mm n iihaij ^Siif III* 2 1 = (~) 2 - ^ 6 5 8 Q 7 iii-iii;!:!:):!' I i 5 »;1 ! lin*!'!^ 4'iE^^ 11 f'" ■::=■■'>'■■ 'J ^--^O '6 '^ Institute of Industrial l?elatioi* University of California Los Angeles 24 ». California The Class Struggle (ERFURT PROGRAM) By KARL KAUTSKY Translated by WILLIAM E. BOHN. on, re- •ate ■cial ;un- pro- still CHICAGO CHARLES H. KERR & (.^)MPANY CO-OPERATIVE CbPYBIGHT, 1910. By Charles H. Kekr & Cqmpany Inst. Indus. Ret. H /-■ /.- • - TRANSLATOR'S NOTE. At Erfurt, in 1891, the Congress of the German Social Democracy adopted a new program. The following year Karl Kautsky published Das Er- furter Program. This work turned out to be more than a mere exposition of the new state- ment of principles. In his preface the author ex- plained that it was designed to fill the gap be- tween propaganda pamphlets on the one side and special monographs on the other. It was at once scientific and popular ; it contained a system- atic survey of Socialist thought and was, never- theless, of sufHciently modest dimensions to be available for the average person's use. In 1904, in the introduction to the fifth edition, the author stated that the Erfurt Program re- mained in all essential particulars an accurate statement of the principles of the German Social Democracy. Hence, his work demanded no fun- damental revision. It may be added that the pro- gram adopted at Erfurt nineteen years ago is still valid, not only for the German Social Democ- racy, but, with comparatively unimportant modi- fications, for the international Socialist move- ment. Therefore, this book of Karl Kautsky's 4 THE CLASS STRUGGLE remains in a sense the most authoritative expo- sition of the principles underlying that move- ment. The following translation is based on the eighth German edition (1907). It is as exact a rendering in English as could be compressed into two-thirds of the space occupied by the original. The passages omitted consist chiefly of illustra- tive material. The author's argument, his state- ment of principles, has nowhere been tampered with. W. E. B. CONTENTS. Chapter Page I. The Passing of Small Production 1. Small Production and Private Property. 9 2. Commodities and Capital 10 3. The Capitalist Method of Production.. 13 4. The Death-Struggle of Small Produc- tion 16 II. The Proletariat 1. From Apprentice to Proletarian 18 2. Wages 23 3. Dissolution of the Proletarian Family. 26 4. Prostitution 27 5. The Industrial Reserve Army 29 6. The Increase of the Proletariat; Mer- cantile and Educated Proletariat.... 35 III. The Capitalist Class 1. Commerce and Credit 43 2. Division of Labor and Competition 48 3. Profit 52 4. Rent 53 $. Taxes 55 6. The Falling Off of the Rate of Profit. . 58 7. The Growth of Large Production ; Syn- dicates and Trusts 62 8. Industrial Crises 71 9. Chronic Over-Production 81 IV. The Commonwealth of the Future L Social Reform and Social Revolution.. 88 2. Private Property and Common Prop- erty 93 CONTENTS. 3. Socialist Production 95 4. The Economic Significance of the State. 104 5. State Socialism and the Social Democ- racy 109 6. The Structure of the Future State 112 7. The "Abolition of the Family" 124 8. Confiscation of Property 139 9. Division of Products in the Future State 13^5 10. Socialism and Freedom 148 V. The Class Struggle 1, Socialism and the Property-Holding Classes 159 f 2. Servants and Menials 165 3. The Slums 168 4. The Beginnings of the Wage-Earning Proletariat 170 ' 5. The Advance of the Wage-Earning Proletariat 170 6. The Conflict Between the Elevating and Degrading Tendencies which Affect the Proletariat 172 7. Philanthropji and Labor Legislation * 174 8. The Labor Union Movement f 179 9. The Political Struggle 184 10. The Labor Party 188 11. The Labor Movement and Socialism... 191 12. The Socialist Party — Union of the Labor Movement and Socialism..... 199 13. The International Character of the So- cialist Movement 302 14. The Socialist Party and the^ People ... . 2M) The Class Struggle. I. THE PASSING OF SMALL PRODUC- TION. 1. Small Production and Private Property. The program adopted by the German Social- Democracy at Erfurt in 1891 divides itself into two parts. In the first place it outlines the funda- mental principles on which Socialism is based, and in the second it enumerates the demands which the Social Democracy makes of present day society. The first part tells what Socialists believe ; the second how they propose to make their belief effective. We shall concern ourselves only with the first of these parts. This again separates itself into three divisions: (1) an analysis of present day society and its development; (2) the objects of the Social Democracy; (3) the means which are to lead to the realization of these objects. The first section of the program reads as fol- lows: "Production on a small scale is based on the ownership of the means of production by the laborer. The economic development of bour- geois society leads necessarily to the overthrow of this form of production. It separates the worker from his tools and changes him into a propertyless proletarian. The means of produc- tion become more and more the monopoly of a comparatively ^mall number of capitalists and landhokler^:. 8 THE CLASS STRUGGLE "Along with this monopolizing of the means of production goes the crowding out and scattering of small production, the development of the tool into the machine, and a marvelous increase in the productivity of labor. But all the advantages of this transformation are monopolized by cap- italists and landholders. For the proletariat and the disappearing middle class — the small busi- ness men and farmers — it means increasing un- certainty of subsistence ; it means misery, op- pression, servitude, degradation and exploitation. "Forever greater grows the number of prole- tarians, more gigantic the army of superfluous laborers, and sharper the opposition between ex- ploiters and exploited. The class-struggle be- tween the bourgeoisie and proletariat is the com- mon mark of all industrial countries ; it divides modern society into two opposing camps and the warfare between them constantly increases in bit- terness. "The abyss between propertied and property- less is further widened by industrial crises. These have their causes in the capitalist system and, as the system develops, naturally occur on an increasing sca'e. They make universal uncer- tainty the normal condition of society and so prove that our power of production has got be- yond our control, tliat private ownership of the means of production has become irreconcilable with their effective use and complete develop- ment." * * * Many a man thinks be has given pro'jf of wis- dom when he says. "There is nothing new under THE PASSING OF SMALL PRODUCTION y the sun." There is nothing more false. Modern science shows that nothing is stationary, that in society, just as in external nature, a continuous development is discoverable. On the nature of this social development is based the theory of Socialism. No one can un- derstand the one without study of the other. We know that primitive man lived, like the animals, on whatever nature happened to offer. But in the course of time he began to devise tools. He became fisher, hunter, herdsman, finally farmer and craftsman. This development was constantly accelerated, until today we can see it going on before our eyes and mark its stages. And still there are those who solemnly proclaim that there is nothing new under the sun. A people's way of getting a living depends on its means of production — on the nature of its tools and raw materials. But men have never carried on production separately ; always, on the contrary, in larger or smaller societies. And the varying forms of these societies have depended on the manner of production. The development of society, therefore, corresponds to a develop- ment of the manner of production. The forms of society and the relations of its members are intimately connected with the forms of property which it maintains. Hand in hand with the development of production goes a de- velopment of property. So long as labor was performed with comparatively simple tools which each laborer could possess, it went without saying that he owned the product of his toil. But as the means of production have changed, this notion of property right has passed away. 10 THE CLASS STRUGGLE We shall examine the course of development which has brought this about. 2. Commodities and CapitaL The beginnings of capitalist society are to be found in agriculture and handicraft. Originally the agricultural family satisfied all of its own needs. It produced all the food, clothing and tools for its own members and built its own house. It produced as much as it needed and no more. With the advance in the methods of farming, however, it came about that more was produced than enough to satisfy the imme- diate needs of the family. This_pl at, e d tlt» JEaQiily in a position to purchase WSSpoiTs,'~footg~ or -a rt ic les o f • luxury",' whicTT it could not produce itself. Through"this exclian^e products became - — eommodities. ^ "~"~^ commodity is a product designed for ex- change. The wheat the farmer produces for his oWnxonsumption is not a commodity; the wheat be p rodu ces to_selL Js a commodity. Selliiig Is nothing more nor less than trading a commodity for another which is. acceptable t oalI^_gold^ for --example. Now the craftsman working independently is a producer of commodities from the beginning. He does not sell merely his surplus products ; pro- duction for sale is his main purpose. Exchange of commodities implies two_ CQiidi- tions : fir st, a division of sociaL Jabor ; serond, private ownership of the tjiingslexchanged. The more-tWs divisiufrdevelops and the more private property increases in extent and importance, the THE PASSING OF SMALL PRODUCTION 11 more general becomes production for exchange. This leads naturally to the appearance of a new trade; buying and selling becomes a busi- ness. Those engaged in it make their living by selling dearer than they buy. This does not mean that they control prices absolutely. The price of a commodity depends finally on its exchange value. The value of a commodity, however, is determined by the amount of labor generally re- quired to produce it. The price of a commodity, | nevertheless, seldom coincides exactly with its value ; it is determined by the conditions of the market more than by the conditions of produc- tion — primarily by the relation of supply and de- mand. The farmer or craftsman buys for consump- tion^ JJie'-tra:dcsfHan™buy^4o -sell. Now money- used for this latter purpose is capital. One can- not say of any commodity or sum of money that by its very nature it is capital. That depends on the use to which it is put. The tob a cco Z r • merchant buys to sell is cap ital ; tliafwHichhe "^uys to smoke is not! The original form of capital is merchant's cap- ital. Almost equally old is interest-bearing cap- ital, the profits of which are in the forrn of inte p- es.t._ As soon as these forms of capital have been developed, private property becomes something quite different from what it was in the beginning. Defenders of the present system try to distract attention from this aspect of property by talking constantly of the forms necessary to the begin- nings of society. They attempt to prevent our seeing any difference between the ownership of 12 THE CLASS STRUGGLE a home and the ownership of a branch of in- dustry. At the stage of economic development now under discussion the income of the craftsman or laborer depends somewhat on his industry and skill. But it can never go beyond a fixed limit. That of the tradesman, however, is de- termined only hy-llie - a mount of Jiis capital. The possibilities of labor are hmited; those of capi- tal are unlimited. So we have here a condition that would nat- urally lead to social development. We started with a society in which each owned certain means of production ; in which, therefore, the indi- viduals were approximately equal. The natural limitations of the income from labor and the lack of similar limitations of the income from capita) would naturally tend to bring about a condition of inequality. But there is still another element of the situation to be taken into account. Private property in the means of production implies for everyone the possibility of coming into possession of them, but it implies also the possibility of losing possession. That is, the craftsman may fall into absolute poverty. The existence of interest-bearing capital implies the existence of want. One who has what he needs will not borrow. Bv exnl aiting want, ca pital constantly increases it. — Here we have^hen, the beginnings of mod- ern conditions. C^pme "make" money without producing; others produce and remain in pov- ettjj It is true that the evils of the system are iK»t yet quite clear. The capitalist is dependent THE PASSING OF SMALL PRODUCTION 13 on the prosperity of the farmer and craftsman ; his interest does not He in dispossessing them entirely. Whole classes are not driven into pov- erty. Therefore poverty is regarded as a visita- tion of Providence, or as the result of shiftless- ness or carelessness. This way of looking at things is still common among the small capitalist class, and representa- tives of the present system, editors, lecturers, etc., strive to maintain popular faith in it. Pri- vate property in the means of production was once necessary to the good of society; there was a time when the average man had a chance to own property. This condition of affairs, they would have us believe, still exists. But in reality the nature of private property has changed. The old conditions have passed away absolutely. How this came about we are now to see. 3. The Capitalist Method of Production. In the course of the Middle Ages the handi- crafts developed steadily. There was a great in- crease in the division of labor — e. g., weaving divided into woolen weaving, linen weaving, etc. There was also increase in skill and improvement in tools. Simultaneouly there came about a de- velopment of trade, especially as a result of im- proved means of transportation by water. Four hundred years ago the handicrafts were at their height. This was an eventful time in the history of commerce. The waterway to India came into use and America was discov- ered, with its endless supplies of gold and silver. A flood of wealth inundated Europe, wealth mi 14 THE CLASS STRUGGLE which the European adventurers had scooped up l»y means of barter, deceit and robbery. The lion's share of this wealth fell to the tradesmen aWe to fit out ships with bold, unscrupulous crews. At the same time there came into being the modern state, the centralized official and mili- tary state, at first an absolute monarchy. This state met the demands of the rising capitalist dass and depended on it for support. The mod- ern state, the state of developed commodity- production, draws its power, not_from personal S£CYicej__but from its financial incomt^ THe monarchsJia<3^-thefe f ui e, " "e very reason to pro- tect and favor the capitalists who brought money into the country. In return the capitalists lent money to the monarchs, made debtors of them and put them in the position of dependents. This enabled them more and more to force the political and military power into their service. The state was obliged to improve means of communica- tion, take over colonies and carry on wars in the interest of capital. Our text-books on economics tell us that the beginning of capital is to be found in thrift. But we have learned that its origin was an altogether different one. Colonial policies were the chief sources of wealth open to capitalist nations ; i. e., capital was drawn from plurid£j:iag_£if_-foreign lands, from pixacy. smuggling, slavp-tradittg gnrl war. Even down into the nineteenth century liistory shows us plenty of examples of this ''thrift." And "thrifty" trades-people found in the state itself a powerful ally in this sort of "saving." THE PA.'iyiNO VI' SMALL PRODUCTION 15 But newly discovered lands and commercial routes did more *h^n bring wealth to the mer- chants ; they opened up a new market for the sea- going nations of Europe, especially England. Handicraft was tinable to satisfy the rapidly in- creasing demands of this market. These demands were on a large .scale ; production had to proceed on a large scale. That is, the market demanded j a form of production which could and would I adapt itself to the demand; in other words, jH form absolutely in command of the merchants. The merchants naturally found it to their in- terest to satisfy the demand of this new market; and they had the money to purchase the neces- sary means, raw materials, tools, factories and labor. But where was this last to come from? So long as a man owns tools of his own and can produce with them, he will not sell himself to another. Fortunately for the nwrchantr-puizal ■vJaia r^rnn Mrni'n h n ing rln\:pn fm m the '^oi l The landlords wanted their share of the new pros- perity, therefore they enlarged their scale of pro- duction and demanded a larger proportion of the product. So agricultural laborers were forced to the doors of the new-built factories. V Thus the foundations of capitalist industry I were laid by means of expropriation, by means of I a revolution as bloody as any in history. ^ Tl'j separation of great masses of workers fron< the means of production, their transforma- tion into propertyless proletarians, was a condi- tion necessary to capitalist production. Economic development made the change inevitable. But the vising classes were not content to sit by and :ry ") 16 THE CLASS STRUGGLE watch the course of events ; they resorted to vio- lence to accelerate the change. Itwasthroiigh violence of the most brutal ^ repulsive ki nd that capitalist society 4. The Death-Struggle of Small Production. At first the new system differed but little from the old so far as external appearance was con- cerned. The capitalist delivered raw material to his hired workers and collected from them the finished product. Later he found it advan- tageous to gather them in a large building called a factory. As soon as workers produced together in a factory, it was discovered that a divisi on of lab or increased the profits. Gradually systems of pro- duction became so developed that each operative had to make but a single motion or perform a single operation. That is, the laborer had been reduced to the level of a machine. Only one step remained — to replace him with a machine, and that step was soon taken. It was made possible by the development of science — and especially by the application of steam-power to industrial proc- esses. The introduction of machinery meant^an industrial revolution. With this change economic development, became the triumphant march of capitalism. - Between. 127-CLand,1789jhe first practical ma- chines were introduced into the English textile industry. ~The steam engine was invented at the same time. From that period on the machine conquered one branch of industry after another and one country after another. It has placed it THE PASSING OF SMALL PRODUCTION 17 m the power of a factory operative to do the work of several hundred handicraftsmen. Under these conditions the factory rules, and the days of handicraft, of independent produc- tion, are numbered. What remains is carried on chiefly by unfortunates who cannot find places in the factory system. 11. THE PROLETARIAT. 1. From Apprentice to Proletarian. We have seen that the capitalist system of pro- duction implies the separation of the laborer from the means of production. 'On the one side there is the capitalist, who owns' the machine, and on the other the proletarian, who does the worky" Originally it took forcible methods to sectire the supply of proletarians necessary to this sys- tem. Today, however, such methods are no longer necessary. The economic power of the system has become sufficient to accomplish the desired result without breaking the law of pri- vate property. In fact, it is by the operation of this law that every year a sufficient number of farmers and independ-errt c i af tsi n e n a re given>jthe choice between starvation and work in the fac- tori es- That the number of the proletariat is steadily on the increase is such a palpable fact that no one attempts to deny it, not even those who would make us believe that society today rests on the same basis as it did a hundred years ago, and who try to paint the picture of the small pro- ducer in rosy colors. Indeed a change has taken place in the make-up of society, just as it has m the system of production. The capitalist form of production has overthrown all others, and be- come the dominant one in the field of industry; similarly wage-labor is today the dominant form . 18 THE PROLETARIAT 19 of labor. A hundred years ago the farming peasantry took the first place ; later, the small city industrialists ; today it is the wage-earner. In all civilized countries the proletarians are today the largest class; it is their condition and modes of thought that tend to control those of all the other divisions of labor. This implies a complete revolution in the co ndition a jid tlinngrVif of th£J3«4k- ofjdip pnpTThrTto p' THeconditions of tfie^proletanat differ radically from those of all former categories of labor. The small farmer, the artisan, the small producers generally, were the owners of the product of their labor by rea- son of their ownership of the means of produc- tion. The product of the labor of the proletarian does not belong to him, it belongs to the capitalist, to the owner of the requisite instruments of pro- duction. True enough, the proletarian is paid by the rapi<-a1i<;«---h444:-44TTr-Ara1np nf- hi. um^ t ^ ic fg y below thsrtTrH iis produ etr When the capitalist in industry purchases the only commodity which the proletarian can offer for sale, that is, his labor-power, he does so for the sole purpose of utilizing it in a profitable way. The more the working-man produces, the larger the value of his product. If the capitalist were to work his employes only long enough to produce the worth of the wages he pays them, he would clear no profits. But his capital cries for profits and finds in him a willing listener. The longer the time is extended during which the workmen labor in the service of the capitalists, over and above the time needed to cover their wages, the larger is the value of their product, the 20 THE CLASS STRUGGLE larger is the surplus over and above the capitalist outlay in wages, and the larger is the per cent of exploitation to which these workmen are subject- ed. This exploitation of labor finds a limit only in the powers of endurance of the working people and in the resistance they may be able to offer to their exploiters. In capitalist production, the capitalist and the wage-earner are not fellow -workers, as were the employer and employed in previous industrial epochs. The capitalist soon develops into, and re- mains, essentially a merchant. His activity, in so far as he is at all active, limits itself, like that of the merchant, to the operations of the market. His labors consist in purchasing as cheaply as possible the raw material, labor power and other essentials, and selling the finished products as dearly as possible. Upon the field of produc- tion itself he does nothing except to secure the largest quantity of labor from the workmen for the least possible amount of wages, and thereby to squeeze out of them the largest possible quantity of surplus values. In his relation to his employes he is not a fellow-worker, he is only a driver and exploiter. The longer they work, the better off he is ; he is not tired out if the hours of labor are unduly extended; he does not perish if the meth- od of production becomes a murderous one. The capitalist is vastly more reckless of the life and safety of his operatives than the master-workman of former times. Extension of the hours of la- bor, abolition of holidays, introduction of night labor, damp and overheated factories filled with poisonous gases, such are the "improvements" \ THE PROLETARIAT 21 which the capitalist mode of production has in- troduced for the benefit of the working-class. The introduction of machinery increases still further the danger to life and limb for the work- ing-man. The machine system fetters him to a monster that moves perpetually with a gigantic power and with insane speed. Only the closest, never-flagging attention can protect the working- man attached to such a machine from being seized and broken by it. Protective devices cost money ; the capitalist does not introduce them unless he is forced to do it. Economy being the much vaunt- ed virtue of the capitalist, he is constrained by it to save room and to squeeze as much machinery as possible into the workshop. What cares he that the limbs of his working-men are thereby endangered ? Working-men are cheap, but large, airy workshops are dear. There is still another respect in which the capi- talist employment of machinery lowers the condi- tion of the working-class. It is this : the tool of the mechanic of former times was cheap and it was subject to few changes that would render it useless. It is otherwise with the machine ; in the first place, it costs money, much money; in the second place, if through improvements in the sys- tem it becomes useless, or if it is not used to its full capacity, it will bring loss instead of profit to the capitalist. Again, the machine is worn out. not only through use, but through idleness. Fur- thermore, the introduction of science into produc- tion constantly causes new discoveries and inven- tions to take the place of the old ones. So, be- cause they cannot compete with the improved 22 THE CLASS STRUGGLE machinery, now this machine, now that, and o)^ n whole factories at once, are rendered useless he- fore they have been used to their full extent. Therefore, every machine is in danger of being made useless before it is used up ; this is suffi- cient ground for the capitalist to utliize his ma- chine as quickly as possible from the moment he puts it in operation. In other worvis, the capital- ist application of the system of machinery is a spur that drives the capitalist to extend the hours of labor as much as possible, to carry on produc- tion without interruption, to introduce the system of night and day shifts, and, accordingly, to make of the unwholesome night work a permanent sys- tem. At the time the system of machinery began to develop, some idealists declared the golden age was at hand ; the machine was to release the working-man and render ^lim free. In the hands of the capitalist, however, the machine has made the burden of labor unbearable. But in the matter of wages, also, the condition of the wage-earner is worse than that of the me- dieval apprentice. The proletarian, the workman of today, does not eat at the table of the capital- ist ; he does riot live in the same house. Howevef wretched his home may be, however miserable his food, nay, even though he famish, the well- being of the capitalist is not disturbed by the sickening sight. • The words wages and starva- tion used to be mutually exclusive ; the free working-man formerly could starve only when he had no work. Whoever worked earned wages, he had enough to eat, starvation was not his lot. THE PROLETARIAT 23 For the capitalist system was reserved the un- enviable distinction of reconciling these two op- posites — wages and starvation — raising starva- tion-wages into a permanent institution, even into a prop of the present social system, 2. Wages. ' Wages can never rise so high as to make it im- possible for the capitalist to carry on his business and to live from the profits of it ; under such circumstances it would be more profitable for the capitalist to give up his business. Consequently, the wages of the working-man can never rise high enough to equal the value of his product. They must always be below that, so as to leave a surplus ; it is only the prospect of a surplus that moves the capitalist to purchase labor power. It is therefore evident that under the capitalist sys- tem the wages of the workmen can never rise high enough to put an end to the exploitation of labor. The surplus which the capitalist class appro- priates is larger than is usually imagined. It cov- ers not only the profits of the manufacturer, but many other items that are usually credited to the cost of production and exchange. It covers, for instance, rent, interest on loans, salaries, mer- chant's profits, taxes, etc. All these have to be subtracted from the surplus, that is, the excess of the value of the product over the wages of the working-man. It is evident that this surplus must be a considerable one if a concern is to "pay." It is clear that the wages of the working-man cannot rise high enough to be even approximately 24 THE CLASS STRUGGLE equal to the value of his profit. The capitalist system means under all circumstances the ex- ploitation of the wage-workers. It is impossible to abolish this exploitation without abolishing the system itself. And the exploitation must be great even where wages are high. But wages rarely reach the highest point which even these circumstances would permit ; more of- ten they are found to be nearer to the lowest pos- sible point. This point is reached when the wages do not supply the workman with even the barest necessities. When the workman not only starves, but starves rapidly, all work is at an end. The wages swing between these two extremes. The less the necessities of the workman, the larger the supply of labor on the market, and the slighter the capacity of the working-man for resistance, the lower wages sink. In general, wages must be high enough to keep the working-man in a condition to work, or, to speak more accurately, they must be high enough to secure to the capitalist the measure of labor-power which he needs. In other words, wages must be high enough, not only to keep the working-men in a condition to work, but also in a condition to produce children to replace them. Now industrial development exhibits a ten- dency, most pleasing to the capitalist, to lower the necessities of the working-man and to de- crease his wages in proportion. There was a time when skill and strength were requisites for a working-man. The period of ap- prenticeship was long, the cost of training con- THE PROLETARIAT 25 sMerable. Now, however, the progress made in the division of labor and the introduction of ma- chinery render skill and strength in production more and more superfluous; they make it possi- ble to substitute unskilled and cheap workmen for skilled ones; and, consequently, to put weak women and even children in the place of men. In the early stages of manufacturing this ten- dency is already perceptible; but not until ma- chinery is introduced into production do we find the wholesale exploitation of women and chil- dren — the most helpless among the helpless. Originally, the wage-earner had to earn wages high enough to defray, not only his own ex- penses, but also those of his family, in order to enable him to propagate himself and to bequeath his labor power to others. Without this process the heirs of the capitalists would find no pro- letarians ready made for exploitation. When, however, the wife and young children of the working-man are able to take care of themselves, the wages of the male worker can safely be reduced to the level of his own personal needs without the risk of stopping the fresh sup- ply of labor power. The labor of women and children, moreover, affords the additional advantage that these are less capable of resistance than men ; and their in- troduction into the ranks of the workers increases tremendously the quantity of labor that is offered for sale in the market. Accordingly, the labor of women and children not only lowers the necessities of the working- man, it also diminishes his capacity for resist- 26 THE CLASS STRUGGLE ance in that it overstocks the market; owing to both these circumstances it lowers the wages of the working-man. 3. Dissolution of the Proletarizin Family. The participation of women in industrial pur- suits means the total destruction of the family life of the working-man without substituting for it a higher form of the family relation. The capitalist system of production does not in most cases destroy the single household of the work- ing-man, but robs it of all but its unpleasant fea- tures. The activity of wcfman today in industrial pursuits does not mean to her freedom from household duties; it means an increase of her former burdens by s. new one. But one cannot serve two masters. The household of the work- ing-man suffers whenever his wife must help to earn the daily bread. Present society offers, in the place of the individual household which it destroys, only miserable substitutes ; soup-houses and day-nurseries, where crumbs of the physical and mental sustenance of the rich are cast to the lower classes. Socialists are charged with an intent to abolish the family. We do know that every system of production has had a special form of household to which corresponds a special system of family relationship. We do not consider the existing form of the family the highest possible, and we do expect that a new and improved social system will develop a new and higher form of family re- lationship. But to hold this view is a very dif- ferent thing from_trying to dissolve all family THE PROLETARIAT 27 bonds. Those who do destroy the family bonds — who not only mean to, but actually do destroy them right under our eyes — are not the Social- ists, but the capitalists. Many a slave-holder has in former times torn husband from wife and parents from children, but the capitalists have improved upon the abominations of slavery ; they tear the infant from the breast of its mother and compel her to entrust it to strangers' hands. And yet a society in which hundreds of thousands of such instances are a daily occurrence, a society whose upper classes promote "benevolent" insti- tutions for the purpose of making easy the sepa- ration of the mothers from their babies, such a society has the effrontery to accuse the Socialists of trying to abolish the family, because they, basing their opinion on the fact that the family has ever been one of the reflexes of the system of production, foresee that further changes in that system must also result in a more perfect family relationship. 4. Prostitution. Hand in hand with the accusation on the sub- ject of family bonds goes the charge that Social- ists aim at a community of wives. This charge is as false as the other. Socialists, on the con- trary, maintain that ideal love, just the reverse of a community of wives and of all sexual op- pression and license, will be the foundation of matrimonial connections in a Socialist Common- wealth, and that pure love can prevail only in such a social system. What, on the other hand, do we see today ? 