by a very strong force, should suddeidy march towards the Borders, and quell, by the strong arm of the law, all those who had not willingly come forward and given their Bond, with sureties under heavy penalties, to ' keip gud re>de within their refpectiue boundis.' The particulars now drawn from the Records of the Supreme Criminal Court are of considerable historical importance, and to the genealogist as well as the historian, must aflbrd valuable information. Eisliop Lesley^ gives this brief but striking narrative. After detailing the execution of the Lairds of Henderland s.w\ Tuschelmu, he proceeds: ' The fame day the Erle Boithuell wes convict for manteyning of thame, and for certain uther crymes ; and thairfoir wes in the Kingis will : For the quhilkis, the King caufit Ward him in the Caflell of Edinburgh. Thairefter he wes fend in Murray ; and lall, banieft Scotland ; fua that he travellit to Venice, quhair he remanit during the Kingis lyve tyme. Alfua, the Lord SlaxwcU, Lord Hwiiie, Larde Baldeuch, Farnyhirjt, PoUock,"^ Johnejtoun, Mark Ker, and uther principallis of the Bordouris, wes convict be AHyflis, and all put in Warde ; quhair throwcht the Bordouraris keipit better reule thairefter, fa lang (as) the King wes one life.' Sir James Balfour,^ after mentioning the proceedings against Earl Bothwell, says, ' this fame yeir, lykwayes, the King impriffons the Lords Maxfwoll and Home, with the Lairds of Buccleuch, Ferni- hur/t, Pollard* Johnjion, and Marke Ker, as Cheiffs of the Brokin men in the Borders ; and becaulle they had winked at their willanies, and giuen them way ; quheras they, by ther pouer and authoritey, might have rellrained them.' Anderjbn^ alfo remarks: ' The 17 day of the Callendis of May, eftir lang difputatioun in Counfall, continewit till nicht, the King Wardit the Earle Botkmll, Robert Maxiceil, Walter Scott, and Mark Ker, within the Caftell of Edinburglie, and all the honeft men*^ of Marche and Teviotdaill, heir and thair throw the countrey, ftbr that he beleivid that thay fecreitlie fould rayfe weir betuixt the realmes."' After having perufed the preceding brief remarks, the reader will be enabled more fully to appre- ciate the following valuable particulars communicated in the Record.] May 18. — The following perfons found furety to enter, when required, before the Juftice, to underly the law for all crimes to be imputed to them : And for which they fubmitted themfelves to the Kingis will : And alfo, for not doing their utmoft diligence to fulfil their Bonds, &c. ' Original History from which the Latin version was translated, printed for the Bamiatyne Club, 1830. '■' It is likely that this is a mistake for ' Polwort,' (Alexander Hume.) Sir James Bal- four states the name 'Pollard,' (Pollart.) ' Annales, I., 261. " Polwart. = iMS. Advocates" Library. '' Men of substance and consideration. ' Viz. of England and Scotland, their lawless procei'dings on the Borders, &c. There seems to have been good reason for apprehend- ing such a result ; wliich would assuredly have occurred but for the vigorous measures thus resorted to. 17Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 147 Barons and Lairds of Roxburghe. Rob' Scott, Tutor of Howpaflot, John Scott of Buitliaucb, George Rutlierfurde of Hundolee, Geo. Douglas of Bone-Jedworih, John Scott of Robertoun, Nicholas Rutherfurde, his fon, James Douglas of Cavers, Adam Kirktoun of Stewartfeild, Adam Greyraflavv of Newtoune, Andrew Ker of Gradane, George Ormiftoun of that Ilk, William TurnbuU of Mynto, Lancelot Ker of Gaitfchaw, John Cranltoun of that Ilk, Symon Scot of Fenyk, Walter Ker of Cesfurde, Philip Scot of Edlchaw, George Fawlo of Wallis, William Scot of Haffindeue, Robert Scot of AUanehalis, George Ker, Tutor of Cesfurde. Barons and Lairds of Berwickshire. VVal' Halyburtoune of Mertoune, Robert Franche of Thoniydykis, The Laird of Redepethe,' William Cokburne of that Ilk, NiuianThornfydeof Eaft Nefbet, Robert Lauder of that Ilk, Philip Nefbet of that Ilk, Sir N" Setoune of Tulibody, kn', John Swyntoune of that Ilk, 01iverEdgare,TutorofVVedderlie, Alexander Ellen of Butterdene, Jafper Cranftoune of Corfby. John Hume of Coklaneknowis came in the King's will, for intercomniuning with James Ker, rebel, and was Warded in the Caftle of Blaknefs. — Geouge Lord Hume was amerciated 500 merks for not entering George Hume ofAytoune. — Patrick Lumjiisdene of Blenerne came in will for intercomniuning with George and Archibald Douglas, Rebels, and was Warded in the Caftle of Black- nefs. — Alexander Hume of Polwort was Warded within the Caftle of Dum- bartane. — David Rayntoune of Bille was ^Varded within the Caftle of Dum- bartane. — George Lord Hume was Warded within the Caftle of Edinburgh. * WiLLiAME TuRNBULL of Mynto, in prelens of fie KiNGis Grace, and Lordis of his Counfale, promittit, and band and oblift him, efter Ipat Alexander Berthil- mow had gevin in his Supplicacioune, makand mentioun, })at Jjair wes certane horfe and v])eris gudis ftoUin fra him, vnder filence of nycht, be certane of pe TurnbuUis, duelland one pe Watter of Rowle, and in fpeciale, be ane callit TurnbuU of Catlie, for quham pe faid Lard of Mynto become plege and fouerte in pe laft Juftice-are of Jedburghe, for gude reule to be had be him in tyme cuming : Like as his Band in pe buke of Adjornale for pe faid . . . ., fchewin and producit Jjairvpoun proportis, J)at he ftild raak reftitucioune of Jje faidis guidis, or tak and bring him to oure fouerane lordis lawes ; and fail3eing Jjaii'of, to byrne his houfe, expell and hald him furth of pe cuntre.' May 19- — The following Barons and Lairds found caution to enter before the Juftice, on a warning of fifteen days, to underly the law for all crimes to be imputed againft them ; viz. Barons and Lairds of Peebles-shire. John Lord Hay of jefler,- John Tuedy of Druramelieare,' Mr John Hay of Smeithfeild, William Murray of Romaimofe, William Guvane of Cardrono, Patrick Portuus of Halkfchawis, William Stewart of Trakware, William \^ache of Dawik, Alexander Tayt of Pyrne. Tho. Myddilmaift of Greftoune, John Sandelandis of that Ilk. ' John Lile of Stanypethe also found security. ' Amount of caution, L. 1000. ^ Tiie remainder found caution to tlie extent of 500 merks each. These sums, it will afterwards be seen, were rigorouslv exacted from the defaulters. 148 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1530. Barons and Lairds of Selkirkshire. Rob. Turnbull, Tutourof Pliiliphauclie, Patrick Murray of Fawlohill, William Hunter of Polraude,' Andrew Baroune, John Vacbe, Robert Watfone. JNIay 20. — John Cunynhame of CaiM-intoune, Alex. C. of Luglane, Adam Stewart of Schawtoune, Adam C. of Clavanis, and fourteen others. — Their cautioners were amerciated for not producing them to underly the law, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of John Tod. — (May 21.) They were denounced rebels, along with David Bolwell of Auchinleek, for this crime. — (May 23.) Hugh Campbell of Lowdoune became furety for John Gibfone and eight others, to appear and underly the law for the fame flaughter, at the Juftice-aire of Air. jfo{tti)o\ig;i)t dftlonn mxii (f>ppi-tssion, vVr. May 23. — William Cuxynghame of Glengarnok, David C. of Robert- land, and thirty-feven of their followers, found caution to appear at the Juftice- aire of Air, to underly the law for art and part of the forethought felony and opprefTion done to Gabriel Sympill, lying in the high-way, ' in feir of weir,' near Ormyllieuche, awaiting his arrival, for his Slaughter, of forethought felony and old Feud. [Arcli/hald Earl of Ar gyle, Jujlke-Ge^ieral.'] 'miMwX Cfnor tin an Slssisr. June 25. {aptid Striueling, die ScMaf/.)— The Laird of Philloiith/ the yoimg Laird of Buchquhane,' Mr Andrew Tulydef/ Alexander Lefly of Kincragy,' William Spens of Bodom," Patrick Keith of Inchegarnock,' Henry Leflye of Buchauiftoune," John Chalmer," William King of Bourtry,"* Archibald Keyth of Northfeild," James Ord in Banff,'' Andrew Bruce of Braklamure," and William Quhite in,Aberdour,'^ found caution to appear before the Jufticiar at Edinburgh, Aug. 5, to ' thole' a great AlTyfe for their unjuft Acquittal of John Dempfter of Auchterlefs, and his accomplices, delated for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Patrick Stewart, and of certain perfons, for the Mutilation of William Downy. — Aug. 5. They found caution to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Aberdeen. Wi)t JtaiiH of 3>o})itJ3tmin's (J^fftrs to tijc miiiff. Aug. 9. — • The quhilk day, in prefens of ])e Kingis grace, Robert Char- > Caution, L.IOOO. ' Alexander Fraser, who found George Gordoune of Geicht as surety for bim to tbe extent of L.IOOO. ^ 1000 merks. merks. ' 1000 merks. « 500 raerks. merks. » 500 merks. " 500 merks. * 500 merks. 5 500 merks. 6 1000 9 500 merks. '0 1000 merks. " 1000 '* 500 merks. 17JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 149 teris of Amysfeild, and Walter Scot of Branxliolme, kn*, become ibuerteis for JoHNE JoHXSTOUN OF THAT Ilk, that, forlamekiU as his hienes admittit ])e faid Johniiis Offeris gevln to his hienes, fubfcrivit with his hand, pat pal luld entir him agane, within xv dais warnyng, quhare pe KiNGis grace plefit, or before his Juftice, to be accufit, gif he fail5eis of ony of his Offeris : And bayth Jje faidis Lordis has fnbfcriuit J)ir prefentis with pah handis, day and 5ere for- laid, before Jiir witnis, Robert Lord Maxuell, INIalcohne Lord Flemyng, "Wil- liame Hammiltoune of Sanchare-Lindefay, and me, notar vnderwrittin, Avith vj)eris diuerfe.' netting: tbjo €i)ithtsi rsrapt from a2lfattJ» Aug. 17. {ajmd Li//I/t/igow.) — John Lord Hay of 5ester became in the Kingis Will, for negligence committed by Mr John Hay his brother, in outputting Adam Nykfone, and one called Elwald, common Thieves,' given to him in cuftody by the King, in name of the faid Lord Hay of 5efter, as Sheriff- principal of Peebles. — The Juftice commanded him to Ward within the town of Linlithgow, until his Majefty's will fliould be declared. <#lauQ;f)trr of ti)t ilairU of (JTastlerarn. Aug. 19. {apud Lhdithgoiv.) — John Kere convicted of the Slaughter of vmq'° Archibald Levingftoun of Caftlecary. — Beheaded. <^IauQ!)tev of t\)t llaiitf of aDuffus. Sept. 3. — Mr Thomas Steayart, Treafurer of Caithnefs, Mr Andrew Petre, Vicar of Wick, Mr John Irland, Sir John Symfone, A^^illiam Murray, fenior, and Hugh Grot, chaplains, Mr John Thomfon, Rector of Olrik, Sir David Rede, and Sir William Irwin, chaplains, found caution (John Earl of Athole) to api)ear at the Juftice-aire of Invernefs, to underly the law for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of William Sutherland of Dufhouie (Duffus),'" and other perfons flain at the fame time. ^I.ititlljtti- of ti)t ILniitj of iHdtJnim, Oct. 10. {upud Dundee.) — John Master of Forbes found caution (John Lord Forbes) for his appearance, along with Ninian Forbes, John Caldore, 1 On Aug. 27, Mathew and William Nyksone, Robert Nobill, and Robert Ehvald, were convicted of common theft at Linlithgow, and Hanged. ^ ' The fame ;eir of God (1529), Andrew Stuart, Bishop of Catteynes, vpon some conceaved difpleafure whicii he had receaved, moved the Clan- gun to kill the Laird of Duffus in the toun of Thurfo, in Catteynes. Vpon this accident the haill dyocie of Catteynes wes in a tumult. The Earle of Southerland did aflill the Bilhop of Catteynes againft his adverfaries, by reafon of allyance contracted betuixt the houfes of Huntley, Southerland, and Atholl,' &c. Sir R, Gordon's Hist, of the Family of Sutherland, p. 102. 150 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1530. and Donald Makky, at the Juftice-aire of Aberdeen, to underly the law for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Alexander Setoune of Meldrum.' On Auguft 27, the following persons were amerciated for not appearing to enter on the Assise of John Lord Forbes, for the fame crime. Wni. Gordoune of Aucliindone, J. Gordoune of Culquliodilftane, William Goidoun of Aucliinge, William Lyonne of Colmelegy, Alexander Troup of Bcgidiill, John Dempftar of Ouchterlefs, John Dempfter of Murelioufe, David Ciukfchank of Durlee, Thomas Colpland of Vdauche, Gilbert Dalgarns of that Ilk, Patrick Meldrum of Edane, Thomas Tullo of Moncoffer, Robert Downe of Raty, Walter Ogiluy of Cragbone, Andrew Orde of that Ilk. The Laird of Knox, The Laird of Auchnacoy, gtu^ htihittn CiviSxiforlisj aul) itfuneUies. Nov. 29, {apud Perth.) — John Bryaxe and Allan Cathcart found John Crawfurd of Drongane, and Quintine Schaw, Tutor of Keris, to appear at the Juftice-aire of Air, to underly the law for art and part of the Theftuous ftealing of fixty oxen and cows from James Kennedy of Blarequhanne, from his lands of Halfpennylands, and fixty more from his lands of Schenvene. (CmijofortJs mxH iifiinrtirs — Cattle anU %)Qxm ^teaUitg, ^t, Dec. 5. — John Kennedy of Giletree, Patrick Mure of Cloncard, and fifty-eight others, found James Kennedy of Blarequhanne as furety for their appearance at the Juftice-aire of Air, to underly the law for art and part of the theftuous Stealing, under filence of night, from John Craufurd of Kerehill and his fubtenants, forth of his lands and dwelling of Kerehill, fix fcore oxen and cows, ij*" flieep, and fix horfes and mares : And for common oppreflion thereby done to the faid John and his fubtenants. — Ja:mes Kennedy of Blarequhanne alio finds Patrick IMure of Cloncard as his furety to appear and anlwer for the fame crimes. aintnrommuntng: iuitl) Mtbrls. Dec. 5. — Patrick Maxwell of Newark, William Striueling of Glorat, Mariota Maxwell, Lady Bardowy, Andrew Striueling of Bankere,' Mai'garet, John, and Stephen Spreull, Thomas Culquhoune of Kirktoun, and John, his brotlicr, fund furety to ai)pear at the Juftice-aire of Dumbarton, to underly the law for Intercommuning with Alan Ilammiltoune of Bardowy, Alan Grahame, and Hugh Grey, Rebels and at the horn, for art and part of the Slaughter of Alexander Hamilton, young Laird of Auchinhowy, and Keflane Williamfoun, his fervant.' ' The Master of Forbes afterwards confessed this Slaughter on the scaffold. See his Trial, L p. 183 * ' At the same diet he also found surety to underly the law for the Slaughter of John Makcalpy, at the same Justice-aire. ^ Ninian, Lord Ross, Jolm Cochrane of that Ilk, John Ploustoune of that Ilk, Walter Galbrayth of Garscaddane, and George Buchanan of tliat Ilk, were amerciated for not entering on the Assise. 18JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. " * 151 ^lau0ijter of tijt mmxQ aairU of Confj.iitijr. Dec. 15. — William Sinclare of Auchiiifrauk,' Roger Gordoune, and George Neilfone, found furety (James Douglas of Drumlanrig) to underly the law, at the Juftice-aire of Dumfreis, for art and jiart of the Slaughter of Harbert Maxwell, young Laird of Conhaithe. — (Feb. 1, 1530-1, cq)/id Edhihurgh.) James Maxwell, brother to Robert M. of Conhaithe, failed to appear and underly the law, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of John Chalmer. Robert Lord Maxwell, his cautioner, was amerciated 100 merks. — (Feb. 4.) He was denounced Rebel and put to the horn. \_Arc/i//ia/(I, Earl of Argt/Ie, J/f/Iice-Gciiera/.'] iHurUer of Saniea SJ»Slis, '^hbot of (JDiilross, [The following Trial excited great interest at the time, and 18 thus recorded by Bisliop Lesley m. his valuable History -r — ' Apoun tiie firfl, day of Marche, in the fame year, The Abbot of Culrose, callit James Inglis, was creually flaine be The Lord (Laird) of Tullyallan and his fervandis ; amangis the quhilkis thair was ane Preill, callit Sir William Louthien, quha, beand comprehendit,' the faid Sir WiUame, one the xxvij day of the fame moneth, apoun ane publict (Tvafl'ald, in tlie toun of Edinburgh, was degradit, the King, Quene, and a greit multitude of people beand prefent ; and he prefentlye delyverit to the Erie of Argyle, heid Juflice : And one the nixt day thaireftir, the faide Tullyallane and he wes heidit tliaireftir.' — Sir James Balfour'^ is not so minute, merely noticing the circumstance thus. ' The Laird of Tnlliallane was beheidit tiie firfl, day of Marche, for killing Mr James Liglis, Abbot of Culrqffi ; and with him a Mounck of the fame Abbey, a cheiflFe author of the Abbot's llaughter.] Mar. 28, 1531. — John Blacater of Tulyalloune, and William Lou- thiane (formerly Sir William, degraded from his orders), Convicted by an Affife of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of James Inglis, Abbot of Culroffe, com- mitted upon forethought felony. — Beheaded. iBuvtirr of t]^e afibot of (Tulioes— ^anrtutiri) of Corpljcdjiu. (Mar. 28.) — Robert Manderstoune, James Mechell, and Williame Hutoune, were accufed of the fame Murder, and were acquitted of foi'ethought felony at the time of the Abbot's Murder. Wherefore they were restored to the privilege of the Sanctuary of Torphiching by the Juftice General, and judi- cially delivei-ed to George Lord St John, Mailer of the faid Sanctuary. Common SDTjtft. Mar. 28. — Patrick Dowglass, David BlynflrsTRONG, a lawless and disorderly race, which for a long period kept both sides of the Border in a ferment. It is only necessary to notice here, that the Chief of this Clan was the Laird of Mangertoun. Johnnie Armstrang (commonly styled o/" G-V/wocAie) was brother to the Laird, and resided near Langholm, in Gilnockie Tower, at the Hollows, a place still resorted to, and highly distinguished for the romantic beauty of its scenery. The state of the country adjoining the Borders was such that King James V considered it neces- sary to raise a large Army, and to proceed in person to execute vengeance upon ' the Theives and lymmaris,' and to bind down the Barons to observe ' gude reull within thair boundis.' This he exe- cuted to such good purpose, that it is still proverbial in these districts, that for a long time after that Expedition he ' made the rafch bufs keip the kow !' In relation to Johnnie Armstrang, it is somewhat singular that the circumstances, as they are detailed in the popular ballad or song, are substantially correct ; and there cannot now be a doubt that he was most basely betrayed and put to death, even without the mockery of a form of Trial.' As the most striking and forcible manner of laying the facts before the reader, the Editor thinks it proper in this place to subjoin some graphic accounts, as given by early writers. The first which need be cited is that contained in Anderson's MS.* After noticing the proceedings against Earl Bothwell, (Src. he states as follows : — ' Himfelf (the King) about the monetli of July,' gathering togidder about aucht thowfand men, tuik jornay to repres the Thieves. And paffing fordward with grit expeditioun, campid wpone the watter Ewes.^ Not far fra that duelt Johnse Armestrang, ane Capitane of ane factioun of Theives. This eompanioun was fo feirfuU" to his nichtbouris that evin Englifmen, many mylis within the contray, payid tribut' wnto him. Maxwell himfelf feirid his power, and focht all meanes pofibill for his dillruc- tioun. Johnne, intyfid be the Kingis fervandis, forjeting to leike a Letter of Protectioun, accora- panyed with fiftie horfmen, wnarmed, cuming to the King, liclitit vpone fum outwatches, quho alledg- ing thay had taikin him, brocht him to the King ; quho prefentlie cawfit hang him, with a great num- ber of his complices. The autboris of his flauchter brooted ' that he had promiled to mak certane myllis in Scotland'" subject to England, gif he war honorid and recompenfid for the turne ; quhill as England, ' See Notices to Slay IG, and May 18, 1531. • Sir Waller Scott's Poetical Works, 8vo. 1821, I. 107, &c. ' 'About tliis tynie, tiik Kiso niardics to the fcilds with his Army, siirwayes the Borders, apprehends 46 of the prineipallest rogues and cntlirottis, with their leae faid day, and comperit noclit, ])at fai haue tynt,'-' and fall tyne, fair offices, and neuer to biouk nor vfe ])e fainyni in tyme to cum ; and ]jat oppin proclamatioun be maid at Jie Mercate croce of Ed^ one JNIononday uixt to cum ; chargeing ])aim, ]iat nane of Jiaim exerce nor vfe ))air ofBcis in tyme cuniing, becaufe fai wer chargeit to haue comperit befor fe Juftice or his deputis jie faid day, to haue vnderlyin ane Alfyfe, and failjeit pairintill. And alfe, fat Letteris be writtin to charge fe faidis perfonis quhilkis wer Officiaris, to compere and vnderly fe law, before )>e Juftice or his deputis, in fe Tolbuth of Ed'', pe xxvij day of Maij nixt to cum, for certane ciymes to be imput to faim, vndir ]>e pane of rebellioune, and putting of fame to fe home. And gif ony of faim beris our fouerane lordis Armis,^ or makis ' Lose. ^ Lost. ' Each Jlessengpr-at-aims had a badge called his blazon, on which was prominently stamped the Royal Arms. This official badge, together with his baton, or ■ wand of peace,' as it was termed, he renuired openly to produce and exhibit at all poindings, and in cases of deforcement, &c., in proof of his office. See Nov. 18,1511; Oct. 11, 1j31. (Ao(icc); and Jul. 23, lj66 (AW), for farther particulars. 156 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1531. Executioune of ony maner of Letteris or chargis in tyme to cum, thai falbe tane incontinent, hangit and drawin, and demanit as oppin traytouris, and vfurperis of our fouerane lordis autorite. And that ]ie faidis perfonis be callit before our fouerane lordis Juftice or his deputis, fe faid xxvij day of Mali nixt to cum, to vndirly ])e law for certane crimes to be imput to Jiarae, as faid is. Item, it is ftatute and ordanit, fat all Officiaris jiat reflauis ony Letteris of panys or lauborrowis, fat incontinent eftir fair executioune fairof, deliuer faim again to ]>e Juflice Clerk indorfate ; with certificatioune to faim, fat and' |)ai faille ))airiutill, ]'at our fouerane lordis Letteris falbe tane fra fame incontinent, and (fai) fal tyne fair officis for euer in tyme to cum.' Fiolfitft roininittrb fij) tTje ^viov antj Conbrnt of i^ittenhjrem— ^Iciiirjljtrr. [The prosecutions and the Feuds which are noticed in the three subsequent entries, arose from the following circumstances, which, being illustrative of the spirit of these times, the Editor thinks it may be interesting to state rather more fully than usual. The assignees to the tack of the mill and eighty acres of the lands of Pittenweem, having sued before the Lords of Council, their Lordships, with consent of John, the Prior, and Mr Robert Forman, Dean of Glasgow, the Usufructuary of Pittenweem, ordained that Andrew Wood, and failing him, one of the King's Officers, should gather the corns growing on the lands, until the final decision of the suit. The King's Officer (Law- rence Bickerton, a Messenger-at-Arms) attempted to serve his Letters upon the Prior, on Sep. 7th, who directed him to delay taking any steps for cutting down the crop until the next day. In the meantime, the Prior set off for Edinburgh ; and on Bickerton's return on the 9th, the Sub-Prior and Convent threatened hira in the most violent manner. He reports in his Execution of Deforcement, that they said ' fai wald deforce hira, and baid him depairt, or ellis his felt fuld be worthe xxiiij pair of handis I' On the 11th, he again went to gather and lead in the corns, when he found the Sub- Prior and his servants busily engaged in reaping them, and who again threatened personal violence. He returned on the 12th and 13tli, but there being ' hot Religiufe raenne and preiflis, hynis,' wifis,' and barnis, quhilkis war nocht rifponfale to our fouerane lord, gef he had takin deforce,' he desired them to send for Andrew Wood of Pittenweem, John Brown of Anstruther, the Laird of Balcasky, or some other ' rifponfale' persons to stop him, so that he might indorse his Deforcement, and depart — which they plainly i-efused. He therefore, on the 14tb, got William Dischinton of Ardrosse, James Sande- landis of Cruvy, and other nine persons, to assist him in the execution of his Letters, ' with xl wiffis and fallowis, or fairby, to fcheir and leid f e faid cornis ;' when the Prior and Convent, with ' fair complices to fe nowmer of thre hundrethe perfonis, bodin in feir of weir, wyth hagbutis, culveringis, croce-bowis, hand-bowis, fperis, halbertis, axis, and fwerdis, come in anayit batell, wyth convocatione, and ringing of fair commoune bell,' fell upon them, and ' fchote diuerfe pecis of artil5eari' at them. Bickerton then formally exhibited his Letters, and required security from the Prior to the extent of 500 meiks, should he choose to retain the corns — or, on the other hand, offered the Prior security for 1000 merks, if the crop was reaped under authority of the Letters. All terms, however, were rejected by the Prior — and on the Messenger and his party retiring, they again ' fchote artiljeary' at them, and hurt several of them. And thus they ' maiflerfullie deforfit him, in the executioune of his office, quharvpoun he brak his wand, and tuk witues,' &c. Tliese facts are luckily preserved in the Letters and executions ; which, however, are by far too prolix to be inserted in this Collection.] Oct. 11. — William Dischingtoun of ArdrofTe, James Saiidelandis of Cruvy, Thomas Wemys of Vnthank, William Gourlaw of Kyncrag, John Lundy ' An ; if. " Hinds. ' Women. 19TAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 157 of Stratherlie, Mr Thomas Meldrum of Segy, William Lummifdene of Ardre, John Mailuile, the young Laird of Carnbee, and forty-five others, were denounced Rebels and put to the horn, and all their goods efcheated, for not underlying the law for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of James Borthuik, John Anderfone, and John Bal5eart. The refpective cautioners were, at fame time, amerciated for their non-entry. e lure keping of ])E House of Adrintoune, in tyme of peax, during pe tyme of pe Takkis pat he fal happin to get ])airof of ])e Lard of SaJJe ; fwa pat, na fait falbe imput to pe Lard of Baffe be pe Kingis grace, anent pe keping of pe faid Houffe, induring all pe tyme of pe faid Alexanderis Takkis ])airof.' ^pprtssion — 8:£!ounOing — itlutitation. Mar. 23. — Daa'id Kincaid in Cottis, natural fon of David K. of Cottis, Patrick and David, his natiu-al Ions, Thomas Robefone, Alex. \Villbn, and Patrick Kincaid, found caution (Henry Wardlaw of Kilbabertoune) to appear befor the Jufticiar, May 7, and underly the law for art and part of the fore- ' It is supposed timt tliis must refer to the alleged dealing of that unfortunate Lady in enchanted drugs, filtres, poison, ane fculis,' with his eme^ Walter Ranifay ; and fiare to remane and abyde for ]ie fpace of vij 5eris. And Jiairfore, will jiat he be nocht callit nor accufit for )ie allegit Mutilatioun of Johne Clerk, becaufe of his lefs-age'' and innocence he llandis in, being hot ane bame, quhom we have fene brocht in our prefence, and vuderftandis him delatit hot of his malice, coniidering his ^outhhede. Charge- ING 30W Herefore, all and findry our ofticeris, liegis, and fubieetis forfaidis, ]iat nane of ^ow tak vpone Land to call, arrell, or jornay fe faid Williame Inglis nor his fouerteis for ])e allegit cryme forfaid, during his away-biding and xv dayis jiairefter. Difchargeing ■:;ow of ■:;our offices in ]iat pairt, be ))ir our Letteris. Gevin vnder our Signete, and fubfcriuit with our hand, at our Caftell of Striueling, ])e vij day of Aprile, and of our regne ])e xix •^ere. ■ [James R.] 33tiniin0 of tfjr ^Inrc ol Eag: — f I)rft — ^ppirssion, ku Jul. 27. — Gilbert Greir, in Bardanuache, Peter and Robert Greir, his brothers, dilaited of art and part of the Fire-raifing and Burning of the Place of Lag, under filence of night, in company with John Bell, alias Jony, Andrew, his brother, Rolland Bell and their accomplices, common Thieves and Traitors of England and Liddifdaill : And for the theftuous Stealing from John Gi"eir- fone of Lag, at the fame time, of a horfe and all his gudes, valued at 500 merks : And for art and part of the forethought felony and Oppreffion done to Alex. Caftellaw, and others, feiwants of the Laird of Lag, and cruelly Wounding them, in peril of their lives. — Patrick, Mailer of Halis, became furety for their entry to luiderly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Drumfreife. a^nteiromimnuna Uoltl) X\)t at is, our Juftice, Juftice Clerk, and Thelaurare, and all vjieris our Officiaris and Minilleris of Court ]iairof, and of Jiair officis in Jiat pairt: And for his uon-comperance to our faid Oill and Armye, We, be ]ie tenour hereof, difchargis all calling or accu- latioune ]iat may follow Jjairupoune, nochtwithlfanding ony our Letteris or Proclamatiounis maid or to be maid to ])e conlrar : Anent )>o quhilki;', We difpenfe with, be ])ir prefentis, fubfcriuit with our hand, At Edinburgiie, )ie fecund day of Januare, the jere of God V^.Y". xxxij ^eris, and of our regne ).e xx jere. [J.AMES II.] It has also been thought proper to preferve the following remarkable Act of the Privy Council, v\ hicli is engrossed in the Books of Adjournal. Cf)t Bfclaiatioun niaiH Oe iijt ilortjts of Ounril, * quijnt is anr siibstanrious man.' Apud Ed"., ix Feb., anno I'o.V'^. xwxij, in llojpkto domhil Cancellurii : ' Probably the Scottish printer. It is likely that his crime was printing and selling Heretical books. VOL. I. j- X 162 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1533. Sederunt, CanceUarius, Candidecafe, Camhijlnjnneth, Kynlofs ; Domini Erflmi, Syvipill, Clericus Regijlri, Jacobus Uammiltoun, Johannes Camp- hell, Botulator, M. Ad. Otterhurnc, Nicholaus Crauftird, Jacobus Laufon, et Francijcus Bothmle. The Lordis of Counfale, for declaratioun of ]>& Actis and Proclamationis maid be })e Kingis grace and Lordis of his Counfale, charging all Baronis, fFrehaldaris, and vfieris fubftancius men of })is realme to cum to his Bordouris, quarterly, for defence of ]jis realme, Findis and Declaris })at ane man, havand in his pof- feffioune ane huudreth punds worth of gudis, fteilbow' and ferm of ]jat 3ere alanerlie except, is haldin and reput ane fubftancius man ; and is haldin to vnderly ]>e charge of ]>e Actis and Proclamacionis. dTire^rnisiits — ailjomnau scntmrrti to ht tirobjneU. Aim-. 26, 1533. — Jonet Andersone Convicted of art and part of Fire- raifing and Burning of a byre of the Laird of Roflythe, and fixty oxen and eleven cows therein. — Drowned." May 12. — Henry Bikkerstoune Convicted of art and part of the cruel Slaughter and Murder of Robert Sym, committed at Struther, in Fife, iiear Clatty-dene : And of Stouthreif from him of certain goods, at the fame time. — Beheaded %tittx txam i\)t i^fng as to * Xi)t oitrour of S)"stirt=Courtis/ Jun. 16. — William, Billiop of Aberdeue,^ Treafurer, prefented the fol- lowing Letter from the King ; which was ordained to be recorded. Rex, Justice and Juftice Clerk. Forfamekill as J)e ordour of our Juftice Courtis argretumly ' abulit, be continuaciounis and diCcliargis Jiairof, and ficlike, be difchargeing of fouerteis for entering of per- i'onis at our faidis Courtis, and of perfouis to enter to ])e famyn, difcbargeiug ))e vnlawing of fare fouirteis, quhilkis paffis vndir our fubfcripcioune and vpirwife : We, for remade hereof, Will and alfe Commandis and ehargis ^ow, ])at ^e, for nane our writingis, command, or priuate takinnis, mak na continuaciounis of our faidis Courtis, nor (lop nor lat° to liald ))e famyne, nor difcharge ony fouirteis to enter ony perfounis to our faidis Courtis and dais of law, or of ony perfounis to enter to ))e famyne ; nor jit difcliarge )>are fouirteis and vnlawing of fame for ony our Letteris, command and cliarge nieffage, or priuate takyne, in ony tymes cuming ; without 56 half ]ie avife and confent of our Thelaurar exprefs fareto, be his hand writ or plane confent, vnder fe payne of tynfale '' of 5our Officis. Gevin vndir our Signete, and fubfcriuit with our hand. At Edinburghe, ])e firfl day of Februare, and of our regnne fe xx'' 5ere. [JAMES R.] ' Goods and ' stocking,' the property of tlie landlord, then by no means uncommon, to encouiage the industry of the poor farmers. * The Editor has fre(|uently had occasion to remarit that this was the ordinary punishment of females for crimes of lesser magnitude. In cases of Murder, Treason, Witchcraft, &c. women were beheaded or BURNT at the stake, according to their rank and aggravation of the offence, Ike. ' Willi.im Stewart, son of Sir Thomas Stewart of Minto. ' Greatly. '■• Himler; let, ° Loss; deprivation. 20JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. • 163 ©estroniiis ^almon-fteljmtis on tfje 3ttibtr 39ee. Jun. 21. — John Mangelous' in Treif, Sir John Irland, Chaplain, and three others, delaited of art and part of the Oppreffion done to Henry Bifliop of Whitehorn, Commendator of Duudranane and convent thereof, in breaking their ' dooks," and Filliing in the water of Dee, under filence of night, and deftruction of the ' fymmeris" and ' hekkis' thereof: And for ftrikiug their fer- vants. Robert Lord Maxwell was fined for their non-appearance, &c. [Arc/iibald Earl of ArgyJe, JuJIice General.'\ Jul. 29. — John Lord Forbes, John Mafter of Forbes, his fon and heir apparent, William, his brother, William F. of Corffmday, and William Stewart of Portarftoune, find furety to appear at the next Juftice-air of Aber- deen, to underly the law for art and part of the treafonable Fire-raifing and deftruction, under filence of night, of certain ' 'poynd-faldis^'' belonging to George Earl of Huntlie, built of wood, for the prefervation of his cattle, in his Foreft of Coriny.^ iHuiUrr of tijt llairir of Craisaiiis anti ijis serbant Aug. 19. — Sir John Sympill, Vicar of Erfkin, accufed of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of William Cunynghame of Craiganis and Robert Alanelbune, his fervaut. — The Arclibilliop of Glafgow replegiated the pannel to his Church Courts. — John Brilbane of Bifchoptoune became furety for the due performance of juftice. \^Archihahl Earl of Argijle, Juflice General.'] iHurtjrr of X\)t ilaiili of Craijianis anti i)ts srvbant. Aug. 20. — John Lord Sympill, Robert Mafter of Sympill, his fon and heir apparent, Gabriel S. of Ladymure, his brother, and William, his fon,* John Stewart of Barfquyb,' John Sympill of Foulwod, John Sympill, j^oung Laird of F.," Mathew Sympill," and a great number of others, found furety to api^ear before the Juftice, on Nov. 17, to underly the law for the Slaughter of the Laird of Craiganis and his fervant. — (Nov. 17.) The Juftice General ap- pointed Robert Lord Maxwell and Thomas Scot of Pitgorno to be his deputes ' Probably a clerical error for Man5elaus, (Menelaws ?) ' Probably Crawe-dikes. ^ Some- times written simmer; the beams on which the hechs or spars, formed like a horfe-rack, were fastened. The heck was regulated to be of a certain width, to permit the fry and smaller fish to escape for breed- ers to kep]) up the stock in rivers, &c. ■* Pin-folds ; pens for sheep. ^ May 10, 1536, the parties found caution to underly the law at the next Justice-aire of Aberdeen. ** The amount of their caution was 1000 merks each. ' Barscube. ** 5001. each. " 1000 merks. 164 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1533. for trying this cafe. — (Nov. 18.) A number of perlbns were denounced rebels, and put to the horn, &c. — (Nov. 20.) The Juftices took furety of Lord Sympill, &c. to underly the law before the Juftice, at the next Aire of Renfrew. iHuiUti- oC tijt ^aitti of Ciaisams mitf i)is serbaiit* Nov. 12. — Alexander Pyncartoune and John Bryntfciiele Con- victed of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of the Laird of Craiganis and his fervant. — Beheaded. ^toutfjreif — dan--(!5recrar, Nov. 15. — Malcolm M'^coule-kere M^Gregour, Duncan and Pa- trick, his brothers, accufed of Stouthreif, in coiiijjany with fundry Rebels of THE Clan Gregour, in October laft, of xl cows, from Alexander Earl of Men- tethe, and William Matter of Meutethe, his fon, furth of their lands and polTef- fions. Failing to appear, they were denounced Rebels, and put to the horn, &c. ^ruti firtijoeeii ti)t €imm(ii)amt5 anU ^rmpdls, Nov. 20. — Alexander Cunynghame, fon and heir apparent of Wil- liam Matter of Glencarne, Andi'ew, his brother, David C. of Robertland, Robert C. of Auchinberry, Robert C. of Aket, and William his fon, Adam C, Tutor of Laglane, John Campbell of Ardoch, Thomas Craufurd of Auchinamys, and thirty others, foimd caution, (viz. the Matter of 'Glencai-ne, AVilliam C. of Glen- garnok, John C. of Caprintoune, .... C. of Cunynghameheid, Gabriell C. of Craganis, David C. of Robertland, and Robert C. of Aket,) to underly the law at the next Juflice-aire of Renfrew, for Umbefetting the High-way, by way of Murder, to William Lord Sympill, lying in wait for his Slaughter, with a great company, between his Caftle of Sympill and his Place of Lovell, on the fifth and feventh days of Auguft laft. ijftiiti httmtn tl)f CuirniTsijiimts antr ^tniptUs, William Cunynghame of Glengarnock, David C. of Robertland, and Robert C. of Auchinhervy, with fixteen others, found caution to underly the law at the fame Juftice-aire, for art and part of the forethought felony and Oppreflion done to Robert Snodgerfe, Mark Sympill, and Patrick Young, coming with convocation of the lieges to the number of 100 jJerfons, in warlike manner, on the (3d ?) day of September laft, within the lands of the faid Robert, and forcibly I'eizing and imprifoning him, &c. — The parties, both Cunynghames and Sempills, were bound over to keep the jieace, under the pains of 5000, 2000, and 1000 marks each, according to tbeir respective ranks. 21JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 165 Mnniftst anU Milful «5rror on Assise, Nov. 23. — Bertholojieav Herys Convicted for Manifeft and Wilfull Error, in his procuring or being with others his colleagues upon the Affife of John Makilrewy, James INIakgee, and John Scaillis, and declaring them to be acquitted and innocent of art and part of the Theft and concealment furth of the chamber of Sir James Macbraar, Chaplain, within the burgh of Durafreis, in the month of October 1532, of a box containing 400 1. in gold, and jeivels worth 100 1., or thereby ; together with fundry Letters, Charters, and other evidents belonging to Thomas Macbraar, burgefs of Dumfreis, and entrufted by him to the cuftody of the faid Sir James. — To be incarcerated for year and day ; and farther, during the King's pleafure. All his moveables to be efcheated. \^Archihald Earl of jlr^i/Ie, Juftice General.'] I^intriiiia; tfjr SSanilints of tlje ittardjcs, ^r* from ajijpwijeiitiius Feb. 5, 1533-4.. — Thomas Kirkpatrik of Clofeberne, Gilbert and Cnthbert Greir, brothers to the Laird of Lag, (John Greirfone,)\Villiam Johneftoun, alias IVyl- kijne, of Elthelchellis, and four others, become in his Majefty's will for Reletting, Supplying, and Intercommuning with John Blythe and fixteen others, Sep. 27, 1533, being fervants of Sir Alexander Kirkpatrik of Kirkmichaell, kn', and all Rebels to the King : AxD for affiftance afforded to the faid Rebels the fame day, with Convocation of the lieges in great numbers, armed in warlike man- ner, and hindering Robert Lord Maxwell, Steward of Kirkcudbrycht, and Warden of the West Marches, and Ninian Crechtoun, Sheriff of Dumfreis, from apprehending the faid Rebels, by virtue of his Majefty's Letters directed to them ; and thereby they could not be delivered up to juftice, conform to the laws of the realm. The Laird of Clofljerne, Wylkyne Johneftoun, and Cuthbert Greir were incarcerated in the Caftle of Edinburgh. The others found furety. [ WiUiain Earl of Montrofe, John Lord Erjlcin, Sir James Hammiltoune of Fynuert, knight, and Mr James Laufoun, Proiofl of Edinburgh, Jufticiars fpcciallij confituted hy Commiffion, <^c.] i-Iaugijter of i\)t itaiiU of Craitranis anU Ijts serbaut. Feb. 23.— John Stewart, Coufm of the Laird of Barlkib, Mathew Sympill, fervant of the Laird of Stanlee, and James Kirkwod, dwelling at the Kirk of Kilbarchane, Convicted of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of William Cunynghame of Craiganis, and Robert AUanefoune, his fervant — Beheaded. 166 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. X534. Per/bns amerciated for being dbfentfrom the AJfife. Alexander Drummond of Carnok, John Galbrayth of Polgave, John Grierf'one of Lag, Mungo Lindefay of Ballull, Pat. Buchquhannane of Stanyflat, Eduard Synclare in Lefuaid, Humphrey Galbrayth, Tutour of James Edmonfloun, uncle of the William Stewart of Trakware. Culcreuch, Laird of Duntreithe, Gabkiel Sympill was proved to be fick, by Sir Patrick Bryfoime, Curate of Lochuin5eocht, and witneffes. William Lord Sympill (his brother) became cautioner for his entry. — (Apr. 29, 1534.) Lord Sympill was fined 1000 merks for his non-entry ; and the faid Gabriel denounced Rebel, &c. and all his move- able goods to be efcheated. (Feb. 26.) — Robert Master of Sympill was denounced Rebel and put to the horn, for not appearing to underly the law ; and all his moveables to be efcheated, &c. William Lord Symiiill was fined 1000 merks for not entering his fon. ^lausijter of iXyt 2lairK of Craisanfis aitti \)\% setrbant, Feb. 26. — WiLLiABi Lord Sympill, John Sympill, fenior in Auchlod- mont, John Cunynghame junior, Robert Sympill brother of the Laird of Foul- wod, Murdoch Sympill, Robert Spreull, William Crag in Syde, and Patrick, John, and Robert, his brothers, were all acquitted by an Affife, for art and part of the Slaughter of the Laird of Craganis and his fervant : And for Refetting, Supplying, and Intercommuning with David Sympill, fon of the faid Lord Sympill, John Sympill junior in Auchlodmont, William Lufe (Love), Ranald Lufe, John Spere, and .... Gyllis, Rebels and at the horn for the faid Slaughters ; and with others their accomplices, being alfo at the horn for the fame Slaughters. AsSISA. John Lord Lindefay of the Byris, The Lard of Riddale, Edward Sinclare of Drydene, George Lord Hume, Charles Mowat of Bufbie, Williame Vache of Dawik, Alex. Dalmahoy of that Ilk, Arch. Dowglafs of Cafchogill, Williame Murray of Romannofe, Archibald Farnely 50ung Laird John Cranftoun of that Ilk, Robert Dowglafs of Pumfraftoune. of Braid, James Ker of Merfingtoune, The following perfons were amerciated for not palTing on this Affife. Ahfentes ah AJfifa. The Laird of Amysfeild, Andrew Ker of Grenehede, James Ker of Lyntoune, George HoppringUl in Sanct Johnnis Chapell, Mr George Hay of Min^eane, Robert Bortliuik of Rafchaw, the Laird of Prentado, James Bowmaker of Cardone, the Lairds of Fawfide, fenior and junior, James Hoppringill of Tynnefs, Walter Lekky of Croy, Richard Lekky of that Ilk, Mr Thomas Ker in Sounderlandhall, and the Laird of Howpaflot. In confequence of tliis acquittal, the following Supplication was prefented to THE Lords of Privy Council, and granted by their Lordfliips on the fame day. SupPLiCATiONyoA" Gabriel Cnu>/nghame,Jon and heir of the deceafed Laird ofCraiganis, to bring the above Assise to Trial for JVilful Error, &,c. My Lordis of Counsale, vnto jour 1. humelie menis (complains) and fchawis we jour feruitouris, 21JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 167 Gabriel Cunynghame, fonne and air of rtnq'«^ William Cunyngham of Craganis, and fe remanent of ]>e kin and freindis' of the faid vmq'^' William. That quhair William Lord Simple and his complices, beand putt to the knawlege of ane Afllfe, for art and part of \>e creull Slauchter of ]>e faid vmq'« Wil- liam ; and for Intercommuning, mainteiuance, and refett of Jie flaaris of Jie faid vmq''= William, is quytt be fe faid AfTyfe, wrangouflie and injulllie to our grate apperand^ feaithe and dampnage,^ confidering his officiar and houlhaki men wis fylit.* Quharefok, we befeke 30ur 1. Jiat we may hare ane com- mand to )>e Juftice Clerk to gif ws ))e names of ]ie perfounis quhilk pall vpoune ))e faid Affife, fua fat we may found our actioune vpoune Jiaiin for pair Manifefl and Wilfull Errour. According to juftice, with 50ur anfuer huimlie we befek. \^Indor/ed.'} Apud Eduubvughe, penultimo Fe'Ti anno, SfC. xxxiij. Fiat nt petitur. J.Gude, de mandato Dominorum. ^laufllbter t^i % HaivU of Cvattranis antr l)ts scrbant* Feb. 28. — John Sympill of Foulwod. The following perfons were amerciated for not appearing to pafs npon his Affife for being art and part of the fame crime. The Young Laird of Bargany, John Leuenax of Wodhede, John Crenftone of that Ilk, Charles Mowat of Bulbye, John Buchquhannane, fon of Eduard Synclare in Lefluaid, The Young Laird of Gerefwod, Rob' B. of Drummakill, Thomas Makdowell in Stederig, Robert Baillie of Gerveftoune, W"'. Edmonftouu of Duntreithe, John Houftoune of that Ilk, \_ArchibaId Earl of Ar gyle, Jnftice-Ge7ieral.'] a^ulJirial ^rfiitiation for t\^t Compromise of rertatn Motintruio:, iHutilation, iJnbasion, ^r. Apr. 14, 1534. [Apud hurgum de Striueling.) — The quhilk day, comperit in jugement before pe faid Juftice, David Somervile 30UNG Laird of Playne, one J)at ane pairt, and David Schaw of Cammysmort, one ]5at v])er paii't ; quhilkis wer comiiromittit, bund, oblift and fuorne be ])e faithis and treuthis in pair bodeis, ])e Haly Euangellis tuichit, to abyde, vndirly and fulfill })e fentence, decrete, and deliuerance of fiir perfonis vndirwritten : That is to fay, ane nobiU and michty Lord, Williame Ei'le of Monti'ofe, Lord Grahame, honoi-abill menne, James Coluile of Efter Wemys, Johne Striueling of })e Kere knyS Robert Bruce of Erthe, Alexander Schaw of Sauchy, Maifter Robert Creichtoune, Proueft of ))e College Kirk of Sanct Gele of Edinbur', and George Schaw of Knokhill, or ony thre of Jjame, chofin for ])e pairt of Jje faid Dauid Schaw ; Nobill and michty Lordis, Hew Lord Someruile, Alexander Lord Levingftoune, Alexander Lord Elpliingftoun, Niniane Setoune of Tulibody kny', Williame Lawder of Haltoune, Williame Mentethe of Weft Kerfe, Maifter Alexander Levingftoune of Donyphace, and John Someruile of Camnethane, or ony thre of \>ame, choftn for \ie pairt of ])e faid Dauid Someruile, JuGis Arbi- tratouris, and amicabill compofitouris chofin betuix })e faidis pairties to knaw and decide : That is to say, in fpeciale anent ])e Hurting and Mutilatioune of ' Blood-relations. ^ Manifest, evident. = Loss, or hurt and damage. < Found guilty. 168 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1534. Jje faid Daiiid Soineruile, allegeit to be committit be pe faid Dauid Schaw and his comi)lices, and anent pe Inuafioune of pe faid David Schaw, allegit to be committit vpone him be pe faid David Someruile and his complices, ]?at famyn tyme ; and generally, anent all vj^eris depatis,' cauflis, querelis, actiounis and coutrauerfiis quhatfumeuer, movit be athei' of pe faidis pairties aganis vjjeris, in ony tymis bygane, vnto pe day of pe date heirof : And pe faidis Jugis, or ony thre of Jjame chofin for ather^ of pe faidis pairteis, fall convene and meit in pe Paroche Kirk of pe burcht of Striueling, pe firft day of December mxt to cum, and tak pe faidis actionis and debatis in pmwe and vpoune ])ame, and commone^ Jjairintill ; and deliuer in pe famyn betuix Jjat day and pe fefte of pe Purificatioune of our Lady, callit Candilmes, nixt immediatle Jjairefter following : And with power to J)ame to proragate and contynew pe geving of fiair Sentence for fie fijace as })ai fal think expedient : And in cace of difcord, baithe pe faidis pairteis hes cliofm, with })air avife and confentis, ane nobill and miclity lord, Johne Lord Erflcine, honorabill men, John Campbell of Lundykny', Mr James FouUis Clerk of our fouerane lordis Regifter, Thomas Scot of Petgorno, and Nicholace Craufurd of Oxingangis, Clerk of our fouerane lordis Jufticiary, ourmen,'' all in ane voce to decide with pe faidis Jugis in pe faidis materis and debatis : And however the laidis Jugis and ourmen, or pe maift pairt of J)ame, Decretis and Deliueris in pe premiffes, baith the faidis pairteis ar oblift and fuorne, as laid is, to ftand and abyde jjairat, but ^ reuocatioune, appellatioune," or reclama- tioune : And gif ony of pe faidis ourmeuue fal happin to decefe in pe menetyme of pe geving of pe Deci-ete and deliuerance in pe faidis debatis, the remanent being one life," fal liaif power to decide and deliuer with pe faidis Jugis in pe famyn, liclike and alfe lauchfully as ))ai wer all one life : And quhilk of pe faidis pairteis ];at will nocht abide and fulfill pe faid Decrete and Deliuerance, eftir pe geving ])airof, bot pafRs Jjairfx-a, the pairty nocht abidand J^airat nor fulfilland pe famyn, fall content and pay to pe pairty kepand and abidand pairat pe faid Decrete, pe fovme of I" li. vfuale money of Scotland, in name of pane,' for coftis, Ikaythis, and expenfes fuflenit, and f)at fal bappin to be fuftenit be him J^air- throw, but fraude or gile.' And baith pe faid pairteis confentit and ordanit ])is compromit to be infert in pe buke of Adiornale, and pe Clerk of Jufticiary to gif to pame J^e autentik copiis and extractis of pe famyn. Common Cljeft, $(t. [It is unnecessary to specify the very numerous cases of tlie description of tlie following, which occru- very frequently in every period of the Record. The pannels, about the period of this Trial, were almost all Elwalds, Turnbulls, Armstrongs, and other Border Thieves, and the Record seldom gives any detail. Where details are entered into, such cases are uniformly selected.] ' Debates, difl'erenres. ' Either, viz. each. ' Commune. ' Oversmen, umpires. ' Without. ^ Appeal. ■ In life. ' Penalty. » Honourably, without fraud or guile. 22 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 169 Sept. 30. — John Tcjrnbull, alias Black^fow, Convicted of Common Theft, outi)utting and inputting thereof. — Hanged. ffl23ai)l«UHnfl ti)t itairtr of |^uUrn--iW.Tiris|)aU, ^t. Jan. 15, ISS'i-S,— Siu Patrick Hepburne of Wauchtoune, kn', Patrick Qnhitlaw of that Ilk, the Lairds of Weft Fortoun and Efte Crag, George Sinclare of Hiefeild,Adam,Alexander,and John Hepburne, brothers of theLaird of Wauch- toune, Patrick his fon and heir apparent, and twenty-fix others, found furety to underly the law on Feb. 12, for art and part of ■' Umbefetting' the high-way to Gilbert Wauchope of Nudry-Marfchell, for his llaughter.— (Feb. 12.) The Arch- bifhop of St Andrews repledged Mr William Hepburne, and other two Priefts, accufed of the above crime. Thomas Cokburne of Clerkintoune, and others, were fined for not appearing to pafs upon this Affife. 2i2ailful Crtroi* on SJssist. Jan. 15. — Alexander Inxes younger of that Ilk, James, fon of Robert Innes of Rothnakenzie, Thomas Urquhart, Sheriff of Cromarty, John Drum- niond of InnerpefTery, and others, Avere called upon to imderly a grand Affife, for their unjuft accpiittal of Robert Dwne of Rate, of certain points and crimes for which he was indicted. — Their cautioners were ' unlawed ' in the funis of 500, 300, and 200 merks each, according to their refpective rank, for their non- entry this day. Apr. 7, 1535. — Hugh Lord Somervile fund furety (William Chan- cellare of Quodquene') to vmderly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Lanark, for art and pairt of the Southreif and Oppreffion done to John Tweeddale in Carnewethe, in reiving from him two cows : And for art and part of the Stouth- reif from the faid John, of all his horfes, mares, oxen, cows, and all his crops, viz. corn, oats, ftraw, fodder, hay, togedder with all his goods and utenfils. jfruU fit tturtn ti)t ittataenns aitti (JTlaitrannalU. Jxni. 4. — ' The cpdiilk day, in prefence of ))e Chancellar and Lordis of Counfale, Hector M^Gillane of Doward comperit andconfentit }iat jjefouer- teis ])at were fouerteis for him of before, for his entre before ]>e Juftice })e faid day, and he as fouerte for his tua brejjer, and ])e remanent of f)e perfons contenit in our fouerane lordis Letteris, rafit vpone him at the inftance of ])E Clanran- ' See his Trial for Slaughter, April 24, 1536. VOI,. I. f Y 170 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1535, NALD, fuld fland ficlike fouerteis as J)ai wev before, vnto the x day of Junij inftant ; efter pe forme of our fouerane lordis vjseris Letteris, vnder his fignete and fubfcriptione-manuale, direct ])airupone to ])e Juftiee-Clerk : Axd ])at pe faidis Letteris direct viioun him ' fuld Hand in effect, quhill pe faid day, as pai wer of before, and he to remain within the burcht of Edinbur' in pe menetyme.' ajntrrromiminiiis, ^r,— ilffurlftr of tijt itairlf of ^lovat, Jul. 20. — Patrik Colquhoun and Mr Adam C, fons of Sir John C. of Lufs, kn', and tu'enty-five others, (among whom were Andrew Cunynhame of Drumquhaflil and William C. of Fenyk,) found furety to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Dumbarton, for refetting, Supplying, Intercommuning, and Affifling Humplirey Galbrayth, and his accomplices, Rebels and at the horn for the cruel Slaughter of ^A'illiam Striueling of Glorat.' — Donald Macdow and fix others denounced Rebels, &c. ; Sir John Colquhoune of Lufs and Donald M''inanys were proved to be fick ; and Humphrey Colquhoune, Parifli Clerk of Lufs, Mr AdamC., penfioner of Lufs, and David C, clerk, were replegiated by the Arch- bifliop of Glafgow. Ab/entes ah AJJifa. Wm. Edraonftouneof Duntvetlie, Patrik M'gregour, Walter Park of that Ilk, John Sympill of Foulwod, James Freland of that Ilk, Wm. Flemyng of Barrouchane, Robert Sympill, his brother, James Stewart of Ardgoware, George Flemyng of Kilmacolme, John Maxwell of Stanelie, Geo. Montgomeiieof Skelmorlie, Tiiomas Kelfo of Kelfoland, James Park of GilbertBeld, Ninian Stewart, Siierifl" of Bute,^ Hugh Raillloun of that Ilk. The above perfons, and thirteen others of no note, were amerciated, for not appearing this day to pafs upon the Affyfe. Hnlabjfulli) trntounctncr 2tortJ <#em})in 3U(6el, ^t, Jul. 30 — John Loud Lile, and James Soutar his fervant, put to the horn, &c. viz. The faid James for not appearing to underly the law for Ufurjia- tion of his Majefly's authority, in putting certain Letters to execution againft William Lokd Sympill, demanding caution of him to underly the law for being art and part of the Slaughter of John Crawfurd of Pi-evik, &c., and there- upon denouncing him Rebel, caution liaviug been previoufly found by him : And the faid Lord, for art and part of caufing his fervant to execute thofe Let- ters, &c. J?toutf)rf if — i^iracu — iHurUn% Aug. 30. — Alexander John Canochsone, Angus Elyauch his bro- ther, Gillefpy Maktarliche his fervant, Gillefpik Donoche his fon, Makcay' of ' Reference may \n\ made to the Appendix to this reign for many illustrative circumstances. ^ William his son was among those wlio were also fined. ^ His Christian name not inserted. 23JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 171 Sanday, Maknachtene More, Officer of the Weft parts of Kyntyre, Eweyr Mak- cay of Aucbincrifs, Officer of Kintyre, and thirty-three others (chiefly 3£acJemjs), were denounced Rebels, and put to the horn, &c., for not appearing this day to underly the law for art and part of Stouthreif from Andrew Mure, citizen of Glafgow, and bis fervants, of a fmall veflel called a ' Pickard fchip,' with goods therein of the value of SOO 1., furth of the Port of Portcrofche : Item, for art and part of the ci-uel Slaughter of John Mure, his fon, and other four perfons, his fervants ; and Hurting and Wounding of the faid Andi'ew, to the hazard of his life ; Item, for art and part of the Stouthreif and Oppreffion done to the faid Andi'ew and his fervants, in reiving from them, furth of the Port of Loch- riddene, of a great boat, and certain goods therein of the value of 50 merks : Item, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter and Murder of two fervants of the faid Andrew, being in the faid boat : Item, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter and Murder of Andrew Mure, fon and heir of the faid Andrew, and other four perfons his fervants, coming upon them whilft they wex'e fleeping in a fmall velTel, being in the fbation or Road-ftead of Sanday, belonging to the laid Andrew, loaded with merchandize and other goods brought from Ireland ; com- mitted upon the 15th day of July laft : Item, for art and part of Stouthreif from the faid Andrew, his fon and fervants, of 100 1. in money and merchandize- CattU-stralinii: — Cafeiujjijvisoners, ^f.— ^toutlfjrtif. Oct. 30. — Chkistofher Akmestkang,' Archibald his fon, Ingram Armeftrang, Railtoun, Robert and Archibald Armeftrang there, John Elwald, called Laivis-JuJtiie, \A'illiam, fon of Alexander Elwald, and Robert Carutheris, fervants to the Laird of Mangertoune ; Thomas Gray, John Forreftare, called Schnik-buklar, Ninian Gray his fervant, Thomas Armeftrang in Grenefchelis, Lang Penman, fervant of one called Dihhis Wille, Ninian, fon of the faid Chriftopher, Thomas Armeftrang of Mangertoune,- and Symon Armeftrang, call- ed Sijm the Lardc, were all denounced Rebels, and their whole goods, moveable and immoveable, to be efcheated, &c., for not vuiderlying the law this day for art and part of Stouthreif under filence of night, on Jul. 27 laft, from John Cokburne of Ormiftoune, furth of his Lands of Craik, within the fliire of Rox- burghe, of feventy ' drawand oxin'^ and thirty cows : And for art and part of traitoroufly taking and carrying off three men-fervants of the faid John, being the keepers of the faid cattle, and detaining them againft their will for a certain fpace : Andiov art and part of the Stouthreif from them of their clothes, ' quhin- • See notice prefixed to Trial Apr. 1, 1531 ; and also Feb. 21, and Mar. 13, 1535-6. ^ c-other of the celebrated Jobnny Arinestrang, and Cbief of tjie Clan. ^ Oxen used for drmic/lit, siuli as plough- ing, &c. From numerous other entries tliey appear to have been much used for agricultural purposes. 172 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1535-6. 3earis," purfes, and certain money therein : And for breaking of their Bonds made to the King. \^Sir James Coluile of Eajl Wemyss, hi*, Sir John Mcdluile of Raithe, lcn\ and William Hammiltoun of Sanquhar-Lindefaij, Juftices co?i/Iitiifed hi/ fpecial Commij]ion.'\ Snbasioii — HlJamtrsiuIun. Jan. 24, 1535-6. — Sir Patrick Hepburne of Wauchtoun, kn', and James Cragifwallis his fervant, Convicted of art and part of coming upon James Siuclare, within the lands of Stevinftoune, with drawn fwords, and inva- ding him for his Slaughter : And for forethought felony and Hamefuckin done to the faid James, fetting upon him in the Hovife of Quarrelpittis, and befieging him therein.^ John Martyne in the Monaflery, and Cuthbert Newtoune, were alfo convicted of art and part of the Hamefuckin done to James Sinclare, coming to the Houle of Quarrelpittis in company with the Laird of Wauchtoune, and befieging him therein. [(S/r James Uammiltoime of Fijnnert, kn', Jufice fpecially conftitidedJ] iHiitilatiom Jan. 26. — John Forbes of Petflego, Alexander, his fon and heir appa- rent, and John and William, alfo his fons, Alexander F. of Dalmanache and John his brother, John Cawdale, fon and heir apparent of James C. of Alslone, and feventy others, were denounced Rebels and put to the lioru, and all their goods, &c. to be efcheated, for not appearing to underly the law for art and part of the Mutilation of Michael Frafer, John Frafer, Mr Robert Anderfoune, "Wil- liam Crawford, John Scot, John Gordon, and David Chene : And fur art and part of forethought felony, and other crimes. ^lau0fjtrr of X\)t Itaiitj of ^rottistouitf, Feb. 11. — Mr Robert Galbraithe found caution to underly the law before the Juftice on Feb. 23, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of William Crechtoune of Scottiftoune, under the pain of 5000 niorks. — (Feb. 23.) Found caution of new, to appear on Mar. 27. — (Mar. 27, 1536.) He was replegiated by the Archbifliop of St Andrews. Cattle anij <^I)rti)--stf alius— 33uniuiQ: of llJoUipasIot— Creason- al)lt> asststuici; tljr airmstiongs, ^r. Feb. 21. — Symon Armestrang,^ Convicted of art and part of the Theft ' Whingars. "- Sentence is not recorded. = See Oct. 30, 13.S5, and Mar. 13, 1535-6. 23JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 173 and concealment of two oxen from the Laird of Ormiftoune, furth of the lands of Craik, and a black mare from Robert Scott of Howpaflot, furth of the lands of Wolcleuche ; committed during the time he was in the King's Ward, about Lammas 1535. Item, of art and j^art of the Theft and concealment of five fcore of cows and oxen from the faid Laird of Ormiftoune, ftolen furth of the faid lands of Craik ; committed by Alexander Armeftrang, called Evil-iv'tUit Sande, and his accomplices, in company with Thomas A. alias GrenefcheUs, and Robert Carutheris, fervants of the faid Symon, and certain Engliflimen, at his command, common Thieves and Traitors, on Jul. 27, 1535. Item, of art and part of the traitorous Fiue-raising and Burning of the Town' of How- PASLOT : And of art and part of the Theft and concealment the fame time of fixty cows and oxen belonging to Robert Scot of Howpaflot and his fervants ; committed by Alexander Armeftrang, in company with Robert Henderfoune alias Chei/s-wame,' Thomas A. alias Grenejcheles, his fervants, and their accom- plices, common Thieves and Traitors, of his caufmg and affiftance, during the time he was within the King's ward, upon Oct. 28, 1535. Item, of art and part of the Theft and concealment of certain flieep from John Hope and John Hall, the King's fliepherds, furth of the lands of Braidlee in the Foreft ; ' com- mitted during the time he was within the laid ward : Item, for art and part of the treafonable affiftance given to Alexander Armefti'ang, called Kvill-wilUt Sandy, a fworn Engliflunan, and fundry other Engliilimen his accomplices, of the names of Armestrangis, Niksounis, and Crosaris, in their treafonable acts. — Sentence. To be drawn to the gallows and hanged thereupon ; And that he fliall forfeit his life, lands, pofteffions, and all his goods, moveable and immoveable, to the King, to be difpofed of at his pleafure. Common Cljfft— iHuiKn* — drirt-llnistitg:, ^r. Mar. 13. — John Armestrang, alias Jony in Gutterholis, and Christo- pher Henderfon, Convicted of Common Theft, Refet of Theft, Outputting and Inputting, in England and Scotland : And of art and part of treafonably in- bringing Engliflnnen, common Thieves, and Traitors, within Scotland, and com- mitting common ' Herefchip' and Stouthrief, Murder, and Fire-raifmg. — Sen- tence. To be drawn to the gallows and hanged as Traitors : And all their goods, moveable and immoveable, to be efcheated to the King. (Commoit C!)rft, ^t. — iHurUns — jfirr-l^aising;, ^r, FiNLAY Johnestoune Convicted of Common Theft, &c. of old and new. Item, of art and part of treafonably bringing the furnames of Grahamis ' It is probable that, in this instance, Farm-town only is implied. ° Cheese-belly. ' Viz. of Ettrick, 1.74 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1536. and AiiMSTRANGis.Englilhmen, Dik the Devillis BAiRNis,conimon Thieves and Traitors, within Scotland, committing Slaughters, Murders, Fire-raifings, and ' Herefcliips,' upon the King's poor lieges. — Sentence. To be drawn to the gal- lows and HANGED thereupon as a traitor ; and all his goods to be efcheated, &c. iHuiKrr. John Fischeaue, in Leithe, Convicted for the Murder and Slaughter of Janet Syralbne. — Sentence. To be hanged upon the gallows: And there- aftei-, to be beheaded ; and his head to be affixed upon the gate of St Andrews. All his goods were ordained to be efcheated. [Sir James Colnile of Eafl Wemyss Jen'., fpec'iallij coiifiitnted hy Coinmissiofi.] M'toiitijdtf of Citle-©rrt0 — ^ppvtssioit, ^c. Mar. 31, 1536. — William Cokburne of Scraling,' became in the King's will for art and part of the Stouthreif of a box, under filence of night, from Patrick Atkin, burgefs of Edinburgh, and certain evidents therein contained, pertaining to Alexander Crechtouu of Newhall, and in the cuftody of the faid Patrick for the time, in the year ] 528. Item, for art and part of the Violent occupation of the Lands of Kirkrighill, belonging to the laid Alexander, for four years preceding Mar. 12, 1538. Item, for art and part of the Oppreffion done to the laid Alexander in the Violent occupation of his faid lands from Mar. 12, 1533 to Whitfunday 15.:j4. Item, for art and part of the Oppreffion done to the faid Alexander in the overthrowing of a ' faill-dyke'- built on the faid lands. Iteni, for art and part of the Oppreffion done to the faid Alexander, in inputting and keeping feven fcore of cattle and fixty horfes and mares in the meadow of the faid lands, and pafturing and deftroying the faid meadow, in Auguft laft, 1535. Item, of breaking three feveral Letters of Protection granted by the King to the faid Alexander. Item, for connnon Oppreffion done to the faid Alexander in the preinifes. ' The following remarkable Letter from the King is taken from the original, preserved among the Warrants of Court. Rex, Traist counfalouris. We grete you weill, and hes refauit 5our writingis aneut ])e Laird of Scraling ; and thinkis 5our avise and counfel bed, anent the publifliing of dome gevin aganis him. Quhair 30 mentione of ane Minut ' John L.mdlaw, liis soivant, was Convictod of (!«stroying tlie faill-dyke, pasturing the horses and cattle, and iiifringinj? llio three several Letters of Pidtection. His sentence is not recorded. WlL- I.IAM DvNCAx, anpprrsstou — Violent omipatioit of a ^Mjing;* Aug. 14. — Patrick, Lord Gray, found James Skrymgeour, Conftable of Dundee, as cautioner for his entry before the Jufticiar on Oct. 31, to underly the law for art and part of the Stouthreif and Oppreffion done to Sir Henry Luvell of Ballumby, kn', on Jan. 28 lall, in the occupation of his fifliing of Dunderviflieide, on the water of Tay, (lying to the eaft of the Caftle of Bruchty) under the pain of 10001. — ' All ])ir perfonis chargit to compere, be pe Juftice and Juftice-Clerk, in jugement, pe laft day of October nixt to cum, to pafs vpone pe Assise of Patrik Lord Gray, ilk pei-foune vndir pe pane of T li.' The Lord Saltoun, The Lard of Nudry Marfchel, The Lard of Petkinde, The Lord Ruthuen, The Lard of Robertland, Thomas Wyntoun of Stricht- The Lord Vcliiltre, The Lard of Kelle,"' niartjTie, The Lord Leviugftoun, Alex. Fowlartoun of ])at Ilk, The Lard of Kere. The Lard of Newwark, The Lard of Monorgund, ' This Lady was the youngest daughter of Philip, and the sister and heiress of Richard Rutherford of that Ilk. She was married to James Stuart, the founder of the family of Traquair (natural son of James, Earl of Buchan), by Papal Dispensation, Nov. 9, 1305. Her husband fell at Flodden. Wil- liam was their son and heir. ^ From thenceforth. ^ Probably Kelli/, in Fife. VOL. I. j z 178 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1536. (Oct. 31.) — ' The Lords Regentis and .Tuftice continewit ])e actioun of cryme depending betuix ]?e Lord Gray and Lard of Ballumby to j)e thrid day of pe nixt Jiiftice-aire of Forfare, or vpoun xv dais warning, becaufe ])e faid Lord Gray producit in jugement before ]?ame ane Refpect' gran tit to him be ])e Kingis grace, quhilk Jjai wald obey.' (Jan. 16, 1536-7.) — Lord Gray was proved to be fick and unable to ap- pear. — Roger Charteris, and five others, were put to the horn for this crime, and all their effects to be efcheated, &c. (Apr. 17, 1537.) — They were denounced Rebels, and put to the horn. (Jul. 12.) — Robert Fresell, Thomas Gray, and David Lekkv, denounced Rebels for the fame crime ; And for coming to the fifliing diverfe times, threatening his fervants, breaking and deftroying his boats and nets, and firing at them from the Tower of Bruchty. WatrtastitQ: ICaUn Sliiss for f)er ^lau0ljtei*, ^r. Aug. 16. — Walter MakfarlaN found John Naper of Kilmahew and John Buntyne of Ardoche, as cautioners for his entry at the next Juilice-aire of Dunbertane, to underly the law for art and part of Convocation of the lieges in great numbers, in warlike manner ; and befetting the way to Margaret Cunyng- hame, relict of vmq'^ Sir John Culquhoune of Luis, kn', and David Farnely of Colmiftoune, being for the time in her company, for their Slaughter ; and for other ci'imes. #jpprtssioit — ^toutljrfiC of a a^aassoit, ^r. Aug. 25. — Mariota Hume, Countess of Craufurde, ■ Patrick Crechtoune of Camnay, and feventeen others, found caution (the Lairds of Keir and Cranftoune), to underly the law before the Juftice, on Nov. 24, for art and part of the Stouthreif and Oppreffion done to John Moncur of Balluny,^ infeiz- ing fi'om him of a ' wayne,' or waggon, with four oxen and two horfes. (Nov. 24.) — They became in his Majefty's will, and found Sir John Striuelingof Kere, kn', and John Creychtoune of Ruthvennis, as cautioners to latisfy the parties. ^latijjfjtn* of a Cljajjlaim Sep. 20. — John, Lord Lile," and AVilliam, Mafter of Lile, his fon, and ' Respite. ^ Sister of Alexander, second Lord Hume, and widow of John, Jiffk Earl of Craw- ford, who was slain at Flodden, where he had a chief command. Lord Ilume led the van, along with the Earl of Huntley, and was one of tlie few who escaped. ■' See Dec. 12, 1536. '' John, fourth Lord Lyle, who married Grissel Betoun, daughter of David Ik'toun of Creich, and niece of James, Archbishop of Glasgow. William, Waster of Lyle, is not mentioned in the Peerages, and must have died previous to August 29, 1541, when John, his son, and lieir apparent, got a charter of Novodamus of the Barony, on his father's resignation. Beg. Mug. Sig. xxvii. 188. John Lord Lyle died without male issue, leaving only one daughter, Jean, who married Sir Neil Montgomery of Lainsbaw, and the title thereupon became extinct. 24 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 179 their accomplices, dilated for art and part of the Slaughter of Sir John Penny, chaplain.' Castincr troixrn a iHill, kc, Oct. 16 — Henry Atkinsone of Sleichhouffis, Robert Brovnefield, and Hugh Wod came in his Majefty's will for the Oppreffion done to Elizabeth and Alison Hume, the heirefles of Fall Caftle, and to Sir Robert Logane of Reftal- rig, and Sir Walter Ogilvy of Dunlugus, their hulbands, for their interefts, in cafting down the Mill of Hutoune, on Auguft 24 laft, and filling up the Mill- dam thereof : And for Stouthrief furth of the laid Mill, of the 'mylne iruis (irons) and the mylne graithe.' Sir John Stii'ling of Keir, William Craufurd y' of Lef- norijs, and John Lile of Stanypethe became cautioners for their fatisfying the King and parties. J^fHiiifl Ftfttial aitU ^fittp to tljt Cuglis]^. Oct. 20. — Patrick Brovxefield in Halfingtoune convicted of breaking the general Proclamation, in felling of a boll of victual in England : And Wil- liam HoPPRiNGiLL in Toftis, convicted of felling thirty flieep to the Englifli. Caution was found to enter them in ward in any of his Majefty's Caftles as might afterwards be directed. €i)ttt o( a silbti- * ptcu* Oct. 31. — Andrew Dempstar, convicted of art and part of the Theft and concealment of a filver ' pece'" from the tavern of Robert Bertoune, in the burgh of Edinburgh. — Hanged. ittepins of tf^t Castle ot drtiunv&tmn. Nov. 8. — Walter Ker of Cesfurde, Warden of the Middle Marches, bound himfelf to keip the Castle of Edzearstoun, on receiving the profits of the lands for his trouble ; and alfo to apprehend Robert Ruthirfurde, rebel. <^lauflTjttr of tljc JtafvU of 812lestljall, .Vr. Nov. 14. — John Bannatyne of Corehouse, Thomas his brother, James Hammiltoun of Stanehoufe, and nineteen others, found caution to underly the law, at the Juftice-aire of Lanark, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of John Grahame of Wefthall, Robert and John Grahame. — Some other perfons were denounced Rebels, &c. for not appearing. ' It is probable tliat tbe matter was compromised, as no fai'ther notices occur of this case. - 'Vnius taffie argenti ;' a drinliing-cup ; a wassail-bowl. 180 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. ^laujjijter of ti)t 3lauU of %in\)oiiQt — IVa^t (jTornfilf atiUurtiott). Nov. 14. — Thomas Weir of Blakwod, and John Campbell, alias Cok, found caution to underly the law, at the next Juflice-aire of Lanark, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Archibald Tenent of Leuenax (now Linhoufe) : And for art and part of Ravifliing the wife of Robert Hammiltoune, dwelling at the Chapel of St Bride. #pprfssin0 iTiitf SSaounKfufl: ti)t Coiinteso of CraufiirU, ^r. Dec. 12. — John Moncue of Balluny,' and Mariota (Maij) Dowglafs, his Ipoufe, and four others, found caution to underlythe law, at the next Juflice-aire of Perth, for Oppreffion done to Mariota {May) Countefs of Craufurd, in break- ing up the foil and ditches of her lands of Potento, and Wounding the laid Countefs in the throat : And for common Oppreffion. — Robert Carnegy of Kynnaird, George Arrot of that Ilk, and George Halybiu'toun of Petcur, were amerciated for abfence from the Affife. dfniK OftiMtnt Horti ^wmt aittj ti)t Eairtr of (iJtimonstoun. Dec. 19. — Gilbert, William, and Thomas Hwme, came in the King's will for Convocation of the lieges in great number, armed in warlike manner with lances, bows, and arrows : And for art and part of the Hameluckin, befetting of the way, forethought felony and Oppreffion done to John Edraon- ftoun of that Ilk, coming to his lands and heritage of Ednem, and invading him and his fervants for their Slaughter, and cruelly Hurting and Wounding .... Wychtman with a lance, in peril of his life. — John Hwme of Coldenknollis became furety for the appearance of the laid Thomas Hwme at the next Juftice- aire.of Berwik. Supplication of WiUiam and Gilbert Hume to the Lords Regents. My Lords Regents, vnto jOur 1. Iiuimlie inenis and fchawis, we ^our feruitoniis, William Hume and Gilbert Home : ])at quhar, we come in ])e Juftice wil, for ])e tul5e" Jiat liappynnit betuix MY Lord Hume and |)E Lard of Edmonstonis feniandis; for fe quliilk we wer put in jie Caflle of Edinburghe, and fair lialdin, of lang tyme bigaue ; and hes fpendit all ]iat we had, and couth get to borrow at frendis ; and now, for fait of our neceflaris, ar in parrel of our livis : Theirfore we befeke 30ur 1., for Goddis fake, fene we ar pouer men, and hes no wjier landis nor guddis to fulleiie ws, pat 56 will cans ws to be put to liberie and fredome, Jiat we may pas among our frendis to get our mete and drink, for our fervice ; we findand fouirtij to entir agane in J)e faid Cartel, quhenne euir je pleis, vpoune XV dais warnyng, vnder fic panis as we may find. And 50ur anfucr huimlie I (we) befeke. — (Indorjhl) Apud Edinburghe xvif Februarii, anno 7™ V'^xxxv)^". The Lordis Regentis Ordanis pe Jvflice Clerk to tak ficker' fouerte of \\\ complenaris, fat fai fall obferue and keip gud reul in tyme curayng, afer^ of faim vndir fe pane of V'' hundreth merks : And alfe, fat fai fall entir within ward in fe Caflell of Edinburghe, or ony vfer Cartell within fe realme, quhen it plefis fE KiNGis ' See Aug. 2 J, 1536. ' A broil, scuffle, or quarrel. ^ Sure caution. « Either, each. 24Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 181 grace, or fe faidis Lordis Rkgentis in his abfence, apoune xv dais warnyng, vnder ]>e fald pane : Quhilk fouerte beand fund, fat fe Juftice Clerk writt to ]>& Capitane, Conftable, and Keparis of fe faid Caftell of Edinburgbe, to put fe faidis coraplenaris to liberie. — Erll of Huntley, Erll of Montrose, Erle of Maxwell, ' Johne Banxatyne,' 56 fall tak ))e Lard of Melloftanis fouerte, efter fe forme of fis deleas,'^ and kep pis for varrand.' Tho. Scott.^ #l)prcssttin — 3Htbasion — 21saount((ns — iHutilation* Jan. 30, 1536-7. — Gilbert Earl of Cassillis, Fergus Makdowall of Freuche, John Kennedy younger of Druaimellane, Alex. K. of Glentig, James K. of Knokdone, and twenty-three others, found furety to underly the law at the Juftice-aire of Air, for art and part of the Mutilation, bel'etting the way, ffore- thought ffelony, Oppreffion, and breaking the King's Proclamation in his abfence ; and coming upon John Dunbar of Blantyre, and his four fervants, within the burgh of Air, upon Dec. 9 laft, to the number of fifty perfons, armed in warlike manner, cruelly invading them for their Slaughter, Wounding three fervants of the faid John, and Mutilating two of them in the hand and thigh. j[)))iTi3sion — iNutilation. Hector, George, and David Dunbar, Hugh Hammiltoune, and John Gillis, found caution to undei-ly the law at the next Juflice-aire of Aii', for art and part of the forethought felony, common Oppreffion, and Mutilation of Peter Rankin, coming upon him and James his brother, within the burgh of Air, upon Dec. 8 laft, and cruelly invading them for their Slaughter, of forethought felony. ^fjftjp-stcaliitti: — Snfirtnsing; of (i!?n(jlisl)men, ^c. Apr. 17, 1537. — Andreav Hall, called i^«^;yo«', and William Hall, called IVanfoiine pynt'ill,^ denounced Rebels, &c. for not underlying the law, for art and part of the Theft of certain flieep from William Dowglace of Bone- Jedburghe and his neighbours : And for art and part of the inbringing of certain Engliilimen to the Place of the faid William Dowglas of Cun5eartoune, and for art and part of Stealing certain corns furth thereof. — Perfy, Cuthbert, and John Hall, called Wijde-Jioije, and John Bennet in Schank, found caution to underly the law for the fame crimes, at the next Juftice-aire of Roxburghe. * ^^irnallinja* <)f Virtual — ^dlinfl ^|)ffp to (JJntjUsijmm. May 30 — James Riddale, burgefs of Jedburghe, convicted of art and ' The family of Bannatyne (of whom was descended the now famed George Bannatyne), long held office as Clerks of the Court. ^ This is the only instance this phrase is used in the Record. It is an order to delete, or blot out the old act of cautionery from their books. ' Of Pitgornio, Lord Justice Clerk. * See Aug. 11, 1337, where it appears that these persons were afterwards slain by the Douglases. 182 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. part of breaking the Act of Parliament in ' girnalling' of victual. Delivered over to the Captain of Edinburgh Caflle to be kept in ward. — Andrem' Rid- DALE convicted, at the fame time, of Selling three fcores of flieep called ' hoggis' ' to Englillimen, contrary to the King's Proclamations. Alfo "warded. — They both found caution, to the extent of 500 merks each, to appear before the Juftice on 1ft, and afterwards on 11th days of June, when they were per- mitted to compound with the Treafurer. J^abisl^inii: (#oiribIf 9[6tiiution,) Jun. 10. — Thomas Kennedy, fon of Thomas Kennedy of Knokreoche, found James K. of Blarequhanne as his cautioner, that he fliould underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Air, for art and part of the ' Reviffing' Kathe- x'ine Kenned)'', daughter of vmq'^ Alexander Kennedy, Girvane-manys. 223it!)l)oltiiiig tijr iUiits of €>vknt^ antJ ^!)ttlantJ, ^c. Jun. 15. — Barbara Stewart, William, her brother, and eleven others, dilated for art and part of the Stouthreif and detention from Margaret Lady SiXCLARE" of the rents of her lands and lordfhip of Scheitland : And for art and part of Stouthreif from the tenants and inhabitants of the Lordfliips of Scheitland and Orknay of their marts, hides, fwine, flieep, meal, butter, oil, and malt. Ordained to appear on Jun. 23. — (Jun. 23.) Denounced Rebels, and all their goods to be efcheated. 33f sjtti'ns t|)e Stbliot of iHrUosr — Oppression, ^'^r. Jun. 22. — John Hume of Coldaueknowis found caution (James Ker of Merfingtoune) to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Berwick, for Befet- ting the way, of forethought felony, and for Oppreffion done to Andrew Abbot OF Melrose, on Jun. 15, lying in wait for his Slaughter, with Convocation of the lieges to the number of 120 perfons, between Mofs-Roploche and the IMonaf- tery of Melrofe. j^toutfjirif — Opprrsston — «l2.1ountiin£« Jun. 25. — Robert Turnbuli,, alias Fehill Hob, denounced Rebel and put to the horn, &c. for failing to underly the law for art and part of the violent Theft and Stouthreif from Sir Walter Ogilvy of Dunlugus, kn', furth of his fet of the lands of Colbrandifpethe, of 20 head of cattle or ' nolt :' And for art and part of the forethought felony and Oppreftion done to AVilliam Bell, * Sbeep of a year old, which have not been shorn. ^ Perhaps Lady ^Margaret Sinclair, the third daughter of George, /owrtA Earl of Caithness, and wife of William Sutherland of Duffus. 24JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 183 William Small, and Andrew Stevinfoune, his fervants, cruelly wounding and hurting them with lances. — Six others were fined for not appearing to underly the law for the fame crime. lArc/i/bald Earl of Argyle, Jujiice General.'] Crwsouaijlt (Tonspiran) asaiitst i\)t M\\tC% Itife— Consfiiriiis i\)t Qcstructioii of tf;e ^rottisl) ^rmn at 3JetH)ursI). [The fate of the Master of Forbes has long been matter of History, and the details have been recorded with more or less accuracy by Buchanan,^ Lesley,^ Sir James Balfour,^ and Pinker- ton ;■* and_^/7io/, in his Collection of Criminal Trials,^ has devoted more than usual space to the discussion of this, the introductory, Case of his Abridgement; which, however, he confuses in his ordi- nary manner, and colours it with his peculiar views. As Mr Tyllers History enters so minutely into all the leading public events, it is unnecessary for the Editor to attempt even the briefest outline of the circumstances. The only mention which it is deemed necessary to be given, iu this place, is the following passage, taken from Caldencood's History of the Church of Scotland -^ and the reader will find appended to the Trial three important illustrative Papers. These documents contain all that is requisite, in the mean time, towards the formation of a clear opinion of the nature and merits of this remarkable Case. ' John Master of Forbes," be the perfuafione of the Earle of Huntlie,^ who had leduced one of his fervants called Strachene^ to reveale and forge a Conspirasie intendit by his Mafler, was perfewed and convict be ane Affife, as having fonie yeers before fought, with the Douglasses, to (lay the King. It was true he marraied the Earle of Angous his filler; hot it could not be proven fufficientlie and clearlie, aither by Wittnefs or other evedences, that ever he had fuch a pur- pofe. It was knowne that the greatell pairt of the Assise war corupted be the Earle of Huntlie. The Master of Forbes was Beheaded the 10 of Julie 1537 ; and Slrachene the revealer was Banillied, becaufe, as was aledged, he had confealed the Treafoune maney yeeres. Ilowbeit, the people judged not the Master of Forbes to be guiltie of that Treafoune, quhich was laid to his charge ; yet, did they not lament for his death, becaufe he had bein guiltie of manie grivious oftences otherwayes. The King feemed to repent of this fact foon efter, for he received one of his bre- theren into Court, and the other he reftored to his brother's patrimonie, and procured to him a good marraige.' There is only one circumstance farther which need be noticed, viz. that the Master of Forbes, not- withstanding of his sentence, was beheaded and quartered, &c. his relations having been spared the more ignominious part of the sentence. Wood, in his Peerage, following Arnot's account of the matter, relates that he was hanged and quartered, &c. Leslie, however, informs us, that ' he wes heidit and quarterit at Edinburgh, and liis heid and quarteris affist apoun the Portis' — and Balfour says, that ' be the niediatioun of some frindis, he had that fauor to be beheadit and quartei'it.' On the scaffold he denied the Conspiracy against the King ;'° but acknowledged tliat he deserved to ' Buchanan, xiv, 53. " Lesley, Ban. Club's Edit, p. 1.31. ^ Annales, I, 267. ' Hist, of Scotland, Quarto, II, 3-lj. ' Trials, p 1. ° MS. Advocates' Library. ' He was the eldest son of John, stxM Lord Forbes, by Christian, daughter of Sir .Tohn Lundin of that Ilk. Lord Forbes, as will be seen from the accom- panying Papers, was also accused of the same Conspiracy, and was for a long time Warded in the Castle of Edin- burgh ; but, ultimately, he received a free exculpation from every charge of guilt. He died anno loi7. * George, fourth Eiirl of Huntley, who was slain at the Battle of Corrichie, when his army was overthrown by the Queen's forces under the Earl of Moray, Oct. 28, 1562. ' See Jul. 20, 1537, of this Collection. '» Pitscottie says, he ' swore vpoun the scaffold that he was innocent of these crymes of Treasoun quhairof he was convict ; but he knew Weill it was the innocent Slauchter of the Laird of Meldrum quhilk had brocht him to thatpoynt.' Lindsay's Chronicles, II, 353. 184 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. die for the Murder of the Laird of Meldrum.' The Editor again begs to refer the enquiring reader to Mr Tytlers History, where, doubtless, he will find a lucid narrative of the whole circum- stances connected with this remarkable Trial.] Jul. 14. — John Master of Forbes/ ' Convictus de arte et parte proditorie Confpirationis et abhoniinabilis ymaginationis Interfectionis et diftructionis nobi- liffime perfone fereniffimi domini noftri Regis, per bumbardam fine maehinam bellicam, le cuhcer'uig vulgariter appellat., ipfb domino Rege tune temporis in fuo burgo de Abirdoniis exiften. pro executione et adminiftratione jufticie in borialibus partibus fui regni, ipfius necem proditorie confpiran. et imaginan. Item, pro arte et parte proditorie Seditionis orte infra vltimum Exekcitum f. d. n. Regis, pro defenfione regni aduerfus arma Anglorum, fuper Limites regni, tempore belli, apud Jedburghe expectan., proditorid Confpiran. et ymagi- nan. vnius partis Exercitus Scotorum diftructione, pro defenfione regni Scotie contra perfecutiones et incurfiones veterum inimicorum Anglie apud prefat. Limites raoram trahen., in eminentem perditionem totius diet. Exercitus Scoto- rum et appai'ens dampnum et deftructionem f. d. n. Regis, totius fui regni Scotie ejufdemque reipublice. Ac pro proditoria auxilia et fupplemento prefa- torum inimicorum Anglie. Nomina Assise elect, et admiff.fuper jyrefato Johanne Magijtro Forbefs, viz. Robertus Dominus Maxwell, Alexander Leflie de Petcapill, Jacobus Gareoch de Kilftare, Willelmus MagifterdeGlencarne, Johan. Pantoune de Pettneddene, Georgius Leflie de New Leflie, miles, David Duncanfone de Standand- Johannes Cvmyng de Culter, Johannes MailluilldeRaith, miles, llanes, Karolus Dempflare, Johannes Hume de Coldennowis, Willelmus Leflie de Boqubane, Willelmus Leflie de Coclarochy. Georgius Craufurd de Fedderatt, Nicholaus Rofe de Auchloflin, hAVBjive Sentkntia FoRiSFACTUiiE recMita contra prenominatiim Johunnem Magijlrum Forhese, jier os WiUelmi Carwod fectutoris^ dicte Curie, jyrout feqmtur in vuJgari. It is fundin by tbe faid AfTife, that Johne Maister Forbese hes committit art and part of J?e trelTbnable Confpiratioune and abhomynabill ymaginatioun of \>e Slauchter and diftructioune of oure foverane lordis maift nobill perfoune be fchott of culvvering, oure faid foverane lord being for J)e tyme in his burghe of Abirdene, for executioune and adminiftratioun of iuftice in J)e North partis of his realme : And for art and part of J)e treffonable feditioune rafnig amang oure foverane lordis lall OiST and AliMY, being at Jedburghe, for defence of his realme aganis ])E Army of Ingland, in tyme of weir; treflbnablie confpirand ' Wood s Peerage, \. 592. He got a remission under the Great Seal for the Murder of Alexan- der Seton of Mei.drum, Oct. 10, 1530. Reg. Mag. Sig. XXV. 364. See also various entries in this Collection, and in the Appendix to the present reign. " The case being so remarkable, the text is given untranslated from the Record. The Doom being inserted ' in vulgarly we have thus the entry in both forms. "■ ' Dempllar,' q. d. doomjter, whose office it was to pronounce tlie sen- tence. 5 24JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 185 and yinaginand ])e diftructioune of ane part of J)E Army of Scotland, being for jje defence of pe realme aganis pe perfecutionis and incnrfionis of pe auld inymeis of Ingland, being vpone pe faidis Bordouris, in api^erand tynfall of pe haill Army of Scotland, and apperand fli:aitb and diftructioune of our foverane lord, his realuie, and Comnione-weill of pe famin, for pe treftbnabill help and llippld of pe faidis inymeis of Ingland. — For pe quhilk treffonabill crimes, the laid Johne Maifter Forbes hes forfaltit to our fouerane lord his life, landis, and gudis, movable and vnmovable : And fall be harlyt and drawin trow pe calFay of Edinbur', and hangit ' on pe gallouCe to pe deid, and quartei-it and demanyt as ane traytour. And ])is I gif for dome. Papers illustrative of the Master of Forres's Trial. I. Judicial Challenge of the Majler of Forbes, as a Traitor and Con- spirator, hy George Earl of Huntley. At Edindurghe, pe xj day of Junij, the 3ear of God PV and xxxvij 3eris. In' prelens of ))E KiNGis grace and Lordis of his Counsale vndirwrittin ; that is to fay, ane maift Reverend and Reverend faderis in God, Gawyne Archi- bilchop of Glafgow, Chancellare, James Bifchop of RoflTe, William Bifchop of Dunblane ; Venerabill faderis in God, David Abbot of Abirbrothok, Robert Abbot of Halyrudehoule ; Noble and michty lordis, Hew Erie of Eglintoune, David Erie of Craufurd, George Erie of Rothes, John Lord Erfkin, Malcolme Lord Flemyng, Walter Lord of Sanct Johnnis, Johne Lord Lindefay, Hew Lord So- meruile, Thomas Erfkin of Breching, Secretare, James Coluile of Elle Wemys, Johne Campbell of Lundy, knychtis, Comperit ane nobill aud michty lord," George Erll oi^ Huntlie, &c. one pat ane parte, and Johne Maister of Forbes one ])at vpev parte, and pare pe faid Erie delatit pe faid Maisteu (of) Forbes to our fouerane lord of pis cryme of Trefibune and Lefe-maieftie eftir following ; That is to fay. Ye faid Maister of Forbese had imagynit and confpirit his hienes dede^ and Slauchter, be ane fchot of ane iinall gwne or culuering within pe burgh of Abirdene. Quhilk cryme pe faid Maistek of Forbes denyit, and faid it wes nocht of verite ; and ofTerit him to defend pe famyn with his body And becaufe pe faid Erle of Huntlie allegeit pat fie wordis vver faid to him, and pe faiaris pairof wer nocht prefent ; bot pat he fuld bring ane landit or gentill manne ^ fayaris of pe faidis wordis to pE KlNGls grace, to avow pat pai faid pir wordis, and'pat at the pe day nemmit be pE KiNGis grace : And fail5eing pairof he hes tane vp pe plege.* ' Sir James Bui four, iti his quaint manner, gravely remarks, that the Master of Forbes ' had fen- tence to lie lianged and quartered ; but, hy the modiatione of feme friends, had the fauor to be beheaded and quartered I' Annuks, I. 268. " Death. ^ Sic. ' This mode of impeachment was generally done in form of a solemn challenge, in presence of the Kino and his A^OL. L t 2 A 186 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. The quhilk mater being put to ])e avifement of >E Chancellare and Lordis being prefent for J>e tyme, for pe odioufnes of fa heiche ane crime, and J)airwith being avifit, and ]jai referrand J)are counfale and avife agane to his hienes, in quliais prefens ])e faid George Erle of Huxtlie lies bundin and oblift him, his landis and heretage, vnder pe pane of tuenty thoufand markis, to bring pe faid landit or gentill manne, dilataris and fayaris of pe cryme forfaid, before our faid fouerane lord or his Juftice in Edinburghe, or qubat vper place he plefis to alTigne, pe firft day of July nixt to cum. AXD j^airfor J^e faidis Lordis of Counfale Ordanis ane Herald, or vper ofRciare, to pafs, and command and charge \)e faid Maister of Forbes to enter his perfomie within jje Castell of Edinrurghe, vndir J)e pane of Trefoune ; and J^air to remane quhill pe faid day,, or ellis ]jat he, within pe faid fpace, find fufficient cautioune' and Ibuirt^ to pe faid Juftice Clerk, Jiat he fall compere pe faid firft day of July, before our fouerane lord or his Juftice, to defend pe faid mater, as accordis vpoue pe law, vnder pe pane of xx" markis : Akd alfe, to command and charge pe faid Johne Master (of) Forbes, Jjat alfe lang as he remanis within pe burghe of Edin- burghe, }iat he cum na nerrare ])E KlXGis grace bot to pe Nether boll' of pe famyn, quhill pe faid day, vndir J)e pane of Trefoune : And gif it plefis Jje Kingis grace to cum to pe faid burghe ony tyme within pe faid day, pe faid Johne Maister of Forbes being within pe faid burghe, fall remane within his houfe and lugeing during ])at tyme, and fall nocht cum furth of fie famyn fa lang as ])E KiXGis grace beis within pe faid burghe : And gif pe faid Maister of Forbes paffis, ony tyme betuix J)is and pe faid day, furth of pe faid burghe, ))at he cum nocht neir to J)E KiXGis grace, within thre mylis, vndir pe pane forfaid. (Dec. 11, 1537.) — II. BoXD of Caution faken hy Warrant of the Lords of Prill/ Council, that John Lord Forhes, and WilUam Mofter of Forbes, Jliould not ef cape from the Cajlle of Edinburgh. In prefens of pe Lordis Chancellar, Prefident, and Lordis of Counfall, Com- perit Walter Innes of Touchis, Robert Orrok of ])at Ilk, James Foi-bes of Carnebo, John Forbes of Drumdochty, and Williame Forbes of Ardmurdo, become plegeis and fouerteis, coniunctlie and feuerallie, renunciand pe benefice PEERS. The challenger, after ' delating' or charging the accused person of Treason, &c., threw down his gauge, or gauntlet, which the accused, if he denied the charge, took up ; and ' offerrit to defend the (amyn (his assertion of innocence) with his hody.' In al)sence, or failure of sufficient proof, the King frequently referred the matter to duel or ' Singular Corahat,' as it was then termed, exclaiming, ' Gon defend the richt !' Tiiis Contest, like many other ordeals of a similar description, was founded on a deep knowledge of human nature ; and seemed necessary, in these barbarous times, for the well- being of Society. The eelf-possession and innocence of tlie one party, and the boisterous arrogance, and confusion of the other, frequently, indeed generally, produced a termination favourable to the ends of substantial justice. Numerous instances could easily be adduced, if necessary, of the Judicial Combat having been authorized by Royal authority in Scotland. ' His cautioners were John Lord Forbes and John Forbes of Pitslego. ^ The Netber-Bow Port. 24JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 187 of diuifioun, to pe Juftice Clerk, in our fouerane lordis name, for Johke Lord Forbes, and Williame Maister of Forbes his fone, now being within pe Cajlell of Edinbu)', in Warde, that pal fall nocht efchew nor depart furth of pe faid Caflell of Ed'inhur', hot fall remane fiairintill, as in fre Warde, quhill ))ai be fred furtht of pe famin be ]5E KiNGls grace, vndir pe pane of Ten thou- fand markis. — Ex hoc lileglum captain fait ex mandato Dominorum Coiifdii. (Apr. 10, 1538.) — III. Warrant to allow WdUam Majler of Forbes free IFard u'it/iin the Town of Edinburgh. Rex, Justice Ci-erk, fforfamekle as We haue changit pe Ward of WiL- LIAME Forbes, fonne and apperand aire of Johne Lord Forbes, now beand in oure Cajlell of Edinburghe, to cum and remane in ward in oure Toune of Edinburghe : Quharefor, We charge 50 w, pat incontinent eftir pe fycht hereof, 36 tak ficker fouertie and fufficient' J)at pe faid Williame fall keip and remane in Wai'd within pe faid Toune, and haue"' him honeftlie Jiairin, and nocht to depairt Jjairfra without our fpeciall Licence granted and had J^airto, vndir pe pane of Ten thoufand merkis. SuBSCRiuiT with oure hand, at Edinburghe, pe x day of Aprile, and of our regnne pe xxv 3ere.^ Jawes R. Coii0jptrni0 tT)r 2ru'ng*0 iJcstiurtion, 61) i^oison — Crcasonal)!)) Sntcifommuninff, ^r, i»itlj Xi)t (Irarl of ^nfliis, H^t, [One of the most remarkable passages in tlie history of the reign of King James V, is the detail of the proceedings so rancorously adopted and put in execution against Jean or Jonet Douglas, Lady Glammis. The Editor considers it as due to the memory of a noble, and, as he conscien- tiously believes, a much injured Lady, whose character has met with an undue measure of severity from Historians, to enter rather more fully than usual into a statement of the facts of her case. It is probable that this injustice has arisen from the circumstance of its having been usual for succeeding writers to take for granted all statements made in the earlier Chroniclers and Historians, without farther examination ; and thus, until 3Ir Phikertoyi and 3Ir Tijtler adopted a very different course, errors the most glaring were perpetuated, and handed down from one author to another. Jonet Lady Glammis was the second daughter of George Master of Angus, (eldest son of * the great Earl,' best known by the name of ' Bell-the- Cat!) by Elizabeth, second daughter of John first Lord Drummond. The reader may be reminded, that the undaunted old Earl of Angus, having remonstrated against the rashness and imprudence of King James IV accepting the challenge of the Earl of Surrey to fight, received what he deemed an unpardonable affront from his sovereign, who taunted him for liis counsel, and proudly told liim, if he was afraid, he was at liberty to go home. Retiring in disgust from the field of battle himself, and, as is related, with tears of indignation, he generously left all his followers with his two eldest sons, who both fell at Flodden Field, with two hundred gentlemen of their name. Bell-the-Cat, broken-hearted, thereupon withdrew from the world, and died the following year, 1514, at the Priory of Whithorn, in Galloway.' ' John Forbes of Pitslego and George Meldrum of Fiwy (Fyvie), 10,000 merks. ' Behave, conduct himself. » Aimo 1538. ' Wood's Peerage, I, 134.. Pinkettoris Hist., &c. 188 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537; The unfortunate lady who was the victim in the following Trial, married John sixth Lord Glammis, who (lied Dec. 12, 1527, leaving issue by her, John seventh Lord Glammis, then a youth. He was long involved in the consequences of his mother's misfortunes,' and Elizabeth, married to Ross of Craigie.- She appears soon afterwards to have married Archibald Campbell, who is styled by Historians ' of Kepneith.' This gentleman appears to the Editor to have been Archibald Campbell of Skippinche (Skipnish), who was the second son of Archibald second Earl of Argyle. He obtained a Charter of the lands and Keepership of the Castle of Skipynche or Skipnish, Aug. 13, 1311, from King James IV.' The Editor does not recollect to have met with the title of Keijmech in any of the Public Records, and thinks it extremely probable that Campbell of Skipnish was the second husband of Lady Glammis. At all events, it is very unlikely that a high-born Lady of so distinguished a family as that of Douglas would stoop to a matrimonial alliance with a small Highland Laird, unconnected with any Noble family. It is proper, however, to state, that the Editor has no proof to adduce in support of this surmise. Being possessed of a masculine mind, and a large measure of that undaunted courage, which so long characterised the Douglasses, she generously, but imprudently, braved the King's Pi'oclamations, which strictly forbid all persons, of whatever degree, from ' intercommuning' with, or giving food, raiment, or slielter to the Earl of Angus, and other Traitors and Rebels, under pain of death. It must be borne in mind, that Archibald, the sixth Earl of Angus, Chancellor of Scotland, who was forfeited in Parliament, Sep. 3, 1528, along with George, his brother, and Archibald, his uncle, was brother-german to Lady Glammis, who was closely attached to him alike by the bonds of natural affection and ol private friendship. With the unquenchable fidelity of a sister's love, she afforded her brothers and their uncle all the assistance in her power, and speedily drew down upon herself a portion of the implacable vengeance which King James V had sworn against the Douglasses, it being known that he Iiad taken a deep and solemn vow, that while he lived they should never find refuge in" Scotland. This Nobleman, on the death of his first wife. Lady Margaret Hepburn, second daughter of Patrick Jirst Earl of Bothwell (who died in childbed in 1313, without surviving issue), married, Aug. 6, 1514, Margaret of England, Queen Dowager of James IV, within eleven months after the fatal field of Flodden. The indecent haste with which this match was got up, and the ambitious views of the Douglasses, who through this means obtained the custody of the young King's person, in reality accelerated their downfall, by exciting against them the jealousies of a powerful faction of the Nobility. The King having made his escape out of Angus's hands, in July, 1528, the forfeiture of the Earl, his brother, and uncle, followed speedily after the meeting of the earliest Parliament, Sep. 4, 1528. It cannot be disguised that the violent and openly treasonable conduct of the Earl and his faction after this period was by no means calculated to restore him to royal favour, or to reconcile him to his injured countrymen. Having made many incursions into his native country, he retired into England, and became a pensioner of Henry VIII, who, in 1532, settled an annuity of one thousand merks Sterling u]>on him. The subsequent restoration of the family, after the death of Kino James V, is well known, and the outline of the history of his after life is unnecessary to be touched upon here, as being entirely foreign to the present subject. So early as Dec. 1, 1528, she was summoned to answer before Parliament, along with Patrick Hume of JUacdter, Hugh Kennedy of Girvancmani/s, and Patrik Chaitciis, for art and part counsel, assistance, he, afforded to the Earl of Angus, in convocating the lieges for eiglit days immediately preceding Jun. 1, for invasion of the King's person. This Summons of Treason was continued to Jan. 18, 1528-9, when the matter, so far as Lady Glammis was concerned, seems to have been dropped, for on the next diet, Jan. 22, her name no longer appears. In a few years afterwards, on Jul. 1, 1531, ■* we find that Gawyne Hammiltoune got a Gift from the Crown of the escheat of ' See liisTriiil, .Tul. 18, 1537. ' For some particulars of that devoted family, see this Collection, Vol. Ill, p. 'H5, and Appendix, pp. 582 to 500. ' liciJ. May. Siij. xvii. No. 33. ■• See Extracts from the Privy Seal Record, in the .\ppcndix to this reign, under that date. 24 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 189 all the goods, heritable anil moveable, which liad pertained to Jonet Lady Glammis, and had been forfeited on account of her ' Intercommunyug witli our fouerane lordis Rebellis, or for ony vfir crymes,' &c. Ou Nov. 29 of that year, Haldane of Kelour and several others were fined for not passing upon her Assise; and on Jan. 31, 1531-2, John Druramond of Innerpeffery ' became surety for her entry at the next Justice-aire of Forfar, for art and part of taking the life of her husband, John sixth Lord Glammis, ' pci' intoxicaiionem,' which probably was meant to signify the employing of drugs, charms, or enchanted potions. This shifting of the ground, in relation to the charge of crime alleged against her, seems to have proceeded from tlie repeated refusal of the Barons to come forward as Assisors or Jurors on her Trial, and from the fear ou the part of the public prosecutor that the Case would break down for want of legal and satisfactory proof of her being guilty of any Treason. Such suspicious circumstances naturally lead us to infer that her real crime was the political offence of her being a true-hearted Douglas, and as such a contumacious despiser of the Royal tyranny, which would attempt to force her to deny succour to her oppressed brothers and uncle, and other ' Rebels.' As Lord Glammis died Dec. 12, 1527, it is highly improbable that all legal proceedings would be allowed by the advisers of the Crown to be totally suspended for nearly four years against one who was, at any rate, obnoxious to the King. There were never awanting enough of officious spies about the Scottish court to ferret out the truth of even the shadow of suspicion of crime against those who were unhappy enough to lie under its ban ; and had tiierc been any just ground of accusa- tion, Lady Glammis's career would have at once been cut short. In farther corroboration of the feelings of the Barons, in relation to the innocence of Lady Glammisj it may be stated that, ou Feb. 2, 1531-2, FuUerton of Ardoch, and a number of other Lairds, were amerciated for refusing to pass upon another Assise, which lier prosecutors had again caused to be summoned for her trial. And once more, on Feb. 26, Lord lluthven, Lord Oliphant, &c., were fined for the same cause, as may be seen from the various entries, under these respective dates, in this Collection. Owing to the imperfect state of the Criminal Records, no farther notice of this ill-used lady can now be procured until the day of her Trial, when unprincipled Witnesses appear to have been brought forward, who gave false testimony ; upon which the Jury were compelled to return a Verdict of guilty, ' without any lubftanciall ground or proyf of mattir.'* With regard to the|articles of Dittay, they are only two — treasonably Conspiring and imagining the King's Slaughter or deftruction by poison, and treasonably assisting, snpplyins, resetting, intercom- muning, and fortifying Archibald, Earl of Angus, and George Douglas, his brother. The popular story, which originated in the blunders and fables of some of the Chroniclers and Historians of the age of Mary and James VI, has hitherto been, that the Lady Glammis was burnt for Witchcraft ! The Records leave no room for imagining that such formed any part of the charges adduced against her. Assuredly, had it been possible to bring forward such an accusation, we may infer that it would have been strenuously urged against her, to secure the popular voice in favour of the King; and, above all, it would have been jtromincntlij recorded in the Dittay, and also in her Sentence. Mr Pinkerton, deluded by the frequent repetition of this fable, indulges himself by entering into extenu- ation of the conduct of James V, for sanctioning the prosecution of Lady Glammis for the imaginary crime of Witchcraft ; and other authors, otherwise respectable, have fallen into the old vice of the earlier Historians, who have immemorially been in the habit of perpetuating each other's errors, by indolently taking for granted all that their predecessors had stated, without being at the pains of examining for themselves Records and documents which were at all times within their reach. Perhaps the fabulous story in regard to a charge of Witchckaft having been brought against ' Sir Jolin Draniinonil of InnerpclTery, third son of Sir Jolin Jtrst Lord DrummoTid, was the father of this indivi- dual, who married Margaret Stewart, Lady Gordon, natural daugliter of King Ja.mks IV, legitimated by Letters under the Great Seal, Fcl). 1, loo8-9. " Letter from Sir 7'humus Clijf'urd to Kixc. Ilii.NKv VI 11. Mus. Brit., Caligula, B. iii, 187. Pinkerton's Hist. II, 318. See also this Collection, I. » 198. 190 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. Lady Glammis, may have originated in the preceding attempt to fasten upon her the pretended guilt of taiiing away her first husband'8 life by charmed drinks or drugs. This, however, took place many years before her execution. A more plausible reason for reporting that she dealt in Magic or Witch- craft may have been the barbarous manner of her death ; for, she having died at the stake, it is not unlikely that the popular report, fifty years, or even a century afterwards, would be that she was ' Burnt for a Witch.' In all cases of Treason and Murder, as well as in those of Witchcraft, Sorcery, &c., females of rank were invariably burnt at the stake, until a comparatively recent date, when decapita- tion was sometimes granted, iu pai'ticular instances. In crimes of an inferior description, such as Theft, &c., females, and often infirm old men, were drowned. From not attending to this circum- stance, and as Witchcraft was uniformly punished by burning at the stake down to the commencement of the eighteenth century, it was natural for the more modern Historians, who were well aware of the manner of her death, to repeat what they had met with in the pages of earlier Chroniclers, &c. There is one circumstance which strikes the Editor as affording a very extraordinary feature in these proceedings. The truly amiable Magdalene Queen of Scotland, who had only arrived from France on May 10, died on July 7, 1537; which plunged the King and the nation into the deepest sorrow. Never did a Queen-consort commence her reign under happier auspices, and with so entire a love of all her subjects. James V had to all appearance abandoned himself to grief for her loss, and had retired from the pleasures of the Court and from all his usual sports and employments, when suddenly, ' in the very crifis of domertic and national affliction,' tiiese rigorous proceedings were adopted and perpetrated, with feelings of private revenge and hatred altogether abhorrent to human nature. Had such a course been previously determined upon by tlie advisers of the Crown, certainly the time was the worst that could possibly have been chosen ; for even had this excellent Queen survived. Lady Glammis must either have been put to death by burning at the stake during the midst of the festivities which followed her Marriage and Public Reception, or at the very moment of the celebration of her Funeral Obsequies ! The whole complexion of this shocking tragedy bears such savage traces of a furious and unmanly revenge against a noble and unprotected female, who was the only individual of her family on whom they could lay their hands, that it can hardly be compared with any other event, either in ancient or modern history. The Editor need scarcely apologize for appending a few notices, which he considers as necessary towards the full understanding and illustration of so remarkable a Trial, and so painful a passage of the History of Scotland.] Jul. 17. — JoNET Douglas Lady Glammys, ' Conuicta de arte et parte proditorie Confjiirationis et imaginationis Interfectioiiis, fine diftructionis, nobi- liflime perfone fereniffimi domiui noftri Regis, per peffimum veueiium lie ^wy- Jbne. Item, pro arte et parte proditorie affiftentie, lujjplemeriti, receptatioiiis, intercommunicationis et fortificationis Archibaldi olim Angusie Comitis, et Geokgii Douglas ejus fratrum, proditoz-um etrebellium, in proditorio modo. — COMBUSTA. Nomina Assisa electe jurat, et admiff. fnper 'prejala Joneta Domina Glammi/s, viz. Johnnes Comes Atholie, Wil. Kirkpatrik de Kirkmychell, Johannes Mailuill de Raith, miles, Johannes Comes Buchanie, Joh'^ Creichtoune de Ruweuiiis, Jac. Towris de Inuerleilh, miles, Robertus Doniinus Maxwell, Jacobus Kcr de Merlingtoune, Dauid Barclay de Matheris, Wil. MagifterdeGlencarne, miles, Gilbertus Comes de Caflillis, Johannes Edmonlloun de eodem, Johannes Hume deColdenknowis, Willelmus Dorainus Sympill, Wil.Makrlellane, TutordeBondby. ' Letter from Sir Thomas Clifford to King Henry VIII, B. Hi., 167. Pinkerton's Hist II, 318. 24JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * I9I Sententia Forisfacture reddita contra prenominatam Jonetam Domi- NAM DE Glammys, jjc?' OS WiUielun Carwod, fedaforis dicte Curie, prout Jeqnitur in vuJgari. It is fundiu be ]3e faid Affife, That Jonet Douglas Lady of Glammys hes commitit art and part of )je treflbnabill Confpiratioune and ymaginatioime of }je Slauchter and deftructioun of our fouerane lordis maift nobill perfone be poyfone : And for art and part of Jje trelTonable afBftance, fupplc^, reffett, inter- commonyng and fortifying of Archibald, fumtyme Erll of Axguse, and George Douglas, hir brether, Traytouris and Rebellis, in ti-effonabill maner. — For ]>e qnhilkis treflbnable crimes, J)e faid Jonet Lady of Glammys hes foir- fallit to oure fouerane lord, liir life, hir land is, gudis movable and vnmovable : And ]>ai fcho fall be had to Caftell hill of Edinburghe, and ])air BRYNT in ane fyre to \>e deid, as ane Traytour. And J)at I gif for Dome. Papers illustrative of the Trial of Jonet Lady Glammys. I. Narrative taken from the Hijlonj of Scotland, hij David Scott of the Inner Temple} The Lady Jane Dowglafs, SfC. accus'dfor Confpiring to Murder the King. At this time, tiie Lady Jane Dowgi.ass, firter to Archibald Earl of Angus (who then liv'il an exile in England), was the nioft celebrated beauty in the nation. She was of a middle stature, not too fat ; her face of an oval form, with full eyes ; her complexion extremely fair and beautiful, with a majeflick raein. Befides all thefe perfections, Ihe was a lady of Angular chaftity, her mhid wanting none of thofe perfections a mortal creature could be capable of. H,er niodefty was admirable, her courage was above what could be expected in her fex ; her judgment folid, her behaviour affable and engaging to her inferiors as well as equals : And as flie was defcended from one of the moll ancient and illullrlous Families in the kingdom (tho' at that time eclips'd,) Ihe had been married to John Lyon Lord Glames, a moft worthy young Nobleman of noble birth, but died foon, and left this young lady with one fon : And tho' flill mirtrefs of her perfections and a plentiful jointure, yet continued a widow for fome years after her hufband's death. During which time, feveral of the firft Nobility of the Kingdom had courted her ; but ihe was not (o much inclined to marry for wealth and title, as for merit ; fo that ihe plac'd her affection on one Archibald Campbell of Kepneath, who com- manded the Third Regiment in the King's Army, to whom (he was married, to their mutual fatisfac- tion. Mean time William Lyon, a near relation of her firft hulliand, having made violeut addrefTes to her, and feeing that (he was married to this gentleman, became almoft dillracted upon tlie difap- pointment : But though he had loft her in marriage, yet did not forbear his addre(res to her in an unlawful way, and continued to importune her to confent to his dcfigns ; which (he refented with the ntmolt difdaiu, and told him, that (lie had treated him witli the refpect due to the relation of her ' Folio, Westminster, printed by J. Cluer and A. Campbell, in King's Street, near the Abbey, 1727. Though no authorities are cited by the author on the margin, his account bears marks of having been collated with Drummond of' Hawthorndfii's History, which is fuller on thesubject of this Trial than any other. From his residence in London, he had, probably, access to State Papers, &c. i'vntn which his Narrative had been compiled. It has been deemed advisable to print it here, as the book is but little known ; and inch-ed it only professes to be an impai-lial compilation from previous Histories and Chronicles. ' There seems to the Editor lo be no doubt that this gentleman was Campbell of Skipi/nclie or Shipness, as formerly surmised. See the Case of John Lord Glammts, Jul. 18, 1537. 192 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. fii-ft hufband and cliild, and not out of any regard to his own perfon or merit ; but, fince Hie found that he had fuch dellgns, the hated the figlit of him, and alFured him that llie never would comply with fuch abominable crimes. This relolute denial lo dirtracted him, that he upbraided her with ingratitude for the great love he had for her, and told her, fince he had loll fo much time in vjiii, he would ftiuly to banilh her from his thoughts. But his violent love, or rather lufl, turn'd to as violent hatred; fo that after that he never vifited her, but ftudied revenge. Thus his pafiionate love being fucceeded by vengeance, he took fome time to invent a plot againft her life, which lie refolved to facrifice to his refentment : And at laft found out the moft horrid contrivance that Hell could fuggeft. He accus'd the Lady, her hufband, and one John Lyon, an aged Prieft, and his own near relation, of having a defign to poifon the King. Whereupon they were apprehended and confined prifoners in the Castle of Edinburgh, their goods feiz'd, and a ftrict charge given to the Judges of the Jufliciary to proceed to their Trials. , Mean time the accuier, William Lyon, having too ready accefs to the King's ear, fludied all means to aggravate the crime; and that he might difpose the King to treat them with all polfible cruelty, he reprefented that the Family of the DoKylqffes had been always dangerous and troublefome to Ins predecelitirs, and even lo himrelf aiid his kingdom : And reminded him of the infolent behaviour oi Archibald Earl of Angus, brother to the prifoner, in the time of his Majefly's minority, whofe practices were fo dangerous, that by a public Decree he was banilh'd tlie kingdom as a dillurber of the peace of his native country : That fince that time he was become the i'ubject of King Henry of England, his Majefly's greatefl enemy; and was now the caufe of all the Inroads made by the ENtiLisH into Scotland : And fince he could not be reftor'd to his honours and fortune without great difficulty, revenge had incited him to plot all the mifchief lie could againfl. the King's ])errone, and who could be employ'd in fuch wicked defigns more true to him than his own filler, who by the ties of blood was oblig'd to i'ecrefy; and had employ'd her in that Confpiracy, thinking that her fex, cha- racter and birth, would make her the lefs fufpected : Therefore advis'd his Majefly, that if lie had any regard either to his intereft or fafety of liis perfon, it was uecefTary to extirpate that race, wliicli produc'd nothing but monftrous Rebels ; and efpeeially that woman, whom, if he fpar'd, he put it in her power to acconiplilh her wicked defigns. ■ The King, being ignorant of the malice which JVilliam Lyon bore to the Lady, order'd that (he, her hufband, and Chaplain, ftiould be fpeedily brought to their Trial, without any regard to their birth or characters. And t/w Lady Jane was brought to the Bar, according to cuflom, to hear what ihe could fay for her felf. And having made particular anfwers to the quellions propos'd by the Judges, Ihe imagin'd that her danger proceeded from her relation to the Euil of Angus ; and with the greateft courage and confidence imaginable, fhe deliver'd the following Speech. Lady Jane DowglaJ's Iter Defence at ihc Bar. ' Those that hate my brother are enrag'd, becaufe he is not in their power, that he might fall a liurifice to their malice ; and they now difcharge their fpite upon me, becaufe of my near relation to him ; and to gratify their revenge with my blood, they accui'e me of crimes which, were they true, deferv' Summa j ustitia summa injuria. VOL. I. f 2 B 19i * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. 77*6 King's Anftoer to the Judges. The King, who was naturally merciful, had eafily complied witli this requeft of the Judges, had not Lyon (who contriv'd the hellilli plot, and then fear'd that if they efcap'd his wickednefs would be difcover'd) prevailed with the King to return this Anfvver to the Judges: That the exercife of Juf- tice was a conllderabJe part of the Royal dignity, whicli he had entrufted them with when lie made them Judges : That it belong'd to their Office to preferve the Innocent and punilh the Guilty : That the Book call'd Regiaui Majeflatem contain'd all the forms and rules which ought to determine them in fuch cafes : Wherefore, he gave them full power to proceed in that matter, according to juftice and the Laws of the land ; and faid, he knew nothing that could hinder them from doing their duty like men of judgment and honour. Lady Jane Executed. Witli this anfwer, thofe that were fent to wait upon the King return'd to the Exchequer, (where the Court of Juftice then fat,) and reported to the reft of the Judges what the King had given them in charge. Whereupon the Judges gave Sentence againft the Lady, according to the Law. She heard the Sentence pronounc'd without the leaft figne of terrour or concern. On the day appointed for her Execution, llie fulFer'd on the Castle-hill of Edinburgh ; where llie appear'd with fo much beauty and little concern, that all the fpectators were fo deeply afflicted for her, that they burft out with tears and loud lamentations for her untimely end, and were fo confident of her Innocence, that they defign'd to refcue her: But the King's Officers and Guards being prefent, hinder'd their attempting any thing that way. Thus died tiiis moft noble Lady, whofe death was lamented by all that knew or beheld her, except the moft inhuman barbarian who brought her to this lamentable end. The next day after her death, her husband (Archibald Campbell) defign'd to make his efcape out of the Cajtk of Edinburgh, being let down over the walls by a rope, which happening to be too fliort, or broke, he fell upon the rocks, where he was dafii'd to pieces. The King feem'd much concern'd after the Execution of Lady Jane and the death of her huftiand, and caufed releafe the old Gentleman her Chaplain. But yet, the young Lord Glamis was ftill kept in the Caftle, till after the King's death. William Lyon confejjes his crime, and fiies from juftice. After this moft virtuous and excellent, as well as beautiful. Lady fell a victim to her inhuman lover, he began to reflect on his wickednefs, and was fo filfd with horror that he was not able to endure the lalhes of his troubled confcience. He lamented his crimes when it was too late, and having fuch confidence in the King's mercy, he confeff'd the whole matter fecretly to him. But finding the King abhorr'd fuch wickednefs, he fled from the Court, knowing that he could not efcape being punilh'd according to his crimes ; and departing from Scotland, he foon after died in Flanders, in great mifery.i II. Narrative //-ow ' IVie Hijlory of the Houses of Douglas and Angus, by Master David Hume of Godfcroft.' ' The King's anger ftill continued againft them (the Dou(. lasses) in fuch fort, that nine years after, in 1537, he was contented that Jeaitc Douglas Lady Glames, (who was Angus' Sifter,) fliould be accufed by falfe Witnelfes, condemned, and execute. The point of her accufation was, that Ihe, and her Iluiljand, (Archibald Campbell then,) and her Sonne, and an old Prieft, had gone about to make away the King by Witchecraft. Their servants were tried and racked, but confefl'ed nothing ; the Accufer, Jolm Lyon^ a kinfman of her firft hufband, when he faw how they were like to be ' Folio, Edin. Printed by Evan Taylor, Printer to the King's most excellent Majestie, J61-4, p. 261. * ' Wil- liam' on the margin. It will be seen, from the other proceedings, that William was this person's name. 24JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 195 ufed, and that tiie Houfe of Glames would be ruined, repenting of what he had done, confefled to the King that he had wronged them ; but it did no good. ' Slie was burnt upon tl)e Cq/tk-hiU, with great coniniiferation of the people, in regard of her noble bloud, of her hufljand, being in tlie prime of lier years, of a fingular beauty, and fuffering all, thougii a woman, with a man-like courage ; all men conceiving that it was not this fact, but the hatred the King carried to lier brothers, that had brought her to this end. Her hufband, feeking to efcape over the wall of the Caflle, fell, and broke his leg, and fo died. Her fonne was kept in prifon, becaufe he was fo young that the law could not ftrike againll him. ' Others were committed to Ward, as Sir George Hume of Wedderhitrne, who was Angus his lifter's fon, to Black-Nesse, for whom his mother, Dame Alison Douglas, coming often to entreat the King for him, though he always ufed her courteouily, and gave her good countenance, and that almost onely to her of all their friends : So that his language was by way of excufing, without deniall ; yet llie could obtain nothing, till a little before his death, about the Rode of Fawla, when hee began to miffe their service, then he fet him at libertie. His implacabilitie did alfo appear in his carriage towards Archbald of KHj'piiidie, whom he, when he was a childe, loved fingularlie well for his ability of body, and was wont to call him his Gray-Steel. ' Archbald being baniflied into England, could not well comport with the humour of that nation, which he thought to be too proud, and that they had too high a conceit of themfelves, joyned with a contempt and defpifing of all others. Wherefore, being wearied of that life, and remembring the King's favour of old towards him, he determined to try the King's mercifulnefs and clemency. So he comes into Scotland, and taking occaiion of the King's hunting in the Park at Stirling, he cafts himfelf to be in his way, as he was coming home to the Callle. So foon as the King faw him afar off, ere he came near, he guefled it was he, and faid to one of liis Courtiers, yonder is my Grey- Steil, Archbald oi Kil/pindie, if he be alive. The other anfwered, That it could not be he, and that he durft not come into the King's prefence. The King approaching, he fell upon his knees, and craved Par- don, and proniifed from thence forward to abftain from meddling in public affairs, and to lead a quiet and private life. The King went by, without giving him any anfvver, and trotted a good round pace up the hill. Kiljpindie followed, and, though he wore on him a fecret, or fljirt of mail for his parti- cular enemies, was as foon at the Callle-gate as the King. There he fat him down upon a floue without, and entreated fome of the King's fervants for a cup of drink, being wearie and thirftie : But they, fearing the King's difpleafure, durll give him none. When the King was fat at his dinner, he allced what he had done, what he had faid, and whither he had gone ? It was told him that he had defired a cup of drink, and had gotten none. The King reproved them very lliarply for their dif- courtpfie, and told them, That if he had not taken an oath that no Douglas fliould ever ferve him, )ie would have received him into his fervice, for he had feen him fometime a man of great abilitie. Then he fent him word to go to Leitir, and expect his further pleafure. Then fome kinfman of David Falconer (the canonier that was (lain at Tantallon,') began to quarrel with Archbald ti\>o\iX the matter, wlierewith the King ihtwed himfelf not well pleafed when he heard of it. Then lie com- manded him to go to France for a certain fpace, till lie heard farther from him. And fo he did, and died Ihortly after. This gave occafion to the King of England (^Hcnry VIII.) to blame his nephew, alledging the old faying. That the King's face Jliould give grace. For this Archbald ( whatfoever were Anguse's or Sir George his fault) had not been ])rineipal actor of any thing, nor no counfeller nor ftirrer up, but only a follower of iiis friends, and that noways cruelly dilpofed. ' He caufed alfo execute Sir James Hamilton of Evendale, for divers reafons : Bnt that which incenfed him moft, was his Correfpondencie and fecret trafficking and meeting with tlie bani(hed Douglasses, efpecially with Sir George, whom lie met with in the Park-head, as the King was 196 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. informed. There was no man tbat he could bear had but received them into his houfe, but be caufed appreliend, and execute the rigour of the law upon them. He caufed the Laird of Blackader bring in John Nijhet of the Spittel, and made him to be execute to death, for receiving (as was alledged at leafl) the Earl of Angiis into Iiis houfe. ' Thefe many Executions, proceeding from many Reports and Delations given to him, bred great fufpicion in his niinde ; all the woods feemed full of Theeves. Many were put to death for the Douglasses ; this was a token that they had many favourers : many were offended by these execu- tions, and fo many ill-willers, by being offended. So his fufpicion againll the Nobility was daily increafed ; his jealousy growes, cares multiply, his mind is dillurbed, which would not fuffer him to fleep found, but troubled his head with dreames and faufies.' III. Naiikative^)-o?« Bishop Lesley's History of ScotlancU In tills fymmer wes tane the Lady Glammes, fifler to the Erie of Angus, and David Lyoim hir hulband, and brocht to the toun of Edinburgh, and wer accufit and convict be ane Aflyfe for Confpi- racie of the Kingis deid. And the faide lady wes brint, and hir huiband hangit thairfor.' The Lord Glam.mes, her fone, wes convict for knawlege and Confpiracie of the famin, and thairfoir forfaltit of his landis, and condampnit to dee. Bot becaufe he wes younge and tendir of aige, the King fpairit his lyfF, and committed him to perpetuall prefoun ; quhair he reraainit during the Kingis litf tyrae, in the Callell of Edinburgh. Shortlie thaireftir, Johne Maister of Forbes, and eldeft fone to the Lord Forbes, quha had maryit the faid Lady Glammes filler, wes accufet in Edinburgh, and convict be ane Aflyfe for the like Confpiracie of the Kingis deid; and thairfoir wes heidit and quarterit at Edinburgh, and his held and quarteris affixt apoun the Portis. The Lord Forbes, his fader, being fufpectit thairof, wes halden in ward in the Caftell of Edinburglie ; bot he wes thaireftir releifit. IV. Narrative from ' The Genealogie of the Houfe of Driimmond' Unpub- lished? Another daughter of George Master of Angus, with Lady Elizabeth Drumraond, was Jean Douglas, Lady Glamrais, married to John Lord Glammis, called to a by-name, ' Cleanfe the Cau- fay.' In the year 1537, flie was accufed, by fufpected witnefles, (if not falfe,) that Ihe and her fone and fome others had gone about to take away King James the Fifth his lyfe by witchcraft; where- upon file was brunt upon the Caflle Hill of Edinburgii, with great commiferation of the people, in regaird of her noble blood and Angular beautie, Ihe being in the prime of her age, and fuffering with a mafculine courage, al men conceaveing that the King's hatred to her brothers had brought her to that end. Her fone John, who was next lord, was alio condemned and forfaulted; yet, becaufe he was a minor, referved in prifon untill he lliould be of age to have his fentence put in execution. Bot after the King's death, in anno I54'2, he was againe reftored to his lyfe, eftate, and honor, and was father to John Lyon, Lord Glames, Chancellor of Scotland, whofe fone was Patrick, the firll Earle of Kinghorn, and married to Anna Murray, daughter to John, then Laird of TuUibardine, begot upon Catharine Drummond, daughter to David Lord Dnimmond ; this Patrick, the firll Earle, was grandfather to Patrick, now Earle of Strathmore and Kinghorn. ' Baiinati/nc Club's Edit. 1830, p. 154. ' These unpardonable errors show strongly how little is to be relied even on the most accurate of unr old Historians in matters of this description. A mistalie inadvertently made by one was sun; to run through all future Histories, without examination. ' Geneai.ogif. of the House of DaiMMONi), Quarto, 18,'jl, p, H3. Preparing for Private circulation from the Siratliallan AfSS. &c. The Editor is indebted to the learned Gentleman who conducts the publication of this Family History, for the present extract. 24 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 197 The families lineally defcended of this Lady Glames, befydes Strathmore, are Duke Hamilton, Earle of Caffills, Earle of Morton, Lord Spynie. V. Narrative from Calderivood's 31S. Histonj of the Church of Scotland. Jeane Douglass Ladie Glames, and fifter to the Erie of Angous, was indicted and convict be ane Affife, having, with her lecond hulliand, Gilkfpick Campbell,'- her fon, ane old Preeft, and John Lyoim, her firft hufband's kinfinan, fought to have killed the King with Poyfoun. Howbeit, they dwelt far from Court, and nothing could be extorted from their frinds or fervents, quhich anie wife might ferve againell them ; yit war they tortoured and committed to the Caflell of Ediuburghe. Jeane Douglass was burnt wpon the 5 day after the beheading of the Master of Forbes. Her death was greatlie lamented be the people, for her nobilitie, her youth, her beautie, her courage at her death, but moll of all, becaufe it was judged that hatred againft her bannifhed brother, rather then guiltinefs of anie crime committed, had brought her to that end. Her hulband, Gillefpick Campbell, while he prefled to efcape out of the Caltell be a cord over the wall, the end being ihort, he brake all his bonds,* and died. His fone, a fimple youth, fcarce lyable to fufpicioune for I'uch a crime, was detained imprifound during the King's life ; and after, reftored to his patrimonie. The accufer was one William Lyoim, a kinfraan. He repented, too late, of the calamitie he had brought upon fuch a noble Houfe, be his calumnies ; and confeffed his wicked purpofe to the King. Bot the King relented nothing notwithflanding, aither of his rigour, of the punifliment, or of the forfaltour of the Lands. Archibald Dowglajs of Killfpindie^ quhom be loved fingularlie for his abilitie quhen he was a child, and called him his Grajifleele, liad come into the countrie fecreitlie, and fallen doun upon his knees before him, and craved pardoune, quhen the King was returning from the Park of Stirline to the Caftell ; bot the King paft by I This gave occatioune to King Henrie of England to blame his nephew, and to alledge the commoun faying, ' a King's face fliould have grace.' The Earle of Angous filler-fon, George Hume of Wedderburne, he committed to warde in Blacknell'e, and deter- mined him in award ;'' till a littell before his death, that he had need of fervice atFALA Raid, quhen the King fett him at libertie, and gave him a white horfe of rare fpeed. Bot for^ this prefent, his wraith againfl the Douglasses was implacable.'' VI. NoTicEy>-o;« Anderson's 3IS. History of Scotland. About this tyrae, the Ladie Glames, hir fone the Lord Glames, of 16 jeiris of aidge, hir hufband, Archibald Campbell of Keipnech, ane harbour, and a Preift, war accuHd for Treflbnn, in the Tolbuith of Ed'. The faid Ladie was condaniet and Brunt Schort quhyle eftir, followid ane wther judgment,' in confideratioun of the parentadge accufid, the novaltie of the cryme, tlie creweltie of the crymeand executioune, moft miferabiil. Joane Douglas, filler to the Earle of Angus, Johnne Lord Glames wyff, as is in maner forfaid, was accufid that fcho, hir hull)and, and fone was to poyfone the King, was brunt. Hir hufband being V\'airdit in the Callell of Ed"^, thinking to brek (Waird) and com away, be ane tow,** the fame was fchort : He fell and brak all his banes, and died.'-* VII. Notice y>w» Sir James Salfoufs Annals. This 3eire, alfo, the Ladv Glamise, fifter to tli£ Erie of Angus, and her hufband, Dauid Lyone^" ' Buchanan, in his History, generally designates Archiliald Earl of Argyll, GiUestpih. ' Bones. ' See this narrated at length in Hume's History of the House of Douglas and Angus. Edin. 1743, ii, 107. * Fine for his return, &c., for which he had forfeited his IJond. * Notwithstanding. " Caldcrwood's History of the Church of Scotland, WS. Adv. Library. ' He precedes this brief notice by an account of Lord Forbes's Treason. * Rope. ' Anderson's MS. History of Scotland, Adv. Library. '" Lesley's blunder repeated. 198 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537- wer arrann'd for Treflbne againft the King's perfone. The Lady was brunt, and her hufband was hangitt/ and her fone, the Lord Glamise, was forfaulted, hot his lyffe was fpared ; becauffe he, knowing, did not reweill his mother's defeinges, and was fentenced to perpetuall piil'one.'-' VIII. Letterj^/w« Sir Thomas Clifford to King Henry VIIU Mr Pinkerton having repeatedly quoted this Letter in his History, as being illustrative of the proceedings against the Master of Forbes and Lady Glammis, the Editor deemed it proper to procure a Transcript of so valuable a document, proceeding, as it does, from the pen of such an eminent individual as Sir Thomas Clifford. Through the polite attention of Frederic 3Iadden, Esquire, F.A.S., the Editor is enabled to lay before the reader all that is applicable to these Cases. Mr Madden remarks, that this interesting Paper ' is a copy by Sir Thomas himself, inclosed in a Letter from him to the Lord Privy Seal (Cromwell), the latter of which is dated from Berwick Castle, 26th July (1537.) The chief object of his Letter to the King is to inform him of the King of Scots' secret visit to Dunbar, and provision of ordnance there and at other places. In consequence of which. Sir Thomas represents the defenceless state of Berwick, and desires aid and means of resistance in case of attack. The only portion of the Letter which refers to the execution of the Master of Forbes, &c., is the last paragraph.' ' As for vther newes occurrantin Scotland, on Saterday the xiiijth day of this month inftaunt, the Maister of Forbose, fone and heir to the Lord Forbofe, was attached of Treafon againll the KiNGis perfon ; of fuch mattir as he at his deth dyd tacke vpone hyme fat he was Tackles'" off. How- beit, he was the fame day drawin, hedyt, and quartered in Edynburgh. 'And on Tewfday nixt followinge, the Laydy Glammes, fufler to th' eri^ of Anguysh, was brint in Edynburgh for Treafon layd vnto hir charge againft the Kingis perfon ; as I can perceyue, ■without any fubftanciall ground or proyf of mattir. ' Ther is remaynyng in Wayrd,^ by the Kingis comaundement, the Lord Forbose, William Forbofe, his couffine gerraayne, the Lord Glammes, the Lord of Wetherburn, Hewe Dougles, Efquier, the Lord^ of Whytingham, Petter of Carniyghell, the Lord'' Glaybarve, Robert Dowgles, Mr Davy Straywham,* with diuers vther.' Cuiuralintj: tf)f StalJi) (^liimmiio's trrasona&lr Coiisjpiian) atjainst tijc iiintj^s life, hv poison* [The circumstances attending the following Case have already been fully explained in the preceding Trial of JoNET Lady Glammys, which renders farther remark unnecessary in this place. On Jun. 15 preceding, this entry occurs in the Books of Adjournal : — ' The quhilk day, Dauid, Erle of Craufurd, Robert Dowglase of Lochlevin, the Lard of Law.mond, and Archibald Campbell of Skipynche,^ ar becumin pleggis and fouerteis, coniunctlie and feueralie, vndir |ie pane of ti/enti/ thowfitnd marhis, ])at fe Lord Glammys full remane in Warde, within })e Cauell of Edinbur', and fall nocht efchaip nor efchew furth of jie famyne, quhill he haue \ie Kingis grace Licence, vndir ]>e faid pane.' The reader is already aware that John seventh Lord Glammys, although sentenced to be exe- cuted, was merely imprisoned during the life of King James V. He was, no doubt, but a youth at that time ; but it was the jealous policy of the King, reckoning on the revengeful spirit of the times, to put it out of the power of this young Lord to be tempted to avenge his mother's cause and his own, ' Both Lrxlic ane trefTonable conceling and nocht reueling of J)e treflbnabill Confpiratioune and imaginatioune of pe diftructioune of oure Ibue- rane lordis maift nobill perfoune be poyfoune, ymaginat and confpii-at be vrnq'" Jonet Lady Glammys, liis moder, to quhome he confentit and was art and part with hir ])airintill ; as at mair lenth is contenit in ]je Dittay, &c. — For ]?e quhilk cauffis he hes forfaltit to oure fouerane lord his life, landis, and gudis, movable and vnmovable, and fall be hangit and drawn, and demanyt as ane Traytour. Crrason.ilili) ronualins X\)t iHastn- of ^jTovljrs's Conspimri) to ^lai) t!)e l^iitff, [In the preceding Trial of John Master of Forbes, the reader has seen that John Strath- AUCHIN, or Strachane, was implicated with him in the same crime. Witiiout recapitulating that case, the Editor merely inserts a short paragraph explanatory of the matter,' which, so far as Strachane was concerned, seems tolerably correct. ' About the time that this embaffy- was dispatch'd, the King was alarmed with many felfe reports of Plots againft Ins life ; and fome villainous perfons took opportunity to work up the King's i'ufpi- cion to a belief of their horrid contrivance. The firll perfon that was facrific'd to that villainous re- ' David Scott's Hist., Folio, Westminster, 1727, p. Sit. ' Cardinal Beaton and Maxwell, who were sent .Embassadors to France to conclude a Marriage with Mary of Lorraine. 200 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. venge was John Forbefs (Master of Forbes), ekleft fon to the Lord Forbefs, the Chief of that Name ; a young man of great courage and good education, but had liv'd a vicious life, and had enter- tain'd one Straghan as a companion in liis debauchery. This Straghan took opportunity to delire the gift of fomething from Johi Forbefs, which not being convenient for him to give, he excufed himfelf. Upon which, Straghan was ia offended, that he flroveto be reveng'd on him ; and knowing the Earl OF HuNTLY to be at variance with John Forbe.ss, he went to the Earl and accus'd him of having for a long time defign'd to murder the King : And by this means found falfe evidences to fwear to what he alledg'd, that Mr Forbefs was refolv'd to affaffinate the King, fo that by his death the DowGLASSES might be reftor'd to their ancient poflefiions, titles, and honour. Whereupon John Forbes was impeach'd, and by the teflimony of thofe falfe witneffes, found guilty of death by the laws of Scotland ; and was beheaded. ' The King was fo much concern'd for this Nobleman's death, that he baniflied Straghan, and reftor'd the fecond brother of the Lord Forbes to his brother's eftate and honour : And, in token of his favour, made him one of his Bed-chamber; and the third brother was, by the King's intereft, married to a lady of great fortune.'] Jul. 20. — John Stkathauchin, fon and heir apparent of Thomas Strathauchin of Lethinturk, accufed of being a participator in the Mafter of Forbes's treafon, having become in the King's will, the following Letter, declaring the royal pleafure, was entered on the books of Adjournal, and fen- tence pronounced accordingly. ' James, be ]'e grace of God, King of Scottis. To all and fundry our lieges, and fubditis, quham it efferis, (to) quhais knaulege ])ir our Letteris fall cum, greting : Forfamekill as Johne Strath- auchin, fone and apperand are to Thomas Strathauchin of Lethinturkis, is becumin in oure will, for arte and parte of })e trefonabill conceling, yraaginacioune and deuifing of our deflructioune and Slauch- ter, be vmquhile Johne Maister of Forbes, with ane culvering, and vthir trefonabill dedis and wordis committit be fe faid vmq'' Johne; ffor fe quhilkis he was conuict and juflifyt to ]ie dede for lie famyne. We, herefore declaring our Will and vtter mynd anent ]ie faid Johne in ]ie premifles, be fe tenour hereof, decernis, declaris, and ordanis him to pafs and remane in Warde, be3ond ])e Watter of Dee, in quhat pairtis he plefis, induring our will : And gif We, in proper perfoune, happenis to refort or cum beyond ))e faid Watter, pe faid Johne to hald and outdraw him fra ws be pe fpace of xij mylis. Chaugeing 50 w, herefore, all and fundry onr liegis and fubditis, quham it efferis, that Dane of 50W tak vpone hand to do or attempt ony thing incoutrar violatioune or breking of )iis our declaratioune of oure mynd and will anent \e faid Johne, concerning ]ie premifl'es ; and to fuffer him to joife and brouk peciabiliy, and to remane be'^ond Jjo faid Watter, in W'arde, in maner forfaid, during fe fpace forfaid, aboue writtin, vndir all Jie hieft pane, charge, and oBence Jiat ^e and ilk ane man' com- mit and inrin^ agane our Maiefte in fat pairt. Subscriuit with our hand, and vndir our fignete. At Halyrudehoufe, ])e xviij day of July, and of ourregne ])e xxiiij 5ere.' [James R.] 3Ststttut0 Xi)t Ijoai) — .IfJurtnicj: anU SSaimintrtng, ^r. Aug. 8. — Michael Axdirsoun, John and Andrew Fortoun, and 'Wal- ter Balwarde, amerciated for not entering themfelves to uuderly the law for art and part of befetting the way to Mr Alexander Spens and Mr John Spens, ' Must consequently, thereby. * Literally, run into, incur. 1 24JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 201 brothers, the fons of David Spens of Wohnerftoune, on June 28 last ; and inva- ding thein for their Slaughters, within the burgh of Cowper : And for art and part of Hurting and Wounding them at fame time. Conboratioii of ti)t %itQtsi — anibcision — asaounUiiis, kt. Aug. 8. — Dayiu Spens of Wolnierfloun, Mr Alexander, George, Robert, and Mr John, his fons, Andrew Spens, brother of John S. of Mariftoun, Andrew Lindefay, fon of William L. of Pyotftoun, Sir Alexander Spens, chaiilain, and ten others, found furety' to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Fife for art and part of Convocation of the lieges to a great number, armed in warlike man- ner, and Befetting the way to George Arthe of Smetoune and his fons,^ Invading them for their Slaughter, and cruelly W^ounding Nicholas, George, and Sir Wal- ter Arthe, to the great effufion of their blood ; committit within the burgh of Cowper, on Jul. 28 laft, of forethought felony.^ iHutilatioii. Aug. 9. — John Cunynghame of Caprintoune, David BoAvell of Auch- inlek, George Dowglas of Pennyland, and twenty-fix others, found caution to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Air, for art and part of the Mutilation of John Sampfoune, of the thumb of his right hand, of forethought felony. ^laiirpljtfr— Siurniiitj: of Cun^nrtoun* Aug. 11. — Mr Robert Douglas, brother to the Laird of Bone-Jed- burghe, Mr "William Ker, Rector of Auld Roxburgbe, George Ker of Lintoune, Gilbert Ker, young Laird of Greneheid, Thomas Macdowell of Makcarftoune, and eight others, found caution to underly the law at the next Aire of Rox- burgbe, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of William and Andrew Hall.' — (Aug. 13.) Persy Hale and others,' found caution to the fame effect, to anfwer for the crimes formerly imputed to them ; and for the Burning of Cun3artoune. Cr tason — a^ntnrcmintniinQ; initl) t|)t (Sail of ^nsus anti otfjer Ciaitois, Aug. 16. — Alexander Hume, Convicted of the treafonable Affiftance aflbrded by bim to Archibald, formerly Earl of Angus, and George Douglas, his brother. Traitors and Rebels to the King : And fpecially, at the time of the Burning of Colbrandifpethe and Auldhamftokis, the faid Traitors being with ' David Spens, younger of Wolmerstoun, is one of the cautioners. - John, George, Sir Walter (chaplain), Thomas, and Allan. ^ Other indictments against several persons followed from the same sqnabble, unnecessary to be here detailed. ■" See Apr. 17, 1537. ' See Ibid. VOL. L f 2 C 202 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537- the Englifh Army : And for Iiiterconiniuning with the faid Rebels in a treafon- able manner : And for Intercommuning with other rebels, not being traitors. — Beheaded. Oppression — Creasonafiln assistins ti)t C?avl of lusus, kt, Aug. 22. — John Mathesone, junior, Convicted of art and part of the forethought felony and Oppreffion done to John Lummifdale, dwelling in Cleg- horne, coming upon him at North Berwik for his Slaughter : And for art and part of the Oppreffion done to ^Villiam Cokburne, coming upon him in the Harbour of North Berwik for his Slaughter, Committed after Chriftmas laft. Iteai, for art and part of the treafonable affiftance and Intercommuning with Archibald, Ibmetime Earl of Angus. George Douglas, Little Alexander Jardin, William and Thomas Baty, George Downy, and others their accomplices, Rebels and Traitors, informing them in a treafonable manner of the fecrets of the king- dom of Scotland, after the date of his Remiffion. — Beheaded. Conrtaliiifj; t|)t ICatJi) a3lammis*s Conspivan) against tijt i^ing; — iJoisoning t])t €ai\ of 3Uotf)CS, ^r. Aug. 22. — John Lyoune, fenior, in Knokcany. [T»E importance of tbis and the following Trial, as appendages to those of Lady Glammis, 8cc. demands that the Editor should extract the entries from the record literatim, so that the reader may be in possession of the minutest facts, as they are expressed in the technical phraseology of the period. It is unnecessary to offer any farther observations on these proceedings, which are now for the first time made public] Laud /?rt' Judicium Forisfactuiie datum Jupcr quondam Johannem Lyoune. Johannes Lyoune, fenior, in Knokcany, Convictus de arte et parte proditorie concelationis et non I'evelationis proditoi'ie et abhominabilis Confpira- tionis et ymaginationis diftructionis nobiliflime perfone Supremi domini noilri Regis, per (peffimuni) venenum, vulgo le jioysone, ymaginat. et Confpirat. I^er quondam Jonetam dominam de Glammys, ejus filivun, et eorum com- plices ac participes ; quibus proditoribus diet. Johannes affiftebat, fupjilementum, fauorem et auxilium prebuit et exhibuit in eorum nequiffimis, peruerfis, et pro- ditoriis Confpirationibus et ymaginationibus pro diftructione diet fereniffimi domini noftri Rfx.is, per diet, proditores ymaginat. et conlpirat. : Et pro arte et parte cum eis in eifdem. Iteji, pro arte et parte proditorii vfus et intromif- fionis cum diet, peffimo veneno le poysone pro diftructione Comitis de Rothes, in proditorio niodo, contra Statuta et Acta Parliamenti, penas in eifdem conten- tas incurren. et deferuien. — Plio quibufquidem criminibus et calumpniis diet. JoiiANXns Lyoune fforisfecit fuam vitam, terras, et polfeffiones fuas quaf- 24JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. » 203 cumque, ac omnia bona fua mohilia et immobilia domino Regi efchaet. Ex TKAHITUK et DECOM.ATUU. — Et lioc judicium five laudum redditura et prela- tum fuit per os Willelmi Carwod, fectatorem dicte Curie. iHnlunjj .mU stllins liJoisoii — (zronceaUncj SiatJP g Mutilatioune of Roger Tuedy in Lyntoune of his tholme'' of his right hand, thay being vpone ])e Aflile of })e faidis perfonnis in ane Court of Julliciarie, haldin in pe tolbuith of Edinburghe, ]'e ferd day of October, ])e 3ear of God I'^V". xxxvj 3eris ; and Jiai I'eand with pare propir ene ))e laid Rogei-is tholme fchewin before ))ame, for pe vndir part cutit away and mutilat ; and fua, hes manifeftlie and Wilfullie enyt. Sentence. — And ))ar- for, all Jjair movable gudis fall be ))e Kingis ESCHETe ; and J)ai haue incurrit J)e NOTE of infamiti : And ])air perlbnis to be PRESONIT for ane 3eir and day, and farther, induring J)e Kingis \ViIl. Conijofation of X\)t licgts — ^toutljirif — Oppression, Oct. 26. — Andrew Ker in Auld Roxburghe, \\'illiani Ker in Stok- ' Non ? '^ ' Per magnam AOifam ;' by ' ane gret Allil'e.' ■ Acquitted and free from crime. * Thumb. 204 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537-8. ftruther, and Thomas, his fon, with fixty-five others, came in the King's will ' for art and part of Convocation of the lieges, to the number of two himdred perfons, armed in wai-like manner, with targets," fplentis,^ and other invafive arms, on Aug. 2 laft ; and for art and part of the Stouthreif and Oppreffion done to Helen Ruthirfurd of that Ilk, and her poor Tenants, coming to her lands of Hurdhoufe and Theifknowis, lying on the marches of her barony, and the lands of Riitherfurd, and Stouthreif from her and her tenants of lixty 'fled-full'* and fixty ' cart-fuU' of ' hader." Jjrsrtttntj t\)t ^aixti at Slurljiuamijs for !)is ^lausljtci*. Nov. 13. — Sir Johx Walcar, Chaplain, dilated of art and part of Befetting the way to Thomas Craufurd of Aucliinamys, at his Fifliing of Cart, and Invading him for his Slaughter, in company with William Lord Sempill, and his accomplices. He was replegiated by Gawin, Archbilliop of Glafgow, to his Regality. ^lnus|)trr of t|)c ilaiitrs of ^nrijoijot), iLcttii*, anH ^allintiroirfjt. Nov. 15. — Colin Campbell of Auchinhovvye, Convicted of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Allan Hammiltoun of Pardowy, Robert Striueling of Lettir, and Andrew Striueling of Ballindi'oicht, committed of forethought felony, in company with Colin Campbell, younger, his fon, William Campbell, his lervant, John Campbell, his grandlbn and heir-apparent, John Rogei-, his fervaut, and Charles Campbell, his porter." — Beheaded. ^ftjition anU Jjnsurrection iit X\)t Buftjf) of ^tr. Jan. 19, 1537-8. — John Craufurd of Drongane, came in the King's will for art and part of the Sedition and Infurrcction made between the neigh- bours and the Inhabitants of the burs^h of Air : And for art of the common Oppreffion of his neighbours. — William Craufurd, young Laird of lieffuoriis, and John Lokert of Bar, became cautioners to fatisfy the King and the jiarties. Il?amrsudun anU (Suppression of i\)t ilatrti of 33arsaui) in Slir, $tt, Jan. 19. — Alexander Lokert, burgels of Air, Convicted of art and part of Convocation of the lieges in great numbers, within the burgh of Air, in ' By a marking on tlie margin of the Record, it appears that Andrew Ker was fined 40 ti, William and Thomas in 20 li. each, and the rest in 20s. each. - 'Cum cadiircis.' It is by no means clear what is signified by this term, wliich, literally, denotes a coverlet ; but it is likely to be used figu- ratively for some kind of shield or targe. ^ Armour for the legs, chiefly used by horsemen. ' Sledges full. ^ Heather, heath. « Hugh Lord Somervill, Robert Bruce of Bynuing, and Hugh Montgomery of Hessilheid, were amerciated for not passing upon this Assise. 25 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 205 Autumn laft, againft the tenor of tlie Acts of Parliament : And for art and part of the Hameluckin and OpiJreffion done to Alexander Kennedy of Bargany, his near neighbour, at the fame time ; coming to his houfe, within the burgh of Air, in warlike manner, with invafive weapons, and throwing Hones at his win- dows and doors, and breaking and deftroying the fame. And for art and part of the Sedition and Infurrection made between the neighbours and the Inhabi- tants of the burgh of Air : And for common Oppreffion of his neighbours. Cafeincr mjptifar, ^t, — (irKctton from rrrtdin l.intis — iHurtin\ Feb. 21. — Thomas CRAUf ukd of Auchnames and Archibald Preftoune came in the King's will for the compulfion and taking captive of Sir Thomas Craufurd, Chaplain, againft his will, to the Place of Auchnames, and for detain- ing him therein in captivit)' and fubjection, for a certain fpace, uliirping thereby his Wajefty's authority. — He alfo came in the King's will, along with Thomas Rowaue, for art and part of the unjuft Ejection and outputting of Margaret Lufe (Love), widow, and John Paterfon, her fon, furth of their fet of the lands of Kibbilftoune, within the lordlliii^ of Auchnames. Hugh Montgomery of Heffilheid, the Mafter of Glencairne, and the Laird of Robertland, became cau- tioners to fatisfy the King and parties. — The fame day, the Laikd of Auch- names, James, his brother, along with Preftoune and Rowane, received the King's Refpite for the cruel Slaughter and Murder of John Quhite, committed of forethought felony. Craufurd of Hanyng became furety for the fatisfaction of the parties. Crrasonnbli) assistintj S^ntes JBotifllns of iJarftljf itr. Mar. 21. — John Tuedy, in Lyntoun, convicted of art and part of the treafonable affiftance given to James Douglas, formerly of Parkheid : And for art and part of ' way-putting' him ;' he being lulpected of certain crimes of High Treafon, and fugitive for the fame ; of the afliftance, caufnig, and counfel of the faid John. — Delivered in Ward to the Captain of Edinburgh Caftle. SupPLiCATiox Inj Jonet Pollok, Spouje of John Tuedy? SouERAXE Lord, vnto 30ur gracious liienes Imimlie menis and lievelie complanis and filiawis I jOur graces feruitrice Joxet Pollok, i'pous of Jolinc Tuedy, iu Lintoun, Tliat iiuliare uiy Tad Ipous is hevelie trublit in ^our graces Ward, in ]ie Caftell of Edinbur', for cauflis Jiat ho is innocent of, as, will God, falbe lieireftir clerly vndirflaiid to ^our grace; and lie is (Iratly kepit in prefou, and is daily at gret expends, and I liaf na erdly gudis to gif him, bot it' 1 beg at frendis : And laitly, my Lord of Morton hes put me furth of my maling,* Jiat fuld haf fuflenit my fad fpous and me, and our x (ten) bamis. Herefor, I befeke jOur 1. nobill grace to haf royth and picte' of my fad fpous, and gif com- mand to ))e Capitan to kepe him in fre Ward, he findand ticker fouerte'' Jiat he fall nocht el'chaip nor ' Effecting his escape. ' Grig, among Warrants of the Court. ' Excepting what. ' A sm.iU piece of ground for which mail or rent is paid. ' Ruth and pity. ° Sure caution or surety. 206 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1338. efchew 30ur graces Ward; and I and my ten barnis fall pray dailie for profperite of 50ur nobill grace bath in faule and body, for our liftymis. And 5 our gracious aufuer buimlie I befeke, for ])e reward of God. — {Indorject) Apud Y^Yi^. prime Augujii, anno 1"'V''. xxxviij°. The Kingis grace Ordanis fe Juftice-Clerk to reffaue fouerte of ]iis complenar, vndir gret panis ;' quhilk fovirte being fund, Ordanis pe Capitane to put him to fre Ward witliin \e Caflell. James R. Warrant from the King to put John Tuedij to liberty, S)C. Rex, Justice-Clerk, It is our will and we cliarge 50U ])at incontinent eftir fe ficht heirof 56 caufe JoHNE TuEDY, now being in Warde within our Caftell of Ed"', be lettin furth of [)e famin to liberte ; and tak fouerte of him as 56 think expedient, fat he ftill entir agane befoir our Julliee, or his deputis, or within ony Caflell of ouris, quhen he beis requirit, vpoun xv dayis warning, vndir certane gret panys; 36 keipand ])is for ^our WVrand. Subscriuit with our hand, At Lynlythg^', fe fecund day of Februar, and of our regne I)e xxvj jeir (1538-9). James R. Efastng mafeiittr punfsljtti tapitalli). Mar. 26, 1538. — William Scot Convicted of art and part of trans- grefling and breaking the Act of Parliament agaiuft Leafing-niakers, for efchew- ing of difcords between the King and his faithful Barons, and lieges ; incur- ring thereby the pains of the faid Act. — Hanged. iHurtJrr — ^totit|)rcif. Apr. 15. — John Henuiesoune Convicted of art and part of the cruel Murder of Hendirfone, coining u])on him at Crukftounhauche, on the water of Heremyte, and cruelly Murdering him : And for Stouthreif from him of his cloathes, certain Englifli Nobles,^ and his I'word. — Hanged. ^traliiifl Sxiool from libe si)ttp. Apr. 15. — John Cokry Convicted of art and part of the Theft and concealment of certain wool taken off feven live flieep, under filence of night, within the Place of Wrichtis-Houfis, near Edinburgh. — His ears cut off, and to be afterwards scourged through the burgh. Eorlr dTorlirs's Citasoii, ^r, [It is extremely probable that the wretched iiidiviilual, whose piteous ' Snpplicatioune' follows, was the person who betrayed John Master of Forbes, and who was, througli the influence of the Earl of Huntley, the immediate cause of that young Nobleman's execution. This document, which was found among the mass of loose papers and Warrants belonging to the Court, is so remarkable, that it has been thought proper to preserve it in this place. The reader is referred to the Trial of the Master of Forbes in this Collection. J ' Apr. 26. — Maist fouerane and gracious Prince onder God, Maister D.vuiD Strathauchin,'' huemly menys, quhair I ame alluterly hereit" and " ' I" li.' marked on the Warrant. = A coin of the value of 6s. 8d. English. ^ Trials, I, * 183. ■■ See Apr. 2C, 1536. ^ Ruined ; literally, plundered, or ' harried.' 25JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 207 diilroyit in my gudis, throcht my expenfis lutfaftly ' making in Ward and lamit in my perfoune, be tormenting,^ invollwyng my felf in det for furnefmg of me and tuay feruandis ; fuay pat my wyf and x barnes ar hungerit and forfarne/ and hes tayne apoune credence/ becaus I had nay vj^erwayis to furnes of my awyne, xxxv li. ; quhairthrocht, and in my defalt of payment })airof, canne get nay mair, bot manne peryfe for wanting of lyvyie fiiyd/ wythout 5our gracious hines put remeid heirto : Befeking, in maift lamentabill maner, fen fuay is, ]jat of 3our greit meir mercy (30U) wald fuffir me to pafs hayme, ondir fic fouerteis as pleifis 5our hienes to tak, Jjat I may caufe onder fovmes of money till enter and onderly 5our lawis, for ony manner of crymes ; or })anne, becaufe of my greit neceflite and pouerte, J)at 3our nobilnes wald put me wyth ony honed perfone })at may furnes my expenfes for my feruice, onder fyclyk fouerteis, onder fowmes ]>at I fall nocht remvf, bot byde and onderly all chargis ])at may be iinput to me, as knawis God, quhome to I comitt my haile caufe, and to ^our maift gi-atioufe nobilnes to dispone as 50 think caufe ; quhome for, fall my daly deuocione and prayer be for profperite baytli of faule and body. — [Indorsed.] Apud Striuling, xxvJ'" AjyriUs anno Domini F'V'jcxjcvsij. The Kingis gi-ace Ordanis the Capitaine and Keparis of J)e Caftell of Edinbro', to put Maister Dauid Stradaquhine, now being in tlie faid Caftell, to libertd and fredome, fwa })at he may pafs to Jja burght of Dunde, thai'e to remaine in Warde, indu- ring his grace will ; fuerte being firft funding to ]ie Juftice Clei'k, and actitate in })e bukis of Adiurnale, that he fal nocht breik his Ward of J)e faid burght, vnder the paine of ane thowfaiid pundis ; the faid Capitaine taking ane tikat*^ fubfcriuit with the Juftice Clark and the fouerteis funding ;' and the Juftice Clark keping this charge for his and the faid Capitane Wari'and. James R- Conboratioit — SSaountiiitQ;— ^toutljirif — pprfsstou. Oct. 2. — Richard Lauder and twelve others denounced rebels, &c. for not underlying the law for art and part of Convocation of the lieges, to the number of 100 perfons, armed in warlike manner: And for art and part of befetting the way to Andrew Cunynghame, fone of Sir William Cunynghame knt. Mafter of Glencariie : And for cruelly Wounding and Hurting him : And for Stoutlireif from him of his fword, 'quhingar,' belt, and purfe, and certain money therein : And alfo, for art and part of his I\Jajefty's authority in taking and detaining James Cunynghame, fervant to the faid Andrew, and putting him in the Stocks for twenty-four hours in fubjection and captivity, he being a free man ; thereby ufurping the King's authority, &c. ' Truly, really. " He was put to the torture, repeatedly, to extort Confession. ' Famished, like to perish. * Credit. ^ Necessary food or sustenance. '' Ticket, bond. " The cautiouers found. These were Alexander Strathauchin of Brigtoune, and Henry Ramsay of Lawisk 208* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1538. CTonboratt'on — ^puihir of Ctin«3--sf)fabfs — SeaminUfnc!:, ^r. Nov. 7 George Lord Hcjme,' Stei)hen Howat, and five others, found caution to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Berwick, for Convocation of the lieges to the number oi Jixty perfons, armed in warlike manner, upon Sep. 10 laft, coming upon Thomas Lowry and Robert Lummifdene, and other tenants of Stichell, whilft leading the Teind llieaves of the Abbay of Colding- hame, belonging to them by reafon of their Leafe, and ' Spuil3ie' of the faid llieaves ; and for Hurting and Wounding the faid perfons. lirstttiiTCi: HmUfi-rJjirbrs antj lUijrls — iBrtalunjj * X\)t JIaiiU.' Nov. 7. — Walter Ker of Cesfurd, James Douglas of Caveris, George Ruthirfurd of Hundole, John R. of Hunthill, and Andrew Ker of Dolphingftoune, Convicted of art and part of the favor and affiftance afforded to Robert Ruthir- furd, George R. called Cokhurne, and John R. called Jok of the grene, and their accomplices, Rebels and at the horn ; permitting them to pafs within their bounds continually, for divers years pad ; For not ufing their utmofb diligence to hinder them from committing fuudry Slaughters, Stouthreifs, Thefts and OpprefRons upon the King's poor lieges ; nor ejecting the faid Rebels, their wives and children, from their bounds and bailliaries, but knowingly fuffering them to pafs within their limits, and to remain therein beyond the fpace of twelve hours, to commit fundiy crimes during the time of their pafling and refet within the fliire wherein they dwell : And for not concurring with tlieir friends, men, tenants, fervants and adherents, againft the faid Rebels, and purfuing and appre- hending them, that they might be delivered up to the laws, and put to death : Nor keeping the faid Rebels furth of the faid limits ; thereby breaking, tranf- grefling and violating their Obligation and ' Band' to the King, and incurring the pains contained in the faid ' Band.' Msiirptitg; tfjt JTiiiitr's ,iu(|ioritt) — ^tttiiifi: a iHurUrrrr frrr. Nov. 8. — Alexander Forbes of Brux, and Alexander Forbes of Tolleife, found furety to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Aberdeen, for art and part of Ufurping the King's authority, in taking and detaining John Makanedoy, after the Slaughter of Chriftian Bowmane Lady of Bruxis, for the fpace of four days ' red-hand' after commiffion of faid Slaughter : And for dif- pofhig of his goods, which belonged as an efcheat to the King : And for putting the faid John to liberty. ' The Earl and twenty others came in the King's will for Hamesucken and Convoratioii of the lieges to the numher of 200 men, taking the Teind-shcaves furth of the barn-yard of James Kirkealdy of Grange, his Majesty's treasurer, and factor for the Abbacy of Coldinghanie, carrying otV and destroy- ing seventeen chabh'rs of corn and Teind-hear (barley.) — The Lairds of Coldcnknowis, Aytoune, and Cranstoune, became lurety for them. 1 26JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 209 CvfasonaMt Sintcrromnumiitfl iuitf) H)t crarl of Slnstis. Dec. 16. — Angus Dixglay came in the King's will for art and part of the treaibnable afTiftance, fiipply, and Intercommuning with Archibald formerly Earl of Angus, his brother, and their accomplices, Rebels and traitors, being at the horn ; going with the faid Rebels, and Intercommuning with them in Ber- wick : And for revealing and declaring to them the fecrets of the kingdom of Scotland ; the King being then in France. Commnutmrnt of tijt Htfontiation of llelisiou in ^totlanft — ^rrtsp — Silsiiirj ?l?nTtiral 33oofes, ^^r. [The Criminal Records do not afford us the extent of information which might have been expected upon the important subject of the Reformation of Reli- gion IN Scotland ; but from them, and from the Register of the Privy Seal, &c., very interesting notices are to be met with. The reader will find that the Editor has amply availed himself of both of these sources. Referring generally to the well-known and valuable Historical works of tl/e Reverend Dr M'C/ie, Keith's and Calderwood's Church Histories, Knox's History of the Reformation, &c., for narratives of the persecutions against the early Reformers, the Editor shall merely annex a variety of contemporaneous and early authorities, for the purpose of exhibiting interesting reports of individual cases, in so far as they are illusti'ative of those proceedings which appear in other parts of this Collec- tion. The labours of Dr M'Crie,Dr Cook, and others, who have entei'ed into a full discussion of this remarkable poi-tion of the history of our country, have long since met with the unqualified approbation of all who have turned their attention to the study of Cluuxh History, whether considered as a separate science, or as intimately connected with the political aspect of these eventful times. It may be advantageous to prefix to the earliest notice which occurs in the Books of Adjournal, such Papei's as have been selected by the Editor for the illustration of this subject ; referring the reader more generally to the other materials which follow in the course of this work. This method may perhaps be more practically useful than inserting them among miscellaneous documents in a general Apj^endix. Many readers may feel gratified by the following particulars, connected with some of the Narratives which are given in this work. In ' Observations upon a Household Book of King,Iames V,' by Henry Ellis, Esq.,' pub- lished in a recent volume of tbe Archaeologia, be remarks, ' The presence of the King himself at Edinburgh,' at an auto-da-fe,' is likewise noticed on tbe first of March, 1539, ' Accufatio h(creticorum ' Archaeologia, xxii. 7. ' He returned to Linlithgow on the night of the 2d INIarch. Ibid. VOL. 1. t 2 D 210 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1538-9- eteorum combujiio, apud Edinburgh Rege prefente.' He further informs us, that this happened ' when Keller and Beverege, two Dominican friars, Sir Duncan Simson of Stirling, a priest, Robert Forrester, a gentleman of that town, and Thomas Forest, Canon regular of St Colms on tlie Forth, and Vicar of Dolar, in Perthshire, suffered upon the Castle-hill. A short contemporary comment upon this event, occurs in an Oiiginal Letter from the Duke of Norfolk to Lord Cromtvell, preserved in the British Museum, dated Berwick, Mar. 29, 1539. Complaining of the bigotry of King James V, his Grace says, ' Dayly commeth unto me feme gentlemen and fouie Clerks, wiche do flee out of Scotland, as they iaid, for redyng of Scriptures in Inglilhe, faing, that if they were taken, they Iholde be put to execution. I give them gentle words ; and to fome money. Here is now in this town, (Berwick,) and hath be a good feafon, ihe that was wife to the late Capitayne of Donhar,^ and dar not retorne for holding our waies, as flie faithe. She was in Englonde and fawe Queene Jane. She was Sir Patrick Hamilton's daughter, and her brother wes brent in Scotlande iij or iiij years pafl..' The other numerous instances of persecutions, for ' Heretical opinions,' as they were then termed, though interesting in themselves, are ah-eady fully detailed by the authors before named, to whose works reference may be made.] I. Narrative of the proceedings agaiitjl. David Straiion, of the Hoiife of Lawriejlomie, Mr Norman Gourlay, and others^ ^"g- 27, 1534. In the month of Auguft (ISS-i) the Bishops, having gotten fitt opportunitie, renewed their battel] aganell Jefus Cluift. David Stratilox, a Gentelman of the Houfe of Lawreftoune, and Mr Norman Gowrlay, was brought to judgement in the Abby of Halyrudhoufe.' The King him felf, all cloathed with reid,* being prefent, grait pains war taken upon David Stratoun to move him to recant and burn his Bill ;' hot he, ever'' flanding to his defence, was in end adjudged to the fire. He alked grace at the King.^ The Bishops anlwred proudlie, that ' the King's hands war bound, and that he had no grace to give to fuch as were by law condemned.' So was he, with Mr Norman, after dinner, upon the 27 day of Aguft, led to aplacebefide the Rude of Greenfide, between Leth and Edinbi-ug, to the intent that the inhabitants of Fife, feeing the fire, might be ftriken with terrour and feare. David Straitoun at the firft hated the Preelis onlie for their pride and avarice. The Bijhop of Murray exacted of him the tenth fifli. His anfuer to his fervents' was — ' If they would have that which his fervents had gotten, it war reafToun they fhould come and reive it quhair they gott the flock.' And, as was conflantlie affirmed, he caufed his fervents call the tenth filh in the iea againo. Procefs of Curling was laid aganft him ; which, quhen he contemned, he was fummoned to anfwer for Herefie. He had bcin befor verie fluborne, and defpiled all reading, fpeciallie of good purpofTes ; now, he delighted in nothing bot reading, allbeit he could not read him felf, and exorted everie man to peace and concord, and to the contempt of the world. He frequented much the companie of John Arjkine, Laird of Dun ^^ a man marvlouflie enlightned, in refpect of thefc times. When the Laird of Lawer- ' Si'e Extract from Cald. MS., Aug. 1531. Dame Katiiariuu Ilauiiltoii. * Cuhlencond's Church History, MS. Adv. Liliniry. See also J/- CWi's Reformation, I, 3j3. P((.vcy/^(iV, p. IjO. Knox; p. 21. Sjiotswvod, p. 66. ' Their accuser was James Hay, Bishop of Uoss, Commissioner of Cardinal Beaton. ' The usual Judicial dress in Criminal rases, which is still red. See Foxe's Sook of Martyr.i, Fol. Loud. I.j9l), p. 896. ' The form of recant- ing. See the close of this article, p. * 211. '^Constantly. ' PfecoWic thus relates this proceeding : 'They condemned David Stratoun hecause he would not abjure and hurue liis faggot, quhilk they war verrie earnest to have done; and TUE KiKii himself procuied (pleaded) for his lyft'. (juhilk the Bischopi^ graiitit, if he would burne his faggatt, quhilk the said David n uawayes wold doe. Quhairfoir the I'/cnr (Dean I'orret, see articles II, H I, and IV,) and he war both brunt. I know no cans quhy, bot that this David wold not pay his teindis thaukfullie to his Per- sone. And also Mr Normand Gidlown;/ (Gourlai/) was brunt, becaus he was in the East-land and cam home and married ane waytf, contrair the fcume of the Pope's institutioun, becaus he wes ane Preist, to quhom it was not permitted to marrie ; bot if lie had had ane thousand whores he had nevir beine quarrelled !' ' Fo.rc attributes this act to Jlr Robert I.awsone, Vicar of Eglisgrig. " Afterwards Superintendent of Fife. 26JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 211 Jioune, being then a young man, was reading to bim upon the New Teftament, be chanced to read this fentence of our mafter, ' he that denieth me befor men, I will denie him in the prefance of my ftatber and befor bis Angels ;' at quhicb words, as one revived, be fudentlie cafl bimfelf upon bis kneis, and extended his hands, and looking conltantlie with liis viffage toward |)e Heaven a reafonable time, be burfl furth at lentb in tbefe words, — ' O Lord, I have bein wickied, and jufllie may tbow abftract thy grace from me ; bot Lord, for thy mercies fake, lett me never denie thee nor thy truth, for feare of death or bodilie pain !' Tlie ifl'ue declared that his prayer was not powered out in vaine. 3Ir Normaml was a man of reafonable eruditioun and knowledge, although it was joyned with weackuefs. He bad faid tbair was no Purgatorie, and that the Pope was not a Bifliop, but an Anti- Chrifl, and that be bad no jurifdictioun in Scotland. James Hay, Bifliop of Rqffe, fatt in judgement, as Commiffioner to James Beattone, {Areh)BiJliop of Sand Aiidreivs, as Mr Fox relateth. To that diet was fummoned others alfo, of whom fome compeared in the Abbay Kirk of Halirud- houfe, abjured and publicklie burnt the Bills. Others compeared not, bot fled out of tiie countrie. Adame Dayes, or Dales, a fliipwrigbt, that dwelt on tiie North fide of the bridge of LeitI), was one of the number. Henrie Carnes, fkipper in Leitb, fled out of the countrie to the t'aflern Seas. Jokn Stewart, indweller in Leith, died in exile. 3Ir William Johvjloune, Advocat, fled out of the countrie ; retunied in the time of Governour Hammiltoune : Beid, Bijhop of Orhiay, bouglit his boufes (being confifcat) with a fmall foume ; fo tliat it was thouglit gi-eat favour that be gott the ufe of ane cbalmber ; bot after liis death be gott no buriall, natber in Church nor Church-yard. Mr Hendrie Henderfone, Schooll-mafter of the Grammer Scboole of Edinbrugh, was after I'ummoned; and in the end, for non compeareing, was condemnee famin : And albeit I Iiaue happynnit reklefly to vary in fie dait of my Inflrument, ]ie effect jiairof is of verite ; and (I) neuircommittit lie negligence of befor, hot (am) repute and haldin in all \ie cuntre quhare I duell, ane trew and autentice^ manne. Quharefor I befeke 50ur 1. that, for ])e conlideratioun foirfaidis, ^e will deliuer me my faid Prothogoll, and licent me to pafs hame, fen my ex- penfis is failjeit, and myfelf feiklie and evill dilpofit. And 50ur anfuer huimlie I befeke. — [Indorsed.] Apud Edinburgh, tercio Decembris, anno /"". V- xxxvij. The Lordis Ordanis ])is complenare to compere befor Jie Juftice Clerk or his deputis and fynd fouertie, ]'at he fall compere befor our foue- rane lordis Juflice or liis deputis, and vndirly Jie law for all fie crymes as falbe imput to him, ])e thrid day of )ie nixt Juflice-aire of Jie fchire, or founer, vpoune xv dais wai'nyng, vndir Jie pane of ane hundrethe pundis ; and jie fouertie beand fundin,' ]ie Lordis ar contenttit ]5at he depairt hame as he pleife.'] Feb. 26, 1538-9. — JohnGairley and fifteen other Meffingers-at-Arms Convicted of common Oppreflion of the lieges, in the falfe and unjufl exercife of their office — fruftrating them in their juft actions, through their ignorance. Thomas Thomsoune and fixtene others were likewile deprived of their offices for the fame caufe. Feb. 28. — Martyne Balkesky ' found caution to appear and underly the law on Mar. 7 next, ' for breking our fouerane lordis Proclamatioune, in vfing and haifing of fic bukis as ar defendit {pro//ibi/ed) be pe faid Proclamatioun, vndir pe pane of ane thoufand pundis.' — Mar. 7. He came in the King's will, and found Sir John Campbell of Calder, kn'. Arch"* Williamfoune, burgefs of Edinburgh, and Robert Hoppringell, burgefs of Peebles, as his cautioners, under the ' pane of ij" li., that he fall abide and fulfill ye Kingis grace plefour and will.' 1 From the Original preserved among the Warrants of Court. ^ Or Robertson. ' Protocol — an official Register, into wliich each Notary was bound to insert an exact copy of each Instrument drawn up by him. Any vitiation of this book (which bore faith in judgment) was deservedly punished with severity ; indeed, the oft'ence was considered as an act of Peijury. * Since that time. ^ Dilapidated, scattered. O. Fr. Eijxirpillee. Lat. Spargere. ^ Tenty ; careful. ' Walter Ogilvie of Boyne became cautioner for him, 8 §ee Remiseion, &c. in Appendix to this reign. VOL. I. f 2 E 218 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1538. Supplication of Martyne Balkefky to the Lords of Privy Council} My Lordis of Couufale, vnto qour ). liiiimlie nienis and fchewis I, sour feruitour, Martyne Bal- KESKY, burges of Edinburgh, That quhare I wes laitlie put in ftrait Ward within ])e Caftell of Edin- burghe, for quhat fait or caufe I knaw nocht ; bot allanerlie," becaule I refuifit to deliuer my Matvne- BUKE to pe Officiall of Loivthiane, at his firft command ; howbeit, in ])at inftanttyme, but' ony delay, I offerit \ie famin to him : Quhareupon I menit ' me to fE Kingis grace, and his hienes referrit lie faid mater to my Lord Coadjulour of Sanctandrois, and declarit his niyud J'airintill to him, to be determinit be 5our 1., conforme to juftice. Herefor, I befeke 30ur 1. to haue confideratioune (of) me ; and fen I wes never reput ane gret trefpafl()ur, that 30 will ordand me to be Httin to fredome ; and Jiaireftir, I fall find fufficient cautioune and fouerte, in prefence of jOur 1., to enter befor quhatfumeuir Juge, fpirituale or temporal!, at ony terms or diet, fie as 56 pleife to fet and anfuer, for ony maner of fait fat may be impute to me, anent ))e denying of my buke to ])e faid OflSciall. And 3our anfuer huimlie I befeke — [Indorfed.] Apud Edinburghe, .r;^' Decembris, anno I">.V'. xxxviij. The Lordis Ordanis fis complenare te fyiid fufficient cautioune to ]e law for breking of J>e Kingis grace Proclamatioune, anent fame vfand bukis difchargit be fe faid Proclama- tioune, vndir fe pane ofl"'. ti. And fe faid fecuritie and cautioune beand fundin, the Lordis Or- danis hira to be relaxt furth of Ward, and put to fredome. Mar. 17. — Fergus Makdowell of Freuche produced a Refpite from the King for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of John Makculloche, in Moch- rame, of forethought felony. — Gilbert, Earl of Caffillis, became furety to fatisfy the parties. (j^ppiTSiSion — ji^amrsurfuii — «rattlr--stralini3: — ^toutfjrftf, ^r. Alexander Makculloche of Cardernes, John M'cuffe, William Makdcalye, Gilbert M'culloche, and ..... Gilchrift, came in the King's Will for art and part of the forethought felony and OpprefTion done to Archibald Carnis and Henry his Ion, coming upon them with great Convocation of the lieges, armed in Warlike manner, within the Sanctuary of the Paridi Church of Anvethe, and cruelly Hurting and Wounding the faid Henry, to the efiiifion of his blood ; committed upon Jan. 12 laft. Item, for art and part of the Stouthreif and abflraction from Gilbert Regall, furth of his fet of the lands of Drummuklok and barn thereof, 100 bolls of horfe-corn, and 20 bolls of oats ; committed within the laft three years paft. — Delivered in Ward to the Captain of Ed'. Caftle. The faid Alexander alfo became in will for Stouthreif from James Makane of lixty llieej), five cows, and one mare, furth of Ardwell ; Ifem, from Thomas Mak- more of a black horfe and a mare, furth of Kirkmabrek : Ife»/, from Sir Adam Snerles, Chaplain, of feven head of cattle, furth of Camray : Item, for forethought This Supplication had previously been presented, and deliverance passed thereon, on Dec. 16, 15.38. Reference may also be bad to tlie Notice and Papers relative to the rigorous proceedings adopted against the early Reformers, I, * 209, &c. = Alone, only. = Without. " Com- plained. 26JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 219 felony, Opiireffion, aud Hamefuckin, done to John MakcuUoche, on his lands of Aiichinlare : Item, for Stouthreif from him of eight oxen and a co'.v, from various of his lands : Item, from Gilbert Ker, of a horfe : Item, for Oppreffion of the faid John MakcuUoche, deftroying a plough, and Wounding his iervants, &c. &c. And for common Oppreffion of the lieges. — James Kennedy of Blarequhan, and William M'"clellane, Tutor of Bundby (Bomby), became fureties for his fatisfying the parties, according to law. asailfull (Srrror on Assise. Alexander Stewart of Garulefe (Garlics), John Murray of Broch- toun, the Lairds of Garthlaud, Miretoun, Murdoch, Blairquhan, Roffie-Bonar, the Tutor of Bondby, and others of lefs note, found caution to imderly the law at the next Juftice-aire of the lliires where they refided, for Manifeft and Volun- tary Error on Affife, declaring Alexander M'^Ctdloche of Cardernefs and his accomplices innocent and acquitted of art and part of the Mutilation of Henry Carnis, of forethought felony : And for declaring Fergus M'^dowell of French and his accomplices innocent aud acquitted of the Murder of Andrew Schankis, and fundry other crimes of Oppreffion. ^toutl^rrif anU ^ouscibitalunfj:, in time of Pague, in Ptiti), ^r. Apr. 21, 1539. — Gilbert Blair, brother of Alexander Blair, burgefs of Pei'th, Conftantine Ferguffoune, Sir John Luivell, chaplain. Sir Henry El- dare, and Sir William Dauidlbun, found caution to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Perth, for forethought felony and Hamefuckin done to the Keepei-s of the Gates of Perth, in time of the plague, coming upon them under iilence of night, on Oct. 24 laft, ftriking and Hurting them in peril of their lives : And for breaking into and plundering leveral houfes and chambers, by way of Theft and Stouthreif. May 22. — William Ja^niesoun, called JVantoun WUl, Convicted of art and part of the Slaughter of John Forbes, coming upon him at Preftoun- jiannys, and flaying him with a ftone. — Beheaded. ^Iau0l)trr of X^t HaiiU of Curntitrrt). [The following Case affords an illustration of the expediency of having the whole of the Warrants and loose papers belonging to the High Court of Justiciaiy carefully examined, arranged, and bound up for future consultation. The great mass of such documents entirely precludes the possibility of the Editor, or any other private individual, consulting them. They have, apparently, for more than a century, been put into bundles, without the smallest reference to date or subject; and it would cer- tainly require many months to reduce them to order. It seems obvious, that among these Papers many documents must exist, highly illustrative of the Criminal proceedings which took place for a great 220 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1539- period of time, and might even throw light upon many obscure points connected with the History of Scotland. A number of Royal Letters and Warrants, bearing the sign-manual of King James V, have already been found, which, it may be remarked, are seldom engrossed in the Record ; for, doubtless, the Clerks of Julliciary could, at the time they were granted, easily refer to them when required. In the present instance, the original scroll of the ' Dittay,' the ' Supplication,' and King's Letter had been left in the Volume, and they have accidentally survived the changes and chances of nearly three centuries. They are given here as a specimen of the information which we might have expected in every Trial, had these Records been always valued as they now are. In many Cases of the greatest importance we may still expect considerable light to be reflected from these documents, when properly arranged.] May 23. — James Reid Convicted of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of John Reid of Trumberry, coming upon him and Haying him of forethought felony. — Beheaded.' Dittay. — James Reid, 3e ar indict aud accufit for art and pairt of J)e fel- loune and cruell Slaughter of vmq'" John Reid of Trumberry, cumand vpone him in his avin landis of Darndougall, in company with 3our fader Johne Reid, and 5our complices, to ])e nowmer of ix perfonis, one f>e xxiiij day of Aprile laft bipaft ; and cruellie Hew pe faid vmq''' Johne, apoun auld feid and forthocht fellony, and be way of Haniefuckine : Jjat 36 comitit pe faid Slauchtir vpon pro- uifioune and foirthocht fellony, 50 being at ])e Wappin-fchawing in Are, quhen all 50ur nychtbouris left ])air jakkis behind ])aim, je faid 36 wald nocht leif 3our jak behind 30U, for 36 wald haue ado with 3our jak and wappinnis at hame : pat 36 comitit })e faid recent Slauchter vpoun auld feid and foirthocht fellony, 3e pe faid James and 3our faidis complices, at Whitfunday laft bipaft, fett vpone pe faid vmq'^ Johne, at pe Leyn-heid of pe Schaw, for his flauchter ; and quhen he efchaipit fra 30U, and quhen J^air was ane concord and Avay dewilit to be had betuix 30U, 3e faid ' }5air fuld be may " betuix 50U, quliill ' ane of 3our fkynnis wes cutit.' Item, one pe Sounday before pe committing of pe laid Slachter, 50ur fader cumand fra pe Kirk of Machlyne faid to Johne Vdart, ])at he could get na way dreffit betuix him and pe faid vmq'^ Johne, for pe heicht of his Ibnnis : And Jjairefter 56 and 30ur faid comjilices lay continewlie on pe Mofs of Darndougall, awaitand pe faid Johne for his flauchter, fra pe Monunday quhill Furifday,* fiat 36 flew him : And on Jje day befoii', 36 flew his ferwandis doggis Jjat flveyit ' 30U quhare 3e lay : And quhen 3e faw him cumand, 36, pe faid James, and 3our bruj^er, ranne befoir 3our fader and flew him ; and 3e war hurt and woundit in })e meyntyme, and had fled with pe remanent, war nocht 36 war hurt, and pafllt to ane bank," and was fundin be James Logane, Sheref-depute of Are. ' This ia the entire entry in the Record. ' For mai?; more. ^ Until. ■* From Monday to Thursday. = Descried, detected. ^ Balk, which generally denotes a reserved ridge, or stripe of grass between tilled lands, such as are very common to this day in many parts of England, where each alteniate ridge is left in pasture. 26JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 221 Letter by King James V. to the Jitjlke, &f. Rex, Justice, Thefaurer, and Juftice Clerk, Ve greit 50W weill. Forfaymekill as it is hwmely raenit to vs be our louit James Raid in Helar, that quhair pair ves ane Slauchter committit in his defens, and becaufe our Scheref of Air-principale is frend to ]ie manne jiat is flayne, he lies fend bymme to be juftefeit by 50W, and hes furamond an Aflife of J>e contre quhair fe allegit crynie ves committit, bot tendis ' to tak certane priuat particular perfones pat var takkaris and conwoyaris of hymme to ^ovf to be on his Affife, and fo to put hymme to deid, he beyng innocent, be ane fufpect Affife. Our ViLL is heirfor, and ve charg 50W, gif it be as is befoir reherfit, fat 36 fuperfeid for xx or xxx dayis, quhill - ane infuifpeett Affife may be gottin ; and keip hymme in firmans ; or put himme vnder grit fouerteis in fe meyne tyme. And Jiis je faill nocht to dovv, kepand ))is for 50ur warrand. Subfcriuit with our hand, at Sanct Androis, f e xij day of Mail, and of our regnne fe xxvj 3eir. James R. Supplication htj James Reid to the Jiijike, <§c. My Lord Justice, Juftice Clerk, and 50ure Deputis, vnto jOure 1. huimlie menis^ and fchewis I 30ur feruitour James Reid, fone to Williame Reid in Clare : That quhare, laitlie, I wes gangand vpouue my faid faderis maling* of Clare, perteining to my Lord of Melros, Hand in fe lordfchip of Killfmure, within )ie fcherefdorae of Air, vefyand ' ]>e famen, and my faid faderis gudis ^ gangand pairon, traifting na troubell of ony perfonis, bot to have levit vnder Goddis peax and fe Kingis : Neuirtheles, Johnne Reid in Cogertoune, his wife, fonnis, and complices, to fe nowmer of ten per- fonis, bodin in feir of weir, come iij mylis fra fair avne houffis, vponne auld feid and forthoct felony, and be way of Hamefukkin invaidit and perfewit me and my faid fader and his feruandis for his flauchter, and chaceit him and his catale and ws of his faid maling: And in fe chaceing of ws fa hurt nie in my bak ; And quhenne we turnit agane to defend ws, fe faid Johnne, in his awin defalt, and oure pure defence, happynnit to get ane ftraik, my vnwitting; throw ]ie quhilk he is deid, and my inemeis and vnfrendis of verray malice allegeis fat I haue f e wyte ^ f airof, quhilk is nocht of verite, hes callit me f airfore before your 1. to put me to cummyr' and troubill, without ony lauchfuU or reflbnabill cans. Heirfore I befeke your 1., for Goddis fake, of remeid :'" And fen" I am ane pouer child,'^ innocent of fe faid crime, and hes na manne to do for me, bot God and 50ur 1., and knawis nocht fe personis fatt fuld be vpoune my Affife, that 36 avife wele quhame'' 3e put faironne ; and caus Jiame, be fair grete aithis, declare gif ]iai be kin frendis or allia to my party or his frendis, and hes gevin fame partial counfale in my contrare ; and do me juftice, and cauffe ane man of Law fpeik for me, as je will haue thank reward and mereit of God, and of 50ur awin faulis fairfore. And jOur anfuer huimlie I befeke.'* Conbogins anU ^^ujjplnintr of fxiav asailltam HktXoww'' Rex, Justice Clerk, 36 fall deliuer fe tua menne of Abirdene, 36 ane callit Jame Andersoune, and fe vder Johne Mwdy, furthe of our Ward,"' quhilkis war put in f e famyne, for convoying and fup- pleing of Freir Williame Kelour; fe faidis perfonis fyndand 30W fufiicient cautioune till entir ' Intends, means. ' Until. ' Complains. ' ' Mailling,' a small farm held on payment of certain mails or rent. ' Inspecting. ^ Live stock. ' Off. ' Blame. ' Difficulties. E. Cumbir. '** For remedy or redress. '' Since. '^ A ' puir Cheild,' a poor lad or fellow. '^ Whom. '* There is no indorsation or ' deliverance' on this Petition — but from the fatal words ' Conuict.,' ' Decollat.,' being twice entered in the body of the Record and on the margin, there seems no doubt of his having been Beheaded. " Orig. among Warrants of Court. See Papers as to proceedings against suspected Heretics, Jan. 1538-9. '' A similar Warrant was granted by the King on March 2ij preceding. 222 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1539- agane, ony tyme J>ai be requirit, betuix ])is and All Hallowmefs iiixt command, onne fyftene dayis warnyng, be 30U, or fair Ordinar ;' vndir fie fowmes as 56 think expedient ; Prouiding, Jiat pe faid John Mudy pafs nocht benorth'^ ]ie waiter of Tay, vndir fouerteis ficlyk. Subfcriuit at Sanct- ANDROls, Jie feird^ day of Junij, and of our regne ]>e xxvj 5eir. JaiMes R. #ppiTssion — annprisonmrnt ot ti)t Commissarn of CiTit|)nrss. Juii. 6. — William SuTHiRLANDof Duffois' Convicted of art and part of the taking of Sir Alexander Gray, Commiffary of Caithnefs, leading him to the Place of Querrehvod, pertaining to the faid William, and keeping him in ward and captivity from the vigil of Chriftmas to Saint John's day following, he being the King's free man ; thereby iifurping the King's authority. Item, of art and part of forcibly carrying back the faid Commiirary againft his will from the faid Place of Qiierrelwod to the burgh of Elgin, and delivering him to the Dean of Caithnefs, (Sir Alexander Sutherland) ; alfo thereby Ufurping the King's authority.^ALEXANDEE, Suthirlamd and fix others were Convicted of laying violent hands on the faid ConimifTary, in the outer bedchamber of the Dean of Caithnefs, committed on Dec. 20 lafl : And for violently taking the faid ConnnifTary furth of his lodgeing in the houfe of Archibald Stronoche, in the burgh of Elgin, undir filence of night, he being in his naked bed ; and lead- ing him to the faid Dean's chamber, and detaining him in captivity therein till the vigil of Chriftmas, See. Item, of art of carrying him back by force from Querrelwod to the burgh of Elgin, &c. Warded in the Caftle of Edinburgh. Sir Ai,exander Sutherland, Dean of Caithnefs, and four other Church- men, Mere replegiated by Patrick Bifliop of Murray. — Mr John Sutherland and James Vrquhard of Alderue found furety to vnderly the law for the above crimes, at the next Juftice-aire of Elgin. tistiia a falst anij forstU Jjnstrumntt Jun. 13. — Thomas Charteris of Kinfawnys Convicted of art and part of ufing a tForged and ffalfe Inftrument, made by his confent and counfel, being an acquittance or difcharge of a certain large fum of money affigned by THE King to James Rofs his lervant, due to his Majefty by the deceafe of Alexander Bifliop of Murray, as liis heir ; or granted to THE King by the privilege of THE Pope. — Warded in Edinburgh Caftle, during the King's pleafour ; and all his moveables to be efcheated. The bcfore-nuiitioncd ])r('viovis A\'arrant corilains this clause, ' and alfua fo compeir befoir ]e Bifchop of Ahirdvne Jiair Ordinar, quliat tyme |)ai be requirit he hiin.' ° To the northward of. ^ fourth. ' He found caution on Jun. 7, that he should remain in free Ward within the Castle of Edinburgh, ' and nocht elcliaip nor depairt furth of J^e faid Caftell, quhill he be freid be })E KiNGia grace, vnder |ie pain of I"'li.' 26Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 223 Supplication to the Lords of Privy Council} Jun. 14 My Lordis of Counfale vnto 50ur 1. huimlie meuis and fhewis I 50ur feruitour, Tlionms Chatteris of Kynfawnes, that quhair I am laitlie imput in )ie Caftell for fobir- caufis, as I vnderftand, and lialdin in to ane houfe ; and ]ie Capitane, Conflabill and Kepars of pe Caftell will nocht futfer my I'eruandis to cum and repair to me, to ]'e eflect fat )iai may minifter to me in meit and drynk and all vjier neceffaris ; liowbeit, I am content to fynd cautioune fat I fall nocht evaid furth of fe faid Caftell, vndir lie panis as 5our 1. thinkis expedient. Quhairfore, I befeik jour 1. of remeid, and fat je will gif command to fe Capitane, Conftabill, and Keparis of fe Caftell, to put me to fre Ward within fe faid Caftell, I fyndand cautioune fat I fall nocht evaid furth of fe famyne vnder iic panis as ■;our 1. fall think expedient, and to fuffir my feruandis to cum and minfter to me like as vferis fre VVardaris hes within fe faid Caftell. And jour anfuer huimlie I befeke. — {Indorjed^ Apud Edinburghe, xiiij' " Junii anno I^V'^xxxix. Fiat vt petitiir, Cautioune being fundin to fe Juftice Clerk, vndir fe pane of r"li. ^ufftrtntj: (Jrujjlis]^ Cfjitbrs anU Captibts to wcape. Jul. 21. — Alexander Hepburne of Quhitfum got a Remiffion for permitting and fuffering Clement and Robert Hall, brothers, and Thomas Pot, Engliflimen, to depart furth of his place of Richartoun, they having been delivered in cuftody to him as captives and Thieves. — William Cokburxe of Chollie and Stephen Bukles came in the King's will for fuffei-ing Anthony Pot, Englifliman, in like manner to efcape. 23rtaiung; into tijt Coijon- of (irntsitie — ^toutI)rtif, $rr. Jul. 24. — William Cuming, Margaret Dowglafs, and four others, were denounced Rebels, and put to the horn, for art and part of Convocation of the lieges in great number, armed in warlike manner, coming to the place and Tower of Ernfide, and breaking up the doors and gates thereof, and entering therein : And for Stouthreif from Alexander Cuming, fon and heir apparent, and the curator of Thomas Cuming of Ernfide, his father, of all the goods and utenfils in the faid houfe : And for detention from him of the faid Place and Tower : And for Stouthreif from him furth of the meffuage thereof, of one hundred and fifty-fix bolls of corn, with the ftraw, eight oxen, and two horfes : And for Com- mon Oppreffion, &c. Hairb c( fltlacfarlnu aixH miaXttv Mattnvlm of SliUleisfije. Jul. 27. — Duncaxk Macfari.ane of that Ilk, procured llirety to the amount of 1000 li. in terms of the King's permiffion, contained in the fol- lowing Warrant.' The cautioners were Sir Johne Campbell of Lundy, kn'. Sir ' From the Orig. among the Warrants of Court. The purpose of printing this Paper, is to show, practically, the manner in which what was termed ' free Ward' was obtained, for the accomodation and comfort of ])risoners, whose oft'ences were not very heinous ; and who had influence enough to find high security, that they would not attempt to escape, if this indulgence should be granted to them. * Trivial, trifling. ^ From Orig. among the Papers of the Court. 5 224 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1539. Johne C. of Calder, kn', Johne C. of Glenvrquhar, Colyne C. of Ardkynglas, James C. of Lawaris, Archibald C. of Glenlioune, and Arthure C. of Ardgartlinay. Rex, Traist coufing and counfalour, We grete 50U bertlie weill. Forfamekill as we wrait to ^ow of before to relTauc Duxcane Makfarlake of fat Ilk, to keip bim furely in ward, qubil 5e bad v]>er command of ws in ]>e contrare, Now, it is our wil and raynd pat be be in fre ward witb 50W as je tbink expedient, lie findand fouute to our Juflice-Clerk, vndir fe pane of ane Tboufand ti. nocbt to brek ward ; quliilk gif be dois, it falbe impute na fait nor cryme to 50W. Gevin vndir oure Signet and fubfcriuit witb oure bande, At Falkland, fe xxv day of July, and of our regnne fe xxvj 3eire. James R. (^Addressed) To our traifl coufing and counfalour James Lord Ogiluy. In a short time afterwards, as appears from another Royal Warrant which is still preserved among the Papers of the Court of Justiciary, a similar indulgence was granted to AValteii Macfarlan or Audleish, of whom were descended the families of Gartartan and Ballaggan, &c.' He was son of Sir John Macfarlan of that Ilk, kn', by his second Marriage, with a daughter of Herbert, first Lord Herries, and uncle to Duncan M. of that Ilk. The AVarrant runs thus : Rex, Justice-Clerk, We grete 30U weill. Tn bope fat Walter Macfarlane, now being in fure Ward witbin oure Caflell of Edinburgh, fall caus bis frendis in Jia partis do gude feruice to ws in it, committit to fame, We baue ordinit fe Capitane of oure faid Caflell to let bim to fre ward witbin }ie faniin, be findand fouirte, firll, to 30U, vndir fe pane of Tbre Tboufand pundis, fat be fall nocbt efcbew furtb of our faid Ward : Qubilk 5e faill nocbt to tak of bim ; and faireftir caufe bim be put to fre Ward as faid is. As je will anfuer to ws fairupoune. Subfcriuit with oure band and vndir oure Signet At Sanctandrois, 56 vij day of Augufl, and of oure regune 5e xxvj ^ere. James R. Another Warrant was two months afterwards addressed to the Justice-Clerk, which, however, does not indicate the crime for which the parties were imprisoned. It is likely the offence was of a treasonable descrijition ; at all events, it was very serious in its consequences to the parties concerned. Rex, Juftice-Clerk, It is our will, and we charge 30U fat 36 reflave fouerte of Duncane M<'far- lane vnder fe pane of ane Tboufand pundis, and ficlyke of Walter M'farlane vnder fe pane of Tua Tbouliind pundis, fat f ai fall entir agane witbin ony Cailell we pleife, vpoun xv dayis warning : And fat 3e reflaue iij or iiij perfounis, ilk ane for fair awin pairt, fouirte for f e faid Walter ; and fe faid fouerte being fundin, fat ^e caufe fame (to be) fred furtb of Ward, and late faim pafs bame, to f e effect ]iat fai may do ws gud feruice in our nixt Juilice-aire to be haldin in Dumbartane. And fis je faill nocbt to do ; keipand f is our Precept for 30ur Warrand. Subfcriuit with our band, and vndir onr Signet, At Falkland, f c tent day of October inflant, and of our regne fe xxvij 3eir. James R. (Oct. 13.) — Andro Lord Awendale, Henry Lord Methwene, and Sir Johne Hammiltoune of Fynnart, became fureties for Walter M. of Ardleifche, ' See Douglas's Baronage, p. 93. 26Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 225 for 3000 li. (Oct. 24.) — Sir Joliiie Campbell of Lundy, kn', became furety for Duncane M. of that Ilk, under the pain of 1000 li. in implement of 'the King's Precept. drive--mtstn(r — ajurning tijt Cobju of ^rlJorljfirfl — Pontius. Oct. 4. — John JVrRoBEUT M'Farlene,^ Duncan Dow M'Kippoune, and Duncan IVrKillop, Convicted of art and part of Fire-raifing and of Burning the Town of Ardochbeg, and for common Theft and ' Sornyng.' — Hanged. astsircjing: ti)t ^omt of ^ummn*tiain — ^laucjTjtft, ^c. Dec. 16. — John M'Ewin M'^GILLEBREID, Gillepatrick M^ferquhar, Tormat Mcdonald, Alexander M^gilbetoune Makane of Rafa, and fifteen others, dilated for ' Ipe Aflegeing of Alexander Makcloid of Dunvegane in his Houfe of Summerdaill, in pe moneth of ]\Iaii laft bipall, and Slauchter and Refe committit be ]>anie ])at famyn tyrae vpone him and his tenentis ; and vj)eris grete crimes contenit in ])e Letteris.' — Johne Myeloid of Myn3enes, in the Ille of Skye, became furety for the again-bringing of the Letters duly executed and indorfed, on Mar. 6, 1539-40. 33oofes of ^tijotintaL [The loss of the Books of Adjournal,- during an eventful period of nine years, embracing the close of the reign of King James V, and the com- mencement of that of ^Iary Queen of Scots, is singularly unfortvuiate, as many important public events are known to have taken place, and, during such stirring times, there would doubtless be numerous Trials. All the traces now remaining of the proceedings which took place before the High Court of Justi- ciary, must be gathered from the necessarily meagre notices which occur in the ' Liher Plcgiutionis J. d. it. Regis et Regine,' wherein memoranda of the Bonds of Caution, or furety found by persons accused of crimes, were engrossed. As will be seen, the Editor has, as usual, availed himself of all the information which he could glean from these and other authentic sources ; but, in all those instances, tlie authority is uniformly quoted. The narrow bounds into which the Editor must compress this information, demand that these notices shall be ' On Jan. 7, 1539-40, Robert M'gilphatrik M'^ferlane, ' in warda exi/Fen. infra Cajlrum de Dun- bertane,' found surety to undeily the law for all crimes vviiich mirrht be laid to his charge at the next Justice-aire of Dumhartan. Tiie nature of his crime is not alluded to. - It is very probable that there are two Volumes lost, perhaps only one. The series of Volumes, as indicated by the old- est markings, is very incomplete, and many of the Books which now remain are the scroll or jot- books, from which, with the assistance of the Dittays, &e. the Record was afterwards made up. VOL. L f 2 F 226 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1539-40. condensed as much as possible, leaving it to the enquiring reader to refer to the various original sources of information indicated in this work.] Mar. 2, 1539-40. — The quhilk day Williame Lord Sympill, of his avne confent, fTorfamekiil as our fouerane lord of his fpeciale grace and favouris hes grantit his Reniiflioune to Robert Maister of Sympill, fone and appa- raud are to "Williame Lord Sympill, now being furth of his realme, fugitiue fra his lawis, and at his home for certane grete crynies, Prouiding ))att he fall na maner of way cum nor repare within Jse realmes of France nor Scotland, without he obtene his gracis Licence and beneuolence })airto : Tharefore, ]je faid "Williame Lord Sympill is becumen, and, be ]>e tenour of pis prefent Act, becumis plege and Ibuirti; to oure fouerane lord, and his Juftice Clerk in his name, Jjat pe laid Robert fall, fra pe tuenty of Marclie inftant, abfteue fra cumiug and reforting within pe faidis realmes of Scotland and France, and all pe boundis J)aii-of, any maner of way, without fpeciale Licence of our faid fouerane lord, vndir pe pane of Five Thowfand pundis : And gif pe faid Robert fail';eis ony maner of way herein, it falbe reput to him ane poynt of Trefoune, and fall incur pe panys f»airof, and to be pvnift Jsairfor at our fouerane lordis will.' Caufion for Soutflas of ^^arfei)rali's son. Mar. 11. — James Earl or Morton, George Douglas of Pennyland, John Inglis of Lauglandhill, and Mungo Inglis of Wintermure, became fureties for William Douglas, in terms of the following "Warrant. Rex, Justice Clerk and jour deputis, it is our will, and we charge 50W, )iat incontinent eftir ])e ficlit hereof je reffaue fufficient cautioune and fouirte of Williame Dowglase, fone naturale of James Bou-tjlafejumtyme of Parhhede, ])at he fall remane with our coufing James Erie of Mortouiie, and in his feruice, quhare he plefis, as in our Ward ; and nocht to efchew I'e farayne, vndir fe pane of V'ti., and regifter ]ie famyne in ))e Bukis of Adiornale. As 50 will anfuer to ws pairupoune ; kepand ))is our writing for jour Warrand. Subscriuit, with our hand and vndir our Signete, at Edinburghc, Jie xxvij day of Fehruare, and of our regne ]>e xxvij jere. [James R.] Caution for tijao ^ons of €umi)n(r of ^Umt, Mar. 13. — Alexander Cuming and James his brother, fons of Alex. C. of Alter (Altyre,) ' now being in Warde within pe Caftell of Edinbur',' found there is this marking subsequently inserted on the margin — ' Delelur de Mandato Dotnini Guber- yiatons. perfuamjubfcriptiomm manuakm etfignetum: 27 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 227 furety that they ' fall reraane be-Northe Jje Northe Watter of Eflc, in Warde, induring our fouerane lordis will," under the pain of 1000 merks. Caution for 3ao6crt, Cljristiita, anU ^uitfan iiflacfarlan. May 10, 1540, {apud Dunhertane) — Robert M'feulane, ' in Ward within ])e Caftell of Dunbertane,' found George Striueling of Glorat, John Sym- pill, young Laird of Fouhvod, and Donald Campbell of Ardintene, as fureties for him (100 merks), that ' he fall obferue and keip gude reuU in tyme cuming, and compere and vndirly f)e law, eftir Jje forme of our fouerane lordis writing direct to fe Juftice Clerk.' — Jun. 12, {(qmd Edinburghe.) William Mafter of Glen- cairne became furety (1001.) for Cristina M'ferlane ; and alfo, on Jun. 30, (300 merks) for Duncan M'ferlane, to the fame effect. They are both delcribed as then being ' in Ward within ])e Caftell of Dunbertane.' iToiestaUuttj mxH iUsrating;* Aug. 6. — Peter Buntyne found caution to underly the law * for J)e Oppreffioune done vpouue our fouerane lordis liegis, awaytand be ])e way vpone nolt, fclieip, horfe, and catall f)at ar cvimand to faris and mercatis to be fald )?airin, and byand J)e famin fra avnaris jjairof ; and Jjaireftir, bringand Jjame to pe famyn mercatis, forftalland and regratand thame to our fouerane lordis liegis, takand Jjairfor ane grete and exorbitant price, to J^e vniuerfale fkayth of J^e cun- tre.' — James Geddes became in will for ' bying of xiij fcheijj ]>& faid day cumand to J)e Houfe of ]>e Mvre, and forftalling of Jje mercate.' He found furety that the flieep ' falbe furthcumand to |)E Kingis proffeit and behufe.' l^itjT) Crrasoit — CveasonaliU Conspiraci) iuitl) tije 23oti£lassrs against X\)t king's itifr. Aug. 16. — No traces appear in the Criminal Records of the Trial of Sir James Hammilton of Finnart, kn'. The event, however, is one so prominent in the History of the country, and Sir James was a person of such notoriety, that it seems projjer to preserve some brief notice in this Collection. ' The. Baftard of Arran' was jn-inciiJal Stewai'd to King James V, and had been very high in favour with his royal master. His character appears to have been emi- nently distinguished by personal valour, intrigue, and tyranny. Letters of Legltiimdion had been granted to him so far back as Jan. 20, 1512-13 ;' and through the influence of his father James, thejirst Earl of Arran, and the King's personal favour and friendship, he acquired very extensive Estates. ' Other Letters were afterwards granted to himself and to Andreto and James, his natural children by Mariot Stewart ; and also to Alexander, another natural son, Nov. 2, 1539. Reference may be made to the Appendix for numerous circumstauces illustrative of these events. 228 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1540. One of the greatest stains on his otherwise cruel and ambitious career, was the treacherous INIurder of the Eari. of Lennox at the Field of Linlithgow, Sep. 4, 1526, after that distinguished Nobleman had surrendered himself pri- soner. Without entering on a sketch of any portion of his life, which moi-e properly belongs to tlie Historian, the Editor merely refers to the following quotation. BisJiop Lcslei/^ also remarks, that, ' befoir his executione, he proteftit before God, that he had not oflendit THE King ; hot afBrmit, that gif he had bene als guid a fervant to God as he was to the King, he had not dyet fo fliamfully ; and confeffit that he defervit that deitli, becaus he ofTendit God oftymes for piealbur of tlie King ; and theirfore prayit every one to talk exempill of his doingis I' He married Margaret Lev'mgstoim, Lady of Easter Wemyss. He was exe- cuted as a Traitor at Edinburgh, August 16, 1540 ; and his immense estates were Forfeited, and bestowed upon numerous Courtiers. In 1543, his son James obtained a recall of the Forfeiture. ' About tlie fame tyme James Hammiltou>^, Scheref of -Lixlithgow,' aud cowfing german to Sir James Hammiltoux (of Fixiiart, baftaiil brother to the Earle of Arrane,) com to Scot- land, eftir long bauifcliincnt, quiiill as he avowid to accufe Baftard James be law, purchefllng Licence to com in the contrey for a certane fpace ; and vndertlanding quhat dainger baith himfelf and thofe that profeft the pure doctrine of the pure Gofpell fliule in, fend his fone to the King, being in jornay towardis lyff, tjulio com to him befoir he boited"" and frauchtit. The man, Aifpitious of natour with bafcbfull newis, affirmeing that it ftude him to no les nor^ his lyff, perrelous to the haill realme, wnles he prereined* the deid be punifchment of the Tratour. ' The King, quho haidid to Fyff, fend the ;oung man back againe to the Excheker ; quhair he commandit James Lrirmorilli, his Maifler Iloulhald, James Kirhcaldie, Grit Thefaurer, baith men of fum lleligiouD, and Thomas Erjkine, ane earned Papeift, Secretar, to convene, willing thame to cre- deit that beirer as him felf ; and thairwithall tuik ane knawin ring from his finger, and fend to thame as ane previe taikin. Tliay, confulting vpone the mater, aprehendit James Ilammiltoun, immediatlie efter his denncr, and reddie to depairt hame to his awin hous, caryid him to the Callell, and impreifonid him. Tliay, wnderftanding be thair exploratouris,7 that the King was moveid, vpone fute,^ to releive liim, befydis the coninmun dainger of the contrey, ffeiring thame feluis, gif ane factius puifTant man, ignoMiiniullie vfid, fonld efcaip fcot-frie, not ignorant how bitterlie and crewellie he wald reveng him- felf; repairing wilb all cxpediiionn to Court, agmenting all thingis alfe fufpitiouflie as thay poffi- billie could, the prcfent dainger, his mifchevous naturall,'^ his iede pane of x". merkis.' ' ' His cautioners were William Lord Creichtoune of Sanchare ; the Lairds of Littledene, Coldane- knollis, Mersingtoun, Dolphingstoun, and Fawdounsiile, David Scot, son and apparent heir of Sir Walter Scot of Branxhelme, kn' ; William Kirkpatrick of Kirkmichael ; William Rl'clellane of Nwn- toune, Tutour of IJondby ; Alex. M'culloch of Carderness ; Adanie Johnestoune of Corrv; John Hammiltoune, called ' John of Cliddijdale ;' John Haitlie of Mellostanes ; and Colin Campbell of Ardkinglass. 230 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1542. (May 3, 1541, npnd Jedbm-ghc.) — He again found caution that ' he fall vfe and repare ane niyle about ])e Tovne of Dunbertane, as in our fouerane loi'dis warde,' under the pane of 10,000 1. Among others of the new cautioners were William Stewart of Trakware, John Mow of that Ilk, Walter Ker of Cesfurde, Robert Scot of Howpaflot, and Gilbert Ker of Grenehede. — (Nov. 24 and Dec. 4.) — The King's Wan-ant was granted for again allowing him free Ward within the lame limits, under the pain of 10,000 raerks. Caution to pass twxi\) of tijr rtalm. Mar. 13. — ' PATKiK Culquhoux, now being in Warde within ])e Caftell of Edinburghe,' found Thomas Stewart of Gawftoune cautioner or furety for him, ' J)at he fall pafs furth of Jjis realme within ])e fpace of xxx dais, and remane furth of J)e famyn at Jje plefour of Jje Kingis grace, vndir ])e pane of V. merkis.' Caution for ti)e itairtr of Blarfuitrlrer* May 5 and 6, 1541, {apiulJedburghe.) — Joiix Hume of Blacader found furety that ' he fall remane within ]?e Tovne of Dunbertane, fredom }iairof, and ane myle about the famyn, and uocht to extend ]>e boundis J)airof, quhill our fouerane lord gif vthir command in \>e contrare,' under the pain of 20,000 1. — His fureties were fimilar to the preceding, with the addition of William Cok- burn of that Ilk, John Hoppringill of Smallcraig, George H. of Torwodlee, Robert H. of Blyndlee, Adam Johneftoune of Corry, George Nefbett, baroune of Dal5ell ; John Lummifdene, young Laird of Blenerne ; Andrew Haliburtoune, young Laird of Mertoune, and Thomas Ker of 5are. Caution for tijt ^ountr %mti of Culitrubg, Jun. 28, 1542. — John Striueling, fon and apparent heir of John S. of Tuliduvy, ' now being in Warde within \q Caftell of Edinburghe,' found Dauid Kincaid of the Cottis, Conftable of the Caftle of Edinburgh, &c., fureties that ' he fall obferue and keip his Warde within J)e burghe of Edinbur', and nocht efchew fiu-th of })e famyn, quhill' he be fred be our fouerane lord, vndir J>e pane of ij"^ merkis.' (Oppression—* Colping/ dforestatlina antr l^rsratinffof iWarluts* Jul. 7. — John Cef.ijk, in Drumcorfe, and a number of other perfons in the fliires of Linlithgow and Lanark, found caution to underly the law for ' Colping,- Forellalling, and Regrating' and for common Oppreflion of the lieges in buying and lolling oxen, cows, and flieep. ' Lentil. - ' Cotrpwy is a phrase still in use to denote bargaining:, bartering, or exclianging one commodity for aiiollicr, or for money. A ' Iiorse-cowper' is a term universally employed in Scot- land for one who deals in horses. 2Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 231 APPENDIX. APPENDIX, ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE TRIALS WHICH OCCURRED DURING THE REIGN OF KING JAMES V. I. Illustrations selected from the Register of the Privy Seal of Scotland. Referring to the observations which are prefixed to the Appendix to the preceding Reign, the Editor has merely to Remark, in this place, that in order to save the necessity of numerous repetitions and copious Notes, he has thought it preferable to refer the reader, generally, to the Trials, &c., most of which will be found to be more or less illustrated by the following extracts. The General Index, to be inserted at the conclusion of this work, must ultimately render such references entirely unnecessary. Aug. 23, 1515. — Ane Refpit,' maid be avife of jiE Governour," to Bonaltf of t]&e Mii of itodjalt]^, iftn^t., and with him vther thre fcoir of perlbnis, his kynnifmen, freindis, or fervandis, for all maner of actionis and crimes bigane, to cum and repare to Ed", or ony vjier place within ])e realme, to comraoune with fe faid Gouernour, and do jiair eirrandis, and returne agane ; for fe fpace of Ix dayis next to cum eftir ]>e dait hereof. Sep. 6. — A Refpit maid to Lauchlane Makclane of Doward, and Alexander alias Alijier Makcloid of Dunvegane, and all and findry Jiair fervandis, landit men, gentilmen, and jemen, pat affillit and tuke part wyth Jiaim, for pair trefonable art, part, affillence, and fiipple gevin in pe trefonable ^tgtutg anU talu'iicj of pe Ittngf^ CaStcIIid and Houfes of Carntiog and ^mu i'k&ii^, and trefonable withhaldin of ]iaim aganes his autority and command ; for Jiair trefonable man- tenance, affillence, confale, favouris, and fuple gevin be paiin to HonaXtl %\ii of ilotjaltljc, ftltnt., and his complicis, in pare trefonable crimes, &c. Vnto pe firft day of Januarc ni.xt to cum eftir ))e date hereof to indure. Sept. 23. — A Refput to Matho Maknacht of Dungenche, for arte and parte of pe ^Tauci)tff of vrnqi"^ SSoJllt of HJunljar of liflofjjfum, committit and done be (Schir) Alexander Gordoune of Kenmure, Kny'', with quhara pe faid Matho was in cumpany : To endure for a 5ere. Sept. 25 Refput to Alexander Lord Gordoune to cum to t{)C CSobtrnouvfji presence, or quhare he plesis, and to pas and repas with xl or fifty men, in Jioufhald ; for pe fpace of fex mouethis next to cum. Oct. 26. — Refpit to Johne Erle of Levinax, Lord Dernlie, and generalie to all his kyn, freindis, men, tenantis, and fervandis, quhaireuer pai be within pe realme, t^at aibift^ faitjfultu at ' Another Respite was granted on Nov. 8 following, in the same terms. ' John Duke or Albany. 232 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1515-16. APPENDIX. tijc opmfotint of tijr ^obernmiv, in }e Kingis name, and kepis lele and afald ' pairt to hym for an maiur of artlom'S, >kc, committit or done be liym or fame in ony tyine liigane. For five seris. Oct. 28. Lettre to Hew Erle of Eglintoune, makand him and liis affiynais ItepariJj ouerfearis, correkaris, and luplearis of tht 3ii\c of BLitilT Conictai?, J'e dere, tunyngis " and wild beftis being Jiairin, quhill ]iE Kingis perfyte age of xv^ere; beeaus Robert Huntare of Huntarelloune, Fonedar of beretaee of j'e faid Ile, is noclit of power to refift ])e perfonis ])at waiftis fe famyn, with- out fitple and iielp, &c. Dgc ]. RemifTion to John Makkenze of Kyntale, William Dingwell of Kyldun, and two others, for treafonably STafeing ailB Kffptng the King's CaStIc of IBiuglualC, with the Artil- lery and goods tlierein, &c. Y)ec. 7. — lii'fiiitt to Andro Retra of Balnocard, for art and part of ])e ^Tailtjjtef of Dauid Blare ; ' committit thre jeris fyne with ]>e mare.'' For thie 5eris. Y)ec. 11. — Relpit to James Erle of Arane, Lord Haramiltoune, with his honorable Howf- hald, to cum to ]ie burglie of Ed', or ony v))er part within Jie realme, and fare to remane and tom« nninc loi'tlj tijt SloitJ (Solrrnour, and Lordis of Counsale, and folift and do his leiffull eirrandis he hes ado ; and fautlie and I'uirelie to pas and repas, with his faid howiliald, &c. To endure |)e fpace of xx" days. (Subfcript. manibus Domini Gubernatoris et Dominorum Consilii, viz. Comiti- BUS, Cravfurdie, Huntlie, Levenax, Rothes, Eglintoune, Cafiillis ; Dominis, Flemyng, Cancellarij, (Epilc.) Dunblanen., Rofle, Lyndefay, Erfkyne, Maxwell, Prloris S. Andree, Abbatis S. Crucis, Archidiaconi S. Andree et Poftulati de Duufermlyng.) Jan. IG, 1513-16. — Lettre maid to Kateryne Fynne, for hir gude and tliankfull fervice done in ].e f.uvgiiig, foStcvfiis, anU fusing of vmqi'^ Jie Kingis broker, aieyautftv |)n'nte of ^COtlanB, for all l>i' dayis and termes of hir lyf, of x ti., &c. Jan. 2'J. — Refpit to Robert Elwald of Redeheuche, Williame of Lauerokftanis, his brujier, Henry Nikloune, James Forellare in Grenehauche, and Adam Crol'er, and with Jiame vferis xl perfonis, fare kynnifnienne, freindis, or fervandis, for all maiJfr o£ actlOlttS, &c. Feb. 2.— Rcfpit to Dauid Ramsay, brufer to Neifche Ramfay of Bantfe, for art and part of I'e ^laatjtcr of vnu)'' Dauid Blare,^ committit in Effindy thre seris fyne, &c. F,.b. 3. — Letter to Robert Lord Maxwelt,, conferring on him ' fe office of ^ttiuartvg of KirJtCllllijrutljt, and licpuig »f our CaStclT of ffrcfff, with fe landis, fyfchingis, feis, and dewiteis perteniug fairto ; for ].e termes of nynetene 5eris, wythout ony paing^^ of males or dewiteis fairfor. Feb. 4.— Remidion to Robert Lord Creichtoune of Sanch«uhare, James Lokart of Ley, Edward Creichtoune in Libree, John C, brother german of umqi'^ Robert of Kirkpatryk, Robert C, fon of unui'' John in Eliok, Patrick C, fon of umq'<' John in Carco, and feven otiiers, for the afattgljtcr of SanirS IDouglaS, committed within the burgh of Edinburgh, on forethought felony : And alfo to John Ha he in Gliiiquory, John H., fon of Nicholas, and Donald H. in Garglenne, for the ^laugljtcr of .lolm Dwnc, committed within the barony of Sanquhare on forethought felony. IVb. 8 Ri'fpi'ct to NiNi ANE (reichtoune, brufer germane to vmq''' Robert C. of Kirkpatrik, and George C, lor j.e fovtijocljt (flon« anS ^lautljtcv of vmq'' lloiitvt jTrguSsouiu of Jjraton. iliat, and Alexander F., brufer to vukj'^ Jolme F. of Cragdarraucht. For xix 3eris. JEo f/ic— Remidion to George Blchquhannane, grandfon and heir apparent of Walter B. of that Ilk, Thomas and Walter B., and Walter Blare, for treafonably aSc^ifgflig, taking, and ' .Sincere; litorally, onefold, single. " The deer and rabbits. ' See these Extracts, Feb. 2, 1513-16. • And liirther at the Governor's pleasure. ' See these Kxtracts, Dec. 7, 1315. " Any payment of rent, &c. 4Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 233 APPENDIX. detaining tj&t CaStIc of IBunicrtaite from the King, and his keepers thereof:' And for JFivf rafeing: and Burning the gates and doors of »5rCH0ft, and certain buildings within the lordlliip of the Monastery of Kilwynning. Mar. 6. — Remiflion to George Forman in Kihnany, fpecially named in the Signature of Remiffion granted to John Earl of Levenax, for art and part of the treafonable JStSicging, taking, and detaining the King's Cattle of IBttnbertanc from the King and his Keepers thereof: And for the ^lauglbter of John Burte, committed within the hinds of Kiluieny. Mar. 7. — Speciale Protectioune to Johne Makcane of Ardnamurchane, Alexander Johne Caynochis-fone, Donald Makrannald Wane, Nele Maknele of Geya, Angus Johne-Dowifon of fe Loupe, famflt'arisi anS SerbantitS to Coft'ne CFrIt of ffirgtie. To endure for fe Gouernouris will. Mai'. 28, 1516. — Remiffion to James Smythe, indweller in Jedburghe, for the SilaugStCC of John Pagin, ^fagf'platitr,- committed nine months fince. Apr. 8. — Refpect to Walter Ogiluy, and Johne Syme his fervand, for ]ie §(aut|)ttr of Johne Piot, Crolniier ttijputc within the fcherefdome of Forfare. For thre 5eris. Apr. 14. — Remiflion to James Makcalzene, burgefs of Edinburgh, for his trra^onablu C?rjorttng goltf antt SiXbe r, coined and uncoined ; and for treafonably Cltpjiing anH Cutting tl)t coin of the realm, 8cc. Apr. 16. — Remiflion to David Kynloche, as an aflifter and participator with 9!rt|&ii)anj ©arl of SSnguS, Lord Douglas, in the High Treafon committed by him.^ Eo die. — Remiflion to Henry Andersoune, in Newale, and feven others, as afllfters and partakers with arr]&l6ani CFarl of 3ngu5 in his treafonable facts, viz. for ?^igl) tStvtSion committed by them againfl; t]&t SSing'S pvoptf }JCr5on, and his brother ii)t ISuftc of 3l\OSS5, perfuading and ufing their utmofl care and diligence to take them furth of the Castle of Stirling, during their minority, where they had been placed, and were ordained to be kept, by the advice and confent of the Governor and three Efl;ates of the realm, in Parliament : And for all other crimes, &c. Oct. 19. — Remiflion to David Wemis of that Ilk, and xxxiij others, for art and part of the ^lau£]^ter of William Mofl'et, committed on forethought felony. Oct. 27. — RemiflTion to George Haitlie of Brumehill, and Thomas Cranftoun of Doddis, for their treafonable art, part, and '^iiiitunct given to vmq'= ^leyanttfV itorlf ^ume,' in his trea- fonable Inteicommuning with the King's Rebels, Thieves, and Traitors,' &c. Oct. 28. — Letter to Robert Lord Maxwell, makand him Capttant anS Mcparc of ti)e ' James Muschet of Colgartbe, mid seven other servants of John Earl of Lennox, also got a Remission, of this date, for the same crime. ' Hislrioiiis. He may have been a Mummer or Butfoon. The mention of ' Play- arisare frequent in the old Records, Treasurers' Accounts, &c. ' Many others were Remitted for the same offence, but, except in the cases of persons of distinction, it seems unnecessary to enumerate them. "' Alexander Loan Home, and his brother Mr William Home, were beheaded at Edinburgh, Lord Home on 8th, and liis brother on the following uithe gavcll, quhair thay war fixt with iron.' They returned on the 25th, and ' causit solempne funerall ane nowmer of xl perfonis with him, for all crimes and oftenfis committit be him or Jie faidis perfonis; and to tum antt rommownt to(ti) tliC ^owernour anH ilorBt'S of Coun^ak, anent all materis he and ])ai hes ado ; and to pas and repals one liorlbak or one fute furelie, without liarme, &c. To indure for ))e fpace of xl dayis next eftir ]>e dait Jiairof. . . Oct. 31. — RemifTion to Andrew Toichoche (of Monyvaird ?), Laird of the fourth part of the Lands of Maggye, fpecially named in the Signature of Reraifiion of James Earl of Arran, Lord Hammiltoun, &c., for withholding and IBttauitiig t\)t CaStlt oC S^ammtltoune againft the Regent's authority, &c. £o die. — RemifTion, with confent of the Governor, and tlie Ratification of the three eftates of Parliament, to Thomas Huntare,'- for art and part of 33t)8tfging anH tafeing fijt CaStIf anU iJIacE of (SlaSgoio, breaking and taking the King's Artillery, and warlike flores therein: And for treafonable Convocation of the lieges, ' in feir of weir,' agaiull the forefaid Castle and town OF Glasgow, and the lord Governor, reprefenting the perfon and authority of the King. Nov. 8. — Refpitt to William Elwald of Larestanis (Laverockftanis), and feven others, and generalie to all v))eris fair kinne and freindis of ii)t (illannB anH ^uriiauuS of CPltoaTH, and als to ]iir v])er perlones fair kynnifmen, &c. for quliara J'ai war bundin and hes deliuerit plageis, viz. James Foreflare and forty-feven others, for all maner of crimes of ffrc^OUltt, ^Iauc]&tcr, IRcffi^, ?i}crrsri)tppi5, &c. For ]ie fpace of ane ^ere.' Mar. 12, 1516-7. — Remiffion to Alexander Makloid of Dunvegane, and all his kinfmen, friends, and fervants, &c. for their affiftance and fupply given to ISonalB of tjjt Me$ of 31.otI)aIt]b, knight, at the time of his being with Alexander Lord Hume, in his treafonable deeds : And for all other crimes, offences, and actions whatfoever, without any exception. Eo die — Remiffion to Lauchlan Makclane of Dowart, Donald Makclane, Gillewin Maknele of Barra, DuUeife Makwidy of Vlua, Neill Makkynna of Moifnes, and Lauchlan Makclane of Argour, and all their itin^JJlfll, &c. in the fame terms as above. Mar. 14. — Remiffion to John Makclane of Lochboy, and all his kinfmen, &c. as above. —On Mar. 8, he got a Gift of the rents and duties of the King's lands of CTeree, to be held by him during the office of the Governor, for his good and faithful fervice done and to be done, and for inbringing the King's Rents of the Southfide of Ardmurche, excepting fuch lands as pertained to John Makcine of Ardnamurchane. Apr. 8 — Refpitt to Alexander Trottare, and fix others, for ])alr treflbnable art, parte, and ^iiiitantt gevin be Jiaira to vmq'^' 3lc)rant(Cr itorti ^umc, his brejier and complicis, for treafon- able Confpirationis contrare pE King, his derreft coufing, Tutour and Govemour, and his realme, and vl)eris Jiair evill dedis ; and for all vjieris trelfonable actionis, &c. without exceptioune. To indure for )ie fpace of xix 5eris. Apr. 24) — Remiffion to Sin William Cunnyngiiame, knt. Master of Glencarne, fon and heir apparent of Cuthhert Earl of Glencarne, and xxvij others, for the cruel ^latigj&ttr of iWr iHalljcU) itloiUgonun), Archibald Caldwell, and John Smyth, committed on forethought felony: And for the ^luvtfng of Sojjn (iifla)5ftl- of) ittoiltgomtri), fon and heir ap])arent of Hugh Earl of Eglingtoune, &c. ' Jailers. O. Vr.javilkur. ' Many otlicrs got similnr Remissions, &c for the same crimes. ' A great number of Nyksounis, IIenuersounis, &c. got a similar lhj»iiite on Nov. 20, 151G. 12JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 235 APPENDIX. May 18.— Refpitt to all and findry ])E Kingis liegis of ti)t Cknnijj aittl ^urnamfe ai SrmStraitg and ffaTiOUr, and all pair kynnifmenne, freindis and feruandis, and vjieris dependand vpone jiaim of lie CXanni^ of iLiUai^ltaTe, nolo UuellanS in ii)t J9ei)ata6Ie itanU antJ SiiaoUaf^, fat will deliuer to ])E Gouernour fuificient plegis to remaue for gude reule, quhair ]iat falbe aflignit : To indure for fe fpace of a 5ere next to cum. Oct. 3. — Refpitt to Williame Borthuik of Crukstoune for ])e ^TatJtJtfr of vrnq'^ Vchtred Kincaid. To indure quhill Jie firll day of Apvile nixt to cum. Jul. 21, 1522. — Reraiffion to Williame Cokburne, ' fon and heir apparent'^ of Williame C. of Langtoune, for art and part of the treafonable gilaugljttV of Mv iitntjoni) ^HVttit St la 33aSti), ftnt-/ Guardian and Lieutenant within the bounds of Louthiane and Mekse: And for affifting the committers of the faid Slaughter, after committing thereof: And for abfconding with them, ' red-hand :' And for art and part of affifting Ymq'<= Alexander Lord Hume, &c. Oct. 23, 1523. — Remiffion to Mr James Kynninmont for the ^laugjtet of vmqi" Alexander Kincaid, &c. Mai-. 18, 1523-4. — Remiffion to John Retray of Leichehill, for the ^-lauijjbtrr of Soijn <3Lrtic^to\int of Sirufinntc. Sep. 6, 1524 — Lettre to Robert Gib of ]ie Gift of ti)t ^ttuUt of ^tfropmattStStp' to ifjt Kfng, during ]>e Kingis will. Sep. 11. — Letter to Robert Lord Maxwell, and James Stewart, brother germane to Andro Lord Avandale, ' at ]ie takin of our autoritie riall and goueniment of our realme apon our lelf,' makand ]>e faid Robert Pttnn'palt tfajJltatie, and \>e faid James ^rt'nctj^alt iticutcnailt, for all }ie dais of pare lifis, of our (SarBt, BattDc, ailB Cumjiang of KiEagcouriS,^ baith Fut-men and horse- men. Nov. 14. — Refpitt to James Twedv, fone and apperand aire to John Tuedy of Drummeliare, and to vferis xvij perfonis, for ])e cruell ^laugl)tf r of bmqlt Sioljnne ^Lortt ;ffUmsnQ, and trelfonable Taking and ^artSonjJltg of itlaltomt ittafStrr of dJ'lemmtg, his fone and are, Jie Kingis fru man, in priuate Prefoune : And for JSctf of certane gudis fra ]iame and Jiare feruandis, ])e famyn tyme : For ]>e fpace of ane ^eire to indure. Nov. 22. — Lettre to Elizabethe Lermonthe, Jie relict of vmq'"" Maister James Wischart of Petterrow, Cltr6 of 3u^ticiarit anti StUbotate to ])e Kingis grace, and to ]>e faid Elizabethe fmall faderles barnis, to help to put fame to proffitt, for Jie faid vmq'^' Maifter James gude and thankfull feruice done to Jie Kingis hienes, and his derreft moder, ])E Quenis grace, of tlie Gift of the Mariage of Johne Wifchert, fone and are of Jie faid vmquhill Maifler James ; and fail3eing of Jie faid Johnne be deces vnmarijt, Jie mariage of ony vjier are or aris, &c. ' These words are struck out of the Record. ^ This French knight had been appointed Lieutenant and Warden of the East Borders on the execution of the Eakl of Home, which gave great ofl'ence to the Scottisli nobility, who naturally felt jealous of the appointment of foreigners to offices of such distinction. In the absence of the Governor, in France, the Hovies got up a mock Shge oft/tt^ Castle of Lamjholm for the purpose of drawing out the Lieutenant. Their plot succeeded, for De la Sastie MVlJuitbar with a pretty strong force, but fell into the hands of David Home of Wcdderburn, who sui-prised and killed him and four other Frenchmen, and affixed his head on the Tolbooth at DuNSE, on Sep. 19, 1517. See Lesley, p. 110 ; Balfour, i. 245 ; and P'Uscottiv, p. 307, which last author, in his usual quaint style, informs us, that * being ane stranger, and not knawing the ground Weill, he laired his hors in ane mos ; and thair his enemies cam vpoun him, and slew and murthered him ven'ie vnhonestlie ; and cutted atf his head and carried with tbame. And it was said that he had long hair plett in his neck, quhilk David Home of AVedder- burne knitt to his saidle-bow and kcipt it." The Scottish writers strangely disfigure the name of this distinguished individual. He is called Bawty, De la Beaute, Bautie, and finally, old Pitscottie distances them all, by dubbing him TiLLiBATiE ! ' Stirrup-holder. ^ Hired or waged soldiers ; troops serving for pay. 236 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1526. APPENDIX. Nov. 22, 152.5. Precept of a Letter to Nicholas Craufurd of Oxingangis, making him JiU'SttCC Clfrfc. Feb. 21. 1525-6. — Remiflion to John Keith of Ravynxiscrag, and Thomas Dalgamoche, for their treafonably aiiiBfng from the King's anm'fS at JfloWounf , EiEfvlt, and ^ulSuap : And for art and part of the ^Iaugl)tfr of Gawin Murray, Andrew Stratoune, William Forbes, and John Smythlioune, &c. May 12, 1526. — Refpett to Alexander Hoppringill of Burnhous, John H. of fat Ilk, James and George, fones to fe faid Alexander, James H. in Newbotill, and Charles MunaV; for ]>e ^Jaugjjtcr of ymq'"" Williame Thomefone : For xix 5eris. May 30. Refpett to .John Murray of Strowane, Dauid his broder, Jone fone of Patrik M. in Dunfally, Andro M. of Abirochill, Williame M. fon of vmq''^' Alex. M., Johne M. fon of Dauid of Lorhland, and Johne Moyll ^oungar, for J>e ^laugjtfrf^ of vmq''^ Newin Dewar and Dauid Phillane ; For ]ie fpace of xix jeris. May 31. — Refpett to Charlis Lowry for ]ie ^laugljter of vmq'' SHaUtr i3cU)Iantit5 of tist 3Ift, &c. : For fe fpace of xix ieris. Jun. 6. — Refpit to James Tuedy, fone and apperand air of Johne Tuedy of Drummeliai-, Johne ))e Vaiciie of Kingfide, James Tuedy of Kirkhall, David Newtoune of Michellhill, Williame Portuife of Glenkirk, and twelve others, for ))e ^Tautljtfrof vmq'''3)ol)n Stortt Jj^ltmung, committit apoiie forethocht felony : For xix 5eris. (^At Striueling.) Jul. 11. — Refpett to Johne Logane of Baluey', Walter his fone and apperand aire, Robert L. alfo his fone, and feven others, for fair treflbnable ^^gegtncj, taking and withhalding of J)E Kingis Caj^tfH anif fovtalftt of SuniSevtaite fra his fervandis, Keparis Jiairof, &c. : For ]ie fpace of xix jeris. Eo die. — Refpitt to George Buchquhannane of ])AT Ilk, and xxij vjieris, extract furth of \e Refpitt of Johne Erle of Levinax for liis trefronabill ^SSfgtlig, taking and withhald- ing of our foucrane lordis (ffa^tlr auB ifortalltf of SumitrtfJie fra his feruandis, Keparis fairof. Eo die. — Refpitt to (Schir) Johnne Colquhone of Luce, knycht, and Patrik Colquhone, for the fame crimes. Jun. 18. — Refpitt to Gilbert Erle of Cassilis, Lord Kennedy, &c., James and Thomas K. his brethir. Hew K. of Girvenmanys, John, George, and Alexander his brethir, Dauid Kennedy, eme ' to ]ie faid Erie, James K. of Knokdone, Johne K. of Giltre, Patiik Ahannay of Sorby, Berthil- mo Craufurd of Kerfe, Robert, and Duncane liis bru]ier, Williame Cunynghame of Boquhanne, Ro- bert Grayme of Knokdoleaiie, Gilbert his brufer, Johne Kennedy of Cul5ane, Gilbert K. of Balma- clannoehe,- Johne Bard of Kilhen5e, Patrik Muir of Cloncard, Johne Muir of Auchindrane, John Muir Ills man, Jolm Muir of Wodland, Thomas Corry of Kehvod, Thomas his fone, Richert Makgee of Myrtdune, Thomas Dauidfone of Grenane, Thomas his fone, Johne Ekiis of ]>at Ilk, James M''cryn- nell of Barneile, James Muir of Byngart, James Blair of Midill Auchindrane, Alexander M'douell, Tutour of Garthlon, John Kennedy of Benone, Johne Ross of Drumgrange, Gilbert Kennedy, Jie Provefiis fone, IVrgufe Makdowell of Freuche, and tiro hundred and llnrly-lhree others, for ]ie CrcS- gonahlf ^latidjtrr of tiniqlc Conuliufi Be iHarI)cttma, Burlitnian,' in jie tyme of fe feit of our Parliament; and for all crynie and actioune )mt may follow fairupoune : And for fe ^latltljtrr of umq''- Martyne Kennedy, and Gilbert Makihvraithe : And for )>e SntCffOUUnonnng hjitjb our IBticUiS being at onr liorne, &c. to ])e dait heirof. For xix 5eris to indure. ' Uiiclc. ' Ealmaclaimocliiin. ' See Jul. 1 7 fullowing. 13 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 237 APPENDIX. Jun. 19. — Reraiflion to Robert Bertoune of Ouer Berntouue for liis trea<(onal)Ie absence from THE King's Army with James Earl of Arrax, for rftobfri) oC tjbc CafitleS o£ l^umt anil 8Mctltieri)urne. And for his ahfence from the Army with the King auil Archibald Earl of Angus for tafet'ng tj^t JJouScof CoTiranliiSjJctJbf, &c. Jun. 20. — Precept of Remiflion to Sir Patrick Hepburne of Wauchtoune,Kn^, Patrick Quhitlaw of that Ilk, John Hepburne of Weft Fortoun, William H. of Crag, Mr John H. and four others, and James Wawane of Stevinlloune for their trcaSonalllc art and part and ^iiistnixtt given to umq'"^ IDabiB l^ume of OTrtiDcifiurnf, his brothers, and accomplices. ,Tun. 22. — Precept of a Letter of Confirmation to Robert Lord Maxwell, of t^E ©fficfS of ^tctoarSri) of annanBcrSale and SSirfetuliirfgijt, and the iteepcr^Jtp of tlje CajStltS of ^otl)\iw ianc anU (ITroff ; with the lands, fees, &c. thereto belonging. Jun. 25. — Refpet to James Dowglas of Drumlanrig, James Gordoune of Lochinver, and xxxvij v))eriB,J)airkynnifmen, freiudis,and feruandis, for arte, parte, and S^^stStante given to Sltj-anttfl" dFortStcr, and vferis his complices, t^ijtidi mil} JTratourtS duelland apoue Etblll, in fair trelionable dedis : And for fe ^laticJjtev of (Tljoniag JHactlellanf of 33ombj;,' committit apone forthocht felony, within the Town of Edinburghe, &c. : For xix ;eris. Eo die. — Letter of Gift of ]e faid Robert to remane at hame fia all Parliamentis, &c. and to pass in fe pairtis beyond Sey, owper be fey or land, ony fpace and tyme he plefis ; For nyne 5eris, &c. Jul. 1. — Refpet to James Erle of Arane, Hew Erle of Eglintoune, Andbo Lord Avandale, Hew Campbell of Lowdoune, William Wallace, Tutour of Cragv, and James Hammyltoune of Fynnart, knycht, with mony vjieris to ]te nowmer of V'" or Vj™ - fa mony as ]ie faid Erie of Arane will verify, be his hand write, and niak faithe Jiairupoune, pertenis, or ar menne or feruandes to him or Jiaim, flor )ie trtSSoiiaif e arvantng of 33attfl, 3*nSurrftttOUnf , antl dFHlBing agan(53toimc Suite of aT6ang,$fC. aTutowr to]if Mmgi'S grace, piotcctouranB iSouei- nourof his realine, cummand with ]iE Kingis auctorite, and his Baner being difplayit forjie tym, at i3lUjlCV0Cel)lU, befiDlre ^la^gfaj J and for all cryme ])at may follow Jiairupoune : And for all vl)er CreSont'S, ^Iauc]bten'5, &c. in ony tyme bigane, Trefone in ))e Kingis perfone, and arte and part of fe ^laucl)ter of bniquljfle CFitoarb Cun^ngibamc of '^urljtn^&arbg alaneriie except. For ))e fpace of xix 5eris. Jul. 2 — Remiflion to Sir James Sandelandis of Caldor, kn', Robert Bruce of Auchin- bowy, Richard Graharae, and twelve others, for the cruel ^laugliter of 3Same5 ^omcruile, committit on forethought felony. Jul. 9 — Remiflion to John Halkhede of Petfurane, Charles Denneft^oune, William Spittall of Lewquhat, and twenty others, for the ^Taugi)ter of Jiojlt iSreff, committed on < fuddantie.' ' Sir James BuJfour says that he was slain by Sir John Campbell (of Calder) ; which person Lesley nonfounds with the Laird of ' Maclane' (Makclellane. ) Annates, I, 258. Lesley, p. 136. See also these Extracts, Nov. 12, 1529. ' Five thousand or six thousand. 1 238 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1526. APPENDIX. Jul. 16. — Refpitt to CuTHBERT Erle of Glexcairne, Williame, Mailler fairof, James C. hisbroder, Robert C. of Aiklieid, Robert Boyd of Portincoife, Robert C. 30ung Lard of Watterltoune, Williame C. of Pojquharne, John C. of Capriutoune, Alexander C. of Laiglane, Edward Mure of Middiltoune, David C. of Bertanebolme, Williame C. of Craiganis, Williame C. of Cunynghameheid, Muniro Mure of Rowallane, Williame C. of Glengarnok, and Robert Boyd in Kilraeniok, for ]>air trefonable art and part of SlSifgctng of ]>c CaStf II of ^tn'ucTt'ng;, in company with Johxe Duke of Albany, fan Gouernor of )iis realme, )ie Kingis maill noble perfone being fairin, in his tendiraige: And for jiair trefonable intrometting with ]'e Kingis perfone at ]iat tyme, in company with ])e laid 3)0J|]nr IDuRc of 3lbani), his Tutour, he being immediatlie to fuccede to him,' and noebt able' be fe law, to have his perfone in keping : And for fair trf^onaBIe arramng oi attc dFfilB antl JJattale aganis fe faid Jobne Duke of Albany, his Tutour, Protectour, and Govemour of his realme, and pre- fentand his perfon, at BfttntorSljin bfSnBe 6IaSgil) : And for fair trefonable ^iit^tin^, taking, and Withhalding of his Cadttll of Suilftcrtanc fra his grace and his feruandis, keparis fairof. And for all vf eris crymes of Trefone, Lefe-maieflie, actionis, transgreffionis, crymes and ofFenfis quhatsumeuer, committit or oi)ltf itoiD ^^xCBiia^ii lanSt'g anH jtiUfe; and fall infeft fe faid Archibald, his airis and affig- nayis, heretabillie, in all landis and annuellis with fair pertinentis haldin be fe faid Johne of ws imme- diatlie ; and fall prefent fe faid Archibald in tenent heritable to fe faid Johnnis vfer oure-lordis,* now haldin be him of fame, and iall mak him be infeft of fe famyn ; and fall mak him alfua be anfuerit of our efcheit of all ])e faid Johnis movable guidis, takkis, fteidingis, obligationis, and vjieris quhatfimi- euer : And fan as now, and now as fan. We gyf be thir prefentis to f e faid Archibald, his airis and affignayis, oure haill efcheit of f e faid Johnnis landis and gudis to be dilponit at fair plefoure, in cace fe faid Johne beis fforfalt, as faid is. Gevin vndir our Priue Sele, and fubfcriuit with our band, At Edinburghe, fe xxv day of October, and of our regne fe xiiij 3eir. [James R.] Oct. 28. — Remiffion to Dauid Douglas of Pettindreiche and fifteen others for their trtaSonablf tJtSettfng and Intercommuning with Buntan Cttntgn and his complices, Rebels and at the horn, &c. Dec. 27. — Remiffion to Adam Lindesay of Dowhill for ?