4^ cnvA. ^a'iHnuucj;* -ocvfUDnnttrt}^ AAjvfLiD«rtKr( '^^ ii fr 1 \r • J IJ JiW i\J' nf iiircr r ^ '^ = ^^• ^" \MfON "^MiAINniWi MV i i ^ ft: ^**v V W» tiJ % ■^1 C^ r-> =J 1 ^ 53 3> sMX or 5 go I rrl 5 ^ =«3 \^iUNivfi. , § ^ & c-> O pn ^ ^^I* > /• J STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES 1900-1914 n- THE STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES 1900-1914 COMPILED BY FRANCIS J. HANNIGAN HEAD OF PERIODICAL DEPARTMENT, BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOSTON SMALL, MAYNARD & COMPANY PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1918 By small, MAYNARD & COMPANY (incorporated) m^.^ 1^'^^ PREFACE The Standard Index of Short Stories is the result of a long-felt need on my part for an adequate reference book to which librarians can turn in order to locate the whereabouts of short stories published in American magazines, but not reprinted in book form. Although the short story is the most characteristic and popular form of American literature, it is a curious fact that the overwhelming majoritj' of short stories, including many of the best that are published each year, are not reprinted afterwards. For many years I have had the experience of being unable to answer from fifteen to twenty inquiries a day on the part of readers who came to the Periodical Department of the Boston Public Library and sought without avail to trace a magazine short stoiy. Such inquiries were so continuous and insistent that I began compiling for the use of the Boston Public Libraiy a manuscript card index of short stories published in Amer- ican magazines since 1899. As the work grew, I l)egau to reahze of Avhat value~it would prove to other libraries, and it was determined that this index should be published in book form. The Standard Index of Short Stories is an index, by author and by title, under one alphabet, with many cross references, of all the short stories published in twenty-four American magazines from January, 1900, to December, 1914, inclusive — that is, from the beginning of the period when the magazine short story became an art with a large Amer- ican public to the beginning in 1915 of the series of annual volumes edited by Mr. Ed- Avard J. O'Brien, of The Best Short Stories published in American magazines during the year. In the Yearbook section of this series, Mr. O'Brien indexes all the short stories published in these magazines for the years beginning with 1915. The Standard Index contains more than 35.000 entries, comprising the work of more than 3,000 anthoi-s, and a number of the magazines which it indexes — notably The Sat- urday Evening Post — do not publish an annual index, and have not been indexed before in any form. This index should be useful to libraries, editors, magazine and book publishers, mo- tion-picture producers, short-story writers, and other literary workers. Colleges which offer courses in short-story writing should find it a means of tracing material suggested to students for illustrative purposes. It should also prove useful to schools of oratorv'. I shall be grateful to librarians and others for suggestions and corrections that may tend to increase the future usefulness of the volume. Such communications may be ad- dressed to me at the Boston Public Librarj', and will be gratefully acknowledged. Fraxcis J. Haxnigan. Boston Public Library, February, 1918. LIST OF PERIODICALS INDEXED, ABBREVIATIONS USED AND DATES COVERED Amer American Magazine Sept. 1905 — Dec. 1914 Atlan Atlantic Monthly Jan. 1900— Dec. 1914 Cent Centuiy Magazine Jan. 1900— Dec. 1914 Col Collier's Weekly Oct. 1903— Dec. 1914 Cosmop Cosmopolitan Jan. 1900— Dee. 1914 C'iT. Lit Current Literature Jan. 1900— Dee. 1912 ^^' ^P Current Opinion Jan. 1913— Dec. 1914 Delin Delineator Jan. 1900— Dee. 1914 Everyb Everybody's Magazine Jan. 1900— Dec. 1914 Forum Forum Jan. 1900— Dec. 1914 Les. Mo Frank Leslie's Monthly Jan. 1900— Aug. 1905 Harp. B Harper's Bazar Jan. 1900— Dec. 1914 Harper Harper's Monthly Jan. 1900— Dee. 1914 Harp. W Harper's Weekly Jan. 1900— Dee. 1914 Hearst Hearst's Magazine Jan. 1912 — Dec. 1914 L. H. J Ladies' Home Journal Jan. 1900— Dec. 1914 Lippine Lippineott's Magazine Jan. 1900 — Dec. 1914 MeClure McClure's Magazine Jan. 1900— Dec. 1914 Met Metropolitan Magazine Jan. 1900 — Dec. 1914 Mun Munsey's Magazine Jan. 1900 — Dec. 1914 New Eng. N. S New England Magazine, New Series Jan. 1900 — Dec. 1914 Outl Outlook Jan. 1900— Dee. 1914 Sat. E. P Saturday Evening Post Jan. 1900— Dec. 1914 Scrib Scribner's Magazine Jan. 1900— Dee. 1914 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES 1900-1914 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 A as in father. R. Hughes. L H J 30:22 O '13 A -flat major polonaise. W. A. Hickman. Cent 7!m504 Ah, 731 S 'Oy Aaron Luckett's gridiron gloat. R. E. Mac- Alarney. Amer 75:114 N '12 Abandoned picket-line. C. Johnston. Harp W 54:17 Ja 15 '10 Abandoned wooing. W. P. Eaton. Amer 78:23 Ag '14 Abbe's roses. G. Chantepleure. Outl 102:497 M 2 '12 Abbot. Angus Evan Admiial and the sirens. Met 18:617 Ag '03 Abbot of Bow-Accord. P. Lyde. Lippinc 74:765 D 04 Abbot of Buskin Rock. R. Wilsted. Lippinc 70:217 Ag '02 Abbott, Avery Captain of indigence. Met 28:644 S '08 Governor's lady. McClure 36:34 N '10 Jim's woman. Cent 77:818 Ap '09 Purple mark. Forum 42:74 Jl '09 Verdict. Cosmop 49:093 N '10 Years at the spring. Delin 67:894 Mv '06 Youths cross-roads. Harper 127:463 Ag '13 Abbott, C. Yarnall Mendacity of Mr. Riggs. Lippinc 72:379 S '03 Abbott, Charles C, M. D., 1S43- Aunt Jane's reminiscences. Lippinc 91:336 Mr '13 Chronicling small beer. Lippinc 71:269 F '03 Fresh 'on the nia'sh. Lippinc 71:556 Ap '03 In a second-hand shop. Lippinc 68:382 S '01 Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell (Mrs. Fordvce Coburn) 1872- Adopted house. Delin 78:318 N '11 Along the ripply river. Everybody's 20:773 Je Amateur lover. Everybody's 22:736 Je '10 Happy-day. Everybody's 17:723 D '07 Heart of the city. Everybody's 21:785 D '09 Indiscreet letter. Everybody'.s 24:476 An '11 Knik in the air. Col 39:15 Ag 31 '07 Mean little town. Everybody's 28:456 Ap '13 Runaway road. Everybody's 15:593 N '06 Scarlet geranium hat. Everybody's 25:630 N Sick-a-bed lady. Col 36:12 N 11 '05 Something that happened in October. Every- body s 19:470 O 'oS Sunday hu.sbands. Mun 37,21 Ap "07 Tin.sel-toes. Met 41:7 D '14 Very tired girl. Col 40:13 N 16 '07 White linen nurse. Cent 86:482 Ag "13 Woman's only business. Everybody's 20:306 Mr '09 Abbott, Elenore Plalsted .Mai] who an.swcred. Los Mo 58:130 Je '04 Abbott, Keene, 1876- Ashman, The. Co8mop 49:587 O '10 Bright green horse. Harp B 42 624 Jl 'OS Ills mother. L H J 27:7 Ap '10 Home. Harper 120 60 I) '09 Listener. Atlrin 101 sr, Jl -00 Little jrray fafhr-r. Ilarpf-r 120-3Sn F '10 Maybe wild parnnlpH Harper 120:269 J! '14 Out. Outl 99:^27 1) 2 '11 Silencer Harper 120:917 yiny MO Sound of running water. Outl 99:484 O 28 '11 Abbott, Keene — continued Toil. Delin 77:367 My '11 White glory. McClure 20:470 Mr '03 Youth. Harper 119:889 N '09 Abbott, Mabel Ernestine Lefevre's ugly disposition. Mun 28:436 D '02 Abby Sophia's legacy. H. A. Nash. New Eng n s 30:299 My '04 Abdication of Artillery Bill. S. Ford. Les Mo 60:113 My '05 Abdication of Martha Ware. M. C. Richardson. New Eng n s 36:369 My '07 Abdication of Mrs. Dogherty. A. O'Hagan. Mun 33:249 My '05 Abduction of Red Kelly. H. R. Durant. Mun 35:220 My 06 Abdullah, Achmed Strength of the little thin thread. Col 50:18 O 5 '12 Abe Martin on an old-fashioned Fourth o' July. K. Hubbard. Amer 75:356 Jl '12 Abe Martin on ancient and modern journalism. K. Hubbard. Amer 73:505 F '12 Abe Martin on New Year's resolutions. K. Hubbard. Amer 77:70 Ja '14 Abe Martin on spring fever. K. Hubbard. Amer 77:17 My '14 Abe Martin on the relation of June to wedlock. K. Hubbard. Amer 75:32 Je '13 Abe Martin on votes for women. K. Hubbard. Amer 74:196 Je '12 Abe Martin's neighbors. K. Hubbard. Amer 72:712 O '11 A' Beckert, John J. As fate hath willed. Harp B 33:1112 S 1 '00 Gift of Cyrilla. Harp B 33:673 Jl 14 '00 Abe's little flyer. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:8 S 25 '09 Abigail's blue bonnets. K. Shelton. New Eng n s 31:659 F '05 Abijah the brave and the fair Emmajane. K. D. Wiggin. Scrib 41:304 Mr '07 Abijah's bubble. F. H. Smith. Sat E P 180:8 5 21 '07 Abimelech Higgins' way. W. J. Lampton. Sat E P 174:16 Ag 24 '01 Abnormal. R. W. Chambers. Harp W 48:202 P 6 04 About Hannah Stone. M. E. Wilkins. Every- body's 4:25 Ja '01 About McRay. C. E. Hay. Met 35:15 F "12 About the hunter's fire when dav is done. C. E. Beane. New Eng n s 41:169" O '00 Above fine gold. W. R. Lighton. Evervbodys 9:576 N '03 Above the clouds at Metenui. A. S. Schmidt. Atlan 96:251 Ap '05 Abracadabra atTair. I'. W. Hart. Lippinc 69:216 K -0 2 Abraham Lincoln Keyes. B. Blow. Now Eng n s 39:287 N 445 D '08 Abram's freedom. E. Turpin. Atlan 110:311 8 Abroad. O. Schock. Harper 125:893 N '12 Ab's foolish frankness. K. Harris. Bat E P 180:5 S 7 "07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Absence. A. Kinross. Sat E P 178:16 Je 30 '06 Absence of Mr. Glass. G. K. Chesterton. Mc- Clure, 40:33 N '12 Absent guest. R. R. Gilson. Cent 67:598 F '04 Absent-minded courtship. L. P. Wilson. L H J 21:9 JI '04 Absent-minded goddess. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 180:5 Jl 13 '07 Absent treatment. P. G. Wodehouse. Col 47:16 Ag 26 '11 Absolution. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 181:7 Ag 22 '08 Absurdity is — just that it should be absurd. H. k: Webster. McClure 44:56 N '14 Academic question. D. Canfield. Mun 43:92 Ap •10 Acadian coquette. C. G. D. Roberts. Sat B P 172:772 F 24 '00 Accessory after the fact. B. Copplestone. Everybody's 3:170 Ag '00 Accessory before the fact. F. R. Bechdolt. Sat E P 1S1:S O 10 'OS Accident. F. K. Johnson. Harper 116:447 F '08 Accident. S. C. Page. Lippinc 79:537 Ap '07 Accidental honeymoon. D. Potter. Lippinc 86: 513 N '10 Accidental plutocrat. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 178:7 Je 30 '06 Accidental saint. C. Wilson. Col 40:14 D 21 '07 Accommodators. O. Thanet. Delin 70:749 N '07 Accomplice. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 115:616 S '07 Accomplished Mrs. Thompson. N. Richardson. Lippinc 79:410 Mr '07 According to counsel. E. Elliott. New Eng n s 29:289 N '03 According to destiny. G. Weston. Harper 124: 803 Ap '12 According to faith. C. E. Laughlin. Harp B 44:442 Jl '10 According to his light. C. B. Burrell. New Eng n s 338 My '00 According to his lights. S. Glaspell. Amer 72:153 Je '11 According to Lady Moyle. See Baroness von Hutten According to Meredith. Mrs. B. Lowndes. Mc- Clure 33:444 Ag '09 According to the aborigines. H. K. Harris. Met 11:529 My '00 According to the code. V. F. Boyle. Delin 58.84 Jl '01 According to the law. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 87:741 Je '11 According to the sucker. H. Dickson. Sat E P 186:10 N 8 '13 Account with Cupid. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 185:3 Mr 29, 20 Ap 5, 15 Ap 12 '13 Account with Swithin Hall. J. London. Sat E P 184:12 S 2 '11 Accounting of Lockhart Warwich. E. Bolt- wood. Mun 40:490 Ja '09 Accursed hat. D. Marquis. Cosmop 46:708 My '09 Ace-hIgh royal bluff. F. A. Parker. Harper 100:650 Mr '00 Acheson, C. B. Sub, The. Met 16:274 S '02 Achievement. F. Crissey. Harper 118:124 D '08 Achievement. E. Lowell. Lippinc 94:371 S '14 Achievement. J. C. Snaith. Amer 70:484 Ag '10 Achilles calls on Betty Harris. J. Lee. Harper 115:839 N '07 Achilles goes to Chicago. J. Lee. Harper 114: 115 D '06 Achilles the butler. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 56:389 S '14 Acid test. L. Osbourne. Everybody's 26:740 Je '12 Acid test. A. Stringer. Sat E P 185:8 F 8 '13 Acquittal. T. Garrison. Delin 73:559 Ap '09 Across a picket fence. S. Ford. Scrib 38:350 S '05 Across the boundary. H. Wysham. Col 37:16 Ag 11 '06 Across the bridges. M. M. Mears. Harper 103; 302 Jl '01 Across the court. J. L Lawrence. Mun 42:178 N '09 Across the creek. L. Pratt. Atlan 102:803 D '08 Across the fields. B. R. Hoover. Everybody's 18:602 My '08 Across the state. G. K. Turner. McClure 20: 268 Ja '03 Act of God. M. D. Post. Met 39:28 D '13 Act that made good at McGarvin's. H. G. Van Campen. Sat E P 185:14 Ap 26 '13 Acting honest. H. Dickson. Sat E P 185:12 Je 14 '13 Actor in the French farce. H. M. Hyde. L H J 23:17 O "16 Actress; a romance of the theatre. See Hale, Louise Closser Actress of the school. E. H. Brainerd. L H J 22:11 Ap '05 Acts and entr'actes. K. Trask. Harper 100:942 My '00 Adam an' Eve an' pinch-me. B. Millard. Cosmop 43:75 My '07 Adam Brewster. L. H. French. Cent 62:654 S •01 Adams, Andy, 1859- Passing of Peg-Leg. Les Mo 51:304 Ja '01 Question of possession. Les Mo 55:74 N '02 Adams, Arthur H. Girl in the punt. Les Mo 57:370 F '04 Kowhai Blossom. Cosmop 36:65 N '03 Literary temperament. Cosmop 37:695 O '04 Adams, Austin For all there was in it. McClure 30:633 M '08 Adam^s farm. J. Oppenheim. Amer 73:584 Mr Adams, Frederick Upham, 1859- Eureka elephant. Amer 64:546 S '07 Kmg of Cocoanut island. Col 43:20 My 29 '09 Machme-made hero. Delin 71:812 My '08 Tame man of Borneo. Col 43:12 Ag 28 '09 Adams, H. B. Letters of a Wellesley girl. New Eng n s 37:32, 161, 360, 433. 607, 679; 38:82; S '07- Mr '08 Adams, Louise Hardenburgh Change for the better. Delin 61:264 F '03 Coming thro' the wheat. Delin 62: 171 Ag "03 Home provided. Lippinc 75:361 Mr '05 Presumptive evidence. New Eng n s 31:536 Ja '05 Adams, Mary (pseud) Confession.s of a wife. Cent 63:945; 64:135, 266, 453, 558. 732, 884; 65:26; Ap-N '02 Adams, Minnie Barbour Doctor Wentworth's patient. New Eng n s 34:663 Ag '06 Ebb of the tide. Delin 71:1008 Je '08 Genre idyl. Met 26:561 Ag '07 Out of the shadows. Cosmop 42:705 Ap '07 Pot-boiler. Delin 71:446 Mr '08 Under the semaphore. Met 25:764 Mr '07 Wedding or funeral. Scrib 45:107 Ja '09 Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 1871- Adventures of a somnambulist. Amer 67:429 Mr '09 B. Jones, butcher. McClure 27:510 S '06 Balanced account. Everybody's 1S:3S Ja '08 Chosen instrument. Everybody's 22:158 F '10 Flying death. McClure 20:280, 424 Ja-F '03 Forsaken mountain. Col 38:24 D 8 '06 Great adventurer. Everybody's 29:166 Ag '13 Grimsden house. Everybody's 20:694 My '09 Health master. Delin 77:361 My; 461 Je; 78:9 Jl; 151 S '11 King Coal. McClure 23:409 Ag '04 Last resort. Harp W 49:1276 S 2 '05 Little black satchel. Mun 25:912 S '01 Little fat fiddler. McClure 22:652 Ap '04 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Adams, Samuel Hopkins — continued Long- tryst. Amer 72:274 Jl "11 Manauda brotlier. McClure 24.359 F '05 Matter of principle. McClure J6:485 Mr '06 Medico-strategist. Col 42:22 Ja 2 '09 My business partner — "Gym.' Col 51:19 My 13 '13 Omitted from publication. McClure 41:93 Je •13 Pi-esident and passenger. Col 52.5 O 11 13 Realm of enchantment. McClure 23:520 S 04 Romance of the right-of-way. Sat E P lS2:2{s Mr 19 '10 Substitute. McClure 26:60 N '05 Such as walk in darkness. McClure 19:300 Ag '02 Three men. Amer 68:643 O '09 Adams, W. Bates Fattening of David. Amer 61:452 F '06 Adams, Will Barbs and bullets. Mun 42:206 N '09 Betting on Shorty. Col 52:7 Ja 3 '14 Cavalry Pegasus. McClure 31:557 S 08 Education of Trooper Brown. Cent 74:10 My •07 Goat and scapegoat. Col 52:16 O IS 13 Knuckle-pusher. McClure 29:433 Ag 07 Loot and the lieutenant. Col 53:11 Jl 4 9 Jl 11 '14 Making a sabe hombre. Col 52 16 O 11 "13 Mix-ups in Troop J. Col 52:17 F 2s '14 Off-agin-on-agin Finnegan. Col 53:13 Jl 25 '14 Pair of diamonds. McClure 30:436 F '08 Pup and Hickey. Mun 41:336 Je 09 Red tape. Met 29:62 O OS Road to St. Lizzy's. McClure 35:538 S 10 Shorty's victorious maneuvers. Col 52:8 Ja 24 '14 Addie Erb and her girl Lottie. F. Buzzell. Cent. 89:65 N '14 Addolorata's intervention. H. B. Fuller. Scrib 40:715 D '06 Ade, George, 1866- Backslider. Col 44:12 D 11 "09 Breaking-in of Quincy Bolivar. Sat E P 175:1 My 23 '03 Getting sister Laura married off. Sat E P 176:5 Jl 18 03 Modern fable of the old fox and the young fox. Cent 63-670 Mr '02 Slim princess. Sat E P 179:3 N 24; 5 D 1 '06 Tales of a country town Sat E P 175:1 Ja 24 '03 To make a Hoosier holiday. Col 34:8 D 17 '04 Adeler, Max. pseud. See Clark, Charles Heber. Adeline Thurston, poetess. E. G. Jordan. Har- per io;t::;no ji '04 Adena Belllsslma. L. E. MacBrayne. Harper 118:579 Mr 09 Adeste Fideles — an accident. R. Block. Every- body's 8:238 Mr '03 Admirable outlaw. M. Sykes. Scrib 40:627 N •00 Admirable Whoople. N. Lloyd. Scrib 37:587 My '05 Admiral and the sirens. A. E. Abbott. Met 18: 617 Ag '03 Admiral and the tug. F. W. Brown. Met 25:73 O '06 Admiral Pulver. L. Perry. Les Mo 60:327 Jl '05 Admiral's ward. M. E. Seawell. Sat E P 172: 62S Ja 20 '00 Admonition of Cain. C. Carey. Everybody's S:258 Mr '03 Adolescence of number eighty-seven. A. Strin- ger. Met 24:210 My '06 Adopted. A. H. Donnell. Harper 113:927 N '06 Adopted baby. E. P. Butler. Mun 53:323 N '14 Adopted dilemma. C. W. Dawson. Harp W 54:22 Mr 19 '10 Adopted house. E. H. Abbott. Delin 78:818 N •11 Adrladne records. M. T. Earle. Sat E P 176:1 N 7 '03 Adulteration act. W. W. Jacobs. Harper 101: 519 S '00 Advantages of being an aunt. J. J. Bell. Delin 69:472 Mr '07 Advent of M. Gordonsky. B. Lessing. Cosmop 52.1i.2 Ja '12 Advent of the agnostic. J. B. G. Town. Delin 67:SS4 My '06 Adventure m Altruria. K. Jarboe. Mun 43:508 Jl '10 Adventure in Arcady. R. H. Barbour. Lippinc .8:129 Ag '06 Adventure in paleontology. A. Sullivan. Har- per 128:518 Mr ^14 Adventure in the high C's. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 181:8 Ag 15, 18 Ag 22 'OS Adventure of a parrot. H. S. Edwards. Cent 64:204 Je "02 Adventure of a Saint Martins summer. W. J. Locke. Amer 74:563 S "12 Adventure of Corkey and Mr. Tupper. E. Phill- potts. Cent 84:558 Ag '12 Adventure of Fleurette. W. J. Locke. Amer 72;57!:* S '11 Adventure of mystery. H. Carruth. Harper 100:330 Ja '00 Adventure of the Arlesienne. W. J. Locke. Amer 71:467 F '11 Adventure of the counterfeiters. S. M. Garden- shire. Sat E P 178:5 Ag 5 '05 Adventure of the dymg detective. A. C. Doyle. Col 52:5 N 22 '13 Adventure of the fair patronne. W. J. Locke. Amer 71:291 Ja '11 Adventure of the fickle goddess. W. J. Locke. Amer 74:439 Ag '12 Adventure of the Fifth street church. E. P. Butler. Les Mo 57:653 Ap '04 Adventure of the foundling. W. J. Locke. Amer 72:21 My '11 Adventure of the kind Mr. Smith. W. J. Locke. Amer 72:339 Jl '11 Adventure of the miracle. W. J. Locke. Amer 72:706 O "11 Adventure of the Mona Lisa. C. Wells. Cent 83:478 Ja ^12 Adventure of the white carnation. F. J. Bur- nett. Lippinc 77:599 My '06 Adventurer. X. Lloyd. Scrib 56:673 N '14 Adventures in business. See Woolley, Edward Mott Adventures in neurasthenia. O. Henry. Cos- mop 49:217 Jl '10 Adventures of a book agent. Harper 102:330 Ja •01 Adventures of a bookkeeper. R. Hughes. Amer 68:128 Je '09 Adventures of a pioneer plainsman. J. J. Healy. Sat E P 173:10 N 24 '00 Adventures of a recluse. E. M. Kelly. Lippinc 90:598 N '12 Adventures of a somnambulist. S. H. Adams. Amer 67:429 Mr '09 Adventures of Amaryllis P. Lyde. Lippinc 72: 467 <) •OS Adventures of an uncle: a Smith College story. J. D. Daskam. Sat E P 173:7 Je 22 '01 Adventures of Anastasius. See Paternoster, George .Sidney Adventures of Captain Claude. C. Dangerfield. Cosmop 36:595 Mr '04 Adventures of John Longbowe, yeoman. B. Harte. Cosmop 32:153 D '01 Adventures of Melissa. R. Kipling. Col 42:18 N 2S '08 Adventures of the little king. See Major, Charles. Adventures of the scarlet car. See Davis, Rich- ard Harding Adventures of Worrv-Worry 'Williams. L. A. Knight. Everybody's 29:417 S 'IS Adventures on the ragged edge. J. Corbin Cent 76:655 Mr '08 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Adventures underground. M. C. Jenison. Sat E P 185:10 My 24 '13 Advertising orphan. F. X. Finnegan. Col 52:16 O 4 '13 Advocate. A. Brown. Harper 112:845 My '06 Advocate's first plea. G. B. McCutcheon. Mc- Clure 20:75 N '02 Aerial jag of Jones. R. Norton. Harp W 53:22 N 27 '09 Aetat. ten. E. S. Small. Harp B 39:417 My '05 Affair of Harry Maingaye. F. Danby. Harp W 59:41 Jl 11 '14 Affair of peanuts. W. Irwin. McClure 41:58 My '13 Affair of the Cachalot. V. T. Sutphen. Sat E P 174:10 O 19 '01 Affair of the Carpathian. V. T. Sutphen. Harp W 52:12 D 12 '08 Affair of the lady missionary. E. Wallace. Amer 75:82 F '13 Affair of the protocol. J. R. Scott. Lippinc 88: 682 N '11 Affair of the uptowners. B. V. Cooke. Lippinc 81:494 Ap '08 Affair of the Ursa Major. M. T. Earle. Sat E P 174:6 N 23 '01 Affair of violets. H. R. Davis. Delin 55:91 Ja '00 Affairs of Caroline. K. Norris. L H J 31:22 F 14 Affinities. M. R. Rinehart. Sat B P 186:12 JS 29 '13 Afoot at the horseshow. B. Pottle. Every- body's 9:766 D '03 Afraid of the dark. H. Willsie. Harp W 58:22 Ja 10 '14 After Botticelli. B. Hanscom. Sat B P 180:8 Je 6 'OS After Culloden. W. M. Raine. McClure 16:195 Ja '01 After fifty years. A. Warner. Mun 29:919 S '03 After he was dead. M. D. Post. Atlan 107:464 Ap '11. Same, Cur Lit 52:359 Mr '12 After house. See Rinehart, Mrs. Mary. After Maizie's marriage. B. McCracken. Delin 66:415 S '05 After many years. W. M. Clemens. Met 13:94 Ja '01 After many years. G. Weston. Harper 120:803 Ap '10 After seven years. H. Gaylord. New Bng n s 36:695 Ag '07 After sunset. H. D. Queen. Delin 83:8 Ag '13 After the accident. G. Hibbard. Cent 71:321 D '05 After the concert. C. Sylva. Sat E P 173:6 My 18 '01 After the symposium. S. A. Shafer. Outl 81: 1077 D 30 '05 After the wedding. E. B. Peake. Harper 106: 512 Mr '03 After the wedding. W. D. Howells. Harper 114:64 D '06 After thirty. J. Street. McClure 41:41 Ag '13 Afterglow. L. H. French. Cent 64:515 Ag '02 Afterglow. R. R. Gilson. L H J 21:8 My '04 Afterglow: monologue. R. M. Stuart. Harp B 44:78 F '10 Aftermath. M. T. Wynne. Outl 74:620 Jl 4 '03 Afternoon drive. Mrs. W. Hudson. Delin 62: 321 S '03 Afternoon miracle. O. Henry. Everybody's 7:81 Jl '02 Afternoon ride of Paul Revere Columbus Dobbs. V. Baker. Atlan 114:242 Ag '14 Afterward. V. Y. Remnitz. Scrib 45:622 My '09 Afterward, E. Wharton. Cent 79:321 Ja '10 Agacella or. R. T. Stout. Lippinc 93:465 Ap '14 Again friends. H. Saake. New Eng n s 41:659 F '10 Against orders. E. H. •06 Smith. Scrib 40:583 N Agamemnon and the Fall of Troy. H. W. Phillips. Col 36:24 D 16 '05 Agatha's escort. B. Gates. Cosmop 47:320 Ag '09 Age limit. E. S. Johnson. Atlan 93:542 Ap '04 Age of Abel. A. W. Bailey. Outl 74:377 Je 6 '03 Agee, Mrs. Hamilton Pope. See Lea, Fannie Heaslip Agent at Bantam Spur. C. Johnston. Sat E P 184:6 S 23 '11 Agent at Lone Park. M. L. Osborne. Mun 30: 116 O '03 Agent at Lost Station. C. Johnston. Sat E P 182:12 D 11 '09 Agent at Missouri Station. W. Gibson. Sat B P 174:6 My 31 '02 Agent of the U. S. B. C. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 48:20 D 10 '04 Agitation of David Mawes. B. Boltwood. Mun 47:686 Ag '12 Agnes and the wheel of fortune. M. Hill. Mc- Clure 42:134 D '13 Agua Dulce. M. Austin. Harp W 53:22 Ag 28 09 Agulnaldo, Emilio, 1870- Story of my capture. Everybody's 5:131 Ag '01 Ahead of schedule. P. G. Wodehouse. Col 46: 14 Ja 28 '11 Ahead of the drums. J. T. Mclntyre. Les Mo 57:422 F '04 Ahern, political appointee. E. B. Waterworth. Everybody's 15:125 Jl '06 Ah-Man. Lt Colcord. Amer 66:559 O '03 Aicard, Jean, 1848- Tear-vender. Cur Lit 48:686 Je '10 Vase of clay. Cur Lit 46:693 Je '09 Aide-de-camp. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 41:209 F -07 Aides-de-camp to Cupid. B. M. Tybout. Lip- pinc 86:719 D '10 Aiken, Ednah Cross and the dragon. Cosmop 41:613 O '06 Purple and fine linen. Harper 127:715 O '13 Aileen. See Tompkins, Elizabeth Knight Air-fight. M. Robertson. Everybody's 16:353 Mr '07 Air-line. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 181:4 S 26 '08 Airman. G. Morris. Met 35:25 Je '12 Air-pirate. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 56:269 Ja '14 Akers, Arthur K. Buffalo mountain tunnel. McClure 33:558 S '09 Fathead. Sat B P 183:30 D 24 '10 Alarm clock. E. Poole. Amer 71:273 D '10 Alarm of Angelone. W. H. Osborne. Every- body's 13:466 O '05 Alarums and excursions. G. Hibbard. Mun 39:511 Jl 'OS Alas, little kitty! J. W. Tompkins. Every- body's 12:272 F '05 Album on the center-table. E. Wood. Every- body's 19:258 Ag '08 Alcatraz island. C. L. Cullen. Lippinc 69:751 Je '02 Alcesty's flier. A. E. P. Searing. Delin 80:212 O '12 Alchemists. K. H. Brown. Everybody's 17:665 N '07 Alchemy of illusion. A. B. Morrison. Cent 68: 790 S '04 Alden, Anne Indiscretion of the best man. Harper 118:973 My '09 Alden, Mrs. Cynthia May Westover, 1862- Christmas at Halloweirs Hole. L H J 21:14 D '03 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Alden, Raymond Macdonald, 1S73- Bureau of destiny. Col 41:13 My 16 '08 Ends of the earth. Col 38:21 F 23 '07 Filippo. Cosmop 45:153 Jl OS In quarantine. Col 39:15 Jl 27 '07 Alden, William Livingston, 1S37-1908 Experiment in Darwinism. Sat E P 174:6 Je 7 'OJ Harvey, Hustler & Twitchell. Mun 38:673 F 'OS Invention of Andrew Walsh. Harper 112:155 D '05 Last of the pirates. Sat E P 173:4 N 24 '00 Miss James — a mystery. Sat E P 173:5 Ad 6 01 Missing link. Sat E P 175 ;1S My 2 '03 Parson's pond. Sat E P 172:1082 My 19 '00 Passing. Scrib 40:703 D '06 Pratts cats. Sat E P 172:972 Ap 21 '00 Psniith of Pavia. Harper 114:452 F '07 Sand wheels. Sat E P 173:14 My 11 '01 Soudan. Everybody's 19:592 N 'OS Swiss fleet. Sat E P 172:1236 Je 30 '00 Unifier. Les Mo 53:551 Mr 02 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907 Case of Thomas Phipps. Harper 103:628 S '01 Quite so. Outl 86:923 Ag 24 '07 Sea turn. Harper 103:4 Je 01 Shaw's folly. Harper 102 :S1 D '00 Tom Folio. Scrib 34:277 S '03 Untold story. Scrib 2S:70S D '00 White feather. Atlan 90:298 S '02 Alec Bivins's gun. H. S. Edwards. Cent 75:744 Mr "08 Alethephone, The. D. Gray. Sat E P 187:3 S 19 '14 Alexander. B. Blow. Everybody's 17:324 S '07 Alexander, Hartley Burr 1^73- Magic kiss. Cosmop 33:709 O '02 Alexander, Helen Her own life. Harper 129:528 S '14 Alexander's masquerade. W. S. Gather. Mc- Clure 38:385 F '12 Alfred. E. D. Smith. Gent 62:399 Jl '01 Algerian swordsman. F. G. Blakeslee. Lippinc 7S:9S Jl -06 A Igo logical love-story. H. D. Ward. Gosmop 3S-417 F '05 Ali Baba. J. Hopper. McClure 29:380 Ag '07 AM Baba of the Sierras. B. Harte. Sat E P 174 Ja 4 '02 Alias Cupid. G. Hibbard. Met 22:703 S '05 Alias Santa Glaus. J. A. Morose. Amer 78:18 D '14 Alibi of the autocar. W. H. Osborne. Gosmop 39:483 S '05 Alice and May. G. W Pangborn. Harper 129: ni Je '14 Alice and the Oolph-Lvnx. J. T. E. Tompkins. Everybody's 0:021 Je '02 Alice in P.lunderland. Harp W 56:10 O 5, 10 O 12. 10 O 19 '12 Alice in Summerland. Harp W 46:1073 Ag 9. 1114 Ap Ifi. 1152 Ag 23. 1196 Ag 30, 1242 S 6 '02 Alicia, and Bob the canary. G. Weston. Everybody'.s 11:535 O '04 Alicia and Harriet's affair. G. Weston. Every- body's 28:566 Ap '13 Alicia and poor Willy. G. Weston. Every- body's 29:133 Jl '13 Alicia and the eggs. G. Weston. Everybody's 2S:418 Mr '13 Alicia and Tommy Warts G. Weston. Every- body'.s 27 851 D '12 Alicia's birthday. G Weston. Everybody's 27: 420 S '12. Allen. M. H. Clyde. Cent 74:756 S '07 Allen, F. H. I.ea, Col 41:16 S 5 '08 Allen, The. J. G NVIhardt. Mun 36:706 Mr '07 Allen corn. M. D. Post. Sat E P 185:7 Mv 31 •13 Allen country. H. J. Smith. Atlan 98:617 N '06 Alien of the wild. C. G. D. Roberts. McClure 22:451 Mr '04 Aliens. B. Tarkington. McClure 22:3S9 F '04 Alive and the enemy. M. L. Girault. Lippinc 77:251 F '06 Alkali dust. C. M. Horton. Met 24:282 Je '06 All aboard for paradise. G. Richardson. Les Mo 52:306 Jl '01 All because of Susie. E. P. Butler. L H J 24:11 L> '06 All for Dolly. J. Pratt. New Eng n s 23:532 Ja All for his boy. C. S. Thompson. Mun 48:849 F All for love. M. Sherwood. Scrib 50:655 D '11 All gold canon. J. London. Cent 71:117 N '05 All-hollows honeymoon. J. Marks. New Eng n s 37:308 N '07 All in a days run. W. H. Foster. Scrib 47:159 F '10 All in a garden fair. M. A. Bacon. Harp W 51:58 Ja 12 '07 All in Alicia's family. G. Weston. Everybody's 27:528 O '12 All in the day's work. R. M. Jonas. Col 51:8 Je 7 '13 All in the family. M. Hill. Les Mo 60:24 My '05 All in the play. R. W. TuUy. Sat E P 180:5 S 28 '07 All of it. P. C. Macfarlane. Col 49:19 Ap 20 '12 All on a summer's day. J. J. Bell. Les Mo 56: 443 S '03 All souls' day. S. Carleton. Harp W 48:1816 N 26 '04 All-star cast. F. I. Anderson. Sat E P 186:12 Ja 24 '14 All that glitters. J. A. Moroso. Amer 75:36 Ap '13 All that I know of a certain star. J. Ingersoll. Atlan 86:562 O '00 All that troubled him. G. Morris. Cosmop 53: 172 Jl '12 All the evidence. G. Morris. Cosmop 55:850 N '13 All the winds of doctrine. G. M. Martin. Mc- Clure 18:458 Mr '02 Alia Napolitana. B. Lessing. Cosmop 45:311 Ag '08 Allan's cowardice. A. Gurney. New Eng n s 39:500 D '08 Allard burglars. G. Hibbard. Mun 34:689 Mr '06 Allee same. F. A. Mathews. Atlan 88:704 N '01 Allemande left. M. Synon. Scrib 50:723 D '11 Allen. Alice E. Counsels of Brother James. New Eng n s 36: 188 Ap '07 Fur coats. New Eng n s 25:469 D '01 How Ebenezer entertained. New Eng n s 28: ISl Ap '03 Allen, Anne Story By favor of the gods. Harper 107:172 Jl '08 Doll Mildred. Everybody's 14:191 F '06 For love of a star. Mun 37:642 Ag '07 Hope Foster's mother. Everybody's 25:418 S '11 In suite two. Mun 23:378 Je '00 Links in a chain Les Mo 56:152 Je '03 Moira. Delin 69:93 Ja '07 My hero. Les Mo 55:96 N '02 Neighbors. Delin 71:114 Ja 'OS Paper lady's lodger. Everybody's 14:683 My '06 Present from Peter. Mun SS:328 D '07 Reformation of Michael Doolan. Everybody's 10:95 Ja '04 Saint Rosamond. Les Mo 54:570 O '02 .•Shortcomings of Rose. T>es Mo 54:197 Je '02 Wedding-journey of Mrs. Flastlngs. Cosmop 43 56n a '07 Allen, Caroline Stet. M1 At Miss Penley's door. C. T. Brady. Delin 70: 498 O '07 At San Jose. E. C. Hall. Met 16:631 D '02 At strenuous five year. C. B. De Camp. Har- per 104:679 Mr '02 At sunrise. H. B. Mitchell. Everybody's 23:420 S '10 At ten thousand feet. A. S. Briscoe. Mun 52: 340 Jl '14 At the auction. E. Myers. Mun 48:953 Mr '13 At the Bloody Angle. C. Hovey. Everybody's 4:128 F 01 At the Caf§ D'Orsay. J. M. Howells. Atlan 103:511 Ap '09 At the change of the moon. S. C. Page. Lip- pinc 80:252 Ag '07 At the circus. S. C. Bryant. Les Mo 57:471 F '04 At the corner of Lovers' Lane. J. L. Williams. Sat E P 173:16 O 27 '00 At the court of the Corsican. H. Harland. Sat E P 173:2 O 20 '00 At the crisis. E. M. Woolley. Sat E P 186:14 D 6 '13 At the Crown and Sceptre. R. H. Barbour. Lippinc 72:617 N '03 At the door of the cage. A. M. Shaw. Lippinc 80:117 Jl 07 At the Dovely's. S. Ford. McClure 15:112 Je ■00 At the ebb-tide. C. J. Post. Cent 87:760 Mr •14 At the eleventh hour. E. V. B. Matthews. Harp B 38:232 Mr '04 At the end of his course. S. S. Titsworth. Everybody's S:592 Je '03 At the end of the long night. E. H. Hurlbut. Col 50:20 S 21 '12 At the end of the war. F. S. West. New Eng n s 32:436 Je '05 At the flowing of the tide. E. J. O'Brien. Forum 52:375 S '14 At the foot of the monument. V. Rousseau. Harp W 54:22 Ap 16 '10 At the foot of the rainbow. C. B. McLean. De- lin 72:264 Ag 'OS At the foot of the trail. M. C. Graham. Cent 62:220 Je '01 At the ford. W. W. Quinton. Harp W 56:16 Mr 9 '12 At the fork of the road. L. B. Ellis. New Eng n s 21:634 Ja '00 At the fork of the road. C. C. Leybee. Mun 47: 926 S '12 At the fourth flag. O. Bates. Scrib 48:482 O •10 At the gates of mercy. L. B. Edwards. Lip- pinc 67:362 Mr '01 At the Green Tree Inn. E. Hungerford. Sat E P 185:15 Jl 13 '12 At the hairdresser's. M. I. Fisk. Harper 115: 811 O '07 At the height. B. R. Herts. Forum 45:549 My :ii At the hour appointed. M. Tracy. Harp B 38: S48 S '04 At the hunting-lodge of the grand-duke. E. B. Tiffany. Harper 105:609 S '02 At the inner gate of Tien-Tsin. A. Kinnosukfi. Everybody's 5:90 Jl '01 47:14 Jl 22 '11 At the sign of the waxen woman. C. Danger- field. Lippinc 74:348 S '04 At the stuffed-animal house. M. Deland. Har- per 106:941 My '03 At the tavern of the sun. M. C. Perry. Cent 65:188 D '02 At the Three Kettles. A. W. French. Mun 28: 90S Mr '03 At the tomb. C. S. Raymond. Amer 73:469 F ■12 At the top of the bow. C. Dangerfleld. Met 29:211 N '08 At the turn of the tide. L. Covert. Harper 106:245 Ja '03 At the turning. E. F. Stearns. Les Mo 58:156 Je '04 At the window of paradise. R. H. Barbour. Delin 63:1019 Je '04 At third hand. W. D. Howells. Cent 61:496 F '01 Atalanta and Meleager. A. Updegraff. Forum 52:387 S '14 Atavism. K. Remer. Forum 52:515 O '14 Atavism of Abimelech. F. N. Stratton. Col S5: 15 Jl 15 '05 Atavism of Alaraaf. L. T. Perkins. Atlan 91: 784 Je '03 Atavism of John Tom Little Bear. O. Henry. Everybody's 9:57 Jl '03 Athabasca belle. C. Warman. Les Mo 60:271 Jl 05 Atherton, Louise Parke Himalayan sketches. Atlan 101:555 Ap '08 Atherton's d§but. M. B. Mullett. Met 19:817 Mr '04 Atkinson, Eieanor (Stackiiouse) ((VIrs. Francis Blake Atkinson) 1S63- Sympliony in B flat. Everybody's 19:212 Ag Wooing of romantic days. L H J 27:5 Jl '10 Atkinson No. 7. E. Oviatt. Les Mo 56:116 Je '03 Atonement. L. C. Teters. Lippinc 77:88 Ja '06 Attack in the Rue De La Presse. L. Merrick. Met 24:80 Ap '06 Attack on the chaise. H. B. M. Watson. Lip- pinc 70:716 D '02 Atwater, Mary IVIeigs El medico. Cent 82:556 Ag '11 Au chapeau bleu. J. Jastrow. Cent 76:358 Jl '08 Au dela of Mr. Bazak; the last adventure of Miss Austin. S. Merwin. McClure 41:97 O Auction. A. Brown. Harper 119:19 Je '09 Audoux. IVIarguerite Mother of Marie. Cur Op 54:74 Ja '13 Three little stories of France. Everybody's 2(:146 .\g '12 Auken, Tasse Bramleigh's redemption. Met 23:174 N '05 Aunt Agatha's ideal apartment. A. E. McFar- lane. Sat E P 176:4 S 26 '03 Aunt Amity's silver wedding. R. M. Stewart. Cent 78:260 Je '09 Aunt Anna. G. Hibbard. Mun 43:204 My '10 Aunt Cynthia. H. Monroe. Delin 71:977 Je 'OS Aunt Dianthy. G. A. England. Lippinc 84:353 S '09 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 13 Aunt Elizabeth. O. Oliver. Harper 128:732 Ap '14 Aunt Faithful's fishing. A. MacGowan. Mun 31:555 Jl '04 Aunt Foster's cranberries. J. A. Macy. ^Jew Eng n s 31:201 O '04 Aunt Glory's marriage certificate. M. F. Childs. Cent 71:498 Ja '06 Aunt Jane and the lion-tamer. K. H. Brown. Amer 78:22 S 14 Aunt Jane goes a-visiting, E. C. Hall. Cosmop 43:494 S '07 Aunt Jane's album. E. C. Hall. Cosmop 28:385 F '00 Aunt Jemimy " excurts " to Jamestown. C. Ryland. Cent 74:322 Je 07 Aunt 'Liza. L. Finch. Amer 67:395 F '09 Auntie Jane's reminiscences. C. C. Abbott. Lippinc 91:336 Mr "13 Aunty Jane, pseud. See Mclllwraith, Jean Newton Aunt IVIargaret's busy day. M. F. Washburne. Harp B 38:280 Mr '04 Aunt Marthy's bunco steerer. C. Moody. Met 25:640 F '07 Aunt Melissa's slumber-shoes. M. N. Thurston. Harp B 33:2157 D 22 '00 Aunty Mirando. A. Colton. Col 48:18 F 3 '12 Aunt Sarah and the policeman. Lf. R. Bascom. L H J 30:7 Jl '13 Aurelie. A. S. Hardy. Harper 119:383 Ag "09 Auspicious beginning. K. Harris. Mun 34:743 Mr '06 Austin, Anne Over the teacups. Met 13:327 Mr '01 Austin, F. Britten Nerves Col 54:8 N 14 '14 Austin, IVIrs. IVlary (Hunter) 1868- Auga Dulce. Harp W 53:22 Ag 28 '09 Basket maker. Atlan 91:235 F '03 Bitterness of women. Harp W 53:22 O 9 '09 Case of conscience. Harp W 53:22 Ag 14 '09 Christmas fiddle. Cent Sl;239 D '10 Fakir. Harper 119:556 S '09 Frustrate. Cent 83:467 Ja '12 Golden fortune. Atlan 92:791 D '03 Green bough. Amer 73:642 Ap '12 Hoodoo of the Minnietta. Cent 74:450 Jl '07 House of offence. Harp W 53:22 O 23 '09 Last Antelope. Atlan 92:24 Jl '03 Little Coyote. Atlan 89:249 F '02 Mahala Joe. Atlan 94:44 Jl '04 Plouglied lands. Harp W 53:22 S 11 '09 Pot of gold. Mun 25:491 Jl '01 Readjustment. Harper 116:694 Ap 'OS Return of Mr. Wills. Cent 74:244 Je '07 Shepherd of the Sierras. Atlan 86:54 Jl '00 Spring o' the year. Cent 75:923 Ap 'OS Walking woman. Atlan 100:216 Ag '07 White cockatoo. Cent 83:549 F '12 White hour. Mun 29:88 Ap '03 Woman at Eighteen-Mile. Harp W 53:22 S 25 '09 Austin, S. Goddard Outcasts. Met 16:642 D '02 Autobiography of a shop girl. Les Mo 53:565 Ap, 56:53 My '03 Austin's embarrassed butler. K. Howard. Lippinc 87:354 Mr '11 Austin's girl. K. Norris. Everybody's 28:260 F Auswanderer, Die. J. B. Connolly. Sat E P 176:8 F 27 '04 Author. W Price. Col 38:20 D 22 '06 Author! Author! C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 187:8 Ag 1 '14 Author's reading at Bixby Centre. K. D. Wig- gin. L H J 18:5 Mr '01 Author's reading in Simpkinsville. R. M. Stu- art. Cent 60:612 Ag '00 Auto fois — auto moeurs, Swodlsh for the point of view chantrf-a with the income. J. M. Flagg. Amer 75:117 Ja '13 Auto game in Homeburg. G. Fitch. Amer 77: 12 My '14 Autobiography of a happy woman. Sat E P 183:3 N 8, 12 N 22, 21 D 6, 18 D 20 '13 Autobiography of a mothei-in-iaw. M. B. Wright. Sat E P 185:8 Mr 8 '13 Autobiography of a remittance man. Sat E P 185:13 O 19 '12 Autobiography of a small homesteader in Wy- oming. Sat E P 184:10 N 25 '11 Autobiography of a stingy man. Amer 77:46 Mr 14 Autobiography of a theatrical press-agent. Amer 75:66 Ap, 78+ My, 70+ Je '13 Autobiography of an elderly woman. Every- body's 14:625 My '06 Autobiography of an heiress. Delin 76:355 N '10 Autobiography of Aureola. E. S. Phelps. Cent 6S:1U9 My '04 Autocrat of the swivel-chair. E. M. Tybout. Sat E P 180:8 S 14 '07 Automaniacs. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 176:1 S 5 03 Automatic benefit. A. S. Roche. Harp W 51: S77 Je 15 '07 Automatic breakfast. P. Besson. Harper 193: G68 S '01 Automatic capitalists. See Payne, Will Automobile incident. E. Elliott. New Eng n s 28:594 Jl '03 Automobile love story. G. Hibbard. Les Mo 59:566 Mr '05 Autumn, A. Strindberg. Cur Lit 53:115 Jl '12 Autumn fan. G. Schock. Harper 119:903 N '09 Autumn leaves. L. G. Giltner. Mun 36:127 O '06 Aux Italiens. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:11 My 13 '11 Avalanche. R. Herrick. Scrib 41:705 Je '07 Avenger. M. Williams. Everybody's 18:837 Je '08 Avenging angel. Mrs. J. K. Hudson. Lippinc 65:784 My '00 Avenging pi-ayer. P. V. Mighels. Harper 118: 109 D '08 Averted stepmother. M. Manning. Harper 112: 577 Mr '06 Averted tragedy. G. Norton. McClure 15:217 Jl '00 Averting of the schism. W. S. Davis. Every- body's 7:584 D '02 Avis, Virginia Hero anyhow. Everybody's 16:853 Je '07 Avoided visit of Carolyn. M. Z. Herrick. Lip- pinc 87:455 Ap '11 Avunculus. D. Canfield. Everybody's 20:259 F •09 Awaited hour. E. M. Rhodes. Everybody's 18: 691 My '08 Awakened memories. A. W. Beer. New Eng n s 34:743 Ag "06 Awakening. N. Boj'ce. Harp W 58:21 S 27 '13 Awakening. D. Canfield. Mun 37:510 Jl '07 Awakening. M. Gorky. Cur Lit 39:348 S '05 Awakening. G. S. Mason. Everybody's 24:275 F '11 Awakening. J. H. Ranson. Amer 64:403 Ag '07 Awakening of .\rchimedes. M. E. Hansell. Forum 51:84 Ja '14 Awakening of George Raymond. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 175:14 Ap 11, 10 Ap 18 '03 Awakening of Mr. Thomas Rankin. L. Denison. Everybody's 11:800 D '04 Awakening of Rastus. W. A. Fraser. Col 33:19 S 24 '04 Awakening of Small Plover. H. T. George. CoHjiiop 32:75 N '01 Awakening of the T,Ioutenant-Governor. S. K. Cl.i.spcll. Mini 31 :(;60 Ap '04 14 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Away they galloped together. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc !53:74y Je Oa Awful reason of the vicar's visit. G. Chester- ton. Harp W 4Js;S33 My 2S, b68 Je 4 'U4 Awful weapon. R. W. Child. Sat K P 1S2;8 M 27 '09 Awkward question. M. H. Vorse. Harper 113: 68 Je '06 Aylward, William James, 1875- How they rammed the derelict. Scrib 43:386 Ap '08 Aymar, Maud Christian L,ittle leaven. Harper 127:665 O '13 Ayrton, Edith. See Zangwill, Mrs. Edith Ayr- ton Azro Craig's awakening. E. Flower. Col 34:20 O 1 04 Aztec romance. T. A. Janvier. Harper 122:317 Ja '11 Azure ring. A. B, Reeve. Cosmop 51:116 Je '11 B B. Jones, butcher. S. H. Adams. McClure 27: 510 S '06 Babble of old beaux. M. H. Vorse. Scrib 45:369 Mr '09 Babbled o' green fields. W. A. White. Sat E P 178:8 D 30 '05 Babcock, Mrs. Bertrand W. See Watanna, Ouoto, pseud. Babcock, Edwina Stanton Barn-yard mystery. Harper 119:973 My '05 Field of scarlet treasure. Atlan 107:182 F '11 From the diary of a cat. Harper 109:487 Ag •04 Minor reflections. Harper 114:649 Mr '07 Moli^re's birthday. Atlan 107:55 Ja '11 Pipes of commerce. Atlan 108:411 S '11 Search for a sluggard: a tale of three ants. Outl 78:622 N 5 '04 Some reflections. Harper 114:325 Ja '07 Way of a wood-chopper. Atlan 105:542 Ap '10 Babcock, William H., 1849- Eyes that saw not. Harper 105:30 Je '02 Two in a fog. Lippinc 77:641 Je '06 Babcock, Mrs. Winnifred Eaton. See Watanna, Onoto, pseud. Babe Randolph's turning point. R. A. Wason. McClure 23:464 S '04 Babes in the wood. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 175:3 My 2 '03 Babes in the wood; a story of the children's cru- sade. R. C. Pitzer. Delin 69:1051 Je '07 Babes in the woods. T. G. Springer. Lippinc 94:119 Jl '14 Babetta's environments. G. Zollinger. New Eng n s 31:211 O '04 Baby. G. L. Collin. Harper 103:279 Jl '01 Baby. Z. Gale. Delin 68:84 Jl '06 Baby and the camel. M. A. Hamm. Cent 70: 415 Jl '05 Baby Ballinger's soul. M. I. Thomas. New Eng n s 41:606 Ja '10 Baby behind the curtain. E. McCraken. L H J 19:7 D '01 Baby-broke. E. Woodbridge. L. H J 29:11 Je '12 Baby camel that walked to Jesus. W. A. Dyer. L H J 31:11 D '14 Baby from Ruggle's Dip. K. W. Hamilton. Cent 65:624 F '03 Baby goes a-fishing. C. T. Brady. Lippinc 74: 56 Jl '04 Baby in the mail-pouch. C. E. Craddock. L H J 26:6 D '08 Baby in the red house. W. Kirkland. L H J 30:8 Jl '13 Baby of Vonstradam. L. Forsslund. L H J 21:9 Mr '04 Baby talk. R. Hughes. Sat E P 186:6 Mr 28 '14 Baby wrangler. A. M. Cleaveland. Met 25:100 O '06 Baby's bath. A. Bennett. Amer 73:411 F '12 Bach double concerto in D minor. B. Harraden. Scrib 53:580 My '13 Bacheller, Irving, 1859- Commodore Vanderbilt and the hand-made gentleman. Amer 67:463 Mr '09 Keeping up with Dan'l Webster. Cent 84:606 Ag '12 Keeping up with Lizzie. Harper 121:688 O '10 Lonesome man of Huckleberry lake. Amer 71:649 Mr '11 Man on the hilltop. Harpei 119:370 Ag '09 Marie and the talk trust. Harper 124:909 My '12 New stories by Eben Holdun. Les Mo 56:341 Ag 03 Shadow of happiness. Cosmop 31:661 O '01 Socrates invents a new sin. Harper 123:429 Ag 11 Socrates to the rescue. Harper 122:502 Mr '11 Soloist of Center Pond. Cur Lit 51:697 D '11 Story of the big timber. Cosmop 31:396 Ag '01 Tale of two burdens. Cent '^6:548 Ag '08 Uncle Eb's last day a-fishing. Cent 73:232 D '06 Bachelor and the baby. M. Cameron. Harper 114:381 F '07 Bachelor and whippus. B. K. Ginger. Delin 84:15 Ja '14 Bachelor of elements. N. Lloyd. Scrib 39:469 Ap '06 Bachelor's Christmas baby. T. Masson. L H J 22:8 D '04 Bachelor's dinner. K. Eggleston. Mun 44:170 N '10 Bachelor's experience. F. Coppee. Outl 76:229 Ja 23 '04 Bachelor's fancy. A. Brown. Atlan 93:37 Ja '04 Bachelor's friend. K. N. Birdsall. Everybody's 5:607 N '01 Bachelors of Braggy. S. MacManus. Atlan 93: 597 My '04 Bachelor's ward. S. B. Kennedy. Everybody's 6:235 Mr '02 Bachmann, Robert A. Comedy of the white rat. Met 28:608 S '08 Missing daughter of Chee Tong. Met 29:394 Ja '09 Bacillus of death. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 52:211 Ja '12 Back door. C. Day, Jr. Harper 128:662 Ap '14 Back-fire. See Rowland, Henry C. Back home. A. H. Donnell. Delin 75:423 My '10 Back of third base. G. Morgan. Harp W 58:18 Ag 16 '13 Back porch. E. J. Rath. Everybody's 21:33 Jl '09 Back porch of life. I. M. Evans. Sat E P 186:7 S 27 '13 Back seat. G. Morris. Sat E P 185:8 Ap 12 '13 Back there in the grass. G. Morris. Col 48:17 D 16 '11 Back to back. W. W. Jacobs. Met 38:7 Jl '13 Back to Indiana. E. E. Peake. Harper 111:658 O '05 Back to the hills. A. N. Bourne. Harp B 39: 7S7 S '05 Back to the soil. M. B. Martin. Everybody's 26:270 F '12 Backgrounds. G. E. Channing. Harper 115:67 Je '07 Backhand prodigal. P. Curtiss. Everybody's 29:704 N '13 Backslider. G. Ade. Col 44:12 D 11 '09 Backslider. J. D. Bacon. Sat E P 185:5 Mr 22 '13 Backsliding of Mrs. Hardwin J. Flagg. A. M. Sholl. Mun 40:338 D '08 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 15 Backus, Gurden Good piece of rock. Met 33:107 O '10 Backward, o time! H. Hazeltine. Delin 72:83 Jl 'OS Bacon, Alice Mabel, 185S- Favor of Hachiman. Atlan 96:95 Jl '05 Indeoendence of Saburo. Atlan 94:389 S '04 Bacon, Dolores, pseud. See Bacon, Mrs. Mary Schell Bacon, Edgar Mayhew, 1855- Cardenez the guerrilla. Met 16:454 O '02 Great Mississippi scheme. Met 12:202 Ag '00 Ship in the berg. Met 15:497, 583 Ap-My '02 To the highest bidder. Met 17:17 Ja '03 Bacon, Mrs. Josephine Dodge (Daskam) 1876- Adventures of an uncle: a Smith College story. Sat E P 173:7 Je 22 '01 Ardella in Arcady. McClure 18:331 F '02 Backslider. Sat E P 185:5 Mr 22 '13 Bayard of Broadway. Harp W 46:64 D 6 '02 Biography of a boy. Harp B 43:637, 732, 839, 993, loOO, 1192 Jl-D '09 Blue dress. Scrib 33:457 Ap '03 Bob Fellowe's wife. L H J 31:19 Ag '14 Bobbert's merry Christmas. Harp B 35:703 D '01 Castle on the dunes. Harper 119:531 S '09 Cave woman. Sat E P 185:3 D 7 '12 Children. Harper 119:327 Ag '09 Contract. Sat E P 186:28 My 9 '14 Conversion of Constantina. Amer 64:396 Ag •07 Courting of Lady Jane. Delin 60:763 N '02 Darby and Joan, limited. Sat E P 187:16 IN 14 '14 Edgar, the choir boy uncelestial. McClure 18: 262 Ja '02 Fables for the fair. Harp B 33:1148 S 1 '00 Farm bv the forest. Col 41:12 Ag 22 '08 Firm, The. Sat E P 186:6 D 13 '13 First of October. Harper 109:721 O '04 Flowering of Felicia. L H J 31:7 Mr '14 Goddesses from the machine. Scrib 37:18 Ja '05 Heart of a child. McClure 16:291 F '01 Her fiance: story of Smith College. Sat E P 173:4 O 27 '00 Hope deferred. Cent 62:420 Jl '01 House of their rest. L H J 28:7 F 1 '11 Hut in the wood. Col 41:12 Je 'OS Idyl of the road. McClure 29:603 O '07 Idyll of All fools' day. Amer 65:563, 66:71, ISl Ap-Je '08 Imp and the author. Harper 101:202 Jl '00 Imp disposes. Harper 103:474 Ag '01 In the valley of the shadow. McClure 20:41 N '02 Key to the east gate. L H J 28:7 Jl '11 Levitation of Miss Weeks. Scrib 36:195 Ag '04 Little brother of the books. Scrib 32:400 O '02 Little god and Dickey. McClure 17:338 Ag '01 Little silver heart. Harper 113:762 O '06 Little victory for the general. McClure 31:253 Jl '08 Madness of Philip. McClure 16:183 D '00 Miracle. Harper 121:843 N '10 Mrs. Dud's sister. Harper 104:279 Ja '02 Mortgage, The. Sat E P 186:8 Jl 19 '13 Peggy's summer. Harp 1? 47:290 Je '13 PhilanthroiJist. Harper 105:97 Je '02 Pillar of Society. Col 37:19 Ap 7 '06 Pillar of stone. Amer 66:374 Ag '08 Point of view. Harp B 36:405 My '02 Pretenders. Col 42:16 Ja 30 '09 Reversion to type. Scrib 31:452 Ap '02 Scandal in high life. Scrib 37:411 Ap '05 Showdown, The. Sat E P 185:3 My 17 '13 Study in piracy. McClure 16 :4!i7 Ap 01 Test. Sat E P 186:28 My 16 '14 Tomorrow's mother. L H J 31:7 S '14 Warning. Scrib 44:713 D '08 Where thieves break in. Col 43:12 My 29 '09 Bacon, Mary Applewhite All in a gardf-n fair. Harp W 51:58 Ja 12 '07 Along uutrodfUn ways. Harper 104:95 D '01 f'hangflfsa. Ilariu-r 104:550 Mr '02 Hills of Haber.sham. Tlarper 103:688 O '01 His sister. Harprr 109:937 N '04 Larkspur. Harper 103:52 Jf '01 T/ittle randle. Harpfr ]0'.)Ay.t Je '04 Love of the world. Atlan 10t:3G7 S '09 Bacon, Mary Applewhite — continued Passing of a shadow. Harper 103:483 Ag '01 Solitary Thanksgiving. New Eng n s 23:337 N '00 Summer morning. Atlan 91:815 Je '03 Weaver. Harper 108:721 Ap '04 Who was her keeper? McClure 20:661 Ap '03 Bacon, Mrs. Mary Schell (Hoke) (Dolores Ba- con, Dolores Marbourg, pseuds.) 1870- Eberfield failure. Mun 30:147 O '03 When Mary Ellen left home. Harp B 37:1050 N '03 Bacteriological detective. A. B. Reeve. Cos- mop 50:346 F '11 Bad boy. E. L. Sabin. Sat E P 178:19 O 7 '05 Bad checks. R. W. Child. Sat E P 183:22 O 22 •10 Bad egg. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 182:5 Mr 19 '10 Bad Friday. O. Oliver. Mun 53:67 O '14 Bad investment. G. Hibbard. Sat E P 176:7 Ja 2 '04 Bad man. E. Hough. Les Mo 52:442 S '01 Bad-man Mason. A. O'Hagan. Mun 36:437 Ja '07 Bad man of Las Vegas. V. Kester. Mun 22: 552 Ja '00 Bad quarter of an hour. J. B. Dane. Met 15: 290 Mr '02 Baddy baby. J. W. Tompkins. Harp B 39:504 Je '05 Badge of servitude. O. Roberts. Amer 64:19 My '07 Badness of good people. M. Deland. L H J 31:7 Ap '14 Badoin, Janet Corner window. Mun 27:89 Ap '02 Bag of gold. H. Harland. Les Mo 56:13 My '03 Bagley, Grace H. Angelo and Angela. Atlan 99:232 F '07 Bag ley's artesian well. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 173:7 S 15 '00 Bail. G. Schock. Harper 123:463 Ag '11 Bailey, Alice Ward (A. B. Ward, pseud.) 1857- Age of Abel. Outl 74:377 Je 6 '03 Bright green pole. Outl 76:368 F 6 ^04 Livin"-out girls. Outl 73:307 F 7 '03 One of the family. Outl 74:1044 Ag 29 '03 Pioneer in co-education. Outl 87:332 O 1 '04 Real thing. Outl 79:598 Mr 4 '05 Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin, 1877- Andreas lily. Delin 84:74 My '14 Mario's finger eyes. Delin 84:18 Mr '14 Miracle of Olga. Delin 85:22 S '14 Sandman. Delin 78:257 O '11 Bailey, Henry Christopher, 1878- Amendment of M. De Chirac. Lippinc 82:747 D -08 Golden whistle. Cent 72:180 Je '06 Bailey, Pearce, M. D., 1865- Change of masters. Harper 127:752 O '13 Bailey, Temple Bride who breaks into society. L H J 30:18 Je '13 Canopy bed. Col 41:18 Ap 25 '08 Changeling. Cosmop 46:92 D '08 Christmas quest. L H J 31:15 D '14 Eternal feminine. McClure 31:681 O '08 Fatted calf. Met 28:51 Ap '08 Gastronomic tragedy. New Eng n s 27:344 N '02 Grandma. Lippinc 90:739 D '12 His wife. Lippinc 92:215 Ag '13 Man who was never a boy. Col 54:8 O 10 '14 On the Christmas limited. Everybody's 12:124 Ja '05 People of two worlds. L H J 20:5 My '03 Phyllida. Scrib 44:754 D 'OS Prince and the painter. L H J 21:7 Je '04 Rebellious grandmother. Harper 129:588 S '14 Sf)ng of the forest. L H J 22:18 F '05 Bailey's experiment. P. Gibbon. Col 42:18 N 7 •OS Bailey's monument. W. C. Ilowells. Harp W 56:11 N 23 '12 i6 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Bailey's sister. A. P. Ames. Delin 63:1022 Je •04 Bailie's double. I. MacLaren. Cosmop 31:153 Je '01 Baillie-Grohman, O. Seppel. Forum 52:695 N '14 Bain, George Grantham, 1865- In the money mill. Cosmop 39:660 O '05 Modern prodigal. Amer 63:37 N '06 Bainsbury divorce. Col. 49:14, 16 Je 8-15 '12 Baird, Frank Hartman. New Eng n s 26:761 Ag '02 Baird, Matthew, Jr. Bloomsbury's trip. Lippinc 89:709 My '12 Baiting of Brackett. H. F. Day. Everybody's 11:444 O '04 Baiting of Miss Purcell. J. W. Tompkins. L H J 24:20 Ap '07 Baiting of Rosenthal. H. C. Rowland. Every- body's 17:615 N '07 Baked apple alibi. H. Pendexter. Sat E F 17S:S Mr 24 '06 Baker, Colgate Heart of a geisha. Met 20:418 Jl '04 Baker, Etta Anthony Miss Pettigrew's reception. Harper 116:965 My '08 Baker, Harriette C. Story of the down east Klondike. New Eng n s 39:316 N '08 Tommy Stevens, peacemaker. New Eng n s 38:373 My '08 Baker, Katharine Amanda. Harp W 57:22 Jl 12 '13 Culture and the commissary. Col 49:18 Ag 17 •12 Entertaining the candidate. Atlan 111:277 F '13 For distinguished conduct. Forum 51:95 Ja '14 House of devils. Col 51:7 Jl 19 '13 Peanut kid. Harp W 57:16 F 1 '13 Rover. McClure 36:278 Ja '11 Baker, Ray Stannard, 1870- Getting Captain Cameron. McClure 14:241 Ja '00 In the land of promise. Col 36:20 F 24 '06 Lottridge. Col 35:14 My 27 '05 Roping at Pascos. McClure 19:152 Je '02 Tunnel's end. McClure 18:160 D '01 Baker, Virginia, 1859- Afternoon ride of Paul Revere Columbus Dobbs. Atlan 114:242 Ag '14 Answering of Abiel Kingsbury's prayers. Atlan 111:837 Je '13 Grandfather Crane invokes the aid of sor- cery. Atlan 114:486 O '14 Baker's biscuits. G. Hibbard. Sat E P 173:3 F 2 '01 Balance of power. J. R. Scott. Lippinc 89:823 Je '12 Balanced account. S. H. Adams. Everybody's 18:38 Ja '08 Baldwin, Henry Duett. New Eng n s 35:86 S '06 Baldy, Frederic Carrol Confusion of goods. McClure 16:11 N '00 Balking of Christopher. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 125:499 S '12 Ball and the bracelet. H. Saint-Gaudens. Met 24:635 Ag '06 Ball, Fielding Elopement. McClure 30:264 Ja 'OS Bmmeline. McClure 30:596 Mr 'OS Fountain light. McClure 32:551 Mr '09 Key to the door. McClure 31:190 Je 'OS Unintroduced neighbor. Amer 68:456 S '09 Ball, Virginia Japanese illusion. Cent 62:139 My '01 Ballagh, Harold Chinese cue. Lippinc 6S:88 Jl '01 Ballaine's bank balance. J. Blethen. Sat E P 174:5 F 1 '02 Ballanfad. J. V. Sears. Lippinc 68:609 N '01 Ballard in print o' life. G. M. Martin. McClure 19:207 Jl '02 Ballard, M. A. Memories of Moulin. Les Mo 55:164 D '02, 276 Ja '03 Misses Maingay. Les Mo 56:506 S '03 Ballard of Broken Heart. G. M. Cooke. Lip- pinc 78:498 O '06 Ballard, Sada Romance of Sharon. New Eng n s 38:618 Jl '08 Balloon fox-hunt. A. W. Vorse. Everybody's 23:461 O '10 Balloon terra-contra. H. T. Porter. Lippinc 85:620 My '10 Ballyhoo Bill. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 182:12 My 14 '10 Balmer, Edwin, 1883- American souvenir. Sat E P 180:14 Ja 18 '08 Beneficiary. Col 47:20 Ap 1 '11 Billings of '49. Amer 62:634 O '06 Black star. Met 39:20 F '14 By wireless. Sat E P 180:3 Jl 6, 20 Jl 13 '07 Choice. Coi 43:20 Je 5 '09 From the reef. Sat E P 180:12 S 7 '07 Going up? Col 48:21 N 11 '11 Greater share. L H J 29:7 N '12 Krataloa. Sat B P 180:12 N 2 '07 Maimie, The. Col 45:23 Ap 2 '10 Middle ground. Col 37:18 S 8 '06 One, The. Col 50:25 Ja 11 '13 Qualifying. Amer 74:697 O '12 Senior captain. Col 46:21 F 25 '11 Teacher who taught the governor. L H J 31: 15 My '14 Telefunken. Sat E P 180:3 D 21, 9 D 28 '07 White bead. Col 50:18 F 1 '13 Wild-goo.se chase. Sat E P 187:3 Ag 29, 23 S 5, 21 S 12, 21 S 19, 21 S 26 '14 Wolf of the city. Col 36:14 D 23 '05 — MacHarg, William, jt. auth. For lives of men. Sat E P 185:3 My 31 '13 Highwaymen. Sat E P 182:16 O 16, 19 O 23 '09 Balsam fir. M. E. Wilkins. Harp B 35:715 D '01 Baltimore lunch and Hartford lunch. L. A. Knight. Everybody's 30:491 Ap '14 Balzac, Honore de, 1799-1850 Episode under the Terror. Lippinc 89:422 Mr ■12 Bamboula. H. C. Rowland. Outl 78:133 S 10 •04 Banana circuit. F. Halsey. Mun 44:784 Mr '11 Banana girl. L. Wood, Jr. Lippinc 94:622 N '14 Bancroft, Alberta. See Reid, Mrs. Alberta Bancroft Band. C. B. Davis. Col 39:23 Ap 20 '07 Bangs, John Kendrick, 1862- Agent of the U. S. B. C. Harp W 48:20 D 10 '04 As to the banditti. Harp W 55:12 Mr 11 '11 Boggs sees Naples and its environs. Harp W 55:13 Ja 7 '11 Boggs plays a system at Monte Carlo. Harp W 55:18 My 27 '11 Boggs visits the French capital. Harp W 55: 13 Je 3 '11 Child who had everything but — Lippinc 88: 863 D '11 Conversion of Hetherington. Harp W 55:6 D 16 '11 Double revenge of Hawkesworth. Met 19:775 F '04 Eloping with papa. Harp W 57:16 Ja 11 '13 Farewell banquet. Harp W 55:10 Je 24 '11 From the rock of Gibraltar. Harp W 55:12 Ja 14 '11 Great day when Matilda voted. L H J 27.4 Ag '10 Half-seas over. Harp W 54:11 S 24 '10 In old Madeira. Harp W 54:11 D 3 '10- Invisible cloak. Harp W 55:12 Ap 15 '11 King of the Azores. Harp W 54:24 D 10 '10 Landing of Dannj- Wells. Mun 43:465 Jl '10 Landlord's daughter. Lippinc 90:325 S '12 Last night. Harp W 53:16 Mr 6 '09 Minister's first at home: farce. L H J 26:16 Mr '09 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 17 Bangs, John Kendrick — continued :Miss Tooker s wedding £iit. l-.ippinc 83:320 Mr 'Oy Monsieur Rousseau. Cosmop 43:315 Jl '07 Mystery of Venice. Hai-p W 55:13 My 6 '11 JSemesis of Wluilington. Met 2U:484 Jl '04 Pinliertons nignimare. Harper 103:831 O '01 Regeneration of Petlow. Harp W 56:9 D 21 •12 Remarkable adventures of Raffles Holmes. Harp W 49:lu60, 10G2, 1096, 113J, 1134, 1168, 1170. 1204, 1206, 1240 Jl 22-Ag 26 '05 Santa Claus and little Billee. Man 42:337 D 09 Short-shrift. Lippinc 85:337 Mr '10 63,9S7 N. J. Harp W 56:14 Ja 6 '12 Table d'hote talks. Harp W 54:8 S 3 '10 Tales of the links. Harper W 100:805 Ap, 101: 153 Je 00 Transferred sentence. Met 26:738 S '07 Visit to Yule college. Harp B 44:96 F '10 Bangs, Mrs. John Kendrick. See Bangs, Mary Biakeney (Gray) Bangs, Mary Biakeney (Gray) (Mrs. John Ken- drick Bangs) Hole in the wall. Lippinc 88:906 D '11 Banishment of Georgina. J. U. Munford. De- lin Sl:13 Ja '13 Banishment of Micky. M. Dohrman. Les Mo 58:455 Ag '04 Banjo Xell. J. Hopper. Col 44:15 F 26 '10 Bank clerk's tale. C. Thomas. McClure 30:591 Mr '08 Bank manager. R. Barr. Sat E P 181:9 F 27 '09 Bank notes. S. Ford. Everybody's 8:462 My '03 Bankruptcy as a fine art. M. Glass. Sat E P ls2:8 F 26 '10 Bankruptcy of Bannister. B. Phillpotts. Atlan 100:168 Ag '07 Banks, Charlotte Cost. New Eng n s 45:303 N '11 Banks, Mrs. Nancy Huston Miniature. Cosmop 43:23 My '07 Banner bearer. Mrs. B. Harrison. Sat E P 173:3 N 3, 7 N 10 '00 Bannockburn widow. J. O. Curwood. Cosmop 43:45 My '07 Banshee's halloween. H. Templeton. McClure 21:101 My '03 Bantree twins. R. W. Johnson. Met 17:175 F '03 Bantry. E. E. Peake. Sat E P 186:10 Je 20 '14 Bap Sloan's Pisgah. A. F. Johnston. Cent 66:730 S '03 Baptism of the Buzzards. F. "Walworth. Everybody's 6:471 My '02 Baptizing of Dugan. E. S. Chamberlayne. Met 3'i:]^5 My '09 Baptizing the baby. E. Taylor. Atlan 109:278 Bar sinister. R. H. Davis. Scrib 31:307 Mr '02 Barbara. F. A. Mathews. Cosmop 57:231 Jl '14 Barbara Lovell. P. S. Watson. Atlan 109:650 -My 12 Barbara's mother. M. B. MuUett. Harp B 40: I I S b 06 Barbarossa. See Brady. Cyrus Townsend Barbarous babe. E. Ayrton. Lippinc 6S:349 S Barber-surgeon of Sabugal. A. T. Quiller- < ouch. Les Mo 51:482 Mr "01 Barbour, Mrs. Anna Maynard Controlling interest. Lippinc 73:230 F '04 htill hunt. Lippinc 73:725 .'e '04 Barbour, Ralph Henry (Richard Stillman Pow- ell, pseud.) 1V70- Adventute in Arcady. Lippinc 78:129 Ap '06 03 *'^" ^"*^ Sceptre. Lippinc 72:617 N At the window of paradise. Delin 63:1019 Je 114 Braeburn Bonnie. Llppjnc 75:5S4 Mv '05 Christmas surrender. Co.smop 36:169 D '03 Barbour, Ralph Henry — continued Conspirators. New Eng n s 37:425 D '07 Dub. Lippinc 76:577 N '05 Helping Tommy out. Lippinc 78:472 O '06 Hold-up. Cosmop 38:2S9 Ja '05 Holly: romance of a southern girl. L H J 24:5 Ag, 15 S. 14 O, 16 N '07 How justice was done at Opuntia. Les Mo 53: 317 Ja '02 Ingenuity of young Mr. Preston. Met 17:26 Ap '03 Joke on Winnie. Everybody's 12:416 Mr '05 Kitty of the roses. Lippinc 73:641 Je '04 Lady Laughter. Lippinc 91:641 Je '13 Land of Joy. L H J 20:11 Mr, 7 Ap, 9 My '03 Marjorie Daw secundus. Met 18:720 S '03 Orchard princess. Lippinc 76:1 Jl '05 Patsy. Everybody's 15:412 S 06 Queer bit of the world. Amer 69:273 D '09 Seventh tutor. Met 19:592 Ja "04 Victory with honor. Lippinc 76:712 D '05 Winter roses. Everybody's 15:853 D '06 World of dreams. Delin 71:269 F '08 Barbs and bullets. W. Adams. Mun 42:206 N '09 Barchan, Paul Hares. Cent 87:693 Mr '14 Bareheaded Bill's reformation. G. P. Haynes. ]\ret 26:546 Ag '07 Bargain-counter sale. R. Barr. Sat E P 184:18 S 16 '11 Bargain day at Tutt house. G. R. Chester. McClure 25:129 Je '05 Bargain in hearts. E. Flower. Sat E P 178:6 D 30 '05 Bargain in hotels. T. L. Masson. Mun 45:490 Bargain in rugs. J. R. Perry. Lippinc 85:339 Mr '10 Bargain's day. E. Ward. Met 28:68 Ap '08 Barge of dreams. R. Hughes. Mun 53:559 D Baritone and the office boy. K. M. Roof. Atlan 96:257 Ag '05 Barjavel's civet of hare. T. A. Janvier. Har- per 125:663 O '12 Barker, Carolyn My Christmas with thirteen men. L H J 29: 17 D '12 Barker, John Metropolitan love incident. Cosmop 28:679 Ap '00 Barlow and the octopus. A. H. Vandenberg. Lippinc 74:777 D '04 Barlow, Arlo Uncle Joshua's last word. New Eng n s 34: 215 Ap '06 Barlow, Jane, 1860- White kerchief. Outl 65:310 Je 2 '00 Barn-yard mystery. E. S. Babcock. Harper 110:973 My '05 Barnard, Edith Best of all. Amer 67:398 F '09 Bonds of freedom. Amer 64:271 Jl '07 Day of jud;;ment Amer 65:298 Ja 'OS Gate of understanding. Amer 62:587 O '06 Keeper of a light. Col 38:19 N 10 '06 Ladybird. Col 38:23 D 15 '06 Barnard, Edith S. Light on the mountain. Met 23:165 N '05 Barndoor's romance. C. H. Latta. McClure IS: 412 Mr '02 Barnegat Macreary. T. J. Halns. Met 22:272 Je '05 Barnes, Charles R. Discontented: poor; rich. Delin 78:81 Ap '11 His pupil. Amer 70:611 S '10 Mrs. Sweeney's vengeance. McClure 32:530 Mr "O!) Poison l.Tdy. Amer 77:36 Je '14 Barnes, Fannie E. Fallow field. llar|)cr 104:292 Ja '02 Barnes, George Austin WlH-n grace was given. New Eng n s 29:91 S '03 i8 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Barnes, George Foster He and his daughter. Harp W 46:763 Je U '02 Barnes, James, 1S66- Baitle off the Capes. Outl 77:553 Jl 2 '04 Cuiiways burglar, ticrib 49:626 My '11 JJeputy. Harp W 56:16 S 7 12 Uloiy. Outl 102:541 M 9 12 In loco parentis. Met oi>Ai My '13 Itinerant diamond mine. Harper 118:739 Ap ■O'J Kidnappers. Harper 122:704 Ap '11 Lone commando. Harp W 47:1076 Je 27 '03 Lost. Met 18:733 S '03 Mutineeis of the Sarah Benson. Harp W 54:8 D 10 10 One who thought. McClure 18:271 Ja '02 Revoke. Scrib 46:74 Jl '09 Silly ass. McClure 31:53 My '08 Siring of pearls. Scrib 32:305 S '02 Their countrymen. Scrib 34:595 N '03 Touched. Sat E P 174:16 D 7 '01 Whistles. Col 50:17 O 12 '12 Barney and King Lear. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 52:5 S 20 '13 Barney Brian's monument. S. MacManus. Harp \V 44:826 S 1 '00 Barney Doon, braggart. P. V. Mighels. Harper 108:219 Ja '04 Barney has a hunch. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 53:7 S 5 '14 Barney's promotion. F. R. Robinson. Cosmop 35;S2 My '03 Barnitz, Wirt W. Electa, the daughter of Samima. Lippinc 86: 240 Ag '10 Barnum, Gertrude Like coals of fire. Mun 35:536 Ag '06 Baron Siebert's find. W. L. Fraser. Cent 65: 633 F '03 Barr, Mrs. Amelia Edith (Huddleston) 1831- Souls of passage. Lippinc 66:803 D '00 Barr, Robert, 1S50-1912 And the last shall be first. Met 27:152 N '07 Bank manager. Sat E P 181:9 F 27 '09 Bargain-counter sale. Sat E P 184:18 S 16 'H Caught in the act. Sat E P 176:6 Jl 4 09 Clew of the silver spoons. Sat E P 177:1 Ag 27 '04 Countess decides. Sat E P 175:3 Je 27 '03 Curse of Positano. Les Mo 53:452 F '02 Deputation to the king. McClure 18:232 Ja '02 Extra turn. Amer 68:604 O '09 Helping hand. Met 29:597 Mr '09 Invisible Marquis of Gallantreve. Sat B P 180:19 D 7, 13 D 14 '07 Kidnapping of Rochervelt. Sat E P 175:1 Ap 4 '03 King a-begging. McClure 16:305 F '01 King dines. Harp W 46:566 My 3 '02 King's gold. McClure 17:122 Je '01 Kings visit. McClure 17:534 O '01 Lord Stranleigh, philanthropist. Sat E P 183:3 Jl 30, 10 Ag 20, 11 S 10, 13 S 24, 20 O 8, 15 O 22 '10 Marceila's intervention. Les Mo 55:249 Ja '03 Measured to you a!;ain. Col 32:21 F 13 '04 Millionaire's opportunity. Sat E P 176:1 Ag 1 ■03 Mystery of the five hundred diamonds. Sat E P 176:1 Je 4 '04 Pasha's prisoner. McClure 15:35 My '00 Probation of Buckles' gho.st. Sat E P 175:3 Jl 19 -02 Voice in the air. Les Mo 54:394 Ag '02 Watermead affair. Sat E P 178:1 O 21 '05 Windfall. Sat E P 179:3 S 29 '06 Wizard of Wall street. Everybody's 3:397 N •00 Barr, Walter Mettle of Mr. Matthews. Lippinc 77:481 Ap '06 Barrator. H. C. Rowland. Everybody's 16:590 IMy '07 Barrators. T. J. Hains. Met 26:364 Je '07 Barred window. C. R. MacAuley. Les Mo 53: 670 Ap '02 Barrel of plum duff. W. H. Dearden. New Eng n s 37:247 O '07 Barron, Edward, pseud. See Potter, David Barrows, Charlotte L. Elizabeth. Col 36:16 Mr 24 '06 Barry, John Arthur Bitter bitten. Sat E P 172:803 Mr 3 '00 Barry, John Daniel, 1866- Jilted; Col 4b:18 Ja 6 '12 Barry, Margaret Nielson Uncle Ab s marse-cot. Met 19:85 O '03 Bart Harrington, genius. E. Jordan. Scrib 43: 456 Ap '08 Bartender's bottle. A. R. Andre. Everybody's 24:129 Ja '11 Bartholomew. Cent 64:114 My '02 Bartholomew, Donald My uncle and the green parrot. Harp W 58: 14 N 22 '13 Bartlett Carter's awakening. W. F. Brown. Mun 35:655 Ag '06 Bartlett, Frederick Orin, 1876- As in the beginning. Everybody's 13:675 N '05 Cost of loving. Col 48:20 Mr 2 '12 Decent thing. Atlan 93:379 Mr '04 Dick Bradford, gentleman. Col 33:14 Ag 6 '04 Esther. Mun 23.371 Je '00 Gift horse. McClure 39:509 S '12 Jane, incorporated. Met 37:23 N '12 Lamp with the red shade. L H J 21:5 Je '04 Matter of nerve. New Eng n s 38:27 Mr '08 Point of contact. Met 15:109 Ja '02 Whippen. Sat E P 184:14 My 4 '12 Bartlett, Mary Knowles On de rapide. Cent 60:608 Ag '00 Barton, George Scoop of the session. Col 32:14 N 7 '03 Bartram, Clara Her first elopement. Lippinc 76:129 Ag '05 Bascom, Louise Rand Aunt Sarah and the policeman. L H J 30:7 Jl '13 White shoes. Harper 129:913 N '14 Baseball at Bangalong. F. W. Brown. Harp W 51:1826 D 14 '07 Baseball, books, and business. E. E. Ferris. Outl 108:1000 D 30 '14 Baseball god. H. Pendexter. Everybody's 12: 32 Ja '05 Baseball mascot. W. K. Maxwell. Col 52:5 Mr 7 '14 Bash, Mrs. Louis H. See Runkle, Bertha Brooks Bashford, Henry Howarth, 1880- His own country. Scrib 52:553 N '12 Star in mufti. Sat E P 183:7 Jl 2 '10 Bashful sheriff and the little widow. E. Gates. Sat E P 180:9 S 28 '07 Basket maker. M. Austin. Atlan 91:235 F '03 Bass they caught on Sunday. G. Norton. L H J 30:14 Jl '13 Bassford, Homer Thou Shalt not steal. Cosmop 38:202 D '04 Bateman, May Incubus. McClure 38:421 F '12 Bates, Arlo, 1850- Gypsy George. Atlan 100:473 O '07 In the Virginia room. Cent 70:227 Je '05 Interrupted proposal. L H J 23:10 F '06 Miss Gaylord and Jenny. Atlan 94:835 D '04 Bates, Katherine Lee, 1S59- Fourth of July anniversary. Harp B 38:743 As '04 Her Christmas gift. Harp B 39:1108 D '05 Mrs. Peter's Thanksgiving. Harp B 37:1012 N '03 Pink of courtesy. Scrib 30:355 S '01 Bates, Oric, 1883- At the fourth flag. Scrib 48:482 O '10 Shabogan. McClure 32:295 Ja '09 Bates, Sylvia Chatfield Little house of dr^pms. Scrib 54:378 S '13 Bathan, Wingrove Modern pirate. Cosmop 29:544 S '00 Bathers. H. G. Dwight. Scrib 34:700 D '03 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 19 Bathing hour. R. Moore. Met 14:489 O '01 Bathon, Wingrove Rosalie. Cosmop 34:291 Ja '03 Battenberg, M. H. Joe Parsons, deserter. Mun 33:538 Ag 05 Battersby's valedictory. R. MacAlarney. At- lan 92:367 S '03 Battersea Hat crime. F. Danby. Harp W 59: 114 Ag 1 14 Battery fool. O. K. Davis. Cent 70:747 S '05 Battle. A. Henry. Met 35:16 Ap 12 Battle: the story of a doctor. J. Oppenheim. Amer 66:221 Jl 'OS Battle and a quarrel. F. Palmer. Scrib 29:291 Mr '01 Battle-cruise of the Svend-Foyn. J. B. Con- nolly. Scrib 54:330 S 13 Battle-cry. C. N. Buck. Mun 50:745 Ja '14 Battle of Aiken. G. Morris. Col 47:20 Je 3 '11 Battle of Pankow. G. W. Johnston. Every- body's 19:147 Ag 'OS Battle of Rio Bay. F. W. Brown. Met 30:93 Ap '09 Battle of the books. A. M. Shaw. Amer 65:381 F '08 Battle of the fools. S. Merwin. Lippinc 77:385 Ap '06 Battle of the trusts. G. R. Chester. Cosmop 47:447 S '09 Battle of 'Woolly field. G. A. England. Les Mo 59:626 Ap '05 Battle off the Capes. J. Barnes. Outl 77:553 Jl 2 '04 Battle on the San Gabriel. C. D. Stewart. Cent 75:409 Ja 'OS Battle royal of dames. A. H. "Wharton. Lippinc 88:515 O 11 Battle street and St. James's. A. Colton. Outl 84:232 S 22 '06 Battle to the strong. J. H. Whitson. Delin 63: 815 My '04 Battlefield. G. E. Allen. Cosmop 42:386 F '07 Baxter, George M. Story of Vashti. Everybody's 7:516 D '02 Bayard of Broadway. J. D. Daskam. Harp "W 46:64 D 6 '02 Baybridge's offer. "W. D. Howells. Harper 112: 229 Ja 06 Baylor, Frances Courtenay Cupid's practical joke. Cosmop 32:281 Ja '02 Bayne, George M. Specialist in failures. Sat E P 179:20 O 27 '06 Bazar: monologue. B. Herford. L H J 25:41 Ap '08 Bazar at the country club. H. Hall. L, H J 31: 17 Jl '14 Be-dad, J. A. Heffernan. McClure 39:230 Je '12 Be it ever so humble. L. R. Meekins. Mun 29: 511 Jl '03 Be you never so pay. L. "W. Dodd. Cosmop 38: 297 Ja '05 Beach, Harrison L. See Crlssey, Forrest, jt. auth. Beach, Rex Elllngwood, 1877- Arms and ihittle god mammon. Mun 24:575 Ja '01 Bequeathal of two memories. A. M. Estabrook. Cosmop 33-56 My "02 Bequest. M. Twain. Harp W 48:10 D 10 '04 Beresford, John Davys, 1873- Case of prevision. Forum 48:273 S '12 Imperturbable duchess. Harper 127:370 Ag '13 Bergengren, Ralph Wilhelm, 1871- As man to man. Mun 38:379 D '07 Brothers of the air. Mun 44:318 D '10 Dead Mans inn. Col 50:12 D 14 '12 Delilah. Col 47:29 Ap 8 '11 Eight bad men and true. Everybody's 29:512 o '13 Fannie. Everybody's 23:33 Jl '10 Friend of man. Col 48:22 D 2 '11 Glue that binds. Everybody's 29:787 D '13 Haut. Col 43:18 Mr 27 '09 His idols eye. Col 47:20 Ag 5 '11 In the clown's donkey-cart. Lippinc 87:247 F '11 King of animal tamers. Col 46:17 N 26 '10 Last of his family. Col 44:16 D 11 '09 Mehitabel. Col 42:17 N 21 '08 Mr. Chubb's burglar. Mun 48:602 Ja '13 Queen of girls. Everybody's 27:81 Jl '12 Ray of light. Mun 45:343 Je '11 Refining influence of Captain Kidd. Every- body's 26:173 F '12 This style $17.24. Everbody's 24:529 Ap '11 Tin trolley car. Met 26:73 Ap '07 Ultra-violet madonna. Cent 87:469 Ja '14 Bergengren, IVlrs. Ralph. See Farquhar, Anna Bertha's Mr. Wentworth. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 28:241 N '02 Berthaut, Leon, 1864- Rag. Cur Lit 47:579 N '09 Bertie and the doorstep. J. Worne. Les Mo 57: 267 Ja '04 Beside the pit. M. Foster. Everybody's 6:72 Ja '02 Besier, Rudolf, 1878- Treasure of Saint Mathurin's. Everybody's 3:23 Jl '00 Besson, Philip Automatic breakfast. Harper 103:668 S '01 Best August. F. North. Everybody's 9:143 Ag '03 Best friend. A. S. Pier. Col 44:17 F 26 '10 Best, George A. Guard-boat of Yantlett Creek. Everybody's 3:245 S '00 Best gift. C. Dangerfield. Lippinc 69:638 My '02 Best gun in the valley. N. Lloyd. Scrib 33:65 Ja '03 Best housekeeper in Banbury. E. Robinson. L H J 22:9 Je "05 Best laid schemes. V. Tracy. Met 35:12 N '11 Best man. G. L. H. Lutz. Lippinc 92:273 S '13 Best man. E. Wharton. Col 35:14 S 2 '05 Best of a bad job. N. Duncan. Harper 124:410 F '12 Best of all. E. Barnard. Amer 67:398 F '09 Best policy. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:9 D 18 '09 Best-seller. O. Henry. Mun 41:18 Ap '09 Beth Dinn and Mister Itsky. B. Losing. Cos- mop 42:646 Ap '07 Betrayal of Kolusio. W. A. Du Pay. Harp W 54:22 My 28 '10 Betrothal of Elypholate Yingst. H. R. Martin. Cosmop 35:196 Je '03 Betrothal of Juanita Casas. W. Bulfin. Every- body's 15:225 Ag '06 Betsy Le Baron's fete. N. H. Dole. New Eng n s 39:538 Ja '09 Better half. E. S. Thacher. Harper 104:421 F '02 Better husbands contest. E. P. Butler. Lippinc 94:106 D '14 Better man. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 182:14 Ap 23 '10 Better man. A. Reichman. New Eng n s 41:430 D '09 Better part. V. Sutphen. Harper 113:841 N '06 Better part of valor. P. L. Allen. Harp W 51: 1840 D 14 '07 Better understanding A. S. Pier. Col 37:21 S 22 '06 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 23 Bettina's Easter stock. M. Hill. Les Mo 51: 594 Ap 01 Betting on Shorty. W. Adams. Col 52:7 Ja '6 '14 Betts, Ethel Keeler Waiting of Miss Lavinia. Everybody's 14:122 Ja '06 Betts, Lillian Williams Little mother. Outl 76:468 F 20 '04 Marriage of convenience. Outl 66:221 S 22 '00 Betty: alias Nellie Neville. S. C. Page. Lippinc 77:707 Je '06 Betty Bethune. W. J. Hopkins. Harper 126:699 Ap '13 Betty Maria's guard. L,. S. Porter. L. H J 20:9 Je '03 Betty's friends. J. A. Chase. Amer 63:361 P '07 Betty's Virginia Christmas. M. E. Seawell. Lippinc 92:657 D '13 Between bulletins. D. H. Talmadge. Every- body's 9:544 O '03 Between darkness and dawn. E. G. Jordan. Harp B 34:S17 Mr 30 '01 Between enemies. H. K. Pendleton. Mun 46:23 O '11 Between man and man. M. Mullett. Amer 68: S7 My '09 Between men. L. Crane. Harper 118:545 Mr '09 Between Scylla and Charybdis. A. Warner. Cent 82:540 Ag '11 Between the acts. A Ruhl. Col 32:14 F 6 '04 Between the atoms of time. V. Tliompson. Everybody's 27:723 D '12 Between the lights. P. Gibbon. McClure 33: 419 Ag '09 Between the lines: diary of a young girl. R. R. Gilson. L H J 24:7 F '07 Between the lines. M. Sinclair. Harper 124:28 D 11 Between the lupin and the laurel. H. van Dyke. Scrib 41:660 Je '07 Between the oysters and the coffee. E. D. Deland. L H J 21:8 Je '04 Between trains. C. Y. Glen. Everybody's 10: 471 Ap '04 Between trains. T. L. Masson. Lippinc 84:366 S '09 Between two bloods. K. Kelley. Mun 47:437 Je '12 Between two fires. R. Grant. Delin 64:943 D '04 Between two fires. C. Hovey. Everybody's 3: 545 D '00 Between two lovers. T. Masson. Cosmop 37: 419 Ag '04 Between yesterday and tomorrow. G. W. Earl, Jr. Lippinc 84:248 Ag '09 Beverly's bear-killing. T. A. Janvier. Harper 110:165 D '04 Beverly's benevolent hairpin reclamation so- ciety. T. A. Janvier. Harper 121:641 S '10 Beverly's bomb synchronizer. T. A. Janvier. Harper 124:641 Mr '12 Beverly's circulating cattery. T. A. Janvier. Harper 114:163 D '06 Beverly's egg pedigree and dating machine. T. A. Janvier. Harper 115:487 Ag '07 Beverly's pneumatic cat-silencer. T. A. Jan- vior. Harper 124:479 I-' 'lii Beverly's protective mechanical goat. T. A. Janvier. Harper 119:965 N '09 Bewildered president. O. Thanet. Harper 100: Bewitching f)f Henry Pick. J. F. Wil.son. Harp W 5 1:22 A I) 30 '10 Be^mer, William Gllmore, IKSl- CoUHin rx)UiM. CV.Hmop 47:543 R '09 Go in and out of the window Met 39-9 Ja '11 Little wet foot. Harper 126:685 9:!1 An-Mv '13 Memory plays uh trkks. IfHrper 12fi::i01 F '13 Mountain that moved. Cent 84:521 Ag '12 Beymer, William Gilmore — continued iSepulcher of sand. Cosmop 42:151 D '06 Six-Uay sharp shooter. Harper 129:752 O '14 Son love. Harper 126:302 Ja '13 Beyond rubies. V. Tracy. Col 38:21 S 29 '06 Beyond the blue hills. J. O. Loizeau. Cosmop 38:177 D '04 Beyond the desert. E. M. Rhodes. McClure 42: 52 F '14 Beyond the limit. O. Thanet. Cosmop 34:451 F 03 Beyond the pale. G. B. Rodney. Lippinc 80:678 N '07 Beyond the parting of the ways. F. B. Hult. Cent 73:413 Ja '07 Beyond the price of countless jewels. Mrs J. Van Vorst. L H J 24:11 Mr '07 Beyond the tides. R. JVL Hallet. Harper 126: 840 My '13 Bianco's story. H. A. Bruce. Met 22:357 Je '05 Bibi Steinfeld's hunting. E. Stuart. McClure 32:480 Mr '09 Bickford, Luther H. Countess of Overland Halt. McClure 32:208 D 'OS Eggs a la Casey. Col 41:16 Je 27 '08 Mr. Skiddings pilots the Onadeka Squaws. Col 39:13 Ag 17 '07 Question of four thousand dollars. Mun 33: 617 Ag '05 Bicknell, Bernice Shepherd man. Col 53:11 Ap 11 '14 Bidden guest. Mrs. S. Crowninshield. Harp B 33:133 My 19 '00 Bierce, Ambrose, 1842- Conflagration in Ghargaroo. Cosmop 40:456 F '06 Horseman in the sky. Cur Lit 47:343 S '00 Man. Cosmop 45:29 S '08 Messrs. Jonnie, Peteys, Gipple, and Brily. Cosmop. 46:119 D 'OS Moonlit road. Cosmop 42:334 Ja '07 Other lodgers. Cosmop 43:445 Ag '07 Soldiers and ghosts. Cosmop 42:37 N '06 Some uncanny tales. Cosmop 39:617 O '05; 40: 543 Mr '06 Stranger. Cosmop 46:350 F '09 Three and one are one. Cosmop 45:550 O 'OS What may happen along a road. Cosmop 42: 223 D '0« Big brother. F. Palmer. Col 33:14 My 7 '04 Big fish magic. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 175:1 Jl 19 '02 Big Frank. B. F. Young. Amer 64:361 Ag '07 Big-Governor-Afraid. W. R. Lighton. Atlan 8S;409 S '01 Big- 1 and little-you. A. Kortrecht. Lippinc 82:730 D 'OS Big idea. See Payne, Will Big idea in the backwoods. W. H. Hamby. Sat E P 185:12 N 9 '12 Big Jim's renunciation. R. Norton. Cosmop 45:409 O '08 Big Kelley. See Lewis, Alfred Heniy Big little man. F. G. Jones. McClure 43:115 My '14 Big Mary. K. Mayo. Atlan 107:112 Ja '11 Big One, The. S. F. Whitman. Col 38:18 Mr 9 'U7 Big peach. TT. Harland. Les Mo 56:328 Ag '03 Big river. E. P. Butler. Lippinc 91:714 Jo '13 Big sister Solley. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 127:419 Ag 'IS Big story. F. F. Moore. McClure 33:376 Ag "09 Big strike at Slwash. G. Fitch. Snt E P 180:3 My 30 '08 Big Sullivan. F. R. liechdoit. Sat 10 I' 1K3:10 Ap 1 '11 Big Thursday. 10. Slngmastcr. Cent 71:364 Ja 'DC 24 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Big tree. B. Lessing. Cosmop 41:545 S '06 Big trouble and the little boy. F. K. Johnson. Atlan 100:758 D '07 Big wind. Z. Gale. Everybody's 19:512 O '08 Bigelow, Edith Evelyn (IVlrs. Poultney Bige- low) Story of a scented note. Cosmop 33:455 Ag '02 ^ Bigelow, Poultney, 1855- Wrecked on the shores of Japan. Harper 1U3;57 Je '01 Bigelow, Mrs. Poultney. See Bigelow, Edith Evelyn Biggers, Earl Derr, 1884- Anybody's husband, Li H J 30:9 N, 17 D '13, 31:7 Ja '14 Bluebottle dividends. Met 37:27 Ja '13 Bread upon the waters. Met 27:107 O '07 Clerk of Asquewan inn. L H J 31:13 Jl '14 Duel, The. Met 26:159 My 07 Honor of the Bluebottles. Amer 75:23 Mr '13 Judge's garden. E H J 30:21 Mr '13 Lilacs and cobblestones. Delin 79:181 Mr '12 Lost Quixote. Harp W 57:16 Ag 2 '13 Milly. Amer 69:639 Mr '10 Reformers three. Met 25:278 D '06 Saved by proxy. Amer 77:45 Je '14 There's many a slip. Met 26:504 Jl '07 Biggest thing in the world. C. Hollingsworth. Col 54:7 O 3 '14 Bigot. T. N. Page. Scrib 48:533 N '10 Bijie. S. L. Coleman. Delin 69:634 Ap '07 Bijie and the vision. S. L. Coleman. Delin 70: 61 Jl '07 Bill. R. Norton. Cent 75:877 Ap '08 Bill. E. Train. Everybody's 24:447 Ap '11 Bill brand, The. G. M. Cooke. Mun 30:928 Mr '04 Bill came back. H. K. Webster. McClure 43 45 Ag '14 Bill from the milliner. M. I. Fisk. Harper 107 973 N '03 Bill Scott's Christmas. W. Inglis. Harp W 56 Bill the trapper. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 34 741 D '03 Bill Walton, alias Santa Claus. H. Whitaker. Mun 32:410 D '04 Billets-doux. T. Cobb. Lippinc 74-756 D '04 Billings of '49. E. Balmer. Amer 62:634 O '06 Billionaire baby. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 56:374 F '14 Billy. M. T. Porter. Amer 74:625 S '12 Billy: the big wolf. E. T. Seton. L H J 22:5 Ag, 10 S '05 Billy and Susy. M. E. W. Freeman. Harp B 41:1033 N '07 Billy and the big stick. R. H. Davis. Met 40:12 My '14 Billy Baxter's holiday. S. MacManus. Lippinc 69:474 Ap '02 Billy Boring and his drum. J. C. Harris. Sat E P 17S:5 O 7 '05 Billy-boy. J. L. Long. Col 36:16 D 30 '05 Billy Brad and the big, big nellyfunt. E. P. Butler. Delin 83:3 D '13 Billy Brad and the big lie. lin 74:51 Jl '09 E. P. Butler. De- Billy Brad and the big, old red lobster. E. P. Butler. Delin 84:11 Mr '14 Billy Brad and the forbidden fruit. E. P But- ler. McClure 40:338 Ja '13 Billy Brent's dog-star. J. A. Pratt. Mun 32:92 O '04 Billy Bundle — gentleman. M. B. Martin. Met 34:298 Je '11 Billy does his assessment. P. V. Mighels. Har- per 110:240 Ja '05 Billy Fortune and that yellow streak. W. R Lighten. Sat E P 185:28 S 28 '12 Billy Fortune and that young feeling, w R Lighton. Sat E P 184:12 Ja 27 '12 ' ' Billy Fortune and the able-minded lady. See Lighton, William K. Billy Fortune and the Drinkwater lad W R Lighton. Sat E P 178:3 Mr 17 '06 ' ' Billy Fortune and the Gift-o'-God. W R Lighton. Sat E P 186:12 O 11 '13 Billy Fortune and the lightfoot girlie W R Lighton. Sat E P 184:15 My 18 '12 Billy Fortune and the only girl. W. R. Lighton. teat L P 178:8 My 26 '06 Billy Fortune and the original apple. W R Lighton. Sat E P 184:8 D 2 '11 Billy Fortune and the root of evil W R Lighton. Sat E P 185:24 S 21 '12 Billy Fortune and the solemn truth W R Lighton. Sat E P 185:10 S 7 '12 ' ' Billy Fortune and the ten-cent limit. W R Lighton. Sat E P 187:18 D 5 '14 Billy Fortune takes a re-spite. W. R. Lighton Sat E P 178:6 Ja 27 '06 Billy in Burma. C. M. Flandrau. Sat E P 175:5 Jl 12 '02 Billy Lappln's search for a fortune. S Mac- Manus. Cent 59:601 F '00 Billy Marr's girl. I. G. Thompson. Every- body's 10:266 F '04 Billy Smith and the world's greatest. W Ken- yon. L H J 29:12 Ag '12 Billy the buck. H. W. Phillips. McClure 19: 186 Je '02 Billy the kid. E. Hough. Everybody's 5:302 S Billy Thomas reorganizes. E. E. Ferris. Amer 77:38 My '14 Billy's atonement. H. Rhodes. Col 34:20 N 12 '04 Billy's book. G. Chittenden. Scrib 54:133 Jl Billy's orgy. G. S. Richmond. McClure 24-266 Ja '05 Billy's incantation. F. B. Gorman. Lippinc 87: 119 Ja '11 Billy's stag. J. Cooper. Amer 65:435 F '08 ^'"y'? .tearless woe. F. Remington. McClure 16:455 Mr 01 Billy's tenderfoot. S. E. White. McClure 18: 546 Ap '02 Bimberg's night off. B. Lessing. Cosmop 54: Binding tie. E. R. Calvin. L H J 23:11 N '06 Bingham, Edfrid Brinker. Lippinc 81:534 Ap '08 Sangre de Cristo. Everybody's 17:302 S '07 Seth and Si. Everybody's 26:263 F '12 Thunderman. Delin 72:387 S '08 Bingham, Floy Sulser Sister Ann's lions. McClure 28:593 Ap '07 Biography according to Martha. C. Harris. Met 40:5 Ag '14 ii^tnio. Biography of a boy. See Bacon, Josephine Daskam Biography of a foundling. A. O'Hagan. Mun 2o:308 Je 01 Biorkman, Edwin ^°/-, ;ilho,lived at the bottom of a well. Atlan 92:6(4 N '03 Biplane No. 21. D. Byrne. Cent 88:716 S '14 Bird, Grace Frances Fau-fau. Cosmop 32:321 Ja '02 ^''■'l,„i^„ ^ gilded cage. E. Pottle. Sat E P 177:3 Ja 28 '05 Bird in hand. M. Glass. Sat E P 185:16 Je 14 Bird in the bush. K. F. Gerould. Scrib 54:247 Ag '13 Bird in the hand. E. P. Butler. Amer 63:23 N 06 Bird of devil. P. L. Allen. Scrib 36:141 Ag '04 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 25 Bird of love. S. S. Far. New Eng n s 43:25 S '10 Bird of passage. L. Ragsddle. Delin 70:761 N '07 Bird out of the snare. D. Canfield. Atlan 101: 490 Ap '08 Bird-seller. K. Collins. Harper 105:463 Ag '02 Birdie and the bride. F. X. Finnegan. Col 52: 19 N 22 '13 Birdie, the strikebreaker. F. X. Finnegan. Col 53:9 Mr 28 '14 Birdie's mixed motives. F. X. Finnegan. Col 52:5 Ja 17 '14 Birdie's sane Christmas. F. X. Finnegan. Col 54:8 D 19 '14 Bird's eye view of heaven. P. V. Mighels. Mc- Clure 21:270 Jl '03 Birds of a feather. G. W. Carryl. Met 19:258 N '03 Birds of Paradise Lost. I. M. Evans. Sat E P 186:13 N 15 '13 Birdsall, Katharine Newbold, 1877- Bachelor's friend. Everybody's 5:607 N '01 Luncheon plan. Everybody's 5:718 D '01 Birmingham, George A., pseud. See Hannay, James Owen Birsky & Zapp. M. Glass. Sat E P 185:10 Ag 24 '12 Birth certificate. P. L. Allen. Harp W 51:1728 N 23 '07 Birth Haus of Henri Surcouf. Sat E P 185:30 O 5 '12 Birth of a king. J. Belfield. Lippinc 85:248 F ■10 Birth of irony. K. H. Brown. Lippinc 81:750 Je '08 Birth of the god of war. M. C. Mena. Cent 8S:45 My '14 Birthday. J. B. Hartswick. Delin 62:173 Ag 03 Birthday. H. P. Spofford. Outl 70:581 Mr 1 '02 Birthday luck of Bill Thomas. A. L. Lee. Everybody's 20:718 My '09 Birthplace. M. Ashmun. Atlan 107:233 F '11 Birthright of the wanderer. G. Schock. Har- per 113:301 Jl '06 Bishop and Mrs. Allrope. T. A. Janvier. Har- per 117:479 Ag 'OS Bishop and the fool. C. T. Brady. Lippinc 66: 444 S '00 Bishop and the front-door key. H. S. Griffith. Lippinc 76:480 O '05 Bishop-elect and Maria. H. Mabee. Harper 109:030 S '04 Bishop, Ella Coates Way of a maid. L H J 31:14 Je '14 Bishop, Harry G., 1874- Hog twenty-one. Cosmop 49:361 Ag '10 Mogul. Everybody's 26:57 Ja '12 Bishop, Julia Truitt Blue necklace. Mun 35:595 Ag '00 *^^^R:-'"^^^'"& ^t Bluff Springs. Mun 32:121 O 04 Case of Glenmore. Mun 24:445 D '00 Chanty case. New Eng n s 27:673 F '03 Diplomacy of Jane. Mun 30:1S4 N '03 Head of the firm. Mun 30:469 D '03 Madame. Mun 24:784 F '01 Meadow path. Mun 30:914 Mr '04 No. 367. Les Mo 52:168 Je '01 Path in the park. Mun 25:138 Ap "01 Rebellion of M'lindy Ann. Mun 31:124 Ap '04 Runaway inmate. Mun 33:220 My '05 Strategy of Dave. Mun 23:658 Ag '00 Uncle Johnny Dodd's church. Mun 31:605 Jl 04 ^'^^P^li 1( Barchester. P. S. Hlchborn. Met 30: J'Jl Jl '09 Bishop Ogowanna. T. S. Miller and B. Glynn. Evorybody-.s 22:305 Mr '10 Bishop, William Henry Edwin and Ardella. Harper 101:193 Jl '00 Last of the fairy wands. Scrib 30:697 D '01 Bishop's comedy. L. Merrick. Sat E P 178-6 Jl 29 '05; Same, Cur Lit 53:357 S '12 Bishop's convert. E. E. Peake. Sat E P 179:9 Je 29 '07 Bishop's silence. M. R, S. Andrews. Scrib 32: 703 D '02 Bissell, Elizabeth G. Incapacity of Mr. Thomas Goodnow. Every- body's 15:857 D '06 Their first real Christmas. Everybody's 9:828 Bit of calico. J. Hopper. McClure 30:18 N '07 Bit of correspondence. A. Stringer. Met 20:39 Ap '04 Bit of human nature. E. O. Kirk. Lippinc 70: 259 S '02 Bit of spring. G. M. Gallagher. Les Mo 60:75 My '05 Bit of statecraft. S. S. Titsworth. Everybody's 7:452 N '02 Bit of the sod. K. Jarboe. Mun 29:307 My '03 ^'* rP/^X"^'^'^" chivalry. D. K. Brown. Cent 78:897 O 09 Bite of the lamb. C. S. Raymond. Amer 73:650 Ap 12 Bition, A. M. When friendship fails. Met 11:53, 202 Ja-F '00 Bits of glass. J. Oppenheim. Col 50:20 N 2 '12 Bitter bitten. J. A. Barry. Sat E P 172:803 Mr 3 '00 Bitter cup. C. B. De Camp. Harper 108:608 Mr Bitter Root Billings, strike breaker. R. E. Beach. Les Mo 58:418 Ag '04 Bitter waters. K. Roof. Met 34:165 My "11 Bitterness of sweets. R. Hughes. Met 40:7 Je '14 Bitterness of women. M. Austin. Harp W 53: 22 O 9 '09 ^'^°j"^3c^de luxe. E. Boltwood. Lippinc 71:112 Bixby deafness. E. Elliott. Cent 78:671 S '09 Bjorkman, Edwin, 1866- DisiUusionment. Col 46:21 N 19 "10 His own day. Forum 49:49 Ja '13 Bjornson, Bjornstjerne, 1S32-1910 Father. Cur Lit 49:111 Jl '10 Black, Alexander, 1859- White cat. Harp B 34:355 F 9 '01 Widder. Atlan 92:267 Ag '03 ^^^'^^-f^d-Qoid curtain. M. Swayne. Harp W 56:16 My IS '12 Black and white. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:18 S Black belt finance. H. Dickson. Sat E P 180:10 N 2 '07 Black blood. E. L. Fox. Cent 86:213 Je '13 Black care and the horseman. M. R S An- drews. Scrib 38:736 D '05 Black company. A. Stringer. Sat E P 179:5 F 9 '07 Black death. W. Deeping. Harper 108:849 My 04 Black drop. M. Deland. Col 41:16 Mv 2, 14 My 9 'OS .J Black eagle. S. Ford. Le.s Mo 54:27 My *02 Black face and white soul. P. Palmer. Cos- mop 57:306 Ag '14 Black factor. H. Whitaker. Mun 26:765 Mr '02 Black factor's wooing. H. Whitaker. Mun 32- 740 F '05 Black fan. E. Glanville. New Eng n s 29:714 I< •ot Black hand. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 51:479 S *11 Black hawthorn jar. W. S. Moody. Scrib 41:51 Ja '07 26 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Black hollyhock. S. Waterloo. Sat E P 175:4 Jl 19 '02 Black, Hugh, D. D., 1868- Three dreams. Everybody's 26:433 Ap '12 Black is white. G. B. McCutcheon. Mun 50:505 D '13 Black Jake's souvenir. H. R. Eliot. New Eng n s 30:330 My '04 Black, Mrs. John Donald. See Potter, Margaret Horton Black Knobbers' poet. M. Gauss. Col 51:7 Je 28 '13 Blackmailer. E. Boltwood. Mun 35:628 Ag '06 Black mammy, creditor. J. R. Murphy. Cent 64:966 O '02 Black Murchison. M. Foster. Everybody's 4: 563 Je '01 Black night. J. M. Hopper. Harper 121:32 Je '10 Black orchid. M. L. C. Pickthall. McClure 35: 567 S '10 Black pawn. N. Duncan. Harper 125:264 Jl '12 Black prince and the little captain. S. W. Kel- logg. Les Mo 51:107 D '00 Black Rapid's love story. F. H. Spearman. Cosmop 29:200 Je '00 Black roan of 265. A. W. Rolker. McClure 24: 30 N '04 Black, Robert Lounsbury Reckoning. McClure 32:507 Mr '09 Black sheep. M. Foster. Sat E P 181:6 Mr 27, 14 Ap 3 '09 Black sheep's Christmas. E. Hoyt. L H J 22: 13 D '04 Black sheep's fold. E. Boylan. Lippinc 89:729 My '12 Black Silas. V. F. Boyle. Cent 59:375 Ja '00 Black silk gowns. E. H. Porter. Harp B 43:7 Ja "09 Black squad. R. M. Hallet. Sat E P 185:3 Ag 24. 17 Ag 31 '12 Black star. E. Balmer. Met 39:20 F '14 Black truth. L. Osbourne. Met 20:683 S '04 Blackburn, Wilson Uncle Dick's story. Met 14:568 O '01 Blackgum ag'in thunder. F. R. Stockton. Cent 63:249 D '01 Blackie: a Texas night horse. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 181:16 Jl 4 '08 Blackjack bargainer. S. Porter. Mun 25:620 Ag 01 Blackwater tantrums. S. N. Cleghorn. Every- body's 15:502 O '06 Blackwood, Algernon, 1869- Glamour of the snow. Forum 46:641 D '11 Wings of Horus. Cent 89:129 N '14 Blade that won. B. E. Stevenson. Lippinc 72: 259 S '03 Blair, Mrs. Emily (Nev»/ell) 1S77- Belated rosebud. Lippinc 90:221 Ag '12 Evolution of a lady. Harp B 45:572 D '11 Heart of a wallflower. Cosmop 51:536 S '11 Letters of a contented wife. Cosmop 50:130 D '10 Little while. Lippinc 92:109 Jl '13 Safety valve. Lippinc 87:631 My '11 Blair, Robert Sterling Her college visit. Lippinc 80:531 O '07 Blake, Emily Calvin (Mrs. Waller R. Blake) 1882- Engaged girl sketches. L H J 26:14 O, 10 N '09 Florence and her father. L H J 30:14 Je '13 Girls I knew. L H J 27:12 S 1, 10 O 1, 20 N 1 '10, 28:20 Ja 1, 18 F 1. 