UNiVER -■OR ,....^, ^P D.;; 7 mz _i3RARY Circular No. 463. C-\'- '.^MOq -/-.^^ " PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE GENERAL liXSfe OlPMnB. Department of the Interior, • \ General Land Office, W ashington^ D. 6'., February 29^ 191G. Appended is a list of circulars issued by the General Land Office for general distribution, requests for which should be addressed to " Commissioner of General Land Office, Washington, D. C." There is also set forth (pp. 8-11) a list of circulars which, the sup- ply havmg been exhausted, are not available for distribution. The volume and page of the Land Decisions where published are given. It must not be understood that this list embraces all regulations, but merely those of widest and most general interest. Clay Tallman, Commissioner. VACANT PUBLIC LAND. Circular No. 420. — Vacant public land on July 1, 1915. A statement of the vacaDt public land, surveyed and unsurveyed. on July 1, 1915, arranged by States, land districts, and counties. [Similar statements are issued under date of July 1 each year ; available for dis- tribution about Aug. 15.] HOMESTEAD. Circular No. 414. — June 1, 1915. Suggestions to homesteaders and persons de- siring to make homestead entries. (44 L. D., 91.) How claims under the homestead law originate. By whom homestead en- tries may be made. Rights of widows, heirs, or devisees under the home- stead laws. Residence and cultivation required under the homestead laws. Commutation of homestead entries. How proofs may be made. Fees on entries and final proofs. Alienation of land by homesteaders. Enlarged homesteads. Entries not requiring residence. Homestead laws. Circular No. 278. — November 1. 1913. The three-year homestead law. (42 L. D., 511.) Act of June 6, 1912 (37 Stat., 123). Residence. Cultivation. Reduction of cultivation. Procedure to obtain a reduction in area of cultivation. Per- missible absence from the homestead. Commutation. Death of the home- stead entryman. Effect of new law on entries made prior thereto. Rule prescribed respecting cultivation to be shown on entries made prior to but adjudicated under new law. Time for proof on entries made before but adjudicated under new law. Circular No. 351. — September 8. 1914. Absences from homestead entries, (-i:^. L. D.. 37S.) Act of August 22, 1914 (38 Stat, 704), allowing the five months' ab.sence in each residence year to be divided into two periods. 269.10°— 16 2 PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY GENEEAL LAND OFFICE. Circular No. 302. — February 28, 1914. Soldiers' and sailors' homestead rights. (43 L. D., 138.) Periods of service for which credit may be given in lieu of residence. Home.stead rights of widows and minor orphan children of deceased soldiers and sailors. Soldiers' declaratory statements. Circular No. 46.— August 18, 1911. Constructive residence. (40 L. D., 228.) Credit for first six months after entry abolished. - Circular No 306. — March 7, 1914. Cutting of timber by entrymen on their homestead claims. Circular No. 325.— May 27, 1914. Commutation proof. (43 L. D., 256.) Regulations of October 18, 1907 (36 L. D., 124), revised. Circular No. 330. — .Tune 6, 1914. Intermarriage of homesteaders. (43 L. D.. 272.) Act of April 6, 1914 (38 Stat., 312). Circular No. 354. — September 26, 1914. Second homestead entries. (43 L. D., 408.) Act of September 5, 1914 (30 Stat., 720). Circular No 361. — November 4, 1914. Marriage of female citizen after initiat- ing claim to public lands. (43 L. D., 444.) Act of October 17, 1914 (38 Stat., 740). Circular No. 364. — November 13, 1914. Proof on homestead entry by deserted wife. (43 L. D., 445.) Act of October 22, 1914 (38 Stat., 766). ENLARGED HOMESTEADS. [See paragraphs 43 to 50 and Appendix No. 13 of Circular No. 414.] Circular No. 94. — April 2, 1912. Qualifications to make an entry under the enlarged homestead law. (40 L. D., 