^tg5 ffreaSoit committed by him, by his perfuafion, labour, care, and diligence to talit tj&e i$fng and his deceafed brother ii)t Suite of %\oii luxii) of tijc Cattle of ^tfvHng, where he had been placed with the advice and confent of his Tutor John Duke of Albany and the three Eflates of the realm : And for treafonable Coiiijoratton irn'tl) IBabitf ^tnnr of SMtMfrburne.his brothers, and their accomplices, Rebels and at the horn, ame to George Buchquhannane and Robert B. and vferis fare complicis, our 9aci)tlll5, being at our home, in fare trefonabill dedis : And for Jie trt^onabtfl rajStng of jFgrt in ]>e landis of ?lrro«tl)j quTjtr, pertenyng to M'Farlane : And for Jie crewall ^laucj)ttr of Johne Laurencefone and certane vferis being with him in his cumpany, committit apoune forthocht felony within fe Toune of Toughe : And for pe Jitfff, ^puiljfc, an* ^erjjtng of Jie faid Counc of STotogSt fat famyne tyme, he. -. For xix 5eris. {Apiul Perthe.) Mar. 1. — Lettre to Patrik Sinclare, makand him iMat'StCf of ^Jiuittng to i\)t Btng; and gevand him fairfore, 3eirlie, fe foume of xl ti. Feb. 5 — Remiffion the Provost, Bailies, and community of Perth, for art and part of the JiJurntng of tj&e yiart anB ijtmiti of Cragg, &e. Apr. 11, 1527 Refpett to James Hammiltoun of Innerwik, Johne of Newtoune, and four others, for fair trefonable SrraHtng of 33atcll aganis ])e Gouernour, at I{ftttcrorf»]&i'II befule Glasqw. Apr. 17 — Remiffion to James Stewart of Twedy for art and part of preparing the dftelD of Uattlf near llinltt{jq[to. Apr. 23. — Lettre to Robert Lord Maxwell, now being Wardane of JjeWest Marchis. gevand him full power within fe boundis of his Wardanry to tafe SnqufSttlOtine bpOHC ffjlfft, Reffett of Thevis, Slauchter, with all v]iir poyntis concernyng his poware of Wardanry, during all fe tyme fairof, &c. Apr. 30. — Lettre to (Schir) James Sandelandis of Caldor, kny', Ratifiand ]ie Licence gevin to liim afore to pafs for ])e completing of his pilgrimage at ^ome: And ratifiand ficlike fe difpofitioune maid be him of his funis Mariage, are men, tenncntis, &c.,' hecaufe he was ' noiu lo JjajSJi lit Oltr Stinf)a55atc and feruice to ]ie partis of dffail* Bei'lS.' (At Sanct Androis.) Dec. 1. — Remiffion to Andrew Sibbald and Williaine Robertfoune, for treafonably ^btBinj from THE King's iilrmM for UfSifging t|)C iffaStlc of (STcinptaXIounc. Dec. 28. — Rofpitt to Joiinne Dunlop, for his trealbnable art, parte, and 'Ki^iitoxitt gerin be him to a^rcKitfjaTlJ, Sitintninc ^rle of 3nguge, his brofer and eme,^ and fare complicis. Jan. 4, 1528-9. — Remiffion to George Lord Seytoune and vj others, for their treafonably afiftJins from THE King's ^rniB at ^ultoau. Mar. 3. — Remiffion to Sir Walter Scott of Branxhelme, kn', for his trcajSoiiaiilp firtafeing KiUarii from tjit Castle of JJIafeiuSS. Mar. 8. — Remiffion to William Carmichaell of that Ilk and three others, for art, part, and aSdfStailfC given to artJjl'6aIt», latt CFarl of ^[iTgtlS, his brother and uncle, &c. Apr. 4, 1529 Refpitt to Hectour Makintosche, Capitane of Clanquhattane, and Alane Keire, for )ie trefonable art, part, and '^HiiAawtt gevin be fame to ^rrljlhalU, Sumtpmc CBrIc of SlngtljS, his brofer, and eme, &c. Apr. 6. — Remiffion to Patrick Hepburne, Master of Halis, for treafonable asSt'Staitrc gtbtll to (Scorgc iLortt ji)limt, and Dauid Hume of Wedderburue, his brother, &c. Eo die. — Remiffion to James Edingtoune, and x others, extracted from the Signature of Remiffion of Patrick Earl of Boitiiuile, for their trraSoiial)!)) aSSfStfiig iScorgc itorli ?i?ume and umq''' David Hume of Weddirburne, his brothers and accomplices, being the King's 9acf)C(5, and at his horn. Eo die. — Precepts of Ilemiffions were alfo granted to Mr William Broune, Tutour of CoLSTOUNE, and four others, and to George Fawfide of that Ilk, for the fame crime. Apr. 7. — Remiffion to William Douglas of Quhittinghame and James D. his fervant, for treafonably SSntcrcommuiung, refetting, and affifting anfjlljallr, latt C?arX of SlliguS, George D. his brother, and Archibald their uncle. Eo die. — Remiffion to Robert Lauder of Bass, and xj others, for the fame crimes. Eo die. — Remiffion to the Burgh of Dunbar, for the fame crimes. Apr. 8. — Reraiffions to John Lord Hay of jester, and iiij others, and to William Hay of Tallo, for the above crimes. Apr. 27. — Remiffion to Mr John Bannatvne and William Flemyng, his fervant, for their treafonable ^SSfgtanrt given to a^vri&tljalB, formcrlu Carl of angUS, George his brother, and Archibald his uncle, and tlieir accomplices, (S:c. (Apiul Striuiling.) Jun. 3. — Remiffion to Patrick Hume, brother-german of Alexander Hume, Tutor of Weddir- burne, for all crimes committed prior to this date, High Treafon only excepted. (Apud Hadittgtoime.) ' See these Extracts, Oct. 27, 151G, Note. ' Brotlier-in-law. ' Uncle. 244 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1530. APPENDIX. Eo die Refpitt to James Lord Ogiluy of Erlie and xxsiij vfer perfonis, for art and pait of ]ie aiauri)tcr of vrnq'^ Dauid Skeppar : For xix 5eris. Jun. 11. — Refpitt to Hew Kennedy of Girvanemanyis, for Lis treafonable art, parte, and affiftance gevin be him to 3rri)l5anr, fumtynie (Bx\t ol iTliguSf, liis eme and bro))er, and Jiare com- plicis: To indure for ]ie fpace of five jeris; fwa Jiat' ]ie laid Hew pa5 in d?vauntc, within twa moncthis, and fare remane at his grace plefour. (^At Jedburghe.) Jun. 12. — Refpitt to Johxe Mailuile, Robert Clerk, and Schir Thomas Thomfoune, for art and part of pe ^laud&ttrfS of vniq'' %ai)n\\t SKallaiuijC- of ISctttflJ), Andro Traill, and Alex- ander Wemys ; committit vpoune aulB ffcCD and foirtliocht felony : For xix ^eris. (^At Jedhurghe.) Jun. 22. — Refpett to Mathew Hammiltoune, fone to Robert H. in Mylneburne, and Duncane Dundafs, bruper-germane to James D. of Newliftoune, for art and part of ]>e ^IaMf|)tcr of vmq ■ aaam ilfsbrt of tljat Sift, e dait beirof, and till indure vnto \>e faidis perfones returnyng to pare cuntre, and x dayis Jiaireftir. (At Striuiling.^ Feb. 24. — Refpitt to Hectour M^clane of Dowart, bis kyn, freindis, &c. to fe noymer of fourty perfonis, for all manner of acttoniiS, alfwele Treflbune as vferis crymes, quhill fe xxv day of May next to cum, to commoune with ws (the King). ' This Refpitt havand flrenthe fra fe day of fe faid Hectouris furthcuming of bis Howfe of Dowart, cummand agaitwartis to ])E Kingis grace, quhill pe faid xx day of Maij.' ^ (At Dutide.) Apr. 8, 1530. — Licence to William Abbot of our Abbay of Corsragwell, Commendatare of Halywode, and Tutour to Gilbert Erle of Cassillis, bis Cheif, to pafs in France and vfer partis be3ond fey, to do his ^ilcjrainage, &c. ; and granting a Refpite and Saufgarde to him, his kyn, freudis, men, tenentis, &c. May 22. — Refpitt to Thomas Makclellane of Gilstoune, and xj vjieria, for Jiare treafon- able remanyng, and at hame biding fra ]ie Gift and ^^ruiM of ^oblliuai) : And for ]>e Jjlautjjtcr of vmq'^ George Langmuir : For xix 5eris. Jun. 12. — Refpitt to Malcome Forbes in Bulquhame, Johne his fone, and Jobnne Ander- foune, for fare S)ntcrroininonpn(]; and affifting with George Keyth, our fouerane lordis JftCicII: For xix 3eri8. (At Scone.) Jul. 8. — Lettie maid to Robert Lord Maxwell, his airis and affignais, ane or ma, of fe Gift of all gudis movabill and vnmovabill, dettis, takkis, obligationis, fovmes of money, giftes of nonentres and vperis quhatfumeuer, quhilkis pertenit to vmquhiil Siojnnt StrnrStrang,^ brufier to Thomas Armstrang of Mayngertoune, and now pertenyng to our fouerane lord, be refoune of efchete, tj&rolu ItuSttfiung of tjc ^at'D bmquJjtle 3)oi)nnt to tjjc SciU for JTijift, committit be him, &c.' (At Prei/Ii/hauc/w, per Signattiram Regis et Thejaurarij Juh/cript.) Aug. 2. — Refpitt to George Nesbett of Daljell for fe treflbnabill art, part, and STSSi'S- tante gevin be him to 2rti)ii>a^l'. fum tyme ©rfc of angUS, his bruferand erne, &c. : For xix 3eris. (At Striuiltny.) Oct. 7. — Lettre to all and findry fe perfonis, men and wemen, Inhabitantis of Liddis- DALE, gevand Jjaime fre libertc, protectioune, faculte and frcttomt to JiaSSantI rcparc to alt iHrrcatfS, &c. and alfe full Licence and fredome to brouk and joifs peceabiUy all and fnidry Jiare auld heretage, &c. ])ai plefand Jie Lordis of fe ground, for Jie faidis ftedingis and rovmis, as efFeris. (At Dunde.) Oct. (). — Remiffion to the Inhabitants of Liddisdale, for whom Patrick Earl of Boithoile gave his Bond and fecurity to exhibit, excepting George Scot of Bog and his accom- plices of Crammald, dFirCsrat'SCfS, for their treafonable deeds, and (ilonj^piractf^ againfl the royall authority, for fniJVingilig of 3afl)ClS of ^COtlanH anU ©uglisljimcn within the realme, (Src. (Apvd Dunde.) ' A great number respited, at this time, tor the same offence. * These words are added to the Respite, which is engrossed in the Record at full length. ^ The redoubted Johnne Armsxrakg. See Notice regarding him I, • 152. 246 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1532. APPENDIX. Oct. 10. — Reiniffion to John Master of Forbes and four others, for their treafonably Abiding from the King's aniu) at ^iilJuaj) aittr ElSsvk'. And for the gifaugljtfc of 2tIe>anBtr SifKtoimf of fWrrtrium, j)pVf:S5ton, &c. {Apud Perlhe.) Jan. -t, 1330-L — Lettre to Torkill (Torquill) Maknele, C^tif anU pn'nn'paTe of tjjc Clan anB ^tvnamc of iHaftntTl'S, of ))e Gift of Jie mails, fermes, protiittis, and dewiteis of all and lindiy )ie landis Jiat pertenit to vmq'"^ Gillecallum M'Nele of Gaeya, Hand within pe Sherefdome of Terbert ; with the Nonentry and Relief, &c. Jan. 21. — RemiflTion to John Strathauchin, fon and heir apparent of Thomas S. of Len- turk, for art and part of the cruel ^Taugbtfr of Hlf yantfCf ^nitouiic of -JtTflBntin and John King, fon and heir apparent of William King of Bourty : And for art and part of the JJcSl'fgtng of tj)f CaiStIc of i»(rDrtimiiii), ' ?llcrr5ti)ip,' and 'g-pufhie' of goods, and ^laugljtrr committed at the time of the faid Siege. Apr. 28, 1531 Lettre to Mathew Erle of Levinax, his airis and aflignais, makand fame Capttam'S of X\)t CaStcH, ftrenthe, and fortalice of BunStrtant, for xix 3erls, begynnand at fe feill of Witlbnday, in J)e jere 1531, &c. Jun. 7. — Refpitt to Johnne Boyd, Chalmer-child • to Archibald Douglas, and John Boyd, fon to Gilbert Boyd, for ]'e trefonable art, part, and SlSSl'^tanff gevin be ))ame to 9:rcI)ll)aTB fumtyme CPrle of S^ngil^, George Douglas his brofer, and ))e faid Archibald his eme,^ &c. {At Striuiliriff.) Jun. 8. — Reiniffion to Alexander JouN-CANiCHissoNEof Dunnevaig and Glynnis, and three others, for their treafonable JJ^trc=raiSing anti 33unxtnCj: the houfes of the lands of l^oSntltllf, itcucnay, Craginrljc, and fundry others within the realm, with 33lIVlungS, ^laucjStfrS, and |i^crc- StJipSof the lieges, Inhabitants thereof: And for ^tgl) JTvcaSoit, &c. to this date.' Eo die. — Reniiflion to Hector Makclane of Doward, and . others for the fame crimes. Jul. 1. — Lettre to Gawyne Hammiltoune and liis airis, &c. of Jie Gift of all gudis mo- vabill and vnmovabill, dettis, takkis.Obligatiounis, gold, filuer, fovmes of money, 8iC. quhilkis pertenit to Jonet Lady Glammis, and now pertening or onywife fall happin or may pertene to our fouerane lord be refoune of Efchete, throw hir being fugitive fra ]ie law, and at ])e borne, or conuict for S^nttV' rominonuiig Vuftb our Soucranc lorlri^ l^clitflis, or for ony vfir crymes, kc.^ Oct. 12. — Refpitt to Hector M'^^clane of Dowald^ (Dowart,) and to als mony as beis with him in cumpany to ))e novmer of xl perfonis, or within, fauflie to cum to our fouerane Lord and jieLoRDisoF CouNSALEforniaiting of gutnixiajjt^ancnt tlic rculcof tl)C tuntrr,&c.: For Ix dais nixt to cum efter ]ie day of jie dait iieirof. Feb. 11, 1531-2. — Refpitt to Donald Mi'Alexander M'murquhe, and xv vjiiris, being ' See his Trial for High Treason, &c. I, * 183, &c. He confessed his guilt of the Laird of Sleldnim's Slaughter on the Scaft'old. •' Page, or groom of the chamber. • Uncle. ' See Mr Gregory's Work on the Isles. = See I, * 1H7, Itc. « Dec. 8, 1331. Another Respite for him, 'and sa mony of his kin, &c. as he plesis to bring with him, &c. for to commoune and treit apoune sic materis as conceruys ye weile of ye realme, and pacyfying ye samyne :' For xl days. 20JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 247 APPENDIX. in cumpany with Rory M'Kinze at ]>e ^InndjUt of vrnq''' Siiigbale of WHltixxn, eommittit be him : Asd ^puljc and away-taking of ]ie faid Williamis gudis and geir at ]>e tyme of Jie committing of ]>e faid Slauchter : And for art and part pairof and the faid Spul5e : And for all actiouns, &c. befor fe cuming of ])e faid Rory to ourfouerane Lordis feruice, fat is to fay in the 5eire of God I™.V'^.xxvij : For xix jeris to indure. Sep. 1, 1532 Remiffion to John Hume of Blacater, John Nefbett in Spittale, Hector Furd, and John Focart, fenior, his fervants, for their treafonably JJntciTOmmuilfnj, &c. witli '^idjU buXtl, formrrll) CParl of StugtlS, his brother and uncle, and their accomplices, &c. : And alfo for Intercommuning with and affifting our enemies ilje CFngTiSl), &c. : Provided that the faid John comes to THE King, along with Alexander his brother, and purges himfelf of the ^laujljtev of IDablB iTal^ ronar ; and Ihews to the King, fo far as he knows, who were the flayers of the faid David. (Apud Falkland.) Oct. 12. — Lettre of Exemptioune to Johnne Baxnatyne, Clerk and Writar to our foue- rane lordis Signet, fra all paSiSfng to onn our ©iStiS, Within, congregatiounes, and alTembleis, and fra all walking, warding, waching, paying of taxtis, or cxtentis, within our burghe of Edinburghe or Ttuith' in tyme cuming, during all his liftyme, &c. — he being ' now of gret age, feiklie and corpolent in his perfoune, and hes fuflenit and as 3it fuftenis diuerfe infirmiteis in his leggis and vjier pairtis of his body, cumin of cauld throw his ythand" and deligent lawbouris maid in our feruice in our 3iui: tt'f C-airfe haldin in tyme of winter,' &c. Dec. 15. — Refpitt maid to James Stewart of Cragyiiall, and ij feruandis, for J)are tvu ^onai)tU Unttrrommuni'ng and afliftance gevin to our fouerane lordis 3acbcIIt^, &c. For xix jeris. {At Linlit/ujiv.) Jan. 9, 1532-3. — Refpitt to Thomas Donaldsoune M°kin3e, and v vjieris, for comtnoune jn&fft, outputting and inputting : And for art and part of pe thiftus ^ttlt'ng antt foncrling fra George Erle of Huntlie of tertaite SopItJ JorSiS anH nurgS furth of ])e landis of Bra of Mar (Braeniar.) Mar. 17. — Remiffion to Archibald Earl of Argyle, and Ixxxxij others, for their trra» fiotiafilc dFtrc^raf^tng, ioitij ijii ^tantiarti ttnfurlctf, in the 3)5lan»5 of iWulf , ffcurt (JTurrt), and j^ovbcrnc : The King and his Council having difpenfed with the general Act, on condition of the Earl fatisfying the kin of Donald Ballo M^auchin, Donald Crum M'^cownane, and Farquhar M'Sevir, and others having lawful claims.' {Apud Melrofe.) Mar. 21. — Refpitt to Alane M'clane, fone to vinq''' Lauchlane M'giljane of Doward, for I'e trcSonahin basing of dfuvt and Birnyng of Houffis in tjje Mt of iHull : And fe ^Iauci)tti- of .Tohnne M'gillane, lone to Johnne M. of Lochboy, and vferis : For xix 3eris to indure. Aug. 4, 153-1. — Remiffion to James Hammyltoun of Stanehous, for his treafonably coming ' in feir of weir,' with banners unfurled, at iStttctOVSitU, agafnSt 3oj|)n Suftc of ;Sli)an$, Govei'nor of the realm : And for all other crimes, (excepting Treafon, &c. Intercommuning with Archibald Earl of Angus and his accomplices, and affifting James Hammyltoun, the flayer of Thomas Flegeare ; common Oppreffion and Brigancy, and dellroying the Woods within the lordlhip of Dow- glas, &c.) {Apud Lanark.') Dec. 5. — Remiffion to John Grant of Culcabok for certain actions committed by him, (High Treafon, Slaughter, and Mutilation, after the making of the Act, and affillance given to Hector Makintofche and his accomplices, being alone excepted.) {Apud Elgin.) ' Outwith. * Eident ,- constant, unremitting. ^ See Mr Gregory's History of the Isles. 5 248 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1536. APPENDIX. Jul. 10, 1535.— Refpitt to Joiine Charturis, fone to rmq'« Johne C. of Cuthilguidy, fof all crimes, Trefoun in JiE Kincis perfoune alaneily except ; and to induie for v joris : Providing allwais, pat [le faid Jobnne rtniaiK iuvtij of tijii fcalme aitU tijt i-calme o£ Snglaii*, &c. (At Striueling.) Jul. 26. — Refpitt to Donald M'ky and to all perfonis Inhabitaris of Jie Landis of Strathnaverne, Atliir, Auchquhilis, and Ardurenis, within ]ie fcherefdorae of Inuernys, fov all arttoilt5, ty^mti, &c. Trefoune in oure fouerane lordis perfoune alanerlie except: For our fouerane lordis will to indure. Jid. 'SS. — Remiflion to James Grant of Freuchy, and iiij others, for their treafonably aijftiing fvom iiit ^nm'rS at ^uHuap aiitJ 8Hcrfe. {Apnd Striuiling.) Sep. 6. — Precept of a Charter to Dauid Armstrang,' fon of Herbert, alias Habye Arm- ftrang, of the v merk lands of old extent of Park, lying in OFiofStlailc, and iliire of Drumfreife ; pro- ceeding upon the perfonal refignatiou of Mo&crt StofB iMayiaclI. (Jptid Cmimnald.) Oct. 29. — Remiffion to Robert Grahame of Thornok, Adam Grahanae his brother, and Herbert Corry, for art and part of the cruel ^laugljtcv of George Kirkpatrik, committed on fore- tliought felony. (Apud Striuilmg.) Nov. 28. — Remiffion to William Kirkpatrik of Kirkmichaell^ for aSittcrcommunitrg with Sir Alexander K. of K., kn', his father, and his accomplices, KcfitlS, &c. (Apud Drumfreije.') Dec. 2. — Remiflion to Thomas Kirkpatrik of Cloisburne for Dntcrtomiuuntng iu(t& latijclS, &c. (Apud Drumfreije.) Eo die. — Lettre of Gift to Williame Lord Ruthvene of all guidis movabill and vnmova- bill, he. quhilkis pertenit to (Scorgt »5ovtl)g of pat Hlft, and to Sir William Stoby, Chaplane of Gorthy, (JFgcljftc throw being of Jie faidis perfonis fugityve fra pe law, and at pe home for ))e ^laufils ter of JRoIjcit fHuvvai) of flclurato, itc. Dec. 6. — Remiffion to John Greirsoune of Lag for treafonably SljiBtiig from t\)t ^rmu at ^ulinan. (Apud Drumfreife.) Eo die — Remiffion to Thomas Fergussoune of Cragdarroch, for all rrtmfS roiumfttcS prior to tlji's Sate, &c. Mar. 1, 1535-6. — Refpitt to Johne, Thomas, and James Cranstoune, breper, for art and part of pe *Iautl)tcr of 3n1lro llcittpfti) of IBeringtount : For xix ^eris. (At Sanctandrq/e.) Mar. 3. — Precept of Remiffion to Thomas Fotheringhame of Powry for art and part of the ^laugljtrr of Walter F., &c. (Ajnid Falkland.) Mar. 11. — Lettre to George Erle of Huntlie, his airis and affignais, of fe Gift of all gudis, movabill and vnmovabill, cornis, catale, &c. gold and filuer, cun3eit and vncun5eit, jowallis, and vjieris quhatfumeuir quhilkis pertenit to %o\}\\t dForljtS of |3ct!Slfgo, Alexander F. of Kynnaldy, his fone and apparand air, Johne F., Williame F., Alexander F. of Dalmannoche, Johne his bra])er, Alex- ander, fone of David F., Patrik, fone to Johne F., Johne, fone to George F., Andro Schand in Tor- mare, Johne Cawdale, fone and apperand air to James C. of Aflovne, John Farare, fervand to Jie Lard of Petilego, Duncane his fone, Thomas and Johne Hoggis, and Alexander Makferfiine, now perte- nyng to our foverane lord as his efchete, throw being of fe faidis perfonis his llebellis, and at his liorne, as fugitiue fra his lawes, for art and part of ])e cruell #TutnattO«nt, ftjurttng, anS SBUouilB^ ' Sec Notice relative to Johnnie Armstranq, I, * 152 ; .ind also the Gift of his Escheat, I, * 245. " James Kirkpatrick and xxj others got auother Remission tor the same crime. 23 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 249 APPENDIX. lllg of Micliaell Frafer and Joline Frafer, vpowne auld ffeid and forthocht felony : And als, of fe Gift of ])e vnlawis, in Jie quliilkis Dojltt itlaiStcr ot dforbf^ wes adiugit for nonentre of ])e faid Johne F. of Petflego, and ]ie laid Jolme for nonentre of |)e faid Alexander his fone, and fe vjiaris perfonis, Rebellis forfaidis, and of Johne Schand, feruand to Andro Schand, S'' Gilbert Hunter, Chaplane, and diuerfe vjieris perfonis : And als, of Jie Gift of diuerfe vjieris vnlawis efchetis, panis of Lawborrowis, and Ibvmes of money, as at lenth is contenit in ])e faid Lettre. (^A( Striuiling.) ' Compofitio iiij" (4000) merkis.' Apr. 5. — Remiffion to Thomas Fairbarne in Gordoune niyll, Alexander his brother, and Cuthbert Cranftoune in Manys, for ait and part of the ^laiig^^tcr of ^nUvcto 33eftijfCt]& of «§irnlaiu, &c. {Apud Stmdlinff.) Apr. 11. — Remiffion to George Earl of Rothesse, James and John Lefley, brothers, Andrew Balfowre of Montquhanny, William Lefley Captain of Rotheffe, Robert Lefley of Kynnard, James and William Lefley in Hechame, brothers, Robert Arnot of Wodmylne, Walter Paterfoun of Drummure, Patrick Balfowre in Denmylne, and forty-four others, for treafonably afil'Btlig from tjc 9vnitC5of EiHrtrft ants jrcmptallounf, &c. : And alfo, difcharging them and their cautioners of all pains and amerciaments for not appearing; before the Jufliciars at ii)C iHonaSttrg of SttinBortS antt 3RfiBtnri)t, near the fame, committed on May 17, 1532. (Apnd Falkland.) Apr. 19 — Refpitt to W^illiam Joiixestoune in Fouldurris, and vij v]ieris, for ]iare trefon- able Rafing of Fyre williin ])e realme, and Birnyng of ])e Toune of Kirkmaquho. For xix jeris, and forder for our fouerane lordis will to indure. (Aptid Striuiling.') Apr. 23. — Remiffion to William Cokburne of Scarling, for treafonably SliSStSting SabiB ^tinrc of ffiSStiiBf rliurne, &c. {Apud Slrhdling.) Apr. 25. — Gift to Schir Patrick Hepburne of Wauchtoune, knycht, of all gudis, movable and vnmovable, &c. quhilkis pertenit to him of befor, and now to the King, be reflbun of efeheit throu his being Coilbltt it an S^St'St, Jan. xxiiij lafl bipaft, of certane crymes committit vpon James Sinclare, bruder to pe Lard of Rofling, and his complicis being with him. (^At Falk- land.') May 6. — Remiffion to John Ross of Cragy, and ix others, for treafonably SlitOing frotn tijc Svmjj at ^nlluai), &c. (Ajmd Strhiilmg.) May 9 — Remiffion to Patrick Hepburne of Wauchtoune, kn', Patrick his fon and heir apparent, Williame H. of Eft Crag, John H. of Weft Fortoune, Patrick Quhitlaw of that Ilk, Jolm Carkettill of Finglenne, and fifty-feven others, for art and part of the treafonable StntnTOininuntng, Refetting, &c. and aflifling Saui'D |t)unic of aMcUBilJmrnc, and his accomplices, the King's Rebels, &c. (^Apiid Striueling.) May 20. — Refpitt to George Elphinstoune, fon and apperand air to Johne Elphinftoune of Hinderftoune, and Thomas E. his bru])er, for art and part vpoune forthocht feliouue of ])e cruell ^laucljttr of vmqi'" Thomas Mure ; committit be fame in ])e g:uHf4oune of ^litrtfcnc. For xix jeris. (^At Striueling.) Jul. IG. — Remiffion to Margaret Lady Sinclair, and xj others, for their treafonably SlIitBingfrom tJjr flvniM at STtniptallount : And for Ufurping the King's authority, Conboca- tfon of tlie lieges, common (©ppvtS^ton, &c. (Apwd Falkland.) Jul. 20 — Remiffion to James Tuedy, fon and heir apparent of John T. of Drummel^eare, and XV others, for treafonably Si^gfeting IDaSjlB^iimcof SHfillljrllUVnf, his brothers and accom- VOL. I. f 2 I 250 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1538. APPENDIX. plices : And for the ^laugjtcf o£ Jojn 3torU ;lf Icmuitg, committed upon forethought felony. (^Apud Pitlimceme.') Jul. 23. — Remiflion to Andrew Wod op Largo, John and Robert his brothers, Andrew and Thomas Wod, fons of Andrew Wod in Pittinweme, Andrew Wod his fervant, Alexander Spenfe of Lathaliane, John Lundy of Stratharlie, James iiis brother, and twelve others, for all actiottd, iSrc. prior to this date, High Treafon excepted. (Apud Pittinweme.) Aug. 15. — Remiflion (Schir) Johne Mailuil of Raithe, kn', James Kirkcaldy of Grange, Williame Berclay of Touche, John Mailuil of Weflir Touche, John and Patrick K., brothers of the Laird of Grange, and eight others, for all crimen, excepting Treafon, &c. prior to this date. (Aptid Siriuilinff) Aug. 28. — Lettre of Gift to Dauid Armstrang, callit Jie Lacli/, Andro A., fone and are of vmq'"" Syraon A. of Quhitehauche, and to Mertyne A., brujier to the laid Dauid, Jiare airis and affig- nais, of all gudis, movabill and vnmovabill, dettis, &c. qubilkis pertenit to ])e faid vmq''= Symon, and now to our foverane lord be refoune of ^Scljcitt, throw j'uSttlBtng of ])e faid vmq'"' Symon to t^E Bctil for crymes committit be him. (./< Striuding.) Sep. 1. — Refpitt to Alexander Forester, fone of Joline Forefter of pe Newtoune, for art and part of |ie imput' cruill ^lautljtn" of vmq'*" Andro Leirmontht, citinar of Sanctandrofe : For xix 5eris. {At Abbottijhall .) Jan. 28, 1536-7. — Refpitt to Lancelot Gray, for art and part of fe cruell ^lautljtcr of vmqi'' Adam Purdy, faidlaire, burges of Edinburghe : And of Sfemcillbering; of William Purdy, his brufer, of his rycht ee ; and ^poliatfouite of his fuerd ; committit and done apoune fuddante, &c. : For ix 3eris. {At Parife, per Signaliimtn maim Regis Jubfcripl.) Apr. 28, 1537. — Remiflion to Andrew Muxcur of Slanis, Alexander his brother, and Andrew their baftard brother, Robert Mailuile of Hervistoune, and three others, for art and part of the cruel ^laugljtcr oC .?ioljn Brtmme. {Jpud Montevele.y Jun. 6. — Refpitt to Joiine Vause of Many, and Maifter Johne Gordoune, for art and part of fe ^laucljtcr of James Lioune : And itluttlaftOUltC of Alexander Ruthirfurd, ane of ]ie JSatlU'cii of Sthirtfcnc for ]>e tyme, Mailler Eduerd Menzies, and William Turnbull : And Bcfofttng of ]ie ^I'obcSt nnti JJailUcS Jiairof in executioune of pare office, in chargeiug of ])e Aiid Joline to pas to ])e Tolbuthe of )'e faid Burghe, for trublance done be him : Axd for courmounc (©pprcSSt'ount done be him and ]ie faidis Maifter Johne, Alexander (Knowis) and Williame (Gordoune), vpouue our fouerane lordis liegis, &c. For fex monetiiis to indure. Jul. 15. — Refpitt maid to Jonett Pyott, ]'e fpoufe of Williame Sinclare in fe Myrefyde, for art and part of jie g'taucljtcr of vmq'<" itTafetff (Seovge itiiiBc^ag : And of j)e iMutflatfounc of Patiik L., committit vpoune forthocht felony, and palling away with ]ie coramittaris Jiairof with Jie bludy hand. For xix 5eris. Nov. 7 — Refpitt to Robert Lauder of Bass, and v vperis, for ))e trfSonalitll 35ittfrcom» inOHBIlU iuiti) 5nglfemen, in tyme of Weir, &c. For xix 5eris. {At Striuiling, ' v« merkis.') Nov. 12. — Lettre of Gift to Archibald Erle of Argile, his airis and assignais, ane or ma of all ])e gudis, movabill and vnmovabill, dettis, &c. quliilkis pertenit to Ciiarlis Campbell of Baroour, and now to our fouerane lord, be refoune of CpgcJjctc, throw being of fe faid Cliarles fugitive fra ]hi law and at ]>c home, or convict for art and part of [le ^laiuljtcr of vmq'-^- aiaitj l^ainmuUounc of 33avt)oU)i), Robert Striueling in Cadder, and anHro ^ti'iucltng of JSanfttr. {At Linlithgw, ' ij ' ti.') ' Imputed, nllegeJ. - Probably Montivillitirs, a tuwii in the department of Lower Seine, France. 25JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 251 APPENDIX. Dec. 9. — Reniiffion to John Vause of Many, foi" all arttonjS, &c. committed by liira prior to this date, Treafon, &c. only being excepted. (^Apud Falkland.') Dec. 12. — Lettre of Gift to Robert Maister of Maxwell, his airis, &c. of all takkis, ftedingis, and wodfettis, within ]ie Ouer parrochin of Ewis, quhilkis pertenit to vme^'- ^omoil ^rni« Strang of ®u]&tt]&atiril, juSttfuit for certane crymes conimittit be hiui. (^At Lhdithqiu.') Dec. 18. — Lettre of Gift to (Schir) Johnne Striueling of J)E Keir, knycht, his airis, &c. of all )'e gudis movabill, dettis, &c. takkis, fledingis, cornis, catale, &c. quhilkis pertenit to vmq'"= Colin Campbell of Auchiniiowie, jugttfnft for art and part of ])e Cruell ^lautljttnS of vraq^'" i^latTt ^aimnpUoimc of 33ar»oSot't, JKobert S'lrtutltng of tjc itcttir, and Andro S. in Ballin- droicht, and being at )ie home for ))e faidis Slauchteris, (excepand Jie cornis, catale, and gudis intro- mettit with be Johne Lord Erskin, SchereiF of Striueling, for our fouerane lordis vfe.) Dec. 29. — Letter of Gift to Jonet Logane, relict of vmq'"' Johnne Wallace of Cragy, in confideratioun Jiat fcho is of cure kin and blude, and hes nocht to leif vpoune, howbeit fcho wes dotit fubflantiouflie be vmq''^ our derreft fader of gude niynd, quham God affoilze, be payment of large fowmes of money for hir tocher : thairfoir feing now ]iat ])e landis and lortiScJt'p of Ctagg ar fallin in oure handis be refl'oune of ES3arl(f, We, willing J)at ]ie faid Jonet be nocht alluterlie defli- tute of hir leving, hes gevin, &c. fe fowme of fourty merkis of |9cnS{ounr 3eirlie, &c. (^At Lin- litliqw.) Jan 6, 1537-8. — Refpitt to Robert and Jok Hammyltoune, for art and part of ]ie ^lauf J= ttx of %o\)nt CainjpIlclT of |3ofovtour : For six zeris. {At Linlithqw.) Mar. 23. — Lettre of Gift to Thomas Kennedy, fone and apperand are to Alex. K. of Bar- gany, his aires, &c. of all gudis, movabill and vnmovabill, dettis, &c. quhilkis pertenit to vmq'' James Kennedy in Jie Schallauch of Glentig, and now Efchete, becauie he, and Neil Boyd his feniand, vpoune ))e ... day of Marche inftant, vpoune aitlll ffciU and forthocht felouoe, cruelly gifiu vmq''^ Patrik M<'ilivrik at Cragneil, and for irtfting of our fouerane lord his fff n^St'S ailS aiTtSttS, and for Sfforrring of Iji'S #fifn'an'^, he. Mar. 27, 1538. — Refpitt to Robert and Johne Ramsay, for ])are trefonabill toiltflfng of tjje trtSoiiabill iuoitit'S atiti langagt Jntt fipoStn be fame be Nycholace Ramsay of Dal- HOussY of })E KiNGis grace : And for 33tSctting, fuppleing, and intercommonyng with his 3Ktfifnt5, &c. For xix 3eris. May 8. — Lettre to Robert Lord Maxwell, Grete Admiral!, makand mentioune, fat his hienes hes direct him to fe pairtis of France, for fe ^tire tonboufng aitU acrumjaiiHing of Ji5 ttrrrtSt fnlToto tjc ©ucnc to tljfS \)ii rfalnit fra fe faid realme of France ; that pairfore his hienes, willing fat his faid coufing, nor nane vjiir Capitane, gentilman, Ikipper, warmanne, or maryner, and all vfir perfonis pafTand in his curapany in his feruice, incur ony damnage, hurt, or fkaith fairby. Will and Grantis, and of his autorite ryal and kinglie power, for him and his fucceflburis, perpetuallie con- ■ firmis. That giff it happinnis his faid coufing, or ony of fe faidis perfonis palling in his cumpany, to deces, or be llane ony raaner of way, in fat cayce he gevis frelie to fame, and euery of fame, fare Wardis, relevis, and marriages, to f e vtilite and weile of fare airis, to be applyit to fe behufe of fare airis and fare barnis, &c. {At Leyth.) Jul. 23. — Refpitt to James Forsythe of Nyde, for art and part of fe ^lautljttr of vmqi« Thomas Sandfurd : For xv dais to indure ; providing )iat fe faid James jjaSd furtj) of tjc rtalmt within XV dais nixt eftir lie be chargit f airto : and nocht to returne agane within f e fammyn, qubill he obtene his gracis Licence f airupoune. 252 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1539. APPENDIX. Sep. 13. — Precept of Legitimation to Murdoch 3Fgilleoune and Charles M. natural fons of 3)ohn ittarsillfouiic of Eotljiioi). {Apud Linlithqw.) Oct. 13. — Letters of Rehabilitation to Richart Rollok, burges of Dunde, dilatit of certane poyntis of |i^crcSp, and fl&furit .TltB Conuut I'aiiof, refloring, reponing, and reintegrating him to his gude fame, heretage, gudis, and wardle ' lionouris, without reproche, murmur, detractioune, blaf- phematioune to be maid or done fairthrow to liim, in word or deid, be ony maner of way, in tyme cuming. (^At AMrhrotltoh.) Oct. 31 Reniiflion to Thomas Lichtoune or Vllishavin, for the ^laugliter of Andrew Tait, &c. {Apud Falkland.) Dec. 13. — Remifllon to Thomas Turnbull of Rawflat, for art and part of the ©pprtS- Ston Uonc to ffiSTinfam 5'cott of ^aSStnBanr , in breaking up a box belonging to the faid William, in the iioule of ISlr Niciiolas Ruthirfurd, within the burgh of Edinburgh, and for theftuoufly ab- ftracting therefrom two Letters of Reverfion of the lands of Coppitrig, with an inflrument, belong- ing to his wife. Dec. 23. — Refpitt to Williame Cunynghame of Akinbar, for alt acttontS done be Urn befor ]ie dait heirof, Trefoune, &c. except : For xix ^eris. Jan. 13, 1538-9. — Reniiffion to JA^rES Gordouxe of Lochinver, William G. of Crauch- lew, Andrew Agnew Sheriff of Wigtoune, George M'^culloche of Torhoufe, Dauid Gordoune, John G. called JoJme of Quhithorne, William Carnis young Laird of Orchardtoune, and twelve others, for art and part of the ^laugljttr of JTj&omaS iHacCItnant of 33oml)i), committed eleven years Mby- pafl, in the burgh of Edinburgh, &c. Jan. 24 — Precept of a Cliarter of Confirmation by James V, of a Feu Charter gi'anted by Robert Abbot of Holyrood, to Oliuer Sinclare of Pitcarnis, and Katherine Bellendene his fpoufe, whom failing, to James S. his natural fon,^ &c. of the Barony of Ahammer (AUhammer) alias Quhitkirk, with the pertinents, within the conllabulary of Haddingtoune and fliire of Edinburgh ; dated, 'apud Monafl. S. Crucis prope Edinburglie,' Jan. 17, 1538. Feb. 16. — Remifllon to Mr Adam Ottirburne of Ridhall, for SlitBing from tljf ^rmjj of ^tlluap, &c. {Apud Lialitliqw.') Mar. 6 and 8. — Letters of Gift to Walter Cowsland burges of Striuiling, and Robert Cant burges of Edinburghe, of their avne efchete gudis, perteniug to Jie Kingis grace, be refoune of CBSrIJctt, throw being of ])e faidis Walter and Robert ^Ibiurit of ^crt^D. {At Liidithqw.) Mar. 12. — Lettre to Martyne Balkesky'' remittand to bim \e: efchete of all his gudis, &c. tjroto cumin lir luill of ]ie faid Martyne, befor ]ie Juftice, for breking of our fbuerane lordis ProcJa- raatioune, in Ijabiug ailB b^t'lig, eftir J)e making jiairof, of tcrtaitc Jltglt'iS (^ercttcaT) Suftt'^, con- teuit in pe fammyn. Mar. 1.3 Lettre to Mr James Foulis of Colintoune, Clerk of Regifter, of ]>e Gift of fe gudis, &c. with ]>e advocatioune and donatioune of Jie Chaplanrie, foundit at Sanct Francis Altar, within ]ie College Kirk of Sanct Gele in Ed"., with Jie richt of )ie Patronage jiairof, quhilkis pertenit to Johne Broune, burges of Edinburghe, now ^iil}tit throw being of ))e faid Johne dilatit, accufit, and Sljiim't of tcrtaiu tr»mcS ant( poniitiS of ^crr%* ' Worldly, temporal. ^ lie afteiwarils got Letters of Legitimation, Jan. 13, 1338. Reg. Sicr. Sig. xii. 39. ' See Notices, &i;. reganling him, I ' iil7. ' On Apr. 7 thereafter, he also got a Gift of certain of Brouii's tenements, &c. in Edinburgh, which had been escheated for the same cause. 27 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 253 APPENDIX. Mar. 24. — Lettre to Johne Cowane, burges of Striuiling, and Jonet Tennent, bis fpoufe, of fe Gift of all gudis, raovabill and vnmovabill, landis, &c. quhilkis pertenit to Williame Forester, fone and apperand are to Johne F. burges of ]ie faid burcht, CFscJctit t]brobj abtiirattoune of Jie faid Williame for rertaiie potjnti'iS o£ ^.tvti^, canlmit be j&t'in tti jugemeiit. {At Lhilithqw.) Jun. 8, 1539. — Lettre of Gift to Mr Henry Lauder, Aduocat to our fouerane lord, of all gudis movabill, dettis, takkis, &c. quhilkis pertenit to Andro Hvme oe Nynwellis, and now to the King, be refoune of C?5tl)cte, throw being of fe laid Audro Coilljict o£ EiHilfutl C^rrour, in ferving of fe Breif impetrate be Adam Neifbitt, fone and are of vmq'^ (Philp) Nefbitt of fat Ilk. (At Sanctandrois.') Jun. 17. — RemiiTion to Alexander M'Cui-loche of Cardirness, fortreafonably ^bfOtrtg from tijt String at EMtrft. (Ajmd Fcdkland.) Jul. 3 — Refpitt to Alane M<^Gillespik M<^Condachy of Ballemanach, for art and part of fe ^laugljttl' of vmq'« Johne M'^kil5ich5ere-fone, &c. : For xix jeris. (At Falkland.) Sep. 8 — Remiffion to Alexander Lokkart of Wikitschaw, and iiij others, for art and part of the ^laurljtcr of James Hammyltoune, &c. (Ajnid StiiuiUng.) Sep. 9. — Lettre of Gift to Helens, Agnes, Jonet, Margaret, Kalheryne, Ele5abeth, Ifobell, and Marioune Swyntoune, dochteris to Johne S. of Jiat Ilk, coniunctlie, and ]iair airis, of all gudis movabill, dettis, &c. quhilkis pertenit to ])e faid Johne, coilbict of i[i!9[tlfull ©rrour, &c.' {At Striuiling. Compqfitio, I'xxxiij t. vj s. viij d.) Sep. 19 Refpitt to Eduerd Sincler of Strome, Magnus S. of Werfettir, Johne S. of Tollop, Williame S. of Houfe, Olyver S. of Helwra, .James Cragy of Burghe, Johne C. of Bankis, and twenty-four others, and generally to all their kynnifmen, freyndis, &c. within pE Ilis of Orknay AND Zetland, being with ])ame in cumpany at ])e committing of ony crymes, and art and part with fame fairintill, in ony tyme bigane, befor fe day of dait heirof : ffor art and part of fe Coiltiocattounc and gadering of our fouerune lordis liegis fn arrailt JSatcTI agani5 i)inciH5(n %oi}\\t (ffrlt of Catj&< ntSc: And for art and part of fe ^lauc]&tcr of J>e gaiH bmtiuljin 3)ol)nf, his freyndis, feruandis and pairt-takaris, being with ])ame in cumpany, at ] oiliro of Lord High Treasurci'. Having also obtained the Abbacy of Fearne, he resigned it in favour of his relation, .Tamos Cainicioss, a Clerk of the See of Glasgow. ' For all matters connected with THE Isles, reference may he made to Mr Gregory's work. 28 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 255 APPENDIX. Jun. 4 — Remiffion to John Crummy, for trraSonablij iuitljoltftng and defending tift pa» late antt place of ittnlitljqlo againft the King and his authority, he being piefent in proper perfon, with difplayed banners, &c. : And for firing cannons, &c. againft the King and his company, and the place wherein he then was, within the burgh of Linlithq^", &c. (Apud Falkland.) Jun. 11 — Lettre of Gift to Hew Craufukd, Tone and are apperand to Laurence C. of Kil- birny, of all gudis, movabill and vnmovabill, iSrc, quhilkis pertenit to fe laid Laurence, Efchete for tFalSefng HXiO ffenjcfng of ailC procesi of stppn'Sflig, led at his iaftance aganis Johne Cunynghame. (' F". merkis' of Conipofition.) Jun. 12 — Remiffion, Alexander Ogiluy of that Ilk, for treafonably Sbilftng from t]^e <^x\\\x> at S'uTiuafi. Jun. 12. — Remiffion to Laurence Craufurd of Kilbirny,' for treafonably ^biQint; from tjc ictrntj) at OTerft ; and for all other crimes, Treafon excepted. Jul. 18. — Precept of Charter to James Bannatyne, Writer to the Signet, of a tenement in the Cowgate of Edinburgh, &c., efcheated to the King by reafon of the ^ei'e^B of fHr ^eilfg 5[8entlcrSoune, late Teacher of the High School of Edinburghe, of which he was roiibtttcti before tj)e ^pitHual KuBge. {Apud Petlethy.) Aug. 13. — Lettre of Gift to Oliuer Sinclare (of Pitcarnis) of all gudis, &c. quhilkis pertenit to gifr SauiB 'j^urljCSoiIf, ^roue^t of lao^rfllj, efcheated throw being pe faid Sir Dauid abfurtt of tcrtanc popntfSof ^ijeresu. Aug. 16. — Remiffion to Alexander M^Alestare of LowpEand ij others, for treafonably abttttng; from i\)t ^rmp at ^uWoloai). Sep. 15. — Lettre of Gift to James Erle of Arrane of fe non-entres, malis, fermis, &c. of pe lantlf^ antt 33aroitp of J^amnltouiie, &c, &c., with J)e releif ])airof quhen it falhappin. {At Glammys.) Eo die. — Lettre of Gift of ]>e Gift maid be Patrik Erle Bothuile, Lord Halis, to vmq'i^ {^tiiix) %amti l^ammultoun of dfljnnart, ftnntljt, of pe nonentres, males, &c. of Eftirand Weftir Blairmukkis, S:c., in fclierefdome of Lanerk, quhilkpertenis to our fouerane lord, be refoune of Efchete throw dForfaXtour, led vpone ]>e faid vmq'^ James for lertane ertmeS of iffreiSoune, hc.^ Eo die. — Lettre of Gift of fe Efchete of Over and Nethir Braco, Fynnart, &c. to James Erle of Arrane, quhilkis pertenit to (^cl)ir) 3tameji ^. of dFuiinart, fenggljt, haldin be him as tenan- drijs of ])e faid Erie and Alexander Schaw of Sauchquhy, and now pertenes to our fouerane lord, &c. Sep. 26. — Remiffion to George Gorthy of that Ilk, Triftram his fon and heir apparent, and George and John, alfo his fons, for the ^faugljtcr of Jaobert itlurrai) of Srumticiuane, &c. Eo die. — Lettre of Gift to Robert Dury of ])AT Ilk of fe takkis and ftedingis of pe landis of Lufcar, Eviote, Killerny, Kynnedder, &c. in regal, of Dunfermling and 111. of Fyft"; quhilkis per- tenit to (Schir) James Coluile of Est Wrmys, knyght, and now to ))E King be refoune of efchete, throw being of fe faid James convict of certane crymes of dTreSOUtl atltf ILcsfe'mateSte, &c. {At Falkland.) Sep. 29. — Remiffion to Walter Leslie, fon and heir apparent of Alex. L. of Kynraury, for the ;&Iau(55ter of |9atrtcft liettrai) of Btnfianoc]^. {Apud S. Andream.) ' On Jul. 30, 1540, he obtained leave ' to sell, analie, or wodset ane part of his landis of Kilbyrnie' and ' Gar- nok.' ' See some notices relative to his Forfeiture, Vol. I, p. * 227. 256 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1541. APPENDIX. Nov. 23. — Lettre of Gift to Oliuere Sinclare (of Pitcarnis) of all gudis, &c. quliilkis pertenit to Arcliibald Douglas of Garfchogill, Williame his fone, JohDrie D- and Jolinne Efpy, and all vjieris ]iare complicis, Rebels, and fugityvis fra the lawis, for nocht finding foueite to vndirly ])e fam- myn, for ])e art and part of Jie cruell §Iaiui)tfr of vrnqi"^^ ;fHat5tCr ^tttor ^intlal'C, |3ar^iJUne of U llirntie. {At Ilahjrudelmuje. ) Dec. 8. — Remiflion to Robert Maule of Panmuir, for treafonably ^iitStng from tj&f Qrmg of ^uUuaiJ. Feb. 3, 1510-1. — Remiflion to William Stewart of Todlaw, for treafonably 9;itlj{n0 from tjjf ^rmj) at Dttliurtijt and upon fj&e iHartilfS of the kingdom, gathered quarterly for refill- ing of our Enemies of England, &c. Feb. 6. — Refpitt to Johnne Mowe of ))AT Ilk, and six vferis, for art and part of fe ^latlfjltrr of Williame Burne, fone to Robert Burne in Prymfydloche, eommittit at pe Kirk of Mow : For tbre jeris. Eo die. — Lettre of Gift to Oliuer Sinclare of Pitcarnis and Johne Tennent of fe Carnys of jie takkis of ]ie Kirk of Abircorne, now perteiiyng to our fouerane lord be refoune of efcheit, throw ^ttisttfuing of vmq'>' (^rl)fr) Siamcs ^ammiiUounc, Swmtume of dFpnnart, finggjjt, to ])e deid for certane trymes of Trefoune.' (Compofition ' V'" merkis.') Mar. 8. — Warrant to make a third Signet, in lieu of that which icasjtolen. Secretar, Bccaufe We vndirfland ]iat it is nccelfar pare be tijrc Small ^tgncttS for feruice in our ^cSSfotint, 3>ilStifC«atvf5, and for oiivc aluilf illicctiom's, Our Will is heirfor, and We charge lOu, ]iat incotinent eftir ])e ficht lieirof, :;e caufe mak ane thrid Signete, in place of it Jiat wes flollin, to be vlit in our feruice, as faid is : And to reforme pe vperis thre Signetis, grete and fraall, as falbe thocht expedient be jie Lordis of our Counfale. And for ])e maire fecurite of 30ur Warrand, We ordand ]iis oure charge to be infert in Jie Bukis of our Counfale, to be extract to ^ou in forme of Act. Subfcriuit with our hand, and gevin vndir our Priue Sele, at LiNLiTHaw, pe viij day of Marches and of our regne pe xxvij 5eire. Mar. 13. — Remiflion to Sir James Sandelandis of Caldor, knyght, for his treafonably iSfStttllTg, &c. umq'"" Svt]&fiaTlJ SolugTaS of l{ll5]pUltJj) and his fervants, Traitors and Rebels at the horn : And for taking two horfes from the faid Archibald. Mar. 18. — Remiflion to William Lord Sympill, Robert Mafler of Sympill his fon, Gabriel S. bis brother, Dauid and John S., and William Pencartoune, for all rrtmfS rommittcti prior to tljl'iS tJatr, Treafon, &c. excepted. {Ajnid S. Aiidrcam) Mar. 22. — Remiffion to Archibald Ilis, alias Archibald ]>e Clerk, Alexander M'conill Gallicb, and twenty-eight others, for the treafonable Fire-railing and 3t}tirm'ng tijp tfaStlc of ^llatU* fioiuiairti and boats thereat -J And alfo of the ' ^^thSt\)i^' of Utiilocliob) axitf JTroittfrnW: This Remiflion was declared by the King to be null, unlefs they obferved good rule in time to come. Mar. 30, 1541 Refpittto Johnne Williamsoune, and fiftyvperis perfonis, kynnifmen and allya of vmq''' ^cffor ^TariiitoSrir for aTT attfonfg antt njjmcS eommittit be panie befor pe day of pe dait lieirof, Trefoune in our fouerane lordis pcrfoune alanerly except : For xix 5eris to indure. Apr. 9 — Refpitt to Alexander Banys, for art and part of ]>e ^Iaur|)tfr of ^d)it Witt' Iiam ^tcbfrSotinr, Chaplane, eommittit vpoune pe Linkis of Kincrag, be pe fpace of ix 3eri8 or pair- by. For xix 5eris. {At Striiiili?iff,) ' See I. 227. ^ See Mr Gregory's Work on the Isles. 1 29 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 257 APPENDIX. Apr. 20. — Lettre of Tak to Oliver Sinclare of Pitcarnis, his airis and affignais, of all and findry our foueiane lordis landis and itortlScIjfppiS of <©vSnau awt( SjftlanlJ/ and of all pe |3lt'g, partis, boundis, and fifchingis ))airof, and all pair pertinentis ; togidder with ])e Cotl5tal)Uliir}) anil ISfJ^t'ligof tic CaStcII of DJt'rftiuan : And als makand )'e faid Oliuere, and his airis male, Stuititti, ^t])tliSai, aUniiraUfe, and JSailU'cS of all and findry ]ie forfaidis landis and lordfchipis, baith be fey and land : For thre ^eiiis nixt to cum eftir fe feift of Lammes laft bypafl : Payand ^erlie thre thovfand merkis, at Beltane and Lammes, be equal portionis. (Apud Striiiilhir/.) May 24'. — Refpitt to Schir Richard Purves, Chaiplane, for pe ^TaiicJjtfr of ?l>Cltrn J9tU)Iaittl(5, done and committit be him in his pure defens. For xix jeris. (^At Striueling.) Jun. 4. — Refpitt to Charles Campbell of Skeringtoune, Colin C, fone of vmq'« Colin of Auchinhowye, Williame C. and Johnne Roger, for ]iare trefonabill biding and renianyng fra our fouerane lordis Stnnjj anil Uai'ii of ^uliuaj) : And for jie ^laucbttrtS of ?llanc ItJammnUoune of 38avilolnf, Robert Striueling of Bankere, and Andro S. in Ballingtrocht : For xix 3eris. (^At Strhielhiff.) Jun. 9. — Reniiffion to John Levingstoune, fon of James L. of Waranehill, for the cruel ^Ta«g:l)tcr on forctj&ougijt fcloni; anii ' aulil dffif' of Archibald Ballie of Howgait, who flew the faid John's father. (^Ajmd Strhiclaig.^ Jun. 14. — Remiflion to Alan Lokart of Ley, for ST&fillHg ffom tl)C Urmu at Eiiln'ft '. And for ftlaugjttr of Ralph and Dauid Weir, &e. {Apud Striueli7ig.) Jul. 13. — Refpect to James Sinclare, for art and part of )>e ^lattcljtfr of vraq'" OTiHtam Crffrjtotinc of ^Cottt'StOUnc, &c. : For thre 5eris. Jul. 25. — Lettre of Gift to Oliuere Sinclare of Pitcarnis of ))e jfHarfagt of ffHilliam ^(ncTart, fone and are of vmq''' Alexander S. of Dunbethe ; and fail5eing him be deces vnmaryt, fe Mariage of ony vjier ane. (Conipofition ' !<■ merkis.') Eo die. — Reniiffion to John Lindesay of Covintoune, Robert his brother, Ilarbert Johne- floune, fon and heir apparent of Harbert J. of Wefb Raw, and five others, for treafonably ^iiiilin(j from t]&e ISaiii of eSTtrlt, &c. Oct. 21.. — Lettre of Gift to Olyver Sinclare of Pitcarnis of Jie Efchete of Robert Dikfoxine in Bouchrig, and feven other Dikfounis, fugityve fra )ie law and at }ie home, for pe ^lauc^^tci* of 3>o5n anil CFiumonii (Sralianc, and two others their brothers. Dec. 31. — Lettre of Gift to Normond Leslie, his airis, &c., of all gudis, &c., being within Jie CaStcIl of C?5t Wisvuvi, quhilkis pertenit to James Coluile of Est Wemys, kny', Efcheit throw being of )ie faid James fugityve fra ])e law for certane crymes of SlTrca^on anil Etr^cmaifStf, of ])e quhilkis he wes convict in Jugement. Jan. 1, 1541-2. — Refpitt to Schir Alexander Elisoune, Chaplane, for art and partof ])e ^laucfitcr of George Biifet, committit vpoune fuddante : For xix 5eris. Feb. 8. — Remiflion to John Lausoune, John Scot, John Myllar, and John Scot fenior, for their treafonably befieging and iirfaftt'ng tip the gates and doors of tl)f loilgtllCf lltlongtng to liaUTCd (<5rti)J)t6l)Op) of ^anctanilvot^,' filuated in the Black Friar's Wynd, within the burgh of Edinburgh, for his capture and apprehenfion, he being within the faid lodging at the time, &c. (^Apud Fcdhland.) ' See these Extracts, Aug. 31, 1542. ' James Betoun, who, according to MacFarlan's MS., was ' the sixth and youngest son of James Beaton of Balfour, by Marjory Boswal his wife, daughter to Sir David Boswal of Bal- muto.' He died in the time of harvest, 1539. Sadler's Zetlers, iTciM's Cat. of Bishops, p. 30. VOL. I. f 2 K 258 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. L542. APPENDIX. Feb. 21. — Remiffion to Donald 31'^Ale.ster of Largis, in Kyntire, John his fon and heir apparent, Rannald Boy, Archibald and John Makrannald Vane, and twenty-four others, for their treafonably fHjtHing ffom tit UaiB of ^uTtuau: And for all other crimes, &c. Mar. G. — liefpitt to Morise Dalrimpill, Dauid Kennedy, and Thomas Hornour, for \>e JSebi'St'iig of S>otttt Crrirlitouitc, rallit SLaHn J»cSutounc, and having cainale daile with hir be pe faid Morife, incontrare hir will : For six 5eris. (At Sanctandrois.) Mar. 12. — Refpitt to Walter Portuis for ])e ^laucjjfcr of Dauid Olifer in Montcowper, committit apoune AuUiaute be ]>e fpace of ten 5eris, or ]>airby : For six 5eris. (^At Petlethy.') War. 16. — Lettre makand Dauid Creiciitoune of Nauchtane, Capitane Ailtr Krpare of tTjc Ca^tfll of CrtiinljurgJ, for his lifetime — iiij' niarkis to l)e pait to him jerlie, in his fee. Apr. 14, 1542. — Reniifllon to Andrew Murray of Blakbarony, for liis treafonable art, part, aSSiStanrf, J^C^ct, &c. afforded to vmq'*' a:ircl)fl)anj Boiugla^, and Ifobella Hoppar his fpoufe, the time the faid Arcliibald was JSeficT nvCB STraftor. {Apud Slriueling.) Apr. 30. — Remiffion to Hector M^clane of Doward, Donald his brother, and John JNPclane of Ardgoure, for IHitling from i^t liaftt of ^loltoau : And for difobedience lliewn to David Wod of Crag, Comptroller to the King, whilfl he was in the Isles for fetting the King's lands, and abfenting themfelves from hisprefence : And for all other crimes, &c. High Treafon alone excepted. (^Apud Sanctandrois.) Eo die. — Letter of Regrefs to David Pitscotty, great grandfon' and fucceffor of dftnfap iittScottj) of jlonrartli), on the fourth part of the Haltoun of Loncardy, in the fliire of Perth, alie- nated by the faid Finlay to Sir Andrew Quhitheid. May 6. — Comraiflion to Archibald Stewart, Captain of Dunnyvaig, making him Ruler and <5o5)fntor iuitl)iu tl)£ IjounBiS of |3lei),^ with power to execute i\}t (©fSfC of g-Sertff thereof ; during the King's pleafure. May 10. — Commiflion to Alexander Master of Glencarne, making him Ruler and ©oiiftnor ioitit'n tJjc ijountiS of itintuve ; with power to hold ^'Ijcriff an* Du^tiriaru Courts, &c. Jun. 11. — Remiffion to James Nasmytii, burgefs of Linlithq"', for treafonable art, part, and agSt'Stanct afforded to umq''' ^ir 3am{5 !i3ammntouuc of dfunnavt, ftntgljt, in his treafonable acts and deeds. (Apud Slriueling.) Aug. 31. — Lettre of Tak to Olyver Sinclare of Pitcarnis, his airis, &c. of the landis and 3toril5tI)ip))t5 of (©rliliau aiiB 5SttTant(, and all j^eBlii, kc' for five seris fra ]ie feift of Lammes 1543 : Payand 5erlie 3000 merkis, at Beltane and Lammes. Sep. L — Refpett to Gilbert Fordyce, for ])e S'lauc^ttr of vmq''' Williame Donaldfone, alias Brounhill, committit xij seris fyne within ))e Gryrth* of Halyrudhous, apoun fudante. Sep. 19 Remiffion to Mathew Windegaitis, for the ^fautjtcv of Robert, alias Hob, Olyver. {Apud Cuuper.) Oct. 2. — Refpitt to Alexander Lauder, for ]>e ^'laucljtcr of vmq" Tiiomas Broultare ; committit rekleffie with ])e fchot of ane culvering, ane 5eire fyne or fairby : For xix jeris. Nov. 4 Itcfpitl to Dauid Schaw, and George Dreghornc, for ]ie g'laurljtev of umquDlTe 3)olmnc ^tviuiling of Bct'r, fiiT])cl)t, &c. : For xix ^eris. ' Pronepotis. ' See Mr Gingory's work for illustrations of these and other matters connected witli thf Isles. ' See these Extracts, Apr. 'M, 15+1. ' Saiictuai'y. 5 2Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 259 APPENDIX. Nov. 26. — Lettre of Gift to Edwart Stewart of all gudis, &c. quhilk pertenit to Jolmne Smithe In Smithiftoune, efchete throw Jie faid Johnis being abfent and JJtntangttg fra J'f ©tSt anS Srm» deuifit and ordanit to pas to J^e e ferd^ day of Auguft,< xvj s. Item, to tiia rynnaiis, jiat palt with Letteris to Dalkeithe, Newbottill, and Leftahig, for help of ©fill to tijc guniinS, . . ..... ij s. iiij d. Item, to Dokane (Duncan), cartare, for xj cartis quhilkis lauborit ane hale day, tarcantf »§uiini.)S,gun^5tani.)^, jjoiuliif, fofftn'S, anU I)tl)ir SCrtaljcvij out of the Castell and Abbay of Edixbl RGHE to Leithe ; lauborand ane haill day, ilk cart on fe day ix s., Jumma, iiij ti. xix s. Aug. 6. — Item, to Johne Langlandis for to pas with iiij %ttUxii to tijf ^cIjUTCfrt'S of Rox- BURGHE, Berwic, Peblis, and Selkirk, to caufe ]ie Kingis liegis be in CrBinburtjljc tijt yb ttatj of SuguSt, with XX dais victuallis — for his wagis, ..... xiiij s. Item, to Gilbert Rutherfui'd, James Biflat, and Dauid Lowry, Meffingeris, to pas with xvj 5S,Ettfvfe for ]>e famyn caufe to Jie ^'tJjjjrtS of Forfare, Kincardin, Fyff, Dunde, Cowpare, BerwY) Pertiie, Mentethe, Clackmannane, Stratherne, Kinross, Kile, Cunynghame, and Renfrew, as ]ie Breuiat beris — for par wagis, . . . • . lij s. Aug. 7. — Item, to Dauid Purves, Mafer,' for to pafs erandis of my Lord Governouris to iijt Eoftf Safeficrc, (n 3*nglantt — for his wagis, to gud conipt,^ . . . Ivj i. Aug. 8. — Item, to xij rartartS and xviij rartl'5 ane hundrethe and xx pnnottriS and ix gaW- IJten,'' being tarcanB tj&C StrtaljCVJ) fca e xxij day of October nixt Jiaireftir, to here ])ame be Jforfniut for caufis, and ane generall Letter for Captioune — to ilkane of Jiame xiiij s., and to ane rydaud man for to pals with faim, wele horfit, xiiij I., fumma, ...... xlij s. Item, for )ie hyire of tua led horfis for to pafs with ])e faid Officiaris, . , xs s. 27 Ite7n, to Francheoife Ferquhare, feruitour to ^i\)ix Stlltijone SarjSl), and in liis name, for to pay xv gunnaris for to pafs |iis day to t\)t Cattle of Similar, ilk man tua crovnis of wecht, in part of payment of )iare wagis, to gud compt, . . . . . , xxvij li. Sep. i. — Item, to JLuouilC |t?fraTJl for to pas to ]'e ^ortf iDaftlttrc with writingis, to his ex- penfis, . . . . . . . . . . iij ti. X s. Item, to Dauid Cameroun for to j^aSjS to t|je Bai) of iTrcio, and erandis to jie StotrB I3aftft(re, to his expenfis, ......... xlij s. Item, to Johne Langlandis Letteris to call ]ie Lord Hume his bre]iir and pare complicez for t\)t l^aTBfug of JJlacattr, and to leif fe famyn, deliuerit to his expenfis, and iij Witnes to pafs with him, ........... XXX s. IL — Item, to Dauid Lindesay,^ JJepart of iiit BingiS gract, takand fourty poundis in penfioune, ^erelie ; deliuerit to him in pairt of pament Jiairof, to gud Compt, . . x ti. Item, to 3Lt)ounc f^cralU for to pafs, Jie fecund tyme, erandis of my Lord Governouris in Ingland, to ])e S.oftt Saftftfrf, to his expenfis, ..... iij ti. x s. 12. — Item, to Duncan, cartare, for his cart lauborand in rarpincj; of Strtaljtrj), JarncS, hal- bertis, pikkis, and fperis, vj dais betuix ])E Abbay and Jie Castell of Ed", as wes contenit in Capitane Bukkatis' Compt maid Jiairon, ..... iij ti. xviij s. viij d. 14. — Item, to Duncan, cartare, and his marrowis' paS^antf to ^laSgh) witii xv cartill, makand Ix horfis, forttoa tannoblltS, and for powdir and vfir^rtaljcru ; fra fe xiiij day forfaid, inclufiue, to XX day of ])e famyn exclufiue, makand fyve dais, ilk cart on ))e day ix 's.,Jinnma, xxxiij ti. xv s. Item, to xij feruitouris quliilkis helpit ))e famyn cartis, ilk man on Jie day viij S.,J'umma, iij ti. 15. — Item, to Dauid Cameroune, and four other Officiaris, to pafs with Ixxvij Letteris to pe StorKfe, ^djtrrrffiS, 33aronfe, antt %1fBi5inflt '^ of jie maill parte of Jie realme, to provid for xl dais Victualis apone iij dais warnyng ; and for certane Lordis and Hedifmen for to cum towart my Lord Gouernour with diligens — deliuerit to ]ie forfaidis Officiaris to mak pair expenfis, and to hyre pame horfis, becaufe pair avne horfis fum wes flane, fum wes burfyne,'' fum crukkit, fum foppit' be con- fideratioune, amangis paim, ....... vij ti. ij i. 16. — Item, at fyve houris in )ie morayng, to iLuouitt ^cralW, for to pafs with my Lord GovERXouRis Letteris to pe StoriJ SaftftiVf , beand in Cadilc, to his expenfe, . iij ti. x s. Item, to Johne Adamfbne for to pafs with tua Letteris of my Lord Gouernouris, ane to pE QuENE, icana in 33lacatcr, and pe topir to Santt i\cr of dfcrnjil&frSt ; to his expenfis, xiiij i. 29. — Item, to Johne Adamfone, Officiare, for to pas with Mons" de Plaxis, SlmhaSSfatOUr to tijt Sing: ot dFrantJj, and Mafter James Ogiluy to tit ®^utnc and 3tortt Baftlitrt, and fonhir^ eftii' pare directiouuis, deliuerit to his expenfis, to gud Compt, . . . xx s. 30. — Item, to ILpoune ^CraltllS totf, for fupporting of hir in pe faid Lyoxis abfens, i^canll * The common familiar abbreviation for Andrew. ^ Afterwards Sir David Lindesay of the Mount, Lioy King of Arms. ' One of the Frenchmen. He is called ' Johanne Bouskat, Commissioner of the Artalzery,' Feb. i, 1315-16. ' Fellows, companions. ^ Chiefs. " ISroken-winded. ' Perhaps swopped or swapped, i. e. exchanged for other horses, on paying a difference or consideration. ' Farther, as he might be directed by them. 262 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1516. APPENDIX. tn SlnglanlJ, in v ti. ; ami )ie xx day of December fairefter to his felf v ii., makand in ])e hail x ti. in part of pament of his fee, to gud Compt, . . . • . . x ti. Oct. 1. — Item, to James Wallace tua Letteris of my Lord Gouernouris for t|)C JLovUfS in ^tfiUcTi'iig, i\f})an'S of \t JJi'ngB jjcrSone, for gude veule to be put in Striueling, anciit tlje |3t5t{lciUf, deliuerit to liis wagis, . . . . . . . X s. Oct. 11. htm, to Dowgall Campbell, deliuerit be ])E Lard of Kere in ])e name of pe Compt-giflare, for certane expenfis fe faid Dougall maid on iHariltavtS quhilkis he had with him in tT)C ^abrfcn, for ]>e fnpporting of Makkanis House, quhen it wes firft to be ^fgtt ic §cj)ir BonalB ^It'S, witliin ]>e tyme of ]ns Compt, . . . xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. Oct. 20. — Item, to Dauid Cameroune for his pafTage with Master James Hay, before fis day, to ^arbottiU in .^nglanlJ ; and for his pafTage )ns day with diligens and my lord GouER- NovRis \\'riiiniis to tl)f Cnurnc, beand in Harbottill, deliuerit to him, . . . xlij s. Oct. 23. — Ilcm, to tljrc EMltlUiS quhilkis come out of Tavidale to pffif ]'f f)L«utl'oune of aire ^ummon'DiS (of dForffiturj) maid on ])E Lord Hume anlf 5t5 brttjjrr, . xx s. Oct. 25. — Item, to Duncan Riche and certane v])iris beraris, for fait of Ofhciaris, xxvj itrttcrtjf for fa mony Schirreffis and Stewartis of ]ie haill realme for jiuttiiig Uouiu of 3tttiluart«5tabi5, and for vfnig of fperis, axis, halbertis, bowis, and culueringis, deliuerit to Jiar wagis, . xlij s. Oct. 27. — Item, to Johne Balfoure and vfiris beraris to pafs to Jie ^f JfvVffBiS of Dunber- TANE, SxRiUELiNCi, LiTHQw, RENFREW, and Lanark, for to wame )iare fchyris for Jie ])amc< hn'nging of tjbe iSrtaljcip out of ©laggU), xxviij s. Oct. 28. — hem, to Duncan Riche for to pafs with my Lord Gouernouris Letteris to Setoune, Dunglass, Fastcastell, and endlangis ]>« Coft, with diligens, for to gavf mali 33r{lj fgrfs' ana ra5t° «!5unnu5, for nontlfrfs of tjc ii> anH il^c^tcncncf, . . xv ti. Feb. 4 Item, to Joiianne Boulkat, alius Buhhut, Franchenian,- Commiflloner of ])e Artal- :;ery, be my lord Gouernouris command, gevin jiairon to furnis certane cartis and raviagt of tcr- ' Beil-fires, lionfires, spe Z)r ./ajnirOTn's Dictionary for tlic origin of the term. ^ Shoot, discbaige. ' Nume- rous payments are niaile, which prove a constant correspondence, at this time, between the Queen, the French Ambaasador, Sir Antliony Darsy, Sec. ' Harried, plundered. ' Sec Sep. 12, \b\i>, &c of these Extracts. 13JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 263 APPENDIX. taiic Sctvtaljcry out of «!Haggohj antr Bunliertauc to Edixburghe, eftir his compt jiairon, inlxxxj Franclie crownis of wecht,Jitm)na, . ....... Ixxij li. xviij s. Feb. 18. — Item, |)at famiii nyclit, in Linlithqw, my lord Gouernour beand ]iair, to ane man with borfe pat paflTit with clois Letteris apone fe iiycbt to iHonSV. Be flam's' to Ediubuighe, at poll, . viijs. Item, pat famin nycht, to ane horfinan pat paflit with clois Letteris to t])t ^djevtt o£ ^tn'* tltltnj, at xj liouris, . . . . . . . . . . . x s. Feb. 19. — Item, pat famin nyclit, to Hans gunnar, quhilk hyrit ane hoife to ryd to Striuiling, at poft, for l)a'kb\i$iii antf Hanii,'' . . xij i. Item, to Jobnne Balfoure, Officiare, to pafs to Edinburghe with clois Letteris to tlje ^mfiaS- ^atour of dFiancJf, at midnycht, ... . . . . . . x s- Feb. 20. — Item, to ane man pat paflit with ane Lettir of my lord Gouernouris to Captane Jonet, to gar tit 9rtalKri) it niobanU fra tj&c jfaiolttrlt, . . . . ij s. Ite?/i, to ane man pat paflit to the Scheref of Striueling, with ane Letter of my lord Gouernouris^ to gare all tjc (Byin of tjat ici)ivtht rrttiD for Ifralutn of t\jt ^rtaljcrn, iiij s. Mar. 4. — Item, bocht and lend to tijc faj iioftftarfS aitB ilbm'^lS of tljt Kingis ailtf bm- quljjlt mu Lord Dukis, his broperis, xxiiij elne of Rowane ruflat, to ht tj^auic tSoluntiS, price of ilk elne xvj s.J^imma, ........ xix ti. iiij s. Item, to border and cuf of pe famin gownis, iij elne weluofe, price of ilk elne, 1 s.,Jumma, vij ti. x s. Item, to ane man pat bure ane SLfttcr of liJfSpctt to the Master of Halis for pe 3>Il? runnujjng of t\)t ©liuaniits,* ....... iiij s. Mar. 18. — Item, to Crifteane Cokburne, anf of tflC ^3rintt5 bmquljilc lioRftarfo, iiij elne of Rowane ruflat and half ane elne of weluofe, to fit Jtr ailt »&OUnf , price of pe elne of ruffat xvj s., and of pe 1 elne of weluofe, XXV s., ....... iiij ti. ix s. Item, for xvj elne of claith, callit mylk and watter, to be iiij ^TinoS (Soluni^ anti i)iilf(5 for Hjt SStngfS ^IllTOS, one Cena Domini, = price of ilk elne iiij l.,Jumma, . iij ti. iiij s. Item, for pe faflbune of ])e faidis iiij gownis and hudis, . . . viij s. Item, to ane man and horfe to turfe thame and pe faid clathis furth of Ed' to ^trtuiU'ttg, iiij s, Item, to Henry Dempflare, quhilk gaif to pe titj SHutO^arfiS iiij purfis, and ilk ane iiij s., fumma, . . . . . . . . . xvj s. viij d, Item, to ane feruitour to pas with clois Letteris to Scone, Duplyne, Aluay, Dunblene, and Ruthvene, for pare ^t\ii to fit jJttt to ant ComnuMount^ to pa5 toitj tjt ^mfiaSSatourtS to 5)HgTaiia, . . . . . . . . . . X s. Item, to ane feruitour to pafs with Letteris, at pe pofl;, to my Lordis of Errole, Mar- schell, the Elect of Abirdexe,'' and to pe Commiflar of Abirdene, antllt tljt (Salrtrtng'* fit* tui'y tbf CPrIt ©rroTl anii ilorlr tSoriiouiTt, ..... xiiij s. Apr. 10, 1516. — Item, gevin to Robert Hert, to ride (to) pe (ffapttaiuS of SouglaS aiiB !![ani))ttlloitnt,with tua Preceptis of my lord Gouernouris to caufe ]ianie cum to Sutlfiar, xiiij s. Item, to Gilbert Reoche to pas to Ingland with Letteris of my lord (Governor), at Pofl;, to iHoiiSr. |3Xanf5, to Annivek,' ....... xxxviij s. ' The French Ambassador. ^ Bullets; gun-stones. ^^ He was in Glasgow on tlie 21st, and in Linlith- gow ou 24th. Until the next extract, Letters were continually passing between him and the French Ambassador, &c. * The Elwalds, notorious Border Thieves. The name is now extinct. ^ See illustrations of this cus- tom in Sir Walter Scott's Anliquary, List edition. These entries are regularly repeated annually, with additional gowns, purses, and money for the ' Almosaris,' or the King's Bedesmen, for each year of the King's age. It is only necessary to advert to such entries once, as the varieties which occur are generally very trifling, being chietly addi- tional furnishings for the Bedesmen, &c. *^ Numerous other Messengers, sent for the same purpose to other Barons, &c. ' Alexander Gordon, third son of James Gordon of Haddo, ancestor of the Earls of Aberdeen. He died of a hectic fever, Jun. 29, 1318, having enjoyed the See only a short time.* » See Jun. 3, lol6, " Alnwic. 264 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1516. APPENDIX. Apr. 15. Item, to my Lord Chancellar to gif Stortt IBaftitaviS man in the Castell, iij Frencli crownis, ....••••• xlij s. Apr. 23. Item, to my lord (Governor) to play with mj) %ox'ii ?Lfgat, in Sanctandross, at ii)t 'aiit, X lycht Fr. cv\, . • ■ vij ti. Apr. 28. Item, to my lord Gouernour to ))Tai) at tljc tlt^t,^ (cl)tii?) in Sanct Johnnes- TOUNE, .......... xnij s. Apr. 30 Item, &c. to ptap at tijt Sfec, in ix Fr. cr., . . • vj ti. vj s. May 12. Item, to James Stewart of Ardgowane and Jolme Watfone, to pay part of rypfiiSl'S of tilt Stngt'S grljippiS tll StinilCVtanr, be my lord Gouernouris command, to gud compt, Ixiij ti. May 20 Item, for tjjc l)Cgtng of 33uttt'5 in tljc 3Wai),° be my lord Gouernouris com- mand, ........ . xliiji. vjd. .Tun. 3. — Item, witbin nycbt, to ane feruitoure J-at pafTit to Ed'', for to iStop tjc tJiaBan'ng ie=> tufjr tljc C?i-ll i*lai-5rl)ctl anB itoiir dToritS,' in ^bivtftnt, . . • xiiij 5. Jul. 1. — Item, to Daiiid Purvefe, for to pafs, be my Lord Gouernouris command, to Ber- wik with i^Honfir 3ta jfvtt *....... xxviij 5. Jul. 21. — Item, to Johnne Adamfone, to pafs with vij rlot'S 3lctten'S^ and ane patent Sttttcr of my Lord Gouernouris to )ie 33aronc5 auU 3Lartii5 of Jlototljfane, for ane AflTife apone tbe jftTafStcn'S of (!!>Icnrarnc antr Mongumvj), • . . • • xvjs. Aug. 8. — Item, to Johnne Balfour and to Biflatt, quliilk warnit tijt ItarUl^ IttrvaSt CFKui- huvqlj to vva luttJ) my Lord Gouernour, t(ul)cn Be raiH to g'tn'uding tuftlj tijt Itiiglt'Smcn to gc THE King, . . . . • . • • • . iiij s. Aug. 21. — Item, to the Erle of Argile, SwStfrf, rcmananti at tlje Sltrc in Sunlie'' xx dais, ilk day xl s. . . . . . • ■ • • xl ti. Item, to the Chancellare remanand in Dunde in lykwyfe xx dais, ilk day Ivij s., fumma, .... ...... Ivij ti. /fewj, the Thesaurer remanand ficlyk, ilk day XXX s.,/«w)«a, . . xxxti. Aug. 31 Item, to Dauid Lowry, at paffit with Letteris of my Lord Goverxouris to t^e JtorU jHaytocIl and to tljc Hartf of CfSfurS, to feft)) tlie 33orUoun'5, at na man luld pafs to Ingland without fpeciale Wjitiugis and Licence, ..... xxnij s. Sep. 2i. — Item, to Dauid Lowry, to pafs with ane Letter of our fouerane Lordis, to pomiK yyyii] iLorti's anU 3Lartt'5>ljatnti5 fta ]>t '^iixit of iWontgomni anlf lailniatoriS, on South half Forthe, ......... xliis. Item, to John Langlandis, to pais on North half Fortiie, to poynd xvij Lordis and Lardis abfentis fra the faidis Affife— and deliuerit to him \e CPytratt of ii)t Utrt of Suntit to giff ]>e Schirreff-principall, for diflrenicing of the famin, .... xxviij s. Sep. 29. — Item, deliuerit to ])e faid Langlandis, Ixxviij letteris to gif to ]>e Lordis and Lardis in Fyf, Stratherne, and Angouse,' to keip ])e vj and ix dayis of October in Ed', and to paSS to tjt 33oraouri5 ]>aireftir, .......(' Pait before.') Nov. \.—Item, to Dauid Purvefe, mafer, quhilk raid with my lordis ^ttttvii to JStvblf , luiti) Clci'Cnrp,'* and ]>aireftir to CailcTc to Eortl SatVt, at my lordis command, . Ivj s. Nov. 5. — Item, to ane Johne Murray, qilI)ilJt tult ^Jimonc 33uvnc, antt (quho) ves fugtlfutt, ])e half of the Efchet gevin to him, . . . . vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. ' The word is erroneously written ' clese ' in tlie Record. * Building of temporary butts for Archery, ' Sec Mar. 18 preceding. ' La Fayette, the Duke of Albany's Messenger. See PMerlon, II, 161, &c. ' A great many iitliers dispatched. Duncan Riche was entrusted with Letters tor ' xxv Lordis.' ° These entries occur yearly, wliere the Expenses of the Aires form part of the usual expenditure. This is given as a specimen of the rest. ' CojirosiTOURis' also generally attended, to compound for Remissions, Respites, Escheats, &c. &c. ' Similar Letters were sent all over the kingdom. " Clarencieux, one of the English Kings at Arms. Thomas Benolt was appointed to this oflice, Nov. 20, 1610; uhiil Jlay 8, 1334. 4 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 265 APPENDIX. Nov. 12. — Item, to Boyntaus, fidlaie,' de mandato Domini, be Maifter Gualter, primo die Parliament!, . . . . . • . xti. Nov. 22.— Item, to Wallafe, quhilk raid on fe nycht to Eortf Batrt, be command of iHonSr. 3£a«iiatotf, . ......•• xsviij g. Dec, 17 Item, to Robert Hait, to fommond EorU Ztiiix, Schirreff of Hathingtowne, and diueife vthevis, tiu!)ilft if ptt norlit tijc »aj) off JTvclu luttl) ATonSr. Ealjaiut)), xviij i. Jan. 3, 1516-17. — Item, to Eycht (' meffingei') to ryd agane to Coldingliam, Dwnfe, and Lawder, for executing of our fouerane lordis Letteris on (geovge |£?oiBmc, de Mandato Guherna- toris, ... ....... xviij s. Jan. 9. — Item, to Eicht, &c. &c. to ttX^t (fearch) antl it'lk <&tov%t Igolumr, with fouerteis, vnder payue of Hornyng, . ....... xiiij s. Jan. 18. — Item, in Pertbt, to Dauid Lindesay, tjt ittttgiS SUS^^tJarf, for bis Martimefs fee,^ de Mandato, . . . . . . . . . xx li. Jan. 19. — Item, to Clarentt mannt, quhilk brocbt ane iFiltcljC out of Ingland to Faulkland to my lord Gouernour, . ...... xxviij s. Jan. 27. — Item, for ]ie Chancellare Crj-pfnSfe tn tJlC ^irf of ^itl'tjc, remanand fair xxiiij dais, ilk day iij ii., fttmma, ....... Ixiiij ti. /to«, for ))e Justice expenfis, Jie faid tyme, . . . . . Iti. /fem, for the Thesauraris expenfis, the laid tyme, . . . xxxti. /few, for Lord Erskynnis expenfis, ]ie faid tyrae, .... xxxti. Item, for ])e Justice-Clerkis expenfis, in lyk wyfe, . . . xxiiij t. Feb. 16.— Item, gevin to Maister Gawin Dunbar, tjc SStngiS iMaStcr, to by neceffar thingis for tijt IStitgtS Cljaincr, . . . . . • . ix ti. Mar. 1. — Item, to James Nelliyt, fat famyn day, for expenfis of himfelf and ij ^Itihii tbat i)t hx'Otiit out of Sunbrattan to my lord Gouernour, and had agan, . . xlij s. Mar. 22. — Item, deliuerit to Gilbert Reaucbt, meffinger, xij Letteris to warne all the Lordis and Barronis of the Vest land to be in Ed", at tijt Colar of Coftfeuljci'S taht'itg, qiij^tn ])E Franche Ambassatour tomt,^ ...... xxviij 11. Apr. 23. — Ite?n, deliuerit be Mons" Labawtev to Johnne Langlandis, Letteris of our foue- ran lordis to fomond and tbargt all iijt SCJcbs^e anB brofet'ii men out of futiiBalc aniJ (irtSSailc to tjair atnui runtft ; quhilk Letteris war Proclamit at fe Mercat-coriis of Roxbrociit, Selkirk, and Jedwod, . . . . . . . . . xx s. Item, gevin to Robert Bal5e, for fllDrtntj of tbt HovSf^ ?i}ato tn Sanitsii JToiurr of t})t (iTaStcl, in Ed*,'* de mandato Gubernatoris, . . . . . . x s. Item, de mandato domini, at Cragingalt, to xxv werkmen IbtranK \t ]bail itlttntttounr, viz. . pikkis, halbartis, billis, matokkis, fpadis, fchwlis, halbrikkis, with fplenttis, fra i\)t Capitaiu'S SToior to tjc ©oioHt-ijOUSC (Gun-houfe), an hail day and 1 half, ilk man viij d. on the day, /«/«»;«, xxvs. Item, to xiiij pynouris, qul)tlft Brrhj ti)c Sldaljrve in t|)c CaStfll, at tic Utngfg rtinitn to i\yva toSunf, . . . . . . . . . iij 5. viij d. ' One of tlie Ordinary Minstrels. ^ These payments occur, termly, in every account. ' A number of splendid dresses are entered in the accounts at this period, preparatory to this grand solemnity. Offerings were made in St Giles's Kirk, all the ' liangyn,' or Tapestry, was brought from Stirling, and extensive repairs were made on the Palace of Holyrood. The dresses consist of ' Clayth of Gold,' * crammasy sattin,' * purpour vellous,' * blak vel- lous,' ' gray vellous,' ' carrowit sattin,' ' blak trailze,' ' braid blak taffatis,' and ' reid taifattis.' One of the dresses, Blay 25th, is entered thus : ' Item, bocht fra Evatigtiist, xviij elne thre quartaris and ane half of blak vellous, to bejAKKis, THE SECRET, and vtherishis campanzeonis hoggottonnis (fiacquetons), price of the elne xl viij s., sunnna, xlviili. viij s. iiij d. * There are numerous other payments for trein Tverk (wooden or timber work) for the Gret Haw wiNDois IN THE Castell,' 'gret gestis, doubill dalis, &c. for ' the Myd Chajier,' ' the Kingis keching' (kitchen), and ' the new Court kechin,' in ' Dauldis Toure.' VOL. I. t 2 L 266 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1517-18. APPENDIX. May 11. — Item, to Johne Adatnfone, quliilk raid to iJonftiU to mu EofU '^ngottSf with our foueran Lordis letteris, . . . . • • • • x s. May 16. — Item, to aiie manne )iat paffit to tjf CFrlt of Cvfttlfutif with my 1. Gouernouris Letteris; quljlllt lurS Bel! or he come to Dunde,' ..... vij s. May 17. — Item, to Jolmne Langlandis, quhilk raid with deligens, on Jje nycht, to ]ie JFnrUnnf of tSf iHi)tIi'U iHiirfljc, to lie in Edinburgh pe xx day of Maij, with my 1. G*. Letteris, deliuerit be iHoiiSr. ilnbnlutr, • . . • • • • . . xv 5. Juii. 15, Item, bocht to Colene Campbell, the Kingis feruitour, nt tlje ©UEni'S rtimtii to Ed", vj elne of grene Birgeni fettene, price of ])e elne xij s., fumma, . . iij ti. xviij s. Item, for iij quarteris and 1 half of blak vellous to begary ]ie faid Collere cott, price xl s. viij d. Item, for half an elne of fufteaiie to lyne the body of his cot, . . . xij d. Item, for iiij elne of black gray to pe famin, price . . . .vs. iiij d. Item, for making of the coit, . . . . . . . iij s. It^m, for half an elne of Inglis reid to be CoUein hoife, . . . . x s. Item, for lyning and making of the hoife, . . . . . ij s. Item, for 1 bonat and 1 ruban to ])& famin, for Colin, .... xiij s. Jun. 1 y. — Item, de mandato Dominorum, gevin to tijf SnglfSf mnn tijat ^JVfSf ntl't i\)t ClantJ of golB coinr out of JinsInnB to the Kingis grace, in tije tfnStrU, x light crounis, . vijti. Jul. 5. — Item, deliuerit to Johnne Langlandis ane Letter, be command of the Lordis of Confell, to pafs for ScHiR Peter Crechtoune for Bflfttf ring of tljf®ufni5 gfrt out of ti)f EiEInrBrop.xs. Jul. 11. — Item, Jiat famin nycht, at xj liouris lait, to ane boy of iiflOHSr. Stabnlutf, quliilk paffit Ellwart to ])e famin effect, (viz. for ])e 33nrrontS anS tSfntlcmrnnf to bf in Edr incontinent, Ijfil botJi'n.) . . . . . . . . . .vs. Jul. 1-1. — Item, to StovB IBarrarfS inanuf, be command of THE Lordis of Consell, gevin him iiij lycht crounis,yii»i?na, . . . . . . . . Ivj s. Jul. 16 — Item, be command of the Lordis, gevin for bittalfng of t|)t 33av{t to paSSafiolut to t]&e Wtit ^tl), quhilk come fra my lord out of 33rattanl)t, • • ■ xx ti. Item, to Johnne Herkyll, be command of the Lordis of Coxsall, for tafeing of anf STijciff, quliilk wes hangit one J)e Burrowmvi'e, . . . . . . . v li. Aug. -21. — Item, to Johnne Adamfoune, quhilk raid to Peblis to fomond ant 'S.Hiit for tjbf SLarB of CruyStoiinr, ........ xiiij s. Item, to ti)f dFaUoncrtS tljat ^paSSit to dFrance toiti) niu itovB ©ourrnotin'S ialJu'S anU mtvljconnfs, be his command, for all expenlis, wittualis, and fraucht, . . . 1 ti. Aug. 28. — Item, to ])e manne ]>at brocht ])e nicrljotoniS fra tJjr itart) of ^pot to my 1. Go- uerkour; and Jiairefter deliuerit tliam to tj&C dFaltonCft'S quljtUt pa^Stt to JfvailCf, for xij dais waigis, . . . . . . . . . , . xij s. Item, to Maister Gawin Dunbar, t\)t i{t'ngtS itTatStfr, for expenfis maid be him in rrparaling of tijr CJjanin- in iijt qui)tlft ii)t iving Icn'S' nolo in the Castell, . iij ti. Item, be my 1. Gouernouris Precept, gevin for fumeSding of t\)t ^cljipptS, and for cablis and wittalis, ......... Vj '.xvij ti. Item, gevin to my lord Gouernour, in monie, as his Precept and acquittance beris vpoune |ie famin, at t^C Wtit ^Cj), ....... ij"'-ij' • anJ 1 ti- Item, for ij t;ret lokkis and keyis, with flottis and flapillis for i\}t Singi^ Cijaincr, lit Xf tnanauB in CingmiUav,' . . . . . . . . xij5. ' See Wouils I'peiiiije, (I, .378 ) Alexander, sixth E;irl of Crawford, is stated to have died in anno 1517. From this entry it is likely that he died on May 14 or 15, 1518. * The chamber in which the King is taught ; the School-room. ' This and the following entry were selected to mark the fact of the King's residence at Craig' oJac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 267 APPENDIX. Item, to Robene Purvefe, for fchoyne, howfis, breddil, and helteris bocht for ii)t IttngiS rnVnlt, . . . • • • • • • xxi. vjd. Item, for twa fmall ftok-lokkis in Cragmillaiie, . • • • v s ij d. Item, for ij gret lokkis bocbt for ij 5ettis in Cragmyllare, be command of Mons" Labasty, qiijicn tje Bfng loas tjbatr, • • • • • • • • ^ij s. 17.— ar^^c jrbij "aav: of ^rptrinljcr oitjt ItaliaStue.' Oct. 6. — Item, to pe iSr^jariS of |Hon5. 'iLabn1,iioi^\rx%tinz,ex mandato D(minorum,hdoYe Scbir James Leirraontb, . • • • • • • ■ xl s. Dec. 26.— JTJjc ^ummoniitsof ffrfaSouite apoun aFtMirburnc. Item, deliuerit to Dauid Loury and to Jobiine Langlandis, Meffingeris, fe ^ummoitUfS of STrca^OUne direct apoune fe Itartf of JtiSIttJtrfrburnf, and his complices to compere in Edinburgbe )ie xviij day of Februar nixt ])aireflir,- ...... xlij s. Feb. 18, 1317-18 j^ttmc anil eSUtimtrfiurn, t^e itctttrg »tvfct for tjbe Kat'B in tlje Item, deliuerit to Gilbert Reaucbe, Letteris of our fouerane lordis to baif to fe ^rljfrtfKS of Mentetiie, Stratherne, Perthe, and Clakmannane, at^ ]ie 3torDt% 33aront5 awti "tsttjtxii guI)<(tanf(ou5 mm iixXa nuft mg 3tora arran, lirgrnt and Liftenent, in Lauder, ])e xxj day of Marche nixt liereftir ; vnder ]>e pane of lif, landis, and gudis, to ])aim ]iat comperit nocht,^ xxv s. Mar. 6. — Item, to Andro Dalmaboy, ane Precept to warne all \t (Sflltflmfnm'^ ©Jt'll, witbin fe Conftabulary of Hadingtoune and Edinburgh,^ to keip fe xvij (' xxj") day, . xviij s. Item, to Dauid Camnieroune, 1' Lettre tofic ^pfiW to ])f 3lorB IBacrr, . . xlij s. Item, for 1 tow of xxiiij faldome,'* bocbt to Jralu i\)t 6unni)3 iot'tj) for fe faid JSaiU^ tn t\it Mtxit, .......... xiiij s. Item, to (Robert) Bortbuik, piaster (Sunnarf,'" to fumyfe tbingia for \e (SuiUiyS, be com- mand of Jie Lordis, ......... Pij ti. 10 — Item, for atlf to t?)f ESUai'tfjc (watch) Ijat n^rjit mp lorlJ JSrgnit lugft in %a\ilstx, to ane part of the Fuitband, . . . . . . . ^''j s. Iteyn, fat famyn nycht to jie dfrancl)? iffallianarig anB itTfiiStralfS, fjjat tooife anS plajji't all t]&at nut]^t, in aile, . . . . . • . . . viij s. 15. — Item, ane horfe to Dauid Waiche tjint Surt Xijt ffinSmje, de mandato domini Regentis, ......... xxviij s. miliar. The cause of bis removal has been recorded by Bishop Lesley, who states, that ' The Quf.ne being in Ing- land, heiring of the departing of the Governour furth of Scotland, returnit to Kdinbnrghe, the xvij day of Junij, with ane quiet trayne ; bot wes nocbt admittit to vissie the King in the Castell ; quhill, in August thaireftir, btcaus tltar ivts sum feir of the Pest in the Casteil, the King wes transportit to the Craymillar, qubair the Quene vissiet him oftymes. Bot tharr-throurb rais ane greit suspition that he suld have bene stollin away be her into Ingland ; and thairfoir he wes brocht againe to the Castell of Edinburcb, and wes keipit thair to the returning of the Duik.' JBayinafyne Club's Edit. p. 100. Extraordinary precautions were accordingly adopted, and many payments are made for articles for the King's use and diversion. See also PinkeTton, II, 168. ' Messengers were dispatched to all parts of the country, and the Session and Parliament summoned. See I, * 235. Pinkerton, II, 170, relying on former authorities, fixes the date Sep. 19. See also Buchanan, D. xiv, 10; Lesley, p. 110 ; Balfour, I, 245 ; and Pitscottic, 307. ^ It is unnecessary to add the other entries for summouing Witnesses, Assise, &c. &c. They are numerous, and prove that the utmost vigilance and activity were employed to bring the IMurderers speedilj' to justice. ^ These and the preceding notices appear to have been entered merely as explanatory memoranda, without any reference, excepting to the subsequent expenditure in the Account. ^ That. ^ Others were sent to the various shires, &c. ^ Notifications and warnings for attendance, &c. were sent to Lauder, Hathingtoun, and Peblis. ' A favourite abbreviation for * ane' at this period. ^ A rope of twenty-four fathoms. ^ It is unnecessary to multiply entries of a similar description. It appears that there were two Raids. The carters were allowed wages for ' the first Raid ix dais and vij dais furth at the vthir Raid.' '° This person founded a great many Guns in the reigns of Kings James IV and V, all of which he quaintly inscribed thus— (See Lesley, p. 81. Balf. Annales, I, 232, &c.) Wachina sum Scoto, Borthuik fabricata Roberto, Jacoro Quarto Rege jubente pio. 268 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1523. APPENDIX. Ilem, to ScHiR JoHNNE Hammyltoune, for gatrtffrtng of ]&fs firSt 33.inlt,' and for his gaddering of ])ame in ]ie ciintietli, in expenfis, . . . . . . x ti. Item, to Schir Johnne Hammyltoune, for his tfoufllf jpeW, . . . Ij ti. Item, for pe faid Schir Johnnis e tyme of ]ns Coinpt, I^P xxvti. : And faireftir for JLortt SJbfiid e JJatO of SSIcBBtrlmntc, iiij li- [An unlucky hiatus occurs in the Volumes of the Treasurer's Accounts between this period and the year 1523.] Apr. 2, 1523. — Item, deliuerit to Johne Adamfone j)e Kingis Letteris, to be proclamit in Hadingtoune, Dalkeithe, Dunbar, and vjiir places neceffar, within ye faidis boundis, Jiat all maner of men prepare faim, in fare beft faflbne bodin, and foHoto Sat'^ttltt qujjntrcui'r tijai first ^fe onu JlSali^ of fprr, for rest'stt'ng of 3lngligmfn, x 5. Item, to Johne Langlandis to be proclamit in Selkirk, Lauder, Roxburghe, and Forest OF Ettrik, . . ....... xiiij s. Item, ficlike, in Edinburgh, Linlithqw, and Peblis, . • . . x s. 29. — Item, at x houris lait, deliuerit to Robert Hait, meflinger, ane Letter fubfcriuit with ])e Lordis, aKuertcSaiiB mu 3totli ^rraite tjat tfjf Singlts" mcu ioai* tumanti to s'rgf ISIataUer ; and raid )iat niclit at ]ie poll to him, gevin to |ie berare, ..... viij s. Item, ficlike Letteris to my itorK djanfcITare,^ . . . . vj s. Item, ficlike Letteris to ]ie (SrXt of itTortoune, |!fluljattin, and to pe ItartJt'^ of Jiat quar- ter, . . . . . ..... iij s. Item, ])at famyn nycht, fend Johne Langlandis to ])e JLarlf of EJtTclI'iJlvJufne, aduertefand him jiat nil) Eorft of Strrant aiiU sutcurn'S SiilB I)at5t tjaim to l)tm, be command of iiu) HorB <§VOio\ci^ and Lordis being in Edinburgh for ])e tyme, . . . . . vij s. 30. — Item, ]iat famyne nicht fend for tl)P 33aucr to Dunde, and for ])e Constabill'' and his feruitouris to haift ])ame to Hadingtoune to my Lord of Arrane,' . . . vij s. Jun. 7. — Item, fend ane clofe Lettre vnder Jie Signete to mi) itovB Cljaittcnart, fchewand, t)at tljeSliigTtemru toav to turn, aiiU galirranlr fast, . . . . . . ij s. Item, fend to Kynnele, for aduertifing of niu itoflf of ^rraiu, ])at the Stltglis'iurn iuav rttmanti antt tntcvanS iuitlifn tlje rtalmc, ..... xxx d. Jun. 10. — Item, gevin to ailjain) ?t>fralW ane Lettre, &c. to charge tlje CprTf of Stnintar to teie fra all gnticn'ng aittf Stss'fgft'iTg of tijc ^alt'rt of ©lasgio, .... xxviij s. Jun. 15. — Item, to ane man ]iat paft with ])E Officiale of Louthiane, Letteris to Lau- der to be execut in Jie Kirk, quiiilkis Letteris war tafeiit lit tl)t gait aiilf tjf mait bos'tft aittf flfit," . . . . . . . . . . . iij s. ' A number of other payments are made to the Coxstables of Weoderburne and Edrington, and for victualling these Castles, &c. ^ James Beaton, Archbishop of St Andrews. ^ Pinkerlon, II, 212, calls this per- sonage ' Gouzolles, denominated Captain of Milan.' He was joined to John /'««?'e Ttliir Ijaif on South lialf Foktue, &c. ...... xxviij s. Sep. 20. — 'slljijfjttus" llomtiit (SufifriTittort^, xx" die menjis Seplemhris, anno domini !■".¥'. xxiij". Sep. 25. — Item, to Ccirrift %rraltl, de mandatv Cancellarij, quliilk tonvoyit Clarflttf,' Ing- HSMAN, to Dunhertaii, ........... . xl s. Sep. 26. — Item, to ane man pat pafl with fecreit chargis of my Lord Gouernourls to 3>lTg« Iaiit(,°- xli. Oct. 18. — Item, to Jolinne Gourlaw to arrrst all tl)r ^cjbippt^ in itntjbt; and alfe to warne and charge all fe IHaltmciT, haiii) of 3i.rtt]br nnB Caitnogatt, to J)auf aiU anU malt xtVn^ for tjr Camp, ij 6. Oct. 22. — iiTi) ilortt (Soufntour Brpartit toioart fitiu OTrrJt {die) Jouis, xxij" Octobris, and fat famyn day deliuerit to Johnne Scrimgeour, mafer,' ane Lettre direct to fe ^cI)frffFi^ of Perthe, Straitiiehne, Mentethe, Clakmannan, Kinross, Fife, fat all abill men within fa boundis follow my lord Gouernour,* &c. . . . . . . xl s. Oct. 28 — Item, ane Lettre to be execute and proclamit in Leithe, &c.^ fat iia fJortJjIaitU men rrtuvnc ourc tjc Kffilatter, to'' fe agane cuming of my lord GouERNOUR fra fe Camp, bnttcv tjje pane of ttci'K, . . . . . . . . . vs. Nov. 3. — Item, deliuerit to Androu Dalmahoy, fE Lordls ansuere of tJOe C?rlc of ^WlTttfi Bittttrc, to be fped to my lord Gouernour to f e Camp, gevin to him, . . . . x s. Apr. 17, 1524-. — Item, deliuerit to muHortl tSvoSoffj' fe tynie of my lord Gouernouris laft remanyng in France, Tnix'^xxiij ti. iij §. vj d. Item, to James Crechtoune of Cranftoune-Riddale, Capitane of ))e Castell of Ed", for expenfis maid be him apoune ]ie Sugtfntatfounc of Bonaltt of tjc 3)\ii, Patrik Wilfoune, Cam- moufe, Franchenian, and diuerfe vferis being in Ward, &e. . . . xlj ti. xvs. Aug. 25, 1525. — Item, for ane horfe to here fE Kingis fHail'"* to Peblis, gevin to Dauid Bonar, ....... . . . xx s. Oct. 8. — /te/«, gevin to ]e Inglisman fat broclit JJfaUji'n Tiorui'fi,'' fr6tl)i5, and 53og=coHart6, fra tjeitingof Snglanti, ....... Ix Vnicomis. Item, to Dauid Lowry ane Lettre to SommonS tf)C Crfc of CiauftirS, de mcindato Borni- norum, xx S. Nov. 19. — Item, deliuerit j Lettre to Dauid Cammeron to warae the Lard of Henner- land'" and Adam Skot" to fynd plegis, . . . ..... xx s. Nov. 23. — Item, deliuerit to James Kinloch j Lettre to fomond iLovtl ©giluj) anlj \jiamf be his feruandis," . . . . . xxs. Jul. 22. — Item, gevin, in Jedburglie, to fe Inglis Herrot, at fe King and Lordis command, 1 ti. Aug. ?— /to«, deliuerit to tl)f ^raj) jFrtrt's", for Ixiii vncis 5"tlufr, s'toltiT fra tljf iStirg, aiitt rfbflit to tiiatm in CoilfrssiouiTr ; be the Kingis Precept, to ]ie men Jiat had the faiil (iluer werk in wed,' . . . . . . . . . . xx ti. Aug. 7 — Item, for velnus to billtl ii)t ISl'ligtS ^UOlBc IjaittltS and to be ailC gluhc tilt ^ii ^at'rc JanU, with makin and fevin {Jhdng) filk, . . . . . xx s. Sep. 8. — Item, to Gourley and Hoge, mellingeris, to fummoiid ])E Erle of Cassillis, jie Lord Simpili,, and vjieris contenit in ane S'uinUTOntlis' of CvfSS'OUlt, for jiair expenfis, vj ti. Oct. 16. — Item, to Kinloch and Echt, melfingeris, ane ^t(mnTOiTtlt£i of Crcs's'outTt apon })e Erle OF Craufurd, ))E Lord Lindsay, and v])iris, . ... 'iij^i- Dec. 6. — Item, gevin to William Criftefoun, meffinger, to fomraond Witnes, vndir gretar panis, to preif fe irf Jtiitg of iLaSuborroiot^ be ])E Lord Simpill vpoun the Lard Caldwell, xx s. Mar. 1, 1526-7. — Item, to S)o?)it IBruininoittr, ralllt ii)t i^t'ltgts" Scmp,'' be his precept, XV ti. Mar. 14. — Item, to the Secret a ris leruand, to geif a Inglifman ]>at broclit itfttcris fra tljr JBufee of Jllttljf moitt 7 to the Kingis hienis, tomplntaittr oit tj&c StrmcStraitgis", Cros'ariS, and ^ffefs"01tts', with vferis, ........ iiij ti. Apr. 19, 1527 — Item, to Petir Ra, |iat brocht writingis fra tj^f Sttftf of J^icijeutont, &c. iijti. Item, to i\tt ^uris'e tliat gatf ti)f ifJiitg ^otilft,^ be his Precept, . . iiij ti. Apr. 25. — Item, to a jFiiIc, raltit iStUf-motobanB,'^ at ]ie Kingis command, . xxs. May 12. — Item, to Criftefon, meflingeii-, to SumnioilB tijc itaitl HvUroSf, his fon, and Jiair complices, to vndirly l)e law for J>e JJijbing "' of tI)C sEttligiS M.cttcn'5, and to fummond ane Affife, &c. . ......... xxviij s. May 20 — Item, to James Biflait, meffinger, with a Lettre direct to Mentetii, Stratiiern, Clakmannane, and Kynross, with iij dole Letteris to the Erle Montrose, Lordis Glam- Mis and Oliphant, to convene at Ed". Jie xv day of Junij, with jiair houlhaldis, to xxiOt Olt tj&f JTijCtfllS," . . . . . . . • . .' xxxs. Jun. 1. — Item, to Cham])nay, meffingeir, to fummond tl)C SlarB CuTIliaI[ounc to vndirly ])e law for ])e ^lautjtrr of John Greift', ...... xiiij s. ' See this Collection, I, * 114, &c. ^ Another Jlessenger wasdispatrhed on 1st March. ' The game of Tennis, called caitche pell, caiche, kache, &c. in the old Records, was a very favourite game at the Seoltish Court, during this and the preceding reign. There are numerous traces of it through the whole of these Accounts. The curious and valuable Registers o( Aberdeen also abound in similar notices. ' From another entry, on Jun. 29, it would appear that the servants had invented a foolish sport for the young King's amusement, being a mock Assault of a Castle, the missiles on both sides being eggs. It may easily be imagined, in what a plight both victors and van- quished would be after a cessation of hostilities. ' In pledge, or pawn. ° The King's CHAJirioN. ' On jMar. 8, his servants, who were entrusted with ten couples of * ra(-his' (liounds), got fifty pounds for their * re- wardis.' Their first achievement was to worry three sheep, for which the owner, ' a pure woman,' was paid xx s. ^ The King's Wet-nurse. ^ Probably so nicknamed for his dexterity in making grimaces. *" Tearing in pieces. " Other INIessengers were sent in ditferent directions. See notice of this Raid against the Akm- STRONGS, &c. I, *132, &c. Reference may also he made to the preceding Appendix. 272 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1529. APPENDIX. Jul. 25. — Item, to a Inglifman )iat broclit ittttrcS fra i\)t aKfltg of JngLintI to the Kingis grace, . . ........ xl 6. Item, given to William Lyell, be ])E Kingis Precept, for lunt, talc, ailtl tonie tlts'troj)it it it's Scntnntifs at tl)c Iftiiuting, . . . . • . . vt. Item, to James Bidit, to furamond George Borthuik of Colynelaw to vndirly Jie law for §TaurI)trv of vmq'*' Pliilp Nefbittis dochter, ' . . . . . vii s. Jul. 31. — Item, gevin to Dene Dauid Jamesoune, ^atri^tailf al ^It'oihotiiU, iu recom- penfe of a gtU tJjanfcr StoUtn fiutl) of tJ)C ^ttiaj) of j^cluIjottiU, the Kingis hienes being pair, be ])E Kingis Precept, . . . . . . . . xv ti. Aug. 12. — Item, to Peter Ra, Inglifman, ]iat brocht writingis to the King fra i\)t SuUc of 3flirl)finoiili5 Contain, . . . . . . . . iijti- Item, to Crillefon, to pas to Pertlie ; William Duncan, to pas to Scliir James Hammyltoun ; James Bi/lhit, to suiiunoiiti tt)t l.art< 3SiiltrIniti)c for ffvrssoiinr, lor i>air expenfis, xlviij s. Aug. ? — Item, to ]ie Lard of Spot, in recompenfe of 8F if tail's flirnist J)f Jjim to tJ)C Cafis ttHfS of |i}unif anil EffiTctltltrBlirn, and for cornis ]>at wes brint and diftroyit be )iE Lard of Wed- DiRBURN, for his dampnage and fcaitb ; be deliueranre of ))E Lordis of Consaill, • P' ti. Item, to Lord Montgomery, ^iigtlCC, remanand continualie at t^f '^ixii of dJ'OVfar, ^Jfrtj), anft Cotopav, fra fe ferd day of Januar to ])e xxiij day of Februar, to his expenfis, I' xx li. Item, to 1)E BiscHOP of Galloway, ane of tlie CompoSitoun'g at ]ie faid Airis, Ix ti. Item, to THE Thesaurar, and v])ir CoilipoSltottn's, for his and Jiair expenfis, tjf ittlvgiS gratt bcaiiB UiiicrSc Btniiavts" tijatr, ...... Plxxxiiij ti. Item, to NicHOLE Craufurd, ^ustitr^Clfrft, .... xl ti. Item, to (Schir) William Scot of Balwery, kny*, remanand continualie, in abfence of peJuftice, ....... . . Pti. Sep. 6, 1529. — Item, to Dingvale, Purfevant, ]>at paft with wrytingis of )ie Lordis of Secrete Counfale to tljc CFrlr of i^ortStinrmrrlanH, . . • • • xxxs. Item, to Ilay, Herald, Jiat paft with the Lord Hume, for rjpffliiig; of Sol)n ?l)umc of ISlatatf r, . . . • . • • • • ' Sop. 18 Item, to Champnay, meffinger, ])at paft with the Kingis writingis to warne ane condigne Assise to convene ))e xiij day of Oct., betuix tlir JLoiD iBnimmfljar and tijt StorS jTIf^ miitg, .......... XXV s. Sep. 22. — Item, deliuerit to Robert Monypenny, fmith, lane fra- Maifter Adame Ottirburn, xvj ftane v tib. of Span^e irne, to maft pililtt^ anS inattofus" for caruiug of tj&f Canitouc tl)at past in tjf Sstii^, price ........ iiij ti. x 5. Sep. 24. — Item, deliuerit to Andro Edgare tua ellis of Parife blak, to be (ane cloik ?y to ])e King, to ij.)le Kingis command, . . . xli. Nov. 24 Item, gevin to the Lord Fleming, at the Kingis command, in nranrr of tocljtr to l)iS siistir, .....••• • iiij'.ti. ' The sum is torn out. ' It may here be remarked tliat this plirase throughout these Accounts merely denotes the articles to be purchased (not literally taketi, which implies force) from certaiu persons. In many instances, were this circumstance not kept iu view, an ordinary reader would infer that the King had often seized upou the property of burgesses, &c., and had afterwards, on tlieir importunity, remunerated them for the violence he had employed, 'i'lie (juaint language employed in these Records requires considerable attention, and a minute know- ledge of the phiascology of the period, to appreciate tlieir full import. .' Under date Oct. 2 there is another payment to the same j)crson, feu- ' twa elne pylie gray to be ane cloik to the King, xxvj s. viij d. — Item, for schoring of the samyn, iiij d.' * It is probable that this personage was ' MY LoKD Gkosolez,' or ' Gouzollez,' who occurs under date Apr. 29, 1523 (q. v. and Note.) 17JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 273 APPENDIX. Jan. 8, 1529-30.— Item, for carying of t\)t ^ailjeout^' fia Peblis to iHfggotlnntf, (to ' THE Hunting') and agane, ....•• • "j !'• Item, for ane elne and ane half of Ualh.e, for ant SOttJU of hlak ijcXuot, Tunit to(tl) claitl) o£ golK, gevin to iljt ^mbn^^iatour of Sitglanli,' . . • • • T s- Mar. U.—Iiem, to Thomas Quertoun (Wharton), feruand to ]>e (StU of i^ortSumintr* XntlTS, fat come for redrefs and remanit, . . . • • • !''• ti- /to?(, to Dauid LiNDESAY,' fat paft with him, .... xvti. Item, to iHaliolmr t^f dFuIt, be ane Precept of the Kingis, thre elnis rufTate, price xxxtj s. Item, fyve quarter of tref^e, price . . . • . • vj s. Item, to THE Italiane, fat come with f e Slrt]&{titiu of ^nnctnnttrot'^, . xl ti. Item, to JoHNE HoRSLiE, Ingliliiian, be the Kingis command and Lordis of Counfale, xxti. Item, to Thome Marfchale, cuke, paSSaiitt toitj& tijt ^fcrrtar to DngTanif, J^vaitrjif, Malit, itt. . ■ . . . • . • • • . xti. /fern, to Dingvale, Herald, fat pail with the Secretar, . . . xij ii. /few, to Anthone, talbonar, at fe Kingis command, . • • xvti. Ite7ii, to the Secretar, 'HuiljaSSiatour, . • I™.iij<=.xxxiij li. vj §. viij d. May 12, 1530. — Item, to Hoge, meflinger, ]iat paft in Ingland with the Kingis writingis, xij i'u May 25.— Item, to Ormond, Purfevant, and Ergile, meffinger, to pasS in Ujt Mis', at the King and Lordis command, • . . . . . . . xiti. Item, to tit epgpptiam's' t]&at ttan^tt iitfore tie ISutg, in Halyrudhouse, . xl s. Jun. 1 — Item, deliuerit to the Lard of Bukcleuch, for tJ)C tafttlisof ^Cltmait, tua elne and half of claith of fduer, price elne ix i'l., Jiimma, .... xxij ti. x s. Jun. 18 Ite)}i, to Hecht, (Echt, meflenger,) fat paft to the Lard of Sandelandis for f e tJun ^rottt'S C!)fiffts', . . . . . • • • x s. Jun. 26. — Item, xxiiij halbartis for the King, price pece vj s. viij A.,Jumma, . viij ti. Item, deliuerit to Dauid Bonar for the Kingis grace, Xl)xt Irtatam})t bclUltS,'' ane in Striue- ling, ane in Ediuburghe, the tbrid in f e Wardrop of Edinbuighe, be Johnne Urummond, price xx ti. Jul. 6. — Item, to ane Pnrfevant fat paft to Peblis, Selkirk, and vfir placis with the Kingis Letteris, Btgtj&argrtng all iiiaiuv of j^crSom'S of ifSttttng of tje Cljctfts" gufii'S,'^ . xxi. Item, to Iley, Herald, fat come fra the Kingis grace to gtcp tijt dFcrpis", (againft thofe) fat paft fra the Army, &c.^ . . . . . Jul. 20. — Item, gevyn to Gawyne Hammiltoun and his cumpany to Vjil to ittcltoSt, v ti. Jul. 21 — Item, for twa lang malis, with twa lang braiffis to fame, to tavg tJiE Hingis 3lrit» tatampt antr ^ttllf'' to Ij&C <©is"t, of findry prices, .... iij ti.xiiij s. Item, for cairfay, to covir fe faid ftule fat paft to f e Oift, price . viij s. vj d. /few, for anc SttdC'bonet,' price . . . . . . xs. Aug. 2. — Item, to Kyntyre, Purfevant, fat paft to fe G?rlf of i^ortStinuntilanS with directionis of the Kingis, . . . . . . . . iiij ti. Item, to Oliphant, Purfevant, fat paft with fe faid Gawyne to fbtelroSc, • xxs. Item, IoMarchmond, Herald, to pas with Letteris to Abeidene, to Arreift t\)t ^f$'3atl)attS (Pirates), . . • . . . . . . . iiij ti. ' The Koyal Pavilions. These entries are noticed to mark the event of tliis great Hunting. ^ It is unne- cessary to specil'y all the furnishings, among which are ' aucht dosane of poyntis,' ' vij' and ' xvij martiik skynnis,' &c. Numerous dresses of ' gownis,' ' cloikis,' * mantillis,' &c. were made for the King at this period of ' veluot,' ' silk,' ' satyn,' &c. ' Sir David Lindesay of the Mount. ' O. Fr. Lit du camp. The King invariably took one of these to his Hunting excursions and to the Field of Battle. ' Several similar payments. ' The sum obliterated. ' His ' Stule of eise.' ° A great variety of similar entries at this period. VOL. I. I 2 M 274 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1530. APPENDIX. Aug. 8. — Itcin, to Williame Mure, fat pad in aniiailBcrtlalc ailtt Crbt'BaTr, to waine JiE Lardis Jiairof to bring tiT tjrtr pTtgn^ a^ane ])e xxf day of Auguft, and prtsoitntS, . xl s. Ilem, to Williame iStiatlierne, meffinger, ])at pafl in fe Weft cuntre to funimond ane AITife, and to ^uinmonS SamfS (liEIaTIacc of (Lanto for ffvtS^ojtf , . . . xl 5. Item, to Johne Parduvyne, mafer, to fummond certane Loidis to be vpone ]ie itorlJ ?i?a» of %tiitxii ^Ssis'r, \c xxv day of Auguft, ...... xxx s. Ihni, to (jawane Hamilton, and v))ens, feiuandis of ]'E KiNcas, ]iat brod[)t X\)t Slbfiot of iHflroSl'S srjjf ip to itl'nlftjllh), attour ' v ti. gevin of before, . . . iiij ti. x s. Itou. gt'vin to James Gordoune of Lochinver for his Remiflioune, and v]iiris tbretty per- fonis, liis kynnilinen," as |)E Kingis Precept beris, ..... I'll. Item, to tbc JLoItmail ^ of Ed", ])at come to Linlithqw ])e xxv day of Auguft to Iiaiig tfrtane iirjcifts", .......... xiiijs. //<■»(, for batbuig"' of tie s"aiB (Tfififii's, ..... viij i. Ilem, to )>E Larde of Johnestoune and Edward Maxwell, for tafttng of ant ^\)til ailXf iiriligdig of Jiis' ijtiti to Ed", in contentatioune of P ti. grantit be ]>e Kingis grace to Jjanie, 1 ti. Aug. 15. — 7to«, to tt)t dTranCf SmbaSiStatOUre, for his rewarde, . . ij' ti. Item, to Agnes Quiiite, for his lugeing, |)e tyiiie he wes in Dundie, . . . iij ti. Item, to Marciiemond, Herald, tijat past in dFranrc ttjc SvtngiS tranBis, . 1 ti. Aug. 23. — Item, to Jjfitg (CrtiStall,* fervand, . . . . xx ti. Aug. 29. — Item, to ane fervand of ^t\)ix WiiWiamt Crbir, Inglilmanne, tjat rotttt for ^atlu'S, . . . . . . . . . . vjti. Item, to ane Pursevant, to pafs to convey ))e faid Inglifemanne, with tfaja ^alltiS, fend fra ])E Kingis grace to ])e faid Schir Williame, . . . . ... iiij ti. Sept. . — Item, to ane Periewant to pafs with Letteris to Jie Larde of Bukcleuche for ])e apprehending of Jie flaaris of Maifter Johnne Balfoure, . . . . xx s. Oct. 1. — Item, to ane boy fat ranne furthe of Dunde to Ed", for ant Summonttis onne fe llortr dforbcSf, . . . . . . . . . iij s. Oct. 2. — Item, to Jie Inglis boware, for fjoluis to ii)t liitng, . . vjti. Item, to ])E Secretare, tijf tjirar of tjis fiirSt pasSngf to 'iJomr in HmfiaESatri),*'" vj' Ixvj ti. xiij 5. iiij d. Item, to him fen fine, in parte of payment of ane Precept of vj' ti. . . iij' ti. Item, to furnyfe Jie neceftaris of tjjc |3faCf of CfniptatloiUlf, be Jie Lordis Precept, xx ti. Oct. . — Item, to Maister Johnne Bellentyne, be ))E Kingis Precept, for translating of tDf «Iroiu)!uII," ......... xxxti. Item, to Mathow and Arche Hammyltoune for jie CF5tI)ctc of IxOtifUf IHurraniiS nunnc of ILOj^l), gevin to Jianie be ])E Kingis grace, and coft agane' be the Thesaurare, for . I ti. Item, for thre cariage horfis to iXWit {\)t 9rrfSf=U)CrlliS tluljilttiS Jiang in tIjC 5H)ban, J)E Kingis 3lJolui5, 5trroiuiS, and vjiir geir of J'e Wardrob, to Striueliiig agane Paifclie,' xviij s. Item to Johnne Bog, to tnafe anr jiaSSagt Hounc fra tjjc (iTaStcU of 5'triucling to tj&c ^arli, . . . . ' vti. ' Ovtr and abiive. ^ This seems a very extraordinary measure, unless it can be interpreted to indicate, that L. 100 was remitted to him of the amount of hisj Composition. ^ The Hangman, or public executiimer. See Dr Jamirsons Diet, and Sir Walter ScoWs Novels for explanations of the term. ^ Watching. * See Note to Jun. \(), lo'J:^, of this Appendix. '^ There is no date affixed to this and the six following entries, which commence the accounts of * Money at the command and Preceptis of the Kingis, debursit to sindry per- sonis.' ■ These payments continued for a considerable time. In the next account other entries are made, see Oct. -1-, 15.31, &c. I\Iany similar traces of the King's liberal i»atron;ige of literary men are to be fuUnd in these records. '^ Ke-purchased. " A number of other payments for transporting geir of the Wardrob, &c. &c. These entries occur annually at Paische, or Easter, and often at Christmas, &c. 18JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 275 APPENDIX. Nov. 2. — Item, to tje SuJse of ^IbanmS feivand fat brocht X^t grftt Jor^t to pE Kixgis grace, ............... I''xx ti. Item, to ]ie Franclie Avmorare ]iat come with him, . . . . . . xl ti. Nov. 12. — Item, in Sanct Jolinnefloune, to Hoge, meffingere, to pafs tO appviSC tl)e EofK iSfaxhtiii lauUi'S, xl s. Dec. 18. — Item, to Adam Stewart, meffinger, to pafs to Renfrew, Kyle, Cunynghame, &c. to inanif fov i\}t JJrinur, aittt passage t'li tljc DliS xxvs. Dec. 25 — Item, to ane Herald, to ride fuith of Striueling to Ed", to toiiijou CarlfT, 3)ngl(5" l^cralB, to Striueling, to ])E KiNGis grace, ij ti. Item, to ]>e faid Cavlll for his wage, with t\)t Tatf of \\)t ^'cralBtiS, on NEW-3ERE-DAY,' x ti. Item, to him, quliillc remanit liere fra New-5ere-(]ay to |9almr ^OlllJai),'' . xl ti. Dec. . — Item, to tlie faid Dauid (Bcmar) for xiij double banlcis of gold, quhilkis war deliuerit to Dauid Lindesayis wyf,'' to StSi) t\)t ifltngiS garluS, J'e price of ilk hank xs. . vj ti. Item, be Je faid Nichol Carncorfe to Dauid Lyndesay, ^eralU, iij elnis blak veluot, price of ]ie elne Ivs., . ........... viijti. vs. Item, to him vj elnis Paroife blak, price of Jie elne xl i.' . . . xij ti. Feb. 9, 1530-1. — Item, to Duncan Riche, to pafs with ane ^ttmtnoiltltS of JTrfSouttC to tljc iHfltlte of tljf Dlts', to be execute in Invernes, . . . . Mar. 1. — Item, to Wiljame Quiiite, meffinger, to pas with Letteris to Sanctaudrois for apjirf* lirnliins of Soj&itnf 33laliatfr of (ITuHuannitc,'^ ..... xiiij s. jNlar. IG. — Item, to Williaine Mure, meflinger, to pafs with Letteris to ])E BiSCHOPPIS of Sanctandrois and Brechine, to turn to Ed"^ for Brgratiatiounf of nitr ^3rft5t,' Item, to ane boy to rynne to the Bischop of Dunblane with liclyke letteris, ij i. Mar. 27, 1531. — Item, to Andro Hammyltoune, meflinger, to pafs with Letteris to Jie Erlis of Ergile, Montroife, and J)e Lord Erfkin,^ to convene in Ed'' for Diistlfuing of tjbc itarlJ of ^uXlV' nllaitr, . . . • . . . . . . xij s. ' Robene Hude.'s Apr. 5. — Item, Jie v day of Aprile, for vj quarteris gray taffate of Jeynes, to be ane part of ])E KiNGis iioficnc llHltllS 33antr, price of ]ie elne xiij s. viij d. . . . xxij s. vj d. Item, for vj quartaris 5ALLOW taffaty to pe faid 33aiTri', price of fe elne xvj s. xxiiij s. Item, for vj quartaris rede taffaty to ])e faid 3SaiIcr, price of the elne xiij s. xix s. \j d. Item, for ane quarter quiiite taffate, to be Corfis to )>e faid 33ancr, price Jiairof, iij s. iiij d. SuMMA of ]ie JSaner, ..... iij ti. ix 5. iiij d. Item, at pE Kingis command, to Johnne Bog and Johne Lawfoune, to be Jiame ItberauiS to pass luttlje tijt Bl'ngiS JaoBcne l^uKc, v elnis gray veluet, to be fame tlua ISoubltttiS, price of pe elne iij ti. v i. . . . . . . . . . xv^ ti. v s. Item, for vi elnis lyning fnftiane to Jiare Doublettis, price of the elne ii s. vj d. . xv s. ' The usuiil ' Largesse' given to the Heralds on each recurrence of that happy day. ^ Payments made at same time to * Messiiigeris of Middilburghe, vij li.' — ' Habringtoune, Inglisman, June 6, vli.' — ■* the Frenche Am- bassiatoure, JuL 'SO, xxxvj li. iij s. vjd.' — ' Ilorslie, Inglisman, Aug. 2, xx li.' — * Garis, Inglisman, quhilk came with writingis fra my Lord Dacres to the King, iiij li.' — * Alex, Mure, Herald of Denmark, Aug. 2, xxxli.' ^ Other paymetds made ' for warnyng of the cl'ntre,' and to ' provide for schippis and vthir veschell' for the ' passage to THE I1.1S.' See Mr Gregory's work for tlie j)articulars of this Expedition. * ' Jonet Douglas.' See these Extracts, Mar. 1537-8. A great number of similar entries occur for sums paid her for embroideries, &c. ^ This is entered among the ' Leueratis at the Feist of Zule. ^ For the Murder of James Ingiis, Abbot of Culros, the same day. See I, * 151. ' Sir William Louthien. Ibid, ^ fllessengers were also dispatched for the * Lorde of ^Montgomery, the Erie of IVIortoune, and Lord Seytoune.' ^ So many notices have occurred, in the course of this Collection, I'elative to Kobin Hood Games, that the Editor thinks the following extracts will be accept- able to all readers. Reference may be advantageously made to Brand's Popular Superstitions {Ellis's Edit.), l)r Jamieson's Diet., and Sir Waller Scott's ^Vorks, though it may be affirmed that the present are the most iuteresting and miuute which have hitherto been laid before the public. 276 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1532. APPENDIX. Item, for vj qnartaris canvefe, to ftent fare Doublettis, pe price . . ij s. Item, for tlua Sftrrlctt JJoitrttf^ to pame, . . . . . iij ti. Item, for ix quartaris flfrencbe gray, to be jiame tfaja )3are al ^lofef, price of tbe elne xvi s. ...•••... . xxxviij s. Item, for vi quartaris blew to lyne fare Hoife, . . . . vj i. Item, for iij ebiis gray taifTety to draw fare lioife, price of fe elne xvi s. . xlv s. SuiMMA of fis liifray, ..... xxiiij ti. xi s. Item, to James Erskyne, t\it ittngt^ ilolitnn ^lutfe, x quarteris gray fatyne, to be him ane Doublett, price of ]ie elne xxxiiij s. . . . . - . iiij ti. v s. Item, for kenvefe to it, . . . . . , . xviij d. Item, for quliyt fuftiane to lyne it with, . . . • . viij s. Item, for makeine of it, . . . . . . . iiij s. Item, for ane elne furage gray, to be him ane pair of hoife, price . . . xvj s. Item, for ij elnis taffate, to draw fame and nerf ])ame, . ... xxiiij s. Item, for half ane elne and ane nale gray fatyne to couir fe hypis of fame, price of fe elne xxxiiij s. . ............. xix s. j d. Item, for blew to lyne f e faid hoife, . ....... iiij s. Item, for niakeine and cwtting of fame, . . . .... viij s. SuiMMA of f is liftVay, .... . . viij ti. xi s. vij d. [A great variety of other costly ' liuerayes' occur under the same date, but no mention is made of RoBix Hood. It is probable that they were all procured on the same occasion.] May 20. — Item, to Dauid Lyndesay, ft^craTU, be f e Kingis Precept, xiij elnis blak fatyne to be him ane gowne, price of f e elne xxxij s. . . . . . xx ti. xvj s. Item, for iij elnis blak weluet, to begarie fe famyne gowne, price of ]ie elne Iij s , vij ti. xvj s. Aug. 4. — Item to Gourlaw, meffinger, to pafs to Menteithe and vthir places with Letteris to WARNE f E Gentilmenne of fe cuntre to ii)t ButgtS Tfluntt'itg (it iHrgotlnitU,' . xx s. Oct. 4. — Item, to Maister Joiine Ballentvne, be the Kingis Precept, fov |[)ts' tvaitjS^ latiitg of tilt (droiiiclt^, ........ xxx ti. Item, ])airefter, to fe faid fHafStrr %(\\}\Xt, be fe Kingis command, • . vj ti. Oct. 5. — Item, fe v day of October, to ane Inglisman (' Inglise Ambqffiatoury- fat brocht writingis to fE Kingis grace, quiiora to his grace gaiff prefence in Kirkcaldye, . xlti. Item, to Maifter George Foreftai- in Leith, to niak Jie faid SillglfSinaiindS rjiptnSlS, in Leith and Kingorne, for ane day, at his cuming to f e Kingis grace, ..... xlvj s. Oct. 19. — Item, to ane Inglisman, quliilk come with writingis to fE Lordis fra tj)r e ein Iij s.,Jhmma, ..... xj ti. xiiij s. ' Many other nii'sscii'.'iM's sent to dift'erent parts of tlw country. " On the margin, ' Inglise Ambassiatour.' ' These entries arc seleeled to notice the generosity of Tin: KiNci, whose acts of beneficence appear in ahnost every page of tliese Accounts. ' He is above styled one of the ' Coinraissionaris ou ye ISordouris,' along with the Lard or Hai.wkrv, S( mir Jomnnk ('AjiriiELL of Lundy knycht, and the Lard of Amisfield. On the margin, opposite this entry, is ' Scot, AiMBASsiATOUR.* 19JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 277 APPENDIX. Jan. 12, 1531-2 — Item, to Dauid Blytli, purSrbitnt, to pa^ to 3tuntront with Jtrttcrts to tJitlSing of SSnglantt, for ane Conduct to ])E Ambassiatouris, . . . xxv ti. ' 9in6a5Statourf5 tit Jfratutrf.' Feb. 24 — Item, to Schik Thomas Erskvn of Haltoux, knyS ^ccrftarc anB ^ml)a^< gtatour tii Jj^raiiff, to his onDiNARE expenfis in France, fe fpace off foure nionethis, ilk nioneth eftimat to xxx'i tiayis, ilk day havand to his ordinare expenfis as faid is, viij fraiikis, ilk frank extending to x s. vj d. in Scottis money. Summa of ])e fraukis ix'lx frankis ; fumma of Jie Seottis money extending to ......... v'^iiij ti. Item, to my faid ILovlJ ^Cfrftarf, be je Kingis fpeciall command, to his extraordinare, Ixxxix Angell nobillis, pecc extending to xxxij s. \ fumma, Pxlij ti. viij s. And alfua to his extraordi- nare maid in finance iij'^xv frankis iiij fowfe, ilk frank x s. vj d. ;yM/«/«a of ])e frankis, in Scottis money, Flxv ti. ixs. ^j d. Siiiiima to/iilis of ]ns extraordinare, . iij'^ij ti. xvij s. vj d. Item, to uut JtorH JBl'ScIjopc of Ko^S, StinliaSStntour, ))e famyn tyme, to help to his fur- nefTing I"'lj'^ frankis, price of ilk frank, in Scottis money, x s. vj d. Summa of ]iir frankis, in Scottis, extendis to ......... vjxxx ti. Item, to Dauid Lyndesay, ftjcraltf, to his expenfis paffing with ])e faidis Ambassiatouris ij'^ frankis, fumma, . . . . . . . . . I^ v ti. Item, to Joiine Bog pafTand with tfrtant '"j^orSiS antf ^Ulltli^ Sflttl be ]ie Kingis grace to iHatfnmr Sobtlljf, to his expenfis ij'xl frankis,'y5<»i;««, .... Pxxvj ti. Apr. 2, 1532. — Item, to Henry Kemp, quhilkis he deburfit for ])c SSingfS 50UC,^ gotten vpon Elizabeth ScHAW, and bis nurife expenfis, ..... xx ti. /ifew, to ])e GENTILL woMANE ])at foStinit pC lliinsfS Soiif, . . . xls. ]May 11 — Item, for graithing of the 9inba55tntoiin's Itigciiif of dflanBirS, ' (niijiTft brocjjt tl)t Crmpn'ottl'tS Collar to ]ie Kingis grace,'' as ane Bill gevin be JNIaifier Joline Scrymgeour Maifter of Werk, beris, ......... iiij ii. vj d. Itetn, to ])e faid Jtmbasstatouv, to his revard, ij'". fifty Angell nobillis,y«;«OT«, iiij" ti. Item, to tl)c ^IfrafiJ of ;if"IaiT'!JrfsV calllt Burgunze Herald, to his revard, . I" ti. Item, for tway purflls to putt ]ie laid money in, .... viij s. Item, to tJ)C jottng man tijat s'ang luttl) tijt ambassiatotirr foirfaid, . xx ti. Item, to f>e gudewyfe of pe houfe quhare ))e U'fralB of d?lailfCl5 was lugit, for liir houfe- maill ]>e tyme of his beyng ])are, . . . . . . . i'j ti. Itetn, to (Carlill, Herald, quhilk come with writingis to ])E Kingis grace and lordis, and remanit on his anfuer qidiill )ie Parliament, . . . . . . xl ti. 24 — Item, to 3Sutf, Pursevant, to pass' to ituirtoun hiitij It3rttiiigf5 to t])c Itiiig of 3nglanii, .... . . . . . . . xl ti. Jun. 16.— /fern, to tSc lU'ltg of (iltpi'f (' ClPRE,')5 .... r ti. Jul. 4. — Item, to Alexander Mure, quhilk come with iun'ttltgi^ fra tljc Sing of IIIfU= marft, . . . . . . . , . . xl ti. ' A great many more payments are made for dresses, provision for the horses, and ' iiij doggis to jiy Loud Obinze ;' xl li. to GuiLLiAME, I'Vaiiclie post, &o. &c. * Jasies Akp.ot of Kelso and Melrose, a piijiil of George liucha- nan. On Oct. 8, 1534, he got a charter of the Estates forfeited hy the Earl of Angus, Beij. Mag. Sig. xxv. 241. Obiit 1558, sine prole. His mother was of tlie family of Sauchie. ' These words are inserted, in larger letters, on the margin. ^ In this atid the other instances ' Spanee' had been written ,ind ' Flandres' substituted. ^ ' Cipke' on the margin. It docs not appear, from any otln-r enti'ies in these Accounts, who this kingly personage was. The Editor is inclined to believe that the ' Kino,' ' the Prince,' and ' the Wore,' belonged to one or more of the numerous bands of Gyi'sies or IJohe:\iians, who infested various countries of Europe at and ]H'evious to this period, in such overwhelming numbers, as eventually to call down upon them the cruel, but i)erhaps necessary, severities which continueil to be practised against that devoted race for nearly two centui-ies alter this time. For numerous interesting particulars relative to this remarkable peoi)le, see this Collection, III, 590, &c. * King Cris- lALL,' mentiuued under date Aug. 23, 1530, of this Appendix, was likely another of these artful wanderers. 278 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1532. APPENDIX. Jul. 20. — Item, to Carlill, Herald, . . . . . 1 ti. Item, to 33utf, Purfevant, to jpaSS luitl) JurttingiS in 3)ngTnntI, and departit with )>e faid Carlill, Inglis Herald, ])e xx daye ot Julij, ..... xxxvj ti. Jul. 21. — Item, to jie puir womane qul)tUt Jjatt J)iv ijouSljaiiB Slanc Suttb anc gtonnt IVIiot furth of pe Callell, . ............ xl s. Aug. 11 /tort, be ])E KiNGLS command to t]&f ^rilUf of (Ct'prE, . . xl ti. Item, ])e famyne day to tijc iHorc, be Jie Kingis command, . . . xxx ti. 18. — Ilci}', furniiru be ))E Kingls command to my Lordis Bisciiop of Ross and Secretar, i^miaSStatottitB' in dfranrE, and to ])e Lard of Gawistoune and Dauid Lyndesay, Herald, being with | anie, IniV frankis for twa monethis expenfis ; off fe quliilk to my Lord Bilhop of Rofs, xvj'' frankis ; to my Lord Secretar, vi frankis, to ]ie Lard of Gawilloune, ij' frankis ; and to Dauid Lyndefay, I'^ frankis ; price of ilk frank maid in finance with Hew Dowglafs, Niclioll Caruecorfe, and Paterfoiine, burgeffis of Edinburgh, X s. vj d. ;y«;?i«i a,' . . . vij^'lxxxvij ti. x s. Sep. 18. — Item, for aiir itutc Suit?) tI)C taiSf, and ane dofane of flringls by,-coft in Glasgw, and fend with Troilus to ]>E Kingis grace in Jiiuicrrcra, . • . . xl s. /(few, to ))e forfaid Troilus to turfe ])e famyn, . . . . . vj s. Sep. 27 Item, for carrage of ]ie Kingis bed to tiJC hunting III (5lcnarftlia» ? and for cariage of ]ie Ikmyn out of Ed'', to Sanctandrose to tijf |DarBouil, . . xx s. Dec. — Item, be ])E Kingis Precept to IHat'Stcr 3>ol)lU Sovrl)?/ v elnis tanny chamlett, price of |ie elne xj s., . . . . . . . . Iv s. Jan. 1531-2 Item, be ]'e Kingis Precept, to Cristiane Rae, quj)cn Sfljo ioaS C^ucnt o£ 33anc,* iiiji ehiis riflillis blak, price of ]ie elne xxvj s. viij d. .... viti. Item, to hir ane elne veluett, price ...... liilj s. Feb. 23. — Item, to twa cartis, fat ane to turfe fe blak kift, witli tljc Cjbajjclt graft!) to Stri- ueling, and ])at vfir with i\)t SlrrcSf IjtngartS, . • . . . iij ti. xij s. Item, for ane lok mending and ane new kee to the 33Ialt Itt'St tjiat JtfptS t\)t 3acl:qun'5, xvj d. Item, for ane bott^ of irne, and leid to 5ett \e famyn, to pe Compt-houfe durre,'^ . ij s. May 17, 1532. — Item, to Duncan Reche, Pursevant, to pafs with Letteris to ]ie Bischope OF Sanctandrois to aduertefe him of tl)f (CJjaiigtlll of t\>t Sl'ftt off H)t attuSatiouil of tj&e ItutJjfiniifS, xs. Jun 9. — Item, for ant tvcntafi of iHcSSfS for t^r Bingf^ SVaCC, in Quhithorne, xxx s. /to«, to ))e Chai'LANE diliributour of I'e lliniyn, . . . . ij s. Aug. 11 — Item, to xij Cheplanis to Sait fUtii for t\)t Mi'ngi'S grace afoir cure Lady of Paislay, . . . . • . . . . . xij s. Aug. 21.— /ton, to Schir Johne Jordane (' Clieplane') to tjjf SnmouSt,'^ . xviij ti. Item, to him, in compleit payment tlie 3j»tngi5 Sllmou^C, fra ]/e xxij day of Auguft 1432 to ))e dayofjiis compt, (Sep. 26, 1633,) takand ilk moneth xvj ti., . . . ''j l^i- Dec. 2, 1332. — Item, to Jje Inglise bowar, for anc ttoSanc of 33olut!S and vj dofane of ^rrobfS deliuerit at ]iE Kingis command to ?llcvanlfcr CanoSouilC ; and for iiij dofane of Arrovis deliuerit to ]ie Kingis grace, for Ji'S abnc Scj&uting, . . . . xxti. ' ' SvmiA trium foliorum prcccdentium, (all expended for Ambassadous, Heralds, &c.) iijniix'' li. viij s. xj d." * Over jiiid above, l>esides ; forhife. ^ See also Aug. 5, l.>.3.5, for another entry relative to the Kinc.'s Dwarf. He al>>o j;rts * doublat, boise, and boiinat,' on this occasion, ibr his ' Zui.e Leueray ;* and on Sep. 21 preceding he had a payment uf xl s. The Editor is of opinion that this is the iiHlividtial Dwarf for whom the well known Poem in thi; Bannatyne IMS., entitled * Ane eitili, Interlud of the Droichis part of the Play,' \T'as written. * There have already been given some instances oCthe King of Bane in the course of this Collection. The custom was .similar to that still observed in England on Twelfth N'ujhl. See I, • 11.5, and Note, &c. The Editor does not recollect to have elsewhere met with a notice of the (^ueen of Bane. ^ Bowtt, bolt. ^ A number of other entries about the Blak kist and Keliques. ' On Jun. 9, xij li. were paid him for the same purpose. The public Alms given by King .James V, at this period, was Sixteen pounds, mvntkli/, besides his numerous benefactions and private charities. See Aug. 21. 19JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 279 APPENDIX. Jan. 9, 1532-3. — Item, to ]>e Maister of Forbes, be ]>e Kixgis command, . xl ti. Item, be ))e Kingis Precept to %syi)\\t, yfpar oC ^anct SoljiKStoune, in i!roquI)cr' with Katherine Sinclair, . . . . . • 1' xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. Feb. n.—Item, for mt ttcntan'- of iHc55f5 Sone for t]&c 33n'tonan'3 im\U c[u]baftfe jjcrist at i\)it ^3oit of <^ixt, . . • • . . . xx §. Feb. 11. — /to«, to Patrik Kincaid, Maisteu Brovstar, . . xvj ti. v s. Apr. 12, 1533.— 7/eTO, to Scbir Henry Huntar, for tjc BtngTS SlVt'sc StnganU, in Stri- UELING, . . • • • • • • • . xij ti. /tew, for ntrnllfng of tijc ©rgam'S, in Striiteling, .... iijti. Apr. 12. — Item, to fe L. L.^ be ])E Kingis command, . . . I'' ti- May 13. — Item, to Walter Cnnyngbamis wyfe in Striueling for aitt ftoU) (JU^jilft i\)t ittngtiS grate Sicto tot'tl) aire rulbcvfng, . . . . . - . xl s. May 15? — Item, to iHats"tcr bettor 33o{fC, Principal! in Abirdene, for Jie tane* j^alf of JfjJ Pensioune ; and ])e vjiir half pairt be ]ie Comptrollar, .... xxv li. Jun. 16. — Ittm, to Williame Haldane and Williame Brovne, for ii)t ^laiicfitfr of vmq''" DiK RicHERTsouNE, aiit fommoitt iCJjciff, and taftt'itg of anc btljir iTjjctff callit Bartilmew Tail- jEOUR, .......... XXX ti. Item, to Maister Johne Ballantyne for ant ntio CorntMc gtbm to tj^t Htngfe gratr, ......... . xijti. Item, to him in part of payment of fe {TrailSlattOtint of JfTltttS 3ttuiu5, . viij ti. Jul. 26. — Item, to Williame Vdwart be ]'e Kingis Precept, be Dauid Bonar, for tIatSt tane fra^ him be ]ie Kingis command to atir (SmttH iuomaiT, (' S. D.) '^ Item, deliuerit to my lord Secretar in ])E Quenis College to tro ^ttrtt mattrrfS of i\}t Utligt'S, . . . . . . . . . . iiij ti. Aug. 24. — Item, to Maister Johnne Ballantyne in part of payment of fe STranSla' ttount of ])e fecund buke of iTituS JttUlUiS," . .... viij ti. Aug. 28 Item, to Koliert Hoidie, Inglifman, quiiiik come with Uirtttltgi^ fra JiE Erle of Northumbirland, tompTfiiantt on tj)t irrft of tljf JiorBourtS," . . . xti. Sep. 5. — Item, to Dauid Blytli, Pl usevant, titiljilli jjaSt to ittintfottnt trnnfiiS of trrtane JHtrtJanillS of Ed«, and fend with him itfttrtS to tJjt IStlig of Dnglantf, fchewand ]'e couiplaunt of our 33orUourarfS vpoune fE Inglismenne, . . . . . vj ti. Item, to Dauid Creicliloune of ]ie Gardrobe, to fee tua careage horfis to turfe Jie Kingis bed and v)ier graithe to tJjt ?ijuntin(j in Sltjiolf, and for J>e (pace of vij dais Jiair to remane ; to ilk horfe on }ie day ij s.,^ fumma, . . ..... xxviij s. Sep. 7. — Item, to ane boy to pafs furthe of Sasct Johnestoune with ffJHfrtttfltgt'S to tljE 3ttgat in Ed", . . .......vs. Item, to George Leiche to pa53 to tSt i^t'ngfs gract in Snutrrtra, . . viij ti. Item, to ane man to pafs to convoy him, ..... xxviij s. Sep. 15. — Item, to Jame Litiljohnis feruand, to pafs with liutis" anB ^cl)obnt to tl)t iJtngiS grate, in CPrgt'It, . . . . . . . . . xx s. Sep. 16. — Item, to ane boy to ryn with ane Lettre to my StorB ((rl)nnfcnar to caufe him haift to Ed'', . . . . . . . . • . iij s. ' Toclur, (Inwery, or M,irriage- portion. ^ TricentuUs. Three liundred Masses. ' The Lady L., one of the King's INIistresst's. This must have been either the Lady I^oelileven, (^Margaret, daughter of John, i?('e//>/i Lord Ei'skine, and mother of the Regent Murray,) afterwards the wife of Sir Robert Dougl.is of Lochleven- — or Eliza- beth, daughter of Jolin, Ihird Earl of Lennox, who bore to the King, Adam, Prior of the Charterhouse at I*erth. There are many payments to this individual. "* The one half. ^ Purchased. ^ These initials are on the margin. The extract is made to notice the number of such entries for dresses, trinkets, &c. &c. ' The Anti- quary need scarcely be reminded that both the Chronicles and Translation of Livy have been admirably edited by Thoiias Maitland, Esq., Advocate, in Three Volumes Quarto. " Many messengers passed between the coun- tries on the same business. It is unnecessary to multiply entries here. " Several other payments. 280 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1532. APPENDIX. Sep. 18. Item, to Williame Criftefoune, meffinger, deliuerit Lettres to jie ^f]&trriffii^ of FoRFAiR, Elgvne, Forese, Kincardine, Inuernes, Cromertie, Narne, Abirdene, and Banff, to be proclamit witliin ]iair boumlis, chargeing all men, betuix Ix and xvj 5eiis, mak pame reddye, vpoune xxiiij houris warnyng, to paS Sotlin, kt, iuttl) i\t SvtngtS grate ax ijiS l.(fU5 ttnfnt, witli viij dais wittalis, vndir Jame to cum with diligence to avife for Sffrnrc of tlir vcaXmc agant;^ t?)t riifmiit^ of a)ng= Ian»,' l'"J^- Sep. -21.— lion, to Cuthbert George, meflinger, to pafs with iLtttCVi* to tl)e e Lard of Bille, tliavgcing \)in\ to ftrt'p s'urtKc Ui ^OtlSc of M\h, vnder J.e pane of dovncalling of Jie famyn, and tinfall of bis heritage, ^"'J s- Oct. 25. — Item, to Adam Stewart, meffingire, to pafs and s"innnionif ]ie 3lat)l) ff2a'ttl'Dtr« iurnc and jie iLaUp ffratjuaiv to compeire in Ed"^, on Nov. viij, to heir fame accufit of trtSSonabiU 3lntrrcoinnioni)ng and alFulance done to Archibald fumtynie Erle of Anguse and his com- plices, cure fouerane lordis Rebellis ; and to Sumuiontl anc 5J5St5c of l^e fchyris quhaire jiai duell, to beire witnefling ]iairupoune ; and to his wage, . xx s. Nov. 12. — Item, to Cuthbert George, nieflingir, to ryd with Letteris direct to )'e ^cl)crrcf of ^ir ailH 33afhr of Bile to bring Archibald Curre, in Sandefurde, before ])e Stovtis' of Coiiits gaill in Ed", on Nov. 21 inflant, to anfuer at oure fouerane lordis inflance forpe 3>lltroiliri'ting SllitJ nnr mtvSC of monci) extending to vij'ti. quhilkis pertenit fumtyme to 3)ltgIi5nuiIlK tljat Xivobnft one tljc tof^t of ^iv : And als, deliuerit to him, ficlik, Letteris chargeing ]ie Prouest and Bail- lies of be bur"he of Aire to bring Robert Nele, Johne Fallifdaill, and Thomas Stevinlloune, to anfuer lie day and place afoir expremit, for )>e famyn caufe, and to his wage, . . xxviij s. j)gg. 7. Item, deliuerit to Andro Difchintoune, meffingeire, Letteris to ]>e Wardanis of 1)E EisT and Myddell Marciiis, to charge all liegis within ]>aj bouudis to atuait bpouitc tj)e Diuunii'ng of nnr ^imi? of Siiglisnun, anB vrsfst tftt Same, kt. : And als charging all Baronis and gentill men havand CnStcUt'S Of iixtnttjii-, o]'"' '•' '^t^ping or lieretage, to defend liame, abyding hailly refkew of 1>e Kingis Army: And deliuerit to him Letteris to )ie Constabill of Hading- toune, to warne all perfonis within ])e boundis of his Office to be in Hadingtoune |)e x day of ].is monetli, weill bodin, ."*i(;. to ftliU Otlt Soiltianc lovtll^ runu'lig ])e fpace of viij dais; and to his wage,'' xxviij i. Dec, 16. — Item, to ane feruand of my Lord Hvmi.s, quhilk come with Writingis to })E Kingis grace, and tiitljiirgtS fra tlir 33ortiotiri5, ..... iij ti. Item, to .lohne iMortoune, quhilk broclit EiHrnttngfs fia H^t EiEIarifaitr of tjjr itTutHfill ftTavt]&ts' to ]iE Kingis grace, at |>e Kingis command,'' . . . . xl s. X)ec. 26. — Item, to Adam Stewart, with ane Miffive Lettre to ))e Lard of Spott; and alfua to him Letteris to ]ie Maister of Halis for 93pntl'ltg of iJalt'S;^ and ane Lettre to be pro- clamit at findrie Burrowis, in Lotheane, for funtrstlig of luittallS ; and to his wage," . x s. Dec. 28 Item, to Sym Pennango to pas with Letteres to ]>e Lard of Balclewche and v]ieris, aduertifand ]iame of ]ie SingliSnintltf tumiltg to tj)f ^l!ous"f of UiUr,' . . iij li. ' Many simil;ii- oiitrips, iinneressary to be given here. ' He was sent again on Oct. "23. ' Messengers were (lis]pate Lard of DuNDAss for lupi'nj of i\)( ftioitsf of 3>iui)f(jarb^),^ . . . . . vj g. Mar. 13. — Item, to Johne Cobe, to pafs with Letteris to )ie Abbottis of Newbottill and Melrose and Prioress OF Cauldstreme, for i^csaljing of tijf Slept, . . xxs. May 28 — Item, to Williame Criflefoune to pafs to CauldstreiME with W^ittingis fra J)E Fraunche Ambassatouris to be fend to tjir C?r(t of i3orll)uml){rtatTt», . . xx i. Jun. 13. — Item, to ©nnoitlf, Pursevant, to pas tit tl)f %\\i with Writtingis of ]>£ Kingis for tl)t 3)ngfis'^tI)tj)cquJ)iIft ftlatTaitf tuttf,^ ..... viijti. Jun. 22. — Item, to ane boy to rynne to Newbottill, with ane Writting, fchewand fat tje 9:nil3assatour, Bewes, and i^t iConiinisstoitan's", iuauIK if ioitj) \)im on tljc morite, . viij d. Item, to Alexander Mure, quhilk brocht EBIrittiTJjfS fva tilt Bing of Sfitntarft, to his rewarde, .......... xxxti. Item, to James Murray to pafs to Cauldstreme, at )>e poll, all nyclit, with ane W'ritting to )iE Prioress to prabt^f far iHoitsV. 33ftof^ anif X\)t Comnnssionarts', . . xx s. Jun. 24. — Item, to Audio Difchintoune to pafs to Cauldstreme at )>e poft with ane Writ- ting fra MoxsouR Bewes to J)e Erle of Northumberland, for ane (Coiilfuct to our (Commis's ^ionan'^, . . . . . . . • • . xxs. Jun. 27. — Item, to Maister Johne Lauder to pass' to 93onte tit Wyt iliitgi^ eraittrt'^, maid in fynance, v'' frankis, ....... 'j' '^U ^^- ^ s. Item, gevin to him at his departing, to by hira Horfis and vferis necetfaris,^ . xlti. Item, to MY Lord Maxwell for \)i^ ^entire Ifoitr fnioune X\)t JSorlfour, be ])e Kingis confideratioune, and Precept Jiairupoune, .... iij'xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. Jul. 11. — Item, to Johne Gurlaw, to pas at fe Poft to ]ie Kingis grace with Letteris fra ))E Lordis, certefeing his grace of tlje Ijame ntmmtiTg of tl)f (ConTint'sstonan's", . xiiij s. Jul. 16. — Item, to Ar<' Hoge to pafs with itrttrns to ti)e f^rtoras'trll to \\)t (Coinmt's'e'ioit! arts! of SliTglaiTlf, . . . . . . . . . iij ti. Jul. 2i. — Item, to ©nnonlf, Pursevant, to pafs with Letteris to 3Sol)ne iCaitosouite and iHatlaire for t|jf itt'irgt's' ^rjbi.|)f, . . . . . . . xti. Item, to J>E Walisman (Welchman'^) quhilk come heir, propynit, callit 3iames (SrifFoit, I'' ti. with tliirty days' victuals ; those of Fife, Forfar, Perth, &c. on Feb. 7, with thirty days' provisions ; Inverness, Aberileen, &c. on I\Iar. 9. ^ Other Religious Houses, North of the Forth, &c. were commanded * to sekd tiiair Houshaldis to the Bor- BOUR, with the nixt Quarter.' In other districts the lieges were ordered to accompany their * Weismenne,' (Chiefs,) as soon as * thai be warnit be belis, (bonfires,) or vthirwayise.' ^ On Feb. 15, a macer was dispatched to Pittin- weme to get a * schipereddy within vj dais for careingof the Aeotof Abirbrothok Ambassatour to the partis of Fraunce.' ^ Other proprietors and Captains of Castles, &c. got similar commands. ^ ^Messengers were also sent to Orkney, &c. * to desist fra all making furthe of WEii^-scHirris incontrair the Inglissiex, for weill of Peace.' ^ M.tny other payments for dresses, freight ' of ane litiU Schip in the quhilk he past in Flandres,' &c. « See Oct. 21, I J3I. VOL. 1. f 2 N 282 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1534. APPENDIX. Item, for ane puife to put ]ie faid money intill, . . . • • • iiij s. Jul. 25. — Item, to Dauiil Dionane to pals with Letteiis to ])e g'cbftTfffi£i of Ed", Bervik, Peblis, Roxburgiie, and Selkirk, and to ]ie 33urro6ts' of Dunbar, &c. fjjargcing all iitaitfr of inciT i)E rrlTlfi) vpoune xxiiij houris warnyng, with xx dais wittalis, for Refilling, &c. : And als Let- teris to be proclamit at Dunbar, Hadingtoune, and Lauder, chargeing all perfonis on ]ie Coist- syde t0 atfufrt tl)nt ita ISngTi^f ^rbipr nrribf tljatrtipfftiiTf, and to his wage,^ . . xxs. Jul. 29. — Item, to ane boy to rynne with Writtingis to ])E Kingis grace, in ^aitct %ai)mt S"tOttlTf (Perth), iij s. Aug. 4. — Item, to ane boy, &c. &c. in JJ'nlMaitlf • ij s. Item, to Williame Mure, to pafs with ane Lettie to be proclamit at Selkirk, Peblis, and Moffat, tljat na mait 6u«t in itTrgottait'if, Askdale-mure, Twede-mure, &c. trnta ])e Kingis niim'ng,^ ''^s. Aug. 6. — Item, to Caftellaw, to pas with Letteris to be proclamit at ])e Bordouris, far aitf vb Tfat's" ahsttitntfr/ ^'''j s- Sep. 26. — Item, to Audro Hammiltoune, to pafs with Letteris, chargeing ])E Wardanis of ])e Myddill Marchis and pE Lard of Buchcleuche ' t0 rats'c t^e ntittre to pas^^ bpouitf X\)e CJriffis", to releif ]ie Gentillmen laitlie takin be ]iame, and )'air gudis — and to bis wage, xvij s. SuMMA totalis fvpriTS'aruiu 31.tp0rartorunt, (the King's Hounds), ij'lxx W. xij s. ixd. Oct. 7. — Item, to ^antfs" dFIftutf, Inglisman, be ])e Lordis command, at \)i^ Juaus pas's'fitg, . . vj ti. Oct. 10. — Item, to George Hereot, Goldfmyth,= for mending of ane of Jie Kingis fduer ftolpis," viij s. Not. 30. — Item, to Maister Johnne Ballentyne, be ])e Kingis precept, for bis" lauioriS tfoiic lit traiTslati'itg of iiiiii'f, . . • • ■s.-s.W. Dec. 31. — Item, ])e laft day of December, deliuerit to Schir Michell Dysart, aittr |)tS iitarrolut^," be J'E Kingis Precept, to lie tj&aiin ^3Iai)=(C0ittt^, agaitc Bt^'.%nx^tiav, xv elnis buk- raim, icilf and jalToh), price of fe elne xxx d. . . • • • . 1 ti. Jan. 3, 1533-4 Item, deliuerit to pE Kingis grace, quhilk his hienes gaif to aire ISrfaitIf rTairSrJorliar,'' . • • • • • • • • xt>- Jan. 7. — Item, to Cuthbert George, to pafs with Writingis to caus the Erle of Murray cum to Edi^ to a"abi5f apoitf tjif ambassatouris" Ifrprs'rBf, . . . • "j ^i- Jan. 22. — Item, to ^Iaister Joiine Drocht, be )'e Kingis Precept, to be him aitf ^ofoite and aitf ^itgtouitr, vj elnis ferge, price of J)e elne x s. nj h. Item, to be him ant Boublft, an elne double worfet, price . . xxvj s. viij d. Item, to be him ane pair fftoisr, iij quarteris franclie gray, price . . x s. vj d. Item, to be him aitt JlJonrt, price ...... xviij s. Feb. 19.— /ton, to James Murray, to pafs with Writingis to Jie Erle Montroise and Schir James Hammiltoune, chargeing ]>auie to Hfip tj[)e tfau of Jus'tictfric bctiiiv X\)t ^uiirpillis aitlf Wit ((Iuiti)itgi)aiiiis",^ . • • • • • ' . . xx s. ' Similar Proclamations were made throughout the whole kingdom, and ' for resisting of the Inglis Schippis.' ' Large payments made to James ColviUe of East Wemjss, Comptroller, for his services at Newcastle, ' to TREiT THE PEACE,' and to THE SECRETARY foP ' his supeP expensis quhen he was in Fraunce,' and for jocalis (jewels) gevin be him siiidpie tymes to the Kingis grace.' " On Aug. 18, a Proclamation to he made that this cessation from hostilities should" be ' kepit, i|uhill the x day of September.' * Similar Letters sent to Loan Maxwell and the Laikl op Johnstone. '• Probably grandfather of the celebrated George Hekiot, the founder of the Hospital. " Stowps, flagons. ' Fellows, companions. ' An Irish (Ersche, or Highland) player on the Clnirschaw, which was a kind of Harp. Muiiipennie says, ' The strings of the clairshoes are made of brasse- wire, and the strings of th.- harps of sinews.' Scot's Chron. pp. .5, 6. It is proper to mention, that ' clarsclie- pipes' were also used. See Watson's Coll. ii. G. ' See I. * 106, &c., for notices relative to these deadly Feuds, which caused a great excitement in the country. 21 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 283 APPENDIX. Mar. 25, 1534. — Item, to Adam Stewart to pas with Letteris to Lord jESTIu to caufe him bring ffvtanr ffJlcbt'S quljnfe Jic tuSc, to if SitlJStl'ffit, and to his wage, . . xiiiji. Apr. \8.—Item, to 3KotJ)f5iJi), Herald, to pafs to ^e Erle of Rothese to 3ilfs"atit tfie CasttH of ^aitctaittfiofs/ . . ..... xxxlij s. Apr. 27 Item, to 5KotI)CS"ai.), Herald, deliuerit Letteris to Dunde, Perthe, Sanctandrois, Dunfermeling:, &c. to fnftn'ng tjat'r Caytts' for funtt^ing of S5f agtottri^ t'^ And Letteris, elikuife, for JiSHapinsrljalotitgis": Alfua deliuerit to liim Letteris for JJiiflurrftt'S anS Hrfcitsis" to lit ntai'B at Dunde, Sanctandroise, Carale, Pettinweme, Anstruthir, Dysart, Kirkauldy, King- ORNE, and Innerkething ; and to his wage,5 . . . . . v ti. May 4. — Item, to ane man quhilk come fra ])E Prioress of Cauldstreme with SBffrft* ttitgts notu rttintn out of jFrauixrt to Mons" Bewis, Ambassatour,' . . vs. May 20, 1534 — Item, to Dauid Lindesay, ^^rrallJ, pafland with fe faidis ^ntI)n^s"tat0Urt'S, to his expenfis, ij'' frankis,yMOT??ia,^ ....... ^ v ti. Jun. 14. — Item, to Malcolms Gourlaw, deliuerit for x carage horfis turs'aitlf ]'E Kingis iSaf; Jfnnts" t0 tjbr ?§unttlig, J>e fpace of ix dayis ; and ane horfe quhilk broclit tljc 33tK^ furth of Striui- ling, . . . . . . . . . • ix ti. ij s. Jul. 3. — Item, to jiE Archidene of Durame, ^SirgTt'^ ^mtas'satottr, qttjbilft ronte for (Effits finnattOUltr of i\)t l^ttt'^ to lils reward, ane liundreth Angell nobillis,yw»»«rt, . Tlv ti. Item, to iHatstf r itTagmis", ficlyke, AmbafTatour, . . . . . ijc \\. Item, for twa purfis of crammefy fatin to put )ie faid money in till, . . xxviij s. /<<■;«, to tijr 3) iigli^ £2otar/ ....... xxxti. Item, to 33rrJuilt, Herald, . . . . . . . 1 ti. Item, to ])e b ^x(\)tax{i tljnt s'rliot bitb tljr ftiitgis grare," . . . xxv ti. Jul. 9. — Item, to ]ie Abbot of Kinloss, quhilk pall to London to rrsa&f X\)t Uiitg al Jitglait'lf aitjf (oath) apoitc tjjr CoitfirntattottiTr of tj)r |l)farr, . . Lxlviij ti. Item, to Maifter Adam Otterburne, passaittf to ituittfOltt for trrttlig of X\)t |3frf, and jiair reraanand fra xx\j day of November to ])e third day of Junij laft bipaft, to his expenflis, vie ti. Aug. 27. — Item, deliuerit to Johnne Murray ane blak bonet, to roOtr aitf S'tf tI=33oitet to the Kingis grace, price ]'airof, ........ xiij s. Item, to bf niTf tuppct to tljr ©"aflf boitrt, and aitf ru'Hiitg t»})})ft to ane vjiir Bonet, ane elne taphety of ])e cord, price pairof, . . . • . . . xx s. Item, deliuerit to the Kingis grace ant JJrItrt of ^aitrt IBtitBo, fet in filuer, weyand xxxvj vnce iij grote wecht, price of ])e vnce iij %., fumma, . . xxvij ti. xvij s. iij d. Item, for making of fe famyn, . . . . , . v tl. ix s. Aug. 31. — Item, to Johne Drummond, wrycht, for bn'lTgtlt of tjbe tjre (CaitJtOltsi ftirtj of Sntmfrnsf, in all expenfis, ...... Ixvij ti. xviij s. iiij d. ' Two Jlessengers-at-arms accompanied him. ' Hired soldiers ; mercenaries. This was the first step towards tlie formation of a standing Army. Considering the precarious character of troops formed of raw levies of. country men bound to military service, and the indifferent manner in which they were equipjicd, it is truly extraordinary how such bodies should have been able to withstand tlie onset of the well appointed and disciplined forces of the English. When these circumstances are kept in view, the rout of the Scottish Army at Flodden ceases to be matter of surprise. ' Similar commands sent to the East and West Coasts, &c. throughout the kingdom. * Large payments were made at this period to the ' Ambassatouris,' WoxsR. be Fi.urie, Moksr. Bewes, • and with thame the Almane,' (German.) ' Large payments made to the Secretary during his Embassy to France. The rate of his personal charges was viij franks, or iiij li. iiij s. pcT diem. ^ The * Letta- camp,' {tii-du-camp), regarding which numerous entries are to be found in this and the preceding Appendices. ' Pixkerton, IL 325, asserts, that ' the Order of the Garter was remitted to James by the hands of Lord Wil- liam Howard, brother of the Duke of Nortolk ; and the young monarch soon after received that of the Golden Fleece from the Emperor, and that of St BIichael from Francis. See the Appendix, I, * 289, under date Jul. 13, 1537. ' The Prothonotary. ° Many other instances of the King's urbanity are to be found in these extracts. The present probably arose out of a challenge to the five best Archers in the Ambassador's train. 284* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1535-6. APPENDIX. Sep. 3. — Item, to Edward Stewart, drnTf0ltnr, to mak his expenfis, and thre fervandis, paffin with ^^allti's' t0 tl)tIl(iTg0f SitgTan'ff, ..... Ivj ti. xiij 5. iiij d. STljc (!rv})fits"i5" mnflf njiffnr X\)t Sr^'P nitif iMnrnitnris" frf^, fene fcho come to Dunbertane. Item, in primis, to xij maiinaris pat wes fend hame fra ]>£ Schip, be ])e fpace of thre oulkis wagis fra ]ie thrid day of September (1534), ..... xviij ti. Item, payt in Glefgow to xiiij men qubilk war left with fe fchip tff firt'irg tjc Uiitg 0Ut 0f ^rgt'Ie, for ane monethis wagis, begynnand ]ie faid thrid day of September,' . xxviij ti. Item, to ane feruand of Cocleus, qujilft \)xa(:\)i fra jbi^ ^Hnis'ter aiir JSttoft, inti- tulat , to his reward, . . . . . . . 1 ii. Oct. 11. — Item, to Thomas Myllar, carter, to pafs to fftrBf aiTf hrofiiit ©tilt of the Lord Maxwellis ftirtti 0f tjr 3tangI;oTntf, to be brocht to Ed" to ]ie melting, deliuerit to liira, vti. Item, to the Lord Maxwell, be Lonlis Auditouris of Cliekar command, for Jie vj iSuiIltaris" h)itgt£> remanand with him at fe Bordomis, quhilk wes omittit in our laft Comptis, . xl li. Oct. 21. — Item, to James Grefound, EJ^alis'mait,- commandit be ])e Lordis to be gevin at j&is" ^f^jartt'itg tofijart .iTTaitlff n'^, . . . . . . . Ix ti. Item, to MY Lord ^Iaxwell, for ].e liJfptitg 0f tjr ?^ous"t of ^rmtage aitif Sarlultitg of \\)t 3>ltI)abttaiTti^ of ^Ht'JJttls'Jfalr, be fe fpace of fevin monethis, viz. fra Jie laft day of Nouember to |ie fyrft day of Jiilij, havand in ])e moneth I", li., ..... Viji^.ti, Oct. 2-2. — Item, aiTf JJoitft to 3)amfs" ;^tftoart, price . . . xx s. Item, to be aiTf *5obitf to the Kingis gracis Ifocljttr, iij elnis veluet, price ]iairof ])e elne lij i.ffumma, ......... viji }. xvj s. Item, to be hir aitf SSirttTt, x quarteris fatyue, price of ]'e elne xxxij l.,J'umma, . iiij li. Item, to lyne J^e famyne, v,! elnis fufliane, ..... xxij s. Item, to be hir a'arftts' aitif \>tCSS rlaitjits, vj elnis Holane claith, price of ]ie elne vj s. Jumma, .......... xxxvj s. Oct. 2-i. — Iteyn, fend to the Kingls grace with George Steill, xij dofaue Stuot s'tn'itgfs, price of ilk dofane v l.,Jumma, .... . . .iij ti. Item, fend with ]ie faid George certane {i)nr ^icttin's" of dTfaitlferii^, coft fra Johne Browne, to THE Kingis grace, price pairof, ....... xvijti. Item, vij fi)itr Ifrtitluitg gTassts for the Kingis grace, . . . xlij s. Nov. 23. — Item, to be stljabing claitjjis to the Kingis grace, iij elnis fraall Holland claitb, price of jie elne xiiij s.,/iimma, ....... xlij s. Dec. 28. — Item, (in Striuiling) for iiiji elnis and ane quarter fad grene, to robtr tjf iiifs tronts'' t'lT tj&t itt'ngis ^tlllJl), price of fe elne xiiij s. iiij d.,fumma, . iij ti. iij s. iiij d. Item, to certane |!)Iai) (§0&)itii^ to tijr Btngfs graft to pas"^ tit ^as'lit'iTf, xxiiij elnis ^rottt'^ qtlj&utf, price ])airof, ...... . v ti. xviij s. vj d. Item, to be ]>e tothir half of ])e faidis (SohJlTts', xiiij| elnis Srottl's" IJIaft, price fairof xj li. xvj s. Item, to Robert Spittall, for makyng of |'e faidis «5oh)lIl^, ... iij ti. Dec. 29. — Item, deliuerit to fE Kingis grace, in Streuiling, tO plau at tjjc (llartt^, xiiij ti. Jan. 13, 1534-5. — Item, fend with Weddaill, futeman to ]>e Kingis grace, in Striueling, artf ^OSaitr IttutC s'tn'ltgt^ and xij hankis of s'ntan io\jrt, price l>airof, . . . xx s. Item, to Thomas Rynd, goldfmyth, for certane (Sortfilt lUfrft, coft be William Hammiltoune to ])E Kingis grace agaittfJtbjSrrriHfS", as aneCompt, fubfcriuit be ])e faid William, beris, I'.xxiijti.xijs. ' These two entiit'S form the roramciici'ment of the Account, which occupies five folios, and amounts to L.502, 13s. Hid. There are no interesting iltms, the payments hciny for wages, victuals, timber, cables, &c. No date is affixed to the general account, but it appears to have been rendered early iu October, \o'3i. ' ' Greffon,' or Griffin. See Jul. 24, 1533. ^ Desks, O. Fr. Letlrin, letrin. 23Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 285 APPENDIX. Item, for gantfs'i'itg of nitf Bttst' far bitrmmtt'^^ to Jje Kingis grace, filuer, and faffoune, xxxij s. Jan. 31.— /toH, for vij dofane of Jttoit B'triitgi^ to ])e Kingis grace, deliuerit to Maifter John Coldoun, .......••• 1^ s. Jul. 28, 1535.— 7t ^albcrttsV" at j-e faid ^tutting, be ])e fpace of xvj dayis, . . . • • . • - • "ij ti- xvj s. Aug. 5. — Item, to t|)f Sraicbf,* be my Lord TJiefauraris command, to loto:^ \)\^ rTnitljt'^ fin tjbr ta if sfff tin's", . . • . . . . . . xx s. Aug. 15. — Item, to Dauid Dronar, to pafs with ane ciiarge to my Lordis Maxwell and Flemyng, to fiftp ntftt'itg toitl) tl)f SitglisiitriT for Ititttfiotfailf, . . . xxxiijs. Aug. — Item, furneift to tljf ^itthaBs'iatOun'lj, to vpfet ]'e inlaik'' of ])e iiij". Crovnis gevin be his grace, extending to v s. of euery Crovne, quhilk extendis in fe haill to I"", fraukis, fumma Jiairof, . . . . . _ . . . . . VMi. Item, to perfumes fe haill fynance quhilk fE Tovne of Ed", fuld haue furneft, ))at wantit ij*^. frankis,yM?«;«a, ......... . . . . P. ti. Oct. 1. — Item, to James Lindefay, Falconar, to pass" luitb ^afftis" to tlje iSiitg of 3)itg= laiT^, to his expenfis, ........ Ixti. Item, to pe faid James, for his childeris expenfis, fe tyme his hienes wes at t\)t ?§uittt'ltg in iHrgotlaitlf, ....... . vi li. Nov. 2. — Item, to Katherine Hammiltoune, be pE Kingis gracis command, in compleit payment of ]ie fovme of Ixxx ti. for \)\x S^rtailifri), ..... xxx li. Item, be Jie Kingis gi'acis command, to Richart Hume, Inglis manne, quljitJt s'llftf mafe SFtfllts" to t!)f Itlltgt^ grarr, to by ftufe for ]ie famin, . . . . . xxti. Dec. 24. — Item, to ... . Makcaw, Nureis, be ])E Kingis gracis command, to ijtr rftoarif for fos"tfrtitg of J)E Kingis gracis Ifofj&trr, ..... xiij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to })E Inglis Bowar, for aitf Ifos'ait of 33oiois", deliuerit be him, at Jie Kingis gracis command, to ane fervand of 3>oI)nc CaiTOcljsoitis", • . • . . rij ti. Dec. 29. — Itern'io J)E Lord Euskynnis s'Oitf,*' qufjilft past iiT dFraiTCf, . xxti. Item, to George Wallace, for otttrrlilling of tl)f Itiitgi^ gracis' sr^ip totuart IBtip, and fra thyne to JStirlffOtts", payaad his iHarnitarts* half hyre in hand, and fe remanent in Deip; as fe faid George compt particularlye beris, ..... I'-^^'j l^i- i'ij- s. x d, Dec. 30. — Item, to my Lord Secretar, to j&i^ fvpfw^*'^ rfturitaittf tj&rofo 3itglan1f to my Lordis Smhas'siatouri^ iit jFraitcf, ..... . iij'". ti. Item, to my Lord Abbot or Kynloss, qtij&ilft Jt gaif to \\)t liiigfii^ turrottr," at ))e Kingis gracis command, ........ . iiij ti. Item, to Jie faid Abbot, to liis expenfis cumand throw Ingland with my Lord Secretar, Ifrlitifrit ht mu Storif iS'l&fs'aurar iitdFraiirr, L'.xlvi frankis,yMmm«, . . . Ixxiij ti. Jan. 19, 1535-6. — /to», to Richart Hume, Inglifman,^ . , . xlti. Feb. I. — Item, for aitc Sup to ])e Kingis grace, . , • ^j ^'• ' Biiist ; chest, box. * f;ic/me;i/s, (ointments. ) Probably perfumes, &c. ' Hunting spears, &c. 'The Dn'ARF. Tliis personage was in great favour at Court, and had a regular pension and liveries, which regularly appear in these Accounts. ^ To balance the deficiency. •* It does not appear which of the sons of John, fourth Lord ErsUiiie, this alludes to. ' Probably the Courier, who brought the Letters of Safe Conduct to pass through England. ' Who had been employed to make ' Violis' to the King. See Nov. 2, preceding. 286 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. APPENDIX. Feb. 18. — Item, to be ane fcbort coit to Slffrtf 3amf^,' vj quartenis blak fatpie, price of ])e elue, XXX s. ....... xlv s. Apr. 26, 1536. — Item, fend to ])E Kixgis grace, witb Scbir Conllantyne Ahannay, ane dofane 3L&3tr striiigis", price . ......... vj 5. Sep. 24. — Item, to 33utt, pursevaxt, to pas to 5umm0it'if ane Stsstst to tj&t ^axti ^ttmt aitif ilarlf of (ir'ifmfstottitr, . . ..... xx s. Sep. 25. — Ilem, to James Biflatt, Meffinger, to pas witb Letteris to ))E Provest and Bail- LEis OF Dundee and Sanct Jonestoune to fercbe and feik Johne Blacat and George Luw- ETT, s"us'i)frt of tljf %ingring of tjir limagf of ^anrt Jfranri^ ; and to his wage, . xx s. Item, to Ercbt, meffinger, to pas and charge )>E Lard of Dundas and Capitane of Dun- bertane to {if}) ^uirlir tl)f SLarlfts of JBIara'Htr aittf Sotur^totiiTf, . • xx s. Oct. 10. — Itew, to Peter Thomefoune, to pas and ^ummoitlf iht 3Lor1f %?iamf aiilf 3lar^ ©Ifmfs'totinr, ....... . . xl s. Oct. 18 — Item, be ])e Kingis gracis Precept and fpeciall command, grbtit at 1)15 gratis Krparting, to thre feruandis ]iat feruis ]ie Ladyis in Cowpar, to be ^lanie thre Gownis,' xix elnis rulfatt, . . . . . . . . . . xj ti. viij s. Oct. 31. — Item, to James Coluill, meffinger, to pas with Letteris, cbargeing all ]ie Gentill- MEN within ]ie fcherefl'dom of Lynlythuuhow, Striueling, Perthe, and Menteitiie to pas with MY Lordis Regentis to ti)t Stssfgffitg of CrlfiarstotiiT,^ . . . xxs. Nov. 2 — Item, deliuerit to Schir Henry Balfoure, Cbaplane, to Lf gfbt'lt lit SlInioI)5"f to tje purr j&ousballfrrts to prnu for tl)t iJt'itgis grart^ pros-prnt^ rrttirmiiig,* . . Yiijti. Nov. 12. — Item, to Arthe, meffinger, to pas with Letteris to ))E Erle of Mortoune, Erie of ISIarfcbell, Abbot of Newbottill, Abbot of Melrofe, and Lord Seytoune, for aitf CoiT&f Ittiouitf, to be had in Ed", ])e xviij day of )ie famyn monetlie," ..... xiiij s. Nov. 15 — Item, to Johnne Coib, meffengeir, to pas to j^timnionlf aiTf SsstSf bjpouit tJje STJjfif rallit SLailllaJu, quliilk was tane be my Lordis Regentis in \e toune of Jedburghe, xxs. Nov. 29. — Item, ]ie pennult day of Nouember, deliuerit to fe laid S"^ Henry, to ]ie effect for- faid, ........ X lib. Ite)n, be command of my Lordis Regentis, to iHalfoTmrtotsfbf, IjallfiiTg in SSSarIf t'n tjf (Castrll of C?1ltnburgi)f, for gude rewill of ]ie cuntre, to his expenfis, . , x lib. Dec. 21. — Item, to Patersoune, Pursevant, to pas and s'uminon'Jf anr ^ssisf to tje %axti ^tomis mtnnf, . • . . . . . . vj 5. viij d. Jan. 1536-7. — Item, be my Lord Regentis command, to Robene Hart, alias i^otbrsai) It'rraunj, in recompenfe of his travell at Xi)t Sl'ngi^ first Ifrparting, becaus he was at fat tyine hot wagit to Lundoune, . . . . . . . . xx ti. Jan. 26 — Item, to Rae, Stnglis'inan, quhilk come for ant (Conlfurt to 33auff Jratlllar, 1n- glisman, . . . . . . . . . . iijti. Feb. 24. — Item, to Rae, Snglis" ISursfbant, be Jie command of my Lordis Regentis, iiij ti. Mar. 6. — Item, to Rae, &c., be fe command, &c. , . . . xl s. Mar. — Pursuivants and INIeffingers got large payments to pafs with Letters to the Ba- rons, &c., ' for tijair jjonrdt })rr})aring aganr tJjr ixingis" graris" I)amt=rtinting,* &t. Apr. 1. 1537. — Item, to the Ciiapellanis ofLawhetEjIo praufor tfjrBingis'grarr, xiiij s. ' The King's natural son, afterwards Earl of ^lurray, Regent of Scotland. ^ They were again summoned on Nov. 1, following. ^ They also got ' doublattis,' ' hoise,' and ' honettis,' to correspond.' ■• A number of messengers were sent with similar warnings to ' the INIaister or Artalzerie,* to the ' Lard of Cesfurd, to ly about Edzarstoun' — ' to caus OxiN be reddy at ye cuming of ye Gunnis within thair boundis,' &c. ' Prayers appear to have been publicly offered throughout Scotland. ^ Other summonses sent in various directions. 5 24 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 287 APPENDIX. Apr. 15. — Item, to Ra, Inglis Purfevant, quhilk come with SHritiitgi^ frit tj)C IDu&e o£ ^0rt{)f0lft for deliuerance of ])E Charltonis, ..... xxx s. Apr. 23. — Item, to Kotbfs'ai) f(|cirrortf, to pas to Ingland to Jie Kingis grace, being fan tit dfrJinrf, witli Writingis fra mv Lordis Regentis, . . . . . xl ti. Item, to Vmfray Murdoche, to pas with ]ie faid 9Sat]bes'clu toLoNDOuNE, and to returneagane with fic iiouelles and inftructionis as plefis jie faid Rotiiefay to fend with him, . xvti. Apr. 25. — Item, to Rae, Inglifman, quhilii broclit Writingis fra t\)t Sufte fff iSnrpSflft to my Lord Regentis, . . . . . . . . . iij ti. Item, to William Mure, nieffinger, to pas and charge Thomas Kirkpatrik of Closburne, t0 prf0"rnt ttoa Jfj^r tffts",' takin be him in Jie Tolboithe of Ed''. |)e ix day of Maij, and to his wage, xx s. Item, to Thomas Hammiltoune, mafer, for his lauboris done in ^frrbtitj fff tjf ?^trftiftt^ in t\)t aairst Inittf, . . ...... xxx s. May 19. — Item, to jie faid Rae, Inglis Purfevant, quhilk brocht Writingis, . iijti. May 25. — Item, to Cuddy George, meffingeir, to pas to s'uiiriHffit'lf t|bc IHfitltf of ^irc to compeir befor ]ie Lordis, anent ]ie geir of fame quhilk was rnntiirt 0f ^frrs'it, . xx s. Item, deliuerit to Williame Mure, Letteris to ])E Scherreffis of Kincardin, Drumfrefe, Ster- ling, Peblis, Selkirk, Perthe, and Abirdene, . . . . , xl s. ? ' The Quenis Grace (Queen Magdalene's) Entray in Edixburghe, and Coronatioune.' Itein, ficlik Letteris to fe Scheriffis of Edinburghe, principal), and within fe Conflabilrie of Hadingtoune and Beruic,- for tljE (£0ttuaratuJttitf al \\)i iiaxanii tff X\)t ®.ntnii grnrc f ittrau £ii (iFtftitburgJf •iitll yl0r0nntiBttiTf ; and to Iiis wage, . . . . . xxs. Jul 7.^ — Item, to ane Mafer to pafs to Leith, to charge Wallace t0 \)H\it \)ii ^rbij) rctflTu, viz. ]iE Mary Willybe, incontinent, t0 t^f JSailr, . . . . . ij i. The Quenis Gracis Tyrement.'' Item, to ane Pursyvant, to pafs till Dunde, to charge J>e Inhabitanis fairof t0 firing tbart 33Tafets"" ia CP^iitiurgi), (nroittiitfitt, iax tijf ©ufiTis" drnrfincitt, . . xv s. Jul. 8. — Item, deliuerit to ^aoittoun'^, for iiij'. Srmns" at \\)t ©.xitni^ (©Bit, . xl li. ' The Quenis Obit, nono Julij.' ^ Jul. 9. — Great quantities of Black ' grtfttl^ Clai'tb' and ' dFraitrJe 33Taft' were purchased for ' GowNis, CoiTis, and Hudis,' and ' Bonettis,' &c. to the retainers and servants of the Court_ As the subject is so remarkable, pretty copious selections shall be given. Item, refauit fra Mailer Adam Ottirburne, thretty elne yJoTIaitll' rlaitj&, deliuerand to James Scrymgeour, t0 fic 2?all^ t0 tjbe dfraiTclje italf l)t£«, price elne viij s., . . . . xij ti. Item, xxij elne Quhyte Satyn t0 fie Crorrt^ upon X\)t ilFcIuft, price elne xxviij s., Jumma, xxxj ti. vj s. vj d. ' By another entry, on May 25 following, he was ordered to deliver ' Niniane Dlnwedv and his marrow, vnder the pane of putting to the home.' These were the twa Theiffis alluded to. = All the other Sheriffs got similar notices. ^ There can he no doubt that this was the day of the Queen's death. Without multiplying authoiities, see Jul. 7, 1539, &c., of this Appendix- The date of the Obsequies, performed in Jul. 1538, is carelessly left blank. ' Interment; Funeral obsequies. For many curious particulars relative to the amiable Queen Magualene, see Mr Pinkerton's History. Mr Ti/tler's researches also may be expected to throw much light upon the History of this period. Pinherton. fidlowing Buchanans authority, fixes Jul. 7 as the day of Queen Magdalene's death. Leslie, p. 153, says, ' Scho deceissit the xth day of Julij, and was buryit in the Abbay Kirk of Ilallyrude-hous.' * All authors are agreed that the public regret was so great, that this was the first occasion of a general ruBi.ie jiournixg. Indeed Buck'inan, who was an eye-witness, says it was the first instance of Mourning Dresses having been worn by the Scots, ' which even now, after forty years, are not very frequent, although public fashions have greatly increased for the worse.' — Bucli. Book XIV, 52. ° This date refers to the period when ' Master Thomas Marioribaukis ' entered into office as Clerk to Robert (Cairncross), Abbot of Holywod, Lord High Treasurer. The furnishings for THE Funeral Obsequies were expended under different heads ; the ' Broadstar,' or embroiderer ; the ' Maister Sta- hillar,' &c. had each the charge of their own respective departments. 288 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. APPENDIX. Item, audit elne veluet deliuerit to i^t i![apcs"ar,' price elne 1 l.,fumma, . xx ti. Item, xxviij Holland claith, price elne ix l.,Jumma, .... xij ti. xij s. Item, ten elne vterfyne- to be axe Gouxe to aitt dfraitrbf Prrtst, Coit and Hude, xiij ti. vj i. viij d. Item, tua pund fex rnce of blak fewin filk to be dJTfmrt^ to tilt CBltifni^ (Cnbrnt,^ ix ti. xv i. Item, tua grete liankis of gold to t^f 33ro&l1fstrr, ..... xliiij s, Item,^ fex (Srrtf Strmu^^ and fex fmall, price of fe Werkraanfchip and fewing of ]ie i5rrtf ^nnus", ......... . iijti. Item, for \e. s^mnll ^nuiis", ....... xxx s. /tow, for making of tfon (Crflrts',ane grete and ane fmall, . . . xv s. Item, fyftene elne grftf frtiiirfs,'^ . . . . . . xv s. Item, tuenty audit elne s^nxnll frritut's", ...... xviij s. viij d. /tow, audit l5iT0p^)t^ niltf filBsi^' making, price, ..... . ^ij s. Item, to my Storif iB'i)fs"ntirar ij fleikis^ blaft 8?tluft, contenand xliij eln, price eln Ivj s. famma, ............ . I'xx ti. viij s. Item, mair to him, vij elne iij quarteris and ane naill blak veluet, . xxj ti. xvij s. vj d. Item, xix elne s'ntall ^ollaittf rlaiti^, xiij ti. vj s. Item, fra JNIastek Fraxci'^e Boithuilis Wyfe, to tjbt (&urnt£> JTurfnifiit.x elne ptirptirr brittf t, price elne iij X\.,Jumma, ....... xxx ti. Item, foure elne of Franclie blak, to be nnf dFtttf fHaittin ait^aiTf j&antCSsilTg to tjir Kt'ltgi'^ <§raft iHuTc, price elne xxx s.,Jumma, . . . . . . vj ti. Item, tua elue bukram, to lyne ]ie faid Fute Mantill about fe bordouris, . . vij s. Item, tua elne tua quarteris Franche blak deliuerit to Patrik Sklatar tO fObir aitf ^atfitl to ])E KiNGis grace, . . . . . . . . . iij ti. x s. Item, five elne fren^eis of blak filk to ]ie famyn fadill, . . .vij s. vj d. Item, fra Williaine Keris wyfe, fex elne Scottis blak to be |i)antr5"0"iirgt'5" to iMuIatts', v ti. ij s. Item, tlire quarteris Scottis blak to complete furth )ie faid barneliingis, . xij s. Item, tua dofane cordis of filk, price of ilk dofane ij s. viij d. to knyt ]ie Harneffingis of tje Slltgf^ s"aftfin, . . • . . . • . vs. viij d. /to«, four dofane carddis'' to feffin ]ie claith apon ]7e hameffingis, . . . xiiij s. Item, fax blak belt is to ])e fex Mutatis, ...... . . vs. Item, thre elne canves to lyne ]ie teis of ]ie Mulatis, .... iiij s. Jul. 10. — Item, to tl)r itingis JTariprsar for ]e Jatbhoitt'o anllJFrstnifntis fat war maid for ■[)E Quexis JTurnnflTt, viz. Ix elnis, price elne viij d., fumma, . . . xl s. Item, to ]iE Quexis .... 8Fr0tintriltt^, liiij clue ij quarteris blak . . .'" bukram, price elne xl d.,fimi?n(i, ...... . . . ix ti. Item, for half ane pund blak tlireid to him )ie famin day, . . . iij s. iiij d. /fe;«, half ane elne (Crantnifsu ^atiJitr, . . . ■ • xl s. Item, deliuerit to Robert Harvar, feruitour to my faid Lord," to tjbf (Stifitis STorfmritt, XX elne j quarter blak veluet, price elne Ivj s., . . . . Ivj ti. xiiij s. Jul. 11. — Item, deliuerit to ))E Kixgis grace, in ]ie Abbay, niif |)is6anf of iHaiTjr'" and ane Sl^ttlfBltuIr," . . . . . . . xl§. ' The person wlio liad charge of the Tapestry and hangings. ' ProbaMy a kind of superfine cloth. ' There are fuinishings of additional silk from various nierthauts, amounting in all, with the above Funeral Pall, &c. to L.85, 13s. 9d. * This and a number of the following entries are in ' the Browdstaris Compt.' ^ Coats of Arms for the Funeral Pall and Canopy, &c. ° Fringes. ' Knobs and tassels or bunches. ' Webs, pieces. ^ Silk cords or strings. '^ These left blank iu the accounts. " Robert (Carncorse) Abbot of IIoly- K00t>, Lord High Treasurer. Tliis part of the Accounts was given in 'by me Master ThoMas Marioribankis, as Clerk to ane venerabill fader in God, Robert,' &c. " A sort of gorget or defensive armour of mail for the neck. " This aud the other Tournajing weapons were delivered by ' Williame Smeithbeird,' .Armourer. 24JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 289 APPENDIX. /tow, for grathing and dicliting of ttun ^3f0'!S;tm'^ Ol iiUiht to ]>e Kixgis grace, and aiu ?gni)trgfOUlt' Oi iHntlu. with ane ccrtane nalis ourcrilt to ane pair of BrtgnittMUt'S,' . x i. Item, for beiring of xxiij (Sfbtrtiugt's' and ane Blak Hand of Harnefs to ],e Abbay. viij d. Item, for nnt Srttt ^utrtSt brrtitg to tljt mhnv and fra ],e Abbay agane, . xvj d. Item, for dichting and gratliing of four tfosaitr of ^albfrtt^, quhilkis ])E Kingis grace had apone ])e Sey with him,* ...••• !'! ^ Item, for fe dichting and grath^ng of ttoa tfosaiic 3iftf!)Urgb=^taTfl^, • xxiiij s. Item, for srathing and dichting and tynnyng of ten Ciua^jjaiTtlit ^UrrlftS, • ' s. Item, for dichting of (ane) aiTf Ijaitlftt ^ttfriff, . • • U ^• Item, for ]>e grathing of aitt i{ap})rrf, • • • • ^ ^• Jul. 12— Imprirnis' ane fteikG of Ulalt ilFfTitft contenand xxj elne j quartar and 3 quartar, price of ])eelne Ivj s.,/wwOTa, ...•••• lixli-xvs. Item, laxild ane fleik of ^cottts" blaft, contenand xxviij elne, price elne xviij l.,fumma, XXV ti. iiij s. Item, mair to my %axti ff^fs'atirar ane ileik of JSofoan' Haft, contenand xxiij elne f, price, ........ • xxxvijii. xijs. Item, deliuerit to Thomas Arthure to be aitt €o\i Soitjb slfbts" tO t^t iJhtgis giMff, iij elne iij quartaris, of fyne Parife blak, price elne iij ti., fumma, . . • • xj li. v s. I/ew, to lyne pe foirfaid Coit with, iiij elne | of fyne blak Taffatyis of cord, price elne xx s., fumma, . . . • • ■ • nij ii. x s. Item, to Dauid jongar, furrour,8 for iHnititnbarts" and part of ©ul)i.)tf Blinitnt^ t0 luiit tua (©Ohmt's tott6 tljarf ^titifs" tn tljr Ealfpts" nf ^.onmr. ■ ■ • "ii *"• xiiij s. Item, deliuerit to ))e ^Taster ^Imos'ar'' be Dene Johne Wilfoun, . . Ixxx ti. Jul. 13. Item, to ane boy to pas to Melrose and Dryburghe tfl ioaritf }>e Abbottis tO tfje (Snirnts" grari^ dTurntfttt,"' ...... • y s. Item, gevin in arlis" of thre fteik'^ of (Clniltl) of <5aVti roft to tit Ut'ltgi^ graft in Lyons, and quhilkis his grace refTauit agane in Parife, .... 'J^T'- Item, coft to his grace, ficlik, in Lyons, tton grtte luaris" of dTtirftf (Turkey) ioetW price ]iairof, ... . .... rixxxxti. Item, coft ficlik xij Coufrtottn'^ for JJurtJi^.^' price of ilk pece iiij Yi.,/ttmma, . xlviij ti. Item, for my Lord Erskynnis fuperexpenfis, fe tyme he was in Ingland, for ^tallariouiTt tff |)E KixGis grace lit tl>t (©rtfotir nf t^f <§nrtmf. fend vnto his grace be his vncle ))E King of Ingland ;'^ as wis particularlie examinat apone )ie Compt gevin in be f>e faid Lord, xlixti. xvij s. xA STfjf C^nrnis" nyne |3agt5' and three ?ntajiai)ts' got black Doublatis, Hoife, and Bonettis."' Jul. 15. — Item, to Thomas Arthuris feruand, eallit Thomas Crag, toir t^f i^tirgt's graff a«e Jiplflirg Coit, foui- elne of fyne Parife blak, price elne iij Y\., fumma, . . xij ti. Item, to lyne ]>e foirfaid Ryding coit, fyve elne of blak taffatyis of cord, price elne xx s., fumma, . . . . . • . . v ti. Jul. 16. — Item, to Thomas Arthure, ane elne of Parife blak tO it tit Bt'ngi's" grare S'd)OiTr,'' ... . . . . . .Is. ' Habergeon. It is sometimes written Hawbirscheoune, and Atvherchoune ; being a coat of chain mail, wanting the sleeves. ^ Armour (or the tliiiihs and limbs. ^ Javelins. * When he went to Trance on his matrimonial expedition. ^ This forms the commencement of another branch of these Accounts. ^ Piece or web. ' Rouen, in Normandy. " Furrier. ' This payment to the Almoner was for charitable purposes. '" Messengers dispatched to the other Religious Houses. " Arr/tie, an earnest penny. '^ Pieces or webs. '^ Pro- bably mats or Turkey-carpets. '* Table-covers. '* Seejul. 3, loSi, of this Appendix, I, * 283. Although the repaynient of Ij>rd Erskine's ' supcrexpensis' is entered here, the date of the King's Investiture must have been a considerable time previous to this time. '" It is unnecessary to give the details here. " Shoes. VOL. I. f 2 o 290* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1537. APPENDIX. Item, deliuerit to Robert Gib be )ie faid Patrtk (Sklatar) to ])E Kingis Grace aire sniftn t0brrit toiti) Jil.lft of iht iTfto fassoilf, furnyR witb gyrtliis and ledderis to ])e famin fadill, price, . . . • • • • • • • xl s. Item, for nitf ^nritfs'stitg al ilaft Tftf"£frr, r0btrtt toitfj binft of tl)r dTraitrJbe fnsSoitr,' price, . . . . • • . . XX s. Item, for twa pair of girtbis and wainebrafis-' for Armyn fadillis, . . vij s. Jul. 18. Item, to Tiiomas Crag, fyve elne Paris blak, to be ]>e Kingis giace nitc iflotftitg ©OUltr toitl) nitf UHltfr, price elne 1 l.,fumma, . . ■ • ■ xij ti. x s. Itetn, tbre elne and 3 quartar of Parife blak to be ])E Kingis grace aiTE JSp'&tlig Cltoift, price elne Is., _/'«)«»*«, . . . . . • • • ixli. xvd. Jul. 19. Hem, fevin quarteris, ane naile lefs, of fyne Parife blak, to be ])e Kingis grace aire pair nf U?0is"f niltf nitr #Tnin, price elne iij \\.,fumma, . . . v ti. xv d. Item, lua elne and ane quarter of Taftatyis of cord, to lyne ]ie Kingis grace ane pair of Hoife, . . . . • • . . xlvs. Jul. 22. — Item, tane fra Mungo Tennand to be tilt Utitgts" Mnlt'-'Hait. aitif %Ht"tfC^ and for Jib making of ]ie famin, . . • • • • • • x s Item, for poyntis to ])e tua Coitis and doublate, . . . . xvj d. Jul. 2-1. — Item, coft* fra Henry Lillie, and deliuerit to ])e faid Tapefar, twa fteikis^ oftloufilr iinmuostngf " to Ijiitg about X\)t (Sitirin, quliair ]e Lordis command, to put t'n tSf (Cjbaprn lit X\)t |3aTncf, price elne v l.,fumma, .... xxxv 5. Item, fra Jie faid Johne, 6"fV fartfOllie rortfi's"'' to ]>e farayn eflect, . . xij d. Jul. 28. Item, to William Edbe, faprsar to ]ie Kingis grace, . xxti. Jul. 30. 7;ct», to Gilliam tbe ®umt5 .#urrour, . ■ . xxti. Aug. 4. — Item, to Jobne Gourlay, to pafs with tbre cloife Writingis to ])E Kingis grace at ffnnptallouit, ....••••• viij 5. Item, to Jobne Forfytlie, to pafs to Banff, Elgyn, Fores, Invernys, and v])iris placis neidful, to Ifts'rljargr i\)t CBrlf of iHurrap of \ii^ Etfutninaitlfrif iit tljf f.axil) partis, to Jiis expenfis, 1 g. Aug. \^.—Item, to Master Alexander Brand, itrtpar of tj)c ^lantmus '" J authority of Colijrave and Roquijhrt, considers this ' to have been a kind of Temming or taminy, from O. Fr. Oa/aih:' — ' A demy ostade, cut in panes like a Spanish leather jerkin,' Colqrave. ' In consequence of the sudden and unusual demand, the purchases were made from a great variety of tradesmen. « Milan. ' Six fathoms of cords or ropes. '" After the execution of Jonet Lady Glammis, and the Forfeiture of her son. " Pendants. " Purchased. 25Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 29I APPENDIX. Aug. 24'. — Item, refauit fra Williame Haw, threttene elne vtevfyue, to be four dFutf=iHnit= tilllS and four ^nnTrB's'tltgis" to ]>e Franche ladyis faddillis, price elne xxiiij s.,/timma, \v t\. xij s. Item, tuelfe elne Franche blak, to be thre of tI)C giftns't jJ^Htf^iHnitttni^ and thre ^nnTfS"= ^ingt'^ to ])e gretafl Ladyis, price of ])e elne xxxiij s.,Jitmma,^ ^ . . . xx ti. viij s. Aug. 23. — Item, to Biffiite, MefiSnger, to pafs to Glasgw, and vfer places in ])E VVestland, for l^erSts" t0 tijf (©ttfitt^ Enlfmji, . . . • . • . xxi. Item, deliuerit to t\)t HHnpt^nt be my Lord Thefaurar, . . . . xx H. Aug. 28. — Ite»i, fyve elne Parife blak, tff Cttbit ant Sttttar 0f am Itnlfut^,^ price elne xxxiij 1.,Jumma, . • viij ti. x s. Item, aucht fcoir and aucht 33u]^{itni^ to Jie foirfaid ladyis, price of the pece viij i.,Jum- ma, V ti. xij s. Item, ane hundreth ^riilft^stiS'' and fex, price of ])e pece vj d.,Jumma, . iij ti. Item, gevin for \e 8Ff rnfS"s"ilTg of tlie Pendeffis, plaittis, and bukillis, . . xxij s. Item, for making ane covering to i\)t CljIJriot, ... . . . x s. Sep. 4. — Item, gevin to Patrik Wemys, Mafter Houfliald, xxij Crovnis ; to my Lord Se- cRETAR, vj Crovnis, t0 gtf aitf part et i\)t dFrnttrljf iitriT, nt tijarc ioap=pnsstitg,y «?«««, xxviij ti. Item, gevin to my Lord Secretar, Jiat he deliuerit to tJ)C dFranrbf B-abflttlnr aitif \iix btt^bailtr, at pare away-paffing, . . ........ xl s. Item, to tJua s'rniaiTlfts' of tljr (Sttrnts' (quhilkis) war uocht of mynde to have departit, and now defyris to depart ; and now it is ordanit be Jie Lordis of Counfale of Chekkar, ilkane of Jiame to have fex Crownis, /»>/;/»«, . . . . . . . . xij ti. Sep. 14 Item, gevin to Patrik Wemys, to gif X\)t ilTaprss'f ri) ntait t^at pa^t to dfraitrSe, (France,) . • . . . . vj ti. Sep. . — Item, to twa dochteris of tl)t itntfu to fame, . . xx s. Item, gevin to Dauid Hoppringill, to pay for pare Itigriitg nit's ntfit, fa lang as pai remanit in Ed", and pe faid Dauidis expenfis t0 rotfr toi'tl) tljnmf to ^nUtitgtouit aittl fiortljbtniift/ xxs. Sep. 17. — Item, deliuerit to fex dTraitrJbf 9la1fnts, 5ty ^aStllis', . . xij ti. Item, fyve itfji) ^atfilTt's" to }ie Franche Ladyis, furnyll with brydillis, harnefling, and girthis, price of ilk fadill iij Yi.,fumma, • . . ....... xv ti. /to)!, ane pair of <§trtl)t'^ to aiTf ptigatf, price, . . . . . . ij 8. Item, deliuerit to ane Francheman ane fadill, to rvtSt luttl) t\)t dFraiiri)f 3Latf Ut^, price, xl s. Item, to diuerfe men and wyfis in ]ie Cannongate, for ])e lugrtirg of tl)f dFraitf{)f niflt ]iat part away, in part of payment of ane Bill particularlye writtin and fubfcriuit with Mafter Johne Cowdanis hand, Ixxxvij ti. viij s. ; payit pairof to ]te faidis men and wyfis, . . Ixxx ti. Summa totaliunt CF^'pciTsaruiii (a Junij iiij ad Sep. xxviij, 1337), iiij*ivij«xxxvij ti. xviij s. j d. ob. ' Various similar entries. ^ A number of other ' littaris' for the French ladies occur in these Accounts. ^ Pendants. ■• What the names of these unCortunate y()ung ladies were, the Kditor has not heen able to discover. The Peerages mention only one danghter «l" John, si.rl/i Lord Glanimis, Elizabeth, married to Hoss of Cralgie ; but it is probable that the Ladies mentioned here were daughters of Lady Glammis by her second marriage with Campbell of Skipnish, who was killed in attempting to escape from the Castle of Edinburgh about the ]ieriod of Lady Glasimis's Execution. See I, * I&7, and the preceding Appendix, &c. ^ A most muniticent donation! It will afterwards be seen, tliat the King and Queen regularly took up their abode at Glajimis Castle during part of the Hunting season ; and doubtless the rents of the large possessions belonging to the young Lord were seized upon by the Crown whilst this young Nobleman was imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle, from which he was not liberated until after the death of King James V. ° It is extremely probable that these young ladies were given in charge to the Prioress of North Berwick, to be brought up as Nuns in that Monastery. 292* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A. D. 1538. APPENDIX. SuM^^A totalium Expenfarum (nif B"ttj)poitnti0iTfnt (SFypntsantm JSrgi^ tii dFram ((a,i) vij"nx''xlixti. vij s. vijd. Se]i. 19. — Itenu gevin to Anthone Barbour, Franche man, for t^f grntjjutg ' nittf l)0torl(tltg 0f tbf CuirntS* gincf.'^ quliam God affolze,^ ..... iiij ti. Item, coft he Thomas Arthur, auchtene elne vterfine, to be four dFraitcJf SLnlfHt^ JDuIf t§Otuitt^, mnid of jie falibune of Preillis Gownis, price ehie xxiiij s.,/uinmei, xxi ti. xij t. iMar. 1537-8. — Item, to Jonet Dowglas, tbf ^pou^ of Sntttif Sit'ltttfSilM of tl)f iHontl)f,^ at I'E KiNGis erace eommaiKi, as ])e Precept beris, . . . . . xl ti. Ai)r. lo38. — Item, to Katherine Bellendene,'' for 'tfftti^ nionittf to I)fr ht Jie Quenis grace tf)r iSingts molJrr, at liis gracis commam), hecaus he tuke |ie det on him, Vj''. Ixvj ti.xiijs. iiijd. Ite}n, deliuerit to Johne Mofmanne, to mak nitf Square dbf ITJt flf (^oFtf to ]ie Kingis grace, with Knoppis, ........ . liiij ti. I/em, tane of Jie faid Jhonis avne gold, tO roiltplfit t\)t s'at^ rl)flTJC with, quhilk vveyit quheu it was reffiiuit agane fra liim. mair ])an lie refl'auit, ix Crovvnis of wecht, . . ixti. /<(>«, to iiim fur iMnfttng of le faid Chenje, .... iiij ti. /few, for mfn"atitg of tl)r iJtngtB ©rtfottr anir JTargrt, . • • xiiij 5. Item, for gold to it, mair ))an he reHauit, . . . . . xx s. Item, for mending of ant (Cou})t of Siturr and ))e gilting of it, . . xl s. May. — Item, for xiij elne i elne ®.ui)itf aFfiTorf S'atiitg'* to i)f aitf ^obitf to \)i^ gratf, quliilk was lynyt with freis, elaitlie of gold, and pafsmentit ; ]ie quhilkis lynyng and pafsmentis war tane furthe of )ie Warddrop : price of pe elne of )'e fating, xxxiij 's.,fumma, . xxij ti. xix s. Marriage of King James V to Mary of Guise. " Oi)aT 5[^ouSfl)Ortf, with ' Gunnaris,' ' Sciialmeris,' Minstrels, &c. and including' ix Pagis, iiij Allacayis, iij Mulitaris, v Trumpetouris, and iiij Armoraris.' The particulars, though very interesting, are too voluminous even to admit of selection. On adding up these expenses, they are found to amount to . . . I™, ij^ xviij ti. xvij s. vd. Item Dreffes for ' tl)r ittngiS grarc Iforbtfr,' being ' ane Kirtill and Goune of ]ie Frence (French) fort' of ' blak fatyne of Venife,' ' blak veluet to vvat' (wait) it, and to ' mak hir hude of ])e Frenche fort,' with linings of ' crammefy fatyne,' &c. ; and for ' ane chafferoune of gold Parife werk, quhilk weyit in gold x Crownis and ane half,' amounting in whole to . xlj ti. ij s. x d. Item, to Johne Gourlaw, for fe paffing with ]>e Kingis Letteris to ]>e Quenisferry and Leith,' for Proclamatioune making till all iWartitfris" ait"D Srl)tpinrititt to roiitprrt tit 3Lritj)r, ]>e tbrid day of Maij, and refaif Jjair Wagis for passilTg tit J'raiUf, in Jie Kingis Sciiippis, for ^^antts IbrtiTgiitg of X\)t (Sitifitf, . • • • • • • • "j s- ' This Actuunt immediately follows the other, and contains the receipts of the New Tax on the Spirituality and Temporality, imposed on them to meet the King's expenditure in France. The amount of William Bishop ol" Aberdeen's exjieuditure, from Sep. 12, 1336, to Sep. 27, 15.37, as appears by his Account, which precedes the two former was L.3627, lis. a.Ul. ' These words have been deleted by another hand, and ' anatomat (anato- mizing?) and laubouris made ancntis the Quekis' are interlined. " The charges tor spices, &c. fall under the Household department. As Selections from the Household Books of James V. are in tlie course of publication by some Members of the Bannatvne Club, it is unnecessary to give any extracts from that source. ' See these Extiacts, Dec. Io30, and Note. = This person seems to have been an Embroiderer, and has many very large payments made to her during the present reign. " Tlic furnishings to this Gown, two doublets, and hose, the particulars of which occupy threi' folios, amounted in all to L. 171, 5s.— Another ' Coir of Pukpouk Sating' and ' browdliing' cost L. 125, I'Js but the items are too numerous to be noticed here. ' Similar notices were sent to ' Abirdene, atul vthei- jiartis betuix Leith and Ahiidene, to cause the laud menne cum to Leith and ressaue thair wagis,' and for ' iiij Cuniiaris' from Dunbar. And warnings were also sent to the Barons ' till cum to Sanct- ANDR.OIS to THE Q,UE.NIS LANDING.' 25Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 293 APPENDIX. Jun. — Large payments for Srfs's'c^ t0 tjjr IKiltg, and for ' careing' and fcbipping of pe Kingis geir and clothing fra Edinhurghe to Sanctandrois, and geir bocht to pe Kingis grace ' — DiefffS to ' M. Jane, the Kingis dochter, and her Nureife, Normond Leflie,'&c. — ' Tappellchere, Comparalionis, and joiTiais, and vther Jufting geir' — ' Munitionis coft be Johne Bertoune in France,' (extending to iiij". x> viij }i.) — Gold Rings, anamaling, d yamontis, and goldsmith work, among which ' ane Terget of Gold, with ane Marmadyne in it of dyamoutis, of ]>e Kingis awin gold,' the workmanship ot which cost iij ti., &c. &e. — The total expenditure of that month was . , I'", v'f. xx ti. xx d. Jun. 23. — [tern, to Joiine Paterfone, Purfevant, for pailing with Letteris to Couper, Falkland, Kircaldy, Dunfermeling, ane Edinburghe, tff rau^ Ijoitcst rrp.linlilTg be niniif iat tj&C ffiluritts CJlt= ttriirg, [Queen Mary of Guise's Public Entry,] . . . xiij s. Jun. — ])£ Kingis grace Boware, fen Witfoiiday iall bypail, viz. In primis, deliuerit to Johne Tennand, tljrt ptnobiLobois, for |ie Irne of ilk bow x s., price of ill; bow xxs.,yMWWia, . . . . . . . . iiijt xs. Ite^n, to ])E Kingis grace felfe, jtitf iriTf fff aitt =[3fnoFi:I)0fa, . . . xs. Item, to fE Kingis grace felfe, in Halirudiiouse, niir Ifnsant htaitt Srrotoisi, xx s. Item, &c. nitf Bob), with ane dofane ^rntots, . • • . . xx s. Item, to Johne Tetmand, at TjiMPi alloun, tua dofane of ^^nrotois", , xls. Item, to ])E Kingis grace, fair, ane dofane Arrowis, , . . xx s, Item, for ]ie frtljf n'ltg ' of tine dofane Arowis, .... xxx s. Item, deliuerit to Johne Tennand, ane botu to ])E Kingis grace,' . . xx s. Jul. (7.): — ' The Expeufis deburfate vpoune t]&e ©unttS ^.ItlllsiHfS Jllttf I3irigf, quhora God aflbil:^e.' (See the particular articles, under the date Jul. 7, 1537, being the day of her death.) Item, to Schir Thomas Cragy and ane vjier with him, for making of iiij dofane of ^nitC;^, iiij ii. /fe/«, to ]ie 33fn=iuamTf, ....... xviiji. Item, to t\)t ^30U)=^fltltl), deliuerit to Dauid Lindefay, ?luouitC ^crnflf, ane croune of wecht, ......... . XX s. Item, to CJ&niplaiii^ icing at tjf Sirigc aitir ^atillsiHcs", tj&t tunte 0f tjbe (©bsrijuois", ilk Chaiplane havand ij s., extendnii; to vij^'^ X, (loO,)yMA««ia, . . . . xvti. Jul — Cbf ' iatitgi^ (Taprscjbrrir, and v])eris his geir' were tranfported ' furtho of Sanctan- drois to Edinburghe, Cowper, Falkland, Dyfart, Dunfermeling, and Linlithqw,' at various times during the present month. No minute dates are preserved in this Account. The expense of ' turfing,' ' gralhing ]ie Mulatis,' ' fraucht,' Ike, amount to . . xlix ti. ij s. iiij d. The expenfis deburfate vpoune fe ' (llarfagt al tl)f ©.Ufllt's" grtr.' (A (ew of the Items of which Account follow,) . . . . . ... Ixij ti. j s. ix d. Item, to Alexander Naper, for mtn'aiitg of t\)t CBiUfni^ ^a'flill aittf ijn Cjbtn'ot, in Sanct- androis, .......... xiiij s. Item, for rarniirg of bflfiltg antf toff vis", with lynnyng claithis ; and ane cofl'er of J)e Mailler Stabiller to fe Queue; aitr cljiav aitif aite btlirlf ' to ))E Quene, fra Sanctandrois to Couper and Falkland, and fra Falkland to Ravynnilhcuche and Dunfermeling, J)e fpace of iiij dayis, ilk day ij cai'tis and iiij horfis, Jie price of ])e cart on \ie day ij s. vj d., and ])e liorfe on ))e day, ij 's.,J'uiiima, Iij s. Item, for caryiiig of Jie faid geir furthe of Dunfermeling to |)e Ferry, v horfis, ilk horfe xviij d. . . . . . . . . . vij ii. vj d. Item, for raruiitg of i\)t Samrs of l^oitouiis' bc^tfisi fra Dunfermeling to Ed"^, iij s. Item, for iiij elnis grene veluet, to be ])e fobrriltg Of aitt s'atfill tO t&f dTuIf,^ . xiij ti. ' Carrying; transporting. ^ Featiiering. ^ These Items are selected to remark the quantities of bows with wliicli THE King was constantly supplied, of wliich the above is only one instance. ^ A ihair of state and trible. ' The Queen's Fool was a French woman, named Sekat, who appears to have been in great favour at Court. See Aug, 1j38, Apr. 16, 1540. The party-coloured dress of the Court Fools, both male and female, was 294 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1538. APPENDIX. Item, for xiij vnce jallow filk to be frtiTjeis' to \e. faid fadill and JjantfS's'iug, price of fe vnce V l,,Jumma, . . . . . • ■ • • iij ti. v s. Itein, for wirking of ))e faid fren:;eis, . . . . . xv s. Item, for x eliiis of blak veluet, deliuerit till Patrik, faidlar, to be ana robcrittg ni airr Sfllfin anlf aitf ftltf=mnilttn to ane of hir ladyis, ...... xxvjti. Item, for iij eliiis h elne braid gray, to lyne \e faid mantill with, . . viij s. ix d. Item, for xv vnce ^ vnce of filk, to be fren3eis, . . .iij ti. xvij s. vj d. Item, for wirking of fe faid fren5eis, . . . . . xv s. The ' Expenfis deburfate vpoune iHatfaittC iH01ttniTt^ cariage furthe of Sanctaiidrois, and v])ir expenfis maid on hir feruandis,' amount to ... Ixxiij ti. ij s. xj j d. Item, to Robart Dauidfoune, for fffljtitg 0f ^'alftis' furth of fE Illis fra iHcflaitf, v ti. Item, to Johne Halden, in Kircaldy, for tlun dJ^nIr0tti^ bocht fra liim in Falkland, viij ti. Item, for vj einis of Parife blak, tff i)f itlaistcr i5corgj Ufllqu^anitatif aitf (©0uitt, at tbe CBittfiTt's" (Srarr Criitrf in Edixburghe, . . . . . . x ti. xvj s. Item, for iij elnis of blak fatyne, to lyne ]ie forder quarteris and ilevis of ])e faid Goune, price of fe elne xxxiiij s., fumma, . ..... iiij ti. xviij s. Item, for vj elnis of blak veluet, to be him ane Hugtoune cote,' . xvj ti. xvj s. I/em, RIaister George Balquhannane, be ane fpeciall Precept, at ))E Kingis com- mand, .......... XX ti. Item, deliuerit to Johne Coib, meflingeir, for pafiing with our fouerane lordis Letteris to ])E Wardane of )ie West Marchis till charge all Borderaria and vjieris fat naitf niafe iHrrratf tuitjb Siliglt^ lltfltltf, in |)ai partis, nor commoune nor intermell with faim, brraui^ Oi ti)t Ipfs'tilfltrr, ITfb) ri^B'tit bpoiiit tl)f 33ffr"£four(5", ....... xxiiij s. Itejn, to Alexander Hutoune, meffingeire, for palling with ficlike Letteris to ]>e Wardane of ]iE ElST AND MyDDII.L MaRCHIS, . . . . . . . XX S. Item, to Johne Paterfone, Purfevant, pafl!and with ficlike Letteris to Dunbar, Hadingtoune, Leithe, Edinburghe, Kingorne, Kirkcaldy, Dyfart, and all pairtis of ]ie Sey-coift, baithe on ])e Souths fyde and Northe fyde of Forthe, ti)at ita Stitglis'mrit it s'ni runtaitlf it rrs'sauit, . xxviij s. Befides tl)t ortftixaro Hibrn't^, are Srrssfs", &c. for ix Paigis, iij Allakayis, x Grvmis OF THE Stabill, V Grumis OF THE QuENis STABILL, &c., but too lengthened to be inserted here. SuMMA totalis menfis Julij, . ... ij™. j<=. v ti. iij s. iiij d. Aug. — Payments for the King and Quenis cariage to Linlithqw and to t\)t |i?tllltis, amount- ing to . . . . . . ... Ixxxiij ti. V s. vd. Item, for vij elnis J elne grene Birge Satyne, to be tjbc (Bttrm's" dFttIf - aitf (§OUltf, price of Jie elne, x s.,/iniwia, . . . . . . . iij ti. xv s. Item, for v elnis i elne callow birge Satyne, t0 it iiv Sttt Utrttll, price of ]ie elne x s., Jumma, . . . . . . . . Iv s. Item, for vj quarteris of fufteane, to be )ie bodyis to Jie Kirtill, and lyne pebodyis of Jie Goune with, ....... . ..vs. Item, for ij elnis i elne blaid blak gray, to lyne fe Kirtill with, price of Jie elne xxviij d. Jumma, . . . . . . . . v s. iiij d. Item, for iij elnis of grene bukreme, to lyne hir goune with, price of |ie elne ij s., fumma, vj s. Item, deliuerit to Johne Mofman, to mak ailf (CrOff of gollf to S'ft iTtamatTt S'taiTfS" t'lT, viij Angell nobillis, vj lycht Franche crownis,y«)//ma, . . . xvj ti. iiij s. green and yclhtw. So far as the Editor recollects, this is the only instance in history of a Fejiale Buffook, or Fool, for the amusement of the Court. ' O. F. hocquelon, a sort of sleeveless jacket ; a cassock. ' ' Serat,' a female. See Jul. 1538, and Apr. 16, 1540. 25 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 295 APPENDIX. Item, for J)e faffoune of |)e faid Croce, . • • • . v ti. Item, to ia0nnoit1f iLfslif, at pE Kingis command, ... xl W. Item, to Johne Fifclieare, for merchandice tane' be fHalfaute iWffntrilfr, at ])E Kingis com- mand, be ane Precept, . . . . . • xxxvij ti. vj d. Item, to William Hill, for mending of J)E Mynicionis^ in X\}t Court Of tjbf ^bbau, at fe Kingis command, . . . . . . . • v ti. x s. Item, to Johne Creicbe, Ikippar, in compleit payment of fe frnucbt 0f \)\.^ ^f^t)) quj^ilft pn^t tiT Sfitmnrft for puriffn's avCa (Suititt^, ...... vij ti. Sept. — Item, deliuerit ami gevin to Williame Smebeird, for dycbting of ^JuErtfts'7 rnppcriiS, bnritfs's'iiig, s'tfin=s*n1finis', 3)ctfburrl)t=5tnb(s', and vjieris glJIapputi^, to fE Kingis grace, deliuerit to Robert Gib and Johne Tennand, ...... xxiij ti. v s. Item, deliuerit to William Eidve, Tapefchere, for furnylling of X\}t dFraiIt{)C iSurftS"^ CrV})flt£>iS fene ))e Quenis gracis hame-cuming, and bir biilband and Jiair fervandis expenfis : and for bir ftTttf= toufe, in lykewyfe, for ane monethis expends, maid be him at ]ie Kingis gracis command, xxjti. Item, gevin to Duncan Campbell of Drumfad, for ane borfe of his Jiat wes llane turfand ])E Kingis (EFmiics'Ount out of tSlrirfiitlns'S, at ])E Kingis grace command and Precept, v ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to ScHiK James Inglis, Cbaplaue, s'UTgaiTlT for ttjt ^nVitt. Of Itt'ltg (3*aiUCS") X\)t 8r{)ri1f in J)E Abbay of Cambskynneth, .... xiij ti. vj s. viij A. Sep. . — Item, to v Falconaris, quljilfeis jjaSst't lit dFranrJc iot'tl) %?aXfet5, xx elnis of Frenche coleur de Boi/,^ to be ])ame (Cotii, ...... xiiij ti. Oct. ' The lllartagc of Jje Kingis and Quenys geir fra Ed' to Striuiling,' &c. amounts to . . . ■ . . . . . . . xix ti. xvij s, Nov. ' The CJypcn^fS deburfit one tijt (©UfitgS grate antJ Jjt'r ILaTJritiS,' ' Lady Jane,' ' Lord James Abbot of Kelso,' ^ &c., are curious, but too lengthened to admit of particular notice. Similar entries also occur, with Liveries, &c. in the following and other months of these Accounts. Dec. . — /ton, to Thomas Ryne, goldiniyth, for elj)fnjfts' of gotti, gold ryngis, tabillatis, and vpir goldin werk deliuerit be him to ])e Kingis grace, aganc J2cSu Scrf^ itlrs's", and gevin in jictD ^ertS «©{ftlS, ........ ij'xxxixtl. xixs. Item, to Johnne Kyll, goldfmyth, for] tj&rc (ll|&citjcfs and ttoa i)avtii of Gold, deliuerit, as faid is, at jacfaj Seris" Mti^, &c., ....... xxiij ti. Item, to Johnne JMofman, goldfmyth, for certane tabillatis, chen5ies of gold, and ryngis and llanys, reliauit ]ie tyme forefaid, . . ... . Ixiij ti. x i. Item, to him for pe making of ti)e &tttt JSastltg of (SoIB, weyand x pund wecht ane vnce and i ane vnce ;^ and making of ane Schip, twa brafiliatis, and making and tranflating of diueife chenzeis and ringis of ])E Kingis gracis, and ekiiig" of gold of his awin, . . . Ixxiiij ti. x s. Item, for aitc grrtt tatSr of Irllticr to ]>e Grete Bafiug of gold, lynit with 5allow, xxxvj s. Item., for x elnis of Slafe 9Kui)am'5,^ to hyng tabellatis gevin tit iStSn %tviS iHfSS be fE Kingis grace, . . ....... xs. Jan. , 1338-9. — Item, deliuerit to ane Inglifinanne |iat come fra ])E Bordouris with ^Wtvi' ttngt'S tiotri&fitg tilt 33aXlatt niatU of t\jt IHt'ng of CPnglanU, . . . . iij ti. Feb. . — Item, deliuerit to twa Inglismenne |)at brocht Writingis to fE Kingis grace, ]>e tane fra tj&r (CounSafe of %Otk, and fe tojier fra ^tjjtv aMlllfam CfbcnS; J'e tane xti., and ))e v])ir iiij \\.,J'umma, .... .... xiii ti. ' Purchased. ^ The Artillery and fortifications. ' The Queen's Nurse, who came along with her suite from France. The attentions paid to Foster-mothers and their families in those days are well known. ' It is written colourderoy. ^ lu September preceding he is styled * Loud James, now Prioor of Sanctandrois.' " On enquiring of His Majesty's Goldsmith, what the cost of such a piece of plate of the plainest workmanship would now be, the Editor was informed that the lowest charge would, at the present price of Gold, amount to L.788, 10s. ' Eiking, adding, ' Black ribbons. 296 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1539. APPENDIX. Maiclie. — Item, to Helene Rofs, to toljcr aite iHatfltg 33ufec (Matin or Prayer Book) to J)E QuEXis grace, iij quarteris 5 quarter of Purpure welvot, and to be aiie polk ' to ])e famin, price of ]7e elue, iij ti. x s., fummn, . . . . . . . iij ti. xv d. Item, for i elne iialf quarter of Raid dammefe (damask) to lyne Jie faidis polk and covering will), ..... . . . xxij s. \] d. Item, to Dauid Cliepman, for JSjinlftitg aiitt lani'iig aBout i^i gaiB Imltf Iviit?) ir fiklike purfe, . . . . . . ; . iij*^ ti. Item, for ]ie twa purcife, . . .... viij s. Item, gevin to t\)t |^3fiSfbaiTt ]>at come furth of France, callit 3Bt Ta ^Sliunir, xlti. Mai-. 25, 1539. — Item, to it ^tljont' to ])E Kingis grace, v quarteris of Quhite welvot, price of Jie elne iij \\.,fumma, . . . . . . . . iij ti. xv s. Ite?n, y quarteris blak welvot to be fdione to his grace, price of pe elne Iij s., fumma, iij ti. v s. /te»i, tobei)rj.nngtlircljtS6t3' to Wyt JJingt'S grate ^e^.'x quarteris of Hohindc!aitlie,xiijs.vjd. Item, fend to Linlithgow be Katheryne Bellendene to ])E Quenis grace, tioa ^OUnH of Stfaj^ iwg <§oTtI,^ price jiairof, ....... xxiiij ti. /frolti ]'at come with EiLIrttingi^ fra tijt IJing of (iPng- lantf, . ........ . xti. Itetn, to iWbs'gra, lOrrscbaitt, quhiik come in with ]ie faid Inglise Herold ]iat famiu tyme, . ......... vj ti. Item, fend to Striueling, agane Pafche, vij elnis i elne of lycht blew Purpure welvot, to be ane Gowne to fane, tje dTrfiitlje SrctJie,'' price of Je elne Iv s., fumma, . xx li. xij s. vj d. Itevt, for ane elne iij quarteris of blew taffiteis of cord, to lyne pe faid goune with, xxxj s. vj d. ' Poke, bag. ' There are various entries of the same kind for tlie King and Queen's liooks. ' Shoes. ■• Curihes, caps. There are also many entries for towels ' to rub the Kingis hede,' and ' to dry the Kingis hede.' It appears that James V. regularly bathed bis head; and that be used all manly sports and exercises to brace his frame. = 'Ihe Editor has only thought it necessary to give a few instam-es of the Queen's taste for Em- broidery. The quantities of gold and silver thread, silk, &<■. sent her, often monthly, amply prove her great industry, and the numerous works of embroidery and tapestry which she and her Ladies of honour must have executed. ' Ribbons. ' A French female dwarf. There was also a male Dwarf, called ' Joune ve Dorche,' or ' Dboichi!. ' 26JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 297 APPENDIX. Item, for fuftaine to lyne fe flevis and body of hir Goune, price ])airof, . iij i. ix d. Item, for ane elne of grene to lyne liir Kirtill, and blak grey to fluff ))e plyife of liir goune with, . . . . . . . . . . . xs. Mar. 31 Item, deliuerit to Jolinne joung, Brovdflar,' iij elnis i elne of Crammacy Sating, to t]&e Stanlf ° of idlagtS of 6ota im'tSanlr to i\yt itingtS (HiiapcXl, price of \% elne iij t. x l.,fum- ma, . . . . . . • . • . xij t. vs. Dresses were given to ILorB Jiamc^ of JJflSo, SlofU ^(ainrS of ^aiictantlroigf, and Eatig Jiane ' ]'E Kingis grace sonnis and dochter.' Tbe drelles for ' my Lordis' confill of ' Gownis of giay Sating of Venyfe,' ' Coitis with flevis of Purpure VVelvot,' ' waltit with gray welvot,' < Hoife of Riffillis blak lynit witli blew,' having ' blak Taffiteis to draw fame with,' twa welvot Bonnetis with Pafmentis of fdk, and ane Marrabas Bonett, ' Beltis and gartanis of taffiteis,' < blak welvot fcbone.' There was only charged the ' waiting' for a ' Nyclit-goune' of SLatlB J)anc of ' blak taffiteis and welvot,' and ' lyning of ]>e famin goune with cotonaris, and ]>e foir breiftis with mertrik fabill.' The amount was ........ Ixxxxvj t. xv s. viij d. Apr. . — Item, wiocht be Katheryne Bellendene, to tijt IttitgtS Ktiriiall, of variant colorit welvot, xiiij knoppis and flringis effering fairto, quhilk tuke x vnce of fewing silk, price of lie unce vjs. . . . . . . . . . . . iijti. Item, to Duncane Cvnynghame, for furnyfing of B'tdttgi'S of JSoiuiiS to J)E Kingis grace, viij ii. May . — Item, for vj quarteris of grene velvet, to be ane cover to ane qrtte iHntutg 33uftc of pE Kingis grace, clefpit with gold, quhilk be gat fra my Lord Secretare, and to be ane polk^ till keip ]>e famin in, price of fe elne iij ti. v s.,Jitmma, . . . iiij ti. xvij s. vj d. Item, for iij quarteris of Reid dammefe, to lyne Jie faid polk and ]ie breddis '' of Jie Buke, price I'airof, .......... xxvij s. Ifem, for twa dowbill hankis of fewing gold, to be knoppis to fe faid polk, and bordour be mouthe of it, price of the hank xx s.,Jiimma, . . . . . . xl s. Item, to Helena Rol's, for making of ])e knoppis and flringis to fe faid polk, and making of pe polk and covering ]iairto, . . . . . . . . ^ s. Item, for ttoa Wivitinq JJuJttS of parcijctnent, bought to his grace in Falkland, viij s. The Kingis pergonal typrntcS this month, for ' JUingfS, goldin werk, dyamontis, chalffe- ronis and chen3eis of gold, fmall chenjeis and tabillatis, to gif atoau amaiig tijt ^cntill tocnimt ' amount to, ....... . iiij'xi ti. xix s. iij d. Item, to Thomas Arthuris feruand, till haue to Sanctaudrois, xiij elnis 1 elne of Reid cram- raelTy welvot, to be ane <©OUne to ©rCSurort till' iir Mnnaqt, price of Jie elne viij \\.,Jumma, I'viij ii. Item, the other furnifliings for her ' ISirttll of quhite welvot,' and ' Gownis and Kirtillis to tjt e famin, . ... . . . . . vj s. ' Embroiderer. ' Suit or set. ' Polie, bag. i Boards. ' Preparatory to. VOL. L f 2 P 298 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1539-40. APPENDIX. Item, to ]iE CoLLEGis and <£]&nj)fnant^ X^nt Sang IBertgc itittt ^auU^iHtSS, extending to ij'x Chapellanis, ilkane liarand ij s.,fumma, . .... xxj ti. Item, to tjf 330Tmntt, . . . . • . . . iij s. Jul. — ' The Expenfis deburfit be Johnne Bertane vpoune ])E Kingis ^c]b>p ralllt tjic ^alnmnitBrr, fra hamecuming of fE Quenys grace ]iat now is, to ))e feift of Witfonday laft,' amount to ......... . I'^lv ti. xj s. X d. Aug. — ' The expenfis deburfit vpoune tjf litlll itfiu 33arR' confift of charges for making the ' fanikynnis, Anfenjeis, flramaris, and banaris ;' painting the ' Arrays and facis about ])e faid bark, colouring of Jianie with gold and afure, and painting of hir maftis, falls, and airis, with olej' colouris :' Making of })E King and Quenys ' C]&alincrt'5;' ' carving of ]ie carvit werk ;' and ' vittalling of tje ©Ititonir and furnifing of hir, Jie tyme fcho pall furth to s'filt \\)t ^urottt^.' The amount is, ......... ij'xxij ti. viiij s. jg d. Item, for iij quarteris of ane vnce fduer eikit' to aitc Silucr ^tolp'^ for lltbrfngtltg of tj&e Stngt's' (Collatt'oillte, quhilk weyit ix^'^ xv vnce iij quarteris/ deliuerit in Striueling Jie vj day of Aprile, . . . . . . . . . . xj s. vj d. Item, for werkraanfchip of ilk vnce of ])e laid ftolp, ij s. . . xixt, xj s. vj d. Item, for ant Situer ®i\ii){i^iXl with ane lang cheUie, quhilk wes gevin at ])E Kingis com- mand to tjie ^atrouitr of iljt ^tj)tppt5,]weyand xj vncis iij quarteris of ane vnce, . ix ti. ij d. Item, for ])e faffoune of pe famyiic, . . . . iij ti. Sep. — Item, to vj Falconaris fat broclit ])e ^alftisi furtl) of Catjnf^^ to ])E Kingis grace, xxiiij elnes of Colouideroy to be ])arne Coitis,'' price of ]'e elne xvj s. . . xix ti. iiij s. Sep. 21. — /« ihefirfl^ fend to iHaiiamf »§rrjSmor to mak pafmentis, at J)E Kingis command, It] puiiU iuttjt of 0"fim'ng gollj, price of )ic puud xij X\.,fimima, . . xxxvj ti. Item, to tl)f ilntij) SLocIjfrbtit'^ in contentatioune of ane Penfioun awing to hir 3erelie, be ane Precept, ........ ^j'^lxvj ti. xiiij s. iiij d. The King and Queen paffed from ' Striueling to (iglciinrftnau' ' to tjf blunting of »§leit- funlatoiS.' Oct. 5 Item, gevin to Johnne Mofman for mnljfnj of tl)t (SlUfUlS CrobJltf, and furnefing of flanis Jiairto, quhilk weyit xxxv vnce of Gold of Mynde,'' . . . xlv ti. Oct. 6. — Item, to Olipher Sixclare at ))e Kingis command to tjc JtElarRi^ at JTamtal- lotinc,^ . . . ..... Ixvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Oct. 9 — Ite7n, to pay ane Frencheman, quhilk was jDttvt biitl) ii)t Scjot of aitf gSonc tit tilt d^Ijrt]^, and mvtilat of his finger, in Affithment, . ... xxij ti. Item, to Wiliiame Schaw, in part of payment of T'j'lxxiij ti. xiiij s., reftand awand to him for ti)t itfii) f a))fS5t{)trpf bvodjt last ftirtlj of dnaiiBcn'S, . • . Ixxiij ti. xiiij i. Item, gevin to ane boy fat come fra Lundoune, fra tlje IButijt iHijnokirt^,^ in drink- filuer, ........ xxij s. Nov — Item, gevin to Hector IM<'intosche, to mak his expenfis qtijitn it hrot^t JBaitfti Mattrai) furtf) of (CoImitnTI, ... . . . ijj ti. viij s. Item, ' ])e Expenfis deburfit vpoun ])e Munitionis and Craftefmen wirkand fairon, within JiE Castell of Ed",' from Nov. 17, 1538, to Sep. 17, 1539, amount to I^'ilij^lxxxiiij ti. xj s. viij d. ' Added, for repairing. ^ Stmop or flagon. ^ The modern cost of the plainest silver-plate of this weight would amount to L. 102, 6s. ^ The prices of making and furnishings, &c. are elsewhere charged. ^ One of the King's Mistresses. She was IVIargaret, daughter of John, twelfth Lord Erskine, and wife of Sir Rohert Dou- glas of Lochleven, and bore to the King, Ja:mes Earl of Murray, afterwards Regent of Scotland. " Gold from the Royal jMirie, furnished for this and other similar purposes. There are mjiny payments to * Franche Mynouris' — and Flemish and German miners were also employed in considerable numbers, at and previous to this date, in the Mines at C'raufurd-Mure. There are instances of charges for interpreters ' to pass with thamo, quhill thai lerne the langage.' ' Many other payments were made for the same purpose. ** Some of the numerous Dutchmen and other foreigners who were employed in the Royal Gold and Silver Wines at Craufurd-IMure. 26 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 299 APPENDIX. Dec. 12 Item, to StoJintE JtcSlif, fone to ])E Erle of Rothes, to by him clathis with, at ])E KiNGis command,^ ....... xiij ti. vj s. viij d. Dec. 20. — Item, to Thoraas Melvillis WiflFe, in Falkland, at ^ie Kingis command, for ferptng of ftrtanf ptttiS,' and nurifing of fe famyn, vij elnis fyne Frenche blak to be hir ane gowne and ane kirtyll, price of ]ie elne xxxiij s.,y5/»i»ia, ..... xj ti. xviij s. Item, to wait fe famin, and to begary fe breift of hir gowne, vj quarteris blak veluet, fumma, . ........ iij ti. xviij s. Dec. 31. — Item, gevin to Thomas Rynde, goldfmytb, for goldin wark tane fra^ him be ]iE Kingis grace to geve in i^ciBejcrfetSiftiEi, ]« pennult and laft dayis of December, in chen5eis, tabullattis, ringis, (tanis, carkannis, fciiaflferonis, and vper goldin wark ; deliuerit to J)E Kingis grace in Linlythqw, ...... ij^lxxxij ti. iij s. Item, for goIBcn fajfrft s'aultt be iitm to t|&e CBittCHt')^ grace, . j'xlixti. xijs. Item, gevin to Johnne Mofmane, goldfmythe, for ficlyk deliuerit be him to ]ie Kingis grace, ....... . . ij'^v ti. xiiij s. Item, for ficlyke geir to Jie Quenis grace, .... Ixxxxvj ti. vs. SuMMA of t]&f IvUtg anS CBiUJn'^ ptrSonat cjiptnteS, for drefs, goldfmith-work, &c. this month, ......... viij"'vj^l ti. viij d. Jan. 3, 1539-40. — Item, deliuerit to Thomas Arthure (Mailer Tailor) to be iij piau flloti^ agaite'' SFpiialHttau, vij elnis half elne reid, and vij elnis half elne 5 allow, Taffitefe of cord, price of ])e elne xviij s.,yM»i??!o, . ...... xiijti. xs. Item, deliuerit to him to 5e anf gptft' Clapt to ant of tjt ^lanariS, vj elnis purpur TaflBtefe of cord, and ane elne of reid Taffitefe to be ant ^6U)tlt, price of fe elne xviij s., fumma, . . . . . ■ • ■ ■ vj ti. vj s. Item, deliuerit to him to tSraio Ujt STall^ of tJ)C initfi^ V^niJ Coty, twa elnis reid and 5AL- Low Taffitefe of twa threid, price of pe ehie ix s., Jumma, . . . xviij s. Item, gevin for xv elnis bukrem to lyne ]>e faidis Play Cotis withe, price of fe elne, ij s. fumma, . ...... xxx s. Item, deliuerit to Thomas Arthure for making of ))e faidis Play Cotis and Cape, . xx s. Jan. 6. — Item, gevin to Johnne Mofmane for fe making of ant 33c(t of (3oTti of tjjt iHuntIt to tjt ®tttni5 grace," weyand xix vnces half vnce, . . . . xv ti. Item, for ant ^ajjljer to pe faid Belt, . . . . v ti. The Queen's Coronation. Jan. 7. — Item, gevin to pe Secriftane of pE Kingis Chapell for rartagt of tjt Cj&aptn gatr fra Striueling to Linlythqw at 3wle, and fra Linlythqw to Edinburghe at t]^e(!3tUtniS(tIoronattotint,'' as his byll of compt beris, . . . . . . . v ti. vj s. viij d. Jan. 15 — Item, for mailing nnt) fas's"ottn of tljt itiitgt^ (Crount, weyand iij pund wecht x vnces, and pairof Gold of pe Mynde xlj vnce quarter vnce, . . . xxx ti. Item, for xxiiij ftanis pairto, of pe quhilkis pair was iij grttt <§nrntttfe and anc grttc ^Mts nrtrot,* price of pe iij, vj li. ; and price of pe pece of pe vpir xix flanis, xiiij s., fumma, xix ti. vj i. ' This (drofajnt Uflftitrit to t^t King; in tije paft'tt of ^alurutitijous, pe viij day of Februar following.' ' This iDdividual gets numerous presents at different times. He was the fourth son of George, third Earl of Rothes J and was taken prisoner by the English, and ransomed from Henry VIII, Jul. 1, 1543, on payment of 200 marks sterling. The celebrated Norman Lesley, Master of Rothes, was his brother by a former marriage. ° These Pets consisted of Parroquets, monkeys, peacocks, swans, &c. &c. '' Purchased. ^ Against. ^ Long. " These charges are merely for the workmanship, the Gold having been provided from the Royal Wine. ' There are also numerous entries for carriage of ' Geir of the Wardrop, Tapeschery, &c. fra Liulythqw to Edinburghe,' on occasion of the Coronation. * Emerald. 300 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1540. APPENDIX. Item, gevin to him for ant Ht'ng, ailf fftirqufiS, deliuerit to fE Kingis grace, pe xxiij day of Januar, . . . • . . . . . iiij M. Jan. 21 Item, deliuerit to Thomas Arthure to be ])E Kingis graces Sl^oIj^Mijall, ittrtlH, and ^luUf , xxxviij ehiis Purpuv Veluet, ..... I'xxiij ti. x s. Item, for xxvj dofan gpottit Srmtng (Ermine) to lyne \e Kirtill with, price of ]ie dofane xl s., fumma, • • • • • • • ■ • • lij ti. Item, for xiiij dofan of ]>e faid ^niung to complete tjf B.lt'p autf %toUe witii, . xxviij li. Item, deliuerit to tijc ©tlfltt'S graces Taljour ane lleke' of Purpur Veluet, contenand xxij elnis half elne, to lit j[)tr 3aol)- JJnall, price of Jie elue iij ti. x s. . . Ixxviij ti. xv s. Item, X elnis quiiyte Taffilefe of cord to lyne it with, price of pe elne xx s., fumma, . x ti. Jan. 22. — Ite7n, gevin to Williame Purvefe for dog-chenjeis, rache-cuppelis, and inentlinc; of H)t itnoft,' . . . . . . • . . vij ti. xiiij s. Item, to Johnne Dowglafs of Authornedene,^ for certane STretiS tane fra him to i\)t itt'ligt^ ^cljfpptS furth of his Wod, . . . . . . . xx ti. Jan. 25. — Item, gevin to Ormonde, Pmfevant, and Alex. Hutoune, Meffinger, for paffing with clofe aMrittutgt'^ to ii}t ilovBiji airt 31.aKpf5 to cum to ii)t ©UfitiS Coroitntiott«e, fe xxv day of Januar, ...... . . iiij ti. viij s. Item, to William Hardy, meffinger, for paffing with ficlyke Lettres to tijt CPrlf of ^untlie anK |)t's" Eati}), tljf CFrlr iHarSricll aittl l)fs Eatiu, in ])e Northland, . . xxij s. Item, gevin to twa Ofiiciaris of Armes ]iat palTit in Anguse, ])E Westlaxd, Northland, and vjier pairtis, to ioaritf tj)f Saninifs to ruin to tl)f Coroitati'ottirf, . . iij ti. vj s. Item, to ]iE Justice Clerk and Tiiesaurer Clerk for fair expenfis paffing to ])E Bor- DouR at t]&t iWctfng of tjf (toinmissfoiiarfs of Sitgfanir, being furtii x dayis, ilk day xls., fumma, . . . • ■ • ■ • • • xx ti. Jan. 31 Item, to Thomas Arthure to be iij JlornaufiS and iij (ffom^pan'SolltS tO tj&f ISt'ngiS grace, XX elnis blak Arraofing Taffitefe, price of ]'e elne xxxvj s., /!/;«;««, . . xxxvj ti. Item, for twa pund wecht twa vnces quarter vnce black fewing fdk to be itnopptS anil inHii'' to fe faidis Comparifonis, price of ]ie vnce vs. . . . . viij ti. xj s. iiij d. Item, for xxvij elnis half elne blak Brodery Veluet to l>e 3ovnaut;S,' price of pe elue x s., fumma, . . • • • • • . . xiij ti. xv s. Feb. 7. — Item, to couer iiij ^tr(II-s'alJlHt)S to ]ie Kingis grace, . iiij ti. xvj s. Feb. 14 Item, gevin to StovB iHayluall, for beting and mending of fe ((JiaStle of) ^erf- mntagt, at )iE Kingis command, . . . . . . . Icti. Item, to him for ant j&Ol"S of tljf itorti (Carlllt'S, brocht to liE Kingis grace, xxvj ti. xiiij s. iiij d. Item, gevin to l»otI)i5sai), UlrralB, fov iaiifeattng of tlir 3)ngTi5inan, at jule, ]'at brocht ]>e hors to ]iE Kingis grace, . . . . . . v ti. x s. Item, gevin to Johnne Mofman, to pay for atir JlfCf of bltlurotijt (SoTO of t]&C itTuitlJt,^ quljtlfs toaS ScnB to tijt IBuftt of SlWit, in France, . . . xliiij s. Feb. 21. — /to«, gevin to iJormoilB Jtrs'Icj), at I'E Kingis command, . xx ti. Feb. 26. — Item, gevin to Williame Scliaw, in complete payment of 2-166 Crownis of J)e fone xvij s., for JTa^fScljrrg 6rocj[)t Ijamc bt Jitm to tlif ittngig gratf, as his Compt and Precept direct pairupoune beris, ane thoufand Crownis of wecht,Jumma, . . . I"'f ti. ' A web or piece. ^ Clock. ^ Hawthornden. This property did not pass out of the Family of Douglas until long after this period. * Knobs and tassels. ^ There are numerous other furnishings of ' lyningis, pointis, frenzeis of silk,' &c. The dresses to the Lady Jane, (the King's natural daughter.) and all the numerous depend- ers of the Court, were very splendid and costly. The whole expenditure of this year tills a large Volume. '' Nu- merous instances may be found in these e-xtracts of large pieces of solid Golden Ore being sent as presents, or else purchased for satisfying the King's own curiosity. 27Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 301 APPENDIX. Item, gevin to James BefTat for pafling with ane Writting to Dunbar, to caus prouifioune be maid to rrSatit UaufF^ntlfUar, Inglisman, . . • • xs. Feb. 21.— Item, deliuerit to Robert Gib, to kepe fe KomaisJ, (ffomjJarfeoniS, and \)Hxnte iaid Johnue, in Ridaris, Angel-nobillis, and Roif-nobillis, . . . , xv ti. Mar. 22. — Item, gevin to Johnne ooung, Brodiflar, for fluff and Broudering of Ixiiij pece of (CroiontS, ilnnifs" (' Jacobus Quintus,'') and ITjrfsstlliS, fet vpoun ttoa ffjjititakintS of ilTannu SFfltift, quhilk wes fe lynyng of ane (goVone of (tllatjt of «©oflr of J)e Kingis, price of fe pece x s., fumma, . ■ ..... xxxij ti. Item, for vj elnis bukrem to lyne ])e faidis STgnnnkilliS witli, price of ])e elne ij s. viij d., fumma, .......... xvj s. Item, for xxvj elnis of Rubennis' to jiame, price of \ie. elne viij A.,^Jumiiia, . xvij s. iiij d. Item, for broudering of aitf ilFtStmfnt of STaititp ilFrlutt with xiiij ilamcS, droSDm'^, and €x\iiiUii, ■ • . ■ ■ . . • . . vijti. /to;;, for cammes to fluff ])e orpheis^ of ]ie faniin,^ ..... v s. iiij d. Item, for fluff and JvolJfvnig'' of iiij 3rmr^ tope faidis Tynnykillis and Veftment,^ . vj ti. Item, for brodering of aitc ComparfSSoune of his graces, with billis of filuer rynnand aboute it, . . . . . . • • xti. Mar. 24". — Item, for fe fafToun of Ixvij vnces ekit to ti)e itiltgts" graff GlSflTJC, of fe quhilk ])air wes xvij vnces of gold of ])e Mynde ; and aitf djtVlt quhilk wes bocbt for ane hundretli xti., chai'geit in Junij following, be ane Precept, and for )ie fafroune of ilk vnce v s.,^ funmia, xvj ti. xv i. This CHEN3E deliuerit in Striueling to fE Kingis grace ]>e lafl day of Marche.^ Item, gevin to Maister Robert Forman to by him ane (Coft^^rmottr, at his Creatioune Perfewant, at ])£ Kingis command, ..... . . . . x ti. Item, gevin to ])E Chaiflanis of )ie Kingis Chappell, being in Edinbiucht at t^t ©^UflttJi (CtrroitatlOttltf, fra ]>e xiiij day of Februar inclufive to fe xij day of J'is inflant monethe, to })e nomber of xj perfonis, ilkane havand one Jie day ij s.,Jumma, . . xxx ti. xvj s. Item, gevin to Dummy Carpitane'" tff ijy l)tm tlatjjtg, at ])E Kingis command, . vj ti. Item, to MY Lord Secritar, to geve ane Duche man fat come fra tJjc ^alSgraif aiiB iiii C0mTtrs" with ane Writing to fE Kingis grace, .... xliiij ti. Item, to Arthur Sinclar for ]ie refl of his Coraptis for ti)t SSucljf JorS hl"OCl)t furt|) 0f IBm- niarfi," at ])E Kingis command, .... xiiij ti. xix s. iiij d. Apr. 10, 1340. — Item, gevin to Maifler Andro Kirkaldy, for expenfis deburfit be him vpoune OflSceris fend with EiSfrittittgiS to iaavm fijt itnlfuis to niiuf to Ujt ©tifitt:^ Coronattotiitr, and for )ie cariage of ane coffer of ])E Kingis grace fra Linlytliqw to Ed', . . iij ti. xs. Apr. 16. — Item, deliuerit to ])e Freuche Teljour, to be ane Cote to ^trrat tj^e &\Xtnii ^ See a curious instance of a similar entry, ]\Iar. 26, 154-1, of this Appendix. ^ Ribbons. ^ There are also charges for ' xvj elnis frenzeis,' iiij sets of knoppis,' * fassis,' and ' stringis of silk,' ^ This is evidently O. Fr. orfcvrerie, gold embroidery, which is often written orfraye and orphrmj in ancient writings. ^ Charges tor ' bukrem,* ' rubennis,' &c. ^ Embroidering. ' There are other furnishings too numerous to be detailed. ** Made by Johnne Mosman. ^ There were likewise furnished other chenzeis, bracelatis, &c. to a considerable amount, also made of the King's awin gold. '" Probably a dumb favourite at Court. " King James V, like the other Princes of the Stuart family, was passionately fond of fine Horses, and had a most extensive variety of all kinds. He sent messengers to Spain, Denmark, France, England, and Flanders, &c. for the purchase of stallions and brood-mares; and besides this, received from foreign I*rinces, and from his own and the English nobility, nume- rous presents. Besides the Grooms and under-stablers, there often appear in these Accounts payments to above twenty ' children in the Stabill,' (Stable-boys, &c.) for liveries and wages. There are no data to ascertain the extent of THE RovAL Stud, but the number of servants employed may lead to a pretty accurate conjecture. 302 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1540. APPENDIX. iffialt,^ vj quarteris deme-grane, and vj quarteris Frenche 5ALj:.ow, price of pe elne of demme- grane xiiij s., and price of ]ie elne of jallow xx s.,Jinnma, . . . . iij \\. vj s. Item, to be hir aitf ittrtill and aiu ll^SiilJe, vj elnis grene Birge Sating, price of pe elne x s., fumma, . . . . . • • • • . iij ii. May 10. — Item, deliuerit to Katberyne Bellendene," till complet ant ^arfe to pE Kingis grace, s'rbjit iutt^ goIU aittf silucr tuarfe, balf ane dowbill bank of fewing gold, price fairof, xij i. Birth and Baptism of James, Prince and Steward of Scotland. May 11 Ifoii, gevin to James Biffatt, meflinger, for pafling witb certaue clofe Writtingis to hjanit ttrtaitt SlorBfe axCO 3Latiui5 to be in Sanctandrois at tijc 33ittJ)t of tnp JCorS ^vtiuf , xx s. May 14. — Item, gevin to George Steill, for pe fraucht of ane Bot to Sanctandrois, at Wit- founday, witb CapcStljfrtf ailB (illaitSt of goltf, and certane vperis fmall expenfis deburfit be him for cariage of Jie Tapefcberye at firidry tynies ; as bis compt gevin Jiairupoune beris, iiij ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, gevin to Thomas TuUocbe, for cariage of certane of t]&t KiiSarBrop gat'r, (geir,) deburfit be him, .......... xxiij I. Item, gevin to him for ane horfe-cariage with certane geir at tj&c 33(rt5 of in» %or'a Priiut, . . . • • . . . xs. Item, gevin to ]ie Tapesar, for dicbting and gratbing of ]ie Tapefcbery, and making of atlC ^atlX' aiotie tjc |3n'ncrg JJrU of ^tatc, and for certane vperis thingis, . xj ti. x s. Item, to Andro Manfioune, Frenche man, for mafetiig of mu itorH ^ rtnre CraUgH, and (luff fumefit be bim fairto, ....... . xiij ti. Item, gevin to Balfar Howftar, Ducheman, and Ricbart Wardlaw, to pafs to Campbell, to Setri&c tljr iHctallts" niiB ore of Stltirr,* .... .xij Y\. iiij s. Item, to Johnne Paterfoune, for malidig of ant tait to tjc iSfngfS 33op of Stltifr, xl s. May 21 Item, deliuerit to Thomas Arthure, to be ailt Cotr nitlf aitt pair of JBrfftis" to J)E Kingis grace for tljc S'f f (fea), x elnis Reid crammeffye veluet, price of Jie elne vij i\.,Jumma, Ixx ti. /to«, for v vnces ^asmtlttts of SoHf to it, .... viijti. xvs. Item, for potnttlS to ])e Cote and brekis, and ane tulat to pe Cote,^ . . iij s. Item, fend to Sanctandrois with Johnne Beg, xv elnis qubyte taffitefe of Janis, to be ^tV: nltttii to ijalU tit JToirljtS at tl)t iiaftsmt of inj) aorti |3rtncc, . . . vj ti. Item, gevin to Johnne Paterfoune, for ane ClatStto tjc ©Ufnf;S ^rcpturt (Sceptre), xiiij s. May 22. — Item, gevin to ane man to pafs witb clofe Writtingis furth of Sanctandrois pe xxij day of May, to tijt e vj day of Julij nixt to cum ; and to remane in Dunbertane and ])e Levinax for inbring of pe reft of \e Air,^ . . . . . . iij ti. vj i. Jun. 7. — Item, gevin to Maifter Andro Quhytelaw, for fraucht of ane Bote furth of Leithe to Levj'nnis moutlie with ])e ^ilufr ioarl^, and for cariage fairof to Sanctandrois, at tlje 33aptpme of mj) HorB |3riiuc, . . . . . . . iiij ti. Jun. 8. — Item, fend to Sanctandrois, to be aiTf (Coufr to mg JtorS Printed CreiHttll, iij elnis half elne crammeffy veluet, ...... xxiiij ti. x s. Item, to be ane vfer (Cottrr ]'airto, vij eines reid veluet of grane,* . xxij ti. xv s. Jun. 10 — Item, to be ailScnjtfe^ to tSf ^cJfpjjiS, xvj elnis reid and jallow taffitefe of cord, ....... xiiij ti. viij s. Item, to be fe <£roCf^ ])airof, iiij J elnes quhyte taffitefe of Janis, . iij ti. vij s. vj d. Item, to be ane Clottrr axdS (CtirttngtS to tJ)C Uingfe ticir in Jje nether chalmer in ])e ScHIP, xvij ^ elnes Grene dames, . . . . . xxxiij ti. v s. Item, to be Jj^rtnjffe ))airto, ane pund and half pund weebt Grene iilk, extending to xxiiij vnces, ........ . . vj ti. Jun. 12. — Item, for jie making of vj ^taittiartt^, quhilkis wes deliuerit to Johnne Bertone to pe Schippis, . . . . • • • • xl s. Item, gevin to him for ]ie making of iij STops^tlaftJii^ and iij dTIaggfg, . xl s. Item, for 3roh)»]^rtIt5, deliuerit to Johnne Tenant, . . . xliiij s. Item, to Schir Johnne Kylgour, for |3afnttng of tiua s'tanB of ^amts'si to pe Kingis grace, ... . . . . . . xxx s. Item, to Mvredoch Striuellng, Patefar,^ to pay for pe malting of tjt J^niS {ovens) in Jie Schippis, . . . . . . vij l'- ii'j s. viij d. ' A variety of other similar entries for furnishing and repairing warlike dresses and arms. ' The same person got doublet, cloke, hoise, beltis, and gartennis, with a blak veluat bonat, and ' Ane tergat to his honat,' cost iij li. xvj s. ' The residue or balance of the Escheats due to the Crown from the preceding Justice-aire of Dunbarton, ' Fringes of red silk and blankets of white fustian also provided. * Ensigns; standards. '• Pastry-cook. 304 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1540. APPENDIX. Item, deliuerit to Jolinne Mofman, for making of ttoa CJfCt Cj&anllotariS, tiua CotoptS with coveiis, and ane 5})il)nc to nil) Htortf |3n'tUC, with ane morfare to ])E Kingis grace Cttlbtrilig, quhilk wes of filuer, deliuerit to liim of before, ]ie iij, xxiiij, and xxvj dayis of May lalt bipaft ; Jiat is to fay, anc Sllurr Stop, weyand xij pund wecht twa vnces ; ane vfer Stop, weyand viij pund xij vnce ; ant KiHatcr |3ot, weyand xxvij vnces ; tilja ^fCt'S \ait\) ft it, weyand Ixij vnces, quhilk extendis to xxvj pund wecht and vij vnces ; and to him for euerilk vnce wirking, iij i.,Jiimma, Ixiij ti. ixs. Item, for twa roddis to ])e (Cj&nnBoIaris, . . . . . vs. Item, gevin to him for ]je making of aneCBtU^is'sill of %aVSi to ]'e Kingis grace, weyand iiij i vncis, 2 i Vnicornis wecht, deliuerit to his grace \e iiij day of Junij, . iiij ti. viij s. Item, to William Myllar, for twa drauclitis of |9nbcontS, and ane draucht of bedding, fra ]ie Abbay to Leithe, to if put tn i\)t ^cljfppiS, ... . .iiij s. Item, gevin to Johnne Dikfoune, iio5S ^tifrnftr, for his expenfis pngSfltg to ii)t (Purprfour, in money and clething, ........ Ixxv ti. Item, to (Schir) Saui'B ItfnBsag of tije ittont (Lion King of Arms) and Jonet Douglafs,' be ane Precept, ..... VjMxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Jun. 28.— Item, to l{otljl'S5ai) %lfVnTt», for his expenlis paffing with Writtingis to ^djlv aHUlItfamc C?i)rri5, be deliuerance of fii Lordis, )ie xxviij day of Junij, . . iiij ti. viij s. Item, to Johnne Paterfoun, for paffing with clofe Writtingis fra ]ie Quenis grace to (the King in) tjt 3>lii, . . • • • • • "'j *i. Jun. 29 Item, to ]'e Tapefar, for ])e fraucht of ane Bote with tjbc CapfiSci)fVg fra Sanct- androis to Leitli, . . . ■ • • v ti. xij d. Jvd. 7 Item, the expenfis deburfit vpoun tijf Suffrage of ©Ufltt iHajtjtlalcnr, quliome God affolje ; iu ]ie firft gevin to Jie Belman |ie vij day of Julij, . • .iij s. /to?«, to ij XV Chaplanis, ilkane ij s. ,/«»(/««, .... xxj ti. x s. Item, gevin to ti)C ©Ifrrfitg, ...... xxij s. Ite?n, to ])E Tapesak, for furnefing of nalis and Jingiug of tl)C 33Iafe Oattljf, and pinoris feis, . . . . • • • • • • . X s. Item, for vj dofane of ^nnfS, ilk dofane xx s.,fumma, . . . vj ti. Jul. 10.— I/em, to Jolinne Paterfoun, at Jt'^ rrtuniHlTg fra tl)t Sits", in complete payment of his wageis, . . . . • . • • • • "j !'• Jul. 18. — Item, deliuerit be Thomas Arthure to ])E Quenis grace, in Pitlethy, at )ie Kingis command, xjl elnis Tanny taftitefe of xij threid, .... *xv ti. vj s. iij d. Ite7n, to ht gfealiarttS to fE Kingis JSapfviS, v quartcris Blak veluet,^ . iij ti. xv s. Item, to mak jfvtnitiS to his grace ^h)trB«l)antltS", iij vnces blak fewing filk xv s., and Warkmanfciiip iij s., . . . . • • • • xviij s. Jul. 27 — Ite7n, gevin to tlje ?taTJ» iHai'gtrrS for expenfis deburfit be hir for tOUCnitg of mg 3tortI ^rtltCt'S CvaHtTI, gilt nalis Jiairto, and vperis expenfis,^ . . . viij ti. xij s. Jul. 30. — *Item, to Johnne Mofman, goldfmytli, for fe nrafefng of aitf CBluljiSSin of <3oVlS of itT^niff, weyand iiij| vnces half Vnicorne wecht, with ant Bragouiif anamulit, deliuerit to pE Kingis grace ))e penult day of Julij, . . .... iiij ti. Jul. 31 Item, to Andro Michelfoune aitc golont of ^aviit ijtaft, . viij ti. xj s. Item, ' ane Cote of Serge,' < Bonat,' &c. ' tKijii frufrai) iufS gcbilt to "Ijinx fof firuigtlig of titfjingtS to tijt BfngfS gract of tijt iaattuitr of m^) 5lorB fjiincc' ' Ilis wife. '' Such charges are very frefel)n rote, (Buflf-Coat or Jerkin,) with fyde tafletis, . . . . . . ... . ii'j ti. vij s. vj d. Item, for ane dofan gtltttr ilUttoniS to it,' .... xviij i. Aug. 27. — Item, to be ane Gowne, cote, and dowblat to Stortt JRolJert, tj&e IStiigt'g grace ^Olte, xv^ elnis gray Sating rel^e, price of ])e elne xxxij s.,-^ . . . xxiiij ti. xvj s. Item, to couer ane fadill and harnefing to JtorB 3lame5 of l£tel^0, iiij elnis blak veluet,*^ xj ti. Item, gevin to Johne Grote for frautbt of l)l'^ itj^lj) fend be ]>E Quenis grace furth of Sanctandrois to ©rltnajj to I'E Kingis grace with Writingis, . . . xx ti. Item, to Florence Cornetoune, quhilk he delluerit to James Scrymgeour at his lia^S'ing; to dFranrc biitlj tttljaniits of mi? itortf prinris jaatt'iit'te, ... xj ti. Item, to ))E Lard of Creich, in parte payment of Jifs JTocIjer iDit]& jHatiaine «!ln')Sinore, at ])E Kingis command, ..... iij'xxxiij ti. vj s viij d. Item, to Robert Moifet, in ])e Grantoune, for ))e fnljrtngtng of tJjre Cj^ebtSe quj^tlfi toeS StiSttfljt, . . . . . . . . ixti. Aug. 30. — Item, gevin to Archibald Stewart to pay iij Gunnaris ane monethis wage in tjje CaSteTIt'S of Sunnetoift, and ManS 3Lori)br«n, tn Mart, at ))e Kingis command, . ixti. Item, to Schir George Clapertoune, Maifler Elimozinar, to t^t Ut'ngt's' grace Sllmou?, per tempus Compoti, extending vlklie (tveehlt/) to iiij ti., .... ij^viij ti. Item, to Jonet Logane, Statig Cragu," ... xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, gevin to Johnne Tenent to furneSe tj&e IKingi^ ^tirSe, per tempus Compoti,^ (viz. Sep. 17, 1539, to Sep. 2, 1540,) . . .... I"'iiij'xxviij ti. xix s. viij d. Item, to William Purves, Unoft^maftar^ and SmiitJ), for his Penfioune grantit to him be ]>e Kingis grace, vnder his Grete fele, . . . . . . xxti. ' These were the Hostages given fur observing ' guid reule' in the Isles. ' ' Close writtingis' sent to Lords Sevtoune, Zester, Sotnervill, Eails of Airan, Cassillis, and Eglentoune, ' to cum to Edinburghe.' ^ See Jul. 15+2 of these Extracts, &c. ■■ A number of other dresses, &c. to the King, apparently for Field sports. ' Thir elathis send to Falkland the xx day of August.' The Queen also gets dresses, ' riding eloke,' &c. and a charge for ' xxij Halk hudis' occurs on the same page. ^ It is unnecessary to enumerate all the other furnishings. ' ' The Ekle OF LnuiNAx sisTEii' gets a Gowne, 1.45, 10s., Kirtill, L.I I, 18s., &c. &c. this month, (20th.) ' There are many payments to this Lady. " There is usually a monthly charge for ' the Purs.' In a few instances, such as the present, the Treasurer entered the gross amount at the end of the year. " Clock-maker VOL. I. t 2 Q 306 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1540-1. APPENDIX. Item, to H}t (S>t\\t{\\ iuoman tint iucg In(tli) 0ixiit to mj) ?tovtf prince, for hii- feruice and reward, be ])e Kiiiij;is Pr<'r('|)t,' . . . . . . . xl i. SuMMA totitlium C?)fpni5airuin (a Sep. 17, 1539, ad Sep. 2, 1540,) xxx™ix''Ixiij li. v s. x d. SuMMA of '■ tj)f ittum'ti'oin'5 nirtf Craftl'Smril"" wirkand Jiairupoun, within ])E Castell of Edinburghe, Leitiie, iat tiikc tSirorgf itlntfadaiTf, at ])E Kingis command, xhiij ti. Item, to t|)f jJ"vnTfljfmnit tint hrodjt tl)r ?t)ors" to \tv. Kingis grace furth of dfraitrr, ij' xx ti. Item, to his iervand jiat kepit |ie laid hors, . ... xxij ti. Oct. 9. — Item, deliuerit to Johnne Mofinau xij vnces quarter vnce filuer to be ant iKrItt(Ut to ant Uane of S'aiut itlaljago, ..... ix ti. iiij s. iij d. ob. Item, gevin to gilt J>e faid JScIl'qur with, twa Roia-nobillis, . . v ti. vj s. Item, gevin to him, to be ane UtUcjnt to ane aSane of ^anct Slntirfanc of Maw, vj vnces quarter vnce Gold of Mynde, . . . ■ • . . xl ti. Item, to iiini for making of ]>e famin, . . . . . . vj ti. Item, gevin to him for making of ]>e v])er JKcltque of S'anct iHaljago, . iiij ti. Item, to Joimne Patcrfonc for making tlun €ni^iii to tIjc Sai'tt iJrltqufs!, . xxij s. Oct. 11. — Item, gevin to Johniu! Mofman, for mailing of tlje ^vincig StrmrS vpoun Schir .James Hamiltonis Cliapcfl gatr, Jiat is to fay, ane croce of siluer, twa chandelaris, ane Hali-watter-fatt'' with ane styk, twa crowettis, ane bell, aneboistto keip Hoistis IN,' and ane couer to serue for ))e Pax, all deliuerit to Thomas Dudingftoune, Mailler of Howlhald to my Lord Prince, and for mcntllHg of tloa flatonfS,'' . . xx s. ' At this pcriiiil thi- King's Advocivte liiid mily L. K) |mt aTiniiiii of Siilary. " Tlie [Kirticiilnrs of this branch of the i)ulilii- Accounts oi-cnpy 3!} pages ; bnt though tlicy arc very interesting, it is not, possil)le to give suitable extracts in tliis place. Only two entries in'cil be noticed liere, which immediately follow this article. ' A small piece of ancient Ordnance. ' Chambers' are mentioned by some distance.' ' lie had been despatched, along with Walter Madarlane, to Kyntyre, to the Master of Glencairn, on Sep. 4-. '' There are numerous similar entries which prove that, during this reign, (ioLii was found in ])retty large masses in ' the Mynde' at Crawfin-d-Wuir. '■ The various items for hainessing, five saddles, dresses for Hog, and ' vij childerin (lads) that passit in I'rance with the said hors (horses) and lialkis.' The iVciHS oc('u|iy above three pages. ' A vat or vessel to hold Iloly-water. • A box to keep the Host or Eucharist. " I'lagons. 28JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 307 APPENDIX. Oct. 13. — The Expenfis deburfit vpoun ]>& four ^inluftnnjjfs ients to tijt JDolpJt'n of jFrnnce, and vpoune f e French Paige callit Laponse, at his departing to France,' . 'j'xliij ti. v 5. vj d. Item, to ane fervand pat padit to Jie (fSIatDinr^ fra | e Lordi.s with Writtingis to jie Kingis grace, ........ xxij s. Nov. 7. — Item, deliuerit to Johnne Moliiian to garneis aitt JSjlfrjtuitJlf ^ to llTl) 3Lor1f |PrtITtC, ane vnee twa Vnicorne half vnicorne weclit of Goki of Mynde, . . viij ti. viij s. Item, to iiim tor making of ))e fainin, . . . . . xl s. Item, for gilting of an iitill garnefing of niTf ?^oritr to mn %ovtS pn'ltCf, . iiij 8. Nov. 13. — Item, to Thomas Arthuir, for fiiniefiiig of clcthing to Schir Johnne Campbell of Lundy, kny', at ]>e Kingis command, q\i\jtn I)f Ifrpnrtit to i\>e Stiiiprratour, . 1' ti. Item, to Maider Robert Forman, JKos's" ^Jfrnfif, to by him clathis, paffing with ))e faid Schir Johnne in company, ....... . xxiiij ti. Ite?n, to Thomas Vdward for ane blak furring of cunyng {cony, rabbit) (kynnis, thre Bo wis, thre dofane Arowis, and ane quaver irorjjt ftirtj of 3>ltglnntt, deliuerit to Dauid Ferry and Johnne Tennent, ........... xx ti. xvij s. Nov. 19. — Item, to Alexander Hwtoune to pas and poiittJ tije SLarB itta^faan for certane dettis, .......... xxijs. Item, to Williame Hardy for his exi)enris paffing to ionriir ]'E Lairdis of Lothiane tO rgBt to ii)t 33ortoiir toitl) tlje iStitgis" gvncc, .... xiiij S. Dec. 15. — Item, to William Hardy to jinsi to tjie Klfe nnU tnit S'fggtng of iitatltnnj)^ lantii^, ......... . vti. Dec. 19 — Item, gevin to ))e 5oung Tapefcher, for rarfngc of tlje (Taprsrijm'f to (Slntomc^ and v]ieris places, . . . . . . . . vj li. xiiij d. Dec. 28. — Item, fend to Striueling to be ane Gowne to Seratt, vij elnis grene Veluet, xxj li. Item, fend to begary it with vj quarteris 3allow Veluet, . . iiij ti. vij s. Dec. 31 — Item, gevin Johnne Mofman for chen3eis, ringis, tabulattis, bracelattis, targettis, and v]ier gold warkrefauit fra him in Striueling, pE Kingis grace being prefent, to be gevili in |2jiu» \tVt ^iftt'iS, ....... . . iiijcx ti. Item, gevin to (Charlis) Murray, for xx ^atoftlluttiS ' brocht furth of (Duc)heland^ be him, price of ])e pece half Angell nobill,yMOT»!«, . . ... xvij ti. Jan. 9, 1540-1. — Item, gevin to ane Ducheman pat pleyit' before ])E Lordis, to mak his ex- penfis, . .............. xl ti. Jan. 20. — Item, gevin to tj&e protjoitotar, fervand to ])E Quenis gi-ace, at his departing to jFratttf,'^ xliiij ti. Me.m°, deliuerit to Johnne Mofman, in pE Abbay of Halyrudhows, |)e xxj day of Julij laft bipaft, pE Kingis grace being prefent, pis »5oHj>iuarft ailH %o\at\{ii aftir folowing, quhilk wes of William Hwmes eschete ; pat is to fay. Thru (CljCniri^, with ane brokin chen;e, xj JlJfTJi^ of goltf, 1 93jlJt5 of jrtnmatl'St, vvith v ^oluUtS of JjTaittljC Ciolum'5, twa Clofet'S, thre fmall buirdis of beltis, bed and |)endes of gold, viij ringis, thre hingaris, ane croce, ane hart, twa colleris, ane lefart, and ane fmall belt, all weyand xxviij vnce half vnce, deliuerit to him, with vper gold wark, to ht nitltit tlT anr grttc Itngot,' price of pe vnce viij ti. x s.,yMm»ia, .... ij'xlij ti. v S. And pe famin tyme deliuerit to pE Kingis grace, in ane box, pe litlll Copburd of filuer, with certane tlomokkis, perle-bedis, beltis, and vjier fmall gair contenit in pe faidis boxis. * The items are too numerous to be noticed. * Probably used instead of a coral for cutting the young Prince's teeth. ^ Ilagbuts. This is selected to remark, that great quantities of hagbuts, culverins, and all kinds of Artillery and ammuniliiui, were imported from Holland, Germany, Denmark, &c., in loiO, loil, and I5i2. The small arms were often in tiindij-ninc number at a time, perhaps from restrictive regulations iu these countries, only suffering their exportation if under 100 in number. * Holland. ' Litigated. ' See Apr. 'ii, 1512, of these Extracts. ' l"r. an Ingot, or wedge of gold. 308 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1541. APPENDIX. Feb. . — Item, fend to jFnIftl.iiitf, to Jje Quenis grace, with Alexander Kempt, to be liir anc tSoiunt, XV elnis Purpur veluet, . . . . . . . lij ti. x s. //e;«, to be anf Ut'fttll, ixi elnis Quhyte Dames of ])e grete flour, . . xixH. Feb. 3. — Item, lend to hir grace twa pund weclit fewing gold,' . . xxiiij ti. Item, gevin to Andro Watfone and Scliir Joiine Kylgour, for ])e making of four Uaiitl'tS to t]&r (Trtiinprth'S, and furnefiug of fluft' |)airto, . . . . . xl ti. Feb. 4. — Item, to ane Duclieman pat haid his Scjt'p Iirofttn (it ^ailttaitlfrotd with ]'e Kingis Colis, .......... xxij ti. /to«, to tfjc CuntfsilJancntnitiS firrbnitti, ..... xliiijti. /to», gevin to ti)c dFrtir tj)at romt furtljc of iSrctc, . . . xliiijti, Feb. 9.— 7to«, ' tjbc ©vpcH^is' bpoluur mu iCoiUt'S tijc MuvgiS Sioiti^,' ' Lord Johnne' and f Lord Robert,'^ for luprratouvi£!, fat brocht Writtingis to ]ie KiNGis grace, ...... xxijti. Item, gevin to Johnne Moffettis fone and his feruand quhilk brocht ^toctf-matts' nitlJ JaClIS'C SfiHune^ to ]iE KiNGis grace, . . . . . . . xjti. Mar. 11. — Item, to Johnne M'cafFe, meflniger, for his expenfe to turs certane cXoi^ 8ii!Srit< ttirgt's' of jiE KiNGis graces to tljc ^futilmciinr of tlje 3)lis anW btljcr ^fcIanHmrn, xliiij s. Mar. 26, 1541. — Item, to Johnne Paterfoune, for ane cais to aiie flacone of Aquavite,* vs. ' {Tljf e JJrolulifri) auti CtUar&niaiiScIjt'p of i\)xt Sfgiis iurocI)t iui'tj) (Croluitf of tljonir, tiirt i^amrS of Jacobus Ciuiittti^,'^ lui'tl) tijc XititgtS Slnnts autt (LroVnnc abobe tjbr ijnb, anB tiua iSTnt'fornis Iifranb tjjf saniin, price of all, ..... vijti. Item, to Walter Moncur, for fraucht quhilk he deburfit at ])E Quenis rumpucj; fra ti)c tSIaiximfO", and palling agane to ]>e Glawmes, ..... iij ti. vj s. Item, gevin to Adam Stewart, lo tljlturr to ))f. Ert.f. of Murray tit dfrailtt, iiij'lxxxviij ti. xviij s. Apr. 2. — Item, deliuerit to Johnne Bertane, to be ane (!lott, Iioi^, njtil ircftiS, to ti)C Bltttlf JTUirft,^ twa elnis of RAID and vj quarteris of 3ALLOW, . . . iij ti. xviij s. Item, to be him ane UDotublat, x quarteris raid and fallow Birge fating, . xxvi. Jfem, for ane raid JSoiut to him, . . . . . . xv s. Item, for making and lyning of his clathis, ..... xxj s. Apr. G — Item, to ane Frenciieman, calht JtatuScDf, at his palling in France, I''xti. /fe?», to fflnistcr a:IfyanBcr ^orBouilf, at his palling to France, . . F ti. Item, to ane feruand of James Lindfayis, for his expeufis in fjaiue^briltgilig of ft^alftt'iS furtlje of illttrrai), . . . . . . . . . vj ti. vij s. ' This is selected to repeat former oljservations, that the Queew must have passed mucli of her leisure hours in Embroidering in Gold and Silver. In almo^t every tnontli of these Accounts there are larjje payments for furnish- ings of Gold, silver, and sillt thread, &c. On Feb. 12, another charge is made for ' xxi dowbill hank of sewing gold, xxij li. xj s.' It is unnecessaiy to multiply similar entries, which are very frequent, and the ([uantities are usually two or three pounds weight at a time. '' In another entry this month, he is styled ' Loan Hobekt of HALVRunnocs.' Such entries occur almost monthly. ' Sweet-meats and Uhenish wine. * Eau devie, French Brandy? * The iitljcr fornishings consist of Abbis, emmettis, towellis, altar towellis with croces of fyne silk, beltis, corporallis, vj tynne crowettis of the fassoune of siluer, ane caip of clayth of gohl, and ane caip of blew dames with sternis (sinrs) of gold. " See the entry, Alar. 2i, 13.'J9-4.(), of this Ajipendix. ' Sevcra notices occur of this individual. He was probably a Dware, or Buffoon, as would appear troni the nature of the dresses given him from time to time. His name, however, is never mentioned. Several Dwarfs, male and female, were entertained at the .Scottish Court, and had regular pensions and liveries assigned to thein. 2 28 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 309 APPENDIX. Apr. 19. — Item, gevin to James Hammiltoune, fone to 3(amt5 ?tlaiHmi(touuc, bmiitti)tle ^djerrf of iLtitlntljqln, to furneis his fader (furtli) of Jie realme, . . . ii^' ti. Item, to the Ducheman feruandis to tjc itorW of X\)t dfatr, . . j'sxxij ti. Birth and Baptism of Ahtuur Duke of Albany. Apr. 24.— JTjjc CFypcnsiS UeljttrStt on mn Eorii |3ititcc, aiiti at tl)t Uatfbfttof mj! EorB 29uftt. In the first, fe xxiiij day of Aprile, deliuerit to Johiie Tenent, viij ehiis quhyte TetHtes of twa thredis, to be seruiettis to lialtf tjf (tautiiUt^, at ttie ^aptis'tn^ of mi) HorB IBuItf , iiij ti. Apr. 26. — Item, deliuerit to Johnne Molman, to gilt tiua i)C(ri)f Staittlailtf ColuptSi pat wer maid at ]ie Nativite of m» 3Lort) |3rintf, and now fend to Striueling, x Iloile nobillis, xxvj ti. x s. Item, gevin to Johnne Paterfoune, for tlua CaCt'S to fe faidis Cowpis, and ane cace to aitf (dj^allV of niu SLoitl |3lllUr5, maid of before, .... . xlvj s. Apr. 27. — Item, gevin to Thomas Richartfone, for xij boltis of cammes ' deliuerit to Johnne Bertone, to be falis, . ....... xlviijti. Item, deliuerit to liim, for [le fraucbt of \M ^c&t'p antf iWnn'nalltS Vnage, pa^Santt toitji i\it ISi'itgtS grace to tje Kits, ........ I'xiiijti. Item, to the Heroldis, ])e tyme of ))e 33aptt5tng; of mi) ItoiU Biifte, . xj ti. Item, to James Stevinfonne, for vj 98appct'iS and twa paiutlt clatljiS deliuerit be him to ])E KiNGis grace, . . . . . . . . . vij ti. xiiij s. Item, to iAOtj^I^dan %?frotiJ, for his expenfe paffing to SiclJ<rgTjt, to prepair ])e luggeingis and furneling- to Jie Lordis, and renianyng Jiairupoune (at the Aire), . . vj ti. xvs. Item, to Margarete Scote, for hir lawbouris being with ui^) SLovS prince, v vlkis, xxxti. Item, to Johnne Foreftai-, bower, for SlvroluiS Hedis, gayn3eis,'^ and quaveria, fra ])e ij day of May 1538, to J)e iij day of Februar laft, .... . xiij ti. vij s. viij d. Death and Burial of Arthur Duke of Albany. Apr. 29. — Item, to Andro jare in Striueling, for ant (Cap of IftD tjjat mu SlorlT ISufte iuC5 Ijurfjt in, .......... xiiij s. Item, gevin to Peter Buntyne, for pafllng with Letteris to ])E Schereffis and Burrois of })E Westland, for SEIapins'cjjalofng, . . • . . . .Is. Item, to Johnne Paterfone, for paffing with ficlyke Letteris to ]>e Northland, iij ti. xiiij s. May 5. — Item, gevin to William Straitherne, for paSStn^ fra ])E Lordis, being in 3)eS= Iiurcljt, to )'E KiNGis grace, in ^triuiling, with deligence, . . . . xls. Item, gevin to ane Inglisman )iat cam fra tjjc (iSilnrlianc of tl)C JttiWiU iWarri&tS of Sng* fantt to ])e Lordis, being in Jedburcht, ...... xliiij s. May 22 — Item, to Johnne Mortoune, for his labouris paffing to ])e Langhope for Jie Lord Maxwell, for tnbrtiigins of itiUttisftak to tljeai'rt*, .... iijti. Death of James Duke of Rotiisay, Prince and Steward of Scotland. May 25. — Item, to be ftoa dFutCMnanttltfe and twa harnefllngis to ))E Quenis grace, xxelnis 33lali ilFtlurt,' Ivti. Item, to be fom- Fute-mantillis and four harneffingis to four of Jjf r Eattnfe, xl elnis blak veluet, F vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, a variety of ^arnfSSingf^, fren3ies, gilting of bukelis, pendeffis, &c. &c. amounting in all to the fum of ........ iiji^lvij ti. vij s. ob. ^ ' Webs or pieces of canvass or Sail-cloth. ' For cross-bows. » This expenditure is under the head of ' Expeiisia debursit vpoun the Quenis StabiU and Ladyis,' for the Month of May. 310* CRIMINAL TRIALS. AD. 1541. APPENDIX. Way 26. — Item, fend to Striueling to the Cowntes of Arroll,' to be bir anc SuU EJHfftB, ^ elnis fyne Paryfe blak, . . • • • . . xv ti. Item, fend to liir )ie famin tyme, four elnis v]>er Frencbe blak, . . vj ti. viij s. Item, gevin to C?rf5rl)C EiHtUte, at ]ie Kingis command, . . . xl s. Item, to ]ie Gray Freris iu Jedburcht, to ]ie i)clp of tjc rcparattounc o£ tjatr |3Iace, (tbe Monaftery of Jedburgb), . . . ....... xx ti. May 28. — Item, to twa boyis fat paffit to Striueling with iiixt tSann qbift qtonT»fis7 car- pandyis,^ and vjier fmall gair brocbt hame be Hanis Anderfoune, . . . ix s. Item, gevin to Jobnne Paterfoune, for pafling will) Letteris to Aberden, and vfier Burrowis IN ])E Northland, for i)nmt;brtitgiit5 of ?i?ntoklmtti6,* .... xxij s. Jun. 23. — Item, gevin to Jie iWnt^tcr (Cotft, to liipport iiim for expenfis maid ]>e tyme of bis fekenes, .......... xiij ti. /few, to tbf dfrtitrj&f Sortour, at bis paffing to France, . . . xliiijti. Item, to Jolinne Cayrnis, for ]ie fraucht of tjbrf filltffr of Ici^lf,^ turfit furth of Leitlie to ^aitrtaitlfrots", at ]ie Kingis command, . . . . • . iij ti. Item, gevin to )ie Quenis gi-ace (Queen Margaret) fibxict, qubame God aHolji*, at hit departing to France, ........ xxxiiij ti. Item, to Jobnne Paterfoune, for pafling to Dunkell to fummond Maister Adame Otter- burne, and to pas in Jie Northland with Letteris to tjf |3rflatt^, and with Letteris to t]&f ^r[)f= rfffis' anlt aSitrroJuis, for CrvprniiTg of Crgi^jtinitis', . . . . • iij ti. Item, to Robert Blak, to sttiitmoit'a X\)t Storlt UlOlUf ; and paffing with ficlyke Letteris to ])E Merse, Teviotdale, and Lawdiane, . . • • . . xl s. Item, to Robert Hart, for paffing to the Weflland to )ie Prelattis with ficlyke Letteris, and for CPvjJuIsiouitc of C?gtj)ttaitis", . . • • • • iij li- 'j s. Jun. 24. — Item, to ane Inglifman, fat come with Silllritingi^ fra tht JBorlfOtirts, iij ti. Jun. 28. — Item, to William Champnay, for paffing with twa dole Writtingis to tJjC Crrif of Strraitf and l.or"Jf .iFrciunitg, . ...... xiiij s. Jul. 5. — Item, deliuerit to George Steill, to be lend to Cratofur1f=3to5nnf,'' to hing betuix ])E Tapescherie and pe wallis, for faving fairof, y]^^ elnis Bertane cammes, . . viij ti. /to/?, to bind fE Tapescherie with, XXX fawdome of cord, . . . vs. Item, to )iE Justice Clerk, at his paffing to Ingland, to mak his furnefing, . F ti. Jul. C. — Item, to Malcolme Gourlaw to mend \\)t ^Satl^oitis' fend to CrawfurdJohnne, ane ftane of fmall cordis, price, . ...... xiiij s. Item, to mend )ie faid PailiOnis, four elnis Bertane cammes, . . vs. iiij d. Jul. (7.) — The expenfis deburfit vpone X\)t ^uffragr of ©uritf iHaglfaTfltr, quham God aflbl3e. In the fiijt, for nalis, clekis to hing Jie clalhis, and pynouris for dichting fairof, and to fe Belman, .......... xiij s. Item, to Schir Jobnne Stirk to be diftribut ainang ])e (ilDapIaiti^, . . xxij ti. Item, to ])E Erle of Buchane to offer, ..... xxij s. Item, to Andro Watfoun, Paintour, for Jie fJ»ai'lttt'lTg of v dufan SlrnifS", . v ti. Jul. 9 Item, gevin for ]ie fraucht of ane bote at midnyeht to turs ane writting to X\)t Car- tliltnn, in haill, . . . . . . . x s. Item, to Jobnne Cob to pas with ane Writting with deligence to Jje Kingis grace to Craw- furd-Johnne, ....... xxij s. ' L;i£ Laird or Ester Wemys, Ixxx ti. Item, Maifter Johnne Lawder for his (labouris) in Writting of Hi'rrrtioili^ to X\)t Cotortf of (IKonif) for promotioune of Jie SlbLant^ of CorifingSantf (and) IHrlros" to )ie Kingis grace f'Oiti^, . . . . . • • " Item, deliuerit to George Carmichaell, fone to ))E Capitane of Crawfurd, for tbrc JJitrc of (§onf" quhilk he deliuerit to JiE Quenis grace, tjbf tuntf s'rj^O tors" lit (!lratofur^=3)ol)ltltf, price of ]ie vnce, vj li. viij s.,Jumnia, ...... xix ii. iiij s. Jul. 26. — Item, for cariage of pe 5ra})rs"r|)fn'f furth of Crawfurd-Johnne to Cragnethane, and fra thyne to Peblis and Ed% and furth of Ed' to Striueling, . . . xxxviij s. Item, for thre hors cariage furth of Edingburcht to Striueling with i!riipf3"cl)rn'f qubtlft sullf [)al)f pa^sit to thf ^uiitt^, .... . . . xviij s. Item, for rariagr of thf ^athoitl!* to Crawfurd-Johnne, Jie vj day of Julij, and remanit furth xj hors to ]ie xxv day of Jie famin, takand ilk hors on )ie day ij s^Jumma, . xix ti. xvj s. Item, to Johnne Bog for expenfis maid be him vpoun X\)Xt ^aiigtoflfrts"'* qtlljilft ' The celebrated Papist, who fasted forty days on several occasions both in Scotland and at Rome, &c. * Pro- bably this was during or immediately subsequent to his voluntary confinement in Edinburgh Castle, until he should have proved he was a Holy person by fulfilling his vowsof fasting. ^ Some kind of preserves or comfits? * .Stretching the canvas at the Butts, for the practice of archery. ^ Dog couples. '' The ends of the lines obliterated. ' A specimen of a mass of Gold ore from tlie Royal INIine. His sister Klizabeth, daughter of Sir John Carmichael, was one of the King's ^listresses, by whom he had John, Prior of Coldinghame, &c. See pre- luding article. She afterwards married Sir Je lanUis, Iortfs'ff)i})})is', nnlf tfomtnioiti^, quhilkis pertenit to ]>e airis of vuiq''^ itTarftnitc ill tjr 3tlis', and now pertenyng to Archibald Erle of Ergile lieretablie, be Alienatioune, and refignit be him in our fouerane lordis handis oc?/)e?-joe^?lTgInnlf with Writtingis, ....... xxij ti. I/em, to Jinrnioitif Itfslfl), for ouergeving of ]ie Gift grantit to him be I'E Kingis grace of ^rrlJt'Lnrtf Sotoglas" and 8;21iniinml3otugInSCr9rI)ftr!J,in complete payment of ij^' merkis, Ixxxixti. vjs. I/em, to Helene Rolle, to )ie help of \)ir tioci)ttr\5 iHnrrngr, at ))e Kingis grace com- mand, ....... xiij }i. viij s. Aug. 15. — Item, for making of niTf ^nlr of tumntfr within ])e Park of Falkland to tjj ^nitgiMltfrts",' . . . . . . xvj ti. xvj s. I/tm, to Williame Forreli, for thre pair of grete dog irnis for |3fir=tfoggt^, ouergilt with gold, with ]iair CoHnn's" of Purpure Veluet, fluthit with gilting ftuthis ;^ and for 3rotD=!)r1fts" furnefit be him to ]ie Kingis grace, . . . . . . iiij ti. vj s. I/em,to Schir George Clapertomie, iHnistf rCrliitOSinnr, to ]ie Kingis grace 2lImob)5', ij'viij ti. Iten>, to him in augmentatioun thereof, .... Ixij ti. xiij s. iiij d. /to«, to Jonet Logane, itnlfi) (Crnt'gi),* . • . xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. I/em, to Johnne Merl;oun, in complete payment of his lawbouris, warkmanfchip, and fur- nefmg of tl)f 3L»fgtstfr ^oiis Lt'ggit tuitljiit tljt CasUil of Crltiiihurilst, abone ]>e lowme of ane hun- dreth and twenty pundis tane allowance in ]ie lafl Chekker ; conform to ]>e Contract maid betuix him and ]'E Clerk of Register ]iairvpoune, .... Iclxxx ti. I/em, gevin to Charlis DanieKloun for expenfis deburfit be him vpoun the ffljffeiitg of tlJE StmgrotiiT nnti Urrjrtiig iTotir tit tfjf (Cnstrll of JJInftitrs, with brwme^ and dovet ;'' and for thre ftok-lokkis to ]ie Dnngeoune, . . . . iij ti. xix s. vj d. Aug. 17. — I/em, to Tliomas Wdward, for JiJototS, ftringis, and arowis, deliuerit be him to j)E Kingis grace, Johnne Tenent,' George Steill, and Thomas Softlaw, at his grace command, xxx ti. viij s. I/em, deliuerit to Johnne ISIoffettis fervand, Confervatour in Flanderis, (end hame be him at ])E Kingis grace command, to romjjlftf ntif (iljbnlmrr of tl)f Stitttquc ^l?tstonf, (in Tapestry- work,) 273 Crownis of Jie fone, ..... iij'ti. vjs. Item, to Patrik Lindfay for vij ^tftfl snljniiB" and ane ring deliuerit to J'e Kingis grace, ....... xxiij ti. ij 5. Ife)n, to Johnne Clerk, Jak-makar, for niTf J>nft deliuerit be him to ]ie Kingis grace, couerit with Veluet, ..... . xxiiij ti. xiiij i. The Royal Household.^ Sep. 7. — «[rj)f rj-^jfitsi's" deburfit vpoun ]ie Kingis servantis, Ordinaris, for ti^nir 3lfbcj rni) tlnihi^, per temjms Gomjmti, (Sep. 2, 1540, to Sep. 7, 1541.) In /lie firfi, ge\in to the Compter, Johnne Leflie, ^rSunrt'^ ; Oliver Sinclar, Henry Kempt, CToppniis; Dauid Wod of Jie Crag, Andro ' L.500n. 2 Wild-Boars. Seo Jul. 20 prereding. ^ Studded with gilded studs. ' This Pension is regularly paid, and is always entered among the ' Elimosina.' ^ Broom ; plantn genista. " Turf. ' There is another charge of vij li. xij d. to Johnne Forestar, bowar, for Arrowis, the same month. ' The con- cluding entries, under this department, at the close of the reign of Kino James V, are so interesting, and contain men- tion of so many persons whose names have long been familiar to the Historian and Antiquary, that the Editor has deemed it proper to give the payments at large. He believes such an enumeration is likely to be acceptable to readers of every class, as it affords such minute details of the internal economy of the Koyal Palace, &c. 28Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 313 APPENDIX. Wo(l of Largo, Cnrbfluri^ ; and ])e Laird of Craggy, Mclitv al tl)t Smxtt'-(iLl)Slmct--tSHT ; ilkane of ])ame xx \\.,Jumma, . . . . ... Pxl ti. Item, to James Leremont and Patiik Wemys, iWai£>ttrt^ 0f ^lotusj^nrif, ilkane of jiame 1 ti., and to tie (Clf rfe of CFvpf ns'ts", xx Yi./'umma, . . . . I'xx ti. Item, to James Aikinheid, Archibald Campbell, jnnnn t'n t\)t Winm^^tTlar \ Stevin Dudingftoiin, (fervand,) in liis faferis place, iHats'trr of t\)e ^ilbn Wt^ciieXl ', Robert Gib, ^qtn)ar at tl)C ilt'itgi^ s'taiill; and Thomas Marfchell, itlatstrr (ilttftf; ilkane of pame xx ti., fiimma, . . • • • • . . • • 1*^1'. Item, to William Baird, James Wod, 5ts'rJ)rn'^ 0f t^f fiFter^CijaTnterj^ur ; Normond Lefley, Patrik Kircaldy, Johnne Gutlire, and James Watfoune, jfntrit fir ti&f iSiltgiS Cljalntfr; Johnne Tennent, jpiitnit lit tl)f SJUnrlfrnp ; Schir George Clapertoun, atne vti.,_/(<;«OT«, • • • • . . . xv H. Item, to Johnne Drummond, iHiti^ttr WixM\)X, in contentatioune of his Leveray clathis, xx li. The Ordinaris in the Quenis Hous. In the firji, to Walter Scrymgeour, itXais'tfr St^rftfr in tje ©umt'iS CJalmfr, for Jiis 5ere and pe 5ere precedant, ilk 3ere xiij ti. vj s. viij A.,fumma, . . xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, to Johnne Moncreif, Alexander Lindfay, and Gilbert Moncreif, %ii:\)tx\^ in tjbt ©Wflti^ Ciinltttrr, ilkane of fame 3erelie, be fe faid fpace, xiiij ti. xiij s. iiij d.,/um.ma, . Ixxxviij ti. The Ordinaris in my Lord Prince Hous. Ill thefirjl, to Thomas Dudingfloune, iHnis'trr ^otis'Saftf ; ]ie Auld Laird/ilTat'^tr 3s'c|)f r, and his fone ; ilkane of fame for fair leueray clathis xx Yx^fmnma, . . Ix ti. Item, to Schir William Layng, itlatstfr CFIi)nt0s"titar; and Mailler Allane Lawmond, ^tfto- art ; ilkane of fame xiij ti. %■] s. viij A.