20 Mr 1 '11 Original six. Delin 84:8 F '14 Personal she answered. L H J 27:12 My '10 Six great moments in a woman's life. L H J 25:22 Ja, 11 F, 18 Mr, 16 Ap, 22 My. 24 Je '08 Story of a plain woman. Cosmop 53:848 N '12 Blake, Emily Calvin — continued When Jessie found her mother. L H J 26:14 My '09 While mothers live. Harp B 42:1074 N '08 Blake, Louise Wat Satan knowed. Met 17:169 F '03 Blake, Margaret, pseud. See Schem, Lida Clara Blake, Mrs. Walter R. See Blake, Emily Cal- vin Blakeslee, Fred Gilbert, 1868- Algerian swordsman. Lippinc 78:98 Jl '06 Broken foil. Lippinc 76:599 N '05 Foil of Laertes. Lippinc 77:595 My '06 Blanchard, Edith M. Arduous outing. New Eng n s 36:71 Mr '07 Rut. New Eng n s 36:317 My '07 Blanchard, Edith Richmond From tlie lieart of a maid. New Eng n s 29: 490 D '03 Light at the window. Mun 49:178 My '13 Other man. Mun 45:426 Je '11 Sisters. Mun 45:i^58 S '11 Two Marys. Mun 48:751 F '13 When the rose bloomed. New 'Eng n s 30:22 Mr '04 Blanchard, Grace Thanksgiving opportunity. New Eng n s 35: 313 N 06 Blanchemains. J. M. Forman. Harper 113:17 Je '06 Bland, Mrs. Edith. See Nesbit, Edith Bland, Mrs. Hubert. See Nesbit, Edith. Blandinah. Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. Harper 104: 373 F '02 Standing — bad man. G. Bronson-Howard. Everybody's 12:805 Je '05 Blashfield, Mrs. Edwin Howland. See Blash- field, Evangeline Wilbour Blashfield, Evangeline Wilbour (Mrs. Edwin Howland Blashfield) Education of a saint. Atlan 94:333 S '04 Ghoul. Atlan 110:189 Ag '12 Blasphemer. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 39:700 Je ■06 Blast of the trumpet. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 73:611 Mv '04 Bleeding Bloomtown. W. A. Dyer. New Eng n s 35:346 N '06 Bleeding heart. L. Merrick. Sat E P 181:8 Ag 1 '08 Blessed be the peacemakers. H. W. Phillips. Sat E P 180:12 O 5 '07 Blessing in disguise. K. Jarboe. Delin 62:180 Ag '03 Blessing of the waters. R. Sawyer. Outl 101: 695 J] 27 '12 Blessing the typewriter. E. Hallowell. Lippinc 73:328 Mr '04 Blethen, Alden Joseph, Jr. (Joseph Blethen) 1870- Ballaine's bank balance. Sat E P 174:5 F 1 '02 Ben Zoni's matinee. McClure 23:34 My '04 Con appassionata. Lippinc 78:76 Jl '06 Fourteenth man. L H J 18:9 D '00 Girls of flat G. L H J 19:7 F "02 Grandmother Winslow's precious plates. L H J 17:5 Ag '00 How the professor reduced love-making to an exact science. Lippinc 73:491 Ap '04 Million by wireless. Col 32:14 N 14 '03 Red law and the white. Everybody's 7:466 N '02 Run of the red salmon. Sat E P 174:10 N 2 '01 Run on the Lumberman's National. Sat E P 175:6 Jl 19 '02 Voice in the multitude. Mun 28:276 N '02 Worlds between. Amer 62:88 My '06 'Bilge a lady. E. F-Pzer. Mun 45:779 S '11 Blind. C. D. Stewart. Cent 76:512 Ag '08 Blind Andy. M. A. Ballard. Les Mo 55:164 D '02 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 27 Blind ass of the 'dobe mill. E. P. Butler. Cent S2;607 Ag '11 Blind goddess. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 186:7 Jl 12 '13 Blind goddess at Dodge. A. B. Reeves. Mc- Clure 30:767 Ap '08 Blind man's buff. F. I. Anderson. Sat E P 185:12 My 24 '13 Blind man's buff. L. Housman. Col 33:21 My 14 '04 Blind man's buff. J. L. Williams. Sat E P 183: 12 O S '10 Blind passion. W. J. Henderson. Mun 22:556 Ja '00 Blind revolutionist. B. Poole. Everybody's 22:3 Ja '10 Blindfolded goddess. M, W. Keyes. Outl 102: 165 S 28 '12 Bliss. Edwin Deceit of Rufus. Cosmop 46:468 Mr '09 Blistered thumb. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 184:6 Ap 6 12 Blizzard. C. A. Nesom. Harp W 58:18 O 11 '13 Blizzard at Imogene. F. B. Tracy. McClure 14: 263 Ja '00 Block, Rudolph. See Lessing, Bruno, pseud. Blocker, Webster Wheie ti-umpets speak. Met 14:254 Ag '01 Blockite and the get-rich-quick-man. S. A. Nelson. Everybody's 10:110 Ja '04 Bloede, IVIarie Workshop in the star. Everybody's 28:131 Ja •13 Blond beast. B. Wharton. Scrib 48:291 S '10 Blood charivari. H. Coolidge. Col 54:7 N 7 '14 Blood from a stone. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:12 Mr 18 '11 Blood o' innocence. G. L. Knapp. Lippinc 80: 624 N '07 Blood of Vikings. F. M. Riis. Cent 74:471 Jl '07 Blood seedling. J. Hay. Lippinc 76:441 O '05 Blood will tell. R. H. Davis. Scrib 52:130 Ag Blood will tell. W. Irwin. Sat E P 186:11 N 22 '13 Bloodgood, George 'Tis an ill strike that does nobody good. New Eng n s 27:601 Ja '03 Blooding of a Griffln. W. A. Fraser. Col 33: 17 Jl 16 '04 Bloodless vendetta. H. W. Thomas. Lippinc 07:228 F '01 Bloodlike blossom. K. Jordan. Everybody's 30: 834 Je '14 Bloomsbury's trip. M. Baird, Jr. Lippinc 89: 709 My '12 Blossoming rod. M. S. Cutting. Sat B P 185: 14 D 7 '12 Blot on the 'scutcheon. M. B. Pulver. Lippinc 94:62 D '14 Blotted page. B. Dejeans. Lippinc 86:224 Ag '10 Blow, Ben Abraham Lincoln Keyes. New Eng n s 39:287, 445 N-D 'OS Alexander. Everybody's 17:324 S '07 Doc. New Entf n s 39:14 S 'OS Jefferson Davis Abraham Lincoln Bowe. Les Mo 59:376 F '0.'') New boy. Everybody's 26:129 Ja '12 Old Maje departs. Everybody's 26:421 Mr '12 Blow to Tinterton. K. Harris. Sat E P 181:12 .V 7 08 Bludgett, Mrs. Sidney. See Dejeans, Elizaboth Blue-bird wofithor. R. W. Chambers rosmop ='1:843 N '11. 52:124 D '11 Blue-bird's nest. M. Sherwood. Scrib 42:410 O Blue blood and pirates. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 184:10 Mr 30 '12 o. Williams. Scrib 46:753 D '09 Carrolls' fortune. J. L. Williams. Scrib 48:339 S '10 Carrolls' millionaire tenant. J. L. Williams. Scrib 45:712 Je '09 Carruth, (Fred) Hayden, 1862- Adventure of mystery. Harper 100:330 Ja '00 Anti-house-afire apparatus. Harper 102:330 Ja '01 Artistic temperament. Cosmop 33:595 S '02 Brief consideration of ruts. Cosmop 33:351 Jl •02 Christmas charity. Harper 104:343 Ja '02 Courtship at Parker's corners. Harper 104: 841 Ap 02 Desperate Jim Panther. Harper 101:313 Jl '00 Elder Stover's Thanksgiving donation. Sat E P 175:3 N 22 '02 For his old partner. Harper 106:171 D '02 Foresight and hindsight. Cosmop 33:716 O '02 Good Alonzo Chick. Harper 102:486 F '01 Grecian sentinel of Butte. Sat E P 176:18 O 10 -03 Home-coming of Bill. Sat E P 175:22 My 9 '03 In the country. Harper 103:499 Ag '01 Ingenious young Mr. Opp. Sat E P 172:1239 Je 30 '00 Jane's Christmas slippers. Sat E P 173:26 D 8 00 Kirby wedding. Harper 105:811 O '02 Letter from Horace Greeley. Sat E P 174:18 N 9 '01 Love making for young men. Cosmop 35:475 Ag '03 Major Tomover's trunk. Harper 105:159 Je '02 Memories of Uncle Bentley. Harper 104:684 Mr '02 Memoirs of Professor Bink. Sat E P 173:14 Je 8 '01 Milo Bush's ride down Fifth Ave. Harper 101: 476 .\g '00 Mr. Appledore's experience. Harper 105:317 Jl '02 Mr. Bush's kindergarten Christmas. Harper 102:168 D '00 New naval warfare. Harper 100:652 Mr '00 Numerous return of Bill Cooper. Sat E P 173: 18 Ag 25 '00 Old man with his head on. Cosmop 40:591 Mr •06 Passing of Judge Kirkboy. Harper 102:975 My '01 Professor Dillpicker's discovery. Sat E P 175: 33 Ap 25 '03 Prof. Stubb's Thanksgiving turkeys. Harper 101:969 N '00 Rabbitical adventure. Harper 106:501 F '03 Race for life. Harper 103:158 Je '01 Reforming a burglar. Harper 101:801 O '00 Romancing backward. Sat E P 175:2 N 29 '02 Stepping in. Cosmop 34:238 D '02 Stranger's left-handed race-horse. Cosmop 31:55 My '01 Surprise of old Newt Pagan. Sat E P 173:22 D 22 '00 Theatrical coolness. Harper 100:973 My '00 Tianslation of Judge Fiddler. Sat E P 173: 20 S 29 -on Uncle Podhardy's foot race. Sat E P 172:1181 Je 10 •oo Uncle Stover's slumbers. Harper 106:338 Ja '03 Undecided young lady. Sat E P 172:936 Ap 7 •00 Waiting for a call. Cosmop 33:472 Ag '02 Warming Carterville station. Col 34:24 D 10 '01 Carruthers by marriage. M. T. Eai-le. Sat E P 173:8 Ja 26 '01 Carruthers for sheriff. R. H. Allen. Mun 33: 4SS Jl '05 Carrying sail. L. Colcord. Amer 67:271 Ja '09 Carryl, Guy Wetmore, 1873-1904 r.irds of a feallier. Mot 19;2.'')S N '03 Brand from the burning. McClure 25:573 O '05 Correspondence Vietwecn Noah and Sojihle Isabelle. Col 32:16 D 5 '03 Delayed destiny. Cosmop 34:658 .Ap '03 TTo.-nt, and two others. U.nrpor 105:554 S '02 In the /ihsence of monsieur. Atl.nn 91:211 F '03 Little Tapin. Scrib 31:730 Je '02 Next corner. Mun 26:627 F '02 44 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Carryl, Guy Wetmore — continued Uniy son of his mother. Mun 28:114 O '02 Pierrot and Pierrette. Mun 27:859 S '02 Pippo. Scrib 32:670 D '02 Quarrel. Col 33:12 Jl 9 '04 Reward of virtue. L,ippinc 72:712 D '03 Signed tureen. Scrib 36:221 Ag '04 Sister Esperance. Scrib 33:532 My '03 William, Alfy, and Henry John. Scrib 36:722 D '04 Work of art. Met 22:524 Ag '05 Zut. Harper 105:261 Jl '02 Carson and the solariplex. C. E. Van Loan. Mun 45:871 S '11 Carson, Mrs. Norma (Bright) 1SS3- From the land of the unborn. Lippinc 89:715 My '12 Cart dwellers. M. H. Vorse. Outl 94:534 Mr 5 '10 Carter, Elizabeth Last night of the revival. Atlan 110:92 Jl 12 Physician and the girl. L H J 27:16 S 1 '10 Carter, Marion Hamilton Deciding silence. Everybody's 13:589 N '05 Elopement. Delin 71:272 F '08 Little harmonizer of his threefold nature. McClure 33:294 Jl '09 Parent. McClure 24:90 N '04 Pie-colored horse. Cent 85:517 F '13 Proving of Kinky Larkin. Col 49:17 Ap 6 '12 'Taters. Sat E P 184:12 Mr 30 '12 AVooing of Holy Calm. Cent 85:218 D '12 Carter, Robert C. Mrs. Riggs' new boy. Mun 30:593 Ja '04 Carter, Mrs. Robert Peyton. See Chapin, Anna Alice Carver of the pipes. S. Ford. Met 17:353 Je '03 Casablanca. M. Glass. McClure 27:445 Ag '06 Case ag'in Dan'l Dingle. B. W. Currie. Amer 69:849 Ap '10 Case, Frances Powell. See Powell, Frances, pseud. Case of Alaboneur. A. Colton. Met 28:589 S '08 Case of Ann Eliza. M. McCuUoch-Williams. Everybody's 14:424 Mr '06 Case of conscience. M. Austin. Harp W 53:22 Ag 14 '09 Case of David Giddly. E. O. Jones. Lippinc 85:369 Mr '10 Case of deflected energy. M. C. Smith. New Eng n s 24:409 Je '01 Case of fits. P. H. Fillmore. Everybody's 19: 689 N '08 Case of Fredrick. M. H. Vorse. Harper 127: 786 O '13 Case of Glenmore. J. T. Bishop. Mun 24:445 D '00 Case of Helen Bond. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 50: 113 D '10 Case of Henri Passalaigue. V. Roseboro'. Mc- Clure 32:313 Ja '09 Case of identity. C. Chase. Les Mo 54:268 Jl '02 Case of intellectuality. E. Pottle. Atlan 94:676 N '04 Case of John Bell. L. Beaumont. Everybody's 10:361 Mr '04 Case of Katie Reed. M. J. Reynolds. Amer 64: 131 Je '07 Case of Katrina. E. Jordan. Cent 73:597 F '07 Case of Mabel Parker. A. Train. Amer 61:513 Mr '06 Case of Mary Jones. R. W. Child. Cosmop 57: 463 S '14 Case of Mathews. W. Carleton. Sat E P 186:10 O 4 '13 Case of metaphantasmia. W. D. Howells. Harp W 49:20 D 16 '05 Case of Minna Lang. C. M. Williams. Mun 30: 24 O '03 Case of INIr. Garden. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 178:3 My 12, 14 My 19 '06 Case of Mr. Helmer. R. W. Chambers. Harper 109:769 O 04 Case of Mornington Ransby. F. Danby. Harp W 58:20 Je 20 '14 Case of nerves. H. P. Spofford. Harper 104:61 D '01 Case of nervous prostration. M. Hannis. Delin 73:570 Ap '09 Case of Oscar Brodski. A. Freeman. McClure 38:184 D '11 Case of Paramore. K. F. Gerould. Scrib 54:419 O 13 Case of Patricia. E. Herrick. Cent 70:736 S '05 Case of Pierre Lamotte. F. Danby. Harp W 58:13 Je 6 '14 Case of premeditation. R. A. Freeman. Mc- Clure 35:402 Ag '10 Case of prevision. J. D. Beresford. Forum 48: 273 S '12 Case of Private Sam Weeks. W. R. Lighton. Les Mo 51:156 D '00 Case of promotion. W. B. M. Ferguson. Amer 60:560 S '05 Case of the ambassador. S. M. Gardenhire. Sat E P 178:7 Ag 19 '05 Case of the Evanstons. D. Gray. Cent 74:520 Ag '07 Case of the Widder Hawkins. J. Morton. Lippinc 81:353 Mr '08 Case of Thomas Phipps. T. B. Aldrich. Harper 103:628 S '01 Case went up. C. Gray. Cent 69:395 Ja '05 Casey, Patrick Gay-cat. Sat E P 186:10 Ap 4 '14 Thief of the world. Col 53:7 Ag 8 '14 Cash -girl No. 63. M. P. Daggett. Delin 83:5 Jl •13 Cash in escrow. E. Flower. Col 41:18 Ap 4 '08 Cash intrigue. See Chester, George Randolph Cashier at Deacons'. G. Burgess. L H J 23:15 Ja '06 Caskoden, Edwin, pseud. See Major, Charles Cassandra of the Kevs. R. TV. Child. Sat E P 184:8 Jl 1 '11 Cassidy. L. Evans. Cosmop 56:43 D '13 Casson, Herbert Newton, 1869- Call of gold. Mun 39:457 Jl '08 Cassowary and a hymn book. B. Grimshaw. Everybody's 30:387 Mr '14 Cast away in a parlor car. E. J. Rath. Sat E P 179:18 D 29 '06 Cast away on Feather's Folly. N. Duncan. Cosmop 41:353 Ag '06 Cast of the apple. M. H. Hewlett. Harper 103: 403 Ag '01 Castalgne, Andre Princess Colibri. Harper 106:43 D '02 Castaway brokers. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 175:3 Ap IS '03 Castaways. J. M. Forman. Col 48:16 F 3 '12 Castelnuova, Enrico, 1839- Under the umbrella. Cur Lit 40:113 Ja "06 Casting bread upon the waters. M. N. Frost. New Eng n s 41:589 Ja '10 Casting out of Adoniram Goforth. A. Mac- Gowan. Col 37:23 My 19 '06 Casting out of Jimmy Myers. W. A. White. Sat E P 178:4 D 23 '05 Casting vote. M. H. Vorse. Everybody's 14:22 Ja '06 Castle, Agnes (Sweetman) (Mrs. Egerton Cas- tle) — and Castle, Egerton Burgave's farewell. Col 34:17 D 17 '04 Green adventure. Col 34:15 O 8 '04 Haunted heart. Mun 52:561 Ag '14 Homing bird. Col 34:21 Mr 11 '05 King's mail. Col 34:17 F 11 '05 Melody in the violets. Col 34:18 Ja 14 '05 Rape of the beau. Cosmop 49:486 S '10 Roses of Trainon. Col 34:15 N 12 '04 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 45 Castle and the will. N. Cain. Everybody's 3: 107 Ag '00 Castle, Egerton, 1S5S- Great white deeps. Les Mo 55:105 D '02 Mv rapier and my daughter. Col 32:14 N 28 '03 Yellow slipper. Sat E P 172:1068 My 19 '00 Castle, Mrs. Egerton. See Castle, Agnes. Castle in Spain. J. M. Forman. McClure 20:526 Mr '03 Castle in Spain. F. Reddale. New Eng n s 25: 360 N '01 Castle of Comfort. L. B. Van Slyke. Every- body's 30:476 Ap '14 Castle of Content. J. B. Cabell. Harper 107:327 Ag '03 Castle on the Brandywine. C. Major. Every- body's 5:340 S '01 Castle on the dunes. J. D. Bacon. Harper 119: 531 S '09 Castles in Spain. J. L. Long. Delin 64:1038 D '05, 67:92 Ja '06 Casual angel. H. D. Couzens. Met 34:37 Ap '11 Casual encounter. T. A. Janvier. Harp W 48: 42 D 10 '04 Cat. M. E. Wilkins. Harper 100:906 My '00 Cat and the canary. M. Cameron. Harper 113: 454 Ag '06 Cat and the countess. Mrs. W. Woodrow, Les Mo 60:373 Ag '05 Cat and the painter. E. H. Porter. Scrib 35:240 F '04 Cat coquette. M. A. Hamm. Cent 70:823 O '05 Cat that played Cupid. E. H. Porter. New Eng n s 32:461 Je '05 Cat that walked by himself. R. Kipling. L H J 19:4 Jl '02 Catch of the season. M. M. Macdonald. Lippinc 90:491 O '12 Catching it. A. W. Stone. Cent 87:672 Mr '14 Catching up with Christmas. E. Ferber. Amer 75:55 Ja '13 Cathedral singer. J. L. Allen. Cent 88:1 My '14 Gather. Wllla SIbert, 1R75- Alexander's masquerade. McClure 38:385 F '12 Behind the Singer tower. Col 49:16 My 18 '12 Bohemian girl. McClure 39:4J1 Ag '12 Death in the desert. Scrib 33:109 Ja '03 El Dorado: a Kansas recessional. New Eng n s 24:357 Je '01 Eleanor's house. McClure 29:623 O '07 Enchanted bluff. Harper 118:774 Ap '09 Eric Hermannson's soul. Cosmop 28:633 Ap '00 Jack-a-boy. Sat E P 173:4 Mr 30 '01 Joy of Nelly Deane. Cent 82:859 O '11 Namesake. McClure 28:492 Mr '07 On the pulls' road. McClure 32:145 D '08 Paul's case. McClure 25:74 My '05 Professor's comencement. New Eng n s 26: 481 Je '02 Profile. McClure 29:135 Je '07 Sculptor's funeral. McClure 24:329 Ja '05 Treasure of Far island. New Eng n s 27:234 O '02 Waener matinee. Everybody's 10:325 Mr '04 Willing muse. Cent 74:550 Ag '07 Catherine of arrogance. G. M. Martin. L H J 17 9 .\g '00 Catherwood. Mary Hartwell l.ove of the plains. Delin 58:412 S '01 Catherwood's data of ethics. A. Train. Mc- Clure 25:376 Ag '05 Catspaw. V. T. Sutphen. Sat E P 180:8 N 9 '07 Cattle-man who didn't. A. Ruhl. Scrib 31:110 Ja '02 Caughey, Bernlce C. Fair fee. Lippinc 71:125 Ja '03 Caught in the act. R. Barr. Sat E P 176:6 Jl 4 '09 Cause that couldn't wait. C. Dangerfleld. Met 25:682 Mr '07 Cautious husband. A. Henry. Col 50:18 S 21 '12 Cautious king, and the all-round wise woman. M. E. W. Freeman. Harp W 53:22 Je 26 '09 Cavalier of five. M. T. Antrim. Lippinc 79:509 Ap '07 Cavalier of the careless fifties. O. Read. Sat E P 176:1 Jl 25 '03 Cavalier Porteous. Harp W 46:534 Ap 26 '02 Cavalleria Rusticana. G. Beardsley. McClure 15:303 Ag '00 Cavalry Pegasus. W. Adams. McClure 31:557 S 'OS Cavanagh, Catherine Frances Solomon, a young publisher. Amer 61:717 Ap •06 Cave boy. W. M. Raine. Cosmop 43:327 Jl '07 Cave Canem. F. W. Wharton. Cosmop 29:612 O '00 Cave-man. U. Hudson. Amer 61:721 Ap '06 Cave of Adullam. A Brown. Atlan. 90:252 Ag '02 Cave on Thunder Cloud. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 185:6 Jl 27 '12 Cave woman. J. D. Bacon. Sat E P 185:3 D 7 •12 Caveat emptor. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:10 N 27 '09 Caybigan. J. Hopper. McClure 27:326 Jl '06 Cecelia's corner. E. Van Buren. Cent 74:879 O '07 Cecilia. T. Garrison. Col 37:19 Jl 14 '06 Cecilia the Pharisee. M. Michelson. Cent 68: 192 Je '04 Cecily. W. J. Hopkins. Atlan 104:145 Ag '09 Celebrity. D. Grayson. Amer 70:632 S '10 Celeste the unforgiving. C. Tretheway. Harper 121:916 N '10 Celestial combination. K. Harris. Sat E P 179: 10 Ntl7 '06 Celestial garment. M. T. Campbell. McClure 22:184 D '03 Celestial vampire. A. M. Roach. Delin 69:456 Mr '07 Celia. E. Pottle. Cosmop 40:179 D '05 Celibacy of man. N. Harrison. Les Mo 52:412 Ag '01 Celimene's diamonds. A. 122:370 F '11 S. Hardy. Harper Celtic beauty. S. Mac Manus. Lippinc 65:586 Ap •09 Cenotaph. M. T. Earle. Harper 108:868 My '04 Censor. G. B. Fife. Scrib 33:150 F '03 Cent school. L. H. Sturdevant. Atlan 103:98 Ja '09 Certain game. E. Wallace. Harp W 56:14 Ap 20 '12 Cha-Ml-Nl, the Apache. W. D. Williams. Met 19:76 O '03 Chack. C. L. Edholm. Cent 79:159 N '09 Chain of evidence. C. Wells. Lippinc 80:273 S '07 Chain succession. S. Olmstead. Lippinc 91:448 .\p '13 Chained to virtue. O. Thanet. Harp B 33:52 Ja 20 '00 Chains of darkness. E. L. Lewis. Col 36:24 N 18 '05 Chairman of the meeting. F. Landis. Scrib 52: 500 () '12 Chairman's politics. W. Payne. McClure 16:258 Ja '01 Chakende, the scorned. D. Vaka. Met 35:24 My '12 Chalk in the Burtown schools. M. Ronald. Delin 75:415 My '10 Challenge cup. L. G. Giltncr. New Eng n s 31: 5!t(t J a '05 46 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Challenger. A. Kinross. Atlan 113:229 F '14 Chalmers — clearly a club-man. A. Warwick. Harper 123:303 Jl '11 Chalmers, Roy Melbourne Namesake. Delin 77:463 Je 11 Chamber of tranquility. W. Irwin. Every- body's 14:415 Mr '06 Chamberlain, Arthur Touch of heat. Met 17:205 F 03 Chamberlain, George Walter Wobanski cave-legend. New Eng n s 39.109 b '08 Chamberlain, Lucia _ v, i • no o^q a Connors at Shungopovi. Everybody s 13.349 fa '05 Good-ticket. Scrib 38:154 Ag '05 Hand of life. Cosmop 45:9 Jl '08 _ Harder case. Everybody's 16:515 Ap 07 High water. Scrib 34:330 S '03 His house forlorn. Cent 77:843 Ap 09 Lap o- land. Cent 70:406 Jl '05 Lost lumber lead. Everybody s 20:847 Je 09 Love she gave him. L H J 24:20 N '07 Rally on the hill. Cent 75:678 Mr '08 Scrap. Cent 69:946 Ap '05 ^^ _ ^ ,.„ Trembling brave. Everybody s 14:76 Ja 06 Way out. Scrib 40:50 Jl '06 Without the law. Everybody's 12:244 F 05 Chamberlain, Mary Anable Rumor in the bazaar. Cent 82:183 Je 11 Chamberlain wins. E. Boltwood. Harp B 33:16 Ja 6 'OO Chamberlayne, E. S. Baptizing of Dugan. Met 30:185 My '09 Counter-currents. Outl 69:934 D 7 '01 Hardest luck. Les Mo 51:512 Mr '01 Maggy's choice. Les Mo 51:51 N '00 Mr. Smedley's guest. Atlan 87:213 F '01 Pawns. Harper 103:240 Jl '01 Reminiscences. Les Mo 53:354 Ja '02 Chambers, James Montgomery Call of the sex. Amer 76:110 N '13 Chambers, Mary Davoren ., . . Tares and wheat at the vicarage, Lippmc 90: 87 Jl '12 Chambers, Robert William, 1S65- Abnormal. Harp W 48:202 F 6 '04 Absent-minded goddess. Sat E P 180:5 Jl 13 '07 Absolution. Sat E P 181:7 Ag 22 '08 Air-line. Sat E P 181:4 S 26 'OS Aphrodite. Sat E P 177:1 My 6 '05 Becasse. Harp W 48:98 Ja 16 '04 Bluebird weather. Cosmop 51:843, 52:124 N- D '11 Bridal pair. Harper 106:84 T> '02 Case of Mr. Carden. Sat E P 178:3 My 12, 14 My 19 '06 Case of Mr. Helmer. Harper 109:769 O '04 Drusilla and pa-pah. Sat E P 181:6 Ja 9 '09 Dryad's hunting. Sat E P 176:4 Je 25 '04 En pasant. Sat E P 177:1 Ja 21 '05 Ever after. Sat E P 181:11 O 31 '08 Ex curia. Scrib 36:240 Ag '04 Ex machina. Sat E P 180:3 Ag 17 '07 Fire-warden. Harper 108:930 My '04 Flavilla. Sat E P 181:16 F 13 '09 Ghost of chance. Everybody's 13:147 Ag '05 Golden pool. Harp W 47:3 D 12 '03 Good citizens. Sat E P 177:1 S 17 '04 In heaven and earth. Sat E P 181:3 N 7; 12 N 14 '08 lole. Sat E P 177:1 O 22 '04 Keys of Eden. Sat E P 177:1 F 4 '05 Lady in haste. Sat E P 180:3 Jl 27 '07 Marlitt's shoes. Harper 106:682 Ap '03 Mischief-maker. Sat E P 179:3 Je 8 '07 Mixed bag. Harp W 48:406 Mr 12 '04 Mystic three. Sat E P 178:1 D 23 '05 Nolens volens. Sat E P 178:3 Ap 28 '06 Non-combatants. Harper 109:831 N '04 One man in a million. Harper 103:944 N '01 Orange puppy. Harp B 48:20 Jl; 20 Ag, 30 S '13 Out of the depths. Col 34:12 D 3 '04 Overdose. Sat E P 179:10 Je 22 '07 Pasque Florida. Harper 107:583 S '03 Pass. The. Sat E P 181:5 O 17 '08 Chambers, Robert William — continued Path master: an evangel of the forest. Sat E P 174:1 Jl 20 '01 Pilgrim. Harper 103:358 Ag '01 Quod erat— . Sat E P 177:1 Ap 22 '05 Red Ferry. Sat E P 181:6 S 19 '08 Romance. Col 42:12 S 26 '08 Sacharissa. Sat E P 181:10 N 28 '08 Samaris. Sat E P 178:3 My 5 '06 Sculptor. Sat E P 183:14 D 24 '10 Sign of Venus. Harper 108:99 D '03 Solomon's seal. Sat B P 178:1 Mr 31 '06 Sphyx. Harper 108:367, 618 F-Mr '04 Special messenger. Harper 110:344 F '05 State of mind. Sat E P 177:1 Je 3 '05 Stranger than fiction. Harp B 48:6 N '13 Swastika. Sat E P 177:1 Mr 18 '05 Sybilla. Sat E P 181:5 D 19 '08 Tracer of lost persons. Sat E P 177:1 Je 17, 6 Je 24 '05 Tree of dreams. Sat E P 179:3 Ja 19 '07 Tree of heaven. Harp W 48:24 D 10 '04 Trouble for two. Harper 109:390 Ag '04 Unpleasant. Harp W 47:2116 D 26 '03 Wild-boar shooting. Col 41:14 S 5 '08 Wolf! Wolf! Harp W 47:1912 N 28 '03 Young man in a hurry. Harper 107:377 Ag '03 Chambige affair. M. B. Lowndes. Harp W 57: 12 Je 21 '13 Champion forgetter. G. W. Ogden. Every- body's 25:563 O '11 Champion lady buck dancer. H. G. Van Cam- pen. Sat E P 185:8 My 17 '13 Champion, May Kelsey Charles Stuart and the burglar. McClure 25: 31 My '05 Division fence. Delin 66:590 O '05 Presiding Elder. Les Mo 52:99 My '01 Unskilled laborer. Harper 112:407 F '06 Championship. G. Morris. Everybody's 29:18 Jl '13 Champney, Elizabeth Williams (Mrs. James Wells Champney) 1850- Madonna of the ermine mantle. Harper 103: 775 O '01 Chan Hen 'Ven, Chinese student. S. S. For. New Eng n s 45:462 Ja '12 Chance. M. Hayes. New Eng n s 46:31 Mr '12 Chance. L C. Hopkins. Col 35:25 My 27 '05 Chance acquaintance. L. E. Teters. Mun 24: 451 D '00 Chance of Araminta. M. E. W. Freeman. Harp B 37:1122 D '03 Chance of favor. M. Tuttle. Met 33:691 Mr '11 Chance Samaritan. M. Cameron. Harper 115: 894 N '07 Chance shot. H. W. Phillips. McClure 15:380 Ag '00 Change for the better. L. H. Adams. Delin 61: 264 P '03 Change of beat. E. B. Waterworth. McClure 37:338 Jl '11 Change of heart. H. P. Spofford. Harper 116: 661 Ap '08 Change of heart. A. Warner. Delin 68:800 N '06 Change of masters. P. Bailey. Harper 127:752 O '13 Change of profession. H. J. O'Higgins. Mc- Clure 20:92 N '02 Changeable professor. E. Jepson. Lippinc 91: 257 Mr '13 Changed man. T. Hardy. Cosmop 29:35 My '00 Changed view. A. H. Donnell. Everybody's 21: 563 O '09 Changeless. M. A. Bacon. Harper 104:550 Mr •02 Changeling. T. Bailey. Cosmop 46:92 D '08 Changeling. W. W. Jacobs. Cosmop 42:69 N '06 Changeling. M. Manning. Harper 120:769 Ap •10 Changeling book agerts. H. Winslow. Harp W 58:24 Ja 24 '14 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 47 Changing woods. E. J. Roth. Everybody's 25: 644 N '11 Chanler, Amelie Rives. See Troubetzkoy, Ame- lie Rives Chanler, princess Channing, Douglas Souvenir night. Everybody's 11:614 N '04 Channing, Grace Ellery (Mrs. Charles Walter Stetson) l&b;:- Backjjrounds. Harper 115:67 Je '07 Beloved. Harper 117:1:; Je 'OS Children of the barren. Harper 114:511 Mr '07 Confusion of idols. Cent 76:757 S '08 Eleventh hour. Harper 121:293 Jl '10 End of the journey. Harper 110:936 My '05 From the veranda. Harper 115:299 Jl '07 Heart's desire. Harper 125:71 Je '12 His second senior class day. Col 43:18 My 22 ■09 Idealist. Harper 129:402 Ag '14 In an even balance. Everybody's 17:78 Jl 07 In June. Sat E P 184:18 N 25 '11 In the cool of the day. Atlan 103:25 Ja '09 Keepers of a charge. Harper 111:198. Jl '05 Lantescane roses. Sat E P 186:16 Je 6 '14 Marriaee question. Harper 111:435 Ag '05 Miss Ellen. Atlan 96:636 N '05 Mother in Israel. Sat E P 181:5 F 20 '09 Olivia. Harper 104:875 My '02 Other side. Harper 108:240 Ja '04 Personal offering. Harper 113:531 S '06 Perverse generation Cent 72:878 O '06 Requital. Sat E P 186:6 My 9 '14 Road to Europe. Harper 112:266 Ja '06 Thorn that pricked. Cent 68:877 O '04 Three-fold cord. Met 35:17 Mr '12 Time and the hour. Harper 114:838 My '07 Two daughters of one race. Atlan 100:495 O '07 Chantepleure, Guy, pseud. (Mme. Jeanne Violet) 1S75- Abbe's roses, tr. by A. Jackson and H. Twit- chell. Outl. 102:497 N 2 '12 Chaperon. G. Hibbard. L H J 22:8 Je '05 Chaperon. A. B. Sembower. Harper 122:356 F •11 Chaperon pro tempore. G. Somerville. Mun 24: 932 Mr '01 Chaperoning of Sheila. M. Kelly. L. H. J. 25: 14 S '08 Chaperoning Phillida. K. Jordan. Delin 78:79 Ag '11 Chaperoning the chaperon. J. D. Wood. Amer 64:357 Ag '07 Chapin, Anna Alice (IVlrs. Robert Peyton Car- ter) 1880- Straight golf. Cent 83:22 N '11 Street musicians. Everybody's 22:27 Ja '10 Chapin, Carl M. Geordie Griggsby's firebug. Sat E P 184:6 My 18 '12 Chapin, H. Gerald Women first. Everybody's 14:761 Je '06 Chaplin, Heman White (C. H. White, pseud.) 1847- Xew minister's great opportunity. Cent. 86: 390 Jl '13 Chaplin, Stewart Stained-glass political platform. Cent 60:304 Je '00 Chapman, Arthur, 1873 Antediluvian round-up. Harper 114:973 My '07 Exr)eriment in archaeology. Harper 122:641 Mr '11 Eoliengrin of the sage-brush. Harper 114:487 F -07 Pink Sox .scout. Col 51:17 S 13 '13 Chapman, Charles S. <"ullrr. Scrib 42:305 S '07 Chapman, Harry E. 'l"r;iK*'lv of Joan Polgarth. Everybody's 2:153 F -no Chappel, Eva Voice in the darkness. Everybody's 25:271 Ag •11 Chappell, George S. Education of King Jim. Scrib 35:577 N '05 Hard worker. Cent 70:388 Jl '05 One of them. Cent 72:419 Jl "06 Return of the Ancient. Cent 73:467 Ja '07 Society note. Cent 68:977 O "04 System. Met 32:474 Jl '10 Triumph of Godibet. Cent 80:573 Ag '10 Chapter of chances. A. O'Hagan. Mun 29:266 My '03 Character part. J. M. Lippmann. Cent 79:131 N '09 Character woman. F, Hurst. Sat E P 187:11 S 12 '14 Chard, Cecil With flags flying. Harper 128:409 F '14 Charge. M. B. Stewart. Harp W 51:948 Je 29 '07 Chariot of fire. E. S. Phelps. Harper 110:777 Ap '05 Charity. M. W. Martin. Scrib 55:92 Ja '14 Charity ball. Z. Gale. Delin 76:11 Jl '10 Charity case. J. T. Bishop. New Eng n s 27: 673 F '03 Charles Stuart and the burglar. M. K. Cham- pion. McClure 25:31 My '05 Charley-f'om-the-orphum-house. A. Kortrecht. McClure 30:157 D '07 Charley Horse. R. E. MacAlarney. Harp B 48: 20 O '13 Charley Johnson's fine. A. Tassin. Col 40:20 N 9 '07 Charley the chorus boy. A. Johnson. Met 40: 20 Ag '14 Charlie Snyder. S. Merwin. McClure 40:59 F '13 Charmed life. R. H. Davis. Scrib 46:540 N '09 Charmer, The. H. Dickson. Sat E P 181:16 My 29 '09 Charming of Estercel. G. L. Rhys. Harper 109:75 Je '04 Charming Peggy. J. G. Lincoln. L H J 26:13 Jl '09 Chase, Arthur IVIinturm Getaway. Harp W 55:16 S 30 '11 Jerry. Everybody's 14:262 F '06 Chase, Clifford Case of identity. Les Mo 54:268 Jl '02 Chase, Dora Annis Like the rush of mighty wings. New Eng n s 32:574 Jl '05 Chase, Frank Extra motion. Col 52:17 N 1 '13 Chase, Jessie Anderson, 1865- Betty's friends. Amer 63:361 F '07 Chase, IVIargaret H. St. Peter of the Latin Quarter. Cosmop 42:173 D '06 Chase of the golden plate. See Futrelle, Jacques. Chase of the tide. N. Duncan. McClure 17:307 Ag '01 Chase overnight. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 29:496 Ap '01 Chase, Reginald Banfield Her applause. Harp B 33:100 F 3 '00 Way Bennie looked at it. Lippinc 66:284 Ag '00 Chase, Sidney M. Measure of content. Scrib 43:640 Je '08 Sailoi-men of the Maine coast. Scrib 52:193 Ag '12 Town meeting day. Scrib 48:554 N '10 Yankee privateer. Scrib 53:531 My '13 Chase, Theodora AnnIs Shadows. New Eng n s 33:667 Ja '06 Chasing a rainbow. J. Futrelle. Cosmop 41: 4!Mi S '06 Chastening. A. S. Pier. Col 38:18 Ja 12 '07 Chastening of Sally. M. IL Vorae. Every- body.s 21:390 S '09 48 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Chastisement of a squaw-man. W. C. Esta- brook. Les Mo 57:708 Ap '04 Chatelaine of Cheticamp. C. G. D. Roberts. Delin 59:644 Ap '02 Chater, Melville Cupid: highwayman. Met 20:522 Jl '04 Cupid castaway. Met 18:651 Ag '03 Fiction and fact. Everybody's 28:273 F '13 First and last of it. Cosmop 29:603 O '00 How the man came to Twinkling island. Everybody's 23:64 Jl '10 In trust. Cosmop 46:537 Ap '09 Interchangeable. Everybody's 13:417 S '05 Last charge of the free lance. New Eng n s 38:115 Mr '08 Miracle of Tannhauser McGinnis. Col 36:21 D 16 '05 Motorman Cupid. Cosmop 28:290 Ja '00 Thicker than water. Harper 102:555 Mr '01 When North and South joined hands. L H J 31:9 D '14 Chauffeur. E. M. Ingram. Lippinc 85:751 Je '10 Chauffeur and the jewels. E. M. Willett. Lippinc 78:257 S '06 Chauffeurs. G. Glendon. Mun 29:817 S '03 Chawner, Mary G. Dampening of Maria's ire. New Eng n s 32: 287 My '05 Che Buono, pseud. See Bulfin, William Cheap. M. L. C. Pickthall. Harper 128:848 My •14 Cheap at a million. See Lef&vre, Edwin Check! H. W. Phillips. Sat E P 181:8 O 3 '08 Checked by chance. V. L. Whitechurch. Everybody's 2:131 F '00 Checkerboard table. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 1S4:3 F 3 '12 Checkmating Miss Fanny. B. Goodman. Sat E P 186:8 O 11 '13 Cheerful feast of San Michele. J. E. Dunning. Atlan 102:660 N 'OS Cheerful giver. L. Copinger. Lippinc 77:570 My '06 Cheerful givers. E. Pottle. Sat E P 177:6 D 24 '04 Cheerful hoodoo. L. F. Tooker. Cent 82:756 S '11 Cheerful swearer. H. Dickson. Sat E P 183:9 O 1 '10 Cheesai Willie San. M. Davis. Sat E P 173:20 Jl 28 '00 Cheever's magic mashie. E. L. Sabin. Lippinc 68:71 Jl '01 Chef and the owls nest. C. Maud. Cosmop 36: 347 Ja '04 Chekhov, Anton Pavlovitch. See Tchekhov, Anton Pavlovitch Cherchez la femme. D. Canfield. Everybody's 28:383 Mr '13 Cherchez la femme. M. Kelly. Sat E P 181:8 Ja 30 '09 Cherries in Kent. M. T. Earle. Sat E P 175:13 D 20 '02 Cherry. B. Tarkington. Harper 102:241, 406 Ja F '01 Cherry blossoms. V. Sutphen. Harper 105:367 Ag '02 Cherry-bud in a forei.gn land. A. KinnosukS. Lippinc 67:506 Ap '01 Cherry orchards and a princess. M. Lindsay. Col 34:22 O 15 "04 Chesnutt, Charles W. March of progress. Cent 61:422 Ja '01 Sway-backed house. Outl 66:588 N 3 '00 Chess players. O. M. Briggs. Scrib 50:199 Ag '11 Chester, George Randolph, 1869- Accidental plutocrat. Sat E P 178:7 Je 30 '06 Adventure in the high C's. Sat E P 181:8 Ag 15, 18 Ag 22 '08 American emperor. Cosmop 47:773 N '09 Ananias of Oshkosh. Lippinc 79:224 F '07 Chester, George Randolph — continued Applerod addition. Sat E P 180:12 Je 6 '08 Ballyhoo Bill. Sat E P 182:12 My 14 '10 Bargain day at Tutt house. McClure 25:129 Je '05 Battle of the trusts. Cosmop 47:447 S '09 Blistered thumb. Sat E P 184:6 Ap 6 '12 Blue Pete. Sat E P 179:6 O 6 '06 Blue Pete's escape. Mun 36:647 F '07 Bobbys illumination. Sat E P 1M:5 Jl 4 '08 Brick with the yellow streak. Everybody's 31: 113 Jl '14 Broke again. Sat E P 185:15 Je 7 '13 Bubble bank. Sat E P 181:5 Ja 30. 13 F 6 '09 Business administration. Sat E P 185:3 F 1, 6 F 15. 10 Mr 1, 16 Mr 15, 18 Mr 29. 20 Ap 12 '13 Campaigning for a friend. Sat E P 185:10 N 30 '12 Cash intrigue. Cosmop 47:9 20, 447, 567, 773 Jl-N '09 Castaway brokers. Sat E P 175:3 Ap 18 "03 City beautiful. Sat E P 183:3 Je 3, 14 Je 10 '11 Cleaning up. Sat E P 181:16 S 26 'OS Corner in farmers. Sat E P 180:7 F 29 '08 Dear little birds. Sat E P 185:8 Ag 17 '12 Dicker in titles. Sat E P 185:14 Ap 19 '13 Doodle bug. Everybody's 30:601 My '14 Down with graft. Sat E P 185:5 Jl 13 '12 Dutchman, The. Mun 40:206 N '08 Easy money. Sat E P 181:3 N 14 '08 Fanchon the lobster. Sat E P 180:10 Ap 11 'OS Fancy-dress election. Sat E P 177:8 N 12 '04 Fat beauty. Everybody's 24:604 My '11 First .scoop. Sat E P 181:5 Ap 17 '09 Five thousand an hour. Sat E P 184:3 S 3, 22 O 7, 20 O 14, 21 O 21. 19 O 28, 19 N 4 '11 For sweet charity. Sat E P 185:17 O 12 '12 Fortune in smoke Sat E P 180:9 Mr 14 '08 Forty-third pumpkin. Lippinc 87:129 F '11 Friend of the masses. Sat E P 185:20 N 9 '12 Fugitive fudge. Everybody's 31:160 Ag '14 Fundamental justice. Col 53:7 Jl 25 '14 Getting rich quick. Sat E P 180:3 O 5, 11 O 12 -O'l Great eviction. Cosmop 47:567 O '09 Hammering stone. Sat E P 181:11 Ag 29, 11 S 5 '08 Hand-car gang. Mun 41:259 My '09 Head of the family. Sat E P 185:14 O 26 '12 Hi.s father's business. Sat E P 180:3. My 2, 'OS Honevmoon. Mun 37:429 Jl '07 Idle million. Sat E P 186:13 N 8 '13, 24 F 7, 26 F 21 '14 Indignation runs high. Col 54:5 S 19 '14 Iron empire. Cosmop 47:288 Ag '09 Jimmy Rourke. Sat E P 182:8 O 2 '09 Johann. Sat E P 185:16 D 14 '12 King of the Elbow. Everybody's 25:366 S '11 Man that quit. Mun 41:416 Je "09 Matter of economics. Sat E P 186:16 Ag 2 '13 Michael. Mun SS:12 O "07 Move on! Mun 43:692 Ag '10 Nomination. The. Sat E P 181:7 My 15 '09 On the minute. Evervbodv's 30:356 Mr '14 Opening. Everybody's 31:400 S '14 Panic. Cosmop 47:9 Jl '09 Paving steal. Sat E P 181:20 My 8 '09 Piquard's pup. Sat E P 181:14 Je 12 '09 Postponed romance. Everybody's 20:345 Mr '09 Profitable benevolence. Sat E P 180:6 D 7 '07 Quarantined rivals. McClure 26:261 Ja '06 Reform spasm. Sat E P 182:10 O 16 '09 Sam Turner: business man's love story. Sat E P 182:3 Mr 26. 23 Ap 2. 17 Ap 9 '10 Selling a patent. Sat E P 180:5 Ja IS, 13 Ja 25 "08 Seven-dollar bill. Sat E P 179:5 Ag 11 '06 Skeezicks. McClure 25:354 Ag '05 Skeezicks elopes. Amer 63:537 Mr '07 Skeezicks, Sknks & Co. McClure 28:395 F '07 Smash in the ear. Col 53:5 Jl 11 '14 Some charming affairs. Sat E P 185:5 Ag 31 '12 Spartan, The. Sat E P 182:7 Ja 1 '10 Spoiling the Egyptians. Sat E P 181:5 D 26 '08 Straight business. Sat E P 181:5 F 27 '09 Strike breaker. McClure 25:451 S '05 Strike of the derelicts. Mun 39:525 Jl '08 Their first sunset. Delin 71:258 F 'OS Thomas Dabney. Everybody's 20:161 F '09 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 49 Chester, George Randolph — continued Time — forty seconds. Mun 38:334 D '07 Tin railroad, incorporated. Sat E P 177:5 O 8 •04 Traction transaction. Sat E P 180:6 F 8 '08 Triple cross. Sat E P 181:16 D 5 '08 Tyke. iViun 37:20y My '07 Us'ly Burleigh. Cosniop 39:177 Je '05 Wallingford, strike-breaker. Cosmop 57:788 X '14 Wlieels within wheels. Everybody's 30:450 Ap '14 Whipsawed! Sat E P 181:7 Ja 16 '09 Woman at home. Amer 61:540 Mr '06 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, 1874- Absence of Mr. Glass. McClure 40:33 N '12 Awful reason of the vicar's visit. Harp W 48:833 My 28, 868 Je 4 '04 Club of queer trades. Harp W 48:725 My 7r 833 My 28 '04 Eccentric seclusion of the old lady. Harp W 48:1060 Jl 9. 1096 Jl 16 '04 Eye of Apollo. Sat E P 183:5 F 25 '11 Flying stars. Sat E P 183:8 My 20 '11 Head of Cfesar. McClue 41:120 Ag '13 Innocence of Father Brown. Sat E P 183:3 Jl 23, 13 S 3, 5 O 1, 9 N 5, 11 D 10, 9 Ja 7 '10 '11 Invisible man. Sat E P 183:5 Ja 28 '11 Man in the passage. McClure 40:57 Ap '13 Noticeable conduct of Prof. Chadd. Harp W 48:976 Je 25, 1018 Jl 2 '04 Paradise of thieves. McClure 40:53 Mr '13 Purple wig. McClure 41:136 Jl '13 Singular speculation of the house agent. Harp W 48:908 Je 11, 941 Je 18 '04 Sins of Prince Saradine. Sat E P 183:15 Ap 22 '11 Strange crime of John Boulnois. McClure 40: 127 F '13 Strange justice. Sat E P 183:12 Mr 25 '11 Three tools of death. Sat E P 183:12 Je 24 '11 Tremendous adventures of Major Brown. Harp W 47:2072 D 19 '03 — and Pemberton, Max Donnington affair. Met 40:22 O '14, 41:32 N '14 Chesworth, Thomas Mr. Williams of the parks. Lippinc 87:108 Ja '11 Chetah. E. Shawn. Cent 65:963 Ap '03 Chevalier and the baby. E. R. White. Harper in5:239 Jl '02 Chiara the beautiful. Mrs. J. Van Vorst. L H J 24:11 Jl '07 Chicanery. S. T. Stern. Harper 110:402 F '05 Chickens. E. Ferber. Amer 73:497 F '12 Chief Burnsockis. F. Walworth. Everybody's 0:'^20 D '03 Chief engineer. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 175:1 My 30, 6 Je 6 '03 Chief operator. E. S. Phelps. Harper 119:300 Jl 09. Same Harp W 55:8 O 14 '11 Chief, the child, and Mickey Sweeney. L. Stef- fens. Col 35:19 Ap 22 '05 Chieftain. S. Ford. Scrib 32:202 Ag '02 Child. A. H. Donnell. Harper 113:693 O '06 Child. J. Richepin. Cur Lit 40:504 My '06 Child-idyl of Donegal. A. Matthews. Atlan 112: 7o2 h '13 Child of a widow. L. Copinger. Lippinc 82:335 S 'OS Child of God. C. T. Brady. Mun 37:156 My '07 Child of sacrifice. S. M. Hall. L H J 23:13 Ag '06 Child perpetual. V. F. Boyle. Cent 60:868 S '00 Child, Richard Washburn, 1S81- Among tlie nameless. Met 31:573 F '10 Anarchist. Sat E P 182:12 F 5 '10 Awful woapon. Sat E P 182:8 N 27 '09 Bad chocks. Sat E P 183:22 O 21 '10 rtf-autiful little one. Sat K P 182:14 Ap 9 '10 Caleb Jone.H. Atlan 97:494 Ap 06 Case of Mary .Tones. T'osmop 57:463 S "14 Cassandra of the Keys. Sat E P 1x1:8 Jl l '11 Child, Richard Washburn — continued Civilized. Harper 117:101 Je '08 Crittur. Col 40:18 O 5 '07 Decent average. Col 38:22 O 13 '06 Deserters. Sat E P 182:6 Ap 30 '10 Durn fool. Col 36:15 N 11 '05 Dust of the wheel. Harper 123:198 Jl '11 Experiment in resource. Col 49:16 Ag 31 '12 Eyes of the gazelle. Harper 124:697 Ap '12 Fight. Amer 61:374 F '06 Final score. Sat E P 182:5 O 23 '09 For the woman in the watch. Met 38:19 Je 13 Game of light. Everybody's 31:38 Jl '14 Getting wise. Amer 66:52 My '08 Glimmer. Everybody's 21:807 D '09 Grip of the law. Sat E P 184:5 F 24 '12 Gustibus. Col 46:21 O 22 '10 He who laughs last. Sat E P 185:24 S 28 '12 Head of the family. Col 47:17 Jl 8 '11 Her arm. Sat E P 182:12 S 18 '09 Her Christmas guest. L H J 30:10 D '13 In dancing shadows. Col 48:21 S 30, 25 O 7 '11 In Willards shoes. Col 37:18 Je 16 '06 J. P. J. Col 42:20 F 6 '09 Jenks and Julianna. Sat E P 181:12 Je 26 '09 Last of the family. Col 53:5 My 2 '14 Lesson in labor. McClure 27:25 My '06 Likeness of 'em. Delin 75:311 Ap '10 Little house. Sat E P 182:8 Ja 8 '10 Man as well. Everybody's 18:516 Ap '08 Man in the shadow. Harper 113:110 Je '06 Marcia Way. Everybody's 15:97 Jl '06 Master. Col 48:22 K 4 '11 Money. Everybody's 17:388 S '07 My classmate Sheffield. Sat E P 177:12 D 24 '04 My Mike and Joe Crane. Col 37:18 Ag 4 '06 One with the red brown hair. Amer 67:542 Ap ■09 Other woman. L H J 30:12 Mr '13 Perfect peace. Sat E P 182:13 N 13 '09 Pete Sotus. Col 42:20 O 17 'OS Pha?nix, The. Sat E P 187:5 N 28 '14 Pitcher of romance. Harper 125:43 Je '12 Playthings. Sat E P 185:11 F 1 '13 Profits of the Peligods. Col 46:12 Mr 11 '11 Quitters. Amer 71:441 F '11 Red trunk. Met 38:13 My '13 Schoolma'am. Col 44:21 F 26 '10 Shalestones. Col 46:19 O 29 '10 Shark. Everybody's 22:824 Je '10 Silver king. Sat E P 183:13 Ap 29 '11 Speedaway. McClure 24:640 Mr '05 Stalking the biggest of big game. Every- body's 20:427 Mr '09 Story of Alpheus Motley. Harper 126:188 Ja '13 Story of George Bond. Col 36:15 Ja 13 '06 Talker, The. Sat E P 182:9 D 25 '09 Tattoo. Col 50:19 N 23 '12 Their investment. Everybody's 23:509 O '10 They was women. Col 39:18 Je 1 '07 Thirty-thousand-dollar slap. Sat E P 184:16 F 3 '12 Tommy Cutts. McClure 25:277 Jl '05 Tryst on Spongecake. Sat E P 183:10 Je 10 '11 Turtle man. Amer 77:15 Mr '14 Under the mask. Col 49:20 Mr 30 '12 You bet! Col 45:16 Je 25 '10 What's-the-difference Kitty. Sat E P 183:12 O 1 '10 White hand. Amer 71:130 N '10 White light. Everybody's 19:412 S '08 With boots on. Sat E P 183:14 Mr 11 '11 Child that was taken to raise. E. Singmaster. Lippinc 94:186 Ag '14 Child who had everything but. J. K. Bangs. Lipipnc SS:S63 D '11 Child who lived in a hotel. M. R. Warren. L II J 20:8 Ja '09 Children. J. D. Bacon. Harper 119:327 Ag '09 Children and edtred tools. W. Irwin. Every- body's 23:706 N '10 Children of death. W. B. MacTIarg. Les Mo .'•.:i:ini F '02 Children of F:den. E. E. Peake. Col 36:18 O 7 •05 50 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Children of the Alhambra. H. C. Candee. Cent 84:743 S '12 Children of the barren. G. E. Channing. Har- per 114:511 Mr '07 Children of the dust. J. Anderson. Mun 48: 577 Ja '13 Children of the enemy. F. Z. Stone. Mun 30: 4Zi) D '03 Children of the long ago. V. Thompson. Everybody's 17:745 D '07 Children of the streets. W. Hastings. Amer 63:73 N '06 Children's blessing. V. Roderick. Everybody's -7:793 D '12 Children's Blue bird. See Maeterlinck, Georg- ette Children's bread. F. A. Mathews. Forum 45: buy Je '11 Children's specialist. D. O. Edson. Everybody's 24:418 Mr '11 Child's heart. M. H. Vorse. Cent 88:815 O '14 Childs, Mary Fairfax ^ Aunt Glory's marriage certificate. Cent il: 4y8 Ja '06 Child's voice. C. W. Flynn. Delin 69:672 Ap '07 Chills. R. E. Young. Cent 66:582 Ag '03 Chile. A. Evelyn. Lippinc 78:798 D '06 Chimmie Fadden stories. See Townsend, Ed- ward Waterman Chin-chopper. P. Fillmore. Everybody's 26:673 My '12 Chin Wouy's wife. H. R. Eliot. Everybody's 10:87 Ja '04 China will repay. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 89: 604 Ap '12 Chinago. J. London. Harper 119:233 Jl '09 Chinapods. A. M. D. Ogden. Scrib 41:237 F '07 Chinese boy-girl. S. S. Far. Cent 67:S2S Ap '04 Chinese cue. H. Ballagh. Lippinc 68:88 Jl '01 Chinese fairy-tale. L. Housman. Cur Lit 30: 394 Ap '01 Chinese for trouble. S. Merwin. McClure 41: 113 S '13 Ching-Ling-Chau concession. G. Hibbard. Sat E P 173:6 Ap 13 '01 Chip and the block. M. S. Briscoe. Delin 57: 430 Mr '01 Chip in porridge. F. C. Mallon. Harp B 42:982 O '08 Chiquite. A. M. Cleaveland. Mun 32:269 N '04 Chirikov, Eugene Red Banners. Harp W 51:1802 D 7 '07 Chisholm, A. M. McPike — backslider. Met 25:23 O '06 New boss. Met 27:74 O '07 Chispa. T. P. Byron. Col 48:10 Ja 13 '12 Chittenden, Gerald Angel unawares. Scrib 52:751 D '12 Billy's book. Scrib 54:133 Jl '13 Daughter of Shining Woods. Scrib 47:115 Ja '10 Ethics of the profession. Scrib 53:729 Je '13 His quest, and the end of it. Scrib 48:209 Ag '10 Man who missed his moment. Scrib 47:724 Je '10 Stuff that dreams are made on. Scrib 55:359 Mr '14 Chivalry of David Henry. A. O'Hagan. Every- body's 12:597 My '05 Chloride hold-up. H. I. Greene. Les Mo 58:361 Ag '04 Chloroforming the Apache Kid. E. Allen. Every- body's 10:704 My '04 Chocolat-Duhamel. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:12 Ag 6 '10 Chohan bride. A. S. K. Ghosh. Harper 102:772 Ap '01 Choice. E. Balmer. Col 43:20 Je 5 '09 Choice. E. Wharton. Cent 77:32 N '08 Choice of circumstance. C. Duer. Atlan 96: 797 D '05 Choices. J. B. Cabell. Harper 116:530 Mr '08 Choju-so: a legend of the chrysanthemum. E. Matson. New Eng n s 37:175 O '07 Cholmondeley, Mary Let loose. Les Mo 52:345 Ag '01 Romance of his life. Scrib 46:172 Ag '09 Votes for men: dialogue. Harp B 44:10 Ja '10 Choosing of Lozumy Browder. A. MacGowan. Cent 70:593 Ag 05 Chosen city. J. Lee. Harper 112:71 D '05 Chosen instrument. S. H. Adams. Everybody's 1^2:158 F '10 Chotka Sevier. H. W. Phillips. Amer 76:39 O ■13 Chow Chow. W. H. Osborne. Met 39:22 D '13 Chow-chow kid. P. V. Mighels. Harper 107:214 Jl 03 Chriss-mus story: bad Charley. M. G. Hays. Delin 80:431 D '12 Christening of Corinna. K. H. Brown. Every- body's 5:604 N '01 Christian. J. Galsworthy. Atlan 109:180 F '12 Christian Science in cow-camp. W. R. Lighton. Harp W 47:1872 N 21 '03 Christian spirit. T. L. Masson. Lippinc 89:737 My '12 Christie, Henry Christopher Sponge-spoilers. Atlan 113:52 Ja '14 Turtlers. Atlan 113:549 Ap '14 Christine: a romance. See Smith, Fredrick Mil- ler Christmas h la mode. W. C. Wonderly. Lip- pinc 84:701 D '09 Christmas and the spirit of democracy. S. M. Crothers. Everybody's 17:794 D '07 Christmas angel. L. S. Portor. L H J 25:8 D '07 Christmas at Cafe Spaander. E. Penfield. Scrib 32:653 D '02 Christmas at Hallowell's Hole. C. W. Alden. L H J 21:14 D '03 Christmas at Homeburg. G. Fitch. Amer 76:56 D '13 Christmas at Peace Haven. W. T. Grenfell. L H J 29:11 D '12 Christmas at the villa. G. Hall. McClure 34: 131 D '09 Christmas baby. J. F. Cooke. Met 25:422 Ja '07 Christmas betrothal. F. Coppee. Cur Lit 45:113 Jl 'OS Christmas blessing. H. P. Spofford. Lippinc 90:710 D '12 Christmas bore. J. W. Tompkins. Amer 61:157 D '05 Christmas bridal journey. K. H. Brown. L H J 23:15 D '05 Christmas cantata. P. L. McKenrick. Les Mo 57:218 D '03 Christmas charity. H. Carruth. Harper 104: 343 Ja '02 Christmas child. V. F. Boyle. Harp W 55:22 D 16 '11 Christmas child. G. Schock. Harper 112:704 Ap '06 Christmas clearing-house, ltd. R. Hughes. EA-erybody's 16:121 Ja '07 Christmas coffee-pot. E. E. Peake. Delin 64: 969 D '04 Christmas confession. A. M. Daulton. Outl 75: 936 D 19 '03 Christmas corner in girls. E. Flower. L H J 26:15 D '08 Christmas courtship. T. Masson. Cosmop 36: 223 D '03 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 51 Christmas dance. F. H. Sweet. New Eng n s 41:485 D '09 Christmas dance at Old Oaks. L. S. Portor. L H 21:11 D 03 Christmas deal in poetry. A. B. Paine. Every- body's 8:53 Ja 03 Christmas eve at Sedecake Hall. J. J. Bell. Lippinc bS:919 D '11 Christmas eve happening. H. P. SpofEord. Harp \V 56:24 D 14 '12 Christmas eve on Lonesome. J. Fox, Jr. L H J 19:8 D 01 Christmas eve show at Kepler's. A. L. Lee. L H J 28:9 D 1 '10 Christmas exile. M. Harris. Harp B 38:117S D 04 Christmas failure. M. Foster. Everybody's 10: 12 Ja '04 Christmas fiddle M. Austin. Cent 81:239 D '10 Christmas for big Ame. J. Fox, Jr. Scrib 48: uyo D '10 Christmas for one. P. H. Fillmore. Delin 76: 467 D '10 Christmas function at 90 Bank street. C. Mor- ris. Cosmop 37:700 O 04 Christmas ghost. M. E. Wilkins. Everybody's 3:512 D '00 Christmas gif! V. F. Boyle. Cent 83:305 D '11 Christmas gif ' ! F. L. Stanton. Les Mo 51:134 D 00 Christmas gift from the sea, F. H. Shaw. Col 50:21 D 14 '12 Christmas handicap. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 44: 6S3 D '08 Christmas hold-up. B. Millard. Cosmop 46:221 Ja 09 Christmas hunting. C. L. Bull. Met 29:237 D '08 Christmas incident at Santo Domingo. A. O Hagan. Mun 30:404 D '03 Christmas joy that came to Betty. A. Warner. L H J 26:20 D 'OS Christmas lady. M. E. W. Freeman. L H J 27: 17 D 09 Christmas luck. A. B. Paine. Harp W 46:28 D 6 02 Christmas memories. M. Shipp. Les Mo 57:146 D 03 Christmas mutineers. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 175:6 D 6 '02 Christmas mystery: story of three wise men. W. J. Locke Amer 69:147 D '09 Christmas night with Satan. J. Fox, Jr. Scrib 34:673 D '03 Christmas of Christmases. N. Lloyd. Scrib 46: 693 D 09 Christmas of old maid Orne. H. Day. Every- body s 11:798 D '04 Christmas on Shark Shoal. H. C. Rowland. Les Mo 59:152 D '04 Christmas peace. T. N. Page. Met 19:481 Ja '04 Christmas peacemaker. V. Sheard. New Eng n s 23:438 D '00 Christmas phantoms. M. Gorky. Cur Lit 39:692 D 05 Christmas 'possum. F. H. Sweet. Met 25:347 D -06 Christmas preferred. M. Foster. Sat E P 186:6 D 27 '13 Christmas prr.sent for a lady. M. Kelly. Mc- Clurf; 20:195 D '02 Christmas quest. T. Bailey. L H J 31:15 D '14 Christmas rescue. A. B. Paine. Cent 67:213 D '()■.', Christmas rose. E. Nesbit. Sat E P 177:19 D :>. 01 Christmas roses. A. O'Hagan. Mun 36:316 D 06 Christmas special. F. H. Spearman. Sat E P 176:12 D 5 '03 Christmas spirit. G. Phillips. Harp B 45:16 Ja '11 Christmas surprise. L P. Robinson. Delin 58: 990 D '01 Christmas surrender. R. H. Barbour. Cosmop 36:169 D '03 Christmas tangle. H. A. Nash. New Eng n s 27:403 D '02 Christmas theft. E. R. Williams, Jr. Met 29: 407 Ja '09 Christmas thorn. E. Rickert. New Eng n s 41:404 D '09 Christmas tree on Clinch. L. Furman. Cent 85: 163 D '12 Christmas tree on Pigeon. J. Fox, Jr. Col 44: 10 U 11 '09 Christmas-tree picture. M. D. Pretlow. New Eng n s 48:470 D '12 Christmas valentine. A. MacGowan. Harp W 50:1754 D 8 '06 Christmas venture; a romance of Valley Forge. S W Mitchell. L H J 25:11 D '07, 21 Ja 08 Christopher II. A. H. Donnell. Delin 73:397 Mr Christophorus. E. S. Phelps. Harper 118:718 Ap '09 Chronicle of convictions. O. H. Dunbar. Har- per 106:194 Ja '03 Chronicle of Siloam. A. O'Hara. Harper 110: SS5 My '05 Chronicle of the rear guard. L. Crane. Les Mo 53:621 Ap 02 Chronicles of a chromatic bear hunt. R. Beach. Everybody's 19:600 N 'OS Chronicles of us. See Tompkins, Juliet Wilbor Chronicling small beer. C. C. Abbott. Lippinc 71:269 F '03 Chrystal's century. E. W. Hornung. Atlan 91: 738 Je 03 Chu-Chu the shearer. See Rowland, Henry C. Chump. C. F. Embree. McClure 23:549 S '04 Chums. E. L. Sabin. Cent 66:261 Je '03 Churail. A. T. Johnson. Lippinc 91:219 F '13 Church-grim. E. Philpotts. Cent. 88:665 S '14 Church, James Robb Man and the cat. Scrib 31:603 My '02 Church, John W. Beating the game. Sat E P 186:14 S 27 '13 Letter from the south. Mun 23:824 S '00 Church, Leila M. Brief intrusion. Les Mo 59:599 Mr '05 Conquest of the cocoanut. Les Mo 58:147 Je '04 Churchill, Llewella Pierce New recruit. Mun 24:259 N '00 Churching of Bankson. S. Scoville, Jr. Mun 45: 370 Je '11 Churching of Grandma Pleasant. P. L. Dunbar. Lippinc 75:337 Mr '05 Cicatrice. G. Morris. Cent 69:393 Ja '05 Cinderella dines. A. E. Moran and M. C. Jeni- son. Everybody's 16:745 Je '07 Cinderella of Great Turtle. K. H. Brown. Everybody's 5:449 O '01 Cinderella of the blackberry patch. W. M. Raine. New Eng n s 26:449 Je '02 Cinderella of the garden house. C. Duer. Lippinc 76:513 N '05 Cinderella of the links. Z. Gale. Everybody's 12:365 Mr '05 Cinderella upside down. C. Lowe. Sat E P 1S5: :i5 N 30 '12 Cinderella's sisters. B. Ayrton. Lippinc 70:733 I) '02 Cinders. J. A. Moroso. Amer 78:18 N '14 Cindy's funeral. H. S. Edwards. Les Mo 65:141 T) 02 Cinnamon Fritz and tho Bllldock County. B. Brandenburg. Everybody's 16:761 Je '07 52 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Cinnamon Fritz and the liederkranz. B. Bran- denburg. Lies Mo 55:69 N '0^ Circle of death. J. Ravenscroft. Met 25:510 Ja '07 Circle of death. G. D. Wetherbee. Atlan 86:253 Ag '00 Circular tour. W. W. Jacobs. Cosmop 42:260 Ja '07 Circulating library. A. H. Donnell. Harper 117: 694 O 'OS Circumventing of Roxy Ann Purse. A. Mac- Gowan. Mun 30:494 Ja '04 Circus Dan. W. N. Harben. Delin 75:210 Mr '10 Circus day. B. Wood. McClure 25:526 S '05 Circus mascot. C. S. Reid. Mun 25:549 Jl '01 Circus nun. J. S. Benton. Mun 25:134 Ap '01 Cirkerlatin' Whalans. E. L. Simth. Cent 80:138 My '10 Citizen. M. Foster. Everybody's 19:628 N '08 Citizen of Calais. M. B. Lowndes. McClure 37; 60 My '11 Citizen of the republic. G. K. Turner. Atlan S5:7S4 Je '00 Citizen of the roads. P. Gibbon. Harp W 57:18 Je 21 '13 City beautiful. G. R. Chester. Sat B P 183:3 Je 3, 14 Je 10 '11 City nights. J. Oppenheim. Harper 125:283 Jl '12 City of angels. J. R. Creed. Everybody's 2:223 Mr 'GO City of dream. S. R. Crockett. Les Mo 56:157 Je '03 City of lights. G. A. Smith. Scrib 56:780 D '14 City of lonesome men. H. M. Lyon. Col 48:14 Ja 20 '12 City of opportunity. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Cos- mop 57:358 Ag '14 City physicianship. L. T. Bryant. McClure 25: 323 Jl '05 City under the sea. C. Dawson. Harp W 55:16 N 4 '11 Civilized. R. W. Child. Harper 117:101 Je '08 Clagett. F. Lynde. Scrib 41:70 Ja '07 Clam bake. A. P. Ames. Sat E P 176:4 Je 11 '04 Clammer. W. J. Hopkins. Atlan 96:145 Ag '05 Clancy, Eugene A. Game of billiards. Lippinc 94:466 O '14 Light within. Harper 127:879 N '13 One great thing. Harper 128:626 Mr '14 When Kildare smiled. Harp W 55:16 Ag 19 '11 Clancy of the jack-pot. C. F. Holder. Mc- Clure 28:150 D "06 Clancy, the tosser. C. D. Stewart. Cent 73:473 Ja '07 Clandon letters. Baroness von Hutten. Cent 82: 101 My 11 Clanging hours. G. M. Cooke and C. W. Mor- rison. McClure 30:537 Mr '08 Clapp, Henry A. From Jerusalem to Jericho in ninety minutes. New Eng n s 23:406 D '00 Clapp, Lucretia D. Sickness of Hannah. Col 39:16 Je 15 '07 Clapp, Roger Yale habit. New England n s 22:181 Ap '00 Clara's vocation. G. F. Jones. Scrib 29:720 Je •01 Clarence's mind. C. B. Fernald. Harper 105:215 Jl '02 Claretie, Jules Arsene Arnaud, 1840- Boum-boum. Cur Lit 44:687 Je '08 Clarice. H. P. Spofford. Harp B 36:15 Ja '02 Clarissa's own child. C. A. P. Comer. Atlan 109:739 Je '12 Clarisse's. E. Gregory. Scrib 53:455 Ap '13 Clark, Charles Heber (Max Adeler, pseud.) Frictiunal electricity. Sat E P 174 ::i F 22 '02 Great natural healer. Sat K P 174:9 Ja 25 '02 Reform campaign in Meriwether county. Sat E P 176:9 N 7 '03 Tales of old Turley. Sat B P 174:3 S 21 7 S 28, S O 5, 7 O 12, 8 O 19, 10 O 26. 9 N 2 '01 Wish and the deed. Sat E P 175:6 Mr 7 '03 Clark, Harrison It happened to Hedderley. Amer 64:35 My '07 Clark, Imogen As one having authority. New Eng n s 24: 445 Je '01 Love of Libby Baxter. New Eng n s 30:377 My '04 Loving heart of a dog. Everybody's 26:842 Je Story of Jess Dawson. New Eng n s 26:666 Ag '02 Clark, Jean Pardee Jack's angel. Lippinc 76:372 S '05 Sent on approval. Mun 34:62 O '05 Clark, Jean Wilde Point of contact. Lippinc 78:454 O '06 Clark, Lucy Norvell Mouse. Cent 60:297 Je '00 Valjean. Cent 65:880 Ap '03 Clark, Nan M. Romance on Ryan's flat. Mun 46:628 F '12 Clark, Paul G. Cold hearted criminal. Mun 27:435 Je '02 Clarke, Beach Way of things. Met 16:342 S '02 Clarke, C. L. lolanthe. New Eng n s 23:499 Ja '01 Clarke, Ednah Proctor Second Christmas. Harp W 51:1852 D 14 '07 Special mesenger. Harp B 40:918 O '06 Wooing of Tia. Delin 63:250 F '04 Clarke, George Herbert, 1873- Helen's first Sunday. Lippinc 81:651 My '08 Clarke, Isabel Guest of a day. Cosmop 42:373 F '07 Clarke, Laurence Gray guest. Cent 89:222 D '14 Clarkin, Franklin, 1869- Parable. Everybody's 18:47 Ja '08 Quest of the magic carpet. Everybody's IS: 222 F '08 Thirty cents. McClure 18:493 Ap '02 Clash of sentimentalists. A. D. Miller. Scrib 33:61 Ja '03 Class and the girl. F. Dana. Mun 23:662 Ag '00 Class boy. E. Boltwood. Mun 31:700 Ag '04 Class to both the horse and the jockey. J. T. Foote. Amer 76:27 O '13 Claude Flanagan meets a train. T. B. Donald- son. Sat E P 183:8 S 3 '10 Clauson, James Earl Old home days. Met 29:534 F '09 Clayton, Frank (pseud.) Sketch in black and white. Atlan 97:600, 783, My-Je '06 Clean. J. O. Loizeaux. Delin. 85:11 Jl '14 Clean copy. F. R. Bechdolt. Sat E P 182:16 Mr 26 '10 Clean shave. G. M. Cooke. Cent 85:63 N '12 Clean slate. C. L. Edholm. Forum 50:850 D '13 Cleaning ship. C. Stetson. Met 35:27 Jl '12 Cleaning up. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 181:16 S 26 '08 Cleansing of the lie. A. OUivant. Harper 103: 328 Ag '01 Cleansing sea. J. P. Wilson. Mun 52:66 Je '14 Clear case of science. J. H. Graves. McClure 25:327 Jl '05 Clear field. M. S. Cutting. Sat E P 180:6 S 7, 12 S 14 '07 Clear title. J. W. Piercy. Atlan 85:237 P '00 Clearer sight. E. Starr. Atlan 104:414 S 09 Clearing the way. W. C. Morrow. Cosmop 41: 596 O '06 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 53 Cleary, Kate M. Day's disguise. Les Mo 53:518 Mr '02 Mission of Kilty Malone. McClure 18:88 N '01 Statelier mansion. Cosmop 36:106 N '03 Stepmother. McClure 17:437 S '01 Cleaveland, Agnes Morley Baby wrangler. Met 25:100 O '06 Chiquite. Mun 32:269 N '04 For thirty ponies. Mun 32:813 Mr '05 Greatest of these. Met 20:5^1 Ag '04 Her own affair. Met 21:407 Ja '05 Lovalty of Stephen Stovel's widow. Miin 33: 93 Ap "05 New points of the law. Mun 31:704 Ag '04 Stoneman, forest assistant. Mun 41:488 Jl '09 Tramp herd. Cosmop 3S;561 Mr '05 Cleghorn, Sarah Norcliffe, 1876- Amateur socialist. Outl 99:37 S 2 '11 Blackwater tantrums. Everybody's 15:502 O '06 Henry Peaslee and his aunt Emma. Every- body's 15:698 N '06 Irish fairies. Atlan 105:476 Ap '10 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain, pseud.) 1835-1910 Belated Russian passport. Harp W 46:1824 D 6 '02 Bequest. Harp W 48:10 D 10 '04 Californians tale. Harper 104:601 Mr '02 Death-disk. Harper 104:19 D '01 Dogs tale. Harper 108:11 D '03 Double-barrelled detective story. Harper 104: 254, 430 Ja-F '02 Eve's diary. Harper 112:25 D '05 Extract from Captain Stormfield's visit to heaven. Harper 116:41, 266, D '07-Ja '08 Extracts from Adam's diary. Harper 102:762 Ap '01 Fable. Harper 120:70 D '09 Horse's tale. Harper 113:327, 539 Ag-S '06 Italian with grammar. Harper 109:397 Ag '04 My platonic sweetheart. Harper 126:14 D '12 Two little tales. Cent 63:24 N '01 "U'as it Heaven? or Hell? Harper 106:11 D '02 Clemens, Will M. After many years. Met 13:94 Ja '01 Don who loved a donna. New Eng n s 26:494 Je '02 Elopement of pretty Ah Hing. Everybody's 2:562 Je '00 Man without a name. Met 14:405 S '01 Net of silver thread. Met 14:193 Ag '01 Clement, Lauder N'ery small room. Harp W 58:15 Ja 3 '14 Clendenin, Harriet Osgood My first love. Les Mo 52:622 O '01 Clerical comedy. W. A. Gill. Cosmop 29:305 Jl '00 Clerk of Asquewan inn. E. D. Diggers. L H J 31:13 Jl 14 Clerks. J. Oppenheim. Harper 125:465 Ag '12 Cleveland, Lucy Twenty-seventh letter of the alphabet. Everybody's 2:3 Ja '00 Clever cockatoo. E. C. Bentley. Met 40:39 Jl •14 Clever fraud. W. S. Rogers. New Eng n s 31: 693 F '05 Clever necromancer. M. Sherwood. Atlan 97: 547 Ap '06 Cleverness of Mrs. Bland. C. Houghton. Liripinc X6:120 Jl '10 Clew of the silver spoons. R. Barr. Sat E P 177:1 Ap 27 '04 Clifford. G. Hir.sch. Harper 125:953 N '12 Clifford. Lucy CLane) (Mrs. 'William KIngdon Clifford) Artful Mr. Wcrriss. Harp W 56:16 F 24 '12 Geraldine in Switzerland. Scrib 45:224 F '09 Ghost on the stairs. Scrib 55:324 Mr '14 Key. Forum 47:129 F '12 Clifford. Mrs. Wlllam KIngdon. See ClifTord. l.ucy Lane Climbers. A. D. Miller. Harp B 42:1159, 43:11 129 D "OS-F '09 Cllne, William Hamilton Enigma — a special sale. Amer 62:286 Jl '06 Clinging vine. G. Creel. Delin 85:9 N '14 Clinging vines. E. J. Rath. Mun 47:574 Jl '12 Clipped cable. B. H. Maxwell. Mun 30:422 D 'U3 Clipped wings. K. Hopson. Lippinc 88:524 O '11 Cloak. N. V. Gogol. Lippinc 92:242 Ag '13 Clock in the sky. G. W. Cable. Scrib 30:327 S '01 Clock without a face. M. H. Peixotto. Cosmop 35:239 Jl '03 Clocks, The. S. F. Whitman. Col 49:26 Mr 30 '12 Clockwork. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 50:105 O '13 Clodhopper. G. King. McClure 28:487 Mr '07 Cloisonne vase. M. S. Cutting. Everybody's 21: 494 O '09 Closed account. H. B. Smith. New Eng n s 27:31 S '02 Closed door. E. Piatt. Harp B 44:106 F '10 Closing of the ranks. M. Wilson. McClure 32: 171 D '08 Clothes and the man. E. Rickert. Cent 79:891 Ap '10 Clothes and the woman. C. A. Pratt. Delin 56: 240 Ag '00 Cloud girL I. Anderson. New Eng n s 44:429 Je '11 Cloud-men. O. Oliver. Mun 45:630 Ag '11 Cloud, Virginia Woodward And each man in his turn. Delin 58:568 O '01 His fiancee. Delin 63;fN36 My '04 His honor vs. Cupid. Delin 65:436 Mr '05 In the way he should go. Delin 67:484 Mr '06 King. The. Delin 65:617 Ap '05 Lecture. Outl 75:642 N 14 '03 Liza Wetherford. Atlan 88:424 S '01 Leaf from life's book. Cosmop 38:399 F '05 Mask of life. Cosmop 29:326 Jl '00 Misery and company. Harper 104:477 F '02 Mrs. Chick. Cent 65:267 D '02 Mistress Nell Williams and her soldier. L H J 1S:8 Jl '01 O'Tara. Harp W 48:212 F 6 '04 Shirt-waist chain. Cent 61:477 Ja '01 Understudies. Delin 60:236 Ag '02 Why Patty Hildreth powdered her hair. L H J 22:8 Ag '05 Witch girl. L H J 20:13 Ag '03 Clouston, J. Storep, 1870- Fortunate Lord Fabrigas. Harper 113:747 O •06 Hereditary cleaner. Harper 109:538 S '04 Mi.ssions of Sylvia. Sat E P 182:9 Ap 30, 19 My 7 '10 Nobs. Col 49:16 Ag 10, 16 Ag 24, 22 S 14, 50:20 5, 16 O 19 '12 Peer's pio^ress. Sat E P 183:3 S 10, 5 S 17, 16 S 24 '10 Pill. Evervbodv's 20:63 Ja '09 Trials of Tonv. Sat E P 182:11 O 2, 14 O 9, 13 O 16, IS O 23 '09 Clown. L. Crane. Harp W 53:11 D 11 '09 Clown and Columbine. M. E. Seawell. Scrib 46: 670 D '09 Clowns. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 39:20 My 11 '07 Clown's rue. H. John.son. Cent 86:730 S '13 Club dinner. C. B. Loomis. Mun 44:426 D '10 Club of queer trades. See Chesterton, Gilbert K. Clue. A. Brown. Scrib. 50:711 D '11 Clue. C. Wells. Lippinc 83:385 Ap '09 Clue of the pigtail. S. Rohmer. Col 50:18 Mr 1 '13 Clyde, Margaret Horner Alifn. Cent 74:756 S '07 Clytle comes back. M. S. Cutting. Sat E P 185: 16 Mr 29 '13 Coal on Johnny. L. OHbourne. Sat R P 177: 3 Ag 13 '04 54 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Coals of fire. A. Stoddart. Lippinc 69:356 Mr '02 Coast tale. A. O'Hagan. Delin 65:256 F '05 Coat. B. Herford. Harper 123:965 N '11 Coat of alpaca. C. B. Loomis. Mun 39:825 S '08 Coat of red lead. F. H. Smith. Sat E P 178:1 F 24 '06 Coates, F. M. Ordeal by fire. New Eng n s 30:225 Ap '04 Coates, Joseph Hornor (Hornor Coates, pseud.) Question of honor. Lippinc 84:342 S '09 Stroke of the clock. Lippinc 90:485 O '12 Cobalt bloom. M. Synon. Scrib 51:666 Je '12 Cobb, Elizabeth Loves steady IJsiit. L H J 28:17 F 1 '11 Cobb, irvin Shrewsbury, ii>76- Art. Sat E P 165:14 Ag 10 '12 Belled buzzard. Sat E P 185:3 S 28 '12 Black and white. Sat E P 185:18 S 7 '12 Card to the public. Sat E P 187:5 O 24 '14 County trot. Sat E P 184:14 D 9 '11 Cub reporter. Sat E P 185:11 My 17 '13 Dogged under dog. Sat E P 185:12 Ag 3 '12 Duds. Sat E P 185:14 Ag 17 '12 Ermine and money. Sat E P 184:5 Ap 27 '12 Exit of Anse Dugmore. Sat E P 183:12 D 17 '10 Five hundred dollars reward. Sat E P 185:16 O 19 '12 Guilty as charged Sat E P 185:12 Ap 26 '13 Holidays. Sat E P 185:18 D 21 '12 Island of adventure. Sat E P 185:5 D 28, 15 Ja 11, 14 Mr 1, 20 Mr 15, 28 My 3 '12-'13 Judgment came to Daniel. Sat E P 184:13 N 11 '11 Language. Sat E P 185:12 S 14 '12 Law. Sat E P 185:20 D 7 '12 Life among the abandoned farmers. Sat E P 186:3 S 13 '13 Literature. Sat E P 185:12 Ag 31 '12 Local color. Sat E P 187:7 Ag 8 '14 Medicine. Sat E P 185:6 N 30 '12 Mob from Massac. Sat E P 184:5 F 10 '12 Music. Sat E P 185:10 Jl 13 '12 Occurrence up a side street. Sat E P 183:6 Ja 21 -11 Sergeant Jimmy Bagby's feet. Sat E P 186:17 O 4 '13 Shakspere's seven ages and mine. Sat E P 186:3 N 1, 11 N 15, 18 D 6, 16 D 27 '13, 14 Ja 10, 24 Ja 24 '14 Smart Aleck. Sat E P 187:3 Jl 18 '14 Smoke of battle. Sat E P 186:5 Ag 30 '13 Smooth crossing. Sat E P 187:16 Ag 22 '14 Strategem and spoils. Sat E P 184:14 Ap 6 12 Teeth." Sat E P 185:14 Jl 6 '12 That piker Hercules. Sat E P 187:8 S 12 14 To the editor of the Sun. Sat E P 186:10 O 25 '13 Trade. Sat E P 185:6 Ja 18 '13 Trail of the lonesome laugh. Everybody's 24: 467 Ap '11 Travel. Sat E P 185:12 F 22 '13 When the fighting was good. Sat E P 184:14 Je 15 'I'' Words and music. Sat E P 184:9 O 28 '11 Cobb, J. O. Ugly man. McClure 34:210 D '09 Cobb, Jack Fletcher Dago. Harp W 54:19 N 19 '10 Faith of Big Mike. Harp W 56:15 My 25 '12 In the canvon. Harp W 55:14 F 11 '11 Polak Joe's finish. Harp W 53:22 Je 12 '09 Cobb. Thomas Billets-doux. Lippinc 74-756 D '04 Dissemblers. Lippinc 66:323 S '00 Lady Delia. Lippinc 70:742 D '02 Cobino, Ralph Screened. Harper 123:774 O '11 Coburn, Mrs. Fordyoe. See Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell Cobweb. Z. Gale. Atlan 103:640 My '09 Cochran, Eve Owen Elm tree of Margin street. L H J 20:10 Ag '03 When the Damons moved to Birdland. L H J 28:15 F 1 '11 Cock of the walk. M. E. W. Freeman. Har- per 124:70 D '11 Cockerell, Mrs. Theodore Dru Alison. See Cockerell, Wilmatte Porter. Cockerell Wilmatte Porter (Mrs. Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell) Alls fair. New Eng n s 31:463 D '04 Fairy godmother. Cent 73:539 F '07 Heroic tale of to-day. New Eng n s 32:584 Jl '05 Weighed in the balance. Cent 73:954 Ap '07 Coddling the ego. M. R. Warren. Col 50:16 F 15 '13 Code in Larigan land. H. Day. Everybody's 18:364 Mr '08 Code of the corps. C. King. Lippinc 67:337 Mr '01 Codes of Phoebe and Ernest. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 70:785 O '10 Codfish and the ideal. W. P. Eaton. Every- body's 24:304 Mr '11 Codfish versus Greek (Pete Crowther, sales- man). E. E. Ferris. Outl 101:921 Ag 24 '12 Coe, Christabel Coming of little Marget. Outl 98:26 My 6 '11 Coen, Violet Conversion of Millicent. Delin 68:780 N '06 Coercing Mr. Trinkmann. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:9 My 27 '11 Coffin, Helen Lockwood Fresh air neighbois. Outl 75:414 O 17 '03 Mary's baby. Everybody's 11:416 S '04 Cog. J. Oppenheim. Everybody's 24:400 Mr '11 Cogan: capeador. J. B. Connolly. Harper 123: 6S2 O '11 Coggins, Paschal Heston (Sidney Marlow, pseud.) 1852- Conversion of Jabez Trimble. Harper 112:615 Mr '06 Dolly Brown, of Vassar. Sat E P 183:8 D 31 '10 Going down to Jericho. Atlan 88:166 Ag '01 Tale of the south shore. New Eng n s 22:461 Je '00 Why-not Fuller. Sat E P 184:10 My 18 '12 With Mrs. Ken worthy's assistance. McClure 17:215 Jl '01 Cogswell, Theodora Bates Photograph on the wall. L H J 28:14 S 'H Cohn, Harry L. Last laugh. Cosmop 41:561 S '06 Colcock, Annie T. Just a looker-on. New Eng n s 23:412 D '00 Love's manifold altars. New Eng n s 33:17 S '05 Colcord, Lincoln (Ross) 1883- Ah-Man. Amer 66:559 O '08 Anjer, a tale of the east. Amer 68:326 Ag '09 Brutality. McClure 33:303 Jl '09 Cap'n's son. Amer 67;57 N '08 Carrying sail. Amer 67:271 Ja '09 Final score. Amer 70:763 O '10 Friend. Amer 69:556 F '10 Game of life and death. Amer 67:374 F '09 Home. Ainer 75:23 F '13 Measure of a man. Amer 69:745 Ap '10 Moths. Col 46:19 Mr 18 '11 Saving face. Amer 68:277 Jl '09 Uncharted isle. Amer 70:161 Je '10 White satin slipper. Amer 69:609 Mr '10 Cold hearted criminal. P. G. Clark. Mun 27: 435 Je '02 Cold iron. R. Kipling. Delin 74:196 S '09 Cold shoulder. Z. Gale. Delin 73:407 Mr '09 Cole, Alice Lena Delicate Mrs. Poteet. Cent 76:370 Jl '08 Cole, Erma Eloise Sweet peas. New Eng n s 27:90 S '02 Cole, (Mrs) Patience Bevier, 1883- Going cheap. McClure 41:189 My '13 Finding out Loretta. L. H. J 31 :]S Je, 10 Jl '14 Journey home. Everybody's 23:274 Ag '10 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 55 Coleman, Gilbert Payson Annie Keenan's hit. Amcr 62:259 Jl '06 Intervention at Providenco. New Eng n s 36: 426 Je '07 Island idyll. New Eng n s 35:688 F '0* Mariners three. New Eng n s 38:164 Ap '08 Miss Josephine. New Eng n s 28:404 Je '03 Coleman, Sara Lindsay Bijie. Delin 69:634 Ap '07 Bijie and the vision. Delin 70:61 Jl '07 In Elizabeths reign. Les Mo 59:132 D '04 Scarlet thread. Delin 69:267 F '07 Colette. A. E. Holden. Mun 27:973 S '02 Colfelt, James Henry Sen Yoshida, cook. Met 22:174 My '05 Coll, Aloyslus Damnation of Pete. Les Mo 55:625 Ap '03 Collaboration. G. Burgess. Mun 26:550 Ja '02 Collaboration. E. A. Smith. Everybody's 2:9 Ja "00 Collector. M. Sinclair. Cent 87:321 Ja '14 Collector's voyages. A. Colton. Les Mo 51:16 N '00 College lorelei. R. Hughes. Sat E P 183:14 O 29 '10 Colleges while you wait. G. Fitch. Sat E P 183:5 Ag 27 '10 Collie of the plains. A. L. Camp. Sat E P 181: 10 Ag 1 '08 Collier, Tarleton Effies castle in the air. Cur Op 57:202 S '14 Co Hi go club theatricals. C. Warren. Scrib 28: 16 Jl '00 Collin, Grace Lathrop Angels unawares. Harper 105:777 O '02 Baby. Harper 103:279 Jl '01 Her birthday present. Harp B 42:350 Ap '08 Hermit thrushes. New Eng n s 30:490 Je '04 Justina's playmate. Cent 72:914 O '06 Landlocked. Harper 126:863 My '13 Quarrel. Harper 106:294 Ja '03 Seeds of time. Harper 108:632 Mr '04 Collins, Carolin Updike Brown mackintosh. Met 35:39 S '12 Collins, Mrs. Charles Terry Daughterly chaperon. Mun 29:184 My '03 Leap-year parish: monologue. L H J 23:7 N •06 Man I did marry. L H J 24:21 S "07 Men who wanted to marry me. L H J 24:13 Ag '07 Midnight voice. L H J 26:5 Jl, 13 Ag, 20 S '09 Monsieur le Bebe. Harper 109:401 Ag '04 Smart set orphan: Christmas story. L H J 22:14 D '04 That grandmother of ours. L H J 22:12 Ap '05 When through the valley I walked. L H J 24: 22 O '07 Collins, James H. Letting a sale make itself. Sat E P 186:11 S 13 '13 Collins, Katherine Bird-seller. Harper 105:463 Ag '02 Collins, Payne Mrs. Lorenzo at home. Everybody's 12:564 Ap '05 Collom, F. A. Question of time. Met 12:659 N '00 Colognlzing of Kansas. R. Beach. McClure 28: 525 Mr '07 Colon Campbell's mill. G. W. Ogden. Outl 102: 578 N 16 '12 Colonel and the horse-thief. R. E. Beach. Mc- Clure 1^2:554 Mr '04 Colonel and the nun. E. Hough. Sat E P 176: 10 O 10 '03 Colonel Copp's finesse. P. E. Verney. Llppinc 88:114 S '11 Col. Crockett's rofJperative Chrl.stma.s. R. Hut'li.s. .Sat E J' 178:11 D 2 '05 Colonel Jf-slyn, T^ S. A. M. Quad. McClurc 18: 14 N 01 Colonel Starbottle for the plaintiff. B. Harte. Harper 102:564 Mr '01 Colonel Whalley's gift. E. Morrison. New Eng n s 41.447 D '09 Colonel's accretion. C. D. Stewart. Atlan 92: 811 D '03 Colonel's chance. H. Dickson. Sat E P 185:26 S 7 '12 Colonel's collection. A. E. McFarlane. Cent 72: 198 Je '06 Colonel's surpi-ise. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 27: 135 Ap 02 Colonel's thoroughbred. A. D. T. Whitney. L H J 25.12 Jl '08 Colonna necklace. A. Stringer. Sat E P 180: 9 D 7 '07 Color. M. L. Goetchius. Cur Lit 48:111 Ja '10 Color-bearer. L. Pratt. McClure 30:309 Ja '08 Color line. L. Evans. Met 38:27 Ag '13 Color line. L. Pratt. Met 28:400 Jl 'OS Color of rose. D. Deakin. Lippinc 84:1 Jl '09 Color of rose. J. Marks. Harp B 47:233 My '13 Colors of our battalion. D. F. McGrew. Col 53:9 Ag 22 '14 Colson, Ethel M. Saving of the boy. Harp B 36:874 O '02 Colt, Julia Kennett Max Marshall's wife. Everybody's 20:35 Ja '09 Colton, Arthur (Willis) 1868- Amici. Harper 107:296 Jl '03 Arash-hoo'e. Atlan 106:828 D '10 Ars amoris. Atlan 94:82 Jl '04 At the sign of the three lamps. Col 47:14 Jl 22 11 Aunty Mirando. Col 48:18 F 3 '12 Battle street and St. James. Outl 84:232 S 22 06 Candace. New Eng n s 33:141 O '05 Case of Alaboneur. Met 28:589 S 'OS Collector's voyages. Les Mo 51:16 N '00 Conlon. Cent 60:294 Je '00 Cruise of the Plaisance. Col 46:15 F 11 '11 Emigrant east. Scrib 28:754 D '00 Flanigan and imperial in Rosalia. Harper 104:147 D '01 Flanagan and Stevey Todd. Harper 110:424 F '05 Fog. Col 49:21 Mr 23 '12 Gainly Jones. Harper 109:89 Je '04 Ghosts of Senzeille. Col 38:16 D 15 '06 Greater voyage of the Violetta. Harper 108: 254 Ja -04 Hour and a half. Col 45:15 Jl 30 '10 House of the terraces. Harper 111:83 Je '05 In a sandy garden. Atlan 98:342 S '06 In Michael Brady's sand bank. Col 51:16 Jl 5 13 Jane. Atlan 95:211 F '05 Jerry and Judah. Harp W. 50:1609 N 10 '06 Jessica. Atlan 96:691 N '05 Kid Sadler. Harper 107:432 Ap '03 Kings of Maleta. Cosmop 40:548 Mr '06 Liebchen. Harper 103:393 Ag '01 Little cruise of the Violetta. Harper 106:452 F '03 McCooey. Met 37:43 Mr '13 Mrs. Pellet's pies. Harper 103:1013 N '01 Musidora sonnet. Les Mo 51:561 ..\p '01 Mysteries of 305. Col 48:20 S 23 '11 Nausicaa. Scrib 29:453 Ap '01 Nights lodging. Atlan 90:195 Ag "02 On Jamaica dock. Col 47:21 My 20 '11 Place of abandoned gods. Scrib 29:213 F '01 Romance to leeward. Harper 105:83 Je '02 Spiral stone. Atlan 88:268 Ag '01 Story of a broken miniature. Outl 81:1032 D 23 '05 Storv of King Julius. Harper 104:559 Mr '02 Things as thev are. Atlan 95:814 Je '05 Tloha. Cent 61:20 N '00 Tohin'a monument. Scrib 28:186 Ag '00 Torrf Ananlns Harper 106:876 My '03 Vanisher. Col -19: li Mv 18 '12 Visible judgment Srrlh 28:481 O '00 Vovacre of the Mary Simpson. Harper 104:509 P '02 56 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Columbine. K. H. Brown. Outl 71:9:^9 Ag 9 '02 Coman, Wynn Daabuiy millions. Mun 26:110 O '01 Through devious paths. Mun 27:87 Ap '02 Come and find me. E. Robins. Cent 73:911 Ap '07 Come live w^ith me and be my cook. J. M. Flagg. Amer 75:111 F '13 Come-on, The. E. M. Rhodes. Sat E P 180:3 N 23, 5 N 30 '07 Come seben, come 'leben. K. Groesbeck. Lippinc 94:633 N '14 Comedy camel's fiancee. H. G. Van Campen. Sat E P 186:11 Ag 9 '13 Comedy of a playwright. J. L. Williams. Sat E P 182:12 S 4 '09 Comedy of Candlestick Cove. N. Duncan. Har- per 114:954 My '07 Comedy of crime. M. Maartens. Cosmop 30: 1S5 D '00 Comedy of conscience. S. W. Mitchell. Cent 61:323 Ja '01 Comedy of cunning. F. Saville. Mun 28:652 P '03 Comedy of rebellion. C. Ross. McClure 15:411 S '00 Comedy of the little box bush. A. O'Hagan. Mun 27:591 Jl '02 Comedy of the white rat. R. A. Bachmann. Met 28:608 S '08 Comedy of ward politics. G. K. Turner. Mc- Clure 16:20 N 'GO Comer. A. Train. Everybody's 23:357 S '10 Comer, Mrs. Cornelia Atwood (Pratt) Clarissa's own child. Allan 109:739 Je '12 Drawing the color line. Harp W 52:22 O 17 08 Kinzer portraits. Atlan 105:77 Ja '10 Little gray ghost. Atlan 109:311 Mr '12 Long inheritance. Atlan 108:145 Ag '11 Man in front of Mannerings. Harper 127:41 Je •13 Massey money. Atlan 111:320 Mr '13 Obsequies of Peter Schwarz. Harper 127:894 N '13 Preliminaries. Atlan 106:669 N '10 _ , „„„ Seth Miles and the sacred fire. Atlan 114:790 D '14 Wealth of Timmy Zimmerman. Atlan 113:733 Je '14 Comer, Mrs. William D. See Comer, Cornelia Atwood (Pratt) Comfort. Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. Harper 126:282 Ja '13 Comfort, Will Levington, 1878- Away they galloped together. Lippinc 83:749 Je 09 Cabin and a claim Lippinc 85:730 Je '10 China will repay. Lippinc 89:604 Ap '12 Crudity. Lippinc 83:223 F '09 Crudstone conquest. Lippinc 92:207 Ag '13 Daughter of an image maker. Lippinc 88:532 O '11 Dub, of the Corduroys. Cosmop 39:209 Je '05 Enter, a lady. Lippinc 80:76 Jl '07 Failure. Lippinc 86:596 N '10 Fighting death. Lippinc 79:383 Mr '07 Fortress. Lippinc 76:257 S '05 Glowworm. Lippinc 85:513 My '10 Great god news. Lippinc 82:342 S '08 Green-room. Lippinc 83:1 Ja '09 In which yellow wins. Lippinc 79:548 Ap '07 Jenkins of the Appleby " Scimitar." Lippinc 85:468 Ap '10 Jimson of many services. Les Mo 57:662 Ap '04 Lady Thoroughbred, Kentuckian. Lippinc 81: 289 Mr '08 Leper valley. Lippinc 82:92 Jl '08 Lone war. Lippinc 81:768 Je '08 Lustrous lady. Lippinc 89:321 Mr '12 Man who adopted Asia. Lippinc 75:465 Ap '05 Mellon drops a partner. Lippinc 93:731 Je '14 Miss Cluny of Cartmel. Lippinc 83:504 Ap '09 Old lights from the Rio Brava. Lippinc 80:215 Ag '07 Rakes. Lippinc 81:242 F '08 Comfort, Will Levington — continued Hear guard. Met 22:333 Je '05 Remittance man. Lippinc 75:733 Je '05 Retreat of the Greeks. Les Mo 59:471 F '05 Rising road. Lippinc 87:385 Ap '11 Senor Jim. Lippinc 79:274 F' '07 Slieriff of contention. Lippinc 77:314 Mr '06 Siege. Lippinc 75:193 F '05 Thing. Lippinc 82:717 D '08 Those of the outer dark. Lippinc 92:617 N '13 Transients in Ninevah. Lippinc 85:329 Mr '10 Tree, the rope, and the man. Lippinc 83:341 Mr '09 Tropicania. Lippinc 91:1 Ja '13 Viper. Lippinc 82:513 N '08 When the girls came to Crow's Nest. Lippinc 77:561 My '06 Whited sepulchre. Lippinc 80:401 O '07 Woman or the spider. Lippinc 86:350 S 10 Yellow water. Lippinc 90:208 Ag '12 Comforter. E. G. Jordan. Harper 128:604 Mr •14 Comforters. E. Boltwood. Mun 49:339 Je '13 Comforters. M. Stanwood. Harper 120:447 F ■10 Comicalest thing. L. Denison. Everybody's 8: 466 My '03 Coming back of Jawn Doherty. E. V. Cooke. Sat B P 186:41 Ap 4 '14 Coming of Alice-for-Short. W. D. Hulbert. Outl 96:869 D 17 '10 Coming of little Marget. C. Coe. Outl 98:26 My 6 '11 Coming of night. R. H. Davis. Scrib 45:58 Ja •09 Coming of Pamela. K. Jarboe. Everybody's 11:486 O ^04 Coming o' the king. R. Sawyer. Atlan 104:593 N •OO Coming of the maestra. J. Hopper. McClure 23:361 Ag '04 Coming of the piano. E. E. Peake. Harper 104: 975 My '02 Coming of to-morrow. M. T. Campbell. Amer Gl:214 D '05 Coming on the coast. C. McKay. McClure 22: 119 D '03 Coming sneeze. H. S. Edwards. Cent 86:368 Jl 13 Coming thro' the wheat. L. H. Adams. Delin 62:171 Ag '03 Commandeering of the Lucy Foster. J. B. Con- nolly. Scrib 42:152 Ag '07 Commencement back home. E. Wood. Every- body's 16:784 Je '07 Committee of one. J. C. Lincoln. Sat E P 174:6 Jl 27 01 Commodore. A. E. Finn. McClure 30:287 Ja •OS Commodore Vanderbilt and the hand-made gentleman. I. Bacheller. Amer 67:463 Mr '09 Common business honesty. A. S. Pier. Les Mo 60;3S6 Ag '05 Common honesty. R. Herrick. Sat E P 176:2 S 19 '03 Common lot. E. B. Miles. Harper 118:145 D •08 Common occurrence. N. Syrett. Harper 108: 345 F '04 Common or garden earth. C. Stockley. Col 51:5 Ag 23, 7 Ag 30 '13 Common sense and life-saving. C. Day, Jr. Harper 124:577 Mr '12 Communal execution. F. J. MacBeath. Lip- pinc 94:116 Jl '14 Communistic idyl. L. R. Watkins. Outl 80:234 My 27 ^05 Community's sunbeam. E. G. Jordan. Harper 116:107 D '07 Company counsel. E. Boltwood. Mun 32:725 F '05 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 57 Company of the Marjolaine. J. Buchan. Atlan luJ;lt)9 F '09 Comoartment number four — Cologne to Paris. F. H. Smith. Scrib 32:693 D '02 Compelling passion. M. H. Verse. Delia 77:8 Ja '11 Compensated. W. A. Hickman. Cent 80:24, 177, 383 My-Jl '10 Compensation. P. E. Browne. Mun 36:374 D •06 Compensations. R. Thomas. Met 35:17 Ap '12 Competent spinster. J. Drake. Delin 61:486 Mr 03 Competitive nephew. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:6 Jl 9 "10 Complete wife. J. P. Peabody. Harp B 45:6 Ja '11 Complex enchantment. N. H. Dole. New Eng n s 30:147 Ap '04 Complicated wooing. E. Flower. Met 16:693 D •02 Complication in Becket. E. A. Opper. Mun 25: 7 45 Ag- '01 Comprehension of Private Cooper. R. Kipling. Everybody's 7:316 O '02 Comrades. M. Gorky. Lippinc 91:97 Ja '13 Comrades. E. S. Phelps. Harper 123:398 Ag 11 Comrades all-unknown. C. Johnston. Sat E P 1S3;11 My 20 '11 Comradeship of Virginia. G. S. Richmond. Mun 25:544 Jl '01 Comstock, Elinor E^eceptive cadence. Cent 65:245 D '02 Comstock, Sarah Anything in petticoats. Col 50:17 F 8 '13 Faddists of the road. Lippinc 78:116 Jl '06 Filiberto. Col 43:20 Ap 24 '09 Kansas farmer's daughter. Col 43:14 Ag 7 '09 Making of two. Col 40:22 D 14 '07 Mistress problem. Col 50:15 F 1 '13 Sheep-woman. Cent 88:764 S '14 Shielding of Rose. Col 42:18 O 10 '08 Spatter's campaign. Lippinc 76:587 N '05 Tenderfoot bride. Col 47:20 S 2 '11 Thirsty land. Col 41:16 Jl 25 '08 Tornado. Col 37:14 My 26 '06 Who is my neighbor? Col 42:24 D 5 '08 Con appassionata. J. Blethen. Lippinc 78:76 Jl '06 Con contretemps. K. Harris. Sat E P 177:7 F 25 '05 Concentrated polyandry. T. A. Janvier. Har- per 124:155 D '11 Concerning Angela. F. H. Lea. Harper 126:625 Mr '13 Concerning bad men. O. Wister. Everybody's 4:3-'0 Ap '01 Concerning Christmas giving. M. Deland. Marp B 38:1155 D '04 Concerning David Jogram. J. B. Cabell. Har- per 123:927 N '11 Concerning my aunt Ellen. G. Morris. Cent 68: 943 () '04 Concerning tribal warfare. M. H. Vorse. Cent 78:45 My '09 Conchuta of the bull ring. E. W. Mumford. Met 23:658 Mr '06 Concluding an incident. F. Condon. Mun 52:37 ■Jf '14 Concrete example. T. Jenks. Outl 81:878 D 9 '05 Condlct, Anna Yeaman When hearts aio trumps. Everybody's 20:794 Je '09 Condensed novels. See Harte, Bret Condolences ff.r Cynthia. M. B. Shipp. Mun r,0 212 N 'IS Condon, Frank Concluding an Incident. Mun 52:37 Jo '14 Couragf! of Fiona Ward. ?Tun 46:2''7 N '11 Ends of the oarth. Mun 51:128 F '14 Flyer In wheat. Everybody's 26:819 Je '12 Condon, Frank — continued Globe-trotter. Mun 47:754 Ag '12 Removal of Barney McFee. Mun 53:364 N '14 White ghost. Mun 50:222 N '13 Conductor Pat Francis. F. H. Spearman. Mc- Clure 15:330 Ag '00; Same, New Eng n s 29: 253 O '03 Cone, John A. Uncle Jotham's spree. Mun 36:68 O '06 Confederate of chaperones. A. M. Estabrook. Lippinc 73:629 My '04 Conference. A. B. Sembower. Harper 125:303 Jl '12 Confession of a rebellious wife. Amer 68:211 Je ■09 Confession of love. H. Huntington. Every- body's 6:364 Ap '02 Confession of the Countess Anne. A. S. Hardy. Scrib 44:739 D 'OS Confessional — and consequences. C. A. Loize- aax. Lippinc 81:423 Mr '08 Confessions. A. Brown. Harper 125:683 O '12 Confessions of a book agent. A. G. Sage. Les Mo 54:552 O '02 Confessions of a college professor's wife. Sat E P 186:5 Ja 24 '14 Confessions of a juror. P. Saltus. Sat E P 179:3 Mr 30 '07 Confessions of a seafaring blackmailer. J. R. Spears. Cosmop 2,8:667 Ap '00 Confessions of a successful mother. V. T. Van de Water. Cosmop 55:158 Jl '13 Confessions of a wife. See Adams, Mary Confessions of a wizard's fixer. Sat E P 184:6 My 25 '12 Confessions of an engaged couple. G. Hibbard. L H J 25:15 F '08 Confessions of an innocent man. Sat E P 186:17 Mr 7 '14 Confessions of Arsene Lupin. M. Leblanc. Cosmop 51:133 Je 447 S '11 Confidant. E. M. Coombs. Lippinc 85:460 Ap '10 Confidants. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 179:10 Je 15 '07 Confidence: drama. E. Jordan. Harp B 43:447 My '09 Confidential doll insurance co. V. Downie. Har- per 128:767 Ap '14 Confiding clemency. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Amer 69:617 Mr '10 Confines of consistency. G. M. Martin. Mc- Clure 19:61 My "02 Conflagration in Ghargaroo. A. Bierce. Cos- mop 40:456 F '06 Confluence. J. Hopper. McClure 27:596 O '06 Confounding of Emma T.,ouisa. H. C. Nelles- Wilson. New Eng n s 34:477 Je '06 Confusion of goods. F. C. Baldy. McClure 16: 11 N '00 Confusion of idols. G. E. Channing. Cent 76: 757 S '08 Confusion of Talky Jones. A. H. Lewis. Cos- mop 44:539 Ap '08 Conger, M. G. Serjeant's valet. Mun 30:95 O '03 Conlngsby Martlett pays. R. E. MacAlarnoy. Lil)pinc 94:577 N '14 Conlon. A. Colton. Cent 60:294 Je '00 Conners at Shunpopovi. L. Chamberlain. Everybody's 13:349 S '05 Connoisseurs of Poverty Flat. D. Welch. Cos- iiioii JS:661 .Xi) '00 Connolly, James Brendan, 1868- Anu'iicani/.-ition of Roll-down Joe. Scrib 41: 575 My "07 Battle-cruise of the Svend Foyn. Scrib 54: ."ino s '13 Blasrihomfr. Scrib 39:700 Je '06 Captain Hlalse. Srrib 50:129 Ag '11 Ch.'iHo f.voriiii.:ht. .Scrib 29:406 .\p '01 ChrLstmas handicap. Scrib 44:683 1) 'OR 58 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Connolly, James Brendan — continued Cogan; capeador. Harper 123:682 O '11 Commandeering of the Lucy Foster. Scrib 42:152 Ag '07 Cross courses. Sat B P 1S5;9 Je 28 '13 Cruise o' the Bounding Boy. Sat E P 181:6 Je ly 'US) Cruise of the Waterloo. Col 50:22 N 2 '12 Dan Magee: wliite hope. Col 48:22 Mr 2 '12 Dance. Col. 38:20 Ja 26 '07 Die Auswanderer. Sat E P 176:8 F 27 '04 Dory-mates. Scrib 3i:5o0 My '05 Drawn shutters. Scrib 40:460 O '06 Each to his lights. Harper 112:953 My '06 Fisherman of Costla. Scrib 32:344 S '02 Flying Colleen Bawn. Scrib 34:25 Jl '03 Gloucester fisherman. Scrib 31:387 Ap 02 Harsh word. Scrib 42:294 S '07 Heroes. Col 45:13 Jl 30 '10 How Cronan went to Atliens. Everybody's 22:466 Ap '10 How they got the Hattie Rennish. Col 49:16 Ag 17 '12 Ice-dogs. Harper 115:605 S '07 Illimitable senses. Harper 115:701 O '07 In the anchor-watch. Harper 127:624 S '13 In the matter of a bale of blankets. Scrib 54: 744 D '13 Jan Tingloff. Sat E P 184:11 F 3 '12 Laying the hose-pipe ghost. Harper 122:860 My '11 Little fighting whales. Harper 110:431 F '05 Lottery of the sea. Harper 124:512 Mr '12 Magnetic hearth. Harper 114:99 D '06 Olympic victor. Scrib 44:18 Jl '08 On a Baltic sea sloop. Scrib 31:663 Je '02 On a North sea smack. Scrib 31:513 My '02 On being out of season. Sat E P 1S5:6 Ag 3 ■12 On Georges .shoals. Scrib 38:63 Jl '05 On the bottom of the dory. Col 37:18 Je 30 ■06 On the echo of the morn. Scrib 29:659 Je '01 Patsie Oddie's black night. Scrib 38:165 Ag '05 Rakish brigantine. Scrib 56:214 Ag '14 Revolutions of the Evelvn B. Met 39:9 N '13 Reykjavik to Gloucester. Scrib 30:216 Ag '01 Running to harbor. Scrib 33:142 F '03 Salving of the barque Fuller. Scrib 38:462 O '05 School we lost: a story of the seiners. Outl 77:84 My 7 '04 Seizure of the Aurora Borealis. Col 48:20 D 16 ■ll Smugglers. Scrib 41:402 Ap '07 Sonnie-boy^s people. Scrib 54:145 Ag '13 Strategy and seamanship. Scrib 37:309 Mr '05 Tim Riley's touch. Sat E P 184:5 My 4 '12 Tommie Ohlsen's western passage. Scrib 32: 432 O '02 Trawler, The. Amer 67:459 Mr '09 Trawler, The. Col 54:5 O 31 ^14 Truth of Oliver Cromwell. Scrib 37:83 Ja '05 Venture of the Flying Hand. Col 42:20 S 26 •ns ■Wicked Celestine. Scrib 37:677 Je '05 Wrecker. Harper 120:548 Mr '10 Connolly, Louise, 1862- Darby and Joan. Harper 130:139 D '14 Connolly, Thomas G. McGrew shows Ann. Col 52:17 N 15 '13 My eldest brother. Everybody's 26:650 My '12 Connor, Brevard Mays Before morning. Harp W 56:15 Jl 6 '12 Siesta's end. Col 50:20 N 9 '12 Stool of the priedieu. Harp W 56:16 S 28 '12 Two on the rancho. Mun 49:80 Ap '13 Connor, Ralph, pseud. (Rev. Charles William Gordon) ISfiO- Swan creek blizzard. Les Mo 52:325 Ag '01 Connors, McFee and Cook. F. N. Stratton. Mun 30:744 F '04 Conquered. E. Moorhead. Harper 112:592 Mr ■06 Conquering of Caroline. E. H. Porter. Ne^w Eng n s 26:21 Mr '02 Conquering of the Benders. I. Deloro. Ne^w Eng n s 45:239 N '11 Conqueror. M. Foster. Everybody's 4:141 F '01 Conqueror. W. J. Locke. Everybody's 28:291 Mr '13 Conqueror of Barney the balky. E. H. Neff. Cent 70:899 O '05 Conquerors. C. B. Davis. Col 44:19 N 27 '09 Conquerors. A. Updegraff. Forum 50:317 S '13 Conquerors of New York. J. Ralph. Harper 104.963 My '02 Conquest beauty Barker made. E. Boltwood. Mun 42:815 Mr '10 Conquest of Philander. A. B. Dunaway. Met 27:771 Mr '08 Conquest of the cocoanut. L. M. Church. Les Mo 58:147 Je '04 Conquest of the mitten. M. S. Merrill. Ne'W Eng n s 38:347 My "08 Conrad, Joseph, pseud. (Korzeniowski, Joseph Conrad), 1857- Anarchist. Harper 113:406 Ag '06 Aristocrat. Met 35:19 Ja '12 Brute. McClure 30:72 N 07 Freya of the Seven isles. Met 35:20 Ap '12 Caspar Ruiz. Sat E P 179:3 Jl 28, 10 Ag 4, 7 Ag 11, 10 Ag 18 '06 Informer. Harper 114:131 D '06 Inn of the two witches. Met 38:24 My '13 Laughing Anne. Met 40:19 S '14 Partner. Harper 123:850 N '11 Planter of Malata. Met 40:25. 32 Je-Jl '14 Secret sharer. Harper 121:349, 530 Ag-S '10 Conscience and the gondola. M. H. Vorse. At- lan 101:755 Je 'OS Conscience, chivalry and correspondence. M. C. Farmer. Lippinc 94:483 O '14 Conscience cure. B. Herford. Harper 121:965 N '10 Conscience money. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 87: G07 My '11 Conscience of Peter Burke. W. O. Inglis. Mun 25:238 My '01 Conscious Amanda. F. R. Stockton. Cosmop 29:184 Je '00 Consequences. M. Futrelle. Harp B 48:29 Jl '13 Consider the lillies. L. V. Jefferson. Met 13: 466 Ap '01 Consider the lizard. E. M. Rhodes. Sat E P 185:5 Je 28 '13 Consideration of Mr. Whimpett. E. Walker. Mun 33:348 Je '05 Consistency of Constance Croyden. G. Hibbard. Sat E P 175:7 S 6 '02 Consolate giantess. T. A. Janvier. Harper 105: 573 S '02 Consolidation in fathers. E. Madden. Cent 76: 710 S '08 Conspiracy. F. C. Williams. Lippinc 69:600 My '02 Conspiracy in St. Marks. D. H. Talmadge. New Eng n s 26:71 Mr '02 Conspiracy of Arnaye. J. B. Cabell. Harper 107:122 Je '03 Conspiracy of Krass. R. H. Schauffler. Cent 68:374 Jl '04 Conspirators. R. H. Barbour. New" Eng n s 37:425 D '07 Constable's move. W. W. Jacobs. Cosmop 40: 29 N '05 Constance Dorothea. J. W. Tompkins. Every- body's 12:558 Ap '05 Constance Weatherell and Bridgett Brady. K. Trask. Cosmop 31:297 Jl '01 Constancy of Elizabeth. A. B. Paine. Cent 60: 170 Je '00 Constans. L. My baseball debut. McClure 28:677 Ap '07 Consul. R. H. Davis. Scrib 48:673 D '10 Consultation. S. W. Mitchell. Cent 63:683 Mr '02 Consultation. C. Russell. Everybody's 2:30 Ja '00 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 59 Contaminating of Augustus. G. M. Cooke and C. W. Morrison. Lippinc 84:235 Ag '09 Contested baby. G. Harrison. Amer 77:50 My •14 Contract. J. D. Bacon. Sat E P 186:28 My 9 •14 Contract. M. Maartens. Les Mo 55:499 Mr '03 Contract. O. Watanna. Les Mo 54:370 Ag '02 Contradictory cure. J. Branch. Everybodys 19: 620 N 'OS Contrariness of Cupid. M. S. Anderson. Mun 25:7ay Ag '01 Controlling interest. A. M. Barbour. Lippinc 73;j30 F ^04 Convalescence of Gerald. G. 'W. Pangborn. Scrib 35:496 Ap '04 Convalescence of Mr. M^Lerie. J. J. Bell. Cent 67:271 D •OS Convalescing home. M. H. Vorse. Harp B 45: 22 Ja -11 Convarsion of Father Cassidy. H. Templeton. McClure 20:509 Mr '03 Convent stage. A. Repplier. Allan 95:749 Je '05 Convention. F. W. Burrows. New Eng n s 38: 731 Ag '08 Conversation. I. S. Turgenieff. Cur Lit 42:465 Ap 07 Converse, Florence, 1S71- Belated conscience. Col 35:16 S 9 '05 Cooperative ghosts. Atlan 103:460 Ap '09 Maggies minstrel. Cent 89:106 N '14 Moorland magic. Atlan 97:611 My '06 Quality of mercy. Atlan 107:608 My '11 Three gifts. Atlan 96:404 S '05 Conversion of Blake. P. E. Brown. Col 33:15 Je 4 04 Conversion of Brother Ox. G. Dix. Met 25:236 N •oe Conversion of Casey. F. Z. Stone. Mun 29:467 Je •OS Conversion of Constantina. J. D. Bacon. Amer 64:396 Ag ^07 Conversion of Elviny. H. R. Martin. McClure 19:69 My '02 Conversion of Hetherington. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 55:6 D 16 *11 Conversion of Jabez Trimble. P. H. Coggins. Harper 112:615 Mr '06 Conversion of Johnny Harrington. E. Jordan. Everybody's 24:8 Ja '11 Conversion of Lucia Bragg. A. Tassin. Scrib ■o*,:10'> Jl '14 Conversion of Millicent. V. Coen. Delin 68:780 N •oe Conversion of Mr. Speck Mulligan. H. Davis. Everybody's 9:180 Ag '03 Conversion of St. Wilfrid. R. Kipling. Delin 75:34 Ja '10 Conversion of Sexton Maginnis. M. F. Egan. Cent 77:723 Mr '09 Conversion of the " H. H." S. C. Stuntz. Les Mo 55:641 Ap '03 Convert to Santa Claus. R. R. Gilson. L H J 28; IS D 1 '10 Converted cosmopolitan. E. E. 