28 THE CLASS STRUGGLE Helpless women, forced to earn their living in factories, shops and mines, fall a prey to capital- ist cupidity. The capitalist takes advantage of their inexperience, offers them wages too slight for their support, and hints at, or even brazenly suggests, prostitution as a means of supplement- ing their income. Everywhere the increase of fe- male labor in industry is accompanied by an in- crease in prostitution. In the modern state where Christianity is so devoutedly preached, many a thriving branch of industry is found where work- ing-women are paid so poorly that they would be compelled to starve did they not prostitute them- selves. And the capitalists declare that the abil- ity to compete, the prosperity of their industry, depend upon these low wages. Higher wages would ruin them. Prostitution is as old as the contrast between rich and poor. At one time, however, prostitutes were a middle class between beggars and thieves ; they were then an article of luxury in which so- ciety indulged but the loss of which would in no way have endangered its existence. To-day, however, it is no longer the females of the slums, alone, but working- women, who are compelled to sell their bodies for money. This latter sale is no longer simply a matter of luxury; it has be- come one of the foundations upon which pro- duction is carried on. Under the capitalist sys- tem prostitution becomes a pillar of society. What the defenders of this social system falsely charge Socialists with is the very thing they are guilty of themselves. Community of wives is a feature of capitalism. Indeed, such a deep THE PROLETARIAT 29 root has this system of communit}'' of wives taken in modern society that its representatives agree in declaring prostitution to be a necessary thing. They cannot understand that the aboH- tion of the proletariat implies the abolition of prostitution. So deep are they sunk in intellec- tual stagnation that they cannot conceive a social system without community of wives. Community of wives is an invention of the | upper classes of society, never of the proletariat. The community of wives is one of the modes of exploiting the proletariat ; it is not SociaHsm, it is the exact opposite of Socialism. 5. The Industrial Reserve Army. We have seen that the introduction of female and child-labor in industry is one of the most powerful means whereby the capitalists reduce the wages of working-men. There is, however, another means which, periodically, is just as powerful. This is the introduction of working- men from regions that are backward and whose population has slight wants, but whose labor- power has not yet been sapped by the factory system. The development of machinery makes possible, not only the employment of such un- trained working-men in the place of trained ones, but also their cheap and prompt transportation to the place where they are wanted. Hand in hand with the development of production goes the sys- tem of transportation ; colossal production cor- responds to colossal transportation, not only of merchandise, but also of persons. Steamships and railroads, these much-vaunted pillars of civiliza- 30 THE CLASS STRUGGLE tion, not only carry guns, liquor and syphilis ee barbarians, they also bring the barbarians and their barbarism to us. The flow of agricultural laborers into the cities is becoming constantly stronger; and from ever farther regions are the swarms of those drawing near who have fewer wants, are more patient and offer less resistance. There is a constant stream of emigration from one country of Europe to another, from Europe to America and even from the Orient to western lands. These foreign workers are partly expro- priated people, small farmers and producers, whom the capitalist system of production has ruined, driven on the street and deprived not only of a home, but also of a country. Look at these numberless emigrants and ask whether it is Socialism which robs them of their country. Through the expropriation of the small produc- ers, through the importation from distant lands of large masses of labor, through the use of the labor of women and children; through the short- ening of the time necessary to acquire a trade, — through all these means the capitalist system of production is able to increase stupendously the quantity of labor forces at its disposal. And side by side with this goes a steady increase in the productivity of human labor as a result of the uninterrupted progress in the technical arts. Simultaneously with these tendencies the ma- chine tends steadily to displace workmen and render them superfluous. Every machine saves labor-power ; unless it did that, it would be use- less. In every branch of industry the transition from hand to machine labor is accompanied by THE PROLETARIAT 31 the greatest suffering to the working-men who are affected by it. Whether they are factory workers or independent craftsmen, they are made super- fluous by the machine and thrown out upon the streets. It was this effect of machinery that the workingmen felt first. Many riots during the first year of the nineteenth century attest the suf- fering which the transition from hand to machine labor, or the introduction of new machinery, in- flicts upon the working-class and the despair to which they are driven thereby. The introduction of machinery, as well as its subsequent improve- ment, is always harmful to certain divisions of labor. True enough, under some conditions other working-men, for instance, those who make the machiiies, may profit by it. But it may be doubted whether a consciousness of this fact af- fords much comfort to those who are starving. Every new machine causes as much to be pro- duced as before by fewer workmen, or larger production with no increase in the number of workmen. From this it follows that, if the num- ber of workmen employed in a country does not decrease with the development of the system of machinery, the market must be extended in pro- portion to the increased productivity of these workers. But since the economic development in- creases the productivity of labor at the same time that it increases the quantity of disposable labor, it follows that, in order to prevent enforced idle- ness among workmen, the market must be ex- tended at a much more rapid pace than that at which the productivity of labor is increased by the machine. Such a rapid extension of the mar- 32 THE CLASS STRUGGLE ket has, however, rarely occurred under the rule of capitalist production. Therefore, enforced idleness is a permanent phenomenon under the capitalist system of production, and is insepara- ble from it. Even in the best times when the market suddenly undergoes a considerable exten- sion and business is brisk, production is not able to furnish work for all the unemployed. During bad times, however, when business is at a stand- still, their number reaches enormous proportions. They constitute, with the workers of superfluous small concerns, a great army, "the industrial re- serve army," as Marx called it, an army of labor forces that stands ever ready at the disposal of the capitalist, an army out of which he can draw his reserves whenever the industrial campaign grows hot. To the capitalist this reserve army is invalua- ble. It places in his hands a powerful weapon with which to curb the army of the employed. After excessive work on the part of some has produced lack of work for others, then the idle- ness of these is used as a means to keep up, and even increase, the excessive work of the former. And yet there are people who will contend that matters are today arranged in the best possible way Although the size of the industrial reserve army rises and falls with the ups and downs of business, nevertheless, on the whole it shows a steady tendency to increase. This is inevitable. The technical development moves on at a con- stantly increasing pace and steadily extends its^ field of operations, while, oii the other hand, the THE PROLETARIAT 33 extension of the markets is hemmed in by natural Hmits. What, then, is the full significance of lack of work? It signifies not only want and misery to the unemployed, not only intensified servitude and exploitation to the employed; it signifies also uncertainty of livelihood for the whole working class. Whatever hardships former modes of ex- ploitation inflicted upon the exploited, one boon was left them: the certainty of a livelihood. The sustenance of the serf and the slave was assured at least during the life of the master himself. Only when the master perished was the life of his dependents in peril. Whatever amount of misery and want afflicted the people under former sys- tems of production, it never resulted from pro- duction itself ; it was the result of a disturbance of production, brought on by failure of crops, drouths, floods, invasions of hostile armies, etc. Today the existence of the exploiter is not bound up in that of the exploited. At any mo- ment the workman, with his wife and children, can be thrown upon the street and given over to starvation without the exploiter, whom he has made rich, being the worse for it. The misery of enforced idleness is today rarely the result of a disturbance in production caused by outside influences; it is the necessary result of the development of the present system of pro- duction. Just the reverse happen^ of what oc- curred under the former systems of production ; disturbances of production often improve the op- portunities for work rather than lessening them; remember the results of the war of 1870 upon 34 THE CLASS STRUGGLE the industrial life of Germany and France in the years immediately following. Under our former system of production on a small scale the income of the worker was in pro- portion to his industry. Laziness ruined him and finally threw him out of work. Today, on the contrary, unemployment becomes greater the harder and the longer the workman toils; he brings enforced idleness upon himself through his own labor. Among the many maxims from the world of small production which capitalist large production has reversed is : "A man's industry is his fortune." Labor-power is no more a shield against want and misery than is property. As the specter of bankruptcy hovers always over the small farmer and the craftsman, so the specter of unemploy- ment hovers always over the wage-earner. Of all the ills which attend the present system of pro- duction the most trying, that which harrows men's souls deepest and pulls up by the roots every instinct of conservatism, is the permanent uncertainty of a livelihood. This constant uncer- tainty as to one's own condition undermines one's belief in the permanence of the existing order and one's interest in its preservation. Whoever is kept in eternal fear by the existing order loses all fear of a new one. Excessive work, lack of work, the destruction of the family — these are the gifts that the capital- ist system of production brings to the proletariat, and at the same time it forces more and more of the population into proletarian conditions of living. THE PROLETARIAT 35 6. The Increase of the Proletariat. Mercantile and Educated Proletariat. It is not only through the extension of large production that the capitalist system causes the condition of the proletariat to become more and more that of the whole population. It brings this about also through the fact that the condition of the wage-earner engaged in large production strikes the keynote for the condition of the wage- earners in all other branches. The conditions under which the latter work and live are revolu- tionized ; the advantages which they may have had over those engaged in capitalist industry are turned into so many disadvantages under the in- fluence of the latter. To illustrate : Where, for example, the craftsman still boards and lives with his master, this arrangement becomes a means of forcing him to be content with even poorer board and lodging than those of the wage-earner who carries on his own household. There is another and very extensive domain in which the capitalist system of large production tends to turn the population into proletarians — the domain of commerce. The large stores are already bearing heavily upon the smaller ones. The number of small stores does not, for that reason, diminish. On the contrary, it increases. The small store is the last refuge of the bankrupt small producer. Were the small stores actually crowded out, the ground would be wholly taken from under the feet of the small traders; they would then be thrust forthwith below the class of the proletariat — into the slums ; they would be turned into beggars, vagabonds and candidates 36 THE CLASS STRUGGLE for the penitentiary — a wonderful social reform! But it is not in the reduction of the number of small stores, it is in the debasement of their character that the influence of large production manifests itself in commerce. The small trader deals in ever worse and cheaper goods; his life becomes more precarious, more proletarian. In the large stores, on the contrary, there is constant increase in the number of employes — genuine proletarians without prospect of ever becoming independent. Child labor, the labor of women, with its accompaniment of prostitution, excessive work, lack of work, starvation wages — all the symptoms of large production — appear also in increasing quantity in the domain of commerce. Steadily the condition of the employes in this department approaches that of the proletarians in the department of production. The only differ- ence perceptible between the two is that the for- mer preserve the appearances of a better living, which require sacrifices unknown to the indus- trial proletarians. There is still a third category of proletarians that has gone far on the road to its complete de- velopment — the educated proletarians. Educa- tion has become a special trade under our pres- ent system. The measure of knowledge has in- creased greatly and grows daily. Capitalist society and the capitalist state are increasingly in need of men of knowledge and ability to conduct their business, in order to bring the forces of nature under their power. But not only the hard-work- ing small farmer, mechanic or the proletarian in general have no time to devote themselves to sci- THE PROLETARIAT 3? ence and art ; the merchant, the manufacturer, the banker, the stock-jobber, the landlord — all are in the same situation. Their whole time is taken up with their business and their pleasures. In mod- ern society it is not, as it used to be under pre- vious social orders, the exploiters themselves, or at least a class of them, who foster the arts and sciences. The present exploiters, our ruling class, leave these pursuits to a special class whom they keep in hire. /JJnder this system education be- comes a merchandise.^ A hundred years or so ago this commodity was rare. There were few schools ; study was ac- companied with considepable expense. So long as small production could support him, the worker stuck to it; only special gifts of nature or favorable circumstances would cause the sons of the Workers to dedicate themselves to the arts and sciences. Though there was an increasing demand for teachers, artists and other profes- sional men, the supply was definitely limited. So long as this condition of things lasted, edu- cation commanded a high price. Its possession produced, at least for those who applied it to practical ends, very comfortable livings ; not in- frequently it brought honor and fame. The artist, the poet, the philosopher, were, in mon- archical countries, the companions of royalty. The aristocracy of intellect felt itself superior to the aristocracy of birth or money. The only care of suth was the development of their intellect. Hence it happened that people of culture could be, and often were, idealists. These aristocrats of education and culture stood above the other 38 THE CLASS STRUGGLE classes and their material aspirations and antag- onisms. Education meant power, happiness and worth. The conclusion seemed inevitable that in order to make all men happy and worthy, in order to banish all class antagonisms, all poverty, all wickedness and meanness out of the world, nothing else was needed than to spread education and culture. Since those days the development of higher ed- ucation has made immense progress. The num- ber of institutions of learning has increased won- derfully, and in a still larger degree, the number of pupils. In the meantime the bottom has been knocked out of small production. The small property holder knows today no other way of keeping his sons from sinking into the proletariat than sending them to college ; and he does this if his means will at all allow. But, furthermore, he must consider the future not only of his sons, but also of his daughters. The development in the division of labor is rapidly encroaching on the household; it is converting one household duty after another into a special industry, and steadily diminishing household work. Weaving, sewing, knitting, baking, and many other occu- pations that at one time filled up the round of household duties, have been either wholly or par- tially withdrawn from the sphere of housekeep- ing. As a result of all this, marriage in which the wife is to be the housekeepr only, is becom- ing more and more a matter of luxury. But it so happens that the small property holder and producer is at the same time sinking steadily, and steadily becoming poorer; more and more be THE PROLETARIAT 39 loses the means to indulge in luxury. In conse- quence of this the number of unmarried women increases, and ever larger is the number of those families in which mother and daughter must be- come wage-earners. Accordingly the number of women wage-earners increases, not only in large and small production and commerce, but in gov- ernment offices, in the telegraph and telephone service, in railroads and banks, in the arts and sciences. However loudly personal interests and prejudices may rebel against it, the labor of women presses itself forward more and more into the various professional pursuits. It is not vanity, nor forwardness nor arrogance, but the force of economic development that drives women to labor in these as well as in other fields of human activity. If men have succeeded in preventing the competition of women in cer- tain branches of intellectual labor which are still organized on craft lines, women workers tend to crowd all the more into the pursuits not so or- ganized, for example, authorship, painting, music. The result of this whole development is that the number of educated people has increased enormously. Nevertheless, the beneficent results which the idealists expected from an increase of education have not followed. So long as educa- tion is a merchandise, its extension is equivalent to an increase in the quantity of that merchan- dise, consequently to the falling in its price and the decline in the condition of those who possess it. The number of educated people has grown to such an extent that it more than suffices for the 40 THE CLASS STRUGGLE wants of the capitalists and the capitalist state. The labor market of educated labor is today, as overstocked as the market of manual labor. It is no longer the manual workers alone who have their reserve army of the unemployed and are af- flicted with lack of work; the educated workers also have their reserve army of idle, and among them also lack of work has taken up its perma- nent quarters. The seekers for public office find that avenue of employment crowded. Those who seek openings elsewhere experience the extremes of idleness and excessive work just as do the manual workers, and like them are the victims, of wage-slavery. The condition of the educated workers deteri- orates visibly; formerly people spoke of the "aris- tocracy of intellect," today we speak of the "in- tellectual" or "educated" proletariat. The time is near when the bulk of these prole- tarians will be distinguished from the others only by their pretensions. Most of them still imagine that they are something better than proletarians. ~They fancy they belong to the bourgeoisie, just as the lackey identifies himself with the class of / of his master. They have ceased to be the lead-" I .^JS of the ra^fMto4i<^f-f4^<^^-a-nH Viav(^ hproQT e ra ther / their defenders. Place-hunting takes more "and ^^Tore of their energies. Their first care is, not the development of their intellect, but the sale of it. The prostitution of their individuality has be- come their chief means of advancement. Like the small producers, they are dazzled by the few brilliant prizes in the lottery of life; they shut their eyes to the numberless blanks in the wheel and barter away soul and body for the merest THE PROLETARIAT 41 chance of drawing such a prize. The barter and sale of one's convictions and the marriage for money are, in the eyes of most of our educated proletarians, two means, as natural as they are necessary, to "make one's fortune." Still, the supply of this class grows so rapidly that there is little to be made out of education, even though one throws his individuality into the bargain. The decline of the mass of edu- cated people into the class of the proletariat can no longer be checked. Whether this development will result in a movement of the educated people to join the bat- tling proletariat in mass and not, as hitherto, singly, is still uncertain. This however, is cer- tain : The fact that the educated people are being forced into the proletariat has closed to the pro- letarians the only gate through which its members could, by diht of their own unaided efforts, es- cape into the class above. The possibility of the wage-earner becoming a capitalist is, in the ordinary run_of_£iieiits,jQUt-af t hequesti on. "Sensible people donot consider the chance of winning a prize in a lottery or of fall- ing heir to the wealth of some unknown relative when they deal with the condition of the work- ing-class. Under certain particularly favorable conditions it has sometimes happened that a workman succeeded, through great privations, in saving up enough to start a little industry of his own, or to set up a little retail shop, or to give his son a chance to study and become something "better" than his father. But it was always ridic- ulous to hold out such possibilities to the work- man as a means of improving his condition. In 42 THE CLASS STRUGGLE the ordinary course of events the working-man may thank his stars if he is at all able, even dur- ing good times, to lay by enough not to remain empty-handed when work becomes slack. Today, however, to hold out such hopes to working-men is more ridiculous than ever.* The economic de- velopment makes saving not only more difficult, but it renders it impossible for a working-man, even if he succeeds in saving something, to pull himself and his children out of the class of the proletariat. To invest his little savings in some small independent industry were for him to fall from the frying pan into the fire ; ten to one he will be thrown back to his previous condition, with the bitter experience that the small producer can no longer keep his head above water — an experience which he will have purchased with the loss of his hard-earned savings. Today, whichever way the proletarian may turn, he finds awaiting him the same proletarian conditions of life. These conditions pervade so- ciety more and more. In all countries the mass of the population has sunk to the level of the proletariat. To the individual proletarian the prospect has vanished of ever being able, by his own efforts, to pull himself out of the quagmire into which the present system of production has pushed him. The individual proletarian can ac- complish his own redemption only with the re- demption of his whole class. *Note. — In America the conditions under which a prole- tarian is able to rise into the bourgeois class have been pro- longed by the abundance of our natural resources and the existence of an open frontier. But if the author's statements in regard to this matter are not strictly applicable to our society, they tend more and more to become so. — Translator. m. THE CAPITALIST CLASS. 1. Commerce and Credit. In countries where the capitalist system of pro- duction prevails the masses of the people are forced down to the condition of proletarians ; that is to say, of workers who are divorced from their instruments of production so that they can pro- duce nothing by their own efforts, and, therefore, are compelled to sell the only commodity they possess — their labor-power. To this class, also, belong the majority of the farmers, small pro- ducers and traders ; the little property they still possess today is but a thin veil, calculated rather to conceal than to prevent their dependence and exploitation. Over against this class we find a small group of property holders — capitalists and landlords — who alone possess the most important means of production and the most important sources of livelihood, the exclusive ownership of which in- vests them with the power to subjugate the class of propertyless and to exploit them. While the majority of the people sink ever deeper in want and misery, this small group of capitalists and landlords, together with their parasites, appropriate all the tremendous advan- tages that have been wrung from nature, espe- cially through the progress made by the natural sciences and their practical application. There are three sorts of capital : merchant's capital, interest-bearing capital and industrial 43 44 THE CLASS STRUGGLE capital. The last of these is the youngest; per- haps it is not as many hundred years old as th* other two are thousands. But the youngest of these brothers has grown faster, much faster, than either of his seniors ; he has become a giant who has enslaved and forced them into his serv- ice. In its classic form small production was not dependent on commerce. The farmer and the mechanic could acquire the means of production, in so far as they needed any, direct from the pro- ducer; furthermore, they could sell their prod- uct directly to the consumer. Commerce, at that stage of economic development, catered chiefly to luxury; it was not then a matter of necessity, either for the promotion of production or for the support of society. Capitalist production, however, is from the very start dependent upon commerce; and vice versa, from a certain stage on, commerce needs capitalist production for its further development. The further the capitalist system of production extends, and the more dominant it becomes, the more requisite is the development of commerce to the whole industrial life. Commerce today no longer caters simply to superfluity and luxury. The whole system of production, yes, even the sustenance of the people, in a capitalist country, depends now upon the free and unrestricted action of commerce. This is one of the reasons why war is more devastating than ever; it inter- rupts commerce, and that has become equivalent to a stoppage of production, to a suspension of economic life, and to an industrial ruin that THE CAPITALIST CLASS 45 spreads beyond the field of battle and is not less mischievous than the devastation that takes place there. As important as the development of commerce is that of interest to the capitalist system of pro- duction. In the days of the small producer the money-lender was simply a parasite, who profited by the distress or improvidence of others. The money which he lent to others was, as a rule, put to unproductive uses. If, for instance, a noble- man borrowed money, he did so to spend it in pleasure; if a farmer or mechanic borrowed money, it was mainly to pay his taxes or the cost of lawsuits. In those days lending at interest was considered immoral and was everywhere con- demned. Under the capitalist system of production this has all changed. Money is now a means whereby to establish a capitalist industry, to buy and to exploit labor-power. When today a capitalist raises money in order to establish a factory, or to enlarge one already in existence it does not follow — provided, of course, that his undertak- ing prosper — that his previous income will be re- duced by the interest on the loan. The loan, on the contrary, helps him to exploit labor-power, consequently, to increase his incom e by a n amount larg€4^-than ^ the intere st ll^ will have" to pay^ Therefore, under the capittrit*t~sy-st€tti of production, lending has lost its original character. Its role as a means for the exploitation of dis- tress or improvidence is pushed to the rear by a new one, that of "fructifying" the capitalist sys- tem of production, that is to say, of enabling it 46 THE CLASS STRUGGLE to develop faster than it otherwise would by the mere hoarding of capital in the vaults of indus- trial capitalists. The horror once entertained for a lender has come to an end; he now becomes a spotless character and receives a new and euphonious name, creditor. Simultaneously with this metamorphosis, the principal current of interest-bearing capital un- derwent a change. The money which the lenders heaped up in their vaults flowed formerly out of those reservoirs, through a thousand channels, into the hands of the non-capitalists. Today, on the contrary, the vaults of the lenders, the insti- tutions of credit, have become the reservoirs into which there flow, through a thousand channels, money from non-capitalists, and out of which this money is then conveyed to the capitalist. Credit is today, just as it was formerly, a means where- by to render non-capitalists — whether property holders or propertyless — subject to the payment of interest; today, however, it has, further, be- come a powerful instrument wherewith to con- vert into capital the property in the hands of the various classes of non-capitalists, from the large estates of endowed institutions and aristocrats down to the pennies saved by servant girls and day laborers. In other words, it has become an instrument for the displacing of the old prop- ertied classes and the intensified exploitation of the wage-earners. People praise the present in- stitutions of credit, savings banks, etc., thinking that they turn the small savings of working-men, servant girls and farmers into capital and these unfortunates themselves into "capitalists." Nev- THE CAPITALIST CLASS 47 ertheless, the only object in collecting the money of non-capitalists is to place at the disposal of capitalists an increased quantity of capital and thus to accelerate the development of the capital- ist system of production. What this means to wage-earners, small farmers and mechanics we have already seen. At the same time that the present institutions of credit are converting the whole property of non-capitalists into capital and placing it at the disposal of the capitalist class, they see to it that the capital of the capitalist class itself is better utilized than before. They become the reservoirs of all the money which the individual capitalist may, from time to time, have no occasion to use, and they make these sums, which otherwise would have lain "dead," accessible to such other capitalists as may stand in need of them. Fur- thermore, they make it possible to convert mer- chandise into money before it is sold, and there- by diminish the quantity of capital formerly needed in a given business undertaking. Through all these means the quantity and power of the capital at the disposal of the capi- talist class is enormously increased. Hence it is that credit has now become one of the most pow- erful levers of the capitalist system of produc- tion. Next to the great development of ma- chinery and the creation of the reserve army of unemployed labor, credit is the principal cause of the rapid development of the present system. Credit is, however, much more sensitive than commerce to any disturbance. Every shock it receives is felt throughout the economic organi- zation. 48 THE CLASS STRUGGLE Many political economists have looked upon credit as a means whereby people without any, or with little, property could be turned into capi- talists. But, as its name indicates, credit rests upon the confidence of him who gives, in him who takes, credit. The more the latter possesses, the grater is the security that he offers, and the greater is the security that he enjoys. Conse- quently, credit is only a means whereby more money may be furnished to the capitalists than they possess, thereby to increase their preponder- ance and to draw sharper the social antagonisms, instead of to weaken or remove them. To sum up, credit is not only a means whereby to develop the capitalist system of production more rapidly, and to enable it to turn to use every favorable opportunity; it is also a means where- by to promote the downfall of small production ; and, lastly, it is a means to render modern indus- try more and more complicated and liable to dis- turbance, to carry the feeling of uncertainty into the ranks of the capitalists themselves and to make the ground upon which they move ever more uncertain. 