^Jiimma, . . . xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, to Crilliane Baxfter, S"fr6ait1r tff Ea^l) %a\Xt, . . xiij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to f e four ISoJtftfrrt^' and \\)t itabf ittfar, (Laundress,) ilkane of fame vj ti. xiij s. iiij d., Jumma, ..... . xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. /to)i, to Mont, itTais'tfr €foJtE t0 muEortf ^ii'itcf, . . . xti. Item, to Alexander Orknay, Jforemait tit \)\i BrcSring, . . Iiij s. iiij d. Item, to Patrik Marfchell, ^atfs'ar, . . . . . vti. Item, to Patrik Henderfoun, in tl)t SiTi^rTIar, and James M<^kefoune, in \\)t ^nttitrtn'f, ilkane of fame xti., y!na, . . . . . xxti. Item, to Johnne Dowehall in tjf <£.a^:\}ani, • . . xij ti. Item, to William Crummy, ^0rtar, • . . vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, to William Methvene, ISfpar of tl)t ^tlurr bt^ditTi and Colfjarr, vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, to Thomas Stroupe, s'crbaiiif t0 %aO\) Saitf, • . . x ti. The Ordinar Feis and jerelie Pensionis. In thefirji, gevin to tljE b ^ttaTtairt'i^ (Minstrels) for fair twa Leverayis in f e 5ere, takand ilk Leueray \j ti. x s., Jumma, . . .... Ixv ti. Item, to t^r fotir ^Tfite"traTi^ fat playis on X\)t 8FcoTt^, for fair 5ereHe Penfioune, payit quarterlie, takand ilkane xl \\.,Jumma, . . . . . I'^bc ti. Item, to fe four ilTnts'tralt^ fat playis vpoune X\)t JTruntprttis" of OTrrf, ilkane takand xxti., Jumma, . . ..... Ixxx ti. Item, to )ie twa Toddeis tl&at pTapt^ bpounc t^c ^h)is"rl)f JTaifantf,^ ilkane takand xx ti., fumma, . . . . . . . . xl ti. 7toH, to Hanis Cocherane, iHatstfr (§ttmTfr, for his Penfioun, . . Pti. Item, to Johnne Byris and James Law, (Sitititfrn's", for Jiair feis, ilkane havand x ti., Jlmima, . . . . . . . . xx ti. Item, Robert Murray, |3IuinBtr, for his Penfioune for vphalding of f e Laid (lead) of f e PaLICES OF HalYRUDHOUS and LlNL\THQ^% . . . . • xxti. Item, to George Balglavy, for ttrjjtltg of tjbc ^nlict Of lilalnt'atjOU^, . vj ti. xiij s. iiijd. Item, to Schir Alexander Boyd, (illjaiplaiw of ^airrt ilfOitnrtfi^, for ane hous mayll occu- pyit be Johnne Drummond to f e Kingis Wark, pertenyng to his Chapelanrie, . 1 i. ' The Nursery-maids who ' rocked' the Prince's cradle. - Tliis, and many other similar notices, which the Editor has since met with, confirms the interpretation wliich lie formerly gave of the Swesche, in Vol. I, Jac. VI. 28JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 315 APPENDIX. Item, to Thomas Arthure, IHaist fr CitilJOttr to J)E Kingis grace, for his fee, kvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, to tBf ©ttritts' iHitt's'trr ^aihenr, for his fee, . . . xx ti. Item, to James Lindfay (itlats'tfr dFnIr0nar), for his fee, . Ixvjfi. xiij s. iiij d. Item, to Maifter Johnne Schrymgeour, iHiiistrv of TOlarft, for his fee and leveray clathis, Ixti. Item, to Thomas Mereleyis, iHats'tf r (CortJiiif r to pE Kingis grace, for his fee, . x ti. Item, to Johnne goung, JSrolffs'tar, for his fee, . . • • x ti. Item, to vmq''^ Dauid Ferry (jFiirrour) for ane half 3eris fee, becaus he deceffit within fe 5ere, v ti., and to Patrili Bell, Furrour, for fe v])er half jere, v W.,fumma, . . x ti. Iteyn, to William Ra, CluItrTIar, for his fee, . . . • . xti. Item, to Schir James Nychollbun, JlTatst f r fff EiHarft tit ^tritif ling, for his fee, xiij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to Johnne Burnhill, (Brownhill, ) ittatstf r jftTa5"0Uir, for his fee, . . xx ti. Item, to Schir James Inglis, «IJia})fIaitf,siitgautf for i\)t ^atolr of ISuig Same^ tjif STj&rfTf in })E Abbay of Cambuskyknethe, . ... xiij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to James Bannytyne, ffiSfn'ttfr of X\)t (Casuaftfis", and Maifter Thomas Kene,' x ti. Item, to tjbc Ittitgis" ^tiornt for his fee, ..... xl ti. Item, to tfte ^tiorat for X\)t |io6f r, . . • . xx ti. Item, to tl)f OTnrlfaiif of iht m\titsi\hmnxd)ti, for his fee, . . I-^.ti. Item, to tBf eiSfarlfaiif Brputts" of \\)t (!F^tf=iHarrbf^, • • • I'^-l^i- Item, to tbf JWHartfnitf of tjf a:S!IIrst=IHarri)rs' fis sere for his fee, and pe twa seris laft pre- cedent, ......... • iij' ti. Item, to my Lord Methven, ilTatBtrr of ^rtfljfrtt, for his fee, - . I"^ li. Item, to Mailter James Scott,'^ for his Penfioune, . • xiij ti, vj s. viij d. Item, to. Maifter William Meldrum, for liis Penfioune, « ' • • xl ti. Item, to Johnne Bannatyne, 8!2!In'ttar, for his lawbouris, . • vti. Item, to Patrik Sklater, iHat'iStf r ^ailiXIar to ])e Kingis grace, for his fee, . x ti. Item, to Thomas Softlaw, ^tor r1f=slti)jpfr, for his fe in making of his grace ftalbertis, withoute ony vper payment, ..... • • . xx ti. Item, to Raphaell (Caffan3eis Hifpanseart) for his Penfioun, grantit to him be ]iE Kingis grace, . . ... ... . xxti. Item, to Walter Cvnynghame's wiflfe in Striueling, for bpijalUiltS of i\)t ^arfe Hifeus" (o£ ^tn'upli'ng) ]»is 5ere, .... ... . xx ti. Item, to \\)t Cnur ptrr, for his fee pis 3ere, . • . • . . . . ^ Item, to Maifter Alexander Gordoun, for pe Martymes terme laft bipaft of his Penfioun, 1 ti. Item, to Maifter James Foulis, (Clfrft of JKcgtStf r, for his fe, . xiij ti. vj i. viij d. Item, to Maifter Thomas Bellendene, for his laubouris lltttJtg X\)t l^oWii, xiij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to Schir Alexander Scott, Provest of Corstorphxng, for his lawbouris tliting; tje laoTIls", . . . . . • • xiij ti. vj g. viij d. Item, to ii)t ^\itis.mtx Cltrfe, (Schir George Marfchell,) for his fee, xiij ti. vj s. viij d. /J)l^, and keping of ])air gair, . . . . . xl ti. Item, to Johniie Ker, iHni'stfr fff t^f ^nljllltfllt'lffr,' . . . . xl ti. Item, to William DanieUtoune, i\f))ar of tjbc |3alirt Df SiiitlntBtlfo, in Schir Thomas Johnnes- tonis place, . . . . . . . . xx ti. Item, to Maifter Dauid Bonar, for his Penfioune for ouergeving of ])e pley ' of fe Vicarage of Panbryde, at fiE Kingis grace command, . . . . . . xx ti. Item, to Mailler Andro Quhytelaw, for his Penfioune for ouergeving of his Tak to Alexander Quhitelaw, (' his 50ungell bioder,') at ]ie Kingis command, jerelie grantit to him, (quhill) his grace provide him ane benefice, .... . xxvij ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, to William Fowlis, SsVbir of tjif eI6ffeRtr=]&0U^ tfur, . . Is. Item, to Peris Rowane, ^unnnr, for his Penfioune ]ms ^ere, enterit be ane Precept, xl ti. Item, io Charles Murray, itTni^trr of tj)f itiltgts' iHnrts', (Brood-mares,) for his fee, liiij ti. Item, to Dauid Orrok, for ftfjjtitg of tj)f (Castcll of Crngitftjbanr,-' fra ]>e lecund day of Sep- tember, fe 5ere of God 1540, to Jie famin day of September, 154; 1 5eris, includand ane hale 3ere, takand ilk day for his ordinar wage, for him fijlf, his fervand, and hors, iiij s.,fumma, . Ixxij ti. Item, to George Tod, Portnr in |)e faid Place, be fe fpace forefaid, takand ilk day xvj d., Jutnma, ...... . . xxiiij ti. Item, to Maifter Johnne Dauidfoune, to geve to Qnintyne Were, Johnne Mylhous, Malie Hill, and to Atkin Gardnar, all ^rrbnitlfl's' tit fJatj&nitr, (C'raignethane,) in complete payment of ] air wagis reftand vnpayit be Andro Bowe, to fe laft day of Augull, 1341, . . x ti. xix s. viij d. Item, to Jonet Browne, quhilk wes reftand awing to hiv be vmq''' Schir James Hammiltoune, for feding of vij Oxin, . ... . . v ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, gevin to l)e twa ^Iimtari'^ Of X\)( Ca^trll of I3ttltabrrtul)r, for )>air feis pis 5ere to cum, . . . . .... . XX ti. Item, to William Pnrves, (iJitofe'iuafiar aitif ^ntut5») for liis Penfioun })is inftant ^ere, xxti. Item, to Andro Lorymar, for his fe |)is :;ere and ]ie laft 3ere, quhilk was ommyttit and nocht tane allowance of, ilk 5ere x ti., conforme to his Gift admittit, . . . xx ti. Item, to Robert Blak, iirTas'f r, for his fe ])is sere and Jie laft 5ere, quhilk wes omittit and nocht tane allowance, ilka 3ere vti.,y«w/«a, . . . . . . x ti. Item, gevin to Hary Ra, Inglifman, quhilk come with OMrittingts" to ])E Kingis grace fra tl)f ISfitg of SitglaiilJ, ....... xvti. viijs. Item, gevin toSial^ftts" t|)at :pTai.)i^ bjJOUlt X\>t 8FroIl9", to pay for his fonis buirdis,^ for Jiair Lammes terme laft bipaft, be ane Precept at ]ie Kin(;i.s command, . vj ti. xiij s. iiijd. hem, gevin to Johnne Tofart, CrOffilJObj lltaltar, for ftringis, windeflis, windes cordis, deli- uerit be him to Johnne Tenent, . . . . . . vj ti. iiij s. Item, gevin to Johnne Atkynnis WyflFe, in Striueling, for meit and drink furneift to vmq'>^ (^rjjt'r) 31niitf^ ^amtlltouiif of dTnitnart, Situriit, ]'e tyme he remanit )iair vpoune fe bigtirg of tf;f ^.tSxt ffSUarli in ^truiffiiig, at ])E Kingis command, be ane Precept, . Ixv ti. Item, to tl)f (ilomjpttr, for his fuper expenfis in his laft Coniptis, as ]ie famyn (fchawiu lieirwith) beris, ..... iiij™. ij'. Ixvj ti. xij s. v d. ' One of the King's Ships. ^ Law-plea. ' Forfeited to the Crown on the execution of Sir James Ha>ulton of Finnart, knight. ' This payment was regularly made for a considerable period. 29 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 317 APPENDIX. SuMMA of tJ5fffivpf««S Ot tiiiiaml ^auiidjaTti, above ftated, exdujive of the laft ar- ticle, . • . ..... iiij"'. j' . Ivij ti. viij s. iiij d. ' The Expenfis of the iJtiri^ tff Sir&cu1fl)rucl)t, (Oct. 22 to Nov. 9,) raigtauitf, (Nov. 9 to 23,) and JSoviurtbt, (Apr. 30 to May 21, all inclufive,) fen pe laft Chakker, (the particular items of which are detailed,) . ..... viij'^.lxxxxix ti. xvij s. viij d. ob. Item, to Johnne Broane, iHnt^tf r of tljf 51l)0unf,' for his fe in fe ^ere bigane, and na allow- ance tane Jiairof, becaus he wes in Burdeous for ])e tyme, in ])E Kingis feruice, xl ti. ; and for Jiis inftant ^ere vpir xl \\.,Jiimma, . . .... Ixxx ti. Item, gevin to James Bertoune and Hary Bertoune, fonis to vmq''= Robert Bertoune OF Ouir Bertoune, Jn&rs'nurur aittf ComptroIInr to ])E Kingis grace for pe tyme, in complete payment of pe 5erlie Penfioune grantit to Jiame be J)E Kingis grace for all pe dayis of pair lyfe, or ay and quhill ])ai and aper of pame be beneficit, as his grace thinkis expedient, &c. And becaus Eliza- bethe Craufurd, pe relict of pe faid vmq'" Robert, and Robert Mowbray, a/za* Bertoune of Bern- bowgall, his fonne and executouris to him, hes quyteclamyt and difchargit all foomes of money awand be our fouerane lord to pe faid vmq'" Robert, and fuperexpendit in his Comptis pe tyme he wes The- faurar and Comptroller, as is contenit in pe Chekker Rollis, . . . Ixxx ti. Item, to Arche Pennycuke, Ittai^tfr 0f \.\)t Winuaxxxt," for his fee, . xlti. Item, gevin to Elijabeth Hume, dochter to vmq'« William Hume, tfl J)ir iHnn'agf, and to peperfoune pat happynis to complet mariage with hir, . . Ixvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, to Johnne Lowife, Jfulr,^ and his moder, conforme to pE Kingis grace Letteris of Gift maid pairupoune, for pis 5ear alanerly, . . , . . x ti. ^umnta omitiunt Cryprits'nruin Jjujus" (!l0mpott', • sxxvj». iiij'-, lij ti. xix s. ij d. ob. The C?VpflTS'i£> maid and deburiit vpoune t^f iHbltlturitiS and Craftifmen wirkand pairon, within pE Castell OF Edinburghe,'' and vjiiris places, . . I™.j''. Ixx ti. vij s. vj d. ob. Sept. 9 — Item, gevin to James Scrymgeour, at his pns's'tng; tO dFrnnrr, . P. x ti. Item, deliuerit to him to geve tljre drnlcoitfris" ]'at pailit with pe ^Inllit^ tit dFraitrr, Ixvj ti. Item, gevin to pE Quenis grace ^Tnister %?0U5l)anf and his wyffe, at pair departing to France, ....... ij'. xx ti. Sept. 13 — Item, gevin to William Straitherne, for his expenfis paffing with twa clofe writ- tingis to JliECaltrr ittrdFarlaitt and iHr^rfgour with deligence, . . . xliiij s. Oct. 3. — Item, gevin toane Duchemau^ for two ^us'saiTis' 0f iHailjf, twa paiTS'tS' of niail3e, twa pair of Clrr^soitt^ of mail3e, xiiij Crownis of pe fone ; x ^alkriiggi's" but i)ri1f!gnir antS CTfs's's Iirtis', X Crownis of the fone; twa ^nlftrpggis', with Heid-gair and Tellottis, iiij Crownis of pe fone ; ttna s'taitlf of ^larnriS, with ^Itibt's and ^ogiitgt^, ane (Collar of ^trill, and ane ^Jos'sairc of meljc, xiiij Crownis of pe fone ; all pis gair deliuerit to William Smythberd,^yM»i»!«, . xlvj ti. iiij s. Oct. 10. — Item, to Adame Logane, fone to Robert Logane,7 to by him an Horse and to fur- neis him clathis, pas'^t'iig to tl)f JJiiig of l>itglantf toitl) ftjalftii^, . xxij ti. xiij s. iiij d. Item, to Caldwellis, dfaTroitrr, quhilk paffit with pe famyne Halkis, to by him ane hors, and furnefing of his clathis, . . .... xxij ti. xiij s. iiij d. ' One of the Royal Vessels of War. ' Another of the King's Vessels of War. ' The Court Fool oi- Buffoon. ' One of the entries is as follows ; — ' Item, the penult day of Julij, resauit he Johnne Druniniond fra Florence Corintoun, Vf. ane less (199) Estland buird to the Slhkouding or the Rec.isteh Hols; and gevin to the pynouris for baring of the samin to the caitis and carting thairof, iiij s. Item, gevin to the Carteris, for carrage of the samin to the Castell, extending to xix draucht, xlvij s. vjd.' * He also, on Oct. 10, got xxij li. for ' thre schorte Culueiingis, ane Swerd, ane lang Cnluering, and ane sadjll, deliuerit to ye Kingis grace.' ** This is one specimen of the numerous entries for defensive AK:Moua, which King James V. and his father had a singular passion for collecting, of the finest workmanship, from foreign countries ; as well as what could be produced, of every possible pattern, in Scotland. 'I'heir ctdlection of Arm(uir for the Touknajient was equally remarkable, with all kinds of Jedburgh-Statfs, pikes. Cross-bows, &c, &c. The nature of the Armour here enumerated, has frequently been explained in the course of this work. ' On Dec. 22, Robert Logane, Voung Laikd of Restalrig, got expensive dresses of ' hlak Damese ' and ' Sating,' &c. It is likely he was the person here mentioned. 318 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1541. APPENDIX. Item, gevin to Thomas Arthure, for fumefing of Clathis of Reid and 5allow to twa Jj'utf men fat paffit with ])e Halkis forefaid, ...... vij ti. vij s. j d. /ton, gevin to Cald wallis, for thre monethis Wageis to him, his fervandis and x ^allii^, xixti. xj s. Item, to mak pair expenfis to J)E King of Ingland with ])e faidis Halkis, xxxiiij H. Oct. 15 /few, to Dauid Blythe, to pafs in Ingland for nitc (doittftirt ta tjc Sinhns's'as tffiiri^, ....... . . . xxti. Item, to ane fervand of J)E Cardynallis, quhilk brocht Writtiitgtsi to )»e Kingis grace fttrtj&e 0f dFrnitrf, ....... xxij ti. Oct. 16. — Item, for {)titguig of tje ffaprSrStrie in Halyrudehous, and down-takin of fe famin, ... . . . . . ^'j s. Oct. 22. — Item, gevin to Johxne Leslye, broder to my Lord of Rothes, to by him (dlat^is' t0 1)ts" iHan'figr, . . . . . . . . Hi. Death of Margaret, Queen Dowager of Scotland. [The date of Queen SIargaret's death has long been a doubtful and controverted point, and is now, for the first time, settled from indisputable authority. It is only necessary to notice a few of the earlier writers, as the later authors merely perpetuate their errors. Bishop Lesleij states, that immediately after the ' Queue moder' had stood ' Godmoder' to Prince James, (which event he dates 1539,) she ' passit to Methwen, to remane thair with hir husband ; quhair scho tuik seiknes, and schortly eftir deceassit ; and wes buryit in the Charter- Hous Kirk, at Perth, in King .Tames the Firstis graif, with greit honour and pompe-funeralle, the King hira selfe and mony Nobill men being thair present.' Bannatyne Club's Edit. p. 157 — Balfour falls into the same blunder. Annales, I, 270. — The above entry in the Treasurer's Accounts is confirmed by ' The Chronicle of Perth,' which has recently been printed for the Maitland Club. ' Quene Margaret, mother to King James the Fyft, deceisit on Sanct Munokis day, in Methuen, 1541 yeiris ; bureit in the Charter hous, besyde Perth, the Kingis Waiestie, Nobi- litie, and Barronis being present.' Chron. of Perth, p. 2. — It is proper to add, that there are two Scottish Saints in the Calendar for October, St Monon, martyr, at Arduena, A.D. 404, Oct. 18 — and St Marnok, Bishop and Confessor, who died at Kilmarnock, A.D. 322, Oct. 25. The former of these, however, is the likeliest date of the two, from the various entries, and from the time which must have been employed in preparing the Funeral Cere- monies and ' Dwle' dresses.] Item, gevin to ]at paffit withe ane Writting fra ])E Justice Clerk to ])E Lord Maxwall, for raitttitrbjnti0uitf of aitr (Coiortr of Hu^tirfarif, . . xxij s. Oct. 30. — Item, deliuerit, to be fE Kingis giace ane Stolf,' (©otoitf, ^M\ii, anti (Cotf,^ xj elnis half elne Paryfe blak, price of ])e elne 1 l.,fumma, . . , xxviij ti. xv s. Item, for ix elnis blak freis, to lyne ])e Cote all throcht, . . xxxvj s. Item, for pointis and ane tolat to turs it to Sanct Johnestoune,' . iiij s. iiij d. Item, for twa 39h)Ir 33onrttis' to his grace, . . . . xl s. Item, to be his grace aitr UntfiiTg^yTotr, four elnis Paryfe blak, . . x ti. Item, Paryfe blak, to be his grace aitt Jawtriltg ttoftr,^ . vij ti. xj s. x d. ob. Item, to Robert Blak, to pafs and proclame aire 5itts'tirt Courtc lit Kf^ittrgiif, to be haldin be xxij day of November nixt to cum, ..... xxij s. ' The Quenis Tyremont.' Nov. 1. — In tlwfrji, gevin to Alexander Hwtoune, to pas and warne ])E Erles of Hunt- ' O. Fr. Dxieil, mourning weeds. Cofgrave. ' On Oct. 15, the King got ' skalbertis to his swerdis of blak Veluet.' On 21st, there was delivered to the King in ' the Abbav, xv elnis of blak Veluet of Janis, quhilk wes send to the Quenis grace, xlv Ii.' On 25th, ' ane Cote, with slevis of blak Veluet, ane Dowelet of blak Sating,' with other furnishings of black. " Perth — where Queen Wargaret was buried. ' There are other furnishings of ' lyningis,' ' pasmentis,' ' schone,' (shoes,) and ' Lyaris and twa Cuscheonis of French blak.' 29 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS, * 319 APPENDIX. LIE, Marschell, Murray, and vferis Lordis and Gentilmen in ])e North to cum to tf)f ©tttittS jrurriiTffirt, ...... . . xliiij s. Item, to Robert Blak, fiklyke Letteris to ))E Abbottis of Newbottill, Melros, Lord jefter, and vjieris Lordis and Gentilmen in Lothyane, . . . x^^j s. viij d. Nov. 2 — Item, to Henry Kempt, tff r«tt^ tia §l\illxn^t iat®.i>tnt ^TnglfnTHitf, quham God aflblje, . . • . . . . . -XJ li- Nov. 5.. — Item, to ©rmoittf, Purfewant, for pafling with ficlyke Letteris to Fyffe, Straith- ERNE, and Menteithe, . . . . ... xliiij s. Item, to Johnne Cob, for paffing with ficlyke Letteris to ])E Erle of Cassillis, Lord Sympill and Ross, and vlier Gentilmen in ))E Westland, . • . xliiij s. Nov. 11. — The Queen and her ' Ladyis of Honour' got ISiuIc OTftft^ and iHffuntiitg IBrrss'f^ furnished on Nov. vij, ix, and xj, which appear to have been sent to Falkland. It is unne- cessary to repeat them here. Item, gevin to Patrik Bell, Furrour, for dJ^0rrtligi'^ and warkraanfchip furnefu to t^c ©tlfltis" grace and ))e |3h)If SilSftft^ forefaid, as bis Compt beris, . . xsx ti. iij s. Item, to Archibald Leythe, for Furringis deliuerit be him to J>e Quenis grace, to fe eifect fore- faid, ........ xxiiij s. Nov. 14. — Item, gevin to William Straitherne, for paffing with Letteris to Dunbertane, Renfrew, Irwin, and Air, to charge fe Gentilmen of ])e Schyris pa^^ toitj^ tlje ©rif of (Slfitftnrnc to iSnitturf, ......... xliiij ti. Item, to Alexander Hutoune, for paffing to iHc^rrgour and AUane Stewart of Baquhidder, with twa clofe Writtingis, . . . . . . . iij ti. Item, gevin to Archibald Heryot, for paffing with Letteris to ^elJttrft to bring in certane efchete gudis of }>e Kerrys, tljnt ^Irio ii)t ^robos't J'airof, . . . xx s. Nov. 16. — Item, gevin to Thomas Arthour, (Mailer Tailor,) for making xv (llloftlS to tj&E (©uritt'sigi'ace and ]&{r itntfuisV ilk Cloke iiij s., /«)«/««, . . . iij ti. Nov. 19. — Item, gevin for ant Stole, of Scottis blak, to Soljititt Jtcs'Iuf, fone to J)E Erle of Rothes, . . . . . . . iiij ti. ix s. iij d. Nov. 19. — Item, gevin to Ormond, Purfewant, to pas with Letteris to warae ]'e Barronys to rutff tuitS tl)f ISutgt'£j grarc to t5c33or1foun'sV • .... . xliiij s. Nov. 28 Item, to Archibald Heryot, for paffing with Letteris to ii)t WinrtSnnt of ii)t iWutllrinjiHarrbfiEi of Sitglaitlf, . .... iij ti. vj §. Nov. 29 Item, to be tl)tt![xn%^ ane Cote, vJ quarteris demmegrave, and vJ quarteris Sal- low,'' .... . . ... Ivij s. ix d. Nov. 30. — Item, gevin to Thomas Ahannay, for his expenfis paffing to Perthe with pE Quenis ita1rj)t^ Oofet'^, . . • • • • • . xj s. Item, deliuerit to Johnne Mofman, for e elne x s^Jicmma, . . . . . . vj ti. Item, gevin to Johnne joung, for tvifa Crurfft'vt^ o( fdk browdery wark, and twa 3ntngfi£i fff ffur %atSu and ^aiTft 3Sol)ititt; for making of f>e cuveringis of ]>e Lettronis, withe faflis of filk and furneiing Jiairto ; and making of all ]>e forefaid (C])a^tXl gatr, . . . xviij ti. vij s. Item, gevin for waving of vj^ vnces blak filk, deliuerit to Thomas Softlaw, tff hinlf tjbf Kt'ngt^ ^lorrtf5f)nii1fis' withe, . . . . . . . ix s. ix d. Item, gevin to Johnne Mofman, for niTf CIainh=5'r{)fn of fduer to put SThjirjjt ptlTHfr* in, weyand thre vnces, price of |>e vnce xvj s., and for ]ie warknianfcbip, xiiij s.,fimima, iij ti. ij s. Item, for ane vfer ((IIainb=^rJ)fn tff put ^alfe mn't tit,'' weyand vij |- vnces grote wecht ; and for ))e warkmanfchip, XX s. /«»»«(«, ... . . vjti. xiijs. Dec. 29 — Item, gevin to Petir Thomefone, for his expends pa^s't'ng tff Jttmtfnitr to ttt C?mbas"0"atfftin'^ withe deligence, ..... xxij ti. Item, deliuerit be Thomas Arthuir to ])E Lady Cragy, to be hir JBfolcs^ffhJitr, WiittiU, and ^llt"lf, vij elnis Paryfe Blak,^ . . . ... xij ti. xij s. Jan. 3, 1541-2. — Item, to mend tiie ^tifiti^CJbrrffft, vji elnis blak Veluet, xvj ti. xvij s. vj d. Item, for v quarteris auld Crameffy Sating, to mend Jie lynyng of |>e famin, . iijti. Item, to Helene Rofs, to mak Fren5eis to pe faid Qljtrpfft of blak filk, iij ti. v s. iiij d. Item., for ane reii^e of worfet to Jie italfl) fllragffs" brp'tttn,'' . . iij s. /<«>/«, gevin to Johnne Cranftoune, for brtngtitg of ttoaCljflJi^ to fE Kingis grace, vjti. xiijs.iiijd. Jan. 10. — Item, to tijr ^itspamrrt «§fittiIniaiT ]'at is withe Raphaell,' . xti. /to?i, to )ie faid 5t5ap5'irII, at )ie Kingis grace command, . . . xti. Item, to Alexander Wicht, cultellar, for v gilt ®u5iltgari£f, nut Drlfllttrgjfj^taff, twa Jrpair=]&r'Jlts", ouergilt, and four lUuggfOttitssloftfti's',^ .... viij t. xvj s. Jan. 11. — Item, to Jakkis and his collegis, Armoraris, for aitf lur^t ^arrrfi^, with dowbill Teslettis, and ane Stele-bonet to ]ie Kingis grace, deliuerit to Robert Gyb, xiiij ti. ix s. ' Many other furnishings. ' Embroiderer. ' Desks. O. Fr. Lectrin, letrin. * It is uncertain whether this is touch and priming powder, or tooth-powder, though the Editor believes the latter to be the proper reading, as a Clam-shell would not make a ready flask for priming a culverin, &c. See under Feb. 15, 15+1-2, following. ^ This was a favourite ornament of the King's. He appears to have been eminently skilled as a Falconer, and indeed in all the sports of the field and manly exercises. ' She also got ' ane Riding Cloke,' ' Dwle Cwbcheis,' consisting of 8 elns of Holland claith,' ' ane Fute-Mantill and Harnessing,' with ' Arming (Ermine) to lyne hir Huid and taill of hir Gowne,' amounting to xxiij li. iij s. additional. ' There is much interesting expenditure, for furnishings to the Royal Stables, &c. at this period, but too lengthened to be given here. ' Raphaell Cassanzeis. ■ Stocks or handles to Dudgeon-daggers. 29JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 321 APPENDIX. Item, to Robert Crag, for ant Collar al goflf ^ttt boi'tj) |3frTf, brocht hame be him to fE QuENis grace, xvij ti. xij s. ; and for Bonettis, fwerd-beltis, fewiiig-filk, and vper gear, xiiij ti. xij i., ^umma, .... . .... xxxij ti. iiij s. Item, gevin to Williame Calderwood, for aitf pair 0f (©rgaiti^, deliuerit to Wyt (ilbapell tit ?BaIgrtttfbou^, . . . . . • • Ixti. Jan. 24. — Item, to Scliir Dauid Murray of Balwaird, kny', in recompance of his landis of DuDiNGSTouNE, taitr \n tff tbf nrlu parft Bf^ulff ^lalnntlfrbouS, . • iiij' ti. Item, to Dame Mayne, in ))e Cannogait, for dettis awing to hir be 33arl)ara ^tctoart, at pE KiNGis command, . . . . . . . 1 tl. Jan. 31. — Item, to Peter Thomfone, for his expenfis pa^^tirg to SliiittfpiTE to tj)f ©ntba^s'aj tourt^, with deligence, . . .... . xxxiij ti. Item, to Johnne Cob, for paffing with clofe Writtingis to X\)t (dapntaitr of iBtmbar and ^riorfs" of ^a^tirgtotiitr, . ... . . . xij g. Feb. 2. — Item, gevin to Helena Rofs, for attf ^ttrs" to putt iij'= Crownis in, quhilk wes gevin to \\jt dFrrnrl) CFmba^satour, ....... xiiij s. Feb. 14. — Item, gevin to tjt ©Ufitt's" |3auttour,' to by colouris to paint with, in Falk- land, . . . . . . - . . xj ti. Feb. 15. — Item, gevin to Johnne Mofman, (goldfmith,) for ttoa ^alftiiJrllf^S Of (SoUr to ])E KiNGis grace, weyand xiij \ Vnicorne wecht, price of fe vnce viij Y\.,fumma, . xiij ti. x s. Item, gevin to him for making of fame, .... xxij s. Item, gevin to him for ailf |9fltltarc of Btltirr, to fttip ^ufet^tfttljf ilt,^ to pE KiNGis grace, ixviij s., and making of it, xiiij s.,Jumma, .... xiij s. Item, gevin to him for €l)fmtt^, JTaiuInttt^, fffrgnttt^, JJraccIattis", Jiingis", ^taiTi£(, and Pcrlr^, furnefit Jiairto, . . .... iiij' Ixxxvij t. iiij s. Item, gevin to Thomas Rynd, for ficlyke (&oftf=ionrfe, . . ij'xlixti. vj s. Mar. 5. — Item, gevin to Alexander Hutoune, to pas to pe Lord Maxwall with tl)t ^orttius"' of H)t 3tu3tirr fliourtr of Smtartfalf,' ...... xxij s. Mar. 6. — Item, to be tlos'c (ilobcn'^ to X\)t ^teilTs^alfini^, v dufane and four Bafane' (kynnis, ........ . viij s. x d. Mar. 10. — //f»w, gevin for Clatbis furnefit to Thomas Dury, Ctofef to Hor'if 3)antf ^, xti.vij s.jd. Mar. 13. — Item, to be aitf Uurl)t ^otoitt to ittats'trrs" itlargarttr, lifter to ]ie Erle oe Levinax, ix elnis Lylis worfet, . . . . . vj ti. xiij s. Item, for iHfrtrt)ftfelS" and ilnfe (^able) s'femtni'^, to lyne ))e faid gowne with,^ iij ti. x s. Apr. 24, 1542 — Item, gevin to Charlis Murray, for aiTC JSartfit (Barbed) ^aritrs"trtg to the KiNGis grace Hors, . . . . ... xxij ti. Item, gevin to him for Ixxxxix ^aglin^fBt^, deliuerit to ]ie Mvnitioune Hous, price of the pece xiiij s.,yMmw(a, ...... Ixixti. vjs. Item, to t\it ^rotljoitotar, and ane v]ier fervand of the Quenis, at fair paffing to France,' ......... xxxiij ti. Item, to Hallot, |Pagr, to furneis his expenfis to France,^ . . . xxxiij ti. May 5. — Item, gevin to \\>t ©tttltt^ ^aiittour, for ane monethis wage, fra )ie thrid day of pis monethe to be pait to him monetblye, as it cummis vpone pe day, to ij s. vj d. for him and his fervand, . . . . . . . iij ti. x s. ' The name of this individual cannot be traced in the Record. He was for a considerable time in the constant service of the Queen, and receives many large payments. ' See Dec. 24, 1541, preceding. ^ The Porteous Roll. ' Usually written ' Annanderdaill.' ' Bison. " A variety of other furnishings, ' blankettis, lynnyng schetis, boystaris, Arres-wark for a bed-cover,' &c. ' See Jan. 20, 1340-1, of these Ex- tracts. ' He also got costly dresses, previous to his departure. VOL. I. f 2 S 322 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1542. APPENDIX. May 12 Item, fend to Sanctandrois, to be ane Gowne to the Lady Erroll, Hgane \)n iHarringt, xiiij elnis reid Veluot of giane, .... xlvtux s. Item, to be hir nitf Itt'rttTI, vij h elnis Purpure Sating, . . xxij ti. x s. May 22. — Item, to be fend to Sanctandrois, to be Clatbis to Serat, tje ©unttS J?tolf, thie elnis dimmegrave, and thre elnis 3allow, . . . . vj ti. xviij i. Item, to ^tsU, Herold, at J)E Kingis command, for bis lawbouris awaytand vpone tje dFrrnr|& Dmtns's'ntour, the tyme be wes heir, . . . . . xti. Item, gevin to Peter Rofs, for turfing of Letteres to tj)f 23uftc of Ponifr,' vj ti. xij s. May 24. — Item, to be nitf (Cotf and ane pair of J)Ot0" (for J>e King) of ])e Ktaltme faffoune; and to jeit the Cote with thre vauis aboute the Taill, xj elnis blak veluet of Janis,^ . xxxiij ti. Item, to ane Inglifman fat brocbt Writtingis to X\)t CPmbns's'atoun'^, . vj li. xij s. May 27. — Item, to Katberyne Bellendene, to be aitr §'Trbt to put above the Kingis Hames, twa elnis Purpure teifites, withe thredis of gold, . . . . . xl s. Item, for rubennis of filk Jiairto, . . . . . ixd. Jun. 1. — Item, gevin to Thomas Wallace, Ta]50ur, for making of the Quenis grace Stole i&1i\xm\i and hir Blalfui^, and furnefing maid be him Jiairto, . • x ti. xj s. viij d. Jun. 7. — Item, to Johnne Caldvvallis, for his expenfis paffingin Norroway for %alfti^ to the Kingis grace, ....... xxij ti. Item, gevin to Johnne M wre, for his expenfis paffing to gyd the faid Joimne in iSffrrotoaD, xj ti. Item, gevin to the Laird of Bruntstoune, for bis expenfis pasis't'ng tff dfraiTCf, at the Kingis command, with four %?0riS, . . . . . P x ti. Item, to pay for fe Fraucht, and boyis to kepe ]iame, . . . xx ti. Item, to THE Laird of Stevinsoune, for his expenfis paffing to France pe famin tyme, ........ xxxiij ti. Item, deliuerit to Andro Wod of Largo, at the Kingis command, be ane Precept, to rrtfeutcilantfi^, as his grace hes gevin iiim command, . . . 'j™ W. Jun. 17. — Item, deliuerit to tjc dfrritr]bt J)))0ti)gar, at bis paffing to France, xxxiij ti. Regalia — The King's and Queen's Crowns. Jun. 27. — Item, gevin to the Capitane of Crawfurd, for fyve fcore xij i vnce btrmolt^ tltg i&aVSi of iHyu'Jf, price of the vnce vj ti. viij s., quhilk wes deliuerit to Johnne Mofman and dif- ponit vpone the King and Quenis graces Crownis, weyand, t|&r Kt'itgi^ (CroJuitr, xij | vnce; tje (OlUCniiS (llrotolTf, xxxv vnce ; and to eyk, aitf grrte CJcitJC to his grace, xvij vnce, and aitr 33flt to |>E Quene, weyand xix ^ vnce, .... . vij'xviij ti. viij s. Jun. 28 Item, to X\)t ©Ufltt'sJ ^Snilttour, for his Wageis fra ))e laft of May, iij ti. x s. Jun. 30. — Item, gevin to the Lohdis Erskin and Ruthvene, for fupporting of thair Ex- penfis paffing to i\)t JJortfOuri^, ilkane 200 merkis, and to JiE Justice Clerk 100 merkis, iiji^xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to Dauid Creiclitoune, Capitane of J>e Castell of Edingburcht, for (iFyjjfus't^ maid vpoune Mathow Hammyltoune, Ewyne M'^neyll Vane, Thomas Gray, and Andro Hammyltoune, (^tatf ISn's'oitfrs',) be ])e fpace of ane 5ere, . . Ixti. Jul. . — Item, refiiiuit fra Alexander Quitelaw, aitf ClaiuntfS'ftlfn of filuer, weyand vij vnce half grote wecht, to mak ane new Sehell to keip ]ie Kingis jiialft niftt,^ and eikit to Jie famyne twa vnce 3J grote wecht ; and to be ane floppell to ane fchell to keip the Kingis grace iTtottJbt pnflffr, xxxix s. Item, gevin to bini (Johnne Mofman) for making of |iame, . . . xx s. Jul. (7.) — Item, tS.\)C (SiuriTisi (Magdalenes) 33crigt celebrated as ufual. ' Pomerauia. ' Many otbcr t'urnishiiigs, &c. ' See Aug. 13, 1540, of these Extracts, &c. 29 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 323 APPENDIX. Jul. 7. — Item, gevin to ©rntoitlf, Persewant, for his Expenfis pafling to warne fe Lairdis of Striuelingfchyre and Lothyane to ryde with J)E Quenis grace fe tytne fche paflit forth of Striue- ling to ^fhli^, . . . . . . . . . xxij s. Jul. 8. — Item, gevin to Thomas Ramfay, Falconar, for liis Wageis remanying in Edinburcht Tpone the s'fttiitg of tjjf itiitgt's" grace ^nlltt^, .... iiij ti. viij s. Jul. 10. — Item, gevin to t^f ©ticiti^ pn{iTt0Ur, for his wageis to Aug. firft nixt to cum, (the fame being paid monthly,) . . . . . iij ti. x s. Item, to William Smythherd, for dichting of the Kingis grace 3tts"tcng ^aritf^ and gilt Harnes, Steill Sadillis, Roundellis for Speris, Schaifronis for Horfis, &c. . . xxli. Jul 11. — Item, gevin to Johnne Bertoune, for expenfis maid vpoune t^f ^retf SFiti'rame,' Jul. xj, 1541, at hir pns's'tirg t0 dTraitrt tui'tB t]&t (CnrtfiitaTT; and paying of Marynall wages, &c., except hir victaling, , . . ... . . I'^xlix ti. xxiij d. Jul. 13. — Item, deliuerit to ])e Kingis grace, in Pebli.s, aitf 5Kutg with ane grete ^a^\)iu, (Sapphire,) . . . . . . . . xvjti. xs. Item, gevin to Johnne Paterfoune, for ane Kaife for vj ^rftf |9(rcs' (Silver Plate), xvj s. ; and for ane Kaife to iiij s'ntflTI Prrr^ with ane cover, x s. ; and for twa Kaiflis to twa ilatuitrt^ ^ jrf ^tfttfr, XX s.jjiimma, ... ...... xlvj i. Item, to ])E Capitane of Dunbar, for fuflenyng of ^aiixixt iHoutfnrt in meit and drink fra Jie feift of Candilmes, 1540, to ]ie feift of Lammas, 1541, . . . xlv ti. Jul. 14. — Item, gevin to Peter Thomefoune, for his expenfis paffing to t'i)t (dottn^all tsl Sorlt with deligence, . . . . . . . . xvti. viij s. Item, gevin to Johnne Merl30une, in complete payment for the ISt'gtitg of tljf 9Kcg{^ttr ?^OttS in THE Castell of Edinburcht, aboue Jie fowme promittit him in the Contract, becaus the werk wes ekit,' .......... xxij ti. Item, gevin to Frances Aykman, for ISroggt^ furnefit be him to ]ie Kingis grace, and to iHfli0"trrfS" illnrgarttf, at his grace command, .... Ixiiij ti. xvj s. Jul. 16. — Item, for cariage of the Paljeonis to t^t |^?uitttitg, and Hors wage, fra Jie vij of fis moneth, . . . . . . . , . . ix ti. Item, gevin to William Hardy, paffing to Dunfermling with ane clofe Writting to ]'E Bis- CHOPPls, being fair, to cum to Edinburcht tO roithoi) thf C&tlflTt^ grace, &c. . . xxij s. Jul. 17. — Item, gevin to Robert Spittall, for making of ])e Quenis HBtuIc ^niwti'^ and hir 5ll,alfl)(^, ......... xxij ti. ix s. vij d. Jul. 18. — Item, to ane boy, to pafs with ane Writting of mij llortf ^frrrtariS to Dumferm- Hng to the Lordis, being Jiair, . . . . . . . i>'j s» Jul. 20. — It£m, to Robert Blak, for paffing with Letteris fra ]>e Lordis to ^rtflmrrBt,* xxij s. Item, to Raphael Hyfpanjert, for his penfioune, . . . . xxti. Jul. 21. — Item, gevin to Adam Grymiflaw, to furneis (hire) him ane Hors to fE Kingis grace, xliiij s. : And at liis returnyng agane furth of C?rgi)If, xliiij s.,Jumma, . iiij ti. viij s. Item, to Petir Thomfoune, for his expenfis pafling with deligence eftir tj&f iHitis'trr of ^Ott^s baUlf, . . ....... xxvj ti. viij s. Jul. 26. — Item, gevin to ])E Laird of Swyntoune, be deliuerance of ])E Lordis, for ane ^or^ qtij&t'Ift bfs" tanf fra ^fi)ir JWafintant Cbfrfs", and he wes caufit to mak redres ]iairof be fe Lordis Commiflioneris,' ........ xxxiiij ti. ' One of the Royal Vessels of War. ' Laveis. ' Because additions were made to the work. There are many entries of payments to account of this building in former parts of the Accounts. See also Aug. 16, 1542. * The same day Letters were despatched to ' the Bischofpis, Prei.attis, and Lordis, throcht all the Westlanij and Northland.' And during the remainder of the month a great stir was made, in summoning all the Barons, &c. ' for suppleing of the Bordouris,' &c. ' The Lairds of Aytoune and Swyntoune were Warden-deputes of the East Marches at this time, having regular Pensions for their services. 324 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1542, APPENDIX. Jul. 29. — The C?r})fit^i^ of tljf aSriitt Jis'Iaitlf, and the Kingis gi-ace ^rljippis", /ier tempm Compoti, ........ iij' Ixxvj ti. xvj s. xj d. Item, to Alexander Orrok of Sillibawbe, in 5r0r|)irjgu1ff with Barbara Falconer, dochter to vmq''= Dauid Falconar, at ]ie Kingis command, becaus the faid vmq''' Dauid wes flane in his gi-ace feruice,' . . . • . .... j'xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. Item, to Adam Forman, for paflTing with Wiittingis to t]&e Coutts'nlt fff ^0rfe, and tharefter to Londyne, to tlie Maifler of Houlliald, ..... xxvj ti. viij s. Item, to ane Inglifman quhilk brocht ane Writting fra ^c\)ix JSJlfilTtant CFbfri^ to ]>e Lordis, (of Privy Council,) ...... iij ti. vij s. Aug. 7. — Item, deliuerit to Charlis Murray, to be Jllte ^^IlsVltJf,- x elnis raid and 5allow Tef- fites of cord, and twa elnis quhite Teflites of Janis, to be Crocts' fairto, . . x ti. viij s. Item, to Thomas Gybfbane, karter, in parte of payment of the fnriagc of rfrtntTC Srtcljerif to ]iE Heremitage,^ . . . . . . . . 1 s. Item, to James Law, to by ane fait hyde to roucr tj&f ^oTlff r J>at paflit fair, and twa pulder- baggis, . . ....... xiij s. viij d. Item, gevin to Dauid Purves, mafer, for jiafling with Letteris to \\)t jfWtrs'f, to proclame and charge all inliabitantis Jiairof fat haid fled, to pafs hame agane for defenfe of fe cuntre, . xls. Item, gevin to Robert Blak, for paffing with ane Writting to ))E Laird of Basse, to Charge him to Itrpr CFIrn'itgtouitf, . ...... xiiij s. Item, to Thomas Dalmahoy, to mak his expenfis paffing with \e ^rtrluric to pe Heremi- TAGE, .......... xxij s. Aug. 10. — Item, gevin to Jolinne Cob, paffing to charge )ie Carteris in Leithe, Hadingtoune, North Berwyk, and vjieris places in Lodiane, to be reddy within xxiiij houris warnyng,* xxij s. Item, gevin to twa Inglifraeu, quhilkis wer iu Cowper-of- Angus and Newbottill, ilkane four Crownis of fe Cone, ........ viij ti. xvj s. Item, to the Inglifman quhilk brocht Writtingis laft fra t^f CouiTS'alT Of %BX% iiij ti. viij s. Aug. 12. — Item, gevin to William Champnay, for paffing with Letteris to Dunbertane, Glafqw, Air, Irwine, and Quhitherne, to charge fame fend fair ^ri^ippt^ and boittis, with vferis Vefchellis, tO raru iitrit f iirt 5 of t^f SUts" ; and with vjieris Letteris to fe Schereffis, to charge fame be reddy vpoune fax houris warning,^ . . . . . . . . . Iv s. Item, to Peter Thomfoune, for jpas^tiTg to itoitlfniTt with Writtingis to the Maifter Houf- hald, .......... xxxiijti. Item, deliuerit to Walter Scrymgeour,'' to be aitc ^tr^fltu, and CrOffS fairto, &c. viij ti. xixs. Item, gevin to Johnne Mofnian, quhilk he gave to ane man ]iat brocht ttua dFal^ (Coitjrarf^ to Edenburcht, . . . . . • . . . . xx s. Aug. 15. — Item, gevin to Archibald Heriot, for paffing with ficlike Letteris? to fe SLorlT %tiXtx : And with Letteris, to proclame in Coflftitgj&ame fat all Tenentes and Frehaldarea of f e faniin pafs and remane fair for defence of fe Place,** ..... xxij s. Item, gevin to .Tohnne Forflar, Bowar, for Arrowis to f e Kingis grace ; and ane Bow, ane Braife, ane Glvffe, and ane dufiine Arrowis, to ]iE Quenis grace, deliuerit to Oliuere Sinclare and Johnne Tenent, fra Apr. 3 to Jul. 30, inclufive, . . . . xti. xvs. vjd. Aug. 16. — Item, to Robert Blak, for paffing with Letteris to f e Schereflf of Hadingtoune, and ' At the Siege of Tamtallon. ^ Ensign, Standard. ' Prior to the Battle of Haddenrig. ' Charges were also despatched to all the Shires to be in readiness. ^ Messengers sent with similar cliai'ges to all the other Sheriffs. i" Constable of Dundee, heritable Uoyal Standard- Bearer. ' Letters had been sent ' with deligence,* by many Messengers, to all the Nobility, &c. * The Monastery. In the counties adjoining the Borders, the Barons, &c. were enjoined ' nocht to ryde' Forays into England, individually, but to await the arrival of the Army, &c. 29JAC. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 325 APPENDIX. Inhabitantis of ]ie Schyre, to paffe within fax houris to ilnfolfer, and await vpoune ]ie Lieute- NENT,' . . ........ XXIJ S. Item, to Beffe M'^caw, iSitrite to Statfu Jant, be ane fpeciall commande of ])e Kingis grace, ficlik as fcho gatt serlie of before, . . • • • • • ^ ^i- Item, gevin to Antbone Briflett, ^timirgfatte, for laubouris done be him to Jie Quenis grace, at J)i8 tyme alanerly, . . . . . • • . . xx ii. Item, to George Leche, William Qubite, George Fotbringham, and Dauid Robertfoune, ^urs rurgrants", pafland to fE Bordouris for curing of all perfonis )iat liapnit to be hurt be 3)ngli£i ntrnnr, • • • • • • • • • • -"^'J *•• SuMMA totalttint CfpciTS'nrum (a Sep. 7, 1541, ad Aug. 16, 1542, being the total expendi- ture of the preceding year,) . . . xxiiij"^ iiij>: Ixxxxiij It. xj s. x d. ob. SuMMA of ' tljf iHhjiTituriti's",' . • • .1" ij"^ Ixxxx li. xiiij s. ij d. A few of the articles only can be selected in this place, although many of them would be found to be extremely interesting to the Historian and Antiquary. (Mar. 18, 1541.) — Item, gevin to certane pynouris, for monting and drawing of the farain (' ane dowbill Culuering,' newly founded) to the Craigheid,- Xa ht ^fuit > anif s'rbott : And for the drawing of the Pece cafline (caft) before the laft Chakar to be fchote withe hir, . v s. Item, for indrawing of the famin within tj&e ftlbltltiouitf^^attS, eftir fai wer fchot and feyit, . . . . . . . • • . . iijs. Item, gevin to Andres Menrioune,for Crating 0f tljr SStitgts' grace armriS, with Vnicornes, TiiRissiLLls, and Fleurdelyces vpoune the farain Pece ; and graving of the dait of fe jere vpoune the mouthe fairof ; and vpoune the graving of Armes, Thriflillis, and Flourdelyces vpoune findry vferis Feces, fett in tafk be Johnne Drummond * to him, . . . xiii li. vj s. viij d. (Sep. 9.)— Item, gevin for xl new 53antmf0'= to fe '^uXV Cultirrfirgts' quhilkis wes fund in THE Castell rouftit,'' and the Rammes brokine, . . . • vj 5. viij a. Item, for thre chopinnis Vie de Olyve for clen5eing fairof, • . . vj s. (Oct. 3.) — Item, Johnne Drummond and his fervandis paffit to Daliiowse-wode and cuttit xiiij"^ pece of Birk, to be jokkis and fyre-wode, and tenne treis of elme to be navillis to quhelis ; and gevin for the carriage of fair wark-lvmes to ]e faid pretendit Confeffioune, fayand to him, ]'at his lif, laiidis, gudis, movabill and vnmoTabill, fuld bs faif to him ; and ]iat na proces nor Sentence of Forfaltour fould be led aganis him ; howbeit he maid ])e faid Confeffioune, as wes clerhe and fufficientlie previt befor my faid Lord Gouernour, and thre Ellates forfaid, be ]ie Depofitionis of diuerfe famoufe' Witneflis, fworne and examenit in faice of Parliament.' J Jan. 18. — John Lord Glammys^ and George Lyouxe,' his brother, ' now being in Warde within J^e Caftell of Edinburghe,' found furety that they ' fall obferue and keip ])are Warde within pe burghe of Edinburghe, and tua myle about ]?e faniyn, and nocht evaid nor brek pe famyn, quhill* ])ai havie Ipeciale Licence and command of J»e Lord GovERNOUR, vnder ]>e pane of X" markis.' — Their cautioners were Robert Dowglafs of Lochlevin, Arch. D. of Glenbarvy, William D. of Bone- Jedburghe, and John Carmychaell of that Ilk. JSetouue of Capiltiia fommittcti to asiaitr. Mar. 9. — AitcHiBALD Betoune of Capildra found Sir Walter Scott of Branxhelme, kn', and James Dowglals of Drumlangrig, as his fureties, in terms of the following Warrant : — GUBERNATOR, Mv Lord Gopernour Ordanis ane mafer to pafs and charge Archibald Betoune of Capildra, }>at he, within vj houris nixt eftir he be chargeit, pafs to ])E Tovne of Dalkeithe, Jiare to remain in Warde, '^ vpone iiis arne expenfe, and ane myle about Jie famyn, vnto ])e tyme he be fred be ws: And J>at he fend na writingis to ])is Tovne to na maner of perfonis, vndir Jie pane of Treflbune, Sub- scRiuiT with our hand. At Edinburgh, )ie ix day of Marche, f>e 3eir of God I'n.V'^'. and xlij 3eris : And to fynd fouirte for his renianyng in fe faid Tovne, and ane myle about Jie faniyn, vndir ]ie pane of iiijm ti. S2Bounl(in0 iHr E Quenis grace autorite, in drawing of knyffis in pe faid Tolbuthe, vpon pe . . day of Auguft inftant, in ane defenfat Court, in prelens of Jje Provest and Ballies of pe faid Burghe, (it- tand for pe tyme in jugement, inuading and hurting ilkane v])eris' for Jjare flauchter : And for Seditioune, with Conuocatioune of our fouerane lady pF. QuENYS liegis, maid within pe faid burcht, with ane difplayit anfen5e,^ quhilk J)ai call pF. Haly Gaist : And for pe contemptioune of my loi'd Governouris command and charge, he being )5air prefent in propir perfoune, gevin to J)ame be Johne Cob, meflinger, at my faid lord Governouris command.' Caution for Mtaix dfonnau of 1l?ol},)rootJl)ousc — I^trtsi). Nov. 3. — ' Dene Williame Forman, Chanane of Halyrudehoule,' found furety, ' vndir pe payne of P li., })at he fall vpone pe xv day nixt eftir pe day of pe date hereof, pafs and enter his perfone agane in Warde within his chalmer within pe Palice of Halyrudehoufe, quharein he wes in Warde of before ; and remane fiairin, as in Warde, vndir pe faid payne. — (Nov. 17-) Cau- tion found of new to enter upon Dec. 6 next, under the fame penalty. There is a Note on the margin, ' Deletur, quia pojmt eum in manibus Do^iiNi Car- DiNALis, in cujiodia.'' Caution to return to 22aartr ixifjrn rrquirrt. Dec. 28. — Andrew Johnestoun of Elphingstoun, ' now being in Warde of my lord Governouris command to remain witliin pe burcht and Cha- nongate and Portis Jjairof,' was allowed by Precept to depart home, provided he returned ' as in Warde, at quhat tyme or how fone he falbe requirit be my lord GovERNOUR fiairto, vpone twa dais warnyng.' Caution found to the amount of 2000 merks. — (Jan. 19, 1543-4.) He was freely difcharged. itairtJ of e Letteris, quhare fai wer chargeit to deliuer ]>e Capitane of ])E Castell vndir ]ie pane of putting of fame to ]>e home ; quhilk procefs we difcharge, becaufe fai ar content to vnderly ]>e law for ony crime may be imput to faim Jiairthrow. Herefor, 50 fall reffaue fikker fouirte for ])ame to vnderly ]>e law Jiairfor, vpone xv dais warnyng. Subscriuit w' our baud, At Ediuburgbe, pe tbrid day of Nouember, the sere of God I".V'^.xliiij jeris. [James G.] aj)il(ins from tl)e liaiti of (Slatiis-imiir. Nov. 5. — John Suerd (Sword) and nine others found Alexander Bruce, younger of Erthe, as furety for them, that they fliould underly the law on Nov, 24, for abiding from the Queen's Army, at Gladifmuir, on Oct. 4 laft ; each under the pain of 100 merks. Crcasonafili) asststins t^e (irarl of e faid Johnne to pas to ]>e partis of France, and pair remane ane certane fpace, as ])e faid Licence nialr fullelie proportis. Theirfore, we faythfullie promittis to ]>e faid Johnne, that he fall nocht be chargeit to entir in ])e faid Warde, nor 511 his fouerteis falbe vnlawit for nonentre of liini in Warde, qubill his returning and liame-cuniing agane within ])e realme of Scotland, and xl dais liaireftir. Oure Will is heirfore, and we charge 50U, fat incontinent eftir pe fycht heirof, je mak ane Act in ]ie bukis of Adiornall of our promyfe and obliffing aboue-writtine, maid be ws in nianer foirfaid, anent ])e faid Johnne and his foueiteis, towart ])e faid Warde ; fwa pat he or ]iai incur na danger for his nonentre in pe faid Warde, during pe faid fpace: Providing alwayis, pat pe faid Johnne eftir his hanie-cuming agane within Scotland entii- agane in Warde quheu he beis chargeit be ws, vndir pe panis contenit in pe Act ellis' maid pairupoune, and his faid fouerteis to fland to pat effect alanerlye ;^ and pe famin Act to haue na ftrength during pe faid Johnnis remaning bejond fey,'' hot alanerlie eftir his returning agane within pe realrae of Scotland, as faid is. This 38 do, as 30 will anfuer to ws pairupoune . kepand pis writting for 50ur Warrand. Subscriuit with our hand, At Sanctandrois, pe xxix day of September, the 5eir of God ImV^ xlvj 5eris. James G.^ 9ssistin(i Hjt ilaiiU of a\ for pame felffis and ]jair complices fall aflytlie, fatefy, and pleife Robert Cathcart of Carleionne^ for f>e Mutilatioune committit be ])ame vpoune him ; and alfe fall pleife pe Lord of Bargany in all behalffis, and his rycht, actioune, and interes in J)e premiffis, as my lord of Dunkeld, Thefaurer, fall pleife to modefy, vndir ])e pane of ane thoufand pundis : Quhilk modeficatioune falbe infert in J)e bukis of Adiornale, and to haue \>& ftrength of ane Act Jjairof.'" 23ar6arotis ^lanlns of CTnttlr— SrstroijinQ: tlDo l^ousts, ^r. Jul. 24. — Ai>EXANDER. CuMMYKG OF Alter found furety (John Earl of Sutherland) for his entry ; and he became cautioner for John and Hugh C. his fon and brother, and ten others, to underly the la\y on Aug. 9, for art and part of cruelly Cutting the backs of eleven oxen and cows with their fwords, and thereby flaying them, belonging to Alexander Vrquhard of Burrif3ardis : And for cafting down and deftroying two houfes built on his faid lands. — (Aug. 1, apnd Sanct Androis.) Continued to the Aire of Elgin, for the above and other crimes of Oppreflion, &c. Cljt EaivU of Salljcussi) to xtmmx \\\ Mavlr, ^c. Feb. 5, 1547-8. — Nychoeace Ramsay of Dalhoussy found caution to the amount of 10,000 merks, that he ' fall remane in Waird, in fie place as my Lord Goueunour fall command him to, and nocht depairt furth of the famin, without his Licence had and obtenit J^airupoune.' — John Lord Borthuik, John Cranftoune of that Ilk, Andrew Johnnefl;oune of Elphinftoune, Eduard Sinclare of Drydene, and John Ramfay of Hawis were his fui'cties, whom George his fon and heir ap23arent bound himfelf to ' freithe, releif, and keip fl^aithles.' — Mar. 4. He foinid caution of new^ to remain in Ward ' within ]ie Ijoundis of Fife, induring my Lord Goueenqueis will : And ])at his fone and air fall keip f)E House of Dalhoussy fra all inyureis, falang as poffibill is ; and falbe reddy and obedient to my lord Gouernour, as he fall pleife command and charge ; and J)at he falbe reddy to feme my faid lord Gouernour with all his folkis, freindis, and tenantis, quhen he beis requirit : And ])at |)e faid Nycholl fall entir agane in Waird within ])e Caflell of Edinburghe or Blaknes, within thre dayis nixt after he be chargeit J^airto, be our fouerane lady, my lord Gouernour, or ]>vav Letteris.' ^ttnling: a e pretendit Dome OF FoiRFALTOURE and Decreit led and gevin aganis the faid vinq'" Johnne Meluile ffor certane allegit ciymes of Trealoune, allegit committit be him, quhairof he wes convict and juftifeit to the death : Like as, at mair leuthe, is contenit in '^e faid pretendit Dome of Foirfaltoure and Decreit gevin aganis him thairupoune. To be haldin and to be hade all and findrie \>e foirnemmit Reuerfions to the faid Johnne ]\leluile, his airis, and affignais, with all and findrie commoditeis, fredomes, proffittis, and richtius pertinentis quhatfumeuir, pertening, or richtiuflie may pertene ])airto. With power to the faid Johnne Meluile, his airis, and affignais, to redeme and quytout the faidis landis, annuel- rentis, rowmes, and polfeflionis, fra the pretendit heritabile polfeffouris thairof refpectiue, and all vthei'is quhome it efferis, be vertew of \)e faidis Lettres of Reuerfiounis, refpectiue ; and to vfe ]>e faniyn to f»at effect, ficlike, and als frelie in all thingis as ]?e faid vmq'^ Johnne Meluile micht haue done before ]je faid pretendit Dome and Decreit of Foirfaltoure ; and ]3e famyn being redemit and quitout, be vertew of \iQ Reuerfionis foirfaidis. We Ordane new Infeftmentis to be gevin to the faid Johnne Meluile, his airis, and affignais, off all and findrie Landis, annuelrentis, rowmes, and pofTeffionis quhatfumeuir, alfwele haldin of Ws as of quhatfumeuir vtheris Superiouris thaii'of, within Jjis oure realme, nochtwithftanding ]?e pretendit Foirfaltour foirfaid ; and with all and findrie vtheris commodittis, fredomes, and priuilegis apertening thairto, ffrelie, quietlie, weale, and in peax, bot ony Reuocatioune, obflacile, impediment, or agane- calling quhatfumeuir. Quhairfore, We charge flraitlie and commandis 50W, all and findrie oure liegis and fubdittis foirfaidis, that nane of 30W tak vpoune hand to niak ony impediment, latt, or diflrublance to the faid Johnne Meluile, his airis, and affignais foirfaidis, in the peccable brouking, joifing, vfing, intro- metting, and difponing vpoune all and findrie )?e foirnemmit Reuerfionis, efter the forme and tennoure of Jjir oure Lettres, vnder all hieafl pane and charge Jjat efter may follow. Gevin vnder oure Priuie Seile, At Edinburghe, the twelff day of Februare, the 3eir of God I"\V'. threfcoir twa 5eiris, and of our reignne ))e twenty ane 3eir. Per Signaturam manu s. D. N, Ri:Gne fycbt heirof 36 deleit and put furth of pe bukis of Adior- nale Jie Act maid, qubair }»e faidis perfonis becom in Will, as faid i« : A» $'; will anfuer to wh Jiair- upone ; kepand ])is writing to 50ur Warrand. Sub.sckh-'IT witb oure band, At Falkland, )ie xviij day of I'ebruare, fe 3ere of God I'".V^xlix seris. .lAMES G. Joannes The". .■)ficc--rai0tns, b]j a femalt, punfsOttJ b]) jSranUing; ant( Banijjfjmciit. Dec. 10. — IssoBELl.A M-FKRLANE Convicted of art and part of trea- Ibnable P'ire-raifirig and Bunting of the dwelling- houfe of Jonet Glais, in Wefter Kirrewacliter, on Sep. 1 lad, under filence of night, togetlier with all the victual, cattle, and goods therein ; thereby committing public 1'realbn and common Oppreffion. — Skntknce. To he iniANOiCD on the cheek, and thereafter to be Banished from the ftewartiy of Strathenie, under pain of Drowning. lUQCttiiXQ a riaitot antj Cnslisfjmni — .-frire-ratsiiTS. Dec. IG. — VV'jLi.iA.M i\'j;wTOt;NJ; 01 j iia'j Ilk, .John his brother, and feven others, found caution to underly the law on Feb. fi next, for Reletting Cuthbert Newtoune, IVaitor, and feveral Englifhmen irj conij)aiiy with hjui : And for Burning the hoiifi; of Mathew Dollace, in (-)ver Saltoune, &c. amtcirommuning: ijoitf) tfjc €nQliQl) at 3iiouti])tt) Castle. Dec. 20. — John Lord Innermeithe dilaited of treafonably going to the Fortalice of Bruchty, kept by our ancient enemies the Englifh, and Inter- communing and treating with SiR AxDliEW Dudeky, Captain tliereof, for Fire-ruifing and plundering the country and lieges. — David Mailer of Craufurd became I'urety for his entry, on Jan. 27 next. The following perfons were amerciated for not appearing to pals on this AfTife, viz. John Loun Geammys, Symon Pi'efloune of that Ilk, Alexander Gralianic, young Laird of Southfeild, the Lairds of Reflalrig, Sherefiiall, Lundye, Kynfawiiis, Lugtoune, VVauchtoune, and Carnok.' Ciimcn .ifaisi — 3iittrrlintnff ^iQutt %ttUvti, Mahioja Ocjieuy, dilaited of Faifiryirig and cauliiig the interlineation of lier Majelly's Letters, under the Signet, dated Dec. '.i, anno regni 1 (154.3), and for adding upon the margin of the conclufion thereof, 'William Murray his fpous,' and for ufuig the lame Letters. ' Theu- names are not specially entered in the Record. 8 Mar. criminal TRIALS. • * 347 Absentes ah Ajjijh 3Iariote Ogiluy. John Erflcin of Drane, Tlie Laird of Imichty, William Sinclare of Myrefide, Symon Preftoune of tiiat Ilk, John Scrymgeour, Conflahle of The Laird of Reftalrig, William lluthvenp of Ralliiidane, Dundee, Patrick Hepburne of Waucli- James Crawmoiul of Auldhar, Rohert Sinclair of Litill Blair, toune, George Falconar of Findowne, Dauid Gardin of Leis, The Laird of Carnok, Dauid Wod of Craig, Alexander Wallein ' of Wodwra, Tlie Laird of Lundy, James Wod of Bonyntoune, .... Oliuer of Gagy, The Laird of Lugtoun. William Murray of Banheid, The Laird of Baliiamone, Jan. 27. — A^^iIliam Mafter of Craufurd, as fiu'ety, was amerciated for her non-ai)i)earaiice this day ; and the was denounced Rebel, &c. and all her moveables were ordained to be efcheated. OTatilamiiff — Snbasion — (!!>pprrsjsion. Mar. 3, 1549-50. — Margaret Hujie, Prioress of North Ber- wick, was replegiated by the Official of St Andrews, within the Archdeanery of Lothian, to underly the law for the Waylaying and Invafion of Alexander Oliphant of Kelle (Kelly) for his Slaughter, and for other crimes of OpprefRon committed againll him and Alexander Gourlay of Kincraig. — Alexander Hume in (of) North Berwick became furety for her appearance at the Court of the faid Official, within the Collegiate Church of St Giles, (Edinburgh,) on Apr. 30 next. — Mr Alexander Wod, \"icar of North Berwick, was alio replegiated. ftMmrsurUcii — ^ppirosin0 tlje i^iiorrss of Jlovti) 33rrb)irU, ^r. Alexander Oliphant of Kelle (Kelly) amerciated for not enter- ing Florimont Strang in Kelle, and five others, to underly tlie law, for art and part of the forethought felony, Hameluckin, and Oppreflion done to Margaret Prioress of North Berwick and her fervants, coming to her lands of Gi'ange, lying within the fliire of Fife, in the month of June laft, and befetting the way to the laid Priorefs and her fervants for their Slaughter ; and befieging them within the Manfion-houle of the faid lands. ' Deletitr de mandato dom'mi Gurernatoris et Thesaurarii,^«t eorumPreceptum' — JoiinSpens, John and Alex. Gibfoun, and John Sinclare, ' defyrit procefs, and Jjame to be put to J)e knawlege of ane AfTife ; and ])at na AfTife wer fummond, nor na pairty compeirit to perfew ])ame for ])e Ihidis allegit crymes, tuke inflrumentis, and protelUt for remeid of law.' — The Laird of Kelly, and twenty-one others, found Alexander Liudfay, Captain of Fynnevin, furety for their appearance, on Apr. 16, 1550.' ' Protiably Vallene or Vallance. * From the above notice, it would appear that the matter was compromised, through the interference of the lord Governor ; but, on 3Iay 8, 15;)0, the Case was referred to the Justice-aire of F'ife immediately following. John Blacater of Tullyalloune became cautioner for their entry. 348* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1550. Crtnsoiiaible dTirt-raistng;, ^r, — Sntfi'rommuninQ: iuitl) tl)c CPiifjIisI) — lUaibing C?ufj:lisf) ^ai? — I^igl) unreason, ^r. Mar. 17.' — Richard Latymer of that Ilk Convicted of treafonable Fire-raising and Burning the Toavn of Durrisdeir, in company with Sir Henry Quheutoune, {JF/uirton,) Engliflmian, and his accomplices, in the month of IVIarch 1 547 : Item, for art and part of treafonable Fire-raifmg and Burning of the lands of Auchincassel and Tibberis, in company with the faid Henry Quhertottne, Englifliman, and of art and part of the violent Stouthreif and ' Herefchip' of the poor Tenants of thele lands, ' reiving' from them five thoufand oxen, cows, and (lieep, together with all their goods, utenfils, and houlehold fluff, to the value of 3000 1. or thereby; committed in the month of December 1547 : Iteim, for art and part of treafonable Fire-raifing and Burning- the Town and lands of Amisfeild, in company with the laid Sir Henry and his accomplices, Engliflimen ; and for art and part of the violent Stouthreif and ' Herrefchip' of the poor Tenants of the laid lands, reiving from them 4000 oxen, cows, and flieep, and burning their whole grain ; committed during the time of Autumn 1547 : Item, for art and part of the treafonable Fire-raifing and Burning the houfes, grain, and victual of William Wouch at Brigtoune, extending to the value of 300 merks, in Spring-time 1547-8 : Item, for art and part of the Theft and concealment of xxiiij"''' oxen and cows from Sir James Douglas of' Drumlaugrig, knicht, in company with the Bells and the Englifli, manifeft Thieves and Traitors, furth of the lands of KiRKHOlP; and driving the laid cattle to England, and there difpofing of them ; conmiitted in Summer 1549 : Item, for art and part of the Theft and concealment of 80 oxen and cows from John Johnjionne of that Ilh furth of his lands, in company with the Englilli, leading the faid cattle to England, and there felling and dif- pofing of them, in time of Autumn 1547 : Item, as a common Thief and Trai- tor, part-taking againfl the Queen and Kingdom of Scotland, and receiving daily pay from the Englilli ; and fpecially, from the Warden of the West Marches of England, during thefe times of War : Item, for common Theft, common Refett of Theft, Outputting and inputting, in a theftuous manner, be- tween the Scottifli and Englilli : And for a common Traitor. Sentence. — To be drawn to the Gallows and Hanged ; And his body to be quartered : And that his heritages, lands, and pofieffions, and all his goods, moveable and immoveable, fliall be fforfeited and Eicheated to the Queen, and apjilied to her ufe. ' T«piity-four score, or four liundrcd and piglity. This is perhaps one of tlio most atrocious cases of trcason!il>le and wholesale robhery on record. It is mentioned, generally, in various of tlie Histo- rians and Chroniclers, but as they give no new information, it has not been deemed necessary to make any quotations, 8 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 349 ^urci)asincr l)isfj--prtrrt ^vtnd) 3Mintg.' Mar. 21. — Robert Hathavy, John Syni, and James Lowrie, burgefles of Edinburgh, came in the Queen's will for breaking the Proclamation of Jan. 8 laft, ordaining that none of the lieges fliall prefume to purchafe ' Burdeous (Bourdeaux) w^vnis' dearer than 22 li. 10 s. for each ' tvne' (tun,) and ' Rochell wynis' dearer than 18 1. per tun ; by purchafing ' CunjCok (Cogniac ?) wynis ' at 251. for each tun. — Twenty-one others are charged, of which number ten came in will, and were fined in fums ranging from 40 mei'ks to 40 s. ; fix refufed to find caution, and five were fugitive from the law, thereby inciu-ring the pain of rebellion. A few others were replegiated to the Regality of Canongate. 3$unt(nff t^t CoiMits of SalluitT) anU i!5riM6ottlr — Crrason, ^r. Mar. 24. — James Deavak, at that time a captive in England, found caution (James Lawfon of Humby) to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Edinburgh, for art and part of the treafonable Fire-raifing and Burning the Towns of Dalkeith and Newbottill, in company with Sir James Wilfurd, Gene- ral of Hadingtoun, and the Englifli, in the months of and December 1548 ; and for purfuing William Ewtoune (Newtoune) of that Ilk for his Slaughter ; and for other crimes contained in his Letters. ^iQl) Crrason — ^pprrssioii — ?gamesiir6eit — dTirf-l^iislns Mar. 24. — William Newtoune of that Ilk, Robert and Alexander Quhitlaw, and five others, found caution" to underly the law at the next Juftice- aire of Edinburgh, for treafonably Refetting Robert Newtoun ; and for other crimes of High Treafon ; and for Oppreffion and Hamefuckin done to Mathew Dewar, in the month of June 1548, treafonably coming to his houfe in Saltoune and Burning thereof, with the whole goods therein. ^lautjljtn-— llabifil)tn0 — Smijpnsoiiiiiri, Jrr. Mar. 27, 1550. — James and John Craufurd, fonsof Hugh C. fenior, Robert, George, and Hugh C. fons of William C. of Barquhorn, John Beg and John Brovne, having previoufly found caiition (George C. of Lefnorefe) to underly the law for the cruel Slaughter of William Mathy and Finlay Sym ; and for Ravilliing (forcible abduction) of Agnes Craufurd Lady Lefnorefe, and detaining her in captivity for a certain fpace ; and for purl'uiug and invading Alexander Nelbet for his Slaughter, of forethought felony, and ancient ffeud ; and for other crimes contained in his Letters : Failing to appear, the Laird of ' See May 4, 1555, A number of intermediate Cases of the same description liltewise occur, where high fines were exi^cted. It is, liowever, considered unnecessary to cite each individual instance. ' Patrick Hepburne of VVauchtoune and Mark Ker of Dolphiustoune. 2 350 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1550. Lochnoreis was amerciated, and they were all denounced Rebels and put to the horn. — James Dunbau and Andrew Porter were alfo denounced for the fame crimes ; and David Craufurd of Kerie was amerciated for their non-entry. Apr. 30. — DuTHo' Stewart Convicted of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Thomas Foreftar, burgefs of Peebles. — Beheaded. ' Compeirit A^ychol Quhippo, ane of pe Scheref-deputis of Peblis, and proteftit, jjat howbeit he enterit pe faid Diitho before ])e faid Juftice-depute to vnderly pe law for pe faid Slauchtii', at command of the Quenis Letteris, and for feir of J>e panis contenit Jiairin, That pe entre of pe faid Dutlio fuld nocht hurt nor preiuge our fouerane ladieis Commiffioune granted to pe ScHEREF of Peblife and his deputis for iuftefeing and pvniffing of perfonis committeris of lie crymes as is contenit jjairin ; and J^airui^ouue took inftrumentis.' ^Iaugi)tn* of a son of ti)t Eaii-H of CauItrSjotll. May 5. — Peter Howstouxe, brother-german of the Laird of How- ftoune, Patrick H. uncle of the faid Laird, Peter H. in Park, Patrik H. porter (janitor) of Howftoune, and nine others, found caution (Alexander Earl of Glen- carne. Lord Kilmawres) for their entering, on Jun. 5 next, to underly the law for the cruel Slaughter of Robert Muir, fon of John Muir of Cauldwell, (on the fecond day of April laft, under filence of night ; committed on ancient ffeud and forethought felony.) ' (Jun. 1 4.) — Archibald Howstoune was tried for the above crime, and Beheaded.^ iBuvlrtr of Salii,) ^llfsljabiu anlf i)ti' stibant May 10. — Jaimes Schoriswod and twelve others found caution to un- derly the law, on Jul. 8, for the cruel Slaughter and Murder of Helen Striaeling Lady Ullifliavin,' and Jonet Sawle her fervant. SfssfstiiTQ; t\)t C^nulis]^ ^olUins in tlje (jTastlc of ^atJtiintttou* May 1(). — Alexander Gibsoun, in Mekilrig, produced a Remiffion from the Queen for fortifying, affifting, and partaking with our ancient ene- mies of England in perfecuting the Queen's lieges ; and in carrying gun-powder^ ' Duthacus. ^ Patrik Muir of Anistoune, Robert Cathcart of Carltoune, Duncan Kennedy of Daiquharrane, and John K. of Dunnymuk were present, and some of tlieni were sworn as Assisors. ^ Unfortunately, the particulars of this case are not narrated in tlie Record. * See May 28, 1549, and the Appendix to this reign. Their victims were both in a state of preg- nancy at the time of the murder. ■' Puhicris in the Record. It is, however, proper to state, that this word may have been intended to denote^owr, although such interpretation is unlikely. 8 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 351 and victual to the Foi'talice of Hadingtoune, and taking affurance with the faid enemies for the fubverlion of the kingdom, for the fpace of two years paft, or thereby. — James Sampsoun and three others, having been charged for the fame crimes, produced the following Warrant : GUBERNATOR, Justice, Juftice-Clerk, and 3 our deputis, We greit 50U weill. Forfamekill as it is our will, and for certane reffonabill caufles and confiderationis moving ws, we charge 50W, ])at ^e proceid and do juftice vpoun Robert Wat/bun, James Sampfoune, George RaufF, and George Tait,' Tenantis and Seruantis to our coufing Alexander Loud Hu.me, in jOur Juftice Court fet be 30W to fame, to vnderly Jie law ])is x\j day of Maij inftant, for all kynd of actionis and crymes committit be Jiaira in tymes bipaft, contenit in ])e Letteris raiiit aganis Jiame fairanent, except for ])air taking of Afiurance with our auld inymeis of England, and Affifting to fame in ony maner of way, in tymes bigane ; ifor Jie quhilkis, we will fat 3ai be nocht perfewit ; And difchargis you of all preceding aganis f aim fairof, and of jour offices in fat pairt, be fir prefentis. Subscriuit with our hand, At Edr, fe xvj day of Maij, f e 3eu- of God I'",V^'. and fifty 5eris. James G. Joannes The^ Ci'tasonaijli) assisting t|)e (HJnsltsf), ^r. May 23. — John Diksoune, formerly in Belchefter, and Robert Trotter,- were denounced Rebels, &c. for not underlying the law for their Treafonably Taking AlRxrance, Affifting, Fortifying, and plain Partaking with our ancient Enemies, the Englifli, and revealing to them the fecrets of this king- dom, &c. ^Valter Ker of Cesfurd, and Alexander Lord Hume, their cautioners, wez'e amerciated for their non-appearance. \_Geo7-ge Erirl nf ErroJ, T.nrd High ConstahleJ] Siiiistiirtion of tl)r Itorli ^?t(r!j Constable — ^toutljmf— * Hmbfsrttlnci: tlje gait* — ittutilation, ^c, Jun. 17. — Gilbert M'^Teyr Convicted of art and part ' of Umbefetting' the way to John Nycbolfoun, on Monday Jun. 16 inftant, at ' Sanct Androis' Port,^ near the College of the Holy Trinity, where he was quietly returning from the burgh of Edinburgh, and cruelly invading him for his Slaughter : And for Mutilation of the faid John of three fingei's, and the thumb of his right hand : And for Stouthreif and plundering (' reiving ') from him of his hox'fe fword, two cloaks,* and fundry other goods. — Beheaded. ^sststiiifl i\)t firsrapr of e faid Alexander and his feruandis, and caufing of ))e faid grete bufchement to breke halalie togidder^ vpoun )ie faid Alexander and his feruandis ; and chafing of the faid Alexander and liis feruandis, for |)air flauchter, to ])e Place of Alter to Jie fpace of ane myll or fairby : And for ]>e crewall Hurting and Wounding of his feruandis, and leving of Jianie for deid : And for fe crewale Mutilatioune of Allaller Adefoune, flegeour,*' vpoun auld feid and foirthocht felony, and breking fairthrow of ])e Actis of Parliament, fifand Alexander Dumbar of Cumnok, Patrick Dumbar, his fone and apperand air, James Dumbar of Tervett, Alex"^ Vrquhard of Burrifjardis, fouerteis for entre of fame befoir ))e faid Juftice pe faid day : And als, Jjb faidis Alex'', Patrick, James, Robert, and Alex"^ becom ilkane fouerteis for vperis for entre of fame be famyn day : And becaus ]>ai onne na wife comperit ])e faid day, to ]>e effect abone writtiu, pai wer vnlawit and adiugit in diuerfe fowraes of money: Quhilkis vnlawis onre fouerane lady, with ourauife, and with auife of her faid Thefaurare, hes Remittit and forgevin to fame ; as pe Remit maid pair- upoune beiris. Oure will is heirfoir, and We charge 50W, ]iat incontinent eftir qe fycht lieirof, jC deleit and put furth of Jie bukis of Adiornall all Actis maid, quhair ])e faid Alex' Dumbar, Patrick Dumbar, James Dumbar, Robert Dumbar, and Alex"' Vrquhard, wer vnlawit for non-entre of }>ame and ]>e perfonis above writtin, ])e faid day : fwa Jiat ])ai be nocht trublit pairfoir in tyme cuming. As je will anfuer to ws Jiairupoune, kepand ])is oure Precept for jour Warrand. Subscriuit with our hand, and with pe faid Thefaurare hand, At Edinbur', ))e xj day of Februare, the 5ere of God I"'.V<^. fifty ane jeris. JAMES G. Joannes Thes. Gratis. SntciTomimnuiirj: SMitD tijr itairb of CTaltiiJDtn iiirU Ijis son, lUtirls, Jan. 15, 1550-1. — Alexander Park of Bagray became in Will for Refetting, Supplying, Intercom muning, &c. with John Mure of Caldwell and William his fon, being rebels and at the horn ; and for furnilliing the faid rebels ' He is omitted in the preceding list, and was probably charged separately. ^ The remainder of the names follow. ' Ambuscade. * 160 persons. ^ To burst forth in a compact body from their ambush. '' Perhaps this denotes jks/ier, or butcher. 358 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1551. with meat and drink in November laft, and fundry other times before and fince. — Warded in the Caflle of Edinburgh. Snterrommtintits aiiK sujpplninff lUfirls Sjaitlj meat aitti Ijrhife, Jan. 24. — ALEXANDER and William Galbraithe, Thomas Craig, and John M'ie ficht heirof, 56 infert ]ie faid Will in :;our buke of Adiornale, and mak ))is our writing to :;our Warrand. Sub- scRiuiT with our hand, At Linlithqw, fe xxj day of October, the 5eir of God I^.V*^. and Ij 5eris. JAMES G. Joannes "Thes. ^fiilKus from ti)t Conbtntimi at Sumfrirs. Oct. 6. — Alexakdeii DuNLor of that Iek came in Will for con- temptuoufly remaining at home from the Convention of the Lords, Barons, &c. 9 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 361 within the bounds of the fliire of Air, Baillieries of Kyle, Carrick, and Cunyiig- harae, at Drumfreife, fortliere holding a Juftice-aire on Jul. . . Lift ; and thereby breaking the Pi'oclaniations made thereanent. — Neill Montgomery of Langfchaw became cautioner that he fliould fatisfy the Queen. aacmainins uitKer Assurance of t|)e (jritslis^. John Skowgall of that Ilk, and Robert Knowis of tiiat Ilk, got a Remiffion for their treafonably remaining under Affurance of our ancient enemies of England, in time of war.' Conb ration —aitbasion of tlje IJrobost of e returning of |)e faid Robert and liis complices within our realme furthe of ])e pairtis of France, and fouriy dais jiairefter, and of -^our offices in ])at pairt in Jie meyntyme ; becaus ]e niaift pairt of tame is now in reddynes to depairt to )'e faidis pairtis of France, to jie feruice of our derreit fader the maist Cristin Kino. As 5e will anfuer to ws Jiairupoune. Gevin vndir our Signet, and fubfcriuit be our derreil nioder the Qwene Dowriar and Regent of our realme, At Edin- burgh, )'e XV day of Junij, ]ie ^eir of God 1554 3eris, and of our regnne ])e xij 5eir. [Marie R.J Jul. 3. — A number of other accomplices came in will ; and others were reple- giated by the Archbilhop of S' Andrews.^ jfoi'sino; * JjaiDbess ' anti * .i[>aIf-liaU)i)rt0/ Jun. 22. — Peter Chapeane, Convicted of trealbnably forging and '■ Unluckily tlie luTentour was not produced. It would appear that tiiey had entirely failed in their proof, from the fatal result wiiicb has been recorded. '^ Obligatory ; binding. ' Obnoxious ; liable to. * Effects ; personal estate. ^ Witliout. " Until. " See Jul. 3, following, &c. 12 Mae. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 365 adulterating the Queen's coin of the realm, called ' bawheis' and ' half-hawheis: — Hanged. JKcrcibiits tiyt ^.ummciit Ujljilc untjtr (j?.vcommuniratioiu Jun. 26. — Gabhiell Sympill of Craigbait found furety to appear at the next Aire of Renfrew, to imderly the law for fuftaining the procefs of Excommunication for year and day, by virtue of Letters of the Official of Glaf- gow, for not paying certain funis of money to Catherine Gilmour ; and for receiving the Sacrament, while under the faid Excommunication.' dTorffntg falsr monn) lifee * Jjaijuftris/ ^c. Jul. 3. — Hei,en Patersoune, Convicted of calling, making, and forging falfe money, like ' bawbeis' and ' half-bawbeis.' — Hanged. Coiibocaticn — ?f?e famin : That is to say, ])e faidis perfonis, and ilk ane of }iame, within xlviij lioiiris nixt eftir ))air Iiame-cuming to Jie faid burcht, fall compeir in prefenee of ]>e Proweft, Baillies, and Counfale Jiairof, in )ie Tolbuith of the famin, in Jugement ; and ]iair, of jiair awin con- fentis, act, and oblife fame, and ilkane of ]iame, to keip gude rwle within J)e faid burcht, and be obe- dient to })e Proweft, Baillies, and Counfale jiairof, now prefent, or fal happin to be for Jie tyme, in all thingis, conform to the lawis and confuetude of pis realme : And gif it fal liappin Jiame, or ony of fame, to be fundin inobedieut to ])e Proweft, Baillies, Counfale, and officiaris of J'e faid burcht, pre- fent and to cum, or to mak ony Convocatloune or gaddering of Craftifmen witliin ]ie faid burcht or outwith, or to affift to ony vfirrls in making of fic Convocatloune and gaddering, for difobeying of fe faidis Proweft, Baillies, Counfale, or vjiirris ofticiaris of fe faid burcht, or onywile incontrar fair autorite, and fai, or ony of Jiam to be convict fairof ; in ]iat caife, fai or ony of fame that happinis to be convict, to be Banist Jie faid burcht perpetuallie, and of fair reddieft gudis incontinent faireftir to pay to f e Commoune Werk of f e famin fe fowme of ten pundis money of f is realme, without fauoris : And gif f ai, or any of fame, fail5ies in making of fe faid Act and Obligatione, in maner forfaid, fe fail;earis or fai!3eare fall, within fe famin houris, returne agane to the burcht of Edinbur', and fair remane in our fouerane ladies Waird, or ony vfir Waird fat fall pleis hir grace, ay and quhill fE QuENis grace half declarit hir Will ; vnder fe pane of rebellioune, and putting of fame to fe home, and efcheitting of fair gudis movable. ^laufltJtti* of tlje ymxwq HaiiU of (Eluen-tn. Oct. 26. — RoBEKT Henry, alias Deill amaug u\s. Convicted of art and part of the cruell Slaughter of Thomas BilTate, young Laird of Querrell. — Be- headed. <^lau(l]^tcf fin Sniris or ^Ucison.' Oct. 30. — Henry Congii.toune, Patrick his brother, and William Lille, found furety" to underly the law at the next Aire of Edinburgh, for art ' See Appendix to this reign. '' Robert Fairlic of Braid. 12 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 369 and part of the cruel Slaughter, by intoxication,' (the ufe of potions, drugs, or poifon ?) of Oliver Congiltoune, fon and heir of umq'" Robert Congiltoune of that Ilk ; committed in June laft, in the Place of Kynneix*. ^ittfrrommuniiitr toftl) tije 3taivlr ot JSallasaite. Nov. 14. — George Crawfurd of Lefnoreis became in Will for Inter- communing with Duncan Hunter of Ballagane, being rebel and at the horn,'^ under filence of night, on one occafion only, in Augufb laft. — Sir Hugh Camp- bell of Lowdoun, kn', became furety to fatisfy THE Regent — and that the laid George fliould remain in the Town of Edinburgh, until the Declaration of the faid Will. — The fame day, John Craufurd of Drongane found furety to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Air, for Reletting, Intercommuning, and fupplying the Laird of Ballagane, John his brother, Herbert H. in Baitfurd, and three others, rebels, &c. for the fame crime. — JxVMES Eklis of that Ii>k likewife came in Will for Intercommuning with the faid Herbert. Absentes ab Assisa Dominorum de Lefnoreis et Eldis. John Lokkert of Bar, Alexander Cuningliame of Hill, Neill Montgomery of Langfcliaw, John Campbell of Lochlie, Hugh Montgomery of Heflelheid, Thomas Kennedy of Bargany, Rob. Grahame of Knokdoleane, Geo. Kennedy of Balmaclenochane, John Mure of Auchindrane, Rob. Campbell of Kin^ecleuche, David Bofwell of Auchinlek, James Mure, his brother. Coitijoratioit — l^tirthtci: antr SiJounti in jj* Nov. 16. — John Lyndsay of Cobyntoune,^ John his natural brother, James Someruile brother* of the Laird of Cobyntoune, Alexander Lyndfay of Northflat, and eighteen others, came in Will for Convocation of the lieges to the number of 200 perfons, armed with lances, ' culveringis,' bows, and other invafive weapons, on Sep. 28 laft, before fun-rife ; coming to the barn-yard of Mr John Someruile, Rector of Libertoune's glebe ; and for the cruel Hurting and Wounding of Robert Myllar, fervant of the faid Mr John, in his neck and other parts of his body, to the effufion of his blood, and danger of his life. — John Lord Someruile' became furety for the Laird, who became cautioner for the others, towards fatisfying the Queen and parties — and that he fuld remain in the town of Edinburgh, luitil the Queen's Will was declared, and the royal Licence granted for his departure. iWutilation. Mr John Someruile, Rector of Libertoune, and Michael S. his brother, ' Per intoxicationem. The same phrase was used in the case of Lady Glammys, where the means employed are believed to have been poison and drugs, See I, * 158, &c. ' For the Slaughter of John Greirsoune in Beochane, and Andrew G. in Bagrahill. ^ See Nov. 22, 1555, he. for farther particulars as to these Feuds. ■* Probably a brother-uterine, by another marriage. ' He is named James in all the Peerages, &c. Hvgh, the preceding Lord, died anno 1549. VOL. L f 3 A S70 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1554. Parifli Clerk of Carnwetlie, were replegiated to the Regality of Glafgow, for Mutilation of John ^Villbun, and other crimes contained in their Letters.— Hugh Someruile brother of Lord Someruile,' John S. alias Johne of Begair {Big-gar) Symon Fyfcheare, and eight others, found lurety (James Douglas of Drunilangrig) to underly the law for the laid Mutilation, at the next Aire of Lanark. Nov. 20. — Patrik Dunbar, young Laird of Cuninok, denounced rebel and put to the horn, along with David Dunbar his ferwant, and James Ogilvy, for not underlying the law for the Slaughter of Thomas Ruflell ; committed in Jan. 1553-4, in the houfe of Archibald Alexanderlbn, in Balnageiche. John Earl of Sutherland was amerciated in 20011. and 400 merks, for not enter- ing them to underly the law. — (Jan. 31, 1554-5.) George Dunbar of Cumnok, John Chifliolme fen., and John C. jun., found Sir George Meldrum of Fivy, knt., as furety for their underlying the law for the faid crime, at the next Aire of Elgin and Forres. J^Iauflijtei- of a ^on of if^t S.aiilJ of aitjjre, .^c. Alexander Dunbar of Cumnok, Patrik the young Laird of Cumnok, and thirty-four others,' were put to the horn for the Slaughter of James Cummyng inDollacebrachty, (Ion of Alex. C. of Altyi-e.'') — Their cautioners were amerciated for their non appearance.'' Sir Alexander Duf Chaplain was i-ei:)legiated by the Bifliop of Moray. — James Earl of Morton was amerciated for not producing the Letters duly executed and iadorfed, purchafed by the blood-relations of James Cummyng, &c. — (Jan. 31, 1554-5.) The Laird of Cumnok and Nicholas Gil'^eane in Monachy, found Sir George Meldrum of Fivy, knt., as lurety for their entry at the next Aire of Elgin and Forres, to underly the law for art and part of the Slaughter of the faid James Cummyng, and Wm. C. in Prefley, Patrick C. in Duimeyne, Andrew M^carreis in Dolacebrachty, Canit (Kenneth or Canute?) Dow in Bank of IMurray, and Fynlay Rannalfoune, Officer of the laid Alexander ; committed on Jul. 19 laft, at Clunerny. dTirr- raisins — a3urnin0 fjouses antr s!)rinin(i;s. Patrick Grant, brother of John Grant of Ballindalloch, found the Laird as furety for his imderlying the law at the next Aire of Elgin and Forres, for Fire-raifing, and burning certain houfes and flieillings on the lands of John Grant of Karroyne, called Rownay and Clochetlace, committed in June laft. ' This person was brother of James, sij:lh Lord Somervillo, ami was the ancestor of the Fainily of Spittal. - Tlie only persons of note were James nnd .Fohn Vrqwharil, brothers of the Laird of Burrisjardis. ^ See Jau. 30, 1554-5. ' From 100 1. to 40 1 , according to tiieir rank. 12 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 371 J?IauijI)trr of tijc JLaivti of ^citicvitt^ mxH i)i9 ^on — dTfuD iJttbJteu tijc Sruaimontis anU iJl.iirs, $(t, [As, in reference to the numerous Deadly Feuds wliicli, unhappily, both preceding and subse- quent to this period, convulsed the state of civil society in Scotland, the Editor is, through the kind- ness of his friend, David Labig, Esquire, enabled to lay before the reader an interesting extract from THE History of the Family of Drummond, which has just been printed, under his superintend- ence, for private distribution only. In various parts of this work, it may be seen that the various families of the Blairs of Balthayok and Ardblaii', the Charteris' of Kinfawnis and Cuthilgurdy, the Drummonds, and several other Barons and Lairds in those parts of Perthshire, were constantly involved in Feuds with each other, and occa- sionally with burgesses and citizens of Perth, &c. One of the most deadly of these domestic broils is contained in the following Papers, which have lately been taken from the Originals, still in the pos- session of Henry Home Drummond of Blair Drummond, Esquire, and of which, so far as the Editor is aware, no memory is elsewhere preserved. Without specially noticing the numerous other Trials and proceedings in this work connected with such Feuds, the Editor begs merely to refer to them generally. The subject is thus introduced in the body of the history' above mentioned: — ' George Drum- MOKD, the fone of John, fucceeded, who appearantly purchafed the lands of Newton of Blair, for he is the firfl whom we underfland to have been ftyled George Dmmmond of Blair. He married Jannet Halyburton of Buttergalk ; the had to him tuo fones, George, who fucceeded, and William Drum- mond. George Drummond, the father, and William, his youngeft fone, were both treacheroufly killed together, at an unhappy rencounter by the ,^ upon the 3d of June, 1554 ; hot moft of them that were prefent, or guilty of the Slaughter, were either brought to publick Execution, or by theire fubmiffions and fatisfactions made theire peace with the parties wronged, as appeares by theire applicationes extant.' The Papers above referred to follow. I. Summons yor apprehending and bringing the Laird of Gormok^ and his accomplices before THE Queen and Privy Council, Jun. 13, 1554. Marie be ]ie grace of God, Queine of Scottis, to oure fliiref of Perth and his deputis, and to our louittis, Archibald Campbell, Thomas Drummond, mefTengeris, our fcheriffis ipecialie conflitute, greting: fforfamekle as it is humlie menit and complenit to ws be oure louittis, the wift'e, barnis, kin, and friendis of vmquhile George Drummond of Leidcrief, and Williarae Drummond his fone, vpoun Williame Ciialmer of Drumlochie, Williame Kory, George Tullydaf, Williarae Chalmer, &c., George M'^Nefker, fidlar, his howflialdmen ; Robert Smyth (and Cotters,) tennentis to Jie Laird of Drumlochie ; Johnne Blair of Ardblair, Andro Blair, Thomas Blair, his fonis, David M'Raithy, his houlliald man, Patour Blair, (and two others,) tennentis to the laid laird of Ardblair ; Williame Chalmer in Cloquhat, Alexander Blair, half bruther to Johnne Buttir of Gormok, Williame Buttir, Dauid Blair of Knokmaheir, Johnne Blair, Patrik Blair, his fonis, Williame Young of Torrence, and Thomas Kobertlon, tennentis to ])e faid Laird of Gormok ; quhilkis, with pair compleces, with con- vocatioun of oure liegis to Jie nomer of Ixxx perfonis bodin in feir of weir, with jakkis, coittis of mail5e, fleil-bonettis, lance ftaffis, bowis, lang culveringis, with lychtit lunttis,' and v])irris wappinis invafiue, recentlie vpoun Sounday ))e thrid day of Junij inflant, befoir none, off ))e counfaling, deuyfing, cau- iing, fending, command, affillence, fortefeing, and ratihabitioun of fe faid Johnne Buttir of Gormok, come to ))e faid vmquhile George Drummondis, Perroche Kirk of Blair, to half flane him Jie faid vmquhile Williame his fone, and vjiirris being with him in company : And becaus ]iai culd nocht cum to fair peruerfit purpois, Jiai paflit to the Laird of Gormokis Place of Gormok, and fair dynit ' Page 1 18, " Left blank. ' The reader will find that he was denounced Rebel on Aug. 4 preceding, for not underlying the law, as being art and part of this Slaughter. See 1, • 367. * Matches. 372 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1554. with him, and fend furth fpyis to await vpoun ]>e laid vmquhile George and his cumpany, quhen )>ai come furth of his Place of Blair : And being aduerteifit be ])e faidis fpyis, pat he wes cumin furth of his faid Place, pai with fair compleces with ])e faid Laird of Gormokis howllialdmen and feruandis, bcdin in feir of weir, of his caufing, fending, deuifing as faid is with convocatioun of oure lieges to J)e nomer of Ixvi perfonis, J)e faraiu day, at twa houris or ])airby eftir none, ifcliit furth of fe faid Laird of Gormokis Place foirfaid, and vmbefet ]>e gait to fe faidis vmquhile George and Williame, his fone, quhair liai wer dowblate allane at Jiair paflyme play, and at ])e row-bowlis ' in Jie Hie Marcate gait befide ])E Kikk of Blair, in fobir maner, training na truble nor harme to haif bene done to fame, hot to haif levit viider Goddis peax and ouris, and fair crewellie flew ]iame, vpoun auld Feid and for- thocht felony, fet purpois and provifioun, in hie contemptioun of oure auctoritie and lawis, gif fabe. Oure will is heirfoir, and we charge 30W, flraitlie, and commandis, fat incontinent fir oure let- teris fene ^e tak ficker fouertie of fe faidis perfonis and fair compleces, committaris of fe crymes abouewrittin, in maner foirfaid, famony as ])e faidis compleuaris will mak faith befoir 50W, wer arte and parte f airof, and gevis fair names to 50W in bill," that f ai fall compeir and vnderly cure law for f e famiu befoir oure Juflice or his deputis, in oure tolbooth of Edinburcht, f e thrid day of Julij nixt- tocum, vnder fe panis contenit in oure Actis of Parliament : And fat 50 charge fame perfonalie, gif fai can be apprehendit ; and fail^eing f airof, be oppin proclamatioun at f e mercate croce of f e faid heid burcht of oure fliyre, quhair fai duel), to cum and find f e faid fouertie to 30W, within fex dais nixt eftir fai be chargeit be :;ow f airto, vnder ))e pane of rebellioun and putting of fame to oure home : The quhilk fex dais being bipaft,, and f e faid fouertie nocht fundin to 50W in maner foirfaid, that 5e incon- tinent f airafter denunce f e difobeyaris oure rebellis, and put faime to oure home ; and efcheit and inbring all fair movable gudis to oure vie, for fair contemptioun. And als, fat 5e fummond ane Alfis lieirto, ilk perfoun vnder f e pane of fourty pundis : As 30 will anfwer to ws f airupoun. The quhilk to do we commit to sow, conjunctlie and feuerallie, oure full power, be fir oure lettiris, deli- uering fame be 30W, deulie execute and indorfate agane to oure Jullice Clerk. Gevin vnder oure Signete, at Edinburcht, fe xiij day of Junij, and of oure regnne fe twelft 3eire. (1554.) Ex delibe- ratione Dominoriim CoiifiUj? n. The Offer is ojferit be the Laird of Gonnok, S)-c., to Young George Drummond of Blair, for the Slauchtir of his Fathir. Thir ar fe Offeris quliilk f e Lordis of Gor.mok, Drumlochye, and Arblair, and far Col- legis offiris to my Lord Drummond, and to fe fonn of vmquhill George Drummond, his wyf and bamis, kyne and frendis, &c. : — Item, In priniis, To gang, or cans to gang to fe four heid Pilgromagis in Scotland. Secundlye, To do liiffrage for f e fawll of Jie deid, at his Paroclie Kirk, or quhat v]iir Kirk fai pleys, for certane 3eris to cum. Tli.ridhje, To (' partye is content to gyf to fe kyne, wyf, and bamis, I™. [1000] merk. Fyfthlye, Gif fir Offiris be nocht fufFecyent thoeht be f e partye and frendis of the deid, we ar con- tent to vndirlye' and augment or pair,'' as refonabill frendis thinkis expedyent, in fo far as we may lefsumlie.' in. Answeris hy my Lord Drummond, Sfc, to the above Offeris. TiiiR ar fe Answeris fat my Lord Drummond, his kyne and frendis^ makis to fe Offiris pre- fentlye gevin in be f e Lardis of Gormok, Drumlochye, and Aiblair, vyclit far collegis : — ' A game similar to what is now termed Bon-Untj. ' Roll. ^ In the original dorumeiit this is followed by the atlcstati'm of .Tames Bannatvne, notary-public, that the messenger had duly published the said Letters, &c. ' Uefening to the homage usually exacted in those days, viz The culprit appeared before the nearest in kin, (the avenger of blood,) or the Chief of the Family, and in presence of the other blood-relations of the deceased, having a halter round the neck, and, after kneeling, he offered his naked sword by the point, humbly asking forgiveness, &c. ■■ Submit. ° Kcduce. ' Lawfully; conform to law. " Kin and blood-relations. 12 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 373 Item, As Jie firft, fecund, and thrid artickill, J)ai ar fa generall and fempil in ])e felf, Jiat ))ai requyr na anfver. Item, As to pe ferd artickill, offring to ]>e kyne, frendis, wyf and barnis of Georg Drunimond I". [1000] merk for Jie committing of fa lieych, crewell, and abomenabill Slaychtiris and JMwtillationis, of fet purpos, devyfit of aid be pe Lard of Gormok, and Georg Drummond his fone, nor nane of his frendis nevir offending to ]iame, nather be drawing of blud, takin of Kirkis, takis, fledingis, or rowmis our ony of Jiair bedis,' or Jiar fiendis ; fa, in refpect lieirof, my Lord Drummond, his kyne, frendis, the vyf and barnis of Georg Drummond, cane on nawayis be content lieirwyth. IV. The Offeris of Williame Chalmer of Drumlochy for hymfelf, Williame Chalmer his Conjing, George Tiolydaf, Williame Chalmer, Johne Fydlar, James Key, Johne Burry, Johne Wod, his Seruandis. In ])E first, Jie faid Williame offeris to compeir befoir my Lord Drxjmmond, and fe remanent frendis of vmq'" George Drummond, and ])air to offer to bis lordfchip, and ]ie party, ane nakit fwerd be Jie poynt ; and ficlike to do all vj'er honour to my lord, his hous and frendis, Jiat fall be thocht reaf- fonabill in ficlike caifes.^ Item, Offeris to gif my Lord and his airis his Ban'd of Manrent, in competent and dew forme, fik as may fland with Jie Actis of Parliament and lawis of Jiis realme.'' Item., Becaus throw extrame perfecutioun be Jie lawis of Jiis realms, Jie faid Williame hes nether landis, gudis, nor money, he Jiairfoir Offeris his fonis Mariage to be mareit vpone George Drummondis dochter, frelic, without ony Tochir : And ficlike Jie Mariage of Jie faid Williame Chalmer, his coufing, to Jie faid George filler. Item, the faid William Off"eris hym reddy to ony vjier thing quhilk is poffabill to hym, as pleis my Lord and frendis to lay to his charge, except his lyfe and heretage. V. The Layrd of Drumloche, Band of Manrent, Be it kend till all men be Jiir prefent lettiris, me Williame Chalmir of Drumlochie, that ffbrfamekle as ane noble and michty lord, Dauid Lord Drummond, and certane vjieris principalis of the four brancheis and maill fpeciall and nerrefl of Jie kin and freindis of vmquhile George Drum- mond of Leidcreif, and Williame Drummond his fone, forjiame felflis, and remanent kin and freindis of Jie faidis vmquhile George and Williame, hes remittit and forgevin to me Jiair Slauchteris, and gevin and deliuerit to me Jiair Letteris of Slanis Jiairvpoun ; and Jiat I am oblift, be verte w of ane contract, to gif Jie faid noble lord my Baud of Manrent ; as Jie faidis Contract and Letlir of Slanis, deliuerit to me, fullelie proportis : Tiiairfore to be bundin and oblift, and be thir prefent lettiris, bindis and oblissis me and my airis, in trew and aufald ^ Band of Manrent to Jie faid noble and mychty Lord, as Chief to Jie faidis vmquhile George and William his fone, and Jie faidis Lordis airis, and fall tak Jiair trew and aufald part, in all and findry Jiair actionis and caufis; and ride and gang with Jiame Jiairin, vpoun Jiair expenfis, quhen thay require me or my airis Jiairto, aganis all and findry perfonis, our Souerane Lady, and Jie auctoritie of this realme alanerlie exceptit : And heirto I bind and oblis me and my airis to Jie faid noble and michty Lordj and bis airis, in Jie ftraiteft forme and ficker* ftile of Band of Manrent Jiat can be deuifit, na remeid ' nor exceptioun of law to be proponit nor allegit in Jie contrair. In witnes of Jie quliilk thing, to Jiir prefent Lettiris and Band of Manrent, fubfcriuit with my hand, my fell is hungin, At Edinburclit, Jie fift day of December, Jie ^eir of God ane thouiand five hundreth fiftie aucht jeris, Befoir Jiir Witneflis, Andro Rollok of Dunerub,^ James RoUok his fone, Johnne Graliarae of Gormok, Maifter Johnne Spens of Condy, and Laurence Spens his bruther, with vthers diuers. WiLjAM Chalmir of Druraloquhy. ' This cirumstance is still considered as most insulting and oppressive by the tenantry in many parts of Scotland. ' See No. V. ^ True, sincere ; literally one-fold, in contradistinction to double, deceitful, &c. * Sure, secure. ' Remedy, plea in the contrary, &c. ° Ancestor of Lord RoUo. 374 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1555. It seems unnecessary to add any thing to the melancholy picture which is here given, as to the frightful consequences which, necessarily, must have been produced on the general state of society in this country, by the perpetual occurrence of such barbarous contentions.] Dec. 12. — Patrick Blair, in Ardblair, and Robex-t Smyth in Drum- lochy, alias Henry, Convicted of the Slaughter of George Druinmond, and William his fon.' — Beheaded. On Nov. 18 preceding, George Gordoun of Scheves, James Gordoun of Lef- more, and Gilbert Gray of Scheves, found caution to underly the law at the next Aire of Aberdeen, for Refetting, Intercoramuning, and Supplying JViUiam Chulmer of Drumlochy and his complices, rebels and at the horn, for the forefaid Slaughter ; and for affording them meat, drink, and other neceffaries, in the mouths of July and Auguft laft. I?uittns antr 2Hountrins. Dec. 19- — Alexander Hoppringill of Craiglethe, and George his fon, convicted of art and part of the Oppreffion done to David Hoppringill, fon of Alex. H. of Trynlieknowis, in Hurting and Wounding him to the effulion of his blood in great quantity, committed on Jul. 15 laft, he being for the time in the ' hauche' of the water of Caldane, near Trinlieknowis, keeping his father's cattle. — Walter Riddell of that Ilk became furety for them. ^Iausl)tei- — 3)nbasiou — 22aotintlins — iKutilatiou, Jan. 31, 1554-5. — Alexander Cummyng of Alter, John Cummyng called FrancheJohne, John Cuke alias BlaJc dog, John Cummyng Owre, Thomas Tail-^eour in Tulyduvy, and John T. in Socothe, found James Earl of Mor- toune as furety for their underlying the law. at the next Aire of Elgin and Forres, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Alexander INrgilleife, at the Parifli Church of Edynkil5ie ; committed in March 1553, of forethought felony : And alio, for art and part of ' Umbefetting the way' of Patrick Dunbar young Laird of Cumnok," and his fervants, between the Weft fide of the water of Duvy and the hill of Clumnerny ; committed upon Jul. 19 laft ; and there cruelly Invading them for their Slaughter ; and for Wounding the faid Patrick in his leg ; and for Mutilating Hugh Myll, his fervant, of his right leg ; and for Hurting and Wounding fundry other of his fervants, in divers parts of their bodies. ^lausfjtei* — CT)e^annrl bffoir Coiibirtiou jjcrmittrt to assiflit a iUbcrsioit to ILortJ <3\\w, Feb. 4. — Nicholas Rajisay Convicted of art and part of the cruel ' See I, ♦ 367. « See Nov. 20, 1334, &c. 13 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 375 Slaughter of Patrick alias Pawtoune Henry. Beheaded. — (On the margin of Record,) * Nota. J)e faid Nycholl before his Convictioune, maid ])E Lord Gray, in Jugement,' his ceffioner and affignay, in vheriori forma, to J)e Reiier- fioune maid to him be Alexander Raa, anent ])e lowfing fra him of ane foirland in \>e bui'cht of Perth, befid \>e Fifche-raercat.' iriff--ratsiii3: — ISuruintj; of Corns* Feb. 9- — Robert Patersoun Convicted of Fire-raifing and burning the corns of Sprowftoune, belonging to James Commendator of the Monafteries of Calco (Kelfo) and Melrose ; committed in the month of November laft. — Hanged. dTorfltiiii: a 23i0ti)artie in t\)t name of an Italian, ^r. Apr. 1, 1555. — WiLMAM Lawder, Thomas Fothringhame, and Robert Melvile, came in Will for Forging and Falfifying a counterfeited Letter of Acquittance, dated at Edinburgh, Oct. 12, 1550 ; whereby Francis Cafar, Italian, difcharged the faid Thomas of the lum of fifty golden Crowns of the fun. Which acquittance was fubfcribed by the faid William, as a Notaiy Public ; and was afterwards found to be falfe and forged, before the Lords of Privy Council, and a Decreet pronounced at the inftance of INIartin alias Maury)ie Oliuer, fervitor to THE Lord Dosell, Lieutenant of the King of France, dated Feb. 24- lafl : And the faid Thomas, by the procurement of the faid William, for caufing the faid falfe acquittance to be forged and fubfcribed, and ufing the fame : And the forefaid Robert for his inventing, caufing, counfel, art, part, and affiflance given to the forefiid William and Thomas. — Sentence. To be confidei-ed Infa- mous in all time coming, and their teftimony never to be thereafter received : And that they fliould never enjoy any dignities, offices, or honors, either in judge- ment or outwith tlie fame : And to be Banished from tliis kingdom, and never to return without THE Queen's fpecial Licence : And all their moveable goods to be Efcheated. 2tlrrtibin0 t\)t l^oln ^arramrnt M)i\t untfer e faid Supplica- tioune and Jje Quenis grace deliueiance and aiifuer gevin Jiaiiupoune to be legelhat and infeit in jie faidis bukis of Adiornale, and lies admitlit and adinittis ]ie faniin ; off ])e quliilk Supplicatioune and deliueiance ]ie tennour follovvis : ' Madame, vnto 3oure grace liuimlie menis,' We, Alexander Jeffray, baxter, Jolinne Arclay, cor- dinar, Alexander Reid, tail^eoure, for ws and ]>e remanent puir Craftifmen of j)e burcht of Abirdene : That qnliair we ar new fumiuond to pas vpoiine ]ie Aflife betuix ])E Innesses and Dunbarris, like as we liaue bene, diuerfe tymes, jiis 5eiie, fumniond of befoir, be50uie gracis Purfevewantis and Mef- fingerris, to pas vpoun Aflife in actionis diftant fra ws fourty, fifty, and Ix of mylis, ])at we knaw na thing ]'airof niair nor ]iai ]iat duellis in Jheiufalem :- And fwa, Ma dame,-' we ar hevely tiublit and berreif lieirtbrow, be faill,^ abvfe, and mifordour of ])e faid Purfewantis and Meffingeiis Jiat will nocht fummond Lordis, Lairdis, and Barronis, as wes wount to be done in all tymes bigane, paft memour of man, quliill'' pis inflant ^eir bigane, ]iat jiai bane brocbt of ane new vfe, by'' ^oure gracis mynd, cs we beleif, to fummond puir bulges men and puir craftifmen, and i'pecialle of joure faid burcht of Abirdene, quhilk lies bene fouie or five tymes heir fen pis tolmond, and all alluterlie^ her- reit paiithrow. Quhairfoir we befeike 50ure grace, Jiat we pat ar puir inliabitantis of soure faid burcht may baue ^oure grace pardoune and exeniptioune to remane and bide at hame, noclitwith- ftanding )ie Summondis pat ar to cum vpoun ws, wont'" it be for actionis done within pe faid burcht, or thre mylis about pe famiu : And 50uie gracis anfuer heirupoune huimlie we befeik (Sic retro- fcribitur) Apud Ed'mburclu primo Mali anno I"'V'^lv"'. Fiat vt petitur. Marie R. <^fXUuji: Svtnd) Wiint5 at too !)ifil) a piirt* May 4. — Geokge Hume, refiding in the Town of Leitlie, Walter Cant, and thirteen others, indwellers there, and burgeffes of Edinburgh, found furety to underly the law at the next Aire of Edinburgh, for Selling French Wines" at higher prices than fixed by the Queen's Proclamation of Dec. 7 laft, under the pain of forfeiture of their whole moveable goods, viz. for each tun of ' .B/ir- deoitfc' '' and ' Angew' '^ Wine 20 1., and in retail at x d. per pint ; ' Rochell/ ' Scherine,"'' and ' Cune3eoche,"^ 161., and in retail viij d. per pint. ^laufiljtn* mxU 5ES2HountJins of jFveiul) ^oltrtns — S«i*isUUtiou anH iJiibilrsr of t\)t (t\)\\xti) CTouvts. May 22. — Mr Mauk Ker and the Laird of Coldingknowis dilait- ed for the Slaughter of vmq'^ .... de la Vigne : And for Hurting and \Vound- ing of ... . Lefpine, ' corporale of Capitaxe Gal5earttis CuMrANY,"" Bruflie in fundry parts of his body, and other Frenchmen ; committed at Newbottill, in April laft. ' Comperit Maifter Mark Ker, in prefence of })e faidis Juftice-deputis, and defyrit to be replegit, as he ])at wes ane Kirkman, to his Juge Ordinare :' ' And J)e Laird of Coldinknowis ofTerit him reddy to vnderly ' Humbly complain. ^ We know no more of than they who dwell in Jerusalem. ^ And so, Madam. * Pillaged. ^ Failure in duty. " Until. " Against, contrary to. 8 Twelve months ; tliis year past. ^ Altogether, entirely. '" Unless, excepting. " See Mar. 21, 1549-50. '^ Bourdeaux. '^ Anjou. ^^ Rochelle and Sherry, or Xeres. '^ Cogniac ? '" See repeated notices of these persons in the Appendix. VOL. I. -j- 3 B 378 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1555. pe law for pe faidis crymes — and ])ai bayth proteftit ]>at pair fouerteis be relevit, becaus J^ai wer reddy to entir.' Debate as to the Jurisdiction of certain Church Courts. Jun. 1. — CoMPERiT 3Iai/ier James Sa/foure, 0&cia\l of Sanctandrois, within )ie Archedenerie of Lowthiane, vnder proteftatioune, pat ])e faid Maifter Markis comperance in fe faid Juftice Court hurt nocht ]>e ertate nor priuilege of ]'e Kirk ; and, as Ordinare to )ie faid Maifter Mark, defyrit him to be replegit, verba. — Comperit alfua Sir Willicnn Bannatyne, Chaplane, as Commiflar to )ie Arche- BiscHorE OF Glasgw, be his Commiflioune producit in Jugement, fpeciallie conftitute, and ])airby defyrit ]>e faid Maifter Mark to be replegit furth of \ib faid Juftice Court, for ))e faid cryme, to fe Jurifdictioune of j e faid Archebifchope ; and in caife |)e faid Juftice-depute wald nociit fuffer him to be replegit be virtew of ])e faid Commiflioune, proteftit ]iat \e famin hurt nocht |ie faid Archebifchope in his jurifdictioune foirfaid. — Mr James Balfoure and Maijier Dauid M'gill, vnder proteftatioune Jiat ]iai admit nocht ])e Juftice to gif Interloquitour vpoune fe allegeances following, niji quantum de jure, allegit fat ])e faid Maifter Mark fuld be replegit to ])e jurifdictioune of ])e Archebifchope of Sanctandrois, and aucht to be preferrit in replegiatioune to ])e Archebifchope of Glafgw, be reffoun he hes producit ane Teftimoniale of his Ordour of Crownebennet,' berand fat he wes Scolare in Jie dyocy of Sanctandrois : And als allegit, fat he wes borne within fe faid dyocy, in f e Caftell of Edin- bur*, and maid refidence continwalie within ])e famin dyocy, viz. within fe Place and toun of New- bottill or Ed'' : And als, fat f e allegit cryme he wes to be accufit of wes committit within f e faid dyocy of Sanctandrois : And forther allegit, fat he hes na Benefice within fe dyocy of Glafgw; and fat he hes deniittit ])e Benefice of Maffindew," in Jedburcht, quhairby ])e faid Bifchope of Glafgw allegit him to be ordinar to fe faid Maifter Mark ; like as he prefentlie, in prefence of fe faid Juftice Depute, dimittis ])e famein : And attour,^ offerrit fe Laird of Haldane cautioune for juftice to be done, &c., and alkit inftrumenttis vpoune ]ie allegeances and Ofiir foirfaidis. ll?ici;T) Cftason — ^bjmiuts frnltn to tljt protector of ditilantr, kt* May 24. — Gkorge "Wauciiope, burgefs of Lauder, produced a Reniif- fion for taking affurance upon himlelf and the other Inhabitants of the Town of Lawder, in October lo^T, during the time of the buikling of the FortaHce of Roxburghe, with the English Protector, and Lord Gray, his Lieutenant General ; giving and granting his Bond and faith under his hand, that he and the other Inhabitants of Lawder fliould be faithful fubjects to the King OF England ; and giving his oath of fealty, for obferving the fame : Which Bond was thereafter fulfilled, by his daily treafonable riding in company with the faid Englifli, confulting and guiding them, as often as occafion required, againll her Majefty's fubjects, to their liibveriion and ruin. ItEiAI, for his trea- fonably leading the Protector of England with his Armv, immediately after the Battle of Pynkecleuche, in October 1547, to the faid Town of Lauder, therein to remain in Caftles, &c. and leading them, in bodies, to various parts of the country, for the deltruction and flaughter of the lieges thereof. Itejni, for his leading, refetting, fupplying, interconimuning, and participating, continually, dui-ing the whole of the years 1552 and 1553, with Sir Walter Ker ' Having taken his degree ; Saccalaureus ? ^ Maison Dieu. ^ Furthermore. 13 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 379 of Cesfurde, Sir Andrew Ker of Hirfell, and Sir John Ker of Pharnihirft, kn", their lervants and accomplices, the Queen's Rebels and at her horn, againft the Acts of Parliament. Item, for his treafonably guiding the faid English Pro- tector, THE Earl of Warwik, Lord Gray, and the English Army, immediately after the Battle of Pynkecleuche, in the year 1547, they then being in England, to the Caftlehill of Lauder, being the Queen's proper lands, where the faid Englifli foldiers built a Fortalice, and fortified the fame with warlike ftores, to be kept againft the Queen's lieges ; and for inventing, treating, and confulting with the faid Englifli thereupon. Item, for treafonably delivering to Ralph Bruier, Captain of the Fortalice of Roxburgh, and other Englifli- men, being therein, an hundred daggers, with all kinds of grain which he could obtain ; and aflifting and participating with them for the keeping and jn-otection thereof. And alfo, for treafonably revealing and fliewing to the General at the Fortalice of Lauder, and to other Captains of Fortalices, during the time of their remaining in Scotland, all the fecrets of this kingdom, which he had or could procure, to the hurt and leflon thereof, and to the advantage of the faid Englifh : And for riding and going with them, for obtaining their ends, in all their deeds and confpiracies againft the kingdom of Scotland, as if he had been a native Engliflmian. ^Iaucrl)tcr of a JHesscnscr at airms* Jun. 7. — John Blakcater, fervant to the Earl of Bothuile, was denounced Rebel and put to the horn, and William Moncreif of that Ilk, his cautioner, was amerciated in the fum of 500 nierks, for his non-appearance to underly the law for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of James Lowis, MefTen- ger at arms. ^clUntr ITictuaX aitH dTlcsf) in (Jfnulantr, Jun. 17. — MuNGO Hunter, in Chirnefide, Convicted of breaking the Acts of Parliament in carrying flefh into England.' — Robert Richartfoun and fix others in Fuldene, and Patrick Gibfoun in Coldinghame, came in the Queen's Will for tranfporting Victual into England ; and Alexander Crawfurde, and two other butchers in Coldinghame and Aytoun, came in Will for carrying flefli into England.^ A number of others were replegiated to the Regality of Dalkeith, were denounced Rebels, or came in Will for fimilar crimes, about this period. Jatmai'UalJlc Case of Dirarij hn ([PnsItsDmtn — ^jppvtssion, ^r, Jul. 3. — ' HiLBERT Stalfurde, in Kentfchire, in pe Toune of Der- ' George Lord Seytoun became his cautioner. ^ Cautioners to satisfy the Queen George Ramsay of Dalhoussy, John Hwme of Hutounhall, and Alexander Hwme of Manderstoune. 380 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1555. ingtoune, Capitane ('^vy/.') ' ; Thomas Man in Northphok, borne within pe toune of Elfin,' and twenty-feven others, ('^7-ff.') Convicted by an Affife/ chofen and fworn by their own confent, of Piracy and Oppi-eflion done to the Qneen's liege fiil>jects, and to others, foi-eigners, in friendfliip and league with this king- dom, and navigating hither ; and of coming upon them with a certain armed velTel called ' Kait or Lynne' at the times refpectively following, in her INIajefty's leas, whilft the faid lieges were making for the harbour of Leith, and by piratical force boarding their vefiels, and reiving and fpoiling them of the goods under fpecified, viz. On Jun. 23 laft, furth of ' ane hulk' of the town of Stateyne, then being in the harbour of Leith, a rope or ' kabill' containing 90 ' fadummis,' three or four ' piftolettis,' together with certain Tailor's drefies and canvafs : Itejm, on Jun. 25 laft, furth of a fliip belonging to Robert Orknay, Scotfman, 34 ' boundis'^ of hemp,^ feven barrels of the fineft flour," with nine pieces of wax : Iteji, on Jun. 20 laft, of a fliip of Adam Nycholfoune, in which Mr George Halkheid was for the time, twenty pieces of ' fatyne' and ' dammefe :"* Which goods the liiid i)erl"ons judicially Confefled that they had ftolen, and that they had fitted out their armed ftiip without any Licence or protection from their Prince, contraiy to the common law of Nations. — Sentence. That they fliall be HANGED as Pirates : And that their fliip, with the forefaid goods, and all that was therein at the time of capturing the fame, fliall be efcheated to the Queen. List of I/ic other Pirates, icith their pnnishmcnt or acquittal. John Hupgame, borne in Northphok, and now duelland in Lyn, (Siijpen.) ; Thomas Baxter, borne in Newcaftell, now (hielland in Lyn, (^SiiJ'pen.) ; Edmond VVilliamefoue, in 5orkfcIiire, boine in Kirk- benioiTyde,* duelland in Twedmond, in Northunibeiland, (^Gra.) ; Antliony Fitteplace, borne in Wel- fchire, now in Berrick, (Gra.) ; George Barrat, in Vngle, in Northhantounfthire, now in Northhame, ( Gra.y ; Johnne Wifdome, borne in Anglifberry-Iiill, within v niyle to Brifto, now fuldiour in Berwik, {Si//pcn.) ; Williame Prince, borne in Birkinfchire, now in Berwik, (Gra.^ ; James Golf,** borne in Hamfcbyre, now in Berwik, ( Gra.) ; Phillope Withelak, borne in Denlchire, now in Berwick, ( Gra.) ; Johnne Neillwing, borne in Nortliphok, now in Lyn, (Stt/jjen.) ; Nj'cholace Phillope, borne in Lyn- cumlcliire, witliin ]ie toune of Bowfloune, in Lyn, (Su/pen.) ; Matliow Crosfurde, borne in 5orkfchire, now in Lyn, (^Siijpen.) ; Williame Vnthane, borne in Hartfurdefchire, now in BerWik, (Gra.) ; Ed- ward Wrycht, borne in Lifterfchire, now in Berwik, (Gra.); Robert Ra, borne in Carlile, now in Berwik, ( Gra.) ; Robert Swentoune, borne in jo'kfchire, now in Berwik, ( Gra.) ; Williame Bour- fchaw, borne in Tynebriciie, in Kentfcliire, now in Berwik, (^Gra.) ; Williame Lamb, borne in Gloif- terfcliire, now in Berwik, ( Gra.) ; Edward Campbell, borne in Newcaflell, now ]iair, ( Gia.) ; Johnne Hall, borne in Northphokfchire, now in Hunftonne, (Siijpen.); Rolland Kaif, borne in Lundoun- ' The enumeration and description of these pannels are so remarkable, that it has been thought proper to append them to the Trial in a smaller type. Prefixed to each name on the margin is the word ' Suspen.' or ' Gra.' (gratia), the first denoting tliose who were IIanced, and the latter those who were afterwards PAunoNrn, or their sentence commuted. The two List, being jMinors, were not convicted, ^ With the exception of William Lynlythgow of Drygrance, they were burgesses and residenters in Edinbui'gh and Leith. ^ I3undles? * Ca»«yn'.s (cauna- his?) ^ Farine siliginis. Pliny uses farina silUjuna in this sense, though siHgo denoted an inferior or light sort of corn, vieldiiig less nutriment than wheat. ° Satin and damask. ' Kirkby-on-tlie-muir-sidc ? ' Gough ? 2 9Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 381 fchire, now ])aii-, (Gra.); Jolinne Woddorat, borne in Kentfchire, now in Swakle, (^Siifpeti.) ; Symoune Mawller, borne in Noithpbokfcliire, now in Lyn, (^Sii/pen.) ; Robert Atlielounc, borne in Newcaftell, now in Lyn, prenteife, (Su/pen.) ; Johnne Mortoune, borne in Chefcliyre, now in Ber- wik, (Gra.) ; Jobn Moir, borne in Warwikfcliire, now at Lundoune, (Minor) ; George Steill, borne in Gillfland, now in Norhame Caftell, (3Ii/ior.y Jul. 6. — Thomas Stilberry, ' fkipper' of tlie fliip called Kait of Lyn, born in Lincoiifchyre, in Litiltoune, now in Hull, Convicted of the fame crimes of Piracy, &c. — Hanged. S^ounT3(ucr tf)e Brputn-ilirrper of tljr This is sometimes termed ' with the hhiidy hand,' i.e. taken or detected in tlie very fact. 382 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1555. AssiSAjifper Domhia Mariota Montgomery Domina Sympill. Jofane Stewart of Fowbar, Williame Wallace of Elrifley, Williame Cunynghame of Cunynghame- AUane Houftoune, in Fowbar, Patrik Glenne, brujier to James, Laid, Robert Lindefay of Dunrod, Patrik Howflonne of pat Ilk, John Scliaw of Berragane, James Glenne of the Bar, Dauid Lyndfay, in Glafgw, Matho Galbrayth. John Simpill of Fulwod, Hectour Stewart, in Raife, John Campbell of Skijipynche became furety for fatisfying the parties — and alfo for the entry of Ewfame Stewarte, at the next Aire of Renfrew, to underly the law for art and part of the Slaughter of the faid Gilbert Rankyne.' Confaoration — ?gamrsurfetit at t|)f iHonastm) of Paislrn. Nov. 9. — Matiieav Stewakte of Baescube, John Brifbane of Bif- choptoime, William Park and Thomas Brilhane, their fervants, Thomas, fon of John Marchell in Rowchbank, William his brother, William Brifbane, fer- vant of Lord Sympill, John Stewarte, Ion of Jonet at the Brigend of Paifley, and Williame Allanefoiine at the mill of Farmalkyne, found John Lord Erflvyne as fui'ety for their entry, at the next Aire of Renfrew, to imderly the law for Convocation of the lieges to the number of twelve perfons, armed in warlike manner, and for coming to the Monastery of Paslay, by way of Hame- fuckin, and there Invading John Hammyltoune, fon of John H. of Ferguflie, ' grynter' " of Paflay, for his Slaughter ; and for Mutilating him of his arm, committed on July 26 laft : And for fundry other crimes contained in their Letters, — John Allanefoune was denounced Rebel, and put to the horn for not apjiearing. Conboration — SiniJa^inS 3)amts Hovli ^omtrfailc' Nov. 22. — William Baillie of Bagbie, Nicholas his brother, Mi- chael Shorte his fervant, and three othei's, were replegiated by James Earl of Mortoune, to his Regality of Dalkeyth, to underly the law on Jan. 17 next, for Convocation of the lieges to the niunber of fix fcore pez'fons, armed in wai*like manner, and Invading James Lord Someruille for his Slaughter ; commit- ted on Oct. 1 laft. William Symontoune of that Ilk became fui-ety. — James and John DAL3ELL in Knowhobill, replegiated to the Regality of Boithuile by Archibald Earl of Angus ; Robert Dal5ell of that Ilk being furety for their entry, and James Douglas of Todhillis for the due adminiftration of juftice. — John Symontoune, Parifli Clerk of Symontoune, and Robert Dal5ell, Parifli Clerk of Dal5ell, replegiated by the Archbifliop of Glafgow. — John Mvre of ' See Jan. 14, 1555-6. ^ Granitarius, one who keeps a store of Grain, a grain-dealer, or girnall-heqicr. ^ See also Nov. 16, 1554, &c. for notices of these Feuds. 13 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 383 Anneftoune, and forty-two others, found furety to underly the law for the fame crimes at the next Aire of Lanark. jftiiti iitt^tttt HovK ^omerbilc mti ilfntrsag of Cofipiirtount. Nov. 22. — Mr John Soinieuuile, Rector of Libertoune, Michael S., Parifli Clerk of Carnweth, Mr William S., Vicar of Kirkbane, Thomas S., Rec- tor of Quodqwene,' and John Carmichael of that Ilk, Parifli Clerk of Carmi- chael, were replegiated by the Archbifliop of Glafgow to underly the law before his next head Court, for Convocation of the lieges to the number of 100 perfons, and hindering John Lindefay of Cobynetoune from coming to the head Court of the fliire of Lanark, committed on Oct. 1 lafl. — James Lord Soraeruile became furety for the due adminiftration of juftice. — John Someruile, brother of Lord Someruile, Parifli Clerk of Quodqwene, was alfo replegiated by the Archbifliop of Glafgow ; Archibald Earl of Angus became furety for his entry, and for the due adminiftration of juftice. — James Chancellaee in Newmanyis, and fixty- eight others, found James Lord Somerville, Murray of Cokpull, and John Car- michael of that Ilk, as fureties for their entry at next aire of Lanark, to underly the law for the fame crimes. iHutilation of ti)t %nixti of Craiflinatlt anU fjis <^mt» Nov. 26. — Mr Alexander Levingtoune of Donypace found Wil- liam Lord Levingftoune as furety for their entry at the next Juftice-aire of Stirling, to underly the law for art and part of the Mutilation of John Cragyn- gelt of that Ilk, and Robert his fon, of their left arms ; committed within the burgh of Stirling, on Aug. 21 laft.— (Jan. 8, 1555-6.) Henry Livingston in Falkirk, William and Thomas his fons, and his three fervants, found caution (the Laird of Doniphace) to underly the law at the following Aire of Stirling, for fame crime. '^iivtins aiift OTounUinff, Nov. 28. — Robert Someruile,- brother-german of James Lord S., came in the Queen's Will, for art and part of the cruel Hurting and Wounding of John Lyndfay, natural brother of the Laird of Colbynetoune, to the efTufion of his blood ; committed fuddenly, on Jul. 7 Jaft. €>j)pitj3sioit — Snbasion, ^r, John Lyndsay of Cobynetoune, James Johnftoune of Weftraw, ' They were alfo replegiated the same day by the Arclibishop of Glasgow, for the Hurting and Wounding of John Lyndesay, natural brotiier of the Laird of Colbyntoune, to the effusion of his blood; committed on Jul. 7 last, on forethought felony, Lord Somervile cautioner. ' See Nov. 22, 155.5, Note, &c. Reference may also be made to the Appendix. 384 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1555. and James Moffat, fervant to the Laird of Cobyntoune, Convicted of the Oijpreffion done to John Someruile, brother-german to James Lord Someruile, in cruelly Invading him at Romefchaw, and chafing him to the dwelling-houle of John Haithwye, officer of Archibald Earl of Angus in Gaitfyde, beietting the faid houfe, and Invading the faid John for his (laughter ; committed ' vpoune fuddentie,' on Sep. 24 laft. gUiiiJturi from t\)t UaiH of ilnutjer, 4^c, Dec. 17. — Alexander Gillies in Glenkirk, came in Will for con- temptuoully remaining from the Queen's army couveened at Lawder, May 14 laft, to concur with and afRfl George Earl of Huntlie, Gilbert Earl of Caffillis, and James Earl of Mortoune, having her higlineffes Comniiffion to punifli and re- prefs certain crimes and Slaughters committed upon the Borders of the kingdom ; againft the Proclamations made thereanent. — James Twedy of Drummel3ear became cautioner. — John Lyle of Stanypethe, John Naper of Ballekinrane, and a number more, came in the Queen's will for the fame crime. William Gif- fert of Sherefhall, the Laird of Gorrandaill, Lekky of Croy, and Mr Thomas Bonar, &c. were denounced Rebels, and put to the horn for not appearing to iinderly the law for the fame crimes. Snterfommtintntj: Saiti) t])t 2lairi» of ^ri3b3f 11, vthtl, ^r, Dec. 19. — Sir James MTuli.och, in Annyk, replegiated by the Bifliop of Whithorne, for art and part of Refetting, Sujjplying, and Interconnnuning with M'Culloch of Ardwell, and Finlay M'^Culloch, rebels and at the horn, for the cruel Slaughter of Patrick More, &c. The Laird of Lochinvar (John Gordoune) furety.— Thomas MX'lellane Tutor of Bombey, Michael M"^C., his brother, Gothray M'Culloch of Ardwell, John ]\rC. in Barholm, Ninian Glen- donyng in Partoune, Richard M'^Ky of Myretoune, and John Akin5eane, found caution' to underly the law at the next Aire of Wigtoune and Kirkcudbrycht, for the fame crime. Common ri)tft— lUsttt of Wijttt, $(c, Jan. 3, 1555-6. — John Robsoune, alias Paw//* JoA-, Convicted of Com- mon Theft, Refett of Theft, outputtiug and inputting thereof, &c. — Hanged. IHJurting anti asaounUiucr tfjr HairH of nbasion, ^r. Jan. 8. — John Cunntnghame of Glengarnok, Cuthbert C. of Cochi'ane, and Alex. C, his bi'others, John C. of Croy, and thirty-two others,^ found caution^ to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Air, for Convoca- tion of the lieges to the number of thirty perfons, armed in wai-like manner, and coming under filence of night, in July 1554, by way of Hamefucken, to the house of Humphrey Galbrayth in Eifter Glenne, breaking up the doors thereof, entering the fame, and fearching for him for his flaughter ; committed on fore- thought felony. Oppression — asiTounbIng — iWutilation. HuiMPHREY Galbrayth in Edinbellye, AValter G., brother of the Laird of Gartfchadden, James G. in Balquharne, and ten others, found caution* to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Dumbartane, for Oppreffion done to John Cunynghame of Glengarnok and Cuthbert his brother, in Hurting and Wounding them ; committed on Aug. 10 laft, on forethought felony ; and for Mutilation of the faid Cuthbert of the thumb of his right hand. ' Those marked (/.) ^ filed ^ or found the pannels guilty. "- Among the number are Gilbert Clerk, stage-player, (liistrionem.) On Feb. 28, 1553-6, John Browne, player, {histrio, which may, perhaps, be intended to denote a moimtehanh or buffoon,) in Avendale, found Sir James Hammyltouiie of Crawfurde- Johne surety for his underlying the law at the next Aire of Lanark, for the ^lutilation of John Weir, in Birkwod, of his right hand. ^ David Cunnynghame of Robertland and the Laird of Glengarnok. * George Bucbquhannane of that Ilk, and James Galbrayth of Kilcreuche. VOL. I. f 2 C 386 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1556. James Galbrayth of Kilcreuche, Walter his brother, James G. in Balquharne, John G. his fervant, Humphrey, fon of John G. in Bolgair, Hum- phrey G. in the Gleune, Hum^jhrey G. in Bellye, and thirty-feven others, found caution' to underly the law at the next Aire of Dumbartane, for Oppreffion done to John Lyle in Wefter Jvilfaflet, coming to his houfe in July 1554, of the caufing, hounding, affiflance, and ratihabition of James Galbrayth of Balquharne ; and for breaking up his doors, under filence of night, and Invading him for his llaughter. Jan. 14. — Andrew Montgomery, Malcolm Allanefoime, Andrew Park, and Allan Tei'bert, produced a Refpite for art and part of the cruel Slaugh- ter of Gilbert Rankyne, in Lech eland, committed on Mar. 17, 1553, &c." The Earl of Glencarne, and John Campbell of Shippynche, became cautioners for fatis- fying the parties. — They alfo found caution to underly the law at the next Aire of Renfrew, for the jNIurder of the laid Gilbert, and for forethought felony. Bcmfssioit for a ^lauflljttr — lUpIrcfiation. Feb. 12. — WiLEiAM Neavtoune of that Ilk, and John N. in N^ew- toune, pi'oduced a Remiffion for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of John Crummy, burgefs of Hadingtoune ; committed on ancient ffeud, forethought felony, &c. in Oct. 1545. Patrick Sydeferf of that Ilk, and Henry Ogill of Hartre-wod, became cautioners for fatisfying the parties. — George Newtoune, in Muffilburgh, was Replegiated for the fame crime, by the Commendator of Dun- fermeling, to his Regality of Muffilburgh. Cljr ilaivti 01 i^nocfeUoltant trrnouiucU foi* ^laujjljter. Mar. 4. — Robert Grahame of Knokdoleane denounced rebel and put to the horn as fugitive from the law, for the Slaughter of Duncan M'"gil- wrik : committed in Nov. 1554, on forethought felony. — He was again de- nounced on Apr. 11, 1556 ji'tratnig a J^ilbrr SDisI) of tijr (tiiictn MtQtnVs, Mar. 30, 1556. — David Mvre in the Craig, within the lliire of Air, found John Schaw of Haly as cautioner for his entry at the next Juftice-aire of Air, to underly the law for art and part of the Theft and concealment, furth of ' Edmund Bucliqubannane of SpiUale, George Buchqubannane of that Ilk, James Galbrayth of Balquharne, and the Laird of Kilcreucb. ^ See Nov. 8, 1335. 14 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 387 the hoiife of John Loud Maxwell, from her highnefs the Queen Regent, in the month of Anguft laft, of a filver dilli' marked with the laid Queen's Arms, and being her pi-ivate property. — John ED5AIIE, burgefs of Dumfreis, found furety^ to underly the law at the next Aire of Dumfreis for the fame crime ; and Makjory Cunynghame, his wife, was denounced Rebel, and her moveables confifcated as fugitive from the law. — (May 4, 1557.) She was allowed to come in the Queen's will. BrumlaiTcrris^s JJiotDrr ticiTOUitfttt for ^lausljtti*. Apr. 14. — John Dowglas, in Steppis, Ion of James D. of Drujilang- RIG, James Douglas, Andrew Paterfoun, and Thomas Doby, were denounced rebels and put to the horn for the Slaughter of William Dal5ell, brother to Robert Dal5ell of that Ilk ; committed on INI ay 8, 1555. — John Johnneftoune of that Ilk, their cautioner, was unlawed for their non-appearance. ^>cTimtsurIun — ^urtins anU aiSlountimjj, xVr, May 5. — Dauid Seytoune, fon of umq'' ^Villiam S. of Rungawy, Con- victed for coming by way of Hamefuckin to the lands of Innerteill, on Feb. 1 8 laft, and cruelly Hurting and Wounding of AA'^illiam Allerdefe, ftone-raafon, and Henry Buttir, in their heads and breafts, to the efFufion of their blood : And for cafting Mathew Marfchell into the Water of Innerteill. — George Lord Seytoun became lurety along with him for latisfying the Queen and parties. — (May 7.) Lord Seytoun became caution for his entry ' to fufFer pe Declaratour of Jje faid Juftice,' &c. A number of others found caution on May 6, to underly the law at the next Aire of Fife for the fame ci'imes. jf^ovQuxQ, tvmittQf anl) falsifiJin^ a er|)aitcr, ^r. May 18. — Andrew Drummmond of Balleclone Convicted by a condign Affile of art and part of fforgeing and ffalfifying a Charter of ffeufarm, pretended to have been granted by Alexander, Archbishop of Athens and OF the Isles of Scotland, and perpetual Commcndator of the Monaftery of InchechafTray,^ of the lands of Balleclone, with the jiertinents, excepting three ' The words of the record are ' vnius jjarapcidis argenteV. Paropsis is used by Suet, and Petron. to denote a silver dish to serve up meat in. ^ Uchtred Ed^are of Nether Inglistoune, &c. •^ This individual was the second son of Joiix Lord Gordon hy Margaret Stewart, natural daughter of King James IV, (by Margaret, eldest daughter of Joljn Lord Drummond.) Having been elected by the Chapter Archbishop of Gla.sc:ow, and afterwards set aside by the Pope, who nominated James Beaton, Abbot of Aberbrothok, he got the titular Archbishgprick of Athens (ifi pnrtibtis Lrfidelium') ; was consecrated Bishop of the Isles, Nov. 26, 1353 ; and got the Commendatory of Inchaffray. In 1558, lie was translated to the See of Galloway, embraced the Reformed Religion, and died in anno 1576. 388 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1556. plougligates thereof, which he and Henderfoune, parchment-maker, erafed and altered from the firft original Charter, granted to the faid Andrew, &c. in the year 1553. — Sentence. To be publicly led with his hands tied behind his back to the Market-Crofs of the burgh of Edinburgh, and there to have His EIGHT HAND STRUCK OFF and fattened on a pole ; And thereafter to be Ba- nished from the kingdom for life, and to be perpetually reckoned as Infamous : And all his moveables to be efcheated to the Queen. (Jun. 13.) — Hary Drummond of Ricartoune became furety ' that he fall dejiarte furthe of ]3is realme within xv dayis nixt eftir ])e day and dait of Jjis Act ; and nocht to returne within pe famin, without cure fouerane ladeis Licence had ])airvipoune, under pe pane of aue thowfand merkis.' ^trallnQ; tijt €Hittn'5 sljcrp from ijcv Parit, dUUinftiugl). May 18. — Thomas Bullerwell, ' delaittit of }je thiftuous Steling of certane fcheip fra Jje Quenis grace furthe of hir Park of Ed', wes ordauit by pe Juftice depute, of his avvin confent, to departe furthe of J)is realme, within xx" dayis nixt eftir ]>e dait heirof, and to reniane furth of ])e famyn as Banist ; and nocht to returne Jjairin, without oure fouerane ladeis Licence had Jjair- upoune, vnder ]>e pane of deid.' Oppression — Mbaslou, ^r. May 28. — JoHN Somervile of Camnethane, William his brother, John S. in the Grene, and Alexander his brother, and others, dilaited of art and part of the OpprefRon done to Robert Hammyltoune, in Garryne, on Apr. 4 laft, in chafing him from Cambufnethane wood to the water of Clyde, to the boat or ' cobill' of Heleife. Absentes ab AssisA domini de Cambufnethane, S;c. NeillMontjjomeryofLangfcliaw, William Sympill of Tliridparte, George Brown of Colftoune, Hugh Montgomery of riilielheid, John Mure of Caulil well, Gilbert Wauchope of Nvdrye- James Hammyltoune, Wodfyde, Robert Ker of Kenifland, Marfcheale, William Sympill of Catlicart, James Montgomery of Brvme- Hugh Montgomery of Stane,' Walter Pettigrew of Ouer Cottis, land, Robert Ker of Trearnie. (May 29.) — The pannels were Convicted by an Affife, except the Laird of Camnethane, who did not enter on pannel. — Sentence was not recorded.^ ^Iaus!)tfr. Aug. 3. — John Hyviesoune, tailor. Convicted of the cruel Slauchter of Andrew Howefoune, in Weft Nvdry ; committed in July laft, under filence of niglit. — Beheaded. ' Montgomery of Stair. At and previous to this period, the name was written Stene and Stair indifferently. ° Only the Scroll-books of this period aie preserved. 14 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 389 ELGIN AND FORRES. [The following interesting Excerpts have been procured from the Earl of Hadington's^ MS. Col- lections, Advocates' Library, (A. 422.) The first article is prefixed to a Copy of Proceedings of the Justice Aire of Elgin and Fores, held and begun at the burgh of Elgin, on Monday, Aug. 17, 1556, before Johne Erskixe of Dvne, Justice-depute. This Aire terminated on Oct. 17, 1556, being the twenty-first day of the sittings. The reader is referred to a similar document, which has been published, as in reference to the Jus- tice-Aire of Jedburgh, in a former part of this work ;- and it may be considered a matter of some curiosity to note the difference in tiie styles of tiiese Proclamations. Of course, it must be under- stood that sucii intimations as these would run in the same terms, in reference to all the other Justice- aires of the kingdom, at the periods to which they respectively belong. It may be noticed that the general complexion of the Cases which were tried at this Aire were trivial. The only entries possessing any interest follow the Proclamation, which is here given entire.] PROCLAMATIO. We command and charge, in oure fouerane ladeis name, his darreft moder J)E QuENE DOAVARIARE AND REGENT of hir realme, and hir Juftice-principall and hir deputtis heir prefent ; That na maner of perfone or perfones cummand to this prefent Jnftice-aire, remanand Jiairat, or pafland ])airfra, invaid ony of thanie vtheris, ather for auld Feid or new, wnder Jje pane of deid : And ])at na maner of perfone nor perfones heir vther wappinnis hot fchort knyffis at ])air beltis, except the Juftice, Scheref, Crowneris, and J)air deputtis, officiaris, houf- hald, and fervandis, vnder ])e pane of efcheitting of ]5air Wappinis and pvneiffing of Jjair jierfones, be wairding or vthervvayes, at the will of our fouerane ladies darreft moder and Juftice. And that all maner of victuallis, fie as flefche, fifche, meitt, fowale, and vther neceffai-is, be brocht to Jie mercat and fauld for reddle money, for the prices following ; and that na pryces ])airof, nor 3it \>q lugeing, bedding, ftabuUing, or vtheris quhatfumevir afianientis and neceffaris for luge- ing and furneifling of our fouerane ladeis leigeis, be rafit or hichtit^ vpone thame ; hot that ]>e famin be fauld and furneiffit of J)e pryces following. That is to fay, ])e laif * of guid fufficient quheit breid, for fuftentation of J)E QuENis Maiefteis Houfliald and remanent Nobill men, of xxij vnces wecht, . iiij d. The pynt of Burdeous' vyne, ..... xij d. The pynt of fine Scherand orAm5erk'' vyne, . . . xd. The quairt of guid Aill, to be fauld for . . . viij d. The heft mutton bowik,'^ for . . . . . vj s. And vther nocht fa guid, to be fauld vnder that pryce, as it is of avail).* The pryce of ane guifs, . .... xviij d. ))e muirfouU, ....... iiij. The capone, to be fauld for . . . . . xij d. ' The celebrated Thomas, Jirst Earl of Haddington, who held the important offices of Lord Advocate, President of the College of Justice, Principal Secretary of State to King James VI, &c. &c. 'I, * 64. ^ Increased in price. ■* Wheaten loaf. ^ Bourdeaux. ^ Probably Zeres, or Sherries-sack. ' Carcase. ^ Worth. 390 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1556. ELGIN AND TORRES. The peifs of pultrie, . . • . . vj d. Gryt chikkinnis, . • . . . iv d. Tlie gryfe/ . . . . . . xij d. Four eggis, for . . . . . . j d. The kid, for . . . ... ij s. iiij d. The carcage of J)e bell beiff, to be fauld for . . xxxvj s. And vtheris wnder, vpone fmallar pryces, as it is of availl. The peck of horfe-corne that is guid, . . . viij d. The threafe of fodder, .... viij d. The pund of candill, of pe fyneft and faireft faif, for . . viij d. The leid of peittis," . . . . . . ij d. ob. And that ])air be guid cheir throw all Jje toune for Gentillmen and jjair fervandis, for xij d. at f)e melteithe/ . . xij d. The furneift bed, on pe nycht, and that to freithe the chalnier,* . iiij d. The ftabill-fie, for ane horfe, xxiiij houris, . . . . j d. Vnder the pane of confifcatioune of all pe guidis of pe brekeris j^airof. And that nane of oure fuuerane ladeis leigis tak vpone hand to eitt, diftroy, or flramp doune ony growand cornes with ])air horllis, or oppinlie or privatlie to carry or tak away ony fcboinie coirnes and fcheves of pe fieldis ; with certificatioun to pe awneris of pe faid hoi-fe, that it falbe lefum^ to Jje awnaris of pe faidis coirnis to tak and hald ])e faidis horffis quliiU" thay be payit, for pe firft fait x s., the fecund fait XX S., and pe thrid fait, pe fainin falbe efclieittit to our louerane ladeis vfe. And in lykvaife. We Command and chairge all maner of perlbnes, that nane of thame tak vpone hand to fcheir ony growand coirnis, with certificatioune to thame and ^ thay do in the coutrair, it falbe lefum to ony perfones to tak and apprehend thame with pe faidis coirnes, and bring thame to our fouerane ladeis Jullice to be pvneift with all rigour, conforrae to pe lawis and confvvetud of this realme. And gif ony perfone or perfonis brekis J^is prefent Proclamatioun, thay falbe callit in this prefent Juftice-aire ])airfoir, and for commoun OpprelTouris of our fouerane ladeis pure leigis tliairthrow, and pvneift thairfoir to the rigour : And Ordanes the Proueft and Bail5eis of this burclie to fearche and feik pe brekeris of this Proclamatioun, and bring and prefent thame to pe Juftice, that thay may be puneift for J)air demereittis, as accordis. itmU Eofaat ortiainrU to apprtljniti antr prrsrnt lUbrls, $ct. Aug. 31. {Aptid E/f^-'m.) — The quliilk day, tiorihmekill as it plealitJjE QuENis grace to releif furth of Waird and put to libertie, Alexander Lord ' Pig. " Load of peats, or turfs, for firing. ^ Each meal, at the priocipal meal-tide, or dinner. * To be tlie wliole charge of tlie apartment. * Allowable ; lawful. '' Until. " If. 14 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 391 ELGIK AND FORRES. Fraser of Lovet, vpone expectatioune that pe faid Lord fall perfew, tak, and apprehend at his vttir power, all hir grace Rebellis and fugitiues fraj^e laft Aire of Inuernel's, and in fpeciall, Allafter AFane IVrVarrin, Torniet M^vane, Jhonne Duncane M^auchin, Ken5eocht Roy ]\rauchin, Murquho Boy, Jhonne M'gillefpik IVrewir, and James M^hutelieoune Bayne, and vtheris refortand within his boundis or partis ewift' J^airto. Thairfoir pe faid Lord, as principall, and Jhonne, erle of SuJjerland, and ^V'^ii.liam Innes of that ilk, as cautioneris and fouerteis for him, lies obleift thamefelffis, coniunctlie and feue- rallie, vnder pe pane of Ten thowfand raerkis, that pe faid Lord fall enter pe faidis perfonis to hir grace betnix this and the feafl of Allhallowmefs nixttocuni, gif thay may be a])preheiidit ; at pe leift, he fall enter him felff at pe faid feift to hir Grace, qnhair Icho Ihl happin to be iorpe tyme, to anfuer vpone his diligence in executioune heirof. And the faid Lord is obleift to releif tham. 3)nqutsitto (BtnemTis, srti iWarjna ^misn Firrromitahis tit C?lrj:in Wilelmus Innes de Eodera, Joannes Annand, in Elgin, Jacobus Dunbar de Tarvet, Alexander Dunbar de Cumnok, Robertus Dunbar de Durris, Alex. Vrquhard de Burrif3airdis, Alex. Cuniming de Ernefyde, Andreas Sufirland de Greifschip, Alexander Innes de Caibo, Alexander Sujiirland de Duft'us, Alexander Anderfoune, iNIr Alex. Dowglafs, Prepofitus de Alexander Dunbar de Conjie, Dauid Dowglafs de Erlifmyll, Elgin,^ Wilelmus Leflie de Akinway, Jacob. Sujiirland, alias Garratyne, Wilelmus Dumbreck de Vrcane, Joannes Innes, fenior, in Elgin, Joannes Hay de Park, Robertus Innes de Innermarkie, Wilelmus Dunbrek de Frefeild, Wilelmus Cuming, Wil. Gadderare, burgen de Elgin, Patricius Boyne, in Fores, Wilelmus Auldcorne, Joannes Comes de Sujiiiland, Walterus Lellie de Kynnynrie, Alex. Vrquhard, mercatorinForres, Jacobus Innes de Dryraye. Barnes ttrquljaili tntrases to tirlibfv xip ijis tiuo l)fOtf)n-s. Sep. 2. — The quhilk day, Jajies ViiQUHAED obleift hiai felff" to tak, prefent, and delyuer ane of his tua brether, Jhonne Reoche Vrquhard or Rore Vrquhard, to J)E Quenis grace, hetuix this and Sanct Androis day, to be vfeit at hir graceis pleafour ; and to do pe famin at his extreme power ; and fall, at pe faid Sanct Androis day, enter and prefent him felff" befoir pe Quenis grace to juftifie his promeis foirfaid. And for his reentrie, at that day, hes fundin cau- tioneris Jhonne Erle of Atholl, Jhonne Erle of SuJjirland, Jhonne Hay of Park, and Hucheoune Murray of Abirrefcorfe, coniunctlie and feuerallie, vnder pe pane of ane thowfand pundis. Prowyding alwayis, that gif he chances to flay ane of thame, it fall nocht be imput to him as ane cryme, hot falbe ' Nearest. ^ Yhe following List of tlie ' Magna Ajjifa,' or Grand Jury of Elgin and Forres, having been preserved, it has been thoni;ht of sufficient interest to be inserted here. ■' It is pro- bable that one of the Assise is omitted here, by mistake, the number being incomplete. 392 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1556. ELGIN AND FORRES. efteniit as execiitioiine of his proraeis, becaus he hes pe Quenis command J)airto. Erle of Atholl. John Hay of Park, Erle of SujiiRLAND. witli my hand led at fe pen be Schir Jhonne HucHEOUNE Murray of Abirscorse. Gibfoune, Noter publict, at my command. Caution for tijr Slairti of Cumnoclu Alexander Dunear of Cumnok, Sheriff of Elgin and Forres, found James Dunbar of Tarbet cautioner for him, under the pain of 1000 merks, to appear before the Queen, at Aberdeen, on Sep. 26 inftaut. ^ijitJiitQ: from tf^t l\aiti of aitjutarf — aofjit i«uilyertaf|). Nov. 16. — James Hay, in Fyndachtie, came in ^^'ill for treafonably abiding from the Queen's Army ordained to convene with John Earl of Athol, the Queen's Lieutenant, at Abirterf, on Aug. 6, 1555, to reprefs John Moderate' and other Rebels. — John Hay of Mukhaldis, fon of the Earl of Errol, became furety along with him for the fatisfaction of the Queen. The Declaration of the Queen's Will vpomi James Hay, in Fijudauchtie. (Nov. 27.) — That ffbifaniekill as )>e Quenis grace, in refpect of fe faid Will, may dilpone vpoune lie life, liaill landis, and gudis, movabill and vnmovabill, of J)e faid James at bir plefoure ; neuerjielefs, ])e faid Juflice depute, of bii- fpeciale command, tempeiand jullice witb mercy, For hir Will, of ])e faid James awin confent and acceptand fie famyne, Declaris, decernis, and ordanis Jie Tak, ileding, and afledatioune of pe landis of Fyndaucbtie, lyand within fe fclierefdonie of Banf, pertaining to ])e faid James, maid to him be vmq^'' ]ie Parfoune of Rathvene for ))e tyme, of ]e faid Teftanis, and nocht reweland ]je famin, &c. — was at ])E QuENis grace command, be ]>e faid Juftice Depute, of his awin confent, Banist furth of J)is realme ; and to remane furth of })e famin, as banift, and nocht to returne jjairintill, without oure fouerane ladeis Licence had pairupoune : And to departe furth of fie famin within xxx" dais nixt efter J)e dait }iairof, vnder ])e pane of deid. — Michaell Nafmyth, feruand to my lord (Archebifchop) of St Androis, become fourtie for him, ]jat he fall fulfill ])e preraiffis, vnder J)e pane of xl lib.' iMurtin- — ^lau0|)tn* — iKafuiiff t\)t ,irovtaIife of sa^furrtill, ^c» Dec. 23. — George Earl of Caithness jjrefented a Remiffion from the Queen for art and part of the cruel Slaughter and Murder of Henry Leflye and his fon, a youth, and other fix perfons, the Queen's lieges, along with them, being in a certain boat loaded with victual, ojipofite the place of Girnego, by W^illiam Crukefliank fenior, James Sinclare called Lit'ill Jame, James ^Vawane and Thomas Frafer, his fervants, of his caufing, command, afliftance, and ratiha- bition : And for Stouthreif and Spuil3ie of the faid victual, carrying the fame to the place of Girnego, and finking the faid boat. Item, for art and jjart of the cruel Slaughter and Murder of Sir John Symfoune by Archibald Keith, ' in ]je W^eik,' ^ his fervant, of his command, affiftance, refett, and ratihabition. Item, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Hugh Neillbune, in Strathvl3e, by Donald Robfoune, of his counfel, &c. by way of Hamefuckin, in his own houfe. Ite:\i, for art and part of Convocation of the lieges in great number, and treafonably befieging the Houfe and Fortalice of Akirgill, l)elonging to William Earl of Marcheall, and violently expelling John Scarlet the ' Perhaps owing to his youth, or at liis own request. This was the ordinary capital punishment inflicted upon women. ^ So called from the teste (tete) impressed on thera, testoons, five shilling pieces. ' The town of Wick. 15MAB. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 395 Keeper thereof, and i)lacing his fervants therein. Item, for treafonably Ufurp- ing the Queen's authoi'ity by taking Alexander Keyth, her free liege, and Incar- cerating him in his Place of Girnego, and detaining him therein in clofe cuftody for a long fpace. Item, for treafonable Ufurpation of the Queen's authority, by taking David Sinclare his brother. Bailie of the Bifliop of Caithnefs, and Incarcerating him in the faid Place, for a long fpace. Item, for Refetting, Supplying, and Intercommuning with Andrew Sutherland young Laird of Clyne, Andrew fon of William S., of Bulbifter, William S. called Fathir War, and others their accomplices, rebels and at the horn for the Slaughter of Wil- liam Murray, Captain of the Queen's Houfe (Caftle) of Barrow. Item, for the cruel Slaughter of William Auld in Scarmclet, committed * on fuddenty.' Item, for art and part of Difobeying the Queen's Precept to jjrefent and produce Kenneth Farcjuhartfon and Gawin Williamefoune before the Juftice or his Deputies, at the laft Aire of Invernefs, to underly the law for their crimes. Item, for art and part of the violent occupation and fifliing of a fourth part of the Salmon-Fifliing of the Water of Thurfo, for the fjjace of four years, or thereby, viz. 1553, 1554, 1555, and 1556, pertaining for the firft two years to Laurence Mafter of Olijihant, by reafon of the Gift of his Nonentry granted to him by the Queen, and for the two laft years belonging to him in hei'itage ; and for violently detaining from the faid Mafter the whole fifli thereof, extend- ing yearly to three lajls of Salmon, the common price of each laft, yearly, being 100 li. Item, for treafonable Ufurpation of the Queen's authority, coming with difplayed Banner and Convocation of 2500 men, in ' plain Battle,' ' at the Water of Elmifdene, againft THE Queen's Lieutenant and her authority ; committed in the year 1544. I^illinri <6amr \a\t\i * rulbeiiiisfs' anU ' pistolfttis.* Jan. 28, 1556-7. — William Wauc hop, fon and heir apparent of Gil- bert of Nvdry-Marcheale, Edmund Nycholfoune, miller in Diriltoune, and five others, found furety ^ to underly the law at the next Aire of Edinburgh, within the Conftabulary of Hadingtoune, for breaking the Acts of Parliament in flaying Wild foul (game) with ' culveringis' and ' piftolettis,' from May 1552 to Novem- ber laft 1556, inclufive. — A number of other perfons were called for the fame ofTence, and were replegiated to various Regalities, or found caution to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of their refpective fliires. ^toutijrrif of ^t\Xti antr ^ilfatr iMorfe, ^r. Feb. 1. — Alexander Kyle, goldfmith, fon to John Kyle, goldfmith, ' In open battle array, with standards unfurled, &c. ' Gilbert Wauchop of Nudry-Marcheale, Patrick Hepbunie of Waucbtoun, and James Hereote of Trabroune. 396 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1557. burgefs of Edinburgh, ' delatit of ]>e Stowthe-reif, vnder fylence of nydit, vpoiine New-3eir-ene, viz. pe laft day of December laftbipaft, fra Robert Rynd, alfua goldfmyth, and his feruand boy called James Weir, in his name, at J)e faid Robertis chalmer flair-fute, befyde pe Buttir-trone, off ane litill coffir, and in pe famyn xij gold ryngis, viij of ))ame fet with ftanis, fex filuer ryngis, foure fyluer fpvnis, foure hearttis of gold, ane fyluer quhoffill,' and diuerfe vjjeris fyluer and gold werk : Off his awin confent is Bannist for pe faid cryme, and Ordanit be him to departe furth of pe famin within xx'^ dayis nixt eftir Jie dait heirof : And nocht to returne agane Jjairto without Remit " and Licence of pe QuENis grace, vnder pe pane of deid.' ^Inu3T)ter. , Feb. 3. — Robert Bekclay and Dauid M'Caig, both in Caprintoune, Convicted of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of John Clerk, committed at the Place of Caprintoune on Jan. 8 laft. — Beheaded. (Jun. 18.) — ' Robert Berculay in Caprintoune, of his awin fre motive will. Convict of pe Slauchter of vmquhile Johnne Clerk in Caprintoune confentis to be Banyst, in prefens of Johnne Clerk, fone to pe faid vmq'^ Johnne : And als pe Juftice Decernis him to be Banyft, and to pas furth of ])is realme within xx'^ dais nixt heireftir ; and nocht to returne Jjairintili agane without fpeciale Licence of pe Quenis grace, vnder fie pane of deid.' ^Iau5!;tctr rommitttU 6n a iHinor. Feb. 23. — John Peiksoun, cook in Bele, dilated of the Slaughter of Archibald Lyle, fervant of the Laird of Bafs. — John Lyle of Stanypeth producet ane Bill and requeift gevin in be him to j^E Quenis grace, with ane delyuerence vpoune pe bak jjairof, fublcriuit with hir grace hand. Madame, Vnto 5our grace, luiinilie menis and fcliavvis I, jour leruitour, Johnne Lile of Stany- peth, fader brujier,^ and remanent kynand freindis of vmq'" Archibald Lile, feruand'' to ))E Lard of Bass : That, quhair Johnne Peirfoune, cuke in Bele, recentlie, vpoun ]>e tl)rid day of Januar inrtant, cruelly Hurt and Woundit ]ie faid vraq'" Archibald with ane greit key, in his heid, quliairof he lay continewalie, be ]>e fpace of audit dais, or ]iairby, ]iaireftir, quhill his liarnis blaknit,^ and fyne deit of pe famin ; and fua crewellie flew hym, in nianer foirfaid : For Jie quiiilk cryme he wes takin reid- hand,'' and put in prefouu in Jie pite ' of Beill, and Jiaireftir brocht and pute in warde in Jie Tolbuith of Ed"': And fyne ^ we obtenit Letteris, and Jiairby caulit fummand ane Aflife of honell and vnfufpect perfonis of Jie Iherefdome of Ed'', within Jie fcherefdome, within Jie conflabillarie of Hathingtoune, and four-half-about, to eompeir befoir Jie Juftice and his deputes, in Jie tolbuith of Ed', J>e xix day of ' A silver whistle or call, then in common use. Even during the last century, these whistles were still preserved and occasionally used in some old families, in place of the modern custom of ringing bells to call servants. The whistle gradually gave way to silver hand-lielis, and these in their turn were superseded by the intriKluction of bell-pulls into each room. " Remission. ^ Paternal uncle. ^ This does not imply that he was a menial servant, but merely that he was in Iiis train or retinue. ^ Literally, until his brains mortified. " Taken in the t'ai:t ; red-hand, or ' with the bluidy hand,' as it was termed. ' Pit ; the Laird of Beill having, in coramoii with other petty Barons, the privilege of riT and gallows. ^ Then; afterwards. 15 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. • 397 Januare inftant, to liaif paft vpoune ))e Affife of ]ie faid Jhone Peirfoune for Jie faid crewell Slauchter : At ]ie quliilk day, eftir [le prefeiiting of ))e faid Jlione Peirfoune in jugement, in ane fenfit Court of Jufliciarie, vpoune ane frevell' cxceptioune maid for him, allegeand pat he was noclit of lauchfull age of xxj 3eris, and fairfoir Jiat he culd nocht be pute to |)e knawlege of ane Afllfe for })e faid crewell Slauchter, We culd get naiuflice vpoune hyme, nor Aflife callit and hyme pute to Jie knaulege of Jie famyn for Jie faid cryme, howbeit Jie faid Jhone Peirfoune is ane abill man of peirfoune, of Jie age of xviij 5eris, with Jie raair f and Jiairfor, as we vndirllaad, aucht to be pvnill for ony crymes committit be hyme. Heirfoir we befeik 50ur grace to haif confideratioune of Jje premifTes, and Jiairfore to gif command to Jie Juftice, Juflice clerk, and Jiair deputtis, to minifler, and caus be miniflrat, iuftice vpoun Jie faid Jhone Peirfoune for Jie faid crewell Slauchter, and to pute hyme to pe knawlege of ane Afllfe for Jie famin, nochtwitliflanding Jie faid exceptioune and allegeance ; as Jiai will anfuer to 50ur grace at Jiair vtermaifl : And ^our graces anfuer rycht huimlie we befeik. — (Indorsed.) — Apud Lin- LITHQ^*", XX" menjis, JaiV'J 1356. The Quenis grace, being informit of Jie Petitioune of Jie complenaris within contenit, Ordanis Jie Juftice to tak ane ordour in this complent, conforme to Jie vfe, confue- tude, and lawis of Jiis realme, fua Jiat pe faidis complenaris haif na juft caus of complent heireftir, in Jiis behalf: As je will anfuer to hir grace Jiairupoune. (Mar. 15.)— Convicted by an Afllfe.' CrfasonaMn dTorflins anU SlUtrriits dfalse * iloranes/ Apr. 10, 1557. — Thomas Andeksoune ' pvderare'* Convicted of art and part of treafonably Fabricating and forging the Queen's coin called the JLorane, and uttering the fame among the lieges ; committed in the months of May, June, July, and Auguft laft. — Hanged. ^fitUintj from a SSaat-ben-Haitf or * 30ai) of Crrh)/ [The following entries occur in the Scroll-book, which being so characteristic, they are inserted here at length. They evidently refer to the Raid at Lochmabane-Stane,' and show, in a very graphic manner, the distracted state of the country, while, at the same time, they afford a vivid pic- ture of the actions of the parties concerned.] May 12. — JoHNNE Crechtoune, Tutour of Sanchare, allegis ))at J)E House of Sanchare vras neuer in vfe to keip ane Wahdane Raid fene* J)ai war Wardanis Jjame felffis. Item, fecundly, allegis pat he is nocht hakin,' be vertew of fie Proclamatioune, to haif paft to J)e faid Raid, becaus he is nocht ane landit manne. Robert Johnstoune of Cottis, Robert Moffet of Grantoune, Robert his fone and apperand air, and Thomas Moffet of Knok, allegis fiat, vpoune f>e xv day of Februar laft bipaft, quhilk is ])e nycht befor ))e day of Meting contenit in ])e Proclamatioune, fiai being in reddynes, and haifaud ])air horfis fadillit, to cum to fie faid day of Trevv, Jok Johnftoun, callit Uie Gaheart ; Jok J., brufier to ' Frivolous. - And more ; and upwards. ^ The Sentence is not recorded. * Pewterer. ^ See the two following Cases. '' Since the time. " Sic. The Editor never before met with this word. It may, however, be a mere clerical error for ' habill,' or ' abill,' (Lat. habilis,) liable ; subject to. 398 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1557. Wille of Kirkhill ; Wille Grahame, ca\\\i Jingand WUUe ', Ade Armftrang of Hairlaw, and Criftie Armiftrang, callit the Bull, and \>a\v complices, come to Jje Winter-cleucli about mydnycht, and Jjair tuke away ])e hale gudis ' being Jjair- npoune, jierteniug to James Johnftoune, fader to pe faid Robert of ]>e Cottis, extending to the nowmer of xij"""* fcheip and ]>e keparis ])airof ; and ]>e affray^ cumand to ]>e eiris of Jje faidis perfonis, Jtai, for reflvewing and recouering of \>e faidis gudis, with J)air feruandis and freindis, followit ])e drift" quhiir Jje faid xvj day of Februar, at viij houris befor none, and red" ane pairt ]:)airof ; and in defald ' of fufficient power to follow for recouering of ]>e reft of J)air gudis, war conftrenyt to leif J?e i:)erfute : And panne maid jjaim to cum fordwart fra ]je fray to J)e day of Trew, quliill ])ai come to ])e Watter of Annand, quhilk was fa greit, that ]jai mycht nocht ride it ; and Jjair remanit quhill ]>a\ gat fure word ])at JjE Wakdane was returnyt, and })e day of Trew fchot." JoHNE Jaudane of Apilgakthe allegis, ])at at \>e faid day of Trew he raid to \)e Watter of Annan to haif paft fordwart witli Jie Waruane to ])e day of Trew, and pan J)e Watter was fa greit, pat he mycht nocht ride it without danger of his life ; and gif he had paft about be ane vper way, and wald pafs ony tyme cuming, he durft nocht, for feir of his inemys, without he had ane grite cumpany with him. ^ftitJiuff fvom tljrBaiti at Ecf|)maljnt--stane» Roger Kirkpatrick of Closeburne, William K. of Kirkmichaell, and Thomas K. of Freirkerfe, got Remiffion from the Queen, dated at Ed^ May 11 inftant, for abiding from the Army ordained to convene at Lochmaben- STANE, on Feb. 16 laft, to meet the Warden before funrife, ' to pafs fordwart with him to pe day of Trew, for Melting of pE Wardane op Ingland.' Slljitiinfl from tJjr l^aiK at lLorlimabrn-stauf, May 14. — Alexander Stewarte of Garleise, John Dunbar of Mochrame, John Gordoune of Barfkeoche, John Mcculloch of Torhoufe, John Jardane of Apilgerth, Robert Moffett fenior and junior of Grantoune, Thomas Moffet of Knok, Robert Johnneftoune of Coittis, and John Creychtoune, Tutour of Sanchare, found caution " to underly the law at the next Aire of Dumfreis, for Abiding fx'om the Queen's Army ordained to convene atLochmabene-ftane,&c. ^raifljins for Soufllns of isilspinlii) for \)\% ^laus|)ter. May 19. — John Diksoune of Belchester, and Robert Dikfoune of ■ Stock of sheep. - Twel re score. ^ Hue and cry. ^ Z)?-ow, or flock. "^ Until. '^ In this sense it means recovered. ' Default. ^ Expired ; past. ° John Gordoune of Lochinver, Murray of Cokpule, and William Kirkpatrick of Kirkmichaell. 15 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 399 Bouchrig, found furety (Alexander Lord Hume) to underly the law, at the next Aire of Berwik, for Convocation of the lieges, to the number of fourteen fcore (280 perfons), armed in warlike manner, and fearching for Archibald Douglas of Kilfpindy for his Slaughter ; committed at Abirlady, on Aug. 18, 1556.' I^amrsurfetn — esiouutims ti)t iUrobost of ^trinburg;]^, ^f. Jun. 18. — Nicolas Rynd, tailor, burgefs of Edinburgh, Convicted of cruelly coming upon Archibald Dowglas of Kilfpindy, Provoft of Edinburgh, within his own lodging within the laid burgh : And for cruelly Hurting and Wounding the faid Provoft with his poignard,^ in the llioulder, to the effufion of his blood in great quantity : And als for the cruel Hurting and Wounding of John Boyd junior, his fervant, with his poignard, upon his left bx-eaft, and in his mouth and back, within the faid Provoft's lodging, his mafter ; committed by way of Hamefuckin on May 9 laft. The Dome gevin vj)ou?ie NicJioU Rijnd, tailyoure. The Juftice depute, of Jje command of ])e Quenis grace, modefeand and tem- perand ])e rigour of J)e law towarte ]>& pvnilinent of ])e faid NichoU for Jje faidis crymes, Decernis and Ordanis him, of his awin content, vpoune Monunday nixt- tocum, to cum in prefens of ]je Proweft, baillies, and counfale of J)e faid burcht of Ed', at J)e mercate-croce J)airof, betuix xj and xij houris befoir nvne, and Jjair publictlie, with his heid difcoverrit,^ in his lynning claithis, bair-futtit, and in ]je raaift i-euerend and humyll maner, fall doune vpoune his kneis, and afli: for- gifnefs and pardoune of God, ])e Quenis grace, Jje faid Proweft, baillies, counfale, and communitie of ])is bur', of his offence aboue writtin, confeftand ]>e famin and declarand his repentance Jjairof : And als decernis and ordanis })e laid NichoU to haue tynt and foirfaltit, and be f)e tennour heirof, foirfaltis him of his libertie and fredome of ]jis bur'. And to be Banist and exilit furth of })e famin, and nocht to hant nor repair within ])is bur', nor vfe ony fredome Jjairof in ony tyme cuming, vnder ]>e pane of deid : And als Ordanis \iq Proweft and baillies of ])is bur' to put ])is act to executioune. ^Iau(jfjtrr of i\)t Eairb of aJunning. Jun. 21. — Robert Levingstoun in Lynlythqw, and John Knowis, fervant of the Bifliop of Rofs, found furety * to underly the law at the next aire of Lynlythqw, for the Slaughter of Robert Bruce of Bynning, committed in February PV^xl ... on forethought felony, &c. ' See Nov. 19, 1556 ; and the following entry, Jun. 18, 1557. " Pugione. In the Dome it is called a ' quhin^eare,' which is commonly translated /)2/^2o in this Record. ^ Bare, unco- vered. * Thomas Rofs of Prestoune, and Robert Hammyltoune of Briggis. 400 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1557-8. ^anitccre — 33rraIuiT(r into tlje Cljurci) of ^t ilflari) of ti)t Hoiois for tfjc ^Inutjijtn* of ^iv ^tttv (Cranstounr, ^t, Jim. 25. — Robert Scott in Bowhill, Parilh Clerk of St Mary de Forefta, with confent of Mr Henry Lauder, Queen's Advocate, was replegiated by Sir John Scott, Chaplain and Commiffary of the Archbifliop of Glafgow, for Convocation of the lieges to the number of 200 perfons, armed in warlike man- ner, and coming to the Church of St Mary of the LoM'is, and breaking up the doors thereof, and fearching for Sir Peter Craniloune therein for his Slaughter, upon ancient feud and forethought felony ; committed on Apr. 16 laft. Robert Scot of Bonyntoune became cautioner for adminiftration of juftice. — Robert Scot of Allanehauche, Adam Scot of Burnefute, and William his fon, Thomas Scot of Hanyng, Walter Scot, young Laird of Syntoune, Robert, William, and James, his brothers, Walter Scot, fon of William Scot of Hardane, James Orbiftoune of that Ilk, Robert Scot of Thirleftane, Robert Scot of Howpaflate, and feveral others, were amerciated for not appearing ; and were ordained to be charged of new to undex'ly the law, under the pain of rebellion, &c. ?t?ov)3e--straIliiti: — Common Cljrft, ^r. Jul. 26. — Paul Andesoune' Convicted of art and part of the Stealing and concealing from Thomas Cunnynghame, in Ledoune, of a ' forit balfonit horfe,'" furth of the lands between Ledoune and Lethiflieid ; committed on the vigil of Whitfunday laft : And for Common theft of old and new. — Hanged. Cftasonaljlt CmfRrfuitt); aittJ Corrri^pontnntj IJoitTj ti)c (ffiucflisT), kt, Jan. 7, 1557-8. — Symone Heryng Convicted of treafonably going to the kingdom of England and to the Town of Berwik, five times, in the years 1554, 1555, 1556, and 1557, without Licence obtained from the Queen, the Regents, or the Warden (of the Marches) : And for difclofing the fecrets of this kingdom, in as far as he knew the fame, and giving his coimfel, to the hurt of the country and difturbance of the lieges thereof, to Sir Thomas Quhartoun, Lord Quhartou>;e, (Whartouj) Englifliman, an enemy to Scotland, and to other Eng- liflmien, the ancient enemies thereof, and receiving rewards from the faid Lord Quhartoune and other Engliflimen therefor. Item, for the treafonable making and writing with his own hand, on July 3 laft, and delivering a Letter to John Heryng, his fon, to carry to the Town of Berwick to the faid Lord Quhar- toune, containing the points and treafons following, de verba hi verbuiii, viz. ' For newis, ])ir fchippis pat is cumit to Leyth is menne of weir and Scottis ' Perhaps Audeson or Adieson, now Addison. - A sorrel-coloured horse, which also happened to be ' bawfonit,' or marked with white on the face. 16 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 401 • merchandis. J)ir Menne of Weir is Francheinenne, bi'ocht in twa pryffis' with ' })ame. Countie Ringraif cuinis in Scotland, and beis Lieutennent to Jje ' King of Feanche. The Quene lies faid planelie, ])at ])E King of ' Franche will nocht waige^ Scottifmenne, hot lat Jjame vfe pe auld niauer.^ ' Thair wes five pryffis ; thre of Jjame is had in Franche. The Quenis dyet ' is to remane in Newbottill twa or thi-e dais, and pane to cum Eift, in ])is cun- ' tre. The Lordis ar all evill content with hir, the quhilk I throw* falbe ' hard of beleif credence.' Item, for common revealing or fliewing to our ancient enemies of England the fecrets of this kingdom, to the hurt thereof, in treafonable manner. — Hanged. Crtason — ^nvv^mQ ^Letters to tfjr (JPnslisl), ^c. John Heryng, fon of the faid Symon, Convicted of treafonably going by command of his father, on June 21 lall, and on three other occafions during the pafl year, with his father's Letters, and twice with his treafonable intelligence, without Letters, to Sir Thomas Quhartoune, an Englilliman, and enemy of this kingdom, and revealing and lliewing to him fuch fecrets thereof, as tended to the lofs and injury of the ftate. Itebi, for art and part of ti'eafonably making the aforefaid Letter on July 3 laft, containing the points and treafons above exprefled ; and for treafonably receiving and delivering the fame, with his father's credentials. Iteim, for being art and part, along with his faid father, in all his treafons, directions, and revealing the fecrets of this kingdom to the faid Lord Quhartoune and other Englillimen : And for common revealing and fliewing the fecrets thereof to the Englifli. — Hanged.' ^urtins antr aaatcuntiinfr — Sitbasimt. Jan. 10. — Robert Johnnestoune, fon of umq'" AVilliam J., burgefs of Edinburgh, Convicted of art and part of the Hurting and Wounding of John Moi'efoune, junior, with a ' quhin5eare' " on his head, to the great effufion of his blood : And for Invafion of the faid John for his Slaughter, and Hurting and Wounding him in his left arm, to the effufion of his blood in great quantity ; committed upon ancient feud, forethought felony, and provifion, at Sandepottis, ' Prizes. '^ Pay the wages of the Scottish soldiers. ^ Perform their accustomed Military service, by virtue of their Feudal tenures. ^ Trow, trust. ^ From the conclusion it would appear that both father and son had been put to torture, to draw from them such things as they had kept back in their Confession, regarding the extent of their treasonable dealings : ' Et propterea dicti Symon et ejus Jilitis tanquam publici Proditores cruciari adjudicabitntur.' On the margin there is merely inserted, ' Convict, et Suspen. ;' but it is likely they were drawn and quartered. ^ A short sword, slightly bent or curved ; a kind of cutlass. It is probably the same with the English whiniard, or back-sword, and is usually translated /ti^^rjo (poignard) in the Record. From the nature of the wounds inflicted with that instrument, it must have been one used for striking or cutting, as well as for stabbing, for which last purpose, alone, the poniard or dagger is fitted. VOL. I. f 3 E • 402 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1558. between the burgh of Edinburgh and Leith, on July 27 laft. — James Johnnes- toune of Kellobank became furety to fatisfy the Queen and party. Warded in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, under the pain of 1000 merks. John Moresoune, junior, Convicted of art and part of the Hurting and Wounding of Robert Johnneftoune with ' ane irne fchule" on his head, to the eflufion of his blood in great quantity ; committed ' on fuddanty' at the Market-crofs of Edinburgh, in tlie month of January 1551. — John M., fenior, burgefs of Edinburgh, became furety to fatisfy the Queen and party.^ Warded in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh under the pain of 1000 merks. Feb. 16. — Alexander Dunlop of that Ilk found furety (Neil Montgomery of Langfchaw) to underly the law at the next Juflice-aire of Air, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Andrew Dunlop, his fon ; committed in July laft. — John Stewarte of Hawrig, John his brother, in Burnehous, Charles Pollok Tutor of Pollok, Thomas Sprewle of Cowdoune, John Maxwell of Bois- feild, John Stewarte of Bogtoune, and John Nevene of Kirkwod, and fome others, were amerciated for abfence from this Affile. ^trjurtti i^^otarp — dforrjius an ^osirrnation, ^r* May 5, 1558. — David Fethye, alleged Notary, Convicted of art and part of ' falfmg' and foi-ging an Affignation, as if made by Margaret Arbuthnot, daughter and one of the heirs of umq'' John A. of Brichtie, fpoule of John Ogiluy, bearing, that the laid Margaret conftituted umq"° AVilliam Difching- toune, fiar of Ardrofs, and Elizabeth Creychtoune, his fpoufe, and the heii-s pro- created of their marriage, whom failing, the heirs of the faid William wliomlb- ever, her ceffioners and affignees, in and to a Reverfion made by James Arbuth- not of that Ilk to the laid imiq"" John, and his heirs and affignees, imder redemp- tion, of the lands of Balmakin, containing xx 166 merks 8f. 10 d., dated at Denefyd, Aug. 17, 1538, and fubfcribed thus, ' Margaket Arbuthnot, with ' my hand led at pe penue be Dauid Fethie, Notare — Ita eft, Dauid Fethye, ' Notariixs in premiffis manu fua,' although the faid Affignation was really made, forged, and fubfcribed by the faid David long after her deceale, as confelfed by him before the Lords of Council. Item, for giving falfe teftimony and per- juring himfelf ; he in his firft examination deponing, that he faw the laid Mar- garet touch the pen, after the faid John Ogiluy had fubfcribed the lame ; and ' Iron sliovel or spade. * Sentence is uot recorded. 1 & 16 Fea. & Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 403 being thereafter examined, deponing, that he never faw her touch the pen, nor did he fee the laid John fubfcribe. — Sentence. His right hand to be ftruck off on the block, at the Market-crofs of Edinburgh : And to be Banished from the kingdom, and to be perpetually reckoned as Infamous : And all his move- ables to be efcheated to the Queen. iHaflterful (j^jpjpirssioii — a^ounUina: a Mailit of %tit% kt. May 10. — Robert Sandis in Leith, and John Pyott there, ' Convict of arte and parte of ]>e felloune and maifterfull Oppreffion done to Walter Cant, Baillie of Leith, cumand vpoune him, vnder fylenee of nycht, efter ]je doun- paffing of pe lone, quhair he wes vpoune ])e Ichoir of Leith, in fobir maner, as become ane officer berand auctorite of ane Toune or burcht, belevand na evill of ony perfovmis, bot to haue levit vnder Goddis peax and our fouerane ladeis ; and perfewing of ))e laid Walter for his flauchter, in ])e mentyme, quhen Jje faid Bail- lie wes cawfand fend for ane officiar to put Hannis Myllare in Waird, quha Jjare, in prefens of pe faid Baillie, had hurte and woundit ane Duche mariner callit in his face and diuerfe v|)eris pairtis of his body, and J)air with fwerdis, buklaris, Jedburcht ftalffis, and vjjeris wappynnis invafiue, crewellie hiirte and woundit pe laid Walter in his left hand, to pe greit efTulioune of his blude ; the faid Walter Jeanne, as Baillie of pe faid Tonne of Leithe, being in executioune of his office, and deforcing him pairin : And als of pe i-eving and taking, at pe leift preuatlie convoying of pe faid Hannis Myllare, quha had committit pe cryme foirfaid in prefens of pe faid Baillie, in maner aboue wi'ittin, fi'a pe faid Waltei", he being commandit to remane qiihill pe officiaris of J^e faid toune fuld haue cumin to him to haue wardit or prefentit him to our fouerane ladeis Juftice or his deputis, to haue vnderlyne pe law and pvnift for his dimeritis, conforme to pe lawis : And fwa, fortefeit and mantenit j^e faid Hannis Myllare in committing of pe cryme aboue fpecifeit, and wes arte and parte with him Jjairintill ; and with- halding of him fra pe lawis and pvnifment for pe crymes aboue writtin.' — Audro Sandis and George Chalmer, in Leith, came in will for the fame crime. H^amesurluu — 3Srsirsin(j tf)t igmisc of ^tniull, ^r. May 23. — Thomas Kennedy or Baugany, John and Alexander, his fon and brother, David K., fon of the Laird of Bennane, William Cauldwell, and feventeen others, found Sir Hugh Campbell of Loudoune, kn', furety for their underlying the law at the next Juftice-aire of Air, for Convocation of the lieges, armed in warlike manner, and coming by way of Hamefucken to the dwelling- houfe of Adam Boyd of Penkill, and Invading him, his wife, children, and fer- vants, for their Slaughter, and befieging them in the faid houfe : And for Hurt- 404 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1558. ing and Wounding Kennedy, his wife, with ftones ; committed on January 29 laft. gift ill ins fi'^Ki i!)f 3cla(U of Mamt anU Itanatoun* Jul. 2. — Robert Steavakte in Neilftounefyd, found furety for his entry at the next aire of Renfrew, to underly the law for con tern ptuoufly abiding from the Queen's Army, ordained to convene at Dunfe and Langtoune, on Apr. 18 laft, Hfiitifits from ti)c Utii'H of 3LautJei% [Among a great many others of less note who were charged with Abiding from this Raid, Alexander Muir of Skaithrauir, Walter Forrester of Durrisdale, John Quhitefurde of Myltoune, William Baillie of Cormestoune, James Lokert of Lee,' James Auchinlek of Twedy, John Muir of Nesbet," John Someruile of Camnethane, Robert Park of Gilbertfeild, John Hammyltoune of Pedderisburne, David H. of Boithuilshauche, Andrew H. of Lekprevik, Gawin Murray of Udstoune,^ Stephen Dudingstoune of Sandfurd, Thomas Grundistouue of Kyngask, Andrew Lundy of Stratharlie, William Spittell of Lewchat, Alexander Mortoune of Randerstoune, John Seytoun younger of Lathreise, James Spens of Lathalland, James Ballingall of Riggis, James Loclimalony of that Ilk, Alexander Pitblado of that Ilk, William Ballingall of that Ilk, William Archibald of Blakhall, Archibald Dudingstoune of Pitka- pill, Alexander Barculay of Syde,'' James Wischert of that Ilk, William Lyell of Murthill, Alexan- der Pyote of Fovertie, Gilbert Auchinlek of that Ilk, David Ogiluy of that Ilk, David Fentoune, grandson of the Laird of Ogill, James Skrymeour of Balbeuchtie, John Kynneir of Henderstoune, came in the Queen's will, found caution to answer at the Justice-aires of their respective shires, or were proved to be sick. Some of them were replegiated to Regalities, &c. Between this date and the month of October following, during which period the above names occur, no Declarations of the Queen's Will or Sentences are recorded.] Jul. 7. — John Levingstoun of Castlecaky, came in Will for con- temptuoufly abiding from the Queen's Ai-my, ordained to convene at the burgh of Lauder, on April 1 laft. ^IatiQ;i)trr» Sep. 13. — John Garden in Penbrek, in Glenmuir, Convicted of art and part of the cruel Slaughter of James Reid in Halfpennyland ; committed in Auguft laft, on ancient feud and forethought felony, &c. — Beheaded. ' ' The Lard of Ley allegis, that at the tyme of the Raid he hurt his leg, in fic fort, that he mycht nother ride nor gang to the Raid ; theirfor lend his feruandis.' " ' Allegis that he is feik in the gravel, and was nocht at the Raid, and mycht nocht ride, and is vnable of his body and guttis, and lloppino- at his hart — and nocht fubllantius ; and lies bene fua be the fpace of thir five 5eiris bigane ; like as, be infpectioune of his body, may be confident.' ^ ' Allegis that he is pad the yeiris, and nocht able of his body, and is rumburiin (ruptured), thairfor he is nocht able to pafs thairto, and is impotent of his perfoune, and fend his fone for him.' The above entries are from a Scroll Hook, and are given as a specimen of the excuses which were then urged for absence. Other notices of a similar description have already been given in the course of the present Collection, which renders it unnecessary to cite more instances in this place. It may be remarked, however, that the Treasurer was usually inexorable in Jiis demands for such offences, and exacted very heavy sums for Compositions, owing to the exhausted state of the public coffers. ■■ Proved to be mad. 1 & 17 Fra. & Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 405 Persewaris, Ro' Crawfurd of Clollellane, The Laird of Auchinkreif, Mr Alex"' Skayne. FoiRSPEKAR, (or ' Prelocutour,') Mr Jolmne Dunbar. ASSISA. James Dalrumpill of )'e Stair, Johnne Bannatyne of Coig, Moreife Dalrutnpill inWaterfyd, Will. Kirkpatrik of Kirkmycliaell, Wm. Kennedy, fone to Jie Laird Williame Stewarte of Dundufe, Johnne Campbell of Scliankftoune, of Cove, Ja. Cunyngame in Carmalloche, Thomas Stewart of Gauftoune, Wm. Anderfoune in Clofbume, Jo. Cunynghame in Quhitehill, Dauid Kennedy of Culjene, Hew Campbell, brufer tope Laird Patrik Boyle in Blakland. Roger Kilpatrik of Clofbume, of Shankfloune, Crwsoitafili) firiiistitti: in ti)t d^nsiisi) — Muxwins 2^irfemic]^aeU, $i:c. Oct. 29. — CHUiSTorHEU Johnnestoune in Mylbank, Patrick J. in Watterheid, William J., called WiUlome the SJwwjmre, Robert J. in Ililhouffis, and tlieir accomplices, dilated for trealbnably bringing in Richard and Fergus Grahame, brothers, and others of our ancient enemies of England, to the num- ber of 500 perfons, to the town and lands of Kirkmichael, and Burning thereof; and for other crimes charged in the Letters. Alexander Kirkpati'ick, brother of William K. of Kirkmichael, fined 500 merks for not reporting the Letters purchafed by the Laird of Kirkmichael duly executed, &c. ^Inuir^ter — iMutilatton. Nov. 16. — John Skrymgeour, fon of James S., Conftable of Dundee, David Fentoune, fiar of Ogill, Mr David Abircrummy of Gourdy, and nine others, found caution to luiderly the law at the next aire of Forfar, for art and part of the Slaughter of William Currour, fon of Andrew Currour of Logyme- kill, and for the Mutilation of Thomas Currour of his right hand ; committed on ancient feud and forethought felony, on Auguft 15 laft. — Andrew Falconer, brother of the Laird of Kynnabii", was denounced rebel, &c. and his cautioner amerciated for his non-appearance — and James Fentoun, brother of David, was proved to be fick. ^Iau5|)tn* Df a Cfjaplain, rommittet» lii) a i^rtwt. Jan. 13, 1558-9. — Sir David Coluile, preift of the diocefe of St An- drews, Replegiated by the Commiffary of the Archbifliop, to underly the law for the Slaughter of Sir Thomas Small, chaplain ; committed in September laft, on forethought felony. Sir Walter Bunlch, chaplain, became furety. TOilfuH ^irf-raisins — 3Suntintr Barlti), #ats, M!)rat, $(U Feb. 15. — Alexander Hwme, brother of Criftell Hwme of Barro, and Margaret Hwme his After, found furety ' that they fliould underly the law 1 Sir John Hwrae of Coldinknowis, and Criftel Hwme of Barro. 406 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1559. at the next aii*e of Berwick, for the cruel Fire-raifing and deftructiou of five ' ftakkis' of barley, one ' ftak' of barley and oats, and one ' ftak' of v/heat and peale, extending to fixteen fcore ' thravis,' computed at nine fcore bolls, belong- ing to George "Wauchop, burgefs of Lauder, being in his ' barne-5aird ;' together with a dwelling-houfe and barn ; committed upon Sep. 26 laft, under filence of night. — (Mar. 18, 1561-2.) Cautioners fined 700 merks for not entering jjannels ; who were both duly denounced rebels, and put to the horn, &c. stealing from tijt &ntttt ©oiDagn's €i)ic( (Coofe. Feb. 27. — Alexander Ross, fervant to Iffobell Kynglaffie, Ipoule of Thomas Marfchell, chief Cook to THE Queen Dowagek, Regent of Scotland, delated of theftuoufly Healing, in company with the faid Iffobell, from the fox'e- laid Thomas, furth of a chefl or ' Ichryne,' in his chamber in the burgh of Perth, of a box with 420 merks therein ; and together with two filver goblets, called ' filuer pecis,' and twelve filver fpoons, and lundry other goods ; committed on Dec. 7 laft. — John Rofs of Cragy, his cautioner, unlawed, and the faid Alex- ander ordained to be cited again to underly the law, under the pain of Rebellion. amteirommunhts ixiitfj an ^n0lis!)man. May 8, 1559. — ' James ^wh, I'umtynie in Drumfreife, for Intercom- muning with Mailter Ninian Manwell, Ingliiinanne, vjjoun preuie befynefle, fend be his wife furth of Ingland vuto him, off his awin content decernit be J)e Juftice to be Ban 1ST pis realme perpetualie, and to departe within xx dayis ; and nocht to returue agane within pe famin, without Licence of our foueranis Lord and Lady, vnder pe pane of deid . ^laugljtcr of ^iv ©aijiti Jforftrs, luiiflJjt, in Sffilarti. James Buydin, fon of Niuian B. in Ruthirfiu-de, and William Allane, and Thomas his brother there, found John Stewarte of Traqwair fui'ety for their entry at the next aire of Roxburgh, to viuderly the law for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of Sir David Forbes, kn', under the cuftody of the Tutor of Pitciu", within the burgh of Rutherfurde ; committed on Mar. 1 laft. ^vtmf^inci tijc ©oftiints of tljt iUfonnation at IBuniJte $c Montvost, May 10. {(ipud StriiidiHg.) — Paul Methwene was denounced rebel, and put to tlie horn as fugitive, &c., and George Luvell, burgefs of Dundee, his cautioner, was amerciated, for his not appearing to underly the law for Ufurp- ing the authority of the Miniftry of the Church, and for taking upon himfelf the fervice thereof, not being lawfully admitted thereto, at the feaft oiPaJhhe, viz. 1 & 17 Fra. & Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 407 on Mar. 26 laft, and daily for the fpace of three days immediately preceding the faid feaft, and continually thereafter, adminiltering the Sacraments of the Altar to feveral of the lieges within THE Burghs of Dundee and Montrose, and fundry other places, in a manner far different from the divine and laudable ufe of the faithful Catholic Church : And alfo for Convocation and gathering of the lieges within the faid burghs, at the time forefaid, he not being admitted or approved of by the Oi-dinaries of thele places ; and without their licence, ha- ranguing and preaching to the faid lieges, and perfuading and feducing them to his erroneous and leditious doctrines and Herefies ; thereby Ufurping the King and Queen's authority, and ftirring up the lieges to commit Sedition and Tumults, contrary to the Proclamations. ^vtndjhxQ ti)t Sortrtnrs of ti)t lUtormation at ^trtl), ^c. (May 10.) — Frier John Cristesoune and William Harlaw de- nounced rebels, as fugitive, &c. and their cautioners, Jo/rn Erflihie of Dene and PatricJe Murray of Tihbermuir, were amerciated, for their not entering to underly the law for their Ufurping the authority of the Church, in taking at their own hands the Miniftry thereof, &c. as above, within the Burgh of Perth, and other places adjoining, within the fliire of Perth. ^rtarljutf]: t\)t Boctrincs of ti)t 3Uffovmation at ^i)i% (May 10.) — John Willok denounced rebel for the fame caufe, for preaching, &c. within the Burgh of Air. Robert Campbell of Kyn3ecleuche, his cautioner, was at fame time amerciated. [Another unfortunate hiatus occurs in the series of the Books of Adjour- nal, from this date, to the close of the reign of Mary Queen of Scots. There is good ground for conjecturing, that many of the public Records of this kingdom, embracing from the earliest period of the Reformation downwards to the years of the reign of King James VI, had long ago been wilfully destroyed, apparently for the purpose of suppressing evidence of the many religious and political struggles which occurred during these eventful years. The only materials now left are three small quarto volumes of the scroll-books, kept by one of the under Clerks of Court, marked ' 12 Book,' from Mar. 12, 1560-1, to May 13, 1562 ; ' Aucht Bulk,' from May 19, 1563, to May 19, 1564 ; and ' Nynt Bulk,' from May 24, 1564, to Mar. 6, 1565. Besides these, there is a scroll Caution book, irregularly kept, from Jun. 18, 1563, to Nov. 25, 1566. Although the notices which can now be gathered from these books are meagre, they are in many respects valuable. 408 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1561. The Editor has, as usual, availed himself of the other Records,' so far as they elucidate the Criminal proceedings of that period.] Mar. 12, 1560-1. — James Hay of Mayne, George Monro of Dalcar- thy, Alexander Guthrie in Elgyne, and feven others, burgeffes of Elgyne, delatit for Convocatioune of our fouerane ladeis lieges, to Ipe nowmer of viij"" {eight /core) perfonis, or ])airby, ])e viij day of Januar laftbipaft, bodih in fere of weire, incontrare J)e Actis of Parliament, and fetting vpoun Alexander Robertfoune in Pittendrech, &c. tenentis and feruandis to Elizabeth Douglas Lady of Pitten- dreyche, and hurt and woundit Jjaim in diners pairtis of ])air bodeis, to ])e gret efTufioune of Jjair blude, and left J)e faidis Alexander Robertfoune and Alexander Henry (in Brovnfyde) Hand for deid, vpoun aid ffeid and foirthocht felony, &c. Guthrie and two others to anfwer att the next aire of Elgin and Forres. — (Apr. .SO.) Amerciated for non-appearance, (and denounced rebels) ^laufrTjtrr. Mar. 13. — William Ramsay', Convicted of art and part of the Slaugh- ter of Richard Henryfoune, ' fervitour' to the Mafter of Sinclare ; committed at ■ the vreft end of the town of Dyfert, on 7 March inftant. — Beheaded. Prelocutors, Jolin Foiret of that Ilk, Cuthbert Ramfay, burgefs of Edinburgh. AssisA, John Anftrutber of that Ilk, Andrew Farny of that Ilk, William Bonar of Roffye, An- drew ^Murray of Balvaird, ^Ir James Wemys, and others of lefs note. ^IaurtT)tn- ^^ iHutilattoit nf ttoo ^onis of Xi)t ICairlJ of ilOffg-iHrtrilL Mar. 17. — James Fentoune of Ogill, James Lyoun of Eafter Ogill, and feven others, found David Earl of Craufurd furety for their entry on Apr. 30, to miderly the law for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of WiUiam Currour, and Mutilation of Thomas Currour, fons of Andrew Currour of Logy- Megill ; committed within the burgh of Dundee, in Auguft 1588. Prelocittouris for ])e pannell, Mr Johnne Abircrummy, Mr David Quhytelaw, Tlie Laird of Creych. Persewaris, Audro Currour of Logy-Mekill, Stevin his fone, Mr Robert Creychtoun.* The pannels were all refpited,' & found caution to fatisfy the Queen and parties. ' The reader is referred to the Acts of Parliament, edited by Thomas Thomson, Esq., where much valuable historical matter, illustrative of the History of this reign, is preserved. It was found to be impossible to select the portions which relate to Criminal matters. " He took instruments that he ' comperit as Advocate for ])e Quene, and hir interes alanerlie.' ^ Apr. 30, 1561. 4 & 19. Fra. & Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 409 (May 13, 1562.) — The pannels came in the Queen's will. Prelocutouris for fe pannel, fe Maifter of Wark, Mr Jhoiie Abircrumbye. Prelocutouris for fe perfewaris, My Lord Ogilbye, The Lard of Innerquharite, The Laird of Clovay, The Lard of Rofle, The Lard of Monquhanye. (Jun. 10, 1563 ) — David Earl of Cravxfurd became cautioner for his entry in Ward, in Edinburgh, on xv days warning, under the pain of 1000 merks. Mdbin SE&oob — ^hiiot of ?!Hnira0O« — itortj of anioftcUitnrr, Jul. 20, 1561. — Robert Hannay, fmyth ; James Cowper, tailseour; Thomas Johneftone, cordiner ; Andro Henderfone, fwerd-flipper ; Andro Riche- manne, cuke ; William Clerk, talburnar ; ' James Fawfyid, talburnar ; Johne Cok, tail5eour : Patrik Mow, talboner, and Alexander BifTet, taburner. The quhilk day, James Cowper, tail5eour, come in Will for arte and parte of pe chefing" of George Durye in Robert Hude, vjjerwayis calland and nemmand him Loud of (In)obedience (Misrule), amangis J)e Craftifmen and })air leruandis, within pe burgh of Edinburgh, in pe moneth of Apryill laft bypaft, forefeand and affiftand to him incontrair pe tennour of pe Act of Parliament, and for breking of pe faid Act : Item, for breking of pe Proclamatioun of pe Proveft and Bailleis of Edinburghe, maid for obferving of pe faid Act, forbid- dand all fie Inhabitantis of pis burgh, })at nane of Jjame fuld tak vpoun hand to cheife ony fic perfone in Robene Hiule, Abbot of Vnreafone, or ony v])er name within pe faid burgh : Item, for Convocatioun of our fouerane ladies liegis, in curajjany with pe faid George Durye, callit Lord of (In)obedience, to pe nowmer of perfones, bodin in feir (of weir), with ane difplayit handfen5e,^ hal- brownis, jakkis, culveringis, morriounis,^ twa bandit fwerdis, cotis of mal3e, and v]?eris wajiynnis invafive, vpone Soneday pe xij day of Mali laft bypaft, in cum- panye with certane brokin men of were, betuix thre and four houris eftir none, cumand within pe burghe of Edinburghe, enterand at pe Eift Porte Jiairof, and pafled to pe Trone ]jairof, quhair Jjai wer met be ane parte of pe Bailleis, coun- fale, and officiaris of J)is burghe, and chargit be j^ame to pas abak, and devyid J)ame of pe faid burghe, for efchewing trouble and mifordour in pe famyn : And, nochtwitliftanding pe faid charge, violentlie and contempnandlie pafland ford ward to pe faid Caftell-hill, and returnand agane to pe Portis of pe faid burghe ; vfand pe famyn be ifche and entre, at Jjair plefour, makand plane rebellioun and inobe- dience aganis pe Magiftratis of pe faid burgh. Thomas Johijlone, in Will for breking of pe faid Act of Parliament and Proclamatioun maid be pe Magiftrates, vtjlqn-a. — Andro Hend'irjone, in Will for breking pe faid Act and Proclamatioune foirfaid Item, pe faid Andro ' A drummer, or player on the (albron or taicbvrn. ^ Choosing. ^ Ensign ; banner. ^ Morions. VOL. I. t 3 F 410 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1561. (Hendei'fone) Convict of ))e making of pe faid Convocatioune and rebellion aganis pe Magiftratis, in maner foirfaid.. — Jhoue Coh, ffylit for brekiug of Jje Act of Parliament in chefnig of Jje faid Loud of Inobedience, and breking of ])e Proclamatioun maid be ])e Magiftratis, in maner foirfaid, alanerlie.' — Andro Richemari, Convict for afliftence to})e faid Lord of Inobedience and his complices, in breking of \>e faid Act and Proclamatioune ; and furneffing of })ame of raeit and drink. — James Faivfijkl, Puir'ik Mow, Alexander Bijfett, Convict of Jje breking of J?e laid Act, Proclamatioun, convocatioun, and rebellioun foirfaid, conforme to J)e Dittay. aaiotutti (n erUinlJuriji) — Cfjoosing; a * ItoiH of ^noOrUieitcr/ $tt, Aug. 8. — Jajies Fkaser, faidlar ; Andro Hammiltoun, cuttlair ; Nicol 5oung, tail3eour ; Nicol Rynd, tail5eour ; Willeam Morefone, Andro Gottirlbne, Fyeit be ane AfTyife of Intercommonyng with George Durye, tail5eour, vjjer- wayis callit Lord of (In)obedience, and vjjeris his collegis, prentiflis," and feruandis to ]>e Craftifmenne within Jjis burghe, being our fouerane ladeis rebellis and at hir home, put J)airto be hir Letteris, in defalt of finding fouirtie to vnderly Jje law for breking of J)e Act of Parliament, in cheifing of Jje faid Lord of (In)- Obedience, tvmult, and ryfing aganis ])e Magiftratis of ]>& faid burgh, be way of rebellioun, and v])eris crymes contenit in J^e faidis Letteris, in \>e moneth of July laft bypaft and Auguft inftant. And als, f»e faidis perfonis, and Walter Waivane, James Henderfune, flefcheour, Hary Q/i/iijte, cordiner, Alexander Scott, Thomas Ewin, goldfmyth, Daii'id Kijnloch, Patrick Sclumg, Fylit be \)e foirnemmit perfones of AfTyife, for difobeyance of ]?e Pi'oveft, Bailleis, and magiftratis of J^e burgh of Edinburgh, and auctorite J^airof, vpone ]>e xxj day of July laft bypaft, quhen ])e feruandis and prentifRs of ])e Craftis Jjairof, wer afTegeand and invadand J)e faidis Proveft and Bailleis in \>e tolbuyth of Jje faid burgh, be abftracting and withdrawing of Jjame felfHs fra })e help, fupporte, frething, and releving of Jjame, and for faiftie of j^air lyves, and fortefeing and participatioune of ])e faidis Proveft and bailleis, to ftenche and reprefs \>e faid tvmult, and taking and apprehending of f>e faidis perfones, Craftis-childer,^ and prentilfis, committeris Jjairof ; lyik as they aucht to haue done, of Jjair aythis, quhen ])ai were creat burgeffis of })is burgh, and bundin dewtie. Jgurtius anU oaiounliins — ?gamesurluiu Aug. 22 James Lockheut of ])E Ley found caution for his entry and twenty-three of his tenants, &c. at the next aire of Lanark, for ' }ie crewall Hurting and Wounding of John Hammiltoune in Henfchaw, be way of Hamefuckin.' ■ Only, alone. '^ Apprentices. ^ lAtexaWy cliildren ; lads, youths. 19 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 411 ^lausijttr of ItaUj) Bllesljabtin Dec. 1. — James Schoiiiswod delatit for arte and parte of pe crewell Slaucliter of vmq'^ Helens Stirling, Lady Ulleflievene.' Prelocutouris for ])e pannel, Mr George Strang, James Crawmound of Aldbar. The quhilk day comperit in jugement James Stratoune, and James Lychtoiin, Parfone of Dunloppy ; and J)ai being requirit be Jje faid James Schorifwod, gyf jjai wald perfew him of his lyfe for J)e faid Slauchter ? Anfuerit, ))at J)ai wald perfew him for Jje famyn. And J)airupon pe laid James Schorifwod afkit ane Act of Court and inftrumentis, and protellit ])at pe faid Parfone fuld tyne his benefice, conforme to pe lawis. Thomas Guthiie of Kynbach proteftit for his dampnage and flvayth fuftenit be him, ])at infafar as he wes chargit be pe Letteris to vnderly pe law, and J)at na party comperit to perfew him, that he mycht recouer pe famyn, ovther vpone pe officiar executour of pe Letteris or party ; and jjairupoune afkit inftrumentis. i^oisc--straltn0. Dec. 1. — WiLLiAME Cadenheid Convicted for art and part of ' pe thefteous Staling of ane blak cut-tailit horfe fra pe Ex-le Marfchell, and ane gray horfe fra James Anderfoun ; quhairwith he wes tane reid-hand.' — Hanged ' on pe gallowfe of pe Burrow-mure.' #i)pfrsston — 3impx-tsonment — (i!r.tartinQ: 3iaansoin. Dec. 5. — Robert Innes of Innermarky, John Innes of Auchlun- carye, and feven others, found furety (' Jhone Erie of Suthirland') to underly the law at the nixt aire of Elgin and Forres, ' for pe Oppreffioune done to Schir Alexander Robertfone, cumand with J)air complices, bodin in feir of weir, in pe moneth of July laft bypaft, to pe Haltoune of Lambryid, and }jair maifterfully tuke him furth of pe famyn, and had and cariit hira with |)ame to pe Place of Plewlandis, quhair ])ai held him in ftrait prifoun and Captiuite be pe fjiace of four dayis ; quhill ^ Marioun Ogihiy, Lady Innermarky,^ his maifti'es, threw pe feir fcho tuke, quhen pe faid Robert, hir fon, boftit* and fend her worde, " Jjat he fould fend pe faid Schir Alexanderis held to hir," gaif to him J^e fum of ij", merkis in hand, and vther twa hundreth merkis to be payit at Candilmes and Witfonday, with pe 5eirlie terce'* of Vgftoune and Plewlandis, for Jje faid Schir Alexanderis ranfome and latting of him to libertie ; vfurpand J)airthrow our fouerane ladeis auctorite.' ' See Trials for this barbarous Murder, I, * 344, 350, &c., and Appendix. * Until. ^ Mother of the Laird. * Threatened. ^ The terce, or third, due to her as widow. 412 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1561. * (J^mfifsrttiitff t]^e ijoaij*— asaountiins — ittutilatioit» Dec. 6. — Thomas Harrot, in Coifland ; Crifteane Carfra, his fpous ; Henry C, elder, in Redingliill ; Henry, his young fon ; John and James C, in Standanftane ; and BelFye Litfter, ' dilatit for Oinbefetting of })e gait, vnder filence of nycht, in pe nioneth of Auguft, 1568 5eiris, to Robert Dowglafs, in Duchrye, vnder pe Lard of Bafs, be way of Brigancy, quhair he wes paiTand fra J)e toun and landis of Poppill hame to his awin dwelling-place in Dowchrie, befyid pe dwelling-houfe of ])e faid Henrye Carfra, at pe peth-fute of Stenypeth, callit Ridinghill, and Jjair crewelly invadit pe faid Robert for his Slauchter, and hurte, and wondit him in diuerfe partis of his body, to pe gret effafioiine of his bloode ; and lies Mutilat him of his thrid finger of his rycht hand, and left him lyand for deid ; vpone aid ffeid, provifioune, and foirthocht felony and fett pvu-poife. Prelocutouris for jie pannell. Mr Alexander Skene, My Lord Bonhwik, The Laril of Traquair, My Lord Bothwill. Continued to Jan. 15, Lord Borthwik and James Earl of Both well, cautioners. — (Jan. 15, 1561-2.)— James Someruill of Humby became cautioner for their entry at the next Juftice-aire of Edinburgh. ^amrsurfitu — eaiountiiitg: — C!jiltJ--iHurtrn% Robert Dowglass, in Dowchry, under the Laird of Bafs, and Mar- gai'et, his daughter, ' dilatit of pe cuming, with ])air complices, vpone pe fyft day nixt eftir pe feift of Lambes, (Auguft 6th,) 1561 5eris, vnder filence of nycht, be way of Hamefuckin, to pe duelling-houl'e of Henry Carfra, in Ridinghill, he })an himfelff being departit fiairfra, convoying of fum freindis ciuhilkis J)at day had bene with him in cumpany, and pair ferchit and focht pe faid Henrye for his Slauchter ; and pe faid Thomas ]?an beand ftandand in fober maner, dowlatt alaue," without armour or wapnis, accumpaniit with his wyfF and Beflye Litfter alanerlie, befoir pe faid Henryis dur,^ traifting na harme, &c., pe faid Robert Dowglafs lychtit' of his horfe, and without ony occafioune invadit pe faid Thomas for his Slauchter, and hurte and woundit him in his left arme and face, to pe effufioun of his blood in grite quantitie : And pat fame tyme CTewelly ftrak pe faid Thomas fpous, with fundrie ftrekis with fute and hand, fcho beand grite with barne ; throw pe quhilkis ftrekis fcho pairtit with barne at hir hamecoming.' They ' ofTerit pame to ane Aflyife, and defyrit na continewatioun ;' but the same procedure took place as in the foregoing case. — The Laird of Quhitting- hame became surety for them. ' Unarmed, defenceless. Having only his coat or doublet on. ^ Door. ^ Alighted. 1 19 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 413 Conboration of tl;e XitQts in itirftUjall. Dec. 9. — Mr Alexander Dick, Provost of Orknay, Schir Magnus Ramfay, Chaiplaine, Schir Duncane Raniefay, Chaiplane in Orknay, found cau- tion,' this day ; and (on Dec. 5) Edward Sinclair, bruder to \>e Lard of Roflyng, and ten others, Mr Magnus Halcro, William Halcro, Nicoll Chalmer, and Freir Frances Both well, alfo found caution to underly the law on April 15 next, ' for Convocatioune and gaddering of our fouerane ladeis legis, to pe nomer of iiij"'' {four fcore) perfones, in \% moneth of September laftbypaft, ifcheid owt of J)E Castell of Kirkwall, and cumand to Jje Toune Jjairof, and ferchit and focht Henry Binder of Strone and Mr William Mudy for fiair Slauchter, &c., and v]jeris crymes contenit in })e Letteris direct Jjairupoune.' — After having been continued from time to time, the Cafe was at length (May 13, 1562,) referred to the Juftice- aire of Orknay. Common C|)fft anti rtsttof C|)eft. ' Will Ellot, callit Woddir-neJe ; Petir Trumbiil, callit ])e 31o?ik ;^ and Henrye Blak, in Softlaw, Convict to be Hangit forCommoun Thift and Com- moun reffett Jjairof.' dmiboratioit of t])t lir0ts — J^nbasion — ezatouitUiiiff, ^^r. John ED5ER of Woddirlye, Richard, OlijAar, James, and George Ed5er, and Robert Hude, ' deletit of Convocatioune of our fouerane ladeis liegis, to })e nomer of iij'"' {three Jcore) perfonis, bodin in feir of weir, with jakis, fwordis, fbeil-bonettis, daggis, culveringis, and vfieris wappingis invafive, con- trair ])e Act of Parliament, vpone fie xviij day of September laft bypaft, cumand to J)e landis of Rawburne, lyand within }je fcherefdome of Berwik, pertening to Dauid Si)ottifwode of ])at Ilk, in heretage ; and pair invadit and perfewit Jhone VUafone, James Hog, Jhone Wody, and ])e remanent Jje laid Dauidis tenantis of f)e faid landis for ]>a\v Slauchteris, dingand and birfand ])ame with diuerfe bafe^ ftrekis, chaiffiind ])ame within jjair awin malingis * ane grit fpace, doand ])at wes in })ame to haue flane Jjame, vpone fett purpoife, provifione, and foirthocht felony, fpecifit in Jje Letteris direct Jjairupoune.' ASSISA. The Larde of Blacader, George Trotter of Prentonene, The Lard of Blanerne, The Larde of Spott, Robert Hvme of Redlieueh, The Larde of Bafs, George Home of Broxtnouth, Mr Richard Spottifwod, The Lard of Innerwike.^ Verdict. — The faid Larde of Woderley and his coUegis being on panale, wer acquit, be declai'atioun of Jje laid haill AlTyile, of pe foirfaidis crimes, ' George Crawford of Lefuoreis. ' See notices regarding them in Extracts from THE Lord High Treasurer's Accounts, in the Appendixto this reign. ^ Perhaps for bauch. * Mail- lings, small possessions. '' The other four Assisors were only feuars. 414 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1561. John Swyntoune of that Ilk ; William Redpeth of that Ilk, elder and younger ; the ' Barrouiie' of Dal5ell ; Thomas Nifbit, his brother ; the Laird of Lochirmachus ; George and Alexander, brothers of John Forrefter of Gam- melfcheillis, and lixty others, found furety to underly the law at the next Aire of Berwick for the fame crimes. Dec. 13. — ScHiu James Hammiltoune of Craavfordjohne, kn', and John Gudelett, in Strabrok ' (delatit for the Slaughter of vmq'^ George Hammiltoune ?) Prelocutouris for }ie pannell, Mr Dauid Borthuik, Mr Jhone Mofcrop, The Laird of Garlis, My Lord Levingftone, The Abbot of Deir, My Lord Gray. Persewar, Agnes Mun-ay, relict of vmq'*^ George Hammiltoune. James Hammiltoune of Kincapill proteftit that he producit the Letteris, dewlie execute and indorfat ; and the faid Schir James proteftit that the faid James producit the Letteris. — Andro Hammilton of Siluertone-hill, fouerte for the entre of Schir James, and Schir James for fouirte of Jhone Gudelett, the xxix day of Januar nixtocum. — (Jan. 29, 1561-2.) Continued to Feb. 25 ; the Laird of Calderwood and Sir James being ' fouirteis.' — (Feb. 25.) Remitted to the next Aire of Lanark ; the Laird of Trabroun and Sir James became cautioners. Dec. 15. — Jhone Gledstanis of Cokla"w (dilatit for the Slauchter of vmq'" Thomas Peblis and Williame Bell.) Prelocutouris for fe pannall, My Lord Home, The Larde of Coldinknowis, The Larde of Cran- ftone, Mr Jlione Abircrumby, Williame Trumble alias Pinffit, Robert Scott of Bonyngtone. Persewaris, Adame Bell, for Wm. Bell, &c., Alex. Hoppringill of Trinlinknowis, Jhone Ofwald. The Aduocat producet the Lettir vnderwrittin, and defyrit Jie famyn to be regiftrat ; quhairof the tennour followis. Eegina, Aduocattis, We greit 50W weill. Forfamekill as Jhone Gledllanis of CokJaw hes fund ficker fouertie that he fall eompeir befoir our Juflice and his deputtis in ]ie Tolbuyth of Ed'' je xv day of December inflant, to vnderly ])e law for pe Slauchter of vmq'" Thomas Peblis and William Bell, and diuerfe v])eris crymes contenit in )ie Letteris direct Jiairupone, as ]'e famyn beris. Oure will isheir- foir, and we charge 50U ])at je alfift and concur to ])e purfute of fe faid Jhone for fe crymes contenit in f e faidis Letteris Jie faid day, and fe ]mt juflice be done fairin, conforme to ])e lawis of ]>is realms : As 56 will anfuer to ws fairupone. Subfcriuit with our hand, at Halyrudehoufe, fe xij day of December, and of ourregne fe xix 5ere. [MARIE R.] * In a great many instances the names of the pannels, &c. are regularly noted in these Scroll-books, which were evidently intended merely as Memoranda for the Clerk, from which to extend the proceedings, aided by the Dittays and other warrants, into the proper Records of the Court. The crime may be infeiTed from the designation of the pursuer. 20 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 415 (Mar. 16.) — The Juftice-principall being prefent, Archibald Naper of Mer- chinjlone maid fayth in jugement that he luld vfe ]je office of Juftiee deputrle lelilie and trewlie, as efFeris. — Continued to Mar. 26 ; William Cranltone of that Ilk cautioner.' Cljeft rommittetr 61? an allecreU Stiiot anU iWinor, Dec. 16, — James Guyld, indicted for Stealing, &c., as after fpecified. Prelocutouris for the pannell, Mr Thomas M''eal3eane, Mr Alexander Sim, Mr Jhone Mofcrope, Mr Dauid Maitland, Archibald Douglas of Kilfpiiulie, Andro Murray of Blakbarronye. Persewaris, Neill Layng, Maifter George Hackett. Continued to Dec. xxiij.— (Dec. 23.) — Mu Alexander Sym, as prelocutour for James Gujdd, beand callit to vnderlye ])e law vpone his lyfF, allegit that he is minor, within J)e 5eiris of xviij ])eir aid, as it may be confident be infpectione of his face, lyik as he is in deid, and falbe profin gyfF neid beis ; and Jjairfoir aucht nocht to vnderly ane Aflyfe vpone his lyif, nor to thoill" jugement J)air- upone, nojjer'' be J)e Commoun law, nor Municipale law, or vfe of Jjis realme. And attour'' J)e barne him felfF is ydiot of natur, nor lies nocht J)e knawlege to decerne \q perrell and Jje feir of deid ;' and Jjairfoir aucht not for to vnderly ane Allyle, as laid is, of lyif: And forder, is fubdewit' to ane malancolius hvmour, naturallie defcendand from his progenitouris, fwa })at he is mair defyrus to dee nor to leif,' as be experience is notour, be famekill Jjat his fader exponed him felff findre tymes to pe perell of deid, and wald haue drowned him felfl' in J)e North Loch, wer nocht he wes releved })airfra be nychtbouris ; and fyclyik Maifter AValter Guyld, his fader bruder, occupiit with ])e fame hvmour, flew him felfF in Paris. And })airfoir, ])e faid James, beand bayth minor, and approache- and mair to pupillaritie nor * maioritle, and occupiit with ])e faid hvmour, mair willing to de nor to leif, and haifand na cuyr' of deid, aucht not to vnderly J)e law for J)e lybellit pretendit cryme, and aucht not to perife,"' fupijois he wald peris, quia non auditur per'tre volens. And eikis " allegeance, Jjat ]?e fame boy ranne findrie tymes nakit to Ingland, and left his claythis'" behind him ; and fwa may be vnderftuid J;at he lies this faid hvmour, as faid is ; and offeris him to preif \iQ faid allegeance fufficientlie." The Justice Findis, be Inteilocutour, J)at \iq faid mater fould pafs to Aflyfe, nochtwithftanding ony allegeance, becaufe of })e practik fene of befoir. ' No farther trace appears in the Record. It is probable that Remission had been obtained, or that the case was remitted to the next Justice-aire. ^ Sufier. •^ Neither. •• Moreover. = Death. '^ Subjected, liable to. "^ To die than to live. ^ Than. ^ Q^^.^^ i^^^ euro ; viz. reckless, indifferent, or careless of death. ^o Perish. '^ Adds. ^'^ Clothes. '^ This Trial lias been selected chiefly on account of the remarkable phraseology employed by the pan- nel's ' Prelocutour,' and from the curious enumeration of the articles stolen, as detailed in the Verdict. 416 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1561. Verdict. James Guild, Convict,' be deliuerance of ])e faid AfTyife,^ of arte and parte of pe thiftius Steling and taking furth of J)e purfe of Elizabeth Daniel- ftoune, pe fpous of Neill Layng, hingand vnder hir aprone, in pe monetb of Apryill, vpoun aue IMonuuday, ane mercat day of Edinburgh, fcho being vpone J?e Hie Streit, ftandand at pe crame^ of Willeam Speir, indweller in pe faid burgh, in comoning with him, pe tyme of pe putting of aue firing to ane penner and ynconie quhilk fcho had coft fra J)e faid cramei*, of ane fignet of gold ; ane vther fignet of gold, fett with ane cornelene ; aue gold ring, fett with ane grite fapheir ; ane vther gold ring, with ane fapheir forniit like ane harte ;* ane gold ring, fett with ane turquhafe ;^ ane fmall dowble ring of gold, fett with ane dyaniont, and ane rubye, ane aid {old) Angell-Nobill, aud ane Cuflett dukett.*^ [Archihahl Earl of Ergt/le, Jvftice General.'] iUiottns to rtstorc Xi)t i^opisib Hrligioit, ^n Dec. 24. — Maister William Balfour, indweller in Leyth, found caution to appear on the laft day of December, luider the pain of 1000 li., to underly the law for the ci-imes following : — (Dec. 31.) Convicted by an Affife' ' off arte and parte of pe contrauenyng and breking of our fouerane ladeis Pro- clamatioun, maid in pe moneth of Auguft laft byjiaft, eftir hir hienes arrivell within ]jis realme ; chargeing in effect, all and findrie hir legis, be opin Procla- matione, at pe mercate-croce of Ed' and vj^eris places neidfull, that J)ai and euery ane of Jjame fuld contene fiame felffis in quietnes, keip peax and ciuile focietie amangis J)ame felffis ; and in Jje meyntyme, quhill" pe Eftatis cf Jjis hir Maief- teis realme mycht be afTemblit, and ])at hir hienes had takin a finale ordour be paiY avife and publict confent, ])at nane of Jjame tak vpone hand, privatlie nor opinlie, to mak ony Alteratione or innouatioune of pe ftate of Religione, or attemp ony thing aganis pe forme quhilk hir Maieftie fand piiblicklie and vni- iierfalie ftanding at hir Maiefteis arryving within J)is realme, vnder pe pane of deid ; with certificatione, jjat gyff" ony fubiect of pis realme fuld cum in pe con- ' No traces are left on record of tlie fate of tliis poor creature ; but it is likely that the punishment was trivial, and tliat his relations would be bound over, under penalties, for his future pood behaviour. ^ Thirteen burgesses. ■* The last remnant of the booths of the Cramers of St Giles's Church, Luckenbooths, he, were pulled down about twenty years ago, to widen the High Street. ' The Cranies' formed part of a small alley on the North side of the Cathedral. ■• These were favourite love-tokens among all ranks, varying, of course, in value. ^ Turquois. '' Ducat. It has frequently been remarked, in the course of tlie present Collection, that the burgesses, as well as the nobility and gentry, were possessed of plate and jewellery to an extent greatly beyond what is now usual — and perhaps this may be accounted for from the difficulty of investing the large capital wliich many merchants and burgesses acquired in business or otherways. So ostentatious were the bur- gesses and their wives, that many legislative enactments were required to re])ress their passion for dress and finery. A reference to these sumptuary laws may prove not uninteresting to the curious inquirer into the manners and customs of this country. ' They appear to have been burgesses of Edin- burgh. The only names of any note were The Laird of Spottiswod, Mr James Watsone, Mr Michael Cheisholme. * Until. ^ If. 20 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 417 trare heirof, he fiild be eftemit and haldin ane Seditious perfone, and rafer of Tumult, and pe faid pane fuld be execute aganis him with all rigour, to ])e exem- ple of v])eris ; as pe faid Proelamatione mair fuUelie proportis ; — be committing of pe opin and manifeft crymes and offenffis eftir fpecifeit, pe tymis eftir men- tionat, refpectiue, in maner following. In pe ffirft, In pQ raoneth of Nouember laft bypaft, as ane Seditious perfone and rafer of Tumult, contrair pe. tennour of pe faid Proelamatione, laid opinlie and planelie in my lord of Inuermethis Place of Reidcaftell, that ' pe Religioun now Reformit,' and miniftratioun of pe Sacramentis according to Godis Word and inllitutioun, within J)is realme, wer not of God, nor 3it conforms to his Word ; and })airfore pe famyn and pe Holy Communioun fuld be vterlie aboliffit within twa jeiris nixt eftir pe dait of pe faid Contract ;' and ftairupone contractit and maid ane Wodfet with pe Lard of Wateris. Item, pe faid Mr William convict be pe faid Aflyife as controuener of pe faid Proclamatioun, be refone he accumpanit with certane wicked perfones, fawaris of difcord and raferis of Tumult, vpone fett purpois, come to pe Parroche Kirk of Edinburgh callit Sanct Gelis Kirk, quhair Jhone Carnys wes exa- mihand pe conimoun pepill of ])is burgh, befoir pe laft Communioun miniftrat J)airin, according to J^e ordour takin and appointit be pe Minifter, Elderis, and Deacones of pe faid Kirk ; and pe faid Jhone, beand demanding of ane pover woman, ' GyfF fcho had ony hoip of faluatione be hir awin gud werkis ? pe faid Maifter William, in difpytefull maner, and with thrawin continance,' having na thing to do at ]jat tyme in pe faid Kirk hot to trubill pe faid Examinatioune, faid to pe faid Jhone p\v wordis, ' Thow demandis of f>at womanejje thing quhilk pow nor nane of thy opinioune allowis nor kepis !' And eftir gentill admonitioun made be (to) him be pe faid Jhone, he faid to him alfwa Jjir wordis, ' Thou arte ane verray knaif, and p\ doctrin is verray falfe, as all 5our docti'in and teiching is !' And Jjairwith lade his hand vpone his wapnes, and provokand battell ; doand ])airthrow, purpoiflie, ])at wes in him to half refit Tumult amangis pe Inhabitantis of p\s burgh. Item, pe faid Maifter Willeam is Convict for breking of pe faid Proelamatione, infafar as he, vpone pe tent day of December, in prefens of ane grite multitude and nowmer of pepill within pe Tolbuyth of Edinburghe, herand funi Gentilmen fpekand of pe Lordis Supper was fan to be miniftrat pe Sonday nixt eftii", in pe faid Kix-k, faid p\v wordis, ' Is J)at 3our Communioun ? The Devill birft me quhen euir it cumis in my belly ! And pe Devill birft J)ame in quhais belly it cumis, ffor it is ane vei'ray Devill !' Item, pe faid Mr Willeam wes Convict be pe faid Aflyife of (being) ane Conimoun and manifeft blafphemer ' This extreme zeal may have originated from the notoriety of the Public Disputation between John WiLLOx, the Reformer, and John Black, a Dominican Friar, which had been keenly maintained for two days, in summer 1561. Balf. Annales, I, 325 ; Leslie, p. 295 ; M' Cries Knox, (S:c. ^ With twisted or distorted countenance, i, e. in derision, twisting his features, or making wry faces. VOL. I. f 3 G 418 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1561-2. of God and his Haly Evangell ; and for ane feditious perfone and ane Gommoun auctour' ])airof.^ Protestation by an Assisor exempted from passing on Assises. The qubilk day, the faid 3Iai/ter James Watjbune, burgefs of Edinburghe, being callit to pas vpone fE Assise of Jie faid Mr Willeara Balfour, compeirit in jugement befor ]ie faid Juftice, and allegit fat he fuld nocht be conipellit to pas vpone Jie faid Affife, be refoune he wes ane peifoune priuilegit and exemit : And fairfore proteftit ]iat albeit ]ie Juftice conipellit iiim at Jiis tyme to pafs vpone tie faid Mr Williames Affife, that fe famin fuld nocht hurt nor preiuge him anent his priuilege and exemp- tioune, towart Jie paffing vpone )ie Affifis of vjieris perfonis to be callit and perfewit criminalie befor ])e Juftice, in tyme coming. ^i-ibilrgc of C?.vrmption from passdi^ upon Assists autj aUTqufsts fliantcli to t\)t Snljnbitants of lHvt% Feb. 17, 1561-2. — The quhilk day James Anderfone, burgefs of Perth, comperit befoir })e Juftice-depute, and jjair jn-oducit our fouerane ladeis Letteris vndirwrittin, vnder hir fignet, and fubfcriuit be vmq'" her derreft moder, ]je Queue Dowriar and Regent of hir reahne, and vmq'" Gilbert Erie of Caffillis hir Thefaurare for ])e tyme ; and for him felff and in name and behalff of ]je Pro- veft, Bailleis, counfale, and comraunitie of ])E bdrgh of Perthe, and defyrit ])e famyu to be obeyit : Quhilk defyir pe faid Juflice-depute thocht refonabill, and Jjairfoir admittit and obeyit }?e faniyn ; off J)e quhilkis Letteris ])e tennour followis. Marie, be fe grace of God Queue of Scottis. To all and findrie our Lieutennentis, Wardanis, Admirallis, Juftices, Juftice Clerkis, Schereffis, Stewartis, Bailleis, Crowneris, fair depntis, Proveft, Aldermenne, and Bailleis of our burrovvis and cieteis, and all vperis our Officiaris, Jugis, Minifteris of our lawis, liegis and fubdittis quhatfuraeuir, to quhais knawlege Jiir prefent Letteris fall cum, greting : Forfamekill as it is vndtrftand to ws pat our Burgh of Perth is ane dry Toune, far diftant fra fe See or to ony vfer parte ]>airof, and ]ie haill traiffick and change ftandis be Craftifmen fat daylie and continewalie labouris with fair bodeis, quha hes na vf er to leif on : And fat in ]iis trublus tyme bypaft fe Inhabitantis fairof hes bene put to grite and exhorbitent expenffis, be fummunding and compelling of fame,at all tymes, to cum furth of our faid burgh, quhen fai ar chargit, and compeir befoir our Juf- tice, his deputis, and vf eris, jugis and Minifteris of our lawis of our realme, in paffing vpoun Aflyifis. Inqueftis, and vjierwyis ; throw fe quhilk fai ar put to povertie, and may not indure fic chargis in tyme cuming. For efchewing of fe quhilkis, and willand fat fai be vftt in femblabill nianer in tyme cuming as f e Inhabitantis of our Bukgh of Duxde, quha ar of grit pvlfance,'' fituat in mair commpdius parte nor« our faid Burgh of Perth, hes Exemit and be fir our Letteris Exemis all and findrie ]iE Inhabit- antis within our faid Burgh of Perth and fredonie fairof, in all tyme cuming, fra all coraperance befoir 50W our faid Juftice, Juftice Clerkis, Scheriffis, Stewartis, Bailleis, Crvneris,^ Proveftis, Aldermen and Bailleis of our Bunowis, or ony vf er Jugis within our realme, and paffing vpone Alfyilis and Inqueiftis in quhatfumeuii' actiounis and cauffis, Criminale or Ciuile, committit be qtdiatfumeuir perfone or per- fones within our faid realme ; aceeptand*^ alwayis, gyff fe faidis crymes be committit within our faid burgh of Perth, or ane myill ]>airabout alanerlie :" And will and grantes fat fe faidis Inhabitantis nor ' Author. ^ The following marking is made on the margin, * Extract and sent to the Regent, ia Maij 1569.' ' Fr. puissance J power, wealth. ' Than. ' Crowners, Coroners. * Excepting. ' Only. 20 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 419 iiane of ]mia, for jiair remayning and byding at liame fra )ie faidis Affyifis and Inqueiflis fall incur n a danger nor fkaith in Jiair perfones, landis or gudis, in ony wyis, and fall not be callit nor accufit Jiair- foir, nofer criminalie nor ciuilie in tyme cuming, notwithflanding ony Letters, Proclamationis or chargis quhatfunieuir maid or to be maid in ]ie contrair, in ony perfones contenit Jtairintill ; anent ]>e quhilk we difpens with Jiame and ilk ane of Jiaim be ])ir our Letteris ; difchargeing 30U and ilkane of 30W, and all vferis our Offieiaris, Jugis, minifleris of our Lawis, liegis, and fubjectis quhatfumeuir prefent and to cum off all fummunding, chargeing, atteitfcheing, arreiftyng, calling, following, poind- ing, dillrenzeing, vnlawing, trubling, or intrometting with ]e Regent, in May, 1569.' 21 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 421 Apr. 20, 1562.' — Willeajie Kincaid, Jlione alias Gijrie Kincaid, Jhone Stewart of Ci'agyliall, Gelis Seitoim Lady Cragyhall, his fpoufe, James Kincaid at Jie Weft Port/ Andro Mowbray, and Jonet Lyntoune, his fpous, and Jhone Inglis, taverner. — The Provest of Edinburgh comperit, and producit J»e Letteris, and defyrit \>e fouirt^ to be relevit ; and als proteftit, })at juftice mycht be done vpone Willearae Kincaid and his complices for })e allegit Revifing of Jonet Aldioye ; in refpect, gyfF ony fie Reviffing wes maid, it wes done to })e fkayth and fldander of J>e Toune ; and refufit alwayis^ to be perfewar. Comperit Jonet Aldioij, and Mr Alexander Mauchane, for him lelfF, and in Jje name and behalf of ]?e remanent of })e kinne and freindis, and declarit, for- famekle as our fouerane ladeis Letteris wes refit at the inftance of })e Aduocat, for certane allegit crymes of Deforcing (and) of Revecing of Jonet Aldioye, declarit, )jat ))air wes na cryme committit be William Kincaid and his complices, hot ])at fcho paft furth of J)is burghe of hir awin fre will, to contract mariage with Jje faid Willeam ; quhilk is ellis " contractit and compleitit, conforme to hir promeife maid lang of befoir : And pairfoir, wald not perfew \q faidis Letteris in ony maner of way. The Advocattis oft tymes callit, and not compeirand, the Juftice-Deputtis take inftrumentis ]?at J)air comperit na manne to perfew. This Case was nevertheless continued to tlie next Aire of Edinburgh, the sureties being, My Lord Sempill, Thomas Levingstoun of Hanyng, the Laird of Towche, George Home in Restoune, John Leringstoune of Prestoune, and the Laird of Innerleyth. J^tirtintr a preflttant OTomait — cpU--iiCuvDer« Apr. 23. — Helene Bruce, and John Wilfoun, her Ion, found caution to underly the law at the next Aire of Edinburgh, for the ' crewell Hurting of Jonet M'^Nech, and dinging of her be J)e hair, and pofling of hir with their feitt ; quhairthrow fcho pairtit with barne.' ^fiiUins: from i\yt 2^aii)( tA %z^\^\xx^t, Apr. 30. — Thojias Patersone of Caverhill, indicted to ' vnderly J)e law for ])e remanyng and byding of J)e faid Thomas contempnandlie^ fra our fouerane ladeis Hoift and Raid, ordanit to meit hir derreft coufing and brother, James Lord Stewarte," Jje xiij day of November laft bypaft, and fra thine ' to pas fordward with him to the burghe of Jedburghe, jjair to remane be J)e fpace of xx'^ dayis, and to refave fie directioune as falbe gevin to him, for quietnes * Continued from Apr. 15. * Thomas Kincaid was proven to have been furth of the realm at the time of executing the Letters, viz. March 2 L ' Nevertheless; at all events. * Already. * Contemptuously. '^ Afterwards Earl of Munay and Regent. ' Thence. 2 422 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1562. of ])e cuntre ', incontrar pe tennoiir of Jje proclamatiouu maid ))airupoune. Com- peirit James Paterfone, 5ounger of Cauerhill,' and producit ane writting in fox'me of Teftimoniale, quhilk he allegit to be written and fubfcriuit be Jhone Allane, allegit Curat ^ and Minifter of Jje parochine of Mennei", for ))e tyme ; notefeand, ]^at pe faid Thomas Paterfone of Cauerhill labouris in ane hevy and continewell ficknes, inftantlie, lyik as he has done fen pe moneth of December laftbypait, fwa ])at he may not ryife furth of his bed without ane flaff and help of his feriiandis, &c. — Denounced rebel, and his fon amerciated 1001. for his non-appearance. SlGitiinji: from tljt 3U*iiti of StUBursl^e. Apr. 30. — WiLLiAME BuRNiiT OF Barnis denounced rebel for the fame offence, and AVilliam Portwife of Halkfchaw, his cautioner, amerciated in 100 ]. for his non-appearance. A Teftimonial from the fame ' alegit Curat and Minif- ter,' as in the preceding cafe, was difregarded, though prefented by William B., younger of Barnis, his fon. Hating his father to have been ' of pe aige of thre fcoir ane ^eiris, labouris in any hevy and continewall feiknes of pe poplicie,' lyik as lies done be pe fpace of four 3eiris lallbypaft ; quhairthrow he is not abill to travell to his parroche Kirk to heir pe Devyue feruice.' SlliitJing fvom tljr lUiti of Srtl)ui'5i)e. George Ramesay of Daliioussv being callit for pe faid cryme, gaif in })is allegeance following : pat at pe tyme of pe Conventioun and Raid ap- pointed to be at Jedburghe, tyme libellit, and haill fpace ))airof, pe faid George wes vnabill, vexit with fie dilli'effis in his perfone, ))at he mycht nocht onnawyis travell, nojjer on horfe nor fute to na fpace ; be refone his haill left fyid wes fua occupiit and trublit with evill and maling'' humouris, fie as he canne nocht declair nor fpecify, ))at his haill arme, fingeris, and leg, on })at fyid, wer impo- tent, quhairthrocht J)at he mycht not move pe fame ; and fpeciallie, pe faid arme wes fa doloi'us one to him, ]jat he mycht gett na reft ])airof be nycht nor be day ; and jjairthrow and be vexatioun Jjairof wes drevin in ane fevir, and become verray feik, and mair vnabill in his perfone, and Jjairfoir wes not aftrickit," being impotent, as faid is, to cum to pe faid Raid, or biddin ])airat, fen na man is bund to impoffibilitie. And tuiching J)E QuENis grace chargis, he, willing" to obey pe famyn at }ie vttermoift of his power, fend his feruandis and houl- fald, fic as wald and fuld haue gane with him, gyff he had paft ])air perfonalie, ' CautioiiPr for liis entry. - Perliaps a Papift, or one not recognised by the Ordinary ; or the Testimonial may have been informal, not regularly witnessed, &c. ^ It does not seem very clear whether pahi/ or sciatica is here meant to be indicated. * Malign. ^ Astricted, bound. 21 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 423 Weill provydit and furneift, as apei-tenit to pe cans, in cumpanye with William Ramefay of Pelting, his confing, to avait vpon my lord James, now Erle OP Mar, Lientennent for ])e time of ])e Proclamatioun libellit,' &c. The Justice has continewit j^e geving of the Interlocutoiir vnto pe xij day of May nixt to cum. — Sureties for his entry, William Ramfay of Poltoune, and Cuth- bert R., burgefs of Edinburgh. (May 12.) — George Ramefay of Dalhoufly dilTafentit to])e continavatioun, and offerit him ready to vnderly |)e law, inftantlie ; and nochtwithftanding, at pe command of THE Quenis grace and pe faid Juftice Depute, fand fouirte (to enter again on May 14.)' The following document is recorded at the end of a subsequent volume of the Record ; and from the Cafe being afterwards referred to as a precedent, it would appear that the Licence had then been fully admitted. It has been thought of sufficient importance to be printed, to show the reader the form of such writs. Licence to the Laird of DalhotiJJye to abide from Raids, &,€. Regina, We, vnderftanding ))at our weilbelouit feruitour George Ramsay of Dalhoussye is corpolent, fubiect to feiknes and infirmitie, and may nocht weill indure trawell without danger of his lyfe ; thair- for, and for diuerfe vfer reafounabili cauffis and confiderationis moving ws, be ]ie tennour hereof grantis and gevis Licence to fe faid George to remane and byde at hame fra all and findry our Hoftia, Raidis, Weiris, and Affembleis quhatfumeuer, diuifit or to be diuilit within our realme, or outwith the famyn. And als, hes Exerait, and be ]nr our Letteris Exemis him fra all comperance and paffing vpoune AflyifTis, Inqueiflis, or bering of Witnefiing, in all actionis criminall, befoir quhatfumeuir Juge or Jugeis within our realme, for all fe dayis of pe laid Georgis lyftyrae ; and will and grantis ])at the faid George ])airfor fall incur na danger nor ftaith in his perfoune, laudis, nor gudis, nor lalbe callit forjie famyn, criminalienor ciuilie, nochtwithftanding quhatfumeuir actis, (tatutis, lawis, proclamationis, or chargeis quhatfumeuir, in generall or in fpeciale, maid or to be maid in )ie contrair heirof, or ony panis contenit thairintill; anent the quhilkis We difpenfe be fir prefentis. Difchargeing heirfor all and findry our Juflice, Juftice-Clerk, Wardanis, Lieutennentis, Scheriffis, Stewartis, Bailiies, Crown- aris, Proueftis, Bailleis and Eldermenne of Burrowis, and all vtheris Jugeis and minifteris of our lawis, prefent and to cum, thair deputtis, off all atteicheing, arreifting, fummondinj;, calling, following, vnlawing, or proceding aganis Jie faid George Ramfay, his perfoune, landis, or gudis, in ony wayis for ])e preraiffis, and of fair offices on fat pairte for euir, be fir prefentis. Prowyding alwyife, that the faid George Ramfay of Dalhouffye furneife and fend his honorabill houiliald, with ane of his fpeciale freindis, weill fourneift, conforme to fe Proclamationis to be maid Jiairupoune. Subscriuit with our hand, and vnder ourSignet, At Ed", fe xiiij day of Januar, the 5eir of God r".V'.lxiij ^eiris. (MARIE, R.) 96iti(ns from Xi)t laaiti of ^etJfiuitilje, William Cunynghame of Cunynghamheid charged for the fame crime, and his fon, ' the 3oung Lard,' amerciated for his non-entry to underly the law. ' Owing to the imperfection of the scroll-book, it does not appear what sentence followed ; but from the following Licence being recorded, &c. it is probable that he was fully acquitted. 424* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1562. 9[i)itrni0 h'om Hjt Uaiti of Slf^fiwtfl]^^ Robert Hunter of Poemude, Leonard Dowglas of Harwod, John Douglas (ill Baddis) his fon, John Gudelaitt of Strabrok, William Portwife of Halkfchaw, and fix others, acquitted by an Affife for the faid crime. ASSISA. Alexander Horfljuighe of Jiat Ilk, William Murray of Rotnannos, Jhone Pennycuke of Jiat Ilk, Jhone Cokburne of ]ie Glenne, George Tail of Pyrne, Jhone Houlloune in Lany, Mr Robert Wynrame in Gogar, Ja. Wynrame in Gogar-milne, William Vaiche of Kingfyid, Jhone Stewart in Cragyhall, Dionefe Elphinfton of Henderftone, James Feddes in Preillisfeild, George Dundas of Jiat Ilk, Alex. Woidlaw' of Kilbabertone, Robert Scott, burges of Peblis. Alexander Creichtone of Newhall, Robert Fairlie of Braid, Thomas Hammiltoune of the Grange, befide Levingftoun, Thomas Sande- landis in Murehoufdykis, and five others, found the Laird of Calder furety for their entry on May 12, ' to vnderly deliuerance of ])e faid Affyife. Item, pe anfueris of J)e parteis \>at cum in Will, and v})eris of pe faid pannell, written in ane throuch,^ in paper. — (May 12.) — James Stevinlloun of Hirdmanfcheillis became furety for their entry on Jun. 15 next."* (ironbofation — #tuti uoitl) ii^t EairU of ISaltijagofe, May 2. — John Charteris of Kinfawnis, David his brother, and thirty-nine others, found furety to uiiderly the law, on May 15, ' for arte and parte of Jje Convocatioun of our fouerane ladeis legis, to pe nowmer of xxiiij perfonis, and cuming vipon pe Lard of Batheok (Thomas Blair) and his com- plices, and geving of ])ame iniurius wordis ; and diuerfe vjjeris crymes fpecifeit in pe Letteris.' He protefl;ed, ' })at pe finding of pe fouerte to pe day foirfaid be na preiudice to him, becaus he is ane Parroche-Clerk ;* and ficlyik proteftit, J)at pe finding of pe fouertie for pe faidis perfones preiuge not pe privilege of pe Regalitie of Scone, within pe quhilk pai dwell ; bot fiat }jai may be replegit pe day foirfaid as pis day.' fftuti ixiiti) t\)t ilaiitr of iXinfaiDiiis — ^laugl^ter. Thobias Blair of Batheok ; Alexander Blair, appei-and of that Ilk; William, Patrick, and John B., fons to the faid Thomas ; Alexander Blair, Tutour of Balmyill ; Thomas, fon to Alexander Blair, younger of Batheok ; ■William Kymmond of Hill, Thomas Frifell of Kynnell, Williame Haldene of Kelour, John Moncur of Chapeltoun, James Monorgane, apperaud of that Ilk, and forty-one others, found Gilbert IMonorgan of that Ilk, and John Kynnard of Incheilure, fureties for thair entry on May 15, ' to vnderly Jjc law for pe crewell ' Wardlaw ? ° A leaf or broadside of half a sheet. ^ No farther traces of this and the following Cases occur, owing to the loss of an intervening scroll-book. * And therefore, as a Churchman, was alone liable to the jurisdiction of the Church Courts. 21 Mak. criminal trials. • 425 Slauchter of vmq'* Alexander Raa, burges of Perthe, and diuerfe v])eris crymes contenit in Ipe Letteris.' ?^amt^urfecii — * biimercnfuir <^laiisl)tei\ May 6. — William Fergusone and William Wrycht, both in Reftal- rig, were convicted by an Aflife ' of arte and parte of pe crewell and vnmercy- full Slauchter of vinq"' Jhone Borthwik in Reftalrig, at pe bak of his awin 5ard ])air, be way of Hamefucken, vpone aid ffeid, fett purpois, provifione, and foir- thoicht fellonye, vpone pe xx day of Apryill laftbypaft.' Prelocutouris for }ie pannall, The Larde of Largo, elder; Mr Alex. Syme. Persewaris, My Lord Borthwick, Tlie Lard of Trabrone, Mr Dauid Borthuik of Adeftoune, The Lard of Hirdmeftone, George Newtone. Sentence. That thay ' falbe had to pe Caftell-hill of Ed^ and ])air Jjair HElDis ftrikine fra J)air bodeis with aNE swoed :' And ]3at all ])air gudis movable fall pertene and be inbrocht to our fouerane lady, as hir efcheatt. ^latisf)ter» May 9. —John Sibbett (Sibbald)- delaited for art and part of the cruel Slauchter of Archibald Ballingall in Bun3eoune, in September 1560, between Balquhard and Bun5eoune, in the fliire of Fife, befetting his way; committed on forethought felony. Persewaris, William Ballingall of that Ilk and David, brothers of vmq''^ Archibald. Prelocutouris for ]>e perfewaris, Prelocutouris for fe pannale, Mr William Scott, Mr Jhone Pitcarne, The Lard of Balgony, The Lard of Lundy, y, Walter Heriot of Ramornye. Mr Dauid M^gill, Mr Alex. Mauchane. The quhilk day bayth pe faidis parteis defyrit our fouerane ladeis ^Vritting to be infert in pe Bukis of Adiornall, and defyret pe autentik copy Jjairof. Regina, Justice Clerk and 50ur deputtis. We greitt 30U weill. Forfamekill as fe nynt day of Maiinixt to cum is aflignit to our louitt Jhone Sibbett, to vndirly our lawis in ]>e Tolbuyth of our burgh of Ed'', for arte and parte of )ie Slauchter of vmq'* Archibald Ballingall, brujier germane to Williame Ballingall of pat Ilk ; and for fummunding of ane Affyife agane ])e faid day, our vferis Letteris ar direct to fat effect. And feing Jie faid Jhone penitent, of will and mynd to mak fatisfactioune to Jie kin and freindis of)>e faid vmq''^ Archibald, according to his puffance and habilitie. Thairfoir it is our will, and We defire 50W to refaue ]>e faid Jhone in will at fe faid day, and to latt him to libertie and fredome, as our free liege man, to fe effect pat he may labour for him felff, and aggi'e with his partye.^ And fail5e not heirin, as ^e will anfuer to ws Jiairupone ; kepand fir prefentis for 30ur Warrand. Subscriuit with our hand. At Sanctandrois, ])e xiij day of Apryill, 1562. [MARIE R.] Mr William Scott of Balwery ' exponit, in name and behalff of pe faidis ' This is the first instance where the Editor has, in the earlier Records of this Court, met with the mention of a sword having been employed by the public executioner, by order of the Justiciar, for decapitation. It is by no means improbable that death had been inflicted on the murdered man by that instrument, and that the Judge, to make the punishment still more striking, had judicially ordered the self-same weapon to be used for their decapitation. ^ The name was at this period indiscrimi- nately spelt Sibbett and Sibbald. ' This case savours strongly of bribery of the Crown Officers. VOL. L f 3 H 426 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1563. perfewaris, ]?at William Ballingall of Jiat Ilk, Alefone Gowray, his rnoder, Daiiid B., broujjer of vmq'" Archibald B., nerreft kin and freindis of ])e faid vmq'* Archibald, wer infoi'mit J)at pe faid Jhone Sibbett had irapeti'at ane writting of ))E Quenis grace, producit be him, ordaning ])e Juftice, Juftice Clerk, and his deputis, to refave fie faid Jhone in hir grace will, vpone fmifter informa- tioim ; and that becaus, as he allegit, ]5e laid Jhone, be him felff, his kin and freindis, had focht to haif fatisfeit ]>e pairtye for ])e faid llauchter, at ])e vtter- moft of ])air power, and pa\ on nawyis will accept J)e famyn ; albeit ]>e faid Wil- liam and freindis wes ay reddy, lyik as ]>ai ar 5it prowin prefentlie to haue haid commonyng and acceptit gud wyis, at pe licht of freindis, for Tpe faid Slauchter ; thairfoir proteftis for remeid of law aganis J)e faid Writting, as impetrat vpone fals narratioun. — To pe quhilk anfuerit Mr Dauid M^gill, as prelociitour for fie faid Jhone Sibbett, fiat nochtwithftanding ony Writting fiat he had impetrat be our fouei'ane (lady), he acceptis fie offir of fie partye, and is content at fie fycht of freindis, to do fie vtternioift of his jiower for Alfythment' of pairtye. — Allegis Jhone Sibbett, fiat nochtwithftanding his innocence of fie aid ffeid^ contenit in his accufatioun, hoipand furelie fiE Quenis grace to try his innocence fiairof, he fimpliciter cumis in will for fie Slauchter committit vpone aid ffeid and foirthocht felony ; and vnder proteftation for ciuile defenffis aganis fie pairtye.' He was accordingly received in ^Vill, and found Robert Lundy of Balgony, Mr William Lundy, fiar of that Ilk, and Dauid Sibbett of Lethome, to fatisfy the parties. iHurUcf of Xi)t SLaiitJ of jTrtiUt. May 11 Patrik Hunter, John Hunter, Burgefs of Edinburgh, John Burn, in Over Poffo, George Paterfone, in Hairftane, and William Glen, fervant to the Laird (of Furde), were Acquitted of art and part of the cruel ' Murther and Slauchter of vmq''' James Twedy of Frude, in fie houfe of William Tuedy, burgefs of Edinburghe, in J)e moneth of December laft by paft ; committit vpoune aid ffeid,' &c. Prelocutouris for ]ie pannale, Mr Jlione Mofcrop, The Lard of Carniichaell, The Lard of Culternianis, My Lord Secnpill, Jhone Haye. Persewaris, James Twedy of Frude, W" Twedy, The Laird of Tracquhair, The Lard of Coilftoune. Mr Charles Geddese, Robert Fockhert, and William Blaklaw, were denounced rebels and put to the home, and Sir John Maxwell of Terriglis, ku', their furety, was amerciated for their non-appearance to imderly the law for the fame crime, which is ftated to have been committed within James Twedy's chamber or hall, within the burgh of Edinburgh, the Laird being feated at the time in a chair before the fire, fleeping ; and that his Murderers attacked him ' A composition made with the kin of a slaughtered person as a solatium for the loss of the life of their deceased relation. ' Old feud. 21 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 427 in that defencelefs ftate, and mortally wounded him before he could raife liim- felf up, or parry their blows. Caluncj; C|)eft-6oot — gflloiMins a CTjief to tscapr , May 13. — Alexander Maxwell of Teling found Sir William Bruce of Erlifliall, kn', furety for his entry on Jun. 28, to underly the law ' for taking of Thift-bute and Compofitioune fra Andro Cufiiye, ane Theif ; and latting of him to libertie.' [The Scroll Court-book, from May 13, 1562, to May 17, 1563, has been lost. The succeeding Volume, which is a small quarto, is marked ' Aucht Buik,' and extends from May 17, 1563, to May 17, 1564.] CeUfiratintr t\)t iHass— attempting to restore i^operi? at Sirft- ^siualU, ittai)faole, ^aislen, ^c. — Conboration, Set. May 19, 1563. — John Archiebischop of Sanctandrois,' and forty- feven others, charged for the crimes after fpecified, viz. — Roll or List of the rest of the jiersons on pannel. Maifter Jhone M^quhyne, elder, Schir Jhone Coluile, Vicar of Jhone Gordone of Barfteocht, Cathcart, Schir Thomas Montgomery, Maifter Mathow Flemyng, Schir William Tail5efeir, Schir Dauid Fergufone, Curat of Schir James Carfane, Neilftone, Dauid Kennedy, bru])er to William Maifter Jhone M''quhene,30unger, Robert Galbrayth of Garfcaddene, Kennedy of Brunftone, Maifter Andro Dauidfone, Dene Willeam Lepar, Freir James Jhoneftone: Alexander Somervell, Schir Jhone Hammiltone, Vicar Henry Houftone, of Paflay, Schir Jhone Craig, Schir Jhone Home, Schir Jhone Elder, Schir Jhone Vere, Schir Jhone Broune, Schir Jhone Dunlop, Dene Dauid Brenche,^ Schir Thomas Robefone, Schir Jhone Lytil, Schir William Harbertfone, Schir Robert Hill, Sir Andro Burell, Archibald Mure, Maifter Jhone Hammiltone, Sub- chantour of Glafgow, Patrik Jakfoun, in Renfrew, Schir William Win3ett, Gabriell Maxvell of Staulie, Malcum, Prior of Quhithome, ' Hew Kennedy of Blairquhyn- Geo. Kennedy of Barclannochane, Willeam Hammiltone, Tutour of Cammifkeyth, Dauid Boyd, Jhone Lymbumer, Alexander Wodburne, Maifter Alexander Luramifdane, Dene Gilbert Kennedy, Dene Michaell Dewer, Schir Williame Allefone, Schir James Kennedy, nequhy, Maifter Robert Crychtone, Par- Schir Thomas Mure, fone of Sanchar, ' The Assyise Fylis and conuictis the faidis Hew Kennedy of Blair- ' John Hamilton, natural son of James,^M< Earl of Arran, well known as the author of a Catechism printed at Saint Andrews, 1552. After the battle of Langside, from which he vainly attempted to dissuade the Queen, he fled to Dumbarton Castle. He afterwards fell into the Regent Moray's hands, on the Castle being surprised and taken, and was hanged, at Stirling, Apr. 1, 1570. ^ He is afterwards called Brance. 428 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1563. quhynnye, Malcum, Commendater of Quhithorne, Dauid Kennedy, S"^ Thomas Montgomery, and S' William Tail3efeir, off pe controuentioune of our fouerane ladeis Act and Proclaniationne, chargeing all hir leigis, J)at euery ane of ])aira fuld contene ])aim felffis in quietnes, keip peax and ciuile focietie amangis J)anie felffis, and }iat nane of J)ame tak vpone hand, priuatlie nor opinlie, to mak ony alteratioun or innouation of JiE Stait or Religione,' or attempt ony thing aganis pe forme quhilk hir grace fand publictlie and vniuerfallie Handing at hir arrywell within ]iis i-ealme : That is to say, pe laid Hew Kemiedij and Daukl Kennedy, be making of Conuocatioun of our fouerane ladeis liegis, to Jje nowmer of twa hundreth perfonis, bodin in feir of weir, with jakkis, fperis, gunnis, and vjjeris wapnis inuafiue, of paiv caufing, command, fortefeing, and ratihabitioun, vpone pe audit, tent, and ellevint dayis of Apryill laftbypaft, cumand to pe I'AiiROCHE KiiiK OF Kirkosuell and College of Mayboill, refpevtiiie, and Jjair opinlie maid Alteratioun and Innouatioun of ))e faid Stait of Religione quhilk our fouerane lady fand proclamit, and uniueriallie flanding and profeffit at hir arryvel within |jis realme, minillrand and abufand on J)air pretendit maner, irreverentlie and indecentlie, J^ii Sacramentis OF Haly Kn!K, namelie, pe Sacramentis of |)e Body and blood of our Loi"d Jefus Chrift, vj)er wyis and eftir ane vpev maner, nor pe publict and generall ordour of J)is realme : And pe faid Malcum Commendatour of QuhitJio?'ne, Schir T/iotnas Montgomery, and Schlr WiUiam TaUyfe'ir, miniftrand and abufand, on ])air pretendit maner, irreuei-entlie and indecentlie, in pe moneth of Apryill foirfaid, in }je Place of Coxgiltoun, the Sacramentis of Haly Kirk of pe Body and blood of our Lord Jefus, vj)erwyis and in ane vjjer maner nor pe publict and generall ordour of p\?> realme, refafit and profeffit at our fouerane ladeis arryvell, contenit in pe faid Proclamatioune : And pdX in refpect of Jjair Confeffioun of pe famyn in jugement. Sentence. — Thairfoir pe faidis Malcum Priour of Quhithorne, S' Thomas Montgomery, and S' William Tail5efeir, were adiugit to be put in Ward within pe Castell of DuJiBARTANE.^ And pe faidis Hew Kennedy and Dauid Ken- nedy to be put in Ward within pe Castell of Edinburgh, thair to remain during pe will and plefour of our fouerane lady. ASSISA. Jhone Maxwell of Teriiglis, kii'. The ScherifF of Air, The Lard of Rowallane, Andro Lord Stewarte of Vchiltiy, The Laid of Cunynghanieheid, Hew Cunynghame of Watterfloun, The Lard of Lochinvar, Hew Wallace of Carnell, James Chalmer of Gaitgirth, The Lard of Glengarnok, Tlie Lard of Crawfurdland, Jhone Dumbar of Miclirvine, ' The Lard of Caprintouii, jouiiger, MrJo.FullertoneofDreghorne, Gawane Dumbar of Baldtone. ' See Oct. ), 1563, &c. ' ' My Lord Flemyng graiitis the resset of the Priour,' &c., ' to be enterit in Ward withiu the Castell of Dumbertane,' ' It is believed this was the Laird of Mochrum. 21 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 429 The fame day, Jhone Akchiebischop of Sanctandrois/ Maifter Jhone M^quliyne, elder, Maifter Andro Dauidlbne, Dene Willeam Lepar, Frier James Jhoneftoun, Alexander Somervell, Mr Jhone M^quhyne, 5ounger, Schir Jhone Hammiltone, Curat of Paflay, Schir Jhone Craig, Schir Jhone Elder, Schir Jhone Vry, Schir Jhone Broune, Schir Jhone Dunlop, Dene Dauid Brance, become in Will to om- fouerane lady, for Conuocation of hir hienis liegis in pe moneth of Apryill laftbypaft, in ])E TOUNE of Paslay, Kirk, Kirk-3ard, and Abbay Place J)airof, openlie, publiclie, and plainlie tuke auricular Confeffioun of pe faidis per- fonis in pe faidis Kirk, Toune, Kirk-5aird, Chalmeris, barnis, middingis, and killogeis^ })airof; and Jjairthrow makand Alteratioiin and Innouatioun in J)E stait of Religion, quhilk our fouerane lady faud publictlie ftanding and profeffit at hir Maiefties arryvell within ])is realme foirfaid, miniftrand and abufand, irreverentlie and indecentlie, pe Saci'amentis of Haly Kirk, namlie, pe Sacramentis of pe Body and blood of our Lord Jefus, vjjerwyis and efter ane vpev ordour nor pe publict and genei'all ordour of })is realme wes pe tyme of pE QUENis Maiefteis ai'ryvel foirfaid. Interlocutor. And fairfoir, Jie faidis perfonis fand fouirtie fat )>ai fuld entir in ])e Wardis efter fpecifiit, ]iair to remans during our fouerane ladeis plefour : That is to fay, jie faid Archiebijbhop of Sanctandrois, witliin fE Castell of Edinburghe ; the faid Alexander Sotnervell, within fE Toune of Perthe ; fe laid 3Ir Jhone M'quhyne, elder, within |ie Toune of Sanctandrois ; the taid Freir James J7ione/lou7i and Mr Andro Daiiidjbun, within ])E Toune of Edinburghe; ]ie faid Curat of Pajlay, within ]ie Toune of Sanctandrois : And Jie remanent perfones foirfaidia, dis- CHARGIT of our fouerane ladeis grace, in refpect fai fand fouirtie J)ai fuld not in ony tyme cuming controuene )>e faid Act, The faid 3Ir Jhone 31'^qiiheue, '^ouuger, become in our fouerane ladeis Will, for controuenyng of pe laid Act and Proclamatioun, in miniftring of pe Sacra- ment of pe Lordis fupper in pe Place and parochin of Rosdew, in ])E Place OF Paslay, pe tymes foirfaidis refpectiue, efter our foueranis arryvell foir- faid. — The faid Thomas alias Schir Thomas Rohefone in Will to our foue- rane lady, for controvenyng of pe act and Proclamatioune in Patrick Jackfonis houfe, in Reinfreav, and in pe Place of Garscaduaxe, in pe Levenax, pe ' In a Caution book, which fortunately has been preserved, the following entry is recorded : ' Apud Edinhurcjh, xxvf Jidij, anno, S)-c. Ixiij". The quhilk day, IVilUame Simpill of Thridparte, and Michaell Nafmi/th of Poffb, became plegis and fouerteis, coniunctlie and feuerallie, for ane maifl reuerend fader in God, Jhone Archiebischop of Sanct Androis, now being in our fouerane ladeis Ward within the Castell of Ed", for his becumin in hir Will to hir Juilice, for his contro- uenyng of hir Adiornale and Proclamation vnder writtin, as at niair lenth is contenit in ))e Actes of Adiornale maid ]iairupone, Tiiat he fall nocht controuene the Ordinance and Proclamatione maid be hir grace anent ]ie Ueligione quhilk hir Maieftie fand publiclie and vniuerfalie ftanding at hir arry- vall within pis realme furtli of Jie partis of France : And on na wyis publiclie nor privatlie mak inno- uatione or alteratione pairof, or attempt ony thing aganis |>e faniin, vnder fe pane of Thre Thowfand pundis. (SicJiiJj/crihifm-) William Sympyll of Tlnidpart, Michaell Nasmyxh of Poflb,' ' Kilns for drying grain and raalt. 