'Wood. New Kng n s 41:567 Ja '10 Convict strain. E. Robinson. Lippinc 79:396 Mr '07 Convict's return. W. N. Harben. Cur Lit 30: 102 Ja '01 Convincing Mr. Whipple. F. W. Brown. Met 2'.)Ar,s N '08 Convulsion of nature. H. J. O'Higgins. Les .Mo 51:360 Ag '02 Conv^^ays' burglar. J. Barnes. Scrib 49:026 My '11 Conyers, Dorothea Jones goes to jail. Sat E P 186:11 Jl 5 '13 Jones meets a Duchess. Sat E P 185:14 Je 21 •13 Conyers, Dorothea — continued Meeting of the Greeks. Sat E P 186:16 D 6 13 Mr. Jones and the nobility. Sat E P 185:14 My 24 13 Traveler for the firm. Sat E P 185:16 My 10 •13 Cook. G. Morris. Delin. 69:108 Ja '07 Cook ana the captain. M. Robertson. Cosmop 39:49 My '05 Cook and the captain bold. J. Reed. Met 41:21 N '14 Cook and the convict. C. B. Howard. Cent 64: 441 Jl '02 Cook at Conley's. K. E. Harriman. Lippinc 72:507 O '03 Cook, Ethel Augusta Happiest Christmas eve. Delin 85:23 D '14 Cook, George Cram, 1873- American hero. Met 37:28 F '13 C. T. U. Forum 52:543 O '14 Cook, William Wallace, 1867- Crenshaw of the gold mill. Harp W 55:14 Ag 5 '11 Jim, coyote dog. Mun 34:29 O '05 Wing victory. Mun 43:209 My '10 Cooke, Adelaide V. Emancipation of Barden. Everybody's 12:843 Je '05 Cooke, Edmund Vance, 1866- Affair of the uptowners. Lippinc 81:494 Ap '08 Coming back of Jawn Doherty. Sat E P 186: 41 Ap 4 '14 Cooke, Mrs. Grace (MacGowan) 1863- Ballard of Broken Heart. Lippinc 78:498 O •06 Bill band. The. Mun 30:928 Mr '04 Bonny dame. Mun 27:589 Jl '02 Borrowed husband. Mun 43:811 S '10 Call. Harper 113:369 Ag '06 Capture of Andy Proudfoot. Harper 109:35 Je 04 Clean shave. Cent 85:63 N '12 Dalosa Bonbrights Christmas gift. Mun 40: 350 D 08 Fatted calf. Mun 31:669 Ag '04 Flight of Robert Sevier. Lippinc 83:1 Ja '09 Forgotten spoon. Mun 25:551 Jl '01 Freckle-face sergeant of company Z. Met 23: 190 N '05 Harnessing of Pegasus. Delin 76:249 O '10 His only son. L H J 28:11 F 1 '11 In the strength of the hills. Met 23:268 D '05 Lilacs. Mun 28:131 O '02 Love among thieves. Lippinc 79:1 Ja '07 Machinations of Ocoee Gallantine. Cent 71: 910 Ap '06 Mandys raid. Mun 29:287 My '03 Musical interlude. Mun 27:781 Ag '02 Onliest way. Delin 72:761 N '08 Perilous passage. Mun 30:690 F '04 Psyche of the mountains. Mun 34:12 O '05 Reluctant Raleigh. Everybody's 16:130 Ja *07 Royal line. Lippinc 83:641 Je '09 Scott Bohannon's bond. Col 39:18 My 4 '07 Silence of Judith Yearwood. Mun 33:121 Ap '05 Spy, The. Mun 34:473 Ja '06 Taking of Laurella. Mun 31:117 Ap '04 To the manner born. Lippinc 84:88 Jl '09 Unavailable opulence of Irby Tuel. Col 38:19 F 16 '07 When Mary McShane was sent for. Mun 29: 765 Ag '03 — and MacGowan, Alice Shadow. Everybody's 22:350 Mr '10 Side door. Everybody's 23:74 Jl '10 Wisdom of yesterday. Everybody's 21:184 Ag •09 — and Morrison, Caroline Wood Clangling hours. M<-('lure 30:537 Mr '08 Contaminating of Augustus. l..ippinc 84:235 Ag 09 Don Harvey and the shadow. Harper 120:354 F '10 Joyful mother of children. Lippinc 85:83 Ja '10 Through hoops of Are. Lippinc 85:452 Ap "10 6o STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Cooke, Mrs. Grace (MacGowan) — continued — and Reed, Vond (Ji the lion's breed. Lippinc 76:641 D '05 Cooke, James Francis Cliristmas baby. Met 25:422 Ja '07 Cook's mate. M. Roberts. Sat E P 180:6 Ag 10 '07 Cook's mite. R. Thomas. Col 44:9 D 11 '09 Cooley, Ellen G. Up top. New Eng n s 34:749 Ag '06 Cooley, Florence M. On Lone-tree hill. Met 17:145 F '03 Coolidge, Dane, 1S73- Cail of the Bull-Bat. Delin 66:600 O '05 Land of broken promises. Mun 50:313 N '13 Lone turkey of Pinal. Delin 64:724 N '04 Coolidge, Grace Nothing gift. Col 51:17 Ag 23 '13 Place of thanksgiving. Col 52:17 S 27 13 Victory. Col 51.16 S 6 '13 Coolidge, Herbert, 1S75- Blood charivari. Col 54:7 N 7 '14 Lady's man at the show-down. Col 51:5 Jl o 13 Coombs, Elizabeth Maury Antidote for order. Lippinc 92:222 Ag 13 Business interview in Virginia. Lippmc 89: ■ 555 Ad '12 Confident. "Lippinc 85:460 Ap '10 Defalcation of Mrs. Mitt. Lippinc 90:623 N '12 End of the dream. Cent 87:475 Ja '14 Javelino skin. Lippinc 91:607 My '13 Little brother. Lippinc S6:476 O '10 Love and a morning ride. Lippmc 84:620 N '09 Mary. Lippinc 88:409 S '11 Not in action, suh. Lippinc 92:104 Jl 13 Red bird. Lippinc 88:S72 D '11 Wall of silence. Lippinc 86:212 Ag '10 Cooney on the war-path. H. S. Edwards. Cent 78:877 O "09 Coonrod Sprengel's weather book. E. E. Peake. Sat E P 181:10 My 29 '09 Cooper, Courtney Ryley Left-behind. Col 51:16 Jl 19 '13 New boarder at Miss Stoke's. L H J 31:19 Somewhere safe to see. Col 50:18 O 12 '12 Tapped wires. Col 4S:19 Mr 16 '12 Cooper, Frederic Taber, 1864- Griswold divorce case. McClure 35:203 Je 10 Intrusion of Cousin Louisa. Met 33:555 F 11 Cooper, H. S. Jabez the third. Sat E P 178:7 N 25 '05 Cooper, Jeannette Billy's stag. Amer 65:435 F '08 Candid violet. McClure 22:505 Mr '04 _ Error in estimates. Amer 63:580 Ap '07 How Lady Gowan was entertained. McClure 20:104 N '02 Identifving Anne. McClure 26:594 Ap '06 Masterly method. Harp W 57:10 Ag 9 '13 Retributive trip McClure 26:561 Mr '06 Two of them. Mun 37:304 Je '07 Wasted rehearsal. McClure 24:473 Mr '05 Cooperative ghosts. F. Converse. Atlan 103: 460 Ap '09 Coots-Plunkett migration. S. Patterson. Har- per 104:844 Ap '02 Copeman, Edith Resurrection of a minister. New Eng n s 2b. 574 Jl "02 Copinger, Lucy Art or nature? Lippinc 77:731 Je '06 Bum O'Reilly at the bat. Lippinc 79:791 Je '07 Bum O'Reilly collects. Lippinc 84:212 Ag '09 Bum O'Reilly, probationer. Lippinc 94:106 Jl '14 Bum O'Reilly's last chance. Lippinc 79:98 Ja •07 Cheerful giver. Lippinc 77:570 My '06 Child of a widow. Lippinc 82:335 S '08 Doll mid clothes. Lippinc 80:823 D '07 Gurls is fierce. Lippinc 90:731 D '12 Copinger, Lucy — continued Jealousy of Anna Karenina. Lippinc 84:99 Jl '09 Mascot of the primer class. Lippinc 85:116 Ja '10 Miss Lucy and the simple life. Lippinc 78: 244 Ag '06 Public at'erletic leaguer. Lippinc 94:497 O '14 Stage-struck. Lippinc 85:736 Je '10 When class "A" gave thanks. Lippinc 78: 649 N '06 When Miss Lucy had the measles. Lippinc 81:512 Ap '08 Woman scorned. Lippinc 77:458 Ap '06 Copley, Frank Barkley Impeachment of President Israels. Amer 75: 21 D '12 Sublime example of Sherwood Drayton. Amer 76:37 D '13 Coppee, Frangois Edouard Joachim, 1842-1908 Bachelors experience. Outl 76:229 Ja 23 '04 Christmas betrothal. Cur Lit 45:113 Jl '08 Holy medal. Outl 65:874 Ag 11 '00 Substitute. Lippinc 88:578 O '11 Copper-ship. J. O. Curwood. Mun 35:605 Ag '06 Copplestone, Bennet Accessory after the fact. Everybody's 3:170 Ag 00 Copy. E. Wharton. Scrib 27:657 Je '00; Same, Outl 87:441 O 26 '07 Copy: diary of a real newspaper woman. P. Van Braam. Col 49:14 Jl 13, 20 Jl 20 '12 Copy cat. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 125:179 Jl '12 Copy-cat. H. C. Rowland. Sat E P 179-11 My 18 '07 Coral cactus and Rosy cake. A. M. Earle. New Eng n s 23:470 D '00 Corazon. G. Pattullo. McClure 35:300 Jl '10 Corbin, John, 1870- Adventures on the ragged edge. Cent 75:655 Mr '08 Boosting Myrtle. Cent 75:825 Ap '08 Elephant's bride. Cent 76:63 My '08 Forbidden guests: drama Cent 73:221 D '06; Same, L H J 26:11 O '09 Man who forswore Christmas. Sat E P 184:5 D 23 '11 Superiority of the English. Sat E P 185:7 N 9 '12 Cordon bleu of the Sierra. E. W. Mumford. Cent 69:855 Ap '05 Corelli, Marie, 1864- Laurels of the brave. Sat E P 172:938 Ap 14 '00 Sculptors angel. Harp B 48:14 D '13 Tragedy of a lost appetite. Cosmop 57:296 Ag '14 Cormac O'Brien, piper. A. Mathews. Scrib 55: 395 Mr '14 Corn, The. M. W. Wildman. Met 29:503 F '09 Corncrib courtin'. N. H. Pitman. Les Mo 53: 687 Ap '02 Cornelia's birthday. L. W. Reese. Harper 107: 25 Je '03 Cornell, V. H. Geniuses. Harper 127:64 Je '13 Narrow way. Harper 128:577 Mr '14 Tie that binds. Amer 75:64 Je '13 Corner. G. Hibbard. Col 33:18 Jl 9 '04 Corner-cupboard man. S. Preston. Scrib 36: 732 D '04 Corner in beans. D. G. Hughes. Les Mo 58:572 S '04 Corner in cats. W. S. Gidley. Les Mo 54:513 S •02 Corner in farmers. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 180:7 F 29 '08 Corner in fiance's. G. G. Lincoln. Mun 35:32 Ap '06 Corner in four-posters. C. W. Ashley. Scrib 49:742 Je '11 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 6i Corner in hair. B. Brice. Les Mo 59:713 Ap '05 Corner in jurisdiction. H. Pendexter. Sat E P 177:6 Je 17 05 Corner in sliingies. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 183:6 Ap 29 '11 Corner in Trolley. S. A. Nelson. Les Mo 52: 556 O '01 Corner in troubles. C. Dangerfield. Lippinc 73: 763 Je '04 Corner on Sadie. H. Starr. Harp W 58:10 O IS '13 Corner on the curb. Z. A. Norris. Cur Lit 47: 3il S '09 Corner-stone calf. C. E. Hollingsworth. Mc- Clure 24:587 Mr '05 Corner-stone of the new church. T. S. Miller. Everybody's 25:559 O '11 Corner window. J. Badoin. Mun 27:89 Ap '02 Cornford, Leslie Cope, 1867- Northborough cross. Lippinc 94:1 Jl '14 Coronation. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 128:93 O '13 Coronation of Mrs. Beacock. M. B. Mullett. Harp B 38:133 F '04 Corporal Billy's come-back. H. L. Wilson. Sat E P 186:16 My 30 '14 Corporal Ranie. J. R. Ellyson. Met 32:501 Jl '10 Corporal Sweeney, deserter. R. D. Paine. Cent 68:732 S '04 Corporation Christmas present. M. C. Deering. Mun 30:499 Ja 04 Correction of mother. M. Martin. Mun 42:793 Mr '10 Correspondence between Noah and Sophie Isa- bella. G. W Carryl. Col 32:16 D 5 '03 Corse, IVlontgomery B. How Putz lost his job. Lippinc 71:719 My '03 Corsican calls. F. M. O'Brien. Mun 53:290 N '14 Cory, of the woman's page. E. Kenton. Cos- mop 38:673 Ap '05 Cost. C. Banks. New Eng n s 45:303 N '11 Cost of loving. F. O. Bartlett. Col 48:20 Mr 2 ■12 Constantini, Mme. Anna Miller, 1880- Lady and the acrobat. Lippinc 87:220 F '11 Coston's thirty. C. N. Buck. Met 25:470 Ja '07 Costume and the cowboy. S. Olmsted. Lippinc S5:94 Ja '10 Cosulich, Anna Demeanor of Clancy. Met 16:645 D '02 Shadowy third. Met 15:402 Ap '02 Whom the king favors. Met 21:163 N '04 Willard's tactics, for the use of the navy. Cent 72:963 O '06 Cotes, Mrs. Everard. See Cotes, Mrs. Sara Jeannette Cotes, Hornor, pseud. See Coates, Joseph ilornor Cotes, Sara Jeannette (Duncan) (Mrs. Everard Cotes) lst;2- Heir ajjparent. Harper 110:025 Mr '05 Mother in India. Scrib 33:747, 34:107 Je-Jl '03 Pool in the desert. Cent 66:67 My 03 Cotton, Francis Campbell Corot. Scrib 42:277 S '07 iiiiikson.s double life. Scrib 43:364 Mr '08 .Mis.siijK St. Michael. Scrib 43:214 F '08 Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller. See Quiller- Couch, .Sir Arthur Thoma.s Couch, Lilian Quiller. See Quiller-Couch, Lil- ian Cough in lower seven. F. H. Spearman. New Eng n H 29:415 D '03 Coughlin, Margaret Fay f> '11 Compromise. D. G. Phillips. Cosmop 50:453 Mr '11 64 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Cronaraidh Ghost. S. MacManus. Lippinc 75: 74 Ja '05 Crooked deal. H. Dickson. Sat E P 184:20 Ja 6 '12 Crooked trail. See Payne, Will Crook's all. H. L. Wilson. Sat E P 186:10 Je 6 '14 Crosby, Amy Stronger claim. Mun 44:338 D '10 Tuning of Huldah. Lippinc 91:79 Ja '13 Crosby, Edith R. Deception. Outl 68:71 My 4 '01 Fifth act and an epilogue. Delin 57:105 Ja '01 Crosbys' rest cure. E. G. Jordan. Harper 128: 785 Ap '14 Cross and the dragon. E. Aiken. Cosmop 41: 613 O '06 Cross courses. J. B. Connolly. Sat E P 185:9 Je -IS '13 'Cross lots to fame. C. B. Davis. Col 46:24 Mr 4 '11 Cross ways. E. Phillpotts. Les Mo 52:138, 243, Je-Jl '01 Crossroad. A. W. Noel. Harp B 38:648 Jl '04 Crossroads. P. C. Springer. Mun 47:186 My '12 Crotliers, Samuel IVIcChord, D. D., 1857- Christmas and the spirit of democracy. Everybody's 17:794 D '07 Croucher — hopeless case. E. W. Hornung. Everybody's 29:257 Ag '13 Crowded heart. M. T. Daviess. Cent 87:184 D '13 Crowe!!, Cliester T. Romance of Juan. Harp W 55:16 F 4 '11 Crowell. H. A. Pictures and the pineapples. McClure 18:184 D '01 Crowe!!, Norman Henry, 1873- Campaign in hair Amer 61:115 N '05 Capture of Cochise Jake. Les Mo 56:199 Je '03 Man with the mask. Amer 60:701 O '05 Mandy. Everybody's 10:125 Ja '04 Nellie's night before Christmas. Les Mo 59: 233 D '04 Parson. Les Mo 5'7:113 N '03 Reformation of Jenkins. Les Mo 58:690 O '04 Spelling match. Les Mo 56:616 O '03 Crown of gold. A. Brown. Outl 80:782 Jl 22 '05 Crowned with g^lory and honor. M. R. S. An- drews. Scrib 31:189 F '02 Crowning of Dolly. E. W. R. Beal. Les Mo 59: 193 D '04 Crowninshield, iVIary Bradford (IVlrs. Schuyler Crowninshieid) Bidden guest. Harp B 33:133 My 19 '00 Cyrus Bell's Easter warning. Harp B 34:6o5 Mr 9 '01 Fonte. Delin 55:530 Ap '00 For the senora. Lippinc 66:589 O '00 Mi-uelito. Delin 56:654 N '00 Mysterious Miss Dacres. Lippinc 67:387 Ap '01 New Heloise. Lippinc 71:3 Ja '03 Old house at Wallingford. Harp B 33:1492 O 13 '00 Crowninshield, IVIrs. Schuyler. See Crownin- shield, Mary Bradford Crowninshieid's brush. D. Gray. McClure 17: 194 Je '01 Croy, Homer, 1884- Ameba and the auto. Col 52:sup.37-Ja 10 14 Crucial moment. C. B. Craddock. Lippinc 89: 535 Ap '12 Crudity. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 83:223 F '09 Crudstone conquest. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 92:207 Ag '13 Cruger, IVlrs. Julie Grinnell (Mrs. Van Rensse- laer Cruger (Julien Gordon, pseud.) IMoonlight. Harp B 33:398 Je 16 '00 Cruikshank, IVIiriam Beauty and the beast. Met 17:174 My 03 Department store Christmas. Delin 77:16 Ja '11 Epistolary anachronism. Mun 30:19 O '13 Miss Cathcart — as is. Delin 77:369 My '11 Cruikshank, IVIiriam — continued Rural deus ex machina. New Eng n s 32:23 Mr '05 'Varsity Apollo. Met 17:32 Ja '03 Cruise of Long Johnson's circus. C. F. Bourke. Met 26:282 Je '07 Cruise o' the Bounding Boy. J. B. Connolly. Sat E P 181:6 Je 19 '09 Cruise of the Cadis. R. S. Spears. Mun 34:593 F '06 Cruise of the Caribbee. T. V. Briggs. Harper 116:16 D '07 Cruise of the Cocoa. H. W. Phillips. Mun 52: 490 Ag '14 Cruise of the fleet. E. R. La Ferronays. Mun 28:278 N '02 Cruise of the peaceful pirates. H. Allyn. Every- body's 23:169 Ag '10 Cruise of the Plaisance. A. Colton. Col 46:15 F 11 '11 Cruise of the Quinze Mille Vierges. M. H. Vorse. Atlan 100:229 Ag '07 Cruise of the red car. J. C. Lincoln. Mun 38: 235 N '07 Cruise of the Waterloo. J. B. Connolly. Col 50: 22 N 2 '12 Crump, Irving Breed, The. Col 48:17 D 23 '11 Crusader's mass. P. Landon. McClure 34:164 D 09 Crustacean courtship. M. N. Thurston. Lippinc 74:738 D '04 Cry of the nighthawk: Fu-Manchu story. S. Rohmer. Col 54:5 D 26 '14 Cry of the soil. E. Rickert. Scrib 43:586 My '08 Crystal -gazer. M. S. Watts. McClure 31:156 Je '08 Cub, The. J. Hopper. Sat E P 185:14 N 30 '12 Cub reporter. R. Beach. Col 42:15 O 31 '08 Cub reporter. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:11 My 17 '13 Cub reporter again. F. Hunt. Col 52:16 N 8 '13 Cuban cactus. M. S. Briscoe. Harper 100:485 F '00 Cuckoo. C. Ewald. Met 27:612 F '08 Cuckoo clock. E. D. Deland. Harper 100:595 Mr '00 Cu!-de-sac. F. Danby. Cosmop 36:412 F '04 Cullen, Clarence Louis Alcatraz inland. Lippinc 69:751 Je '02 Enemy to the throne. Lippinc 67:737 Je '01 Hanarman and Pedro Salazar. Mun 47:944 S '12 Wanted — a foreman for the Z Star. Mun 47: 237 My '12 Culler. C. S. Chapman. Scrib 42:305 S '07 Culprit Cupid. M. H. Bradley. Harper 127:863 N '13 Cult and the catamount. D. Canfield. Lippinc 84:129 Ag '09 Cultivating the underlings. W. T. Walsh. Harp W 55:11 Ap 22 '11 Culture and the brute male. W. P. Eaton. Everybody's 26:219 F '12 Culture and the commissary. K. Baker. Col 49:18 Ag 17 '12 Culver, R. K. Five gold bars. Mun 43:782 S '10 Range rivals. Mun 48:106 O '12 Cummings, Edward Coward. McClure 22:484 Mr '04 Cunjubus'. J. R. Ellyson. Harp W 54:22 Je IS, '10 Cunnin' Larrikins. C. B. Loomis. Cent 64:326 Je '02 Cunnigham, C. Jimmy Emmence, matchmaker of Circle N. Lippinc 79:675 My '07 Mother of the world. Lippinc 84:228 Ag '09 Cup of cocoa. E. Stuart. McClure 35:352 Ag '10 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 65 Cup of cold water. E. M. Smith. Lippinc 84: 104 Jl '09 Cup of love. E. Frazer. Col 49:16 Jl 27 '12 Cup of tea. W. J. Lampton. Met 15:319 Mr '02 Cup we must drink. L. B. Wells. Harper 123: 3S Je '11 Cupboard love. W. W. Jacobs. Harper 102:874 My -01 Cupful of sugar. W. R. Lighten. Les Mo 52: 537 O '01 Cupid. R. A. Wason. Everybody's 15:79 Jl '06 Cupid: highwayman. M. Chater. Met 20:522 Jl '04 Cupid and a call. E. M. Willett. Lippinc 82: 4S3 O 'OS Cupid and Jimmy Curtis. J. F. Wood. Cent SO: S96 O '10 Cupid and Pat Casey. H. Davis. Mun 30:595 Ja '04 Cupid and the hurdy-gurdy. E. W. Peattie. Harp B 41:636 Jl '07 Cupid and the Puff-adder. S. Scoville, Jr. Mun 51:484 Ap '14 Cupid and the river-god. W. M. Raine. Cosmop 35:457 Ag "03 Cupid castaway. M. Chater. Met 18:651 Ag '03 Cupid goes slumming. A. H. Rice. Amer 64: 372 Ag '07 Cupid in the horse-camp. E. Boltwood. Lippinc 72:230 Ag '03 Cupid in the laboratory. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 187:5 N 7 '14 Cupid in uniform. T. Jenks. Everybody's 12: 274 F '05 Cupid ^ that old college chum. G. Fitch. Sat E P 183:10 Ja 21 '11 Cupidon and a crown. M. E. M. Davis. Sat E P 177:5 Mr 11 '03 Cupid's bonfire. G. Richardson. Les Mo 53:159 N '01 Cupid's follow-up. H. M. Greene. Sat E P 178: 6 F 24 '06 Cupid's practical joke. F. C. Baylor. Cosmop 32:281 Ja '02 Cuppy, Elizabetli Overstreet (Mrs. Hazlitt Alva Cuppy) Widow's might. Cent 64:964 O '02 Cur and coyote. E. Peple. Mun 39:619 Ag '08 Curate and the actress. R. Sabatini. Every- body's 2:164 F '00 Cure, The. W. Irwin. Sat E P 185:7 O 26 '12 Cure. A. E. P. Searing. Harp W. 56:17 Je 1 '12 Cure by aeroplane. F. Palmer. Scrib 46:717 D '09 Cure for lumbago. C. E. Van Loan. Col 53:5 Jl IS '14 Cure of Hezekiah. N. Duncan. Harper 115:940 N '07 Cure of soles. V. Harper. Sat E P 177:8 Je 10 •05 Cure that failed. E. Singmaster. Harper 126: 155 D '12 Cures of Evelina. E. Jordan. Harp B 45:268 Je '11 Curing of Peabody. D. F. Moore. Met 25:701 Mr '07 Curio shop. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 57:127 Je '14 Curiosities of courage. R. H. Davis. Every- body'.s 4:187 F '01 Curiosity of Carney. S. MacManus. Delin 65: ;t2 Ja '05 Curious ring. M. D. Post. Sat B P 184:10 O 7 •11 Curl. E. Wheeler. Allan 89:109 Ja '02 Curlewis, Mrs. H. R. See Turner, Ethel Currie, Barton Wood, 1878- Case ag'in Dan'l Dingle. Anier 69:849 Ap '10 Feathers. Harp W 51:1656 N 9 '07 How the widow tamed the wild. Cent 76:80 My 'OS Oracle relates. Harp W 51:1126 Ag 3 '07 Painting up a continent. Everyboay's 21:534 O '09 Phil Wimble to the bar! Met 33:473 Ja '11 Slaughter of the Sandy Clawses. Amer 69:418 Ja '10 Tub in the desert. Harp W 51:1843 D 14 '07 Under the Joshua-tree. Cent 75:331 Ja '08 Curse in blessing. G. H. Westley. New Eng n s 34:745 Ag '06 Curse of Positano. R. Barr. Les Mo 53:442 F •02 Curse of the cashmere shawl. C. W. Dawson. Harp W 54:22 Mr 12 '10 Curse of the heretic. S. MacManus. McClure 34:670 Ap '10 Curtain. J. J. Bell. Lippinc 88:372 S '11 Curtain raiser. H. G. Paine. Les Mo 54:408 Ag ■02 Curtis, Emma Ghent In the dark of the moon. Cent 74:386 Jl '07 Curtiss, Philip Everett, 1SS5- Backhand prodigal. Everybody's 29:704 N '13 Bow-legs of destiny. Amer 72:455 Ag '11 Devil, his due. Cent 86:895 O '13 Love story of the fourth class. Col 50:16 N 16 '12 Madge Fireboot's husband. Sat E P 184:18 Ja 6 '12 Man who knew life. Amer 74:84 My '12 Man who would be vulgar. Amer 77:65 Ja '14 Master-stroke. Amer 78:40 O '14 Mystery of the missing monocle. Harp W 58: 25 Mr 7 '14 Princes and plumbers. McClure 39:16 ISIy '12 Volunteer inebriate. Amer 72:620 S '11 Wanted — one romance. Everybody's 25:694 N '11 Young Lord Prynne. Amer 77:40 Ap '14 Curwood, James Oliver, 1878- Amateur pirates. Cosmop 45:52 Je '08 Bannockburn widow. Cosmop 43:45 My '07 Beloved murderer. Mun 48:562 Ja '13 Captain Kidd of the underground. Cosmop 43:129 Je '07 Captain of the Christopher Duggan. Mun 33: 143 My "05 Copper-ship. Mun 35:605 Ag '06 Fight for life. Mun 42:221 N '09 His first penitent. Mun 45:611 Ag '11 Honor of the big snows. Mun 43:617 Ag '10 Jim Falkner, pirate. Sat E P 184:6 S 2 '11 Lake breed. Mun 36:174 N '06 Lawless godliness of Billy Smoke. Sat E P 184:16 D 23 '11 Match. Col 50:18 Ja IS '13 Oko-Kan, the bull moose. Mun 48:86 O '12 Piratical lover of tow number two. Mun 36: 593 F '07 Salvage. Mun 37:249 My '07 Strength of men. Col 48:20 F 17 '12 Thomas Jefferson Brown. Mun 45:514 Jl '11 Cushing, Percy M. Finer emotions. Col 49:20 Je 8 '12 Hand at the throttle. Harp W 54:18 Jl 9 '10 Howank the battler. Met 30:699 S '09 Tides' fools. Harp W 55:16 Jl 22 '11 When the stroke falL-^. Mun 47:795 Ag '12 Custard nine. H. Dickson. Sat E P 187:14 Jl 25 '14 Custis, John Trevor Critic. Lippiiic 79:95 Ja '07 Tug that stood by. Lippinc 85:239 F "10 Custody of the child. G. Morris. Cosmop 56:186 J;i 'M Custom-made poet. E. Boltwood. Mun 33:493 Jl •n.^ Custom of the captain. H. C. Rowland. Scrib 32:751 D '02 Customers' shell. E. M. Woolley. McClure 41: 102 Je '13 66 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Cut at Summitcut. W. F. Melton. Les Mo 56: 512 S '03 Cut off in Paris. A. E. McFarlane. Harper 121: 360 Ag '10 Cutting, Mrs. Mary Stewart (Doubleday) 1851- Because a woman wills. L H J 21:12 O '04 Benson's day. Sat E P 186:15 My 2 '14 Blossoming rod. Sat E P 185:14 D 7 '12 Bunny's bag. Delin 81:162 Mr '13 Button. Everybody's 7:391 O '02 Clear field. Sat E P 180:6 S 7, 12 S 14 '07 Cloisonne vase. Everybody's 21:494 O '09 Clytie comes back. Sat E P 185:16 Mr 29 '13 Doings of Dolly. L H J 31:17 Je '14 Enchantment. Sat E P 181:12 S 12 'OS European travelers: monologue. Harp B 45: 398 S '11 Few minutes with the grocer. Amer 64:47 My '07 Friend in the darkness. Delin 85:17 Ag '14 Glad tidings. Everybody's 8:595 Je '03 Good dinner. McClure 18:378 F '02. Same. L H J 22:5 F "05 Happiest time. McClure 19:424 S '02 Her housecleaning day. L H J 26:12 Je '09 Heritage. Everybody's 13:173 Ag '05 Hinge. McClure 25:585 O '05 In regard to Josephine. McClure 24:579 Mr '05 In the family. McClure 24:538 Mr '05 In the married quarters. McClure 19:248 Jl '02 In the reign of Quintellia. Harp B 36:502 Je '02 Kingdom of joy. McClure 35:559 S '10 Ladder. Delin 71:577 Ap '08 Lighted house. McClure 34:169 D '09 Little brown one. Sat E P 185:10 My 3 '13 Little change for Edward. Amer 65:161 D '07 Little surprize. McClure 21:14 My '03 Lovers of Sanna. Delin 79:5 Ja, 89 F, 185 Mr, 281 Ap, 379 My, 485 Je '12 Madonna of the toys: Christmas story. L H J 22:6 D '04 Measure. Everybody's 17:554 O '07 Miss Dream. L H J 26:7 F '09 Mr. Brand: the grocer. L H J 22:4 Ja '05 Mrs. Atwoods outer raiment. McClure 18:476 Mr "02 Mrs. Tremley. McClure 29:561 S '07 Oil of gladness. Harp B 41:1150 D '07 On the ridge. McClure 28:177 D '06 On with the dance. Sat E P 186:13 Je 20 '14 Original wedding present. Cent 67:888 Ap '04 Perfect tale. Everybody's 12:325 Mr '05 Portion of the youngest. Delin 67:461 Mr '06 Real sport. Delin 78:85 Ag '11 Right one. Met 33:446 Ja '11 Sign of the I'ubber plant. McClure 23:207 Je '04 Song of a shirt. Amer 63:211 D '06 Song of courage. Everybody's 29:62 Jl '13 Strength of ten. McClure 19:541 O '02 Suburban whirl. L H J 24:7 Ja, 11 F, 19 Mr, 21 Ap '07 Sunday afternoon. Harp B 42:994 O '08 Sure test. Lippinc 75:766 Je '05 Symphony in coal. McClure 26:567 Ap '06 Taking a rest. Amer 66:505 S '08 Terminal. McClure 22:526 Mr '04 Theme with variations. Amer 66:81 My '08 There was once a woman. Allan 86:705 N '00 Thursday. Delin 77:266 Ap '11 LTnder suspicion. Everybody's 16:849 Je '07 Uplift. Delin 72:970 D 'OS Wayfarers. McClure 30:187 D '07 When love is kind. Delin 65:242 F '05 T^'^hen the Christmas tide sets in. Delin 64:961 D '04 Wife. Everybody's 21:109 Jl '09 Cutting of Ham. H. S. Stabler. Sat E P 181:6 N 14 'OS Cutting with a blunt knife. M. R. Warren. Sat E P 186:5 Je 13 '14 Cutting's psychic phenomenon. L. Davis. Cos- mop 46:225 Ja '09 Cycle of Cathay. V. Harper. Sat E P 178:12 Ag 5 '05 Cynthia, pet named Original Sin: Wolfville story. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 53:160 Je '12 Cyrilla. S. R. Crockett. Les Mo 57:108 N '03 Cyrus Bell's Easter warning. Mrs. S. Crownin- shield. Harp B 34:635 Mr 9 '01 D D. N. & W. A. Stoddart. Mun 28:191 N '02 Da — a sawdust cripple. D. O. Edson. Every- body's 24:704 My '11 Dabney. G. Roscoe. Cosmop 42:215 D '06 Dad. C. T. Jackson. L H J 31:16 My '14 Daddy Billy's Juno. S. T. Moore. Cent 69:467 Ja '05 Daffy's wedding dress. A. M. Kerr. Sat E P 177:7 O 22 '04 Dagger, The. O. Oliver. Mun 32:668 F '05 Dagger. C. D. Stewart. Cent 88:377 Jl '14 Daggett, Mabel Potter Cash-girl No. 63. Delin 83:5 Jl '13 Daggett, Mary Stewart (Mrs. Charles Stewart Daggett) 18o6- Sue Chang the faithful. Outl 76:977 Ap 23 '04 Dago. J. F. Cobb. Harp W 54:19 N 19 '10 Daguerreotype. M. B. Mullett. Scrib 41:365 Mr •07 Dahlgren, Romola New England idyl. New Eng n s 47:207 Jl '12 Daily twins. E. Flower. Cosmop 33:273 Jl '02 Daisy Bradwardine's mother. J. Edgerton. Met 38:22 S '13 Daisy Dunham. H. Susman. Lippinc 89:467 Mr '12 Dakota romance. M. W. Law. Everybody's 8: 544 Je '03 Dale, Helen Hawthorne Bread cast upon the waters. Harper 106:981 My '03 Daley, George William Seen from the pilot-house. Met 16:700 D '02 Dalia. R. Tagore. Delin 85:11 D '14 Dolosa Bonbright's Christmas gift. G. M. Cooke. Mun 40:350 D '08 Dalrymple, C. Leona, 1885- L'ncle Noah's Christmas inspiration. L H J 28:9 D '11 Uncle Noah's Christmas party. Lippinc 94:1 D '14 Dalton and the Northern hold-up. J. G. San- derson. Met 25:149 N '06 Dalton of the Osiris. McClure 37:385 Ag '11 Daltons and the legacy. E. H. Porter. New Eng n s 34:584 Jl '06 Daly, the troubadour. P. E. Bi'owne. Every- body's 16:698 My '07 Dalzell. Crieff Doctor's sister. Les Mo 59:549 Mr '05 Skirmishings of Shiny. Amer 61:697 Ap '06 Dam at mill No. 3. J. B. Foster. Lippinc 75: 3-18 Mr '05 Damaged-dogs man. M. Dodge. Cent 88:701 S ■14 Damnabilissimus juvenis. B. M. Dix. Lippinc 66:109 Jl '00 Damnation of Pete. A. Coll. Les Mo 55:625 Ap '03 Dampening of Maria's ire. M. G. Chawner. New Eng n s 32:287 My '05 Damsel in distress. E. H. Brainerd. Every- body's 17:672 N '07 Dan and the dogfish. B. Millard. Cosmop 47: 116 Je '09 Dan Conroy's triumph. E. W. Townsend. Scrib 38:186 Ag '05 Dan Donahue. E. Hungerford. Amer 70:754 O '10 Dan Flynt's boost. H. F. Day. Everybody's 7: 575 D '02 Dan Magee: white hope. J. B. Connolly. Col 48:22 Mr 2 '12 Dan McCarthy, captain of police. J. L. Stef- fens. McClure 16:424 Mr '01 Dana, Anne . ,,„ Stockings and pumps. Lippinc 86:604 N 10 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 67 Dana, Francis, 1866- Class and the girl. Mun 23:662 Ag '00 Love, law and the line. Everybody's 7:149 Ag •02 Widow's might. Mun 26:805 Mr '02 Dana, Marvin, 1867- Cargo on the venus. Lippinc 75:121 Ja '05 Ghost and Madam Bandyre. Met 16:313 S '02 Method of crosseyed Moses. Lippinc 77:367 Mr '06 Moth and the star. Mun 28:22 O '02 Path of glory. Delin GS:250 Ag '06 Pride of Miss Grannis. Met 17:33 Ap '03 Selfishness of John. Mun 29:334 Je '03 Story of roses. Delin 60:5S0 O '02 Danae. S. F. Whitman. Met 32:617 Ag '10 Dan bury millions. W. Coman. Mun 26:110 O 'ill Danby, Frank, pseud. See Frankau, Julia Dance. J. B. Connolly. Col 38:20 Ja 26 '07 Dancer at the Tabai-in. M. R. Rinehart. Col 50:26 D 14 '12 Dancey's legacy. K. Harris. Sat E P 185:10 D 14 "12 Dancing billows. J. C. Lincoln. Sat E P 183: 22 F 4 '11 Dancing blood. J. Oppenheim. Outl 102:395 O 26 '12 Dancing carnival. H. Van Campen. Sat E P 1SC;11 Je 13 '14 Dancing man. C. B. Davis. Scrib 45:441 Ap '09 Dander of Susan. A. Fuller. Atlan 104:825 D '09 Dane, John Brewster Bad quarter of an hour. Met 15:290 Mr '02 Danger. B. King. McClure 43:105 My '14 Danger! being the log of Captain John Sirius. A. C. Doyle. Col 53:5 Ag 22, 7 Ag 29 '14 Danger of being at twin. L. Merrick. Met 25: 106 O 06 Danger of delay. V. Tracy. Col 32:14 N 21 '03 Dangerfield, Clinton, pseud. (Elia Howard Bryan) Adventures of Captain Claude. Cosmop 36: 595 Mr '04 At the sign of the waxen woman. Lippinc 74: 348 S '04 At the top of the bow. Met 29:211 N '08 Best gift. Lippinc 69:638 My '02 Bob-white. Everybody's 14:555 Ap '06 Call of Culpepper Hazzard. Col 34:17 Mr 18 '05 Capturing of Ezra. Lippinc 92:519 O '13 Cause that couldn't wait. Met 25:682 Mr '07 Corner in troubles. Lippinc 73:763 Je '04 Death and life. Lippinc 72:732 D '03 Dignity of Ellen. Lippinc 87:623 My '11 Fatal chamber. Lippinc 73:239 F '04 Flood-bound. Lippinc 90:613 N '12 For a' that. Lippinc 72:239 Ag '03 Game of chess. Lippinc 71:235 F '03 Grip of the machine. Cosmop 37:213 Je '04 Highest tide. Lippinc 90:93 Jl '12 Hiram Mathews monument. Lippinc 72;C38 N '03 His wedding day. Met 27:590 F 'OS In times of peace. Cosmop 35:266 Jl '03 Last sonata. Lippinc 67:510 Ap '01 Master of fate. Lippinc 70:498 O '02 Message of the sword. Lippinc 93:129 F '14 Modern Horatius. Delin 70:540 O '07 Party at Perry's. Everybody's 13:703 N '05 Shears of destiny. Lippinc 74:798 D '04 Substitute. Cosmop 38:551 Mr "05 Wanted: a blacksmith. Delin 73:246 F '09 Wheel of fortune. Lippinc 71:395 Mr '03 With modern weapons. Lippinc 89:161 F '12 Dangerous diversion. E. C. Litsey. New Eng n s 24:54 Mr '01 Daniel and little Dan'l. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 128:704 Ap '14 Dan'l Borem. B. Harte. Sat E P 174:8 D 7 '01 Daniel fomo to judgment. J. E. Russell. Col 51:16 Ag 30 '13 Daniel in the lion's den. G. W. Rankin. Delin 68:238 Ag '06 Daniels, Bradford K. Three brothers and the infidel. Harper 106: 660 Mr '03 Daniels, R. IVIcD. Rose-garden story. New Eng n s 34:606 Jl '06 Danielson, Frances Weld Seekers after truth. New Eng n s 35:445 D '06 Dann, L. J. Our unique reception of Rev. Mills. New Eng n s 35:565 Ja '07 Dan's heart. O. Kildare. L H J 22:15 Ap '05 Daown in Missouri. M, Gauss. Col 37:18 Je 2 '06 Daphne. M. Sherwood. Atlan 92:145 Ag '03 Daphne and the law. J. W. Wadley. Lippinc 92:630 N '13 Darby and Joan. L. Connolly. Harper 130:139 D '14 Darby and Joan, limited. J. D. Bacon. Sat E P 187:16 N 14 '14 Darby Gill and the good people. H. Templeton. McClure 18:124 D '01 Darby O'Gill and the Leprechaun. H. Temple- ton. McClure 20:162 D '02 D'Arcy, Ella How Saint Pipriac came into fashion. Met 22:460 Jl '05 Darcy Klaw. E. A. Apple. Amer 75:18 Ap '13 Daredevil. A. Train. Sat E P 180:18 Je 13 '08 Dargan, Edwin Preston, 1879- Statement of Milly Shepard. Col 52:15 D 13 '13 Darius and Alexander. A. C. Goodloe. Scrib 56:511 O '14 Dark-brown dog. S. Crane. Cosmop 30:481 Mr '01 Dark horse. A Stoddart. Lippinc 74:480 O '04 Dark man in her life. E. H. Brainerd. L H J 22:13 F '05 Dark night. L. F. Tooker. Cent 88:362 Jl '14 Dark night's ride. O. Hall. Lippinc 69:250 F '02 Dark rose. E. B. Miles. Harper 118:426 F '09 Darkened path. P. Gibbon. Harp W 58:6 Ja 3 '14 Darkest hour. J. F. and R. W. Pascoe. Mun 48:498 D '12 Darling of misfortune. A. H. Rice. Cent 81:33 N '10 Darling traitor. A. March. Lippinc 74:673 D '04 Darned man. W. P. Eaton. Everybody's 26:809 Je '12 D'Artagnan of Kansas. E. P. Lyie, Jr. Every- body's 27:337 S '12 Daskam, Josephine Dodge. See Bacon, Jos- ephine Dodge Daskam Daudet, Alphonse, 1840-1897 Pope's mule. Outlook 87:962 D 28 '07. Same, Lippinc 88:397 S '11 Stars. Outl 76:125 Ja 9 '04 Daughter of Adam. A. J. Fisher. L H J 18:11 Ag '01 Daughter of an image maker. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 88:532 O '11 Daughter of comopolis. V. Vaniatsky. Lippinc 77::!:!0 Mr '06 Daughter of Italy. A. M. Scholl. Mun 41:89 Ap '09 Daughter of old 'Virginia. A. Stoddart. Mun 3:5:58 Ap '05 Daughter of Raasay. W. M. Raine. Les Mo 53:607 Ap '02 Daughter of Reb Avrom Leib. A. Cahan. Cos- mop 29:53 My '00 Daughter of Shining Woods. G. Chittenden. Scrib ■17:115 Ja '10 Daughter of storms. E. Boltwood. Mun 35:428 ,11 '06 Daughter of the factory. W. Gladden. Col 36: 18 Ja 27 "06 68 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Daughter of the Pilgrims. H. Butterworth. L H J 18:8 N '01 Daughter of the Puritans. B. M. Dix. Harper i04;yU7 My '02 Daughter of the rich. W. J. Hopkins. Atlan >jb;736 D '05 Daughter of the soil. G. Schock. Scrib 33;675 je '03 Daughter of the south. C. A. Stanley. Cent 79; siy Ap '10 Daughter of the stars. W. L,. Wilson. New Eng n s 32:633 Ag 05 Daughter of the state. C. Warren. Scrib 28: 350 S "00 Daughter of the storage. W. D. Ho wells. Har- per 123:572 S '11 Daughter of the Syndy. C. B. Fernald. Cent 5s4:lT3 My '12 Daughter of the wilderness. F. Lynde. Delin iiO:y(j Jl '02 Daughterly chaperon. Mrs. C. T. Collins Mun 2y;l.S4 My '03 Daughter's heart, M. S. Briscoe. Harper 116: >>36 My 'OS Daughters of Shiloh. R. Hughes. Sat B P 187: 3 Jl 4 '14 Daughters of Zion. K. D. Wiggin. Scrib 40:406 O '06 Daulton, Agnes Warner (McClelland) (Mrs. George Daulton) 1S67- Christmas confession. Outl 75:936 D 19 '03 Jared Soders' wife Outl 7S:720 N 19 '04 Nixie of the neighborhood. Outl 79:341 F 4 '05 Run on the Bull Hill bank. Scrib 36;6S Jl '04 Spirit of Harriet. Outl 76:607 Mr 5 '04 Sultan's draft. I.es Mo 54:249 Jl '02 Daunt Diana. E. Wharton. Scrib 46:35 Jl '09 Dave Dalton's lady. V. Sheard. New Eng n s 27:470 D '02 Dave Flaxman's kid. B. R. Hoover. Col 48:15 Ja 2012 David. L. Finch. Harper 127:102 Je '13 David. G. Overton Atlan 10S:634 N '11 David and Jonathan. J. H. Gannon, Jr. Mun 41:498 Jl 09 David, Henry My wife's reformed burglars. Met 11:635 Je ■00 Thrust in Octave. Met 14:693 N '01 David Mackleby. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 185:8 Jl 6 '12 Davies, George Love and the business. Col 53:10 Ag 29 '14 Daviess, Maria Thompson Crowded heart. Cent. 87:184 D '13 Digging up Sam. Cent s;S;161 Je '14 Love by lightning. Cent 86:641 S '13 Under silken skins. Cent 88:481 Ag '14 Davis, A. C. Pattern in sweetness. Amer 61:357 Ja 06 Davis. Charles Belmont, 1S66- Altar of her beauty. L H J 25:9 Je '08 Band. Col 39:23 Ap 20 '07 Beauty Kerrigan. Amer 64:510 S '07 Be2:a;ar at your gate. Sat E P 181:5 Jl 25 '08 Conquerors. Col 44:19 N 27 '09 'Cross lots to fame. Col 46:24 Mr 4 '11 Dancing man. Scrib 45:441 Ap 09 Everyman's riddle. Scrib 41:70 Ja '07 Executors. Scrib 44:44S O '08 Flawless emerald. Col 32:1S D 12. 21 D 19 '03 Girl next door. Col 51:5 Je 14 '13 Gloversville plunger. Mun 24: 846 Mr '01 God's puppets. Col 42:18 F 27 '09 Gray mouse. Met 30:484 Ag '09 Greatest of these. Col 39:12 Ag 3 '07 Her man. Met 35:9 My '12 In the shadow of the hills. Col 41:17 Jl 4 '08 Lucky at cards—. Met 37:7 Mr '13 Men who would die for her. L H J 30:21 S, 12 O '13 Miss Marr's lovers. Sat E P 176:5 O 31 '03 Most famous woman in New York. Sat E P 181:5 Ja 23 '09 Davis, Charles Belmont — continued Mystery. Col 49.20 Jl 6 '12 Octopus, Cosmop 50:759 My 51:48 Je '11 Uur street. Col 41:12 Ag 8 '08 Playthings. Col 50:16 O 26 '12 Professor. Col 49:18 My 25 '12 Rescue. Col 45:17 My 21 '10 Second generation. Col 37:16 Jl 7 '06 Sedgwick. Col 40:16 Mr 21 '08 Side-tracked. Col 48:17 O 21 '11 Sins of the mother. Col 38:22 D 29 '06 Song and the savage. Col 42:16 D 5 '08 Thespians. Col 47:21 Ap 8 '11 Tommy Scrib 36:713 D '04 Twenty-first lesson. Scrib 49:479 Ap '11 Unimaginative Mr. Spink. Col 32:16 Mr 19 '04 Valley of content. Everybody's 12:449 Ap 05 When Johnny comes marching home. Met 40- 27 O '14 Where ignorance was bliss. Col 46:15 N 19 '10 White light of publicity. Sat E P 180:5 Mr 14 "08 Davis, Cora Arranging Desirees Christmas. Col 52:9 D 13 13 Davis, Fannie Stearns. See Gifford, Mrs. Fan- nie Stearns Davis, Harriet Riddle Affair of violets. Delin 55:91 Ja '00 As it happened in the valley. Sat E P 176:8 O 3 '03 For the good of the service. Delin 55:670 My '00 Tourney of Hunting Hill. Delin 59:842 My '02 Davis, Hartley Conversion of Mr. Speck Mulligan. Every- body's 9:180 Ag '03 Cupid and Pat Casey. Mun 30:595 Ja '04 Henry D. Thurston, reformer. Mun 34:166 N '05 Home missionary. Everybody's 11:649 N '04 Lieutenant Harding and the sign-painter. Everybody's 10:351 Mr '04 Monsieur, Madame and 'Victorine. Mun 27:48 Ap '02 Davis, Katherine Bement Carmela s wedding. Outl 94:401 F 19 '10 Dsvis L-6sli6 Call' from the minister. Forum 52:228 Ag '14 Cuttings psychic phenomenon. Cosmop 46: 225 Ja 09 Journey. Harp B 47:119 Mr '13 Davis, M. , Getting even with Mr. Boswell. Everybody s 23:850 D '10 Davis, Mrs. Mary Evelyn (Moore) 1852-1909 At LAppel du Matin. Sat E P 175:3 Ja 17 •03 By mystery gate. Sat E P 174:4 Ag 10 '01 Cupidon and a crown. Sat E P 177:5 Mr 11 ■03 Forerunner. Atlan 98:273 Ag '06 His Lordship: comedy. Sat E P 173:3 Ja 17 '01 His majesty the tree. Atlan 99:644 My '07 In Ebenezer pulpit: story of Jim-Ned creek. Sat E P 172:896 Mr 31 '00 Mizette, of the Cafe des Pauvres Diables. Sat B P 175:6 Ag 9 '02 On piety, between music and love. Sat E P 173:6 D 15 '00 Queen Anne cottages: comedietta. Sat E P 172:756 F 24 '00 Room on the roof. Les Mo 49:546 Mr '00 Davis, Oscar King, 1S66- Battery fool. Cent 70:747 S '05 His sister. Everybody's 11:84 Jl '04 Last appeal of Don Felipe, revolutionist. Cent 67:819 Ap '04 Minor's economics. Harper 112:971 My '06 On Guadalupe ridge. Everybody's 10:838 Je '04 On the northeast wind. Everybody's 13:117 Jl '05 Question of responsibility. Everybody s 10: 26S F '04 Redemption of Joel Prentiss. Cosmop 34:57 N '02 Sabe hike Everybody's 5:16 Jl '01 Sherreaf's exclusive. Everybody's 5:287 S '01 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 69 Davis, Oscar King — continued Uncle Jeff's dream of we»Uh. Cent < 3:803 Mr '07 Yamato Damashi. Cent 73:177 D '06 Davis, IVIrs. Rebecca (Blaine) Harding, 1831- Coming- of night. Scrib 45:58 Ja 'Oy His father's son. Sat E P 178:12 O 21 '05 Little gossip. Scrib 28:562 N '00 Man wiio came back. Met 19:2iy N '03 Under the old code. Harper 100:401 F '00 Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916 ^ , „^ ^„ ^ Adventures of the scarlet car. Col 38:10 D 15 '06, 23 Mr 23 07, 39:14 Je 07 Amateur. Sat E P 182:3 O 9 '09 Bar sinister. Scrib 31:307 Mr '02 Billy and the big stick. Met 40:12 My '14 Blood will tell. Scrib 52:130 Ag '12 Boy scout. Met 39:9 Mr '14 Buried treasure of Cobre. Met 38:9 O '13 Card sharp. Met 40:16 Je '14 Charmed life. Scrib 46:540 N '09 Consul. Scrib 48:673 D '10 Curiosities of courage. Everybody's 4:187 F '01 Derelict. Scrib 30:131 Ag '01 Evil to him who evil thinks. Sat E P 185:8 S 21 '12 God of coincidence. Sat E P 185:5 Ap 5 '13 Grand cross of the crescent. Sat E P 184:3 Ja 20 '12 Invasion of England. Scrib 50:697 D '11 Long arm. Everybody's 27:617 N '12 Lost road. Col 50:15 D 14 '12 Make-believe man. Col 44:13, 20 Ja 29-P 5 '10 Man who could not lose. Col 45:17 Ag 20, 15 Ag 27 '10 Men of Zanzibar. Met 37:7 Ja '13 Messengers. Scrib 46:685 D '09 Miracle of Las Palmas. Met 37:7 Ap '13 Miss Civilization. Col 34:16 D 3 '04 Naked man. Everybody's 27:305 S '12 Nature faker. Col 46:17 D 10 '10 Old-time love-story. Cent 77:219 D '08 Peace manoeuvres. Scrib 47:567 My '10 Question of latitude. Scrib 48:165 Ag '10 Red Cross girl. Sat E P 184:3 Mr 2 '12 Sailorman. Col 48:13 D 16 '11 Spendthrift. Harp W 48:28 Ja 2 '04 Spy. Scrib 38:722 D '05 Vera, the medium. Scrib 43:395, 533, 713 Ap- Je '08 Wasted day. Col 43:9 Jl 31 '09 Davis, Walter Juan Twentieth century Christmas story. Cosmop 34:180 D '02 Davis, William Stearns, 1877- Averting of the schism. Everybody's 7:5S4 D '02 Belshazzer. Everybody's 5:641 D '01 Dawn. K. H. Brown. Scrib 36:182 Ag '04 Dawn in the desert. J. A. Altsheler. Harp W 47:1236 Jl 25, 1272 Ag 1 '03 Dawn of a tomorrow. F. H. Burnett. Scrib 38:643 D '05, 39:34 Ja '06 Dawson, Alec John Story of a sordid romance. Cosmop 35:430 Ag '03 Dawson, Coningsby (William) 1883- Adopted dilemma. Harp W 54:22 Mr 19 '10 City under the sea. Harp W 55:16 N 4 '11 Curse of the cashmere shawl. Harp W 54:22 Mr 12 '10 Excommunicated. Harp W 54:14 D 17 '10 Gulf stream. McClure 43:62 Ag '14 Her excuse. McClure 43:75 Jl '14 Mother of his children. McClure 43:49 My '14 Poison word, The. Met 40:13 S '14 Stolen shares. Harp W 53:22 D 4 '09 Sunrise girl. McClure 42:133 F '14 Dawson, Marlon L. Initial diamond. Met 17:228 F '03 Dawson, Mary Mizzibul man. Cur Lit 29:738 D '00 — Dawson, Rosalie Burton house beautiful. Mun 2R:763 F 'OS Minnie Pleasanton, novelist. Mun :i9:402 Je •03 Till a' the seaa pang dry. Llppinc 71:281 K ■03 Dawson, Rosalie. See Dawson, Mary, jt. auth. Day and forever. J. C. Hilder. Delin 83:8 Jl '13 Day, Caspar Boy, the girl, and the union. Cent 78:785 S '09 Count around the corner. Sat E P 185:28 D 7 '12 Dynamite. Col 49:20 My 11 '12 Era of red and green. Scrib 44:479 O '08 Father Fee, orphan collector. Everybody's 21:477 O 'U9 Good manners and the water company. Cent 77:57 N '08 Greenhorn's wedding. Amer 66:236 Jl '08 Ladies' day in Carbury mine. Amer 62:595 O '06 Long ton. Harp W 57:9 Je 21 '13 Modern methods. Sat E P 184:15 N 4 '11 Saints and Mary Toole at the bazar. Cent 78:567 Ag '09 Slaterville's apostate. McClure 29:700 O '07 Son of dreams. Scrib 44:187 Ag '08 Superannuated. Sat E P 184:12 D 16 '11 That there Oliver. McClure 32:63 N '08 Veronika and the Angelinos. McClure 32:277 Ja '09 Day, Charles H. Mechanical Jonah. Col 33:20 Ap 2 '04 Day, Clarence, Jr. Back door. Harper 128:662 Ap '14 Common sense and life-saving. Harper 124: 577 Mr '12 Mr. Munro's doctrine. Harper 126:901 My '13 Pandemonium of animals. Harper 125:572 S •12 Performing for Matthew. Harper 128:75 D ■13 Day, David Henry Galvanizing of Olaf Larsen. McClure 34:277 Ja '10 Day-dreams of the Comtesse de Chaponval. R. Le Gallienne. Delin 78:219 O, 331 N, 435 D '11 Day, Holman Francis, 1865- Baiting of Brackett. Everybody's 11:444 O '04 Brothers. Amer 60:513 S '05 Cap'n Elwell's kitchen cabinet. Les Mo 60: 181 Je '05 Cap'n Phin Look's private heaven. Les Mo 59:211 D '04 Christmas of old maid Orne. Everybody's 11: 798 D '04 Code in Larrigan land. Everybody's 18:364 Mr '08 Dan Flynfs boost. Everybody's 7:575 D '02 Edict in modern Arcadia. New Eng n s 24: 200 Ap 01 Flareback of old Ossian. Sat E P 186:8 N 22 '13 Good old Doc Ligmore. Sat E P 187:8 D 19, 40 D 26 '14 Governor by draft. Sat E P 178:16 D 9. 10 D 16 '05 How Higgins regenerated Hermon. Sat E P 177:5 Ap 15 '05 In the honest woods. Les Mo 59:305 Ja '05 Jail that paid dividends. Sat E P 179:10 Ap 27 '07 Jill-poke Jack. Amer 61:613 Ap '06 Mediator's place. Amer 62:115 Je '06 Molasses and a feather. Sat E P 184:10 Ap 20 ^12 New England boss swappers. Sat E P 175:4 N 22 '1)2 New world. Les Mo 57:501 Mr ^04 Old Noel of the Mellicites. Amer 62:530 S '06 Peru pauper case. Everybody's 9:289 S '03 Prophet in his own country. Les Mo 58:284 Jl ^04 Quaker prodigal. Met 17:fiS Ja '03 Sting of the party whip. Everybody's 7:336 O '02 Throne of old Tantry bogus. Sat E P 1S6:8 Ja 10 '14 , .„ Town that went broke. Sat R P 181:9 Ja 23 '09 Trotible at Bishop's house. Les Mo 58:340 Ag •04 Undo Jotham T^-iiley's mortgage. Every- body's 11:99 Jl '04 70 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Day of atonement. K. H. Brown. Every- body's 8:151 F '03 Day of her wedding. T. Masson. L H J 22:12 Ja '05 Day of judgment. E. Barnard. Amer 65:298 Ja 'OS Day of new thought. M. C. England. Mun 43: 522 Jl '10 Day of omens. P. Gibbon. McClure 43:63 My '14 Day of precious penalties. M. Hill. McClure 26:358 F '06 Day of the broiler. C. W. Rankin. Harp B 40: 542 Je '07 Day of the dog. G. B. McCutcheon. McClure 21:407 Ag '03 Day of the game. E. Boltwood. Mun 32:343 D •04 Day of the game. W. D. Steele. Cent 75:253 D •07 Day of the president's message. E. L. Sabin. Lippinc 67:104 Ja '01 Day of the scholars. S. MacManus. McClure 3S:146 D '11 Day of the spank. E. P. Butler. Amer 61:665 Ap '06 Day of the wedding. L. Forsslund. L H J 21:7 F "04 Day of valor. T. Roberts. Met 21:458 Ja '05 Day off. A. Brown. Harper 111:381 Ag 05 Day off. L. F. Tooker. Everybody's 21:301 S ■09 Day on the roof. E. P. Butler. Cent 67:839 Ap •04 Day shall declare it. J. Lee. Scrib 31:699 Je •02 Day together. M. T. Wright. Scrib 29:19 Ja '01 Daybreak. J. Oppenheim. Delin 79:8 Ja '12; Same, Cur Lit 52:237 F '12 Daymare. G. Morris. Col 48:18 D 30 '11 Day's disdain. G. Jones. Lippinc 72:495 O '03 Day's disguise. K. M. Cleary. Les Mo 53:518 Mr 02 Day's lodging. J. London. Col 39:18 My 25 '07 Day's work. L. H. Spence. Col 53:8 Je 13 '14 Dayton, Thaddeus S. Special, The. Harp W 53:9 D 11 '09 Dayton's wooing. C. King. Cosmop 37:339 Jl •04 De scotchin" of Witch Hagar. S. T. Moore. Sat E P 176:12 Ag 22 '03 De whipperwill. H. S. Stabler. Sat E P 181:10 D 26 '08 Dea ex machina. E. S. Phelps. Harper 108:304 Ja '04 Deacon Abner's dream. C. B. Loomis. Cent 63:640 F '02 Deacon 'Bijah's shrift. E. F. Wade. Every- body's 15:701 N '06 Deacon talks about lynchings. C. B. Loomis. Cent 66:317 Je '03 Deacon's dilemma. A. Warner. Cent 69:709 Mr '05 Deacon's whistle. H. E. P. Spofford. Harper 115;269 Jl '07 Dead and down. J. R. Gill. McClure 21:95 My '03 Dead city. J. A. Altsheler. Harp W 47:1712 O 24 ^03 Dead finger. H. Pyle. Harper 123:488 S '11 Dead game sport. H. Dickson. Sat E P 182:5 Je 11 '10 Dead game sport. L. A. Knight. Everybody's 25:607 N '11 Dead-game sport. A. Train. Sat E P 187:12 S 5 '14 Dead letter. C. Weguelin. Mun 24:585 Ja '01 Dead letter come to life. A. Warner. Lippinc 84:599 N '09 Dead-line. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 56:849 My ■14 Dead Man's bar. J. W. Muller. Cent 81:747 Mr •11 Dead Man's inn. R. Bergengren. Col 50:12 D 14 '12 Dead men^s shoes. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:5 N 19 '10 Dead one. J. Flynt and F. Walton. Every- body's 3:458 N '00 Dead past. A. Brown. Delin 74:37 Jl '09 Dead violets. L. Merrick. Met 24:613 Ag '06 Deadly tube. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 50:558 Mr 11 Deakin, Dorothea Being nice. Lippinc 83:362 Mr '09 Bold knight. Met 25:45 O '06 Candle-light. Lippinc 93:513 My '14 Color of rose. Lippinc 84:1 Jl '09 Cousin James comes back. Sat E P 180:14 D 7 '07 Gladiators. Cent 72:683 S '06 Goddess girl. Sat E P 178:5 My 19 '06 Honorable Madge. Sat E P 181:12 N 21 '03 Humorist. Cent 72:594 Ag '06 International. Sat E P 178:5 Je 23 '06 Inveigling of Geoi-gie. Lippinc 79:73 Ja '07 Little green door. Lippinc 88:129 Ag '11 Maybury's memory. Sat E P 182:8 My 28 '10 Melusine. Sat E P 182:9 Ja 29 '10 Mischief of time. Lippinc 86:257 S '10 Of beauty. Cent 74:679 S 07 Of Laura-Matilda. Cent 74:845 O '07 Patchwork lady. Lippinc 82:92 Jl '08 Regina^s path is crossed. Sat E P 180:14 F 15 '08 Reign of Regina. Sat E P 180:12 Ja 11 '08 Road to Gretna Green. Lippinc 82:129 Ag '08 Selfishness. Cent 74:217 Je '07 Serpent's tooth. Lippinc 81:672 My '08 Sunshine for Uncle George. Sat E P 180:8 F 22 'OS Villain of the piece. Sat E P 184:12 Ja 13 '12 Deal, A. G. Hibbard. Sat E P 176:16 S 19 '03 Deal in bonds. S. A. Nelson. Everybody's 10: 511 Ap 04 Deal in cotton. R. Kipling. Col 40:10 D 14 '07 Deal in dates. F. N. Stratton. Mun 31:26 Ap '04 Deal in elephant. V. Rousseau. Harp W 53:22 Ag 7 '09 Deal in fixtures. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:16 D 4 '09 Deal in graveyards. C. P. Norcross. Cosmop 45:677 N "OS Deal in mines and morals. E. W. Townsend. Cosmop 38:455 F '05 Deal in wheat. F. Norris. Everybody's 7:173 Ag '02 Dean, H. B. Pluck versus diplomacy. Lippinc 80:537 O Oi Dean of the boarding-house. A. Fuller. Atlan 104:647 N '09 Deane, Dorothy Granny. Les Mo 50:574 O '00 Deane, Julia F. Soul of a machine. Mun 29:435 Je '03 Dear Annie. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 121: 650, 862 O-N '10 Dear grandmother and grandfather. G. T. Wes- ton. Harp W 53:13 D 11 '09 Dear little birds. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 185:8 Ag 17 '12 Dear ol' farm. T. L. Masson. Lippinc 86:237 Ag '10 Dearden, William H. „„ .,_ ^ Barrel of plum duff. New Eng n s 37:247 O •07 Dearest. H. Boyer. Lippinc 73:209 F '04 Death and life. C. Dangerfield. Lippinc 72:732 D '03 Death cell visions (Boston Blackie stories). Amer 78:47 S '14 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 71 Death-disk. M. Twain. Harper 104:19 D '01 Death house. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 55:50G S 13 Death in the desert. W. S. Gather. Scrib 33: 109 Ja '03 Death, love, and the fire. C. T. Brady. Harp W 46:832 Je 28 '02 Death of the poet. R. Le Gallienne. Harper 114:942 My '07 Death sentence. C. Ticknor. Lippinc 84:371 S ■09 Deathless forest. S. F. Williams. Harper 113: 675 O 06 Deborah. G. Overton. Col 40:14 F 1 '08 Deborah and the wizard. J. C. Lincoln. Mun 43:457 Jl '10 Deborah of Fort Yaivik. M. B. Sanford. Lip- pinc 76:229 Ag '05 Debris man. C. E. L. Kenyon. Col 52:3 D 27 13 Debt. P. Gibbon. McClure 39:27 My '12 Debt. J. K. Turner. Everybody's 25:199 Ag '11 Debt. E. Wharton. Scrib. 46:165 Ag '09 Debt of honor. M. S. Briscoe. Everybody's 16: SO Ja 07 Debts of Antoine. W. B. MacHarg. McClure 2S:1SS D '06 Debut of Bimbashi Joyce. A. C. Doyle. Mc- Clure 15:60 My '00 Debut of Deumas. H. M. Hyde. Sat E P 182:5 F 26 '10 Debut of Jack. E. W. Townsend. Harper 101: 100 Je '00 Debutante's confession to Margaretto Tuttle. Sat E P 187:9 O 3 '14 Decadence of Sir Dinadan. S. S. Sprigge. Mc- Clure 41:129 O '13 De Camp, Charles B. An evening of pleasure. Harper 104:174 D '01 At strenuous five year. Harper 104:679 Mr '02 Bitter cup. Harper 108:608 Mr '04 Boy and the law. Harper 122:479 F '11 Flight of the Sheik of Succush. Les Mo 54: ISl Je '02 49 message. JlcClure 21:218 Je '03 No uncle of ours. Harper 104:1003 My '02 De Casseres, Benjamin, 1S73- Arcvad the terrible. Forum 51:1 Ja '14 Deceased wife's sister. A. Warner. Met 16:570 N '02 Deceit of Rufus. E. Bliss. Cosmop 46:468 Mr ■09 Deceivers ever. R. E. Vernede. Lippinc 71:256 F 03 Decennial of the black sheep. E. Boltwood. Mun 35:23 Ap '06 Decent average. R. W. Child. Col 38:22 O 13 •06 Decent thing. F. O. Bartlett. Atlan 93:379 Mr 04 Decent thing. O. Oliver. Lippinc 87:232 F '11 Deception. E. R. Crosby. Outl 68:71 My 4 01 Deception of Martha Tucker. C. B. Loomis. Cent 63:291 D '01 Deceptive cadence. E. Comstock. Cent 65:245 D 02 Deciding of Encarnacion. H. S. Kirke. Harper 105:229 Jl '02 Deciding silence. M. H. Carter. Everybody's 13.5S9 X '05 Decision. W. A. M. Goode. Sat E P 177:4 S 17 04 Decision. I. B. Roberts. Lippinc 71:116 Ja '03 Decker, Karl Insurrection at La Boca. Mun 35:740 S '06 Decline and fnll of Heliopolis, W. Payne. Col 49:19 Ap 20 '12 Decline and fall of Mr. Munn. L. Weadock. Harp W 58:12 Ap 4 '14 Decoy. C. G. D. Roberts. Met 20:304 Je '04 Decree made absolute. M. B. Lowndes. JMc- Clure 31:133 Je '08 Deeds, not words. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:16 Ap 16 '10 Deeds of kindness. J. J, Bell. Delin 74:497 D 09 Deems, F. Harris. Trio of tricksters. Les Mo 57:659 Ap '04 Deep strategy of Mr. Masterson. A. H. Lewis. Sat E P 177:8 D 17 04 Deep waters. P. G. Wodehouse. Col 45:18 My 28 '10 Deep waters of the proud. F. W. Wharton. Lippinc 74:257 S '04 Deeping, (George) Warwick, 1877- Black death. Harper 108:849 My '04 Mellicent. Harper 110:257 Ja '05 St, Stephen's eve Harper 109:176 Jl '04 Tiphanie la Fee Harper 112:760 Ap 06 Deepv/ater debate. M. McHenry. McClure 26: 172 D '05 Deepwater politics. M. McHenry. McClure 16: 51S Ap '01 Deering, Mabel Craft Corporation Christmas present. Mun 30:499 Ja '04 Lochinvar of the east. Atlan 92:49 Jl '03 Defalcation of Mrs. Mitt. E. M. Coombs. Lip- pinc 90:623 N '12 Default in practice. E. Walker. Mun 35:501 Jl 06 Defeat of Amos. E. Flower. Sat E P 175:6 Ag 30 '02 Defeat of the method. M. L. Knapp. Atlan 8S: S19 D '01 Defeated candidate. E. Bronson. Mun 29:594 Jl 03 Defence of Diane. A. S. Hardy. Harper 117: 895 N '08 Defense of Strikerville. A. D, Runyon. Mc- Clure 28:379 F '07 Deficit, The. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 184:3 O 28, 23 N 4 '11 Definitions. C. Welford. Harp W 53.22 N 20 •09 Deflected fate. E. Uhlrich. Met 12:330 S '00 De Forest, Katharine Her ancestor. Harper 102:897 My '01 Degeneracy of the breakfast. E. Wood. Every- body's 22:92 Ja '10 Dehan, Richard, pseud. See Graves, Clotilde Ines Mary Deisher, Estelle Such a pretty cat. Harp B 44:317 My 10 De Jarnettee, Evelyn Magruder How she saved the general. McClure 18:571 Ap 02 Dejeans, Elizabeth (IVIrs. Sidney Bludgett) Blotted page. Lippinc 86:224 Ag 'Iti Water-witched valley. Lippinc 92:401 O 13 De Kalb. Courtenay, 1861- Super who stayed boss. Lippinc 87:242 F '11 Deland, Ellen Douglas, 1S60- Between tlie oysters and the coffee. L H J 21:8 Je '04 Cuckoo clock. Harper 100:598 Mr '00 Glass flowers. L H J 24:12 Ap 07 Mother of Emmeline. Delin 64:545 O '04 Deland, Mrs. Margaret Wade (Campbell) 1*^57- Amelia. Ilari)cr 107:384 Ag 03 Apotheosis of the Rev. Mr. Spangler. Harper 106:134 1) 02 At the stuffed animal house. Harper 106:941 My '03 Badness of good people. L H J 31:7 Ap '14 Black drop Col 41:16 My 2. 14 My 9 'O'i Concerning Christmas giving. Harp B 38: 1155 D '04 Encore. Il:iri)er 110:96 D '04 Exceeding high mountain. Harper 107:893 N O.'i Exploiter of souls. Harper 109:349 Ag '04 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Deland, Mrs. Margaret — continued Grasshopper ana the ant. Harper 107:6S3 O 03 Harvest of fear. Harper 129:16, 222 Je-Jl '14 Immediate jewel. Harper 1US;57 D 03 Many waters. Col 35:15 My 13 05 Miss Clara s Perseus. Harper 129:498, 775 S-O ■14 Note. Harper 107:497 S 03 R. J.'s motlier. Harper 115:353 Ag 'Oi Turn about. Harper 128:16, 2&9 D '13-Ja 14 Voice. Harper 105:592 a '02 Waiting hand. Cent 7b:364 Jl 09 Way to peace. L H J 26:9 Mr, 11 Ap '09 White feather. Cent 66:441 Jl 04 ■Delano, Edith Barnard Ever-constant tide. Cent 77:557 F '09 Flaming ramparts. Harper 129:730 O '14 Frying-pan and the fire. Cent 85:873 Ap '13 Spring recurrent. Harper 128:496 Mr '14 Ultimate discovery. Amer 75:61 N 12 De La Roche, Mazo Canadian Ida and English Nell. Met 34:279 Je ■11 Son of a miser. Mun 29:750 Ag '03 Thief at St. Loo. Mun 28:182 N '02 Year's at the spring. Met 34:141 My '11 Delayed destiny. G. W. Carryl. Cosmop 34:658 Ap '03 Delayed heritage. E. H. Porter. Lippinc 74:115 Jl '04 Delayed proposal. K. W. Patch. Delin 61:1034 Je '03 Delegation from De Ate. P. E. Browne. Amer 63:385 F 07 Delgado, F. P. Pouptee, La. Forum 42:442 N '09 Delia. G. Roscoe. Harper 101:135 Je '00 Delia dissents. O. Watanna. Sat E P 181:22 Ag 22 'OS Delia's dream and mine. H. B. M. Watson. Harp W 53:20 S 11 '09 Deliberate detective. See Oppenheim, E. Phillips Delicacy of Red Dog: Wolfville story- A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 53:400 Ag '12 Delicate Mrs. Poteet. A. L. Cole. Cent 76:370 Jl '08 Delicate trial. M. Wilcox. Atlan 90:766 D '02 Delilah. R. Bergengren. Col 47:29 Ap 8 '11 Deliverance. M. Williams. McClure 30:713 Ap 08 Deliverer. D. Canfield. New Eng n s 39:79 S •OS Dell, E. M. Repentant rogue. Everybody's 2:258 Mr 00 Dell. Floyd, 1SS7- Long time ago. Forum 51:261 F '14 Delmar of Pima. H. Garland. McClure 18:340 F 02 De Long, Arnold Disappearance of Miss Stormer. Met 13:349 Mr 01 Deloro, Inez Conquering of the Benders. New Eng n s 45: 239 N '11 Deluding of Aunt Thankful. W. Jenkins. New Eng n s 32:716 Ag '05 Delusion of Gideon Snell. J. R. Perry. Lippinc 81:790 Je "OS Delusion of grandeur. E. Stuart. Scrib 33:348 Mr '03 Delusion of Ralph Pen-wyn. J. Hawthorne. Cosmop 46:264 F '09 Demain-Grange, Leighton. See Grange, Leigh- ton, Demain- Dematerialized scoop. W. F. Brown. New Eng n s 29:229 O '03 Demeanor of Clancy. A. Cosulich. Met 16:645 D '02 De Mille. A. B. Hilda's church. New Eng n s 25:770 F '02 Demi-man. E. A. Zangwill. Lippinc 78:654 N 06 Democratic princess. G. Hibbard. Sat E P 176:6 Ap 30 '04 Demon in the cafion. H. W. Phillips. McClure 18:281 Ja '02 Demonstrator. E. Foster. Cent 71:335 D '05 Demoralization of Mrs. Barton's dinner. M. P. Bush. Lippinc 92:504 O '13 Demure wife of Ned Barrett. E. Flower. Lip- pinc 71:261 F '03 Denbigh dinner. H. Hazeltine. Delin 72:791 N ■08 Denis. R. Sa-vvj'er. Harper 129:548 S '14 Denison, Lindsay Awakening of Mr. Thomas Rankin. Every- body s 11:800 D '04 Comicalest thing. Everybody's 8:466 My '03 Irish king. Everybody s 20:181 F '09 Nothing to it. Everybody s 14:421 Mr '06 Sign that failed. Harper 104:512 F 02 Study in gentlemen. Everybody's 7:455 N '02 Unregenerated. Everybody s 7:440 N '02 Denison, Lindsay. See Julien, E. H., Jr., jt. auth. Denny Nolan, a sweet singer in Israel. E. R. Lipsett. Everybody's 31:527 O '14 Denny Nolan, man of affairs. E. R. Lipsett. Everybody's 31:652 N '14 Denny the Jew. B. R. Lipsett. Everybody's 27:45 Jl '12 Denny — the Jew from Ballintemple. E. R. Lipsett. Everybody's 29:87 Jl '13 Denouement. M. Cameron. Harper 111:63 Je 05 Dentist and the gas. S. Leacock. Amer 76:71 Jl '13 Department store Christmas. M. Cruikshank. Delin 77:16 Ja '11 Departure. G. L. Irwin. Mun 43:744 S '10 Departure of Lilywhite Avery. E. Boltwood. Mun 28:721 F '03 Deported. H. C. Stickney. Lippinc 82:367 S OS De profundis. N. Harrison. Les Mo 54:200 Je 02 De profundis. V. T. Sutphen. Harper 112:250 Ja 06; Same, Harp W 53:22 F 6 '09 De profundis. F. H. Williams. Lippinc 70:242 Ag '02 De Pue, E. Spence Another man s excuses. Lippinc 72:253 Ag '03 Deputation to the king. R. Barr. McClure IS: 232 Ja '02 Deputy. J. Barnes. Harp W 56:16 S 7 '12 Deputy. B. M. Sinclair. Lippinc 79:613 My 07 Deputy saint. A. G. Durno. Met 25:742 Mr '07 Deputy to the world. A. H. Dunbar. Cent 71: 36 N "05 De Puy, William Atherton Return of Nita. Harp W 50:1388 S 29 '06 Deramore's day out. M. Hine. Met 38:16 Ag 13 Derby, Roger Alden Muldoons last fight. Cent 75:398 Ja 'OS Dere ees no God. E. Poole. Atlan 9S:412 S '06 Derelict. R. H. Davis. Scrib 30:131 Ag '01 Derelict. D. H. Lawrence. Forum 50:343 S '13 Derelict. E. Mackubin. Cent 60:137 My '00 Derelict of Silver Saddle. G. M. lurs. Lippinc 75:631 My '05 Derelict train. C. Johnston. Sat E P 183:5 Jl 16 '10 Dereliction of Long John Maby. C. F. Holder. Met 27:272 D '07 Derelicts. L. F. Tooker. Amer 62:343 Ag '06 Derrington ghost. E. Robins. Harper 123:447 Ag '11 Derwent's love affairs. M. E. Seawell. Sat E P 172:687 F 3 '00 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 7Z Descent of Blanche. M. F. Egan. Cent 72:713 S '06 Descent of man. E. Wharton. Scrib 35:313 Mr '04 Descent into literature. W. Petrunkevitch. Har- per 12C:S03 Ap '13 De Schell, Emilie Ruck Exile. Atlan 89:397 Mr '02 De Selincourt, Mrs. Basil. See Sedgwick, Anne Douglas Desert. A. C. Smith. Scrib 32:731 D '02 Desert episode. C. W. Furlong. Harp W 53:7 S 4 '09 Desert girl. C. W. Camp. McClure 43:69 Ag •14 Desert romance. F. Remington. Cent 63:522 F '02 Desert sport. B. B. Bronson. Cent 76:286 Je '08 Desert stuff. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 186:5 D 6 '13 Deserter. C. McCants. McClure 32:567 Mr '09 Deserter. M. K. Reely. Outl 102:38 S 7 '12 Deserters. R. W. Child. Sat E P 182:6 Ap 30 '10 Desertion. S. Crane. Harper 101:938 N '00 Desertion of Winunla. H. T. George. Mun 27: 37 Ap '02 Design of fate. G. Weston. Harp W 56:12 N 30 '12 Desolating adventures of Jean Baptiste. V. B. Bo«-ie. Cosmop 43:656 O '07, 45:388 S '08 Despair and Desire. F. Wilkinson. Delin 71: 112 Ja '08 Desperado. H. Fish. Harper 126:138 D '12 Desperate case of Dr. Harwood. F. W. Whar- ton. Cosmop 35:509 S '03 Desperate character. O. Oliver. Lippinc 83:728 Je 09 Desperate Jim Panther. H. Carruth. Harper 101:313 Jl '00 Desperation of Mr. Boone Spivey: a story of the Tennessee mountains. A. MacGowan. Cent 68:228 Je '04 Despoiler. G. Morris. Sat E P 182:8 Jl 17 '09 D'Este Life for a leak. Lippinc 78:465 O '06 Destiny of Rip. K. von Kraft. Lippinc 82:231 Ag '08 Destiny of the uncle. L. R. Elder. Cent 74:96 My '07 Destroyer of homes. M. H. Vorse. Atlan 104: 501 O '09 Des Voignes, Jules Verne (Oliver OIney, pseud.) Rebellion of a millionaire. Anier 63:488 Mr '07 Strange gods. Mun 46:185 N '11 Detective Barney. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 50:18 N 9 '12 Detective story's origin. C. Johnston. Harp W 54:16 F 12 '10 Detention of Clarence. E. S. Small. Mun 29: 670 Ag '03 Detty the detrimental. L. Osbourne. Every- body's 23:147 Ag '10 Devastation of Dennisport. M. H. Vorse. At- lan 114:646 tN '14 Developing pop-corn. S.Patterson. Harper 102: 9S0 My '01 Development of Augustus. G. Weston. Harp W 54:22 My 14 '10 Devil and his due. M. Robertson. Sat E P 172:860 Mr 24 '00 Devil-hen. K. Mayo. Scrib 54:756 D '13 Devil, bis due. P. Curtiss. Cent 86:895 O '13 Devil man. E. Wallace. Harp W 55:14 F 18 '11 Devil on wheels. S. J. Grimk6. Cent 69:636 F '05 Devil-worshipers. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 57:644 O '14 Devil's daughter. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Cosmop 55:611 O '13 Devil's day. F. Hall. Met 21:88 O '04 Devil's due. A. S. Pier. Col 47:17 My 27 '11 Devil's little fly. V. F. Boyle. Harper 101:597 S '00 Devil's muskeg. H. Whitaker. Mun 26:174 N '01 Devil's slide. H. Whitaker. Everybody's 15:603 N '06 Devil's tools. M. D. Post. Met 37:32 Mr '13 Devious way. E. Flower. Sat E P 176:6 N 7 ■03 Devoore, Ann (Mrs. Reginald Prescott Wal- den) 1872- Courting Molly. L H J 26:9 Jl '09 His sporting aunt. Scrib 39:229 F '06 On the trail of a go-cart. Scrib 35:109 Ja '04 Devotion of Francesca. E. M. Fryer. New Eng n s 31:364 N '04 Devotion of John Dubbs. W. D. Williams. Mc- Clure 19:17 My '02 Devouring demon and the Don. H. W. Phillips. Harper 128:271 Ja '14 Devouring element. E. Wood. Everybody's 10: S9 Ja '04 Dewan-I-Khas. E. F, Benson. Cent 88:286 Je •14 Dewing, E. B. Woman at Pannes. Met 35:34 Mr '12 Dey ain't no ghosts. E. P. Butler. Cent 86: 837 O '13 Oey, Frederic van Rensselaer (Ross Beekman, Frederic Ormond. Dirck van Doren, Aaron Ainsworth Burr, pseuds.) Pirate and a princess. McClure 15:348 Ag '00 Reminiscence of the Montana hills. Every- body's 8:57 Ja '03 Diable of a dog. J. London. Cosmop 33:218 Je '02 Diagrams. G. B. Fife. Scrib 38:409 O '05 Diamond brooches. M. R, S. Andrews. Harper 112:55 D '05 Diamond cut diamond. M. Glass. Sat E- P 182: 12 N. 6 '09 Diamond jester. F. E. Evans. Col 54:8 O 17 '14 Diamond Kirby found. M. Martin. Mun 32:574 Ja '05 Diamond maker. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 50:836 My '11 Diamonds. M. Maartens. Cosmop 36:161 D '03 Diana of the deep snows. H. P. Dowst. Lip- pinc 94:513 N '14 Diane, priestess of Haiti. J. S. Durham. Lip- pinc 69:387 Ap '02 DIantha Bigelow's letter of condolence. H. C. Cox. Harp B 33:181 Mr 3 '00 DIantha's garden and mine. C. Van C. Math- ews. Harp B 36:337 Ap '02 Diary in red. E. George. Met 13:326 Mr '01 Diary of a cop. Michael F. Amer 75:67 Ja, 11 F, 74 Mr, SO Ap '13 Diary of a Harvard freshman. C. M. Flandrau. Sat E P 173:10 O 28, 10 N 10 '00 Diary of a matchmaker. H. Rhodes. Sat E P 176:4 Ja 16 '04 Diary of a telephone girl. Sat E P 180:6 O 19 '07 Diary of an amateur laundress. L. Ward. Har- per 112:4^2 F '06 Diary of an amateur waitress. M. Younger. McClure 28:54.'?. 665 Mr. Ap '07 Diary of Delia. O. Watanna. Sat E P 179:13 Mr 2. 12 Mr 9, 10 Mr 16 '07 Dice. P. Gibbon. McClure 28:603 Ap '07 Dick. A. R. II. Hanson. Harper 123:300 Jl '11 74 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Dick Bradford, gentleman. F. O. Bartlett. Col 33:14 Ag 6 '04 Dick Danvers comes to life. J. K. Jerome. Sat E P 176:9 My 21 '04 Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 Doctor Marigold's prescriptions. Outl 86:205 My 25 '07 Dicker in titles. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 185:14 Ap 19 '13 Dickerson, IVIary A. Guest of honor. Mun 28:438 D '02 Dickey, Alfred E. How Snorts climbed Sourdough. Col 37:18 Ap 14 '06 Dick's drive. 127 Jl '05 A. Guiterman. Everybody's 13: Dickson, Harris, 1S6S- According to the sucker. Sat E P 186:10 N 8 '13 Acting honest. Sat E P 185:12 Je 14 '13 Bear stories. Sat E P 181:20 Ap 10 '09 Beast of Buckshot Ridge. Sat E P 183:28 My 6 '11 Black belt finance. Sat E P 180:10 N 2 '07 Bosius twenties. Sat E P 183:11 Jl 3 '10 Capsule, The. Sat E P 184:26 Mr 23 '12 Charmer, The. Sat E P 181:16 My 29 '09 Cheerful swearer. Sat E P 183:9 O 1 '10 Colonel's chance. Sat E P 185:26 S 7 '12 Crooked deal. Sat E P 184:20 Ja 6 '12 Custard nine. Sat E P 187:14 Jl 25 '14 Dead-game sport. Sat E P 182:5 Je 11 '10 Drift of the Golden Dog. Sat E P 182:10 Ap 16 '10 Elopement — personally conducted. Sat E P 183*8 O 22 '10 Expe?cted one. Sat E P 184:12 Ap 13 '12 Gent from Josephine. Sat E P 182:16 S 11 '09 Grand Organizer. Sat E P 185:8 Ja 4 '13 " Hello " girls. Sat E P 181:14 S 26 '08 Help! help! help! the bogey that darkens the sun of southern domesticity. Delin 80:7 Jl '12 Incendiary, The. Sat E P 185:28 O 5 '12 J'iner, The. Sat E P 183:24 S 10 '10 Job Hunter. Sat E P 182:12 Ja 8 '10 Kangaroo. Mun 49:607 Jl '13 Locked door. Sat B P 183:15. D 17 '10 Meddling of Mister Bim. Sat E P 185:16 Ag 24 '12 Most important donkey. Sat E P 185:16 Ag 10 '12 Ole Squint-Eye. Sat E P 182:14 O 2 '09 Passing of Pink. Sat E P 182:32 N 13 '09 Patriarch's progeny. Everybody's 20:680 My '09 Please y'onner. Sat B P 179:12 F 16 '07 Prophet who slipped. Sat E P 184:24 My 18 '12 Rival shysters. Sat E P l.«2:10 O 30 '09 Shark bait. Sat E P 185:5 N 2 '12 Surplus widows. Sat E P 186:12 S 20 '13 That mule. Bluffer. Sat E P 181:10 F 13 '09 Tricky traders. Sat E P 185:12 Jl 27 '12 Wandering foot. Amer 69:769 Ap '10 When luck was with him. Sat E P 183:7 D 24 '10 Wlien Pus-sy-Foot came to town. Sat E P 1: Musical top. Harper 124:244 Ja '12 Philosopher and the blue ribbon. Harper 126. Robin the bobbin. Harper 130:39 D 14 Downtown side of an uptown man. C. V. C. INIathews. Everybody's 8:368 Ap 03 Dowry. M. Sherwood. Scrib 44:148 Ag '08 Dowst, Henry Payson, 1876- , Diana of the deep snows. Lippmc 94:513 N 14 Meanest man. Col 52:5 D 13 '13 Tempter and Maria. Col 52:7 Ja 10 14 Dox, Julia C. „ „„ ^, ,,„ Truth's advocate. McClure 36:90 N 10 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 1859- ^ , r-, ^ Adventure of the dying detective. Col 52:5 N 22 '13 ^ Borrowed scenes. Harp B 48:13 S 13 Danger! Col 53:5 Ag 22, 7 Ag 29 '14 Debut of Bimbashi Joyce. McClure 15:60 My Impression of the Regentcy. Les Mo 50:327 Ag 00 Leather funnel. McClure 20:17 N '02 Sherlock Holmes latest adventure: The dis- appearance of Lady Carfax. Amer 73:130 D 11 Doyle's debut. P. E. Browne. Everybody's 17: 833 D '07 Dragon's blood. C. Goodloe. Scrib 41:466 Ap '07 Dragon's discipline. A. S. Riggs, Lippinc 76: 114 Jl 05 Dragoumis, Julia D. In the cave. Atlan 108:211 Ag '11 North and south: an island story. Atlan 10/: 721 Je '11 ^ .,, Only son of his mother. Atlan 108:540 O 11 Shepherd of Arcadia. Atlan 112:551 O '13 Stepmother. Atlan 108:68 Jl '11 Under the mulberries. Atlan 109:22 Ja 12 Drake, Ada T. , From his point of view. Cosmop 43:92 My 0/ Drake, Frances Rice Artist of the prison. Met 12: (55 D 00 Drake, Jeanie Competent spinster. Delm 61:486 Mr 06 Sylvan solitudes. Delin 58:426 S '01 Trained patient. Delin 57:118 Ja '01 Drake, Marion Golden rule. Mun 27:503 Jl '02 Drake who had means of his own. O. Wister. Sat E P 183:5 Mr 11 '11 Drama at Sowder's four corners. G. T. Smith. Met 12:516 O '00 Drama in our town. E. Wood. McClure 28:265 Ja '07 Drama of wages. M. Field. Amer 75:71 N '12 Dramatic rights to Laurel Crowns. E. Mc- Cracken. Cosmop. 34:219 D '02 Drawing out steel. A. Partlan. New Eng n s 41:189 O '09 Drawing the color line. C. A. P. Comer. Harp W 52:22 O 17 '08 Drawingroom puppet. E. P. Neville. Mun 25: 914 S '01 Drawn shutters. J. B. Connolly, Scrib 40:460 O '06 Draxon dinners. C. Warren. Atlan 86:500 O '00 Dream. J. M. Forman. Harper 117:707 O "08 Dream. O. Henry. Cosmop 49:444 S '10 Dream. B. Lessing. Cosmop 51:413 Ag '11 Dream. H. K. Sienkiewicz. Les Mo 51:511 Mr •01 Dream. M. N. Thurston. Lippinc 82:618 N '08 Dream. L. Tolstoy. Forum. 44:454 O '10 Dream-baby. O. H. Dunbar. Harp B 38:772 Ag •04 Dream-book. A. C. Rose. Met 16:169 Ag '02 Dream doctor. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 55:324 Ag '13 Dream drummer. A. Johnson. Harper 130:101 D '14 Dream -Elsa and the clay-girl. li. C. Willcox. Harp W 53:7 D 11 '09 Dream garden. E. Nesbit. L H J 27:4 Jl '10 Dream-knight. M. Maartens. Cosmop 32:668 Ap '02. Same, Cur Lit 42:695 Je '07 Dream of Akinosuke. L. Hearn. Atlan 93:340. Mr '04 Dream of Aristotle and of Isaac. E. Poole. Outl 79:384 F 11 '05 Dream of Callinan. F. M. Reyher. Forum 50: 494 O '13 Dream of dreams. C. A. Pratt. Delin 66:390 S •05 Dream of red roses. M. T. Earle. Delin 58:100 Jl '01 Dream of the morning. A. M. Roach. Harper 114:857 My '07 Dream princess. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 184:5 Ag 26 '11 Dreamer. L. Anderson. Col 38:20 N 3 '06 Dreamer. J. D. Turner. Lippinc 75:498 Ap '05 Dreamers. J. A. Meyer. Harper 117:254 Jl '08 Dreams in jeopardy. J. Marks. New Eng n s 37:64 S '07 Dreams in lace. L. B. Van Slyke. McClure 37: 249 Jl •ll Dreiser, Theodore, 1871- Men in the dark. Amer 73:465 F '12 Mighty Burke. McClure 37:40 My '11 Dress-clothes of Monsieur Pomponnet. L. Mer- rick. Met 25:1S9 N '06 Dressing for the play. M. I. Fisk. Harper 126: 317 Ja ^13 Dressmaker in the house. C. Wells. Harper 119:155 Je '09 Dreyfuss, Charles Dunbar's flirtation. New Eng n s 43:336 N 10 Drift of the Golden Dog. H. Dickson. Sat E P 182:10 Ap 16 '10 Drink from the Hassayampa. G. B. Rodney. Lippinc 78:366 S '06 Drinkwater romance. A Morrison. Met 29:261 D OS Driscoll, Louise As in a glass. Met 17:75 Ja '03 Lear of the tenements. Col 54:9 O 10 '14 Drive. S. E. White. Sat E P 180:12 N 23 '07 Driven from home. J. A. Riis. Outl 103:224 Ja 25 "13 Driving of the phaeton. J. E. Calkins. Sat E P 177:5 O 15 '04 Drought. E. C. Waltz. Cent 66:101 My '03 Druce- Fearing. M. Van Vor-st. Harper 102:783 Ap '01 Druggists' clerk. L. E. Richards. Cent 60:620 Ag '00 Drum. C. M. Williams. Mun 28:895 Mr '03 Drum-beat. M. W. Higginson. Outl 78:677 N 12 '04 Drum-major. M. E. Seawell. Scrib 49:41 Ja '11 Drumrrier-boy's alarum. H. Garland. Sat E P 173:7 Mr 9 '01 Drummer of the queen. H. Whitaker. Mun 25: 317 Je '01 Drummond, Florence Southern spell. Met 17:86 Ja 03 Drummond, William Henry, 1854-1907 Montmorenci election. Everybody's 7:9( Jl 02 Drums of the Heiau. E. W. Mumford. Met 19: 48 O '03 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 79 Drunkard. D. Grayson. Amer 67:226 Ja '09 Drunkard. V. T. Van de Water. Cosmop 56: 832 My "14 Drury, Mary R. Speech of people. Mun 29:735 Ag '03 Drury, Samuel S. Left fielders soul. Mun 30:110 O '03 Drusilla and pa-pah. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 181:6 Ja 9 09 Dryad. H. J. Smith. Harper 118:634 Mr '09 Dryad of Barrell Lane. W. P. Eaton. Every- body's 21:368 S '09 Dryad's hunting. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 176:4 Je 25 '04 Dry water trestle. H. Haines. Scrib 44:590 N '08 Dub. R. H. Barbour. Lippinc 76:577 N '05 Dub. O. Graeve. McClure 36:212 D '10 Dub, of the Corduroys. W. L. Comfort. Cosmop 39:209 Je '05 Dubois, Tryntje His wife. Lippinc 72:757 D '03 King's son. Mun 29:424 Je '03 Duchess and Salem tarr. H. C Rowland. Amer 69:458 F '10 Duchess at prayer. E. Wharton. Scrib 28:150 Ag '00 Duchess of Dijon. A. C. Wheeler. Met 12:773 D 00 Duchess of dreams. E. MacVane. Lippinc 81:1 Ja 08 Duck's back. M. Johnson. Everybody's 12:92 Ja '05 Dudeney, Henry E. INIerry monks of Riddlewell. Everybody's 2: 548 Je '00 Dudeney, Mrs. Henry E. Amazing belief. Harper 110:766 Ap '05 Blandinah. Harper 104:373 F '02 Bodice. Harper 126:599 Mr '13 Carrier. Harper 123:127 Je '11 Comfort. Harper 126:282 Ja '13 Friend of the family. Harper 124:229 Ja '12 His desk. Harper 122:337 F '11 Just like love. Harper 103:997 N '01 Night. Harper 116:625 Mr '08 On Truly Hill. Harper 129:111 Je '14 Sea-captain. Harper 127:249 Jl '13 Secret .shelf. Harper 125:203 Jl '12 Sense of scarlet. Harper 114:399 F '07 Shadow. Harper 123:663 O '11 Vain tales. Plarper 120:520 Mr '10 Dudley. Edward Lawrence, 1879- Immutable law. Col 4S:20 Mr 16 '12 On the turn of the coin. Lippinc 94:70 D '14 Duds. L S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:14 Ag 17 '12 Duel, The. E. D. Biggers. Met 26:159 My '07 Duel at Dottleford. D. H. Talmadge. New Eng n s 33:293 N '05 Duel by the Bosphorus. J. M. Forman. Sat E P 186:16 F 28 '14 Duel in the deeper pit. C. Hyne. Cosmop 28: 435 F '00 Duel on the trail. C. G. D. Roberts. Sat E P 177:8 F 11 '05 Duelling with Dorothea. S. T. Bourke. Cosmop 47:792 N '09 Duer, Alice. See Miller, Alice D. Duer, Caroline King, 1865- Clioice of circumstance. Atlan 96:797 D '05 Cinderella of the garden house. Lippinc 76: .">13 N '05 Disengaged. Cent 89:178 D '14 Independence of Mr. Hastings. Everybody's 7:17 Jl '02 Lie direct. McClure 31:99 My '08 Light under the door. Col 34:19 O 1 '04 My Lady riluebeard. Scrib 38:750 D '05 Pocket of destiny. Scrib 38:475 O '05 What a woman wants. Cent 87:531 F '14 Wingless victory. Lii)plnc 75:316 Mr '0") Wolfs holiday. Everybody's 13:129 Jl '05 Words of the wise. Everybody's 12:742 Je 05 Duer, Elizabeth Court of Pan. Lippinc 74:61 Jl '04 Green dragon. Lippinc 72:131 Ag '03 Trowsers of tragedy. Lippinc 76:79 Jl '05 Duett. H. Baldwin. New Eng n s 35:86 S '06 Duffer. E. L. Sabin. Mun 23:382 Je '00 Duffy. J. A. Moroso. Amer 76:38 N '13 Duffy, Alice E. Love in a mask. Met 40:14 Ag '14 Duke's allotment. A. Hope. Delin 68:1000 D '06 Duke's daughter. Baroness von Hutten. Mun 27:631 Jl '02 Dulcimore. E. B. Miles. Harper 119:949 N '09 Dull fellow. E. MacKubin. Sat E P 174:8 O 26 '01 Dumb luck. H. B. Hamblen. Sat E P 173:6 Je 1 '01 Dumb nightingale. L*. G. Giltner. Mun 34:125 O '05 Dumbness of children. M. H. Vorse. Harp B 47:269 Je '13 Dumitru and Sigrid. A. Cahan. Cosmop 30:493 Mr '01 Dummy. H. J. G'Higgins. Col 50:17 D 21 '12 Dun-Angus. See Window of Dun-Angus. Dun valiant. Harper 102:491 F '01 Dunaway, Anna Brownell Conquest of Philander. Met 27:771 Mr '08 Dunbar, Aldis In honor bound. Mun 30:728 F '04 Rose dormant. New Eng n s 31:397 D '04 Dunbar, Olivia Howard, 1873- Accomplice. Harper 115:616 S '07 Chronicle of convictions. Harper 106:194 Ja •03 Deputy to the world. Cent 71:36 N '05 Diminisher of doom. Lippinc 84:459 O '09 Dream-lady. Harp B 38:772 Ag '04 Eclectic. Harper 121:618 S '10 Floyd and the archduchess. Cent 68:453 Jl '04 Fork of the road. New Eng n s 28:718 Ag '03 Greatest of these. Harper 108:487 F '04 Happiness. Harp B 43:223 Mr '09 Hostage to virtue. Harper 126:948 My '13 Long chamber. Harper 129:707 O '14 Lydia. Harper 119:60 Je '09 Marriage of true friends. Harper 117:195 Jl 'OS Prison of affection. Cent 75:819 Ap 'OS Prophet honored. Harper 116:432 F '08 Rent veil. Cent 77:272 D 'OS Shell of sense. Harper 118:69 D '08 Solvent. Harper 113:286 Jl '06 Sycamore. Harper 121:299 Jl '10 Tale-bearer. Everybody's 19:759 D '08 They that hunger. Harp B 45:400 S '11 Trailing the Come-by-Chance. Harper 120: 601 Mr '10 Where travellers meet. Harper 111:624 S '05 Willow garland. Lippinc 86:690 D '10 Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906 Ask-Cake Hannah and her Ben. Sat E P 173: 16 D 8 '00 Churching of Grandma Pleasant. Lippinc 75: 337 Mr '05 Finding of Martha. Lippinc 69:375 Mr '02 How Brother Parker fell from grace. Sat E P 173:11 Jl 21 '00 In a circle. Met 14:460 O '01 Independence of Silas Bollender. Lippinc 68: 375 S '01 Johnson, junior. Sat E P 172:597 Ja 6 '00 Judgment of Paris. Sat E P 174:3 My 24 '02 Lady slipper. Sat E 1' 173:11 S 15 '00 Last fiddling of Mordaunt's Jim. Sat B P 175: 11 Ag 30 '02 Minority committee. Lippinc 68:617 N '01 Mortification of the flesh. Lippinc 68:250 Ag •01 One Christmas at Shiloh. Delin 56:818 D '00 Silent Sam'el. Sat E P 172:1180 Je 16 '00 Sport of the gods. Lii)pinc 67:515 My '01 Supper by proxy. Sat K P 173:26 N 10 '00 Vindication of Jared Ilargot. Lippinc 73:374 Mr '04 Visiting of Mother Danbury. Lippinc 68:721 D '01 8o STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 190(M914 Dunbar, Paul Laurence — continued Walls of Jericho. Sat E P 173:14 Ap 6 '01 Way of love. Lippinc 75:68 Ja '05 White counterpane. Lippinc 68:500 O '01 Dunbar, W. S. Our Buzzitski. Col 35:22 Je 10 '05 Dunbar's flirtation. C. Dreyfuss. New Eng n s 43:336 N '10 Duncan, Frances, 1877- My orphan chickens. Delin 68:400 S Ob Sticking-place. Cent 71:529 F '06 Duncan, George Proposal. Harper 108:796 Ap '04 Duncan, Norman, 1871- Animal-shop. Harper 126:79 D '12 Art of Terry Lute. Cent 85:397 Ja '13 Beat t'harbor. Harper 107:614 S '03 Best of a bad job. Harper 124:410 F '12 Black pawn. Harper 125:264 Jl '12 Breath of the north. McClure 22:44 N '03 By-an'-by Brown of Blunder Cove. Harper 117:526 S '08 _ ^^ ^^, Cast away on Feather's Folly. Cosmop il.Sbi Ag '06 Chase of the tide. McClure 17:307 Ag '01 Comedy of Candlestick Cove. Harper 114:954 My '07 Croesus of Gingerbread Cove. Harper 125:862 N '12 Cure of Hezekiah. Harper 115:940 N 07 Diwan of Ahmed Ased-Ullah. Harper 118:198 Ja '09 Every man for himself. Harper 113:255 Jl 06 Father for the baby. Harper 122:933 My '11 Fool of Skeleton Tickle. Outl 81:229 S 23 '05 For the hand of Haleem. Atlan 86:347 S '00 Fruits of toil. McClure 19:257 Jl '02 God in Israel. Harper 126:165 Ja '13 Healer from Far-Away Cove. Harper 105:669 O '02 In the absence of Mrs. Halloran. Atlan 85:255 F '00 In the fear of the Lord. Atlan 90:95 Ag '02 John Fairmeadow's foundling. Harper 122: 298 Ja '11 Judgment of John Fairmeadow. Harper 121: 717 O '10 Lamp of liberty. Atlan 85:649 My '00 Lee shoi-e off Soap-an' -Water. Cent 84:455 Jl '12 Little romance. Harper 119:841 N '09 Lower animal. Harper 124:752 Ap '12 Madonna of Tinkle Tickle. Atlan 110:615 N •12 Minstrel. Harper 117:29 Je 'OS Miracle at Pale Peter's. Harper 123:239 Jl '11 Ninety-ninth notch. Harper 114:633 Mr '07 One day's adventures. Harper 118:133 D '08 Ordination of John Fairmeadow. Outl 97:649 Mr 25 '11 Our harbor. Outl 77:846 Ag 6 '04 People from the east. Harper 106:553 Mr '03 Questing veteran. Harper 120:245 Ja '10 Raging of the sea. McClure 18:433 Mr '02 Regenerate. Cent 81:439 Ja '11 Revolution at Satan's Trap. Cent 74:185 Je •07 Romance of Whooping Harbor. Harper 111: 268 Jl '05 Santa Claus at Lonely Cove. Atlan 92:742 D '03 Small Sam Small. Harper 122:736 Ap '11 Spirit of revolution. McClure 15:466 S '00 Squall. Harper 116:826 My '08 Stitch in time. Harper 122:463 F '11 Strength of men. McClure 21:532 S '03 Suitable child. Harper 119:511 S '09 Surplus. Harper 116:749 Ap '08 Sympathetic part. Harper 120:858 My '10 They who lose at love. Harper 112:338 F '06 Wayfarer. Atlan 98:145 Ag '06 With that measure of love. Harper 121:579 S '10 Yarn of Sink or Swim. Harper 108:444 F '04 Youngsters of the seven seas. Harper 122:126 D '10 Duncan, Sara Jeannette. See Cotes, Mrs. Sara Jeannette Duncan Dungarvan whooper. M. Foster. Atlan 86:239 Ag '00 Dunham, Lucretia Passing of a soul. New Eng n s 30:500 Je '04 Dunn, Allan Tamatau of Totulu. Sat E P 186:11 Ja 3 '14 Dunn, Mrs. Martha Baker Virgil in Maine. Atlan 100:773 D '07 Dunn, Robert, 1877- Burden of the line. Cent 83:585 F '12 Existence doubtful. Met 38:29 Jl '13 Fall of Terry, O. S. Harper W 54:16 N 5 '10 Once a bluejacket. Everybody's 22:591 My '10 Peroxide plugman. Everybody's 20:785 Je '09 Real Atlantis. Everybody's 22:110 Ja '10 Semper Sparling. Everybody's 21:323 S '09 Strength test. Col 47:19 Je 17 '11 Dunne, FInley Peter (Martin Dooley, pseud.) 1867- American stage. Harp W 44:923 S 29 '00 Americans abroad. Harp W' 44:112 F 3 '00 Bachelor's life. Harp W 44:851 S 8 '00 Big game hunting. Amer 66:521 S '08 Boer mission. Harp W 44:539 Je 9 '00 Business and political honesty. Col 36:17 N 18 •05 Card-playing among women. L H J 20:9 Ap •03 Chinese question. Harp W 44:684 Jl 21 '00 Christmas scheme. L H J 20:14 D '02 Christmas spirit. Amer 63:172 D '06 City as a summer resort. Harp W 45:722 Jl 20 '01 Compliments to Mr. Wu. Harp W 44:732 Ag 4 '00 Congress. Amer 65:237 Ja '08 Cost of living. Amer 69:325 Ja '10 Cross-examinations. Harp W 44:1120 N 24 '00 Crusade against vice. Harp W 44:1183 D 8 '00 Customs of Kentucky. Harp W 44:138 F 10 •00 Democratic party. Amer 66:301 Jl 'OS Diplomacy. Amer 66:107 Je '08 Disqualifying the enemy. Harp W 45:853 Ag 24 '01 Doings of anarchists. Harp W 44:757 Ag 11 ■00 Editor's duties. Harp W 45:770 Ag 3 '01 Education of the young. Harp W 44:998 O 20 '00 End of life. Amer 66:93 My '08 Fame. Harp W 44:1045 N 3 '00 Food we eat. Col 37:15 Je 23 '06 Future of China. Harp W 44:782 Ag 18 '00 General Grant and the facts of history. Amer 66:331 Ag '08 Hard times. Amer 65:339 F '08 High society. Harp W 44:1226 D 15 '00 Hotels and hotel life. Col 36:21 Ja 27 '06 Lawyers. L H J 20:9 D '04 Life at Newport. Harp W 45:818 Ag 17 '01 Life insurance investigation. Col 36:12 N 4 •05 Little essays on books and reading. Cent 64: 84 My '02 Masrazines. Amer 68:539 O '09 Majesty of the law. Amer 77:12 F '14 Marriage and politics. Harp W 44:493 My 26 '00 Midway. Cosmop 31:476 S '01 Mr. Sheldon's newspaper. Harp W 44:400 Ap 28 '00 National housekeeping. Col 36:12 D 16 '05 Negro problem. Harp W 44:830 S 1 '00 New literary light. Amer 67:186 D '08 New York custom house. Harp W 45:674 Jl 6 '01 Olympic games. Amer 66:615 O 'OS Paris exposition. Harp W 44:424 My 5 '00 Philosophers. Amer 65:540 Mr 'OS Platform making. Harp W 44:657 Jl 14 '00 Politics of Kentucky. Harp W^ 44:186 F 24 '00 Power of the press. Amer 62:607 O '06 Practice of medicine. Harp ^V 45:698 Jl 13 '01 Presidential candidates. Amer 64:238 Jl '07 Progress of the campaign. Harp W 44:1019 O 27 '00 Romantic novel. Harp W 44:1095 N 17 '00 (Col.) Roosevelt's western tour. Harp W 44: 973 O 13 '00 Servant-girl problem. Harp W 44:160 F 17 '00 Socialism. Col 37:17 Je 2 '06 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 8i Dunne, Finley Peter — continued Society scandal. Harp W 44:709 Jl 28 '00 Temperance wave. Amer 65:599 Ap 'OS Thanksgiving. Harp W 44.1133 D 1 '00 Troubles of a candidate. Harp W 44:875 S 15 •00 Truth about Schley. Harp W 45:794 Ag 10 '01 Uplifting the farmers. Amer 67:95 N '08 Voices from the tomb. Harp W 44:803 Ag 25 'uo War expert. Harp W 44:208 Mr 3 '00 Weather bureau. Harp W 45:746 Jl 27 '01 Woman's suffrage. Amer 68:198 Je '09 Young oratory. Harp W 44:92 Ja 27 '00 Dunning, James Edmund, 1873- Answer. Les Mo 58:191 Je '04 Cheerful feast of San Michele. Atlan 102:660 N 'OS Governor pro tern. Les Mo 53:544 Mr '02 In collision: two of a kind. Cosmop 34:465 P •03 King's jewel. Harp W 48:3 D 10 '04 Matter of mind. Les Mo 55:99 N '02 Postmaster. Harper 108:811 Ap '04 Sword of Ahab. Harper 109:326 Ag '04 Two apples. Atlan 91:693 My '03 Dunton, W. Herbert Sea tragedy. Met 23:512 F '06 Du Puy, William Atherton, 1876- Betrayal of Kolusio. Harp W 54:22 My 28 '10 Durant, Harold Riggs, 1871- Abduction of Red Kelly. Mun 35:220 My '06 Boss to the rescue. Met 26:695 S '07 How Moriarity escaped. Everybody's 17:222 Ag '07 Hurricane Harry. Mun 34:396 Ja '06 Miss Merriam's groom. Lippinc 79:417 Mr '07 Quitter. Everybody's 12:224 P '05 Sucker. Cosmop 39; 83 My "05 Unknown. McClure 22:659 Ap '04 When Campbell cried. Met 26:429 Jl '07 When the siren failed. Mun 36:113 O '06 Durbin, Eliza Wallace Vengeance of Rett Adams. Les Mo 53:649 Ap '02 Durbin, Harriet Whitney Honey. Everybody's 13:414 S '05 Treeing of Mrs. Killdee. Everybody's 20:410 Mr '09 Durham, John S. Diane, priestess of Haiti. Lippinc 69:387 Ap '02 Durn fool. R. W. Child. Col 36:15 N 11 '05 Durno, A. G. Deputy saint. Met 25:742 Mr '07 Duryee, H. G. Blush roses. Outl 75:1002 D 26 '03 Durza's opal. A. Kempster. Met 30:78 Ap '09 Dust and the serpent. L. Crane. Harper 117: 909 N '08 Dust of defeat. L. Osbourne. Scrib 28:465 O '00 Dust of the wheel. R. W. Child. Harper 123: 198 Jl '11 Dutch and the Skinner. E. Poole. Everybody's 10:223 F '04 Dutch courage. J. M. Stoddard. McClure 21: 246 Jl '03 Dutchman, The. G. R. Chester. Mun 40:206 N '08 Dutiful daughter. E. Sutton. Everybody's 5: 588 N '01 Dutton, Louise Elizabeth JudK^ment. Forum 50:239 Ag '13 J'rftty suffragette. L H J 31:4 Je '14 Selling Mr. Perkins. Mun 52:521 Ag '14 Duvall, Ellen Eye and hand. Atlan 104:326 S '09 Fourth gentleman. Harper 103:259 Jl '01 Golden egg. Col 37:14 Ap 14 '06 Lover. Atlan 8^:641 N 01 Open door. Atlan sr, 382 S '00 Point of honor. Atlan 8S:251 Ag '01 Rawton's speech. Harp W 52:16 S 5 '08 Return. Harp W 48:50 D 10 '04 Duvall, Ellen — continued Unpainted portrait. Atlan 107:370 Mr '11 When least aware. Atlan 94:746 D '04 Dwellers. E. Nesbit. McClure 32:605 Ap '09 Dwight, Harry Griswold Batliers. Scrib 34:700 D '03 For the faith. Scrib 35:609 My '04 Golden javelin. Scrib 42:737 D '07 Henrietta Stackpole Rediviva. Scrib 35:662 Je '04 His beatitude. Scrib 37:70 Ja '05 In the pasha's garden. Atlan 114:145 Ag '14 Leopard of the sea. Atlan 113:463 Ap '14 Pagan. Outl 80:922 Ag 12 '05 Valley of the mills. McClure 31:659 O '08 Dwight, John For love of country. McClure 24:289 Ja '05 Dwyer, James Francis, 1874- Bronze tiger. Amer 75:18 Je '13 Bust of Lincoln. Amer 73:386 F '12 Jungle graduate. Harp W 54:18 S 10 '10 Orang-outang fight on the Papuan Queen. Amer 70:186 Je '10 Red face of Feerish Ali. Col 48:21 Mr 9 '12 Soul tapper. Col 48:18 N 25 '11 Dyar, Muriel Campbell Benje s eulogy. Harper 107:472 Ag '03 Crime in Jedidiah Peeble's house. Harper 124:599 Mr '12 Elizabeth and Davie. Harper 109:556 S '04 In the other room. Harper 118:510 Mr '09 Johnny Hall. Harper 115:174 Jl '07 Last visit to a scholar. Harper 114:772 Ap '07 Man of destiny. Harper 117:873 N '08 Mother bird. Harper 116:786 Ap '08 Old 'Lijah Bales escape. Harper 115:13 Je '07 On the bird-cage road. Harper 121:107 Je '10 Oversight. Harper 117:136 Je 08 Piece of good fortune. Harper 122:533 Mr '11 Resignation. Harper 119:213 Jl '09 Sleepyhead. Harper 119:611 S '09 Story of a great week Harper 110:504 Mr '05 Tea-party Harper 116:277 Ja '08 Valedictory. Harper 114:545 Mr '07 Dyer, Walter Alden, 1878- Baby camel that walked to Jesus. L H J 31: 11 D '14 Bleeding Bloomtown. New Eng n s 35:346 N "06 Two dogs of Glenfergus. L H J 31:13 Ag '14 Dying boss. L. Steffens. McClure 43:79 My '14 Dying easy or getting well hard. E. H. Abbott. Everybody's 27:102 Jl '12 Dyke, Watson Nearest relative. Cent 76:381 Jl '08 Dynamite. C. Day. Col 49:20 My 11 '12 E E. M. I. B. Lowestoft. W. S. Moody. Scrib 39: 733 Je '06 Each in his own tongue. L. M. Montgomery. Delin 76:247 O '10 Each to his lights. J. B. Connolly. Harper 112: 953 My '06 Eagles of the harbor. A. B. Paine. Scrib 35: 546 My '04 Earl, George Wetherlll, Jr. Between yesterday and tomorrow. Lippinc S4:24S Ag '09 Food for reflection. Lippinc 82:614 N 'OS Obi charm of Bimbo. Met 27:62 O '07 Sixty minutes. Lippinc 84:119 Jl "09 Earl of Dunoon. T. A. Janvier. Harper 107:654 S '03 Earle, Mrs. Alice (Morse) 1853-1911 Coral cactus and Rosy cake. New Eng n s 23: 470 D '00 Earle, Mabel Luck on Bald Knob. Mun 29:712 Ag '03 Earle, Mary Tracy (Mrs. William T. Howe) i.'^ni- Adri;idno rorords Rat E P 176:1 N 7 '03 Affair of tho Ursa Major. Sat TO P 174:6 N 23 '01 82 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Earle, Mary Tracy — continued Argument for David. Everybody's 7:275 S 02 Caravan. Harper 106:397 F "03 Carrutiiers by marriage. Sat E P 173:8 Ja 2t) Cenotaph. Harper 108:868 My '04 Cherries in Kent. Sat B P 175:13 D 20 '02 Dinner of herbs. Outl 71:1021 Ag 23 '02 Dream of red roses. Dehn 5S:lUU Jl '01 Ex iibris. Harper 105:66 Je '02 Glass door. Harper 114:351 F '07 Heartsease. Atlan 86:472 O '00 In the street of the flower makers. Mun 26: 107 O 01 Johnny Sands. Harper 108:692 Ap '04 King James of the strawberry patch. Delin 73.562 Ap '09 On the night train. Atlan 85:748 Je '00 On the word of Victor Paul. Outl 66:345 O 6 '00 Pontomoc estate. Mun 25:240 My '01 To her! Les Mo 52:454 S '01 To-morrow's child. Atlan 90:599 N '02 Early bird. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:10 Ap 23 '10 Early bird. H. M. Rideout. Amer 62:98 My '06 Early wreck. W. Payne. Sat E P 175:6 Je 13 •03 Earning a valley. W. N. Morse. Outl 96:80 S 10 '10 Ears to hear. E. L. Patterson. Everybody's 31:416 S '14 Earth bond. K. M. Roof. Forum 48:421 O '12 Earthquake child. E. Phillpotts. Cent 70:398 Jl '05 East is east and west is west. M. G. Humph- reys. Scrib 50:480 O '11 Easter blessing. H. P. Spofford. Outl 97:822 Ap 15 '11 Easter blossoming. M. S. Merrill. New Eng n s 38:186 Ap 'OS Easter blossoms. H. A. Nash. New Eng n s 28:236 Ap '03 Easter-card. M. E. Wilkins. Everybody's 4:372 Ap '01 Easter conquest. Harp B 33:328 Ap 14 '00 Easter drum. C. N. Sinnett. New Eng n s 32: 220 Ap '05 Eastland, Florence Martin Engaging mission. New Eng n s 37:732 F 08 Worm. New Eng n s 38:500 Je 'OS Eastman, Charles Alexander (Ohiyese) 1858- Grave of the dog. Met 23:569 F '06 Gray chieftain. Harper 10S:SS2 My '04 Great cats nursery. Harper 107:939 N '03 War maiden of the Sioux. L H J 23:14 Ag '06 Eastman, Mrs. Charles Alexander. See East- man, Elaine (.Goodale) Eastman, Elaine Goodale (Mrs. Charles Alex- ander Eastman) 1863- Pot of tulips. New Eng n s 45:109 S '11 Eastman, Lyman Revenge of Big Joe. Cent 77:350 Ja '09 Eastman, Rebecca (Lane) Hooper (Mrs. William Franklin Eastman) That awful Bill. Amer 78:18 Jl '14 Waddingtons. Harper 129:479 Ag '14 Yes, indeed. Harp W 58:10 D 27 '13 Eastman, Mrs. William Franklin. See East- man, Rebecca Eane Hooper Easy errand. C. Wells. Harper 122:155 D '10 Easy mark. A. Stoddart. Mun 28:927 Mr '03 Easy money. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 181:3 N 14 'OS Easy money. W. W. Jacobs. Met 40:13 O '14 Easy money. C. MacCulloch. Sat E P 184:14 F 10 '12 Easy money. See Foster, Maximilian Eating in the wicked city. E. Wood. Amer 70: 697 S '10 Eaton, Edith Maud (Sui Sin Far, (pseud.) 1867- Bird of love. New Eng n s 43:25 S '10 Chan Hen Yen, Chinese student. New Eng n s 45:462 Ja '12 Eaton, Edith Maud — continued Chinese boy-girl. Cent 67:828 Ap '04 Love story from the rice fields of China. New Eng n s 45:343 D '11 Who's game? New Eng n s 45:573 F '12 Eaton, Walter Prichard, 1878- Abandoned wooing. Amer 78:23 Ag '14 Codflsh and the ideal. Everybody's 24:304 Mr '11 Culture and the brute male. Everybody's 26: 219 F '12 Darned man. Everybody's 26:809 Je '12 Dryad of Barreil Bane. Everybody's 21:368 S '09 Evolution. Everybody's 16:475 Ap '07 Golden barrier. Everybody's 28:667 My '13 Grandfather's chair. Everybody's 25:13 Jl '11 Her name was Normal. Everybody's 29:49 Jl ■13 Highbrow-hunters. Mun 44:527 Ja '11 Interrupted story. Cosmop 43:89 My '07 Last curtain. Cent 76:627 Ag 'OS Man who ran away. Everybody's 23:323 S '10 Miss Winifred Atwoods bird-bath. Every- body's 27:186 Ag '12 Mumblety-peg and middle age. Scrib 50:228 Ag '11 Neighbors. Cosmop 45:440 S 'OS Paragraphs and pirates. Everybody's 24:593 My '11 Refuge in the Bronx. Everybody's 17:519 O '07 Romance of a shy man. Met 35:41 Ja '12 Ruth Grenville — feminist. L H J 31:3 Ag 15 S, 2S O 14 Sentimental search of Roger Phillips. Every- body's 28:226 F 13 Shrinking of Kingman's field. Scrib 46:420 O ■09 Snapdragon sonata. Amer 77:10 Ja '14 Stuffy. Everybody's 19:710 N '08 Useless memoirs of Prentice Piper. Every- body's 24:206 F '11 Wet lilacs. Everybody's 18:466 Ap '08 Eavesdropper. M. T. Antrim. Lippinc 83:630 My '09 Ebb of the tide. M. B. Adams. Delin 71:1008 Je "OS Eberfield failure. D. M. Bacon. Mun 30:147 O '03 Eccentric seclusion of the old lady. G. Chester- ton. Harp W 48:1060 Jl 9, 1096 Jl 16 '04 Ecclesiastical hunch. E. Howells. Met 38:38 Ag '13 Echo hunt. D. Gray. Cent 65:127 N '02 Echo in a boy. W. B. MacHarg. Scrib 31:337 Mr '02 Echoes. Z. Gale. Everybody's 14:599 My '06 Eckstorm, Mrs. Fannie (Hardy) 1865- Lugging boat on Sowadnehunk. Atlan 93:501 Ap 04 Eclectric. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 121:618 S '10 Eclipse in six scenes. W. E. Norris. Met 17: 161 My '03 Ecob, Eleanor Sapphire ring. Lippinc 79:110 Ja '07 Economic revel. C. A. Selden. Cent 72:478 Jl '06 Economy of Jane Stebbins. E. A. Zangwill. Harper 105:471 Ag '02 Edge of the dark. E. Taylor. Harp W 54:22 F 12 '10 Edge of the evening. R. Kipling. Met 39:17 D •13 Eddy, Arthur Jerome, 1859- Jimmy^s predicament. New Eng n s 44:467 Je '11 Edgen-gates. J. M. Forman. Harper 110:570 Mr '05 Edgar, the choir boy uncelestial. J. D. Daskam. McClure 18:262 Ja '02 Edge of the fairy ring. V. Seibert. Amer 66: 572 O '08 Edge o' the world. B. M. Dix. Lippinc 77:721 Je '06 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 83 Edgerton, Jean Daisy Bradwardine's mother. Met 38:22 S '13 Edginton, May Fail, The. L,ippinc 93:575 My '14 In Pondoland. Lippinc 91:197 F '13 Prize-fighter. Lippinc 92:195 Ag '13 Rake's progress. Lippinc 94:83 D '14 Ednolm, Charlton Lawrence, 1879- Chack. Cent 79:159 N '09 Clean slate. Forum 50:850 D '13 Missionaiy hens. Lippinc 87:89 Ja '11 Pedro Moiaga. Forum 43:346 Ap '10 Pitch candidate. New Eng n s 32:640 Ag '05 Selling the second-hand car. Lippinc 94:211 Ag '14 Edict in modern Arcadia. H. F. Day. New Eng n s 24:200 Ap '01 Editha. W. D. Howells. Harper 110:214 Ja '05 Edmunds, James First in peace. Les Mo 59:557 Mr '05 Edric and Sylvaine. B. Hooker. Harper 117: 3S3 Ag '08 Edson, D. O. Childi-en's specialist. Everybody's 24:418 Mr '11 Da — a sawdust cripple. Everybody's 24:704 My '11 Growling dog with a wagging tail. Every- body's 24:849 Je '11 Katie Connolly: criminal. Everybody's 25:128 Jl '11 Souse Connelly — yellow mongrel. Every- body's 24:564 Ap '11 Wedding at Roslyn. Everybody's 26:703 My •12 Educated lady. F. Crissey. Harper 125:936 N •12 Education made agreeable. S. Leacock. Amer 77:55 Mr '14 Education of a butterfly. C. B. Loomis. Cent 6X:157 My '04 Education of a saint. E. W. Blashfield. Atlan 94:333 S '04 Education of King Jim. G. S. Chappell. Scrib 38:577 N '05 Education of King Peter. E. Wallace. Mc- Clure 35:88 My '10 Education of Popo. M. C. Mena. Cent 87:653 Mr '14 Education of Sam. C. D. Warner. Cent 61 :56 N '00 Education of the Grindleys. J. K. Jerome. Sat E P 176:5 Ja 23 "04 Education of Trooper Brown. W. Adams. Cent 74:10 My '07 Edwards, Agnes That blooming azalea. Lippinc 94:111 Jl '14; Same. Cur Op 57:273 O '14 Edwards, Albert, pseud. See Bullard, Arthur Edwards, Georce Wharton, 1859- Silver-lined clouds. Everybody's 7:582 D '02 Where extremes meet. Everybody's 8:52 Ja •03 Edwards, Harry Stillwell, 1855- Adventure of a parrot. Cent 64:204 Je '02 Alec Bivins's gun. Cent 75:744 Mr '08 Cindy's funeral. Les Mo 55:141 D '02 Coming sneeze. Cent 86:368 Jl '13 Cooney on the war-path. Cent 78:877 O '09 Funeral of Rat Brooks. Cent 72:447 Jl '06 How the hound got his mouth. Cent 83:574 F •12 Isam and the poll tax. Cent 73:827 Ap '07 Isam's spectacles Cent 62:741 S '01 Isam's strategy. Les Mo 56:355 Ag '03 Little unplea.santness at New Hope. Cent 64: 433 Jl 02 Shadow. Cent 73:278 D '06 Two brides. Harp 117:611 S '08 Two pensioners. Cent 70:233 Je '05 Edward, Louise Betts At the gatfs of mercy. Lippinc 67:362 Mr '01 That Russian. Scrib 40:204 Ag '06 Woman for nothing. Lippinc 68:3 Jl '01 Edwin and Ardella. W. H. Bi.shop. Harper 101: 193 Jl '00 Eellp's double wedding. H. Footner. Cent 77: 386 Ja '09 Effectual fervent prayer. H. van Dyke. Scrib 52:165 Ag '12 Efficiency. E. Poole. Delin 77:170 Mr '11 Efficiency of Miss De Long. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 88:221 Ag '11 Efficient Salamander. M. Glass. Sat E P 184:13 Ag 26 '11 Efficient unto the day. B. R. Ginger. Every- body's 27:625 N '12 Effie's castle in the air. T. Collier. Cur Op 57: 202 S '14 Egalite. H. S. Canby. Atlan 107:331 Mr '11 Egan, Maurice Francis, 1852- Bond of comradeship. Scrib 40:88 Jl '06 Conversion of Sexton Maginnis. Cent 77:723 Mr '09 Descent of Blanche. Cent 72:713 S '06 Honor of Sexton Maginnis. Cent 71:212 D '05 Necessity of being Irish. Scrib 56:647 N 14 Reign of sentiment. Cent 68:585 Ag '04 Seclusion of Rosalia. Cent 69:566 F' '05 Soul of Sexton Maginnis. Cent 64:18 My '02 Unpaying guest. Cent 77:414 Ja' 09 Valet of the pastor. Cent 67:217 D '03 Warning of Sexton Maginnis. Cent 67:675 Mr •04 Egeria substitutes. C. Schurman. Harper 129: 155 Je '14 Egerton standard. E. M. Ingram. Lippinc 92: 145 Ag '13 Egg island. A. M. Shaw. Scrib. 27:556 My '00 Egg-shell china. K. Jordan. Cent 87:925 Ap '14 Eggleston, Helen Anonymous letter. Met 17:97 Ja '03 Reform and a telegram. Met 16:198 Ag '02 Eggleston, Katharine Bachelor's dinner. Mun 44:170 N '10 Blue brains and red blood. Cosmop 57:810 N '14 Kidnapping of Helen Hall. Mun 43:308 Je '10 Eggleston, W. G. Mind-curing a rate-maker. Amer 67:207 D '08 Eggs. M. Glass. Sat E P 186:6 Ag 23 '13 Eggs a la Casey. L. H. Bickford. Col 41:16 Je 27 'OS Eglantina. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 105:387 Ag '02. Same. L H J 27:13 Jl '10 Eidolons of Brooks Alford. W. D. Howells. Harper 113:387 Ag '06 Eight bad men and true. R. Bergengren. Everybody's 29:512 O '13 Eight-hour day. E. Speyer. Col 46:19 Ja 21 '11 Eight years in a rock. J. Hawthorne. Cosmop 31:31 My '01 Eighth proposal. Baroness von Hutten. L H J 20:7 Je '03 Eighteenth Giorgione. E. LefSvre. Sat E P 184:3 Je 8 '12 89-2-5. E. Oviatt. Les Mo 55:214 D '02 Eileen. B. R. Laverack. Harper 122:420 F '11 Eironeia. W. Pulitzer. Met 13:93 Ja '01 Ek Ankie, the man-eater. W. A. Fraser. Sat E P 179:6 Ap 6 '07 El Dorado: a Kansas recessional. W. S. Gather. New Eng n s 24:357 Je '01 El medico. M. M. Atwater. Cent 82:556 Ag '11 El reservao. M. Bulfln. Everybody's 7:529 D '02 Elaine. E. G. Taylor. Atlan 90:548 O "02 Elbertus, Fra, pseud. See Hubbard, Elbert. Elder generation. N. Boyce. Amer 71:748 Ap •11 Elder, L. R. Destiny of the uncle. Cent 74:96 My '07 Miss Dodd on the school board. Cent 67:341 Ja '04 Elder sister. B. R. Laverack. Harper 125:914 .\ '12 Elder Stover's Thanksgiving donation. II. Car- ruth. Sat E P 175:3 N 22 '02 84 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Eldon, Robert Privilege of counsel. Atlan 94:413 S 04 Eleanor's house. W. S. Gather. McClure 29:623 '07 Electa, the daughter of Samima. W. W. Bar- nitz. Lippinc 86:240 Ag '10 Electric lady. H. Garland. Cosmop 29:73 My '00 Elegant De Fronsac. L,. Merrick. McClure 40; 25 Mr "13 Elemental. E. S. Pilsworth. McClure 29:55 My •07 Elephant's bride. J. Corbin. Cent 76:63 My '08 Elevator: how it served as Cupid's coupe. G. Burgess. Sat E P 177:16 Ja 21 05 Elevator Cupid. C. W. Rankin. Les Mo 55:326 Ja 03 Eleventh hour. G. E. Channing. Harper 121: 293 Jl 10 Eleventh hour. M. H. Foote. Cent 71:485 Ja '06 Eleventh hour. P. Gibbon. Harper 114:471 F •07 Eleventh hour. B. King. Atlan 87:253 F '01 Elginbrod, Jean Mutiny of a grub. Les Mo 59:3o2 Ja Oo Ell Packer's inheritance. H. A. Nash. Cent 74: 947 O '07 Elimination of Toto. H. Kellock. Col 41:14 Ag 1 '08 Trivial round. New Eng n s 23:374 D '00 Eliot, Mrs. Henrietta Robins (Mack) 1845- Black Jake's souvenir. New Eng n s 30:330 My '04 Chin Wouy's wife. Everybody's 10:87 '04 For better for worse. Everybody s 11.248 Ag '04 Ellph Hewlett, book agent. E. P. Butler. Sat E P 177:6 Mr 25 '05 Eliph Hewlitt, castaway. E. P. Butler. Cent 63:434 Ja '02 Elise. A. Lanston. Harper 102:829 My '01 Elixir of life. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 55:228 Jl '13 Elixir of youth. A. B. Paine. Cent 86:21 My '13 Eliza Hepburn's deliverance. H. B. Fuller. Cent 59:533, 698 F-Mr '00 Elizabeth. C. L. Barrows. Col 36:16 Mr 24 '06 Elizabeth. B. H. Brainerd. Harper 104:615 Mr '02 Elizabeth. M. Harris. Harper 108:470 F '04 Elizabeth and Davie. M. C. Dyar. Harper 109: 556 S '04 Elizabeth of all saints. L. C. Schem. Harp W 55:8 D 16 '11 Elizabeth Pauline Ottilie Louise, queen of Rou- mania, (Carmen Sylva, pseud.) 1843-1916 After the concert. Sat E P 1J3:6 RIy IS 01 Three loyal comrades. Outl (5:1(7 b 19 Ui Elizabeth's aunt Elizabeth. M. Kelly. Amer 67: 15 N '08 Elizabeth's situation. H. Whitaker. Mun 31: 346 Je '04 Elizabeth's young man. E. S. Hasbrouck. Harper 121:803 O '10 Elkanah Browne's letter books. W. Payne. Sat B P 186:14 O 18 '13 Ellen. R. R. Gilson. Harper 108:417 F '04 Elleneen. S. O. Jewett. McClure 16:335 F '01 Ellerbe, Paul Lee ^^ ,, ,^„ Vacant forty. Lippinc 91:326 Mr '13 Ellerbe, Rose L. Tuck Young's princerples. Col 52:16 N 15 16 Ellie. A. L. Seligsberg. New Eng n s 24:554 Jl '01 Ellie's furnishing. H. R. Martin. McClure 22: 212 D '03 Elliott. Emilia According to counsel. New Eng n s 29:289 N '03 Elliott, Emilia — contlnuea Automobile incident. New Eng n s 28:594 Jl •03 Belated comedy. New Eng n s 28:685 Ag '03 Bixby deafness. Cent 78:671 S 'u9 Garden party. New Eng n s 30:464 Je '04 In a strange land. New Eng n s 29:186 u '03 Lisbeth. New Eng n s 30:180 Ap '04 Patricia's Christmas family. New Eng n s 37:437 D '07 Patricia's fatiguing day. New Eng n s 38:52 Mr '08 Puritan maid. New Eng n s 27:471 F '03 Way of a grandmother. New Eng n s 38:527 Jl 'OS Elliott, Maud (Howe) (Mrs. John Elliott) 1865- Anacrap'. Lippinc 76:311 S '05 Imperio. Lippinc 79:103 Ja '07 In the Abruzzi mountains. Lippinc 73:695 Je •04 Elliott, Samuel R. In deep waters: an incident of the second Bull Run. Harp W 53:24 S 11 '09 Measure for measure. Harp W 53:22 Jl 10 '09 Two deserters. Harp W 53:22 Ja 23 '09 Elliott, Sarah Barnwell Hybrid roses. Harper 113:434 Ag '06 Readjustments. Harper 120:824 My '10 Ellis, Carlyle Boy who wanted a fiddle. Everybody's 27:762 D '12 Last laugh. Harp W 58:20 N 8 '13 Soil hunger. Harp B 47:163 Ap '13 Ellis, Edith M. O. (Lees) (Mrs. Havelock Ellis) Flash. Forum 45:152 Ja '11 Love the pilgrim. Forum 52:356 S '14 Tryphena Jane's revolt. Forum 46:40 Jl '11 Ellis, Mrs. Havelock. See Ellis, Edith M. O. Ellis Johnson's book. M. "W. Jarrell. McClure 26:274 Ja '06 Ellis, Katharine F. My lady of the Rocky mountains. Outl 85:365 F 16 '07 Ellis, Leonora Beck, 1872- At the fork of the road. New Eng n s 21:634 Ja '00 Flower of a hundred years. New Eng n s 32: 519 Jl '05 Ellis, William Johnson, of the Ninth. Sat E P 173:14 D 22 '00 Ellyson, John Regnault Alraschid Pompere at Pisa. Met 35:31 Je '12 Belfry, The. Met 34:754 S '11 Corporal Ranie. Met 32:501 Jl '10 Cunjubus'. Harp W 54:22 Je 18 '10 Shadow dispelled. Met 13:493 Ap '01 Two voices. Met 11:419 Ap '00 Elm tree. M. E. W. Freeman. Harp B 37:34 Ja •03 Elm tree of Margin street. E. O. Cochran. L H J 20:10 Ag '03 Elmer's domestic infelicities. H. G. Van Cam- pen. McClure 40:35 Mr '13 Elmes, Hallbowlln Ancestor of Wall Street. New Eng ns 45:1 S •11 Elmina's living-out. E. Singmaster. Lippinc 83:214 P '09 Elmira and four-thirteen. A. Tassin. Scrib 56: 751 D '14 Elopement. F. Ball. McClure 30:264 Ja '08 Elopement. M. H. Carter. Delin 71:272 F '08 Elopement. Z. Gale. Sat E P 177:4 Ap 1 '05 Elopement. M. Manning. Harper 115:795 O '07 Elopement of Eva May. E. Hoyt. L H J 21:7 O '04 Elopement of George Washington Brown. M. D. Pretlow. New Eng n s 33:251 N '05 Elopement of pretty Ah Hing. W. M. Clemens. Everybody's 2:562 Je '00 Elopement — personally conducted. H. Dickson. Sat E P 183:8 O 22 '10 Eloping with papa. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 57: 16 Ja 11 '13 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 85 Eloquence of Ham Bascom. E. Jarrold. Har- per 106:334 Ja '03 Else tears must come. L,. Satterthwaite. Lip- pinc 78:647 N '06 Elser, Frank B. Omitted name. Amer 75:53 My '13 Elsie Venner in red. K. L.. McLaurin. New Eng n s 44:204 Ap '11 Elsie's dance for her life. S. R. Crockett. Cosmop 32:33 N '01 Elsie's return. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 25:243 My '01 Elusive ten dollar bill. E. Flower. McClure 22: 413 F '04 Elusive wedding. E. Flower. Cent 71:277 D '05 Ely, Lewis B. Young love and old hate. Lippinc 78:513 N 06 Elyom, Josephine Realization. Cosmop 35:404 Ag '03 Emancipated. G. Seldes. Forum 51:899 Je '14 Emancipation of Barden. A. V. Cooke. Every- body's 12:843 Je '05 Emancipation of Billy. O. Henry. Everybody's 10:589 My '04 Emancipation of Lydia Duroe. M. N. Thurston. Lippinc 74:96 Jl '04 Emancipation of Mr. Squibbs. R. M. King. Harper 102:811 Ap '01 Emancipation of Sarah. B. Lessing. Cosmop 46:554 Ap '09 Emancipation of Theodorus. C. B. Green. Scrib 31:365 Mr '02 Embarrassing conduct of Benjamin Ellis, mil- lionaire. J. Hopper. Sat E P 181:3 O 24 '08 Embarrassing ordeal. C. W. Rankin. Les 'Mo 57:116 N '03 Embarrassment of expansion. C. B. Howard. Cent 71 567 F '06 Emblem of his country. G. W. Ogden. Every- body's 20:128 Ja '09 Emblem of home. E. Stuart. Scrib 38:129 Ag '05 Embree, Charles Fleming, 1874-1905 Briner's wheat. McClure 20:153 D '02 Chump. McClure 23:549 S '04 Fair upsetter of customs. McClure 20:307 Ja '03 Liberty of Florentino. McClure 24:320 Ja '05 Uncle Sammie. McClure 27:171 Je '06 When Jonathan Hatch harks back. McClure 28:111 N '06 Emeline Hardacre's revenge. A. O'Hagan. Mun 31:115 Ap '04 Emerald brooch. P. "West. Mun 51:324 Mr '14 Emerald pendant. A. Stringer. Sat E P 179:9 My 11 '07 Emergency. D. Rinehart. Delin 72:788 N '08 Emerson, Christina Possibilities of Pinkie. New Eng n s 48:363, 416 O-N '12 Emigrant banshee. G. Henderson. Everybody's 4:511 My '01 Emigrant east. A. Colton. Scrib 28:754 D '00 Emigration of Mary Jane. A. Mathews. At- lan 113:96 Ja '14 Emil, the waiter. M. Foster. Sat E P 183:10 Jl 16 '10 Emma. L. C. Hale. Harper 128:434 F '14 Emma Bovary. G. Moore. Lippinc 69:589 My •02 Emmeline. F. Ball. McClure 30:596 Mr 'OR Emmeline's bill. E. G. Crans. Mun 23:736 S '00 Emmet, Rosina Hubley Vf-aily tribute. Harper 109:204 Jl '01 Emmons, Myra Expected quests. Harp B 42:1187 D 'OS Hatred of Giovanni. Everybody's 11:418 S '04 Healing of Alli.son Field. Harp Ti 42:S<23 K "OS MlsH T^ola'.s baby. Harp B 45:410 R '11 Transplantfd feud. Mun 33:242 My '05 Under.study in adoption. Harp B 43:237 Mr "00 Visiting mamma; drama. Harp P. 43:S60 S '09 Emmy Jane's Christmas. J. B. Tenney. Cent 85:319 D '12 Emory Hampton, kidnapper. G. L. Plumley. New Eng n s 47:157 Je '12 Emotional financier. E. Flower. Sat E P 178:6 F 3 '06 Emotions of Maria Concepcion, M. C. Mena. Cent 87:348 Ja '14 Emperor Tobolaka. E. Wallace. Met 38:49 Jl Empire. C. Saxby. Everybody's 29:370 S '13 Empire and Maggie Hogan. E. Boltwood. Mun 39:777 ^S '08 Empire-builders. E. A. Zangwill. Lippinc 87: 699 Je '11 Empress. G. Burgess. Met 21:490 Ja '05 Empress of Figure-head square. E. Boltwood. Mun 51:509 Ap '14 Empty diving-dress. B. Grimshaw. Everybody's 29:459 O '13 Empty house. B. D. Lloyd. Harper 117:841 N 'OS Empty house. B. Tarkington. Met 40:20 Je '14 Empty life. J. Oppenheim. Met 33:153 N '10 Empty saddle. D. H. Haines. McClure 41:152 Jl '13 Emulation. A. D. Miller. Scrib 33:728 Je '03 En pasant. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 177:1 Ja 21 '05 Enamel bug in Black cafion. C. Revere. Atlan 95:30 Ja '05 Enchanted bluff. W. S. Gather. Harper 118:774 Ap '09 Enchanted coach. F. H. Burnett. L H J 28:11 O '11 Enchanted dryad. C. S. Armfield. Delin 79:473 Je '12 Enchanted hat. H. MacGrath. Sat E P 177:9 N 5 '04 Enchanted house. L. E. MacBrayne. Every- body's 19:811 D '08 Enchanted kiss. O. Henry. Met 19:747 F '04 Enchanted profile. O. Henry. Amer 67:88 N '08 Enchantment. M. S. Cutting. Sat E P 181:12 S 12 '08 Encore. M. Deland. Harper 110:96 D '04 End. D. Canfield. Amer 66:131 Je '08 End. R. Frye. Everybody's 28:422 Mr '13 End and the means. K. F. Gerould. Harper 126:878 My '13 End of a resolve. M. W. Beardsley. Delin 59: 279 F '02 End of a story. E. MacKubin. Sat E P 172:581 Ja 6 '00 End of an idyl. S. B. Kennedy. Cosmop 36:314 Ja '04 End of desire. R. Herrick. Atlan 92:462 O '03 End of his silence. J. F. Wilson. Mun 52:725 S '14 End of the battle. S. Crane. Les Mo 50:533 O '00 End of the circle. T. Garrison. Met 15:66 Ja '02 End of the commonplace. J. C. Cameron. Tvippinc 87:364 Mr '11 End of the deal. See Payne, Will End of the dream. E. M. Coombs. Cent 87:475 Ja '14 End of the fairy tale. M. E. King. Every- body's 9:240 Ag '03 End of the feud. M. C. Skeel. Outl 81:270 S 30. 317 O 7 '05 End of the feud. D. H. Talmadge. Mun 23:655 Ag '00 End of the feud. C. M. Williams. Mun 29:31 Ap '03 End of the Journey. G. E. Channlng. Harper 110:036 My '05 End of the reef. T. J. Hains. Cent 70:561 Ag •05 86 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 End of the story. L. Campbell. Atlan 102:43 Jl '08 End of the task. B. Lessing. McClure 21:601 O '03 End of the trail. M. Foster. Atlan 87:S27 Je '01 End of the world. B. Grimshaw. Everybody's 31:183 Ag '14 End of the world. S. Newcomb. McClure 21:3 My '03 Endicott, Marcelle Broken vase. Lippinc 72:73 Jl '03 Ending of Gotham. J. Hopper. Sat E P 182: 16 s IS 'oy Ends of injustice. M. Glass. Everybody's 27: 218 Ag '12 Ends of the earth. R. M. Alden. Col 38:21 F 23 '07 Ends of the earth. F. Condon. Mun 51:128 F '14 Endymion uncut. A. S. Pier. Harper 118:673 Ap '09 Enemies. C. Johnston. Harper 121:562 S '10 Enemies. M. Robertson. Harp W 46:796 Je 21 •02 Enemy. M. S. Gerry. Harper 120:115 D '09 Enemy to the throne. C. L. CuUen. Lippinc 67:737 Je '01 Engaged girl sketches. E. C. Blake. L H J 26: 14 O, 10 N '09 Engagement and after. L. Wood. Everybody's 2:54 Ja '00 Engagement cup. F. B. Dillingham. Les Mo 57:523 Mr '04 Engagement tree. R. E. MacAlarney. L H J 211:20 Je '12 Engaging mission. F. M. Eastland. New Eng n s 37:732 F '08 Engine trouble. W. Irwin. McClure 41:69 Je '13 Engineer and the psychologist. E. Hubbard. Cosmop 34:359 Ja '03 Engineer who was afraid. G. E. Walsh. Harp W 53:22 My 22 '09 England, George Allan, 1877- Americano at Cerdos. Les Mo 60:214 Je '05 Aunt Dianthy. Lippinc 84:353 S '09 Battle of Woolly field. Les Mo_ 59:626 Ap '05 Family jars. Amer 62:172 Je '06 Firebrand. Lippinc 79:647 My '07 Fire fight fire. Mun 35:461 Jl '06 Girl at Gunflint lake. Mun 41:589 Jl '09 Jonas. Mun 36:508 Ja '07 King Sullivan. Mun 40:712 F '09 Lost — an echo. McClure 27:214 Je '06 Mariana. Cosmop 46:15 D '08 Oil and water. Mun 48:961 Mr '13 On Shark's Fin reef. Mun 42:539 Ja '10 Out of the real. Mun 50:730 Ja '14 Outcasts. Lippinc 79:240 F '07 Paid on aceptance. Cosmop 43:93 My '07 Primavera. Lippinc 89:701 My '12 Question of salvage. McClure 33:544 S '09 Sessions and the steam-coal. Col 34:16 Ja 14 '05 Sorrows of Giuseppe. McClure 28:159 D 06 Sprucer. Mun 49:273 My '13 Thad's watchers. McClure 29:530 S '07 Three hearts and a head. Mun 39:55 Ap '08 Toss-up. Harp W 57:10 Jl 4 '13 Trap. Lippinc 94:600 N '14 Trousers and tragedy. Mun 52:S22 Jl '14 Woman disposes. Lippinc 83:492 Ap *09 Wooed by wireless. Cosmop 44:497 Ap '08 England, IVIabel Chase Day of new thought. Mun 43:522 Jl '10 English lady packing: monologue. B. Hereford. L H J 24:15 N '07 Englishman. J. Street. Amer 65:324 Ja '08 Enigma — a special sale. W. H. Cline. Amer 62:2S;6 Jl '06 Enlightenment of Ridgeville. M. Kennedy. Cosmop 37:307 Jl '04 Englishman's luck. A. B. Paine. Harper 101: 635 S '00 Ennui of Cap'n Peck. C. B. Kelland. Harper 120:479 F '10 Enoch Tate's rival. J. B. Oxford. Mun 38:641 F '08 'Enrietter. E. R. Pennell. Lippinc 76:93 Jl '05 'Enry 'Iggins' 'eart story. J. Lincoln. Sat E P 173:20 N 10 '00 Ensuing cataclysm. F. M. Pendleton. Harp B 45:316 Jl '11 Entanglement of ties: a Christmas comedy. M. & A. E. McFarlane. McClure 34:221 D '09 Enter a dragon. T. Hardy. Harper 102:25 D •00 Enter, a lady. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 80:76 Jl '07 Enter Posey Cotton. M. C. Jenison. Col 51:5 S 13 '13 Enter Santa Claus, R. U. E. Mrs. J. Futrelle. Sat E P 180:8 D 21 '07 Enter the Duke. J. Futrelle. Sat E P 180:8 Ag 17 '07 Enterprise. K. Perry. Harper 104:682 Mr "02 Enterprise of Flora. F. H. Gribble. Lippinc 67: 499 Ap '01 Entertaining a prince. H. Footner. Cent 77:281 D 'OS Entertaining Mr. Schevrien. M. Glass. Sat E P 1S2:16 Ap 30 '10 Entertaining the candidate. K. Baker. Atlan 111:277 F '13 Entrance of Ezekiel. L. Pratt. McClure 29:17 My '07 Environment and Helen. A. R. Andre. Met 26: 641 Ag '07 Envoy of the higher civilization. R. IT. Little. Everybody's 16:258 F '07 Episode at Mrs. Kirkpa trick's. E. G. Jordan. Harp B 36:208 Mr '02 Episode in black-face. H. Green. Mun 44:204 N '10 Episode in Elinor's life. M. J. Reynolds. Mun 29:665 Ag '03 Episode of Teacup canyon. F. Saville. Mun 30: 1S9 N '03 Episode of the palm room. A. Kinross. Met 19: 358 D '03 Episode under the Terror. H. de Balzac. Lippinc 89:422 Mr '12 Epistolary anachronism. M. Cruikshank. Mun 30:19 O '03 Epitaph and a ghost. A. M. Roach. Harper 100:S4G N '04 Equalizing bug. B. Goodman. Sat E P 183:36 Ap S '11 Equinoctial disturbance. T. White. Cosmop 35: 217 Je '03 Era of red and green. C. Day. Scrib 44:479 O '08 Erasure of Jean. W. Inglis. Harp W 51:1560 O 26 '07 Eric Hermannson's soul. W. S. Gather. Cos- mop 28:633 Ap '00 Ermine and money. L S. Cobb. Sat E P 184:5 Ap 27 '12 Ernest and the case of Old Mudguards. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 70:21 My '10 Ernest and the conspirators. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 73:754 Ap '12 Ernest and the latch key question. I. H. Gill- more. Amer 69:315 Ja '10 Ernest and the law of order. L H. Gilmore. Amer 71:340 Ja '11 Ernest and the social game. I. H. Gilmore. Amer 70:657 S '10 Ernest, Joseph Garage in the sunshine. Cent 86:920 O 13 Ernest lavs down his arms. L H. Gilmore. Amer 72:385 Jl '11 Eros and the ear-trumpet. C. B. Kelland. Mun 48:204 N '12 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 87 Errand for Arnold. Harp W. 46:278 Mr 1 '02 Erring father. A. I>. Miller. Col 52:17 O 18 '13 Error in estimates. J. Cooper. Amer 63:580 Ap '07 Error in judgment. I. F. Brown. Cosmop 43: 90 My '07 Error of circumstance. J. Kocheli. Everybody's 17:130 Jl '07 Error of his ways. E. Flower. Lippinc 87:226 F '11 Error of judgment. M. W. MacLaren. New Eng n s 31:295 N '04 Error of the day. G. Parker. Everybody's 15: 44 Jl '06 Ervine, St. John Greer, 1883- Burial. Forum 51:750 My '14 Escape. J. A. Altsheler. Harp W 47:940 Je '03 Escape. A. S. Winston. Lippinc 91:471 Ap '13 Escape of Edward Hussey. C. E. White. Harp B 38:905 S '04 Escape of Mr. Trimm. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 182:12 N 27 '09 Escape of Tommy Waite. A. Bullard. Harper 129:343 Ag '14 Escape of Wilkins. A. Train. Scrib 38:111 Jl '05 Esmeralda herders. E. W. Peattie. Atlan 87: 111 Ja '01 Esparbes, Georges d'. See Esparbes, Thomas Augusta Esparbes, Thomas Auguste (Georges d'Es- parbes) 1863- Veteran: a tale of the French army. Cur Lit 40:577 N '10 Especially Parkins. L. Merrick. Met 26:52 Ap '07 Esperanza, The. G. Kobbe. Delin 67:82 Ja '06 Esquire. R. H. Schauffler. Cent 74:886 O '07 Essence of honeymoon. H. P. Robinson. Harp B 45:164 Ap, 216 My, 266 Je '11 Estabrook, Mrs. Alma (Martin) 1871- Bequeathal of two memories. Cosmop 33:56 My '02 Confederate of chaperones. Lippinc 73:629 My '04 Gentleman of the curb. Mun 28:127 O '02 Lips that were sealed. Lippinc 78:385 O '06 Little gray dove. Cent 82:497 Ag '11 My Cousin Patricia. Lippinc 73:131 F '04 Other side of the hill. Met 31:89 O '09 Requital. Harper 107:633 S '03 Return of the aberrant. Les Mo 60:117 My '05 Six conversations with Delicia. Delin 71:404 Mr '08 When Mrs. Adney died. Harper 129:138 Je '14 — See Estabrook, William Chester, jt. auth. Estabrook, William Chester Chastisement of a squaw-man. Les Mo 57:708 Ap '04 Hoodwinking of Apollo. Sat E P 179:6 Je 22 '07 Magic of sourness. Cent 76:841 O '08 New deputy of Cochite. Mun 34:626 F '06 Swedish romance. Harper 105:973 N '02 — and Estabrook, Mrs. Alma Martin Tribute. Forum 46:447 O '11 Esteemed contemporaries. J. C. Lincoln. Every- body's 16:800 Je '07 Esther. F. O. Bartlett. Mun 23:371 Je '00 Esther, beauteous queen. F. Crane. Every- body's 30:316 Mr '14 Eternal challenge. I. H. Gillmore. Everybody's 26:17 Ja '12 Eternal feminine. M. R. S. Andrev.'s. Harper 116:197 Ja '08 Eternal feminine. T. Bailey. McClure 31:681 O 'OS Eternal feminine. E. W. Brodhead. Cent 59: 761 Mr '00 Eternal feminine. J. W. Knapp. Met 17:56 Ap '03 Eternal feminine. E. Singmaster. Lippinc 86: 107 Jl '10 Eternal lover. V. Thompson. Cosmop 57:687 O Eternal maternal. A. Merchant. Harp B 41- *o8 Ag '07 Eternal question. B. L. Taylor. Sat E P 180- 6 Je 20 '08 Etern^al woman: Wolfviile story. A. H Lewis Cosmop 53:766 N '12 Ethan Frome. E. Wharton. Scrib 50:151 Ag '11 Ethics of pig. O. Henry. Mun 36:61 O '06 Ethics of the profession. G.Chittenden. Scrib o3:i29 Je 13 Ethiopian dip. E. P. Butler. Cent 87:200 D '13 Etrangere, L. F. H. Lancaster. Met 28:628 S Eudora Drake's rummaging. P. Wesley New Eng n s 24:2S0 My '01 Eugene. M. Williams. Lippinc 89:117 Ja '12 Eugenic bride. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 56:636 Ap Eunice and the Eunice. H. M. Hoke. Cosmop 36:539 Mr '04 Eureka elephant. F. U. Adams. Amer 64:536 S '-'7 European travelers: monologue. M. S. Cutting. Harp B 45:398 S '11 Eva Emma Jane. G. W. Ogden. Mun 28:906 Mr 03 Evangeline's at home. C. A. Winslow. New Eng n s 33:204 O '05 Evangelist of culture. A. O'Hagan. Mun 29: 654 Ag '03 Evans, Frank E. Diamond jester. Col 54:8 O 17 '14 Those who care: a story of the Philippines. :Met 27:55 O '07 Two desertei-s. Met 29:627 Mr '09 Evans, Ida May Back porch of life. Sat E P 186:7 S 27 '13 Birds of Paradise Lost. Sat E P 186:13 N 15 Discards. Sat E P 186:28 Je 13 '14 Flesh under fleshings. Sat E P 186:11 Mr 28 '14 Mudpuddles. Sat E P 186:8 Ja 24 '14 Proof of love. Sat E P 185:16 Je 28 '13 Soap wrappers. Sat E P 187:12 O 24 '14 Evans, J. Wainwright Hurt woman. L H J 29:21 Ag '12 Success that failed. Harp W 53:22 Mr 27 '09 Evans, Larry Cassidy. Cosmop 56:43 D '13 Color line. Met 38:27 Ag '13 Faith. Met 38:36 My '13 How Father Le Fevre came to Singing River. Sat E P 185:5 Ja 25 '13 Laugh, The. Met 31:717 Mr '10 Man who made believe. Met 40:24 O '14 Painted lady. Sat E P 185:7 N 30 '12 When the river ran white. Cosmop 57:617 O '14 Evans, Mrs. Wilfred Muir. See Wilkinson, Florence. Evasion of Florida Lusk. A. MacGowan. Lip- pinc 88:552 O '11 Eve at Heart's Desire. E. Hough. Sat E P 177:4 S '10, 6 S 17 '04 Eve of Saint John. T. A. Janvier. Harper 115: 255 Jl '07 Eve of the wild apple. R. Le Gallienne. Met 20:610 Ag '04 Eve, with Adam's assistance. K. C. Strahan. Col 54:12 O 31 '14 Evelina's auction. W. A. Bradley. Mun 34:143 N '05 Evelina's return. C. Howard. Cent 69:441 Ja ■or, Evelyn, Aldrldge Chilo. Lippinc 78:798 D '06 Two-sided honeymoon. Lippinc 76:358 S '05 Even threes. O. Johnson. Cent 84:415 Jl '12 Evening and the morning, A. Brown. Delin 64:978 D '04 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Evening dress. Z. Gale. Everybody's 21;675 N U'J Evening of pleasure. C. B. De Camp. Har- per 104:174 D '01 Evenings at Simeon's store. G. S. Wasson. Atlan 90:694 N '02 Evening's work at home. J. W. Tompkins. Everybody's 10:127 Ja '04 Event of the season. T. L,. Masson. Mun 48: 920 Mr '13 Ever after. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 181:11 O 31 '08 Ever-constant tide. E. B. Delano. Cent 77:557 F '09 Ever-ready Edgar. L. C. O. Haughton. L, H J 24:22 D Oti Ever- ready Lena. M. Macbeth. L H J 31:11 O 14 Everett, Elizabeth L. Ann Eliza. Harp B 40:990 N 06 Evergreen tree: a Christmas story. M. A. Tag- gart. Delin 68:978 D '06 Everlasting Eve. M. B. Pulver. Lippinc 92:386 S "13 Everlasting triangle. H. S. Harrison. L H J 29:9 Jl '12 Every day. R. R. Gilson. Outl 74:425 Je 13 '03 Everyday. J. Oppenheim. Amer 67:498 Mr '09 Every dog—. T. Helburn. Lippinc 93:82 Ja '14 Every man for himself. N. Duncan. Harper 113:255 Jl '06 Every move. G. A. Smith. Scrib 55:705 Je '14 Every poet has his day. E. Boltwood. Mun 46: 284 N '11 Everyman's riddle. C. B. Davis. Scrib 41:70 Ja '07 Everything in sight. M. Michelson. Sat E P 178:7 S '16 '05 Everything in the world. A. French. New Eng n s 23:649 F '01 Eve's daughters. L. Huffaker. Forum 52:861 D •14 Eve's diary. M. Twain. Harper 112:25 D '05 Eve's Uncle Arkady. K. C. Strahan. Col 54:12 N 28 '14 Evey and her happiness. F. K. Johnson. Atlan 103:209 F '09 Evidence of the sword. R. Sabatini. Every- body's 4:159 F '01 Evil communications. H. Rhodes. Col 42:16 D 19 '08 Evil eye. H. Pyle. Harper 124:383 F '12 Evil Semilune. B. Brandenburg. Everybody's 10:653 My '04 Evil to him who evil thinks. R. H. Davis. Sat E P 185:8 S 21 '12 Evolution. W. P. Eaton. Everybody's 16:475 Ap '07 Evolution of a citizen. A. E. P. Searing. New Eng n s 22:310 My '00 Evolution of a lady. E. N. Blair. Harp B 45: 572 D '11 Evolution of a train robber. E. B. Bronson. Amer 68:485 S '09 Evolution of Ishmael. M. "W. Martin. McClure 34:462 F "10 Evolution of Wilber Smith. W. A. Johnston. Delin 72:410 S '08 Ewald, Carl, 1856-1908 Cuckoo. Met 27:612 F '08 Ewell, Alice Maude, 1860- Hearts in the lowlands. Atlan 96:665 N '05 Woman's fancy. Atlan 92:623 N '03 Ex-city editors' club. M. Michelson. Sat E P 178:7 S 23 '05 Ex curia. R. W. Chambers. Scrib 36:240 Ag '04 Ex libris. M. T. Earle. Harper 105:66 Je '02 Ex machina. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 180:3 Ag 17 '07 Exaltation of William Henry. H. Templeton. Delin 66:807 N 05 Example and precept. M. Glass. Sat E P 186:6 Ay 9 13 Exceeding high mountain. M. Deland. Harper 107:893 N '03 Exceedmg wickedness of Ezra. F. Crissey. Sat E P 174:20 N 23 01 Exceeding wiliness of Mrs. Mimms. D. Rine- hart. Harp B 42:27 Ja '08 Excellent revenge of Eleanor. M. E. Seawell. Sat E P 172:604 Ja 13 '00 Exception. I. B. Roberts. Lippinc 71:836 Je '03 Excess baggage. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 186: 5 O 18 '13 Exchange of confidence. E. Kelley. Harper 107: 420 Ag '03 Exchange of courtesies. R. Grant. Sat E P 177:1 N 26 '04 Exchange of currency. H. Footner. Col 43:20 Ap 3 '09 Exciting life. E. P. Butler. Col 45:17 My 28 '10 Exclusionist. M. Hill. Les Mo 58:350 Ag '04 Exclusive story. E. J. Rath. Col 42:22 N 14 '08 Excommunicated. C. W. Dawson. Harp W 54: 14 D 17 '10 Excommunicated. J. S. Thomson. Met 28:669 S '08 Execution, The. W. Rogers. Met 12:40 Jl '00. Executive mind. E. M. Rhodes. Sat E P 181:15 Ap 24 '09 Executors. C. B. Davis. Scrib 44:448 O '08 Exhibit number two. F. T. Hill. Everybody's 16:564 Ap '07 Exile. E. R. de Schell. Atlan 89:397 Mr. '02 Exile. G. Moore. Harp W 46:1321 S 20 '02 Exiles. H. J. O'Higgins. McClure 26:464 Mr '06 Exiles. E. Singmaster. Harper 119:666 O '09 Existence doubtful. R. Dunne. Met 38:29 Jl '13 Exit charity. Z. Gale. Everybody's 28:603 My '13 Exit madame. G. Weston. Col 53:9 Je 13 '14 Exit of Anise Dugmore. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 183:12 D 17 '10 Exit of Milly's. V. Tracy. Col 36:18 Ja 20 '06 Exit Pangingi Pete. P. B. Kyne. Met 38:12 S '13 Exit the prince. C. Goodloe. Scrib 38:177 Ag '05 Exorcism of Lily Bell. E. Jordan. Harp B 40: 199 Mr '06 Expansion of Alphonse. F. Metcalfe. Amer 61: 134 D '05 Expatriates. E. B. Pottle. Harper 116:865 My '08 Expected guests. M. Emmons. Harp B 42:1187 D '08 Expected one. H. Dickson. Sat E P 184:12 Ap 13 '12 Expedient. A. H. Donnell. Cosmop 40:199 D '05 Expelled. A. C. McKenzie. Mun 29:822 S '03 Expelling the Pikes. J. R. Perry. Cosmop 44: 424 Mr 'OS Expensive passenger. A. M. Ronda. Les Mo 52:202 Je '01 Experience. G. H. Gerould. Scrib 55:293 Mr '14 Experiment. E. M. Kelley. Mun 53:506 D '14 Experiment in fiction. A. E. McFarlane. Delin 69:1031 Je '07 Experience with a family paper. C. W. Rankin. Harper 102:978 My '01 Experiences of a Jew's wife. Amer 78:49 D '14 Experiment in Archaeology. A Chapman. Har- per 122:641 Mr '11 Experiment in Darwinism. W. L. Alden. Sat E P 174:6 Je 7 '02 Experiment in journalism. H. Brubaker. Har- per 128:641 Mr '14 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 89 Experiment in poverty. M. R. Rinehart. Amer 61:47 N '05 Experiment in resource. R. W. Child. Col 49: 16 Ag 31 '12 Experimenter. G. W. Pangborn. Scrib 46:273 S '09 Expert testimony. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 178: 16 S 9 '05 Expiation. E. Wharton. Cosmop 36:209 D '03 Explanation by the editor. H. Rhodes. Col 38: 18 F 2 '07 Exploit of Puaa Nui. B. W. Mumford. Met 19: 413 D '03 Exploiter of souls. M. Deland. Harper 109:349 Ag '04 Explorer. M. L. Thompson. Les Mo 51:503 Mr '01 Explorers. G. Morris. Col 38:20 D 1 '06. Same, Col 44:21 O 9 '09 Expurgated prayer. J. W. Strout. New Eng n s 31:279 N '04 Exquisite thug. R. Hughes. Sat E P 182:5 D 11 '09 Extra blanket. F. H. Smith. Scrib 36:533 N '04 Extra dry. O. Wister. Sat E P 181:14 F 27 '09 Extra man. S. Olmsted. Mun 45:81 Ap '11 Extra man and the milkfed lion. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 186:3 Jl 5 '13 Extra motion. F. Chase. Col 52:17 N 1 '13 Extra number. E. M. Rhodes. Sat E P 179:8 Je 1 '07 Extra paper. Z. Gale. Everybody's 25:341 S '11 Extra-select Christmas. E. H. Brainerd. L H J 30.23 D '13 Extra thousand. M. H. Vorse. Harper 123:101 Je '01 Extra turn. R. Barr. Amer 68:604 O '09 Extract from Captain StormP.eld's visit to lieaven. M. Twain. Harper 116:41, 266 D •07-Ja '08 Extracts from Adam's diary. M. Twain. Har- per 102:762 Ap '01 Extradition. A. Train. Scrib 37:354 Mr '05 Extraordinary adventure of Baron De Ville. A. Train. Scrib 37:230 F '05 Extraordinary adventure of Jacqueline. G. Weston. Cent 88:491 Ag '14 Extraordinary case of Wilfred Wump Brabazon. A. S. M. Hutchinson. Harper 127:826 N '13 Extraordinary story of the Utica mine. B. Mil- lard. Everybody's 5:499 N '01 Extraordinary tramp. H. C. Hambridge. Delin 72:255 Ag '08 Extravagance. R. Ingalls. Mun 51:771 My '14 Extry. A. B. Osborn. New Eng n s 48:321 S '12 Exuberance and the new artist. R. H. Schauf- fler. Cent SS:750 S '14 Eye and hand. E. Duvall. Atlan 104:326 S '09 Eye for an eye. F. H. Lancaster. McClure 26: IS N '05 Eye for beauty. C. M. Savage. Mun 44:757 Mr 'H Eye of a needle. M. L. C. Plckthall. Harp W 58:19 D 20 '13 Eye of Apollo. G. K. Chesterton. Sat E P 183: 5 F 25 '11 Eye of the harem. A. C. Smith. Scrib 27:317 Mr '00 Eye of the mind. J. Morton. Harper 109:919 N '04 Eyes. E. Wharton. Scrib 47:671 Je '10 Eyes In the back of the Ronoral'.s head. F. Pal- mer. Scrib 41:554 My '07 Eyes of affection. G. Hibbard. Harper 111: 397 Ap '05 Eyes of her soul. E. S. Field. Cosmor) 47:436 S 00 tyen ot men. fl. Brooks. Atlan 9S;074 N '06 Eyes of terror. R. E. Norton. Cosmop 42:351 Ja '07 Eyes of the gazelle. R. W. Child. Harper 124: 697 Ap '12 Eyes of the heart. E. W. Mumford. Cent 84: 575 Ag '12 Eyes of the portrait. K. Roof. New Eng n s 43.447 Ja '11 Eyes of the two Jeremiahs. E. Poole. Every- body's 21:813 D "09 Eyes of the world. E. V. B. Matthews. Mun. 2s;274 N '02 Eyes that saw not. O. Watanna and B. W. Babcock. Harper 105:30 Je '02 Eyre, Archibald Trifler. Lippinc 71:435 Ap '03 Ezekiel in exile. L. Pratt. McClure 30:26 N '07 Ezekiel in transit. L. Pratt. McClure 29:415 Ag '07 Ezekiel promises. L. Pratt. McClure 30:557 Mr '08 Faauma. G. Watson. Everybody's 19:327 S '08 Fable. M. Twain. Harper 120:70 D 09 Fable and woodmyth. E. T. Seton. Cent 67:35 N -03 Fables for grown folk. B. Pain. Sat E P 173:3 Ag '11 '00 Fables for the fair. J. D. Daskam. Harp B 33: 1148 S 1 '00 Fabricated defenses. M. D. Post. Sat E P 184: 16 N 11 '11 Face. A. Warwick. Cent 84:904 O '12 Face in the car window. J. Lee. Col 41:20 My 23 '08 Face in the jungle. G. Watson. Met 27:170 N '07 Face of clay. A. S. Pier. Atlan 101:157 F '08 Face of Friendship village. Z. Gale. Everybody's 27:462 O '12 Face of the poor. M. C. Graham. Atlan 96:352 S '05 Face of the shadow. K. H. Brown. Every- body's 15:353 S "06 Faces. H. James. Harp B 33:2084 D 15 '00 Faces of the little children. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 174:6 Mr 15 '02 Facing down of Polk Dillard. A. MacGowan. Harper 106:610 Mr '03 Faddists of the road. S. Comstock. Lippinc 78:116 Jl '06 Faeries, just. R. Sa^vyer. Everybody's 29:748 D '13 Fagan. R. Thomas. Col 35:17 Ap 8 '05 Failure: by his wife. Delin 79:173 Mr '12 Failure. C. T. Brady. Harper 104:923 My '02 Failure. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 86:596 N '10 Failure. T. P. Garrison. Harper 106:527 Mr '03 Failure. J. Hopper. McClure 22:307 Ja '04 Failure. J. Lee. Harper 115:99 Je '07 Failure, The. C. J. C. Hyne. Sat E P 183:20 N 12 10 Failure of justice. F. Remington. Harper 100: 267 Ja '00 Failure of marriage at El Bandido. W. Bulfin. Evprybody's 10:453 Ap '04 Failure of the city. M. Fawcett. Mun 32:755 F •or, Failures, The. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 183:14 F 25 '11 Failures. H. J. O'HIpRlns. Col 41:16 My 30 08 Fair. 7.. Gale. Everybody's 24:373 Mr '11 Fair cxrhange. W. N. Harben. Lippinc 69:115 Ja '02 90 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Fair exchange. E. G. Wallace. New Eng n s 2G:70S As 02 Fair lee. B, C. Caughey. Lippinc 71:125 Ja '03 Fair Ines. E. \V. Brodhead. Cent 61:913 Ap 01 Fair Lavinia. M. E, W. Freeman. Harper 114; 202 Ja 07 Fair play. H. M. Rideout. Sat E P 1S3:3 N 12, 13 N 19, 12 N 26 '10 Fair upsetter of customs. C. F. Embree. Mc- Clure 20:307 Ja '03 Fair-weather hits. L. Graves. Amer 75:50 Je •13 Fair witch. Salem, 1692. F. Sterling. New Eng n s 43:3S7 Ja '11 Fairbank, Janet Ayre Manoeuvres of Marian. Les Mo 53:409 F '02 Fairfax comedy. H. B. M. Watson. Harper 121:552 S '10 Fair's fair. O. Oliver. Harp W 55:16 My 13 '11 Fairy Amelook. M. S. Gerry. Harp B 47:65 F •13 Fairy godfather. W. P. Cockerell. Cent 73:539 F '07 Fairy godmother. M. D. Post. Sat E P 1S3:8 Ap 15 11 Fairy godmother. M. B. Shipp. Mun 31:3S2 Je '04 Fairy poodle. L. Merrick. Met 25:454 Ja '07 Fairy princess. O. Oliver. Met 22:547 Ag '05 Fairy valley. F. Wilkinson. Harper 107:710 O •03 Fairy wife. M. Hewlett. Cent 85:500 F '13 Faith. L. Evans. Met 38:36 My '13 Faith. F. A. Kummer. Cosmop 56:88 D '13 Faith and work. T. A. Janvier. Harper 110: 487 F '05 Faith of Big Mike. J. F. Cohb. Harp W 56:15 My 25 '12 Faith of his fathers. H. Garland. Harp W 47: 892 My 30 '03 Faith of Mrs. Maxon. R. K. Hallett. Amer 60: 5S8 S '05 Faithful Brady. L. Bowman. McClure 24:665 Mr '05 Fakir. M. H. Austin. Harper 119:556 S '09 Falcons. L. A. Newcome. Harp W 52:22 D 12 '08 Fales, Winifred Shaw, 1875- Honeymoon in a canoe. Cosmop 41:361 Ag '06 Fall from grace. M. Robertson. Cosmop 30:17 N '00 Fall guy. B. Whitlock. Sat E P 183:3 Ap 1 '11 Fall of a financier. W. Payne. Sat E P 177:3 Ag 20 '04 Fall of Georgie Bassett. B. Tarkington. Cos- mop 56:340 F '14 Fall of Goliath. I. Maclaren. Met 26:326 Je '07 Fall of James Potter. F. Veeder. Harper 103: 319 Jl '01 Fall of King Chris. J. M. Oskison. Les Mo 56: 586 O '03 Fall of Sadri-Azem. E. Peple. Mun 41:627 Ag •09 Fall of Terry, O. S. R. Dunn. Harp W 54:16 N 5 "10 Fall of the flag. L. G. Giltner. Mun 28:46 O '02 Fall of the house of Johns. W. J. Hopkins. Atlan 98:194 Ag '06 Fallen idol. H. E. Andrews. Harp B 33:76 Ja 27 '00 Falling in at Simpsey's. T. G. Roberts. IMun 46:639 F '12 Fallow field. F. Barnes. Harper 104:292 Ja '02 Fallows, Alice Katharine Journalistic career of Evelyn. Harp B 39: 360 Ap '05 Fallstaff. See Love-letters of False alarm. E. Campbell. Harp W 56:16 O 5 12 False aurora. C. W. Morrison and A. Mac- Gowan. Lippinc 91:313 Mr '13 False gods. G. H. Lorimer. Sat E P 178:1 Ja 27 •06 False gods of Doc Weaver. E. P. Butler. Cent 62:691 S '01 False move. C. Howard. Lippinc 84:749 D '09 Falsely accused. C. D. Leslie. Everybody's 3: 162 Ag '00 Fame of Don Esteban. W. Bulfin. Everybody's 12:389 Mr ^05 Familiar incidents with the photographer. S. Leacock. Amer 76:82 S '13 Family. J. Oppenheim. Everybody's 21:552 O '09 Family affair. E. S. SchaefCer. Atlan 100:87 Jl '07 Family cruise. J. F. Wilson. Mun 34:466. Ja •06 Family doctor. F. E. C. Robbins. New Eng n s 36:627 Jl '07 Family jars. G. A. England. Amer 62:172 Je '06 Family outcast. M. Hill. Col 51:7 My 10 '13 Family skeleton. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 57:484 S '14 Family ties. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:10 O 9 '09 Fan, The. M. Edginton. Lippinc 93:575 JNly '14 Fanch. H. C. Rowland. Met 25:266 D '06 Fanchon the lobster. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 1S0:10 Ap 11 ^08 Fanchot. F. H. Lea. Scrib 49:236 F '11 Fancy and fate. M. P. Read. Harper 126:641 Mr ^13 Fancy-dress election. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 177:8 N 12 '04 Fan -fan. G. F. Bird. Cosmop 32:321 Ja '02 Fangs of the mill. V. Rousseau. Harp W 56: 16 Je 8 '12 Fannie. R. Bergengren. Everybody's 23:33 Jl '10 Fantoms of peace. Z. Grey. Mun 48:687 Ja '13 Far adventures of Billy Burns. S. MacManus. Cosmop 36:459 F '04 Far-away road. E. Jordan. Harp B 47:223 My '13 Far, Sui Sin, pseud. See Eaton, Edith Maud Farewell banquet. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 55:10 Je 24 '11 Farewell dinner. E. Boltwood. Mun 37:290 Je '07 Farm and the fountain. V. '^''aniatsky. Met 15: 628 D '02 Farm by the forest. J. D. Bacon. Col 41:12 Ag 22 '08 Farmer, iVlary Caroline Conscience, chivalry and correspondence. Lippinc 94:483 O '14 Farnham, Mateel Howe Mr. Ishiboshi, my Japanese servant and friend. Amer 76:71 Ag '13 Farnham, R. H. Luck of the three sevens. Cosmop 35:161 Je '03 Farnol, (John) Jeffery, 1878- Divine Phyllidia. Les Mo 57:621 Ap '04 Journey's end. Cent 83:15 N '11 Farquhar, Anna (Mrs. Ralph Bergengren) 1865- Donkable Miss Dunne. L H J 24:16 F '07 Mystery in the girl's case. L H J 23:14 D '05 Farrell, John F. Hand that rules the world. Outl 73:544 Mr 7 •03 Light that cast no shadows. Outl 74:904 Ag 8 '03 Llewellyn's offering. Outl 70:283 F 1 '02 Fascinating of Mr. Savage. H. Milecete. Lip- pinc 72:643 D '03 Fashion. D. C. Calthrop. Amer 72:332 Jl '11 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 91 Fashionable lent. K. Hoffman. Mun 22:825 Mr •00 Fashioning of Florence Isabel. E. A. Zangwill. Lippir.c 88:884 D '11 Fassett, Frederici< G. Cap'n Hezekiah's little Evy. New Eng n s 35:113 S '06 Cap'n Hezekiah's treasure-hunt. Harper 115: 649 S '07 Fat beauty. G. R. Chester. Everybody's 24:604 My '11 Fat Fallon. A. D. Runyon. Lippinc 80:499 O '07 Fatal chamber. C. Dangerfield. Lippinc 73:239 F '04 Fatal gift. K. M. Roof. Harp B 45:110 Mr '11 Fatal gratitude of Mr. Kelly. A. H. Lewis. Col 33:16 S 17 '04 Fatal gum. H. W. Phillips. Sat E P 179:5 S 15 '06 Fatal hash. M. H. Vorse. Amer 70:843 O '10 Fatal letter. C. B. Loomis. Mun 45:172 My '11 Fatal pass. B. H. Ridgely. Les Mo 51:264 Ja •01 Fatal sisters. M. C. McGiffert. Scrib 33:284 Mr '03 Fate and the circus. C. B. Wakefield. Harper 110:325 Ja '05 Fate and the pocketbook. A. O'Hagan. Mun 35:375 Je '06 Fate of a treasure-town. H. Pyle. Harper 112: 3 D 05 Fate of Alvara. E. Flower. Lippinc 78:353 S •06 Fate of an Olivine ring. J. H. Walworth. Les Mo 49:404 F '00 Fate of Faustina. E. W. Hornung. Scrib 29: 277 Mr '01 Fate of Francesco. S. Jewett. Scrib 38:101 Jl '05 Fate of man. C. N. Buck. Harp W 54:18 O 8 '10 Fate of the balloonist dog. E. J. Webster. Les Mo 57:705 Ap '04 Fate's juggler. V. Vaniatsky. Lippinc 73:620 My '04 Fathead. A. K. Akers. Sat E P 183:30 D 24 '10 Father. B. Bjornson. Cur Lit 49:111 Jl '10 Father. A. Brown. Harper 126:126 D '12 Father. R. R. Gilson. Harper 105:515 S '02 Father. H. M. Lyon. McClure 30:107 N '07 Father. G. S. Mason. L H J 29:12 N '12 Father. C. B. McLean. Harper 121:92 Je '10 Father and his son. E. B. Pottle. Harper 113: C14 S '06 Father and son. E. Tobenkin. Amer 71:410 Ja 11 Father by grace of the court. L. K. Mabie. Mun 32:175 N '04 Father Fee, orphan collector. C. Day. Every- body's 21:477 O '09 Father for the baby. N. Duncan. Harper 122: 933 My '11 Father in England. A. M. Sholl. Mun 47:426 Je '12 Father James. H. E, P. Spofford. Harper 109: 16 Je '04 Father of a full-back. M. Michelson. Mun 30: 443 D 03 Father of his son. I. H. Gillmore. Everybody's 11:29 Jl '04 Father of Pauline. C. B. Loomis. Delin 70:546 O '07 Father, son and grandson. W. R. TJphton. Coi^mr.]) 36:337 Ja '01 Father to iiis freshman son. E. S. Martin. At- lari 110:441 O '12 Fatherland. H. W. Fiferlik. Harper 129:435 Ag 14 Fathers. E. Boltwood. Mun 45:256 My '11 Father's rebellion. F. Putney, Jr. Mun 43:350 Je '10 Father's sweetheart. O. Oliver. Delin 65:265 F '05 Fatted calf. T. Bailey. Met 28:51 Ap '08 Fatted calf. G. M. Cooke. Mun 31:669 Ag '04 Fattening of David. W. B. Adams. Amer 61: 452 F '06 Fatuity of Tompkins. L. G. Giltner. Mun 31: 610 Jl '04 Faulkner earns ten francs. E. S. Field. Met 38:41 O '13 Fault. M. Sinclair. Cent 75:466 Ja '08 Favor of Hachiman. A. M. Bacon. Atlan 96: 95 Jl '05 Favorite plot with variations. L. Merrick. Met 26:633 Ag '07 Fawcett, Edgar, 1847-1904 Doreen. Lippinc 73:3 Ja '04 International sweethearts. New Eng n s 26: 152 Ad '02 Lifted finger. Les Mo 50:387 Ag '00 Resurrection of Edith. Lippinc 71:85 Ja '03 Unpardonable sin. Mun 28:492 Ja '03 Fawcett, iVlargaret G. Failure of the city. Mun 32:755 F '05 Mrs. Chetwynd's husband. Mun 24:252 N '00 Myrtie Smith's little brother. Everybody's 16:303 Mr '07 Fayette county gas wells. H. M. Hyde. Les Mo 59:80 N '04 Fearless patriot. F. H. Sweet. Met 26:452 Jl •07 Feast of Colette. L Forrester. Mun 48:857 F '13 Feast of locusts. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 73: 475 Ap '04 Feast of the holy innocents. S. M. Ilsley. Cent 84:79 My '12 Feathers. B. W. Currie. Harp W 51:1656 N 9 •07 Feathers of the sun. J. London. Sat E P 184:6 Mr 9 '12 Fee. E. S. Phelps. Cent 61:671 Mr '01 Feel doll. A. H. Donnell. Harper 111:298 Jl '05 Feet of clay. F. H. Lea. Harper 118:530 Mr •09 Feet of the Detwilers. E. P. Butler. Les Mo 58:413 Ag ^04 Felice. J. L. Long. Harper 110:13 D '04 Felix tells a story. L. Pratt. Amer 69:353 Ja '10 Fellow-feeling kinship. F. Lynde. Lippinc 76: 318 S '05 Feilowes, Edward C. Misjudged coward. Mun 30:120 O '03 Felsberg, David Snare of the Fowler. Cosmop 36:651 Ap '04 Female of his species. F. L. Cowles. Amer 63: 364 F '07 Feminine standard. O. Oliver. Cosmop 37:207 Je '04 Feminine trust. E. C. Hall. Les Mo 55:225 D '02 Femininity of Billv French. L. L. Hinkley. Sat 10 1> IS5:5 Jo 7 •IS Femme dispose. E. F. Benson. Lippinc 66:313 -\g '00 Fenollosa, Mary (McNeill) (Mrs. Ernest Fran- cisco Fenollosa (Sidney McCall, pseud.) Wliilc iris. ICvcrybody's 17:147 Ag '<'7 Ferber, Edna, iss7- ("alching up with Christmas. Amor 75:55 Ja •13 riiickons. Amer 7.'?:497 F "12 Diotalod but not r<;id. Amor 77:29 Ap '14 Kif.t; ;iti April masque. Scrib 48:195> Ag '10 Artist. Scrib 49:289 Mr '11 As the twig is bent. Mun 44:S10 Mr '11 Avunculus. Everybody's 20:259 F '09 Awakening. Mun 37:510 Jl '07 Bedquilt. Harper 113:885 N '06 Bird out of the snare. Atlan 101:490 Ap '08 Cherchez la femme. Everybody's 28:383 Mr '13 Cult and the catamount. Lippinc 84:129 Ag 09 Deliverer. New Eng n s 39:79 S '08 Dope-fiend. Lippinc 89:409 Mr '12 End. Amer 66:131 Je 'OS From across the hill. Amer 71:362 Ja 11 Gifts of oblivion. Harper 127:501 S '13 Goblin gold. Everybody's 14:766 Je '06 Great refusal. Amer 63:202 D '06 Hillsboro shepherd. Everybody's 27:592 N '12 Horrors of the concentrated mind. Harp B 41:36 Ja '07 House with the woodbine. Mun 37:345 Je "07 Ideal. Harp B 40:789 S '06 Inheritance. Mun 41:247 My '09 Inner room. Les Mo 60:30S Jl '05 Ivanhoe and the German measles. Amer 62: 398 Ag '06 Jerusha and Giuseppe. Everybody's 13:19 Jl '05 Juliet and the nurse. Mun 45:664 Ag '11 King of France. Mun 40:820 Mr '09 Last of the garrison. Everybody's 15:61 Jl '06 Last of the Mohicans. Lippinc 88:506 O '11 Love's young dream. Everybody's 13:266 Ag '05 Man of ideas. Mun 38:118 O '07 Man with a country. Met 18:612 Ag '03 Matchmaker. Harp B 40:596 Jl '06 Moonshine. Mun 35:561. 703 Ag-S '06 Music hath charms. Les Mo 60:473 Ag '05 Music-master's wife. Mun 40:283 N '08 Oh come, all ye faithful! Scrib 49.571 My '11 On the hotel veranda. Mun 39:498 Jl '08 One result of the Martinique disaster. Harp B 37:710 Ag '03 Out of the wilderness. Delin 76:159 S '10 Petunias — that's for remembrance. Scrib 51: 473 Ap '12 Philanthropic honeymoon. Mun 35:181 My '06 Philanthropist and the peaceful life. Every- body's 14:675 My '06 Piano. Mun 36:542 F '07 Playmate. Amer 61:80 N '05 Portrait of a philosopher. Scrib 49:447 Ap '11 Pyrrhic victory. Everybody's 17:212 Ag '07 Rejected suitor. Everybody's 15:270 Ag '06 Revelation. Everybody's 18:321 Mr '08 Romance is dead. Harp B 39:6 Ja '05 Scrubwoman. Mun ?,6:412 Ja '07 Secret of serenitv. Everybody's 16:451 Ap '07 Son of the soil. Met 19:824 Mr '04 Squirrel cage. Everybody's 25:447 O '11 True blue. Everybody's 13:641 N '05 Ugly duckling. Amer 61:435 F '06 Unbreakable heart. Harp B 39:341 Ap '05 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 95 Fisher, Dorothy Canfield — continued Unframed picture. Everybody's 2:;:357 Mr '10 Unto tlie tliird and fourth generation. Outl 76:81 Ja 2 '(J4 Village Munchausen. Mun 39:357 Je '08 Westerner. Scrib 49:158 F '11 Fisher, John R., 1655- Honor of the chapter. Lippinc 83:115 Ja 09 Fisherman. W. J. Hopkins. Atlan 100:783 D '07 Fisherman and his foes. E. C. McCants. Evei'y- body's 6:271 Mr '02 Fisherman of Costla. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 32: 344 S '02 Fisherman who caught a bear. C. Major. Everybody's 3:521 D '00 Fishing in the Keowee country. E. C. McCants. Cosmop 34:542 Mr 'U3 Fishing of Suzanne. J. Hopper. Everybody's 18:659 My 'OS Fisl<, May Isabel At the hairdresser's. Harper 115:811 O 0< Bill from the milliner. Harper 107:973 N '03 Boarding-house keeper. Harper 113:479 Ag '06 Buying theatre tickets. Harper 129:641 S 14 Dressing for the play. Harper 126:317 Ja '13 Foolish girl. Met 12:657 N '00 Her first call on the butcher. Harper 107:490 Ag 03 Her first trip abroad. Harper 112:803 Ap '06 Her tailor-made gown. Harper 108:648 Mr '04 Hunting for an apartment. Harper 107:649 S '03 In the beauty parlor. Harp W 52:22 O 24 '08 Invalid. Harper 109:049 S '04 Keeping a seat at the benefit. Harper 106:496 F 03 Mis' Deborah has a visitor. Harper 107:156 Je '03 Overheard on a seeing London motor. Harp W 53:22 Ja 30 '09 Photographing the baby. Harper 121:317 Jl '10 Retrograding of Joe Snibley. Everybody's 18: 856 Je '08 Woman in a shoe-shop. Harper 108:163 D '03 Woman inquiring about trains. Harper 112: 479 F '06 Woman investor. Harper 127:155 Je '13 Fiske, Isabella Howe Tree of knowledge. New Eng n s 34:686 Ag •06 Fitch, Abigail Hetzel Princess Pontioff. Cent 66:247 Je '03 When the Consul came to Peking. Cent 65: 449. 516 Ja-F '03 When the Emperor prays for rain. Cent 66: 697 S '03 Fitch, Anita Lady with the waterfall. McClure 15:526 O '00 Radical judge. McClure 31:65 My '08 Fitch, George, 1877-1915 Auto game in Homeburg. Amer 77:12 My '14 Big strike at Siwash. Sat E P 180:3 My 30 '08 Christmas at Homeburg. Amer 76:56 D '13 Colleges while you wait. Sat E P 183:5 Ag 27 '10 Cupid — that old college chum. Sat E P 183: 10 Ja 21 '11 Doodlebug's racing career. Sat E P 184:24 Je 1 '12 Formality at Siwash. Sat E P 186:8 Ag 9 '13 4-11 train. Amer 76:41 S '13 Frapptd football. Sat E P 183:6 N 26 '10 Friendly fire-fiend. Amer 75:20 My '13 Funeral that flashed in the pan. Sat E P 182:5 D IS '09 Greek double cros.s. Sat E P 183:9 Mr 4 '11 Helping Santa Claus to break in. L H J 28: 18 l; '11 Homeburg marine band. Amer 78:40 S '14 Homeburg school election. Amer 76:43 N '13 Homeburg telephone exchange. Amer 78:24 O 14 Homeburg weekly democrat. Amer 77:45 P 14 Ilomebure's two four-hundredths. Amer 76: 29 Ag '13 Fitch, George — continued How 1 learned to run a motor. Sat E P 184:3 Jl 15, 12 Jl 22 '11 Initiating Ole. Sat E P 182:8 Ag 28 '09 Inside ball in the church league. Sat E P 184: 11 F 24 '12 Mrs. Van Rumble: story of a big woman in a small town. L H J 29:19 Ja '12 Mixing them for Marjorie. Amer 74:386 Ag '12 Ole Skjarcen's first touchdown. Sat E P 182: 15 N 6 'Oy Our fiist cruise. Sat E P 184:13 N 4 '11 Pete. Col 50:46 Ja 11 '13 Petey Simmon's confession. Sat E P 186:3 Jl 19 13 Saving a brother. Sat E P 186:6 S 20 '13 Seeing Boston through a megaphone. L H J 24:11 Je '07 Seeing Chicago through a megaphone. L H J 24:17 Mr '07 Seeing Philadelphia through a megaphone. L H J 24:15 F '07 Seeing Washington through a megaphone. L H J 24:22 Ag '07 Servant question in Homeburg. Amer 78:39 D -14 Sic transit gloria All- America. Sat E P 183: 15 Ap 15 '11 Souvenir cards he sent home. L H J 26:6 Ag, 8 S, IS O '09 Taking pace from Father Time. Sat E P 183: 15 Je 3 '11 Votes from women. Sat E P 183:11 My 6 '11 When Greek meets grouch. Sat E P 182:5 O 9 '09 Fitting of the Peats. See Crockett, S. R. Fitzgerald, David Bruce Maggie Verity's reconversion. New Eng n s 35: 50 S '06 Fitzgerald, Geraldine Whose fruit is dreams. Mun 41:168 My '09 Fitzgerald, Mary E. Young wooer. New Eng n s 37:329 N '07 Fitzhugh, Percy Keese, 1876- Sacrificing of Master Gordon Lord. New Eng n s 44:287 My '11 Fitzpatrick, James William Hospital ticket. Col 54:3 D 19 '14 Five colloquies. E. L. White. Lippinc 84:487 O '09 Five- dog limit at 65° N. H. Pendexter. Sat E P 177:10 F IS '05 Five gold bars. R. K. Culver. Mun 43:782 S '10 Five hundred dollars reward. 1. S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:16 O 19 '12 Five hundred thousand. T. L. Masson. Lippinc 87:349 Mr '11 Five millions in gold. H. Hazeltine. Col 51:16 Mr 22 '13 Five minutes grace. M. Tracy. Delin 59:998 Je '02 Five profiles. J. Hergesheimer. Forum 50:353 S '13 Five thousand an hour. See Chester, George Randolph Fixed determination. B. V.eiller. Mun 23:220 ISIy •00 Fixing the responsibility. C. Hansen. Harp W 58:18 Ap 11 '14 Flag-root. L. H. Sturdevant. Atlan 111:112 Jl ■14 Flagg, James Montgomery, 1877- Auto foi.s - :mio nioitn.'^. Anicr 75:117 Ja i^ Care and feeding of husbands. Amer (i:114 Come live with me and be my cook. Amer 75: Cream or lemon? Amor 75:120 My '13 Dinner party. Am«T 75:162 D '12 FrillH and Edn.iferberloWH. Amer 77:102 My Going away from here. Amer 78:SS Ag '14 T.s GhrlHtmas a bore? Amer "^^lOS D '14 It keeps you outdoors. Amer (S:ss ji ii 96 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Flagg, James Montgomery — continued Mystery of the hated man. Harp W 58:6 Ja 31 '14 Nut's automobile guide. Amer 7S:96 N '14 O Christmas. Amer 76:106 D '13 Parlor entertainers or the tragedy of success. Amer 75:126 Mr '13 Picnic. Amer 7i:9S O '14 theaters. Amer 76:108 O '13 Visiting. Amer 77:106 F '14 What migentleman will wear. Amer 77:88 Ja '14 Whiskerculture. Amer 77:108 Je '14 Why they parted. Amer 78:88 S '14 Flagging of the cannon ball. E. E. Peake. De- lin 57:278 F '01 Flaherty, master of love. M. L,. Radford. Sat E P 177:8 Mr 4 '05 Flaherty pursued. M. L.. Radford. Sat E P 178:9 N 18 '05 Flaherty's promotion. B. E. Stevenson. Lip- pine 86:357 S '10 Flaming ramparts. E. B. Delano. Harper 129: 730 O '14 Flanagan's stool-pigeon. F. R. Bechdolt. Mc- Clure 38:440 F '12 Flandrau, Charles Macomb, 1871- Beauty-woman. Sat E P 175:3 N 1, 9 N 8 '02 Billy in Burma. Sat E P 175:5 Jl 12 '02 Borrowed sonnet. Sat E P 172:1091 My 26 '00 Diary of a Harvard freshman. Sat E P 173:10 O 28, 10 N 10 '00 Kicker Lang: a Harvard story. Sat E P 173:4 Je 22, 4 Je 29 '01 Sophomores abroad. Sat E P 174:3 N 2, 12 >J 23, 10 D 14 '01 Flanagan and Stevey Todd. A. W. Colton. Harper 110:424 F '05 Flanigan and Imperial in Rosalia. A. W. Col- ton. Harper 104:146 D '01 Flareback of old Ossian. H. Day. Sat E P 186:8 N 22 '13 Flash. Mrs. H. Ellis. Forum 45:152 F '11 Flash of lightning. D. Potter. Lippinc 94:488 O '14 Flat-game man. G. W. Ogden. Cent 77:364 Ja '09 Flat that Joe built. G. and M. L. Luther. L H J 31:22 Ag '14 Flavia swims. S. Spaeth. Lippinc 88:382 S '11 Flavllia. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 181:16 F 13 '09 Flaw, The. R. A. Phillips. Mun 48:809 F '13 Flaw in the title. E. Walker. New Eng n s 29: 52 S '03 Flawless emerald. C. B. Davis. Col 32:18 D 12, 21 D 19 '03 Flaxen -haired girl and Clancy. O. Kildare. L H J 23:10 Ag '06 Fleas will be fleas. E. P. Butler. Amer 65:152 D '07 Flebbe, Mrs. George H. See Dix, Beulah Marie Fleet goes by. M. Synon. Scrib 55:195 F '14 Fleeta, pseud. See Hamilton, Kate W. Fleischman, Frank ^^ ,„„ Watcher in the pass. Harp W 53:23 My 15 09 Flesh under fleshings. I. M. Evans. Sat E P 186:11 Mr 28 '14 Fletcher, J. S. From behind the barrier. Met 26:528 Ag '07 Fletcher, Mabel Elizabeth Billings, 1886- Figured flame. Everybody's 25:86 Jl '11 Fletcher, Roland W. Practical joke. New Eng n s 43:352 N '10 Flickerbridge. H James. Scrib 31:170 F '02 Flier in longevity. W. Irwin. McClure 40:25 F '13 Flier in stock. E. C. Smith. Lippinc 85:110 Ja '10 Fllgee. R. Fisgulll. Harp W 56:14 D 28 '12 Flight. T. Hopkins. Outl 64:820 Ap 7 '00 Flight, The. E. L. Pearson. Outl 96:403 O 22 '10 Flight for the Countess Koyal. F. Palmer. Scrib 47:443 Ap '10 Fliglit into the mountains. G. Dix. Mun 33:368 Je 'U5 Flight of Claudia Albright. L. K. Mabie. Mun 33:436 Jl '05 Flight of Jim Charles. A. B. Paine. Delin 67: 683 Ap '06 Flight of Padre Moris. T. W. Stevens. Mun 28: 126 O '02 Flight of Professor Horatio Pigg. E. Under- wood. Met 26:714 S '07 Flight of Robert Sevier. G. M. Cooke. Lippinc 83:1 Ja '09 Flight of the McMahons. G. Parker. Cosmop 54:183 Ja '13 Flight of the mouse. A. Brown. Scrib 48:237 Ag '10 Flight of the Sheik of Succush. C. B. De Camp. Les Mo 54:181 Je '02 Flight of the victor. H. L. Mencken. Les Mo 52:482 S "01 Flight to freedom. E. J. Rath. Mun 47:196 My '12 Flimsy separation. K. Jarboe. Delin 55:544 Ap •00 Flingin' Jim and his fool-killer. J. C. Harris. Cosmop 30:356 F '01 Flittermouse. A. R. Troubetzkoy. Harper 111: 825 N '05 FMtterwochen: an idyl of the honeymoon. J. D. Franklin. Delin 70:364 S '07 Floater, The. F. R. Bechdolt. Sat E P 181:14 F 13 '09 Floating of Utah Extension. F. Lynde. Scrib 39:318 Mr '06 Flock of geese. E. Flower. Sat E P 179:7 S 1 •06 Flood-bound. C. Dangerfield. Lippinc 90:613 N '12 Flood-tide. M. Cameron. McClure 28:322 Ja '07 Floodtide of fortune. K. Harris. Sat E P 186: 10 Ap 11 '14 Floppings of the sacred codfish. M. B. Wood. Col 40:20 D 7 '07 Florence and her father. E. C. Blake. L H J 30:14 Je '13 Florida cracker. V. F. Boyle. Delin 62:306 S, 482 O '03 Florizel and Fortunatus. W. Irwin. Cent S3: 753 Mr '12 Flour. D. Gray. Sat E P 186:8 O 4 '13 Flower, Elliott, 1863- Andy^s way. Sat E P 176:3 Ja 2 '04 At last the perfect gown. L H J 30:9 Mr '13 Azro Craig's awakening. Col 34:20 O 1 '04 Bargain in hearts. Sat E P 178:6 D 30 '05 Bribe that went astray. Cent 71:503 F '06 Cash in escrow. Col 41:18 Ap 4 '08 Christmas corner in girls. L H J 26:15 D '08 Complicated wooing. Met 16:693 D '02 Daily twins. Cosmop 33:273 Jl '02 Defeat of Amos. Sat E P 175:6 Ag 30 '02 Demure wife of Ned Barrett. Lippinc 71:261 F '03 Devious way. Sat E P 176:6 N 7 '03 Elusive ten dollar bill. McClure 22:413 F '04 Elusive wedding. Cent 71:277 D '05 Emotional financier. Sat E P 178:6 F 3 '06 Error of his ways. Lippinc 87:226 F '11 Fate of Alvara. Lippinc 78:353 S '06 Fiance in triplicate. Lippinc 71:587 Ap '03 Flock of geese. Sat E P 179:7 S 1 '06 For the lack of a wife. L H J 24:16 Je '07 Fortune's shadow. Sat E P 176:8 D 5 '03 General counsel. Cent 70:51 My '05 Girl from Tres Posos. Lippinc 80:383 S '07 Great reform. Sat E P 182:30 Ap 16 '10 Hepner's undisputed will. Cosmop 33:668 O '02 His imitation sweetheart: comedy. L H J 25: 12 F '08 His own reward. Cosmop 42:378 F '07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 97 Flower, Elliott — continued How a woman spoiled iiis big cliance. L H J 28:16 F 1 '11 How the liorse travelled. Lippinc 67:124 Ja '01 Impossible possibility. Cent 69:75 N '04 Impractical man. Cent 86:549 Ag '13 Jonathan's methods. Lippinc 78:472 O '06 Judicial puzzle. Cosmop 36:365 Ja '04 Lambert girl. L H J 20:5 Je 9 Jl '03 Law-abiding man. Col 45:19 Ap 30 '10 Law and the Indian. Atlan 106:483 O '10 Leased happiness. Sat E P 178:3 Ap 7 '06 Linfleld's Christmas dinner. L H J 19:12 D '01 Little Mud Pie. L H J 19:8 O '02 Lost — a turkey. Lippinc 84:609 N '09 Love scene in the Easter play. L H J 20:6 Ap '03 Manipulated market. Sat E P 175:3 Ap 25 '03 Masterly insult. Cosmop 43:136 Je '07 Matter of confidence. Cent 65:945 Ap '03 May who never lived. Lippinc 73:247 F '04 Me and John. Sat E P 176:4 O 3 "03 Military comedy. Everybody's 12:276 F '05 Mortgage on a man. Col 33:16 Jl 9 '04 Necessary vote. Col 33:18 My 14 '04 O'Hara the strategist. Everybody's 5:377 S '01 Outsiders. Sat E P 176:6 Ap 6 '04 Patrolman Flynn's predicament. Cent 61:153 N '00 Police station and Miss Taney's girls. L H J 24:10 Ap '07 Policeman Flynn arrests a defaulter. Cur Lit 32:424 Ap '02 Policeman Flynn's adventures. Cent 61:474, 637, 796, 957; 62:158, 318, 479, 638, 796, 959; 63:157, 306, 309, 311, 441, 443: F '01-Ja '02 Policeman Flynn and the tame bear. Lippinc 85:601 My '10 Predicament of Silas Singer. Lippinc 70:249 Ag '02 Price of a dream. Delin 70:87 Jl '07 Reformer reformed. Col 33:14 Je 11 '04 Revolt of a hero. Outl 80:467 Je 29 '07 Shadow of the law. Sat E P 180:20 N 23 '07 Slave. Everybody's 8:468 My '03 Slavery of a boss. Col 33:16 Ag 13 '04 Spirit of the law. Harp W 56:16 Ag 17 '12 Storv the woman told. L H J 20:14 Ja '03 Strategical defeat. Col 33:16 S 10 '04 Strenuous referee. Cent 72:29 My '06 Strike of one. Everybody's 12:773 Je '05 Substitute manager. Sat E P 176:6 Ja 16 '04 Tragedy of the cipher-code. Cosmop 34:100 N '02 Unavailing subterfuge. Cosmop 41:50 My 06 Unexpected strike. Cent 67:422 Ja '04 Uninherited inheritance. Sat E P 175:4 F 7 '03 Unlucky alibi. Cosmop 40:719 Ap '06 Unpledged man. Cent 76:917 O '08 Venture in high finance. Sat E P 179:12 F 2 •07 Wall-Street plan. Cent 69:813 Ap '05 Way to a wedding. Harp W 51:1528 O 19 '07 Wellington's girl. Col 38:13 Ja 5 '07 What Tommy did. Sat E P 177:12 Jl 23 '04 Where danger lurks. Cosmop 33:594 S '02 Whim of a woman. Cent 72:798 S '06 Woman in the way. Sat E P 178:6 Mr 17 '06 Taster's real romance. Met 16:187 Ag '02 Flower in bloom. B. R. Hoover. Everybody's 22:706 My '10 Flower, Newman Little band in the pines. Lippinc 89:684 My '12 Flower of a hundred years. L. B. Ellis. New Eng n s 32:519 Jl '05 Flower of April. A. Brown. Harp E 3S:279 Mr 31 '00 Flower o' the road. M. R. Warren. Harper 125:781 O '12 Flower-wizard. E. M. Thomas. New Eng n s 24:469 Jl '01 Flowering of Felicia. J. D. Bacon. L H J 31:7 Mr 14 Flowering of the Elyslan fields. B. Hanscom. Scrib 34:320 S '03 Flowering of vengeance. H. I>. Smith. Mun 38: 764 Mr '08 Flowers. M. S. Gerry. Harper 117:327 Ag '08 Flowers. T. L. Masson. Mun 48:315 N '12 Flowers of paradise. A. Brown. Atlan 96:776 D '05 Floyd and the archduchess. O. H. Dunbar. Cent 68:453 Jl '04 Flurry in bubbles. V. Harper. Everybody's 12: 680 My '05 Flute-player. J. Lee. Harper 116:221 Ja 'OS Fluttering face. S. F. Whitman. Col 4S:21 O 21 '11 Fly in the ointment. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:5 Ja 15 '10 Fly in the vacation. H. Oyen. Amer 75:36 D '12 Flyaway Flittermouse. E. B. Miles. Harper 121:229 Jl '10 Flyer in wheat. F. Condon. Everybody's 26:819 Je '12 Flying Coleen Bawn. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 34: 25 Jl 03 Flying courtship. E. J. Rath. Mun 49:427 Je '13 Flying crow. E. E. Peake. Harper 116:546 Mr '08 Flying death. S. H. Adams. McClure 20:280, 424, Ja-F '03 Flying down a fifty-mile flume. B. Millard. Everybody's 9:3 Jl '03 Flying Russian. F. Palmer. Scrib 34:222 Ag '03 Flying stars. G. K. Chesterton. Sat E P 183: 8 My 20 '11 Flynn, Claire Wallace Child's voice. Delin 69:672 Ap '07 Donald's experiment. Harper 103:113 Je '01 Fire rekindled. Lippinc 79:754 Je '07 Flynt, Josiah, pseud. (Josiah Flynt Wiliard) 1869-1907 Won't go home. Lippinc 70:335 S '02 — and Walton, Francis Dead one. Everybody's 3:458 N '00 Fog. A. Colton. Col 49:21 Mr 23 '12 Fog and the lady. H. B. M. Watson. Met 18: 625 Ag '03 Fog in Santone. O. Henry. Cosmop 53:658 O '12 Fog maiden. C. Johns. Col 36:20 D 2 '05 Fog voices. M. Robertson. Met 31:513 Ja '10 Fogazzaro, Antonio, 1842- His majesty's visit. Cur Lit 43:228 Ag '07 Foghorn Fernando. E. Boltwood. Mun 44:245 N '10 Foil of Laertes. F. G. Blakeslee. Lippinc 77: 595 My '06 Foiling of Ferguson. A. Lee. Harp W 44:1169 D 8 '00 Foley, Charles, 1861- Man, A. Outl 72:214 S 27 '02 Pandora. Outl 66:215 S 22 '00 Strangler. Cur Lit 49:227 Ag '10 Foley, J. W. Mysterious illness. Sat E P 185:36 O 5 '12 Out of a schoolboy's desk. Sat E P 184:38 F 10 12 Follansbee's play. E. Boltwood. Mun 34:560 F '00 Follett, Lynn D. More than a story. Les Mo 58:300 Jl '04 Swan Carlson's wooing. Amer 61:573 Mr '06 Follette. L. Mott. Harper 113:567 S '06 Follies of fashion. V. Seibert. Amer 66:254 Jl •08 Follies of Mrs. Joe. K. Harris. Sat E P 186:11 F 7 '14 Followers. E. Nesblt. Sat E P 178:8 N 11 '05 Folly ledge. A. Shea. New Eng n s 49:166 Je '13 Folly of It. I. Brevoort. Mun 22:S59 Mr '00 Folly of Lamar. H. C. Rowland. McClure 23: 129 Jo "04 Fond adventure. See TTewlott, Maurice Font6. Mrs. S. Crownlnshield. Delin 55:530 Ap '00 98 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Food for Columbine. I. Forrester. Mun 49:383 Je '13 Food for reflection. G. W. Earl, Jr. Lippinc 82: 614 N '08 Food of love. J. J. Bell. Cosmop 38:81 N '04 Fool. G. Spring. New Eng n s 33:444 D '05 Fool, The. V. T. Van de Water. Cosmop 57:85 Je '14 Fool and a mule. G. W. Ogden. Everybody's 15:773 D '06 Fool and the idiot. M. Maartens. Met 29:46 O '08 Fool for love. F. Lynde. Lippinc 75:385 Ap '05 Fool killer. M. Robertson. Sat E P 173:8 D 8 '00 Fool of Skeleton Tickle. N. Duncan. Outl 81: 229 S 23 '05 Foolish books. O. Oliver. Lippinc 90:53 Jl '12 Foolish girl. M. L Fisk. Met 12:657 N '00 Foolishness of 'Frisco. M. L. Osborne. Les Mo 5S:452 Ag '04 Foolishness of Stephen. A. M. Shaw. Lippinc 77:462 Ap '06 Fool's gold. M. Hill. Everybody's 6:181 F '02 Foote, Elizabeth Girl of the engineers. Atlan 95:381 Mr '05 Laboratory in the hills. Atlan 98:775 D '06 Music-makers. Atlan 98:74 Jl '06 Rough places. Cent 71:312 D '05 Foote, John Tainter Class to both the horse and the jockey. Amer 76:27 O '13 Nip in time: Blister Jones story. Amer 76:16 S '13 Salvation: Blister Jones racing story. Amer 76:48 Jl '13 Tre's Jolie: Blister Jones story. Amer 76:24 Ag '13 Foote, Mary Hallock, 1847- Eleventh hour. Cent 71:485 Ja '06 Prodigal. Atlan 86:299 S '00 Touch of sun. Cent 59:339. 550, Ja-F '00 Footner, Hulbert „ , ,„„ Eelip's double wedding. Cent 77:386 Ja 09 Entertaining a prince. Cent 77:281 D '08 Exchange of currency. Col 43:20 Ap 3 09 Four o'clock in the morning. McClure 33:14^ Je '09 Henrietta on rollers. Cent 80-513 Ag 10 Laurie of the Plainsman. Lippinc 86:729 U lU Melodrama in Fulton street. Cent 75:622 F Ob Movable feast. Lippinc 90:294 S '12 Peregrine twins. Lippinc 87:339 Mr 11 Signorina's debut. Cent 7S:77S S '09 Footprints: a Christmas story. O. B. Hoblit- Outl 69:1026 D 21 '01 Footprints. H. L. Smith. Harp B 45:486 N 'H For a good boy. J. J. Bell. Cent 84:325 Jl '12 For a' that. C. Dangerfleld. Lippinc 72:239 Ag '03 For all there was in it. A. Adams. McClure 30: 633 Mr '08 For all these thy saints. O.Thanet. Harp B 38: 1043 N '04 For better for worse. H. R. Eliot. Everybody's 11:248 Ag '04 For better, for worse. J. Graves. Mun 25:910 S '01 For Charlie. C. Trembly. Everybody's 8:374 Ap '03 For Cousin Polly Broadus. V. F. Boyle. Delin 57:273 F '01 For Cuba libre. Harp W 46:370 Mr 22 '02 For distinguished conduct. K. Baker. Forum 51:95 Ja '14 For divers reasons. C. B. Loomis. Sat B P 173: 7 N 10 '00 For failure to provide. P. C. MacFarlane. Harp W 57:8 Jl 12 '13 For faithful service. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 29: 569 Jl '03 For gallantry in action. P. Millington. Mun 27:766 Ag '02 For good conduct. G. A. Birmingham. Mc- Clure 43:116 Ag '14 For his country's honour. F. H. Miller. Met 28:521 Ag 'OS For his honor's sake. M. H. Gray. Les Mo 50: 192 Je '00 For his old partner. H. Carruth. Harper 106: 171 D '02 For his sake. D. H. Talmadge. Mun 26:246 N •01 For honor's sake. P. Lane. Everybody's 2:469 My '00 For Jane's sake. E. Sutton. Everybody's 5:657 D '01 For Jimmy. E. H.Porter. Lippinc 84:499 O O'J For lives of men. E. Balmer and W. MacHarg. Sat E P 185:3 My 31 '13 For love of a star. A. S. Allen. Mun 37:642 Ag '07 For love of country. J. Dwight. McClure 24: 289 Ja '05 For love of Mary Ellen. E. H. Brainerd. Everybody's 26:499 Ap '12 For love of the game. G. Hibbard. Sat E P 176:4 Ag 1 '03 For merit. J. J. Bell. Delin 68:559 O '06 For Mrs. Hathaway. E. A. Opper. Mun 23:228 My '00 For one night. H. B. Parker. Col 54:11 D 12 '14 For Palladina's wedding finery. L. F. Peaster. Harper 127:914 N '13 For Polly's sake. D. Wolcott. Lippinc 79:286 F '07 For revenue only. M. B. Mullett. Everybody's 11:627 N '04 For Russia. E. Madden. Cur Lit 46:572 My '09 For sale — a cemetery. D. S. Groesbeck. Cos- mop 47:394 Ag '09 For services rendered. T. TonjorofE. Sat B P 184:16 O 21 11 For Simla reasons. B. Harte. Sat E P 173:14 Jl 14 '00 For surrogate: James Burke. W. H. Osborne. Sat E P 176:6 O 17 '03 For sweet charity. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 185: 17 O 12 '12 For sweet charity's sake. I. P. Roberts. Lip- pinc 77:323 Mr '06 For the blood is life. F. M. Crawford. Col 36: 17 D 16 '05 For the chaps. V. E. Roe. Mun 40:477 Ja '09 For the faith. H. G. Dwight. Scrib 35:609 My '04 For the faith. H. B. Fuller. Scrib 42:433 O '07 For the good of the service. H. R. Davis. Delin 55:670 My '00 For the hand of Haleem. N. Duncan. Atlan 86:347 S '00 For the honor of his wife. C. H. Caffln. Lippinc 69:227 F '02 For the honor of Spain. H. R. Vynne. Harp W 44:847 S 8 '00 For the honor of the balloon corps. F. Palmer. Scrib 43:130 F '08 For the honor of the company. M. E. Mitchell. Atlan 107:641 My '11 For the honor of the service. B. Boltwood. Mun 48:1000 Mr '13 For the lack of a wife. E. Flower. L H J 24:16 Je '07 For the love of one's self. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 110:303 Ja '05 For the resurrection. D. L. Hastings. New Eng n s 29:84 S '03 For the sake of a child. M. L. Goetschius. Cosmop 50:810 My '11 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 99 For the sake of argument. T. Roberts. Mun 40:614 F '09 For the sake of her children. O. Roberts. Mc- Clure 34:629 Ap '10 For the sake of the kid. T. Waters. Lippinc 83:353 Mr '09 For the senora. M. B, Crowninshield. Lippinc 66:5S9 O '00 For the under dog. R, H. Allen. McClure 23: 143 Je '04 For the woman in the watch. R. W. Child. Met 38:19 Je '13 For thirty ponies. A. M. Cleaveland. Mim 32: 813 Mr '05 For this relief much thanks. F. Lynde. Scrib 43:371 Mr '08 For unto us. H. Monroe. Delin 72:990 D '08 For valor. H. Mee. Everybody's 3:231 S '00 For value received. M. L. Luther. Cent 75:96 N '07 Forbes, Athol, pseud. See Phillips, Forbes Alex- ander Forbes, Edgar Allen, 1872- Triangle within a triangle. Amer 77:27 Mr '14 Forbes, James Lords box. Harper 109:155 Je '04 Forbidden fruit. M. H, Robins. Everybody's 3: 155 Ag '00 Forbidden guests: drama. J. Corbin. Cent 73: 221 D '06. Same, L H J 26:11 O '09 Forbidden north — story of a great Dane puppy. H. Willsie. Cur Op 56:303 Ap '14 Forbidden road. J. Anderson. Harp W 57:16 F 8 '13 Force and the object. J. C. Lincoln. Every- body's 26:360 Mr '12 Force of example. F. B. Dillingham. McClure 30:512 F '08 Force of my will. A. French. Met 16:683 D '02 Ford, Frank New maid. Met 14:787 D '01 Ford, James Lauren, 1854- Musser's experiment. Mun 22:901 Mr 23:132 Ap '00 Seeing the real New Tork. Cosmop 39:640 O '05 Ford, Paul Leicester, 1865-1902 Distinctly a plight. Harper 103:733 O '01 Wanted: a chaperon. Cent 64:331 Jl '02 Wanted: a match-maker. Harper 101:498 S '00 Ford, Sewell, 1868- Abdication of Artillery Bill. Les Mo 60:113 My '05 Across a picket fence. Scrib 38:350 S '05 At the Dovely's. McClure 15:112 Je '00 Captain's folly. Atlan 94:514 O '04 Carver of pipes. Met 17:353 Je '03 Chieftain. Scrib 32:202 Ag '02 Fiddler. Harper 112:780 Ap '06 How the Barlows took it. McClure 25:250 Jl '05 Impressing of Looney Fipps. Col 32:23 F 13 '04 Jane's gray eyes. Harper 111:712 O '05 Jerry. Met 18:751 S '03 Julius. Harper 111:639 S '05 Keno: a cayuse known to fame. Scrib 34:471 O 03 Leander. Harper 112:965 My '06 Making of a citizen. Harp W 51:1764 N 3 '07 Man in the chest. Les Mo 51:453 Mr '01 Meat of David. Everybody's 15:308 S '06 Mutiny of Barnacles. Harper 106:657 Mr '03 Of .such as spin not. Harper 109:870 N '04 Pasha, the son of Selim. Scrib 32:584 N '02 Phoebe of the Three Pigeons. Les Mo 53:257 D '01 Pluribus Jones and how he came into his own. Scrib 39:721 Je '06 Renunciation of Petrus. Harper 107:601 S '03 Roswje. Harper 109:317 Jl '04 Seed to the sower. Atl;in 96:601 N '05 Skipper. Scrib 29:412 Ap 'oi Slithers and the swingletail. Sat E P 173:14 N 17 '00 Ford, Sewell — continued Spunk Foley visits the Countess. Les Mo 56: 534 O '03 Story of Trivett. Everybody's 16:87 Ja '07 Straying of Lucifer. DeUn b5:810 My '05 Through the needle's eye. Scrib 40:311 S '06 Toggles of the monitor. Les Mo 5^:275 Jl '01 Transactions of Tingle. Harper 112:641 Mr '06 Tribe of Hodder. Met 19:112 O '03 Tribute of Topside Tutt. Col 37:20 Ag 25 '06 True 'lixir. Col 37:21 Ap 7 '06 Truegate, of Mogador. Scri-b 37:641 Je '05 Vacation disease. Met 30:384 Jl '09 When Gitchigamme warned the Muscovite. Scrib 30:51 Jl '01 When Pickles came back. Met 19:859 Mr '04 Whist with Kitty. Les Mo 51:615 Ap '01 Without law or license. Scrib 30:566 N '01 Ford, Simeon, 1855- Bank notes. Everybody's 8:462 My '03 Ford ham castle. H. James. Harper 110:147 D •04 Fore! A. Ardee. Mun 27:437 Je '02 Fore-ordained. A. Hope. Met 20:290 Je '04 Forehanded Colquehouns. M. Wilson. McClure 31:378 Ag '08 Forehandedness of Lucinda Smith. M. Holley. L H J 1S:8 Ja '01 Foreign voyager. R. M. Hallet. Harper 127:578 S '13 Foreigner. S. O. Jewett. Atlan 86:152 Ag '00 Foreman. S. E. White. McClure 21:391 Ag '03 Forerunner. M. E. M. Davis. Atlan 98:273 Ag '06 Foresight. N. M. Lloyd. Harper 112:889 My '06 Foresight and hindsight. H. Carruth. Cosmop 33:716 O '02 Forest, Geneva Bostonians by adoption. Les Mo 58:33 My '04 Forest of Eden. F. W. Sullivan. Mun 52:107 Je '14 Forfeit of the manor. C. Ross. Sat E P 173:16 Ag 25 '00 Forfeit to the gods. T. A. Janvier. Cosmop 31: 593 O '01 Forger. R. F. Foster. McClure 22:404 F '04 Forger. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 53:273 Jl '12 Forging the golden chain. W. H. Osborne. Sat E P 178:4 Ja 20 '06 Forgiveness. L. A. Long. Cent 76:262 Je '08 Forgiveness of Creegan. C. T. Brady. Harper 101:845 N '00 Forgiveness of sins. M. R. S. Andrews. Every- body's 17:3 Jl '07 Forgotten attribute. V. E. Roe. Mun 36:788 Mr '07 Forgotten spoon. G. M. Cooke. Mun 25:551 Jl '01 Forgotten story. J. C. Bray. New Eng n s 45: 594 '12 Forgotten trail. P. Lyde. Cosmop 31:422 Ag '01 Fork of the road. O. H. Dunbar. New Eng n s 28:718 Ag '03 Forlorn hope. M. Cameron. Harper 120:611 Mr '10 Formality at Siwash. G. Fitch. Sat E P 186:8 Ag 9 '13 Forman, Justus Miles, 1875-1915 Andrea Del Sarto. McClure 22:573 Ap '04 Another point of view. Col 48:17 F 24 '12 Blanchemains. Harper 113:17 Je '06 Break o' day. Col 40:16 Mr 14 'OS Buddha's eye. Col 43:1S Je 26 '09 Camilla Cornaro. Harper 115:877 N '07 Carlotta. Harper 11(1:900 My '05 Castaways. Col 48:16 F 3 '12 Castle in Spain. McClure 20:526 Mr '03 Counte.ss. Met 30:245 Je '09 Droam. ITarpcr 117:707 O '08 Duel by the Rosphorus. Sat E P 186:16 F 28 '14 Ert ^ Boy who stayed at home. Sat E P 184:28 O 7 His last job. Sat E P 185:12 Ap 19 '13 How Miss Wilcox was fired. Sat E P 178:4 Ag 12 '05 Lock .step. McClure 18:528 Ap 02 Machine of Moses. Atlan 86:105 Jl '00 104 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Friedman, Isaac Kahn — continued .. ,„, „ Miss Middleton's gardeners. Amer b0:bb5 U '05 Moll of the Green Hills. Sat E P 185:10 Mr 15 13 Non-union town. Sat E P 176:3 Jl 4 '03 Friend. L. Colcord. Amer 69:556 F '10 Friend, The. J. I. Lawrence. Mun 44:38 O '10 Friend in need. M. P. Sweet. Les Mo 54:306 Jl '02 Friend in the darkness. M. S. Cutting. Delm 85:17 Ag '14 Friend of his youth. G. Burgess. Harper 102: 795 Ap '01 Friend of Jimmie's. E. M. Kelly. Lippmc 83. 230 F '09 Friend of man. R. Bergengren. Col 48:22 D 2 Friend of the family. Mrs. H. B. Dudeney. Harper 124:229 Ja '12 Friend of the family. A. Train. Col 49:22 My 11 '12 Friend of the masses. G. R. Chester. Sat E V 185:20 N 9 '12 Friendliness of Puppins. T. L. Masson. Mun 49:974 S '13 Friendly brook. R. Kipling. Met 39:19 Mr '14 Friendly fire-fiend. G. Fitch. Amer 75:20 My Friendly fog. H. C. Rowland. McClure 23:499 S '04 Friends. M. L. C. Pickthall. Cent 87:754 Mr Friends. M. Kelly. Sat E P 181:12 O 17 '08 Friends again. G. L. Parker. Atlan 110:236 Ag '12 ,^ Friends and counsellors. M. Harris. Les Mo 56:95 My '03 Friendship. L. Zangwill. Lippinc 68:484 O 01 Friendship of Alanna. K. Norris. Lippmc 88: 361 S '11 Friendship of Foster. A. H. Quinn. Sat E P 173:6 Je 15 '01 Friendship of man. W. B. M. Ferguson. Amer 61:381 F '06 Frills and Ednaferberlows. J. M. Flagg. Amer 77:102 My '14 ^'i^n't%K'"ar"'^o.''24. Mun 25:501 Jl '01 Frith, Cortney t w T When Jim and Joe were gentlemen. L H J 22:20 S '05 Fritz Puffer's trouble. P. C. Bouve. New Eng n s 34:196 Ap '06 Frivolous side. B. Herford. Harper 124:317 Ja Frog and the puddle. E. Ferber. Amer 71:676 Mr '11 Frog in the well. I. H. Gillmore. Harper 124: 828 My '12 From a clear sky. G. Hibbard. Harper 107:43 Je '03 From a far country. L B. Roberts. L H J 17:2 Ag '00 From a steamer chair. E. Foster. Cent 68:159 My '04 From A to Z. S. Glaspell. Amer 68:543 O '09 From Abe Martin's fair neighbors. K. Hub- bard. Amer 73:763 Ap '12 From across the hall. D. Canfield. Amer 71:362 Ja '11 From behind the barrier. J. S. Fletcher. Met 26:528 Ag '07 From daybreak to breakfast. W. E. Smith. Col 53:10 S 5 '14 From generation to generation. K. Jordan. De- lin 76:360 N '10 From Hell, Hull and Halifax. T. Mundy. Every- body's 29:181 Ag '13 From her affectionate self. A. M. Williamson. Cosmop 38:161 D '04 From him that hath. K. Harris. Sat E P 1S5: IS Jl 20 '12 From him that hath not. B. Lessing. Cosmop 53:250 Jl '12 From His hand. F. M. O'Brien. Mun 48:630 Ja '13 From his point of view. A. T. Drake. Cos- mop 43:92 My '07 From Jerusalem to Jericho in ninety minutes. H. A. Clapp. New Eng n s 23:406 D '00 From Kansas. R. R. Gilson. Les Mo 57:377 F '04 From one generation to another. A. Bennett. McClure 35:249 Jl '10 From the backgrounds point of view. J. L. West. Lippinc 78:790 D '06 From the basket of Allah. G. L. Knapp. Lip- pinc 80:795 D '07 From the car behind. E. M. Ingram. Lippinc 88:1 Jl '11 From the chops of the lion. W. M. Raine. Everybody's 5:97 Jl '01 From the collection of the Duke. A. Hope. Sat E P 186:3 Jl 26 '13 From the depths of things. L. Perry. McClure 28:445 F '07 From the diary of a cat. E. S. Babcock. Har- per 109:487 Ag '04 From the fold. E. Van Buren. Lippinc 92:485 O '13 From the heart of a maid. E. R. Blanchard. New Eng n s 29:490 D '03 From the kindness of our friends. E. Lanigan. L H J 20:9 Ag '03 From the land of ought. J. Belfield. Lippinc 80:135 Jl '07 From the land of the unborn. N. B. Carson. Lippinc 89:714 My '12 From the memoirs of Madame Junot. M. Maar- tens. Harp W 50:1093 Ag 4 '06 From the pedestal. E. McCracken. Lippinc 75: 476 Ap '05 From the reef. E. Balmer. Sat E P 180:12 S 7 '07 From the rock of Gibraltar. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 55:12 Ja 14 '11 From the same mold. C. W. Rankin. Cent 74: 648 Ag '07 From the teeth of the tide. C. G. D. Roberts. Everybody's 19:266 Ag '08 From the upper deck. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 25:743 Ag '01 From the veranda. G. E. Channing. Harper 115:299 Jl '07 From Tolstoi to terrorism. A. Edwards. Har- per 117:207 Jl '08 From William to Billie. A. S. Young. Delin 78:216 O '11 Frost, Mildred Nutter Casting bread upon the waters. New Eng n s 41:589 Ja '10 Frost- nipped romance. A. B. Sembower. Col 35:18 Ag 12 '05 Frost, Philip Prescott Knock of opportunity. Met 37:47 Mr '13 Night freight east. Met 37:40 Ap '13 Paying teller. Cent 88:120 My '14 President's son. Cent 89:144 N '14 Frost, Walter Archer How Olaf. the son of Olaf, administered jus- tice. Amer 64:183 Je '07 Man between: a sinister adventure in South Africa. Met 34:519 Jl '11 Missionary of the Manitowish. Met 32:731 S '10 Frosty Ferguson. L. E. Hardy. Everybody's 23:802 D '10 Frothingham, Eugenia Brooks, 1874- Disillusioned. Harper 121:245 Jl '10 Only an episode. Atlan 89:154, 372 F-Mr '02 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 105 Frou-frous and frillies. J. E. Rogers. Mun 36: 69S Air '07 Fruit. L. Mumford. Forum 52:8S9 D '14 Fruit of his bravery. D. H. Talmadge. New Eng n s 26:535 Jl '02 Fruit of the fair. M. Hill. McClure 23:622 O •04 Fruit out of season. M. Moss. Lippinc 70:387 O '02 Fruits of repentance. W. Holloway. Cent SB: 868 O '14 Fruits of toil. N. Duncan. McClure 19:257 Jl '02 Frustrate. M. Austin. Cent S3:467 Ja '12 Frye, Ralph End. Everybody's 28:422 Mr '13 Fryer, Eugenie M. Boy hero. Cosmop 34:54 N '02 Devotion of Francesca. New Eng n s 31:364 N '04 Dollie: aid-de-camp. New Eng n s 31:493 D '04 Frying-pan and the fire. E. B. Delano. Cent S.5:S73 Ap '13 Fu-iVlanchu & company. S. Rohmer. Col 54:10 N 21 '14 Fudge. C. Howard. Lippinc 82:118 Jl '08 Fuego. H. Fish. Harper 125:626 S '12 Fugitive. M. R. S. Andrews. Harper 110:285 Ja '05 Fugitive. A. MacGowan. Ees Mo 58:426 Ag '04 Fugitive. H. Normanby. Cur Lit 42:232 F '07 Fugitive. G. S. Townsend. Everybody's 20:414 Mr '09 Fugitive and his Judas. M. Gauss. Col 52:17 Mr 7 '14 Fugitive from romance. F. Crissey. Harper 120: 177 Ja '10 Fugitive fudee. G. R. Chester. Everybody's 31: 160 Ag '14 Fugitives of pleasure. L. Osbourne. McClure 22:379 F '04 Fulfilling of the law. R. H. Russell. Harper 102:38 D '00 Fulfilling of the law. M. B. Shipp. Col 42:32 Mr 6 '09 Fulfilment of prophecy. C. C. Pangman. Met 25:612 F '07 Fulfilment of the pact. W. D. Howells. Harp W 56:9 D 14 '12 Full circle. E. Wharton. Scrib 46:408 O '09 Full day at Palomitas. T. A. Janvier. Harper 114:294 Ja '07 Full moon of righteousness. A. S. Riggs. Lip- pinc 80:240 Ag '07 Full of sentiment. G. T. Weston. Harper 123: 155 Je '11 Fuller, Anna, 1853- Boy. Atlan 114:265 Ag '14 Danger of Susan. Atlan 104:825 D '09 Dean of the boarding-house. Atlan 104:617 N '09 Jane. Atlan 105:815 Je '10 Old Lady Pratt's spectacles. Atlan 104:442 O '09 Ships in the air. Atlan 106:100 Jl '10 Tomboy. Atlan 105:655 My '10 Fuller, Henry Blake, 1857- Addolorata's intervention. Scrib 40:715 D '06 Dr. Oowdy and the squash. Harper 102:262 Ja '01 Eliza Hepburn's deliverance. Cent 59:533, 698 F-Mr '00 For the faith. Scrib 42:433 O '07 Life tale of Pearl McRoy. Everybody's 23:380 S '10 Make way for the young. Scrib 46:625 N '09 Miranda Harlow's mortgage. Atlan 86:671 N '00 Quartette. Harper 121:934 N '10 Silence. Scrib 48:430 O '10 Striking an average. Sat E P 173:3 My 25 "01 Fuller, Henry Blake — continued Under the crest of Shishaldin. Everybody's 16:S09 Je '07 Waldo Trench regains his youth. Scrib 42:231 Ag 'U7 Fuller, IVlarco When ignorance is bliss. Met 23:27 O '05 Fullerton, Hugh btev\/art Lure of the bleachers. Amer 77:29 My '14 Test o' nerve. Amer 76:24 D '13 Fullerton, Katharine Poppies in the wheat. Cent 63:383 Ja '02 Fullerton salvage case. G. Carling. Lippinc 78: 641 N '06 Fullerton, Waldo L. Anne: a tale of old Salem. Outl 71:84 My 3 '02 Fun. W. C. Wonderly. Lippinc 88:246 Ag '11 Fundamental justice. G. R. Chester. Col 53:7 Jl 25 '14 Funeral of Rat Brooks. H. S. Edwards. Cent 72:447 Jl '06 Funny story. M. L. Osborne. New Eng n s 52: 117 N '14 Funeral that flashed in the pan. G. Fitch. Sat E P 182:5 D 18 '09 Fur coats. A. E. Allen. New Eng n s 25:469 D '01 Fur the childer. M. Johnson. Everybody's 9: 690 N '03 Furlong, Charles Wellington, 1874- Desert episode. Harp W 53:7 S 4 '09 Furman, Lucy Christmas tree on clinch. Cent 85:163 D '12 Course of true love. Cent 84:498 Ag '12 Most knowingest child. Cent 85:763 Mr '13 Scarborough spoons. Cent 85:126 N '12 Sight to the blind. Cent 84:390 Jl '12 Furnace man. G. W. Pangborn. Scrib 53:483 Ap '13 Furnace of affliction. E. Wood. Everybody's 19:833 D '08 Furnished up to date. C. Lowe. Sat E P 186:14 F 7 '14 Further adventures of a yachtsman's wife. M. n. Vorse. Atlan 98:240 Ag '06 Further reflections of a beginning husband. E. S. Martin. Harper 123:615 S '11 Furthmann, Julius Grinnell Whip hand. Sat E P 185:24 F 22 '13 Fusee redivivus. W. A. Eraser. Sat E P 177:6 Jl 23 '04 Futrelle, Jacques, 1875-1915 Chase of the golden plate. Sat E P 179:3 S 8, 11 S 22, 12 S 29, 13 O 6 '06 Chasing a rainbow. Cosmop 41:496 S '06 Diogenes pauses. Sat E P 179:5 N 10 '06 Enter the Duke. Sat E P 180:8 Ag 17 '07 Goddess of the turf. Sat E P 178:4 D 30 '05 Gray ghost. Everybody's 13:101 Jl '05 Haunted bell. Sat E P 179:3 N 17 '06 High hand. Sat E P 183:3 D 31, 12 Ja 7, 14 Ja 14, 18 Ja 21, 16 Ja 28, 17 F 4 'lO-'ll Lord Bill Jones. Sat E P 182:5 N 6 '09 Madness of Barry. Harp W 49:1636 N 11 '05 Man who found Kansas. Met 24:52 Ap '06 Room 666. Met 32:567 Ag '10 Simple case of Susan. Sat E P 180:3 Mr 28, 16 Ap 4, 14 Ap 11, 15 Ap 18 '08 When the flag falls. Sat E P 180:16 Jl 13, 10 S 7 '07 Wonder of it. Col 41:18 Je 6 '08 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques. See Futielle. May Futrelle, May (Peel) (Mrs. Jacques Futrelle) 1876- Consequences. Harp B 48:29 Jl '13 Enter Santa Claus. R. U. E. Sat E P 180:8 D 21 '07 Interferer with Cupid. Sat E P 179:14 D 1 '06 One plus one equals five millions. Delln 69: 8(^1 My '07 Future president. O. John.son. Cent 76:242 Je •OS Futurist. G. A. Birmingham. McClure 43:117 S '14 ic6 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Fuzzy. H. C. Rowland. Met 37:19 D '12 Fyles, Vanderheyden, 1883- Man-child. Cosmop 46:389 Mr '09 a Gaiety. J. H. Sedgwick. Harp W 58:14 F 2 '14 Gaillard, Stephen By all save her highness. Met 22:584 Ag "05 Gaines, Charles Kelsey, 1854- Last Pythoness. Harp W 53:22 Jl 31 '09 Gainly Jones. A. W. Colton. Harper 109:89 Je •04 Galahad's daughter. K. H. Brown. Scrib 42: 115 Jl '07 Gale, David Carroll Uncle Billy's legacy. New Bng n s 34:165 Ap •06 Gale, Zona, 1874- „ ^ ... ^ Ancient dawn. Delin 78:213 O '11; Same, Cur Lit 51:578 N '11 Art and loan dress exhibit. Delin 85:6 Ag 14 Baby. Delin 68:84 Jl '06 Big wind. Everybody's 19:512 O '08 Boy preferred. L H J 31:23 My '14 Bridge. Amer 74:718 O '12 Brother-man. Delin 76:165 S '10 Business is business. L H J 30:7 Ja '13 Charity ball. Delin 76:11 Jl '10 Cinderella of the links. Everybody's 12:365 Mr '05 Cobweb. Atlan 103:640 My '09 Cold shoulder. Delin 73:407 Mr '09 Different. Everybody's 18:83 Ja '08 Echoes. Everybody's 14:599 My '06 Elopement. Sat E P 177:4 Ap 1 '05 Evening dress. Everybody's 21:675 N '09 Exit charity. Everybody's 28:603 My '13 Extra paper. Everybody's 25:341 S '11 Face of Friendship village. Everybody's 27: 462 O '12 Fair. Everybody's 24:373 Mr '11 First dinner ever set on time. L H J 28:20 Jl '11 Fourth of July. Delin 78:5 Jl '11 Friday. Cent 88:521 Ag '14 Garlands and love-knots. Mun 41:183 My '09 Golden wedding. Outl 81:780 N 25 '05 Great tree. Everybody's 29:725 D '13 Hearts of love. Met 21:71 O '04 Home-coming. Everybody's 31:501 O '14 Honeymoon. Cosmop 39:299 Jl '05 In the wilderness a cedar. Everybody's 19: 372 S '08 'Lista. Lippinc 87:1 Ja '11 Little tree. Delin 78:429 D '11 Love-lamp. Everybody's 16:525 Ap '07 Marriage of Katinka. Outl 80:536 Je 24 '05 Matinee. Outl 80:1038 Ag 26 '05 Mrs. Alward's point of view. Delin 67:255 F •06 Mothers to men. Everybody's 25:186 Ag '11 Need. Atlan 111:744 Je '13 Never-lighted fire. Delin 66:66 Jl '05 Nobody sick, nobody poor. Delin 70:724 N '07 Not as the world giveth. Delin 70:938 D '07 October. Everybody's 15:485 O '06 Other two. Everybody's 12:592 My '05 Return of Endymion. Everybody's 16:642 My '07 Rose pink. Delin 75:314 Ap '10 Shadow of good things to come. Outl 86:817 Ag 17 '07 Things that are real. Delin 65:414 Mr '05 This is a world of spells. Everybody's 15:311 S '06 Time has come. Everybody's 31:794 D '14 Top floor back. Harper 117:779 O '08 Two carpenters. Amer 73:714 Ap '12 "^'ay the world is. Amer 68:572 O '09 What is that in thine hand? Outl 87:343 O 19 '07 Woman in the room. Amer 74:582 S '12 You and me. L H J 31:21 Mr '14 — and Menkey, Jill Peyson's paint lady. Everybody's 15:796 D '06 Gallagher, Margaret Grace Bit of spring. Les Mo 60:75 My '05 Justice. Les Mo 59:101 N '04 Gallant age. A. Cowdery. Harper 129:575 S '14 Gallant burglar. A. Pratt. Lippinc 81:380 Mr '08 Gallant Mr. Gildersleeve. E. S. Field. Sat E P 179:6 D 22 '06 8 Gallery-god. R. Hughes. Sat E P 179:5 O 27 '06 Gallic victory. M. Maartens. Scrib 54:300 S '13 Gallon, Tom, 1866-1914 Her happy chance. Mun 52:785 S '14 Gallows-bird. V. Rousseau. Harp W 54:22 Jl 2 '10 Galsworthy, John, 1867- Buttercup-night. Atlan 113:13 Ja '14 Christian. Atlan 109:180 F '12 Knight. Atlan 105:721 Je '10 Magpie over the hill. Cent 84:521 Ag '12 Novelist's allegory. Atlan 103:790 Je '09 Old-time place. Scrib 52:191 Ag '12 Quality. Scrib 51:292 Mr '12 Silence. Atlan 106:311 S '10 Simple tale. Scrib 56:735 D '14 Two looks. Atlan 108:112 Jl '11 Voice of — ! Met 35:14 F '12 Galvanizing of Olaf Larsen. D. H. Day. Mc- Clure 34:277 Ja '10 Gamble, George Bunch of edelweiss. Everybody's 3:221 S '00 Gambler. W. Bullock. Amer 71:82 N '10 Gamblers. C. Johnston. Harper 120:933 My '10 Gambler's chance. M. Glass. Mun 36:390 D '06 Gambler's wives. B. Sanford. Col 53:15 Je 27 •14 Game. A. Morgan. Met 33:580 F '11 Game, The. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 186:9 O 18 '13 Game of desperation. A. Warner. Met 24:724 5 '06 Game of tag. K. Hoffman. Mun 31:268 My '04 Game and the nation. O. Wister. Harper 100: 884 My '00 Game and the strike. E. Speyer. Col 52:18 D 6 '13 Game by wire. A. S. Pier. Scrib 42:562 N '07 Game of billiards. E. A. Clancy. Lippinc 94: 466 O '14 Game of chess. C. Dangerfield. Lippinc 71:235 F '03 Game of duplicate whist. C. W. Rankin. Every- body's 9:688 N '03 Game of hearts. C. G. Rogers. Mun 29:715 Ag •03 Game of life and death. L.Colcord. Amer 67: 374 F '09 Game of light. R. W. Child. Everybody's 31: 38 Jl '14 Game of love. A. Repplier. Atlan 96:547 O "05 Game of tag. E. Jordan. Harp B 48:20 S '13 Game with the blues. L. Pratt. Met 29:188 N •08 Gang. L H J 20:3 Ag '03 Gannon, James H., Jr. David and Jonathan. Mun 41:498 Jl '09 Smith, debtor. Everybody's 15:358 S '06 Garage in the sunshine. J. Ernest. Cent 86: 920 O '13 Garden goddess. D. Vaka. Met 37:40 Ja '13 Garden idyll. K. W. Patch. Harper 108:593 Mr '04 Garden nun. L. Teters. Col 33:19 Ap 23 '04 Garden of buried hopes. L. E. MacBrayne. De- lin 76:12 Jl '10 Garden of Eden. J. M. Forman. Harper 118: 903 My '09 Garden of illusion. V. Rosseau. Harp W 56:16 F 17 '12 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 107 Garden of memories. C. A. Mercer. Atlan 90: 703 N '02 Garden of the king, A. Troubetzkoy. Harper 115:49 Je '07 Garden party. E. Elliott. New Eng n s 30:464 Je '04 Gardendale burglar cure. E. J. Rath. Amer 63:133 D '06 Gardener Jim. A. Brown. Harper 116:128 D '07 Gardenhire, S. M. Adventure of the counterfeiters. Sat E P 178:5 Ag '05 Case of the ambassador. Sat E P 178:7 Ag 19 '05 Park Slope mystery. Sat E P 178:6 Jl 22 '05 Gardiner, Margaret Doane Pattie. Scrib 38:305 S '05 Gardiner, Mrs. Ruth Kimball Maria Redburn. Everybody's 14:810 Je '06 John Edward's friend. Cent 70:238 Je '05 Gardner, Gilson, 1869- Real American Sherlock Holmes. Met 15:561 My '02 Garland, Hamlin, 1860- Delmar of Pima. McClure 18:340 F '02 Drummer-boy's alarum. Sat E P 173:7 Mr 9 "01 Electric lady. Cosmop 29:73 My '00 Faith of his fathers. Harp W 47:892 My 30 '03 Fireplace. Delin 66:1050 D '05 Hippy the dare-devil. McClure 19:474 S '02 Iron khiva. Harp W 47:1416 Ag 29 '03 Light of the star. L. H J 21:11 Ja, 13 F, 7 Mr, 11 Ap, 14 My '04 Lone Wolf's old guard. Harp W 47:716 My 2 '03 Marshall's capture. Harp W 48:34 D 10 '04 Mart Haney's mate. Sat E P 178:1 N IS '05 My first Christmas tree. L H J 28:13 D '11 New medicine-house. Harp W 46:36 D 6 '02 Night raid at Eagle river. Cent 76:725 S '08 Nistina. Harp W 47:544 Ap 4 '03 Noose. Sat E P 178:3 Je 9 '06 Outlaw. Harp W 47:972 Je '13, 1036 Je 20 '03 Outlaw and the girl. L H J 25:7 My, 17 Je 8 Jl '08 Partners for a day. Col 52:5 Mr 14 '14 People of the buffalo. McClure 16:153 D '00 River's warning. Les Mo 53:297 Ja '02 Sitting Bull's defiance. McClure 20:35 N '02 Spartan mother. L H J 22:10 F "05 Steadfast Widow Delaney. Sat E P 174:4 Je '14, 8 Je 21, 10 Je 28 '02 Tale of a tenderfoot. Sat E P 174:8 Ag 24 '01 Two stories of Oklahoma. Cent 68:328 Je '04 Garlands and love-knots. Z. Gale. Mun 41:183 My "09 Garments for aviation. M. Glass. Sat E P 182: 5 D 25 '09 Garments of the king. K. Mikszath. Cur Lit 43:695 D '07 Garnett, E. E. Sly Biddy Machree. Outl 66:460 O 20 '00 To the rescue of Sannie. Harp B 33:114 P 10 '00 Garnett, Mayn Clew, pseud. (Thornton Jenkins Mains) 1866- Barnegat Macreary. Met 22:272 Je '05 Barrators. Met 26:364 Je '07 Beneath the Bulldog's bilge. McClure 25:348 Ag '05 End of the reef. Cent 70:561 Ag '05 Fiddler of Thunder Bank. Everybody's 15:267 Ag '06 Get-away of Jonas. Mun 33:422 Jl '05 Johnny Shark. Harper 103:626 S '01 Knight of the Outer Shoal. Delin 70:222 Ag '07 Man from Vladivo.stock. Cosmop 30:223 Je '05 Old man of Sand Key. Harper 105:123 Je '02 Persecution of Nathan Peters. Met 25:52 O '06 Sanctified man. Met 24:67 Ap '06 Sea-dog. Harper 105:797 O '02 Storm King's tow. Cosmop 50:666 Ap '11 Garrison, Mrs. Theodosia (Pickering) Acquittal, r^elin 73:559 Ap '09 Bunch of violets. Mun 23:521 Jl '00 By force of precedent. Mun 23:832 S '00 Cecilia. Col 37:19 Jl 14 '06 Garrison, Mrs. Theodosia — continued Crimson rambler. Delin 71:983 Je 'OS Discipline. Delin 75:433 My '10 End of the circle. Met 15:66 Ja '02 Failure. Harper 106:527 Mr '03 Laying of the monster. Everybody's 23:14 Jl '10 Selfishness of Nolan. Mun 27:606 Jl '02 Woman within. Mun 26:620 F '02 Garscin, Vsevolod. See Garshin, Vsevolod Garshin, Vsevolod Michaelovich, 1855-1888 Four days. Lippinc 91:492 Ap '13 Gipsy's bear. Cur Lit 53:718 D '12 Signal — a story of Russia. Cur Lit 52:116 Ja '12 Garth, Janet Patience Fessenden's scandalous story. Lippinc 81:654 My '08 Gas machine. R. Herrick. Sat E P 173:4 Ag 4 '00 Gasaway, Frank Just a moth. Les Mo 55:350 F '03 Gasch, Mrs. Herman E. See Manning, Marie Gashed finger. M. D. Post. Sat E P 184:24 Ja 13 '12 Gasoline goes up. R. W. Hofflund. Sat E P 183: 14 Ag 13 '10 Gasoline graft. M. Foster. Sat E P 183:17 S 3 '10 Gaspar Ruiz. See Conrad, Joseph Gassey Thompson's prize money. C. Carey. Mun 31:222 My '04 Gastronomic tragedy. T. Bailey. New Eng n s 27:344 N '02 Gatch and company. E. M. Woolley. Sat E P 186:8 F 7, 21 F 14 '14 Gate, The. C. W. Camp. Met 25:204 N '06 Gate of the seven hundred virgins. M. S. Watts. McClure 29:25 My '07 Gate of the upper garden. S. R. Crockett. Sat E P 173:3 S 15 '00 Gate of understanding. E. Barnard. Amer 62: 587 O '06 Gates, Eleanor (Mrs. Frederick Moore) 1875- Agatha's escort. Cosmop 47:320 Ag '09 Bashful sheriff and the little widow. Sat E P 180:9 S 28 '07 Buena's noches. Scrib 39:179 F '06 Doc. Sat E P 182:12 Ja 1 '10 Figgerin' Jim. Sat E P 181:5 Ap 3 '09 Genevieve epidemic. Sat E P 181:13 My 15 '09 Girl and the gun-fighter. Cosmop 41:303 Jl '06 Homely sacrifice. Delin 60:560 O '02 I can lift you. Sat E P 183:5 D 17 '10 Justice of Gideon. Sat E P 182:16 Ag 28 '09 Miss Pie Face. Sat E P 183:5 N 5 '10 Mollie and the opera game. Sat E P 179:14 Jl 7 '06 Prettiest girl and the homeliest man. Sat E P 180:8 Jl 13 '07 Round-up in Central Park. Sat E P 178:2 Ag 5 '05 Run for material. Cosmop 43:207 Je '07 Son. Sat E P 182:22 Ap 9 '10 Spotted dog. Cosmop 41:672 O '06 Tex. Sat E P 182:20 Mr 26 '10 Two boom towns and a bride. Sat E P 180: 5 Ag 3 '07 When Cupid was a cow-punch. Sat E P 178*4 Ja 13 '06 Yellow man and a white. Scrib 37:727 Je '05 Gatherln' o' the clans. D. B. MacPyke. Harp W 53:17 Ag 14 '09 Gathering no moss. Sat E P 186:28 Mr 28 '14 Gatlin, Dana Mating. Cosmop 58:60 D '14 Toward freedom. Cent 88:913 O '14 Way of all mothers. Amer 78:55 D '14 With lovinp wishes for a happy birthday. Cent 88:535 Ag '14 Gaudy combat. W. A. Fraser. Col 34:19 O 29 '04 Gaul, (Harriet) Avery Keepers of the shrine. Mun 45:693 Ag '11 io8 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Gauss, Marianne Angels and pigs. McClure 36:326 Ja 11 Before the railroad. McClure 37:20 My 11 Black Knobbers' poet. Col 51:( Je 28 13 Daown in Missouri. Col 37:18 Je - 06 Final escape. Col 53:l:i Mr 28 '14 Fugitive and his Judas. Col 52:17 Mr 7 '14 'Gene. Harp W 52:22 D 5 '08 Girl who proposed. Col 51:19 My 3 Id Love story of a cad. McClure 28:559 Mr '07 Power of the dog. McClure 29:408 Ag 07 Seven coins. McClure 33:412 Ag 09 Stranger at the hearth. Harp W 57.21 Ag 2 '13 Twenty below. McClure 41:196 O '13 Wolf. McClure 37:321 Jl '11 Gautier, Theophile, 1811-1872 Mummy's foot. Lippinc 89:870 Je 12 Gavin of Broken Arrow. F. Lynde. Scrib 43: 728 Je 'OS Gavit, John Palmer, 1868- Peach of a story. Everybody's 25:663 N 11 Gay and festive Claverhouse. A. Warner. Sat E P 186:3 Je 27, 187:16 Jl 4, 15 Jl 11, 19 Jl 18 '14 Gay-cat. P. Casey. Sat E P 186:10 Ap 4 '14 Gay chevalier. S. H. Preston. Harper 104:773 Ap 02 Gay deceiver. M. S. Merrill. New Eng n s 37: 46 S '07 Gay deceiver. K. Norris. McClure 37:616 O 'H Gay, Robert M. Getting acquainted. Harp B 47:59 F 13 Idyllic. Atlan 111:566 Ap '13 Nelson P . Atlan 108:708 N '11 Tympano. Atlan 106:136 Jl '10 Gayleys' mountain trip. J. Lee. Outl 65:740 Jl 28 '00 Gayley's vacation. J. Lee. Harp B 35:570 O '01 Gaylord, Harriet After seven years. New Eng n s 36:695 Ag 07 Career of Jean Randolph. Les Mo 58:593 O 04 Strength of Hera Boyd. Amer 62:381 Ag 06 Gazebrook necklace. W. Hackett. Mun 42:324 D '09 Gebhardt, Caroline ^^ „„^ , ,^„ Lady of influence. Lippinc 71:739 Je 03 Real daughter of the revolution. Lippinc 69: 643 Je "02 Ged. E. W. Peattie. Scrib 34:580 N '03 Gemung, John Franklin My lowly teacher. Harper 122:842 My '11 'Gene. M. Gaus.s. Harp W 52:22 D 5 '08 General. A. Leach. Mun 22:605 Ja '00 General counsel. E. Flower. Cent 70:51 My '05 Gen'ul Grant and Aunt Polly. M. R. Wright. Met 26:142 My '07 General Leslie's delusion. A. R. Calhoun. Everybody's 5:177 As '01 General manager. R. Herrick. Scrib 43:270 Mr '08 General Percy Whiffletree. M. B. Kirby. Amer 72:257 Je '11 Generals and number seven. L. Pratt. Cent 78: 404 Jl '09 General's story. M. R. Wright. Met 27:460 Ja '08 Generous Mr. Dean. A. M. Roach. McClure 27:253 Jl '06 Genevieve epidemic. E. Gates. Sat B P 181:13 My 15 09 Genevieve IVIaude's mission. E. Jordan. Harp B 43:26 Ja '09 Genevieve Maude's perishin' soul. E. Jordan. Lippinc 86:583 N '10 Genevieve's chaperon. H. Whitney. Mun 30: 432 D '03 Genius. K. Jordan. Delin 73:97 Ja '09 Genius loci. C. Goodloe. Scrib 55:257 F '14 Genius of Retta Romany Tompkins. R. E. Young. Atlan 90:55 Jl '02 Gent from Josephine. H. Dickson. Sat E P 182:16 S 11 "09 Gente. W. Bulfin. Everybody's 11:639 N '04 Gentle art of mending broken hearts. E. Car- michael. New Eng n s 32:672 Ag '05 Gentle art of spending. W. E. Weyl. Sat E P 185:9 Ap 19 '13 Gentle bachelor. G. Robinson. New Eng n s 33:217 O '05 Gentle gales of Persian jests. C. Johnston. Harp W 54:16 Ap 9 '10 Gentle offender. L. S. Almond. Everybody s 25:133 Jl '11 Gentle robber. M. Sherwood. McClure 29:87 My '07 Gentle sinner. A. H. Donnell. Harp B 45:58 F •11 Gentle traveler. A. H. Donnell. Amer 65:242 Ja '08 Gentleman burglar. E. H. Brainerd. Every- body's 16:329 Mr '07 Gentleman farmer. B. R. Hoover. Everybody's 18:561 Ap '08 Gentleman from Toyland. P. L. Allen. Harp W 51:86 Ja 19 '07 Gentleman of the Blue Grass. See Portor, Laura Spencer Gentleman of the curb. A. M. Estabrook. Mun 2S;127 O '02 Gentleman of the jimmy. C. Morris. Mun 25: 246 My '01 Gentleman of the plush rocker. R. M. Stuart. Cent 63:409 Ja '02 Gentleman ranker. M. E. Seawell. Lippinc 81: 501 Ap '08 Gentleman who never got up. L H J 25:5 Jl '08 Gentleman with the green tie. L. Pratt. Atlan 112:812 D '13 Gentlemanly engineer. S. H. Kemper. Amer 62:107 My '06 Gentlemanly thing. J. C. Snaith. Sat E P 186: 6 Je 27 '14 Gentleman's gentleman. F. H. Smith. Sat E P 180:10 Ag 31 '07 Gentlemen farmers. C. Johnston. Sat E P 185: 8 Je 21 '13 Gentlemen's agreement. W. Irwin. McClure 43:77 S '14 Gentling of Red McWha. C. G. D. Roberts. Delin 70:740 N '07 Genuine Maggini. A. M. Sholl. Mun 25:235 My '01 Geoffrey's panklaggephone. E. P. Butler. Cos- mop 47:483 S '09 Geordie Griggsby's firebug. C. M. Chapin. Sat E P 184:6 My 18 '12 George, Ernest Diary in red. Met 13:326 Mr '01 George, H. T. Awakening of Small Plover. Cosmop 32:75 N '01 Desertion of Winunla. Mun 27:37 Ap '02 Girl opposite. Mun 27:682 Ag '02 His artistic instinct. Mun 24:938 Mr '01 Marcia the discontented. Mun 43:46 Ap '10 Mi.ss Herman — missionary. Met 24:489 Jl '06 When Eileen changed her mind. Mun 34:176 N '05 George, Ruth When straits them press. Atlan 109:568 Ap 12 Georgeanna banana. C. Truitt. Everybody's 29:490 O '13 George's client. A. Johnson. Harper 129:604 S •14 George's wife. G. Parker. Sat E P 180:18 F 29 'OS Georgia song-bird. F. Tilden. Cent 88:624 Ag '14 Georgia's ruling. O. Henry. Out! 65:498 Je 30 '00 Geniuses. V. H. Cornell. Harper 127:64 Je '13 Georgie. E. K. Kidd. Met 32:587 Ag '10 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 109 Georgina at Ischl. J. U. Munford. Delin 84:15 INlr '14 Georgina routs her enemy. J. U. Munford. Delin 85:11 Ag '14 Georgina's accidental debut. J. U. Munford. Delin 85:11 N '14 Georgina's trial lesson. J. U. Munford. Delin SU:426 D '12 Geraldine in Switzerland. Mrs. W. K. Clifford. Scrib 45:224 F '09 Gerke, Robert H. Three girls in a row. L H J 31:11 N '14 Germ letter. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 57:244 Jl '14 Gerould, Gordon Hall, 1877- Experience. Scrib 55:293 Mr '14 Justification. Scrib 50:461 O '11 Occupation. Scrib 55:620 My '14 Pseudonymous. Scrib 56:456 O '14 Gerould, Katharine Fullerton, 1879- Bird in the bush. Scrib 54::i47 Ag '13 Case of Paramore. Scrib 54:419 O '13 Divided kingdom. Cent 84:255 Je '12 Dominant strain. Scrib 55:691 Je '14 End and the means. Harper 126:878 My '13 Great tradition. Cent 88:428 Jl '14 Impasse. Harper 127:521 S '13 Mango-seed. Cent 83:422 Ja '12 Miracle. Harper 129:872 N '14 On the staircase. Scrib 54:731 D '13 Pearls. Harper 129:194 Jl '14 Straight tip. Scrib 56:224 Ag '14 Toad and the jewel. Harper 128:749 Ap '14 Tortoise. Scrib 55:46 Ja '14 Triple mirror. Cent 87:876 Ap '14 Vain oblations. Scrib 49:367 Mr '11 Weaker vessel. Cent 87:270 D '13 Wesendouck. Harper 126:740 Ap '13 Wine of violence. Scrib 50:75 Jl '11 Gerrard, Ernest A. Haggerty's pullet. Everybody's 5:492 O '01 Gerry, Mrs. Margarita (Spalding) 1870- Credit to Densmore. Harper 120:593 Mr '10 Enemy. Harper 120:115 D '09 Fairy Amelook. Harp B 47:65 F '13 Flowers. Harper 117:327 Ag '08 Gift-bearer. Harper 122:58 D '10 Gout. Harper 119:735 O '09 Hero. Harper 122:438 F '11 House of the five sisters. Harper 122:216 Ja '11 Interruption. Harp B 40:398 My '06 Island. Harper 123:77 Je '11 Knights of the three-cornered table. Harper 126:502 Mr '13 Little dress with the blue ribbons. Harper 119'590 S '09 Man who couldn't miss. Harper 129:948 N '14 Mother-of-a-child. Delin 83:11 N '13 Other man's baby. L H J 28:13 My 1 '11 Schlo.sser's wife. Harper 122:786 Ap '11 Sun-god. Harper 124:726 Ap '12 Toy-shop. Harper 116:3 D '07 Woman who threw herself away. L H J 30:8 D '13 Woman who was ashamed. Harper 121:624 S '10 Gervie zame, gervie door. J. Webster. McClure 25:552 S '05 Get-away of Jonas. T. J. Hains. Mun 33:422 Jl '05 Getaway. A. M. Chase. Harp W 55:16 S 30 '11 Getting acquainted. R. M. Gay. Harp B 47: 59 F '13 Getting along without father. R. R. Oilson. L H J 26:4 Jl '09 Getting Captain Cameron. R. S. Baker. Mc- flure 14:241 Ja '00 Getting even. C. G. Grey. Les Mo 50:306 Jl '03 Getting even with Mr. Boswell. M. Davis. Kverybody's 23:850 D '10 Getting Into line. H. M. RIdeout. Les Mo 50: 5M Mr '05 Getting it over. L. Hatch. Amer 76:16 O '13 Getting rich quick. C. R. Chester. Sat K P 180:3 O 5, 11 O 12 '07 Getting rid of Fluff. E. P. Butler. Harper 117: 418 Ag '08 Getting Sister Laura married off. G. Ade. Sat E P 176:5 Jl 18 '03 Getting that home. E. Poole. Sat E P 179:7 Jl 7 '06 Getting the franchise. Sat E P 185:12 S 7 '12 Getting there. L. B. Thomas. Col 52:17 D 20 •13 Getting wise. R. W. Child. Amer 66:52 My '08 Gettysburg. M. Johnston. Atlan 110:1 Jl '12 Genre idyl. M. B. Adams. Met 26:561 Ag '07 Ghosh, A. Sarath Kumar Chohan bride. Harper 102:772 Ap '01 Thousand years. Harper 107:301 Jl '03 Ghost. H. J. O'Higgins. Everybody's 28:795 Je 13 Ghost. H. G. Rhodes. Harper 115:956 N '07 Ghost and Madame Bandyre. M. Dana. Met 16:313 S '02 Ghost at Point of Rocks. F. H. Spearman. Scrib 42:159 Ag '07 Ghost coon. C. Litsey. Les Mo 59:43 N '04 Ghost extinguisher. G. Burgess. Cosmop 38: 688 Ap '05 Ghost island light. J. F. Wilson. Harp W 55: 16 F 25 '11 Ghost in the red shirt. B. M. Bower. Lippinc 74:121 Jl '04 Ghost of Ananias. I. Anderson. Met 14:701 N •01 Ghost of chance. R. W. Chambers. Every- body's 13:147 Ag '05 Ghost of Matthias Baum. E. Singmaster. Cent 77:604 F '09 Ghost of the Black inn. C. B. Loomis. Harp W 46:48 D 6 '02 Ghost of the gun deck. M. Robertson. Harp W 49:1600 N 4 '05 Ghost of the shifting yard. M. Foster. Sat E P 181:7 Je 26 '09 Ghost of youth. W. Hard. Sat E P 179:15 Jl 21 '06 Ghost on the stairs. Mrs. W. K. Clifford. Scrib 55:324 Mr '14 Ghost-ship. R. Middleton. Cent 83:931 Ap '12 Ghost that got the button. I. Peixotto. Col 51: 19 My 24 '13 Ghostly counsellors. R. Hughes. Cosmop 56: 586 Ap '14 Ghosts. W. Mac Mahon. Col 50:21 Mr 15 '13 Ghosts of Senzeille. A. Colton. Col 38:16 D 15 •00 Ghosts who became famous. C. Wells. Cent 61:282 D "00 Ghoul. E. W. Blashfleld. Atlan 110:189 Ag '12 Ghouls, The. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 56:59 D '13 Gianellis, The. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 49:12 Ap 6 '12 Giannone's girl. W. H. Osborne. T>ippiiic 84: 709 D '09 Giants' golf. H. W. Phillips. Lippinc 66:157 Jl '00 Gibbet hill. E. Phillpotts. Harper 120:699 Ap •10 Gibbon, Perceval, ISTO- Anibu.sli. Harper 125:823 N '12 Bailey's exi)eriment. Col 42:18 N 7 'OS netwocn llH' lights. McCluro 33:419 Ag '09 Bucko, r'ol 43:15 Ap 24 '09 Buried anchor. McCIuro 31:590 S '08 Citizen of tlio roads. Harp W 57:18 Je 21 '13 Darkened path. Harp W r.S:fi .In 3 '14 Day of omens. Mc«'hiro 43:63 My '14 Dfbt. Mrriure 39:27 I\ly '12 Dice. McClure 2S;603 Ap '"7 DAna Victoria. Harper nr.::M3 F "OS Eleventh hour. Tlarpt-r 114:471 F '07 Girl. McCluro 42:96 A|) '14 His wife. L TI J 25:7 Jl 'OS IdcallHt. McClure 30:229 D '07 no STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Gibbon, Perceval — continued In the dark hour. McClure 31:82 My '08 Iron star. Harper 127:o54 Ag '13 King of the baboons. McClure 31:467 Ag '08 Lola. Harper 118::i48 Ja 'Oy Madame Robin. Scrib 53:334 Mr '13 Man before the mast. McClure 4:i;46 N '13 Man in the shadow. L H J 2(:7 Jl '10 Man who never knew. McClure 2S:243 Ja '07 Man who saw. Sat E P 185:8 Ji 20 '12 Manasseh. Harper 117:541 S 'OS Martyrdom lottery. McClure 33:482 S '09 Master. Harper 126:48 D '12 Mate of the Gatwick. Col 43:16 Ag 28 '09 Meagre life. McClure 29:673 O '07 Murderer. Harper 125:443 Ag '12 Next vacancy. Sat E P 183:10 Ag 13 '10 Page, A. B. Harper 121:179 Jl '10 Parisienne. Harper 122:176 Ja '11 Second-class passenger. McClure 27:641 O '06 Second mate. McClure 25:23 My '05 Sense of climax. Delin 75:31 Ja '10 Soldan's navigator. Sat E P 1S0:10 Jl 20 '07 Strange patient. Col 44:16 N 27 "09 Task appointed. McClure 34:558 Mr '10 Trader of last notch. McClure 27:466 S '06 Unknown factor. McClure 30:662 Ap '08 Weaver's son. McClure 29:465 S '07 Wood-ladies. Scrib 54:223 Ag '13 Gibbs, George, 1870- Fireship. Sat E P 172:661 Ja 27 '00 Found — a musician. Met 21:387 Ja '05 Love of monsieur. Lippinc 71:595 My '03 Parasol. Met 23:49 O '05 Gibson, Edwin Lawrence Carmencita of the Early Morning. Les Mo 59:280 Ja '05 Gibson, Willis Agent at Missouri station. Sat E P 174:6 My 31 '02 Arkansas fashion. Cent 70:276 Je '05 Disciplining the R. & O. Cent 63:867 Ap '02 Memphis packet. Scrib 30:228 Ag '01 Murnane and the Illinois. McClure 21:361 Ag '03 New lawyer at Seminole. Sat E P 175:6 Mr 21 '03 Way of the engineers. Cent 66:904 O '03 When Parlow went a-steamboating. Sat E I 175:5 N 29 '02 Gideon. W. Hastings. Cent 87:956 Ap '14 Gideon's battle. F. Veeder. Harper 102:649 Mr '01 Gidley, Will S. Corner in cats. Les Mo 54:513 S '02 Man who traded legs. Les Mo 51:616 Ap '01 Gifford, Mrs. Fannie Stearns Davis, 1SS4- Studies in solitude. Atlan 111:806 Je '13 Gifford, Rev. Franklin Kent, 1861- Widow who couldn't shoot. McClure 35:619 O '10 Gift. Delin 79:374 My '12 Gift. E. N. Hepburn. Everybody's 23:855 D '10 Gift. M. Sinclair. Amer 66:353 Ag '08 Gift-bearer. M. S. Gerry. Harper 122:58 D '10 Gift from his youth. I. H. Gillmore. Atlan 104: 754 D '09 Gift horse. F. O. Bartlett. McClure 39:509 S •12 Gift horse. O. Wister. Sat E P 181:3 Jl 18 'OS Gift house. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:10 S 11 '09 Gift of Cyrilla. J. J. a'Becket. Harp B 33:673 Jl 14 '00 Gift of forgiving gods. M. B. Turner. Atlan 105:255 F '10 Gift of Rosey. B. Benefield. Scrib 54:507 O '13 Gift of tact. C. B. Loomis. Cent 70:959 O '05 Gift of the hills. J. Anderson. Harp W 55:24 O 21 '11 Gift of tongues. L. B. Van Slyke. McClure 38: 547 Mr '12 Gifts of oblivion. D. Canfield. Harper 127:501 S '13 Gifts of the philosophers. M. Kelly. L H J 22:9 D '04 Gilbert, Benjamin Thorne My lady of the canyon. Scrib 43:177 F '08 Gilbert, Sir William Schwenk, 1836-1911 Hooligan. Cent 83:179 D '11 Trying a dramatist. Cent 83:179 D '11 Gilchrist, Beth Bradford Maker of kings. Harp W 52:16 Jl 11 '08 When the race was to the swift. Atlan 97:519 Ap '06 Gilchrist, William F. Who shall explain it? Les Mo 50:25 My '00 Gilder, Rodman, 1877- Sweet-pea. Cent 88:197 Je '14 Gill, John R. Dead and down. McClure 21:95 My '03 Gill, W. A. Clerical comedy. Cosmop 29:305 Jl '00 Gillmore, Inez (Haynes) (Mrs. Will Irwin) 1873- Ann takes charge. Met 39:20 N '13 Ann's new set. Met 40:30 S '14 Beautiful young man. Harper 125:517 S '12 Becky's job. Met 40:35 My '14 Brothers. Lippinc 78:103 Jl '06 Codes of Phoebe and Ernest. Amer 70:785 O '10 Discoveries. Amer 73:92 N '11 Ernest and the case of Old Mudguards. Amer 70:21 My '10 Ernest and the conspirators. Amer 73:754 Ap •12 Ernest and the latch key question. Amer 69: 315 Ja '10 Ernest and the law of order. Amer 71:340 Ja •11 Ernest and the social game. Amer 70:657 S •10 Ernest lays down his arms. Amer 72:385 Jl •ll Eternal challenge. Everybody's 26:17 Ja '12 Father of his son. Everybody's 11:29 Jl '04 Found children. Amer 74:682 O '12 Frog in the well. Harper 124:828 My "12 Gift from his youth. Atlan 104:754 D '09 Homeliest child. Harper 124:93 D '11 I, Phoebe, take thee, Toland. Amer 73:431 F ^12 Lainey and the eternal masculine. Met 41:28 N ^14 Lainey's gift. Met 39:26 Ja '14 Lost children. Amer 67:166 D 'OS Love me, love my dog. Everybody's 11:706 N '04 Ollivant orphans: their home coming. Met 38: 17 S '13 On the doorstep. McClure 23:333 Jl '04 Phoebe among the thespians. Amer 70:382 Jl '10 Phoebe and her house book. Amer 73:165 D '11 Phoebe and her other self. Amer 69:49 N '09 Phoebe and the heart of toil. Amer 68:430 S '09 Phoebe and the household gods. Amer 69:705 Mr •lO Phoebe and the little blind god. Amer 71:582 Mr '11 Phoebe and the most important bird. Amer 74:241 Je '12 Phoebe closes with Cupid. Amer 72:641 S '11 Phoebe in search of Bohemia. Amer 72:65 My '11 Phoebe makes the grand tour. Amer 71:61 N '10 Puppy love. Amer 68:649 O '09 Queen of Far-away. Everybody's 10:683 My '04 Roland's friend. Met 39:30 F '14 Solvent. Cosmop 39:61 My '05 Standing by. Met 38:17 O '13 Start. Everybody's 11:739 D '04 Story that took. McClure 25:214 Je '05 Till he gets him a wife. Amer 74:497 Ag '12 Wetherell wedding. Everybody's 10:789 Je '04 Gillmore, Nellie Cravey Diplomatic manoeuvre. Met 16:264 S '02 Just a fool. Met 14:774 D '01 Objections of Philida. Met 16:576 N '02 Two in an auto. Met 17:297 Mr '03 Gillyflowers. J. R. Reese. Mun 27:769 Ag '02 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 III Gilman, Rev. Bradley, 1S57- iVicDermott twins. Scrib 46:741 D '09 our trout parlor alligator, Kew Eng n s 30: 76 Mr '04 Two fools and a farm. Scrib 44:110 Jl '08 Gilman, Elizabeth Hale ±iome sketches. Scrib 35:323 Mr '04 Gilman, Florence June lure. Everybody's 24:853 Je '11 Gilman, Lawrence, 1878- Lapse from reason. Harp B 39:934 O '05 Gilmer, Mrs. Elizabeth Meriwether. See Dix, Dorothy, pseud. Gilmore, Florence Little mother. Allan 114:381 S '14 Gilmore's mare. W. C. Howells. Harp W 57:16 Ja 4 '13 Gilpatric, John Guy Wire, wings and wires. Col 52:7 N 15 '13 Gilson, Roy Rolfe, 1S75- Absent truest. Cent 67:598 F '04 Afterglow. L H J 21:8 My '04 As you sailed. Harper 106:208 Ja '03 Between the lines: diary of a young girl. L. H J 24:7 F '07 Butterfly. Col 41:22 Ap 11 'OS Convert to Santa Claus. L H J 28:18 D 1 '10 Ellen. Harper 108:417 F '04 Every day. Outl 74;425 Je 13 '03 Father. Harper 105:515 S '02 From Kansas. Les Mo 57.377 F '04 Getting along without father. L H J 26:4 Jl '09 Good fairy. Harp W 46:12 D 6 '02 Grandfather. Harper 104:226 Ja '02 Grandmother. Harper 104:528 Mr '02 His son. Harper 116:609 Mr '08 Illusionist. Cent 67:446 Ja 04 In the nick of time. Harper 118:462 F '09 Letitia. Harp W 49:16 D 16 '05 Little boy's love. Harper 104:30 D '01 Little Rugby. Harper 108:508 Mr '04 Little sister. Harper 105:403 Ag '02 Mademoiselle Angeie. Atlan 87:398 Mr '01 Marked passage. Met 19:558 Ja '04 Miss Primrose. Les Mo 56:313 Ag '03 Mr. Bowe and Mr. Miles. L H J 24:14 N '07 Mother. Harper 105:716 O '02 Ninety-one. Cent 74;2S2 Je '07 Old witch. Harper 107:139 Je '03 Other fellows. Harper 119:43 Je '09 Our yard. Harper 104:944 My '02 Poet of a day. Cent 67:209 D '03 Primitive man. L H J 24:19 Ap '07 Princess listens. Les Mo 55:482 Mr '03 Professor. Harp W 52:22 O 3 '08 Rose-colored gown. L H J 31:17 Ja '14 Statesman of to-morrow. Harper 107:567 S '03 Story of a tin soldier. Scrib 27:682 Je '00 Toy grenadier. Harper 105:185 Jl '02 When all the leaves are green. L H J 26:9 Ap '09 \^^^en girls talk. L H J 26:12 Ag '09 When queens go by. L H J 24:12 Ja '07 Wickedness of Phoebe. Cent 76:57 My '08 Wind of dreams. Harper 110:555 Mr '05 Giltner, Leigh Gordon Autumn Itavt-s. ISIun 36:127 O '06 Button on Fortune's cap. New Eng n s 23:574 Ja '01 Challenge cup. New Eng n s 31:590 Ja '05 Dumb nightingale. Mun 34:125 O '05 Fall of the flag. Mun 28:46 O '02 Fatuity of Tompkins. Mun 31:610 Jl '04 Ingenue. New Eng n s 44:189 Ap '11 Match-maker. Mun 32:905 Mr '05 Reversal of form. New Eng n s 28:212 Ap '03 Sealed orders. New Eng n s 24:99 Mr "01 Sporting spirit. Mun 31:189 My '04 Stage-managing mamma. New Eng n s 43:581 F '11 Ginger, Bonnie R. Haclu-lor and eohippus. Delin 84:15 Ja '14 Blue roses. Everybody's 28:804 Je "13 Efficient unto the day. Everybody's 27:625 N •12 Henrietta's postponed career. Delin 81:158 Mr •13 Prodigal nephew's aunt. Delin 83:7 S '13 Triangle case. Met 39:41 D '13 Ginhoullac heirloom. M. Glass. Mun 42:560 Ja 10 Ginley and the gun. C. Hovey. Everybody's 4:60 Ja '01 Giovannoli, H. Bull mountain pastoral. Lippinc 71:95 Ja '03 Gipsy's bear. W. M. Garshin. Cur Lit 53:718 D '12 Girault, M. L. Alive and the enemy. Lippinc 77:251 F '06 Boot in the moonbeam. Harp W 51:1835 D 14 '07 rl. P. Gibbon. McClure 42:96 Ap '14 rl: story of others. E. Hough. Amer 61:163 D 05 rl and a kiss. C. Goodrich. Met 14:190 Ag '01 rl and the Anarch. G. Parker. Cosmop 50:35 D '10 rl and the butcher. E. Boltwood. Mun 30: 173 N '03 rl and the editor. M. Westrup. Les Mo 56: 223 Jl '03 rl and the gun-fighter. E. Gates. Cosmop 41:303 Jl '06 rl and the moose and the deep dark woods. H. B. Trask. New Eng n s 43:80 S "10 rl and the poet. H. MacGrath. L H J 23:6 D '05 rl and the selling game. Sat E P 186:12 N 15 '13 rl at centraL G. Bonner. L H J 31:7 N, 13 D 14 (to be cont.) rl at Duke's. J. W. Linn. McClure 21:398 Ag '03 rl at Glaser's. E. M. Ludlum. Harper 100 456 F '00 rl at Gunflint lake. G. A. England. Mun 41 589 Jl '09 rl at the ad. counter. M. Nicholson. Col 53 5 Jl 4 '14 rl at The Ship, H. B. M. Watson. Lippinc 92:596 N '13 rl at the spring. H. B. Wright. L H J 29:8 S '12 rl at 203. E. H. Brainerd. L H J 30:20 O '13 rl back home. T. G. Roberts. Mun 53:500 D '14 rl from the machine. J. L. Williams. Scrib 40:467 O "06 rl from Tres Posos. E. Flower. Lippinc 80: 383 S '07 rl he brought home. A. S. Young. Delin 84:7 My '14 rl I left behind me. H. Oyen. Met 23:105 O '05 Girl in old Virginia. See Strauss, Juliet V. Girl in red. S. E. White. Lippinc 65:313 F '00 Girl in the bachelor's flat. H. R. Vynne. L H J 17:7 My '00 Girl in the corner. J. Bell. Delin 85:19 Ag '14 Girl in the punt. A. H. Adams. Les Mo 57:370 F '04 Girl in the Rockies. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 70: 177 Ag '02 Girl in the Santee. G. Morris. Sat E P 183:3 My 6, 21 My 13. 17 My 20 '11 Girl next door. C. B. Davis. Col 51:5 Je M 'l- Girl of Maine. G. Robinson. New Eng n s 30: 125 Mr '04 Girl of the engineers. R. Foote. Atlan 95:381 Mr '05 Girl of the gray sea. J. Lee. Harper 117:279 Jl '08 Girl of the Latin Quarter. L. Osbourno. Sat E P 174:2 My 10 '02 Girl of the violin. K. M. C. Meredith. Col 33:11 My 21 "04 Girl oppo.slte. H. T. George. Mun 27:682 Ag '02 Girl sketches. See Richmond, Grace S. 112 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Girl that Peter brought. M. S. Briscoe. L H J 26:12 Mr '09 Girl who forgot. E. M. Kelly. Lippinc 83:107 Ja 09 Girl who got rattled. S. E. White. Cent 62:464 Jl '01 Girl who had no charm. L H J 27:7 F; 13 Mr, 11 Ap; 22 My '10 Girl who had no god. See Rinehart, Mrs. Mary Roberts Girl who loved Herbert. E. Jordan. Delin 75: 207 Mr '10 Girl who proposed. M. Gauss. Col 51:19 My 3 •13 Girl who waited. Sat E P 1S5:3 Jl 13 '12 Girl who walked without fear. L. Rice. Every- body's 31:824 D '14 Girl who wanted to be young. J. H. Porter. L H J 31:21 Ap '14 Girl who was. E. G. Jordan. Harp B 34:954 Ap 13 '01 Girl who was a coward. C. B. Kelland. Delin 85:7 N '14 Girl who was the ring. G. B. Grinnell. Harper 102:425 F '01 Girl who went right. E. Ferber. Sat E P 186: 3 Ag 16 '13 Girl who wouldn't wait. H. G. Van Campen. Sat E P 185:10 Ja 11 '13 Girl widow in the great southwest. A. Mac- Gowan. L H J 24:15 Je '07 Girl with a slant. E. H. Brainerd. L H J 29:10 Jl '12 Girl with the banjo. J. D. Hallowell. Lippinc 72:594 N '03 Girl with the blue sailor. See Stevenson, Bur- ton Egbert Girl with the red feather. M. Nicholson. Sat E P 1S5:8 Ja IS '13 Girling, Katherine Peabody When Hannah var eight yar old. Atlan 111: 786 Je '13 Girls' garden. B. Kidd. New Eng n s 32:316 My '05 Girls I knew. See Blake, Emily Calvin Girls of Cat Alley. L H J 27:32 O 1 '10 Girls of flat G. J. Blethin. Jr. L H J 19:7 F '02 Gissing, George Robert, 1857-1903 Nightfall. Lippinc 65:795 My "00 Giuseppe's Christmas. M. H. Peixotto. Scrib 33:2!> Ja '03 Givens, Helen M, Bull-terrier and the baby: comedy. L H J 23: 15 O '06 Improving a husband: comedy. L H J 24:10 Mr '07 Giver of honour. Mrs. H. Eraser. Delin 63: 996 Je, 64:82 Jl '04 Givin'est lady. E. M. Kelly. Lippinc 86:750 D '10 Giving Cynthia a rest. H. K. Webster. Every- body's 28:484 Ap '13 Glad-happy Joss. S. F. Whitman. Col 47:19 Mr 25 '11 Glad tidings. M. S. Cutting. Everybody's 8:595 Je *03 Gladden, Washington, D. D., 1836- Daughter of the factory. Col 36:18 Ja 27 '06 Gladiators. D. Deakin. Cent 72:683 S '06 Gladys- Marie — merely a maid. A. Warwick. Harper 122:719 Ap '11 Glamour. O. Graeve. McClure 35:19 My '10 Glamour of the snow. A. Blackwood. Forum 46:641 D '11 GIsnville. Ernest Black fan. New Eng n s 29:714 F '04 Glascock, Mary Sefior's viffil. Atlan 102:250 Ag '08 Three fishers. Atlan 101:523 Ap '08 Glaspell, Susan Keating, 1882- According to his liglits. Amer 72:153 Je '11 Anarchist — -his dog. Amer 74:145 Je '12 Awakening of the Lieutenant-Governor. Man 31:660 Ag '04 Freckles McGraw. Mun 31:481 Jl '04 From A to Z. Amer 68:543 O '09 How the prince saw America. Amer 62:274 Jl 06 In the face of his constituents. Harper 107: 757 O '03 Intrusion of the personal. Les Mo 57:629 Ap •04 Looking after Clara. L H J 31:9 Ag '14 Man of flesh and blood. Harper 108:957 My '04 Out there. Delin 80:15 Jl '12 Rules of the institution. Harper 128:198 Ja 14 Twilight. Harper 124:790 Ap ^12 Whom mince pie hath joined together. L H J 30:10 N '13 Glass door. M. T. Earle. Harper 114:351 F '07 Glass-eyed Bill. L. Osbourne. McClure 23:604 O '04 Glass flowers. E. D. Deland. L H J 24:12 Ap '07 Glass, Montague (Marsden) 1877- Abe s little flyer. Sat E P 182:8 S 25 '09 Aloisius of the docks. Met 16:697 D '02 And I lived happy ever after. Sat E P 185:10 O 19 '12 Appenweier^s account. Sat E P 184:10 N 4 '11 Aux Italiens. Sat E P 183:11 My 13 '11 Bankruptcy as a fine art. Sat E P 182:8 F 26 '10 Best policy. Sat E P 182:9 D 18 '09 Bird in hand. Sat E P 185:16 Je 14 '13 Birsky & Zapp. Sat E P 185:10 Ag 24 '12 Blood from a stone. Sat E P 183:12 Mr 18 '11 Brothers all. Sat E P 183:17 Ap 1 '11 Business and pleasure. Sat E P 182:8 Mr 12 ■10 Casablanca. McClure 27:445 Ag "06 Caveat emptor. Sat E P 182:10 N 27 '09 Center of population. Mun 39:670 Ag '08 Chocolat-Duhamel. Sat E P 183:12 Ag 6 '10 Coercing Mr. Trinkmann. Sat E P 183:9 My 27 '11 Competitive nephew. Sat E P 183:6 Jl 9 '10 Counsel of the ungodly. Met 17:159 F '03 Dead men's shoes. Sat E P 183:5 N 19 '10 Deal in fixtures. Sat E P 182:16 D 4 '09 Deeds — not words. Sat E P 182:16 Ap 16 '10 Diamond cut diamond. Sat B P 182:12 N 6 '09 Dominant tenement. Sat E P 182:5 Ja 29 '10 Early bird. Sat E P 182:10 Ap 23 '10 Efficient Salamander. Sat E P 184:13 Ag 26 11 Eggs. Sat E P 186:6 Ag 23 '13 Ends of injustice. Everybody's 27:218 Ag '12 Entertaining Mr. Schevrien. Sat E P 182:16 Ap 30 10 Example and precept. Sat E P 186:6 Ag 9 '13 Family ties. Sat E P 182:10 O 9 '09 Firing Miss Cohen. Mun 41:284 My '09 Fly in the ointment. Sat E P 182:5 Ja 15 '10 Gambler's chance. Mun 36:390 D '06 Garments for aviation. Sat E P 182:5 D 25 '09 Gift house. Sat E P 182:10 S 11 '09 Ginhouliac heirloom. Mun 42:560 Ja '10 Henry Guilfoyle and the great Hackstaff. IMun 41:69 Ap '09 Highgrade lines. Sat E P 184:12 F 17 '12 Impromptu cousin. Mun 43:699 Ag '10 Judgment of Paris. Sat E P 183:10 O 29 '10 Late Mr. Krein: but not too late. Sat E P 187:11 Ag 1 '14 Lucky numbers. Sat E P 187:13 D 12 '14 Making over Milton. Sat E P 182:5 F 19 '10 Man proposes. Sat E P 183:10 Je 17 '11 Marrying and giving in marriage. Sat E P 182:10 Ap 2 '10 Match for Elkan Lubliner. Sat E P 184:5 N 18 '11 Mr. Bliss and the highwayman. Mun 37:581 Ag '07 Mr. Lo Pinto. Cur Lit 51:341 S '11 Mrs. Billington's first case. Mun 42:355 D '09 Moving picture writes. Sat E P 184:8 Ja 6 '12 Mv friend Taglialatela. Sat E P 184:10 Mr 2 '12 Mv next imitation. Sat E P 186:14 Ag 2 '13 Nil nisi bonum. Sat E P 184:9 Ag 5 '11 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 113 Glass, Montague — continued No idle dream. Sat E P 185:14 D 28 '12 Noblesse oblige. Sat E P 1S4:3 O 14 '11 Nothing- succeeds like failure. Sat E P 182:1:2 Jl 10 '09 Object: matrimony. Sat E P 182:16 D 11 '09 One of Essau's fables. Sat E P 184:8 Je 1 '12 One way. Sat E P 186:10 Ja 17 '14 Opportunity. Mun 45:41 Ap 11 Perfect 36. Sat E P 182:8 Ag 21 '09 Portrait of Mr. Lo Medico. Sat E P 184:10 Ap 6 '12 Present for Mr. Geigermann. Sat E P 183:14 F 4 '11 Raincoat king. Sat E P 183:17 D 3 '10 Red, the mediator. Mun 36:621 F '07 Return to Arcady. Sat E P 183:13 Ja 21 '11 Rudolph, where havejyou been? Sat E P 186: 28 Mr 7 '14 Serpent's teeth. Sat E«P 183:10 Ap 22 '11 Share and share alike. Sat E P 185:20 My 10 '13 Smith — a detective story. Sat E P 185:13 N 16 '12 Something on the side. Sat E P 185:3 Ja 18 '13 Sorrows of Seiden. Sat E P 183:17 Mr 4 '11 Spoils of the vanquished. Sat E P 187:13 S 26 "14 Sweet and sour. Sat E P 185:21 N 2 '12 Sympathy. Sat E P 183:3 O 15 '10 Takine;- it easy. Sat E P 181:12 My 22 '09 Tale of two Jacobean chairs. Sat E P 185:13 Jl 20 '12 Tale with no moral. Mun 41:602 Jl '09 Trail of the silk. Mun 44:218 N '10 Transaction in bonds. Mun 40:94 O '08 Up-to-date feller. Sat E P 182:5 O 23 '09 Useful presents. Sat E P 186:16 Jl 5 '13 Vested remainder. Sat E P 184:6 Ap 13 '12 Walking delegate. Sat E P 182:13 N 20 '09 With his hand in the sack. Sat B P 182:13 My 21 '10 Young Aristide. Mun 37:109 Ap '07 Gleason, Arthur Huntington, 1878- 1912. Col 44:22 N 27 '09 Gleig, Charles Arrested development. Lippinc 75:355 Mr 05 Glen, Catharine Young Between trains. Everybody's 10:471 Ap '04 Jones's little girl. Cent 64:72 My '02 Mr. Appleby's vote. Cent 63:17 N '01 Takint? of Isabel. Delin 61:1023 Je '03 Transfer of property. Cent 59:688 Mr '00 Glen Terrace tragedy. E. P. Oppenheim. Mun 52:298 Jl '14 Glendin, George Chauffeurs. Mun 29:817 S '03 Glimmer. R. W. Child. Everybody's 21:807 D '09 Glimmer glass. A. Kortrecht. Lippinc 90:641 D '12 Glimpse of Paradise. M. B. Adams. Delin 72: 266 Ag '08 Glimpse of the lost heritage. H. S. Watson. Everybody's 25:530 O '11 Globe-trotter. F. Condon. Mun 47:754 Ag '12 Gloomy Fanny. M. Roberts. Sat E P 183:3 My 13. 1^1 My 20 '11 Gloria Peace, the riddle. A. Kortrecht. Lippinc 90:69 Jl '12 Glorious Fourth. E. Wood. Everybody's 15:25 Jl '06 Glory. .1. Barnes. Outl 102:541 N 9 "12 Glory-box. E. Ashe. Atlan 114:758 D '14 Glory of the plow worm. F. Smith. New Eng II .s 44:120 Mr '11 Gloucester fishermen. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 31: 3S7 Ap '02 Gloversville plunger. C. B. Davis. Mun 24:846 Mr '01 Glowing mr-tal. R. Norton. Col 45:18 Ag 27 '10 Glowworm. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 85:513 My '10 Glue that binds. R. Bergengren. Everybody's 29:787 D '13 Glutton of the great snow. C. G. D. Roberts. Sat E P 180:8 Jl 27 '07 Glyn, Elinor (Sutherland) (iVlrs. Clayton Glyn) Her hour of love. Cosmop 51:836 N 11 Glynn, Billee. See Miller, Thomas Samson, jt. auth. Go -away child. F. A. Mathews. Harper 102: 945 My 01 Go in and out of the window. W. G. Beymer. Met 39:9 Ja '14 Goal. H. A. Jones. Amer 63:451 Mr '07 Goal. R. E. Young. Col 45:20 Ap 9 '10 Goat and scapegoat. W. Adams. Col 52:16 O IS '13 Goat man of Fuatino. J. London. Sat E P 184: 12 Jl 29 '11 Goblin gold. D. Canfield. Everybody's 14:766 Je '06 Goboto night. J. London. Sat E P 184:20 S 30 '11 God have mercy on us. E. Robinson. Lippinc 82:587 N '08 God in Israel. N. Duncan. Harper 126:165 Ja •13 God- lonesome man in Brasstown valley. Mrs. L. H. Harris. Amer 67:450 Mr 09 God of coincidence. R. H. Davis. Sat E P 185: 5 Ap 5 '13 God of dimples. M. C. Craft. Mun 29:491 Jl '03 God of Doogan-Dhugann. B. Brandenburg. Met 19:432 D '03 God of his fathers. J. London. McClure 17:44 My '01 God of luck. R. N. Porter. L H J 30:7 Ap '13 God rest you, merry Christians. G. M. Martin. McClure 24:148 D '04 Goddess. C. Goodloe. Scrib 47:479 Ap '10 Goddess from the car. K. A. Whiting. Col 36: 19 O 14 '05 Goddess girl. D. Deakin. Sat E P 178:5 My 19 '06 Goddess of love. G. T. Weston. Harper 121: 155 Je '10 Goddess of the turf. J. Futrelle. Sat E P 178:4 D 30 '05 Goddess on a pedestal. M. A. Hartwell. Lippinc 68:218 Ag "01 Goddesses from the machine. J. D. Bacon. Scrib 37:18 Ja '05 Godfather of the poor. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P is:?;10 My 6 "11 Godfrey, Mollis, 1874- Most wonderful thing. Col 47:19 Je 24 '11 Godfrey, Winona, 1877- Little man. Harper 121:46 Je '10 Mary the peach. McClure 34:493 Mr '10 God's country. F. B. Key. Cosmop 42:399 F '07 God's fool. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 180:10 D 6 13 Gods from the machine. F. Walworth. Les Mo 59:441 F '05 God's little devils. R. Thomas. Col 37:15 Jl 28 '06 Gods of brass. B. ITanscom. Scrib 36:457 O '04 God's pilot. C. M. Williams. Mun 23:375 Je '00 God's providence. J. Buchan. Atlan 105:170 F •10 God's puppets. C. B. Davis. Col 42:18 F 27 '09 God's way. S. W. Belcher. Col 39:19 Ap 13 '07 Goell, Blanche I. . ,, ,, „„ „ Miss Wentworth's resignation. Mun 44:.J2 u '10 Goetchlus, Marie Louise ^ r .» taoor And these, too, are mothers. Cur Lit r)0.--D Cap and hells. TTarp B 42:123 F 'OS Color. Cur Lit 48:111 .Tii '10 For tho salu> f.f .'i <-hll(l. Cc.Hmnp 50:810 My 11 Franciii.-. Mppiiw *^5:641 J.^ '10 Man of many friends. Cent < 6:670 S OH 114 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Goetchius, Marie Louise — continued Mouse child. Harp B 44:536 S '10 Over the brow of the hill. Cur Lit 46:110 Ja 09 Scrubwoman. Harper 117:929 N '08 Seasoning of Monsieur Baptiste. Atlan 100: t>25 L) '07 These little women. Harp B 45:364 Ag 11 Gogol, Nikolai Vassilievich, 1809-1852 Cloak. Bippinc 9.i:242 Ag '13 Gom' fishm'. E. L. Sabin. Cent 70:31 My '05 Going away from here. J. M. Flagg. Amer 78: 88 Ag '14 Going, Charles Buxton, 1863- Burns recital. Amer 61:506 Mr '06 Fires of youth. Everybody's 20:622 My '09 Off the track. Scrib 41:754 Je '07 Going cheap. P. B. Cole. McClure 41:189 My ■13 Going down to Jericho. P. H. Coggins. Atlan 88:166 Ag '01 Going in for Ethel. T. L. Masson. Mun 47:32 Ap '12 Going up. F. L. Allen. Cent 86:632 Ag '13 Going up? E. Balmer. Col 48:21 N 11 '11 Going up. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 85:361 Mr '10 Gol-darned cow. R. Lombard. Lippinc 92:233 Ag 'IS Go lay, Juliette. Homesick soul. New Eng n s 34:31 Mr '06 Gold. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 110:58 D '04 Gold bag. C. Wells. Lippinc 85:129 F '10 Gold brick. E. L. Sabin. Mun 49:96 Ap '13 Gold brick. B. Whitlock. Amer 67:42 N 'OS Gold-brick publishing. R. S. Yard. Sat E P 184:12 D 9 '11 Gold conspiracy. W. Payne. Sat E P 181:6 F 13, 14 F 20 '09 Gold-hunters of the north. J. London. Atlan 92:42 Jl '03 Gold of the ant-hill. C. Marriott. Mun 29:846 S '03 Gold pot. P. W. Hamlin. Amer 74:307 Jl '12 Gold spike. C. Johnston. Sat E P 183:3 S 24 '10 Gold stater. H. Scheffauer. Harp W 56:14 Je 15 '12 Gold vanity set. M. C. Mena. Amer 76:24 N '13 Golden age of Poincarre. S. Sams. Col 35:21 Ap 15 '05 Golden, Agnes Genevieve Mrs. Crafts — prevaricator. New Eng n s 44: 628 Jl '11 Golden baby. A. Brown. Harper 120:575 Mr '10 Golden ball of the Argonauts. C. E. Van Loan. Mun 41:889 S '09 Golden barrier. W. P. Eaton. Everybody's 28: 667 My '13 Golden castaways. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 175:3 N 8 '02 Golden dinner. A. H. Donnell. Delin 72:767 N '08 Golden egg. E. Eruvall. Col 37:14 Ap 14 '06 Golden flask. S. Rohmer. Col 51:17 My 24 '13 Golden fleece. A. Kinross. McClure 32:72 N '08 Golden flood. E. Lefevre. McClure 24:375 F '05 Golden fortune. M. Austin. Atlan 92:791 D '03 Golden isle. E. Rickert. Everybody's 16:661 My '07 Golden javelin. H. G. Dwight. Scrib 42:737 D •07 Golden kev. E. W. Hornung. Everybody's 29: 559 O '13 Golden lizard. H. C. Wood. Met 20:327 Je '04 Golden pool. R. W. Chambers. Harp W 47:3 D 12 '03 Golden poppy. J. London. Delin 63:77 Ja '04 Golden rule. M. Drake. Mun 27:503 Jl '02 Golden rule Dollivers. M. Cameron. Harper 123:382 Ag '11 Golden touch. A. C. Train. Sat E P 178:3 Jl 1 '05 Golden venture. W. W. Jacobs. Harper 101: 775 O 00 Golden water. W. Irwin. Sat E P 185:3 Ja 25, 16 F S, 16 F 22 '13 Golden wedding. N. Boyce. Harp W 58:615 D 26 '14 Golden wedding. Z. Gale. Outl 81:780 N 25 '05 Golden whistle. H. C. Bailey. Cent 72:180 Je '06 Golder, Mary Grout Ladybird. Les Mo 58:188 Je '04 Parson's horse. Les Mo 56:270 Jl '03 Goldfish. Sat E P 186:3 D 13, 13 D 27 '13, 17 Ja 10, 15 Ja 24, IS F 21 '14 Goldfish. J. Street. Everybody's 25:723 D '11 Goldilocks. F. Hill. McClure 41:154 Je '13 Goldrick, Hettie Bosley When a woman lives her life. L H J 25:11 Ag '08 Goldsberry, Louise Dunham Ted — a mother song. Cur Lit 44:227 F '08 Golliformed rabbitt. R. Lombard. Everybody's 2i;;82 Ja '13 Gollomb, Joseph Tenement boyhood. Harp W 57:16 Mr 22 '13 Golly and the Christian. B. Harte. Cosmop 31: 644 O '01 Gompf, Emma Josephine Doctor's sign. New Eng n s 32:188 Ap '05 Gone! E. Hough. Cosmop. 50:126 D '10 Good Alonzo Chick. F. H. Carruth. Harper 102:486 F '01 Good-by. K. Jordan. Amer 77:26 F '14 Good citizens. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 177:1 S 17 '04 Good dinner. M. S. Cutting. McClure 18:378 F '02; Same, L H J 22:5 F '05 Good fairy. R. R. Gilson. Harp W 46:12 D 6 '02 Good for the soul. V. T. 'Van de Water. Cos- mop 54:515 Mr '13 Good guessing at bridge. R. F. Foster. Amer 68:220 Jl '09 Good Humor obtains the Marble soap adver- tisement. J. K. Jerome. Sat E P 176:3 Ap 2 '04 Good lie gone wrong. E. Hoyt. Everybody's 4:460 My '01 Good manners and the water company. C. Day. Cent 77:57 N 'OS Good men and true. E. M. Rhodes. Sat E P 182:3 Ja 8, 9 Ja 15 '10 Good old Doc Ligmore. H. Day. Sat E P 187:8 D 19, 40 D 26 '14 Good old summer time. D. Dix. Cosmop 47: 540 S '09 Good piece of rock. G. Backus. Met 33:107 O '10 Good provider. F. Hurst. Sat E P 187:12 Ag 15 "14 Good Samaritan. M. R. S. Andrews. McClure 23:580 O '04 Good shot. C. Wilson. Everybody's 17:274 Ag '07 Good story. C. Ticknor. Cent 75:477 Ja 'OS Good-ticket. L. Chamberlain. Scrib 38:154 Ag '05 Goodale, Ralph, 1885- Angel and tlie Nixie. Goode, W. A. M. Decision. Sat E P 177:4 S 17 '04 Man who laughed in church. Sat E P 177:6 N 19 '04 „ . „ „ Star man: how he broke the boycott. Sat E F 177:6 Ag 20 '04 Goodloe, Abbie Carter, 1867- Belated Christmas. Cent 69:181 D '04 Darius and Alexander. Scrib 56:511 O 14 Doubting Thomas. Scrib 37:605 My '05 Forum 51:246 F '14 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 115 Goodloe, Abbie Carter — continued Dragon's blood. Scrib 41:466 Ap '07 Exit the prince. Scrib 38:177 Ag '05 Genius loci. Scrib 55:257 F '14 Goddess. Scrib 47:479 Ap '10 111 wind. Scrib 36:24 Jl '04 Love and rheumatism. Scrib 50:96 Jl '11 Man at Key West. Everybody's 19:490 O '08 Red magic. Cent 59:838 Ap '00 Return. Scrib 47:96 Ja 'In Wilderness road. Scrib 43:624 My '08 Goodman, Blanche Book-raisin'. Sat E P 184:28 Ja 20 "12 Checkmating Miss Fanny. Sat E P 186:8 O 11 '13 Equalizing bug. Sat E P 183:36 Ap 8 '11 Misogynist in the making. Lippinc 82:595 N 'OS On matrimony. Sat E P 184:41 S 9 '11 Rechristening Cornell. Sat E P 183:37 Je 3 '11 Unaccountable sex. Sat E P 185:33 N 9 '12 Uncle Zebe's cemetery. Sat E P 184:24 Ag 12 '11 Goodman, Edward Unrecorded. Forum 49:480 Ap '13 Goodnow, Elizabeth jMatter of nerve. Amer 68:286 Jl '09 Rosa: true story of a sacrifice. Harp W 53: 16 S 4 '09 Goodrich, Cameron Girl and a kiss. Met 14:190 Ag '01 Goodwin, Harry Coburn Woman of the swamp. Met 16:300 S '02 Goodwin, IVIaud Wilder, 1856- Real thing. Cent 79:541 F '10 Suzanne's catechism. Cent 69:674 Mr '05 Goorroogoo; an epic of the Australian bush. L. Demain-Grange. New Eng n s 34:289 My '06 Gordon, Armistead Churchill, 1855- Maje; a love story. Scrib 55:2. 221 Ja-F '14 Ommirandy. Scrib 56:762 D '14 Gordon, Arthur Loom of dreams. Harp W 54:10 D 10 '10 Gordon, Rev. Charles William. See Connor, Ralph, pseud. Gordon, Isabel Moral sense. Les Mo 52:603 O '01 Gordon, Julien, pseud. See Cruger, Mrs. Julie Grinnell Gordon, Sloane Kickin'est mule. Col 53:9 Ag 8 '14 Gordon's daughter. F. Wilson. New Eng n s 25:57 S '01 Gordon's reprieve. G. P. Greble. Cent 59:559 F '00 Gore valley viaduct. H. M. Johnston. Sat E P 176:10 Ag 1 '03 Goring-Thomas, Arthur Rhys, 1S75- Toss Lippinc 86:102 Jl '10 Gorky. Maxim, pseud. (Alexei IVIaximovitch Pyeshkoff) 1S6S- Awakening. Cur Lit 39:348 S '05 Christmas phantoms. Cur Lit 39:692 D '05 Comrades. Lippinc 91:97 Ja '13 Heart of a beggar. Cur Lit 47:220 Ag '09 Mob. Lippinc 42:14 N '06 Road of shame. Everybody's 12:467 Ap '05 Story of the falcon. Everybody's 13:317 S '05 Gorman, Florence B. Billy's incantation. Lippinc 87:119 Ja '11 Goro. A. Kinnosuke. Lippinc 66:628 O '00 Gosh. A. E. McFarlane. Everybody's 22:253 F '10 Gosnell's girl. L. Crane. Harp W 54:22 Je 25 '10 Gospel of efficiency. H. Brubaker. Harper 129: 317 Jl 14 Goss, Rev. Charles Frederic Parable of charity. Outl 70:337 F 1 '02 Paying an old score. Outl 71 :78S Jl 26 '02 Story of a thief. Les Mo .'^2:577 O '01 Goth. T. N. Page. Scrib 41:129 F 07 Gougar brothers' Waterloo. O. Thanet. Sat E P 176:4 Ap 9 '04 Gout. M. S. Gerry. Harper 119:735 O '09 Government company. W. Payne. Sat E P 186:6 S 6, 12 S 13, IS S 20 '13 Government of the people. J. W. Piercy. Cent 63:531 F '02 Governor by draft. H. F. Day. Sat E P 17S;16 D 9, 10 D 16 '05 Governor-general's trunk. A. Train. Scrib 37: 486 Ap '05 Governor pro tem. J. E. Dunning. Les Mo 53: 544 Mr '02 Governor's assistant. C. E. Laughlin. L H J 28:5 Jl 9 Ag '11 Governor's choice. J. A. Altsheler. Lippinc 70: 165 Ag '02 Governor's lady. A. Abbott. McClure 36:34 N ■10 Governor's niece. M. Kennedy. Everybody's 13:337 S '05 Governor's rehearsal. C. Warren. McClure 15: 76 My '00 Gowdy. See Dr. Gowdy and the squash Gowns and a gobolink. E. Hoyt. Everybody's 7:378 O '02 Grabau, Mrs. Mary Antin. See Antin, Mary Grabo, Carl Henry In the dog days. Lippinc 86:217 Ag '10 Lady's choice — free for all. Lippinc 89:579 Ap '12 Poor art's sake. Lippinc 91:91 Ja '13 Romance. Lippinc 91:629 My '13 Statue. Everybody's 26:275 F '12 Grace and disgrace. A. Kortrecht. Lippinc 92: 115 Jl '13 Grace Burton and Stephen Pryde. See Oppen- heim, E. Phillips Graduated daughter. B. R. Hoover. Every- body's 21:753 D '09 Graduates of the school. C. T. Brady. Lippinc 74:378 S '04 Graeve, Oscar. 1884- Dub. McClure 36:212 D '10 Glamour. McClure 35:19 My '10 Measure. Delin 77:91 F '11 Parallel street. Forum 52:407 S '14 Problem. McClure 33:613 O '09 Graff, Irvine By gift of Santa Claus. Harp W 55:12 D 16 '11 Grafter. H. K. Webster. Amer 75:90 Ap '13 Grafting of Abigail. E. C. Carpenter. Lippinc 76:506 O '05 Graham, Harry In the shadow of the scaffold. McClure 31:577 S '08 Graham, Margaret (Collier) 1S50- At the foot of the trail. Cent 62:220 Je '01 Face of the poor. Atlan 96:352 S '05 Marg'et Ann. Atlan 92:77 Jl '03 Wizard's daughter. Cent 65:843 Ap '03 Grain of mustard seed. M. Harland. Harp B 47:215 My '13 Grain ship. M. Robertson. Harper 118:601 Mr '09 Grand cross of the crescent. R. H. Davis. Sat E P 184:3 Ja 20 '12 Grand larceny. W. H. Osborne. Sat E P 177:2 S 24 '04 Grand Organizer. H. Dickson. Sat E P 185:8 Ja 4 '13 Grand wedding. G. M. lurs. Everybody's 12: 693 My '05 Grandfather. R. R. Gilson. Harper 104:226 Ja •(12 Grandfather Blxby, nurse. M. R. Rinehart. Lilipiiic Sf,:!tr. Jl '10 Grandfather Crane invokes the aid of sorcery. V. n;iker. Atlan 114:486 O '14 Grandfatlier's cliair. W. P. Eaton. Every- body's 25:13 Jl '11 ii6 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Grandfathers of Bob. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib :i2:22J. Ag '02 Grandfathers of the evolution. U. Lloyd. Scrib 42:217 Ag '07 Grandfather's valentine. F. S. Stone. New Eng n s 45:591 F '12 Grandfeythers both. E. Rickert. Everybody's 14:^33 Je '06 Grandma. T. Bailey. Lippinc 90:739 D '12 Grandmama. G. Hibbard. Cosniop 34:310 Ja •03 Grandmama: a tale of Louisiana in the old days. G. King. Cent 68:205 Je '04 Grandma's surrender. A. H. Houk. New Eng n s 34:493 Je '06 Grandmother. R. R. Gilson. Harper 104:52!i Mr '02 Grandmother Winslow's precious plates. J. Blethen. L H J 17:5 Ag '00 Grandmother's boy. Sat E P 185:3 S 14, 15 S 21, 16 S 28, 18 O 5, 20 O 12 '12 Grandmother's story. Mrs. J. K. Hudson. Lip- pinc 65:450 Mr '00 Grandpaw Peebles. B. R. Hoover. Everybody's 18:851 Je '08 Grandpaw's tracks. B. R. Hoover. Met 37:21 Ap 13 Grange, Leighton Demain- Goorroocoo; an epic of the Australian bush. New Eng n s 34:289 My '06 Gran'ma. L. T. Bussenius. Lippinc 85:610 My '10 Gran'ma's. C. Wilson. Everybody's 17:132 Jl ■07 Granny. D. Deane. Les Mo 50:574 O '00 Gransir's charge. N. Hazlipp. Les Mo 51:324 F '01 Grant, Mrs. Ethel Watts- Mumford, 1878- Conchita of the bull-ruig. Met 23:658 Mr '06 Cordon bleu of the Sierra. Cent 69:s55 Ap '05 Drums of the Heiau. Met 19:48 O '03 Exploit of Puaa Nui. Met 19:413 D '03 Eyes of the heart. Cent 84:575 Ag '12 How Beelzebub came to the convent. Cent 86:323 Jl '13 King's calabash. Met 21:16 O '04 Lady Teresa Ysobel. Met 23:308 D '05 Matter of millions. Delin 64:554 O, 753 N '04 Morning call. Sat E P 178:3 Ja 13 '06 Out of the west. Mun 26:813 INIr '02 Polynesian Borgia. Mun 29:527 Jl '03 Sheriff's sweepstakes. Harp W 47:1308 Ag 8 '03 Son of a shark god. Delin 63:434 Mr '04 Two hearts and a lover's knot. Col 51:17 My 10 '13 Vanquishing of a vaquero. Mun 27:846 S '02 Sea-child. Harper 108:766 Ap '04 When he dreamed her dream. Delin 84:5 F '14 Grant, Mrs. Peter G. See Mumford, Ethel Watts Grant. Robert, 1852- Between two fires. Delin 64:943 D '04 Exchange of courtesies. Sat E P 177:1 N 26 '04 Law-breakers. Everybody's 12:732 Je '05 Grantham's limitations. M. H. Vorse. Scrib 44:521 N '08 Grass-green maid. A. Brown. Harper 111:568 S '05 Grasshopper and the ant. M. Deland. Harper 107:683 O '03 Gratitude of Benjamin. A. M. Sholl. Mun 25: 245 My '01 Gratitude of Johnnv Flynn. L. E. Hardy. Lip- pinc 90:607 N '12 Gratsy. G. H. Preston. Lippinc 70:510 O '02 Grave of the dog. C. A. Eastman. Met 23:569 F '06 Graven images. F. M. O'Brien. Mun 52:44 Je '14 Graves, Clotllde Inez Mary (Richard Dehan, pseud.) 1864- Hare. Cent 85:602 F '13 Susanna and her elders. Sat E P 186:5 My 23 '14 Tug-of-war. Sat E P 187:8 Jl 11 '14 Graves, James Howard Clear case of science. McClure 25:327 Jl '05 Graves, Judith For better, for worse. Mun 25:910 S '01 Graves, Louis Fair-weather hits. Amer 75:50 Je '13 New cashier. Atlan 103:817 Je '09 Pig-bristle slugger. Sat E P 183:9 Ap 8 '11 Gravosa road. J. M. Forman. Everybody's 15: 655 N 06 Gray, Blakeney Uncle Jedediah on motoring. Harp W 54:16 Ja 8 '10 Gray chieftain. C. A. Eastman. Harper 108: 882 My '04 Gray, Clarke Case went up. Cent 69:395 Ja '05 Gray collie. G. W. Pangborn. Scrib 34:95 Jl 03 Gray, David, 1870- Alethephone, The. Sat E P 187:3 S 19 '14 Angel of chance. Col 44:11 D 11 '09 Braybrook baby's godmother. Cent 66:414 Jl •03 Case of the Evanstons. Cent 74:520 Ag '07 Crowninshield's brush. McClure 17:194 Je "01 Echo hunt. Cent 65:127 N '02 First undying passion of Ensign Russell. Col 40:21 N 23 '07 Flour. Sat E P 186:8 O 4 '13 Her first horse show. Cent 61:74 N '00 Honor of the escort. Col 38:14 Mr 23 '07 How Carty Carteret proposed. Cent 76:584 Ag ■08 Isabella. Cent 66:511 Ag '03 Medal of honor story. Met 20:236 My '04 Mr. Carteret's adventure with a locket. Cent 78:536 Ag '09 Paths of judgment. Col 42:18 O 3 '08 Peach and the admiral. Cent 75:337 Ja '08 Prideau murder. Col 49:19 Mr 23 '12 Reggie Livingstones' country life. Cent 67:133 N '03 Ting-a-ling. Cent 64:352 Jl '02 Woman s auxiliary of the Oakdale hunt. Harper 123:367 Ag '11 Gray ghost. J. Futrelle. Everybody's 13:101 Jl '05 Gray guest. L. Clarke. Cent 89:222 D '14 Gray, Joslyn Scarlet bat. Atlan 97:824 Je '06 Gray, Martha Henderson For his honor's sake. Les Mo 50:192 Je '00 Gray, Maxwell, pseud. (Mary Gleed Tuttiett) Four-leaved clover. Lippinc 67:643 Je '01 Gray mists. R. A. Stevenson. Scrib 44:371 S '08 Gray mouse. C. B. Davis. Met 30:484 Ag '09 Gray wolf. C. C. Hotchkiss. Harp W 53:22 Mr 13 "09 Gray Wolf, great warrior. E. C. Hall. Mun 28:5S9 Ja '03 Grayson, David Celebritv. Amer 70:632 S '10 Drunkard. Amer 67:226 Ja '09 Gunsmith. Amer 70:555 Ag '10 Mowing. Amer 70:729 O '10 New adventures in contentment. Amer 69:185 D '09 Old maid. Amer 67:152 D '08 Roadside prophet. Amer 69:348 Ja '10 Story of Anna. Amer 66:315 Ag '08 Grayson, Theodore J. Inevitable reckoning. Cent 76:400 Jl '08 Greaser, The. F. R. Bechdolt. Sat E P 184:28 S 23 '11 Great adventurer. S. H. Adams. Everybody's 29:166 Ag '13 Great American game. P. E. Browne. Cosmop 43:223 Je '07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 117 Great American pie company. E. P. Butler. Cent 68:706 S '04 Great Arctic handicap. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 1S2:17 iViy 13 '11 Great Bartram. V. Tracy. Col 47:26 S 16 '11 Great bear. H. M. Palmer. L H J 22:6 Je '05 Great big man. O. Johnson. Cent 77:1U3 N 'OS Great Boer war at Francis' store. O. Thanet. Sat E P 173:3 Ag 25 '00 Great Boo handicap. S. Scoville, Jr. Mun 46: 36 O '11 Great Bubble syndicate. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 176:1 Mr 26 '04 Great cat's nursery. C. A. Eastman. Harper 107:931) N '03 Great chance. E. M. Woolley. McClure 40:26 X 12 Great cook trust. K. Brown. Col 33:22 Ap 16 '04 Great day. E. Singmaster. Harper 115:862 N '07 Great day when Matilda voted. J. K. Bangs. L H J 27:4 Ag '10 Great defense. L. A. Knight. Everybody's 31: 433 O '14 Great discovery about Buxton. H. S. Canby. Cent 84:923 O '12 Great eviction. G. R. Chester. Cosmop 47:567 O '09 Great experiment. V. Rousseau. Harp W 56: 16 Ap 13 "12 Great fear. J. Oppenheim. Amer 68:143 Je '09 Great find. P. E. Triem. Col 40:14 D 28 "07 Great five-cent case. L. Osbourne. Every- body's 22:70 Ja '10 Great folks. C. Johnston. Harper 129:33 Je '14 Great Gallagher strike. E. Bennett. Delin 72: 414 S '08 Great George's work. J. Habberton. Sat E P 172:1232 Je 30 '00 Great god news. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 82: 342 S 'OS Great god Pan. M. Cameron. Harper 115:584 S '07 Great good place. H. James. Scrib 27:99 Ja '00 Great green diamond. E. Hough. Met 38:9 My '13 Great Gulf Stream syndicate. G. Hibbard. Sat E P 174:6 Mr 8 '02 Great heart trust. C. Wells. Cent 81:480 Ja '11 Great heresy trial of the Rev. Epaphroditus Plummer. Mrs. C. A. Stanley. Cent 61:882 Ap '01 Great hunger. H. Willsie. Delin 84:7 Je '14 Great lady of Stamboul. D. Vaka. Met 35:25 Ag '12 Great landscape trust. F. Triggs. Met 15:7S0 Je '02 Great little man. F. Pier. Harper 126:854 My '13 Great man. R. Middleton. Cur Lit 53:598 N '12 Great man. A. Spadoni. Outl 104:684 Jl 26 '13 Great Minus. G. Parker. Scrib 54:665 D '13 Great Mississippi scheme. E. M. Bacon. Met 12:202 Ag '00 Great Moggins-Bumps match. E. L. Sabin. Met 15:218 F '02 Great monopoly. A. E. W. Mason-. Met 24:699 S '06 Great natural healer. M. Adeler. Sat E P 174:9 Ja 25 '02 Great north road. M. S. Watts. McClure 29: 349 Ag '07 Great Northeastern and the cow girl. A. O'Ha- gan. Mun 29:925 S '03 Great pancake record. O. Johnson. Sat E I' 180:7 N 16 '07 Great park strike. E. P. Butler. Les Mo 56: 603 O '03 Great pine. M. E. Wilkins. Harp B 36:670 Ag '02 Great possessions. D. C. Calthrop. Amer 72:494 Ag '11 Great ptarmigan mystery. L.. A. Knight. Every- body's 30:193 F '14 Great reform. E. Flower. Sat E P 182:30 Ap 16 '10 Great refusal. D. Canfleld. Amer 63:202 D '06 Great renunciation. G. W. Johnston. Cent 73: 140 N '06 Great scene of act II. E. W. Townsend. Cent 78:796 S '09 Great squab syndicate. M. Manning. Harper 114:713 Ap '07 Great story. A. Knapp. Cent 80:249 Je '10 Great tangle. J. Belfield. Lippinc 79:671 My ■07 Great tradition. K. F. Gerould. Cent 88:428 Jl '14 Great tree. Z. Gale. Everybody's 29:725 D 13 Great white deeps. E. Castle. Les Mo 55:105 D '02 Great woman merchant. C. Lowe. Sat E P 183:5 Mr 18 '11 Greater art. L. S. Portor. Atlan 113:316 Mr '14 Greater call. M. K. Potter. Cent 83:231 D '11 Greater claim. J. Craig. Met 31:182 N '09 Greater courage. O. Thanet. Cosmop 39:125 Je •05 Greater exploration. G. Morris. Met 39:37 N '13 Greater gift. H. Scheffauer. Harp W 54:12 N 26 '10 Greater good. B. Merwin. Mun 44:327 D '10 Greater light. S. R. Quigley. New Eng n s 32: 48 Mr '05 Greater love. J. M. Forman. Harper 116:725 Ap '08 Greater love hath no man. F. W. Splint. Harp W 54:16 Je 25 '10 Greater love than this. E. W. Peattie. Harp B 33:212 My 26, 268 Je 2 '00 Greater share. E. Balmer. L H J 29:7 N '12 Greater tlian Dante. W. S. Johnson. Forum 51:073 Mr '14 Greater voyage of the Violetta. A. W. Colton. Harper 108:254 Ja '04 Greatest of these. A. M. Cleaveland. Met 20: 5S1 Ag '01 Greatest of these. C. B. Davis. Col 39:12 Ag 3 '07 Greatest of these. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 108: 4S7 F '04 Greatness of Helena. M. Michelson. L H J 23: 11 .\g '06 Greatness of Mr. Watherstone. R. E. Vern^de. Harper 117:578 S '08 Greble, Gertrude Poland Gordon's reprieve. Cent 59:559 F 00 Grecian sentinel of Butte. H. Carruth. Sat E P 176:18 O 10 '03 Greek double cross. G. Fitch. Sat TO P 183:9 Mr 4 '11 Green adventure. A. and R. Castle. Col 34:15 O 8 '04 Green. Anna Katharine. See Rohlfa. Anna Rjithailti.- Green blinds. 10. Hutchinson. Mun 50 679 Ja •14 Green bottle. K. M. Tybout. Lippinc 77:503 Ap •00 Green bough. M. Austin. Amor 7:^:642 Ap -12 Green chest, E. L. Pearson. Outl 95:114 My 21 '10 ii8 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Green Christmas. E. A. Dix. Everybody's 3: 578 D 'uO Green, Clara Bellinger Emancipation of Theodorus. Scrib 31:365 Mr •02 Julyann. Harper 118:649 Mr '09 Green curse. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 54:621 Ap 13 Green dragon. E. Duer. Lippinc 72:131 Ag 03 Green emerald. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 183:10 Jl 2 '10 Green grass. F. Tilden. Everybody's 26:560 Ap •12 Green hat. F. L. Howard. L H J 19:3 Ag '02 Green, Helen, 1882- Domino of Behring beach. McClure 32:93 N '08 Episode in black-face. Mun 44:204 N '10 In the funerals. McClure 36:514 Mr '11 In vaudeville. McClure 34:392 F '10 Man without fear. Col 48:21 D 9 '11 Miracles. Harp B 44:638 N 10 One day in vaudeville. McClure 39:637 O '12 Pioneer goes suffragette. McClure 33:676 O ■09 Private Brett. Everybody's 26:66 Ja '12 Reuniting of two head-line acts. Mun 42:399 D 09 Green isle. K. D. Wiggin. Scrib 41:37 Ja '07 Green memorandum. E. Boltwood. Mun 32:80 O '04 Green mist. S. Rohmer. Col 51:14 Mr 29 '13 Green pigs. S. H. Preston. Scrib 28:190 Ag '00 Green-room. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 83:1 Ja '09 Green row. "W. H. Osborne. Cosmop 36:686 Ap '04 Green scarab. E. J. Rath. Sat E P 179:8 My 25 '07 Green thought. M. Lynn. Atlan 110:366 S '12 Greene, Harry Irving, 1868- Artifice of Pap Hoggin. Les Mo 56:303 Jl '03 Chloride hold-up. Les Mo 58:361 Ag '04 Covotte county handicap. Les Mo 57:234 D '03 Hank's grizzly. Les Mo 55:226 D '02 Straight tip. Les Mo 57:428 F '04 Why Riffles deserted. McClure 26:332 Ja '06 Wonderful story of Barney O'Toole. Les Mo 55:330 Ja '03 Greene. Hiram Moe Cupid's follow-up. Sat E P 178:6 F 24 '06 Greenhorn's wedding. C. Day. Amer 66:236 Jl •OS Greenman, Frances How we tried to paint our church. L H J 25: IS Jl '08 Mission-box that scandalized the village. L H J 24:10 Ag '07 Mrs. King gets posted a little more. L H J 31:14 My '14 When the children came home. Delin 72:120 Jl 'OS "Who's who in the village cemetery. L H J 25:14 Mr '08 Gregory, Ellot. 1854-1915 Clarisse's. Scrib 53:455 Ap '13 Gregory, Lady (Isabella) Augusta (Persse) Kiltartan fairy tales. Delin 79:95 F '12 Gregory, Marion Apostasy of Anne Kent. Delin 57:608 Ap '01 Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, M. D., 1865- Christmas at Peace Haven. L H J 29:11 D '12 Suzanne. Atlan 108:347 S '11 Grettir at Drangey. F. Norris. Everybody's 6: 257 Mr '02 Grettir at Thorhall-stead. F. Norris. Every- body's 8:311 Ap '03 Grey — an anonymous sketch. Cur Lit 51:110 Jl 11 Grey, Charles C. Getting even. Les Mo 56:306 Jl '03 Grey cloud. J. Hines. Everybody's 31:250 Ag '14 Grey, Zane, 1875- Fantoms of peace. Mun 48:687 Ja '13 Horses of Bostil's ford. Mun 47:407 Je '12 Tigre. Mun 47:916 S '12 Greyhound of the sea. C. Z. Hartman. New Eng n s 29:749 F '04 Gribble, Francis Henry, 1862- Enterprise of Flora. Lippinc 67:499 Ap '01 Princess who was treated badly. Les Mo 50: 491 S '00 Gridley Martin's courtship. H. C. Cox. Harp B 33:863 Ag 4 '00 Griebel, Catherine Houghton Only way. Lippinc 89:460 Mr '12 Grief deferred. A. Brown. McClure 26:548 Mr ■06 Griffin, Mary Agnes Lamey Daisy, M. D. New Eng n s 36:457 Je '07 Necrological romance. Cent 68:524 Ag '04 Stop between stations. Les Mo 57:345 Ja '04 Griffith, Helen Sherman Bishop and the front-door key. Lippinc 76: 480 O '05 Incognito. Lippinc 73:387 Ap '04 Mixed pairs. Lippinc 74:626 N '04 Grim humor of John Chinaman. C. Johnston. Harp W 54:15 Ap 16 '10 Grimes takes command. H. C. Rowland. Lip- pinc 84:641 D '09 Grimke, St. Julien Devil on wheels. Cent 69:636 F '05 King Solomon was a black man. Cent 71:974 Ap '06 Grimsden house. S. H. Adams. Everybody's 20:694 My '09 Grimshaw, Beatrice Bobby-the-clock. Everybody's 30:242 F '14 Cassowary and a hymn book. Everybody's 30:387 Mr '14 Empty diving-dress. Everybody's 29:459 O '13 End of the world. Everybody's 31:183 Ag '14 Fight at twelve fathoms. Everybody's 29:604 N '13 Home in the sun. Everybody's 30:731 Je '14 Jumping bamboo. Everybody's 29:341 S '13 Kris-girl. Sat E P 187:8 S 26. 23 O 3. 17 O 10, 17 O 17, 18 O 24, 19 O 31 '14 Passenger whom no one saw. Everybody's 31:548 O '14 Secret of the Stone-oven country. Every- body's 29:832 D '13 Sorcerer's stone. Everybody's 29:218 Ag '13 Tale of the lost island. New Eng n s 37:291 N '07 Grimshaw's apology. E. O. Jones. Lippinc 88: 692 N '11 Grinding of the mills. M. Robertson. Harp W 53:22 Jl 17 '09 Grinnell, George Bird, 1849- Blueiay visits the ghosts. Harper 101:840 N '00 Girl who was the ring. Harper 102:425 F '01 Little friend coyotte. Harper 102:288 Ja '01 Medicine grizzly bear. Harper 102:736 Ap '01 Punishment of the stingy. Harper 101:323 Ag '00 Grip of the law. R. W. Child. Sat E P 184:5 F 24 "12 Grip of the machine. C. Dangerfield. Cosmop 37:213 Je '04 Griselda of the cabins. A. S. Winston. Outl 66:177 S 15 '00 Grist to the mill. E. Stuart. Mun 32:25 O '04 Griswold divorce case. F. T. Cooper. McClure 35:203 Je '10 Griswold, Latta Blue girdle. Atlan 97:202 F '06 Broken toys. Cosmop 33:393 Ag '02 Grit. P. Vaux. Lippinc 73:583 My '04 Grizzle, his wife. M. W. Wildman. Harp W 53:5 D 11 '09 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 119 Groesbeck, Dan Sayre For sale — a cemetery. Cosmop 47:394 Ag '09 Luck of Baldy Driggs. Harp W 53:13 Jl 10 09 Why Sluiceville isn't on the map. Harp W 51:1916 D 28 '07 Groesbeck, Kenneth Come seben, come 'leben. Lippinc 94:633 N '14 Other man's story. Lippinc 93:228 F '14 With cap and bells. Harp W 57:23 Mr 8 13 Groff, Frances A. Legend of the wild raspberries. Les Mo 53:2 N '01 Groh, Abraham R. Wisdom of Hang Ti. Mun 40:383 D '08 Groping children. J. Oppenheim. Amer 67:291 Ja 09 Grotto specter. A. K. Green. Cosmop 55:86 Je •13 Grouch. W. Irwin. McClure 43:72 Je '14 Ground rules. A. S. Roche. Harp W 52:15 N 28 '08 Grouse out of season: drama. M. Merington. Harp B 37:1018 N '03 Growing up. G. Morris. Harper 123:881 N '11 Growing up in society. Sat E P 185:16 N 2 '12 Growling dog wnth a wagging tail. D. O. Edson. Everybody's 24:849 Je '11 Growth of the blood-thirst. H. S. Canfield. Every- body's 8:401 My '03 Grub. F. Jackson. Delin 79:387 My '12 Guard-boat of Yantlett Creek. G. A. Best. Everybody's 3:245 S '00 Guarded house. A. Stringer. Everybody's 19: 244 Ag '08 Guarded shrine. A. Brown. Harper 109:611 S '04 Guardian of the accolade. O. Henry. Cur Lit 47:111 Jl '09 Guardian of the peace. E. Boltwood. Harp W 46:594 My 10 '02 Guerilla warfare. I. Maclaren. Sat E P 173:10 N 3 '00 Guest. B. Merwin. Mun 49:74 Ap '13 Guest in Sodom. M. E. W. Freeman. Cent 83: 343 Ja '12 Guest of a day. L Clarke. Cosmop 42:373 F '07 Guest of honor. M. T. Antrim. Lippinc 79:772 Je '07 Guest of honor. M. A. Dickerson. Mun 28:438 D '02 Guest of honor. H. K. VielS. McClure 19:395 S '02 Guest of Quesnay. B. Tarkington. Everybody's 17:601 N '07 Guest of the ghetto. B. Lessing. Cosmop 42: 545 Mr '07 Guest that tarried. G. Parker. Col 43:13 Je 26 '09 Guide. A. E. W. Mason. Sat E P 177:14 D 10 '04 Guide for lightning. C. W. Rankin. Cent 68: 327 Je '04 Guide to Eldorado. H. Rhodes. Sat E P 178:5 S 9 '05 Guiding Horace. E. J. Rath. Mun 36:163 N '06 Guiding Miss Gowd. E. Ferber. Sat E P 187:5 Ag 15 '14 Guilty as charged. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:12 Ap 26 '13 Gulpon, Leon r.a.st of the Crocabiches. Cent 68:23 My '04 Guitar-maker. E. II. Thompson. Atlan 103:246 F '09 Guiterman, Arthur, 1871- nifk's flrivo. Evervbodv'.s 13:127 .Tl '05 Mixf-fl dollars. Evoryliodv'.s 13:.''.6n O '05 Quest of the ribband. Harper 127:479 Ag '13 Gulden fleas. K. Harris. Sat E P 1S4:9 My 25 •12 Gulf stream. C. Dawson. McClure 43:62 Ag '14 Gulisegg: story of a Bay of Fundy boy. L. Co- vert. Harp W 51:125 Ja 26 '07 Gunfighter. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 181:12 Je 5 '09 Gunn, George William Nolo contendre. New Eng n s 34:724 Ag '06 Gunner Criswell. E. Singmaster. -Harper 124: 302 Ja '12 Gunsmith. D. Grayson. Amer 70:555 Ag '10 Gurls is fierce. L. Copinger. Lippinc 90:731 D '12 Gurney, Antoinette Allan's cowardice. New Eng n s 39:500 D '08 Gus. J. Hopper. Cent 77:136 N '08 Gustave Hinkle: martyr. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 7H:T77 Je '07 Gustibus. R. W. Child. Col 46:21 O 22 '10 Guthrie, Jane W. Side by side. Delin 79:176 Mr '12 Gutter-babies. D. Slade. Atlan 110:9 Jl '12 Gutter-nickel. E. Loomis. Cent 86:570 Ag '13 Gymkhana at Milkville. E. P. Butler. Les Mo 56:127 Je '03 Gypsy George. E. Bates. Atlan. 100:473 O '07 H H. R. H. the prince of Hester street. M. Kelly. McClure 23:103 My '04 Habberton, John Great George's work. Sat E P 172:1232 Je 30 '00 Yankee gold mine. Sat E P 173:20 Mr 9 '01 Habersham's Kate. E. E. Peake. Harper 115: 212 Jl '07 Habitation enforced. R. Kipling. Cent 70:617 Ag '05 Hacienda. M. E. Seawell. Scrib 52:443 O '12 Hackett Walter Gazebrook necklace. Mun 42:324 D '09 Old love and the new. Delin 71:444 Mr '08 Otto Schmalz, hypnotist. Mun 41:438 Je '09 Pie. Cosmop 43:564 S '07 Study in palmistry. Mun 40:863 Mr '09 Theft of the Dudley diamonds. IMun 39:787 S '08 Hadley, Lizzie M. Surprising Sarah Ellen. New Eng n s 28:753 Ag '03 Hadleyvale volunteers. E. Hamilton. Met 31: 044 F '10 Hagan, Sarah Johnson Phillis tells about her visit to Michigan. Cent 65:322 D '02 Haggerty the lionhearted. E. Poole. Sat E P 1S0:G Je 13 'OS Haggerty's pullet. E. A. Gerrard. Everybody's 5:492 O 'Ol Haines, Alice Calhoun Disappointing nuiKic. New Eng n s 31:519 Jl '06 Haines, Donal Hamilton. 1SS6- Anachronisni. Scrib 47;5GO My '10 Empty saddle. McClure 41:152 Jl '13 Least of these. Mel 3S:27 Jo '13 Leveler; a tale of war here and now. Amer 75:77 Ja '13 Lost batterv. Harp W 57:21 Jl 26 '13 Passing of the war god. Everybody's 24:io3 Je '11 Price. Scrib 49:189 F '11 I'ride of his railing. Forum 47:532 My '12 S.Tving of age. Col 46:13 Ja 2H '11 StnlT <>{ heroes, l-'vorybody'.s 22:787 Je '10 Text-book soldier. MrClurc 35:169 Jr< '10 Turn of the coin. Amer 72:675 O '11 Villagers. Kvervbody's 25:304 S '11 W.il(.r-».ngH. KverylMidy'H 31:461 o '14 Who only Btand and wait. Everybody's 23:497 O '10 120 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Haines, Mrs. Helen (Colby) Caper sauce. Anier bl;:i34 D '05 Cnmsoii rambler. Scrib 39:72 Ja '06 JJry water trestle. Scrib 44:590 N '08 Hoar-frost. Scrib 40:342 S '06 Stubbs s principal. Scrib 47:621 My '10 Turkey gobbler. Scrib 39:345 Mr '06 Hains, Thornton Jenkins. See Garnett, Mayn Clew, pseud. Hair-cut boy. L. Forsslund. L H J 21:17 Ap '04 Hair of the dog. R. M. Stuart. Delin 75:6S0 My •09 Hairy devil. M. Robertson. Cosmop 45:33 O '08 Halberdier of the Little liiieinschloss. O. Henry. Everybody s 16:627 iviy '07 Hale, Louise (Closser) (Mrs. Walter Hale) 1872- Actress; a romance of the theatre. L H J 25:7 b, 13 O, 21 N, 26:21 U '08, 19 Ja, 19 F '09 Emma. Harper 128:434 F '14 Fresh air for grandpa. Delin 76:9 Ag '10 Ophelia and the center of the stage. Col 45:15 My 21 '10 Our horse. Everybody's 22:221 F '10 Our painter. Harper 126:264 Ja '13 Wedding in the love of life company. L H J 27:7 S 1, 13 O 1 '10 Hale, Walter Search for a lost republic. Harper 109:929 N '04 Hale, Mrs. Walter. See Hale, Louise (Closser) Halevy, Ludovic, 1834-1908 Insurgent. Lippinc 88:910 D '11 Half a dozen letters. F. Stewart. Cosmop 37: 101 My '04 Half a loaf. W. HoUoway. Everybody's 25:422 S '11 Half a loaf. H. Smith. New Eng n s 33:185 O •05 Half-a-moon. F. T. Jesse. Cosmop 54:343 F •13 Half-gods. E. Frazer. Cosmop 53:461 S '12 Half of the loaf. K. Harris. Sat E P 185:28 N 9 '12 Half-seas over. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 54:11 S 24 10 Hall, Bolton, 1854- Kiss money. Lippinc 83:371 Mr '09 Society worker. Forum 52:124 Jl '14 Hall, E. E. Midnight visitor. New Eng n s 44:271 Ap '11 Hall, Eliza Calvert, pseud. See Obenchain, Mrs. Eliza Caroline Hall, Emmett Campbell At San Jose. Met 26:631 D '02 Feminine trust. Les Mo 55:225 D '02 Gray Wolf, great warrior. Mun 28:589 Ja '03 Local color. Met 16:87 Jl '02 Mountain maid. Met 16:430 O '02 Returning, The. Met 17:93 Ja '03 Sheriff of Aloe. Mun 28:268 N '02 Hall, Frederick Devils day. Met 21:88 O '04 Hall, Gertrude, 1863- Camihas first affair. Cent 86:400 Jl '13 Christmas at the villa. McClure 34:131 D '09 House of music. McClure 31:528 S 08 L2,st trial of the gleam. Scrib 43:493 Ap '08 Mrs. Northmere's treasure. Cent 80:597 Ag '10 Story of hate. McClure 31:420 Ag '08 What Camilla did with her money. Cent 81: 379 Ja '11 Hall Highboy. C. Wells. Col 32:14 Ja 2 '04 Hall, Holworthy, pseud. See Porter, Harold Everett Hall, L. C. Mr. MG from Sanford. Les Mo 59:398 F '05 Hall, Owen Dark night's ride. Lippinc 69:250 F '02 Hall, R. Canby i'our of em. Col 54:10 N 7 '14 Hall, Ruth Partition of Mr. Hykes. Harper 102:329 Ja '01 Hall, Sharlot M. Child of sacrifice. L H J 23:13 Ag '06 Love that endures. L H J 22:11 Je '05 Price of the star. Everybody's 5:335 S '01 Hall, Thomas Winthrop, 1862-1900 Nakitano s Christmas gift. Mun 28:604 Ja '03 With a second to spare. Mun 22:866 Mr '00 Hallet, Richard Matthews Beyond the tides. Harper 126:840 My '13 Black squad. Sat E P 185:3 Ag 24, 17 Ag 31 '12 Foreign voyager. Harper 127:578 S '13 Handkerchief. Cosmop 47:191 Jl '09 On a calm sea. Amer 76:34 S '13 Hallett, Rosa Kellen Faith of Mrs. Maxon. Amer 60:588 S '05 Mrs. Tyman passes the contribution-box. Cent 73:965 Ap '07 Hallmark, Harrydele Story the doctor told. L H J 17:13 Jl '00 Hallowell, Eleanor A. Blessing the typewriter. Lippinc 73:328 Mr '04 Brindle-boy. Lippinc 74:454 O '04 Hickory Dock. Lippinc 75:742 Je '05 Jimmy Jester. Everybody's 13:512 O '05 Old home week in Bohemia. Lippinc 74:207 Ag '04 Perfect year. Harper 109:50 Je '04 Hallowell, Jean D. Girl with the banjo. Lippinc 72:594 N '03 Halls of O'Hara. A. M. Sholl. Mun 43:13 Ap ■10 Hallucination of Mons. Beaudet. C. W. Bull- winkle. New Eng n s 25:589 Ja '02 Halsey, Forrest Banana circuit. Mun 44:784 Mr '11 Halverson, Frank A. Turning of Joe. Col 53:11 S 12 '14 Hamblen, Herbert E. Dumb luck. Sat E P 173:6 Je 1 '01 Hambridge, Helen Corinne Extraordinary tramp. Delin 72:255 Ag 'OS Hamby, William Henry, 1S75- Big idea in the backwoods. Sat E P 185:12 N" 9 '12 Buck-Eye Bridge and the big turkey. Col 48; 27 N IS '11 Rock Hill correspondent. Cent 82:880 O '11 Hamilton, Carter Crazy Jane. Amer 64:661 O '07 Hello, central! Amer 66:48 My '08 Jinny and the wolves. Amer 63:663 Ap '07 Hamilton, Cosmo Little Christmas burglar. Cosmop 56:254 Ja '14 One of them had a wife. Cosmop 57:65 Je '14 Return. Cosmop 38:337 Ja '05 Ways of love. Cosmop 56:704 Ap '14 Hamilton, Ezra Hadleyvale volunteers. Met 31:644 F '10 Hamilton, Gertrude Brooke Shifted burden. Col 50:18 O 26 '12 Hamilton, Helen What answer? L H J 20:10 F '03 Hamilton, James Shelley Young Romeo of the basement. Delin 84:8 Mr '14 Hamilton, Kate Waterman (Fleeta, psued.) Baby from Ruggle's Dip. Cent 65:624 F '03 Mlindy. Cent 64:127 My '02 Hamilton, Percy Smith. Col 41:15 My 23 'OS Hamilton Square robbery. M. Mullett. Cosmop 46:645 My '09 Hamlet under difficulties. E. Osgood. Harper 105:978 F '02 Hamlin, Pauline Worth Gold pot. Amer 74:307 Jl '12 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 121 Hamm, Mrs. Margherita Arlina, 1S71-1907 Baby and the caiael. Cent '< 0:415 Jl '05 Camel of Jesus. Cent G9:245 D '04 Cat coquette. Cent 70:823 O '05 Kalaun, the elephant-trainer. Cent 69:502 F •05 Musa and the wild olive. Cent 71:886 Ap '06 Quede of the shells. Cent 74:50 My '07 Hammering stone. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 1N1:11 Ag :i9 11 S 5 '08 Hammersley's pluck. C. S. Hichborn. Met 28: J91 Je '08 Hammond, L. H. Successful marriage. Harper 105:747 O '02 Hammond, Lilian Kirk Sunday in Tippah. Atlan 109:206 F '12 Tippah philharmonic. Atlan 109:80 Ja '12 Hamza's adventure. H. Iliowizi. Harper 102: 872 My '01 Hand. W. L. Lockwood. Harp W 50:1770 D 15 •06 Hand at the throttle. P. M. Gushing. Harp "W 54:18 Jl 9 '10 Hand-car gang. G. R. Chester. Mun 41:259 My •09 Hand in the dark. T. Roberts. Mun 41:375 Je •09 Hand in the fire. F. B. Tracy. L H J 24:18 Ap ^07 Hand of Holofernes. A. Train. Sat E P 178:5 F 17 '06 Hand of life. L. Chamberlain. Cosmop 45:9 Jl 'OS Hand of love. R. Young. Cent 72:559 Ag '06 Hand of nature. A. F. McFarlane. Cent 88:369 Jl '14 Hand of Petrarch. T. R. Sullivan. Scrib 36:621 N '04 Hand of providence. L. Teters. Delin 59:831 My ^02 Hand of the potter. L. Brooks. Outl. 70:90 Ja 4 ^02 Hand that rules the world. J. F. Farrell. Outl 73:544 Mr. 7 '03 Handbook of Hymen. O. Henry. Mun 35:414 Jl 06 Handful of carnations. F. M. Crawford. L H J 21:11 N '07 Handful of epigrams. B. Matthews. Mun 34: 72S Mr '06 Handicap. E. N. Hepburn. Everybody's 25:704 X 11 Handkerchief. R. M. Hallet. Cosmop 47:101 Jl •09 Handkerchief lady's girl. W. D. Steele. Harper 12R:4G3 F '14 Hands of the faithful. A. Brown. Harper 112: 533 Mr. 06. Hands of the Mikado. A. W. Tolman. Cent. SO:0JO O '10 Handshake agreement. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P ]^7;5 D 12; 39 D 19 '14 Handsome Felix. I. McRoss. New Eng n s 26: 1S2 Ap '02 Handwriting on the wall. C. T. Herrick. Harp I'. :',:',:-,il Je 23 '00 Hanging of Mary Dyer. B. King. McClure 2S: 44 X '06 Hanging-on of By Jocks. E. P. Butler. Cent *;0:;)44 S '00 Hangman and Pedro Salazar. C. L. Cullen. Mun 47:944 K '12 Hank Martin's graveyard. J. D. Wells. Lea .Mo .".7:414 F 01 Nankins, Arthur Preston I'.riHioner. Col 53:11 Je 20 '14 Hank's grizzly. H. I. Greene. I>es Mo 55:220 \> '0-: Hanna, James K. Our neighborH children. Les Mo 57:481 Mr "04 Hannay, James Owen (George A. Birmingham, pseud.), 18G5- Argonauts. Sat E P 186:12 Je 20 187:11 Jl 18, '14 At cost price. McClure 43:105 O '14 Bed clothes. Forum 50:308 S '13 For good conduct. McClure 43:116 Ag '14 Futurist. McClure 43:117 S '14 Minnie^s bishop. Harp W 54:22 My 7 '10 In honor of General Regan. Harper 118:618 Mr '09 Matty Hynes' pig. Harp W 53:22 Je 5 '09 Mysterious envelope. Harper 127:593 S '13 Violinist. Everybody's 30:161 F '14 Hannis, Margaret Case of nervous prostration. Delin 73:570 Ap •09 Her final visit. Delin. 70:760 N '07 Hans Schmelz and the Iron Cross. E. Lefevre. Everybody's 24:46, Ja '11 Hanscom, Beatrice After Botticelli. Sat E P 180:8 Je 6 '08 By catalogue. Atlan 93:24 F '04 Flowering of the Elysian fields. Scrib 34: 320 S '03 Gods of brass. Scrib 36:457 O '04 His Uncle Willoughby and the west. Met 19: 682 F '04 Husbands of Tiverton. L H J 28:16 N '11 Invitation to meet me at four. L H J 28:19 F I '11 Signs and symbols. Scrib 40:275 S '06 Sole sociability at San Michel. Harp B 39:720 Ag '05 Telegrams to Opper. Cent 74:698 S '07 Hansel!, Mary E. Awakening of Archimedes. Forum 51:84 Ja '14 Hansen, Curt Fixing the responsibility. Harp W 58:18 Ap II '14 Hanshew, Thomas W. (Charlotte May KIngsley, pseud.) 1S57-1914 Man and the woman. Cosmop 37:706 O '04 Way out. Cosmop 37:331 Jl '04 Hanson, Joseph Mills, 1876 Pilot of the Sadie Simmons. Cosmop 28:577 Mr '00 Ha'nt at the old ladies' home. E. P. Huling. Xew Eng n s 29:450 D '03 Hant. R. Bergengren. Col 43:18 Mr 27 '09 Hantu. H. M. Rideout. Atlan 97:660 My "06 Hapgood, Mrs. Hutchlns. See Boyce, Neith Happie'st Christmas eve. E. A. Cook. Delin N.-);23 1) 'It Happiest time. M. S. Cutting. McClure 19:424 S ^02 Happiest woman. C. G. Kephart. T^es ^To 5S:13 My ^04 Happiness. M. R. S. Andrews. Everybody's J I :2:M S '09 Happiness. O. H. Dunbar. Harp B 43:223 Mr. ■09 Happiness of Mrs. Malnwaring. J. R. Reese. Mot 16:390 O '02 Happy Baker. R. Sawyer. Met 34:476 .Tl '11 Happy Mind. K. H. Brown. Delin 77:458 Jo '11 Happy boy. A. 11. Pnnnoll. Dolln 77:271 Ap "11 Happy day. E. H. Abbott. Everybody's 17:723 l> '07 Happy day. M. E. Wilkins. McClure 21:89 My •03 Happy dust. A. H. IJoove. Co.smop 57:757 N "M Happy oxjisporatlon of McCoy. K. Noblo. Harp \v r,i;:ii; Ag lo '12 Happy Hawkins and the Chlneup question. H. A. W.'ison. Mot •_'S:ir,0 My "OS Happy lapHo from parudlHO. M. Hill. .MoCluro 24:513 Mr '05 Happy valley. V. Trfiry. Col 44:17 N 20 '09 H.Traucourt, Edmond, isnr. (••iiMl loaiH. «'iir < >i) r.4:499 Jo "13 WIUKod victory. Cur Op 54:327 Ap '13 122 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Harben, William Nathaniel, 1858- Circus Dan. Delin 75:210 Mr '10 Convict's return. Cur Lit 30:102 Ja '01 Fair exchange. Lippin 69:115 Ja '02 Filial impulse. Cent 59:363 Ja '00 Lesson in humility. Delin 58:942 D '01 Mam' Linda. Harp W 51:738, 772, 810, 846, 882, 918, 1026 My 18-Jl 13 '07 Mountain match-maker. Cent 64:413 Jl '02 Question of valor. Cent. 66:443 Jl '03 Sale of Mammoth Western. Cent 75:74 N '07 Sprightly heroine. Harp W 49:10 D 16 '05 Two birds with one stone. Cent 70:61 My '05 Harbor hopes. M. Foster. Everybody's 4:79 Ja '01 Harbor of lost ships. E. P. Ruling. Atlan 101: 414 Mr '08 Hard Pan, pseud. See Bonner, Geraldine Hard road to Andy Coggins. C. B. Fernald. Cent 63:903 Ap '02 Hard-rock man. F. R. Bechdolt. Sat E P 181: 10 N 7 '08 Hard times. W. Payne. McClure 44:122 D '14 Hard, William, 1878- Ghost of youth. Sat E P 179:15 Jl 21 '06 Kelly's limit. Sat E P 178:9 Je 16 '06 Two masters. Sat E P 180:8 S 28 '07 Wild flower in politics. Harp W 50:1785 D 15 '06 Hard worker. G. S. Chappell. Cent 70:388 Jl '05 Harder case. L. Chamberlain. Everybody's 16: 515 Ap '07 Hardest luck. E. S. Chamberlayne. Les Mo 51: 512 Mr '01 Harding, Freeman Upcoming of Daniel Deegan. New Eng n s 37: 601 Ja '08 Harding, Isabel Love affair of an ugly duckling. L H J 29:19 O '12 Harding's home-coming. A. W. Anderson. Mun 29:894 S '03 Hardships of the campaign. J. Fox, Jr. Scrib 36:38 Jl '04 Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, 1847- Ambassador. Harper 123:529 S '11 Aurelie. Harper 119:383 Ag '09 Celimene's diamonds. Harper 122:370 F '11 Confession of the Countess Anne. Scrib 44: 739 D '08 Defence of Diane. Harper 117:895 N '08 How Dorante crossed the Rubicon. Harper 125:239 Jl '12 Isaac'. Harper 125:588 S '12 Real birthday of Dorante. Harper 123:138 Je '11 Silver 'pencil. Harper 125:16 Je '12 The experiences of Le Vieux. Harper 120:19 D '09 Twelve green Russian garnets. Harper 121: 443 Ag '10 Way of Diane. Harper 121:732 O '10 Hardy, Lowell Edwin Frosty Ferguson. Everybody's 23:802 D '10 Gratitude of Johnny Flynn. Lippinc 90:607 N '12 Optical delusion. Lippinc 90:463 O '12 Trail of the white colt. Lippinc 87:753 Je '11 Unwilling philanthropists. Lippinc 91:595 My '13 Wooing of Kittie Bell. Lippinc 92:367 S '13 Hardy, Thomas, 1840- Changed man. Cosmop 29:35 Mv '00 Enter a dragon. Harper 102:25 D '00 Hardy, Walter IVIanly Ferry bells. Atlan 102:463 O '08 Hare. R. Dehan. Cent 85:602 F '13 Hare and tortoise. G. M. Martin. McClure 17: 297 Jl '01 Hares. P. Barchan. Cent 87:693 Mr '14 Harger, Charles Moreau, 1863- Bride's father. Harper 111:130 Je '05 Journeying with the harvesters. Scrib 36:1 Jl '04 Harger, Charles Moreau — continued Knock of opportunity. Sat E P 177:13 Je 10 05 Quality of mercy. Harp W 44:804 Ag 25 '00 Haring, Ethel Chapman Neighbors. Lippinc 92:766 D '13 Only a promise to a child. Delin 85:19 S '14 Harker, Lizzie Allen, 1863- Heresies of Paul. Scrib 44:240 Ag OS Mrs. Birkin's bonnet. Cent 76:622 Ag '08 Way she took it. Scrib 53:512 Ap '13 Harlan, Esther Jim's sacrifice. Met 16:409 O '02 Retrospect and a repentance. Met 17:81 Ja '03 Travail of a man's soul. Met 15:407 Ap '02 Harland, Henry (Sidney Luska, pseud.) 1861- 1905 At the court of the Corsican. Sat E P 173:2 O 20 '00 Bag of gold. Les Mo 56:13 My '03 Big peach. Les Mo 56:328 Ag '03 Harland, Marlon, pseud. (Mrs. Mary Virginia [Hawes] Terhune) 1831- As a dream when one awaketh. Lippinc 66: 119 Jl '00 Grain of mustard seed. Harp B 47:215 My '13 Seventeenth of August, 1844. Lippinc 72:195 Ag '03 War-time Evangeline. Lippinc 75:215 F '05 Harlequin. A. S. Wheeler. Col 39:18 Je 29 '07 Harnessed cyclone. H. "V. Marr. Harper 104: 847 Ap '02 Harnessing of Pegasus. G. M. Cooke. Delin 76:249 O '10 Harper in the wood. A. H. Rice. Cent 82:72 My '11 Harper, Mrs. Lathrop Colgate. See Urner, Mabel Herbert Harper, Mabel Herbert (Urner). See Urner, Mabel Herbert Harper, Vincent Appendix B. Lippinc 74:234 Ag '04 Apostle to the genteels. Sat E P 177:3 F 18 '05 Cure of soles. Sat E P 177:8 Je 10 '05 Cycle of Cathay. Sat E P 178:12 Ag 5 '05 Flurry in bubbles. Everybody's 12:681 My '05 Other one. Lippinc 75:243 F '05 Second nocturn of St. Patrick. Lippinc 75:326 Mr '05 Taken at the flood. Sat E P 177:6 Je 3 '05 Harraden, Beatrice, 1864- Bach double concerto in D minor. Scrib 53: 580 My '13 Harriman, Karl Edwin, 1875- Cook at Conley's. Lippinc 72:507 O '03 Hidden man. Lippinc 70:348 S '02 Inheritance. Harp W 46:635 My 17 '02 Lad's love. Lippinc 74:385 O '04 Miss Sombrero. Harp W 48:1966 D 17 '04 Passing of a graft. Sat E P 177:2 Mr 25 '05 Unfinished elegy. Lippinc 68:764 D '01 Harriman, Raymond Lee McShinn — his promise. Delin 73:433 Mr '09 Harrington, John Walker, 1868- John Cook, quartermaster's clerk. Every- body's 5:712 D '01 Harris, Corra May (White) (Mrs. Lundy How- ard Harris) 1SC9- Biography according to Martha. Met 40:5 Ag '14 Brother Milam. Amer 68:450 S '09 Bud Sockwell's courtship. Amer 60:533 S '05 God-lonesome man in Brasstown Valley. Amer 67:450 Mr '09 Ideal. Harp W 58:12 S 27 '13 Jim Bledso's courtship. Sat E P 180:12 S 21 '07 Law in the valley. Amer 65:20 N '07 Little April. Amer 61:628 Ap '06 Love in the valley. Amer 63:438 F '07 Mary Frances. Amer 60:615 O '05 Mrs. Teasley's summer boarder. Amer 62:239 Jl '06 On the instalment plan. Harper 127:342 Ag '13 Pappy's plan of salvation. Amer 61:17 N '05 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 123 Harris, Corra May — continued Pendeigiass sanitarium for curables. Sat E p lS2:y Mr 26 '10 Scarlet ilower. Met 40:10 Je '14 Seth Carter's wife. Anier 64:73 My '07 Son of old Blood. Sat E P 182:13 My 7 '10 Taming of Tom Pmcell. Amer 69;yi N '09 Harris, Elmer Blaney Spud drives Old Ironsides. Everybody's 22: 6S5 My "10 Pals for a day. Amer 66:334 Ag '08 Trying it on the dog. Everybody's 19:612 N 'OS Harris, Frank, 1S56- Holy man. Forum 49:513 My '13 Irony of chance. Forum 44:31 Jl '10 Magic glasses. Forum 44:385 O '10 Miracle of the stigmata. Forum 46:564 N '11 Harris, Garrard, 1S76- Tinkling cymbal. Mun 48:936 Mr '13 Tomato magic. Delin 85:10 S '14 Harris, H. Knapp According to the aboriginies. Met 11:529 My '00 As it was written. New Eng n s 26:268 My '02 Harris, Joel Chandler (Uncle Remus, pseud.) 