526.) Circular No 401. — April 17, 1915. Additional entry after proof on original. (44 L. D., 66.) Act of March 3, 1915 (38 Stat., 956). Circular No. 402. — April 17, 1915. Petitions for designation. (44 L. D., 68.) Act of March 4, 1915 (38 Stat., 1162). HOMESTEADS WITHIN NATIONAL FORESTS. Circular No. 263. — August 19, 1913. Homestead entries within national forests. (-12 L. D., 331.) Act of June 11, 1906 (34 Stat.. 233). Circular No 235. — April 30, 1913. Surveys of homestead entries within na- tional forests. (42 L. D., 124.) Circular No. 435. — September 4, 1915. Joint regulations governing practice in proceedings against entries within national forests. (44 L. D., 360.) ENTRIES IN NEBRASKA UNDER THE KINKAID ACTS. Circular No 254. — July 17, 1913. Revised regulations under the act of April 28, 1904 (33 Stat., 547), and amendatory and supplemental acts. (42 L. D., 224.) PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY GENERAL LAND OFFICE. 3 INDIAN LANDS— EXTENSION OE TIMK Circular No. 53.— September 8, 1911. Rosebud Indian lands. (40 L. D., 2G7.) Act of August 17, 1911 (37 Stat., 21). Circular No 104.— May 2, 1912. Coeur d'Alene Indian lands. (41 L. D., 1.) Act of April 15, 1912 (37 Stat., 85). Circular No. 106. — May 4, 1912. Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Indian lands. (41 L. D., 12.) Act of April 13, 1912 (37 Stat., 84). Circular No. 124.— .June 8, 1912. Oklahoma pasture lands. (41 L. D., 80.) Act of April 27, 1912 (37 Stat., 91). [See, also. Circular No. 350.] Circular No. 154.— August 8, 1912. Uintah lands. (41 L. D., 148.) Act of July 2Q, 1912 (37 Stat., 196). Circular No. 332.— ^.Tune 17, 1914. Fort Berthold, Rosebud, and Pine Ridge lands. (43 L. D., 280.) Act of May 28, 1914 (38 Stat., 383). [See, also. Circular No. 462.] Circular No. 350. — September 3, 1914. Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache lands. (43 L. D., 376.) Act of August 1, 1914 (38 Stat., 582). [See, also, Circular No. 124.] Circular No. 462. — February 29, 1916. Reserved coal lands within former Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. (45 L. D., — .) Acts of August 3, 1914 (38 Stat., 681), and May 28, 1914 (38 Stat., 383). DESERT LAND. [A revised edition of the desert-land circular will be ready for distribution about July 1, 1916.] September 30, 1910. — Statutes and regulations governing entries and proof under the desert-land laws. (39 L. D., 253.) [Amended by Circulars Nos. 308 and 383,] Circular No. 308.— IMarch 23, 1914. Paragraphs 12 and 13 of the desert-land regulations amended. (43 L. D., 203.) Circular No. 383. — February 25, 1915. Paragraph 13 of the desert-land regula- tions amended, with a view to preventing the allowance of desert-land entries for lands incapable of reclamation. (43 L. D., 528.) Circular No. 354. — September 26, 1914. Second desert-land entries. (43 L. D., 408.) Act of September 5, 1914 (38 Stat., 720). Circular No. 361. — November 4, 1914. Marriage of female citizens after initiat- ing claim to public lauds. (43 L. D., 444.) Act of October 17, 1914 (38 Stat., 740). Circular No. 399.— April 13, 1915. Regulations under the act of IMarch 4, 1915 (38 Stat., 1138), for the relief of desert-land entrymen. (44 L. D., 56.) RECLAMATION. [It is expected that a revision of the " General Reclamation Circular " will be ready for distribution about June 1, 1916.] September 6, 1913. — General reclamation circular. (42 L. D., 349.) Laws and regulations relating to the reclamation of arid lands by the United States. March 10, 1915. — Homestead entries and water right applications for lands within the Flathead Irrigation Project, Flathead Indian Reservation. (44 L. D., 12.) 4 PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY GENEEAL LAND OFFICE. TIMBER AND STONE. Circular No. 289. — Regulations under the timber and stone law. Revision of •January 2. 