2. Division of Labofand Competition. While, on the one hand, the industrial devel- opment draws commerce and credit in ever closei relation with industry, it brings about, on thfe other hand, an increased division of labon; th* various functions which the capitalist has to ful- fill in the industrial life, divide m®re and more 'and fall to the part of separate undertakings anci institutions. Formerly, it was the merchant's THE CAPITALIST CLASS 49 function not only to buy and sell goods, but to store them, and often to carry them to far dis- tant markets. He had to assort his goods, dis- play them, and render them accessible to the indi- vidual purchaser. Today there is a division of labor not between w^holesale and retail trade only; we find also large undertakings for the transportation and the storing of goods. In those large central markets called exchanges, buying and selling have to such an extent become sepa- rate pursuits and freed themselves from the other functions commonly pertaining to the mer- chant, that not only are goods located in distant regions, or even not yet produced, bought and sold there, but that goods are bought without the purchaser intending to take possession of them, and others are sold without the seller ever having had them in his possession. In former days a capitalist could not be con- ceived without the thought of a large safe into which money was collected and out of which he took the funds which he needed to make pay- ments. Today the treasury of the capitalist has become the subject of a separate occupation in all industrially advanced countries, especially Eng- land and America. The bank has sprung up. Payments are no longer made to a capitalist, but to his bank, and from his bank, not from him, are his debts collected. And so it happens that a few central concerns perform today the functions of treasury for the whole capitalist class of the country. But although the several functions of the cap- italist thus become the functions of separate un- 50 THE CLASS STRUGGLE dertakings, they do not become independent of each other except in appearance and legal form; economically, they remain as closely bound to and dependent upon each other as ever. The func- tions of any of these undertakings could not con- tinue if those of any of the others with which they are connected were to be interrupted. The more commerce, credit and industry be- come interdependent and the more the separate functions of the capitalist class are assumed by separate undertakings, the greater is the depend- ence of one capitalist upon another. Capitalist production becomes, accordingly, more and more a gigantic body, whose various limbs are in the closest relation to each other. Thus, while the masses of the people become ever more depend- ent upon the capitalists, the capitalists them- selves become ever more dependent upon one another. The economic machinery of the modern sys- tem of production constitutes a more and more delicate and complicated mechanism; its uninter- rupted operation depends constantly more upon whether each of its wheels fits in with the others and does the work expected of it. Never yet did any system of production stand in such need of careful direction as does the present one. But the institution of private property makes it im- possible to introduce plan and order into this sys- tem. While the several industries become, in point of fact, more and more dependent upon one an- other, in point of law, they remain wholly inde- pendent. The means of production in every sin- THE CAPITALIST CLASS 51 gle industry are private property; their owner can do with them as he pleases. The farther large production develops, the larger every single industry becomes, the better is the order to which the economic activity of each is reduced, and the more accurate and well- considered is the plan upon which each i^ carried on, down to the smallest details. The joint op- eration of the various industries is, however, left to the blind force of free competition. It is at the expense of a prodigious waste of power and of materials and under stress of constantly in- creasing economic crises that free competition keeps the industrial mechanism in motion. The process goes on, not by putting every one in his place, but by crushing everyone who stands in the way. This is what is called "the survival of the fittest in the struggle for existence." The fact is, however, that competition crushes, not so much the truly unfit, as those who happen to stand in the wrong place, and who lack either the special qualifications or, what is more important, the cap- ital to survive. But competition is no longer sat- isfied with crushing those who are unequal to the "struggle for existence." The destruction of every one of these draws in its wake the ruin of numberless others who were economically con- nected with the bankrupt concern— wage-earn- ers, creditors, etc. "Every man is the architect of his own for- tune." So runs a favorite proverb, This proverb is an heirloom from the days of small production, when the fate of every singl? bread-winner, at most that of his family also, depended upon his 52 THE CLASS STRUGGLE own personal qualities. Today the fate of every member of a capitalist community depends less and less upon his own individuality, and more and more upon a thousand circumstances that are wholly beyond his control. Competition no longer brings about the survival of the fittest. 3. Profit. Whence does the capitalist class derive its in- come? The gains of merchant's and lender's capital consisted originally of the portions which they withheld from the property of those depend- ent on them, who might represent any of the vari- ous classes. It is otherwise with industrial cap- ital. It so happens that in proportion as the cap- italist system of production develops, the indus- trial form of capital overshadows all others and forces them into its service. Furthermore, it can do this only in so far as it returns to them a part of the surplus value which it has drawn from the workers. As a result of this development the sur- plus produced by the proletarians becomes more and more the only source from which the whole capitalist class draws its income. As the small industrialist and the small farmer are disappearing and their influence upon modern society is felt ever less, so also are disappearing the old forms of merchant's and interest-bearing capital, both of which made their gains by ex- ploiting the non-capitalist classes. Already there are nations without independent artisans and small farmers. England is an instance in point. But no one can conceive of a single modern state without large production. Whoever desires to THE CAPITALIST CLASS 53 understand the modern forms of capital must proceed from the industrial form that capital has assumed. The real and increasingly important source from which flow capitalist gains is to be found in the surplus value produced by capital industry. We have in the preceding chapter become ac- quainted with the surplus value which the indus- trial proletarian produces and the industrial cap- ital appropriates. We have also seen how the amount of the surplus value produced by the in- dividual laborer increases at a more rapid rate than does his wage ; this is brought about by the increase in the amount of labor, introducing la- bor-saving machinery and cheaper forms of labor. At the same time there is an increase in the number of proletarians. So the amount of the surplus accruing to the capitalist class swells constantly more and more. Unfortunately, however, "life's unalloyed en- joyment is not the lot of mortal man." How- ever distasteful it may be to him, the capitalist is .compelled to "divide" with the landowner and the state. And the share claimed by each of these in- creases from year to year. 4. Rent. W^hen one speaks of the classes which are steadily becoming the sole property holders and exploiters, the monopolists of the instruments of production, distinction must be made between the capitalists and landlords. The land is a peculiar means of production. It is the most necessary of all ; without it no human 54 THE CLASS STRUGGLE activity is possible ; even the sailor and the aero- naut need a point of departure and a landing place. Furthermore, it is a means of production that cannot be increased at pleasure. For all this it must be noted that as yet it has but rarely hap- pened that every inch of ground in any state was actually occupied or used productively by its in- habitants; even in China there are still wide stretches of unproductive land. In medieval Europe each farmer possessed his buildings and parcel of land. Water, forest and pasture were municipal property, and there was enough land so that each might be given posses- sion of any which he reduced to cultivation. Then came the development of commodity-pro- duction. The products of the land now had an exchange value. As a result the land also be- came, as it were, a product ; it had a value. As soon as this occurred the communities began to limit their numbers and take measures to insure the perpetual possession of lands ; they became close corporations. But another class, the feudal lords, were also yearning for the communal property. And in regions where farming on a large scale had de- veloped they succeeded in driving the small farm- ers from the soil. In the course of events prac- tically all land became the private property of a few. Thus a monopoly has come into existence, and a monopoly of an altogether extraordinary sort. The earth's surface is held by a few, »not only against the propertyless proletarian class, but against part of the capitalist class itself. A part THE CAPITALIST CLASS 55 of the industrial capitalist class may for a time monopolize a branch of industry, but its monop- oly is never absolute or permanent. In these re- spects the land monopolists have the advantage, their monopoly may be both absolute and lasting. This form of capitalism is most highly devel- oped in England, where a small number of fam- ilies have possession of all the land. Whoever needs land obtains the use of it only by paying rent. As a rule the capitalist cannot buy land for a factory or dwelling. Thus a part of his profit always goes to the landlord. In most parts of the world, however, the line is not so sharply drawn. On the continent of Europe, for example, the capitalist manufacturer, mine operator, etc., usually owns the land neces- sary to his operations. The great landowners, on their part, usually carry on their farming opera- tions themselves. On the other hand, as capitalism develops, pro- letarians are more and more herded in cities. This leads to an unprecedented heightening of land values and a reinforcement of the position of the land-owning class. Workers must pay higher and higher rent, and this, in turn, necessitates an increase in their wages. Thus once more the in- dustrial capitalist is forced to share his spoils with the land-owner. 5. Taxes. If the landlord appropriates a constantly in- creasing proportion of the capitalist's surplus value, the state is not less active in the same di- rection. The modern state grew with and 56 THE CLASS STRUGGLE through the capitahst class, just as, in turn, it has become the most powerful support of this class. Each has promoted the interests of the other. The capitalist class cannot forego the assistance of the state. It needs the powerful hand of gov- ernment to protect it against foes within and without. The further the capitalist system of production develops, the sharper become the contrasts and contradictions which it brings forth, the more complex becomes its operation, the greater the de- f^ndence of individuals upon each other, and consequently the more imperative the need of an authority which will see to it that each fulfills his economic functions. A process so sensitive as' modern production can endure less easily than any previous one the strain attendant on the set- tling of differences by individual trials of strength. In place of self-dependence appears now a legal system fostered by the state. The capitalist system is by no means the prod- uct of political rights or laws. It is. on the con- trary, the needs of the system that have brought forth the laws that are now in force. These laws do not create the exploitation of the proletariat; they only provide for the smooth running of the system of exploitation, together with all the other processes pertaining to the existing social order. Competition being styled the mainspring of pro- duction, law may be designated as a lubricating oil, the object of which is to diminish as much as possible the friction produced by the present social mechanism. As the conditions which produce this friction THE CAPITALIST CLASS 57 grow gradually worse, the greater becomes the need of a strong state power to enforce the law. For example, the constantly increasing opposi- tion between exploiters and exploited, propertied and propertyless, steadily augments the slum ele- ment in our population and thus increases the necessity for a large police force. On the other hand, as each capitalist becomes more and more dependent on the co-operation of others of his class, the more he becomes dependent on the de- crees of the courts. But the capitalist is concerned not only with peaceful manufacture and trade within his own country. Foreign trade has from the beginning played an important part in our industrial system, and the greater the extent to which it becomes the controlling interest, the more does the secur- ing and developing of foreign markets become one of the chief concerns of the entire nation. But in the world-market the capitalists of one nation meet those of another as competitors. In order to oppose these competitors, they call upon their government to maintain their rights, or. bet- ter yet, to drive out their foreign competitors altogether. Thus as states and monarchs become more and more dependent on the capitalist class armies and navies become more exclusively the tools of this class. Wars are no more dynastic, but commercial, and finally national ; they result from economic competition between the capital- ists of dififerent nations. Thus the capitalist system needs, not only an army of officials to operate courts and police de- partments, but also an army of soldiers. Both 58 THE CLASS STRUGGLE armies tend to grow rapidly, but during recent years the latter has oustripped the former. Fur- thermore, the application of modern science to warfare^has enormously increased its cost. As a result, the military expenditures of the great world-states have increased incredibly. The state is becoming constantly more expen- sive, its burdens ever heavier, Capitahsts and landowners try everywhere to foist these bur- dens upon the other classes. But the poorer classes grow constantly less able to pay, and so despite their cunning, the exploiters are obliged to increase the share of profits which they turn over to the state. 6. The Falling Off in the Rate of Profit Simultaneously with this development, the quantity of the capital which the capitalist class applies productively shows a tendency to increase more rapidly than the exploitation of the work- ing-class, that is to say, more rapidly than the mass of surplus which the latter creates. To illustrate : Compare a spinner of a hundred years ago with a machine-weaver of today. How enormous is the capital required to enable the lat- ter to work! On the other hand, the capital which the capitalist invested in hand-weaving was trifling in comparison. The exploited hand-spin- ner may have worked at home. In that case the capitalist paid him his wages and gave him the cotton or flax which he needed. In point of wages there has not been much change, but a machine-weaver consumes today in production a hundred times more raw material than the for- THE CAPITALIST CLASS 59 mer hand-weaver ; over and abovd" that, how tre- mendous are today the buildings, power engines, looms, etc., necessary to carry on the industry. There is still another thing to be considered. The only outlays of the capitalist who a hundred years ago employed a spinner were for wages and raw material, there was not then any fixed capital, for the cost of the spinning-wheel was too trifling to consider. He turned his capital over quickly, say every three months ; as a result of this, he needed, to start with, only one-quarter of the capital which he used during the whole year. Today the capital invested in a spinning-mill for machinery and buildings is enormous. Even though the time within which the capitalist could get back the sum he pays out in wages and for raw materials were now the same as it was a hundred years ago, the time which it now takes him to get back the rest of his capital, which a hundred years ago he hardly needed, has become a very long one. A number of circumstances work in the oppo- site direction. Among these the most important are the recently developed system of credit and the decline in the value of products, the latter of which is the- inevitable result of the increase in the productivity of labor. But neither of these causes is sufficient to counteract the effect of the others. In all branches of production, in some slowly, in others rapidly, the quantity of capital necessary for production grows perceptibly from year to year. Let it be assumed tliat the capital necessary for a certain industry a hundred years ago wa^ $100, 60 THE CLASS STRUGGLE and that today the amount necessary is $1,000, and, furthermore, that the amount exploited from labor is now five times as large as then, i. e., that whereas the surplus which labor formerly pro- duced was $50, today it is $250. In this case the quantity of the surplus has increased absolutely ; nevertheless, in proportion to the quantity of cap- ital invested, the surplus value has decreased. A hundred years ago this proportion was 50 per cent, today it is only 25 per cent. This instance is simply an illustration meant to point out a tendency. The total amount of surplus yearly produced in this, as a capitalist country, increases rapidly ; but still more rapidly grows the total amount of capital invested by the capital class in their es- tablishments. If now it be considered that tax- ation and rent carry off yearly an ever larger portion of the capitalists' surplus, the phenom- enon may be explained that the quantity of sur- plus that will accrue to a certain amount of capi- tal tends steadily to diminish, notwithstanding that the amount of exploitation of labor tends steadily to increase. \ Accordingly, profit, that is to say. the portion of the surplus produced by labor which a capi- talist retains, shows a tendency to decline in pro- portion to the quantity of capital he invests. Or, to put it another way, in the course of the devel- opment of the capitalist system of production, the profit which a given quantity of capital yields tends to go down. This, of course, holds good only on the average and during long periods of time. An evidence of this downward tendency of profit is the steady decline of interest. THE CAPITALIST CLASS 61 It happens, therefore, that while tke exploita- tion of the working-man tends to rise, the rate of capitalist protit has a tendency to sink. This fact is one of the most remarkable contradictions of the capitalist system of production — a system that bristles with contradictions. Some there are who have concluded from this sinking of profits that the capitalist system of exploitation will put an end to itself, that capital will eventually yield so little profit that starva- tion will force the capitalists to look for work. This conclusion would be correct, if, as the rate of profits sank, the quantity of invested capital remained the same. This, however, is by no means the case. The total quantity of capital in all capitalist nations grows at a more rapid pace than the rate of profit declines. The increase of capital is a prerequisite to the sinking of profit, and if a capitalist's investment has increased from one million to two, and from two million to four, his income is not reduced when the rate of profit sinks from 5 per cent to 4, and from 4 to 3. The decline of the rate of profit, and likewise of interest, in no way implies a reduction of the income of the cajjitalist class, for the mass of sur- plus that flows into its hands grows constantly larger; the decline diminishes solely the income of those capitalists who are not able correspond- ingly to increase their capital. In the course of industrial development, it takes a constantly in- creasing amount of capital to support its owner with the "dignity of his class." The quantity of capital requisite to free its owner from labor, and to enable him to live on the labor of others, be- 62 THE CLASS STRUGGLE comes constantly larger. The sum which fifty years ago was a considerable fortune is today an insignificant pittance. The decline of profit and interest does not bring on the downfall, but the narrowing of the capitalist class. Every year small capitaHsts are expelled from it and consigned to the same death- struggle in which the small dealer, the small pro- ducer, the small farmer, the small concerns gen- erally, are engaged — a death-struggle that may be more or less protracted, but which will finally end for them, or for their children, with downfall into the proletariat. Their efiforts to escape their fate only hasten their ruin. One often wonders at the large number of simpletons whom any knave can allure to intrust him with their money upon the promise of high interest. Those people are, as a rule, not the fools they seem ; fraudulent undertakings are the last straws at which sinking capitalists grasp^ in the desperate hope of making their small capital remunerative. It is not so much greed as the fear of poverty that blinds them. 7. The Growth of Large Production. Syndicates and Trusts. Side by side with the competitive struggle be- tween individual and capitalist production rages the competitive struggle between large and small capitalists. Every day brings forth a new in- vention or a new discovery which increases the productivity of labor. Each of these renders use- less, to a smaller or greater extent, former ma- chines, and compels the introduction of new ones, THE CAPITALIST CLASS 63 often also the enlargement of establishments. The capitalist, who, at such a pinch, has not the requisite capital at his command, becomes, sooner or later, unable to hold his own in the competitive struggle and goes down, or is forced, at consider- able loss, to invest his capital in some smaller in- dustry not yet seized upon by more powerful cap- italists than himsel-f. In this way competition in large industry causes over-stocking of capital in small industry, and thereby renders the competi- tion between the small capitalists all the more fierce and their ruin all the more rapid. The industries conducted on a large scale con- stantly expand. Establishments that once counted their workmen by hundreds become giant con- cerns that employ thousands of hands. Day by day the small business establishments disappear ; the industrial development, instead of increasing, steadily decreases the number of individual en- terprises. Nor is this all. The industrial development leads steadily to the concentration of more and more capitalist undertakings into a single hand, be that the hand of a single capitalist, or of a combination of capitalists who legally constitute one person — the syndicate, the trust. The paths that lead to this are manifold. One of them is opened by the anxiety of the capitalist to exclude competition. Competition has been shown to be the mainspring of the mod- ern system of production ; indeed, it is the main- spring of all production of merchandise, i. e., production for sale. Nevertheless, however nec- essary competition is for the production of mer- 64 THE CLASS STRUGGLE chandise in general, there is no capitalist but is anxious to see his own goods free from competi- tion in the market. If he is the sole possessor of goods for which there is a demand, if he has a monopoly of them, he can send their pricees far above their actual value; then those who need his goods will be wholly dependent upon him. Where several sellers of the same goods appear in the market, they can establish a monopoly only by combining in such a way that they virtually become one seller. Such combines — rings, syndi- dicates, trusts — are the sooner and more easily brought about the smaller the number of compet- itors whose conflicting interests are to be har- monized. In so far as the capitalist system expands the market and increases the number of competitors in it, it makes difficult the formation of monopo- lies in production and commerce. But in every branch of capitalist industry the moment ar- rives, sooner or later, when its further develop- ment implies the lessening of the number of es- tablishments engaged in it. From that moment on the march is rapid toward the syndicate and the trust. The time when, in a given country, the syndicate can ripen into a trust may be hastened through the protection of its domestic market against foreign competitors by a high tariff. In such a case the number of competitors is dimin- ished and the domestic producers can more easily come together, establish a monopoly, and, thanks to "Protection of home industry," fleece the na- tional consumer to their hearts' content. During the last twenty years the number of THE CAPITALIST CLASS 65 tnists, through which the price and production of certain wares is "regulated," has increased greatly, especially in "protected" countries, such as the United States, France and Germany. The trust, once formed, the several concerns that have combined constitute virtually only one concern, under the guidance of a single head. The articles most necessary for the develop- ment of production, such as coal and iron, are the ones that become the first subjects of syndi- cates and trusts. Combinations usually extend their influence far beyond the monopolized indus- tries themselves ; they render the whole machin- ery of production dependent upon a few monop- olists. Simultaneously with the effort to bring to- gether the several establishments of one indus- try into a single hand, there also develops the effort of the several establishments engaged in different branches of industry, but one of which furnishes either the raw material or the ma- chinery needed by the others, to unite under one management. It is a common thuig to see rail- road lines owning their own coal mines and loco- motive works; sugar manufacturers raise a part of their own cane or beets ; the producer of pota- toes establish his own whisky distillery, etc. There is still a third way, and that the sim- olest, by which several establishments are merged into one. We have seen how important are the functions of the capitalist under the present system of pro- duction ; under the system of private property in the means of production, large production is pes- 66 THE CLASS STRUGGLE stble only as capitalist production. Under this system it is necessary, in order that production may be carried on smoothly, that the capitalist take the field with his capital and apply it effect- ively. At the same time, the larger a capitalist under- taking becomes, the more necessary it is for the capitalist to relieve himself of a part of his in- creasing duties, either by passing them over to other capitalist concerns, or to some employe whom he engages to attend to his business. Of coures, it makes no difference in the industrial process whether these functions are performed by an employe or by the capitalist himself ; these functions produce no value when performed by the capitalist and they produce no value when performed by the employe. The capitalist, con- sequently, must now pay for them out of his sur- plus. This is another means by which the sur- plus of the capitalist, and accordingly his profits, are lowered. While the growth of an enterprise forces the capitalist to relieve himself by the employment of lieutenants, it, at the same time, through the increasing surplus it yields, reduces the expense of the change. The larger the surplus, the more functions can the capitalist transfer to his em- ployes, until finally he relieves himself of all his functions; so that there remains to him only the care as to how to invest profitably that portion of his profits that he does not need for personal consumption. The number of concerns in which this final stage has been reached grows from year to year. • THE CAPITALIST CLASS 6? This is shown clearly by the increase of stock companies, in which even the dullest intellect can see that the person of the capitalist cuts no figure, and the only thing of importance is his capital. Some have imagined that they saw in the rise of stock companies a means whereby to render accessible to the small holders the benefits of large production. But the stock company, like credit, of which it is only a special form, is rather a means to place at the disposal of the large capitalist the property of the small hold- ers. Just as soon as a branch of industry can dis- pense with the person of the capitalist, everyone can engage in it, whether or not he knows any- thing of the business, provided only he possesses the necessary funds to buy stock. Owing to this fact a capitalist is able to unite in his own hands industries that are wholly disconnected. Stock companies are easily acquired by a large capital- ist; all he needs to do is to secure possession of the majority of the stock, and the concern be- comes dependent upon him and subject to his interests. Finally, it must be observed that large masses of capital grow faster than the small ones, for the larger the capital, the larger, also, other things being equal, will be the profits, the smallei proportionately will be the quantity which the capitalist will consume personally, and the larger the portion which he can add to his previous in- vestments as fresh capital. The capitalist whose business yields him a yearly income of $10,000 will be able to live but modestly according to cap- 68 THE CLASS STRUGGLE italist ideas. On the other hand, the capitalist whose business is large enough to yield him $100,000 annually, may, even though he were to spend upon himself five times as much as the previous one, add annually $60,000, i. e., three- fifths of his profits, to his previous capital. While the small capitalists are compelled to struggle harder and harder for their existence, the large accumulations in the hands of the large capitalists swell faster and faster and within a short time reach immense proportions. To summarize: The growth of large estab- lishments, the rapid increase of large fortunes, the steady decrease in the number of establish- ments, the steady concentration of different con- cerns in one hand, — all these make it evident that the tendency of the capitalist system of produc- tion is to concentrate in the hands of an ever smaller number the instruments of production, which have become the monopoly of the capital- ist class. The final result must be the concentra- tion of all the instruments of production in the hands of one person or one stock company, to be used as private property and be disposed of at will ; the whole machinery of production will be turned into a gigantic concern subject to a single master. The private ownership of the means of production leads, under the capitalist system, to its own destruction ! Its development takes the ground from under itself. The moment the wage-workers constitute the bulk of the con- sumers, the products in which the surplus lies locked up become unsalable, that is, valueless. In point of fact, a state of things such as her« THE CAPITALIST CLASS 69 outlined would be as preposterous as it would be impossible. It will not, and cannot, come to that. The mere approach to such conditions would in- crease to such an extent the sufferings, antag- onisms and contradictions in society, that they would become unbearable and society would fall to pieces, even if a different turn were not previ- ously given to the development. But although such a condition of things will never be com- pletely reached, we are rapidly steering in that direction. At the same time that, on the one hand, the concentration of separate capitaUst un- dertakings in few hands is progressing rapidly, on the other hand, the interdependence of seem- ingly independent concerns increases as the inev- itable result of the division of labor. This mutual dependence becomes, however, constantly more one-sided, for the small capitalists grow ever more dependent on the big ones. Just as most of those workers who are now engaged in home industries and who seem to be independent are in fact wage-workers under some capitalist, so also is many a small capitalist who apparently enjoys independence tributary to other capitalists, and many a seemingly independent capitalist concern is, in fact, but an appendage of some gigantic capitalist establishment. At the same time that the economic dependence of the bulk of our population upon the capitalist class is on the increase, there is also an increasing dependence within the capitalist class itself of a majority of its members upon a small set whose numbers become smaller, but whose power, be- c^mi* of their wealth, becomes greater. 