430 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1563. tyme foirfaid, in rniniftring of ])e faid Sacrament, &c. — The faid Schir Jhone Lytill, in Will for ]>e cryme foirfaid, done be him ])e moneth aboue writtin, in his awin chalmer, in ))E Place of Halket, and in Jje faid Patrik Jak- fonis hous in Renfrew. — The faid ScJiir William Harhertfone, in Will for })e cryme aboue writtin, committed be him J)e tynie foirfaid, in ])e houfe of James Grahame in Glasgw. — The faid Mr Willeam Wyn-i^ett, in Will for ]>& forfaid cryme, done be him in ]>e hous of Dauid Lyndfay in Glasgw, ]3e tyme aboue writtin ; and Jjairfor in W^ard in Jje Toune of Sanctandrois. — The faid Schir Robert Hill, in Will for ])e cryme foirfaid, done be him in Jse houfe of Jhone M'knair in Provane, Jie tyme foii-faid. — The faid Schir Jhone Col- uill, in Will for \>e cryme foirfaid, committed be him ]5e tj'me aboue writtin, within \)e parroche Kirk of Cathcart. — The faid 3Ir 3Iatho Flemyng, in Will for the famyn ciyme, committit be him ])e tyme and maner foirfaid, within pe toune of Ruglene.' — The faid Schir Dauid Fergufoue, in Will for \)e famyn cryme, committit be him within pe Parroche Kirk of Neilstone, Jje foii-faid tyme. — The faidis Bobcrt Galhraijth of Garfcaddene, Henry Houf- toiin Schir Andro Burrell, Archibald Mure, Mr Jhone Hammiltoune, Sub- chantour of Glafgw, Patrik Jacltjhun in Renfrew, Gahriell Maxwell of Stanelie, in Will for J)e cryme foirfaid ; and Jjairfoir Jje faid Henry Houftoun wes put in Ward in ])e toune of KiNGHORNE, ]>e faid Lard of Stanelie in J)e toune of Cow- PER, ])Q faid Subchantour in Sanctandrois, and all ^e i-emant remittit. — The faid Mr Robert Crychtone, pai-foue of Sanchar, in Will for J)e cryme foir- faid, committit be him in ])e Parroche Kirk of Sanchar, ]je tyme foirfaid ; and ))airfoir in Ward in ]>& burghe of Perth The laidis Jhone Gordon of Bar- Ikeocht, and Schir Jamea Ca?fine, in Will for ])e famyn cryme, committit Jje tyme and maner foirfaid, in })E Place of Barskeocht ; and Jiairfoir ]>e faid Jhone in Ward in Brechin. — The faid George Kennedy of Blarquhynnochy, in Will for ])e foiriaid cryme, committit in his awin Place, be Dene Adame Maxvell ; and remittit be our fouerane lady. — The faid Willeam Hammil- tone. Tutor of Cammifkeyth, Ma'ijler Mathoiv Nefbit, Dauid Royd, Jhone Lymburner, Alexander Wodburnc, in Will for })e famyn cryme, committit in maner and tyme foirfaidis, in ]je Place of Cammiskeyth ; and pairfoir ]je faid Willeam in Ward in Montroise. — The faid Schir Alexander Lumniifdail, in Will for Jje famyn cryme, and reimittit — Dene Gilbert Kennedy, Dene Micliell Dewer, Schir Willeam Allefone, Schir James Kennedy, Schir Thomas Mure, remittit of J)e faidis crymes be our fouerane lady. ?l?urtin0 tijt ilaiiU of CTlosfftunir — ^lau0ljter. May 19. — John Carrutheris of Hei,mondis (Holmaines), George ' Rutherglen. 21 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 431 and William his fons, Edward Irrewine of Bonfchaw, Dauid Irrewine of Rob- gill,' William Bell of Alby, Gavane Jhoneftoiie of Perifbehall, Symone his fon, William Jhoneftone of Hayhills, and others, their accomplices, delaited of the ' Hurting of the Laird of Ciofeburne (Roger Kirkpatrick), and crewell Slauchter of J)e remanent perfones foirfaidis,' viz. vmq'" John Kilpatrik in Rig, Edward his bi'other, John K. in Schelgeir, Peter M'kene in Lynkelandis, John Roger in Bartilmefland, Dauid Anderfon in CofTodole, and Andro M'knek in Clofburne- toune. — Sir James Hammiltone of Bairfurd, kn', amerciated for not ' again- bringing' the Letters duly executed, &c. May 23. — Patrick Robertsone of Dulcabane, ' delatit of pe Slauchter of vmq'^ Alex' Reid, tuke him to his RemilRone, and fand James Campbell of Ardkindlas, with him felff, fouerties, conjunctlie and feueralie, for aflythment of jiartye, as law will.' #j)})i*tssioit— CastiiTs Uotoit Igouses, $r(» — l^ousl^injj Cattit, &f. Jun. 3. — Hary Hepburxe, and Eighty-feven others, ' cietineris of Brechine,' found caution to underly the law at the next Juftice-aire of Forfai", ' for J)e allegit Conuocatioun of our fouerane ladeis liegis, to pe nomer of iij"^ perfonis, or Jjairby, bodin in feir of weir, vpone pe xvj day of Marche laft by- paft, command to pe dwelling houffis of Johne, Hew, and Alexander Downy, tennentis and feruandes to Robert Cullefe of Bannamvne (Balnamoon), dwell- and within Jje barony of J)e famyn, and ferchit and focht J)ame for pair Slauchteris, and crewelly ftrak and dang ))ame, with rungis ^ and Stalffis, mony blaw ^ and bloody flrekis ; and })aireftir keift ^ )?air houffis doune, cuttit and diftroyit Jjair plewis ^ and harrowis, and fchamefullie hocht '' and flew ]jair gudis ' and fcheip, to gret quantitie. dTfutj l)ttb)eeit tl)t €itntns at maijin anlj tenants of JSalnamooit. Robert Cullese of Balnamvne, John Smyth, and fixty-two others, ' tennentis and feruandis to pe faid Lard,' found John of Erfldne of Dvnne furety for their entry at the next Aire of Forfar, to underly the law ' for pe Conuoca- tioune of our fouerane ladies liegis, to Jje noumer of ane hundreth perfones, or Jjairby, bodin in feir of weir, vpone pe xvj day of March laft bypaft, vnder fylence of nycht, cumand to pe Burrow-Rudis of j^e cietie of Brechine, and ferchit ' Celebrated of late years as the farm of the Poet Robert Sums. ^ Bludgeons, cudgells ; rung generally denotes a huge shapeless stick, such as an undressed branch, &c. ' Blue, discoloured. ■* Cast. ^ Ploughs. '■ Houghed, hamstrung. " Live-stock ; cattle. This species of vindictive malice was but too common in these times of lawless violence. Many similar instances may be found in this Collection ; but, unfortunately, they are too numerous to need special reference in this place. The retaliation will be seen in the next Case. 432 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1563. and focht certane Inliabitantis Jjairof for pair Slauchteris, and deftroyit pe turvis' beand vpoun the faid Muir.' jTorgn'i) ? — * dTalsins* an 3>nstrtnnnit ? Jun. 26. — ' ScHiR CoNSTENE Miller (Notar publict ?) his right HAND wes adiugit to be llrikine fra his body, at fie Mercate-croce of Edin- burghe, vpone ane fcafTold, at ane ftowp :^ And he to be Banist Jjis realme perpetualie ; and neuir to returne within Jje faniyn agane, vnder pe pane of deid.^ mitc])cvntt* Agnes Mullikine, afias Bessie Boswell, in Dunfermeling, wes Banist and exilit for Wichecraft.^ |gor0e--sttalin5 — <^uitj(n0 afnglis^ Cljicbrs, ^r. Jun. 30. — Lyell Hall Convicted by an Affife ' off arte and parte of ]je thiftiious Steling and conceiling fra Alexander Loi'd Home, furth of his landis of Gordoune, in pe nioneth of July, the 3eir of God I^V'lvij 5eris, of four horfis : Item, of pe thiftuus Steling fra Thomas Cranftone, bruthir fone to pe Gude- manne of Thirflane-manis, in pe moneth of Auguft, pe ^e\r of God forfaid, of ane gray horfe, price xl merkis : Iteini, of Commone Thift, commone Reffett of Thift, outputting and inbringing betuix cuntre and cuntrt^ commone gyde to Inglis Thevis.' — Sentence. To be ' Hangit on pe Borrow-muir of Edin- burghe quhill he wer deid.' ASSISA. Jhone Home of Coldinknois, kn', Andro Ker of Fawdonfyid, Harrie Dauidfone of Camis, Aiidro Home of Nynewellis, Jhone Hoppringill of Muirhoufe, Thomas Hunter of Halkburne, Ralff Halyburtoun of Muirtoun, Jhone Home of CaiTslfyid, James Carnecorfe of Allanefchaw.^ * Samliescttiiirr tijt sattt* — ^tirtins mm miomxnins. Jul. 6. — Patrick Eviot of Balhoussye, John Rois of Cragye, James his brother, John Cargill, William Morelbne, and William Rofs, found caution (' My Lord Ruthvene') to underly the law at the next Aire of Perth, for ' arte and parte of pe Vmbeletting of pe gaitt to Andro Ramfay, burges of Perthe, and Hurting and Wounding of him in diuerle partis of his body.' * Bmlifsrtttiirr tfje ffaif in mi't% ^c. Andro Ramesay, burgefs of Perth, and fourteen others, found caution ' Tnrfs, or peats, in the process of dryinj; or winning. " Block. ' 'V\\q nature of liis crime is not specified ; but, from tlie measure of liis punishment, it is likely to liave been the Forgery of a Notarial Instrument or other Writing. See Feb. 5, laGS-i. ■■ Tins is the earliest existing Case, in the Records of tlie High Court, of this nature ; and it is almost the oidy instance of so mild a sentence liaving been pronounced. !bee the Appendix. ^ The rest are burgesses of Edinburgh, Sic. 21 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 433 (Lord Ruthvene) for their entry at the next Aire of Perth, to underly the law for ' Vmbefetting of the gait to James Rofs, bro])er to pe Lard of Cragy, within })e burgh of Perth, and Invalioun of him for his Slauchter, in pe moneth of Januar laftbypaft.' — ' Mr Clement Lytill, prelociitour for James Rofs, and pe reft of his coUegis vpoune pe pannell, aflcit inftrumentis, jjat Andro Ramefay, burges of Perthe, grantit he wes put to pe home, and allegit he wes relaxit Jjairfra, and feliew na thing Jjairupone : And pe faid Mr Clement allegit, ])at he fuld not haif place to perfew, quhill he fchew pe famyn.' — Interlocutor. The Juftice ordanis pe faid Andro and pe reft contenit in pe Letteris of Horn- yng, quhilkis ar put to pe home, to remane in Warde quhill ])ai fchaw ])air Relaxatioun. ^lausljter. Jul. 7. — James Wod of Bonyngtoune, William his brother, and Alexander Guthrie, MelTenger, found Lord Ruthvene cautioner for their entry at the next Aire of Forfar, to underly the law for ' ai'te and parte of pe Slauch- ter of vmq^^ Mr Hew Guthrie, vnder pe Caftell-wall of Brechin, in pe moneth of Februar 1548 5eiris ; vpone aid ffeid, fett purpoife, provifione, and foirthocht felony. Crifteane Rettray,' and William Tyrie, ' now hir fpous,' purfuers, ' paffis fra pe perfute of pe Larde at Jms tyme ; quhairupone pe Lard tuk inftru- mentis.' — The faid William Wod ' alkit inftrumentis pat he requirit pe Lard, his bi'uder, to rede pe fpeciall Remiffione grantit to him and pe faid Willeam and vj^eris for pe faid Slauchter, to j^e effect Jjat he mycht vfe pe famyn. The faid Lard ' anluerit ]3at he had already producit ane Remiffione fufficient for pe faid Willeam for pe faid cryme.' — Mr John Hepburne in Brechin and John Low became fureties along with the faid William for Aflythment of i^arty. Conboratioit — ?i?ouci]^iit 3 aixti slaving: (Cattle. Jul. 14. — ^VILLIA1M Cranstone of that Ilk, James his brother, and George Wodderat, in Lawder, found caution^ to underly the law at the next Aire of Selkirk, for ' arte and parte of pe cuming to pe fteding of Williamiflioip, pertenyng to Alexander Hoppringill of Craiglethe, and ferchit and focht him for his flauchter ; and crewelly hocht' and flew thre noltt.^ J^antrsudint — .ii?ouii]^in0 mxti slanins Cattle. Alexander HorrRiNGiLL of Newhall, George his brother, and George his fon, found furety^ to underly the law at the next Aire of Selkii-k, ' Probably widow of the deceased. ^ The Laird of Hundelie (Rutherford), William Scott of Tufchelaw, and Walter Scott, ' apperand' of Tufchelaw. ^ Hamstrung. ■• Cattle. * John Hoppringill of TuUeknowis (Trinlieknowis ?) and George Hoppringill of that Ilk. VOL. 1. t 3 I 434 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1563. for ' Conuocatioune of our fouerane ladeis liegis, in ]>e moneth of July 1 556 jeris, cumaiid to jje fteding of Hawtherne, pertening to William Cranftone of ])at Ilk, in heretage, and be way of Hamefuckin, lioclit, flew, and deftroyit xl ky." ^tcuti) anlr Mtstt o( J'toutf) — 3acsetUus CFnti:Iis]^mat, ^r. Jul. 20. — WiLLiAsi Scott of Tuschelaw and his accomplices, ha- ving been accufed by the Queen's Advocate of ' Stowthe and RelTett of Stowthe,' Robert Eliot of Bellelie was amerciated for not ' again-bringing' the Letters duly executed and indorfed. — And the Laird of Tufchelaw was likewife amerciated for not again-bringing the Letters, &c. purchafed by the Queen's Advocate againft Robert Scott of Horslehill, ' to vnderly ]>e law for pe Reletting of Inglifmenne, and Thiftuus Steling of certane Oxin.' MntiUtmu Jul. 21. — Alexander Hoppringill of Craiglethe, and George, his fon, found Alex. H. of Tulleknowis" furety for their entry at the next Aire of Selkirk, to underly the law for the ' Mutilatione of Jlione Scott of his rycht arme.' ^n 1l?firrss fintiQ Caution not to M^invi * ane d)tit ^ratour, or Uijtv troblun man of tljt cuntvt,* Sep. 13, (apud Ed".) — The following remarkable Bond is recorded in the Caution-book, (' Liber Plegiacionis,') which, fortunately, has been pre- served. ' The quhilk day, Thomas Borthik of Pryncado and Michael Bcrthik of Glengelt become j)lages and fouerteis, coniunctlie and feueralie, for Marione Carutheris, ane of pe twa heretrices of Mowswald, that Icho fall not marie ane cheif Teatour nor v])er brokkin man of J)e cuntre, nor joyne hir felf vith ony fie perfone, vnder \q pane of ane Thoufand pundis. In witnefs heirof ])e faidis fouerteis lies lubfcriuit })is Act with jiair handis, day, 3eir, and place foirfaidis. {Sic fithfcnhtlur) Mychell Borthuik of Glengylt. Thomas Borthuik of Pryncado.' Caniifnn ipistclrts, <^'f. — Cinnult at KlJoIni'JO^Oouse, Oct. 1. — Andrew Armestrang and George Rynd, burgelles of Edin- burgh, found furety to underly the law, on Oct. 24 inflant, for art and part of breaking the Queen's Acts and Proclamations, in carrying I'undry ' Pifto- ' Kine, cows. Tliis barbarous act seems to have been in more tlian tenfold retaliation for the act contained in the former Trial. * Afterwards styled ' Trinlingknowis.' 21 Mar. criminal TRIALS. » 435 lettis' within the burghs of Edinburgh and Canongate : And for Convocation of the lieges, at the Palace of Holy-Rood, and invading fundry of the Queen's domeftic fervants therein ; and for other crimes ftated in their Dittay. — (Oct. 24.) Continued to Nov. 13. Patrick Cranftoun was alfo charged to compear the fame day. Cdefiiatdtfi; tlje iWlass Ijoitfjut tijc CijajJfl of ?&oIi)rootJ — 2tlafeinjj snumutt for ^Itei'UTS tlje JadicfioiT, $( r. Christian Fynekertoun, the fpous of James Roger, and twenty-one others, ' delatit for arte and parte of the cuming to pe Chapell of our foueran ladeis Palice of Halvrudehouse, vpoun the aucht day of Auguft, the 5eir of God aboue writtin, and J)air oppinlie making Alteratioune and Innovatioune of THE STAIT OF Religioun, quhilk our foueran lady fand publictlie and vni- uerfalye (landing and profeffit at hir arryving ; miniftrand and abufand, of jjair pretendit maner, irreuerentlie and indecentlye, the Sacrament of pe Body and blude of our Lord Jefus, v|)ir\vayis and eftir ane vjiir maner nor the publict generale ordour of our foueran ladeis realme ;' like as, J)ai haif violat and tranf- greffit pe commandement of pe faid Proclamatioun, publictlie, daylie, and con- tinewalie, eftir J^air inordinat appetyte and plefour : And fwa, becumyng com- moune manifeft tranfgreflburis, violatouris, and brekaris of our fouerane'Iadeis Proclamationis, and as feditious perfones, raferis of Tumult and publict Vproir aganis the commoun peax and quietnes of the realme : And fwa, aucht to be adiugit and pvnefit to the deid with all rigour.' — Continued to Nov. 13. The names of the rest of the pannels may perhaps be considered interesting, though persons moving in the lower ranks of society. Johne Aldinftoun, Katherine Bryife, Jonet Ramfay, fe relict of Hec- Harie 3oung, baxter, Helene Johneftoun, tour Blacater, Thomas Clerkfoun, Adame Alane, merchand, Iflobell Currour, Dauid Logan, baxter, Beflie Hill, George Smytb, faidlar, William Gilcreiltoun, Agnes Aytoun, Johne Clerkfoun, baxter, Andro Kennedy, merchand, Beffie Tod, Johne Paterfoun, kaife-maker. William Brocas, fmyth, Henrye Ker, Walter Scot, Margaret Galloway, Mr John Mofcrope became furety for the entry of Cuthhert ISlurrmj, ' now being at pe faill,^ befoir pe Juftice or his deputtis, vpoune xv dayis warnyng eftir his hame-cuming.' Archibald Treinclie, Jonet Chalmer, his fpoufe, and John Broune, merchant, were denounced rebels, &c. and their cautioners unlawed.* ■ See May 19, 1563. ' On a sea-voyage. ^ No farther notice of this Case occurs. After Nov. 8, a blank of nineteen pages is left in the book, apparently for the purpose of entering proceed- ings between that date and Jan. 8 following, which had probably been noted in another Memorandum book, or by another Clerk on loose sheets of paper now lost. 436 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1563. Commentiator of l^tiujtnituis Uctti from 2UarU, Oct. 3 Gawane Commendator of Kilwynning prefentit the Quenis Maiefteis writting, and defyrit the famyn to be regiftrat in the bukis of Adjornale ; oft^ the quhilk the tennoui- foUowis. Regina, We, for certane cauffis moving ws, grantis and gevis Licence to Gawane Commendater of Kiln'j'nning to departe out of the Toun of Stiiuiling and certane fpaces Jiairabout, quhaiiin he is now piefentlie Wardit at our command, and to pas and do his leful befinefs quhair he plefis, within ])is our realme : And willis and grantis that he nor his fouerteis fall incur na danger pairthrow, nor to be callit nor accufit ]iairfoir ; and to ])at effect willis and comraandis ]ie Juflice Clerk, or vjieris refa- veris of ]e greit effuffion of his blude ; and mvtilat and maid him impotent of his faid rycht leg ; and left him lyand for deid : And als, crewalje Hurt and Woundit pe faid Dauid Murray in his heid and diuerfe vfieris pairtis of his body, to pe greit effuffion of his blude ; and Mutilat and demembrit him of his left arme.' — Jabies and Archibald Mow- bray, brothers of John M. of Barnebowgall, Robert and James Bertane, brothers, and Patrick Thomfoun, fon of Thomas T., burgefs of Edinburgh, Richard Thomefoun, fon of Edward T., baker there, and Thomas Henderfoune, ' 3I(iiJh'rqfthe Fenfe-J'cide^ were denounced rebels, &c., and all their moveables efcheated, for art and part of the laid crime, and their cautioners unlawed for their not entering to underly the law, &c. ' Jul. 16, 1577, John Durie, ' Minifter of Chriflis Evangell, fumtyme ane of )ie Conventual! Brethir' of the Abbacy of Dunfermling, and Josua his son, got a pension of L.66, 13s. 4d. for their lives, ill lieu of liis ' ltaheit-Jihiei\ ane faid Letteris, vnto pe tyme pe faid deforcement were firft ciuile dilcuffit ; be refone ])at, of pe daylie practik of t)is realme, all deforcementes befoi'e pai be Criminalie perlewit ar decj'dit befor pe Ciuill Juge. To pe quhilk anfuerit pe perfevvaris, and oure fouerane ladiis Advocattis, layand, pat pe faid deforcement aucht to be decydit befoir pe Juflice, in refpect of pe libell, conforme to pe Letteris, without ony decifione Jjairof befoir ony Ciuile Juge ; be refone ]5at pe faid deforcement is libellit to be committit with Conuocatioune of our fouerane ladeis liegis, with foirthocht felony and Oppreflione, all concurrand. — Quhairupone ather of pe liaii'teis defyrit Interlocutour, htnc iude. The Justice Depute, with avyife of fe AflyfTouris ' continewit the furth-geving of pe Interlocu- tour quliill Monunday nixt to cum : And decernit to proceid vpone ])e remanent crimis contenit in ])e faidis Letteris. Item, J^e prelocutouris for pe pannale and defendouris allegit J^at na proces may be led agains jjame for pe allegit taking and prifoning of Jhone Jhoneftone, becaus na wrang wes done to him Jjairby, be refone he wes not, pe tyme of his allegit taking and prifonyng, oure fouerane ladiis fre liege manne ; but wes pan, and be pe fpace of . . . jeris of-befoir, continewalie, and pan inftantlie, our fouerane ladiis Rebell and at hir home, denuncit and put pairto be vertew of hir Letteris in default of finding of lauborrowis that ' falbe hanneles and flvaythles of him, vnder certane panis contenit pairin : And, for verefeing pairof, producit pe faidis Letteris indorfate, in Jugement ; and allegit, pat pai niycht lefully half takin and prefonit him as our fouerane ladiis rebell, and vfit and handlit liim niair extremelie, gyff pai plefit. To the quhilk it was anfuerit be pe perfewaris and our fouerane ladeis Aduocattis, that pai on na wyis affirmand pe execution of pe faid Hornying to be of veretie, allegit, pat pe faid Jhone Jhoneftone, pe tyme pairof, wes minor and of lefs-aige, nocht doli capax, and thairthrow pe executioun pairof mycht not extend to preiuge him in pe ' Assessors. These were Lords of the Privy Council, &c. Their names are seldom given in the Books of AdjournaL as it is believed they took tiie duty by turns daily. ' Left blank. 22 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 439 perfute of })is action ; fpecialie, in confideratione pat be \>e fpace of aucht or ten 3eiris, oi* pairby, be wes repute and haldin our fouerane ladies fre liege, bauaud na pairty to perlew bim vpone pe laid Ilornying, and did and exercit all lefull actis, enter bim felfT in jugement and owtwitb without obiectione of jje faid proces of Hornying ; and J^airfoir, proces mycbt be led be pe Juftice depute aganis J^e faid pairty perfewit for taking and apprehending of bim conforme to pe tennour of pe faid Letteris. The Justice depute, witli avyife of ]ie Affeffouris, continewit ]te Interlocutour vpone Jie faid allegeance and anfuer quliili Monunday nixt to cum, Ordanis fouiite to be tane be fe pairty perfewit for Jiair entre to ]ie faid day to iieir Jie faidis Interlocutouris pronuncit. ' Jaimes Erle of Mohtoune, Lord of pe Regalitie of Dalkeytb, replegit pe faid James Jhonejloun of Wefiruw ' to bis Regality — and, with confent of parties, fixed the third day of the next Aire of Dalkeith. James Lord Somer- vell, furety, &c. The Laird of Carmecbaell unlawed for non-entry of Robert Twechj, bis fervant, and John Hunter in Brigtoun-dyik, who were each denounced rebels, &c. (Jan. 10.) The Laird of Carmicbael, bis fons, two fervants, and three others, came in Will ' for Conuocation of oure fouerane ladeis liegis, and Hurt- ing and Wounding, vpone fuddentie, of Mr Archibald Hammiltone, Vicar of Sanct Cuthbertis Kirk befyde Edinburgbe, and Jbone Wod of Sonnyfyid, to Jje effufione of J)air blood, vpon pe nynt day of November laft bypaft. — The Justice Ordained them ' to pafs and enter J)air perfonis in Ward, vpone {)e North fyid of })E Water of Spey, within xx dayis nixt eftir ]je dait beirof ; and pair remane in Ward during our fouerane ladiis Will. And liclyik, pe faid James Jlionejlone of Wefraiv, of his awin confent and fre Avill, oblill bim to enter in Ward within pe boundis foirfaidis, within pe fame fjiace,' &c. James Lord Somervell became furety for their entiy at the next Aire of Lanark, to underly the law for all the other crimes contained in the Lettei's. The Laird of Carmicbaell, &c. ' ar actit and oblill, of j)air awin confent, to remane and keip pe faid Ward ; and not to purcbafe our fouerane Ladiis Licence to returne furth of Jie famyn for pe fpace of jeir and day nixt to cum, witb(out) confent and avyife of my Lord Duke of Cbettelaralt had and obtenit Jjairupone,' &c. jTalst i^otan) — dTorfftng; an Sitstrumntt, ^f» Feb. 5. — Siu James Coavdene, Notar Publict, Convicted by an Affife ' as ane ITalfer, for pe flfals fforgeing, making, and ffein5eing of ane pretendit Inftrument, writtin and fubfcriuit be his band, and Aiidir bis figne-manuale, in fawouris and at pe inllance of Mailler NicoU Ruthirfurd : In refpect that the 440 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1563-4. faid Sir James confeffit, in Jugement, in prefence of the faid Juftice and AfTyife, Ipe making of the faid Inftrument, and J)at the famin wes ffen5eit and ffals ; and that he wes foliftit, tyiftit,' and perfwadit be pe faid Maifter Nicoll to do the famyn. Item, the faid Mr Nicoll Ruthirfurd' Convict be pe faid AfTyife of plaine and manifeft ffalfet, and as ane ffalfer, in arte and parte with pe faid Sir James in his fFalfett in making and frein3eing of the faid ffals Inflrument, throw his perfwafioune, foliflatioune, and tyifling of the faid Sir James to mak pe famyn in his fawonris : And Jjat, in refpect tliat he confeffit liis foliflatioune and tyifling foirfaid, and that he wes the diuyfare and inventare of the faid fFalfett.— Ordanit to pas in Ward within the Tolbuythe of Edinbur' quhill pe Juflice wer forthir awyfit vpoune )jair punifchement.' dTorsing: antr Slttei'htg dfalsr €oin, $(t. Thomas Peblis, Goldfmyth, fone to vmq"' Mr Jhone Peblis, burges of Edinburgh, Convict be deliuerance of pe Affyife foirlaid off arte and parte of pe trefonabill making, contirfuting, and fren5eing of pe Irnis^ vnder writtin of our fouerane ladiis cun5e/ that is to fay, Of pe prenting irnes of ane Testane, ane Halff-Testaxe, ane NoN sunt, and of ane Lyone callit ])E Hard- pi eid : And of pe trefonabill cun3eing, prenting, and flriking with pe faid Iruis off diuei-fe fals Teflonis, half Teflonis, Non funtis, and Lyones callit Hardheidis ; and Owtputting Jjairof, as for our fouerane ladiis trew CUN3E, amang hir liegis, difTauand Jiame J)air\vith ])is lang tyme bygane ; fpeciallie, in pe monethis of Augufl, September, October, November, December, and Januar laft bypafb. To JjE TAKIN," vpone jje nynt day of Januer lafl bypafl, eftir ])at pe faid Thomas had put owt certane of pe ffals Lyonis foirfaidis, callit Hardheidis, to ane pover woman, as for pe price of ane burding of coillis, fcho come to pe mercate of J)is burcht, pairwith to by' fic thingis as wes neceffar to hir ; quhair fcho wes ta}aitit^ with pe faidis ffals Lyonis : And pe faid Thomas being nemmit be hir to be hir warrand, and deliuerer of pe faid ffals con5e to hir, Dauid Symmer and vjjer Bailleis of pe burcht of Edinburcht come with hir to pe faid Thomas chalmer, within pe famyn, to ferche him for tryell of pe veretie ; quhair he held pe dur of his faid Chalmer cloife vpone him, and wald not fuffir J)ame to entir, quhiir Jjai brak vp pe dur ])airof vpone 50U (him), and entei'it perforce Jjairin ; and pe faid Thomas being inquirit, ' Gyff he had gevin pe faid pover woman pe faidis ' Enticed. ° He is styled in tlie forged Deed along with Margaret R., ' executouris to vmq'« Jonet llutlierfurd ;' and seems to have been a relative of George R. of Hondelye, in favour of whom the forged Deed was concocted, for the purpose of restoring to him, as heir at law of Jonet R., the lands of Woodhall, in the barony of Reidhall, and shire of Ediiiburgli. ' No farther notice is taken of these Cases in tlie Record. ^ The Irons or dies from which the Coins were struck. ^ Coin. " In token or proof whereof. " Buy, purchase. * Charged, accused, attainted, " Until. 22 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 441 Lyonis, be 'pe faidis Bailleis, for fie price of hir coillis ? Confeffit J)e fainyn : And his chaliner being ferchit, f>air wes diuerfe of ])e faidis irnis, alfweill fuukin and viifunkiii, togidder with pe faidis fFals Teftanis, Non funtis, and Hardheidis, fundin in pe famyn ; and confeffit to be gravin and maid be him and his collegia ; and als, pe faid Thomas had caffin diuerfe vj)eris of pe faidis Irnis and fals money pe tyme he held his chalraer, in his clofett ; lyik as he confeffit pe fame in prefens of pe Jnflice Clerk : And J)at in refpect of his Confeffione maid in Jugement, in prefens of pe faid Juftice Depute pe faid day. Sentence. — To be Hangit on ane geibet, at pe Mercate-croce of Edin- burgh, his heid to be ftrykin fra his body, and his body querterit ; and his HEID and memberis to be put and hungin on pe maift patent Portis of EdiNburghe. And })at all and findrye his gudis, movabill and vnmovabill, money, gold, filuer, merchandife, takkis, roumes, ftedingis, x'entellis of landis, reuerfionis, bandis, heretagis, annuelrentis, poffieffionis, and v]jeris his heretabill rychtis and lyferentis, fuld pertene to our fouerane lady, and be in hir handis, be refone of efcheatt, &c. ; and J^at he hes ffoirfalt pe famyn for euir. * Sluifitsetting: tijt sait* — ^Iautj:I)tei% Mar. 14. — Andreav Sinclare, alias Myllare, at the Mylne of Trot- toch, within the flierifdom of Forfar, was replegiated to the Regality of Kerye- muir' by Archibald Dowglas, baillie of Archibald Earl of Angufs, delatit of Jje Slauchter of vmq"^ Robert Smyth, at pie Myll of Trottoch, in Vmbefetting of his gait at pe Bitter-bui'ne, lyand betuix pe Toune of Dunde and pe faid mylne, in pe moneth of December laft bipaft ; and pair llraik and punfcheit pe faid vmq'^ Robert vndir his feit, and left him lyand for deid : Of the quhilkis ftraikis he neuer convaleffit, bot within ten dayis paireftir deceifit pairof ; and fwa wes crewaly flane be the faid Andro, vpoune auld fTeid and foirthocht fellonye.' Persewaris, JoLne Smytb, eldeft fone to vmq''= Robert ; Archibald Smyth, brother-fone. l^ArcMhald Earl of Ar gyle, Juflice-Genefal.'\ MMvUtv — Commtin Cijeft — 2ae»f tt — ^onuitt};. Mar. 15. — James M'Dormond, Johne M'Graffycht, and Malcum M'Clarene, Convicted by this Affife of ' Murthour, Comraoun Tliift, Reffiett, and Sorning.' ASSISA. \Vm. CwninghameofGlengarnok, Alex. Abircrumby of |iat Ilk, Robert Haldene, J, Bucquhennarie of Cainroune, Johne Murray of laichlaw, ' Alexander Drummond of Megoiir, JohnBucquhennane alias Walter- Walter Berclay of pat Ilk, Williame Drummond of Balloche, Ibune, James Mentyth, Dioneyfe Dog, The Lard of Drumquhaflill,^ Walter Bucquhennane of Drum- Andro C.,^ feruand to Drum- . . . Bucquhennane of Lany, nakill, quhaffill. ' Mar. 28 was assigned to administer justice, &c. ' ' Cwnnynghame.' ' Id. VOL. I. f 3 K 442 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1564. CoiniiXQ false * Jjalfttis * (3$aUjl)Cis)» Mar. 20. — IMaister, Duncan Fokbes of Monymusk, and Johne Forbes of Petfligo, his brother, found Tureties (Alex. Home of Manderftonne, and Johne Luniifdene of Blanerne) that they ' fall compeir befoir our fouerane and Lordis of Counfale, vpoune xv dayis warnyng, as thay be chargeit thairto, to fe forther tryell taiken anent the allegit cunjeing of ffalfe cun5eit Balbeis ; ilkane of the faidis perfones vndir the pane of ane Thowfand niarkis, conforme to the deliuerance gevin be the Quenis grace thairupoune.' Mar. 22. — Chaules Jardane, Malye, Agnes, and John Harknes, in Toddelmuir, ' Delatit of the Slauchter of vmq'" Adame Spens, vpoune Feb. xyj, •jmyci^jjj^ vpoun the thrid of the landis of Cumrew, lyand within the Sheref- dome of Drumfreife' — ' in default of non-comperance of ])e AfTyife, the Jus- tice continewit the perfute J^airof to the thrid day of ]>e next Juftice-aire of (Dumfreis,) &c. Persewar, Johne Spens, fathir-brothir to vmq'*' Adame, as ane of his kin and freindis. Prelocutouris for the pannell, Mr Clement Litill, The Lard of Drumlangrik, The Lard of Apilgirth. Prelocutouris for the perfewar, The Lard of Torrj', The Lard of Elphinlloune, Rob. Johneftoun of the Cottis, Jhone J. of Cragaburne. iWasisjtratts of fi^tiiiiljursl) for setting a prisoner at lihti'tv. Jun. 6. — Maister Johne Spens,*' Dauid Symmer (Somer), Mr Robert Glen,* (Bailies,) Eduard Houpe, James Barroune, Alexander Park, (Trealurer,) Mr Johne ]\Iarioribankis,f " Alexander Naper, Archebald Grahame, Allane Dikkefoune, Michaell Gilbei't, Alexander Bruce, Mr Johne Preftoune, James Adamefoune, Cuthbert Ramfay,* (Councillors,) and Alexander Guthrie,* (' Commoun fcribe of Ed" — Toic7i C/er/i?) delated for ' arte and parte of the putting to libertie of Williame Patertbune, burges of ]>e faid Burghe, furth of Warde of pe Tolbuithe of Edinbur^ eftir pe faid William had recentlie hurt vmq'' Nicoll S^ung, he being lyand in perrell of deid ; like as, he, within xxiiij houris eftir his putting to libertie, deceiflit of pe laid hurting.' ^ Persewaris, Tlie Quenis Aduocattis, Robert 3oHnp> fajier ; Jolin and WilHam, bre]ier, Jolrne 3., writer, James 3'> cutlar, (James 5-, feruand to Mr Joliiie Abircrumbye ;) Archibald Naper of Mer- chameftoune, and the remanent kyn and freindis of vmq'' Nicoll joung, taillour. Prelocutouris for the paniial, Mr Dauid Borthwik, Mr Thomas M^caljeanc. Mr Dauid Borthwik afkit inflrumentis (that) the laidis perfonis comperit as prelocutouris for pe perfones perfewaris. ' Those marked ' were ' Difchargeit be )ie party and Aduocattis.' ' Those marked f were bound over to underly the law at the next Justice-aiie, or to .appear before the Justice, whenever they should be required, on xv days' warning. ^ See Aug. 11, laC-1, 22 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 443 Archibald Dowglas of Kilfpindie, Proweft of 'pe burcht of Edinbur', became fouerlie for pe eutrie of Maifler Johne Spens, &c. befoir pe Juftice or his deputtis pe tent day of Junii inflaiit. — Mr Robert Creychtoune afkit inftruinents vpone pe productioiine of pE QuENis grace Letter, and defyrit pe famyn to be regif- trat ; quhairof the tennour followis. Regina, Justice, Thefaurer, Juftice-Clerk, Aduocattis : fforfamekle as Jie day affixt for perfevv- ing at our inflance, and oure Aduocattis, off J)E Baillies and Counsale of Edinbuhgh, for put- ting to libertie and fredoine furth of oure Ward ]ie committeris of fE Slaughter ofvmq'"" Nicoll 30UNG, burges of Edinburghe, vnpwnift, in contemptioun of our auctorite, is fe fext day of Junij nixt to cum, in our Tolbuith of Ed' : Quhairfor, fen ]>e faid actioun tendis heiehlie to oure honour and auctorite royall, and als to ]ie greit hurt of )ie pure freindis of ]>e faid vmq''^ Nicoll, it is our Will, and we charge 50U, fat 36 with all diligence awyife with ])e faid actioun, and Lettres direct jvairupoun ; and at J>e day affixt Jiairto, proceid and do juflice in ]ie faid mater, conforme to )ie lawandjuflice with- out ony delay or continuatioune. As 30 will anl'uerto ws vpoun ]>e executioune of 3oure offices, flFor it is our will and mynd ]'e faniin be done. Subscriuit with oure hand at Edinbur'^ fe laft day of Maij, the 3eir of God I'"V'lxiiij seiris. (MARIE R.) Dauid Sym:mer, for him felf, aflvit inftrumentis that the Juftice depute declarit, that he and the remanent his collegis vpoun pe pannall fuld haif hot fax prelocutouris. — The Lard of Merchameftoune declarit, that he wald perfew na man vpone ])e pannall vpoune his lyfe, bot Dauid Symmer allanerlie ; and that, becaufe he is furelie perfwadit, alfwele be writting as commoning hed betuix him and the laid Dauid, that he was culpabill of the crymes contenit in the Letteris. — Johne 3onng, &:c. aflvit inftrumentis that thai comperit nocht as pre- locutouris foirlaidis to perfew pe pannall, or ouy of fiame, of Jjair ly ves ; bot alla- nerlie ' infafar as pe actioun is hvirtfull to pe freindis of vmq'"' Nicoll 5oung, remit- tand pe perfute })airof, of ))E Quenis grace actioun, to hir liienes Aduocattis ; bot infafar as pe Letteris beris ony actioun of pairtye, concerning pe freindis - of pe faid vmq'° Nicoll, ])at ])ai wald perfew pe famin aganis fa mony of pe pannalls as J)ai wald name. "\'poun pe quhilkis pe perfonis perfewit a(kit inftrumentis. Mr Dauid Borthwik allegit that the Justice-Clerk mycht nocht be Clerk in this mater, nor voit ^ thairintill, becaus he and the Lard of Merchameftonis wyfe wes fifter and brethir bairnis,'* and that thair wes bairnis betuix the faid Lard and his fpous. — The Justice, be his Interlocutor, fand the Juftice-Clerk was Ordinare, '" and mycht nocht be removit. The faid Mr David allegit, dilator'te, that the fumondis is fa generall that the famin can nocht pas to ane Allife, becaus it condifcendis de niillo genere criminis Capitalis, in fpeciall, that may i-eflaif ane particular dyet. He alfo afldt inftru- mentis, in name of Alexander GutJire, that the Advocattis and perfevvaris paft fra the perfutt of the faid Alexander Guthre. — The Justice, Thefaurer, and ' Only. - Blood-relations. ' Vote. ^ Cousins-german. ^ Judge-Ordinary. 444 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1564; Aduocattis, requirit Alexander Guthre, Commoun Scribe ^ of Ediuburghe, in our foueran ladeis name, to exhibit and produce befoir jiarae, incontinent, the commoun Buke quhairin the Actis auent the releving of Williame Paterfoune ar contenit. The faid Mr Dauid allegit, that thair can be na accufatioun heir towart p& perfones on pe pannell, becaus thir Baillies ar Jugeis Ordiner, havand power of incarceratioune ; and infafar as thai ar accufit of the out-letting of this man, as the funimondis is libellit, it contenis na cryme ; becaus it is nocht libellit, that this man lattin furth is uowther convict of ony Homicide, or fugitiue fra the QuENis lawis, as in veritie he is nother convict nor callit vpone that crime ; and in caife he wer perfewit, the man mycht entir and indure the lawis of this realme : Becaus Slauchter may be committit in a mannis defence, and he is able ^ to vnderly the law for the famyn, as oft lies bene practifit.' And thairfoir, the perfones on the pannale can on nawis be perfewit, except it wer libellit that the faid man ovt-lattin wer owther convict or fugitive. Repetit the fame allegeance towart 31o/irope. Maifter Thomas M'calzane * allegit the libell wes nocht relevant, becaus it is foundit vpone the allegit latting out of Ward oi Pdtterfouu and Mofcrope, aganis the Baillies and Counfale of Edinburgh, without ony tiualificatioun how latting out of Ward is ane cryme to thame ; but allanarlie qualifiand to that effect, that thairthrow thai fchew thame felfis fawouraris of ]je faidis Paterfoiui and Mofcrope, and contemnit thairthrow the Quenis auctorite, in hynderance of juilice, &c. : Quhilkis qualificationis contenis na cryme, without it wer faid thai affiftit to the cryme. And the latting out of Wardouris is na contempt nor vfurping of the Quenis auctorite, in perfones that hes the Quenis auctorite of prefoning, and inputting and outputting, as the Baillies of Edinburgh hes, and hes bene in continuall polTefRoune thairof, pafl memorie of men; nocht libelland, that thai extendit ' thair powar, havand fie." And allegit, hynderance of juftice can nocht be ane cryme, fpeciallie as is libellit, quhair it is nocht libellit that the principale cans is nocht difculfit. And quhair it is allegit, that the famin wes aganis the lawis, thair is na fie lawis ; and defyrit to knaw the famyn, and aganis quhat law thai contrauenit, and quhat pwnifinent the law requiris. And attour, allegit, that thair wes fraus neque dolus libellit, at the leift fufRcientlie qualifeit, quhilk may induce ony cryme. The perfewaris, Robert 5owiig> fathei-, and Johne ^owng, brother, of the faid vmq'" Nicoll, gaif thair aithis " de calumpnia, that thai hed gude actioune to per- Town- Clerk. ^ Hnbilis ; W&hXe. ^ Decided, as a jjrrtrf/^«p, or precedent. •'Af- terwards Lord Cliftonliall, fatlier of the celebrated Eufame Macaljeane, wlio was burnt, for Witch- craft, in the succeeding reign. See II, 247, &c. '^ Exceeded. « Having such. " Oaths. 22 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 445 few all the perfones contenit in the act producit, viz. Mr Johne Spans, Dauid Symmer, Mr Robert Glenne, Bailleis ; James Barroune, James Adamefoun, Ed- ward Houpe, Alexander Park, Mr Johne Preftoune, and Cuthbert Ramfay. The Aduocattis anfweris, that the libell is fpeciale, and relevant aneueh,' and fuld be putt to the knawlege of the Affife, nochtwithftanding the faidis alle- geances, in refpect of the fame libell, and of ane Act producit be the Aduocat, and fubfcriuit be Alexander Guthre, of the dait the xv day of Marche 1563. (Jun. 10.) — The Justice, be awyife of his Alfeffouris, Repellis the allegeances aboue writtin. — The pannal proteftit for remeid of law. Maifter Thomas M''cal5ane, prelocutour for James Barroun, and the rema- nent pannal perfewit, as being vpoun the Counfale ^ of Edinburghe, by ^ the Baillies, that had Jurifdictioune of inputting and outputting of perfones ; allegit, that infafar as thay ar perfewit, being vpone the counfale of the latting out of the perfones libellit, and can nocht be repute to thame as ane cryme, that thai ar nocht fubject to vnderly an Alfyife for that deid, as allegit criminall, becaus the deid to the quhilk thai ar allegit to half gevin counfale, is nocht certane to haif bene criminale of the felf ; ffor it followis nocht, that quhan thair is ane man lattin out of prefonne, that thairfore thair is ane cryme committit ; bot the prefumptioun is in the contrair, quhair ane Juge Ordinar lattis out ony perfoune, that thairfore it is nocht lauchfullie done ; And this cans is nocht to be to thame that gevis counfale in latting out of raanifeft Thevis, or committing of Thift or Slauchter ; ffor to commit Thift and Slauchter, or to gif counfale J^airto, is cryme of the felf, except it be done be auctorite ; and thairfor, gevand counfale be ordour of juftice, and in the performing thairof, thair can na cryme follow vpoune the counfale-geving to the demandaris vpoun the releving of the manne requyrit be the Juge Ordinaris ; according to the difpenfatioune of the Coramoune Law, in Lege, nullus, &c. de regulis juris — vthirwayis thair fall fall ane greit incon- venient, that thair fall na counfale be gevin to Jugis Ordinaris, quhilkis in this cuntrd vfis nocht to handill greit cauffis without counfale. And forther, in all tymes bygane, thair wes neuir manne accufit of ony cryme for counfale-geving to ony Juge-Ordinar, requii'ing counfale in exerceing of his office. And this perfute is ane noveltie. Dauid Symmer aflvit inftrumentis for him felf nd his collegis, Baillies, that Johne 5oung, prelocixtour for the perfewaris, allegit, that the Counfale ordanit the Baillies to putt the pairteis libellit to libertie ; as the Act maid thairupoune beris ; and accejjtit the faid allegeance, infafar as the famin maid for him and his collegis, Bailljes. Maifter Dauid Borthuik, prelocutour for the haill pannel, allegit, that this ' Enough. ^ Town-Council. ^ Forbye; besydes. 446 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1504. fact and accufatioune aiicht nocht to be put ' to the pannal as ane ciyine, becaus thai being Jugeis-Ordinaris ouer lyffe and memberis, and incarceratioune in prefoune, vnderftanding the woud ^ nocht to be mortall, becaus it wes in fie ane place as thair apperit na danger of deid ^ ; and 5it, for mair fecuritye, according to thair accuftomit vfe, in caifis of hurt nother quhair deid wes nocht foUowit, nor Homicide conimittit, thay lett the man to plege, vndir fouertie of his re- entre, vndir the pane of ane Thowfand pundis ; quhilk pane oure fouerane ladeis maieftie hes caiifit to reifaif, to be vfit at her plefour, as the pane of the cautioune : And thairfor, allegit, that hir Maieftie, in effect, hes apprevit the ordour vlit be the Bailleis and perfones vpoune the pannale, in the releving and committing to 2)lege of the faid IVilliaine Puterfoun, and can haif na forther cryme to lay to the charge of the faidis Magiftratis and Counfale ; and thairfor, aucht nocht to be putt to the knawlege of ony Affife : And producit and fchew THE QuENis Aduocateis acquittance and difcharge, in the Quexis grace name, vpone the reflait and aggreance for the faid fowme. And as to the latting out of 31qfcro])e, producit THE Quexis grace command and Precept for putting of him to libertie. — The faid Mr Uauid Borthuilv aflvit inftrumentis, that John ^omigt writer, producit certane Actis of Parliament anent Slauchteris. The faid Mr Dauid allegit, that thair is na ciyme qualifeit in the Summondis producit be the perfewaris, that may be iniput to the Aifyife ; becaus the rele- ving of WiUiam Puterfoun, in maner and be ordour as it wes done, is na cryme nor offence, nor yit aganis the lawis, outlier Ciuile or Mvnicipall, bot wes done according thairto ; becaus the Magiftratis accufit ar Jugeis-Ordinaris, havand power of lyve and inembris, Shereffis, with prefoune, &c. : And infafar as the faid Williame was tane and committit to prefone for ony allegit cryme, in caife it had bene of Homicide, lyke as thair wes nane thanne actuale committit, bot onlie in fimpllc'iter Hurting, as wes thocht and belevit commonlie to all men, thaj'' mycht of thair office, having kepit him attour^ ane nyclit and ane day, (lyke as he wes kepit be pe Ipace of four or fyve nychtis,) haif put him to libertie, vndir cautioune and plege, to haif vndirlyne the lawis ; lyke as, in trewth, infafar as he wes gevin to libertie, the famyu wes done vndir lufficient cautioun for his reentre agane, lyke as thai haif bene in wle be virtew of thair officis and jurif- dictioun, in ficlik caiflis and offenflis, to haif lattin men to plege, fpeciallie quhair the actuale deth followit nocht, paft memor ; lyke as thai, and all vtheris Jugeis Ordinai-is, aucht to haif done of thair offices, according to the Mvnicipale Law, conformit with the Commoun Law. And thairfor, it is na cryme, nor fuld nocht be putt to the knawlege of ane AfTyife ; vthirwayife, na perfone that had woundit ony man mycht be put to libertie and fredome, quhill '' the wound wer ' Imputed. * Wound. ^ Death. "* Above, over, more than. '' Until. 22 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 447 haill, incontrar all lawis. And attour,' thair is na cryrae as 3it, becaus the faid Williame Paterfuim is nowtlier conuict nor fugitiue fra J)e Law ; and fwa is nocht ane Homicide, infafar as he is nocht conuict. Item, allegit the faid Mr Dauid, thay being Jugeis Ordinaris, as is aboue writtin, viz. Sheriffis, to be fufficient inquifitioune ; and found, that the wond was nocht mortall, baith be thair awin jugement and be inquifitioune and in- formatioun of Maisteris Chyrurgianis, famous men,^ quhairby thai fand, that the wond was nocht mortall, and thairfor, fand that thai aucht of thair dewetye to latt the faid ^^^illiame to libertie, vnder cautioune ; and mycht half bene compel- lit be ordouris and refToun thairto. Cuthhert Bamsay afl The Minority. ■* Have no power to ordain or decree. 5 Must. ^ The Assise unanimously found him guilty. " Those marked («c.) voted for the acquittal of Barroune, Houpe and Adamefoun. ** Those marked (f.) voted for tiling these pei'sons, i.e. finding them guilty. ^ Chancellor. '" He voted for the acquittal of Houpe. " Voted for the acquittal of Barroune. It has been thought proper to preserve the state of the vote in this remarkable case, which has been preserved in this form. 22 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 449 and ad^vyise of tbe pairteis foirfaidis, beand reddie to perfew, and havand Ipe- ciale interes tliairin, partialie and wilfullie, in defraude of juftice, to haif bene execute vponne the laid William, incontrair the lawis and practik of this realme. Interlocutor. And ];airfor deliuerit be the Juftice Clerk, and his deput- tis, in the handis of the Proweft, and Maifter Johne Spens, ane of the Baillies of the faid burcht, to be furelie kepit as thai wald anlwer to our Ibuerane ladye. (Jun. 21.) — James Barroune, James Adamesoune, and Eduard HouPE, be the Affyife foirfaid wes Conuict of the faid cryme committit in maner aboue reherfit. Adame FuUertoun, for him felfF, and the remanent per- fones foirfaid that wer acquit, aflvit inftrumentis thairof. The pronunceatioun of this deliuerance continewit to tlie morne. (Jun. 22.) — This day the pronunciatioun of the deliuerance of the faid Aflyife wes fchawin and declarit to pe pannall ; quhairupoun the faid pannall afkit inftrumentis, and j^roteftit for remeid of law, and for thair releif in this actioune of Wilfull Errour : And ficlyk, that they fuld be hard to gif in, the morne,' thair Proteftatiounis in writt. The morne aflignit be the Juftice for giving in thairof. Protestation bi/ the Pannel, aguinjl the Verdict of the AJJife. Jun. 23. — David Somer, Baillie of the bur' op Ec, James Barroune, James Adame- Jbtme, Eduard Houpe, of the Counfale of the famin, Protestis, fforlamekill as the perfones of the Af- fyife Conuict crirainalie thanie forjie allegit out-letting of WillianiePaterfoune out of Prefoune : Quhilk Conuictioun and ileliverance of the faid Afiyife is wranguflie, wilfulye, and partialie gerin ; and Jiair- for Pioteflis aganis thame for Wilfull Eerour and wrangus and partiale deliuering, agauis all Law, ordour, and cuftome of ]iis realme: And in refpect, )iat it wes baith allegit, and evidentlie fchewin to ]>anie, )iat ])ai niycht lefumlie " haif lattin ]ie faid Williame furth vpoune cawtioune, baith be Jie Mvnicipall Law of this realme, expreflie writtin in ]ie Maieflie,' be the Commoune and Ciuile Law, and be the immovable vfe and practik of tliis Bur', obferuit in fie caiffis, be the Provell and Bail- lies of |)e famin, in all tymes bypall, and be all ])e Stheriffis of this realme : And, tliairfor, Pro- teftis, that pai may haif actioune, in tyme and place, to all pe faidis Aflyfoures, for Wilfull Errour on fame, or ony of thame, at particulare dyettis, to vnderly the law for wilfull breking and contraue- ning of the Lawis of this realme, and for njanifeft Periurie, deliuering aganis ])e Law of the realme, practik )iairof, and ]iair confcience : And als, Protestis ]iat thay may haif actioune aganis thame for all coillis, iTcaithis, dampnage, and entres fai may incur or fuftene, in fair bodeis, perfones, or gudis, throw occafioune of the faid wilfull Conuictioune. And defyris this Protellatioune to be in- fertit in fe Bukis of Adiornall. Item, Protestis, ttiat the faid Convictioun be nocht preiudiciall to fame, nor afer of thame anentis the perfute of Alexander Achefoune and Johue Weftouue for releving of thame, according to ane Act maid be fe faidis twa cautioueris, fe xv day of March, 1563 3eri8 ; but that Jiai may perfew fe faidis cautionaris for ] air releif, conform to fe famin. The fame day, Edward Hoiji Protestit, that in refpect, fat he had allegit of befoir to fe M- fyife, befoir their furthganging,'' that he diffaffentit to f e latting furth of William Paterfoune fui-th of Warde ; and in refpect fat James 5oung, eultellar, ane of f e perfewaris, oppinlie at the bar, had ' To-morrow. ' Lawfully. ' Regiam Miijestatem. ' Before their ' going t'urth' of the Court, to the Assise-room, to consider the rerdict which they ought to pronounce. VOL. L t 3 L 450 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1564. planelie confeflit ia prefens of the Lordis ]>e Jiiftice, Jullice Clerk and AfTyfe, that he hard the faiJ Dauid difliiffeiit to ]>e putting of the faid William to libertie, and Jiat he offerit liim topreif/ be Jie re- manent of the Counftill, that he diffaffentit Jiairto; Tiiairfor, infafar as the faid AfTyife lies flfylit and Connict him, Protestit for Wilftdl and manifefl Errour, renieid of law, and for coflis, llvaithis, dam- mage, and interes that he falhappin to fullene or incur Jiairthrow, Criniinalie or Ciuilie. And fair- upoune aflvit inftrumentis. Mkmorandum. Quhair James Barroune and his complices of the pannell, in the face of my Lord Thefaurar, the haill AfFyife, and Cleikis of the famin, Proteftit for the names of thame quha confentit and difaffentit to thair Convic- tioune, off intent to reduce the famin, and mak Errour thaii-of, as he allegit, Maister James Lindsay, Chancellor of the Affyife, iu name of the haill AfTyife thair prefent, Proteftit, gif ony man of the Aflyife Avald confels that he difalfentit to the faid Conuictioune, or wald oppin ony fecrete reffones or difpu- tationis amangis thame, quhairby ony malice or disfauour mycht be had to ane of the AfTyife by ane vther," that he fuld be haldin and repute perjure and defameit ; and that becaus the haill AfTyife and Clerkis of the famin war fworne vjjoune the Halie Ewangell, vpoune thair awin motyve will, to keip fecrete the famine. Quhairupouue the faid Mr James tuke inftrumentis. ^ijctp-stfaliiiQ:— Common Cljfft — lUsctt, ^c. Jun. 12. — Hob Scot, callit of Colyfard ; Johne Scot, callit 31r Johue the Cleric ; Mark Eliot, callit qff//e Hill ; Johne Henderlbune, callit J(y//«6' the Falfer ;' and Robert Paterfoun, in Gilmertoune, ' Convict and Hangit.'* As.sisa. The Lard of Hinderftoune, Patrik Cranftoune, burges of Johne Scot, in Bradmedois, Andro Sklater, hurges of Edin- Edinburghe, Williame Scot of Tufchelaw, burghe, Andro Armeftrang, Adam Scot of Bonyngtoune, James GyflFort, in Lyutoune, RichertPaterfoune,inDrumfreife, Johne Mitcheifoune, in Lefwaid, Williame Borthuik of the Hall, Johne Newlandis, in Edinburghe, Michaell Nafmyth of Poffo. * Mmijfsttttnij tijt ijait *— Snbasion, ^t. Jun. 15. — Pateik Houstoune of that Ilk ; Peter, Mr William, John, and William, his brothers-german ; "\^'illiam H., burges of Dumbertane ; John H., in Kirkpatrik ; John H., elder, in Dumbertane ; John, his Ton ; and Alexander Ilouftoune, delatit of Convocatioune of our Ibuerane ladeis liegis and Invafioun of the faid Andro for his flauchtcr ; and houfing of him in ane Houfe within the toun of Dunbertane. Persewar, Andro Hammiltoune of Cochno. Prelocutouris for the pannell, The Lard of Cvvnynghameheid ; Mr Jhone Porterfield of pat Ilk; Johne Schaw of Broiche; Mr Riehert Strang; Mr Jhone Abircrumby. Prelocutouris for the peri'ewaris, Claude Hammiltoune, fone to my lord Dnik ; James H. of CniikvvoU; Johne H. of Stanehoufe ; Alt-x"^ JL of Myrretoune; James Noble of Eerme. ' I'rove. ' To one individual on the Assise more tli.in anotlicr. ^ Forger. ' There is no niarliing on the Record indicative of the nature of their crimes, which, however, may be pretty accurately conjectured. 22 Mar, criminal trials. * 451 Andro Haniiniltouii declarit, vpone his aith, he wald perfew the faid Lard of Houftoime, Mr \Villiaine and Johiie, his brother, of the Ji/^l poynt of the Letteris allanerlie. Item, the Laird, his faidis twa brother, and Williame, alfwa his brothir, vpone the Jeciiiid poynt allanerlie : And all the perfones on pannell for the ///rid poynt. — The lajl poynt contenit in the Letteris, tuiching the Conuo- catioun, &c., is fundin to be put to the AlFyife. AssisA prefaturum perfonarmn.^ Joline Culqulioune of Luce, Robert Colquhoune of Carallro- Williame Levingfloune of Jerwif- Dauid Berklay of Ladyland, dane, wod, Robert Lord Boyd, Williame Smollett, burges of Andro M'ferlane of Arrochare, James Glenne of the Bar, Dumbertane, Johns Cwnynghame of Drum- Johne Somerulle of Cambufne- Walter Buchquhennane of Drum- quhadill. thane, makiil. Verdict. The haill fornemmit perfones on pannell, except Johne Houftoune, elder, in Dumbertane, CoNUiCT be the faid Aflyife of aiming vpoune Andro Hammiltoune of Cochno, within ))e bur' of Dumbertane, vpone J)e xviij day of Marche laftbypaft, quhair the faid Andro wes befet vpoune the Hie-gait fiairof, and with drawin fwerdis invadit him, and compellit him to tak ane Houle for defence of his lyffe, vpoune fubdantye.^ ^laufilitti* of Xi)t 1)011110 Eairlj of urny, Johne Cwnynghame of Glengarnok, Alex. Park of Bagray, Mr Johne Wod of Galefloune, Louk Striuiling of Ballagane, and James Edmeltoune. Tiiis is one of the smallest Assises en Record. There are numerous instances of ihirtecn persons being on Assises such as tiiat in the preceding Case of the Scots, but very few of so small a. number as eleven, ^ Suddenly ; ou a sudden ; Lat. suhito. ^ See Jul. 6, 15G7. 452 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1564. Rynd there, and ten others, delatit of arte and parte of Coniiocatioune of our foiierane ladeis liegis, bodiu in feir of weir, and crevvale Hurting and Wounding of Williarae Morefoun, feruand to the Lard of Cragy for the tyme, vpone the South Inche, befyde the bur' of Perth, in the moneth of Januar, 1562, after that he was tane and holdin in thair handis, in his heid, breking of his collar-bane and fchulder-blaid ; and llreking of him throw his left arme and in his breift, aboue his left pap, to the effufioun of his blude, and hurting of him in his faid arme, quhairthrow he hes nocht the habilitye thairof that he had of befoir ; comraittit vpon fubdantye. Persewar, Williame IMorefoune ; Maifter Robert Creyclitoun, Aduoeat. Prelocutoukis, Joline Rofs of Cragye ; James, Iiis brother ; Patrik Evict of BalhoufTye. The pairtie paffit fra the perfute of Andro Rarafay, James Dauidfoune, and Johne Chaip ; and deponit his aith, that he had juft caufe to perfew the rema- nent on pannall. AssisA. Williame Kynnynmonth of Hill, Alexander Blair of Balthyok, Joline Blair of Melgynche, Joline Lyndefay of Alytli, Alexander Blair of Freirtoune, Williame Chalmer of Segydene.' Verdict. James Rynd, burges of Perth, Fylit." ^Ii-!Uf5:l)tri — ITuUue e.tecutfon of t\)t Sittan* Aug. 11. — Robert Patersoune, burges of Ed'; Laui-ence Sympfoune, tailliour thair ; Katherine Paterfoune, his fpous ; Arthour Granger, thair ; delatit of the Slauchter of vmq''' Nicoll ^oung, tailliour.^ Persewaris, Robert .jf'ung, fader ; Johne, brojier ; and the remanent kyn and freindis, &c. Robert Paterlbun and Arthour Granger aflvit inllrumentis that the perfewaris aboue writtin pall fra thair perfute. The faid Johne 5o""g (tailliour) vnlawit in the panis contenit in the Actis of Parliament, for nocht productioun of the Letteris, dewlie execute and indoi'fate, vpoune Robert Molcrope ; in refpect that mentioun is maid, that he wes ferfit and focht within the bur^ of Ed", and chargeit at the Mercat-croce of Ed"" ; and chargeit at f/ie 31ercat croce thairof, having his duelling place for the tyme within Jedburghe. The faid John proteftit for his releif of the OfRciare, executour thairof.^ — The Laird of Pennycuke became furety for the entry of Sympfoune and his fpoule, at the next Aire of Edinburgh, &c. ; and the jiarties m\itually took out Laicbnrrows againll each other that they fliould be ' harmeles and fkaithles of thame and all that thai may latt,' &c. ' The other seven were burgesses of Perth. '' The rest were Acquitted. ^ See the proceedings against the Magistrates of Edinburgh, he, Jun. (i, ISSi. '' A protest is accordingly recorded, ' becaus he himself was ignorant of the Lawis, and maid oxpenfiis vpone William Barrye, Meflinger, for putting of the faidis Letteris to dew executioune ; and inl'afar as thai wer nocht dewlie execut, the fait thairof wes in the faid Williame and nocht in him ; that thairfore, he mycht haif his releif,' &c. 22 Mae. criminal TRIALS. * 453 iMutilatiou — (!?ltr jTnili. Sep. 20. — JoHNE GoRDOUNE, in the Park ; Alexander G., of Tra- quhane ; James, his fone ; and Robert Levingftoune, delatit of the Mutilatioiine of Robert Macteir, feruaud of Thomas M'Clellane of Bomby, of his thorab of his right liand, and vtheris crymes contenit in the Letteris direct Jjairupoune ; committit be thame vpoune the thrid day of Auguft laftbypaft, vpoune auld fFeid and foirthocht fellonye. Persewaris, Tho. M-CIellane of Bomby ; Ro* Forrefter, burges of Kirkcudbrycht ; Ro' M^Teir. Prelocutouris for the Perfewaris, My Lord of CafljUis ; Hew Kennedye, liis fafer broker ; The •Lard of Drumnellaiie ; The Tutoiir of Bomby ; Mafter Thomas M<'clellan. Prelocutouris for tlie Defendaris, Mr Johue Mofcrop; Tlie Lard Lochinvar ; Johne Schaw of Haly ; Hew Wallace of Tarall ; The Lards of Lammyngtoune and Skralicg. The Letteris wes Caffin, becaus ]jai wer nocht devvellie execute and indorlate. Oct. 12. — John Henrye, in Striuiling ; James H., younger, thair ; and Johne H., fone to James H., elder, thaiz', delaitit of theSlauchter of vmq'" Johne Rae, in Bukeburne, (Bannockburne ?) within the fcherefdome of Striuiling. Perseware, Jonet Merfchell, relict of the faid vmq''-' Johne Rae. Prelocutouris for the perfeware, The Lard of Luce (Luss) ; My Lord Boyd ; The Lard of Diintreith ; The Lard of Manis. Prelocutouris for the defendaris, The Lard of Fordell ; Mr Henrye Kinrofs ; Mr Richard Strang ; Mr Edward Henderfoun ; The Lard of Lany. Maifler Henrye Kynrofs, ane of the prelocutouris foirfaidis, afldt inftrumentis vpoune the electioune of the faidis fyve prelocutouris, and that the Lard of M^farland afliftit to the pex-fute. And als aflvit inftrumentis vpoune the indor- fatioune of the Letteris producit and executioun thairof, in the moneth of Junij, as the indorling thairof beris ; quhilk Executioune wes maid befor the commit- ting of the faid Slauchter : Item, allegit that the faid Johne Henderfoune was within the aige of tuelf jeir,' and wes nocht capax {doli), nor habill" to vnderly the law thairfor. — Verdict/ ' Acquittis.' Sitbasion —Igniting: mx'n raounUiittr, $rc. George Gordouxe of Scheues, knycht, George Gordoune, 5ounger of Geycht, James Cheyne, &c. (eighteen others), delatit of the crewale Invafioune of Maifter William Con of Auchry, and Hurting and Wounding of him in ' On the margin, ' Puer and dischargeit, becaus he wes within xij ^eiris.' " Liable; Lat. /lahilis. ^ Henrye Levifloune of Grene5ardis was the only Laird on tliis Aiiife. Robert Seytoune of Tullebody, Robert Drummond of Carnoke, Robert Forefter of Boquhane, and Walter ^I'Cawlay of Ardincapill, were amerciated for being absent. The rest were persons of no note. 454* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1564. diiierfe pairtis of his body, to the greit effiifioune of his blude ; and ftriking and dinging with biydill of Johne Paterfoune, George Broune, and Alexander Troupe, his cotteris ; and vtheris crynies, at lenth expi'emit ' in the Letteris direct thairupoune. Persewar, Maifler William Conne of Auclirye. Prelocutouris for the Perfewar. Prelocutouris for the pannall. My Lord of Caffillis, My Lord Borthuik, Mr The. INPCal^ane, Mr Dauid Boithiiik, The Lard of Cokpill, Hew Kennedy of Bar- George Baird of Auchtnaddy, Mr Tho. Gordonne. qidiynaye. And becaus fufRcient nowmer of Barronys and Pearis conipeirit nocht to pafs vpoun the AfTyife of the faidis Lairdis of Geyeht, elder and 30unger, the Juftice ordanit fouerties to be relTauit of thame for thair comperance the thrid day of the next Juflice-aire (Aberdeen), or foner, vpoune xv dayes waruyng, to vndirly the law for the faidis crymes. Verdict. ' Acquittis' James Cheyne and the other pannels. ' The Lard of Pittindreych, George JoLneftoune of Creychtmond, INIr Duncan Forbes of INIony- muflv, and John Forbes of Fyn3eak,' were the only Barons on the Affife. Absextes ab Affifa. James Dempflare of Aiichterles, George Le(lie of Touche, James Stewarte of Brig, Mr Tho'' Keir of Cowclaraquhy, William Ltflie y' of Wardres, Mr Johne Craig of CraigisfiiUray, The Lard of Balhagartye, The Lard of Delgatyc, Alex. Bucquhane of Auchnacoy, The Lard of Cvnache, John Seytoune of Auchinhaif, Patrik Leyth of Harthill, .... Leflie of that Ilk, William Aucliinlek of Schethin, Johne Caddell of Adowne, W^m. Gordoune of Auchindoune, Patrik Mowat of Boquhally, Williame Leflye y' of Barres. s :^nbasion — Inu-ttns antr auountrmrf — ^flmcsucfetm Oct. 14. — Maister Archebald Dowglass, and Johne D. in the Eiftfcheill, delatit of the crewall Hurting and Wounding of Jonet Wifchert, fpows to ]\Iaifter Thomas Weddell, in hir rycht hand of twa fyngaris thairof : And Hurting and Wounding of Elizabeth Hutchefoune, fpous to Charlis Bur- deaulx, in hir rycht hand, fpecialie in hir thowm thairof; committit be thame vndir filence of nycht vpoune the xvij day of July laftbypaft, be vay of Haiin- fuckin, in abfence of tliair faid fpowffis ; quhairthrow the faidis Jonett and Elizabeth wilbe mutilat ; to the effufioune of thair blude. Prelocutour for the pannall, Maifter Thomas Weftoune. The faid Maifter Thomas (Weddell) producit THE QuENis grace writing, and aflvit inftrumentis tliairupoun, defyring juftice conforme thairto : And alfe proteftit for renieid of law. ' Expressed ; Lat. exprimerc. ' The names of a number of others of less note were also lianded over to the ' Thcsaiirar,' to levy the usual fines. These, as appears from (/le Register of the Privi) Seal, and other PiiMii- Records, were very rigorously exacted. The proceeds were usually gifted to some retainer of the Court in compensation for salaries, &c. 22 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 455 (Regina,) Justice, Juftice Clerk, and sour deputlis, We greitt 30U wele. Forfamekle as the xiiij day of October inftant is aflignit to Maifter Aicliebald Dowglafs and Johne Dowglafs in J)e Schelis flbr to vndirly owre law for Jie crcvvale Invafioun, Hurting, and Wounding of Jonet Wifchert, fpous to Mr Thomas Weddell, and Elizabeth Huchefoune, fpous to Charlis Burdaux, within our bur' of Edinbur', as at mair Jenthe is contenit in our Lettres direct Jiairupoune : Quhairfor it is our will, and we charge ^ow to proceed at fe faid day, and do jullice to ]ie faidis complenaris, but ony delay, nochtwithftanding ony Writing direct or to be direct in jie contrair. As 56 will anfwer to ws fiairupoune. Subfcriuit with our hand, At Ed" Jie xiiij day of October, 1564. Maria Regina. Proteftis the fad Mr Thomas Weddell, that nochtwithftanding that TJiomas Johnejloune wes nocht fummond in his Letteiis, that he paft fra his perfute. Stevin Storye in Plefance was amerciated for not producing the fame. — Continued to Oct. 16 and 17 ; on which laft date they were Replegit, be Interlocutour, to the Regalitie of Dalkeyth be Thomas Dowglafs, burges of Ed", and baillie thairof.' eSJoun^ine — ^fourfiiits iialieti proplr ijoiti) firitJles, ^^c. — Cuttiitjj X\)z barlis of Cattlf , ^r. Oct. 17. — JoHNNE Greiusoune 01' IIai,ydayhill, Roger and Mathow ' his brether, Gilbert M^Gub, and Thomas Mammarfoune, delatit of the Hurting and Wounding of Elizabeth Creychtoun, fpous to Robert Cher- touris of Aftrowane, in diuerfe pairtis of liir body, to the greit effulioune of hir blud ; and ftryking of thair feruandis, being nakit, with brydillis and fwerd- beltis, and breking of the bakkis of thair gudis ; "' and vtheris crymes at lenth expremit in the Letteris direct thairupoune. Prelocutouris for the Perfewaris. Prelocutouris for the Pannall. Jo. Creychtoun of Ryhill, The Lard of Skraling, The Lard of Keris, Mr Johne Mofcrope, Mathow Campbell of Lowdoune, knycht, Harbert Anderfoune, Cuthbert Greir, The Lard of Frendraucht, W'" Symontoune of The Lard of Garleife. Hardingtoune. The faid Mr Johne Mofcrope aflcit inftrumentis, that the Tutour of Sanc- quhare producit our fouerane ladeis Lettres in Jugement ; and being inquyrit ' Gif he, Robert Chertouris, and his fpous, perfewaris, wald byde at the execu- tioune thairof? Affii-mit the famin. Quhairupovme the faid Mr Johne afkit inftrumentis ; and als that the faidis Lettres, fafar as Mathow Greirlbune and Johne Morefoune were contenit therein, was nocht dewiie execute nor indorfat vpone thame, becaus thai wer chargeit be the executour thairof be oppin pro- clamatioune at the Mercat-croce of the burcht of Dnnirfreije, and the faidis perfones ar indwellaris within the ftewartiie of KirJnidhiycJit, as the perfewaris thame felfis confeffit. The faid Mr Johne defyrit the firft and laft poyntis of the faidis Letteres to be red in prefens of the Aflyife. Item, aflvit inftrumentes ' ' Difchargit.' ^ Live-stock, cattle. 456* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1564. that the faid Johne Greirfones acciifatioune fuld be onlye vpone the firjl poynt thairof, and the faidis Roger Greirfoune, Gilbert JVrGub, and Thomas Mara- marfoune vpone the laji. ASSISA. Peter Dennum of Crecliane, Nineane Cwnyugliain of Craig- Robert Men5eis of Auclnnlell, Gil' Roreflbune in Kirkcudbright, neftane, Jo. Satlingtoune of Auchinfkeeche. And becaus na nowiner of Airj'ife wes fnndin, the Juftice coutinewit this actioune to the xiiij day of Februar nixt to cum ; and Cuthbert Greirfoune, Tutour of Larg, is plege for thair entre thairto. Absentes, The Maifler of Glenkardine (Glencairne,) Robert Kirkpatrick of Brakoch, John Ed;are of Ingliftoune, Andro Cwnyngbame of Birkfcbasv, and fifteen others, who were all amerciated for not entering on the Affife. ^lausljter of tfje HairtJ of I^assinticne. Oct. 21 — WiLLiAME Ellot of HoRSLEHiLL, Robert, Gawane ' and Arche, - Williame Ellot, baftard fone to vmq^' Robert Eliot, James Scot, fone to Walter Scot in Haflindene, delatit of the Slauchter of vmq'" Dauid Scot of Hassindene ; committit vpoun xviij day of October inftant. Persewaris, The Lard of Baleleuche, (The Quenis Aduocattis.) Prelocutouris for the Perfewaris. Prelocutouris for the Pannall. The Gudnian of Thirlftane, Tho* Scot of Edene, The Lard of M'Kerfloune, W. Douglafs of Cruik, Walter Scot of Edlchaw, Tho*- Scot of Hanyug, The50ungLard of Edmilloune, Alex. M^Dowgall, The Gudnian of TuCchelaw. of Steidrig, Mr George Dowglafs. My Lord Juftice Clerk aflvit inftrumentis, that the pannall aboue writtin defyrit thair perfewaris to be putt vpone thair Affyife ; becaus thai knew befor the tryell of the cryme thai wer delatit of : And proteftit, that albeit the Juftice depute, be awyife of his Afleflbui'is, for the prefent tyme confentit heirto, that the fame in tyme cuming fuld be na preparatiue. — Veedict and Sentence. ' Fylit— Decollat.' ' ^tiifeins a jjrecjnant S8iloman — C]^iIt--miirUn% Nov. 29. — ^VILI,IA]\rE Harrott in the Cannongait, delatit of the ftx-yking and dinging Avith his handis and feit Katherine Hay, being greit with chyld ; ofT the quhilkis ftraikis fcho tuke bed, and continuand in the pane and dolour thairof, pairtit with chyld ; and fwa wes crewalye flane be him in hir wamb. — Replegiated to the Regality of Halyrudehoufe. GTouboration — 3)nbasion nf tl;f ItafrU of (JTamlarfl, ^r, in a #enftU Court of tfje ^i'Ornfi: of air. Dec. 12. — Barnard P^ergussoun of Kilkeran, * Thomas' and ' ' Acquit.' See May 31, 1565, Ac. '■' ' Piier — difchargeit.' 3 Excepting in the case of Gawane and Arche. ^ For accounts of this and other similar Feuds, see History of the Kknnedies, quarto, Edin. 1830. '■' Thomas Fergussoune and those marked * were discharged simjiliciter. 5 22 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 457 David his brothers, and fifty-one others, delatit for Conuocatioune of our fouerane ladeis lieges, vpone the laft day of July laftbypaft, bodin in feir of weir, &c. to the nowmer of ane hundreth perfones, incontrair the tenour of the Actis of Parliament, and cuming within the Tolbooth of Air, quhair Robert Crawfurd of Clolynane, John Dunbar of Blantyre, and Robert Campbell of Ovirtoune, the Schereff deputtis of the fcherefdome thaii-of wes (ittand in juge- ment, in ane fenfit Court, for adminiftration of juftice ; and thair, oppinlie, in plane face thairof, eftir injurious wordis betuix thame, crewalie invadit Johne Crawfurd of Camlarg, and vtheris being with him in cumpany, with drawin fwerdis and ftavis for thair llauchteris ; and thairthrow trublit the faid Court, and ftoppit the laidis Scheref deputis to minifter juftice in the actioun and cauffis contenit in the Letteris criminall direct J^airupoune, then depending before thaitti. — The other pannels of note follow : — Thomas Ferguflbune in the Traif, G.Kennedy of Balmaclannochene, Olipher and Robert, his fons, Hectour F. fpous to Agnes Crawford, Robert Blair, his lioufliald man.* Gilbert K. of D., 5ounger, Niniane F. his fon, Duncan Kennedye of Dalquharne, Matho K., feruand to Jonet K. William F. of Auchinfoule,* Andro Graham, his houiliald man, Hew K., fone to fe Gudman of Duncane F. of Glenbowar, Wra. Cunynghame of Clonkard, Bogend, Walter Kennedy, fone to Drum- Dauid Kennedye, alias MePr/f^e,* Gilbert K., fone to Sir Hew of nellane, Johne Kennedye of Drumnellane, Girwanmanis. Gilbert Erie of Caffillis amerciated for not entering Patrik Kennedye, younger of Dalgerrok, and feven others, to underly the law. — As Baillie of the Regality of Corfrawgall, he defired to replegiate Thomas Ferguffoune in the Traif. — Continued to ' Thurifday nixt,' Dec. 14. Prelocutouris for the pannell. — Mr Thomas M<:Kel5eane, Mr Johnne Mofcrope, James Muir, brother to the Laird of Auchindrane, Johne Schaw of Halye, The Lai-d of Keris, Williame Cwnyng- hame, 30unger of Caprintoune. (Dec. 14.) — The Justice, be Interlocutour, ordinit that the faid Thomas Ferguflbune in Travis be nocht replegit to the faid Regalitye, becaus thair wes na writtis, actis, nor na vther reafonabill cans propouit that the farain wes befoir ane Regalitie. — My Lord Caffillis proteftit that the Interlocutour pronunceit Jjairaueut be nocht preiudiciall to his Regalitie foirfaid. ASSISA. The Laird of Camall, George Keffaue, James Dunlope of fat Ilk, Johne Cathcartof Carltoune, Johne Montgomerye in the Flatt, Johne Blare of Myddil Auchin- The Lard of Entrekin, Johne Schaw of Grimmet, drane, George Corry of Kelwood, Thomas Scot of Hanyng, Williame Inglis of Scheill. (Dec. 15.) — Verdict. The faidis Hectour, Thomas and Barnard Fer- guffoune Fylit of arte and parte of the Convocatioune, &c. Continued as to the reft to the next Juftice-aire of Air. VOL. I. f 3 M 458 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1565. assatiUina In tije ^))tvi^ Court of aijr, $(c, (Dec. 15.) — JoHXE Crawfurd of Camlarg, David and Quintine hia brothers, were ' Fylit' by the above Affife for the fame crime. Prelocutouuis for the pannell, The Lard of Kelwod, The Lard of Lefnoreife, Maifter Dauid M^'gill. Fifty-four others were also charged ; the most remarkable of whom were, Will. Crawfurd of Drummifhoy, Dauid Ciaufuid of Kerfe, John Power of Siluerwod, Dauid Crawfurd, his brother, W™ Cathcart of Drummifnoddane, George Logan of Brounhill, Allane Cathcart of Drumgowane, Williarae Cathcart of Wodlieid, Adame Dunbar of Barcurrocb, Da. Cunjaighame of Polquhirne, Al. Cwnynghame of Montounhill, Cuthbert Dunbar, his brother, Willianie C, his brother, Williame Cathkart of Watterheid, George Neifbet, in Tempelland. The remainder of the pannel were remitted to the next Juftice-aire of Air. ^tfalittfl iHontu — ^rourstits aitK iSanisIjmtnt. Jan. 12, 1564.-5. — Patrik Campbell, cuke and feruand to Dame Ka- therine Oliphant, Lady of Keltye, delatit of the theftuos breking of ane Bonet- kaife, pertening to the faid Dame Katherine, being in hir chalmer on the Northe lyde of Ed', and theftuos Steling and conceling fra hir, furth thairof, of ffyftie pundis of Scottis Testanis, ane Portugal ducat, and xx'^ fchillingis of vthir money. — Sentence. To be scourgeit throwch the Toune, and Baneist the realme during the Qdenis will ; and to departe furth of the famin within ten dayis nixt heireftir; and never, to returne within the famin, without fpeciale Licence of the Quenis Maieftie, vnder the pane of leid. ailomiUins a Hailit of lUnfrtiM in (P.vrrution of i)is #fRce. Mar. 5. — Patrik Jaksoune, hurges of Renfrew, and Sir Williame Jakfoune, his brotlier, fylit by an Affife of arte and parte of the Invading of Adame Hall, ane of the Baillies of Renfrew, with drawin fwerdis, and Hurt- ing of him, to the effufioun of his blude, in his rycht hand, vpone the xix day of Nouember laftbypaft, within the burcht of Renfrew, he beand in executioim of his office of Baillie vpoune the faid Patrik, in putting of him in Ward within the Tollmth of the faid Burcht, quhill ' he had fundin lawborrovvis that Johne Quhyte in Abbotilynche fuld be (kaithles of him, as law wald. laaouuKing anU iHutilation of tl)t pouns llairU of i^incaitj, autJ * iHalnim iinnram/ i)ts airotljrr. Mar.^ . — Johne Striuling of Craigbernard, John his fone and apperand air, Duncane, ^V'illiame, and Walter, brothers german to the auld Lard, Williame, baftard brother to the 3oung Lard, and nineteen others, delatit Until. ^ The date is not prefixed, but it must hare been between Mar. 8 and Mar. 13. 1 23 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 459 of the Invafioune of James Kyncaid, Ion and apperand air to James Kyncaid of that Ilk, and Malcum Kyncaid his brother, within the Tonne of Glefgvv ; and Hurting and Wounding of the faid James in his held, in perrel of his lyffe : And Hurting and Woimding of the faid Malcum in diuerfe pairtis of his body, and Mutilatioune of him of his left arrae, and making him impotent thairof ; vpoune auld ffeid and foirthocht fellonye ; coramittit in the moneth of Februar 1563. — Deserted. Proteftis Mr Johne Ruthirfuird, that the diverting of this Court be nocht prejudicial to the Quenis actioune. <^elUna asaines at UqI) ^vittsi* Mar. 20 James 5oung, cutlare, burges of Ed', and twenty-two others, delatit of breking of the Actis of Parliament anent Wynis, in felling thairof, &c. Their Cases were continued from time to time, and the offenders fined. ^ttulten,)— Sncest. Apr. 6, 1565. — Maister Johxne Craig, Parfone of Kincardin, and Margaret Mowat, fpous to Johne Craig of Craigisfyntray, delatit of the commit- ting of the fylthie and horrible cryme of Adultery, ather of thame with vtheris,' feu the moneth of December 1562, and nychtlie and continualie fenfyne. Prelocutouris for tbe paniiale, Mr Richert Strang, IVIr Alex. Sytn, Mr Thomas Bannatyne, Archebald Dempflar, Mr Frances Cbyne. Afkit inftrumentis vpoune the productioune of the fentence of Devorcement, of the dait the xviij day of November, 1562. — Continued to Monunday, the nynte of Apryle inftant. (Apr. 9.) — Comperit the faidis Mr Johne Craig, and Margaret his fpous, and afkit inflrumentis, thay requyrit and defyrit proces in the actioune aboue nemmit ; and in caife the Juflice wald continew the faid mater, that tliai allut- terlie ' difTaffentit thairfra ; protefland alwayis, that the continuatione thairof be na wyife prejudiciall to thair defenflis now vfit, or to be vfit be thaim in ony tyme theireftir. — Continuit to Thurifday, the xij of Apryle inftant. Maifter Johne Craig, Perfouue of Kincardyne, and Margaret Mowet, allegit fpoufe to Johne Craig of Craigisfintray, beand perfonalie in Jugement, and callit be vertew of our fouerane ladeis letteris, purcheft be Mr Johne Spens of Condy, and Mr Robert Creychtoune of Eliok, hir hienes Aduocattis, to vnderly the law for the Adultery committit be ather of thame with vtheris, in the moneth of November 1562 yeii'is, and daylie, monethlie, and continuallie fenfyne, the faid Margaret being the fpous of the faid Johne Craig, and nocht laufulie devorceit ; and as for Infeft, fcho being the faid Mr Johnnis brother-fonis ^ wyffe. It wes ' With each other. " Entirely, altogether. ' Nephew's. 460 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1565. allegit be the faidis Mr Johne and Margaret, and their prelocutouris, that na proces aucht to be led in the laid Court of Jufticiaiye aganis thame, be vertew of the faidis Letteris, for the faid allegit cryraes of Adulterye and Infeft ; becaus vpone the xviij day of November 1562, the faidis Margai'et and Johne Craig, befoir the faid allegit Adultery and Infeft committit be the faidis Maifter Johne and Margaret, ather of them with vtheris, libellit in the faidis Letteris, were lauchfully Devorceit and feparatit be Sentence irreuocabill, pronunceit and gevin be Mr Johne Ranifay, Minifter of Abirdour, and Thomas Cryftefoune, Minifter of Gemrye, liavand fufficient Commiffioune to gif the famin. And for verefeing of thair faid allegeance, prodvieeit the faid Sentence, fignatit ' and fubfcriuit in forme, as eftir followis. Sentence of Divotice, pfoceecfing on t//e groiii/d of luFoiF-tiCY. Till all and sindrv ProfelToiuis of Godilis moid holie Gofpell and Ewangellis, quhome thir prefentis lall to-cum, Maister Johne Ramsay, Minifter of Aberdour, and Thomas Crystesoune, Minifter of Geniiye, defyiit peax, mercye, and grace, throw Jefus C'ryft, our onlie Lord and Sauiour. Forsamekill as it wes lamentalilie exponit to ws be ane difcrete woman, callit 3Iargaret Moivat, docbter to Patriiv Mowat of Buciiquliellie, that fcho maid ane Contract and Band of Mareage with ane callit Jolinne Craig, fone to vmq''^ Tlioraas Craig in Cragiftene, ^it, nochtwitbftanding, the foirfaid Johnne accumpaneit nocht with ])e faid Margaret be mvtuale cohabitatioune, like as in mareage is requyrit ; be reaioune the faid Johmic is knawin to be impotent, as fcho allegit: And thairfor fcho obtenit ane Summondis, diiectit be Adame Herrot vnto ws, to cans lauchfulie fummond, warne, and charge the faid Johne, perfonalie apprebendit, or at his Paroche Kirk, on Sounday, quhilk wes the fyfteint day of the moneth of Nouember, to compeir befoir ws in the Paroche Ivirk of Gemrye, to heir and fe cognitioune takin in the faid mater be ws, quho had the Coraraiflioune for the tryell of the faid mater : And to heir and fe cognitioune taikin, in fie fort, that the faid Johnne fuld be feparatit, pairtit, and devorceit fra the foirfaid Margaret, gif he wes knawin to be impotent frome liis natiuitye, as faid is. For the tryell and teftificatioune of the quhilk, fum certane famous - and godlie Witnefis wer giflfin to ws, in bill ;^ quha, being examiuat be ws and fworne, depouit, all be thair aithis, that the foirfaid Johnne wes uiroTENX fra his natiuitye, and culd noclit accumpany witli his pairtye, as is afoir fpecifeit, and as at mair lenth in the Letter of the Examinatioune of the faidis Witnefles is con- tenit. Thairfor, we, havand refpect to the endis and principale cans quhairfov mareage was infti- tute and ordanit, conforme to the trew and infallibill Word of God, quhilk wes ])is, < to awoyd forni- catioune and to tiie procrcatioune of childrcne :' And confiderand the faid Johnne, quha is nowjier abill to fatisfye and fufficientlie content ))e faid Margaret, nor na v]ier womane, as wes fufhcientlie proven be fufficient Witneflis, vnfufpect, as faid is, now]ier ^it is abill to remar.e and accumpany with his faid fpous be mvtuale cohabitatioune, as at mair lenth in our Sunilnondis, to Jie procrcatioune of childrene, We, the faidis Maifter Johne liamfay and Thomas Cryftefoune, Minifteris foirfaidis, witii confent of our Elderis, deaconis, and Minifteris aftemblit in the faid place for the tyme, hes pronunceit, decretit, and decernit, and be the tennour of thir prefentis, pronunceis, decretis, and decernis the faidis perfonis, Johnne Craig and Margaret Mowatt, to be separatit, pairtit, and devorceit, and be the tennour of thir prefentis Separatis, Pairtis, and Devorceis tlie faidis perfones, ilk ane of thame, frome the Holie band of Mareage, from hencofurth difloluit, rclaxit, and lowfit,'* in fie fort, as thocht the fame had nevir b(!iie (-ftemit : And becaus thair is nathing obiectit nor laid to the faid Margaretis charge. We pro- * Signet*'*}, sealed. ^ Persons of goo*] fame or repiitation. -^ Roll. ^ Loosed. 23 Mar. criminal TRIALS. * 461 nunce hir to be fre to fanctifye hir body agane in to Mareage, gif ' fcho plefis. In witness to this our Decrete and Sentence irreuocabill, fubfcriuit with our handis, our fignettis is afBxit heirunto, At Gemrve, the xviij day of this monethe of Nouetnberj the ^eir of God I".V^'. Ixij jeiris, afoir tliir vvit- neffis, Williame Keith in Myddiltoune, Johne Donaldfouiie, Roberte Selpe. JouNE DoNALDsouNE, with my hand at the penne, led be Maister Johne Ramsay, Minister. Thomas Cristesouii, Minister of Gemrve, Witness, Ita est Thomas Cristesoune, fllinister Robert Selpe, w' my hand at the pen, led be Thomas de Gemrye, sub meis signo et signeto in Cristesoune, Minister of Gemrye, Witness, similibus et consuetis vsitat. William Ketth, in Myddiltoune, w' my hand. The Case was finally transmitted to the next Justice-aire of Aberdeen, but there is no marking on the Recoi'd to indicate the decision of the Justiciar. Slmftrsfttniff tl)t OTat) — H^orst-stcaliiitj:* Apr. 28. — Mu James Birny, in Pitlurg, having failed to find caution to fulfil THE Queen's Will, to which he had fubmitted himfelf, was Warded in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, for art and part of Convocation of the lieges, ' bodin in feir of weii*,' on Feb. 4 laft, and Umbefetting the way to Alexander Ti'owp, in his palling along the highway near the INIill of Bedcarye, (he being lame and unable to refill,) along with John Smyth, his fervant, and there cruelly Invading them with lances and ' Jedburcht ftawis'^ for their Slaughter : And alfo for Stouthreif and Healing from the faid Alexander of his black horfe, worth 1001., upon which he then rode. — (Apr. 30.) — He found caution to fulfil the Queen's Will. [Archibald Earl of Argyll, Lord Campbell and Lome, Jujl'ice-General.'] ^i^\) Crtasou — Coiispiraci) to m\t tlje (Jlueen's pf rsoii, ^t, [The following proceedings give a different view of this part of the life of the noted James Earl OF Both WELL from that which has hitherto been related by Historians. Without at all entering upon so extensive a field of controversy, the Editor has merely to refer the reader to the labours oi liohert- son, Hume, Laing, M'-Crie, and other modern writers, for their various statements of tlie facts which are reported to liave occurred immediately before the Marriage of Marv Queen of Scots with Darnley. The subject will, it is hoped, be soon taken up by Mr Tytler, in the course of his his- torical work ; where, from the masterly and accurate manner in which that learned and impartial author has already treated many of the most obscure and controverted points in the earlier liistory of Scotland, much light may be expected to be tin-own upon the wliole of this extremely entangled and intricate reign. In reference to this remarkable individual, the Editor begs here to lay before the reader two very interesting extracts, whicli, after investigation, he procured from the Kirk Session Records of the Parish of Cauongate, from whence, it may be remarked, several important historical events may be verified or illustrated. The story of Bothwell's first Marriage, and the subsequent cruel Divorce, May 7, 1567,'' are already well known. This event is thus recorded in these Registers among the Marriages, under date, Feb. 2i, 1565-6, ' James Eull Boduell — Jane Gordoun.' And in the ' Ifi ^ Staves. ' See Account of this Divorce, in Appendix to Robertson's Hist. No. XX, &c. 462 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1565. Record of Proclamations of Banns, the same day, the following entry also occurs : ' James Erll BoDUELL — Jane Gordoune,' filler to pE Erll of Huntlie, 1, 2, 3." Ma(rned) in our awen, (viz. Kirk of Canongate.) These events are also fully treated of by Knox, Buchanan, Leshj, (in his Defence of Queen Mary,) Meh'il, Spotsu'ood, Keith, Goodall, Tytkr, Chalmers, &c. Tiie enquiring reader will also find much useful and important information in the Collections of State Papers, &c. by Anderson, Haynes, Mur- din, and in the numerous Works of later Collectors.] May 2. — James Earl of Boithuile, Lord Creychtoune aud Halis, &c.^ was denounced rebel and put to the horn, and all his moveable goods to be efcheated, as fugitive from the law, &c. ; and Gilbert Ker of Piynifyde-Loch, and William Hepburne of Gilmertoiine, cautioners for his entry this day, were amerciated for his non-appearance to underly the law for the crimes contained in the following Letters, jiurchaied by Mr John Spens of Condy and Robert Creychtoun of Eliok, the Queen's Advocates. Summons of Treason againjl James Earl of Bothuile, S^c. Marie, be the grace of God, Quene of Scottis, To our louittis Adame M'cul- loch, Marfchemont Herauld, Meflingeris, our Schereffis in that parte, coniunctlie and feueralie, fpecialie conftitute, greting. Forfamekill as it is hnimlie menit and fchewin to ws be our louittis, familiar clerkis and counfalouris, Maifleris Johnne Spens of Condy and Robert Creychtoun of Eliok, our Aduocattis, That qnhair it is of veritie, that upone the xxvj day of the monethe of Marche, or thairby, in the jeir of God PV'lxij 3eiris, James Erle BoTHWiLE Lord Halis and Admirall of our realnie, being laitlie reconciliat and agreit with James Erle of Arrane, vpone lie debatis and contraverfeis as had happinnit amangis thame of-befoir, precogitat, confauit, and confpyi'it the treafonabill purpos and interpryife heireftir mentionat aganis our nobill per- Ibune, and did that wes in him to bring the famin to pafs, and to have perfuadit our laid coufmg to have affiftit and tane parte with him in his maifl treafonabill interpryife, vfand fik wordis, argumentis, and perfuafionis, as he thocht mycht bell feme for the purpoife : That is to say, The faid James Eule Boith- wiLE, the day foirfaid, jiroponit and earnefllie defyrit our faid coufing to con- fert and affift to him in this maner, faying, ' I knaw 3e haif innemies in Court ' This accomplished lady, who was the third daughter of George, fourth Earl of Huntly, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, six years after tiie date of her divorce, was married (2dly) to Alex- ander Earl of Sutherland, on Dec. 13, 1573. The Earl having died, Dec. 6, 1594, she married (3dly) Alexander Ogiivy of Boyne, whom she also survived. She died May 14, 1629, in the 84th year of her age. For the particulars of the life of this Lady, see Gordons Hist, of the Family of Sutherland. Sir Robert Gordon, the author of that work, as well as John, twelfth Earl of Suther- land, the Hon. Alexander, and the Hon. Adam Gordon, were her sons by her second marriage. Reference may also be made to Wood's Edit, of Douglas's Peerage, &c. - Viz. proclaimed for the first, second, and third times, according to the rules of the Church. ■^ ' Williame Hebhroii (^Hepburn) of Gilmertoun' became surety for his entry this day, by an Act dated Mar. 6, 1564-5. 23 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. « 463 • Jjat ftoppis 30W of 5our defyre at pE Quenis Ma^^" hand, quha will nevir • ceile quhill' ])ai have deftroyit 50W and 5our faderis Houfe ; bot and" 36 will • vfe my counfale, I fall fynd "pe meyne to efehew J>e haill wrek J)aii-of, and bring ' 50W to 5our purpoife. And this way fall we wirk. Howfone pF. Quenis ' Maieftie cumis vpone pe South fyde of pe Watter of Forth, quhilk wilbe ' fchortlie eftir Pafclie,^ we fall prowyde and keij) in cumpany famony freindis, ' feruandis, and parttakaris, as falbe abill, quhenne hir Ma"^ is at pE FIunting ' vpone pe feildis, or v))erwayis pafTand hir time mirralie, to execute ]jis pur- ' poife : That is to fay, AVe fall cutt in pecis famony of hir counfalouris, fer- ' uandis, or v})eris |)at will mak ws refiftance, and fall tak hir felf with us cap- ' tiue, and half hir to pE Castell of DujibertaNE, and }>air keip hir furelie, ' or v])irwyife deraayne hir perfoun at 5our plefour, quhill fcho aggre to quhat- ' fumeuir thing 56 fall defyre !' — Saying alfo, ' This thing is maift eafie to be ' done, quhenne hir Ma'^"' falbe drawin furth of pE Palice of Halyrude- ' HOUSE to pas hir tyme vpoune pe feildis, in quiet maner : And gif 36 tak ony ' feir to execute this interpryife, be reafouue of pe liafard or difficultye jjairof, ' 33 fall onlye bot fland and behald me put all thingis foirfaid to executioun ; ' and I fall quiklie execute and performe the premiffis !' And fwa the faid Erle BoiTHWiLE treafonablie preconfauit, precogitat, and proponit the deathe, at the leift the captiuite, empi'efoning, away-taking, and withhalding of our perfoune, aganis our will ; and als foliftit, tyiftit,* and did that wes in him to have maid our faid coufing affifter and parte-takare thairintill, had nocht bene the grace of God, quhilk of his infinit piete, lufe, and favour that he hes to the conferuatioune of our perfoune and Commoun-Avele of our cvmtre, wald nocht fuffir the faid maift treafouabill interpryife to tak effect ; bot rather movit the hert of the faid James Erle of Errane, our coufing, incontinent thaireftir to cum and revele the famin to ws, for the tyme being in Falklaxd. And it is of veritie alfo, that the foirfaidis Erlis of Arraxe and Boithwile, in the beginning of the moneth of Apryle nixt thaireftir, being baith pei'fonalie conftitute befoir ws and the Lordis of our Secrete Counsale, the faid Erle of Arrane, our coufing, declarit the haill purpoife foirfaid, and awowit the fame vpone the faid Erle Boithwile : And eftir that he had maid fayth with ane folempnit ' aithe, that his allegeance wes trew, he offerit to preve the famin vpone the faid Erle Boithwile be quhatfumeuir maner it fuld feme expedient to ws and Lordis of our Secrete Counfale to appoynt. And becaus the faid Erle Boith- wile maid him to deny^ the famin, it wes nocht thocht expedient be ws and Lordis of our Secrete Counfale, and als be the ernifi; defyre of baith the pairteis, that baith thair perfones fuld be committit to ward in fure keping within our ' Until. '■' But if. = Easter. * Ejiticed. ^ Solemn. "^ Denied. 464 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1565. Castell of Edixburghe, and thair commandit to remane quhill we and oiu* Counfall foirfaid had be all laiichfiiU meanis inquirit and maid fure tryall of the veritie of the premiffes. And it is of veritie, alio, that with all poffible diligence thaireftir, baithe the faidis Eklis wer conflitute and put IN AVard within our Caftell foirfaid, thair to have remanit as faid is ; and in the meyne tyme quhen diligent inquifitioun was makand to have done juftice in the faid mater, the faid Erle Boithwile, as faid is, being delatit of Treafoune and conftitute in "Ward, to half bene anfuerable thairfor according to the lawis of our realme, he, knawing him felf maiil giltye, and his confcience bering record aganis him, vpoune the laft day of Auguft nixt thaireftir, treafonable and con- tempnandlie brak his Wai'd and jirefoune of our Caftell of Edinburghe foirfaid, and departit furth of the famin to his libertie, efchapand tharby the pvneifche- ment that was dew vnto him for the crymes of Lefe-maieftie foirfaid, and thairthi'ow hes declarit him culpabill and accufabill of the foirfaid treafouabill Conspiracie that he wes of before dilatit and accufit of : And als, he being, as faid is, conftitute in Ward and vnder the fufpitioune and accufatioune of cryme of Lefe-maieftie, nocht abyding tlie lauchfull tryell thairof, hot breking his Ward in maner foirfaid, hes committit plane and nianifeft Treafoune, to his awin grete infamye and fchame, and in hie contemptioune of ws, gevand occa- fioune to vtheris to commit the like horribill crymes, gif this remane vnpvneift. Protestation hij Alexander Hepburn of Quhltfum againji Sentence of Fugitatio7i and OuHawrij being jjronoK need again jl the Earl of HotliweU. The famin day, compei'it in jugement of the faid Juftice Court, befoir the geving of the faid Dwme, Alexander Hebburne of Quhiffam, and gave in this Protestatioune, in writt, fubfcriuit with his hand, and defyrit the fame to be regiftrat ; quhairof the tennour foUowis. I, Alexandeu Hebburne of Quhitsum, feruand and kyniiifman to James Erle Boithwill, my Cheif, protestis folempnitlie in bis name, that fen fe faid Erie is allegit futnmond to this day to corapeir befoir our fouerane ladeis Juflice, and to vnderly liir bienes lawea for certane allegit crymes of Treafoune and Lefe-maieftie contenit in the Summondis direct tbairupoun : And nocbt- witbftanding bis innocence and mynd and will to have Jie tryell ]iairof, dar nocbt compeir, for feir of bis lyife at this tyme and place, be reafoune of the grete conventioune of bis innemeis and vnfreindis within this bur' at this tyme, quhome be feris to attempt his Slauchter and deftructioune be way of dethe, and quba hes declare! ])aim felfis innemeis to him laitlie of befoir ; that bis non-comperance bo nocht baldin nor reput as fugityve fra our faid foueran ladeis lawis, rebell nor culpabill of the faidis crymes, be reafoune that be dar nocht compeir for jull feir and dreadour that mycbt fall (happen) in ane conftant raanne ; as well apperis bo the grete gathering maid at this tyme in fe contrair, of pe caufing of bis innemeis and vnfreiudis, patfuittis his lyfl'e and diftructioune vniuftlie ; hot that be may be haid beireftir, at tyme and place fure and convenient, and the caufis of the faid feir ceifand, to ofiBr bim felff to ane Affyife for the faidis allegit crymes, and byde the tryell fairof. And ficlik, Proteftis, that quhateuir be done and procedit agains the faid Ehle, this day, be nocht preiudiciale to 23 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 465 him, his fame, lyff, landis, honour nov gudis, for the caufis foirfadis ; And defyiis this my Protefla- tioune to he infert in the Buiiis of Adioinsile, and for the extract ]>airof, vpoune my expenfTis. Alex". Hebburne of Quhitsum. And in likwyfe the faid Maifter Johne Spens of Condy, Aduocat to our foueran lady and ])erlewer of the faid actioune, in hir name Proteftit in the contrail", as eftir followis. Protestation of the Quern's Advocate, ' in the contrair' — Comperit Maifter Jolin Spens of Condy, Aduocat to our foiierane lady, and allegit Jiat }ie faid Eble culd pretend na juft caus of his abfence, nor juft feir ])at myciit fall in ane conftant manne ; fpecialie, be reafoun Jiat he is perfewit he the ordour of juftice ; and ]iat feir Jiat he hes of juftice to be doune is nocht juft feir of the law ; And thairfoir, can nocht be excufit, hot manne be haldin fugityve fra our Ibueran ladeis lawis ; nanielie, confidering pair wes na conventioune of his vnfreindis pair, hot ])e Juftice and Memberis of Court, ftttand with his Afteflburs, in quyet nianer. And Jiairfor, Proteftis pat he be haldin as culpabill of the crymes contenit in the Letteris, and that he may incur all vperis panis, quhilk towart our foueran lady, of hir lawis and practik of the realrae, he may incur. May 4. — Alexander Drubjmond of Medope, of the thifteous de- flructioune, fteling, intrometting, wafting, difiJoning, and conceling from Robert Lord Elphinftoune, in the moneth of Decembex*, or thairby, the 5eir of God I^Vlxij jeiris, and monethlie, 3eirlie, and continualie lenfyne, his gudis, geir, and money, in grete quantitie, extending above the fowme of twentie thovvfand pundis ; throw the occafioun of the Adultery committit be him with Margaret Drummond, fpovs to the faid Lord, at the tyme foirfaid. The faid Alexander afliit inftrumentis that he diiraffentit frome the continuatioune, and defyrit juf- tice, couforme to the Queen's grace writting ; and ficlik, aflvit inftrumentis, that the Lord Eljjhinftoune purgeit him of all thiftuous dedis fpecifeit in the Letteris. — Continued to the Juftice-aire of Linlythgow, Robert Lord Elphin- ftoune having become furety for his entry. Conboration — SnbalJinij tlje Conimnitiator of StiUrljattan, May 5. — Robert Innes of Inuermerkie, delatit off Conuocatioune of our fouerane ladeis liegis, to the nowmer of iij" perfones, bodin in feir of weir ; cumand to the Manys of Plewlandis, and Invafioune of Johne Commeu- datour of Ardchattan, for his Slauchter and vtheris crymes. Alexander Innes of Crombye become furety for his entry at the next Aire of Elgyne and Fores. iHtitilation of ii)t 2tairt« of Borff. May 9. — George Lord Seytoune, and John Seytoune of Cawrald- ftoune, his brother, James S., fon of vmq'^ John S., of Lathriflc, Alexander S., brother of \\'alter S. of Tullebody, and George S., in Tranent, were denounced vol. l t 3 N 466 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1565. Rebels, and put to the horn, and all theii* movables ordained to be efcheated ; and Hugh, Earl of Eglintoune, and Walter Seytoune of TuUebody, vvei-e amer- ciated for their not entering the laid perfons to underly the law for art and part of the Mutilation of Francis Dovvglas of Borg of his right arm and left hand, at leaft of the middle finger therof ; thereby rendering him impotent of the fame. ^laufffjtcv of ti)t itairti of IS^asatulsciif. May 31. — Gawane Ei.lot of Houslehill,' William Eliot of Lanie- ftone, and "VV^illiame Eliot, callit Gaivenis IVillie, of Fallinefche, continued to third day of the next Aire of Roxburghe," James Dowglas of Cawerfe, and William Dowglafs of the Cruke, were amerciated for not entering the faid Wil- liam of Lameftane and Gawenis Willie, who were denounced rebels, &c. — (Dec. 4 ) Robert (^oung, feruaud to the Lard of Pharneherft, comperit in jugement, and producit this writing eftir following, defyrand the famin to be infert in the Buke of Adjornale, and proteftit he mycht have the extract heirof, autentiklie ; quhairof the tennour followis : — Rex et Regina, We vnderftand ))at our louit Williame Ellot of Horllieliill wes Banischit of our realme for }>e arte and parte of fe Slaucliter of vniq''" Dauid Scot of Haffindene, for liis lyvetyme ; and ffand fouer- teis |)airfor : Noclitwitliflanding ye quiiilk, We, for diuerfe cauflls and toiifiderations moving ws, be fe tennour heirof, gevis and grantis Licence to ])e faid William to refort and cum lianie agane within our realme, and to remane thairiutill as our fre liege, in tyme cuming, noclitwitliflanding ]ie faid Ba- nifchement : And will and grantis ))at lie nor his fouirteis fall noclit be callit, fummond, nor accufit fairfor, nor incur ony danger or fkaith fairthrow, in his perl'oun, landis, or gudis ; nochtwitliftanding ony Actis or ftatutes, maid, or to be maid, in the contrair ; anent ]ie quhilkis we difpenfe be ]iir pre- fentis : Difcharging lieirfor our Juflice, Jiillice Clerk, Aduocattis, and all vjieris Jugeis within our realme, of all calling, perfewing, trubling, or intrometting with the faid Williame, his fouerteis, fair landis or gudis, for his returning and remaining at hame, within our realme, as faid is, and of ]>air of- fices in that parte, for euir, be )iir prefentis, Subfcriuit with our hand. At Ed". ]ie xxiiij day of September, the 5eir of God r".V'^.lxv seiris. Maiiia R. IIenky R.^ Crrason.i&lc Sintnroinmuniua iwiti) tlje Bul>t of CljattcIIaiault anU otljer 3tUl!Cls — Cafeiufl Snaats to strbe asainst tijr (»1urni, ^r. Oct. 26. — Alexander Moncreie, fon to Williame Moncreif of that Ilk, Jams Ross, and Duncane Robertsoun, feruand to the faid Alexander, dilatit off arte and part of the trcafonabill and vnlawfuU fiipple, affiftance, inter- commoning with JanR\s Duke of Chattellarault, James Erie of Murray, Alex- ander Erie of Glencarne, Andro Erie of Rothes, Andro Lord Stewart of Vchil- trie, Gawin Commendator of Kilwynning, James Kii'kcaldy of the Grange, Maif- ' See Oct 21, 1564. ' John Soniervile of Brounhill became his surety. ^ See some interesting particulars as to the Marriase of Mahy Queen of Scots and Dakn^ey, in the Notice, I * pp. 478 and -!88, &c. Hen. ET Mar. 1 & 23. CRIMINAL TRIALS. • * 467 ter James Haliburtoun, Proueft of Dunde, and vtlieris, our foueraois lordis and ladeis Rebellis, and being denunceit tliair ennemeis, and at thair home, for thair wilfull and manifeft contemptioune & difTobedience in non-compering at ane cer- tane day, to anfuer to fie thingis as fuld be laid to thair charge : And this wes done and conimittit vpone the xij, xiij, xiiij, xv, xvj, and all the dayis of this infl;ant moneth, quhill' Sounday, the xxij day of the famin ; And for arte and parte with thaim in thair wikkit and rebellious dedis. To the taikhme,^ the fame wes CONFESSIT be thaim, in jjrefens of the Lordis of Counfale. Item, for arte and parte of the vnlawfuU putting of thame lelf in amies, as raifit Men of Weir aganis our tbueranis and thair auctorite, in wageis, vnder Williame Mon- CREIF OF THAT IlK, gOUNGER, and JaMES KiuKCALDY OF THE GkaNGE, without owther command or Licence of our faidis foueranis ; taking wageis to feme thame aganis our foueranis, thair realme and faithfull fubiectis ; expres aganis the lawis of the realme, and incurrand the panis contenit thairintill : And this wes committit be thaim the tyme foirfaid : 2o the taikmne, thai pad to Ingland vpoune the xv day of this inftant, and thair remanit with the faidis Rebellis and thair Capitanis, in armes, quhill the xxij of this inftant, that thai wer takin reid-hand :^ And in fpeciale, the faid Alexander gat xx lib. for his monethis wages, and the faid James x 1. ; and gaif fayth thairfor they fuld feme as thai wer commandit be the faidis Capitanes. Verdict. The AfTife fylit the faid Alexander and James of the whole points, and the faid Duncan of the firft point of the Dittay. — Sentence. The faidis Alexander Moncreif and Jaimes Ross to be hedit and quarterit : And the executione delayit at the King and Queine's Grace commandement.^ The faid Duncan Robertfoune to be scurgeit throuch this Toune of Ed', with- out forther pvneifment in his perfoune or gudis. Credsonafili) ai&iUins fiom tiyt lilaitj of ^tivXm^, Oct. 26. — Richard Blyth, burgefs of Dundee, found furety to underly the law at the next Aire of Forfar, for treafonably abiding from the Ai'my or- dained to meet at Stirling, in Auguft laft. ^laucr|)ter — BorUrrrrs rcrtibrt as Cautimtere, Nov. 7. — Gilbert Lauder, in Quhitflaid, delatit of the Slauchter of vmq'" George Wedderat (burgefs of Lauder, vpon the faid George's lands and croft, lying near the Water of the faid burgh) ; committed vpoune the xxviij ' Until. * In token or teflimony whereof. ' Red-liand, in the fact. * They were in the meantime ordered to be strictly warded in the Cartle of Edinburgh. 468 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1565. day of September laft by paft (upon old fFeud, certain purpose, and forethought felony.) Persewaris. Andro Wedderat, fafer-brofer ; The auld Lard of Coldinknowis. Prelocutouris for the faid Gilbert, The Maifler of Borthwik ; The Lard of Pharniherll; MrJohne Mofcrope, Walter Ker of Dolphingtoune ; The Lard of Lawder. Prelocutouris for the purfuaris, The Lard of ColdinknoUis; Tlie Lard of Sesfurd ; The Lard of Inuerwik ; Thomas Ker of Merfingtoune ; Andrew Ker of Fawdounfyde. The faid Lard of Coldinknowis afkit inflrumentis that the faid Lard of Law- der would perfew in this cans ; and siclik, that the Juftice reffavit Bordou- RARis as fouerteis for the faid Gilbert, Proteftand, that gif the lik caus wes to be intentit or perfewit before them, that ficlik fouerteis may be relTavit to that ef- fect. The Aduocattis afkit inflrumentis of the dait of the Refpett producit, quhilk wes at Ed' the fecund of Nouember 1565 ; and that the fame frae the faid dait to the feifl of Michalmas theireftir' fuld onlie indure. Having pleaded his Refpite, he found Sir Thomas Ker of Pharniherfl, Kn'. and Walter Ker of Dolphingtoune, to fatisfy the jjarties. ^laugl^ter of ti)t €m'l of Bot]^\Mtirs serbant— SmtsHittion of tijt Eortis of #'es3ion. Dec. 7. — Alexander and Olipher Sinclair, brothers of William Sinclair of Hirdmanftoune, were denounced Rebels, and put to the horn, &c. ; and the faid AVilliam was unlawed, as their furety, for their not underlying the law, for art and part of the cruel Slaughter of ^^^1lter Murray, fervant of James Earl of Bothuile, Lord Creychtoune, and Halis, &c. ; committed Aug. 25. lafb, on old ffeud, certaine purpofe, pi'ovifion, and forethought felony. Dec. 8. — William Sinclair of IIirdmanstoun, Johnne Prett, Mathew S. in Mylnetoune, Alex. S. in Saltoune, Johnne Hog, and Robert FyfTe, alfo dilatit of the Slauchter of vmq'" Walter Murray. Persewaris, Adame and Williame Murrayis, brothers to vmq''= Walter. Prelocutouris for the pannall, My Lord Borlhuik ; Mr Tho. iSI 'cal3eane; The Lard of W^auchtoune ; The Lard of Trabroune ; The Lard of Butterdeue ; The Gudinan of Broxmouth. Prelocutouris for the perfewaris, The Comptroller;' The Lard of Traquair ; The Gudman of Hang- itfchaw; The Lard of Coldiuknowes ; Adam Wauchope of Caikmuir. AUegis the prelocutouris for the pannale, that na proces audit to be led aganis thaim this day ; becaus, of ^ the law, the famiji is haldin and audit to be ob- feruit — and that LouDis of Sessioune fittis nocht, and fpecialie in this caus, being Crimiiiale. And the Aduocattis allegit in the contrair, in refpect of the Alteratioiine of Religioime. The Aduocat afkit inflriunentis vpoune the pro- pofitioune of this allegeance be Mr Thomas M'^cal3eane. ' Sept. 29. ' Sir William Murray of Tullibardine. ' By, or according to the Law. Hen. ET Mar. 1 & 23. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 469 The juge, nochtwithftanding this allegeance, fyndis that he may proceid. The AlTefrouris and Lordis at pronimceing heirof, were my Lord AthoU, the Erie of Huntlie, the Secretar, the Juftice Clerk, the Erie of Mortoune. The prelocutouris foirfaid proteftit for remeid ; ' and afkit inllrumentis that the preloeutouris for the perfewaris declarit thai wald infill to the perfute of this cans : And that the Erie Boithuile declarit he culd nawyife infill to the defence of the Lard of Hirdmanfloune in this mater, be resoune the famin is his awin caus, and that his feruand is flane ; and 3it, be reafoune of the commoning betuix him and the faid Lard, he will nocht prefentlie perfew him his felf. — Continued. (Dec. 20.) — The perfewaris aflvit inllrumentis that the interlocutour wes gevin that thai fiild have jugement of their peris.' ASSISA. The Lard of Daliiiahoy, Ja**. Stevinfoune of Hirdmanfcliel, The Lard of Johneftoune, William Weche of Dawik, .James Lethmonth of the Craig, The Lard of M'Kerfloune, William Newtoune of that Ilk, George Tait of Pirne, ... Paterfoun of Caverhill. JohHe Lindfay of Cobingtoune, Geo. Haliburtoune of Walftruther, D.^ Elphingftouneof Hinderfloune, Jo. Aitoun, burges of Haddingtoune, The pannell alkit inllrumentis that they renunce any fauour of this Writting producit, defyring na delay of proces ; and makes fayth, (that) thai nor nane in thair names wes purchelTaris thairof. My Lord Justice Clerk alkit inllrumentis, that the pei'sewaris and defendaris defyrit baith procefs, nochtwithllanding THE King and Quein's grace Wrytting producit ; and thairfor proteftis, in my Lord Juftice Principale, his awin and the A fielTouris names, that na fault be imput to thaim, feeing thai are willing to obey the famin. The faid Mr Thomas pro- teftit, that albeit the perfones foirfaid be admitted and fworn to pas vpon their AlTyife, that famony thairof as ar Gentilmen be haldin for na Barronis. Verdict. ' Acquit the haill.' iKutilation — *2Hml)tsfttinii of tlje WHt-sniV — * 23riflantgp/ Dec. 11. — Robert Broun, maltman, Fylit of the Hurting and Wounding of Archibald Blakwod in his rycht arme ; and Mutilatioun of his myd-fynger of his rycht hand, be Vmbefetting of his Hie-gaitt betuix Leyth and Edinburgh ;^ committed vpoun fuddantie, vpoune the fext of December inftant : And acquittis him of the lying at wait, be way of Brigancye, &c. and Spolia- tioune of his cloik. — Sentence. To be putt in Ward within the Tolbuith of Ed". The Aflyife afkit inftrumentis that the perseware difallentit fra the per- fute of Mutilatioune for this time. ' Redress. * Peers, equals in rank. ■' Dynneise, Dionesius. * Many similar Cases occur in the Criminal Records at various periods ; some of them are mere Highway robberies, whilst, on the other hand, a large proportion of them evidently arose either from private feuds between the parties, or the mere love of mischief and adventure. 470 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1565-6. <#Iausf)ter ot tlje Hairti of COljpna. Oct. 12.— Alexander Lyoun and Mairiore Vrquhard, his fpous, ac- quitted by an Affife of the Slaughter of John Wod. Persewaris, Alexander and Gilbert Woddis, brefer to pe faid vmq''' John. Prelocutouris for the perfewaris. Phelocutouris for the pannall. My Lord Ogilvy, the Lard of Bonyngtoune, Mr Edmond Hay, My Lord Boithwile, The Perfouue of Wretoun, The Lard of Many, George Wifchert, Dauid Lyoune, Sir Hew Kennedye. Matho Hepburne. The faid Marioiye producit in Jugement ane Act of Court of the Sherifdome of Abirdene, vnder figne and fubfcriptioune of Williarae Bruce, Notar and Clerk of the faid Court, berand the contentis of ane Difcharge fubfcriuit be our foue- rane lord and lady, that the Shereff and his Deputtis fuld nawyife proceid vpoune the faid Mariorye in calling of hir to vndirly the law for the cryme foirfaid ; in refpect quhairof, fche allegit that na pi-oces fuld be led agains her in this Court. ASSISA. William Gordoun of Sauchquhyn, Joiiue Blakhall, in Tippertie, William Chalmer of Fedderauch, Robert Fowlis of Ochtertowle, Patrik Cheyne of Eflilmonthe, Alexander Jeffrey, in Culler, Alex. TuUedaff of Rannellouue, James Forbes, in Kildrymmie, Alex. Burnet of Leyis, younger, William Cheyne of Arnage, Alex. Gordoune of Abir3eldy, James Pantoune of Tullemaid, Thomas Chalmer of Tulykerye, James Gordoune of Crechye, William Raithe, in Eflilmonthe. Act of the Sheriff' Court of Aberdeenshire. Curia Vicecomitatus de Abirdene, tent, in Pretoria ejnfdem, decimo die menfis Septemhris, anno Do- mini 1563, per Georgeum Bijfet, Vicecomitem deputatum dicti vicecomitatus, pro Tribunali seden. : Sectis vocatis et Curia legitime ajffirmata. The quhilk day, Mairiorye alias Margaret Vrquhard, fpous to Alexander Lyoune, burges of Abir- dene, being prefentit in jngeraent to have bidden Jie law for allegit art and pairt of ))e crewale Slauch- ter of vmq''' Johne Wod of Colpna, comperit Andro Lard, melTinger, Sbiref in ]iat pairt, with ane Letter vnder Jie Aibfcriptiounis and fignet of our fouerannis King and Queen of Scotland, dated at Striueling Jie fevent day of September inf^ant, and of Jiair regnis pe firll and xxiij 3eris ; and inhe- beit, be virtew pairof, pe faid Schiref deput and all vperis of ony preceding contrare pe faid Margret alias Mariorye, for ]ie allegit cryme aboue written, vnto pe thrid day of pe Aire to be haldin within Ed'' ; as in pe faidis Letteris, at mair lenth, is contenit. Quhilkis Letteris pe faid Schiref deput in- ftantlie obeyit; and Gilbert Men3ie8 of Couly, burges of Abirdene, become cautioner and fouertieto enter pe faid Mariorye alias Margret, the faid thrid day of pe Aire, eftir pe forme and tennour of the faidis Letteris, vnder pe pienis contenit in pe faroiu : And pe faid Alexander Lyoune become obleifl faythfulie to releif him of pe famin. Quhairupoun pe faid Andro (Laird) and Mariorye Vrquhart and Gilbert Men^eis hinc inde defyrit Act of Court and inftrumentis. Extract. De libro Curie Vicecomitatus Aberdoncnjis, per me fcriba ejrtfdem fuifcripU Ita est IF"" Druce, No""' pub"' etjcriba dictj)i/tei\a\r, in Ediuburgli, and forae other parts in Scotland. " Maimed, mangled. ' Persons of good fame and repu- tation. * A decided point, or practique. '■' Mr John Spans of Condy, Queen's Advocate. 472 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1565-6. (Jan. 3.) — Dissert,' becaus James Striuiling, Donatour to the Gift of his Efchete, is with him aggreit and fatisfeit. SIfiitiinfl from iijt Inst llaiii of ^tivliuij. Jan. 3. — Andro Ballingall, in Drumbarro, dilatit of the remaning fra the Raid ordanit to convene at Striuiling, the laft of September lallbypaft. — My Lord of Flifli:,^ allegeand him to haif fpeciall command of the Kingis Maieftie to the effect vndirwrittin, commanding the Juftice depute and Clei'ks of Jufticiarie prefent to continew the actioune of Andro Ballingall quhill'^ the morne. — IVIy Lord Lindefay allegit, that it was THE KiNGis grace and plefour that the faid puir man had juftice, without delay or continewatioune ; like as he fuld verefy ; and thairupoun afkit inftrumentis. — Continued ' to the morne.' Persewaris, Mr Johne Spens ; Alexander Balfour, Donatour ;■" Mr James Balfour, Parfon of Fliflc, aflifter. Prelocutouris for the pannell. The Lord Lindfay, Mr llichert Strang, Mr Thomas Scot. (Jan. 4.) — Allegit Mr Richert Strang, prelocutour for the pannell, that the Summondis is nocht relevant, nocht contenand ony relevant caus to infer the conclufioune, nor to infer the defendar, exprellie being ane jjurelye man, nader wes comprehendit vnder the Proclamatioune, in refjiect that fumtyme Procla- matiounis ar maid vjioune Barrones, fumtyme vpoune all fubiectis ; nor 3it con- tenis the narratiue of the Summondis ony pane fpecifeit in the faid Proclama- tioune : And in caufis Criminell, lybellis audit to be maift cleir and relevant ; and gif this perfute wes Ciuile, the Summondis culd reflaue na proces, far les in this Criminall caus. And it is notoui" to the Juftice Clerk and his deputtis, that the Letteris audit to contene the verray forme of Pi'oclamatioune, that the offendaris may knaw quhow to vfe thair defenffis thairanent : For it may ftand, that the laid Proclamatioune beris within fextie and fextene ; and the defender is paft that dait lang before the famin. — Anfueris the Aduocat, that the allege- ance is nocht relevant, in refpect of the lummondis, quhilk referris to the Letteris of the Proclamatioune and executioune thairof, prefentlie pi'oducit. The faid Mr Richert allegit, that the fummondis is nocht relevant to the laid Proclamatioune, in ony pairt ; and the defendar is nocht fubjectit to anfuer to the faid Proclamatioune now producit, as ane pairt of the Summondis. It is allegit, that the faid Andro audit nocht to be put to the knawlege of ane Alfyife, becaus he is ane pure fermourer, nocht habill and of 3eiris to pas to the Raid, and he fend his fone, being ane fufficient man of armour, quha paft with the firft of the Army, and remanit with the laft ; and offeris to preif the famin fufficientlie. ' Deserted. - John Waddell, Parson of Fli(k, one of the Ordinary Lords of Session ; admitted Jun. 20, 1542. •' Until. '' Donator to the Gift of liis escheat. Much iniquity arose from the system of granting ' Gifts of escheat' to retainers of tlie Court, wlio were needy, and almost always inexorahle. Hen. & Mar. 1 & 24. CRIMINAL TRIALS. » 473 — The Aduocat anfuerit, that the famin aucht haill togidder to pafs to ane Affyife. The faid Mr Richert allegit, that the farain eild ' and remaning^ aucht to be proven be Witneffis, for inftructing of the Aflyife ; in refpect that the Affyife is fummond be the Aduocattis, and for trj^ell of the Dittay. Item, vnder proteft- atioune that the defender grantis na cryme nor offence, allegit for the defender, that our Ibuerannis lord and lady, be thair Writting, fubfcriuit with thair haudis, and vnder thair Signet, willit and grantit that the defender fuld nocht be callit for abfence fra the faid Raid, and that he incur na fkayth in his perfoune nor gudis ; difchargeing the Juftice, Juflice Clerk, Aduocattis, &c. : As the Difcharge producit, beris. And thairfoir allegit, that na procefs aucht forther to be led in this caufe, and vfis the faid Writting for difchargeing of the faid Juftice, Juftice Clerk, and Aduocattis aboue writtin, at this tyme allanerlie. — The faid Mr James Balfour a\k\t inftrumentis vpoun tlie tennour of our fouerannis Writting ; and gif the faid A'ldro will byde Alfyife, conforme to the narratyve of the famin ? Item, alTiit inftrumentis, that he inquyrit at the partye and my Lord Lindfay, his prelocutour, gif he wald byde Alfyife, conforme to the faid narratyve, and that of the remanent, or at the leift of that pairte, that his lone wes in Drumfreis or^ our fouerannis depairtit furth thairof ? — Anfuerit, that the faid defender, of the law, is nawyife fubiectit to anfuer to interrogatiounis of pairtye. Proteftis the faid Mr Richert, that the defenflis foirfaidis be difcuffit in ordour, as thai ar pro- ponit — and jiroteftit for the reft of his defenflis quhen neid beis. (Jan. 31.) My Lord Lindfay became furety for his entry at the next Aire of Fife, to underly the law, &c. ^ijiUiitii from tfjr lUitiQ of <#tuliiis. Jan. 4. — JoHNE CoKBURNE OF Wester Newtoune, delatit for his treafonabill remaining and byding at hame fra thair Maiefteis Oiftis and Raidis, ordanit to convene at Striuiling the xxviij and laft dayis of Auguft and Sep- tember laftbipaft, incontrare the tennour of thair Proclamatiounis. Persewaris, the King and Queen's Advocates; Patrik Anftruther, donatour of the Efcheat. Prelocutouris for the faid Johne, The Lard of Scraling, Mr Alexander Syme, Mr Robert Auchraowtye, Mr Williame Scot, Johne Auchmowtye, burgess of Ed'', Johne Cockburne in Leyth. Allegis the faid Mr Alexander, that the faid John aucht nocht to be putt to knawlege of ane Aflj'ife, becaus he is outwith the aige of Ix 5eiris ; and als in re- fpect of the exemptioune of our Souerannis Maieftye, of the dait Jun. 8, 1557, of hir regnnethexv 5eir; and in lyk maner, producit ane vther Writting, fubfcriuit ' Age ; viz. the pannel's time of life. ' Abiding from the Raid, ^ Ere, before. VOL. 1. f 3 o 474 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1565-6. be our fouei'aniiis lord and lady, difchargeand the Juftice, and vtheris thaii'in, off all proceding- aganis him, &c. off the dait the xxvi day of December 1565. — Affignis Thurifday nixttocura, with confent of jiairtye, to the faid Johne, for pro- batioune of the prouifioun contenit in our fouerane ladeis Licence, vnder hir Pi'ivie feale, to remane fra all Oiftis, Raidis, and Armeis, during his lyftyme, &c. (Jan. 10.) — Proteilis Mr Alexander Syme, prelocutour, that the alle- geances maid this day be difcuffit, tuicheing the prouifioune contenit in the laft Licence ; and als proteftis, that in caile he preve nocht the defence contenit in the Act, that he may be hard to fey forther, and preif the famin ; and alfe, proteftis for ane vther terme, gif neid beis.' (Jan. 11.) — The faid Johne producit certane WitnefTes, quha wer admittit and deponit in the faid mater ; and the famin mater being continuit be the Juftice to this day and Court, vpoun Interloquitovir, gif ane vther terme fuld be affignit be the Juftice, to the faid Johne Cokburne to fummond ma^ Witneffis thairin : Mr Robert Creychtoune, ane of the faidis Aduocattis, togidder with the faid Patrik, donatour foirfaid, beand comperit in jugement, in this Court, to heir and fe the faid Interlocutour i^ronunceit be the faid Juftice-depute, the faid Patrik, in prefens of the faid Aduocat, expouit and declarit, that it wes now comin to his knawlege, and clearlie vnderftand to him, that the faid Johne Cok- burne fend for him^ to the faidis Armeis, Robert Wat, wele bodin and furneift, as faid is, confornie to the Proclamatioune maid thairupoun, and had fatisfeit and fulfiUit the prouifione of his faid Licence ; and thairfor, with confent of the faid Aduocat, z-enunceit the faid actioune, and forther perfute of the faid Johne thairin : And confentit that all proces Ibuld ceife aganis him for the famin, in tyme cuming. — Quhairfor the faid Justice-depute, with the confent of the faidis parteis perfewaris, difchargeit the faid Johne of the faid actione ; and deceruit him fre thairof, and all forther proces to ceife thairin, in tyme cuming.' Coitcfaleti iJfturtin-, Jan. 18. — Robert Aitkvnk, delatit of the Murthour of Johne Robert- foune in Abirdene, throuch ftriking of him with an fchip-hananer, behind his bak, on his bed, within his awin barne ; and thairefter, beleviiig him to be deid, lokkit his barne dur, mynding,'' eftir concealing of his deid, to have bureit him in the nycht. Prelocutour for tlie faid Hobeit, Dauiil Piimrofe. ' TIk! iianios of fivo Witnesses were given in, as liaving been sworn. - More. ' As his substitute. '' Otliers were cited for tbe same otl'ences, and were pursued as rigorously as in tbi' above instances, cbiefly cutlar, Williame Johnne- ftoune, Bowar,^ and Thomas Broune, Cordiner, burgeffis of Edinburghe, delatit of the Hurting of Freir Johne Bi,ak, betuix his fchulderis, to the effuffioune of his blude. — Continewis to Monunday nexttocum ; and Ordanis the pannale to remane within the famin (Ward) quhairin thai wer of befoir : Quha hes acceptit the famin. Prelocutouris for this pannale, Maifter Dauid Borthwik, Mr Tiiomas M'=cal3ane, Mr Johne Scharpe, Mr Alexander Sym, Mr Richart Strang, Mr Clement Litill. (Feb. 18.) — The prelocutouris aflvit inftrumentis, that thair wes ane command, be deliuerance of the Lordis, producit in jugement ; be vertew quhairof, thai wer chai'get to aflift the perfones perfewit, in procuring for thame anent thair lauchfull defenflis, vnder the pane of depriuatioune contenit thairin. They alfo ' afkit inftrumentis,' that they requyrit the Aduocat to fweir the Dittay. — The Aduocat, Mr Robert Creychtoune, aflame6ticluu— SUtbaHinti iiorlr ^altoune, ^t, Feb. 28. — Mr Thomas Keir, Johne Farquharfoune of Newtoune, and twelve others, delatit of the Convocatioun of our fouerane lordis (and ladies) lie- gis, and be way of Hamefuckyn, Invading of the Lord Saltoune and his feruandis. Mr Thomas M'cal5ane, prelocutour, proteftit in name of the pannale, for thair expenffis, be reafoun thai comperit, and wer in reddines to vnderly ane AflTyife ; lyke as ane fufficient nowmer thairof wes heir, fummond to that effect. — The Aduocat afkit inftrumentis, that he for tbe prelent difaffentit fra the pei'- fute of this cans, becaus as he fulpectis coUufioune betuix the pairteis ; and thaii-foir wald fummond, quhen he plefit, ane imfufpect Affyife to this effect. ^)orsr--^ttaIiiT0 from HaUi? (Jrtimistounr, Mar. 4. — Parese Smi'iLL delatit of the Steling fra the Lady Ed- MISTOUNE of four horfe. — Ihe Lady Edmiftoune difallentis fra the perfute of the faid Pareis. Prelocutouris for this Pareis. Johnne Edmilloune, Niniane Stewart, Johne Sinipill, fone to the Lord Simpill. John Simpill of Blenefchelis became caution for the entry of the faid Pareis at the next Juflice-aire of Edinburgh. ^lauflljtfr — Simisliicttoit of X\)t llortt l^iflf) dToitjatalile. Mar. 5. — James Bog, delatit of the Slauchter of vmq'^ George Hamil- ' Wiped ; cleaned. The more intelligihle phrase ' wefch (washed) the blude af his face,' is deleted, and the above words have been interlined. Hen. & Mar. 1 & 24. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 477 toune, son of William Hamiltoune of Pardovane, committed on fuddantye, in the month of Januaiy laft. Persewaris, the Lard of Pardowane, father, brether, kyn, and friendis. Prelocutouris for the said James, Mr David RFGill ; Mr John Scharpe ; The Lard of M'Ker- Itoune ; The Lard of Swynftoune ; Capitane Anftruther ; Walter Ker. Prelocutouris for the perfewaris, The Lard of Prefloune, tlie Lard of Keir. The pannel produced a Refpite, dated' Feb. 22, 1565, for the fpace of 19 years. Proteftis M' Dauid M'Gill, that the entrie of James Bog in this Court, benawyife prejudiciale to the Regalitye, in refpect of the committing of the Slauchter libellit within the famin ; and that the fouerteis fundin to this effect, to THE CONSTABli>L and his deputtis, incur na danger. And ficlik, Williame Hender- foime, Conftabill depute, proteftit, that his entre foirfaid be navvyife prejudiciale to his office. — Mathew Sinclare of Lochirmalcus, Williame Ridpeth, of that Ilk, and Andrew Ridpeth, his uncle, became cautioners for the satisfaction of the pai-- ties. The last of the Scroll-Books of Adjournal during the reign of Mary, Queen of Scots, (some of which, as formerly noticed, have fortunately been preserved,) ends on Mar. 5, 1565-6. A few gleanings, however, of considerable historical interest, have been obtained from a Caution Book, (' Liber Plegiationis s, D. N. Regine,') which extends from Jun. 18, 1563, to Nov. 25, 1566. No other fragments of the Criminal Recoi'ds can now be found, from the period of the last of these dates to the close of Mary Queen of Scots' reign, July 29, 1567. The Trials which took place during the minority of King James VI , as given in the sequel of this Collection, carry forward the chronological series of the Recoi'ds of the High Court of Justiciary of Scotland. In one of the MS. Abridgements preserved in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates,^ the following notice occurs, in reference to this period : — ' Mr Thomas Craig fitts as Juftice deput for the moft part ; only Najjer of Mer- chijioune fitts the two firft months. And Sir Simon. Prejtouiie of Craigmillar had a Commiffion to be Juftice General for a fliort time, viz. from 22 Jan'^ 1565, to the end of the next FeV. The reafon feems to be, that at that time, Argijle had joined the difcontented Lords who had took arms after Henry Darnlie's Marriage with the Queen, chiefly because he had been proclaimed King without taking the advice of the Great Lords, or aflving the confent of the States of the Kingdom. — Vid. Home's Hist, of the Douglafles, in Earle Mor- toune's life, p. 287 ; and Spots. Hift. ad. ami. 1564, p. 190, etfeqq.' ' At Edinburgh. = MS. Coll. Adv. Library, M. 5. 14, p. 66. 478 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1566. [3Ir Thomas Craig, Juji'ice Deputel] Creasonafile eonspirac|)— Simprtsoning Xiyt &\xttn in \)tx ^alart of .ii?oIni'oo^ — iHurijrr of 'Qa\ii^ 3tli(cio, ^t, [The minute circumstances attending tlie bold but unmanly Conspiracy for the Murder of the Queen's favourite, David Riccio, liave been so frequently detailed, that it is not the Editor's inten- tion to inti'ude any lengthened observations upon the reader's notice, in this place. It will be found tliat, in the text as well as in the Appemlix to this reign, many interesting particulars have been col- lected, which are now for the first time laid before the public, equally illustrative of this Treasonable and atrocious fact and of the subsequent Murder of Kixg Henry (Darnley.) Reference maybe advantageously made to the Collections o{ Anderson and Keith, and to the His- tories of Laing, Hoherlson, Chalmers, &c. for many important Papers, each of which throw addi- tional light on the disastrous consequences resulting from this bloody and barbarous transaction. The following Trials oj" the Laird of Cambusmichaell and his two associates, and of Henry Yair, have fortunately been preserved in Sir Ludorick Stewart of Kirkhill's MS. Collections.' As was formerly observed, the original Criminal Records of this period have long since been destroyed ; but it would appear, that the Volume in which these Trials was inserted must have been extant in the reign of Charles I, when this eminent Lawyer flourished. From the same source also, the Editor has recovered the following brief Memoranda, containing particulars,- which are thought of sufficient importance to be preserved along with the Trials to which many of these circumstances relate. ' Ane compendious notation of maters intcrpryfed and done Jin ]ie Queen's Ma. comeing out of France to this her graces reahne, ))e 19 Augujtij, 136 L-^ ' In the first, the Slaughter of ])E Earle of Huntly wes vpon pe 28 day of October (1562), at Brunalfoure, (the Battle of Corrichie.) ' The Earle of Lexxox came to Scotland )ie 21 day of September 1564, and his refloring wes in )ie Tolbooth of Edr by ane Parliament haldine |ie . . . day of . . . loGl. ' The Hame-comcing of my Lord Darnley, his fon, out of England, wes \e 12 day of Feberij, 1564(5.) He wes made Duke, Earle, Lord, and Knycht, in the moneth of Jully, and wes Crounit be the Queen's Ma'^"^ with ]ie Ckoune of Matrimony, vpon J)e 28 of fe faid moneth : And vpon pe morne, his Mariage wes with J)E Queen's grace, in )ie Abbay of Hallyroodhous, with the Mefs,* and came to Preaching twa Sundays nixt pairafter ; and never after, vnto deceife. ' The Lords underwrittine were Banished for not confenting to the forfaid Mariage. Ther reafon wes, becaul'e fE Queex wold not grant to pe eftablilhing of ])e true Religiox, and they remainit in England thrie moneths, or jiairby. ' The names of the Lords, Barrons, and jmncipall Gentlemen, that depairtit to England. ' James Duke of Calleleherault, James Earle of Murray, Alexander Earle of Glencairne, Robert Lord Boyd, Lord Vchiltrie, Gawine Commendator of Kilwiiiing, Earle of Rothefs, Archbald Earle of Argyle, (but he remainit in Argyle,) Sir William Kirkaldie of Grange, kny', Monypenny of Pitmillie, younger. ' The quhilkis Lords fould have been fforfaulted in ane Parliament qnhilk wes halden at Ed'' fe 18 day of March 1564-(5), the Kixg not reforting ]iairto, but playing him where he thouglit b'eft. On |ie quhilke ]ie Earle of Huntly fould have been reftored, quhilk be Jie Slaughter of Sein^our Davie (' Rl5io,'^) ane Italian, who fould have bein made ane Lord and ane Laird vpon ]m morne, wes ftayit and continwit. The faid Slaughter wes committit vpon ])e 9 of March, at even, be thir perfons follow- ' Robert Milne's MSS. Adv. Library, \V. 3, 18, pp. 71 and 7.5. * Sir Lud. Stcu-arfx MS. Collections, ib. p. 359. ' ' This taken out of the 3d Vol. of Hope and Durie's Practiques, h)st leafe tliairof.' R. Milne's note. * See Notice prefi.xcd to Jun. 14-, 1567. ' /?. MUne's note. Hen. & Mar. 1 & 24. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 479 ing, viz, James Earle of Mortone, Patrick Lord Ruthven, who tore him out of the Queen hir armes, William Maifter of Rutliven, Patrick Lord Lindfay, Sir William Maitland of Leithingtoun, kny«, Secretar to our foverane lady, Mr James M^Gill of Rankeillour-Neather, Clerk of Regifler, with Jiair aflifters, kinn, freiudis, and fervants. Quhilk SEIN510R Davie they flew in the Queen's Chamber, and in hir graces prefence. ' And ])E LoRDls quhilkis of befoir wer Baniflied, vpon ])e morne they came to Ed'', and they got fair peace fra ])E Queen's grace. And ])airefter her grace fled to Dunbar and guydit ]ie countrie, and Banifhed fe faidis Lords quhilk were ])e Slayers of jie faid Sein^ior Davie, and put faim furth of ])e realme. ' For the quhilke Slaughter Thomas Scot of CamfmycJiaell, fchereflfe depute of Perth, and Henry sair, fervants to my Lord Ruthven, were hanged and quartered. ' To the quhilk Slaughter the King conftitute {conjcnlit 7) and went with jiaim to ]ie Queen's grace Chamber; and Jiairefter dcnyed Jiat he confentit Jiairto, quhen ])E Lordis were out of ]ie realme, bot faid he wes compellit be Jiaim to confent Jiairto, or elfe they would have flaine him. ' The Nativitie and birth of our noble Prince wes in the Castle of Ed" Jie 17 Junij, at ij hours, in ]>e year of our Lord 1566. His Baptifeing wes in Stirling, be the Bischop of St Andrews fe 10 of December, ])e forfaid year. The King of France and ])E Queen of Eng- land, be fe Ambaxattis, being witneflis, to witt, Monseor de Breame (for ])e King of France,) and ])E Earle of Bedfurd for ])e Quein of England. The faid Quein fent ane Funt of Gold to his Bapti:;eing, with oj'eris great Gifts were given at ]ie faid Bapti5eing, The fad Monfeor de Breame uamit him, be command of ]ie King of France, Charles ; the faid Erie of Bedfurd namit him, be command of jie Queen of England, James, quhilk we retein. ' The King came not to )ie faid Baptizme, bot many of ))E Lordes waittit vpon ])E Earle of Bothwell quhilk were prefent at ]ie faid Baptizme. The King went to Glafgow foon after, and remained fair quhill Januarij. And fan ])E Queen's grace and ]ie Lords quhilke were fair, in fe Court, went for him to bring to Ed'' 1566. ' Att fe faid Baptifme f e Lords quhilke were Baniflied for fe Slauchter of SEIN510R Davie were relaxit, and came home to this countrie. The Lord Ruthven are (is) in England. ' The King remained and lay in f e Kirk of Feild, and divers tymes f e Queen came to fie how he did, he being very fick, 1566-(7). He being in his bed f e 9th Feb'' at twa in f e bell after midnycht, wes blawine in fe air, and ]ie haill lodging, William Tail3eour being alfo murthered with him, who wes his fervant, in anno 1566-(7). ' The Earle of Murray departit to France, within ane raoneth after f e faid Slaughter. • The Prince wes fent to fE Lord Erskine in Stirling fe 8 of March, fe year of God 1567; and he delyverit )>e Caftell of Ed' to her grace fe fame day, quhilk fliee gave in keeping to Schir William Cockburne of Scirling, kny', who keipit fe famin till fe 22 of Appryll, and fan Schir James Balfour of Pitteiidreich, kniclit, I^aird of Burghley, was made Captaue Jiairof.' Without attempting to collect into one view the various information which is scattered through the Appendix to this reign, so far as is illustrative of many of the important matters connected with these tragical proceedings, the Editor begs merely to refer to these, in addition to the numerous Collections of State Papers and Histories which treat of the Life and times of Mary Queen of Scots. The forthcoming Volumes of Mr Fraser Tytler may safely be consulted for an impartial summary of that eventful and hitherto doubtful period of Scottish History, which, it is confidently expected, will receive much new and important light from that author's critical acumen and patient research. It may be mentioned here that in these Records, and other authentic documents, the name of Queen Mary's Secretary was David Riccio, not ' Rizzio,' as his name has vulgarly been written, almost uniformly, by all our popular Historians.] 480 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. " A.D. 1566. Apr. 1. — Thomas Scott of Cambusjiichaell, Shereffe Depute of Perth,' William Harlaw, and John Mowbray, burgeffes of Edinburghe." ASSYSE. The Laird of Langtoun, Alex. Home, burges of Ed', James Nicoll, Baillie, The Laird of Wliytelaw, William Forrefler, in Leith, John Hamiltoun, merchant, Andre Hamiltoun of Cochna, Walter Cant, ther, The Laird of Cambusnethan, The Laird of Skirling, Cuth. Ramfay, burges of Ed% Alexander Bruce, burges of A. Stewart, Tutor of Caflelmilk, William Fouller, Baillie, Edinburgh. William Fouller aud James Nicoll, Baillies, proteftit, Jjat })air paffing upon this AfTyfe be na ways prejudicial! to them, nor their offices ' in tyme cuming. Verdict. The quhilk day, the faid Thomas Scott, William Harlaw, and John Mowbray, were Convict and Fyllit be the faid Affyfe of airt and pairt of the unlefum and treafonable Wacheing, warding, and balding in captivitie, with Convocatione of our Ibveran ladyes leidges, bodin in feir of weir, alfe weill in fecret armour as with jakis, fteill-bonnettes, gunnes, piftolets, fvvords, bucklers, Jedburcht-ftaffis, Halberts, and v]?eris wapnis invafive, be themfelves and vtheris in jjair names, of ])air caufeing, command, affiftance, devyfing, fending, and ratihabitione, of our faid soueran ladyes maift nobill perfone, within hir maift fecreit Chamber of her Palace of Halyrudhowse, immediatelie and continuallie fra the comitting of the ci-ewall and treafonable Slaughter of vmq'" Secretar David Rizew, quhilke wes upon the nynth day of March laft bypaft, * to the fpace of xlviij houres uixt ]iaireftir, treafonablie and maift awfullie ftoping hir Hienes to ufe hir libertie in the meanetyme : Lykas, alfo, fhe hade bein haldin be paim in prifon as 3it, maift treafonablie and wickitlie, had not bein that, be the provifione of God, flie Jjairefter fred and delyverit hir felfe furth of pair hands, in maift fober and quiet maner, under filence of nycht ; and, with grayte hallirt of hir lyfe, paft to hir Caste LL of Dumear, for faiftie thereof: Aud this they did upon fet purpofe, prouifioun, andfoirthoughtfellony. And Jjairfor, Dome wes given and pronouncit be the mouthe of the Dempfter of the faid Court, at command of the faid Juftice-depute, that ])e faid Thomas fould be Hangit qiihill he were deid, drawin, quarterit, and demaneit as ane traitour ; and all his guidis, moveable and uumoveable, lands, heretages, annual- rents, takis, offices, fteidiugs, poffeffiones, and uthers whatfumeuer, to be FOK- FAULTIT, and Efcheit to our fouerane ladyes ufe, at her pleafure.^ ' ' He was iiANOED and QUART^nzTi.'—Spotstvoods Hist. p. 195. ^ They were both spared at ' interrefiion of Earle of Bothwell.'— /?. J}Jihie. ^ As being two of the Baillies of Edinburgh, at the time of the trial. ^ ' Mons" Singnior Dauid ves (lane in Halyrudiiois, |>e ix day of ISIerciie, anno 15(j5-'(6.) — Kir/: Session Eecords cif Canmirjate. ^ INIar. 3], 1.566, Item, to Snawdoun, Herauld, 8cc. paniind of Ed', with Lettres to feriiie, &c. ]'e efcheit gudis pertening to Thomas Scott of Camburmichaell, beingin captiuitie, and to be accufit of certanepointis o( Treffbne, off ))e quhilkis he wes conuict and jullefiet to ]ie deid, iiij li. xvj s. Treas. Ace. 1 & 24 Hen. & Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. , * 481 ^iQf^ Citasoit — Creasoitafile Conspii'Sfg asainst ti)e ^unnauti ^libi) CTounrtl, ^c — iHurUer of iBabitJ Mictio* A\iY. 1. — Henrie Yair,' delaittit of Treafoue following." ASSISA. Lawrence Syinfon,burges of Ed'', Robert Ker, merchant in Ed'', Win. Anderfone, candlemaker, John Gilbert, goldfmith, Alexander Haiftie, there, Alexander Bruce, in Edinburghe, Thomas Ewing, goldfmyth, John Watfon, merchant there, Allan Dickiefoue, ther, Gilbert Scowgall, James Forrett, there, William Rae, cutler, Capitane Robert Lawder, Edward Litle, merchant ther, Robert Eviot, in Mertoun. Verdict. The quhilk day the fliid Henry Yair wes Convict and Fyllit be ane AfTyfe, of airt and pairt, affiftance, fortifieing, fupplying, ratihabitioun, and eoncealling of the treafonable Couipiracie, convocatione, and gaddering of our foveranes leigeis, to the number of fyve hundreth perfones, boddin in feir of 'weir, alfeweill in fecreit armour, as with jaks, fteill-bonnetes, gunnes, piftoletis, fwords, buklers, Jedburcht-ftaues, halberts, and vtheris waipones invafiue ; and entering therewith, treafonablie, within ]jair Majesties Pali.ice of Hally- RUIDHOUS, purpoflie to have put violent hands on our soverane ladies maift nobill perfone, haldin and demaneit the famyne at ther pleafure ; and ficlyke, to haue llane or otherwayes demaineit, as they thought expedient, the Lords of hir hienes Secreit Couxsall and Sessione, and vtheris hir Minifters and OfSciars, being within hir Pallace and in her fervice for the tyme ; and ]>a.i upon the nynth day of March laft bypaft, under filence of night, at aught hovires at even or pairby, it being the tyme of Parliament current. And for performing this jjair maift wicked and ungodlie purpofe, they then maift treafonablie rulliit and enterit within f>e laid Pallace, tuike the famen at J)air own hands, reft the keyes Jjairof fra the Porters, clofit the yetis, and made }>aimfelves as principalis and maifters jjairintill, our foverane Lady being for the tyme in her maift fecreit Chamber jjairof, att hir quietnes, having na feir nor dreidour of hir fubjects, to whom hir grace at all tymes had been maift beneficiall/ guid, and mercifull ; and J)air maift crewallie, with drawin fwords, whingers, bendit piftolls, and vthers wapones invafiue, perfewit and invaidit umq'^ Secretar David Riccio, hir hienes familliar fervand, J)an in companie within hir hienes Chalmer forfaid, and flew him treafonablie and unmercifullie, in prefence of our faid soverane, and pat violent hands in our soverane ladyes maift nobill perfone, in defence and faiftie of the faid umq'^ David ; held, deteinit, and preflit the famen maift aw- fuUie and treafonablie, till they had committit ])e faid Slaughter in hir pi-efens, as faid is, hir Majestie being })an great with chyld; giveand to hir hienes ' ' Somtyme a Preift.' — H, 3Ii/hies MS. See Notice to preceding Trial. Having renounced Popery, he became one of Lord Ruthven's retainers. See Keith, 334. ^ ' For acceffion to David Rizio's Murder, 9 March, 1566. Wes hanged and quartered. Spotswood's Hist. p. 195.' — B. Mylne's MS. ^ Beneficent. VOL. I. f 3 P 482 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1566. occafioiin, throw dreadour and difpleafure flie conceavit, be the fight of the faid crewall Slaughter and maner jjah'of, and be the deteining and thrifteing of hir awn perfone in violent nianer, as faid is, to pairt with hir birth: And imme- diatlie therafter, feirfchit and fought the faidis Lordis, Minifters, and Official's being within the faid Pallace, to haue llaine them ; and fwa had don, had not bein the pleafure of God they efcapit :' AXD fwa, feing themfelues difap- poyntit in ]?at behalfe, through Jsair evafioun, at })air pleafure, in treafonable maner, detainit and held captiue the remanent Lords, Minifters, and officiars within the faid Pallice, fra the faid hour, at aught, while" tua hours after mid- night, J)at famen night, continually ; upon fet purpofe, provifioun, and foirthowght fellony. Item, for airt and pairt of the unlefum and treafonable Warding and balding in captivitie, with Convocation forefaid, boding in feir of weir, as faid is, be himfelfe and uthers his complices, of our soverane Ladyes maift noble perfone, within hir faid Chalmer of hir Pallace of Halyrudhous forfaid, immediatelie and continuallie frae the committing of the faid crewall treafonable Slaughter, quhilk wes at the tyme forfaid, to the fpace of forty-aught hours nixt therafter ; treafonablie and maift aufullie ftoping hir iliENES to ufe hir libertie, in the meanetime : Lykeas alfo, Ihe had bein balden be them in prifone as yit, had not bein that, be the provifione of God, flie therfor fled and delyverit hir- felfe furtli of ther hands, in maift fober and qwyet maner, under filence of night ; and with great hazart of hir lyfe, paft to THE Castell of Dumbar, for faiftie of hir lyfe ; upon fet purpofe, provifioun, and foirthought fellony. And theirfore. Dome was given and pronuncit be the mouth of the Dempfter of the faid Court, att command of the faid Juftice Deput, that the faid Hendrie fould be Haxgit while he were deid ; drawin, quarterit, and demaneit as ane traitor ; and all his moveable and vnmoveable lands, heretadges, annualrentis, tacks, offices, fteidingis, poffeffiouns, and uthers whatfomever, to be Forfaltit and Efcheat to our foverane, to be ufed and difpoued be hir Majestie, at hir pleafure. 8!©rartiin0 tfjt (^wttn in ?MaIi)rutirpousf, ^c — iHurljer of Apr. 6, 1566. — Thomas Tait, Dauid Aikinheid, Johne Kafs, Thomas Paterfoiui, Nicoll Galwye, Johne Cochrane, and Gilbert Weche,^ induellaris in Dalkeyth, John Hunter in Cowlland, Alexander Hoge in Dalkeyth, AVilliame Archebald in MulTilburcht, James Cuthbertfoune, Johne Mowe, Johne Stevin- ' ' Tlieir names wes Huntlie, Argyle, Botliwell, Sutherland, Caitlines, Lords Flemyng and Leviner- ftoun,' &c. — See SjMtstvoocTs Hist." p. 194. Item, Home of Godscroffs Hist. p. 292. R. Mylne's MS. Note. ' Until. ' Veitch. MaU. ET Hen. 1 & 24. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 483 Ibiine, and Adame Watlbune, induellaris in Dalkeyth, found fiirety to iinderly the law, ' vpoune lex dayis warning, ffor the treafounabill wacheing, warding, and Imprilbning of our foueran lady within hir Paijce of Halyrudhous. — (Apr. 8.) JoHNE Smyth, elder in Coufland, found furety in like manner for the fame crime. Slbiliins from ti)t Haiti of CraUjfui-lr-©obJsla0» Apr. 8. WiLLiAME GoLLOK in Peblis, found furety to underly the law, on Apr. 23 inftant, for ti-eafonably Abiding from the King and Queen's Army, ordained to conveen at Crawfurd-Dowglafs, on Oct. 7 laft. Smprisonincr ti)t puintment, still receives a small rod tipped with silver, having the King's blazon, &c. A movable ring, or slide, is so constructed as to slide from one end to the other. When deforced, the Officer pulls out liis baton, or rod, and, in place of snapping it asunder, slips the ring before described from one end to the other, before witnesses, and publicly annoutices his (hjorcetiient ; which heaftei-wards certifies in a regular * Exe- cution,' i.e. official attestation of the fact. See also Nov. 18, 1511, and Oct. II, 1531, Notice, for other particulars relative to the ' Wand of Peax.' " ' I ressauit na souertie, {Siyned) J. Hay.' " Probably father, uncle, or near relation of Andko Hart, the well-known Printer. ' Complains; literally, makes inoaiu ' Until. * Before noou ; at the morning service. Hen. ET Mar. 1 & 24. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 485 30ur Ma'"* will gif command to 30ur Juftice Clerk and liis deputies, to reffeve fouertie of ws, that we fall compere and vndirly Jie law ]iairfor, the thrid day of Jie nixt Juftice-aire of Ed', or foner, vpoune XV dayis warning, vndir the panis contenit in J)e Actis of Parliament ; And Jie faid fouirtie being fun- din, that we may have Letteris to relax ws fra fe faid procefs of home led vpoun ws in fe faid mater, reflave ws to 50ur Ma'"'* peace, and gif to ws ]>e wand pairof.' And as for remaning in fe faid Abbey the faid Monunday, infafar as 50ur hienes is offendit pairwith, wefubmitws in 30ur gratious will and mercye. And 30ur gratious anfuerhuimlie we befek. — Apud Ed', Jecundo Julij, 1366 The Lordis OF Secrete Counsall Ordanis the Juflice Clerk and his deputes to relfave fouirtie of thir James goung and Thomas Broune, that Jiai fall compeir and vnderly the law the thrid day of the nixt Juftice- aire of Ed"^, or foner, vpoune xv dayis warning, efter ]ie forme of pair Supplicatioune, and vnder the panis contenit in pe Actis of Parliament : And the faid fouirtie being fundin, Ordainis Letteris to be direct to relax fame fra le home. Huntlie. James Stewart. Jo. Rossen.^ iJflurUn- of SablU laUrCo. Jul. 4. — WiLLiAiM JoHNESTOUNE, boM^er/ biirges of Edinbiirghe, found Robei't Campbell of Kingeancleuch furety for his entry at the next Juftice-aire of Edinburgh, &c. to ' vnderly the law efter the forme of this Supplicatione vn- der-written,' &c. The Supplication and deliverance are verhatim the fame as in the cafe of 3ouDg and Broune. iHurtier of ^ttvtinx IBabiti l\um. Jul. 10. — Amdro Armesirang, burgefs of Edinburgh, found furety to vnderly the law, conform to the following Supplication and deliverance of the Lords of Secret Council. SuppLiCATioNE_/br Andro Armeflrang, biirges of Edinhtirghe. My Lordis of Secrete Counfele, vnto 30ur lordfchipes huimlie menis and fchewis, 1 30ur feruitor, Andro Armeftrang, burges of Ed"^, that quhair eftir Jie Slauchter of vmq''" Secretar Dauid Riccio, comniittit within our fouerannis Palice of Halyrudehous vpone Jie nynt day of Marche laftbipaft, I (as mony ma') chanceit to pas to Jie faid Palice, and to be prefent at the Wache^ kepit Jiairin, albeit I was nawyise of Jie counfale, diuifing nor foirknawledge of Jie faid Slauchter, nor prefent at Jie actuale deid of Jie famiu : ftbr Jie quhilk I am content to abyde Jie law. This is Jie fempill trewth of his parte ; and 3it, hering Jiat our foueran was offendit with me at hir graces returning from Dumbar, for feir I ab- fentit my felf, and fwa was putt to Jie home. Heibfor, I befeik 30ur lordfchipes that I may have command to Jie Juftice Clerk and his deputtes, to refl'ave fouerte of me, that I fall compeir and vn- derly Jie law the thrid day of Jie nixt Juftice-air of Ed'', or foner, on xv dayis warning, quhen and quhair it fall pleis our fouerannis for all counfaling, devyfing, and arte and parte of Jie actuale deid of }ie faid Slauchter, vndir the panis contenit in Jie Actis of Parliament : And the faid fourtie being fun- din, that I may have Letteres to relax me fra Jie proces of home led vpone me in Jie faid mater, ref- fave me in our fouerannis peax, and gif to me Jie wand Jiairof : And 3our anfwer, &c. Apud Ed"^, x" Julij anno I"' V" Ixij". The Lordis of Secrete Counsale Ordanis the Juftice, Juftice Clerk, and his deputtis, to reftave fourtie of this complenar, after Jie forme of Jiis Supplicatioune. And Jie faid fouirte being fundin, Ordanis Letteris to be direct to relax him fra Jie home, in maner defyrit. Argyle. James Stewart. Mar. ' See note to Jan. 1, 1566, &c. ^ JouN Leslt of Ross, the well known Historian, &c ' Bow-maker, See Feb. 12, 1565-6. * Wany more. ' Watch, or guard. 486 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1566- iiluilin* o( * ^cnror ©auiti lUccio, ^r/ Jul. 23. — George Tod iu Dirltoune, and Alexander Robertfoune there, found Alexander Haminiltoune of Innerwik furety for their entry at the next Juftice-aire of Edinburgh, ' or foner, quheu and quhair it fall pleife our foue- rannis lord and lady, vpoune xv dayis warning, to vnderly the law for art and parte of the crewale Slauchter of vmq'" Seneour Dauid Riceio : And trea- sonabill Wacheiug, warding, and iinprefoning, of our foueran lady within hir Palice of Halyrudehoufe.' — Andre, Comniendater of Jedburcht, band and obleift him to freyth, releve, and keip fkaithles the laid Alex' Hammiltoune of the cawtioune aboue writtine, and all panis that he fall happin to incur thairthrow. Caution for tfje ^Parson at lUnfrtln. July 26. — Maister Andro Hay, Perfoun of Renfrew, found Hew Wallace of Carnall furety for him, ' that he fall remane in fre Ward within the burcht of Dunbar, and twa niylis round about the famin ; and fall on na- wyife efchaip nor efchew, vnder the pane of ffyve Thowland merkis, conforme to the King and Queues Precept direct thairupoune to the Juftice Clerk.' — ' De- letur ex Precepto Rcgiiie.'' (Sep. 7.) — He found caution to enter and underly the law, on xv day.s' warning (Jan. 29, 1566-7.) — Justice Clerk, We greit 50W, ]iat incontinent eftir the fyclit heirof ^e delete Maijter Andro Hay, Peifoune of Renfrewis, cautioner, out of 30ur bukis, fua Jiat fair be na mair memorie fairof, and fat na forther executioune pass jiairupoun, hot fe famine to reraane as for3ett' for euir ; kepacd Jiis our Precept for jour Warrand. At Lynlythgw, ]ie xxix of Januar, 1566. Maria R. Fiat. i^iirtitr of * ^ttvtitv ©auitr 3ai«io/ ^t. Jul. 31. — Richert Cranstoun of Skaittilbuls, found William New- toun of that Ilk, furety for his entry at the next Juftice-aire of Edinburgh, within the Conftabulary of Haddingtoun, &c. ' to vndirly the law, ffor the flauchter of vniq'^ Secreter Dauid Riccio, committit vpoune the nynt day of March laftbipaft : And Wacheing and Warding of our fovei-annis lord and ladyis maift nobill perlbunis, within hir awine Palice of Halyrudehufe.' (i:aution lor X\)t ilairii of e Kirk ane Writtine,^ writtine be fe Juftice Clark' hand, defyrine Jie Kirk of jiE Cannogait and Mynifter Jiairof to proclame Harie Duk of Albaynye, Erie of Rois, &c. one ])e one part, and Marie be fe grace of God Quene of Scottis,8 fouerane of this realme, one fe vjiair part. The quhilk |ie Kirk ordans Jie Minifter fo to do, with inwocatioune of ))e name of God.' ' A celebrated station for herring fishers, in Ross-shire. Ullapool is its principal harbour. ' See his Trial, Jan. I'l, 1.307. " Stewart's MSS. Adv. Lib. (among R. Milne's MSS.) W. .3. 18, p. 31. ' Fol. edit- ed by Thomas Thomson, Esq. Deputy Clerk Regsiter. ^ Powder, gunpowder. " Writing. ' Sir John Bellenden of Auchnoull. " The pen has been drawn through the words ' or Scottis.' 25 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 489 (From the Register of Frocl am at id's s, Kirk Sessioii Records of Canongate.) Jul. 29, 1565. — ' Henry Duk of Albany, Eill of Rois, Marie be the grace of God Quene fouerane of ))is realme — 1, 2, ^.' Ma(nietl) in ]ie Chapell' (of Halyruid.) (^Froni the Register q/' Marriages, Kirk Session Records of Caiwngate.) Jul. 29, 1565. — ' Henry and Marie Kyng and Qweine of Scotis,' &c. The fate of the leading parties connected with Darnley's Murder ia well known. In reference to Nicholas Howbert, otherwise called Parish- the Frenchman, he suffered death on Aug. 16, 1569, as appears from the Lord High Treasurer's Accounts,'' where charges are made for sending two of the quarters of his body to Perth and Dundee, and his head and one of his legs to St Andrews. His Confession and examination are given at full length in the Appendix of Documents illustrative of Darnley's Murder. They are dated at St Andrews, Aug. 9th and 10th, 1569. These important Papers were obtained from the Originals, which are signed on each leaf by Paris, and are still extant.' But for the apparently accurate form in which they have been published by Mr Laing, the Editor would have deemed it proper to have had them collated carefully with the original MS., preserved in the British Museum. Before concluding this brief notice, the Editor begs to call the attention of the historical enquirer to an extremely interesting Narrative, written by James Earl of Bothwell, embracing his personal history after his flight from Scotland in 1367, his adventures upon the coast of Norway, &C. It has recently been printed from the original in the Royal Library at the Castle of Drottningholm, in Sweden, and was presented by Messrs Henry Cockburnand Thomas Mailland to the Members of the Bannatyne Club, under the title, ' Les affaires du Conte de Boduel, l'An. M.D.XXVIII.'^ An English translation also lately appeared in the New Monthly Magazine,^ in which work the au- thenticity of the document is fully established.] (Apr. 12, 1567.') — James Erle of Bothwell," James Ormeftoun of J)at like," Hob Ormiftoun, his father-brother, Patrick Wilfoune,^Villiam Murray, Sim Arinftrang, callit Wantoune Simie, Fareis'" Fi-enchman, (dilated) ffor the Murther of King IIenrie, our fouerane lord's father, for feizing of the Queen's perfoune at the Foid-hrigis, and Iniprifoning of hir perfoune in the Castell of Dunbar, and compelling her to compleit Mariage with him — for Huffing and balding of the faid Caftell, &c. (Apr. 12.) — (Schir) Patrick Hepburne of Whytecastell, kny', for airt and pairt of the Murther of THE KiNG, our fouerane lordis father, and vther crymes immediatlie preceiding. ItJicj!) Crrnson — iHuvtJtr of iUnn ^tm^, ^t. [The Case of Captain William Blackader has not been noticed by Laing, although he has otherwise treated so fully of the proceedings against the Murderers of King Henry. The author of ' Proclaimed for the fiist and second times ; the third time of aslcing is deleted. ' The sobriquet of ' French Paris' seems to have arisen from the place of his nativity ; for he styles himself* Parisien' in his Confession. See Zaing, II, 270. " See Appeniiix, No. I, under dates' Aug. 16 and 18, 1569. Lainff's Hist. II, 32. ' Bri- tish Museum, Calig. B. IX, ful. 370, and Calig. C. I, ful. 318. '■ Quarto ; privately printed foriHE Bannatyne Ci.uB, 1829. Copies may be seen in the J3rit. Mus., Adv. Lihrary, and other public Libraries, &c. ^ See Letter from Mr Granberg, in New Monlid;/ Mug. Xlll, 521-537. ' Stavurt omits to insert the date. This was the first * diet' assigned to the pannels, as appears by the Trvas. Ace. ** See also Acta Pari. Fol. edit, for numerous particulars exjdaiiatovy of the proceedings adopted against him. * See his Confession, Dec. 13, 1573, immediately previous to his Execution, in Lainy's Hist., II, 291 ; talien from Anderson's MSS. '" This man's name was ' Nicholas Howbert, diet Paris.' Sec his Confessions in App. audZaing's Hist. II, 270, 281, &c. VOL. I. • t 3 Q 490 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1567-8. ' The Hifloiie of King James the Sext,'' from whose work David Craufurd of Drum soy compiled his spurious ' Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland,"- narrates the circumstance very hriefly, in these words : ' That fame verie nycht^ of hir tranfporting,* tua men were tayne as fufpect of the King's Murtlier. The ane was callit Sebajiion de Vi/lour, a Frenchman of nation; the uther was Capten William Blakaler. This Capten iliortlie efter was put to tlie knawledge of a Jure, and was convict ; bot at his death wald nowayis confes himfelf gihie of the Kingis Murther. The uther efcapit.' Birrel, in his ' Diarey,' ' informs us, that ' tlie 24 day of Junij Capitane Villiam Blacketer wes drawin haciarc laid the fame down, quhair ]>e Tlrle Bothwell, acuinpanit with Robert Ormefloune and Paris, called French Paris, and vtberis twa quhilks had cloakes about Jiare faces,' met the faidis deponar and Pat Wilfoun. And ]iat joung Tallo, the Lard of Ormijtoune, and John Hepburtie of Boltoun, wes awaitand vpon ])e deponar and Put Wiljoun, within tlie faid jet ; and ]iat fare the faidis thre perlbuns within the faid ^et, reflauit the iaids twa charges, quhilks the deponar knew to be pulder,*" because the fame wes in fundry polks," within the faid mail and tronk: And ])e deponar and faid Pat Wilfoun helpt fame in with the fame ; and the powder being taken from fame, the faid John Hephurne of Bolton fent tliis deponar for candell, and fat he coft fix halpenny candell fra Georde Burnis wife in tiie Cowgate, and deliverit to the faid Johne ; and fat ]ie faids perfouns relTavaris of the powder, had ane towel with them, with ane littil licht candell ; and the faids perfouns within the faid ^et oppynit the tronk and mail, and tuck out the polks with the powder : and everie ane of fame tuck yane upon his back, or under his arm, and carryit the fame away to the back- wall of the jaird fat is next the trees ; and fair the faid Lard of Ormifloune, Johnne Hephurne of Boltoun, and ^oung Tallo, reffavit the pulder fra fame, and wald AiflFer the deponar and his marrow ^ to pafs na furdar. And quhen the deponar and his marrow came bak againe to the faid Frier jet, the twa horfs that carryed the faid mail and tronk war away, and jit fay carryit the faids mail and tronk again to the Ahhay, and as fay came up the Black Frier Wi7id, the Quenes grace was gangand before fame with licht torches : And fat the deponar and his marrow being cumin to the faid Eries ludging in the Ahhay, thai tarryit fare ane hour or mair, and fan the faid Erie came in, and imme- diatly tuk aff his claythes fat wer on, viz. a pair of blak velvet hoife, truflit with filver, and ane doublet of fatin of the fame manor ; and put on ane vthir pair of black velvet hoife, and ane doublet of canwes, and tuk his fide rideing cloak about him, and incontinent pall furtb, accumpanyt with French Paris, the deponar, Georde Dagleijh, and Pat Wilfoun, and came down the twnpike, and alang the back-wall of the Quenes garden, quhill fai came to the back of the Cunjie-houfe,' and the back of the Stabillis, while thay came to the Cannogaie. And deponis, fat as fai came by tlie gate of the Quenes South-garden, the twa fentinellis ]iat flude at the jet fat gangis to the uttii' cloifs, fpeirit at fame, ' Quha is fat ?' And fai anfwerit, ' Friends.' The centinell fpeirit, ' Quhat friends ?' And fai anfwerit, ' My Lord BothwelFs friends.' Item, Deponis, fat fai come up the Canongate, aijd to the Nether-bow, and findand the Bow '" fteikand," Pat Will/on cryet to John Galloway, and defyrit him to opin the Port to friends of my Lord Bothivell ; quha came ane oppynit the port, and ]iai enterit, and jeid up aboue BaJJyntines'^'^ ' ^niferson's Collection, II, 163. * Leathern /rwn/; or portmanteau. ^ Soum or sowm ; a sumpter borse. * Gate. ^ This was termed being * minsillit,^ i, c. muflled, masked, ** Gun-powder. ^ Bags. ' Companion. " Mint. '° The Nether-Bow Port. " Shutting. " The celebrated early Scottish Trinter. 494 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1567-8. houfe on the fouth-fule of the way, and knockit at ane ftaire, and callit for the Laird of Ormejlone, and Robert Ormejtone, and nane anfvverit ])ame : And pai fan ilippit down ane clofs beneith the Frier Wynd, and come to the jet at the Black Friers, and enterit in at J>at jet, and jeid quliill fay come to the back-wall and dyke, quhair the deponar and Pat Wiljon left the utheris peifouns before expry- mit,' with the powder, as faid is ; and Jiaire the Erie Bothweille pall in over the dyke, and bad the deponar, Pat Wiljbn, and Georde Dalgleifli tarry flill fair while he come backwart to them. And furdcr deponis, fat fai tariit fare half an houre, and hard nevir din ^ of any thing, quhill ^ at lafl my lord, accompanyit with joung Tallo, antl Johnne Hephurne of Boltoune, come to the deponar, and vtheris twa perfons being with him, and evin as my lord and thir twa comes to the deponar and his marowis at the dyke, thai hard the crak,* and thai pad away togidder out at the Frier ^et, and fin- derit ^ quhen fai came to the Coivgate, pairt up the Blackfrier Wynd, and paii t up the cloifs which is under the Endmyllis Well ; and met not quhill fai came to the end of the Bow, and jeid down ane cloifs on the north fide of the gait,^ to half loppin " the wall of Leith Wytid ; and fair my lord thoucht it over heich,^ and came again aback to the Port, and caufed cry upon John Galloway, and faid fai war friends of ?«y Lord Bothwdis. And John Gallotvay rule ■' and let them furtli ; and fyne '" fai paft down St Mary's Wynd, and down the back jairds of the Canongait, and to the faid Erles Judging ; and as fai paft the Queen's Guards before fpecifyit, fum fentinells fpeirit " at fame ' Quha fai war?' and fai anfvverit, ]iai war ' Friends of my L. Bothweill :' And als fpeirit ' Quhat crak fat was?' And fai anfwerit, ' fai knew not;' and fat the fentinels bid them, if fai were fervandis of my L. Bothweill, to gang fair way. My lord come into his ludgeing, and immediately callit for ane drink, and tuk off his cloathes incon- tinent, and jeid to his bed, and tarriet in his bed about half an hour, quhen Mr George Hacketl come to the jet, and knocks, and defired to be in ; and quhen he came in, he appeared to be in ane greit effray, and was black as any pik, and not ane word to fpeik. My Lord enquirit, ' Quhat is the mat- ter, man p' And he anfwerit, ' The Kingis houfe is blawn up, and I trow the King be flayn !' And my lord cryet, ' Fy, treafoun !' And fan he raife and pat on his claiths. Aud farefter the Erle Huntley and mony came in to my lord, and fai jeid into the Quene's houfe. Item. Deponis, fat upon the nixt nicht efter, my lord defyrit ]ns deponar, Pat Wilfon, Georde Daglyh, the Laird of Ormejtoune, and Hoh Ormejtoune, John Hepburn, and joung Tallo, to keip thair tongues cloifs, and fai fuld nevir want fo long as he had, and fat he fuld fend the deponar and Pat Wiljon to the Armitage,^- and fat fai fuld be honeflly fullainit. And being inquyrit, Gif this deponar, at ray Lord Both wells defyre, foclit ane fyne lunt" of any of the Suddartis ?'■* And anfwerit, fat he did the fame, and gat a piece of fine lunt, of half a faddome, or f areby, fra ane of the Suddartis, quhais name he knawis not, and deliverit to Johne Hepbtirne of Boltoune, upon Saturday before the KiNGis Slaughter. 2. Apud Edinburgum,3 Julii, An. Dora. 1567, inprefentia Dominorum Secreti Concilii. William Powrie, re-examined, deponis, ])at the carage of the tronk and mail contenit in his former Depofitioun, were carryed by him and P(tt Wiljbne, upon ane gray horfs ]iat pertained to Herman, page to my loid, at twa fundry tymes ; and war carryed and conveyed by Jiaini into the ])lace containet in liis former Dcpofition. And fat at the Frier- Wynd-fute '-^ ])is deponar faid to Pat Willfon, at the conveying of the la(l carriage, thir words, ' Jesu, Patt, quhattin ane gaitt is f is we are gangand ? I trow it be not gude 1' And he anfwerit, ' I trow it be not gude ; but weill,"' hald jour tongue !' Item. Deponis, Quhan the deponar and Pat Willfon come to the Frier 3et with the laft convoy, and ' Expressed. ' Noise. ' Until. * Explosion. ' Separated. ' Street. ' Leapt. ' Higli. ' Arose. '° Then. " Enquired. " The Castle of .Vrmitage or Hermitage. " Match. "Soldiers. " At the foot of the Inar-Wyiid. "=Hist! Hush! 25 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 495 laid the fame down, Robert Ormejioune come furtli, and faid thir words. ' This is not gude like I I trow this purpois will not come to this nycht I 1 will iu and fe quhat )iai are doing.' Item. Jiaireftir, quhen the powlder and greaith' was carryed inwart, the Deponar tarryand at the dyke,^ the Laird of Ormijioiin of ])at ilk came again, and faid to John Heplmrne and 3oung Tallo, thir words, (Paris Frenchman being with him,) ' Be God, it is fair in field, cum of it quhat will !' And bade the deponar and Pat Wil/bn gang their way : And at the fame tyme ]iat J)e deponar and Pat Wilfon laid down the lall carriage at the faid Frier Gait, the E. Bothioeill came unto thame utwitli the Frier 3et, accumpanyit with thre more, quhilks had pare cloaks, and mulis' upon fair feet. Item. Deponis, fat the faidis Johnne Hephurne of Boltone, upon Saturday at evin, befoir the KiNGis Slauchter, brought the mail and tronk quhairin the powlder was, Xothe E. of Eothivi/es \m\ge- ing, and laid in tiie fame in the neither hall : and the deponar declaris, fat at the laft horfe cariage he bare up ane toome' poulder barrel to the fame place fai caniet the pulder, and fat he will not how nor be quhonie the fame came in the Erie Eothweilis ludging in the Abby. Item. Deponis, fat upon the morne eflir the Kingis Slauchter, viz. Mononday, John Hepburne of Boltoun gat ane gray horfe, Mr Young Tallo ane broun horfs fra my L. Bothiveill. Item. Inquirit, Gif William Geddes Depofition, being red to the deponar, was trew? Declarit the fame was all trew, except the deponar remembers not quhidder he bad and counfulit this Geddes not to be fund on the gut^ fat nycht or not. This is the trew copy of the Depositions of the faid William Powry, maid in prefence of the Lords of Secreit Counfall, concordand and agrieand with the principal remainand at the office of Jufticiary, collationat be me. Sir John Bellenden of Auchnoule, Clerk of cure fouerane lordis Jufticiarie, wit- nefling my fign and fubfcription manual. Joannes Bellenden, Clerictis Jitfiiciaria. II. The Deposition of George Dalgleish. Apud Edinbnrgum, 26 Junii, An. Dom. 1567, prefentibiis Comilibus de Mortoun etAthol, Prepnfito de Dundee et Domino de Grange. George Dalglisii, feruande in the Chalmer to the Erie Bothivell, of the aige of 27 5eiris, or fareby, &c., deponis, ]iat fe Sunday the King was flayne at nycht, the E. Bothwell, accumpanyit with the Laird of Ormijloum of fat Ilk, Hob Ormejioune, his fader-bruther, Johne Hepburne of Boltone, Johime Hay of Tallo, jounger, war togidder in the neither hall of the faid ErVs ludging in tlie Abbij, about four houres in the efiirnone, and remained farein ane hour and a half; and quhat fai did knaws not, be relfoun the deponar remainit for the maill pairt in my lord's chalmer. Item. Deponis, fat my lord, his mairter, came to his chalmer about 12 hours at evin, or fareby, and tuke of his clayths, and chingit his hois and doublet, niz. ane pair of hoifs, flocket with black welvet, pafementit with filver, and ane doublett of black fatin of the fame maner, and put on ane vther pair of black hoifs, and ane canwes dowblett white, and tuke his fide riding cloak about him, of fad Ing- lifli claith, callit the new colour. And incontinent the Erie, French Paris, William Powry, feruitor and porter to the faid Erie, Putt Wilfoim, and the deponar, jeid ^ down the turnpike '' altogidder, and endlong the bak of the Quene's garden, quhill 50W cum to the Cunjie-houfe," and the bak of the Stabillis, quhill 50W com to the Cannogate, foreanent the Abbay 5et.' And depones, as fay came by the entry of the Quene's South garden, ane of the fentinels ]iat flude at the ^et fat gangis to the utter cloifs,"' fpeirit " at thame, ' Quhais that?' fai anfwerit, ' Friends.' — ' Quhat friends?' ' Friends to my Lord Bothwell,' Item. Deponis, )iai came up the Canogait to the Nelhir Bow, quhilk wes fteikit," and fat Patt Willfon cryit to John Galloway," and bid him come downwind oppin the Port and let fame in, and ' Graith; materials. ^ Wall. *' JWuffis ,' slippers ; that their footsteps might not be easily heard. ' Empty. ' Perhaps for (jait, street or way. " Went. ' Spiral staircase. See I * 471. ' Mint. " Gate. '" That leads to the outer close, or yai-d. " Enquired. " Shut. " The porter, or janitor. 496* CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1567-8. fat fai tariiet ane gude quliile or' Galloway came down to let jiame in, and fpeirit at fame, ' Quhat did yow out of liair beds |iat tyme of night ?' And eftir jiay enterit within tlie Porte, ]iai jeid up abone Salfynthics houfe, on the foutli-fide of the gait, and knockit at ane dur benetli the Sword-llippers, and callit for the Lard of Orme/founes, and one within anfwerit, he was not fare : And ])ai paffit down a cloifs beuetli Frier Wynd, and enterit in at the jCt of tlie Black Friers, quhiil * they come to the bak wall and dyke of the Toivnivall, qubair my lord and Paris paft. in over the wall, and comraandit fe depo- nar, William Poiory and Putt Willfoun, to reraayne ftil quhiil fai came till fame, and quhatevir fay Lard or faw, not to llur or depart quhiil he cam againe : And fat f is deponar and the uther twa tarreit fair half an hour or f areby, and in the meyn time hard no din of any thing, quhiil at laft my lord, accumpanyit with John Hay, jounger of Tallo, John Hephurne of Bolton, come to the deponar, and his company, ]iai hard the crack, and paft all away togidder out at the Frier 3et, and funderit in the Cowgait. My lord, Johnne Hephurne, and Pat Wil/bune, William Poiorie, and the deponar, jeid up ane wynd be-eft ^ the Frier Wynd, and croffit the Hiegait * at the Nether Bow, to haif loppin the wall at Leith Wynd, bot thai thocht the wall over hich, and came agane to the Port ; and my lord cauffit cry upone Johne Galloway,^ and faid, fai were fervands of my lord Bothiceill ; and fat he rufe and oppynit the wickit : Quha it wes fat rufe, ignorat : And fyne fai paffit down St Mary Wynd, and down the back of the Cunnygait, and to the faid Erles ludging, and enterit be the fame tumpicke fat fai cam furth at. And as fai paffit by the Quene's gardens, ane of the fentinels fpeirit, ' Quha fai war ?' And fai anfwerit, fai war ' Friends of my lord BothweilU And fo foon as my lord came in his ludgeing he cryit for ane drink, and incontinent fareftir tuke off his claythes and ^eid to his bed, and lay be the fpace of half ane hour or f areby. Aud fat Mr George Hachet came to the chal- mer about half ane hour eftir my lord lay down. Quhan he came in, he apperit to be very effrayit, and my lord fpeirit, ' Quhat is the matter, man ?' And he anfwerit, fat he ' Heard at the Kirk of Field like the fchot of ane cannoun, and, as I hear say, the King's houfe is blawn up, and I trow THE King be (layne I' And incontinent my lord raife and put on his clayths, that is to fay, the fame hoifs and dowblet fat he had on upon Sunday, quhilks wer pafiaments with filuer ; and fa fone as my lordis clayths was on, he departit furth of the chalmer, and the deponar remanit ftill in the chalmer. This is the trew copy of the Depositione of the faid George Dalglisji, maid in prefence of THE Lordis before exprimit, concordand and agreeand with the principall remayning at the office of Jufticiare, tollationat by me Sir John Bellenden, knight, clerk of our foveraigne lordis Jufticiary, witneffing my figne and fubfcriptioun manual. Joannes Bellenden, Clericus Jicjticiaria. III. Deposition of John Hay, jounger of Tallo. Apud Edinhurgum 13 die menjis Septembris, An. Bom. 1567, ?Vj •prefence of my Lord Pegent, the Erles of Morton and Athol, the Lairds ofLochlevin and Petarow, Mr James Magyll, and the Jujiice- Clerk. The quhilk day, John Have, 50UNGER of Tallo, being examinit anent the Kingis graces Murther, graiitit and confeffit himfelf culpable fareof ; and as he wald anfwer before God, deponit and declarit the Erie Bothwele his mafters pairt of the fame, fa far as the deponar knew, in manner following : that is to fay. That upon the 7 day of Februar laft bypaft, before the Kingis Murther, thcrle Bolhiveil, within his chalnu'r in his ludging in the Ahhiiy of Halyriidlions, fchew to the deponar the purpofe of the Kingis Murther, liiyand their words, or ficlyk, ' Johne, this is the mater I the Kingis deftructioun is devyfit, and I mon° reveill it unto ye, for an'' I put not him down, I can not haif an lyfe in Scotland. He will be my deftructioun ! And I reveill this to the as to my friend ; and gyf 30W reveill it again, it will be my deftructioun, and I fall feik this thy life firft !' And Jiarwith he ' Ere, before. ' Until. ' To the Eastward of. ' High Street. ' The Porter or under- Keeper of the Nether- Bow- I'ort, who is frequently alluded to. ' Must. ' If. 25 Mau. criminal TRIALS. * 497 gave tile deponar alfo diverfe adnioiiitiona, and alfo fair promifes to keip tlie matter fecret, and to take part with Iiim in the Kingis. Slaughter, as Ire had devifit ; and ]>at |)areafter, at evin, in the pre- fence of John Hepburn, callit of Bolton, tlie fiiid Erie proponit the famyn matter to the deponar, quhilk John Hepburn was on tlie counfail Jiairof of before. And tlterle Bothwell laid to the deponar, ' I have devifit it in this manner, and ye fall do the fame ;' that is to fay, he faid in prefence of James Or- mi/toun of Jiat.ilk, and the faid John Hepburn, thir words, ' The poulder mau (jnujt) be laid in the houfe under the Kingis chalmer, quhair the Queene fuld lye, in an barril, gyf it may be gottin within the barril, and the fame barril fall haif an hoill at the nether end Jiareof, and an tre, holit and howkit like an troch, put to the hoill of the banil, and an hint ' fareupon, quhilk fall be fyrit at the far end, and the unfyrit end laid in the hoill of the barril in the pulder.' And this purpos fuld haif been put in execution upon the Saturday at night, and the matter fayllit fat nycht, becaus all thiugis war not in reddynes Jiairfor. Item, Deponit, ])at upon Sunday ])arefter, about thre or four houres afternone, in iJterle Bothiveirs nedder houfe in the Abbaye, the faid Erie, John Hepburn of Bolton, and the deponar, devyfit ))at my lord fuld gang up to the faid Laird of Ormifion's chalmer (like as he did) fua fone as it was mirk,'' and fat fare paft with my lord, quyet on fute. John Hepburn of Bolton, the deponar, anAAde Mur- ray met fame, and Aim utheris ((uham the deponar remembers not, at the faid Laird of Ormi/ton's flairefute of his chalmer, above tlie Bow, on the fouth-fyde of the gait,-' and fat my lord commandit the faid Ade and utheris to pafs to Mr John Spenjis, and remayne fare quhill he came to fame : And ))at my lord, John Hepburn of Bolton, and the deponar, enterit in the faid Laird of Ormi/ton's chalmer, quhair fay fand the faid Lard, and Hob Onnijlon, his fader bruther, and an bruther of the Lards, quhais name the deponar knaws not, and was put to the dur ; and ))air fai confullit quhat gait* fai fuld gang to the Kingis houfe, becaufe fai had not tane purpois ]iairupon of before; and fyne fai jeid all down togidder to the Black Freir 5eit, and f e faid Lard of Ormijion jcid in throw the aid howfis and wallis, and paft and opynitt the faid Freir-3et to my lord, the deponar, and the reft forefaid. And fat my lord and the deponar 5eid up and down the Koivgate, quhile Wille Powry and Pate Willfon broclit the powder, quhilk was brocht, at twa fuudry times, furth oi the Abbay, from tlui Erlis ludgeing : And fat the fame was in a tronk and an mail, and was brought upon Hermanis naig, and fat the powder was refliivit in at the Blacji Freir 5eit be the faid Lard of Ormijion and John Hepburn of Boltown, and fat the famyn was born in be Wille Powry, Pate Wil/bn, and the faids Lard of Ormijton, Hob Ormijion, and the deponar, in the trunk and mail. And ])areftir the powder fat was in the trunk was taken furth of the fame, and put in polUs,* and the powder fat was in baith the tronk and mail was caryit to the Kingis houfe in polks. And it is of veritie, that Paris, tlie French man, was in the nedder houfe, under the Kingis ciialmer, and had an key of the back-dowr, and then the faid Lard of Ormijion paft in at the faid dur, and fpake with the faid Hob, his fader bruther, and with the faid Paris, being both therein, and fand the time convenient, and came furth again, and tauld the famyn to the faid Erie and his cumpany; and- ])at fai had with Jiame alfvva a tre and a powder barrel, for to have done as faid is : But the barrel was fo meikle,'' it could not be gottin in at the duur : And fan fay tuk all the polks and carried fame within the faid laich houfe, and temit" fame on tlie flour in an help, and the polks weir taken furth again. And fat my lord was in the houfe afoir, and had left the faid Paris f arein, and the faid Hob llaiidand at the dur awaitand upon fair coming : And fat the faid Lard of Ormijtone faid to the faid Jolni Hepburn, ' 5e ken now quhat ye haif to do, quhen all is quyet abone 50W ! Fyre the end of the lunt, and cum ^our way!' And ]iareftir the faid Lord of Ormijion paft his way, with Hob with liiin and Paris. John Hepburn and f e deponar taryit rtill within the faid laich houfe a certain fpace ; and Varis lockit the back dur, and the dur fat palles up the turnpike to the Kingis chalmer, quhair ' Match. ^ Dark. ' Street. * Way, road. ^ Bags. = Large ; bulky. ' Emptied. VOL. I. t 3 u 498 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1567-8. THE King, the Quene, and Jie Ei-le Bothwell, and vthers were, and paflit up to Jiame, levand behind Iiiin the faid John Hepburn, and tlie deponar lockit in the faid nedder houfe : And as the deponar believes Paris iliew the Erie Bothtvcll that all things were in readinels, and lyne fone ])areftir,' the Quene and the Lordis retuinit to the Ahhay, my lord Bothwell being in her curapany. And Jiaveftir the Erie Bothwell, accurapanyit with Paris and Georcle Dalglijh, came to the back ^ard ; and the faid Hepburn, quha had twa keyis of the back dur, lichtit the lunt, and came with the deponar, and lockit the durris after Jianie, and fand the Erie of Bothwell in the 5aird, qulia fpeirit at ])ame, ' Gyf they had done that quhilk he had biddin Jiaine, and fyrit the lunt ?' And fai anfwerit, ' ])at it was done.' And eftir mij lord and thai tarryit in the saird ane lang tyme ; and quhen my lord faw ]'at Jie matter came not haflily to pafs, he was angre, and wald have gen in himlelf in the houfe ; and the faid John Hepburn lloppit him, laying thir wordis, ' 3e neid not.' And my lord faid thir wordis, ' I will not gang away quhile I fee it done.' And within ane fchort fpace it fyrit, my lord, John Hepburn, the deponar, and Paris being gangang at the fute of the aley in the faid 5ard. And quhen tiiey faw the iioul'e rifeaud, and hard the crack, they ran their way, and come down the Wynd fra the faid F"reir ^ett ; and fat my lord ])areftir paft to the wall at Leith Wynd, to have pafl over it, but becaufe he thocht it over hich, he fturrit Jiairwith, and came back again to the Nedder Bow, and paft furth at the Port, after Johnne Hepburne had cried upon John Gullaway, porter, and caulTit him oppin the Port ; and that the faids John Hepburn and Georde Dalgleijh paflit afore with my lord, and fone ]iarpfter the dejionar and Paris followit ; and the deponar paifit to his bed, in John Hepburns in the CuHongait, and my lord paflit to his awin ludgeing to tlie Abbay. IV. The Deposition of John Hepburn, called ' Johnne of Bowtoun.' ■ Apud Edinburgum 8 die metifis Decembris, An. Bom. 1367, in prefence of my Lord Regent, the Erie of Athol, the Lord Lindjay, the Lard of Grange, and the Jtijl ice 'Clerk. The quhilk day, Johnne Hepburne, callit Johnne of Bowtoun, being examinit upon the Kingis Murtlier, grantit himfelf culpable and gilty fairof: and as he wald anfwere before God, deponit and doclaryt tlte Erie of Bothiveile his maiflers part of the famyn, fo far as the deponar knew in this matter, that is to fay ; Tlie firft tyme )iat evir the Erie of Bothioile fpake })is matter of the Kyngis Murther to the deponar, was ane day or twa aftir the bringing of the powder furth of Dunbar ; at quhilk tyme he faid to the deponar in this manner, ' Thair is ane purpois divifit araongs fome of the Noblemen, and me amongs the reft, Jiat the Kinge fall be llane ; and that every ane of us fall fend twa fervandis to the doing ]>arof, owther on the fields, or otherwife as he may be apprehendit !' And ]jan defnit fe deponar to be ane of the entrepryfers for him : Quhais anfwer was, ' ]iat it was ane evil purpois, and ^it, becaus he was fervand and eoufignance- to his lordlhyp, he wald do as vtheirs wald, and j)ut hand to it.' One the morne fareflir, he callit James Ormijlon of that Ilk, the deponar, and John Hay, -younger of Tallo, and break the purpois to fame ; and maid the like declaratioune to ]>ame, fat vthir Noblemen had had as far enteres as he in fat matter: And fai maid to him evin fic anfwer as he liad done. Quhether my lord had fchewed fame fe purpois of befoir or not, fe deponar knawes not. Swa every day fare was tauking amongis fame of the famyn purpois, quhill within twa dais before f e Murther, fat the faid Erie changed purpoife of the (laying of the Kinge one the feildes, becaufe fan it wald be knawn, and fchew to fame quhat way it myclit be ufit better be fe pulder. And on the Sunday, in the gloming ^ before nicht, f e 9 dale of Februar laft bepall, the deponar fend f e faid Johne Hayes man for ane tome ^ poulder baiTel to the man quhilk Johne Haye had coft ' the fame fra, fat eys maid for oppyning of all the lockes of the dures of THE Kingis ludgings at the Kirk of Field ; quhilk the deponar, eftir the committing of the faid Murther, keift '' in the Qvarie-hole betwix 56 Abbay and Leith. Thir ar fe true copies of the Depofitionis of the faid John Hay, 50unger of Tallo, and Johne Hepburne, callit of Boutoiine, maid in prefence of my Lord Regent, and the lords before mentionit, in manner befoir expremitt, concordant and agreand with the originalis, quhilks are remainand ' Conveyed, carried. ' A piece of wood, hollowed out into the shape of a trough, to hold the train or match. ' Grew impatient. ' Awaked from his sleep. ' Watches or sentinels enquired. ' Air. ' Cast, threw. 500 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1567-8. in the Jufticiarie, collatlonate be me Sir John Bellenden of Auchinoul, knight, Clerk of our foverane lordis Jufliciavy. Johannes Bellenden, Clericus Jufticiarie. V. The Confessioun of John Habroun,' young Talla, Daglelsh and Powrie, upon quhome was Jujlice execute the 3d of Januarie, the yeare of God 1567. John (Habroun) of Boioton confeffit tliat nyne was at the deid doing, my L. Bothwell, the lord of Ormiftoun, Hob Ormiftoun, himfelf, Talla, Dagleiih, Wilfon, Pourie, and French Paris ; and that he faw na nice, nor knew of na other companies. Item. He knowis nat other but that, that he was blowiu in the ayre ; for he was handilit with na mens' handes, as he faw ; and if he was, it was with others and not with tham. Item. As touching Sir James Balfour, he fasv not his fubfcriptioun ; but I warrand you he v/as the principall couiifallar and devifer. Item. He fayd, I confefle it is the veray Providence of God that hes brought me to his judgement ; for I am led to it as an horfe to the ftall, for I had fchippis providit to flie, but could not efcape. Item. He fayd, let no man do evill for counfall of great men or thayr mailers, thinking thay fliall fave tham ; for furely I thought that night that the deid was done, that although knowledge ihould bene gotten, na man durft have fayde it was evill done, feing the hand writtis, and acknowledging the QuENis minde thairto. Itetn. Speaking of the Quene in the Tolbuith, he faid, God make all Weill, but the langer deirt - is hydden, it is the flronger. Quho lives, our daithes will be thought na newis ! Item. Hinraeft,'' he confeffit, he was ane of the principall doers of the daitb, and thairfoir is juflly worthy of daith ; but he was affurit of the mercy of God, quho callit him to repentance. Item. Talla confeffit, ut fupra, s.gTe\ns, in all pointes as concerning the parfons, number, and blowing in tlie ayre. Item. He affirmit. That in Setoun, my Lord Botlnoell callit on him, and fayd, ' Quhat thought you quhen thou faw him blowen in the ayre ?' Quho anfwerit, ' Alas I my lord, quliy fpeak ye that ? For quhen ever I heare fie a thing, the wordes wound me to death, as they ought to do you !' Item. That fame tyme he faw Syr James Balfour put in his owne name and his brother's unto ray Lord BothiccUes Remiffioun. Item. He knew of the deid doing three or four days or * it was done, or thereby. Item, He fayd, ' After that I came to the Court, I left the reading of God's worde and imbrafit vanitie; and thairfoir hes God juftly brought this on me.' Quhairfoir, let all men flee evill cumpany, and to trurt not in men ; for redy are we to imbrace evill, as redy as hardest to receive fyre. And further, in the Tolbuith he requyrit John Brande, Minifler of the Congregatioun, to pafle to my Lord Lindfay, and fay, ' My lord, hartily I forgeve your L., and als my lord Uegent, and all others, but fpecially tham that betrayit me to you; for I know if ye could have favit me ye would ; defiring you, as ye will anfwere before God in the latter day, to do your diligence to bring the reft., quho was the beginners of this worke, to juflice, as ye liave done to me ; for ye know it was not begunne in my head. But yit praifes God that his juflice hes begunne at me, by the quhilk he hes callit me to repentaunce 1' Item, Daglishe fayd, ' As God fhall be my judge, I knew nothing of the Kinges daith befoir ' Vid. Suchanan's Detection, English Edition, &c. ' Dirt; slercus. ^ Finally. ' Ere, before. '^ Dr Jamieson interprets this word to denote * that part of boiled food that adheres to the pot,' (in which soivcns, porridge, &c. have been ju'epared.') The Editor believes the jdirase here signifies ' us bfani/s for the hurnimjy in the Scriptural sense. From O. F. hars or liardes j twigs, rice, brushwood, &c It is now almost obsolete. / ' -'-7-2 v/ 25 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 501 it was done ; for my Lord Eothwell gangand to his bedde, after the taking of of his hofe, quhilke was ftockit with velvet, French Paris cum and roundit' with him; and thairefter he taryed on me for other hofe and claitliis, and his riding cloke and fworde, quhilke I gave him ; and herefter cum up the gait to the Lord^ of Ormijt'ou?ts lodging, and taryit for him ; and therefter that, he palfit to ane Wynd befuie t/ie Blache Fryers, and cum to the Hope of the dike, quhair lie gart me fland ftill ; and as God ihal be my judge, 1 knew nathing qnhiil I heard the blall of powder : And after this he cum hame, lay dovvne in his beid, quhill Mr George llakit cum and kuockit at the doore. And if I dye for this, the quhilke God judge me gif I knew maire, quhat ilial be done to thame quho was the devifers, counfallars, fubfcrivers, and fortifiers of it ?' VI. The Deposition of Thomas Nelson,^ ' cubicular' to King Henry. Thomas Nelson, fumtyme fervand in the chamber to wmquhill King Henry, of guide memory, of Scotland, examinat upoun his confcience, declaris that he was actuall fervand to the King the tyme of his Murthour and lang of befoir, and came with him fiome Glafgovv, the time the Queene convoyit him to Edinburgh. Item. The deponar remembris it wes dewyfit in Glafgow, that the King fuld haif lyne firfl at Craigmyllare : hot, becaus he had na will thairof, the purpois wes alterit, and conclufioun takin that he fuld ly befide the Kirk of Feild : At quhilk tyme this deponir belevit evir that he fuld haif had the Duikis liouCe ;■* and knew na uther hous, quhill the King lychtit, at quhilk tyme he pall directlieto the faid Duikis houfe, thinking it to be the lugeing preparit for him : Bot the contrare was then fchawia to him be the Quene, quha convoyit him to the uthir hous ; and at his cuming thairto, the fchalmir wes hung, and ane new bed of black figurat welwet Handing thairin. The keyis of the lugeing wes partlie flanding in the durris, and pairtlie deliverit to this deponir be Robert Balfour, awnir, all except the key of that dur, quhilk pallit throuch the fellare and the town wall, quhilk culd noht be had, and thairfore Bonkle in the fellare faid, he fuld clois it weill aneuch within ; quhilkis keyes wes keppit and ufit be this deponir and utheris, the Kingis fervandis, quhill the Quenis cuming to the lugeing: At the quhilk tyme, the key of the laich chalmir undir the King, quhair fche lay tua nytis, viz. the Wednifday and Fraday befoir his Murthour, with the key of the palfage that paft toward the gardin, wer deliuerit in the handis of Archibald Betoun, as the deponir reraemberis ; quhilk Archibald wes yfcheare of the Quenis chalraer dour: Befoir quhilk tyme of the Quenis lying in the Kingis lugeing, the tua nytis above namyt, fche caufit tak doun the uttir dour that cloiit the padiige towart beith the chalmeris, and caufit ufe the famyn dour as a cover to the bath fatt,' qulieiin he wes baithit : And fua ther wes na thing left to ftope the paffage into the faidis fchalmeris, bot only the portell durris. As alfua, fche caufit tak doun the faid new blak bed, fayand, it wald be ful^eit* with the bath ; and in the place thairof, fett upe ane auld purple bed, that wes accuftomat to be carit ; and the faidis keyis that wer deliverit in the handis of Archibald Betoun remanit (lill in the handis of him and utheris that awaitit upon the Quene, and nevir wer deliverit agane to the Kingis fervandis : For fche fett upe ane grein bed, for hir felf, in the faid laich chalmir quherin fche lay the faids tua nytis, and promift alfua to haif bidden tliair upoun the Sounday at nyt. Bot eftir fche had tareit lang and intertenit the King verey familairlie, fche tuk purpoife, (as it had bene on the fuddau,) and departit, as fche fpak, to gif the mafk to Bafiyane, quha that nyt wes mareit hir fervand, namelie, the faid Archibald Betoun ; and ane Paris Francheman havand the keyis of hir fchalmir, quherin hir bed lluid in, as alfua of the palfage that pall towart the gairding : For quhen the Quene wes thair, hir fervandis had the keyis of the haill houfs and durris at hir commandement ; for upon the nyt fche ufit, with the lady Rereis, to ga furth to the garding, and ther to fing and ufe paftyme. Bot fra the firft tyme that fche lay in ' Whispered. ' Laird. ' Anderson's Collections, IV, 165. The Original ismaiked with Secretary Cecil's band, * Hamilton-bouse. ' A bathing vat. ° Soiled, sullied, tarnished. 502 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1567-8. that lugeing, the Kingis fervandis had nevir the key of hir faid fchalmir agane. The Qoene being departit towart Halyrud hous, the King, within the fpace of ane hour, pad to bed, and in the chalmer with him lay wmquljill William Taylyour. This deponir and Edward Symonis lay in the litill gaylery, that went dervict to fowth oute of the Kingis fchalmir, liavand ane windo in the gawill throw the Toun-wall, and befyde thanie lay William Tail^eir's boy ; quhilks nevir knew of ony thing quhill the hous quherin they lay wes fallin about thame ; oute of the quhilke, how fone this deponir could be red,' he fluid iipoun the rwynous wall quhill tlie pepill conveiiit, and that lie gat elaithis and I'ua depairtit, quhill on the Monounday at efter none lie was eallit and examinat ; and amangis utheris tliingis, wes inquiret about the keyis of the lugeing, this deponir fchew that Bonkle had the key of the - fellare, and the Quenis Ihvandis the keyis of hir fchalmir: quhilk the laird of Tulybardin hering, faid, ' Hald thair, lieir is ane grund.' Eftir quhilk wourdis fpokin, thai left of and procedit na farther in the inquisition. VII, Depositions of (French) Paris, servant to the S(cotch) Q(ueen), and present AT the Murder of her Housbande, 1. S'evfvyl ' la Declaration et Depofition de Nycollas Haubert, diet Paris, Parrjien, tovchaiit la Morte et Meurtre dufeu Roy Henry d'Escosse ; au Meurtre duquel le dit Haubert efloit prefent, avec le Conte de Boduel et les mitres fes adherens : Cejie Depojifion fut faicte a Sainct Andrieu,Jans ce que le dit Paris fut contraint ni interrogue, defon propre movement et vouUoir pour s'en defcltarger comme il dei/f, et ce le ixme.jour dAoii/l, 1569. Et primierement, il deill, Je confeffe icy, devant Dieu et le monde, que le Mercredy ou le Jeudy ajires difner de la fepmaiii donct le diet meurtre du feu Roy fut commis, moy ellant en la chambre de la Royne a Kerhafield, en compaignye de pluefieurs aultres attendant la Royne, qui elloit a la chambre du Roy, Mans, de Boduel vint a la chambre de la Royne la ou j'eftois, et me deill en I'aureilie, ' Paris, ie me trouve mal de ma malladye que tu fyais qui eft mon flux de fang, ne fyais-tu point quelque lieu la ou ie porray aller faire mes affaires ?' ' Ma foy, ce dict-ie, je ne fut jamais icy qu'a cefte heure-cy, niais ie ra'en vois cherclier quelque lieu.' La-delfus ie trouve ung coing ou trou entre deux portes, et le va dire ; ' Mons''. venez-vous-en, fy vous eftes otant prefse !' Et eftans la dedans, ie ferme la porte fur nous, et luy ofle fa robbe, comniencant a le deflafclier. II me regarde, et me demande comment ie me portoys ? luy difant, que ie me portoys bien, la grace ii Dieu et a luy, me tenant pour bien recom- penfe du fervice que luy avois faict de m'avoyer faict donner I'ellat de varlet de chambre ches la Royne. II me refpondifl, que ce n'eltoit pas affes, et qu'il me feroit davantage. Je luy dis, que ie me contentois, et que ie ne pouvoys davantage a la maifon de la Royne, voyant mon equalite, et que ie me contentois. II me diet que ie me ne chomneroys de rien qiie ie luy dife, car difoit-il, Tu ra'ais faict bon et loyal fervi/ce depuis qu tu m'a fervy ; car ie fyay que tu as couvert mon defhonneur que tu avois occation de fouller quant tu vins de mon (i^rvice hors d' Anykferre. Mons''. ce dict-ie, ie nay faict que tor de ferviteur. Et bien, ce dict-il, pour autant que ie t'ay trouve fydelle ferviteur, ie te veulx dire vne chofe, niais il te fault garder fur ta vie que nul ne le fache. (IMons'. ce di-ie) il n'a- pertient au ferviteur quant le maiflre luy dit quelque chofe de le reveler, et s'y eft chofe que vous penfes que ie ne puife garder, ne me le dictes point. Syais-tu (ce dict-il) que c'eft ; c'eft que fy ce RoY-lii qui eft la d- a jamais les pieds fur nous aultrea Seigneurs, il nous voult dominer ct eftre cruel, et de nous autres Seigneurs ne le voullons pas fouflVir, et auft'y ce n'eft la fa\'on de ce pais, et pour cela nous avons conclud nous aultres de le faire fault — de dedans cefte maifon en fair avecques de la pouldre, de oyant ie ne le dis mot ains baifle la veue bafle mon fens et mon cueur ce tourne de ' Extricated from the ruins. ' Brilixh Museum, Cai.io. B. IX, fol. 270. 25 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 503 Tavoyr ouy-ainfy parler. II me regarde, me demandant que ie penfe? Mons''. (ce di-ie) je penfe a ce que vous me dictes, qui eft une grand cbofe. Qu'en penfe-tu ? (ce dit-il) Que j'en penfe, Mons^ ? (ce di-je) vous me perdonnerez fy ie vous die felon mon pouvre efprit ce que i'en penfe. Que veulx tu dire ? (fe dit-il), tu veulx piefclier. Non, Mons', vous orres. Et bien (fe dit-il) dis, dia I Mons'. (ce di-je) depuis cinq ou fix ans que ie vous ay faict fervice, ie vous ay toufiours veu en grands troubles, et n'ay fceu jamais voyr d'amis qui ayent faict pour vous ; maiutenant, Mons''. vous eftes hors de tons ces troubles, la grace u Dieu, et plus en court a ce que tout Ie moude diet que jamais ; pour ma part, ie voye que cbafcung vous faict la court, petis et grands, mais ie ne scay pas que vous rit qui vous veult veoyr aultrement, ie ne scay pas vous eftes du pais Mons''. Davantage Ton diet que vous eftes Ie plus grand terrien de ce pays icy, et auliy que vous eftes marie qui eft I'heure quant vng liomme prend ce ply la que il ce fault arefter ou jamais. Maintenant, Mons^ fy vous entreprenes cefte cliofe-la qui eft grande, ce fera Ie plus grand trouble que vous euftes jamais, par deffus les aultres, cai' chafcum cryera ' lia harault I' fur vous, et vous Ie voyres. Et bieu (cedit-il) as-tu faict ? Vous me perdonnerez, Mons''. s'il vous plaift, fy ie vous ay dieft felon mon pouvre efprit (ce di-ie). Et befte que tu es (ce dict-il) penfe-tu que ie fay cecy tout feul de moy mefme ? Monfieur, ie ne fjay pas com- ment vous Ie faictes, mais ie f9ay bieu que ce fera Ie plus grand trouble que vous euftes oneques. (Ce dict-il) et comment fera-ce ? car ia.y ilifia Leddiriffton qui efteftymel'ung des meilleurs efpricts de ce pais-cy, et qui eft I'enterpreneur de tout cecy ; en apres j'ay Mons''. d'Argyle mon frere, Mons''. de Hontlye, Muns''. de Morton, Ruthen, et LindeJ'ay. Ses trois-la une foys ne me fauldront jamais, car j'ay parle pour leur grace ; et ay tous les fignes de ceulx-cy que ie t'ay nommes, et auffy avons envie de Ie faire dernierement que nous fufmes a Cragmiller, mais c'eft que tu es uu befte et pouvre d'efprit, qui ne merite d'entendre chofe de confequence. Ma foy, Monfieur (ee di-ie) il eft vray, car mon efprit n'eft point pour telle cliofe, mais bien pour vous faire fervice a ce que ie porray, et bien bien Mons'., ilz vous porront bien faire maiftre et principall de ce faict-ki, mais quant ce fera faict ilz por- ront aufiy mettre Ie tout fur vous, et les premiers qui cryeront ' ha barault 1' apres vous, et les ceulx qui vous boutteront Ie premier a mort, silz peuvent. He ! Mons'., ie vous prie m'en dire d'ung que vous ne m'aves point nomme ; ie f^ay bien que ceftuy-la eft ayme en ce pais du commuen peuple, et aufl'y de nous autrcs Fraitfois, que quant il gouvernoyt I'efpace de deux ou trois ans, il n'avoyt point de troubles au pais, tout Ie monde ce portoit bien, largent corroit, maintenant on ne peult veoyr homme qui ait moyen, et ne voyt-on que troubles ; ceftuy-la eft fage et fy a des amys allies. Qui eft ceftuy- la ? (ce me diet-il). Ceft Mons', (ce di-ie) Mons". k Conte de Morra : je vous prie me dire quelle part ceftuy-la prend ? (Ce dit-il), il ne fe veult point mefler. Mons^ (ee di-ie), il eft fage. Adonc Mons''. de Boduel retome la tefte vers moy et me deift, Mons''. de Morra, Mens'', de Morra, il ne veult n'ayder ne nuyre, mais c'eft tout ung. Bien, bien, Mons''. (ce di-ie) il ne Ie faicte fans caufe, et vous Ie voyrez. La-deflus il me commande de prendre la clef de la cbambre de le Rovne a Kirkafilde. Je luy dis, Mons''. vous me perdoneres, s'il vous plaiil, pour autantque ie fuis eftrangier, et auflyque ce n'eft mon eftat, I'buyflier me porra demander que i'en veulz faire et-il aura raifon. Et pourquoy (ce dit-il) n'eft -tu vallet de cbambre de la Royne? II eft vraye, Mons'. (ce di-ie) mais vouzfyavez qu'u la maifon d'ung Prince cliafque officier a fon office, et entre les autres rhuyfller a le fien, I'eftat duquel eft de garder la clef de la cbambre. Pourquoy done (ce dict-il) t*ay-ie mis a la cbambre de LA Royne fy non pour en tyrer du fervice ? Helas ! Mons'. (ce di-ie) c'eft bien poui- vous faire fer- vice a ce que ie porrois, mais je penfois en moy mefme fans rien dire (le craignant) fi j'eufle penfe telle cbofe, iamais la cbambre ne m'euft cbambree. La-deifus il sen alia de moy de ce trou ou coiug-Ia, ou il avoit faict fes affUu'es. Luy eftant party de moy, je prens mon manteau et mon efpee et m'en voys pormener dans la grand efglife, et penfoys en beaucoup de fortunes que j'avoys du paffe efehapies de luy, et commencois a reniereier Dieu qui m'avoit delyvre d'aveques luy, luy demandant du bon cueur d'eftre hors de fa compaignie pour autant que ie congnoyflbis fes vices fort terribles, et princi- 504 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1567-8- pallement ung donct Ton diet que j'en fuis fy bon feiviteur, me reportant a Dieu, qui congnoit ce que luy en ay diet, comment ce feroyt fa ruyne. Plus de fix ans il y a, et qu'il foit ainfy qu'on deniande au Lard de Pcthicrcif, qui a ouy parler pouiquoy je forlis de fon fervice hors d'Angleterre : il me battill et me toimentaft a coups de pied fur le ventre, pour me (aire faire chofe que ie n'avoys envie de faire, donct il ni'en a remercie en Ejcqffe, que i'avoys couvert fon lionueur la ou i'avois occa- fion de le fouller. Apres avoir penfe a. tout cela pour me refouldre de ce faict mefcliant que i'avoys entendu et qu'il m'avoyt diet, ie deniande a mon Dieu, qu'il me confeillaft voyant le faict fy grand il ellouuoit raon efprit ; et que fy a cefte lieuie-la 3Ions''. de Croqtie eull efle en ce pais, ie n'eufie point efte en cefle peine icy. Quant ie vis qu'il ny avoit auttre remede que d'avoyr patience, et qu'il ny avoit cbemin pour m'en aller fy non par Aiiglclerre, la ou j'eullti efte prins et arrefte per faulte de pafle- port, et auUy que ceft traliayfon contre le Prince au fervitenr de s'en aller fans conge, et aulfy que ie ne fceu prouver pourquoy ie m'en allois ly non per RIons''. de Bodvel qui ne m'euft iamais advoue ; voyant comme chafeun peult penfler que eela gyfoit beaueoup a fon honneur, et ii des aultres Seigneurs ace qu'il me difoit. Or doncques ce ebemiu-la ne me vallut rien, je me refoulz delfusung poynt que fy ce meurtre ce feroit de brief c'eftoit ma ruyne, pour autant que ie cognoyffois I'homme qui n'euft iamais failli de moy commauder, et s'il y auroit dix ou douze jours entre deux, j'auray efperance de bien faire, car s'il va navire de quelque cofte que foyt, qu'en An^leterre j'efloys delibere de me def- rober pourquoy ie me refoulz au fortier de I'efglife de feavoyr de luy quant ce feroyt. De Vendredy doncques ie m'en vois a luy a fortier de fa chambre, comme il alloit cliez la Royne, et aulfytot qu'il me veift il me demande fy ie avoys prins cefte clef. Je luy dis que je regarderoys a le faire ; il me diet que je ne faillifte dont point, car c'elloit a Dymanebe qu'ilz voulloyent faire a mettre leur faict en execution. A cefte lieurc-!a je fors d'avecques luy plus fafclie que iamais, et m'en vais fur lechemin du petit Leith tout expres pour trouver navire ; et quant ie fus a moytie cliemin ie dyfoys en moy- mefme, or eft-il lion a voy que tu as I'efprit bien perdu, pour autant qu'il ny a plus que de main entre deux, quant ores le vent feroyt bon, as-tu la puiftance de louer ou flatter une navire tout i'eul ou expres ; la-deftiis ie m'ofte du grand chemin et me deftorne a part, priant Dieu de me confeilleir, car de faire bruyt de cela j'eftoys morte. Cefte jour-la, ce pafle en ce point, et auffy le Saraedy toute la matynee. L'apres difner il me demande encores cefte clef ; je luy dis, Mons'., lielas I comment le feray-je ? Pourquoy (ce dict-il) qui t'en gardera? N'es-tu pas ferviteur de la Royne? II eft.vray, Mens'., mais ce n'eft point mon eftat de prendre les clefs. Mais dy moy (ce dict-il) et pourquoy ? Une foys ie ne le veulx rien commander en ce faict-la. J'ay des clefz afles fans toy, car il n'y a porte ceans donct je n'ay le clef, car Mons''. Jac(jucs J3ulfor et moy avons efte toute la nuycte pour veoyr et chereber le meillieur endioit et pafliige pour exeeuter uollre affaire, et pour trouver bonne entree; mais cefte qui tu es une befle, carie ne te veulx employer en ce faict-la, car j'ay des gens affez fans toy, et aufiy ([ue je feay que tu n'as point de cueur. La-deftlis ie entre en la chambre de LA Royne, la ou Slargucrite et quelques aultres eftoyent atteiulantz la Royne, qui eftoit en la ebanibre du Roy. Adonc le bruyt vint incnntenent que la Royne s'en alloyt a I'Ahbaie ; tout le monde fort bors de fa chambre, et moy le dernier, prenant la clef de la diet chambre, et m'en voys a VAbbiiie apres elle, la 0X1 je trouve 3Ions'. de Hodvel, qui me demande fyj'avoys cefte clef. Ouy, Mons^ (ce di-ie). II me coramande de la garder. Au bout d'une heure Marguerite me prie d'aller a 7i7r/i'r//?e/'. Jacques. Le diet Paris prya Mons''. de Boduel de le defpecher vers la Royxe. Apres difner (ce dict-il) je le feray; et quant il retourna querir fa defpefcbe apres difner, il trouve le Seigneur de Boiduell et le diet Mons^. Jacques feulz, telle a telle, en une chambre ; et le diet Seigneur de Boiduel qui efcrivoit de fa propre main ; et apres avoir faict, il dill a Paris, voyla ta refponce, retourne t'en a la Royne et me recommendes bien humblement a fa bonne grace, et luy dictes que tout yra bien, car Mons^'. Jacques Balfour et moy n'avons dormis tout la nuyte ains avons mis ordre en toute, et avons aprelle le logis, et dictes a la Royne que je luy envoye ce dyamant que tu luy porteras, et que f'y j'avoy mon cueur je le luy euvoyeraye trefvolluntiers, mais je ne I'ay pas moi. Va t'en a Mons''. de Ledington et luy demandes f il veult refcrire a la Royne, ce que le diet Paris faift, et le trouve a la cbambre des comptes, et luy demande f'il plafoyt rendre la refponfe aux lettres de la Royne que Mons''. de Boduel luy avoyt baillies. Ouy (ce dit-il) et la-deffus il prend du papier incontinent et efcript, et ayant faict le diet Paris luy diet que la Royne I'avoit comraande de luy demander, lequel des deux logis feroyt le millieur pour le Roy, car elle ne bougeray dela jufqu'a ce qu'il I'auroit raporte fa refponce. Le dit Letingfoun luy refpondit, que le Kirhafeild feroyt bon, et que le dit Seigneur de Buduel et luy avoyent advife enfemble la-delfus. Ainfy le diet Paris partit pour fon aller a Glafcou vers la Royne; et eftant de retour ii Glafcou et avoyr faict fon meffaige, qui luy eftoyt donne des diz Seigneurs de boucbe, la Royne luy demande, s'il avoyft veu parler 3LjJieurs de Boduel et Lethingtoun enfemble ? Diet que non, mais que Mons''. de Boduel luy avoyt diet qu'ilz avoyent parle de bon vyi'age enfemble, et que le diet Sieur de Lethingtoun eftoyt du tout a luy, et que le logis eftoyt preft. Item, comme elle retournoyt de Glafcou vers Lijlebourg avec le Roy a Kallendar, il f'adrelfe ung homnie de MoiW. de Boduel au diet Paris et luy bailie une lettrepourla prefenter a la Royne, ce qu'il feift, laquelle luy demanda, s'y fhonime eftoyt few? Je penfe, ce dit-il, Madame qu'il n'euft voullu vous envoyer liomme qu'il n'en full feur. La-deflus en fen allant coucher elle refcript une lettre, et y meift dedans ung anneau et la luy bailla pour la baillor au diet bomme porteur, cbofe qu'il feift, pour la rapporter au diet Sieur de Boduel ; apres le Royne et LE Roy eftans a Lgthkoiv, elle diet au diet Paris qu'il voulloit mettre Guilbert Courlle, Vallet de chambre ches le Roy, pour ce qu'il eftoyt de bon efprit, affin de veoyr ce que le Roy feroyt, car elle ne ce fyoyt point a Sande Duram. Du diet lieu Jehan Ha;/ fuft par elle defpefche vers MotW. de Boduel, auquel elle park afles long temps, en apres aufl'y Paris avec des bralfeletz au dit Sieur Boduel (le diet Paris arryvent a Lijlebourg luy bailie les braffeletz) lequel Sieur eftoyt preft de monter a cheval pour aller trouver le Roy et la Royne, avec lequel le dit I'om retourne au devant du Rov, lequel ils conduyrent jusques a fon logis a Kirkafeild. 508 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1567-8. Interrogue, S"il fa^oyt aucun priveaute entre la Royne et 3Ions^. de Baduel, durantle temps que LE Roy gyroit ii KirknfciU ? Refpoiul, que Mons". de JBoidael luy avoit diet que toutes les iiuytz Jehan Hepbron feroyt le guet foubz les galleries a Sancte-Croyx, ceperulant que Lady Rerefs yroyt bien taird le querir pous ramener a la cliaiubie de la Royne, luy deffendant, affavoyr a Paris, i'ur la vie de ne dire que fa femine eitoyt avecques luy. Interrogue, S'il favoyt de I'entrepris du ^Nleurtre du Roy' depuis fon aiTyvement a ^ifr/^a/ej/rf jusques au jour de rexecution ? Refpond, que non aultrement que ce qu'il en a defia depof'e en (a Depofition faite le neufieme de ce moys, en adioullant que le jour que Moils'", de Boduel luy avoyt communique le faict de Meurtre du Roy, qui full le niefme jour que la Royne coucliall au logis du Roy' a Kirk- afeld, (ainfy corame il y en fouvient fort bein) et comme le dit Paris voulloyt dreffer le lict de la Royne en fa cliambre, qui elloyt droyt foubs la chambre du Roy ; ainfy que Mom'', de Boduel luy avoyt commande, lors qu'il parloyt avecques luy au trou la ou il le deftafclioyt pour faire fes affaires, le diet Sieur de Boduell deftendist au dit Paris de ne drefler le lict de la Royne droict foubz le lict du Roy, car je y veulx mettre la pouldre en cell endroyt-la, ce dit-il. Et celte mefuies nuyt-la, apres que le lict fuft drelfe en la chambre de la Royne ; ce que je fis au mefnie endroyt la ou il me fuft deffendu par le diet de Bodiiel, la Royne rae dift, ' Sot que tu es, je ne veulx pas que mon lict foyt en cefl. endroyt-la, et de faict le feiil ofter !' Par lequelles parolles, j'ay aperfeu il mon efprit quelle avoyt cognoylfance du faict. La- deffus je prins la Lardieffe de luy dire, ' Madame, Mons''. de Boidicel ma commande luy porter les clefs de votre cliambre, et qu'il a envie de y faire quelque chofe ; c'eil de faire faulter le Roy en fair par pouldre, qu'il y fera mettre I' ' Ne me parle poynt de cela cefte heure- cy,' ce diet elle, ' fais en ce que tu voiddras I La-deffus je ne I'ofoys parler plus avant. A cefte heure- cy je commence a confyderer que j eftoys employe en ce faict mefchant, auparavant par parolles cou- vertes et defguyfees eflant envoye de Glajcnu vers Mons': de Boiducl, pour fcavoyr lequel des logis eftoyent le meillieur, et par ce auffy qu'il m'a refpondu alors, quant il me renvoye vers le Royne, vous la dires, fy elle vous dematide ce que je fais, que j'ay veille toute cefte nuyt et Mr Jacque Bal- four, pour aprefter le logis du Roy'. Eftant interrogue, Sy la Royne palfoyt plus oultre cefte nuyte fur ce purpos ? La diet que nou, mais le prelfoyt apres plus fort que jamais de parler a elle de pourpos de Mons" de Boduel, de fa femme, et de aultres chofes. Et eftant coucliee ne dormoyt point toute le nuyte, ains efcryvoyt des lettres an diet Sieur de Boiduel, et les envoye par le diet Paris au Sieur de Boduel, envyron onze a douze houres de nuyt, mains riens de creance. Et ayant delivre cefte lettre au diet Sieur de Boduel, il refcript eftant au lict, et en baillant la refponce au dit Paris, il luy diet, ' Dictes a la Royne, que je dormiray point que je ne efcheve mon entrepris, quant je deburoys trayner la picque toute ma vie ])our I'amour d'elle !' Et eftant de retour vers la Royne, Vendredy au matin, luy ayant racompte ces mefmes parolles que luy avoyt dictes Mons''. de Boiduel, ' Et bien, Paris (ce dict-elle en ryant) il n'en viendra jamais, fy Dieu plaift a ce poynt-l;\ !' Et ce dyfoyft-clle oftant au lict. Et comme elle f'abilloyt, le dit Paris prendles deux clefs de la cliambre de la Royne, felon le conimandement du dit Sieur de Boduel, et les luy aporte. Lequel ayant faict fortir toute le monde de fa chambre, prend le clef d'ung coilre qu'il avoyt en fa pochette, et apres avoyr ouvert le dit coft're, en tire des aultres clefs contrefaicts toute neufues, et en regardant les unes au])res des aultres, diet a Paris, lia ! ouy, elles font bien ; raporte celles-la, et il remeift les contrefaictes dedans le coffre. Eftant interrogue, S'il fcavoyt qui avoyt fait et bailie les clefs contrefaictes au dit Sieur de Boduel? Refpond, qu'il n'en favoyt rion, fy non que le dit Si ur de Boduel luy dift, qu'il avoit toutes les clefs des portes de ce logis-Ia, et que luy et MuiJ'tre Juaptes Balfour avoyent efte tout une nuyt pour chercher et favoyr la meilleure entree, comme il a defta depofe. Mais cependant que le diet Paris eftoyt abfent avecques les clefs, Archibald Belhon, huyflier, demande les clefz pour laifTer fortir la Royne au jardin, et ne les pouvant trouver, la Royne en fuft fafche, et diet tout haut a Paris a fon Mar. 25. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 509 retour, ' Paris pourquoy aves-vous emporte les clefs de ma cliainbre ? Lequel ne luy refpondit mot fur I'heure ; raais apres la, tiouvaut a part luy dill, ' Ha ! Madame, pourquoy m'aves vous diet devaut le monde que j'avoys pris les clefs de votre charabre, voyant que vous faves biea le pourquoy ?' ' Ha ! ce dit-elle. Parts c'eft tout ung ; ne te foucye, ne te foucye I' ' Et d'autant qu'il en pourroyt avoyr bon fouvenance, il diet, que ce Vendredy la uuyt la Royne coucba encores au logis du Roy, et luy reuvoya derechef porter des lettres au diet Sieur de Boduel. Interrogue, S"il avoyt rien entendu de ce propos le Sabmedy au matim ? Refpond que non, fy non que LA Royne deift en prefence de ceulx de fa ehambre, qu'il y avoyt eu quelque querelle entre le Roy et Mons''. de Sancte-Croiv, lequel avoyt bon moyen a celle heure-la de tuer le Roy, car il n'y aroyt en la ehambre alors qu'elie pour les departir : Et diet oultre, qu'apres difner, le diet Sieur de Boduel luy commande de prendre la clef de la ehambre de la Royne, cliofe qu'il n'avoyt envie de faire ; mais corame la Royne fortoyt de fa ehambre, elle le regarde, et luy commande de prendre la dit clef. Et au foyr, la Royne eftant i\ I'Abbaye, elle envoye le dit Paris vers Mons^. de Boduel, lay commandant luy dire de bouche : ' Alles vous en a Mons^. de Boduel, et luy dictes, qu'il me femble qu'il feroit le mieulx que 3Ions'. de Sancte Croix avec Guillaume Blakatre allent ii la charabre du Roy, faire ce que le diet de Boduel f^-ait, et qu'il parle a 3Io/u'', de Sanct Croix touebant ce purpos, car il feroyt myeulx ainfy qu'aultrement, et pour ce n'en feroit qu'ng peu prifonnier dedans le ebafleau.' Apres avoyr le diet Paris raeompte ce faict a Mons''. de Boduel, il luy diet, ' Je parleray ii Mons''. de Sanct Croyx, et puis j'yray parler moy mefmes a la Royne.' Le dit Par'is n'a fouvenance d'aultre cbofe que fe feift ce jour-la, mais le refle eft contenu en fa premier Depofition, jufques u ce que la Royne arryva en V Ahhaye, et 3Ions''. de Boduel f 'eftant aulfy retire en fa ehambre avec le dit Paris, furvint Mons''. de Honteley, en compaignye de deux ou troys fervileurs, et ce par le chemin derrier I'Abbaye qui menie droyt au logis de feu Mons''. de Rttthuen ; et apres qu'ilz avoyent parle en I'oreille &i\^6mh\e, comme Moiis' . de Boiduel 3.\oyt defia commence de changer fes habillementz, le diet (37o?2S''.) de Boduel deift apres aii dit Paris, que 3/ons''. de Honteley f 'eftoyt oft'ert d'aller avecques luy, mais qu'il ne le voulloyt mener. Quant et luy, et apres que Mons''. de Honteley fe fuft party pour aller coucher, le diet de Boduel prendle tailleret Paris avecques luy, comme il eft diet en fa premiere Depofition. Le Lundy matin, entre neuf et dix heures, le diet Paris diet, qu'il entre dans la ehambre de la Royne, laquelle eftoyt bien clofe, et fon liet la tendu du noyr, en figne de deuil, et de la chandelle allumer, dedans ycelle la ou Bladame de Bryant luy donnoyt a delieufuer dung oeuf frais, la ou aufty Mons''. de Boduel arryve et parle a elle fecretement, foubz courtine. Ce jour-la Lundy, fe paffe ainfy fans ee que le iUxci Paris parle a elle. Mardy, au matin, elle fe leue; et le diet Paris eftant entre en fa ehambre, la Royne luy demande, ' Paris, qu'as-tu ?' — ' Helas I ce diet-il, Madame, je voys que chafcun me regarde de cofte.' — ' Ne te chaille, ce dict-elle, je te feray bon vyfayge, et perfonne ne t'oferoyt dire mot !' Cependant elle ne le diet cliofe de confequenee, jufques a ee qu'elie voulloyt aller a SetoH, alors elle luy demandaft de prendre une caflette ou il y avoyt des corceletz d'efeus, que le Threforier luy avoyt aporte de France, pour la porter a la ehambre de Mons''. de Boduel, qui eftoyt a cefte heure-la loge dedans le Pallays, au deff'us de la ehambre la ou ce tenoyt le Coufeil : Et puis apres, luy commandaft de prendre fon coftVe des bagues et le faire porter au Chnjleau, et le delyvrer entre les mains du Sieur de Skirling, pour lors Cappitaine foubz Mons''. de Boduel, chofe qu'il feift : En apres, elle voyant le diet Paris tout fafche, elle preflbyt fouvent de faire fervice ii Mons''. de Boduel, ce qu'il n'avoyt envie de faire, ains demandoyt fouvent fon conge ; et voyant cela, a la parfin elle luy diet, ' Paris, alles- vous confoller avecques 3Ir Jacques Balfour ; eeft ung homme d'efprit, je ni'y fuis confoUe par plufieurs foys et me confolle de prefent.' Item. Interrogue, Du premier pryveaute qu'il a cogneu eftre entre LA Royne et Moils'", de Boduel? Refpond, que c'eftoyt alors que le dit de Boduel conduyfoit la Royne vers Glajcou, quant elle alloyt querir le Roy. A Cullender, apres fouper, aflez tard Lady Rerefs vint a la ehambre de Mons''. 510 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1567-8. (1e Boducl et voyt le diet Paris la, et demande que faict ce Paris icy ? Cefl tout ung, ce dict-it, Paris ne dyra cliofe que je luy deft'end de dire ! Et la-deflus elle I'amene a la ciiarabre de la Royne. Cecy ceftoyt le foyr devant que le lendemaiu la Royne I'envoya la bourfe par Paris au diet Sieur de Soduel. Item. En oultre, il diet et declare, qu'enryron le temps que le diet de Boduel full faict Due, la Royne lui baillaft le buft'ett et veflelle de Targent de Monsieur le Prince la ou eftoyt fes armoyries pour la porter a M071S''. de Bothiiile ; le quelluy diet, que ceftoyt pour en faire ofter la marque de Prince, et y mettre la fienne, ce qu'il delyvra a ung qui a efpoufe une Marguerite Hephron (niais il ne fcait bonneiiient fon nom) lequel comma il luy diet il le debuoyt bailler ii Mr Jacques Balfour pour le t'aire faire. Item. II diet et confefle, que la nuyt auparavant que la Royne fuft ravie et enlevee du dit Sieur de Boduel, que Mons''. d' Ormi/loun vint parler ii la Royne bien fecretement a Luthquoiv : la-delFus LA Royne efcrypt une lettre par le diet Paris, et par ce qu'il ne fcavoyt bier*- le chemyn, la Rgy'ne le feift conduyre par le diet Ormi/toun cliez Mojifieur de Halton, la ou le diet Sieur de Boduel eftoit en bonne compaiguie, et mefmes les Capitanes couches aupres de luy et daultres : Et trouvant le diet Sieur de Boduel endormye les veille, et luy diet, Monfieur, voyla des lettres que la Royne vous envoye. Et bien, Paris, ce dit-il, couche toy la ung peu ; cependant je m'envoys efcryre, et apres avoir efcript, il diet au dit Paris, ' Recommendes me humblement a la Majeftie, et luy dictes que j'yray aujourdiiuy la trouver fur la elierayn au pont.' Item. Eftant interrogue, S'il favoyt pourquoy Jofeph fen alia de ce pays ? Refpond, que la Roy'NE lui diet, Paris il fault que tu controuves quelque cliofe en ton efprite pour faire peur a .Tofepli, atfin qu'il fen aille : et voyant quil ne pouvoyt rien faire, elle luy diet, je feray faire une lettre que tu perderas derrier luy pour luy faire peur ; mais luy ne pouvant ee faire elle, le feift dire par le .hiJiicc-Clerh, comme il peuft, qu'il euft a comparoiftre au Parlement, cliofe qu'il I'affrayaft grande- nient, et eourut ya et la demandant fon conge ; enfin la Royne bailie neuf vingtz efeus a Paris, pour les bailler a Jofeph, affin qu'il fen allaft, ce qu'il feift ; et ainfy ayant receu la diet foranie, il feu alia. Item. Diet, que Jehan Hay fouvent apres la mort du Roy le confeylloyt et le comfortoyt bien, et qu'aultre ne le confolioyt, f'y non que fouvent eommeut Mons''. de Honteley le voyant delfaiet, le deniandoyt, Paris, qu'as tu ? This is, the trew copy of the Declaration and Depofitioun of the faid Nicholas IIowbert als Paris, quhairof the principall is markit every leif with his awin hand. And the fame being red againe in his precence, he avowit the fame, and all partes and claufes thairof to be undoubtedlie trew. Ila tjl Alexander Hay, Scrila Secreti Cotifdii S.D.N. Regis ac Notarius Puhlicus. VIII. Extract of Letter fro.m Lord Hunsdon to Sir William Cecil." Wherein he fays, he received a letter of the 23 of Auguft, with the Q. Majesty's letter, and my Lady' Lennox packet ; and towching Paris, he was put to death a fortnight fince, and fo was Sletcart, who was King of Heralds," which had determined to kill the Regent ; but he was forgiven for that, and was burnt for Conjuration and Witchcraft. ' Dated Berwick, Aug. 30, 1509. Andi^rson's Notes of Letters in thp Paper Office. Lninc/s Hist. II. 269. ^ This matter is thus clirouicled by two contemporaneous authorities. * Tiiis same day (Aug. 2, 15C8), about 2 in tlie afternoone, Sir William Steuarte, Lyone King ol" Arms, departed out of Edinburglie to Dunibrittan Castell, being suspect of t'onspiracy against the Life of the RrcENi, the Larll of Murray.' — Birrets Diartj, p. 17. ' In this samin niounthc, .Sir \Villiam Steuarte, Lyone King of .irmes, was transported from Edinburgh Castle to Dun- brittanc, and thcr committed to closse prissone, for Conspyring to take the Itegent's lytfe by SfEBYE, baxter-biu'ges of Edinburgh. Persewar comperand, Prelocutouris for the faiil Williame, Patrik Browne, indueller in Edinburgh. Mr Johniie ^Nlofcrope, ISIr Henrye M'Calgane, His Prelocutour. James M'Call, William Fiddes, Johhne Lowreniloune. Nicol RjTid, Walter Wawane, tailliour. Maifteris Johnne Spens and Robert Creychtoun of Eliok, Aduocatis for oiu' fouerane lord, being oft and diuerfe tymis callit, coniperit nocht. Verdict. The AlTjdfe, be thair deliuerance, pronunceit and declarit, be the mouth and fpeking of James Dalzell (at the ^^^eft-port of Edinburgh) chancellar, ffand and deliuerit the faid Williame to be culiiabill, fylit and convict of arte and part of the vfeing and bering familiare and privat cumpany, diuerfe and findry tymes with Jonet Strang, lauchfull Ipous and mariet wyfe to Patrik Broune. indueller in Edinburgh, vnder the caftell ■wall thairof, conuerfand and abufand his body with hir in the filthie, vyle, and abhominabill cryme of Adulterie, within the faid Patrikis awin duelling houfe and place, within the faid biu-gh, vnder the faid caftell wall thairof, in the houfe of Catherine Scot in Ryplochis wynd, within the famiu burgh, and diuerfe vtheris priue partis and places, at thair plefour, alfuele be day as nyclit, in the monethis of October and Nouember, the j^ir of God I'".VMxviij yeix'is, December and Aprile laftby^jaft ; the faid "Williame ha- iling Jonet Paflay to his awin lauchfull Ipous and wyfe on ly^'e : And in the meyne tyme, hes thiftuouflie ftoUen, fpendit, waftit, delapidat, confumit, and put away the faid Patrikis gudis, geir, money, and wictuallis to greit quantitie, and thairthrow caufit the faid Patrik to fkaill ' his houfe and familie thairof, and hes putt him felf thairby to vtter rewyne, herelchip," and pouerte, &c. And thairfoir wes put in ward within the faid Tolbuith of Edinburgh, quhill'' ordour had bene takin heiranent. dfiitts of Court. July 5. — ' Md. Tlie haill vnlawis iireceding this dait, wer extractit and To displenish bis house and disperse his family. * Utter ruin, destitution, and poverty. ^ Until. 14 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1570. delynerit to the thefaiu'er, xix Augufti 1.570 ; the fowmes quhairof extendit to Ix^.j'.xx ib. ; by' the amerciamentis of perfoiinis adiugeit for flauchter of Geddefe and Aflege of '\\''auchtouiie.' [|gcai-in0 of iMInss, ^c] Sept. 4. — Da:\ie Mar ye de Pyeris Lady Seytoune,^ and Robert Seytoun, hir fone. The lad}', befoir the eaUing of the Aflyife, allegeit that fcho fukl nocht be putt to the knawledge thairof in this cans, without hir hufband, quha being hir heid, wer warnit to this effect. — Mr Johnne Spens (King's) Aduocat, allegit in the eontrair, ])e reafoun that in this maner of preceding criniinalie, fcho mycht be put to AiFyife in refpect of hir offence, without warning maid to hir hufljand foirfaid. The Juflice findis, nochtwithftanding the allegeance foirfaid, forther jn-oces to be vfit. The faid lady protefl:it for remeid of law. The faid lady, and Robert hir fone foirfaid, befoir the adniiffioune and acceptatioune of Aflyile, in prefence of the faid Juflice-deiJUte, offerit thanie felffis in our foueran lordis will, and to my Lord Regentis grace in his name, in maner following, that is to fay ^ Oct. 4. — Mr Johnxe Kello, miniller of Spot." Committer of the murthour of vmq'^ Margret Thomefoune his fpous ; committit be him within his awin lugeing in the toun of Si)ot for the tyme, be ftrangling of hir with ane towale, vjioiin the xxiiij daj^ of Seiitember laftbyj^afl:, befoir noyne. Sentence. For the cpihilk he wes adiugeit be dome pronunceit, to be hangit to the deid, and thaireftir his body to be caflin in ane fyre and brint in affis ; and his gudis and geir cpdiatfumeuir (pertening to oui' foueran lord) to be confifcat, &c. ' L.9,120, besides, over and above the fines, &c. ^ Second wife of George, fourth Lord Se- toun, a Frentli lady, who came to Scotland with Mary of Lorraine. ^ A blank left here in the Record. The Record affords no information of the nature of the crime. It may, however, be con- jectured, from the relif^ious tenets of the Wintoun family, that they were put upon their trial for intercommuning' with and resetting Jesuites, or hearing mass said, &c. '' ' The Confession of Mr Johnne Kello, minister of Spott, together with liis repentance made vpone the scaftbld befoir his suf- fering, the foiut day of October 1570,' was ' Imprinted at Edinburgh, be Robert Lekpriwick' (1570 Herbert's Ames.) Ricliard Bannatyne has inserted the whole Tract in his Joiu-nal, p. 39, which is well worthy of perasal. Kello was a person of considerable note, and of much religious profession. The circuTnstance of the miu-der, his subsequent deep contrition, his confession and execution, made a great stir at the time. These are noticed Ijy Calilerwood and several other T\Titers Bartilmo, Bar- bara, and Bessie Kello, ' sone and dochteris to vmq'* ^Nlr Johnne Kello,' got a gift of his escheat ' throw the said vm(|'"" Mr Johnne being convict and justifeit to the deid, for the crewell and odious Muithure of vniq'*^ ^largaret Thomesoun his spous.' Regist. Seer. Sig. Oct. 5, 1370. 3Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 15 Oct 10. — JoHNNE Go VANE, feriiitoiir to Mr Richard Strang, aduocat. Delatit of the fteling fra James Kinroife of Kippanroife, of his jJiirfe, within the paroche-kirk of Sanct Geill in Edinbiu'gh, in time of fermond, upon the xvj day of Julij laftbypaft. ASSISA. James Elphinftoun, bruder to the Johne Striueling callit of Butis, Micliaell Elphinftouii, biuder to Lord Elpliinftoune, James Striueling of Auchyle, the Lord Elpliinftoune, James Preftoune, apperand of James Richardfoune in Ediu^ Harye Balfour, feiiiand to the Erie Waylafield, William Weir, cordiner there, of Mar, Robert Porterfield, feruand to James M'Gilleverye, alias Bu- George Drummond, apperand of die Erie of Murray,' clianan, Ballocli, Robert Halden of Bellyfoule, James Drummond, mafter flabler Thomas Drummond, feniand to James Striueling in Striueling, to the Lord Drummond, the Lady Richardtoune. By a memorandum, preferved on tlie margin of the record, it would ajipear that Govane was ' Acquit.' ©reason— Conbofation ot ti)t Eff fits, $^t, Oct. 31. — JoHNXE Rait, bruder to ^^'illiam Rait of Halgrene, Robert Rait in Tippertie, Robert Neilfoune at the Kirke of Arbuthnot, Alexander Duncane, feruand to the faid AVilliam Rait, Mr Jolinne Fowlertoune, and James Fowlertoune, fonis to Richard Fowlertoune in Claffingdrum, Johnne Rait in Sallieflat, Robert Wifchert and Johnne Riche, feruandis to the faid Robert Rait, Thomas Rait in Pitfkellie, Gilbert Lepar and Andro Lepar brether (brothers,) George Falconer in Ballandro, Johnne Rait in BerA^'ye (Bervie,) Johnne Fettes, David Irwyne, George Rait in Furrathie. Delatit of the making of ane eagment and ryme in name of Johnne THE Commoune-wele, and divulgatioune thairof, with conuocatioime, &c. ; and chefing^ of Robert Hude and Abbot of Unreasoune,' Avithin the par- ochin of Arbuthnot and vtheris pairtis respective, in the bounds of Mernis ; and diuerfe ^'theris crymes, at length contenit in the lettres direct thairupoune. Prelocutouris for tliis paimell. Alexander Mauchane, The Lard of Covingtoune, Alexander Guthrye of Kincoldrum, William Rait of Halgrene, Johnne Lindfay of Fairguth. ' It may be noticed here, that the term ' feruand' was at this period frequently, indeed usually, em- ployed to signify secretary, clerk, a dependent or follower of a nobleman, &c. ; not merely a domestic ' fervitour.' The clerks of lawyers, writers, notaries, &c., were uniforndy styled lemitors or feruauds, as were pages, henchmen, and dependents, in the train of the great. " Choosing. ^ "phe po- pularity of these personages is too well known to stand in need of any explanation. For an abstract of the history of the Robin Hood games, and choosing of an Abbot of Unreason, reference need merely be made to Dr Jaraieson's Dictionary, and the writings of Sir Walter Scott. 16 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1570. The advocattis foirfaidis alkit inftrumentis, that infafar as the lettres quhairby the imnnell is calht contenis Treafoune, thay wald only fpeik in this caus for thaii' defence, at command of ane delyuerance and charge of the lordis direct to that effect ; and thairfoir proteftit, &c. — Mr Johnne Spens, aduocat for the King, afkit inftrumentis, that he comperit to perfew at command of the Regentis Precept. a^tpltfliation to t])t MtQnlitv ot StibtilJrtitTjocft. Eodem die predict. Robert us Rait, Robertus Will-hart, Joannes Richie et Joannes Fettes dilatat. de arte et parte invalionis ^Villelmi Sibbald, fratris Da- vidis Sibbald de Cair, pro ejus interfectione, et crudelis vulnerationis ejufdem in fuo capite, ad magnam fui fanguinis effiifionem, per omiffionem tormenti ininoris, lie bent piftolet ; et in mortis periculo earn relinquendo, vltimo die menfis Aprilis, \'ltimo elapfo, apud montem, lie Sand Gilhertis-hill commifs. prout in Uteris regiis defuper direct, plenius continetur. Per Archibaldum Giithre balliuum in Iiac parte Georgij Commendatarij Monafterij de Abirbrothok, virtute commif- lionis ejufdem, Replegiati' extiterant ad privilegium et jurifdictionem fui Re- galitatis, quafi infra bondas ejufdem commorantes ; aflignando tertium diem pi'oximi itineris dicti Regalitatis vel alibi fuper prenionitione xv dierum, j)ro eorum comperentia, ad fubeundiun legem pro dicto crimine. Plegio, Alexandre Guthre de Kincoldrum, pro eorum introitxx ad fubeundum legem pro dicto cri- mine, et predictus Willelmus Rait de Ilalgrene plegius deuenit pro adminiftra- tione Juftitie in premiflis, fecundum forinam jiu-is.^ Verdict. The AfTyfe acquit the haill pannell foirfaid, except the replegeit perfones foirfaidis, of all crymes contenit in thair dittay ; and acquit thaim alfwa of the crymes of treafoune mentionat in the famin : Quhairupoune teftinaouialis wer writtine to the jjarteis. ^lausljtev— iHutilation. Oct. 31. — JoHXXE Aeexandersoune, William, Gilbert, Andro, and Roger Sil)bald in Cornetoune, brether to David Sil)bald of Cair, William Barrye in Newtoune, David Strathauchin at the mylne of Thorntoune, John Sibbald in Cafteltoune, Robert Barrye fonne to the laid ^Villiam, John AVatt in Boyl)urne, Dauid Sib- bald of Cair, Catherine Striueling in Calleltoune. ' Tlie Bailio or Judge of every Regality, &c. liaving the privilege of criminal jurisdiction, was en- titled, on finding surety for the due administration of justice, to appear at the bar of another Regality and even at the bar of tiie Supreme Court and claim the person of the pannel, if resident within his bounds. This was often the occasion of niucli injustice and oppression ; for, though liable to be called to account for their conduct, the jirivacy of their proceedings, their distance from the seat of governuKMit, and the frequently disturbed state of the country, often prevented the circumstances from reaching the ears of the officers of the crown, exce])ting in very flagi-ant instances. - This entry has l)een inserted at length to show the mode of procedure, &c. 3Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 17 Delatit of the flauchter of vmq'^ Petir Rait, bruther to Robert Rait of Tib- berta, and mutilatioune of the faid Robex't of his lycht and left handis ; com- mittit in the moneth of Julij laftbiiiafl. William, Gilbert, Andro and Roger Sibbald, and William Barrye came in the Kings will for the faid crimes, and found John Strathauchin of Thornetoiine, fm-ety for fatiffaction of the parties : David Sibbald of Cair binds himfelf to re- lieve liim of his cautionry. Prelocutouris for the pannell. Mr Jolinne Scliarpe, The Lard of Kyniieir, The Lard of Lathene, The Lard of Balgonye, The Lard of Rankeloiir, Robert Lundye of Conland. Mr Johnne Scharpe, as prelociitour foirfaid, afkit inftrumentis, that Robert Neilfoiin and Robert Rait perfewaris comperand, declarit in prefence of the faid Juftice-depute, that the foirfaid Catherine wes innocent of the crymes contenit in the lettres, and that thai in ref])ect thairof wald nocht perfew hir, bot dif- chargeit \\\y Jimpliciter ; and thairfoir proteflit, that quhatfumeuir fouerte wer fundin at defyre of the Juftice, for hir comjierance to underly the law for the famin, the thrid day of the nixt Juflice-air, or foner, vpoune xv dayes warning, that the famin be nawjdle preiudiciale to hir, nor fcho aftrictit to entir or com- peir to that effect, for the cans foirfaid. Verdict. The AflTyife in ane voce, without difcrejiance, acquit the foirfaidis fex perfonis on pannell of the flauchter and crymes contenit in dittay, quhairof thai wer accufit in jugement ; and jiroteftit for thair teftimoniallis. Nov. 4. — William Cwninghame of Aikett, William Fergufliill and Florence Crawfui'd, his feruandis, Johnne Raburne of that Ilk. Delatit of the flauchter of vmq'^ Johnne Mure of Cauldwell. Prelocutouris for the pannell, My Lord Prowand, Mr David Borthwick. The famin prelocutouris aflvit infl;rumentis, that thay jjrefentlie behovit to fpeik in defence of the perfones accufit, in refpect of the lettres purcheft be the Kings aduocattis, and of thair declaratioune maid in jugement, that thay wald infift, in perfute of this caufe. Mr Johnne Spens of Condie, ane of the foirfaidis advocattis, afkit infl;rvunentis, that he, be ane i)recept and wryting fubfcryuit be my Lord Regent, wes chargeit to perfew the faidis perfones, and conforme to the command thairof, wald jjroceid to proces ; quhilk wryting he defyrit to be infert in the buikis, for his wan-and quhairof the tennour foUowis. Advocattis. It is our will and we charge 50W, fat 36 perfew our Souerane Lordis lettres raifit aganis William Cwninghaine of Aiket, and Johiuie Raburne of fat Ilk, and Jiair conipllcis, ffor arte VOL. I. C 18 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1570. and parte of fe flauchterof vmq'« Jolimie Mwre of Cauklwell, at Jie day contenit Jiamntill, but' delay or difTen-ing: As 56 will anfuere to Lis Maieftie and ws Jiairv-jioune. Subfcriuit with our hand att Edinburgh, the tlu-id day of Nouember, 1570. Mathow, Regent. The famine day comjierit ^Villiame Edmeftoune, in prefens of my Lord Jiiftice and his deputtis, in jugement, and exponit and declarit, that fforfamekill as Williame Cwninghame of Aiket, and Johnne Raburne of that Ilk, his giidfone,^ and remanent perfonis on pannell, l)e thair awin meane and informatioune, at the leifl be informatioune of vtheris in thair names, off thair caufing, had piir- cheft lettres at the inftance of our fouerane lordis advocattis, \'j50une thaimfelffis, for the flaucliter of vmq'^ Johnne Mwre of Caldwell, kny'. committit and done be vmq^^ Alexander Cwninghaim younger of Aiket, and be thair cans, command and reflett off bludie hand, the faid William for the intertennement of his gude- fonne, quha wes actouris, factoxu'is, and principale committaris of the farain be thaim, the tent day of September laftbjqiaft, vpoune the Erie of CaffiUes landis callit the Bordlandis ; and thairwith, have catifit charge thaimfelfis to find fouerte to vnderh' the law for the foid (lauchter in the tolbuith of Edinburgh, befoir the Juftice or his deputtis, the ferd day of N^ouember inftant ; as alfwa caufit ane Aflyfe to be fummoned to that effect, of lie perfones as thai beft pleafit, bayth fufpect and noclit knawand the ^'eritie : To the perfute of the quhilk cans, Ro- bert Mwre now of Cauklwell, fonne to the faid vnuj^" Johnne wer nevir warnit nor requirit, nor gave information to the raifing of the faidis lettres, nor had knawlege thairoff : And the Ihid Johnne Raburne duellis within the Regalitie of my Loi'd of Sanct Johnne, and in hurt and i)reiudice of the preuelege of the faid Regalitie, lies declynit tliairfra, and tane him to the ryaltie to this effect : And thairfoir, allegit, that my Lord Juilice nor his deputtis heir i)reflent, fuld nocht put the faid AMlliam Cwninghame of Aiket, and the faid Johnne Raburne of that ilk to the knawledge of the faid Alfyife, be vertew of the faidis lettres ; the faid Robert Mwre nevir being warnit nor requyrit to the perfute thairof ; and as he underftude, the alTurance betuix the Lordis Anirun-out : In the meyne t}ane thairfoir proteftit. gif my Lord Juftice or his deputtis did in the contrair, that the lamin wer nocht preiudiciale to the laid Robert IMwre ; hot that he, for his interes, mycht in all tyme heireftir perfew the faid "William and his complices now on j)annell. for the llauchter of the laid vmq'^ Joluine his fader ; and that na declaratioune of the Alfyife, nor piu-gatioune of the faid "Williame thairof, fuld be reput nor haldin fufficient. nor teftimonye of the Juftice declaring the famin ; and that ipeciallie of tlie late practik, laitlie auctorifit in the contrair. \"poime the quhilk premilfes, the faid "William requyrit actis, &c. ' Without. '^ Son-in-law. 3Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. I9 * ASSISA. John Cwiiiiigliarae of Canilarge, Patrik Houftoun of that ilk, Patrik Hammiltoune of Gavtla- Mr Jolmne Porterfield of that ilk, Johnne Maxwell younger of Ne- uoch, James Stewart, fone to the Lord ther Pollok, Johnne Hammiltoune in Po-the- Ouchiltre, George Hammiltoune, tutour of hill, The Lai-d of Lamirtoune, Bordlaud, Adam Schaw of Welwod, Johnne Crawfurd of Craiglynfche, David Hammiltoune of Gairewis, Patrik Gemmill of Tempilhoufe, Johnne Schaw of Grenok, Williame Hammiltoune of Rot- Johnne Campbell in Sanding. George Maxwell of Newwerk, tinyairdis. Verdict. This haill Aflyife, in ane voce, without difcrepance, acquit the foirfaidis perfewaris on pannell. — Quhilk declaratioune being maid and iironoun- ceit be the mouth of Mr Johmie Porterfield, proteftatioiuiis wes maid for thair teftimonialis. a^espUe for afiitrtncr from Uaiti at 5liiilitI}(3:olD. Nov. 4. — JoHXXE Lyell in Foulfurdleis. Ad refpectuationem, pro ipfius proditoria domi remanentia ab exercitu f. d. n. Regis apud Lynlythqw, fecundo Augufti vltimo elapfo convenire ordinat. ; contra tenoreni Proclamatiouis defujier direct., de data xvj Septembris 1570. Persewar, Robert Neifbett in Braeanriggis. dfor trni? of ti)t Jlesnit's ^itjiiaturr. Nov. 6. — Tho:mas Barrye, meflinger, (Unicorn Purfuivant.) Convict be Aflyile of the falfeing,' fenzeing, forgeing, and counterfuting of the manuale fubfcrii)tioune and hande wryte of our fouerane lordis derreft gudfchir^ and lauchfull tutour, Mathow Erie of Levenox Lord Dernelie, &c. Regent to his hienes, and of his realme and liegis, at findry times fen the acceptatioune of the office of Regentrye : And fpecialle, of falfeing and treafonabill counterfuting of his grace fubfcriptioune, in the moneth of September laftbipaft, maid and done be him felfe, in fubfcryving of ane Signatour,^ concerning the confirmatioun and ratificatioune of his office of IJnicorne Purlevandfchip,'' allegeit maid and grantit to him of befoir, be our fouerane lordis derreft moder the Queue : And alfo, in treafounabill counterfuting of his grace fubfcriptoune to ane vther lettre, directit be his grace, in our fouerane lordis name, chargeing Sir Walter Ker of Branx- helme knycht. Sir Thomas Ker of Pharnyeherft knycht, and vtheris contenit thairintill, to mak payment of thair mailes and deweteis, allegeit awand be thaim to his hienes : As at mair lenth is mentionat and contenit thairintill : This done 1 Falsifying. - Grandfather. ' A TiTit bearing the King's sign-manual, and being a waiTant for a charter passing the seals, granting or confirming lands or office, &c. * Unicorn purfuivant. so CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1570. in October laftbipaft : As his dejiofitionis and confeffioiine, with the faid Signatour and lettres counterfutit and trealbnablie falfit be (hiiu) beris. Sentence. For the quhilk cans, dome wes gevin and pronunceit, be the mouth of James Yule dempftar, that the faid Thomas rycht hand falbe ftrickin and cutit of, and himfelf to be baneift of the reabne during all the dayis of his lyfe ; and neuir to returne agane within the famin, without Ipeciale licence of our foueran lord, had and obtenit thairto. Nov. 9. — Schir William Cranstoune of Doddo, Commiffar of Lauder. Delatit of the flauchter of vmq'" James Brounlie. ' Plegio Joanne Cranftoune de eodem, tertio Itineris de Beruik, vel fuper (premonitione) xv dierum.' Slljitiinti: from t])t l\aiti of Hinlitljsoto. Nov. 27. — Alexander Kenned ye of Drumquharne, and Patrik Ken- nedye of Culuane. Delatit for remaining fra the raid ordanit to convene at Lynlythqw, the fecond day of Augiift laftbipaft. Perfewit be Thomas Kennedye of Barganye, as donatour (of their efcheit) and the advocattis. — Continued to the Juftice-aire of ' Air, tertio Itineris vel pre- monitione XV dierum. Plegio, Georgio Campbell de Skeldoune.' #pj)itssioii— (JTonbofation of Hifgts, $^(, Nov. 30. — Mr William Balfour in Leyth, Johnne Younge taillour thair, and feventene vthers, ' flvynnaris,' ' litftaris,' and ' cor- dinei'is.' Delatit of findry crymes of Oppreffioune committit be thaim, with convoca- tioune, &c. vpoune Florence Balfour. — Continued to the Juftice-aire of Edin- bvu-gh, tertio Itineris vel premonitione xv dierum. Plegiis, M. Willelmo Naper de Wrychtishoufis et Joannes Young. This fouerte reftauit at command of my Lord Regentis grace. NoTA.