1S48-1908 Billy Boring and his drum. Sat E P 178:5 O 7 '05 Brer Deer an' King Sun's daughter. Col 32:15 Ja 9 '04 Brother Fox follows the fashion. Col 33:13 Ag 13 '04 Brother Rabbit and Miss Nancy. Col 34:15 F 25 '05 Brother Rabbit's cradle. Col 34:21 N 12 '04 Flyin' Jim and his fool-killer. Cosmop 30:356 F 01 How old Cranny-Crow lost his head. Col 33: 19 My 28 '04 In the order of providence. Sat E P 172:788 Mr 3 '00 Kidnapping of President Lincoln. Sat E P 172:1122, 1155, 1178, 1208 Je 2-Je 23 '00 Little Miss Johns. Sat E P 173:1 D 8, 10 D 15 '00 Making of a statesman. Sat E P 174:3 Ja 25, 12 F 1 '02 Miss Irene. Scrib 27:216 F '00 Progress and the performing bear. Sat E P 177:3 Mr 11 '05 Rosalie. Cent 62:916 O '01 Shadow between his shoulders blades. Sat E P 180:14 N 2, 14 N 9, 13 N 16 '07 Troubles of Martin Coy. Sat E P 172:884 Mr 31 '00 Whims of Captain McCarthy. Sat E P 173:4 Ag 11, 15 Ag 18 '00 Why Mr. Dog is tame. Col 32:17 N 28 '03 Young minstrels. Col 54:10 S 19 '14 Harris, Kennett Ab's foolish frankness. Sat E P 180:5 S 7 '07 Anecdote. Everybody's 19:544 O 'OS Aristippis. Sat E P 179:5 O 6 '06 Auspicious beginning. Mun 34:743 Mr '06 Blow to Tinterton. Sat E P 181:12 N 7 '08 Buck Murphy's mollification. Sat E P 178:6 N 11 '05 Cal and the commodore. Sat E P 181:12 Ap 10 '09 Calf-path. Sat E P 184:18 F 17 '12 Celestial combination. Sat E P 179:10 N 17 '06 Con contretemps. Sat E P 177:7 F 25 'O,"; Dancoy's legacy. Sat E P ]S5:10«D M '12 Floodtide of fortune. Sat E P 186:10 Ap 11 '14 Follies of Mrs. Joe. Sat E P 186:11 F 7 "14 Franken.stein of The Fancy. Everybody's 14: 491 Ap '06 From him that hath. Sat E P 185:18 Jl 20 '12 Gulden fleas. Sat K V 1.*<1:9 Mv 2r> T! Half of the loaf. Sat E P 1S5":28 N 9 "12 Having authority. Sat E P 181:5 Mr 6 '09 J;icob plays a counterpart. Sat E P 180:8 S JO '13 Lleschen. Sat E P 181:14 R 5 '08 Lorenzo and the clinging vine. Sat E P 187:14 S 19 '14 Lucky number. Sat E I' ^H^■.^H S 14 '12 Make-believe. Sat E 1' IM:20 Ja 2 '09 Managing Haimund. Sat K P 185:8 S 28 '12 Harris, Kennett — continued Matter of sentiment. Sat E P 185:20 N 16 '12 Mrs. Durkee draws the line. Col 49:21 Je 15 '12 Nitrate crop. Les Mo 5S:642 O '04 Open window. Everybody's 27:322 S '12 Pass Creek pastoral. Les Mo 56:4SS S '03 Pebble in the path. Sat E P 185:2S Ap 5 '13 Phadrig cai'ves for himself. Sat E P 186:14 Jl 5 13 Pore Nance. Sat E P 186:12 N 1 "13 Redder's lich. The. Sat E P 185:20 O 5 '12 Revolt of Bismarck. Sat E P 179:8 J a 12 '07 Rickey burns a package. Sat E P 184:5 D 16 "11 Rickey takes a walk. Sat E P 184:12 O 7 '11 Saint and the second nail. Sat E P 185:16 i' 15 '13 Sim's sudden sotness. Sat E P 186:22 Je 20 •14 Smudge sinister. Sat E P 186:14 Ag 23 '13 Spottsford man. Sat E P 179:26 D 22 '06 Taking a chance. Col 48:14 Ja 6 '12 Weakling. Les Mo 57:549 Mr '04 Widow's mite. Col 53:9 Je 27 '14 With Tabasco sauce. Sat E P 186:10 My 16 •14 Word gently spoken. Sat E P 184:8 Mr 23 '12 Harris, Mrs. Lundy Howard. See Harris, Corra INlay Harris, Mary Day Telephone tragedy. Lippinc 93:377 Mr '14 Harris, May, 1S73- Beechley junction. Harp B 45:66 F '11 Christmas exile. Harp B 38:1178 D '04 Dissolving view. Harper 110:534 Mr '05 Elizabeth. Harper 108:470 F '04 Friends and counsellois. Les Mo 56:95 Jly '03 He who hath ears. Les Mo 60:91 My '05 In the interests of Christopher. Harper 109: 267 Jl '04 Last word. Les Mo 53:583 Mr '02 Library in Madderley. Harper 105:492 Ag '02 Little man. Les Mo 53:523 Mr '02 Maker of the hero. Les Mo 58:219 Je '04 Matter of feeling. Harper 104:883 My '02 Out of the west. Les Mo 55:431 F '03 Reprieve. Amer 65:202 D '07 Return. Harper 114:529 Mr '07 Rose of spring. Harper 107:520 S '03 Second best. Harper 112:369 F '06 Sophisticated Mr. Lettredge. Lippinc 80:393 S '07 Thurston. Atlan 95:123 Ja '05 Tavo of them. Les Mo 53:272 D '01 Whom the gods love. Harper 106:231 Ja '03 Window to the south. Harper 103:866 N '01 Harris, Rae Hatton Marrying of Jimmy. New Eng n s 33:155 O '05 Harrison, Mrs. Burton. See Harrison, Con- stance Harrison, Constance (Gary) (Mrs. Burton Har- rison) 1846- Banner bearer. Sat E P 173:3 N 3, 7 N 10 '00 Page of life. Sat E P 173 :S Ap 27 '01 Winwood's luck. Lippinc 68:336 S '01 Harrison. Elizabeth, 1849- Little boy they turned away. L IT J 27 :S D 15 •10 Harrison, Gene Contested b.iby. Amer 77:50 My '14 Harrison, Henry Sydnor. ISSO- Heiiig free. Delin 79:271 Ap '12 Evorlastinp triaii^rle. L 11 J 29:9 Jl '12 John Reginald's Ideal. McClure 38:396 F '12 Lady burglar. Harper 103:155 Je '01 Love laughs at locksmiths. Hari)er 103:663 8 •01 Mercenary Brown. Everybody's 12:635 My 05 Miss IIIiii"'ii. McCInre 37:559 S '11 Mr. !'!( kle's ri)-carts. I.es M« 59:2X7 Ja 05 Mr. Zlrkle mid ruthless Hoso Amy. McClure :ts:'j)3 Jii 12 „,. ^ „_ Mrs l!:iiikliwr.'MH. Harp H 42;S23 S '08 126 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Health master. See Adams, Samuel Hopkins Healy, Cahir Jamey's mother. New Eng n s 30:632 Jl 04 Peter Fada's daughter. New Eng n s 37:598 Ja 'OS Healy, Chris Nala, the Raja. Everybody's 20:573 Ap '09 Healy, John J. „ „ ^r. Adventures of a pioneer plainsman. Sat E F 173:10 N 24 'UO Heap big bear stories. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 178:4 F 3 06 Hearn, Lafcadio, 1S50-1904 Dream of Akinosuke. Atlan 93:340 Mr '04 Story of Ito Norisuke. Atlan 95:98 Ja '05 Story of Mimi-Nashi-Hoichi. Atlan 92:237 Ag '03 Stranger than fiction. Atlan 95:494 Ap '05 Two memories of a childhood. Atlan 98:445 O '06 Hearne's examination. J. F. Wood. Cent 82: 290 Je '11 Hearne's romance. J. Hawthorne. Cosmop 34: 191 D '02 Heart, A. G. Van Schaik. Mun 44:488 Ja '11 Heart and two others. G. W. Carryl. Harper 105:554 S '02 Heart at the window. P. V. Mighels. Harper 106:964 My '03 Heart-breakers. B. Runkle. Cent 68:395 Jl '04 Heart exchange. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 184:10 F 10 '12 Heart-mender. R. Hughes. Sat E P 182:16 Je IS '10 Heart of a beggar. M. Gorky. Cur Lit 47:220 Ag '09 Heart of a child. J. D. Daskam. McClure 16: 291 F '01 Heart of a geisha. C. Baker. Met 20:418 Jl "04 Heart of a man. E. P. Butler. Les Mo 56:417 S '03 Heart of a man. See Lighton, William R. Heart of a red man. B. T. Kingsmill. New Eng n s 24:86 Mr '01 Heart of a thief. F. R. Bechdolt. Amer 71:195 D '10 Heart of a wallflower. E. N. Blair. Cosmop 51:536 S '11 ,^ ^, „,. Heart of an orphan. A. Mathews. McClure 34. 245 Ja '10 . ^. Heart of coronation. M. H. Vorse. Amer (0: 401 Jl '10 Heart of Eric. E. E. Peake. McClure 26:253 Ja '06 Heart of gold. H. K. Webster. Sat E P 186:5 Ap 18; 16 Ap 25 '14 Heart of Goliath. H. Quick. Sat E P 181:10 Ag 8 '08 Heart of John Trujillo. R. Hartley. Mun 26: 440 D '01 Heart of kings. A. R. Weekes. Harper 109:375 Ag -04 Heart of old Ke-Mah. H. Willsie. Delin 73:769 Je '09 Heart of Paprika. J. Belfield. Lippinc 78:1 Jl '06 Heart of the ancient wood. C. G. D. Roberts. Lippinc 65:483 Ap '00 Heart of the city. E. H. Abbott. Everybody's 21:785 D '09 Heart of the dragon. P. V. Mighels. Harper 112:431 F '06 Heart of the dream. K. H. Brown. Outl 74:714 Jl 18 '03 Heart of the governor's daughter. T. Roberts. Met 24:446 Jl '06 Heart of the house. M. H. Verse. Everybody's 15:725 D '06 Heart of the mistletoe. E. Boltwood. Harp W 45:1260 D 14 '01 Heart that was agitated. L. P. Tooker. Cent SU:341 Jl '10 Hearts and clubs. M. Lindsey. Les Mo 58:87 My '04 Hearts and crosses. O. Henry. Everybody s 11:822 D '04 Hearts and hands. S. Porter. Everybody's 7: 581 D '02 Heart's astray. V. Rousseau. Harper 125:803 O '12 Heart's charity. 1. B. Roberts. Lippinc 76:121 Jl '05 Heart's desire. G. E. Channing. Harper 125:71 Je '12 Heart's desire. A. E. P. Searing. Cent 74:543 Ag '07 Heart's desire. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 184:8 Ja 20 '12 Hearts in the lowlands. A. M. Ewell. Atlan 96: Md N '05 Heart's key. M. H. Hewlett. Harper 104:3 D 01 Hearts of love. Z. Gale. Met 21:71 O '04 Heartsease. M. T. Earle. Atlan 86:472 O '00 Heathen. J. London. Everybody's 23:193 Ag •lu Heathen virtue. M. McCulloch-Williams. De- lin 61:651 Ap '03 Heaven, Alice M. Saint Lincoln. New Eng n s 43:214 O '10 Heaven of the unexpected. L. M. Thurston. Lippinc 85:1 Ja '10 Heavin' the project. G. S. Wasson. Atlan 101: 237 F '08 Heberlein and the union. R. H. Schauffler. Outl 80:438 Je 17 '05 Hector. B. Tarkington. Everybody's 11:765 D '04 Hedges, Mary B. Uncle Joel's funeral. Atlan 112:461 O '13 Heel of Achilles. J. R. Scott. Lippinc 87:462 Ap '11 Heffernan, John A. Be-dad. McClure 39:230 Je '12 Hegan, Alice. See Rice, Alice Caldwell (Hegan) Hegira of Nellie. N. H. Crowell. Les Mo 58: 107 My '04 Heights of art. J. C. Lincoln. Everybody's 14: 445 Ap '06 Heights of frivolity. L. M. Sill. Harp W 52:22 O 31 '08 Heimweh. J. L. Long. Met 20:1 Ap '04 Heir apparent. S. J. D. Cotes. Harper 110:625 Mr '05 Heir at law. C. E. Van Loan. Mun 47:131 Ap '12 Heir of the Broken-O. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 43:608 O '07 Heir to millions. F. Reddale. Lippinc 72:387 O '03 Heiress and the orphan. A. Kortrecht. Lip- pinc 85:628 My '10 Heiress' love story. G. Hibbard. Les Mo 58:607 O '04 Heirs of fate. L. Pratt. Outl 105:84 S 13 '13 Helburn, Theresa Every dog — . Lippinc 93:82 Ja '14 Held at the station. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 177:23 Jl 9 '04 Held up. T. L. Masson. Lippinc 91:347 Mr '13 Helen Duffy of Troy. E. McKenna. Col 51:5 Jl 26 '13; Same, Cur Lit 55:204 S '13 Helen's first Sunday. G. H. Clarke. Lippinc 81:651 My '08 Hell -for- leather. G. B. Lancaster. Everybody's 13:619 N '05 Hello central! C. Hamilton. Amer 66:48 My '08 " Hello " girls. H. Dickson. Sat E P 181-14 S 26 '08 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 127 Helm, Jeannette I. Marcelle. Lippinc 93:641 Je '14 Help! help! help! the bogey that darkens the sun of southern domesticity. H. Dickson. Delin iS0:7 Jl 'IJ Help wanted; females. A. March. Lippinc 74: 340 S 'U4 Helper of Cupid"s. E. H. Porter. New Eng n s 31:174 O '04 Helping hand. R. Barr. Met 29:597 Mr '09 Helping Hersey. Baroness von Hutten. Lip- pinc Sy:769 Je '12 Helping Santa Claus to break in. G. Fitch. L H J 2S:1S D '11 Helping the other fellow. O. Henry. Mun 40:301 D 'OS Helping Tommy out. R. H. Barbour. Lippinc 78:472 O '06 Heming, Arthur Henry Howard, 1S70- Buffalo spirit. Met 24:155 My "06 Snow-wetigo. Met 23:129 N '05 Spirit-wolf. Met 21:642 Mr '05 Way of the wilderness. Met 21:514 F '05 Hem in way crescent. E. Boltwood. Mun 27:415 Je '02 Hemmingway, William Triumph of Peevish Perish. Harp W 54:22 My 21 '10 Hen, The. H. H. Munro. Met 37:48 D '12 Hen at Heart's Desire. B. Hough. Sat E P 176:3 My 21 '04 Hen takes possession. W. H. Osborne. Sat E P 1S6:8 Ap 4 '14 Henderson, D. M., Jr. Fortunes of Splinter. Lippinc 81:131 Ja '08 Henderson, Gertrude Emigrant banshee. Everybody's 4:511 My '01 Henderson, Rose Unsuccessful Alumnus. Lippinc 89:566 Je '12 Henderson, Victor Burial on pyramid. Scrlb 44:419 O '08 Strike at the Little Maggie. Scrib 45:85 Ja '09 Henderson, W. J. Blind passion. Mun 22:556 Ja '00 Hendrick the robber. O. Oliver. Mun 33:311 Je •05 Henley happening. M. White, Jr. Mun 27:587 Jl '02 Henley, Jonathan Hidden life. Mun 28:206 N '02 Rehabilitation of David Mallett. Mun 26:105 O '01 Henrietta on rollers. H. Footner. Cent 80:513 Ag '10 Henrietta Stackpole Rediviva. H. G. Dwight. Scrib 35:662 Je '04 Henrietta's hair. W. H. Osborne. Sat E P 181: 8 Ap 17 '09 Henrietta's postponed career. R. R. Ginger. De- lin Sl:158 Mr '13 Henrietty. L. W. Reese. Lippinc 76:616 N '05 Henry. E. Singmaster. Sat E P 184:20 S 2 '11 Henry, Arthur, 1867- Battle. Met 35:16 Ap '12 Cautious hu.sband. Col 50:18 S 21 '12 Honorable discharge. Met 37:44 Ja '13 Ki.'^s. The. Met 35:14 My '12 T.if<- of Tf;is-lp. Outl 73:829 An 4 '03 Henry Clay Ci'tter and the Indian question; a Rod Snun^'fTs storv. H. W. Phillip.s. Amer 77:33 Ja '11 Henry D. Thurston, reformer. H. Davis. Mun .?4:166 N '«r, Henry Gullfoyle and the preat Hackerstaff. M. Glass. ^Iun 41:69 Ap "09 Henry Koehler, mlHogynlst. E. SingmaBter. Atlan 98:657 N '06 Henry, Lee Suff.Hsful failure. Mun 23:94 Ap '00 Henry, O., pseud. (William Sydney Porter) 1807-1910 Adventures in neurasthenia. Cosmop 49:217 Jl '10 Afternoon miracle. Everybody's 7:81 Jl '02 Atavism of John Tom Little Bear. Every- body's 9:57 Jl '03 Best-seller. Mun 41:18 Ap '09 Blackjack bargainer. Mun 25:620 Ag '01 Caballero's way. Everybody's 17:86 Jl '07 Cactus. Everybody s 7:390 O '02 Call loan. Everybody's 9:133 Jl '03 Calloway's code. Mun 35:687 S '06 Country of elusion. Everybody's 15:465 O '06 Door of unrest. Cosmop 37:91 My '04 Double-dyed deceiver. Everybody's 13:S14 D •05 Emancipation of Billy. Everybody's 10:589 My '04 Enchanted kiss. Met 19:747 F '04 Enchanted profile. Amer 67:88 N '08 Ethics of pig, Mun 3G:61 O '06 Fifth wheel. Everybody's 17:193 Ag '07 Fourth in Salvador. McCluie 21:3:i8 Jl '03 Fog in Santone. Cosmop 53:658 O "12 Georgia's ruling. Outl 65:498 Je 30 '00 Guardian of the accolade. Cur Lit 47:111 Jl '09 Halberdier of the Little Rheinschloss. Every- body's 16:627 My '07 Handbook of Hymen. Mun 35:414 Jl '06 He also serves. Col 42:21 O 31 '08 Head-hunter. Everybody's 18:593 My '08 Hearts and crosses. Everybody's 11:822 D '04 Hearts and hands. Everybody's 7:581 D '02 Helping the other fellow. Mun 40:301 D '08 Hiding of Black Bill. Everybody's 19:447 O '08 Higher abdication. Mun 35:548 Ag '06 Higher pragmatism. Mun 40:789 Mr '09 Holding up a train. McClure 22:611 Ap '04 Hostages to Momus. Mun 33:466 Jl '05 Hygeia at the Solito. Everybody's 8:172 F '03 Indian summer of Dry Valley Johnson. Amer 63:406 F '07 Jimmy Hayes and Muriel. Mun 29:582 Jl '03 Last of the troubadours. Everybody's 19:16 Jl '08 Law and order. Everybody's 23:299 S '10 Lotus and the Cockleburrs. Everybody's 9: 454 O '03 Masters of arts. Everybody's 9:191 Ag '03 Missing chord. Cent 68:313 Je '04 Moment of victory. Mun 39:231 My 'OS New Manhattan nights. Amer 66:433, 540. 67: 88 S-N '08 New night in Arabia. Everybody's 18:302 Mr •08 Next to reading matter. Everybody's 17:735 D '07 No story. Met 30:315 Je '09 On behalf of the management. Everybody's 10:185 F '04 One dollar's worth. Mun 29:127 Ap '03 Phcebe. Everybody's 17:592 N '07 Phonograph and the graft. McClure 20:428 F ■03 Pimienta pancakes. McClure 22:141 D "03 Poor rule. Everybody's 21:234 As '09 Princess and the puma. Everybody's 9:598 N '03 Quest of Soapy. Cur Lit 45:581 N "08 Ramble in Aphasia. Met 21:552 F '05 Ransom of Mack. McClure 24:123 D "04 Ransom of Red Chief. Sat K P ls0:8 J I 6 '07 Retrieved reform. Cosmop 3l:r,:!2 .\p '03 Rose of Dixie. Everybody's 18:761 Je '08 Round the circle. Kverybody'a 7:3SS O '02 Ruler of men. Rvorybody^s 15:157 Ag "06 Scliool.s and .schools. Mun 40::?7 O "08 Se.its of tlie miglity. Mun 36:2S5 I) 'Ofi Si)liinx apple. Kverybody'a 9:733 D '03 Struggle of the Outliers. Kverylxxly h 7:199 Ag "(12 Technical error. Mun 42:637 F '10 TelcmacliUH. friend. Mun 34:2S6 D "05 Tempered wind. Mc<"Iure 23:349 A»r ^04 Third Ingredient. Kverybody^H 19:791 D 08 To him who waits. Col 42:15 Ja 23 "09 Tc. bin's p:illn. McClure 21:413 Ag '03 Trimmed lamp- MeChire 27:391 Ag '06 Two renegiides. Kverybody'H 11:234 Ag 04 Unfinished story. McClure 25:422 Ak OB 128 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Henry, O. — continued Unprofitable servant. Everybody's 25:787 D '11 Venturer's. Everybody's 21:486 O '09 Whirligig of life. Harper 107:317 Jl '03 World and the door. Amer 64:412 Ag '07 Henry, O. (Mrs.)- See Porter, Sara (Coleman) Henry of Navarre — Ohio. See Porter, Harold Everett Henry Peaslee and his aunt Emma. S. N. Cleg- horn. Everybody's 15:698 N '06 Henry, Peter Washington Square, one dollar. Les Mo 52:95 My '01 Henry pours gasolene. H. Hall. McClure 43: 89 Ag '14 Henry, Robert . _ , „w Joaquistita. Sat E P 178:1 Mr 24; 5 Mr 31; 9 Ap 7; 10 Ap 14 '06 Henry, Ruth Conrad Out of her heart. L H J 27:18 Ap '10 Henry Smith's honeymoon. E. Jordan. Harp B 40;6S1 Ag '06 Henry Waring — honest man. S. N. Robins. 94:476 O '14 Henry William's reincarnation. H. Pendexter. Everybody's 15:685 N '06 Hen's duckling. W. C. Morrovr, Mun 36:723 Mr •07 Henshaw, Nevil Gratiot, 1880- Bravery of Jules Lasalle. Lippinc 87:97 Ja '11 Tree of his people. Lippinc 86:740 D '10 Hep Sin: section hand. P. A. Hutchison. Col 51:16 Jl 26 '13 Hepburn, Elizabeth Newport As told by the optimist. Outl 101:358 Je 15 '12 Gift. Everybody's 23:855 D '10 Handicap. Everybody's 25:704 N '11 His talisman. Mun 37:392 Je '07 Hepner's undisputed will. E. Fowler. Cosmop 33:668 O '02 Hepzibah. O. Stevens. Sat E P 183:8 Ja 14 '11 Her ancestor. K. De Forest. Harper 102:897 My '01 Her anniversary. H. A. Nash. New Eng n s 30:435 Je '04 Her applause. R. B. Chase. Harp B 33:100 F 3 '00 Her arm. R. W. Child. Sat E P 182:12 S 18 '09 Her best stuff. J. P. Simrall. Lippinc 89:298 F '12 Her Bethlehem. Mrs. H. Kotzchmar. L H J 28:12 D 1 '10 Her big assignment. F. M. McLane. New Eng n s 45:473 Ja '12 Her birthday. C. T. Brady. Delin 64:222 Ag •04 Her birthday present. G. L. Collin. Harp B 42: 350 Ap '08 Her business manager. G. W. Panborn. Col 41:10 Jl 18 '08 Her character. G. Hibbard. Cent 72:302 Je '06 Her child. M. Widdemer. Forum 50:95 Jl '13 Her Chippendale desk. M. W. Sanford. Mun 29:597 Jl '03 Her Christmas. M. E. W. Freeman. Harp B 42:1163 D '08 Her Christmas cabby. A. R. Troubetzkoy. Har- per 122:94 D '10 Her Christmas gift. K. Bates. Harp B 39:1108 D '05 Her Christmas guest. R. W. Child. L H J 30:10 D '13 Her Christmas husband. E. Rayner. L H J 27:7 D '09 Her college visit. R, S. Blair. Lippinc 80:531 O '07 Her compelling eyes. F. Palmer. Scrib 47:31 Ja '10 Her day. M. Ashmun. New Eng n s 33:70 S '05 Her day. E. H. Brainerd. L H J 28:9 Jl '11 Her day of freedom. I. B. Roberts. Lippinc 68:77 Jl '01 Her day of youth. G. B. Lancaster. Cosmop 49:391 Ag '10 Her dear barbarian. J. L. Long. Met 40:20 Jl '14 Her diary. P. W. Worth. Cosmop 49:614 O '10 Her employer. M. Wilson. Sat E P 177:4 Jl 9 '04 Her excuse. C. Dawson. McClure 43:75 Jl '14 Her experiment. V. Y. Remnitz. Cosmop 37: 275 Jl '04 Her eyes are doves. H. P. Spofford. Harper 120:285 Ja '10 Her faith. M. Manning. Harp W 56:16 N 30 '12 Her faith. C. B. McLean. Delin 73:253 F '09 Her father's wife. M. Maartens. Cosmop 32: 334 .Ta '02 Her fiance: story of Smith college. J. D. Das- kam. Sat E P 173:4 O 27 '00 Her final visit. M. Hannis. Delin 70:760 N '07 Her finish. Sat E P 186:5 S 27 '13 Her first call on the butcher. M. I. Fisk. Har- per 107:490 Ag '03 Her first day in New York. A. O'Hagan. Harp B 44:102 F '10 Her first elopement. C. Bartram. Lippinc 76: 129 Ag '05 Her first horse show. D. Gray. Cent 61:74 N '00 Her first trip abroad. M. I. Fisk. Harper 112: 803 Ap '06 Her fling. M. R. S. Andrews. Sat E P 187:5 D 19 '14 Her freedom. V. F. Boyle. Cent 65:617 F '03 Her friend. B. G. Jordan. Harp B 36:580 Jl '02 Her friend, Sergeant John. W. L. Beard. Scrib 55:520 Ap '14 Her happy chance. T. Gallon. Mun 52:785 S '14 Her heart's desire. S. C. Page. Lippinc 85:241 F '10 Her highness. J. J. Bell. Cosmop 43:446 Ag '07 Her hospitable heart. J. R. Low. Scrib 49:695 Je '11 Her hour. H. B. Boone. Cent 67:819 Ap '04 Her hour of love. E. Glyn. Cosmop 51:836 N '11 Her housecleaning day. M. S. Cutting. L H J 26:12 Je '09 Her husband. M. H. Urner. Delin 71:617 Ap '98 Her husband. A. Warner. Lippinc 73:714 Je '04 Her husband's weakness. M. W. Jarrell. Mc- Clure 15:524 O '00 Her infinite variety. H. Sears. Sat E P 177:3 Jl 2 '04 Her Italian prince. Mrs. J. Van Vorst. Lip- pinc 85:385 Ap '10 Her ladyship's sofa. C. Saxby. Delin 78:424 D '11 Her last day. E. G. Jordan. Harper 116:917 My '08 Her letters. A. Brown. Harper 109:424 Ag '04 Her letters to Ann. J. W. Tompkins. L H J 28:16 Ap 1 '11 Her love and its memories. S. E. Ober. New Eng n s 29:386 N '03 Her maiden name. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 67: 745 Je '01 Her man. C. B. Davis. Met 35:9 My '12 Her marital recapitulation. A. Warner. Lip- pinc 79:245 F '07 Her marriage. H. Rowland. L H J 24:17 Ap •07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 129 Her mistaken vocation. J. Underwood. Lip- pinc 70:255 Ag '02 Her money's worth. A. W. Morris. Cosmop 39:358 Ag '05 Her name was Normal. W. P. Eaton. Every- body's 29:49 Jl '13 Her neighbor. M. Hill. Delin 84:17 My '14 Her New England conscience. C. L. Burnham. L H J 26:14 Jl '09 Her old sweethearts. E. H. Porter. L H J 27: 17 Ap '10 Her opinion of his story. W. D. Howells. Harp B 41:429 My '07 Her own affair. A. M. Cleaveland. Met 21:407 Ja 05 Her own country. E. Singmaster. Lippinc 89: 548 Ap '12 Her own life. H. Alexander. Harper 129:528 S ■14 Her own life. A. UpdegrafC. Cent S6:79 My '13 Her passing acquaintance. V. Sheard. New Eng n s 25:609 Ja '02 Her penance. S. S. Titsworth. Everybody's 9: 835 D '03 Her people. R. Kauffman. Forum 51:249 F '14 Her red-letter night. M. B. Shipp. Mun 29:828 S 03 Her romance. J. D. Turner. Cosmop 38:383 F '05 Her search for a fiat. H. G. Van Campen. L H J 30:13 O 13 Her son. C. A. Stanley. Les Mo 59:674 Ap '05 Her spirit husband. D. Richardson. Lippinc 70:618 N '02 Her splendid hour. A. Morgan. L, H J 29:14 Ap •12 Her standing offer. S. B. Robbins. New Eng n s 38:88 Mr '08 Her stocking. G. Hibbard. Cosmop 40:136 D •05 Her story. C. Williams. Scrib 40:224 Ag '06 Her tailor-made gown. M. I. Fisk. Harper 108: 648 Mr '04 Her that danced. Mrs. W. Woodrow. McClure 29:286 Jl '07 Her treasure. E. M. Gilmer. Cosmop 47:398 Ag ■09 Her trip to New York. E. Marshall. Mun 44: 566 Ja 11 Her triumph. E. W. Brodhead. Delin 57:799 My ■Ol Her uncle. W. W. Jacobs. Cosmop 40:283 Ja '06 Her undoubted right. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 174:2 Ja 11 '02 Her vacation. J. Marks. Harp B 43:1090 N '09 Her victory. L. R. Meekins. Mun 29:270 My '03 Her way of convincing him. G. Hibbard. L H J 27:16 Je '10 Herb doctor. A. Brown. Col 37:18 Jl 21 '06 Hereditary cleaner. J. S. Clouston. Harper \0'.)::/M S '04 Hereford, William R, .Mislakf;n jest of Monsieur Bonamy. Scrib 44: 315 S 'OS Heresies of Paul. Iv. A. Harker. Scrib 44:240 Ak 'OS Herford, Beatrice (Mrs. Sidney Willard Hay- ward) r.azar: monologue. I> H J 25:41 Ap '08 liook-anoiit. <^'crit 63:629 F '02 I'.rido'.s f'hrlstma.s tree. I., II J 28:14 D '11 Coat. Harper 123:965 N "11 Conscience cure. Ilarjjer 121:965 N "10 Country store: monologue. K II J 25:21 F '08 English lady packing: monologue. I> II J ^•l: 15 N '07 Frivolous side. Harper 124:317 Ja '12 In a restaurant. Harper 12.'!:S03 O '11 I'iazza ladles: monologue. L H J 25:17 Mr 'OS Herford, Beatrice — ^ continued Rags. Delin 84:6 Ja "14 Sociable seamstress: monologue. L. H J 24:11 S '07 Hergesheimer, Joseph, 18S0- Five profiles. Forum 50:353 S '13 Hering, Henry H. Marmaduke Dulcimer, codicil forger. Les Mo 56:287 Jl '03 Heritage. M. S. Cutting. Everybody's 13:173 Ag '05 Heritage. A. Noyes. Forum 48:535 N '12 Heritage. A. Tassin. McClure 33:48 My '09 Heritage of Ham. H. M. Kelly. McClure 31: 277 Jl 'OS Heritage of the rice fields. M. W. Martin. Everybody's 21:684 N '09 Heritage of the serpent. S. Olmsted. Lippinc 90:227 Ag '12 Herlihy, Grace Beneficent valley. Atlan 106:517 O '10 Hermit. G. Hibbard. Atlan 97:444 Ap '06 Hermit and the wild woman. E. 'Wharton. Scrib 39:145 F '06 Hermit in Arcadia. A. Brown. Harper 105:293 Jl '02 Hermit of Bubbling "Water. F. Palmer. Scrib 47:167 F '10 Hermit of the yews. E. Nesbit. Sat E P 172: 1076 My 19 '00 Hermit thrushes. G. L. Collin. New Eng n s 30:490 Je '04 Hero. M. S. Gerry. Harper 122:438 F '11 Hero. C. E. Laughlin. McClure 35:513 S '10 Hero. F. Tilden. Cent 81:664 Mr '11 Hero anyhow. V. Avis. Everybody's 16:853 Je '07 Hero of an hour. O. Johnson. Sat E P 181:5 Ag 29 'OS Hero of the waterways. G. Pahlow. Mun 39: 97 Ap '08 Heroes. J. B. Connolly. Col 45:13 Jl 30 '10 Heroes. C. Johnston. Harper 120:787 Ap "10 Heroic tale of to-day. W. P. Cockrell. New Eng n s 32:584 Jl '05 Heroic treatment. M. B. F*tilver. Lippinc 93: 596 My '14 Heroine. M. Ilsley. Cent 67:652 Mr '01 Heroine. H. J. Smith. Atlan 102:504 O 'OS Heroines three. G. Hibbard. Les Mo 60:355 Ag '05 Heroism of Mr. Peglow. E. J. Rath. Rvory- body's 17:646 N '07 Heroism of Surrender Peaslove. J. IJncoln. Sat E P 175:18 Mr 28 '03 Heroism of the lieutenant. L. James. Mmi 28: 133 O '02 Hero's home coming. D. Story. Mun 26:780 Mr '02 Hero's part. K. Jarboe. Mun 28:128 O '02 Hero's son. C. E. Laughlin. McClure 3S:60 N '11 Herr Apfelbaum. M. A. Tiffany. New Eng n 8 32:124 Mr '05 Herr, Horace Howard His last aiTutiuiit Col 51:17 My 31 '13 \V(,p an b.il.i.s ward. M<'('lun« 30:7r>( Ai) OS Herrlck, Mrs. Christine (Terhune) 1S59- Il.iiulwi lling on the wall. Iliirp M 33:511 Jo 23 '110 Herrlck, Elizabeth <':iH<- of I'.ilrlcla. Ci-nl 70:736 S 05 I -nit. Scrll) 56:79 Jl '11 Herrlck. Maude Zell.i , . . .,- .rr . Avoided vIhII of Carolyn. Llppfnc S,:4r.5 Ap •1 1 130 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Herrick, Robert, 1S68- Avalanche. Scrib 41:705 Je '07 Bull market. Sat E P 172:655 Ja 27 '00 Common honesty. Sat E P 176:2 S 19 '03 End of desire. Atlan 92:462 O '03 Found out. Sat E P 183:16 Mr 25 '11 Gas machine. Sat E P 173:4 Ag 4 '00 General manager. Scrib 43:270 Mr 'OS His leetle trees. Everybody's 27:35 Jl '12 In the doctor's office. Scrib 43:105 Ja '08 Master of the inn. Scrib 4_':669 D '07 Miracle. Harper 124:138 D '11 Mother Sims. Sat B P 173:10 N 17 '00 Papa's stratagem. Col 40::il O 19 '07 Polity of nature. Lippinc 68:458 O '01 Professor's chance. Atlan 87:723 My '01 Temple of Juno. Atlan 101:353 Mr '08 Trace of poison. Sat E P 179:12 F 9 '07 Herron, Stella Wynne Americanizing of Andre Francois. McClure 31: 500 S 'OS Belated boom. McClure 34:316 Ja '10 Herself. G. Hibbard. L H J 21:4 N '04 Herself and himself. W. Bulfin. Everybody's 7:36 Jl '02 Herts, Benjamin Russell, 1888- At the height. Forum 45:549 My '11 Hewett, Grace LIscome Seven adventures of John Henry. New Eng n s 35:305, 401, 538 N '06-Ja '07 Hewlett, Maurice Henry, 1861- Beckwith's fairy. Scrib 46:129 Ag '09 Buondelmonte. Harper 106:343. 541 F-Mr '03 Cast of the apple. Harper 103:403 Ag '01 Fairy wife. Cent 85:500 F '13 Fond adventure. Les Mo 53:83 N, 246 D '01; 367 Ja '02. 461 F '02 Heart's key. Harper 104:3 D '01 Marriage of Quidnunc. Forum 44:691 D '10 Ruinous face. Harper 119:456 Ag '09 Spanish jade. Harper 113:489 S '06 Hews, Mary Catharine And other considerations. Lippinc 69:504 Ap '02 Heyday of the blood. S. Crenshaw. Mun 40: 855 Mr '09 Heyliger, William, 18S4- Passing of Peter Meaken. Delin 74:309 O '09 Hezekiah's third wife. L. H. French. Every- body's 5:627 D '01 Hezekiah's wives. L. H. French. Cent 60:624 Ag '00 Hi Chee's hlorsee. C. Byrnes. McClure 23:306 Jl '04 Hi Todd and the panic. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 185:10 Ag 31 '12 Hiatt, Walter S. Sparks of the wireless. Scrib 55:502 Ap '14 Hibbard, Charles When she knew. L H J 2S:15 May 1 '11 Hibbard, George, 1858- After the accident. Cent 71:321 D '05 Alarums and excursions. Mun 39:511 Jl '08 Alias Cupid. Met 22:703 S '05 Allard burglars. Mun 34:689 Mr '06 Ambassador. Harper 116:380 F 'OS American invasion. Sat E P 179:7 Ag 4 '06 Art of love. Cosmop 40:727 Ap '06 Artistic girl's love story. Les Mo 59:219 D '04 As others see us. Lippinc 66:903 D '00 Aunt Anna. Mun 43:204 My '10 Automobile love story. Les Mo 59:566 Mr '05 Bad investment. Sat E P 176:7 Ja 2 '04 Baker's biscuits. Sat E P 173:3 F 2 '01 Bridge. Met 20:561 Ag '04 But as yesterday. Col 36:18 F 3 '06 Chaperon. L H J 22:8 Je '05 Ching-Ling-Chan concession. Sat E P 173:6 Ap 13 '01 Confessions of an engaged couple. L H J 25: 15 F 'OS Consistency of Constance Croyden. Sat E P 175:7 S 6 '02 Corner. Col 33:18 Jl 9 '04 Crisis. Sat E P 172:963 Ap 21 '00 Deal, A. Sat E P 176:16 S 19 '03 Democratic princess. Sat E P 176:6 Ap 30 '04 Distaff. The. Mun 45:656 Ag '11 Hibbard, George — continued Divided heart. Harper 100:474 F '00 Eyes of affection. Harper 111:397 Ag '05 For love of the game. Sat E P 176:4 Ag 1 '03 From a clear sky. Harper 107:43 Je '03 Grandmama. Cosmop 34:310 Ja '03 Great Gulf stream syndicate. Sat E P 174:6 Mr 8 '02 Heiress' love story. Les Mo 58:607 O '04 Her character. Cent 72:302 Je '06 Her stocking. Cosmop 40:136 D '05 Her way of convincing him. L H J 27:16 Je '10 Hermit. Atlan 97:444 Ap '06 Heroines three. Les Mo 60:355 Ag '05 Herself. L H J 21:4 N '04 Journal of a millionaire. Cent 65:97 N '02 King of every-man's-land. Mun 43:684 Ag '10 Lanahan's luck. Met 26:585 Ag '07 Lawn mower. Everybody's 17:458 O '07 Lion in the way. Harper 103:175 Jl '01 Love and polo. Les Mo 58:439 Ag '04 Marvels of science. Scrib 29:476 Ap '01 Matter of opinion. Scrib 28:233 Ag '00 Mazeppa. Lippinc 91:589 My '13 Miss King-lake's experiment. Sat E P 179:11 D 22 '06 Miss Wainwright's adventure. Sat E P 174:7 Je 7 '02 Morning call. Harper 106:305 Ja '03 Mystery of the centenarian. Everybody's 12: 12 Ja '05 New Frankenstein. Mun 35:755 S '06 Night before Christmas. Harp B 47:7 Ja '13 On the links. Cent 64:827 O '02 Option. Sat E P 175:5 Ja 31 '03 Predicament of E. Trueman Ficklin. Sat E P 174:6 As 3 '01 Requirements of the situation. McClure 21: 3S1 Ag '03 Sacrifice to the graces. Cosmop 38:658 Ap '05 Shadow of love. Cent 67:126 N '03 Silent partner. Sat E P 176:3 O 24 '03 Sky-scraper. Scrib 49:102 Ja '11 Story of a great grandfather. Scrib 33:76 Ja '03 Thing apart. Cent 59:512 F '00 To Kelloggs farm. Delin 74:119 Ag '09 To vs. Harp B 39:1075 D '05 Unknown. Scrib 43:239 F 'OS Vehicle of love. McClure 17:316 Ag '01 "^^av he won her. Sat E P 178:4 Mr 3 '06 W^ay it was. McClure 22:627 Ap '04 When Norah bought the piano. Mun 48:947 Mr '13 Hichborn, Philip S. Bishop of Barchester. Met 30:397 Jl '09 Hammersley's pluck. Met 28:291 Je 'OS His belated courtship. Cosmop 50:105 D '10 Marquis. Met 31:155 N '09 Ralston — star reporter. Met 32:795 S '10 Spudge. Met 32:293 Je '10 Hichens, Robert Smythe, 1864- Lighted candles. Met 28:3, 169 Ap-My '08 Nomad. The. Met 27:297 D '07 Hickey of old Thirteen. J. A. Schetty. Lippinc 71:582 Ad '03 Hickman, W. Albert A-flat major polonaise. Cent 78:504 Ag, 731 S '09 Compensated. Cent 80:24, 177, 383 My-Jl '10 Man with the horse's neck. Amer 74:425 Ag '12 New power. Cent 78:120 My '09 Oriented. Cent 77:564 F '09 Overproof. Cent 72:399 Jl '06 Unofficial love-story. Cent 78:835, 79:32 O-N '09 Hickory Dock. E. A. Hallowell. Lippinc 75:742 Je '05 Hickory limb. P. H. Fillmore. Everybody's 17: 477 O '07 Hicks of '^^all street. M. Foster. Everybody's 21:521 O '09 Hidden house. A. Rives. Lippinc 88:449 O 'U Hidden law. M. D. Post. Met 40:41 Ag '14 Hidden life. J. Henley. Mun 28:206 N '02 Hidden man. K. E. Harriman. Lippinc 70:348 S '02 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 131 Hidden path. K. M. Roof. Forum 50:328 S '13 Hidden waters. K. M. Roof. Lippinc 94:309 S •14 Hiding of Black Bill. O. Henry. Everybody's 19:447 O 'OS Hiding-place. J. Prentis. Everybody's 29:688 N '13 Higgins, Aileen Cleveland (IVIrs. John Archibald Sinclair) 1SS2- Mr. Bobby's saving climax. Harp W 53:22 S 4 '09 Higginson, Ella (Mrs. Russell Garden Higgin- son) His great hour. Col 42:15 Ja 9 '09 Message of Ann Laura Sweet. Col 54:7 D 26 '14 Mliss's child. Col 86:17 N 4 "05 Wooing of Delisca. Everybody's 12:5S3 Ap '05 Higginson, Margaret Waldo Drum-beat. Outl 78:677 N 12 '04 Little story of a child. Outl 84:476 O 27 '06 Soul of the little Manuel. Outl 87:75 S 14 '07 Higginson, Mrs. Russell Garden. See Higgin- son, Ella High-bike pioneer. L, St. Clair. Col 52:23 O 18 '13 High hand. See Futrelle, Jacques High treason of the district attorney. A. V. Morris. Met 26:107 Ap '07 High water. L. Chamberlain. Scrib 34:330 S •03 Highbrow. A. Morgan. Met 31:29 O '09 Highbrow-hunters. W. P. Eaton. Mun 44:527 Ja 11 Highbrow lady. H. K. Webster. Sat E P 186:9 F 21 '14 Higher abdication. O. Henry. Mun 35:548 Ag •06 Higher finance. O. Johnson. Sat E P 181:12 Je 19 ^09 Higher law. G. B. Howard. Cent 88:895 O '14 Higher pragmatism. O. Henry. Mun 40:789 Mr •09 Higher pressure. S. Strunsky. Scrib 54:484 O •13 Higher than heaven. E. A. Stelner. Outl 66: 887 D 8 '00 Highest. W. Irwin. McClure 43:37 Jl '14 Highest point. M. Hill. Delin 84:9 Je '14 Highest tide. C. Dangerfield. Lippinc 90:93 Jl '12 Highgrade lines. M. Glass. Sat E P 184:12 F 17 '12 Highwater baby. A. A. Rogers. Mun 30:754 F '04 Highway. E. M. Ingram. Lippinc 91:209 F '13 Highway of the air. M. Foster. Everybody's 20; 104 Ja '09 Highwaymen. E. Balmer and W. McHarg. Sat B P 182:16 O 16; 19 O 23 '09 Hilda's church. A. B. De Mille. New Eng n s 25:770 F '02 Hilder, John Chapman Uay and forever. Delin 83:8 Jl '13 Hildreth and local color. M. Mullett. Delin 77:(:03 Ap '08 Hill, Abby Benham il<-\v i;|iliurii fiddled and Jim danced. Cent h:!:;i:!H Ap '12 Hill, Mrs. Charles R, See Hill, Marlon Hill-child. M. Martin. Cosmop 41:423 Ag "06 Hill, Francis, 1875- (JoidilockH. McCIure 41:154 Je '13 In Pittsburgh. f:ol 51:7 Ak '■> '13 Pilgrim. McClure '.'.'.f.r.Hi <> '12 Hhcphcrd'H Idyll. Col 54:12 N 21 '14 Wodding at iVjHBum's Glory. Col 51:5 Je 21 •13 Wild rose in the cafion. Col 52:5 F 28 '14 Hill, Frederick Trevor, 18G6- Exliibit number two. Everybody's 16:564 Ap In open court. Outl 103:649 Mr 22 '13 In the presence of the enemy. Les Mo 54:69 My '02 Judgment of his peers. Everybody's 7 :579 D Lawyer's duty with a bad case. Everybody's 8:457 My '03 Leave to intervene. Outl 103:432 F 22 '13 Personal equation. Harper 109:973 N '04 Resurrectionist. Outl 10:i:8S9 D 28 '12 Tales out of court. Outl lu2:SS9, 103:181, 432, 649. 952, 104:208 D 28 '12, Ja 25. F 22, Mr 22, Ap 26, My 24 '13 Thirteenth juror. Outl 103:952 Ap 26 '13 To abide by the event. Outl 104:208 My 24 '13 Top of the calendar. Outl 103:181 Ja 25 '13 Two fishers of men. Harper 109:786 O '04 Unearned increment. Col 35:16 S 23 '05 War. Harper 116:247 Ja '08 W^oman in the case. Cent 73:408 Ja '07 Hill, Marion (Mrs. Charles R. Hill) 1870- Agnes and the wheel of fortune. McClure 42:134 D '13 All in the family. Les Mo 60:24 My '05 Angela the superfluous. Les Mo 54:329 Ag '02 As played by the orchestra. Lippinc 83:331 Mr '09 Bettina's Easter stock. Les Mo 51:594 Ap '01 Day of precious penalties. McClure 26:358 F '06 Door that opened. Lippinc 86:610 N '10 Exclusionist. Les Mo 58:350 Ag '04 Family outcast. Col 51:7 My 10 '13 Fool's gold. Everybody's 6:181 F '02 Fruit of the fair. McClure 23:622 O '04 Happy lapse from paradise. McClure 24:513 Mr '05 Her neighbor. Delin 84:17 My '14 Highest point. Delin 84:9 Je '14 His journey to the gates. McClure 24:140 D '04 His little red hen. Amer 66:112 Je '08 His place in the line. Amer 70:312 Jl '10 His upward step. Amer 74:42 My '12 Hour of requital. Delin 72:380 S '08 How cordial relations were strained. Les Mo 5fi:5.'>0 O '03 Hugh's protective policy. Les Mo 54:132 Je '02 In honor of the infant. Les Mo 53:329 Ja '02 In the reign of .\lfred Dont. Amer 71:161 D '10 In the wake of William Tell. Scrib 52:221 Ag '12 Jane Duke. Amer 65:416 F 'OS Jessica. Amer 67:365 F "09 Jim's Jess. Les Mo 59:496 Mr '05 Mary and Martha at lunch. Lippinc 84:601 N '09 Millikin: a story of Christmas with barn- stormers. Amer 63:302 Ja '07 Mr. Boots: the tale of an amateur. Amer 65: 465 Mr '08 Mol-Gobbin. Amer 64:257 Jl '07 Night-blooming Millers. Lippinc 79:553 Ap '07 Night Nan grew up. Mcdun- .•iO.ir.O K 'us On socictv^s fringe. Lippinc S5:222 K '10 Pariahs ofT day. Los Mo 53:113 N "01 Petti.son firsts. Les Mo B5:3Sfi F '03 Poor old dogs. Amor t;.S:71 My '09 Some uiidorcurroiitH hi agues. McClure 42: 97 N '13 Tacky Anne. Lir)plnc 79:741 Jo '07 Too-travillod kin^s Lippinc 79:379 Mr '07 Tune In court. McClurt- iri:lfis Jo 00 Tpl. ringing of the I.msI. Loh Mo 57:69 N '03 Vacuously vivacious Clbbs. LIppIno 79:270 F •07 Ways of the two. Amer 61:600 Mr '06 Williiii llio ring of Hinging. Loh Mo 56:320 Ak •o:i Hill of ihornH. A. M. Shaw. Cont 76:177 Jo '((K Hlllard, Ch.nrles Dwlght CrancH of llio IbycuH. Mun 25:91 Ap "01 Hills of dawn. M. N. ThurHton. Llpjdnc 86:847 Mr '10 Hills of llaborHham. M. A. Bacon Il.irpor 103: 688 O '01 132 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Hillsboro shepherd. D. Canfield. Everybody's :i7:592 N '12 Hillsboro's good luck. D. Canfield. Atlan 102: liil Jl '08 Hillyer, V. M. Jimmy. Les Mo 57:594 Mr '04 Hilton -Turvey, C. See Turvey, C. Hilton- Himalayan edelweiss. V. T. Sutphen. Harp W 46:ay D 6 '02 Himalayan sketches. L. P. Atherton. Atlan 101: 505 Ap 'OS Hinckley, Julian, 1884- Jerniym the munificent. Sat E P 187:5 D 5 '14 You brat! Sat E P 187:12 Ag 8 '14 Hinckley, Laura L. Femininity of Billy French. Sat E P 185 :a Je 7 '13 Love letters of a scientist. Sat E P 185:13 D 21 '12 Lucia and the quest of youth. Sat E P 186:8 Jl 5 '13 Old account-book. Sat E P 185:5 D 14 '12 St. George and the dragon. Harp "W 58:22 Mr 14, 18 Mr 21 '14 Hlncmar the peacemaker. E. P. Butler. Every- body's 31:641 N '14 Hine, Muriel „ .^ . _„ Deramore's day out. Met 38:16 Ag 13 Hines, Jack Grey cloud. Everybody's 31:250 Ag '14 Juno from Irish Hill. Everybody's 26:614 My '12 Seegar and Cigareet. Everybody's 24:162 F '11 HIney Bloss, champion. G. W. Ogden. Every- body's 13:847 D '05 Hinge. M. S. Cutting. McClure 25:585 O '05 Hinkson's double life. F. Cotton. Scrib 43:364 Mr '08 Hint from fate. D. G. Phillips. Cosmop 34:570 Mr '03 Hippy, the dare-devil. H. Garland. McClure 19:474 S '02 Hiram Mathews monument. C. Dangerfleld. Lippinc 72:638 N '03 Hiram's son-in-law. L. G. Wilcoxson. Col 40: 18 O 26 '07 Hired girl. E. A. Dix. Cent 61:236 D '00 Hired man. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 40:14 F 15 •08 Hireling. R. Hughes. Sat E P 182:7 Ja 22 '10 Hirsch, Gilbert Clifford. Harper 125:953 N '12 Hirschfeld, Georg, 1873- Tiger. Cur Lit 41:466 O '06 Hirst, Mary Bread and butter. Lippinc 85:90 Ja '10 His amateur performance. L. W. Quirk. Lip- pinc 75:118 Ja '05 His answer. Mrs. H. Kotzchmar. L H J 24:19 N '07 His apparition. W. D. Howells. Harper 104:621 Mr '02 His artistic instinct. H. T. George. Mun 24:938 Mr '01 His baby. A. W. Noel. McClure 37:412 Ag '11 His back to the wall. C. Johnston. Sat E P 182:13 Mr 19 "10 His bad half-hour. M. S. Briscoe. Harp W 48: 1708 N 5 '04 His beatitude. H. G. Dwight. Scrib 37:70 Ja '05 His belated courtship. P. S. Hichborn. Cos- mop 50:105 D '10 His best. H. Tompkins. Mun 37:707 S '07 His big story. E. Hungerford. McClure 39:348 Jl '12 His biggest venture. E. P. Lyle, Jr. Cent 88: 389 Jl '14 His blind side. W. Irwin. Sat E P 185:12 Je 21 '13 His boy. E. Jordan. Everybody's 18:341 Mr '08 His brother's keeper. E. E. Peake. Col 51:5 Ag 2 '13 His burden of hatred. E. Brownell. Lippinc 78:506 O '06 His captain. W. F. Skerrye. Les Mo 53:136 N '01 His celebrity. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 25:136 Ap '01 His Christmas gift. J. A. Riis. Outl 102:640 N 23 '12 His Christmas miracle. C. E. Craddock. Atlan 108:767 D '11 His city call. E. E. Peake. Delin 58:752 N '01 His claim. A. M. Roach. Harper 112:299 Ja '06 His comrade. C. Benedict. Atlan 98:551 O '06 His convert. M. F. Wilcox. Cent 75:558 F '08 His crowning day. I. Maclaren. Sat E P 173:9 O 27 '00 His daily work. G. B. Lancaster. Harp W 50: 1777 D 15 '06 His day off. H. K. Webster. McClure 43:52 Jl '14 His debt of honor. D. H. Talmadge. New Eng n s 25:120 S '01 His desk. Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. Harper 122:337 F '11 His Dutch-treat wife. J. W. Tompkins. L H J 22:12 Je '05 His enemy. A. Brown. Atlan 88:321 S '01 His excellency the governor. See Andreyev, Leonid His famous deed. L. B. Van Slyke. Amer 65: 577 Ap '08 His father's business. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 180:3 My 2 'OS His father's death. W. M. MacMahon. Mc- Clure 37:218 Je '11 His father's flag. E. M. Rhodes. McClure 19: 492 O '02 His father's heart. E. S. Phelps. Harper 121: 377 Ag '10 His father's son. R. H. Davis. Sat E P 178:12 O 21 '05 His father's son. M. R. Rinehart. Mun 38:626 F '08 His father's son. E. Wharton. Scrib 45:657 Je '09 His father's wife. H. Parker. Met 33:428 Ja '11 His fealty. M. B. Martin. Everybody's 27:129 Jl '12 His fear of death. A. H. Lewis. Met 20:495 Jl '04 His fiancee. V. W. Cloud. Delin 63:836 My '04 His first battle. E. MacKubin. Sat E P 173:4 Mr 16 '01 His first-born. A. H. Frechette. McClure 39: 562 S '12 His first client. R. Hughes. Col 51:5 My 17 '13 His first experience. F. E. McKay. Met 12:184 Ag '00 His first friend. J. W. Tompkins. Everybody's 8:150 F '03 His first penitent. J. O. Curwood. Mun 45:611 Ag '11 His first suicide. E. Lef6vre. McClure 19:183 Je '02 His first triumph. K. Jarboe. Mun 30:516 Ja '04 His first wife. A. Brown. Harper 113:425 Ag '06 His first wife. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 23:216 My •00 His game. E. Wallace. Harp W 54:18 S 17 '10 His gift of eloquence. G. Horton. Sat E P 174: 10 D 21 '01 His great day. C. Marriott. Mun 48:247 N 12 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 133 His great hour. E. Higginson. Col 42:15 Ja 9 '09 His great play. G. Middleton. Mun 46:139 O His greatest speech. J. A. Altsheler. Harper 105:131 Je '02 His guardian angel. L. A. Long. Harper 106: 713 Ap '03 His hand and seal. C. Wells. Lippinc SS:2S9 S -11 His home coming. W. V. Brumby. Every- body's 3:441 N '00 His honor vs. Cupid. V. W. Cloud. Delin 63: 43tJ Mr '05 His mother's portrait. H. D. Ward. L H J 21:7 Ag 04 His mother's son. E. Ferber. Amer 73:555 Mr His mother's son. C. Stetson. Met 31:231 N His name on the door. M. Foster. Sat E P 1S5:5 S 14 '12 '^'^o^'^.^o*^, ?' ^Fl^' Simons. L. Pratt. McClure ul:4oJ Ag OS His nobler ambition. E. J. Rath. Sat E P 17S-3 Ap 21 'OG ■^'s old love. M. S. Briscoe. Harper 101:405 "'^9o°J^^K ZL^t^^""^- J- ^- Tompkins. Mun His old sweethearts: thirty minute parlor play. 2_.80b Mr 00 Mrs. G. T. Palmer. L H J 26:13 N '09 His only son. G. M. Cooke. L H J 28:11 F 1 22:806 Mr '00 His hour of greatness. E. K. Tompkins. Lip- pinc 72:735 D '03 His house forlorn. L. Chamberlain. Cent 77: 843 Ap '09 His idol's eye. R. Bergengren. Col 47:20 Ag 5 '11 His imitation sweetheart: comedy. E. Flower. L H J 25:12 F 'OS His immortality. R. W. Kauffman. Forum 50: 275 S '13 His journey to the gates. M. Hill. McClure 24:140 D '04 His lady of an hour. G. B. Lancaster. Cos- mop 47:16 Je '09 His last argument. H. H. Herr. Col 51:17 My .31 '13 His last cent. F. H. Smith. Sat E P 175:3 Ag 9 '02 His last chance. R. Sabatini. Amer 61:176 D '05 His last Christmas gift. J. Fox, Jr. Col 36:10 D 16 '05 His last job. I. K. Friedman. Sat E P 185:12 Ap 19 '13 His last visit. D. W. Kittredge. New Eng n s 25:520 L) '01 His leetle trees. R. Herrick. Everybody's 27:35 Jl '12 His life's work. B. Pain. Sat E P 173:11 Mr 2 '01 His litle girl. O. Kildare. L H J 22:15 Ap '05 His litle red hen. M. Hill. Amer 66:112 Je '08 His little tan shoes. Z. A. Norris. Harp W 57: IS Ae 9 '13 His lordship: comedy. M. E. M. Davis. Sat E P 173:3 Ja 17 '01 His lordship. W. W. Jacobs. Cosmop 40:459 F '06 His loyal heart. E. Jordan. Harp B 44:434 Jl '10 His majesty the tree. M. E. M. Davis. Atlan 99:644 My '07 His majesty's ragtime. R. E. Macalarney. Everybody's 30:589 My '14 His majesty's visit. A. Pogazzaro. Cur Lit 43: 228 Ag 07 His only son Isaac. E. Tyrrell. Lippinc S4:741 D '09 His opportunity. M. S. Briscoe. Harp W 47: 756 My 9 '03 His other engagement. H. van Dyke. Scrib 41:167 F '07 His other self. M. R. Rinehart. Mun 32:402 D '04 His own country. H. H. Bashford. Scrib 52:553 N '12 His own country. A. Ruhl. Sat E P 183:9 O 15 •10 His own day. E. Bjorkman. Forum 49:49 Ja '13 His own medicine. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 76:473 O '05 His own people. B. Tarkington. Sat E P 1S0:3 Ag 24, 5 Ag 31 '07 His own reward. E. Flower. Cosmop 42:378 F '07 His own stuff. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 186:13 Ap 25 '14 His people. M. H. Urner. Cosmop 47:410 S '09 His perogative. M. S. Briscoe. Harper 107:197 Jl '03 His pictures. A. B. Sembower. Harp W 50:1678 X 24 '06 His place in the line. M. Hill. Amer 70:312 Jl '10 His price. M. S. Briscoe. Harper 106:583 Mr '03 His primeval conscience. J. B. Watorburv. Harper 103:244 Jl '01 His professional honor. L. M. Huntington. Scrib 54:648 N "13 His pupil. C. R. Barnes. Amer 70:611 S "10 His quest, and the end of it. G. Chittenden. Scrib 48:209 Ag '10 His realized ambition. A. Kinross. Met 21:413 Ja '05 His sacred privacy. I. McDougall. Delia 7.S: 321 N '11 His second love-affair. F. R. Burton. McCluro 25:273 Jl "05 His matinee girl. E. MacCaulley. LlDninc 71: His second senior class day. G. E. Chnnnlntr. 702 My '03 ^ n ^^j ^g.jj, j^j^ .,., .qq His memory. M. Williams. Harp W 55:16 My 6 '11 His misspent youth. A. S. Pier. Col 40:15 N 30 '07 His mother. K. Abbott. L H J 27:7 Ap '10 His mother. H. O'Higglns. Amer 68:346 Ag '09 His mother. K. W. Patch. I> H J 19:12 Mr '02 His mother. W. Payne. Sat K P 175:6 y\p 11 '03 His mother. E. Pottle. Everybody's 10:193 V '04 His mother. I. B. Hoberts. Lippinc 94:231 Ak 14 His mother-at-heart. M. R. BrlBCoe. L 11 J 26:16 D '08 His second wooing. E. Phlllpotts. Mot 19 ^3n Ja 04 His sense of duty. M. WIlliariiH. Aiuor C! .".06 Mr '07 His simple life. E. HoukI>. Cosmop 42:197 1> •06 His sister. M. A. Bacon. Ilnrper 109:9.17 N "04 His Hlstor. O. K. Davis. IOvcrybody'n 11;S4 Jl •04 His son. R. R. nilson. Hiirpor 116:609 Mr "OS His Hr.ul to keep. K. S. I'h.-lpH. Harper 117: 500 S 'OS His HportlPK' aunt. A. Dovooro. Srrlb 39:229 F ■or, His Htirr<-n<>.T. C. Marriott, l.lpi.lnc 93:.127 Mr 'M 134 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 190(^1914 His sweethearts. J. Richardson. Harp W 55: Iti U 7 '11 His talisman. E. N. Hepburn. Mun 37:392 Je '07 His trial trip. K, L. Mead. Lippinc 77:736 Je 06 His trial trip. C. M. Williams. Mun 31:179 My '04 His Uncle Willoughby and the west. B. Hans- com. Met 19:682 F "04 His unquiet ghost. C. E. Craddock. Cent 83: 127 N '11 His upward step. M. Hill. Amer 74:42 My '12 His wedding-day. C. Dangerfield. Met 27:590 P '08 His wedding feast. A. Ramsey. Col 52:7 O IS •13 His wife. T. Bailey. Lippinc 92:215 Ag '13 His wife. T. Dubois. Lippinc 72:757 D '03 His wife. P. Gibbon. L H J 25:7 Jl '08 His wife. E. S. Phelps. Harper 103:518, 701, 894 S-N '01 His wife. S. F. Whitman. Col 39:16 My 18 '07 His word as good as his oath. O. Thanet. Sat E P 172:632 Ja 20 '00 HitcKi, Eleanor E. Ko. 802 — a portrait. Mun 28:/9 O 02 Hoar-frost. H. Haines. Scrib 40:342 S '06 Hobart, Ethel ^ -.o ■a^ Because other girls were free. L H J 22:18 F '05 Brown, the butler. Mun 24:578 Ja '01 Hoblit, Orpha Bennett ^n .i ^o -iaoc Footprints: a Christmas story. Outl 69:1026 D 21 '01 Hobo and the fairy. J. London. Sat E P 183: 12 F 11 '11 Hobo and the nun. F. R. Bechdolt. Harp W 57:18 Jl 26 '13 Hodder, Alfred (Francis Walton, pseud.) 1866- 1907 Anachronism in courtship. Harper 102:125 D '00 — and Willard, Josiah Flynt Dead one. Everybody's 3:458 N '00 Hofflund, Raymond Ward Gasoline goes up. Sat E P 183:14 Ag 13 '10 Jed Brooks, representative. Sat E P 182:24 N 20 '09 Link in the chain. Sat E P 183:16 My 20 '11 Man who changed his mind. Amer 75:11 Mr '13 Sir Henry. Col 49:18 Jl 27 '12 Strictly in confidence. Sat E P 182:14 F 19 '10 Strike-breaker. Sat E P 182:12 Je 18 '10 Young sleuth. Sat E P 184:34 D 9 '11 Hoffman, Arthur Suilivant Patsy Moran and the lunatics. McClure 25: 439 Ag '05 Patsy Moran and the orange paint. Every- body's 17:121 Jl '07 Patsy Moran and the trappings of chivalry. Everybody's 19:67 Jl 'OS Patsy Moran and the warnings. McClure 29: 307 Jl '07 Patsy Moran, the book and its covers. Mc- Clure 31:401 Ag '08 Hoffman, Florence Kingston Lucky stratagem. Lippinc 71:550 Ap '03 Seaton's masquerade. Lippinc 70:234 Ag '02 Hoffman, Hans Lazy Beppo. Cur Lit 39:576 N '05 Hoffman, Irene Red roses versus white. Met 17:280 Je '03 Hoffman, Katherine Call no. 22401 A. Mun 31:587 Jl '04 Disgrace of Sarah Emma Hawtree. Mun 33: 322 Je '05 Dolls' hospital. Mun 29:426 Je '03 Fashionable lent. Mun 22:825 Mr '00 Game of tag. Mun 31:268 My '04 Luncheon with Marion. Mun 30:270 N '03 Mantel from the red room. Mun 30:747 P '04 Hoffman, Katherine — continued Mrs. Fagan, missionary. Mun 29:720 Ag '03 Poet of Merontic. Mun 29:599 Jl '03 Romance of Acacia street. Mun 30:916 Mr '04 Runaway, The. Mun 30:105 O '03 Sentimental episode. Mun 29:911 S '03 Tad Nolan, lobbyist. Mun 30:586 Ja "04 Tommy Mullins folks. Mun 30:426 D '03 Hoffman, Robert Fulkerson Ph(jenix of Alta Vista. Scrib 42:714 D 07 Turquoise and gold. Scrib 41:438 Ap '07 Hog twenty-one. H. G. Bishop. Cosmop 49:361 Ag '10 Hohankton, Pettie and others. H. W. Phillips. Sat E P 180:14 Ap 18 '08 Hoke, Howard Markle Eunice and the Eunice. Cosmop 36:539 Mr '04 Restoration of a forefather. Cosmop 37:425 Ag '04 Vow anti-matrimonial. Cosmop 38:531 Mr '05 Hold 'em! E. L. Fox. Everybody's 27:635 N '12 Hold-up. R. H. Barbour. Cosmop 38:289 Ja '05 Hold up. T. A. Janvier. Harp W 49:3 D 16 '05 Hold-up. M, E. Seawell. Sat E P 172:942 Ap 14 '00 Hold-up. R. G. Stott. Lippinc 85:375 Mr 10 Hold-up at the canyon head: Wolfville story. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 45:25 S '08 Hold-up on Slit mountain. F. Lynde. Mun 30: 414 D '03 Holden, Annie Ellen Colette. Mun 27:973 S '02 Holden, Euphemia Lena Kleinblower's vacation. Col 34:20 N 19 '04 Holden, Gladys E. Postlude. New Eng n s 39:698 F '09 Holder, Charles Frederick, 1851-1915 Clancy of the jack-pot. McClure 28:150 D '06 Dereliction of Long John Maby. Met 27:272 D •07 Ocean sun-worshipper. Met 22:45 Ap '05 Run of the white pelican. Met 29:352 Ja '09 Slide at el cajon. Met 29:523 F '09 Smart set of Caribou Crossing. Met 29:322 D '08 Wedding journey of Felice Arguello. Met 28: 367 Jl '08 Wong Lee foreclosure. Met 25:557 F '07 Holding up a train. O. Henry. McClure 22:611 Ap '04 Hole in the cap. S. E. White. Amer 68:315 Ag '09 Hole in the horn of plenty. D. Runyon. Mun 48:446 D '12 Hole in the wall. Mrs. J. K. Bangs. Lippinc 88:906 D '11 Holiday. A. Melvln. McClure 30:99 N '07 Holiday touch. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 177:8 F 4 '05 Holidays. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:18 D 21 '12 Hon, E. Stone of truth. Mun 30:108 O '03 Holland, Rupert Sargent, 1878- Knlght errant in Broadway. Lippinc 83:257 Mr '09 Pirates of Alastair. Lippinc 81:485 My '08 Riders of Petersham. Lippinc 86:385 O '10 Holley. Marietta (Josiah Allen's wife, pseud.) 1S44- Forehandedness of Lucinda Smith. L H J 18: 8 Ja '01 How we rented the farm on shares. L H J 19:12 Ag '02 Last straw. Lippinc 76:737 D '05 Most stylish funeral in Jonesville. L H J 20:4 Jl '03 Samanthy Allen and the auntys. Harp B 44: 168 Mr '10 Two weddin's on ensuin' days. L H J 18:12 F '01 Hollingsworth, Ceylon E. Biggest thing in the world. Col 54:7 O 3 '14 Boy's politics. Col 53:14 Jl IS '14 Corner-stone calf. McClure 24:587 Mr '05 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 135 Holloway, Edward Stratton John of Disappointment. Delin 60:969 D '02 Jolly Roger. Alun 27:l'76 My '02 Lady of the dusk. Delin 59:87 Ja '02 Unconventional angel. Mun 30:756 F '04 White moth. Delin 62:297 S '03 Holloway, William Fruits of repentance. Cent 88:868 O '14 Half a loaf. Everybody's 25:422 S '11 Problem of the iridescent maze. Les Mo 58: 473 S '04 Holly: romance of a southern girl. See Bar- bour, Ralph Henry Holly Court. K. Norris. Sat E P 186:5 N 29 '13 Holmes, Gertrude Belated ministry. Met 16:149 Ag '02 Holmes, Isabel Restoration to sanity. New Eng n s 36:303 My "07 Holoma. F. Walworth. Met 19:381 D '03 Holt, H. P. Second will. Lippinc 94:342 S '14 Holt, Harrison Jewell Stoveheter and the birds of paradise. Amer 62:356 Ag '06 Holt of the Alcantara. F. W. Brown. Met 24: 468 Jl '06 Holy man. F. Harris. Forum 49:513 My '13 Holy medal. F. Coppee. Out! 65:874 Ag 11 '00 Holy Mr. Herbert. M. Bo wen. Harper 120:839 My '10 Holy night: a Christmas story. Mrs. H. Kotzschmar. L H J 29:18 D '12 Home. Cent 86:801 O '13 Home. K. Abbott. Harper 120:60 D '09 Home. L. Colcord. Amer 75:23 F '13 Home. C. Johnston. Harper 115:665 O '07 Home. B. Merwin. Mun 48:256 N '12 Home-coming. Z. Gale. Everybody's 31:501 O '14 Home-coming. E. Slngmaster. McClure 33:135 Je '09 Home-coming of Bill. H. Carruth. Sat E P 175:22 My 9 '03 Home-coming of Byrd Forebush. A. Mac- Go wan. Mun 30:397 D '03 Home-coming of Clement Albricht. O. Roberts. McClure 41:177 Jl '13 Home-coming of Kinston. H. Rood. Met 34: 1S3 My 11 Home-coming of the Nakannies. W. A. Fraser. L H J 17:3 Ja '00 Home grown. F. Hurst. Met 39:14 F '14 Home in the sun. B. Grimshaw. Everybody's 30:731 Je '14 Home-makers. A. W. Jackson. Met 26:725 S •07 Home-making of Juliet. See Richmond, Grace s. Home missionary. H. Davis. Everybody's 11: 649 N '04 Home of the happy lady. F. S. Peple. Lippinc 93:196 F '14 Home provided. L. H. Adams. Lippinc 75:361 Mr '05 Home run. F. Hurst. Sat E P 185:10 Ja 25 '13 Home-run Parkins. R. W. Rowan. Sat E P 1)S4:12 Je h 'VI '^°"^? sketches. E. H. Gilman. Scrib 35:323 Mr 04 Honie-stretch. F. B. Wells. Everybody's 13: <00 X '05 Home_ to our mountain. F. Crane. Delin 77: 16.) Jo '11 Home without a mother. J. M. Rogers. Lip- pinc 80:667 N '07 Homeburg marine band. G. Fitch. Amer 78:40 » 14 Homeburg school election. G. Fitch. Amer 76- 43 N 13 Homeburg telephone exchange. G. Fitch. Amer 78:24 O '14 Homeburg weekly democrat. G. Fitch, Amer i7:45 F 14 Homeburg's two four-hundredths. G Fitch Amer 76:29 Ag '13 ^ilcu. Homegoing of Marston. R. Allen. Col 46:18 F 4 11 Honieliest child. L H. Gillmore. Harper 124:93 ""•^gely ^heroine. E. Ferber. Everybody's 23: Homely sacrifice. E. Gates. Delin 60:560 O '02 '^"'^^fi^c.^n^^^'?^®- H- ^- I*- Spofford. Harper l-9:fso3 N 14 Homeseekers' limited. G. Horton. Sat E P 173:3 Je 8 '01 Homesick soul. J. Golay. New Eng n s 34-31 jMr '06 Homesickness. G. Moore. Harp W 46:1111 Ag 16 '02 Homespun romance. S. Peary. Lippinc 88:744 Homespun wizardry. A. Brown. Harper 127: 735 O '13 Homeward bound. R. R. Latimer. McClure 16: 145 D '00 Homing bird. A. and E. Castle. Col 34:21 Mr 11 '05 Homing tides. E. MacVane. Harper 111:859 N '05 '^°"n"^®?^^,^'^'''^^'^^^- ^- ^- Latham. Outl 66: 935 D 15 '00 '^°"??*o„*^^^'^'^''- J- H. Prentls. Everybody's 22:831 Je '10 Honest politcian. C. L. Swift. New Eng n s Honey. H. W. Durbin. Everybody's 13:414 S '05 Honey bee. S. Merwin. McClure 43:45 S '14 Honey of romance. J. W. Tompkins. Every- body's 8:239 Mr '03 Honey tree. S. O. Jewett. Harper 104:45 D '01 Honeymoon. G. R. Chester. Mun 37:429 Jl '07 Honeymoon. Z. Gale. Cosmop 39:299 Jl '05 Honeymoon. J. L. Williams. Sat E P 181:8 Je 12 '09 Honeymoon Christmas. M. Cox. Forum 47:1 Ja Honeymoon flat. H. J. O'Higgins. Everybody's 13:241 Ag '05 Honeymoon goddess. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Cos- mop 56:319 F '14 Honeymoon in a canoe. W. Fales. Cosmop 41: 361 Ag '06 Honeymoon up Faura river. G. Morgan. Col 37:20 S 15 '06 Honk-honk breed. S. E. White. Everybody's 1 i Io4 J 1 U / Honor among thieves. F. R. Bechdolt. Sat E P 182:6 My 7 '10 Honor and arms. D. H. Lawrence. Met 41:12 N '14 Honor of a transgressor. W. R. Lighton. Mc- Clure 17:550 O '01 Honor of Battery B. A. Lynne. Lippinc 91 :71 Honor of her parents. J. I. Bryan. Met 27:378 Honor of hi.s craft. E. Hungerford. Harp W U\f.\i\ S '11 Honor of Saint C&re. J. M. Forman. Every- body's 18:251 F 'OS Honor of Sexton Maglnnis. M. F. Egan. Cent 71:212 D '05 Honor of the Bastables. E. Nesbit. Sat E P 176:12 Ja 9 '04 136 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Honor of the big snows. J. O. Curwood. Mun 43:617 Ag 'lu Honor of the Bluebottles. E. D. Biggers. x^iner 75:23 Mr '13 Honor of the chapter. J. R. Fisher. Lippinc !>3:115 Ja '09 Honor of the Dorans. J. G. Sanderson. Col. 3G:19 Ja 6 '06 Honor of the Elkenheads. E. Boltwood. Mun •11:543 Jl '09 Honor of the escort. D. Gray. Col 3S:14 Mr 23 Honor of the jail. M. McCuUoch-Williams. Cos- mop 29:522 S '00 Honor of the station. M. Leigh. Col 51:5 My 3 '13 Honorable Archie. M. Nicholson. Sat E P 1S6:16 N 8 '13 Hon Bill Hicks' marriage competition, r. it.. Browne. Mun 35:767 S '06 Honorable Blueford Light. E. E. Peake. Cos- mop 28:529 Mr '00 ^ ^ ico Honorable Bull Martin. J. Alvin. Sat E P 18^. 13 iSIr 12 '10 o- ,. T Honorable discharge. A. Henry. Met 3<:44 ja Honorable Lige and the cigarette law. L. Scott. Cosmop 40:54 N 'Oo , 01.19 Honorable Madge. D. Deakin. Sat E P 181.12 N 21 'OS Honorable Percival See Rice, Alice Hegan Honorable Roderick's wash. K. H. Brown. Everybody's 9:792 D '03 Honorable Sylvia. H. K. Webster. Harper 128: 177 Ja '14 Honorable William's way. C. Williams. Harp W 49:1021 Jl 15 '05 Honored guests. G. Schock. Harper 118:348 F '09 Honourable Betty. J. M. Forman. Everybody's 7:141 Ag. '02 Hood, Charles Newton (A. Rollingstone, pseud.) Also ran. Les Mo 52:96 My '01 t •^r.ir,^ Monstrous pickerell of Gillette s Dam. Lippmc 79:141 Ja '07 ,^„ ^ ,„^ Trial trip. Les Mo 52:410 Ag '01 Hoodoo-mascot. L. F. Tooker. Col 51:17 Ag 9 '13 Hoodoo of the Minnietta. M. Austin. Cent 74: 450 Jl '07 Hoodoo on wheels. B. Lessing. Cosmop 47:477, 619 S-O "09 Hoodoo sweetheart. G. Horton. Sat E P 176: 15 O 31 "03 Hoodooed. A. H. Rice. Cent 88:581 Ag '14 Hoodoed mispah. W. Warren. Met 21:197 N '04 Hood's wood violet. C. B. Loomis. Lippinc 77: 5S9 My '06 Hoodwinking of Apollo. W. C. Estabrook. Sat E P 179:6 Je 22 '07 Hooker. (William) Brian, 1880- Edric and Svlvaine. Harper 117:383 Ag '08 Swanhild. Harper 120:197 Ja '10 Waste. Forum 42:260 S '09 Tsobel de Corveaux. Harper 121:327 Ag '10 Hooker-up-the-back. E. Ferber. Sat E P 185:5 My 24 '13 Hooligan. W. S. Gilbert. Cent. 83:97 N '11 Hoooer, Rebecca Lane Wildness of Mrs. Harcourt Peters. McClure 29:150 Je '07 You can't tell. Cent 74:500 Ag '07 Hoopes, Mary Howard (Anna E. Finn, pseud.) Commodore. McClure 30:287 Ja 'OS Fighting blood. Atlan 100:519 O '07 Hoover, Bessie Ray, 1874- Across the fields. Everybody's 18:602 My '08 Anniversary present. Harper 117:155 Je 'OS Butch and the bungalow. Everybody's 27:559 O '12 Hoover, Bessie Ray — continued Butch and the little feller. Everybody's 28: 561 Ap '13 Butch and the stars. Everybody's 26:850 Je '12 Butch and the wanderlust. Everybody's 22: 561 Ap. '10 Butch Banner's gold mine. Everybody's 18: 4J1 Mr 'OS Cousin Moseley's money. Everybody's 18:270 F 'OS Dave Flaxman's kid. Col 48:15 Ja 20 '12 Flower in bloom. Everybody's 22:706 My '10 Gentleman farmer. Everybody's 18:561 Ap 'OS Graduated daughter. Everybody's 21:753 D '09 Grandpaw Peebles. Everybody's 18:851 Je '08 Grandpaw's tracks. Met 37:21 Ap '13 Jed's Jonathan. Everybody's 22:419 Mr '10 Mis' Hi Lundy's school. Everybody's 22:851 Je '10 Mr. Flickinger's vacation. Harper 117:803 O 'OS No merry-go-roundin'. Everybody's 17:699 N '07 Opal and the parade. Everybody's 16:417 Mr ■07 Opal's chance. Everybody's 19:273 Ag '08 Opal's glimpse of Eden. Everybody's 21:702 N. '09 Opal's half-holiday. Everybody's 17:563 O '07 Pa, the diplomat. Everybody's 23:129 Jl '10 Rejected uplift. Everybody's 22:54 Ja '10 Sure enough Santy. Everybody's 19:853 D. '08 Tularin' to be genteel. Everybody's 22:187 F '10 Wayside ambrosia. Everybody's 15:554 O '06 Hope and memory. H. Pyle. Cent. 63:108 N '01 Hope, Anthony, pseud. See Hawkins, Anthony Hope Hope deferred. J. D. Bacon. Cent 62:420 Jl '01 Hope Foster's mother. A. S. Allen. Every- body's 25:418 S '11 Hope of glory. H. J. O'Higgins. Les Mo 54: 140 Je '02 Hopeless case. R. F. Foster. McClure 32:261 Ja. '09 Hopkins, L. C. Chance. Col. 35:25 My 27 '05 Hopkins, Mrs. Margaret Sutton (Briscoe) 1864- Chip and the block. Delin 57:430 Mr '01 Creating a vacuum: a Christmas story. Outl 69:1020 D 21 '01 Cuban cactus. Harper 100:485 F '00 Daughter's heart. Harper 116:936 My '08 Debt of honor. Everybody's 16: SO Ja '07 Girl that Peter brought. L H J 26:12 Mr '09 His bad half -hour. Harp W 48:1708 N 5, '04 His mother-at-heart. L H J 26:16 D '08 His old love. Harper 101:405 Ag '00 His opportunity. Harp W 47:756 My 9 '03 His perogative. Harper 107:197 Jl '03 His price. Harper 106:538 Mr '03 Image of Eve. Harper 116:516 Mr '08 In loco parentis. Harper 108:524 Mr '04 Little still. Outl 76:836 Ap 2 '04 Made in heaven. Harper 115:546 S '07 Matriculation of Courtney. Harper 108:880 F '04 Oscar and Louise. Scrib 30:436 O '01 Red tassels. Cent 66:381 Jl "03 Secret. Harp W 53:22 Ag 21 '09 Sporting chance. L H J 25:16 O '08 Versus the same. Harper 116:749 Ap '08 Whither thou goest. Harper 104:239 Ja '02 Hopkins, Mary Sargent Trials of Mrs. Julia O'Grady. Les Mo 50:206, 311 Je. Jl '00 Hopkins, Nevil Monroe 1873- Investigation at Holman square. Lippinc 82: 257 S '08 Moyett mystery. Lippinc 79:561 My '07 Strange case of Doctor North. Lippinc 77:513 My '06 Hopkins, Tighe As it fell out. McClure 14:427 Mr '00 Flisrht. Outl 64:820 Ap 7 '00 Ma.ster-kev of Newarate. McClure 14:329 F '00 Miss Cullender's lamb. McClure 15:53 My '00 Release of Benjamin Cudd. McClure 15:116 Je '00 Tale of a tub. McClure 14:520 Ap '00 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 137 Hopkins. William John, 1S63- Betty Bethune. Harper 126:699 Ap '13 Burbury Stoke. Atlan 110:145 Ag '12 Cecily. Atlan 104:145 Ag '09 Clammer. Atlan 96:145 Ag '05 Daughter of the rich. Atlan 96:736 D '05 Doctor. Atlan 102:348 S OS Fall of the house of Johns. Atlan 98:194 As '06 Fisherman. Atlan 100:783 D '07 Kings son of Palemban. Atlan 102:169 Ag 'OS Old Goodwin's wife. Atlan 97:309 Mr '06 Princess who wanted the moon. Outl 105:665 N 22 '13 Skipper of the Matrimony. Outl 102:727 N 30 '12 Hopkins, Woolsey R. Man who went back. McClure 33:633 O '09 My spider. Everybody's 9:186 Ag '03 Hopper, James Marie, 1S76- Ali Baba. McClure 29:3S0 Ag '07 Banjo Xell. Col 44:15 F 26 '10 Bit of calico. McClure 30:18 N '07 Black night. Harper 121:32 Je '10 Boy and a girl. Harper 113:514 S '06 Boy who lost weight. Sat E P 182:15 O '09 Call. McClure 22:200 D '03 Caybigan. McClure 27:326 Jl '06 Coming of the maestra. McClure 23:361 Ag '04 Confluence. McClure 27:596 O '06 Cub, The. Sat E P 1S5:14 N 30 '12 Difference. Forum 49:184 F '13 Embarrassing conduct of Benjamin Ellis, mil- lionaire. Sat E P 181:3 O 24 '08 Ending of Gotham. Sat E P 182:16 S 18 '09 Failure. McClure 22:307 Ja '04 Fishing of Suzanne. Everybody's 18:659 My '08 Freshman, The. Sat E P 184:3 S 16 20 S 23 22 S 30 '11 Gus. Cent 77:136 N 'OS Hate that saved. McClure 30:573 Mr '08 House of two million rooms. L H J 30:7 D '13 Idealist. Sat E P 178:6 O 14 '05 John Kent. Sat E P 187:5 Jl 11 '14 Judgment of man. McClure 25:337 Ag '05 Jumble in divinities. McClure 24:113 D '04 Kling. Everybody's 18:769 Je 'OS Last enterprise. Sat E P 186:16 Je 27 '14 Last grind of the big game. Everybody's 25: 674 N '11 Last throw. Sat E P 185:3 O 5 '12 Long chase. Met 34:540 Ag '11 Looters. Sat E P 181:10 Jl 18 '08 Love-pirate. Cosmop 58:2 D '14 Lump of gold. Sat E P 186:1 D 27 '13 Maestro of Balangilang. McClure 24:543 Mr '05 Memories in men's souls. Amer 71:521 F '11 Millions of Harry Melville. Col 40:13 F 8 '08 Night school. Cent. 87:781 Mr '14 Night's work. Everybody's 24:65 Ja '11 Number 9009. Sat E P 181:3 Ag 1. 8 Ag 8. 13 Ag 15, 12 Ag 22 '08 ' On the back of the dragon. Everybody's 23: 747 D '10 On the other side of the ridge. Sat E P 1S2: 20 F 12 '10 Pass of Gunner Flynn. Sat E P 181:14 S 19 '08 Passing of the vet. McClure 24:81 N '04 Past. McClure 23:204 Je '04 Persistent lady. Sat E P 187:14 Ag 8 '14 Pity of woman. Everybody's 14:591 My '06 Redemption of Fullback Jones. Sat E F 185- 12 O 26 '12 Reformation of Jack Ketch. McClure 32:500 Mr '09 Some benevolent assimilation. McClure 27: 491 S '06 Spitter, The. Sat E P 186:3 S 20 '13 Strength of the weak. Sat E P 177:4 O 22 Struggles and triumph of Isldro De Los Mac-.stros. McClure 26:601 Ap '06 WeakntHH of Agamemnon Brown. Sat E P 1 (9:5 N 3 '06 What happened In the night. Delin 76:462 Hoppin, F. S., Jr. ()U(: ;tftcrnoon. Les Mo 52:206 Je '01 Hopson, Katharine Clipped wint's. Llpplnc 88:524 O '11 Horn of plenty. M. E. W. P'reeman. Col 48:22 N 18 '11 Hornaday, William Temple, 1854- True bear story. Cosmop 37:709 O '04 Home, Charles Francis, 1870- Moonman. L H J 21:9 Ap 5 My '04 Home, Mrs. Mary Tracy (Earle). See Earle. Mary Tracy Horner, Ethel F. Restitution. New Eng n s 41:735 F '10 Horns of El Dilemma. H. Fish. Col 52:16 N 22 '13 Hornung, Ernest William 1866- Crime doctor. Everybody's 28:590 My '13 Croucher — hopeless case. Everybody's 29:257 Ag '13 Crystal's century. Atlan 91:738 Je '03 Fate of Faustina. Scrib 29:277 Mr '01 Field of Philippi. Col 35:21 Ap 29 '05 Golden key. Everybody's 29:559 O '13 Jubilee present. Scrib 29:220 F '01 Lady of the lift. Scrib 46:156 Ag '09 Lady Vera. Everybody's 30:413 Mr '14 Last laugh. Scrib 29:483 Ap '01 Man at the wheel. Scrib 48:187 Ag '10 Matter of two ciphers. Everybody's 29:660 N '13 My double. Harp W 48:1284 Ag 20 '04 No sinecure. Scrib 29:30 Ja '01 Old flame. Scrib 29:707 Je '01 One possessed. Everybody's 30:273 F '14 Poet of Jumping Sandhills. Scrib. 49:326 Mr '11 Preserver. Everybody's 28:758 Je '13 Second murderer. Everybody's 30:700 Mv '14 Shadow of a man. Lippinc 65:323 Mar '00 Taking of Stingaree. Les Mo 52:315 Ag '01 To catch a thief. Scrib 29:591 My '01 Witching Hill stories. Scrib 51:149, 310, 411, 596, 732, 52:349 F-Je S '12 Wrong house. Scrib 30:343 S '01 Horrors of the concentrated mind. D. Canfield. Harp B 41:36 Ja '07 Horse-chestnuts. C. Stetson. Harper 123:951 N '11 Horse-thief. E. Hough. McClure 15:555 O '00 Horseman in the sky. A. Bierce. Cur Lit 47: 343 S '09 Horses of Bostil's ford. Z. Grey. Mun 47:407 Je '12 Horses of the troop. H. Scheffauer. Harp W 55:12 Mr 25 '11 Horse's tale. M. Twain. Harper 113:327, 539 Ag-S '06 Horseshoe. E. Phillpotts. Outl 81:482 O 28 '05 Horseshoes. R. W. Lardner. Sat B P 187:8 Ag 15 '14 Horsiness of Hutch. K. Brown. Cent. 79:827 Ap '10 Horton, Charles Marcus Alkali dust. Met 24:282 Je '06 Woman. Delin 80:319 N '12 Horton, George His gift of eloquence. Sat E P 174:10 D 21 '01 Homeseekers' limited. Sat E P 173:3 Je 8 '01 Hoodoo sweetheart. Sat E P 176:15 O 31 '03 Impetuous Mr. Reagan. Sat E P 176:8 D 26 '03 Jergens' reincarnation. Sat E P 176:8 F 13 '04 Mrs. Shaver's recovery. Everybody's 10:271 F '04 Princess Romanova. Sat E P 175:6 My 16 '03 Two appeals. Sat E P 176:3 Jl IS '03 Horton versus Packard. F. Walworth. Cos- mop 35:667 O '03 Hosken, H. See Stanton, Coralie. jt. auth. Hospital fair. E. A. Dix. Cent 66:951 O "03 ^°®?,l*^!/'<^'^^t- J- W. Fitzpatrlck. Col 54:3 D 19 14 Hostage to fortune. A. Stringer. Met 19:402 D Hostage to virtue. O. IT. Dunbar. Harper 126: !tis My '13 Hostages to fortune. A. Kimball. Scrib 47:197 K. '10 Hostages to Momus. O. Henry. Mun 33:466 Jl •o.'-. Hot winds. Z. A. Norrls. Les Mo 52:409 S '01 138 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Hotchkiss, Chauncey Crafts. 1852- liray wolf. Harp W 53:22 Mr 13 '09 In the desert. Harp W 49:1868 D 23 '05 On Hogsback reef. Harp W 53:22 My 29 '09 Hotel of the Beautiful Star. W. Sharp. Harper 103:673 O '01 Hothouse Americans. L. Osbourne. Sat B P 185:11 Mr S '13 Hotwells duel. A. T. Quiller-Couch. Les Mo 54:322 Ag '02 Hough, Emerson, 1857- Art and industry. Sat E P 184:12 Mr 9 '12 Art at Heart's Desire. Sat E P 177:1 Ja 7, 10 Ja 14 '05 Bad man. Les Mo 52:442 S '01 Belgrade bull. Sat E P 183:5 S 10 '10 Beloved. Cent. 82:371 Jl '11 Billy the kid. Everybody's 5:302 S '01 Bride at Heart's Desire. Sat E P 175:8 My 9 '03 Colonel and the nun. Sat B P 176:10 O 10 '03 Dinner at Heart's Desire. Sat E P 175:10 D 6 '02 Eve at Heart's Desire. Sat B P 177:4 S 10, 6 S 17 '04 Girl: story of others. Amer 61:163 D '05 Gone! Cosmop 50:126 D '10 Great green diamond. Met 38:9 My '13 Hen at Heart's Desire. Sat E P 176:3 My 21 '04 His simple life. Cosmop 42:197 D '06 Horse-thief. McClure 15:555 O '00 Humor of the prairies. Sat B P 178:4 F 24 '06 Imitation bad man. Sat E P 178:6 Ja 20 '06 King of Gee-Whiz. Everybody's 13:11 Jl '05 Law at Heart's Desire. Sat E P 175:1 F 21 '03 Lucia di Rock Creek. Col 49:18 Je 8 '12 Man-animal. Sat E P 179:6 O 20 '06 McGinnis, scientist. Les Mo 55:132 D '02 O-mee-o-mi. Everybody's 25:483 O '11 Pants. Everybody's 23:667 N '10 Rocky Mountain Santa Claus. L H J 31:16 D '14 Rug bug. Sat E P 185:10 N 9 '12 Science at Heart's Desii-e. Sat E P 177:6 O 1 •04 Sheriff. Les Mo 52:118 Je '01 Smuggler. Les Mo 51:235 Ja '01 Some girls and Billy Anderson. Sat E P 184: 9 D 9 '11 Stolen bridegroom. Everybody's 15:736 D '06 Tenderfoot. Sat E P 178:6 F 10 '06 Houghton, Catherine Cleverness of Mrs. Bland. Lippinc 86:120 Jl '10 Houk, A. H. Grandma's surrender. New Eng n s 34:493 Je '06 Hour and a half. A. Colton. Col 45:15 Jl 30 '10 Hour and a lialf from Jamestown. A. E. Thomas. Harper 104:815 Ap '02 Hour in the woods. J. N. Trump. Met 16:430 O '02 Hour of death. E. P. Oppenheim. Met 30:285 Je '09 Hour of leisure. See Anderson, Frederick Irving Hour of requital. M. Hill. Delin 72:380 S 'OS House behind high walls. A. R. Brown. Delin 55:370 Mr '00 House bill no. 29. E. Oviatt. Les Mo 57:93 N '03 House-builder. T. L. Masson. Delin 75:220 Mr House divided. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 72:515 House in the Rue Neant. A. Courlander. Mun 42:806 Mr '10 House in the water. C. G. D. Roberts. L H J 24:9 Je, 17 Jl '07 House of a thousand Scandals. W. H. Osbourne. Mun 47:81 Ap '12 House of cards. V. T. Sutphen. Harper 109: House of devils. K. Baker. Col 51:7 Jl 19 '18 House of doors. B. Brandenburg. Met 19:521 Ja '04 House of Mapuhi. J. London. McClure 32:247 Ja '09 House of mercy. J. Lee. Scrib. 34:754 D '03 House of Moffett. J. Lincoln. New Eng n s 25:81 S '01 House of music. G. Hall. McClure 31:528 S '08 House of mystery. See Irwin, Will House of offence. M. Austin. Harp W 53:22 O 23 '09 House of Plutus. M. MacMurchy. Harp B 34 900 Ap 6 '01 House of Rahmana. J. V. Z. Belden. Mun 27 84 Ap '02 House of terror. A. E. W. Mason. Sat E P 181 18 My 22 '09 House of the dead hand. E. Wharton. Atlan 94:145 Ag '04 House of the dead man. M. D. Post. Sat E P 184:30 S 30 '11 House of the five sisters. M. S. Gerry. Harper 122:216 Ja '11 House of the misty star. See Macaulay, Fannie Caldwell. House of the open heart. A. Train. Every- ~ body's 28:502 Ap '13 House of the terraces. A. W. Colton. Harper 111:83 Je '05 House of their rest. J. D. Bacon. L H J 28:7 F 1 '11 House of two million rooms. J. Hopper. L H J 30:7 D '13 House on Fayette street. J. Belfield. Lippinc 77:103 Ja '06 House on the bluff. G. Sansone. New Eng n s 49:111 My '13 House on the corner. G. H. Preston. Met 17: 305 Je '03 House on the Muir. S. R. Crockett. Every- body's 3:360 O '00 House surgeon. R. Kipling. Harper 119:489, 720 S-O '09 House that Bobby built. M. Lindsay. Mun 29: 588 Jl '03 House that Harry sold. W. Irwin. Sat E P 184:5 O 7, 14 O 14 '11 House that Peggy built. M. K. Thompson. Mc- Clure 41:79 S '13 House that was a wedding fee. E. C. Hall Cosmop 45:17 Je '08 House with many doors. A. M. Sholl. Mun 34: 339 D '05 House with the tower. A. Brown. Harper 128: 919 My '14 House with the woodbine. D. Canfield. Mun 37:345 Je '07 Household crusader. F. T. Cox. New Eng n s Housekeeper co., ltd. F '11 M. Foster. Met 33:603 Housekeeper's story. E. K. Marble. New Eng n s 27:714 P '03 Housetop. L. B. Van Slyke. Cur Lit 50:678 Je Housetop room. J. Lee. Harper 120:907 My '10 Housev^ife. J. B. Cabell. Harper 113:355 Ag '06 Housman, Laurence, 1867- Blind man's buff. Col 33:21 My 14 '04 Chinese fairy-tale. Cur Lit 30:394 Ap '01 Man and dog. Harper 122:524 Mr '11 Right about face. Harp B 42:10 Ja '08 Story of Amabel and Amoris. Harper 104:355 F 02 Houston, Margaret Belle In the shadow of St. Joseph. Les Mo 58:209 Je '04 Thanksgiving of Dickie, Jr. Met 27:211 N '07 Houts, Lillian M. Reformation of Lucilla Clark. New Eng n s 33:81 S '05 Hovey. M. Foster. Everybody's 26:346 Mr '12 Hovey, Carl, 1875- At the Bloody Angle. Everybody's 4:128 F '01 Between two fires. Everybody's 3:545 D '00 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 139 Hovey, Carl — continued Ginley and the gun. Everybody's 4:60 Ja '01 How a cat played Robinson Crusoe. C. G. D. Roberts. L, H J 2}):9 D 15 '10 How a woman spoiled his big chance. E Flower. L H J i'&:16 F 1 '11 How Aunt Sally brought down the house. E. R. Perkins. L. H. J 17:4 N '00 How Beelzebub came to the convent. E, W. Mumford. Cent S6:323 Jl '13 How Bill got his grizzly. A. Stringer. Sat E P 173:11 D 29 '00 How Brother Parker fell from grace. P. L, Dunbar. Sat E P 173:11 Jl 21 '00 How Carty Carteret proposed. D. Gray. Cent. 76:5S4 Ag 'OS How Christmas came into England. J. A. B. Scherer. Scrib 46:641 D '09 How Condy Dhu raised the devil. S. MacManus. Lippinc 76:722 D '05 How cordial relations were strained. M. Hill. Les Mo 56:550 O '03 How Cronan went to Athens. J. C. Connolly. Everybody's 22:466 Ap '10 How Dan vers saved the regiment. C. Benedict. Harper 121:786 O '10 How Dark Patrick saved the Bank of Ireland. S. MacManus. Les Mo 56:332 Ag '03 How Dorante crossed the Rubicon. A. S. Hardy. Harper 125:239 Jl '12 How doth the simple spelling-bee impruv each shining ower. O. Wister. Sat E P 179:3 F 2 '07 How Ebenezer entertained. A. E. Allen. New Eng n s 2S:1S1 Ap '03 How Ephum fiddled and Jim danced. A. B. Hill. Cent 83:938 Ap '12 How Father LeFevre came to Singing River, L. Evans. Sat E P 185:5 Ja 25 '13 How Haring held the bridge. C. Hovey. Every- body's 4:233 Mr '01 How he finally spoke. L. J. Moody. L H J 26:15 Jl '09 . ^ How Henry trained the cook. H. Hall. L H J 31:6 Ag 14 How Higgins regenerated Hermon. H. Day. Sat E P 177:5 Ap 15 '05 How Hopkins got another chance W E Cau-nes. Harp W 47:706 My 16 '03 How Horatius kept the bridge. E. Pottle Amer 7u:74 My 'iO x-otue. How I became a pilot. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 180:6 Ap 11 14 How I found the Gallows mine. A. W March- mont. Everybody's 3:131 Ag '00 How I frustrated a burglar. G. Evelyn Fischer. ^ew Eng n s 32:343 My '05 How I learned to run a motor. G. Fitch Sat E P 184:3 Jl 15, 12 Jl 22 '11 ^ How^^I saved Ben. L. Wallace. Cent. 62:75S S How it ended. C. B. Loomis. Mun 41:372 Je '09 """^SliesfMy ^2^^ friends. C. Warren. Scrib "°'^MotTll541*'F'''05^^" different. A. H. Lewis. How Jerry McLean delivered the goods. H K Webster. Le.s Mo 55:396 F '03 ' How Jim Britt pas.sed his bill. A. H. Lewis. Everybody s 9:076 N '03 How Jimmie made pood. J. McGraw Jr Mc- Clure 28:553 Mr '07 How John Eastlake was cured. A L Svkes New Enf,' n h 27:417 D '02 ' "^ ""' ''°"ch?rr30-G2ri^;'^^8''- ^- E.Johnstone. Mc- "°'^plnc"76:3T9* hls^revenge. A. Stoddart. Lip- How justice was done at Opuntia. R. H Bar- bour. Les Mo 53:317 Ju 02 How Lady Gowau was entertained. J. Cooper McClure 20:104 N '02 ""Pci. How Lawyer Skakelby went eavesdropping U L. Silberrad. Outl 80:637 Jl 8 '05 How Lucius made an ass of himself. C. John- ston. Harp W 55:12 Jl 22 '11 How Malloy rose to the occasion. W. B Ashley Everybody's 22:133 Ja '10 How Margaret came back. E. Wetherald. Outl 72:317 O 4 '02 '^°^r^^^,^'^^^'^ SX)t an engine. F. H. Spearman. McClure 15:443 S '00 How Miss Turkington did not see Queen Vic- toria. S. MacManus. Lippinc 72:361 S '03 How Miss Wilcox was fired. I. K. Friedman Sat E P 178.4 Ag 12 '05 How Mr. Hickok came to Cheyenne A H Lewis. Sat E P 176.6 Mr 12 '04 How Mrs. Carraway went to the exposition. E. M. Willett Lippinc 80:779 D '07 How Moriarty escaped. H. R. Durant. Every- body s 17:222 Ag '07 •^ow muchee pay? W. Irwin. Everybody's 14: -58 r '06 How Nibsey won the day. J. W. Manning. Les Mo 51:177 D '00 How number four was saved. A. I. Shane. Cosmop 33:684 O '02 How Olaf, the son of Olaf, administered justice. W. A. Frost. Amer. 64:183 Je '07 How old Craney-Crow lost his head. J. C Har- ris. Col 33:19 My 28 '04 How Parson Page went to the circus. E. C. Hall. Cosmop. 49:173 Jl '10 How Placide won the capital prize. F. Lynde. Lippmc 73:115 Ja '04 ^j-^uc. ^°^]25°606's' .'"2^*''"'"^"*. K. M. Roof. Harper How Priscilla was married. L. P. Wilson. L. ri J 21:8 Ag '04 "^""^pr^senf "^ c'^^rJ,^* ^^^.« ^j?^^«'f ^ Christmas '08 Mourevert. Cur Lit 44:112 Ja """^to^rv"^ Dog came to the rescue: Wolfville siory. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 44:272 .Ta 'OS "\^r^i\v}ri^r'oT ^" '^"^^°- ^' "-*«• ^^'^^.^f^pf^y Claws treated Pop Baker. E C Waltz. Cent 67 230 D '03 ci. .n.. i^. '^°'^«^^"!" <^hayted Mrs. Muldowney. li Templeton. Harp W 57:18 Jl !'> 'n "°VC6M'^%'4'*- K'^-^^"'^- New Eng ns How^ sg ^en proposed to her. G. Morrison. "°'clnt°°70^S9^^'"*O^n"'' *''^ ^'''^"^- ^- ^- ^^'''"• '^°Tol"3f?s'^\''"V^^'0^°"''^°"^^" ^- ^- ^'c'^ey. How Stephen Lance came to a bad end. I. Blue. Lippmc 88:592 O '11 How the army vras kidnapped. C. Johnston. Atlan 114:469 O "14 How the baby held up two armies. M G IlnmphTpy.s. Scrlh. 36:342 S '04 How the Barlows took it. S. Ford. McClure 25:250 Jl '05 How the bill went through. G. Brinton. Now lOng n H 31 :3SS T:) '04 How the boy won: General McArthur's first vic- tory. J. A. Watrous. Sat E P 172:770 F 21 •00 140 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 How the Buzzards worked a " spell." E. W. Kemble. Cosmop 31:664 O '01 How the fairies came to Ireland. H. Temple- ton. McClure 19:369 Ag '02 How the first letter was written. R. Kipling. L H J 19:11 D '01 How the first plug hat came to Dodge City. G. M. Potter. Met 16:353 S '02 How the horse travelled. E. Flower. Lippinc 67:124 Ja '01 How the hound got his mouth. H. S. Edwards. Cent &3:574 F '12 How the law came to Jenkins Creek. C. War- ren. McClure 16:77 N '00 How the leopard got his spots. R. Kipling. L H J lii:3 O '01 How tlie major took the pledge. A. E. McFar- lane. Sat E P 177:12 S 17 '04 How the man came to Twinkling island. M. Chater. Everybody s 23:64 Jl '10 How the mocking bird was won. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 50:371 F '11 How the mysterious ten came to celebrate Christmas. I. D. Allen. Outl 75:955 D 19 '03 How the prince saw America. S. Glaspell. Amer 62:274 Jl '06 How the professor reduced love-making to an exact science. J. Blethen. Lippmc 73:491 Ap '04 How the trust was bled. S. A. Nelson. Les Mo 52:35 My '01 How the widow tamed the wild. B. W. Currie. Cent 76;S0 My '08 How the widow won the deacon. W. J. Lamp- ton. Harp B 45:166 Ap '11 How they got the Hattie Rennish. J. B. Con- nolly. Col 49:16 Ag 17 '12 How they knew, C. Canty. Mun 26:805 Mr '02 How thev met themselves. V. B. Bowie. Cos- mop 43:562 S '07 How thev rammed the derelict. W. J. Aylward. Scrib. 43:3S5 Ap '08 How they told of their engagements. G. Mor- rison. L H J 26:8 Ap '09 How to get strong. E. Wood. Everybody's 10: 329 Mr '04 How to write a short story. H. M. Lyon. Amer 72:513 Ag '11 How Toomey willed his government job. R. Shackleton. Scrib 27:113 Ja '00 How Uncle Thomas gave himself a first-class notice. Harper 108:492 F '04 How we calcimined the kitchen. J. Dixon. Mun 42:532 Ja '10 How we put Smithboro on the convention cir- cuit. Sat E P 1S7:10 S 12 '14 How we rented the farm on shares. M. Holley. L H J 19:12 Ag '02 How we tamed the cook. L. Bell Everybody's 7:426 N '02 How we tried to paint our church. F. Green- man. L H J 25:1S Jl 'OS How Westport got three-cent fares. J. M. Palmer. McClure 25:66 ]^^y '05 How "U'illett wooed the widow. S. M. Peck. Lippinc 66:151 Jl '00 How William got his fling. E. M. Tybout. Lip- pinc 76:331 S '05 Howank the battler. P. M. Gushing. Met 30: 699 S '09 Howard, Chapin Evelina's return. Cent 69:441 Ja '05 Howard, Charles Bryant Cook and the convict. Cent 64:441 Jl '02 Embarrassment of expansion. Cent 71:567 F '06 Voice from the dark. Cent 72:953 O '06 Howard, Clifford, 1868- Appointed time. Lippinc 73:382 Mr '04 Fudge. Lippinc 82:118 Jl '08 Howard, Clifford — continued Mutatis mutandis. Lippinc 84:506 O '09 Spruce-street adventure. Lippinc 87:601 My '11 Winning of Margaret Mervin. Lippinc 71:714 My '03 Howard, Frances Lyman Green hat. L H J 19:3 Ag '02 Howard, George Fitzalan Bronson-, See Bron- son-Howard, George Fitzalan Howard, Keble, pseud. See Bell, John Keble Howard. Merriden Question of relationship. Everybody's 3:11 Jl '00 Regilding of Alic Enoc. Everybody's 2:426 My '00 Howard, S. H. In time of opposition. Outl 77:313 Je 4, '04 Howe, Edgar Watson, 1854- Found something going on. Amer 73:464 F '12 Kin story. Amer 75:153 D '12 Life, death and obsequies of George Coulter. .\mer 72:700 O '11 When the circus came to town. Amer 73:246 D '11 Howe, Philip Sydney Woman; one of her variety. Met 19:236 N '03 Howe, Mrs. William T. See Earle, Mary Tracy Howell, Benedict Rehabilitation of Simeon Lowe. Harp W 1243 D 22 '00 Howells, Elzina Ecclesiastical hunch. Met 38:38 Ag '13 Howells, John M. At the Cafe DOrsay. Atlan 103:511 Ap '09 Howells, William Cooper Bailey's monument. Harp W 56:11 N 23 '12 Gilmore's mare. Harp W 57:16 Ja 4 '13 Howells. William Dean, 1837- After the wedding. Harper 114:64 D '06 Amigo. Harper 112:51 D '05 At third hand. Cent 61:496 F '01 Baybridge's offer. Harper 112:229 Ja '06 Case of metaphantasmia. Harp W 49:20 D 16 •05 Critical bookstore. Harper 127:431 Ag '13 Daughter of the stoiage. Harper 123:572 S '11 DifHcult case. Atlan 80:24, 205 Jl-Ag '00 Editha. Harper 110:214 Ja '05 Eidolons of Brooks Alford. Harper 113:387 Ag '06 Fourth-of-July boy. Harp W 46:867 Jl 5 '02 Fulfilment of the pact. Harp W 56:9 D 14 '12 Her opinion of his story. Harp B 41:429 My •07 His apparition. Harper 104:621 Mr '02 Impossible: a mystery play. Harper 122:116 D '10 Memory that worked overtime. Harper 115: 415 Ag '07 Mother. Harper 106:21 D '02 Mother-bird. Harper 120:126 D '09 Night before Christmas. Harper 120:207 Ja '10 Parting friends. Harper 121:670 O '10 Pursuit of the piano. Harper 100:725 Ap '00 Saved: an emotional drama. Hai p W 52:22 D 26 '08 Self-sacrifice: a farce-tragedy. Harper 122: 748 Ap '11 Sleep and a forgetting Harp W 50:1781, 1862, 1899, 51:24 D 15-Ja 5 '07 Talking of presentiments. Harper 116:76 D '07 Though one rose from the dead. Harper 106: 724 Ap '03 True hero: melodrama. Harper 119:866 N '09 f-Ioyt, Eleanor. See Brainerd, Mrs. Eleanor (Hoyt) Hoyt, Janet Ralston Noblesse oblige. Mun 30:287 N '03 Hoyt, Meta Richards Your humble servant. Sat B P 179:9 Ap 13 07 Hrdlika. M. Foster. Everybody's 14:7! Huard, Frances Wilson Poacher who had never been arrested 27:11 Je 'in Ship of mystery. Harp W 54:12 D 24 '10 Je '06 L H J STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 141 Huard, Frances Wilson — continued When I was a bride in Paris. L H J 27:15 S 1 '10 Winter cruise. Scrib 51:65 Ja '12 Hubbard, Elbert (Fra Elbertus, pseud), 1S59- 1U15 Engineer and tlie psychologist. Cosmop 34: 359 Ja '03 Hubbard, Frank McKinney (Kin Hubbard) (Abe Martin, pseud.), 1S68- Abe Martin on an ole-fashioned Fourtli o' July. Amer 74:356 Jl '12 Abe Martin on ancient and modern journalism. Amer 73:505 F '12 Abe Martin on New Year's resolutions. Amer 77:70 Ja '14 Abe Martin on spring fever. Amer 77:17 My '14 Abe Martin on the relation of June to wed- lock. Amer 75:32 Je '13 Abe Martin on votes for women. Amer 74: 196 Je '12 Abe Martin's neighbors. Amer 72:712 O '11 From Abe Martin's fair neighbors. Amer 73: 763 Ap '12 If at first you don't suceed, join a new party. Amer 75:102 N '12 Paw's Christmas present. Cosmop 50:163 Ja '11 Wives o' great men. Amer 73:378 Ja '12 Hubbard, Kin. See Hubbard, Frank McKinney. Hubbard, Leonidas, Jr., 1872-1903 Moonshiner at home. Atlan 90:234 Ag '02 Huck, Olive Last hunt of Dorax. Cent 61:748 Mr '01 Hudson, Mrs. Joseph Kennedy Alpine rose. Lippinc 65:627 Ap '00 Another woman's letters. Lippinc 68:634 N '01 Avenging angel. Lippinc 65:7X4 My '00 Grandmother's story. Lippinc 65:450 Mr '00 One of the Lord's people. Lippinc 65:944 Je •00 Stake of Zion in the wilderness. Lippinc 65: 273 P '00 Third wife. Lippinc 65:95 Ja '00 Hudson, Una Assisted providence. Mun 32:151 O '04 Carissa's mission. Mun 33:723 S '05 Cave-man. Amer 61:721 Ap '06 Modern knight-errant. Mun 31:369 Je '04 Hudson, Mrs. Woodward Afternoon drive. Delin 62:321 S '03 Hueffer, Ford Madox, 1873- Masters and music. Harper 122:617 Mr '11 Hungry girl. Col 51:7 Jl 12 '13 Huey, Maud Morrison Mother of a man child. L H J 26:8 Jl '09 Revolt of Father Prindle. L H J 31:7 Je '14 When Joan saw. L H J 25:19 Jl '08 Huffaker, Lucy Eve's daughters. Forum 52:861 D '14 Money poor. Forum 52:110 Jl '14 Way of life. Atlan 111:110 Ja '13 Huffman, L. A. Last busting at the Bow-Gun. Scrib 42:75 Jl '07 Hughes, Donald G. Corner in beans. Les Mo 58:572 S '04 Hughes, Elizabeth Burgess Mule pi riders. Lippinc 94:614 N '14 Hughes, Hugh J. lioy'.s day. Harp W 52:17 N 14 '08 Hughes, J. Houghton Three tlaslicfs. Harp W 56:14 My 4 '12 Hughes, Rupert, 1872- A as in father. L H J 30:22 O '13 Adventures of a bookkeeper. Amer 68:128 Je '09 Baby talk. Sat E P 1S6:6 Mr 28 '14 Barge of dreams. Mun 53:559 I) '14 Bitterness of .sweets. Met 40:7 Je '14 Canavan, the man who had hl.s way. Sat E P 182:5 S 11 '09 Christmas clearing-house, ltd. Everybody's 16:121 .la '07 College lorelel. Sat E P 183:14 O 29 '10 Col. Crockett's cooperative Christmas. Sat E P 178:11 J) 2 '05 Crisscross Christmas. L II J 30:13 D '13 H ughes, Rupert — continued Daughter of Shiloh. Sat E P 187:3 Jl 4 '14 Doctor Merrill's miracle. Sat E P 182:6 Ap 23 '10 Don't you care! Sat E P 187:11 O 31 '14 Exquisite thug. Sat E P 182:5 D 11 '09 Gallery-god. Sat E P 179:5 O 27 '06 Ghostly counsellors. Cosmop 56:586 Ap '14 Heart-mender. Sat E P 182:16 Je 18 '10 Hireling. Sat E P 182:7 Ja 22 '10 His first client. Col 51:5 My 17 '13 Immortal youth. Sat E P 180:7 Ap 4 '08 Johnetta tried it. Sat E P 185:22 O 26 '12 Last rose of summer. Met 39:21 Mr '14 Little boy you used to know. L H J 30:8 Ag •13 Little puddle. Sat E P 181:5 Ag 8 '08 Man for a while. Sat E P 186:5 F 14, 12 F 21 '14 Miss 318. Sat E P 183:11 D 3 '10 Miss 318 and Mr. 37. Sat E P 185:3 Jl 20, 19 Jl 27 '12 Mrs. Budlong's Christmas gifts. Sat E P 184: 10 D 2 '11 Mouth of the gift horse. Sat E P 182:3 Jl 24 '09 Old maid's honeymoon. Sat E P 181:5 N 28 '08 Old nest. Sat E P 183:6 Je 3 '11 On the razor edge. Lippinc 85:73 Ja '10 Poltroon, The. Sat E P 180:5 N 2 '07 Pop. Sat E P 186:5 O 4 '13 Quicksilver window. Sat E P 181:8 Je 5 '09 Rose-fever. Sat E P 182:12 My 28 '10 She borrowed her own husband. Lippinc 77: 539 My '06 Strange doings in Carthage. Everybody's 24: 17 Ja '11 Tingley's post-prandial trap. Harp W 50:1460 O 13 '06 Unto the children. Cosmop 55:191 Jl '13 W^here life is marked down. Sat E P 178:8 Je 2 '06 Hugh's protective policy. M. Hill. Les Mo 54: 132 Je '02 Hulbert, Homer Bezaleel, 1863- Sign of the Jumna. Cent. 66:324 Jl '03 Hulbert, William Davenport, 1868- Coming of Alice-for-Short. Outl 96:869 D 17 '10 Hunt for the she-wolf. Amer 63:41 N '06 Story of a pine tree. L H J 22:13 Ag '05 Up in the clouds with the crooked steel. Outl 75:585 N 7 '03 What the trout stream saw. Les Mo 56:1 My '03 Huling, Caroline A. Strike in the Clarion office. Lippinc 77:112 Ja 06 Huling, Ellen Paine Ha'nt at the old ladies' home. New Eng n s 29:450 D '03 Harbor of lost ships. Atlan 101:414 Mr '08 Woman's no. Everybody's 16:224 F '07 Hull, George Charles. Doughnuts McCafferty. Met 26:752 S '07 Poison Ivy Ivens. Met 27:553 F '08 Wanderings of Lou the Lucky. Met 24:737 S '06 Hult, Florence Bowen Peyond the parting of the ways. Cent 73:413 Ja '07 Hum-drum. A. Olllvant. Amer 77:37 Ja 39, F '14 Human beings. J. Oppenheim. Delin 81:87 F '13 Human fraction. M. R. Warren. Sat E P 187: 11 D 26 '14 Human interest story. C. M. Williams. Mun 28:271 N '02 Human man. E. Wood. Everybody's 30:613 My ■1 t Human nature. K. C. Thurston. Everybody's l.':53S Ap '05 Human thermometer. R. Linn. Cosmop 46:175 .I:i 'Oil Humanity. J. W. 'I'ompklns. Everybody's 27: :fn; K '12 Humbling of Harriet. M. Ashmun. New Eng n H 33:173 O '05 142 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Humes, John Newton Dinner for a cent. Les Mo 54:616 O '02 Humming bird. O. Johnson. Sat E P 182:3 Ag 7 '09 Humor in the days of the Pharaohs. C. John- ston. Harp W 54:11 Je 25 '10 Humor of the ancient Hibernians. C. Johnston. Harp W 55:10 Mr 18 '11 Humor of the Greelis. C. Johnston. Harp W 55:20 Ag 5 '11 Humor of the old Turks. C. Johnston. Harp W 55:12 Ja 28 '11 Humor of the prairies. E. Hough. Sat E P 178:4 F 24 '06 Humorist. D. Deakin. Cent 72:594 Ag '06 Humorist's daughter. B. Lessing. Cosmop 50: 357 F '11 Humorist's eclipse. R. Thomas. Cosmop 44: 251 Ja '08 Humors of a snuff-box. E. Boltwood. Harp W 46:732 Je 7 '02 Humpbacked mules. W. L. Beard. Lippinc 69: (321 My '02 Humphreys, Mary Gay (Henry Somerville, pseud.) East is east and west is west. Scrib 50:480 O '11 How the baby held up two armies. Scrib 36: 342 S '04 Passing of O Baka. Harper 102:816 Ap '01 Ways of women ranchers. Cent 83:525 F '12 Hunch of the Human Fish. H. G. Van Campen. Sat E P 185:6 Mr 15 '13 Hundred dollars down. A. W. Morris. Lippinc 81:798 Je '08 Hundredth and oneth. A. H. Donnell. Harper 106:480 F '03 Hundredth chance. Mrs. O. Onions. Harp B 48:12 Jl '13 Huneker, James Gibbons, 1860- Mas:ic lantern. Cent. 74:416 Jl '07 Master of cobwebs. Scrib 34:693 D '03 Tune of time. Met 22:21 Ap '05 Woman who loved Chopin. Met 23:288 D '05 Hunger. K. H. Brown. Scrib 41:340 Mr '07 Hunger test. T. Roberts. Mun 39:732 S '08 Hungerford, Edward, 1875- , ^o At the Green Tree Inn. Sat E P 185:15 Jl l^ '12 Browne, of Boston. Sat E P 180:5 S 14 '07 Dan Donahue. Amer 70:754 O '10 Dollars and the airmen. Harp W 55:1.. u -s •11 His big story. McClure 39:348 Jl "12 Honor of his craft. Harp W 55:16 S 9 '11 Keepins? the line open. Sat E P 183:8 Jl 23 '10 Little Corky. Sat E P 181:3 N 21 '08 Man behind the ticket. Sat E P 186:14 D 13 '13 Man who stole a railroad. Harp W 51:1062 Jl 20. 