70 THE CLASS STRUGGLE But dependence brings no more security to the capitalist than to the proletarians, the small trad- ers ancf producers. On the contrary, it means to him what it does to all the others; with his de- pendence increases also the uncertainty of his sit- uation. The smaller capitalists, of course, suffer most, but even the largest accumulations of cap' ital afford no absolute certainty. Some of the causes of the increasing insecurity of capitalist undertakings we have already touched upon. One of these, the sensitiveness of the whole system to outward influences, is on the increase. In proportion as it draws sharper the antagonism between the classes ; in proportion as it swells more and more the masses it arraigns against each other; in proportion as it places in the hands of each increasingly powerful weapons ; the capitalist system of production multiplies the occasions for disturbances and increases the dam- ages which these disturbances bring about. Fur- thermore, it is not only the surplus withheld by the capitalist that the growing productivity of labor increases ; it increases also the quantity of goods that are thrown upon the market. Along with the exploitation of labor grows the competi- tion among capitalists, which becomes a bit- ter contest of each against all. Together with this goes a steady revolution in the technical methdds of production. New inventions and dis- coveries are incessantly made which render value- less existing machinery and make superfluous, not only individual workers, not only individual ma- chines, but often whole establishments or even whole branches of indu.'itry. THE CAPITALIST CLASS 7] No capitalist can depend on the future; nont can say with certainty whether he will be ablu to keep what he has and to leave it to his chil> dren. The capitalist class itself is splitting up into two sets. The one, which increases steadily, is superfluous to industrial life ; it has nothing to do but squander the growing quantity of surplus which flows into its hands. The other set, which consists of those who have not yet become super- fluous in their establishments, decreases steadily, but in proportion to this decrease the cares and burdens of their situation grow heavier upon them. While the former set is degenerating in wasteful idleness, the latter is wearing itself out in the competitive struggle. To both the specter of uncertainty is a grow- ing menace. The modern system of production does not allow even the exploiters, even those who monopolize all its tremendous advantages, to enjoy their booty to the full. 8. Industrial Crises. Great as is the uncertainty for all classes under our usual conditions, it is further increased by the crises which are periodically brought on, with the certainty of natural law, the moment production reaches a certain stage. The importance which these crises have as- .sumed during the last decades and the general confusion of thought that prevails concerning rhem justifies special attention. The great modern crises which convulse the world's markets arise from overproduction, 72 THE CLASS STRUGGLfe which, in its turn, arises from th<; juuviieainess that inevitably characterizes our system oi' com- modity production. Overpi'oauction, in the sense of more being produced than is actually needed, may occur under any system. But it could, as a matter of course, cause no injury so long as the producers produce for the satisfaction of their own wants. If, for instance, in the generation gone by, a farmer's crop of grain happened to be larger than he needed, he stored up the grain against poorer years, and when his barn was full, he would feed his cattle with the residue, or, at worst, let it lie and spoil. It is otherwise with the modern system of com- modity production. In the first place, when the system is once well-developed, no one produces for himself, but for semeone else ; everyone must buy what he needs. Moreover, the total produc- tion of society is not carried on in a systematic way; on the contrary, it is left to each producer to estimate for himself the demand there may be for the goods which he produces. In the sec- ond place, just as soon as the modern system of production has outgrown its first stage, no one except the producer of coinable metals can buy before he has sold. These are the two roots out of which grows the crisis. For the illustration of this fact let the sim- plest example serve. At a market-place let there come together an owner of money, say a gold- digger with twenty dollars in gold, a wine-mer- chant with a cask of wine, a weaver with a bale of cloth, and a miller with a sack of flour. To simplify the case, let the value of each of these THE CAPITALIST CLASS 73 poods be equal to twenty dollars, and let it be assumed that each has correctly estimated the needs of the other. The wine-merchant sells his wine to the gold-digger, and with the twenty dol- lars he receives for it purchases the cloth in the hands of the weaver; and, lastly, the weaver in- vests the proceeds of his cloth in the purchase of the sack of meal. Each will go home satisfied. Next year these four meet again, each calculat- ing upon the same demand for his goods as be- fore. Let it be assumed that the gold-digger does not despise the merchant's wine, but that the wine-merchant either has no need of the cloth, or requires the money to pay a debt, and prefers wearing a torn shirt to purchasing new material. In that case the wine-merchant keeps in his pocket the twenty dollars and goes home. In vain does the weaver wait for a customer, and for the same reason that he waits, the miller is also disappointed. The weaver's family may be hungry, he may crave the flour in the miller's hands, but he has produced cloth for which there is no demand, and for the same reason that the cloth has become superfluous, the flour also is rendered "superfluous." Neither the weaver nor the miller has any money, neither can purchase what he wants ; what they have produced now appears as excessive production. Furthemore, the same is the case with all other goods which have been produced for their use and which they stand in need of ; to carry the illustration a little further, the table produced by the joiner and needed by the miller is "overproduced." The essential features of an industrial crisis 74 THE CLASS STRUGGLE are all present in this illustration. Of course, in reality, the crisis does not manifest itself at such a primitive stage of production. At the first stage of production of merchandise, production for sale, every producer produces more or 16ss for self-consumption; production for sale consti- tutes in each family but a part of its total in- dustry. The weaver and the miller of the illus- tration given above are each possessed of a patch of land and some cattle, and they can wait patiently until a purchaser for their commodities turns up. If the worst came to the worst, they could even manage to live without him. Furthermore, in the first stages of production for sale the market is still small, it can easily be estimated ; year in and year out, production and consumption, the whole social life of a commun- ity, keep on the even tenor of their way. In the small settlements of the past everyone knew everybody and was well-informed as to his wants and his purchasing capacity. The industrial activ- ity of such places remained substantially the same from year to year; the number of producers, the productivity of labor, the quantity of products, the number of consumers, their wants, the money at their disposal — all of these changed but slowly, and each change was promptly observed and taken into consideration. All this takes on a different aspect with the ap- pearance of commerce. Under its influence pro- duction for self-consumption is crowded ever more to the rear; the individual producers of the goods for sale, and to a greater extent the dealers, are more and more thrown for their sup- THE CAPITALIST CLASS 75 port upon the sale of their goods, and, what is more important, upon their prompt sale. The prevention of the sale of a commodity, or even a delay in the sale, becomes ever more disastrous to the owner ; it may even cause his ruin. Through commerce the most various and widely separated markets are brought together; the general market is greatly extended, but it be- comes correspondingly more difficult to control. This inconvenience is further increased by the appearance of one or more middlemen who squeeze themselves between the producers rad consumers. Simultaneously with the develop- ment of trade and the means of communication the transportation of products has been facili- tated ; the slightest cause is sufficient to bring them together in great quantities at any point. All these causes combined render more and more uncertain the work of estimating the demand for, and supply of, commodities. The development of statistics does not remove this uncertainty. The whole economic life of society becomes con- stantly more dependent upon mercantile specula- tion, and the latter becomes ever more risky. The merchant is a speculator from the start. Speculation was not invented at the exchange ; it is a necessary function of the capitalist. By spec- ulating, that is, by estimating in advance the de- mand for a commodity; by buying his goods where he can get them cheap, that is, where their supply is excessive ; by selling them where they are dear, that is, where they are scarce, the mer- chant helps to bring some order into the chaos of the planless system of production that is carried 76 THE CLASS STRUGGLE on by individually independent concerns. But he is liable to err in his calculations, and all the more as he is not allowed much time to consider his ventures. He is not the only merchant in the world ; hundreds and thousands of competitors lie in wait to profit by every favorable opportunity ; whoever first espies it carries off the prize. Under such circumstances quickness is a neces- sity; it will not do to reflect long, to inquire much ; the capitalist must venture. Yet he may lose. So soon as there is a great demand for a commodity in any market, it flows thither in large quantities until it exceeds the digestive powers of the market. Then prices tumble ; the merchant must sell cheap, often at a loss, or seek another market with his goods. His losses in this opera- tion may be large enough to ruin him. Wherever the modern system of production for sale is well developed, any given market is either excessively or inadequately supplied. This may lead to the result that in response to some ex- traordinary cause, the overstocking of the market becomes so excessive that the losses of the mer- chants may be unusually heavy and a large num- ber of them become unable to meet their liabili- ties ; that is. they fail. Under such circumstances we have a first-class commercial crisis. So long as small production was the leading form of industry, the extent and intensity of com- mercial crises could not but be limited. What- ever the call, it was not then possible to increase rapidly the total amount of commodities at any one place. Under the regime of hand-work or small industry, production is not capable of any THE CAPITALIST CLASS 17 considerable extension. It cannot be extended by the employment of a larger number of work- men, for, under ordinary circumstances, it em- ploys all the members of a community that are at its disposal. It can be extended only by mak- ing heavier the burden of toil borne by the worker — lengthening his hours of work, depriv- ing him of holidays, etc. ; but in the good old days the independent mechanic and farmer, who were not yet crowded by the competition of large pro- duction, had no inclination for this. Finally, even if they submitted to such imposition, it made little difference to production, for the productivity of labor was comparatively small. This changes with the rise of capitalist large production. This system not only develops all the means that enable commerce to swamp any market with goods to a degree never dreamt of before, it not only expands the separate markets into a world-market that embraces the whole globe, it not only multiplies the number of the middlemen between the producer and the con- sumer, it also enables production to respond to every call of trade and to extend by leaps and bounds. At present, the very fact that the workmen are wholly subject to the capitalist — that he can, vir- tually at will, lengthen their hours of work, sus- pend their Sundays, limit their night rest — ar^ ables him to increase production at a more rapi^ pace than was formerly possible. Furthermore, today one single hour of overwork means, with the present productivity of labor, an increase of production immensely larger than in the days o£ 78 THE CLASS STRUGGLE handicraft. Thanks to credit, capital has become a very elastic quantity. A brisk trade increases confidence, draws money out upon the street, shortens the time requisite for the turning over of capital and, accordingly, increases its effective- ness. But most important of all, capital has per- manently at its disposal a large reserve army of workmen — the unemployed. The capitp.list is thus able at any time to expand his eLtabhsh- ment, to employ additional workmen, to licrease his production rapidly and to profit to the utmost by every favorable opportunity. It has been shown that under the rule of large production industrial capital steps ever more to the front and takes control of the whole capital- ist mechanism. But within the circle of capitalist production itself special branches of industry take the lead, as for instance, the iron and spin- ning industries. The moment any of these re- ceives a special impetus — be it through the open- ing of new markets in China, or the undertaking of extensive railroad lines — not only does it ex- pand rapidly, but it imparts the impetus it has received to the whole industrial organism. Cap- italists enlarge their establishments, start new ones, increase the consumption of raw and auxil- iary materials and employ new hands ; simul- taneously with all this, rent, profit and wages go up. The demand for goods increases, all in- dustries begin to feel the industrial prosperity. At such times it looks as if every undertaking must prosper ; confidence becomes blind, credit grows boundless. Whoever has money seeks to turn it into capital to make it profitable. Indus- trial giddiness takes possession of all. THE CAPITALIST CLASS 79 In the meantime, production has greatly in- creased and the originally increased demand upon the market has been satisfied. Nevertheless, pro- duction does not stop. One producer does not know what the other is about, and even if, in a lucid interval, misgivings may arise in the mind of some capitalist, they are soon smothered by the necessity of profiting by the opportunity in order not to be left behind in the competitive race. "The devil takes the hindmost." In the mean- time, the disposal of the increased quantity of goods becomes ever more difficult, the warehouses fill up. Yet the hurly-burly goes on. Then comes the moment when one of the mercantile establish- ments must pay for the goods received from the manufacturer months before. The goods are yet unsold ; the debtor has the goods, but no money ; he cannot meet his obligations and fails. Next comes the turn of the manufacturer. He also has contracted debts that fall due ; as his debtor can- not pay him, he, too, is ruined. Thus one bank- ruptcy follows another until a general collapse ensues. The recent blind confidence turns into an equally blind fear, the panic grows general, and the crash comes. At such times the whole industrial mechanism is shaken to its very center; every establishment that is not planted upon the firmest ground goes to pieces. Misfortune overtakes not the fraudu- lent concerns alone, but all those which in ordi- nary times just managed to keep their heads above water. At such times the expropriation of the small farmers, small producers, small dealers and : te wrought by wars and class-struggles, they seemed to affect nothing but the surface of things. Such convulsions did, as a mattei of course, affect the foundations also, but ,.his fact was hardly noticeable to the individual observer who stood in the midst of such events. History is essentially nothing but a more r r less faithful chronicle of events recorded by such spectators ; hence history remains essentially su- perficial. Although one who takes a bird's-eye view of the thousands of years of antiquity can clearly perceive a social evolution, the average historian takes no notice of it. Not until the age of capitalist production was reached did social evolution proceed at such a pace that men became conscious of it. Of course they first looked for the causes of this evolution on the surface. But one who sticks to the sur- face can see only the forces which determine the immediate course of progress, and these are not the changing conditions of production, but the changing ideas of men. As the capitalist system developed it created among the persons who depended upon it, capital- ists, proletarians, etc., new wants wholly differ- ent from those of the people connected with the feudal system of production. To these different wants there corresponded also different ideas of right and wrong, of necessities and luxuries, of usefulness and harm. In proportion as the capi- talist system grew and the classes that had part in it became more marked, the ideas which cor- responded to this system of production became THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 115 clearer, asserted themselves in the government, and were felt in the social life, until finally the new classes that had been formed took possession of the state and shaped it agreeably to their own wants. The philosophers who first endeavored to in- vestigate the causes of social development thought they found them in the ideas of men. To a certain degree they recognized that these ideas sprang from material wants ; but the fact still remained a secret to them that these wants changed from age to age, and that the changes were the results of alterations in economic condi- tions, that is, in the system of production. They started with the notion that the wants of man — "human nature" — were unchangeable. Hence they could see but one "true," "natural," "just" social system, because only one could correspond to the "true nature of man." All other social forms they pronounced the result of mental aber- rations which came about only because mankind 4id not realize sooner what they needed; human judgment, it was thought, had been befogged, either, as some imagined, on account of the natural stupidity of man, or, as others main- tained, on account of the willful machinations of kings or priests. Looked at from such a standpoint the development of society appears to be the result of a development of thought. The wiser men are, the quicker they are to dis- cover the social forms that suit human nature the juster and better does society .become. This is the theory of our so-called liberal think* ers. Wherever their influence is felt this vieu 116 THE CLASS STRUGGLE prevails. As a matter of course the first social- ists, who appeared at the beginning of the nine- teenth century, were under the influence of it. They, also, imagined that the institutions of the capitahst state had sprung from the brain of the philosophers of the previous century. But it was clear to these socialists that the capitalist system was not the perfect thing which the eighteenth century expected. Accordingly thi? system appeared to them as still falling short oi*- the true one; the philosophers of the eighteenth century must have made a mistake somewhere. The early socialists addressed themselves to the task of finding the mistake, and, in their turn, finding the true social system, that is, the one that would perfectly suit human nature. They realized that it was necessary to elaborate their plan more carefully than any of their illustrious predecessors had done, lest some untoward in- fluence should nullify their work also. This method of procedure was, moreover, dictated by circumstances. The early socialists did not stand, as did their predecessors, in the presence of a social system near its downfall, nor uiu they have, as did their predecessors, the encouragement of a mighty class whose interests demanded the over- throw of the existing order. They could not pre- sent the social order for which they strove as in- evitable, but only as desirable. It was a necessity of their situation, then, to present their ideal in as clear and tangible a form as possible to the end that the mouths of people should water after it, and none should entertain a doubt either as to its practicability or desirability. THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 117 The adversaries of socialism have not got be- yond the standpoint occupied by the social sci- ence of a hundred years ago. The only socialists they know and can understand are, accordingly, those early Utopian socialists who started from the same premises as they themselves. The ad- versaries of socialism look upon the socialist commonwealth just as they would upon a capital- ist enterprise, a stock company, for example, which is to be "started," and they refuse to take stock before it is shown in a prospectus that the concern will be practicable and profitable. Such a conception may have had its justification at the beginning of the nineteenth century ; today, however, the socialist commonwealth no longer needs the endorsement of these gentlemen. The capitalist social system has run its course ; its dissolution is now only a question of time. Irresistible economic forces lead with the cer- tainty of doom to the shipwreck of capitalist production. The substitution of a new social order for the existing one is no longer simply desirable, it has become inevitable. Ever larger and more powerful grows today the mass of the propertyless workers for whom the existing system is unbearable ; who have noth- ing to lose by its downfall, but everything to ^ain ; who are bound — imless they are willing to go down with the society of which they have become the most important part — to call into be- ing a social order that shall correspond to their interests. These statements are not mere fancies ; social- ists have demonstrated them with the actual facts 118 THE CLASS STRUGGLE of our system of production. These facts are more eloquent and convincing than the most brilhant pictures of the future order could be. The best that such pictures can do is to show that the socialist commonwealth is not impossi- ble. But they are bound to be defective ; they can never cover all the details of social life; they will always leave some loophole through which an enemy can insinuate an objection. That, however, which is shown to be inevitable is thereby shown, not only to be possible, but to be the only thing possible. If indeed the social- ist commonwealth were an impossibility, then mankind would be cut ofif from all further economic development. In that event modern society would decay, as did the Roman empire nearly two thousand years ago, and finally re- lapse into barbarism. As things stand today capitalist civilization cannot continue ; we must either move forward into socialism or fall back into barbarism. In view of this situation it is wholly unneces- sary to endeavor to move the enemies of social- ism by means of a captivating picture. Anyone to whom the occurrences of the modern system of production do not loudly announce the neces- sity of the socialist commonwealth will be totally deaf to the praises of a system which does not yet exist and which he cannot realize nor under- stand. Moreover, the construction of a plan upon which the future social order is to be built has become, not only purposeless, but wholly irre- concilable with the point of view of modern sci- THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 119 ence. In the course of the nineteenth century a great revolution took place, not only in the eco- nomic world, but also in men's minds. Insight into the causes of social development has in- creased tremendously. As far back as the forties Marx and Engels showed — and from that time on every step in social science has proved it — that, in the last analysis, the history of mankind is determined, not by ideas, but by an economic development which progresses irresistibly, obedi- ent to certain underlying laws and not to any- one's wishes or whims. In the foregoing chap- ters we have seen how it goes on ; how it brings about new forms of production which require new forms of society; how it starts new wants among men which compel them to reflect upon their social condition, and to devise means whereby to adjust society to the new system in accordance with which production is carried on. For, we must always remember, this process of adjustment does not proceed of itself ; it needs the aid of the human brain. Without thought, without ideas, there is no progress. But ideas are only the means to social development ; the first impulse does not proceed from them, as was formerly believed, and as many still think ; the first impulse comes from economic condi- tions. Accordingly it is not the thinkers, the philoso- phers, who determine the trend of social progress. What the thinkers can do is to discover, to recog- nize, the trend ; and this they can do in propor- tion to the clearness of their understanding of the conditions which preceded, but they can never 120 THE CLASS STRUGGLE themselves determine the course of social evo- lution. And even the recognition of the trend of social progress has its limits. The organization of social life is most complex ; even the clearest in- tellect finds it impossible to probe it from all sides and to measure all the forces at work in it with sufficient accuracy to enable him to fore- tell accurately what social forms will result from the joint action of all these forces. A new social form does not come into exist- ence through the activity of certain especially gifted men. No man or group of men can con- ceive of a plan, convince people by degrees of its utihty, and, when they have acquired the requi- site power, undertake the construction of a social edifice according to their plan. All social forms have been the result of long and fluctuating struggles. The exploited have fought against the exploiting classes ; the sinking reactionary classes against the progressive, revo- lutionary ones. In the course of these struggles the various classes have merged in all manner of combinations to battle with their opponents. The camp of the exploited at times contains both revolutionary and reactionary elements ; the camp of the revolutionists may contain at times both exploiters and exploited. Within a single class different factions are frequently formed accord- ing to the intellect, the temperament, or the sta- tion of individuals or whole sections. And, final- ly, the power wielded by any single class has never been permanent ; each has risen or fallen as its understanding of the surrounding condi- THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 121 tions, the compactness and size of its organiza- tion, and its importance in the mechanism of production increased or diminished. In the course of the fluctuating struggles of these classes the older social forms, which had become untenable, were pushed aside for new- ones. The social order which took the place of the old was not always immediately the best possible. In order to have made it so the revo- lutionary class of each epoch would have had to be in possession of the sole political power and the most perfect understanding of their social conditions. As long as this was not the case, mistakes were inevitable. Not infrequently a new social order proved itself partially, if not wholly, as untenable as the one overthrown. Nevertheless, the stronger the pressure of eco- nomic development, the clearer became its de- mands and the greater the ability of the revolu- tionary classes to do what was required of them. The institutions of the revolutionary class which were in opposition to the demands of economic development fell into decay and were soon for- gotten. But those which had become necessary quickly struck root and could not be extermi- nated by the upholders of the former system. It is in this way that all new social orders have arisen. Revolutionary periods differ from other periods of social development only by virtue of the fact that during them the phenomena of development proceed at an unusually rapid pace. The genesis of a social institution is, it thus appears, very different from that of a building. Previously perfected plans are not applicable to 122 THE CLASS STRUGGLE the construction of the former. In view of this fact, sketching plans for the future social state is about as rational as writing in advance the history of the next war. The course of events is, however, by no means independent of the individual. Everyone who is active in society affects it to a greater or less extent. A few individuals, especially prominent through their capacity or social position, may ex- ercise great iniluence upon the whole nation. Some may promote the development of society by enlightening the people, organizing the revo- lutionary forces and causing them to act with vigor and precision ; others may retard social de- velopment for many years by turning their pow- ers in the opposite direction. The former tend, by the promotion of the social evolution, to di- minish the sufferings and sacrifices that it de- mands ; the latter, on the contrary, tend to in- crease these sufferings and sacrifices. But no one, whether he be the mightiest monarch or the wisest and most benevolent philosopher, can de- termine at will the direction that the social evo- lution shall take or prophesy accurately the new forms that it will adopt. Few things are, therefore, more childish than to demand of the socialist that he draw a pic- ture of the commonwealth which he strives for. This demand, which is made of no other party than the Socialist Party, is so childish that it would not deserve much attention were it not for the fact that it is the objection against social- ism which its adversaries raise with soberest mien. THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 123 Never yet in the history of mankind has it happened that a revohitionary party was able to foresee, let alone determine, the forms of the new social order which it strove to usher in. The cause of progress gained much if it could as much as ascertain the tendencies that led to such a new social order, to the end that its political activity could be a conscious, and not merely an instinctive, one. No more can be demanded of the Socialist Party. At the same time, never yet was there a political party that looked so deeply into the social tendencies of its times, and so thoroughly understood them as the Socialist Party. This is due, not so much to the Socialist Party's merit, as to its good fortune. It owes its superiority to the fact that it stands upon the shoulders of capitalist political economy, the first that ever undertook a scientific investi- gation of social relations and conditions. One result of this investigation was that the revo- lutionary classes which overthrew the feudal system of production had a much clearer con- ception of their social mission and suffered much less from self-deception than any other revolu- tionary class before them. But the thinkers in the ranks of the Socialist Party have carried the investigations of the social relations much further, they have gone much deeper than any capitalist economist. Capital, Karl Marx's great work, has become the lodestar of modern eco- nomic science. As far as the work of Karl Marx stands above the works of Quesnay, Adam Smith and Ricardo, just so far stand the social- 124 THE CLASS STRUGGLE ists of today above the revolutionary classes that appeared at the close of th(i eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century in point of clearness of vision and certainty of purpose. If the socialists decline to lay before the public a prospectus of the future commonwealth, the bourgeois writers can find in this fact no reason to mock or to conclude that we do not know what we are after. The Socialist Party has a clearer insight into the future than had the path- finders of the present social order. We have said that a thinker may be able to discover the tendencies of the economic de- velopment of his day, but that it is impossible for him to foresee the social forms in which that development will ultimately find expression. A glance at existing conditions will prove the cor- rectness of this view. The tendencies of the capitalist system of production are the same in all countries where it prevails ; and yet how dif- ferent are the political and social forms in Eng- land from those in France, those in France from those in Germany, and those in the United States from any of these. Again, the historical tendencies of the labor movement, which has been brought on by the existing system of pro- duction, are everywhere identical, and yet we see that the forms under which this movement manifests itself are different in each country. The tendencies of the capitalist system of pro- duction are today well known. Nevertheless, no one would venture to foretell what forms it will take in ten, twenty or thirty years — pro- vided, of course, that it endures that long. And THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 125 .yet some demand of the socialists a detailed description of the social forms that are to come into existence after the present system of pro- duction. It does not follow, however, from the re- fusal of the socialists to draw up a plan of the future state and the measures which must lead up to it that they consider useless or harm- ful all thought about the socialist society. The useless and harmful thing is the making of positive propositions for bringing in and or- ganizing the socialist society. Propositions for the shaping of social conditions can be made only where the field is fully under control and well understood. For this reason the Socialist Party can make positive propositions only for the existing social order. Suggestions that go beyond that cannot deal with facts, but must pro- ceed from suppositions ; they are, accordingly, phantasies and dreams which remain at best without result. In case their inventor is vigor- ous and intellectually gifted he may affect the public mind, but the only result will be a waste of time and energy. We should not, however, confuse with these vagaries those inquiries to ascertain the. ten- dencies that the economic development will or may take as soon as it is transferred from the capitalist to the socialist basis. In such inquiries there is no question of schemes for the future, but of the scientific consideration of results re- vealed by the investigation of definite facts. In- quiries of this sort are by no means useless ; the mc* clearlv we see into the future, the better 126 THE CLASS S'lR\JGGi.fc will we employ our energy in the present- The most noted thinkers of the Socialist Party have undertaken such inquiries. The works of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels contain the results of many investigations of this sort. August Bebel has given in his book on Woman Under Socialism the result of his work in this field. Similar inquiries every thinking socialist has probably carried on in private ; for everyone who has placed before himself a great goal real- izes the need of clearness in regard to the con- ditions under which he can reach it. The most widely divergent views have been formed and expressed by persons of different position, tem- perament, insight into economic questions and acquaintance with other non-capitalistic, espe- cially communistic, forms of society. But such differences in the manner of looking at things in no way disturb the compactness and unity of the Socialist Party. It makes little difference how various may be the views of our goal, so long as our eyes are all turned in the same di- rection — and that the right one. We might close this chapter here. But so many false notions about the socialist common- wealth have been inherited from the Utopians or invented by ignorant men of letters, that this course would have the appearance of an evasion. Therefore we shall take up certain of then in order to show how the tendencies of our eco- nomic development might work themselves out in a socialist community. THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE F^URE 127 7. The "Abolition of the Family." One of the most widespread prejudices against socialism rests upon the notion that it proposes to abolish the family. No socialist has the remotest idea of abolish- ing the family, that is, legally and forcibly »dis- solving it. Only the grossest misrepresentation can fasten upon socialism any such intention. Moreover, it takes a fool to imagine that a form 9f family life can be created or abolished by decree. The modern form of family is in no way op- posed .to the socialist system of production; the institution of the socialist order, therefore, does not demand the abolition of the family. What does lead to the abolition of the present form of family life is, not the nature of co- operative production, but economic development. We have already seen in another chapter how under the present system the family is torn to ■ pieces, husband, wife and children are separated, and celibacy and prostitution made common. The socialist system is not calculated to check economic development; it will, on the contrary, give it a new impulse. This development will continue to draw from the circle of household duties and turn into special industries one occu- pation after another. That this cannot fail to have in the future, as in the past, its effect on the sphere of woman is self-evident; womaw will cease to be a worker in the individual house- hold, and will take her place as a worker ik the large industries. But this change will not be to her then, as it is today, a mere transitio« 128 THE CLASS STRUGGLE from household slavery to wage slavery; it will not, as it does today, hurl her from the protection of her home into the most exposed and helpless section of the proletariat. By working side by, side with man in the great co-operative industries woman will become his equal and will take an equal part in the community Hfe. She will be his free companion, emancipated not only from the servitude of the house, but also from that of capitalism. Mistress of herself, the equal of man, she will quickly put an end to all prosti- tution, legal and well as illegal. For the first time in histoiy monogamy will become a real, rather than a fictitious, institution. These are no Utopian suggestions, but scientific conclusions based on definite facts. Whoever wishes to overthrow them must prove the facts non-existent. Since this cannot be done, there remains nothing for the ladies and gentle- men who wish to know nothing of this phase of our development than to become indignant and prove their morality by all manner of lies and misrepresentations. But all their demonstrations will not delay our inevitable evolution a single moment. This much is certain : whatever alteration the traditional form of the family may undergo, it will not be the act of socialism or of the social- ist system of production, but of the economic development that has been going on for the last century. Socialist society cannot retard this development ; what it will do is to remove from the economic development all the painful and degrading features that are its inevitable THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 129 accompaniments under the capitalist system of production. While, on the one hand, under the capitalist system of production the economic de- velopment is steadily snapping, one after an- other, the family bonds and destroying family life, under the socialist system of production, on the other hand, whatever existing family form may disappear, can be replaced only by a higher. 