1914. (43 L. D., 37.) [Amended by Circulars Nos. 450 and 461.] Circular No. 450. — December 20, 1915. Second paragraph of section 20 of the timber and stone regulations amended. (44 L. D., 504.) Hearings in certain case? to he allowed by local officers. Circular No. 461. — February 28, 1916. Paragraph 19 of regulations under timber and stone law amended. (44 L. D., — .) rrovision made for notice to applicant of his riglits where appraisement of property is not made within nine months from date of the application to purchase. MINING. Circular No 186. — October 29, 1912. Placer mining claims in Alaska. (41 L. D., 347.) [Also incoi'porated in Circular No. 430. J Circular No. 430. — August 6, 1915. United States mining laws and regulations thereunder. (44 L. D., 247.) AMENDMENT OF ENTRIES. Circular No. 423. — July 10, 1915. Revised regulations governing amendment of entries pursuant to section 2372, Revised Statutes, as amended by the act of February 24, 1909 (35 Stat., 645). (44 L. D., 181.) PUBLIC SALES. Circular No. 371. — January 11, 1915. Offerings at public sale under section 2455, Revised Statutes, as amended by the act of March 28, 1912 (37 Stat., 77). (43 L. D., 485.) ALASKA. [The department lias issued a pamphlet entitled " General information regard- ing the Territory of Alaska."] Circular No. 85. — February 24, 1912. Sale and use of timber upon the unre- served public lands in the District of Alaska. (40 L. D., 477.) Circular No. 186. — October 29, 1912. Placer mining claims in Alaska. (41 L. D., 347.) [Also incorporated in Circular No. 430.] Circular No. 197. — November. 20, 1912. Location of rights under section 2306 and 2307, Revised Statutes, and making entries for trade, manufacture, or other productive industry in the District of Alaska. (41 L. D., 356.) Circular No. 247. — July 7. 1913. Reserved areas between claims in Alaska. (42 L. D., 213.) " Other waters " defined. Limitations on the location of soldiers' ad- ditional rights, etc. Circular No. 288.— December 23, 1913. Description of land in notices of appli- cations for patent, etc., in Alaska. (42 L. D., 581.) Circular No. 298. — .lanuary 31, 1914. Allotments to Indians and Eskimos in Alaska. (43 L. D., 88.) Act of May 17, 1906 (34 Stat., 197). PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY GENEEAL LAND OFFICE. 5 Circular No. 370. — December 30. 1914. Free u.se of coal in unre.served public lands in Alaska. (43 L. D., 481.) Circular No. 373. — January 12, 1915. Extension of public surveys in Alasl. D., 416.) May 23, 1913. — Paragraphs 20, 21, and 25 of the coal-land regulations vacated. (42 L. D., 170.) February 16, 1915. — Classification of coal lands. (43 L. D., 520.) Previous instructions vacated. ENTRIES FOR SURFACE OF COAL LANDS. September 7, 1909. — Amended instructions under act of March 3, 1909 (35 Stat., 844), for the protection of surface rights of entrymen. (38 L. D., 183.) [Amended by circulars of Apr. 18, 1910 (38 L. D., 576), and Nov. 21, 1912 (41 L. D., 358).] April 18, 1910.— Form 4-357 amended. (38 L. D., 576.) Election to accept surface title need not be sworn to. November 21, 1912. — Paragraph 7 of instructions of September 7, 1909 (38 Jj. D., 183), amended. (41 L. D., 358.) September 8, 1910.— Instructions under the act of June 22, 1910 (30 Stat.. .583), to provide for agricultural entries on coal lands. (39 L. D., 179.) [Amended by circulars of .Tan. 23, 1911 (39 L. D., 473), and Oct. 26. 1914 (43 L. D., 424).] January 23, 1911. — Second paragr.iph of i-egulations of September 8, 1910, amended. (39 L. D., 473.) October 26, 1914. — Paragraph 2 of subdivision 6 of regulations of September 8, 1910, amended. (43 L. D., 424.) June 3, 1914. — Supplemental patents for lands subsequently classified as non- coal. (43 L. D.. 271.) Act of April 14, 1914 (38 Stat., 335). PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY GENERAL LAND OFFICE. 