1099 Jl 27 '07 Personal tracer. Sat E P 182:10 Jl 31 '09 Ride to "^nnniebrook. Col 46:25 N 5 '10 Simply. Harper 117:175 Jl '08 Sorehead. Harp W 52:22 S 19 '08 Surgeon of the sea. Harper 122:199 Ja '11 Tickets, please! Sat E P 186:16 S 6 '13 Tower Easy. Harp W 52:16 Ag 15 'OS Hungerford operation. M. Martin. Mun 37:335 Je '07 Hungry girl. O. M. Hueffer. Col 51:7 Jl 12 '13 Hunker Bill's dog. A. Stringer. Met 25:592 F •07 Hunt for the she-wolf. W. D. Hulbert. Amer 63:41 N '06 Hunt, Frazier Cub reporter again. Col 52:16 N 8 '13 Little Mrs. Lindstrom's pull. Col 52:17 O 25 '13 Hunt, George Edwin Angel paradise. Lippinc S0:127 Jl '07 Runty Smithers. Les Mo 60:396 Ag '05 Why Rollison went to Sumatra. Lippinc 79: 502 Ap '07 Hunter, Mary Van Brunt In the spring a woman's fancy. Mun 39:137 Ap '08 Wheels within wheels. Mun 30:762 F '04 Hunter's El Dorado in black and white. C. E. Beane. New Eng n s 41:788 S '09 Huntford's fair Nihilist. H. Pyle. Harper 127: 121 Je '13 Hunting a job in the wicked city. E. Wood. Amer 72:163 Je '11 Hunting for an apartment. M. L Fisk. Harper 107:649 S '03 Hunting, Henry Gardner Bob, debutant. McClure 31:169 Je 'OS Huntington, Harriet 1_. Lunch for two more. Mun 30:733 F '04 Huntington, Helen Confe-ssion of love. Everybody's 6:364 Ap. '02 Huntington, Linn IVIurdoch His professional honor. Scrib 54:648 N '13 Huntington, Mary Clarke As a tale that is told. McClure 20:384 F '03 Minister's socks. Outl 66:409 O 13 '00 Neighborhood romance. Outl 72:131 S 13 '02 Hurd, Grace Marguerite Lady vs. Lochinvar. Delin 57:588 Ap '01 Hurd, IVIarian Kent — and Wilson, Jean Bingham When she came home from college. L H J 2fi:ll My. 13 Je, 16 Jl '09 Hurlbut, E. W. Rush order for lamps. McClure 22:65 N '03 Hurlbut, Edward H. At the end of the long night. Col 50:20 S 21 ■12 Paths of judgment. Col 49:19 Je 15 ^12 Whatsoever a man soweth. Col 49:18 Jl 20 '12 Whither thou goest. Col 49:20 Je 1 '12 Whom the gods destroy. Col 49:16 Je 29 '12 Hurricane Harry. H. R. Durant. Mun 34:396 Ja ^06 Hurry call. M. Tracy. Mun 23:516 Jl '00 Hurst, Fannie, 1889- Breakers ahead! Cosmop 57:19 Je '14 Character woman. Sat E P 187:11 S 12 '14 Good provider. Sat E P 187:12 Ag 15 '14 Home grown. Met 39:14 F '14 Home run. Sat E P 185:10 Ja 25 '13 Key of A flat. Sat E P 185:12 S 28 '12 Marked down. Sat E P 185:12 Mr 22 '13 Mind— cat! Sat E P 187:13 D 26, '14 Monsieur Pompadour. Sat E P 185:10 Je 7 '13 New Year's Adam and Eve. Sat E P 185:6 D 7 '12 Nth commandment. Sat E P 187:12 D 5 '14 Other cheek. Sat E P 186:15 Ap 11 '14 Other people's shoes. Sat E P 186:11 D 20 '13 Paradise trail. Sat E P 187:17 S 5 '14 Power and horse-power. Sat E P 185:5 Jl 6 '12 Sole reason. Sat E P 186:15 S 13 '13 Spring song. Sat E P 186:6 My 23 '14 Squall, The. Sat E P 185:11 Ag 10 '12 Starlight — nickelplated. Sat E P 185:13 N 2 '12 Summer resources. Sat E P 185:5 S 7 '12 Superman. Sat E P 186:5 Je 20 '14 Sweetest sweetmeat. Sat E P 185:5 My 3 '13 Hurt in the spirit. E. C. Waltz. Lippinc 75: 621 My '05 Hurt woman. J. W. Evans. L H J 29:21 Ag '12 Husband and wife sketches. See Richmond, Grace S. Husband for Suzanne. J. O. Loizeaux. Met 27: 204 N '07 Husband, Joseph Semaphore. Allan 113:487 Ap '14 Tragedy of the mine. Allan 107:100 Ja '11 Husbands of Tiverton. B. Hanscom. L H J 28: 16 N '11 Hustler's handicap. L. B. Yates. Col 54:14 O 3 •14 Hut in the valley. E. H. Thompson. Cent 82: 777 S '11 Hut in the wood. J. D. Bacon. Col 41:12 Je 13 '08 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 143 Hut of Peter the Great. B. E. Stevenson. Lip- pinc 87:730 Je '11 Hutchinson, Arthur Stuart Menteth, ISSO- Extraordinary case of Wilfred Wump Bra- bazon. Harper 127:826 N '13 Hutchinson, Elizabeth Green blinds. Mun 50:679 Ja '14 Hutchinson, Percy Adams Hep Sin: section hand. Col 51:16 Jl 26 '13 Hutchinson, Warren B. My crank client. Cosmop 29:217 Je 'GO Hutten zum Stoizenberg, Bettina (Riddle) baroness von, 1874-1914 According to Lady Moyle. Lippinc 73:344, 463; 74:251, 787 Mr-Ap, Ag-D '04 Door to the right. Lippinc 77:71 Ja '06 Duke's daughter. Mun 27:631 Jl '02 Eighth proposal. L H J 20:7 Je '03 Helping Hersey. Lippinc 89:769 Je '12 In tentationem. Outl 75:325 O 3 '03 One worm's turning. Col 33:18 Je 11 '04 Portrait of a parson. Lippinc 85:444 Ap '10 Sin of Sister Veronica. Outl 74:85 My 2 '03 Third. Cent 66:308 Je '03 Tragic comedian. Cosmop 41:621 O '06 Win on the hearth. Met 23:545 F '06 Hutton, IVIabel Woolley Hat bill. Delin 83:19 S '13 Little brown book. Delin 85:13 S '14 Hy-a-a-ar! Dump! H'yer! H'yer! B. Lay. Allan 91:538 Ap '03 Hyacinth. M. Williams. Everybody's 8:428 My '03 Hyacinthe and Honorine. B. Phillpotts. Atlan 98:296 S '06 Hyacinth us. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 109: 447 Ag '04 Hybrid roses. S. B. Elliott. Harper 113:434 Ag '06 Hyde, Florence Once. Met 15:204 F '02 Hyde, Henry Morrow, 1866- Actor in the Fiench farce. L H J 23:17 O '06 Book of business ethics. Sat B P 183:6 Ap 1 '11 Debut of Deumas. Sat E P 182:5 F 26 '10 Fayette county gas wells. Les Mo 59:80 N '04 Kicked into millions. Sat E P 181:12 F 6 '09 Long arm of the boss. Sat E P 183:12 O 22 '10 Masterpiece of Dumas. Sat B P 183:8 Mr IS '11 Megaphone of money. Sat E P 177:3 Jl 30 '04 Miss Murphy's million. Sat E P 185:6 Ja 11 '13 Mis' Willings stroke. Cent 73:264 D '06 Peter-Potter: business privateer. Les Mo 58: 478 S '04, 59:311 Ja '05 Rioter. Col 35:17 Jl 8 '05 Serpent in Eden. Sat E P 181:5 Ja 16 '09 Tales of Thomas Tabb. Sat E P 178:6 Ap 28 •06 Triumph of Dumas. Sat E P 182:28 Mr 26 '10 Wanted — a million. Sat E P 178:3 Ja 6 '06 Which man was right? Sat E P 181:10 N 14 '08 Hygeia at the Solito. O. Henry. Everybody's 8:172 F '03 Hymers, Maude E. Smith Fifty yeais wrestle. New Eng n s 30:561 Jl '04 Hyne, (Charles John) Cutcllffe Wright Duel in the deeper pit. Cosmop 28:435 F '00 Failure, The. Sat E P 183:20 N 12 '10 Finger of Hankin. Sat E P 174:9 N 30 '01 Mine layer. Sat E P 187:16 N 21 '14 Pirating of the Shah. Sat K P 173:3 Jl 14 '00 Sole survivor. Mot 11:201 Mr '00 Thomp.son's progre.ss: story of a self-made man. Sat E P 173:2 Je 29, 174:3 Jl 20, 4 Ag 31, 6 O 19, 8 N 9. 10 D 7 '01 Hyperborean brew. J London. Met 14:85 Jl '01 Hypnotizing of Lobelia. C. C. Waddle. Every- body's 5:715 J) '01 1 can lift you. E. Gates. Sat E P 183:5 D 17 '10 ' ^®| ^? ^° ^ nunnery. F. T. Jesse. Met 38:28 I have borne my lord a son. F. Kiper. Forum I love my love so well. S. S. F. Callahan. Lip- pinc 70:227 Ag '02 I, Phoebe, take thee, Toland. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 73:431 F '12 I sing of honor and the faithful heart. G. M. Martin. McClure 17:558 O '01 I wish I were Bretherton. J. M. Forman. Harper 119:138 Je '09 I wonder why. O. Oliver. Amer 62:37 My '06 Ice dogs. J. B. Connolly. Harper 115:605 S '07 Ich dien. J. Anderson. Mun 49:786 Ag '13 Ich dien. C. N. Buck. Cosmop 51:330 Ag '11 Ichi-Ban mascot. S. F. Whitman. Col 36:12 Ja 13 '06 Ideal. D. Canfield. Harp B 40:789 S '06 Ideal. C. Harris. Harp W 58:12 S 27 '13 Ideal. C. V. McCauley. Delin 81:75 F '13 Ideal. E. A. Zangwill. Lippinc 80:621 N '07 Idealist. G. E. Chaning. Harp 129:402 Ag '14 Idealist. P. Gibbon. McClure 30:229 D '07 Idealist. J. Hopper. Sat E P 178:6 O 14 '05 Idealist. N. Syrett. Harper 106:923 My '03 Idella and the white plague. J. C. Lincoln. Mc- Clure 27:104 My '06 Identifying Anne. J. Cooper. McClure 26:594 Ap '06 Idle million. See Chester, George Randolph. Idler's wedding. G. Morris. IMet 22:741 S '05 Idol of clay. E. B. Peake. Sat E P 182:12 Je 25 '10 Idyl of Monterey. B. G. Rowe. Mun 31:271 My '04 Idyl of Pelham Bay Park. G. Morris. Cosmop 52:115 D '11 Idyl of the Fourth Estate. B. T. Royle. Mun 25:392 Je '01 Idyl of the Gass. M. Wolfenstein. Lippinc 66: 918 D '00 Idyl of the road. J. D. Bacon. McClure 29:603 O '07 Idyl of the yards. M. L. Radford. McClure 29: 438 Ag '07 Idyl under the terror. A. M. Sholl. Mun 45: 820 S '11 Idyll of All fools' day. See Bacon, Josephine D. Idyll of Tristram Shepard. J. Marks. New Eng n s 34:273 My '06 Idyllic. R. M. Gay. Atlan 111:566 Ap '13 If a man die— C. Marriott. Lippinc 93:741 Je 14 If a woman will. W. M. Raine. Outl 68:592 Jl If at first you don't succeed, join a new party. K. Hubbard. Amer 75:102 N '12 If you touch 'em they vanish. G. Morris. Met 37:12 N 12 If youth were all. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Cosmop 57:166 Jl '14 llaria of the Ilalla. C. Stanton and H. ITosken. Mun 51:10 F '14 Iliad nf the snow.s. H. Whitaker. Mun 26:710 F 'OL' lllowlzl, Henry llamz.'iH ailvcntnro. Harper 102:872 My '01 nouy 8 D. 01 I'll do It If you will. E. Phillpotts. McClure 33: Hypocrite. M. Carleton. Harp W 48:1852 D 3 If' ^V '"9 Hypocrites. E. T. Metcalfe. Mun 41:365 Jo '09 Hypocrite's day. I:. U. Ireland. ,Mun 27:913 S Ill-regulated courtship. E. W. Peattle. Harp B :'.H:2r,2 Mr '01 III wind. (\ Goodloe. Scrlb 36:24 Jl '04 Illegal loyalty. C. Morris. Cosmop 37:300 Jl '04 144 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Illimitable senses. J. B. Connolly. Harper 115: 701 O '07 illumination. S. L. Cowan. Forum 47:71 Ja '12 Illusion. N. Boyce. Met 33:389 D '10 Illusionist. R. R. Gilson. Cent 67:446 Ja '04 llsley, Samuel Marshall, 1S63- Feast of the holy innocents. Cent 84:79 My '12 Heroine. Cent 67:652 Mr '04 Making of Camilla. Atlan 96:537 O '05 Runaway. Cent 71:520 F '06 Transit of Venus. Cent 76:814 O 'OS Image-maker. W. Le Queux. Lippinc 68:96 Jl '01 Image of Eve. M. S. Briscoe. Harper 116:516 Mr 'OS Imaginary Jenks. H. V. Marr. Harper 102:815 Ap 01 Imaginary vacation. H. Brubaker. Harper 128: 905 My '14 Imitation bad man. E. Hough. Sat E P 178:6 Ja 20 '06 Immediate jewel. M. Deland. Harper 108:57 D •03 Immediate jewel. M. Van Vorst. Lippinc. 69: 561 My 02 Immodest antique. S. S. Sprigge. McClure 41: 70 S '13 Immortal shade. P. P. Sheehan. Mun 53:523 D '14 Immortal youth. R. Hughes. Sat E P 180:7 Ap 4 '08 Immortality of Gad Heffner. G. Schock. Harper 116:295 Ja '08 Immutable law. E. L. Dudley. Col 48:20 Mr 16 •12 Imp and the author. J. D. Daskam. Harper 101:202 Jl '00 Imp disposes. J. D. Bacon. Harper 103:474 As '01 Impasse. K. F. Gerould. Harper 127:521 S '13 Impeachment of President Israels. F. B. Copley. Amer 75:21 D '12 Impediments. G. Brenan. Everybody's 3:145 Ag '00 Imperio. M. Howe. Lippinc 79:103 Ja '07 Impertinence of Charles Edward. H. G. Rhodes. McClure 20:240 Ja '03 Imperturbability of Mikey Finnegan. R. Craft. Outl 75:88 S 5 '03 Imperturbable duchess. J. D. Beresford. Har- per 127:370 Ag '13 Impetuous Mr. Reagan. G. Horton. Sat E P 176:S D 26 '03 Importance of being sightless. C. Wells. Lip- pinc 92:645 N "13 Important discovery. T. L. Masson. Harper 125:4(9 Ag '12 Important question. M. C. Jacobus. Harp B 41:735 Ag '07 Impossible: a mystery play. W. D. Howells. Harper 122:116 D '10 Impossible Mr. Gurley. G. Burgess. Sat E P 180:10 Ag 24 '07 Impossible Mrs. Jennings. A. M. Sholl, Mun 25: 543 Jl '01 Impossible possibility. E. Flower. Cent 69:75 N '04 Impractical man. E. Flower. Cent 86:549 Ag Impressing of Looney Fipps. S. Ford. Col 32: 23 F 13 '04 Impression of the Regentcy. A. C. Doyle. Les Mo 50:327 Ag '00 Impressionist picture. A. "Woodford. Delin 58: 272 Ag '01 Impressions of an Indian childhood. Zitkala-Sa Atlan 85:37 Ja '00 Imprisoned by icebergs. T. J. Cartridge. New Eng n s 36:554 Jl '07 Imprisoned voice. V. Y. Remnitz. Cent 87:434 Ja 14 mpromptu cousin. M. Glass. Mun 43:699 Ak '10 mproving a husband: comedy. H. M. Givens. L H J 24:10 Mr '07 mprudences of Prudence. E P 186:5 Ja 8 '14 M. Nicholson. Sat n a bachelor's flat. K. Masterson. Met 12:38 Jl '00 n a circle. P. L. Dunbar. Met 14:460 O '01 n a far country. O. Roberts. Amer 65:175 D '07 n a hansom. B. Matthews. Harper 101:360 Ag '00 n a hospital. H. G. Paine. Mun 23:524 Jl '00 n a mysterious way. V. Thompson. Cosmop 29:641 U "00 n a restaurant. B. Herford. Harper 123:803 O •11 n a sandy garden. A. Colton. Atlan 98:342 S •06 n a second balcony. E. McCracken. Cosmop 33:174 Je '02 n a second-hand shop. Dr. C. C. Abbott. Lip- pinc 68:382 S '01 n a silken cradle. J. Brooks. Lippinc 80:223 Ag '07 n a state of sin. O. Wister. Harper 104:453 F '02 n a strange land. E. Elliott. New Eng n s 29:186 O '03 n a swift current. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 24: 455 D '00 n a white man's land. W. M. Pitts. Lippinc. 93:605 My '14 n a woodsman's way. R. Thomas. Outl 66: 982 D 1'2 '00 n a yellow petticoat and a green gown. F. M. Kingsley. L H J 18:6 Jl '01 n absolution. S. P. Steen. Mun 24:641 F '01 n all her glory. G. B. Fife. Harper 107:107 Je 03 n all time of our prosperity. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 27:601 Jl '02 n an even balance. G. E. Channing. Every- body's 17:78 Jl '07 n April. J. Pratt. Atlan 101:800 Je '08 n Arizona. C. T. Brady. .Cosmop 38:279 Ja '05 n at the finish. A. Stoddart. Mun 30:849 Mr '04 n August. V. Tracy. Col 37:16 Ag 18 '06 n Belshazzar court. S. Strunsky. Atlan 112: 781 D '13 n black and white. W. B. MacHarg. Les Mo 52:393 Ag '01 n Blackwater Pot. C. G. D. Roberts. Every- body's 17:449 O '07 n Bohemia. M. H. Vorse. Everybody's 16:185 F '07 n boom times. Sat E P 186:5 N 8 '18 n charge of Trusty. L. Pratt. McClure 31:32 My '08 n collision; two of a kind. J. E. Dunning. Cos- mop 34:465 F '03 n course of an hour or two. M. B. Shipp. Mun 43:177 My '10 n dancing shadows. R. W. Child. Col 48:21 S 30, 25 O 7 '11 n deep waters; an incident of the second Bull Run. S. R. Elliott. Harp W 53:24 S 11 '09 n defiance of the stars. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Mun 32:606 Ja '05 n Dutch. A. Sangree. Sat E P 183:5 Je 17 '11 n each other's eyes. L. Judson. L H J 20:10 Ap '03 n Ebenezer pulpit: story of Jim-Ned creek. M. E. M. Davis. Sat E P 172:896 Mr 31 '00 n Elizabeth's reign. S. L. Coleman. Les Mo 59:132 D '04 n exile. A. Chekhov. Lippinc 90:363 S '12 n face of fact. J. Morton. Mun 35:39 Ap '06 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 U5 n fair rivalry. T. Jenks. Delin 68:394 S '06 n front of the stampede. A. M. Kerr, Mc- Clure 14:511 Ap '00 n Goose alley. L. Pratt. Atlan 102:203 Ag 'OS n Hardens place. J. E. Calkins. Sat E P 177:3 My 20 '05 n heaven and earth. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 1S1;3 N 7, 12 N 14 '08 n her dotage. S. Lawrence. Atlan 88:838 D '01 n her footsteps. A. McEwen. Cosmop 46:426 Mr '09 n his day of trouble. E. C. McCants. Every- body's 6:88 Ja '02 n his place. T. Masson. L H J 22:11 Ag '05 n his private capacity. O. Oliver. Col 32:17 D 5 '03 n honor bound. A. Dunbar. Mun 30:728 F '04 n honor of General Regan. G. A. Birmingham. Harper 118:618 Mr '09 n honor of the infant. M. Hill. Les Mo. 53:329 Ja '02 n June. G. E. Channing. Sat E P 184:18 N 2-'. '11 n line of duty. E. L. Sabin. Mun 51:514 Ap '14 n little Nev/ York. G. Morris. Cosmop 55:181 Jl '13 n loco parentis. J. Barnes. Met 38:41 My '13 n loco parentis. M. S. Briscoe. Harper 108: 524 Mr '04 n loco parentis. M. Kelly. McClure 25:366 Ag ■05 n love. F. L. Smith. Everybody's 30:661 My '14 n love-lady court. L. F. Tooker. Everybody's 25:4S Jl '11 n lover's meeting. H. J. O'Higgins. McClure 25:184 Je '05 n memory of Columbine. W. M. Letts. Cur Lit 41:702 D '06 n memory of Hannah's laugh. E. Jordan. Everybody's 11:760 D '04 n Michael Brady's sand bank. A. Colton. Col 51:16 Jl 5 '13 n my lady's garden. K. Trask. Atlan 89:618 My '02 n necessity's mortar. J. B. Cabell. Harper 109:702 O '04 n November. E. Wyatt. Atlan 104:673 N '09 n Oklahoma. C. T. Brady. Scrib 31:231 F '02 n Oklahoma. E. Hoyt. Everybody's 5:533 N '01 n old Madeira. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 54:11 D 3 '10 n old Manomet village. E. W. Pierce. Les Mo 50:265 Jl '00 n on the ground-floor. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 68:472 O '01 n one fellowship. L. H. Wall. Cent 60:348 Jl '00 n open court. F. T. Hill. Outl 103:640 Mr 22 ■13 n Pacific waters. W. L. Mallabar. Cosmop 46: 631 My '09 n pa.s.slng. S. Merwln. Amer 77:53 F '14 n pastures new. See Rood. Henry Edward n payment thereof. M. K. Potter. Harper 105: 273 Jl '02 n Pittsburgh. F. Hill. Col 51:7 Ag 9 '13 n Pondoland. M. Edginton. Lippinc 91:197 F •13 n pursuit of an American girl. K, Lane. L II I 25:17 My '08 n pursuit of Priscllla. E. S. Field. Sat 10 I' 179:5 ,11 14 '06 n quarantine. R. M. Alden. Col 39:15 Jl 27 "07 n quest of Cinderella. M. A. Hartwoll. Met lf.:r,fA D '02 n regard to Josephine. M. S. Cutting. Mc- Clure 24:579 Mr '05 n retreat. A. Repplier, Atlan 96:110 Jl 05 In Rue Royale, M, E, M, Davis, Sat E P 173 4 F 9 '01 n safe hands, O, Oliver, Mun 43:180 My '10 n society. E. L. Sabin, Everybody's 11:179 Ag n South African waters, A. Forbes Everv- body's 2:270 Mr '00 -civeij. n step. F, C. Springer, Harper 129:285 Jl '14 " ^9(?-470 0^12 ^^ *^'^ ~" ^' ^*"^^^'l- Lippinc n suite two. A. Allen. Mun 23:378 Je '00 n swimming. A. S. Pier. Atlan 96:181 Ag '05 n tentationem. B. von Hutten. Outl 75:325 O n the Abruzzi mountains. M, Howe, Lippinc 73:695 Je '04 n the absence of Mrs, Halloran. N, Duncan. Atlan 85:255 F '00 n the absence of monsieur, G. W. Carrvl Atlan 91:211 F '03 v-dnj-i. n the absence of rules. H. W, Phillips. Mc- Clure 23:440 Ag '04 n the absence of the agent. E. Ferber. Amer 75:55 Ap '13 n the admiral's cabin. R. J. Pearsall. Lippinc 00:62 Jl '12 n the American style. A. M. Sholl. Mun 49: 21 Ap '13 n the anchor-watch. J. B. Connolly. Harper 127:624 S '13 n the arena. E. L. Sabin. Cent 68:76 My '04 n the babies ward. C. K. Herrick. McClure 30:757 Ap '08 n the beauty parlor. M. I. Fisk. Harp W 5'- 22 O 24 '08 n the big drift. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 184:5 D n the box canon of the Gila. C. T. Brady, Harper 102:601 Mr '01 n the canvas wagon's shadow. D. H. Talmadge. Mun 24:586 Ja '01 n the canyon. J. F. Cobb. Harp W 55:14 F n the case of Hannah Risser. E. G. Jordan. Harp B 36:710 Ag '02 n the cave, J, D. Dragoumis. Atlan 108:211 Ag '11 n the chapel of Nicholas V. H. Monroe. Atlan 92:367 S '03 n the city general. M. Moss. Everybody's 11 349 S '04 n the closed room. F. H. Burnett. McClure 23:339 Ag '01 n the clown's donkey-cart. R. Bergengren, Lippinc 87:247 F '11 n the cool of the day. G. E. Channing. Atlan 103:25 Ja '09 n the country. F. H. Carruth. Harper 103: 499 Ag 01 n the course of justice. A. Train. McClure 25: 516 S '05 n the court of last resort. W. French. Lippinc 77:764 Je '06 n the dark hour. P. Gibbon. McClure 31:82 My 'OS n the dark of the moon, E, G. Curtis. Cent 74:386 Jl '07 n the darkroom. B. Millard. Cosmop 40:171 D •05 n the day of his power. H. Marie. Les Mo 55: 433 F '03 n the day's work. J. S. Lopez. Met 33:787 Mr '11 n the deep of the snow. C. G. D. Roberts. Everybody's 15:809 D 'OC n the department store. C. Wells. Cent 82: .114 Je '11 n the desert. C. Hotchklss. Harp W 49: ISC*' D 23 "05 146 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 In the different world. V. Seibert. Amer 65: 194, 402 D '07, F '08 In the district. N. Lloyd. Scrib 38:568 N '05 In the doctor's office. R. Herrick. Scrib 43:105 Ja '08 In the dog days. C. H. Grabo. Lippinc 86:217 Ag '10 In the down-country. G. B. Lancaster. Every- body's 13:75 Jl '05 In the dragon's mouth. A. M. Shaw. Every- body's 4:212 Mr '01 In the face of his constituents. S. K. Glaspell. Harper 107:757 O '03 In the family. M. S. Cutting. McClure 24:538 Mr '05 In the farthest sea. G. B. Lancaster. Every- body's 13:166 Ag '05 In the fear of the Lord. N. Duncan. Atlan 90: 95 Ag '02 In the fitting-room: monologue. M. Manning. Harp B 43:125 F '09 In the flat across the hall. W. MacHarg. L H J 31:15 N '14 In the footsteps of Katy. E. H. Porter. Lip- pinc 78:249 Ag '06 In the funerals. H. Green. McClure 36:514 Mr '11 In the garden of life. M. D. Buchanan. Met 17:46 Ap '03 In the General Manager's car. J. E. Calkins. Sat E P 177:5 D 31 '04 In the glow of a peat fire. A. Irvine. McClure 37:203 Je '11 In the gutter-garden. D. Slade. Atlan 110:215 Ag '12 In the hands of a receiver. G. W. Ogden. Everybody's 7:453 N '02 In the hands of the law. W. Payne. Sat E P 177:8 Je 24 '05 In the heart of the mist. C. Johns. Met 18:578 Ag -03 In the honest woods. H. F. Day. Les Mo 59: 305 Ja '05 In the hour of his youth. J. F. Wilson. Amer 70:132 My '10 In the house of the living death. C. Hilton- Turvey. Col 51:17 Je 28 '13 In the interests of Christopher. M. Harris. Harper 109:207 Jl '04 In the land of burnt-out fires. C. T. Brady. Met 22:678 S '05 In the land of promise. R. S. Baker. Col 36: 20 F 24 '06 In the lee of the centerhouse. L. F. Tooker. Cent. 71:762 Mr "06 In the library. W. W. Jacobs. Harper 103:51 Je '01 In the light of the Christmas candles. E. Hoyt. L H J 21:7 D '03 In the married quarters. M. S. Cutting. Mc- Clure 19:248 Jl '02 In the matter of a bale of blankets. J. B. Con- nolly. Scrib 54:744 D '13 In the matter of art. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 42: 21 Mr 20 '09 In the matter of the mission. B. Veiller. Mc- Clure 21:264 Jl '03 In the matter of the printing steal. W. M. Raine. Lippinc 77:358 Mr '06 In the midst of life. J. H. Rockwell. Met 16: 561 N '02 In the mixing of the waters. C. B. Fernald. Harper 103:538 S '01 In the money-mill. G. G. Bain. Cosmop 39:660 O '05 In the MusSe. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 42:22 N 28 In the name of the late Captain Kidd. J. Lin- coln. Sat E P 173:12 Ja 26 '01 In the nature of a hero. H. J. O'Higgins. Cent 68:366 Jl '04 n the next cot. B. P. Butler. Les Mo 58:550 S '04 n the nick of time. M. W. Foshay. New Eng n s 31:523 Ja '05 n the nick of time. R. R. Gilson. Harper 118: 462 F '09 n the North Woods. H. M. Palmer. Delin 72: 118 Jl '08 n the open. M. R. S, Andrews. Scrib 34:66 n the order of providence. J. C. Harris. Sat E P 172:788 Mr 3 '00 n the other room. M. C. Dyar. Harper 118 510 Mr '09 n the panic. W. Pane. Cent 60:427 Jl '00 n the pasha's garden. H. G. Dwight Atlan 114:145 Ag '14 n the path of battle. K. Jarboe. Mun 53:271 N '14 n the pavilion. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 185-3 N 9 '12 n the presence. R. Kipling. Everybody's 26: 307 Mr '12 n the presence of the enemy. F. T. Hill. Les Mo 54:69 My '02 n the private car. G. H. Preston. Lippinc 73: 350 Mr '04 n the promised land. R. M. Allen. Col 35:14 Je 10 05 n the prophet's treasury. E. L. Arnold. Col 33:15 Je 18 '04 n the quicksand. L. B. Miller. Cent 66:254 Je n the reign of Alfred Dont. M. Hill. Amer 71: 161 D '10 n the reign of Peggy. B. M. Dix. Delin 56: 833 D '00 n the reign of Quintellia. M. S. Cutting. Harp B 36:502 Je '02 n the right. J. W. Tompkins. Everybody's 9: 129 Jl '03 n the same boat. R. Kipling. Harper 124:3 D n the second April. J. B. Cabell. Harper 114: 675, 875 Ap-My '07 n the Security Trust Building. W. R. Lighton. Cosmop 28:539 Mr '00 n the shadow. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 181:8 Mr 20 '09 n the shadow of St. Joseph. M. Houston. Les Mo 58:209 Je '04 n the shadow of the hills. C. B. Davis. Col 41:17 Jl 4 '08 n the shadow of the scaffold. H. Graham. McClure 31:577 S '08 n the small. H. J. O'Higgins. Everybody's 27: 390 S '12 n the spring a woman's fancy. M. V. Hunter. Mun 39:137 Ap '08 n the springtime. H. W. Lanier. Lippinc 73: 570 My '04 n the street of the flower makers. M. T. Earle. Mun 26:107 O '01 n the strength of the hills. G. M. Cooke. Met 23:268 D '05 n the strong man's borders. F. Saville. Lip- pinc 77:194 F '06 n the sweet April weather. A. Kinnosuke. Met 35:13 My '12 n the thick of it. L. B. Walford. Sat E P 173:10 Ag 11 '00 n the toils. H. W. Phillips. Sat E P 176:1 F 13 '04 n the valley of the Ararat. E. C. McCants. Everybody's 12:115 Ja '05 n the valley of the Gnomes. A. C. Laut. Met 16:289 S '02 n the valley of tue shadow. J. D. Daskam. McClure 20:41 N '02 n the Virginia room. A. Bates. Cent 70:227 Je '05 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 147 In the wake of William Tell. M. Hill. Scrib 52:221 Ag '12 In the way he should go. V. W. Cloud. Delin 67:484 Mr '06 In the whale-boat. H. C. Rowland. McCIure 19:571 O '02 In the wilderness. C. S. Reid. Mun 28:383 D '02 In the wilderness a cedar. Z. Gale. Every- body's 19:372 S '08 In the wireless room. A. Stringer. Sat E P 182:8 Ag 28 '09 In the world of the ghost lights. C. G. D. Roberts. Col 49:24 Mr 30 '12 In time of need. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 179:7 N 3 '06 In time of opposition. S. H. Howard. Outl 77: 313 Je 4 '04 In time of storm. S. C. Bryant. Les Mo 57: 613 Ap '04 In times of peace. C. Dangerfield. Cosmop 35: 266 Jl '03 In Tinlav's whare. G. B. Lancaster. Every- body's 13:411 S '05 In trust. M. Chater. Cosmop 46:537 Ap '09 In Ursula's garden. J. B. Cabell. Harper 106: 909 My '03 In vaudeville. H. Green. McClure 34:392 F '10 In war time. E. C. Hajl. Cosmop 47:598 O '09 In war time. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 42:18 F 13 '09 In Washington Square. E. Watson. Every- body's 10:558 Ap '04 In which yellow wins. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 79:548 Ap '07 In Willard's shoes. R. W. Child. Col 37:18 Je 16 '06 Inability to interfere. M. H. Vorse. McClure 31:477 Ag '08 Incandescent lily. G. Morris. Sat E P 186:3 O '11, 20 O IS '13 Incapacity of Mr. Thomas Goodnow. B. G. Bis- sell. Everybody's 15:857 D '06 Incendiary, The. H. Dickson. Sat E P 185:28 O 5 '12 Incident in the Bishop's career. A. O'Hagan. Mun 26:284 N '01 incident of the season. S. E. Richards. Met 12:513 O '00 Incipient wishes. G. Morris. Cosmop 57:10 Je '14 Incognito. H. S. Griffith. Lippinc 73:387 Ap '04 Inconsistent romance. A. F. Brown. New Ene n s 37:685 F '08 Incubus. M. Bateman. McClure 38:421 F '12 Incubus. J. Morton. Harper 119:245 Jl '09 Incumbrance. E. Kenton. Everybody's 13:320 S 05 Independence of Dermot. C. B. Loomis. Sat E Independence of Mr. Hastings. C. Duer Every- body's 7:17 Jl '02 Independence of Saburo. A. M. Bacon. Atlan '.)4 ;:;S9 S '04 Independence of Silas Bollender. P. L Dunbar l>il>I»inc 68:375 S '01 Independent charge. O. Oliver. Col 33:21 An 16 04 Indian-gift. C. A. Pratt. Scrib 31:625 My '02 Indian ring. J. M. Forman. Harper 114:610 Mr Indian sign. A. Sangree. Sat E P 184:13 S 9 '11 Indian sign. C. E. Van Loan. Col 53:5 Ag 1 '14 Indian summer. A. Stringer. Col 49:22 My 25 Indian summer of Dry Valley Johnson. O. Henry. Amer 63:406 F '07 Indifference of Juliet. G. S. Riclimond. L H J I'j:.', My, 11 Je '02 Indignation runs high. G. R. Chester. Col 54:5 S 19 '14 Indiscreet letter. E. H. Abbott. Everybody's 24:476 Ap '11 Indiscretion of John Henry. W. L. Sawver Cent 63:33 N '01 Indiscretion of Prudence. E. Boltwood. Mun 38:151 N '07 Indiscretion of Sergeant McCarty. P. C Mac- farlane. Col 48:14 D 30 '11 Indiscretion of the best man. A. Alden. Harper 118:973 My '09 Indiscretions of a trolley car. H. W. Phillips. Sat E P 180:14 O 19 '07 Industrious Chevalier. S. S. Sprigge. McClure 41:78 Ag '13 Inevitable Christmas. M. R. Oliver. Lippinc 80 813 D '07 Inevitable reckoning. T. J. Grayson. Cent 76 400 Jl '08 Infallible Godahl. F. L Anderson. Sat E P 185 8 F 15 '13 '"f^'"® ^t Ten Sleep. E. E. Peake. Sat E P 184:6 S 9 11 Infatuation of Ackerly. W. A. Eraser. McClure 14:222 Ja '00 I nf el ice, M. A. Rundell. New Eng n s 33:101 S 05 Infidelity of Sam Foster. J. D. Swain. Lippinc 89:90 Ja '12 ^ Influence. E. M. Kelley. McClure 34:518 Mr '10 Influence of frills. D. Wyllarde. Delin 63:633 Ap '04 Informer. J. Conrad. Harper 114:131 D '06 Ingalls, Redfield Exti-avagance. Mun 51:771 My '14 Ingenious young Mr. Opp. H. Carruth. Sat E P 172:1239 Je 30 '00 Ingenue. L. G. Giltner. New Eng n s 44:189 Ap Ingenuity of Captain Spink. M. Roberts. Sat E. P 182:26 Mr 12 '10 Ingenuity of young Mr. Preston. R. S. Powell Met 17:26 Ap '03 Ingersoil, Justine All that I know of a certain star. Atlan 86: 562 O '00 Ingersoil, Will E. Man proposes. Everybody's 13:272 Ag '05 Inglis, William O., 1872- Beating them all after the glorious battle of Consolacion del Sur. Harp W^ 54:12 N 5 '10 Bill Scott s Cliristmas. Harp W 56 17 D ''1 '12 Conscience of Peter Burke. Mun 25-238 My '01 Erasure of Jean. Harp W 51:1560 O 26 '07 Foo-ooo-ore! Harp W 55:17 Ap 22 '11 John Smith: hero or fool? Harp W 54:32 Ja 1 Lost cartel. Harp W 51:1832 D 14 '07 Michael Corey, life convict. Mun 29:81 Ap '03 On the story: the night the big fellow went out. Harp W. 54:15 D 3 '10 Outsider. Harp W 52:22 N 7 '08 Rain-coat of Rodriguez. Harp W 51:1092 Jl 27 '07 Salvation of Captain Dan McCarthy. Mun 24: 928 Mr '01 Settlement of Dryden vs. Shad. Harper 105: 649 S '02 Shiroko. Harp W 51:572 Ap 20 '07 Story of the missing rifles. Harp W 51:1172 Ag 10 '02 Stowaway. Harp W 51:650 My 4 '07 Tim Coolahan and the ladies. Col 54:9 O 24 '14 Victim of honesty. Harp W 53:15 D 25 '09 Ingraham — , Rod brother and the white brother. New Eng n H 14:602 Jl '11 With banners of fire. New Eng n s 43:65 S '10 Ingram, Eleanor Marie, ISSfi- Chauffcur. ] A]i],inc 85:751 Jp '10 lOi^^orton .Mtarular-d. Lippinc 92:145 Ag '13 From the car bohind. Ivippinc 88:1 Jl '11 Highway. Lippinc 91:209 V '13 Jesters. Lippinc 84:216 Ag '09 148 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Ingram, Eleanor Marie — continued Stolen woman. Lippinc 89:4i>l Mr '12 Substitute. L.ippinc 85:257 N '10 Ingratitude of Mister Rosenfeld. B. Lessing. Cosmop 41:387 Ag '06 Ingredients. H. K. Webster. Atlan 110:17 Jl '12 Inheritance. D. Canfield. Mun 41:247 My '09 Inheritance. K. E. Harriman. Harp W 46:635 My 17 '02 Inheritance. A. Train. Sat E P 182:9 Je 11 '10 Inheriting Bunchy. F, Pier. Delin 79:93 F '12 Initial diamond. M. L. Dawson. Met 17:228 F '03 Initial letter. M. Bowen. Harper 120:663 Ap '10 Initiating Ole. G. Fitch. Sat E P 182:5 S 18 '09 Initiations at Lockport. C. N. Sims. Col 53:7 Ag 15, 10 Ag 22 '14 Initiative of Pokes. W. Makee. Lippinc 77:208 F '06 Injury. C. Marriott. Forum 48:664 D '12 Ink when it is red. M. E. Nichols. New Eng n s 38:577 Jl '08 Inn of the two witches. J. Conrad. Met 38:24 My '13 Inner imperative. A. M. Roach. Harper 111: 217 Jl '05 Inner life. E. L. Sabin. Mun 47:60 Ap '12 Inner room. D. Canfield. Les Mo 60:308 Jl '05 Inner secrets of a banker's rise. E. M. Woolley. Sat E P 184:10 Je 8 '12 Inner secrets of a merchant's rise. E. M. Wool- ley. Sat E P 184:11 Ja 20 '12 Inner secrets of a real-estate broker's rise. E. M. Woolley. Sat E P 184:16 My 4 '12 Inner secrets of a salesman's rise. E. M. Wool- ley. Sat E P 184:18 Ap 27 '12 Innocence of Father Brown. See Chesterton, G. K. Innocent incident. C. H. Towne. Met 14:236 Ag '01 Inoculation of Mr. Skads. J. M. Palmer. Mc- Clure 23:136 Je '04 Inoffensive captain. E. C. Bentley. Met 39:27 Mr '14 Inquest on Armand le Mesurier. F. Danby. Harp W 59:63 Jl IS, 87 Jl 25 '14 Inquisitor. L. B. Wells. Met 33:173 N '10 Insanity of Sam. R. Whiteing. Met 24:241 My '06 Inside ball in the church league. G. Fitch. Sat E P 184:11 F 24 '12 Inside facts. J. C. Lincoln. Col 39:21 S 21 '07 Inside stuff. A. Sangree. Met 35:18 My '12 Inside tip. G. H. Preston. Cosmop 45:91 Je '08 Inspector, S. E. White. Sat E P 180:8 My 9 '08 Inspiration. A. Peacock. Lippinc 86:367 S '10 Inspiration heights. E. G. Wilcoxson. Col 51:7 S 13 '13 Inspiration of Perot. L. Campbell. Col 37:14 Ag 11 '06 Instinct eternal. S. Olmsted. Lippinc 87:617 My Institute at Glendeane. K. M. Rabb. Delin 57: 776 My '01 Insurgent. L. Halevy. Lippinc 88:910 D '11 Insurrection at La Boca. K. Decker. Mun 35: 740 S '06 Intellectof Whittling Wilson. E. Boltwood. Mun 34:714 Mr '06 Intellectual Miss Lamb. F. M. Kingsley. Cent 71:552 F '06 Intention of the testator. C. B. Kelland. Mun 48:462 D '12 Interchange of courtesies. C. Benedict. Atlan 96:812 D '05 Interchangeables. M. Chater. Everybody's 13: 417 S '05 Interference of Kitty. J. T. Newcomb. Mun 30: 266 N '03 Interferer with Cupid. Mrs. J. Futrelle. Sat E P 179:14 D 1 '06 Interlocutory decree. J. F. Wilson. Amer 75: 22 Ja '13 Interlude. R. H. Brittain. Forum 52:434 S '14 Interlude. E. G. Jordan. Harper 128:936 My '14 Interlude in yellow. C. S. Pratt. New Eng n s 25:674 F '02 Interlude of the boss. C. Marriott. Cosmop 46: 96 D '08 Intermezzo. M. T. Maltby. Met 12:332 S '00 Intermezzo. V. T. Sutphen. Harper 106:896 My •03 International. D. Deakin. Sat E P 178:5 Je 23 '06 International cup. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 186:12 Jl 12 '13 International Skull and Cross Bones, Ltd. E. P. Butler. Sat E P 176:6 N 28 '03 International sweethearts. E. Fawcett. New Eng n s 26:152 Ap '02 Interne. C. T. Brady. Harp W 51:426 Mr 23 '07 Interposing providence. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 176:6 Ag 15 '03 Interpreter. A. Brown. Everybody's 15:643 N '06 Interrupted honeymoon. L. H. French. Delin 62:648 N '03 Interrupted pen. E. Madden. Cent 81:547 F '11 Interrupted proposal. A. Bates. L H J 23:10 F '06 Interrupted reign of Queenie. L. Pratt. Amer 64:474 S '07 Interrupted rest cure. L. M. Burns. Mun 27: 820 Ag '02 Interrupted riot. M. L. Lyles. Delin 80:84 Ag '12 Interrupted story. W. P. Eaton. Cosmop 43:89 My '07 Interruption. M. S. Gerry. Harp 40:398 My '06 Intervention. V. Watson. Harp W 56:14 D 7 '12 Intervention at Providence. G. P. Coleman. New Eng n s 36:426 Je '07 Intervention of Billy. J. T. Anderson. Mun 30: 435 D '03 Intervention of gran' pap. E. M. Tybout. Lip- pinc 68:243 Ag '01 Intervention of Mrs. Hilary Penrose. L. K. Mabie. Mun 30:855 Mr '04 Into action. B. M. Dix. Harper 105:684 O '02 Into society via Billy. K. D. Sweetser. L H J 22:6 Ap '05 Intrepid explorer and his lieutenant. E. Nesbit. Sat E P 176:14 F 27 '04 Introducing Thacker. E. Oviatt. McClure 18: 515 Ap '02 Introduction. A. H. Donnell. Harp B 40:353 Ap '06 Intruder. M. Bowen. Harper 126:360 F '13 Intruder. M. Lindsay. Met 28:421 Jl '08 Intruder. G. W. Pangborn. Harper 115:112 Je '09 Intruder, The. R. A. Phillips. Met 29:206 N '08 Intrusion of Cousin Louisa. F. T. Cooper. Met 33:555 F '11 Intrusion of the personal. S. K. Glaspell. Les Mo 57:629 Ap '04 Invaders. C. G. D. Roberts. Met 35:9 O '12 Invalid. M. I. Fisk. Harper 109:649 S '04 Invalided home. H. H. Bennett. Mun 24:573 Ja '01 Invasion of Dodge. A. H. Lewis. Col 33:19 Ap "16 '04 Invasion of England. R. H. Davis. Scrib 50: 697 D '11 Invasion of Monte Vanco. S. F. Whitman. Col 42:14 Ja 30 '09 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 149 Invasion of reality. A. J. Burr. Cent 87:890 Ap '14 Inveigling of Georgie. D. Deakin. Lippinc 79: 73 Ja '07 Invention of Andrew Walsh. W. L. Alden. Harper 112:155 D '05 Inventiveness of Semmeya Hanoum. D. K. Brown. Cent 79:117 N '09 Inventor and the wasteful process. E. J. Rath. Col 48:25 D 2 '11 Investigation at Holman square. N. M. Hop- kins. Lippinc 82:257 S '08 Invisible cloak. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 55:12 Ap 15 '11 Invisible house. B. W. Peattie. Les Mo 52:66 My '01 Invisible man. G. K. Chesterton. Sat E P 183: 5 Ja 28 '11 Invisible Marquis of Gallantreve. R. Barr. Sat E P 180:19 D 7, 13 D 14 '07 Invisible ray. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 53:704 O '12 Invitation to meet me at four. B. Hanscom. L H J 28:19 F 1 '11 Involuntary benefactor. E. Robinson. Lippinc 71:562 Ap '03 lnv\/ard empire. H. Fish. Everybody's 30:211 F 14 lolanthe. C. L. Clarke. New Eng n s 23:499 Ja '01 lole. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 177:1 O 22 '04 Ireland, Rose Roberts Hypocrite's day. Mun 27:913 S '02 Irene. P. Bourget. Met 21:528 F '05 Irene of Treblzond. See Forman, Justus Miles Irene, the single-cylinder kicker. M. Foster. Sat E P 1S4:7 Jl S '11 Irish courtship. S. MacManus. Lippinc 82:739 D 'OS Irish fairies. S. N. Cleghorn. Atlan 105:476 Ap •10 Irish king. L. Denison. Everybody's 20:181 F '09 Irish member. J. Keating. Les Mo 59:340 Ja '05 Irish rose. E. B. Sturgis. Harp W 52:16 Ag 22 •08 Irish wit and humor. S. MacManus. Les Mo 59:594 Mr, 716 Ap '05 Iron. O. Oliver. Met 30:135 My '09 Iron Cross. See Hans Schmelz and the Iron Cross. Iron empire. G. R. Chester. Cosmop 47:288 Ag '09 Iron khiva. H. Garland. Harp W 47:1416 Ag 29 '03 Iron star. P. Gibbon. Harper 127:354 Ag '13 Irony of chance. F. Harris. Forum 44:31 Jl '10 Irrashal — come with me. S. A. Wardlow. Cos- mop 33:444 Ag '02 Irresistible call. M. Williams. Mun 30:597 Ja '04 Irvine, Alexander Fitzgerald, 1863- In the glow of a peat fire. McClure 37:203 Je •11 My lady of the chimney corner. McClure 38: 345 Ja ^12 Irwin, Grace, (Luce) (Mrs. Wallace Irwin) Departure. Mun 43:744 S '10 Irwin, Wallace, 1875- Affair of peanuts. McClure 41:58 My '13 Chamber of tranquillity. Everybody's 14:415 Mr '06 Engine trouble. McClure 41:69 Je '13 Flier in longevity. McClure 40:25 F '13 Florizel and Fortunatus. Cent 83:753 Mr '12 Fortune's favorite. Everybody's 26:793 Je '12 Gentlemen's af,'reement. McClure 43:77 S '14 Grouch. McClure 43:72 Je '14 Highest. McClure 43:37 Jl '14 How muchee pay? Everybody's 14:258 F '06 Joy-dance of spring. Col 44:22 Mr 19 '10 Lot and the lottery. McClure 40:46 Ap '13 Irwin, Wallace — continued Love and the beauty doctor. Mun 46:465 Ja Millionaire of Ephemera city. McClure 39:398 Ag '12 Minnie vs. Dannie. Met 24:476 Jl '06 Peace on earth in the shopping district. Cos- mop 50:165 Ja "11 Pelican Smith and the smuggler king. Met 24: 574 Ag '06 Pelican Smith, matador. Cosmop 41:81 My '06 Rot writer. Everybody's 27:796 D '12 Slvylark III. Harp W 54:18 Ag 20 '10 Spy from Utopia. McClure 44:25 N '14 Thrown to the lions. McClure 42:125 N '13 Togo tales. Amer 69:134, 239, 565, 754 N, D '09. F, Ap '10 Transplanted ghost. Everybody's 24:109 Ja '11 Two skyscrapers and Mrs. Casey. McClure 40:73 Mr '13 When is a hick? McClure 41:61 O '13 You can't get away from your grandfather. McClure 42:29 Ap '14 Yut Ho. Everybody's 14:118 Ja '06 Zoo, the zodiac and Mo Slupsky. Mun 48:901 Mr '13 Irwin, Mrs. Will. See Gillmore, Inez (Haynes) Irwin, William Henry (Will Irwin), 1873- Amachure grafter. Sat E P 187:9 Ag 22 '14 -As to the blind. Everybody's 17:844 D '07 Bedizened truth. Sat E P 181:10 D 12 '08 Blood will tell. Sat E P 1S6:11 N 22 '13 Bubble of dreams. Amer 64:227 Jl '07 Children and edged tools. Everybody's 23:706 N '10 Cure, The. Sat E P 185:7 O 26 '12 Don Pancho of Santa Lucia. Mun 39:633 Ag ■OS Door-Stopper. Sat E P 185:12 My 3 '13 Golden water. Sat E P 185:3 Ja 25, 16 F 8, 16 F 22 '13 His blind side. Sat E P 185:12 Je 21 '13 House of mystery. Sat E P 1S2:3 F 12, 19 F 19, 19 F 26, 20 Mr 5, 21 Mr 12 '10 House that Harry sold. Sat E P 184:5 O 7, 14 O 14 '11 Laughing Eyes — match-maker. Sat E P 180: 4 Mr 21 '08 Law and Laughing Eyes. Sat E P 180:13 F 1, 12 P 8 '08 Liar. Sat E P 187:14 O 10 '14 McGregor rose. Sat E P 181:3 My 1, 23 My 8 '09 Mr. Rainey in Bohemia. Sat E P 185:16 Ja 4 '13 Professor Malino. Everybody's 16:15S F '07 Through the window. Lippinc 87:444 Ap '11 Togo, mayor of Scituate. Amer 78:10 Ag '14 Uncle Edward and Cousin Edward. Sat E P 185:8 N 2 '12 Where the heart is. Amer 73:224 D '11 Youth will be served. Amer 74:60 My '12 Is Christmas a bore. J. M. Flagg. Amer 78: 102 D '14 Is it to eat you live — yes? G. M. Sissons. Col 51:16 My 24 '13 Isaac. J. Amid. Harp W 58:18 Ag 30 '13 Isaac. A. S. Hardy. Harper 125:588 S '12 Isabella. D. Gray. Cent 66:511 Ag '03 Isadore Levinsky, deceased. H. P. Rockey. Mun 43:62 Ap '10 Isaiah's daddy. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc. 80:108 Jl '07 Isam and the poll tax. H. S. Edwards. Cent 73: S27 Ap '07 Isam's spectacles. H. S. Edwards. Cent 62:741 5 '01 Isam's strategy. H. S. Edwards. Les Mo 56:355 Ag '03 Isham, Frederic Stewart, 1866- Trcasuro. Harper 121:750 O '10 Ishmaellte. E. Singmaster. Cent 88:229 Je '14 Island. M. S. Gerry. Harper 123:77 Je '11 Island. A. Kortrecht. Lippinc 88:609 N '11 Island chute. J. A. Altsheler. Harp W 47:11 D 12 '13 Island Idyll. G. P. Coleman. New Eng n s 35: 6S8 F '07 I50 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Island miller. H. A. Nash. New Eng n s 27: G36 Ja '03 Island of adventure. See Cobb, Irvin S. Island of enchantment. J. M. Forman. Harper H1:4S7, 6S2 S-O '05 Island of enchantment. M. Kelly. Harper 110: 46S F '05 Island of the innocent. E. W. Peattie. Sat E P 172:1002 Ap 28 "00 Islander. J. H. Findlater. New Eng n s 28:369 My '03 Islanders. W. D. Steele. Harper 127:268 Jl '13 islands of the blest. J. M. Forman. Every- body's 18:445 Ap '08 Isle of enchantment. V. Rousseau. Harp W 56: 17 Ag 31 '12 Isolation of Mrs. Peevy. H. Pendexter. Delin 72:110 Jl 'OS Israels: a bit of biography. M. Maartens. At- lan 97:167 F '06 Issy and the other. J. C. Lincoln. Everybody's 16:71 Ja '07 It. N. M. Lemmon. Lippinc 87:478 Ap '11 It. G. Norris. Met 31:777 Mr '10 It. V. Thompson. Cosmop 56:442 Mr '14 It happened to Hedderley. H. Clark. Amer 64: 35 My '07 It keeps you outdoors. J. M. Flagg. Amer 78: 88 Jl '14 Italia liberata. G. Showerman. Scrib 43:20 Ja 'OS Italian with grammar. M. Twain. Harper 109: 397 Ag '04 Itinerant diamond mine. J. Barnes. Harper 118:739 Ap '09 lurs, Grace McElroy Derelict of Silver Saddle. Lippinc 75:631 My '05 Grand wedding. Everybody's 12:693 My '05 Lide Ann Potter's wedding. Lippinc 75:99 Ja '05 Mira Shore's divorce. Everybody's 12:253 F '05 Miracle at St. Anne's. Mun 31:254 My '04. Naming of the Strubel baby. Mun 30:921 Mr '04 R. Bowers, poet. Mun 30:180 N '03 When Abner Craig received the sign. Mun 32:188 N '04 Ivanhoe and the German measles. D. Canfield. Amer 62:398 Ag '06 Ivy of the negatives. M. Lynn. Atlan 113:815 Je '14 Izzle the sabbath breaker. E. R. Lipsett. Mc- Clure 41:196 "Je '13 J. P. J. R. W. Child. Col 42:20 F 6 '09 J. P. M., pseud. See Wheeler, Andrew C. J. R. Pugilistic career of Ikey Murphy. Met 38:10 Je '13 J. S. of Dale, pseud. See Stimson, Frederic Jesup J. Betz, pitcher. J. Morgan. Harp W 5S:18 S 20 '13 Jabez the third. H. S. Cooper. Sat E P 178:7 N 25 '05 Jabez's conquest. H. C. Rowland. Cosmop 58: 79 D '14 Jablinowsky. B. Lessing. Cosmop 39:527 S '05 Jack. E. H. Porter. Harp W 51:346 Mr 9 '07 Jack-a-boy. W. S. Gather. Sat E P 173:4 Mr 30 '01 Jack and Jill of the Sierras. B. Harte. McClure 15:219 Jl '00 Jack did it. H. Wakefield. McClure 32:412 F '09 Jack Farley's flying switch. C. Warman. Lip- pinc 66:454 S '00 Jack-knife man. See Butler, Ellis Parker. Jack-o'-lantern. K. D. Wiggin. Scrib 40:129 Ag '06 Jack Sheppard, of Newgate. C. Morris. Lippinc 70:592 N '02 Jacko's angel. J. C. Clark. Lippinc 76:372 S '05 Jackpot's dentist. H. Van Campen. Sat E P 186:12 Ja 31 '14 Jack's bill-board girl. N. Richardson. Lippinc 77:78 Ja '06 Jacks, Lawrence Pearsall, 1860- Magic formula. Atlan 112:305 S '12 Mary. Atlan 108:17 Jl '11 Professor's mare. Atlan 110:455 O '12 White roses. Atlan 109:412 Mr '12 Jackson, Allen W. Home-makers. Met 26:725 S '07 Jackson, Birdsall Monahan's incroachment. Lippinc 76:380 S "05 Petruchio in Plainsville. Lippinc 77:229 F '06 Jackson, Charles Tenney, 1874- Breed of the west. Cosmop 34:523 Mr '03 Country up-in-back. Col 51:18 Ap 5 '13 Dad. L H J 31:16 My '14 Jackson, Fred, 1886- Grub. Delin 79:387 My '12 The Storm. Mun 48:432 D '12 Jackson, James William, 1874- Triumph of Jim's dad. Lippinc 86:114 Jl '10 Unscheduled rehearsal. New Eng n s 36:241 Ap '07 Jackson, Thomas Mr. Chadwick's trial balance. Col 40:15 Ja 18 '08 Jacksonby, The. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 186:13 Ap 18 '14 Jackson's thirst. E. Walker. New Eng n s 28: 551 Jl '03 Jacky. A. L. Provost. Lippinc 72:104 Jl '03 Jacob plays a counterpart. K. Harris. Sat E P 186:8 S 20 '13 Jacobs, William Arnold Camp fire of Company C. New Eng n s 38:471 Je '08 Last straw. Harper 110:816 Ap '05 Rheumatism of Rajah. New Eng n s 37:630 Ja '08 Jacobs, William Wymark, 1863- Adulteration act. Harper 101:549 S '00 Angel's visits. Cosmop 41:445 Ag '06 Back to back. Met 38:7 Jl '13 Captain Rogers. Harper 102:371 F '01 Changeling. Cosmop 42:69 N '06 Circular tour. Cosmop 42:260 Ja '07 Constable's move. Cosmop 40:29 N '05 Cupboard love. Harper 102:874 My '01 Distant relation. Cosmop 40:646 Ap '06 Easy money. Met 40:13 O '14 Four pigeons. Cosmop 39:577 O '05 Golden venture. Harper 101:775 O '00 Her uncle. Cosmop 40:283 Ja '06 His lordship. Cosmop 40:459 F '06 In the library. Harper 103:51 Je '01 Keeping watch. Met. 39:21 Ja '14 Lady of the barge. Harper 101:424 Ag '00 Love knot. Cosmop 41:31 My '06 Mixed proposal. Harper 102:255 Ja '01 Monkey's paw. Harper 105:634 S '02 Paying off. Met 41:12 D '14 Stepping backward. Met 40:17 Ag '14 Understudy, The. Met 39:30 Ap '14 Unknown, The. Met 37:9 D '12 Vigil, The. Met 35:9 S '12 "Weaker vessel. Met 38:19 O '13 Jacobus, Marion C. Important question. Harp B 41:735 Ag '07 Jade teapot. R. D. Paine. Scrib 34:730 D '03 Jail that paid dividends. H. F. Day. Sat E P 179:10 Ap 27 '07 Jailbird. A. Train. McClure 25:209 Je '05 Jake-or Sam. B. Lessing. Cosmop 44:529 Ap '08 Jam girl. See Sterrett, Frances Roberta. James and the jack-knife. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 181:21 Jl 11 '08 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 151 James, B. F. Hitchcock Amenta, Belenta and Cementa. New Eng n s 32:529 Jl 'U5 James Galbraith, able-bodied seaman. J. F. Wilson. McClure 33:505 S '09 James, Henry, 1S43-1916 Beldonald Holbein. Harper 103:807 O '01 Broiven wings. Cent 61:194 D "00 Crapy Cornelia. Harper 119:690 O '09 Faces. Harp B 33:20S4 D 15 '00 Flickerbridge. Scrib 31:170 F '02 Fordham castle. Harper 110.147 D '04 Great good place. Scrib. 27:99 Ja '00 Julia Bride. Harper 116:4s9, 705 Mr-Ap '08 Maud-Evelyn. Atlan 85:439 Ap '00 Tone of time. Scrib 28:624 N '00 James, Lionel, 1871- Heroism of the lieutenant. Mun 28:133 O '02 Jameson, E. IM. Unknown. Mun 44:712 F '11 Jamey's mother. C. Healy. New Eng n s 30:632 Jl '04 Jan Tingloff. J. B. Connolly. Sat E P 184:11 F 3 '12 Jane. A. Colton. Atlan 95:211 F "05 Jane. A. Fuller. Atlan 105:815 Je '10 Jane. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 184:3 My 25 '12 Jane an' me. J. L. Long. Sat E P 173:4 Ja 36 '01 Jane, Aunty, pseud. See Mclllwraith, Jean New- ton Jane Duke. M. Hill. Amer 65:416 F '08 Jane, incorporated. F. O. Bartlett. Met 37:23 N '12 Jane's Christmas slippers. H. Carruth. Sat E P 173:26 D 8 '00 Jane's gray eyes. Harper 111:712 O '05 January thaw. J. O. Loizeau. Cosmop 38:569 Mr '05 Janney, Russell D. To the victor— Met 33:309 D '10 Janvier, Thomas Allibone, 1S49-1913 Aztec romance. Harper 122:317 Ja '11 Barjavel's civet of hare. Harper 125:663 O '12 Beverly's bear-killing. Harper 110:165 D '04 Beverly's benevolent hairpin redemption so- ciety. Harper 121:641 S '10 Beverly's bomb sychronizer. Harper 124:641 Mr '12 Beverly's circulating cattery. Harper 114:163 D '06 Beverly's egg pedigree and dating machine. Harper 115:487 Ag '07 Beverly's pneumatic cat-silencer. Harpc 124:479 F '12 Beverly's protective mechanical goat. Harper 119:965 N '09 Bishop and Mrs. Allrope. Harper 117:479 Ag ■08 Casual encounter. Harp W 48:42 D 10 '04 Concentrated polyandry. Harper 124:155 D '11 Consolate giantess. Harper 105:573 S '02 Earl of Dunoon. Harper 107:654 S '03 Eve of Saint John. Harper 115:255 Jl '07 Faith and works. Harper 110:4.S7 F 05 Forfeit to the pods. Cosmop 31:5!)3 O '01 Full day at Palomitas. Harper 114:294 Ja '07 Hazy night. Co.smop 33:3i:! Jl '02 Hold up. Jfarper W 49:3 1) 16 '05 Lepend.s of the city of Mexico. Harper 112:258, 113:3S2. 876, 118:63, 434 Ja 'OS-K '09 Madame Jolicoeur's cat. Harper 124:849 My Maternal Instinct. Harper 113:155 Je 'OC Moon-mirror light and power co. Harper 116:479 F '08 Palomit;iH lion-hunt. Harper 115:630 S '07 Poodle of Monsieur Galllard. Harper 122:31 D •10 Purification of Palomitas. Harper 112:448 P '06 ReorudoHcence of Madame Vic. Harper 112: 513 Mr 'OR Rose of Monsieur Alphonse. Harper 104:749 Ap '02 Sage-brush hen. Harper 111:769 O '05 Janvier, Thomas Allibone — continued Sante Fe Charley's kindergarten. Harper 111: y — y JN vo Shorty Smith's widows. Harper 125:839 N '12 Valley of the dead. Cosmop 32:427 F '02 White penitent. Harper 103:131 Je '01 Japanese gentleman. C. V. C. Mathews. Everv- bodys 8:163 F '03 -^vcxj. Japanese illusion. V. Ball. Cent 62:139 My '01 Jarboe, Kathryn (Mrs. Jerome C. Bull) Adventure in Altruria. Mun 43:508 Jl '10 Anonymous heart. Everybody's 8:465 My '03 Bit of the sod. Mun 29:307 My '03 Blessmg m disguise. Delin 62:1S0 Ag '03 By limited express. Mun 29:113 Ap '03 Call of the clover. Delin 72:235 Ag '08 Career. Lippinc 80:689 D '07 Coming of Pamela. Everybody's 11:486 O '04 Flimsy separation. Delin 55:544 Ap '00 Hero's part. Mun 28:128 O '02 His first triumph. Mun 30:516 Ja '04 In the path of battle. Mun 53:271 N '14 Kilmorgan's heir. Lippinc 89:1 Ja '12 Lesson. Everybody's 9:266 Ag '03 Little Paul's Christ-child. Harp W 46:16 D 6 Lost: a Santa Claus. Harp W 47:29 D 12 '03 Mrs. Eldredge's bishop. Mun 29:572 Jl '03 Ol Sandy Cloze. Harp W 48:48 D 10 '04 Opening of the road. Everybody's 12:396 Mr 05 Price of crime. Mun 27:771 Ag '02 Rigo's circus. Everybody's 13:250 Ag '05 Santa Claus of Hogan's Mills. Delin 63:88 Ja 04 When Mary went away. Everybody's 9:832 Yoshi. Delin 67:1090 Je '06 Jared Soder's wife. A. M. Daulton. Outl 78:720 N 19 '04 Jarrell, Myra Williams Ellis John.son's book. McClure 26:274 Ja '06 Her husband's weakness. McClure 15:524 O Jarrold, Ernest (Mickey Finn, pseud.), 1850- Eloquence of Ham Bascom. Harper 106:334 Ja Rheumatism trust. Harper 107:816 O '03 Jasmine court and a high ranger. J. Watson. Cent 62:60 My '01 Jason's love story. S. Waterloo. Sat E P 177-18 O 15 '04 Jastrow, Joseph, 1863- Au chapeau bleu. Cent 76:358 Jl 'OS Jathrop Lathrop's cow. A. Warner. Cent 68:961 O '04 Jatkowski — private banker. G. Spring. Met 22: 424 J 05 Javelino skin. E. M. Coombs. Lippinc. 91:607 My '13 Jealousy of Anna Karenina. L. Copinger. Lip- pinc 84:99 Jl '09 i- b i^ Jealousy of Mrs. Pete. M. B. Shipp. Mun 33:655 S '05 Jean Baptiste's Christmas present. L. Mott. Cent 71:187 D '05 Jean Louis. A. H. Fisher. Atlan 112:120 Jl '13 Jean Michaud's little ship. C. G. W. Roberts Sat B P 173:3 D 1 '00 Jed Brooks, representative. R. W. Hotllund Sat E P 182:24 N 20 '09 Jed's .Jonathan. B. R. Hoover. Everybody's 22:419 Mr 10 Jed's monument. C. B. Loomis. Cent 60:957 S '00 Jeff Wildor'a first case. W. M. Raine. Mun 24:7S7 F '01 Jefferson Davl.s Abraham TJncoln Bowe. B. niow. LoH Mo 59:376 F '05 Jefferson, Louis V. Consider the lillio.s. Met 13:466 Ap '01 Jemima of the seventh floor. R. M. Stuart. Harper 120:95 D '09 Jen of Culver's Jump. R. G. Wcl.sh. Lippinc 76:459 O '05 152 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Jenison, Madge C. Adventures underground. Sat E P 185:10 My 24 '13 Enter Posey Cotton. Col 51:5 S 13 '13 Lie. Harper 118:212 Ja '09 Sacrament of the night. Harper 112:732 Ap •06 Spectator. Harper 115:470 Ag '07 Woman with yellow gloves. Harper 126:409 F '13 — See Moran, A. B., jt. auth. Jenkins, Burke Arrest of Jim Throng. Mun 38:623 F '08 Jenkins, MacGregor Rules of the game. Les Mo 55:536 Mr '03 Jenkins of the Appleby Scimitar. W. L. Com- fort. Lippinc 85:468 Ap '10 Jenkins, Weston Deluding of Aunt Thankful. New Eng n s 32:716 Ag '05 Jenks and Julianna. R. W. Child. Sat E P 181:12 Je 26 '09 Jenks, Tudor, 1S57- Concrete example. Outl 81:878 D 9 '05 Cupid in uniform. Everybody's 12:274 F '05 In fair rivalry. Delin 68:394 S '06 Lady and the telephone. Cent 67:630 F '04 Master passion. Outl 80:581 Jl 1 '05 Umbrella of justice. Cosmop 31:174 Je '01 Why Duillius dined at home. Harper 118:811 Ap '09 Jenney, Adeline IVI. Old-world wooing. Cent 61:605 F '01 Jennings, N. A. Caligula's vaudeville debut. Harper 116:155 D '07 Lee Hall, fighting-man. Sat E P 172:583 Ja 6 '00 Light on ants. Harper 103:504 Ag '01 Liquid air. Harper 103:1018 N '01 Jensen case. W. Payne. Sat E P 177:6 Mr 18 •05 Jepson, Edgar, 1864- Changeable professor. Lippinc 91:257 Mr '13 Race through the night. Lippinc 71:274 F '03 Resurgent mysteries. Cent. 72:785 S '06 Shanghaied son-in-law. Sat E P 183:5 D 10 •10 Jepson's luck. E. Maclellan. Harp B 48:34 D '13 Jergens' reincarnation. G. Horton. Sat E P 176:8 F 13 '04 Jermym the munificent. J. Hinckley. Sat E P 187:5 D 5 '14 Jerome, Elizabeth Remodeling of Mudge. Col. 51:16 Ag 2 '13 Jerome, Jerome Klapka, 1859- Beginnings of William Clodd. Sat E P 176:2 D 26 '03 Dick Danvers comes to life. Sat E P 176:9 My 21 '04 Education of the Grindleys. Sat E P 176:5 Ja 23 '04 Good Humor obtains the Marble soap adver- tisement. Sat E P 176:3 Ap 2 '04 Mrs. Korner sins her mercies. Col 33:11 Ag 13 '04 Mrs. Loveredge receives. Sat B P 176:3 F 27 '04 Passing of the third floor back. Sat E P 177:9 N 19 '04 ^ i. ji. jt Probation of James Wrench. Sat E P 172-1148 Je 9 '00 Soul of Nicholas Snyders. Col 34:20 D 10 '04 Stolen interview. Sat E P 176:1 N 28 '03 Temptation of Miss Ramsbotham. Sat E P 175:1 N 22 '02 Wooing of Tom Sleight's wife. Sat E P 173:4 Jerome, Lucy Baker Number 321. Lippinc 70:600 N '02 Overlooking of Heffy. Cent 64:305 Je '02 Jerry. A. Chase. Everybody's 14:262 F '06 Jerry. S. Ford. Met 18:751 S '03 Jerry and Judah. A. Colton. Hay W 50:1609 Jerry MacFaddyeen's supper. S. MacManus. Harp W 44:9 Ja 6 '00 Jerry's Cuban rights. K. M. Knox. New Eng n s 43:503 Ja '11 Jerry's pachyderm. E. P. Butler. Cent 81:109 N '10 Jerusha and Giuseppe. D. Canfield. Everybody's 13:19 Jl '05 Jesse, Fryniwyd Tennyson Half-a-moon. Cosmop 54:343 F '13 I get me to a nunnery. Met 38:28 S '13 Mask. Forum 47:419 Ap '12 Skeleton out of the cupboard. Met 38:25 Ag Virginia and the simple life. Met 38:24 Jl '13 Year to herself. Met 37:14 Ap '13 Jessica. A. Colton. Atlan 96:691 N '05 Jessica. M. Hill. Amer 67:365 F '09 Jessica forgets. E. Boltwood. Mun 27:558 Jl Jest of Ambialet. A. T. Quiller-Couch. Met 22:513 Ag '05 Jesters. E. M. Ingram. Lippinc 84:216 Ag '09 Jests they made in Bagdad. C. Johnston. Harp W 54:22 Ja 1 '10 Jesuit Father. B. Marnan. Everybody's 2 16 Ja '00 Jethro Bacon, of Sandwich. F. J. Stimson. Scrib 32:593 N '02 Jethroe jewels. J. T. Mclntyre. Col 52:7 O 4 Jev/el, The. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 36:231 N '06 Jewel of Nutch. J. F. Wilson and A. Mac- Gowan. Harp W 56:16 N 2 '12 Jewel of the seas. J. Kaufman. Lippinc 82:385 O 08 Jewel regained. B. Boltwood. Mun 31:12 Ap Jewett, Sarah Orne, 1849-1909 Born farmer. McClure 17:164 Je '01 Elleneen. McClure 16:335 F '01 Foreigner. Atlan 86:152 Ag '00 Honey tree. Harper 104:45 D '01 Sister Peacham's turn. Harper 105:902 N '02 Spring Sunday. McClure 23:13 My '04 Spur of the moment. Outl 70:59 Ja 4 '02 William's wedding. Atlan 106:33 Jl '10 Jewett, Sophie, 1861-1909 Fate of Francesco. Scrib 38:101 Jl '05 Jill-poke Jack. H. F. Day. Amer 61:613 Ap '06 Jilted! J. D. Barry. Col 48:18 Ja 6 '12 Jim. E. Train. Everybody's 24:169 F '11 Jim Bledso's courtship. Mrs. L. H. Harris. Sat B P 180:12 S 21 '07 Jim,^ coyote dog. W. W. Cooke. Mun 34:29 O '05 Jim Falkner, pirate. J, O. Curwood. Sat B P 184:6 S 2 '11 Jim Ketchum, financier. A. O'Hagan. Harp B 37:616 Jl '03 Jimmie Pulsifer walks home. W. B. Weston Met 35:14 Jl '12 Jimmie's infant industry. C. J. Post. Every- body's 27:378 S '12 Jimmy. V. M. Hillyer. Les Mo 57:594 Mr '04 Jimmy. R. Russell. Cosmop 46:586 Ap '09 Jimmy Emmence, matchmaker of Circle N. C. Cunningham. Lippinc 79:675 My '07 Jimmy Grayson's spell. J. A. Altsheler. Harp W 47:1344 Ag 15 '03 Jimmy Hayes and Muriel. S. Porter. Mun 29: 582 Jl '03 Jimmy Hick's patent. J. i. Wilson. Les Mo 58:557 S '04 Jimmy Hogan. See Wason, Robert Alexander Jimmy Jester. E. A. Hallo well. Everybody's 13:512 O '05 Jimmy Rourke. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 182:8 O 2 '09 JImmyness of Jim. G. L. Teeple. Cent 82:831 Jimmy's Christmas gift. G. S. Richmond. L H J 23:10 D '05 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 153 Jimmy's corner in thanks. TV. H. Osborne. Mun 40:166 N '08 Jimmy's mother. F. N. Stratton. Eveiybody's 10:418 Mr '04 Jimmy's predicament. A. J. Eddy. New Eng n s 44:467 Je '11 Jimmy's speaking part. P. Phelps. Col 52:18 O 11 '13 Jimps. F. Wilkinson. McClure :i0:351 F '03 Jim's choice. F. T. Cox. Everybody's 13:453 O '05 Jim's defense. C. Branch. Mun 22:563 Ja '00 Jim's dude. C. Lockhart. McClure 32:389 F '09 Jim's Jess. M. Hill. Les Mo 59:496 Mr '05 Jim's sacrifice. E. Harlan. Met 16:409 O '02 Jim's second forgery. J. L. Schulten. Scrib 34:491 O '03 Jim's woman. A. Abbott. Cent 77:818 Ap '09 Jimsie Bate and the furnace fire. M. H. Vorse. Amer 69:482 F '10 Jimsie's afternoon off. M. H. "Vorse. Amer 6S:160 Je '09 Jlmson of many services. W. L. Comfort. Les :Mo 57:66-' Ap '04 J'iner, The. H. Dickson. Sat E P 183:24 S 10 '10 Jinny and the wolves. C. Hamilton. Amer 63: 663 Ap '07 Jinx. H. B. Needham. Col 52:5 Ja 31 7 F 14 '14 Joan of the mills. J. Oppenheim. Met 32:433 Jl '10 Joanna and the family fate. A. O'Hagan. Mun 30:S42 Mr '04 Joaqulstlta. See Henry, Robert. Job as king. R. Norton. Sat E P 183:16 O S 16 O 15 '10 Job hunter. H. Dickson. Sat E P 182:12 Ja 8 '10 Job in the Senate chamber. F. H. Sweet. Met 25:771 Mr '07 Job of work. P. G. Wodehouse. Col 51:5 S 6 '13 Job Stanwood, scout. T. J. Partridge. New Eng n s 37:72 S '07 Job Turner's declining years. J. B. Oxford. Mun 41:52 Ap '09 Job's widder. R. G. Havens. Met 20:46 Ap '04 Jobson's folly. H. Williams. Met 38:39 S '13 Jock. J. J. Bell. Delin 74:199 S '09 Jocl<-at-a-venture. A. Bennett. Amer 73:263 Ja '12 Joe. J. P. Bocock. Harper 103:777 O '01 Joe Lewis. L. Perry. Les Mo 54:431 S '02 Joe Parsons, deserter. M. H. Battenberg. Mun '■iZJjSH Ag '05 Joel Veltman's moving day. A. L. Sykes. New Krig n s 30:748 Ag '04 Joey's ingenuity. E. Shawn. Cent 71:658 F '06 Joey's tobacker. G. Norton. L H J 17:4 S '00 Jogging. J. W. Tompkins. Everybody's 10:412 •Mr '04 Johann. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 185:16 D 14 •12 Johanna's crowning sorrow. E. B. Toldridge. New Eng n 8 32:79 Mr '05 John-a-dreams. H. E. P. Spofford. Harper 120: 464 F lu John Cooi<, quartermaster's clerk. J. W. Har- rington. Everybody's 5:712 D '01 John — cowboy. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 181:10 O 24 'OH John Edward's friend. H. K. Gardiner. Cent 70:2:!S Je '05 John Evan's last resort. S. F. Zearlnp. Col 51:17 Ag 16 '13 John Falrmeadow's foundling. N. Duncan. Har- per 122:298 Ja '11 John Flint, deputy-chief. L. Perry. Scrib 50: 539 N 11 John Groves' revenge. F. L. Montague. New Eng n s 37:109 S '07 John Henry's lobster trust. W. L. Sawyer. Cent 64:863 O '02 John, junior. M. A. Taggart. Delin 70:952 D '07 John Keller's seeding. L. A. Long. Met 33:749 Mr '11 John Kent. J. Hopper. Sat E P 187:5 Jl 11 '14 John Mudge. H. Johnston. McClure 40:237 D '12 John of Disappointment. E. S. Hollo way. Delin 60:969 D '02 John of God, the water-carrier. M. C. Mena. Cent 87:39 N '13 John or Joshua. F. B. Dillingham. Amer 64:209 Je '07 John Reginald's ideal. H. S. Harrison. Mc- Clure 38:396 F '12 John Smith: hero or fool? W. Inglis. Harp W 54:32 Ja 1 '10 John Tobin's sweetheart. W. A. Johnston. Amer 72:194 Je '11 Johnetta tried it. R. Hughes. Sat E P 185:22 O 26 '12 Johnnie. L. H. French. Scrib 37:367 Mr '05 Johnny. W. D. Williams. Met 20:316 Je '04 Johnny Hall. M. C. Dyar. Harper 115:174 Jl •07 Johnny-in-the-woods. M. E. W. Freeman. Har- per 124:662 Ap '12 Johnny Sands. M. T. Earle. Harper 108:692 Ap '04 Johnny Shark. T. J. Hains. Harper 103:626 S '01 Johnny Staples and the suffragists. H. E. Rood. Met 32:751 S '10 Johnny Watts's money. J. Magruder. Harp B 33:781 Jl 28 '00 Johns, Cloudesley Fog maiden. Col 36:20 D 2 '05 In the heart of the mist. Met 18:578 Ag '03 Mr. Judd was awake. Les Mo 53:581 Mr '02 Skyrocket and the blue stuff. Cent 69:761 Mr •05 Johnson, Annette Thackwell Churail. Liypiiic 91:219 F '13 Little house. Lippinc 91:339 Mr '13 Johnson, Arthur Charley the chorus boy. Met 40:20 Ag '14 Dream drummer. Harper 130:101 D '14 Frankie and Jenny. Amer 76:17 D '13 George's client. Harper 129:604 S '14 Johnson, Burgas, 1877- Fragnient of a diary dated 1950. Harper 116:808 Ap 'OS Johnson, Mrs. Charlotte Teller. See Teller, Charlotte Johnson, E. S. Age limit. Atlan 93:542 Ap '04 Landless men. Atlan 99:335 Mr '07 Safe-deposit Annie. Col 54:7 D 5 '14 Ticket for Oiia. Atlan 101:106 Ja '08 Wife from Vienna. Allan 97:17 Ja '06 Wocel's daughter. Atlan 97:797 Je '06 Younger generation. Amer 62:468 S '06 Johnson, Fanny Kemble (Mrs. Vincent Costello) .Accident. IliirpiT 116:147 K 'OS Big trouble and Ihu litUo boy. Atlan 100:758 D '07 Evey and her happiness. Atlan 103:209 F '09 Pathway round. Atlan 86:229 Ag '00 Prodigy. Atlan 97:407 Mr '06 Unconscious plagiarist. Atlan 90:812 D '02 While light. Atlan 95:620 My '05 Johnson, Hugh ciowirH tile. Cent 86:730 S "13 l-'iiigcrlriK tlio buzz saw. Col 52:18 F 14 '14 L.-iscar. Scril. 42:173 Ag '07 Lfvaiit. Cent n.-?:73 N '11 Love ullas dyiiamlto. Everybody's 29:230 Ag •13 Mail-order cowboy. Scrib 50:593 N '11 154 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Johnson, Hugh — continued Man and his dog. Cent 85:732 Mr '13 Mean pi-rayte. Scrib 54:213 Ag '13 Minstrel people. Cent 82:884 O '11 Race. Cent 88:616 Ag '14 Sacrifice of woman. Everybody's 25:551 O '11 Teutons smile. Harp W 55:14 D 2 '11 Johnson, Jennet Morning light. Amer 60:556 S '05 Johnson, Julian Urand from the burning. Mun 52:699 S 14 Johnson, junior. P. L. Dunbar. Sat E P 172:597 Ja 6 '00 Johnson, Margaret, 1860- Duck's back. Everybody's 12:92 Ja '05 Fur the childer. Everybody's 9:690 N '03 INlagical anagram. Delin 60:1005 D '02 Turn of the balance. Everybody's 9:466 O '03 Johnson, Martyn Mother of the clown. Everybody's 23:417 S '10 Johnson, of the Ninth. W. Ellis. Sat E P 173:14 D 22 '00 Johnson, Owen (McMahon), 1878- Beauty's sister. Cent 75:784 Mr '08 Boy with an idea. Sat E P 181:5 My 22 '09 Even threes. Cent 84:415 Jl '12 Future president. Cent 76:242 Je 'OS Great big man. Cent 77:103 N 'OS Great pancake record. Sat E P 180:7 N 16 '07 Hero of an hour. Sat E P 181:5 Ag 29 '08 Higher finance. Sat E P 181:12 Je 19 '09 Humming bird. Sat E P 182:3 Ag 7 '09 Madness of Toppy McGee. Met 30:569 Ag '09 Making friends. Sat E P 181:8 N 7 'OS Man of no imagination. Everybody's 1S:504 Ap '08 Martyrdom of Hickey. Sat E P 181:5 S 5 '08 Mr. Baldwin's political education. Sat E P 181:5 Ja 2 '09 Murder in any degree. Cent 84:483 Ag '12 One hundred in the dark. Sat E P 184:5 O 21 '11 Protest against sinkers. Sat E P 181:18 O 24 '08 Run that turned the game. Cent 76:747 S 'OS Slush's ma. Sat E P 181:6 Ap 24 '09 Surprises of the lottery. Cent 74:836 O '07 That Bilbeck special. Sat E P 181:20 O 3 '08 Johnson, Rose Willis Bantree twins. Met 17:175 F '03 Johnson, Salem Tike. Harper 106:220 Ja '03 Johnson, Stanley Edwards Cousin Hiram's antique furniture. New Eng n s 32:304 My '05 Vendetta of Plum Mountain brook. New Eng n s 21:668 F '00 Johnson, William Samuel, 1859- Greater than Dante. Forum 51:373 Mr '14 Johnson's luck. E. Wood. Everybody's 14:418 Mr '06 Johnston, Mrs. Annie (Fellows), 1863- Bap Sloan's Pisgah. Cent 66:730 S '03 Johnston, Calvin Agent at Bantam Spur. Sat E P 184:6 S 23 '11 Agent at Lost Station. Sat E P 182:12 D 11 •09 Browlow boycott. Harp W 56:16 N 9, 16 N 16 '12 Comrades all-unknown. Sat E P 183:11 My 20 Derelict train. Sat E P 183:5 Jl 16 '10 Enemies. Harper 121:562 S '10 Gamblers. Harper 120:933 My '10 Gentlemen farmers. Sat E P 1S5:S Je 21 '13 Gold spike. Sat E P 183:3 S 24 '10 Great folks. Harper 129:33 Je '14 Head of the fambiy. Sat E P 186:14 My 16 '14 Heroes. Harper 120:787 Ap '10 His back to the wall. Sat E P 182:13 Mr 19 '10 Home. Harper 115:665 O '07 Life orders — sealed. Sat E P 182:5 My 14 '10 Loot of the Silver Special. Sat E P 185:28 S 21 '12 Johnston, Calvin — continued Misers. Harpers 118:441 F '09 Outcasts. Sat E P 182:5 Ap 2 '10 Pariah. Harp W 49:1780 D 9 '05 Soldiers. Harper 117:767 O '08 Strike of the missing man. Sat E P 183:16 Mr 18 '11 Traitors both. Sat E P 186:13 F 14 '14 Treasure ship. Harper 122:603 Mr '11 Veterans last campaign. Harper 113:37 Je •06 Wild train. Sat E P 184:10 O 21 '11 Wildboy. Sat E P 186:8 S 6 '13 Johnston, Charles, 1S67- Abandoned picket-line. Harp W 54:17 Ja 15 •10 Detective story's origin. Harp W 54:16 F 12 '10 Gentle gales of Persian jests. Harp W 54:16 Ap 9 '10 Grim humor of John Chinaman. Harp W 54:15 Ap 16 '10 How Lucius made an ass of himself. Harp W 55:12 Jl 22 '11 How the army was kidnapped. Atlan 114:469 O '14 Humor in the days of the Pharaohs. Harp W 54:11 Je 25 '10 Humor of the ancient Hibernians. Harp W 55:10 Mr 18 '11 Humor of the Greeks. Harp W 55:20 Ag 5 '11 Humor of the old Turks. Harp W 55:12 Ja 28 '11 Jests they made in Bagdad. Harp W 54:22 Ja 1 '10 Jones of the fourth dimension. Harper 129:117 Je '14 Lucian's aviation story. Harp W 55:13 Ag 12 Mongolian musical comedy. Harp W 55:19 Ap 29 '11 Musical laughter of Italy. Harp W 55:11 O 7 '11 Okhoy Babu's adventure. Atlan 114:309 S '14 Ottoman leap-year girl. Harp W 55:12 Jl 8 '11 Pawky humor of Scotland. Harp W 55:12 N 11 '11 Scandinavian funny stories. Harp W 56:13 Ja 13 '12 School republic. Harp W 55:13 S 23 '11 Scoffer on Mount Olympus. Harp W 55:12 S 16 11 Soul of a girl. Atlan 113:669 My '14 Tale of Gunga Ram. Harp W 56:16 Mr 16 '12 Wit and satire of the Hebrews. Harp W 55:22 Jl 29 11 Johnston, Frederic Labor and the lady. Outl 86:514 Jl 6 '07 Johnston, George Woodruff Battle of Bankow. Everybody's 19:147 Ag '08 Great renunciation. Cent 73:140 N '06 Two-stringed bow. Scrib 40:746 D '06 Johnston, Hubert McBean Gore valley viaduct. Sat E P 176:10 Ag 1 '03 Junior partner. Sat E P 176:8 Ag 22 '03 Johnston, Hugh, 1840- John Mudge. McClure 40:237 D '12 Johnston, Mary, 1870- Gettysburg. Atlan 110:1 Jl '12 Johnston, William Allen Evolution of Wilber Smith. Delin 72:410 S 'OS John Tobin's sweetheart. Amer 72:194 Je '11 Little child shall lead them, A. Delin 71:780 My 'OS Johnstone, Edward How Jones earned the V. C. McClure 30:628 Mr '08 Joint in the harness. O. Luk-Oie. McClure .•54:547 Mr '10 Joke of the season. C. Morris. Cosmop 31:614 O '01 Joke on the High Constable. F. G. Burrows. Col 51:7 My 31 '13 Joke on Winnie. R. H. Barbour. Everybody's 12:416 Mr '05 Joke that was practical. C. D. Stewart. Cent 78:430 Jl '09 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 155 Jokers of New Gibbon. J, London. Sat E P 184:18 N 11 '11 Jolly Roger. E. S. Holloway. Mun 27:276 My Jolly's father. H. E. P. Spofford. Harper 115:761 O '07 Jonas. G. A. England. Mun 36:508 Ja '07 Jonas, Rosalie M. All in the day's work. Col 51:8 Je 7 '13 Jonathan and David. E. S. Phelps. Harper 10'J:364 Ag '04 Jonatnan's brother, R, Napier. Harp B 48:28 N '13 Jonathan's methods. E. Flower, Lippinc 78:472 O '06 Jones. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 177:1 D 24: 8 D 31 '04 Jones, Charles Campbell New neighbor. Lippinc 92:263 Ag '13 Jones, Ellis O. Case of David Giddly. Lippinc 85:369 Mr '10 Grimshaw's apology. Lippinc 88:692 N '11 Mercys goodness. Lippinc 90:743 D '12 Jones, Evan M. Looking a little forward. Met 12:40 Jl '00 Star of Good Hope. Met 12:344, 481 S-O '00 Jones, Frank Goewey Archie's number. McClure 43:141 S '14 Big little man. McClure 43:115 Je '14 Just Jones. McClure 42:112 Ap '14 Problem in eugenics. Col 54:10 N 14 '14 Reserved rights. Sat E P 187:8 D 26 '14 Smallest cog. McClure 44:90 N '14 Through his boy's eyes. McClure 44:114 D •14 Jones, G. F. Claras vocation. Scrib 29:720 Je '01 Jones, George Day's disdain. Lippinc 72:495 O '03 Jones goes to jail. D. Conyers. Sat E P 186:11 Jl 5 '13 Jones, Grace Latimer, 1879- Melissa's marriage. Met 33:219 N '10 Jones, Guy Lincoln Without water: an Arizona experience. Outl 75:216 S 26 '03 Jones, Henry Arthur, 1851- Goal. Amer 63:451 Mr '07 Jones, Jessamine Little John's emancipation. Amer 66:551 O 'OS Jones, Jessica Si.x seller. Cent 88:798 S '14 Jones, IVIalvolio Lady in tlie barrel. Cosmop 40:384 F '06 Jones meets a Duchess. D. Conyers. Sat E P 185:14 Je 21 13 Jones of the fourth dimension. Chas. Johnston. Harper 129:117 Je '14 Jones, Susan Carleton (S. Carleton, pseud.), isG'J- French woman's son. Atlan 93:449 Ap '04 Lame priest. Atlan 88:760 D "01 Sound of the axe. Atlan 90:454 O '02 Tall man. Atlan 99:36 Ja '07 Whale. Atlan 98:118 Jl '06 Woman of the crows. Met 22:56 Ap '05 Works: and the cookee. Met 35:20 D '11 Jones, Walter Patient in number four. Lippinc 79:796 Je '07 Jones's little girl. C. Y. Glen. Cent 64:72 My '02 Jonesy. J. C. Lincoln. Everybody's 15:539 O '06 Joor, Harriet P.ook of his youth. Lippinc 94:245 Ag '14 Jordan, Elizabeth Garver, 1867- Aflfline Thur.stori. jjoftess. Harper 109:300 Jl '04 As told by May Iver.son. Harp B 34:1087 Ap 27 '01 Bart Harrington, genius. Scrib 43:456 Ap '08 Between darkness and dawn. Harp B 34:817 Mr 30 '01 Jordan, Elizabeth Garver — continued Case of Katrina. Cent 73:597 F '07 Comforter. Harper 128:604 Mr '14 Community's sunbeam. Harper 116:107 D '07 Confidence, drama. Harp B 43:447 My '09 Conversion of Johnny Harrington. Every- body's 24:8 Ja '11 Crosbys' rest cure. Harper 128:785 Ap '14 Cures of Evelina. Harp B 45:268 Je '11 Episode at Mrs. Kirkpatrick's. Harp B 36:208 Mr 02 Exorcism of Lily Bell. Harp B 40:199 Mr '06 Far-away road. Harp B 47:223 My '13 First aid to Kittle James. Harper 109:469 Ag Game of tag. Harp B 48:20 S '13 Genevieve's Maude's mission. Harp B 43 ■^6 Ja '09 Genevieve Maude's perishin' soul. Lippinc 86- 5S3 N '10 Girl who loved Herbert. Delin 75:207 Mr '10 Girl who was. Harp B 34:954 Ap 13 '01 Henry Smith's honeymoon. Harp B 40:681 Ag '06 Her friend. Harp B 36:580 Jl '02 Her 'ast day. Harper 116:917 My '08 His boy. Everybody's 18:341 Mr '08 His loyal heart. Harp B 44:434 Jl '10 In memory of Hannah's laugh. Everybody's 11:760 D '04 In the case of Hannah Risser. Harp B 36:710 Interlude. Harper 128:936 My '14 Kittie's sister Josephine. Harper 109:60 Je '04 Little tangle at Cragsmoor. Harp B 39:106 F '05 Love, the destroyer. Harper 108:898 My '04 Mabel Blossom's pearl pin. Harper 124:453 F Man proposes. Harper 126:207 Ja '13 May Iverson writes a play. Harper 123:20 Je Miss Calhoun's supreme day. Harp B 39:798 S '05 Miss Churchill's twins. Harp B 45:442 O '11 Miss Eliot's soulful day. Harp B 43:384 Ap '09 Miss Forsythe meets a stranger. Harp B 44: 301 My '10 Mr. Brinkley to the rescue. Harper 128:137 D Mrs. Dixon's culture course. Atlan 102:594 N Mrs. Hartwell's perfect treasure. Cent 82:16 My 'U Mrs Marden's pilgrimage. Lippinc 91:180 F Mrs. McCafferty explains. Scrib 44:275 S '08 Mrs. Van Nostrand's perfect treasure. Harp B 37:427 My '03 Mrs. Warburton's theories. Harp B 42:221 Mr Motion study at St. Katharine's. Harper 124: 772 Ap '12 Number seventeen. Harp B 37:825 S '03 Olive's first story. Harper 126:788 Ap '13 Ordeal of Maude Joyce. Harper 108:114 D '03 Penelope's Christmas gift. Harp W 45:1264 D 14 '01 Play's the thing. Harper 109:5;>6 S '04 Quest of Aunt Nancy. Cent 75:511 F 'OS Redemption of Muriel. Harp B 38:163 F '04 Reduction cure for Kitty James. Harper 124: 188 Ja '12 Saint Ernesta and the imp. Harp B 35:210 Simple life of Genevieve Maud. Harper 113: 214 Jl '06 Sister Estelle to the rescue. Harp B 38:550 Je '04 Surrender of Professor Seymour. Harper 109: 955 N '04 Surrender of Sister Philomene. Harper 103: 570 S '01 Three prodigals. Harp B 37:112 F '03 ■Van V'aikenberg's Cliristmaa gift. Harp W 46: 55 D '02 Varick's lady o' dreams. Scrib 35:563 My '04 Vevio. Col 4:!:i'J My 15 '0!) Voice of truth. Harp B 38:660 Jl *04 When churrhyards yawn: a May Iverson story. Harp I'. .».'■> ::{1 1) .11 '11 Woni.m Suffrage at St. Katharine's. Harper 122:551 Mr '11 Young man In Peacock alley. L H J 30:21 N '13 156 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Jordan, Kate (Mrs. F, M. Vermilye) Beauty. Delin 71:90 Ja '08 Bloodlike blossom. Everybody's 30:834 Je '14 Bread and butter. Mun 22:565 Ja '00 Chaperoning Phillida. Delin 78:79 Ag '11 Donaghue luck. Col 36:16 Mr 3 '06 Egg-shell china. Cent 87:925 Ap '14 Finer clay. Delin 75:419 My '10 From generation to generation. Delin 76:360 N '10 Genius. Delin 73:97 Ja '09 Good-by. Amer 77:26 F '14 Ladybird. Cosmop 42:41 N '06 Lais of Corinth. Cosmop 38:73 N '04 Little gate. Amer 65:307 Ja '08 Lodger in number eleven. Mun 33:298 Je '05 Lonesomeness of Ezra. Cosmop 46:616 My '09 Middle child. Delin 70:527 O '07 Not Suzanne. Delin 84:21 F '14 Phillida and British law^. Delin 85:5 Jl '14 Phillida in a jaunting car. Delin 80:332 N '12 Phillida in London. Delin 78:225 O '11 Phillida, philanthropist. Delin 80:75 Ag '12 Phillida's Paris trousseau. Delin 80:10 Jl '12 Quarrel. Lippinc 82:237 Ag '08 Ragged edge. Everybody's 27:69 Jl '12 Tarleton colors. Mun 22:688 F '00 Things that are not. Everybody's 27:686 N '12 Vaulting ambition. Everybody's 31:767 D '14 Joscelyn Cheshire. S. B. Kennedy. Everybody's 3:551 D '00 Joseph. E. Phillpotts. Cent 66:39 My '03 Joseph Desbiens: widower. E. S. Oliver. Scrib 41:735 Je '07 Josephine. E. S. Martin. Harper 108:829 My '04 Josephson. H. M. Lyon. McClure 33:85 Aly '09 Josiah Allen on a wheel. Les Mo 50:376 Ag 00 Josiah Allen's wife, pseud. See Holley, Marietta Josiah and the seventh son. J. Lincoln. Sat E P 172:1212 Je 23 '00 Josiah's first Christmas. M. E. W. Freeman. Col 44:9 D 11 '09 Jostling the simple life. B. S. Martin. Harper 114:950 My '07 Journal of a millionaire. G. Hibbard. Cent 65: 97 N '02 Journal of a neglected wife. M. H. Urner. Everybody's 20:201 F '09 Journal of a Prince-Consort. F. Roberts. Les Mo 49:513 Mr '00 Journalistic career of Evelyn. A. K. Fallows. Harp B 39:360 Ap '05 Journey. L. Davis. Harp B 47:119 Mr '13 Journey home. P. B. Cole. Everybody's 23:274 Ag -10 Journey of life. E. A. Zangwill. L H J 28:7 Ja Journeying with the harvesters. C. M. Harger Scrib 36:1 Jl '04 Journey's end. E. B. Bottle. Harper 123:621 S Journey's end. J. Farnol. Cent 83:15 N '11 Joy. M. E. W. Freeman. Harp W 47:26 D 12 Joy-dance of spring. W. Irwin. Col 44:22 Mr Joy, Deborah Woman he might have married. Cent 80:286 Je '10 Joy- giver. E. S. Phelps. Harp B 38:25 Ja '04 Joy, Jane Ellis Shoemaker poet. Lippinc 83:235 F '09 "''°^.,?'1^T'^^■?'^'?.?®"t• ^- H. Crawford. Col 42 S6 Mr 13 09 '^"^ 278 A^"l2 ^' ^' ^^^''^- Everybody's 27 ^'oy g9| ^'ehy Deane. W. S. Gather. Cent 82 ''°y gO/ g°,^y^- ^- E. W. Freeman. Harper 116 Joy selling (Pete Crowther, salesman). E E Ferris. Chitl 102:670 N 23 '12 Joyful mother of children. G. M. Cooke and C. W. Morrison. Lippinc 85:83 Ja '10 Joyous adventure of Etta. G. Phillips. Cent 82: 547 Ag '11 Jubilee junketing. A. D. Cameron. Everybody's 9:529 O '03 Jubilee present. E. W. Hornung. Scrib 29:220 F '01 Judge. H. A. Nash. Allan 93:692 My '04 Judge Banks's Mary. R. Young. Atlan 96:834 D '05 Judge Lawrence and the cost of living. W. Hastings. Mun 45:314 Je '11 Judge of character. M. B. Shipp. Everybody's 8:234 Mr '03 Judge Seth on widows. C. Peake. Sat E P 172:624 Ja 13 '00 Judge's cherubs. M. R. S. Andrews. L H J 25: 13 Jl '08 Judge's garden. E. D. Biggers. L H J 30:21 Mr '13 Judgment. A. Brown. Harper 107:346, 552, 721 Ag-O '03 Judgment. L. E. Dutton. Forum 50:239 Ag '13 Judgment. O. Oliver. Mun 44:631 F '11 Judgment come to Daniel. L S. Cobb. Sat E P 184:13 N 11 '11 Judgment of Daniel. H. M. Rideout. Amer 62: 404 Ag '06 Judgment of David. E. McCracken. New Eng n s 23:582 .Ta '01 Judgment of Eve. M. Sinclair. Everybody's 17: 394 S '07 Judgment of his peers. F. T. Hill. Everybody's 7:579 D '02 Judgment of John Fairmeadow. N. Duncan. Harper 121:717 O '10 Judgment of Julia Ann. G. W. Ogden. Every- body's 23:565 O '10 Judgment of man. J. Hopper. McClure 25:337 Ag '05 Judgment of Paris. P. L. D'unbar. Sat E P 174:3 My 24 '02 Judgment of Paris. M. Glass. Sat E P 188:10 O 29 '10 Judgment of Venus. D. Osborne. Atlan 88:262 Ag '01 Judgment on them. J. Lee. Lippinc 70:356 S '02 Judgment seat. J. W. Tompkins. Atlan 98:742 D '06 Judgments of the sea. R. D. Paine. Amer 69: 588 Mr '10 Judicial negligence. E. P. Butler. Col 44:12 D Judicial puzzle. E. Flower. Cosmop 36:365 Ja 04 Judith in Mackford's entry. G. Rhys. Lippinc ( 1 Iva J £(, 03 Judith Liebestraum. M. Moss. Scrib 36:46 Jl 04 Judson, Lulu In each other's eyes. L H J 20:10 Ap '03 Judy. M. G. Sampson. McClure 21:291 Jl '03 Judy Mason — muckraker. H. S. Stabler. Sat Juggler to our-lady. A. France. Lippinc 90:97 Jujitsu and Damurizu. F. Palmer. Mun 27:584 Jules of the great heart. L. Mott. Cent 70:375 Jl 05 Julia — her Thanksgiving. M. E. "W. Freeman. Harp B 43-1079 N '09 Julia Bride. H. James. Harper 116:489, 705 Mr- Ap '08 Julian Meldohla. M. Moss. Lippinc 71:291 Mr Julian's little girl. K. Norris. L H J 31:11 Jl, 14 Ag '14 Julian, E. H., jr., and Denison, Lindsay Mary and Patty and the earthquake. Amer 66:141 Je '08 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 157 Juliet. E. J. Rath. Col 48:22 F 17 '12 Juliet and the nurse. D. Canfield. Mun 45:664 Ag '11 Juliet's balcony. H. B. M Watson. Sat E P 182:24 N 6 '09 Julius. S. Ford. Harper 111:639 S '05 Jul'yann. C. B. Green. Harper 118:649 Mr '09 Jumble in divinities. J. Hopper. McClure 24: 113 D '04 Jumping bamboo. B. Grimshaw. Everybody's 29:341 S '13 .> J- o June lure. F. Oilman. Everybody's 24:853 Je '11 June night in Auburn. P. Wilkins. Every- body's 28:S53 Je '13 June rose. S. F. Bullock. Delin 59:470 Mr '02 Jungle blood. E. E. Peake. McClure 31:510 S '08 Jungle graduate. J. F. Dvi^yer. Harp W 54:18 S 10 10 Jungle renegade. A. W. Rolker. Col 43:13 Jl 31 '09 Junior department's cow. G. Phillips. Cent 80: 764 S '10 Junior examiner. M. L. Lyles. Cent 76:651 S 'OS Junior partner. H. M. Johnston. Sat E P 176:8 Ag 22 '03 Junior partner. A. L. Lee. Delin 75:158 F '10 Juniper-street episode. E. P. Butler. Lippinc 67:252 F '01 Junl<. J F. Wilson. Sat E P 186:10 Ap 18 '14 Juno from Irish Hill. J. Hines. Everybody's 26: 614 My '12 Jupiter Tonans. J. L. Long. Col 34:21 F 11 '05 Jurisprudence on Little Thunder. E. E. Peake. Sat E P 185:14 N 23 '12 Jury and the judges. M. D. Post. Sat E P 186: 19 Ap IS '14 Just a fool. N. C. Gillmore. Met 14:774 D '01 Just a looker-on. A. T. Colcock. New Eng n s 23:412 D '00 Just a moth. F. Gassaway. Les Mo 55:350 F '03 Just a wagon load of orphans. R. E. Norton Harp W 49:1 70S N 25 '05 Just across the ferry. R. C. Brown. Every- body's 27:708 N '12 Just as it happened. B. Lessing. Cosmop 53: 514, 647, 590 S-N '12 Just Betty. Cosmop 44:602 My '08 Just-for-the-fun.of.it girl. G. Torrey. L H J 30:14 Ap '13 Just Jane. B. MacArthur. Lippinc 89:150 Ja '12 Just Jones. F. G. Jones. McClure 42:112 Ap '14 Just like a cat. E. P. Butler. Cosmop 46:304 F Just like a man. C. B. Kelland. Mun 44:17 O J "St like love. Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. Haroer Just man's wife. The. V. T. Van de Water Tosmop 56:675 Ap '14 Just meat. J. London. Ccsmop 42:535 Mr '07 Justice. M. G. Gallaher. Les Mo 59:101 N '04 Justice absolute. H. MacAdam. Harp W 5719 -Ag 9 '13 Justice, Mabel Helkes Other man. Cosmop 54:655. 787 Ap-My '13 Justice of Gideon. E. Gates. Sat E P 1S>16 Ag 28 '09 Justice of the pods. IT. M. Kelley. Met 24:337 Justice to William Riggs. H. Rhodes. Every- body's 20:540 Ap '09 Justice while you wait. O. Oliver. McClure 35: 1^9 Jf. '10 Justification. G. H. Gerould. Scrib 50:461 O '11 Justification of Cap'n Orrln. W. F Brown Lippinc 76:363 S '05 Justina's playmate. G. L. Collin. Cent 72:914 O 06 Juvenile philosopher. E. T. Camp. Mun 24:105 K Kahuna. H. D. Couzens. Met 35:27 Ag '12 Kalaun, the elephant-trainer. M. A. Hamm Cent 69:502 F '05 xictimu. Kangaroo. H. Dickson. Mun 49:607 Jl '13 Kangaroo trust. P. L. Shaw. Cosmop 46:589 Ap '09 Kangaroos. M. Moss. Scrib 35:181 F '04 Kansas Childe Roland. W. A. White. Sat E P 178:7 F 24 '06 Kansas farmer's daughter. S. Comstock. Col 43:14 Ag 7 '09 Kant, Belle Coveted Prince Albert. Everybody's 11:413 S Karabad, The. M. L. Luther. Sat E P 180:5 O 12 '07 Karamaneh. S. Rohmer. Col 51:16 Ap 26 '13 Kaschtanka bad conduct. A. Tschechoff. New Eng n s 39:564 Ja '09 Kate Strong, emotional pauper. W. R. Lighton. Amer 62:556 S '06 Kate's choice. J. A. Riis. Outl 103:455 F 22 '13 Katharine and the sanitarium. A. M. Shaw. Lippinc 77:238 F '06 Katharine Holland: the blighted being. E. Hoyt L H J 21:7 N '04 Katherine's mother. M. J. Reynolds. Outl 103: 164 Ja 25 '13 Katie Connolly: criminal. D. O. Edson. Every- body's 25:128 Jl '11 Katzmann's conspiracy. F. J. Craigie, Jr. Amer 61:643 Ap '06 Kauffman, Reginald Wright, 1877- His immortality. Forum 50:275 S '13 Non-resistance of Amos. Cent 74:562 Ag '07 Stranger within his gates. Sat E P 185:17 Mr 8 '13 Two standards. Met 38:19 Ag '13 Kauffman, Mrs. Reginald Wright. See Kauff- man, Ruth Kauffman, Ruth (Hammitt) (Mrs. Reginald Wright Kauffman) Her people. Forum 51:249 F '14 Kaufman, Emma B. Study in values. Col 35:11 Ag 12 '05 Kaufman, Jessie Jewel of the seas. Lippinc 82:385 O '08 Kavanagh, Marcus Scrapper Halpin. Scrib 33:182 F '03 Kayme, Sargent Mivins. Met 16:55 Jl '02 K'dunk the fat one. W. J. Long. Outl 75:220 S 26 '03 Kean, Helen Ashland Wedding in Bear swamp. New Eng n s 39:114 Keating, Joseph Iii.sli member. Les Mo 59:340 Ja '05 Pinnacle. Les Mo 59:S6 N '04 Sfth and the flre-dragon. Mun 33:18 Ap '05 Sliinkin the strong man. Everybody's 11:469 O '04 Tally, the coward. Everybody's 11:590 N '04 Yanto the waster. Everybody's 11:49 Jl '04 Keats, Gwendoline (Zack, pseud.) licnjamin Parrot's fancy. Scrib 30:153 Ag "01 Keegan's roup at Ka. E. W. Townsend. Cent i;:i:r..n7 f '05 Keen, James r.iit of the game. Met 34:647 Ag '11 Keeper of a light. E. Barnard. Col 38:19 N 10 Keeper of the light. V. Rous.seau. Harp W 54: 22 D 10 '10 158 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Keeper of the water-gate. C. G. D. Roberts. I^es Mo 55:473 Mr '03 Keeper of the well. J. Anderson. Harp W 54: 17 Ap 23 '10 Keeper's comedy. F. J. Louriet. Col 51:16 S 13 •13 Keepers of a charge. G. B. Channing. Harper 111:198 Jl '05 Keepers of the gate. W. L. Peple. Col 35:14 Ap 29 '05 Keepers of the shrine. A. Gaul. Mun 45:693 Ag "11 Keeping a seat at the benefit. M. I. Fisk. Harper 106:496 F '03 Keeping John Barleycorn off the train. R. Steele. Sat E P 186:16 Ap 4 '14 Keeping the line open. E. Hungerford. Sat E P 183:8 Jl 23 '10 Keeping up appearances. Sat E P 184:3 N 11, 14 N 18, 19 N 25, 23 D 2, 20 D 9, 22 D 16 '11 Keeping up with Dan'l Webster. I. Bacheller. Cent 84:606 Ag '12 Keeping up with Lizzie. I. Bacheller. Harper 121:688 O '10 Keeping watch. W. W. Jacobs. Met 39:21 Ja •14 Keepsakes. M. P. Read. Cent 88:460 Jl '14 Keife, Katharine On the Copley road. New Eng n s 47:273 Ag •12 Keiffer's raise. E. Walker. New Eng n s 37: 759 F '08 Keith, Alyn Yates, pseud. See Mori'is, Mrs. Eugenia M. Kelland, Clarence Budington Captain Parkinson's ghost cure. Harper 119: 317 Jl '09 Captain's tenants. Mun 46:207 N '11 Ennui of Cap'n Peek. Harper 120:479 F '10 Eros and the ear- trumpet. Mun 48:204 N '12 Fifth of September. Col 51:21 Ag 30 '13 Girl who was a coward. Delin 85:7 N '14 Intention of the testator. Mun 48:462 D '12 Just like a man. Mun 44:17 O '10 Monopoly of Barnabas Beagle. Mun 47:476 Je '12 Muscamoot' orphan. Mun 46:805 Mr '12 One thing needed. Mun 44:692 F '11 Passenger's dog. Harper 118:325 Ja '09 Pauline. Lippinc 92:751 D '13 Pieces of silver. Harper 126:663 Ap '13 Settling Ophelia. Harper 129:623 S '14 Shanghaied baby. Mun 44:372 D '10 Substitute for Nellie. Amer 77:35 Ap '14 Unaccountable cook. Mun 45:384 Je '11 You never can tell. Mun 49:944 S '13 Kelley, Ellsworth E. Exchange of confidences. Harper 107:420 Ag '03 Experiment. Mun 53:506 D '14 Little boy and his pa. McClure 15:123 Je '00 Man who found himself. McClure 19:110 Je '02 Matter of providence. McClure 19:38 My '02 Old-fashioned wooing. McClure 17:139 Je '01 Pardners. McClure 16:472 Mr '01, Same Cur Lit 30:410 Ap '01 Two of a kind. McClure 17:251 Jl '01 Kelley, Ethel May, 1878- Influence. McClure 34:518 Mr '10 Lady ^ who wore the willow. Harper 129:302 •^'^^•^'"n^. ?,®^®^ i"*o bankruptcy. Harp W 58-20 Mr 28 14 Kelley, John Bertram Trail of fire. Outl 102:660 N 23 '12 Kelley, King Between two bloods. Mun 47:437 Je '12 lex and his curse. Mun 48:409 D '12 Unended chase. Mun 47:593 Jl '12 Kelley, M. S. New light. Col 36:16 Mr 17 '06 Kellock, Harold Crackajack story. McClure 34:68 N '09 Elimination of Toto. Col 41:14 Ag 1 '08 Fire of spring. Everybody's 24:644 My '11 Kellock, Harold — continued Straying of Clarence Mo we. Everybody's 22: 516 Ap '10 Touch of nature. Col 49:14 Je 22 '12 Kellogg, Caroline Party of the third part. Delin 60:256 Ag '02 Kellogg, Janet Tea and confessions. Les Mo 52:331 Ag '01 Kellogg, M. Fred and I. Lippinc 92:640 N '13 Kellogg, Sarah Winter Black prince and the little captain. Les Mo 51:107 D '00 Kelly, Eleanor Mercein Adventures of a recluse. Lippinc 90:598 N '12 Friend of Jiminie's. Lippinc 83:230 F '09 Girl who forgot. Lippinc 83:107 Ja '09 Givin'est lady. Lippinc 86:750 D '10 Mob. Lippinc 85:489 Ap '10 Privateer. Lippinc 87:641 Je '11 Street of stairs. Lippinc 94:589 N '14 Temperament. Lippinc 83:739 Je '09 Treasure tree. Lippinc 89:271 F '12 Kelly, Hugh M. Heritage of Ham. McClure 31:277 Jl '08 Justice of the gods. Met 24:337 Je '06 O'Keefe. Met 27:418 Ja '08 Second lesson. Met 28:132 My '08 Without the pale. Met 26:310 Je '07 Kelly, John Marshall Uncle Abram's sermon. Les Mo 56:620 O '03 Kelly, Myra (Mrs. Allan Macnaughton) 1876-1910 Bent twig. Sat E P 182:8 F 12 '10 Brand from the burning. Sat E P 182:6 Jl 24 '09 Chaperoning of Sheila. L H J 25:14 S '08 Cherchez la femme. Sat E P 181:8 Ja 30 '09 Christmas present for a lady. McClure 20:195 D '02 Elizabeth's aunt Elizabeth. Amer 67:15 N '08 Friends. Sat E P 181:12 O 17 '08 Gentleman who never got up. L H J 25:5 Jl •08 Gifts of the philosophers. L H J 22:9 D '04 H. R. H. the prince of Hester street. Mc- Clure 23:103 My '04 In loco parentis. McClure 25:366 Ag '05 Island of enchantment. Harper 110:468 F 'OS Land of heart's desire. McClure 23:240 Jl '04 Little Bo-Peep. McClure 28:115 N '06 Little matter of real estate. McClure 21:130 My '03 Love among the blackboards. McClure 20:485 Mr '03 Morris and the Honorable Tim. McClure 21: 464 S '03 Mothers of Edward. L H J 23:8 O '06 Origin of species. Sat E P 182:18 N 13 '09 Passport to paradise. McClure 24 53 N '04 Perjured Santa Claus. McClure 28:299 Ja '07 Slaughter of the innocents. Col 39:14 Jl 6 '07 Soldiers of the queen. L H J 25:12 Je '08 Soul above buttons. McClure 27:337 Ag '06 Star of Bethlehem. Cent 71:179 D '05 Their counterfeit sister. L H J 25-9 F '08 Touch of nature. McClure 22:249 Ja '04 Uses of adversity. Col 32:14 Mr 12 '04 When a man^s widowed. McClure 22:517 Mr •04 Wiles of wooer. McClure 29:537 S '07 Yetta^s etiquette. Sat E P 182:13 D 4 '09 Kelly's limit. W. Hard. Sat E P 178:9 Je 16 '06 Kemble, Charles He of the faint heart. New Eng n s 31:728 F '05 Kemble, Edward Windsor, 1861- Fish. Cosmop 32:442 F '02 How the Buzzards worked a spell. Cosmop 31:664 O '01 Kemp, Harry, 1883- First courtship. Forum 52:430 S '14 Kemp, Kate Taylor Summer memory. Outl 85:888 Ap 20 '07 Kemper, S. H. Gentlemanly engineer. Amer 62:107 My '06 Kempster, Aquila Durza's opal. Met 30:78 Ap '09 Kendall, John Smith, 1874- Translation. Outl 98:586 Jl 15 '11 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 159 Kendall, Sidney C. On the trail of a serpent. McClure 22:163 D '03 Kenealy, Annesley Lizaloo, price live shillings. Forum 50:691 N •13 Kenealy, Arabella Bride by bequest. Delin 59:451 Mr '02 Dr. Fordliam's daughter. Delin 58:266 Ag '01 Pamela's great-grandmother. Delin 61:277 F ■03 Sylvia's bridegrooms. Lippinc 75:485 Ap '05 Kennan, George, 1S45- Napoleonder. Outl 70:870 Ap 5 '02 Taking chances. Outl 74:945 Ag 15 '03 Kennard, J. W. Carl Blake's chance. New Eng n s 32:487 Je '05 Kennedy, Maravene As a thaw in the spring. Everybody's 10:609 My '04 Enlightenment of Ridgeville. Cosmop 37:307 Jl '04 Governor's niece. Everybody's 13:337 S '05 Right woman. D H J 21:7 Ap, 11 My '04 Thoroughbred girl. L H J 22:16 Ap '05 Unmarriable Tom; Christmas love story. L< H J 22:12 D '04 Kennedy, Mrs. Sarah Beaumont (Cannon) Bachelor's ward. Everybody's 6:235 Mr '02 Courting of Polly Paxton. L H J 20:5 Ag '03 End of an idyl. Cosmop 36:314 Ja '04 Joscelyn Cheshire. Everybody's 3:551 D '00 Kennett, Julia Old house beyond the hills. Everybody's 17: 767 D '07 Kennicott, Donald Purple patch. Col 50:18 N 16 '12 Keno: a cayuse known to fame. S. Ford. Scrib 34:471 O '03 Kenton, Edna, 1876- Cory. of the woman's page. Cosmop 38:673 Ap '05 Doll lady. Cent 72:859 O '06 Fraternity chapter. Met 17:268 Mr '03 Head-liner. Cent 73:525 F '07 Incumbrance. Everybody's 13:320 S '05 Love laughs at lions. Cent 72:333 Jl '06 Mercedes the mind-reader. Lippinc 91:64 Ja '13 Mrs. Potts's perplexity. Cent 64:524 Ag '02 Patching the gourd. Met 16:29 Jl '02 Pickaninnies' dream. Les Mo 54:467 S '02 Post-nuptial conversation. Met 16:490 N '02 Procrustes' wife. Met 32:244 My '10 Prophet in his country. Cent 76:436 Jl '08 Runaway Spartan. Met 34:84 Ap '11 Solidarity. Cent 85:407 Ja '13 Strange gods. Everybody's 9:617 N '03 Suddeth's Egeria. Cent 82:279 Je '11 rncatalogued. Cent 75:883 Ap '08 Working out of Joe's salvation. Col 51:18 Je 7 '13 Young Napoleon of Chicago. Les Mo 56:259 Jl '03 Kenyon. Camilla E. L. D.:-briH man. Col 52:3 D 27 '13 Kenyon, Orr My boy Charlie. McClure 34:190 D '09 Kenyon, Will Hilly Snillli and the world's greatest. L H J 29:12 Ag '12 Kephart, C. Grace Hril)r>ifst woman. I.,es Mo 58:13 My '04 Ix.vf Platonic. Met 17:42 Ja '03 Kept until railed for. II. A. Na.sh. New Eng n H 24:3Ki .My '01 Kerosene Ki)rlii)-':. K. Brown. McClure 33:520 S •09 Kerr, Alvah Milton Urandcd m.