8. Confiscation of Property. Our opponents, who know better than we what we want and can picture with greater accuracy the future state, also declare that socialism can never come into power except through a whole- sale confiscation of property, confiscation without compensation not only of house and farm, but of superfluous furniture and savings bank de- posits. Next to the charge of intending to forci- l3ly dissolve all family ties, this is the trump card played against us. The program of the Socialist Party has noth- ing to say about confiscation. Jt does not men- tion it. not from fear of giving offense, but be- cause it is a subject upon which nothing can be said with certainty. The only thing that can be declared with certainty is that the tendency of economic development renders imperative the social ownership and operation of the means of large producti9n. In what way this transfer from private and individual into collective own- ership will be effected, whether this inevitable transfer will take the form of confiscation, whether it will be a peaceable or a forcible one — these are questions no man can answer. Past > 130 THE CLASS STRUGGLE experience throws little light on this matter. The transition may be effected, as was that from feudalism to capitalism, in as many different ways as there are different countries. The man- ner of the transition depends wholly upon the general circumstances under which it is effected, the power and enlightenment of the classes con- cerned, for instance, all of them circumstances that cannot be calculated for the future. In historical development the unexpected plays the most prominent role. It goes without saying that the Socialist Party wishes this unavoidable expropriation of large industry to be effected with as little friction as possible, in a peaceful way, and with the con- sent of the whole people. But the historical de- velopment will take its course regardless of the wishes of either socialists or their adversaries. In no case can it be said that the carrying out of the socialist program demands under all cir- cumstances that the property whose expropria- tion has become necessary, will be confiscated. Nevertheless, it may be said with certainty that economic development can render necessary the confiscation of only a part of existing prop- erty. The economic development demands social ownership of the implements of labor only; it does not concern itself with the part of property that is devoted to personal and private uses. This is applicable not only to food, furniture, etc. We recall what was said in a previous chap- ter about savings banks. They are the means whereby the private property of the non-capi- talist classes is rendered accessible to capitaHsts. THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 131 The deposits of every single depositor, taken separately, are too insignificant to be applied to capitalist industry; not until many deposits have been gathered together are they in a condition to fulfill the function of capital. In the measure in which capitalist undertakings pass from pri- vate into social concerns, the opportunities will be lessened for patrons of savings banks to draw interest upon their deposits; these will cease to be capital and will become merely non- interest-bearing funds. But this is a very differ- ent thing from the confiscation of savings bank deposits. The confiscation of such property is, moreover, not only economically unnecessary but politically improbable. These small deposits come mainly from the pockets of the exploited classes, from those classes to whose efforts the introduction of socialism will be due. Only those who con- sider these classes to be utterly unreliable can believe that they would begin by robbing them- selves of their hard-earned savings in order to regain possession of the means of production. But not only does the introduction of socialist production not require the expropriation of non- productive wealth, it does not even require the expropriation of all property in the means of production. That which renders the socialist society neces- sary is large production. Co-operative produc- tion requires also co-operative ownership in the means of production. But just as private prop- erty in the means of production is irreconcila- ble with co-operati'^e work in large industry, so 132 THE CLASS STKUGGuK co-operative or social ownership in che mea^is of production is irreconcilable with small pro- duction. This requires, as we have seen, pnvate ownership in the means of production. T'ne aim of socialism is to place the worker in possession of the necessary means of production. The ex- propriation of the means of production in small industry would mean merely the senseless pro- ceeding of taking them from their present owner and returning them again to him. Accordingly, the transition to the socialist society does not at all require the expropriation of the small artisan and the small farmer. This transition not only will deprive them of nothing, but it will bring them many advantages. Since the tendency of socialist society is to substitute production for use for production for sale, il must be its endeavor to transform all social dues (taxes, interest upon mortgages on property that has been nationalized, etc., so far as these may have been not wholly aboHshed) front money payments into payments in products^ But this means the raising of a tremendous bur- den from the farmer. In many ways that is what he is striving for today, but it is impossible under the supremacy of production for sale. Only the socialist society can bring it, and with it remove the main cause of the ruin of the farm- ing im^iustry. It is the capitalists who expropriate the farm- ers and artisans. Socialist society puts an end to this expropriation. Certainly, socialism will not put an end to economic development. On the contrary, it %s THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 133 the only means to ensure its progress beyond a certain point. In socialist society as in society today large industry will develop more and more and increasingly absorb small industry. But here, too, the same conclusion holds good as in the case of the family and marriage. The di- rection of the evolution remains the same, but socialism removes all the painful and shocking manifestations that under the present system are the accompaniments of the social evolution. Today the transformation of the small farmer and the small producer from workers in the field of small production to workers in the field of large production means their transformation from property-holders into proletarians. In a socialist society a farmer or artisan who becomes a worker in a large socialized industry will be- come a sharer in all the advantages of large in- dustry ; his condition is plainly bettered. His transition from large to small industry is no more to be compared with the change from a property-holder to a proletarian, but rather to the transformation of a small property-holder into a large property-holder. Small production is doomed to disappear. Only the socialist system can make it possible for farmers and handicraftmen to become partici- pants in the advantages of large production with- out sinking into the proletariat. Only under the socialist system can the inevitable downfall of the small producer, industrial and agricultural, result in an improvement of their condition. The mainspring of economic development will no longer be the competition which grinds down 134 THE CLASS STRUGGLE and expropriates those who fall behind, it will be the power of attraction which the more highly developed forms of production exercise upon the less developed ones. A development of this sort is not only pain- ' less, it proceeds much more rapidly than thai brought out by the spur of competition. Today, when the introduction of new and higher forms of production is impossible without ruining and expropriating the owners of industries carried on under inferior forms, and without inflicting suffering and privation upon the large masses of workers who have become through this means superfluous, every economic progress is doggedly resisted. We see on all sides instances of the tenacity with which producers cling to antiquated forms of production, and of their desperate ef- forts to preserve them. Never yet was any sys- tem of production known so revolutionary as the present one ; never did any revolutionize so com- pletely within the space of a hundred years all human activities. And yet how many ancient ruins of antiquated, out-lived forms of produc- tion still exist! Just as soon as the fear disappears of being thrown into the proletariat if an independent industry is abandoned; just as soon as the pres- ent prejudices against large production disappear because of the advantages which the social own- ership of large production will bestow upon all ; just as soon as it is possible for everyone to share these advantages, only fools will strive to preserve antiquated forms of production. What capitalist large production has not ac- THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 135 coraplished within a hundred years, socialist large production will bring about within a short time, the absorption of outgrown small production. It will accomplish this without expropriation, through the attractive power of improved in- dustrial methods. In places where agricultural production is still not production for sale, but prevailingly production for use, small farming will perhaps continue for some time under the socialist society. In the end the advantages of co-operative large production will be discerned in these districts also. The change from small to large production in agriculture will be hastened and made easy by the steadily progressing dis- appearance of the contrast between city and coun- try, and by the tendency to locate industries in rural districts. 9. Division of Products in the Future State. There is still a point, the most important of all, that should be touched upon. The first ques- tion which is put to a socialist is usually: How will you go about the division of wealth? Shall each have an equal share? "Dividing up !" That sticks in the crop of the Philistine. Their whole conception of socialism begins and ends with that word. Indeed, even among the cultured the idea prevails that the object of socialism is to divide the whole wealth of the nation among the people. That this view still prevails, despite all pro- tests and proofs on the part of socialists, is to be ascribed not only to the malice of our oppo- nents, but also, and perhaps to a greater extent, 136 THE CLASS STRUGGLE to their inability to understand the social con- ditions that have been created by the develop- ment of large production. Their horizon is still, to a great extent, bounded by the conceptions that belong only to small production. From the standpoint of small production ''dividing up" is the only possible form of socialism. The notion of dividing has long been familiar to the small business man and farmer. From the beginning of production for sale in antiquity, it has hap- pened innumerable times that as soon as a few families had heaped up great wealth and reduced farmers and artisans to a state of dependence, these latter rose in rebellion and attempted to im- prove their condition through the expulsion of the rich and the division of their property. They succeeded in this for the first time during the French Revolution, which laid such stress on the rights of private property. Peasants, artisans and the class that was about to develop into capi- talists, divided among themselves the church estates. "Dividing up" is the socialism of small production, the socialism of the conservative ranks of society, not the socialism of the pro- letariat engaged in large industry. Socialists do not propose to divide : on the contrary, their object is to concentrate in the hands of society the instruments of production that are now scattered in the hands of various owners. But this does not dispose of the question of "dividing up." If the means of production be- long to society, to it must belong also, as a matter of course, the function of disposing of the prod- THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 137 ,(icts that are brought forth by the use of these means. In what way will society distribute these among its members ? Shall it be according to the principle of equality or according to the labor performed by each? And in the latter case, is every kind of labor to receive the same reward, whether it be pleasant or unpleasant, hard or easy, skilled or unskilled? The answer to this question seems to be the central point of socialism. Not only does it greatly preoccupy the opponents of socialism, but even the early socialists devoted a great deal of attention to it. From Fourier to Weitling and from Weitling to Bellamy, there runs a steady stream of the most diversified answers, many of which reveal a wonderful cleverness. There is no lack of positive propositions, many of which are as simple as they are practicable. Neverthe- less, the question has not the importance gener- ally ascribed to it. There was a time when the distribution of products was looked upon as wholly independent of production. Since the contradictions and ills of the capitalist system manifest themselves first in its peculiar method of distributing its products. it was quite natural that the exploited classes and their friends should have found the root of all evil in the "unjust" distribution of products. Of course, they proceeded, in accordance with the ideas prevalent at the beginning of the nine- teenth century, upon the supposition that the ex- isting system of distribution was the result of the ideas of the day, especially of the legal system in force. In order to remove this unjust distri- 138 THE CLASS STRUGGLE bution, all that was needed was to invent a juster one, and to convince the world of its advantages. The just system could be no other than the re- verse of the existing one. "Today the grossest inequality rules ; the principle upon which distri- bution should be based must be one of equality." Today the idler rolls in wealth while the laborer starves, so others said : "To each according to his deeds" (or in newer form, "To each the product of his labor"). But doubts arose as to both these formulas, and so arose a third: "To each according to his needs." Since then socialists have come to realize that the distribution of products in a community is determined, not by the prevailing legal system, but by the prevailing system of production. The share of the landlord, the capitalist and the wage- earner in the total product of society is deter- mined by the part which land, capital and labor- power play in the present system of production. Certainly in a socialist society the distribution of products will not be left to the working of blind laws concerning the operation of which those concerned are unconscious. As today in a large industrial establishment production and the payment of wages are carefully regulated, so in a socialist society, which is nothing more than a single gigantic industrial concern, the same principle must prevail. The rules accord- ing to which the distribution of products is to be carried out will be established by those con- cerned. Nevertheless, it will not depend upon their pleasure what these rules shall be; they will not be adopted arbitrarily according to this THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 139 or that "principle," they will be determined by the actual conditions of society and, above all, by the conditions of production. For instance, the degree of productivity of labor, at any given time, exercises a great in- fluence upon the manner in which distribution is effected. We can conceive a time when science shall have raised industry to such a high level of productivity that everything wanted by man will be produced in great abundance. In such a case, the formula, "To each according to his needs," would be applied as a matter of course and without difficulty. On the other hand, not even the profoundest conviction of the justice of this formula would be able to put it into practice if the productivity of labor remained so low that the proceeds of the most excessive toil could produce only the bare necessities. Again, the formula, "To each according to his deeds," will always be found inapplicable. If it has any meaning at all, it presupposes a distribu- tion of the total product of the commonwealth among its members. This notion, like that of a general division with which the socialist regime is to be ushered in, springs from the modes of thought that are peculiar to the modern system of private property. To distribute all products at stated intervals would be equivalent to the gradual reintroduction of private property in the means of production. The very principle of socialist production limits the possible distribution to only a portion of the products. All those products which are requisite to"" the enlargement of production cannot, as a 140 THE CLASS STRUGGLE matter of course, be the subject of distribution; and the same holds good with regard to all such products as are intended for common use, i. c, for the establishment, preservation or enlarge- ment of public institutions. Already in modern society the number and size of such institutions increases steadily. It is in this domain especially that large production crowds down small production. It goes without saying that so far from being checked, this de- velopment will be greatly stimulated in a socialist society. The quantity of products that can be absorbed by private consumption and, accordingly, be turned into private property, must inevitably be a much smaller portion of the total product in a socialist, than in modern, society, where almost all the products are merchandise and private property. In socialist society it is not the bulk of the products, but only the residue, that is distributed. But even this residue socialist society will not be able to dispose of at will ; there, too, the re- quirements of production will determine the course to be pursued. Such production is un- dergoing steady changes ; the forms and methods of distribution will be subject to manifold changes in a socialist society. It is entirely Utopian to imagine that a special system of distribution is to be manufactured, and that it will stand for all time. In this mat- ter, as little as any other, is socialist society likely to move by leaps and bounds, or start all over anew; it will go on from the point at which rHE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 141 capitalist society ceases. The distribution of goods in a socialist society might possibly con- tinue for some time under forms that are essen- tially developments of the existing system of wage-payment. At any rate, this is the point from which it is bound to start. Just as the forms of wage-labor differ today, not only from time to time, but also in various branches of industry, and in various sections of the country, so also may it happen that in a socialist society the dis- tribution of products may be carried on under a variety of forms corresponding to the various needs of the population and the historical ante- cedents of the industry. We must not think of the socialist society as something rigid and uni- form, but rather as an organism, constantly de- veloping, rich in possibilities of change, an or- ganism that is to develop naturally from increas- ing division of labor, commercial exchange, and the dominance of society by science and art. Next to the thought of "dividing up," that of "equal shares" troubles the foes of socialism most. "Socialism," they declare, "proposes that everyone shall have an equal share of the total product ; the industrious is to have no more than the lazy; hard and disagreeable labor is to re- ceive no higher reward than that which is light and agreeable ; the hod-carrier who has nothing to do but carry the material is to be on a par with the architect himself. Under such circum- stances everyone will work as little as possible ; no one will perform the hard and disagreeable tasks; knowledge, having ceased to be appreci- ated, will cfease to be cultivated ; and the final 142 THE CLASS STRUGGLE result will be the relapse of society into barbafv ism. Consequently, socialism is impracticable." The fallacy of this reasoning is too glaring to need exposure. This much may be said : Should sociaHst society ever decide to decree equality of incomes, and should the effect of such a measure threaten to be the dire one prophesied, the natural result would be, not that socialist production, but that the principle of equality of incomes, would be thrown overboard. The foes of socialism would be justified in concluding from the equality of incomes that socialism is impracticable if they could prove: . (1) That this equality would be under all circumstances irreconcilable with the progress of production. This they never have, and never can, prove, because the activity of the individual in production does not depend solely upon his remuneration, but upon a great variety of cir- cumstances — his sense of duty, his ambition, his dignity, his pride, etc. — none of which can be the subject of positive prophecy, but only of con- jecture, a conjecture which makes against, and not for, the opinion expressed by the opponents of socialism. (2) That the equality of incomes is so es- sential to a socialist society that the latter cannot be conceived without the former. The oppo- nents of socialism will find it equally impossible to prove this. A glance over the various forms of communist production from the primitive communism down to the latest communist socie- ties will reveal how manifold are the forms of distribution that are applicable to a community THE COMMq;NWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 143 of property in the instruments of production. All forms 'of modern wage-payment-fixed sala- ries, piece wages, time wages, bonuses — all of them are reconcilable with the spirit of a social- ist society; and there is not one of them that may not play a role in socialist society, as the wants and customs of its members, together with the requirements of production, may demand. It does not, however, follow from this that the principle of equality of incomes — not neces- sarily identical with their uniformity — will play no part in socialist society. What is certain is that it will do so not as the aim of a movement for leveling things generally, forcibly, artificially, biit as the result of a natural development, a social tendency. In the capitalist system of production there exist two tendencies, one to increase and the other to decrease the differences in incomes ; one to increase, one to diminish inequality. By dissolving the middle classes of society and swell- ing constantly the size of individual fortunes the capitalist system broadens and deepens the chasm that exists between the masses of the population and those who are at its head, the latter tower higher and higher above the former. Together with this tendency, is noticed another, which, operating within the circle of the masses them- selves, steadily equalizes their incomes. It flings the small producers, farmers and manufacturers, into the class of the proletariat, or at least, pushes their incomes down to the proletarian level, and wipes out existing differences among the pro- letarians themselves. The machine tends steadily 144 THE CLASS STRUGGLE to remove all differences which originally ap- peared in the proletariat. Today the differences in wages among the various strata of labor fluct- uate incessantly and come nearer and nearer to a point of uniformity. At the same time, the incomes of the educated proletariat are irresist- ibly tending downward. The equalization of in- comes among the masses — that which the oppo- nents of socialism, with the greatest moral in- dignation, brand as the purpose of socialism — is going on before their eyes in the society of today. Under the socialist system, as a matter of course, all those tendencies that sharpen in- equalities and that proceed from private owner- ship in the means of production, would come to an end. On the other hand, the tendency to wipe out inequalities of incomes would find stronger expression. But here, again, the obser- vations made upon the dissolution of existing family forms and the downfall of small produc- tion hold good. The tendency of economic de- velopment remains in socialist, as in capitalist, so- ciety, but it finds a very different expression. To- day the equalization of incomes among the mass of the population proceeds by the depression of the higher incomes to the level of the lower ones. In a socialist society it must inevitably proceed by the raising of the lower to the standard of the higher. The opponents of socialism seek to frighten the small producers and the working-men with the claim that equalization of incomes can mean for them nothing else than a lowering of their THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 145 condition, because, they say, the incomes of the wealthy classes are not sufficient, if divided among the poor, to preserve the present average income of the working and middle classes ; con- sequently, if there is to be an equality of incomes, the upper classes of workers and the small pro- ducers will have to give up part of their in- comes, and will thus be the losers under social- ism.. Whatever truth there may be in this claim lies in the fact that the wretchedly poor, espe- cially the slum proletariat, are today so numer- ous and their need so great that to divide among them the immense incomes of the rich would scarcely be enough to make possible for them the existence of a worker of the better-paid class. Whether this is a sufficient reason for preserving our glorious social system may very well be doubted. We are of the opinion, how- ever, that a diminution of the misery, which would be accomplished through such a division, would mean a step forward. There is, however, no question of "dividing up" ; the only question is concerning a change in the method of production. The transforma- tion of the capitalist system of production into the socialist system of production must inevitably result in a rapid increase of the quantity of wealth produced. It must never be lost sight of that the capitalist system of production for sale hinders today the progress of economic develop- ment, hinders the full expansion of the productive forces that lie latent in society. Not only is it unable to absorb the small industries as rapidly 146 THE CLASS STRUGGLE as the technical development makes possible and desirable, but it has even become impossible for it to employ all the labor forces that are available. The capitalist system of production squanders these forces ; it steadily drives increas- ing numbers of workers into the ranks of the unemployed, the slum proletariat, the parasites and the unproductive middlemen. Such a state of things would be impossible in a socialist society. It could not fail to find productive labor for all its available labor forces. It would increase, it might even double, the number of productive workers ; in the measure in which it did this it would multiply the total wealth produced yearly. This increase in pro- duction would be enough in itself to raise the incomes of all workers, not only of the poorest Furthermore, since socialist production would promote the absorption of small production by large production and thus increase the productiv- ity of labor, it would be possible, not only to raise the incomes of the workers, but also to shorten the hours of labor. In view of this, it is foolish to claim that socialism means the equality of pauperism. This is not the equality of socialism ; it is the equality of the modern system of production. Socialist production must inevitably improve the condi- tion of all the working classes, including the small industrialist and the small farmer. Ac- cording to the economic conditions under which the change from capitalism to socialism is ef- fected this improvement will be greater or less, but in any case it will be marked. And every THE COMMONWliALTH OF THE FUTURE 147 economic advance beyon^i that will produce an increase, and not, as today, a decrease, in the general well-being. This change in the tend<;ncy of incomes is, in the eyes of socialists, of much more importance than the absolute increase of incomes. The thoughtful man lives more in the future than in the present; what the future threatens or prom- ises preoccupies him more than the enjoyment of the present. Not what is, but what will be, not existing conditions, but tendencies, deter- mine the happiness both of individuals and oi whole states. Thus we become acquainted with another ele- ment of superiority in socialist over capitalist society. It affords, not only a greater well-being, but also certainty of livelihood — a security that today the greatest fortune cannot guarantee. If greater well-being affects only those who have hitherto been exploited, security of livelihood is a boon to the present exploiters, whose well-being demands no improvement or is capable of none. Uncertainty hovers over both rich and poor, and it is, perhaps, more trying than want itself. In imagination it forces those to taste the bitter- ness of want who are not yet subject to it; it is a specter that haunts the palaces of the wealth- iest. All observers who have become acquainted with communist societies, whether they were situated in India, France or America, have been struck with the appearance of calmness, confi- dence and equanimity peculiar to their members. Independent of the oscillations of the market, 148 THE CLASS STRUGGLE and in possession of their own instruments of production, they are self-sufficient ; they regulate their labor in accordance with their needs, and they know in advance just what they have to expect. And yet the security enjoyed by these communities is far from being perfect. Their control over nature is slight, the societies them- selves are small. Mishaps brought on by dis- eases of cattle, failures of crops, freshets, etc., are frequent and smite the whole body. Upon how much firmer a basis would a socialist com- munity stand with boundaries co-extensive with those of a nation and with all the conquests of science at its command! 