9 ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD ENTRIES, [See paragraphs 13c and 14 and Appendix No. 4 of Circular No. 414. J July 27, 1907. — Additional homestead entries under acts of April 28. 1904 (33 Htat., 527), and March 2, 1889 (2.5 Stat., 854). (36 L. D., 46.) [Modified by circular of Sept. 11, 1908 (37 L. D., 160).] September 11, 1908. — Paragraph 3 of regulations of July 27, 1907, amended. (37 L. D., 160.) Circular No. 177. — October 2, 1912. Additional rule in regard to perfecting an additional entrj- under section 2 of the act of April 28, 1904 (33 Stat., 527). (41 L. D., 292.) CAREY ACT SELECTIONS. April 9, 1909. — Selections under Carey Act. (37 L. D., 624.) General regulations governing applications by the several States for segre- gation or patenting of lands under the Carey Act. Section 4 of the act of August 18, 1894 (28 Stat., 372, 422). March 30, 1908.— Lists of lands patented l)y States. (36 L. D., 342.) Each State to report annually the lands (acquired under the Carey Act) patented by it to individuals. May 13, 1909. — Applications by States for extension of tlie ten-year period of segregation. (37 L. D., 682.) April 25, 1910.— Regulations under the act of March 1.5, 1910 (36 Stat., 237). (38 L. D., 580.) Applications for temporary withdrawal of land in order that a State may determine whether or not to file an application for the segregation thereof under the Carey Act. Paragraph 9 amended by circular of September 7. 1912 (41 L. D., 256), and further amended by circular of June 17, 1914 (43 L, D., 281). September 7, 1912. — Paragraph 9 of regulations of- April 25, 1910, amended. (41 L. D., 256.) [See circular of June 17, 1914, below.] June 17, 1914. — Paragraph 9 of regulations of April 25, 1910, amended. (43 L. D., 281.) Inquiries relative to the entry of lands segregated or patented to a State under the Carey Act, and inquiries by persons desiring to contract with a State for the construc- tion of a system for the irrigation of lands, should be addressed to the officials of the particular State, as follows : Arizona : State Land Department, Phoenix. Colorado : State Board of Land Commissioners, Denver. Idaho : State Board of Land Commissioners, Boise. Montana : Carey Land Act Board, Helena. Nevada : Commission of Industry, Agriculture, and Irrigation, Carson City. New Mexico : Carey Act Land Board, Santa Fe. Oregon : Desert Land Board, Salem. Utah : State Board of Land Commissioners, Salt Lake City. Wyoming : State Board of Land Commissioners, Cheyenne. SETTLERS ON LANDS GRANTED TO RAILROADS. April 30, 1886.— Settlers on restored railroad lands. (5 L. D., 165.) Act of .January 13, 1881 (21 Stat., 315). February 13, 1889.— Claimants under sections P,. 4, and 5 of act of March 3, 1887 (24 Stat, 556). (8 L. D., 348.) Circulars listed on this page not available for distribution. 10 PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY GENERAL LAND OFFICE. February 14, 1899.— Regulations under the act of July 1, 1898 (30 Stat., 597, 620), to facilitate the adjustment by the Land Department of conflicting claims to lands within the limits of the grant to the Northern Pacific Rail- road Company. (28 L. D., 103, 470.) [See, also, 35 L. D., 10.] September 22, 1902.— Regulations under the acts of June 22, 1874 (IS Stat., 194), August 29, 1890 (26 Stat., 369), and July 1, 1902 (32 Stat., 733). (31 L. D., 424.) April 7, 1903.— Regulations under the act of March 3, 1903 (32 Stat., 1222), for the relief of certain homestead settlers in the State of Alabama. (32 L. D., 89.) August 2, 1904.— Act of April 28, 1904 (33 Stat., 556), for the relief of small- holding settlers on lands of Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company. (33 L. D., 156.) jUpril 11, 1907.— Act of March 4, 1907 (34 Stat., 1408), for the relief of home- stead settlers on railroad lands in Alabama. (35 L. D., 502.) June 20, 1914.