— Joliniie Carwod, and Thomas Thomfoune fuddartis, i wer difchargeit, be ane precept of my Lord Regentis gi-ace, direct to the Juilice, becaus thai wer in the Kingis fervice.^ Cvrason, ^(.— aaaiU of JLinUtijgoSj). Dec. 2. — Mr James Paavtoune, minifter. Delatit of the treafonabill afliftance maid and gevin be him to George Erie of Huntlie, Archebald Erie of Argj-le, and diuerle vtheris confiiiratouris againis our * Soldiers. - And therefore liable to be tried by a Court-inartial. 4Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 21 Ibiieran lord, in erecting and fetting A'p ane vtlier auctoritie nor' his hieneffis ; and furneffing and lending of Archibald Robefoune, in his name and vpoim his expends to the tonne of Lynlythqw, for the awancement of the foirfaidis confpi- ratouris trealbnabill interpryfis : And liclyke, for remaning fra the Raid ordanit to convene at Lynl)'thqw, the fecund day of Augull laftbipaft. Comperit Mr Robert Creychtoune advocat, as perfewar, and produceit my Lord Regentis Precept and command direct to him, for perfute of the laid Mr James ; quhilk he defyrit to be red in jugment. The Jvxftice, in i-efpect of the laid Mr James office of miniftrie, and of my Lord Regentis grace command, ordanit that pairt of the lybell, qualefeit for his remaning fra the Raid to be deleit ; and that na proces be vfit aganis him for the famin. Comjierit Mr Williame Henderfoiine, fei'ixand to the Lard of Lochlevyn, and Proteftit in name of his faid maifter, quha is baillie conftitute of that pairt of the Regalitie of Sanct Androis, within the Baronye of M'K " (M'Car- fchyi'e?) quhair the faid Mr James duellis and makis his refidence, that the continewatioune heirof pi'ejiige nocht his priuelege nor jurifdictioune thairof ; in reQject that he prefentlie is willing and reddye to replege the faid Maifter James, conforme to his Commiffioune, gif the Juftice will confent thairto : And heii"- vpoime, aflvit aetis and inftrumentis. ' Continuat. tertio Itineris de Perth, vel i)remonitione xv dierum. Plegio, Joanne Reid de Aikinheid, pro fuo introitu, ad fubeundum legem pro dicto cri- mine, in proditoria fua affiftentia vt predicitur, tantmn.' ^Iaii5i)tf I*— aanssilie— 3iJait of ILinIiti)0oiu. Dec. 4.-«-Mathow Hammiltouxe of Philipftoune. Delatit of the (laughter committit at the Langfyde, and for remaining fra the Raid ordanit to convene at Lynlythqw, the fecund day of Auguft laftbijjaft. Continued to the Juftice-air of ' Lynlythqw, tertio Itineris vel premonitione XV dierum. Plegio, Joanne Dowglas de ^Valterftoune.' Johnne Fowlis, burgefs of Lynlythc[w, his cautioner, is fined 100 marks for non-appearance of the pannel, who is ordained to be put to the horn, and his moveables confifcated as fugitive from the laws. ^ ijiUittrj txom UaiUs of Haitirsitrc, JSisgar, ^t, Jan. 4, 1570-1. — James Spexs in Glendukye, Williame Ruflale in Glaflie, and Johnne Dick elder in Eifter Cartmoir. Delatit for remaning fra the Raids of Langfyde, Beger, Striueling, Lynlythqw, ' 'Ilian. '■' Obliterated. 22 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1570-1. Brechin, and vtlieris, in the auld and new Regentis tymes ; contenit in the let- ti'es maid thairnpoune. Thir thre, at command and defjTe of James Lyndfay, donatour (to their efcheit,) wes dilcharg-eit and the Court defert. The Juftice ordained them to find caution to appear and underly the law, on XV Feb. next ; John ^^^ardlaw in Leyth being cautioner. S!6i^incr from Uaiti of HiitUtljjjoiJJ . Jan. 30. — Matho Ha:\i3iiltoune of Pliilipftoune, Mr Johnne Cok- burne, citiener' of Brechin. Delatit for remaning fra the Raid, ordanit to convene at Lynlythqw, the fe- cund day of Auguft lalll)ii)aft. Difchargeit l)e writingis of my lord Regentis grace, quliiUds wer producit in jugement and admittit. Crtasoit —^bitriuff from Uaiti of 3linIitT)soU). Jan. 31. — JoHXXK Ham:\iii.toune of Perdowye (Bardowie.) and Ro- bert Trii)nay in Branzeitt. Walter Striueling of Ballagaue, is fined in T'. lib. for non-appearance of the pannels, for whom he had become furety, that they fliould enter themfelves before the Jufticiar this day, and underly the law, for the traiterous detention of the tower or fortalice of Perdowye againfl the King and his Regent : And alfo, for their remaining at home from the Raid at Lynlythqw, the lecond day of Auguft laft, &c. The Juftice ordained the pannels to be denounced rebels and put to the horn, and all their moveable goods to be confifcated. aniffst miti auultevi). Feb. 2. — James Bonar, marinare, and Agnes Boner, his lifter. , CoNUiCT be Aftyile of the filthie, vjdd and abhominabill Inceft and Adulterie, committit be ather of thame with vtlieris," in abufing of thair bodeis togidder ; in relpect of thair awin confeffioune maid thairof. ' CoNUiCT and Bbixt.' Citason— S!6itiinri from t])t l\mti of iCautjsiKe, Feb. 12. — Dauid Ramsay of Jordanftoune. Delaitit for remaning fra the Raid of Langfyde ; treafonabill affiftance maid ' Citizen, or iiulweller, probably implying that lie was not a ' burgesfs,' or freeman, which is the usual description of a merchant or tradesman, who is ' free of the burgh.' ' With each other. 4Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 23 and gevin to the Ei-le of Huntlie, and diuerfe vtheris crjniies, at lentil contenit in the Lettres direct thairupoune : — QiUiairof he wes acquit be AlTyiie. Feb. 28. — Cristeane Schaw, the relict of vmq''' Dauid Hammiltoune of Boithuilehauch. Delaitit of arte and pairt of the murthoiu- of vmq'^ James Erie Murray, Lord Abirnethye, Regent, &c., be hir fpeciale caufing, bunding, fending, diuifing, re- fetting, command, affiftance and ratihabitioiine, &c. — Continued to the Juftice- air of ' Lanerk, tertio Itineris A'el premonitione xv dierum. Plegio, Roberto Roile de Thornetoune jjro introitu ejufdem.' ^latigljtef. March 5. — Mr Robert Wynrame, Collector of Fyff. Delatit of arte and jwrte of the flauchter of vmq''' Henrye Cairnis, cietiner of Sanct Androis ; (committed in the month of December laft.) Comperit Margret Sjjcns, the relict of the faid vmq Henrye, George Spens hir bruder, Thomas Inglis in Auldliftoune, and Mr Robert Creychtoime, Adiio- catt, concurrand togidder, for perlute of the faid \7nq''^ Mr Robert Wynram, and chufit the i^relocutouris following, viz. Prelocutouris for the perfewaris. Prelocutouris for the pannell. The Lard of Balweiye, The Lard of Pittandro, Mr Johnne Scharpe, Mr Richard Strang-, The Lard of Pitmillie, James Maliiig, Tlie Lard of Onnefloune, The Lard of Hahotuie, Patrik Schewes. Tlie Lard of Trabroune, J".Sonieruilleof Hombye. Comiierit Patrik Lerthmonth of Dairfye, knycht, Prouefb of Sanct Androus, and produceit ane Infeftment, Charter and Commiflioune, maid to him be Johne Archebifchope of Sanct Androus, togidder with our foueran lordis Charter of Confirmatioune ; quhairby he, as Stewart, Baillie and Juftice generale, within the boundis of the faid Regalitie, vpoune the north fyde of the Watter of Forth, fpeciallie conftitute, defyrit the faid Mr Robert to be replegeit from the faid Juftice Court, as duelland within the famin boundis ; and ofFerit cautioune of CoUerayth,' as accordis. Mr Robert Creychtoime, Aduocat to our foueran lord, Proteftit, in caife the Juftice wald, conforme to the faidis Charteris and Infeftmentis produceit, fuffir and permit the faid Mr Robert to be Rei^legeit, that the Replegiatioune thairof fuld nawyife preiuge the Kingis priuelege, in quhais handis the haill benefice of Archebifchoperik and rycht thairof qidiatfumeuir prefentlie is becuming ; and ' Caution or surety, that justice shall be lawfully administered. 24 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1571. advit inllrumentis, that he aUutirlie' difaflentit fra the Replegiatioune of the foirlaid cans. The Juftiee, efter iiifpeetioime had of the laid Charteris and Infeftmentis pro- duceit and being ryiplie adwyfit, thinkand the defyre of the faid Patrik, as baillie foirlaid, to be reafonabill ; ordanis cautioune to be fundin for adminiftratioune of Juftice within this tolbuith and the mater heirof to be replegeit ; dif^jenland with the place, vt infra. — Peter Bruce of Erlillaall, becomes cautioner for due adminillration of jullice. ?i?amtsuflten— Slfitiuctioit, ^f. MaiTh 23. — "VViLLiAiME Oliphant in Kellye-mylnis, and Johnne Oli- phant in Over Kellye. Petrus Oliphant de Pettoccer plegius deuenit ad intrandum Will. Oliphant et Joh. Oliphant corain Jufticiario I'uilVe deinitatis, tertio die proximi Itineris Jufti- ciarie de FyfFe, vel alubi, vbi et quando placuerit fue ferenitati, fuper ijremoni- tione XV dierum ; ad fubeundum legem, pro arte et parte conuocationis legiorum f. d. n. regis, ad luunerum lexaginta perfonarum, more bellico armat., et per modum lie HamcfncJnjn venien. ad domum habitationis Patricij Smyth infra civitatem Sancti Andree lituat. et ibidem oltia predicte domus confringendo, Jonetamque Smyth ejus filiam, pro tenqjore in lecto dormienti, extra eandem domiun manu forti et violenter capiendo, rajjiendo et abducendo, iplamque in captiuitate per longum fj)acium poftea detinendo, auctoritatemque regiam inde vfurpando ; xxv die menfis Januarij vltimo elajifi coinmiff. : Secundum tenorem Literarum defuper direct, et fub penis in Actis Parliameuti conteutis. ^lausfjttr. April 6, 1571. — LowEis Lummisdene in Dyfert and Johnne Lummif- dene his fone. Delaitit of the llauchter of vmq"' Dauid Erie, taillieour in Dyfert ; conunittit at the Kirk of Dyfert, vpoune the nynt day of Julij laftbipaft Persewar. " Prelocutouris Iflbbell Spindye, relict of the faid vmq'" Dauid. for the pannell. Hir Prelocutouris. Mr Alexander Sym, iNIr Richard Strang, Jolmne Steviiifonc, and Mr Robert Crechtoune, The Lard of Trabroune, Tlie Lard of Blanerne, Aduocat, infiftand in the perfiite thairof. William Munay. V J- EDICT. The Affyfe acquit the pannell. It is nortliy of remark, that Andro Foreller, minifter, one of the AlTife, ' pro- teftis, (that) his comperance hurt nocht liis priuelege':- And ' Mr Alexander ' Eutu'ely, altogether. - /. e. He pleads ' his cloth,' being a clergyman. .5Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 25 Sym afkit inftrumentis, that the laid Sir George (Strathauchin, another of the Aflife) declarit aiul allegit, that he Ibuld iiocht pafs vjioune Aflyife, in i-efpect of the woirdis, ' quod non licet nobis interficere quemquam ;' and thairfoir, that he fuld voit conforme to his faid declaratioune.' ' [Curia Justiciarie tenta in pretorio Ville de Leijth.'~\ tf^pjji-tssioit— Conboration of i\)t Itiefltia— ?^amesuffun. Nov. 12. — James Roise, bruder to Johne Roile of Craigy, Alexander Monereif in the Kirktoun of Malare, ^Villiame Morelbun, Willianie Roife bi'uder to the faid Lard of Cragy, Johnne Roife feruand to vmq'" James Roile in Maitlandis, Lancelot Monereif feruand to the laid Lard of Cragy, .... Rettray appearand of Kinvaid, Johnne Berday of Strowye, George Stewart of Ardinculye, Oliplier Rettray, Hew Moncrief in Hiltoun, Robert Broune in Cragy, INIark M'Kye in Cragye, Walter Murray thair, Dauid Riithwene in Ku'ktoune, Walter Monereif and Andro Monci-eif fonis to Hew Monereif, Johnne Monereif fone to Alexander Monereif in Kirktoun of Maler, Alexander Marfchell, Johnne Murray, Johnne Roife of Cragye, Williame Lord Ruthwene, and Heiu-ye Lord Methwene. George Gib of Lumphay, and Patrik Anderfoun in Newtyild, as plegeis and Ibuerteis conjunctlie and feueralie actit in the buikis of our fouei-ane lordis, For agane bringing of his hienes lettres, purcheft be Laurence Lord Oliphant, Petir Oliphant of Twringis, and diuerfe vtheris thair colligis, Ipecifeit coniplenaris thairin ; togidder with our fouerane lordis advocattis for his hienes interes, to tak fouertie of James Roife, &c. (above-mentioned) that thay fall compeir and vnderly our fouei'ane lordis lawis befoir the Juftice or his deputtis, day and place foirfaidis : For conuocatioune and gaddering of our Ibueraunis liegis, to the no\^'- nier of twa hundreth 2ierfonis, bodin in feir of weir,^ vjjoune the xxij day of September laftbipaft, vpoun the landis jiertening to Lawrence Lord Oliphant, callit the landis of Duplene and Abirdalgy, lyand within the flierefdome of Perth ; and thair, perforce, takand Johnne Mwle feruand to William Oliphant, Thomas Millar at the kirk of Duplene and dyuerfe vtheris complenaris in the faidis lettres, ' It being commaiuled, ' Thou slialt not kill,' Sir George jjrotests, tlmt if lie be compelled to ' pass upon Assise,' lie would Acquit the pannell, according to this his forced interpretation of the sixth commandment. - The Court of Justiciary is held within the Tolbooth of Leith, from this date, to the 8th day of August, 1572. The entry immediately following in the record, is dated at Stirling, on the 15th day of August; and that is succeeded by an entry, dated ' in pretorio de Ed', xxj Octo- bris -' after which period, the Court is regularly held in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh. The Record appears to be very defective at this period, and is probably only the Minutu-Book of the procedure which then took place. ^ Anayed in warlike manner. VOL. I. D 26 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1571. fui-th of tliair avvin howffis and vthei-is partis, quliair tliay wer doand tliair lefull })iffines for the tyme ; ledand thame as captiues and prefonaris to the toun of Perth, qnhair thai hekl and detenit thame hnndin in irnis, within ftrait prefoun and captiuitie, he tlie fpace of tuentie dayis with the niair ;' vlurpand tliairthrow our fouerane lordis auctoritie vpoun thame, thay being his fre lieges : And for alfegeing of the place of Duplene, the famin day ; purpoflie to have flane Lau- rence Lord 01ii)liant, and vtheris complenaris contenit in the faidis lettres ; ^■poune auld feid ' and ffoirthocht ffellonye : And for ficlyke conuocatioune, cu- inand to the place and fortalice of Malare, lyand within the flierefdome of entering perforce thairin, ftryking and dinging^ of Jane Hepburne, fpous to the faid Petir," and violentlie putting hir out of the famin, in the naoneth of July lallbipaft : And for diuerfe vtheris cryines contenit in the faidis lettres : Efter tlie forme and tenom- thairof, and vndir the panis Ipecifeit in the famin. Being oftymes callit, in jugement, to have produceit the fame lettres dewlie execute and indorfat, that juftice mycht have been miniftrat thairon, conforme to the tennour of the faid Act, and under the panis thairin contenit : And the faid lettres nocht being produceit as faid is, lauchfuU tyme of day biddin ; the faid Juftice-depute decernit and adjudgeit the faidis George Gib and Patrik Ander- Ibun as plegeis and fouerteis foirfaidis, coniunctlie and fevieralie, in the panis and vidawis contenit in the faidis lettres ; quhill Peter Olipliaiit of Turingis. ' Expressed, e.rpriwerc. ^ Yeoman. 5JAC.VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 27 Nov. 12. — Peter Oliphant of Twringis, Johmie Oliphant, notaiy public, Lawi-ence Oliphant, fon of Thomas O. portioner of "Williamftoune, James Oliphant fervant of the laid Peter O.. Johnne IMenteyth and fix others, fervants to Lord Oliphant, &c. Laurence Lord Oliphant, cautioner for the entry of thefe pannels to appear before the Juftice or his deputes, this day, to vnderly the law for the cruel flauchter of vmq'" James Roife, lawful fon of vmq''' Thomas Roife of Maitlandis, committed upon the 20 day of Sei)tember laft ; is fined in the funis of F. lib., ^'j". niarkis, and viij"". lib. for thair non-api)earance : And the Juftice adjudged the pannels to be denounced rebels, and all their moveable goods to be confifcated to the Kingis ufe, as fugitives from the law. SifiiUins fi'om t\)t Haiti ot 2teitf). Nov. 22. — WiLLiAME LoKD BoRTHUiCK, Williame Borthuik in Hal- kernocht, Johnne Borthuik of Rilifchaw, Adanie Wauchope of Caikmuir, Johnne Yule of Garmiltoune. Continued to the Juftice-aire of Edinburgh, ' tertio Itineris, vel premonitione XV dieruni ; ad fubeimdum legem, i)ro eoriun doini remanentia, ab exercitu f. d. n. regis, apud Leith, primo die nienfis Octobris vltimo elajis. convenire ordinat.' NoTA. — Thir perfones (following) being fummond and indorfat vpoune, wer drawin and deleit furtli of the executioune of the lettres be Johnne Lawloiine, quha confeft him to have reffavit com- mand of the thefaui'er to that effect : George Rarafay of Dalhowlie, Cre) chtoun of Bene- ftoune, Henrye Ogill of Hartramwod, Johnne Hay of Tallo, James Hammiltoune of Sammelftoun, Francis Dowglas of Langnudrye, Oliver Ranifay of Poltoune. — Nota. Alfwa, na executioune wes maid vpoune Quhittingem, James Dundas of Newliltoune, my Lord of Torphechin, James Cochrane of Balbachlaw, Robert Bruce of Bynning, Archibald Tennent of Williamftoune, and James Woddir- fpouue of Brighous ; nochtwithilanding thair being within the bodye of the lettres foufaidis, as prin- cipallis. SHiitJins from tlje UaiH ot ICtitfj. Nov. 23. — Ja:mes Scry:\igeour of Dudhop, Johnne Strathauchin of Clayjiottis, David Fentoun of Ogill, George Skynner of Bal- 3ordye, James Scrymgeour of Glafwell, Sir John Carnegye of Kynnard, Johnne Carnegye of Seytoune. The above perfons, (and others of lefTer note) found caution for their appear- ance at the Juftice-aire of Forfar, ' tertio Itineris vel premonitione xv dieruni ;' to underl}^ the law for their aliiding at home from the Raid ordanit to ha^'e coii- venit at Leyth, on the firft day of October laft. — The laid James Scrymgeour of 28 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 157L Glafwell proteftit, that this cawtioiine preiuge him nocht anent his laughfull de- fenffis ; confulering, he fend his lone and air,' lufficientlie fui-neift, being of ha- hilitie, conforine to the proclaniatioune. aiiitiinfl from ti)t Uniti of %tit% Nov. 24.' — Petir Balfour of Bandone, George Ramfay of Clettie, Da- uid Balfour of the Kirktoune, Daiiid Seytoun of Ringavy, Thomas AValker in Drone, James Raiikyne in Marilland, and Johnne Dan3ell in Foftertoune. Delatit for remaning fra the Raid foirfaid. The firll three came in the Kings will and were ' difchargeit thaireftir ;' Seytoune of Ringavye ' difchargeit pro loco et temjjore ;' ^Valker ' difchargeit ;' and Rankyne and Dan3ell ' continued to the Juftice-air of Fyffe tertio Itineiis, A'el premonitione xv dieruni. Plegio, Roberto Scot de Balbartoune.' Nov. 29. — David Lindesay of Berneyardis, Jonet Ogilvie his fpoule, {noii comjxtren.) and Thomas Jak in Tannadyce. Delatit of the flauchter of vmq'^ Johnne Fentoune. — Continued to ' xv day of Januare nixtocum." Plegijs, Patricio Ogilvye de luchemartyne et Andrea O. de Mygwye.' aiibiiriuri fiom i\)t Uniti of Eettf). Nov. 30. — James Drummond of Ochterardoiu- (' difchargeit,') Malcum Drummond of Bordland (' difchargeit,') Andro Tofcheoch of Mony vaid (' licence,') James Chelliolme of Cromlikis (' difchar- geit be the thefam*er,') ^Villiame Bonar of Keltye, (' Perth, tertio Itineris, &c.') James Edmonftoune of Ballintoun, (' li- cence,') Patrick Gray of Ballegernocht, (' licence,') Johnne Kynnard of Inchellure, (' difchai'geit.') Delatit for remaning fra the Raid foirfaid. aiitUitts from tlje Baitr of Ittitlj. Dec. 4. — Walter ^Vod of Balbegenocht, Alexander Ugftoune of Fod- dercarne, George Arbuthnot in Bernehill,"^ Henrye Grahame of ' Heir. - This case was afterwards continued to the Justice-air of ' Forfare, tertio Itineris, vel premonitione xv dierum ;' when ' the pannell jiroteftit, tliis continewatioune preiuge noclit thair Keplegiatioiine, and dcfenliis qidiatfumenir, to be allegeit in the eontrair.' ^ ' Kinlvai'din, tertio Itineris, vel premonitione xv dierum.' 5Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 29 Morphye, Robert Grahame his fader, Johnne Mideltoune of Kil- hill, Johnne Strathauchin of Monbodo, Archebald Wod of Wod- ftoune, Robert Falconer of Ballandro, David Stratouu of Cragy, Charlis Dempftar of Bah-aye.' Delatit for remaning fra the Raid foirlaid. Crfasoit— assistiitfl iUfitls (it SBitpoIUins tiit Cotoit of (irUinOuraf), Dec. 28. — Alexander Guthre biu-ges of Edinburgh. Delatit of the affiftance maid and gevin be him to the rebellis, withhaldaris of the toune, in fortefeing, ftrenthing and detening thairof aganis om* foveran lord and his auctoritie. — Plegijs, Robert Rynd et Johanne Ferguflbune burgen. de Ed', conixmctim et diuifim. To the laft day of Januar nixtocum ; and thair- eftir continewit to the penult day of Anguft. ^fiiUdis from t])t Uaiti of 3teit(). Feb. 15, 1571-2. — Henrye Balmanno. Delatit for remaning fra the Raid ordanit to convene at Leyth the firft of Julij laftbipaft, being ane of the Quarter Raidis. Comjierit in jngement Patrik Lord Lindfay of the Byris, and in prefence of the forfaid Juftice, and haill perfonis than chofm to jiafs vpoune the AlTyife of the faid Henrye, Declarit and confeft, that he being lieutenant to our foueran lord, conftitute for the tyme, permittit and gave fpeciale and fre licence to the faid Henrye to remane and byde at hame fra the faid oift^ and raid, ordanit to convene the tyme foirfaid ; nochtwithftanding the lettres of Proclamatioune maid thairupoun, in maner aboue writtin : Vi)oune the quhilk declaratioune and con- feffioune, maid be the faid Lord in jugement, as faid is, the foirfaid Henrye and George Logan (in Leyth) ane of the nowmer of Aflyfe, a(kit actis and inftrumentis. Verdict. The Affile, all in ane voce, in refpect of the declaratioune foirfaid, Acquittis. [CeUiJration of ti)t iiTass, ^ct,} Mar. 13. — Mr Archibald Crawfurd, parfoun of Eglilliame, Mr Ro- bert Cuninghame. Crawford's cafe is continued to the Juftice-air of ' Air, tertio Itineris, vel pi*e- monitione xv dierum ; ad fubeunduin legem (pro) arte et parte criminis fequen.' Plegio, Wilelmo Cwninghame de Caprintoune.' ' ' All difcliargeit in refpect of Licences fdiawin and produceit.' ' Host, army. ' A blank is left for insertion of an abstract of the ' Dittay,' or Indictment. The crime is likely to have been celebration of Mass, as in the following case. 30 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1571-2. The other pannel is ' Abfohiit and difchargeit, in refpect of the executione of the lettres ; quhairby he is nocht fundin laiichfulie fummond.' 3>trolatri)— Celtfivatfon of ti)t iWass, ^u Mar. 13. — JxVsrAii Moxtgo:merie and Johnne Mafoune, dv/elling at Eglintoune, Schir Johnne Muir, dwelling at Kilmarnok. Hugh Eai-1 of Caffillis, and Charles IMowet of Bufbye, are fined, the former in xl lib. and the latter in Ixxx lib., as Cautioners for the above pannels, for their non-appearance ' ad fubeundum legem, pro crimine abhominabilis et deteftabilis Ydolatrie per ipfos et eorum aliquem connnilT., in miniilratione Sacramentorum, contra A'erum feu I'ectum Verbi Dei inftitutionem ; MilFafque infra fortilicium de Eglintoune in menfe Nouembris, diuerfis temporibus agendo ; et Matrimo- niiun inter diuerfas perfonas incaflitati et vili inceftu datas contrahendo et com- ]nuniter Iblemnizando ; jjoiniliunque ignarum eorum more Papifticali abutendo.' — The Juftice alfo ordained the 2)annels to be denounced rebels, and their move- able goods to be confifcated to the King's ufe, as fugitives from the law. ailiitrinri from ti)t liniti of iltiti). Mar. 14. — Sm "N^'illiaimi; Ham:miltoune of Sanquhar, knycht. Hew Wallace of Carnale, wes vnlawit in the pane of ane hundreth pundis, for non-reporting and agane-bringing of the lettres dewlie execut and indorfat, purcheft be the Kingis aduocattis ; to tak fouertie of Sir Williame Hammil- toune, to vnderly the law, for remaning fra the Raid, ordanit to convene at Leith the firfl of October laftbipaft, for aflegeing of the burch of Ed'. ; as he that becam fouerte to that effect. Apr. 24, 1572. — Geokgk Cka\v in Eift Reiloune. Alexander Howe of I\Ianderiloune ' wes unlawit in the panis of ane hundreth markis, conforme to the actis of Parliament,' for failing to produce our Ibueran lordis lettres dewlie execute and indorfat, purcheft be tlie Kingis aduocattis, to tak fouerte of George Craw to vnderly the la^- for flauchter of ^-mq'" George Dundas, the Lord Methwene, and vtheris contenit in the faidis lettres. dTunttsIjincr SHirtual to iUfids in (JJtfntmviib. Apr. 24. — RouEliT TllOMsoux in Dalniaho)-, Thomas Haiftie in Gogar, and twenty-three others, chiefly farmers and millers in Gogar, Currie, Langhirdmeftoune, 0^'er Crawmoud, &c. All thir perlbnes foirfaidis become in will for arte of the furnefmg of ^ittuale oJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 31 to the Rebellis detenaris of the burch of Ed', fen the dait of the proclamatioune maid in the contrair ; and thairfoir fand the fouerties nemit, as plegeis for fatif- factioune of the King and his hienes Regent for the famin will. — Eight others, ' being put to Aflyife for the faid cryme, wer Acquit thairof.' Creason, Apr. 29. — Dauid Hammiltouxe, leruand to Boithuilehauch. Indytit of findry erymes of Treafoune, fpeciaUie mentionat in the Dittay maid tliairvpoune, quhilk James Millar hes in keping, &c. ; Convict be Aflyife et * SusPEX.' — A blank is left for the fpecial verdict, or a detail of the Indictment ; but, unfortunately, there is only oppolite to the blardc the following memoran- dum : ' The Cannongait men. Ye Dittay to be cravit from James Millar.' ^liitriitcr from tl)t l\ni'ii ot Eeitlj. May 9- — Alexaxder Campbell of Knoknane. Delatit for remaning fra the Raid and army ordanit to convene at Leyth the firft of October laftbiiiaft, ffor aflegeing of the burch of Ed^ — Plegio, Carolo Campbell de Skeldoune, to the xiiij day of Maij inftant : And at the famin day, be command of the Regentis Grace, the Court herof, for his pairt, wes defert. Ctlefiration of ti)t JKlass. May 20.— ScHiR Johxxe Lerthmoxth. Thomas Lerthmonth, fumtyme feruand to the Abbot of Jedbui'ghe, wes vn- lawit in the jjanis of fourtie pundis, for non-reporting and agane-bringing of lettres dewlie execute and indorfat, purcheft be the Aduocattis, to tak fouerte of S'. Jolmne L. his bruther, to have vnderlyne the law the faidis day and place, ffor fying and miniftratioune of the Mefs, being excommunicat, &c. Moniijttif—ntsttt anlf m^ttt, Maij 20. — Johxxe Tho:mesoux in Hagbray, Michaell Scot in Vogarie. Johnne Auchinlek thair, Johnne Briggis thair, ^Villiame Briggis, his fone, thaii-, and Petir Hering in Cranftoune. Delatit of afliftance, refll'tt, and intercommuning with Hob Ewart of the Schawls and Ade his bruther, commoune the-\'is ; and fpecialie, reflettand thaim within thair awin houfl^is,' gevand thaim meit, di-ink, and vtheris neceflaris, thay being newlie cumin furth of Ed', for the tyme. Item, for arte and pairt of the fteling, be way of ftouth-reif, reffetting, conceling, detening, and withhalding ' ' This point delayit.' 32 CRIxMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1572. fra James Rutlierfurd and Adame Ainflie, biirgeffis in Ed', oflf four pakkatis of fcheip-fkynnis, reft and ftollin be the commoune thevis foirfaidis, quliilkis the faidis perfones reffett and fecretlie concelit and kepit the famin within thair houffis, be the fpace of fyve dayis and nyclitis ; committit xxvj°. Aprilis vlt". elaps. : And ftall fuith of ane of the faidis pakkatis, the fowme of xxxv lib. — Continued as to Scott, to the Juftice-air of ' Ed', tertio Itinei-is vel premonitione XV dierum, plegio Abbotilliall feniore.' \'erdict. The Affyife, in ane voce, Acquit the fyve perfones foirfaidis of the laft point of Dittay, anent the fkynnis and filuer, thairin contenit. (Trtason— Cnnspirari) against ti)t iUgatt— ^laugj^ttr, $(c, Jun. 13. — Ja:mi:s Dalzell burges of Ed'., George Robefoun tailliour, James Chahner thair, Thomas Brad,' Michaell Rpid thair, Andro Young in Ed'., Thomas Michell tailliour thair, Johnne Nwtale thair, Johnne Haie thair, Thomas Crawfurd, Mr Pat- rik BiiTett thair, Thomas Dikfoun fiUTOur thair, Alex'. Sonfie thair, Alex'. Bow thair, George Rynd thair, Williame Thom- foun thair, Robert Allane thair, Murdo Pryoiu" thair, Johnne Sjnnpfoim thair, William Cokke alias Saltcraig, Robert Smyth thair, Johnne Kirk, Williame alias Schir W". M'Ke thair, Johnne Quhytehill, Andro ^Vardlaw feriand, and Williame Ofbm-ne drummar. All Conuict and F3dit be Affyife, off arte and pairt of thair treafonabill cuming in cumpany to the feildis with Capitanis Halkerftoune, Lauder, and vtheris confpiratouris and inobedient fubiectis to our foueran lord, to the now- mer of vj^ (600) pei-fones, bodin^ in amies, with difplayit bauers ; firft, to the Burrow-nuiir of Ed'., quhair thai invadit Cajjitau Ramfay and vtheris the Kingis lieges for thair llauchteris ; and nocht cimiand to thair intent,'' come agane to the bak of Craigingall, quliair thai invadit maift awfulie my Lord Re- gentis grace, reprefentand our foueran lordis perfoun, be vertew of his Office of Regentrie, and vtheris his hienes fubiectis for thair llauchteris : And for arte and part of the flauchteris of Amq'" Thomas Trjaiche flefcheour, Richard Craw- furd and Johnne Barboiu* ; committit vpoune the tent of Jiuiij inftant. Cf If Oration of tije iHas.s. Jun. 26. — Johnne Johnnestoune alias Schir Johnne Johnneftoune, Commendator of Salfat.* ' ' Deliuerit to Capitan Home, at commatid of tlie Regent.' It is likely lie was delivered over to serve as a soldier. ° 'Deliuerit to Capitan Home, at command foirsaid.' ^ Arrayed, furnished. * Not succeeding in their enterprise. ^ Saidseat, Sedes-Animariim, a Monastery in Dumfries-shire. oJac.VL criminal trials. 33 Delatit for miniftratioune of the ]VIefs and of the Sacramentis in the Papifti- call maner. — Continued to the Jiiftice-air of ' Dnunfreife, tertio Itineiis, vel premonitione xv dierum. Plegio, Jacobo Johnneftoune de Kellobankis pro ejus introitu : Et Symou Johnneftoune obligauit feipfum ad releuandum dictum Ja- cobum.' ^sststtiiQ; of IXthtis in Castle of (Stiin'bnvsf}, Jul. 8. — Olipher, Sinclare, bruther-germane to the Lard of Roifling. Andro Lindfay, javeloiu'' of the Tolbuith of Edinburgh, and Johnne Loche, lycht-horfman, wer vnlawit as fouerteis, coniunctlie and feuerallie, in the jianis of ane hundreth markis, fFor non-reporting and agane-bringing of lettres dewlie execut and indorfat, piuxheft be the Kingis Aduocat, to tak fouertie of Olipher Sinclare, to vndirly the law, for affiftance inaid and gevin be him to the rebellis withhaldaris of the biu-ch and Caftell of Ediubm-gh and vtheris contenit in the lettres direct thairupoune. M^nsi)ttt of tf)e Captaiit of ClanranalU. Jul. 9. — JoHXXE Bow MacKemyxe A^"IcKEWYX, Doule Oig Mac- Coule MacCondoquhy Roy, Donald MaeCayne INIacCondoquhy Roy in Bar, E^vyme IVIacAVilliame IVIacCayne Dow in Auchin- lytht, and above thirty others. Hugh Lord Frafer of Lovete, and Lachlan IM'Yntofche of Dunnachtie, are fined in xl li. for each of thefe perfons, for thair non-appearance, to vnderly the law, for art and part of the llaughter of vmq'" Donald Dow MacCoule AMc- KewjTi, Captain of Clam-auald. The princijial parties ' adjudgeit to the home.' Creason— 3nterfommtinin0 Uiiti) €ai*l of ?^imtli), ^t, Jul. 17. — George Wilkie, jiortioner of Sauchtonhall, and Robert "Wil- kve, his fone. Delatit of arte and part of the ti'eafonabill reffetting, fupple, and intercommo- ning with George fumtjnne Erie of Huntlie, ^^'illiame Kirkaldy fumtpne of Grange, knycht, Sir James Balfour fiuntyme of Pettindrych, knycht, and diuerie vtheris Confpiratouris within the Toune of Edinbm'ghe, at thair awiue duelling houffis, and diuerfe vtheris pairtis of the cuntre : affiftand and takand i)airt with thaim in thair treafonabill deidis ; committit monethle and continewale, fen the tjnne of thair foirfaltour, quhilk wes in Maij 1571. — Item, for arte and pairt of the treafounabill fm'neffing and wittualling of the faid biu'ch and fou'faltit ' Jailor, gaoler. Old Fr. javilleur, VOL. I. E 34 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1572. Traitouris, withlialderis thairof, with malt and vtheris viwaris ;' takand money thairfoir and felland the famin als frelie to the faidis I'ebellis as^ thai wer the Kingis lieges ; nochtwithftanding the Kingis grace i)roclamationis maid in the contrail-: Connnittit in Marche, Aprile, Maij, Junij laftbipaft, and Julij inftant. Verdict. For the qvihilkis crymes, the faidis perfones being put to the knawlege of the AfTyife vndirwrittin,' the faid George wes Acquit, and his fone foirfaid Fylit of the famin. iHutilation. Jul. 18. — Cristeane Gudsonne, fpous to Andi-o Bimie in Leyth. Delatit of the mutilatioiine of Williame Broune biu-ges of Edinburgh, of his (formeft) fingar, be byting thairof — Plegio, Magiftro Joanne Logane de Sche- ref-brayis, to the audit day of Auguft nixt-to-cum ; (on which day the cafe was continued to the Juftice-air of Edinburgh, tertio Itineris, vel premonitione xv dieruni.) Jul. 19- — James Tuedie burges of Peblis, Johnne Wychtman, IMair- tyne Hay, and Johnne Bowr thair, and Thomas Johnneftoune, fone to Thomas Johnneftoune of Craigiburne. Delatit of arte and pairt of the crewale llauchter of vmq'" Johnne Dikkefoune of ^^Y^kftovme ; committit within the toun of Peblis the firft of Julij inftant. Prelocutouris for the Perfewaris. Prelocutouris for the Defendaris. The Lord Zefter, The Lard of Blanerne, The Lard of Skraling, Alex'. Home of Manderftoune, Williame Twedye, Williame Dikkefoune, The Lard of Cobingtoune, Mr Dauid M'Gill, Patrik Dikkefoune. Alex'. King- aduocat, James Dowglas of Wellis. Blanerne afkit inftrumentis, that he will noclit affift the perfute of this cans aganis Martyne Hay, becaus he lies mareit his kynnifwoman ; hot he will per- few the remanent. Verdict. The Affyife, in ane voce, but ony difcrepance, Acquittis the haill perfones on iiannell of the flauchter foirfaid. Cmttiaijeniutr &incj's proclamation, ^r. Jul. 22. — Andro Grey in Corftorphin. Conuict and Fylit be AfTyfe, for contraventioiine and breking of the Kingis Proclamatioune, be hame-bringing of his gudis to the Cragis of Corftorphin, ' Vivers, victuals. ^ As if. ^ Tlie only |)ersons of landed property in this Assise are Alexander Wardlaw of Currehill, and Alexander Dahuahoy of tiiat Ilk ; the rest are feuars, &c. 5 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 35 eftir that the famin wes takin away be himfelf of befoir : This wes committit the tent of Julij inftant. ' Conuict. et in varda pofitus.' Jul. 26. — ScHiR JoHNNE Ramsay,' Frere Thomas Aitken/ Schir Ar- chebald Fairbarne,^ Williame Ormiftoun,* Robert Achefoun in Wodenlie/ Dene Johnne Schaw," Schii* Johnne Blak.' Delatit for contravening of the Actis and IMiniftratioune of Sacramentis in the Papifticall nianer. — Continued to the Juftice-air of Edinburgh, tertio Itineris, vel premonitione xv dierum. Ctlefiratioit ot ti)t iHass, ^t. Jul. 26. — Schir Thomas Ker in Auld Roxburch. Andro Ker of Hetoune, wes vnlawit in the pane xl pundis, for none-entre of Schir Thomas Ker, to vndei-ly the law for Miniftratioune of the Sacramentis in the Papiflicall maner ; and for lying of IMefs : And als, the faid Schir Thomas wes adiugeit to be denunceit Rebell, &c. Ci'tasoit— iHuiUti* at ti)t ST^ins i^tin^ SBaiule^,) anU o( ti)t tlMO lugntts. Jul. 28. — Mr James Ham.m Williame Weir of Auclityefardell, •Tohune Bannatyne of Corbous, Arthoiir Kneland of Knowhobbilhill, Gawin Baxter in Boitlmile, Adam Muir of Kittemuir, Johnne Levingftoune of Belftane, James M'Quliarye of Aucbtule, Robert Allane of Corffurd, Robert Tueddel of Bankbeid, Williame Lokliart in Corffurd, Alexander Daljell of K)'])e, Thomas Fowlis of Brownyefyde, Thomas Inglis of Murdeftoune, James Baillie of Carphin, Robert Dal5ell of that Ilk, Williame Kneland of that Ilk, Johnne Stevinfoun of that Ilk, ILTOUXE. Plegio, S"^ James Ilammiltoune, . j". li.» Plegio, Domino de Corbous, . j">li. Plegio, Domino de Lammingtoiine, iij" li.^ Plegio, Domino de Kneland, « v"^ markis.'° Plegio, eodem Kneland, . V^ markis. Plegio, Domino de Cai'michaell, feniore v" markis." Plegio, Cobington, , j'" li- Plegio, Corhoufe, . vMi. Plegio, eodem Corhoufe, • v=li. Plegio, eodem. . vMi. Plegio, Quintigemo Lokhart de Ley, v= H. Plegio, S' James Hammiltoune, • v" markis. Plegio, Fowlis de Colentoune, . vMi. Plegio, W'ill. Wallace de Johneftoune, iij» li. Plegio, Domino Dal5ell, . iij™ li. t . Plegio, Cobingtoune, . iij" li. Plegio, Dalmahoy, . ij" li. Plegio, Domino de Ernok, , ii- li. ' Plegio, Patricio Cokburne filio Jacobi Cokburne de Langtoune. ^ Plegio, Johanne Dikfouu in Ednem. ^ Plegio, Domino de Touch. * Plegio, Will". Dawfoune in Leyth. ^ Plegio, Richardo Brounfeild in Payinlloune. ^ Plegio, eodem llichardo. " Plegio, Thoma Aitken predicto. ^ Finds security to the extent of L.IOOO. '-' L 3000. '<' 500 markis. " 5000 markis. 36 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1572. Mongo Lokhait of Clegliome, .Tames Weir of Blakwod, Williame Levingtomi of JaiTvefwod, Robert Hammiltoune of Newbous, James Lokhart of Ley, James Robertoun of Emok, Ste^'in Lokbait of Wicketfcbaw, GawjTie Lokhart of Kiikwod, Johnne Someiuile of Cambufnethan, James Maxwell, younger of Calderwood, Thomas Baillie, tutour of Jarwefloune, Plegio, Jarwefwod, Plegio, S' James Hammiltoune, Plegio, Cleghorne, Plegio, S' James Hammiltoune, Plegio, HugoneMontgomeryedeHeiflop, v" 11 Plegio, Domino de Mynto, Plegio, Domino de Ley, Plegio, S' James Hammiltoune, Plegio, Scraling, .... Plegio, S' James (Hammiltoune,) Plegio, Carphin, Plegio, Emok, .... Gawin Hammiltoune of Ardrie, Johnne Hammiltoune of Pedderftoune ; 1 t>i • t i. i-i i . n r , , T,, TT •, . • /. . f -Plegio, Johanna Dunbai- de Barmuir, Jolinne and Ihomas Hammiltoun Ins lonis, J Johinie Crawfurd younger, baillie of Monkland, Plegio, Carnell, Dauid Foriyth of Dykis, . . . Williame Baillie of Lamintoune, Thomas Levingtoun of Halhill, Gawin Hammiltoune of the Hill, Robert Ra younger, noter, James Maxwell of Calderwod, George Hammiltoun younger of Preftotme, Arthour Hammiltoune of Parkheid, Johnne Millar in Mylneheuch, Williame Grenefchelis of that Ilk, Thomas Weir of Kirktoune, Patrik Hammiltoune in Hammiltoune, Jolinne Hammiltoune in Merytoune, W'illiarae Hammiltoune in Corlkallan, Johnne Hammiltoune of Stanehous, Alexander Were of Halcraig, James Hammiltoune, fumtyroe of W^odhall, Bartilmo Robertoune in Hammiltoune, Plegio, eodem Carnell, Plegio, Emok, Plegio, Lamingtoime, Plegio, Banhard eldar, Plegio, Capitan Lanibye, Plegio, Jacobo Maxwell fuo filio, Plegio, Hugone Wallace de Carmyre, Plegio, Camall, .... Plegio, Mynto, .... Plegio, Emok, .... Plegio, Jacobo Dowglas de Todhoilis; Plegio, Ley, .... Plegio, Cultermanys, Plegio, eodem, .... Plegijs, Skraling et Camall, Plegio, Todhoilis, {Plegiis, Forfyth de Dykis et Alexander Home, rectore de Spot, . ij ijm li. - markis. Mi. li. li. ij" j" 'li. markis. y: markis. v" li. li. markis. ij" li. j" li. j" li. j»li. iiij"" li. v^li. j" li. (left blank.) '"li. ij"" li- j"li. (left blank.) j"' markis. j- v li. ij= j" markis. j" markis. Plegio, Emok, .... (left blank.) Tliir 2>erfones being delatit for arte and pairt of the flauchteris and miirthour of vmq'^ the King and twa Regentis : Fand refpectiue fouerties vndir the panis aboiie writtiii, to the thrid day of the nixt Juilice-air of Lanark, or foner, vpoune XV dayis warning. The faidis Johnne Hammiltoune of Stanehous and Patrik Hammiltoune, afkit inftriimentis, that thai offer thaini felfis jirefentlie to vnderly the law for the faidis crynies. — Lochlevin tuik inftrumentis, that he, as perfewar, wes reddy to perfew thaim and all vtheris fulpect and giltie of the faid cryme. Jul, 31. — Williame Ker of Ancrum, Johnne Home, fone naturale to 6Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 37 Johnne Home of Craiiftane, W"". Henflie of Fawlaj% Jok Pyle of the Raw, George Pyle his hruder, George Pyle in Mj-lne- heuch, Aiitlro Hall of the Sykis, and Jok Hall callit Perjeis Jok. Richard R\itherfurd, prouefl of Jedburch, wes vnlawit for non-reporting of lettres dewlie execute and indorfat, piircheft be the kin and freindis of vmq'' James Henrye, Inirges of Jedburch, and James Mitchell, and (be) the proueft himfelf, and the baillies, counfale, and commonitie of the laid biuxh, to tak fo- uertie of Williame Ker, &c., to vnderly the law, for arte and pairt of the flauchter of the faidis perfones, committit the xv day of Junij laftbipaft ; viz. in the pane of j" li. for the faid Williame Ker, j'^ markis for the faid Johnne Home, and xl pundis for ilk ane of remanent perfones forelaidis. 3Kefusins to appeal- fiefote t\)t lUcrent anU Cotintil. Aug. 8. — Henrye Lovell of Balumbie elder, Johnne Lovell ffear of Balumbie, and James Meluile in Eifter Forrye. Lettres being jiroduceit be the i)artye, quhair the faid Henrj^e wes denunceit rebell and at the home, for his non-comperance before the Regent and Coun- fale ; the faid Henrye was thairfoir put in ward, and thairefter deliuerit to my Lord Thefaurer, to be kejiit in fure firmance and cuftody ; as he wold anfwer to the Regent thairA'jJoune : Quhairuj^oune inftrumentis M'ere takin. — Con- tinued as to the others to the Juftice-air of Fyffe, tertio Itineris vel premonitione XV dierum : Plegijs, Powrye Ogih'y^e (for Johnne L.) vnder the pane of ij™ li., vnder proteftatioune it preiuge nocht his regalitie ; et Will". Muncreif de eodem. [^Curia tenta in pretorio de SfrincVnig, 'aim confevfu partinm''\ ^iracp— aatsftt antf seUiiis cf stolen 300I19, ^e. Aug. 15. — Walter Cowsland, foue to Robert Co\vfland, burges of Striueling. Delatit of the affiftance maid and gcAan be him, to Haiye Balfour, perat,' be thiftuous reflet of diuerle guidis and geir, reft and fpulzeit be the faid Harye, be way of commoun Peracie, furth of the raid of Burdeaulx,' from fmdry the Kingis confidderat freindis :' And wes art and part with him in his reif and fpul3ie* of the faidis gudis, be way of Peracie, as said is : And eftir felling of the faidis floUin gudis, he, with the faid Hary, paft away with the fchip and pryiie, quhairin the faidis gudis wer takin, furth of KirkaldjT, vnto the raid of Abirdene ; quhair thai, for cullouring of their Piracie and for feir of cuming ' Pirate. ^ Tlie Roadftead of Bourdeaux. ' Allies or confederates, by leagues of amity, &c. * Robbery and i'eizing by violence. 38 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1572. tliairof to Leytli, fank and drownit the faid fchip : And for diuerfe vtheris c'lymes of Peracie, at lentli fpecifeit in the Lettres thairof. Quhairof he was Acquit be AfTyife. Prelocutouris for this pannell. Robert Cowfland, fader to the defender, Robert Ramfay, George NichoU. \_Curia tenia in pretorio de Edinburghe.y Oct. 29. — Elizabeth Inglis, Ipous to yinq''' Cajntan James Moffet. Capitan Johnne Spreule wes vnlawit in the pane of xl puudis, for non-report- ing of lettres purcheft be the Kingis Aduocat, to tak foiierte of Elizabeth Inglis, fpous to vmq'* Capitan James Moffat, to vnderly the law, for affiftance maid and gevin to the rebellis, detenaris of the burch of Edinburghe. NoTA. Himfelf is donatour heirto. Oct. 29- — Thomas Baillie, in Sanct-Johnnis-Kirk. James Lockhart of Lay becomes pledge for the entry of Thomas Baillie, to nnderly the law for art and part of the flanghter of James Johnneftoune of Weftraw, committed in the month of January laft ; before the Juftice or his deputies at the Air of ' Lanark, tertio Itineris, vel premonitione xv dierum.' miiUi)tvutt, Dec. 29. — JoxET BoYMAN, Ipous to Williame Steill. Delatit of diuerfe crymes of Wichecraft." ' CoNUlCT AND BKINT.' Rearing ot iHassf, Dec. 29. — Alexander Creychtoun of Newhall. Delatit for hering of the Sacramentis to be miniftrat in Papiflicall maner, within his awin place of Newhall, yerlie and monethlie, fen the tyme of his laft conuictioune, quhilk wes in Januar Ixvij yeris : incontrair the Actis of Parlia- ment. Verdict. Fylit be the AiTyife, in refpect of his awin conuictioune (confef- fioune ?) ' CoNUiCT and aVxVRdit.' Comperit Capitain Robefoune, and proteftit in name of James Douglas, that this his conuictioune preiuge nocht his efchete, quhairof he hes the gift. ' Tlie trials after tliis date are all held within the Tolbooth of Edinburgh. - No particulars whatever inserted in the Record. 6JAC.VL CRIMINAL TRIALS. 39 Feb. 3, 1572-3. — James Merser in Weftir Auldye, Jolimie Ireland in Reiglieild of Auldye, Johune Merfer in Craigtoun of Auldye, and Thomas Bell in Sdianwell. Delatit of the flauchter of vniq''' Robert Inglis in Medoheid. Prelocutouris for the pannell. Persewaris. The Lard of Balwerie, The Lard of Bamff, Catherine Spens, relict, Thair Prelocutour. Mr Richard Strang, Johnne RtiiTale, Johnne Inglis, briuler, and Nuiiane Thoniefoune. Mr Malcum Merfer, fevin fatlierles barnis. Mr Richard Strang, prelocutour foirfaid, afl^it inllrumentis of the executioun of the lettres ; as thai beir : And allegeit, in refpect of non-deliuerance of copeis to twa of the principallis contenit in the faidis lettres, the executioune nocht to be dewlie maid conforme to the Act of Parliament ; nochtwithllanding the offir maid of ane copy, and refuife of the famin. The Juftice Repellis this allegeance, in refpect of the Executioune.' The prelocutouris for the pannell allegeit, this James Merfer, being ane gentil- man of the Lard of Aldeis houfe, lies nocht ane fufficient nowmer of Aflyife, in peris r and -without his peris, conforme to the Act of Parliament, he audit nocht to be i^ut to the knawlege thairof. The Juftice findis this AfTyife fufficient for the pannell, in refpect of the cans and parteis prefent perfewaris and defendaris. — ' All four Acquit.' Tiie fame day James Ferguflbun of Dirtullych, alias Barroun Fergttffoiin, is fined for non-ap- pearance of Williame Name, fone of George N. of M'Karfie, James his brother, and Patrik Bell, bro- ther of Jolmne Bell in Schannnar ; and Patrik Fergnffoun of Stroymuk, and Donald Stewart of Dal- wongie are fined for non-appearance of James Welkie and Patrik Stalker, fervants of ... , Merfer of Auldye, for art and part of the above flaughter, ' et lefionis vulnerationifque Catherine Spens, ejus I'poufe in diuerfis fui corporis partibus, ad rr)agnam fangiiinis ejufdem eifufioneni, illam ex partu pueri fui mafculi abortani facien., et crudeliter cundeni inde interficien., in menfe Octobris vlt. elapf. fub noctis fylentio,' &c. 91ssi0tiii0 lUfitls \\\ Castle Qi e?UiniJuv0!). Feb. 4. — Edward Kinkaid maltman in Edinburgh, James Vr flefche- our, Niniane Arneill flefcheour, Johnne Moffat yair, Johnne Wilfoun maltman, Johnne Lowrie maltman, Edward Pater- foun yaii% Thomas Wynrame yair, Johnne Gray fifche-monger, Patrik Gardner flefcheour, and Andro Bartane. Delatit for affiftance maid and gevin to the Lard of Grange and vtheris de- ' The official atteftation of a meflenger at amies, that the letters were lawfully intimated by de- livery of a copy for the party, or leaving the fame at his dwelling-house, &c. - His equals in rank, liis peers. 40 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1572-3. clarit tratoiiris, in keiiing, ftrenthing, fortefeing, wittualing and withhalding of the burch and Caftell of Edinburgh, incontrair our foueran loi'd and his hienes auctoritie. Continewit to the njTct day of Febmar inftant. At tliat diet of Court, the pannels came in the King's will, excepting MofFatt, wliofe cafe was continued to the third day of tlie enfuing Air; and ' ]>e thefaurar clerk grantit him to be fatiffeit' as to Kinkaid. afssistiita lithtlQ in Castle of (!FtJtn6ur(3;!), ^ t, Feb. 4. — James Fleming. Delatit for furneling the rebellis within the Caftell of Ediuburghe, with a great quantity of wine, flelli, fifli, malt and other victuals, and ^receiving from them falfe and adulterate money or counterfutit cunje, and paffing thereof amongft the lieges ; committed in the months of Auguft, September, October, November, and December laft. Anch-ew Fifcheare, burgefs of Edinburgh, is fined in xl lib. for his non-ap- ]>earance, and Fleming ordained to be denounced, &c. Feb. 6. — Arthur Forbes, fon of Ai-thur Forbes of Reres, and Henry Foi-ret. Walter Scot of Branxhelme, and Alexander Forbes of Petflego, fined in ij" li., ij*^ markis, and ij^ markis, for non-appearnce of these perfons, to imderly the law for being art and i)art of the flaughter of vmq'" JMr Johnne Wod, committed on the XV day of April 1570: The principal parties adjudged to be denounced rebels, and their moveables efcheated, &c. Crtasoit— CousjJiraci) acraiitst ti)t UtQtiit, ^t, Feb. 9. — Alexander Haistie, Andro Gotterlbun fmyth, Johnne Gairland fclater, Thomas Galloway officer, William Forfyth cordinar, Patrik Cowjier tailliour, James Hamniiltoun fkyn- ner, Johnne Mayne, elder, merchand, and Petir Thomefoune. All thir perfonnes were conuict of the haill crymes conteuit in the auld lettres, maid in Leyth ; and for cuming to the Craigis, with the remanent, vpoun the tent of Junij laftbipaft ; piu-poflie to have flane my Lord Regent and vthex'is, his faythful fubiectis for the tyine. Item, the laid Petir Thomelbun fylit and convict of ryving" of the nobill mennis amies. ' Tearing in pieces. 6Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 41 I31r Thomas Bannaii/ne, Just/ce-Z>epute.' ] 3aestt mxti antteitommuitiitg; luitl) 3ie6cls, ^c. Feb. 23. — Patrik Lord Geay, James Scrymgeour couftabill of Dmi- die, Alexander Maxwell of Teling and Dauid Maxwell his fone and air. Johnne Lovell flfear of Balumbie, being oftymes callit for productioun, and agane bringing of the lettres dewlie execute and indorfat, purcheft be the Kingis Aduocattis to take fouertie of Patrik Lord Gray, &c., to vnderly the law ffor refTett and interconimoning with Henrye Lovell of Balumbye, Patrik and Dauid Lovellis his fonis, and vtheris, being denunceit rebellis and at the hoi'ne ; and nocht produceand nor reportand the famin, wes thairfoir vnlawit in the panis following, viz. for the faid Lord Gray, in the pane of" Feb. 27. — Thomas Baillie, in Sanct Johnis Kirk. Delatit of the flauchter of vmq'" James Ballanye and vtheris ; committit at the Langfyde, the xiij of May anno Ixviij (1568). Plegio, Alex. Home to the morne. Pollea, difehargeit and the Court defert, with coufent of Carmichaell, donatour. ^Xmistttv of Mto^tnt llenno.r, ^f ♦ March 4. — Johnne Moxcur in Dunglas, and Patrik Heriot thair. Delatit of the llauchteris of Mathow Erie of Leuenox Regent, George Dun- das and Williame Schaw ; and vtheris crymes. Williame Reidpeth fear of that Ilk, fined in xl. pundis, for nocht produceing and agane bringing the lettres dewlie execute, &c. March 31, 1573.— Marioune Reid. Delatit of arte and pairt of the abhominabill cryme of Inceft, committit with Gilbert Young in Barnaught ; being his wyfe, and knawing perfytlie hir faid Ipous to have lyne in ffornicatioune with Jonet Reid hir lifter, of befoir, and ane barne procreat betuix thaim ; and fcho admoneift be the Kirk, to abftene thairfra. Plegio, Johanne Reid de Freyndlaflieid, to the morne ; and thaireftir, conti- newit vndir fouertie to the thryd day of the Juftice-air of Air, or foner, vpoune XV dayes warning. 1 Mr Tlionias Bannatyne appeaj-s, in tliis Record, for tlie first time, as a Judge, on Feb. 17. He is to be considered as the officiating Justice-Depute after this date, unless the contrary is noted. Vid. Nov. 24, 1569. - A blank is left here, VOL. I. F 42 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1573. March 31. — Gilbert Young in Barnaucht. Delatit for the lame crime. — Johnne Reid of Freyndalflieid, his cautioner, is fined for his non-appearance ; and Young ordained to be denounced rebel, and his moveables confifcated, as fugitive from the Law. Slssistiitfl IJffitls fit Coixin anJj Castle of (!5Uin6ursIj. April 1. — JoHNXE Watsoun, fniyth, burges of Edinburgh. Delatit of arte and part of the affiftance maid and gevin be him to the trai- touris and rebellis Avithhalderis of the Toun and Caftell of Edinburgh ; and vtheris crymes, contenit in the Lettres direct thairvpoune. — Ad remiflionem, pro crimine. Plegio, Thoma Atchelbun burgen. burgi de Edinburgh, ad fatiffaciend. partibus in le conquerentibus, fecundum formam juris. 9[ssistin0 Itlelitis in Coiuit anU Castle of (J^Uini&ufQ;]^. April 2. — WiLi.iAME HucHESOUX, n^ynner, burges of Edinburgh, and Crifteane Barroune, (alias Gudefoune,) his Ipous. Delatit of affiftance maid and gevin to the rebellis withhalderis of the Toun and Caftell of Edinburgh. Huchefoun ' ad remiffionem pro crimine. Plegio, Johanne Gilbert fabro aurario ad fatiffaciend. partibus et ad relevand.' Prelocutour for Crifteane Barroune, Mr Alexander Sym. This Prelocutour aflvit inftrumentis, that he acceptit the fummondis and all partis thairof, as it is qualefeit ; proteftand, that he wald nocht compeir for hir huf band ; and allegeit, that feing na body perfewis this actioun bot the Kingis Aduocat, defyris, befoir forther i^roces, that he will gif his ayth gif he lies juft cans to perfew the faid Crifteane for this caus, quhilk he allegeit audit to be gevin, in refpect of the dittay is nocht fworne of befoir ; and in caife he refufit to gif the famin, that na proces audit to be vfit anent hir perlute this day. — An- Iweris the Aduocat, he fuld gif na ayth, nor is nocht haldiu to gif tlie lamin in na criminale actioun ; and fpecialie in crymes of Lefe-maieftie.' — Anfueris Sym, he audit to gif the famin, in refpect of the natour of the caus and fiinplicitie of the woman ; quhilk lies nocht occurrit of befoir ; and als in refjiect of the Com- nioune Law berand, that in all cauffis, the perfewar being requyrit, na thing audit to proceid, quliill' he the perfewar gif his ayth that he lies caus to perfew. — The Aduocat, in refpect of the practik of the realme and municipale law, allegit in the contrair ; and fpecialie, in refpect hir hufliand hes takin remiffioune for the famin cryme, quha is conjunct perfoun with hir. ' Treason, - Until. 6 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 43 The Juftice be Interloqiiitour, Finclis forther proces to be vfit, nochtwith- Ilanding the allegeances foirfaidis. Sym, as prelocutour foirfaid, allegeit this mater aucht nocht to pas to the knawlege of aue Allyile anent the perlute of Crifteaue Barroun, becaus fcho is callit, principalie, for remaning within the biirch of Edinburgh the tyme ly- bellit ; qiihairin gif fcho remanit, fcho remanit with hir hufljand, beand vnder his obedience ; by' quhome fcho had na remaning ; ffra quhome, icho be na law wes haldin to depart, nor culd nocht leve in na place by" him, having na thing to leve A'poun : Attour,^ feing that hir hufband lies gottin ane Remil- fioune, fcho being ane pairt of his bodj^ the famin Remiffioune aucht to com- prehend hir : Alwayis,* aganis hir, be na la^v, perfute can now be deduceit, for ony caus contenit in the Summondis ; fpecialie, in refpect of the commoime practik of this realme in fpul^eis, that albeit^ wemen be at the fpul3e, tliay can nocht be pei'fewit thairfoir, hir hulband being on lyf : And fpecialie, in refpect that thair is na particuler deid, for the qiihilk the woman is callit for the famin : Lyke as, thair is na deid in the fummondis, that can fall vpoun hir ; — igitur, utjupra. — Anfuerit the Aduocat, the mater aucht to pas to ane Affyile, in refpect of the natour of the caus libellit aganis hir and hir hufljand, bayth ;'' ffor the quliilk caus he has takin Remiffioun him felf and vfit the famin : Spe- cialie, that nowder' flio nor hir hufband were haldin to abyde in this Toune, hot haldin to dejjairt furth thairof, conform to the Prodamatiouis maid thair- vpoun ; ac tenia eft etiam, quod delictum eft perfonale et in JoVidum, and llrykis vpoun all committaris thairof, alfuele woman as man. Anfueris Sym, that in refpect of the fame anfuer maid be the Aduocat, na proces can be led aganis hir now, hir allane f bayth becaus thai ar callit con- iunctlie ; and fwa, being coniunctlie callit, and be the deid, vniun corpus et ima caro : And as to the allegeance, that thay wer bayth chargeit to depart, it is anfuerit as of befoir," that gif he had departit and nocht fcho, it mycht have bene ane cryme ; but feing he remanit and nocht fcho, na law can mak hir to inciu" ony cryme : And feing my lord Aduocat hes maid this allegeance, defyris that he will give his ayth, give he lies iuft caus to propone the famin ; And gif he refufis, that this mater aucht nocht to proceid ony forder. — Anfueris the Ad- uocat, in refpect of the anfueris maid ofbefoir, fpecialie, in refpect flie is nocht onelie callit for remaning with hir hulLand, hot for diuerfe vtheris capitale crymes contenit in the fummondis, fie as fiu-nitour"^ of meit, drink, &c." And ' Besides, /orftye. - Wittiout, apart from, but, independent of. ^ Besides, moreover. * At all events. ^ Although. * Besides, also, together. " Neither. ' Indivi- dually, by herself. ^ Before, formerly. '" The act of furuishina: or providing. " To the rebels. M CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1573. as to the defyre of the ayth, nane fuld be gevin, in refpect of the aufueris maid ofbefoir. Attour, the faid Mr Alexander allegeit, the crymes contenit in the Siunmondis can nocht pais to inqueift aganis hir perfoun for the iaid cavis, to wit, that thair is jia cryme that can fall competentlie, in the perfoun of the faid woman ; and feuerallie,' na thing aganis hir, vpoun hir- awin fpeeiale deid and fact : And the principale pairt of the crymes is allegeit to be committit, be the caufing and con- fent of thaim ; quhairof na thing can be laid to the charge of the faid Crifteane, fclio having na command nor aflent of hirlelf, bot of hir hufband being on lyve, quhilk is hir heid ; and fwa, fcho can nocht be accufat vpomi na command nor caufmg, and thaii-fore, aucht nocht to pas to inqueift ; fpecialie of- the faid RemifRoune grantit to hir hulband for the haill crymes, at leaft Lefe-maieftie, quhilk comprehendis all and produceit in Jugement ; feing he hes takin vpoun him, C|uha had it in deid, the haill caufing and command, vnder quliome fcho culd nocht, in ony wjdfe, confent nor command. — Anfuerit the Aduocat, it fuld be Rei)ellit, in refpect of the Summondis as it is libellit, and crymes of Lefe-maieftie fpecefeit thairintill. The Regentis grace ordanit, be his Precept, this Court to be defert, as eftir followis. Apr. 8. — Johnne Sym comperand, proteftit for his relief, as fouerte, quhilk he becom for entre of the faid Crifteane.^ The faid Crifteane afkit inftrumentis of hir entre, and thaii'eftir jjroduceit ane Supplicatioune,'' with my Lord Regentis grace deliuerance, maid and fubfcryuit be his grace thairvpoune ; qidiairof the tennour followis. Apud Halyrudehous, feptimo Aprilis, anno, &c. (I™.V'.) Ixxiij". My Lord Regentis g^ace Or- danis ])e com]ilenar to prefent ])is fupplicatioiine to ])e Juflice, Juftice clerk, and his deputtis, and fame to continew and fuperfeid all fordev peifewing of fis complener for fe caus witliin mentionat. As fay will anfuer to his grace fairvpouue. Conforme to the quhilk, the faid Crifteane defjTit the faid Juftice to obey the famin ; quhilk he thinkand realbnabill, obeyit the faid deliuerance, and defert the Court heirof. May 6. — Laaveence Loud Oliphant. Delatit of the llaucliter of vmq'" James Roife. Plegio, the Maifter of Mar- cheall, to the thrid day of the nixt air of Perthe, or xv dayis warning. NoTA. This continewatioune wes in default of Affyife nocht comperand. ' Separately, as an individual. * On account of. ^ She is named ' Gudefoune' at her entry on this diet. '' Bill, or Petition. 7Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 45 drire--raisins— ^|)tcp--)steaUu0, $(t. May 8. — Williame Donald and James Oliphar, fomtyme feruandis to Blak Ormeftoune. Delatit of the treafounabill burning of S' Andro Kerris coirnis ; and for thif- tuous fteling of nolt, fcheip, and vtlieris gudis, as the dittay beris. Quliairof they wer bayth Conuict be AfTyife, and Hangit. 18?oItJiu(y at ti)t '^hiitv mxti Pact of ^aisles, $(t, Juu. 23. — RiCHAKD Smyth, Alexander Clerk, Williame Paiile, W" Robertlbune, James Brok, Johnne Dmilop, Patrik Zettis, James Forthik, James Clerk, W" Fleming and W" Layng. All convict, for haulding of the Abbay and Place of Pafley, incontrare our fouerane lordis lieges ; and aganis the tennour of his charge, direct be his lettres. Ite^i, this Alexander Clerk Convict of the llauchter of Johnne CawldwoUis, in Gawynnis-Weftir ; and of taking his piu-fe, money, fword and buklar.' iSf'ovsn'yy antr falsiiiu: o( a« instrument, Jul. 16. — Schir Dauid Axdehsouxe in Glasgow, and Schir Johnne Crawfurd, notar. Delatit of the Forgeing and falleing- of ane inftrument. Persewar, Prelocutouris for this pannell. Maiioune Myllar. Mr Edmund Hay, Mr Joluine Frude. Verdict. The AfTyife Conuicts and fylis the faid Sir Johne' of the fteling of the Inftrument from Marioune Millare, contenit in the firft poynt of Dittay ; and of the fecund, towartis the fen3eing and forgeing famin Inftrument ; and of the thrid, contenit in the dittay : And the AfTyife, quhill Saturdaj^ delayit their jugement vjjoune Sir Dauid Anderfoune, viz. the xviij day of Julij. JvU. 18. — The AfTyife, in refpect of the Confeffioune maid thaireftir of the faid Sir Johne, Acquit the faid Sir Dauid Anderfoune of the crymes fpecifeit in the Dittay. Curia Justiciarie s.d.n. Regis, tenta in pretorio de Edinbui-', tertio Augufti anno, &c. (I^V*^) !xxiij° per nobilem et potentem doniinum Arcbibaldum Comitem Ergadie, dominum Campbell et Lome, Jufticiariura generalem, &c. Citason. Aug. 3. — Mr James Kirkaldye and James Cokke (Cokkie), gold- finyth, bui'ges of Edinburgh. 1 Sentence not recorded. ' Falsifpng. ^ By a marking on the mai'gin of the Record, (' Sufpen.') it appears that Craufurd was hanged. His confession is above alluded to. 46 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 157;^. Delatit of certane ciymes of Treafoune, &c. committit aganis our fouerane lord and his hienes auctoritie. ASSISA. Williame Naper of Wiychtifliowflis, James Foirman, thair, George Campbell of Dovvchall, Andro Ker of Fawdounfytle, Andro Naper, bruder to Williame Ranifay, burges thair, James Boifwell of Aucbiidek, Merchaiiftoune, Richard Rutherfurd, prouell of Ed., Alex' Vdward, biirges of Ed., James Aikman, thair, James Zoung, cutlar, Johnne Duiibare, thair, Edward Hoipe, thair, Johnne Aikinheid, thaii-, Mongo Bradie, goldfmyth. No particidars of this case are preserved. The sentence is as usual inserted, but only upon the margin. ' CoNUlCT. et Suspen.' Aug. 5. — Capitane Johnne Pentland. Delatit of the flaiichter of Aiiiq'^ Niniane Liddell of Halkerftoune. The quhilk day coniperit the faid Capitan Pentland, and prelentit my Lord Regentis grace Precept, fubfcryuit with his hand, chargeing the Juftice, Juflice Clerk and their deputis, to fence' ane Court of Jufticiarie, and to prefent before thaim the faid Cajjitan, delatit of the foirfaid flauchter : And he being prefentit to reflaue him in will for the faid cryme, takand fouertie for aflythment" of partye, as vfe is : And that in rel'pect the parteis complenaris procureit mercye and i)ardoun of his lyfe at the Regentis hand, and the Ibuerte being fundin, to pronunce and declair the famin will to be Baneil'chenient of his perfoun furth of the realme ; takand lykewyife fouertie, that he fidd depart furth thairof, within xviij dayis nixt efter the dait of the faid Precept, and that he fuld nocht returne agane thairintill without licence of my Lord Regent, vnder the pane of ane thowl'and jHuidis. As the famin Precept, of the dait the ferd' day of Auguft, the yeir of God I™.V^ Ixxiij yeiris, fidjfcriiut be James Erie of Mortoune, Regent foirfaid, at mair lenth beris. Conforme to the qidiilk, the faid Capitane enterand in jugement, and being accufit of the faid llauchter, become in our fouerane lordis will for the famin ; quhilk will the Juftice foirfaid declarit to be Baneilchement of his perfoune du- ring the Kingis grace and my Lord Regentis will. And thairfoir ordanit him to find cawtioun for fatiffactioune and aflythment of partye, and that he fould depart and remane baneifcheit furth of the realme, conforme to the laid Precept. Qiiha fTand in Jugement, according to the faid Juftice couunand, Dyoneile ^ A forensic term, equivalent to hold, open, commence. The act of fencing a Court is still per- formed by an othcer, who forbids all persons froin disturbing or molesting the Court during its sitting, &c. ' A fine or compensation paid to tlio relatives of a murdered person, as a solatmm and atone- ment for that deed. ^ Fourth, 7Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 47 Elphinftoun, biirges of Edinburgh, his brvider, Patrik Ogilwye, burges alfwa of the famin bui'ch, with him felf, coniunctlie and feueralie, plegeis and foiirteis, bayth for AflTythment of partye and that he fall depart and remane baueifcheit furth of the reahne, during the fi)ace aboue M'rittin. Crtasou— 9[S0istiit0 lUOrls in Coiuit antJ Castle of C?UinlJurfli). Aug. 13. — JoHNNE Adamesoune, 3oungei-, burges of Edinburgh, and twenty two others. Delatit for treaffonabill afliftanee maid and gevin be tliaim to the rebellis and confpiratouris, withhaldaris of the Toun and Caftell of Ediubui-ghe. All thir comperand, become in will for the faid cryme, &c. N.B. — A great number of others, burgesses of Edinburgh, are brought before the Justiciar during tliis month. Tlieir trials are continued to the third day of the ensuing Justice-air for Edinburghe. RECORDS OF THE COURT OF JUSTICIARY. The Records of the Coiu-t of Justiciary, from this period to the close of the year 1576, are unfortunately lost or destroyed. There is every reason to suppose that this must have taken jjlace jjrevious to a.d. 1700. 3Hittrrnmmuiun0 bjitl) a Craitor antJ lUiith Oct. 23. 1576. — Andro CoMiiENDATOli of Jedburglie. Dilatit of the treafonabill Intercommowning with vmq'° James Ormeftoun, lumtyme of that Ilk, declarit tratour and rebell, in his awin ludgeing, within the burch of Jedburghe, in the moneth of Marche 1570 yeiris ; and at the hill of Dvn5one, beweft' Jedburghe, in the moneth of Januar, the yeir of God foirfaid. Persewar, Mr Dauid Borthuili.- Allegit the faid Commendater, for himfelf, that he fuld half Perife^ to pas vpoun his Ailyis, in refpect that he is ane Lord of Parliament. — Anfuerit my Lord Aduocat, that albeit the faid Commendater haif voit in Parliament, yit that may nocht contryne'' the Juge to gif him Lordis vpoun his AlTyis ; for then it fuld follow, that the burgeffis being accufat, fould haif Lordis vpoun thair Affyis, becaus thai are the thrid Eftait in Parliament. In refpect of the quhilk, allegeis the faid Mr Dauid Borthuik, aduocate, that the Lard of Riddell, being ane barroun of auld blude, fuld pas vpoun his AflTyis, and is fufficient thairto. ^ To the westward of. - Mr Da\'id Borthuik of Lochhill, and Mr Robert Creychtoun of ElUok, held tiie office of joint King's Advocates at this time. ' In tliis instance, perise signifies not only equals or peers in point of rank, but Peers or Lords of Parliament. * Bind, or constrain. 48 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1576. The Juftice, be Interloquitonr,' in refpect of the allegeances, continewis the mater, vnder fouerte, to the morne. Plegio, Alexandre Hume de Hiitounhall. Oct. 2-t. — Continued to Feb. xv." ^l)ootiiT(]: anti J>laurji)ttr o( Seer antf Hots, Oct. 26. — JoHNNE Carmichell of Medowflatt,^ Thomas Mureman, ' - younger, in Kirkbryderig,MVilliam Johneftoun of Kellobank, Sym Carmichell,^ Thomas Johneftoun of Podene, Johnne Bre- tame in Dafibill, Johnne INIoffett in Hennaland, James Johnues- toim of Brakinfyde, Harbert Brettame, his bruder. Dilatit of the fchutting and flauchter of deir and ra, in Meggitland, incontrair the tennour of the Actis of Parliament. George Balfour, Priour of the Charterhous, Sir Kew Kennedye of Girvane- manys, knycht, John Johnneftoun of that Ilk, and Thomas Johnneftoune of Cragaburne, become fouerties, &c., that thai and ilk ane of thame fall fateffie our fouerane lordis will, abftene in tymes cuming. and deliuer thair gunnis to the Capitane of the Caftell of Edinbm-ghe, betuix and the firft day of Decem- ber nixttocvun, vnder the pane foirfaid. ^tealincr of Comfistonrs. Nov. 3. — Alexaxdek ]\IacKe in Inuerrowrie, Johnne Frafer, malbun in Aberdene, Dauid Scherare malbun thair, and Johnne Bayn^e, at the croce of Inuerrowrie. Dauid Leith of , fcherurgeane and cuttir of the ftane'' bel'yde Abirdene, oft tymes callit to haif produceit oiu" fouerane lordis lettres deulie execut and indorfate, purcheft be James El])hinftoun of Glak, Johnne Seytoun of Lvmifurd, Kirkmaifteris of the Kirk of Devyot and the Aduocattis, to tak fouerte of Alex. McKe, &c., that thai fuld compeir befoir our fouerane lordis Juftice or his deputis this day and place, to vndirlye the law, for the thiftu- ous fteling and away taking furth of the Kirk5ard of Devj'ot, of ane grit now- mer of hewin kirk-ftanes, committit in the moneth of Junij laftbypaft, &c. And nocht comperand, was thairfoir amerciat in the panes contenit in the Actis of Parliament, viz., for ilkane of thame, in the pane of ten pundis. ■ A judgment so calleil, quiajiidcr (id interim loquitur, Crooksh. Church Hist., &c. ■ Tliis case was afterwards continued to April 16 and 22, 1577. ^ I" (1000) markis. * \' (300) li. * And tlie remainder in the pane of iij markis each. * Surgeon and stone-cutter (not cutter for tlie stone) — ill ntriimqtw paratus — dexterous alike in the use of the scalpel and chisel — a re- surrectionist of tomhstones as well as of tlie tenants of the tonih ; at all events it may he charitahly inferred, that the four wortliies on painiel were his purAcyors, in at leiist one of the hrauehes of his calling. 10 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 49 Conbofatioii of ti)t Sieves— sasurpation of 2^11111*9 a[uti)oi-iti), ^t, Nov. 6. — George Craavfurd of Lefnories, Hew Crawfurd of Auchin- vie his Bail3e, George Crawfiuxl of Aucliincroice, Ronald Hutcheoun in Hannayftoun, and thirteen others. Delatit of con^'ocationn of oiu* fouerane lordis liegis, to the nowmer of Ix per- founes or thairbye, bodin in feir of weir,' incontrair the Actis of Parliament ; and cuming to the hous of Dauid Blak in Dallek-killis, qiihairin thai had houlit Johne Craufurd of Heidmark, afTegeing to the famin be the fpace of thre hoiiris or thairbye, qnhill^ thai forceit him to rander the famin to thame ; taking of the faid Johne Craufurd in Heidmark perforce, and haifing of him bund as captiue to the place of Lefinoreis, quhair thai detenit him within the famin, be the fpace of xviij dayes or thairbye, in ftrait captiuitie and prefoun : Vfurpand thair- throw oiu" fouerane lordis auctoritie vpoun thaiin ; the faid Johne being his hienes frie liege-man, and thai haifand na power nor Commiffioun to that effect : Committit in the moneth of October, the yeir of God I'".V^ Ixxiiij 3eiris ; of the Ipeciall caufing, deuifing, airt, pairt-taking, command, afliflance and ratihabi- tioim' of the faid George Craufurd of Lefnoreis ; and vtheris crymes, at lenth contenit in the lettres direct thairvpoun. Prelocutouris in defence. Persewaris. The Lard of Kelwod, Jolinne Craufurd of Camlarg, Joline Craufurd in Heidmark, JNIr Alex. Sym, Mr Alex. Maucliane, Mr Robert Creychtoun, King's Aduocat. Mr Johne Mofcrope, Mr Thomas Weftoun. Prelocutour. The Maifler of Vchiltre. Continued to the Juftice-air of ' Air, tertio Itineris vel fuper i)remonitione xv diei'um.' porter J), ffii^itcTjcraft antJ incantation* Nov. 8. — Elizabeth or Bessie Dunlop, fpous to Andro Jak in Lyne.^ The Trial of Bessie Dunlop is one of the earliest, and may assuredly be reckoned as one of the most extraordinary cases on record, in reference to tlie infatuation, common to all the nations of Europe at that period, on the subject of Witchcraft. It is in every view extremely interesting, but more particularly on account of the very minute and graphic details given by Bessie of many cii- cumstances connected with the prevailing superstition, especially in relation to t/ie Court of Faerie ; which, so far as the Editor knows, are not elsewhere to be found. Few scenes perhaps are anywhere to be met with, so intensely attractive as the meetings with ' Thorn Reid.' The Dittay, or Indictment, seems to have been an echo of two Declai'ations, emitted by this * Arrayed in warlike manner. In Latin it is usually expressed more bellico armatus. ^ Until. ^ Confirmation ; from Law Latin, ratihabere. * On the margin of the Record, ' Conuict, and brynt." Lyne or Liniie, in AjTshire, was a six-merk land, lying in the barony of Dairy, the pro- perty of the family of Lord Boyd. It is likely that Bessie and her husband were tenants or cottars on this estate, as the principal scene of the following transactions is within the county ot Ayi\ There is also a parish of Lme in Peebles-shire. VOL. I. G 50 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1570. ill-fated woman ; no doubt extorted, as usual, by the application of the most exquisite tortures. Tlie Inquest or Assyise return a Special Verdict, corresponding to the various Articles or points of the Dittay and Examinations ; wliich poor Bessie, to avoid farther torture, (as may naturally be inferred,) confesses ; and is accordingly ' fylit,' on her own confession. It is very unfortunate, that in this, as in most other instances during the Sixteenth Century, the Record is so very brief with regard to the procedure which took place in Court. With regard to the guilt of this unlucky woman, there can hardly be two opinions. She was cer- tainly tlie dupe of Jier own overheated imagination, already well stored with such fancies, before her first inter^dew \\itli Thorn Reid ;i who (if not entirely the phantom of a disordered brain) may not unlikely have been some heartless wag, acquainted with the virtues and use of herbs, and who pos- sibly may have ])layed off this too fatal joke on his unhappy victim. In vindication of the Criminal Tribunals of tliis country, as well as those of England and France, &c. it is worthy of remark, that in almost all cases of Witchcraft, the trial and the punishment following upon comaction, were as frequently for the public profession of the art, ' itfing of Sorcerie,' &c., and for abusing the people witli their ' devilifch craft," as for the act of Witchcraft itself. In some in- stances, the poor creatures were convicted for ' being notour Witches,' and were put to death, after undergoing the most frightful tortures, on the slenderest evidence, afforded by the testimony of ignorant and superstitious country people, when added to the circumstance of their being ' liabite and repute.' Tliere was generally, in all cases of this nature, a pre\nous Precognition taken before the Privy Council, most frequently after repeated examinations before the Kirk Session, or the Presbytery of the boimds where the unfortunate victim resided. Such inquisitions generally proceeded upon a spe- cial Commission issued by the Privy Council ; when the evidence of neighbours was taken down, whose lamentable ignorance and superstitious fears would magnify into Sorcery and Witchcraft the simplest actions in tlie life of tlie suspected Witch. Solitary confinement, cold and famine, extreme thirst, the want of sleep, and the privation of all the comforts, even the commonest neces- saries of life, the desertion of their affrighted relations and friends, added to the cruellest tor- tures, generally induced them at length, weary of life, to make their ' Confeffion,' as it was called. One of tlie most powerful incentives to ' Confeffion' was systematically to deprive the suspect- ed Witch of the refreshment of her natural rest and sleep ; and the cruellest means were often resorted to, to accomplish this heinous purpose. Even the indulgence of lying in a reclining posture on their handful of straw was frequently denied them. This engine of inhuman oppression was per- haps more efl'ectual in extorting confessions, than the actual application of the torture or question itself. Iron collars, or ' Witches bridles,' are still preserved in various parts of Scotland, which had formerly been used for such iniquitous purposes. These instnjments were so constructed, that by means of a hoop wliich passed over the head, a piece of iron, having four points or prongs, was forcibly thrust in- to the moutii, two of these being directed to the tongue and palate, the others pointing outwards to each cheek. Tiiis infernal machine was secured by a padlock. At the back of tiie collar was fixed a ring, by which to attach the Witch to a staple in the wall of her cell. Thus equipped, and night and day ' waked' and watched by some skilful person appointed by her inquisitors, the unhappy crea- ture, after a few days of such discipline, maddened by the misery of her forlorn and helpless state, would be rendered fit for ' confessing' any thing, in order to be rid of the dregs of her wretched life. At intervals, fresh examinations took place, and these were repeated from time to time, until lier ' con- tumacy,' as it was termed, was subdued. The Clergy and Kirk Sessions a[)pear to have been the un- wearied instruments of ' purging the land of witchcraft ;' and to them, in the first instance, all such complaints and informations were made. ' In Article 14, we aro informed thai Thorn was 'officiare to the Lard of Blair,' probably his baron-officer. IOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 51 Trial followed closely on the emission of one or more of tlie Declarations or Confessions thus ob- tained, which formed the gi-ound-work of the public accusation and prosecution. The Assise, having merely to compare the indictment or dittay with the previously extorted Confession, and such other written or oral testimony as the prosecutor chose to adduce, returned their verdict, ' culpable and fylit.' Doom was, of course, pronounced in terms of law — and in a few hours the wretched victim was led out to the stake, to be strangled and burnt to ashes. Dilatit of the vfiug of Sorcerie, Witchcraft, and Incantatioune, with Invoca- tioiin of fpretis of the devill ; continewand in familiaritie with thame, at all fie tymes as fche thocht expedient ; deling with charnies, and abufing the peple with devillifch craft of forcerie foirfaid, be the meanis eftir fpecefeit ; vfit thir diuerfe yeiris bypaft ; fpecialie, at the tymes and in maner following. In the firft, That fforfamekle as the faid Elizabeth being deniandit, be quhat art and knaiilege fche culd tell diuerle perlbunes of thingis thai tynt, or wer ftollin away, or help feik perfounes? Anfuerit and declarit, that fche hirfelf had na kynd of art nor fcience fwa to do ; bot diuerfe tymes, qvihen onye lie per- lbunes come ather to hir, fche wald inquire at ane Thome Reid, quha deit at Pinkye,' as he himfelff affirmit ; wha wald tell hir, quhen euir fche afkit.^ — (2.) Item, Sclie being inquirit, quhat kynd of man this Thoni Reid was? Declarit, he was ane honeft wele elderlie man, gray bairdit, and had ane gray coitt with Lumbart flevis of the auld faflbun ; ane pair of gray brekis and quhyte fehankis, gartanit abone the kne ; ane blak bonet on his held, cloife behind and plane be- foir, with filkin laiffis drawin throw the lippis thairof ; and ane quhyte wand in his hand.^ — (3.) Item, Being interrogat, how and in quhat maner of place the faid Thome Reid come to hir ? Anfuerit, as fche was gangand betuix hir awin hoiis and the yard of Monkcaftell, dryvand hir ky to the pafture, and makand hevye fair dule with hir felf, gretand verrie fall for hir kow that was deid, hir hufljand and chyld, that wer lyand feik in the land ill,^ and fche new rilfine out of gilfane.^ ' Viz. at the Field of Pinkie, Inveresk, or Musselburgh, 10 Sep. 1347. See Article 14. 2 On the margin, ' Confeflit be hirfelf and fylit be the Affyis thairof.' See Art. 14. ' ' Confeffit and fylit.' * Mr C. K. Sharpe, in a note to the Editor, queries ' land-ill ?' The Editor is inclined to think this is the right reading, although the meaning of the term is now entirely obsolete. In diseases of sheep and cattle, similar phrases are still in use ; sucli as the ' muir-ill,' the ' loupin-ill,' &c. The ' land-ill' seems to have been a familiar term employed for denoting famine, the pestilence or plague, or some prevailing and fatal epidemic. The following illustrative quotation is taken from ' Ane Addicionn of Scottis Cornicklis and Deidis,' privately printed, from an Original Manuscript, by Thomas Thomson, Esq. Deputy-Clerk- Register of Scotland, to whom the Editor is indebted for pointing out so interest- ing a passage. ' The famyne tyme, (anno 1439,) far was in Scotlande a gret derthe, for ]>e boll of quheit was at xl f., ande Jie boll of ete-mele xxx f. ; and wen-aly pe derthe was fa gret, jiat far deit a paf- iinge peple for hungere. And, alfe,' ])e lande-ill,^ ]>e wame-ill,^ was fo violent, fat far deit ma* fat 3 ere fan euer far deit, ouder^ in peflilens or jit in ony ufer feiknefe in Scotlande. And fat famyn 3 ere fe peflilens come in Scotlande, and began at Dnmifrele ; ande it was callit ' fe peflilens but'' mer- cy,' for far tuke it nain fat euir recouerit, bot f ai deit within xxiiij houris.' ^ Child-bed ; usually spelt 'gizzene' or 'jizzen' from old French, ' gisante,' a woman lying in the straw. ' Besides. ' Famine, dearth, the disease or scourge of the land. ' Flu.t, dysenterv, or cholera motbus. * More, s Either. « Without. SSI CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1571). The foil-laid Thoin mett liir be tlie way. heallit hir, and said. ' Gude day, BelRe ;' and Iclie laid. ' God Ipeid yow. gudeinan."' * Saiicfa Jlarie,'- laid he. * Beffie. quhy inakis thow la grit dale and lair greting for ony wardlie' tiling?" Sche anliierit. ' Alhue! haif I noeht grit cans to niak grit dule? Ifor om-geir is trakit;' and niv hnlband is on tlie point of deid. and aue babie of my awiii will nodit leve; and inylelf at aiie waik point; haif I iiocht gnde cans thane to haif ane fair liart ?' Bot Thoni laid. • Bellie. thow hes crabit' God. and alkit Ihni thing von Ihld noeht haif done : and. thairfoir, I connlell thee to mend to him : for I tell thee thy barne fall ilie. and the leik kow, or" yow cum hame ; thy twa scheip fall de to : bot thy hnlbaiid liill mend, and be als haill and feir as eiiir he was." And than was I sumthing bh-ther. fra he tanld me that my gudeinan wald mend. Tlian Tlunne Reid went away fra me. in throw the yard of INIonkcaitell ; and I thocht he jjait in at ane naroware hoill of the dyke nor ony erdlie man euld haif sane throw : and fwa I was lumthing fleit." This was the fii-ft tyine that Thom and Bellie forgadderit.* — (4.) Ite3I. The thrid tyine," he apperit to hir. as fche was o-ausjand betuix hir awiii hous and the Thorne'" of Damwltaruok. quhair he tareit ane ijude quliyle with hir. and fperit at hir. • Gif lehe wald nocht trow" in him ?■ Sche laid. • Sche wald tvow in ony bodye did her gude.' And Thorn pro- meilt hir baxtli geir. luniis. and ky. and \thir graith, gif fcho wald denye hir Chrillindouu'. and the taitli iMic tuko at the funt-rtane.'" Quhairvnto il'he au- luerit. • That iiit I'lhe I'uld be revin at horil-taillis. lehe Inld nenir do that ;" bot promeill to be leill and trew to him in onye thing fche cidd do. And forder, he was lumthing angrie" with hir that (fche) wald nocht grant to that quhilk he fpak.'^ — (5.) Item, The ferd'' tyme he apperit in hir aw in hous to hir, about the xij hour of the day, quliair thair was littand tlire tail^eouris. and hu- awin gude- inan : and he tnke hir apperoun and led hir to the dure with him, and fche fol- lowit. and 3eid''' vp with him to the kill-end. quhair he forbaid hir to Ipeik or feir for onye thing fche hard or law : and qnhene thai had gane ane lytle pece fordwerd. Iche law twelf perlouues, audit weniene and tour men : The men wer ' • FvUt.' - It seems not a little singular tliat these personages, whether ' ginle wyehtis,' ' bronnies," or • vnipis,' et hoc genus oiitiie. nay, even • Sathanas" himself", uniformly make use of the most pious salutations ; often, indeed, the very words which tiie strange superstition of tlie Judge and Jury would have uttered iu time of need to have dispersed tliem, or sunk them 100 fathoms deep in the Red Sea I Tlieir own superstitious recollections sliouhi have informed them, that no eWl spirit, such as thev imagined tlie Thom Reids. Sathans. Sec. to be, could have, even for a moment, listened to these holy words : far less to liave sravelv pronounced tliem. No doubt these were tlie common salutations of the Catholics of the Church of Rome of this period, but assuredly not liirlnly to be pronounced by such questionable characters as Thom. ■' Earthly, worhliy. * Dwindled away. -" Provokeil, displeased, made angry, vexed. =■ (^Likewise?) before you get home. ' Fleyed, afraid. ■ • Con- felTit and fylit," -' There is probably a clerical omission in tiiis part of tlie Record, for no notice is taken of the second meetinsr. ''^ Thorns were well-knomi ' trylting places,' as well for brounies as for lovers. " 13elieve. put confidence iu. '- At the font, in baptism. '^ Vide Articles 6 and 25, &c, " ' Coufeflii and fylit." '-' Fourth. ^^ Gaed, went. IOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 53 ded in gentilmennis clething, and the weinene had all plaiddis round about tliarne, and wer verrie lenielie lyke to fe ; and Thome was with thaine : And de- inandit, Gif Iche knew ony of thaine? Anluerit, Nane, except Thorn. De- mandit, ^\'hat thai faid to hir ? Anfuerit, Thai baid hir fit doun, and faid, ' Wel- cum, Beffie, willthowgo with ws?' Bot fche anfuerit nocht; becaus Thorn had forbidden liir. And forder declarit, That fche knew noclit quhat purpois thai had arnanf^is thairne/ onlie fche faw thair lippis move ; and within a fchort space thai pairtit all away ; and ane hiddeous vglie Ibwche of wind foUowit tharne : and fche lay feik quhill Thom came agane bak fra thame.^ — (6.) Item, Sche be- ing demandit, Gif fche fpei'it at Thom quhat perfounes thai war ? Anfuerit, That thai war the gude wychtis that wynnit in tlie Court of Elfame ;^ qulia come thair to delyre hir to go with thame : And fordei-, Thom delyrit hir to do the lam ; quha anfuerit, ' Sche faw na profTeit to gang thai kynd of gaittis, vnles fche kend quhairforl' Thom faid, ' Seis thow nocht me, baith meit-worth, claith- worth, and gude aneuch lyke in perlbun ; and (he ?) fuld make hir far better nor euer fche was ?' Sche anfuerit, ' That fche duelt with hir awin hulband and baii-nis, and culd nocht leif tharne.' And Iwa Thom began to be \eiTie crabit' with hir, and faid, ' Gif fwa fche thocht, fche wald get lytill gude of him.'^ — (7.) Inter- ROGAT, Gif fche had focht ony thing at Thom to help hir lelf, or ony vthir with? Anfuerit, That quhen fundrie perfounes cam to hir to leik help for thair beift, thair kow or yow," or for ane barne that was tane away with ane evill blaft of wind, or elf-grippit, fche gait' and fperit at I'honi, Quhat njycht help thame ? And Thom wald pull ane herb, and gif hir out of his awin hand ; and baid hir fcheir* the famin with onye vthir kynd of herbis, and oppin the beiftis mouth, and put thame in ; and the beift wald mend.'* — (8.) Itkm, Thom gaif hir, out of his awin hand, ane thing lyke the rute of ane beit, and baid hir owthir feith, and mak ane faw'" of it, or ellis dry it, and mak pulder of it, and gif it to feik perfounes, and thai fuld mend. Interrogat, How fche knew the farain wald haill ? Declarit, That fa fon as fche rubbit the faw x-poun the patient, man or woman, or chyld, and it drank in, the chyld wald mend ; bot gif it fwat out, the perlbun wald die." — i9.) lT£:\r, Demandit, To whom Iche applyit that kjT:id of medecine ? Anfuerit, That Iche mendit Johue Jakis barne, and Willounes of ' i. e. WTiat was tlie subject of their conference. ^ ' Confefllt and fylit.' ' TLe good neigh- bours or brounies, who dwelt at the Court of Faery, g. d. Elf-hame. * Crabbed, cross, angry. ' ' Confeffit and fylit.' See Articles 4 and 25, &c. ^ Ewe. "" Went. * This word ' fcheir' does not only here signify to shear or cut as with a scythe or sickle, but to ' fchair,' 'fchyre,' or ' drain,' I. e. after being mingled with other herbs, it was to be sifted, if in the state of powder, or strained, through a sieve or cloth, if in a liquid form. See also Article 9. ' ' CoDfeflTit and fylit.' '"' i. e. Either seethe, and make a salve or ointment of it, or else dry it, and make a powder of it. " ' Con- feffit and fvlit.' 54 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1576. the toun, and hir gudenian-fifteris kow : Thre tymes Thom gaif hir fie ane herb out of his awin hand. And demandit, To quhoni Iche applyit the powder in drink? Declarit.That the Ladye Johneftoune, elder, lend to hir ane feniand of the faid ladies, callit Catherine Dunlop, to help ane young gentill woman, hir doch- ter. now niareit on the young Lard of Stanelie ; and I thairvpoun alkit uunrall at Thom. And he faid to me, ' that hir feiknes was ane cauld blude, that gaid about hir hart, that caufit hir to dwam and vigous away;" and Thom baid hir tak ane pairt of ginger, clowis, annetfedis, licorefe, and fum Itark aill, and feith thame togidder, and fchyre it," and put it in ane vefchell, and tak ane lytill quan- tetie of it in ane mutchekin cane, and lum quhyte fucker caffin amang it ; tak and drink thau-of ilk day, in the morning ; gang^ ane quhyle eftir, befoir melt ; and fche wald be haill. Interrogat, Quhair Iche gaif the gentill woman the drink ? Anfuerit, In hir awin fifteris hous, the young Ladye Blakhallis. Demandit, Qidiat Iche gat for hir doing? Declarit, Ane jjek of meill and fum cheife. — (10.) Item, Demandit, Gif ony vther perlbunes had bene at hir for the lyke cans ? Declarit, That the Lady Kilbowj^e, elder, lend for hir, and defyrit to I'e gif fche culd mak hir ony helj} for hir leg, that was cruikit ; qiiha promeift anfuer, fa fone as fche had fpokin \vith Thom ; but Thom laid, ' Sche wald neuir mend ; becaus the merch'' of the bane was conlumit, and the blude dofinit ; and gif fche focht onye forder help, it wald be war with hir!'" — (11.) Item, Sche being de- mandit, Gif fche culd do onye gude to ony wemene that wer in ti'avell of thair chyld bed-lare ? Anfuei'it, That fche culd do nathing, quhill fche had firft fpokin with Thom ; quha layit doun to hir ane gi-ene lilkin laife, out of his awin hand, and baid hir tak it to thair wylie coittis," and knit about thair left arme ; and incontinent the feik woman fuld be deliuer. Bot the faid laife being layit anis doun be Thom, fche culd iieviir ajjprehend it, and maid grit feking thairfoir.' Item, Declarit, That quhen hirfelf was lyand in chyld-bed-lair of hir lall laid," Thom come to hir, in hir awin hous, and bad hir ' tak ane gude hart to hir, for nathing fuld aill hir.'^ — (12.) Intereogat, Gif fche culd tell of ony thing that was away, or ony thing that was to cum ? Anfuerit, That fche culd do nathing hir felff, bot as Thom tald hir : And farder declarit. That mony folkis in the ' Suddenly to swoon or faint away ; vertigim corripi. The word ' vigous tlie Editor never be- fore lieard of. It appears to have a similar sense witii ' dwulm,' and is probahly from Lat. vacare, vagare, or Fr. vaguer, indicative of an extraordinary vacancy, or wandering of tlie mind and senses ; or the indescribable sensations experienced by those who are recovering from a swoon. Extremely old people are vulgarly said to be ' quite (thV;,' when insensible to what is passing around them, although they still retain, to a certain degree, the senses of hearing and seeing. Vige, Dan. and wage (vaige), Swed. signifv, to yield, to give way from want of ability to resist, and may jierhajjs be the root of thig word. " " Vid. Article 7. = Qj,^ ^,3]^, 4 Maii-ow. ^ ' Confeffit and fylit.' "^ Tack or attach it to their under-dress. The ' wglie coit' seems to have been an under-dress, sucli as a woollen or flamud jacket. 7 i Confeffit and fylit.' ' Burden, not lad or laddie. See also Article 20. 5 ' Coufelli't and fylit.' IOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 55 countre (came to hir ?) to gett witt of geir ftollin fra tliame. Demandit, Quhat perfounes thai wer ? Anfuerit, The Ladye Thridpairt, in the barronye of Ren- frew, fend to hir, and fperit at her, Quha was it that had ftollin fra hir twa hornis of gold, and ane croiine of the fone, out of hir pyrfe ? And, eftir fche had fpokin with Thom, within xx dayis, fche fend hir word quha had thame ; and fche gat thame agane. Item, James Cwninghame, chalmerlane of Kilwinning, come to hir about ftun heir that was ftollin furth of the barne of Cragance ; and fche tald him quhar it was ; and he gat it agane. Item, The Ladye Blaire fun- drie tjanes had sjiokin with her, about fum claife that was ftollin fra hir ; ane pair of ftemming hoife, ane pair of fcheittis, ane codwair, lynning claithis, farkis and feruiettis, ffor the quhilkis fche dang and wrackit hir awin feruandis ; hot Thom tauld hir, ' That Margret Symple, hir awin friend' and feruand, had ftol- lin thame.' Item, Being demandit of ^Villiame Kyle, burges of Irrvin, as he was cumand out of Dumbartane, quha was the fteillar of Hew Scottis cloik, ane burges of the fam toun? Thom anfuerit, ' That the cloik wald nocht be gottin ; becaufe it wane (wai-e ?) tane away be Malye Boyde, duellare in the fam toun, and was put out of the faifoun of ane cloik, in ane kirtill ;'' and albeit, ye faid "Williame had promeift that fche fuld nocht be trublit for the declaratioun of the famin ; yit, fa fone as fche com to the mercat of Irrvin, fche was put in the tol- buyth and ftrukin ; hot was relevit be James Blair, brothir to William e Blair of the Strand.'^ — (13.) Item, Demandit, (Gif fche had been applyit to?) be Henrie Jamefoun and James Baird in the Manys of Watterftoun, to get tliame knaw- lege quha had ftollin thair plew-irnis,'' fittick and mufell ? Declarit, ' Sche fuld gif thame anfuer fa fone as fche had fpokin with Thom ; qidia fchew hir that Johne Blak and George Blak, fmythis, had ftollin the famin ; and that the cow- tir and fok wer lyand in his awin hous, betuix ane mekle ark and ane grit kift:' And forder faid, ' That quhen thai com thair to the ryping, thai fuld nocht find thame ; becaus that Jame Dowgall, flieriffis officiar, quha than prefentlie was with thame, fuld reffaif thre pundis for the conceling of thame ; for the quhilk cans alfo, fche was apprehendit be the faidis fmythis, and brocht to my Lord of Glafgow.'^ — (l-t.) Ixterrogat, Quhow fche kennit that this man was Thome Reid, that deit at Pinkye ? Anfuerit, Sche neuir knew hiin quhen he was on lyfe ; hot that fche fuld nocht dout that it was he bad hir gang to Thom Reid, his fone, now officiare in his jjlace, to the Lard of Blair, and to certain vtheris his kynnifmen and freindis thair, quhoin he naiuit ; and baid thame re- ftoir certane guidis, and mend vthir offencis that thai had done ; and that it was ' llelative or relation. ° Altered from tlie shape of a cloak into that of a kirtle. ^ ' Fylit.' See Article 15. * See Article 26. "^ Confellit and fylit," The Bishop of Glascjow, James Boyd of 'rrocluig-, was the second son of Adam Boyd of Pinkill, hrother to Lord Boyd, who was Bessie's landlord ; and, as appears from Article 23, seems to liave heeu favouiahle to Bessie. 56. CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1576. he that fend thame word thairof : ' Rememher' that qiihen he and he went togidder to the blak Settii-day •/ and that the faid .... wald haif bene ane vther gait ; he di-ew him be the Kirk of Dahye, and thair coft ane pinid of feggis and gaif him, and put thame in his naipkin ; and fa thai went togidder, quhill thai com to the feild.'' — (15.) Item, Interrogat, Gif Thom, at his awin hand, had fend to ony perfoim, to fchaw thame thingis to cum ? Declarit, That he fend hir to na creatour in middil- yerd,* hot to ^^^illiame Blair of the Strand,^ and his eldeft dochter, qulia was con- tractit and fchortlie to be mareit witli Crawfurd, young Lard of Baid- land, and declair vnto thame, ' That gif fche mareit that man, fche fuld aythir die ane fchamefull deid, flay hir felf, caft hirfelf doun our ane craig, or ga reid- wod;'" qidiairbye the faid mareage was ftayit ; and the lard foirfaid mareit hir yoimgeft fuller. Tryit to be of veritie.^— (l6.) Ixterkogat, Quhat fche thocht of the new law ?" Anfuerit, That fche had Ipokiu with Thom about that mater ; hot Thom anfuerit, Tbat this new law was nocht gude ; and that the auld ffayth fuld cum hame agane, but nocht fic as it was befoir." — Interrogat, Gif euir fche had bene in fufpect place with Thom, or had carnell deill with him ? Declarit nocht vpoun hir faluatioun and condemnatioun ; bot anis he tuke hir be the aproun, and wald haif had hir gangand with him to Elfame."' — (17.) Item, Interrogat, Quhat tyme of the day or nycht he maift refortit to hir? Anfuerit, That at the twelft hour of the day was his commoune ajipearing." — (18.) Interrogat, Gif fche had fene him gangand vp and doun the warld ? De- clarit, That anis fche faw him gangand in the kirkyard of Dalrye, amangis the peoi^le.'- — (19.) Demandit, Giif fche fpak onye thing to him? Anfuerit, Na, be- caus he had forbiddin hir, that, quhair euir fche faw him, or mett with him, fche fuld neuir fpeik to him, vnles he fpak to hir firft." Item, fche faw him gangand vp and doun on the gait" of Edinburgh, vpoim ane mercat day, quhair he leuch vjioun hir, and gaid vp and doun amangis the peple, and put his handis to the lavis, as vthir folk did.''' — (20.) Interrogat, Gif fche neuir alkit the queftioun at him, Qidiairfoir he com to hir mair (than) to ane vthir bodye ? Anfuerit, Re- membring hir, quhen fche was lyand in chyld-bed-lair, with ane of hir laiddis,'" ' These and the following hlanks left in the Record. The words quoted are those which Thome desired her to repeat to each of these persons, in testimony of the truth of her errand. - The fatal field of Pinkie, Inveresk, or Musselburgh, fought on 10th Sept. 134.7. Besides the account by Patten the Londoner, reprinted by Dalyell in his Fragments of Scottish History, there is an interesting French account of this battle by M. Berteville, lately presented by Mr D. Constable, to the Members of the Bannatyne Club, accompanied by a very curious contemporary plan of the battle, the original engra- ving of which (the ]iroi)('rty of the Bannatyne Club) is now placed in the INIuseum of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. ^ Viz. to Pinkie. ' Fylit.' * ' Middle-earth,' often alluded to in faiiy superstition. « Vide Article 12. "^ Stark, or raving mad. ' ' Fylit.' » The Reformed Reli- gion. 3 ' Fylit be the aflyis heirof.' '" ' Fylit.' Fairyland, (7. (/. Elf-hame.) See Article 6, &c. " ' Fylit." '-^ ' Fylit." " ' Fylit.' " Street. ''^ ' Fylit.' '« See Article 12. IOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. St that ane flout woman com in to hir, and fat doun on the forme befyde hir, and aflvit ane drink at hir, and fche gaif hir ; quha alfua taiild hir, that that barne wald de, and that hir hufband fiild mend of his feiknes. The faid Beffie an- fuerit, that fche reraembrit wele thairof ; and Thom faid, That was the Quene of Elfame his maiftres, quha had commandit him to wait vpoun hii-, and to do hir gude.' — (21.) Interrogat, Gif euir fche had fpokin with him at ane loich and wattir-fyde ? Anfuerit, Neuir fave anis that fche had gane afeild with hir hulband to Leith, for hame bringing of mele, and ganging afeild to teddir" hir naig at Reftalrig-loch, quhair thair come ane cumpanye of rydaris by, that maid fie ane dynn as lieavin and erd had gane togidder ; and incontinent, thai raid in to the loich, with mony hiddous rumbill. Bot Thom tauld, It was the gude wichtis that wer rydand in IMiddil-zerd.^ — (22.) Ixterkogat, Quhene fche fpak laft with Thom ? Declarit, On the morne eftir Candilmes-day laftwas, quhair fche fpak with him, and he tauld hir of the evill weddir that was to cum.* — (23.) Interrogat, Gif fche neuir fjjerit, quhat truble fuld cimi to hir for his cumpanye ? Declarit, That fche wald l)e trublit thairfoir ; bot baid hir feik ane affyis of hir nychtbouris, and no thing fuld aill hir: — fforder declarit, that fche fuld be brocht to Glafgw, and fche come in the Bifchopis handis, fche wald be wele treit, and fend hame agane.' — (24.) Item, the faid Beffie declaris, that the Lard of Auchinflceyth'' is rydand with the ffair-folk,^ albeit he deit ix 3eir fyne." Apud DaJhcijth, xx"" Septemhris, anno 1576.— (25.) Bessye Duxlop being re-examinat, in prefence of the Lard of Quhittinghame and George Aiu'hinlek of Balmanno, and being inquirit, Quhow oft Thom Reid come to hir, or'' fche inquirit quhow thai callit him ? Deponis, That he com thryis, and that fche had na poA^'er at na tyme, to try or tell ony vthir, in the menetyme, of his ciuning. He requirit hir fimdrie tymes to pas with him, and becaus fche refufit, he fchuke his held, and faid that he fuld cans hir forthiuk it.'" Deponis forder, that fche has fpokin with him at diuerfe tymes, be the fpace of four 3eiris." — (26.) Being inquirit anent the pleuch-irnis, ftollin fra Henrie Jamefoun and James Baird,'" depones, That fche inquirit at Thom Reid, qidia declarit to hir. that Gabriell Blak and Geordie Blak in Lokarfyde fi:aw thame, and brocht thame to thair faderis hous, namit Johnne Blak, viJoun ane cuttit gray liorfe,''^ on ane Setterday, in the nycht ; quhilk fche tauld agane to the faidis Henrye Jamefoun and James * ' Confefllt and fylit.' - Tether, or tie to a stake at pasture. ^ ' Confeflit and fylit.' * ' Confefllt and fylit.' ' ' Confefllt and fylit.' //'she came into the Bishop's liands, &c. See Article 13. In the I?ecord of Retoius, Jul. 29, 1629, James Dunlop, advocate, is retoured as heir to Archibald Dunlop of Aucliinskeych, ' proav),'(>.e.\\\i great-grandfather, the father of his grandfather,) in the 20s. lands of old extent of Sniythstoun, &c. It is likely, therefore, and more especially so from the coincidence of the name Dunlop, tliat this was the Laird here alluded to. ' The fairies. See Article 27. 8 < Confeflit and fylit.' ^ Before, ere. w See Articles 4 and 6, &c. " ' Con- feflit and fylit.' '2 See Article' 12. '^ Grey gelding. VOL. I. H 58 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1576. Baird.'— (27.) Item, depoiiis that four jeir fyiie, or thairbye, fche faw the Laird of Auchinfkeyth, at a thorne," beyond Monkcaftell ; quhilk Lard deit mair nor fyve 3eir fyiie. Thaireftir, fche, at the defyre of the Ladye Audiinfkeyth, inquirit at Thorn Reid, Giff fic ane mami was ainangis thame ? Qiilia anfuerit, That he was ainangis thame.^ ASSISA. Andro Craufurd of Baithlera, Henrie Clerk in Cokeydaill, James Harvye in Kilbumie, Hew Homniyll in Kilbume, Johnne Knok in Kilcufe, Robert Roger tliair, Thomas Gawaiid tliair, James Aitkin in Balgrene, Jolmne Boyde in Gowanlie, Cutlibert Craufurd in Kilbumie, Jolmne Or in Barnaucli, Johnne Cochrane in the Manys of Bar, Hew Dunlop of Crawfeild, Thomas Caldwell in Bultreis, Thomas Stewart of Flafwod. Veudict. And inimediatlie efter the chefmg and fwering of the faidis per- fones of Aflyis, as vfe is, the faid Elizabeth Dunlop, being on pannell, aeeufit be dittay oppinlie red in jugement, of the cr3^ines aljoue writtin ; the famin per- founes reniovit thanie felffis furth of Court, and altogidder couuenit, and relFow- nit on the pointis of the laid dittay ; and being rypelie awyfit thairwith, and re- foluit thairin ; re-enterit agane to the faid Court of Jufticiarie, and thair, in prefence of the laid Jullice Depute, be thair deliuerance, pronunceit and deelarit be the mouth and li^eking of Andro Craufurd of Baithlenie, ffand and deliuerit the faid Elizabeth Dvmlop, to be culpable fylit and convict, oft' the haill pointis aboue writtin, and of vfing of Witchecraft, Sorcerie, and Incantatioun, with Inuo- catioun of fpreittis of the devill, continewand in familiaritie with thame at all tymes, as fche tliocht expedient, and thairbye deling with charmes. and abufing the peple, with hir devillifche craft of forcerie foirlaid, be the meauis aboue fpe- cefeit. Sentence. ' Conutct, and Brynt.' Note. Unfortunately, the sentence has not been recorded at length in the Books of Adjomiial ; but the terms of it most probably were, that she should be carried to the Castle-hill of Edinburgh, and there ' wirreit at anejlaih,' and thereafter lier body to be ' brynt in affis,' and her whole moveable goods ' efcheit, and inbrocht to the kingis vfe.' There is merely a marginal marking on the Record, such as was usual at that period, viz. ' Conuict, and brynt,' and there is no reason to suppose that the sentence was mitigated. [Alexander Bunncdyne, Juslice-Depide.'] ^mlJtstttintj of tijt ?i5i5lj--U)ai), ^r. Nov. 16. — James Withiksi'UNE of Brighous. Dilatit of the vmbeletting* of the hie gait to "SA'illiame Park younger in ' ' Confenit and fylit.' " The ' thorno' here alluded to, was a fairie's trysting-tree or imp-tree. Thorns hav<- ever been favourite trysting-places, as well for lovers as ' brounies,' and ' the guid wichtis,' or ' guid ni.htbouris.' ^ < Confeflit and fylit.' See Article 24. * This is usually rendered in the Record, obsidiatio vici rcyij, a besieging, obstructing, or besetting of the high way. IOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 59 Lynlythgw, and fcliutting of him with aiie piftulet in the rycht fid, to the grit effufion of his bliide ; conimittit the xxviij day of March laftbypaft. — Con- tinued to Dec. xix ; ' Plegio, Roberto Leviugftoun de Weftquarter.' JSvtafeiucr Hocfe-'fast ^lafts— C]^eft, ^t. Nov. 16. — WiLLlA^lE BURRELL, feruand to Dauid Clerk in Dyfert. Dilatit of the thiftuous vpbreking of ane lokfaft kift, being within his laid maifteris hous in Dyfert, in his abfeuce, he haifing the credit and keping the faid Dauid his maifteris hous, in the menetyme ; and Iteling, conceling, and away- taking fra the faid Dauid, thiftuouflie, furth of the lamin, of I", pundis ^ money of this realme, and difponing vpoun ane pairt thairof at his jjleafour ; conimittit in the moneth of October laftb}q)aft. The quhilk cryme of thift the faid William Burrell confeffit in prefence of the faid Juftice-Depute, and haill perfounes of Alfyis. Verdict. The AlTyife, be relbun of the laid Willeames awin Confeffioun, ffand and deliuerit the faid William to be culi)able of the cryme aboue writtin, and convict yairof. — ' Convict, et Suspen.' ©efovfing; of a iHessenser. Nov. 20. — Patrik Gordoun of Brakny and Patrik Hunter, burges of Abii'den. Dilatit of the deforceing, at the leift Hopping of Mr Gilbert Buchane, meffin- ger, in executioun of his office, &c. Prelocutouris for the pannell. Persewaris. Mr Alexander Skene, Mr Gilbert Buchane, meffinger, Maifter Thomas Craig. Mr Robert Creychton, aduocat. The Juftice, be interloquitoiu", finding the mater and cryme quhairof the per- founes on pannell are accufit, to be ane allegeit deforcement, at the leift flopping of ane officer in execution of his office ; ordanis the famin firft to be ciuilie dif- cuffit. dTieltr of itanssiUe — ^lauglbtt^i-. Nov. 26. — George Mowtkay of Markinche.' Dilatit of the treafonable cuming to the field of Langfide, aganis our fouerane lord and his hienes auctoritie royale, and vmquhile his darreftvncle, James Erie ' L.IOO. ^ ' Plegiis, Dom. de Awdie juniore, Will. Hammiltonne de PortmannOjWill. Blacader de Taiffis et Job. Seytoune de Pitmedie. Plegios devenenint, conjunctim et divifim, fub pena bis mille librarum.' This case was, on Nov. 3. remitted to the Justice-aii- of ' FyfFe, tertio Itineris vel iuper premonitione xv dierum.' 60 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 15T6. of Mvirray, Lord Abirnethie, &c. Regent to his hienes and of this realme and liegis for the tyme, of glide memorie, the xiij day of Maii, the 3eir of God, 1568 3eiris, and llauchteris committit thairat, &c. Persewar, Mr Robert Creyclitoim, aduocat. AssiSA. Heniie Lord Siiiclare, Thomas Grundefoun of KjTigaft,' The Lard of Carflogie, Dauid Barclay of C'ullarnye, Jolinne Borthuik of GordowniHiall,- Dauid Carmichaell of Bahnadie, The Lard of Anrtrutbir, Alex. Mouj'jiennye of Kynkell/' Robert Strang of Kildrymmie, TheLardof Balgonie, younger, The Lard of Balfour,* The Lard of Barani, Florence Auchniowtie, in The Lard of Balcafkye,^ Robert Betoun, brother to the Dunferniling, Lard of Balfour. Proteftis Mr Robert Creychtoun, aduocat, that in caife the Affyis acquit, for wilfull errour, &c. The faid George Mowtray of Markiiiche, a(kit inftrumentis of his difafenting to onye coutinewatiouu of this mater ; and tliat he defyris the perfounes of Af- fyis, prefentlie to cognofce thairin, and nocht to pas away vnrefoluit. Absentis ab Assisa Domini de Markinche. Magnus Sincler bruder to the Lord Sinder, Dauid Durie of tliat Ilk, Alex, Inglis of Inglis-Tarwt, Johne Kuiiingliame younger of Barnis, the young Laird of Torrye, James Henderfoun of Fordell, Dauid Betoun of Creycht, James Mowbray of Pitlouer, Andro Klapene of Pitcorphy, the Lard of Onok of that Ilk, Alex. Sibbald of Rankeloxrr-over ; ilk-ane of thame amerciat to the pane of xl puudis, for non-comperance vpoun the faid AfTyis.'' The famin day, the Lai'd of Cnllarnye become fouerte for Hemie Lord Sincler ; the Lord Sincler for Culleniye ; Carflogye for Anfli-uther ; Florence Auchniowtie for the Lard of Balgonye ; Balgonye for the laid Florence ; Gordownilliall for Carflogye ; Cullarnye lor Bahnadie ; Balcallcye for Robert Strang; Balgonye for Baram ; the Lard of Balfour for Robert Betoun, Tvith the reft aboue wi'ittin ; ilkane for vtheris, vnder the pane of F. pundis,' to re-entir the xviij day of December nixttocum. ?^amt0U(fttn — ^pprt ssioit —€i)tUf ^c, Dec. 1. — JoHXNE MuXTGUMKiE of Scottiftouu, Walter Muntgumrie, his broder," and Robert Kent, leruand to the faid Johnne." The faid Walter Muntgunn-ie proteftis, that the continewatioun of the faid mater to the third day of the Air, or foner, &c., preiuge nawyife the regalitie of Glafgw, quhairiii he duellis. The faid Robert Kent, dilatit of airt and pairt of the crymes vnderwrittin, contenit in our foueran lordis lettres, purcheft be Hev/ Muntgumrie of Hefilheid, Marioun Sempill his fpous, M' Dauid Borthuik of Lochhill, and Robert Creych- ' Plegio, Kynkell. - Plegio, Carflogie. ^ Plegio, Anfti-uther. ■* Plegio, Rob. Betoun. '' Plegio, Rob. Strang. ^ ' Nota. Yis vnlaw nocht to be gevin furth, in refpect of ane fufficient nowmer of AdVls gottin." ' L.IOO. " Plegio, Johanne SpreuU de Ladyemuie, pro his duobus. Vid. .Tan. 29 aiid 31, 157G-7. s < Acquit.' IOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS, 61 toiui of Eliok, Aduocattis to our fouerane lord, for his hienes intereft : Quhilkis lettres makis inentioun : DiTTAY against Robert Kent. That vpoun ])e xix day of Julij laftbypaft, vmq'^ Gabriell Muntgumiie, broder to Joline Munt- gumrie of Scottiftoun, being cumit to the place of Hefilheid, and being ofleudit be ane euU',' allegeit geviii be ))e faid Marioun Sempill to Robert Kent, feruand to Jie faid vraq'^ Gabriell ; and feing the tyme waki nocht feme to tak reuenge at that time, of his former confauit malice ; he depairtit in his rage, and confauit hatrent- that nycht, to the place of Tlu-idpart, in Giffing, thre quartaris of ane rayle diftant fra the faid place of Hefilheid, or fairbye ; quhair, he having menit^ himfelf vnto his faid brodir, quha was ])air at buirding, off fe difpleafour, as he allegit, done to his faid feruand, and fcliame vnto himfelf; the said Johne Muntgumrie, reprocheing him of his febilnes, pat he take nocht than prefentlie ane reuenge pairof ; exhortit, entyfit, and houndit him furth ))at fam nycht, to ])e effect eftir following : Qidia immediatlie Jiaireftir, ]iat faniin nycht, come to fe faid place of Hefilheid, at xj houris in |)e nycht, and awaitit befyde fe faniin, in ])e lious of Alex'. Knok quhill* ])e raorne ]iaiieftir, quhilk was )ie XX day of pe faid raoneth of Julij ; and than returnit to pe faid place, to tak reuenge of pe faid Hew, as he in quhais place ]ie faid iuiurie was allegeit committif, and of ]ie faid Lady, allegeit com- mitter of Jie famine, by way of deid, as he mycht : And fwa ]ie faid vmqhile Gabriell, vpoun Jie hoimd- ing, furthfetting and counfale of pe faid Johne Muntgumrie, his broder, and of his caufing, command, art, part, affiftance, and ratihabitioun, vpoune prouifiouii, foirthocht fellonye, hid hatrent, precogitate malice, and be way of Hamefuckin,'' accorapaniet wt Jie faid Robert Kent his feruand, come to Jie faid place of Hefilheid, in ])e morning, vpoun plane purpois to half flane ]ie faid Hew and his faid fjious ; and finding ])e ; ett of ]ie faid place op])in, and cuming up J)e flare jiairof, to half endit and perforrait pair foirfaid wickit interpryis, enterit in pe hall of ]ie faniin, and finding pe faid Ladye oppining ane lockit bowall,'' and na perfoun with hir pairin hot ane lafs, the faid Robert Kent pullit hir doun be pe hair of pe heid bakwart to pe ground, and flraik and dang hir w' his uevis' and feit, diuerfe mony fair bauch* flraikis, quhair with pai half brufit and brokin hir bowellis, pat fche is neuir abill to confaif barne agane, and is and has been verie evill difeafit pairwith fenfyne ; and all pe tyme pe faid Robert was ftrykeand hir, pe faid vmquhile Gabriell llude with ane bendit pillulet' in his hand, haldand pe mouth pairof to pe dure pat cummis fra pe propir chalmer of pe faid Hew to pe Hall, thinking pe faid Hew fuld half cumniit in at Jie hall dure to releif his faid wyfe, quhen he hard hir cry ; quhairby pe faid vmquhile Gabriell mycht half fcliot him at pe incuming of pe dure foirfaid : — And becaus, pat throw pe crying of pe faid Marioun, pe efFray'" raife within pe faid place, fwa that pe faid vmquhile Gabriell and Robert jierfauit it was nocht tyme conuenient, and was iinpoffible to pame to execute Jiair malicious and wickit intent and purpois aganis pe faid Hew, quhom pai intendit to half ilane ; and feriug, pat his feruandis within pe faid place, fuld bane conuenit and focht ane reuenge of pe foirfaid iniurie done vnto his faid fpous, pad furth of his faid place, and lokit pe tour jet i' pairof out with be- liind pame, and tuke Jie key of pe famin away with pame : And nocht content paii'with, pai thiftuuflie flail and away tuke, ane fair blak bafoun '" hors fra pe faid Hew, furth of his laiidis of Balgray, pe faid XX day of Julij laftbypaft ; quhair^'])oun pai raid to pe faid place of Thridpart, quhair Jiai wer reflauit in pair foii'faid thiftuous deidis be laid Johne Muntgumrie, w' plane ratihabition and mantenance of all pair wickit interpryfis and executionis pairof : And jit, pe faidis perfounes, nocht content w' pe 1 A slap or slight blow, as with tlie palm of the hand. ' Hatred, rancorous ill-will. ^ Made known his grie- vance, /jfmonncfi, complained. 4 Until. ' A violent attack made on a person in his own dwelling. ° Perhaps for bole, a small cupboard, or opening cut out of the solid wall, so frequently met wiih in ancient buildings, — a ' holc-in-the wa\' 7 Fists. 8 Violent, deadly, or unmerciful blows. The word also implies shameful, filthy, dishonourable, &c. 9 A pistol on full cock. '" Alarm, hue-and-cry. " Tower gate, on the outside. '* Probably the same as ' bawsonit,' having a forehead marked with white. 62 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 157b'. fchamefull oifencis comniittit be fame in nianer foirlaid ; feiiig fe laid Hew, eftu- fat be liad brokin ])e lokkis of fe laid tour ■^ett, to follow on horleback, for reeouering of bis laid black hors; and ciiming to ]>e laid place of Tbridpart, quhairin be was aduerteift fat fai war enterit wltb fe famin hors, fe laid Hew baving depelclieit ' bis tua feriiandis, quhilkis onlie be had witli him at fat tynie, to vilfie and le about fe laid place of Tbridpart, gif his laid bors was careit ony larder away or nocht, and he his felf lycbtaiul bis alane at fe 5et fairof, to fe gif his faid bors had bene fail'; the faid Johnne Muntginiirie and fe faid vniq''^ Gabriell his broder, bailing fene ane reddye occafioun and tynie con- uenient to fame to execut fair foirlaid creuell intent and wickit interpryis, befoii- confauit and pre- cogitate be fame, and to defend fair fchamefull and tliiftuous deidis foirfaidis, and to pofles fe geir conqueill be fame as faid is, niett fe faid Hew at fe ^ett of fe faid place of Tbridpart, with piftu- lettis and drawin fwerdis in fair handis, and fair I'ett vpoun him, and fcbamefullie, crewallie, and vu- mercifullie, alftveill befoir iiis face as behind his bak, invadit him for his flauchter, and hurt and woiuidit him on bis fiUettis,- behind his bak, and diuers vtberis partis of bis bodye, to f e grit effufioun of his blude, and left him lyand for deid ; and bad nocht faillit to half bled to deid, wernocht^ fe grace of God and gude neycbtbouris, fat come and careit him bame in plaiddis to his laid duelling place. And, for fe mair bettir peformance of fe faid Jobne Muntgumreis ovill will and confauit batrent, aganis fe faid Hew, feing be Goddis grace he niycbt noclit performe f e famin of befoir, be fan im- mediatlie f aireftir reliiinit fe laid Robert Kent in bous with him, witii f e recent bludie hand ; and bes continewallie, fenfyne, retenit and retenis him in bis companie and boulhald ; to f e effect fat he may get his foirfaid wickit interpryis of f e faid Hewis llauclitir mair eafelie performit : Lykeas, vpoun fe xxvj day of Augull laftbypall, fe faid Jobne Muntgumrie of Scottilloun, accumpaneit with fe faid Robert Kent and Walter Muntgumrie, his broder, bodin in feir of weir* with jakkis, piftulettis, fwerdis, buklaris, fteil-bonettis, and vtberis wappinia, invqfiue, come be way of Hamefuckin to fe landis of Netbirtoun of Helilbeid, and fercheit and focht him f airat for his llauclitir ; and becaus f ai culd nocht apprehend bim fairat, thai apprebendit James Paterfoun liis feniand, kepand bis bors yairvpoun, and chain bim furth of f e faidis landis to f e faid Hewis place of Hefilheid, to f e effect fat in cais he had cuniit furth of fe famin for bis releif, fat fai niycbt haif bereft bim of his lyfe. And fairtbrow, fe faidis Jobne Muntgumrie of Scottilloun, Walter Muntgumrie, his broder, and Robert Kent, comniittaud oppin, manifell and vyld opprellioun vpoun fe faid Marioun, and crewall bludefliedding vpoun fefaid Hew, vpoun fett purpois, prouifioun, foirthocht fellonye, precogitate malice, and Hamefuckin ; and alfua tbift and relR-tt fairof, in maner aboue written. As fe faidis lettres at lentb beris. PEnsEWARis. Prelocutour, in peiTute of the haill crymen Marioun Sempill, Ladye Hafilheid, lybellit, except the tiiift. Mr Robert Creychtoun, aduocate. Johnne Sempill of Beltreis. Prelocutouris, Prelocutouris, in defence of the faid Robert in perfute of the faid Robert for the haill crymes for the haill crymes, except the tbift lybellit. lybellit. Johnne Muntgumrie of Scottilloun, Mr Robert Muntgumrie, capitane, Eduard Maxwell of Tynwall, Mr Alex. Skene, The Lard of Braidllane. Gabriell Sempill, younger of Cathcart. The faidis prelocutouris, iu defence of the faid Robert Kent, afkit inllru- mentis, that thai will nocht infill in his defence, for the thift lybellit, hot for the remanent crymes onlie. The faid Robert Kent tuke inftrumentis, that Marioun Sempill, Ladye Hefil- • Dispatched, druprsr/.i-r, OIil Fr. : The fleshy part of the thigh, next the loin ; FT.Jilct, so termed from the num. ber of sinews which that part covers. The word is still in us,; in a certain sense, e.g. a fillet of veal. a Had it not been for the grace, &c. * In warlike array. IOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 63 heid, Capitane Robert Muntgumrie and the Lard of Braidftane, infiftis in his perfute of the tliift and vtheris lybellit. AssisA, jyrefati Roherti Kent}- Johnne Rois of Hanin":, Alex'. Wilfoun, in Treenie, Chai'lis Mowat of Bufbie, Thomas Steuart of Gaufloun, James Dunlop of tliat Ilk, Johnne Somervell of Cambuf- William Knelaml of that Ilk, Johne Dunlop of Hapland, nethenc, Neill Muntgumrie of Langfehaw, William Dik, in Gymifliill, Jolme Schaw of Grenok, Hew Muntgumrie of Auchin- Johne Steill, younger, in Mony- The Lard of Rais-Logane, hude, akeris, Thomas Stevinfoun, in Treeme. And immediatelie eftir the chefnig, fwering, and admitting of the faidis per- founis of AIFyis, and accufing of the faid Robert Kent, be the Letteris of Dittay foirlaid, in thair prefence ; the faid Mr Alex^ Skene, preloeutour foirfaid, in name of the faid Robert, denyit Jhnjjllcifer tlie faid dittay and lybell, as it is confanit ; fpecialie, tlie thiftuons fteling and away-taking of ane blak bafoun hors fra the faid Hew Muntgumrie of Hefilheid, furth of his landis of Balgray; bot that the faid Robert onlie fled away thairvpoun to the place of Thridpart, for feir and faiftie of his lyfe ; and thairfoir, the faid Mr Robert Creychtoun, aduocate, in refpect of the faid confeffioun and notorietie of the caus, proteftit, gifF the perfounes of AflTyis acquit the faid Robert Kent of the Dittay foirfaid, for Ai'ilfull errour. "\^ERDICT. The faidis perfounes of AfTyis, for the niaift jmirt, ffand and de- liuerit the faid Robert Kent to be acquit and innocent of the crymes aboue writ- tin, contenit in the faidis lettres of dittay : Lyke as, thai declarit in iugement in the faid Court, and in prefens of the faid Juftice depute, be the mouth and Ipe- king of Johnne Someruell of Cambufnethane, chancillare of the faid AfTyis. — QuhairviJoiui, the faid Robert Kent aflart furth of the fam within the fpace of fourtie dayis, and fall do his exact diligence to fpeir and try out the forgearis, fein3earis and deuifaris of the laid fals cuin5e, and mak rejjort thaireftir of the famin diligence to the Juftis and his deputis, vndir the famin pane foirfaid. And for obferving heirof, fand Williame Huchefoun, cordiner in Edinburgh, Henrie and Alex' Suthirland in Culrois, brethir to the fud Johnne,&c. Conboratiou of ILicsts— 2ilsincr of CiUbtiiitss, ^c Jan. 29. — Johnne Muntgumrie of Scottiftoun, Gabriel Sempill, younger of Cathcart, &c. Adam Hall of Foulbar becomes pledge for the entry of Johnne Muntgumrie of Scottiftoun ; and the laid Johnne, Adam Hall of Foulbar and Andrew Matter of Sempill, become pledges, jointly and fcuerally, to enter Gabriel Sempill, younger of Cathcart, Robert Sempill of Craigbait, Gabriel Sempill, his brother, James and Walter Muntgumreis, brothers of the Laird of Scottiftoun, Bartholo- mew Muntgumrie, uncle of the faid Laird Johne Andirfoun in '\A\ilkmylne of Partik, and Robert Kent, fervant te the faid Laird, before the Juftice or his 10 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 67 deputies, on the third day of the next Juftice-air of Renfrew and Lanark ref- pectively, or wlierever and whenfoev'er it lliall pleafe his Majelly, on premoni- tion of XV days, to underly the law for convocation of the liegis, ' bodin in feir of weir,' againft the tenor of the Acts of Parhament, and ' umbefetting" the high way to Hew IMvmtgunirie of Hetilheid, and for ufing of ' culueringis and i)if- tiilettis ;' committed in the month of December laft,^ &c. asadful tvi'ov in ^5sm, Jan. 31. — JoHNNE ScHAW of Grenok, James Dunlop of that Ilk, and thirteen others.^ Dilatit of the wilfull and manifeft errour, coniniittit in the acquiting of Robei't Kent,"* leruand to Johnne Miuitgumrie of Scottiftoun, of diuerle crymes con- tenit in the lettres purcheft aganis him be Hew Muntgumrie of Hefilheid. Persewaris. Prelocutour in defence. Mr Dauid Bortlmik, Mr Robert Creychtoun, aduocattis. Mr Edmund Hay, (aduocate.) Allegeis the faid Mr Edmund for the pannell, acceptand the fummondis, in quantum, nocht grantand ony part of the fainin ; that nothing audit now to be put to the knawlege of this fecund inqueift, hot onlie the clangeing of this Ro- bert Kent of the allegeit thiftuous fteling of ane liors fra Hew Muntguim-ie of Hefilheid, in fafar as thair is na reflbun in all the haill fummondis, allegeing or concludand aganis the Inqueift, for clangeing of him of ony vthir jJoint contenit in the faid fummondis : Attovu-, acceptis the fummondis, in fafar as is confeffit in the famin, that the gentill-woman was onlie in the hous hir allane, the tyme of the committing of the allegeit deid. — To the quhilk anfiierit the Aduocattis, that the laid allegeance fuld be repellit, in refpect of the fummondis as it is ly- bellit, berand the Confeffioun of the partie and notorietie of the cans; and ficlyke, {loco quo) &c. The perfounes on pannell, nochtwithftanding the faid allegeance, afliis inftru- mentis, that thai offer thame felfis at tliis day to the knawlege of ane condigne Affyis, difalfenting to ony continewatioun of the faid mater. The Juftice, vpoun (indrie reflbnabill cauffis, moving my Lord Regentis grace, ordanis the mater to be continewit to the thrid day of the Air, or foner, vpoun XV dayis warning ; and cautioun to be tane of the perfounes on pannell, for thair entre. ' Obfidiatione vici regij. ^ ggg Dg^. 1, 1576. ^ piggjig^ Andrea Magiftro de Sempill et Doni. de Ernok, coniunctim et divifim, pro eorum introitu; et prefate perfone, ad releuand. ; ac Dom. de Trearne, obligauit feipfum, ad releuand. diet, cautionarios, pro fuis tenentibus. * See Dec 1, 1576. 68 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1576-7. ^lau(ii)ter— Burniits o( roiwit of 33m*uofi). Feb. 12. — Neill Axgussone (MacLeod) in Alfent.' Dilatit of art and part of the crewall flauchter of vmq'" Hutcheoun AngufTone his broder, in tlie He of Alient ; committit in the moneth of Junij, the 3eir of God F."\''.lxxv ieiris : And for the flanchter of vinq'*' Donald M^Hutcheoun Ano-nfTone, brother to the faid Hutcheoun ; committit at the famin tyme : AxD for the trelTonabill byrning of the toun of Dornocli in Sutliirlaud ; committit in the moneth of Junij, or thairby, the 3eir of God F'.VMxvj 5eiris ; - And diuerie vtheris llauchteris, as the dittay beris, &c. ; fpecialie, of Dimcane M<=Rorye. AssisA. Willeame Suthirlaiul of Evelik, Adam Bell, in Edinburglie, Alex'. Brodye of that Ilk, JoluieHay of Park, (Cliaiicellor,) Thomas Frafer, tutour of Lovat, James Campbell of Arcliinglas, Alex'. Hav, liis broder, Thomas Robefoun, burges of Ed', Alex'.M=NacliteneofDundanoch, Nicliolas Rois of Dunlkeith, Johnne Rois, proueil of Name, Johns Campbell of Inuerlevene, Duncan Campbell of Both, Johne Campbell of Caddell, Alex'. Innes of Crummye. Mr Robert Creychtoun tuke inftrumentis of the faid NeilHs Confeflioun, de- claring that his fone Tormot fle^' the faid vmq''^ Hutcheoun and Donald his lone ; And that he himfelf was cumand to Ed'', to Ipeik my Lord Regeutis grace, and to offer him to underly the law, for the faidis ciymes, qulian he was tane in the menetyme, be Torquill M^Cloyde apperand of the Lewis, be the way, and incarcerate. And ficlyke, that he confeffit the flauchtir of the faid vmqle Duncane McRorie, and that he had his compouitoiu- thairfoir : ' And that ' Tliis person, according to Sir Robert Gordon, commanded tlie country of Assint. He was tlje tiftli son of AngTis-more, Laird of Assint. The eldest son, Donald-Caim, died of his wounds shortly after being taken prisoner by the Laird of Lewis, (John iNLCorquill M'Leod,) against whom he had revolted. Tormot, tlie second son, was slain by his brother Angus-l)eg, wiio, in liis turn, was slain by his bastard brother Alexander, in revenge of Tormot's deatli. John-reawicli succeeded liis brotlier Angus-beg, (who died witiiout issue,) and governed the country for 16 years. On John's death, he left the government to this Neill- Angus-son ; whose younger brother Ilucheon, jealous of Neill's pros- iierity, took him prisoner, and detained him until he forced him into certain terms. In revenge for this act, he killed Hucheon, with his second son Donald, who had come to visit him in the Isle of Assint. ' Wlienipon Torcpiell Conaldagh MacLoyd of the Cogigh purfued the Yle in AHint, and apprehended Neill Ananfliine, whom lie fent to Edinburgh, where he was executed the yeir of (lod 1581." — Gordon's General Accovnt of Earldom of Sutherland, p. "233. — Neil left his sons John-reamch and Donald-bane, with three i)astards, Tormot, Angus, and .\lister. - Y Macky of Far ' invaded tlie cuntrie of Southerland after the death of Earl John, wafted tlie barony of Skibo, came to tlie town of Dornoijh, and, (vpone lome privat (|iiarrell betuein liimfelf and tlie Morrayes,) being afllfted by the Laird of Dutl'us and liis freindis, he brunt tlie laid toun, the yeir of (jod 1.J67, wiiich was then cheiflie inhabited by the Morrayes.' — Gordons Sutherland, p. loO. — This town was a second time bunit after a siege by the Master of Caithnes and Y Mackay, anno LiTO, ' in the niglit leafcin, which the inha- bitants culd no longer defend ; yit eftir the toun was loft, and the catliedrall church brunt, except the ftei[ile, they held the caftle and the ftciple of the church for the I'pace of a weik, the Catteynes con- tinuallie aliiiulting them, hot in vain without fuccelie.' — Ibid, p. 156. ^ i. e. Paid his Assythment, and obtained Letters of Slains thereupon. 10 Jac. 6. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 69 he was compellit be M«Kye to pas with him to Dornoch, quhair he and his cumpanye did na thing bot lay on the feildis, &e. — ' Conuict. et Decollat," Feb. 14. — Robert Howstoun, broder to the lard of Houftoun, and forty-fix others. Dilatit of art and part of the crewell flauchter of vmq'^ William Lyndelay, feruitour to James Maifter of Glencarne, in October laftbyj^aft. Continued to the Juftice-air of ' Renfrew, tertio Itineris, vel fuper premoni- tione XV dierum.'* Feb. 28. — WiLLEAME Porter feild of that Ilk. Dilatit of art and part of the flauchter of vmq'" Johnne Birfljane of Middill Walkinfchaw ; committit in the moneth of Maij 1573 3eiris. Continued to the 30th March, Plegio, Domino de New-wark-Maxwell. Mar. 29. — The Laird of M^^Farlane and James Flemyng de Kilmacolme, become fecurities for Porterfeild ; and, on the following day. Mar. 30. — The Laird of Knok becomes fecurity to prefent him at the Juftice-air of ' Renfrew, tertio Itiuei'is, vel fuper premonitione xv dierum.' Preloquutouris in defence. Persewar. Maifter Jolinne Schairp, Maifter Thomas Craig. William BirlLane. The faidis preloquutoui'is in defence alledgeis, that thair is na cryme com- mittit, in refjiect that the faid Johnne Birlbane wes flane at the home, put thairto, be vertew of our fouerane lordis lettres ; and thairthrow, being rebell, for ane treafonabill cryme : As the lettres of horning, direct thairvpoune beiris, and produceit prefentlie in proces. And ficlyke, the faid Mr Johnne Schairp produceit the generale band of the Sherefdome of Renfrew. Johnne Hammil- toune of Schawtoune, aflvit inftrumentis of the productioune of the faidis Lettres of Horning, and proteftit that thay be keipit in proces, as euidentis to my Lord Claude Hammiltoune, Feb. 28. — Johnne Cavxingha-Aie, Ibne to vmq"* ..... Cwninghame of Clovinbayth, and John Maxwell, broder to Thomas Max- well of Southbar. ' Beheaded. - Plegiis, Doraluo de Glengarnok, Dom. de Houftoun et Doni. de New-wark, con- iunctini et divifim, pro omnibus, tertio Itineris de Renfrew, vel alubi, I'uper premonitione xv dierum. Et poftea, viz. xv Feb., Will. Porterfeild de Duchall obligavit leipliun ad relevand. dictos plegios, de prefata cautione penifque omnibus in eadem eontentis. 70 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1576-7. Dilatit of art and part of foid flaucliter. James Sandelandis of Calder, their cautioner, fined ' P. markis' for non-appearance of * atlier of tlie faid per- foiinis.' Crfasonaljle Kctnining cf tl)t ^^Mct of Surfjali. Feb. 28. — WiLLiAME Portarfeild of tliat Ilk. Delatit of the treafonabill deteining of the place of Duchall, incontrare our fouerane lordis chairgis. — Plegio, Jacobo Flemyng de Kilmacolme pro ejus in- troitu, tertio Itineris de Renfrew, vel fuper premonitione xv dieruni. dTivt-vaisins— 3i3iu'ntno:(irorit. Apr. 17, 1577. — Andro Thoiniesoun, in Siluerburne. Dilatit of the birning of certane coirnes to Mathew Lowrye of Cairnhill. — ' CoNUiCT. ET Combust.'^ ^sin0 antr srcfetns of 3iuf|)antmtnts antr asaitfj^crafts. Maij 4. — Eduart Kyninmonth alias Lowrie. Dilatit of vfnig and feiking of Inchantmentis and Witchcraftis, in the moneth of October l^.V^lxxiiij 3eiris, quhen findrie of his cattell wer ilrickin with feiknes ; and vtheris crymes contenit in our fouerane lordis lettres, purcheft thairvpoiui. — Quo die, Joannes Addie de Deiu'othane plegius deuenit ad intran- dum dictum Eduardum Kyninmonth coram Jufticiario f. d. n. Regis feu fuis de- putatis, tertio die proximi Itineris de Forfare, vel alibi, vbi et quando placuerit fue ferenitati, fuper premonitione quindecim dierum, ad fubeundum legend pro frequentacione et vfurpacione Incantacionis et preitigiarum, lie JVlchcraftis ap- pellat. alijfque criminibus in Uteris regiis defui^er direct, ipecificat. Hec ple- giacio capta fuit, de niandato M. Dauidis Boirthuik aduocati. — Et Jacobus Striueling obligauit leipfum ad relevandum dictum Joannem Adie, de prefata cautione et penis in eundem content. Crtason— Conspirina: Xiyt Seatl) of iu^cnt iHorton, May 15. — ADAlNf Quuvteeurd, younger of Myltoune. John Quhytefurd elder of Myltoun, being often called to produce Adam his fon before the Juftice, to underlie the law for art and i)art of confulting with John Sempill of Byltreis, and trealbnably conlpiring the murther of James Earl of Mortoune Lord Dalkeyth, Regent ; conimittit in the month of January 1575. The laid Adam not conii)eariiig, the laid John as his pledge was amerciated in ' Sentenced to be burnt. No part of the procedure in this case is preserved. IOJac. 6. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 71 the pain of Ic. lib., and Adam adjudged to be denounced rebel, and all his move- able goods efcheated to the King's ufe, as fugitive from the law, for the aboue crime. — Richard Binning, meflenger and officer of the Court of Judiciary, re- ports the denunciation on May 18. May 21. — John Blair of that Ilk, William Blair his brother, Johnne Rois and John Mitchell, his feruandis, Johnne Crawfurd in Birkheid, Johnne C, his fonne, Niniane C. thair, Robert C. in Ryhill, Robert Blair, brother to Williame Blair of Halle, Androw Blair Redare at Dalrye, and eighteen others. Persewaris, Capitane Tiiomas Crawfurd, Mr Robert Creycbtoun, aduocate, Robert Kerof Kerrifland. Preloquutouris for tbe pennall. Preloquutouris, in perfute. Mr Henrie Kynroife, Jobnne Maxwell, in Portarbill, Alexander Hwme, in North Berwik, Mr Dauid Mackill, Jobnne Blair of Middill Auchin- Jobnne Crawfurd in Camlarg, James Mure, bume. Williame Crawfurd of Dnimfoy, The Laird of Cauldwell, Quintene Crawfurd, broder to Cannouris, Mr Nicoll Elpbingftoun. The pennall aikis inllrumentis of the perfonis comperand and infiftand in perfute. ASSISA. The Laird of Ferme-Nobill, The Laird of Airnok, Claud Hammiltoun of Colchnoch, Waltare Riddell of that Ilk, The Laird of Auchincapell, Johnne Cleland of FofTauch, Robert Huntare of Huntarftoun, The Laird of DrumquhafTell, The Laird of Anneftoun. The Laird of Skirling, Tbe Laird of Keir, James Weir of Blakwod, The Laird of Dal5ell, Verdict. The Aflyife, for the maift pairt, be thair delyuerance, fylis and conviictis WiUiame Blair, brother to the Laird of Blair, of fchutting with pif- toUettis, of following and chailing of Thomas Crawfurd and ferwandis for thair flauchteris, \-poune foirthocht fellonie. Item, Fylis the Laird of Blair, of following and chafmg of the faid Thomas and his ferwandis for thair llauch- teris, vpoun foirthocht fellonie, allenarlie. Item, Fylis Johnne Or (' N^otare,') of the following and chaifling of thame for thair flauchtaris, vpoune fuddantie. May 23. — The quliilk day, Loird Rois of Halkheid and Mure of Cauldwele, become fouerteis coniunctlie and feueralie, for Johnne Blair of that Ilk ; and Dauid Blair, 3oungar of Adamtoune, and ^Villiame Cuning- hame, 3oungare of Glengarnok, become louerteis coniunctlie and feueralie, for Williame Blair, brother to the Laird of Blair, and Johnne Or, notar, ferwand to Glengarnok ; that thai and ilkane of thame, fall enter thair perfounes in waird, within the Caftell of Blaknes, or audit houris at evin,' and nocht efcape ' By eight o'clock in tbe evening. 73 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1577. nor efchew furth thairof ; ay and qiiliill he (they) be relevit ; viz. of the faid Laird of Blair, vnder the pane of Fyve thowfand pundis ; and for the faidis Williame Blair and Johnne Blair, or ilkane of thame, vnder the pane of Twa thowfand puudis. Et Dominus de Blair ad relevandum. Jun. 14. — Johnne Crawfurd of the Schaw, Hew and Johnne, his fonnes, Patrik, Jokie and James Crawfurds, furatyme fer- • wandis to Hew Loird Somervell. Dilaittit of the trefToiiabill fyir-ryffing and burning of ane byir pertening to Johnne Boifwall of Auchinlek, and vtheris crymes contenit in the lettres direct thairvpoun. Persewar, Johnne Boifwall of Afflek. Preloquutouris for the pennall. Maifter Dauid MacGill, The Auld Laird of Carmichaell, Archihald Dowglas, conneftable, The Laird of Trabroune, Johnne Crawfurd of Camlaige, Allane Catlicart of Carbelftoune. Continued ' in craftinum.' Plegio, Hugone Kennedie. Jun. 15. — The jiannell afl\it inftrumentis, that the Laird of Auchinlek compeirand, difafentit to the perfute of thame ; and nochtwithflanding the Juftice command anent the continewatioime of the famin, difafentit thairto alluterlie. Jun. 15. — Johnne Sempill of Beltreis.' Dilaittit of the treflbnabill Confpiracie of my Lord Regentis Graceis flauchtare. AssisA. George Dundas of that Ilk, W.WauchopeofNuddre-!V[archell,Hew Weir of Howburne, Johune Roife of Swanftoun, Johnne Rofe of Suanftoune, Johnue Bannatyne of Corbous, Johnne Towris of Inuerleytli, Johnne Fairlie of Colmefloune, James Rig of Carberry, Johnne Logane of Cotfeilde, The Lairde of Mercliifloune, The Lairde of Anftruther, Johnne Kinkaide of Warrefloune, Tlie Lairde of Dunroder, Tlie Lairde of Saut Menanis. Verdict. Johnne Simjiill of Beltreis, being prefentit and enterit in juge- ment vpoune pannell, as dilaittit of the treironabill cryme eftir Ijiecifeit ; at lenth mentionat in the dittay maid thairvpoune ; Avas put to the knawlege of ane AfTyile of the perfonis befoir exjireflit : And immediatlie eftir the chefing and fweiring of the faidis perfounes of Alfyfe, as vfe is, the faid Johnne Sempill being accufit be dittay, oppinlie red in jugement, togidder with his depofitionis and confeflionis of the crymes following. The fame perfounes of Aflyife remo- ' On tlie margin of the Record, ' Convict, and the dome of foirfaltour pronunceit aganis him.' IOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 73 veit furth of Court, and altogidder conuenit and reffonit on the poyntis thairof : and being ryplie auifit tliairwitli. enterit agane in Court : And tliair, in prefence of the faid Juftice dejiute, be tliair del}T.xerance, pronunceit and declairit be the niowth of Robert Lyndefay of Dunrode ; ffand and delyuerit, that he wes cul- pable, fylit and convict of airt and pairt of the inaiil treffonable communica- tioune, conlultatioune and conferans, had be him, in interpryfing, diuifing, con- cluding, trelfonablie vndertaking and conceling, to fla, fchwt and cruellie niur- thonr, the rycht nobill and nnchtie Prince, James Erie of Mortoune, Loirde Dalkeyth, &c., Regent to our fouerane loird, his realme and liegis ; planelie confenting and confaving the famin murthour and flauchtar, maift trefTonablie and dilfaitfullie, in his hairt and mynde ; ordaining the famin to have bene fud- danlie cominittit, efter his faid treffonabill conferance foirl'aid, cpiliilk wes in the moneth of Januare or thairbye, the 5eir of God P.V'.lxxv jeiris ; doaud thair- by that was in him, to haif performit the famin, conforme to his deliberat inten- tioune, trelTonablie deuyfit and precogitat, as faid is ; lyke as, he had nocht fail- lit to haif put the famin to full pruif of executioime, gif God, of his infinit mercy and grace, be his vthir meanis and iuftrumentis, had nocht revelit the famin, and put flay thairvnto ; And fwa, he hes committit oppin and manefeft trea- Ibune aganis our fouerane loirdis darreft Regent and his hienes auctoritie ; and audit thairfoir to be ^Jvneift as ane publict tratour to his Maieftie ; in example of vtheris, to attemj^t the lyke treafoiiabill confpiraceis, in tyme cumiiig : Quhilk confpiracioun and conferance thaix'of, in treffonabill maner foirl'aid, was vfit be the faid Johnne, within the Kirk and Kirkland of Paiflay, and vther places of the cuntrie appointit to that effect, in the moneth aboue specefeit, and findrie vtheris tymes thairfoir, as he thocht meit and expediant. — And the dome of foirfaltour was pronunceit aganis him be the mouth of Andro Lyndefaj% demp- ftare, That he fuld be takin to the mercatcroce of Edinburgh, and thair deraa- nit as ane tratour ; and all his landis, takis, ftedingis, rowines, poffefliones and gudis to be foirfaltit and efchete to our fouerane loirdis vfe. IMr Thomas Gilbert, Justice- Depnfe.'\ iHutilatioit. Jun. 26. — Robert Striuelixg, in Eiftare Baldrochane. Dilaittit of tlie hurting and wonding of Johnne Binning, meffinger, in his rycht fchuldare and collar-bane. Quo die Dominus de Kinkaid, fenior, plegius devenit, ad intrand. Robertum Striueling, tertio Itineris de Dunbartane, vel alubi vbi at quando placuerit fue ferenitati, fuper premonitione quindecim dierum ; ad fubeundiun legem, pro arte et parte lefionis ac vulneracionis Joaunis Binning nuncij. VOL, I. K 74 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1577. [il/r Thomas Ba^inati/ne, Justice-Depute "] (j^jpjjicssion— 3>iitei*commiinins bitf) Heiiels. Jun. 29. — Dauid Grahame of Fyntrie, knycht, Waltare Graliame and James Grahame, his brether. Dilatit of the taking of Johnne Pegot, and intercommoning witli Robert Belouch ' (Betoune) of Weflhall, rebell, and vtheris crymes. Preloquutouris in defence. Persewaris. The Erie of Mwntroife, The Mailler of Gray, Mailler Robert Creyclitoune, The Lard of Balfour, The Dene of Glafgw, Mr Dauid Bortlmik, Mr Alexander Sym, Mr Alexander Skene. Aduocates (to our fouerane lord.) ASSISA. Gilbert Ogilbye of that Ilk, George Gray of Scheilhill, Dauid Roflie of that Ilk, ThomasFotheringhameofPowrie, George Di-uinmond of the Blair, Dauid Lindefay of Ed5ell, Alex' Guthre of that Ilk, Robert Durhame of the Grange, D"'.Gutlu-e, feare of Kincaldnira, George Halibuitoune of Petcure, Henrye Guthere of Colefloune, The Laird of Auehiulek, Robert Erikyn, feare of Dun, George Somer of Baljordie. Alex'. Lauder of Winiuoquhe. Daiiid Grahame, &c., war put to the knawlege of ane Affyife, of the perfonis befoir expreflit ; and immediatlie eftir the chefing, fweiring and admitting of the fame perlbunes of Aifyife, as vie is, the haill foirnemmit perfounes on pen- nail, being accufit be dittay, oppinlie red hi jugement, of the crymes following ; eftir repetitioune of the Act of Parliament, maid anent conuocatioune of his hienes liegis, at tuniultis, courtis or gadderingis ; as alfwa, with atteftatioune maid for wilful! errour, in caice the fame perlbunes on pennall wax acquit of the laidis crymes : Mailler Alex^ Sym, preloquutour for the lame pennall, eftir denyall of Dittay, and crymes thairof, jiroduceit ane wrj^ting fubfcryuit be vmq''' Johnne Peget in Bannabeith, declairing the defendaris to be innocent of all cryme com- mittit to the laid Johne, and that he was onlie moueit be malice of vtheris jJer- fonis to perfew the fame : Quliilk wryting the laid preloquutour and perfonis on pannell, defyrit to be red in jugement, befoir the perfounes of Alfyife ; quhilk being i-ed in their prelens, as was defyrit, be the faid Mr Alex'. Sym, as jirelo- quutour foirfaid, afkis inftrumentis thairvpoune. Mr Roljert Creyclitoune, aduocate, nochtwithftanding jn'oductioune and reid- ing thairof, proteftit the fame fuld nocht be as motyve vnto the AlTyife, nor 3it credit to be trew in the felf ; and difTafentit it fuld be red or publeift ony forder to the AfTyife, in the tyme of the rellait of thair woittis ;'" but that the famin fuld be gevin agane to the pairte ; quhilk, at command of the Jullice-Depute, was gevin be the clerk of Coiu't to their preloquutoiu'is. ' Called Betouue in an after part of the trial. ' When they retired to return their verdict. IOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 75 Verdict. The fame perfounes of Affyife, be thair delyuerance, pronunceit and declarit be the mouth of Dauid Lyndefay of Ed^el), Fand and delyuerit, for the maifl pairt,' the faidis haill perfonnes accufit on pannell, to be clengit and acquite of all cawfing, hounding, fending, arte, pairtaking, command, afilllance and ratihabitioune vfit be thame, in the monetli of October, the ^eir of God Ixvij (1567), in cuming to the duelling hous of the faid Johnne Pegot, in Balnaboth, within the fcherefdome of For- fare, qubair he was than, in quyat and fober maner, beleveand ne harme nor iniurle to have been done to liim, be ony peilonis, bot to have levit vnder Goddis peax and our fouerane loirdis ; and thair, vio- lentlie, maillerfullie and perforce, tuke the faid vniq'" Johnne furth of his awin duelling hous of Er- lis Stradichtie, quhair the faid Dauid and remanent perfonnes foirfaidis, of his fpeciall cawfing, bound- ing, fending, deuyfing, arte, parte-taking, affiflance and ratihabitioune, as faid is, detenit and held him in captiuitie tliairintill, be the fpace of viij dayis or thairby tliaireftir; committand thairthrow, manefeft oppreflioune vpoune him, hie being our fouerane loirdis frie liege ; and vfurpand of his hienes auctoritie vpoune thaime, in hie and manefefl eontemptioun thairof. — For the quliilk crynie the faid Sir Dauid Grahanie of Fyntrie, knyclit, and his colligis foirfaidis, being callit to haue vnderlyue the law, befoir the Juftice or his Deputtis, in the T .lljuyth of Edinburghe, the tent day of Februare, in the 5eir of God I^.V^ Ixvij :;eiris, was then replegeit- to the fredome and jurifdictioune of the Re- galitie of Killimuu-,^ be vertew of ane Commiffioune of the nobill and potent lord, Archebald Erie of Angus, Loird of the Regalitie thairof; qubais bailleis vfearisand producearis of the faid Commiffioxme thane fand cawtioune for dew and faitiifull adminiftratioune of juftice vpoune the faidis perfounes, for the faidis crymes, in the toune of Kelemuir, place vfit and wont for haulding of Courtis thairintill, the viij day of Maij nixt tliaireftir, in the ^eir of God I".V'^.lxviij ■^eiris, quhilk was affignit thairto be the Juftice and his Deputtis : At the quiiilk day, ane Court was fencit, within the faid toune of Kere- muir, place vfit and wont for haulding of Courtis within the fame : And albeit the faid Dauid and his collegis foirfaid comperit, ^it in refpect of the trubles quhilk occureit within the realme, for the tyme, juftice thane culd nocht be miniftiet in tiie laid mater ; but wes continewit to the laft day of Junij nixtocum tliaireftir ; and at that day continewit to the xxvij day of Julij nixt tliaireftir following ; and cawtioune taue for thame to ontir that day : Vpoune the quhilk twentie levin day of Julij foirfaid, compeirit Johnne Ogilwye of Inuerquliairatie, knycht, and James Scrymegeour of Glafwall, bailleis of faid Regalitie in that pairt, within the faid toune of Kerenniir ; and thair, at the faid place, vfit and wont for haulding of Courtis thairintill, fencit and held Court in dew tyme of day, tliinkand to have proceidit to the adminiftratioune of juftice in the faid mater : In the meintyme, the faid Dauid Grahame of Fintrie, knyclit, getand knawlege thairof, and vnderftanding him giltie of the faid cryme, and nawayis willing to compeir and vndirly the law tliairfoir, joynit him with vniq" George Erie of Huntlie, Dauid Erie of Crawfiu'd, James Loird Ogilbye, quhilkis throw his perfuafioune and counfale, parte-taking, deuyfing, affiftance and ratihabitioune, togidder with the faid Dauidis felf and his com- plicis, in proper jierfoun, with conuocatioune of the Kingis liegis, to the nowmer of ane thowfaud men or thairby, boddin in feir of weir with fwordis, jakkis, fteil-bonettis, fpeiris, culveiingis and vtheris wappiniiis, imtiifme, incontrair the tenour of the Actis of Parliament, come to the faid toune of Kere- muir, the faid xxvij day of Julij, the 3eir of God I'^.V'^.lxviij 5eiris, and ftoppit the haulding of the faid Court, and all adminiftratioune of Juftice thairin ; canting the faidis bailjeis, thair clerk and vtheris memberis of Court, for feir of thair lyvis, to ryfe and depairt thairfra, the faniin Court being dewlie fenceit* of befoir, as faid is : And nocht onlie ftoppit the haulding of the faid Court, bot thai intendit ' By a majority. 2 At this period, Lords of Regalities, &c., had a right to demand the person of any criminal, resi- dent within the bounds of their Regality, on Bnding security, that justice should be lawfully administered. This was termed, being rcpledged, or replegeit. It was a fruitful source of irjustiee and oppression, and was often employed to frus- trate the ends of Law. ^ Kirrynuiir. ■" A forensic term, still used in our Criminal Courts. IJefore proceeding with the trial, an officer proclaimed that the business of the Court was now commencing, and interdicting all manner of persons from disturbing their proceedings. This was called fencing, q. d. defending or protecting the Court against all intrusion or molestation. 7e CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1577. puqioiflie, of ven-ie malice, to have bereft the faidis Judgeis, and vtheris convenit and affifting thame in fetting fordwait of juftice the faid day, of thair lyvis : Lyke as, in deid, the faid Dauid, accumpaneit as faid is, tlian inuadit, foilowit and perfewit thanie for tliair bodelie harme and flamhter : leveand na tiling that niicht have brocht his wickit and vngodlie inteqiryfe to efl'ect, and had nocht faillit to have performit the fame, gif God had nocht provydit remeid. — And als, the faid Dauid Grahanie of Fyn- trie, knvcht, and his brethir foirfaidis, daylie, monethlie, owkle and continewalie, at thair plefour, in the monethis of October, Nouember, December, Januare, Februare and Marche, in the 5eir of God I°'.V^lxviij 5euis nixt, efter the denunciatioune of Robert Betoune of Wefthall, our fouerane loirdis rebell, for the cryme vnderwrittin, quhilk wes vpoune the xxiiij day of September, the 3eir of God P.VMxviij c;eiris; and ficlyke, daylie, monethlie and continewalie, in all the monethis or thairby nixt and immediatlie following the faid denunciatioune, intercommonit, reflet, fuppleit, fchew fauouris, gaif meit, drink, hous and herberie to the liiid Robert Betoun of Wefthall, within the faid Dauidis places of the names Erlis Stradichtie, Fyntrie, and borrowis of Dundie, Forfare, Brechin and diuerfe vtheris pairtis of the realme quliair thai thocht maiil expedient, the laid Robert being ordourlie de- nunceit our fouerane loirdis rebell, and put to his hienes home the tyme foirfaid, in default of finding of fouertie to have \Tiderlyne the law befoir the Juflice or his deputtis, in the tolbuyth of the burghe of Edinburghe, the viij day of November, the 5eir of God I^.V-^.lxviij 3eiris, for arte and pairt of the cruell flauchtare of vraq'*-' James Ramfay, tutour of Lawis, committit in the moneth of September immediatlie preceding ; and vtheris crynies contenit in the lettres raifit thairvjioune, and remaining vnder the proces of borne during the faid liaill fpace, incontrair the tennour of the Actis of Parlia- ment ; in hie contemptioune of our fouerane loirdis auctoritie and lawis. Vpoune tlie quhilk purgatioune and pronunciatioune declairit in jugement, the faidis Sir Dauid Grahaine of Fyntrie, knvcht, and his foirfaid brether, afkit in- ftrumentis and protellit for thair teftinioniaUis. [Mr Thomas Gilbert, Justice-Depute. 1 Oct. 54-. — VioiAT Mar, in Kildeis.' Dilaitit of tlie vfnig of Sorcerie, Witchcraft, and Intantatioune, with Inuoca- tioune of fjn-eittis, at the tymes contenit in the faid Dyttay. ASSISA. Williame Drummonde at the James Drummond in Auchtirar- George Drummond, alias Gawir, myll of Nab. dour, in Strageyth, Jolinne Grahame, appeirand Johnne Drummond of Pitkennec- Andro Millar in Balloclochargye, of Calandare, tie, Johnne Anderfoun thair, Dauid Murray of Galdwall, Dauid Murray in North Kynkell, Patryk Murray in Auchtirtyr, George Marchell of Inuerpethie, Johnne Drummond in Layonocli, Johnne Drummond, in South Kin- George Drummond of Ballock, Hew Mcrfchell in Xorth Kiokell, kell. Verdict. The liiid Violat conuict be Alfyife, of the poynt of Dittay contenit in hir awin Depofitionis and ConfefTioun, maid of hir treffonabill vndertaking, to put down my Lord Regentis Grace" with AVitchcraft, at the tyme and place contenit in the fam Depofitionis. — Item fylit, for ane commoune vfare of for- ' On tlie margin of Record, ' Conuict.' Keldeislands lay witliin the barony of Methyen, Perthshire, where there was a chapel called Keldeis. - James Earl of Morton, Lord Dalkeith, &c. 11 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 77 eerie, libbis' and charmes ; and abufare of the pepill, aganis the lawis of God and manne. Absen. ab Assisa Malcum Di-ummond of Bortllaiul, Gilbert Moyll in Alloquliy, Andrew Ram- lay in Pittinclerocli, Patrik Maxtoune of Cultoquliy, Patrik Diunimond of Moinsie. It is much to be regretted that the ' poyntis of Dittay,' and the Declarations and Confession of this personage, are not preserved in the Record. There is no doubt, from the singular respectability of the Assise or Jury, that she must have been of superior rank. — Although her conviction is recorded, the Justiciary Clerk has not marked the sentence on the margin as usual. It had likely been refer- red to the Lord Regent and Privy Council ; and when pronounced, omitted to be inserted in the Record. Nov. 13. — George BruntI'Ielp, alias callit Ciiflifge.^ Dilatit of the flauchtare of vmq'^ Geoi'ge Ingis. ' Decollat.' ^Iausl)ter antr iHuiUti*. Feb. 5, 1577-8. — Thoimas Trujible and AValtare Trumble, Ibnnes to the Laird of Bedrewle, (Sir Thomas Trumble). Dilatit of art and part of the cruell llauchtai-e and miu-thour of vmq'' Johnne Forbes, fone to Johnne Forbes of Ardmurdocht, committit in the moneth of December or thairby laft-was, vjioune let i)iu-pois, prouifioune, be way of vm- befetting of the hie gait, vpoune foirthocht fellonie. Preloquitouris in defence. Persewaris. Mr Thomas Craig, Tlie Laird of Gledftanis, .Tolinne Forbes of Ardninrdorht. Tiie Laird of Cranftoune, Mark Hwme, fader to the tiefunct, Tlie Laird of Uuiithill, Nicholl Carnecroce. Mr Robert Creychtoune. Prelocutoris in perfiit. .Sir James Balfoure, My Laird of Deir, The Laird of Glenbervie. Tlie Laird of Eggle, The Laird of Lowrefloune, Assisa. Robert Lowfoune of Hurabye, Stevin Kinkaid, in Brochtoiine, James Hart, in tlie Caimogait,^ .lames Kinkaid of the Coittis, Clement Kincaid, in the Coittis, The Laird of Pilrig.^ Verdict. 'Acquit ambo.' Feb. 26. — WiLLiAME Thrisle in Dundie, fkipar of Nychtingall, ' Magical incantations. A.S. lib-lac, L. B. Uhlacum, incantatio per fascina, fascinatio. ' Imc pro- perly signifies phi/ ; thus, ' Lib-lac means ' the playing oft" of magical charms or delusions,' or ' be- witching.' - Crop-ear. ^ A relation (father?) of Andro Hart the printer. ' The remainder of the Assise are ftuars, &c. 78 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1577-8. James Dais, youngare thair, Thomas Broixne, in Anftruther, James Rankene, marinall in Dundie, five others ' marinallis,' and \A'^illianie Swane, cuik thair. Dilatit of art and pairt of the crewall flauehtare of vmq'" Robert Watfonn, in Leyth, committit in October laftbypaft. Preloquitouris in defence. Persewaris. The Connertabill of Dundie, Mr Jolinne Scharp, Elizabeth Anderfoun, rehct of The Laird Eggeil, Mr Alex'. Guthre, vmq' Rob'. Watfoune of Leyth, The Mailler of Glammis, Mr Richard Strang. The thre faderles bairnis, Mr Rohert Creychtoun, aduocate, James Mowbray of Pitloiier. Verdict. On the margin of the Record, ' Omnes Acquit, de omnibus in- fra fcript.' atJtiltert). Apr. 11. — CuTHBERT Amullekyne of Dempftartoune. Dilaitit of the cryme of Adulterie, committit with Elizabeth Hammiltoune, the fpous of Roger Kilpatrik of Cloifljurne, committit at diuerfe tymes. Persewaris. Prelocutouris in defence. Roger Kirkpatrik of Clofburn, Mr R'. Creyclitoune. Mr Thomas Fermoure, Williame Grahame. Verdict. Tlie Alfyife, for the maift pairt, conuictis and fyllis this Cuthbert Amullegane, for art and committing of the filthie and abhoniinabill cryme of Adulterie with Elizabeth Hammiltoune, fpous to Roger Kirkpatrik of Cloifljiu-ne, conuerfand his bodie with hir in the lame filthie act, within the place of Cloif- burne, diuerie and findrie tymes, preceding lawfull admonitiounis maid to him to abftene thairfra, quhilk was the audit day of March, the 3eir of God P.V. Ixxvj 5eiris (1576-7). As alfwa for his committing of the fame filthie and ab- honiinabill cryme of Adulterie with the faid Elizabeth, diuerfe and findrie tymes, within the laid 2)lace of Cloifljiirne, burch of Edinburghe, and partis of the cuntrie in fiindrie houffis and chalmeris thairof, fence the tymes of his confeffioun of the fame, and repentance maid thairfoir, and fence the tynie of lawfull and dew adinonitioune maid be him the day foirfaid, and vtheris dayis and tymes fpecifeit in the tellimoniall gevin thairanent. And conuictis him alfwa of the thiftuous Ipending, waifting and initting away of the faidis Rogeris guidis and geir, during the fame fpace and tymes, quliill he vfit in maner foirfaid to liant and converfe with the faid Elizabeth, in the faid Adulterie. In witnelie heirof, the Chancellare, in name of the reft of this Alfyife, lies fubfcriuit this del)^ier- ance with his hand. Note. Sentence of inmishment is afterwards pronounced, see Feb. 18, 1578-9- IIJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 79 \_Mr A/exander Baiuudyne, Justice-Depute.'] CreasoitabU i^lausljtci' of %tA)\\ ?tortr ii^Iammis, Itorti Cljaufdlor. Jul. 22. — David Erle of Crawfurde. Dauid Betoun tie Melgound, plegius devenit, ad introand. Dauidem Conmitem Crawfurdie coram Jufticiario f.d.ii. Regis in jn-eterio burgi de Ed'., xxiij die meiifis Septembris proxime futuro, ad fubeundum legem, pro arte et parte cru- delis et proditorie interfectionis quondam Joannis domini de Glammis can- cellarij, in menfe ' ultimo elaps., commifs. infra burgum' de Striue- ling ; ex veteri inimicitia, certo propofito, prouifione et precogitata felonia com- mifs. : Secundum formam et tenorem Literariun regiarum defujier direct., et fub penis in Actis Parliamenti contentis. Et hec plegiatio capita fuit de man- dato dicti f. d. n. Regis, per ejus Preceptum liac de caufa direct. (Sic Sublcribitur) Dauid Betoun of Melgound. (Nov. 4.) Tlie Earl of Craufm'de again finds feciu'ity for his appearance on the ferd day of Maixhe nixtocum. ^Iaticri)ter of eTfjantelloi* ^lammfs* Jul. 22. — WiLUiAME Fowlartoune, junior of Crago, Thomas Strath- auchin, brother to the Laird of Bogtoune, and Johnne Scrym- geour, in , feruants of the Erl of Crawfurde. Dauid Betoun of Melgound alfo becomes furety for their aji^^earance on the 13th day of October next. \^Mr Thomas Hannatyne, Justice-Depute^ ^lauaT)ter. Nov. 6. — WiLLiAME Stewart and Harie Stewart, foimes to Andro Lord Ochiltre. The quhilk day, compeirit Alexander Mowat, lone lawfuU to vmq'" Charlis Mowat of Bufbie, qulia produceit our fouerane lordis lettres, dewlie execut and indorlat, purcheft be him, and the remanent kyn and freindis of vraq'^ Charlis Mowat, aganis William and Harie Stewartis, fonnes to Andro Lord Ochiltre, being fummond be vertew thairof to wuderly the law, for the llauchter of the laid vmq'" €harlis ; in refpect quhairof, the faid Alexander proteftit for releif of the fouertie fundin for reporting of the faidis lettres, to this day nixtocum ; and tuke inftrumentis of the productioune of the kingis graces lettre and charge, di- ' This unfortunate scuffle took place on tlie streets of Stirling, Mar. 17, 1578, between the follow- ers of the Earl of Craufurd and those of the Lord Chancellor, when Lord Glaniniis was accidentally slain by a random shot. It is understood that the Earl Craufuid had no immediate concern in this affair. 80 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1578-9. rect to the Juftice and his depiittis, for continewatioune of this Court to the thrid day of the Air or former, vijoune xv dayis warning, difpenfand with tlie com- pereance of tlie faidis perfonnes in the Court ; As the faid charge heiris, quhilk, he protellit, fuld be infert in the proces : And in refpect the famin was pirchefl be ane finifter informatioune, maid to the Kingis grace, for keiping of the faid malefactouris vnpuneift or accufeit be the law, qulia fa cruellie had fched the innocent blude of the faid vniq'" Charlis, as alfwa to the hurt of him and A'theris perfewaris, in the hindrance of juftice : Thairfore, the faid Alexander protefl;it for remeid, at God and the Kingis grace ; and alkit inftrumentis of the pre- miffes ; and that he prefentlie dilfafrentit to the continewatioun maid be the Juf- tice and his deputtis in this Court ; and heirvpoune, tuke actis in the handis of me notare publict wnderwritten and fcrybe of the faid Court. [3/r Johnne Grahme, Justice-Depute.] auministerins ^^oison to i)tx ^m^m'H, Jan. 12, 1578-9. — Helexe Colquhouxe, fpous to AVilliam Cuning- hame of Aket. Clemant Kinkaid, in the Coittis, oftymes callit to have produceit our fouerane lordis lettres, dewlie execute and indorfat, purcheft be "William Cunninghame of Aket, and M'''^ Dauid Borthuik of Lochhill, and Robert Creychtoim of Eliok, aduocatis to our fouerane loird, to tak fouerte of the faid Helene, that he (llie) tbuld compeir and wnderly the law this day and place, ffor the treflbnabill Mi- niftering of Pojdbun to the faid William, hir fpous ; committit in October laft- was : And nocht produceand the famin, was thairfore amerciat iu the panis con- tenit in the Actis of Parliament. aijultcii). Feb. 18. — CuTHBERT Amullekin, in Dempftartoune.' Johnne Hammiltoun, parfoun of Crawfurd, Johnne and Cuthbert Amullekin, ferwand to my Loird Ruthuene, become fouerties coniunctlie and feueralie, for Cuthbert A. in D., conuict for Adulterie, committit with Elizabeth Hammil- toun, Ladie Cloinnirne, that he fall depairt furth of this realme, within thre fcoir dayis, immediatlie eftir the dait heirof, and remane beneift furth of the famin in tyme cuming : And als, that he fall abftene fra the crpne abouewritten, vnder the pane of ane thowfand merkis : And this done at command of fecreit coun- fale, be thair precept direct to that effect : Lykeas the faid Cuthbert, of his awin confent and will, reffaueit the faid baniefment. 1 See April 11, 1578. 12Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 81 Conbomtion of ti)t Hietjcs— iHafeins an Miiot o( Wlmtason. Jun. 23, 1579- — AxDRO Chalmer in Fyntoray, and five others. Dilaitit of art and pairt of the conuocatioune of ovu' fouerane loirdis liegis, and making of ane Abbot of Wnressoune ; committit in Junij 1578. Continued to the Juftice-air of ' Abirdene, tertio Itineris, vel fuper premoni- tione XV dierum.' Plegiis, Richardo Blyth, biu-gen. de Dundie et M. Will. Clialmer (camerario) de Lundoris (portionai-io de Fyntray) coniunctim et diui- fim ; et omnes perfones ad relevand, Jim. 23. — Andro Gibsoun in Fyntrie, Andro Chalmer thair, and feven others. Dilaitit of art and pairt of the crnell flauchtare of vmq'^ Alleftare Reid, alias MacHenrie ; committit in Anguft laftwas. Continued to the faid Aire of Abirdene, Avith the fame perfons as cautioners. Mr Will. Chalmer, chalmerlane of Lundoris, as baillie of the Regalitie of L. produces ane Commiffioune of Replegiatioime, fubfcryuit be the Abbot of Lun- doris ; and proteftit that the faid continewatioune be nawife prejudicial! to the priuilege of the faid Regalitie, &c. Jun. 27. — JoHNNE Broun of Carfleuch. Johnne Lord Maxwell amerciated in fforty poimds, for non-production of Johnne Broun of Carfleuch before the Jufticiar or his deputies, to underlie the law, for art and part of the flaughter of James MacCuUoch of Barholme ; com- mitted on the 17th day of April laft. Jun. 27. — The famin day, Johnne Gordoune of Barfkeoch, oftymes callit to have jiroduceit our fouerane loirdis lettres, dewlie execute and indorfat, pur- chefl be Elizabeth Kirkpatrik the relict, bairnis, kyn and freindis of vniq'*" James MacCulloch of Barholme, &c. 33tsif sijtff l^mise o( mnvvision, ^r. Jul. 10. — Alexander Dai,mahoy of that Ilk, William Dalmahoy liis brother, Jolmne Dalmahoy his fader brother, Johnne Wilfoune, Johnne Reidheid, William Reidheid his fone, Allane Gilchrift, William Duchell. Dilaitit of the afTeigeing of Williame Somerwell in Wareiftoune, Avithin his duelling place of Wareiftoune ; and vtheris crymes, at lenth contenit in the let- tres direct thairvpoune ; committit in Junij 1578. VOL. I. L "■ 82 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1579- This mater contiuewit be the Kingis Maieftie, be ane Precept, produceit be Johnue Somervell, meffinger, to the twentie day of Augiift iiixtocuin ; and tuke iiiftrumentis of the produetioun of the laniin. — ' Plegiis, Domino de Fawfyde, pro Dom. de Dalmahoy ; et Dom. de Dalmahoy, pro reliquis omnibus.' Jul. 31. — JoHNNE Mayne, burges of Edinburglie, now duelland in Birraine, in Norway, Bergen. Dilaitit of art and pairt of the forgeing, fen3eing and prenting of certane fals and adulterat money, viz. fals hardittis ; ' committit ten 3eiris fyn or thairby. Prelocutouris in defence. Persewaris, Mr Johnne Schaq), Mr Thomas Craig, Mr Robert Creychtoune, aduocat, James Mowbray, Williame Downie. Williame Mylne, Scottifmaii, duellaud at Birraine, Thomas Baill, Robert Melnile. Thomas Cok, (merchand in Edinburglie,) chancillare, aftis inftrumentis in his awin name, and in name and behalf of the reft of the perfonis of AlTyife, that thai halve deponit and gevin thair delyuerance according to thair knawlege and conlcience vpoun the fycht of the jjeicis produceit ; and in refpect that they half na notorietie nor fure knawlege of the deid it felf, nor na fuffecient tryell or probatioune verefeit in wi'it be the periewaris ; that thairfoir thay incure na denger nor cryme be AfTyife of Errour, or ony vtherwayife : And proteftis to this effect, that the decreit vleit be the defendare, togidder with the haill writtis produceit in proces, be regiftrat in the bukis. ' FoLLOWis the TeJ'timoniaUis^ and writtis 'produceit he the Jaid Johnne 3Iaijne in his defence^ vi%. (1.) From the Council and Senators of Bergen, in favor of Mayne and Helen Bowiuan his wife, iNIaij 26, 1578. — (2.) Ane vther Teftimoniall from Birraine, Jun. 8, 1578.— (3.) The King of Scotlandis Tefti- moniall, direct to the Touu of Birraine, Sterlini, Julij 28, 1578. — (4.) Ane Tef- timoniall direct from the burghe of Edinburglie, Jul. 15, 1578. — (5.) Ane decreit gevin befoir the Loirdis (of Counlale), Jul. 2i, 1579- — (6.) Ane Teftimoniall gevin be the Touu of Inuerkething, Julij 30, 157;). — Then follow ' Copies of the writtis and Teftimoniallis produceit be 'Williame Mylne aganis the faid Johnne Mayne,' being five in number. The Record on this cafe is clofed by the inlerti(m of a Teftimonial of innocence granted by Colin Earl of Ergyle, Lord Campbell and Lome, Juftice-General of Scotland, Jul. 31, 1579, in favor of Johnne Mayne of the whole crimes charged againft him in his Dittay. to pe ' llurdhchh or lunis, formerly of the value of three half-pence, but de])reciat('d by Regent Morton a penny, which caused much discontent. The pfack also was depreciated by him from four to two- ■nce. " Tiiese documents are preserved at lent'th in the Record. 13JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. '83 amsticiar toit]^fn t^t Bountis of ^tfjol appointed. Nov. 12. — JoHXNE Erle of Athoill produceit aue Commiffioune of Jufticiarie, gevin to him be om- foiierane loird, wnder the Grit Seill, makand him Juftice withia the boundes of Athoill : And delyrit that his aith mycht be acceptit, &c. ^laufiijtev, Nov. 17. — Meegaeet Lindesay, Ladie Kerlbank and Maifter James Fotheringhame hir fpous. Dilaitit of art and pairt of the cruell llaiichter of vniq Katherene Fothring- hame, fpous to James Page in Aberlamnay ; committit in Februar laftwas. Prelocl'touris in defence. Maifter Johnne Schairp, aduocat, My Loird Inuenneith, The Maifter of Forbes, Tlie Maifter of Caflillis. ' Acquit.' JifsfesiiTtj ^omt of SSaardston, ^r. Nov. 20-21. — Alexander Dalmahoy of that Ilk, and feven others.' Dilaitit of the afleiging of William Somerwell in Warieftoune, and vtheris crpnes at lenth contenit in the lettres direct thairvpomie ; committit in Junij 1578 ; fpeciallie, for beiring and fchutting of culveringis at the faid place, with conuocatioime, &c. Persewaris. Williame Somerwell, in Wareiftoune, Mr Robert Creyclitoune, aduocat. Prelocutouris in defence. Prelocutouris in perfuit. The Laird of Ormeftoune, The Laird of Trabroune, The Lairde of Co^dngtoune, The Laird of Bonytoune, The Laird of Ernok, The Laird of Dalyell, youngare, Mr Johnne Scharp, Mr Thomas Craig. James Somerwell. Veedict. All Acquit of the crymes put to the knawlege of AlTyfe, viz. of the fchuting and beiring of iiiftollettis in the moneth of Julij, and thaireftir cuming to the hous and alTeiging thairof, and fchuting of piftollettis thairat, and hiu'ting and wonding of Barbara Barrie, &c. antrest mm ^^ulttv^, Jan. 15, 1579-80. — Elisabeth Pkestoun, filler to the Ladie Borthuik. Dilaitit of the crymes of Inceft and Adulterie ; committit with the Loird Borthuik, at findrie tymes, contenit in the lettres. Verdict. ' Acquit.' ' See Jul. 10, 1579. 84 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1579-80. antcfst mxH aUuWerg, Jan. 15. — Margaret Scott, filler to the Ladie Borthuik. Thomas Borthuik of JMediltoun is amerciated for the non-appearance of Margaret Scott before the Juftice, &c. to underlie the law for the crimes of In- ceft and Adulterie ; committed with William Lord Borthuik, hufband of the faid Dame Grizell Scott, her filler, ' et procreatione filii ad eundem Dominum Borthuik,' &c. Prelocutouris in defence. Persewar. Mr Dauid ^PGill, Mr Johnne Preftoune. Maifter Robert Creychtoun, aduocat. AssisA. James Hoppringill, in Hoppringill, James Rig of Carbame, Robert Trumble, in Heriot mylne, JohnneHoppringill,intheMmrois, (Chancellor,) Robert Deware, James Hoppringill, in the Bow, The Laird of Fawfyde, Thomas Adiuftoun, in Carcant, Richard Scliankis, burges of Ed'. Willeame Cranftoun of Ladyfyde, The Laird Meggot. Patrik Hoppringill, in Ed'. Johnne Tmnebill, in Symintoune, mct&t antJ atjultetj). Jan. 15. — Dame Geissell Scott, Ladie Borthuik. Dilaitit of Inceft and Adulterie ; committit with Walter Scott of Tufchelaw. Prelocutouris in defence. Persewar. Mr Thomas Craig, Mr Johnne Leirmontb, Mr William Harvie. Mr Robert Creychtoune, aduocat. Absentes ab Assisa Elizabeth Preftomie. James Hoppringill of Quhytebank, The Laird of Elphingftoune, elder, The Laird of Ormefloune, The Laird of Trabroune, The Laird of Hermeftoune. ' Desert.' Feb. 15. — AxDRO Glexcorse, in Peirftoune. Dilatit of art and pairtof the Pofoning of Iffobell Staig, his fpous ; committit twa 3eiris fyne, or thairby : And ficklyke, for the lying in the filthie cryme of Adulterie with his wyffis moder, callit Helene Bathcate. Verdict and Sentence. ' Conuict of baith the crymes, and brint.' ^lausTjtn- — Conbof ation of ti)t %itst9, Feb. S-i. — Vthked Makdowell, 3oung Laird of Garthland, and others. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the crewal llauchter of vmq'" James Gordoune, fone of Johnne Gordoune of Barflveoche, with Convocatioune of the Liegis, bodin in feir of weir, &c., in the moneth of Julij lafll)ypaft. Hew Kennedie of Barquhennye, allegeit, that na proces aucht to be led aganis him, as cawtioner for the entrie of the 30ung Laird of Garthland and remanent ; 13Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 85 in refpect, that he is nocht lawfullie chargeit, at his duelling place, albeit it be indorfat, that he was chairgeit at Dawcari'ane, quliair his wyff was for the tyme ; quhilk is nawyife his duelling hous, nor yit was he chargeit perfonalie ; and proteftis, that quhatfumeiiir proces be laid in the faid mater, that the famin be nocht preiudiciall to him as fouertie foirfaid, and offeris him to preve fuffi- cientlie, that he duelt in nather of the faidis placeis quhair he was chai-geit. — Anfuerit Mr Thomas Craig, for the Gudeman of Barfkeoch, that he is lawfuDie chargeit, at the place where his wyfF duelt for the time, and the law prefupponis the famin to be dwelling place ; and that thai thairfoir abyde at the executioun of the faidis lettres. Eoilein die, Hewgo Kennedie de Barquhennie, fepe vocat. ad introand. Vthridum Makdowel juniorem de Garthland, Andream MacDowell ejus patrem, Joannem M'Dowell de Knokincrofchie, Georgium M'Dowell juniorem de Darregillis, Patricium iVPDowell ejus fratrem, Gelbertum INI"- Nelie, vocat. the Rt/mour, Alex. Agnew in Blair, Adauium M'Kie in Culinik, Joannem McDowell fra- trem Vthridis M'^Dowell de Bariarg, Nicholaum MGoune et Gilbeitura M'^Clennoquhen, coram Jufticiaris f. d. n. Regis fuifve deputatis, predict, die et loco ; ad fubeundum legem, pro arte et parte crudelis interfectionis quondam Jacobi Gordoune filij Joannis Gordoun de Barfkeoch ; cum Convoca- tione fubditonun dicti f. d. n. regis, more bellico armat., contra tenorem Acti Pari., in menfe Julij ultimo, &c. ' Amerciat.' ' NoTA. Nocht to be extractit, in refpect of the Kingis War- rand.' Feb. 28. — JoHNXE Sowtabe, notare and meffinger. Dilaitit of the falfing of findrie euidentis and vfing of fallat ; fpeciallie, for co- peing of James Brounes euident in Dundie, and delyuering to the faid James of the faid copie falfefeit be him ; and the faid James awin proper euident to Ro- bert Stewart, the faid James aduerfare, quhairin decreit is pronunceit. Verdict and Sentence. ' Conuict of diuers poyntis, and haugit.' ^laugl^tcr of ilorU Cijaiwdlor i^lammis. Mar. 5. — David Erle of Crawfurde. Patrik Loird Lindefay of Byrris, et Dauid Lindefay of Ed^ell, fined, for non- production of the Earl of Crawfurde, to underlie the law for the flauchter of vmquhile Lord Glammis, Chancellor, and James Johmieftoime. iHurtftr— Ci)tft. Apr. 30, 1580. — Axdro Trumbiei,, fone to Ekkie of Belfis, and Johnne Young, in the Cames, duellar under the Laird of Minto. Delaitit of art and part of the cruell and fchamefull murthour of vmq'^ Johnne 86 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1580. Hammiltoune of Beneftoun, committit in Januar laftwas ; and breking of the faicl vmq'= Johnnes kill, and thiftuous fteling, conceling and away taking furth thairof, certane coitis, clokis and vtheris giidis and geir. Verdict and Sentence. Conuict, baith of the murthour and of the thift, and the laid Johnne Young hangit. — Nota, This (Andro) Trumbell, fone to Ekkie of Belfis, becaus of his minoritie, the dome nocht pronunceit vpoun him ; bot he dela\ it and deljaierit to Andro Lindefay, to be keipit in waird, as he will anfuer, &c. Crtasou. INIaij. 23. — George Balfour, Pryour of Charterhouse. Compeirit my Loird Thelaurar and the Aduocate, and declairit, that fFor famekil as that, at ordinance of the Kingis Maiellie and Counfale, thai wer or- danit to perfew the faid George Balfoure, Prioiu- of the Charterhous, of certane crymes, for the quhilk he is tane, and ane AlTyife fummond to this day ; thair- foir alkis inllruraentis, that thai haue done their diligence, and wer reddie to perlew him, conforme to the laid ordinance : And protellis, in refpect of the abfence of Mr Johnne Grahme, Jullice-Depute, that the occafioune of the ftay of proces this day be imput to him, feing na Court culd be fenfit without him, nor jM-oces led thairin, conforme to the laid ordinance. Maij 23. — The quhilk day, in prelence of me Notare publict and wit- nefles wndervvrittin, comperit George Balfoure, Priour of Charterhous, qulia ex- ponit and declairit, that in refpect the Capitane, Connellable and keiparis of the Caftell of Edinburghe, had enterit and prefentit him in faice of Court, Avithin the Tolbuyth of Edinburghe, conforme to ane ^Varrand direct to thame thair- vpoune : Thairfoir, and in confideratioune of his entrie, he tuik and afldt in- ftrumentis thairof, that he prefentlie was content to wnderly the law, for al crymes of TrelToune allegeit committit be him, and for the quhilk he has bene this lang tyme bypaft haildin in waird : Oifering him, thairfoire, to the knaw- lege of ane famous,' condigne and vnfulpect Alfyile ; diffalenting of all forder delay or continewatioune of Court thairanent. Quhairvpoune, the faid George afl^it inftrumentis, as faid is, in the handis of ane Notare publict, and fciybe of Julliciarie, appointit in the Courtis thairof. This was done, day and jilace foir- laid, before Sir Lwes Ballendene of Auchnowle, knycht, Clerk of our fouerane loirdis Julliciarie, the Laird of Cleifche, Dauid Lawtie, Hew Tod, with vtheris diuerfe. ' Respectable, persons notoriously of good fame. 13JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 87 dTalseiiifl, drovtrtinu, nntt ;Sftmttins at ILetteis. Jun. 29. — Robert Carmylie, feruitoui- to vmq'" John Sowter.' Dilaitit of tlie cryme of fallat, fpeciallie of the falfefeing, forgeing and fen3eing of lettres (of) Arreiftnient and the fubfcriptioune-manuall of Gilbert Thorne- toune wiytare ; and the Kjngis Signet thairto of ane vther lettre, vpoune James Adame in Alyth, for payment of vij'"' merkis.^ Verdict and Sentence. ' Conuict. et Suspen.'^ iHuvlrer of t^e 3LUg:ents, iHurraw antr %tnnox, Dec. 15. — Arthour Hammiltoune, in Bothwelhauche.* Dilaitit of the ti'effonable Miirthouris of vmquhile James Erie of Miu'ray Regent, committit in the moneth of Januare bdx (1569) 3eiris. And liclyke, for art and part of the treflbnable Miu'thour of vmqidiile Mathow Erie of Leiie- nox. ASSISA. Johnne Blair of that (Ilk,) Mr Archibald Cuming, feare of AlaneLoie faid Arthour may be accufit at fe faid day to be appointit, and iuftice miniftrat as accordis. And ordanis fe aduocate to infilt in perfuit of fe faid Arthour, as he will anfuer fairvpoune. (Sic fubfcribitur) ' Mortoun. R.Dunfermeling.'^ Arthoure Hammiltoune (then ftiled 'of Bothiielhauche) was afterwards re- ftored to his eftate, &c., under the Act ' of the reftitution of the noblemen and Vtheris reffauit to the Kingis Maiefties favour.' 1581, chap. 21. The following illustrative dociunents are excerpted from the Books of the Privy Council of Scotland : I. Apud Hammiltowie, decimo Maii, anno, S)-c. IxxLr. The quhilk day James Robertonn of Emock become actit and obleift as cautionar and fouirtie for Arthour Hamniiltoun, fone to vmquhile Arthour Hammiltoun of the Heleife, to enter and prefent the faid Arthour before our fouerane lord and lordis of his liienes fecreit Counfale, as the faid James falbe requirit thairto, vpoune aucht dayis warning, vnder the pane of ane thowfand pundis ; and Patrik Hammiltoun, burges of Hammiltoun, obleift him and his airis to releif fe faid James of pe premiftls, and of all pane and danger that he may incur thairtlirow. (Sic fubfcribitur) James Robertoun of Ei-nok, Patrik Hammiltoun, with my hand. II. Apud Cajtrum de Striuiling, fecundo Jiinii, anno, S)-c. Ixmjc. SEDERUNT. Colinus comes Ergadie, Robertus comes de Lennox, Robertus conies de Buchane, Andreas dominus de Vchiltrie, Allanus dominus Cathcart, Commendatarius de Cambulltennethe. DuNROD difchargit of the Lettroiin.- Anent the fupplicatioun prefentit to our fouerane lord and bis Priuie Counfale, be Robert Lynde- say Dunrod, makand mentioun, that quhair he wes burdynnit be his hienes and his faid counfale, to ferche, feik and bring to his Maieftie, ane Lettrun perteining to Dauid Hammiltoune of Bothuil-hauch, quhairin ar contenit certane writtis ; quhilk Lettrun, the faid Robert hes brocht and deliuerit, at his Maiefteis command, to Alexander Hay, ane of the fcribis of the counfale, in prefence of the faidis loirdis. In refpect quhairof, it is neceffarlie requirit that the faid Robert be releuit of the fame, and difcharge gevin to him of all intromiffioun thairwitb, and act of counfale to be extendit to that effect : Lykeas, at mare lenth is contenit in the faid fupplicatioun. The Kingis Miijeftie, with auife of the faidis lordis of his fecreit counfale, in refpect of the productioun of the Lettrun aboue written be the faid Robert, conform to the command gevin to him to that effect, difchargis him tiiairof, and of all pane and diinger that he may incur thairthrow for euir. III. Apud Ha/i/rudehoiis,xxiij die menfis JanuariJ, anno W]xxx° (1581, new style.) The quhilk 1 Robert Piicairn, Coraraendatot of Dunfermling, and Secretary of State, &c. ' A writing desk, or box for holding writings. 14Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 89 day, Johnne Rofe of Hanyng become actit and obleifl, as cautioner and fouirtie for Arthoure Ham- myltoun, callit of Botliuilliaucli, tliat the faid Arthour fall contene bimfelf as ane faitbfiill and obedient fubiect to our fouerane lord and liis autlioritie : and on nawyfe reflett, fupplie, intercommoune, or fchaw fauour to Johnne fumtyme Commendatar of Abirbrothok, and Claude fumtyme Commendatar of Paiflay, nor to ony vtheris tliair complices that ar or heirefter lalbe declarit rebellis and fugitiues fra the lawis, for the treflbnable murther of vmq'" the King, his hienes dearefl: father, and of the Erlis of Lennox and Murray, his hienes Regentis of gude memorie. And als, that the faid Arthoure fall conipeir perfonalie befoir his Maieftie and Lordis of Secret Counfale, as he falbe requirit thairto, vpoun fyfteine dayes warning, vnder the pane of fyve hundreth merkis. (Sic fubfcribitur) Johnne Ross of Haning. Dec. 15. — Waltare Laavder, fei-wand to vmq,^ the Lairde of Bafs.' Dilaitit of art and pairt of the crewall murthour of vmquhile Mr James Law- der of the Bafs, his maifter ; committit iii the moueth of October. Dec. 20. — Laurence Lord Oliphaxt, Arthoure Forbes apperaud of Reres, &c. (forty-oiie others). Dilatit of airt and pairt of the crewall flauchter of vmq'^ Alexander Stewart of Schuittingleis ; committit in the moneth ('thefyrft day') of Nouember laftby- paft : ('And for invading of ^Villiame Lord Ruthvene, Thefaurer, for his flauch- ter,') and vtheris crpnes fpecifeit in the lettres produceit vpoun tharae. Preloquitouris for the pannell. Preloquitouris in perfuit. Persewaris. Tlie Laird of Lochlevin, The Laird of Barnbarroth, Williame Lord Ruthvene, The Laird of Cardene, George Conie of Kelwod, Sir Johnne Stewart of Traquair, The Laird of Dundas, W". Mun-ay of Lettir Bennettis, knycht, The Laird of Delgatie, Mr Ro'. Creychtotine, aduocat. James Stewart in Tinnes, broder Mr Johnne Schairp, to the defunct, Mr Thomas Craig. James Hoppringill of Wodhous. The quhilk day, eftir chefing of the preloquitouris, alfwele for the pannell as the perfewaris ; comperit Mr Johnne Schairp, and aflvit inftruraentis of produc- tioune of ane deljaierance of the Lordis of SelTioune, iiurcheft be Laurence Lord Oliphant, chairgeing him (Mr Johnne) and vtheris procuratouris thairin con- tenit, to compeir this day and jilace, and proeuir for the perfbnis enterit on pan- nell in thair defence ; quhilk delyuerance, he defyrit to be anfuerit and regiftrat in the buikis of Adiornall. Quhilk defyre the Judge thocht reffonable, and or- danit the fame to be regiftrat. Interlocutor. The Juftice-depute, vpoune certane alledgeancis proponit be the parteis hinc inde, continewit this caufe to the morne ; and ordanit the perfonis on pannell, to find fouirtie for thair ' There is marked on the margin of the Record, ' Conuict. et decoUat.' The Assise are designed, being all burgesses of Edinbmgh, but the procedure is not entered. VOL. I. M 90 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1580. entrie, to vndirly the law for the crymes forfaid, and vtheris contenit in the lettres direct vpoune thame ; quho ffand the Laird of Lochlevin cautioun to that effect. Dec. 21. — The Juftice Depute, in refpect of the alledgeance proponit be athir of the parteis preloquitouris, and that ane AlTyfe could nocht be obtenit to my Lord Oliphant, for objectiounis ; ordanit the mater to be continewit quhill the morne, xxij day of Nouember, &c. Verdict. (Dec. 22.) The AfTyfe, be thair delyuerance, jn-onunceit and deda- rit be tlie mouth and fpekiug of George Symmer (Somer) of Bal3oirdie, Chancil- lar, flfand and delyuerit the perfonis enterit on pannell and perfewit, to be clan- geit, innocent and acquit, of airt and pairt of the crewall llaucliter and niur- thoiire of vmqle Alexander Stewart of Schuittingleis, fchot with ane poyfonit bullet:' And of the convocatioim of our fouerane loirdis liegis, bodin with cul- veringis, piftolettis, jakis, fperis, lleilbonnettis and vtheris wappinnis invafine, incontrair the tennour of the Actis of Parliament : And ficlyke, of vmbefetting of the hie way to William Lord Ruthvene, Thelaiu-er, invading of him and his feruandis being in his cumpanie, for thair flauchteris : With the haill circum- llances thairof libellit, committit vpoun the fyrft day of November laftbypaft, vpoun fett purpois, provifioun, auld feid and foirthocht fellonye. Eftir the pronunceing and declaratioun quhairof, the perfonis on pannell aflvit inftrumentis, and protellit for than- teftimoniall. Dec. 23. — WiLLiAME Lord Ruthvene, (Lord High Thefaurer of Scotland,) James Ruthvene, Alexander Ruthvene, James Ruthvene, callit Swaddinis Jame, &c. (feventy-nine others.) Dilatit of airt and pairt of the crewall (lauchter of vmq'" Johime Buchane ; committit vpoun the fyrft day of Nouember laftbypaft ; and vtheris crymes, contenit in the fummondis. Preloquitouris for the pannell. Persewaris. My Lord Banibarroch, The Laird of Traquair, Laurence Lord 01i[)hant, Mr Alexander Syme, Mr Dauid M'Gill, William Now, officiar, Mr Johnne Uuflell, The Laud of Kelwod. Mr Robert Creychtoun, Aduocat, pro rege. Mr Rol)ert Creychtoun, Advocat, produceit ane Precept fubllryuit be the Kingis Maieftie and twa of his hienes Previa Counfell, direct to him, chairgeing him to infift in the perfute of the perfonis enterit on pannell, &c. ; quhilk Pre- cei)t he requyrit to be regiftrat, quhairof tlie tennoure followis. Justice, ,]ulliceCl.''rk and ^oure deputtis, and Aduocatt : It is our will iuul we command 50W, that incontinent eftir fyclit heirof, 56 oure Aduocatt perfew Jie Lord Ruthvene, vpoune fe lettres riflin ' This is the only instance in the Record of poisoned bullets having been made use of in Scotland. 14JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 91 aganis him to \e xxij day of fis monetli, and contiuewit to ))is day; and 36 oure Juftice, Juftice Clark and 3 oure deputtis, proceid to fe perfuit ford wart to pe putting of my Lord Ruthvene and his fer- uandis and freindis on pannell to ane Aflyfe, and do juftice fairin : As 36 will anluer to ws fairvpoun ; keiping ))is for 5 oure warrand. Frome Halyruidhous, fe xxiij day of December 1580. JAMES R. Lenox, Robert Stewart. My Lord Olijihant afkit inftrumentis, that he paft fra the perfuit of my Lord Ruthvene and n manent perfonis on pannell, pro loco et tempore ; and that, in I'efpect that Maifter Robert Creychtoun, Aduocat, wald nocht vfe his informa- tioun, as he alledgeit. A ud proteftit, that quhatfumevir thing the Aduocat did, in the perfuit of thame, fould nocht prejudge nor hurt his actioime, hot qiUien tyme and place fall ferue, he may perfew the famin, according to the lawes of this realme. My Lord Ruthvene alledgeit, that he and the reft enterit on pannell, aucht nocht to be putt to the knawledge of ane Alfyfe, for bering, wering and vfing of piftolettis aganis the lait Act of Parliament libellit ; in refpect, he had ane Licence grantit to him, be oure fouerane lord, fubfcryuit with twa of the Coun- fall : Quhilk Licence he produceit, defyring the famin to be infert, quhairof the tennour followis. Licence injavor of WilUame Lord Ruthvene, lliefaurer, i§c. We, for diuerfe reflbnabill cauffis moving ws, be Jie tennour heirof, Gevis licence and power to oxire rycht traift coufing and counfeleare, Williame Lord Ruthvene, oure Thefaurair, his feruandis, pairt- takaris and defendaris, in his cumpanie, to beir, weir and vfe hagbuttis, culveringis and piftolettis, for his and fair defence, aganis his inimeis ; nochtwithftanding oure Actis, ftatutes and proclamatiounis, maid incontrar ; with })e quhilkis be ))ir prefentes we difpence : Difchaii'geing oure Juftice, his de- puttis and all vtheris judgeis within om-e realme, of ony tioibling, calling or perfewing of oure faid eoufing or his foirfaidis, ciuile or criminall, att ony day or dayes fairfore ; inhibiting J)ame fairof, and of fair offices in fat pairt, be fir prefentis. Subfcrjiiit with oure hand, att Halyruidlious, fe xxiij day of October 1580. (Sic fubfcribitur) JAMES R. Lenox, James Stewart. The perfones on panell, in refjject of the Kingis Maiefteis Precej^t, direct to the faid Juftice dejiute, wes ordanit to be putt to the knawledge of ane Aflyfe, of the perfounes following, for the flauchter of the faid vmq'" Johnne Bucliane and vtheris crymes, &c. ; exceptand the bering, wering and fchuitting of pis- tolettis, quhilk is cuttit away, be reflbun of the Licence produceit and regiftrat. Assisa. James Lord Inuermaith, Robert Mure of Cauldwall, Hew Lord Somerwall, AUane Lord Cathcart, Johnne Quhytefurd of tliat Ilk, James Erie of Glencaime, Andro Erie of Rothes, George Dmmniond of Blair, Andro Lord Stewart of A'chiltre, Gylbert Ogilvie of that Ilk, W". Cwnpighameof Caprintoune, Alex. Di-ummond of Medop, Patrik Lord Lyndefay, Alex. Maifter of Levingftoune, HaryeDrummond of Riccartonne. The famin day, the Laird of Caprintoune, being fchofin, fwoi-ne and ad- mittit vpoime the Aflyife of the perfonis aboue writtin, enterit on pannell, and 92 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1580-1. haifing removit him felf (furtli) of Court with the remanent perfonis of Aflyis, to deliberat and decyde vpoun the pointis of Dittay, quliairof thay wer accufit ; he re-enterit agane, fend be the Chancillar of AfTyle in the laid Court, and in pi'efence of the faid Juftice depute, demandit of Mr Robert Creychtoun, Aduocat, perfewar, gif he had ony vtliir prefumptioun, certaintie or taikin of the crymes lybelHt, contenit in the fummondis, quhairby the perfovmes on pannell wer accu- fit ; quha anl'uerit, that he had na tiling hot the faidis lettres, vndir oure foue- rane lordis fignet, fubfcryuit with the dark, togidder with the Kingis Maiefteis Precept, defyring him to infill in perfuit thairof ; vpoun the quhilk anluer, the faid Laird of Caprintoun aOvit inllrumentis. The Erie of Rothes, Chancillar of the faid Aflyife, re-enterit lyke wyife in the faid Court, and afivit inllrumentis, that tlie perfounes on pannell wer nocht orderit to be putt to the knawlege of ane Allyle, for bering, wering and vfing of pillolettis ; in refpect of the Kingis Licence, grantit to thame to that effect ; and proteftit, that the faid Licence fould be anfuerit (inlertit) and regiftrat in the buikis of Adiornall. Verdict. And immediatlie eftir ]'e fchefing, fwering and admitting of ]ie faidis perfounes of AfTyfe, as vfe is, the foil faidis perfounes enterit to pannell, being accufit be dittay oppiulie red in judgement, of fe crymes following ; the faidis perfonis of Affyife, being altogidder removit furth of Court, and fyne convenit and reffonit vpoune ]>e pointis of Jie faid dittay ; and being rj^elie auyfit ])airwith, re-enterit agane within Jie faid Court of Julliciarie, quiiair thay, in prefence of fe faid Juftice depute, be fair delyuerance, pronunceit and declarit be J)e mouthe and fpeiking of fe faid Andro Erie of Rothes chancillar, flFand and delyuerit the faid Williame Lord Ruthvene, and remanent perfounes noclit repledgeit, to be clangeit, innocent and acquit of ])e llauchter of vniq'" Jolnme Buchane, feruand to Laurence Lord Oliphant, committit with convocatioune of oure fouerane lordis liegis, be way of haniefuckin, vpoun ))e fyrll day of Nouemberlaflbypaft, vpoune fett purpoife, prouifioun, auld feid and foirthocht fellonie ; feing na verificatioun fcliawin to fame, nor ^it na perfoun fwerand ]ie Dittay. Upoun the produceing quhairof, the faid ^Villiame Lord Ruthvene, Thefaurare, in his awin name, and for the remanent perfonis on pannell, afl\it inllrumentis. Dec. 24. — Laurexce Lokd Oi.ipiiaxt. Willelmus Dowglas de Lochlevin, plegius devenit, ad intrandinn Laurencium Dominum Oliphant, coram Jufticiario f. d. n. regis fuifue deimtatis, tertio die proximi Itineris Jufliciarie de Perthe, vel alibi vbi et quando i)lacuerit fuo fere- nitati, fuper premonitione xv dierum ; ad lubeundmn legem, pro arte ct parte crudelis interfectioiiis quondam Alcxandri Stewart de Scliiiitingleis, prime die menfis Novembris ultimo elapfo, ex certo prepofito, prouKione et ju'ecogitata phelonia commifs. ; alijique criniinibus in liteius regiis defuiK'r direct, fpecificat. ; fecunduni formam et tenorem earundem et fub penis in Actis Parliament! con- teutis. 14Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 93 Jan. 6, 1580-1. — Frances Armestrang, fone to the Laird of Quhit- hauch, Frances Armeftrang, fone to Sym of TinuishKrne, Hob Eliot, callit III Bob of Ramfigill, Quintine Niklbun, fone to Clemmie the Crwne, Gawin Eliot, fone to Scottis Hob, Tho- mas Armeftrang, fone to Sandeis Niniane, Andro Armeftrang, fone to Thorn o/GiiigiU'is, William Eliot, fone to Jokis Willie, Hob Eliot of Braidlie, Johnne Eliot, fone to Eldar Will. Dilatit of certaue crymes of thift, fpecifeit in the Dittay to be gevin in vpoune thame. IVIr Robert Creyehtoun, adnocat, aflvit inftrumentis of the chefing, fwering and admitting of the faidis perfonis of AfTyife. The Jnftice-deiJute, ordanit the perfonis of AfTyfe, defift and ceife, frome all delyuering vpoun the pointis of dittay, red oppinlie in Court ; and ficlyke com- mandit the faidis perfonis on pannell to be committit to waird within the Caf- tell and Tolbuith of Edinburgh. [.JURISDICTION OF HIGH ADMIRAI,.] Jan. 10. — Johnne Cokburne in Leith. Dilatit of certane crymes of Pirrafis (Piracies) att lenth fpecifeit in the lettres produceit. Tlie famin day, comperit Mr Thomas Gylbert, Admerall-depute to ane nobill lord, James Erie of Mortoun, &c. Grit Admerall ; and alledgeit, that the Juftiee aucht nocht to be Judgeis to the faid Johnne Cokburne, in refpect the cryme quhair- of he is accufit is ane fefairrand' mater ; and thairfoir, defyrit the faid Johnne to be repledgeit furth of the faid Court, to the jurifdictioune, libertie and priviledge of the Admerall, as Judge compitent thairto. I\lr Robert Cre3a'htoun, advocat, comperand for the Kingis intres, alledgeit, that the faid alledgance aucht to be repellit, in refpect thair vves na Commiflioune fpeciallie to that effect ; and albeit thair wer ane Ipeciall ComniifTioune produceit, it fould nocht be obeyit, becaufe he is fjTft perfewit heir, ct locus eft lireiientioni. Forder, the defyre of the Ad- merall-depute is for hinderance of juftiee, and wes neuer in vfe to repledge ony caufe from this judgement. Interlocutor. The Judge continewis the interloquitour vpoun the alledgeances aboue writtin, to the tent day of Februare nixtocuni ; and onlanit the faid Jo]inne Cockbume to find cautioun for his entrie att tlie laid day. Tlie faid Amerall-depute proteftit, that the continewatioune of pronunceing of ' Seafaring, or maritime cause. 94 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1580-1. the interloquitoure, be nawayife prejudicial! to my Lord Admerallis jurifdic- tioiine, and afl^it inftrumentis that he diflTaffeutit to the continewatioime of the faid interloquitoure. Feb. 10. Robertus Kirkcalilie, burgen. de Edinburghe, et Willelmus Downie, alias Laird Doicnie, in Leitb, plegii deuenerunt, conjunctim et divifini, ad intrandura Joannem Cokbume in Lethe coram Jufliciario f. d. n. regis, fuifue deputatis, tertio die ])roxinii Itineris Jufticiaiie de Edinburghe, vel alibi, vbi et quando placueiit fue I'erenitati, fuper pieniouitione xv dieiimi, ad fubeundum legem, pro arte et parte diuerfoinim criminum Piracie et Spoliorum facta, fuper naues Flandriorum et Gallorum ; necnon, pro aite et parte furtive depredaeionis furreptionis, per modura lie Piracie, omnium et fingulorum bo- norum et mercium, extra nauem Flandrorum lie xocsX.Bonaventtire, pertinen. ad .loannem INlacMichaell de Larew, Lticara Kemont aliofque diuerfos locupletes mercatores in oppido Antuerpie remanen., in meufe Maij vltimo elapfi commifs. ; alijfque criniinibus, in Uteris regiis defuper direct, fpecificat. ; fecundum formam et tenorem earundem, et fub penis in Actis Pari, contentis. ^pprcssioit— Cafedtg: €^}^ii\st antJ ^lisoner, ^t, Jan. 11. — JoiixxE GoRDorx of Blalak, George Gordoun, lone to James Gordoun of Craigmylne, George Gordoun of Kandmoir, Mr Al'illiam Gordoun of Dalperfie, James Gordoun of Craigmylne, Thomas Gordoun of Dawane, Alexander Vaus of Ruthvennis, Robert Gordoun of Halheid, Andrew Tail5eour in Smiddie- hill. Dilatit of the taking of James Mortymer, aj^perand^ of Craigievar, captiue and prefoner, and detening of him within the wod of Kilblene, be the fpace of ten dayes or thairby ; commitit viJoiui xxvj day of Auguft laftbypall ; and vthiris crymes fpecifeit in the lettres jiroduceit vpouu tliaine. Prelocutouris in defence. Persewaris. Captain James Stewart, The ]Mailler of Seytoune, James Mortymer apperand of Craigivar, The Maifter of Caflillis, Mr Thomas Craig, Aduocat, Mr Robert Creychtoun, Aduocat. Mr Thomas Buchquhannan, Mr Jolmne Schairp, (The Erie of [^Sutherland]] law-borrous* fub pena ter centum mercarum.) The perlonis on pannell aftit inftruments of thair entrie, and proteftis for releif of thair cautionaris ; and that thay war reddie to byde the tryell of the law for the cryme libellit. Afkis inftrumentis, that nane perfewis bot goimg Cragyvar and the Aduocat ; and that the Lard of Cragyvar declarit, he wald perfew the Lard of Ruthvennis, and the reft of the pannells. Continued to the Juftice-air of ' Abirdene, tertio Itineris, vel fuper premoni- cione xv dierum. Plegio, Comite de Sutherland et omnes intrantes ad relevand., pro rato.' ExPENCES OF Paxxellis. The famin day, the liaill perfonnes on pannell proteftit, that na lettres be grantit in tyme cuming to the perlewar, for calling ' Heir apparent. '^ Legal pledge or security, that, in the interim, no injury should be inflicted against the other party. 14JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 95 of tliame to A'ndirly the law, for the crymes libellit, vnto the tyme he find cau- tioun for fatiffactioun of thair expenffis. Protestatioun of Assyise. The perfouis of Alfyife, chofm and admittit, leing that na nia perfounes of Aflyife could be had to pats vpoune the intrantis Aflyfe, proteftit, in caife thai wer fummond att ony tyme heireftir to pafs vpoime the Affyife of the faidis perfonis, for the cryme libellit; That thay be nocht vn- lawit, in refpect of thair obedience att the prefent ; and that thay wer hot puir men, A-nmeit to pafs vpoun Lairdis AfTyflis, and that thay wer drevin to exlior- bitant expenffis be cimiing fa far of. Jan. 17. — George Adam, malbun, lone to Alexander Adam in Gaf- toune. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the crewall flauchter of vmq" Andro Cuninghame of Forrefterhill, committit A^poun the xxiij day of December, anno 1577. And als, of the flauchter of vmq'^ Johnne Wallace, committit ^-pouu the ix day of Januar inflant. Verdict. The Aflyife pronunceit and dedarit the faid George Adam cifl- pabill, convict and fylit, of airt and pairt of the crewall flauchteris of the faidis vmq'* Andro Cuninghame and vmq'^ Johnne Wallace. Sentence. To be taikin to the Caftell-hill of Edinburghe, and thair his heid to be fl;rikin frome his bodie ; and all his movabill guidis to be efcheit and in- brocht to our fouerane lordis vfe ; and that dome was pronunceit be Andro Lyndefay, Denipftar to the Juftice. iHurber of Mixq ^tnvx} Barnltp. Jun. 3, 1581. — JoHNXE Bynning, feruaud to Mr Archibald Dowglafe, parfone of Glafgw. Dilatit of airt and ])airt of the trelfonabill paricide, murthoui-e and crewall flauchter of vmquhile Henrie, King of Scottis ; committit in the moneth of Fe- bruar, P.V.lxvj 3eiris. Persewar. Mr Robert Creychtoune of Eliok, Aduocat. The Juftice ordanit the faid Johnne Bynning to be putt to the knawledge of ane AlTyfe, for the crymes contenit in Dittay ; [by virtue of ' ane Warrand pro- duceit, fubfcryuit with (by) the Kingis Maieftie, quhilk the aduocat defyrit to be regiftrat.'] This document does not ajipear on Record. Verdict. The Afl}'fe, be thair delyuerance, pronunceit be the mouth and fpeiking of Mungo Scott, (merchand, burges of Edinbiu-ghe,) Chancillar creat of the Affyife, ffand and delyuerit the faid Johnne Bynning, fylit and conuict, of 96 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1581. the crewall, fchameful, treffonabill and abhominabill llaiichter and murthoiu* of vnnq'° Heniye, King of Scottes, fader to our Ibiierane lord, in his awin hxdgeing, for the tyme, within the burgh of Edinburghe, befyde the Kirk of Feild, quhair he was lyand, in his naikit bed, takand the nychtis reft ; treffonablie railFand fyre within the laniin, with ane grit quantitie of powlder, throuch force of the quhilk the faid haill kidgeing wes raiffit and blawin in the air, and his Grace wes maift awfullie and trefTonablie flane, murdreift and diftroyit : And als, ffand and de- lyiiei'it the laid Johnne, giltie, of airt and pairt of the crewal llauchter and mui*- thoure of vmq'" Williame Tal3eour, and vniq''^ Andro M'Caig, treironablie thruch raifing of the faid fyre, committit in cumpanie with James, fumtyme Erie of Boithvell, and diuerfe vthiris declarit traittouris, in the nioneth of Februar 1566; and of the treflonabill counfeling and hyding of the faidis horribill crjanes, com- mittit be the laid Johnnis afliftance, at the tyme and place foirfaid. Sentence. For the quhilk cauffis, the Juftice, be the mouth of Andro Lyndefay, dempftar, ordanit the faid Johnne Bynning to (be) tane to the croce of Edinburghe, and thair hangit vjioun ane geibet, and thaireftir demanit lyke ane traittoure. Jun. 7. — Archibald Ekle of Angus. Johnne Cwninghame of Boningtoune, oft tymes callit to half enterit, Arch- bald Erie of Angus, Lord Dowglas and Abernethie, &c., before oure fouerane lordis Juftice, or his Deputtis, the faidis day and i)lace, in the hours of caus, to have vndirlyne the~laM% for the trelTonabill dilbbedience of the command of our fouerane lordis vtlieris lettres ; in nocht entering of his jierfoune in waird, be3ond the watter of Spay, within fex dayes efter he wes chairgeit thairto ; and on na- wyife to cum be-fouth the faid Avatter, quhill he wer fred be oure fouerane lord ; and that he fould fend ane procuratorie fufficientlie authorifit, obleilFand him to fulfill the pi-emiftis : Quhilk chairge wes gevin him, vpoun the xviij day of March, 1580 3eiris, be Johnne Broun, mef linger, vndir the pane of treftoime ; and on nawayis obeyit be him, nathir within the faidis lex dayes, nor 3it att na tyme fenfyne ; incurrand thairby the panis of Trellbun, viz. tinfull of lyfe, landis and guidis, and be extinctioun of his tytillis, fame, honoure and memorie for evir. And ficlyke, of his difobedience of the command of our fouerane lordis vthiris lettres ; be the quhilkis he wes chairgeit, be Johnne Calder, Buit Purfe- vant and Iheref in that pairt, within conftitute, vpoune the xxix day of March laftbypaft, in oure fouerane lordis name and authoritie, as kepar, detener and withhauldcr of the Caftell and fortalice of Thoniptalloune, to rander and delyuer the famiu to the faid Johnne Calder and Sheref in that pairt, executoure of tlie U Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 97 faidis lettres, to be kepit be him, in our fouerane lordis name, during his hienes will, within xlviij houris eftir the faid chairge, vnder the pane of trefToune ; with certificatioune to him, and he fail3eit, he fuld be repute, hauldin, eftemit and periewit and demanit as ane traittour ; and nochttheles, he on na wyife obeyit the lamin chairge, nathir within the tyme foix'faid appointit thairto, na- thir 3itt att na tyme fenfyne ; nochtwithftanding the faid Caftell and fortalice wes lauchfullie requyrit, be the executour foirfaid of the faidis letteris, eftir the outrinning of the Ipace contenit in the famin. And rychtfwa, for his tref- fonabill difobedience of the command of oure fouerane lordis vthir letteris, in noclit randering and delyuering of the Caftell and fortalice of Dowglas to Johnne Adie, meffinger, within xlviij houris nixt eftir he wes chairgeit thairto ; quhilk chairge wes gevin be the faid meffinger, vpoim the penult day of March laft- was, in anno 1.581 ; and fwa, nocht obeying of the faid chairge, nathir within the fpace appointit thairto, nor 3it att na tyme fenfyne. And vtheris crymes contenit in the letteris direct thairvpoun, eftir the forme and tennour of the famin, and vnder tlie panis contenit in the Actis of Parliament. And the faid Archbald Erie of Angus nocht comperand, to the effect foirfaid, the faid Johnne Cwninghame of Boningtoun, his cautioner, wes vnlawit, for his non entrie to A-ndirly the law for the faidis crymis, the faidis day and place, in the panis contenit in the Actis of Parliament, viz. in the pane of ane hundreth poundis. And ficlyke, the faid Archbald Erie of Angus, Lord Dowglafe, &c., ^\'es adjudgeit in the famin Court, to be denunceit our fouerane lordis rebell, and putt to his hienes borne ; and all his movabill guidis ordauit to be efcheit and inbrocht to his Maiefteis \'fe, as fugitive fra his hienes lawes, for the laidis crymes. H^igi) Creasoii. Jun. 1.3. — George Doavglas of Parkheid. Johnne Charterhous of Aiiniffeikl, for non appearance of George Dowglas of Parkheid, is \'nla\Ait in the pane of ane hundreth j'oundis, ' to haif vndirlyne the law, for the trellbnabill dilbbedience of the command and chairge of our fouerane lordis lettres, in nocht randering and delyuering of the Caftell toui'e and fortalice of Torthorrell, to Roljert Maxwell, meffinger, flieref in that pairt,' &c. Dowglas adjudged to be denounced rebell, &c. ^lanal)tfr, Dec. 9- — Johnne Stkiuei.ing of Glorat, Johnne Striueling, 3ounger of Craigbernat, Walter Striueling of Ballagane, Louke Striueling VOL. I. N . 98 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1581. of Baldorane, Alex. Abirnethie iu Strablane, and Jolinne Stri- iieling, fervitoiir to Glorat. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the crewall flaiichter of vmq'" Malcum Kincaid, fone to [James] Kincaid of that Ilk ; committit in Junij laftbypaft. Preloquutouris in defence. Persewaris. Preloquutouris. Mr Dauiil M^Gill, aduocate, Charles Kincaid, eldeft fone to the defunct, The Laird of Cauld- The Laird of Keir, James Kincaid, eldar of that Ilk, fader, well, The Laird of Blaquliannan,' James Kincaid, 5 oiinger of tliat Ilk, The Laird of Bla- The Laird of Merkinftoune, eldar, Thomas Kincaid, broder, neme. The Laird of Knokdoliaii, George Kincaid, broder, The Laird of Lug- Mr Thomas Bucliquhannan. Mr Robert Creychtoune, aduocat. toune. The quliilk day, comperit James Stewart of Cardonall, and produceit ane Precept, fubfcrynit be the Kingis INIaieftie, and twa of the lordis of Secreit Counfall, direct to the Juftice, Juftice Clark and thair deputtis ; commanding, that this criminall caife fonld be continewit to the tent day of Januar ; quliilk wes obeyit, and cautioiin ordanit to be found be the defendaris, for thair entrie the faid day, in the Tolbuith of Edinburgh, to vndirly the law for the cryrnes lybellit. (Jan. 10, 1581-2.) — Preloquutouris iu defence. Sir James Hammiltoune, The Laird of Reftalrig, The Maifter of Serapill, The Lard of Elphinftoun, Mr Dauid M'Gill, Mr Thomas Buchquhannan. Tlie pannell afkit inftrumentis, that 30ung Kincaid, being requyrit, gif he wald perfew thame of thair lyfis ; anfueris, that he wald. Mathew Stewart of Mynto, bailie depute of Efme Duke of Leuuenox Earl of Darnelie Torboltoune Dalkeyth and Oben3ie, &c. replegiated the pannell to the Regality of Lennox, and affigned the 24th day of March following, for adminif- tration of Juftice. [3Ir Henry MacCnhane, Justice-Depute.'] ^laufiijter nrar t\)t iititti's person — S^tuistiiftion of iWaaistratts of Oinbtirsf), itoiU ?l?ijji) Constable, ^c. Dec. 15. — William Bikaktouxe of Caleb. Dilatit of bering, wering and Icliuitting of piftolettis, within thre quarteris of ane myle to the Kingis perfoune, (incontrar the tennoure of the Actis of Parlia- ment and Secreit Counfall ;) and fchuiting of George Auchinlek (of Balmanno) throuch the bodie ; committit vpoun the xij day of December inftant, vpoune fett purpois, prouifioun, auld feid and foirthocht fellonie. ^ Bucliquhannane, (Buchanan.) 15JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 99 pRELOUuuTouRis for the pannell. Persewaris. Mr Alexander Sym, Mr Henry Balfoure, Archibald Aucbinlek of Cumledge, The Laiid of Durie, 50unger, The Laird of Abbotiihall, (broder,) The Laird of Corlloun, 30unger. Mr Robert Creychtoune, aduocat. The Juftice, with auife of his AfleflTouris, \'poun the alledgeances and anfiieris, alfwele proponit yifterday as this day, hiiic hide, that the deid contenit in Dit- tay, fovild be remittit to the knawledge of an AfTyfe ; and quhatfumevir thing contenit in Dittayy/zyj^/'^j^rtr/wyw/v*, with the dome, fould be referuit to the Judge, to be jji-onunceit accoirding to the lawes of this reahne. The faid mater, for laik of AlFyiburis, continewit to quhatfumevir day it plefit the perfewar to fummond an Affife thairto. Dec. 16. — Comperit Mr Alexander Clerk, Prouest of Ediis'BURGH, togidder with Mr Alexander King, aduocat, and declarit that W". Bikartoune had committit the crymes aboue writtin, and committit to thair waird ; and in refpect thay ar Shereffis within tliaim ielffis, proteflit, that the Juftice Court and thair proceding vpoune him fould be nawife preiudiciall. The (Lord High) Coxstabill proteftit in lyke maner, that in refpect the famin was com- mittit within the Kingis, &c. William Bikartoune remittis him felf in the Kingis will for the fchot, quhilk wes done on fuddantie ; conforme to the lawis of this realme ; and denyis foir- tliocht fellonie. The aduocat alledgeit the mater wes done vpoun auld feid and foirthocht fel- lonie, in refpect of the deidlie feid ftandand vnreconfilit betuix George Auchin- lek and William Bikartoune, for the hurting of Archibauld B. his broder, in Sep- tember laftbypaft ; as the Dittay beris. [3/;- Johne Grahamc, Justice-Depute.'] Dec. 18. — Maifter Robert Creychtoune afkit inftrumentis of produc- tioun of ane new Warrand, direct fra the Kingis Maieftie, fubfcryuit be him felf and twa of his hienes counfall, connnanding the Juftice and his deputtis, to putt the faid William to the knawledge of ane AflTyfe. Verdict. The Affyfe, be thair del3'uerance, pronunceit be the mouth and fpekeing of Hew Montgumrie of HelRlheid, chancillar, fland and deljiierit the faid William Bikartoune of Cafche, to be culpabill, tylit and convict of the be- ring and Avering of piftolettis, and of fchuting of George Auchinlek of Balmanno throuch the bodie to the grit effufioune of his bluid, connnittit vpoune the xij day of December inftant ; and ffand him acquit of the doing of the lame, vpoun auld feid, fett purpois, prouifioune, be way of vmbefetting of the hie gait, foir- thocht fellonie, and within thre quarteris of ane myle to the Kingis Maiefteis 100 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1581-2. perfoune ; in rofpect, it wes notour to tliaiue, that the Kingis Maieftie wes furth att tlie huiitiiifj^, farder nor thre quarteris of ane myle quhair the deid wes com- mittit, the tyme of the comniitting thairof. ' Convict, et Wardat. in Pretorio de Edinhurglie.' 33eaiiirs, iMfni-incj, atxis ofjootiiifj UjitI) ^^)istolets. Jan. 8, 1581-2. — Alexander Bai.manno of that Ilk, Petir Bahnanno . . his ll'ruand, Henrye Boiiar in Luniqnliattif-niylne, Archibald Bikartoun, ])r()der to the Laird of (,'aleh. Dilatit of beiring and weiring of pillolettis, and Ichuitting thairwith at George Aiichinlek (of Bahnanno), hurting and wonding of him throw the bodie; comniittit iipoun the xij day of December laftbypaft, v2)oun fet purpois, proui- fioun, auld feid and foirthocht fellonye. Prelouuitouius for tlie i)anuL'll. Persewaris. The Laird of Elpliiiigftoune, The Laird of Colairnie, George Auchiiilek of Baluiaano, Th(( Laird of Tarbat, Tlie Laird of Al>l)olilliall, Mr Robert Creychtoune, aduocat. Mr Alexander Syni, Mr Williame Olipbant. PRr.LOauiTouu. Archibald Auchinlek, brothir. Verdict. Tlie Adyfe, be the mouth of "\^'illiame Bromie, burges of Edin- burgh, fhancellare, fland and delyuerit the I'aidis intrantis, culpabill, fylit and convict of vmbeletting of the hie gait and paffage to George Auchinlek of Bal- manno, at the J'tinkand ftyle of the burghe of Edinburgh,' the xij day of Decem- ber laftwas, and thair inuaiding of him for his flauchter, and Ichutting of him with bcndit pillolettis, Ik- thame lelfis, at the leid of thair cawfuig, art, pairt- taking, connnand, ;iflillance and ratihabitioune, niaill IMiainefuilie and crewallie throw the bodie, to the effufioune of his blude, in grit quantitie, in extreme danger of his lyff, and left him lyand for deid, &c. The .Tu(lice-dej)ute afkit inftrumentis, that the Proved of Edinburgh hes rel- lauit the pamiell of his handis. Mar. 2. — Dauid Dundas of Preiftinch. Dilatit of the crjnne of Iiu-efl ; connuittit with .Teane Ilammiltoune Countas of Eglingtoune, in the moiiethis of Marche, Apryle, Juuij, Julij, Augull, Sep- tember, October, Nouember, December, Januare and Februare I^.V'.lxxij and Ixxiij 3eiris, and continualie fenfyne. Continued to the Juftice-aire of ' Liulythqw, tertio Itineris, vel premonitione XV dierum.' Plegio, Jacobo Campbell de Ardkinles, et ipfe ad relevand. ' .\ passacre or close, nearly opposite to Iladdo's Hold, or llie New North Church, and near tlie Tolbootii, wiierc the Privy Cotmcil usually sat. 15JAC. 6. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 101 Jun. 14, 1582. — Wii.liame Gilmour, lone to Richard Gilmoiir in Bone- toune Pulquhene. Dilaitit of the vfing of Wichecraft, Sorcerie and Incantatioune, in the monethis of October and A^ovember laftbjqjaft. Continued to tlie Juftice-aire of ' Air, tertio Itineris, vel fuper premonitione XV dierum. Plegio, Allane Cathcart de Carbifloune, fub duplo penarum in Actis Pari, contentis,' &c. itincj's aiJbocate. Jun. 14. — Comperit the faniiii da}', Mr Dauid IVFGill, Aduocate, and produceit ane precept of the Kingis Maiefteis, fubfcryuit be his hienes, the Duke, the Erie of Arrane, defyrand him to fupi^lie the feiknes of Mr Robert Creychtoun, Aduocate, during the tjane he may noclit travell in his defenfe, re» quiring the famin to be regiftrat, quhairoff the tennom- foUowis : Mr Dacid M'Gill of Loclicoit, Aduocate, We gi'it 50W wele. Forfamekle as, We wnderftand- ing, that our belont Mr Robert Creychtouu of Eliok, our Aduocate, is trublit with infiimitie and euill at eis, quhairby he may nocht iufilt in perfute or defenfe, in fie cauffis as concemis ws : And feing, that we haif alredy employit 30W in his abfence, and that :;e haif done our command and directioune, quhairin we ar fatilYeit : Thairfoir it is our will, and we of new command 50W, that 5;e fupplie the place of our faid Aduocate, in his abfence, in quiiatfumeuir cans concerning ws, befoir quhatfumeuir Juge, within this realme ; with fiUl power to 50W to compeir for our intres, perfew and defend quhat- fumeuir day and place neidfull, as 5;e haif done at our command in tyme bigane, vpoun the pane of 3 our obedience. Subfcriuit with our hand, Att Dalkeyth, Jie xij day (of) Junij 1582. (Sic Subfcribitur) James R. Lenox. Arrane. aui3tice--Bcjpute. Jun. 14. — The fame day Mr WiLLiAME Oliphant, Aduocate, adraittit Juftice-depute to my Lord Juftice-Generale, be his lettre direct to that effect ; and tliairfoir fworne to feme lelelie and treulie in the faid office, dui'ing his fer- uice thairin, quliill he be difcliargeit. Crtason— iHurUci* of it^tnrg Carnlti), liintj: of ^tots, anU lU^tnt iHurray, ^t, AssESsoiRis TO THE Justice. Adame Bifchope of Orknay,' Robert Commendatour of Dunfermling,' Mark Commendatour of Newbottill," Mr Johnne Lindefay, parfoun of Menmuir.* Jun. 16. — George Hwme of Spot t. Dilaitit of diuerfe treflbnable crymes, viz. of airt and pairt of the treironabill ' Adam Bothwell, an ordinary Lord of Session. ^ Robert Pitcaim, Archdeacon of St Andrews, and Secretary of State to King James VI. He was also at this time one of the ordinary Lords of Session. ^ Mark Ker, one of the extraordinary Lords of Session, &c. ' An ordinary Lord of Session. 102 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1582. and crwell murthour of vmq'* Haiy King of Scottis, fathir to our fouerane loird, committit in Februar Ixvj (1566). At the leift, of the ti-effonabill hyding and conceling of the fainin, lie haveing foirknawlege thairof, and knawing perfytlie, that Ml- Archebauld Dowglas and vniq''' Johnne Bynniiig his leruand, war ac- tuallie at the committing of the fame. And for the (lauchter of vmq'" Erie of Murray, Regent ; and vtheris crymes contenit in the letteris. Persewar, Mr Dauid M'Gill as Aduocate to our fouerane lord. Compeirit Richart Cafe and Jafpart Hwme, as procui'atouris for Alex. Hwme of Manderftoune, as informer of the faidis crymes lybellit aganis the Laird of Spott ; and defyrit to be admittit procuratoris, conforme to thair Procuratory, produceit thairin. Compeirit lykewayis James Cuninghame, procuratour for Dame Annas Keyth Countes of Murray, and Elizabet Stewart hir dochter,' be thair lettres of Pro- curatorie Ipeciallie conltitut ; and produceit the faid Procuratorie, and defyrit to be admittit for his inti'es. The Laird of Spott, in refpect Richart Cafe complenis as procuratour for Alex. Hwme of Manderftoune, informant, in this cans, deiyres, that lykeM'ayife he may half preloquitouris admittit for his pairt. DiTTAY (Kjainft the pannel. George Hwme of Spott, dilaitit and runimond be vertew of our fouerane loirdis lettres, purchefi. be Mr Robert Creyclitoun of Eliok, his bienes aduocate, to fis daj' and place, for airt and pairt, red and counfale, of )ie crevvall, fchaniefuU and abhominabill iMiirthour and flaucbter of vinq'" our fouerane loirdis darrelt father, Henry King of Scottis, committit in the nionetli of Februare, the 3eir of God I"".V'. threfcoir fex 3eiri9, within his awin lugeing, befyde ])e Kirk of Feild, ?nder filence and cloude of nycht, be treffonabill rafing of fyre within the faid lugeing, with ane grit qnantitie of powl- der ; throw force of the quhilk powlder, fe haill lugeing wes railit and blawin in the air, and his Ma- ieftie maifl trelfonablie and awfully murdreift, (lane, and deftroyit : At the leift, treliiinablie hid and concelit the faid horrible and treffonabill cry me, he haifand foirknawledge ))airof, and knawand perfyt- lie that Mr Archebauld Dowglas, fumtyme parfoun of Glafgw, and vniq'' Johnne Bynning his fer- ' This, at first sight, would appear to be a mistake, especially when contrasted with the mention afterwards made of these noble ladies, in anotlier part of the trial. ' Dame Annas Kei/tli, Countas of Murray^ was the eldest daughter of William, fourth Earl Marischal, and is elsewheie named Lady Agnes, and Lady Anne (Annie) Keith; and was the second wife and relict of Reuent INIurray, to whom she was married in February 1561. She was aftenvards married to Colin sixth Earl of Argyle, to whom she bore two sons, Archibald the seventh Eail, and Sir Colin Campbell of Lundie. By her marriage with Regent Murray she had two daughters, Ladies Elizabeth and Margaret Stewart. — Dame Elizabeth was married to James Stewart, son of James Lord Doune, who having, in 1580, got a gift from King James V[. of the Ward and Marriage of the two daughters of the Itegeiit Murray, a few days afterwards wedded the eldest daugliter, Dame lUizaJieth Stewart, and immediately as- sumed the U\V' n{ Earl oj Murray. Lady Margaret was married to Francis, ninth Earl of Errol, and died without issue. In order to distinguish the mother and daughter, the former was usually styled Ce faid odious and crewall Murthour; and nochttheles, keipit the famin fecreit to him felf, neuir reveling the famin to the hier poweris, pat fai wer the conimittaris fairof, quhairby thay micht haif bene puneift fairfoir. And fiklyke, for airt and pairt of the treffona- bill and horribill Murthour of vmq'^ James Erle of Murray, loird Abernethy, &c. Regent to our fouerane loird, and of his hienes realme and liegis for the tyme, committit actuallie be James Ham- iniltoune, callit of Bothwellhauch and Johnne Hammiltoune, Proweft of Bothwell, his brother, with- in the burcht of Linlytliqw, vpoune the xxiij day of Januar, the 5eir of God I^.VMxix 5eiris; and that of his cawling, couuf'aie, command, affiflance and ratihabitioune ; treflbnablie refetting, fupple- iug and menteining the faidis James and Johnne Hammiltounes, actuall committaris, immediatlie af- ter the faid Murthour, with the hot bludye hand, within his awin dwelling place of Neidpeth-heid, quhair he duelt for the tyme ; thay being fugiliues Jiairfoir, and takand the horribill cryme vpoune tfaame ; trefTonablie conceland and hydand the Murthour and Murthouraris, he being baith of the foir- knawlege Jiairof, as alfwa, treflbnablie hurding and keiping of the faidis murtheraris within his faid place, at the tyme foirfaid, and be the fpace of lindrie dayes thaireftir ; nochtwithftanding he perfytlie knew, that grit diligence wes tane in ferdieing and feiking of the faidis murtheraris, to haif takin and apprehendit thanie for exetutioun of juftice. And lykewayis, for the treflbnabill Refetting, affifting, fuppleing and helping the faid Mr Archebauld Dowglas, fumtyme Parfoun of Glafgw, in the place of Spot, quhair he duelt for )ie tyme ; and that in the moneth of ^larche I™.V^ fourfcoir ^eiris, eftir pat the faid Mr Archebauld was delaitit for the trelibnabill and vnnaturale Murthour of vmq''^our daiTert loirdis father, Henry King of Scottis, of gude memory, and fugitiue for the famin, acceptand thairby the crynie i-poune him : Lykeas, the faid George trefTonablie fupportet and conuoyit the faid Mr Archebauld, be him felf and vtheris in his name, of his cawfing, command, affiflance and ratihabitioune, furth of pis realme, at pat tyme, to the pairtis ot Ingland, for fauftie of his lyff, that he fuld nawayife be apprehendit, prefentit to our fouerane loirdis lawis, nor puneift for the faid horribill cryme ; and nocht fatiat pairwith, treffonablie wiait directit meflageis to pe faid Mr Archebauld, into the pairtis of Ing- land quhairunto he fled for the caufe foirfaid ; and treflbnablie practizit with him, be him felf and vtheris mediate perfonis, of his fending, fen his pafliing in Ingland, at diuerfe tymes, in preiudice of our fouerane loird, his hienes realme and liegis ; and fwa hydeing and couering of the faid ^lurthour, that the committaris tliairof fuld nather be knawin nor puneill for the famin : And alfwa, for art and pairt of the treflbnabill accepting to tak and put violent handis on our Ibuerane loirdis perfoune, and flndrie of his hienes nobilitie and fecreit counfale, at diuerfe tymes, in the moneth of December and Januare in the qeir of God I'".V''.lxxx 5eiris, and that within the burcht of Edinburghe, and Palice of Hallrudhous ; and treflbnablie hid and concelit the faidis attemptatis, he being of the foirknawlce pairof, and maid priuie pairof, be Archebauld fumtyme Erie of Angus, and vtheris of that confpiracie; and treflx)nabill gevin counfale to pe faid Erie aname felfis or tbe nature of |)air fuetis, and without refpect of tyme, place or vthir circum- ftancis, to \X'^^ and preife bis Maieftie to fubfcrybe fignatouris, preceptis, chargeis and miftivis to the Loirdis of Seftioune and vtheris inferiouris Jugeis, for ftaying or furtliering of proces, in matteris of juftice, and findrie vtber extraordinare writtis ; vttirlie perverting the ordour appointit be the faidis Actis ; quhilkis onlanis thingis to be awyfit, and paft firft in Secreit Counfale, befoir liis hicnes fubfcribe faim; Quhair be pe coiitrair, bis hienes fubfcriptioune is commounlic firft procurit, be- VOL. I. O 106 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1582. foir tlio lettres be red, liard or confidderit in Counfale ; quhairtlirow fmdrie inconvenientis occuris. For remeid of the quliilkis, in tyme cuming, it is tliocht expedient, ftatute and ordanit, that nane prefume or tak vpoune liand, to prefent to Iiis jNIaieftie, ony fignatour, precept, charge or iniffiue to the Loirdis of Seffioune, or ony inferiour Jugeis, for (laying or furthering of proces, in materis of juftice, or vther extraordinar writtis, or to preife to urge him with tlie fubfcryning Jiairof, ex- cept his hienes ordinar officeris of the eftait, in tliingis properly belanging to Jiair officeis, accord- ing to Tjie faidis Actis ; without ])e famin be firft, red, hard and allowit be ane ordinar number of his hienes Counfale fittand, and fubferyuit with twa of fair handis. That nane of the lettres firft fubfcryuit be his hienes Maieflie, befoir the allowance fairof in Counfale, or althocht Jiai be fub- feryuit be ony vther twa of the Counfale out of Counfale fittand, it falbe ony fufficient Wairand to |ie keipares of the fignet, privie or grit feallis, or the clerk of the Counfale ; nor 5it fall it be ony caus of offence or perrell to diffobey the fame, quliaireuir thay fal happen to be vfeit or prefentit, without the Dulkis Grace half confiderit and fubfcryuit fe famin, for awoyding and cfchewing of ])e foirfaidis inconvenientis, abufe and coufufioune, in tyme cuming: And quha euir offendis in the premiffis, being the Kingis domeftike ferwandis, fall vpoune tryell that ])ai ar gyltie, be caflit, and put furth of ])air feruice in the faid houfe : And being ony vtheris perfonis, falbe rigoruilie punifcheit at the fycht of his hienes, and his faid Priuie Counfale. ExTRACTUM de lihro actommfecreti confilijf.d. n, regis, per me Joannem Andro, clericum depii- tatum ejufdem, fuh meisjigno ef Jubfcriptione manualibus. (Sic fubfcribitnr) Joannes Andro. The Aduocate, being inquyrit, gif he wald infill iu perfute of the faid George Hwme of Spot, for the treffoiiabill cryme aboue writtin, and vtheris lybellit ; declairit, that he will infill and j)erfew, dilTafenting fra all continewatioiin in the faid mater ; and requyrit the faid James Cuninghame compeirand for the Coun- tas of Argyll and Countas of IMurray, togidder with the faidis Richart Cafe and Jefpart Hwme, compeirand as procuratoiiris for Alex. Hwme of Manderftoune, informer, to infift and concure Avith him in the faid perfute. Quhairvpoune. he afkit inllrumentis. The Justice, being awyfit with the faidis Adame Bifchope of Orknay, Ro- bert Commendater of Dunfermling, and Mr Johnne Lindefay parlbun of Men- mAvre, his Affefouris foirfaidis, ffand be Interloquitom*, that jjroces fuld be de- duceit in the faid actioun this day, conforme to the lawis of this realme. Qnhair- vpoiine, the faid Laird of Spot aflcit inftrnmentis. James Cuninghame protellis, that the Procuratorie and heidis produceit be him in writ, be keipt, in proces, in caice this mater pafle to ane Allyife, and the laid Laird of Spott be acquit of airt and jjairt of the trefibnabill Murthoure and fiauchter of A'mq'" James Erie of Murray, Regent to our fouerane loird, and of his hienes realme and liegis, and conceling of the famin, as the Dittay beris, for Wilfull Errour, &c. The faid Ridiart Kafe afkis inllrumentis, that he requyrit this mater to be continewit ; in refpect, the Kingis Aduocate is feik, to quhome his maifter, infor- mer in this caus, gaif his informatioune. 15JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 107 The faid Mr Daiiid M'^Gill, 3it as ofbefoir, a(kis iiiftruinentis, that he prefent- lie defyris the faid James Cuiiinghame, Richart Kafe and Jefpart Hwme, pro- ciiratouris and the informaris foirfaidis, feeing that juftice aught to be mini- ftrat on ther treflTonabill crymes, but delay, to reniane and affift him as informa- ris, to gif him informatioune. — To the quhilkis anfuerit the faid James Cuning- hame, that he coinpeiris onlie as procuratoiir for the twa CountafTis foirfaidis. And the faidis Richart Kafe and Jefpart Hwme anfuerit, that thay will infill in the faid jierfute, in name and behalf of the informar, fwa that the famiii be nocht prejudiciall to the cans. The faid Mr Dauid M'^Gill, aduocat, defyiis the roll of Aflyfe, fubfcryiiit onlie be Mr Robert Creychtoune, Aduocate to our fouerane loird, to be firft callit. — Quhairvnto anfuerit the faid Laird of Spott, that thair is ane roll of Affyife of the maift famous perfonis of the countrie, and leill fufpect, fubfcryuit be Wil- liame Erie of Gowi-ie Loird Ruthuen, thefaurer to our fouerane loird, the Juf- tice Clerk, and the faid Mr Robert Creychtoune, aduocate ; conforme to the Kingis Maiefteis Warrand direct thairvpoune ; quhilk roll aucht to be reffaueit and firft callit : And proteftit, that the tothir roll be nawyile reffauit ; in reipect, the famin is gevin vj) be the informer. The Justice, with awyfe of the Loirdis Affefouris foirfaidis, Ordanis be In- terloquitour, that ane of ather of the faidis twa roUis be red and callit, and fwa furth ordourlie, ane for ane vther. ASSISA. Johiie Eil5are of • • • , James Hoppringill of Wod, Henry Heplrarne of Fortounc. Niniane Spottifwod of that Ilk, Alexander Daunialioy of that Ilk, Thomas Fawfyde of that Ilk, Henry Haliburtoune of Mertoune, Johnne Edmeftoun of tliat Ilk, Patrik Congeltoune of that Ilk, Thomas Cranftoune of Moreftoune, Alexander Cokburue of that Ilk, Robert Hwme of the Hauch, Alexander Wardlaw of Cunihill, Johnne Cokbume of Onneltoune, William Wauchope of Nwdry. The faid James Cuninghame proteftis, that quhatfumeuir thing the faidis perfonis of Alfyis dois this day, in this mater, that the famin be nawayife pre- judiciall to the faidis Dame Annas Keyth Countas of Argyll and Dame (Eliza- beth) Stewart Countas of Murrayis actioune ; vpoune the quhilk he requyrit ane document. Verdict of the Ajjyfe, Acquitting of Gewge Hwme of Spott. And inimediatlie after the chefing, fweiring and admitting of the faidis perfonis of Affyife, with confent of ather partie, and Aveiring of thanie in jugeraent, as vfe is ; the faid George Hwme of Spott, being accufit be vertew of the faidis lettres, of the trelTonabill cryme aboue writtin, and vtheris contenit Jiairin, fortefeit be findric takanis of Dittay gevin in thairvpoune, and the famin being denyit fnnpliciter be the faid George, and referrit to the tryell and delyuerance of the foirnemmit perfonis of Aflyfe ; thay removit furth of the faid Court, and altogidder conuenit and reffonit vpoune the poyntis of the faid lettres and dittay ; and eftir lang reflbning had be ))anie J>airvpoune, being ryplie awyiit thairvvith, and euerie poynt of tlie famin, votit, delyuerit and Acquit J)e faid George of euery poynt of the famin ; and fyne re-enterit agane in the faid 108 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1582. Court of Jufticiarie, and tbair, be fair delyuerance, pronunceit be fe mowth and fpeikmg of Johnne Cokburn of Ormeftoune, Chancellare of the faid Affyfe, ffand and delpierit the faid George Hwme of Spott, Acquit off art and pairt, red and counfale of tlie crewall, fchamefull and abominable Mnr- thour and flawcliter of rmq'^ our fouerane loirdis darreft father, Henry King of Scottis, committit in the moneth of Febniar, tlie ^eir of God I'".V'. tlirefcoir fex yeiris, within his awin lugeing befyde ))e Kirk of Feild, 8cc. &c. (as before detailed): And fforder, of art and 'pairt, rede and counfale, of the treflbnabill attempting to tak perforce, be way of deid, James fumtynie Erie of Mortoune, furth of our fouerane loirdis waird, qubairto he wes committit, for the horribill Murthour of our fouerane loirdis vmq''' darrell father ; and that, in the faid moneth of Januare, the ^eir of God I^.V"^. fouri'coir yeiris, as he was to be tranfportit furth of his Maiefteis Caftell of Edinburgh to his hienes Caflell of Dun- baitane ; tbair to be keipit, quhill he be put to the knawlege of ane Alfyife: And of the treflbnabill counfale-geving, to corrupt and feduce his keiparis, and vlheris haifing credit of his faidis wairdis and Capitanis Jiairof, to |>at effect ; and |)airby, treflbnabjie hyding and conceling fe faid confpiracie, he beand of the foirknawlege Jiairof: And auttourof art and paiit, red and counlale, of the treffonabiil attempting of the inbringing of the Inglis force, within the pairtis of Scotland ; thairby to diffolue the peax, of lang tyme keipit, betuix the realmes of Scotland and Ingland ; and be his perfuafioune, treflbnablie draw- ing and allureing grit poweris of Inglifmen, wele inarmit, to the nowraer of Ten thowfand perfonis or fairby, to the bordouris of Ingland, foiranent the bordaris of Scotland ; daylie manafl'and and boiftand weir, and to diflxjlue the publik peax foirfaid ; committit be him in fe faid moneth of Januar, the 3eir of God 1580 jeiris, quhen the faid vmq''^ James fuintyme Erie of Mortoune was in waird, for the crewall and treflbnabill Murthour of the faid vmq'" oure foueraine loirdis darreft father : And feing the firft purpois to mifgif, towardis the releif of the faid vmq'" James furth of waird, practi^it and inter- pryfit ])is purpois, thinkand Jiairby, that the faid vmq'" James fuld recouer his libertie, and efcaip tryell and pwnifihment : And rychtfwa, of the treflbnabill hydmg and conceling of the faid atteniptatis, and caus quhaiifoir Jie famin wes attemptit, and quha was coufpiratouris pairin with him, quhome be J>e famin wes attemptit ; he being of fe foirknawlege of all the crymes and treflbnablie geuing counfale to pe faid Archebauld fumtyme Erie of Angus, and vtheris of the faidis confpiraceis thairanent. \^3Ir WdUame OViphant, Jitstice-Dei;iite.~\ iTiit-iaisinff, ^c. Jun. 5, 1583. — Alexander Jar!)ene of Apilgirtli.' Dilaitit of the treironabill Birning of the Place of Litillgill. The Jiiftice, continewis the mater aboue writtin ; in relpect of the allegeancis proponit agaiiiis the name of Hammiltoune and Bailleis, and deidlie feid, vpoune the commoiine caus ; as alfwa, vpoune the faid Alexanderis peiris : And ordanit thame to be committit in waird, within the Caftell of Edinburgh. [M>- Johnne Grahnme, Justice-Depute.'] 23rrnlun(j: a^llarU out of (Castle of (Jrliinlmrg]^. Aug. 5. — Johnne Stewart, watclnnan in the Caftell of Edinburghe. Dilaitit of the breking of the Kingis AVaird of the Caftell of Edinburglie, and convoying of the Laird of Apilgirth and Williame Tailsefeir his ferwand furth thairof. ' See Nov. 27, 1584. 16Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 109 The Juftic^ ordanis Johnne Stewart to be committit in waird, quhill the Ad- iiocate be prefent for his perfute. dTire-raidns— 33uinin0 corn, ^f. Aug. 5. — Johnne Lindesay of Covingtoune, Mr James Lindefay and Robert Lindefay, his fonis. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the treffonable rafnig of fyre and birning of fyve ftakis of beir, quheit and aittis, perteining to Mr Johnne Scharp, Aduocate. Tlie Conftable of the Caftell of Edinburghe alkit inftrumentis of the entrie of the Laird of Covingtoune and his Ibnis on pannell, conforme to ane Warrand direct to that effect. Compeirit Mr Johnne Frude, and produceit ane fubftitu- tion, maid be Mr Dauid MacGill, Aduocate, niakand and fubftitutand hiin in his place, to perfew the Laird of Covingtoune and his Ibuis, for the crymes thairin contenit ; and defyrit thame to be infert in proces. The Dittay, which is inferted at length, charges the pannell, ' for the maift treffonable, awfull and horribill rafmg of fyre, within the barne-3aird of Horf- toiuie, and coirnis Handing llakkit within the lamiu, pertening to Mr Joliime Scharp, Aduocate ; quhairby, be ane grit quantitie of powder and vtheris necel- laris vfit be 30W, at the leift of 30ur cawling, airt, pairt-taking, refetting, con- celing and command, 3e maift treftbnablie and awfullie brint and deftroyit to him, within pe lamiu barne-5aird, lyand within the Sherefdome of Edinburgh, fyve ftakkis of corne or Jjairby, conteniug ])e C[uantitie of foure chalder of vic- tuall or })airby, of quheit, beir and aittis. — This 3e did, vpoune pe xx or xxj dayis of March laftbypaft, vnder fcilence of nycht,' &c. The Juftice, continewis the mater to the morne, be Interloquutour, in the lame force and effect as it now ftandis ; and Ordanis the Laird of Covingtoune to be committit agane to waird, within the Caftell of Edinburghe. Aug. 6. — The laid Laird of Covingtoune, willing that his innocencie be tryit, of the faid cryme, conforme to the lawis of this realme ; declarit, that he is now twyis preientit in this jugement, to that effect ; lykeas, he offerris him felf pre- lentlie reddie to abyde tryell thairin, be the knawlege of ane Aflyfe, &c. Interlocutor. Tlie Juftice, being ryplie awyfit with the premifTes, haifing confideratioune of the wechtiiies of the cryme, being ane mater of Treffotm ; ffindis be Interloquutour, tliat he can nocht gudlie proceid at this prefent, in tlie faid niatcr ; i'|)eiiaHe, in rel'pect of the ablence of Mr Dauid MacGill, Aduocate piincipidl ; and that llie Jullice is noclit in vii; to reflaue ane fubllitute, to per- few ony crymes of I'rertijune, fie as birning of coirnis ; quiiilk, for the Weill of the countrie, requyris fufficient tryell. Sccutidlie, becaus the faid fiibditnte decLirit, that he had reffi.UHit na inllructioun, informatiouii or taikin of Dittay, fra onr fonerane loirdis Aduocate, nor fra the puirtie offendit ; hot onlie ane fiinpill Dittay but' taikinni,s, as fend fra the aduocate, ddyuerit to him be Williaine Somer- ' Without proofs or evidence in bupport cf the averments ihtrcin contained. 110 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1583-4. well, neir kinnifman to fe faid Laiid of Covingtoune. T/iridlie, in refpect of the faidis lettres of Al- fyfe wer raifit be Jie faid Willianie Somervvell, as wes notoure ; and that fe officer executour of the faniin confeffit in jugenient, that ]>e faid Willianie Somervvell gaif vp to him the names of Aflyfe, with the lettres ; quhilliis wer fummond be his directioun and at his defyre. Ferdlie, feing it is manifeft, that inquifitioune wes takin in this mater, at command of the Kingis Maieflie, be certane of the Loirdis of his hienes Priuie Counfale, quliilkis now, be reflbun of pe aduocattis abfence, is fupprefiit and nocht produceit. Fijiftlie, becaus tlie fpeciall pairtie and intereft awner of Jie faidis coimis, mentionat in the faidis lettres and dittay, being ordanit be vertew fairof to be fummond, wes nocht lawfullie warnit for his intres ; in refpect he wes nocht wamit quhill' 3efterday, eftir fe fenfing of the Court, and the hour of caus neirly bypaft ; f e faid day being aflignit as peremptour, to pis perfuit. And finallie, con- liddering Jiat Mr James Lindefay and Robert Lindefay, funis to fe Laird of Covingtoune, prefentit pame felfis yeflerday in jugement defyring fame to be put to ])e knawlege of aiie Affyfe for pe faid cryrae, thay neuir being atteichit, conuenit nor eomniittit to waird ; quhik appiris ane grit noueltie, far by= pe accuftumit ordour of this Court : and for diuerfe vtheris reflbnable caufiis and confiddera- tionis moveing him ; fpecialie, becaus our faid fouerane loirdis Precept commandit him to do juftice in fe faid mater, as occafioun fuld ferae : Thairfoir continewit pe faid mater, quliill he war awyfit be the Kingis Maieflie and his hienes Secreit Counfall pairanent ; And ordanit pe faid Laird of Coving- toune to be comraittit to waird within pe faid Callell of Edinburghe. The Laird of Covingtoun proteftit, that he may be put to libertie, in refpect he offerit him felf, as faid is, to the tryell of aue Affyfe, and eawtioner for his entrie the thrid day of the Air or foner, vpoune xv dayis warning, vnder the pane of Fyve thowfand pundis. The Juftice continewit the mater quhill he be awyfit, and ordanit him to be eommittit to waird. [il//- Johnne Grahame and Mr Eduard Bnice, Justices-Deputes. '\ a^tgami)— ^ijulteri). Jan. 17, 1583-4. — Alexander Abercrumbie of Pitmeddene. Dilaitit of the mareing (marrying) of twa wyffis, contrair the Actis of Parlia- ment, and committing of Adulterie. Continued to the Air of ' Abirdene, tertio Itineris, vel xv dierum.' \_Mr Johnne Grahame, Justice- Depute. 1 dFire-raisinii— JSurnins: of Corns. Feb. 1. — Eduard Maxwell of Tinwald, William Maxwell his fone. Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the treffonabill birning of certane coirnis pertening to Robert Maxwell of Bratoch ; eommittit vpoun the fyft day of Marche laft- was. . ' Committit in waird to the Capitane of Blaknes.' ' Until. ' Beyond, coiiuary io. 17JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. Ill Preloquitouris for the pannell. PRELoauiTouRis in perfute. Persewaris. Robert Maxwell of Cadelmilk, Johnne Erll of Mortoun, Robert Maxwell in Bratoch, .Jolinne Maxwell in Portrak. Lord Maxwell, Mr Dauid MacGill of Nifbet, Robert Maxwell of Duncowtedir. aduocat, Feb. 3. — Johnne Kirkpatrik appeirand of Ellifland, Robert Kirkpatrik of Bratoch, Roger Greirfonn of Lag, and fifteen others, fined in ' fourtie pundis' each, for abfenting themfelves from the Aflyfe ; in confequence of which, the pannells were again ' delyuerit to pe Capitane of Blaknes.' Mar. 16. — They were recomitted, owing to non-fummoning of a proper AfTyfe. [_3fr IViUktme Oliphant, Justice-Depnte^ Cattle-stealinfl— ^erjuri). Feb. 10. — Archebauld Croser, fone to Martene Crofer. Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the thiftuous fteling, confeHng, reletting and away taking, fra George Ra and Thorn Lindefay, tranelloiiris, of Ixx ky and oxin, ciimand to Hallow-fair, in October 1582 3eiris ; and of periiu'ie and vther poyntis contenit in the Dittay. \^ERDicT. The Aflyfe, be the mowth of Thomas Ker of Merfingtoune, ffand and delyuerit the faid Archebauld Crofer to be culpabill, conuict and fylit. Sentknct. To be tane to ane gallons, befyde the mercat-croce of Edin- burghe, and thair hangit quhill he wer deid ; conforme to the lawis of the realme. \^Mr Johnne Grahame of Hahairdis, Justice-Depute. ~\ * (&x\t of ort is to be found amongst the Books or Warrants of the Register of the Privy Seal ; but fortunately, in the Parliamentary Record, Official Copies or ' Extracts' of the Verdicts and Processes of Forfeiture of the Earls of Morton and Gowrie are furnished, under the Attestations of William Stewart, junior Clerk of the Court of Justiciary, and of Sir Lewis Bellenden of Auchnoule, Lord Justice Clerk. Although the trial of the Earl of Morton thus occurs out of its regular chronological order, it has been thought 17JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 113 proper to preserve it precisely as it has been inserted in the Books of Parlia- ment. 'Act ratefeing the Domes of Foirfaltour led in Jugement agaiiis vmq'^ James furatyine Erll of Mortoon and Williame furatyme Erll of Govvrie, convict of the crimis of Lefe- Majeftie, and execute to the deith thairfoir.' ' May 22. — In prefence of the Kingis Maieftie and thrie Eftatis convenit in this prefent Parliament, Maifter Dauid Makgill adiiocat to our fouerane, prelocu- tour for his hienes, at his fpeciall command, fchew and dedarit, how thair is certane domes of Foirfaltiire gevin aganis certane perfonis for crymis of Lefe-maieftie ; fpeciallie, aganis vmq,e James fumtyme Erll of Mortoun and Williame fumtyme Erll of Gowrie : And becaus the memorie of tratouris luld remane to the fliame and flaunder of thame that ar cum of thame, and to be terrour to vtheris to com- mitt Jje like crymis in tyme cumming ; and becaus pe buikis of Adiornall may be tint and be oft handeling be worne away^ and v])erwayis the faidis domes of Foirfalture be deftroyit ; defiring thairfoir, that it wald pleis his Maieftie and the faidis thrie Eftatis to command the faidis domis of Foirfalture to be drawin out of pe buikis of Adiornall and attentictlie copeit, and the Pungis Maiefties great feall to be hung to the fame ; and ficlike, that pe faidis thrie Eftatis fuld append thair feallis thairto, for the fortificatioun, approbatioun and confirma- tioun thairof. The quhilk defyir the faidis thrie Eftatis thocht verie reafoun- able, and be fenfament of Parliament, thocht the fame to be done and grantit, to append thair feallis to pe attentick extract of all Foirfaltui'is, baith gevin in Parliament and Juftice courtis. Then incontenent Sir Leues Balleuden of Ach- noull knycht, Juftice-clerk to our fouerane lord, produceit the attentick Ex- tractes of the Domes of Foirfalture gevin aganis pe faidis vmq'* James fumtyme Erll of Mortoun and William fumtyme Erll of Gowrie ; to pe effect that pe famyn may be put and regiftrat in the buikis of Parliament to be extractit vn- der our fouerane lordis great feall and the feallis of pc thrie Eftatis, as faid is. And attour our fouerane lord, with aduile and confent of J^e faidis thrie Eftatis, gaif command to Alexander Hay of Eifter Kennett, clerk of his hienes Regifter, to gif out pe attentict copy of the faidis Domis of Foirfalture, to pas as faid is vnder his hienes great feall and vnder pe faidis thrie Eftatis. Of the qidiilkis Decretis of Foirfalture, gevin in our fouerane lordis Juftice courtis, prefentit as faid is, and fubfcriuit be pe faid Sir Leues Ballenden clerk of Jufticiarie, and Williame Stewart 30ungar, clerk be commiffioun for pe tyme, refpectiue, the tennour followis. ^ From the Records of Parliament, Acta III., 304. " The precaution thus judiciously taken, hat been the means of preserving legal evidence of the procedui-e in these highly interesting cases. VOL. I. P 114 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. (1581.) Curia Justiciarie supremi tlomini nostri Regis tenta et inchoata in pre- torio htirg'i de Edinburgh, prinio die mensis Junij Anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octuagesimo primo, per honorahiles et discretos viros Jaco- hum SfriueUng de Keir militem et Magistrmn Joannem Grediame, com- missarion in hac parte, per Commissionem s. d. n. Regis ac dominorum eius Secreti Consilij specuditer constitut. ad effectum siibscriptum : Sectis voca- tis et curia legitime affirmata. ilwt-iHajtsti) — iHurUer of Mm^ ?l?enrB ©arnUii. Jahes Earl of Mortoun Lord Dalkeith, &c. Jacobus comes de Mortoun Dominiis de Dalkeith, &c. Jun. 1, 1581. — Accufatus, calumniatus, de arte, parte, prefcientia, conce- latione et non revelatione jiroditorie inurtliure quondam nobiliffimi et chariffimi Henrici Regis Scotorum, patris f. d. n. Regis Jacobi fexti. Nomina Assise Electe, jurate et admisse super prefato Jacoho Comite de Mortoun, vi%. Coliiius comes Argadie, Joannes domiiius Maxwell, Joannes Gordoun de Locchiovar Joannes comes de Montroile, Geoigius dominus Setoun, miles, Andreas comes de Rothes, Jacobus dominus Ogilvie, Patricius Hepbunie de Wachtoun, .lacobus comes de Glencame, Jacobus dominus Inuenneitli, Patricius Lermouth de Daruefie Hugo comes de Eglintoun, Hugo dominus Somervell, miles, Alexander de Sutliernland comes, Alex' Magiller de Levingftoun, Will' LevinglloundeKillyth miles. The quhilk day the faid James Erll of Mortoun being indytit and accufit, that in the monethis of Januar and Februar in the 3eir of God I"'.V^lxvj 3eiris, he, accumpaneit with vmq"' James fumtyme Erll Bothuell, James Ormilloun fumtyme of that Ilk, Robert alias Hop Ormiftoun his fader brother, Johne Hay fumtyme of Tallo 30ungar, Johne Hei)burne callit Johne of Bewtoun and diuerfe vjjeris his complices, craftelie and lecretlie confpirit amangis thame felffis, tratit, devifit and maliciouflie concludit the maift fchamefull, deteftable and vn- naturall murthour and patricide of our fouerane lordis vmq''^ darreft father, Henrie King of Scottis, lawfuU fpous for pe tyme to his hienes darreft mother Marie than Queue of Scotland, and that within the biu-gh of Edinburgh, palace of Halieruidhous and vjjeris placeis thairabout : And to ]je end he micht bring his wikit, filthie and execrable attemptat better to pas, he, with the remanent perfonis afoirnamit, be thame felffis, thair feruandis, complices and ^■J)eris in thair namis, of thair caufing, command, hounding, lending, pairtaking, affiftance and ratihabitioun, vpoun Ipe tent day of J)e faid moneth of Februar 1566 3eris, at twa houris efter midnycht or thairby, come to pe lugeing befide pe Kirk of Feilde, within the faid burgh of Edinburgh, quhair our laid fouerane lordis darreft fader wes lugeit for pe tyme, and thair, be way of Hame-fukkin, brigancie (14)Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 115 and forthocht fellony, maid vyldlie, vnmercifullie and treafounablie flew and murtherit him, with Williame Tailleoiir and Andro MacAige his cubicularis,' quhan as they, biirijt in fleip, wes takand the nichtis reft ; brint his haill hige- ing foirfaide, and rafit the fame in pe air be force of gun-pulder, quhilk a litill befoir wes placeit and inputt be him and his foirfaidis vnder pe ground and an- gular ftanis and within the voltis, laiche and darne^ pairtis and placeis thairof to that effect : And rycht fua, he, with pe remanent perfonis afoirnamit, mar- rowis' of his mifcheiff, be thame felffis, thair fervandis, complices and v)jeris in thair namis, of thair caufing, commanding, hounding, fending and airt, pairt- taking, affiftance and ratihabitioun, at pe tymis foirfaidis, refpectiue, gaif thair fauour, counfell and help to pe preparatioun of the faid horrible cryrais : And ay fenfyne,hes fimulat, hid, [and] concelit the famyn in maift treafounable and fecrete maner ; and thairthrow had incurrit the panis of Lefe-maieftie and fuld haue bene pvniffit thairfoir with all rigour, be tynfell"* [of] landis and guidis and be extinctioim of fame, titillis, honour and memorie ; conforme to pe lawis of this realme. Likas, the remanent perfonis afoirnamit, his complices and confpira- touris with him in thir his treafounable impieties, wer alreadie tryit and foir- faltit for the fame-felff hienous and deteftable crymis ; and for the maift pairt, as they culd be apprehendit, had fufferit maift fliamefull deade thairfoir, accord- ing to thair deferuing. As at mair lenth is contenit in the Dittay gevin in anent the premiffes, with the takinis and probationis produceit and vfit thair- with. Quhilkis being red to the faid James Erll of Mortoun and he anfuerand thairto, denyit the famyn ; be reafoun quhairof, the faidis Juftice-deputtis re- ferrit the famyn to the knawlege of pe Inqueift and Affife abonewrittin, quha wes fworne, refauit and admittit in prefence of the faid Erll. Verdict. And they being furth of Court removit and ryplie aduifit with the faid Dittay, takinis infallible and maift evident, with pe probationis produceit and vfit for verefeing thairof ; and thairefter enterand agane in Court, they all in ane voce, be pe pronunceing of pe mouth of Johne Erll of Montroife, Chan- cellair chofin be pe faid Aftife, fyllit the faid James Erll of Mortomi of airt, pairt, foirknawlege and conceling of pe treafounable and vnnaturall murthoui" foirfaid. Sentence. Efter pe quhilk convictioun, the faidis Juftice-deputtis, be pro- nunciatioun of Andro Lyndfay dempftar of Jje faid Court, adiugeit and for Dome gaif. That pe faid James Erll off Mortoun ftild be had to ane geibbett, befide pe mercatt-croce of the faid burgh of Edinbui'gh, and thair hangit' quhill he wer dead ; and thairefter drawin, quartarit and demanit as ane tratour :'' And that ' Grooms of the bed-chamber. ' Hidden, concealed. ^ Equals, partners. * Loss, deprivation. * Spotswood, p. 314, states that the King mitigated the sentence to beheading, &c. The Confession of the Earl of Morton shall be inserted in the Appendix. ^ Although burial was allowed, and ' his 116 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1581-4. all his landis, heretageis, offices and pofleffionis, takis, ftedingis, cornis, cattell, actionis, debtis, obligationis, giiidis, movable and vnmouable and v])eris quhat- lumeuir, qiibilkis pertenit to him, fuld and aucht apertene to our fouerane lord and to be api)lyit to his vie be reafoun of efcheat of foirfalture, to be vptakin, ^-iit and difponit be his hienes at his pleafour. Vpoim the quhilk i^remifles Mr Robert Crychtoun of Eliok, advocatt to our fouei'ane lord, aflcit inftrumentis and actis of Court. ExTRACTi'jr e.r actis Curie Jnsticiarie antedicte per me Willelmum Stewart Jiiniorem notarium iniblicum et clericum dicte Curie, jjer Commissionem £ dicti s. d. n. Regis antedict. specialiter electum etjuratam, sub meis signo T-j -■ ^^ stibscriptione manualibus. Ita est, WiLLKLMUS Stewart Junior r,; notarius puhlicus ac scriha dicte Curie. - Curia Justiciabie s. d. n. Regis tenta in Edificio Domine Mar, infra burgum de Striuelixg, quarto die menfis Maij, anno domini millefimo quingentefimo octuagefimo quarto, per difcretum virum Magiftrum Joan- -T nem Grahame de Halsairdis Jufticiarum in hac parte virtute CommilTionis f. d. n. Regis fpecialiter conftitut. : Sectis vocatis et curia legitime affirmata. itfse--iHajests— 3UaiU of aatitfjbtu— CrtasonalJlg takiixQ MutQi) anti CTastle of ^tiding, ^t. WiLLiAME Earl of Gowrie Lord Ruthven. May 4,1584. — The quhilk day"WilliameErll of Gowrie Lord Ruthven, being prefentit and enterit vpoun pannell, in prelence of pe faid Juftice, and put to pe knawlege of ane condigne Affife of Jje rycht honorable perfonis following, to witt : ASSISA. Coluie Erll of Argyill, James Erll of Arrane, Willianie Lord Levingfloun, Dauid Erll of Cravvfurd, George Erll of Merfliell, Patrik Lord Drummoxind, Johne Erll of Montroife, Alexander Lord Saltoun, James Lord Ogilvie, James Erll of Glencame, Hew Lord Somervell, AlexanderMaifterofElphingfloun, Hew Erll of Eglintoun, James Lord Downe, Sir Jolmne Murray of Tillibardin,k'. L Dilatit and accufit of the treafounable crymis following, wes, be thair deli- corps carried by fome bafe fellows to the common fepulcbre,' his head was fixed on the Tolbooth. The king afterwards granted the following Warrant to take down the head, which is preserved in the archives of the City of Edinburgh : ' Rex. Prouofl and baillies of our burgh of Edinburgh, We greit 30W weill. It is our will and We command :;ow, that incontinent ffter the ficht lieirof, ^e tak doun the beiale)ii Mnrrai/ Co- mitissa de Mar senior mater dictj Couiitis, Thomas Lyoune de Baldukye Magif- 124 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1584. ter et Tutor de Glaramis, Agnis Gray Domina Hwme eius fponfa, Margareta Lyoune ComitifTa de Caffillis eius foror, Dorotliia Stewart Coinitiffa de Gow- rie, Dauid Erikin Commendatarius de Dryburgli, Adamus Erfl^in Conimenda- tarius de Caiiibufl\ynueth,Wilelmus Erflviu Commendatarius de Paiflay, Joannes Carmicliall de eodem junior, Hugo Carmichall eius filius, Patricius Drummond apparens de Carnok, Johannes Leflie de Balquhane, Magifter Wilelmus Leflie eius frater, Wilelmus LeOie (Robertus Er(kin?) apparens de Littil Sauchye, Magifter Jacobus Erll^in eius frater, Georgius Dowglas de Parkheid, Jacobus Dowglas et Georgius Dowglas eius filij, Jacobus Dowglas de Todlioillis, Johannes Dowglas de Glafpin, 'Wilelmus Dowglas de Boncle, Wilelmus Dowglas eius fi- lius, Wilelmus Dowglas de Rountrecorfe, ^Vilelmus Connyghame filius natu fecundus dominj Drumquhaffill, Michael et Wilelmus Elphingftones fratres Ro- bertj dominj de Elphingftoun, Johannes Lyoun junior de Coffynnis, Jacobus Lyoun de Eifter Ogill, AVilelmus Ogill (Lyoun) de Balgillie, Johannes Leving- ftoune de Dunypace jiuiior, Magifter Johannes Coluile precentor de Glafgow, Magifter Patricius Quhitelaw de Newgrange, Hugo Nefl)it de Rafchehill, Patri- cius Home de Argatlieis, Johannes Lellie de Largie, Johannes Leflie de Author- teis alias Bannachie, Robertus Dowglas junior de Lochlevin, Laurentius Magis- ter de Oliphant, ^'thredus M'Dowgell de Garthland, Vthredus McDowell eius filius et heres apparens, Jacobus Hammiltoune de Haggis, Robertus Hammil- toun de Corle, Johannes Magifter de Forl)es, Johaimes Arbuthnot junior de Lyntuflv, Arthurus Hammiltoun de Boithuelhauch, Jacobus Mwrray de Pardoves, &c. Cum iuis complicibus, focijs et fautoribus. ex iplbrum caufatione, direc- tione, miflione, receptione, julTu, afliftentia et ratihabitione, perfeuerantes in Iuis proditorijs determinatiouibus et conclufionibus aduerlum nos, noftram perfonam, auctoritatem et regiam coronam fufceptis, in menfibus Novembris, Decembris, Januarij, F'ebruarij, Marcij et Aprilis jiroxime elapfis, maxime proditorie inter- comnumicarunt, tractauerunt, conftdtauerunt, deliberarunt, et mediantibiis qui- bufdani perfonis, tandem concluferunt cmn dicto quondam 'SVilelmo olim Comite Gowrye,l'uper nefandaet proditoria actione, ad intercipiendum et manus violentas imponenduin in perfonam noftram nobilem, vt itenun more folito, eorum ditioni et poteftati facilius nos aftricti contra noftre mentis libitum, ipforum voluntati et libidini omnino obtemperaremus, atque adeo ad cruentas manus infei'endum in per- fonas noftrorum nobiliumConfulumetfideliuni lubditorum perniciem,advniuerfam reipublice difturbationem et authoritatis noftre fubuerfionem. Poft inultas tandem priuatas Conjxu'ationes, literarum hinc inde mifRonem et receptionem per nuncios habitam cognitionem et jiroditorins ac nefarias fuas confpirationes facilius ad ef- fectuin perducerent, demum antedicti proditores fuique complices, decimo feptimo, decimo octauo, decimo nono, vicefimo, vicefimo prinio, vicefimo fecundo, viceftmo 18Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 125 tertio, viceiimo qiiarto, et vicefimo quinto diebus menfis Aprilis vltimo elapfis, in vnum arniati comieiierunt, ac libenim biirgum noftriim tie Striveling expug- nanint et ceperunt, Balliuos magiftraturque eiurdeni captiuos deduxerunt, Pon- tein, campanile, diuerfaiipie partes dicti burgi fortiter nmnierunt, mercerarios milites connocarunt vndique jiixta Auftralia nienia viam facilem per vicinos parietes adiacentes patefecerunt, prope fcholam mnrnni faxis et lapidibus con- geftis extrnxerunt, cnins pars ad hue indiuulfa i^ermanet, Caftriini noftnim de Striveling fumnia \i ftreniio oppugnarunt, paucos noftros fideles ligeos eiiifdem cuftodes idem ipfum derelinquere et fefe dedere eompulerunt, quos deinde tan- quam captiuos arctiffirae mandauerunt cuftodie, Joliannem Gledftanes Ormond Signefenun, aliofque noftros nuncios, qui literas noftras publice proclamare apiid forum dicti liberi noftri burgi dirigebantiu', eafdem debite executioni mandare impedierunt, atque eas ab ipfis violenter furripuerunt, Proclamationes publicas fieri ad milites ftipendiai'ios conducendum effeeerunt ; exprelTe contra Parlia- mentj Statuta, et in manifeftam legum violationem : Perpetratifque hifce omni- bus nedum flagitijs faginati aut fatilfacti. prefatum noftrum Caftrum de Sterling armatis viris, prouifionibus bellicis ac cibarijs compleuerunt, et ftrenuo munie- runt, certo propoflto et aninio deliberato idem iiiluni contra nos auctoritatemque noftram regiam pertinaciter et proditorie detinere ac tueri. Quaquidem occa- fione merito, nos commoti, ad expugnationem et recuperationem dicti Caftri et burgi, exercitum fedulo coiniocauinius atque ipfi diligenter proceffimus : hinc audacter et temerarie crimen liunme proditionis et Lefemaiellatis committendo, in magnum noftre auctoritatis contemptuni et legum violationem. Atque adeo, pro fua proditoria celatione et occultatione predicte Coniurationis, conl'ultatione, conclufione, contractu et executione eiuldem : Ideoque dictos Archibaldum An- gufieComitem, Joliannem Comitem de Mar, Agnetam Drununond ComitiflTam de Mar eius fponfani, Annibalem Murray ComitilFam de Mar leniorem, matrem dicti Comitis, &c. Confpiratores, proditoriolque executores ad videndum et au- diendum fefe et eoruni quemlibet, refpectu premiflbrinn, crimen Lefemaieftatis incurrifle, per nos et trium regni noftri ftatumn decretum decerni et declarari ; et fuper predictis et alijs quamplurimis rebellionibus, tranfgreflionibus et pro- ditorijs criminibus, per prenominatas perlbnas contra nos regnum noftrum et auctoritatem regiam impie ac nefarie perpetratis ; et dictis die et loco, cum con- tinuatione dierum, proponendis et oftendendis ac juri pai'endum et ftqier hujuf- modi judicium noftrum et noftri Parliamenti, fecundum leges regni noftri ex- pectandum et lubevnidum, dictas vi3 perlbnas, Confpiratores, perpetratores et ce- latores criminum precedentium refpectiue, ad videndum et audiendum fefe et eorum quemlibet, intuitu premilTorum, crimen Lefemaieftatis incurrifle, per nos et trium regni noftri ftatuum decretum decerni et declarari ; et propterea ipfo- 126 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1584. rum bona mobilia et immobilia, tam terras quam officia, aliafque res ad eos Ipec- tantes, nobis confifcari et 2iroperpetuo nobifcuiii in proprietate remanere, perfo- nafque fiias penam ])roditionis et vltinii fupplicii a regni noftri legibus inflictani fubire : Et vberius in in-eniiffis relpondendiun et inijiarenduiu intimando lupra- dictis Confpiratorilius et eoruni cuilibet, quod fine dictis die et loco cum con- tinuatione dierum comparuerunt fme non, Nos dictufque noftri Jufticiarius, in premiffis jufticia mediante, procedemus et procedet. Insuper citetis, &c. ad comparendum coram nobis noftroue Jufticiario dictis die et loco, cum continua- tione dierum, ad perbibendum fidele teftimonium in caula predicta, fub i)ena legis; et pi-elentes literas debite executas et indorfatis earundem latori reddatis : Et vos qui prefentes executi fueritis fitis ibidem dictis die et loco coram nobis feu dicto noftro Jufliciario. portantes vobiicum lunnnonitionis veftre teftimonium in Icripto pro premiflis leu ipfos teftes. Ad quod faciendum vobis et veftrum cui- libet conjunctim et diuifim vicecomitibus noftris in hac parte committimus po- teftatem. Datum liib Teftimonio noftri Magnj Sigilli, Apud Edinburgb vice- fimo quinto die menfis Maij, anno domini millelimo quingentelimo octuagelimo quarto et regni noftri decimo feptimo. Quliilkis liaill perlbunis abonevrittin war tlirie ftndrie tymes oiqnnlie callit at the toUbuyth wyndok, and nane of thame compeirand [exceptand Dame Anabill Murray Countes of Mar elder, Dame Agnes Drummond Countes of Mar 30ung- er. Dame Dorathie Stewart Countes of Gourie, Williame Eljjbingftoun, Johne Leflie of Authorteis. AVilliame Dowglas of Bonkle elder, qubo otlerit tbrime to the tryell anent the poyntis conteiiit in the lummondis of Trelibun ; quhome the P^ftaitis of Parliament ordanit to reteir to J^air lugeingis, thairin to remane quhill the morne at audit houris, and thay than to compeir befoir the Kingis Maieftie and Lordis of Articles, to anfuer to the laid lummondis,] and immediatlie ))airefter the laid Aduocat producit Richard Bynning. 8zc. meliingeris, executoris of the laid lummondis, quha maid fayth that thair laid executiounis, as thay heir, ar lull and trew, &c. Efter the verificatioun of the quhilkis executionis, the faid Mr Dauid Makgill, aduocat, producit thir twa wrjtingis following, fubfcriwit be the Kiugis Maieftie, off the quhilkis tlie tenouris foUowis : Warrant to delete Robert Erskin of Lrjtill Saucliie from the Summondis. ' Rex. ' Mr Dauid Makgill of Neiliet our aduocat: Forfameikle as we viulerfland tiiat tliair is ane fummondis of Treilbun directit asraiiis diuerlTe peifimis, ftbr the late tumult and rebellioun laitlie rommittit aganis ws, and that our ItTuitour Robert Erikene is chargeit thairwillie to tonipeir in our nixt Parliament, tobefoirfalt tior the caulles contenit in the faid fummondis : Newirtheles, remember- ing the faid Robertis gud and thankfull feruice done to ws of befoir, and for ccrtane gud ronfidera- tionis, we ar mowit nocht to inlilt aganis iiim in our nixt Parliament, be the faid fummondis ralit aganis him ; tiiat 36 deleit his name furthe of the famin and executionis fairof, to the effect he be nocht 18JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 127 trublit Jiaiiby in onyfort; je kepand J)irpoiiitis for 50ur Wavrand. Subfcriwit with our hand, at Edin- burghe, the xx day of Auguft, and of our reinge ]>e xvij jeir lo8-l. (Sic fubferibitur) 'JAMES R. Montroise, James Stewart, Blantyir.' Heir followis tlie tennour of the vther wry ting : — Warrant to delete Makdowgalh of Garthland from Snmmondis. ' Our Advocat we greit 50W weill : Fodamekle as faiiis fumraondis of Treflbun rafit and exe- cut at our and 30W our Aduocatis inAance in our name, aganis Vthreid M'Dowgall of Gartldand, and Vthreid Makdowgall Ills fone and apperand air, ffor the treflJinabh' fup|)ryfing and taking of our Caf- tell and toun of Striueling, being in cunipanie with diuerll'e our coiifpiratoris contenit in the fummond- is rafit Jiairvpoun ; at the ieift, art and pairt Jiairof : ffor diuerfle reffonabill cauffes and confideiationis inoveing ws, it is our will that 56 extinct and deleit fiu'the of the faid funimondis the faidis Vthreid M'Dowgall and iiis ibne, aud pas fra that pairt of tlie faid f'umnioiulis, fafer as concernis thanie, for the faid crynie or ony vther crymes nientionat in the faid funimondis; difchargeing 30W of all per- fewing or infifling aganis thame for the famin, and of 3 our office in that pairt. As alfua difcharges the Lordis of our Parliament, our Jidlice generall and his deputis, of all preceding aganis thame flor the preniitfes, fimpliciter. Subfcriwit with our hand at Edinburgh, the nyntene day of Auguft, the 3eir of God I .V .Ixxxiiij jeiris, (Sic fubferibitur) JAMES R. And according to the command of the faidis twa wrytingis, the faid Aduocat, in prefens of the Kingis Maieflie and Lordi-i of Articles of this prefent Parliament, pafl fra the perfnte of the faidis Vthrid M'Dowgall of Garthland, Vthrid M^Dowgall his fone and apperand air, and the faid Robert Erfkene of Lytill Sauchy ; And thairfoir ])air faidis thrie nemmis of command foirfaid war pi-efentlie deleit furtlie of the faid funimondis of foirfaltour : Wpoun the productioun of the quhilkis twa wry- tingis and deleting of thame furthe of the faid fummondis, the faid aduocat alkit iiiftrumentis, and immediatlie faireftir, the Kingis Maieflie being perfonalie prefent, commandit the faid Mr Dauid Makgill, his hienes aduocat, to pafs fra the perfute of the faidis Johne Levingftoune younger of Dinnypace, William and Micliaell Elphinftonis blether to the Lord Elphingftone, Williame Dowglas of Bonkle, and Williame Lyoun of Bagillie : And ficlyk, commandit the faid Clerk of regiftri and his deputis to deleit thame furthe of the faid fummondis of Foirfaltrie : Quhilkis war prefentlie done, in prefens of the Kirigis Maieflie and Lordis of Articles, be the faid aduocat, and Alexander Hay, Clerk of regillri ; and Jiairvpoun ]>e faid aduocat aftit infliiimentis. And fiilyk, Johne Leflie of Authorteis alias Bennadiy, being perfonalie prefent, producit ane Reiniflioun grautit be our fouerane lord, vnder his hienes greit feill, Remittand the faid Johne the foirfaid crynie and Treffoun contenit in the faid fummondis of Foirfaltour led aganis him : In refpect of the quhilk, the iiiid aduocat inlykuayis pafl fra fe perfute of the faid Johne Lellie ; quhairvpoun the faid Johne alkit inflrumentis. Quhilk Summoxds, with the executions and indorfationis thairof refpectiue foirfaidis, being red firft in prefens of the Lordis Commiffionaris of Parliament, vpoun the laid xx day of Auguft inftant, and ficlyk vpoune the xxj day of the iamyn nionetli thaireftir, fpecialie depute be his hienes Conimiffioun for baldin thairof, firll in Latene and thaireftir in Scottis ; and the haill perfoncs defend- aris abonewrittine, being diuerffe and fyndrie tymes callit at the tolbuith win- dok, to haue comperit and anfuerit to the faid fummondis, and nane of thame comperand, (excoptand the faidis Deame Annabell jMwrray Couiites of Mar elder, Deame Agnes Drunmiond Countes of Mar 3ounger, Deame Dortha Stewart 128 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1584. Countes of Gowrie,) the faid aduocat, for verificatioun and probatioun of the foir- faidis execiitionis and indorfationis of the faid fummondis, repetit the Actis maid the faidis xx and xxj dayes of Augufl inftant : As the famyn, fchawin and pro- ducit before the Kingis grace and thrie Eftatis of this prefent Parliament pro- portit. And ficlyk thaireftir, the foirfaidis haill perfones defendaris being of new oftymes callit at the faid tolbuith windok to haue comperit before the faidis Lordis of Articles, and defendit the faid fummondis the foirfaid xx and xxj dayes of Auguft inftant rex"" with continewatioune of dayes, and tliay beand oftymes callit and nocht comparand, (exceptand as faid is,) the faid aduocat defyrit the faidis Lordis of Articles Declaratioune, gif the reflTones of the laid fummondis war relevant or nocht ; Qulia than declarit the lamyn to be relevant, vpoune the faid xxj day of this infl;ant moneth : At the quhilk tyme the faid aduocat producit the haill wryttis and rejietit the haill jn'obationis contenit in the Actis maid the day foirfaid in prefens of the Lordis of Articles, for probatioune of the faid fummondis. Quhilkis Lordis of Articles thaireftir fand the faid fummondis fufficientlie prowine aganis the perfones vnderwrittin. — And in femblable maner, the faid haill fummondis with the executionis and indorfationis thairof, bein. I. 11 130 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1584. miQi) Cvrasoit — 3Kait( of JUutpeu — dforfeiture. Aug. 22. — JoHNNE Ross of Cragie, as brother and apparent heir or fucceiror of the decealed James Rofs of Pettheavles.' The quhilk day Maifler Dauid Makgill, aduoeat to our louerane lord, exhi- bits and producit lyke as he did fyndrie tymes ofbefore, the fummondis of Treffoune vnderwrittin, rafit and perfewit at the inftance of our fouerane lord and his hienes Juftice aganis Johnne Rofs of Cragie, as brother and apperand air or fuecelFour to vmq'" James Rofs of Pettheifles ; quhairbye he was fummoned to haue comperit before the Kingis Majeftie and his Eftatis, the xx day of Augufl inftant, with continewatioune of dayes, in his hienes Parliament to haue begune the faid day, in the hour of cans, with continewatioune of dayes ; to haue an- fuerit vpoune the pointtis of Treaffoune and Lefemaieftie vnderwrittine, contenit in the faid fummondis, committit be his faid vmq'" brother ; And thairfore, the faid Johnne to haue hard, that the faid vmq'" James committit the cryme of Trealfoune in his ly vetyme, for the caus vnderwrittine, &c. As at mair lenth is contenit in the faid fummondis. Off the quhilk the tennour followis : Summons o/" Treason agahiJI Johnne Rofs as brother of James Rofs. Jacobus del gratia RexScotonim,(li]ectis nollrisLeoni Regi Arnioium,Ilay, AUiany, Rofs, Rothefay, Snawdoune, Merchemond; Heraldis ; Jolianni Ferguffoun, Rol)erto Stewart, Arctiibaldo Dovvglas, Dauidi Bryffoun, clauigeris; Ormond, Bute,Vnicoine, C'ariik, Signiferis; Ricliardo Byvmiiig, Joaniii M'Lowren, he, iiunoiis pt oorum ciiilibet, coniunctim ct diuifini, viceconiitibus in liac parte, faliiteni. Mandamns vobis et precipimus quateinis fummoniatis legitime et peremptorie, coram teilibus, Jobaiinem Rofs de Cragye, fratrom germanum et apparentem heredem vel fuccefforeiu quondam Jacobi Rofs de Pet- theveles, perfonaliter fi eius perfonaleni prefentiam commode habere poteritis, alioqiiin apud locum eius habitationis, necnon omnes alios et fingulos interefle luibentes ft^u pretendentes, per ptiblicam pro- clamationem apiid cruces forales burgorum noftrorum de Edinburgh, Perth aliaqne loca necellaria, ita quod hujusmodi furamonitio ad eorum aures verifimiliter peruenire poterit, ad comparendum coram nobis nollroue Jufticiario, vlcefimo die menfis Auguiti proxime futuri, hora caufarum, cum continua- tione dierum, in Parlianiento nollro tenend. apud Edinburgh, .... die menfis eiufdeui, ad refpouden- dum nobis feu noftro Jufticiario in prefato Parliamento, et ad videndum atque audiendum per nos et trium regni noftri ftatuuni, decretum et fententiam decenii dictum quondam Jacobum Ros de Pet- theveles crimen Lefemaieftatis in ipfius vita commifdle, ob eins proditoriam artem, partem, auxilium, confilium, juvamen et affiftentiam per ipfum preftitam et exliibitam, in nefaria ilia Confpiratione cum quondam Wilelmo olim Comite Gowrye domino Ruitlnvene, in proditoria interceptione ac manus vio- lentas iniectione in perfonam noftram, a])ud illius Caftrum de Ruithwene, fuper vicefimo tertio die menfis Augufli anno dominj millefimo quingentefimo octuagefimo fecundo : Atque adeo, ob illius pre- feientiam, occultationem et concelationem eiufdem Confpirationis, vbi dictus quondam Wilelmus olim Comes de Gowrie, Johannes Comes de Mar, Magiller Thomas Lyoune de Baldukye ISIagifter ac Tutor de (ilammis et prefatus quondam Jacobus Rofs, cum diuerfis alijs fuis coni])licibus, confilium proditorie iimierunt, deliberarunt, finaliter et ad eflfectum perduxerunt nefaudum ac proditorium illud tacinus, in apprehenfiono noftre nobilis perfoue apud Ruithwene tempore antedicto : In quoquideni ' From the Records of Parliament. Acta III. 344. 18 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 131 Caflro, violenter nos detinucrunt ac cuftodierunt, contra noflre mentis libetum et voluntatem, per Ipatium (iiuerfanim dieruin et noctium ; inde crimen fumme proditionis committendo. Eodemque tempore, fidos et dilectos noftros Confules ac alios prolios ligeos nobis inferuiendi ftudio appropinquan- tes, pro ipforum internecione ac cede inualeruiit et ( rudeliliinie vulneraiiint ; tunc quoque Coufu- lum et alioiiim fidelium fubditorum nolhorum quoldam, velut captiuos cepenint et cuftodie nianda- rnnt, ordinarios Gardie noftre milites remouerunt, Precepta noftra nobis repugnanlibus cbariflimo et fideliflimo confanguineo noftra quondam Efmo Leuiiiie Duci dirigeie impulerunt vt quam citiflime bine dilVedeiet, pumque inaudita celeritate huius regni finibus exteiminandum curauemnt, peilbnam noftram ad fui animi Ubidinem et defiderium, magna fuoram fociorum caterua ftipatam continue hue atque illuc deduxerunt, per fpatiura deiim menfium deinde frquentium : Iiiftituto certiftimo et mente deliberata bujufuiodi jugo feruitutis imperpetuum nos implicaie et letineie, nifi inefl'abiljOninipotentis auxilio et beneuolentia noftnet ipfos Line abdicaremus : Hinc nianifeftiflime crimen Proditionis et Lefemaieftatis committendo contra nos regalem noftram autboritatem et in apertam legum violationem. Et piopterea, ad videndum et audiendum nonien, memoriaui et dignitatem dicti quondam Jacobi Rofs de Peltlieveles extinctam fore et efte decerni, armaque feu infignia I'ua e libro Armorum et no- bilitatis deleri et cancellari, ita quod ijjfius pofteri ab oflicijs et lionoribus in hoc regno noftro gaudend. fint inhabiles et incapaces deliinc imperpetuum ; atque omnia bona fua terras et officia confifcari et nobif- cum deinceps in proprietate remaiiere; iiitimando fupradicto Jobanni Kofs de Cragie fratri ac beredi feu fucceftbri anteuominato, alijfque quibulhbet intereUe babentibus, quod fiue compareant liue non, dictis die et loco, cum continuatione dierum, Nos et Jufticiarius nofter niliilominus juftitia mediante procedemus et procedet : Et prefentes literas debiie executas et indorfatas earundem latori reddatis : Et vos qui prefentes executi fueritis fitis ibidem, dictis die et loco, coram nobis vel Jufticiario nof- tro portan. vobifcum veftre fummonitionis teft.imonium in fcriptis, pro premiflls vel ipfos teftes. Ad quod faciendum, vobis et veftium cuilil)et, coniunctim et diuifim, vicecomitibus noftris in hac parte, committinius poteftatem. Apud Edinburgh, vicefimo quarto die nienfis Juuij, anno domini millefimo quingentefirao oetuagefimo quarto et regnj noftrj decimo feptimo. Qiihilk fummondis with the executionis and indorfationis thairof, being red firft in prefenfe of the Lordis Commiffionaris of Parliament, vpoun the faid xx day of Auguft inftant, and ficlyk vpoun the xxj day of the famyn moneth thair- eftir, fpecialie depute be his liienes Commiflioune for balding thairof, firil in Latene and thaireftir in Scottis : And the faid Johnne Rofs of Cragie com- perand, quha was content tryell war tane vpoune the pointtis of the faid fum- mondis : The faid aduocat, for verificatioune and probatioune of the foirfaidis executionis and indorfationis of the faid fummondis, rej)etit the actis maid the faidis XX and xxj dayes of Auguft inllant, as the famyn fchawin and jjroducit before the Kingis grace and Lordis of Articles proportit. And thaireftir the faid fummondis, with the probationis foirfaidis, being firft fene, confident and aduifit be the fadis Lordis of Articles and now prefentlie be the Kingis Maieftie and thric Eftatis of this prelent Parliament : Quha findis and declaris, that the haill reaffbune of the faid fummondis is relevant and liifficientlie prowine aganis the faid vmq'^ James Ros. And thairfore ordanis Dome to be pronuncit and gevin thairvpoune, be the mowtb. of Andro Lyndfay dempfter of this prefent 132 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1584. Parliament, depute and fworne thaii-to of before : Off the quhilk Dome the ten- nour followis, pronuncit be the faid Andro Lyndfay. Do.AiE of FoKiEiTUKE. This Court of Parliament fehawis for law, that the faid vmq'" James Rofs of Pettheveles committit the cryme of Lele-maieitie in his lyftyme, in the haill pointtis and articles contenit in the faid ihmmondis berand as is abonewrittin : And thairfore, decernis and declaris the faid vmq'^ James his name, memorie and honouris to be extinct, and his amies to be revin furth and deleit out of the bulk of amies, fwa that his polteritie iiewir liaue place nor be liable heireftir to bruik or joife ony office, honouris or digneteis within this realme, in ony tymes cumming :' And all his guidis, landis, offices to be coufifcat and remane perpetuallie with his hienes in propertie, for euer : And this I gif for dome. QuhairwiJouiie the faid aduocat aikit inftrumentis. The quhilk day Johnne Ros of Cragie protelUt, that quhatlluneuer thing done this inllant day aganis vmq'" James Ros of Pettheveles his brother, pre- iuge nocht him anent his landis, reuerfionis, ro mes, poffeffionis, fteadingis and rychlis qiihatfumeuer pertening to his faid vmq'" brother : And fpecialie, anent the landis of Pettheveles, and the Reuerfioune thairof quhilk he lies of the faniyn : In relpect he lies euir reiiianit, at all tymes bigane, our Ibuerane lordis trew lege and fubiect ; and knew natliing of his faid vmq'" bi'otheris doingis nor proce- dingis : And pairwpoune afl\it inftrumentis. ?l?itri) OTiraison — l^niti of ilutljbatf, ^t, Aug. 22. — Oliuer Peibeis of Chapelhill,' Jeaiie Tliornetoune his Ipous, and James Marfchell of Petcarnis. The quhilk day, the Kingis grace and thrie Eftatis of this prefent Parliament coutinewis the fummondis of Treaifoune execute and iiidorfate, perieM'it at the inftauce of his Maieftie, his hienes Jullice and Mr Dauid Makgill his hienes ad- uocat, tuichin<>' the decernine: of thaine to haue committit and done certane pointtis of Treaffoune and Lel'emaieftie : As at niair lenth is contenit in the faid lummondis rafit ]jairwpoune, in the famyn forme, force and effect as it is now, but preiudice of partie, vnto the xx day of September iiixttocum, with continewa- tioun of dayes ; and thane farder jn-oces to be hade paii-iutill as accordis : At the quhilk day ordanes the laid aduocat to produce fie wryttis, rychtis, relTones, documentis and vtheris probationis quhilkis he hes or will vfe, for prewing of the pointtis of the faid fummondis aganes thame agane the faid day. Quhair- wj)oune the faid aduocat alkit inftrumentis. ' An Act, was passed in I'ailianiont, Aiifj;. 2~', ' for (lllliprcriiis; of J)c jioflcritio of the porfoiiis tliat »r or liilliap])in to be convicted of the trclliuiiiaMe attcni|)tat at Striueling.' ' He appears in Par- liament, as Commis>iioncr for the burgh of Perth, Jun. 12, 1590, and Mar. 3, 1590. — From Records of Parliament, III, 31G. 18Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 133 [iV/ir Edward Bruce and 3Ir WdUam Oliphant, Justices-Deputes.'] ^InttgTjtcr. Jul. 2. — George THo:MF.sorx, miuiiter at Iimerkip, George Maxwell of Newwerk, Robert Maxwell his ferwand, Johniie Maxwell in Kiilroife, Johnne Morefoune in Park, and Arthour Morefoun tliair. Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the crewall flauchter of \'Tnq''' Robert Mimtgum- rie of Skelmnrelie, and of vniq'" AMUianie Muntgunirie his fone and appeirand air ; committit in Apryle laftwas. [ilfr Edward Bruce, Justice-Depute.] Jul. 3. — Johnne Quhytefuhde of that Ilk, Adam Quhytfurde, 30unger of that Ilk, Thomas Quhytfurde his broder, Robert Muntgum- rie of Skelmnrelie, Williame Cochrane of that Ilk, Williame Mudye, burges of Paillay, Robert Sempill, burges yair, James Wilfoun, ferwand to the Laird of Cochran, Gilbert Smyth, broder to Andro maifter of Sempill. Dilattit of airt and pairt of the crewall flauchter of ^'mq'^ Patrik Maxwell of Stanelie, committit in Januar laftwas. Preloquitouris for the Pannell. The Maifter of Eglingtoiuie, The Maifter of Sempill, The Laird of Caiildwall, The Laird of Heiffilheid. Mr Johnne Scharp, Mr Johnne Skene, Mr Johnne Preftoune, Persewaris. .James Maxwell of Calderwood, Sir Robert Maxwell of Dinwiddle, Maifter Dauid M'Gill of The Laird of Craigance, The Laird Newwai-k, Niibet, (King's Advocate, Johnne Maxwell of Nethir Pook, [Gelis Wallace, The Ilelict,^ for his hienes intres.) Part of the pannels ' replegeit' to the Regality of Paiflay, and the reft con- tinued to the Juftice-air of ' Renfrew, tertio Itineris.' The Laird of Quhytefurde alone was ' put to the knawlege of ane AfTyife ;' who, ' eftir lang rellbning and deliberationne had thairof, be the mouth of Robert Lindefay of Dunrod, fFand and dedairet the faid Johnne Quhytefurde of that Ilk, to be clene and acquit of airt and pairt of the faid flauchter.' [jl/;* Jf'itfiam Oliphaut, Justice-Dc})ute.] aifiiUiitfj from i\)t ?i?ost to jpnss toiuaiUs ^^tirlins. Jul. 17. — GiLBEKT Lam'deu of Balbardeis, Williame Lawder, his fone and appeirand air. Dilaitit for remaining and abyding at hame fra our Ibuerane lordis oift, raid 134 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1584. and armie, ordanit to haif conuenit at Halinidhous,' and thairfra to haif paft to- wardis Striueling, [for refifting of the trefTonabill attemptatis of certane tra- tom-is and rebellis, quhilkis had tane the faid burcht and Caftell of Sti'iueling.] The quhilk day, the peiibnis enterit on pannell, produceit ane Licence, grantit to thaine be the Kingis Maieilie and lordis of his hienes Secreit Counfale, exemeand thame fra oiflis, raidis and armeis ; quhilk exeniptioun is of the dait, at Halrudhous, the xxiiij day of Apryle, 1584. (Sic fubll-ribitur,) JAMES R. Huntlie, Lochixwake. [Mr Jolinne Grahame, Mr IVlUiame 0//pJ/anf, Justices-Deputes.'] Jul. 30.— Patkik M'KlE in Qiihithillis, broder to Ai-chibald M'Kie of Myretoune. Dilaittit of the trelFonabill ci'yine of fforgeing, ffen3eing and ftryking of cer- tane fals and adultrit niony, viz. half merkis, xxx £, xx f. and x f. pecis. Jul. 31. — Verdict and Sentence. TheAliyife, be the mouth of Williame M^CuUoch of Myi-etoune, in ane voce, fylis the laid Patrik M'"Ke of art and part of the trellbnabill fforgeing, fein3eing, counferfuting and ftraking of certane fals and adulterate money, fic as fals half-markis, xl d. pecis, to grit quantitie, callit Lochmahalies,- in cumpanye with Lawrence Nicholai Italians and vtlieris thair affiftaris : And he thairfoir adjugeit, be Andro Lyndefay dempfter, to haif foir- faltit and tynt lyfe, landis and guidis, to be applyit to our Ibuerane lordis vfe, and hinilelf liangit to the deid, at the mercat croce of Edinburghe. And the haill AlTyis acquit the faid Patrik of the fencing of xxx f., xx f. and x f. pecis, plakkis and hulbeis. [3Tr Jolinne GraJiame and 3Ir Kdivard S'-z/ce, J/tstices-Depxfes.] ■ aissisting; (Hail o( S*naus in tailing iuvfli) anU (tastle of ^tiiliujj. Sep. 4. — Gabriell Meuser of Sawling. Dilaitit of the treironabill afTilling, art, pairt-taking with Archcbauld Erie of Angus, Johnne, fumtyme Erie of Mar, Thomas Lyoun, tumtynie Mailler of Glammis, and vtheris thair complices, in tlie treHonabill taking of the Burcht and Caftell of Striueling, committit in the moneth of Apryle laftbypafl, [and beiging of ane dry-ftane wall befide the fcolehous dure of Striueling ; and, fur- neffing of the laid Caftell with men, viuaris^ and nuuiitioune.] ' Many similar trials occur at tliis period; sonic of tliciii addinp:, 'and for airiftinn- \vv]i Archcbauld prle of Anpis, .lolmnc crle of Mar, 'llioinas Lyoun niaillcr of (ilainniis, Joliimc C'arniiclicll 3oiniger of tliat UK, and vtlieris thair coniiiliccs, in tlic trcliiinahill takiiit!' of the liurcht and Caltell of Striue- ling.' • Tliis word is very douhtlully written, being as like Lochmukiirivs as the above. Perhaps it was some familiar or cant phrase for pieces struck or forged at Lochniaben. ' Victuals, vivres. 18JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 135 Verdict. The Aflyife, ' eftir lang refToning and mature deliberatioun had thairof, be thair delyuerance pronunceit be tlie moutli of Archebauld Preftoun, Chancellare of the faid Aflyife, ffand the laid Gabriell to be clene and acquit' of the faid crimes. [Mr WilUant Oliphant, Justice-Depute.] Nov. 21. — GoTHRA Y IVrCuLLOCH of Ardwell. Dilaitit of certane crymes of Inceft, committit be him with Katherene M"^- Culloch, his broder-dochter ; and vtheris crymes contenit in the lettres. Continued, to the Aire of ' Kirkcudbrycht, tertio Itineris, vel fiqier premoni- tione XV dierum. Plegio, Jacobo M'Culloch, rectore de Kyrk-Cryft.' dTire-ratsiiTtr — 33realtiit(j: of iSaariJ, ^t, Nov. 27. — Alexander Jardine of Apilgirth, &c. James Twedie of Druninel3eare become plege and fouirtie for Alexander Jar- dine of Apilgirth, Johnne Jardane and James Jardane his breder, Niniane Jar- dane and Will Bell his feruandis, Williame Jardane, callit Reid Will, at the Kirk of Sewerbie, (and) Dauid Moffet in Sewirfyde ; that thai fall compeir be- foir oiu" fouerane lordis Juftice or his Deputtis, the third day of the nixt Jul- tice-air of the llierefdome of Drumfreis, quhair thai duell, or fouer, qulien and quhair it fall jjleis our fouerane loird, vpoun xv dayis warning, and vnderly the law for the trelTonabill railing of fyre and birning of the place of Litilgill, per- tening to Dame Jeane Hammiltoune, Ladie Lammingtoune : And for elchew- ing' furtli of the Caftell of Edinburglie, and breking of the waird thairof; and vtheris ciymes contenit in the lettres direct thairvpoune, &c. Crcason— SIsststins nablie deuilit and confultit with diuerfe vtheris 5 our complicis, viz. Robert Hammiltoun of Inchemachane, Johnne Cuninghame of DrumquhafTall, Malcolme Dowglas of Manis, Johnne Mufcliet and Walter Dowglas in Litill Saucliie, in ]>e monethis of October, Noueinber, December and Jiuiuare lallbypad, vpoun the ' Various other trials occur at this period for abiding from the same raid, chiefly against fewars and burgesses. ^ Than. 140 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1584.5- plat laid be the funityme Erlis of Angus and Mar and fair complices, for fair treffonabill deidis pre- fentlie fugitiues in Ingland, comraunicat to 30W be Johnne Home alias callit Blak Johnne, fair mef- finger, and ])e faid Jobune Mufcliet, bow his Maiefteis maift nobill perfoun at the bunting mycbt liave bene tane captiue and convoyit to fum Itrentli in the Illis and bordouris of this realme, or ellis to Aim ftrenth in the Illis of Locldowniond, qubill the faidis declairit tratouris fugitiues had with thair com- plicis refTauit his maift nobill perfoun in Jiair liandis ; and conceling of ))e famin. Johnne Cuningiiame of DrumquhqffilUs Dittay. — Johnne Cuninghame of Drumquhaflill, ge ar indyttit and accufit, that eftir mony and diueife tieiibnabill Conlpiraceis, confultit, deuifit, affiftit and execute be sow and jour partineris, aganis the Kingis Maieftie and quyet eftait of the cuntre eviu to fat acceptant (altemptat?) of liirpryfing of his Maiefteis maift nobill perfoun, qubilk wes commitlit be sow and diuerfe vtberis ^our trefFonabill partakaris in the monetb of Auguft PWMxxxij ^eiris, be taking of his Maiefteis maift nobill perfoun captiue in the lious of Hutiivene, carying of tiie fame about gairdit at sour pleafour, 36 being prefent and trefTonablie aflifting to fe faid fact ; qubilk beand ouer- feen^ be his Maieftie, befyde money vtberis treflbnabill oflFonfis ouerlukit in sow, and sour honour, lyft and landis fpairit be bis hienes clemencie, mycht have bene fuffecient motiouue, to liave niouit sow to defift fra all fic treflbnabill deidis and interpryfis fairefter : Nochtwithftanding of fe quhilk, je raaift ingratlle and trcflbnablie, vpoun sour accuftwmit malicious and vnhappie vnnaturalitie, bes in the monetbis of October, Noueraber, December and Januare laftvvas, treittit, deuifit and confultit ane maift hie and vnhappie Treflbune aganis his Maiefteis maift nobill perfoun ; quhairby nocht onlie tlie prefent eftait of this commoun-wealth mycht have bene euertit,* but alfua, gif with jour and jour complicis faiftie his ]Maieftie culd have bene led captiue to the bordouris of this realme, to have bene reiiauit be his declairit tratouris now fugitiues in Ingland, or to fum fortrace or ftrenth within the Illis of Locblowmunt in the Leuuenox : Coramittand fairthrow maift liie and abhominabill Treflbun ; and this is trow, and se can nocht denye fe famin : — Forder se, in tlie faidis monetliis laftbypaft, at the leift in ane or vther of fame, lies confedrit, treittit and confultit with James Edmefloun of Duntraitb at diuerfe tymes and places, fic as the Kirk of Strablene and at the Kirk of Killerne, vpoune the exe- cutioun of the interpryis abouewrittin ; and bes maift trelfonablie concelit the famin vnto the tyme of sour lait entrie within je Caftell of Edinbur' and jour examiii-atioun fairin, quhilk wes vpoun the fext day of this inftant moneth; quhair se, be jour Depofitioun fubfcryuit with jour awin hand, as alfua fe faid day, being confrontit with the faid James Edmeftoune, and that je knew that Blak Johnne Home wes directit fra the fumtyme Erlis of Angus and Mar and fair complicis prefentlie for fair Treffoun fugitiues in Ingland, wes be fair melfage direct to jow to propone fe ]ilatt for executing of the tref- fonabill interprilTe aboue fpecifeit. As jour faid Declaratioun, fubfcryuit with jour hand, heirwith produceit as ane pairt of jotu- Dittay, dois teftifie. And this is trew, and je can nocht deny fe famin. Malcolme Dowglas of Manis Dittay. — Malcolme Dowglas of Manis, ge ar indytit and accufit, that eftir raony and diuers treflxmabill Confjiiraceis, confultit, dewyfit, affiftit and exe- cute be jovv and jour partinaris agains fe Kingis Maieftie and quyett eftait of fe countrey, quhairfore je being laitlie forfaltit, had of his hienes clemencie, obtenit joure pardoun, and ower- fene in fe bruiking of soure landis and heretage : git, je raaift vnnaturallie, vnthankfullie and treflbnablie, in fe monetbis of October, Nouember, December and Januar laftbypaft, lies diuifit,' treitit and confultit with diuers vtberis joure complices, fic as Robert Hainmiltouue of Incbmau- cban, James Edmeftoun of Duntraitb, Johnne Cwningbame of Drumquhaftill, Waller Dowglas in Lytiil Sauchy and Robert Sem])ill fumtyme of Roifland, vpoun fe platt laid be fe fumtymes Eillis of Angus and Mar and fair complices, for fair treifonabill deid prefentlie fugitiues in Ingland, ' Pardoned, overlooked. '^ Overturned— Lat. cvericrc. 18Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 141 eftii- communicatioun ])airof to ])e faid James Eiltneftoun of Duntraitli be Jolmne Hwme alias callit Slak Joftmie, ge, in ]ie monetJiis foirl'aiil, confultit, coiifenit, tretit and dewyfit with Jie laid James Edmelloun of Duntraitli and Jm remanent ^our complices aboue vvrittin, att jie Kirk of Strablane and ]>e Kirk of Killeme, as alfo in ■^oure hous and place of Manis, quliiiir ])e laid liobert Ilanimiltoun wes allowit be ^ow to be vpoun Jie counfall fairof, and ]>air dewyfit how his JVIaielleis mailt nobill perfoune mycht att ))e hunting be tane captiue and convoyit to liini ftrenth on ]>e bordouris of ]iis realme, or ellis to fum ftrenth in ]ie lies of Locblomount, quhill jie faidis declmit traittouris fugitiiips had, with )iair complices, rellLuit his Maiefteis mailt nobill perfoune in pair handis : And to Jie taikin, that ])is is trew, ge directit 50ure Lettres heirvpoun with Walter Dowglas of Lytill Sauchy to ])e faidis rebellis, declarit traittouris, prefentlie in Ingland, and with Robert Sempill, qulia being Jie riieflingeris and poiftis of Jie faidis fugltiues had at Jiair pleafour, rellett and interteinment at 5 oure hous of Jie Manis, in Jie monethis foirfaidis: And Jiis is trew, and 36 cawnocht deny Jie famin, in refpect the faid James Edmeftoune of Diuitraith and Robert Hammiltoun of Inchmawchane, prefentlie with ■;ow, awowit Jie fame; lykeas alfwa, James Dowglas and William Johnnftoun ;oure feruandis. in Jiair Depofitiounes teflifeis the prefens of Jie faid Robert Hammiltoun and Laird of Duntraith with 30W in 30ure awin hous, and refoirt of Jie faid Walter Dowglas and Robert Sempill in 3 oure faid hous, quha had na vthir nccalinun of refoirt to 30ure faid hous hot for Jie trelTonabill caullis foirfaidis. AssisA. Williame Lord Hay of geftir, Patrik Ogilvie of Lichemairtene, Sir Thomas Stewart of Garne- Lord Seytoun, Patrik iNJurray of Hangit-fchaw, tullie, kny', Thomas Maifter of Cafliliis, Johnue Sempill of Fowlwode, Johnne Gordoune of Pitlurg, Patrik Houftoun of that Ilk, VV'illiame Wallace of Ellerflie, James Mein^eis of Weim, Johnne Gordoun of Loihinvar, k', W'" Makcullocht of Mortoune, Williame Hammiltoune of Some, Johnne Murray of Blakbaronie, Patrik Agnew, Shereff of Wig- Thomas Kennedie of Barganye, Robert Grahame of Knokdoliane, toune, MacFarlan of that Ilk. ^'eudict. The Affyis, be tliair delyiierance, pronimceit be the mouth of the laid William Lord Hay of gefter, ffand and declarit the faid James Edmes- TOUNE of Duntraith, to be culpabill, conuict and fyllit off the vnliappie, vn- thankfiill and trefibnabill treitting and confulting witli diuerle vtheris his com- I)lices in the monethis of October, Nouember, December and Januare laftwas, \poun the plat layit be the fiimtyme Erlis of Angus and Mar and thair com- l)licis, communieat to him be Johnne Home aiias callit Slak Johnne, the mef- finger, and Johnne Mufchet, quliow the Kingis Maicileis maift nouill perfoune mycht be tane captiue at the hunting and conuoyit to fum ftrenth on the bor- domns, or fum ftrenth in the lUis of Lochlowmuiit, quhill the faidis declarit Tratouris fugitiues in Ingland had refiauit his maift nobill perfoune in thair handis ; and of the trelibnabill conceling thairof conforme to his awin lettre and Depofitioune fend to the Kingis Maieftie, fubfcryuit with his awin hand. — And liclyk, fi'and, pronunceit and declairit the faid JoHXXE Cuxinghame of Drum- ([uhaftill, to be culpabill, conuict and fyllit off the conference, treitting and con- fulting with James Edmeftoun of Duntraith at diuerfe tymes and places, fie as at the Kirk of Strablane and at the Kirk of Killerne, vpoun the taking of the Kingis Maiefteis maift nobill perfoun cajjtiue at the hunting, fpecialie at that 142 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1586. tyme about the taking of Dauid Home of Argatie ; qiihairby the lordis fugi- tiues in Ingland mycht be releuit and this eftait alterit; and of the conceling of the famin ; confonne to his Depofitionis fnbfcryuit with his hand. — AND rychfwa, ffand, i)ronunceit and declairit the laid Malcolme Dowglas of Manis, to be culpable, conuict and fyllit, that, forfaniekill as James Edmeftoun of Duntraith hes teftefeit vpoun his grit aith, that he declairit to the faid Mal- colme Dowglas of Manis, that Johnne Home alias callit Blak Jolinne, feruitour to Johnne lumtyme Erie of Mar, proponit to him, the taking of the Kingis Maiefteis perfoune at the hunting, amangis vtheris generall conferencis had be thame in tlie place of the Manis, in prefens of Robert Hammiltoun of Inche- mauchane, lykewayis afiermit be the laid Robert ; quhilk jjurpois, the laid Laird of Duntraith lykwayis teftefeit, wes refufit altogidder be the faid Laird of Manis, and nawayis thocht gud be him ; and nochtheles, infafar as the faid Laird of Manis hes concelit the famin, and nocht revelit it to the Kingis Maieftie ; in ane voice, conuietis the faid Malcolme Dowglas of the conceling thairof ; and put him thairfoir in the Kingis Maiefteis mercye. In witnes quliairof, the chancellare, in name of the reft Aflyiroiu-is, fublcryuit the faid couuictioun in the Minut buk. Sentence. The famin day, eftir the faid conuictioune, the Juftice, be the mouth of Johnne Andro, demjiftare of the faid Court, adiugeit and for Dome gaif, that the faidis Johnne Cuninghame of Drumquhaftill and Malcolme Dow- glas of Manis fuld be tane to ane ikaffauld, befyde the meixat croce of Edin- biu-gh, and thair to be hangit, quhill thai wer deid, and quarterit and drawin : And that aU thair mouabill and vnmouabill gudis, landis, heretageis, poffeflionis, takkis, ftedingis, offices, coirnis, cattell, lyfrentis, actionis and all vtheris quhat- fumeuir quhilkis pertenit to thame, aucht and fuld perteine to our fouerane lord, and to be applyit to his hienes vie, and to remane with him and his fucceffouris for euir, be rellbuu of Elcheit and ffoii-faltoiu*. At Edinburgh, ivithhi the Tolhuyth of the faming the xxij day of Mali, the T,eir ofGodI™.V<^.foiirfcoirfex leiris. In presence of the ryclit honorabill Sir Lwes Bellenden of Auchnowle, kiiycht, Clerk of our fouerane lordis Jufticiarie, Mr Robert Dowglas, prowefl of Lindwdene, collectour generall of this realme, Dowglas of Quhittingheme, ane of the fenatouris of the College of Juflice and Patrik Lethingtoun of Saltcoittis, (May 26, 1586.) — Conipeirit Mr Dauid Makgill 30unger. Aduocate. fub- ftitute to Maifter Dauid Makgill of Nilbet, aduocate to our fouerane lord, iti 19JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 143 prefens of ane honorabill and difcreet man, Willaime Litill, Proweft of Edin- burghe, and me Mailler James Bannatyne, Clerk-depute ordinex", in the office of Jufticiarie, noter publiet ; and produceit Ane Commissioune, direct be our fouerane lord, vnder his hienes quarter-feill, oflf the dait at Halirudhoufe, the twentie-fyA'e day of Maii, the 3eir of God I"'.V^ fourfcoir fex 3eiris, and of his Maiefleis regnne the nyntene 3eir,Makand and conftituand his louittis,MAlSTERis JoHNNE PiiESTOUNE and Eduard Bruce, coniunctlie and leueralie, liis hienes Juftices in that 2iairt, to fens and hauld Courtis of Jufticiarie, for adminiftra- tioun of Juftice, vpoune Mr Archebauld Dowglas, dilaitit and lufjject of the crevvall, horribill, abhominabill and treffonabill Murthour of Vmquhile Hexrie King of Scottis of gud memorie, darreft fader to our fouerane lord ; and being actuallie prefent thairat in cumpanie Avith vmquliile James fumtyme Erll of Bothwell and vtheris his complicis ; the tyme of the committing of the famin in the moneth of Februare, the 3eir of God P.V^ threfcoir fex 3eiris : Defyi'ing the faidis perlbnis to be fworne to minifter juftice lelilie and trewlie in the faid mater, conforme to the tennour of the faid Commiffioune, law and confuetude of this I'ealme. Quha immediatlie thairefter acceptit the faid Com- miffioune vpoun tliame and befoir me notare and witnefles abouewrittin, be haulding vp of thair rycht hand, fwoir and gaif thair aithis for miniftratioun of juftice lelilie and trewlie in the faid office of Jufticiai'ie as Juftices in that jjairt, conforme to the tennour of the laid Commiffioune, as thai wald anfuer to our fouerane lord thairvpoune ; and than incontinent for deductioun of forder proces in the faid mater, Ordanit thair officiaris of Jufticiarie to fens Court, for obedience of the faid Commiffioune and accejitatioune thairof. Quhairvjjoun the faid Mr Dauid Makgill afkit infti'umentis of me notare publiet and clei-k foirfaid. Curia Justiciahie, /Trf. n. Regis tenia in Pretorio de Edinburghe, vicejimojexto die Maii anno domini millejimo qxiingentejimo ocliiagejimo Jexto, per hoiiorubiles et difcretos viros, Magijtroi Joannem Prejiotin et Eduardum Bruce, Jujiiciarios in hac parte dicti f.d. n. Regis, virtiUe Jue CommiJJionis Jpecialiter co/i/iitutos. Sectis vocatis et Curia legitime ajffirmata. In the quhilk Court the faidis Juftices produceit ane Precejjt direct to thame be the Kingis Maieftie, commanding thame to accept ane Commiffioune of Juf- ticiarie vpoun thame, and to put Mr Archebauld Dowglas, dilaitit of certane heich poyntis and crymes of Treffoun, to the tryell of ane Inqueift : Off the quhilk Precept the tennour followis. Maisterts Johnxe Prestoune, Eduard Bruce, Aduocattis and CoramifTeris of Edinburglie, We greit ^ow weill. Forfaniekill as, Mr Archebauld Dowglas is to be prefentit vpoun fe xxij day of Maij inllant in pe Tolbuytli of Ediuburghe, to be tryit vpoune certane heicb poyntis of Treffoune, concerning fe murtliour of our niaift. darrell fader ; and to fe effect ))e mater may be pe bettir tryit we have directit our Comniiffloun vnto 50W, creating and fubilituaiid 30U our Juftices in fat part, to pe effect contenit in fe faid Commiffioune. Tliairfoir it is our will and We charge 30W ftraitlie, and 144 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1586. commandis, that immediatlie efter fe fycht of fir prefentis, 36 accept the faid Commiffioun in and vpoun 50W, gif :;ouraith for adminiftratioun in fe faid Coniniiflioun and put ])e faid mater to Jie tryell of ane Inqueift, and do juftice fairinto, according; to the lawis of fis reahne, but ony forder delay; as 56 will efchew our indignatioim. Subfcryuit with our hand att Halirudhous, ])e xxv day of INIaii 1586. JAMES R. P. Maister of Gray. Lincluden. rreaisanaljle Consjpivacij— iHurtJfi* of 2^1113: ?t?eiuy Bantlen. Comperit perlbiialie on panuell the lauiiii day, in preiens of the laidis Jugeis, May 26. — Mr Auchebauld Douglas, Parfoun of Glafgw.^ Dilaitit of the horribill, erewall, vnnaturall and treffonabill murthour, flauch- ter and paricide of vmq''' our fouerane lordis darreft fader, Henrie King of Scottis of gude mentorie, and vtheris crjanes ; comniittit at the tyme and in nianer at lenth vnderwrittin. . The famin day, compeirit Mr Dauid Makgill, aduocat, lubftitiit to Maifter Dauid Makgill of Nifljet, aduocat to our fouerane lord, in his hienes name, as perfeware ; and exponit and declarit, that he had reflauit ane fpeciall Warrand and command, direct fra the Kingis Maieftie, chairgeing him to perlew the faid Mr Archebauld, of the crymes aboue fpecifeit ; quhilk he produceit in jugemeut, and defyrit the famin to be infert in proces ; quhairof the tennom- followis. ■ ' Rex. ' Aduocat and ^our fuhftitut, we greit 30W hairtlie weill. Forfamekle as we have ap- popitit fe xxvj day of Maii inftant, for prelenting of Mr Arciiebauld Dowglas, perfone of Glafgw, to vnderlie our lawis, for airt and pairt confulting, treitting and executioun of J>e maifl horribill flauchter and murthour of our ^•niq''= darreft fader of gude niemorie, We command 50W, with all conuenient fpeid, to tak informatiouno, be all nieanis poffibill, for accufatioun of Jie laid Mr Archebauld of fe treilbnabill crymes foirfaidis ; and fat 36 perfew him thairfoir fe faid day pppoyntit, or ony vtheris dayis Jiairefter to follow, be ane condigmie AfTyis, quhill he be ather foule or cleane- of tiie crymes foirfaidis: ffor the quhilk this prelent falbe to 50W fufficient warrand. Subicryuet with our hand att Halirudhous, ye xxiij day of Maij, and of our regnne the nyntene 5cir, 1586. ' JAMES H.' As alfo produceit in jugement, in prefens of the faidis jugeis, Letteris direct for fummoning of ane Affyis to this day, vpoun the faid Mr Archebauld ; cpihair- by ane fufficient nowmer of Affyis is fund. Quhilkis letteris ar of the tlait, att Edinburghe, the xxiij day of Maij, and of our fouerane lordis regning, the nyn- tene 3eir, 1586. Togidder with the Dittay, quhairof he is to be accufit : Offer- ing him reddie to perfew the faid Mr Archebauld of the famin, and crymes con- tenit thairin. Of the quhilk, the tennour followis. 1 He was cousin to Regent ^lorton, and was also one of the Ordinary Lords of Council and Ses- sion. KcfiMonce is made to Mr Arnot's Collection for a narrative of facts relative to this slianu'tul and collusive trial. The acquittal of the Parson of Glasgow has justly been attributed to the unprin- cipled intrigues of Patrick Master of Gray, and of Randolph the English ambassador. See also Moyses' Memoirs, &c. - Until he be found guilty or else acquitted. 19JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 145 DiTTAY againft Mr Archibald Dowgla.s, Parson of Glasgow. Maifter Archebaiild Dowglas, pei-foiin of Glafgw : ge are inditit and accufit, that in tlie monetliis of Janiiar and Febrnare, the 3eir of God ^".^''^ threfcoir fex 3eiris, 36 being accumpaneit with James funitynie Erie Bothwell, James Or- meftoun fnmtyme of })at Ilk, Robert alias Hob Ormelloune his faderis broder, Johnne Hay fnmtyme of Talla, Johnne Hepburne callit Johnne of Bowtonne and diiierfTe vtheris 30ur complicis, craftelie and fecreitlie confpyrit amangis 50m" lelfis, denyfit and malicioiiflie confultit, treitit and concludit ]je niaifl Ichamefiill, deteftabill and vnnaturall miirthonr and paricide of our fouerane lordis darreft fader of gude memorie, Henry King of Scottis, fpous for J)e tym.e to his hienes darreft moder Marie, then Qwene of Scottis ; and Jjat within ]je burch of Edin- burghe, Palice of Halirndhous, and vtheris places fiairabout : And to ]>e end that 5e mycht bring 30ur wickit and execrabill attempt bettir to pas, 3e with J)e remanent perfonis afoir namrait, be 50iu" felfis, 30ur ferwandis, complices and vtlieris in 3our names, of 3our cawfing, command, airt, pairt-taking, affiftance and ratihabitioim, vpoun J)e tent day of ))e faid moneth of Febrnare, att twa houris eftir midnycht or Jjairby, come to ))e lugeing befyde ])e Kirk of Field, within ]3e faid bur' of Edinburghe, quhair our faid fouerane lordis fader wes ludgeit for ))e tyme ; and Jjair, be May of hamefuckin, briganrie^ and foirthocht fellony, maifl; wyildlie,^ vmnercifviUie and trefTonablie, flew and murdrefl; him, togidder with Williame Tail3eour and Andro Makcaig, his cubiculeris.'^ quhen as thay, bureit in fleip, M-er takand pe nychtis I'eft, brint his lugeing foirfaid. and raflt ]>e famin in the air, be force of gun-pulder, quhillv a little afoir wes placeit and unput be 30W and 30ur foirfaidis vnder Jje ground and angulare ftanis,* and witliin \>e woltis in laicli and darnit" places to ))at effect : And quhair- throw, 36 haif incurrit ]?e panis of Lefe-maiellie, and fuld be pwneift Jjairfoir in all rigour, be tinfale" of lyff, landis and guidis, and extiuctioun of fame, titill, lionour and memorie, confornie to pe lawis of Jjis realme. Lyke as, J)e haill per- fonis, fpecialie afoir nammit, 3our compUces and confpiratouris with 30W in Jiis treffonabill cryme, as ))ai culd be apprehendit, ])ai fiifferrit iiiaift fchamefull deid ))airfoir, according to ))air deieruingis. IxKjr. 3e ar indj'ttit and accufit for Jje treflbnabill Confpiracie of ])e faid deteftabill deid and murthour of our faid fo- uerane lordis vniq'*^ darreft fader, the famin being oppinit' to 30W be ];e faid vmq'" James fumtynie Erie of Bothwell, and vtheris chief Confiiiratouris, quhairas of dewtie 36 wcr obleift to haue reueleit \)e famin, quliilk gif 36 bed done, the faid maift abhominabill, fchamefull and crewall interpryfe of pe faid ' Briganderie. O. Fr. ■ Vilely, basely. ^ Grooms of tlie bcd-clmnibcr. 'Corner-stones. ' Concealed, hidden. '' Loss, deprivation. ' Revealed, disclosed. VOL. I. X 146 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1586. murtlioiir had bene impeidit, and our faid foiieraue lordis darreft faderis lyff, be gude meanis, had been jireferued : And ])airfoir, 30ur faid foirknawlege and conceling in ane cryme fa haynoiis and trelTonabill, wes neir alyke and equall to J)e committing of \>e deid : And Jjairfoir, 36 audit to be pwneift in lyfF, landis, fame and honour, as faid is. — To ])E takin^ that 36 war airt and parte, con- fultare, treittare, deuyfare and executer of J)e faid treflbnabill, horibill, cryme and murthour, 3e wer actuallie prefent J)airat, and execuit ipe famin with 30iu" awin handis, vpoune }>e faid tent day of Februare, at twa eftir mydnycht, quhair, by J)e preilfe and thrang of peple, the tyme of ])e executioun of f>e faid murthour, 3e tint 30111 mwlis," quhilk being fundin vi^oune pe morne at pe fame place, wer acknawlegeit to haif bene 30uris. And 3e wer euir f)airefter in griter familiaritie with pe faid vmq''' James fumtyme Erie of Bothwell, be pe participatioun of pe faid abhominabill trelfoun -viith him, to pe effect that ather of 30W mycht man- teine and fupjiort vtheris in 3our wickit deidis. And this is maill notorlie knawin, and 36 can nocht deny. — To pe mair^ takin : Quhen 3e wes to be attintit befoir our fouerane lord and the lordis of his Secreit Counfale, for pe faid abhominabill trelToune, vi)oun pe firft day of December, 1380 3eiris, 3e gat fe- creit intelligence f»airof, and nocht being liabill to abyde pe law })airof, hot findand 30virfelf maift giltie Jjairof in 30ur confcience, 36 wer fugitiue furth of this realme to pe pairtis of Ingland, quhair 3e remanit diuerfe 3eiris paireftir ; planelie takand vpoune 30W pe faid abliominabill cryme ; Lyk as, fchortlie ])air- eftir, in pe moneth of Nouember, 1581 3eins, 36 wer foirfaltit for pe faid cryme. As fie proces of foirfaltour beiris. — To pe niair^ takin : gour maitl familiare fer- wand, vmq'^ Johnne Binning, quha for airt and pairt-taking with 30W in pe faid abhominabill and treflbnabill cryme, M'es conuict and put to death, in pe moneth of Junij, 1581 3eiris foii"faid, being ofttymes tryit* vpoune 3our jiairt |)airof, fermelie and conllantlie deponit that 36 wer airt, pairt, deuyfar and executour of pe faid abhominabill murthour ; and J)at 36 wer actuallie and in jn-oper per- foun ))airat ; quhairat alfo he abaid and tuk pe famin vpoun him, in pi-efens of pe haill pepill l)yflanding, at his executioune. — To pe mair takin : Vmquhile James Erie of Mortoune, eftir his conuictioune and befoir his death, nocht onlie confeft, that he himfelf foirknew pe faid horribill murthoux', bot als, that 3e 30ur felf wes pe reweillare ))airof vnto him : And forder, ])at 3e wer actuallie at pe exe- cutioun of )ie famin, as is maift notourlie knawin : Quhilk 3e can nocht deny. The faid Mr Archebauld, anfuerand to the Aduocat vpoun the ©ittay pro- duceit aganis him, as yit nocht red in his prefens ; defyrit of the Juftices that ' III token, ]irnof, or tfstiinony. ' Miil/is, 'a kind of .slippiTs willinut. quarters, usually made of fine cloth or velvet, and adorned with embroidery.' Dr Janiieson. Tliey are afterwards described as ' welwat mulis' in tlie course of the trial. * Further. ^ Examined, jjrobably ujion torture. 19JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 147 the famin mycht be red, befoir thair entrie to forder proces, that he mycht an- fuer thairto, for defence of his lyff. Quhairvnto thai condifceiidaud, and for fatiffeing of his defyre, caiifit reid the famin oppinlie in jugement. Quhillc being red, he acceptit as it wes confauit, and offerit himfelf reddie to anfuer to euerie poynt, quhen he fuld be accufit befoir the AiTyis be the famin. And for his bet- tir defence, vfit and produceit ane "Warrand direct be the Kingis Maieftie to the Jiiftice, for admiffiouu of his lawfull defenffis. Quhairof the tenuoui- foUowis. ' Rex. 'Justice, Juftice-CIerk, and 30ur deputtis, we greit 30W weill. Forfamekill as we haif appoyntit Jie xxvj day of this inftant, for tryell of Mr Arcliebauld Dowglas, of certane crymes of Lefe-maieftie, to be laid to his charge, befoir %ow, in ]>e Tolbiiytli of Edinburghe; and albeit it be our niynd Jiat ]>e faid mater be liandillit according to our honour and ]>e lawis of ])is realme, git we intend nawayis that onyreflbnabill defence or moyen be tane away fra ]ie faid Mr Archebauld, quhilk maybe competent to him, ather of equity or ellis be our faidis lawis. Thairfoir it is our will, and we charge 30W, that ;e hauld Court Jie faid xxvj day of Maij, and put pe faid Mr Archebauld to Jie tryell of ane inqueill, vpoun fic heidis and articles of lefe-maieflie as falbe gevin in Dittay ; admittand neuerthles to ]ie faid Mr Archebauld, his haill laufull defenffis, fafar as ]>e famin may be competent to him. Subfcryuit with our hand att Halirudhous, fe xxvj day of Maij, and of our regnne fe nyntene 3eire, 1586. (Sic fubfcribitur) ' JAMES R." Efter the productioun of the quhilk Warrand, and refTait thairof be the Juf- tice, the faid Mr Archebauld, leinning to his innocencie, but' defyre of ony pro- locutour to fpeik for him in this cans, allegeit, that tlie fecund poynt of Dittay, tuiching the foix'knawing and conceling of the faid mm'thour, aucht noclit to be put to the knawlege of ane Aflyis, be reffoune, that our fouerane loird, of his trie mercie and grace, had grantit to him his hienes Remiffioun for the famin : Quhilk Remiflioun he jiroduceit in jugement, and tuik him thairto. Of the quhilk the tennoiu* followis. Letters of Remission in favor of Mr Archibald Dotcglas. ' Jacobus Dei gracia rex Scotorum. Omnibus probis hominibus fuis, ad quos prefentes litereperuene- rint, Salutem. Sciatis, quia ex noflris fpecialibus gracia et mifcricordia, Remifnnus tenoreque pre- fentium Remittimus, dilecto noftro Archibaldo Dowglas, vui ordinarioruni dominorum Confdij et Seflionis, pro omnibus criminibus, tranfgreflionibus et prodicionibus, per ipfum Archibaldum, aliquo tempore ante datum prefencium, cuiufcunque grauitatis ac qualitatis fint commifs., (confpiracione ta- men, confilio, tractacione, arte, parte et executione, horribilis et detelliibilis murtliure nollri quondam chariffimi patris tanturamodo exceptis ;) pro quibus dictus Archibaldus, cogiiitioiii nollrorum legum fubditus eril : Prouifo quod dictus Archibaldus precognitione et concelatione dicti horribilis murthure nuUo modo oneratus fit ; ad quod, Nos, pro diuerfia grauibus confideracionibus Nos moven., volumus et concedimns, quod dicta Remiflio extendatur ; et quod in eadem comprehendatur omnis oft'enfio et crimen que dicto Archibaldo pro fua allegata precognitione et concelatione dicte horribilis murthure vt dictum eft imputari pofllnt. Et fupra, dictum Archibaldum, fub firma pace et protectione noftra, ' Without. 148 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 158 6. iufcipien. fii'miter inhibemus, ne quis ei occafione predictorum criminutD, tranfgreflionum et prodi- tionum omnium antedict. (exceptis prius except.) malum, moleftiam, iniuriam aut grauamen aliquod inferre prefumat iiiiufte ; fuper iioflram plenariam fFoiiffactuiam ; aut ad mortem ei inferat, inh pena amiflionis vite et merabrorum. In cuius rei teftimoniura, has literas noftras RemifTionis, pro toto tem- pore vite prefati Magiftri Archibaldi duraturas, fub noftro niagno figillo, fibi fieri fecimus patentes. Apud Halirudlious, vicefimo primo die menfis Mali, anno domiui millefimo quingentefimo octuagefimo fexto et regni noflri decirao Nono.' Quhilk Reiiiiiroun being redd oppinlie in jugement, and confidderit be the faidis .Tuftices. they ffand and pronunceit, that the fecund jiairt of the foirfaid Dittay, concerning the foirknawlege and conceling of the Murthour foirfaid, in refpect thairof, fuld nocht be put to the tryell of ane Aflyis. Quhairvpoun the faid Mr Archeljauld aflvit inflrumentis. And the faid Mr Archebauld altogidder denyit the firll pairt of the faid Dit- tay, offering himfelf to the knawlege of ane condignne Aliyis for the famin, wes ordanit be the faidis Juges to be put to the tryell of the perfonis vnderwrittin, fummond ^q)oun his Aflyis, be vertew of oiu" foueraue lordis lettres. AssisA. Patrik Maifter of Gray, Gilbert Gray of Baldarran, James Cohiile of Eifter Wemis, Mr Samuel Cokburne of Tempilhall, Robert Logane of Reftalrig, George Home of Spott, Andro Gray of Dunnynald, Patrik Johnneftoun, 50unger of Andro Logane, younger of Cotfeild, Elphinftoune. And becaus the remanent perfonis of Aflyis, fummond, be vertew of the faidis Lettres, to this day, being oftymes callit, compeirit nocht, and wer amerciat thairfoir, the faid Mr Archebauld fchortlie thaireftir produceit ane ^Varrand and Precept, direct be our Ibuerane lord to the Juftices and Aduocatis fubllitut foir- faid, Ordaning thame to fupplie the nowmer of the abfentis with fic gentillraen as mycht be gottin fummond, ather within the burcht or at the bar : Quhilk Pi'ecept the faid Aduocat, for his Warrand, defyrit to be iufert in j^roces ; quhairof the tennour followis. 'Rex, 'Justices and our Aduocat and 50ur deput, We greit 30W weill. Wc underftand ]>at Mr Archebauld Dowglas is enterit prelentlie on pannell, and that his tryell flayis becaus fat fic per- fonis as ai' fummond vpoim his Aflyis compeiris nocht, and fat fair laikis ^it fum perfonis of ane per- fyte nowmer. Tiierfoir, it is our will that, according to ]>e la wis of our real me, and pratick of jour court, 56 fupplie |ie abfentis with fic gentiilmen as 56 may get, ather witliin our burcht of Edinburghe, or within ]te bar, and caus fame be fworne vpoun fe faid inqueift, to f e effect ])e faid mater reffaue nalanger delay ; keipand this Precept for jour Warrand. Subfcryuit witli om- hand, att Halirndhous, fe xxvj day of IMaij, 1586. (Sic fubfcribitur.) ' JAMES R." Lyke as, the faidis Jugeis, ffor obedience of the faid Precei^t, caulit be thair officiar, ane of o\ir fouerane lordis meffingeris fummond the perfonis following to 19JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 149 pas vpoiin the faid Mr Archebauldis AfTyis, for compleating of ane fiill nownier. Thaj' ar to fay, REMAINDER OF THE ASSISE. Willianie Ker of Ancruni, :;ounger, Alexander Baillie of Litil-Gill, Mr Robert Favvfyde, joutiger of that Ilk, Gawin Carmiclipll of Wriditillandis, James Logane of Parfonif- knowis, Andro Ker of Grenheid, George llanimiltoun of Preftoune, , Walter Ker, brother to the faid Laird of Greneheid. Qiiliilkis i)erfoms being callit and compeirand befoir the faidis Juftices, wes admittit be the faid Mr Archebauld to pas vpoun his AfTyis, with the remanent perfonis aboue writtin, for tiyell of his innocencie in the faid cans, and joynit be the Juftices to the I'enianent of the nowmer admittit vpoun the faid Aflyis of befoir : and thai all fworne be thair grit aithis, to delyuer vpoun the poyntis of the faid Dittay, conforine to the ordovu* and confuetud of this reahne, ordour- lie be thair names. And immediatlie efter the chefing and admitting and fueiring of the haill foir- naniit perfonis of Affyis in jugenient, as \'fe is, and the laid IMr Archebaidd Dowglas being judiciallie accufit of the horribill, deteftabill and trelfonabill crymes contenit in the firft poynt of the Dittay foirfaid, the I'amin being denyit be hiiu fimplic/ter, ojipinlie, in prefens of the faidis Jugeis ; and referrit to the tryell and kna\\'lege of the foirfaidis perfonis of Affyis : the faid Aduocat-fub- flitut, for the bettir inftructioun and verefeing of the faid Dittay and takinnis thairof, produceit thair, inftaiitlie, the 2)roces of flbirfaltour led and deduceit aganis him for the famin in the Parliament hauldin and begun at Edinbui'ghe the day of 1581 3eiris. To the quhilk anfuerit the laid Mr Archebauld ; and ffirft, to the firft takin of the faid Dittay, declaii'ing that ' in ])e preis and thrang of J)e pepill })e tyme of Jje executioun of ])e faid murthoiu- that he tint his mwlis, quhilkis being fund vpoune the morne, wer acknawlegeit to half bene his ;' that the famin wes alto- gidder vntrew ; defyring the famin to be verefeit, be ony jJerfounis quha wer prefent at the finding of the faidis mwlis, or had feue the famin at ony tyme thairefter ; and that the famin can nawayis appeir, be the DeiJofitionis and de- claratioune of the faid vmq'^ Johnne Binning, deponing, that the faid Mr Arche- bauld his maifter, paft in ane fecreit' and fteilbonnett, arniit, to the committing of the faid horribill crynie, quhairby the jjaffage betuix his lugeing and the place quliair the laid nuirthour wes committit, being nawayis meit to ane per- foun armit, to pas with welwat mulis to lie ane deid ; and nawayis lyklie, be gud appeirance natlier, that na fic thing wes fund ; and the faid takin, to be bot an allegeance. — SecumUie, anfuerand to the fecund takin of the faid Dittay, ' A shirt of mail privately worn under the usual dress. / 150 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1586. makand mentioune, that ' quhen he wes to be attemptit,' befoir oiu- fouerane lord and the lordis of his hienes Secreit Counfale for the faid abhominable Tref- foune, vpoiui the laft day of December, the 3eir of God I^.V. and fourelcoir 3eiris, getting intelligence Jjairof, wes fugitiue furth of this reahne to the pairtis of Ingland for the faniin, and that he fchortlie thairefter, in the moneth of (Nov.) 1581 3eiris, wes foirfaltit for the faid cryme ;' exponit and declarit, that the occafioun of the abfenting of him felf of the realme wes throw juft ffeir, quhairvnto ony perfoun wald half bene mouit, his giidis, geir, rowmes and pof- leffionis being intromettit with, befoir ony atteiching : Lyk as, he fchortlie efter his paffing fiu-th of the realme, being inforrait that he wes dilaitit of the faid horribill cryme quhairof he wes innocent, fafare as the famin come to his knaw- lege, the Quenis Maiefties of Inglandis Ambaffadoiir being iia Scotland for the tyme, in his name, offerrit to prefent him to the Kingis Maiellie, that he mycht be tryit of the faid cryme, fwa that^ thair wer deput vnfulpect Jiigeis and per- fonis of Alfyis : Quhairvnto his hienes anfuerit, that he wald nocht indent with his fubiect. And as for the proces of ftbirfaltour produceit, the famin can be na witnes nor takin to conuict him of the laid cryme, in refpect our fouerane lord had grantit vnto him, his hienes Letteris of Rehabilitatioun, annulling the faid fentence of ffoirfaltour, and declairing and decerning the famin, to be of na force nor effect, als weill in jugement as outwith, aganis him. Quhilkis Letteris he produceit in jugement, for verefeing of the faid allegeance as the famin vnder the Grit Seill, off the dait at Halirudhous the xxj day of Mali, the 3eir of God P.V". fovu'fcoir fex 3eiris, and of oiu* fouerane lordis regnne the nyntene 3eir, at mair lenth beiris. Anfuerit the Aduocat, that the faidis Letteris of Rehabilitatioun can naw^ayis tak away the proces of ffoirfaltour, the famin ftandard vnreduceit ; and referrit the famin to be confidderit be the AlTyis. And foi'der, for verefeing of the faid Dittay, and thrid takin thairof, maid vjioun the faid Johnne Binningis Declara- tioun and Depofitioun ; produceit thre of the faid Johnne Binningis Depofi- tiounis, maid thairanent, in i^refens of the Lordis of our fouerane lordis Secreit Counfale : The firft, maid at Edinburgh the tent day of Mali, fourefcoir ane 3eiris, (1581) in pre fens of the Erie of Argyll, Chancellare, the Erie of Arrane, the Erie of Montrois, the Lord Ruthven, Mr Robert Ci-eychtoun of Eliok, Aduocat, and Alexander Hay, Clerk of Regifler, fubfcryuit be the faid Erie of Ai-rane and Alexander Hay : The fecund, of the dait the ellevint day of Mail, in pre- fens of the Erie of Arrane, the Erie of Montrois, the Laird of Bargany, the Laird of Ai'kinglafe, the Gudman of Manderftoune and the Clerk of Regifter, * Attainted, forfeited. 'Provided. 19Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 151 fubfcryiiit be the haill perfonis abouewrittin, auditouris to the faidis Depofi- tiounis : The thrid, daitit at Edinburghe the xv day of Maii, the 3eir of God 1"".^. fourefcoir ane, in prefens of the Erlis of Arrane and Montrois, the Lard of Arkinglas, fiibfcryuit be the faidis Erlis of Arrane and Montrois and the Clerk of Regifter : ffernielie and conftantlie dejioning that the faid Mr Arche- bauld paft to the deid-doing, the faid Johniie Binning and Thomas Gairner his lerwandis being with him in cumpanie, and that the faid Mr Archebauld wes actuallie thairat. And forder, produceit thre vthir Depofitionis, the ane maid be vmq'" James Ormeftoune fumtyme of that Ilk, the vther be vmq'" Johmie Hay fumtyme of Tala, 3ounger, and the thrid maid be vmq''^ Pareis, Ffrenchman. Anfuerit the faid ]\Ir Archebauld thairto, firft, that the faid vmq'" Johnne Binningis Depofitionis can niak na thing aganis him, confiddering the famin ar altogidder variant and contrarious ; in the felf-fam-tyme declairing, that he wes paft to his bed, the nycht of the committing thairof, and that the faid vmq'° Johnne paft furth of liis chalmer to liis awin dwelling hous to his bed, quhair he reftit quliill the faid abliominabill Murthoiu" wes committit; and heiring the crak' of the blading of the Kingis hous in the air with powder, rais and come to his faid Maifteris chalmer, quhair he fand him lyand in his bed, reidand on ane buk : and in ane A-ther pairt of his faidis Deiiofitionis, declairing, that the faid Mr Archebauld, efter that he had ftepit in his awin chalmer that nycht of the connnitting of the IVJkirthour, nane being with him hot the faid Johnne and Thomas Gardner, and quhen it wes lait, paft to the committing of the famin, accumpaneit with thame, out at his bak 5et ; quhilk is contrarious :^ And de- clairing lykewayis, that vpoiui the morne thairefter, he conuoyit the faid Mr Archebauld to the Tolbuyth, quhilk culd nocht ftand, feing the tyine of the committing thairof wes vpoun the Soneday befoir ffaftinis-ewin, in the tyme of Vacance, quhen the Lordis fittis nocht, and that he wes nocht \i)oun the Sef- fioun at that tyme ; and thairfoir defyrit the contrarieties of the faidis Johnne Binningis Depofitionis to be confidderit be the faidis i^erfonis of AfTyis, and thame to cognos thairin, to the bettir trying of his innocence : And ficlyk alle- geit, that the faid vmq'^ Johnne wes nawayis his ferwand the tyme of the com- mitting of the faid horribill Murthour, nor 3it come in his feruice be the fpace of twa 3eiris thaireftir. Quhairvnto the faid Aduocat anfuerit, tliat the Depofitionis of the faid vmq"" Johnne Binning wer liifficient to teftifie the faid Dittay to he trew, feing in the haill heidis thairof he aggreis the faid Mr Archebauld to be participant of the faid trelTonabill and vnnaturall Murthour. — To the quhilk, anfuerit the faid ' Report. ^ Contradictory. 152 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1586. Mr Archebauld, That the faidis Depofitionis, can not be fufficient to verifie the faid Dittay, leing the laid vmq'"' Johnne wes hot Jlnguhtris tcftis, qiihilk in ci- uilibus, ciild nocht be habill to preif ony actioun of geir, far-les in crimiiialihus, to tak away anie niannis lyff : And as to the fferd takin of the faid Dittay, alle- geit maid vpoun the Confeffioiin of vniq'" James fumtyme Erie of Mortonn, anfueris, that na fic Depofitionis wer prodnceit in jugement nor 3it to the Alfyis ; and thairfoir defyrit thame to have refpect thairto, fpecialie in confiderationne that the faid takin beiris that the faid vmq''' Erie of INIortonne, eftir his convic- tioune and befoir his death, confeffit that he him felf foirknew the faid hoi'ribill Murthour, as alfo that the faid JNIr Archebauld wes the reuelare thairof to him, and actuallie at the executioun of the famin ; and geveand and nocht grantand that the faid Depofitioun had bene maid, 3it the famin can teftefie na thing aganis him ; becaus of the law the Depofitionis of ane conuict and condempnit perfoun can nawayis be reffauit to beir teflimonie aganis ane vther. And for- der, anfueris to the Depofitionis of vmq'' James Ormeftoune fumtyme of that Ilk, vmq'° Johnne Hay of Talo and vmq''' Pareis, Frenchman, that the famin makis na thing aganis him, na mentioun being maid of him in ony of thair De- 2)ofitionis ; hot that the famin femes rather to the bettir inftructioune of the per- fonis of Affyis of his innocence : And fforder, the faid Mr Archebauld acceptit the faidis Depofitionis of the faidis vrnq'"" Johnne Hay, Pareis, Frenchman, and Laird of Ormelloun ; and repeitit thame for his jufl:ificatioune, anent that pairt of the Dittay, quhairin wes allegeit, that he confpyrit with thame and vmq'" James fumtyme Erie of Bothwell, vpoun the treffonabill IMurthour foirfaid, be reffoun the conti'air planelie appeirit be the Depofitionis of the faidis perfonis ; quliairin wes contenit the haill maner of the actuall doing of the deid be thame felfis and vtheris thair complicis, and na mentioime maid of him ; nather culd it appeir that he onywayis had knawlege thairof ; defyring the i)erfonis of AflTyis to reid and confidder the famin befoir ony delyuerance or writting. — Anfuerit the faid Aduocate, that the Depolitionis of the faid vmq'" Johnne Binning ar fufficient to inflruct the laid Dittav, togidder with the notorietie of the faid deid, leing the faid vniq'' Johnne abaid tliairat to the hour of his death : And as for the faid vmq''' James Erie of Mortounes Depofitionis, the Ihmin ar mair nor notoure to the perfonis of Aifyis and to the haill cuntrie, and neidis na for- der productioune : And thairfoir, in refpect of the notorietie foirfaid, jn-otellit, that in caice the faidis perfonis of Allyis clenge and acqiiit the faid Mr Ardie- bauld of the faid horribill and crewall Murthour, for ^^'ilfull errour : \'^pon the quhilk he alkit inftrumentis. COMPEIRIT the famin day, Sir Williame Stewart of , fone law- full to Andro Lord Stewart of Vchiltrie, as neir coufing and kinnifman to our 19JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 153 louerane lord, and proteftit, that in refpect the faid Mr Archebauld ftandis con- uict in Parliament of airt and pairt of the horribill and trefTonabill Murthour and llauchter of the faid vmq'° Henrie King of Scottis, fader to our fouerane lord, that in caice the faidis perfonis of AlFyis clenge him thairof, for AVilfuU Errour ; and gif he fal happin to be fund culi)abill heii'efter of the famin, that his hienes fal haif fufficient actioune of Errour aganis thame. Quhairvpoun he lyke wayis afl Difchargeit for his gret aig. '" Vhimo Maii. " Thir delyrit to be re|de^;eit to Torpliecbin be Mr Johnne Gralianie, JuRiee-Deput, and continewit totlie laft Maij. '- Didliargeit and i)aft fra. '^ Defyrit be the Erll of Angus to be replegeit to Dalkeytb. " In voluntate. •5 Palt fra. "= Difchargeit. 156 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1587- Johnne Stewinfovme of Hirdmanfcheillis,' Frances Boirthuik in Bancreif/ (j)legio, Joanne Boirthuik eiusjilio cum seipso coniunctim et div'isim ad sathf actionem ^ Johnne Boirthuik his fone,^ Mr Patrik Heijburne of Gilmertoune, (plegio, Georgia Carkettill, hurgen. de Edinhurghe,) and Wauchop of Kaikmure, (plegio, 31. Patricio Hephurne de Sinetoune.) Dilaitit for contravening of our fouerane lordis Proclamatioun, in abyding fra the Raid appointit to follow our fouerane lord to Dumfreis, vpoun the ferd of Apryle laftwes. PiiiviLEGES of Burgesses of Edinhurghe, as to Abiding from Raids, even though dwelling furth of the Burgh. Compeirit Mr Johnne Scharp, for the faidis Alexander Aichefoun and Tho- mas Marioribankis, and alledgeit, that thay aucht nocht to be put to the knaw- ledge of ane AflTyis, for abyding fra the Raid, becaus thay ar burgeffis of Edin- burghe, and ftent, watcht and waird with the burgeffis thairof, quha paft nocht in proper perfoun in to the Raid, bot fend men att the Kingis defyre, and wer ftentit to that effect ; of the quhilk ftent, thai payit thair pairt : And lyke as, the faid remanent- Burgeffis could nocht be trublit for abyding fra the faid Raid, nane^ could thay. The Aduocat anluerit in the contrair, and allegeit that the feruice of thair perfounes aucht to be tane quliair thay remane," and becaus thay remane out of the bur', and hes landis lyand out of the bur' quhair thay remane, ewin as thair landis ar fubiect to ane ftent by'' the ftent of the bur' ; ewin fwa thair perfonis fould ferue quhene the King makis his Px-oclamatioune. The Juftice continewis Interloquitour to the laft day of Maij inftant. (May 31.) — Interlocutor anetd BurgeJJis duelland out of Edinhunjlie. The Juftice findis be Interloquitour, that tlie faidis Alexander Aitchefoune and Thomas Mariori- bankis fall nocht be put to the knawledge of ane Aflyis, in refpect of the alledgiance proponit be thanie, that tliay wer burgeffis of Edinburghe, and that thay ftentit and fkattit' with the toune thairof. And this Interloquitour to extend in tymes paft. Henry Sinclar of Quhytekirk and George Logan portioner of Boningtoune alToil^^^eit," becaus thair moderis are lyfrenteris of their landis. James Veitch of that Ilk, George Barroune in Auld Liftoune, Dauid Dundas in Brigend, George BifTett in Eiftfeild, alToilseit, becaus thay half nocht 'SyystQ oxgangis' of land. Alexander Tod in Dirltoune and Alexander Robefoun thair, aflbil3eit, becaus thay haif na heretage. ' Ad reniiffionem. ' Voluntate. ' Difchargeit be the Juftice becaus the fone and father ar noclit bayth fubiect to the Proclamatioun. ^ Neither. ^ Dwell, have their residence or place of abode. ^ Over and above, besides. "^ Paid assessment and taxations. ^ Absolved. ^ Ploughgates, ox-gates. 20JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. I57 The remainder of the cafes continued to the Juftice-aire of EdinbiU'o-he, ' tercio Itineris, vel fuper premonicione xv dierum.' May 23. — Archibald Max^vell, brothir to the Gudman of Dinwiddie, Williame Maxwall his foue and Dauid Maxwall his feruand. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the crewall flaiichter of \anq'^ Robert Maxwall of Coweftanis, committit in Jiinii 1583. Continued to the Juftice-air of ' Dumfries, tertio Itineris, (vel fuper premoni- tione) XV dierum ; per Preceptum regis." Evtmon—€mmttv(titm(i itiiis's ^tamp, ^c. May 23. — Patrik Maister of Gray. Comperit Mr Dauid M^Gill of Nilbet, Aduocat to our fouerane lord, and pro- duceit the Dittay after Ipecefeit and defjTi'it proces ; of the quhilk the tennour followis. Dittay against the Maister of Gray. Patrik Maister of Gray, ge ar indytit and accufit, that 56 haif laitlie, within Jje fpace of Jjis 5eir bypall, writtin, delt and travellit to France, for findrie materis preiudiciall to J)e Religioune prefentlie jJi-ofeft be our fouerane lord and his fubiectis ; and therefore, to haif had libertie of confcience, or otherwyis to fy (fay) forme of Religioune, to haif bene vfit att ewerie manis awin appittite within J)e realme ; incontrair Jje tennour of ]>e Actis of Parliament ; incurrand ))airthrow the panis contenit in Jje faniin. SecuncUie, Indytit and accufit, that during ]>e tyme foirfaid, he hes intendit to deill with fum perfonis in France, that be J^air moyane, throw his informacioun, oure foueranis mariage with Jje King of Denmarkis dochtir (being ane deid honeft and lauchtfull in prefens of God and men) niycht haif bene ftayit ; takand thairthrow vpoun him, without ony warrand, forder thane becumit ane fubiect of his dewtie to haif done ; fpeciallie, in that his intentioune tendit to J)e hindrance of Jje Kingis mariage, being ane act proffitabill to ))e commoun Avelth of ])is realme. ThrijdUe, In- dytit and accufit, for Jje vndewtifuU wryting of lettres, concerning the eftait of his Maiefi;ie and J)e realme, in Ingland ; without his IMaiefteis knawledge or command ; thairthrow, exceding far Jje dewtie of ane fubiect. Ferdlie, Indytit, that he has travellit in materis quhilk mycht haif deflroyit the efl:ait of ])is realme, quhilk trawcll, gif it had tane effect, his Maiefl;eis perfoun mycht haif bene indangerit, committing Jiairthrow the cryme of Treflbiuie. Fyftlie, Indytit, ' Plegio, Roberto Maxwall de Dinwiddie niilite. 158 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1587. for counterfitting of pe Kingis ftamp/ and putting of ])e famin to ane letter Avrit- tin with his Maiefteis awin hand, Avithout his command or avictoritie to do ])e famin ; and (iclyke, for retening and keping of J)e famin ftamp in his handis. SaxtUe, Indytit for diners and lindrie vtheris offences and crymes of Treflbun, akeddie declarit and confeft be hini to his Maiefteis felf ; quhairof he is giltie ; quhilk he can nocht deny. Lyke as, the haill pointis of Dittay aboue writtin ar of veritie, as he can nocht deny J)e famin, nor na pairt ])airof The faid Patrik Maifter of Gray off'erit himfelff" and become in oure fouerane lordis will and mercie for the faidis crjanes. ^laugljtfi*— 1t?amtsuc]^en. Aug. 30. — Thomas Bonklf, cuitlar, burges of Edinburgh. Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the felloune and crewall llauchter of vmq"' Peter Heriot, induellar in Leyth, brother germane to James Heriot of Trabroune ; com- mittit be way of Hamefuckin, within the toune of Leyth, vpoune the xxix day of Auguft inftant. Persewar, James Heiiot of Trabroune. Verdict. The Affyis, being purgeit of partiall counfall, chofin, fworne and admittit, and the faid Thomas being accufit be Dittay, of the cuming be way of Hamefuckin to the faid vmq'" Petir Heriotis duelling hous in Leyth, and letting vpoun him foirnent the 3ett- thairof, witli ane drawin fword, quhairwith he maift crewallie and fchamefullie Hew (him) ; vpoun fett purpois and provifioune, &c. ; ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faid Thomas Bonkle to be ifylit and con- vict of the flauchter of the faid vmq'" Petir. Sextence. The Juftice ordanit the faid Thomas Bonkle to be tane to the toune of Leyth, and tliair, at place appointit, his heid and rycht arme to be ftrukin fra his bodie ; and all his movable guidis to be efcheit and inbrocht to oure fouerane lordis vfe, for the faid cryme. This dome pronimceit be James Nifbett, dempftar of Juftice Courtis, ^lausljter. Jan. 23, 1587-8. — Archbald IM'Brair of that Ilk.^ Dilatit of airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmq" Archibald Newall, burges of Drumfreis ; committit in (the firft day of) Apryle laftbypaft. Persewar, Mr Dauid M'Gill of Nilbet, Aduocat. Proloquitour, Mr Thomas Craig. The Juftice, be Intei-loquitour, reiiellit the haill defenffis proponit 3efterday, ' The King's cnjhet, or cachet, a device invented to relieve his Majesty from subsrrihing; so many official writs. This is still in use in Scotland in tiie case of signatures, and other official writs, formerly requiring the King's sign manual. The cashet is now in the custody of the Keeper of the Great Seal. ''■ Gate. ' See Jul. 2, 1388. 21 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. I59 contenit in the Minute-buik and proces proponit for the faid Archbald M'Brair, in refpect of the auluer maid thairto be the Aduocat, and ordanit him to be put to the knawledge of ane Aflyife. ASSISA. George Dundas of that Ilk, Adam Wallace, inerchand thair, Thomas Inglis, portionar of Auld John Lewingftoune of Belftane, Peter Cowdene, thair, Liftoune, Jolmne Gordoune of Culquha, James Henderfoun, thair, William NaiparofVVryclitifliouffis, Johnne Maidland of Auchingaffill, Mathow Stewart of Bewelaw, Mungo Ruflell, burges of Ediu', WiUiame Wallace of Johnfloune, Johnne Maure, burges thair. Verdict. ' The Aflyfe, be thair delyuerauce, pronunceit be the mouth of George Dundas of that Ilk, Chancellar, ffand and declarit, the faid Archbald RFBrair to be convict and fylit, as culpable and giltie of airt and pairt of the (lauchter of the faid v-mq'" Archbald Newall ; and clangeit him of ony Mur- thour, and the circuniftance, viz. the carting of him in the watter of Neth,' &c. Sentence. To be tane to ane IcafTeld befyde the mercat-croce of Edin- burghe, and thair his held ftrikin fra his body ; and all his movable guidis to be efcheit to our fouerane lordis vfe, as convict of the flauchter of the faid vmq'^ Archbald. ^uvting^ antr a^aounUins. Feb. 9. — HoBBiE NisBET, vagabund. Dilatit of the hurting and wounding of Geoi'ge Park, crealman, duellare in Eifter Fairny, in his hind-heid ; and for taking of his purs fra him, with ten poundis money thairin ; committit the xvij day of Januar laftbypaft, betuix Kingorne and Bruntyland. The faid Hobble come in the Kingis Will for the faid cryme, and refTauit thairin be the Juftice ; and committit to waird within the Tolbuith of Edin- burghe. [3Ir James Wardlmv, Justice-Depute^ Cattle-stfaliits^ Mar. 25, 1588. — James Dalgleisch in Blacok,' NicoU Bryden in Kittifdeuch.' Dilatit of certane pointis of Thift, viz. The faid James for the inbringing of Dauid Eliot callit the Carling, Hobble Eliot callit Hob Billie and vtheris thair complices, commovm thewis, to the landis of Halbyre, beiide the Lone-ftane ; and fteling furth thairof of ten kye ; committit in October 1581 ; and vtheris pointis of thift contenit in the lettres. The faid Nicoll Brydin dilatit for the ' Plegio, Jacobo Adamfoun, burgen. de Edinburghe. " Plegio, Joanne Adamfoun, burgen. ibidem. 160 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1588. thifteous inbringing of Hobbie Arnillrang callit the Pett, William Howatfoun in Bowtliink. Walter and Hobbie Annftrang callit Helenes Hobble and vtlieris thair complices, to tlie landis of Freirtoun, pertening to the Laird of Corftor- phin, and for the thifteous fteling furth thairof of ane broun meir, with the haill infycht, guidis and geir, and vtheris crymes of thyft contenit in the lettres. The perfounes on pannell afl^it inftrumentis of thair entrie, and that thay offerit thame reddie to abyde the tryall of ane Aflyis, for the faidis crymes, and all vtheris fpecifeit in the lettres ; diflaffenting to ony continewatioun : Proteft- ing, in refpect that na partie, nor the Aduocat, comperit nocht to perfew, that na lettres be grantit aganis thame in tymes cuming. — Continued to the Juftice- aire of Edinburghe, ' S° Itineris, vel fuper premonitione xv dierum.' I31r Johnne Grahame, Justice-Depute.'] drirt-raisins — JSuniins of tlje Pace of 4?itmet(Uf ne. Mail 17. — Willia:m Lesije in Lytill Warthill,' Adam Watt at the Mylne of AVellhall, "Williame LelFell, meffinger at the Kirk of Inch, Michaell Lellie in the Inch of Warthill, Patrik Lef- lie, fpne to James Leflie, burges of Abirdene.- Dilatit of airt and pairt of the treffonabill Birning of the Place of Pitmeddene, togidder with the haill infycht guidis and geir being thairin, to the availl of ffyve thowland markis, pertening to Alexander Abircrumbie of Pitmeddene ; committit in March laftbypaft. Persewars. Preloquitour for the pannell. Alexander Abircrumbie of Pitmeddene, The Erll of Botlivvell, The Lord Hvvme, .Mr Dauid M'Gill, Aduocat. The Coronall Stewart, ISIr Thomas Craig, Mr Alexander Lindfay, Mr Alexander King. It wes alledgeit be the pannell, that na proces can be led aganis thaim, feing it is lycht' that thay half committit Treffbun, in birning of the faid hous of Pit- meddene ; and that all perfounes committeris of treffoune, fould be fummond vpoun fourtie dayes wairning, and that thay ar nocht fummond vpoune foiu'tie dayes wairning ; thairfore na proces. — The Aduocat paft fyrft fra that j^airt of the lybell, makand mentioune of the TrelToune ; and anfuerit, that proces fould be had aganis thame, in refpect of ane Act of Parliament, maid in King James the Fyft tyme, in the quhilk it is provydit, that ffyi-e-rafuig fould be funnnond as Slauchter. The Juftice continewit Interloquitour to the morne. .' Plegio, Normando Leflie, burgen. de Abirdene " Plegio, Domino Hume. ' Luce clarior. 21 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 161 l^amcsucfetn — dTirf-iaisins, $(t. May 17. — WiLLiAiME Leslie, apperand of Warthill. Comperit "Williame Leflie, apperand of ^\'artliill, and exponit and declarit, that he vnderftuid that he wes fpeciallie contenit in the Lettres ralit at the in- ftance of Alexander Abircrumbie of Pitmeddene, Robert and James Abircrumbie his Ibnis, for fummonding of him, to haif fund cautioune, that he fould half comperit this day and place, and vnderlyne the law, for camming be way of Hamefukkin, accumpaneit with Johne Leflie, apperand of Torquhane and di- ners vtheris perfonis, his complicis, fpecifeit in the faidis vtheris lettres, affage- ing of the faid Place of Pitmeddene ; and for the treffonabill rafmg of ffyre thairin, and birning and diftroying of the faid place, togidder with the haill infycht giiidis and geir being thairin, pertening to the faid Alexander Abir- crumbie, to the awaill of fyve thowfand raarkis money ; committit vpoune the penult day of March laftbypaft. And albeit, he wes nathir liimmond, be vertew of the faidis letteris, to find cautioun, nathir 3it fand he cautioune for this comperance this day and place, to vnderly the law for the crymes aboue writtin ; 3it nochtwithftanding he, for tryall of his innocencie, comperit and ofFerit him reddie to abyde the tryall of ane AlTyis for the faidis crymes ; difaffenting to ony continewatioune, and re- quyi-it of the faid Alexander Abircrumbie of Pitmeddene, gif he wald infift in his perlute thairfore : Quha declarit att the bar, in prefens of the Juftice, that he knew the faid William Leflie to be innocent of the crymes aboue writ- tin ; and thairfore wald defift fra all purfeuing of the faid William. Quhair- vpoiin the faid William afle mylne of Ruthvennis, laitUe committit be ]ie faid Adam, vpoun lett puipois : ffor ])e quhilk, he being apprehendit and putt in waird, witliin our Tolbuith of Edinburghe, and purfewit conforrae to Jie lettres direct pairvpoun ; and nocht able to abyde oure lawis, he is becura in our will, to be pwneifl fairfore as we pleis. And we mynding, that fie ane horribill fact fould nocht paffe without fom pwnieifment, att the erneft fuit of oure rycht traift coufing, Johnne Erll of Mar Lord Erlkein, and fum vthir refpectis mouing ws, lies fparit the executioxm of ])e faid Adam to ])e death, for Jie crymes foirfaid, vpoun J)is conditioime, that within ])e fpace of . . . dayis nixt eftir Jie dait lieirof, that he fall depart furth of oure realme, and re- raane furth of ])e famin, in perpetuall baneilment and exyle, (luring all the dayes of his lyftyme ; with certificatioun and' he fail3ie and do in ])e contrar, that he being att ony tyme heireftir apprehendit ' Heiring how Witches wi-ang abufit him. The Kirkmen calld him and accufed him, And fcharplie of theis pointis reproved him, That he in Sorcerie beleavit him, Whairthrow his faule mycht come to (liaith, The Witche and he confefifing bayth, Scho tuik fome part of white wyne dreggis, Wounded rayne and blak hen eggis, And made him droggis that did him gude,' &c. — Dalyell's Scottish Poems, ii. 318. ' Whether the following entry in the Books of Privy Council has reference to a relation of ' Maif- ter Williame,' the Editor leaves to the reader to determine. Apud Edinburgh, quinto Scptemhris, anno, S;c. Ixxvij" (1577.) The quhilk day, Capitane Johnne Vddart become actit and obleift, as cautioner and fouirtie for Maifler Thomas Symfoun, fumtyrae fer- uand to vmquhile Thomas Dauidfoun ypothicar, That the faid Maifler Tlionias fall remane within this realme and nocht depart furth of the famyn in tyme cuming, without fpeciall licence of my lord Re- gentis Grace, vnder the pane of fyve hundrcth merkis. And Johnne Symfoun, minifter at Kennowy, obleill him to releif the faid Capitane Johnne of the premiflls, and off all pane and dangeare that he fill happen to fullene thairthrow. (Sic fubfcribitur) Johnne Vddart with my hand, Joiin'ne Symsoun minifter with my hand. - An, if. 166 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1588. witliin our realme, be ony of oure judgeis or vtlieris cure fubiectis, that ])e panis of death falbe execute vpoune hiui, witliout ony mercy. Quhairfore, it is oure will, and we command 30W, that incontinent eftir fe fycht heirof, 30 infert ])is oure Declaratioun in 3 our act of Adjoumall, to remane fairinas de- creit of convictioune aganis the faid Adam, in tyme cuniing. Subfcryuit with oure hand, att Dum- fries, the auchtene day of Junij, 1688. < JAMES R. J. M. Cancellarius.' Sentence was pronounced by the Juftice accordingly. Jul. 2.— Robert IVrBRAm of Almagill.' Dilatit of the flauchter of vniq'^ Archibald Newall, biu'ges of Drumfreis ; com- mittit in Apryll, 1587. Peksewaris. Preloquitour. Efter Hill the relict, Mr Dauid M^Gill, aduocat. Mr Johnne Ruffell, Jolinne Halyday. The faid Robert ]VrBrair produceit ane Precept, fublcryuit be the ICing and his Chancillar, orderand the mater to be continewit ; quhilk the Juftice obeyit, ' Drumfreis, tercio Itineris, xv dierum.'^ 131 J- WiUiame OUphcuit, Justice-Depute^ Jul. 22. — Comperit William Commendater of Pittinweme, as Preloqui- toui- for him, (the faid Robert JVrBrair,^) and thair in judgement, in prefence of the faid Juftice-depute ; feing that vmq'" Archebald M'Brair of Almagill (of that Ilk) wes execute for the faid flauchter, and that the faid Robert wes innocent thairof, offerit in the faid Robertis name to refer for his part of the fatisfactioune of the faid flauchter, gyft of efcheit and vthir mater debatabill betuix lum and Efter Hill, the relict of the faid vmq'^ Archebald Newall, prefent att the bar, and piu-fewar of him, to be modifeit and decydit be the Kingis Maieftie, or ony foure of his hienes Counfall : And the faid Eftir Hill anfuerand be Mr Dauid M^Gill of Nilbet, aduocat for his hienes interes, lykewyis perfewar, declarit that his hienes defyrit hir to piu-few the law ; and fwa refufit to refer the faid mater in maner aboue written. Quhairvpoune the faid "\A'^illiame Commendater of Pittenweme afkit ijiftrumentis. (Jul. 23.) — This cafe was continued, firft to July xxiij." (N0V.2.) — It was then delayed toNov.ij, when the pannell ju-oduced Letters of Remiflioun, granted by the King in his favor ; Thomas Stewart of Gaftoim and Walter Gladftanis of that Ilk, having become fureties, ' ad fatiffaciend. partibus.' ' See Jan. 23, 1587-8. ^ pjpgio, Johnne Lyndfay de Covintoune : ' Releuit heireftir be his en- trie.' ' Plegio, Andrew Blair de Ardblair. ■• When ' the Kingis Maieftie haifing conimandit the perfewaris and defender, to fubmit all materis debetabill betuix thame, to four Lordis of the .Sel- fioune, the Juftice continewit this mater to the xx\'iij day of Julij inftant.' 22Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. I67 [Mr Johne Grahame and Mr JVilliame Oliphanf, Just/ces-Dejmfes.l Jul. 26. — JoHNNE MyLLar ill MiddiU Cairny, and Merioiy Blaikie in Cairny. Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the flaiicliter of vmq'^ Williame Robertfoun in Cairny, in bewitching of him ; committit in Apryle, 1585 : And for Adultei'ie committit be athir of thame with vthiris. Continued to the Juftice-aire of Perth, ' tercio Itineris, xv dierum.' [_Mr JVilliame Oliphant, Justice-Depute.~\ Aug. 22. — Sill James Hammiltoun of Crawfurd, knycht, and Ma- rioun Hammiltoun his dochter naturell. Hew Somerwall in Carfwall, oft tymes callit to haif produced our fouerane lordis lettres dewlie execute and indorfat, &c. to tak fouirtie of Sir James Ham- miltoun and Marioun Hammiltoun, that thay fould haif comperit befoir the Jul- tice or his deputes the laidis day and place, in the hoiu-e of caufe, and vnderly the Law for the ffilthie cryme of Inceft, committit be athir of thame with vther thir lax jeiris bypaft ; lauchfuU tyme of day bid din and nocht produce- and, the famin wes thairfore amerciat in the i^anis contenit in the Actis of Parliament. Sep. 3. — Mr Robert Dowglas, im-ovoH of Lynclowdene. Robert Lord Sanquhar become pledge and fouertie, that the faid Mr Robert Dowglas fall compeir before the Juftice or his deputes, the thryd day of the nixt Juflice-air of the flierefdome of Drumfries, or foner, quhene or quhair it fall pleis our fouerane lord, vi)oun xv dayes wairning ; and vnderly the law, for airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmq'" Sir Robert Maxwell of Dinwiddle, knycht, committit in October laftbypaft ; and vther crymes contenit in the lettres direct thairvpoun, vnder the panis contenit in the Actis of Parliament. \_l\Ir James Wardlaw, Ju.stice-lJcpute.^ iuset of a ^;Jaj)i9t anli ^eminain priest. May 7, 1589. — Johnne Lowrie, duelland at the Waft-port of Edin- bnrghe. Dilatit of the trellbnabill RelTett, lupplement, mantening, intercomoning and furnefmg of meitt, drink and herberie to Mr Robert Rriice, confeffit and avowed Papift and femiuarie Prieft, conuuoun enemie to Goddis truth and Ci'iftiane go- 168 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1588. vernment ; committit in July, Jaiiuar, Februar and March, 1588 and 1589. Item, for doing of fauour, relfetting, fuppleing, mantening and defending of Mr Robert Bruce, feminarie Preift foirfaid, within his hous at the Waft-port, in the monethis foirfadis, he being oure fouerane lordis rebell. Persewaris, Mailler Dauid M'Gill. Preloquitouris, Mr Johnne Ruflell, Alexander King. It is allegit for the pannell, that in this judgment na perfoun can be put to the knaulege of ane Affyis, without thay wer fummond vpoun xv dayis warning, except perlbnis dilatit of TrelToun and tane in flagranti crimine. The Aduocat allegis that the fainyn fuld be repellit, in refpect that the faid Johnne Lowrie wes conftitut prifoner ; and the King may tak him furth of prifoun, and put him to ane Aflyfe. May 8. — Johnne Lowi-ie, vpoun pannell, cummis in his Maiefteis will, for geving of meit and drink, as ane commoun tawerner, to Mr Robert Bruce, ane 3eir fyne or thairby in Januar laftbypaft, a denner at athir tyme allanerlie,' without ony nichtis ludgeing ; and that vjjoun the faid Mr Robertis expenffis, nocht knawin him to be ane Preift : And denyis expreflie the haill remanent pointis of Dittay, fen ony deid done be him to the faid Mr Robert fen the exe- cutioun of the laft Proclamatioun, quhilk was vpoun the xxvj day of Februar laftwes. And vpoun the faid Declaratioun and offer, takis inftrumentis that he is ready to abyd ane Affyis for the reft of the Dittay'. Mr Dauid M'Gill younger aduocat, produceit the Dittay and defyrit proces. May 9. — The Juftice accepts the offer of coming in the Kingis will, ' ac- cording to his hienes Warrand and Precept prefentit in Jugement ; and ordanit cautiovu; to be reflauit of the faid Johnne.' His cautioners were, ' James Couper merchand, burges of Edinburghe, and Martine Lowrie, burges thair.' \_Mr James Wardlaw and 3Ir Edward Bruce, Justices-Deputes. '\ May 13. — Archebai.d Wauchop of Nudrie, 3ounger, George Boig ferwand to the Lard of Cragrailler, "Williame Lauder brother to the Laird of Bannochie, Williame Craig ferwand to Craig- miller, Richard Bigum (Bigholme ?) alfo his ferwand and Thomas Kame, fmytlie in Nudrie. Dilatit of the flauchteris of vmq'" James Giflert of Sherefhall, vmq'^ Johnne Giffert his brother, and vmq'" Robert Caife in Dalkeith, committit in July laft- bypaft ; and als of the llauchter of vmq''^ Johime Edmeiftoun, brother of Dauid Edmeiftoun of Wowmett ; committit in March laftwes. ' Only. 22Jac. VL CRIMINAL TRIALS. I69 Persewaris for ShereflTljall. Persewaris for Johnne Edmei- Preloquitouris for the pannell. Johnne GifFert, father-brother to Aouii. Maifter Thomas Craig, vmq'" James Giftert of Sbereffhall, Sir Johnne Edmeiftoun of that Ilk, Mr Johnne Preftoun, James Hammiltoune, The Lord Hwme, The Laird of Brunfloun, Mr Dauid M'Gill, Aduocat. The Laird of Seflcfurd. The Laird of Ormeirtoun. The Juftice, eftir dyuerfe and findre allegeances and anfueris proponit and maid be ather of the parties, continewit the mater to the morne at ten houris. \_3Tr Johnne Russell, Justice-Depute.^ May 14. — The quhilk day comperit Mr Johnne RufTell, Aduocat, and prefentit ane Commiffioun vnder the Signet, of the deit the faid xiiij day of May, fubfcryuit be tlie King and Chancelair, ordinand him to be Juflice in the mater abouewrittin to Mr Edwai'd Bruce and James Wai'dlaw : And according thairto, wes fuorne for adminiftratioun of Juftice. Comperit Mr Dauid Makgill of Neifljet, Aduocat, and produceit the roll of Aflyife, fubfcryuit with his hand. Persewar, Maifter Dauid Makgill. Prelociuitouris, Mr Johnne Prefloune, Mr Thomas Craig. Allegis, that the Juftice can nocht proceid aganis the Laird of Nudrie and his complices, for the flauchter of vmq''' James Giffert, Johne Giffert his bro- ther, and Richart Caife, in refpect, thay half fund caiitioun, vpoun xv dayes warning, actit in the buikis of Adiornall ; and in refpect, thay are nocht tane hi Jlagrante crimine, nor 3it is that ane cryme of Leife-majeftie ; and thay being vnder cautioun, mvn ' be warnit on fyftene dayis : And producit ane Act of Adjornall, fubfcryuit be the Juftice-Clerk. The Aduocat acceptis the Act, and thinkis the alleagence to be reflbnabill. The Juftice findis the allegeance maid yefterday anent the cautioun vpoun fyftene dayis warning, nocht to be relevant in refpect of the Kingis ^Vai'rand : And ordanis. the faidis perfounes to be put to ane AflTyfe for all the crymes foir- faidis ; hot continewis the Laird of Nudrie and remanent perfounes foirfaidis, and putting of thame to ane Alfyife for flauchteris of the faidis James Giffert, Johnne Giffert his brother and Richard Caife, in refpect of the act of Cautioun producit. ASSISA. (L) Maifter Patrik Hepburne of (6.) James Dimlop of that Ilk, (11.) James Cochrane of Bar- Gilmeitoun, (7.) Mr Patrik He])burne of bachla, (2.) WilliameLauderof(in)Dunl)ar, Smetoun, (12.) James Hwme in Dunbar, (3.) VV' illiame Wallace, 3 ounger of (8.) Johne Spreiill of Cowdene, (13.) Williame Wallace, minifter Johnftoun, (9.) James C'reyilitoun, 5 ounger of Faill, . (4.) Neill Montgumrie of Lang- of Brunftoun, (14.) Thomas Seytoun of Northrig, fchaw, (10.) James Henderfoun, 3 ounger (15.) Sir Williame Lauder of Hal- (5.) Aula M'Cawla of Arucapill, of Dryden, toun. * Man, must. VOL. L Y 170 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1589. The Affyis defyrit the Dittay to be fworne, according to the ordour. The Aduocat allegis that the Kingis Dittay aucht nocht to be fworne be him. The perfonis of Alfyife afkit inftrumeutis that na man wauld fueir the Dittay. Verdict. Quhilkis perfonis of the Affyis abonewritten, being chofin, fuorue and admittit, pall furth altogidder out of Court to the Comifaill-hoiis of Edin- burghe, quhair thai efter the cheling of Neill Montgumi-ie of Langfchaw, Chan- cellair, thay reffonit vpoun the haill pojaitis of Dittay, and thairwith being ryp- ly aduyfit, re-enterit agane within the faid Court, and be the mouth of the faid Chancellair, fFand, pronuncit and declarit the faidis ]Villiame Lauder, Williame Ct'dig and Thomas Kame, to be acquit and clengit of the flauchteris of vmq'' James Giffert of Sherefhall, Johnne Giffert his brother and Richerd Caife ; com- inittit in July laftbypaft. As lykwayis, be thair delyuerance in prefence of the faid Juftice-dejiut, ffand, pronunceit and delyuerit, in ane voce, the faidis Arche- hald Wauchope of Nudrie, George Boig, Williame Craig and Thomas Kame, to be acquit, clengit and innocent of the llauchter of vmq'^ Johnne Edmeftoun, brothir to Dauid Edmeiftoun of Wowmett, and of the hmting and wounding of George Dauldlbun in his .... kne, be the fchoit of ane piftolett ; and of the liurting and woiuiding of George Hwid, ferwand to the Lard of Edjneftoun, in his leg ; committit the moneth of Merch laftbypaft. Apud Edinbueghe, xiiij Maij, anno 1589 — The quliilk day, at xij hoiu"is efter midnicht or thairby, caution wes found for the perfonis of Aflife as follows.' (1.) James Adamefoun, buvges of Etl', and Mr Tlioraas Fifcher, burges thai)-, Ten thowfand markis. (2.) James Adamefoun, burges of Ed', and Geo. Douglais, fear of Langnudrie, Tlu-ee thowfand markis. (3.) Johnne Arnot, provell of Edinburghe, Fyve thowfand markis. (5.) Tliomas Fifclier, burges of Ed', Sir Williame Lauder of Haltoun, knycht, Fyve thowfand mai-kis. (6.) Johnne Watt, fmyth, burges of Ed', and .... Cant, burges thair, callit Lard Cant, Fyve thow- fand markis. (7.) James Adamefoun, burges of Ed', Ten tliowfand markis. (8.) Johnne Arnot, proveft of Ed', and Johnne Watt, burges thair, Fyve thowfand markis. (9.) George Douglais, jounger of Langnudrie, and James Adamefoun, burges of Ed', Three thow- fand markis. (11.) Joimne Arnot, proveft of Ed', Three thowfand markis. (12.) James Adamefoun, burges of Ed', and Mr Patrik Hepburne of Smetoun, Tua thowfand markis. (14.) George Douglas, younger of Langnudrie, and James Adamefoun, burges of Ed', Fyve thow- fand markis. (15.) George Douglas, jounger of Langnudrie, and James Adamefoun, burges of Ed', Fyve thow- fand markis. ' Instead of again enumerating the whole of the Assise, reference is made to the number prefixed to each Assisor's name, in the foregoing list. Montgomerie of Langfchaw, Heuderfouji 30unger of Dryden and Williame Wallace, did not find security. 22JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 171 The famyn day, ilk ane of the AlTyfouris foirfaidis quha hes fund the faid fouirtie, obleift thame, thair aris, executouris and affignais, to freith, releif and keip fkaithles thair cantionaris refpective foirfaidis, of the fouirtie aboixewi-ittin, ilk ane of thame for thair awin partis as is aboue fjiecifiet, and of all panis con-" tenit thairin, at the haudis of oure fouerane lord and his hienes thefaiu'air, and all vtheris qiihome it efFeiris. [Mr WilUame Ol'tplmnt, Justice-Depute.'] ^lauiiljter. May 20. — Thomas Maistek of Boyid, James Boid of the Kippis, Alexander Boyd, bail5ie of Kilmernok, James Slofe of that Ilk, Thomas Roife in Bondland, and Johnne Craufurd in AVelftoim. Dilatit of the flauchter of vmq'^ Johnne Mure in the ^Vall ; committit in the moneth of Auguft, 1571. Persewaris. Johnne Mure, eldeft. fone, Robert Stewart and Micliael Stewart, kinifmen of the motheris fyde. Preloquitour for the panuell, Mr Johnne Skene. The partie pafl fra the perfute of Johnne Craufiu-d ; quhairvpoun he afkit inftrumentis. Letters of Remiffioun, granted by the King in favor of the parties, and Cau- tion found for fatiffying the parties. Cautioners, Captain Thomas Crawfurd of Jurdanehill, Johnne Scliaw of Grenok, "Williame Mure apjierand of Rowallane and Thomas Mailer of Boyd, bind themfelves to relieve the above fureties. May 20. — Robert Lord Boyd. Robert Boyd of Banhaith, cautioner for the entry of Lord Boyd at the Juf- tice-air of Ayr, or on warning of xv days, for the fame flauchter. [Curia Justiciarie s. d. n. Regis tenia in pretorio de Edinburgh superiore, xxiiij die mensis Maij anno 1589,^Je effect foirfaid, for contentment of )je ftrangearis, papiftis minifteris, qnha traffikit with 30W, to ]>& trefTonabill ef- fectis aboue fpecifeit, to haif maid and fubfcryuit ane Baud, aganis 3oure dewtie, being fubiectis, and fubfcryuit ])e fame be 30ure handis, and diners vtheris 30ure coraplicis, fie as the Erlis of Montroife and Erroll att Stregmartene, Glentamier and Auld-Montroife refpective, in fie moneth of March laftbypaft ; Bandis being forbiddin be fie law of J)e countrey ; befydis dy vers conventicle aithis, leagis and confpyraceis, haif bene maid be 30W, in })e monethis of Februar and IMarch, to j)e trefTonabill effect aboue fpecifeit, reiterat and renewit be 30W and diuerfe vtheris 30ure complices and pairt-takaris in Jse tonne of Sanct Johnneftoune, in \)e monetli of Ajiryll laftwas ; att ]>e quhilk tyme, 3e maift trefTonablie tuik J)e faid tovuie, and maid 3oure felffis maifteris pairof, of jilayne intentioun to haif ftuffit^ Jse famin, and kepit it aganis his Maieftie and his authoritie. For exe- cuting of ])e quhilk confpyracie, 36 and ather of 30W, wer art, part, red and ' Part of a line cut by binder from tlie top of tliis and some of the followinp leaves. The edges of tlie leaves are also pared, so as to take away several words. * Victualled and furnished. 174 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1589. counfall, of ])e convocatting of joure felffis, 30ure afliftaris and pairt-takaris in amies, to liaif takin the Kingis Maiefteis hous and palice of Halyruidhous and his hienes perfoiine, fupponit be 50W to be thairin ; and to haif flayne findrie his gracis faithfull counfalouris and feruandis, fpeciallie Sir Johnne Maidland of Thirlftane, knycht, his Maiefteis chancellar, with diuers vtheris : Quhair- throw, 3e mycht haif vfit his Maiefteis perfoune, alterit and fubuertit ])e prefent eftait, att 30111- awin will. For performing quhairof 36 tryiftit 30ure meting att J)e Quarrell-hoillis, betuix Leith and Halyruidhous, in March laft ; and 5e, Frances Erll of Both well, wraitt to Dauid Erll of Crawfurd, to haif cumit in amies to Leith, and to haif kepit ]>& appointit place and t5ane be 30ure felf, as indeid 36 the l^rll of Crawfurd come ..*.... in amies, to ]je effect })e ])e toun of Kingorne ; the Erll of Huntly, froiiie ])e n . . . . (north?) partis to ]>e. toun of Dumfermling ; the Erll of Montroife, to ])e Halzairdis in Auld Liftoun ; and 3e 30ure felff, to Jje faid place appointit. Quhilk 36 nor ather of 30W can deny. — Iteim, 36 and ather of 30W ar indytit, fforfamekle as his Maieftie being aduerteift of 3oure treflbnabill Confpiraceis abouewrittin, for his awin bettir preferuatioune in keping his realme and liegis in quyetnes, haif- ing fend [Williame] Reidpeth, ane of his Maiefteis gaird, in Apryll laftwes, with his Maiefteis letteris to his louitt counfaloure and officiar, Mr Thomas Lyoun of Baldu(kie) Maifter of Glammis, his grace thefaurar to ])e tounis of Dunde and Sanct Johneftoune ; quhairthrow his Maieftie, be convocating of his liegis, mycht repres )je rebellioune aboue fpecifeit ; 36 be your felfF, feruandis and collegis, tuik the faid [Williame] Reidpeth, kepit and detenit him prefoner, impedit and ftayit ])e executioun of his grace's letteris for convocating of his trew liegis to ))e mantenance of his eftait and preferuatioun of his Maiefteis perlbun : Quliairthrow 3e declarit 30ure felffis to haif rebellit aganis ))e fame, and thairthrow to haif incurrit J)e cryme of Treftoune. — Iteim, 3e and ilk ane of 30W ar indytit and accufit, that in J)e moneth of Apryll laft, in hie contempt of his Maieftie and his auctoritie, 3e tuke vpoun 30W to aflage J)e hous of Kirk- hill, and war airt, pairt, red and counfall ))airof, ffor externiinatioun quhairof 36 rafit fyre; and in takin pairof, conftrained the faid MrThomas Lyoune, being ))airin for ])e tyme, to rander him pi-efoner vnto 30W, careit him with 30W to ])e hielandis and place of Auchindoune, kepit him captiue be a lang fpace ; incur- rand ])airby the cryme of Treflbun. Quhilk is trew, and 36 can nocht deny pe fame. — Item, ge the Erll of Bothwell ar indytit, that fforfamekill as 36 directit ane conimiffioune to ))e Erll of P^rroll to Sanct Johneftoun, to move \ni Erllis of Huntly and Crawfurd with all Jjair to ciun ford^^'art and joyne J)anie felffis with 30W, on this fyd of ])e waiter of Forth, before his grace forces wer ademblit ; quhilk 56 did, in ))e moneth of Apryll laft : Quhairvnto (thay) agreit ; 22JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. I75 and 5it newertheles, for takin tliat this is trew, the Erll of Crawfurd for execu-, tioune heirof, enterit in coiiteiiiptuous termes witli the Erll of Erroll. In re- fpect qiiliairof, 36 and eiiery ane of 30W hes incurrit pe cryme of Tr(effoune.) — Item, ge and ather of 50W ar indytit, that fforfamekill as his Maieftie and his counfalouris, vnderftanding ])\r treironabill vproiris and confpiraceis, aboue raen- tionat, directit his herauld, ^Villiame Rankeku-e, to niak j^roclamatioune att pe mercat-croce of Abirdene, for delyuei-ance and putting to libertie of his gracis thefaiirar, officiar of eftait and his gracis counfaloure : The faid herald cumand to Jje mercat-croce of pe faid toune in his coit of armour, the fame wes reft fra liim, his Maiefteis letteris directit lyk^v^ns to be proclamit for convocatioun of his faythfuU liegis, wes maiit contempteouflie and treffonablie takin fra him, in pe moneth of Apryll foirfaid, be 30W and athir of 30W, 5oure aflfeftaris and pairt-takaris, fie as Johnne Lefley of Boquhane, Johnne Gordoune of Bukie and Muri'ay of Cowbairdie ; 36 and euerie ane of 30W, being art, pairt, red and counfall Jjairof, kepit and mantenit with 30W, in 3oure cuinpany, the foir- faidis perfounes, actuall doaris Jjairof. Quhairthrow 36 half rebellit aganis his Maieftie and his autlioritie, and })airby incurrit pe cryme of Treflbune : Quhilk 36 can nocht deny. — Item, ge and ather of 50W ar indytit for pe trefTonabil making of proclamatiounes in his Maiefteis name, for convocating of his liegis in armes againis his Maieftie and his authoritie, makand ftclanderous and vn- trew I'epoirtis in pe faidis proclamatiounis, that his hienes wes kepit captiue aganis his will ; efter pe tyme that his Maieftie maift wyiflie and advyfitlie rati- feit the Act of Pacificatioune and maid pe Act of Reftitutioune, for quyeting of pe haill eftait of this countrey ; and j)is done with pe aduife of his Parliament, att LjTilythqw, the tent day of December 1585 : Declaring alfwa, that it Ibuld be Treflbune to ony man to oppone him felff aganis the faid Pacificatioun and Act of Reftitutioun, and quyet eftait of pe countrey than eftableiflit ; and that the opponeris fould inciu* pe pane of lyfTe, landis and guidis. In making of pe quliilkis Proclamatiounis, 36 and ather of 30W lies vlurpit his Maiefteis autho- ritie ; and in contrawening of pe laid Act and contentis Jjairof, hes incurrit pe jiane of Treflbune. — Item, ge and ilk ane of 30W ar indytit, for airt, pairt, red and counfaU, of convocating and bringing togidder of ane oift and armie, on horfe and fute, aganis his Maieftie ; he with his faithfuU and trew fubiectis being A'poun pe ffeildis. for reprefllng of thir 30ur ti'eflbnabill actis, conl'piraceis and deuyfes befoir reheriit ; his Maieftie felf, in propir perlbun, with his oift and armie, hailing paft fordwart fra his Palace of Halyruidhous, to the toun of Cowie, within the Sherefdome of Kincarne, quhair his Maieftie being in pro])ir perfoun, 3e haid convocat ane hoft of thre thowfand perfounes inarmit, maid oreflbunes and gaif perfuafiounis to thame, that 5e haid his Maiefteis guid-will Vre CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1589. and confent thairto ; animating thame to cum fordwart ganis his Maieftie, pro- mefing to ' and is of weritie ; and fa 36 come ^ of Abirdene with difpleyit banneris to pe Brig of Die, of mynd to haif afral3iet his hienes oift and armie, his grace maift roj'all perfoun being thairin ; gif that a part of 30ur faid armie, (being) his Maiefleis guid and faithful! fubiectis, induceit and perfuadit be errom- to accumpany 30W, vnder- ftanding pair awin errour, haid nocht (knawing his Maiefleis awin perfoun to be in the fieiklis) alluterlie refufit 30U, in 30ur faid trelTonabill procedingis. And this is trew, and 36 can nocht deny the fame. — Attouk, ge Frances Erie of Botlmell ar indytit and accufit, that 3e in the monethis of Januar, Februar, Merche and Aprile laftbypaft, at leift in ane or vther of thame, hes reffauit fra minifteris and ferwitouris of ftrangeris, Papiflis, quhome 36 in dyueris tymes liaid in cumpanie with 30W, dyuerfe fowmes of monie to the rafing of men of (weir) and wagit men, or horfe and fute, expres aganis the dewtie of ane fayth- fuU fubiect, and come fordwart with thame to Dal(keith), his hienes being in Edinbui-ghe for Jje tyme : Of ])e quhilk wageit men .... (3e) rafit ane number of Inglifmen, Grahmis and vtheris, inhabitantis of Levin and Newcaflle ; the reft of 30ur wagit nowmer, being outlawis, theiffis and rebellis, Scottif- men, fie as Robert Maxwell , brother and fonnes of ])e lard of Greneheid ; ftrak drummis and (raifed) vp men of weir on fut and hors, maid refi- dence with th(ame) at Dalkeith, come with thame to Leith and dyueris vtheris pairtis of the cuntrey, boftit' and manaffit the trew fubiectis jjairof with Jjair wtter wraik. And this treflbnabill deid 3e reiterat (his Maieftie) being in the north in proper perfoun, for reprefling the vjjroris (aboue) writtin, in J)e monetli of April] foirfaid ; and campit 30ur felff . . . (at) Dalkeith aganis his Maieftie, as gif 5e liaid bene fubiectis in tyme of ware, denuncit to ane for- rane prince and ene(my.) Qidiairthrow, 3e haif committit maift hie and mani- feft Treffbun (aganis) his Maiefteis perfoun, Actis of Parliament and lawis of this realme (And) this is trew, and 3e can nocht deny the fame. — Item, ge and ilkane of 50W ar indytit for the trefTonabill and fpe- king aganis the peax and quietnes of the cuntrey (and his) Maiefteis liber- tie concludit in Pai'liament be the Eftatis thairof, quhilk (3e and) euery ane of 30W did at dyuers tymes, and fpecialie in the (moneth) of Merche laftby- paft, his Maieftie being vpoun the feildis and at his willing to perfuad his hienes, that he was fen the making of the (forefaid) Act at Lithqw, haldin and detenit cajitiue, and that he would lo (lofe his ?) lyf gif he re- turnit to his awin toiui of Edinburghe at quhat tyme alfo ettit vpoun the tidiing and apprehending of his gracis maift nobill (perfoun ?) opiJoining ' A line cut off by the binder's unskilfulness. ' Three words pared off here. ' Thi'eatened. 22Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 177 30ur felff and euery ane of 30W to his Maiefties Actis of Parliament : It being provydit be the faidis Actis, that quhafoeuir opponit confpiring abrogatioun or derogatioun f)airof, direct- lie nor indirectlie, thay fould incur the pane of Treffoun and Leife-maieftie, to be execute with all rigour.' As the extract of the faid Act, heirwith producit to fchaw, beris. And this 3e haif done, incurrand J)airthrow the panis of Tref- foun, as is abouewrittin. The quhilk day, the faid Dittay and euerie point thairof being oppinlie red in judgement, and efter diners anfueris maid thairto be the faidis Erllis of Huntlie, Bothwell and Crawfurd, The faid Erll of Huntlie declarit, that nochtwithftanding in his con- icience he is innocent of fie odious crymes, as of before he denyit, 3it haifing cxmi in vpoune that refolute purpois, to fubmitt him felff in his Maiefteis will ; and nocht willing ony wyife to be contradictour to his Maieftie ; hoping alwyis that his Maieftie will wie^ the circumftances of his acculatioun ; he lubmittit him felff maift huimblie in his Maiefteis will, following his intentiouu that he had att the fyrfl incuming : And that, of the haill pointis of the Dittay. — The Aduocat afkit inftrumentis of the Ei'll of Huntleis cuming in the Kingis will. — The Erll of Huntlie proteftit, that they mycht be hard heireftir, nochtwith- ftanding his cuming in will, be all lefum meanis that he may, of law. The famin day, the Erll Bothwell, eftir the reding of the haill pointis of Dittay, and eftir diueris anfueris gevin thairto, and ane plapie denyall thairof as thay wer lybellit, become in oiu* iouerane lordis will, for rafing of men of weir, convocating of oiu' fouerane lordis liegis, brokin men, borderaris, and, as he alledgeit, pledgeis for flaying of the truble of the bordouris, att Dalkeyth ; and bringing of thame to Leyth : And crawis his Maieftie maift huimblie par- doun thairfore. — The famin day, the faid Erll of Bothwell become in our foue- rane lordis will, for fubfcriptiouu of ane Band, infafar (as) it is contrar the law and Actis of Parliament, alwyis nocht importing Treftbune : and offerit him reddy to abyde the tryall of ane Aflyis for all the reft of the crymes contenit in Dittay. The famin day, the laid Dauid EiiLL of Craavfurd, eftir the reding of the faid Dittay vnto him, and that he had aufuerit thairto and euerie point of the famin, denyit the haill pointis thairof, as thay wer qualifeit : And become in the Kingis Maiefteis will for being vpoun the ground quhene my lord Thefaiirer ' Mutilated by tlie binder. The words of the Act (19 Jac. VI. cap. 21) are, ' And that na itianer of perfoun nor perfonis, of quliatfunievir (|iialitip or degree thay be, pretend to argun, inipung, tmueli, folift or lawbour, for pe iufriugeiiig, breking, wraftiug, abrogatioun,' &c. ' Weigh. VOL. I. Z 178 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1589, come furth of the hous of Kirkhill, or ony cryme his Maieftie may imput to him thairanent. ' in his Maiefteis will for being with the Erll of Huntlie Abirdene, but ony convocatioune vpoune his pairt, witli of all perfwading of his hienes liegis againis his Maieftie, as is contenit in Dittay. The Aduocat afkit inftrumentis of the becuming of the Erllis of Bothwell and Crawfiu-d in the Kingis will. — The faid Erll of Bothwell protefted, that na mair be putt to ane Aflyile, hot fafar as i-eleuant of the law. ASSISA. Tlie Lord Hammiltoiine, Tlie Lord of Catlicart, The Erll of Marfchell, Tlie Erll of Angus, The Laird of Pittarro, The Lord Seytoune, The Erll of Mortoune, The Conftable of Dunde, The Lord Somerwell, Tlie Erll of Atholl, The Laird of Cloilbunie, The Lord of Altrie, The Erll of Mar, The Laird of Lag, The Lord Dingwall. The Aduocat, eftir accufatioun of the faidis Erllis of Crawfurd and Bothwell be Dittay, in prefens of the faidis perfounes of Alfyife, proteftit, in cais the Af- fyfe clange thame, for Wilfull Erroure. Verdict. And immediatlie eftir chefing, fwering and admitting of the per- founes of AlTyis aboue fpecifeit, and accufatioun of the faidis Erllis of Bothwell and Crawfurd be the Dittay above mentionat ; the faidis perfounes of Affyis removit thaim felffis altogidder furth of Court to the Counfal-hous ; quhair thay fyrft, be voting, chufe the faid Willeame Erll of Angus Chancillar of the faid Affyife, and thairefter relfonit and votit vpoune the pointis of the faid Dittay, and gave thair determinatioun thairvpoun. ^Vith the quhilk determinatioun, being throuchlie auifit, thay re-enterit agane in Coiu't, in jirefens of the faidis Juftice-deputes, quhair thay, be the mouth of the faid Chancillar, ffand, pro- nunceit and declarit the faid Daniel Erll of Cruirf'urd to l)e fj'lit. culpable and convict of the trelFonabill taking of the toun of Sanct Johneftoun, in the moueth of Apryll laftwas, and maid him felff maifter thairof, of playne intentioune to have kepit the famin aganis the Kingis Maieftie and his (authoritie). — [And liclyke, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faid] Frances Erll of Uothwell con- vict of airt, i)airt, red and counfall of convocatioun of the kingis liegis, his affill- aris and pairt-takaris, and cuming to the Quarrell-hoillis, in Merch or Apryle laftwas, for altering of the prefent eftait. — And ficlyke, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faid Danid Erll of Crawfnrd to be fylit, culpable and convict of airt and pairt, red and counfall of convocatting of the kingis lieges, att the tyme quhen the Erll of Bothwell come to the Quarrell-hoillis, for cuining to the toun of Kingorne a-gait-wart, for alteratioun of the prefent eftait. — And ' A line is pared away here. 22 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. I79 ficlyke, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the laid Daiiid Erll of Cra\vfurd to be fylit and convict of airt, pairt, i-ed and counfall of expngnatioun and alTageing of the hous of Kirkhill, and rafing of fyre thairat, committit in Apryle laftwas : Incurrand thairby the pane of TrefTonne. — And ficlyke, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faid Dauid Erll of Crawfurd to be fylit, culpabill and convict of art, pairt, red and counfall of convocatting and bringing togidder of ane oift and armie, on hors and fute, aganis his Maieftie ; he, with his faithfuU fubiects, being vjioun the feildis for repreffing of thair treffonabill confpiraceis and de- wyfis above reherfit, his JMaiefties felff in proppir perfoune, with his oift and annie, haifing paft fordwart fra his Palice of Halyrudhous to the toun of Cowie, within the Sherefdome of Kincardin ; quhair his Maieftie being in proppir per- foune, he and the reft of his collegis convocat ane oift of thre thowfand men, perfounes inarmit, maid oreflbunes and perfwafiounes to thame, that thay had his Maiefteis guid will and confent thairto, animating thame thairby to cum fordwart aganis his Maieftie, in'omefling to waiTand thame at his gracis handis ; howbeit the contrar is and wes of veritie : And fa thay come fordwart fra the toun of Abirdene with difplayit baners to the Bryg of Die, off mynd to half af- fail3eit his hienes oift and armie, his gracis maift royall perfoune being thairin, gif that a pairt of thair faid armye, being his Maiefteis gvide and faythfuU fub- iectis, induceit and perfwadit be erroure to accumpanye thame, vnderftanding thair awin errour, had nocht knawin his Maiefteis awin perfoune to be in the feildis, and alluterlie refufit to affift thame in thair faid treffonabill procedingis. — And ffand and pronunceit the faidis Dauid Erll of Crawfurd and Frances Erll of Bothwell to be Innocent and acquit of the remanent poyntis of the Dit- tay aboue writtin. The King would not consent to the execution of these Peers, and the matter was allowed to hang up for above two years, when the folloM-ing entries occur in the Books of Adjournal, which are inserted here, rather than mider their respective dates, for the sake of connexion. [Curia Justiciarie, *. d. n. Regis tenia in Pretoria de Edinhurghe, per Magisfros Johannem Graham deHahairdis, et Vmphridem Blijnschelis, Justiciarios Depufatos.'\ m)t mtnffis iMill toU)«rU(0 tTje (QxW of l^uutltt. (July 16, 1591.) — The quhilk day, cornperit ane n()l)ill and mychtie lord, George Erll of Huntlie, Lord Gordoun and Bad^enoch, &c., being enterit on pan- nell ; appoyntit be his Maieftie to couipeir this day and place, before the Juftice 180 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. (1591.) or his deputes, to heir and fee his hienes will declarit, anent the crymes quhair- fore he become in will, in ane Court of Jufticiarie, haldin in the tolbuith of Edinburghe, the xxiiij day of Maij, the 3eir of God I'^.V.lxxxix 3eiris : Conijierit lykewyis, Mr Dauid M'Gill of Cranftoun-Ryddell, Aduocatt to our fouerane lord, and producit ane Letter, fubfcryuit be his Maiellie and Chancillar, direct to the Juftice, Juftice-Clerk and thair deputes, for pronunceing of the will v^lderwrittin ; quhilk he defyrit to be infert and regifli'at in the buikis of Adior- nall. Quliillv defyre the Juftice-deputes fiudand reffonabill, ordenit the famin to be infert and regiftrat in the faidis buikis, according to the Aduocattis defyre and confent ; quhairof the tennour foUowis. His Makjleis Warrand. James, be Jie grace of God, King of Scottis. To our Juftice, Juftice-Clark and fair deputes, greting. Forfamekill as, in ane Court of Jufticiarie, lialdin in our tolbuith of Edinburghe, be our Juftices in Jiat pairt, conftitute be Comniiffioun, vpoun fe xxiiij day of May, the 3eir of God I^.V'. Ixxxix ■^eiris ; oure rycht traift coufing, George Erll of Huntlie Lord Gordoune and Bad3enoch, &c. being accufit vpoune fe Dittay gewin in againis him, be our Aduocate, contening in effect fe Proces following : ffor fe treflbnabill traifiking with ftrangearis and minifteris of ftrangearis, fie as Jefuites, ferninarie preiftis and excommunicat perfounes, for alteratioun of fe Religioun prefentlie profeffit within our realme, accoirding to ])e finceritie of Jie Evangell, to ]>e overthrow of our perfoun ; and reflauing of meney and Spain^ie gold, to Jie effect and for J>is caus foirfaid : And for fubfcryveing of ane Band to fe treironabill effect above writtin, att Stregmartene, Glentanner and Auld Montroife, aganis pe lawis ; befydes diuers vtheris articles : And treflbnabill taking of fe toun of Sanct Johne- ftoune : And for airt, pairt, red and counfall of Jie conuocatioune maid in amies for taking of our hous and Palice of Halyrudhous, and our perfoune fupponit to haif bene Jiairin, and to haif flayne oure rycht traift coufing and counfalour, Johnne now Lord of Tliirlftane, oure chancillar, and diuers vtheris ; and for performing fairof tryifting to haif niett att fe Quarrell-hoillis, betuix Leith and Halyruidhous, and cuniing agaitwart in armes to fat effect, to Dumfermling : ffor fe treflbnabill ta- king of Reidpeth, ane of our gaird, keping of him prifoner, and impeding of f e execution of oure lettres for f e niantenance of our eftait ; ffor f e treflbnabill aflageing of f e hous of Kirkhill, raifling of ffyre, and taking of Thomas Maifter of Glammis our tiiefaurar, and keping of him captiue in fe place of Auchindoune : ffor airt, pairt, red and counfall of f e treffonabill taking of oure coit of armour fra Williame Rankelour, herald, makand oure Proclamatioun at oure mercat-croce of Abudene : ffor fe treflbnabill making of Proclamatiounes in our name, for convocatting of our liegis, makand ftlanderous reportis, as thouch we had bene kepit captiue : ffor f e treflbnabill convocatting of ane oift and armie of our liegis aganis ws at f e brig of Die, of mynd to haif invadit our armie quhair we wer prefent in per- foune : ffor his treflbnabill fpeiking aganis f e peax and quyetnes of fe countrey (and) our libertie concludit in Parliament ; incurrand f e panes of our Act maid f airanent : As the faid Dittay att mair lenth proportis. Quhairof, albeit the faid Erll in his confcience affermit him felff' to be innocent, 5 it baiting cum in vpoun fat refolute purpois to fubmit him felff in our will, and nocht willing to be con- tradictor to ws, hoping that we wald wie the circumftanees of his accufatioune, he fubmittit him felff niaift huiniblie in our will ; as the Act of our Adiornall maid f airvpoun beris. And now we liaifing con- lidderit fe huimbill and voluntar fubniiflioun of oure faid coufing, and weit f e circumftanees of his faid accufatioun, nawyis myndit to feik fe wrak and fubuerfioun of f e nobill bluid and ancient hous of our realme, hot to recover and retene thame in dew obedience ; haif fairfore of our fpeciatl grace reflauit and acceptit our faid coufing, George Erll of Huntlie, in our mercie and favours ; and declaria our de- (24) Jac. VI. CRIMINAL, TRIALS. 181 erniinat will be fir prefentis, that he is and falbe frie, remittit and difchargeit of all fe crymes aboue writtin, contenit in ]>e faid Dittay, ffor ]>e quhilkis he come in cure will as faid is ; and of all actioime criniinall and ciuile that we half, had, lies or may haif aganis him, his lyflTe, landis and guides fairfore : As also reintegrattis and rehabilitatis him to his guie farain : And ficlyke, being indytit and accufit be dittay for airt and pairt, red and coinilall of convocatioun of his liienes liegis, his affiftaris and pairt-takaris, and cuming to fe Quarrell-hoillis in March or Apryle, in pe 3eir of God I'".VMxxxviij or Ixxxix seiris, for altering of Jie prefent eftait, and putt to fe knawledge of ane condigne Affyife fairfore, wes be fair delyuerance fund culpabill and convict of f e famin. Quiiilk will and dome his Maieftie haifing diflerit to half bene declarit or pronunceit aganis the laid Erll, vpoun iioip of his better behaviour and amendment, in tymes f aireftir. Neuirtheles, the laid Frances Erll of Bothwell, forgetfull of his hienes clemencie, being di- latit of crymes of Trellbune and confpiraceis aganis his hienes awin perfoune, and dillructioune f airof be Nicromancie and Wicheraft,' wes fairfore committit to waird within fe Caitell of Edinburghe, thair to liaif remanit quhill he had bene tryit of f e famin, be f e knawledge of ane condigne Affyife, or vtherwyis as accordis of f e law ; fwa that he mycht half bene declarit ather culpabill or innocent of f e famin : Nochtwithftanding, the faid Frances Erll Bothwell lies laitlie brokin f e faid waird (and) vpoun his perell efchewit furth f airof, takand f airby the crymes of Treffoun vpoun him, quliairof he wes dilatit, and for fe quhilkis he wes committit within fe faid waird. Thairfore, our fouerane lord Ordanis his will to be declarit, and Dome to be pronunceit aganis fe faid Frances Erll of Both- well, in maner and forme as eftir followis. That is to fay, that he, be fe committing of fe crymes aboue writtin, quliairof he become in our fouerane lordis will, and wes convict be ane condigne Affyfe in maner aboue fpecifeit, lies committit Treffoun ; and thairfore that the dome of Forfaltoure fall be pronunceit againis liim, that he hes forfalt lyffe, landis and guides ; to be applyit to his Maiefteis vfe, to be vfit and difponit as his hienes fall think expedient. Subfcryuit be our fouerane lord, day, 3eir and place foirfaidis ; and ordanis the Juftice, Juflice-Cierk and fair deputes to pronunce f e dome aboue writtin, aganis f e faid Frances Erll Bothwell this day, but delay : As thay will anfuer to his hienes fairvpoune. , JAMES R. For obedience of the quhilk Warranil aboue written, the Juftice deput or- denit the faid Frances Erll Bothwell, be cuming in will and convictioune of the crymes foirfaidis, in the Juftice Court aboue writtin, to half forfalt lyfTe, landis and guides, and dome to be pronunceit thairvpoune ; Quhilk wes pronunceit be the mouth of Williame Gray, Dempftar of the faid Coiu't : And ordanit the faid Letter to be infert in the faid buikis of Adiournall. [3Ir Edward Bruce, Justice-Depute.^ ^laufiljtn — Conboratiou of \\)t Eitflw, Jun. 19, 1589. — Sir Patrik Houston of that Ilk, knycht, Robert Sherair, ferwand to the faid Sir Patrik, Johnne Dik, ferwand ' Birrel in his Diary remarks, ' TIic 22d day Junii, (1501,) the Earle of Bothwell brak ward out of the Caflell of Edinburgiie, qulia had beine ther in prifone foine 20 dayis befor, for allegit Viclicraft, and confulting with vitches, efpecially witli ane Richard Grahame, to coiifpyre the Kingis death ; and vpone the 2.5 of Junii, the faid Earl Botliuell wes forfaulted, and intimatioue made thairof by opin proclamatione at the Croffe of Edinburghe.' — DalyeU's Fragments, B. Dairy, p. 25. (3-t)JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 183 to Patrik Houftoun his fonne, Patrik Widdome in Houftoiin, Alexander Howfloun lervvand to Mr William Houttoun, Pa- trik Wancok, Robert Keffane alias Hill ferwaud to the 30ung Laird of Houftoun. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the (lauchteris of vniq'° William Cwninghame, oy' of the auld Laird of Glengarnok, and \'niq''' Johnne Cwningham his lone natu- rall; committit with convocatioune, of the cauffing of the faid Sir Patrik, the ferd day of Apryle laftwes, vpoun fett purpoife and proviiiouue. Continued to the Juftice-air of ' Renfrew, tercio Itineris, vel xv dierum.' Jun. 19- — Sir Patbik Houstoun of that Ilk, knycht. Dilatit of airt and i)airt of the crewell llauchter of vmq"' Robert Mvre, brother to vmq'' Johnne Mvre of Cauldwell, and vmq'*' Andro Wilfoun in Wodfyde ; committit in Aprile, Ij (1551) 3eiris. Persewaris. For the flauchteris of vmq'' W" and Johnne Cwninghame, For the flauchter of vmq'' Andro Wilfoun, Johnne Cwninghame of Glengarnok, James Wilfoun. William Cuninghame 30unger of G. Preloquitouris in perfute. The Lord Fleming, The M' of Sincler, Capitane James Cwninghame, The Lord Sempill, The Laird of Balverie, Mr Dauid M'^Gill, aduocat. Preloquitouris in defence. Mailler Johnne Schairp, The Laird of Foulwode, W" Foulertoun of Dreghorne, Mailler Johnne Prelloun, W™ Wallace 5' of Johnelloune, W'" Wallace, ferwand to Ardgovan. Efter dyuerfe allegeancis and anfueris proponit be ather of the parties, the .Tiiftice ordanit the mater to pas to ane Affyife. The proceedings are not inserted in the Record. There is, however, a mark- ing on the margin, showing that, in reference to Sir Patrik, the first case was continued to the Juftice-aire of ' Renfrew, tercio Itineris, vel xv dierum ; Plegiis, Domino Keir et ipfe ad relevandum.' In the second case, ' Ad RemifRonem pro interfectione Andree Wilfoun ; Plegiis, Wilelmo Foulertoun de Dreghorne et feiplo, conjunctini et divifim.' As to Robert Sherair and the next four, the diet was ' paft fra ;' ' Plegiis, Johanne Sempill feniore de Fulwod et Dom. Houftoun ad relevand.' Robert Kessane continued to the Justice-aire of ' Renfrew, tercio Itineris, vel xv dierum ; Plegio, Dom. Houftoun.' [Mr JF///iam OUphaui, Jiisf/ce-Dcpufe.] MitiinQ fiom tlje l\uiti of SlbciUten. Jun. 23. — George Craw in Peilhvallis, and William Craw in Swiuwode. Dilatit for remaning fra the raid of Abirdene, ordanit to haif convenit at Oe, grandson. 184 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1589. Edinburghe with all poffibill diligence, in Aprile 1589 : And for the treflbnabill affifting to Frances Erie Bothuell, and vther confpiratoviris aganis his Maieftie. Persewar, Maifter Dauid M'Gill 30unger, aduocat. Proloquitouris in defence, Mr Thomas Craig, Mr Edmond Hay. Continued to the Aire of ' Forfar, tertio Itineris, vel xv dierum. Plegiis, Ja- cobo Sydferf, biirgen. de Edinburghe, at ad relevand. unufquifque pro fua parte.' This is the first of many similar trials for abiding from this raid. They all appear to have been settled by composition with the Treasurer. [^Messrs Johnne Grahame, WiUiame Oliphcmt et James Wardlmv, ' ' Justices-Deputes.'\ Jul. 7. — Johnne Wetr, bal3ie of Lanerk, Johnne Bannatyne caUit Katis Johnne and fifteen others. Dilatit of the flauchter of vmq'^ Robert Johnneftoune, brother to James Johnneftoune of ^Veftraw. Persewaris, Florie Somerwell, mother. The Aduocat. Continued to Aii*e of ' Lanerk, tertio Itineris, vel xv dierum.' \^Mr James Warrllaw, Jusfice-JDepuie.l ;Sfivt-Ymm\s—MauQl)tcx, Oct. 14. — James Johnstoun of that Ilk and Alexander Jardene 30unger of Apilgirth. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the crewall flauchteris of \anq''' Alexander Bail^ie of Lytilgill, Rachell Bail3ie his dochter ; and for the treffonabill burning of the Places of Moit antf Dauidlchaw ; and for the flauchteris of vmq'° Andro Aiche- foune and Katherene Forreft ; and for the burning of the place of Lytillgill ; committit in the monethis of Februar and July, 7efpect'tve, laft. Persewah, Mr Dauid M^Gill of Cranlloun-Ryddell, 50unger. Preloquitouris for the pannell. The Erll Bothwell, The Lord Newbottill, Mr Thomas Craig, The Lord Heres, Lochinver, Johnne Halyday. Quha produceit our fouerane lordis lettres, dewlie execute and indorfat, pur- cheft be his hienes Aduocat againis the faidis perfones, for the crynies foirfaid ; and defyi'it proces. The perlbunes on pannel afl^it inftrumentis that thay offerit thame reddie to abyde the tryell of the law for the faidis crymes, difaflenting to all continewatioune and protefling for relief of thair cautioneris. The famin day, eftir diners allegeances proponit be the Aduocat aganis the pannell and productioune of Lettres of Hoirning aganis the faid Laird of John- 23JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 185 ftoun, quhilkis wes produceit be Matliow Bail3e, fone to the faid vmq"^ Alexan- der ; and lykewyis the faid Mathow produceit ane vthir Warraud fubfcryuit be the King, Ordaning this mater to be continewit quhill the morne. — ' Plegio, Murray de Blakbarony, vnder the pane of ten thowfand merkis.' Oct. 15. — The Pannell aflv inftrumentis of thair entrie and proteftis for relief of thair caiitioune. — The lamin day comperit Mathow Bail3ie, and produceit ane Warrand fubfcryuit be the King for continewatioune of the mater to the tent dayof Januar nixtocum : Quhilk wes obeyit. — The pannell aH'iis Inftrumentis of productioune of the Precept be Mathow Bail3ie ; and that thay difalTentit to all continewatioun. ' Plegio, Domino de Blakbaronye, fub penis content, in Actis Pax'liameuti.' \^Messrs WiUiame OUphant and James IVardlaw, Justices- Deputes.'] Oct. 28. — Kathekene Roise Lady Fowlis. Dilatit of certane crymes of AVichcraft. Persewar, Mr Dauid M'Gill, Aduocat. Preloquitour, Mr Thomas Craig. The quhilk day the faid Katherene afkit inftrumentis of hir comperance, and that fche offerrit hir reddie to abyde the tryell of ane Ad'yfe, for all crymes that can be laid to hir charge ; and in refpect na perfoun comperit to infift in hir perfuit, proteftit that fche fould be fred of the waird quhairin fche remanit this lang tjane, quhill tryell fould haif bene of hir, be ane Aftyfe of the faidis crpnes, Quhilk tryell wes appointit this day. — ' Desert.' (See Jul. 22. 1590.) \_Mr Johnne Grahame, Justice-Depute.'] Jan. 14, 1589-90. — Robert Linkhop in Leith, Williame Downie thair, Johnne Watfoune thair. Dilatit of the llauchteris of vmq''' Meftx'es Jeane Kennedie, fpous to Andro Meluile, Maifter houfliald to our fouerane lord, Sufanna Kirkcaldy hir feruitrice, Johnne Clapene burges of Bruntyland, and diuerfe vtheris perfounes, to the nowmer of tlire fcoir of perfounis, quhilkis wes in ane boit, be rinnand of the laid boit vnder fei, &c. Persewaris. Andro Meluile, Maifter boulhald, Alefoune Orrok for Lis fpous, Mr Dauid M'^Gill, Aduocat. for his fpous, Johnne Clapene, The Juftice continewit the mater vpoune certane dcfjTcs defyrit be Johnne Bellendene baillie of the Regalitie of Brochtoune, to the thryd daj' of the nixt Juftice-air of the flierefdome of Ediuburghe, or loner vpoune fyftene dayis warn- VOL. I. 2 A 186 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1589-90. ing ; and ordenit the pannell to find cautioun for thair entrie. — ' Plegio, Patricio Monypenny de Pilrig pro omnibus.' Preloquitouris for the pannell, Mr Thomas Craig, Mr Johnne Skene. Feb. ?. — The quhilk day, comperit Johnne Bellendene, bail3ie of the Re- gahtie of Brochtoune, and delyrit, that the perfonnes aboue wa-ittin, duelland within the boundis of the faid regalitie, dilatit of the crymes aboue mentionat, mycht be replegeit furth of this Court, to the priviledge and libertie of the faid Regalitie ; and offerit to find cautioune of Coloruith, for adminiftratioun of Juf- tice : Quhilk defyre the Juftice findand refTonabill, remittit the I'aidis perfonnes to the jvuifdictioun of the laid Regalitie and baillie thairof ; quha fand James Bellendene of Pendreich cautioune and loviirtie for the adminiflratioune of Juf- tice to the parties coniplenand, and vnder the pane of law : Lyke as Patrik Monypenny of Pilrig become fouirtie for the faid Robert Linkhoj), ^Villiam Dow- nie callit Laird Doivnie, in Leyth, come fouirtie for the faid William Downie mariner in Leyth ; and William Lytill burges of Edinbm'gh, become fouirtie for the faid Johnne Watfoun in Leyth, that thay fall compeir before the Baillie of the Regalitie of Brochtoune and his deputis, within the tolbuith of the Canno- gait, the xxv day of Februar inftant, in the horn* of cans, to vnderly the law, for the crymes, refpective, aboue writtin ; vnder the jianis contenit in the Actis of Parliament. [3/r Jmnes JVardhnc, Jiisficc-Dcp/ifc.^ M>ovttv^ — ffiiEitcIjf raft — Cl)ilU--muri)ier. Apr. 2S, 1590. — Meg Dow, now duelland in Gilmertoune. Dilatit of Sorcerie and Wichcraft and for the crewell Mm-dreiffing of twa 30iing infant bairnis, the ane pertening to Beffie Rae in Gilmertoune. JONET POLLOK. Dilatit of the cafting of Jonet Archibald, hir awin bai'ne, in ane coilheuch, of purpoife to half drownit hir. Verdict. Thomas Tulloch in Edinburghe, chancillar of the Aflyis, deliuered their verdict, ' that the jierfonnes aboue writtin was convict and fund culpable of the crymes, refpecfliie, aboue writtin. Sentence. The Juftice, be the mouthe of James Scheill, dempftar, pronun- ceit dome aganis the faid 3Ieg Dow ; that is to fay, to be tane to the Caftelhill of Edinbiu-ghe, and thair wirreit at ane ftaik, and thairefter hir bodie brunt in afles ; and all hir moveabill guides to be efcheit, &c. With regard to Jonet Poli.ok, there is merely marked on the margin of the Record, ' Wairdat. in Pretorio de Ed.' ; but what was the result of her impri- sonment, does not appear. 23Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. I87 [3fr Johniie Grahame, Jiis/ict'-Depiifc.'] Witai'ins mxH sljootfng of iJistolets iuitljin ^alact o( ?&ol2)iooUi)OH0e Jun. 4. — James Gyb, fone to vniq'" Dauid Gyb, in Barreftounes. Dilatit of contrauening of the Actis of Parliament and Secreit Counfall re- Jpective, in bering, wering and fchuiting of piilolettis, in the nioneth of Maij laftwas ; and Junij inftant, fetting vijoune James Boyd of the Kippis the penult day of Maij laftwas, with ane bendit piftolett, and fchuiting of him thairwith throw the rycht fute, and hiu'ting and wounding of him with ane fword in the rycht hand ; incontrair the tennoiu* of tlie Actis of Parliament maid in the moneth of Maij laftwas, difchargeing all maner of perfomies to in^•ade vtheris vnder the pane of deid. Persewar, Mr Dauid M'Gill. The faid James Gyb ofTerit him in the Kingis will for the crj^me : Quhair- vpoun the Aduocat afkit inftruinentis, and proteftit for Wilfull Errour in cais the Affyis fall acquit, in refpect of the offer. Verdict. The Aflyis in ane voce, be thair delyiierance, ffyndis the faid James culpabill, fylit and convict of vmbefetting of the hie way and paftage, vpoune deidlie feid, rancour and malice to James Boyd of Kippis, burges of Edinburghe, the i)enult day of Maij laftbypaft, foirnent the mercat-croce of the faid bm'cht, the faid James being gangand fobii-lie vpoune the hie ftreit thairof, as within our fouerane lordis chalmer of peax, di-edand na evill, harme, iniurie or perfuit of ony perfounes, bot to haif levit vnder Godis jieax and om- foue- rane lordis, and thair fetting vpoune him, and crewallie invading him with ane piftolet and drawin fwerd for his flauchter ; fchuiting of him with the faid pif- tolet and thre buUettis in the rycht fute, and hurting and wounding of him with his fword in the rycht hand, to the effufioune of his blude in grit quan- titie ; vpovme fet puriwis, provifioune, auld feid and foirthodit fellony ; in con- trar the tennour of the Actis of Parliament and Secreit Counfall respective maid anent bering, wering and fchuting of piftolettis, and hiu'ting and wounding thairwith aganis the tennoiu- of the Proclamatioune, gif it may be extendit thairto ; in refpect that the faid James Gib confeffit the invafiouue, hurting and wounding of the laid James Boyid in their jirefens, &c. The famin day, comperit Mr James Carmichaell, Minifter, and producit the Kingis Maiefteis ^Varrand, off the quliilk the teiaiour followis. «Rex. ' Justice, Juflice-Clark, our Conftabill, Conftabill depute, Maifter Iioudiald and vtlier Judgeis quliatfumeuir, appoyutit to fitt this fourt day of Junij iiiftant, in the caus pcifewit be our Aduocat aganis James Gyb, fone to vniq'' Dauid Gyb, in Boirowllouiiis, We greit 30W weill. For- 188 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590. famekle as the faid James may ather offer bimfelf at ony tyme in our will, or being convict be ane Aflyis for the eryme underwrittin, may be remittit in our will : Leill throw miiloiawlege or dowbting of our will, juflice and executioune of our lawis be delayit or fruftrat. We be thir prefentis declairis, that forfaraekle as the laid James hes nocht fpairit nor feirit, fchamefullie and crewallie to fchute and hurt our loving fubiect James Boyid of Kippis behind his bak, to the grit effufioune of his blude ; and that within the boundis of our awin Palice and Chalmer, in proude contempte of Ws and mony of our Actis of Parliament, Secreit Counfall and Proclamatiounis pafl Jiairvpoune ; and Jmirby hes offerit ane perellous preparatiue and example to the reft of our fubiectis ; this being the firft fact cora- mittit in that forme, fen our returning to our realme or lang befoir ; quhilk, gif it be nocht condignelie pwneift, to the example of vtheris that may promeis to jiame felffis impwnitie, and incourageing to pi'akteis the lyk, nane of our beft affured fubiectis, of quliatfumeuir eflait or conditioune, may thynk fame felffis fure of fair lyves. Thairfoir, we dedair that the faid James Gib fall fuffer the death, and be put fairto without ony delay, as he hes worthelie deferuit ;' and this for declaratioune of our will in the faid mater, quhilk ^e, and ilk ane of sow, fall nocht fail to do, and caus be done ; as je will anfuer to Ws vpoune 5 our dew obedience ; kepand jiir prefentis for 5 our Wan-and. Subfcryuit with our hand, att Halirudhous, the fourt day of Junij, 1590. ' JAMES R. M. Cancellarius.' [il/r James Wardlaw, Justice-Depute. '\ Jul. 11. — The quhilk Aay, comperit Mr James Carmich ell, brothir-in- law to James Boyd of the Kippis, and produeeit ane Precept, direct be cure fouerane lord to the Juftice, and defyrit the famin to be red ; and conforme thairto that James Gyb, fone to vmq"' Dauid Gyb, in Barreftounes, fould be prefentit in this Court ; and that the I'amin fould be obeyit, lyk as the Juftice for obedience thairof, caufit enter the laid James on paunell, and reid the lamin oppinlie to him : Quhairof the tennour followis. ' Rex. ' Justice, Jullice-Clark and ^our deputes, We greit 50W hairtlie weill. Forfamekill as James Gyb, fone to vmq"' Dauid Gyb, in Barreftounes, wes, be ane condigne Affyfe, laitlie convict and condamnit to deid- before sow, for ]ie hurting and wounding of James Boyd of Kippis behind his bak, and vn-a-warfe in his rycht fute, with the fchot of ane piftolett, and with ane fword in his rycht hand : Quhilk dome of deid wes ])aireftir, vpoune certane refpectis, mitigat be ws ; and the faid James decernit and condamnit to want his rycht hand, for ]>e cryme foirfaid : The executioun quiiairof hes bene as jit delayit, att fe ernift requeift and defyre of the faid James Boyd of Kippis, to quhome the wrang and offence wes done ; ane manne, mair willing apperandlie, vpoune repentance of his oft'endar, to petie, pardoun and forgif, nor to feik revange of his offence, be fchedding of mair blude ; qnhais Criftinne inclinatioune we can nocht hot allow. And now, being infonnit, that, in refpect fairof, cer- tane gentilmen ar takand fe burding vpoune fame for f e faid James Gyb, hes for the allythment of the faid James Boyd, maid certane offeiTis, and bundin and obleift fame, coniunctlie and feueralie, vnder certane pecuuiall panis, that the faid James Gyb fall do fie homage to him, as he lall pleis com- mand ; and als that the faid James Gyb fall willinglie baneife him felff furth of our realme, and fall 1 On the margin of the Record there is written, ' Convict and baneift fis realme, with his awin confent and ])artie.' " The former Verdict of the Assise and Sentence are not inserted in the Re- cord. It would appear that Boyd of Kippis had successfully used every influence with the King to mitigate the sentence. 23 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 189 depart furth of ])e fame, how fone he falbe relevit furtli of fe Tolbuith of Edinburgbe, quhairin lie pre- fentlie remanis ; and fall newir returns agane within the fame, nor ony pairt pairof, during all pe dayes of his lyftyine ; and fall do nor attempt na hurt nor llcayth to ]>e faid James Boyd, or ony of his, in ony tynie cuming : As in ]>e Band and obligatioune maid Jiairvpoune, ordenit to be regiftrat in fe buikis of Counfall, of Jie dait, att Edinburgbe and Saucbie, the twentie-fewin and twentie-nyne of Junij lallbj'pafl refjieclive, at mair leuth is contenit. Qubairvnto the faid James Boyd, as We ar crediblie informit, hes agreit ; qubairby, ^it agane, We being movit of our clemencie, to mollyfie and of our royall auctoritie to difpens with the executioune of Jie Domes pronunceit ofbefore, and to agrie to ])e making of Jie faid Band, and to condifcend to ]ie baneifment folrfaid. Oure Will is heirfore, and we charge 50W, eftir Jie fycht heirof, 36 call the faid James Gyb before 50W, the xj day of Julij inftant ; and of new pronounce and gif Dome of peq)etuall Baneifment aganis the faid James Gyb ; and that with his awin confent ; conforme to pe Band and obligatioune foirfaid, maid fairanent to pe faid James Boyd, in all pojmtis : And to inteq)one qour auctoritie Jiairvnto ; to half J)e llrent, force and effect of ane dome and fentence criminal! in all tpnes cuming ; lyke as we, be ]>e tennour of J)ir prefentis, willing to mitigat juftice with clemencie, efpeciallie quhair the oifendit partie is futear fairof, ratefeis and apprewis the faid Band and obligatioun and baneifment contenit fairin, and all and findrie vthir hedis, clauffis, conditiounis, articles and circumO.ances contenit in Jie faid Band, alfweill vnnamit and nocht exprefl, as nameit and expreft in ]'ir prefentis, jiromittend. in verba Principis, newir to do ony thing that may be preiudiciall or derogatiue fairto, in ony foirt, in ony tyme cuming ; difpenfand of our auctoritie royall, with the faid former dome or domes alreddie pronunceit, fwa that the famin fall newir half effect in tyme cuming, except in cais of contraveutioune, and according to fe tennour of fe faid Band. Lyke as, we alfo interpone oure auctoritie to fe faid Band, and everie held, clans and article Jiairof ; and for ])is effect, we ordaine and commandis 30W, to infert ]nr prefentis in our buikis of Adiomall, and to intei-pone ^oure decreit and auctoritie Jiairto ; fwa that, in cais of contra- ventioun of ony point of fe foirfaid Band, executoriallis and executioune may pafs fairvpoune, accord- ing to the lawis of Jiis realme : And Jie faid Dome being pronunceit, that 56 putt him to libertie, be fe caufe of fe faid James Boyd ; conforme to ])e obligatioun foiriaid maid to him ))airanent, that he may depart furth of our realme conforme Jiairto : Kepand Jiir prefentis for jour Warrand. Subfcryuit with our hand, at Halyruidhous, the nynt day of Julij, and of our regnne the twentie-thre jeir, 1590. Sentence. According to the qiiliilk Precept, the faid James Gyb, being prefentit on pannell, as faid is, and being requyrit, Gif he wald confent to the faid Dome of baneifment ? Anfuerit, that he wes content thairwith. Thairfore, the faid Juftice-depnte, be the mouth of the faid James Scheill, dempftar, \>yo- nunceit and decernit, that the faid James Gyb fall, with his awin confent, con- forme to the Band and obligatioune abouewrittin, falbe perpetuallie baneift this realme : and interponis his auctoritie to the faid Band, conforme to the faid Precept, fwa that executoriallis may pas thairvpotme : And ordanit the faid James to be putt to libertie, furth of the faid Tolbuith of Edinburgbe. QiUiair- vpoune, the faid Mr James Carmichell afkit act and inftruinentis. Uajjti^.iitfi: antr Celcliratdttr iWarviagcs after (L-.rcommuiticattoit. Jun. 18. — Sir Thojias Ker in Auld Koxburcht, James Scott att South Syntoun-mylne and Thomas AY-wbie in Hafiindane. Dilatit for fuftening of the proces of Excommunicatiouu and contravening of 190 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590, the Actis of Parliament, in baptefing of bairnis and making of manages, with- out ony functioune. The famiu day, comperit Mr Dauid M'^Gill of Cranftoun Ryddell, Aduocatt to our fouerane lord, and produceit the Dittay aganis the faidis perfounes : quhairof the temiour followis. Dittay againjt the Pannelh. Sir Thomas Ker, James Scott and Thomas Newbie, ge and everie ane of 50W, ar indytit and acculit, for lying vnder ])e horrible fentence of Excommunicatioune, feperat fra the fuiFrage and prayer of fe Kirk, and merite of fe blude of Chryft, to pe damnatioun of 30ure laules, continewallie, fra fe xx\^" day of March, the 3eir of God V''. fourfcoir-aucht ^eiris. — Item, ge and ewerie ane of 50W, ar acculit, that flforfamekill as for 5 our mifbehaviour in 3oure functioune of minifterie and rederfchip, 36 being lauchfullie deprj'vit in fe moneth of March 1582 and in September 1583, refpective, 36 half continewit, nochtwithflanding, in abufing of ]ie facramentis in mareing of findrie perfounes and bap- tefing of bairais. Off the quliilkis crymes, thay com in oui* fouerane lordis will. The King's Will and Sentence against the Pannels. (Jun. 24.) — The quhilk day, comperit Mr Dauid M'"Gill, Aduocat, and eftir the entering of the faidis Sir Thomas Ker, James Scott and Thomas New- bie, on pannell, as becum in will for the crymes of Excommunicatioune, and declarit owre fouerane lordis will ; quhilk wes, that thay fould act thaim felfRs vnder the pane of deid, newir to abufe the Sacramentis nor functioune in the Kirk ; as alfo, that thay fovild be tane to the mercat-croce of Edinbiu'ghe, and ftand twa hom-is, with paijjaris on thair heidis, contening the cryme : Qiihair- vpoune Dome wes pronunceit. The famin day, they ' actit J)ame felffis newir to abufe J)e facramentis, vnder fe pane of deid.' \_Mr Johnne Grahame, Justice-Depnte.l Jul. 16. — James Twedie of Drummelzeare, Adam Twedie of Dravay, ^Villiame Twedie of the ^Vrae, Johnne Creychtoun of Quarter, Andro Creychtoun in Cardoune and Thomas Porteous of Glenkirk. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmq'^ Patrik Veitch, fone to W" Veitch of Daik, (Dawick) ; committit in Junij laftwas. Persewaris. Williame Veitch, Eldar of Daik, as fader, Veitch, 30unger of Daik, as brothir. Preloqutouris for thame. Williame Cokbume of Skirling, Patrik Cokbume, Tutour of Langtoune, Heriot of Trabroune, Johnne Cokbume of Newholme. 23JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 191 Preloquitouris for the pannell. The Laird of Balfour, Mr Dauid Bailjie, Mr Johnne Scharp, James Hammiltoun of Libbertoun, The Laird of Bninfloune, Mr Thomas Craig, RobertForrefter,brodir to the Laird of Garden, James Creychtoune of Carco, Mr Johnne Ruffell. The Juftice, be reflToune that ane nowmei- of Aflyife could nocht be gottin to the faidis perlbunes, continewit the mater ; and ordauit the i)erlbunes on pannell to continew in thair waird, as thay did ofbefore, quhill thay obtenit releif of his Maieftie. The faid day, the perfewaris produceit ane Warrand and Precept direct to the Juftice, ordaning that the lyke cautioun, and vnder the lyke pauis, be tane of the perfounes on pannell, as wes before ; and that thay fould be retenit in waird. — The laid day, Johnne Betoune of Balfoure and James Hammiltoune of Libbertoune become pledgeis and fouerteis, coniunctlie and feuerallie, that the perfounes on pannell fall remane in waird, within the toime of Edinburghe, vnder the pane of ten thowfand markis. Jul. 20. — Continued to the Aii-e of ' Peblis, tertio Itineris, xv dierum.' WmittficmU — Sitfantatiou — ^orteri) — ^^ofsonins. The following extraordinary case is one of the leading trials for Witchcraft at this unhappy period : and contains many curious particulars relative to that strange infatuation. ' Katherene Roifs Lady Fowlis,' who was daughter to Alexander Ross of Balnagown, was the second wife of Robert More Munro, the fifteenth Baron of Foulis, a family of great antiquity, and possessed of considerable pro- perty in the counties of Ross, Sutherland and Inverness ; having by that marriage, George Munro (of Obisdale), John and Andrew, and four daughters, Margaret, Janet, Marjory and Elizabeth. Robert More Munro had also, by his first marriage with Margaret Ogilvy, a daugliter of the house of Findlater, Robert his heir, the intended victim of liis stepmother and Mr Hector, who had succeeded his brother, (being served as heir to his father and brother, Oct. 7, 1589,) previous to the date of this trial. He had also by his first mairiage three daughters, Florence, Christian and Catharine. — Robert Munro, ' apperand of Fowlis,' succeeded his father, and became sixteenth Baron of Fowlis, Nov. 4-, 1588, and was four times married, viz. 1st, Maijory daughter of Kenneth MacKehzie Lord Kintail ; 2d, Lady Eleanor Gordon daughter of the Earl of Sutherland ; 3d, Janet Sinclair daughter of George Earl of Caithness ; and 4th, Elizabeth daughter of Hugh Rose of Kilravock ; by the last of these ladies he had one daughter, Margaret, who married Robert Mimro of Assint. It is necessary to have been thus minute in shewing the connexions of this family, to account satisfac- torily for the Lady Foulis entering into compact with such a crew of miscreants, and attempting such horrible practices. The pui-pose of all this Poisoning and Witchcraft was, that by removing Marjory Campbell the young Lady Balnagown, her brother George Ross of Balnagown might mairy the young Lady Foulis ; and to do this effectually, it was necessary to destroy her stepson Robert. It may be remarked, that several of her familiars were led to the stake, and had died confessing the whole plot previous to Lady Foulis's own trial ; her own ' nourrice' was destroyed through her foolish curiosity, in tasting of a ' pyg of poyfoun,' and ' immediatlie thaireftir departit be the faid poylbun ;" and it is apparent that these facts were notorious. The escape of Lady Foulis and her stepson, Mr Hector, (see the following Trial,) can only be at- tributed to the very powerful influence of the parties. Besides other circumstances, which must oc- 192 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590. cur on perusal of this remarkable case, the ' Inqueft' bears all the appearance of a selected or packed iury, being in a very inferior rank and station of life to the pannel, contrary to the usual custom — and the Tiv'ivate prosecu/or is ' Mr Hector Monro of Fowles,' who was in a few hours to exchange places as pannel at the same bar for similar crimes I Hector Monro's Assise is also composed of burgesses and dependents on the families of Monro and Ross. Jul. 22. — Katherene Roiss Lady Fowlis. Dilatit of certane crymes of Witchcraft, following. Persewaris, Mr Dauid M'Gill of Cranfloun-Ryddell, aduocat, Mr Hector Monro of Fowlis. Freloquitouris for the pannell, Mr Thomas Craig, Mr Johnne Chene. Tlie Aduocat produceit the Dittay vnderwritten, defyi-ing jiroces thairvpoune ; quhairof the tennour followis. Dittay against the Pannell. Katherene Roiss Lady Fowlis, Thow art accufit, ffor the vnnaturall abufing of thy felff, coutrar the lawis of God, and exei'ceing and vfing thy felff inaifl vngodlie and wicliitlie, be the perverft Inchantmentis, Wichcraft, Develrie, Incantatiounis and Sorcerie, with the craft of poyfoun in maner vnderwrittin and following, particulerlie iwactefit, execute, devyfit and fett fordwart be thee, of thy fpeciall counlall, devyiffis, furth-fett and command, aganis Robert Monro thane apperaud of Fowlis and Mariory Campbell, ipous to George Rois apper- and of Baluagowne, att the tymes and places particulerlie eftir fpecifeit, in com- pany with Criftian Roifs Malcome fone, and vtheris eftir fiiecefeit. In the fyrft, Thow art accufit, for the making of twa pictouris of clay, in cumpany with the faid Crilliane Roifs and Mariorie Neyne M'Allefter alias Laskie Loncart, in the faid Criftian Roifis weftir chalmer in Canorth ; the ane, maid for the dii- tructioune and confumptioune of the young Laird of Fowlis, and the vthir for the young Ladie Balnagoune ; to the effect that the ane thairof fould be putt att the Brig-end of Fowles, and the vther att Ardmoir, for diftructioun of the laidis young Laird and Lady : And this iould liaif bene performit at Alhallow- mes, in the year of God I'^.VMxxvij 3eiris : Quhilkis twa pictouris, being lett on the north fyd of the chalmer, the faid Loflvie Loncart tuik twa elf arrow heides and delyuerit ane to ye (you) Katherene, and the vther, the faid Criftian Rois Malcumfone held in her awin hand ; and thow I'chott twa fchottis with the faid arrow held, att the laid Lady Baluagowne, and Lolkie Loncart Icliott thrie fchottis at the faid young Laird of Fowlis : In the meane tyme, baith the pictovu-is brak, and thow commandit Lolkie Loncart to mak of new vthir twa pictouris thaireftir, for the faidis perfounes ; quhilk the faid Loflvie Loncart tuik vpoun hand to do : And thow wes prefent, and faw and hard this done, and nane prelent in the faid chalmer excei)t thow, the faid Crilliane Roiie and Lefleik the elf folk ; and gif the cace wer, that the young Lady of Bal- ' Gipsies. « Entrusted. ' Too. ^ Hired him, was his employer. « Wages, feed, bribed or hired liim. 23JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 197 nagown departit, that fcho had fpokin to the, gif the young Laird of Foulis deit, the young Laird of Balnagoun wald mair (marry) the young Lady Foulis (his) wyf : And thow gaif to the faid Williame M'Gillevori-dame fyve ellis linning clayth, in the moneth of September, anno Ixxvj ; and on Pafche-day thaireftir, xvj f. be \Mllianie Cuikis fone ; quhilk the faid Agnes confeffit. — (20.) Also, thow art acculit, for the affifting with the faid Agnes Roy, fpeciale, quhen fcho was j)affing for Marrioune IVrKaine M^Alefter alias Loske Loncartis, cmnand the way with hir, enterit in fpeking, and I'cho faid, ' Scho wald mak bodyis of clay hir felf, Criftian Malcolmfoue and Gradache Malcomfone ;' and quhen the faid Agnes Roy fperit at hir, ' To quhat effect the faid bodyis of clay fuld be ^ maid ?' Quha anfuerit and faid, ' That ane of thame wald be maid to the young Lady Balnagoun, and the tothir to the young Laird of Fowlis.' And the faid Lofke Loncart com that nycht to Canort, at midfomei*, the yeir of God foirfaid : And alfe, Agnes Roy confeffit, that thair was fik thingis, and taikinis betuix her and the, and Katherene Rofs Sir Dauidis dochtir, that at quhat tyme the faid Agnes Roy had cum in fra Williame IVrGallevori-dam or Lofke Loncart, vithe thair myndis and anfueris, to the and Katherene Rofs Sir Dauidis dochter ; in caife thair war ony man or woman in the company, quhilk they war nocht pri- vat of thair fecretis, than the figne and taikin was, that the faid Agnes Roy fuld vring and greip thair handis or ftamp vndir feit ; cj^uhilkis promiffis the faid Agnes Roy confeffit judiciallie, being acculit, and was convict be ane Affyife ; as the Proces beiris. — (2L) Thow art acculit, for geving of twa ellis of gray cleyth and ane fai-k, with xiij f. iiij d. money, quhilk Johne Syidferf delyuerit at thy connnand to Johne M'Farcor, cuik to the joung Laird of Balnagown, quha had cumin thre tymis to Fowlis, and was in fpeking with the and Katherene Neynday at ilkan of the faidis tymes ; and the faid Katherene Neynday pal- ling out of the faid toun of Fowlis, tuik with her, at thy command, rattoun poyfoun to Ardmoir, and deljiierit it to the cuik, to mix it with ane kiddis neir,' quliilk the young Lady Balnagoun and her cumpany fell that nycht:" And Katherene Neynday, being in Ardmore that time, fkunnirrit^ with it fa mekill, that fcho laid, that it was the faireft and maift cruell licht that evir fcho faw, feing the vomit and vexacioun that was on the young Lady Balnagoun and hir cumpany ; of the quhilk poyfoun, the young Lady Balnagoun contractit deadlie feiknes, quhairiu fcho remanis ye (yet ?) incureable ; as is notorlie knaw- in, and was confeffit be the faid Agnes Roy, being accufit judiciallie, and was convict be ane Affyife thairof — (22.) Mair, thow art accufit, for caufing of Lofkie Loncart mak ane poyfone drink, devyfit be Lolkie Loncart, and reueilit to Katherene Rofs Neynday, and was ordanit to be gevin to the young Laird of ' A kid's ear or kidney. * A young deer, killed by the company in the chace. ' Revolted at the sight. 198 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590. Foulis and fuld haiie bene maid in Neyn Schallonis hoiis, in Drummyn, at Alliallowmes, in anno Ixxvij yeris. — (23.) Mairour, thow art accufit, for affiift- ing of the laid Gradoehe Malcolmefoune, qiilia confeffit, that Marioune Rofs alias Loflve Loncart, Ichew hir fecretlie, that thow delyrit hir to cut of Robert Mon- roy apperand of Fowlis, and Hector IVIiniroy of Killry, Huchoime Monroy of Aflbun, Robert Munroy fone to the faid Hector, with threttie of his belt kin- nifmen, and Katherene Rofs dochtir to Sir Dauid Rofs ; qiihilk is notorious. — (24.) Thow art accufit, for affifting of Thomas M'Kane More M'^Allane M"^- Euoch in all his vngodlie Wichcraft and Devilrie ; and fpeciallie, quhen the laid Thomas was fend be George Rofs, young Laird of Balnagoune, to Farndrocht to the, convoyit with Donald M^Milane and Johne Sutherland, brothir to Alex' Sutherland, the firll hous he com to, was Criftian Malcolmis hous in Tane, and was relauit plefandlie and weill intertinit that nycht be Criftiane Malcolmfoime, thow fperit at this ,' gif it was hir that laid, that hir brother wald be flaine; the Lairdis of Foulis eldar, youngar and thow, being at that tyme in Affin : And out of that depailit Kandlochglaifs ; quiiilk tyme, was the xvj day of Au- guft, anno Ixxviij yeris : And vpoune the morn thaireftir, being the x^-ij of Au- gull, thow com doim out of Affin to Canort, and thair Ipak with the faid Thomas at lenth, and thair defyrit him to vfe his craft, for putting doun of the faid Mariorie Campbell young Lady Balnagoune ; and thow promefit to reuard him gretumlie. And for mair fure performing of the faid young Lady Balnagoune, thow directit George Cuik, lone to William Cuik in Foulis, to Taine, to twa ve- men, (tlie ane callit Marioune Neynnane Adame M'Alefter alius Loske Lon- cart, and Criftiane Smyth dochter to Robert Smyth in Affint, quhiUds vemen ar haldin and reput rank commoune Vichis in the countrey,) for ane elf-arrow-heid, quhilk the faid George Cuik reffauit fra the, and delyuerit in prefence of Crif- tiane Malcomefoune ; quhilk thow kepit in thy awin keping ; lyk as the faid Thomas confeffit the famyn, being accufit, and was convict thairof. — (25.) FoR- DER, thow art accufit, for the kejjing cumj^anie with George Rofs young Laird of Balnagoune, in ane kill in Drumnene, vpoune the xxiiij day of Auguft, anno thriefcoir levinteine yeiris, Criftiane Malcunifouis dochter and the faid Thomas was prefent thair ; the faid George Rols of Balnagowene ftanding, his bak at the dore, and ane vand in his hand, delyrit the faid Thomas to do that thing ({uliilk he wes to put to his chairge, tuicheing the deftructioune of his wyfe and the young Laird of Fowlis ; and he fuld giue him ane garmounthe of cleis" for his travellis ; quhilkis the laid Thomas confeffit, being accufit, (and) wes con- victit for the famen, as the Pi-oces beiris. — (26.) Thow art accufit, for affifting the faid Thomas, Criftaine Malcomfone, (and) Marioune Nieyn M^AUaftei", vpoun ' Left blank in record. * Suit of clothes. 23JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 199 the fecund day of Julij, anno threfcoir fevintene yeiris, for making of ane pictur of butter to the laid young Robert Monro Laird of Fowlis, in the faid houfe of Caynort, be tlie devyfe and confultatioune of the faid Donald and Willianie M"- Gilleuerie, and the faid pictur of buttir, eftir it wes maid, wes fet at the wall- fyd in the vefter chalmer of the faid hous of Coynard, and wes fchot at with ane elf-arrow-heid be the faid Marioune Neyuen ]\rAlefter alias I^oske Loncart aucht tymes ; quhilk pictiu* fcho niift, and haid (hit?) na pairt thairof: And thow (and) Criftane Malcomfoune being prefeut in the faid chalmer, att the fchotting of the faid pictur, thinkand gane the pictur were hit, it wald be for the deftructioune of the young Laird of Fowlis : Lykas, faid Thomas was convict for the famin, and fuflerit the deid. — (27.) Als, thow art accufit, for being in cumpanie with Criftaine Malconifoime and Marioune Neyn M'Allefter alias Loshe Loncart, with the devyfe and confultatioune of Donald and William M"- Gilliourois, made ane vther pictur of clay to the faid Robert Monro young Laird of Fowlis, in the faid hous of Conord ; and fo it was maid vpoune the morne, the vj day of Julii, anno Ixxvij yeiris : Thay fat the pictui- at the wall-fyd of the chalmer of the faid hous, and wes fchott be the faid Criftaine Neyne M'Al- lefter alias Loshe Loncart, with the faid elf-arrow, tuelf tymes, and mift the faid pictur : And perfauing that ye mift the famin efter everie fchott, and maid the faid pictur diuerfe and fmdrie tymes, yit the famin tuk nocht effect to thair purpoile ; thow and the faid tua womene, thy coUegis, being prefent for the tyme, and uifing' ane takin of the famin ; the faid Criftaine Rofs Malcomfoune haid provydeit thre quaiteris of fine linning claithe for the pictui-is, giue^ thay haid bene hit with the elf-arrow-heid, and the linning to be bound about the faid picturis, and the picturis to haue bene erdit,' vnder the Brigend of the Stank of Fowlis, foment the 3et :'• Of the quhilkis premiffis the faid Thomas was con- vict, and fufferrit the dethe for the famin : as is notorious knawin to the haill cuntrie. — (28.) And ficlyke, tliow art accufit, and (art) ane that vnderftuid thy felf giltie in thy confcience, of the crymes for quhilkis thay^ complices aboue wrettin wer convictit ; and ane day or tua befoir the burning of thame, thow vndirftanding that tliay, being examinat, wald convict ye of Wychecraft, Sorce- rie and poyfoune, in refpect money of thame knew thay feci-eittis, and was practifeiris of thy devylis ; thow came quhair tua notaris was, owt of the pre- fence of ony Juge, and befoir the fenfnig of ony Court, and ther, befoir tua or thrie previe witneffis, declarit, that thow was bruttit and fclanderit with Wich- craft and Sorcerie, and that thow was reddie bydand the tryall thereof ; and feing ' Wishing, witching, using witchcraft to procure a token, or testimony of success, in tlicir destntc- tion of the young Laird of Fowlis. ' Gif, if. ^ Earthed, buried under ground. * Gate, yett. ' These. 200 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590. thair was na manne to accufe the, thow requirit iuftiaimentis ; albeit, for feir of thai vitious lyfe, thou neuer came iudicialie to offer the famiu ; And immediatlie eftir the taking of the faid inftruinent, thow haid thy horie alredie dravvin furth of the ftabill, and fled away with diligence, as fugitiue out of the cuntrie, to Cathenis ; quliair thow remanit, for the fpace of thrie quarteris of ane yeir ; in fignum and takine, that thow thoucht not to byid in the tryall ; quhill at laft, be lauboiTous and moyane of vmq'^ George Erie of Cathanis, hir (thy) hulband wes perfuadit relThue him (thee ?) home againe. — (29.) And lykwayis, this inftant yeir of fourfcoir and nyne, the Laird of Fowlis purcheft' ane Commiffioune, for punifchinent of certaine \\^ichis and Sorceris ; Befoir any pviblicatioune thairof, and or" he miclit have conuenient tyme to put the lamin in executioune, in refpect of the trublis that incuirit in the Noi'the, thow, knawing thai felf giltie, and feiring to byd the tiyall of ane Affyfe, fand the moyane to purchele ane Sufpenfioune of the laid CommilFioune ; and caufit ini'ert in the faid Sufpenfioun, nocht onlie thay awin name, and fie vtheris as M^as Ipecifiet in the faid Commif- fioiuie, but alfo certaine vtheris qulia wer nocht Ipokin of: As the faid Com- miffioune and Sufpenfioune thairof, produceit befoir the Secreit Counfall, at mair lenthe beris : Quhilk, giue' thow haid beine ane honed womane, and willing to abyd tryall, thow wald neuer have crafit Sufpenfioune of ony fie Commiffioune ; but rather wald havie forderit the famin. The faid Katherene, efter reding of the faid Dittay, denyit the famin and haill pointis thairof; and offerit hir reddie to byde the Tryell of the i^erfounes of A fly is, fummond to that effect. AssisA. Johne Sympfoune of Bannaus, Donald Tailyeour, burges of Andro M'CuUo, Imrges of TajTie, Johne Clwnes, fone to Alexander Tayne, William Rois thair, Clwnes, burges of Cromartie, Joiin Reid Farquliaifoune, burges Alex' Hay, burges tbair, Donald Rofs Williamfoune, thair, Alex' M'Kenzie apperand of in Gane, Rannald IM'Ser Duncanfoun, Fardane, John Roifs in Muldard, burges tliair, Donald M'^Gilliequboan, burges Duncan Bayne apperand of William Kemp in Dingwall, in Dingwall. TuUeich, Alerter M Donald M'Aleftertbair, Vekdict. Quhilkis perfonnes of Aliyis, being all chofin, fworne and admittit to pafs vpoune the Affiyis of the faid Catherine, fcho being accufit be dittay, thay removit furth of Court to the Alfyis hous, cpihair thay chofit John Syinjjfoune of Bennaus chancellar of the faid Aliyis ; And thairefter votit vpoun the poyntis of the laid dittay ; and being throuclilie relbluit thairwith, re-enterit agane in court ; quliair thai, be the ni(juth of the laid Chancellar, in prefens of the faid ' An old forensic term, synonymous with procurints or obtaining, by pavment of the usual official fees. 'Ere. Mf. 23JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 201 Juftice-depute, ffand, prommcit and deh^ierit the faid Catherine, to be innocent and quite of the haill poyntis of the dittay. Qiihairvpoun fcho aflvit inftrumentis. The lamyn day, Dauid Roils of Holme and William Dolace apperand of Buddet, Donald Rofs of Balnamukkic, Thomas Vmpliia in Elgyn and John Innes of Lewcheris, oftymes callit, to compeir befoir the Jnftice or his deputes, the faid day and place, in the hour of caus, to haif paft vpoune the Affyis of the (liid Katherine, dilatit of the ciymes ahone writtin ; lawfull tyme of day hiddin, and nocht coniperand to that effect ; thay and ilk ane of thame wes vnlawit, in the pane of fourtie pundis. ^orf erg — antrantation — mUMjtvatt — ^lauuijter, ^r. Jul. 22. — Mr Hector Muxro of FowJes. Dilatit of certane ciymes of ^\"ichecraft. The famin day, comiJerit Mr Dauid M'Gill of Cranlloune Riddell, Aduocat to our fouerane lord, as perfewar, and produceit the Dittay vnderwrittin ; quhairof the tennour followis. Dittay agubift the Panuel. Mk Hectou Monro, Ye ar indytit and acculit, fforfamekle as, it is Statute and ordanit, be the Actis of Parliament, that nane vie Sorcerie, Incantatiounis or Wichecraft ; and that nane feik refponffis at Wichis, vnder the payne of deid, and confilcatioun of all thair guidis movable ; as the faidis actis beris : And trew it is, that ye the faid Mr Hectour, in the month of Auguft r'W^'.lxxxviij yeiris, fend for Johne M'Coneill-gar and his wyffe, and Johne Banes Ai'y^e, in Lytill Alteis, thre notorious and commoune Wiches ; and caufit convoy thame to Johne Murrayes houfe in Bakine, qidiair ye reflauit thame, but^ knawledge of the faid Johne ; intertinneit thame with yow, be the f])ace of fyve dayes or thairby, and foclit refponfis and confultatioune att thame ; qidia poillit" the hair of Robert Monro, your brotheris held, and plait the naillis of his fingeris, and tais, focht be thair develilch meanis to haif cureit him of his feiknes ; quha wald haif vfit furth the reft of thair develifch craft, war nocht thay ferit to tarie with yow, be reffoun of your fader, c[uha wald haif appreliendit thame ; and thay declarit to yow, that ye was owre^ lang in lending for thame, I'wa that thay could do na guid to the faid Robert IVIunro your brothir : — Lyke as, ye, in the lamin monetli, for feir of your fader, convoyit tliame away, vnder fylence of nyclit : Quhilk is notourlie knawin to the haill couiitrey. — (2.) Item, Ye ar indytit and actnifit, fforfamekle as, yv, in the moneth of Jamiar I"'.V'".lxxxviij yeir, haifing tane feiknes in the famin moneth and yeir of God foirfaid, fend youre I'eruand Hector M"'Huclielbiuie M'Intagart, to ferch and feik Marioune M'ln- garuch, ane of the (maift) notorious and rank Wichis in all this realnie, quha ' Without. - Polled or cut. ^ Too. VOL. I. 2 C 202 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590. brocht and convoyit Iiir to yow, on your awin horle, to Johne M'Intail3eouris hous in Alnes, quhair ye wes lyand feik att that tyme ; quhair ye focht refponfis att liir, and travellit to be curit be hir devililch Incantaciounis and Wichcraft : Lyke as, fche, eftir hir cuniming to yow, gaif yow thre drinkis of waiter furth of tlire ftanis, quhilkis fche had ; and eftir lang eonfultacioun had with hir, fche declarit, that thair wes na remeid for yow to recover your health, without the principall man of your blude fould fuflfer death for yow ; and ye and your com- plices, haifing raknit with your lelffis, quha this fould be, ffand that it wes George Monro, eldeft fone to Katherene Roifs Lady Fowles : And than, eftir finding furth of this develillh devyce, for your releif, ye and the faid Wich con- cludit with j'our lelffis, that nane fould haif entres to the hous quhair ye lay, quhiir your brother George fould cum : And eftir his cuming to yow, the faid "\^^ich defyrit. that ye fould gif liiin your left hand, and fould tak him be the rj'clit hand ; and that ye fould nocht fpeik ane word to him, before he fpak fyrft to yow : — Quhilkis iniunctiounis ye kepit, feing thair wes nocht ane of your freindis that gatt entres to yow, quhill the faid Georges cuming ; nocht- withftanding that diuers of thame come to vifleit yow. And for the better per- formance of your develifch purpuis, ye fend for the faid George dayUe, for the fpace of fyve dayes, alfweill to his duelling-hous, as to vthir partis of the coun- trey, quhair he Aves att the huntis ; defyring him to cum to yow, quhair ye wes lyand feik : Lykeas, the faid George, feiring na ewill of yow, come as ane lo- ving brothir to the faid M'Intail3eouris hous, quhair ye wes ; thair being nane with yow, hot the faid Wich, and your fofter-moder Criftian Neill Day3ill, and hir dochtir : And eftir his cuming to yow, ye vfit the iniunctiounis gewin to }'ow in maner foirfaid be the faid Wich, and gaif your left hand in his rycht liand, and fpak nocht to him for the fpace of ane houre, vnto the tyme he fyrft requyrit of yow, ' How ye did ?' And ye anfuerit him, and faid, ' The better that he had cum to viffeit yow ;' and fpak na mair to him, nochtwithftanding ye fend fewin poiftis^ to him ofbefore. Sua that that nycht, att ane eftir myd- uycht, the faid Wich, with certane of hir complices, paft furth of the hous quliair ye lay, and tuik with thame fpaidis, and pall to ane pece of eird' lyand betuix twa fondrie fuperiouris landis, the kinge being the ane fuperiour, and the Bifchop of ^ the vthir ; and maid ane graif of yoiir leuth, and tuke vp the ower* pairt thairof, and laid it afyde ; the faid eird being the neir the fee flude : And this being done, fcho come hame and convenit certane of your familiaris, that knew thir fecreittis, and informit thame, quhat fould be everie anes pairt, in taking of yow furth to be eirdit" in the foirfaid graif; for ' Until. ^ Expresses or messengers. ' Land, earth, gi-ound. * Left blank. ^ The over or upper part, the green sod or turf. '■■ Earthed, laid in this grave or trench. 23JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 203 yoiire releif, and to the deatli of your broder George : — Quhais anfuer was, ' That gif George fliould depairt luddaiilie, that the brute' wald ryile, and all thair lyves wald be in danger ;' and thairfoir willit hir to delay the faid Georgis death ane fpace ; and fcho tuke on hand to warrand him vnto the xvij day of Apryle nixt thaireftir : And efter thir plattis, laid be the faid Witch, Icho and certane your lerwandis, in the faid nioneth of Januar I'^.V'.lxxxviij yeiris, pat yow in ane pair of blankettis, and careit yow furth to the faid graif ; and thay war all comniandit to be dum,^ and nevir to fpeik ane word ; vnto the tyme that fcho and your fofter-moder fould firft fpeik with hir niaifter, the Dewill : And being broclit furth, wes laid in the faid graif ; and the grene eird, quhilk wes cuttit, wes laid abone, and haldin doune with ftalfis ; the faid Witch being befyde yow : And the faid Criftian Neill, your fofter-niother, wes connnandit to ryn the breid of nyne rigis, and in hir hand Neill younger, Hector Leithis fone ; and how fone the faid Criftian had run the breid of the faid nyne rigis, fcho come agane to the graif, quhair ye was lyand, and inquyrit at the faid Witch. ' Quhilk wes hir fchois ?' ' Quha anfuerit and faid, that the faid • Mr Hector wes hir fcliois to leif, and 3our brother George to die for 30W.' And this forme wes vfit thryife that nycht : And thaireftir, ye was careit hame, all the cum- panie beand dum ; and wes put in your bed * — To the taken, that ye was par- taker of Wiclicraft, and that ye allowit thairof, and focht refponfis of the faid Marioune the Witch ; how fone ye gat yoiu* health, be the dewelifch moyan foirfaid, ye pafl: to Hector Mom'o of Kildi'ummodyis, your fader-brothiris hous, and tuke the faid Witch with yow ; quhair fcho wes interteneit, as gif fcho had bene your fpous, and gaif hir fik pre-eminence in your cuntrey, that thair was nane that durft offend hir ; and gaif hir the keping of j^our fcheip, to cuUour the matter, that ye knew hir nocht : And quhen the Kingis IMaieftie requyrit yow to prefent hir to his hienes, ye refufit hir, vnto the tjTne that the faid Lady Fowles tuke in hand to preif, that fcho was in your hous of Fowles ; fwa that ye, aganis your will, wes compellit to prefent hir at Abirdene ; quhair fcho be- ing examinat before his Maiellie, and produceit the ftanis fcho gaif yow watter out of, the quliilk wes the deith of the faid George ; haifing denyit of before, that ever fcho faw yow with hir : And quhilk ftanis wes delyuerit to the Juftice- ' Fr. Bruit, report, hue and cry. - Dunil), speecliless. ' This word at first sight seems to signify s/ioes, viz. lliat Hector shoidd stand in (it'ori.'e's shoes, and Georgo in Hector's. It rather im- plies the c/ioicc of the sister- witdi, after the Incantation was completed; who accordingly chooses Hector to live, and George to die. The whole ceremony is iniiquc, and calculated to ]>ro/ndscheUs, Justice- Dejm/e.] OTitrijtiaft— ^laufrijtn-, $(t, Aug. 17. — Jo>;ett Grant alias Gradoch in Colquhatftane and Jonett Clark alias Spaldi)ig in Blalach. Dilatit of certane cryines of Wichcraft. Persewaris. Mr Dauid M'Gill of Cranftoun-Riddell, Aduocatt, The Laird of Wardes (Williame Leflie). The faidis perfounes on pannell denyit the Dittay redd to thame ; and ofFerit thame to the tryell of ane Aflyfe. Verdict. Arthoure Skene in Tulloch, Chancillar, delivered the Verdict of the AlTyfe, whereby 'thay ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faid Jonett Grant alias Gradoch, to be fylit and convict of the crewall Murthour of vmq'" Alex- ander Abircnimbie of Ley, be ^^'^ichcraft : And of vniq'" Gordoune, fone to held' Johnne Gordoune : And of the flauchter and diftructioune of fax- tene heid of nolt," pertening to William Roife in Birfebeg : And of the llauchter of vmq'" Elfpet Reit be Wichcraft : And als, of the raiing of the Dewill, and feiking of help to Duncan Rychie : And als, for the flauchter of Johnne Pan- touuis wyffe, be Wichcraft. 1 1 em, of the taking on hand, to half diftroyit the Laird of Cragievar, his fone and vtheris. — Item, fand and pronunceit the faid Jonet Clark alias Spalding, to be fylit and convict of the flauchter of vmq'* Johnne Leflie of ^Vardes,^ be Wichcraft : Item, of the flauchter of the faid vmq'* Elfpet Reit : Item, for gewing of ane fecreit member to Johnne Coutis ; and gewing and taking of i)ower fi'a findrie niennis memberis : Item, fylit of taking of Johnne Wattis fecreit member fra him : Item, for bewiching of Caddell, fone to Allefl:er Caddell in Bandorie : Item, fylit for taking in hand, to help Johnne Reoch in Dalcjuliing of his feiknes, be Wichcraft — Iteji, pro- nunceit the faidis Jonet Grant and Jonet Clark, to be fylit and convict for com- moune notorious Wichis.' Sentence. For the quhilkis cauflis, the Jiiflice, be the mouth of James Scheill, dempfl;ar, adiudgeit thame to be tane to the Cafl;ell-hill of Edinburghe, and thair wirreit at ane fl;aik, and thair body to be brunt in aflis ; and all thair movabill guides to be efcheit and iubrocht to our fouerane lordis vfe, as convict of the faidis crymes. ' Bald. ' Cattle, oxen. ' See the Trial of Beffie Roy, Aug. 18, 1590. 24 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 207 ^orcnt)— antfantatiou— 8i2aitc|^ciaft, $(C, Aug. 18. — Bessie Roy, nurreych' to the Laird of Boquhane. Dilatit of the poyntis of Wichcraft following. Persewaris, Leflie, elilar of Wairdes, Mr Williame and George Lefleis liis fones, Mr Dauid M'Gill of Cranftoun-Ryddell, Aduocatt to our fouerane lord, for his hienes intres. DiTTAY aganis Bessie Roy. Bessie Roy, in Fetterneir, feruand to the Laird of Boquhane f Ye ar indytit and accufit, that quhaii', ye, beand duelland with Williame King in Barra, be the Ipace of tuel yeiris fyne or thairby, and haifing paft to the feild to pluk lint with vthir wenien, in prefens of thame maid ane compas in the eird, and ane hoill in the middis thairof : And thaireftir, be thy conjuratiounes, thow caufit ane grit worme cum fyrlt out of the faid hoill, and creip owre the compafe ; and nixt ane lytill worme, qiihilk crap owre alio ; and laft, caufit ane grit worme cum furth, quliilk could nocht pas owre the compas, nor cum out of the hoill, bot fell doinie and deit : Quhilk inchantnient and Wichcraft thow interpz-eit in this forme : — That the fyrft grit worme that crap owre the compas, was the Guid-man, Williame King, quha fould leve ; and the lytill worme, was ane bame in the Guid-wyfTes wamb, quhilk wes vnknawin to ony manne that fche was with barne ; and that the barne fould leve ; and thrydlie, the laft grit worme thow interpreit to be the Guid-wyfTe, quha fould die : Quhilk com to pas eftir thy fpeiking, quhow fone fche wes delyuerit of the faid barne. And this is manifeft to the haill countrey ; cpihilk thow can nocht deny. — Item, Ye ar indytit and accufit, for away taking, be Wichcraft, of ane puir womanis milk, callit Beflie Steill, quha cam to Williame Kingis lious in Bairoch, feking almes ; and haifing fittiu doune befyd the fyre, to gif hir barne fouk, thow in the meane tyine, being ane nurrifch thy felff, and perfawing the puir woman to haif mair abundance of milk nor thow had ; and feing that the Guid-wyfTe thy huffie ^ fould haif detenit the puir woman, and gewin hir the barne to fofter ; thow, be thy develifch incantatiounes and Wichcraft, abftrakit and tuik away hir milk : And immediatlie eftir the puir woman wes jiaft out of the hous, fcho perfawit hir milk to be tane away, come agane to the faid hous, and complenit to the Guid-wyfTe, that the nwrilch had takin away hir milk ; and faid, Gif fcho wer nocht reftorit to hir milk, fche fould de\ulgat the fame throw the countrey, and fchaw how ye had vlit hir. And thow, fering thy dewelifch craft to be revelit, faid to the puir womane, ' Gif I haif thy milk, cum fie a nycht to me to this hous, and afk itt for Godis faik, and thow fall haif itt.' Lyke as, the faid puir woman, being gled to reflaue hir milk agane, come that fame nycht as thow ap- ' Nurse, Fr. nourrice. ' John Leflie. ' Housewife, mistress. 208 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590. poyntit liir, and lay in the hous befyd ye all nycht ; and about the middis of the nycht, thow ciyit vpoun hir and walknit hir, and baid hir refTaue hir milk ; and incontinent fche walknit, and hir palpis fprang out full of milk, and remanit with hir thaireftir. This thow did, as is notom'lie knawin to the haill countrey, and thow can nocht deny. — Ite:m, thow art indytit for ane commoune away- takir of wemennis milk in the haill countrey, and detening the famin att thy pleafour ; as the haill countrey will teflifie. The quhilk thow can nocht deny. — Item, thow art indytit and accufit, for the bevifching' of William Kingis wyfe of Barraucht, tuelf yeiris fenfyne or thairby, for your diuilifche devyfe, eftir thow haid left hir feruice ; thow caufit propyne" hir with ane plaid of thine, quhilk, beand full of inchantmentis and forcerie, being laid one hir bed, cauffit hir fuddentlie thereftir depairt :* Quhilk is notorius to the haill countrie; quhilk thow cane nocht deny. — Item, thow art indytit for ane commoun theif, c^uhilk thow vfis be inchantment and flicht of the Diuill ; for laitlie, thow cam to Alex- ander Thines hous in the Benvie-end of Traichie, in the monethe of November laflwas ; and thair, be inchantment, blew vp his duris and his haill lokkisof his houfe, and ftall out lie gere as thow plefit ; and thaireftir lokit the duris and loctis, as thay wer abefoir : Quhilk tliow cane nocht deny. — Item, thow art in- dytit and accufit, that laitlie, beand nurifli to the Lard of Bakpdiene (John Lef- lie), in the monetli of Maij and Junij laftbypaft, thow, be thy inchantment and forcerie, maid vp the haill lockis of the place, and vpunt^ the haill durris thairof, and ftall ane fteill box out of ane coffer, quhairin wes gryt fowmes of gould and gould-fmyth-work ; quhair, one (on) being accufit thaireftir, thou allegeit, that ane blak inanne came and gaif the famin to the ; quhilk wes nothing but the illufioune of the Diuill : Quhilk yow cane nocht deny. — Siclyk, thow art in- dytit and accufit, for the crevi'all, airt and pairt and lievifching of vmq''^ Johnne Leflie of Cultis, quhair as thow trefekit with vmq'*' Barbara Keand alias Leslie, with Jonet Grant, with Jonet Clark alias Spalding/' lyk as thair Confefliounes and Depofitiounes teftifies thair vngodlie airt and pairt in the faid murdour ; qidiairin diuerfe vtheris was pertineris, fie as Mariovme Bruce in Awldrain, Beffie Paull in the Cromar, quha ar fugitiues for the faid cryme ; and thow onlie efteniit the inftrument of all that mifcheife : Quhilk is notorious be thair Confefiiounes, and yow cane nocht deny. — Siclyke, thou art indytit and efte- niit for ane notorioufe and commowne AYlche in the cuntrie ; and cane do all thingis, and lies done all mifcheifis, that deuilrie or Wichcraft cane devyfe, in abfti-acking of mennis lyfRs, wemennis milk, beftis milk, and bewifching of ' Bewitching. • Offer in gift, to make a present. ^ Give up the gliost, die. * Opened, burst up. ^ See Aug, 17, 1590. 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 209 beftis als weill as menne; lyk as thai diuerfe practifis cane teftifie ye : Quhilk ye cane nocht deny. Verdict. The AflTyfe, in prefens of the faid Juftice-deput, ffand and pro- nnnceit, be the mouth of the faid Chancillar, (Arthoui* Skene in TuUuch,) the faid Beffie Roy to be Innocent and acquit of all and findi-ie the poyntis and heidis of the Dittay abouewrittin. Quliairvpoixne, the faid Beffie afkit act and inftrument. Aug. 19. — WiLLiAiME Leslie of Crechie and Violat Auhinlek his fpous. Dilatit of the flauchter and diftructioun of vmq'" Johnne Leflie of Wardes, younger, be Wichcraft ; committit in Junij 1586. Persewaris. Williame Leflie of Wairdes, as fader, George Leflie of Camellis, Mr Williame Leflie of Warthill, as bretbir, Mr Dauid M'^Gill of Cranlloun-lliddell, Aduocat, The Laird of Frendraclit, 50unger. Preloquitouris for the pannell. Tlie Erll Bothwell, The Erll of Arroll, The Lord Home, The Laird of Boquhane, The Laird of Wauchtoune, Mr W" Leflie of Cunlie, Mr Alexander King. The pannell aflvit inftrumentis of thair entrie, and proteftit for releif of thair cautioune, and alfe offerit thaine reddie to abyde the tryell of ane Aflyfe, for the crymes abouewrittin ; dilaffenting to all continewatioune. The Juftice, for laik of ane fufficient nowmer of Aflyfouris, quhairof thair wes ane grit nowmer caffin,' continewit the mater to the thiyd day of the nixt Juftice-air of the Sherefdome of Abirdene, or foner, T'poun fyftene dayes wairn- ing. — ' Plegiis, Francifco Comite de ErroU et Joanne Leflie de Boquhane, con- junctim et diuifun.' [Curia Justiciarie, s. d. n. Regis, tenia xxvj'" Decembrifi, 1590, ^;e/- Magistros Johannem Graham et Vmphridem Blynschelis, Justkianos Deputatos.'\ Cveasona6l|) toirspiriitfl t\^t Seatl) nf t$e M\\^ — ^t^xttx^ — Mitfijnaft — Snrantation, $(t* Dec. 26. — Johnne Feane alias Cwninghame, laft duelland in Prel- toune.^ Coniiict of diners poyntis of Wichcraft, contenit in the Dittay. ' Cast, rejected on account of partiality, reiationship, &c. Only two out of the whole ' Roll of AfFyfe' were sworn, as unexceptionahle. '^ He is designed ' fchoolmaifter at Tranent,' in the His- torie of King James the Se.rt, p. 2-11 ; ' Mailer of the Ichoole at Saltpans in Lothian,' in the tract afterwards quoted ;' and in the course of these remarkable cases, he is termed ' Regifter' and ' Secre- tar to the Devil,' VOL. I. 2d- 210 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590. Comperit the famin Maifter Dauid ^rOill of Cranftoune-Ryddell, Aduocat to our fouerane lord, as pei'fewar ; and i^roduceit ane Dittay agains the faid Johune Feane. ASSISA. Johnne Wilfoun in Edinburghe, Rol)ert Seytoun tliair, Tliomas Craig thair, Rycliard Newtoune in Tranent, Robert Thrillcie, mercband, bulges Jobnne Coluile thair, VVilliarae Stratherne tbair, of Edinburghe, James Watfoun thair, Patrik Hal5eort thair, Johne Donaldfoun, raercliand thair, Jobne Hakit thair, James Miltoun thair, Robert Smytli, merchand thair, Thomas Wrycht thair. Verdict. Quhilkis perfounes of Affyfe, being chofin, fworne and admittit vpoun the faid Johnne Feanis AfTyfe, he being accufit be Dittay of the faidis cryines : Thay removit thanie felffis altogidder furth of Court to the AfFys-hous, fjuhair thay chufe the laid James ^Vat^oun chancillar ; and haif reflbnit (vpoun the) pointis of the faid Dittay, and refohiit thairwith : Reenterit agane in the faid Coiu't ; quhair thay, be the mouth of the faid Chancillar, ffand, pronunceit and delyuerit the faid Johnne Feane alias Cwninghame, to be fylit and convict, Fyest, That qiUian the dewill ajiperit and come to him, quhen he wes lyand in his bed in Tranent, in Thomas Trumbillis chalmer, mwfand and panfand,' how he mycht be revengeit of the faid Thomas, quha had ofl'endit him in nocht fpargeing^ of his chalmer, as he had promefit, his face being toward the wall ; the dewill apperit to him with quliyte rayment, quhair he (the Dewill) fpak to him in thir termes, or ever he (Feane) fpak to him (the Dewill) — ' Will 5e be my ferwand and adore me and my ferwandis, and 3e fall never want ?' And als, that he fuld be revengit of his enemies ; lyke as, the faid deuill perfwadit him to burne Thomas Trumbillis hous, in refpect he had nocht keipit jn-omeis. — (2.) Item, Fylit, for fuffering of him felfT to be niarkit be the dewill with ane rod, the fecund nycht that he apperit to him, in quhyte arayment as faid is, in his bed ; and for fein3eing of him felff to ly feik in the faid Thomas Trumbillis chalmer, quhair he wes ftrukin in grit extafies and tranlis, lyand be the Ipace of twa or thre houris deid, his fpreit tane ; and fufferit him felff to be careit and tranfjiortit to inony montanes, as thocht throw all the warld ; accoi'ding to his awin depofitiounes. — (3.) Item, Fylit, according to his awin confeffioune, for the abuling of his body with Margaret Spens, M'edo in , promefing to haif mareit hir ; hot att Satanis command, he ftayit ; quha faid to hira, Gif he mareit hir, he fould tyne him and mekill ruches.^ — (4.) Item, Fylit for the fuffering of him felff to be careit to North-Berwik Kirk, (he being lyand in ane cloil'e bed in Preftoun-panuis,) as gif he had bene fouchand^ athoirt the eii'd, quhair Sathane commandit him to mak him homage with the reft of his fer- ' From ' penfant,' Fr. thinking, cogitating. " White-washing or cleansing. ' Riches, wealth. ' This suggests the idea of skimming along tlie surface of tiie earlli witli the swiftest flight. ' Souch- imd' also denotes a rushing sound, like that of an aiTow whizzing through the air. 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 211 wandis ; quhair he thocht he faw the lycht of ane candill ftandand in the middis, of his feruandis, quhilk apperit blew low' ; and Sathan ftwid, as in a pulpet, makand ane fermond of dowtfum fpeichis, faying, ' Mony cumis to Ipe fair, and byis nocht all wares ;' and defyi-it him ' nocht to feir, thocht he wes grynime : ffor he had mony feruandis, quha fould newir want, and fonld aill na thing, fa- lang as their hair wes one ; and fould newir latt ane teir fall fra thair ene," fa- lang as thay feruit him' : And gaif thir leflbnnes and commandis to him, as fol- lowis. ' Spair nocht to do ewill, and to eit, di-ink and be blyth, taking reft and eife, flfor he fould raife J)ame vp at Ipe latter day gloriouflie.' — (5.) Item, Fylit, for the being in cumpany with Sathane att his conventiounes, quhair he faw Robert Greirfoune, Miehaell Clark, Annie Sampfoune, with findrie vtheris ; quhair he and all the reft kift him behind, and fum his erfe ; and att the fame tyme, ffor the bewiching and iiofTeffing of ^Villiame Hutfoune in Windiegoull, with ane ewill fpreit. — (6.) Item, Fylit, for fuffering him felfF to be careit to the fee with Sathane ; and att the fyrft, he wes (kumand'^ owre all the fee without land," in ane . boit, accumpaneit with the perfounes aboue writtin ; and being of the foir-knawledge of the lek that ftrak vp in the Quenis fchip, as the dewill foirtald him. — (7.) Item, Fylit, for the rafing of wyndis att the Kingis paffing to Den- mark, and for the fending of ane letter to Marioun Linkup in Leyth, to that ef- fect, bidding hir to meit him and the reft, on the fee, within fyve dayes ; quhair Satan delyuerit ane catt out of his hand to Robert Greirfoune, gevand the word to ' Caft the fame in the fee hola !' : And thaireftir, being mountit in a fchip, and drank ilk ane to otheris, quhair Satane faid, ' ge fall fink pe fchip ;' lyke as thay thocht thay did. — (8.) Item, Fylit, for affembling him felfF with Sathane, att the Kingis returning fra Denmark ; quhair Satan promefit to raife ane mift, and caft the Kingis Maieftie in Ingland : And for performing thairof, he tuik ane thing lyke to ane fute-ball, quhilk apperit to the faid Johnne lyke a wifp,^ and caift the fame in the fee ; quhilk caufit ane vapour and ane reik to ryis. — (9.) Item, Fylit, ffor being in cumpany with Satan in the Kirk of North-Ber- wick, quhair he ajjperit to him, in the forme of ane blak mann within the pul- pett thairof; and efter his out-cuminge of the kirk, poyntit the graues and ftwid aboue thame ; quhilkis wer opnit in thre findrie pairtis, twa within and ane without ; quhilk the wemen demembrit the deid corps and bodeis being thairin, with thair guUeis f and incontinent wes tranfportit, without wordis. — (10.) Item, Fylit, for opening of lokis, and fijeciallie ane lok in Dauid Seytounis ' Blue flame, the candle buiiit blue ; an inevitable consequence of the presence of the ' foul fiend.' - It was part of this strange superstition, that after a person had renoiinced his baptism, and sworn fealty to Satan, he could thenceforth shed no tears — ' Item, it is a vehement prefumption, if ilie cannot weepe at the time of hir examination : and yet Bodin faith, that a witch may Ihed three drops out of her iMght eie.' — Scott's Discoverie of Witchcraft, cap. 5. ^ Skimming. * Out of sight of tlie land. ^ Of straw ? '' Large clasp-knives. 2lS CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590. younger in Tranent ; and ficlyke, for the opening of the faid Dauidis foir 5ett, the key thairof being lyand vpoim the buird,' at the fupper : As alfo, fylit, for the opning of ane lok be his Ibrcerie, in Dauid Seytonnis moderis, be blawing in ane womanis hand, him felff litand att the fyi'e fyde. — (11.) Item, Fylit, for the being cumand furth of Patrik "\^niijhrais fonis lious in the mylne, vnder nycht, fra liis l'ui)per ; and paflhnd to Tranent on horfbak, and ane man with him ; be his devililch craft, ralit vp foure candillis vpoixue the horffis twa luggis, and ane vthir candill vpoune the ftalff quhilk the man had in his hand ; and gaif fic licht, as gif itt had bene day lycht ; lyke as, the faidis candillis returnit with the laid man, quhill his hamecuming ; and caulit him fall deid, at his entre within the hous. — (12.) Item, Fylit, for the wiching" and pofleffing of the (faid) 'Williame Hutfoune, witli ane ewill fpreit ; quhilk continewit with him tuentie fax oulkis; lyke as, the faid fpreit departit and left him, how fone the faid Johnne wes tane and apprehendit. — (13.) Item, Fylit, for being in cumpany with Annie Samp- foune, Robei't Grierlbun, Kaet Gray and vtheris, vpoune Hallowmes ewin ; thay embarkit in ane boit, befyde Robert Greirfounis hous in the Pannis, and faillit owr the fea to ane tryift thay had with ane vther witch : quhair thay enterit within ane fchip, and draiik gude wyne and aill thairin ; and thairefter cauffing the faid fchip and boit to perifch, with the perfonis being thairin ; and than re- turning hame. — (14.) lTE:\r, Fylit, for the vfing be way of Witchcraft, of mode- wart' feit vpoune him, in his purie ; gevin to him be Sathan, for this cans, that fa lang as he had thame vpoune him, he fuld never want filuer. — (15.) Item, Fylit, for being in North-Berwik-Kirk, at ane conventioune with Sathan and vtheris witches ; quhair Sathan maid ane dewelifch fermon, quhair the faid Johnne fatt vpoune the left fyde of the pulppett, iiarreft him : And the fermon being endit, he came doune and tuke the faid Johnne be the hand, and led him widderfchinnis* about ; and thairefter, cauffit him kyfe his erfe. — (16.) Item, Fylit, for the chaiffing of ane catt in Tranent ; in the quhilk chaife, he was careit lieicli aboue the ground, with gryt fwyftnes, and as Ijchtlie as the catt hir felft', ower ane heicher dyke, nor he was able to lay his hand to the heid off : — And being inquyrit, to quhat effect he chaiffit the famin ? Anfuerit, that in ane conventioune haldin at Brumhoillis, Sathan commandit all that Aver prefent, to tak cattis ; lyke as, he, for obedience to Sathan, chaifit the faid catt, jnirpoiflie to be caflin in the fea, to raife windis for diftructioune of fchippis and boittis. — (17.) Item, Fylit, that forfamekle as, be his airt of Witchcraft, Magick and Sorcerie, he gaif him felff ° to declair to ony man, how long thay fould leve, and quhat fould be thair end ;" gif thay wald tell yow the day of thair birth : Lyke as, he foirtauld the famyn to Marioun "W^eddell, that hir fone fould nocht leve ' Table. ^ Bewitching. ' Mole's feet. ■* Contrary to the course of the sun. ^ Professed, save out. ^ What death they should die. TcJ'ace- TOZJ. p. 223 ilcmc? frum ^cotlanti, i;)f)i. 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 213 XV dayes ; quhilk cam to pas as he fijak. — (18.) Itebi, Fylit, for declaring of the lyke to Alexander Bonis wyffe in Edinburghe, and faying, hir fone fould be fchort qiihyle in hir aucht ; as he died within a fchort fpace thairefter. — (I9.) Item, Fylit, for the reffaving of thir directionis and commandimentis fra Sa- than : Firft, To deny God and all trew Religioune : Secundlie, To gif his faith to the Dewill ; and adoring him : Thridlie, He faid to the Dewill, that he fould perfwaid als mony as he could, to his focietie : Ferdlie, He dememberit the bodeis of the deid corps, and f])eciallie of bairnis vnbaptefit : Fyftlie, He dif- troyit men be fie and land, with coirnis, cattell and guidis ; and raifit tempeft and ftormie wedder, as the Dewill himfelff, blawing in the air, &c. — (20.) Item, Fylit, for ane commoune notorious Witch and Inchanter. The Sentence is not engrossed in the Record, but a jotting made on the margin, ' Conuict of diuers poyntis of Wichcraft, and brynt.' [The best illustration which can now be afforded of the extraordinary circum- stances detailed in this and in fome of the other Trials for Witchcraft, &c. of this period, is to give an exact reprint of an extremely rare Black-letter tract, con- sidered to be unique ; and which api)ears to the Editor well worthy of a place here.' A pretty copious abstract from this curious fragment has already been given to the public, in the learned and ingenious Prefatory Notice to ' Law's Memorialls,' edited by Charles Kirkjiatrick Sharpe, Esqviire ; to whom the Edi- tor is indebted for the use of an accurate transcrijit, with which the present re- print has been carefully collated.^ This tract was inserted in a small collection, published by the late eccentric David Webster, titled, ' Collectanea Scotica,' but it is there very inaccurately edited. The Confessions of Feane, Pamson, &c., are said to have ' made the King in wonderful admiration, who, in rel'pect of the ftrangenes of thefe maters, tooke great delight to be jirefent at their examinations.' It is very probable that the King's presence at these examinations, and the frequent perusal of similar evi- dence against the numerous persons who were tried for Witchcraft at this time, laid the foundation for the royal work on ' Daemonologie.'] NEWES FROM SCOTLAND, Declaring the damnable life of Doctor Fian a notable Sorcerer, who was burned at Edenbrough, in Januarie laft 1591 ; which Doctor was Regif- ter to the Deuill, that fundrie times preached at North Barricke Kirke to a ' The Editor would liave preferred inserting the ' Newes from Scotland' in tlie Appendix to the reign of King .Tames VI., but as tliat must of necessity be retarded for a considerable time, the ex- planations afforded in Feane's Confessions would thereby lose much of their interest. 2 Mr Sharpe's transcript was taken from the Roxburghe Club copy. 214 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590-1. number of notorious Witches ; with the true Examinations of the faid Doctor and ^Vitches, as they uttered them in the prefence of the Scottifli King : Difcouering how they pretended to bewitch and drowne his Majef- tie in the fea, comming from Denmarke ; with fuch other wonderfull mat- ters, as the like hath not bin heard at auie time. Published according to the Scottish Copie. Printed for William Wright.' To THE Reader. The manifold untnjths which are fpred abroad, concerning the deteftable actions and apprehenfion of thole Witches, wliereof this hiftorie following truely entreateth, hath caufed me to publilh the fame in print ; and the ratlier, for that fundrie written coppies are lately dilperled therof, containing that the faid Witches were firft dil'covered by meanes of a poore pedler travelling to the towne of Trenent ; and tiiat by a wonderfull manner hee was in a moment convayed at midnight from Scotland to Bur- deux in France, (being places of no fmall dillance,) into a merchantes fellar there ; and after beeing fent from Burdeux into Scotland by certaine Scottilh merchants to the Kings Majeflie, that he dif- covered thofe Witches, and was the caufe of their apprehenfion ; with a number of matters miraculous and incredible : all wliich in truth are moll falle. Neverthelefs, to fatisfie a number of honefl mindes, who are defirous to be informed of the veritie and truth of their confeffions, which for certaintie is more flraunger than the common reporte runneth, and yet with more truth, I have undertaken to pub- lilli this fliort Treatife, which declareth the true difcourfe of all that happened, and as well what was pretended by thofe wicked and deteltable Witches againll the Kingis jNIajellie, as alio by what means they wi-ought the fame. All which examinations (gentle Reader) I have here tnily publilhed, as they were taken and uttered in the prefence of the Kings Majeftie, praying tliee to accept of it for veritie ; the fame being fb true as cannot be reproved. A True Discourse Of the apprehenfion of fundrie Witches lately taken in Scotland ; whereof fome are executed, and fome are yet imprifoned. With a particular re- citall of their examinations, taken in the prefence of the Kings Majeftie. God, by his omnipotent power, hath at all times, and daily dooth take fuch care, and is fo vigilant for the weale and ju'efervation of his owne, that thei'eby he difajjpointeth the wicked practices and evill intentes of all fuch as by any meanes whatfoever feeke indirectly to confpire any thing contrary to his holy will : Yea, and by the fame power he hath lately overthrowne and hindered the intentions and wicked dealings of a great number of ungodly creatures, no better than Devils ; who, fuffering themfelves to be allured and enticed by the Devil whom they ferved, and unto whom they were privately fworne, entered into the deteft- able art of Witchcraft, which they ftudied and practifed fo long time, that in the ' There appears to have been another edition of this remarkable Tract, in all respects the same with the Roxburghe reprint. At least, in the Gent. Mag. vol. xlix, p. 393, it is reprinted, but bears at the foot of the title-page, ' At London, printed for Thomas Nelson." Nelson was probably joint proprietor with Wright, each party affixing his name to the copies sold by him. 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 215 ende they had feduced by their forcerie a number of others to be as bad as them- felves, dwelling in the boimdes of Lowthinn, which is a principall fliire or part of Scotland, where the Kingis Majeftie ufeth to make his cheifeft relidence or abode : and to the ende that their deteftable wickednelTe, which they privily had pre- tended againft the Kingis Majeftie, the commouweale of that countrie, with the nobilitie and fubjects of the fame, lliould come to light, God of his vinfpeakable goodnes did reveale and laie it open in verie ftrange forte, thereby to make known to the Avorld that their actions were contrarie to the lawe of God, and the naturall affection which we ought generally to beare one to an other : The man- ner of the revealing whereof was as followeth. Within the towne of Trenent, in the kingdome of Scotland, there dwelleth one David Seaton, who, being dejjutie bailiife in the faid towne, had a maid call- ed Geillis Duncane, who ufed fecretlie to abfent aiad lie forth of hir maifters houfe every other night : This Geillis Duncane tooke in hand to helpe all fuch as were troubled or grieved with anie kinde of ficknes or iufirmitie, and in lliort Ipace did perfourme many matters moft miraculous ; which things, for afinuche as file began to do them upon a fodaine, having never done the like before, made her maifter and others to be in great admiration, and wondered thereat : by meanes whereof, the faide Davide Seaton had his maide in great fufpition that fliee did not thofe things by naturall and lawfuU waies, but rather fuppofed it to bee done by fome extraordinarie and unlawfuU meanes. Whereupon, her maifter began to grow verie inquifitive, and examined hir which way and by what meanes fliee was able to performe matters of fo great importance ; where- at fliee gave him no aunfwere : ne\Trthelers, her maifter, to the intent that hee might the better trie and finde out the truth of the fame, did with the help of others torment her with the torture of the pilliwinkes^ upon her fingers, which is a grievous torture ; and binding or wrinching her head with a cord or roape, which is a moft cruell torment alio ; yet would flie not confefs anie thing ; where- uppon, they iidpectiiig that flie had beene marked by the Devill, (as commonly witches are,) made diligent fearch about her, and fovmd the enemies marke to be in her fore crag, or fore part of her throate ; which being found, fliee confefTed that al her doings was done by the wicked allurements and entifements of the Devil, and that flie did them by witchcraft. After this her confeflion, flie was committed to jn'ifon, where fliee continued a feafon, where immediately fliee ac- cufed thefe perfons following to bee notorious witches, and caufed them forth- ' ' Pihiiewinkis,' or phmieicinhs^ a severe instrument of torture, apparently similar to the ' thiimbiehins,' or thumbscrews, afterwards used both in Scotland and England. From a quotation made by Cowell, in his ' Law Interpreter,' this torture appears to have been applied to Robert Smyth of Bury, in the reign of Henry IV. — ' Ceperunt infra predictam villam, et ipl'ura in ferro pofuerunt et cum cordis iigavermtt, et jvper jwlUces ipiius Roberti, quoddam iiilliumentum vocatum Pyrewitikes, ita ftricte et dure poluerunt, quod fanguis exivit de digitis illius.' Car(. Abbatie S. Edmu7idi, MS. fol. 341. 2 See her Trial, Jan. 27, 1590-1. 216 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590-1. with to be aijpreliended, one after another, viz. Agnes Sampfon,- tlie eldeft witche of them all, dwelling in Haddington ; Agnes Tomplbn of Edenbrough ; Doctor Fian alias John Cuninghani, mafter of the fchoole at Saltpans in Low- thian, of whofe life and ftrange acts you flial heare more largely in the end of this difcourle. Tliete were by the I'aide Geillis Dimcane accul'ed, as alio George Motts wife, dwelling in Lowthian ; Robert Grierlbn, flcijjper ; and Januet Blandilands ; with the jiotters wife of Seaton ; the fmith at the Brigge Hallis, with innumerable others in thofe parts, and dwelling in thofe bounds aforefaid ; of whom fome are alreadie executed, the reft remaine in prilbn to receive the doome of judgement at the Kinges Majefties will and plealure. The I'aide Geillis Duncane alio cauled Ewphame Mecalrean' to bee apprehend- ed, who confpired and performed the death of her godfather, and who ufed her art upon a gentleman, being one of the Lordes and Juftices of the Seffion, for bearing good will to her daughter. Shee alfo cauled to be ajjprehended one Bar- bara Naper,- for bewitching to death Archibalde lait Earle of Angus, who lan- guillied to death by witdicraft, and yet the fame was not fulpected ; but that hee died of fo ftraunge a difeafe as the Phifition knewe not how to cui'e or remedie the fame. But of all other the faid witches, thefe two laft before recited, were reputed for as civill honeft women as anie that dwelled within the cittie of Eden- brovigh, before they were apprehended. Many other befules were taken dwell- ing in Lieth, who are detayned in prifon untill his IMajefties further will and pleafure be knowne ; of whole wicked dooings you fliall particularly heare, which Avas as followeth. This aforelaide Agnis Sampfon, which was the elder witche, was taken and brought to Haliriud Houfe before the Kinges Majeftie, and fundry other of the nobilitie of Scotland, where flie was ftraytly examined ; but all the perfwafions which the Kinges Majeftie ufed to hir, with the reft of his Councell, might not provoke or induce her to confeffe any thing, but ftoode ftiffely in the deniall of all that was layde to her charge ; where upon they caufed her to bee conveyed away unto prifon, there to receive iuch torture as hath beene lately provided for witches in that country : And for as much as by due examination of witchcraft and witches in Scotland, it hath lately beene founde that the Divell dooth generally marke them with a privie marke, by reafon the witches have confeired them- felves, that the Divell doth licke them with his tong in Ibme jirivie part of their bodie, before hee dooth recyve them to bee his fervauntes, which marke commonlie is given them under the haire in fome part of their bodie, whereby it may not eafdy bee founde out or feene, although they be fearched ; and generally fo long as the marke is not feene to thofe which fearch them, lb long the parties that ' Ew])liame Macalieane of Cliftounliall. See lier Trial, Jun. 9, 1391, - See her Trial. The persons composing the majority of those who acquitted her, were brought to trial for Wilful Error. 24 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 217 hath the marke will never confefle aiiie thing. Therefore, by fpeciall command- ment, this Agnis Sampfon had all her haire fliaven off, in each parte of her bodie, and her head thrawne with a rope, according to the ciiftome of that countrie, beeing a payne moft grevous, which flaee continued almoft an hower, during which time flie would not confelFe anie thing, untill the Divels marke was founde upon her privities; then lliee immediately confeffed whatfoever was demaunded of her, and juftifying thofe perfons aforefaide to be notorious witches. Item, The faid Agnis Toniplbn (Sampibn) was after brought againe before the Kinges Ma- jeftie and his Councell, and beeing examined of the meetings and deteftable dealings of thofe witches, Ihe confeifed, that upon the night of AUhoUow Even laft, fliee was accompanied, as well with the perfons aforefaide, as alfo with a great many other witches, to the number of two hundreth, and that all they to- gether went to Sea, each one in a riddle or cive, and went into the fame very fubftantially, with flaggons of wine, making merrie and drinking by the way in the fame riddles or cives, to the Kirke of North Barrick in Lowthian ; and that after they had landed, tooke handes on the lande, and daunced this reill or fliort daunce, linging all with one voice, Commer goe ye before, commer goe ye, Gif ye will not goe before, commer let me. At which time fliee confelTed, that this Geillis Duncane did goe before them, playing this reill or daunce, uppon a fmall trumpe, called a Jewes trump, untill they entred into the Kirk of North Barrick. Thefe confeffions made the King in a wonderfull admiration, and fent for the faide Geillis Duncane, who upon the like trump did play the faide daunce be- fore the Kinges Majeftie, who in refpect of the ftrangenes of thefe matters, tooke great delight to be prefent at their examinations. Item, The faid Agnis Tompfon (Sampfon) confeffed, that the Divell, being then at North Barrick Kirke attending their comming, in the habit or likenefle of a man, and feeing that they tarried over long, bee at their comming enjoyned them all to a pennance, which was, that they fliould kilTe his buttockes, in fign of duety to him; which being jiut over the pulpit bare, every one did as he had enjoyned them : And having made his ungodly exhortations, wherein he did greatly inveigh againft the King of Scotland, he received their oathes for their good and true fervice towards him, and departed ; which done, they returned to fea, and fo home again. At which time, the witches demaunded of the Divell, 'Why he did beare fuch hatred to the Kinge ?' Who aunfwered, ' By reafon the King is the greateft enemie bee hath in the world.' All which their confeffions and depofitions are ftill extant upon record. Iteji, The faide Agnis Sampfon confeffed before the Kinges Majeftie fundrie thinges, which were fo miraculous VOL. I. 2 E 218 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590-1. and ftrange, as that his Majeftie faide ' they were all extreame lyars ;' whereat fliee aunlwered, ' (lie would not wifli his Majeftie to luiipofe her wordes to hee falfe, but rather to beleve them, in that fliee would difcover fuch matter unto him as his Majeftie fliould not any way doubt of.' And therupon taking his Majeftie a little aftde, lliee declared unto him the verie wordes which paffed be- tweene the Kinges Majeftie and his Queene at Upflo in Norway, the firft night of mariage, with the anlwere ech to other ; wherat the Kinges Majeftie wonder- ed greatly, and Iwore ' by the living God, that he believed all the devils in hell could not have difcovered the fame,' acknowledging her words to be moft true ; and therefore gave the more credit to the reft that is before declared. Touching this Agnis Tompfon (Sampfon), llie is the onlie woman who, by the Divels perfwafion, fliould have intended and put in execution the Kinges Majef- ties death, in this manner. She confefTed that fliee tooke a blacke toade, and did hang the fame up by the heeles three daies, and collected and gathered the ve- nom as it dropped and fell from it in ane oifter fliell, and kept the fame venome dofe covered, untill flie fliould obtaine anie part or peece of foule linnen cloth that had appertained to the Kinges Majeftie, as fliirt, handkercher, napkin or any other thing, which fliee practifed to obtaine by nieanes of one John Kers, who being attendant in his Majefties chamber, defired him for olde acquaintaunce betweene them, to lielpe her to one, or a peece of fuch a cloth as is aforefaide ; Avhich thing the faide John Kers denyed to helpe her to, faying hee could not helpe her luito it. And the faide Agnis "J'omplon (Sampfon,) by her depofitions fince her apprehenfion, faith, that if fliee had obtayned any one peece of linnen cloth which the King had worne and fowled, flie had bewitched him to death, and put him to fuch extraordinarie paines, as if he had been lying upon fliarp thorns and endis of needles. INIoreover flie confelfed, that at the time when his Majeftie was in Denmarke, fliee being accompanied by the parties before fpeciallie named, tooke a cat and chriftened it, and afterward bounde to each par/t of that cat, the cheefeft parte of a dead man, and feverall joyntis of his bodie : And that in the night following, the faide cat was convayed into the middeft of the fea by all thefe witches, fayling in their riddles or cives, as is aforefaid, and fo left the faide cat riaht before the towne of Lieth in Scotland. This doone, there did arife fuch a tempeft in the fea, as a greater hath not bene feene ; which tempeft was the caufe of the perifliing of a boat or veflell comining over from the towne of Brunt Ilande to the towne of Lieth, wherein was fundrie jewelles and rich giftes, which fliould have beene prefented to the now Queene of Scotland, at her Majef- ties coming to Leith. Againe, it is confefled, that the faide chriftened cat was the caufe that the Kinges Majefties fliippe, at his comming forth of Denmarke, had a contrarie winde to the reft of his fliippes then being in his companie; which 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 219 thing was nioft ftrange and true, as the Kinges Majeftie acknowledgeth, for when the reft of the fliippes had a fah-e and good winde, then was the winde contrarie and altogether againft his Majeftie ; and further, the fayde witche declai-ed, that his Majeftie had never come fafely from the fea, if his faith had not prevayled above their intentions. Moreover, the faide witches being demaunded, how the Divel would ufe them when he was in their company, they confefled, that when the Devill did recyeve them for his fervauntes, and that they had vowed themfelves unto him, then hee woulde carnally ufe them, albeit to their litle pleaftu'e, in refpect to his colde nature ; and would do the like at fundry other times. As touching the aforefaide Doctor Fian alias John Cunningham, the examina- tion of his actes fince his apprehenlion, declareth the great fubteltie of the Divell, and therefore maketh thinges to ajjpeare the more miraculous ; for beeing appre- hended by the accufation of the faide Geillis Duncane aforefaide, who confefled he was their Regefter, and that there was not one man fuffered to come to the Divels readinges but onelie hee : the faide Doctor was taken and imprilbned, and ufed with the accuftomed paine provided for thofe offences, inflicted upon the reft, as is aforefaide. Firft, By thrawing of his head with a rope, wherat he would confefle nothing. Secondly, Hee was perfwaded by faire meanes to con- fefle his follies, but that would jwevaile as little. Laftly, Hee was put to the moft fevere and cruell paine in the worlde, called the bootes ;' who, after he had received three ftrokes, being inquired if hee would confefle his damnable actes and wicked life, his toong would not ferve him to fpeake ; in refpect wherof, the reft of the witches willed to learche his toong, under which was founde two pinnes, thruft up into the heade ; whereupon the witches did fay, Now is the charme ftinted; and fliewed, that thofe charmed pinnes were the caufe he could not confelfe any thing : Then was he innnediately releafed of the bootes, brought before the King, his confeflion was taken, and his own hand willingly fet there- unto, which contained as followeth : Fiest, That at the generall meetinges of thofe witches, he was always jjrefent ; that he was clarke to all thofe that were in fubjection to the Divels fervice, bearing the name of witches ; that alway hee did take their oathes for their true fervice to the Divell ; and that he wrote ' A dreadful torture, wliicb, to the disgrace of tliis country, was sanctioned by the Privy Council, to extort evidence from obdurate and perjured witnesses, and also Confessions from criminals of their own crimes and delinquencies ; or to induce them to inform against or to criminate others, strongly sus- pected to be implicated. The boots, or boolikins, were chiefly made use of in extreme cases, sucli as High Treason, \\ itchcraft, &c. This horrid instrument extended from the ankles to the knee, and at each stroke of a large hammer, (which forced the wedges closer,) the question was repeated. In many instances, the bones and flesh of the leg were cruslied and lacerated in a shocking manner before con- fession was made. Fian endured these tortures with almost incredible firmness. See the Trial of John Master of Orkney, Jan. 24, 1596, &c. 220 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590-1. for them fiich matters as the Divell ftill pleafed to commaimd him. Item, Hee confefled, that by his witchcraft hee did bewitch a gentleman dwelling neare to the Saltpans, where the laid Doctor kept Ichoole, onely for beeing enamoured of a gentlewoman whome hee loved himfelfe ; by meanes of which his forcery, witch- craft and divelifli practifes, hee caufed the faide gentleman, that once in xxiiii howers hee fell into a lunacie and madnes, and fo continued one whole hower to- gether : And for the veritie of the fame, hee caufed tlie gentleman to bee' brought before the Kinges Majeftie, which was iippon the xxiiii day of December laft, and beeing in his Majellies chamber, fuddenly hee gave a great fcritch, and fell into madneffe, fometime bending himfelf, and fometime capring fo directly up, that his heade did touch the feeling of the chamber, to the great admii-ation of his Majeftie and others then prefent ; lb that all the gentlemen in the chamber were notable to holde him, untill they called in more heljie, who together bound him hand and foot ; and fuftering the faide gentleman to lie ftill untill his furie were paft, he within an hower came againe to himfelfe ; when, being demaunded by the Kinges IVIajeftie, ' what he fawor did all that while,' anfwered, that ' he had been in a founde lleepe.' Item, The laid Doctor did alio confefle, that hee had ufed meanes fundry times to obtaine his purpofe and wicked intent of the fame gentlewoman ; and feeing himfelfe difappointed of his intention, he determined, by all wayes hee might, to obtaine the fame; trufting by conjuring, witchcraft and forcerie, to obtaine it, in this manner. It happened this gentlewoman, being unmarried, had a brother, who went to Ichoole with the faide Doctor ; and calling the faide fcholler to him, demaunded ' if he did lie with his fiftei-,' who anfwered ' he did :' By meanes whereof, hee thought to obtaine his purpofe ; and therefore feci'etly promifed, to teach him without ftripes, fo he woiilde obtaine for him three hairs of his fifters privities, at fuch time as hee fliould fpie heft occafion for it ; which the youth promifed faithfully to performe, and vowed fpeedily to put it in practife, taking a peece of conjured paper of his maifter, to lap them in, when hee had gotten them ; and thereupon the boy practifed nightly to obtaine his inaifters purpofe, efpecially when his fifter was afleep. But God, who knoweth the fecrets of all harts, and revealeth all wicked and ungodly practifes, would not fuffer the intents of this divelifli Doctor to come to that purpofe which he fuppofed it woulde ; and therefore, to declare that hee was heavily of- fended with his wicked intent, did fo work by the gentlewomans owne meanes, that in the ende the fame was difcovered and brought to light ; for fliee being one night a fleejje, and her brother in bed with her, fodainly cried outt to her mo- ther, declaring that her brother woulde not fuffer her to fleepe ; whereupon her mother having a quicke capacitie, did vehemently fuQject Doctor Fians inteii- ' Here the first wooden cut is inserted. 