10. Socialism and Freedom. That a socialist society would afford its mem- bers comfort and security has been admitted even by many of the opponents of socialism. "But" they say, "these advantages are bought at too dear a price ; they are paid for with a total loss of freedom. The bird in a cage may have suf- ficient daily food ; it also is secure against hunger and the inclemencies of the weather. But it has lost its freedom, and for that reason is a pitiful thing. It yearns for a chance to take its place among the dangers of the outside world, to strug- gle for its own existence." They maintain that socialism destroys economic freedom, the free- dom of labor; that it introduces a despotism in comparison with which the most unrestricted ab- solutism would be freedom. So great is the fear of this slavery that even some socialists have been seized with it, and THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 149 hav'e become anarchists. They have as great a horror of communism as of production for sale, and they attempt to escape both by seeking both. They want to have communism and produc- tion for sale together. Theoretically, this is ab- surd; in practice, it could amount to nothing more than the establishment of voluntary co- operative societies for mutual aid. It is true that socialist production is irrecon- cilable with the full freedom of labor, that is, with the freedom of the laborer to work when, where and how he wills. But this freedom of the laborer is irreconcilable with any systematic, co-operative form of labor, whether the form be capitalist or sociaHst. Freedom of labor is possible only in small production, and even there only up to a certain point. Even where small production is freed from all restrictive regula- tions, the individual worker still remains a de- pendent on natural or social conditions; the farmer, for example, on the weather, the artisan on the state of the market. Nevertheless, small production offers the possibility of a certain de- gree of freedom; this is its ideal, the most revo- lutionary ideal of which the small bourgeois is capable. A hundred years ago at the time of the French Revolution this ideal was based on in- dustrial conditions. Today it has no economic basis and can persist only in the heads of people who are unable to perceive that an economic revo- lution has taken place. It is not the socialist who destroy this "freedom of labor," but the resistless progress of large production. The very ones from whom is heard most frequently 150 THE CLASS STRUGGLE the declaration that labor must be free are the capitalists, those who have contributed most to overthrow that freedom. Freedom of labor has come to an end, not only in the factory, but wherever the individual worker is only a link in a long chain of workers. It does not exist either for the manual worker or for the brain worker employed in any indus- try. The hospital physician, the school teacher, the railroad employe, the newspaper writer — none of these enjoy the freedom of labor; they are all bound to certain rules, they must all be at their post at a certain hour. It is true that in one respect the working- man does enjoy freedom under the capitalist system. If the work does not suit him in one factory, he is free to seek work in another ;»he can change his employer. In a socialist com- munity, where all the means of production are in a single hand, there is but one employer; to change is impossible. In this respect the wage-earner today has a certain freedom in comparison with the worker in a socialist society, but this cannot be called a freedom of labor. However frequently a worker may change his place of work today, he will not find freedom. In each place the activi- ties of every individual worker are defined and regulated. This has become a technical neces- sity. Accordingly, the freedom with the loss of which the worker is threatened in a socialist society is not freedom of labor, but freedom to choose his master. Under the present system THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 15J this freedom is of no slight importance ; it is a protection to the workingman. But even this freedom is gradually destroyed by the progress of capitalism. The increasing number of the unemployed reduces constantly the number of positions that are open and throws upon the labor market more applicants than there are places. The idle workingman is, as a rule, happy if he can secure work of any sort. Furthermore, the increased concentration of the means of pro- duction in a few hands has a steady tendency to place over the workingman the same employer or set of employers whichever way he may turn. Inquiry, therefore, shows that what is decried as the wicked and tyrannical purpose of social- ism is but the natural tendency of the economic development of modern society. Socialism will not, and cannot, check this de- velopment; but in this as in so many other re- spects socialism can obviate the evils that accom- pany the development. It cannot remove the dependence of the working-man upon the mech- anism of production in which he is one of the wheels ; but it substitutes for the dependence of a working-man upon a capitalist with interests hostile to him a dependence upon a society of which he is himself a member, a society of equal comrades, all of whom have the same interests. It can be easily understood why a liberal- minded lawyer or author may consider such a dependence unbearable, but it is not unbearable to the modern proletarian, as a glance at the trade union movement will show. The organi- zations of labo^- furnish a picture of the "tyr- 152 THE CLASS STRUGGLE anny of the socialist paternal state" of which the opponents of socialism have so much to say. In the organizations of labor the rules under which each member is to work are laid down minutely and enforced strictly. Yet it has never occurred to any member of such an organiza- tion that these rules were an unbearable restric- tion upon his personal liberty. Those who have found it incumbent upon them to defend the freedom of labor against this "terrorism," and who have done so often with force of arms and bloodshed, were never the working-men, but their exploiters. Poor Freedom ! which has to- day no defenders except slaveholders ! But in a socialist community the lack of free- dom in work would not only lose its oppressive character, it would also become the foundation of the highest freedom yet possible to man. This seems a contradiction, but the contradiction is only apparent. Down to the day when large production began, the labor employed in the production of the ne- cessities of life took up the whole time of those engaged in it; it required the fullest exercise of both body and mind. This was true, not only of the fisherman and the hunter, but also of the farmer, the mechanic and the merchant. The existence of the human being engaged in pro- duction was consumed almost wholly by his oc- cupation. It was labor that steeled his sinews and nerves, that quickened his brain and made him anxious to acquire knowledge. But the fur- ther division of labor was carried, the more one- sided did it make the producers. Mind and body THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 153 ceased to exercise themselves in a variety of di- rections and to develop all their powers. Wholly taken up by incomplete momentary tasks, the producers lost the capacity to comprehend phe- nomena as organic wholes. A harmonious, well- rounded development of physical and mental powers, a deep concern in the problems of na- ture and society, a philosophical bent of mind, that is, a searching for the highest truth for its own sake, — none of these could be found under such circumstances, except among those classes who remained free from the necessity of toil. Until the commencement of the era of machinery this was possible only by throwing upon others the burden of labor, by exploiting them. The most ideal, the most philosophic race that history has yet known, the only society of thinkers and artists devoted to science and art for their own sakes, was the Athenian aristoc- racy, the slaveholding landlords of Athens. Among them all labor, whether slave or free, was regarded as degrading — and justly so. It was no presumption on the part of Socrates when he said : "Traders and mechanics lack culture. They have no leisure, and without leisure no good education is possible. They learn only what their trade requires of them; knowl- edge in itself has no attraction for them. They take up arithmetic only for the sake of trade, not for the purpose of acquiring a knowledge of numbers. It is not given to them to strive for higher things. The merchant and mechanic say : 'The pleasure derived from honor and knowl- edge is of no value when compared with money- 154 THE CLASS STRUGGLE making.' However skilled smiths, carpenters and shoemakers may be at their trade, most of them are animated only by the souls of slaves; they knovi^ not the true nor the beautiful." Economic development has advanced since those days. The division of labor has reached a point undreamt of, and the system of produc- tion for sale has driven many of the former ex- ploiters and people of culture into the class of producers. Like the mechdnics and farmers, the rich also are wholly taken up with their busi- ness. They do not now assemble in gymnasiums and academies, but in stock exchanges and mar- kets. The speculations in which they are ab- sorbed do not concern questions of truth and justice, but the prices of wool and whifkey, bonds and coupons. These are the speculations that consume their mental energies. After this "labor" they have neither strength nor taste for any but the most commonplace amusements. On the other hand, as far as the cultured classes are concerned, their education has be- come a merchandise. They, too, have neither time nor inclination for disinterested search for truth, for striving after the ideal. Each buries himself in his specialty and considers every mo- ment lost which is spent in learning anything which cannot be turned into money. Hence the movement to abolish Greek and Latin from the secondary schools. Whatever the pedagogic grounds may be for this movement, the leal reason is the desire to have the youth tau;;^ht only what is "useful," that is, what can be turned into money. Even among scientific men and THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 155 artists the instinct after a harmonious develop- ment is perceptibly losing ground. On all sides specialists are springing up. Science and art are degraded to the level of a trade. What Soc- rates said of ancient handicraft now holds good of these pursuits. The philosophic way of look- ing at things is on the decline — that is, within the classes here considered. In the meantime, a new sort of labor has sprung up — machine labor ; and a new class — the proletariat. The machine robs labor of all intellectual ac- tivity. The working-man at a machine no long- er needs to think ; all that he has to do is silently to obey the machine. The machine dictates to him what he has to do; he has become an ap- pendage to it. What is said of hand labor ap- plies also, though to a slighter extent, to home- work and hand-work done in the factory. The division of labor in the production of a single article among innumerable working-men paves the way for the introduction of machinery. The first result of the monotony and absence of intellectual activity in the work of the pro- letarian is the apparent dulling of his mind. The second result is that he is driven to re- volt against excessive hours of work. To him labor is not identical with life; life commences only when labor is at an end. For working-men to whom labor and life were identical, freedom of labor meant freedom of life. The working- man, who lives only when he does not work, can enjoy a free life only by being free from labor. As a matter of course, the efforts of this 156 THE CLASS STRUGGLE class of workers cannot be directed to freeing themselves from all labor. Labor is the condi- tion of life. But their efforts will necessarily be directed toward reducing their hours of labor far enough to leave them time to live. This is one of the principal causes of the struggle on the part of the modern proletariat to shorten the hours of work, a struggle which would have had no meaning to the farmers and mechanics of former social systems. The strug- gle of the proletariat for shorter hours is not aimed at economic advantages, such as a rise in wages or the reduction of the number of unem- ployed. The struggle for shorter hours is a struggle for life. But the unintellectual character of machine work has a third result. The intellectual pow- ers of the proletariat are not exhausted by their labor as are those of other workers ; they lie fallow during work. For this reason the crav- ing of the proletarian to exercise his mind out- side of his hours of work is just so much the stronger. One of the most remarkable phenom- ena in modern society is the thirst for knowledge displayed by the proletariat. While all other classes kill their time with the most unintellec- tual diversions, the proletarian displays a pas- sion for intellectual culture. Only one who has had an opportunity to associate with the pro- letariat can fully realize the strength of this thirst after knowledge and enlightenment. But even the outsider may imagine it, if he com- pares the newspapers, magazines and pamphlets of the workers with the literature that finds ac- ceptance in other social circles. THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE FUTURE 157 And this thirst for knowledge is entirely dis- interested. Knowledge cannot help the worker at a machine to increase his income. He seeks truth for its own sake, not for material profit. Accordingly, he does not limit himself to any one domain of knowledge; he tries to embrace the whole ; he seeks to understand the whole of society, the whole world. The most difficult problems attract him most ; it is often hard to bring him down from the clouds to solid earth. It is not the possesison of knowledge but the effort to acquire it that makes the philosopher. It is among the despised and ignorant proletariat that the philosophical spirit of the brilliant mem- bers of the Athenian aristocracy is revived. But the free development of this spirit is not possi- ble in modern society. The proletariat is with- out means to instruct itself; it is deprived of opportunities for systematic study, it is exposed to aSl the dangers and inconveniences of planless self-^instruction ; above all, it lacks sufficient leisnjre. Science and art remain to the prole- tariat a promised land which it looks at from a distance, which it struggles to possess, but which it cannot enter. Only the triumph of Socialism can render ac- cessible to the proletariat all the sources of cul- ture. Only the triumph of socialism can make possible the reduction of the hours of work to such a point that the working-man can enjoy leisure enough to acquire adequate knowledge. Th-e capitalist system of production wakens the proletarian's desire for knowledge ; the socialist system alone can satisfy it. 158 THE CLASS STRUGGLE It is not the freedom of labor, but the freedom from labor, which in a socialist society the use of machinery makes increasingly possible, that will bring to mankind freedom of life, freedom for artistic and intellectual activity, freedom for the noblest enjoyment. That blessed, harmonious culture, which has only once appeared in the history of mankind and was then the privilege of a small body of se- lect aristocrats, will become the common prop- erty of all civilized nations. What slaves were to the ancient Athenians, machinery will be to modern man. Man will feel all thi^ elevating influences that flow from freedom from produc- tive toil, without being poisoned by the evil in- fluences which, through chattel slaveiy, finally undermined the Athenian aristocracy. And as the modern means of science and art are vastly superior to those of two thousand years a;9;o, and the civilization of today overshadows that of the little land of Greece, so will the socialist com- monwealth outshine in moral greatness ami ma- terial well-being the most glorious society that history has thus far known. Happy the man to whom it is given to con- tribute his strength to the realization oi this ideal. V. THE CLASS STRUGGLE. t. Socialism and the Ptoperty-Holding Classes, Tne last paragraphs of our declaration of prin- ciples reads as follows: "This social transfor- mation means the liberation, not only of the pro- letariat, but of the whole human race. Only the working-class, however, can bring it about. All other classes, despite their conflicting interests, maintain their existence on the basis of the pri- vate ownership of the means of production, and therefore have a common motive for supporting the principles of the existing social order. "The struggle of the working-class against capitalist exploitation is necessarily a political struggle. The working-class cannot develop its economic organization and wage its economic battles without political rights. It cannot accom- plish the transfer of the means of production to the community as a whole without first having come into possession of political power, "To make this struggle of the workers con- scious and unified, to keep its one great object in view, — this is the purpose of the Socialist Party." In all lands where capitalist production pre- vails the interests of the working-class are iden- tical. With the development of world-commerce and production for the world-market the posi- tion of the workers in each country becomes in- creasingly dependent on that of the workers in 159 160 THE CLASS STRUGGLE other countries. The liberation of the working- class is, therefore, a task in which the workers of all civilized lands are equally concerned. Being conscious of this fact the Socialist Party proclaims its solidarity with the class-conscious workers of all lands. "The Socialist Party, accordingly, struggles, not for any class privileges, but for the abolition of classes and class-rule, for equal rights and equal duties for all, without distinction of sex or race. In conformity with these principles it opposes in present day society, not only the exploitation and oppression of wage-workers, but also every form of exploitation and oppression, be it directed against a class, a party, a sex, or a race." The introductory sentence of the first of these paragraphs needs little explanation. We have already shown that the triumph of socialism is in the interest of our entire social development. In a certain sense it is even in the interest of the owning and exploiting classes. These, like their victims, suffer from the contradictions of the modern method of production. Some of them degenerate in idleness, others wear themselves out in the ceaseless race for profits ; while over them all hangs the Damocles' sword of bank- ruptcy. But observation teaches us that the great ma- jority of the owners and exploiters are bitterly opposed to socialism. Can this be due simply to lack of knowledge and insight? The spokesmen among the adversaries of socialism -are, on the contrary, the very persons whose positions in the government, in society, and in science should fit THE CLASS STRUGGLE 161 them best of all to understand the social mechan- jsm and to perceive the law of social evolution. And so shocking are the conditions in modern society that no one who wishes to be taken se- riously in politics or science dares any longer to deny the truth of the charges preferred by socialism against the present social order. On the contrary the clearest thinkers in all the capi- talist political parties admit that there is "some truth" in those charges; some even declare that the final triumph of socialism is inevitable unless society suddenly turns about and reforms — a thing these gentlemen imagine can be done off- hand, provided the demands of this or that party be promptly granted. In this manner even those among the non-socialist parties who best under- stand the socialist critique of capitalist society save themselves from accepting the conclusions of this critique. The cause of this remarkable phenomenon is not difficult to discover. Although certain im- portant interests of the property-holding classes plead against the private ownership of the means of production, other interests, more immediate and easily discernible, demand its retention. This is especially the case with the rich. They can expect no immediate gain from the abolition of private property in the means of production. The beneficent results that would flow therefrom would be ultimately felt by "them as Avell as by society in general, but such results are compara- tively distant. The disadvantages which they would suffer are, on the other hand, self-evident : the power and distinction they enjoy today would 162 THE CLASS STRUGGLE disappear at once, and not a few ^ might be de- prived, also, of their present ease and comfort. It is otherwise with the lower ranks of the property-holding classes, the small producers, merchants and farmers. These have nothing to lose in point of power and distinction, and they can only gain in point of ease and comfort by the introduction of the socialist system of produc- tion. But in order to realize this they must rise above the point of view of their own class. From the standpoint of these small capitalists or farm- ers the capitalist system of production is unin- telligible; modern socialism, naturally, they can understand still less. The one thing they have a clear notion of is the necessity of private owner- ship in their own implements of labor if their system of production is to be preserved. So long as the small manufacturer reasons as a small manufacturer, the small farmer as a small farm- er, the small merchant as a small merchant, so long as they are still possessed of a strong sense of their own class, so long will they be bound to the idea of private ownership in the means of production, so long will they instinctively resist socialism, however ill they may fare under capi- talism. We have seen in a previous chapter how pri- vate property in the means of production fetters the small producers to their undeveloped occupa- tions long after these have ceased to afford them a competence, and even when they might im- prove their condition by becoming wage-work- ers outright. Thus private ownership in the means of production is the force that binds all THE CLASS STRUGGLE 163 the property-holding classes to the capitalist sys- tem, even those who are themselves among the exploited, whose property-holding has become a bitter mockery. Only those individuals among the small capi- talists and farmers who have despaired of the preservation of their class, who are no longer blind to the fact that the form of production upon which they depend for a living is doomed, are in a position to understand the principles of socialism. But lack of information and nar- rowness of view, both of which are natural re- sults of their condition, make it difficult for them to realize the utter hopelessness of their class. Their misery and their hysterical search for a means of salvation have hitherto only had the ef- fect of making them the easy prey of any dema- gog who was sufficiently self-assertive and who did not stick at promises. Among the upper ranks of the property-hold- ing classes there exists a higher degree of culture and a broader view. Here and there a few indi- viduals are still affected by idealistic reminis- cences from the days of the early revolutionary struggles. But woe to the person in these upper ranks who shows an interest in socialism or en- gages in its propaganda ! He must soon choose between giving up his ideas or breaking all the social bonds that have held and supported him. Few possess the vigor and independence of char- acter requisite to approach the point where the roads fork; few among these few are brave enough to break with their own class when they have reached the point ; and, finally, f^i these few 164 THE CJ.ASS STRUGGLE among the few the greater portion have hitherto soon grown tired, recognized the "indiscretions of their youth," and finally turned "sensible." The idealists among the upper classes are the only ones whose support it is at all possible to en- list in favor of socialism. But even among these the majority are moved by the ihsight which they have acquired only far enough to wear themselves out in fruitless searchings for a peaceful solution of the social problem ; that is to say, in searching for a solution that will recon- cile the interests of the capitalist class with theii- more or less developed knowledge of socialisn> and their consciences. Only those bourgeois idealists develop into genuine socialists who have, not only the requi- site theoretical insight, but also the courage and strength to break with their class. Accordingly, the cause of socialism has little to hope from the property-holding classes. In- dividual members may be won over to socialism, but only such as no longer belong by convictions and conduct to the class to which their economic position assigns them. These will ever be a very small minority, except when, during revo- lutionary periods, the scales incline to the side of socialism. Only at such times may the so- cialists look forward to a stampede from the ranks of the property-holding classes. Thus far the only favorable recruiting ground for the socialist army has been, not the classes which still have something to lose, however little that may be, but the class of those who have nothing to lose but their chains, and a world to gain. THE CLASS STRUGGLE 165 2. Servants and Menials. The recruiting ground of socialism is the class of the propertyless, but not all ranks of this class are equally favorable. Though it is false to say, with the Philistines, that there have always been poor people, it is nevertheless true that pauperism is as old as the system of production for sale. At first it ap- peared only as an exceptional phenomenon. In the Middle Ages, for example, there were but few who did not own the instruments of pro- duction necessary for the satisfaction of their own wants. In those days it was an easy mat- ter for the comparatively small number of prop- ertyless persons to find situations with the prop- erty-holding families as assistants, farm-hands, journeymen, maids, etc. These were generally young persons, and their lot was alleviated by the prospect of establishing their own workshops and owning their own homes. In all cases they worked with the head of the family or his wife, and enjoyed in common with them the fruits of their labor. As members of a property-holding family they were not proletarians ; they felt an interest in the property of the family whose prosi)erity and adversity they shared alike. Where servants are part of the family of the property-holder, they will be found ready to de- fend property even though they have none them- selves. Among such socialism cannot strike root. The position of the apprentices was much the same as that of the classes just discussed (Com- pare Ch. TI., i.). 166 THE CLASS STRUGGLE Gradually, however, there grew up beside these classes, which really took part in produc- tion, another class, that of personal servants. Some of the poor turned for support to the fami- lies of the greater exploiters. In the Middle Ages this meant entering the personal service of the nobles, rich merchants, or higher clergy. The poor entered this service, not to assist in produc- tive labor, but to act as mercenary soldiers or mere lackeys. The ancient feeling of mutual interest has disappeared, but a new one has taken its place. There are various grades of servants, with different work and different pay. Each individual is eager to improve his position by any means within his power. His success is dependent on the master's favor. The more skillfully he adapts himself, the better are his prospects. Again, the larger the income of the master and the greater his power and distinc- tion, the more plentiful are the crumbs which fall to his menials ; this holds especially of those menials who are kept for show, whose only task is to make a parade of the superfluities which their master enjoys, to assist him in squandering his wealth, and to stand by him loyally if he commits crime or folly. The modern servant, accordingly, comes into relations of peculiar in- timacy with his master, and thus he has naturally developed into a foe of the oppressed and ex- ploited working-class ; not infrequently he is more ruthless than his master in his treatment of them. The master, if he has any discretion at all, will not kill the hen that lays the golden egg; he will preserve her, not only for himself, THE CLASS STRUGGLE 167 but also for his successors. The menial is not restrained by any such considerations. Small wonder that among the people generally nothing is more hated than this class of menials. Their subservience toward those above and their brutality toward those below have become pro- verbial. The characteristics of the menial are, however, not confined to the propertyless people of the lower classes. The poverty-stricken noble seek- ing a livelihood as courtier is on a level with the servant of the lowest class. But we are here dealing with menials of this latter class. The growing intensity of exploita- tion, the constantly swelling surplus enjoyed by the capitalist, together with his resulting extrava- gance, all favor a steady increase in the number of those employed as servants. That is to say, they favor the growth of a class which, despite its lack of property, is not at all a promising re- cruiting ground for the socialist movement. But other tendencies, fortunately, are working in the opposite direction. The steady revolution in industry, with its encroachments upon the family, its withdrawal of one occupation after another from the si:)hcrc of household duties and the assignment of them to special industries, and, above all, the infinite division and subdivision of labor, are building up the various trades of bar- bers, waiters, cab drivers, etc. Long after these and similar trades have lost their domestic char- acter they tend to preserve the characteristics of their origin ; nevertheless, as time passes, these characteristics wear off, and the members of 168 THE CLASS STRUGGLE these trades acquire the quaHties of the indus- trial wage-working class. 3. The Slums. However numerous the class of menials may be, it has not, as a rule, been able to absorb the whole number of those left propertyless. The unemployable, children, old people, sick and crip- ples have been from the beginning unable to earn a living by entering into service. To these were added at the beginning of modern times a large number who could work but found nothing to do. For them there was nothing but to beg, steal, or prostitute themselves. They were compelled either to perish or to throw overboard all sense of shame, honor and self-respect. They prolong their existence only by giving precedence to their immediate wants over their regard for their repu- tations. That such a condition cannot but exer- cise the most demoralizing and corrupting in- fluence is self=evident. Furthermore, the effect of this influence is intensified by the fact that the unemployed poor are utterly superfluous to the existing order; their extinction would relieve it of an undesir- able burden, A class that has become superflu- ous, that has no necessary function to fulfil, must degenerate. And beggars cannot even raise themselves in their own estimation by indulging in the self-de- ception that they are necessary to the social sys- tem; they have no recollection of a time when their class performed any useful services ; they have no way of forcing society to support them THE CLASS STRUGGLE 169 as parasites. They are only tolerated. Humility is, consequently, the first duty of the beggar and the highest virtue of the poor. Like the menials, this class of the proletariat is servile toward the powerful ; it furnishes no opposition to the ex- isting social order. On the contrary, it ekes out its existence from the crumbs that fall from the tables of the rich. Why should it wish to abol- ish its benefactors? Furthermore, beggars are not themselves exploited ; the higher the degree of exploitation, the larger the incomes of the rich, all the more have the beggars to expect. Like the menial class, they are partakers in the fruits of exploitation ; they have no motive for wishing to put an end to the system. But though this section of the proletariat has never offered any resistance to the system of ex- ploitation, still it cannot be regarded as a bulwark of this system. Cowardly and unprincipled, it soon deserts its benefactors when power and wealth have slipped from their hands. This class has never taken the lead in any revolution- ary movement. But it has always been on hand during social disturbances, ready to fish in trou- bled waters. Occasionally it has given the last kick to a falling class ; as a rule, however, it has satisfied itself with exploiting every revolution that has broken out. only to betray it at the ear- liest opportunity. The capitalist system of production has greatly increased the slum proletariat. It constantly sends to it new recruits. In the large centers of industry this element constitutes a considerable iwrtion of the population. 170 THE CLASS STRUGGLE In character and view of life the slum prole- tariat approaches the lowest ranks of the farmer and small bourgeois class. Like these, it has despaired of its own power and seeks to save itself through aid received from above. 4. The Beginnings of the Wage-Earning Proletariat. It was from the last mentioned classes that capitalism drew its first supply of wage-labor. It needed not so much skilled workers as docile ones. And since the slum-proletariat and the sections of the population most closely related to it had already learned obedience and humility they were well fitted to supply the demand. With workers from this source capitalism could de- velop without opposition. They were easily ex- ploited to the limit. They would work long hours amidst almost intolerable conditions. Who- ever wishes to learn of the deplorable state of the proletariat during the early days of modern industry has but to read Frederich Engles' classic work on the working-class of England. 5. The Advance of the Wage-Earning Proletariat At the time of the beginning of modern in- dustry the term proletariat implied absolute de- generacy. And there are persons who believe this is still the case. But even in the earliest days there was the beginning of a great gulf be- tween the working-class proletariat and the slum proletariat. The slum proletariat has always been the same, whether in modern London or ancient Rome. THE CLASS STRUGGLE 171 The modern laboring proletariat is an absolutely unique phenomenon. Between these two there is, first of all, the difference that lies in the fact that the first is a parasite and the second the most important root of modern social life. Far from receiving alms, the modern working proletarians support the whole structure of our society. At first, to be sure, they do not perceive this, but sooner or later they discover that instead of receiving their bread from the capitalist they furnish him his. From house-servants and apprentices, on the other hand, the working proletarians distinguish themselves by the fact that they do not live and work with their exploiters. The personal rela- tions that formerly bound them to their employ- ers have disappeared. On the other hand, the modern working-man does not envy and imitate the rich, as did the poor of pre-capitalist days. He hates them as enemies and despises them as idlers. At first this feeling exhibits itself sporadically. But as soon as the workers discover that their interests are common, that they are all opposed to the exploiter, it takes the form of great or- ganizations and open battles against the exploit- ing class. The sense of power that goes with class-consciousness means the regeneration of the working-class. It raises this class forever above the level of the parasitic poor. All the conditions of modern production tend to increase the solidarity of the laboring classes. In the Middle Ages each artisan produced a fin- ished product ; he was industrially almost inde- 172 THE CLASS STRUGGLE pendent. Today it often takes scores, or even hundreds, to produce a finished product. Thus does industry teach co-operation. Perhaps modern uniformity of conditions is even more effective in this direction than the necessity for co-operation. In the Medieval gilds there were the beginning of international- ism, but the various trades were sharply divided. Among the menial, as we have seen, divisions in rank were endless. But in the modern fac- tory there are practically no gradations. All the employes work under nearly the same conditions, and the individual laborer is powerless to change them. Under the influence of machinery, more- over, the distinctions among the trades are rap- idly disappearing. This is indicated by the fact that apprenticeships are constantly being short- ened. Whole trades are often rendered unneces- sary by some new invention, and those employed in them are forced to turn to another form of labor. This tends more and more to make an individual worker forget his craft and fight for his entire class. Uprisings against employers are nothing new. They occurred in plenty during the Middle Ages. But only during the nineteenth century did these uprisings attain the character of a class-struggle, i And thus this great conflict has taken on a higher purpose than the righting of temporary wrongs ; the labor movement has become a revolutionary movement. THE CLASS STRUGGLE 173 6. The Conflict Between the Elevating and Degrad- ing Tendencies Which Affect the Proletariat. The elevation of the working-class is a neces- sary and inevitable process. But it is neither peaceful nor regular. The tendency of the capi- talist system is, as we have shown in Chapter II. to degrade the proletariat ever more and more. The moral regeneration of the working-class is possible only in opposition to this tendency and its representatives, the capitalists. It cannot come about except through the new tendency de- veloped in the working-class by the modern con- ditions of labor. But the two tendencies, the one upward and the other downward, vary con- stantly in different places and at different periods. They depend on the condition of the market, the organization of industry, the development of ma- chinery, the insight of the capitalists and work- ers, etc., etc. All of these conditions vary from year to year in all the numerous branches of in- dustry. But fortunately for human development there comes a time in the history of every section of the proletariat when the elevating tendencies gain the upper hand. And when they have once wakened full class-consciousness in any grouj) of workers, the consciousness of solidarity with all the members of the working-class, the con- sciousness of the strength that is born of union ; as soon as any group has recognized that it is essential to society and that it dare hope for bet- ter things in the future, — then it is well nigh impossible to shove that group back into the de- generate mass of beings whose opposition to the 174 THE CLASS STRUGGLE system under which they suffer takes no othef form than that of unreasoned hate. 7. Philanthropy and Labor Legislation. If every section of the proletariat had been dependent on its own efforts, the uplifting proc- ess would have begun much later and been much slower and more painful than it actually was. Without help many a division of the proletariat now occupying an honorable position would not have been at all able to overcome the difficulties that are inherent in all beginnings. Aid came from many an upper social rank, from the upper ranks of the proletariat as well as from the property-holding classes. The assistance ren- dered by the latter of these was of no slight value in the early days of capitalist large pro- duction. During the Middle Ages poverty was so slight that public and private benevolence sufficed to deal with it. It presented no problem for society to solve ; in so far as it gave occasion for reflec- tion it was only the subject of pious contem- plation; it was looked upon as a visitation from heaven, intended either to punish the wicked or try the godly. To the rich it furnished an oppor- tunity to exercise their virtue. With the growth of the capitalist system, how- ever, the number of the unemployed increased, " and poverty assumed tremendous proportions. The spectacle of a large pauper class, which was as novel as it was dangerous, drew upon it the attention of all thoughtful and kindly disposed persons. Primitive means for the distribution THE CLASS STRUGGLE ' 175 of <,\\H.tity proved inadequate. To care for all the poor was soon felt to be a work that greatly exceecicrci the powers of the community. Then there arose a new problem : how to abolish pov- erty? A great many solutions were offered. These ranged from schemes to get rid of the poor by hattging or deportation to elaborate plans for communistic colonies. The latter met with great applause among people of culture, but the former wcie the only suggestions ever really tried. By degrees, however, the question of poverty took on a new aspect. The capitalistic system of production developed rapidly and finally became the coDtrolimg one. As this development went on, the problem of poverty ceased to exist for the thinkers in tfie capitalist class. Capitalist pro- duction rests upon the proletariat ; to put an end to the latter wete to render the former impossible. Colossal poverty is the foundation of colossal wealth ; he who would eliminate the poverty of the masses assails the wealth of the few. Ac- cordingly, whoever attempts to remedy the pov- erty of the workers is pronounced "an enemy of law and order.'