— Instructions under the act of March 4, 1913 (37 Stat, 1007), for the relief of Indians occupying railroad lands in Arizona, New Mexico, and California. (43 L. D., 284.) SWAMP LANDS. December 13, 1886. — Modification of rules heretofore in force relative to entries and filings on lands selected as " swamp and overflowed and rendered thereby unfit for cultivation." (5 L. D., 279.) September 19, 1891. — Presentation and adjustment of claims under the swamp- laud laws. (13 L. D., 301.) LIEU LANDS SELECTIONS. July 7, 1902. — Instructions relative to forest-reserve lieu lands selections. Acts of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat., 36), and June 6, 1900 (31 Stat, 614). (31 L. D., 372.) May 16, 1905.— Instructions under act of March 3, 1905 (33 Stat., 1264), re- pealing the act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat., 36), and acts amendatory thereof, allowing selections in lieu of lands situated in forest reserves, and de- fining the scope of the provisions relating to contracts entered into be- tween the Secretary of the Interior, etc., with directions thereunder. (33 L. D., 558.) REPAYMENTS. July 23, 1910. — Instructions governing repayments under the acts of June 16, 1880 (21 Stat., 287), and March 26, 1908 (35 Stat., 48.) (39 L. D., 141, 146.) [Amended by Circular No. 184 (41 L. D., .346).] Circular No. 184. — October 24, 1912. — Credit for prior payment to be allowed upon second proof. (41 L. D., 346.) CROW INDIAN LANDS, MONTANA. October 3 and 5, 1914. — Disposal of ceded lands in Crow Indian Reservation. (43 L. D., 413, 417.) Based on Proclamation of September 28, 1914 (43 L. D., 413). June 1, 1915. — Instructions as to certain tracts in Crow Indian Reservation sold as nonmineral and subsequently classified as coal. (44 L. D., 121.) Circulars listed on this page not available for distribution. PUBLICATION'S ISSUED BY GENERAL LAND OFFICE. H FLATHEAD INDIAN LANDS, MONTANA. August 4, 1915. — Regulations governing tlie disposal of cut-over timber lands on the Flathead Indian Reservation. (44 L. D., 240.) FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN LANDS, NORTH DAKOTA. September 21, 1915. — -Regulations governing the opening to entry of the surface of the coal lands in the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. (44 L. D., 455.) Based on the Proclamation of September 17, 1915 (44 L. D., 4.52.) FORT PECK INDIAN LANDS, MONTANA. July 25, 1913.— Opening of Fort Peck Indian lands. (42 L. D., 2G7.) [Amended by supplemental regulations of Feb. 25, 1914. (43 L.,D., 135).] [For Proclamation, see 42 L. D., 264.] MISCELLANEOUS. May 15, 1901. — Final proof — School section — Notice. (30 L. D., 607.) Entrymen for lands in sections that have been granted to the State for school purposes must serve copy of notice of intention to submit final proof on the proper State authorities. February 16, 1909. — Absence of officeholders from their homesteads. (37 L. D., 449.) November 3, 1909. — Applications and selections for and filings and locations upon unsurveyed lands. (38 L. D., 287.) Circular No. 198. — November 29, 1912. Inspection of serial number register in local offices. (41 L. D., 358.) Circular No. 234. — April 24, 1913. Instructions under the IMinnesota drainage laws. (42 L. D., 104.) Instructions of June 3, 1908 (36 L. D., 477), February 29, 1912 (40 L. D., 438), and May 16, 1912 (41 L. D., 18), under the act of May 20, 1908 (35 Stat., 169), revised and amended. Circular No. 309. — March 14, 1914. Ci'edit for residence during contest. (43 L. D., 187.) Circular No. 316. — April 24, 1914. Extension of time on desert-land entries in Grant and Franklin Counties, Wash. (43 L. D., 227.) Act of October 30, 1913 (38 Stat., 234). Circular No. 436. — September 4, 1915. Service of notice on unknown heirs. (44 L. D., 364.) Circulars listed on this page not available for distribution. WASHINGTON : GOVKRXMEXT PUIXTINC OFFICE: 1916 AA 001189 629 7