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 221 tion, by reafon flie was a witch of her felf ; and therefore, prefently arofe, and was very inqiiifitive of the boy to iinderftand his intent ; and the better to know the fame, did beate him with fundrie llripes, wherby hee difcovered the truth unto her. The mother, thei*efore, beeing well practifed in witchcraft, did thinke it mofl convenient to meete with the Doctor in his owne arte ; and thereupon took the paper from the boy, wherein hee lliould have put the fame haires, and went to a yong heyfer which never had borne calfe, nor gone unto the bull, and with a paire of flieeres clipped off three haires from the udder of the cow, and wrajjt them in the fame paper, which fliee again delivered to the boy; then willing him to give the fame to his laide maifter, which hee immediately did. The fchoole maifter, fo foone as he had received theni,thiiiking them indeede to be the maids haires, went ftraight and wrought his arte upon them : But the Doctor had no fooner doone his intent to them, but jjrefently the hayfer cow,whofe haires they were indeede, came unto the door of the church wherein the fchoole maifter was, into the which the hayfer went, and made towards the fchoole maifter,leaping and dauncing ujion him, and following him forth of the church, and to what jjlace foever he went ; to the great admiration of all the townes men of Saltpans, and many other who did beholde the fame. The report whereof made all men ima- gine he did worke it by the Devill, without whome it coulde never have beene fo fufficiently effected ; and thereupon, the name of the faide Doctor Fian (who was but a yoong man) began to growe common among the jjeople of Scotland, that hee was fecretly nominated for a notable conjurer. All which, although in the beginning he denied, and woulde not confeffe, yet having felt the paine of the bootes, (and the charme ftinted as aforelayd,) he con- fefled all the aforefaid to be moft true, without producing any witnefles to juftifie the fame ; and thei'upon, before the Kings Majefty, hee fubfcribed the fayd con- fefRons with his owne hande ; which for truth remaineth ujjon record in Scotland. After that the depofitions and examinations of the fayd Doctor Fian alias Cuningham was taken, as alreadie is declared, with his own hand willingly fet thereunto, hee was by the maifter of the i^rifon committed to ward, and ap- pointed to a chamber by himfelfe ; where, forefaking his wicked' wayes, acknow- ledging his moft ungodly lyfe, fliewing that he had too much folowed the al- lurements and enticements of Sathan, and fondly practifed his conclulions, by conjuring, witchcraft, inchantment, fox'cerie, and liich like, hee renounced the Devill and all his wicked workes, vowed to leade the lyfe of a Chriftian, and feem- ed newly converted towards God. The morrow after, ixjion conference had with him, he granted that the Devill had appeared unto him in the night before, appareled all in blacke, with a white ' The second wood-cut is inserted liere. 222 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590-1. wande in his hande ; and that the Devill demaimded of him, ' If hee woulde con- tinue his faithful] fervice, according to his firft oath and promife made to that effect :' "\\'Tiome (as liee then faide) he utterly renounced to his face, and faid unto him in this manner, ' Avoide ! Satan, avoide ! for I have liftned too much unto thee, and by the fame thou haft undone me ; in refpect whereof I utterly forfake thee.' To whome the Devill anfwered, that ' once ere thou die thou fhalt bee mine :' And with that (as he fayd), the Devill brake the white wand, and immediately vanillied foorth of his fight. Thus, all the dale, this Doctor Fian continued verie folitarie, and feemed to have a care of his owne foule, and would call uppon God, fliewing himfelfe peni- tent for his wicked life ; neverthelefTe, the fame night, hee found fuch meanes that he ftole the key of the prifon doore and chamber in which he was, which in the night hee opened and fled awaie to the Saltpans, where hee was alwayes refident, and firft apprehended. Of whofe fodaine departiu-e, when the Kings Majeftie had intelligence, hee prefently commanded diligent inquirie to bee made for his ap- prehenfion ; and for the better effecting thereof, hee fent publike proclamations into all partes of his lande to the fame effect. By meanes of whofe hot and harde purfuite he was agayn taken, and brought to prifon ; and then, being called be- fore the Kings Highnes, hee was re-examined, as well touching his departure, as alfo touching all that had before happened. But this Doctor, notwithftanding that his owne confeffion appeareth, remaining in recorde imder his owne hande writting, and the fame thereunto fixed in the prefence of the Kings Majeftie and fundrie of his Councell, yet did hee utterly denie the fame. ^Vhereupon the Kings Majeftie, perceiving his ftubborne willfulneffe, conceived and imagined, that in the time of his abfence, hee had entei'ed into newe confer- ence and league with the Devill his maifter; and that hee had beene again newly marked, for the which he was narrowly fearched ; but it coulde not in anie waie be founde; yet for more tryall of him, to make him confefTe, hee was commaunded to have a moft ftraunge' torment, which was done in this manner following. His nailes upon all his fingers were riven and pidled off with an inftrument called in Scottiih a Turkas,' which in England wee call a payi'e of pincers, and under everie nayle there was thrvift in two needels o^'er even vip to the heads. At all which tormentes notwithftanding, the Doctor never flironke anie whit ; neither woulde he then confeffe it the fooner, for all the tortures inflicted upon him. Then was hee, with all convenient fpeede, by commandement, convaied againe to the tor- ment of the bootes, wherein hee continued a long time, and did abide lb many blowes in them, that his legges were cruflit and beaten together as fmall as might ' Unusual, unaccustomed. " O. Fr. Tttrqwois, truquuije, tenaille a I'ufage des mai'eehaux, i.e. smith's pincers. 24Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 223 bee; and the bones and flefli fo brufed, that the blond and marrow fpouted forth in great abundance; whereby, they were made unferviceable for ever. And not- withftanding all thefe grievous paines and cruel torments, hee woulde not con- fefle anie things ; lb deeply had the Devill entered into his heart, that hee ut- terly denied all that which he before avouched ; and would faie nothing there- unto, but this, that what hee had done and fayde before, was onely done and fayde, for fear of paynes which he had endured. Upon great confideration, therefore, taken by the Kings Majeftie and his Coun- cell, as well for the due execution of juftice uppon fuch deteftable malefactors, as alfo for example fake, to remayne a terrour to all others heerafter, that fliall attempt to deale in the lyke wicked and ungodlye actions, as witchcraft, forcerie, conjuration and fuch lyke ; the faide Doctor Fian was foon after arraigned, con- demned and adjudged by the law to die, and then to be burned according to the lawe of that lande provided in that behalfe. Whereupon hee was put into a carte, and beeing firft ftrangled, hee was immediately put into a great fire, be- ing readie provided for that purpofe, and there bui-ned in the Caftle Hill of Edenbrough, on a Saterdaie, in the ende of Januarie laft pall, 1591. The reft of the witches which are not yet executed, remayne in prifon till far- ther triall and knowledge of his Majefties pleafure. This ftrange difcourfe before recited may perhaps give fome occafion of doubt to fuch as fliall happen to reade the fame, and thereby conjecture that tlie Kings Majeftie would not hazarde himfelfe in the prefence of fuch notorious witches, leaft therby might have infued great danger to his perfon, and the generall ftate of the land ; which thing in truth might ^^^el have bene feared. But to anlwer generally to fuch, let this fuffice ; that firft, it is well knowen that the King is the child and fervant of God, and they but the fervants to the Devil ; hee is the Lords annointed, and they but veffeles of Gods wrath ; hee is a true Chriftian, and trufteth in God ; they worfe than infidels, for they onely truft in the Devill, who daily ferves them, till he have brought them to utter deftruction. But heereby it feemeth that his Highnefle caried a magnanimious and undaunted mind, not feared with their inchantmentes, but refolute in this, that fo long as God is with him, hee feareth not who is againft him ; and truelie, the whole fcope of this Treatife dooth fo plainlie laie open the wonderfull Providence of the Almightie, that if he had not bene defended by his omnipotencie and power, his Highnes had never returned alive in his voiage from Denmarke; fo that there is no doubt, but God woulde as well defend him on the land as on the fea, where they pretended their damnable practife. FINIS. 224 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590-1. ^iQft Crtason— iHurHer— drirt--vaisms — ^jpprtssion, ^t. Jan. 19, 1590-1. — Angus M'Coneill of Dinnievaig (Lord of Kintyre,) and Lauchlane Maclane of Dowart (Lord of Hay.) [The desperate atrocities committed by the rival Chieftains, Makoneill and Macleane, some of whose misdeeds form the subject of the following Trial, al- though unfortunately not without a parallel in the historj^ of the feuds and con- flicts of the Clans, yet they give such a gloomy pictm'e of the barbarities then in some measure tolerated, or at least winked at, through the weakness of the arna of the law, that some explanation of the circumstances which gave rise to such scenes of horror and bloodshed seems necessary. This cannot be better done, than by giving a pretty copious f[uotation from the quaint but forcible nar- rative of the aiithor of ' The Hiftorie and Life of King James the Sext,' a work recently edited by Thomas Thomson, Esq. Deputy Clerk Register of Scotland, for the use of the Members of the Bannatyne Club. The limited impression of that work must plead the Editor's apology for quoting so largely, as compara- tively few have access to this valuable book for reference.] Angus Mak-Oneill Lord of Kintyre had to bis wyff the fifter of Macleane Lord of Hay ; and althoght tbay war brether in law, yit the ane was alwayis in fie fufpicioun with the utber, that of ather fyde thair was fa litle traift, tliat almaift fendle or never did thay meit in aniitie, lyk unto the common fort of people, hot rather as barbaris upoun thair awin guairde, or ather be thair meflingeris. Trew it is, that thir Ilandiili men ar of nature verie prowd, fufpicious, avaricious, full of decept and evill inventiouii aganis his nychtbour, be what way foever he may circnmvin him. Befydis all this, thay are fa crewell in taking of revenge, that nather have thay regarde to perfon, eage, tym or cans ; la ar thay generallie all fa far addictit to thair awin tyrannical! opinions, that in all refpects thay ex- ceed in creweltie tlie mail! barbarous people that ever hes bene fen the begynning of the warld ; ane example whareof ye fall heir in this hiftorie following. — Angus Mac-Oneill underftanding, be dyverfe reportis, the gude behavior of Maclayne to be fa famous, tliat almaift ho was recommendit and pray- fit be the haill newtrall people of thais partis above him felf ; whilk ingendrit fdi rancor in his hart, that he pretermittit na iuventioun how he mycht deftroy the faid Maclayne. At laft he devyfit to draw on a familiaritie amang thayme, and inveitit himfelf to be bancattit be iSIaclajnie ; and that the rather, that Maclayne fould be the reddier to cum over to his He with him the mair glaidlie, ather be- ing requyrit, or upon fet purpofe, as heft; fould pleas him. And when Angus had fent adverteifment to Maclayne, that he was to cum and mak gude cheir, and to be mirrie with him certayne dayis, Mac- layne was verie glaid thareof, audanfuerit to the meflinger, — ' My brother falbe welcome to me," fayd he, ' cum when he lift.' The meflinger anfuerit, ' it wald be to morrow.' So when Angus arryvit in ef- fect, lie was rycht cheirfullie welcomit be his brother in law, wha remanit thair be the fpace of fyve or fax dajas. And wlien it was perfavit that Maclaynis provifion was almaift fpent, Angus thocht it then tyme to remove. Indeid the cuftome of that people is fa gevin to gluttonie, and drinking with- out all meafure, that as ane is invetit to another, thay never finder fa lang as the vivers do left. In end Angus fayis, — ' Becaus I have maid the firft obedience unto you, it will pleas you cum over to my He, that ye may reflave als gude treatment with me as I have done with you.' Maclayne anfuerit that ' he duift, not adventure to cum to him for miftruft ;' and Angus faid, — ' God forbid that evir I fould in- tend or pretend any evill aganis you ; hot yit, to remove all doubt and fufpicion fra your mynd, I will 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 225 geve you tua pledges, whilkis falbe fent unto you with diligence ; to wit, my eldeft fone, and my awiu onlie brother geriiiain : Thefe tua may be keapit heu- be your freyndis, till ye cum laiflie bak agayne.' Maclayne hering this offer, whilk apperit unto him voyd of all fufpiciouii, gave credence, and fo de- cretit to pas witli him to Kiiityre ; and forder to teftefie that bayth he flraplie belevit all to be trew, and that upoun hoip of gude frejnidlhip to continew, ho thocht expedient toretene a onlie pledge, and that was Angus liis brother, and wald cary with himfelf his awin nevoy the fone of Angus. Whether he did this to fave himfelf fra fnfpicion of daynger, as apperantlie of the event he did it, or geve he brocht him bak agajTie upon liberall favour, 1 will not difpute ; becaus I have tauld you afore the perfyt nature and qualeteis of thais Illandis people ; yit becaus Maclaynis educatioun was cevlle, and brocht up In the gude l&wis and maners of Scotland from his yowth, it may be, that he lies had double confideratioun, ane be kynd, and another be art of honeft deliberatioun. To conclude, to Kintyre he came, accumpaneit with 45 men of his kynnisfolk, and llowt fervauds, in the moneth of Julii 1586; whare at the firft arryvall thay war maid welcome, with all humanitie, and war fumptuoflie bancattit all that day. Bot Angus in that mepie tyme had premoneifl all his freynds and weilwillers within his He of Kintyre, to be at his hous that fame nycht, at nyne of the clock, and nattier to cum fouer nor laitter ; for he had concludit with himfelf to kill thayme all, the verie firft nycht of thair airyvall ; fearing, that geve he fould delay any langar tyme, it myclit be, that ather he fould alter his malicious intentioun, or els that Maclayne wald fend for fuui greater forces of men for his awin defence. Thus he concelit his intent ftill, till bayth he faud the tyme commodious, and the verie place proper ; and Maclayne, being logeit with all his men within a lang hous, that was fumthing diftant fra uther how- ling, tuik to bed with him tliat nycht his nevoy, the pledge aforefpokin. Bot within ane hour thar- efter, when Angus had aflemblit his men to the nomber of tua hundreth, he placit thayme all in or- dor about the hous whare Maclayne then lay. Tharefter he came him felf, and eallit at the dure upon ]\Iac!ayne, ofl'ring to him his repofing drink, whilk was forgottin to be gevin to him before he went to bed. Maclayne anfuerit, that he defyrit na drink for that tyme. Althoght, fo be, faid the uther, it is my will that thou arryfe and cum furth to relTave it. Then began Maclayne to fufpect the falfet, and fo an-aife with his nevoy betuix his Ihoulders, thinking that geve prefent killing was intentit aganis him, he fould fave him felf falang as he could, be the boy ; and the boy perfaving his father with a naiked fworde and a nomber of his men in lykmanner about, cryit with a lowd voyce, mearcie to his uncle for Gods faik ; whilk was grantit, and immediately Maclayne was removit to a fecret chalmer till the morrow. Then cryit Angus to the remanent that war within; — famony as wald have tiiair awin lyvis to be faif, thay fould cum furth, tua onlie exccptit, whilk he nominat ; fa that obedience was maid be all the reft, and thais tua onlie feyring the daynger, refufit to cum furth. Angus feing that, comraandit incontinent to put fyre to the lious, whilk was immediatlie performit, and thus war the tua men cruallie and unmearcefullie brynt to the death. Thefe tua war verie nar kynnifmen to Maclayne, and of the eldeft of his clan, renownit bayth for counfall and manheid. The reft that war preafoners, of tlie haill nomber aforetaidd, war ilk ane beheadit tlie dayis following, ane for ilk day, till the haill nomber was eiulit ; yea, and that in Maclaynis awin fight, being conftraynit thareunto with a dolorous adverteifment, to prepare himfelf for the lyk tragicall end, howfone thay fould be all killit. And when the day came that Maclayne fould have bene brocht furth, miferablie to have maid his tragicall end, lyk unto the reft, it pleafit Angus to lowp upon his horfe, and to cum furth for joy and contentatioun of mynd, evin to fe and behauld the tyrannicall fact with his awin eyis. Bot it pleafit God, wha mearcifuUie deilis with all man, and difappoyntis the decrees of the wicked, to dif- apoynt his intent for that day alfo, for he was not fa fone on horfe, bot the horfe ftumblit, and Angus fell of him and brak his leg, and fo was careit hayme. The report of this falfet was careit to the Erie of Argyle, Lord Juftice Generall of Scotland, wha immediatlie aflemblit his freyndis, and thay tlioght neceftar to compleyne to the King for revenge. VOL. I. 2 F 226 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590-1. The King direetit letters to Angus, be an herauld at armes callit Orrnond, commanding liira to reftoie Maclayne in the hands of the Erie of Argyle. But the melienger was inteiTuptit at the heavening port, whare he fould have tayiie ihippiug towart Kintyre, and fo retuinit. Yit be exceidmg travell maid be Argyllis frepids, and many unreafonable flrait conditions grantit to Angus, at the laft, Mac- layne was randrit. Bot within few nioneths tharefter, Maclayne maid fie preparatioun of annit men, and aflemblit a great nomber of weill difpofit perfons, wha came with him to Kintyre for revenge of the former injurie ; whare, what be fyre, what be fvvorde, and what be watter, he deilroyit all man- kynd, nayne except, that came in liis way, and all Ibrt of beaft that fervit for any domeflik ufe or plea- lure of man : And finallie, he came to the verie place whare Angus was mirrelie camping, luiking for na fik luddan iuvafioun for the tyme ; geve he had not bene horfit incontinent, and withdrawia him felf to a ftraiig caftell whilk was nar by, he had bene weill recompanceit for bis former traitorie. — It is a certayne rewll, that all fault growis greater be overfight and forgevenes ; for geve tranfgreflions be puneill in dew tyme, the Prence not onlie dois his dewtie in executing of juflice, to the great couten- tatioun of the offendit perfon, and gude examjile to the pofleritie, as a mirror of his gude lyf ; bot alfo, he gevis a terror to all offendors weill to behave thaynie felfis, for feare of regorous jmneilliment. I have tauld you at lenth the barbarous proceidings of tliefe Ilandilhmen, wha aithoght thay war writtin for be the King, and fubteilie traynit in to Edinburgh, in the yeir of God 1591, with promeis of the King faiflie to pas and repas, unhurt or moleflit in thair body or guddis ; yit thay war bayth comniittit to warde within the Caflell of Edinburgh, whare the King, according to equitie, reafon, juf- tice and gude policie, fould have put thayme to a tryall, and had thayme convict for fik odious uu- mearcefuU cryraes committit be thayme, bayth aganis the law of God and man, war notwilhflanding demittit frie to vepas hayme agayne, for a fmall pecuniall fowme, and a Ihaymefull Kemiilion grantit to ather of thame Hijforie aiid Life of King James the Sext, (Baunatyne Club's Edit.) 4to, Edin. 1825, p. 217. The qiihilk day, Angus M'Conill of Diimievaig, being enterit on 2:)annell, ac- cufit and perl'ewit be Dittay, be Mr David M'^Gill of Cranftoim Ryddell, Aduo- cat to our foiierane lord, of the crymes following. Dittay against Aligns M'CuniU of Dinnieveg. Fyust, for the maid heich poynt of Treflbune, comniittit be him : That he, 1)6 him felf}' and vtheris in his name, of his caufmg, aganis baith the eftait of his Maieftie and Croun, as alfo aganis the eftait of the countrey, in the monethis of September, October, November, December, att the leift in ane or vthir of thame, the j'eir of God P.V^lxxxvij yeiris, tuik vp bandis of men of weir, ftrangearis, Inglifmen, retenit and kejiit thame in ciimpanie with him, vnder his waiges, within the countrey of Kintyre, the North and ^^'eft lies, invadaud and perfew- and vpoun his partiderlie deidlie feid, boi'iie aganis Laiichlan M'Clayne of Dow- art, the faid Lauchlane, his kyn, freindis, allya, affifteris and jiairt-takaris, being fubiectis and inhabitantis of his hienes realme : In the quhilk Invafioune, he, ac- cumpaneit with the faid men of weare, ftrangearis, Inglifmen, maid findrie ilauchteris, l)yrningis, heirfchipjjis and vthir notorious murthouris and oi^jH'ef- iioiines, vfurjiand thairthrow, our fouerane lordis auctoritie vpoune him ; it be- ing exprellie iidiibite, be the lawis and ordinance of the realme, that na man fould tak vpoun hand, nor attempt, to ftryke drum, raife ony bandis of men of weare, 2J.JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 227 on horffe or fute, without expres Commiffioun and ipeciall licence of his Maiel- tie and Coiinllill grautit thairto : Lyke as, alfo, it is prohibite, that iia Inglilinen be broclit within our fouerane lordis dominioun, to protect and afliiir ony of his fubiectis be ordour of hoftilitie, as men of weir, quhairbye the eftait of the cun- trey or liegis thairof mycht be trublit, vnder tlie pane of TrefToune : Quhilk deid maill treirouabill, is notorious and can nocht be denyit be yow (him), be reflbune that ye (he) in your (his) Supplicatioune, laitlie prefentit to his Maieftie and Counfall in the moneth of July laftwes, fet doune the fame as ane poynt of your (his) Siipplicatioune ; allegeing the diflbluing of the faid Inglifmen of weir and directing of thaine to Ireland, to half bene a pairt of your (his) obedience ; nochtwithftanding the deid it felff is maift treflbnabill ; quhilk ye (he) can not deny. — Item, For the trefTonabill raifling of fyre, byrning and hereing' of the Landis of Mull, Terrie, Coill and Loyng, being a pairte of his Maiefteis propir landis, and of his hienes realme and dominioune : And then vnmercifuUie flew, brynt to deid and murdreift twa hundreth perfounes, fubjectis to his Maieftie, men, wyffes and bairnis. And this wes done be him, his men, freindis, ferwandis, af- fifteris and complices in the moneth of the yeir of God I"'.VMxxxvij yeiris ; committand thairbye maift wyild, barberous and trefTonabill creweltie. — Itkm, For airt, pairt, red and counfall, of the trefTonabill ffyi-e-rafing and burn- ing of tlie toune of Cairfaik, in IMwle, and hereing thairof, in the moneth of Junij laftbypaft ; in the qviliilk trelTonabill fTyre-railfing be him, at leift, he be- ing airt, pairt, i-ed and counfall thairof, refTet and ratihabitioune, M^Ilvray, ane of our fouerane lordis liegis, wes murdreift and flane. — Item, For- famekill as, be Act of Parliament, it is ftatute and ordanit, that in caife ony of our fouerane lordis liegis wer flayne or nuirdreift, being vnder the credeit and power of the flayer, the committer of fik flauchter fuld be declarit tratour ; and the deid to l)e TrefToune, with foirfaltour of lyffe, landis and guidis : And trew it is and of veritie, that in the moneth of Junij laftwes M^llheynych and M^llheynych, being captiues and prefoneris, detenit be him be tlie fpace of dyuerfe dayis, and takyn vnder afTurance betwix him and his partie Lauchlane M^Clane ; he, in the faid moneth, caufit bring thame out of prelToune, and in his awin prefence caiifit ftryke of thair heidis without ony dome, and by" all ordour of law, vfurping his gracis auctoritie ; quhairthrow he lies incurrit the cryme of TrefToune and panes thairof. — Item, Forfamekill as (he) being ane landit gentleman, lies in all the depredatiounes, ff}a"e-rafingis, murthouris and heirfchips^ aboue writtin, and in the executing of everie ane of thame, committit manifeft thift and ftoutli reif of cattell, infycht and iileneifling, ftollin, reftet and reft be him, his men of weir, kynuifiuen, freindis, afTifteris and pairt-takeris : ' Harrying:, plunderinor, sacking, devastation. ' Pa«t, contrary to, in defiance of. ' Acts of plundering and devastation. 228 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590-1. quhairthrow, lie be the Actis of Parliament lies incurrit the cryme of Treffouiie, and avicht to fuffer the pane thairof. Refusit to pafs to aue Aflyis, bot become in our foverane lordis will for the faniin. The fainyn day, Lauchlane ^rClane of Dowart, being acciifit and perfewit be the faid Mr Dauid I\rGill, adiiocat, (of the crimes following,) committit be him. DiTTAY against Lauchlane M^Clane of Dowart. That he, be him felfF, and vtlieris in his name, of his cauffing, aganis the eftait of his Maieftie and Croun, as alfo aganis the eftait of the countrey, in the moneth of November 1588 yeiris, tuik vp baiidis of men of weir, ftrangearis, Spanzertis, quha were ane pairt of the armie, callit ' The Halie Lyg," dei- tinat for fuppreffioun of all that profeflit the trew and Crillian Religioune ; and fwa to fubuert the eftait of the Kingis Maieftie, his Croun, countrey and com- moune-welth thairof : Quhairthrow, thay wer fund and declarit, oppin and pub- lict inimes, and fwa to be refiftit, be Act of Counlall ; as in the faniiu, of the dait the fyi-ft of Auguft 1588, att mair lenth is contenit : Neuirtheles, he reteiiit and kejjit thame in cumpanie with him, vnder his waiges, within the He of Mvlle, and remanent North and Weft lies, invadand and perfewand, vpoun his parti- culer deidlie feid borne aganis Angus M'Conill of Dinneveg ; the faid Angus, his k}ai, freindis, allya, affifteris and pairt-takeris, being fubjectis and inhabitautis of his IMaiefties realme : In the quliilk invafioun, he, accumpaneit with the faid men of weir, ftrangearis, Spanzertis, publict ininieis of the eftait, as faid is, maid Inidrie flauchteris, heirfchipis, birningis, depredatiounes and otheris notorious murthouris and oppreffiounes ; and fpeciallie, in the faid monetli of November, he brint with fyre the landis of Canna, Rum, Eg and EUen-ne-Muk, and hereit the fame ; he flew and crewillie murdreift Hector M'Cane Chaunauiche and Do- nald Bayne his brothir, with ane grit nownier of wyffis, bairnis and puir labo- reris of the ground, about aucht or nyne fcoir of fawles, quha had efchapit the fyre, wes nocli fpairit be his bluidie fword. And att that fame tyme, accumpa- neit with the faidis ftrangearis, Spanzeartis. publict inimeis as faid is, he tuik with him the cannoune, treffonablie befageit the lious of Ardenmvrche, be the fpace of fax or fewin dayes, he caufit fcliwit diners fchottis thairat, and flew diners gentilmenne thairin, callit" ; vfurpand thairthrow his liienes authoritie : It being exin-eflie inhibite, be the lawis and ordinances of the realme, that na man fould tak vpoun hand to ftryke drum, rais bandis of men of weir, on liors or fute, (or) befaige houifis, without expres Commiflioune and fpeciall Licence of his Maieftie and Counlall grantit thairto. Quhilkis deidis maift treffonabill, and fiieciallie the lifting of men of ' The Holy League or Alliance. ' A line left blank in the Record. 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 229 weir, Spanzertis, ])ublict iniineis as faid is, execute be him, ar notorious. — Item, Being- accwfit and perfewit, that, flbrlaniekill that, be Act of Parliament, it is ftatute and ordenit, that in cais on)'' of our Ibuerane loi'dis liegis wer flayne or murdreift, being vnder the credite and power of the flayer, the committer of fie flaucliter Ibiild be dedarit traittoure, and the deid to be TrefToune, with forfal- tour of lyffe, landis and guidis : And trew it is and of veritie, that in the moneth of Februar, the yeir of God r'WMxxxA'ij yeiris, the faid Lauchlane, vnder aflu- rance and freindfchii^, in compleiting of mariage betuix his moder and Johnne M^Ean of Ai'dinmurchin, tliat fame nycht eftir the mariage, lie, accunipaneit with his freindis, feruandis and complices, come to the hous quhair the faid Johnnis feruandis wer fleping, dredand na fic iniurie, as ye (he) thane execute, without mercy and pitie he murdreift and flew Donald M^Ean Roy "\"'Eane, and Johnne Growane ]\rincolliff, with the nowmer of threfcoir faules, men and boj^es, his graces fubiectis ; and the faid Johnne (I\rEan of Ardnamurchin) his guid- fader, with his boj% wer only faulfF be the moyan of his mother : And thairby committing the cryme of Treflbime. — ItEjM, For contravening of the foirfaid Actis of Parliament, and committing Treflbime, in fa far as, aliurance being ta- kin betuix him and the faid Angus IVrConeill, be the travellis of the Erll of Ergylle, in the moneth of July, the yeir of God I".VMxxxix yeiris, quhilk Aves appoyntit to indure vnto the fyrft day of May laftbypaft ; nochtwithftanding thairof, haifing na relpect to our fouerane loi'dis Proclamatioun, maid for keijing of guid rewle in his Maiefteis abfence furth of this realme, he, without ony feir of God, reverence of his hienes authoritie, nocht i-egairding his awin a3^th, promeis, fnbfcriptioune or ony kynd of honeftie, maift fchamefullie contravenit and violatit the faid afllirance, quhen as, in the moneth of I"'.'\''Mxxxix rei'is, accompaneit with grit forces of men, bodin in feir of weir, came to the landis and He of Ornenfay, bi'unt and herreit the famin ; immediatlie thaireftir come to the landis of Ardnavin in Hay, and to the He of G\gay, pertening to the faid Angus, and thaii\ he nocht only treflbnablie rafit fyre and brunt and herreit the famin, bot alfo, maift wickitlie and vnmercifullie brynt to deid, flew and crevv'allie mux'dreift men, wj^ffis and baii'nis being thairin, nocht fpairing young, nor auld ; being all his Maiefteis fubiectis and tennentis, inhabitantis of the faid Angus M'^Coneillis lands, vnder traifl; and afllirance foirfaid : Committand thair- by maift manifeft Treflbune, contrar the faid Act of Parliament ; and incurrand thairtlirow the panis thairin contenit. — Item, For the treflbnabill IFyre-rafing, burning and herreing, of the haill landis of Hay, being xxiiij myle of lenth, quhilk is a pairt of his gracis pi-opir landis and of his hienes realme and domi- nioune ; and thane maift vnmercifullie flew, brunt to deid and murdreift Donald M^Dowthie ^'ayne, Duncan M'Conne in Hay, Johnne Dow M'^Xeill ^'eid, Alex- 2g0 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590-1. ander M'Rorie Rod, Gilliechallum M'Kay and M'Kay, brethir, Neill Dow ^rGillieveray, Gilliechallum M'Gilliechoane, and foiirfcoir gentilmen, be- fyde ane multitude of wemen, bairnis and jouir laboureris of the ground. And this wes done be him, his men, tennentis, feruandis and complices, in the moneth of July laftbypaft. Connnittand thairthrow maift vyld, barbarous and treffon- abill crewaltie. — Item, Being accufit, fforfamekill as he, being ane landit gentil- inan, hes, in all the depredatiounis, ffyre-rafmgis, murthouris and heirichipis aboue writtin, and in executing of ewerie ane of thame, committit manifeil thift, ftouth-reifT of cattell, infycht and plenifling, ftollin, reffett and reft be him, his men of weir, kynnifinen, freindis, affiftexis and pairt-takeris : Quhairthrow, he, be the Act of Parliamant, hes incurrit the pane of TrefToune. Become in our Ibuerane lordis will for the famin. ' Ixcarceuat. in Caftro de Ediuburghe,' until his Majefties will fliould be declared. [Curia Justiciarie .9. d. u. Regis, fe)ita in Pretorio de Edinburghe, .rxr/J Januarij 1590, per 3[agistnim Vmphridem BhjnscheJes, Jtisticiarium Depntatum.^ Couspiriua i\)t i^titfi's 23cati)— asiitcljtraft — ^oiceci) — aiuanta-- tion, ^c. Jan. 27, I59O-I. — Agxes Saripsoune in Nether Keythe. In ' The Hiftorie of King James the Sext,'' the extraordinary personage, whose trial ensues, is de- signated ' Agnes Sampson, grace wyff, alias callit the wyfe wyff of Keyth.' She is said by Amot' to have been ' a grave inatronlike woman, of a rank and comprehension above the vulgar ;' and Arch- bishop Spotswod, in his History of the Church of Scotland,^ gives the following interesting notice : ' Most of this winter was spent in the discovery and examination of Witches and Sorcerers. Amongst these, Agnes Samson (commonly called The Wife Wife of Keith) was most remarkable; a woman, not of the base and ignorant sort of Witches, but matron-like, grave and settled in her answers, which were all to some purpose. In her Examination, she declared that she had a familiar spirit, who, upon her call, did appear in a visible form, and resolve her of any doubtful matter, especially concerning the life or death of persons lying sick. And being asked, what words she used when she called the spirit, she said her word was, Holla, Majler ; and that he had learned her so to do. .She farther confessed, that the Earl Bothwell had moved her to enquire what should happen of the King, how long he should reign, and what shoulil happen after his death ; and the spirit liaving undertaken to make away the King, after he had failed in performing and was challenged by her, confessed it was not in his power ; speaking words she understood not, but as she did take them, the words were, II eji homitie de Dieu.' This is confirmed by Sir .Tames Melville in his Memoirs,* and was probably contained in her judicial Confession, though not proved before the Assise. Her Trial, like the rest of the present Collection, is now printed at length for the first time. Mr Arnot, notwithstanding its interest, has reported it in a few lines ; for his plan admitted of only an outline, and this of but a few of the leading Cases. Should any of her Examinations be found among the Warrants of the Court of Justiciary or Privy Council, they shall be inserted in the Appendix. 1 Bannatyne Club's Ediiion, (Thomas Thomson, Esq., Editor,) p. 241. ^ Criminal Trials, p. 31!). ^ Page 3«.3. Lond. 1668. * Edition printed for the Members of the Bannatyne Club, (Thomas Thomson, Esq., Editor,) p. 29.5. 24Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 231 Dilatit of the particular pojnitis of Wichcraft, contenit in Dittay. Persewar, MiDauid M'Gill, of Cranftoun-Ryddell, Advocate to cure fouerane lord. AssisA. Johnne Speiis, in Saltoune, Robert Byris, tliair, Robert Dikfoune, in BoUoune, Williame Bartrani, in Carfra, Rol)ert Kyle, tliair, Williarae Stenbous, in Barnis, Edmund Bartram, in Hoipis, Williame Stratberne, in Tranent, Williame Peris, in Hadingtoune, DauidRobefoun, in Braid wod- Gilbert Edingtoune, in Hading- Mathow Young, thair, fyd, toune, James Ricliefoune, (Chan.) Williame Quhyte, in Beniaid Broune, thair, Alexander Young thair. Coilftoune-mylne, Robert Bagbie, thair. Verdict. Quhilkis perfounes of AlTyis, being chofni, fworne and admittit, efter accufatioune of the faid Agnes be Dittay ; quha reniovit tliame felffis alto- gidder fiirth of Court to the Airyis-hous ; quhair, efter cliefing of the faid Wil- liame Quhyte chancellair, thay reflonit and votit vpoune the jjoyntis of the faid Dittay ; and being throuchlie refoluit thairwith, re-enterit agane in jugement ; quhair thay, be the mouth of the faid chaneillar, fand, pronuncit and declarit the faid Agnes, \^Heir Jhllowes the Articles ofhir Dittay, quhairqf schoe was Convict, he number (53).] (1.) To be fylit and convict, of foir-knawlege and telling be hir Witchcraft, that Williame Markeftoune, ferwand to Tliomas Watfoune, in Inuerrefk, was hot ane deid man. — (2.) Item, fylit and convict, that Williame Blakeis fone fark being fend to hir, fcho be hir Wichcraft declarit, that the feiknes that he had was ane elf-fchot. — (3.) Item, fylit and convict, for ^fmg of Wichecraft, in hailling of Johnne Thomfoune in Dirletoune ; quha remanit crepill nochtwith- ftanding thairof. — (4.) iTEsr, fylit and convict, for telling be hir AA'^ichecraft, that Many Nicolfoune gudeman in North Berwick being feik, fcho fould lay hir lyfe for hirs, [his?] quha noditwithftanding deit thairof. — (5.) Item, fylit and convict, for fchawing be hir ^Vichecraft, to ane pure woman quha was fend to hir, be the fi-eiudis of Dauid Lyndefay, tinkler in Dalkeyth, quha had lyin threttie oulkis feik, and had nocht fpokkin thre dayes befoir the faid pure Avoman come to hir, that gif he levit over ^Veddinfday, that he wald nocht die of that niala- die ; quha niendit of the famyn, according to hir declaratioune. — (6.) Item, fylit and convict, that forfamekle as Johnne Peiny being in Preftoune, being one ane certane tyme vei'rie feik, fcho, be hir incantatioune and prayer, maid him to con- vales of his feiknes. — (7.) Item, fylit, for vlingof hir prayer and incantatioune to half haillit ' Halyburntoune, guidman of Inchcarne, being than in feiknes ; and declaring, that na cherurgeanrie nor phific could help him ; quha deceiffit, as fcho tauld the famin. — (8.) Item, fylit, for cuming to Beffie Aiken- ' Left blank in Record. 232 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590-1. lieid, fpous to Thomas Vans in Hadingtoun, and vfing liir prayer and dewelifcli charmes for recovering of liir health to hir. — (9-) Item, fylit, that feho being fend for to the Lady Rodene, quha wes feik, fche knew be hir devilifch prayer, that the faid Lady wes nocht hable to recover ; and thairfore, fcho wald noeht ciim to liir. — (10.) Item, fylit and convict, that fcho being brocht to Johnne Youngis wyfe, fchipard att Bairfute, att Pafch^ laftwas, that wes feik for the tyme, the faid Agnes counfall being focht, anent hir health, fche declarit and an- ferit, that fche wald newir be Weill falang as fcho remauit vpoune the ground^ qnhair fclio wes for the tyme ; bot defyrit, that fcho fould be tranfportit of the faid ground, and fcho wald owthir die or mend ; qiiha being tranfportit one hir command, fchortlie thaireftir departit this lyfFe. — (11.) lTE]\r, fylit, that fche had foir-knawledge be hir Wichcraft of difeafit perfounes, gif thay wald leue or nocht ; or quha wes wichit^ perfounes. To M'it, That gif fche ftopit anis in hir prayer, the feik perfoun wes bewichit ; and gif the prayer ftopit twyis, the dif- eafit perfoune wald die. — (12.) Item, fylit and convict, that fche foir-knew of the Devill, and tauld Patrik Porteous, that he wald leve bot ellevin yeiris. — (13.) Item, fylit, that fche wes maid foir-knawin of the Devill, of the laft Michelmes ftornie ; and that thair wald be grit (kayth, baith be fee and land. — (14.) Item-, fylit, that fche wes maid foir-knawin be the fpreit,*tliat the Quenis Maieftie wald newir cum in this countrej^ except the King fetcht hir.— (15.) lTE:\r, fylit and convict, that fche lernit hir flvill and prayer fra hir fader, quha tauld hir, that qxihene fche wes fwitit" to ony feik perfoune, and that gif fche ftojnt in hir prayer, fche wald nocht pas to the feik perfoun ; and gif fche ftopit nocht, fche wald pas, and the perfoun difeafit wald leve. — (16.) Item, fylit and convict, that fche be hir dewilyfche jirayer, tauld that James Kirkcaldeis wyffe, burges of Hadingtoune, wald convales of hir feiknes. — (17.) Item, fyllit, for hailling of Johnne Ker of , being feik in all mennis judgment to the daith, quha lay in Alexander Fairleis hous, in Langnudrie ; and that be hir prayeris and incantatiounis. — (18.) Item, for hailling of Johnne Duncan, in Muffilburcht, of his feiknes be hir dewelifcli prayeris. — (19.) Item, for the foir- telling of IlTobell Ilammiltounis death, fpous to James Powar ; and telling that fche could nocht amend hir, excejit the dewill wes rafit ; and hir gudman being ane fpairand man, and wald nocht wair'' expenfle, fche wald lie raife him ; and tauld that fche wes bewichit ; and this wes done fax or fewin 3eiris fyne, or tliairby. — (20.) Item, convict, for the curing of the guidwyffe of Camroun, qidia gaid vpoun ftiltis eftir hir birth, and that be A\'ichcraft. — (21.) Item, ' Easter. ' Land, pioppitv. rosidence. ■" Bewitched. * Tins term is frequently used par excellence to desii;;nate t^atan, it being considered l>y the vulgar to he dangerous to use his name rasiily. ^ Suited, or made suit to, on account of any, &c. *" Disburse, lay out. 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 233 convict, for hailling of the Laird of Reidhallis fone be Wichcraft, qiihome the cheriirgeanis had gevin owir. — (22.) iTEii, fylit and convict, of the cwring of Robert Dikfoun in Bowtoune, in fomer laftwas, quha wes liifpect be the woman he gat the bame with, or hir mother, qiiha had putt fmn qiiheit or vthir thingis' in his dowblett ; and caufit him to leif of the faid dowblett. — (23.) Item, for the cwring of Johnne Cokburn the ScherefT of Hadingtounis wyffe, quha wes wichit be the wich of Mirrielawis, be the blaft of ewill Avind, one Hallaw-ewin. — (24.) Item, fylit and convict, of cureing, be hir Wichecraft, incantatioun and faying of develifch prayaris, of Alefoun Ker, fpous to Johnne Reftoune, of ane feiknes contractit be hir, be the meane of Catherene Gray, ane wich ; with the quhilk feiknes fche wes difeafit, be the fjiace of thre yeiris preceding that the faid Agnes cureit hir. — (25.) Item, fj^lit and convict, of the vfing of hir develifch airt of ^Vichcraft, in cureing of , fpous to Robert Caringtoune in Craprene (Traprene), qua wes bewichit be A'mq''^ Johnne IVrGill, defyring the faid Robert to pafs and tak the faid Johnne IVrOill, and gif him fair wordes, and defyre him to pas to his feik wyife ; and gif he jaid with fairnes, guid it was ; bot gif he will (waJd) nocht, defyrit him to caufe ane young man ga to him, and inquyir quha gart him do itt, and to cans him cum to his wyffe ; and gif he re- fufit to cum, to bring him aganis his will ; quha being brocht in her prefens, fche wes twyis, in xxiiij houris, extreme wod and out of hir wit. — (26.) Item, acquit^ of hir develifch practelis, and namelie of hir paffing to Natoun Kirk vnder nycht, with the witch of Carbarrie and vtheris ; and thair taking vp the bwreit people, and junting of thame,^ quliairof fcho maid inchantit jiowder for Wichcraft. — (27.) Item, fylit, for cuming to Robert Bail3ie in the Pannis* fone, in fomer laft, quha wes very feik for the tj'^me ; and only graiping^ him, and fpeiking fum wordis of charming, went hir way, and the chyld wes cwrit and maid haill of his feiknes. — (28.) Item, convict, for hailling of Johnne Hammil- toune in Sammelftoune, quha being trublit with ane feiknes in his feit, he come to sow" (hir), and 56 (fche) fend him haill of the faid feiknes, vpoun the morne eftir his cuming. — (29.) Iteji, fylit and convict, for cuming to James Libber- tounis wyffe in Over Libbertoune, qidia was feik, vfing of hir develifch prayeris for hir health, and laid quhen (fche) paft away, gif fche come noclit agane fchortlie, fche wald depart awa ; fche nocht returning, the laid James wyffe de- ' Enelianted or bewitched. '' (On tlie margin) Nota, ' Acquit of yis.' ' Taking away their ' jounts,' or joints, for preparing charms, &c. See Articles 42 and 50. * Viz. Prestonpans. ■* Gripping, taking hold, groping. " From tlie appearance of the Record, it is evident, that ' the pointis' of the Indictment or Dittay had been engrossed, previous to the trial, to save time in Court. The Assise returned a ' special verdict,' rehearsing these poi?ilis, and fj/luig or deyiging the panne!, according to their impression of the evidence. Tlie words ' vow' and ' ye are usually altered to sche. In this instance, the clerk has omitted to do so. VOL. I. 2 G 234 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1590-1. partit within thre dayes. — (30.) Item, fylit and convict, for hailling of the Lady Kilbabertoune, be hir devilifch prayaris, quha wes diieafit of ane havie dileis. — (31.) Item, fylit and convict, for cureing of vmq'" Robert Kerfe in Dalkeyth, quha wes havelie tormentit with wichcraft and dileis, laid on him be ane ^Veft- lande Warlach, quhene he wes in Dumfreis ; qvihilk feiknes fche tuik vpoun hir felff, and kepit the faniiu with grit groining and torment quhill the morne ; one quhilk tyme, thair wes ane gritt dyn hard in the hous ; quhilk feiknes fche caift of hir felfF in the cloife, to the effect ane catt or dog mycht haif gottin the famin ; and nochtwitliftanding, the famin wes laid vpoun Alexander Dowglas in Dal- keyth, quha dwynit and departit thairwith ; and the faid vmq''' Robert Kers wes maid haill. — (32.) Item, convict, for the foirtelling, be hir develifch prayer, to vinq'*" Patrik Hepburne in Banglais wyffe, that hir hulljand, beand leik, wald die, becaus hir prayer ftopit ; and thairfore, refufit to pas and viffeit him. Quhilk prayer wes reherfit be hir, in maner following : Agnes Sampsone's Prayer to Mr imttenlis for Viff or daith} I TROw'^ in Almychtie God tliat wrocht, Baith heaviii and erth and all of nocht, In to his deare fone Chryft Jefu, In to J>at anaplie' lord, I trow, Wes gottin of fe Haly Gaift, Borne of ])e Virgin Marie, Stoppit to heavin, that all weill fane, And fittis att his faderis rycht hand ; He baid ws cum, and fair to dome Bayth quick and deid, as he thocht conuene. I trow als in Jie Haly Gaill. In Haly Kirk my hoip is maill, That halyfchip quhair hallowaris winnis, To aik forgevenes of ray finnis, And fyne to ryis in flefch and bane. The lyft'e that newir mair hes gane. Thow fayis, Lord, ' lovit mocht 50 be. That forrad and maid mankynd of me.' Thow coft me on Jie aly croce, And lent me body, fauU and voce, And ordanit me to heavinnis blifs ; Quhalrfore I thank 5e Lord of ])is; And all 5 our hallowaris lovit be, To pray to fame to pray to me. And keep me fra fat fellon fea, And from the fyn that faull wald flay. Thow, Lord, for thy bytter paffioun in. To keip me frome fyn and wardlie fchame, And endles damnatioune. Grant me the joy newir wilbe gane. SwEiT Jesus Cristus. Amene. (33.) Item, fylit and convict, that the fyrft tyme fche begane to ierue the Dewill, wes eftir the death of hir hufljand ; and that he apperit to hir, in liknes of ane man, quha commandit hir to acknawledge him as hir maifter, and to re- nunce Chryft ; quhairvnto fche grantit, being movit be povertie and his pro- mefis, that fche and hir bairnis fould be maid ritch, and Ibuld gif hir power to ' Tliis is neither more nor less than a doggerel version of the Apostles' Creed ; perhaps one of the monkish rhymes before the period of the Reformation, which Anny had got by heart. - Believe. ' In Lord Fountainhall's Abstract, he reads ' comely ;' but the whole ' prayer' is so different from the above, that it has likely been taken from some otlier MS., or has been most unfaithfully transcribed. ' Anaplie' seems to be written for aneplie, < aefald,' ' afald,' literally one-fold, sincere, witliout guile, He. 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 235 be revangeit of hir inimeis : and eftir that, he appointit tyme and place for thair nycht meting ; and tliat tyme, in figne that fche wes becum his feruand, he markit hir in the rycht kne, quliilk mark fche belevit to haif bene ane hurt ref- fauit be hir fra ane of hir bairnis that wes lyand in the bed with hir ; qnhilk hurt v/es nocht haill for half ane yeir. — (34.) Item, fylit and convict, that the Dewill apperit to hir in liknes of ane dog, att quhome fche foclit hir haill re- fponfis ; and quhene fche putt him away, fche chargeit him to ' depart on the law he lewis one ;' quha with tliay wordis is coniurit and paffis away. — (35.) Item, fylit and convict, for failling, with certane hir complices, out of North Bervik, in ane boit lyke ane chimnay, (the Devill paffing before thame lyke ane ink of hay,) to ane fchip callit The Grace of God, in the quhilk fche enterit, and the Dewill caufit hir drink wyne, and gaif hir vthir guid cheir ; quhairof fche and hir cumpany gaif ane part to thame that wes in the flott boit ; and att hir being thair, fche faw nocht the marineris, nathir thay faw hir ; and quhene thay come away, the Dewill rafit ane ewill wind, he being vnder the fchip, and caulit the fchip perifch, and fche delyuerit tuentie fchilling to Gray-meill,' quha wes with hir in the laid fchii), for his on-waitting."— (36.) Item, fylit, vpoun hir awin confeffioune, that fche, be airt of Wichcraft, faillit to ane fchip, quhair thair wes ane vncouth woman, and the Irfch tailseour and his wyfFe wes prin- cipallis thair ; and that Rychard Grahame wes ane vthir of the principallis, quha had wrocht mekle mifcheif. — (37.) Item, fylit and convict, for cuming to Alefoune Inglis, Dauid Robefounis wyife, than being feik, quha chaift hir away, and wald nocht fuffir 30W (hir) to vfe 30ur (hir) Wichcraft, to the hailling of his wyffe, becaus fche wes brutit^ to be ane wich ; and haifing mett with the faid Dauid Robefoimis feruand, fche faid to him, ' Gif his maifter had nocht fpokin the wordis he fpak, his ■wyffe had bene ane haill woman, and gangand on hir awin feit.' — (38.) Item, fylit and convict, that cjuhene fche wes fend for to haill the auld Lady Edmeftoune, quhene fche lay feik, befoir the faid Agnes departit, fche tauld to the gentilwemene, that fche fould tell thame tliat nycht quhidder the Lady wald haill or nocht ; and appointit thame to be in the gar- din eftir fuppei-, betuix fyve and t&..< att ewm. Sche paffit to the gairdene, to devyife vpoun hir prayer, one quhat tyme fche chargeit the Dewill, calling him ' Elva,' to cum and fpeik to hir, qua come in owir the dyke, in liknos of ane dog, and come fa neir to hir, that fche wes effrayit, and chargeit him, ' on the law that he lewit on,' to cum na neirar, bot to anfuer hir ; and fche demandit, Quhiddir the lady wald leif or nocht. He faid, ' Hir dayes war gane.' Than he demandit, ' Gif the gentilwemen hir dochteres, quhair thay wer ?' And fche ' One of tlio warloele Tol- buith of Edinburgh, ifor feikiiig help, refpons and confultatioune, att Rychard Grahame, notoure and knawin Xigromancear, ane commoun abufar of Jie peoj)ili, baith aganis ])e will and ordinance of God ' Home of Godscroft says, that ' nobody infifting in the perfute of her, ihe was fet at libertie.' this ' Ail'yfe' consisted of, the ' Mailler of the Ail-fella Seytoun in Fowlftruthir, probably his brother or relation. ...^ ^. ^^ v^^.^1^ . vyi t Dcij^c., man iivjuuiiy iiiiiiiiii^ III iiic uiriinn: 2 It may be noticed, that the minority of this ' Ail'yfe' consisted of, the ' ^Mailler of the Ail-fellar, the ' Crilman to his Maieftie,' and David Seytoun in Fowlftruthir, p 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 245 and Actis of Parliament and law of fe countrey : And fpeciallie, fforfamekill as, during our fouerane lordis beine; att Jie Brig of Die, before the coniuioun bell rang, for feir the Erll Bothwell fould half enterit in Edinburgh, fcho declarit to J)e faid Rychard, that fche bard ana woman fay, that our fouerane lord wald gett lliaith be ane laid or gangrell ; and defyrit of him, quhat he thocht J>airof, and that he wald fchaw to hir his opinioune pairof the morne ; quha confultit with ])e Spreit' })airaneut, and rellauit be his refpons, that his iNIaieftie wald be trubllt be conventioun of wenien, throw fe dropping of ane laid : and als, Rychard lauching vpoun hir, declairit fair, att Jiat famyn tyrae, that fcho, Etfie M'Cal- 3 an and Donald Robefoune fould be thre of Jie doai'is of itt : quhilk quhen ftlio hard, fcho fchuik hir held : Quhilk wes afi'crmit be ]ie faid Richard Grahame, in hir and the faidis perfounes prefens. And ficlyke, the faid Barbara wes accufit, that fcho gaif hir prefens, in Jie maill develifch and tref- fonabill Conventioune, haldin be hir and hir complices in fe De\-illis name, vpoun Lambmes-ewin laft, att ]ie New-heavin callit Aitchefounes-heavin, betuix Muffilburcht and Preftoune pannis, fm his Ma- ieftie come furth of Denmark ; quhair war alTemblit nyne principallis, to witt, Agnes Sampfoune, Jonett Straittoun, Ewfame M^Caljeane, hir fellF, Johnne Fiene, Robert Greirfoun, George Moitis wj'ffe in Prefloune, Margrett Thonifonn in Striuiling and Donald Robefoune ; quhilkis njTie per- founes, the Devill, quha wes with fame in liknes of ane blak man, thocht maill meit to do fe tume for ])e quhilk thay wer convenit ; and fairfore, he fett fame nyne nerrefl, to him felft', in ane cumpany; and thay, togidder with fe wyflfe of Saltotine-myle and Jie reft of fe inferiouris, to fe nowmer of tbrettie perfounes, flandand iTcairfe Jie lenth of ane buird frae fe foirfaid nyne perfounes, in ane vthir cumpany ; Agnes Sampfoune proponit J>e diflructioune of his hienes perfoune, faying to ]>e Dewill ' We haif ane tume ado, and we wald fayne be att itt gif we could, and thairfore help ws to itt.' The Dewill anfuerit, he fond do quhat he could, bott itt wald be laug to, becaufe it wald be thoirterit ;' and he promefit to hir and J>ame ane pictour of walx, and ordenit bir and fame to bing, roifl and drop ane taid, and to lay fe droppis of fe taid, mixt with ftrang wafeh,' ane edder-fkyn,* (and) the thing in fe foirheid of ane new-foillit foill, in bis hienes way, quhair his Maieftie wald gang inowre or outowre, or in ony paflage quhair itt mycht drop vpoun bis hienes heid or his body, for his hienes diftructioune, that ane vtlier mycht haif rewlit in liis Maiefties place, and fe ward^ mycht haif gane to J)e Dewill. Att fe quhilk conventioune, his hienes name wes pronunceit in Latine; and Agnes Sampfoun wes appointit to mak Jie pictour and to gif it to the Dewill to be inchantit, quhilk fcho maid in deid, and gaif itt to him ; and he promefit to giff it to Jie faid Barbara and to Effie M'Cal^an, att Jie nixt meting, to be roiftit. Mergarett Thomfoun wes appointit to dropp Jie taid. Thair wes ane appointit to feik fum of his hienes linning clathis, to do Jie tume with. And Gelie Duncan, vpoun Jie fyftene day of December laftwas, in Jie faid Barbareis face and Effie iM''Cal5anis, avowit on Jianie baith, att fe fyrft fycht, fche law hir eftir hir cuming to Jie Abay, and before fche had fpokin thre perfyte fpeicis afoir hir, afferrait that Agnes Sampfoune mett with hir and Jie faid Effie, in fe faid Barbareis awin hous; and the faid Gelie Duncan and Beffie Thomfoune being fair alfo, togidder with Johnne Fiene, qulia faid to Gelie, that he wald ga Wefl to his fader, and eikit forder, that thair wes ane taid hingand be f e helis thre nychtis, and droppit betuix thre oilier fchellis and npie ftanis, fottin thre nychtis ; att quhat tyme na man luikit or fufpectit to haif hard ony fie thing : As the particular Depofitiounes of fe faid Donald Robefoune and Jonett Straytoun, quha conllantlie abaid att f e famin, quhilk wes repetit be f e Aduocatt ; the Depofitiounes of Gelie Duncane and Rychard Grahame, ewerie ane for fair awin pairtis and circumllances, being conft-ontit togidder, manifellit and maid playne. And ficlyke, the faid Barbara wes accufit, that fche gaif hir bodelie prefens v])oun Alhallow-evin laftwas, 1590 ':;eiris, to fe frequent conventioune haldin att fe Kirk of North-Bernik, quhair fche danceit endlang fe Kirk-3aird, and Gelie Duncan playit on ' Par excellence, the Devil. 2 xhwarted, frustrated ^ Stale urine. * The skin of an adder. * For uiarlti, world ; perhaps it may be used in the literal sense, ward, rule, or government. 246 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1591. ane trump, Johiine Fiene, miffelHt,' led ]>e ring; Agnes Sampfoun and liir dochteris and all the reft following ])e faid Barbara, to fe nowmer of fevin fcoir of perfounes ; of Jie quhilk nowraer, wes Effie M'Cal3an, Katlierene Gray, Mergarett Aicliefoun, Donald RobeCoun, Robert Greirfoune, Katherene Wallace, Meg Bogtoun, Jonett Campbell, Jonett Logane, Jobnne Gordoun alias Gray-meill, the per- taris wyffe of Seytoune, Jonett Straytoun, Beffie Tliomfoune, Catherene Duncane, Beffie Wrycht, Iffobell Gylloun, Jolinne Ranifayes wyfFe, Anny Rychefoun, Jonett Gall, Nicoll Mun-ayes wyffe, tail- 3eour, Criliian Kering-toune alias X/M«<, Mafie Aicliefoune, Marie Paterfoune, Alexander Quhytelaw, Marioun Nicolfoun, Marioun Bail3ie, Jonett Nicolfoun, Iflbbell Lauder, Helene Quhyte, Margrett Thomlbune, Marioune Schaw, Helene Laudei', Malie Geddie, Duncan Bucliqubannane, Marioun Congiltoun, Beffie Cowane, Beffie Broune, the fmytliis wyffe, Thomas Brouuliill and his wyfe, Gilbert M^Gill, Johnne and Catherene M'Gillis, with diuerfe vtheris, to pe nowmer aboue wiittin : Att }« quhilk place and tyme, the wemene maid fyrft Jiair homage, and wer turnit fax tymes widderlounes about ; Johne Fyen blew vp Jie Kirk dun'is, and blew in pe lychtis, quhilkis wer lyke mekill blak candillis, haldin in ane auld mannis hand, round about pe pulpett. And pe Dewill ftart vp in ))e pul- pett, lyke ane mekill blak man, with ane blak baird ftikand out lyke ane gettis- baird ; and ane hie ribbit ueife, falland doun ftharp lyke the beik of ane halk ; with ane lang rumpill ; cled in ane blak tatie goune ; and ane ewill favorit fcull bonnett' on his held ; haifand ane blak bulk in bis hand, callit on ewerie ane of ]jame, defjTing fame all to be guid ferwandis to him, and he fould be ane guid maif- ter to fame, and thay lould half anewch and newer want. For Robert Greirfoun and Johnne Fien (thay) fluid on his left hand ; and the faid Robert ffand grit fault with the Dewill, and cryit out, that all quhilkis wer befyd myeht heir, becaus his hienes pictour wes nocht gewin fame, as wes promefit; the faid Effie M''Cal5an remembrand and bidand )ie faid Robert Greirfoun to fpeir for fe pictour, meaning his Maielleis pictour, quhill fould half bene roillit. Robert Greirfoun faid thir wordis, ' Quhair is the thing ^e promefit?' meaning Jie pictour of walx, dewyfit for roifting and vndoing his liines perfoune, quhilk Agnes Sampfoune gaif to him ; and Robert cryit to ' haif fe turne done;' 3it his hienes name wes nocht nameit, quhill^ thay that wer wemen nameit him; craifand in playne termes his hienes pictour. Bot he anfuerit, ' It fould be gottin Jie nixt meitting, and he wald hald fe nixt alfenddie for fat caus the foner : It was nocht reddie at fat tyme.' Robert Greirfoune anfuerit, ' ge promefit twyis and begylit ws.' And foure honell-like womene wer very ernill and inltant to haif itt : And the faid Barbara and Effie M''Cal5ane gatt fan ane pronieis of f e Dewill, that his Iiienes pictour fould be gottin to fame twa, and that rj'clit fone : And f is mater of his hienes pictour wes fe caus of fat afil-niblie. In takin quhairof, the Dewill coramandit f e faid Barbara and all her cumpany, to keip his commanderaentis ; quhilk wer, to do all the ewill thay could : Alfo, thair wes fane thre deid corps tane vp and juntit ; the naillis and juntis wer pairtit amangis fame. The Dewill com- niandit fame to keip fe juntis vpoun fame, quhill the famin dryit; and than to mak powder fairof, to do ewill with. Eftir f e quhilk, thair homage beiug made, as the fafibun is, in kiffing of f e Devillis ers, thay pairtit for fat tyme, without ony mair done ; except, that Effie M'Cal3ane, Robert Greirfoune and the faid Barbara, hapnit to be nameit fair ; quhilk offendit all fe cumpany : And that thay fould nocht haif bene nameit with fair awin naines ; Robert Greirfoun, to haif bene callit Hob the rowar ; Effie to be callit Cane ; and the faid Barbara, to be callit Naip. And trew this is, and provin be Donald Robefoun, Jonett Straittoune, Gelie Duncan and Belfie Thoinfoune, quha ar 5 it on lyffe. Quhilk, being putt to fe knawlege of ane Inqueill ; thay nochtwithllanding, vpoun f e nynt day of fe month and jeir of God foirfaid, Clengeit and Acquit, be favour and partial meanis, the faid Barbara Naipare. That, forfamekill as, during his Maielleis being att f e Brig of Die, the day before f e com- moun bell rang, for feir the Eril Bothuell fould haif enterit in Ediuburghe, fche declaiit to fe faid 1 Disguised, muffled, masle witneffis being prefent in Judgement for ])e tyrae, as is aboue writ- tin, and be ])e Depofitiounis of fe vthir pairt produceit : And fairfore, did manifefllie and wilfullie err, contrar ]>e lawis and prattik of ])e realme ; Incurrand J>airby the horribill cryme of Periurie, et penam temere juraiitiumjliper AJJifam. And thay, being reqiiyrit be the Juftice, His Maiestie being fittand in Judgement, qiiliidder thay wald abyde the tiyell of the law and of ane Aflyfe for the faidis crymes, or cum in will thairfore ? Eftir lang deliberatioun and confultatioun, thay refufit to abyde the tryell of ane AlTyfe thairfore ; bot come simpliciter in his hienes will, for Ignorant errour committet be thame, in acquyting of the faid Barbara, of the crymes and poyntis of Dittay aboue re- herfit. Sentence. Quhilk will, his Maiestie publictlie, in Judgement, in prefens of his hienes Lordis of SecreitCounfall, declarit to be, That he, underflanding that it wes nocht Wilful! Errour thay committit, in acquyting in maner foirfaid ; and thairfore Ordenit, that the foirfaidis perfounes and ilk ane of thame falbe Affoil- 3eit fra all penalties in body, guidis or fame, in tyme cuming, Vpoiuie the declaratioune of the quhilk will, thay and ilk ane of thame alkit act and inftrument. Crtasonafili? Conspiriiitr against \)i^ iHajestji^s life— OTitcj^f raft — ^orrevjl— itlurlier, ^f. Jun. 9. — EwFAME MAKCALgANE,^ (of CHftounhall,) fpous to Patrik Makcal3ane alias 3IoJcrop. [EwFAME MAKCALgANE, the subject of the following remarkable Trial, was only daughter and heiress of Mr Thomas Makcal5ane Lord CHftounhall, one of the Senators of the College of Justice; a person distinguished alike for his general erudition and attainments, by the depth of his legal know- ledge, and by his talents as a statesman. As this family is now extinct, and considerable curiosity must naturally be felt regarding the parentage of so extraordinary a character as Effy Makcaljane, the Edi- tor has made some investigation in the ])ublic Records, where alone any traces are now to be found ; and he hopes that the following brief notices will prove not unacceptable. Mr Thomas Makcal5ane had early followed the profession of the Law, and had, before the year 1556, entered as an Advocat. On Nov. 10, 1556, through the powerful interference of Mary of Guise, Queen Regent, the Magistrates and Town Council of Edinburgh were constrained to deprive him of his office of Assessor for the City, ' for evill, heich and vnplefand langage to hu- grace,' in the dis- charge of his official duties ; most probably, for the independent manner in which he had pleaded the rights of ' the Good Town. Nothing daunted, the Assessor protested against this decree, and, after the lapse of a few months, was restored, by command of tlie Queen Regent, Jun. 5, 1557.' He was ' Here the evidence is recapitulated ' Called Effy (the familiar abbreviation for Euphemia), by Sir James Mel- ville in his Blemoirs, and by other contemporary writers. ^ Liber Statutorum Burgi de Edinburgh. 248 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1591. ' iufeft' in the lands of Cliftouhall, anno 1357, when he is designed, ' iSI. Thomas Macal3eane, advo- catus, burgen. de Edinburghe.'' ' Maillei- Thomas Macal5ane of Cliftounhall' was appointed one of the Ordinary Lords of Session, under the style of Lord Cliftounhall, Oct. 20, 1370, on the demise of Henry Balnavis, Lord Hallhill. He obtained Letters of Remission, (apud Leith, May 2, 1372,) for his treasonably assisting James late Earl of Arran, and George late Earl of Huntlie, in detaining the burgh of Edinburgh against his Majesty. On Jul. 23, 1378, he was nominated by the Estates of Parliament to be one of the Commissioners ' to treat vpoun the Lawes.' And on the same day he was appointed one of the Commissioners, with the Earls of Buchan and Ruthven, &c., to ' decyde in ane caus betuix the Gordounis and the Forbellijs' — a deadly feud then subsisting between these families and their retainers. ' Honorabilis vir Magifter Thomas Macal3eane de Cliftounhall, unus Senatorum Collegij Juflicie,' Dec. 1, 1578, constituted his only lawful daughter Euphemia Macal5eane his exe- cutrix and his assignee, to redeem the lands of Cliftounhall from Henry Macal5eane, advocate.*^ Dec. 4, 1584, Mr Henry Makcal3eane, advocate, is ' retoured' as heir to William his brother, in the ten merk land of the town and lands of Carkettle, in the barony of Prestoun and shire of Edinburgh. ' The 24 of Junij (1591), Eupiiane M'Kal^en ves brunt for Vitchcrafte,'^ — ' as a notorious Vitche.' At what date Lord Cliftounhall died, the Editor has not been enabled to determine precisely,^ and tlie investigation might occupy mucli more time than he can at present command, or than the import- ance of the enquiry demands ; but, as his lordship was succeeded in his office of an Ordinary Lord of Session by John Lindsay, parson of Menmure, Master of the Metals, &c., who took liis seat as a Judge, Jul. 3, 1381, he had probably died during the preceding month. The sentence against Ewfame of course earned along with it a forfeiture of her Estates of Cliftoun- hall, &c. as well as her movable effects, on account of the treason of which she had been found guilty. She left three daughters'' by her marriage with Patrik Makcaljeane, alias Moscrop, who was son and heir-apparent of Mr John Moscrop, advocate," a person of considerable eminence in his profession. Her husband took the name of Makcal5eane, at the request probably of his father-in-law, or in com- pliance with the entail of the estate. These ladies, Martha, spouse of Mr David Ogilbie, Elizabeth, and Ewphame, spouse of Henry Sinclair of Quhitekirk, were formally Rehabilitated by Act of Par- liament, his Majesty being ' tuichit in honour and confcience,* and now being of mynd that the faid foirfaltour and convictioun fuld onnawyis hurt or prejuge hir pofteritie.' The Act of Rehabilitation, dated Juu. 5, 1392,^ accordingly restored them to the estates belonging to their deceased mother and grandfatlier, burdened with a payment of 5000 merks to Patrik Makaljeane their father, ' pay it and delyuerit be the faid Patrik to our faid fouerane lord and his hienes donatour, for the Gift of Forfal- tour of the laid vmq''^ Ewfame.' The King, however, clogged this act of grace with a very unpala- table reservation ; for the lands of Cliftounhall were expressly reserved to his favourite. Sir James Sande- landis of Slamanno, knight, and to his heirs, to whom his Majesty had previously gifted that valuable property; and all action, which the deceased had against Mr Henry Maca^eane for the redemption thereof. These heiresses-portioners therefore could reap but little benefit from the succession ; and ' Protocol-book of James Ilarlaw, Notar Public, from 1549 to 1583, in the General Register House. It was at this perioil by no means unusual for Advocates, Writers to his Majesty's Signet, and Notaries, to become burgesses of Edinburgh ; but whetlier this was a necessary step, towards the exercise of their profession within the burgh, the Editor has not been able to determine. He is rather inclined to think it was a voluntary act ; and that the reason of such per- sons purcliasing the freedom of tlie burgh, was, tliat they might confer a right upon their descendants to become bur- gesses upon easitr terms, and to obtain for themselves other civic privileges. ^ Probably his brother. See Harlaw*s Prolocoll. •' BurrcU's Diaiij, ]>. 26. ^ muriorihank's Annals, ][i. 55. ^ He ' died in the year 1581.' Law's MeiiwriuUs, p. 33. '' Besides these daughters who survived licr, she had at least two sons ; ' Tliomas,' mentioned at the commencement of the Trial, and another son, mentioned in article IH of the Dittay. The means she used for ' helping' them, probably cut them off in early infancy. ' On Dec. 2, 1573, Mr Johnne Moscrop, advocat, Katharine Lytill his spouse, and Fa/rik Mosmiji (alias Mukcahcane ), his son and heir-apparent, got Remission for their treasonably being present at the field of Langside, May 13, 1568. * No wonder ! 3 Acta Pari. 1592, cap. 132, fol. 008. 24 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 249 tlie estate having passed to the family of Sandilauds, and no male heirs existing, the name of Mak- cal3eane of Cliftonhall became extinct. On Sep. 25, 1596, Ewfarae the daughter was letoured, as heiress-portionei' to her deceased grandfather, in eertane small annualrents, payable out of some tene- ments in Edinburgh. That a person, moving in the rank of society which Ewfame Makcal5ean occupied, should liave leagued with the obscure and profligate wretches who figure in the Trials for Witchcraft at this period, for the destniction of her sovereign, and that too by such unlikely and absurd means, seems irrecon- cilable with any ideas of sanity which can now be formed. It is evident, however, that she believed herself, as well as her associates, to be possessed of supernatural powers ; and that she had the firmest reliance in infernal agency. The only reason which can be assigned for such frantic and detestable conduct seems to be, that she was devoted to the ancient Roman Catholic faith, and thus bearing per- sonal hatred against the King and the Reformed Religion ; she was besides a zealous partisan of Both- well, and proved herself capable of using every means which he might suggest, or which she herself perversely considered to be most calculated to advance his interests and the predominance of her party. It is worthy of remark, that three days before Ewfame's cremation, Bothwell ' brak out of the Caflell of Edinburghe, qulia had beine ther, in prifone, fome 20 dayis befor, for alledgit Vitchcraft and conj'ulting with Vitches, efpecially vith ane Richard Grahame, to confpyre the Kingis death ; and upone the 25 of Junij,' the faid Earle Bothuell wes forfaulted, and intimation made therof, by opin proclamation at the crofle of Edinburghe.^ It is known that Bothwell had much traffick with Witches, and was himself esteemed an expert Necromancer.^] Dilatit of eertane ti*effonabill Conlpiraceis interpryfit be Wichcraft, to half deftroyit oure Ibuerane lordis perlbune, and bereft his Maieftie of his lyfFe be that Ichanieful and extraordinar meanis : And being airt and pairt thairof, vpoun the counfall (and) confultatioun with diuerfe vtheris Wichis of hir Ibcietie : And diners vtheris crymes of Wichcraft committit be hir, att lenth fpecifeit in the Dittay maid thairvpoune. Persewar. Mr Dauid M=Gill of Cranfloun-Ryddell, Aduocat to our fouerane lord (for his hienes intereft.) Pkeloquitouris for the pannell, Mr Johnne Mofcrop, Mr Dauid Ogilvip, Robert Ker in Dudding- ftoune, Henry Nilbet, burges of Edinburghe, Mr Johnne Ruffell, Mr Johne Skene, Aduocatis. Comi)erit the laid Mr Dauid M'^Gill, Adnocatt, and produceit ane Dittay, maid att lenth, aganis the faid Ewfame ; and contractit in thir heidis vnder- writtin, to be putt to the knawlege of ane Aflyfe : Quhairof the tennour fol- lowis. Dittay against Ewfame Machuhane.^ Ewfame M'CaL5ANE, Ye ar indytit and acculit, (1.) For airt and pairt of the bewiching of Michell Marioribankis, be ftrykeing of him be Wichcraft, with ane extraordinar difeis, be taking of the power and habilitie of his rycht fyde, arme and leg fra him ; be youre felff, and your complices be your moyane ; committit in Apryle 1577. — (2.) Item, Indytit, for confulting with Catherene ■ The day of Ewfame's execution. = BirreWs Diary, p. 25. ^ Laws Memorials, p. xliii. Spotsivood, &c. * This i^ stated to be only an abstract of the Dittay, and ' contractit in tliir heidis.' VOL. I. 2 I 250 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1591. Campbell, ane Erfch womane, knawin to be ane notorious Wich ; and inter- tinneing liir in your awin hous and Barbara Touris hous, feiking help of hir to youre bairnis ; fpeciallie to help youre fone Thomas, be youre airt ; to quhome ye fend his lark to that effect, with Helene Inglis your feruand, and twa xxx f. pecis, for hir help. — (3.) Item, For confulting with the faid Catherene, anent the bewiching and llauchter of Patrik Mofcrop, your hufband, quliairby ye mycht gett ane vtheir guidman ; and confulting with hir, quhome ye fould marie. — (4.) Item, Indytit, of airt and pairt of the traffiking with Agnes Somer- vall, fpous to Gilbert Anderfone in Dunfermling, ane commoune trafficquar with AVichis ; inquyring of liir, ' Gif fche knew ony wittie or Ikilfull wemene in the countrey, that will owthir cans your hufband love yow^ or ellis gett your will of him ;' to quhome ye gaif twa fair cleane farkis of your hufljandis, to be careit owre the waiter,' to be inchantit be thame, att the fame tyme your hufband fell in feiknes. Quhilkis farkis, fche tuik with hir to that effect ; and brocht hame agane be hir, inchantit : And thairby, feiking help, ref])ons and confultatioune of Wichis, to the diftructioune of your fpous, be Wichcraft. — (5.) Item, Indytit, of airt and pairt of the poyfouning of the faid Patrik Mofcrop, your hufljand, vpoun deidlie malice contractit aganis him, the fyrft yeir of your mariage ; be gewing to him of poyfomi, and cuift the reft thairof in the clofett ; quhairby his face, nek, handis and haill body, brak out in reid fpottis ; Quhilk poyfoun wes expellit be his youth. And feing the fame twke na effect, as ye dewyfit, ye ftill continewand in your vndewtifuU behavioiu- and impatience to fee him on lyffe, quhom ye preiffit be all nieanis poffibill to cutt away ; the faid Patrik being wereit of his lyffe, be the daylie truble he had in youre cumi^any, wes compellit, for faulftie of his lyffe, to expone him felff to the feais, and to pas to ffrance in youre defalt. Lyke as, ye, to be quyte of him, fparit nocht, in all pairtis, to feik ane hundreth crownis, for his furnitour" away ; and fpairit nocht fpeik, that your guidman wes palfand to France, and baid ' the ffeind ga with him !' — (6.) Ite:\i, Indytit and accufit, that increffing in youre dewelifche confultatioune with Wichis, to the wrak and diftructioun of the faid Patrik your hufband, and efter he had returnit out of France, ye, ftill invying his health, and feiking to diftroy him be Wichcraft foirfaid ; ye fend your faid huflmndis dowblett, with Jofias Coupar yoiu* feruand, airlie in the morning, to Catherene Campbell the Wich-wyffe, duelland in the Cannogait ; quhilk dowblett the faid Wich fprink- lit M'itli bliule, and inchantit it with vtheris forcereis, and randerit itt agane to the faid Jofias your feruand ; quhilk be brocht hame, afoir his maifteris ryfing : Eftir the quhilk, your hufljand contractit ane heavie difeis, and pynit thairin ' Water, a word frequently used in MSS. of this period. ' His outfit and furnishing for his voyage. 24 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 251 inony monethis ; quhilk wes na naturall feiknes, as wes teftifeit and declarit be the clierurgeanis. Lyke as, the laid conlultatioun wes reveillit thaireftir, be the faid Jofias your feruand, for the difcharge of his confcience ; and he, for that caus, pall alF the countrey to Danflvin.— (7.) Item, Indytit, that to mak hir (yow) perfyte and weill fkillit in the faid airt of Wichcraft, fche (ye) caufit ane vther Wich, quha duelt in Sanct-Ninianis-raw, inaugwrat yow in the faid craft, with the girth of ane grit bikar, turnand the fame oft owre your heid and nek, and oftimes round about your heid ; quhilk wes reveillit be Marioune Love, doch- ter to Catherene Lyell younger, to the faid Katherene hir moder. — (8.) Item, Ye ar indytit, that ye, haifing confauit ane deidlie malice agauis the faid Ca- therene and Walter Scott hir Ipous, for declaratioun of youre iuawgwring foir- faid, fene and perfavit be the faid Marioun Love ; ye, be youre airt of Sorcerie and Wichcraft, bewichit hir and hir hulband, in thair bodeis, guidis and geir : And fwa, for airt and pairt of bewiching of the faid Catherene Lyell and Wal- ter Scott, in thair bodeis, gudis and geir, to thair grit llvaith and heirfchip. — (9.) Item, Indytit, of bewiching, be your airt of Sorcerie, of vmq'" Johnne Yonlloune, fone to Williame Yonftoune, your hufbandis lifter fone, being ane young man of xvij yeiris of aige ; be the quhilk Wichcraft he deit : And fwa, for airt and pairt of the crewall Slauchter and Murthour of him ; only, for re- veilling of your vndewtifuU behaviour to youre hulband, he being familiar in your hous ; as the takinnis contenit in the faid Dittay att mair lenth verifeis. — (10.) Item, Indytit, tliat ye, haifing confauit ane deidlie malice aganis Jonet Cokburne, dochter to Johnne Cokburne, maltman in Hadingtoune, for the doun- bringing of your purs, belt, glas and claithis, out of the chalmer, and haifing laid doun the fame vpoun the buird,' yovu- hulband tuik vp your faid purs, and wald haif opnit itt ; but opnit it nocht : For the quhilk, ye faid to the faid Jonett, ' Weill, madin, haif 36 lattin J)is be done ? ge sail repent itt fra 30ure hairt.' Catherene Carrutheris alias callit EriJ'ch Jonett and ye, laid in hir way and paftage, fie inchantit mwildis" and powdei', that in I'chort Ipace thaireftir, thair came ane fwarft'^ owre hir hairt, and fie ane flaffing^ in hir breift, as itt had bene fum quick thing,' peching and jianting, heaving vji hir body ; quhair- with, fche is difeafit half ane hour, ewerie tyme fche takis itt ; oft in the nycht and oft in the day ; continewing fumtymes half ane day ; haifing mair ftrenth nor hir accuftiunmit maner, in tyme of hir health : And fwa, for laying of mul- dis and powder be Wichci'aft and Inchantment, in the faid Jonett Cokburnis gait ; be the quhilk, fche confauit ane feiknes, and wes mekill trublit thairwith, and is yit, be your airt and Wichcraft — (11.) Iteai, For the crewall Slauchter ' Table. "^ Earth taken from dead men's graves, &c. See Jan. 27, 1590. ^ Swooning. ' Pal- pitation of tlie heart. ^ Live. 252 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1591. and diftiuction of vmq''' Ewfame Punfray be Wichcraft. — (12.) Item, For al- Iwring, be yoiu- develilche "Wichcraft, Inchantment and Incantatioun, of Jofeph Dowglas of Pinifraftoune, to lo\'e yow ; vnder culloure and cloik (of) mariage with yom-e dochter ; and for the diftniction of youre hufband : In taikin quhair- of, ye gaif him ane craig chein5ie,' twa belt chein3eis, ane ring, ane emirent' and vtheris your jewellis. — (13.) Item, Indytit, for the confulting with Jonett Cwninghame in the Cannogait, als callit Lady Bothivell, ane auld indytit ^^'^ich of the fynefl champ, 18 3eiris fyne or thairby, for to haif poyfonit Jofeph Dow- glas of Punfraftoune, and that be ane potioiin of compolit waiter, quhilk ye fend Johnne T\A'eddall youre feruand for, to be brocht vp to Barbara Toureis hous, in ane chopene lloup ; quhilk wes rellauit be him, and delyuerit to the faid Bar- bara. — (14.) Item, Indytit and accufit, for lending witli Jonett Drummond your feruand, certane Wichcraft, of deliberat mynd to haif bewichit Rlarie Sande- landis, ane madin, att tliat tyme vnder promeis of mariage to Jofeph Dowglas of Punfraftoune, fche being thane in tlie Braidfchaw ; and to diflTwad hir, fyrft, fra the laid promeis of mariage of the faid Jofeph, becaus he had gewin his promeis and faith to ane vthir gentilwoman ; and that he had the glengore^ him felff. — (15.) Item, Indytit, that be youre airt of Wichcraft, ye travellit to ftay and imped^ the mariage of the Laird of Punfraftoune with Marie Sandelandis ; and to that effect, directit Jonett Drunnnond, fumtyme youre nwrice, with fum of youre charmes and inchantmentis, to offend the perfoun of the laid Marie ; quhairby, the faid mariage mycht haif bene ftayit. — (16.) Item, Indytit, of the feiking help, confultatioun and refjions, fra Annye Sampfoun, as ane Wich, and knawin to be ane notorious Wich, for recovering of your jewellis and euidentis agane, fra the Laird of Punfraftoune ; and be frequent fending of Jonett Drum- mond, your fumtyme nurrice, to the faid Annye, to that effect, aboue lewin tymes ; and in the ane of the tymes, fche rafit the Spreit, be voce and nocht bodelie ; quha declarit, that the famin fould be delyuerit to the faid Jonett Drummond, thair meffinger fend to feik the refpons. — (17.) Item, Indytit, of the bewiching of twa of the Laird of Punfraftounis bairnis, his eldeft fone and doch- ter, to the deid.— (18.) Item, Indytit, of confulting and feiking help att the faid Anny Sampfoune, ane notorious ^Vich, for relief of your payne in the tyme of the birth of youre twa fonnes ; and reflauing fra hir to that effect, ane boird- ftane,' to be layit vnder the bowfter, putt vnder your held, Inchantit mwildis and powder put in ane peice paipar, to be vfit and rowit in your hair ; and att the tyme of your drowis," your guidmannis fark to be prefentlie tane of him, 1 Neck chain. ' Emerald. ^ Lues venerea. " Hindered, impeded. s Rored stone, probaljly a Fairy-stone, — a stone liaving a natural hole, formed by the action of water, &c. ^ Birth- pangs or throes. a4JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 253 and laid woumplit' vnder your bedfeit. The quliilk being praktefit be yow, as ye had rellauit the famin fra the faid Annie, and informatioun of the vfe thair- of ; your feiknes wes caffin of yow, vnnaturallie, in the birth of youre fyrft fone, vpoune ane dog ; quhilk ranne away and wes newir fene agane : And in the liirth of your laft fone, the fame prakteis foirfaid wes vfit, and your naturall and kindlie payne vnnatm-allie caffin of yow, vpoun the wantoune catt in the hous ; quhilk lyke wyis, wes newir fene thaireftir. — (19.) Item, Indytit, for airt and pairt of the confulting with the faid Annie Sampfoun, for the diftroying of Mr Jolinne Mofcrop, your fader-in-law, be Wichcraft, about foure yeii'is fyne, or thairby : And to this effect, fending with Jonett Drunimond your feruand, ane pictoure of walx, fend in ane buift,^ inclofit within ane guife,^ to the faid Anny ; and ane feruiett with beif, woiniplit about the guife ; quhilk pictour the faid Annie gaif to the Dewill to be inchantit ; and the famin being inchantit be him, wes fend hame agane to yow vidth the faid Jonett Drummond, for doing of the turne, as the faid Annie declarit that itt fould feme. — (20.) Item, Indytit, for your develifch confultatioun with Agnes Sampfoiuie, pairtlie be j^oiu* lelff, and pairtlie be the trafquicking of your auld agent Jonet Drummond, how to be re- vangeit vpoun Mr Johnne M'^Gillis wyffe ; and refolutioun being tane with Agnes Sampfoune, ane notoure Witch, fche fend yow fum Wichcraft and In- chantments with the faid Jonett Dz-ummond, quhilk ye caift in att Mr Johnne M^Gillis windok ; quhilk wes ane bairnis aiproune and halfclaith,^ with fum thing bund thairin : And this mater being reveillit be vthiris, your feruandis, ye caufit the faid Jonett Drummond to deny the fame, qulien itt wes laid to hir charge : Lyke as, fche hes confeffit, that fche wes daylie and nychtlie trublit with terribill fpektacles and vifioimis ; as, fcho viffiblie, in ane chalmer flwre of youris, att twa eftir none, faw ane naikit man Hand in the middis of the faid chalmer, with ane quliyte fcheit about him : As alfo, Jonett Aitchefoun youre feruand, being fend att twell houris att ewin to draw ane drink, faw lykewyis ane naikit man behind hir, with ane fark ; the flewis of the ferk vpoun his leggis, and the taill about his heid ; quhilk terrifeit hir : Quhilk vifiounis man half procedit of your dewililch airt of AVichcraft : As alfo, the laid Jonett Aitchefoun wes trublit with hurchounis.* Quhilk Wichcraft foirfaid, wes caffin in agane, att the faid Mr Johnne M^Gillis windok ; and being fund and opnit out, kythit to be ane pictour of clay, and ane portrat of Elizabeth Home, fpous to the faid Mr Johnne, fewitt in ane windeine fcheit ; about the quhilk wes ane auld blak much" woimplit, thairin inclofit fy^e dewis of findrie cuUoures of worfett, as of ' Folded up. ^ Box, cliest. ' Goose. An acceptable present, besides affording concealment from those less knowing than Anny. '' A child's apron or pincloth, and neck-cloth. ^ Urchions, hedgehogs, Fr. herisson ; perhaps the term is used for imps of the Devil. ^ Mutch or cap, folded up. 254 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1591. blak, reid, orange, yallow and blew. Quhilkis Sorceries, Agnes Sampfoun con- feffit ye maid youre felft'. As alio, the laid Agnes Saniplbune confeffit, that Jonet Driunmond broclit to her the fame auld much, quhilk Icho inchantit ; lyke as alfo, the faid Jonet Drummond hes confeffit the careing' thairof to the faid Agnes. (21.) Item, For making of ane pictour of flour and clay, for bewich- ing of Elizabeth Home Ipoule to Mr Johnne M'Gill, and caufing call the fame in att the laid Mr Johnneis kiching windok for that effect. — (22.) Item, Indytit, for airt and pairt of the llauchter and diftructioun, be your devilifch craft of Wichcraft and Inchantment, of Lilias M'Calsean, dochter to Mr Henry M"- Cal3an,- ane barne of lex yeir auld ; and that be rubbing of hir face with youre naipkin, A'j)oune ane Soneday eftir none ; quhen Iche fell vpoune the calley att youre cloile held ; quhairby iche deit. — (23.) Item, Indytit and accufit, of the conventicle had att North-Berwik Kirk, tuentie dayes before Michelmes, 1590 ; and thair inquyring for the Kingis pictour, gewin be Annie Sampfoun to the Dewill, to l)e inchantit, for the tredbnabill diftructioun of the King. — (24.) Item, Indytit, for being att the Conventioun haldin at the New-heavin callit the Fayrie-hoillis, att Lambmes laftwes, to the effect immediatlie aboue writtin. — (25.) Item, Indytit and accufit, for ane Conventioun haldin be yow and vtheris notorious Wichis, youre alTociattis, att the Brvme-hoillis ; quhair ye and thay tuik the fea, Robert Greirfoun being youre adnierall and Maifter-manne, paft owre the lea in riddillis to ane fchip, quhair ye enterit with the Dewill, your maifter, thairin ; quhan, eftir j^e had eittin and drukkin, ye caift owr ane blak dog that fldppit vnder the fchip, and thairby, ye hewing the Dewill your maiftir thairin, qulia drownit the fchip be tumbling : Quhairby, the Queue wes putt bak be ftorme. — (26.) Ite]M, Indytit, for conlulting with the faid Annie Samplbune, Robert Greirioune and diners vthiris Wichis, for the treflbnabill ftaying of the Quenis hame-cuming, be ftorme and wind ; and raling of ftorme, to that effect ; or ellis to half drownit hir Maieftie and liir cumpany, be coniu- ring of cattis and cafting of thame in the fee, at Leith, and the bak of Robert Greirfounis hous.^ — (27.) Itebi, Indytit, for airt and pairt of the diftructioun of ane boit, betuix Leith and Kinghorne, and threfcoir of perlbuues thairin, be your conventioune be vthir Wichis, and be your and thair Wichcraft ; as is no- tour. — (28.) Item, For an commoune Wich. The quhilk day, the faid Dittay being red to the faid Ewfame in judgement, as itt wes produceit att leiith be the Aduocatt, and drawin lummarlie in heidis, as is aboue mentionatt : Eftir diuerfe obiectiounis maid aganis the famin be hir and hir preloquitouris, and diuerfe proteftatiounis maid in hir name, and an- ' Carrying. ' Advocate, 24Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 255 fueris maid thairto be the Aduocat ;' the Juftice ffand, be Interloquitour, that the faidis heidis foiild be putt to the knawlege of ane Affyfe : And the Aflyfe being chofin, that fche mycht propone hir defenffis to the faid AfTyfe. ASSISA. James Johnftoune of Elphin- James Inglis, merchant burges James Somervall of Humbie, lloune, of Edinburglie, Alexander Fairlie of Braid, Anftrutbir, younger James Elphinfloune in Bogie, Grahame of Knokdolian, of that Ilk, Clemmett Kincaid of the Coittis, Dauid Preftoiin of Craigmyller, Mr Williame Leflie of Cunlie, George Mowbray of Seyfeild, Balfoure of Bandone, Joimne Logane, portioner of Johnne Drammond of Slipper- Dauid Balfour of Bello. Couftoune, feild, IXTERLOCUTOU. The Juftice-deputis, be reffoun of diuerfe objectiounes maid be the pannell, aganis the poyntis of Dittay aboiie writtin, to the AfTyfe ; and anfueris maid thairto be the Aduocat ; and that they continewit quhill fewin houris att ewin : Continewit the mater to the morne, in the fame forme, force and effect as it wes thane : And caufit incarcerat the faid Ewfame ; and warne the AfTyfe to be prefent the morne att aucht houris in the morning, ilk perfoun vnder the pane of ane hundreth poundis. (Jun. 10.) — Interlocutoh. The Juflice, be refToune 5it of the objec- tiounis maid be the pannell aganis the poyntis of Dittay, and the Depofitiounis of findrie perfounes maid for vereficatioim thairof, and anfueris maid thairto ; thay haifing continewit quhill fewin houris att ewin : Continewit the faid mater, in fame forme, force and effect as is now ; and imprefonit the faid Ewfame quhill the morne ; and wairnit the perfounes of AfTyfe to compeir the morne, ilk perfoun vnder the pane of ane hundreth poundis. (Jun. 11.) — The famin day, eftir proponing of the haill obiectioxmis be the pannell aganis the Dittay, and vereficatiounis thairof, and anfuei'is maid thairto be the Aduocatt ; the above perfounes, being chofin, fworne and ad- mittit, thay removit altogiddir furth of Court to the Counfal-hous ; quhair thay remanit all that nycht ; and eftir the chefmg of James Jolmefloune of Elphin- floune Chancillar of the laid AfTyfe, thay votit and refTonit vpoune the poyntis of the faid Dittay ; and continewit pronunceing of thair delynerance quhill the morne. Articles o/'Convictioune and Verdict of the AJJi/e. (Jun. 12.) — The quhilk perfounes of Affyfe, eftir lang deliberatioune and continewance in the Counfal-hous, vpoune the reffoning and voting vpoun the poyntis of the faid Ewfame M'Caljanis ' It is perhaps to be regretted that no notice is preserved in the Record, of the long pleadings which occupied the whole of this and the two following days. Neither has any record been kept of the evidence adduced. Should the Depositions of the witnesses be found amongst the loose papers belonging to the Court, (which are very numerous, and have never been arranged or examined,) they shall be given in the Appendix. 256 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1591. Dittay ; being tiirowchlie auifit tbaiiwith, le-enterit agane in Court, and tliair, be the moutli of the faid James Johnftoun of Elphiiifloune chanciliav, ftand, pronunceit and declaiit the laid Ewfame, (1.) To be Fylit, culpable and convict, of confulting with Catheiene Campbell, ane Erfch woman with -ane fallin neife, duellaud for ane lang fpace in the Cannogait heid, ane notorious Wich ; and intertiu- neing the laid Catherene in liir awin hous, and in tlie hous of Barbara Toures, the relict of vmq'' James Harlaw,' feiking help of hir to hir bairnis ; fpeciallie to Thomas hir lone, to quhome fche fend his lark with Helene Inglis hir I'eruand. — (2.) Item, of the bewiching, be hir airt of Sorcerie, of Johime Yonftoun, fone to Williame Yonftoun, hir hiiftandis filler fone, ane young man of fewintene yeiris of aige ; quhairby he deit : And fwa, for airt and pairt of the llaucliter of the faid vmq'^ Johnne, be the laid airt — (3.) Item, of the confulting with Jonett C'wninghame in the Cannogait heid, alias eallit Lady BothrveU, ane auld indytit Wich of the fyneft champ, auchtene yeiris fyne or thairby, for poy- foning of Jofepli Dowglas of Punfraftoune, and that be ane potioune of compolit waiter, qidiilk fche fend hir I'eruand Johnne Tueddall for, to be brocht vp to Barbara Toures hous in ane chopene ftoup ; quhilk wes reffauit be him, and delyuerit to the faid Barbara. — (4.) Item, of the feiking help, con- fultationn and refpons, fra Annie Sampfoun, knawin ane notorious Wich, for recovering of hir jowellis and emdent* agane fra the Laird of Punfraftoune ; and that, be the frequent fending of Jonet Drura- raond, fumtyme hir nurrice, to the faid Annie to that effect, aboue fewin tymes. — (5.) Item, for con- fulting with Annie Sampfoun ane Wich, for getting of niwiklis fra hir, to be vfit be the faid Ewfarae, in releif of hir payne, in hir birth of hir twa fonnes. — (6.) Item, of airt and pairt of the confulting with Annie Sanipfoune, for diflroying of Mr Johnne Mofcrop, hir fader-in-law/ be Wichcraft, about foure yeiris fyne or thairby ; and to that effect, fending with Jonett Drummond hir feruand, ane pic- tour of walx, fend in ane buill inclofit within ane guile, to the laid Annie, and ane femiet with beiff woumplit about the gufe ; quhilk pictour the faid Annie gaif to the Dewill to be inchantit ; and the famin being inchantit be him, wes fend hame agane to hir with the faid Jonett Drummond, for doing of tlie turne ; as the faid Annie declarit to the faid Jonet, that it fould ferue thairto. — (7.) Item, laud hir culpabill, of making of ane pictour of flowre and clay, for bewiching of Mary Home, fpous to Mr Johnne M^Gill, and caufiug call the famin in att Mr Johnne M'Gillis kiciiing windok, to that effect. — (8.) Item, culpabill, for the trelfonabill Convcnticill had be hir, Annie Sampfoune, Johnne Fiene and diueris vlhiris, att North Berwik-Kirk, tuentie dayes before Michelmes 1590 ; and thair, inquyring for the Kingis pictour, gewin be the faid Annie Sampfoune to the Dewill, to be inchantit be him, for the trelfonaliill dillructioun of the King. — (9.) Item, convict of the trelfonabill Conven- tioune, haldiu be him, liir and thanie, att the New-heavin, eallit Aichefounis-heavin, att Lambmes laftwas I^.V'.lxxxx, to the trelfonabill eflPect immediatlie aboue writtin, viz. in feiking of ane pictour, to the trelfonabill dillruciioune of the King. — (10.) Item, convict of commoune Wichcraft and Sor- cerie, and vfing of the faid Wichcraft agauis findrie his hienes liegis. — (11.) And als, Acquit the faid Ewfame of the haill remanent poyntis contenit in hir Dittay foirfaid, quhairof fche wes ac^ ulit. Doo:m of Forfeiture and Sentence of Death. (Jun. 15.)— Tlie quhilk day, Ewfame IVrCal3ane, fpous to Patrik Mof- crop alias M'Cal5aue, being prefeutit on pannell, as fche that wes convict ofbe- fore, be ane condigne Alfyfe, in ane Court of Juiliciarie, haldin in the faid Tol- buith in Edinburghe, the tuelt day of Junij inftaut ; for the confulting with Catherene Campbell, ane Erfch woman with ane fallin neife, &c. (here the above ' Probably the widow of the Notary whose Protocol-book has been quoted in the Notice prefixed to this Trial. ^ Emerald stone. ' He appears as one of the ' Preloctitouris' in her defence. 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 257 articles of conviction are rehearsed.) — For the quhilk ciymes, the laid Juftice- depute ordanit the faid Ewfame, be the mouth of Williame Gray dempftar, as culpabill and giltie thairof, to be takin to the Caftel-hill of Edinbiirghe, and thair bund to ane ftaik and brunt in affis, quick/ to the death : And all and findrie hir landis, heretageis, takis, ftedingis, roumes, poffeffiounes, coirnis, cat- tell, guides and geir, to be forfaltit and efcheit to our fouerane lordis vfe. [Another unfortunate hiatus in the Records of the High Court of Justiciary- takes place at this period; the Books of Adjournal, from October. . 1591 to MaylS, 1596, having been lost. The Editor has been at some pains in tracing the loss of this portion ; and it is so far satisfactory that he is enabled to report, that this must have occurred previous to the time when Lord Fountainhall framed his MS. Abridgement f vfhich is still preserved in the Advocates' Libz-ary. That eminent lawyer leaves a blank for inserting notices of the jiroceedings, in case the Record should afterwards have been found ; but he does not hazard any conjectures as to the time the missing volume had been taken away or destroyed. It is to be hoped that the volume may still be px-eserved ; and that, if it has found its way into any public or private collection, it may yet be restored to the Clerk of Justiciary. In a second MS. Collection, also preserved in the Faculty's Library, and un- derstood to liave been compiled by Lord Roystoun,^ it would appear that the same deficiency had still existed in his lordship's time. The following memo- randum is transcribed from that Abstract :" ' NoTA. As there is no Record from October 1591 to 17th May 1596, we are deprived of what jiaft in that intervall. I fliall therefore notice what tryals are mentioned by Spotfwood, during that time. ' Firft, he mentions, page 391, that David Grahame of Fintrie was found guiltie, and beheaded, 16 Feb. 1592, for being concerned in a Popifli plott; the particulars whereof are there narrated, and in a printed Narrative, anno 1593, London. ' This was the severest sentence ever pronounced t)y the Court, even in the most atrocious cases. In ordinary instances of Witchcraft, the culprit was previously strangled at the stake, before being bunit. Ewfame Makcal5ean endured her fate with firmness and obstinacy to the last. She does no appear to have repented her crimes, lint rather seems to have gloried in what she had attempted. - ' Ane Abridgement of the Books of Adjurnall.' W. 1. 26. Sir John Lauder (Lord Fountainhall) was one of the fifteen Ordinary Lords of Session, appointed after the Revolution, Nov. 1, 1689. On his death, he was succeeded in his office by Andrew Fletcher, (Lord Milton,) Jun. 4, 1724', after ha- ving sat upon the bencli for the long period of almost tliirty-fivo years. ' Sir James MacKenzie (Lord Roystoun) was appointed an Ordinary Lord of Session on the resignation of Lord Prestonhall, (R. Mackenzie,) Jun. 7, 1710, and was succeeded by Charles Areskine, (Lord Tinwald,) Nov. 29, i74'4'. * ' Abstract of the Books of Adjunial,* Advocates' Library, M. 5. 14. fol. 161. VOL. I. 2 K 258 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1591. * Stewai-t E. of Bothwell, in Aug. or Sept. 1593, tryed and acquit of confult- ing with witches againft the King's life. Vid. Agnes Sampfon's tiyal, as men- tioned, page 383, in Spotfwood. ' In the Pari', anno 1594, the Earls of Angus, Huntlie and Errol, are for- faulted, for the lame trealbn and Popilli plot for which Grahame of Fintrie was forfault in Feb. 1592. ' Allan Oi'ine, fervant to the Earl of Bothwell, and James Cochran, keeper of Blacknefs Callle, execute for art and part in Both well's treafon. Executed in Oct. 1594.' In order to supply, in some measure, the want of this Volume of the Books of Adjournal, the Editor has ventured to insert in this place, rather than in an Appendix, pretty copious extracts made by him from the Records of the Privy Council of Scotland. These notices are, for the most part, necessarily taken merely in abstract. It is greatly to be wished, that the truly valuable mine of historical information contained in the Acts of Secret Council, may, through the liberality of His Majesty's Commissioners on the Public Records, be speedily published, under the superintendence of the present Deputy Clerk Register ; to whose indefatigable and well-directed exertions, the restoration of the Records of Scotland is mainly to be attributed. The present state of the Public Regis- ters, and the facilities now afforded for consulting them, wovdd reflect honoiu* on any countiy.] (May 19, cqmd Halinidhous.) — Williame Maister of Angus and Dauid Graha^me of Fintrie, being baith perfonallie prefent, decernit to tyne thair lyverentis, being dilaitit and accufit, that thai had declynit fra the trew and Chrifleane Religioun, refuiling to relbrte to the preicheing of Godis worde ; and that, be relToning or dilperfing of buikis or lettres, thay had prellimit to per- fuade his Maiefteis subiectis to declyne fra the ijrofeffioun of the trew religioun. and thairthrow had incurrit the pane of tinfale (lofs) of all thair mouable guidis, togidder with the lyfrentis of thair landis, &c. (May 21, apud Edinburgh.) — Alexander Guthrie, fear of Kincaldrum, be- come actit and obleift as cautioner and fouirtie to William Douglas (Mais- ter OF Angus), eldeft lone lauchfull to Williame Erll of Angus, that he fall repair to the toun of Dundee, within the fpace of foure dayis eftir the dait heir- of, and thairin remane, quhill he mak iaill and depairt furth of this realme, within the fpace of fourty dayis thaireftir : And that he fall nocht returne agane within the fame, without his Maiefteis licence obtenit to the fame effect, vndir the pane of ten thoufand pundis. (Sic fubfcribitur) Alex^ Guthrie appeirand of Kincaldrum. 24JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 259 (May 24, apucl Falkht>id.)—Sm James Douglas of Drumlangrig, knicht, and his deputis, fufpended and difcharged ' of all vfing of the office of Baillierie' of the regalitie of Mortoune, ' ay and quhill it be tryit quhidder he be denudit of the richt and poffeffioun of the fame or nocht ;' for ' cwming with convoca- tioun of his hienes liegis in armour, vpoun the xxvij day of Marche laftbipaft, to the toun and landis of Penpont, quhair Thomas Kirkpatrik of Clofburne, SherefF-depute of Drumfreis, with his memberis of Courte, wer fitting in juge- ment, in ane fenfit Courte haldin be him, and violent taking away of Johnne Wilfoun in Haghill furth of the faid Courte, eftir he was enterit vpoun pannell, and reddy to have vnderlyne the tryale of ane Affife, for certane crymes of thift committit be him, and flaying.' (May 24.) — Proclamation againft Niniane Chiunesyde, feruitour to Frances Erll Bothuill, for treafonably confpiring the death of the king, * be "Witchcraft, Sorcerie and vtheris traterous and diabolicall meanis.' (Jun. 25, 1591, fipifd Edi)ibi/rg/i.)—Froclamation againfl ' Frances fum- tyme Erll Bothuill, that, notwithftanding of his Majeftys clemency, &e. in fuperceding, as of befoir, the pronunceing of dome agaiiis him, in hoip of his converfioun, penitency and amendment, quhill now that his hienes, perfaving that he hes gevin him felf ower altogidder in the handis of Sathan, and that his fpreit has fa michtelie prevalit into him, that he yit ftill infiftis, without feir of God, or refpect to honeftie or ichame of the warld, to continew in all kynd of filthines, helping treflbun vpoun treffoun, aganis God, his Maieftie and this his native cuntx-e, euir aflifting fie perfonis, be force, counfall and vtherwayis, as wer and ar innemeis to God, his hienes, and focht the fubuerfioun of the trew Religioun ; takand the manteiuance of tratouris, mui'theraris and vtheris wickit perfonis, quha, to impetrat impvnitie of thair wickit lyffis and libertie to do evill at all tymes,maid thair dependance vpoun him; he having aliua now at laft, for the better executioun of his wickit intentioun and treffonabill confpiracie aganis his Maiefteis awin perfoun, had confultatioun with Nygromanceris, Witcheis and vtheris wickit and vngodlie perfonis, bayth without and within this cuntrie, for bereving of his hienes lyff, confeffit be fum of the fame kynd, alreddy exe- cute to the deid, and fum vtheris yit on lyve, reddie to be execute for the fame cryme : And being wardit within the Caflell of Edinburgh quhill he had bene tryit of the fame, he hes noM' at laft efchopit, and fua hes takin the faid treffon- abill cryme vpoun him, eftir that his hienes nochtwithflauding had yeildit to fum conditionis concerning his libertie : ffor the quhilk cans, and for the forraar treflbnabill offence quhairof he wes convict, in maner foirfaid, his Maieftie now at laft hes caufit pronunce the Dome and Sentence of fforfaltour aganis him ; as the famyn at mair lenth beiris : Swa that prefentlie he remanis a dedarit rebell, 260 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1591. tratour and innymie to God, his Maieftie and this his natiiie cuntrie.' — There- fore ' that nane reflet, liipple, fehaw faiiour, iutercomnioun, nor haue intelli- gence' with him, &c. (Jul. 21.) — The Lords declare a certain Letter of Relaxation, in favour of CoLiNE Campbell of Glenlyoun, ' to have bene and to be maift priuelie and furi-eptitioiiflie i)iircheft' of his Maieftie, without his hienes priwitie or al- lowance ; and thairfoir of nane avale, force nor effect.' And ordained the Let- ters of Horning, Caption, Trealbn and Comniiffion following thereupon, ' pur- cheft be Dame Agnes Sinclair Counte.Te of Errole, and Alexander Gordoun of Strathdoun hir fpous, for his intres, to be put to forder executioini in all pointis." — On Sej). 25, 1587, Canijibell of Glenlyoun was denounced rebel and put to the horn, ' be virtue of twa feuerall letteris rafit at hir inftance ; the ane for nocht coniijerance, iierfonallie, befoir his Maiefties and Lordis of Secreit Counfall, to have anfuerit to ane complaint maid be hir vpoun him ; and the vther for not reftoring and delyuering to hir of certane giulis. geir, iniicht plenifling, jowellis. gold, filuer and vtheris lpul5eit be him fi'a hir, or ellis the avale and pryces thairof jjerticulerlie Ipecifeit and contenit in the faidis letteris. And becaus he remanit contempnandlie at the faid proces of home vnrelaxt, the faid Dame Agnes purcheft letteris, be deliuerance of the Lordis of Secreit Counfall, quhair- with fcho caufit charge him, and the keparis and detenaris of his duelling-houffis refpectiue, to rander and delyuer the lamyu to the ofRciar executour of the faidis letteris ; as alfua, to entir his perfoun in ward within the Caftell of Blaknes, within a certane fpace mentionat in the fame letteris, vnder the pane of treffoun ; quhilk chargeis he maift i^roudlie and contemi^nandlie diftobeyit ; and thairfoir, fcho wes forceit to crave his Maiefteis Commiffioun for perfute of him felf, and affageing of his liouffis and ftrenthis with fyre and fwerd : flor ftaying of the executioun quhairof, he hes of lait, be the moyen of fum fchameles and vndif- creit perlbnis, preferring thair awin pre vat gayne and commoditie to his hienes honour, maift priuelie, &c. purcheft ane letter vnder his hienes fubfcriptioun and fignet, relaxand him tra all and quhatfumeuir proces of home,' &c. (Aug. 9.) — Proclamatioun for the perfute of the Erll Bothuile, ' ffor re- iifting of quhais treflbnabill intentioun and practizes, reprefling of the infolence of thame," and the brokin men fterit vp be thame on the Bordouris, and vther- wayis to the brek of his hienes peace, and difturbiug of the quiet eftate of the haill He, his Maieftie intendis to tak the fleildis in propir perfoun.' Charges are therefore ordained to be given to ' the erllis, lordis, baronis, fewaris, fre- haldaris, landit gentilmen and fubftancious 5emen, togiddir with the inhabitantis ' Procured, obtained. ^ Bothwell's abettors. 25JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 261 of burrowis, betnix fextie and fextene yeiris, duellarid within the boundis of the Scherefdomes of Edinburgh principal!, and within the Conftabularie of Hading- toun, Berwik and Roxburgh, alfweill regalitie as ryeltie, that thay and ilk ane of thame, Weill bodin in feir of weir addres thame felffis to repair to his Maieftie, at Edinburgh, vpoun the fext day of Auguft inftant,' &c. (Aug. 6.) — A ' Band' between the Lairds of Cesfurde, Bukcleuche, Home of Broxinouth, Lauder of Bafs, Ker of Lyntoun, Douglas of Caverfe, &c. is recorded, wherein they bind therafelves to ufe their utnioft endeavoui's to take Bothwell, &c. ; and, amongft other conditions, they engage to ' lay afyde all perticular querrellis, deidlie feidis and contrauerfeis Handing amangis thame, and for na cans fall fchrink frome his Maiefteis feruice.' (Aug. 7.) — His Majefty ' finding fum of the cheif perfonis fufpect culpabill in the lait diforderit contempt to have repentit thame thairof, and quhill tryell of thair pairtes to haue voluntarle ofTerit them felffis in his hienes ward,' difpenfes with the attendance of his fubjects, having now abandoned the intention of Re- jxiiring to the Borders against Bothwell. (Aug. 7.) — Sir Walter Scott of Branxlaelme, knyV finds Sir James Scot of Balwery, kny', and Williame Scot of Abbotifliall, as fureties, that he ' fall de- depairt furth of this realme within the fpace of ane moneth,' and ' not returne agane within the famyn during the fpace of thre yeiris nixtocura, vnder the pane of ten thowiand pundis.' (Aug. 29.) — Sir Walter Scott of Branxhelme, kny', is relieved ' of his office and charge of keping of Liddifdaill,' ' becaus he is to depairt furth of this realme, be his hienes licence and permiffioun, &c. CoMMissiouN yo/- Examinating of Witcheis. (Oct. 26. Apud HaHriidhous.) Forsamekill as the Kingis Maieftie, with aduife of the Lordis of his Secrete Counfale, lies gevin and grantit, and be ]>\v prefentis, gevis and grantis his hienes full pouer and Commiffioun, expres bidding and charge to his trufty and weilbelouitt counfaloiu-is, Sir Johnne Cok- bunie of Ormeftoun Juftice clerk, Maifter Dauid Makgill of Nefljitt Aduocat, as alfwa to M"' Robert Bruce and Johnne Dunkiefoun Minifteris, Williame Litill prouoft of Edinburgh and Johnne Arnott burges J)airof, or ony three of thame coniunctlie ; all and fnidrie perfonis, alfweill ])ame quhilkis ar alreddy convict or vtheris quhilkis ar detenit captiue and lies confeffit, and fum that hes not confeffit, as alfwa all lie vjjeris as ar dilaitit, or that heireftir falbe accufed and dilaitit, off committing, vfing and practizing of Witchcraft, Sorcerie, In- ' Several others, of lesser note, find surety to depart the kingdom at this time. 262 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1591. chantment and vtheris divilifch divyfis, to tlie diflionnour of God, fklender of his woi-de, perrelling of }iair awin fauUis, abufeiiig of pe coinmoun people and grite contempt of God, his Maieftie, his autlioritie and lawis : To call and con- vene befoir the faidis Commiffionaris, or ony three of thame coniunctlie, as faid is, alf-oft as neid beis, and thame to try, enquyre and examinat, thair Depofi- tionis to putt in write, and the fame to reporte to his hienes and his Counlale ; to the elfect ])ai may be putt to the knaulege of ane Aflyife, and juflice miniftrat as affeiris, or fie ordour takin with \>ame as to his Maieftie and his faid Coun- faill falbe thocht maift meit and convenient : The perfonis wilfull or refufeand to declair the veritie to putt to tortour, or lie vj)ir punifliment to vfe and cans be vfit, as may move thame to vtter the treuth : And generallie, all and lindrie vtheris thingis to do and xi'e, that heirin is requilite to be done : Fferme and ftable haldand and for to hald, all and quhatfumeuir thingis the faidis Cominif- fioneris, or ony thrie of pame coniunctlie, as faid is, lauchfullie do heirin. (Oct. 28.) — ' Francis Erll of Errole clieifT, James Lord Hay of Zefter and Williame Hay of Gourdie, with the remanent kin and freindis of vmq'^ James Hay, fone to the laid Williame;' having railed Criminal Letters againft Andro Herixg of Little Blair, Heid Johniie Her'ing in Gilmertoun, Blak Johnne Hering in Afflekhill and James Hering in Morganftoun and thair accomplices, for the cruel and unmerciful Slaughter and Murthour of the faid James Hay, in Feb. 1589, ' quhen his Maieftie wes in Demnark ; the faid complenaris ofTerrit thame reddy to haue perfewit juftice, gif thai could haue had ony certantie to haue the fame miniftrat,' &c. The Earl of Errol accordingly applied for and obtained a Commiftioun, for fearching and bringing the murderers to juftice.^ Letters of Caption were likewife granted, and Black John Hering fecured and placed in ward, and the others put to the horn ; but . in the meantime, Hering obtained a Refpite for feven years, in the face of thefe proceedings, of a recent Act of Parliament, and of the Kingis ' Declaratioun left and publiftit at his de- pairting to Denmark.' A charge was therefore given to ' Dauid Hering younger of Glafclune, purcheffair of the faid Refpett,' to ajjpear before the King and Privy Council, bringing with him the Refpite, and to fee the fame declared null, ' or ellis to haue allegeit ane relfonable cans quhy the faniin fould nocht haue been done :' And the parties appearing accordingly, ' the Kingis Maieftie and Lordis of Secrete Counlale ffindis that thai ar nocht jugeis competent to the Reductioun and annulling of the faid Relpett ; and thairfoir Remittis this mater to the Juftice general and his dejiutis, ordaning thame to proceid and minifter juftice thairin, according to the Actis of Parliament, lawis and iwacticque of this realme obferuit in fie caiffis : And in the meantynie, that the faid Johnne Hering be committit to warde within the tolbuith of Edinburgh, thairin to remane 25Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 263 vpoun hes awne expenflis, ay and quhill he be tryit for the faid flauchter and juftice miniftrat as effeiris.' (Oct. 28.) — On the Complaint of James Lord Ogii.vie of Aiulie, ' that quhair he hes bene his Maiefteis faithful! and obedient fubject, fubmitting him felff alwayes to his hienes and the Lawis of the countrey, and thairby repofing him felfF vnder his hienes protectioun, beleving to haue reflauit inivirie of na man ; neuirtheles Archibald Erll of Ergyle and his freiudis, vpoun quhat motiue or occafioun the faid Lord knawis not, without ony deferving on his parte, hauing concludit the wrack of his hous or freindfchip ; and being iiifor- meit that he had reteirit him felff in Ibbir and quiet maner, to duell and mak his refidence in Glen-Ilay, finding the place convenient for thair interprife, the faid Erll and his freindis fett oute certane brokin Hieland men, thay ar to fay, Johune Campbell bruthir to Campbell of Lochinyell, Johnne Dow M'Con- doquliy in Inuerraw, Neill Leich in Lochquhabir, Donald M'Carlich in the Laird of Glenvrquhyis landis, AUane Roy M'^Moig fone to the Laird of Glenco, Archi- bald Campbell of Perfie, Coline Campbell of Glenlyoun, Archibald Campbell his bruthir, Johnne IVrRannald in Lochquhabir ; c[uha in the moneth of Augufl laft- bypaft,to the nowraer of ffyve hundreth men of the cuntrey of Ergyle, duelland for the maift parte within the fame, and relTett thairin, with the guidis and dexu-eda- tiounes vnderwrittin, off fett purpois and deliberatioun to haue Hane the faid lord, and to haue wrackeit and fpuil5eit the countrey : Lyke as, vpoun the xxj day of Auguft lailbypaft, thay enterit in Glen-Ilay vndir filence of nicht, with fie force and violence, that the faid Lord, lyand fa fer frome his freindis, vpoun fie fuddantie wes nocht able to refill thame, bot with grite difficultie and fchorte aduertifment, he, his wyffe* and bairnis haueing efchaiped, thay enterit in the countrey with fie barbarous crueltie, not fparing wyffis nor bairnis, bot murthowrit and flew all quhome thay fand thairin, to the nowmer of xviij or xx perlbnes ; and fpuil- 3eit and away-tuke ane grite nowmer of nolt, fcheip and j)lenneffing, to the vtter wrack and vndoing of the haill pure inhabitantis of the cuntrey : Quhilk being maid knawin to his Maieflie, his hienes nocht onlie caufit ane affiiirance to be takin betuix the faidis pairteis, bot alfwa directit ane fpeciall Lettre to the laid Erll and his freindis, to reteir" the faidis brokin men to their awin countrey, that the faid Lord and his freindis wer nocht forder troublit with thame ; with ane charge to thame felfhs vndir the pane of TrefToun. Quhairupoun the faid Lord and his freindis haueing dependit, hoiping to be in furetie thairby, and to haue relTauit na iniurie of new, during the afTuirance of the faid Erll, nor nane of his ; neuirtheles the brokin men, quha maid the invafioun abouewrittin, haue- ' Jean, eldest daughter of William seventh Lord Forbes. ^ Fr. retirer. 264 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1591. iug continuallie fenfyiie remanit in the hillis, and haueing conuocat \Tito thame felffis a'ne grit nownier of fornaris/ quha, in the tyme of fie afTuirance, hoiping with fmall travell to get geir, vilipending his Maiefties charge gevin to thame as faid is, and the faid Letteris nor perfonis foirfaidis, haueing na refpect to his Maiefl;eis Letteris, thay ^-poun the . . . day of September laftbipaft, within the tyme of the alRiirance, \Tidir filence of nicht invadit the inhabitants of Glen- Ilay and Glen-Clova, and hes murthom-it and flane three or foure innocent men and women, and reft and takin away ane grit pray of guidis ; fwa that the puir men duelland in Glen-Clova, Glen-Ilay and vtheris pairtis adjacent to the Month," quha ar nocht able to make refiftance, ar fa oppreft be the brokin men and fornaris houndit oute be the Erll of Ergyle and his freindis, and mantenit and reflett be thame, that nather be his iMaiefteis protectioun nor afTuirance of the pairtye can thair lyveis and guidis be in furetie.' The above-named perlbns were accordingly charged to appear before the King and Privy Council, under the pain of rebellion. Lord Ogilvie appeared on the day appointed, to call them to account for thefe barbarities ; but none of them having come forward, they were ordained to be denounced rebels, &c. (Oct. 28.) LiCHTAXE OF VsAXE,^ Johmie L., Archibald and Alex- ander Ogiluy and Johnne Smith his feruandis, George Ogiluy fone to Alexander O. of Druramis, now feruand to James Lord Ogiluy, Williame and O. fonis to Johnne O. of Qiiheich, O. bruther to Innercpharritie, (and fundry others, fervants to the Lairds of Telling and Balfour, &c.) were charged, ' that qidiair vpoim the xvj day of Auguft laftbypaft or thairby,' they, ' with convocatiomi of his IMaiefteis liegis, to the nowmer of threfcoir perfonis or thair- by,all bodin in feir of weir with jakkis.fpeiris, hacquebutis, piftolettis and vtheris waponis. ini-qfiiie. prohibite to be worne be the lawis of this realme and actis of Parliament, off the fpeciall caufing, fending, hounding oute, command, &c. of the faid Lord, come vpoun ^nnq'^ Robert Camiibell in Milhorne, Williame of Sout- tarhous, Thomas C. portionar of Kethik and Johnne C. of Muretoun, and maift cruellie and ^aimercifullie murdreift and flew thame, vpoun fett purpois, proui- fioun and foirthocht fellouny, in hie and jiroude contemptioun of his Maieftie, and encom'agenient of vtheris to committ the like fliamefull and cruell llauchteris heireftir,' &c. — The Letters raifed were at the inftance of ' the wyffis, bairnis and remanent kin and friendis' of the deceafed perfons, charging the above par- ties to appear before the King and Coinicil ; and they not obeying the charge, were ordained to be denounced rebels, &c. ' Vagabonds l)elonging to no clan, who lived by plunder and by taking free quarters, or sor»hig, as it was termed. - Mountains, hill-country. Lat. 3fons. ' Ulysses-liaven. Of this family was Robert Leightoune, Bishop of Dunblane, and afterwards Arclibishop of Glasgow. 25JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 265 (Oct. 28.)— Bond by Robert Douglas of Caslhogill, dated Oct. 23, 1591, re- corded, whereby he binds himfelf as cautioner for Sir James Douglas of Drumlanrig, kn', that ' Thomas Kirkpatrik of Clofeburne, hi> men tennentis and feruandis, falbe harmeles and fkaithles,' under the pain of L.5000. (Nov. 3.) — Robert Lord Sempill, having been charged to appear before the King and Council, 'to haue \aiderlyne fie ordour as fould be prefcriuit, twicheing the obfeniatioun of peax, quietnes and gude reule in the cuntrey, vndir the pane of rebellioun' — and not complying, he was ordained to be de- nounced Rebel, &c. (Nov. 13.) — David Edmeftoun of Wowmatt and James Laufoun of Humbie, become bound for Schir Johnxe Edmestoun of that Ilk, that he ' be him felff, and all thai that he is oblift to anfuer for be the lawis of this realme, &c., fall keip the Kingis IMaiefteis peax,' &c., under the pain of L.5000. {Eodem die.) — Andro Logane of Coitfeild became cautioner for George HOPPRINGLE of Torwodlie, to the fame effect as above, under the pain of L.2000. (Eodem die.)— James Hoppringle of that Ilk and James H. of Quhytebank, became cautioners for Johnke Hoppringle of Buckholme ; and Buckholme and Quhytebank for James Hoppringle of that Ilk — each under the pain of L.2000. (Eodem die.) — James Douglas of Cavers, fchereff of Teuiotdaill, became furety for Walter Turnbull of Bedreule, under the pain of 1000 merks. (Nov. 17.) — WiLLlAME Cunynghame of Toiu-landis denounced, for not finding caution. (Eodem r//V.)— Patrik Cokburne, tutour of Langtoun, became fiu-ety for George Haitlie in Hordlaw, under the pain of 500 merks. (N0V.I9.) — JamesEarl of Glencairn ordained to be charged to find caution, to the extent of L. 20,000 within eight days, ' or ellis within the fame fpace, pas and entir his perfone in warde be-North the watter of Erne and about the burgh of Perth, and thair remane and keip warde ; and on nawayis tranfcend the faid boundis, ay and quhill he be fred and relevit be his Maieftie, \Tider the pane of rebellioun :' And if he lliould fail, to denounce him rebel.' On Nov. 24, he is again charged to pafs to ward, ' for contemptuous remaning at the home, for none obeying of the Decrete Arbitrall pronunceit be his hienes and the Lordis of Counfale and Seffioun, betuix the faid Erll and Dame Annabill Murray Counteire of Mar :' He is likewife charged, ' to rander and delyuer his houffis of ' A ^eat immber find similar surety at this period. From the above excerpts, which are given as specimens, some idea may be formed of the value of the Privy Council Records, in elucidating histo- rical and genealogical enquiries. vol. l 2 l 266 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1592. Kilmarann'ok, Findlaftoun, Stevinftoun, Kilmaweris and Glencairne, to the official- executour of tlie faidis letteris,' under certification. On Dec. 15, he is charged to return a bond for L.20,000, under the pain of rebellion. (Dec. 17.) Patrik Lord Gray, being perfonally prefent, is ordained to « brino-, prefent and deliuer to hisMaiefteis ftabularis,vpoun the xij dayof Januair nixttocuni, his hienes awin hors, callit ,' quhilk wes vnhonnelllie tane away be James Gray lone to the faid Lord, and fumtyme ferwand to his Maief- tie ; as allwa, to bring and prefent the faid James befoir his hienes, or expell him furth of this realme, betuix and the laft day of the faid moneth of Januair; and fail,eing heirof, that the faid lord pas and entir his perfone in warde within the Caftell of Duubartane ;' under certification. (Jan. 12, 1591-2.) — The Kingis Maieftie, with advife of the Lordis of Secrete Counfale, ffindis and declairis, that Dauid Hammii.toun of Bothuei.lhauch, (otherwife defigned of Monkton mains,) Iflbbell Sinclair and Alefoun Sinclair, heretrices-portionaris of the landis of \\\)dhoullie, aucht and fould be repoffeffit to the landis, houffis, takkis, ftedingis and pofTefTionis whereof thay wer difpof- feffit, throw occafioun of the late trublis." (Jan. 12.)— A ' Proclamatioun aganis tliame that rijdis misscUiV^ is re- corded, ftating ' that there is diners and findrie perfonis, arte and pairt-takeris with Frances fumtyme Erll Botluiile, in the latt trelfounable Conspiracy attemptit within his hienes Palice of Haliruidhous, vpoun the xxvij day of December laftbipaft, for bereving of his Maieftie of his lyffis and crowne, and that vthirwayis ar dilaitit and liifpect to haue bene vpoun the foirknau- lege and devife of the fame Confpiracie, quhilkis nicht and day traiiellis and rydis ouer all pairtis of this realme, Avitli thair faceis couerit, and vther- wayis difagyfit,' &c. Therefore directs Proclamation to be made, ' that nane of thame tak vpoun hand to ryde or gang nicht or day, to or fra, in ony parte of this realme, with thair faceis coverit or vtherwayes difagyfit, in tyme cuming ;' and to charge the lieges ' to tak and apprehend' all fuch perfons ; ' or, gif thay be noclit of pour fa to do, that they ryfe fchowte, rais the fray, follow, concui- and affift ilk ane with vtheris, to the taking and apprehending of thame,' &c. ; under certification. (Jan. 15.) — John Graham of Knokdoleane and John Stuart fear of Barfcube, become fureties for Sir Johnne Edmestoun of that Ilk, kn', James Edmeftoun of Duutreith, kn', and James alias Jacobe Edmeftoun of Newtoun, as principalhs, for thame felffis, and takand the burding vpoun thame for thair haill kin, freindis, ' Left blank. ' They were fornmlly restored by Act of Par. 1609, cap. 41. See Acts fol. 450. ' Muffled, masked, disguised ; commonly written mussallit. O. Fr. emmussalle. 25JAC.VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 267 furename,' &c. on the one part ; and ' James Commendatair of Incheflfray and Hary Lindfay of Kinfawnis, as cautioners for Schir James Cheisholme of Dundorne, kn', as i)rincipall, for him felff, and takand biu-ding for him for his haill kin,' &c. on the other part ; that they flioukl obferve the contents of cer- tain Letters of Slains, dated Nov. 25, 1587, granted by the ' cheifF kynnifmen and freindis on the fader fyde and moder fyde of vmq'" Mungo Edmeftoun, bru- thir to James alias Jacobe E. of Newtoun,' who was flain within the burgh of StirUng, in Nov. 1585, ' under the pain of perjurie, infamy and tinfall of per- petuall credite, honnour and eftimatioun, in tyme cuming ; and forder, vnder the pane of 5000 merkis.' (Mar. 8.) — A Proclamation made ' anent deferting of the Raid appointit for perfute of the Erll of Huntlie.' (Apr. 4, 1592.) — Proclamatioun anerd the Arrival of Spanyeartis. ' For- famekill as it is vnderftand to the Kingis Maieftie and Lordis of Secreit Coun- fall, that thair is certane Spanillie fhippis, riggit oute in weu'like maner, and prefentlie in reddines to repair to the North His and coiftis of this realme, and cheiflie to the pairtis eweft the cuntreyis of Orkney and Zetland ; for rubbing, fpuil3eing and invading, as thay haue done ofbefoir, not onlie his Maiefteis awne fubiectis, hot the Queene of England his darreft iiiller and coufin, and fie vther Princeis as ftandis in flrait league of amitie and freindfliip with his hienes, occupiit this feafone of the yeir in thair lauchfuU and accuftumat trade of fillie- ing ; be quhais labouris and induftrie, grit commoditie wes randei-it, and in fpe« ciall to the inhabitantis of this haill Hand,' &c. Therefore, defires that Robert Earl of Orkney, the flieriffs, &c. in the northern parts of the kingdom, ' that nane of thame tak vpoun hand to fuffir or jjermittony Spaniflie vefhellis, Span- 3eartis, pyrottis or revaris, to have reflett or refuge in ony of thair portis,' &c. and to rife and concur in their exi)ulfion, (Apr. 14.) — ' Patrik Master of Gray and Robert Gray youngair, his bruthir,' denounced, for not appearing ' to haue anfuerit to fie thingis as fould haue bene inquirit of thame at thair cuming, tuicheing the Reflett, intercommo- ning and haueing intelligence with Frances fumtyme Erll Bothuile and his com- plices, culpable of the lait treflbunable fact, committit within the Palice of Haly- ruidhous.' \_Adam Bis/iop of Orkney, Alexander Commendator of Culrose, Edicard Commendator of Khdoss, John Earl of Mar, John Lord Thirlstane chancellor. Sir Robert Melville of Mnrdocairny, l,"n\ treasurer, U^alter Commendator of Bluntyre keeper of the Privy Seal, 3Ir Richard Cok- hurn apjjarent of Clerkingtoune secretary. Sir John Cokhurne of Ornies- 268 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1592. toun Justice-clerk, Alexander Hay of Eister Kennet Clerh of the Rolls, Register and Councel, William Little provost of Edinburgh, Nicholas Cornwall of Bonhard provost of Linlithgow, specially appointed by a Commission from Parliament ; with George Earl of Marischall, James Kynross deputy Constable, Mr James Fowles sheriff-depute of Edin- burgh, ami James Nysbite dempstar.'] May 4. — Dame Margaret Douglass Countesse of Bothuill, ", . Frances fumtyme Earl Bothuil liir fpoufe, for his interefle, and others.' Mr Dauid Makgill, aduocat to our fovierane, jiroducit before the faidis Lordis Commiffioneris of Parliament/ ane Summondis of Treflbune writtin on parchia- ment, gevin vnder the Quartei'-feill, dewlie execute and indorl'ate aganis Dame Margaret Dowglas Counteffe of Bothuill, &c. for certane crymes of Treffbun, fpecifiet in the faid Summondis : Upon the production of the quhilk and verifi- catioun of the indorlationis of the lamyn be the meffingeris, executouris thairof, and witnefles infert thairintill, the faid Mr Dauid Makgill, in his hienes name, aflcit inftrumentis. — And the foirfaidis perfonis being thryce callit at the Tol- buith-windo of the burgh of Edinburgh, to haif comperit and to have anfuerit to the faid Summondis of Treffbun, and nane of thame comperand except Patrik Futhie of Futhies w////«e?, qvQia producit ane Remiffioun grantit be our fouerane lord vnder the Greit Seill, and ane Lettir lubfcryuit be the Kingis Maieftie, di- rect to the faid Aduocat to pas from perfute of the faid Patrik ; vpoun the pro- ductioun quhairof he aflvit inftrumentis : And als, Robert Onnestoun of Brig- end comperit perfounalie, and was content to abyde ane tryall, for ony cryme contenit in the laid Suminoundis of Treffbun micht be laid to his charge. The Lordis Commiflionaris of Parliament commandis the faid Patrik Futhie and Robert Ormestoun to reteir to thair lodgeingis in Edinburgh, and thair to remane quhill thay be fend for be his hienes ; and continewis to the morne. May 25. — Quhilkis perfonis war thryife callit at the Tolbuith windo, quliairof nane comperit except James Lermounth in Kelso, Robert Ormestoun of Brigend, Johnne Stewart of Foulage and Patrik Futhie of Futhies milne ; and thairefter the haill executionis of the faid Summoundis of new verifeit, &c. quhairvpoun the faid Aduocat affl and Murthour of vmq^^ Jajies Erll of Murray ; thay ar to lay, the faidis George Erll of Huntlie, Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, kn', Schir Thomas G. of Cluny, kn', William G. of Geyclit, Robert Innes of Innermerky, Johnne Gordoun apperand of Lefmoir, William G. of the Craig of Auchindoir, Johnne G.youngairof Carnburrow, George G. his bruther, James Lorymer, Alexander Clialmer, leruitouris to the Laird of Innermerky, Patrik Gordoun of Letterfoury, Patrik G. of Corrachrie, Johnne G. younger of Auchannachie, Normond Leflie, Johnne Vans of Lochflyne, Johnne Gordoun of Auldtounleyis, Johnne Drummond, Andro Wode, Johnne Edraeftoun, Robert Dalgleiflie, Williame Borthuik, George Gordoun of Crechie, James Mou- bray, George Gordoun bruthir to Patrik G. of Corrachrie, James Borthuik at the Brigend of Haillis, Johnne Chalmer luftcr-fone to the Laird of Geycht, and Williame Morifoun ; togidder with the reflTettaris,' &c., and to bring them be- fore the King and Council, or before the Juftice or his deputies, to be jjuniflied for their demerits : And alfo, ' to reprefs and refill, and as occafiouu fallis oute or neceffitie requiris, to tak and apprehend all thevis, revaris, fornaris, violent and maifterful oppreirouris, hieland and lauland, brokin men,' &c. AVith power likewife to hold Courts of Judiciary, &c. — The following perfons are added ' as Counfallouris to the laid Erll, be quhais aduife, or ony three of thame conjunct- lie, he and his deputis fall proceid in the execution of this pi'efent Comniiffioun, viz. Johnne Maifter of Foi-bes, Robert Lord Altrie, Alexander Iruing of Drum, Schir Walter Ogilvy of Findletter, kn', Schir George Ogilvy of Dunlugus, kn', Alexander Frafer of Phillorth, James Creichtoun of Frendraucht, Williame For- bes of Tolquhone, George Johnneftoun of Caflvvben, Williame Forbes of Mony- muflc, Williame Forbes of Corfe, Johnne "Wiiliert of Pittarro, of Thornetoim, of Lowreftoun, of Bal- mane and Arbuthnott of that Ilk.' (Mar. 9.) — A fimilar Commission granted to Johnne Erll of Athohl Lord Balvany, as his Majefty's Commiflioner, within the bounds of the fhires of 26Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 285 Elgin, Fores, Nairn, Invernefs and Cromarty. He is inftructed ' to concur, fortifie and affift' the Earl Marildiall ; ' and for this effect, to rejmir to him with his forceis, Avithin the faidis boixndis, at fic tymes as the necefRtie fall fa re- quire, or as he falbe aduertift or defyrit be the faid Erll Marifliaell.' Symon Lord Frafer of Lovatt, Johnne Grant of Freuchy, Coline M'Kenzie of Kintaill, Lauchlane IVrintoIhe of Dunnauchtane, George Ros of Balnagowne, Mr Hector Monro of Foullis, Johnne Dunbar of Moynes fchereff of Murray, Johnne Vrqu- hart tutour of Cromartie, Thomas Frafer tutour of Lovatt and Williame Suthir- land of Duffus, are appointed his ' counfallouris.' (Apr. 12, 1593, apud Halyruidhoiis.) — 'Johnne Buchquhannane of Dnunfoid and James B., fonis to Thomas B. of Blairlolk, Archebald M^Air- thui'e in {and) Airthure M^Airthure in Ardindowane, Johnne M^Inlay, fone to the miliar of Dunftuge, and George Uuntene M'^Indoqiihy, feruand to Thomas B. of Blairlollv,' ordained to be denounced rebels, &c. by virtue of ' our fouerane lordis Letteris, rafit at the inftance of Johnne Campbell of Ardkinglas, Maifter Johnne C. of Auchinvelling, Mr Dougall C. Deine of Breichin, Patrik and Robert Campbellis, brether to vmq'" Duncane Camiibell ; makand mentioun, that quhair the faid Johnne C. of Ardkinglas, at the Ipeciall directioun of his hienes, being cuming to the burgh of Edinbiu'gh, vnder his Maiefteis protectioun, and being on his jornay, at Dumbertane, vpone the xxviij day of Marche laft, accumpanyed onlie with four feruandis, in peceable and quiet mauer, he tuik purpos to hald fordwart his jornaj^ that fame nycht efter fupper, be reflToun of the trublis quhilkis ar in that cuntrey, lijipynniug for nathing les than ony injurie or truble to haue bene intendit aganis him ; notwithftanding, it is of the treM'th, that Johnne Buchannane, &c. being aduertiiit of the faid Lard of Ardkinlas inten- tion to hald fordwart his jorney that nicht, thay affociat vnto thame felffis lindrie vtheris, brokin men and fugitives, to the number of tuentie-foir perfonis on horfe and fute, all bodin in feir of weir, with lang hagbuttis, jakkis, piftolettis and vtheris waponis invafiue, prohibite to be worne be the lawis of this realme and Actis of Parliament ; and lay in ambufliment in ane yaird, direct oppofite to the gait, quhairby the faid compleneris behuifit to pas, of fett purpos and prouifioun to haue murderit him in his by cuming : Lyk as, the laid vmq'" Duncane and ane vther of his feruandis, being gangand a litle befoir him, and the perfonis foirfaidis fuirlie beleving that ane of thame had beine the faid Lard of Ardking- las, thay difchairgeit ane dufane of harquebuittis at the faidis tua perfonis, and fchott the laid vmq''' Duncane in the heid with ane of the fame fchottis ; and thaireftir cuming furth of the yaird, finding the faid vmq'" Duncane not to be deid, and ftill beleving he had beine the faid Lard of Ardkinglas, thay fchame- fullie and barbaroufly maglit and flew him with fweirdis, and cuttit of his heid : 286 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1593. And then, perfaving thame felffis to be difapointit, thay fchairplie foUowit the faid Lai-d, fchott aucht or nyne hagbuittis at him, and had not failit lykwayis to haue flaine him, wer nocht be the Prouidence of God he efchaipit : Committing thairthrow maift fchamefull and barbarous Murthure, vpone fett piirpos and prouifioun, in hie and proud contemptioun of his Maieftie and his authoritie, and euil example of vtheris to do the lyke, giff this remane vnpunilFet.' (Apr. 15.) — Jolinne Lord Hammiltoun ordered to be denounced, for not pre- fenting Mr Patrik Hammiltoun, brother to George H. of Preftoun, Captane of the Caftell of Brody in Arrane, as bound by the laws and the ' Generall Band,' to prefent and enter him befoi-e the King and Council, ' to be jiunift for his de- merittis, i)roud contempt and rebellioun ;' and to have anfwei'ed to a Complaint made by Abacuch BilTett,' writer to the Signet, that on 23, 25 and 28 days of September, 1587, Mr Patrick was denounced rebel, for not appearing before the King and Council, ' tuicheing thair (Mr Patrick's and John H. fear of Preftoun, his brother's Ions) cruell jierfuit and invafioun of the faid complener, within St Geilis Kirk of Edinburgh, in tyme of Parliament, and mutilatioun and difinem- bering him of the haill fingeris of his left hand,' &c. ; and that ' I'en the tyme of his denunceatioun, he hes maift fchamefuUie and vnhoneftlie miirdreift and flane tua innocent men, to wit vmq'^ Dauid Stewart in Buit, and vmq'" Inglis, quha newer ofFendit him,' &c. ; ' befydis mony vther and odius vicked deidis committit be him, vpone his Maiefteis peceable fubiectis, and fpeeiallie, within the pairtis of Arrane, quhair he wes appointit Capitane of Brody, oppreffand fie as may not refift him, baith be fey and land, and takand ranlbmis and buiting' with wtheris his complices, that he houndit out to that effect ; behaving him felfF, in all refpectis, as gif he wer not fubiect to a fouerane lord and king,' &c. (Apr. 17, apud Edinburgh.) — James Cheyne of Straloch became cautioner for Patrik Cheyxe of Effilmonth, ' that he, be him felfF and all that he is obleift to anfweir for, be the lawis of this realme, fall behave thame felffis as dewtifull and obedient fubiectis' — and that thay fliall not ' tak pairt with George Erll of Huntlie, &c., nor na vtheris, Jefuitis,' &c., under the pain of 3000 merks. (Apr. 21.) — A number of ' Northland men' find caution under large fums, that thay fliall repair to the town of Dundee, upon the 24th day of April in- ' Habakkuk Bisset was clerk to Sir John Skene, Lord Clerk Register. He is the reputed author of ' Ane iliort Forme of Proces, prefently vied and obferved before the Lords of Couniell and Seflion,' appended to Skene's Scottish translation of the Regiam Majestatem, published in 1609. This work forms one of the articles in a scarce volume, entitled ' A Compilation of the Forms of Process in the Court of Session, during the earlier periods after its establishment ; with the variations which they have since undergone, and likewise some ancient tracts concerning the manner of proceeding in Baron Courts ; published by order of the Commissioners lately appointed by his Majesty for Enquiring into the Administration of Justice in Scotland.' 8vo. Edinburgh, 1809. ^ Free-booting ? Taking booty. 26Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 287 ftant, ' and thair, ather fatisfie the Generall Affemblie of the Kirkis, qiihilkis ar to be convenit thairin the fame day, in fie thingis as concernis the trew Religioun, &c. ; and retiirne ane Tellimoniall of the fame fatisfactioun, to his Maieftie and Lordis of Secreit Counfale, within thre dayis nixt thairefter ; or ellis, within the fame fpaice, fall returne and enter thair perfonis in waird, within the burgh of Edinburgh,' &c. Apr. 26.) — Proclamation, that ' fforfamekle as thair is ane Juftice Court proclamit and appointit to be haldin within the burgh of Hadingtoun, vpone the thrid day of Maij nixtocum, with continewatioiin of dayes, be certane noblemen, barrones and vtheris, to quhome his Maieftie hes gevin full power and Commif- fioun to call and convene befoir thame diuerfe perfonis, inhabitantis within the boundis of the flierefdonies of Bevwik, Lawderdaill and Edinburgh, within the Conftabularie of Hadingtoun, committaris of the faidis crymes and enormities, and to proceid and minifter juftice vpone thame,' &c. ' And that necelTar it is, that Commiffionaris be weill and fubftancionflie accumpaneit, with a force of his hienes guid fubiectis.' Therefore, that the ' Erllis, lordis, barronis, fewaris and frehalderis, duelland within the faidis bovmdis, alfweill to regalitie as ryaltie,' be charged to repair to Haddington ' weill bodin in feir of weir, and with ten dayis wictuallis and prouifioun.' Anent the Tryall and pvnisJiment of the Ressetaris and asslstaris of THE ErLI- BOTHUIL. (May 1, ajmd. Hariruidhous.) — Anent the Kingis Maiefteis Propofitioun to his nobilitie and baronis prefentlie conuenit, concerning the prefent difordouris ower all the realme, and contempt of his hienes authoritie ; and fpeciallie, how his perfoun micht be gairdit, and the rebellious contempt of Frances fumtyme Erll Bothuill his aflifteris and refettaris reprefit and puneffit ; it wes anfwerit, that the feruice and execution neceflar for that effect, behuiffit to be done, ather be a force of waigeit men, quhilk hardlie may be intertenit be ony vther moyen (to thair knowlege) nor be a generall taxatioun ; and that cannot be condifcend- it vnto, without the confent of all the Eftaittis convenit, the perfonis now pre- fent being vnable of thame felffis to refolue thairanent ; or then, the faid exe- cutioun behuved to be maid, be ane force of his hienes fubiectis, of all eftaittis, to be convenit perfonallie in amies, be Proclamatioun : Notwithftanding, that thair fall appeir na inlaik, in the det-bimd guidwill and readynes of the noble- men, barrones and counfale prefent, to do all that lyis in thair habilitie, alfweill for the faulfgaird and prefervatioun of his hienes perfoun, as for the repreffing of the faid fumtyme Erll his aflifteris and reflettaris, without ony excufe or de- lay ; thay offerit thame felffis reddy to remane and accumpany his Maieftie, and 288 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1593. to affift him with thair trew counfale, or to pas in fie pairtis as fould be fund expedient, for feircheing and repreliending of the avowit and knawin ofTendaris ; and thocht nieit, that vtheris quha ar fnfpect, foukl be eallit befoir his hienes and his Counfale, or his Juftice ; and baith the ane ibirt and the vther tryit and pvnif- fit, as thay fould be fund to haue merited ; with all vther perfounis knawin giltie, or fufpectit as offendouris aganis the trew Religioun, or in vtheris odius crymis ower all pairtis of the realme, and juftice to be miniftrat and execuit thairvpone with all pofTible expeditioun. Further, leing his hienes clemencie, heirtofore fchawin to the faidis Erllis affifteris and reffettaris, hes produicit la littill guid effect, hot be the contrair, hes bene fa contemptiouflie and ingraitlie abuilet ; after reffbning, quhidder it wer mair convenient to fchaw ony forder or lyk cle- mencie heirefter, or with feueritie to try and perfew the oftendouris, quhill the occafioun of the evill be takin away ; the noblemen, counfaill and barronis, Ijrefentlie declairit and concludit, that feueir juftice wes maift expedient to be vfit and executit in tyme cuming, fen his hienes former clemencie hes bein fa far abuifet : And lykas, thay haue maift humblie craved of his hienes, that the conclufionis fett doun be commoun confent in counfale, for the executiouu of the premifles, fall not be alterit nor brokin be ony thing, to be grantit or paft his Maiefteis hand, without the knawlege and aduife alfo of the Counfale fittand, at the imjiortune fuit of ony privat perfonis ; quhairvnto his hienes hes condifcendit and jn-omeilit :' Sa that the faidis noblemen, barronis, counfale and vtheris now prefent, or that fall iubfcriue this prefent Act heii'eftir, lyk- wayis faithfullie promifle vnto his Maieftie, that nane of thame fall heirefter fpeik or folift him in the fauour, or for Ipairing of ony perfonis that falbe thocht worthy to be tryit and pvniflit, for the cryme foirfaid, vnder the paine of his hienes repruif and indignatioun ; and to be eftemit be him as fauoraris and partakaris with the laid Erll, in all his treflbnable and vicked deidis ; as alfua, faithfullie promeiffit, not onlie to accumpany his Maieftie, as is befoir viTittin, fa lang and in fie nwmer as his hienes fall think necefiar, hot alfo to vfe thair panes, and do thair exact diligence in feircheing, apprehending, trying and punillieing of the faid Erll his ailiftaris, part-takeris and reffettaris, to the effect thay may fuffer according to thair demerittis ; and to leif na maner of guidwill and effectuall doing vnperformit, in this behalf, that thay wald vfe in thair particulair" deidlie feidis, aganis thair awin privat ennemies. Axu final- lie, the noblemen and vtheris prefent, being lliireffis or ordinar judgeis,^ pro- mittit the peii'ormance heirof, within thair awin boundis and jurildictionis ; as ' This Act of the Privy Council sliows, in a very strong light, liow apt the king was to give way to private solicitations, and to vacillate in all matters of importance, when his feelings were worked upon hy intriguing courtiers. * Proper, peculiar, personal. ' That is, such of thenn as were judges, &c. 26JAC-VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 289 thay will anfwer to God and his hienes thairvpone. In witnefs quhairof, his Majeftie and thay hes fubfcriuit thir prefentis with thair handis. (Sic fubfcribitur) JAMES R. Lennox. Argyle. Mortoun. Mar. Alex' L. Hume. R. L. Seytoun. M' of Glammis. James Lindsay. Melrose. Newbotle. Lincluden. J. Cokburne. Blantyre. R. CoKBURNE. Bass. S' Williame Keith. S' George Hwme. Traquhatr. Dunypace. George Hume of Weddeiburne. Alexander Hwme of Noitliberuick. (May 2.) — The Commendatair of Sanct Coljiis Inche, tutour of Mur- ray, ordained to be charged, that he in no wife ' cut doun, diftroy, mell and in- tromet with the wod of Doun in Menteith, qvihilk properlie appertenis to his Maieftie:' And the lieges to be charged, ' that nane of thame tak vpone hand to by {huy), blok or bargane with the faid Commendatare or any vtheris, anent the faid wod ;' under the penalty of paying double the value to his Majefty, and to be ' puneift as diftroyaris of policie,' &c. (May 3.) — On the complaint of Thomas Kirkpati-ik of Clofburne, ' that Edward Maxwell of Tynwald, Edward and Johnne his fonis, Johnne M. of Kirkconnell, Robert M. of Keltoun, Thomas and Robert his fonis, Johnne M. tutour of Aikinheid, &c. hes laitlie maid and fubfcryuit ane viilauchfuU Band and League, quhairin thay ar all bundin, fworne and obleift to manteine, defend and tak pairt, ilkane with vtheris, in quliatfumeviir thair actionis, in the law, or by the law ;' accounting the actioun and querrell of onie ane of thame to be eqiiall and commoun to thame all :' And that in terms of this league, they on April 3, with ' convocatioun of his hienes liegis, to the nwmer of tua hundreth perfonis or thairby, all bodin in feir of weir, with jakkis, fpeiris, hagbuttis, pif- tolettis, &c. come to the compleinaris 20 f. land of Rouch-Ile, of purpos violent- lie to haue intrufit Robert Greir thairintill ; quliilk thay had not failit to haue done, wer nocht the laid compleinar, being foirfeine of thair interpryfe, aflemblit certane of his freindis, to defens and mantenance of his awin polfeffioun.' Ha- ving failed to anfwer a charge to appear this day, they were ordered to be de- nounced rebels, and their goods efcheated, &c. {Kodem die.) — Robert Galbraith of Culcreuch, ' be the fpeciall counfale and devife' of George Buchannane of that Ilk, having purchafed a Commiffion of Jufticiary, for purfuit of the Clangregour, their refetters and affifters, with fire and fword, containing charges for convening the lieges to conciu* and affift him in its executioun ; ' quliilk Commiffioun the faid Robert hes not purcheft vpoun ane intentioun to attempt ony thing aganis the Clangregour, bot vndir cullour thairof to extend thair haitrent and malice againft Alexander Col- ' Whether in terms of the law, or in opposition to it. VOL. I. 2 O 290 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1593. HOUN (if Luss and Allan (Awlay) M^Caula of Ardincaple, tliair kin and freindis, witli all extreniitie ; and vndir cuUour of fercheing and feiking of the Clangregonr, to allege thair houfles and rais fjre thairin ; quliairof he hes al- reddy gevin a liiffident jJrufFe, be the convocating of the haiil name of Bnchan- nane, for the raaift parte in armes, (witli quhome the faid Allane flandis vndir deidlie feid.) and be quhais pouer and force he proceidis in all his actionis, &c. And albeit tliay ar na les willing to perlew the Clangregonr, with thair haill pouer and force nor {llniii) the faid Robert is, yit thai dar nocht ryfe and accumpany the faid Robert to that effect, for feir of thair lyveis ; in refpect of the deidlie feid Handing betuix the faid Alexander Colhoun of Lufs and the laid Robert, throu the llauchter of vmq'^ Donald McNeill MTarlane, houfliald feruand to the faid Robert, connnittit be the faid Alexanderis vmq'" bruthir ; quhilk feid yit ftandis betuix thair houffis vnreconfiliat, and the faid Laird of Culcreuch daylie awaittis all occafionis to revenge the fame ; and in refpect of the feid laitlie re- newit betuix the faid Laird of Ardincaple and the Buchannanis, with quhais pouer, counfale and force the laid Robert is aflilled, in executioun of the faid Commiffioun, vfing thair aduife and directioun in all thingis thairanent ; as al- fwa, in I'efpect of the grite grudge and haitrent Handing lykwayis betuix the faid Laird of Ardinca])le and the faid Robert, qulia haueing bereft his awin mo- der, qvihome the faid Laird of Ardincaple hes now maryt, of hir haill leving, he hes be ordour of law recouerit the fame furth of his hands ; for the quhilk cans, the faid Robert feikis to haue his advantage of him, hes gevin vp kindnes, and denunceit his euill-will to him with Iblempne vowis of revenge.' On complaint made, ' the Kingis Maieftie, with anile of the Lordis of his Secreit Counlale, in refpect of the euill will and inimitie Handing betuix the foirfaidis pairteis, thair kin and freindis, &c. ; and pairtlie, for the flauchtir of vmq'' Petir Colhoun, committit be Johnne Buchannane Shereff-depute to the faid Robert Galbraith, be vertew of a CommilTioun, as he allegeit, ExEMis {exempts) the faid Alexan- der Colquhoun and Allane Macaula, thair kin, &c. fra all ryfing, convening or affifling the faid Robert, in putting the faid Connniffioun to executioun ; and decernis the fame, in fa fer as it is extendit to the fercheing or feiking of the Clangregonr within thair houffis, to be fufpendit and difchargeit jimplkiter, in tyme cuming.' {Eodem d/c.) — Patrik Hepburn )•; of Richartoun, Thomas his bruthir, Ni- niane Huik his feruand and Williame Otterburne feruand to vmq"" Alex. O., were ordained to be denounced rebels, for coming, ' with Williame Anderforie, prcfentlic in the Tolbuith of Edinburgh in waird, and thair complices, all bodin in feir of weir, with jakkis, fteilbonettis, vpone the xj day of Februare laltbipaft, about ten houris at evin or thairby, vnder fdence and cloud of nycht, to the 26JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. , 291 toun of Babertoun, quliair vmq''^ Alexander Borthuik, lone to Adanie B. in Wefter Haillis, and vmq'° James B. thair freind and kynifman, wer Hand in the faid vmq'" Alexanderis hous, in thair beddis, dredand na evill, &c. ; the laid Patrik and his complices foirfaidis, maift crewallie and barberoullie rafit fyre in the houffis and chalmer qnhair the faidis vmq'" Alexander and James lay, and brunt the famin houflis and chahner, with certane vther houffis ad- jacent thairto ; of fett purpois and prouifioun to half bereft thame of thair lyves : And the faidis vmq'^ Alexander and James and thair famelie, for efchew- ing of the laid fyre, come furth of the faidis houffis, qnhair the faidis perfonis maift tyrannouflie fett vpone thame, hurt and woundit lindrie of thair fer- uandis, bairnis and wyffis, crewallie and vnmercyfullie murdreift and flew the faidis vmq'^ Alexander and James, as alfo hurt and woundit Margaret Hoig, fpous to the laid Alexander, quha is yit in grit danger of hir lyff ; commit- ting thairthrow ane maift hie cryme of Treflbuu aganis his Maieftie, to the great contempt of God, his hienes authoritie,' &c. (May 8.) — JoHNNE Lord Fleming ordained to be denounced rebel, for not appearing to find furety to ' compear before the Juftice on May xxj, under the pain of 10,000 pundis,' to underly the law ' for beiring, weiring and fchuitting with hagbuttis and piftolettis, and wounding of findrie his hienes fubjectis, vpone the . • day of Aprile laftbepaft.' {Eodem die.) — Robert Galbraith of Kilcrewch ordained to be denounced rebel, for not finding fecurity in terms of the General Band ; ' that he, be him felf, and all lie as he is obleift to anfwer for, Ibuld be anfwerable to juftice and fatisfie pairteis Ikaitbit, vnder the pane of 2000 pundis ; and forder, that thay fould not reffett, fupj)lie nor interconimoun with ony perfoun of the furnaine of Buchunnane, Mak^iegoiir nor Muhjarlane, quhilkis ar declairit fra his hienes lawis, or denunceit to the home for criminall cauffis ; nor furneife thame meit, di'ink, hous nor barbery,' &c. {Eodem die.) — The Commendataiu of Sanct Colmes Inche ordained to be denounced for not appearing perfonally, and for not prefenting Thomas Inglis his fervant, ' to liaue anluerit to fie thingis as fould haue bene inquirit of thame, tuicheing thair trelFounable reflett, fupplie and intercommouning with Fjjances fumtyme Erll Bothuile,' &c. (May 12.) — The Inhabitants of Kki. so, except Williame Lauder, having come in his Majefty's will for the treafonable relet, fiipplying and intercom- muning with ' Frances fumtyme Erll of Bothuill and his complices, at diuerfe and findrie tymes, fen the proces and dome of forfaltiu'e led aganis thame ;' they find fecurity that they Ihall ' fatisfie his Maiefteis will, in filuer, prouiding the fame his will exceid not the fowme of 2000 merkis money.' 292 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1593. (May 17.) — Alexander Levingtoun of Pantoflvane ordained to be de- nounced rebel, for not appearing to anfwer ' tuicheing liis treffounable reffett, fupplie and intercommoning' with the Earl of Bothwell and his accomplices, &c. {Eodem die.) — The King's Will towards the Inhauitants of Kelso was this day formally declared, viz. ' That the prefent haill Inhabitantes of the faid toun and tliair pofteritie falbe freelie pardonit and remittit, &c. ; and that thir prefentis be als fufficient for the furetie of thair lyves, landis and guidis, as giff the fame wes paft in forme of Remiffioun vnder the Grite Seill, with all folempuiteis requifite : And ficlyke, that the laidis perfonis fall mak payment to his Maiefteis thefaurar of the loiun of fevintene hundreth merkis money ; and forder, that thay fall find cautioun actit in the buikis of Seci'eit Counlall, that thay fall not reffett, fupple nor intercommoun with the faid fumtyme Erll nor his compliceis, furneis thame meit, drink, houfe nor barbery, nor haue intelli- gence with thame, priuatlie nor publictlie, in tyme cuming, vndir quhatfumemr cullour or pretence ; vnder the jiane of tua thoufand pundis.' (May 24.) — The Provoft, bailies, council and community of the Burgh of Perth make complaint, that notwithftanding their having fubmitted the ad- juftment of all differences between them and Robert Bruce of Clakmannane ' to certane of his awin freindis, well affected to the removing thairof, and to the Kingis Maieftie as owerlinan,' 3'et that ' Johnne Wilfone and Johnne Nevene, with certane vtheris honefl burgeffis and inhabitantes of the faid burgh, paffmg toward the cietie of S' Androfe to the mercat thairof, in quiet and peceable maner, laitlie, vpone the xxiij day of Aprile inflant, wer vnbefett at the cobill' of Rind, in thair hie way, be the faid Lai-d of Clakmannane, accumpanyit with nyne horfemen and futemen, bodin with hagbuttis, jakkis and vther airmour, and be thame maift cruellie and vnmercyfullie perfewit for thair bodelie harmes and llauchteris : Lykas, the faidis Johnne Wilfone and Johnne Nevene, being baitli hurt and woundit in diuerfe and iindrie pairtis of thair bodyis, to the ef- fufioun of thair bluid in grit quantitie ; the faid Lard and his complices maift fcharacfullie tirrit' thame baitli naikit, and in maift barberoiis and difdainefull maner fl^urgit thame with liorfe brydillis throw the touu of Abernethie, as gif thay had bene thevis or haynous malefactom'is, left the faid Johnne Nevene Hand thair for deid, and tuik the faid Johnne ^Vilfone, naikit, as captiue and prillbnner, away with thame, to quhat place the faidis compleinaris knawis nocht, nather ar certane quhidder he be deid or leavand ; vfurpand thairthrow vpone thame his hienes authoritie, to the manifeft and jn'oud contempt thairof, mifregaird of all law and juftice, and evill example of vtheris to commit the lyk barbaretie and infolence, vpone the guid and obedient fubiectis.' — The Laird ' Ferry-boat station, near the confluence of the rivers Earn and Tay. '■> Violently stripped. Fr. tirer. 26Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 293 was charged to appear before the King and Council to anfwer for his conduct, and failing, is ordained to be denounced rebel. ' Johnne Erll of Gowry Proveft of the faid brugh' appears to plead the caufe of the inhabitants of Perth. {Eodem die.) — Warrant is granted to ' Williame Ker of Cesfurd Wardane of the Middill Marche, and James DoA\'glas of Caveris Shereff of Roxburgh, and their deinxittis, to pas feirch, tak and ajiprehend Sill John'Ne Keu of Hirfell, kny', (quha being excommunicat and out fronie the ciunpany and focietie of the faithful!, as allua denunceit rebell, and put to the home of a lang tyme bigane, hes reraanit at the proces thairof fenfyne, as he dois yit, vnrelaxit ; and refoirt- and to and fra in the cuntrie, as gif he wer his henes fre fubiect; and continew- and in his filthie cryme of Adulterie, f u- the quhilk he wes excommunicat, &c.) quliaireuir he jnay be apprehendit within thair boundis and jurifdictioun ; and bring and prefent him befoir his Maieftie and Counlaill, or befoir his Juftice or his depuittis, to be puneift for his demerittis,' &c. (May 26.) — Alexander Lord Levingftoun and Williame L. fear of Kilfyth become fureties for Johnxe Loud J'lemyng, that he ' fall pas and enter his perfoun in waird, within the boundis of the fcherefdome of Striueling, within thre dayes nixt efter the dait heirof ; and remane and keip ward thairin, and not tranfcend the boundis thairof, ay and cxuhill he be fred be the Kingis Maieftie, with auife of his Counfale, vnder the pane of 10,000 pundis.' [Adfvu Bis/iop of Orkney, Alexanda- Commendator of Culros, Eduard Commendator of Khdoss, James Lord Lindserj, Adam Lord Vrquliart, Sir Robert MehiUe of Murdocarnj, hn', specially appointed by a Com- mission from Parliament.^ Creasoimfilc Coitepirafi? ngninst X\)t i^tits— 3inbasion of t\)t ^ala«s of ?l?olt)roaljl)oust auti jf aUtlanU, ^c, Jun. 1. — FkaKces liuntyme Erle Boihuile,' Gilbert Penniecuik, Johnne Rutherfurde of Hunthill elder, Thomas Rutherfurde of Hunthill younger, Symon Armcftrang younger of Quliithauch. Being fummoned, ' for certane crymes of Treafone and Lefemajeftie,' the Ad- vocate produced the fummons and executions, with Letters of Relaxation, Mar. 16, 1592-3, bearing Bothwell ' to be relaxit fra the procefs of Horning led aganis him.' (Jul. 16.) — The ' reafone and caus contenit in the fame fummondis' is found relevant ; and the Advocate declared, ' that he fuld vfe his probatioun with all expedition.' > See Acts of Pari. 1593, &c. 294 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1593. \^REGE ipso presente, cum omnibus regni sfatibus.} Persewaris, Mr Dauiil M'Gill and Mr Johnne Skene, Atluocatis to our fouerane lord. (Jul. 2L) — M"' David Makgill and Johnne Skene, Advocattis to cure fouerane lord, for verefeing- of the faid realbne contenit in the iliid Summondis of Tred'one rafit aganis the faid Frances funitynie Erll Bothuill, producit and repetit the Extract of the Foirfaltour, led and pronuncit befoir the Juftice and his deputtis, aganis the faid Frances funitynie Erll Bothuill, fubfcryuit be the Laird of Ornieiftoune Juftice Clerk, of the dait the xxv day of Junij the yeir of God 1591, Depofitionis of certane witnefles exaininat befoir the faidis Lordis of Articles in the faid mater ; the notorietie of the deid libellit ; and the cuniing of the defendaris in to the Palice of Halyruidhous and Falkland, the tymes libellit ; quhilk in niateris of hie Treffone fuld niak full probatioun ; and that the Lordis of Parliament, being the greit Affyis of the cuntrie, of the daly prac- tik ; quhatiumeuir perfonis dengis nocht, of certane knawlege, the perlbnis ac- cufit, he fylis thame : And the comnioun notorietie of this fact and treffone libellit, and contumacie of the defendar, is fufRcient to mak na man to clenge him : And was content the foirfaid procefs and Summondis of Treffone wer haldin condudit ; and defyrit the Eftatis to aduife tlie procefs and to pronunce thair Sentence of Parliament thairintill, according to the laidis probationis and thair confciences. And immediatlie thaireftir the laidis aduocattis exhibite and producit befoir the Kingis Maieftie and liaill Eftaitis, lyk as thai did dyuerfe tymes ofbefoir, the Summondis of Treflbne vndirwrittin, ratit and perfewit at the inftance of oure fouerane lord his hicnes Juftice, aganis Frances fumtyme Erll Bothuile, quhairby he was fummond to comjieir befoir our fouerane lord the thrid day of Aprile, fourfcoir threttene yeii'is inftant with continewatioun of dayis, to haue anfuerit to the poyntis of Treffone vndirwrittin, contenit in the faidis Summondis : Off the quhilkis Sunnuondis the tennour followis. Summons ov Treason affutusf Francis sometime Earl Bothwell and others. Jacobus, Dei gratia Rex Scotorum, dilcctis nodris Leoni Rcgi armorum, Hay, Albany, Rofs, Tlotlieiay, Snawdoun, Mercliciiiont, licrauldis ; Jolianni Fergudbne, Rol)erto Stewart, Alexandro Douglas ft Dau'uli IJrylibun, clauigcris ; Oniiond, Bute, Viiicorne, Canik, (igniferis ot ninu'iis, ac eorum cuilibet, coniunctim et di\iifiin, vicecoinitibus nollris in hac parte fpecialiter conftitutis : Salu- teni. Mandamus vobis et precipinnis quatemis funinioiicatis legittime et peremptorie coram teflibus, I'Vanli-iHum olim Cnmitem dc Botliuilc, (iilbcrtum Pennycuke, Jobaiinem Rutlicrfurde de Ihuitbill leniorem, Thomam Rutherfurdo do Iluntbili juniorem, Simoneni Armeftrang juniorem de Ciuhit- liauclio, Confpiratores, perpetratores et celatores criminum Lefe Maieftatis fubfeijuentiuni, perfona- litor, ii coniin pcrfonalcs prefeiitias commode habere poteritis, alioquiu apud loca eorum habitationum, vel ])er pid)licam proclamationem, apud cruces forales burgorum noftroruni de Edinl)urgl), Hadington, .ledburgli, aliaque loca necefiaria ; degentes vero leu exiftentes extra rcgnum nolhuin, leu certum nul- lum domicilium in codem liabentes, apud dictas cmces forales aliaque loca ueceliiuia, fuper premoni- 26Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 295 tione fexaginta dieruni, fie quod huiufmodi ruiniDonitio ad eoruiii aurcs et notitiam verefimilitcr preue- nire poterit ; quod coiupaioant coram nobis feu Jufticiario noltro priino die ineufis Juiiij proximo fequen. in noftro Parliameuto apud Ed' tertio die menfis Aprilis fequen. Tenen. hora caularum cum continuatione dierum, ad rerpondeiidura nobis nollroue Julliciario, in prefato Parliamento, liiper pro- ditorijs criminibus liililequentibus. In primis, dictos Icilicet Franfcili;uni olim Comitom de Hotlmile, &c. et eoruni quemlibet, pro fua proditoria arte, parte, confdio, in ipforum proditoria Coid'piratione, confultatione et conclullone horrendi facinoris contra nodrani lionorabilem perfonam ct vitani, per dic- tas perfonas commiff xxvii. die menfis Decembris, anno domini 159], fub noctis filenlio, in ipforum proditoria Invafione Palacii noftri de Halyruidlious, intrando ibidem cum adillantia, confortio et con- vocatione, aliarumque homicidarum, oppreflbrum, latronum ac Inijufmodi infolentum virorum arma- torum et a legibus noftris fugitiuoruni, et deliberate animo et certa inteutioue violentas manns in nof- trara regiam perfonam imponere, vt vitam noflram vel nefarie extinguerent vel nos captiuos fecum de- ducerent : Et ad hunc eftectum, prefati Confpiratores directe accefferunt ad nolham priuatuin condaue feu cubiculum, et ollijs ignem nefarie iniecerunt, doniefticos noltros prefenti vioienta uiorle niinitando objurgandoque, nifi ipfis declararent vbi nos effemus, nulla vnquam inquifitione per eos facta ob quam- cunque aliam perfonam nifi propter nofmet ipfos : Ac preterea, violenter cftVegenuit malleis, odia interioris cubiculi llegine noftre cliariiiime coniugis; atque demum, vbi parum fe promouille et ad illo- rum invifitatum fcelus ad propofitum nefandum peruenire non pofl'e, intellexerunt, in eorum regrefiii nondum fatisfacti, crudeliter et fine vlla mifericordiadumefticos et familiariffiinos noftros feruilores ob iioftram caufam interfecenint et jugulauerunt : Hinc manifeft.iflime crimen Siimme Proditionis contra nos, noftram vitam, authoritatem regiam et leges coramittendo. Secundo, prefatos Franfcifcum olim Comitem de Bothuile, &c. Et eorum quemlibet, pro fua proditoria arte, parte, auxilio et confiiio, in fua proditoria Confpiratione, confultatione et conclufione horrendi facinoris contra noftram lionorabilem perfonam et vitam per dictos Confpiratores commiff. xxviij die menfis Junij anno domini 1592, in ip- forum proditoria Invafione Palacij noftri de Falkland intra vicecomitatem iioftnim de Fyff, nobis ibidem intus pro tempore exiftentibus, accedendo ibidem cum afliftentia et concurfu lionficidarum op- preftbrum, latronum, declaratorum proditoruni et bujufmodi infolentium virorum arniatorum et a legi- bus noftris fugiliuoram, ex deliberate animo et certa intentione violentas manus in noftram regiam per- fonam imponere, vt vitam noftram vel nefaine extinguerent, vel nos captiuos fecum deducerent : Et ad hunc eft'ectum, predicti Confpiratores cum fuis fociis accoftl-runt ad pofticum dicti noftri Palacij, eja- culando tormenta ferea, et bujufmodi macbinas eneas violenter idem pofticum oppuguarunt, vt eo di- nipto, facilius ingi'efi". prefatam fuam coniurationem et horrendura facinus inceptum complerent: Hinc manifeftiiTime crimen Summeproditionis contra nos, noftram vitam, authoritatem regiam et leges coni- mittendo ; atque adeo, pro ipforum proditoria celatione et occultatione prefaie ('oniurationis, confulta- tione, conclufione et executione eiufdem. Tertio, comraemoratos Johannem Rutherfurde dom. de Hunthill fenioiem, et dom. juniorera, Simonem Armeftrang juniorem de Quhitliauche, ct eorum quem- libet, pro fua ]iroditoria receptione et auxilio preftito dicto Francifco olim coniiti de Botliuill ; et pro eorum proditoria aliifiantia, participationo et intercominunicatione cum prefato I'Yancifco et fuis com- plicibus, noftris proditoribus dedaratis, contra leges et ftatuta regni noftri ; idque in menfibus Aprilis, Maij, Junij, Julij, Augufti, Septembris, Januarij, Februarij, Marcij, anno domini 1592, et eorum quolibet refpectiuo, in locis deHuntliill, Jed, Hawik, LiddifdaiJl: Hinc manifelliftime crimen Proditionis contra nos, noftramque vitam, auctoritatem regiam et leges regni noftri committendo ; atque adeo, pro ipibnim proditoria celatione et occultatione predicts fue intercommunicationis, receptionis et auxilij fuprafpe- cificat. Quarto, prefatum Symonem Armeftrang, |)ro fua proditoria arte parte et confiiio in execu- dendo monetam adulterinam domi fue de Boyne in Liddifdiiill, in menfibus Aprilis, Maij, Junij, Julij, Auguftj, Septembris, Octobris, Novembris, Decembris, Januarij, Febi-uarij et Marcij, et quolibet eo- rum, anno domini 1591 : Hinc manifeftiflime crimen Summe Proditionis contra nos auctoritatem re- 296 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1593. giam et leges regni noftri committendo ; atque adeo, pro fua celatione et occulatione eiufdem. Ideo- QUE,fuprafcriptos Confpiratores ad videndum et audiendum fefe et eorum queralibet, refpectu preniif- forum, ciiinen Lefe Majeftatis incurrifle, per nos et trium regni noftri ftatuum decretum decerni et detlarari : et fuper predictis et alijs quanipluriinis rebelllonibus et tranfgi'effionibus et proditoriis cri- ininibus per prenominatas perlbnas, contra nos, regnum noftmm, auctoritatem regiam impie et nefarie perpetratis ; et dictis die et loco, cum continuatione dierum, proponendis et oltendendis ac juri paren- dum, et fuper liujufmodi iudieiuni nofti-uin et noftri Parlianienti, fecundum leges regni noftri exfpec- tandum et fubeuiidum, dictas viz.perfonas Confpiiatores, perpetratores et celatores criininum preceden- tiuin, ad videndum et audiendum lefe et eorem qucmlibet, intuitu premiflbrum, crimen Lefe Maiefta- tis incuiilfe, per nos et trium regni noftri ftatuum decretum decerni et declarari ; et propterea, ipforum bona, mobiiia et imniobilia, tam teras quam officia aliafque res ad eos fpcctantes, nobis confifcari et pro perpetuo nobifcum in proprietate remanere, perfonafque fuas penam proditionis et vltimi fupplicij a regni noftri legibus inflictum fubire ; et vberius in premiffis refpondendum et juri parenduni : Inti- mando fupradictis Confpiratoribus eonunque cuilibet, quod fiue dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum coniparuerint liue non, nos, dictufque noftri Julliciarius in premifiis, jufticia mediante, procede- mus et [jrocedet. Insuper citetis, &c.'*ad comparendum coram nobis noftroue Jufticiario dictis die et loco, cum continuatione dierum, ad perhibendum fidele teftimonium in caufa predicta, indorfatas ea- rundem latori reddatis ; et vos qui prefentes exeeuti fueritis fitis ibidem dictis die et loco coram nobis feu dicto noftro Juiticiario, portan. vobifcum fummonitionis veftre teftimonium in fcriptis pro premif- fis feu ipfos teftes : Ad quod faciendum vobis et veftrum cuilibet coniunctim et divifim vicecomitibns nortris in liac parte committimus poteftatem. Datum fub teftimonio noftri Magni figilli ApudEdin- Lurghe, vigefimo tertio die menfis Marcij, anno domini miilefimo quingentefimo nonageftmo fecundo, et regni noftri vigefimo fexto. Quliilkis Sunimondis, with the executionis and indorfationis thairof refpectiue foirfaid, being this inftant day red, in prefence of his Maieftie and haill Eftaitis of Parliament, firft in Latyne and fyne in Scottis, and the faid Frances fumtyme Erll Bothuile being oftymes crjjlit of new, at the Tolbuith window of the faid biu-gh of Edinburghe, to haue comperit and anfuerit to the faid Summondis and refTonis contenit thairin : And he nocht comi)erand to haue defendit in the laid mater and to liaue anfuerit to the faidis Summondis, the faidis aduocattis to his Maieftie, defyrit the I'aidis Eftaitis declaratioun, gif the reafones of the faidis Summondis wer relevant aganis the laid Erll Bothuile ; quliilkis Eftatis all in one voce fand the fame relevant aganis him. Thairfoir, the faidis aduocattis of new, for vei'efeing of the faid reflbnes contenit in the faid Summondis of Treffone, producit and repetit the extract of Forfaltour led befoir the Juftice and his de- puittis aganis the faid Frances fumtyme Erll Bothuill, Depofitionis of the faidis witnelfes, notorietie of the factis, and repetit the haill probationis repetit be him ofbefoir in the faid mater this inftant day, and defyrit the faidis Eftaitis of Parliament to aduife the Depofitionis of the faidis witnefles and vtheris proba- tionis, and to pronunce thair Sentence of Parliament thairintill, according to the famyn probationis and thair confciences : And thaireftir, the Depofitionis of the haill witnelfes execut to the death, and of the witnelfes examinat in pretence of the faidis Lordis of Articles, haill wreittis and probationis, being red, fene and 26JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 297 confidderit be the faidis haill Eftaitis of Parliament, in prefence of the Kingis Maieftie, and thay thairwith being lyiplie aduyfit, the faidis Lordis and Eftaitis of Parliament findis, decernis and declaris, that the faid Frances fmntyme Erll Bothuile lies committit and done oppin and manifeft TrefToun aganis cm- laid fouerane lord, in all pointis and articles contenit in the faid Summondis : And thairfoir it was gevin for dome, be the mouth of James Neifbit dempfter of Par- liament, in maner and forme as foUowis. Doom of Foki-eiture. This Court of Parliament fchawis for law, that the faid Frances fumtynie Ei-ll Bothuile hes committit and incurrit tlie crymes of Treffone and Lefe-Maieftie abonewrittin, in maner at lenth contenit in the ref- fonis of the faidis Summondis. And thaii-foir, decernis and declaris all his guidis moveable and vnmoveable, alfweill landis as offices and vtheris thingis quhat- fumeuir belangand vnto him, to be confilcat to our fouerane lord, and to remane perpetuallie with his hienes in propirtie, in tyme cunuuing ; and his peribun to vnderly the pane of TrelTone, and vtter pvnifliement appointit be the lawis of this realme. And this I gif for dome. (Jun. 21.) — James Gray, lone to Patrik Lord Gray, ordained to be denoun- ced rebel, for not appearing this day, to have anfwered ' vpoun his contemptu- ous reviffing and taking be force and violence of Katherene Carnegy, dochter to Johnne Carnegy of that Ilk, furth of the hous of Robert Joufly merchand in Edinburgh, and carying of hir away and keiping hir cajitiue aganis hir will ; committit vpoun the tent day of Junii inftant ; and als to have exhibite and prefentit the faid Katherene the faid day, &c. to be putt to libertie,' &c. {Eodcm die.)— Scum James Johnnestoun of Dunfkellie knicht, ordained to be denoimced rebel, for not appearing to have anlwered * to fie thingis as fould haue bene inquirit of him at his cuming, tuicheing his trelTonnable bi'eking of warde furth the Caltell of Edinbui-gh,' &c. {Eodem die.) — George Smollett burges of Dunbartane, ordained to be de- nounced rebel, for not appearing to anfwer certain charges at the inftance of the Provofts, bailies and community of the burghs of Glasgow and Renfrew, in regard that the faid George had, ' vpoun fum finifter and wrang informa- tioun maid to his hienes, laitlie purcheft ane priuey Letter or Commifiioun vn- dir his hienes fubfci*ii)tioun and fignet allanerlie, without auife of Counlale, tryale, cognitioun, or ony vthir proces preceding ; vnder cuUour quhairof, haueing af- fociate vnto him felff certane debollieit men and vagaboundis, he not only maif- terfullie and perforce opprelTes and revis the guidis and beftiall, dething and vtheris wairis, brocht be the Inhabitantis of the His and vthiris pairtis of the Hielandis to the faid biuTowis, baith be fey and land ; hot takis, apprehendis and imprefonis thair perfonis, and fumtymes perlewis thame felffis be way of deid : vol. I. 2 P 298 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1593. Quhairvpoim, the cheiff perfonis and vtheris inliabitantis of the faidis Hielandis, hes confauit lie haitrent and malice aganis the faidis complenaris, in particulair, as gif thay wer authonris and allowai'is of this forme of doing, that thay haue denunceit thair inimitie and ewill will to thame, takin alreddy fum of thair nichtboviris prifonairis, intromettit with thair guidis, and avoMdt to vfe all kynd of rigour and extremitie aganis thame ; quhairby, not onlie ar thay liklie to be defraudit and dilapointit of that mutuall interchange quhilk hes bene had amangis thame, to the commoun benefeit of the haill inliabitantis of the Lau- landis and iii-ciintrey, hot be tyme, Ciuile weir is lyklie to follow, to the brek of the peax, and bringing on of mony inconvenientis, giff tymous remeid be nocht prouidit.' The King and Privy Council likewise difcharged the Commiffion, and decerned the fame to ceafe. (Jun. 25.) — JoHNNE LoED HAJrMiLTOUN gets a fufpenfion of Letters raifed at the iuftance of Abacuch Bilfett,' ' becaus the faid Lord hes found cautioun, that he fall remove, expell and hald the faid Mr Patrik Hammiltoun furth of his landis, rowmes, pofTeffionis and bailliereis, during the tyme of his rebellioun, conforme to the Generall Band, vndir the pane of 1000 inerkis.' (Jun. 28.) — Thomas Kirkpatrik of Clofburne, his kin, friends, &c. exempt- ed from the jurifdiction of ' Wardanerie and Jufticiarie of Johnne Lord Max- uell, and fra all ryfing, convening or accumpanying of him or his deputis, to ony dayis of trew heii-eftir :" ' Becaufe it is of veritie, as it is notour, that the faid Lord and the faid compleiiair (Clofeburn), thair kin and freindis, prefentlie ftandis vndir terines of vnfreindfchip and inimitie ; and kyndnes and freindfchip is gevin vp betuix thame, infafer as not onlie lies the faid Lord tane vpone him the patrociuie and defens of all the faid complenaris vnfreindis, bot alfwa, be all indirect meanis, hes huiitit for his lyffe, and daylie awaittis the occalioun to bereve the faid complenair of his lyfTe ; as namelie, vpoun the thrid day of Aprile laft, the faid Lord conuocat and affemblit togidder of his kin and freind- fchip, the noumer of tua hundreth perfonis or thairby, and directit thame to the faid complenaris landis of Rouch He, to haue difpofleft him thairfra, vpoun in- teutioun alwayes, gif the faid complenair had cum to relifl thame, to haive bereft him of his lyffe ; and fenfyne, Thomas Greir of Barjarge and Gilbert Greir of Drum, men tennentis and feruandis to the faid Lord, Avith conuocatioun of vtheris his freindis and feruandis, to the noumer of foiirefcoir perfonis or thair- by, bodin in feir of weir, off the faid Lordis fpeciall cauling, &c. come to Bar- dannauch, being within the fchoit of ane hacquebute to the complenaris landis of Rough He, and difchargeit ane grite noumer of hacquebutis and piftolettis at ' See Apr. 12, 1593. 26JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 299 him and his feruandis, and had not faillit to haue flane him, wer nocht he wes the bettir accumpanyit for the tyme : Lykas, vpoun the laft day of Aprile, the faid complenair haueing directit certane of his freindis and feruandis to the burgh of Drumfreis, for findrie his effearis, the faid Lord, vpoun aduei-tifnient thairof, directit xxiiij of his men and feruandis, qulia fei'cheit and focht the faid coniplenaris feruandis throw all pairtis of the faid burgh, quliair thay wer accuf- tumat to hant and repair, floggit beddis, and had not faillit to haue flane his feruandis, gif thay had bene apjirehendit ; and at that fame tyme thay crueUie hurte Johnne M'Mudie, feruand to the Gudeman of Kerfe, the faid coniplenaris coufing. In refpect quhairof, the faidis coniplenaris dar nocht ryfe, convene nor accumpany the faid Lord, vnles thay wald niak conuocatioun of thair haill kin and freindfchip, qnhairvpoun fum grite inconuenientis will not faill to fall oute, without remeid be prouydit.' — Lord Maxwell, though charged, failed to appear before the Council ; but Clofebm*n ' comperit be Roger Kirkpatrik his bruthir.' (Jul. 5.) — ScHiR Archibald Stirling of Keir, Matheu Colhoun his fer- uand, James Kinros feuar of Kippanros, and George Musfliett of Tolgarth, were ordained to be denounced rebels, for failing to have appeared and anfwered ' twicheing the flauchter of vniq'*' Williame Sinclair of Galduadmoir, Eduard and George Sinclairis his fonis, committit vpoun the thrid day of Junij laft.' (Jul. 7-) — An Act anent the weiring of Hacquebutis and piftoUettis is pafled. It is ftated that the former ordinances had been difi-egarded, ' quliairthrow vile murthouris and frequent flauchteris lies not onlie bene committit within Kirkis and vthiris placeis, ower aU pairtis of this realme, hot evin within the burgh of Edinbui'gh and fuburbis thairof, eweft to his hienes Palace and place of refi- dence, to the grite hafaird of his awine perfone,' &c. It then ftates various modes by which noblemen and others were drawn into ftreet brawls and ' deid- lie feidis' by fwaggering and turbulent perfons, ' quliilkis wickit and vnliappy fpirittis lykwayes ceiflis not to make and tell lefingis betuix his hienes, his no- bilitie and gude fubiectis, be previe or oppin fpeichis, and fumtymes be famous libelles and rynies difjjerfit or affixt, alwayes of myiid to faw and fofter difcord and difleufion,' &c. Command is therefore given to the Provoft and bailies of Edinburgh and fuburbs, and their officers ' the Capitane of his hienes Gaird, officiaris and Archearis of the fame, and vtlieris appointit for gaird during the tyme of this jn-efent Parliament, the Maifter of his hienes Palice, and portair of the fame, and all thair deputis, to ferche and feik for all hacquebutis and pif- tolettis borne, woi'ne or fchoitt within his hienes Palice or vtheris place of refi- dence, or in the bm'gh of Edinburgh or fuburbis thairof, and to take and intro- mett with the fame, and to efcheate the fame to the behuif of the apprehendaris ; 300 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1593. and convoy the perfonis of the beararis, weiraris and fchuittaris to his hienes warde and prefoun,' &c. Deletioun of Wiixiame GoTiDOUN of Auchindore furth of the Summondis of Fo\rf(dtoi(r. (Jul. 21.) — Comperit perfonallie, Mr Jolinne Skene, aduocatt to our Ibuerane lord, and producit ane writting fubfcrjaiit be his Maiellie ;' oiF the quhilk the tennour followis. 'Rex, ' Mr Dauiil IVrGill and Mi- Jolinne Skene, our ordiner Aduocattis, We greit 50W vveill : Forfamekle as We vndpiftand, be veray credible narration maid to ws, that Williame Gordoun of Aucliindore is altogidder innocent of the crynies ft'or the quhilkis he is atteichit to be foirfalt, in this our Parliament, contenit in the Summondis of Treaffone direct furth aganis him and certane vtheris thairanent : Quhairfoir, it is oure will, and We expreflie command 50W and ather of jow, that with all guidlie di- ligence ye obliterat and deleit the faid Williame Gordoun, name and furename, with his ftyle, furth of the faidis Summondis and executionis thairof, I'ua that na kynd of procefs be led aganis him at the faid Parliament, for ony cryme contenit tliairin. And tliir prefentis falbe fufficient warrand to 30W. Subfcriuit with our hand at Haliruidhous, the xvj day of Julij, and of our regnne the xxvj jeir, 1593. ' Sic fubfcribitur, JAMES R.' According to the quhilk writting, and for obedience of the famyn, the faid Mr Jolinne Skene as aduocat to our fouerane lord, and in his hienes prefence and eftattis foirfaidis, defyrit the Clerk of regifter and his depuittis to deleit the faid Williame Gordoun furth of the Summondis of TrefTone and Lele-maieftie per- lewit be his hienes aganis the faid Williame Gordoun of Auchindore and certain his complices, ffor the alleagit airt, i)airt, counfaill and affiftance, in the BiRN- ING of the Houssis aud Place of DuMybiisseU, committit vpoun the I'evint day of Februar PV Ixxxxj yeris, and cniell Murfhui-'uig aud Slaying o/" James, Erll of Murray thairin : Qidia at command of his hienes lettre, prefentlie in jugement, obliterat and delitit the faid Williame Gordoun of Auchindoris name, furname and ftile, furth of the bodie of the laid Summondis of Treflbne and executionis tliairof. Quhair\poun Mr Jolinne Demfter, aduocat, in name and behalf of the faid Williame Gordoun, alkit inflrumentis. (Jul. 21.) — The quhilk day, in prefence of the Kingis Maieftie and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament," comperit Jolinne Leflie of Balquhane, and producit the offeris vnderwrittin, for the pairt of Williame Erll of Angus, George Erll of Huntlie, Francis Erll of ErroU, Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, kny', and Schir James Chifliolme of Dimdurne, knicht, perfonis dilatit and fulpectit of the crymes of Lefemajeltie ; off the quhilkis offeris, the tennoui* followis. ' See Acta Pari. a.d. 1593, fol. 15, &c. ; see also March 9, 1592-3. ' Ibid. 26Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 301 Offerris presentit to the E.stait'm, he the Laird of Balquhane, in name of the Erllis 6i/" Angus, Huntlie and Erroll, and vtheris. In the ffirft, flforfamekle as the faidis perfonis ar Indytit and accufit of Lefe- majeftie, for confulting and concluding for the inbringing of ftrangearis and fubuerfioun of the Religioun, at lenth contenit in J)air Summondis of Foir- faltrie, gif it will pleis 30111- Maieftie and Eftaitis, to felect and cheis certane ather of 30ur Maiefties Counfaill or Parliament, to intreat and coinmoun, ather with the faidis perfonis thame lelffis or thair freindis, thay fall nocht onlie de- clair and niak notifiit thair innocence, and fchaw thair guid will and obe- dience to 3our Maieftie and cuntrie ; bot alfo, thay neuir meanit nor attempt- it, nather directlie nor indirectlie, contrair 30ur Maiefties perfoune, ftait of Jje cunti-ie, nor Religioim publictlie proffeffit thairintill. Item, efter the triall of J)air innocence, to tak away all occafioun of fufpitioune, the faidis perfonis offeris for continwance of thair dewtifuU feruice vnto 30ur Maieftie in tyme cvming, that thay fall neuir traffique nor haue intelligence with ony forreyne natioun or Prince, in hurt or jireiudice of 30ur Maiefties perfoun, eftait, com- moun Weill and Religioune, bot to follow 30ur Maieftie in all tyme cuming, as 30ur maift obedient and humble fubiectis, aganis quhatfumeuir 3our Maiefties vnfreindis : And fecuritie to be maid in fie fufficient forme as falbe tliocht ex- pedient. Item, 3our Maieftie being fatisfiit, for removing of all kynd of fldander and euile confauit opinioune be the Kirk aganis the faidis perfonis, thay ar con- tent, efter commoning had with certane Miniftrie, to be depute be your Maieftie and Kii'k to that effect, incace Jjai, efter reffoning, may be throuchlie relFoluit, nocht onlie to fatisfie the Kirk for ony flclander, bot alfo concerning the haill heidis and Articles of Religiovme ; vtherwayis, gif jjai can nocht be throuchlie re- foluit, thay are content to depairt furth of the countrie, thair to remane during 30U1' Maiefties plefour, or ay and quliill thay fatisfie the Kirk in the premiffis : And to that effect, and incaife foirfaid, maift humbly cravis 30ur Maiefties licence. And in the meantyme, for 3our Maieftie and Kirkis better fatisfactioune, the faidis perfonis fall remove out of thair cumpany all fufpect perfonis of Religioun. Quhilkis being red, hard and conliderit be J)e faidis Eftaitis, and thairwith being adwyfit, the foirfaidis Eftaitis, for thair advife to his Maieftie thairanent, fEndis it melt and expedient, incace the faidis noble men and vtheris foirfaidis, conforme nocht thame felffis vnto his Maieftie and his lawis, prefentlie efta- blifchit within this cuntrie, anent the Religioun profefTit within the fame, that his hienes grant thame Licence, vpoun thair humble fute, to be maid to that ef- fect, to pas furth of the cuntrie, vpoun fie conditionis, and to fie vnfufpect places, as his hienes and his Counfaill fall prefcriue and appoint : And incaife thay will nather conforme thame felffis, as faid is, vnto his hienes and to the Religioun pre- 302 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1593. fentlie profeffit, nather yit will pas furth of the countrie, conforme to the direc- tionis to be gevin to tharae ; that his Maieftie and his faid Counfaill tak ordour thairwith, as thay think maift meit for quieting of the cuntrie and Eftait of Re- Ugioun. And in the meantyme, that thai remane vnder the Proces and Sum- mondis of Foirfaltonr, execut aganis thame in this prefent Parliament, quhill furder iirobatioun may be had and gottin of the crymes of Treffone and Lefe- majeftie libellit aganis thame thairintill.' (Jul. 26.) — An Act is paffed ' in fauouris of the Erll Bothuill and his comjjliceis,' viz. Dame Margaret Douglas Countefle of Bothuill/ James Douglas of Spott, &c. Proclamation is ordered to be made, charging ' all his hienes liegis, that nane of thame tak vpoun hand to flas hame to thair awne duelling houffis, with- in xxiiij houris.' A free Pardon and Remiffion granted to thofe obeying — ' thame that refuiffis to accei)t his hienes grace and fauour, now quhen it is ofFer- it, and dois in the conti'air heirof, falbe alfwa perfewit as tratoiu'is and Confpi- ratouris aganis his Maieftie and his authoritie, with the lyke rigour and extre- mitie, without fauour.' (Ai)r. 2.) — Proclamation for the ' Erllis, lordis, &c., of the Sherefdome of Perth and Steuartreis of Stratharne and Menteith,' &c., that they, ' weill bodin in feir of weir, with aucht dayis victuallis, addres thame felffis to meitt his Maieftie, his Lieutennent, or vtheris haueand his hienes pouer and Comuiiffioun, at the burgh of Stirling, vijone the fyft day of Aj^rile inftant, for perfute and withftanding of the faidis declairit tratouz'is,' &c. (Apr. 9.) — Proclamation to pass to the North, along with ' his hienes in propir perfoun, for perfute, refifting and rejirefling of the cheiff authouris of the treffounable Confpiraceis diuifit and maid aganis God, his treu Religioun, jire- fentlie profeffit,' &c. The ' Erllis, baronis,' &c. of the flieriffdoms of Fife, Kin- rofs, Perth be-north the water of Erne, Forfar, Kincardine, to meet at Dundee on 29th April ; Aberdeen, Banff, Elgin, Fores, Nairn, Invernefs and Cromarty, to meet at Aberdeen on 2d May ; ' alfweill regalitie as ryaltie, togidder Avith the in- habitantis of biuTowis, weill bodin in feir of weir, with xxx dayis iwouifioun,' &c. (Apr.l3, apud Brunt-Iland.) — Proclamation againft 'Capitane George Strang, Capitane Robert Meluill, Mr Jerome Lindfay, fone to Mr Dauid L. Minifter, Mr Johnne Murray, Dauid Orme of Mugdrum, Mr Allane Orme and Orme his bruthir, Robert Douglas, fone uaturall to Schir George D., and Patrik Clapene, bruthir to the Laird of Carflogy, his Maiefteis vnnaturall and dilbbedient fubiectis, fugitiue fra his hienes lawis, for thair trefTouuable af- fifting, intercommuning, &c., with Frances fumtyme Erll Bothuill, and vtheris his compliceis, his Maiefteis declairit traitouris, in thair treflbunable and wicked deidis ; and fum of thame for rafmg bandis of men of weir ; and vtheris for reflauing of wageis and entering vnder the charge and commandiment of thame and vthiris Capitanes and Commandaris, for feruing of the faidis tra- 310 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. touris aganis his Maieftie,' &c. The lieges are therefore difcharged from fur- nifliing them with ' meit, houfe nor harbory/ &c. {Eodem die.) — The Magiftrates of the ' Townis off the coift-fyde,' find caution to appear before the King and Council, ' to anluer to fie thingis as falbe inquirit of thame. concerning thair affiftance, arte, pairt-taking, intercommoning or haue- ing intelligence with FraXCES lumtyme Eull Bothuii,l,' &c., viz. ' The Magiftrates of KiRKALDY, luider the pane of 2000 merkis ; KiNGHcniNE, 1000 merkis ; Dysart, 2000 pmidis ; Pittinweyme, 1000 merkis ; Carkaill, 500 pundis; Sanct Androis, 2000 merkis ; Axstruther, 1000 pundis ; and CouPAiR, 500 merkis. (Apr. 23, apiid Edinhurgh.) — Thomas Mertoun of Cammo, and Williame M. younger of Cammo, become fecurity for Henry Lord Sinclair, that he, his kin, tenants, &c., fliall oblerve peace, quietuefs and good rule in the country ; and in no wife invade, trouble nor purfue Dauid Wemys of that Ilk, Johnne his fon, their kin, tenants, &c. ; under the pain of 10,000 merks. (Apr. 26.) — Johnne Erll of Athoill to be denounced rebel, for not ap- pearing to anfwer concerning his dealing and practizing with Bothwell, &c. (Apr. 29.) — Proclamation, for the lieges to be in readinefs to repair to his Majefty, upon fix days' warning. (May 2.) — Anuro Lord Steuart of Vchiltrie ordained to be denounced rebel, for not ajipearing to anfwer ' tuicheing his treflbunable attemptattis, con- fpirit, practizit and putt in executioun aganis his Maiefteis perfone and efl;ate.' Cvrasonalilt) Conspiiins anti Crnflirluug: atjainst tije -pvottstant ItUliflion, ^^c— ' CIjc ^panislj BlauRs/ (Jim. 8.) — Williame Erll of Angus, George Eull of Huntlie, FjiANCFs Erll of Erroi.l and Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, kn'.^ The quhilk day, Mr Dauid WG\\\ of Cranftoun-Riddell and I\Ir Johnne Skene, aduocattis to our Ibuerane lord, producit, in prefence of the Kingis Ma- ieftie and Eftaitis, lyk as thay did djaierfe tymes ofbefoir, the Summondis of Trefibne, rafit and perfewit at the inftance of our faid fouerane lord and his hienes Juftice, aganis the I'aidis Williame Erll of Angus, George Erll of Huntlie, Frances Erll of Erroll and Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun knicht ; quhair- by thay wer fummond to haue comperit befoir oiu- faid fouerane lord, and his hienes Juftice, the xviij day of ]\Iaij laftbypaft, M'ith continwatioun of dayes, to haue anfuerit to the crymes and pointis of Treflbne and Lefemajeftie contenit in the faidis fummondis : The quhilk fummondis, reflbnis and cauffis thairin - - 'See Acta Pari. 1592-3, p. 283. 27JAC.VL CRIMINAL TRIALS. 311 contenit, being firft red, in prefens of the Kingis Maieftie, and in prefens of the Lordis of Articles, thay fand the fame funimondis relevant. And tliaireftir, this inftant day, the fame Summondis of Trelfone being red in prefens of the Kingis Maieftie and haill Eftaitis ; and the faidis thre Erllis and Laird of Auchindoun being thryfe callit at tlie Tolbuith windo, and nane of thame comperand ; the faidis haill Eftaitis ffand the faidis fmnmondis relevant ; and thairfoir, thay ad- mittit the fame to the faidis aduocattis probatioiin. And immediatlie tliaireftir, the faidis aduocattis, for preving of the faidis Svmimondis of Treflbne aganis the faidis [Erllis] and Lard of Auchindoun, producit, in prefence of the Kingis Maieftie and haill Eftaitis, the Pkobationis following ; lyk as, thay in-oducit the famyn probationis of befoir to the faidis Lordis of Articles, vpoun the firft day of the moneth of Junij inftant. In the first, thai producit Aucht Blankis, in jjaper ; tua thairof fubfcryuit be the faid Erll of Angus allanerlie ; vther tua be the laid Erll of Huntlie allanerlie ; vther tua fubfcr}T.iit be the laid Erll of Erroll allanerlie ; and vther tua be the faidis thre Erllis and Laird of Auchin- doun ; all fend to Spayne. Quhilkis blankis hes na defignatioun on the bak, nor declaratioun of the caufes for the quhilk thai wer fend, hot blank and quheit paper on baith the fydis, except the faid fubfcriptionis. — Item, thai produce dyuerfe and findrie feillis of the faidis Erllis, imprentit in paper, lend with Mr George Ker to Sj^ayne ; to the effect vtheris feillis miclit be maid thair conforme to the famyn, to feill the faidis blankis, efter thai I'uld be fillit. Thay produce dyuerfe and findrie Depofitiouis of Mr George Ker, fubfcryuit with his awin hand ; with ane Mifliue Lettre, writtin and fubfcryuit be him, vncompellit or coactit, hot of his awin frie will to the Kingis Maieftie ; be the quhilk Uepofi- tionis and Lettre, the haill treflbnable Trafficquing aganis the Religioun, the King, his eftait and realme, is willinglie confeffit and planelie declarit ; and the treffonabill end and effect for the quhilk the faidis blanliis and feillis wer fend, is maid manifeft, viz. that thai wer fend to be fillit vp be the Counfaill of Spayne, and Mr Williame Creichtoun Jefuite, with fic forme and fecuritie as thai fuld deuyfe, anent the fending in Scotland of monie, for lifting of men of weir and of Threttie Thowfand Span3eardis to cum in this cuntrie, and land in the waft pairtis thairof; quhairof Fyve Thoufand fuld haiie remanit in this cuntrie, and beand couiunct'with the faidis Erllis, fuld alter the Religioun and eftait of this cuntrie. — Itejni, for preving the premilTes, thay produce certane De])ofitionis, fubfcryuit be vmq''' Dauid Grahame of Fintrie ; conforme in all thingis to the Depofitiounis of the faid Mr George Ker. — Iteji, thai produce the Dome of Foirfaltour gevin and pronuncit aganis the faid vmq'^ Lard of Fintrie, contenand his Depofitiounis and Dittay ; quhilkis ar conforme in all pointis to the faid firft reffone of the fummondis, and expreflie verrifies and pre- 312 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. vis the famyn : The quhilkis TrefTone the faid Laird of Fintrie confeffit in juge- ment, and neuir revoikit the fame, hot 3eid (went) to the death thairwith, and wes juftifiet and execute thairfoir. — Item, thay produce findrie Lettres writtin be Mr James Gordoun, vnder ane fen3eit name of James Cryftefoun : And fic- lyk, ane Lettre writtin be Mr Robert Al^ercrummy, Jefuite, having ane fen3eit fubfcriptioun of Robert Sandielbun : And ane Lettre writtin and fubfcryuit be the faid vniq'"' Laird of Fintrie, havand ane fen5eit name of Dauid Forrefler : Quhilkis Lettres planelie previs, conforme to the premiflTes, the haill TrefTone libellit. — Item, thay produce Lettres writtin be Mr James Gordoun, in fauouris and commendatioun of Mr George Ker, writtin to fmdrie perfonis in S2)an3ie, to preif, that he was purpofit to pas to Spaine with the laidis blankis : Togidder with tua Obh'gatiounis, fubfcrjoiit be the faidis Mr James and Robert, in the quhilk thay confefs the fen3eing and mutatioun of thair awin names, quhilk lyk- wayis may be eafelie provin j)er comparationem litcrarum, and be infpectioun of the faidis Obligatiounis, that Sandefoun is Abircrummy, and Cryftefoun is Gor- domi : And as to the fen3eit name of the faid vmq'" Laird of Fintrie, calland him felfF Dauid Forrefl;er, he confeffit the fame fals fubfcriptioun and name to be his awin hand-write and name, in his Depofitiounis, 20th Januar 1592 ; the quhilk lykwyis is provin, j)^>' comparationem literarum, be the fubfcrijitioun of the Depofitionis, and ane Lettre writtin and fubfcrjaiit with his awin hand, heir- with producit ; quhilk Lettre is direct to the Kingis Maieftie, and is rejietit in viodum probafionis of the faid libell. — Item, thai produce Lettres of Incident Diligence, quhairby the faidis Erllis, and Laird of Auchindoun, and Mr James Gordoun, and Mr Robert Abircrummy. ar fummond to this Parliament, to heir and fie the lubfcriptionis of the faidis Blankis, and fen3eit fubfcriptionis, and feillis foirfaid, to be thair awin ; and being recognofcit, to preif aganis thame ; and to heir and fie all vther probatioun vfit, led and deducit aganis thame, as accordis of law : And repeitis the Depofitionis of witneffes, in quantum, and the notorietie of thair fubfcriiitionis and hand-write. — Item, becaus Mr George Ker and vniq'" Lard of Finti-ie, Mr James Gordoun and Mr Robert Abircrummy, wer Traffiquing Papiftes, trattouris and participantis of the Trelfone libellit, lyk as thai ar 3it, (except the faid Laird of Fintrie, qulia wes execute for the fame,) and thairfoir, it may be objectit that thair Depofitionis fall mak na faith in this caufe, the faidis aduocattis producis ane Interloquittour of the Lordis of the Seffioun, fubfcryuit be the Clerk of Regifter, ffindand thir infame perfonis, minoris, or perfonis beand fellowis or compan3ionis in the fame cryme, may be witneftes in the cauffes of Treflbne and herefie ; quhilk Interloquitour wes pro- ducit and practizit in the accufatioun of vmq'^ Ewfanie M'Cal3eane. — Item, thai produce the Sentence of Excommwnicatioun aganis the perfonis accufit, and 27JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 313 alfo contrail- Mr James Gordouii, vmq" Dauid Grahanie of Fintrie. — Iteia:, it is of veritie, that the King and thre Eftaitis of this reahne, in criiuinall cans, hes jurifdictioun and pouer of ane greit Affife, and may juge and decyde all crymes, conforme to thair confciences, and vehement preliimptionis, conjectures and pro- babilities, quliilk may be collectit and gatherit in the caufes ; and Ipeciallie, in the cryme of Treffone ; as is manifeft in the writtin law of this realme, callit Regiam Maieftatem, lib. 4. cap. 1. And the taidis aduocattis repetis, in forme of probationn, the notorietie of the crymes libellit, and that of the law snjficit allegare noforium sed non probare, and the i)nblict voce and fame, quhilk is ane vehement prol)atioun in criniinihus chntdetiliiiis, and namelie, in the cryme of Tredbne and Lefemaieftie, with the notorietie of the TreHbne, and of the traf- fiquing libellit, committit be the perfonis accufit at the Brig of Die, the yeir of God 1589 yeiris ; ffor the quhilk, findrie of thame cum in his JNIaiefteis will for the famyn ; quhilk is ane Confeffioun of the cryme. — Item, tha}' repetit and producis ane Catologue of fals and fen5eit names of certane Jefuittes and traf- fiquing Pajiiftes, contening alio certane fen3eit names of the faidis Erllis, qulia all did fen5ie thair names, to the effect thai micht the mair furelie and quietlie vfe the treironabill traffique libellit. — Item, thay produce and repeittis, that tlie faidis Erllis and Laird of Auchindoun, being fulpect of TreiTone, and chargit to enter in ward, conforme to the Act of Parliament maid be King James the Se- cund, difobeyit the fame ; and thairby hes incurrit the pane of Treflbne, be ref- fone of thair contumacie ; becaus of the law, he that is contumax may be con- dampiiit, for his contumacie caulTes him be eflemit as prefent, and inducis aganis him ane Confeffioun of the ciyme L.3 . . . ' decerninuis :' And it is of treuth, that of the law he is callit contumax, quha is funnnond to ane certane day, be ane peremptour funmiondis, with certificatioun, and comjieris not the faid day. //. Contnmacia et ibi gloffii ff. de rejudic: And for verificatioun thairof, thay produce the Kingis Lettres, with the executionis thairof ; quhairby the faidis Erllis and Laird ar chargit to enter thair peribnis in ward. — Item, thay pro- duce ane act and decreit of the Secreit Counfaill, maid at Edinburglie the audit day of Merche laft wes, with the publicatioun thairof at the mercat croce of Edinburghe, vpoun the xij day of the faid moneth, the yeir of God foirfaid ; ffindand and declarand, that the faidis thre Erllis and Laird of Auchindoun hes contravenit the faidis chargis, and fuld be pvniflit, eftemit and accufit as Tra- toui'is. — Item, To the end that the faidis Erllis and Laird of Auchindoun thair contumacie and perfeuerance may be knawin, in the trelFonable Treffone libellit, withoiit ony apperance of repentance or amendement, the faidis aduocattis re- peittis the manifeft TreiTone conunittit be thame and ilk ane of thame, be rellet- ting of certane ftrangearis, traffiqueris and treffonable mwtineris and ral'aris of VOL. I. 2 II 314 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. feditioun aganis the eftait of the realme and Religioim, quha laitlie arryvit and landit in the toun of Montroife, and ar prefentlie, lyk as thay haue bene fen the tyme of thaii* arryving in this realme, reflett, helpit, fupportit, affiftit and man- tenit be the faidis thre Erllis and Lard, and enerie ane of thame, to the ower- thraw and eueriioun of this realme and Religioun prefentlie profeffit within the fame. — The faidis aduocattis repetit the haill wi'eittis and vtheris premiffes abone mentionat, as thai ar fett donu in maner abone mentionat, with the noto- rietie of the deid ; and that this Parliament is ane greit AiTyfe ; fua that he, quha of his confcience can noeht clenge, he of neeeffitie mon fyle : And reuuncit forther probatioiin of the firft reffone of the Summondis of Foirfalture. SuMMONDis of Tressome and Foiufaltuue aganis the Erllis of Hunt- lie, Angus ami Ekkoll, and Sir Patiuk Gordoun of Auchindoun. Jacobus Dei gratia Rex Scotoruni, dilectis noftrisLeoni Regi arnioruin, Hay, Albanie, Rofs, Roth- fay, Snawiloun, ]Merc]ieinont, heiauliiis ; Roberto Stewart, Davidi Bryiroiie, Alexandro Douglas, Jacobo Cbaluieris, clauigeris ; Orment, Bute, Vnicorne, Carrik, figniferis ; Joaiini Blindfcheiliis Bute fignifero, Roberto Frafer Vnicorne fignifero, &c. nunciis ; et eorum cuilibet,. conjunctim et diuidm, vicecomitibus nodris in hac parte : Saluteni. Mandamus vobis et precipiuius qualenus fummoneatis legittime et peremptorie, coram teflibus, Wilbelmum Comitein de Angus, Georgium Comitem de Huntlie, Francifcum Comitem de Erroll, Dom. Fatricium Gordoun de Auchindoun militem., Con- fpiratores, perpetratores et celatores criminum V.n'iv maieilatis fubfequentium, perfoiialiter fi eorum perfonales prelentias commode habere poteritis ; alioquin apud eorum loca habitationum, vel per pub- licam proclamationem, apud cruces forales burgorum nodrorum de Edinburghe, Hadingtoun, Lanerk, Abirdene, Perth, Bamff, &c. aliaque loca neceflaria ; degentes vero feu exiftentes extra regnum nof- truni, feu nullum certum doniicilium in eodem habentes, apud dictas crurcs forales aliaque loca necef- laria, fuper prenionitione fexaginta dierum ; fic quod hujufinodi fumraonitio ad eorum aures et noti- ciam verifimiliter peruenire poterit ; quod compareant coram nobis feu Jufticiario noftro, vigefimo die menfis ^laij proxime fequen. in Parliamento noftro, apud Edinburgh, decin)o octauo die menfis Maij pre- dict! tenend., liora caufarum continwatione dierum ad refpondendum nobis nollrove Julliciario in prefato Parliamento, fuper proditoriis criminibus fubfequenlibus : Dictos fcilicet Guilielmum Comitem de Angus, Georgium Comitem de Huntlie, Francifcum Comitem de Errole, Dom. Patricium Gordoun de Auchindoun militem, &c., et eorum quemlibet, pro fua ])ro(litoria Confpiratione, confultatione et conclufione hor- rendi fceleris et facinoris ad exequendum dellinati pro alteratione flatus reghi noftii et vere Religionis inde profefli', per nos noftrofque probos et fideles legios, fecundum Dei omnipotentis Verbuni, per Acta Parliamenti noftri approbate, et ])er leges nollras confirmate : Idquo prefertim, in menfibus Junii, Julii, Augufli, Septembris, Octobris, Nouembris, aut eorum aliquo, anno domini 1592, in ipforum confilijs et conventionibus cum Magiftro Jacobo Gordoun et M. Roberto Abircrummy, Jefuitis et feminariis prefljiteris, et cum M. Georgio Ker et quondam Dauide Graliame de Fintrie, aut eorum aliquo, ex- oommunicatis Papiftis, fuper literis a M. Wilhelmo Creichtoun et M. Jacobo Tyrie, Jefuitis ex Hif- pania, niiftis et directis ad prefatum M. Jacobum Gordoun : Et in ipforum proditora confultatione et conclufione defuper habita ; in quibus declaratur, quam diligenter, et quanta cura ipfi cum Rege et ronfilio Hifpanie elaborauerunt, pro pecunia et militibus in Scotiam deportantis, ad extreniam fubuer- fionem et alterationem Religionis nunc profefle, et invafionem regni Anglie ; quod folum in hoc re- tardabatur, donee ex Scotia clarus quidem vir mitteretur cum literis certitudinis, et aliis vacuis cartis (lie lilauhis), fubfcriptis per nobiles viros (jui pro parte et nomine Catbolicorum Pronianorum in hoc noftro regno cxillentium ]!{:{'& obligarent et hipothecarcnt : Quequidem Litere (lie Blankis) impleren- 27JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 315 tur, cum auifamento dictorura M. Wilhelmi Creiclitonn ft M. Jacobi Tyrie, in Hifpania degentium, tanquam certiHima vincula, Cv^'ua. et fidejufiones predict, nionete et niilitum, extenden. ad numerum 30,000 viroium armatoium, anno predicto, intran. verl'us occidentalem partem Imjus legiii noftri, prope Kirkcubreiclie vel fluuiura de Clyde, prout ventus nauigationi melius iuferuiret. Ad cuius inipij et proditoi'ij faciiioris perinipletioneni, commemorate vacue Litere (lie Blattkis) partira Latino, partira Gallice, Tub diuerfis formis, vna cum Literis certificationis et fidei lubfcripte fuerunt manibus prefa- torum Wilhelmi Coraitis Angufie, Georgii Comitis Huntlie, Francifci Comitis de Erroll, et D. Patricii Gordoun de Aucliiudoun militis palam profitentiura et affirmatium fe efle maieftatis regis Hifpanie (ad quern ille Litere mittebaiitur) liuniillimos et maxime obedientes fervitores : Quod ip- forum factum proditionis predicte manifelle eos arguit, quod tum natura et fide fint nobis fuo Regi obligati (ad quem hujufmodi Litere vacue nou erant mi(ie) ligeantiam et fidelitatera nobis debitam proditori dinbluerunt, et alieno et peregrino llegi, fine nollro concenlu, fidem fuara obftrinxerint ; et literas vacuas ipforum manibus fubfcriptas ad eum miferunt, in quibus fcribi et impleri potuit per eum et eius confilium quicquid ipfis vifum effet quod podet effe nociuum et detrimentofum nobis, noflre auctoritati regie, regno neiho et fubditis ; ([uo ipforum facto, niliil magis proditorium fieri et excogitari abillis potuit. Porteaeodem Litere (lie Blankis) ad effectum fupralcriptum tradite et deliberate fuerunt, in menfe . . . anno domini 1392, dicto M. (Georgio) Ker, vna cum variis et di- verfis figillis dictorum comitum cere impreffis : Quiquidem M. Georgius trans mare in Hifpaniam nauigaturus, ad hoc fceleratum opus excquend. electus fuit ; idemque negotium in fe libenter fufcepit, et iter ingrellus ad Cumbram Infulam vfque peruenit ; cum pleiiaria commiflione perfonarum fupra- mentionat.; onus in fe acceptantium pro omnibus aliis fue factionis hominibus Catholicis Romanis, ad fedulo laborandum pro pecuniae! militibus recuperandis; cum ipforum fideli permiffione ad pre- parandum fefe fuofque viros et equites armatos, quo ad dicta pecunia extendere et fatisfacere valuerit ; qui certo expectarent adventura et introitum dictorum Hifpanorum militum, deducerentque maiorem numerum eorundem in Angliam, pro euerfione eiufdem et Keligionis ibi profeffe : Et quorum Hifpa- norum 5000 infra hoc nollrum regnum pro perpetuo refulerent, cum quibus antenominates pruditores, degenerati nobiles et hujufmodi omnes Papifte Catholici illius fecte in hoc noftro regno degentes ^nia conjungerent, pro alteratione flatus eiufdem, et Religionis nunc profefle ; quorum qui alterutrum euertit vtrumque euertit, cum inter fe ita funt coiijuncta vt vno pereunte alterum perire fit necelie ; et oxalta- tione miifarum et Catholice Romane profeffionis, ad euidens perriculura et detrimentum nollre regie perfone, difturbationeni pacis regni noftri, et alterationem vniuerfi flatus eiufdem. Committendo inde nefandam et manifellillimam Proditionem, contra Deum noftrum omnipotentem, nos, auctoritatem nof- tram regiam et leges. Ideoque antenominatos Guilieliiium Angufie Comitem, Georgium Huntlie Comitem, Francifcum Errolie Comitem, D. Patricium Gordoun de Auchindoun, militem, &c., ad vi- dendum et audiendum fefe et eorum quemlibet, intuitu premifibrum, crimen Lefe Majeflatis incur- rille, per nos et trium regni noftri ftatuum decretum decerui et declarari : Et propterea, bona, (raobi- lia,) et immobilia, tarn terras quam officia aliafque res ad eos fpectantes nobis confifcari, et pro perpe- tuo nobiftum in proprietate remanere ; perfonafque fuas penas Proditionis et vltimi fupplicii a regni noftri legibus intlictas fubire : Ac vlterius, in ]iern)ift(' rcl'iiondend. et juri parend : Intimando fupra- dictis Confpiraturibus et eorum cuilibet, quod fiue dictis die et loco cum continwatione dierum com- paruerint fiue non, nos, dictufque nofler Jufticiarius in premiflis,jufticia mediante, procedemus et pro- cedet. Infuper, citetis, &c., ad comparendum coram nobis noftrovo Jufticiario dictis die et loco, hora caufarum, cum continewatione dierum, ad perhibeiidum fidele teftimonium in caulii predicta, fub pena legis ; et prefentes literas debite executas et indorGtas earundem latori reddatis. Et vos qui jirelentes executi fueritis fitis ibidem, dictis die et loco, coram nobis noftrove Jufticiario, portan. vobifcum fum- monitionis veftre teftimonium in fcriptis pro premiliis, feu i])ibs teftes : Ad quod faciend. vobis et vef- trum cuilibet coniunctim et diuifim vicecoraitibus noftris in hac parte committimus poteftatcm ; Datum fub teftimonio noftri magni figilli, apud Edinburgh, decimo nono die menfis Marcii, 1593, et regni nof- tri vigefimo feptimo. 316 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. The quliilk Summondis, with the executionis and indorfationis thairof re- fpecthie foirfaidis, being this inflant day red, in prefens of his Maieftie and haill Eftaitis of Parliament, firfl in Latyne and fyne in Scottis, and the faidis Wil- liame Erie of Angus, George Erie of Huntlie, Francis Erie of Arroll and Schir Patrik Gordoun of Aiiehindoun kyn', being oftymes callit of new, at the Tol- buyth vyndow of tlie faid bvirgh of Edinburghe, to haif comperit and anfuei'it to the faid Inmmondis and reflbne contenit thairin ; and thai nocht coniperand, to haif defendit in the faid mater, and to haif anfuerit to the faid fummondis ; the faidis Aduoeatis defyrit the faidis Eftaitis declaratioim, gif the reflbun of the faid ftnnmondis wer releuant aganis the faidis tlirie Erlis and Schir Patrik Gor- doun of Auchindoun kny'. Quhilkis Eftaitis, all with ane voce, fund the famin releuant aganis thame : Thairfoir, the faidis Aduoeatis, of new, for verefeing of the faid refToun contenit in the faid Summondis of Treflbune, producit and re- petit the haill audit Blankis, in paper ; twa thairof fubfcryvit be the faid Erie of Angus allanerlie ; vther twa be the laid Erie of Huntlie allanerlie ; vther twa fubfcrivit be the faid Erie of Arroll allanerlie ; and vther twa fub- fcryvit be the faidis Erlis and Lard of Auchindoune ; all fend to Spane : And als repetit the haill vther probationis repetit be him of befoir in the faid mater, this inftant day ; and defyrit the faidis Eftaitis of Parliament to advyis the probatiounis foirfaidis led and deducit in the faid mater, and to pronunce thair fentence of Parliament thairintill, according to the famin jn-obationis and thair confciences. And thairefter, the haill writtis and probationis, being red, fene and confiderit be the haill Eftaitis of Parliament, in prefens of the Kingis Ma- ieftie, and thai thairvithe being rypelie advyfit, the faidis Lordis and Eftaitis of Parliament ffindis, decernis and dedaris, that the faidis Williame Erie of Angus, George Erie of Huntlie, Francis Erie of Eroll and Schir Patrik Gordoune of Aiiehindoun kny', hes committit and done oppin and manifeft Treflbune aganis our faid fouerane lord, in all poyntis, articlis and maner contenit in the faid Summondis. And thairfoir, it M'as gevin for Dome be the mouthe of James Nefljet dempfter of Parliament, in maner and forme as followis. Dome of Foieealtouu. This Court of Parliament fchawis for law, that the faidis Williame fumtyme Erie of Anguis, George fumtyme (Erie) of Hunt- lie, Francis fumtyme Erie of Eroll and Schir Patrik Gordoune fumtyme of Auchindoun kny', and ilk ane of thame, hes committit and incurrit the fpeciall cryme of TrelToun and Lefemaieftie abonewrittin, the tymis and in maner at lengthe contenit in the reflbune of the faid Summondis of TrefToune : And thair- foir, decernis and declaris all thair gudis, moveable and vnmouable, alfweill landis as officis, and vtheris thingis qvhatfumewir belanging to thame, to be confifcat to our fouerane lord, and to rcmane perpetuallie with his hienes in pro- pertie, in tyme cummiug ; and thair perfonis to vnderly the jmnis of Treflbune 27JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 317 and vtter pwnifliement, appoyntit be the lawis of this reahne : And this I gif for Dome. The interest which must be felt by all in the mysterious stoiy of ' the Scot- tish Blanks,' induces the Editor to give an accurate reprint of an extremely rare Tract, published under the immediate authority and revision of the King and Privy Council of Scotland, which he is fortunate enough to have in his own Collection. The original is marked, ' ex Pamphletis Roberti Mylne fcribae,' a well-known Collector of Tracts, illustrative of the History of Scotland, who died Dec. 21, 1747, at the very advanced age of 105 ; having ' enjoyed his sight, and the exercise of his understanding, till a little before his death." The fame Tract was reprinted under the direction of Queen Elizabeth's Council ; but un- luckily, it is ' done into English,' and is otherwise inaccui-ately edited. It bears for imprint on the title-page, • London, Printed by R. F. for John Norton. 1593-' A DISCOVERIE Of the Vnnaturall and Traiterous Conspiracie of Scottisch Papistes, againft God, his Kirk, their natiue Cuntry, the Kingis Maiefties perfone and eftate. Set downe as it was confeffed and fubfcrived bee M. George Ker, yit remaining in Prifon, and David Grahame of Fentrie, iuftly executed for his Treafon, in Edinburgh, the 15 of Februarie 1592. Where- vnto are annexed, certaine intercepted Letters, written by fundrie of that faction, to the fame purpofe. Printed and publillied at the fpeciall command of the Kingis Majeftie. At Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Waldegrave, Printer to the Kingis IMajeftie. Cum privilegio Regali. TO THE READER. I© ANIE and dangerous poynts (good Reader) of vnnaturall and treafonable jiractifes of Scottilli Papifts, or (as tlicy will needes be ftyled) Catliolicke Ro- mans, againft God, liis Kirk, their natiue Country and the Kinges Majefties eftate and perfone, beeing difeovered by Codes great and niercifuU provi- dence, partly by the depofitions and confeffions of lome of the practifers tliemfelves, and nanily, Mailer George Ker, wlio for that caulie is ira- prifoned, and David Grahame of Fentrie, juftly execute for the fame alfo, in Edinburgh the 15. of Februare 1592, and partly by diverfe letters of fundrie of the practifers, intercepted at diverfe tinis. It is thought good by tlie Kings ISIajeftie, ' See Scots Magazine, 1747, and British Magazine, or London and Edinburgh Intelligencer, for 1747. 318 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. and hi-i honourable Couufell, tliat the mofl fubllantiall poynts of the faid depofitions, fliukl be faithfully taken out of the originals, which were deponed and confefled by the faide M. George, and David Grahame of Fentrie, before tlie liononrable perfons depute by the Kings Majeflie, and his liienes Counfell to that effect, and fubfcrived with their own bands ; and for tlie greater eafe of the memory of the reader, ihould be fummarly gathered into this forme following, which other- wife were fcattered here and tliere in their depofitions, according to the occafion of tlie diverfe de- mands at diverfe dyats : for the readier taking vp whereof, the times of the depofitions and perfons deponers, feverally and coniunctly as the matter craveth, fliould be fet down in marginal quotationes : As alfo, that fome of the mofl remarkable letters of the practifers, fhould be joyned herunto word by word, quhilkis were intercepted with Maifler George Ker, and the reft decyphered and trandated as after lliall appeare ; and fo the wliole together to be imprinted, and fct foorth vnto the view of the world, to the glory of Gods Majeflie (the only revealer of thefe fecretsj, to the comfort and edifica- tion of his Kirk, and the perpetuall detection and ihame of the viinalurdll enemie. Al quhilk thinffg are fo faitiifullie done in this volume following, that no man how impudent fo ever he be, can iiifllly chaleng it with any falfefying, forging, or clianging one thing for anotlier, to the wrefling of the ori- ginal depofitions, in any the lell fiibftantial pairt therof, as by conlerring this extract with the firfl re- cords which are in the Clerks hands, mofl evidently Ihall appear, if any lilt to looke vpon tliem. Thou art therfore (good Reader) gretly to confider the goodnes of our God in this cace, fo watchfull over his Kirk, for the good and fafetie tliereof, by difcovering fik deep and dangerous practifes of the dead- ly enemie, euen then, when as we thinking nothing lelTe, ar redy to be furprifed by their cloffe courfes fo cuningly and craftily conveied : as we may well fay with the Prophet, our foide is efcaped, euen as a bird out of the fnare of the Fowlers, &c. As alfo, thou art to be wakened vp, to the eirnefl con- fideralion of the diligence force and crueltie of our enemies (quhilk yet is nothing abated, but more eiger prefently than ever hertofore to atcliicu their deuelifli intent) and no waies to trull them or be fecure, as though they wer deeping and minding no danger to vs, while in the raeane time, fo deiply and deadly they confpire within and without, with fo great force and craft againft, our Religion, landes, and lives, that they dare be bold in their pride, to afi'ure the Sjiainzeard of no refillance heir to their cruell interprife, as by their awin bragging words hereafter in their Letters evidently fhall appeir : yea, all kindly natiue Scotlifli men, and true loners of theCliriftian religion, ought fpedily and fubllantial- ly to concur, to the withllanding and overthrowing of this our common enemie, within our awin bowels ; whofe vnnaturalnes, barbarity and hie attempt, can be matched with no example domeftick or forraine that we read off, whether we confider the cruell baibaroufnefTe of the Spainzeards to whom they have fold their euntry. King and people, (wherof let the monument written by one of their awin Fryers Bgainfl the Spanilh cruelty, befid experience, whereuer they are maflers, be a witnes.) or whether we confider their mofl dcceatful dealing, covering their mofl bloody purpofes with cloake of moll tender friendfliip, quhilk moll clolly they have counterfeit, by fubfcription to the true Religion, by hearing of the worde ]ireachcd, and common profeffion thereof with vs, and participation of the Sacraments, by bandes, finally afHnities, othes, and al atteflations and lawes facred and humane, that might feenio to jirocure credite aniongll men, and many other things to bee enlarged in time and place, as mens callings in Kirke and policy cranes : Confider, and confider again (good Reader) what Ihould be the eflate of all honell and godly men, their wiues and daughters : the eftate of Kirk, common weale and Prince, yea and of thefe miferable wretches themfelves, if tlieir pur- pofe to make the Spanzard our mailer (for no man fervand nor fellow will that jiroud bcafl be) fuld tak effect : O miferie, miferie, miferie vnfpeakable, efpecially to themlelfis, if their wofull pur- pofe fucceede to their minde and fane proceeded practifes. Wherfore yet again, it is liie time and more, that all good men and lovers of their native Cuntrie be wakened vp to true, repentance to the Lord, who fo heauily tiireatencth, and in a part already ftriketh : and to a diligent and fubllantiall 27JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 319 concnrring, every one according to liis calling and place, both in land and Burgh, to witiiftand thefe defperate attempts before they parte remedy, and tymely to prevent the farther danger, by affiiting the execution ofluftice vpon the reft of the detected traitors, without reipect of perfons ; that fo wee, la- bouring to take evill out of Iftael, the Lord who hath lb notahilly begun the work, may bring it to an happy end, to his glory and our comforts, through Chrift our Lord. Amen. A DiscovRSE of the vnnatvrall and traitei-ovs practifes of the Scotish Papists, againft God, his Kirke, their native Countiy, and the Kings Majefties perlbn and eftate. BY the Confeffions and depofitions of Mafter George Ker, and David Grahame Deponed bee of Fentry. It is dilcovered, That in March, 1591, IMafter William Chrich-3|5*^&7„'f'^7b. toun (who hath remained thefe two yeares bygone in Spaine) lent to Mafter '"'''"■ lames Gordoiin, leiiiite, father-brother to George now Earle of Huntly, aue gentle man called INIafter AVilliam Gordoun, Ibnne to the Laird of Aberzeldie, witli letters, to let the Catholickes heere vnderftand, what travell Mafter AVil- liam Criechtoun had tane with the King of Spain (inee his comming there : And that the faid King had opened to him, that he had bene deceaved by Englifli- men, and wold from that time forth embrace the advile and way which the faid Mafter William wold Ihew him, both for invading of England, and alteration of Religion within this realme. And for that purpole, the laid Mafter William craved by this gentleman, to be fent to him fo many blanks and iirocurations, as could bee had of noblemen here, for the afTnrance of his trafficke. Vpon the fight and refate of the which blankes, fent with fome other difcreet Deponed bee gentleman, hauing the noblemens commifTion, to be filled vp with fiich condi- -i, '5'^'™o°of fJij. tions as Iliuld be capitulat and aggried vpon betwix the King of Spain, and '''■*"■ Mafter William Criechton, quhilkis fuld haue fervit as pledgis and fuirties for And deponed b« the fubfcrivers part, at the landing heir of the Spanifch armie. It wes concludit, ^f*Fen ""the™^ that thair fuld have bein fent out of Spain, about the latter end of the fpring, '•'"'^^'^''- ^^'•'2' in this prefent yeir, 1592, an armie of thritty thouland men, to have landed Deponed bee either at Kirkcudbright or at the mouth of Clyde, according to the opporhinitie s'fK^'h^isu^'' of the wind, quhair thay fuld have intrinfchit and fortifeit thame felfis, for the alTurance of thame and thair fchippis. And firll of all, money fuld have bein fent to the Catholikes heir, for raifing Deponed bee of forces to lupplie the faid armie: Quhairof foure or fine thouland luld haves FLb^Mao,"' remainit within this Cuntry, quha with the fortification and affiftance of tlK^ ,']''(,{? "I-J ™i5y2 noble men, Catholikes, thair friends, and fik vther forces as the Sijanifli money ^^p°"^^ ^e , „ , '^ J lenlrie, 13 of wald raile, fuld haue immediatly after thair landing, beiun to alter thair Reli- 1'"<^'^- ^^'■>^- gion, prelently profeft within this realm, or at left procuret libertie of confcience, :\i!''George Ker, and Paj)iftry to haue bein erected heir : And the reft of the armie fuld ha\'e paft ^ ' '''' toward England the neereft way, fra their landing to the bordour. 320 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. Deponed bee Tjii^. Letters feiit fra IMafter William Criecliton, beeinff concredite be Mafter Fentry, 13 ot " Feb. 1592. lames Gordoun to Mafter Robert Abercumby, wer niawiii be him to David Graliame of Feiitrie, at Abernetliie, in Aprill, 1592. Deponed be ^j^^^j f^j. effectuatiue,- of tliis mater, it wes aiiis tliocht maift convenient that David (jrahame ^ of Fentrie, the ^ Schir lamcs Chefliolm, qulia then wes an of his Majefties mafter houflialdis, fuld haiie gone to Spaine with this Commiflion, in refpect he was vtherwife bownit, towardis his vncle Mafter William Chelliolme (callit Bilhop of Dum- blane), for Schir James had the firft credeit of this erand with the uobill men ; as he declarit to David Grahame of Fentry, that hee had delt with the Erlis of Huntly and Erroll, and conferrit with Mafter George Ker, auent this turne, about the time of the laft Parliament, haldin in Edinburgh in Junii, 1592, as alfwa, intercommuned again in his a^'^'in houfe with the fame IMafter George in October, 1592, tuiching the haill heidis of this defpatch. Bot Schir James, Deponed be not being abill to be fa foone reddy, and Mafter George Ker being bownit of 1592. ' the country, it wes thocht beft that the fame Commiftion fuld be geven to him, and that lie fuld vndertak the carrying of the faid Letteris : And fwa hee wes imployed in that erand, the rather, becaufe baith his gud-dames were Criech- tons. Thairefter, Mafter George beeing bownit to this jornay, and reddy to mak fail out of the Fairly-raide, at the weft fey bank, upon the 27th of December, 1592. Then (be Gods providence) the faid Mafter Georg was api)rehended in the He of Cuniray, and with him tliair wes interceptit fundrie miflive Letters directit to this purpofe. Amongis quhilk, thair wes aught blankis, quhairof one is fubfcrivit, De vostre Majestic tres humble et tres ohesant serviteur, GUILLAME COMPTE DE ANGUSS. Ane vther blanke is fubfcrivit, De vostre 3I(ijestie tres humhJe et tres ohesant serviteur, FitAXCOVSE COMPTE DE ErROLL. Deponed be And tliir twa blaukis were baith procurit of thanie, be Schir James Chefliolme, M. Oeorj^c Ker, n -r« 3 Feb. 1502. ill their awin ludgeingis in Edinbm'gh, at the time of the laft; Parliament, in Junii 1592. An vther blanke is fubfcrivit, GULIELMUS ANGUSIiE COMES. Deponed be Fen- All vtlicr blaiike is fubfcrivit, 1502. "\Aliich were baith procurit of thame bee Mafter Robert Abircrumby, quha jiMTeorgA'cr, was the chiefeft travellair in that matter, in October 1592. 3 Feb. 1592. 27 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 321 An other blanke is fubfcrived, Geoegius Comes de Huntlie, And an other is fubfcrived, Georgius Comes de Huxtlie. \Vhich were both, with the whole blanks, proponed firft to the Erie of Huntly, Deponed bee by Mafter George Ker in Stratlibogy, at his paffing there. 3 Febt^yj-i. "' AVhich fix feverall blanks before fpecified, fliuld haue bene all filled with iniffive Deponed be letters, by the advyfe of Mafter ^A^illiam Creichton. 3 rfb!"!!?.!^"' And the other two blankes, making out the number of eight, were both fub-3°o''f p^^'""!! fcrived in the niids of two open throghs of paper in this maner, GULLIELMUS ANGUSSI^ CoMES. Georgius Comes de Huntly. Fraxciscus Errolli.e Comes. Patricius Gordoun de Auchixdoun Miles. ^Vhich two laft blankes were firft fubfcrived by the Erie of Huntly, and Pa- trike Gordoun, in October, 1592. And thereafter, beeing fent with Mafter Ro- Deponed be iM. bert Abercrumby to the Earles of Angus and ErroU, Avere fubfcrived by them PeT^ioo".' in the fame moneth of October, 1593. And thefe two blanks fliuld have bene filled vp with procurations, and whatfoe^'er fliuld have bene thoght meet by the laid IMafter "William Criechton, for the avowance of that which Mafter George Ker had in direction and credite of the fubfcrivers ; which credite he refaved fra the Earle of Huntlie, be the report of Mafter lames Gordoun, and fra the Erles Deponed bee M. of Angus and Erroll, by thame felfis in Edinburgh, in the beginning of October, Febl^^iia".' ^ 1592. And the fumme of this his credeit, was an affurance that thir nobill men fuld raife an power of horfmen, and nieit the Siianifli armie at thir landing, and reciprockly to aflift, accumpanie and convoy thame in their iiafling to England, Deponed be m. be all the forces thay culd procure vpon the King of Spains charges : And thir (; Feb. 1592. nobill men fubfcrivers tooke the burding on thame, and intei'ponit their bandis, for the concurrance of the haill Catholikes of Scotland in this caiife ; and thocht it meit amangis thame felffis, for the better fecrecie, that nana vther fuld be crauit to binde, for this erand, but thay three. With thir aught blankis, fubfcrivit as faid is, there wes interceptit ftampis in wax ; of the Ei-1 of Angus fellies of amies, fax ; of the Erie of Huntleis feils of armes, foure ; and of the Erie of Errols feillis of arnies, three. David Grahame of Fentry deponit, that he met fundrie times, fen this pur- Deponed be Fen- pofe wes in hand, with IMafter Robert Abircrumby ; as namely, that the firft 1590.' knawledg liee had of this purpofo, was be tlie faid Mr Robert, in Dumfermling ; ^.i^l^'of^^IbT' and thairaftir in the Caftle of Striviliug, before Mr George Ker his prejiaration ••''^-• VOL. I. 2s" 322 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. to his lornay, quhair Mafter Robert fliew liim, that this Commiffion wes to be given to the faid Mafter George, to caufe fill the blankis with Mafter William Creichtouns aduile, and that hee was to deliver the fame blankis, with the vther Letters, to him who was to depart and carrie with him all this mefTage. Like as, the' faids blankis and Letteris, quhilkes were procurit for that erand, were all delivered by Mr lames Gordoun and Mafter Rol)ert Abircrumby to Mafter George Ker, to bee carryit bee him to Mafter William Creichton, lefiiift ; and to bee filled vp, at the difcretioun and direction of the faid Mafter AVilliam, and of Mafter lames Tyrie, quha wes beft acquented with the effairis thair. For the vnderftanding of the borrowit and counterfait names that ocurres in the Letters following (good Reader,) thou fall finde thame interpreit on the margent, quhair thay are poyntit out by this mark;* quhil kin- terpretations are contained in the originall depofitiouns of the practifars, and in fome of thair interceptit Letters. A Letter directed from an Englifli lefuift, and intercepted with Mafter George Kerr, the 27 of December, 1592. Good Father, the iuclofed to my Lord, I pray you reid and take it as writen to your felf : Quhat I writ to him, I writ to you ; quhat I crave of him, I crave of you ; quhat I hop of him, I hope of you ; as of my jiatron and pedagog in spirHiiaUhus, as of a man, whofe difcretioun and moderatioun I haue well experimented, in all cafes and at all times. If I had fo farre ouerlafched and gon befid my compas, as fome good fellowes wald imagine, yet I wonder, that fome good men, haith in their owne conceits, and vther meanis fpiritiiall, will admit no excufe, no fatisfaction, no purgation ; quhen Saint Paul, to tlie Gala- thians, in luoft evident delites, fettis downe this reuU amongs the perfect and fpirituall : Fratres, et si pro: occiipatiis J'uerit homo in al'iquo delicto, vos qui spirituales estis, Imjusmodi instruite in spiritu lenitatis, considerans teipsum, ne 8^ tu teuteris. If I had fjioken with you, at my laft beeing in Italic, as I well hoped, I had pei-haps made a better conclufion of my bufieneOe thaire, then I did to my awin content, and al my friendis fatisfaction, quhilk hop for all thefe ftormes. I will never give over, and quhen I leaue by your meanis, to be vnder the gude habering, I will writ to 30U of that fubject. Tlie Lord Seytoun, in quhais lioufe I fojorn fometimes, falutis 30W. Of the effaires of the Catholikes heir, I leaue it to them to write and relate, by quhais meanis thefe Letters ftaal- be couvoyit. My Lord Seyton hath ane hauen of his awin, quhilke may be herafter very commodious for our miftions. Commend me I pray you to F. Barth, Pere, &c. Mafter Dudley Ilper, knight, and lohn Thules, quhilk vpon fome luden pufches of perfecution, mak their repair hither, ar in health, and fa- 27JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 323 lute 30W. And Mafter Syall, a Prieft, dyed heir lately in Edinburgh. Love me, and pray for mee, I beieik 30W all, solito. And if 30W feud ony iuto thefe partis, let thame come furnillied with all amjile faculties as 30W may ; let them inquh'e for one M. lonas, quhilke will bee a token betuix vs. Our Lord IjlelFe and fend vs to meit anis or we die. Seyton, this 2. of October, 1592. Your ever mod affured, lOHN Cecilio. Blanke on the back. A Letter directit from the Erll of Angus, all writen and fubfcribed with his avvin hand, intercepted witli M. George Ker, the 27 of December, 1592. My niaift affectioned commendationes premittit, this prefent is only to knaw of 30ur welfare and friendis, and of the eftate of maters where 36 remaine, and to be ane teftimonie of my gud affection towards you. For God be praifed, if you were in this country, I could do you greater pleafure nor I was able to do before, albeit gude will inlaiked not at na time, as 3e knaw. The prefent bearer can in-3i. Gcorg Ker. forme 30U of fik things as occurres with vs ; for we are heir dayly fubject to alte- ration. Ye may credite him as my felfe, for fo his vertewis dois merite. It is not needfuU I trouble 30W with his recommendation, feing he is to 30W that he is to me ; 5ee knaw his honeftie and good intention, and the caufes of his parting; to quhais llifficiencie referring the reft, my hartie falutations, and my bedfellows, with al our companie, 3oung and aid, remembrit vnto you and your gude com- pany, commits you with tham to the protection of God. Edinburgh, the tenth of October, after our compt, 1592. Yours ever at power, Angus. Blanke on the backe. To ai. WiiUam A Letter direct from M. lames Gordoun to M. ^Villiam Criechtoim, inter- ceptit with M. George Ker the 27 of December, 1592. Traist friend, after maift hartly commendatiouns, your friends tliat ar heir i\r. Oeorg Ker. hath directit this prefent bearer to you, for full refolution of all j'our effau's in thir quarters : 'SYe have delayit over lang, I grant, but he will fliew you the caufe of all. The next beft is, ye vfe al expedition in time comming, againft the next fomer, vtherwayis ye will tyne credite heir with your factours. If ye come, ye wiU finde ma friendis nor ever ye had, but vtherwife ye wil find fewar ; becaufe tlie next fomer many ar bownit to vther countries, and will not abid on you na langer : Haift hame heir fum word to your friends, that we may put tham in gude hojie of 30U, and thay wil tary the langer. The bearer is an honeft man, and verie fufficient ; ye may credite him as my felfe. I fuld haue cumnilt with him my felfe, wer it not I w^es perfuadit that ye wald remain on oiir anfwere ; and becaufe I got an ftop out of Flanders. As tlie bearer can fliew you, yee Relative to the haue goten all that ye defirit, thairfore mak haift. The bearer is cummit to 324 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. you on his awin charge, therfore ye mon have refpect to him. Tlie lafl bearer that ye fend, cam heir behind the hand, and hath gottin na fatisfaction as 5it ; becaufe nathing could be gottin heir, and we culd find na man but this, tliat wald pafTe on his awin charg ; and I feare, that if hee had not come on his awin ex- penfis, ye fuld not haue refavit anfwere fa foone ; therfore ye fuld treate him the better. Wee will abide lieir your felfe fchortly, and I wald ye broght the reft The ^paiiisch ar. of your fricuds witli you that ar beyond fea; for if j^our block paffes fordward. The Cathoii 1- ^^'^^ ™^" ^^ ^^^° prcfeut, vtherwife we mon cum and vifit you All vther ef- Ronianes and faires of this couutry, I will commit to the bearer, quha is faithful. Your wife their conlcde- i i • i . i i r- rates. aud your ban-nes commendis thame to you, and luikes to le j'ou luortly. If I M. Robert Abir. or Saudefouu, your friende, refauis ony filver fra the bearer, ye lliall be adver- teift be an vther tikket, how mekle it is, and fubfcrivit with baitli our handis. The reft I will referre to the bearer. God preferve you fi'om all evill. At Dundie the 20 of November, 1592. M. lames Gor- Yours uiaift affectioued at all his power, I. Christesox. doun. ^ M. William Direct on the back, Creichtoun. mi'jr> ic-ii-i /- To his allured triende, (jreorge Craufurd. > A Letter directit, fra M. Robert Abircrumby, to M. William Criechtoun, interceptit with M. George Ker, the 27 of December, 1592. Efter my dew and hxunble falutations and offer of fervice, I regrate and la- mentis havily, the Ueuth and negligence your merchands lies vfit, in anfwering of your laft fuit ye proponit to thame. For appearandly, if they had made an- fwer in due tynie our wares had bein heir in due time, with our great profite and confolation. The ftay and ftop of the matter appeirandly Avas lacke of ex- penfis, that na man wald of his own charge, take that viage in hand ; yea, fome cravit a tlioufand crownes for his expenfis. Swa the mater M'as aiiis halely given over, and almoft clein for3et, vntill it pleafit God of his divine Providence to ftirre vp this bearer, to take the turn in hand on his awin expenfis : As hee hes bein ever bent in that caufe, not only to fpend his gudis, but alfwa the thing that is mair deir to him, that is, his life : thairfoir, I thinke hee fuld be the mair ac- ceptable, as alio for the affinitie of bluid : for baith his guddaines was Creich- touns. And as for witte and abilitie, of treating of they effaires, he is not infe- riour to nane of your merchands quhilk ye defyrit, as ye wil perfave be expe- rience, God willing. And albeit that he, of his couragious liberalitie and zeal to the caufe, hes tane the inater in hand, on his awin charges, yet all your friends in thefe quarters thinkes it very reafonable, that all fuld be refounded to him againe, Cum rsura, with promotion, till ony vther accident fuld fall out, for the well and furtherance of this caufe, &c. But nowe I will fay an word of him, and fyn com to funi vther purpois of our own. If I had an thoufand tongues. 27JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 325 with as many mouthes, with Cicerois eloquence, I cannot be wortliie enugli in The hyperbolical commendation of this gentiUman to you and al your companie : As I Tall let you commenTatioun vnderftand, God willing, if ever we fall chance to meit face for face ; and thairfore, Ke?.'' ^'°'^^ whenfoever ye may, prevent him with ony benefit, either be 30ur felf or any other. Abide not quhill hee crave it at you, for hee is the worft aflver in his awin caufe that ever yee converft with. Sed nunc ad alia. If ye be right re- membrit, at your departing out of this, ye gave Mafter lames Mackartuay an procuratory, to intrommit with Mafter Alexander Homes litill leving, hee hes heir in Eaft Lowthiane ; the quhilk he pledit and obtenit in law, and tuke vp yeirly rentis thairof to his awin behuif, and givis his nane of it. In this meane time, there falles out fike cummirs tuichin that land, that we ar able to lofe the hail wai-e firft. The faid JVIafter Alexanderis narreft friendis and aires hes in iudgement prooved him to be deid, and fwa enteris aires to him. By this, the Laird of Spot his ovirlord is forfaltit, and fwa the land wardis ; fwa that we are able to tyne all, if remedie bee not found. Quhairfore, falling in confultation Thir wrhiis in- tcrccDtic with with Mafter Alexander King, he thocht beft to fell the land to him, and we to the rest, ane char. vfe the filver on an mair fm-e maner, of the quhilk ye fall refaue fum wrytings*!!^ wbeV's^^" from this bearer, the quhilks ye will vnderftand better nor I. Only I thinke if ifo^; ol'pa'iy-" forme of moyan bee not vfit, we fall lofe all, and better is to haue fuin thins nor "^' '°3" -Vf''" •^ » ander King his lofe all. As to the price, fet ye it downe, for he hes mentioned nane as ,et ; but ^"^^ ^"'^ ""'s- hee will give als meekle as any vther, becaufe, as hee faies, hee hes fum land ly- husband landis and contigue to it. I pray yow for an haftie anfwere of this. I doubt not butof Spot't, with a'' yae have heard how thay young men, quhais faithers was llane bee the Laird of jJrcc^bee ili'm to Ruthvenis, Hew him againe, quhais lady is inariet to one lames Reid. Camnay '''^' ^*'^'^'" is come in the Conftables handis, and your nevoy is private of it ; and that be the moyan, I trow, of Abraham your brother, but your Maicli is litill better nor beggand. Drumkilbo is dead, and Thomas Tyrie is tutour. I pi-ay you adver- tife mee bee what manner Mafter Stevin \A"ilfoun lies commit bee my Lord Le- vingftouns obligation, the quhilk ye had of the fourtie crounes, his L. was owin 50W ; for mafter Stevin hes gotten thefe foiutie crounes randering the obligation quhilke yee had : I durft never make mentioun of the hundrcth crownes fra the father, and fourty crownes fra the foiine, quhilk ye left mee power to crave, &c. My Lord Levingftoun is dejiarted of this world, ge heard befoir, that DaAdd Forefter * had ane fonne, and now hes ane other borne in the David Grahame Caftle of Striviling, quhair he is in waird, hardly handlit. Thair is but ane of our nobilitie lieere, quhilk lies of the K. of Spaiiie, ane penlioii well jiayit of twelve huiidreth crownis. The quhilks appearandly are evill bcltowit : For hee nor nane of his, as yet, hes never done ony kinde of good, in the promotion of the Kingis matters ; quhairfore fike penfiones were better beftowed on vthers, quha ^nv y amangis travells dayly and hourly, initting in hazard baith thair goodes and lives, as this thameseifie. 326 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. bearer hes done and dayly dois : and vthers, as he can fliew yow, &c. Becaufe I haiie na vther thing to write, and haue hein lang eneugh, I commend mee to your prayers, and you to God. At Scotland, the 15 of December, 1592. M. Robert Abir- YourS at his pOWCr, ROBEKT SaNDESOUN.* crumby. i i i M.WiiUam Du'ect ou the back, criechtoun. ^^ j^.^ ^^,^^.^ fneude, George Craufurd. A Letter directed to the King of Spaine, bee three noblemen of Scotland, quhairof twa hes Tenfyne returned to the profeffioun and defence of the treuth, bee thair aithes and fubfcriptions, quhairefore thair names are fuppreffed ; the third his name exprefTed, (to witte the Earle of Huntlie,) becaufe he con- tinues as 3it in his former wicked courfe. This letter, writen by thame in name of the Catholicke noblemen of Scotland, cyphered in French, was intercepted in Januarie 1589, lately before the time of the Raide of the Brig of Die, thair- efter was decyphered word by word, and tranflatit in Scottis, as foUowes : They are sorry gip -^yee caunot fufficicntly exprcffe bee fi)each, the great regrait wee have that the Spanisch . \n /- • flote past by, coufavit, being fruftrate of the helpe we haue fo long had to lee, this year pail, iaSco'tiand. ^ the defired affects fall out, quhilke we attended of your Majeflies prejiarations. And our difpleafiu-e hes beene fa mekle the greiter, that your armie navall fuld haue palTed by fa neir vs, vnvifiting vs, quha expectit the fame with fufficient forces, for the peaceable recept and affifting thereof, againft all enemies ; in fike fort, that it fuld haue had na relitlance in this country, and with our* fupport, fuld liaue given anugh adoe to England. At leaft, gif it had cummit heir to refrefch it, it had preferved a number of vefchels and men, quliilk we know have The Spanyard perifchcd ueir our lies and vj^on the coaft. of Ireland : And had difcovered an greTassis'tance incredible uumber of friends, in full reddinefle to haue run the fame fortune with in Scotland. j^^ j^^ ^^j^^ ^^^,^^ ^^ ^^,pg ^^^.^ ^^j^ affirmc. it fuld not haue founde half fa many men in England, for all that is fpoken by the Englifch Catholikes refugit there ; quha by emulation, or rather bee ane vnchriftian envie, extenuats ouer farre our meanes to aid yow, to magnifie thair awin only, and make themfelfis to bee ef- temit able to doe all ; to advance thamefelfis thairby in credeit with your Ma- jeflie and fik as are about you ; but by experience of this year jjaft, hath fiiffi- ciently teftified, they haue not fchawin themfelfis, in fik number, to affiil j^our forces, as we haue done. And therefore your Majeftie, as maill wife as yee are, lliall, gif it pleis you, mak fick accompt of the ane, as yee neglect not the vther, and fa ferve you with them baith, to the end 5e pretend, with hazarding your They haue in- forccs for the particular of the ane or the vther. We i-eniit to the declai-ation fotmit the K. of r- j^ t • spanis subiccts of lome of your awin fubjects that hes beene heir, the commodities and advan- Oi'e''nlLani>,'io tagcs of landing in thir partes, quhair the expenfis beftowit vpou the equippage fngfn'scotiand.""^'^'^ Gallialfe, fall bring niair fruite to your fervice, than ye may haue of ten vpon the fey. And wee may alTure your Majeftie, that having anis lax thou- 27 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 327 fand men heir of youi' owne, with money, ye may lift heir forces of this country, as freely as in Spaine, qiiha v\ill ferve yow na lelTe faithfully than your owne natui-all fubjects. And albeit wee can not, without blame of prefumption, giue your Majeftie avife in your effairs thair : Al waves in that, that may concerne 1^'' ''^'° "'5 y^ • 1 • j^ 1 • p "-'"8 "' Spam your lervice heir, wee Ipeak mair freely, as beins vpon the place, and knawinsj I'ow to assault , ., ,. . .1 . , T r. ■. ° lliis iland here- by the ordmary experience, mony thnigs vnknawin to ony of yours that are not after. heir. The overlate arrivall of your armie in our watters, tuke from it the com- modities to reteir it felfe in fik fafetie, as it might haue done cuming foonar, be reafon of the great winds that are ordinar heir in harvell : as alfwa lacke of py- lottis experimented vpon the coalles of Scotland, England and Ireland, appears to have bred great harme to the faid armie ; quhairvnto wee culd have remedis concerning Scotlands, to have fent pilotts from this, gif it had likit j'oiu* Majeftie to have fervit your felfe with thame. Likewife, (faving better advife,) it feenis to vs altogidder vnprofitable to fight the armie bee fea, gif it may be efchewit, for mony caufes : And amangis vthers, becaufe like as fall haue fochten by fea, falbe vnabill, being wearie, to feight againe bee land againft new forces : Sa the beft fuld bee, to fchift bee ane way or vther, for fparing of your men and vef- chels, and fwa the Englifch forces ftayiug vpon the fea vnfoghten, fall be dif- apointed, and fall not come in time to affift thame, that falbe aflTailzeit be land. Attour, fending heir a part of yom* forces, before the vther, quhilk fuld goe the K^'']'^f'g''^^n right way to England, and that fecreetly by the backe of Ireland : Your Ma- how to assault jeftie fuld compell the enemie to divide their forces, and it may bee, fuld caufe after. thame fend the greateft part heir, quliair yee might make thame believe the greateft part of your forces wer arryvit, at leaft fuld caufe thame difgarneis as meekle of England, and drawe a great part of their forces, quhilk wald refift your landing and invafion on that coaft. And we may well in'omife, that having heir fax thoufand of your men, and money to lift vtheris heir, wee fuld within ^^"'''' '''^""! "!'" J ^ •! ' sent from .spaine fax owlkis after their arrivall, bee well farre within England, to approache and and money to ^ m • txT- levie a power in affift the forces quhilke your Majeftie luld caufe enter thair. The knight \V il- Scotland, liam Sempill Colonell, can Ihew your Majeftie the haill ; to quhom we remit. Al-ouikis bee far in fwa, wee haue caufit wi'it baith before and fen his depart, our money fik adviles "^ "" ' bee M. Robert Bruce, and caufit addrefte the fame to my Lord Duke of Panne, Bruce is the . mouth of these to whome your Majeftie remittit vs, from the beginning, in thir effaires. And lords to the King feeing wee hope your Majeftie is dewly advertifed and informit, wee will end D.'o'tTarma.' ' the prefent, kiffing maift humbly your Majefties hand, praying God with all your affection, to grant you full accomplilhment of all your holy iuterprifes. From Edinburgh, this 24 of January, 1589. Youi' Majefties maift humble and affectioned servitours, G. Erle Huntlie, &c. In name of the vtlier Lordis Catholiks of Scotland. 328 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. A Letter direct fra the Erie of Huntly to the Diike of Parme, interceptit in lanuarie, &c. Letters resavit My Lord, I haue reflkvit from lohne Chefliolme, the letters it pleafit your Parrae, bee lohn hieneffe to Writ, the 13 of October, full of maift Chriftian affection to the weill es me. ^^ ^^^^_ caufe : For the quhilkis I giue your liienefTe maift humble thankis. The Support of 1000 fupport of ten thoufaud crowns, fent to that end, is relTavit be M. Robert Bruce, D? of Parme. quliilkis fliall uot bcc employed, but for helpe of the maift vi'gent neceffitie of the faid caufe, as it lies pleafit yoiu' liienefTe to direct. After the departure of Co- lonel Sempill, I have found my felfe fa boaftit on all hands, and i)reaflit in fik fort be our King, that it behuifit mee to yeeld to the extreame difhcultie of time, He dissembles and fubfcrive with his Majeftie, not with my heart, the Confeflion of thair Faitli ; fearr&ToUide. 01' vtherwife, I had bene forced immediatly to haue departit the cuntry, or to haue taken the fieldis for refifting his forces, and fik as hee might haue drawin out of England to his aide ; quhilk I could not have done, efpecially then, qiihen be the returning of your armie in Spain, all hope of helpe was taken from vs ; but if on the one jiart I have failit, bee the apprehenfioun of dangers that threat- ned my ruine, I fall on the other part endevour my felfe to amend my fault, (quhairof I rei^ent me with all my heart) be fein effect, tending to the mtII and advancement of the caufe of God, c^uha lies put mee in fike credite with his Ma- jeftie, that fen my cuming to court he lies broken his former gairdis, and caufit lie lies establish- me eftablis vtliei's about his perfoii of my men, bee the moyen of ciuhom and ed gardis about . , /^.t i n. f i • y->Ai the King at iiis their captaiucs ar alfo mine, 1 may ever bee matter or liis perlon : And your bee MaTster of fupjiort bciug ariyvit, f^nilzie the hereticks of his authoritie, to fortifie and afTure orca^msaroffe". ^"^' i^terprifes ; quhair^-pon I befeeke your hieneffe to fend me your a-\ile, and to affure your felf of my vnchangeable affectiounes in my former refolutions ; albeit the outward actions bee forced to conforme thamefelfis, fumtimes, to neceffitie of occafiounes, as M. Robert Bruce will mair amplie ^^Tite to your hieneffe, to whom I remitte mee farder. Praying God, after I haue maift humbly kiflit your hieneffe hand, to give yow accomplifliment of your holy enterprifes. From Edinburgh, the 24 of lanuarie, 1592. Your hieneffe maift humble and affectioned fervitour, G. Eri.l of Huxtlie. A Letter fra the Erie of ErroU to the Dulce of Parme, interceptit in lanu- arie, &c. My Lord, fen God of late, bee the cleir licht of his holy Catholik faith, lies chafit from my vnderftanding the darkneffe of ignorance and errour, quhairin I have bene heirtofore imrifchit ; I haue bene als fooii jierfwadit in acknowledging of fa great ane effect of his divine grace towardis mee, that I am chiefly obligit to procure, fen I knaw the enterprifes of his Maieftie Catholik, and your hienes 27Jac VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 329 tendes principally to that end, as alio to the advancement of fome civill caufe, quhilk hes verie great affinitie and conjunction with ours heir. That I mon The causes of teftifie the prefent, the affection that I haue to the well of the ane and the vtherjlnLLTabiefor having ever before my converfioun bene ane of the number of your friendes and^^,'',?"'^*'"'"'-'' fervitours, for the refpect of the laft ; to the quhilkes, the firft of religioun, quhilk is the greateft and maift important that is in this world being joynit thereto, I am alfo become altogether yours ; quhilk I befeik maift humblie your hieneffe, caufe it fignifeit to his Majeftie Catholik, and to promife him in my behalfe, that hee lies not iii this country a mair affectioned fervant than I, neither 3et 30ur hienefTe, as 3e fall vnderftand mair ample of my intentioun in jiarticular, be liim, bee whom your hienes fliall reflaue this prefent. To whom, after I haue maift humblie kifTed your hand, I befeike the Creator to give yow the accomplifliment of your holy defires. From Edinburgh, this 24 of lanuarie, 1589- Your hienefle maift humble and maift affectioned fervitour, Francis Erll or Erroll. A Letter fra Robert Bruce, to Moniieiu' Francifce Aguii-re Efpaignell, &c. interceptit in lanuarie 1589- ^Vriten in French, and tranflatit in Scottis, as followis : Monsieur de ACxUIRRE, I have refavit your Letter, of the nynt of Novem- ber, writen from Handwerp, quliairbj^ I was glad to vnderftand of your arrivall thair and helth, and that ye haue guydit your felfe fa wifely in execution of al that I committed to yow. Your Mafter, quha at my i-equeft hes gevin yow en- tertenement, hes givin mee the like teftimony of your behaviour, and hes pro- mifit mee bee his Letters, to have 30W in the favourable connnendation I defirit, and to employ 50W in gude occafions. Gif he fend 30W heir again in thir jjarts, caufe fette you on land neare Seytoun, quhair I pray 30W to enter fecreetly, and there ye fall be keepit quhil I may come and finde 30W. [The reft of this Miflive, being fet downe in oblcure times (terms ?) is to be fene in the originall.] A Letter fra Robert Bruce to the Duke of Parme, intercepted in lanuarie 1589, lately before the Raid of the Brig of Die, cyphered in French, de- ciphrit there aftei-, and tranflatit in Scottis, as followes : My Lord, Monfieur Chefliolme, arryvit in this country five dayes after his Letters sent be departing from thair, and with thair requiiite dilligence, cam to the Lrlle of from tiie D. of Huntly in his awn houfe in Dumfermling, quhair having prefented to him yourEriTof iiuntiie. hienes letters of the 13 of October, hee declarit amplie to him the credite givin f,",',' '''u",„.''^^ him in charge, conforme to the tenour of the letters from your liieneffe : quhair ''"'"''"«• thay perceavit your hienelFe great humaiiitie and affection, to the advancement of the glory of God in this country, with ^'thers conlblations maift convenient, VOL. I. 2 t 330 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. to moderat the dolour and difpleafure conceavit be the heartis of the Catholiks, be reafoun of the fucces of your arniie, agaiuft thair hope and expectation. Al- raeTvuTom'the f^^'^' ^^"^^ daves thereafter, as the conimoditie ofterit to mee to refave the money, D.of Parmc, beejijg f^id Chelhohue deliverit to ine fax tlioufand twa hundreth three fcoire Bruce, to bee _ . , . ^ empioied for twelve crouues of the funne, and three thoufand fevin hundreth Spanilch pifto- spaines "service Icts ! And likevvjfe hes cariet himfelfe, in all his actions fenfyne, verie wifely, and as become a man of God : Chiefly then, quhen vpon the lufpition conceavit of his fa fudden returning, the king fent to gar take him. I fall behave my lelfe, be the grace of God, in the keeping and deftribution of the money laft fent, and of that quhilk reftes yet of the firft fowme, according to your hienes prefcriptioun, and as I ought to anfwere to God in confcience, and to your hienes in criedite, The money is to gj-,^ to the liaill world in the reputation of an lioneft man : And fal minnage it bee destributed *- '^ nmang the Ca- jn fik fort, that bc the grace of God, thair fall be fruite drawin thereof, pleafant tholikenobilitie x^i/ iii ii- of Scotland. to your hienes. It is true that I nnde (as all vthers wald doe, that walde m- terprife fik a charge heir) my felf involved in great difficulties : For on the ane part, I am in great danger of the heretikes, and of thame of the faction of Eng- land, be reafoun of the oppin profeffion that I make of the Catholike Religion, and of the lufpition that the laft hes of my fecreete pi'actifes and dealing againft thame ; On tlie vther part, I liaue meekle adoe to moderate the appetite that fum Catholicke lordis hes, to haue the money prefently, for the hope quhilk they The Erie of s'^^'^ ^^ ^^"" jjreteudit occafiouns, that will never fall out as they promife. The Huntiy wald Earlc of Huutly made inftance to haue the third part of the fowme quhilk was haue a third part •' ' ^ to himseifc. fent heir, alfe foone as it was delyvered to me ; but he hes not tuitchit, nor fall not twitch hereafter a mal3ie, but vpon gude takins. I haue payed him in the meane tyme, with inexpugnabill reafonis, quhairof in the end he is contented. I befeik your hienes, bee the firft letter it iall pleas you to write in thir partis, to the Catholicke lordes, to remove ane errour from three, quha hes writen thair in name of the remanent, that moves them to thinke, be reafoun thay were the firft that made offer of thair fervice to the King Catholike, that all the money that comes heere fliould be parted in thre, and immediately after the arrivall thereof delyvered to thame, without giving part to vtheris, quhilke belide thame are in great number to the King Catholikes fervice and yours, and alfwa de- liberat to hazard after their power, for the advancement of this caufe, as thay are ; of whom the vtheris will not depend in ony fort, in the accepting of the moyans that cummes from your liberalitie, but acknawledge thame as comming directly from your hienes, to quhonie onely they will bee bound and obleift, and not to the vther three. Of the quhilkes, the Erie of Mortoun, hes hitherto con- (juhat ever ti.is tented himfelfe with reafon : As alfwa the Earle of Huntiy, hes never fchawin beineat this himfelfe fubject to money, bot fen he hes beene inducit be the third, to wit, my 27Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 331 Lord Claud Hamiltoun his vncle, quha is fum quliat covetous of ffeir, and 'y™*;. '' '! "o"" ' •■ ^ ° bee obiecut to thocht vnder fike pretext to make his profite. The faide Earle of Huntly is con- ti'm now after bis Itrained to remame at Court : He is falhn from his conltancy in his outward pro- scription geven feffion of the Catholike Religioun, partly for having loft all efperance of your ° fupport before the returning of the I'aide Cheflioline, becauCe of his lang ftay there, partly by the perfwafion of fum politicks, partly to efchew the perrills imminent to all thame that calles thamefelfis Catholikes, partly to keepe hiinlelfe in the favour of his King, quha preafit him greatly to fubfcrive the Confeffion of the Heretikes, and to league with England. Bot for all this, his heart is na TheEarieof wife alienat from our caufe ; for he lies the foul ever gude, albeit he haue not wis his Religion, fik vigour to perfevere, and execute fik as is requifite, in fa great an enterprife ; and 'poiicief after but thay may helpe thay defects, putting befide him a man of credite, refolute "J^'^ beti".*'" to affift him, as we haue advifed to doe, fen the Barron of Fentrie is put in waird be the King, in the Towne of Dundie : Swa that he darre not gang out of the portes thereof, vnder the paine of a great fowme, qiihill the occafion may bee offerit to depart the cuntry, within the tyme limited. And I bee the Kings commandeinent, am difchargeit to come neir the faid Erie ; becaufe they have attributed to the faid Laird of Fentry, and mee, his conftancy in the Catholik • Religion, and his abfence from Court againft the Kingis wil : His wairding lies fum quhat hinderit our courfe, and permittes mee not to move him, as it hes pleafit you to command mee, and as I defire to difpence the money conjunctly with me ; fa that for fui^pleing of the default of him, I haue afTociat to the fame end, a very honeft man and very wife, callit Father William Criechtoun lefuift, sir lames ches- - _ c 1 holme, brother quha wes detenit fum yeiris in the towne of Londoun, alter hee was tane to lohn ches- vpon the fea, cummand toward this from France. Likewife, I fall helpe myrate!"^'* felfe be the prudence of Schir lames Chefliolme, eldeft brother to the faid John, quha brouffht the money from voiir hienefle. For hee is a man confident, wife, The money is in ^ 'ri •' • ^ my L. Levmg- ane on our part, and very litle fufpect. In the mean time, the ane part of the stonis duefe money is in the principall lioufe of my Lord Lvingftoun, a very Catholike Lord, Edinburgh, to the vther heir in Edinburgh, in great enugh fuirtie , to helpe as it fall neid the l"l^ nobiements Lords Catholiks, quha will conveene heir very loon to refift, to the defyinges of 'j"JJJj ' (^'JJ'g^. thame of the faction of England, quha in the fame time ai-e purpofit to remaine ble- at Court, with forces, to range all things at their fantacie. As for the like fowme or greater, quhilk your hienefle willis to caufe follow the laft lent heir, it is good in all eventis, it were very foone lent heere, fecreetly, to help the ne- Jfair money pro. ceffitie that may fal out, and to caufe things incline to our fide, quhen they are Duke of Parmc. in ballance, as their is great appearance thay will bee, be the occalioun foirlaid : And in cace that neceffitie requires na diftribution, the faid fowme fall bee keepit"' '*!"?»?''*" ^ -^ Spanish forces and refervit to better occafions. or quhill the arrivall of your forces in this He. suia arrive in ' this IlaniL 332 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. Thair is fiifpition, as alfo arguments probable anugh, that Thomas Tyrie, quha hes brought lieir your hienefle letters to our King, lies not behavit himlelfe ac- cording to his duetie : For hee hes accommodate himfelfe in his behaviour, mair after the affectioun of our Chancellar (quha is of the faction of England, and abufes the credeit hee lies with the King) nor according to the inltructions given him thair. Hee lies not prefentit nor made mention to the King of Colonell Sempills letter, quhairof I liaue caulit prefent the copie to his Majeftie be the Erie Bouthwell, as gif it had beene fent to him with an vther of the laid Colo- nellis to himlelfe, quhilk hee refavit from Thomas Tyrie at his arryvall, quha hes rei)orted to the laid Chancelar, all that Segneur don Bernardino fpak to him, in Parife, to the difadvantage of the faid Chancellar. Alfwa, hee hes reportit to the King, that my Lord Bifchop of Dumblane, beeing returuit thair, fpake to your hieneffe and to vthers, many things to the great prejudice of his hienes : And it is beleeved alfo, that he is the caufe of the lulpitioun quhilk is conceavit of They compt our tlie coiiimiug of the faid lolin Chefliolme, iiewlie to the laid Billiop. However thlThereticifes. it be, the Ather reports foirlaid, quhilk he hes made, hes not fervit to conciliat, but to alienate the atfection of the King, of the Chancelar and mony otheris he- retickes from the faid Segneur don Bernardino, the faid Bifchop, and Catholickes heir, that lies had adoe with tlianie. As for mee, albeit I fpeak not willingly to the difadvantage of ony wliatfonie\'er, chiefly of tliame whonie I liaue recom- mendit, as I did the faide Thomas Tyrie to the laid Don Bernardino, 3et I will preferre the love of the treuth to men, and wald not in concealing thereof, bring prejudice to the publick well, nor to the fidelitie that the an aught to vthers, and fpecially to that we aught all to the King of Sjiain, and 3our hienelTe, to Bruce servand Quliome I aiii prefeiitlv fervand, particularly addicted, bee the obligation of five to the King of i i j ' i j ' ^ o ^ spaine, and to hundrctli crowucs of fee, and fourty for monethly entertainement, quhilk it hes the D. of Parme, '. ^ . , . ,, , ,'• c o ■ i • hes ane pensioun pleaiit your hicnes to give mee iriely in name or the King ot Spaine, vnbeing "he nione"Can'd required for my part, nor vther thing for my particulai-e to this prefent ; bee ;?."?, ,""""" "'^ reafoun quhairof, I am the mair bound to give your hienes niaift humble thanks, and to ende^'our my felfe to deferve, be my niaift humble and faithfuU I'ervices, aJs Weill the faid entertainment, as the recompenfe it hes pleafit 30ur hienefle to proniife me of your grace and favour. The faid gift of your liberalitie, come to me Weill to jiurpole, feing bee reafoun of the danger of my perfon, it behuifit mee to augment my ordinare tryne for my greater fuirtie, quhilke I was not Bruce lies nego- able lauger to have borne out without helpe. For from all the lordes of Scot- tiat in Spaine " i .n t j^ t i with the K and land, I liave not retyred but a jiart onely of the money, quhilk I qiendit travel- tries with the u.' ling, for the well of this caufe in Spaine with his Majeftie Catholike, and with of Parnic. ^^^^^, ],jj,jj^.j]|. jj^ ^jjg j^j^ couutries. As for the foure hundreth crowns imployed for the deliverance of Colonell Sempill out of prilbn, I haue put in it conipt with 27Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. the remanent quliilk I deburfed of the firft Ibwme, according as it hes pleafit yoiir hienefle to command me. The Earle of Mortoiin, to qiihome I haue given con- Quiiat ever this folation bee wi-it in prilbim, hes inftantly prayed me alio be write to remember beene at this his maift affectioned fervice to your hienes. Finding himielf greatly honourit tfeeobLctiuo'" be the care it pleafit yow to have of him. Be the erace of God he is na mair inI"™T™^^'"u i •' o his aim and sub- danger of his life, be way of iuftice ; it not beeins: poffible to his enemies to '"ij.tion given n . . . , , '« 'lis contrare, prove againit him ony thing qnhilk they had fuppofed in his accufatioiin : As gif he remaine alio the Kinges affection not la farre alienate fra hiiu as it hes bene heeretofore : And incaife thay wald noye him, or that it were prefently requifite for the weill of our caufe to deliver him, wee have ever moyan to gette him out of i)rifoun, and abides not in the meane time, hot the Kings will towarde his liberty, only to avoide all perfuit that thay wald make, gif wee delyvered him extraordinar- ly. Quhen they ofierit him in the Kings name his libertie, gif he wolde fubfcrive the coufeffioun of the Heretikes faith, he anfwerit hee walde not doe it for the Kings crowne, nor for a hundreth thoufand lives, if he had them to lofe ; and hes offerit to confound the INIinifters be publicke difputation. I fall folicite the lords, his friends, to procure of the King his libertie very foone : for hee importes mair the well of our caufe, nor ony of the reft, be reafoun of his forces, quhilkes are neare England, and the principall towne of Scotland, and the ordinare refi- dence of our kings : As alfwa, he is the lord the maift refolute conftant and of gi'eateft executioun of ony of the Catholickes. It is na fmall marvell, confider- ing the moyanes the heretickes hes to harme vs, and tliair warldly wit fa far pafling ovrs, and thair evil will and intentioun againft vs, that wee fubfift. Truely, wee cannot bot attribute the effect thereof to God, quha (then when the certain newes of the returning of the arme of Spaine be the backe of Ireland, were difperfit through this country, and the heretickes of the faction of England triunqjliant, and the conftancie in the outwarde profeffioun of the Earle of Huntly and others wes branglit) caufit the Earle of Angus to die, quha wes cheiffe of the Englifch faction, and the felfe fame time fufcitat fum diffentioun amangis the hereticks, bee refoun of fum offices that fum pretendit to vfurpe aboue vthers at Court, and bee the inftant jiraj^ers and haly perfwafions of twa fatheres lelliiftes, convertit to our holy faith twa hereticke Earles of the firft of authoritie and power amangis them, the an quhairof is callit the Earle of Erroll, conftable of Scotland, convertit bee Father Edmond Hay : The vther called the Earle of Crawfurde, convertit bee the laid Father ^Mlliain Criechtoun. Thaye are baith able and wife young lordes, and maift defirous to advaunce the Catho- licke faith, and your interprifes in this He, quhilk they are deliberate to teftifie to liis Majeftie Catliolicke and your hienes by their owin letters, quhilke be the grace of God, I fall fend be the firft commoditie. In the meane tyme, they haue 334 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. The King of required me to niak yow offer of thair inaift hiuuble and maift affectioned fer- Pirme^hes inter- vice, promifing to follow quliat fiimever the laid leluiftes and I i'all thinke good cuiedinScoV-'^'to bee done, for the confervation of the Catholikes, and to difpofe and facilitat land. ^Yie executioun of your enterpriles heir, quhilk thay may doe mair eafily, nor Tiie lesuists and thay that are knowne to bee Catholikis, quliais actions are ever fiifpitious to the priests doe great },ei.etji^j.g fyj. tliair Religiouu, quhairof thir two Earles hes not yet made out- liurt in Scotland. ' o ' a .' •ward i)rofeffion ; but in that, as in the reft, thay lubmit them felfis to our will, fit iscvi ^"'^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^'^ finde maift expedient. The faides fathers of that company makes (lent, that the m-eat fVuite in Scotland, and fa foone as ane lord or other perfon of importance declining to pa- ^ i i-r- /> i • pistrie drawis js couvcrted bee thame, they diipole and niclyne in the verj^ meane time their tva oir native afFcction to the fervice of the King of Spaine, and your hienelfe, as a thing inle- t^Th'e'sen'ioc'oT parablie conjoined with the advancement of the true Religon in this country. '*' J S' "!• n """ Gif I had commandement of your hienelFe, I walde give thame fume litle almous and D. ot ramie. •' ' o in your name, to help thame and eight vthers, quhairof foure are alfo lefuifts, and the vther foure ar feminarie pri.^lles of PontawmoulFone in Lorane ; quhilkis are all the Ecclefiaftickes, that produces fa great fpirituall fruite in Scotland, and acquires to 30W heir fik augmentation of your friendes and fervantis. After the pairting of Colonell Sempill from this, the lords fent letteris with the faid The Papist Father Creichtoun and vther gentlemen, after the armie of Spaine, to caufe it bee Creiehtoun, land in tliis cuutry ; hot it had taken the way to !52)aine few dayes before their nishZt'IoUnd arrivall at the lies, quhair it had refrellied the felfe, la that it was not poffible in Scotland. ^^^ them to attend on it. Thay of this country that are of the faction of Eng- land, were in a marvellous feare, during the incertitude of the landing of the faid armie, and confelfes plainly, if it had landit heir, thay liad bein alluterly wrakkit. The Erie ]5oithwell, quha is Admirall of Scotland, and als gal3ei"it a lord as ony is in the country, albeit hee make profelfion of the new Religion, yet is he extreamly defirous to affift 30W againft England, having lifted and enter- tained all tliis foinmer, (vnder pretext to ga dantoun the lies) fum trowpis of men of weir, quhilk, together with his forces ordiiiaris, fuld haue ioyned with yours, gif thay had cuininit heir. He fuffers Jiinifelfe to bee peaceablie gydit be me, notwithftanding the diverfity of our Religion, and hes oftentimes faid, that if the Catholickes wald giue him fuirtie to poffefle, after the reftitution of the Catholickes Religion, twa abaies quhilke he hes, that hee fuld even prefently bee altogether ane of ours : Hee intends to fend the Colonell JIalkerftoun, to accom- panie certaine captaines and gentilmen to Spaine, and almaift foiu-e hundreth fouldeours all faife from the nawfrage in our lies. And becaufe thay are in great neceflltie, he is jnirpofed to accommod thame with fliips, victuals and vther things neceffare, to teftifie thairby to the King of Spaine, the affection hee hes, to doe him maift humble and affectioned fervice : And gif we think it good, 27JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 335 lies offerit himfelfe to ga out of t'le countrj^ and to ga offer himlelfe to your hieneire in the Law Countries, and be your advile tliairafter, doe the like to his Majeftie Catholike in Spaine. Bot heerevpon, wee fall advife vpon the maift expedient : Gif wee may alwayes be aflTurit of him, he will bee alfe profitable for the well of our caufe, as ony lord in Scotland : For he lies great dependanee about this towne, quhilke is the iirincipall of Scotland, as allwa, vpon the fronterris of .,- iii A counsel! of England. Hee lies off'erit to maintaine and defend me againlt all tliat wold at- chosen men for tempt againis me. Wee haue chofen for every Catholike lord a gentleman of the Jonrare* erected wifeft and faithfull Catholikes, and belovit of their friends, to ferve tharae of a ^^^^Jl'j^^^ ^7^!_^.= counlell, and to conveen at al occafions, to refolve the maift expedient that mav '•i?'''='^<; '"'^'•- prises. concern the well of our caule, according to the will and intentioun of thair lordis, qulia hes obleift thamefelfis to approve and execute thair relblutions, and nawife to contraveine the fame. And bee that moyan, we hope to proceede with greater foliditie and effect, than wee have done heirtofoir : Alwayes, thir fall knaw na thing of our intelligences thair, nor our fiiiall intentiounes, bot according to the exigence of the effaires I'all be in hand, and that fuperficially, and without dif- covering our felfis OA'er farre. gour hienefte fall vnderftand, bee the particulare Letters of the lordis, that quhilke reftes to bee faid to yow by thir prefentis : Be refoun quhairof, I will make end, maift humbly kiffing your hienes handis : And prayand God to give yow all tlie gude hope and felicitie ye defire. From Edinburgh, the 24i of la- nuarie, 1589. Your hieneffe maift humble and maift affectioned fervitor, Robert Bruce.' (Jun. 12 ) — Charges ordained to be given to the keepers and withholders of the ' placeis, houffis, touris and fortaliceis of Strathbogy, Boig of Geycht, Innernes, Slanes, Douglas, Bothuill, Dryinmen, Ruthuen in Bad3enauch, Craw- furde, Auchindoun, Gartlie, Peill, Birnes, Balgawy, to rander and dehjiier the Jamiju to the Herauldis, purfevantis or vthiris officeris, executouris of the faides Letteris ; and to remove thame felffis and thair feruandis furth thairof, within xxiiij houris,' under the pain of Treafon. (Jun. 13.) — Robert LoGxVXE of Reftalrig, ordained to be denounced rebel, for not apjiearing before the King and Council, to anfwer a charge at the inftance of Robert Gi'ay burgefs of Edinburgh ; ' makand mention. That quhair vpoun the fecund day of Aprile left, he being pafling in peceable and quiet maner to Beruik, for doing of certane his leftiim effeai'is and bufynes, lippynning for na * In tlie Advocates' Library, tliere is also a copy of the same Tract, printed verbatim with the Edi- tion from which the present has been taken. It is chiefly in Black Letter. Another Edition was ' printed at London by T. Snodham, and are to be fould at the houle of T. Elle, 1603,' 336 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 159+. trouble nor injurie of ony perfonis ; treuth it is, that Johnne alias JoJelde Hoxildie and Petir Craik (' lioulliald') feruandis to Robert Logane of Reftalrig, ■with three vthiris thair compliceis, vnibefett his hie way and palFage, befyde the Bowyrod ; quha not onlie reft and fpuilzeit fra him nyne hundreth and fiftie pimdis money quliilk he had vijoun him, hot alfwa, maift cruellie and barbar- ouflie invadit and perfewit him of his lyfte, hurte and wovmdit him in the heid, and llraik him with diners vtheris bauch ftraikis vpoun his body, to the grite danger and perrill of his lyfFe, to the faid complenaris vtter wrak and euill ex- ample of vthiris to committ the lyke rubberie and violence,' &c. Logan failed to appear and to prelent thefe perfons, for whom he was refponfible. (Jul. 11.) — Johnne Eler ' citienair of the toun of Danflvene,' as prociu-ator for Joachym Eler, Michael Meves and other citizens of Danskeiie, obtain Lettei-s for charging ' Patrik Erll of Orknay, Johnne Forret of Fingaik, and Da- uid Hoppringle, mercheant and burges of Edinbui'gh, for the wrangous, violent and maifterfull fpoliatioun and away-taking fra the faidis perfewaris, of ane fliip of the toune of Uanfkene, callit ' The Ark of Noy' (Noah,) with hir ankeris, ca- billis, towis, furnitour, and certane vtheris guidis and geir.' (Jul. 22.) — Proci>amation, that ' the Kingis Maieftie, now finding the ef- fectis of the traiterous practizeis of his dilloyall and maift vnthankfuU and vn- naturall fubiectis fafer (fofar) procedit, as the Jesuitis, the peiuiitious fpringis and inftrumentis of tliir euills ar returnit ; not fnnplie, hot accumpanyit with ftrangearis, and furnifl with money to fteir vp and profequute a i)ublict wear, aganis God, his trew Religioun, his Maiefteis perfoun and authoritie,' &c. ' For refifting and repreffing of quhilk maift treflbunabill and odious attemptatis, his Maieftie willis and effectuuflie requiris all Minifteris of Godis worde, within the haill Prelbitereis ouer all the realme, eirniftlie to travell with all his hienes faithfull and gude fubiectis of all efteatis, allweill to burgh as to land ; to tak this mater in harte, as that quhilk importis the prefent dangear and hafard of thair Religioun and confcience ; the lyffis of tliame lelffis, thair wyffis, bairnis and kynnisfolkis ; the concj^ueift of thair natiue cuntrey and of thair awne laudis, levingis and guidis, vail^eantlie defendit be thair worthie foirbearis, vnto this age ; fra that maift crewell and vnmercifuU Natioun of Span5ie and thair adhe- rentis ; And to that effect, to move the Baronis and gentilmen in euerie fliyre or prifl)iterie, and the Proueft and bailleis of ilk burgh, to convene with all fjjeid, in lie convenient jilaceis as thay fall think maift expedient, to advife vpoun the bell and maift exjjedient meanis to refift and repres the inteftine and fore3Tie inemeyis of trew Religioun, &c. ; and to reporte vnto his Maieftie thair guid- willis, and offeris to prepair thame felffis with armour and victuallis, to pas ford- wart with his Maieftie, vpoun the nixt aduertifment.' (Jul. 25.) — A Commission granted to ' Archibald Erll or Ergyle 28JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 337 Lord Campbell and Lome, Johnne Erll of Athoill Lord Balvany, and JoHNNE Lord Forbes,' conftituting them ' his hienes Lieutennantis and Jiif- ticeis within the boundis of the rtierefdoms of Abirdene, Banff, Elgin, Fores, Name, Inuei-nes, Ci-omartie and Tarbett,' to ' pas fordwart, ferche, feik, tak, ap- prehend, or vtherwife to perfew to the deid, with fyre, fwerd and all kynd of ri- gour and extremitie, all his hienes declairit Traitouris, rebellions and vnna- tnral lubjectis, Jesuitis, Seminarie Priestis, Trajfiapibig Papistis, and thair re- fettaris,' &c. {Eodem die.) — Proclamation calling the Earls, Barons, &c. of the fliires of Edinburgh, Haddington, Berwick, Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles, to repair to his Majefty, at Edinburgh, Aug. 26 ; thole within the bounds of Lanark, Dumfries, ^Vigton, Ayr, Tarbet, Bute, Renfrew, Dumbarton, Linlithgow, Stir- ling, Clackmannan, Kirkcudbright and Annandale, Kile, Carrick and Cunning- hame, at Stirling, on Aug. 27 ; Fife, Kinrofs, Perth, Stratherne and Menteith, at Perth, on Aug. 28 ; Forfar and Kincardine, at Brechin, on Aug. 29 ; Aber- deen, Banff, Elgin, Forres, Nairn, Invernefs and Cromarty, at Aberdeen, on Aug. 31 ; ' and fra thyne to pas fordwart as thay falbe commandit, for refilling and reprefTnig of the trelTounable practizes and conlpiraceis of the faidis vnnatural lubiectis, or perfute of thame, as occalioun lalbe offerrit.' Licences to be granted to the ' ageit, dileafit and infirme, thay payand fie relTounable compofitioun thair- foir, for the furtherance of this feruice, cheiflie the payment of the wageis of horfemen and futemen,' &c. Thefe Treafons are faid to have been highly ag- gravated, by their taking place ' evin in this tyme appointit for his hienes bap- tifine of his daiTeft fone the Prince, quhome God in his niercie lies grantit to the conforte of this natioun ; be the affiftance and witneffing of the fouerane Princeis his maifl; deir freindis and allyes, and commoun welthis, his narreft and gude nichtbourig.' (Jul. 31.) — Kanjeauch M'KANgiE of Kintaill was charged to appear and produce a Commiffion of Jufi;iciary, ' maift inoi'dourlie pafl; aganis the tennour of the Actis ; and fpeciallie, gevand him pouer to proceid aganis perfones dilaitit of trefloiinable Fyi-e-rafing, quhilk is onlie propir to the Juftice Generall and his deputis, and audit na to be tryit befoir ony inferiour judgement.' (Aug. 2.) — Andko Ker of Fairnyhirft, Thomas Ker his brother, Thomas Ker of Caveris and Robert Ker of Newtoun, having been denounced rebels, ' for lubfcryving of ane AfTuirance to Schir Robert Ker appeirand of Cesfurde.' They are charged ' to pas and entir thair peribnis in warde, within the Cafl;ell of Dun- bartane ;' until they obtain themlelves relaxed from the procefs of horn. (Aug. 15.) — WiELiAME Hay of Linplum to be denounced rebel, for not an- I'wering to a charge at the infl;ance of M' Dauid Ogill minifter at Humble, and vol, l 2 u 338 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. ]Vr George Chalmer minifter at Bar, ' that qiiliair, tliay being defyrit be certane freindis, at his f^jeciall directioun, to haue conuenit with him at ane tryift, vpoun the ground of his awne landis, for removing of the contrauerfie betuix liim and the faid M" Dauid, anent the richt of the vicarage of Barro ;' they on 8th inftant attended, when Hay ' came and mett thame, accumpanyed with three of his fer- uandis izi amies, and befoir the vttering of ony Ipeiclieis to thame, he fliameful- lie and \nihonneftlie jierfewit thame of thair lyveis ; thay haueing na thing, faiilffing thair buikis in thair handis, flioit and difchargeit his ijiftollett at the faid M' Dauid, off fett purpois and prouifioun to haue llane him thairwith ; and he happpining with the fame flioitt to fall, the faid Williame belevit he wes flane, and left him for deid ; and thaireftir foUowit and perfewit the faid M' George and prefentit ane bendit piftoUett at him, quhilk mifgave, cheilfit him three quarteris of ane myle, and had not faillit to haue flane him, wer nocht he gatt entres within the portis of Hadingtoun, and wes releuit be the inhabitantis thairof.' (Aug. 17, apud St?'ht'd'nig.) — Peoclamatiox, referring to the circumftance of the preceding Proclamations having been iffued, in regular form^; — ' nocht- withflanding, be relfouu of the prefent feafoun and nature of the yeir, and lait liarveft liklie to follow, be that occafioun, the grite grudge and murmuring of a grite nowmer of his Maiefteis gude fubiectis, giff thay falbe drawne frome thair harvifl, cheiflie at that tyme quhen as thair coirnis ar rype and reddy to be flioirne ; refpecting heirwithall the grite fcairltie of viuers and vtheris necelTaris for men and horfis, and grite derth that hes followit and yit continewis be that occafioun ; and laft, the want of ane thouland wageit men on horfe and fute, thocht neceffar for this purpois and yit not tane vji.' — Therefore the lieges are ordained to convene at the before-named places, on the laft day of Sei)teniber — firft, fecond, third and fourth days of October, ' for refifting and repreffing of the treffounable practizes,' &c. (Aug. 24.) — ProcsAMAtion, charging ' all and findrie noblemen, gentilmen and vtheris his liienes faytlifull and gude fubiectis, luifTaris of the honnour of his hienes and thair iiatiue cuntrey, that thay and euery ane of thame preas be all gude means poffible to intertene i\\eAmh(issadou7'is [' of findrie Princeis andCom- moun-welthis, darreft and narreft freindis to our fouerane lord and ladj^ repairit to this burgh of Striuiling to the Baptisme of the Peixce, darreft fone to our fouerane lord,'] and the gentilmen and vtheris being in thair cumiianyis, freindlie and courteouflie : And that thay may performe the fame the mair eflfec- tuallie, that thay retene nane in thair cumpany hot fic as ar difcreit, courtas, of gude inclinatioun, and honneft behauiour ; nawayes factious, querrellous, hot fic as will vtterlie forbeir to invade or perfew ony maner of perfone or perfonis, or 28JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 339 mak prouocatioun of difpleafoiu-, in worde, deide, or countenance outhir for auld feid or new, or for qiihatfumeuir caus or occafioun, in coming to this toun, re- maning thairin, or depairting tliaii-fra,' &c. (Sep. 10, apud Harinddhous.) — Act anent Thomas Foullis, goldfmith and bui'gefs of Edinburgh, in which it is narrated, That in conlideration of the fum of £14,598 ' jn-efentlie lent and deliuerit to the Kingis Maieftie, and vthirwayis hes deburfit in certane his hienes awne particulair effairis,' ' his Maieftie hes pre- fentlie confignit and delyuerit in his handis twa Drinking jwceis of gold, wey- and in the hail! fyftene pundis and fyve A'nce of Gold.' And in cafe of non-pay- ment of the above fimi, betuix and the firft day of Nonember next, ' Ordanis him and Thomas Achiefoun his Maiefteis Maifter cun3eour, to ftryke domi and cun3ie, and caus the faidis twa drinking peceis of gold to be ftrukin doun and cun3eit, in ffyve pund peceis ;' ' The fuperplus, giff ony beis, to mak fiuthcwm- and and delyuer to his Maiefteis felff.' (Eodem die.) — Another ' DrinJciiig j)cce of gold, weyand tuelflf pundis and fyve vnce of gold,' coufigned, on the fame conditions, with Thomas Achiefoun Maifter Cwn3eour, for payment of £6000, advanced by Johxne Arxott bur- ges of Edinburgh. Achiefoun becomes cautioner for his JMajefty ; and for his relief, he is empowered to ' ftryke doun and cun3ie' the Drinking pece, if the money be not paid within the time ftipulated ; and after fatisfying Arnott, to pay the furplus to his Majefty. {Eodem die.) — Johnne Arxott gets Affignation of the ffew-farms and ffew- mailes of his Majefty's proper lands of Colbrandifpeth, for ' this inftant crope and yeir' 1591-, and of the crojis and years 1595 and 1596 ; and alfo the ffew- mails of his highnefs's proper lands of Orkney and Yetland, of the years 1595 and 1596 ; for funis expended before the ' incwmiug of the ftrangearis to this honnourable tjane of the baptizing of the Prince,' viz. £5000 for ' wjaie and beir ;' and ' 8000 markis, to the intertenying of his INIaiefteis and the Quenis grace, his darreft bedfellowis, awne houffis, quhan all vthir moyane failit ;' which, with ' annualrent,' then amounted to £11,500. {Eodem die.) — ' Proclamatioun for the North.' The ' Erllis lordis,' &c. ordained to meet at Edinburgh, Sep. 30, at Dundee, Oct. 4, and at other times as fpecified in Letters to be directed, at Aberdeen ; with thirty days' vic- tuals and provifion, after their reaching Aberdeen ; — ' for refilling of the tref- founable practizeis of the faidis dedairit tratouris,' &c. (Sep. 30.) — Act in favour of Tho:mas Foullts goldfmith, biirges of Edin- burgh, that he had ' prefentlie, at his Maiefteis eirnift delire, lent and deburfit the fowine of £12,000, for outredding of fmdrie his hienes eflfearis, fpeciallie the payment of the wageis of horfemen and futemen, leveyed for the advancement 340 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. of his hienes author! tie and feruice in the North pairtis of this realme.' Until repayment, ten per cent intereft is ftipulated to be paid. Proclamation againft Fkancis fumtyme Erll Bothuill. {Eodem die.) — Forsamekle as the vnnaturall and maift odious Rebellionis of Frances fumtyme Erll Bothuill, is now manifefted to the haill warld, in hie and inanifeft contempt of our louerane lord and his avictoritie ; ffirft, breking Avarde oute of the Caflell of Edinburgh ; Invading his Maieftie vndir cloude of nicht, at his Palaceis of Haliruidhous and Falkland ; Awaitting on his Maieftie, at his ouerpafling at the Ferreyis of Leith and Kinghorne ; Seik- ing at findrie tymes, belyde the burrowis of Edinburgh and Linlythgow, to haue feafed on his hienes perfone, at the hunting ; Entering in his prefence, in niaift irreverent and barbarous maner, the xxiiij day of July, the yeir of God 1593, at his Palice of Haliruidhous foirfaid ; Clengeing him felfF of the odious cryme of Witchecraft, in a Judgement, quhair he wes baitli Juge and pairty ; Preafmg his Maieftie (yea almaift compelling him aganis his harte, giff he had not pre- ferrit his honnour and libertie of his Crowne to his awne lyfTe,) to capitulat with him, in matei-is maift foule and ignominious : And the thryd of Aprile laft, in his difpyte of his Maieftie, cwmiug with difi^layed baneris in ficht of ftran- geris and in his hienes awne prefence, committing prefum^ituus infolenceis vpon his hienes gude lubiectis : By quhilkis treflbunable and continuall indigniteis, the faid fumtyme Erll, labouring his Maieftie now the Ipace of three yeiris and mair, he hes perturbit his hienes and his eftate, in fie forte, as he had na lafair to correct the practizaris with ftrangeris for fubuerfioun of Religioun and amitie betuix the tua realmes, quhairvnto baith his hienes awne confcience and eirnift prayeris of his gude fubiectis urged him ; till now, of lait, his hienes, hoiping be his lang patience, to haue moved the faid fumtyme Erll to fum conformitie and humiliatioun, he aftignit the fecund day of October nixt to cum, for going ford- wart in that Crifteane feruice aganis the faidis Pi'actizaris ; hot the faid Boith- uell, fliaiking of all Religioun (with opinioun quhairof he had abufed the fimple people, during the fpace of three yeiris foirfaid), and making fliipwrak of all honneftie, lies enterit in freindfchip with the faidis Practizaris, refiauit thair gold, and promifled to thame, befoir the laid fecund day of Octolier nixt, ather to apprehend and pofles his hienes perfone, or then, giff he fett fordwart to the North, fua to perturb the South pairtis of this realme, be furprifing the Caftellis of Blaknes, Thomptalioun, Bruchtie, Brint-Uand, He of Man, and be vthiris in- curfionis ; as his hienes Ibuld be forced, vndoing juftice with the faid pi-actizaris, to returne with fliame and difcredite : And to that effect, the xiij of September inftant, or thairaboute, to haue invadit his Maieftie, vndir filence of nicht, at his 28Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 341 Palice of HaljTuidlious foirfaid, Avitliout fpairing ony perfone, from the Vttet 5eit {outer gate) to his bed chahiier ; haueing, for that purpois, three or fourefcoir of his rebellious complices warned to haue concurred with him, at the place and tyme foirfaid ; and immediatlie eftir his Maietteis a])prehenfioun, to haue caryed him captiue to the Caftell of Blaknes, (the keipar quhairof, being corrupt, is now execute for his demereitis,) thair till haue detenit his hienes, till his difordourit outlawis had cum frome the Bordouris, quha wer indeid vndir wairning to haue mett tlie xv of this inftant, at Jedburgh, and fra that to haue haided to Bothuill for his releiff ; and to his Maiefteis perpetuall fliame, how fone thay had hard of his captiuitie, gift' God of his mercy had not, be Letteris vndir the faid Both- uillis awne hand, quhilkis wer found vyton W Allane Orme, ane of his fervandis, detected the names of his aflbciattis, quhairby fum of thame wer apprehendit, and the reft fugitiue, and his Maiellie through devyne grace deliuerit of that moft dangerous Trealibun : And as the faid BothuiUis dili'embled hypocrifie, thir three yeiris paft, had prociu-ed to him the fauour of ower mony of his people, be the quhilk he was inabled to work all thir infolencies aganis his hienes, fo wes his Maieftie, not onlie aganis his natui-all inclinatioun, (being moir inclynnit to pitie nor to pvniflie,) forced nochtwithftanding, to pvnilhe fum of his depend- aris, for the terrour of nheris'; hot be the fame fauour of the people borne to the faid Bothuell, his hienes wes diftracted and difabilled to proceid in the gude caus foirfaid, with that eirniftnes that he intendis : And fo, be the ignorant and fool- iflie affectioun of his liegis borne to the faid Bothuill, he was impellied and haldin bak fra that quhilk thay maift defirit, and he wes maift willing vnto ; flbr thay, conforting the faid Bothuill, maid him bauld, euerie three monethis to mak a new Confpiracie ; quhilk forceit his hienes, for faulftie of his lyffe and honnour, to neglect all vtheris actionis, and onlie to prouyde aganis his barbarous and difi)erat invafioun : Bot feing his defectioun from the trew Religioun, quhair- with, in maner foirfaid, to this hour, lie hes cloiked all his Treafonis, is now ma- nifeft be his actionis, all Letteris fend to the Minifteris beiring his accord with the faidis Papiftis ; his hienes hoipis that nane of his gude fubiectis, treulie pro- fefling tlie faid Religioun, fall conforte or harbour him heireftir, ony mair ; bot, in relpect the faidis Pajjiftis and he now being all joyned in ane rebellious focietie, haue maift fliamefullie abufed his hienes faid liegis, thay falflie pre- tending liis hienes fauour, and Bothuill als falflie pretending a cloik of Reli- gioun : His hienes ordanis Letteris to be direct to Officeris of ai-mes, fliereffis in that parte, chargeing thame to pas to the mercat croceis of the heid-burrowis of this realnie, and vtheris j)laceis neidfull, and in his hienes name and authori- tie to mak publicatioun heirof, that nane pretend ignorance of the fame : And to command and charge all and fmdrie his hienes lieges, ordanit be his formair 342 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. Proclainatioun to attend vpoiui his Maieftie, that thay convene thame felffis, in maift fenfible and fubftantious maner, to accnmi)any and defend his IMaieftie, in his niaift Criftiane feruice ; quhairin eueiy ane of thanie, eftir a meafiu-e, hes als grite intereft as him felfF, and on the fucces quhairof dependeth the eftate of the faid Religioun, ftabilitie of his Crowne, and thair fanlftie : As alfwa, command- ing and chargeing famony of his Maiefteis fubiectis as ar pennittit to remane at hame fra this prelent Raid and Armey, faithfullie to affift and concur with his hienes Lieiitemient, 'Williame Erll of Mortoun, and all vtheris his Maiefteis of- ficeris, Commiflionai'is, or Wardanis, for rejireffing of the faid Bothuill, or ony vtheris his Maiefteis rebellis infolenceis, during his hienes abfens and remaning in the North ; according to his Maiefteis Commiffioun gevin to the fame effect : Certifeing thame that dois in the contrair, thay falbe repute and haldin gilty of all crpnes committit be the faidis rebellis, and perfewit and pvnift thairfoir with all rigour and extremitie, in example of vtheris. (Oct. 1.) — ' Pkoclamatioun, for concurring with Archibald Erll of Ergyi.e and JohnN'e Lord Forbes, Lieuttennentis in the North pairtis of this realme.' The lieges are charged, ' that thay and ilk ane of thame, weill bodin in feir of weir, addres thame felffis and joyne in cumpany with the faidis Lieutennentis, concur, affift and tak ane efauld and trew parte with thame, fol- lowing thair directioun in the perfute of the faidis declairit tratouris,' &c. (Oct. 2.) — Licences for ' abiding from the Raid' are oi-dained to pafs the Signet and to be duly regiftered, otherwife to be held as null. (Oct. 4.) — ' Proclamatioun for concm-ring with Buckcleuch (Sir Walter Scott of Brauxholme kn'), Keipar of Liddifdale.' The Wardens of the Eaft and Middle IVIarches and the lieges are directed to ' ryife, concur, fortifie, affift and repair to the faid Sir "W^ilter, at all tymes as thay falbe requirit thairto, be his Miffiue Letteris, &c. for perfute, taking and apprehending, refifting and repreft- ing of the infolence of his hienes declairit traitouris,' &c. This Proclamation proceeds on the narrative, that the King had ' gevin and difponit to him the of- fice thairof (the Keeperfliij) of Liddifdale), heritablie, in tyme cwming.' (Eodem die.) — ' Proclamatioun to affift the Laird of Cesfurde, Wardane' (of the Middle March). The lieges within thefe bounds, ' and in fpeciall, the inhabitantis of the burgh of Jedburgh,' are charged to concur, &c. as in the former Proclamation. (Oct. 8, apiid Dundee.) — Act in favour of Sir James Skrymgeour of Du- dop kn', Conftable of Dundee, that ' albeit his Maieftie hes appointit ane of his hienes Page of Honnour to beir ANE Cornett Blanche befoir his hienes, du- ring the tyme of the prefent Raid, for the bettir attendance to be gevin be his 28JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 343 houlhakl feruandis on his Maiefteis awne perfone ; yit fall the fame uawayes derogat nor preinge the faid James Infeftmentis,' &c. viz. ' the i)lace and prefer- ment of BEIRING HIS HIENES Ba>:er AND Standart before his Maiefteis perfone and his fuceelfonris, at tymes of Oiftis, Weiris, Raidis, Armeis and Bat- tellis ;' — ' nather fall the fame Blanche Cornett be borne nor vfit eftir his Ma- iefteis Baner and Standart foirfaid beis difplayit, hot the fame Blanche Cornett rollit vp.' — ' And in the meantyme, qnhill tryall be tane, the faid Blanche Cor- nett fall not be borne, except dnring the tyme of this prefent Raid.' (Oct. 16, apiid Ahirdeiie.) — Proclamatiox, that ' his Maieftie, with aduise of the Lordis of Secreit Counfale, lies conclndit and refolnit to remane and not to depairt furth of thir North pairtis, vnto the tyme the fame be quieted and fetled, to Godis glorie, his hienes obediens, eafe, repofe and fuirtie of all liis faithfull and gude fubiectis,' &c. The ' Erllis, Lordis, Baronis, fubftautious ffewaris and landit Gentilmen, &c. togidder with the inhabitants of buiTowis, duelland within the boundis of the flierefdome of Perth, (except the inhabitantis of the Kerfe, be neth the Watter of Hay, allanai'lie,) Striuiling, Linlythgw, Renfrew, Dunblane, the Cuntreis of Ros and Ardmannauch, ikc. to repair to his Maieftie, at Abirdene, vpoun the xxviij of October inftant ; and fra thyue to pas forward,' &c. (Oct. 19-) — ' All Houssis, quhairin God hes bene diftionnourit, (' be com- mitting of Ydolatrie and prophaning of the facramentis,') ordauit to he cajjiii doiiii.'' — ' In fpeciall the placeis, fortaliceis and houlfis of Strathbogy, Slanes and Newtoun, — and that, in fignne and meraorie of the vnnaturall defectioun and rebellioun of the awnaris and pofleflbures thairof for the tyme, aganis God, his Maieftie and his authoritie.' (Oct. 23.) — ' The Capitaxes and Commandaris of his Maiefteis horfemen and futemen falbe anfuerable to the inhabitantes of the Burgh of Abirdene, for payment to thame of the ordinair chargeis and expenffis of the perfonis vxi-! dir thair cliarge,' &c. {Eodem die.) — Act in favour of the Burgh of Aberdeen, abfolving their Provoft. &c. for not apprehending and prefenting ' 3fr James Gordoioi, fadir- bruthir to George fumtyme Erll of Huntlie, eftir his landing at the raid and heavin of Abirdene, nor yit for latting to libertie of certane ftrangearis quhilk arryvit and landit with him,' — nor for refetting with declared traitors, &c. ' at the horn for the Murtliour and Slaucliter of vmq'" James Erll of ^lurray.' [Eodem die.) — ' Tuentie ftane wecht of poulder, togidder witli certane mat- tokis, gavillokis and vthercs werklwmes and materiallis for dimolifling and caft- ing doun of houffes and fortaliceis, valuat and eftimat in the liaill' to £548, 6s. 8d. to be reftored to the Burgh of Aberdeen, or the value of fuch as may be loft or deftroyed, &c. to be paid. 3ii CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594. (Oct. 28, apiid Terrisoule.) — ' Act anent the doiai-casting of Strath- bogie.' (Nov. 4, apud Ahirdene.) — ' Capitaxe Thomas Ker and James Ker his bruthir' ordered to be denounced, for not anfwering ' twicheing tliair treffoun- able affiftance, &c. with George fumtynie Erll of Huntlie,' &c. (Nov. 7.) — ' Act, quhair the Baroxis gaif thair Aithis to affift the Lieu- tennents.' The names inferted are ' Marilliaell, Forbes, Lovat, I\rKanzie, Grant, M'Intoilie, Buchane, Finlatter,Drum, Innes, Phillorth, Effihnouth, Frendraucht, Straloch, Muchallis, Duffus, Vrie, Corfe, Monyinufl^, Corfmdae, Toquhone young- air, Tutour of Cromartie, Alter, Auchtirallen, Boquliallie, Towy-Barclay, "War- dres, Ravynnifcrag, Ludquharne, Pitcaple, Pittindreich, Hairthill, Birnes." {Eodem die.)—' Commissioux of Lieuteunandrie' granted to ' Ludouik Duke of Lexxox, Lord Darnelie, Tarboltoun, IMethuene and Aubigny, his Maiefteis Lieutennent and Juftice, within the boundis of the Schirefdomis of Abirdene, Banff, Elgin, Fores, Name, Inuernes and Cromarty, allweill to Burgh as landwart, regalitie as ryaltie.' It is directed chiefly againft the Earls of Huntl'ie, Angus and Errol, ' Mr James Gordoun, WUUum Og'duij, Bohert Ahircrumhij, and all vtheris Jesnites,' &c. and their refetters. {Eodem die.) — ' Declaratioux in fauouris of the Erll IMarifliaell and vtheris,' that the burning and deftroying of the place and fortalice of Ballogy, of the month of October lall ; and thereafter demoliiliing the place and fortalice in Newtoun, ' wes and is done be his Maiefteis expres command, allowance and approbatioun.' (Nov. 8.) — ' WARRAXD_/b/- nudcing off Baxdis' is granted to ' the Baronis, &c. of the North pairtis, alfwele for the luirtie of the trew Religioun and of thame felffis and all vtheris profefTouris thairof, as for refifting of the Invalioun of his Maiefteis declairit traitouris,' &c. And this, notwithftanding of all Acts to the contrary. (Nov. 28, apud Haliruidhous.) — ' Archibald Erll of Ergyle promittit, band and oblift him to mak all the perfonis of the Surneuame of Campbell, &c. anftierable to juftice ; and that he fall ather caufe thame fatisfie pairteis Ikaitheit, fvva that na complaint falbe miniftrat to his hienes ; or then entir thame befoir his hienes or his Juftice, to vndirly tryall and pvnifliement, as efTeires ;' ' con- forme to the tennour of the Generall Band, lawis and Actis of Parliament.' (Dec. 19.) — TiiO-^Lvs Foullis, goldfmith, ordained to retain Jewels belong- ing to his Majefty, till payment lliould be made to him of 5900 merks due by the King, ' for certane chenzeis and goldfmith werk ;' viz. ' Threttene fraall dia- montis with chattonis of gold : auchtene chattonis of gold left with rubeis : and fyve grit rubeis fett in chattonis of gold, enamelat reid, quhyte and blak.' 28JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 345 (Eodem die.) — ' Ratificatioun of the Duke of Lennox Commissioun, with a pouer to him to grant Remiffionis.' {Eodem r//V.)— Claud and Alexander Hamilton, fons of James H. of Levingftoiin, ordained to be denounced rebels ; for coming with their accompli- ces, ' bodin in feir of weir, of the fpeciall caufmg, command, &c. of the laid James, and of Agnes Cokburne his fpous, betuix tuelff and ane eftir none, to the ffauld of Preiflinche, quhair fliamefullie and barbarouflie thay hocheit and flew with fwordis fevin young ky with calfF, fax oxin, and fyve floittis and queyis of three yeir auld,' &c. ' And not content heirwitli, thay come, vpoun the xxv of November laft, furtli of tlie jilace and Peill of Levingftoun to the place of Bynnis, quhair Patrik thair eldar bruthir duellis, and thair, efter thay had dynnit {dined) and confultit with the faid Patrik, thay come to the milne of PJiilpftoun, pertening to James Lord Lindfay of the BjtIs heritablie, and to Dauid Dundas of Preift- inche in tak and alFedatioun, and brak the llanes, quheillis, hopper, huipis and gangand graith of the faid milne all in peceis, ftrak and dang thair millaris, held bendit piftoUettis to thair breifl;is, and caufit thame fweir that thay fould duell na langair at the faid milne,' &c. : — And that ' A-poiui tlie laft day of Nouember, they come to the barneyaird of Dudingftoun and patt fyre in three of the rtakkis, of purpois and intentioun to haue brint the haill barne3^aird.' Lord Lindfay of the Bires, and Dundas of Preftinch, appeared pei'fonally to jnirfue the Hamiltons before the King and Council ; but they all abfented themfelves. [See Feb. 3. 1.594-5.] (Jan. 9. 1594-5.) — Williame Polwart, of Rottonraw, ordained to be de- nounced rebel, for not appearing to anfwer to a Complaint at the inftance of Sara Hunter, relict of Andro Joufty, merchant, burgels of Edinburgh : That upon Dec. 23 laft, he ' with vtheris his compliceis, bodin in feir of weir, come vndir cloude and filencc of nicht to tlie complenaris duelling place, witbiii the burgh of Edinburgh, quhair ilio wes, &c. and eftir that the laid Williame had craftelie gottin hir yett oppin, he appointit ane nowmer of his compliceis to awaitt at the faid yett, to impede and ftay all thofe quha fould happin to cum to the laid com- plenaris releiff; and he liini felff, with the reft of his infolent comj)liceis entcrit within hir houl'e, and lie ane verie barbarous and vncumelie behauiour, did quliat in thame lay to haue revilTed hir, and to liaue carj-ed hir with thame quhair thay pleifit, and to haue rubbit and fpuilzeit hir houfe ; quiiilk they had not faillit to haue done, wer not be the Prouidence of God flio wes deliuerit of that dangeir, be the lielp of fum of hir nichtbouris.' (Jan. 19.) — ' PitoCLAlslATloux that nane cum to the Conventioun or place of his IMaiefteis refidence, hot fic as ar writtin for.' {Eodem die.) — ' The Kingis Declaratioun, anent THE Laiud of Johnne- VOL. L 2 X 346 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1594-5. STOXis Plegeis.' — That ' in cais ony perfone of the name of Johnneftoun, or vtheris for quhome certane plegeis ar now enterit, fall commit ftouth-reiff, op- preffioun or blude, in thair thifteous deidis ; or contravene any of the conditiones for the qnhilk thay ar now enterit, at ony time heireftir,' if the principal party committer of the theft, &c. be not given up * to anfueir for thair awne deid, and to vndirly tryale and jivniihement thairfoir, as appertenis, within xv dayis nixt eftir requifitioun,' ' the jilege or plegeis of that branche or brancheis fwa of- fending, to be execute to the deid :' And that Sir James Johnneftoun of Dim- ikellie kn', and Sir Walter Scott of Branxholme kn', (' quha hes gevin Band for fulfilling of certane conditiones') ' falbe haldin to enter vther plegeis,' &c. (Feb. 3.) — ' Jami- s HAiMMii/rouN of the Peill (of Levingftoun,) Agnes Cock- burn his fpoufe, and James, John, Claud, and Alexander, their fons, were ' de- nunceit rebellis ;' (See Dec. 19, 1594.) and Alexander Cokburn and Hector Lok- hart, their fervants, were alfo ordained to be denounced rebels, for not anfwering a complaint at tlie inftance of ' James Lord Lindfay of the Byris, David Dundas of Preftinche, and Jolin Yallowleis, Meffinger (at arms) : That upon the xiij Ja- nuaiy laft, the laid Johnnie Y. accumpanyed with Michael Bynnie feruand to the faid Lord, and Thomas Huttoun feruand to the faid Dauid, as witneffis to him, with foure feuerall Letteris and chargeis ; and hauing paft to the Place of the Peill, and at the j^ett thairof, the faid Agnes, &c. cwming fm-th at the faid yett, tuke the faid meliinger be the craig (throat), ftruck him vpone the held, amies and flioulderis, and gaif him mony bauch ftraikis with piftollettis ; held bendit piftollettis to his bi-eift, caufit thame to fweir neuir to vfe ony Letteris agains thame ; and in end, with mony threatningis and minafTingis, in ane verie barbarous and vncouth maner, forceit the fold Meflinger to eit and fwallie the iiaill copyis of the faidis Letteris, and tuke the principall Letteris frome him ; and thaireftir, lliamefullie and cruellie dang the faid Witneffis with bendit pif- tollettis and quhinzearis, and left thame for deid : The lyke of quhilkis Ihame- fuU and prefumptuus infolenceis hes fendle bene hard of in the In-cuntrey ; the preparatiue quhairof will not faill to breid a greitair contempt of all law and juftice, tlu-ouch the Iiaill realme, giff this be fulferrit to pas ouer vnpvnift.' (Feb. 4.) — Proclamation 'anent the lliuiting with hacquebutis and jiif- tollettis.' (Feb. 11.) — The Subscriptionis off the foirfaltit Lordis recognosceit. FousAMEKi.E ScHiR James Scott of Balueiy, knicht, being fufpectit and di- laitit of trafficque and intelligence with his Maiefteis declairit Tratouris, rebel- lious and. vunaturall fubiectis ; and thaireftir taken, apprehendit, and at laft committit to warde, and findrie tynies exaniinat thairvpoun ; in end, he planelie confeffit and declairit, That in the moneth of Auguft laftbipaft, he, being in cum- 28JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 347 panie with Williame fumtyme Erll of Angus, George fumtj-me Erll OF HuNTLiE, Francis fumtyme Erll Bothuill, Francis fmntyme Erll OF Errole, George Eull of Caithxes and vmq'^ Schir Patrick Gor- noUN of Aucliindoun kn', in ane Oiftlair-hous, befyde the Kirk of Mennmre ; thair wes produceit be tlie faid fumtyme Erll of Angus, certane Heidis and Ar- ticles, altogiddir writtin with his awin hand, quhairu])oun ane Band wes ap- pointit to be maid : Quhilkis, eftir thay wer red in thair prelens and audiens, and had aduifit, confultit, concludit and aggreit tliairupovui, at lad thay all fubfcriuit the lame with thair awne liaudis ; lyke as, the laid Schir James gaif his fub- fcriptioun thairto, as witnes : Quhilkis Heidis and articles being thaireftir com- mittit to his cuftodie and keiping, he laitlie produceit and delyuerit the famin to his Maieftie ; be quhome, and be the Lordis of his Secreit Counfale and SefRoun, and certane vtheris bell acquentit with thair liand-writtis and fublcrii)tionis, the famin being fene, confidderit and tryit, and thaireftir compairit and conferrit with vtheris thair hand-writtis and fubfcriptionis, The Kingis Maiestie and the faidis Lordis lies Recognosceit, and as thay Weill and treulie vndirlland, Recog- nofceis the Subfcriptionis of the faidis Heidis and Articlis, quhairupoun the faid Band wes appointit to be maid as faid is, to be the verie lubfcriptionis and hand- writtis of the i)erfonis particularlie aboue inentionat. And for the bettir refo- lutioun and fatisfactioun of his IMaielleis gude fubiectis heiraneut, Ordanis ane Act to be maid heirupoun, ad futuram rei memoriuin. (Sic fubfcribitur) JAMES R. Ex certa scientia. J. T. CANCiaLARius. Mar. Orknay. J. L. Lindsay. Alex. L. Hwme. Flemyng. Allane Lord Cathcart. Tho. M' Glammis. Blantyre. Neubottle. R. Secre- TARius. LiNCLOUDEN. Alex. Hwme. Tracquair. Culluthy. (David Setoii of) Parbroitii, coniptrollair. S. Jo. Hw.me (of Sputt). P. Young. {Eodem die.) — Johnne Erll of Montuois and .... Maister of Mox- TROIS find caution (Sir Johnne Murray of Tullibairdin) ' that thay fall compeir perfonallie, befoir the Kingis Maieftie and Lordis of Secreit Counfall, and anfuer and vnderly fie ordour as falbe i)refcryuit to thame, tuicheing the lait vnhapijy accident quhilk fell oute betuix thame and thair freiudis, on the ane parte, and THE Laird of Calder and Schir Ja:mes Sandielandis of Slamannane Maifter knicht, thair kin and freindis vpoun the vthir parte, vpoune the laft day of Januar laftbipaft ;' the Earl luider the pain of £2000, the Mafter under the pain of 2000 merks. (Feb. 12.) — Act againft James Douglas, ibmotime of Spott, tliat ' nut onlie deieruis the faid James Douglas maift rigorous and extreaine pvnilhment, for tliir particulair, befydis the formair crymes for quhilkis he wes foirfalt ; hot the cen- furis of the Kirk aucht to proceid agauis him,' &c. 348 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1595. (Feb. 14.)— Andro Makfarlane of Arroquhair, Andro Dow M. and Mal- colme Beg M. to be denounced rebels, for not appearing, to haue vndirlyne fie ordour as Ibiild haue bene prefcriuit to thanie, tuicheing the obferuatioun of his hienes peax, quietnes and gude reule in the cuntrey,' &c. (Feb. 17.) — Act ' anent the Duke off Lennox proceidingis in the North ;' and ' exonering' him and his councillors, as having difcharged their duty faith- fully. {Eodem die.) — Act ' anent dimoleiffing of the Place, houfles and Fortalice of the Ckaig, pertening to Johnne Ogiluy.' Patrick Lox'd Gray and Patrick Maf- ter of Gray, got full Conimiffion, as Sherifs-principal of Forfarfliire, to take all neceffary fteps for that purpofe. (Feb. 28.) — Harie Steuart of Cragyhall becomes furety for the entry of James Sandielandis of Calder, &c. (See Feb. 11.) (Mar. 5.) — James Master of Ogiluy finds furety (David O. of Quhytefeild.) that he iliall not fupply, refet nor intercommune with ' Johnne Ogiluy of Craig, nor na vtheris his Maiefteis declairit tratouris and rebellis,' &c., under the pain of 2000 merks. He is denounced rebel on Mar. 27. (Mar. 15.) — Act againft his Majefty's Traitors and rebels. {Eodem die.) — Proclamation againft refetting, fupplying or intercom- muning with declared Traitors, &c. (Mar. 26. 1595.) — ' Proclamatioun that nane tranfporte Erllis of Huntlie and Errole within this Jvingdome.' (Mar. 28.) — Dame Jeane Gordoun, Countesse of Suthirland, finds furety, under the pain of 2000 merks, that llie lliall not refet, fupply nor inter- commune with any of his IMajefty's declared Traitors, &c. (Jun. 18.) — Proclamation, ' that nunefurneis the rebellis in Irland.' ' Forfamekle as Angus Makoneill of Dunnyveg and Glennis, and Donald Gorme of Slaitt, accumj^aneit with a nowmer of rebellious and diirobedient lub- jectis, inhabitantis of the His, ar myndit, as the Kingis Maieftie is informit, to ti'anfporte thame felffis ouer to Irland and to joyne with the Erll «)F Tyr- rewxe, Odoneill and vtheris of the rebellious people of that land, for troubling of the quyet eftait thairof; as alfwa, findrie of his Maiefteis fubiectis, inhabit- antis within the fcliirefdomes of Lanerk, Renfrew, Dunbartane, Tarbett, Bute, Air, Wigtoun and baillereis of Kyle, Carrik and Cwninghame, daylie furnifles the rebellis of Irland with victuallis, waponis, poulder, bullett and vthir mvni- tioun of weir ; be the quhilk doing, the peace and amitie ftanding betuix his Maieftie and his darreft fufter and confine the Quene of England, thair realmis, dominionis and fubiectis may be gritelie endangerit :' Therefore Proclamation is ordered to be made, that the liegis fliall in no wife ' afllft, tak pairt, ryde, gang, 29Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 349 accumpany, nor yit fiirneis and fell ony kyrnl of victuall,' &c. under the pain of Treafon. (Nov. 26.) — Proclamation ' anent the arrijvaill of stratigearis of tliat niaift cruell and vnmercifull natioun of Spayne and thair adlieixnitis.' The Clergy are called upon to exhort the lieges ' to tak this mater in hairt, as that quhilk importis the prefent dangeir and haiard of thair religioun and confcience, &c. : ' And to the effect tliay may the bettir convene, with ane vuiforme mynd in this cans, to vrge all and fiudrie perfonis, amangis quliome deidlie feid and eleift' is prelentlie Handing, to lubfcriue and giff alliirranceis ilkane of thame to vthir ; and quha refuiffis, to reporte the famin to his ]\Iaieftie ; quhairthrow his hienes may tak ordour with thame as appertenis.' (Nov. 27.) — Pi{ocla:mation that the lieges ' prepair them felffis and be in full reddynes, Weill bodin in feir of weir, to mak AVapponschowingis and gif Muftouris, vpoun the fecund day of Februair nixt, in prefens of the Schereffis, fteuartis, proueftis and baillies of burrowis ; ilkane of thame within thair awin boundis. {Eodcm die.) — George Murray, fone to Johnue Murray of Spain3iedaill, Robert Hoppri/igle, fone to the Gudeman of Quhj tebank, Amlro Douglas, fone to George Douglas, feruand to the Laird of Ceffurde, Raguel Bennett, fone to vmq'^ Mungo Bennett in Chafteris, .... Adair, fone to ... . Adair of Kin- hilt, .... Kirktoun, fone to ... . Kirktoun of the Tour, and Malcohne Cok- burne, fone to , make fupplication to the King and Council, ' That quhair, it is uocht vnknawne, how that thay this langtyme bigane have bene de- tenit in warde within the tolbuith of Edinbm-gh, for the vnhappy accident" quhilk fell oute in the perfone of Williame Sinclair, fone to the Chancellair of Caith- nes, be the flauchter of vmq'*' Johnne I\rMorane, burges of this bm'gh, qidiairof thay and euery ane of thame ar innocent, and ar willing to abyde tryale tliair- upoun, befoir ane vnfufpect Juge : And becaus the Proueft and Baillies of this burgh, to quhome Commiffioim wes given, to juge vpoun the faidis complenaris, wer partialis thay being in effect baith juge and pairty, it pleifit his INIaieftie, vpoun thair Supplication gevin in lieirupoun, to ordaue M' Mark Borthuik, Juf- tice Depute, to fitt with the faidis Proueft and Bailleis, vpoun Mononday the xxvij of October laft, and to putt thame to the knaulege of vnfufpect Affile, the maift halff of thair peiris, they being all for the maift parte the Ibnis of Baronis and gentilmen, and to proceid and miniller juflice vpone thame, conforme to the lawis and practique of this realme : At qidiilk day, thay being enterit vpoun 1 Rancorous grudge or offence ; literally an eye-sore ; what hurts or offends the eye. ^ See the spirited account given of this affair of the Insurrection of the Boys atteiuliiis^ the Hi^ih School of Edin- burgh, (in consequence of the Magistrates denying them their usual ' privilege' of a day's play, &c.,) in the Extracts made from the Diary of Kobert Birrell, which immediately follow these selections. 350 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1595. pannell, befoir the faidis Proueft, bailleis and Juftice depute, thair tryal wes con- tinevvit to the morne thairefter, the xxviij day of the faid moneth ; at quhilk day, albeit they micht have juftlie declyniiit the faidis Proueft and bailleis, and had mony gude argumentis of law and practique to have pi'eferuit thame fra the tryale of ane Affife, yit tliay be thair freindis and pi'olocutouris, freelie offerrit thame lelffis to tryale, prouyding that ane condigne and vnfufpect Affife vver ge\in to thame, viz. of Gentlemen outwith the toun of Edinburgh, according to his Maiefteis ordinance ; quiiilk being refuiffit, thay wer compellit to vfe thair laudifuU defenffis : Quhairupoun the faidis Juges, perceaving that thay could not gett thair intent aganis the faidis complenaris, and mynding na thing ellis but to wearie and wrak thame with expenffis, thay continewit thame to the fourte of Nouember : and vpoun that day, maid ane new continewatioun ; quhairby it is euident, that thay intend to hald the faidis complenaris in continewall warde ; and ather to compell thame to becwm in will for that cryme, quhairof they ar innocent, or then to fubmitt thame felffis to ane Affile of the burgeffis of this burgh, cj[uha will not faill maift partiallie to proceid aganis them,' &c. Having heard parties, the King, ' with auife of the faidis Lordis, Ordanis the faidis per- fewaris to be putt to the knaulege of ane Affife of thair peiris, of landit gentil- men duelland outwith the burgh of Edinburgh, for the crime foirfaid ; within the tolbuith of Edinburgh, V2)oiui the firft day of December nixtocum, in prefens of M' Mark Borthuik, Juftice depute, to quhome his INIaieftie adjoins Schir Ro- bert Meluill of Murdocairnie, kn', thefaurair depute, M"^ Johnne Skene, dark of Regifter, and Schir Johnne Carmichael of that Ilk, kn'. to be Affeffouris; fecluding all vtheris affeffouris,' &c. 'NMth certification, that if appearance is not made againft them, they fliould be put to liberty, on finding caution, &c. Discharge of a L-etter granted to f/ie Countess of Bothwell. (Nov. 29-) — FoKSAMEKiLL as the Kingis Maieftie laitlie fubfcriuit and paft ane Letter to Dame Margaket DouGLAS,fvmitj'me Countesse of Bothuill, movit thairunto vpoun hir humble lute, and proftrating of hir felff in his hienes way and prefens ; quhilk Letter, as his Maieftie is informed, fcho immediatlie thairefter, not onlie caufit proclame in findrie pairtis of this cuntrey, and thair- by tuke occafioun to reforte publictlie quhair fcho pleifit ; lyke as, a grite now- mer of perfones lies refortit and intercommonit M'itli hir fenfyne : Bot als, fcho lies directit and had intelligence of lait with J"' ranees fumtyme Erll Bothuill, hir fpous, in the realme of France, vanelie vanting of hir credite at his Maiefteis handis, and perfwadiiig him of that fauour ; quhilk, in refpect of his monftrous factis, is not to be luiked for ; iiather is it nor wes it his hienes meaning, that the liiid Letter fould haiie bene proclameit, nor flio tane fic libertie thairby, as flio 29JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 351 hes done ; bot onlie, fould liaue feruit for remaning of hir feltf and hir bairnis within the place of Moftour, that hir freindis micht lumtyme haue refortit to hir, without dangeir of his hienes lawis : And thairfoir, feing flio hes fafar abuiit his Maiefteis fauour, grantit to hir be the laid Letter ; his hienes, with adiiile of the Lordis of his Secreit Counlale, hes annullit and dilchargeit and be thir preleutis annullis and difchargeis the fame Letter and contentis thairof, simjilicitcr, in tyme cwming ; ordaning the fame to ceis and to haue na forder force nor effect at ony tyme heireftir. And that Letteris be direct to mak publicatioun heirof, be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croceis of Jedljurgh, Kellb, Hawik and all vtheris placeis neidfuU ; quhairthrow nane pretend ignorans of the fame. (Apr. 1.) — Proclamation ' aganis trafficquing ivith Strangearis,' ' ex- cept it be betuix marcheant and marcheantis, in niateris concerning marchandice allanerlie, without the Ipeciall aduife, licence and content of his Maieftie had and obtenit thairto, vndir the pane of deid.' (Dec. 2.) — Proclamation for aflembling of the lieges at the Towns of Leith, Inverkeithing and Bruntifland, S' Andrews, Dundee, Montrofe, Invernels, Cromarty, Kirkcudbright, and Air, ' weill bodin in feir of weir, to repair vpoun the firft aduertifment, vndir the command of the fchirreff of ilk fliyre, and lie vthiris as the fame fcliereff, with aduife of the Baronis within the boundis par- ticularlie aboue mentionat, fall cheis to that effect, to the laid townis, to joyne with and fupplee the fute-forceis, in refilling to the landing of the Ennemy, in thay pairtis ; vndir the pane of tinfale of lyffe, landis and guidis.' (Dec 3.) — Proclamation ' that nane accunipany The Erll of Mar and Lord Levingstoun to thair day of law.' It is ftated that ' as it is \^ldirftand to the Kingis Maieftie and Lordis of his Secreit Counfall, that thair is a grite now- mer of his hienes liegis, of all efteatis of perfonis, quhilkis ar warnit and requirit be Johnne Erll of Mar Lord Erlkin, Alexander Forreftair of Garden, and vtheris the kin and freindis of vmq" Dauid Forreftair, burges of Striuiling, on the ane parte ; and Johnne Levingftoun youngair of Duunypace, . . . Bruce youngair of Airth, and certane vtheris thair colligis, on the vther parte'; to be prelent at ane dyet appointit to be haldin within the tolbuith of Ed', vpoun the xx day of December inftant, for thair vnderlying of his hienes lawis, for the Slauchtcr of the faid vmq'' Dauid : Amangis quhilkis perfonis, thair being deidlie feid and contrauerfie prefentlie ftanding, at the leift amangis a grite nowmer of thame, it is to be feirit, that vpoun the firft occafioun of thair melting, fum grite incon- uenient fall fall oute, to the brek of his hienes peax,' &c. (Dec. 10.) Act ' anent the derthe.' The King and Council ' being avouu- derfullie movit at the prefent derth of all fortis of victuaill, this fealbun of tlie yeir, vniuerfallie throu all pairtis of this realme, and the grite penuritie and in- 352 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1595. digence quliairunto the puir handy-labouraris, and vtheris his hienes fubiectis of all efteatis ar redactit be that occafioun, the fame derth ftill daylie increffing, and fofterit, pairtlie be the auaritious gredynes of a grite nowmer of perfonis that hes bocht and byis victuaill afoir it cum of the ground, and that foirftallis and keipis the fame to a derth, and ijairtlie, by the fliameles and indifcreit behaviour of the ownaris of the fame victuaill, quha refuifTis to threflie oute and bring the fame to opjiin mercattis,' &c. It is therefore declared, that after Proclamation made, all foreftallers, &c. fliall be ftrictly puniflied, in terms of the ftatutes, and their victual ' efcheated' to his Majefty's ufe. All coftly apparel, banquetings, &c. are deprecated ; and it is.declared that the former Acts relative thereto fliall be ftrictly enforced. (Dec. 11.) — The King and Council, ' with the fpeciall auiie and confent of ScHiR James Johnnestoun of Dunflvellie kn', being perfouallie prelent, ffrethis and releuis all Prisonaris tak'in he hivi, his freindis, affiftaris and pairt-takaris, (it omj of the lait Covflictis quhilkis happynnit to fall oute betuix thame and the surename of Maxweli,, thair freindis, &c. : As alfua, Difchargeis all Bandis, Obligationis, or vthiris fecuriteis quhatlinneuir made be thame or ony of thame, to the laid Schir James Johnneftoim, his freindis, &c. ather for thair entree agane, vpoun certane dayis wairning, payment of foumes of mony in name of Ranfoim : Decerning the fame Bandis to be null,' &c. (Dec. 23.) — ' Charge aganis persoxis vndir deidlie eeid,' to appear before the King and Council ' at Haliruidhous ;' and ' that they keip thair ludgeingis eftir thair cuming, quhill thay be fpeciallie fend for,' &c. ' Thay ar to fay, Robert Maisteb of Eglintoun and Patrik Houston of that Ilk, to conipeir perfonalie ; the faid Maifter accumpanyed with his freindis, not ex- ceiding the nomner of threefcoir perfonis, and the laid Patrik not exceiding the noumer of xxiiij perfonis,' vjjoun Jan. xv nixttocum : James Erll of Glek- CAIRNE and . . Cunynghame of Glengarnok, vpoun Jan. xvj : Johnne Erll of Montrois and Franshe of Thoirnidykis, on Jan. xxvij : Hew Campbell of Lowdoun, fchereff of Air, .... Sandielandis of Cal- der, and Schir James Saxdielaxdis of Slammannan, Mr . . . Crau- FURDE of Kerfe,^ and .... Spottiswode of that Ilk, vpoun Jan. xxvj : Dauid Erll of Craufurde, and . . . Guthrie of that Ilk, vpoun Feb. viij ; Schir Thomas Lyoun of Auldbar kn', and . . Gairdin of that Ilk, vpoun Feb. x : Alexander Lord Levingstoux, Schir Alexan- der Bruce eldair of Airth, and Alexander Colquhoun of Lufs, vpoun Feb. xviij : Johnne Erll of Mar, Alexander Forrestair of Garden, Imp iiiinilicr (it tiillDwcrs allowed in tlie otlier instaiicos arc in the same proportions, accoiding to the rank ot tiie respective parties. - Altogether not exceeding the number of sixty persons. 29 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 353 and Andro Makfarlane of Arroquhair, vpoun Feb. xx : Jajiks Lord BoRTHUiK, . . . Prestoun of CraigmiUar, Mr George Lawder of Bafs, and Charms Lauder fone and air of vmq" Andro Lauder in AVyndpark, vpoun Jan. v: Schir Johxxe Edmestoun of that Ilk, and Mr Williame CraNstoun appeirand of that Ilk, vpoun Jan. vij : Geokgic Erll Marishaei , and . . . Seytoun of Meldruin, vpoun Mar. i : James Cheyne of Stra- loch, and Wilmaime King of Barrauch, vpoun Mar. iij : James Tuedy of Drummel3eair, vpoun Mar. x : Charlis Geddes of Rauchane, vpoini Mar. xij : — To vnderly fie ordour as falbe prefcriuit, tuiclieing the removing of the faidis fFeidis,' &c. With certification, that if they fail, ' thay falbe repute, haldin and perfewit with fyi-e and fwerd, as inemeis to God, his Maieftie, and to the com- moun wele and quietnes of this thair natiue cuntrey, with all rigour and extre- mitie.' (Dec. 25.) — Mr Johnne Mackanzie, Minifter at Vrra, ordained to be de- nounced rebel, for not appearing, to anfwer a charge at the inftance of Alexan- der Sane of TuUoch, and Alexander Bane, (younger) ' fear' of Logy, ' for his infolenceis, oppin and manifefl: oppreffionis coniniittit vpoun thame ; as nanilie, be reflett and huirding within his houfe, of Johnne ^FGiUichallum Rasa, ane commoun and notorious theiff and lymmair and denunceit rebell, be oppin and avowit thift, in the moneth of May laft ; quha come to the faid I\r Johnis houfe, vpoun fett purpois and prouifioun to ly derne {hid) and quiet thair, quhill he micht find the commoditie to murdreis Hucheon Makconeill Bane and Duncane Bane, fone to the faid Alexander Bane youngair : Lyke as, eftir he had remanit with the faid Mr Johnne the fpace of xlviij houris, vpoun fuir knanlege had be the faid Maifter Johnne of his barbarous and wicked intentioun, he come furtli of the faid houfe, vndir filence of nicht, be the faid M' Johnis preuitie and foir- knaulege, to the duelling place of the faid Hucheoun INIakconeill Bane, of fett pur- pois and prouifioun to haue execute his barbarous and wicked intentioun ; quhilk he had not faillit to haue done, wer nocht the faid Hucheoun, getting fum in- formatioun of his intentioun, convoyed him felff with the laid barne away : And fenfyne, the faid M' Johnne come to the faid complenaris landis of \'rra, and cuttit his plewis and rigwiddeis ; and thairby, and be vtheris the lyke oppiu and manifeft oppreffioun, hes layd and haldis the faidis landis waifl:,' &c. (Jan. 12, 1595-6.) — Mr Williame CraNstoun appeirand of that Ilk, or- dained to be denounced rebel, for not entering ' his perfone in warde, within the Caftell of Thomptalloun,' in terms of the command ifiiied by the King and Council, on Jan. 9- (Jan. 15.) — Johnne Halden, dagmaker and others, to be denounced rebels, for not anfwering ' tuicheing the Riot committit be thame laitlie, vj)oun the . . vol. I. 2 Y 354 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1595-6. day of Januair inftant, aganis the Proueft and Bailleis of- the Burgh of Edin- burgh, in thair convoy and taking to warde of James Lord Borthuik.' . (Jan. 17.) — James Erll of Glencairne ordained to be denounced rebel, for not appearing before the King and Council, ' tuicheing the removing of the ffeid and contrauerfie Handing betuix him and Robert Maifter of EgUntoun and his freindis.' (Jan. 28.)— John and Alexander Foster (Foruestair) ' fones to the Laird of Garden, Alexander Forreftair of Myethill and Walter F. fone and ap- IJeirand air to Duncane F. of Puldoir,' to be denounced rebels, for not appear- ing before the King and Council, for coming with their accomplices, on Dec. .30, ' bodin in feir of weir, with daggis, piftollettis, &c. to Johnne Roilliill offi- ciair of amies, being executing Letteris of Hoirning aganis Alexander Forreftair of Garden, and certane vtheris parrochionaris of the Ruid-Kirk of Striuiling, the laid officiair being in the vezy meantyme, of the reiding the fame Letteris, pub- lictlie, at the mercat-croce of the burgh of Striuiling ; pullit him doun af the lame croce, dang him with juftoUettis on the lieid, and with the gairdis of thair fwerdis, and cruellie hurte and woundit him in diueris pairtis of the body, to the elFulioun of his blude in grite quantitie ; and thaireftir, violentlie and per- force reft the fame Letteris, and thair raif thame all in peceis ; in hie and proude contemptioune of his Maiefteis auctoritie and laM^s.' {Eodem die.) — Proclamation, that none of the liegis ' reffett, fupplee, Ihaw fauor nor intercommune' with ' the Forrestairis ;' under certification, that they ' falbe apprehendit, perfewit and pvneift, with na les rigoiu- and ex- tremitie to the deid, nor {than) gif thay had reffett Frances fumtyme Bothuill,' &c. (Jan 29.) — Ja:mes Cunyxghame appeirand of Glengarnok, ordained to be denounced, for not ' compeiring perfonalie' before the King and Council, ' tuiche- ing the removing of the ffeid ftanding betuix him and Schir Patrik Houftonn of that Ilk kn' and his freindis,' &c. (Feb. 5.) — Proclamatiox for a general Wapponfliawing, on May 5. ' Marcheantis-trafficquaris in vthei'is cuntreyis,' are commanded ' to by, prepair and bring hame corflettis, pickis, miuTonis and all vthir kynd of armour ; fell and mak penny thairof to all his liienes fubiectis, vpoun reffounable pryceis.' It proceeds on the narrative ' of the preparatioun and intentioun of mercyles ftrangearis, to arry^'e in this Hand this nixt fpring, for moving of a publict wear aganis God, his trew Religioun,' &c. (Feb. 12.)— On the complaint of The Countess of Eglintoun (Dame Helen Kennedy,) Hugh Earl of Eglintoun, only lawful fon of the deceafed Hugh Earl of E , Robert M after of Eglintoun his Tutor, and the kin and friends of 29JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 355 the late Earl, ' That quhair, the faid vmq" Erll, being maift fliamefullie and cruellie flane be Johnne Cunynghame of Rofs, bruthir to James Erll of Glen- cairne, Alexander C. callit of Poquhene his feruand, Alexander C. of Aikatt, Willianie C. his bruthir, Patrik C. in Bordland, Johnne and Dauid IMaxuellis, brethir to Patrik M. of Newark, and Johnne Ryburne, vi»un fett purpois, pro- uifioun and foirthocht fellony, the faidis coniplenaris perlewit thanie for the fame flauchter, criminallie, befoir the Juftice and his deputis ; and thay, takand the crynie vpone thame, abfentit thame felffis fronie tryale, and wer thairfoir denunceit and regiftrat at the home ; quhairat niaift contempnandlie thay remanit diners yeii-is thaireftir, quhill now of lait, as the faidis complenaris ar informed, that the faidis perfonis hes purcheft ane Remiffionn or Refpett for the faid flauchter, quhairby thay intend to tak away the faidis complenaris lauch- full perlute ; fua that in fteid of juftice, quhilk thay euir luiked for, conforme to his Maiefl:eis folempne vow and promeis maid to that effect, thay ar now movit to lament to his hienes the want of juftice, throu the faid Refpett or Re- miflloun,' &c. They farther ftate, that there has been ' na aflyithment nor fatif- factioun maid to the faidis complenaris for the faid flauchter, nor Letter of Slanis grantit thairupoun ;' and that therefore, in terms of the Acts of Parliament and Secret Council, and ' ane louable practique paft in the lyke caife, at the inftance of the relict and ten faderles bairnis of vmq'" Luk Striuiling of Baldorane, aganis Thomas Kincaid and Johnne Jak his feruand,' the Refpite or Remiffion was ipso facto null. — Robert Mafter of Eglinton having appeared for the complainers, and James Earl of Glencairn and ^^^illiam Cunningham of Caprington for the defenders, the King and Council remitted ' this mater, to be decydit befoir the Juftice or his deputis, as accordis of the law.' (Feb. 21.) — Proclamation regarding ' the Spanishe Preparatioun to arryve in this Hand, for moving of a jniblict wear,' &c. ; charging all the lieges within the ages of 60 and 16 'to be in full reddynes,' within 2 J' hours, • to convene and repair to fie pairtis and placeis as thay falbe aduirteift,' &c. (May 21, 1596.) — Sir James Johnnestoun of Dunikellie kn'. 'as maifter, landiflord or cheiff to Johnne, James and Williame Johnneftonis, brethir, in Haifliebray, Niniane J. in Rowantrie-know, and ^^'illiame J. fone to James J. of Hefliebray, for quhome he is obleift to anfuer be the General Band,' &c. is or- dained to be denounced rebel, for not appearing and prefenting thefe perfons to have anfwered, ' tuicheing the fliamefuU, cruell and vnmercifull flauchter of vmq'*' Mr Williame Johnneftoune, Perfone and Minifter at Lochmaben ; com- mittit be thame laitlie, vpoun the fourte day of Marclie laft.' (May 22.) — Proclamation for the Ilis. — The Kingis Majestie, his Nobilitie, Counfaill and Efteatis prefentlie conuenit, Considdebing the pj-oude 356 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1595-6. Rebellioun, defectioun and difobedience of the Inhabitantis of the Ilis and HiEi.AKDis of this reahiie, fubiect for the maift parte, thir mony yeiris by- gane, to all kyud of infolence, barbaritie and crueltie, not onlie in committing of vyle and beiftlie Murthouris, Slauchteris, reif, thift, oppin heirfchippis, oppref- fionis and depredationis vpoun his Maiefteis peccable and gude fubiectis, inha- bitantis of the cuntreyis nixt adiacent ; hot euery ane of thame maift vnnatu- rallie puttand violent handis in vther, befydis innumerable vtheris treffounable, monftrous and odious crymes, committit be lum of the cheifT perfonis, inhabit- antis of the faidis Ilis ; ffor the quhilk, the fentence of Foirfaltour is led aganis thame ; quha nochtwithftanding remanis peccable in the cuntrey, without feir of God or of his Maieftie, nawayes acknaulegeing thair offens, nor yit his hienes as thair Ibuerane lord and King ; nather payand thair mailles and dewities, ex- actiones and cuftumes to his Maieftie, his Comptrollair and ordinair officiairis ; the fame mailles and dewiteis and cuftumes being a grite part of his hienes pro- pirtie, rent and patrimonie of his crowne, quhairupoun his princelie porte and eftate fuld be fuftenit : And thairfoir, his INIaieftie is refoluit to repair, in pro- pir perfone, to the faidis Ilis and Hielandis, with all conuenient expeditioun, for abandounine: and reduceing of the faidis rebellious, vnnaturall and difobedient perfonis, to the acknaulegeing of his hienes and his lawis ; and compelling of thame to mak payment of his Maiefteis propir rentis and dewiteis, in tyme cuming : For quhilk purpois, neceftar it is that his hienes be weill and fubftan- tiouflie accumpanyed, with a force of his faithfull, loving and gude fubiectis ; and thairfoir, his Maieftie, with aduife of his Nobilitie, Counfall and Efteatis foirfaidis, Ordanis Letteris to be direct, chargeing all and findrie Erllis, Lordis, Baronis, fewaris and freehaldaris, betuix faxtie and faxtene yeiris, vail3eant {ivo/i/i) in yeirlie rent the fowme of three hundreth merkis, ather in heritage or annualrent, within the boundis of the haill flierefdoniis, fteuartreis and baillie- reis within the realme, togidder with the inhabitantis of burrowis within the faidis boundis, alfweill regalitie as ryaltie, be oppin Proclamatioun, at the mer- cat-croces of the fame burrowis ; that thay and ilkane of thame, weill bodin in feir of weir, with fchippis, crearis, boitis and all vtheris vefchellis, and proui- fioun, requifite and neceftair for tranfj)orting of thame to the faidis Ilis, and fra He to He, within all the boimdis of the fame His and Hieland pairtis, during all tiie tyme that thay falbe occupiit in that feruice ; addres thame felffis to melt his Maieftie, at the burgh of Dunbartane, vpoun the firft day of Auguft nixto- cum, prouidit to imbark and pas fordwart thairfra to the faidis Ilis and Hie- landis ; and to attend and accumpany his hienes, for the fpace of fourtie dayis eftir thair cuming, to the effect foirfaid ; vndir the pane of tinilill of lyff, landis and guidis. 29Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 357 [The Editor has thus endeavoured to supplj% from the most authentic source, a pretty copious Selection of the leading- Cases which occurred before the Privy Council of Scotland, during the interval unfortunately vacant in the Records of the Coiu-t of Justiciary, through the loss of the Volumes from 1591 to 1596 ; which period, doubtlessly, occupies an interesting portion of the History of this country. To some of his readers, perhaps, an apology is due, for the insertion of so many State Papers, and of notices of mattei-s, not strictly embracing the immediate objects of this Compilation ; but, in extenuation of this trespass, it may be remarked, that the leading features of these times were so peculiarly distinguished by open defiance of the King and Parliament, and by the frecjuent and daring Consjiiracies enterprised against the Royal pei-son, as well as by Bothwell's Treasons, and the Popish and Spanish Plots, for the overthrow of the Government and of the Religion of the Country, that such Illustrations as those he has ventured to select, may, by many others, be considered as necessary His- torical elucidations, at least as convenient appendages to such a Collection as the present. Before closing his Extracts, which are intended in fome meafure to fupply this hiatus vakle dejlendus, the Editor must farther draw \ipon the valuable stores contained in ' The Diakey of Robert Birrel, burges of Edinburghe,' which was, for the first time, given to the public by John Grahame Dalyell, Esquire, in his ' Fragments of Scotiih Hiftory,' Edin. 1798. The reading has been taken from the original MS. in the Advocates' Library, W. 5, 10. There is also in the same Library, among Wodrow's MSS., (^V. 7, 26,) another copy, which is, apparent- ly, a Transcript of the former.] NOTICES extracted from ' BIRRELL'S DIARY.' (Sep. 6. 1591.) — The Eaull of Bothuell made a lloure in the Abayof Holyroudhousse, ri\qi qnho came in over the hous in the South fyde of the Palace ; and the faid Earll, taking too grate pre- Sep. G. I funiptione, he, witli liis conijilifefs, firake vith ane liammer at his Maiefties clialmber dore : And, in the meane tyme, the hail! noblemen and gentlemen of his Maiellies houiie raifle, qulio thought to Laue taken the faid Earll Bothuell and his complices. The faid Earle fled ; yet he returned at the South fyde of the Abay, qnher the faid Earll and his complifefs flew his Maieflies Maifler Stabler, named Villiau) Shaw, and one vith him, named M' Peeiter Shaw. Bot the King's folks took 8 men of Both- uill's factione ; and one the morrow, hangit thani all, vith out ane Affyfle, betuix the Girth crofle and the Abay gaite.' (Dec. 28.) — The King's Maieflie came to S' Geill's Kirk, and ther made ane Oratione, anent the FRAY made by Bothuell, and William Shaw's slaughter, hes Mailler Stabler. (Feb. 7, 1591-2.) — The Earll of Huntly came to tlie limifs of Diniihrijtole in Fijffe, qnher the Earll of Murray, vith a few nouuiber, wes for the tyme, being his auen houfle. The chieffe ' ' This tumult was called the first Road of the Abbey.' — Sir James Balfour's Aminls, I. 390. 358 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. [1591-2, mane tliat ves witli him ves Dumbar Oirifte of Murray. Tlie Earll of Huntley' fett tlie faid lioufs in I'eb. 7. J fyre; Xlie Earll of Murray being vithin, vill not quhither to come out and be (laine, or be burned quieke ; yet, after advyfnient, this Dumbar fays to my Lord of Murray, ' I vill goe out at the gaitt be- for your lordlhipe, and I am four the peopell will chairge one me, thinkeing me to be your lordfchip ; fua, it being mirke vnder night, ye fall come out after me, and looke if that ye cane fend for your felue.' In the meine tyme, this Dumbar, Tutor to tlie fhriiFe of Murray, came furth, and rane difperatly amonge the Earle of Huntlies folks, and thay all rane vpone him and prefently flew him. During this broylle vith Dumbar, the Earll of ^Murray cam running out at the gaitt of Dunebrillell, quhilU Hands befyde the fea, and tliev fate him doune amonge the rocks, thinking to have beine faue ; hot unfortunatly the faid Lord's cnapefcull-tippett, quherone ves a fdk flringe, had taken fyre, vich bewrayed him to hes enimies in the darknes of the night, himfelue not knowing the fame ; they came doune one him on a fuddaine, and tlier mofl creuelly, without mercey, murthered him.^ Feb. (12?) — At quhilk tyme, one Capitane Johne Gordoune, takin upon the 12 of Februarij: Himfelue wes headitt, and hes man was hangitt. (Feb. 28.) — RichardGrahame wes brunt at theCroffeof Edinburghe, forVitchcrafteandSorcerey. (Mar. 18.) — Ane Proclaniatione, that the youxg Earll of Murray fliould not perfew the Earll of Huntly, in refpect he, being vardit in the Blacknes for the fame Murder, wes villing to abyde ane trayell, faying, tiiat ' he did nothing bot by hes Maiefties Commilfione, and fua ves nather airt nor pairt of the Murther.' (May 12, 1592.) — The Earll of Bothuell and hes complices ver denuncit rebells and fummond to the Parliament quliilk ves to be haldin at Edinburghe, the 12 day of Julay ; quherin the faid Earle, with all his quhole complices, wer all of them forfaulted. (Jul. 17.) — The Earll of Bothuell, with his complices, made a fray at Falkland, hes Maieflie l)eing ther : And tlierafter, hes Maieftie cum over the vatter. And vpone the 26 day of this fame niounthe, hes Maiellie made ane Oratione concerning the fame, in the grate Kirke of Edinburghe. ImediatUe after the ffray, Bothuell and hes men came ouer the vater ; and ther ver 18 of them taken in Cader-mure, and in vther pairts neir Cader-mure, laying flciping, for vant of refl and interteiniraent ; and immediatly after ther taking, they were all brought to Edinburghe and hangitt. " (Jul. . . .) — At the fame tyme the Laird.s of Nidrie and Samuelstone, ver takin by Johne Lord Hamiltone, and vardit in the Caftell of Draffin, and came to Edinburghe, thinking to haue gotlin grace to them from his Maieftie. He came doune to hes Maiefties ludging at tlie Nether-bow, and going in to M' Johne Laings hous, quher hes Maieftie lodgett, the gaurd ftandeing aboue the port vith ther hagbutts, guns and uther veapons ; the forfaid gaurd, feing my Lord Hamiltone, for honor of his Lord- fchipe, Ihott ane volley at my lord : Ther wes ane man, fpeiking to hes lordfchipe, Ihott through the head ; ane vther, by him, fliott through the legge ; and ane bullet ftrooke the lintell of the gaitt, iuft aboue my lord's head quher he ftoode ; yet no more harme doune : So that, by meir accident, the faid Lord Hamiltone had moft haue beine flaine, and not through aney eiuill vill. The Lord Hamiltone, feeing that he could gett no gi-ace to the faid tuo gentlemen, he fent vord to hes baftard fone Schir Johne, quho convoyed the faid tuo gentlemen away, and vent vithe them him felue, for their more faftey. (Jul. 31.) — Francis Hay Earll of Errole ves put invard in the Caftell of Edinburgh, for Papiftry (Oct. 18.) — The Earll of Angus vardit for Papiftry. (Nov, 7.) — Hes Maieftie did receaue againe the Laird of Nidrie in his fauor, and reftorit him to his former dignity and eftait. • ' Ii (was) giuen out and publickly talked, that the Earle of Huntley was t)ie only instrument of perpetratting this facte, to satisfie tlie Kingis jelosie of Murray ; quhom the Queine, more rashlie then wyslie, some few dayes before, had commendit in the King's heiringe, with too maney epithetts, of a proper and gallant man.' — Balf. Annals, I. 390. - ' V'ponc the 7 'lay of Februarii 1502, the Earle of Jlurray was slaine by the Earle of Iluntly, maist creuelly, at Dunnybristle ; and with him the Sheriffe of Murray.' Marj. Annals, p. 5C. 29JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 359 (Nov. 17.) — The Ladey of Bothuell ves received into liis Maieflies fauor. [1592, (Nov. 18.) — Ane Proclamatione, that no man receaeuid the Earle of Bothuell ; and ficlyke, Nov. 17.] that all thoffe that had reeeaued hes Maiclties fauor, quho had bene vith the Earll of Bothuell, Ihould not come neir his Maieftie vithin 20 rallies, vnder the |)aine of death. (Nov. 23.) — Ane Proclamatione, that no man ihould receatt the Countesse of Bothuell, giue her interteiniment, or to haue aney commerce or fociety vith her, in aney cais ; quha had beine hot fo laitly reeeaued in his Maieflies fauor befor, viz. one the 17 day of the fame mounthe. Behold the changes of Courte ! (Nov. 30.) — Johne Cachoune ves beheidit at the Crofle of Edinburghe, for Murlhering of his anen brother the Laird of Lusse. (Dec. 2.) — Capitane James Steuarte' came to the King, quho had beine banilhed fince the Read (Raid) at Streiueling befor, wich wes aboute the I day of Nouember 1585. (Dec. 17.) — The Ministers ver accufit by the King for opin TrealToue, in fpeiking aganis hes Maieftie ; yet hes goodnel's paft it ouer at that tyme. (Dec, 31.) — Mr George Ker ves broght to Edinburghe out of Calder, and putt in vard, for car- riing of Letters out of the countrey frome the Papifts to the King of Spaine. (Jan. 1. 1592-3.) — The Earll of Angus ves commandit to vard in hes auen ludging, andftraitly keipit till the morrou, and then ves convoyet to the Caftell of Edinburgh, for fending Letters to Spaine to the Spanifch King, vith M' George Ker. (Jan. 3.) — Ane Proclamatione to refift the Papists ; and all men to fland to the Religione pre- fently profefled vithin this realme ; in vich his Maieftie hes beine brought vp into froiue bis youth : And ficklyke, charging all fufpected Papifts to come and fubfcryue ane Band, that they fall not Hue as Papifts, hot in Religione conforme to that prefently profelfed. (Feb. 8.) — The Earlls of Huntley and Errole ver denuncit rebells and putt to the home, for not corapeiring to fubfciyue the Band concerning Religione. (Feb. 14.) — Schir Alexander Stewart and Mr Johne Grahame flen be Schir James Sandilandis at the fitt of Leithe wynd. (Feb. 15.) — The Earle of Angus brake ward out of the Caftell of Edinburghe ; quha hade beine in, fen the firft of Januar befoir, for fending Letteres to Spaine. (Feb. 17.) — Dauid Grahame beheidit at the Cioce, for opin Treafone, callit Lord of Fentres. (Mar. 15.) — The King's Maiestie came hame fra the Northe, quhair he haid beine fex veikis befoir, and haid caufit caft doune the palace of Strabogie, and ane place callit the Slanis, ane place callit the Newtoune, and ane place for the tyme quhilk belongit to M' Walter Lyndefav, callit the Brumhous, vith ane hous of Sir Johne Ogilveis callit the Craige. His Maieftie had with him 5 bandis of men of weir out of Edinburghe, Capitanes George Todridge, James Inglis, James Williamfone, and C. Dauidfon and Geddes. (Mar. 20.) — Ane Proclamatioune at the Croce, chairging the Earlis of Huntlie, Angus, Er- role, with diverfe Gentlemen and Irismen of the Illis, to conipeir to the Parliament for diverfe poyntis of Treafoun. (]May 19. 1593.) — Katherine Muirheid brunt for Vitchcraft ; and quha confeft fundrie poyntis thairof. (Jun. 4.) — The Laird of Jonestoune brak ward out of the Caftell of Edinburghe. (Jun. 20.) — Mr George Ker brake waird out of the Caftell. (Jul. 21.) — The Parliament haldin ; the Earle of BoTHUELLforfaultit, and hisarmes rewine'' at Croce of Edinburghe be the Heraldis. ' ' Quho called liimselue Earle of Arran.' — Balf. Ann. I. 392. i Torn and defaced. 360 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. [1593, (Jul. 24.) — At 8 houris in the morneing, the Earle of Bodwell, the Laird of Spott, Mr Jul. 24.] WiLLiAME Leslie and Mr Johne Colvill, came in to the King's chalmer, weill provydit with piftoll. This Earle with his complices come not this way, provydit with piftollis and drawin fwordis, to liarme the Kingis Majellie any wayis ; hot becaus he could not get prefence of his Maieltie, nor fpeiche of him, for the Homes, quho wer courteouris with the King, and enimeis to the faid Earle Bodwell ; fua thai cam in into hes Maiefleies chalmer, refolweing thame felff not to be haldin bak till thai fould have fpokin with him : And fua, after thai come in, his Maieflie wes coniniing fra the bak ftair and his breikis in his hand, in ane feir ; howbcit he neidit not. The foirfaid Earle Bodwell and his complefTis fell vpone thair knies, and beggit mercie at hes Maieftie ; and his Maieftie, being wyfe, merciful, a noble Prince of grate pitie, not defyrous of bluid, grantit thame nieicie, and relauit thame in his fawour: And at 4 houris efter none, caulit proclame thame his frie ledgis. And vpone the 27 day, the fame Proclamatioune of the Earle of Bodwellis peace wes renewit at the Croce, with Heraldis and fex trumpettis founding for joy. (Aug. 10.) — Ane new alteratioun oferid againe. (Sep. 20.) — The faid Earle Bodwell chairgit be ane Proclamatioune at the croce, that he fould not come vithin 10 myllis to the Kingis Maieftie, wnder the pane of deathe. (Oct. 11.) — The Kings Maieftie ryding to ane day of Law, the excommunit Lordis raett him ; quhom he refauit in his favoris, viz. Huntlie, Erole, Angus, Schir James Chissim, with fundrie wtheris. (Oct. 31.) — Ane Conventioune haldin at Leithe, for the fame pui-pos, concerning Angus, Huntlie and Errole and thair complelfis. (Nov. 2.) — Ane Proclamation, that na man tnible the faidPAPiSTis Lordis, hot to refaue thame and interteine thame as his faithfull and trew fubiectis, as thai will be anfuerabiU to him. (Nov. 7.) — Smetoune hangit, for braking of ward, with Mr George Ker, out of the Caftell of Edinburgh. (Eodem die.) — Ane Proclamatione that na man fould repair to the toune of Edinburgh, without leiue grantit be his Maieftie ; quhilk Proclamatioune greiuit the toune, and fpeciallie the Minilteris. (Nov. 27.) — Ane Proclamatione of the Act of Abolitioune in fauoris of the Papist Lordis. (Dec. 7.) — The Lord Maxwell (laine be the Laird of Johnelloun.' (Dec. 11.) — The Earle Bodwell put to the home ; quhilk day the faid Earle Bothwell and Ker of Sesfuird met and faucht twa for twa. (Dec. 27.) — The Earle of Bodwell, nor the Laird of Jonestoune, na man fould refait thame, nor give them interteinment. (Jan. 22, 1593-4.) — The Act of Abolatione quhilk wes maid, null and to na eft'ect. (Feb. 19.) — Prynce Henrie wes borne, at the pleafour of Almightie God, quhilk day befell on Tuyfilay.* (Mar. 13.) — His Maiestie come to Mr Robert Briuffe preiching, being Sonday ; quhair Mr Ro- bert Bruire faid to hes Maieftie, that ' God wald fteir up ma (more) Bodwellis nor (than) ane, that wes enimies to him nor (iJian) Bodwell ; if he reuengit not and faught not Godis quarrell and battelia on the Papiftis, before he faucht or reueng his awine particular.' ' ' In tlie mounth of December 1593, Sir Johne Houstone (mistake for Jhonstone) of that ilk slew Joline Lotil Maxswell, quh.i had betrayed the Laird of Houstone (Jhonstone) under frendshipe and alliance ; and it was nin.ored, that he had piirrhesed ane Commissione of the King to pas vpone the Laird of Houstone (Johnslonu) with fyre and suord, albeit that they war suorne frinds and bound vpe in alliance and of bloode ; and in ane vcrey ^'nile persuii, the Laird of Houstone (Johnstone) slew him in his auen just defence.' Marj. Annuls, p. 57 ' This yiir (.ndit with the Lord 5(ax-wells slaughter by the Laird of Jhonston, the of this mounth of December.' Balf. .Inn. 1. 31'4. ' ' Vpone Tuesday at 5 houres in the morning, the 9 day of Februarij L593, Anna, daughter to the Kmgof Denmarke, and Queeine of Scotland, wes deliuered of ane sone to King James the Sext, in Streueling, the 4 yeir after her coming in Scotland, the 27 yeir of the said King James raing and 28 of his age.' — Marj. Annals, p. 58. 29Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 361 (Apr. 3, 1594.) — The King, being ludgit in Robert Gouvlayis ludging, he come to the fermone ; [loU4, and tliair, in prefcns of tlic Iiaill pci])]!", he proniell to icveng Godis cans, and to banijlie all the Papistis ^P'"" "'■-1 and thaii- reijuyltit tlio haill peiple to gang witli Iiiin aganis Bodwell, quha wes in Leithe for tlie tynio. The lame day, the Kingis Maiertie rais and the toune of Edinburgh in amies. The Earle of Both- UELL, quha wes in Leith, hoiring tliat liis Maieflie wcs cumniing doune, with the toune of Edinburgli, he reafe with his fyue hunder horfe, and come ont of Leithe and raid up to tlie Ilalkhill, befyde Lex- ftelrik {Fejiahig,) and ther ftuid till he law the King and the toune of Edinburgli approching neir him. He drew his companie away throw Duddingftoune. My Lord Home followit till the Wow- niit; at quiiilk place tlie Earle Bodwell turiiit, thinking to have a het of Home; hot Home fled and he followit; yit, be chance, little bluid. The Kingis Maieflie ftud liiinli'lf, and feeing the laid chail'e.' (Apr. 5.) — SiCLYKE, the King raid out to haue tane Bothwell, bot gat him not. (Apr. 29.) — WiLLiAME Hegie hangit, for refaueing the Earl of Bothwell. (May 17.)— My Lord Home maid his repentance wnto the New Kirk, befoir the Aflemblie. vpone his kneis. (Jun. 8.)— The Parliament haldin; at quhilk tyme, the Earles of Angus, Huntlie, Errole, Macklen, ]Mackoneill and Auciiindoune wer all forfaulted. (Aug. 30.)— The Prince baptized, and named Henrey Frederick, by the grace of God." (Sep. 16.) — Ane Proclamatione that nae man refait nor intertene the Earle Bodwell. (Sep. 17.) — Allane Orme^ hangit for intertening of the Earle of Bodwell. (Sep. 2-i.) — .JoHNE Gibsoxe hangit, and James Cochrane hangit, for intertening of the Earle of Bodwell. (Oct. 3.)— The Battell of Glenliuet^ fouchin betuix the Earl of Argyill, Generall for the King, aganis the Earlis of Huntlie and Atholl and tlmir aflofiatis. The IVheifle, of not,^ that wes ilene on Huntlie and AtlioU fyid, wer, the Laird of Gight, AlBnlie, Mr William Gordone, the Guid- man of Dortli {Dort) and lies lone. This Dorth was brother to Abergeldie. Thre brethren of Til- laclioudey, and the younge Laird of Di-unidelgie. (Oct. 15.)— The Capitane of Blacknes wes hangit, for refaueing and intertening the Earle Bodwell. (Dec. 4 ) — Ane Proclamatioune, chairging all men not to haue to doe with the Earle Bodwell. (Eodcm f//c.)— Capitane Rallie hangit for counterfetting the (irait Seall aganis the mercheantis. (Jan. 13, 1594-5.)_George Mwr hangit, for Uaing of twa .Miuillers, viz. Mr Dauid Blayth and ane Aikman. (Jan. 19.) — The young Earle of Montrois faucht ane combat with Schir James Sandi- LANDIS at the Salt Trone of Edinburgh, thinking to haue revengit the Slauchter of his cufine INIr Johne Grahame, quha wes thair flaine with ane fchot of ane pilloll, and four of his men llane with iVordis, viz. Joline Craufurd, Johne Graham, George Dundas and Alexander Boner. ' Marjoribanks dates this affair the 2J of JIarcli, and says, ' The King, all tiiis tyme of the chace, was standing vpone the Borrow-mure of Kdinbuighe.' — Annals, \i. r><.). * This ceremony took place at Stirling, within the Chapel Royal. David Cunninghame Bishop of Aberdeen officiated. For a particular account of this splendid ceremonial, see ' A Trve Rcportarie of the most trivmphant and royal accomplishment of the Baptisme of the most excellent, right high and niightie Prince, Frederik Henry, by the grace of (Jod, Prince of .Scotland. SoL-mni/cd, ihe 'M day of August ISJJJ. Printed by K. Walde-graue Printer to tlic K. .Maiestie. Cum Priuilegio Kegali.' Quarto, lilack Letter, pp. ;il». This remarkable Edition was purchased, by .lames Jlaidment, Ksquire, at the sale of tlie Library of the late Archibald Con- stable, Esquire, who considered it Unique. One other copy, however, is known to have been in the Koyal Library at Copenhagen. Several Reprints we-e published early in the next century. See also Bircli's Life of Henry Prince of WaL-s, &c. ' ' Brother to tlie Laird of Mugduni, {.Miii/dium).' — Balf. Ann. i. :):).">. * ' .Vt this tyme, thair wes grate appeirance of troubells in Scotland, throughe the forfaulted Earlis of Huntly and Errole; quha with ther complices gadrett ane grate pouer of men against the Earlle of Argyle, being the King's lieutenant, and taught anu grate Battell in the North, near Stralhbolgie, at ane part called the Lcddcrfute ; wich battel was called by some the fi:Ul of Glenliuet, and by others the battle of Belrinnes, &c.' Minj. Annals, p. GO. See also, in DalycU's Poems of the Si.'iteenlh Century, ' The Balell of Belrinnes.' And MS. Adv. Library, W, 3, 10. ' The chief parsons of note. VOL. I. 2 2 ^ 362 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. [ 1594-5, (Feb. 14.) — Ane of the Keiperis of the Wardes, in the Callell of Edinburgh, wes hangit, for latting Feb. 14. J the Earle of Angus out of ward. (Feb. 18.) — Hercolles Stewart hangit, and ane Johne Syme, for bearing companie and inter- tening his awin brother, and the Earle of Bodwell. (Feb. 23.) — The Earle Bodwell excommunicat. (Mar. 10.) — Ane horrable tempeft of fuaw, quhiche lay vpone the grand till the 14 of Apryill thaireftor. (Maij 26, 1595.) — Johne Gilcryst, Henderfone and Huttoune, all thrie hangit, for making of fak wrettis and prefing to warifie (verify^ the fame. (Jun. 11.) — Ane callit Cuming the Muncke, hangit, for making of ffalfe wrettis. (Jul. 19.) — James Laird of Enderm.\rkie and his feniand heidit, as pavtakeris of the Muk- DUR OF THE Earle OF MuRAY and Patrik Dumbar, in Duniburfell in Fyff; quha wer flaine the 7 ofFebruar 1591. (Aug. 14.) — Cristiane Johnestoune, ane widdow in Edinburgh, raveft be Patrick Aikenheid. The toune wes put in ane grait fray be the ringing of the commone bell. The faid Criftiane wes followit and brocht back fra him ; fua that the faid Patrik got no advantage of liir. (Sep. 15.) — Johne Mackmorrane flene be the fchot of ane piftoU out of the Scholl ; this Johne Macmorane, being Baillie for the tyme. The baimis of the faid Gramer-fcool came to the Tonnis Counfell, conforme to thair yeirlie cuftonie, to feek the priviledge ; quha wes refuifit : Upone the quliilk, ther wes ane number of fcolleris, being gentilmenis bariiis, made ane mutinie, and come in the nicht and tuik the fcooll, and provydit thame felfis with meit, drink, and hagbutis, piftolit and fword : They ramforcit the dores of the faid fcooll, fwa that the refufit to lat in thair Maifter nor na wthir man, without they wer grantit thair priviledge, conforme to thair wountit vfe. The Prouoft and Bailjes and Counfell heiring tell of the fame, thai ordanit Johne Mackmorane bal5ie to goe to the Gramour-fcooll, and tak fum ordour thairwith. The faid Johne, with certane ofHceris, went to the Hie fcooll, and requyftit the fcollaria to oppin the doris : Thay refufit. The faid Bailjie and officeris tuik ane gell {Joist or beam) and ran at the bak dore with the geaft. Ane fcoUar bad him defifl frome dinging vp the doir, wtherwayis, he wowit to God, he fould fchute ane pair of bullettis throw his heid. The faid Bail3ie, thinking he durft not fchuit, he and his affiftaris ran ftill with the geaft at the faid doir. Thair came ane fcoller callit William Sinklar, fone to Williame Sinklar chanfler of Catnes, and with ane piftollet fchot out at ane window, and fchott the faid Bailjie throw the heid, fua that he diet prefentlie. The haill tounis men rane to the fcooll, and tuik the faid baimis, and pat thame in the Tolbuithe : Bot the haill bairnis wer lattin frie, without ane hurte done to thame for the fame, within ane fchort tyme thairefter. (Sept. .) — The Ladie Bodwell refauit in fauour with the King, in Glalgow. (Oct. 20.) — Gilbert Lawder flaine, in Linlithgow, be the Cranftounis. (Nov. 22.) — Four Heraldis fitting drinking, twa of thame fell in words, viz. John Purdie and Johne Glaidftanis, the faid Johne Glaidflanis flikit Johne Purdie at the table : And the faid Glaid- ftanis being apprehendit, he wes beheidit vpone the 25 day of the fame moneth of November, for the fame flauchter. (Dec. 3.) — The Ladie Bodwell banifchit yit anes agane. Bot within fex dayis thairafter, the faid Ladie purchill ane Letter of paice, fubfcryuit be his awin Maiefties hand.' (Jan. 5, 1595-6.) — Ane Proclamatione, declaring perpetuall Peace betwix Scotland and Ingland; ' Amongest the constancies of the Conrte tliis yeirc, one was rcniarkcablc ; that at Glasgow, in September, the King receaujil the Countesse of Bothuell to his fauor the 22d day at night ; and one the 3d of Decimber, agane proscriued and exyled her, wnder tlic paine of death : yet gaue her a Letter of Protection, wnder his auen hand, within Cdayes thairefter. Balf. Ann. i. 398. 29Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 363 and that nane of the Bordereris invaid ane another, wnder the pane of deathe. Sic Ipk, at this fame [1595-6, tyme, the gencrall mufteris proclamed to be haldin the 2 of Februar nixt. Jan- 5.] (Mar, 2.) — Campbell of Arkinles wes tane for the Slaiichtcr of Campbell Laird of Cadder: And one the 4 day, lie thollit ane AiFyife ; and contenuit day till day, till the 8 of Apryill, he wes convyit to the Blaknes till ward ; and at lengthe he wes maid frie. (Apr. 6, 1596.) — Three men hangit, viz. Patrick Douglas, Patrick Byde and ane Syme. This Douglas wes a theifFor murderer and brunt ; and liaid contenit long wnfufpeckit to, be ony man. {Eodem die.)— The Laird of Buckcleuch pall to the Caftell of Carlell with 70 (men) and tuik out Will Kynmonthe out of the faid Caftell ; the faid Will lyand in ironis, within the irone yett. This he did with fchowting and crying and found of trampet ; putand the faid toune and contrie in fick ane fray, that the lyik of fick ane waffaledge wes nevu- done fuice the memorie of man, no in Wallas dayis I (Apr. 14.) — Mr William Schaw wes ftrukin throche the bodie with ane raper, be Frances MowBRA, fone to the Laird of Barnbougall. (Mali 31.) — Ane Proclamatioune, chairgcing all men betuix 60 and 16 to be in radines, betuix that nnd the fiift day of Auguft, to pas witli the King to the lyllis. Ciinl of tijc OJavIs of Ifeuntlie auti (J^rrol oilrcrtU. Maij 24, 1596 — (^Apud Hulinddkous.) — The Kingis Maieftie, liaueing oftymes tane grite panes and trauellis for quieting of the troublit eftate of the North Cunlrey, kytheit be the effectis that foUowit vpoun the perfonis and levingis and houfles of the principall authouris of the faid trouble ; befydis the expelling of thame felffis furth of the clieif ])ainis and placeis quhair thay maid thair commoun refi- dence : In end, it wes tbocht meit he his Maieftie, his Counfale, noblemen and baronis of the cuntrey, and vthiris refident with his hienes for the tyme, that befoir his Maieftcls returning furth of the fame cuntrey, his hienes fould conftitutc and appoint ane Lieutennent, to mak bis refidence and remaning thairin in his Maiefteis abfence, for obviating and withllanding of all forder practizeis, gif ony Ibuld preis tobe attemptit ; and reduceing and contening of the inliabitantis thairof, vndir liis Maiefteis obe- diens : And albeit findrie Noblemen, then prefc nt with his Maieftie, wer burdynnit to accept tliiit charge vpoun thame, yit few or nane could be movit tliairunto ; fum excufeiiig tlianie Iflrtis be tluiir inliabili- tie, and vthiris for want of prefent preparatioun ; fua that delay of tyme in this caife being then thocht tobe verie dangerous, his Maieftie wes movit at laft, of verie neceflitie, to burdyn liis darreft coufingLu- DOUIK Duke of Lennox Erll Darnelie Lord Torboltoun Metbuene and Aubigiiie, with the laid chai'ge, eftir the fame wes refufeit tobe acceptit be all perfonis then prefent with Iiis hienes : Lyke as liis Ma- ieftie wes forceit to furneis him with a counfaill of certane noblemen, befydis forccis of borfcmen and futemen, for the bettir execulioun of that charge ; quliairin be continewit almaift dining all the tyme of that winter feafoun : And becaus it wes then thocht tobe verie troublefum and fafheous, and almaift vnpoftible that he fould remane ftill in thay pairtis, furneift with the faidis foiceis, feing the money appointit for that eiiand with grite difficultie (coulil ) be had : In end, he wes movit, of verie necellitie, be his Maiefteis allowance, to ouerfee the palling furth of this realiue to the pairtis beyond fey of George fumtyme Erll of Huntlie, and Frances Atmtyme Erll of Errole, cheif authouris of the faid trouble, vpoun Bandis alwayes gevin that thay fould not returne agane within this realme, without his hienes fpeciall Licence ; and that during the tyme of thair alliens, tliay fould not traflirque to the pre- judice of the trew Religioun, prefentlie profeilit within this realme, his hienes perfone, crowne and eftate ; vndir certane pecuniall panes, mentionat in the faidis Bandis maid thainipoun : And in refpect 364 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. I596. tliairof, to promeis lylu(l IlaJlniidlwtis.) — Axent tlie demand maid in name and for the Kingis Rlaiefteis darreil Sufter the Quene of Enoland, be Robert Bowis hir ambafladour, lieir refident, ftbr I'edres tobe gevin to hir of tlie allegeit outragioiis fact done be Schir Walter Scott of Branxhohne knicht and his com- pliceis, at the Callell of Carlile, proportand : That fforfamekle as the faid Schir Walter, knawne to be a publict officiar, with his faidis conipliceis, vpoun the xiij - 'See Acta Pari. 1596, fol. 99. 30Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 365 day of Aprile lafl;])ipaft, in weirlyke maner and hoftilitie invadit hir Majefteis realine of England, a(rail3eit violentlie hir Caftell of Carlile and fubjectis, and comniittit vtlicris haynous offenffis contrair to the league and amitie betuix the tua realmes ; gevand thairby ane jull and nianifeft occafioun of violatiouu of the fame : Thairfoir requiring tiie faid Schir Walter tobe baith deulie fylit for his fact, and deljiierit to his faid darreil fufter, to fuffir the panes tobe execute vpouii him for tlie lann'n ; as the faid demand at mair lenth proportis. The faid Schir Walter, being lauchfuUie warnit, and compearand perlbnalie befoir his Maieftie, his nobilitie, counfale and efteatis prefentlie conuenit, and the faid fact being havelie layed to his charge be the Kingis Majeftie — ffor juf- tifeing of his awne parte, denyit that euir he had ony intentioun to invade the realme of England, or to a(rail5ie ony of his faid darreft fufteris houffis : Lyke as, na deidis of hoftilitie, fic as llauchter, de])redatioun of guidis, fyre raling, or taking of prifonairis, nor yit the actuall taking, or his intentioun to tak the faid Caftell, is relevantlie qualifeit aganis him in the faid demand ; bot that he alla- nerlie fimpillie recouerit ^Villiame Armeftrang of Kynmonth, ane fubject of Scot- land, furth of that parte of the Caftell of Carlile, quhair maift injuftlie he wes detenit for the tyme ; as maift wranguflie he had bene tane of befoir, within the realme of Scotland, be Thomas depuite to the Loi-d Scrope Wardane of England, accumpanyed with a force of fax hundreth armeit men, within tlie tyme of ane general affliirance, takin at a day of trew ; to the quhilk the faid \Vil- liame had repairit, at the fpeciall command of the faid Schir \\'alter, in quliais name, as Keipar of Liddifdale, the faid day of trew v/es keipit : Be the quhilk breking of the afliiirance, the faid Schir Walter reflaiiit ane oppin and inanifeft injm-ie, to the diflionnoiir of his Majeftie his fouerane, and of the realme of Scot- land : Qidiilk diflionnour and wrang can not juftlie be excufeit, be pretens of the faid ^Villianles ftop2)ing of the following of ane lauchfuU tred, I'eing the laid forme of following wes nawayes lauchfull ; and albeit it had bene lauchfull, yit the ftopparis thairof could not lauchfullie haue bene takin be the faid Inglilhe deputie, at his aM-ne hand, within the realme of Scotland : Quhair1)y it is eui- dent, that the onlie \\rang quliilk wes in all this mater, wes committit be the faid Lord Scrope and his deputie, be invading the realme of Scotland in weii'iyke maner, and taking of prifonaris within the fame, in tyme of peace, and vndir af- fuirance of a day of trew, as faid is : In qidiilk the faid Wai-dane contincAvit, be his wrangous dctening of tlie faid prifonair and refufall of redres, eftir lauchfull requifitoun maid to him for that effect, be Lettres lent to liim be the faid Schir Walter, and als be the faid Amballadour at his Majefteis requeift, eftir that the faid Schir ^Valter, \poun the faid Wardane of England his denyale of jiiftice, had maid baith lute to the faid Ampalfadour and als his humble complaint to 566 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. his INIajeftie : Qiihilk wrang and denyale of juftice, movit the faid Schir Walter to attempt the fiiiiple recouerie of the faid i^rifonair, in fie moderat ane faffioun as wes poffible to him ; being onlie accumpanyed with fourefcoir horfemen, and vndir filence of nicht, without ony vther deid of hoftilitie done be him for the tyme ; quhilk fimple recouerie of the faid prifoner, mon neeeffarlie be eftemit lauchfull, giff the taking and detening of him wes vnlauchfull, as without all queftioun it wes, and mon be fwa eftemit be all I'eflbiinable and indifferent per- fonis. — For the quhilkis refibnis, the faid Ambalfadouris demand to fyle and de- lyuer the faid Schir Walter, to fuffir panes for the faid fact, is altogidder vnref- founable, and wald tend gritlie to the diflionnour of his Majeftie and his haill realme. Quhilkis relTonis being at length hard and confidderit be his Majeftie, his no- bilitie and efteatis foirfaidis, it wes thoclit maift meit and conuenient be thame, that conforme to the ancient treaties of peace and cuftum obferuit betuix the realmes, this mater of mutuall allegianceis of notour injureis done betuix the of- ficiaris of the twa realmes audit and fould be intreatit be Cominiffionaris ; quhilk his Majeftie is maift willing and pi'omittis for his hienes parte, with all poffible diligence, to fend to meit vpoun the bordour, for tryale of the faidis allegeit wrangis, and making of redres for all extraordinair wrangis quhilkis falbe tryit tobe done be his Majefteis fubiectis, at fie tyme and place as falbe condifcendit vpoun : The faid AmbalTadour being reddy to cans the lyke be done for the parte of England : Vnto the quhilk Cominiffionaris his Majeftie fall giff expres command to caus mak full fatisfactioun and redres, conforme to the ancient treaties of peace ; to the effect, that now, in fa neceffar ane tyme, qulien the haill He is minaffit be tlie commoun inemej'', tliair be iia juft occafioun, for his Majefteis parte, of breking of the happie aniitie quhilk falang lies continewit be- tuix the tua realmes. [iJ/r Robert Leirmond and 3lr Johnnc Camphell, Justices-Deputes.'] iUstttintj: niiK Sintnronnmnunfi iuit!) SiotljlwrU nftf r i)is dforfnture. Maij 29. 1596. — Dame Agxks Sixcleh Couxtes (Dowager) of Ekrole.' Dilatit of the tre(!bnabill Trafficquing and RelTauing fra fFrances fumtyme Erie Eoithwell, fen his fforfaltour ; and fpeciallie, fen his paffing furth of the realme. Comperit M' Thomas Hammiltoun of Drumcarne and "William Heart of Li- vielandis, aduocattis to our fouerane lord, and produceit ane Warrand of his ' Slie was (laughter of George, fourth Earl of Caithness, and second wife of Andrew, seventh Earl of Errol. SOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 367 Maiefteis, to the Juftice to proceid, and the Aduocattis to infift in hir perfute ; defyring to be rcgiftrat, quhairof the tennour followis. Warkant to puTj'ae and to udininijier Jujlice. Rex, Justice, Juftice Clerk and 50ur Deputia, and Aduocate; We g^ete 30W wcle. Forfamekill as We half appointit ))is day, for ]>e perl'ute and trycll of Dame Agnes Sincler Countes of Eirolc, j)f certane crymes of Treflbun, quhairof felie is dilatit and fulpect : It is our will J>airfoir, and VVe com- mand 30W our faid Juftice, Juftice Clerk and 3 our deputtis, to proceid and minifter iuftice vpoun liir, conforuie to Jie Lawes of our realme: And ]>at :e our Aduocate infill in pe perl'ute of liir : As 30 will anfuer to ws Jiairrpoun : Quliairanent )nr prefentis falbe to 50W a warrand. Subfcryueit wiili our hand, At Halyrudehous, fe xxix day of May, 1596. (Sic fubfcribitur) JAMES II. Comperit the famiii day M'" Johnne Scharp and Johnne Niehollbun, aduo- cattis and ijroloquitouris for the lliid Dame Agnes, and produceit ane 'Warrand. deliuerit be the Lordis of refTioun, chargeing thame to compeir in hir defence : quhilk charge was vfit be James Clialmer INIaier ; and defyrit the fame to be re- giftrate, quhairof the tennour followis. Supplication and WARRAKTy?jr Advocates to defend the Coiintefs of Errol. My Lordis of Counlale, vnto 3our 11. huimlie menis and fchawis, We 5our f'eruitouris. Dame Ag- nes Sincler Countes of Errole and Alexander Gordoun of Strawawin ' my fpous, for his interes. That quhair, we are to be accufit fis day, befoir ]>e Juftice and his deputis, for Allegeit Intercommoning with Frances funityrae Erie of Roithwell, or for fura vthir forgeit crymes, quhairof as fe Lord knawis We ar maift innocent : And albeit for pe better defence of our innocencie fairanent, and for propon- ing of our lawfull defenceis, it be neidfuU to ws to haif certane Aduocattis to procure Jiairintill, We being to be accufit on our lywes ; and fat ))e baiting of preloquitouris in fie materis is permidibill and accuftumit of pe Law and daylie practice; nochtpeles, fair will nane of Jie Aduocattis procure for ws in fe faid materis, without 30ur 11. command. Heirfore we befeke 30ur 11. fat we may haif command to M"* John Scharp, John Rudeil and John Nicholfoun aduocattis, to compeir befoir ])e Juftice and his deputis, and procure for ws in fe faidis materis, vpoun our refTonabil expenfis. According to Juf- tice and 30ur 11. anfuer, we befeik. Apud Ed', xxix" Maij 1596. Fiat ut petitur. (Sic fubfcribitur) .... J. P. D. R. Secretarius. IMr James Joiinstoun. Persewaris, Mr Thomas Hammiltoun of Drunicarne, Mr William Heart of Livelandis. Preloquitouris in defence, Mr Johnne Scharp, Mr Johnne Nicholfoun, Mr Johnne Ruflell. The faid Dame Agnes requires of the Juge that fche may haif hir hufband to aflift in hir defence. The Juftice ffindis hir fufficientlie authorifit with preloquitouris : — Allegeit, that hir hulband being in this toun, fould be heir to affift. First, It is allegeit for the faid Dame Agnes, that tlie Dittay, anent the al- legeit crymes contenit thairin, is gencrale, nocht condilcendand ^■poun the moneth of the committing of the allegeit crymes, preceillie ; hot refoluand alter nut'iue in ' Strathowne, or Strathdon, the son of Alexander, third Eai-l of Huntly, and ancestor of the Gor- dons of Clunv. 368 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. ane of the xij monethes : qiiliowbeit lie fuld preceiflie lybel the monethe, if the law, per legem LiheUorum Diges. de Acciisationihus. — SecimdUe, Allegeit the Dittay to be alluterlie' irrelevant, infafar as the famin is confauit vpoun the ref- fait of onye Letteris fra the Lady Boithwell, being in the tyme lybellit in our fouerane lordis faifgard and protectioun : And quhair it was nienit' that the tennour of the lettres was to fupport Frances fumtyme Erie Botlnvell, (nocht granting the veritie thairof), the defyre of fupport be onye of Boithwellis freindis can newir infer a trellbun aganis tliame fra qiiliome the fupport is atkit, except it had bene qualefeit that the faid fupport was grantit ; for albeit the defyre to fupport ane trattoiir may be treflbnabill, yit the refufe of the fupport can nawyife be criniinall. Thridlie, As to the lall point, twitcheing the allegeit relfait of Lettres fra the Maifter of Cathanes,^ (nocht grantand as faid is,) repetis the former anfwer, with this additioun, that the Maifter of Cathanes ftandis the Kingis fubiect, newir being forfalt. Fcrdlie, As to that point, twitcheing of ane Obligatioun inclofit within the Ladye Boithwellis Lettre, the famen is verrie ir- releuant, nor inferris na cryme, except thair had bene fowmes delyuerit, for it may ftand, that the Ladye Boithwellis Lettre being refufit, the famin with the Obligatioun mycht be revin, as it was trew indeid. As to the qualificatioun of the conceling, quhair thair is na cryme thair is na conceling, for the conceling man lie of a cryme. The Aduocate anfueris to the Jftrst allegeance, anent the generalitie of the tyme, that it aucht to be repellit ; becaiis the Dittay will ftand releuant in onye day of the haill yeir, the Erie Boithwell ftandand forfalt all that yeir ; and it being Trellbun to trafficque for him, and to concele the famin : Anfueraud to the secund allegeance, fayis that it is nocht let doun nakitlie in Dittay, that the Let- teris was reffauit fra the Lady Boithwell, as the cryme cpihairvpoun the jjannell is accufit ; bot, that the Lettre contenit treironabill traffiquing and in'ocimng of money for my Lord Boithwell, than ftandand forfault. The refiauing and con- celing thairof was lykwyfte Treflbun, in the perfoun of the reftaiiear and concelar ; becaus it is manifeft of the law, that the knawledge and conceling of TrefFoun is Treflbun. Quhair it is affermit be the iiannell, that the Letter and Obligatioun refl"auit wes revin and brunt, the jierfewar acceptis the famin in quantum ; and yit the famin pnrcheffis nawyis the knawledge and conceling ; becaus it wes nocht anewch, in caife it had bene trew that the defender had rewin and dif- troyit the faidis Lettre and Obligatioune, (the contrar quhairof is maift trew ;) ' Altofjetlier, entirely. ' Complained. ^ John Master of Caithness, her brotlier, (wlio died in 1577,) married Dame Jean Hepburn, only daugliter of Patrick tliird Earl of Bothwell, who was Francis Earl of Bothwell's mother. The person here alluded to might he Joim Master of Berrie- dale, Ton of William Lord Berriedale, and grandson of George fifth Earl of Caithness. 29JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 369 bot it behowit hir, of hir dewtie and alledgeance, to haif revelit the treffonabill directing thairof, and to haif manifeftit hir awin innocencie, be refufall and re- veling, and be deteining of the meffingir quha wes in hir hous and power, fche haifing fic knawledge of his treflTonabill travelling and traffiking in that mater ; quhilk the Aduocat repetis, as ane anfuer to the liaill alledgeance. The Defender repetis hir former anfuer, and eikis thairto, that thair can nocht be ane conceling in TreiToune, quhair thair is nocht tractatus in Treffoun ; tractus est duorimi vel plurium in eodem consensu. Thair is na confent heir qualefeit, that ony fupport wes grantit, 3e (yea) be the contrar, it wes refufit ; and the propofitioun defiendo suhsklio and the refufmg thairof noclity«6vV traC' tatiim, itaque, thair is nather cryme nor conceling. The aduocat acceptis the alledgeance in quantum, and anfueris, that the famin elydis nocht the Dittay, quhilk is nocht only foundit super tractatu, sed suiter silenfio et celatione ; and the Doctouris and fpeciallie Angelus affirmis, that the knawledge of ony kynd of Treffoun and conceling thairof, be him quha may preif it, is Treffoun : And trew it is, that my Lady Bothwellis wiyting for money and fupjjly to my Lord Bothwell hir huftand, being the Kingis rebell, is Treffoun ; quhilk being knawin to the defender, and habill to haif bene verefeit be the Lettres reffauit be hir fra my Lady Bothwell to that effect, hir conceling thairof is exjires Treffoun : Lyke as, the lyke cryme wes fand Treffoun, in the pairt of Dauid Home of Argattie, in anno 1584' or thairby ; cpilia, for reding and conceling of ane Letter direct fra his brother-fone,' being thane foirfalt in Ingland, to ane of his awin tennentis, for fupport fra him of money and vtheris hisprivat effairis, wes thairvpouneput to ane Affyife, convict thairof and thairfore execute : And M' Nicoll Dalgleilch,^ being accufit for reding of commendatiounis, writtin in ane Letter, fend be M' Walter M'Canquall to the faid M' Nicoll, in ane Letter writtin to the faid M' Walteris wyffe ; the Dittay, foundit vpoun the faid cryme, wes fund relevant ; he wes put to the knawledge of ane Affyfe, and he wes convict thairof. And this cryme fpecefeit iiganis this prefent pannell, being mair odious of tlie felff and relevant of the law nor the faid vthir crymes aboue mentionat, the famin aucht to be fand relevant, nochtwithftanding the haill alledgeance maid in tiie central r. The Defender anfueris to the pretendit practikis, that thair is nane of thame px'oduceit : and jn-oteftit, that before ony of thame be red be the judge or the King and Counfall, that thay may haif infpectioun of thame, that fche may an- fuer thairto : And in caife ony lie thing wer as is alledgeit, it is nocht i^ertinent in this caife, fpeciallie M' Dauid Home of Argatie, quha is allegeit to haif red ' See Dec. 8, 1584. ^ Patrick Home, ' fervitom' to the Earl of Mar, ' Minister of St Cuthbert's, near Edinburgh. See Dec. 8, 1584, VOL. I, 3 A 370 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. ane Letter, writtin be ane declarit Tratour : As to M' NicoU Dalgleifch, he wes iiewir convict. And forder, the Act of Parliament, maid att Lynlythqw in four- fcoir and fyve 3eir (1585) retretis,' and for maift A-rgent cauffis hes retretit all fic proceffis, and hes ordenit the memorie thairof to be l^iireit for ewir, that thay fould nocht be hard in judgement thaireftir. — Anfuerit the Aduocat, that the Act of Parliament, maid att Lynlythqw, contenis reftitutiounes gratie et non juris ; and all^eit it haif redintegrat" the perlbnis forfaltit being on lyff, and the poflerite of thame being deceiffit, to thair fame, honour and leivingis, yit it al- terit nocht decisiones juris, foundit vpoun the Commoun Law and nocht vpoun particular Actis maid aganis the perfonis foirfaltit. The defender repetis the former anfuer, with the Act of Parliament and cauffis thairin contenit ; quhilk Act of Parliament refcindis the haill proceffis, 2ier exjyressum, as gif thair had bene fpeciall decreitis gewin i-poune ilkane of thame. The Juftice continewis to Monunday the laft of Maij. (Maij 31.) — The Juftice continewis Interloquitoiu', in the alledgances pro- ponit betuix the Lady Erroll and the Kingis Advocattis, to the fecund of Junij nixtocum. [No farther entries occiu- in the Record.] ^laucfibterins, selUng;, antr matins of iTlesI) iw time of llent. May 31. — William Bauuie, flefcheour in Dunde, and thirteen others ' flefcheouris' of Dundee and Perth. Dilatit of contravening of the Actis of Parliament, in flaing and eitting of flefch in Lentrone laft was. Only one of the pannell ' fylit and convict ;' another continued to the aire of Perth ; and the others found to be ' cleane and acquit.' CJatins df ks]^ in time of Eent. May 31.— [David] Erll of Crawfurd. Mr John Halyday produceit the Kingis Licence, fubfcryuit be his Maieftie, granting the Erll of Crawfurd licence to eit flefche, and Thomas Stewart to mak reddie flefch, (in time of Lent). The Aduocat allegis the Licence is null, in refpect it is paft but^ compofitioun, and nocht conforme to the Act of Parliament. — The pannell alledgis, that na proces fould be led in this Judgement, becaus befor the criminall perfuit, ane precognitioune ciuile aucht (to have taken place), and it importit ane pecuniall pane allenarlie. — The Aduocat anfueris, that the alledgeance aucht to be repellit, ' Lat. Fetractare. ^ Lat. Redintegrarc. ^ Without. 29JAC.VL CRIMINAL TRIALS. 371 in refpect of the Act of Parliament, ordaining that the Thefaurar fall accufe thame, and being convict, thair efcheitis and vnlawis falbe tane vp. I31r Robert Leirmond, Justice-Depute.'] Jun. 1. — IssoBELL Pratt, feruand to Criftopher Lyndefay in the Grange. Dilatit of the crewall Murthoiir and flauchter of ane infant bairne, procreat betuix hir and John Abircrumbie wrycht, eftir the bairne wes quick borne ; committit in the Grange the fewintein of Maij laftwas. Verdict. The Aflyfe, in ane voce, ffylis the faid Iffobell Pratt of the mur- dreiffing of hir awin barne, be llrangling of the barne, ane man chyld, be nip- ping of the bairuis chraig.' Sentence. ' Fylit and Convict. Sufpen.' Jbl^ootincr h)it$ ©a^crs anlf ^istolets— ?gurttnff antt Ujountrinig:. Jun. 1. — James Crei'chtoun of Ruthvennis, Dauid Home his fernand, Stephin Currour of Logiemegle, Johnne Cuming in Glafwall and Abimilech Crech, burges of Edinburghe. Dilatit of contravening of the Actis of Parliament, in bering and wering of (and fchuting with dagis and) piftolettis ; and hurting and wounding of John Ker, feruitour to Dauid Wod of Craig, in the body and rycht hand, George Ker in the heid, and James Ker in the left hand ; and mutilatioun of the faid James of twa fingaris of his left hand. Comperit James Reid, Conftabill of the Caftell, and produceit ane Teftimoniall lubfcryuit be Dauid Ramfay, Minifter at Elyth and Ruthvennis, teftifeing Cris- topher Creychfoun in Megle and jilexander Creijchtotm to be lyand deidlie hurt : And als, produceit the Kingis trecept, ordaining the Juftice to continew the mater, A-poun fyftene dayis wairning, vpoim the faid Criftopher and Alex- ander Creychtoune, in refpect thay ar lyand deidlie woundit. — The Juftice ad- mittis the Kingis Warrand, the Thefaurar being prefent and confenting thairto. — Continued to the Aire of * Forfare, tertio Itineris, (vel fuper premonitione) xv dierum.' ^^ootins iuiti) ^istoltts— ItJurtinrj: antr iMounHinfl. Jun. 2. — Dauid Wod of Craig, Mr James ^^'od, brother to the Laird of Craig, Robert Wod, broder to Thomas \^^od in the Grange, and John Ker, feruitour to the Laird of Craig. ' Squeezing or pinching of tlie child's tliroat or windpipe, craig. — The same mode of suffocation wliich was recently practised by the infamous Burke and his gang, in tlie West Port of Edinburo-Ii. 372 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. Dilatit of the hurting and wounding of Criftell (Chriftopher) Creychtoune, feruitour to James Creychtoune of Ruthvennis, be the fchot of ane piftolet in the bodie and arme, to the effulioun of his bkide in grit quantitie ; and thairby, for contravening of the Actis of Pai'liament, in bering, wering and fchuting with piftolettis ; committit in March laftbypaft. It wes allegeit be Mr Johnne Scharp, aduocatt, that Dauid Wod of Craig can nocht be vnlawit for the entrie of Daiiid ^Vod, fone to the Laird of Boningtoun, and George Ker, becaus Johnne Ducie, Minifter of Monroife, tellifeit to ^Valte^ Commendater of Blantyre (Treafurer), that thay wer vnliable ; quhilk was con- feft be the Thelaurar. — Continued to the Aire of ' Forfar, tertio Itineris, xv dierum.' [il/r James Foivlis, J iist'i ce- Depute. 1 iHuiXrcr— rijtft. Jun. 7. — Johnne Pennycuik in Dykenuke. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the crewall Murthour and Slauchter of vmq'" Johnne Cowane ; and of Hurting of Alexander Young in Cowter, and chaiffing of Cuthbert M^Clellen at the Weil Port of Edinburghe ; and for airt and pairt of the thifteous fteling of thre uaigis fra thame ; committit the xxiij day of May laftbypaft, &c. Persewaris, Robert Lord Sanquhar, Jolinne Drybiuelit in Ravinfliauch, Williame Dryburcht thair, John Wauchop, baillie in Nudrie, Johnne Creyclitoun of Bruntoune, Robert Miller in Stanyhill, Sir Archibald Naper of Edinbellie, kny', Mr Williame Hairt, aduocat. Verdict. The pannell is ' ffylit' of eight feperate acts of Theft, &c. and ' for Conimouu thift, commoviiae Reffett of thift, inputting and outputting of thift, bayth auld and new.' Sentence. To be tane to the Gallows of the Bori'ow-muii-, and thair to be hangit quhill he be deid ; and his held and rycht hand to be ftrikin off, and put and hung vpoune the "V^^eft-port ; and all his movabill guidis to be efcheit and inbrocht to our fouerane lordis vfe, &c. [JMr Jacobus Fowlis Justiciarius, per Commissionevi s. d. n. Regis co7istitut.~\ Jun. 8. — Thomas Gardyn, fumtj^me in Bandoch, now in Legatftoun. Comperit James Guthrie of Gagye, and produceit our fouerane lordis lettres deulie execute and indoriate, purcheft be IfTobel "\^^od Ladye Guthre, the relict ; James Guthre of Gagye, Dauid and Gabriell Guthries, fonnes ; with the kyn and freindis of '\mq''' Alexander Guthre of that Ilk ; to tak fouertie of Thomas Gar- dyn, fumtyme in Bandoch, now in Legatftoun, that he fould compeir befoir our 29 Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 373 Soueranis Juftice and his Deputis this day and place, and vnderlye the law for art and part of the crewall llauchter of the faid vmq'" Alexander Guthre of that Ilk ; and defyrit proces thairvpoun, and proteftit, that he as cautionn be relevit of his cautionarie. Comperit Mr Dauid Peirfonn, and produceit ane Warrand of his Maiefteis, datit at Lynlythq^^% the ferd day of Junij inftant, to defert the dyet ; and de- fyrit that the famin be obayit ; quhairof the tennour followis. Rex, Justice, Juftice-Clerk and 30ui- deputis, We grete 30W wele. Forfamekill as it is vn- derftand to ws fat our vtheris Letties ar lafit, at ]>e inftance of pe bairnis, kyn and fieindis of vmq'" Alexander Guthre of J>at Ilk, and our Aduocattis for our intres, for calling of Thomas Gardyn of Ban- doch to vndirlye our lawis befoir jow, vpoun Jie viij day of Junij inflant, for art and part of ]ie Slauch- ter of ]>e faid vniq''' Alexander, as our faidis Lettres at lenth beris : Nochtwithfianding quhairof, in refpect We half alreddie caulit fat deidlie feid ftanding betuix fe houffis of Gardyn and Guthre, araangis vtheris, to be afTurit and fubniittit to certane of our Counfale, Barrownis and Minifteris, for reconfiliatioun and remowing falrof ; all fie perfuittis wald in Jie mene tyme be ftayit fat may hinder })C fame : And fairfoir it is our will, and We command ^ow, Jiat vpoun fe fycht heirof 36 defert fe faid dyet, appointit fe faid aucht day of Junij inftant ; and on nawyife vnlaw tlie faid Thomas nor his cautionar for nocht entre fairat, hot defifl fra all maner of proceding fairin ; fat according to f e fub- miflioun, fe remaning of fe feid may be fe bettir handillet, and proceid without impediment. As 36 will anfuer to ws vpoun 3 our office and obedience : Quhairanent fir prefentis falbe 3 our warrand. Subfcryueit with our hand, at Lynlytbqw, fe ferd day of Junij, 1396. (Sic fubfcnbitur) JAMES R. Quhilk Warrand the Juftice obayit, and thairvpoun defert the faid Court, in refpect of na contrair warrand produceit. croitsulttna b)i(!) S^Uitcfjcc, for Ktstruction o( €av\ ct #r]ftntg, ^f.— eijaitcfjcraft— IJoisoniiiri:— iHuvljer. June 24. — Johnne Stewart INIaillcr of Orknay. Dilatit of confulting with vmq'° Margret Balfour, ane ^A'^ich, for the diftruc- tioune of Patrik Erll of Orknay, be poyfoning. Persewar, Mr Williame Hairt Aduocat to our fouerane Lord. Preloquitouris for the Pannell. My Lord Barnbarrocht, Mr W™ Leflie, Mr Johnne Nicolfoun, Thomas Kennydy Tutour of Caffillis. The famin day, Patrik Erll of Orknay being ofttymes callit, to compeir this day and place, to haif infiftit in perfuit of Johnne Maifter of Orknay for the crymis contenit in the Lettres, as he that wes lauchfullie fummond to that effect, comperit nocht ; quhairvijoun the faid Maifter of Orknay alkit inftrumentis. The faid Mr Williame Hairt aduocat infiftit in jjerfuit of the faid Johnne Stewart, for the crymes contenit in the lettres : That is to fay ; 374 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. DiTTAY against the Master of Orkney. FORSAMEKILL as the faid Jolinne Maifter of Orknay, brother germane to Patrik Erll of Orknay, vpoun the fyrft, fecund, thryd, ferd, fyft, faxt and re- manent dayes of the nionethis of October, Nouember, December and lanuar, att the leift in fum of the dayes of the monethis foirfaidis 1593, Confpyrit the Mur- thour of the faid Patrik Erll of Orknay, his brother, confultat and dewyfit thair- anent with vniq'" Alyfoune Balfour, ane knawin notorious Wicli and execute to the death for Wichcraft ; and that att the tymes foirfaid, Avithin the faid Annq'^ Alyfounis hous in Ireland' in Orknay, how thay mycht haif bewichit the faid Patrick Erll of Oi-knay his brother, and bereif him (of life) be Sorcerie and Wichcraft : Quhilk the faid Alyfoune grantit and confeft the tyme of hir execu- tioun and diuers tymes of befoir ; Lykeas, the faid Johnne, in the foirfaid moneth of November, and in ane or vthir of the dayes thairof, Ichortlie eftir the deceife of vmq'" Robert Erll of Orknay, than pall to M' Williame Mwdeis hous, in AVallis in Orknay, aceumpaneit with James and Williame Stewartis, his bre- ther, Patrik and Olipher Sinclaris, Thomas Palpla and vtheris thair complicis, quhair the faid Johnne with the laidis perfonis confultit, confpyrit and de\v)^t how to murthour the laid Patrik Erll of Orknay his brother, be poyfoning, or vthirwayes, be craft and quyet dealing. Lykeas, the faid Johnne hyrit and conduceit the faid Thomas Palpla his feruitour to poyfoun the faid Erll of Ork- nay, quha tuk the fam in hand; and beingaccufit thairof, confeft the famin, andwes execute thairfoir to the deid : Lykeas alio, the faid Johnne, with the affiftance of the faid Williame Stewart his brother and thair complices foirfaidis, confult- it, dewyfit and concludit att the tyme foirfaid, to haif murtherit the faid Patrik Erll of Orknay, att ane Banl^ynet in Dauid Moncreifis, in Kirkwall in Orknay ; quhilk the faid Williame Stewart his brother hes confeft diuerfe tymes fenfyne : Lykeas, the faid Johnne Stewart, in the moneth of December thaireftir, in the yeir of God foirfaid, att the leift in ane of the dayes of the faid moneth, confultit, dewyfit, confpyrit and interpryfit to haif enterit in, fecreitlie, in the faid Patrik Erll of Orknayis chalmer, within the Place of Birza in Orknay, thair to haif llayne and murtherit him in his bed. Committing thairby, att the leift doing that in liim lay, be the meanis foirfaidis, to haif flayne and murdreift the faid Patrik Erll of Orknay. The famin day the faid Mr of Orknay declarit, that albeit the ftunmondis be altogidder irrelevant in the thre heidis thairof, viz. Wichcraft, Poyfoning and Murdering of his brother, anent the fpeciall circumftances and factis alledgeit done and interpryfit be the faid Maifter of Orknay, and that it is newir lybellit that ony effect followit vpoune the faid pretendit purpois of confultatioun, Cj[uhilk ' Yieland, or Yrland, ' a town' in the parisli of Stennes or Stenhous. 29Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 375 is alwyife denyit and is maift falflie forgeit ; yit neuirtlieles, in refpect of his innocencie, he is content to abyde the ordinar tryall of all the poyntis and crymes fpecifeit in the laid fummondis. The famin day the Aduocat produceit his Maiefteis Wai'rand, and defyrit the famin to be infert ; and forder defyi-it the concurs of my Lord of Orknay, as he that wes lauchfuUe wairnit to that effect ; quha being callit comperit nocht ; and the faid Aduocat defyrit jiroces, and tuik inftrumentis, that the partie opponit nocht aganis the famin. FoUowis the tennour of the Kingis Warrand. Hex, Mr Thomas HAMJtiLTOUNE of Drumcame, and Williame Hairt of Lewielandis, aduocattis to our fouerane Lord. We greit 30W weill. It is our will, and We command 30W, that incontinent eftir fe fycht heirof, je compeir before our Juftice or his Deputis, in ane Court of Julticiare to be hauldin in our Tolbuith of Edinburgh the xxiij day of Junij inftant, and infill in perfuit of Johnne Stewart, Mr of Orknay, fnmmond be vertew of our vtheris Lettres^ purchefl, att jour inllance aganis him, ftbr be alledgeit cocfulting, entei"pryfing and dewyfing of ])e flauchter of Patrik Erll of Orknay ; and that 56 nawyis confent to prorogatioun or delay of fe faid mater to ony vthir day, nochtwithftanding of ony directioun purchefl or to be purchefl in Jie contrar heirof: For ])e quhilk J)ir prefentis falbe to 30VV ane warrand. Subfcryuit with our hand, Att Halyruidhous, fe xvij of Junij, 1596. (Sic fubfcribitur) JAMES R. ASSISA. Laurence Bruce of Cultman- Sir Wm. Stewart of Houftoun, Frances Robertfoun, burges thair, Lundie, knycht, Williame Tod thair, Hew Sinclar of Burgh, Thomas Otterburne of Reidhall, Johnne Makic thairj Alexander Lord Spynie, Patrik Chene of EfTilmonth, Johnne Dik thair, Robert Lord Sanquhar, James Ogilvie of Balfour, Patrik Kennedie burges thair. . . . . Mr of Ogilvie, Andro Bauchop, burges of Ed', The faid Maifter of Orknay produceit ane Declaratioun vnderwrittin, togid- der with ane Inllrument, quhilk thay defyrit to be infert in the proces. — Item, the fummondis is foinidit vpoun thre heidis, viz., AVichcraft, Poyfoning and Mui'thering of his brother : As to the fFyrft point, albeit the fpeciall circumftan- ces of the mater be nocht fpeciallie qualifeit and fett doun in the fummondis, yit he is content to abyde ane AflTyfe thairof, in refjject of his innocencie. And as to the Confeffioun of Alefoun Balfour, to remember the AfTyfe, that the laid Ale- foun wes, be vehement tortour of the cafcbielaAvis.' quhairin fche wes kejMt be the fpace of fourtie-aucht houris, comjjellit to makthe faid jjretendit Confeffioune : Likeas hir hufband callit Tailliefeir, being ane man of Ixxxxj yeiris of aige, togidder with hir eldeft fone and hir dochter, wer all kepit at anis and 1 This instrument of torture is elsewhere called caspicaws. Dr Janiieson conjectures tlie word to signify ' the warm hose,' No doubt the application of intense heat to the limbs, during the infliction of the torture, was usual in various countries. After encircling the leg with an iron frame-work, it was put into a moveable furnace or chauffer, and during the progress of heating the iron, the intended questions were successively put. This exquisite pain must have induced the unhappy sufferer to con- fess almost any thing that might be proposed. Perhaps the instrument may, from this last ciroim- stance, have obtained the soubriquet or nickname from an old French word, Casse-hix. 376 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. at the fame inftant in waird, befyde hir, and put (to) tortouris att the fame in- ftant tyme ; the fader beand in the lang Irnis of fiftie ftane wecht ; the fone callit in the biiitis with fiftie fewin ftraikis ;' and the dochter, being fewin yeir auld, put in the jjinnywiukis ;' to this effect, that hir faid hufband and bairnis beand fwa tormentit befyde hir, mycht move hir to mak ony Confeflioune for thair releif : Lyke as thaireftir, immediatlie eftir hir reliefe out of the faid tor- ment, fclie revoikit the faid Confeflioune : And thaireftir, in prefens of the haill toune, before the Aflyife, and att the tynie of her executioune, fche declarit op- pinlie, that the faid Confeffioune wes altogidder fals and extortit : The notorietie quhairof is referrit to tlie Aflyife. Item, the vthir twa heidis, anent the poy- foning and tlie mvu'thering, (albeit the fame be nawyife relevant poyntis of ony tyme, becaus it is nocht alledgeit that thair followit ony thing vpovuie the faidis pretendit confultatiounis, nor yit that the fame cam ad actum j)roximum,) the Maifler being altogidder innocent of the faid pretendit forgeit accufatiounis, re- fufis na tryell : And as to the Confeffioune maid be Thomas Palpla, the fame wes in lyke maner extortit of him, he being kepit in the cafchielawis ellewin dayis and ellewin nychtis f tuyife in the day, be the fpace of fourtene dayis, callit in thebuitis, he beand naikit in the meane tyme, and fl^airgeit with towis,^ in fic foirt, that thay left natlier flefch nor hyde'' vpoun him : In the extremitie of the quliilk tortour the faid pretendit ConfefTioun wes drawin out of him : Quhill< pretendit ConfefTioun he ewir revoikit and recantit, immediatlie as lie wes frie of the tortour ; and att laft, publictlie, the tyme of his executioune, he oppinlie revokit the famin, quhilk wes referrit to the Aifyfe, Follows the tennour of the inftrument produceit. Declaration of Alesoun Balfour, at the place of her Execution. Apud Kirkwall, vpoun Jie Heding-liill of pe fame faxtene day of December 1594. In prefens of Thomas Swyntoun Jliiiiller at Kirkwall, Jolinne Stewart Reidar ])air, Mr Gylbert Body Minifter att Holm, Alexander Somerwall in Deirnes, Johnne M'Kenzie, Daiiid Moncreif feniitour to my Lord Erll of Orknay, and Gylbert Pacock, with fiudry vthiris. Tlie quliilk day, in prefens of me notar puJilict vnderwrittiu and witneffis foirfaidis, Alesoun Balfour, being condampnit for hir alledgeit poyntis of Wiclicraft, and led to ])e Hill to pe place of Executioiuie ; fche, in prefens of me and wit- neffis foirfaidis declarit and tuik vpoun hir faull and confcience, as fche wald anfuer att ])e day of judgement, quben the fecreitls of all hairtis falbe difdofit, that fche wes als innocent and wald die als innocent of ony point of Wiclicraft as ane barne new borne : And als, being inquyrit vpoun liir faull and confcience to declair ' quhat fche knew of fe Lah-d of Stenhoua, and to quhat eifect he gaif to hir fe walx pat wes fund in hir purs?' Qulia pan prefentlie declarit, be hir pairt of Paradyce, and as J See Plan's Trial, p. 219, &c. and the Trials for Witchcraft. = See p. 215. ' This fact is quite inconsistent with the application of intense heat. Perhaps the instrument may have been similar, in its construction, to the Witches' bridle, mentioned in the notice prefixed to the Trial of Bessie Dun- lop. See page 50. '' Hopes, cords. ^ Skin. A most disgusting and frightful instance of the iniqui- ties practised imder form of law ; wliicli, indeed, would disgrace the most barbarous tribe of Indians! 29JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 377 fche wald anfuer to Jie lewing Lord, tLat fche knew na tiling to fe auld Laird of Stehhous bot ho- neftie ; and fat his Lady, being fubiect to the colick, notour to hir, willit fe Laird to giff hir ane peace walx, a fowre 3eir bygane fyne, to mak ane implaifter ; to be imployit be hir to his Lady, for remedie of hir laid difeife, and na vthirn-yis, as fche Wald anfuer to fe lewing God of heavin and aeirth : And faid fan playnlie, fat fche wald die with the fame confeffioune ; lykeas, fche thane deit conflantlie fairwith. And ficlyke, being inquyrit and accufit be fe Perfoun of Ropher, ' gif fche wald abyde be hir fyrfl Depofitioun, maid in fe Caftell of Kirkwall, vpoun the day of December inftant ?' Quha anfuerit, fat f e tyme of hir firfl Depofitioun fche wes tortourit diuerfe and feuerall tymes in fe Cafchielawis, and findrie tymis takin out of fame deid,' and out of all remembrance af ' of guid or ewill ; as lykewyis hir guidman being in f e ftokis, hir fone tortourit in f e Buitis, and hir dochtir put in fe Pilliewinkis, quhairwith fche and fay wer fwa vexit and tormentit, fat pairtlie to efchew ane gretar torment and pwneifchement, and vpoun promeis of hir lyffe, and guid deid be fe faid Perfoune, falllie, aganis liir faull and confcience, fche maid fat ConfelTioun, and na vthirwyis : For f e quhilk, fche afkit f e Lord mercy and forgiuenes ; and conftantlie deit f airatt. QuLairvpoun all and findrie fe premiflis, Thomas Ballendene fear of Ewe tuik act and inftrument. (Sic fubfcribitur,) Ila eft, Jacobus Nevene, notaritis publicus ac teftis in premiffis rogatus et requijltus : Tefte tnamt propria. After the qiihilk Declaratioiin, the Juftice patt the faid Johnne to the tryell of the Aflyfe. Quhilk perfounes being chofin, fworne and admittit, and the faid Johnne Maifter of Orknay, being accufit be Dittay of the faidis crymes, irl thair prefens, he denyit the faniin. Eftir the productioun of certane euidentis and inftrumentis, quhair tlie faidis vmq''' Alyfoun Balfour and Thomas Palpla maid revocatioun of thair Depofitiounis and Confeifiounis, alledgeit maid in pre- iudice of the faid Johnne Maifter of Orknay ; the Alfyfe tuik inftrumentis, that thair wes na thing produceit for vereficatioun of the Dittay, and that the faid Dittay wes nocht fworne. The faid perfoun on pannell afliit inftrumentis of the chefing of the Aflyfe but oppofitioun.^ Verdict. The Aflyife removit altogidder furth of Court to the Counfal-hous, quhair thay, be pluralitie of vocis, chufe Robert Lord Sanquhar Chancillar of the faid Aflyife ; and thairefter reafonit upoun the poyntis of the Dittay, and haif- ing votit thairvpoun, efter voting and refolutioun, re-enterit agaue in Court, quhair thay, be the mouth of the faid Chancillar, ffand the faid Johnne Stewart Maifter of Orknay to be Acquit and innocent of the haill crymes and poyntis of Dittay particularlie above mentionat, quhairof he wes accufit. [3Ir James Fowlis, Justice-Depute. 1 Jun. 30. — Alexander Fleming of Barrochan, Patrik Fleming and Mr James Fleming, his fonis, &c. ' In a swoon, or ' dead-faint.' ^ Without challenge upon his part. VOL. L . 3 B 378 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. Comperit Patrik Maxwall of Dargavell, and produceit our fouerane lordis lettres, dewlie execute and indorfate be the faid Patrik him felfF, Marioun Por- terfeild his fpous and Rabecca Maxwall his dochter, to tak fouirtie of the faid Alexander, Patrik and Mr James, and vtheris thairin contenit, that thay fould haif comperit this day and place, and vnderlyne the law for airt and pairt of the cuming to the faid Patrik Maxwallis duelling-place of Dargavell, and Reveifch- ing of Rabecca Maxwall his dochter furth thairof, and taking of hir away with thame to the jjlace of Barrochane, and kei)ing hir in ftrait firmanfe, be the fpace of fyftene dayis or thairby ; conimittit vpoun the thryd day of Nouember laft- b}i)aft, and vtheris crymis contenit in the lettres direct thairupoun. This mater ordenit to be continewit, be the Priour of Blantyre thefaurar and the Juftice Clark, be thair Precept. — Sir Patrik Houftoun of that Ilk became jiledge and fouirtie for Alexander Fleming of Barrochane, Patrik F. his fone and apperand air, Mr James F. alfe his fone. Hew F., James F., James Henryfoun and Peter Cuming, feruandis to the faid Alexander ; Robert Fleming in Coven- lie, Gabriell Reid in Barrochane, Williame Houftoun thair, Patrik Houftoun thair, Williame Reid in Hillis, Patrik Fleming in Aylie, Thomas Kellocht in Craighall, Matho Patrik thair, Johnne Allane in Cruik, James Fleming in Corf- lie, Patrik F. att the kirk of Pullellane and Alexander Alfchenar in Wod, and that thay fall compeir before our fouerane lordis Juftice or his deputis, the thryd day of the nixt Juftice-air of the flierefdome of Renfrew, or foner quher or quhen it fall pleis our fouerane Lord, vjioune fyftene dayes wairning, and vn- derly the law for the faid crimes. jTortilile ^litjuttiou, ^f. Jul. 5. — Williame Banxatyne of Corhous. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the away-taking of and reifing of Margret Ham- miltoune, dochter to Johnne Hammiltoune of Auchnaglene, fui-th of Johnne W^eiris hous of Dargavill. Persewaris. PRELoauiTOURis for the paimell. Johnne Hammiltoune of Auchnaglene, Mr Thomas Craig, Mr Williame Hairt, aduocat to our fouerane lord. Mr Alexander King. The faid Williame Bannatyne tuik inftrumentis of his compeirance. Com- peirit James Reid, Conftabill of the Caftell of Edinburgh, and tuik inftrumentis that he had prefentit ^Villiame Bannatyne of Corhous before my Lord Juftice, and enterit him on pannell, conforme .to the ^Varrand direct be the Lordis of Counfall to that effect. — The faid day comperit Mr James Hammiltoune of Candor and Williame H. of Hillis and James H. of Bardowie 3ounger, and tuik inftrumentis of the production of our fouerane lordis (letteris) dewlie execute, 29JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 379 purcheft be Johnne Hammiltoune of Auchnaglene for fummonding of ane Affyife to Williame Bannatyne of Corhous. — As alfo comperit Johnne Hammiltoune of Auchnaglene, and infiftit in perfuit of Williame Bannatyne of Corhous, and thairvpoune tuik inflrumentis. — The laid Williame Bannatyne of Corhous tuik inftrumentis, that Williame Hammiltoune of Auchnaglene, being defyi-it to fweir the Dittay gewin in aganis him, declarit, he wes fa informit, be brute,' that he did the famin ; bot he wald nocht tak it vpoun his confcience that the famin wes trew done be him. The perfewar and the aduocatt protellit for Errour, in caife thay Acquyte the faid Williame Bannatyne. Dittay against Williame Bannatyne of Corhous!' FoRSAMEKiLL as the faid Johnne Hammiltoune haifing placeit Margret Hammiltoune his dochter, ane bairne often 3eir auld or Jiairby, with Jolnme Weir in Dargavill, hir moder-brother, to haif bene educat and brocht vp be him, vntill hir lauchfuU and perfyte age ; lipning tliat nane fould haif inter- ruptit hir educatioune and vpbringing, or attempted ony violence or iniurie aganis hir; nochtwith- llanding quhairof, it is of veritie, that Williame Cwninghame tutour of Boningtoune, accumpaneit with certane bretherene and feruandis of Williame Bannatyne of Cofhous, mountit vpoun the faid Williamis awin hors, be his fpeciall caufing, directioune, fending and hounding out, all bodin in feir of weir, with vnlauchfull and foirbidin wappinnis, come vpoun fe xxviij day or fairby of March lafl- bypafl:, vuder fylence and cloud of nycht, to |ie faid Johnne Weiris duelling-hous of Dargavill, lyand within ])e flierefdome of Lanark, and violentlie enterit fairin ; fyift, fchamefullie and vnhonefllie per- fewit the faid Johnne Weir of his lyfTe, reft his purs fra him, quhairin thair wes ane grit quantitie of gold and filuer, hurt and woundit him in diuers pairtis of his body, and left him lyand for deid ; and thaireftir, violentlie tuik the faid Margret away with fame, fyrll to Jie place of ]« Corhous, quhair fche wes reflauit and kepit all that nyclit, be J)e knawledge, allowance and privitie of fe faid Williame Bannatyne, and ]iaireftir, be his directioune, convoyit hir away to fum pairtis of ])e Bordonr, quhair fche wes kepit and detenit : The away-takeris of hir remaning continewallie fenfyne in hous and cum- pany with the faid Laird of Corhous ; quha intendit, in hir minoritie, to move hir to findrie pnrpoflis, altogidder to hir difadvantage. Wes i)utt to the knawledge of ane Aflyis, and in thair prefens, wes accufit be Dittay of the crymes aboue writtin ; quha denyit the famin flraitlie. Verdict. Eftir the quhilk accufatioune, thay paft altogidder fuilh of Court (to) ane fecreit place in the eird of the faid Tolbuith, quhair thay convenit and chufe Robert Scott of Thirlftane chancillar, and eftir chefing of him paft to voting vpoun the pointis of the Dittay foirfaid ; and being refoluit thairwith re-enterit agane in Court, quhair thay, be the mouth of the faid chancillar, ffand, ' Fr. Bruit, report, rumour. " This crime affords a striking picture of the times; which, by reference to the Criminal Records, will be found one of very frequent occurrence. Heiresses were forcibly car- ried off" by some powerful Baron or Laird, who had perhaps been disappointed in effecting a man-iage for themselves or sons, by fair means. A fitting opportunity was watched, and the young lady relieved of the tediousness of courtship, by getting a priest on the other side of the Border to marry them ' out of hand.' Abductions were also common on the part of relations, competing for the guardianship of the heiress. 380 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. pronunceit and declarit the faid Willianie Bannatyne of Corhous to be clene, in- nocent and acquit of the cryrnes aboue writtin. Jul. 7. — Thojias Ewing at the Mylne of Ogilvie. Dilaitit of airt and pairt of the hurting and wounding of Williame Broun in Nether Baddinliaith, in diuerle pairtis of his body, to the effufioun of his blude in grit quantitie ; be gewing of him of faxtene bludie woundis in the body, be way of murthour, vnder fylence of nycht ; committit in the moneth of Auguft laftbypaft. Persewaris. Preloquitour for the pannell. Williame Broune in Nether Baddinhaith, Mr Johnne Moncreif. Mr Thomas Hammiltoun, (King's Advocate). The faid Williame Broun produceit the lettres aganis the faid Thomas Ewing, dewlie execute and indorfat, and tuik inftrumentis thairvpoiuie. — The Aduocat produceit his hienesWarrand, ordaining him to infill in jierfuit of Thomas Ewing. — The perfewaris afkis inftrumentis that the faid Williame afkit inftrumentis. The perfewaris (pannell ?) alledgis, that the lybell is irrelevant foundit ; be- caus that nather llauchter nor mutilatiouu followit thairvpoun ; and it apper- tenis to the fliereft'. — The aduocat anfueris, that the alledgeance aucht to be re- pellit, becaus the defender is nocht jjerfewit vpoune ane intendit murthoiu', Ajioune foirthocht fellony vnder fylence of nycht, qnodquidem consiUiim hoviicidij cogi~ tati, per buhistr'iam et insidias peruen'it ad actum ; quhilkis qualiteis being con- joynit, makis the lybell relevant. — The perfewar (pannell?) anfueris, non est crimen lese maiestatis, et nihil peruenit ad actum. — The aduocat alledgis, that the alledgance aucht to be repellit, in refpect of the lybell. The Juftice fRndis the lybell relevant. Verdict. The Aftyfe, for the maift pairt, Acquit the faid Thomas Ewing ; fTorfamekill as he, vpoun the xxvj day of Auguft laftbyj^aft, accumpaneit with Williame Ewing his brother, vnder fylence and cloud of nycht, \inbefett the hie way and paffage to Williame Broun in Nether Baddinhaith, vnder fylence of nycht, be way of Murthour and Brigancie, vpoun the croft of his Landis of Nether Baiihaith ; and thair, with fwoi'dis and quhingaris, crewallie invadit him for his flauchter and murthour, hurt and woundit him thairwith, be gewing of him of faxtene bludie woundis in the held, and diuerfe vtheris pairtis of his body, to the effufioun of his blude in grit quantitie ; vpoun fett purpois, provi- fioun and foirthocht fellony ; and for cafting of him be the heillis in ane burne callit the Stankburne, belewand he wes deid, of purjiois to haif drownit him. Pronunceit be the mouth of Nicoll Towart (in Blakfiu'd), Chancillar (of the faid Affyfe). SOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 381 li?urt!nfl; antr asjountiiiifl— Ci)tft, $(t, Jul. 28. — Hary Auchincraw, in Fowldene. - Dilatit of airt and pairt of the thifteoiis fteling of ane lokit gold and filuer bag, fra Robert Gray, merchand burges of Edinburgh, togidder (with) Ixxxxij fyve pound pecis, fyve four pownd pecis, thre dowbill duikatis, thre dowbill crofe duikettis, fyve auld roif-nobillis, fyve fouerane angellis, thre dowbill myllrais, v lib. Seottis filuer; committit in Aiwyll 1591. It is allegeit be the faid Hary Auchincraw, that na continewatioun aucht to be grantit this day, becaus all Juftice courtis ar peremptour ; lykeas he being fummond to this day, he comjierit perfonallie, offering him reddie to abyde ane tryell ; quhairvpoun fyftene perfonis of Inqueifl ar callit, reflauit and admittit ; fwa that thair being na alledgeance maid be the partie, nor na vthir lauchful im- pediment proponit in the contrar, this proces can nocht be delayit, feing he can nocht be obleift to find cautione ; and quhidder he be acquit or fylit, he aucht nocht to find cautioun, feing he is prefent within the bar. The Aduocat allegis that the Juftice mycht continew the mater to the morne. The Juftice continewis to the morne. ' Plegio Bernardo Borthuik de CoUie- law — pena V mark.' Jul. 29. — [' Dilatit of fetting vpoun Robert Gray, merchand burges of Edinburgh, and hurting of him in diuerfe pairtis of his body : and for the thift- eous fteiling fra him of certane gold and filuer.'] The faid Hary Auchincraw comperand, defyrit the AlTyife to be callit qulia wes admittit 3ifterday ; and of- ferit him reddie to vnderly the law, for the cryme aboue writtin, and defyrit the Juftice to put him to the faid Afiyife ; quhairvi^oun he aflvit inftrumentis. The partie on pannell takis inftrumentis of his offer to vnderly the law, and difTafTent- ing to all continewatioune ; and proteftit that he be nocht continewit, in (virtue) of his oft comperance in the mater, at twa feuerall dyettis of befoir. The pannell proteftit, that in refpect Robert Gray being within the bar, as alfo M' AA'^illiame Hairt, aduocat, his perfewaris being prefent and refufit to perfew, that na lettres be grantit in tyme cuming. The Juftice continewis to gif anfuer the morne. ' Desert, in refi^ect Robert Gray comperit nocht to perfew, nor the aduocat.' ^\miQl)ttv ot n iHtsstitfltr at Slvnis. Jvil. 29. — Patrik Barclay of Towie. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmq'" Williame Mure, meffinger in Deir ; committit in the moneth of Februar laftbypaft. Persewaris, Janet Keytli relict, M' Williame Mure as fone, M' Williame Hairt (King's Advocate.) Preloquitouris for tbe Pannell, M' Jobune Scbairp, M' James Donaldfoun. 382 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. The pui-fewaris tuik inftrumentis of productioun of the lettres aganis Patrik Barclay of Towie, and proteftit for relief of thair cautioneris. The faid M' Williame Mure produceit the Kingis Maiefteis Warrand, ordain- ing the mater perfewit, aganis Patrik Barclay of Towie, to be continewit to the nynt of Auguft nixtocum. The Juftice Continewis the actioun to the morne, to be auyifit with the Coun- fall. ' Plegio, Magillro de Elphinftoune.' His Maiesties Warrand. Bex, Justice, Juftice clerk and 30ur deputis. We greit 30W weill. Forfatnekill as our vtheris lettres ar purcheft, att pe inftance of ]>e relict, balniis, kyn aud frelndis of vraq" Williame Mure, mef- finger in Deir, for calling of Patrik Barclay of Towie before 50W, in our Tolbuitli of Edinburghe, the xxix day of July inftant, to vnderly our lawis, ffor airt and pairt of ])e flauchter of fe faid vmq" Wil- liame Mure : As alfo, our vtheris lettres ar direct for calling of diuerfe perfonis, feruandis to ))e Lady Erroll, to compeir before 50W in fe Tolbuitli of Edinburghe, the xxix day of July inftant, to vnderly our lawis ffor airt and pairt of ]>e flauchter of fe faid vmq'' Williame Mure : As alfo, our vtheris lettres ar direct for calling of diuerfe perfonis, feruandis to ]>e Lady Erroll, to compeir before 50W, in the Tolbuitli of Edinburghe, the nynt day of Auguft nixtocum, to vnderly the law, ffor pe taking of Wil- liame Keyth of Ludquhaime, and vtheris crymes contenit in ]>e faidis lettres: And haifing confidera- tioune, that Jie flauchter of ]e perfonis committeris fairof ; for efchewing of J)e trubling of ane Affyfe, quha ar to be fummond vpoune baytli the faidis crymes. We half tliocht it guid to continew the dyet, for fe flauchter of pe faid vmq'^ Williame Mure, to ]>e faid nynt day of Auguft nixtocum, to pe effect the perfonis of Afl^yis be nocht putt to pe dowbill travell. Thairfoir, and for diuerfe vtheris confideratiounis moving ws, it is our will, and We command 50W, that incontinent eftu- fe fycht hereof, je continew fe perfuit of ]je lettres purcheft aganis ])e faid Patrik Barclay of Towie, for pe Slauchter of ]>e faid vmq'« Williame Mure, to pe nynt day of Auguft nixtocum ; fwa that pe crymis contenit in a])' of fe lettres may be tryit be ane Affyis : And tak fufficient cautioun for fe en- trie of fe faid Patrik Barclay, ]>e faid day: Quhairanent thir prefentis falbe to 50W ane warrand. Sub- feryuit with our hand, att Dunfermling, the xxix day of July, 1598. (Sic fubfcribitur) JAMES R. (Jul. 30.) — The Aduocat takis inftrumentis of the productioun of ane Warrand of the Couufall, and delyrit the famin to be ingroft. The pannell takis inftru- mentis, that the jjai-teis, being oft tymes callit, comi^erit nocht. The Aduocat paft fra the pairt of the fummondis bering Treftoune. AssiSA. Andro Reid of CoUieftoune, Patrik Lealk of Haddo, Sir George Ogilvie of Dunlugous, Alex' Blakhall of that Ilk, M' Alexander limes, Williame Forbes of Corfindae, Patrik Chene of ElRlmont, Thomas Leaflc of Auchinad, Williame Leaflv of that Ilk, Alex' Wod of Colpnay, Archibald Bnice of Pitfowlis, Abraham Forbes of Blaktoun, James Chene of Straloch, Robert Dnimmond of Drill, Robert Innes of Coitis. The AflTyfe, be pluralitie of vocis, chefe Sir George Ogilvie of Dunlugus (Chancellor.) SOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 383 Verdict. — The AfTyis, in ane voce, Acquyte Patrik Barclay of Towie of airt and pairt of the llauchter of vmq" Williame Mure, Meffinger ; committit be Patrik Cantlie, than his feruand, of the fpeciall caufing, hounding, fending, directing, command, afRftance and ratihabitatioun of the faid Patrik, in the moneth of Februar laftbypaft, vpoun fett purpois, prouifione and foirthocht fellony. The quhilk day comperit Patrik Barclay of Towie and produceit ane War- rand delyuerit be the Counfall, and defyrit the Juftice and the Aduocat to infift in i)erfuit, according to the tennour thairof ; quhilk the Aduocat defyrit to be in- fert in proces, quhairof the tennour foUowis. My lordis of Privie Counfall, vnto 30ur 11. huimlie menis and fcliawis I :50ur feiuitour, Patrik Barclay of Towie, That quhaire, Jonet Keytli, ]>e relict, with Jie bairnis and freindis of vnuj'« Williame Mure, meffinger, within ))e fherefdome of Ahirdene, being iterit vp, movit and perfwadit be fe infti- gatioun of fum of my vnfreindis, lies nocht only now, but att diuers tymes ofbefore, vpoun Jiair wrangus narratioune, purcheft Lettres and fairwith caufit chairge me to vnderly fe law, for fe alledgeit airt and pairt of Jie flauchter of |)e faid vmq'^ Williame Mure, meffinger, committit be Patrik Cantlie, my al- ledgeit feruand, vpoune the faxtene day of Februar laflbypafl, 1593, the faid vmq'' meffinger thane being in executioune of his office, &c. According to J)e quhilkis Lettres and chargeis, I, fie faid Pa- trik Barclay, being alluterlie innocent of ])e faid cryme, fand cautioun and fouertie, in dew tyme, att ewerie chairge, to liaif vnderlyne )ie law for fe famin, to diuerfe dayes by])afl ; and att laft, to Jie xxix day of Julij inrtant, before tiie Juftice (and) his deputis ; and comperit perfonalie att all Jie faid dyettis bygane, as I did this day before the faid Juftice, offering me reddie to vnderly ]>e law for Jie faid cryme, ])air being fufficient number of Inqueift fummond and eomperand att ewerie day to compeir jiairvpoune : As the Juftice, deputis and clarkis, with the actes takin Jiairvpoun will teftifie : Newirjieles, the faidis perfewaris, or raj)' my inimeis, quha fteirit pame vp fairto, lies att diuers tyrais bygane purcheft Lettres fubfcrjTiit be our fouerane lord, direct to fe Juftice and his deputis, to continew Jie dyettis quhair- vnto I wes chargeit in Jie faid mater ; and namelie, this day hes procureit and produceit his ^laiefteis Letter vnder his fubfcriptioune, vpoun finifter narratioune, to continew the famen vnto ]>e nynt day of Auguft nixtocum ; to Jie quhilk continewatioun I diflentit, and ofFerit me reddie, prefentlie, as I do 3 it, to vnderly Jie lawis for Jie faid crymes, quhairof I am innocent. And feing the Juftice depute hes con- tinewit his Interloqwitour to be gewin Jiaii-vpoun quhill the morne, and is to tak 5 our 11. aduife, qubidder lie fall proceid or nocht, nochtwithftanding the faid privie letter of continewatioune; and that it is alfo of veritie that I and my fieindis, with the perfonnes of Inqueift, lies bene put to gret tnibellis and ex- penffis now and ofbefore, in keiping of all jie dyettis in Jie faid mater, alfweill principall as continewa- tioune, purcheft be Jie perfewaris and my vnfreindis ; and that thair intentioun is to trubill me and my freindis Jiairby, in cumiiig heir fyue fcoir of myles att ilk dyet, and in waifting our rentis and fubftance in attending Jiairvpoune : And that the faid llaucliter wes only committit be Jie faid Patrick Cantlie, vpoun ane particuler quarrell and feid betuix him and the faid vmq'^ William Mure, quhairof I wes newir participant, airt nor pairt. Heirfoir I befeik 5 our II. to tak fie ordour in Jie preraiffis, that I and my freindis fall nocht be trublet to keip ony forder dyettis in Jie faid mater, bot that proces may be grantit and followit out Jiairintill the morne, bot forder delay ; and to that effect, to caus the parteis perfewaris, being heir prefent, and oure fouerane lordis Aduocat, to fummond and haif reddie ane Af- fyfe to pafs vpoun famekill of Jie faidis Lettres as falbe fund relevant ; quhairvnto I am willing to anfuer inftantlie, as I wes att all dyettis ofbefore, bot ony forder delay : And jour 11. anfuer huimblie I requyre. 384 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. (Sic fubA'iibitur in dorfo,) Apud Edioburglie, xxix Julij, J'-.V'.lxxxxvj. The Lordis of Secreit Coun- fall Ordaiiis the Judice, Judice Clark and fair deputis, to procoid and ininilter jurtice vpoun fe cora- plainer within writtin, tlie mornp, hut forder delay or continewatioune ; conforme to ])e lawis of Jiis realme : And that the Aduocat infill in Jie perfuit of him ; as thay will anfuer to his Maieflie and ])e faidis Lordis pairvpoun. (Sic fubfcribitur) Blantyre. M. R. 30UNG. The famin day, Jonet Keyth the relict, and M' "Williame Mure as fone, with the kyn and freindis of vniq''" Williame Mure meffiugir in Deir, being- oft tymis callit to infifl in perfuit of tlie faid Patrik Barclay of Towie for the laid flauch- ter, the lauchfiill tyme of day biddin and nocht comperand ; the Juftice ordenit Mr Williame Hairt Aduocat to compeir and infifl in perfuit, quha comperit and produceit ane roll of Affyfe of the perfonis aboue writtin. The famin day, Patrik Barclay of Towie, being enterit on pannell, as fummond be vertew of our fouerane lordis lettres, purclieil att the inftance of Jonet Keyth the relict, with the bairnis and remanent kyn and freindis of vmq'' William Mure meflinger, and being perfewit be Mr Williame Hairt aduocat, indytit and accufit : DiTTAY against Patrick Barclay of Towic. FoBSAMEKiLL as Williame Keyth of Ludquharne, Alexander Keyth his fone and M' Samuell Keyth liis bro])er fone and our fouerane lordis aduocattis, haifing rafet liis hienes letters att fair in- llancc, for chargeing of ])e faid Patrick Barclay of Towie and Patrick Cantlie his feruand, now robell and att ]ie home, for ]ie caus and cryme vnderwrittin, to haif fand fouirtie that thay fould liaif com- perit before fe Juftice or his deputis in ]>e Tolbuith of Edinl)urgh, att ane certane dyett fpeciallie contenit pairin, for certane haynous and trelfonabill crymis contenit in fe famin ; tliay directit ])e faidis lettres to ]ie faid vmq'^ W" Mure meffiugir, for putting of ))e famin to due execution ; quha haifing reffauit tlie famin, vpoun ])o x\j day of Februar laftbyjiafl, lie pali be vertew Jiairof, vpoun ]>e famin day, to ))p place of Towie, quhair the faid Patrik Barclay wes prelent for ]ie tyme ; and bccaus he could nocht apprehend his perfonall prefens, he chargeit him fairatt ; and ficlyke chargeit the faid Patrik Cantlie rebell perfonallie, foirnent ])e 5ett of )ie faid place and delyuerit him ane copie. Eftir ]>e quhilk charge, tlie faid Patrik Cantlie part, in fra ]>e faid mefiingar to ]>e place of Towie, to the faid Patrik Barclay his maifter ; and eftir he had fpokin with liim, and had gottin directioun fra him, to pe effect vnderwrittin, perfaifing the faid VV" Mure niefiingir to be paft away, he come furtli vpoun the faid Laird of Toweis befl hors, foUowlt the faid vmq" W" Mure on horlbak, as he was rydand away in fobir and quyet maner, to put ])e faidis lettres to forder executioune vpoune vtheris fairin fpecifeit, dredand na ewill, harme, iniurie or perfuit of ony perfoune, hot to haif lewit vnder Godis peax and our fouerane lordis ; in refpcct he wes in executioun of his office, and prel'entit our fouerane lordis per- foun, till ]ie place and landis of , quhair he overtuik the faid vmq''=W'" Mure; and ]iair, the laid Patrik Cantlie, of ]ie fjieciall caufing, hounding, fending, directing, counfaling, refetting agane with ]>e bludie hand, airt, pairt-taking, command, affiltance and ratihabitioun of ])e faid Patrik Barclay his maifter, fett vpoune liim and maift crewallie and awfullie, fyrft with ane drawin fword, ftrak the faid vmq'^' W'" Mure in Jie bak, to the eft'ufioune of his blude in grit quantitie ; and liaireftir, with ane piftolet chargeit with bullett, fchot the faid vniq'= W'" tlirow ]ie body, and maift fchamefullie and crewallie Hew him Jiairwitli : Eftir )ic quhilk Hauditer, he immediatelie ]iaireftir returnit agane to the faid place of Towie, quhair the faid Patrik Barclay of Towie reffauit liim, with ])e liett bludie hand : And 30JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. S85 fiva, the faid Patiik Barclay of Towie is airt and pain of ]>c crewall flauchter of ])e faid vmqi« W" ]Mure mefllnger, committit in ))e oxecutioune of liis office, vpoune fett purpois, piovifioune and foir- thocht felloiiy, in hie and raanifeft contemi)tioiine of our fouerane lordis authoritie and lawis. Verdict. The AfTyife, be mouth of the faid M' George Ogilvy of Dunlow- gus knycht, chancillar, fiand, pronunceit and declarit the faid Patrik Barclay of Towie to be cleane, innocent, and acquit of airt and pairt of the flauchter of the faid vmq'" Williame Mure nieffinger ; committit iu the maner foirfaid. — Quhair- vpoune lie afl<^it actis and inftrunientis. ^Ut^ring; ralunmiouo 6prrc|)C0 mxH slanUtvs asninst tl)e Mwq* Aug. 3. — JoHNNE DiKSOUN in Lyne, Inglifman. Dilatit for contravening of the Actis of Parliament, in vtering of Calumnious fpeichis and flclanderis aganis our fouerane lord, and calling of him ' ane baf- tard,' &c. The aduocat (Mr Thomas Hammiltounc) produceit the Depofitiounis of cer- tane witneflis ; and proteftit for Wilfull Errour, in caife thay clange. The Affyfe tuik inftrumentis, that Jolinne Dikfoun come in his Maiefteis will, for ony Ipeich he fpak aganis his hienes, quhilk wes in his drukinnes. Verdict. The AlTyfe, be the mouth of Robert Smyth (merchand in Edin- burgh) chancillar, ffand, pronunceit and declarit Johnne Dikfoun, Inglifman, in Ljii, to be fliylit, culpable and convict, for contravening of our fouerane lordis Actis of Parliament ; and fpeciallie, of ane Act maid be his hienes, in anno 1584-, and in anno 1585, rateifeit be ane Act maid in anno 159^' ; in famekill, that vpoun the XXV day of Julij laftbyi^aft, being the Sabbath day, Archebauld Gairdenar, ane of his Maiefteis cannoneiris, haifing requyrit the faid Johnne Dikfoun to vyre his boit' to gif place to his Maiefteis ordinance ; he fyrft anfuerit, that ' he wald nocht vyre his boit for King or Kafard ;' and thairefter, maift proudhe, arrogantlie, flvlanderouflie and calumniouflie callit his Maieftie ' ane baftard King ;' and that ' he wes nocht wordie to be obeyit.' Sentence. The Juftice depute, be the mouth of Williame Gray dempftar, ordenit the faid Johnne Dikfoune to be tane to ane gibet, ftandand beneth the inercat croce of Edinburgh, and thairvpoun to be hangit quhill he be deid," &c. ?!^tt(vins anti btntJinti; Ijase foiit, Aug. 6. — Alexander Keeman in Garuiocht, and Williame Gairdin fone to ^V" G., fone to Robert G. in Culroife. Verdict. Fand to be fylit, culpabill and couvict of the outputting of falfe 1 Veer liis hoat. ' See the Cases of Tennent, Oct. 10, IGOO ; Comuall, Apr. 25, 1601 ; and Ross, who was executed on Sept. 10, 1618, VOL. I. 3 C 386 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 159G. and adulterit coinage of the patren of ten-fliilling-pecis, to tlie fimilitude of our fouerane lordis trew coinzie, to findrie perlbunes. Sentence. The Juftice, be the mouth of Johnne Nilbet dempftar, ordenit the faidis Alexander Kehnan and Williame Gairdin to be tane to ane gybbet, A-nder the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and thair hangit quhill thai be deid ; and all thair guidis to be efcheit. ?i?oi-gcrstcaIiuri:— CT)tft, ^r, Aug. 6. — SvMONE MoFFET in the Ryneclewis. Dilatit and fylit for the thifteous fteling of xxx naigis (horfes) and meris ; and alfe of ane cloik, ane hairt of filuer owi-gilt, ane woux/ ane Camrige owrla/ &c. ; comraittit in Junij laft ; and of Common Thift. Sentence. To be hangit quhill he be deid, vjwun the faid Gibbet ; and all his movabill guidis to be efcheit. ^latitjljtcr. Aug 7. — Gylbeut Pacok, feruitour to the Maifter of Orknay. Dilatit of airt and pairt of (the flanghter of) vmq'° Hary Colvile (Perfoun of Vrquhart) ; comniittit the njait of Julij laftwas. Persewaris, James Merfar as brothir, James Coluile brothir foue, Mr Thomas Hammiltoune. . Prelocutouris for the pannell, Mr Rychard Spens, George Abimethie. The perfewaris produceit the Dittay aganis Gylbert Pacok, for the flauchter of vmq'*' Hary Coluile Perfoun of Vrquhart, and defyrit proces. The pannell alledgis, that na proces can be led agane the faid Gylbert this day, be reafoun he is uather tane in flagranti crimine, quhairof he is innocent ; nor yit contumax, nor denunceit for ane crime ; and fwa, be the cuftum of the Court and Act of Parliament, he audit to be fummond vpoun xv dayes wairn- ing. This wes decydit betuix Maidland and Crowner Preftounis brether, in this famir. Juftice Court, and in all vtheris perfounes, quha wes prefentit on this forme, on pannell : In refpect quhairof, na proces can be had agane the defender, vnto the tyme he be fummond vpovui xv dayes wairning. — The Aduocat an- fuerit, that the alledgeance audit to be repellit, becaus the defender in effect wes tane in flagranti crimine ; inlafar as he, baiting committit flauchter contenit in his dittaj', the complent thairof being maid to his Maieftie, he directit his Com- miffioiui for taking of him ; be vertew quhairof, he wes apprehendit, and now prefentit to Juftice. As to the practik alledgeit betuix Crowner' Preftounis breder and Maidland, it can nawayis militat in this cais, becaus Maidland wes accufit for ane cryme committit in Flanderis, mair nor ane yeir eftir the com- ' Watch. * Cambric overlay, a sort of rnff. ' Colonel. SOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 387 mitting thairof ; and this man is apprehendit incontinent, fa fone as the ciyme come to his Maiefteis knawlege, and fa fone as his hienes Commiffioun could tak effect. As to the defenderis alledgeance of his innocence, it is mair jn'opper to be tryit be ane Alfyfe nor ' to be credite for his affirmatioun. — It is aufuerit (re- plied), that the alledgeance llandis relevant, nochtwitliftanding the anfuer maid be the Aduocat and his lordfchipis informeris, for heir I am vpoun the proceife caftin of the Juftice Court and Act of Parliament, the wordis quhairof admittis na extentioune nor interpretatioun, being ft .... ;' and the Act preceiflie beris, that ane jiartie nocht apprehendit hi Jiagrant'i, quhilk is hi ipso delicto, falbe wairnit vpoun xv dayes wairning ; the cuftum of the Court, fwa vniuerfallie ob- feruit, thair is newir ane Avord ex incontinente contenit in the haill Act. As to the Kingis Commiffioune, direct for api^rehenfioun of the man, the forme of the Commiffioun ftandis according to the cuftum of Commoun law and practik, quhilk is but^ preiudice of the parteis lauchfuU defenffis ; fwa that nowther the directing of the Commiffioun, nor apprehenfioun of me, be vertew thairof hiu'tis me in my lauchfuU defenffis ; and the priviledge is grantit to me, be his hienes lawis : And albeit, I haif the priviledge vpoun xv daj^es wairning, be his hienes lawis, yitt that all occafioune of giltienes may be tane away, and that I wcs maift innocent of the fact and cryme quhair^'poune I am to be accufit, defyring alwyis* to haif the gyft of his hienes lawis, I cam in the countrey, and remanit in the countrey, nocht being fugitiue, and to abyde his hienes lawis, according to the lawis of the countrey : In refpect quhairof, my alledgeance ftandis relewant. — The Aduocat acceptis the alledgeance in quantum, and thairby inferrit ane ve- hement prefumjitioun agane the defender of giltienes, in refpect he refuffis to abyde ane tryell of the cryme prefentlie laid to his chairge ; and forder, repetis the maner of his taking contenit in the fyrft anfuer, and referis to the Judge. The Juftice ffindis, nochtwitliftanding of the laid defenderis alledgeance, that the mater audit to pafs to the knawledge of ane Aftyfe. AUegeis, that James Stewart of Gramshj can nocht pafs vpoun his AfTyfe, be- caus he is brother to my Lord of Orknay ; becaus my Lord of Orknay is per- fewar, and lies gewin informatioun bayth to the Aduocat and vtheris, for perfuit of the matter. — James Stewart repellit, becaus he gaif partiall counfall. — Ilenrie Smclair of Loqulioij repellit, for partiall counfall. — Eduard Scolaij repellit, for partiall counfall. The Aduocat, for inftructioun of the Aftyfe, produceit his Depofitiounis. The faid Gylbert tuik inftruinentis (tliat) he revokit his Depofitiounis. Verdict. The Aftyis (thirteen in number) being fworne and adinittit vpoun ' Tlian. - This word is obliterated in the Record. ' Without. * Nevertheless, 388 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. the AlTyfe of Gylbert Pacok, removit furtli of Court to tlie Coiiiifallious and votit vpouii the poynt of the Dittay, eftir chefing of James Maiftertoun (Mer- chand in Edinburgh) chancillar, and being throwchlie auiiit thairwith, ffand, jn-onunceit and declarit the faid Gylbert to be ffylit, culpabill and convict of airt and pairt, red and counfall of airt and pairt of the ilauchtir of vmq''^ Hary Col- uile ; committit the nynt of Julij lallbypaft. Sentence. To be tane to the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and thair his heid to be ftrikin fra his body ; and all his movables efdieate and inbrocht. 3tt?an!(rsucluit— ^ssietjins ^yanst of ?luKq[uI)iiii*n— Caftiitij raptibe, ^r. Aug. 9. — WiLLiAME IVIoWAT in Turreyf, (feruand to Alexander Hay eldefl fone to vmq'^ Andro Erll of Erroll). Dilatit for cuniing with convocatioun of our fouerane lordis lieges, bodin in weirlike maner, with lang culveringis, dagis and piftolettis, &c., contrar the ten- nour of the Actis of Parliament, be way of Hamefuckin, to the place of Lud- yuhairne, and affeigeing of Williame Keytli of Ludquharne thairin ; entering thairin be]force, taking of him captiue and prifoner : — And for maifterfull Reifing and away-taking, furth of the laid place of Ludquhairne, of the faid "Williamis haill infycht pleneiffing and writtis : And tranfpoirting and careing of the (aid Williame Keyth of Ludquharne captiue and prifoner to the place of Ardmak- horne ; quhair thay deteuit him, be the fjiace of aucht dayes or thairby ; A'furp- and thairby of our fouerane lordis authoritie vjwune tliame ; committit in the moneth of October laftbypaft. Persewaris. Williame Keyth of Ludqubame, Mr Thomas Hamiltoune of Drumcarne ailuocat to our fouerane lord. The Aduocat produceit ane command of the Kingis Maieftie, fubfcrniit with his hand, with ane vthir Warrand fubfcryuit be the Lordis of Seffioune, com- manding the Juftice to proceid and minifter juftice in the faid mater, quhairof the tenouris follow. Eex, Justice, Jullice Clark and 3 our deputis, We greit 30W weill. It Is our will, and we com- mand 50W, fat vpoim ])e fycht lieiiof, je faill noclit to proceid and minilter juftice, in ]7o criminal! caus to be perfewit before 50W, att fe inftance of fe Laird of Ludquharne and our Aduocattis for our interes, aganis certane perfonis contenit in pe Lettres raifit Jiairanent, for Jie taking of ]>ii faid Laird, and vtheris crymcs fpeciallie expreflit Jiairin, vpoun J-e nynt day of Auguft inftant ; but all forder con- linewatioun or delay ; nochtwitbftanding of quliatfumcwir vthir command, Warrand or objectioune, inaid or to be maid, gewin or to be gewin in ]m contrar ; anent fe quhilkis and panis Jiairin, we dif- pens. As 50 will anfuer to ws, vpoune 3 our offices and obedience : Quliairanent, thir pre lent is falbe 50ur fufficient warrand. Subfcryuit with our hand, att Dunfermling, the nynt day of Auguft;, 1596. (Sic lubfcribitur,) JAiMES R. 30Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 389 Follmvis (lie Unnour of the Supplicatiox, and Wahraxd gewin he the Lordis of SeJJioime. My Lordis of Counfall, vuto jour II. liuiinlie nienis and fchawis, I jour feruitour, William Keyth of Ludquharne, That quiiair I haif rafit crimiiiall lettres be 50ur 11. del)Tierance aganis William Dwi~ kat, (Duiget or Duguld,) Hary Ramfay, Arclid. HeiTing, Robert Creychtoune and Alex. Harvie, feruandis to Daiue Elizabeth Dowglas Countes of Errol, Alex. Hay eldeft fone to vmq''^ Andro Erll of Erroll^ William ]\Iowat his feruand, Patrik Con of Auchry, Alex. Hay in Ardmakhorne, Alex. Hay in Auchquharne, Patrik Cmikfchank in Ardifrie, James Butter in Gafk, Tlioraas Hay fair, Jolmne Hay and Patrik Cantlie, feruitour for Jie tyme to Patrik Barclay of Towie,' Gylbert Stewiii- loune in Ogftoune, Thomas Craigie in Lochcow, Johune Findlater fair, Johnne Stewiufoune and Thomas Gybfoun fair, Johnne Moffie fair, Wm. Sym fmyth in Myltoun of Son'ie, Patrik Sym att ])e mylne of Sorvie, Thomas Cruikfchank fone to Patrik C. in Ardifrie, Patrik Hay in Haddo, Gyl- bert Gray in Bannatwthill, James Gray fair, Patrik Hay in Over Ardinakhorne ; and certane vtheris fair complices, fpecefeit in f e faidis Lettres, for f e crymes and cauffis fairin containit ; quhilkis av dewlie execute and indorfat vpoun fe foirnameit perfounes, and fay fairby fummond to compeir be- fore the Juflice generall and his deputes in ]ie Tolbuith of Edinburgh, the D)Tit day of Auguft inftant, in fe hour of caus ; lykeas I am reddie to perfew the faidis lettres. Neuiryeles, as I am informit, Ludouik Duik of Lennox, att f e inltigatioun and perfwafioun of f e faid parteis, intendis to vfe and produce ane pretendit Commiffioune of Lietenandrie within f e bouudis of f e North, and be vertew fairof, to repledge the faidis perfonis fra the faid Jullice generall and his deputis to his jurlfdictioune and Court of Julliciare, to f e grit hiuderance of Juftice ; albeit, the faid pretendit Commiilioune aucht nawayis to irapeid nor (lay juftice, to be miniftrat to all his Maiefteis lieges, be f e Juftice gene- rall and his deputis ; the famin being grantit cumulaliue, and nocht priuatiue : Lykeas, I am noclit habill to perfew juftice aganis the foirnameit perfounes in fe North pairtis of fis realme, in ref])ect of f e grit multitude of my parteis, and fat f e Laii'd of Balquhan, Lieutennentis depute, is fifter and bref ir baira with fe faid Patrik Con of Auchry, ane of fe clieif committeris of fe crymis eontenit in fe faidis Lettres. Quhilk being eonfidderit be his Maieftie, his hienes hes directit his Warrand to fe Juftice generall and his deputis, to proceid and minifter juftice in f e faid mater to ws paiteis, nocht- withftanding f e faid pretendit Commiflioun : As fe famin, fubfcryuit be his Maieftie, heir prefent to fchaw, beris. Nochtveles. fe faid Juftice generall and his deputis refufis to obey fe famin, witliout fay be compellit. Befeikand heirfore jour 11., fat I may haif command to ane mafer or vthir officiar of armes, to pals and charge fe faid Juftice generall and his deputis, to proceid and minifter juftice in fe faid mater to ws bayth parteis, as accordis of Jie law, nochtwithftanding of f e faid pretendit Commiffioun of Leutennandrie or Jufticiarie, grantit to fe faid Duik of Lennox; or ony vthir Com- raiffioun, Letter or previe chairge, purcheft, or to be purcheft att his IMaiefteis handis, in hinderance of juftice ; and jour 11, anfuer. (Sic fubfcribitur) H. Bikautoune. (Sic deliberatur) Apud Edinburgh, nono Augufti, anno Ixxxxvj, Fiat vt petitur. (Sic fubfcribitm-) Blantyre, M. J. Lyndesay, Clericus Regiftri. Compeirit M' Thomas Rollok, procuratour for the Duik, and produceit aneCom- miffioune granted to his lordfchiji be his Maieftie, of the tennour and contentis thair- in eontenit, of tlie dait, at Abirdene, the aucht day of Nouember 1594' ; with ane Act of Secreit Counfall ratifeing the famin, of the dait, in December P^'^xxxxiiij yeiris ; with lettres directit fra the Kingis Maieftie and Lordis of Secreit Coun- fall, of the dait in March laftwes, difchargeing the Juftice and Aduocat to pro- 1 Vid. Trial of Barclay of Towie, (viz. ToUie or Tolly,) Jul. 29, 159G. §9© CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. ceid aganis quhatfiimeiiii' perfonis duelland within the boundis contenit in the Dukis Commiffioun, within the quhilk the faidis haill perfonis caUit to tliis day, for the taking of the Laird of Ludquhairne, duell : And lykewayis tuik inftru- mentis, that the Juftice wes difchargeit to proceid in the faid mater be James Lowrie, meflinger ; and that for all of the faidis parteis : And allegeit, that the Juftice could nawj^is proceid, in refpect of the Avrittis and dil'charge aboue men- tionat, nochtwithftanding the Kingis INIaiefteis previe delyuerance, authorifit be the Lordis of Seffioun, quhilkis ar nocht of that ftrenth and effect as to tak away the ftrength and effect of the writtes aboue fpecifeit. The aduocat anfuerit, that tlie faid alledgeance aucht to be repellit, nochtwithftanding the writtis produceit, quhairvjioun the famin is foundit ; in refpect of the Kingis Maiefteis expres War- rand in the contrar, togidder with the delyuerance of the Lordis of Counfall, al- reddie produceit be the jierfewaris, and of the Judgis notorietie that the Duikis CommifTioune is difchargeit and renunceit ; lykeas the ^Varrandis produceit be the jjerfewaris tendis to the doing of Juftice, and the vtheris Warrandis, pro- duceit be the faid IVIr Thomas Rollok, to the delay and hinderance of juftice ; and thairfore aucht nawayis to be refpectit, and the Judge aucht to proceid and minifter juftice nochtwithftanding thairof. It is forder allegeit that the Judge can nocht vnlaw the parteis nor thair cau- tioneris this day, in refpect thay ar in bona fide and mycht juftlie byde away; this, in refpect of the Conimiffioun and Lettres of Difcharge publictlie grantit, and the jjrevie AVarrand and delyuei'ance nather intimat nor declarit to thame, thare wes na neceffttie to thame to compeir, nor thay can nocht be put thairby in mala fide. — The Aduocat anfweris, the alledgeance aucht to be repellit, as na- wyis compitent to the proponer, hot onlie to the parteis abfent, quhais contuma- cie aucht to be pwneift for thair nocht compeirance. The Juftice ffindis proces, and ordanis the cautiounis fand for thair compe- rance this day to be vnlawit, &c. The cautioners are accordingly amerciated as follows : for Patrik Con of Au- chry, fyve hundreth markis ; for Alex' Hay in Nether Ardmakhorn, ij' markis ; for Alex' Hay fone to vmq'^ Andro Erll of Erroll, ij" markis ; and the remainder, in j'^ markis each. — And that ' the principall perfounes nocht comperand to be denunceit rebells and put to the hoz'ne, and all thair movabill guidis to be efcheit and inbrocht to our fouerane lordis vie, as fugitiues fra the lawes for the crymes aboue writtin.' — Continued to the Air of ' Aberdene, tertio Itineris, xv dierum.' Aug. 12. — Henry Walker in Elrig and feven others. Dilatit for airt and pakt of the taking of Niniane Thomfoune feruitour for 30JAC. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 391 the tyme to Gylbert Pennycuick, brotliir to the Laird of Pennycuick ; and for that (he) thifteouflie flail, concelit and away tuik fra him fax hundreth markes money, ane jiair of reid filk fchankis,' thre pair of worfet fchankis, twa pair of Hemming fokis," audit farkis, xij ruffis of camrige and lanie,^ ane pair of mwles," ane pair of pantovuiis,^ twa jiair of marrekyue fchone ;" committ the fecunde day of Nouember 1585. The perfounis on pannell defyrit the faid Gylbert Pennycuick to gif his ayth de calumn'ut, quhidder he hes guid cans to jjerfew the dittay or nocht. The faid Gylbert anfuerit, that he had guid cans, as he wes informit. Thaireftir the faid Gylbert declarit vjjoune his knawledge, fo far as he kennis,thay wer tliair. — Thair- eftir it wes alledgeit be the pannell that na partie, vpoun informatioun, can be had to perfew in Criminall cauffis, and fpeciallie in the actioun of Thift ; feing Gylbert Pennycuick was nocht actuallie tliair him felfF, hot the guidis and geir alledgeit fpuilzeit and ftollin wes tane fra his feruand, callit Ninian Thomfoun, as the lybill beris ; quha prefentlie nather comperis be him felfT nor his procu- ratour to perfew. ' The Juilice thaireftir defertit the matir.' iHuvtJei% Sept. 17. — JoHNNE Campbell of Arkinglafe. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the crewall murthour and flauchteris of vmq'^ Sir Johnne Campbell of Calder knycht, committit in Februar 1591 ; and vniq'^ . .... M'inturner wechinan (watchman) of the place of Taneftrie, (feruitour to Duncan Campbell of Inuerlewir.) The Juftice-depute produceit ane Warraud, fubfcryuit be his Maieftie ; quhaix'- of the tennour foUowis. Rex, Justice, Juftice Clark and 50ur ileputia. It is our will, and We command 50W, pat ye fit and proceid in Jie criminall Lettres rafit att our inftance and att J)e inftance of our aduocattis aganis Johnne Campbell of Arkinglas, according to Jie tennour of )ie Lettres rafit ]iairanent ; kepand ]nr prefi;ntis for 3 our Warrand. Subfcryuit with our hand, at Dunferniling, the xvj of September 1596. (Sic fubfcribitur) JAMES R. The Aduocat produceit ane vther Warrand, direct fra his Maieftie to hiin, quhairof the tennour foUowis. Rex, Aduocattis, or ony ane of 50W ; It is our will, and We command 50W, tliaf 56 perfew and ' Stockings. ^ Tamine or taming, Fr.c«to»Jine,Lat.sto»!eH,' viz. socks made from prepared flax. '" Cambritk and lawn. * Slippers, usually ratide of velvet. ^ A sort of slipper, or more pro- bably pattens, being a sort of dog having wooden soles, with latchets to tie ; they were formerly much worn by people of all ranks in Edinburgh. '' Shoes made of marekin, (Fr. marroqidn,^ or dress- ed goatskin. This case is quoted, chiefly on accouut of this enumeration of apparel. 392 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. follow fuith tlie lettres rafit att our inftance and 50iuis aganis Johnne Campbell of Aikinglas, and per- few hira according to ]>e tennour of ]ie lettres, as 56 will anfuer to ws vpoune 30ur office; kepand ])ir piefentis for sour warrand. Subfcryuit with our hand, att Dunfei'mling, ]>e xvi day of September 1596. (Sic fubfcribitur) JAMES R. The faici Laird of Arkinglas takis inftrumentis of his comperance, and pro- teftit that the Laird of Arneapill his cautioner be fred ; as lykwyis proteftit for Alexander Bifchop of Brechin, Sir James Edmeftoun of Duntreith knycht, Alex' Mein^eis of ^Veynle, Sir James Skrymgeour of Didvp knycht, Awla ]\rcal- lay of Arneapill, Colene Campbell of Blairnerne and George Balfonr of l\rcor- mailoune, qiilia become actit cautiounaris and fonirteis for the faid Johnne Campbell of Arkinglas, vnder the jiane of fourtie thowfand pvndis, that he Ibnld compeir before the Juftice or his deputis, the thryd day of the nixt Juftice-air of the Sherefdome qiihair he dnellis, or foner vpoun fyftene dayes wairnin,g and vn- dii-ly the law for airt and pairt, red and counfall of the flauchter and murthouris of vmq'" Sir Johnne Campbell of Calder knj'cht, and vmq'^ M'inturner ; that thay and ewerie ane of thanie fould be frie and I'elewit of the laid cantion- arie, in refpect of the laid Johnne Campbell of Arkinglas comperance this day, being lauchfullie furamond att the inftance of the Kingis aduocattis, to vnderly the law for the faidis flauchteris ; and the haill parteis being de^vlie and lauch- fullie wairnit to half comperit this day and place, to half infiftit in perfuit of him, for tlie faidis flauchteris. Persewar, Mr Wm. Ilairt, aduocat. Preloquitour for Arkinglas, Mr Alex. King. The Juftice continewis the mater to the morne that the King may be fpokin in this mater. (Sep. 18.) — Continued to the xxiij of Sep. ' Plegio, Domino Arneapill.' (Sep. 23.) — The lamin day, comperit Johnne Campbell of Arkinglas, and offerit him reddie to abyde the tryall of the law, for the alledgeit airt and j^airt of the flauchter of vmq''' Sir Johnne Campbell, &c. ; and proteftit for releif of the Laird of M'cawley, his cautioner. The Juftice, in refpect nane of the kingis aduocattis comperit to perfew him, Defertit the dyet, and ordeuit the cautioner of the faid Laird of Arkinglas to be relevit. Oct. 14. — JoHXXE Maister or Oekxay. Comperit James Merfer as brother to vinq'" Haiy Colvile Parfoun of Vr- quhart, and produceit our fouerane lordis Lettres, dewlie execute and indorfat and perfewing thairof, purcheft be him felff, to tak fouertie of Johnne Stewart Maifter of Orknay, that he fould liaif comjierit this day and place, in the hour of cans, and vndirly the law for the alledgeit airt and pairt of the flauchter of the SOJac. VI. CR IxM IN AL TRIALS. .393 faid vmq'" Haiy Colvile ; quliairvpoun he aflvit inftrumentis, and 2)roteftit for releif, (that) Alexander Maifter of Elphinftoune, cautioner for rej)orting and per- fewing of the faid Lettres be relewit. The faid James Merfer tuik inftrumentis, that the Maifter of Orknay comperit nocht ; & proteftit for proces aganis him & his cautioneris, feing the hour is paft. Mr Thomas Nicolfoun comperit, and allegeit na proces fould be deducit againis the Maifter of Orknay and his cautioneris, feing the King and Counfall hes or- denit the mater to be continewit ; and that he ofFerit cautioune for the entrie of the faid M"" of Orknay the morne. The faid Mr James Mercer allegeis, that thair wes na ordinance produceit of continewatioune ; and that na cautioune aucht to be reftauit, in refpect the partie comperit nocht nor enterit. The quhilk day, Hary Commendatour of Sanct-Cohnes-Inch and Sir George Elphinftoun of Blythifwod knycht, oft tymes callit, as cautioneris and fouirteis, conjunctlie and feuerallie, for Johnne Stewart M' of Orknay, to haif enterit and prefentit him before our fouerane Lordis Juftice or his deputis, the faidis day and place, in the houre of cans, to haif vnderlyne the law for the dewyfing and airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmq'^ Hary Coluile fervitour to Patrick Erll of Orknay ; committit be Adam Gordoune, brother to the Guidman of Auchannaquhy, and di- uerfe vtheris his comjilices, in the moneth of Junij laftbypaft ; lauchfull time of day biddin and nocht enterand, the faid Johnne Mafter of Orknay, as faid is, tlie faidis Hary Stewart Commendatar of Sanct-Colmes-Inch and Sir George Elphia- ftoune, as cautioneris conjunctlie and feuerallie, wer vnlawit for his nocht entrie, in the panis contenit in the Actis of Parliament : Lyke as, the faid Jo" SP of Orknay wes adiugeit to be denunceit our fouerane lordis rebell and put to the home; and all his movabill guidis oi-denit to be efcheit and inbrocht to his hienes yfe, as fugitiue fra the lawis of the realme, for the faid cryme.' Oct. 26. — Sir Patrik Bannatyne of Stenhoufe. James Merfer produceit our fouerane lordis Lettres dewlie execute and indor- fat, piu'chaft be him as broder, with the kyn and freindis of vmq'^ Hary Coluile Parfoun of \'rquhart, aganis Sir Patrik Bannatyne of Stenlious. ^laiiflljter. Oct. 26. — William Bannatyne of Gairfey, and James Lokie, wryter in Edinburgh. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the flauchter of vraq'° Mr Hary Coluile Perfoxui of Vrquhart ; committit in Junij laftbypaft. ' On the margin, opposite this last entry, ' Tliis Act, ordanit be his Ma"^ Warrand, to be extinct and deleit,' VOL. I. 3 D 394 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. DiTTAY againji Wil/iame Ban7iati/7ie of Gaufay and James Lokie. FoRSAMEKiLL as, thay, liaifing conlauit ane deiillie feicl, rancour and malice aganls fe laid vniq'" Hary Coluile, confultit, deny fit and interpryfit his ere wall flauchter, with Johnne Stewart, brother ger- nian to Patrik Erll of Orlinay, Adame Gordoune, and diuers vthoris Jiair complicis: Lyke as, the faid Adaiue, accumpanoit with Alex' Dunbar of ... . and Thomas Tweddell fervitour to Jie faid W™ Bannatyne of Gairfay in Orknay, and diuerfe vtheris fair complices, to the nowmer of xxx per- founes or Jiairbye, all bodin in feir of weir, in )ie monetb of Junij laflbypail, fchippit in ane fchip of Dyfart, at Muntiois, and faillit to Orknay ; quliair ])e laid Thomas Tweddell pall alchoir, to fe laid Williame Bannatynis hous of Gairfay, brocht furth of ])e faid hous vietuallis and mvvnitioune, with ])e qulnlk lie furneifl fe faid fchip, and Jiairefter faillit to ^ctland to Burwick and pall over land to Neip in Nelhig-, quliair ])e faid vniq'" Hary was for ]ie tynie, doand ])e laid Patrik Erie of Orknay, his maif- teris lefull cftairis and buffines, trailling na ewill, harme, iniurie or perfuit of ony perfonis, but to haif lewit vnder Godis peax and our fouerane lordis ; and fairvpoun, the tuclt day of Julij laflbypail, the faidis perfounes niaill fchamefullie, crewallie and vnmercifullie (lew the faid vmq'= Hary Coluile ; and thay and ilk ane of fame were airt and pairt Jiairof ; the famin being committit of ]ie fpeciall caufing, dewyfing, counfaling, hyring, conduceing, command, afiillance and ratehabitioune of Jie faidis Wil- liame Bannatyne and James Lokie : Lykeas, the faid W™ Bannatyne of Gairfay, directit the faid Thomas Tuaddell, his feruitour, to his ])lace of Gairfay in Orknay, quha eftir coming to fe faid place, brocht out munitioun and vietuallis to furneis him felft' and remanent perfounis, committeris of Jie faid flauchter: Committit vpoun fett purpois, provifioun, foirtliocht fellony, in hie and nianifefl contemp- tioune of our fouerane lordis authoritie and lawis, in ewill exampill, &c. Persewaris. James Merfer as brother, James Coluile, brother to the Laird of Cleifch, Mr Jeremie Lyndefay. Preloquitouris for the panneli. Mr Thomas Bellenden, The Gudeman of Lef . . . ., Mr Johnne Nicolfoune, Mr Tliomas Nicolfoune. The Panneli aflvis inftrumentis of thair compearance, and proteftit that thair cautionaris (be releuit.) The panneli alledgis, that the Lettres of Hoirning ar ewill execute aganis W" Bannatyne and James Lokie, and ar null in the felfF; becaufe the defenderis, long before the chairge and executionis thairof, and be the Ipace of ane half yeir preceding the crynie committit, had thair duelling place in Edinbui-gh, and lies maid thair refidence thair continewallie fenfyne ; Iwa that the faidis chargeis and executiounis, being maid in Orknay, and nocht cumming to thair knawledge, ar altogidder iueffectuall ; as alio the laid denunciatioun is null, nocht only for the cans foirfaid, bot alfo becaus the faidis defeudaris had fund cautioun, actit in the buikis of Adiornall, before the faid pretendit denunciatioun : In refpect quhair- of, thay are wranguflie denunceit for nocht finding of cautioune. The perfew- aris alledgis, that the letters of (are) lauchfullie execute, in refpect thay are exe- cute att thair duelling hous. The Juftice ffindes the Letters of Hoirning null, in refpect the cautioune wes fund lang befoir the denunciatioun, &c. The perfewaris produceis the Depofitiounis of Gylbert Pacock and WilHame Stewart, quhair thay deponit aganis William Bannatyne ; togidder with ane SOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 395 Band, fiibfcryuit, betuix Adam Gordoime, AV™ Bannatyne and Thomas Tueddell on the ane pairt, and James Lokie on the vther. The perfounes (on i^annell) takis inftrumentis, that thair is na thing produceit for verificatioun of the Dittay, except the Band produceit, alledgeit fubfcTj^iit be the i^annell, Adam Gordoun, Thomas Tueddell and the Maifter of Orknav ; and the alledgeit Depofitiounis of vmq'^ Williame Stewart and Gylbert Pacok : And anfuerand to the pretendit Dittay, and vereficatioun thairof, produceit; alled- geis, that the faid Dittay is na wyis of veritie, nor 3it is the famin ony wyis vere- feit be the writtis produceit ; fpeciallie, feing the Dittay is fett doun with thir circumftances, that the i)annell wes airt and pairt of the faid flauchter, the famin being committit of thair fpeciall caufing, dewyfing, confulting, hyring, conduce- ing, command, affiftance and ratihabitioun, and that the faid Williame Banna- tyne directit the faid Thomas Tueddell, his feruitoui', to his place of Gairfay in Orknay ; quhilliis ar the fubftanciall pointis of the Dittay, and as thay ar fett doun conjunctlie in the famin ; fa all the faidis fubftantiall pairtis and everie ane of thame audit to be cleirlie verefeit and provin, fpeciallie in refpect that in all actiounis criminall, prohat'iones dehent esse luce meridkaia clariores. L. vl- tima C. de Prohatiouihus. And as to the pretendit aflertioune, contenit in the lybell and in the Dittay, bering that Thomas Tueddell wes feruitour to Williame Bannatyne, the contrar thairof is of veritie ; ifor it is notourlie knawin that he wes ane officiar of amies, haifing his awin hous, wyffe and famelie ; and the Band produceit preifis manifeftlie the affertioim of the faid perfewar, in fafar as it proportis, that the faid Thomas Tuaddell wes ane fpeciall contraker for him felff, alyke principall with all the refb of the perfoiinis contenit in the Band ; quhairas, gif he had bene the faid Williame Bannatynes feruand, it is nocht pro- bable that the IMaifter of Orknay wald half contractit or bandit with ony of the faid Williamis feruandis, the faid Williame Bannatyne being bund to feme him be the faid Band ; fwa that quhatfumeuir deid alledgeit to half bene done be the laid Thomas Tueddell, can nawyis tuicli the faid Williame, and thairfore audit nawyis be refpectit be the Inqueift : And as to the pretendit Depofitiounis of Williame Stewart and Gylbert Pacok, the famin makis na thing to the purpois, and can preif na thing, aganis ony of the pannell, ffor diuerfe cauffis: First, becaus thair Confeffiounis, maid extrajudiciallie, nierite na fayth; nather authorilit be the Juftice (or) Juftice-Clarkis fubfcrijitioune, nor yit done in thair prefens : &'- cundlicy becaus thay ar extortit Confeffiounis be the defunctis freindis, and maid in prefens of the Erll of Orknay, quha fchew him felff partie in that caufe, att quhais appitite and defyre the famin wer maid ; as the Depofitiounis beris the famin to be maid, in his prefens : Thrydlic, the faidis Depofitiounis ar maid .be tua perfounes that ar giltie of the faid crynie, and wes actuall comniitteris 396 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. of the faid flaucliter, quhilk can nawyis prejudge ony tliiyd partie ; feing it is luanifeft, bayth of the Caunoune and Ciuile law, that sochis criminis, and he that is giltie of the famyn cryme, can nocht be witnes aganis ony thryd perlbun, and his Depolitioun can nawyis be preiudiciall to him : This is expreflie decydit in Cap., Veiiiens ; et in Capitulo, Personas tie tcst'ihus ; et in Capitulo, Prhno de confissis ; quhair the text, and the glofe, and all the Doctouris contendes, Quod v.uUi de se confesso credendam est contra alios, excepto Cr/miiie Lesc maiesta- tis ; et quod confess'io confitent'is de se et ermine, si non est adttersus alios, ad- mittenda. This famiu is decydit in L. finali, C. de Acciisntionihus, quhair the law iidiibitis expreflie all Judges, to fpeir ony queftiounis att fic perfounes as confeffis the crymis thame felffis, quhilk may preiudge onye thryd perlbune ; and declaris all fic Depofitiounis that ar maid be giltie perfounis, and that hes tane the cryme vpoun thame, to be irrite and of nane availl, infafar as thay may be preiudiciall to ony thryd perfoune : Ferdlie, becaus the faidis Depofitiounis contenis na fubftantiall point aganis ony of the pannell ; for it is newir deponit, in ony of thame, aganis ony of the pannell, that thay wer actuall doaris, conlult- eris, committeris or dewyferis of the faid deid ; hot ar naikit alTertiounis of the reherfall of vthir men, quhilk can preifF na thing in ane ciuile cans, mekill lefs in ane criminall ; and thair is na thing contenit in any of the faidis Depoli- tioimis quhilk ])reiffis that point of the Dittay, that "Williame Bannatyne directit Thomas Tueddell to the doing of the turne, quhilk is the maift fubftantiall point of the Dittay aganis liim ; and that point nocht being provin, thair is na wound nor deid alledgeit committit be the laid Thomas Tueddell, quhilk may infer ony preiudice to the faid Williame : flfor it can nocht be verifeit, nather is itt of ve- ritie that he wes his leruitour att the tyme ly!)ellit, nor ane 3eir of before ; and gewand and nocht grantand that he had bene his feruand, yit the maifter can nocht be obleift for the fact and deid of his feruand, except his caufing and di- rectioune had bene clerlie provin ; foz', according to the commoun rewle of the law, that ane Ibuld nocht be pvneift for ane vthir, it is cleir and manifeft, that the maifter can nocht be obleift for the faultis of his leruandis, nor the father for the faultis of his Ibnis, bot the contrar ; as is playnlie dilTydit in Bartol. in L. Ne quideni ff. de Incendio, ruina et naufragio, and be all the Doctouris in L. de Serins ffugitiuis ; quhair it is expreflie concludit, that the fault of the fer- uandis or fubiectis, audit nawyis to be hurtfull to thair maifter : And as to that pairt of the Depofitioun, bering, that Mr Archebauld Wilkie laid to ane of the deponei'is, that ' Williame Bannatyne wes the wyte of all the Maifter of Ork- nayis plattis laying,' the contrar thairof is of veritie, and falbe deirlie jirovin be the faid Mr, and Depofitioun, gif neid beis : In refjiect quhairof, the faidis pre- tendit Depofitioun can work na thing aganis the pannell. And as to the Band 30Jac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 397 produceit, the famin can preifF na part of the Dittay ; for thair is na mentioune maid of any fie interpryis in the faid Band ; bot the famin is ane naikit and ge- nerall Band, of the faid Williame and James fernice to the Maifter of Orifnay, and of his mantenance and defence ; quhilk is maift lefum of the law, and con- tenis na kynd of probatioun nor prefumptionn aganis the pannell, or ony of thame ; fpeciallie, feing that the faid Band wes maid for ane juft neceffar cans, viz. ffor reconfiliatioune of the deidlie feid, quhilk had continewit ane lang tyme of before, betuix the Maifler of Orknay and thame ; and thairvpoun, had fol- lo^^'it grit effufioun of thair blvide, as is notour to tlie haill toune of Edinburgh ; quhair the faid Maifter of Orknay diuerfe tymes affail3eit the faid Williame Bannatyne, and wes woundit, with twa or thre of his feruandis ; and the noto- rietie heirof is knawin to the periewar, quha wes reddie with him, att diuerfe tymis, to haif refiftit the Maifter of Orknay and his furie : In refi^ect quhairof, the laid Williame, being ane meane gentilman, and haifing to do with la potent ane aduerfar as the Maifter of Orknay, had maift juft cans to bind vp the ftra- teft band of freindfehip with the faid Maifter of Orknay, 3e {yea), and {if) it wer to feill it with his awin blude, for his releif ; and fie ane generall Band of freind- fehip, can neAvir mak nor convict all the perlbunis contenit thairin, of all the deidis and malifices that fal happin to be committit be ony ane perfoun contenit in the Band : And thairfoir, albeit all the reft of the perfones contenit in the Band, except the pannell, had bene committer] s of the deid lybellit, yit that can nawyife mak the pannell to be giltie tliairof, feing thay wer nather airt nor pairt of the famin. The perfewar, for anfuer, defyrit the Aftjdfe to merk the Depofitiounis and the Band produceit ; and proteftit for wilfull errour, in caife thay accpiit. Verdict. The Aflyife, be pluralitie of votis, chufe Andro Rychartfoune (merchand), burges of Edinburgh, Chancillar, and thairefter reafonit vpoun the pointis of the Dittay ; and being throwchlie awyfit thairwith, together with the Depofitiounis and Band produceit, and anfueris maid thairto, &c. ffand, jwonun- ceit and declarit the faidis Williame Bannatyne and James Lokie to be Innocent, cleane and acquit of the haill crymes aboue writtin, contenit in Dittay : Quhair- vpoun thay afl^it inftrumentis. NoTA. — James Merfer tuik vp the Depofitiounis and Band produceit be liim. ^laug|)ttv 111) atlitcTjfi'aft anlr ^m-rei-j). Oct. 30. — Alesoune Jollie, fpous to Robert Rae in Fala. Dilatit of the alledgeit airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmq'" Iffobell Hep- burne, fpous to Johnne Edmeftoun in Fala, be ^Vichcraft and Sorcerie ; com- ^nittit in the monetliis of Apryle and Maij, 1596". 398 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596. Persewar, Mr Williame Hairt, aduocat. Proloquutour for the pannell, Mr Tlionias Craig. Comperit the Aduocat, and produceit Lettres of Secreit Coimfall, of the dait the fyft of October iuftant ; commandmg the (Juftice), Juftice-clark and thair deputis, to fett ane Court to this (day), and to caus fumniond ane AfiTyfe to Ale- Ibun JoUie, for the cauffis of Wichcraft contenit in the lettres ; commanding alio, Johnne Edmeftoime and James Ilepburne iu Bancreif, apprehenderis and dilataris of the laid Alefoun, to compeir to infill in the perluit, conforme to thair delatioune, execute te Williame Porteous meffinger ; commanding alfo the Ad- uocat, to infill in perfuit of the faid Alefoun, the faid day. Be vertew quhairof, the faidis Johnne Edmelloun and James Hepburne are lauchfullie wairnit, to compeir and infill in the perfuit of the faid Alefoim. And ficlyke, produceit vthiris Lettres, i^urchell at the Aduocattis inftance, for chairgeing of the faidis Johnne Edmelloune and James Hepburne, to compeir and infill in perfuit of the faid Alefoun, and for fummonding of ane Alfyfe, execute be the faid Williame Porteous ; and thairwith jn-oduceit ane Dittay. The Juftice depute produceit ane ^^^'lrrand, fubfcryuit be the King, att Lyn- lythgw the xiiij of October inftant, commanding him to putt the faid Alefoun to the tryell of ane AlTjde, for the crymes contenit in the Dittaj'. The Pannell alibis inftruinentis of the productioune of the faidis Lettres, with the executiounis thairof, and that the faid Johnne Edmeftoune and James Hep- burne, being lauchfullie fummond, oft tymes callit, lauchfuU tyme of day biddin and comperit noclit, in refpect thay knaw tlie danger of the law : And als, the faid Alefoun offerit hir to the tryell of the law, but ony delay or continewatioune. — The aduocat, efter accufatioune of the faid Alefoune, produceit ane Confef- fioune maid be vmq"' Jonet Stratoune, ane AMch, of the dait, att Tranent, the tent of September lafthj^jaft ; quhairby fclio confeft, that Alefoun Jollie had caufit hir bewich the faid vmq'^ IlTobell Hepburne. The Alfyfe chufe Sir James N^ewtoun (in Creychtoune) Chancillar of the Aflyfe. Dittay of Alesoun JoIUefor Sorcery, Witchcraft, Incantation, Poisoning, S^c. Alesoun Jollie, fpous to Robert Rae in Fala; ge ar indict and accufit, flForfamekill as, 59, liaif- ing eonfauit ane deidlie Iiaitrent, rancour and malice aganis vmq'' Ilfobell Hepburne, fpous for the tyme to Johnne Edmedoun in Fala, for tlie alledgeit rcdemiiig of ane aiker of land fra the faid Robert Rae and ;ow, quliairin 38 wes in pofleflloun be the fpace of twa 5eiris or thairby ; 56, accumpaneit with vniq''' Jonet Stratoune, ane notorious Widi, confultit, dewyfit and interpryfit, within 5 our awin duelling-hous in Fala, and within the faid vmq'<' Jonettis duelling-hous in Ileifildane, in Lauderdaill, the crewall and abhoniinabill murthour and llaughter of the faid vmq'^ Illobell Hepburne ; and tliat, in the moneihis of Auguft, September, October, Noueniber, Decembur, Januar, Fcbruar and March, in the 5eir of God I".V'.lxxxxv jeiris, att the leill in ane or vtliir of tlie faidis monetliis : Lyke as, 50 hyrit, conduceit and feduceit the faid vmq'^ Jonet Stratoune, to performe the faid crewall munhour SOJac. VI. CRIMINAL TRIALS. 399 and (laucbter of the faid rmq'^ Iflobell ; qulia, Id the faidis monetliis and ^e'ms of God foirfaidis, att the leift in ane or vthir of the famin, of ;our aht, pairt-taking, coiifulting and only quarrelUng, be Sor- cerie, Wichcraft, Incantatioune, Poyfoning, or vthcr dewelifch or extraordinar lueanis, laid ane heavie feiknes vpoun the faid vmqi'= Iflobell Hepburne, qidiairof fcJie deceiflit intlie moneth of Maij, the ^eir of God I^.V'.lxxxxv ;eiris; and Ava, wes crewallie muidreilt and flajTie be jow and the laid vinq'^ Jonet Stratoun, be Wichcraft and Sorcerie, vpoun fet puqjois, provifiouiie and foirihocht fellony. Off the quhilk Dittay and ciymes foirfaidis, the Juftice-depute putt the faid Alefoun to the trj^ell of ane Aflyis of the perfounes \Tiderwrittin ; that is to fay, James Veitch, in Dalkeyth, &c. — The faid Alefoun denyit the famin. Verdict. The AfTyfe, be the moutli of the faid Chancillar, ffand, pronunceit and declarit the faid Alefoun to be Innocent, acquit and clangeit of the haill crymes aboue writtin : Quhairvpoun the faid Alefoun afkit inftrumentis. Nov. 4. — JoHXXE Boyd, burges of Edinburghe. Dilatit of the flauchter of vmq'" Jonet Lyell, fpous to Williame Stewinfoune ; connnittit in December laft-was. Persewar, Williame Stewinfoune mariner in Lcith. Preloquitouris, in perfuit, Mr Rychard Spens, Walter Henryfoune. Comperit Williame Scharp, and defyrit to continew the mater, becaus that Wil- liame Stewinfoime and he ar hurt ; that he may half place heireftir to perfew. Dittay qfJohnne Boyd hirges of Edinburgh. FoRSAXEKiLL as, he, haifing confauit ane deidlie rancour and malice aganis vmq''' Jonet Lyle, fpous to Williame Stewinfoun mariner in Leyth ; in Jie moneth of December laftbypafl, come to J»e toun of Leyth, to ]e faid Jonetis duelling hous Jiair ; and eftir he had intyfitt hir to pas furth of hir faid hous and by (buy) ane half baiTell of inzeounis' to ]'e faid Johnne Boyd, he remanit within hir faid hous, pall to fe almerie,- quhair fcho had ccrtane meill ;' in Jie quhilk raeill, be mixt certane poyfoune, of purpois to poyfoim and deflroy hir ; quha the famin nycht, bulk' the meill in bannokis (and) eit fairof ; eftir Jie quhill< eitting fche tuik ane vehement vometing and laxatt, and ])e famin nycht deceiflit fair- by : And Avt, he maid crewallie, trelTonablie, vnnaturallie and barbarouflie Hew and murdreill the faid vmq'^ Joiet Lyle, vpoun fett purpois, provifioun and foirthocht fellony. Veudici. The Alfyis chefis Williame Rae (elder, cuitlar in Edinburgh) chancil- lar ; and, in ane voce, Acquittis the faid Johnne Boyd of the Dittay vnder (aboue) writtin. J'Iciugljtci* fii) 2511 itrijr raft anU ^orctvi). Nov. 27. — Cristiax Stewart in Nokwalter. Dilatit of airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmq'" Patrik Ruthvene, be Wich- craft and Sorcerie, \ ' Onions. ' CupboarJ, she Laving been too poor to have a ' meal-gime).' ' Oatmeal. * Baked. 400 CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1596; Persewaris, Alexander Rutlivene, brother to the defunct, Mr W" Hah-t, Kingis advocate. TLe quliilk day, eftii* accufatioun of the faid Ci-iftiaii Stewart in Nokwalter, be Dittay, in prefens of Walter Robefoun and vtlieris perlbunis of Aflyile, of airt and pairt of the llauchter of vniq'" Patrik Ruthven be Witchcraft ; the faid Alex' Ruthven, for verifeing of the faid Dittay ijroduceit the Depofitiounis of the laid Criftiane, maid att the burcht of Perth, in my Lord of Gowreis ludgeing thair, the xviij of Auguft 1596, in prefens of Mv Patrik Galloway minifter, Mr Wil- liame Couper minifter att Perth, Archebaiild Moncreif minifter, Mr Alexander Lyndelay and Thomas Gaw notar : Togidder with the Depofitiomies of the faid Criftian, maid in the laid ludgeing, the xix of the laid moneth of Auguft, in jire- fens of the faid Mr Patrik Galloway, Mr Williame Couper, Mr Williame Rynd, Jolmne Roife and Henry Eldar notar ; all fubfcryuit with thair hand : Togidder with ane vther Depofitioun, maid in the ludgeing foirfaid, the xxj day of the laid moneth of Auguft : Togidder with ane vther Depofitioun, maid l)e the faid Cril- tiane Stewart, maid att Edinburgh the xiij of September 1596, in prefens of Mr Robert Bruce minifter of Godis word in Edinburgh, Clement Con ane of the bailleis thairof, Mr Gylbert Moncreif doctor of medicine, fubfcryuit with thair handis ; teftifeing hir, to half tane ane clout fra Ilfobell Stewart, to bewicli the faid vmq^'' Patrik : Togidder with ane Declaratioun of the dait att the day of , 1596, fubfcryuit be Sir George Hwme and \ViI- liame Stewart, teftifeing that the faid Criftian Stewart deponit in September laftbypaft, in Lynlythgw, in prefens of his Maieftie, that fche bewichit the laid vmq''' Patrik. Verdict. The Alfyis, being chofin, fworne and admittit, remowit furth of Court to the north end of the Tolbuith, quhair eftir cheching of INIichaell Ratt- ray in Pittindyne chancillar, reafonit vpoun the poj-nt of the faid Dittay ; and being throuchlie auifit thairwith, reenterit agane in Court, quhair thiy, be the mouth of the faid Chancillar, ffand the faid Criftiane Stewart to be Frlit, culpa- bill and convict of the bewiching of vmq'° Patrick Ruthvene, be cafting of '\\^ichcraft vpoiine him with ane blak clout : And for airt and jmirt of the flatich- ter of the faid vmq'^ Patrik ; committit in Junij laft : And for coramoun Wich- craft. Sentence. For the quhilk crime, fclie wes ordenit to be taue to the Caftle- hill and thair to be brunt.' ' On margin of the Record, ' Fylit and Brunt.' 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