^ True enough, neither fear nor compassion has ceased, even under this changed aspect of things, to be felt in capitalist circles, and to tell in favor of the proletariat. For poverty is a source of danger to the whole social fabric ; it breeds pesti- lence and crime. Accordingly a few of the more clear-headed and humane among the ruling classes are willing to do something for the work- ing-class; but to the bulk of them, who neither 176 THE CLASS S']»UGGLE dare, nor can afford, t<^ break with tht'w v/vn class, the problem can no longer be that of the abohtion of the protetariat. At best they cannot go beyond the elevation of the proletarian. The proletariat is by all means to continue, able to work and satisfied with its condition. Within these bounds, of course, philanthrc/py can manifest itself in manifold ways. Most of its methods are either wholly useless or calculated only to give temporary aid in isolated cases. There is, however, one notable exception to this generalization. I refer to labor legislation. When, during the first decades of the nineteenth century, capitalist production on a large scale made its entry into England and was there ac- companied by all the horrors which it can produce under the worst conditions, the wises c among the philanthropists arrived at the conviction that there was but one thing able to check the de- generation of the workers in the industries af- fected. They immediately began to propose laws for the protection of the workers, at least for the protection of the most helpless among them, the women and children. The capitalists engaged in large production in England did not at that time constitute the rul- ing section of the capitalist class, as they do to- day. Many economic, as well as poHtical, inter- ests among the other sections — especially the small producers and landlords — spoke in favor of limiting the powers of the large capitalists over their workmen. The movement in this direction was favored also by the consideration that unless the large capitalists were restrained, THE CLASS STRUGGLE 177 the working class, which was the foundation of EngHsh industry, would inevitably perish. This was a consideration which could not fail to in- fluence every member of the ruling class intel- ligent enough to see further than his own im- mediate interests. A'dded to this there was the support of a few large capitalists who realized that they had sufficient means to adapt them- selves to the proposed laws and who saw that their less wealthy competitors would be ruined by them. In spite of all this, and notwithstanding the fact that the working-class itself set in motion a powerful movement in favor of factory laws, it took a hard fight to obtain the first slight factory legislation and subsequently to extend it. Slight though these first conquests seemed, they were, nevertheless, sufficient to awaken out of their lethargy those ranks of the proletariat in whose behalf they were passed and to arouse in them the upward tendencies inherent in their social position. Indeed, even before the move- ment had achieved any victory, the struggle was enough to reveal to the proletarians how im- portant they were and what a power they wielded. These early struggles shook them up, imparted to them self-consciousness and self-respect, put an end to their despair, and set up before them a goal beyond their immediate future. Another, and extremely important, means of improving the condition of the working-class is the public schools. Their influence cannot be overestimated. Nevertheless their effect in the direction of elevating the proletariat is inferior to that of thorough-going factory laws. 178 THE CLASS STRUGGLE The more fully the capitahst system develops, the more large production crowds out inferior forms or changes their character, the more im- perative does the strengthening of factory laws become. It becomes necessary to extend them, not only to all branches of large industry, but to home industry and agriculture, as well. In the same measure as the importance of these laws increases there grows also the influence of large capitalists in modern society. Property-owners who are not industrial capitalists — landlords, small manufacturers, shop-keepers, etc. — become infected with capitalist modes of thought. The thinkers and statesmen of the bourgeoisie, form- erly its far-sighted leaders, sink to the role of mere defenders of the capitalist class. The devastation of the working-class by capitalist production is so shocking that only the most shameless and greedy capitalists dare to refuse a certain amount of statutory protec- tion to labor. But for any important labor measure, the eight-hour law, for example, there will be found few supporters among the prop- erty-holding class. Capitalist philanthropy be- comes constantly more timid; it tends more and more to leave to the workers themselves the struggle for their protection. The modern strug- gle for the eight-hour day bears a very different aspect from the one which was carried on in England fifty years ago for the ten-hour day. The property-holding politicians who are advo- cating the modern measure are moved, not by philanthropy, but by the necessity of yielding to *^heir working-class constituents. The struggle THE CLASS STRUGGLE 179 for labor legislation is becoming more and more \ class-struggle between proletarians and capital- ists. On the continent of Europe and in the United States, where the struggle for labor laws commenced much later than in England, it bore this character from the start. The proletariat has nothing more to hope for from the property- holding classes in its endeavor to raise itself. It now depends wholly upon its own efforts. 8. The Labor Union Movement. Struggles between laborers and exploiters art nothing new. Extremely bitter and protracted ones occurred toward the end of the Middle Ages between apprentices and masters. As early as the fifteenth century, masters here and there \Y0uld seek to escape from work by increasing the number of their apprentices. On the other hand they made it more and more difficult for any but their sons to become masters. Gradually the family relation between master and man was loosened, and the modern division into classes had begun. As soon as the master began to play the part of modern capitalist, conflicts were inevitable. And in one respect the apprentices were in a good position to assert themselves. In each city they were well organized. Each gild included all the apprentices in a particular trade; it controlled absolutely the supply of labor so far as that trade was concerned. When the time of conflict ar- rived, it could use with tremendous effectiveness the weapons which have become so familiar in modern times, the strike and the boycott. 180 THE CLASS STRUGGLE All the increasing power of the modern state was called into action to teach the unruly ap- prentices their place. The suppression of the working-class has been from the beginning the chief function of the state, and in these early days it performed this function with terrible ef- fect. But all its efforts did not succeed in put- ting an end to the trouble. Denied the right of organization, the apprentices formed secret unions and maintained them in the face of fright- ful persecutions. But what the state could not accomplish was accomplished by industrial evolution. After the close of the Middle Ages, particularly during the eighteenth century, manufacturing was becoming an increasingly important feature of the in- dustrial world. Before the introduction of ma- chinery, employes in factories had the advantages neither of the Medieval system of industry nor of the modern. They lived in large towns and were often of various races. More than this, dif- ferent degrees of skill were demanded for dif- ferent occupations. For all of these reasons they found it difficult to organize. Their only .advantage lay in the fact that their work did re- quire skill. They were not compelled to com- pete against the entire mass of the unemployed. Only the introduction of machinery altered this last condition. It made the whole mass of the unemployed serviceable to capitalism and threw even proletarian women and children upon the labor market. Since the introduction of machinery the trans- fwmation of industry has proceeded at an an- THE CLASS STRUGGLE 181 precedented pace. To be sure, mechanical methods were not immediately introduced into all industrial branches. In some branches even the old handicraft methods have survived. Such survivals, however, instead of tending to prolong former conditions, usually lead, as has been the case in the tailoring industry, to sweat-shop labor. That is, they produce the class of laborers least able to resist their masters. But the tendency is to introduce machines into all departments of industry. The effect on the power of resistance developed in the working- class is of the utmost importance. In the first place this change tends to divide the workers into two classes, skilled and unskilled. The former class includes all whose work requires any special degree of skill or efficiency. The latter includes, of course, all those who perform such labor as can be done by any one having the requisite strength. The characteristic mark of members of this latter class is to be found in the fact that they can be easily replaced. It was naturally the skilled workers who began the struggle for better conditions. The fact that it was difficult to find substitutes for them in case of a strike gave them an important strategic ad- vantage. Their position was not unlike that of ihe medieval apprentices, and in many respects their unions were natural descendants of the gilds. But if modern skilled laborers inherited certain advantages from their predecessors, they also took over from them one tendency which has done great harm to the modern labor movement. This 182 THE CLASS STRUGGLE is the tendency to separate the various crafts. Naturally those in the best position to fight have won for themselves superior advantages and have come to look upon themselves as an aristocracy of labor. Looking only at their own interest, they have been content to rise at the expense of their less fortunate comrades. Far-sighted politicians and industrial leaders have not been slow to take advantage of this con- dition. 'Today the worst enemies of the working- class are not the stupid, reactionary statesmen who hope to keep down the labor movement through openly repressive measures. Its worst enemies are the pretended friends who encourage craft unions, and thus attempt to cut off the skilled trades from the rest of their class. They are trying to turn the most efficient division of the proletarian army against the great mass, against those whose position as unskilled workers makes them least capable of defense. But sooner or later the aristocratic tendency of even the most highly skilled class of laborers will be broken. As mechanical production ad- vances, one craft after another is tumbled into the abyss of common labor. This fact is con- ' stantly teaching even the most effectively organ- ized divisions that in the long run their position is dependent upoii the strength of the working-class as a whole. They come to the conclusion that it is a mistaken policy to attempt to rise on the shoulders of those who are sinking in a quick- sand. They come to see that the struggles of * other divisions of the proletariat are b) -lo means foreign to them. THE CLASS STRUGGLE 183 At rhe same time one division of the unskilled aiter another rises out of its stupid lethargy or mere purposeless discontent. This is in part a natural consequence of the successes achieved by the skilled laborers. The direct results of the activities of the unskilled proletarians may seem unimportant, nevertheless it is these activities that bring about the moral regeneration of this division of the working-class. Thus there has gradually formed from skilled and unskilled workers a body of proletarians who are in the movement of labor, or the labor movement. It is the part of the proletariat which is fighting for the interests of the whole class, its church militant, as it were. This di- vision grows at the expense both of the "aristo- crats of labor" and of the common mob which still vegetates, helpless and hopeless. We have already seen that the laboring proletariat is con- stantly increasing; we know, further, that it tends more and more to set the pace in thought and feeling for the other working classes. We now see that in this growing mass of workers the militant division increases not only absolute- ly, but relatively. No matter how fast the proletariat may grow, this militant division of it grows still faster. But it is precisely this militant proletariat which is the most fruitful recruiting ground for socialism. The socialist movement is nothing more than the part of this militant proletariat which has become conscious of its goal. In fact, these two, socialism and the militant proletariat, tend constantly to become identical. In Ger- 184 THE C1>ASS STRUGGLE raaiiy and Austria their identity is already an ac- complished fast. 9. The Political Struggle. The original organizations of the proletariat were modeled after those of the medieval ap- prentices. In like manner the first weapons of the modern labor movement were those inherited from a previous age, the strike and the boycott. But these methods are insufficient for the modern proletariat. The more completely the various divisions of which it is made up unite into a single working-class movement, the more must its struggles take on a political character. Every class-struggle is a political struggle. Even the bare requirements of the industrial struggle force the workers to make political de- mands. We have seen that the modern state re- gards it as its principal function to make the ef- fective organization of labor impossible. Secret organizations are inefficient substitutes for open ones. The more the proletariat develops, the more it needs freedom to organize. But this freedom is not alone sufficient if the proletariat is to have adequate organizations. The apprentices and journeymen of previous periods found it easy to act together. The various cities were industrially independent. In any given city the number of those engaged in any trade was comparatively small. They usual- ly lived on one street and spent their leisure time at the same tavern. Each one was personally acquainted w^ith all the rest. Today conditions are radically different. In THE CLASS STRUGGLE 185 every industrial center there are gathered thousands of working-men. A single individual can know personally only a few of his com- rades. To make this great mass feel its common interests, to induce it to act as one in an organiza- tion, it is necessary to have means of com- municating with large numbers. A free press and the right of assemblage are absolutely es- sential. The free press is made especially necessary by the development of modern means of com- munication. It is possible now for a capitalist to import strike-breakers from far-lying districts. Unless the workers can organize unions covering the entire nation, or even the entire civilized world, they are powerless. But this cannot be done without the aid of the press. On this account, wherever the working-class has endeavored to improve its economic position it has made poHtical demands, especially demands for a free press and the right of assemblage. These privileges are to the proletariat the pre- requisites of life ; they are the light and air of the labor movement. Whoever attempts to deny them, no matter what his pretensions, is to be reckoned among the worst enemies of the work- ing-class. Occasionally some one has attempted to op- pose the political struggle to the economic, and declared that the proletariat should give its ex- clusive attention either to the one or the other. The fact is that the two cannot be separated The economic struggle demands political rights, and these will not fall from heaven. To secure 186 THE CLASS STRUGGLE and maintain them, the most vigorous political action is necessary. The political struggle is, on the other hand, in the last analysis, an economic struggle. Often, in fact, it is directly and open- ly economic, as when it deals with tariff and factory laws. The political struggle is merely a particular form of the economic struggle, in fact, its most inclusive and vital form. The interest of the working-class is not limited to the laws which directly affect it; the great majority of laws touch its interests to some ex- tent. Like every other class, the working-class must strive to influence the state authorities, to bend them to its purposes. Great capitalists can influence rulers and legislators directly, but the workers can do so only through parliamentary activity. It matters little whether a government be republican in name. In all parliamentary countries it rests with the legislative body to grant tax levies. By electing representatives to parliament, therefore, the working-class can exercise an influence over the governmental powers. The struggle of all the classes which depend upon legislative action for political influence is directed, in the modern state, on the one hand toward an increase in the power of the parlia- ment (or congress), and on the other toward an increase in their own influence within the parlia- jment. The power of parliament depends on the energy and courage of the classes behind it and on the energy and courage of the classes on which its will is to be imposed. The influence of a class within a parliament depends, in the THE CLASS STRUGGLE 187 first place, on the nature of the electoral law in force. It is dependent, further, upon the influ- ence of the class in question among the voters, and, lastly, upon its aptitude for parliamentary work. A word must be added on this last point. The bourgeoisie, with all sorts of talent at its com- mand, has hitherto been able to manipulate parliaments to its own purpose. Therefore, small capitalists and farmers have in large num- bers lost all faith in legislative action. Some of these have declared in favor of the substitution of direct legislation for legislation by representa- tives ; others have denounced all forms of political activity. This may sound very revolu- tionary, but in reality it indicates nothing but the political bankruptcy of the classes involved. The proletariat is, however, more favorably situated in regard to parliamentary activity. We have already seen how the modern method of production reacts on the intellectual life of the proletariat, how it has awakened in them a thirst for knowledge and given them an understanding of great social problems. So far as their at- titude toward politics is concerned, they are raised far above the farmers and small capital- ists. It is easier for them to grasp party princi- ples and act on them uninfluenced by personal and local motives. Their conditions of life, moreover, make it possible for them to act to- gether in great numbers for a common end. Their regular forms of activity accustom them to rigid discipline. Their unions are to them an excellent parliamentary school ; they afford op- 188 THE CLASS STRUGGLE portunities for training in parliamentary law and public speaking. The proletariat is, therefore, in a position to form an independent party. It knows how to control its representatives. Moreover, it finds in its own ranks an increasing number of persons well fitted to represent it in legislative halls. Whenever the proletariat engages in parlia- mentary activity as a self-conscious class, parlia- mentarism begins to change its character. It ceases to be a mere tool in the hands of the bourgeoisie. This very participation of the pro- letariat proves to be the most effective means of shaking up the hitherto indifferent divisions of the proletariat and giving them hope and con- fidence. It is the most powerful lever that can be utilized to raise the proletariat out of its economic, social and moral degradation. The proletariat has, therefore, no reason to distrust parliamentary action ; on the other hand, it has every reason to exert all its energy to in- crease the power of parliaments in their relation to other departments of government and to swell to the utmost its own parliamentary representa- tion. Besides freedom of the press and the right to organize, the universal -ballot is to be regard- ed as one of the conditions prerequisite to a sound development of the proletariat. 10. The Labor Party. In the first place the ballot was useful to the working-class only because it now and then made various sections of the bourgeoisie dependent on it for favors. In their internal struggles capital- THE CLASS STRUGGLE 189 ist factions, as, for example, the industrial capitalists or the landlords, would offer advan- tages to the proletariat for the sake of securing its support. Though this procedure often re- sulted in valuable concessions, nevertheless so long as the working-class went no further in its political activities there was a definite limit to its possibilities. The interests of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie are of so contrary a nature that in the long run they cannot be harmonized. Sooner or later in every capitalist country the participa- tion of the working-class in politics must lead to the formation of an independent party, a labor party. At what moment in its history the proletariat of any particular country will reach the point at which it is ready to take this step, depends chiefly upon its economic development. In some degree, also, it depends upon two other condi- tions, the insight of the working-class into the political and economic situation and the attitude of the bourgeois parties toward one another. But an independent labor party is bound to come sooner or later. And, once formed, such a party must have for its purpose the conquest of the government in the interest of the class which it represents. Economic development will lead naturally to the accomplishment of this purpose. The time and manner of its ac- complishment may vary in different lands, but there can be no doubt as to the final victory of the proletariat. For this class grows constantly in moral and political power as 190 THE CLASS STRUGGLE well as in numbers. The class-struggle wid- ens its view and teaches it solidarity and dis- cipline. In capitalist countries it tends constant- ly to become the only working class, hence the class upon which all others are dependent. On the other hand, the classes opposed to the proletariat diminish constantly in numbers and lose visibly in moral and political power. In in- dustry they become, not only superfluous, but often actually detrimental. Under these circumstances there can be no doubt as to which side will eventually be vic- torious. Long ago the possessing classes were seized with fear of their approaching fate. But the proletariat, as the lowest of the ex- ploited classes — the slum-proletariat is not ex- ploited — cannot use its power, as the other classes have done, to shift the burden of exploitation to other shoulders. It must put an end to its own exploitation and in the same act to all exploita- tion. The root of exploitation, however, is to be found in private ownership of the means of production. The proletariat can do away with the former only by destroying the latter. If the propertyless condition of the proletariat makes possible its winning over to the abolition of this form of private property, its exploitation will compel it to abolish exploitation and to substitute co-operative for capitalist production. But we have seen that this cannot come about so long as commodity production remains su- preme. In order to substitute co-operative for capitalist production it is absolutely necessary t^ replace production for the market with produ''^ THE CLASS STRUGGLE 191 tion for the community and under the control of the community. SociaHst production is, there- fore, the natural result of a victory of the proletariat. If the working-class did not make use of its mastery over the machinery of govern- ment to introduce the socialist system of produc- tion, the logic of events would finally call some such system into being — but only after a useless waste of energy and time. But socialist produc- tion must, and will, come. Its victory will have become inevitable as soon as that of the pro- letariat has become inevitable. The working- class will naturally strive to put an end to ex- ploitation, and this, it can do only through social- ist production. Thus it appears that wherever an independent labor party is formed it must sooner or later ex- hibit socialist tendencies; if not socialist in the beginning, it must become so in the end. We have now examined the chief recruiting grounds of socialism. Our results may be summed up as follows : the militant, politically self-conscious divisions of the industrial pro- letariat furnish the power which is behind the socialist movement ; but the more the influence of the proletariat affects the ways of thinking and feeling in vogue among allied social groups, the more will these, also, be drawn into the movement. 11. The Labor Movement and Socialism. In the beginning socialists were slow to recog- nize the part which the militant proletariat is called upon to play in the socialist movement. It 192 . THE CLASS STRUGGLE could not be otherwise, in the nature of things, so long as there was no militant proletariat, And socialism is older than the class-struggle of the proletariat. It dates back to the time of the first appearance of the proletariat on a large scale. It was not until much later that the pro- letarians showed the first stirrings of inde- pendent life. The first root of socialism was the sympathy of upper-class philanthropists with the poor and miserable. The early socialists were merely the bravest and most far-sighted of these philanthropists. They saw clearly that the ex- istence of the proletariat was a natural result of the private ownership of the means of produc- tion, and they did not hesitate to draw the logical conclusions from their observation. Socialism was the deepest and most splendid expression of bourgeois philanthropy. There were no class interests to which the socialists of that day could appeal ; they were forced to turn to the sympathy and enthusiasm of upper-class idealists., They attempted to se- cure support by means of alluring descriptions of a socialist commonwealth, on the one side, and persistent representations of the prevailing misery, on the other. The rich and mighty were to be persuaded to furnish means for a thorough- going relief of misery and the institution of an ideal society. As is well known, these philan- thropic socialists waited in vain for the noblemen and millionaires whose magnanimity was to save the race. During the first decades of the nineteenth century the proletariat began to show signs of THE CLASS STRUGGLE 193 an independent life. During the thirties a vigor- ous labor movement got under way in France and England. But the socialists did not understand it. They thought it impossible for the poor and ignorant proletarians to attain to the moral elevation and social power requisite for the realization of the socialist plans. But distrust was not their only feeling toward the labor movement. This new phenomenon was inconvenient to them ; it threatened to rob them of their most effective argument. For the bourgeois socialists' only hope of winning over the sensitive capitalist lay in being able to show him that every attempt to alleviate misery and elevate the poor was doomed to failure by the conditions of modern society and that, consequently, it was impossible for the proletarians to rise through their own ef- forts. But the labor movement proceeded upon premises absolutely opposed to this line of argu- ment. Another fact tended to bring about the same result. The class-struggle naturally em- bittered the bourgeoisie against the proletariat. In the eyes of the capitalists the working-class were transformed from pitiful unfortunates who needed help into a pack of miscreants who should be subdued and kept down. Sympathy for the poor and miserable, which had been the chief root of socialism, began to wither. The teachings of socialism came to appear to the terror- stricken bourgeoisie as a dangerous weapon which might fall into the hands of the mob and bring about unspeakable harm. In short, the stronger the labor movement appeared the more 194 THE CLASS STRUG^GLE difficult became socialist propag';^nda among the ruling classes, and the more well-defined became the opposition of these classes to the socialist movement. So long as socialists were of the opinion that the means of attaining the objects of socialism must come from the capitalist class, they were compelled, not only to look with suspicion upoa the labor movement, but often to assitme an at- titude of direct opposition to it. As a result thex came to regard the class-struggle as t\\t enemy of socialism. This naturally reacted upon the Uboring classes, tended to make of them en^twies of socialism. The ambitious, struggling proleta- rians discovered nothing but opposition among, the socialists and nothing but discouragement in the socialist teachings. As a result, there was born among them a distrust of the whole body of socialist doctrine. This feeling was favored by the ignorance even of the militant proletariat at the beginning of the labor movement. Th^ narrowness of their view made it impossible for them to grasp the purposes of socialism, and a? yet they were unconscious of their economic- position and of the tasks which confronted their class. They felt only an indefinite class instinct which taught them to distrust everything that had its origin in the capitalist class. Under the circumstances they were naturally as much op- posed to socialism as to anv other form of bourgeois philanthropy. Among certain groups of working-men, es- pecially in England, distrust of socialism took THE CLASS STRUGGLE 195 deep root at this time. It is partly because of this that until recently England has been com- paratively unaffected by the socialist movement. But no matter how wide might grow the chasm between socialism and the militant pro- letariat, socialist philosophy is so adequate to the needs of thinking proletarians that the best poinds in the working-class, as soon as they had opportunity, willingly turned to it. Then the bourgeois socialist came under the influence of proletarian thinking. The new, proletarian socialists took little account of the capitalist class. They hated it and were fighting against it. In their hands the peaceful socialism which was to save the race through the intervention of '^the best elements in the upper classes was trans- formed into a violent revolutionary socialism which was to depend for its support upon pro- letarian fists. But even this movement, though essentially proletarian in its origin, had no understanding of the labor movement ; it stood in opposition to the class-struggle in its highest form, that is, the political struggle. In the nature of the case it was impossible for it to transcend the theories of the Utopians. At best a proletarian can do no more than appropriate for his own purposes a part of the learning of the bourgeois world. He lacks the leisure necessary to carry independent scientific investigation beyond the point reached by bourgeois thinkers. Therefore primitive working-class socialism bore all the marks of utopianism. It had no notion of the economic evolution which is creating the material ele- 196 THE CLASS STRUGGLE ments of socialist production and, by means of a long struggle, is training the class that is to vitaHze these elements and develop from them a new society. Like the Utopians, the early pro- letarian sociaHsts looked upon society as a build- ing which could be constructed arbitrarily ac- cording to a preconceived plan if one had only the required space and materials. They trusted themselves to furnish the power both to build and to preserve this structure. As to the ma- terials and place, they did not expect these from the bounty of some millionaire or nobleman; the revolution was to be sufficient to tear down the old structure, to overpower its defenders, and give the discoverers of the new plan an oppor- tunity to build the new structure, the socialist commonwealth. In this course of reasoning there was no place for the class-struggle. The proletarian Utopians' found the misery in which they lived so bitter that they were imp,'itient for its immediate re- moval. Even if they had thought it possible for the class-struggle to raise the proletariat gradual- ly, and thus fit them i'or the further develop- ment of society, this process would have seemed to them much too tedious and complex. But they did not believe in th's gradual elevation. They stood at the beginnitig of the labor move- ment. The group of prolet?nans who partici- pated in it were few, and among these only a still smaller number saw beyond their temporary interests. To train the great mass of the popula- tion in socialist ways of thinking seemed hope' less. The most that could be expected of thi^ THE CLASS STRUGGLE 197 mass was a violent outbreak which might de- stroy the existing order and thus clear the way for socialism. The worse the condition of the masses, thought these primitive socialists, the nearer must be the moment when their misery would become unbearable and they would rise and topple over the social structure which op- pressed them. A struggle for the gradual eleva- tion of the working-class seemed not only hope- less, but harmful. For any slight improvement that might be achieved could only tend to post- pone the moment of their uprising and, there- fore, the moment of permanent release from misery. Every form of the class-struggle which was not aimed at the immediate overthrow of the existing order, that is, every serious, efficient sort of effort, seemed to the early socialist as nothing more nor less -than a betrayal of humanity. It is now more than fifty years since this way of looking at things made its appearance. Its best expression it received, probably, in the works of Wilhelm Weitling. Even today it has not died out. The tendency toward it appears in every division of the working-class which begins to take its place in the ranks of the militant pro- letariat. It appears in every land where the proletariat becomes for the first time conscious of its degraded condition and imbued with socialistic notions, without at the same time hav- ing reached a clear insight into social laws and gained confidence in its ability to carry on a protracted struggle. And since new divisions of the proletariat are constantly rising out of the depths into which economic development has 198 THE CLASS STRUGGLE thrust them, this primitive sociahst way of think- ing may be expected continually to make its re- appearance. It is a children's disease which threatens every young socialist movement which has not got beyond iitopianism. At present this sort of socialistic thinking is called anarchy, but it is not necessarily con- nected with anarchism. It has its origin, not in clear understanding, but rather in mere in- stinctive opposition to the existing order. There- fore it may be connected with the most varied theoretical points of view. But it is true that the rude and violent socialism of the primitive proletarians is often associated with the refined and peaceable anarchy of the small bourgeois. With all their differences these two have one thing in common, hatred of the protracted class- struggle, especially of its highest form, the political struggle. The proletarian Utopians were no more able than their forerunners to overcome the opposi- tion between socialism and the labor movement. It is true that conditions occasionally compelled them to take active part in the class-struggle. But they w^e too illogical to see the connection between socialism and the labor movement. Therefore their activity merely resulted in the crowding out of the former by the latter. It is well known that the early anarchist-socialist movement sank sooner or later either- into pure- and-simple craft unionism or mere co-operative communism. THE CLASS SRTUGGLE 199 12. The Socialist Party — Union of the Labor Move- ment and SociaHsm, If the socialist movement and the labor move- ment were ever to become one it was necessary for Socialism to be raked beyond the Utopian point of view. To accomplish this was the il- lustrious work of Marx and Engels. In their Communist Manifesto, published in 1847, they laid the scientific foundation of modern social- ism. They transformed the beautiful dream of well-meaning enthusiasts into the goal of a great and earnest struggle, they proved it to be the natural result of economic development. To the militant proletariat they gave a clear conception of their historical function, and placed them in a position to proceed, toward their great goal with as much speed and as few sacrifices as possible. The socialists are no longer expected to discover a new and free social order; all they have to do is discover the elements of such an order in ex- isting society. They need no longer attempt to bring to the proletariat salvation from above. On the other hand, it becomes their duty to sup- port the working-class in its constant struggle by encouraging its political and economic institu- tions. It must do all in its power to hasten the day when the working-class will be able to save itself. To give to the class-struggle of the pro- letariat the most efi^ective form, this is the func- tion of the Socialist Party. The teaching of Marx and Engels gave to the class-struggle of the proletariat an entirely new character. So long as socialist production is not kept consciously in view as its object, so long as 200 THE CLASS STRUGGLE the efforts of the miHtant proletariat do not ex- tend beyond the framework of the existing method of production, the class-struggle seems to move forever in a circle. For the oppressive tendencies of the capitalist method of production are not done away with ; at most they are only checked. Without cessation, new groups of the middle class are thrown into the proletariat. The desire for profits constantly threatens to bring to nought the achievements of the more favorably situated divisions of labor. Every re- duction in the hours of labor becomes an excuse for the introduction of labor-saving machinery and for the intensification of labor. Every im- provement in the organization of labor is answered with an improvement in the organiza- tion of capital. And all the time unemployment increases, crises become more serious, and the uncertainty of existence grows more unendura- ble. The elevation of the working-class brought about by the class-struggle is more moral than economic. The industrial conditions of the pro- letariat improve but slowly, if at all. But the self-respect of the proletarians mounts higher, as does also the respect paid them by the other classes of society. They begin to regard them- selves as the equals of the upper classes and to compare the conditions of the other strata of society with their own. They make greater de- mands on society, demands for better clothes, better dwellings, greater knowledge and the edu- cation of their children. They wish to have some share in the achievements of modern civil- ization. And they feel with increasing keennes? THE CLASS STRUGGLE 201 every set-back, every new form of oppression. This moral elevation of the proletariat is identical with the increasing demands which it makes on society. Moreover it advances more rapidly than the conditions of labor which neces- sarily prevail under the present system of ex- ploitation. The result of the class-struggle can, therefore, be nothing else than increasing dis- content among the proletarians. And therefore the class-struggle appears purposeless so long as it does not look beyond the present system of production. Only socialist production can put an end to the disparity between the demands of the work- ers and the means of satisfying them. By doing away with exploitation it would render impossi- ble the luxuries of the exploiters and the natural discontent of the exploited. With the removal of the standard set by the rich the demands of the workers would, of course, be measured by the means at hand to satisfy them. We have already seen how much the socialist method of production would increase these means. Perpetual discontent is unknown in com- munistic societies. In our capitalistic world it results naturally from the distinction of classes wherever the exploited feel themselves to be the equals of the exploiters. So long, therefore, as the class-struggle of the proletariat was opposed to socialism, so long as it did nothing beyond attempting to improve the Dosition of the proletariat within the framework of existing society, it could not reach its goal. But a great change came with the amalgamation 202 THE CLASS STRUGGLE of socialism and the labor movement. Now the proletariat has a goal toward which it is strug- gling, which it comes nearer to with every bat- tle. Now all features of the class-struggle have a meaning, even those that produce no im- mediately practical results. Every effort that preserves or increases the self-consciousness of the proletariat or its spirit of co-operation and discipline, is worth the making. Many an apparent defeat is turned into a victory. Every unsuccessful strike, every labor law defeated, means a step toward the securing of a life worthy of human beings. Every political or industrial measure which has refer- ence to the proletariat has a good effect. Whether it be friendly or unfriendly, matters not, so long as it tends to stir up the working- class. From now on the militant proletariat is no longer like an army fighting hard to defend positions already won ; now it must become clear to the dullest onlooker that it is an irresistible conqueror. 13. The International Character of the Socialist Movement. The founders of modern socialism recognized from the beginning the international character which the labor movement tends everywhere to assume. So they naturally attempted to give their movement an international basis. International commerce is inevitably connected with the capitalist system of production. The development of capitalism out of early, simple production of commodities is most intimately THE CLASS STRUGGLE 203 Connected with the growth of world-commerce. But world-commerce is impossible without peace- ful intercourse among the various nations. It requires that a foreign merchant be protected equally with a native. The development of international commerce raises the merchant to a high position in our society. His way of looking at things begins to influence society as a whole. But the merchant has always been an unsettled person ; his motto has ever been, Where I fare well, there is my home. Thus in proportion to the extension of world-commerce and capitalist production there develop international tendencies in bourgeois society. The capitalist system of production, however, develops the most remarkable contradictions. Hand in hand with the movement toward in- ternational brotherhood goes a tendency to em- phasize international differences. Commerce de- mands peace, but competition leads to war. If, in each country, the different capitalists and classes are in a state of war, so are the capitalist classes of the various countries. Each nation tries to extend the markets for its own goods by crowding out the goods of other nations. The more complex becomes international commerce, the more essential international peace, the fiercer grows the competitive struggle and the greater the danger of conflicts between nations. The closer the international relations which are de- veloped, the louder swells the demand for at- tention to separate national interests. The more urgent the need of peace, the greater the danger 204 THE CLASS STRUGGLE of war. These apparently impossibL.. antither is correspond exactly to the character li-f capital'st production. They lie hidden in the simple production of commodities, but on/y capitalist production develops them till they become in- tolerable. That it develops at the £3 me time the necessity of peace and the tendency toward war is only one of the contradictions which will bring about the destruction of the capitalist system. The proletariat has not assumed the incon- sistent attitude with regard to this matter that is characteristic of the other classes. The more the working-class develops and becomes inde- pendent, the clearer becomes the fact that it is influenced by only one of the opposing tendencies which we have just observed in the capitalist system. The capitalist system, by expropriating the worker, has freed him from the soil. He has now no settled home, and therefore no country. Like the merchant, he can take for his motto, Where I fare well, there is my home. Even the medieval apprentices extended their wanderings to foreign lands, and the beginning of an inter- national relation was the result. But what were these wanderings in comparison with those made possible by modern means of travel? And the apprentice journeyed with the intention of re- turning to his home ; the modern proletarian journeys with his wife and family in order to settle wherever he finds conditions most favor- able. He is not a tourist, but a nomad. The merchant in a foreign country depends upon his government for the support which is THE CLASS STRUGGLE 205 necessary to successful competition. He ap- preciates his country ; often enough, in fact, he becomes the most confirmed among the jingos. It is different with the proletarian. At home he has not been spoiled by government protection of his interests. And in foreign lands, at least in such as are civilized, he has no need of protec- tion. On the contrary, the new land is usually one in which the laws and their administration are more favorable to the worker than those of his original home. And his co-workers have no motive for depriving him of what little protec- tion he can get from the law in his struggle against his exploiter. Their interest lies rather in increasing his ability to withstand the com- mon enemy. Very differently from the apprentice or the merchant is the modern proletarian torn loose from the soil. He becomes a citizen of the world ; the whole world is his home. No doubt this world-citizenship is a great hardship for the workers in countries where the standard of living is high and the conditions of labor are comparatively good. In such countries, naturally, immigration will exceed emigration. As a result the laborers with the higher standard of living will be hindered in their class-struggle by the influx of those with a lower standard and less power of resistance. Under certain circumstances this sort of com- petition, like that of the capitalists, may lead to a new emphasis on national lines, a new hatred of foreign workers on the part of the native born. But the conflict of nationalities, which is 206 THE CLASS STRUGGLE perpetual among the capitalists, can be only temporary among the proletarians. For sooner or later the workers will discover that the im- migration of cheap labor-power from the more backward to the more advanced countries, is as inevitable a result of the capitalist system as the introduction of machinery or the forcing of women into industry. In still another way does the labor movement of an advanced country suffer under the influ- ence of the backward conditions "of other lands. The high degree of exploitation endured by the proletariat of the economically undeveloped na- tions becomes an excuse for the capitalists of the more highly developed ones for opposing any movement in the direction of higher wages or better conditions. In more than one way, then, it is borne in upon the workers of each nation that their suc- cess in the class-struggle is dependent on the progress of the working-class of other nations. For a time this may turn them against foreign workers, but finally they come to see that there is only one effective means of removing the hinder- ing influence of backward nations : to do away with the hackzvardness itself. German workers have every reason to co-operate with the Slavs and Italians in order that these may secure high- er wages and a shorter working-day ; the Eng- lish workers have the same interest in relation to the Germans, and the Americans in relation to Europeans in general. The dependence of the proletariat of one land on that of another leads inevitably to a joining THE CLASS STRUGGLE 207 of forces by the militant proletarians of various lands. The survivals of national seclusion and na- tional hatred which the proletariat took over from the bourgeoisie, disappear steadily. The working-class is freeing itself from national prejudices. Working-men learn more and more to see in the foreign laborer a fellow-fighter, a comrade. The strongest bonds of international solidar- ity, naturally, are those which bind groups of proletarians, which, though of different national- ities, have the same purposes and use the same methods to accomplish them. How necessary is the international union of the crass-struggles of the proletariat, as soon as they extend beyond a certain limit in purpose and strength, was recognized in the beginning by the authors of the Communist Manifesto. This historic document is addressed to the proletarians of all lands and concludes by call- ing upon them to unite. And the organization which they had won over to the acceptance of the principles of the manifesto, and in the name of which it was issued, was international, the Society of Communists. The defeats of the revolutionary movements of 1848 and 1849 put an end to this society, but with the re-awakening of the labor movement in the sixties it came to life again in the Inter- national Workingmen's Association (founded in 1864). This association had for its purpose, not only to arouse a feeling of solidarity in the pro- letarians of different lands, but also to give them 208 THE CLASS STRUGGLE a common goal and lead them toward it by a common route. The first of these purposes was gloriously fulfilled, but the second was fulfilled only in part. The International was to bring about the union of socialism and the militant proletariat in all lands. It declared that the emancipation of the working-class could be ac- complished only by the workers themselves ; that the political movement was only a means to this end, and that the proletariat could not emanci- pate itself so long as it remained dependent upon the monopolists of the means of production. Within the International opposition to these principles developed in proportion to the clear- ness with which they were seen to lead to modern socialism. At that time there was still a comparatively large number of bourgeois and proletarian Utopians. These, together with the pure-and-simple unionists, dropped out of the International as soon as they understood its pur- pose. The fall of the Paris Commune, in 1871, and persecutions in various European countries, hastened its fall. But the consciousness of international solidar- ity that had been generated could not be smothered. Since then the ideas of the Communist Mani- festo have taken hold of the militant proletariat of Europe and of many proletarian groups out- side of Europe. Everywhere the class-struggle and the socialist movement have become one, or are in a fair way to do so. The principles, ob- jects and means of the proletarian class-struggle tend everywhere to become the same. This in THE CLASS STRUGGLE 209 itself has been sufficient to produce a feeling of union among the socialistic labor movements of different countries. Their international con- sciousness has constantly grown stronger, and it needed only an external impulse to give to this fact visible expression. This came about, as is well known, in connec- tion with the celebration of the hundredth an- niversary of the storming of the Bastile, which occurred at the International Congress of Paris in 1889. Since then the international character of the proletarian struggle has had a visible symbol in the May Day celebration. It has been strengthened, moreover, by regularly recurring international congresses. These congresses are made up, not of isolated enthusiasts, like the bourgeois peace congresses, but of the represent- atives of millions of working men and women. Every May Day shows in the most impressive manner that it is the masses of industrial work- ers in all the great centers of population of all civilized lands that feel in themselves the con- sciousness of the international solidarity of the proletariat, that protest against war and declare that national divisions are no longer divisions be- tween peoples, but between exploiters. Such a bridging of the chasm between the na- tions, such an international amalgamation of great sections of the people of different lands, the history of the world has never seen before. This phenomenon appears the more imposing when we remember that it has come into ex- istence under the shadow of military armaments which, on their part, also offer a spectacle the 210 THE CLASS STRUGGLE like of which has never before been seen in the world. 14. The Socialist Party and the People. The Socialist movement has, in the nature of things, been from the beginning international in its character. But in each country it has at the same time the tendency to become a national party. That is, it tends to become the represent- ative, not only of the industrial wage-earners, but of all laboring and exploited classes, or, in other words, of the great majority of the population. We have already seen that the industrial pro- letariat tends to become the only working-class. We have pointed out, also, that the other work- ing-classes are coming more and more to re- semble the proletariat in the conditions of labor and way of living. And we have discovered that the proletariat is the only one among the work- ing-classes that grows steadily in energy, in in- telligence, and in clear consciousness of its purpose. It is becoming the center about which the disappearing survivals of the other working- classes group themselves. Its ways of feehng and thinking are becoming standard for the whole mass of non-capitalists, no matter what their status may be. As rapidly as the wage-earners become the leaders of the people, the labor party becomes a people's party. When an independent craftsman feels like a proletarian, when he recognizes that he, or at any rate his children, will sooner or later be thrust into the proletariat, that there is no salvation for him except through the libera- THE CLASS STRUGGLE 211 tion of the proletariat — from that moment on he will see in the Socialist Party the natural repre- sentative of his interests. We have already explained that he has nothing to fear from a socialist victory. In fact such a victory would be distinctly to his advantage, for it would usher in a society that would free all workers frohi exploitation and oppression and give them security and prosperity. But the Socialist Party represents the inter- ests of all non-capitalist classes, not only in the future, but in the present. The proletariat, as the lowest of the exploited strata, cannot free itself from exploitation and oppression without putting an end to all exploitation and oppression. It is, therefore, their sworn enemy, no matter in what form they may appear; it is the champion of all the exploited and oppressed. We spoke above of the International. It is significant that the occasion for its founding was furnished by a demonstration in favor of the Poles, who had risen against the yoke of the Czar. It was characteristic, also, that the first address sent ont by the International was a let- ter of congratulation to President Lincoln in which this association of working-men expressed its sympathy with the abolition movement. And, finally, the International was the first organiza- tion existing in England, and the first counting Englishmen among its members, which took the part of the Irish who were oppressed by the English ruling '^lass. Not one of these causes, that of the Poles, the Irish, or the African slaves, 'vas directly connected with the class in- terests of the wage-earners. 212 THE CLASS STRUGGLE We are told, it is true, that the socialist move- ment depends on the progress of economic de- velopment; that socialist production depends on the earliest possible crowding out of small in- dustry. Socialism has, it is therefore thought, an interest in the disappearance of the inde- pendent craftsman, the small business man and the small farmer. It demands their ruin, there- fore cannot work in their interest. In answer to this there is the following to be said: The socialist movement does not create economic development; the crowding out of small industry will be taken care of without its help by the capitalist class. It is true that social- ism has no reason for attempting to hinder this development. But to stop economic develop- ment would not be to serve the real interests of the small farmers and business men. For all attempts to this end must remain fruitless, if they do not cause positive harm. To propose to the independent craftsman or farmer measures by which their small concerns can once more be made profitable, would not be in any sense to serve their interests ; the only effect would be to arouse illusions which could not be realized. Furthermore, although the downfall of small production is inevitable, it is not necessarily ac- companied by all the horrible circumstances which are usually connected with it. We have seen that the disappearance of small production is only the last act of a long drama. The previous acts were taken up by the painful de- generation of the small producer. But the socialist movement has not the slightest ad- THE CLASS STRUGGLE 213 vantage to gain from this degeneration. On the contrary, its advantage Hes all in the opposite direction. The more degraded the groups from which the proletariat is recruited the more dif- ficult it is to elevate the recruits to the point at which they are willing and able to join the ranks of the militant proletariat. It is upon the ex- tension of this division of the proletariat, how- ever, that the size and strength of the socialist movement depend. The fewer the demands made upon society by the farmer or independent craftsman, the more accustomed he is to cease- less labor, the less resistance he will be able to offer after he has fallen into the proletariat. To a certain extent the same 'causes which bring about the international solidarity of the workers lead to a solidarity with the classes wrom which the -proletariat is recruited. Of course if the sinking farmer or small busi- ness man attempts to keep his head above water at the cost of the working-class, if, for example, he tries to lower wages or hinder the organiza- tion of labor, then he will always be opposed by the proletariat and by the Socialist Party. On the other hand, the socialist movement does all in its power to support measures which are cal- culated to bring about, without injury to the working-class, an amelioration of conditions for the farmer and small business man. This appears unmistakably in the nature of the im.mediate demands which the socialist parties of different lands make on their respective govern- ments. Certain of these demands are purel)' in- dustrial in their nature, designed especially to 214 THE CLASS STRUGGLE secure the protection of the wage-earner. But the majority are concerned with interests which the proletariat and the other groups of the labor- ing population have in common. These include demands for such reforms as an income tax, the initiative and referendum, freedom of press and speech, election of judges, etc. Some of these demands are included in the platforms of bourgeois parties ; others can, in the nature of the case, be formulated only by an anti-capitalistic organization. And no bourgeois party will fight for them with th« same energ>' as the Socialist Party. For this is the only party that really has an interest in relieving non- capitalist classes of their burdens, edncating their children, and elevating their lives in general. Only measures of the sort proposed by the Socialist Party are calculated to improve the position of the small producers so far as it is possible to improve it under existing conditions. To assist them as producers by fortifying them in the retention of their outlived method of production, is impossible, for it is opposed to the course of economic development. It is equally impossible to make capitalists out of any con- siderable number of them. It is only as con- sumers that the mass of them can be helped at all. But it is precisely the parties most friendly to the small producers that cast upon them, as consumers, the heaviest burdens. These burdens are real, but the elevation of small production which is supposed to accompany them, is nothing more than empty pretense. To assist the small producer in his character of THE CLASS STRUGGLE 215 consumer, far from hindering economic develop- ment, is a means of promoting it. The better the position of the small farmer or small capitalist as consumer, the higher his standard of living, the greater his physical or intellectual demands, the sooner will he cease the struggle against in- dustry on a large scale. If he is accustomed to a good living he will rebel against the privations incident to a protracted struggle, and will the sooner prefer to take his place with the pro- letariat. And he will not group himself with the most submissive members of this class to which he has joined himself. He will pass directly into the ranks of the militant, purpose- ful proletarians,, and thus hasten the victory of the proletariat. This victory will not be born out of degrada- tion, as many have believed; no more out of the degradation of the small producers than out of that of the proletariat. -Socialism has as much cause to oppose degradation on the one side as on the other, and it does so to the best of its ability. To strengthen the socialist movement, therefore, is to the interest, not only of the wage- earners, but of all sections of the population which live by work and not by exploitation. The small business men and farmers have never, since the beginning of the modern state, been in a position to defend their interests as against the interests of the other classes. Today they are less able to do it than ever. In order to fight their battles, they are forced to unite with one or more of the other classes. The instincts bred by the ownership of property drive them 216 THE CLASS STRUGGLE into the arms of the capitaHst parties ; that is, into coalition with one of the various groups of great property-owners. The capitaHst parties themselves seek this coalition, in part because they need votes, in part because of more pro- found reasons. They know that today the private property of the small producers is the strongest support of the principle of private ownership in general, and therefore of their whole system of exploitation. To the good of the small producer they are indifferent. They are quick to burden him as a consumer; so far as they are concerned, it makes no difference how far he is shoved down, so loHg as his small business does not perish utterly and he thus re- mains in the ranks of the property-owners. At the same time all the bourgeois parties are in- terested in capitalist exploitation, hence in the progress of economic development. They de- sire, indeed, to maintain the farmer and inde- pendent craftsman, but as a matter of fact they do everything in their power to extend the domain of industry on a large scale and thus to suppress all forms of small production. Quite different is the relation between the small producer and the socialist movement. Even if socialism can do nothing to maintain small production, the small producer has nothing to fear from it. It is the capitalists, not the pro- letarians, who expropriate the farmer and crafts- man. The victory of the proletariat is, as we have seen in the previous chapter, the only means of putting an end to this exploitation. As consumers, moreover, the independent small THE CLASS STRUGGLE 217 producers have the same interests as the pro- letarians. They have, therefore, every reason to protect their interests by joining the Socialist Party. It is, of course, not to be expected that they will quickly recognize this fact. But the stam- pede of the farmers and small capitalists from the ranks of the bourgeois parties has already begun. And it is a stampede of most remark- able character, for it is the best and bravest who lead the way — not to desert the field of battle, but rather to escape from the petty strife for their miserable existence into the gigantic, world-moving struggle for the institution of a society which shall give to all its members op- portunity to share in the great conquests of modern civilization, into the struggle for the emancipation of all civilized peoples, yes, of all humanity, from the bondage of a system which threatens to crush it. The more unbearable the existing system of production, the more evidently it is discredited, and the more « unable the ruling parties show themselves to remedy our disgraceful social ills, the more illogical and unprincipled these parties become and the more they resolve themselves into cliques of self-seeking politicians, the great- er will be the numbers of those who stream from the non-proletarian classes into the Socialist Party and, hand in hand with the irresistibly advancing proletariat, follow its banner to victory and triumph. What Is a Man? That is a very old question and there have been many guesses at it. Man is a thinking creature, but before he became a thinker he was an animal. Gradually he developed — evolved, as we say today — and became a complex being. In his upward growth he passed through many different stages and changes. What the nature of that evolution has been and the mysteries concerning himself that still remain are the considerations taken up by M. H. Fitch in his book, The Physical Basis of Mind and Morals Though never extensively advertised, this was one of the books most in demand throughout the recent Lyceum Lecture Course successfully conducted by the Socialist party, showing that many people had discovered the book for themselves and had told of its merit. It is probably the best and most comprehensive statement of the evolutionary theory of man and his brain extant. It is a book for the student who would krow and under- stand. Cloth bound, 427 pages, large, clear type. Price, post- paid, $1.00. Send $1.00 for a year's subscription to the International Socialist Review and get it for 50c. Sent FREE to subscribers for the Review for one NEW yearly subscription. CHARLES H. KERR 6 COMPANY 341-349 EastOKlo Street. CKicago UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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