-ui'.s gift. Evorybody'.s 20:116 Ja 'o;» P.y path.s of flamo. Col 35:18 Jl 'J9 '05 Daffy'H wfdding dr^s.s. Sat R I' 177:7 O 22 '04 In front of tlu- Htampedc. Mc^'lure 14:511 Ap •00 Lifflo hallelujah's convert. McClure 16:87 N '00 Kerr, Alvah Milton — continued Luck of the Northern mail. McClure 14:230 Ja '00 Man at the lonely station. Sat E P 173:6 D 1 '00 Muggins Tarney's tinkerings. Sat E P 176-6 D 19 '03 Nolan's revolt. Everybody's 19:821 D '08 On the Saddle Bow range. McClure 23-57 Mv '04 ■' Sea of fire. Sat E P 172:636 Ja 20 '00 Strike at Muley Pass. Col 32:14 O 17 '03 Two men of might. Sat E P 173:3 Ap 20 '01 Kerrigan and the true romance. H. S. Canby Forum 42:177 Ag '09 Kerrigan's Christmas sermon. L. P. Tooker Cent 69:290 D '04 Kerrigan's diplomacy. L. F. Tooker. Cent 69: 698 Mr '05 Kester, Paul, 1870- Anselo Lee. Forum 50:359 S '13 Kester, Vaughan, 1869-1911 Bad man of Las Vegas. Mun 22:552 Ja '00 Mr. Feeney's social experiment. Amer 73:318 Ja '12 Story of a simple and a simpler soul. Cent 84: 749 S '12 Ketchum, R. L. Samaritan of the " L-Bar." Cosmop 30:269 Ja '01 Ketury's diamond wedding. W. Arnold. Every- body's 18:274 F '08 Key. Mrs. W. K. Clifford. Forum 47:129 F '12 Key of A flat. F. Hurst. Sat E P 185:12 S 28 '12 Key, Francis Brute God's country. Cosmop 42:399 F '07 Key-note. K. Roof. Cent 87:113 N '13 Key to the door. F. Ball. McClure 31:190 Je '08 Key to the east gate. J. D. Bacon. L H J 28:7 Jl '11 Keyes, Mary Willard Blindfolded goddess. Outl 102:165 S 28 '12 Keys, Florence V. Recognition. Forum 42:248 S '09 Keys of Eden. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 177:1 F 4 '05 Keziah. E. H. Porter. New Eng n s 30:723 Ag '04 Kicked into millions. H. M. Hyde. Sat E P 181:12 F 6 '09 Kicker Lang: a Harvard story. C. M. Flandrau. Sat E P 173:4 Je 22, 4 Je 29 '01 Kickin'est mule. S. Gordon. Col 53:9 Ag 8 '14 Kicking to beat the band. H. Reed. Col 54:5 N 28 '14 Kid Sadler. A. W. Colton. Harper 107:432 Ag '03 Kidd, Barrington Girls' garden. New Eng n s 32:316 My '05 Kidd, Ezra Hamilton Gcorgie. Met 32:587 Ag '10 Kidnapped by Bettina. E. H. Brainerd. Sat E 1' 17S;1 S 23, 10 S 30, 12 O 7 '05 Kidnapped colony. M. R. S. Andrews. Harper 107:50, 283 Je-Jl '03 Kidnapped in the jungle. H. I. Lockwood. I..ip- piii<: 9 1:349 S '14 Kidnappers. J. Barnes. Harper 122:704 Ap '11 Kidnappers. A. Train. Sat E P 183:20 S 24 '10 Kidnapping of Cassandra. F. Lynde. McClure .■f0:759 .\p '08 Kidnapping of Helen Hall. K. Eggleston. Mun 4;!:.'!0S Jo '10 Kidnapping of .Maria Luisa. A. Mathewa. Mun ;n»r,07 Ja '04 Kidnapping of President Lincoln. See Harris. .loci Cliandlor Kidnapping of Rockervelt. R. Parr. Sat E P 175:1 Ap 4 '03 Kllbreth <>t Hallvrairgan. G. S. Uiohmond. Mc- Clure 24:11 isj '04 i6o STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Kildare, Owen Frawley, 1864-1911 Amateur philanthropy. Cosmop 43:32o Jl 0/ Flaxen-haired girl and Clancy. L, H J 23:10 Ag '06 Legatee of lovelessness. Outl 78:88 S 3 04 Stories of the silent people. L H J 22:15 Ap '05 Yule-tide down in Mulberry. Outl 78:1022 D 24 '04 Kill, The. C. G. D. Roberts. Met 19:571 Ja '04 Kill the umpire. C. E. Van Loan. Mun 42:150 O '09 Killbohgan and Killboggan. H. Templeton. Mc- Clure 27:649 O '06 Killing nerve. H. W. Phillips. Mun 52:251 Jl '14 Kilmorgan's heir. K. Jarboe. Lippinc 89:1 Ja '12 Klltartan fairy tales. A. Gregory. Delin 79:95 F '12 Kimball, Annie B. Mistress Submit. New Eng n s 25:168 O 01 Kimball, Atkinson, pseud. (Richard Bowland Kimball and Mrs. Grace Lucia [Atkinson] Kimball) Fragments. Forum 45:292 Mr '11 Hostages to fortune. Scrib 47:197 F '10 In such a night as this. Lippinc 90:470 O 12 Manger, The. Met 34:723 S '11 Peg and the hole. Harp B 48:22 N '13 Sea change. Atlan 106:264 Ag '10 Kimball, Mrs. Grace Lucia (Atkinson). See Kimball, Atkinson, pseud. Kimball, Richard Bowland. See Kimball, Atkin- son, pseud. Kimmey mother. A. H. Donnell. Delin 75:123 F '10 Kin. J. A. Riis. Outl 102:638 N 23 '12 Kin story. E. Howe. Amer 75:153 D '12 Kind of hero. W. H. Boardman. McClure 22: 460 Mr '04 Kindness of Johnny Mud-Lip. R. B. Shelton. Les Mo 56:406 Ag '03 King, The. V. W. Cloud. Delin 65:617 Ap '05 King a-begging. R. Barr. McClure 16:305 F '01 King among kings. H. L. Wilson. Sat E P 186: 8 Ap 25 '14 King, (William Benjamin) Basil, 1859- Danger. McClure 43:105 My '14 Eleventh hour. Atlan 87:253 F '01 Hanging of Mary Dyer. McClure 28:44 N '06 Last love-feast. McClure 26:67 N '05 Penalty. McClure 43:112 Je '14 Sign from heaven. Harper 116:177 Ja '08 Transgression. McClure 42:73 Ap '14 King, Charles, 1844- Boy that couldn't stand fire. Lippinc 74:749 D '04 Camera capture. Sat E P 173:4 Mr 9 '01 Code of the corps. Lippinc 67:337 Mr '01 Dayton's wooing. Cosmop 37:339 Jl '04 Dove-cote days. Sat E P 173:7 Jl 28 '00 Lanier of the cavalry or a week's arrest. Lippinc 83:129 F '09 Lass of the Laramie. Lippinc 75:600 My '05 Like father, like son. Lippinc 69:493 Ap '02 Luck of the horseshoe. Sat E P 174:6 Mr 29 •02 Pepita. Lippinc 71:822 Je '03 Ray's daughter. Lippinc 65:803 Je '00 Recaptured: a Philippine war story. Sat E P 174:6 N 30 '01 Senator's plight. Sat E P 174:4 Jl 6 '01 King Coal. S. H. Adams. McClure 23:409 Ag '04 King cotton. E. E. Peake. Col 51:17 S 6 '13 King custom. Mrs. M. S. Rawson. Harper 103: 718 O '01 King, Dave Nester girl. Harp W 55:16 Je 24 '11 King dines. R. Barr. Harp "W 46:566 My 3 '02 King, Elizabeth Hovey Lady Mary's elopement. Lippinc 77:374 Mr '06 King, Grace Elizabeth, 1852- Clodhopper. McClure 28:487 Mr '07 Grandmama: a tale of Louisiana in the old days. Cent 68:205 Je '04 Making progress. Harper 102:423 F '01 War-time Santa Claus. Col 44:12 D 11 '09 K ng James of strawberry patch. Delin 73:562 Ap '09 ng Julius. See Story of ng, Maude Egerton, 1867- Motherhood. Cent 74:87 My '07 ng of animal tamers. R. Bergengren. Col 46:17 N 26 '10 ng of Bad Bad. G. Morris. Cent 64:714 S '02 ng of Cocoanut island. F. U. Adams. Col 43: 20 My 29 '09 ng o' dreams. J. M. Forman. Harper 106: 837 My '03 ng of every-man's-land. G. Hibbard. Mun 43:684 Ag '10 ng of France. D. Canfield. Mun 40:820 Mr •09 ng of Gee-Whiz.: E. Hough. Everybody's 13:11 Jl '05 ng of Menagerie Cay. B. Brandenburg. Every- body's 9:321 S '03 ng of the Azores. 24 D 10 '10 ng grub. '11 G. H. Preston. McClure 36:623 Ap M. T. Earle. J. K. Bangs. Gibbon. Harp W 54: ng of the baboons. P. Gibbon. McClure 31: 467 Ag '08 ng of the Elbow. G. R. Chester. Everybody's 25:366 S '11 ng of the northern slope. E. C. Litsey. Les Mo 56:425 S '03 ng of Ys and Dahut the Red. F. Macleod. Cur Lit 42:462 Ap '07 ng on his way to be crowned. R. Le Gal- lienne. Cent 82:208 Je '11 ng Philip, lobster. R. K. Munkittrick. Cos- mop 31:308 Jl '01 ng, Ray Mclntyre Emancipation of Mr. Squibbs. Harper 102: 811 Ad '01 ng Solomon was a black man. Cent 71:974 Ap '06 ng Sullivan. G. A. England. Mun 40:712 •09 ng, Winnifred White phlox. New Eng n s 30:686 Ag '04 V. F. Boyle. Harper 100 Squibbs. Harper S. J. Grimkg. F ngdom for Micajah 527 Mr '00 ngdom of exile. J. M. Forman. 492 S '03 ngdom of joy. M. 559 S '10 ngdom of the sun. O '02 ngdoms of the earth 464 Ag '08 ngdoms of the earth. J. W. Tompkins 74:333 Jl '12 ngdoms of the world. L. Osbourne. Mun 44: 505 Ja '11 ngs and men. O. Oliver. Lippinc 89:563 Ap •12 Les Mo 56 S. Cutting. McClure 35 L. Crane. Les Mo 54:538 A. Brown. Harper 117: Amer ng's Bim-Bam. '02 ng's calabash. '04 C. Wells. Les Mo 53:479 F E. W. Mumford. Met 21:16 O M. Van Vorst. Sat E P 180:12 ng's friend. D 21 '07 ng's gold. R. Barr. McClure 17:122 Je '01 ng's great victory. L. Anderson. Cosmop 43: 157 Je '07 ng's grip. E. Boltwood. Mun 39:167 My '08 ng's heart. C. MacCulloch. Met 30:549 Ag •09 ng's jewel. J. E. Dunning. Harp W 48:3 D 10 '04 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 i6i King's mail. A. and E. Castle. Col 34:17 F 11 '05 Kings of hate. A. Stringer. Everybody's 17:811 D '07 Kings of Maleta. A. Colton. Cosmop 40:548 Mr '06 Kings of No Man's Land. V. Rousseau. Harp W 53:22 Ap 3 '09 King's prerogative. R.Thomas. Everybody's 19: 733 D 'OS King's proctor. V. Rousseau. Harp W 56:16 N 23 '12 King's son. T. DuBois. Mun 29:424 Je '03 King's son of Palemban. W. J. Hopkins. At- lan 102:169 Ag '08 King's understudy. W. M. Raine. Les Mo 52- ob4 Ag '01 King's visit. R. Barr. McCIure 17:534 O '01 Kingsley, Cliarlotte May, pseud. See Hanshew, riiomas W. Kingsley, Mrs. Florence (Morse), 1859- And so they were married. L. H J 25:7 Je 9 JI, 13 Ag 'OS First coming of Santa Claus. L H J 22:10 D '04 First Judas. Outl 65:571 Jl 7 '00 In a yellow petticoat and a green gown. L H J 1S:6 Jl '01 Intellectual Miss Lamb. Cent 71:552 F '06 Only son of his mother. Sat E P 173:16 Mr 30 '01 Story of the Field of Angels. L H J 21:9 D '03 Transfiguration of Miss Philura. Cur Lit 43: 344 S '07 L'nrecorded miracle. Sat E P 173:22 D 8 '00 Young gentleman of the woodshed. L H J 18: 6 Je '01 Kingsmill, Esther Talbot Heart of a red man. New Eng n s 24:86 Mr '01 Kinl< in the air. E. H. Abbott. Col 39:15 Ag 31 '07 Kinniff, Thomas Wanted — a peacemaker. New Eng n s 41:860 S 'n'j Kinnosuke, Adachi, 1872- Anti-American. Delin 75:486 Je '10 At the inner gate of Tien-Tsin. Everybody's 5:90 Jl '01 Cherry-bud in a foreign land. Lippinc 67:506 Ap '01 Goro. Lippinc 66:628 O '00 In the sweet April weather. Met 35:13 My '12 Lady missionary. Met 37:42 N '12 Love story of a high-born Japanese girl. L H J 26:10 Jl '09 Mendicant. McClure 18:180 D '01 Shino. Sat E P 174:4 S 14 '01 Swords of the House of Nogi. Amer 61:314 Ja '06 Tsurumi Tsuki. Everybody's 4:117 P '01 Two Japanese painters. Atlan 90:527 O '02 Kinross, Albert 1870- .Abj Cold iron. Delin 74:196 S '09 Comprehension of Private Cooper Everv- body's 7:316 O '02 Conversion of St. Wilfrid. Delin 75:34 Ja '10 Deal m cotton. Col 40:10 D 14 '07 Doctor of medicine. Delin 74:296 O '09 Dog Harvey. Cent 87:813 Ap '14 Edge of the evening. Met 39:17 D '13 Friendly brook. Met 39:19 Mr '14 Habitation enforced. Cent 70:617 Ag '05 House surgeon. Harper 119:489 720 S-O '09 How the first letter was written. L H J 19:11 How the leopard got his spots. L H J 18:3 O In the presence. Everybody's 26:307 Mr '12 In the same boat. Harper 124:3 D '11 Knife and the naked chalk. Harper 120:41 D Little foxes. Col 43:15 Mr 27 '09 Outsider. McCIure 15:210 Jl '00 Priest in spite of himself. Delin 76:94 Ag '10 Puck of Pook's hill. L H J 23:5 Ja, 7 F, 7 Mr, Puzzler. Col 36:19 F 17 '06 Robin Goodfellow — his friends. McCIure 27 3 147, 282, 413, 503, 588 My-O '06 Simple Simon. Delin 75:478 Je '10 Steam tactics. Sat E P 175:1 D 6 '02 Their awful occasions. Col 32:12 O 3, 14 O 10 They. Scrib 36:129 Ag '04 Tour of inspection. Met 21:1 O '04 Tree of justice. Delin 75:116 F '10 Vortex. Scrib 56:137 Ag '14 Way that he took. Cosmop 30:49 N '00 Wireless. Scrib 32:87 Ag '02 With the night mail. McCIure 26:23 N '05 Wrong thing. Delin 74:402 N '09 Kirby, Maurice Brown General Percy Whiffletree. Amer 72:257 Je '11 Siberian wildman. Amer 66:33 My '08 Test of courage. Amer 71:545 F '11 Kirby wedding. F. H. Carruth. Harper 105:811 Kirk, Ellen Warner OIney (Henry Hayes, pseud.) Anti-climax. Lippinc 66:3 Jl '00 Bit of human nature. Lippinc 70:259 S '02 My opal ring. Delin 55:832 Je '00 Kirk, Henry S. Ambition of Benito. Mun 28:427 D '0' Deciding of Encarnacion. Harper 105:229 Jl Kirk, William Frederick, 1877- Lumberjack. Cosmop 44:643 My 'OS Swedish troubadour. Cosmop 47:254 Jl '09 Kirkbridge, William Howard L'Envoi. Met 26:570 Ag '07 klrkland at quarter. F. Norris. Sat E P 174:4 Kirkland, Winifred Margaretta, 187'- Raby in the red house. L II J 30:8 Jl '13 Luella's love story. Mot 19:364 D '03 Noble army. Atlan 112:27 Jl '13 Kiser, Samuel Ellsworth, 1862- Camel at a bargain. Mun 51:105 F '14 Mrs. Belden's beau-ideal. Mun 49:260 My '13 Tangled code. Mun 40:559 Ja '09 Wrecked on Asparagus reef. Mun 41:641 Ac '09 ^ Kismet. M. Robertson. Harp W 52:5 D 12 '08 Kiss, The. A. Henry. Met 35:14 My '12 Kiss. E. Nesbit. Amer 63:601 Ap '07 Kiss, The. A. Stringer. Sat E P 186:8 D 27 "13 Kiss money. B. Hall. Lippinc 83:371 Mr '09 KIssIn' bee. F. W. Shibley. New Eng n s 25: 727 F '02 Kitchen, William H. I»ot of Muiucawan. Col 50:20 D 7 "12 Kitchen comody. M. L. Milmow. Everybody's 12:419 Mr '05 Kite. O. Luk-Ole. McCIure 34:638 Ap '10 1 62 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Kitten and the mastiff. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 38:457 Ja 'OS Kitten and the mouse. M. Foster. Sat E P 187:5 O 31 '14 Kittie's sister Josephine. E. G. Jordan. Harper 109:60 Je '0-1 Kittredge, Daniel W. His last visit. New Eng n s 25:520 D '01 Kitty of the roses. R. H. Barbour. Lippinc 73: Gil Je '04 Kitty, the reformer. A. O'Hagan. Mun 48:386 D •12 Klahr, Evelyn Gill Molly Rafferty. Col 54:11 S 26 '14 Kling. J. Hopper. Everybody's 18:769 Je '08 Kluegel, Bunker Submerged white. Cosmop 43:193 Je '07 Knapp, Adeline 1S60-1909 Beast. McClure 32:193 D '08 Great story. Cent 80:249 Je '10 Matthew. McClure 33:437 Ag '09 Reading maketh a full man. Cent 78:94 My •09 Thunder and Calamity. McClure 26:195 D '05 Knapp, George Leonard, 1872- Blood o' innocence. Lippinc 80:624 N '07 From the basket of Allah. Lippinc 80:795 D •07 Pledge that stuck. Lippinc 87:80 Ja '11 Swan song. Lippinc 80:513 O '07 Unclaimed suit-case. Lippinc 93:586 My '14 Whistle. Lippinc 88:897 D '11 Knapp, John Whittlesey Eternal feminine. Met 17:56 Ap '03 Knapp, Margaret Lizzie, 1S63- Candidate for stepfatherhood. Mun 31:763 Ag •04 Defeat of the method. Atlan 88:819 D '01 Man who went with the place. Cent 61:399 Ja '01 Mother. Atlan 85:110 Ja '00 Piece of paper. Everybody's 13:681 N '05 Youth of Nelly McChesney. Everybody's 10: 763 Je '04 Knarf, Elivas, pseud. See Savile, Frank Knee-deep in knickers. E. Ferber. Amer 75: 54 Mr '13 Knife in the crooked thorn. S. MacManus. L H J 21:8 O '04 Knife in the door. S. R. Osborn. Cosmop 42: 472 F '07 Knight. J. Galsworthy. Atlan 105:721 Je '10 Knight, Adele Ferguson Under green steeples. New Eng n s 31:330 N '04 Knight errant in Broadway. R. S. Holland. Lippinc 83:257 Mr '09 Knight-erranty of Schuyler. H. C. Rowland. Met 25:584 F '07 Knight, Leavitt Ashley Adventures of Worry-Worry Williams. Ev- erybody's 29:417 S '13 Amanda Lee, Singapore. Everybody's 29:616 N '13 Baltimore lunch and Hartford lunch. Every- body's 30:491 Ap '14 Button. Everybody's 30:687 My '14 Dead game sport. Everybody's 25:607 N '11 Discomfiture of the Danes. Everybody's 30- 289 Mr '14 j j- ^ ov. Great defense. Everybody's 31:433 O '14 Great ptarmigan, mystery. Everybody's 30: 193 F '14 Man who braced up. Everybody's 31-613 N '14 Promised land. Everybody's 28:784 Je '13 Square and the circle. Atlan 108:467 O '11 Wrecker. Everybody's 27:206 Ag '12 Knight of the Cumberland. See Fox, John. Jr. *^"'?c*or?^^*^.^ highway. C. Scollard. Lippinc b»:2o9 S 01 Knight of the Outer Shoal. T. J. Hains. Delin 70:222 Ag '07 Knight takes queen. B. Lessing. Cosmop 54: 448 Mr '13 Knight who fell. A. Woodward. Mun 49:570 Jl '13 Knights of the three-cornered table. M. S. Gerry. Harper 126:502 Mr '13 Knights to the rescue. B. C. Waltz. Cent 65: 581 F '03 Knipe, Alden Arthur, 1870- Metamorphosis of Tan-Shin. Delin 64:385 S '04 Please. Everybody's 9:306 S '03 Sub-mascot. Scrib 34:709 D '03 Knives and forks. L. Brooke. Scrib 56:668 N '14 Knock at the door. E. Lincoln. Les Mo 58:128 Je '04 Knock of opportunity. P. P. Frost. Met 37:47 Mr '13 Knock of opportunity. C. M. Harger. Sat E P 177:13 Je 10 '05 Knocker, The. E. Boltwood. Mun 34:212 N '05 Knocking at the door. E. Rickert. Outl 81:29 S 2 '05 Knocking on the door. S. Rohmer. Col 51:16 Je 28 '13 Knot and a slash. H. W. Phillips. McClure 23: 271 Jl '04 Knox, Georgia Studio mouse. Lippinc 76:759 D '05 Knox, Kate M. Jerry's Cuban rights. New Eng n s 43:503 Ja '11 Knuckle-pusher. W. Adams. McClure 29:433 Ag '07 Kobbe, Gustav Bsperanza, The. Delin 67:82 Ja '06 Kocheli, Joseph Error of circumstance. Everybody's 17:130 Jl '07 Right to live. McClure 32:363 F '09 Koenig's discovery. J. M. Oskison. Col 45:20 My 28 '10 Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovitch, 1853- Old bell-ringer. Lippinc 91:619 My '13 Shades. Cur Lit 43:577 N '07 Kortrecht, Augusta Big-I and little-you. Lippinc 82:730 D '08 Charley-f'um-the-orphum-house. McClure 30: 157 D '07 Glimmer glass. Lippinc 90:641 D '12 Gloria Peace, the riddle. Lippinc 90:69 Jl '12 Grace and disgrace. Lippinc 92:115 Jl '13 Heiress and the orphan. Lippinc 85:628 My '10 Island. Lippinc SS:609 N '11 Little fat skeleton. Lippinc 83:460 Ap '09 Mollycoddle. Lippinc 83:718 Je '09 Other fat lady — and me. Lippinc 87:489 Ap Pleasant afternoon with Mrs. Marsh. Lippinc 89:246 F '12 Kotzschmar, Mary Ann Torrey (Mrs. Herman Kotzschmar), 1852- Her Bethlehem. L H J 28:12 D 1 '10 His answer. L H J 24:19 N '07 Holy night. L H J 29:18 D '12 Kowhai Blossom. A. H. Adams. Cosmop 36:65 N '03 Kraft, Karl von Brown paper parcel. Lippinc 86:364 S '10 Destiny of Rip. Lippinc 82:231 Ag '08 Pendleton '01 Lippinc 82:80 Jl '08 Sweet-grass basket. Lippinc 87:751 Je '11 Turquoise ring. Lippinc 83:94 Ja '09 Kramer, Harold Man of the service. Mun 27:267 My '02 Skeeter's charge. Mun 28:288 N '02 Krataloa. E. Balmer. Sat E P 180:12 N 2 '07 Kris-girl. See Grimshaw, Beatrice. Krog. Fritz Wanderlust. McClure 37:428 Ag '11 Kuklux of the sage. E. L. Sabin. Mun 46:392 D '11 Kummer, Frederic Arnold Faith. Cosmop 56:88 D '13 Seventh glass. Cent 88:258 Je '14 Kurz, Isolde Prince Ghika. Cur Lit 40:226 F '06 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 163 Kusma's wooing. W. Von Schierbrand. Delin 67:1096 Je '06 Kyne, Peter Bernard, 1S80- Blind goddess. Sat E P 186:7 Jl 12 "13 Blue blood and pirates. Sat E P 184:10 Mr 30 '12 Buzz saw of chance. Sat E P 182:8 My 7 '10 Corner in shingles. Sat E P 183:6 Ap 29 '11 Crimson crackerjack. Sat E P 185:6 Ap 19 13 Deficit, The. Sat B P 184:3, O 28, 23 N 4 '11 Distant firing. Met 40:26 Jl '14 Exit Pangingi Pete. Met 38:12 S '13 Failures, The. Sat E P 183:14 F 25 '11 Handshake agreement. Sat E P 187:5 D 12, 39 D 19 '14 Heart exchange. Sat E P 184:10 F 10 '12 Last assignment. Sat E P 186:5 N 15 '13 Little flyer in junk. Sat E P 182:8 Mr 19 '10 Little matter of salvage. Sat E P 182:17 S 25 '09 Log of the Courtney Ford. Sat E P 183:3 Ag 6 '10 Maggie Mulrennin — mud-hen. Sat E P 183: 10 Jl 23 '10 Man in hobbles. Sat E P 185.13 Mr 29 '13 Mr. Burdock's insurance. Col 53:5 Ap 25 '14 Motion to adjourn. Sat E P 187:5 S 5 '14 One touch of nature. Sat E P 185:5 Mr 1 '13 Overdue luck. Sat E P 183:10 Ja 28 '11 Penny panic. Sat E P 184:5 N 25 '11 Ships jester. Sat E P 184:6 F 17 '12 Silver threads among the gold. Met 39:20 Ap •14 Strange adventures of Mike, the vagabone. Col 53:5 Je 6 '14 Ten-dollar raise. Sat E P 182:18 D 4 '09 Three godfathers. Sat E P 185:8 N 23 '12 Tiberius Tinker — press agent. Sat E P 186: 17 S 27 '13 To him who dares. Sat E P 184:26 D 23 '11 Vengeance of the Lord. Sat E P 184:8 S 16 '11 La Bella Mercedes. W. Bulfin. Everybody's 22: 12 Ja '10 Labor and the lady. F. Johnston. Outl 86:514 Jl 6 '07 Labor editor. G. D. Latus. Lippinc 88:117 Jl '11 Laboratory in the hills. E. Foote. Atlan 98: 775 D '06 Labou way. F. H. Sweet. Mun 30:118 O '03 La Bretonne. A. Theuriet. Lippinc 89:597 Ap •12 Lace camisole. L. B. Walford. Cent 61:178 D •00 Laconic idyl. L. T. H. Met 12:515 O '00 Ladder. M. S. Cutting. Delin 71:577 Ap '08 Ladder. E. Poole. Atlan 103:350 Mr '09 Ladder. C. G. D. Roberts. Col 42:13 F 27 '09 Ladies' day in Carbury mine. C. Day. Amer 02:595 O '06 Ladles in lavender. W. J. Locke. Col 42:15 D 26 '08 Lad's love. K. E. Harriman. Lippinc 74:385 O '04 Lady, a mortal and the four-hundred. A. An- drews. Lippinc 70:98 Jl '02 Lady across the aisle. E. P. Butler. McClure 20:309 Ja '06 Lady Alice at lie d'ete. A. O'Hagan. Lippinc .6:2:7 Ag '05 Lady and her soul. J. T.. Long. Delin 60:904 1) ^02 Lady and the acrobat. A. Costantinl. Lippinc S7:220 F '11 Lady and the boy. N. Harrison. McClurc 20: H.-, F '03 Lady and the demagORue. K. Brown. Cent 78-. 923 O '09 Lady and the earthquake. Jj. V. Tookcr. Cent 79:607 F '10 Lady and the football. E. Oviatt. Les Mo 59: 14 N '04 Lady and the ghost. R. C. O'Neill. Cosmop 34: Lady and the license. E. Nesbit. Sat E P 177:6 F 18 •QS Lady and the octopus. E. J. Rath. Sat E P 179:5 F 16 '07 Lady and the property. M. Van Vorst. Lippinc 73:80 Ja '04 Lady and the telephone. T. Jenks. Cent 67: 630 F '04 Lady Angela's methods. H. Rhodes. Met 21: Lady Bountiful. M. Manning. Harper 109:786 O '04 Lady burglar. H. S. Harrison. Harper 103:155 Je '01 Lady Clavandish. E. H. Ogden. Met 11:165 F '00 Lady Clemency welcomes a guest. Mrs. M. S. Rawson. Harper 108:541 Mr '04 Lady Delia. T. Cobb. Lippinc 70:742 D '02 Lady Fessenden. G. Burgess. Col 39:12 Ag 10 '07 Lady for an hour. L. B. Wells. L H J 27:10 S 1 '10 Lady from California. J. W. Tompkins. Lip- pinc 76:105 Jl '05 Lady from the sea. C. T. Brady. Lippinc 75: 641 Je '05 Lady Godiva at the springs. M. R. Rinehart. Lippinc 83:593 My '09 Lady in haste. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 180:3 Jl 27 '07 Lady in the barrel. M. Jones. Cosmop 40:384 F '06 Lady Iron-heels. N. V. Lindsay. Outl 99:335 O 7 '11 Lady Jane's highwayman: drama. F. A. Math- ews. Harp W 47:15 D 12 '03 Lady Jule. F. Wilson. L H J 19:5 N '02 Lady Laughter. R. H. Barbour. Lippinc 91: 641 Je '13 Lady make-believe. F. S. Peple. Lippinc 90: 129 Ag '12 Lady Mary's elopement. E. H. King. Lippinc 77:374 Mr '06 Lady missionary. A. Kinnosuke. Met 37:42 N •12 Lady navigators. E. Noble. Everybody's 3:349 O '00 Lady of balance. E. C. Waltz. Cent 70:703 S '05 Lady of his dreams. E. Taylor. L H J 25:13 D '07 Lady of influence. C. Gebhardt. Lippinc 71 739 Je '03 Lady of La Jeunesse. O. Latham. Cosmop 29 :;i3 Jl '00 Lady of f.andor lane. M. Nicholson. Atlan 113 187 F '14 Lady of the barge. W. W. Jacobs. Harper 101 424 Ag '00 Lady of the dusk. E. S. Holloway. Delin 59 87 Ja '02 Lady of the house. A. M. Sholl. Mun 42:565 Ja '10 Lady of the lift. E. W. Hornung. Scrib 46:156 Ag '09 Lady nf the .ship. A. T. Quiller-Couch. Cos- mop 2S:331 Ja '00 Lady of Toluca. G. Schock. New Eng n s 28 434 Je '03 Lady on the telephone. M. Tracy. Mun 24 (94 F '01 Lady, or the tiger. F. R. Stockton. Cont R5 534 F '13 Lady poddlnr and the dlplomalR. Mr.s. ^^'. Voodrow. McClure 27:429 Ag '06 i64 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Lady Poverty. N. V. Lindsay. Outl 99:734 N 25 '11 Lady Quassia. E. Robbins. Cent 70:721 S '05 Lady Rowena. R. E. MacAlarney. Scrib 41: 195 F '07 Lady slipper. P. L. Dunbar. Sat E P 173:11 S 15 '00 Lady Teresa Ysobel. E. W. Mumford. Met 23: 308 D '05 Lady Thalia. H. C. Rowland. Lippinc 86:1 Jl ho Lady Thoroughbred, Kentuckian. W. L. Com- fort. Lippinc 81:289 Mr '08 Lady Tommy. O. Oliver. Lippinc 81:741 Je '08 Lady Vera. E. W. Hornung. Everybody's 30: 413 Mr '14 Lady vs. Lochinvar. G. M. Hard. Delin 57:588 Ap '01 Lady vs^ho wore the willow. E. M. Kelley. Harper 129:302 Jl '14 Lady with the fringe. A. N. Lyons. Cur Op 54:153 F '13 Lady with the waterfall. A. Fitch. McClure 15:526 O '00 Lady with wings. J. Lee. Col 43:20 Mr 27 '09 Ladybird. E. Barnard. Col 38:23 D 15 '06 Ladybird. M. G. Colder. Les Mo 58:188 Je '04 Ladybird. K. Jordan. Cosmop 42:41 N '06 Lady's choice-free for all. C. H. Grabo. Lip- pinc 89:579 Ap '12 Lady's maid. J. M. Forman. Everybody's 9:247 Ag '03 Lady's maid's bell. E. Wharton. Scrib 32:549 N '02 Lady's man at the show-down. H. Coolidge. Col 51:5 Jl 5 '13 LaFarge, Christopher Grant, 1862- Peter's old country. Scrib 51:79 Ja '12 LaFerronays, Eustace Raoul Cruise of the fleet. Mun 28:278 N '02 Lagerlof, Selma Ottiliana Lovisa, 1858- Brothers. Cur Lit 31:149 Ag '01 Robin redbreast. Cur Lit 42:346 Mr '07 Laggard in love. W. M. Raine. Mun 27:436 Je '02 Lainey and the eternal masculine. I. H. Gill- more. Met 41:28 N '14 Lainey's gift. I. H. Gillmore. Met 39:26 Ja '14 Lais of Corinth. K. Jordan. Cosmop 38:73 N '04 Lake breed. J. O. Curwood. Mun 36:174 N '06 Lake of devils. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 39:189 F '06 La Masca. E. W. Smith. Everybody's 3:119 Ag '00 Lamb and the wolves. W. Payne. Sat E P 177:13 O S '04 Lamb in sheep's clothing. N. Lloyd. Scrib 47:241 F '10 Lamb that Mary. M. Cameron and E. C. Brooks. Harper 119:427 Ag '09 Lambert girl. E. Flower. L H J 20:5 Je 9 Jl Lame Coyote's lone war. C. Michelson. Cos- mop 30:631 Ap '01 Lame lady's pansies. P. H. Fillmore. Every- body's 15:255 Ag '06 Lame old woman. J. W. Tompkins. Every- body's 9:264 Ag '03 Lame priest. S. Carleton. Atlan 88:760 D '01 Lamey Daisy. M.D. M. A. Griffin. New Eng n s 36:457 Je '07 ^ Lamont, winner. E. Lefevre. Sat E P 182-8 My 21 '10 '-^"iP of liberty. N. Duncan. Atlan 85:649 My Lamp with the red shade. F. O. Bartlett. L H J 21:5 Je '04 Lampton, William James (d. 1917) Abimelech Higgins' way. Sat E P 174:16 Ag 24 '01 Brown study. Lippinc 92:760 D '13 Cup of tea. Met 15:319 Mr '02 How the widow won the deacon. Harp B 45:166 Ap '11 Love's strange spell. Sat E P 173:18 Ap 27 •01 People's number of the Worthyville Watch- man. Sat E P 172:1060 My 12 '00 Perfidy of Major Pulsifer. Cosmop 47:709 N '09 Winning his spurs. Cosmop 37:120 My '04 Lanahan's luck. G. Hibbard. Met 26:585 Ag '07 Lancaster, F. Hewes, 1871- Bushan. Met 27:323 D '07 Crazee Michael. Met 28:539 Ag '08 Eye for an eye. McClure 26:18 N '05 L'Etrangere. Met 28:628 S '08 Schollard. Everybody's 19:712 N '08 Snubbing of Adnast. McClure 25:582 O '05 Will. Forum 52:219 Ag '14 Lancaster, G. B. Brand of the wild. Harper il3:864 N '06 Hell-for-leather. Everybody's 13:619 N '05 Her day of youth. Cosmop 49:391 Ag '10 His daily work. Harp W 50:1777 D 15 '06 His lady of an hour. Cosmop 47:16 Je '09 In the down-country. Everybody's 13:75 Jl '05 In the farthest sea. Everybody's 13:166 Ag '05 In Tinlay's whare. Everybody's 13:411 S '05 Little matter of law. Everybody's 13:446 O 05 Little white girl. Scrib 48:756 D '10 Son of Martha. Harper 119:115 Je '09 Story of Wi. Everybody's 13:301 S '05 Stranlagh of the gold coast. Harper 128:681 Ap '14 Truck. Everybody's 13:557 O '05 Land of broken promises. D. Coolidge. Mun 50:313 N '13 Land of heart's desire. M. Kelly. McClure 23:240 Jl '04 Land of joy. R. H. Barbour. L H J 20:11 Mr 7 Ap 9 My '03 Land of silent men. C. H. Shinn. Outl 99:179 Landing of Danny Wells. J. K. Bangs. Mun 43:465 Jl '10 Landis, Frederick, 1872- Angel of Lonesome Hill. Scrib 47:302 Mr '10 Chairman of the meeting. Scrib 52:500 O '12 Landless men. E. S. Johnson. Atlan 99:335 Mr Landlocked. G. L. Collin. Harper 126:863 My '13 Landlord's daughter. J. K. Bangs. Lippinc yu.o— o o i. A Landon, Perceval, 1869- Crusader's mass. McClure 34:164 D '09 Thurnley abbey. McClure 31:617 O '08 Lane, Elinor (Macartney) (IVIrs. Francis Ran- som Lane), 1864-1909 Apple tree cottage. Harper 119:352 Ag '09 Rose of the dawn. Harper 120:564 Mr '10 Lane, Kemper In pursuit of an American girl. L H J 25:17 My '08 Lane, Percival For honor's sake. Everybody's 2:469 My '00 Lane that had no turning. See Parker, Gilbert. Lane to the pasture. V. F. Boyle. Delin 80:146 Language. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:12 S 14 '12 Lanier, Henry Wysham, 1873- In the springtime. Lippinc 73:570 My '04 Odyssey of Piscator. Lippinc 72:88 Jl '03 Piscator and the peri. Lippinc 71:365 Mr '03 Lanier of the cavalry or a week's arrest. C. King. Lippinc 83:129 F '09 Lanigan, Edith From the kindness of our friends. L H J 20:9 Ag '03 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 190(^1914 165 Lannigan system with girls. C. B. Fernald. Cent 61:569 F '01 Lanston, Aubrey Elise. Harper 102:829 My '01 Lantern. A. Brown. Scrib 45:177 F '09 Lantescane roses. G. E. Channing. Sat E P 1S6:16 Je 6 "14 Lanty Foster's mistake. B. Harte. New Eng n s 25:413 D '01 Laocoon. H. Scheffauer. Harp W 55:16 Ja 7 •11 Lap o' land. L. Chamberlain. Cent 70:406 Jl '05 Lapidowitz. B. Lessing. Cosmop 55:278 415 Jl- Ag '13 Lapidowitz lapses. B. Lessing. Cosmop 53:427 Ag '12 Lapidowitz meets Greek. B. Lessing. Cosmop 54.417 F '13 Lapidowitz's list. B. Lessing. Cosmop 52:715 Ap '12 La Poupee. E. P. Delgado. Forum 42:442 N *09 Lapse from reason. L. Oilman. Harp B 39:934 O '05 La Quermazon. W. Bulfin. Everybody's 12:79 Ja '05 Laramie girl's Christmas. M. C. Smith. Outl 72:943 D 20 '02 Laramie Joe's vanishing act. S. V. Millikin. Met 26:343 Je '07 Larcott, W. G. Three of a kind. Met 18:680 Ag '03 Lardner, Ring W. Busher beats it hence. Sat E P 187:21 N 7 •14 Busher comes back. Sat E P 1S6:1S My 23 '14 Busher's honeymoon. Sat E P 187:12 Jl 11 '14 Busher's kid. Sat E P 187:20 O 3 '14 Horseshoes. Sat E P 187:8 Ag 15 '14 My roomy. Sat E P 186:17 My 9 '14 New busher breaks in. Sat E P 187:15 S 12 '14 Sick 'em. Sat E P 187:16 Jl 25 '14 Larkin. H. J. O'Higgins. McClure 23:253 Jl '04 Larkspur. M. A. Bacon. Harper 103:52 * Je '01 Larry Devenny's leg of goose. Seumas Mac- Manus. Harper 102:325 Ja '01 Larry's grandmother. A. O'Hagan. Mun 30:907 Mr '04 Larson, Emma IVIauritz Tanimas. Atlan 113:394 Mr '14 Lascar. H. Johnson. Scrib 42:173 Ag '07 Lash of honor. O. L. Lyman. Everybody's 21:646 N '09 Lass of the Laramie. C. King. Lippinc 75:600 My 05 Lasso duel. W. Bulfin. Everybody's 6:158 F •02 Last antelope. M. Austin. Atlan 92:24 Jl '03 Last appeal of Don Felipe, revolutionist. O. K. DavLs. Cent 67:819 Ap '04 Last asset. E. Wharton. Scrib 36:150 Ag '04 Last assipmment. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 186:5 •V 15 '13 Last bridge. E. Pottle. Delin 69:78 Ja '07 Last busting at the Bow-Gun. L. A. Huffman. Scrib 42:75 Jl '07 Last camp. G. Morris. Everybody's 27:253 Ap Last Carolan. K. Norrls. McClure 36:673 Ap 11 Last chance. B. Whltlock. Sat E P 176:7 O 24 '03 Last charge of the Free Lance. M. Chater. New Eng n s 38:114 Mr "OS Last choice of Crusty Dick. W. D. Willl.ims. McClure 20:201 D '02 Last Christmas. J. L. Allen. Cur Lit 46:225 F '09 Last Christmas tree. J. L. Allen. Sat E P 181:3 D 5 '08 Last class-supper. H. D. Ward. Cent 76:190 Je 'OS Last conflict. W. McDougall. Amer 73:75 N Last conquest of Mrs. Byrd. O. Thanet. Harp B. 35:609 N '01 Last conversion of Sally in the Hollow. E. P. Butler. Cent 81:890 Ap '11 Last curtain. W. P. Eaton. Cent 76:627 Ag '08 Last day of judgment. J. W. Tompkins. Everybody's 23:17S Ag '10 Last days of steamboating. G. W. Ogden. Everybody's 12:215 F '05 Last discipline. J. Marks. New Eng n s 37:752 F '08 Last edition. S. Tonjoroff. Sat E P 184:5 Jl 29 '11 Last enterprise. J. Hopper. Sat E P 186:16 Je 27 '14 Last fiddling of Mordaunt's Jim. P. L. Dun- bar. Sat E P 175:11 Ag 30 '02 • Last ghost in Harmony. N. Lloyd. Scrib 41:285 Mr '07 Last gift. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 106:439 F '03 Last grind of the big game. J. Hopper. Everybody's 25:674 N '11 Last hunt of Dorax. O. Huck. Cent 61:748 Mr '01 Last jester. F. M. O'Brien. Mun 48:224 N '12 Last job of Dabby Grote. D. H. Talmadge. Mun 26:108 O '01 Last judgment. A. G. Steele. Harp W 56:16 5 14 '12 Last laugh. H. L. Cohn. Cosmop 41:561 S '06 Last laugh. C. Ellis. Harp W 58:20 N 8 '13 Last laugh. E. W. Hornung. Scrib 29:483 Ap '01 Last letter of Ernest Arnold. C. Maynard. Harper 103:888 N '01 Last love-feast. B. King. McClure 26:67 N '05 Last lynching in Cimarron. C. T. Brady. Harper 102:233 Ja '01 Last man in Granite. J. S. McGroarty. Sat E P 183:12 D 31 '10 Last message. E. Mirrilies. Mun 35:168 My '06 Last mob. W. Payne. Sat E P 176:4 O 10 '03 Last night. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 53:16 Mr 6 '09 Last night of the revival. E. Carter. Atlan 110:92 Jl '12 Last of Du Gallic. F. H. Spearman. Sat E P 174:6 Ap 19 '02 Last of his blood. M. Hart. Lippinc 92:509 O '13 Last of his family. R. Bergengren. Col 44:16 D 11 '09 Last of the Crocabiches. L. Guipon. Cent 68:23 My '04 Last of the fairy wands. W. H. Bishop. Scrib 30:697 D '01 Last of the family. R. W. Child. Col 53:5 My 2 '14 Last of the garrison. D. Canfleld. Every- body's 15:61 Jl '06 Last of the kings. M. Nicholson. Col 54:5 S 26 '14 Last of the KIngslands. C. T. Brady. Mun 33:363 Je '05 Last of the little nghts. F. Palmer. Mun 27:943 S "02 Last of the Mohicans. D. Canfleld. Lipijjiic S8:50G O '11 Last of the pirates. W. L. Aldon. Sat E P 173:4 N 24 '00 i66 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Last of the rearguard. W. B. MacHarg. Les Mo 51:610 Ap '01 Last of the smugglers. S. R. Crockett. Cosmop 30:93 N '00 Last of the troubadours. O. Henry. Every- body's 19:16 Jl 'OS Last ounce. L. C. Moise. Amer 75:70 Ap '13 Last passenger. A. Ruhl. Sat E P 181:5 My 29 '09 Last patrol. A. Sullivan. Harp W 56:11 O 12 '12 Last pilot schooner. R. D. Paine. McClure 26:523 Mr '06 Last pirates of old Boston. W. Packard. Les Mo 53:62 N '01 Last protest. H. Oyen. Cent 68:319 Je '04 Last Pythoness. C. K. Gaines. Harp W 53:22 Jl 31 '09 Last race. H. A. Bruce. Met 23:76 O '05 Last resort. S. H. Adams. Harp W 49:1276 S 2 '05 Last resort. I. Maclaren. Sat E P 173:6 S 1 •00 Last room. K. M. Roof. Atlan 108:692 N '11 Last rose of summer. R. Hughes. Met 39:21 Mr '14 Last run in. S. Merwin. Sat E P 174:6 My 17 •02 Last rupture. R. Maizeroy. Cur Lit 48:400 Ap ■10 Last serpent. S. MacManus. Cosmop 37:65 My '04 Last sonata. C. Dangei-field. Lippinc 67:510 Ap '01 Last spike. C. Warman. Les Mo 53:233 D '01 Last straw. L. Bell. Sat E P 175:10 S 20 '02 Last straw. M. Holley. Lippinc 76:737 D '05 Last straw. W. A. Jacobs. Harper 110:816 Ap '05 Last throw. J. Hopper. Sat E P 185:3 O 5 '12 Last trail of the gleam. G. Hall. Scrib 43:493 Ap '08 Last train back. H. Hall. McClure 42:50 Mr '14 Last visit to a scholar. M. C. Dyar. Harper 114:772 Ap '07 Last war of the world. H. G. Wells. Cent 87:566 F '14 Last word. M. Harris. Les Mo 53:583 Mr '02 Last word: monologue. V. T. Sutphen. Harp W 49:1674 N 18 '05 Late John Wiggins. B. P. Butler. Every- body's 20:454 Ap '09 Late Mr. Krein: but not too late. M. Glass. Sat E P 187:11 Ag 1 '14 Late Walter Waling. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 180:11 O 19 18 O 26 '07 Latham, Edith King Hon-Yee's Christmas. Outl 66:935 D 15 '00 Latham, O'Neill Lady of La Jeunesse. Cosmop 29:313 Jl '00 Travels of Prince Weary-Heart. Cosmop 31:166 Je '01 Lathrop, Ellse By order of the chief. New Eng n s 31:649 F '05 Lathrop, Luella Paternal government. McClure 18:364 F '02 Latimer, Ralph R. Homeward bound. McClure 16:145 D '00 La Tristesse. M. L. C. Pickthall. Atlan 101:87 Ja '08 Latta, Carrie Hunt Barndoor's romance. McClure 18:442 Mr '02 Lattimore, Margaret First attempt. Harp B 44:227 Ap '10 Latus, Grayce Druitt Labor editor. Lippinc 88:117 Jl '11 Laugh, The. L. Evans. Met 31:717 Mr '10 Laughing Anne. J. Conrad. Met 40:19 S '14 Laughing Eyes — match-maker. W. Irwin. Sat E P 1S0:4 Mr 21 '08 Laughlln, Clara Elizabetn, 1873- Accordlng to faith. Harp B 44:442 Jl '10 Brents and the Warrens. L H J 30:12 F '13 Divided. Scrib 36:113 Jl '04 Governor's assistant. L H J 28:5 Jl 9 Ag '11 Hero. McClure 35:513 S '10 Hero's son. McClure 38:60 N '11 Mother of Angela Ann. McClure 31:685 O '08 New one. McClure 34:266 Ja '10 New thing in her heart. L H J 27:13 My, 13 Je '10 Over Monahan's. McClure 28:471 Mr '07 Parlor that waited for Lily. L H J 26:10 O '09 Reclaiming of Peter. Les Mo 59:264 Ja '05 What two women have come through. L H J i;4:ll Ag '07 Laurels of the brave. M. Corelli. Sat E P 172:938 Ap 14 '00 Laurent, Charles Soul of the mirror — a legend of Japan. Cur Lit 45:348 S '08 Laurie of the Plainsman. H. Footner. Lippinc 86:729 D '10 Laurvik, John Nilsen, 1877- Brass candlestick. Forum 44:532 N '10 Laut, Agnes Christina, 1871- Cached buffalo calf. Mun 27:399 Je '02 In the Valley of the Gnomes. Met 16:289 S •02 Lavender. L. W. Reese. Lippinc 73:605 My '04 Laverack, Belle Radcliffe Eileen. Harper 122:420 F '11 Elder sister. Harper 125:914 N '12 Pagans. Harper 122:137 D '10 Theocritus. Harper 123:288 Jl '11 Lav*/. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:20 D 7 '12 Law-abiding citizens. W. R. Lighten. Atlan S7:7S;3 Je '01 Law-abiding man. E. Flower. Col 45:19 Ap 30 '10 Law and Laughing Eyes. W. Irwin. Sat E P 180:13 F 1, 12 F 8 '08 Law and order. O. Henry. Everybody's 23:299 S -10 Law and the Indian. E. Flower. Atlan 106:483 O '10 Law and the lady. L. A. Long. Atlan 100:54 Jl '07 Law and the man. E. Boltwood. Mun 40:421 D '08 Law at Heart's Desire. B. Hough. Sat E P 175:1 F 21 '03 Law-breakers. R. Grant. Everybody's 12:732 Je '05 Law in the valley. Mrs. L. H. Harris. Amer 65:20 N '07 Law, M. W. Dakota romance. Everybody's 8:544 Je '03 Law of compensation. H. E. Morton. Cosmop 41:105 My '06 Law of compensation. G. Pahlow. Mun 39:318 Je 'OS Law of his nature. L. H. Vincent. Scrib 41:585 My '07 Law of life. J. London. McClure 16:435 Mr 'Ol Law of retribution. A. E. O'Hare. Sat E P 176:6 My 14 '04 Law of the hills. L. B. Burtz. Cosmop 38:345 Ja '05 Law of the soul. L B. Finley. Atlan 93:623 My '04 Law on Mary Eliza. E. Train. Delin 82:435 Je '13 Lawgivers. J. London. Col 53:15 Je 20 '14 Lawler Cannon's ultimatum. A. MacGowan. Delin 64:218 Ag '04 Lawless, D. C. Nerve of Joe. Lippinc 83:372 Mr '09 Lawless godliness of Billy Smoke. J. O. Cur- wood. Sat E P 184:16 D 23 '11 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 167 Lawn mower. G. Hibbard. Everybody's 17:458 O '07 Lawrence, Albert Lathrop, 1S65- Their one accord. Everybody's 12:696 My '05 Lawrence, David Herbert, 1SS5- Derelict. Forum 50:343 S '13 Honor and arms. Met 41:12 N '14 Soiled rose. Forum 49:324 Mr '13 Lawrence, Frank Silly things. Lippinc 86:372 S '10 Lawrence, Joseph Ivers Across the court. Mun 42:178 N '09 Friend, The. Mun 44:38 O '10 Mystery of Pinon camp. Mun 41:717 Ag '09 Scalpel of Damocles. Mun 41:401 Je '09 Lawrence, Susan In her dotage. Atlan 88:838 D '01 Lawyer's Christmas socks. H. C. Walker. Harp W 55:16 D 16 '11 Lawyer's duty with a bad case. F. T. Hill. Everybody's S:457 My '03 Lay, Beirne Hy-a-a-ar! Dump! H'yer! H'yer! Atlan 91:538 Ap '03 Whar my Chris'mus? Atlan 90:749 D '02 Laying of the monster. T. Garrison. Every- body's 23:14 Jl '10 Laying of the pipe. T. Waters. Everybody's 4:682 Je '01 Laying pipes for Elena. K. Cammack. Amer 72:212 Je '11 Laying the hose-pipe ghost. J. B. Connolly. Harper 122:860 My '11 Lazarus. L. Andreyev. Cur Lit 42:577 My '07 Lazy Beppo. H. Hoffman. Cur Lit 39:576 N '05 Lazy woman. E. P. McGilvary. New Eng n s :J7:6]2 Ja '08 Lazzaparoola. E. Boltwood. Lippinc 74:90 Jl '04 Lea, Fannie Heaslip (Mrs. Hamilton Pope Agee), 1884- Alien. Col 41:16 S 5 '08 Bridegroom. Harper 122:238 Ja '11 Concerning Angela. Harper 126:625 Mr '13 Fanchot. Scrib 49:236 F '11 Feet of clay. Harper 118:530 Mr '09 Little Anna and the gentleman adventurer. Cent S0:454 Jl '10 Marsh-lights. Lippinc 81:525 Ap '08 Memories. Lippinc 82:375 S 'OS Mrs. Kilborn's sister. Harper 125:37 Je '12 One of the others. Harper 120:625 Mr '10 Romance of Edwin Gay. Harper 121:13 Je '10 Tame cat. Harper 129:833 N '14 Uncertain age. Everybody's 21:191 Ag '09 Lea, Frances Trumbull Dompteur and the damsels. Cent 75:360 Ja 'OS Lea, Rachael As it was in the beginning. Col 49:18 Je 1 '12 Leach, Anna General. Mun 22:605 Ja '00 Leacock, Stephen Butler, 1869- Arcadian adventures with the idle rich. Amer 78:29 Jl, 34 Ag, 32 S. 49 O. 50 N '14 Behind the beyond. Amer 76:46 Ag '13 Dentist and the gas. Amer 76:71 Jl '13 Education made agreeable. Amer 77:55 Mr ■14 Familiar Incidents with the photographer. Amer 76:82 S '13 Making a magazine. Amer 76:69 D '13 My unknown friend. Amer 76:71 N '13 r)ur literary bureau. Cent 89:156 N '14 Tnder the barber's knife. Amer 76:84 O '13 Lead soldier's story. A. France. Cur r.,lt 47:463 f) '09 Lead ub not Into temptation. B. Whltlock. Sat E P 183:5 My 27 '11 Leading of providence. J. Brooks. Lippinc 87: '••M: .My '11 Leaf from llff's book. V. W. Cloud. Cosmop 3S:?.99 F '05 Leander. K. P'ord. Harper 112:965 My '06 Leander, foundling. H. Rion. Everybody's 21: 133 Jl '09 Leander's light. T. N. Page. Cent 74:376 Jl '07 Leap-year parish: monologue. Mrs. C. T. Col- lins. L H J 23:7 N '06 Lear of the tenements. L. Driscoll. Col 54:9 O 10 '14 Learning that Abe had. L. S. Portor. L H J 18:10 Ap '01 Leased happiness. E. Flower. Sat E P 178:3 Ap 7 '06 Least of these. D. H. Haines. Met 38:27 Je '13 Least of these. L. Steffens. Everybody's 20:57 Ja '09 Leather funnel. A. C. Doyle. McClure 20:17 N '02 Leave to intervene. F. T. Hill. Outl 103:432 F 22 '13 Leaving of a dory. L. Mott. Harper 114:756 Ap '07 Leblanc, Maurice, 1864- Confessions of Arsene Lupin. Cosmop 51:133 447 Je, S '11 LeBreton, John Reward of battle. Everybody's 2:462 My '00 'Lectioneering. B. Tarkington. Col 34:12 O 22 •04 Lecture. V. W. Cloud. Outl 75:642 N 14 '03 Lecture in the Lady Gay: Wolfville story. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 44:431 Mr '08 Lederer, Alison M. Difference. Lippinc 73:735 Je '04 Strong and the weak. Lippinc 73:356 Mr '04 Tale of a cad. Lippinc 74:666 N '04 Lee, Albert, 1868- Foiling of Ferguson. Harp W 44:1169 D 8 '00 Luck of a dozen an' one. Delin 83:8 O '13 Miss Phoenix. Lippinc 91:129 F '13 Mr. Pottle's passengers. Sat E P 183:3 Mr 4, 18 Mr 11 '11 Pie and the pirate. Cent 77:289 D '08 Two and the fleet. Mun 27:509 Jl '02 Unsuspected sagacity of Billy Sands. Scrib 53:86 Ja '13 Lee, Alice Louise, 1S6S- Birthday luck of Bill Thomas. Everybody's 20:718 My '09 Call to paradise. Everybody's 18:699 My '08 Christmas eve show at Kepler's, L H J 28:9 D 1 '10 Junior partner. Delin 75:158 F '10 Literary success. New Eng n s 31:565 Ja '05 Professor Ashur's tutor. Delin 61:1028 Je '03 Some spoons and a dog. Lippinc 8l!;7.^)i> Je '09 Triumph of Will Hen. Everybody's 14:700 My •06 Widower Brown's housekeeper. Everybody's 9:335 S '03 Lee, Elva, 1868- Uut of the chrysalis. Atlan 104:537 O '09 Lee, ivirs. Gerald Stanley. See Lee, Jennette Barbour Lee, Grace Truthful Billie. New Eng n s 44:632 Jl '11 Lee Hall, fighting-man. N. A. Jennings, Sat K P 172:5X3 Ja 6 '00 Lee, Jennette Barbour (Perry) (Mrs. Gerald Stanley Lee), ISGO- Acliillcs calls on Betty Harris. Harper 115:.S39 N '07 Achilles goes to Chicago. Harper 114:115 D '06 Chosen city. Harper 112:71 D '05 Court lady. Lippinc 73:368 Mr '04 Day shall declare it. Scrib 31:699 Je '02 Face iti the c.ir vviiuiow. Col 41:20 My 23 "OS p-allurc. Ilarp<-r ll.'i:99 J(> '07 Flute-player. Harper 116:221 Ja 'OS Gayleys vacation, llari) U 35:570 O '01 f;avley'H mountain trip. Outl 65:740 Jl 2S '00 fJIrl of the gr;iv sea. Harper 117:279 Jl '08 House of mercy. Scrib 31:754 D 'Olt Housetop room. 1 lar|)er 120:907 Mv '10 Jii(ii;ineti( (III them. Mppinc 70:356 S '02 I.ailv uilh wlngM. Col tlilio Mr 27 '09 Llliio l)unker. Harper 113:468 Ag '06 i68 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Lee, Jennette Barbour — continued Man with the torch. Dehn 80 135 S U Middle distance. J-iPPinc 77:625 My 06 Musical village. Delin 82:264 Ap 13 On the face of the waters. Col Si.lb Mr 6i '06 ■ . 4. One of Marcus's theories rises up to meet him. Outl 75:752 N 28 '03 One way of love. Lippinc 77:129 F 06 Pet's husband. Atlan 95:236 F 05 Return of Eric Bancroft. Harper 117:82< N '08 Scientist and the moth. Cent 69:432 Ja '05 Serenade. Cent 89:39 N '14 S'ssie Johnnie. Col 38:21 O 20 06 ^ Story of the apple-tree. Outl /l:o93 Je ( 02 Taste of apples L H J 30:10 Ap, 11 My, 15 Je, 15 Jl, 15 Ag '13 Thread of scarlet. Lippinc 74:105 Jl 04 Three chances. Atlan 89:661 My 02 Town guest. Harper 107:742 O '03 Turn of the wheel. Harper 111:94 Je 05 Uncle William. Col 36:16 D 9 '05 Under the red maple. Harper 114:2o9 J a 0^ Unfinished portrait. Atlan 87:5^7 Ap 01 Venetian beads. Harper 119:5/3 S 09 Village child. Col 35:17 Ag 26 '05 Voluntary exile. Lippinc 70^59 D 0^ When Greek meets Greek. Outl 71:008 Je 21 Wings. .Lippinc 77:347 Mr -06 Woman in the alcove. L H J 31.14 Ja, 12 t , 15 Mr '14 Lee, Mary C. (Skeel) (Mrs. Frank Lee), 1S49-- End of the feud. Outl 81:270 S 30, 317 O 7 '05 Lee, Mary Catherine (Jenkins) Wheel of time. Scrib 28:549 N '00 Lee shore off Soap-an'- Water. N.Duncan. Cent 84:455 Jl '12 Leeds, Arthur . „. o-o c 'ia Sweetness of the hght. Lippinc 94:3(3 S 14 Leering beast of gold. A. B. Tripp. Col 49:20 S 14 '12 Leetle gal. M. C. Oemler. Delin 79:285 Ap '12 Lefevre, Edwin, 1871- As proofs of holy writ. Sat E P 186:3 Ag 2, 14 Ag 9, 10 Ag 16 '13 Blue seal Johannisberger. Met lr.9 Ap 03 By rule of three. Sat E P 186:5 F 21 '14 Cheap at a million. Sat E P 186:3 My 2, 23 My 9, 23 My 16, 21 My 23 '14 Eighteenth Giorgione. Sat E P 184:3 Je 8 12 Golden flood. McClure 24:375 F '05 Hans Schmelz and the Iron Cross. Every- body's 24:46 Ja '11 His first suicide. McClure 19:183 Je 02 Lamont, winner. Sat E P 182:8 My 21 '10 Little lizard. Everybody's 21:625 N '09 Lost opportunity. Mun 25:429 Je '01 Man who won. McClure 17:360 Ag '01 Men of little faith. Harper 110:601 Mr '05 Natural question not to ask. Sat E P 186:26 Je 6 '14 Panic of the lion and the pessimist. Sat E P 185:3 N 16, 20 N 23 '12 Pearls of the Princess Patricia. Sat E P 184:4 Mr 30 '12 Pike's Peak or bust. McClure 17:153 Je '01 Reason why. Ererybody's 26:593 My '12 Reluctant appendix. Sat E P 186:8 F 28 '14 Sixty-thousand-dollar-face. Harper 109:567 S '04 Theological tipster. Mun 24:41 O '00 Tipster. McClure 18:71 N '01 Touch of circumstance. Sat E P 178:4 D 2 '05 Two acorns. Sat E P 187:3 Ag 8 '14 Victory, The. Sat E P 185:8 F 22 '13 Wireless confession. Sat E P 186:5 Ap 25 '14 Without end. Sat E P 186:12 S 27 '13 Woman and her bonds. McClure 16:339 F '01 Lefevre's uglv disposition. M. E. Abbott. Mun 28:436 D '02 Left behind. C. R. Cooper. Col 51:16 Jl 19 '13 Left behind. M. L. C. Pickthall. Delin 75:526 Je '10 Left behind. A. Ruhl. Scrib 38:292 S '05 Left fielder's soul. S. S. Drury. Mun 30:110 O '03 Leg pull: a Princeton story. J. L. Williams. Sat E P 174:10 O 12 '01 Legacy. J. J. Bell. Lippinc 85:229 F '10 Legacy. E. Boltwood. Mun 52:548 Ag '14 Legacy. N. Boyce. Amer 64:615 O '07 Legacy of Richard Hughes. M. Lynn. Atlan 112:82 Jl '13 LeGallienne, Richard, 1866- Day-dreams of the Comtesse de Chaponval. Delin 78:219 O, 331 N, 435 D '11 Death of the poet. Harper 114:942 My '07 Eve of the wild apple. Met 20:610 Ag '04 Haunted orchard. Harper 124:211 Ja 12 King on his way to be crowned. Cent 82:208 Je '11 Little ghost in the garden. Harp W 58:26 1 7 '14 Little joys of Margaret. Harper 111:422 Ag '05 Love and an old bookman. Delin 81:169 Mr '13 Modern Saint Francis. Forum 45:697 Je '11 October vagabonds. Delin 73:775 Je, 74:48 Jl, 127 Ag, 206 S, 304 O, 420 N, 524 D '09 Old country house. Harper 103:449 Ag '01 Omar in Central Park. Lippinc 81:93 Ja '08 Once-upon-a-time. Met 21:348 D '04 Our tree-top library. Harper 104:535 Mr '02 Perdita's Christmas. Sat E P 174:4 D 7 '01 Perdita's lovers. Harper 105:435 Ag '02 Perdita's simple cupboard. Harper 105:739 O '02 Poet, take thy lute. Delin 64:533 O, 738 N •04 Shadow of the rose. Delin 63:420 Mr '04 Silver poplin. Harper 123:59 Je '11 Sleepless lord. Harper 117:432 Ag '08 Stolen dream. Harper 125:99 Je '12 Stolen mirror. Harper 119:83 Je '09 Tapestries of twilight. Harper 122:847 My '11 Wedding ring in the garden. Delin 62:846 D '03 We'll Show 'Em & Co. Delin 75:675 My '09 Youth of Lady Constantia. Met 19:389 D '03 Legatee of lovelessness. O. Kildare. Outl 78:88 S 3 '04 Legay Pelham's headache. G. Morris. Cosmop 52:594 Ap '12 Legay Pelham's protegee. G. Morris. Cosmop 55:454 S '13 Legend. E. Wharton. Scrib 47:278 Mr '10 Legend of Dollmatia. V. Thompson. Col 48:25 D 16 '11 Legend of the falls. O. Weaver. New Eng n s 31:20 S '04 Legend of the white reindeer. E. Seton- Thompson. Cent 63:79 N '01 Legend of the wild raspberries. P. A. Groff. Les Mo 53:2 N '01 Legends of the city of Mexico. See Janvier, Thomas Allibone Legitimate transaction. J. C. Lincoln. Amer 64:651 O '07 Legless tale. S. McCoy. Harper 127:317 Jl '13 Legs. M. Foster. Everybody's 5:27 Jl '01 Leibovitz. B. Lessing. Cosmop 49:564 O '10 Leigh, Magda Honor of the station. Col 51:5 My 3 '13 Leist, Clover White night in Africa. Met 28:301 Je '08 Leiand, Emily Hewitt Breaking up of Gee Haw. Cent 69:938 Ap '05 Leiand, Mrs. W. A. Ole Miss an' de Yankee. Everybody's 5:44 Jl '01 Retribution. Everybody's 5:225 Ag '01 Uncle Eli's moonlight ride. Everybody s 5:440 O '01 Lemly, Henry Rowan New way to pay old debts. Harper 103:834 O '01 Lemmon, Nan Maury Cards. Lippinc 88:572 O '11 It. Lippinc 87:478 Ap '11 Wanderin' Jane. Lippinc 94:334 S 14 "Where Cindy came in. Lippinc 89:288 F 12 Lemnian. J. Buchan. Atlan 107:45 Ja '11 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 169 Lemon seed. R. R. Whiting. Forum 52:211 Ag '14 Lemonade boy. A. Sangree. Met 35:14 S '12 LeMoyne's fun making. C. Morris. Les Mo 5:;:93 My '01 Lemuel. V. F. Boyle. Delin 75:203 Mr '10 Len, H. E. Pastoral. Col 50:17 Mr 15 '13 Lena Kleinbower's vacation. E. Holden. Col 34:20 N 19 '04 L'Envoi. W. H. Kirkbridge. Met 26:570 Ag '07 Leonard, Charles Day Putter's first speculation. Sat E P 173:14 Je 15 '01 Leonard, Mary Finley, 1862- Power of suggestion. Mun 22:856 Mr '00 Leonard, Priscilla l^iscipline of Delight. Harp B 43:749 Ag '09 Mary Ellen's auction. New Eng n s 21:605 Ja '00 Miss Maria's match. Harp B 33:1042 Ag 25 '00 Leontlne and Co. See Rowland, Henry C. Leopard lady. S. Rohmer. McClure 42:87 D '13 Leopard man's story. J. Lrondon. Les Mo 56:40S Ag '03 Leopard of the sea. H. G. Dwight. Atlan 113:463 Ap '14 Leper valley. W. L.. Comfort. Lippinc 82:92 Jl 'OS Le Queux, William Image-maker. Lippinc 68:96 Jl '01 Man with the black spectacles. Lippinc 72:218 Ag '03 Prime Minister's coup. Cosmop 28:461 F '00 Sign of the seven sins. Lippinc 66:163 Ag '00 Lerner, Mary Summons. Forum 52:573 O '14 Lese-majeste of Hans Heckendorn. E. Sing- master. Scrib 38:618 N '05 Leslie, Charles D. Falsely accused. Everybody's 3:162 Ag '00 Leslie, Frances Seventh card. L H J 22:10 Ja '05 Lesser breeds within the law. Cosmop 46:479 Mr '09 Lesser tragedy. G. Richardson. New Eng n s 1^6:45 Mr '02 Lesser tragedy. T. W. Stevens. Met 21:572 F 05 Lessing, Bruno, pseud. (Rudolph Block), 1870- Adeste Fideles — an accident. Everybody s 8:238 Mr '03 Advent of M. Gordonsky. Cosmop 52:182 Ja '12 Alia Napolitana. Cosmop 45:311 Ag '08 As it happened to Moey. Cosmop 47:379 Ag •09 Aschenbroedel. Cosmop 52:104 D '11 Beth Din and Mister Itsky. Cosmop 42:646 Ap '07 Big tree. Cosmop 41:545 S '06 Bimberg's night off. Cosmop 54:136 D '12 Broken doll. Cosmop 42:136 D '06 Can I marry Leah? Cosmop 43:427 Ag '07 Courtship of Janoshefsky. Cosmop 44:388 Mr '08 Dora. Cosmop 49:161 Jl '10 Dream. Co.smop 51:413 Ag '11 Emancipation of Sarah. Cosmop 46:554 Ap •09 End of the task. McClure 21:601 O '03 Finest land. Cosmop 54:705 Ap '13 From him that hath not. Cosmop 53:250 Jl •12 Guest of the ghetto. Cosmop 42:545 Mr '07 Tfoodoo on wheels, Cosmop 47:477. 619 S. O '09 HumoriHt's daughter. Cosmop 50:357 F '11 InKratltude of Mister Hosenfeld. Cosmop 41:387 Ag '06 Jabllnowsky. Cosmop 39:527 S '05 Jake-or Sam. Cosmop 41:529 Ap '08 Just as It happened. Cosmop 53:514 647 790 S-X '12 Knight takes queen. Cosmop 54:448 Mr '13 Lessing, Bruno — continued Lapidowitz. Cosmop 55:278, 415 Jl, Ag '13 Lapidowitz lapses. Cosmop 53:427 Ag '12 Lapidowitz meets Greek. Cosmop 54:417 F '13 Lapidowitz's list. Cosmop 52:715 Ap '12 Leibovitz. Cosmop 49:564 O '10 Levinsky's automobile. Cosmop 50:S3 D '10 Love-love-love! Cosmop 49:70 Je '10 Matter of form. Cosmop 43:112 My '07 Meanest man that ever lived. Cosmop 44:567 My 'OS Monahan's musical education. Cosmop 42: 414 F '07 Oy Mari'! Cosmop 49:527 S '10 Parrot of Uncle Hurwitz. Cosmop 41:584 O 06 Pawned cup. Cosmop 54:273 Ja '13 Priscilla of Hester street. Cosmop 42:85 N 06 Renunciation. Cosmop 43:183 Je '07 Romeoff and Julietsky. Cosmop 53:78 Je '12 Rosalsky's resolutions. Cosmop 42:286 Ja '07 Sad case of Mr. Slumpsky. Cosmop 45:556 O Short story. Cosmop 47:747 N '09 Sin buyer. Cosmop 45:132 Jl '08 Sing ho for Isidore Haimovitz. Cosmop 43: 519 S '07 Smartness of Lewkovitz. Cosmop 40:97 N '05 Sonata Pathetique. Cosmop 50:673 Ap '11 Stranger at the feast. Everybody's 14:303 Mr '06 Such is life. Cosmop 47:66 Je '09 Tempus fugit. Cosmop 46:418 Mr '09 Trifle light as air. Cosmop 51:777 N '11 Troubles of Lazarus Abrahamovitch. Cos- mop 51:29 Je '11 Uncle Israel. Cosmop 43:340 Jl '07 Under his nose. Cosmop 46:659 My '09 With the best intention. Cosmop 52:489 Mr Woman's heart. Cosmop 52:813 My '12 Lesson. K. Jarboe. Everybody's 9:266 Ag '03 Lesson. M. Manners. Everybody's 13:394 S '05 Lesson. A. Spadoni. Outl 104:442 Je 28 '13 Lesson in democracy. E. Hoyt. Everybody's 5: 463 O '01 Lesson in humility. W. N. Harben. Delin 58: 942 D '01 Lesson in kindness. J. J. Bell. Harper 107:798 O '03 Lesson in labor. R. W. Child. McClure 27:25 My '06 Let good digestion wait. E. Boltwood. Mun 44: 351 D '10 Let loose. M. Cholmondeley. Les Mo 52:345 Ag Let us have peace. H. Saint-Gaudens. Harp W 57:18 Ja 25 '13 Letitia. R. R. Gilson. Harp W 49:16 D 16 '05 Letitia nursery corps, U. S. A. See Martin, George Madden Letitia's find. E. Van Buren. Mun 37:575 Ag •07 Letter. E. Pottle. Harp B 42:846 S "08 Letter. E. Wharton. Harper 108:781 Ap '04 Letter from home. E. Boltwood. Mun 40:112 O '08 Letter from Horace Greeley. H. Carruth. Sat E P 174:18 N 9 '01 Letter from the south. J. W. Church. Mun 23 824 S '00 Letter home. W. Townend. Everybody's 28 :;35 Mr 'IS Letter of introduction. W. B. Crane. Met 16 ,';:!s s '02 Letter-post. V. T. Sutphen. Harper 105:283 Jl •02 Letter she didn^t send. M. Mullott. L H J 26:7 Jl •oo Letter to a gentleman. S. Merwin. McClure ■10:15 N '12 Letter to the Duchess. L. Merrick. Met 24:772 S '06 Letters. See Wharton, Edith Newbold 170 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Letters from a self-made merchant to his son. Sat E P 174:11 Ag 3, 11 Ag 17, 7 Ag 31, 7 S 21, 6 O 5, 5 O 26, 5 N 16, 5 D 21 '01 Letters from G. G. Amer 07:117, 311, 414, 514, 624; 68:93, 151, 406 D 'OS-Je, Ag '09 Letters of a contented wife. E. N. Blair. Cos- mop 50:130 D '10 Letters of a down-and-out. Atlan 111:190, 368 F-Mr '13 Letters of a scoffer. M. F. Ferguson. Lippinc 78:88 Jl '06 Letters of a Wellesley girl. See Adams, H. B. Letters of Jennie Allen. G. Donworth. L, H J 24:11 O, 21 N, 25:21 D '07 Letters of life and death. T. W. Stevens. Cos- mop 41:663 O '06 Letters of marque. See Sutphen, V. T. Letters to my son. Cosmop 52:401 F '12 Letters to unsuccessful men. Sat E P 179:3 N 10 '06 Letting a sale make itself. J. H. Collins. Sat E P 186:11 S 13 '13 Letting George do it. H. K. Webster. Sat B P 185:3 F 8 '13 Letts, W. M. In memory of Columbine. Cur Lit 41:702 D '06 Levant. H. Johnson. Cent 83:73 N '11 Level crossing. G. Parker. Cosmop 51:175 Jl ■11 Level of fortune. A. M. Roach. Harper 112: 940 My '06 Leveler: a tale of war here and now. D. H. Haines. Amer 75:77 Ja '13 Leviathan. M. B. Pulver. Col 52:sup 14 Ja 10 '14 Leviathan. H. van Dyke. Scrib 42:268 S '07 Levin, Louis H., 1883- Little tragedies. Forum 52:417 S '14 Levins, Talcott. Triumph of the faith. Harp W 52:16 Ag 8 'OS Levinsky's automobile. B. Lessing. Cosmop 50: 83 D '10 Levitation of Miss Weeks. J. D. Bacon. Scrib 36:195 Ag '04 Lewars, Mrs. Harold. See Singmaster, Elise Lewis, Alfred Henry (Dan Quin, pseud.), 1842- 1914 Arduous rescue of Mr. Thompson. Met 22: 628 Ag '05 Big Kelly. Sat E P 180:3 Ap 25, 15 My 9, 12 Je 13 '08 Boanerges: Wolfville story. Cosmop 55:526 S '13 Confusion of Talky Jones. Cosmop 44:539 Ap '08 Cynthia, pet-named Original Sin. Wolfville story. Cosmop 53:160 Je '12 Deep strategy of Mr. Masterson. Sat E P 177: 8 D 17 '04 Delicacy of Red Dog: Wolfville story. Cos- mop 53:400 Ag '12 Diplomacy in Dodge. Met 20:90 Ap '04 Doc Peets's error. Cosmop 43:359 Ag '07 Eternal woman: Wolfville story. Cosmop 53: 766 N '12 Fatal gratitude of Mr. Kelly. Col 33:16 S 17 '04 Heir of the Broken-O. Cosmop 43:608 O '07 His fear of death. Met 20:495 Jl '04 Hold-up at the canyon head: Wolfville story. Cosmop 45:25 S '08 How it might have been different. Met 21: 541 F '05 How Jim Britt pased his bill. Everybody's 9:676 N "03 How Mr. Hickok came to Cheyenne. Sat E P 176:6 Mr 12 '04 How Red T)os came to the rescue: Wolfville story. Cosmop 44:272 Ja 'OS How the mocking bird was won. Cosmop 50: 371 F '11 Invasion of Dodge. Col 33:19 Ap 16 '04 Lecture in the Lady Gay: Wolfville story. Cosmop 44:431 Mr '08 Looking out of Faro Nell: Wolfville story. Cosmop 45:654 N '08 Lewis, Alfred Henry — continued Madness of much money. Everybody's 9:517 O '03 Marihuaiia: Wolfville story. Cosmop 55:645 O '13 Old man Enright's uncle. Cosmop 40:506 S '10 Old Monte: official drunkard. Cosmop 53:469 S '12 Red Mike, alias Mitzkowanski. Cosmop 54: 44 D '12 Rose of Wolfville. Cosmop 43:479 S '07 Salting of the Golden Rule. (Wolfville story.) Cosmop 44:575 My 'OS Trail of the viper. Cosmop 50:693 Ap '11 Transaction in ponies. Met 22:195 My 'U5 Troubles of old Bender: Wolfville story. Cos- mop 55:841 N '13 Whole world kin. Col 42:8 D 26 'OS Why I cornered Gopher. Met 18:771 S '03 Why the Weekly Planet died. Sat E P 177:9 Ap 8 05 Winning of the Saucy Paoli. Mun 27:490 Jl •02 Wolfville-Red Dog Fourth of July. Cosmop 54:254 Ja '13 Lewis, Charles Bertrand (IVl. Quad, pseud.) Colonel Joslyn, U. S. A. McClure 18:14 N '01 Lively adventure of the widow's cow. Sat E P 173:16 D 15 '00 Lewis, Edith Labaree Chains of darkne.ss. Col 36:24 N 18 '05 Lewis, Elizabeth Dike Way out of the woods. Lippinc 70:580 N '02 Lewis, Emily Sargent (Mrs. Wilfred Lewis) Secret of the confessional. Lippinc 93:619 My '14 Lewis, Eugene B. When Uncle Jed ran for mayor. L H J 29: 15 Ag '12 Lewis, Faulkland Rose is red. New Eng n s 25:755 F '02 Lewis, Frank W. Proving of Mrs. Elder. Mun 30:114 O '03 Lewis, Mrs. Harrison Cass. See Lewis, Mar- garet Cameron Lewis, Henry Harrison, 1863- Tankee trade in Singapore. Sat E P 178:17 N 11 '05 Lewis, Margaret (Cameron) (Mrs. Harrison Cass Lewis), 1S67- Bachelor and the baby. Harper 114:381 F '07 Cat and the canary. Harper 113:454 Ag '06 Chance Samaritan. Harper 115:894 N '07 Denouement. Harper 111:63 Je "05 Doing the Dollivers. Harper 126:26 D '12 Dolliver's aid to the injured. Harper 126:582 Mr '13 Dollivers caught napping. Harper 125:366 Ag •12 Dollivers dine out. Harper 127:217 Jl '13 Dollivers' long lane. Harper 127:560 S '13 Dolliver's old dears. Harper 124:552 Mr '12 Flood-tide. McClure 28:322 Ja '07 Forlorn hope. Harper 120:611 Mr '10 Golden rule Dollivers. Harper 123:382 Ag '11 Great god Pan. Harper 115:584 S '07 Like young Lochinvar. Harper 116:578 Mr '08 Little white hen. Harper 121:404 Ag '10 Mighty trifle. Harper 123:214 Jl '11 Price of the past participle. Harper 105:731 O '02 Thing that couldn't. Harper 118:30 D '08 Trellis. Harper 106:402 F '03 Wainwright and the little gods. Harper 114: 76 D '06 Way to the wedding. Harper 121:597 S '10 When the turtle turned loose. Harper 109: 189 Jl '04 Who killed Cock Robin? Harper 121:046 N '10 "Who lauarhs last. Harper 115:379 Ag '07 Woman and the law. Harper 116:29 D '07 — and Brooks, Eva Cannon Lamb that Mary had. Harper 119:427 Ag '09 — and Smith, Alice Prescott Apples of Hesperides. Harper 104:517 D '01 Lewis, Mary Sinton T'nopened letter. Cosmop 36:446 F '04 Lewis, Mrs. Wilfred. See Lewis, Emily Sargent STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 171 Lewis, William Eugene Mike Grady's safety. Everybody's 13:505 O '05 Rehabilitation of Dusty Davis. Met 11:551 My •00 Leybee, C. C. At the fork of the road. Mun 47:926 S '12 Leys, John K. Counsel for the prisoner. Mun 35:772 S '06 LI Wan, the fair. J. London. Atlan 90:212 Ag '02 Liar. W. Irwin. Sat E P 187:14 O 10 '14 Liar, The. V. T. Van de Water. Cosmop 54: 606 Ap '13 Libby and the dark. A. H. Donnell. Harp B 40:134 F '06 Liberal settlement. J. E. Calkins. Sat E P 177:3 O 29 "04 Liberator. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 1S7:3 Ag 1 '14 Liberty. M. Foster. Everybody's 5:599 N '01 Liberty of Florentino. C. F. Embree. McClure 24:320 Ja '05 Library in Madderley. M. Harris. Harper 105: 492 Ag '02 Lichtenberger, Andre, 1870- Little Trot. Cur Lit 47:697 D '09 Licorice-legs. G. S. Mason. Sat E P 179:8 F 9 '07 Liddell, Eva Louise (Barnes) (Mrs. Henry Lid- dell) Mrs. Spiller's treatment. Everybody's 13:124 Jl '05 Lide Ann Potter's wedding. G. M. lurs. Lip- pinc 75:99 Ja '05 Lie. M. Antin. Atlan 112:177 Ag '13 Lie. A. H. Donnell. Harper 106:798 Ap '03 Lie. M. C. Jenison. Harper 118:212 Ja '09 Lie, Bernt Bessesen Lissiva — a tale of Norway. Cur Lit 41:228 Ag '06 Lie direct. C. Duer. McClure 31:99 My '08 Liebchen. A. W. Colton. Harper 103:393 Ag '01 Liebe, Hapsburg Master stroke. Lippinc 92:358 S '13 Princess in calico. Lippinc 94:203 Ag '14 Wetted lash. Lippinc 89:250 F '12 Llebereich's Christmas. J. L. Long. Cent 69: 232 D '04 Lieberman, Elias .Open door. Lippinc 92:379 S '13 Lies unregistered. A. Morrison. Lippinc 90: 441 O '12 Lleschen. K. Harris. Sat E P 181:14 S 5 'OS Lieutenant and the princess. M. E. Seawell. Sat E P 174:6 Ap 5, 10 Ap 12 '02 Lieut. Connor's cowardice. H. J. O'Higgins. Mcrnure 22:287 Ja '04 Lieutenant Desiderata. E. P. Lyle, Jr. Every- body's 30:516 Ap '14 Lieutenant Harding and the sign-painter. H. Davis. Everybody's 10:351 Mr '04 Lieutenant Paine's wife. W. L. Hartshorn. Mot ]2:S50 D '00 Lieutenant to Cupid. E. J. Rath. Met 29:376 J,i '09 Lieutenant's messenger. E. Stuart. Scrib 38: 533 N '05 Life. K. C. Thurston. Met 31:468 Ja '10 Life among the abandoned farmers. I. S. Cobb. Rat VZ P 1S0:3 S 13 '13 Life, death and obsequies of George Coulter. E. Howe. Amer 72:700 O '11 Life for a leak. D'Rste. Lippinc 78:465 O '06 Life for a life. H. Pyle. Scrib 27:60 Ja '00 Life Is so beautiful to be resurrpcted. L. Andrpyev. Cur Lit 49:344 S '10 Life-long lock. E. Stuart. McCluro 37:161 Je •11 Life of Toasle. A. Henry. Outl 73:820 Ap 4 '03 Life of the winds of heaven. S. E. White. Mc- Clure 19:317 Ag '02 Life on Broadway. H. G. Van Campen. Mc- Clure 40:177 D '12 Life on the table. R. E. Young. Atlan 88:204 Ag '01 Life orders — sealed. C. Johnston. Sat E P 182:5 My 14 '10 Life partnership. R. E. Norton. Harper 114: 445 F '07 Life stories of the other half. See Riis, Jacob August Life tale of Pearl McRoy. H. B. Fuller. Ev- erybody's 23:380 S '10 Life tenants. W. H. Osborne. Sat E P 178:4 S 2 '05 Life's accolade. A. M. Roach. Harper 111:559 5 '05 Life's best gift. J. A. Riis. Outl 103:220 Ja 25 •13 Lifted bandage. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 46: 293 S '09 Lifted finger. E. Fawcett. Les Mo 50:387 Ag •00 Lifting of a finger. I. B. Roberts. Lippinc 68: 131 Ag -01 Lifting of the burden. E. Rickert. Scrib 55: 749 Je '14 Light at the window. E. R. Blanchard. Mun 49:178 My '13 Light fantastic toe. W. D. Nesbit. Harper 111: 155 Je '05 Light farming. G. T. Weston. Harper 114:811 Ap -07 Light-hearted. W. Payne. Atlan 94:472 O '04 Light in the lantern. E. S. Stevens. Every- body's 25:775 D '11 Light of other days. L. S. Portor. L H J 23: 20 D '05 Light of the star. See Garland, Hamlin Light on ants. N. A. Jennings. Harper 103: 504 Ag '01 Light on the mountain. E. S. Barnard. Met 23:165 N '05 Light running. M. F. Wilcox. Lippinc 87:499 Ap 11 Light that cast no shadows. J. F. Farrell. Outl 74:904 Ag 8 '03 Light that failed not. H. van Dyke. Scrib 27: 405 Ap '00 Light under the door. C. Duer. Col 34:19 O 1 '04 Light within. E. A. Clancy. Harper 127:878 N '13 Light ye up your candles. H. Willsie. Delin 7S:4J5 D '11 Lighted candles. R. Hichens. Met 28:3, 169 Ap- -Aly -OS Lighted nouse. M. S. Cutting. McClure 34:169 D '09 Lighted house. K. M. Roof. Cent 81:575 F '11 Lighthouse village sketches. L. L. Sibley. At- lan SS:459 O '01 Lightning change. A. P. Terhune. Lippinc 68: Ml Jl '01 Lighten, William Rheem, 1866- Above fine gold. Everybody's 9:576 N '03 .Vnciunt landmark. Scrib 37:(>27 My '05 At Camp Pilot I'.utte. Les Mo 5-l:4!i1 S '02 Bi'j-Oovernor-Afraid. Allan 88:409 S '01 Billy Fortune and tliat yellow streak. Sat E V 1sr):jS S 2.S 'IL' Billy Fortune and that young feeling. Sat E P 1S4:12 Ja 27 '12 Billy Fortune and the able-minded lady. Sat 10 P 1S3:3 Ap 15. 19 Ap 22. 19 Ap 29, 23 My 6 'II Billy Fortune and the Drlnkwater lad. Sat K I' 17S:3 Mr 17 '06 P.illy Fortune and the Glft-o'-God. Sat E P |sf;:i:; O 11 '13 Billy Foitune and the llghtfoot girlie. Sat E P 1S.1:15 My 18 '12 Blllv Fortune and the only girl. Sat E P 178: 8 My 26 '06 1/2 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Lighten, William Rheem — continued ., ^ „ „ Billy Fortune and the original apple. Sat i^ y 184:8 D 2 '11 . ■, ^ ,. -a^ -c Billy Fortune and the root of evil, bat ii" i' 18^^*24 S '^1 '12 Billy Fortune and the solemn truth. Sat E P 185:10 S 7 '12 Billy Fortune and the ten-cent limit. Sat H. F 187:18 D 5 '14 Billy Fortune takes a re-spite. Sat n. f iii>. 6 Ja 27 '06 Captain Matt. Lippmc 94:215 Ag 14 Case of Private Sam Lighten. Les Mo 51.15b Christian Science in cow-camp. Harp W 47. 1872 N 21 '03 Cupful of sugar. Les Mo 52:537 O '01 Father, son and grandson. Cosmop 6b -.661 J a '04 Heart of a man. L H J 22:15 Ja; 15 F 15, Mr '05 Honor of a transgressor. McClure 17:550 O '01 In the Security Trust Building. Cosmop 28: 539 Mr '00 . Kate Strong, emotional pauper. Amer 62. 55b Law-abiding citizen. Atlan 87:783 Je '01 Oasis. L H J 21:14 Ja '04 On the honor of a man. Scrib 35:212 F 04 Peace to his ashes. Les Mo 54:174 Je 02 Romance in red and white. Les Mo 52:/7 My Romance of the executive chamber. Cosmop 35'3S9 Ag '03 Salvation of Tobias Miller. Les Mo 51:354 F Widow Smith's dog. Lippinc 81:271 F '08 Wonderful Christmas pudding. L H J 1.1:1- D '03 Lights in the cocoa-nut trees. T. Roberts. Mun 34:570 F '06 Lights of Strathmuir. W. M. Raine. Lippinc 78:375 S '06 Lightweight saddle class. A. Stoddart. Lip- pinc 72:489 O '03 Like a wolf on the fold. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 185:3 Ap 26 '13 Like coals of fire. G. Barnum. Mun 35:536 Ag '06 Like father, like son. C. King. Lippinc 69:493 Ap '02 Like one of the family: a Peggy story. M. K. Thompson. McClure 40:219 D '12 Like the rush of mighty wings. D. A. Chase. New Eng n s 32:574 Jl '05 Like young Lochinvar. M. Cameron. Harper 116:578 Mr '08 Likeness of 'em. R. W. Child. Delin 75:311 Ap '10 Lilac hat. F. C. Mallon. Harp B 43:566 Je '09 Lilacs. G. M. Cooke. Mun 28:131 O '02 Lilacs and cobblestones. E. D. Biggers. Delin 79:181 Mr '12 Liljencrantz, Ottilie A. Unreasonable Betty. L H J 28:9 F 1 '11 Lillie. H. M. Lyon. McClure 33:270 Jl '09 Lillie, Mrs. Lucy Cecil (White), 1S55- My parlor maid's romance. Harp B 33:199 Mr 10 '00 Lil's old man. E. Van Buren. Cent 75:128 N '07 Lily. M. R. Rinehart. Cosmop 57:560 S '14 Lily, anarchist. B. Benefield. Col 48:27 O 7 '11 Lily-Ann. F. T. Cox. McClure 28:218 D '06 Lily of the field. M. R. Warren. Sat E P 186:9 Je 27 '14 Limit. G. Brinton. New Eng n s 33:688 Ja '06 Limitations. E. Wyatt. McClure 16:551 Ap '01 Lincoln, Eunice Knock at the door. Les Mo 58:128 Je '04 Lincoln, George G. Corner in fiances. Mun 35:32 Ap '06 Lincoln, James One of the eighty thousand. McClure 27:582 O '06 Superannuated. Atlan 95:757 Je '05 Lincoln, Mrs. Jeanie (Gould), 1846- Charming Peggy. L H J 26:13 Jl '09 Lincoln, Joe. See Lincoln, Joseph Crosby Lincoln, Joseph Crosby (Joe Lincoln), 1870- Antiquers. Amer 61:254 Ja '06 As he thinketh. Everybody's 20:599 My '09 Committee of one. Sat E P 174:6 Jl 27 '01 Cruise of the red car. Mun 38:235 N '07 Dancing billows. Sat E P 183:22 F 4 '11 Deborah and the wizard. Mun 43:457 Jl '10 'Enry 'Iggins 'eart story. Sat B P 173:20 N 10 '00 Esteemed contemporaries. Everybody's 16: 800 Je '07 F'orce and the object. Everybody's 26:360 Mr '12 Heights of art. Everybody's 14:445 Ap '06 Heroism of Surrender Peaslove. Sat E P 175: IS Mr 28 '03 House of Moffett. New Eng n s 25:81 S '01 Idella and the white plague. McClure 27:104 My '06 In the name of the late Captain Kidd. Sat E P 173:12 Ja 26 '01 Inside facts. Col 39:21 S 21 '07 Issy and the other. Everybody's 16:71 Ja '07 Jonesy. Everybody's 15:539 O '06 Josiah and the seventh son. Sat E P 172:1212 Je 23 '00 Legitimate transaction. Amer 64:651 O '07 Love and the locksmiths. Sat E P 177:6 Ag 27 '04 Making a man of him. Everybody's 18:15 Ja 'OS Meanness of Rosy. Everybody's 15:377 S '06 Mrs. Phidgit's system. Harp B 33:43 Ja 13 '00 Mountain and Mahomet. Everybody's 22:380 Mr '10 Old maids. Col 41:20 My 2 '08 Ostable postmastership. Sat E P 184:10 Ag 26 '11 Our oldest inhabitant. Col 41:14 Ag 29 '08 Pendlebury tree. Sat E P 184:13 Ag 12 '11 Petticoat cruise. Everybody's 19:400 S '08 Potank sanitarium. Sat E P 173:10 F 23 '01 Seer and the serpent. Everybody's 20:14 Ja '09 Sign of the windmill. Sat E P 184:5 Ja 27 '12 Simplicity of it. Everybody's 13:208 Ag '05 Solon Pepper's courtship. Sat E P 173:18 N 24 '00 South shore weather bureau. Everybody's 12: 157 F '05 Tarnished star. Everybody's 14:631 My '06 Teacher. Col 41:20 S 12 'OS Two pairs of shoes. McClure 26:623 Ap '06 Valuable Christopher. Mun 40:718 F '09 Vision sent. Everybody's 21:13 Jl '09 Way of business. Everybody's 22:60 Ja '10 Lindsay, Forbes Harvest of Tares. Lippinc 87:474 Ap '11 Wife of a Littlelander. Lippinc 92:497 O '13 Lindsay, Mary House that Bobby built. Mun 29:588 Jl '03 Lindsay, Mayne Bounty of the river. Mun 31:19 Ap '04 Cherrv orchards and a princess. Col 34:22 O 15 '04 Intruder. Met 28:421 Jl '08 Little wooden tiger. Met 24:582 Ag '06 Man with the latch-key. Met 29:506 F '09 Painted lie. Met 30:163 My '09 Younger Ledbetter. Met 29:676 Mr '09 Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel, 1879- Ladv Iron-heels. Outl 99:335 O 7 '11 Lady Poverty. Outl 99:734 N 25 '11 Lindsey, Maria Hearts and clubs. Les Mo 58:87 JTy '04 Lions at Pleasureville. Les Mo 59:692 Ap '05 Line, The. O. Oliver. Delin 70:498 O '07 Line of courage. C. Williams. Col 43:20 My 1 •09 Line of least resistance. See Rhodes, Eugene Manlove Line of least resistance. E. Wharton. Lippinc 66:559 O '00 Linfields' Christmas dinner. E. Flower. L H J 19:12 D '01 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 ^72> Linge of m'sieur. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 31: 472 Ap 'OJ Link in the chain. R. W. Hofflund. Sat E P 183:16 My 20 '11 Links in a chain. A. S. Allen. Les Mo 56:152 Je '03 Linn, James Weber, 1876- Briggs. l^es Mo 60:244 JI '05 Girl at Duke's. McClure 21:398 Ag '03 Head marshal of the University of Chicago. Lippinc 67:602 My 01 Linn, Ralph Human thermoineter. Cosmop 46:175 Ja '09 Lion among ladies. A. D. Sedgwick. Cent 62: 3S1 Jl '01 Lion and the lamb. E. E. Peake. Delin 57:948 Je '01 Lion and the two MacCarthys. C. Markham. McClure 32:328 Ja '09 Lion girl. B. Millard. Mun 40:093 F '12 Lion in the way. A. Brown. Harp B 33:333 Je 9 '00 Lion in the way. G. Hibbard. Harper 103:175 Jl 01 Lion rampant. M. R. Rinehart. Mun 40:521 Ja '09 Lion with a forked tail. E. Robinson. Lippinc 91:754 Je '13 Lions at Pleasureville. M. Lindsey. Les Mo 59: 692 Ap '05 Lions in the way. D. L. Hastings. Atlan 89: 754 Je '02 Lion's mouth. A. Duer, and H. W. Miller. Scrib 28:685 D '00 Lion's skin. H. W. Phillips. Mun 22:699 F '00 Lion's whelp. A. MacGowan. Mun 34:718 Mr ■U6 Lippincott, Berth Horstmann Because of Nellie. Lippinc 74:82 Jl '04 Lippmann, Julie Mathilde, 1804- Character part. Cent 79:131 N '09 Man and the boy. Harper 106:155 D 02 Mother part. Met 34:689 S '11 Lips that were sealed. A. M. Estabrook. Lip- pinc 78:385 O '06 Lipsett, Edward Raphael, 1868- Denny Xolan, a sweet singer in Israel. Ev- erybody's 31:527 O '14 Denny Nolan, man of affairs. Everybody's 31:652 N '14 Denny the Jew. Everybody's 27:45 Jl '12 Denny — the Jew from Ballintemple. Every- body's 29:87 Jl '13 Izzie the sabbath breaker. McClure 41:196 Je '13 Liquid air. N. A. Jennings. Harper 103:1018 X '01 Lisa. E. G. Walton. Lippinc 67:375 Mr '01 Lisbeth. E. Elliott. New Eng n s 30:180 Ap '04 Lissiva — a tale of Norway. B. B. Lie. Cur Lit 11:228 Ag '06 List to starboard. F. II. Smith. Scrib 46:198 Ag '09 'LIsta. Z. Gale. Lippinc 87:1 Ja '11 Litchfield, Grace Denio, 1849- As a man sowed. Harper 112:630 Mr '06 One result. (Jull 7:',:H4 Ja 3 '03 Question. Harper 104:543 Mr '02 Listener. K. Abbott. Atlan 104:85 Jl "09 Literary love affair. S. Waterloo. Sat E V 173: •; 1- 16 '01 Literary huccchh. A. I... Lee. New Eng n s 31: 565 Ja '05 Literary temperament. A. H. Adams. Cosmop 37:695 O '04 Literature. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:12 Ag 31 •12 LItsey, Edwin Carlisle, 1874- D;tr]t,'fTOUH diversion. New Eng n b 24:54 Mr- ■01 Ghost coon. Les Mo 50:43 N '04 King of the northern slope. Les Mo 56:425 K '03 Litsey, Edwin Carlisle — continued Race of the swift. Les Mo 58:64 My '04 When the breach was closed. Les Mo 59:585 Mr '05 Little actress and the glass slippers. J. D. Wil- liams. L H J 25:9 Ja '08 Little Anna and the gentleman adventurer. F. H. Lea. Cent 80:454 Jl '10 Little April. Mrs. L. H. Harris. Amer 61:628 Ap '06 Little baby. C. B. McLean. Atlan 107:529 Ap 11 Little band in the pines. N. Flower. Lippinc 89:6b4 My '12 Little beach boy. L. Bright. Everybody's 13: 91 Jl '05 Little Billy Higgins' rhubarb money. J. L. Mathews. Lippinc 81:758 Je '08 Little black satchel. S. H. Adams. Mun 25: 912 S '01 Little black sheep. G. T. Weston. Harper 119: 803 O 09 Little Bo-Peep. M. Kelly. McClure 28:115 N '06 Little boy. J. J. Bell. Cosmop 49:351 Ag '10 Little boy and his pa. E. Kelley. McClure 15: 123 Je '00 Little boy next door. M. Beauchamp. Delin 67:276 F '06 Little boy they turned away. E. Harrison. L H J 27:8 D 15 '10 Little boy who believed. G. S. Mason. L H J 30:10 Ja '13 Little boy you used to know. R. Hughes. L H J 30:8 Ag '13 Little boy's love. R. R. Gilson. Harper 104:30 D '01 Little brother. E. M. Coombs. Lippinc 86:476 O '10 Little brother of the books. J. D. Daskam. Scrib 32:400 O '02 Little brown book. M. W. Hutton. Delin 85 13 S '14 Little brown one. M. S. Cutting. Sat E P 185 10 My 3 '13 Little brown shoe. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 87 257 N '11 Little bundle. H. B. Parker. Delin 79:383 My '12 Little candle. M. A. Bacon. Harper 109:139 Je '04 Little canoe. H. W. Phillips. Cent 67:72 N '03 Little change. E. O. White. Atlan 86:832 D 00 Little change for Edward. M. S. Cutting Amer 65:161 D '07 Little child. J. L. Shafter. Harper 117:114 Je '08 Little child shall lead them. W. A. Johnston. Delin 71:780 My '08 Little child shall lead them. F. H. Williams. Lipi)iim 73:179 F '04 Little Clirist at Swanson's. F. Wilkinson. At- lan 66:814 D '00 Little christian. M. Maartens. Lippinc 65:418 Mr '00 Little Christmas burglar. C. Hamilton. Cos- mop 56:254 Ja '14 Little colonel of Lost Hill. B. Benefleld. Scrib 52:93 Jl '12 Little common product. M. L. Bray. Mun 50: 007 Ja '14 Little comrado of tlio stars. O. Kildare. L II J 22:15 Ap '05 Little Corky. E. Hungerford. Sat E 1' 1K1:3 .\ 21 '08 $ Little Coyote. M. II. Austin. Atlan 89:249 F '02 Little cruise of the Vloletta. A. W. Colton. Harper 106:452 F '03 1/4 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Little cuss. J. W. Tompkins. Everybody's 23: 639 N '10 Little darling. R. Strunsky. Forum 45:31 Ja Little daughter of Eve. P. H. Fillmore. Every- body's 20:509 Ap '09 Little dinner at Larrabee's. J. K. Bangs. Lip- pinc 84:1 Jl '09 Little diplomat. F. N. Stratton. Mun 31.491 Little doe. G. Morris. Cent 68:32 My 04 Little drab man. R. R. Whiting. Everybody's 21:851 D "09 Little dress with the blue ribbons. M. S. Gerry. Harper 119:590 S '09 Little Dunker. J. Lee. Harper 113:468 Ag 06 ^lZ\I%"Je of Dodge City. Everybody's 7: So^n'of" thl border. Everybody's 4:578 Je '01 Little Eohippus. E.M Rhodes Sat EP 185:3 N 30 21 D 7, 20 D 14, 19 D 21, 1( i^ 2b i^ Little essays on books and reading by Martm Dooley. F. P. Dunne. Cent 64:b4 My 0.. Little faded flag. B. L. White. Atlan 101:635 Little^fat fiddler. S. H. Adams. McClure 22:652 Ap 04 . oo Little fat skeleton. A. Kortrecht. Lippinc 83. 460 Ap '09 Little father. A. A. Rogers. Everybody s 2b. 400 Mr '12 Little father of St. Angelo's. M. L. Radford. Amer 62:645 O '06 Little feller. S. E. Peake. Harper 12o:.56 O '12 Little feller. A. Train. Delin 70:345 S '07 Little feminine Casablanca. G. M. Martm. McClure 15:249 Jl '00 Little fighting whales. J. B. Connolly. Harper 110:431 F 05 Little-flower-of-the-woods. L.Merrick. Met 2b. Little flyer in junk. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 182:8 Mr 19 '10 Little flyer in love. L. Osbourne. McClure 21. 618 O '03 Little foxes. R. Kipling. Col 43:15 Mr 2/ 09 Little, Frances, pseud. See Macaulay, Fannie Caldwell. Little friend coyotte. G. B. Grinnell. Harper 102:288 Ja '01 Little gate. K. Jordan. Amer 65:307 Ja 'OS Little gate of fairyland. E. Ayrton. Lippinc 68: 752 D '01 Little general. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P lSb:3 Ap 11 '14 Little gentleman. B. Tarkington. Cosmop 56: 208 Ja '14 Little ghost in the garden. R. Le Gallienne. Harp W 58:26 F 7 '14 Little girl. S. E. White. Amer 67:245 Ja '09 Little girl afraid of a dog. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 114:15 D '06 Little girl in the big ship. M. Nordau. Cosmop 39:417 Ag '05 Little girl who didn't know how to play. C. C. Washburn. Harp B 45:224 My '11 Little girl who should have been a boy. A. H. Donnell. Harper 103:788 O '01 Little girl's kingdom. V. T. Peacock. Lippinc 73:93 Ja '04 Little god and Dicky. J. D. Daskam. McClure 17:338 Ag '01 Little god mammon. J. S. Benton. Mun 24:575 Ja '01 Little golden shoes. R. W. Sneddon. Forum 48:159 Ag '12 Little gray dove. A. M. Estabrook. Cent 82: 497 Ag '11 Little gray father. K. Abbott. Harper 120:389 F '10 Little gray ghost. C. A. P. Comer. Atlan 109: 311 Mr '12 Little gray purse. A. E. P. Searing. Mun 44: 532 Ja '11 Little green door. D. Deakin. Lippinc 88:129 Ag '11 Little hallelujah's convert. A. M. Kerr. Mc- Clure 16:87 N '00 Little harmonizer of his threefold nature. M. H. Carter. McClure 33:294 Jl '09 Little heiress. G. Morris. Col 40:21 N 2 '07 Little hopping frog. L. Pratt. Atlan 108:396 S '11 Little house. R. W. Child. Sat E P 182:8 Ja 8 '10 Little house. A. T. Johnson. Lippinc 91:339 Mr '13 Little house next door. M. D. Stevens. L H J OS -14 Tl '11 28:14 Jl '11 Little house of dreams. S. C. Bates. Scrib 54: 378 S '13 Little house with the honeysuckle. L. R. Meekins. Mun 24:447 D '00 Little idiot and the born manager. M. B. Shipp. Mun 41:684 Ag '09 Little Jane. A. Brown. Harp B 44:228 Ap '10 Little Joe. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 183:6 F 11 '11 Little Johnny on the dog. Cosmop 46:599 Ap '09 Little John's emancipation. J. Jones. Amer 66: 551 O '08 Little joker. D. G. Phillips. Cosmop 51:512 S ■11 Little joys of Margaret. R. Le Gallienne. Harper 111:422 Ag '05 Little jugs and pots. A. Spadoni. Mun 45:648 Ag '11 Little Kaintuck. M. P. Montague. Atlan 105: 609 My '10 Little knight of the Grail. A. B. Paine. Delin 64:361 S '04 Little knowledge. L. A. Long. Delin 71:81 Ja •08 Little knowledge. F. Wilson. Scrib 43:89 Ja '08 Little lady. C. S. Allen. New Eng n s 49:219 Jl '13 Little lady of the new. S. Merwin. Amer 75: 35 Ja '13 Little lady who wouldn't spoil Christmas. J. L. Long. L H J 27:21 D 09 Little leaven. M. C. Aymar. Harper 127:665 O '13 Little lightning. E. H. Snyder. Everybody's 29: 328 S '13 Little lizard. E. Lefevre. Everybody's 21:625 N '09 Little love. O. Oliver. Col 34:22 Mr 18 '05 Little Lucy Rose. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 125:418 Ag '12 Little mail carrier. M. C. Smith. Delin 62:674 N '03 Little man. W. Godfrey. Harper 121:46 Je '10 Little man. M. Harris. Les Mo 53:523 Mr '02 Little man. R. Thomas. Col 35:17 Ag 5 '05 Little matter of law. G. B. Lancaster. Every- body's 13:446 O '05 Little matter of real estate. M. Kelly. McClure 21:130 My '03 Little matter of salvage. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 182:17 S 25 '09 Little milk. N. W. Putnam. Harper 128:951 My '14 Little milliner. I. M. Sangster. Harp B 33:256 Mr 24 '00 Little gossip. R. H. Davis. Scrib 28:562 N '00 Little millions. F. Lynde. Scrib 40:110 Jl '06 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 175 Little Miss Devoe. P. V. Mighels. Delin 69:844 My '07 Little Miss Jolins. J. C. Harris. Sat E P 173:1 D 8, 10 D 15 '00 Little Mrs. Lindstrom's pull. F. Hunt. Col 52: 17 O 25 '13 Little more. E. G. Rowe. New Eng n s 32:431 Je '05 Little mortals. V. Y. Remnitz. Atlan S5:693 My '00 Little motlier. L. W. Betts. Outl 76:468 F 20 •04 Little mother. F. Gilmore. Atlan 114:381 S '14 Little mother hen. P. Fillmore. Everybody's 28:341 Mr '13 Little Mud Pie. E. Flower. L H J 19:8 O '02 Little Nozzle of Hooks No. 9. C. R. Sherlock. Les Mo 53:179 D '01 Little nugget. P. G. Wodehouse. Mun 49:829 Ag '13 Little number ones. L. Pratt. McClure 39:308 Jl '12 Little old lady. See Brainerd, Eleanor Hoyt Little palmistry. E. A. Dix. Les Mo 57:397 F '04 Little Paulfat. M. B. Shipp. Les Mo 58:229 JI '04 Little path. L. D. Shelton. Everybody's 26:856 Je '12 Little Paul's Christ-child. K. Jarboe. Harp W 46:16 D 6 '02 Little penance. Z. A. Norris. Les Mo 52:201 Je '01 Little pig pork. W. M. Rouse. Cent 89:299 D '14 Little pioneer. P. V. Mighels. Harper 110:828 My '05 Little puddle. R. Hughes. Sat E P 181:5 Ag 8 •08 Little queen and the gardener. E. Sharp. Lip- pinc 66:938 D '00 Little question in ladies' rights. P. H. Fillmore. Amer 71:612 Mr '11 Little red book. M. J. Reynolds. Forum 49: 718 Je '13 Little revenge. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 34: 204 Ag '03 Little, Richard Henry, 1869- Envoy of the higher civilization. Everybody's 16:258 F '07 Little ripple of patriotism. R. Thomas. Col 38: 18 F 9 '07 Little romance. N. Duncan. Harper 119:841 N '09 Little rugby. R. R. Gilson. Harper 108:508 Mr •fi4 Little Saint Thomas. E. A. Zangwill. Lippinc 82:609 N '08 Little satyr. M. Sherwood. Atlan 101:830 Je '08 Little savage gentleman. I. Strong. Scrib 30: 196 Ag '01 Little savings account. P. Fillmore. Every- hody'.s 27:507 O '12 Little sipn for friend. M. P. Montague. Atlan 1i:i:597 My '14 Little silver heart. J. D.' Bacon. Harper 113: 762 () '06 Little sister. R. R. Gilson. Harper 105:403 Ag '02 Little sister. A. Tassin. Delln 71:74 Ja '08 Little sister at Saint's lake. W. A. Fraser. L H J 18:11 Ap '01 Little sister in cage of gold. A. Mathews. Mc- f^'lure 36:87 N '10 Little .Mister to the east side. E. Hoyt. Every- body's 11:324 S '04 Little smoke and much fire. W. A. Fraser. Col 33:14 My 28 '04 Little son. H. McDonald. Col 53:8 Ap 25 '14 Little speculation of the U. P. A. A. M Shaw McClure 32:426 F 09 Little still. M. S. Briscoe. Outl 76:836 Ap 2 '04 Little stories. See Mitchell, Silas Weir. Little stories for little people. See Richards Mrs. Laura E. Little story of^ a child. M. W. Higginson. Outl 84:4(b O 2i 06 Little sugar. C. S. Watts. Col 54:11 N 28 '14 Little super. F. L. Packard. Cent 75:715 Mr Little surprise. M. S. Cutting. McClure 21:14 My Oo Little tad. A. E. McFarlane. Everybody's 24- loo Ja '11 '"'**i? o*,?'^?^®^^* Cragsmoor. E. Jordan. Harp B 39:10b F 05 Little Tapin. G. W. Carryl. Scrib 31:730 Je '02 Little thief. Ouida. Cosmop 28:552 Mr '00 Little tragedies. L. H. Levin. Forum 52:417 S 14 Little tragedy at Tien-Tsin. F. A. Mathews. Harper 101:806 N '00 Little tree. Z. Gale. Delin 78:429 D '11 Little Trot. A. Lichtenberger. Cur Lit 47:697 Little unpleasantness at New Hope. H S Ed- wards. Cent 64:433 Jl '02 Little victory for the general. J. D. Bacon. AlcClure 31:253 Jl '08 Little warhorse. E. T. Seton. L H J 21:13 Je '04 Little wet foot. W. G. Beymer. Harper 126: 6S5. 934 Ap-My '13 Little while. E. N, Blair. Lippinc 92:109 Jl '13 Little white bear. E. Taylor. L H J 24:11 Ap Little white girl. G. B. Lancaster. Scrib 48: 756 D '10 Little white hin. M. Cameron. Harper 121:404 Ag '10 Little white liars. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 176 -4 My 28 '04 Little widow. Mrs. W. Woodrow. McClure 29: 58 My '07 Little widow of Jansen. G. Parker. Sat E P 180:5 O 26 '07 Little wooden tiger. M. Lindsay. Met 24:582 Ag '06 Little zoo in monkey land. G. Morris. Met 35: 9 Ap '12 Littlest boy and Santa Claus. E. L. Sabin. Lippinc 70:742 D '02 Littlest sister. E. Hoyt. Everybody's 6:131 F Live embers. A. A. Rogers. Cosmop 39:313 Jl '05 Live wire. E. Boltwood. Mun 47:434 Je '12 Livelier plumage. N. Boyce. Amer 70:506 Ag Lively adventure of the widow's cow. M. Quad. Sat E P 173:16 D 15 '00 LIvin'-out girls. A. W. Bailey. Outl 73:307 F 7 '03 Living and the life. M. Stanwood. Harp B 42: 447 My 'OS Living memory. L. M. Sawyer. New Eng n s 32:182 Ap '05 Living up to Letchwood. J. Street. Every- lu.dy's 31:1 Jl '14 Living up to mottoes. O. Morris. Cosmop 52: 7S2 My '12 Livingston, Francis Vav.isour ball. Met 26:231 My "07 'Liza Km'ly's book. A. Warner. Met 35:37 D '11 Liza Wi-lherford. V. W. Cloud. Atlan 88:424 S 01 LIzaloo, price five shillings. A. Kenealy. Forum 50:691 N '13 lyG STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Llewellyn's offering. J. F. Farrell. Outl 70:283 F 1 '02 Lloyd, Beatrix Demarest (Mrs. Atherton Brow- Empty house. Harper 117:841 N '08 Man among the drums. Sat E P 179:5 Mr 23 '07 Measure of a man. Col 33:15 S 3 04 Musicians of the word. Harper 110:854 My '05 Pursuit of happiness. Harper 115:777 O '07 Veil. Everybody's 12:167 F '05 Lloyd, David System of Haddon-Brown. Col 37:20 Je 23 '06 Lloyd, Nelson McAllister, 1873- Admirable Whoople. Scrib 37:587 My '05 Adventurer. Scrib 56:673 N '14 Angels of Six Stars. Met 22:539 Ag '05 Bachelor of elements. Scrib 39:469 Ap '06 Best gun in the valley. Scrib 33:65 Ja '03 Christmas of Christmases. Scrib 46:693 D '09 Foresight. Harper 112:889 My '06 Grandfathers of the evolution. Scrib 42:217 Ag '07 In the district. Scrib 38:568 N '05 Lamb in sheep's clothing. Scrib 47:241 F '10 Last ghost in Harmony. Scrib 41:285 Mr '07 Man who studied continual. Scrib 38:742 D •05 Natural-born preacher. Scrib 33:423 Ap '03 Pettingbird infare. Scrib 49:493 Ap '11 Posey song. Col 34:21 N 5 '04 Raging chariot. Scrib 56:366 S '14 Retreat from Gettysburg. Scrib 47:738 Je '10 Second venture. Harper 111:285 Jl '05 Snyder county gold-strike. Scrib 38:222 Ag •05 Third and a half generation. Scrib 31:605 My '02 Triumph of airly spring. Scrib 43:571 My '08 Loaded dice. T. P. Byron. Everybody's 26:28 Ja '12 Loaded dice. B. Millard. Cosmop 49:131 Je '10 Loaded gun. J. L. Long. Les Mo 56:362 Ag '03 Loan of a gentleman friend. P. Fillmore. Ev- erybody's 29:197 Ag '13 Lobby, The. K. G. Busbey. Sat E P 184:20 Ag 12 '11 Lobbyist in the niche. L. S. Mott. Lippinc 78: 766 D •OO Lobster. M. Robertson. Sat E P 173:8 Ag 25 •00 Local color. L S. Cobb. Sat E P 187:7 Ag 8 '14 Local color. E. C. Hall. Met 16:87 Jl '02 Local colorist. Mrs. A. T. Slosson. Harper 120: 84 D '09 Loch invar of St. Cloud. R. Shackelton. Harper 107:11 Je '03 Loch invar of the east. M. C. Deering. Atlan 92:49 Jl '03 Lock step. L K. Friedman. McClure 18:528 Ap '02 Locke, William John, 1863- Christmas mystery: story of three wise men. Amer 69:147 D '09 Conqueror. Everybody's 28:291 Mr '13 Joyous adventures of Aristide Pujol. Amer 71:290, 467; 72:21, 339. 578, 766: 74:439, 563, Ja-F. My, Jl. S, O '11, Ag-S '12 Ladies in lavender. Col 42:15 D 26 '08 Lover's dilemma. Col 41:15 Ap 11 •OS Moonlight effect. Amer 68:392 Ag ^09 Old-world episode. Sat E P 182:3 S 25 '09 Song of life. Everybody's 29:755 D '13 Locked bag. M. D. Post. Sat E P 183:8 F 4 '11 Locked door. H. Dickson. Sat E P 183:15 D 17 ■10 Locked doors. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 187:3 Ag 22, 26 Ag 29 '14 Lockhart, Caroline Born to be hanged. Lippinc 78:214 Ag '06 Diplomat from Chicago. Lippinc 69:712 Je '02 'nJf ^^^^ ^''•eriX. south. Lippinc 83:478 Ap Girl in the Rockies. Lippinc 70:177 Ag '02 Gustave Hinkle: martyr. Lippinc 79:777 Je '07 Her maiden name. Lippinc 67:745 Je '01 His own medicine. Lippinc 76:473 O '05 Lockhart, Caroline — continued lu on the ground-floor. Lippinc 68:472 O '01 Jim's dude. McClure 32:389 F '09 Man who was horse-crazy. Lippinc 82:759 D •08 Many who knew Indians. Les Mo 60:191 Je '05 Marked mit cats. Lippinc 77:575 My ^06 Mrs. Billy Weightman's grouch. Lippinc 86: 632 N '10 Pin-head. Lippinc 82:452 O ^08 S. B. Bates. Amer 62:209 Je ^06 Second star. Lippinc 75:753 Je "05 Sharper than a serpent's tooth. Lippinc 74: 370 S '04 Stag-hound Bill. Lippinc 75:380 Mr '05 Straight as a string. Lippinc 70:572 N '02 When capital took holt. Cent 72:511 Ag '06 When clothes unmade the man. Cent 70:601 Ag '05 AVoman who gave no quarter. Lippinc 79: 262 F '07 Yankee snob. Lippinc 82:75 Jl 'OS Lockwood, Harriette Irmaguard Kidnapped in the jungle. Lippinc 94:349 S '14 Lockwood, William Lewis Hand. Harp W 50:1770 D 15 '06 Locum-tenens. I. Hay. Cent 88:708 S '14 Locusts. J. Belfield. New Eng n s 45:129 O '11 Lodge in the wilderness. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 175:1 N 15 '02 Lodger. Mrs. B. Lowndes. McClure 36:262 Ja •11 Lodger in number eleven. K. Jordan. Mun 33: 298 Je '05 Lofquest, Charles C. Olt Peeter. Les Mo 59:404 F '05 Prince Pantqua. Amer 61:403 F '06 Log of the Courtney Ford. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 183:3 Ag 6 '10 Log of the El Dorado. N. P. Benson. Sat E P 187:3 Ag 15 '14 Logan, Hugh Powers of darkness. Mun 26:849 Mr '02 Siren of the tracks. Mun 27:673 Ag '02 Logan, Julia Lee Peace hath her victories. Cosmop 43:323 Jl '07 Lohengrin of the sage-brush. A. Chapman. Harper 114:487 F '07 Loizeaux, Cecilia A. Confessional — and consequences. Lippinc 81: 423 Mr '08 Loizeau, Jeanne Olive Beyond the blue hills. Cosmop 3S:117 D '04 Clean. Delin 85:11 Jl '14 Husband for Suzanne. Met 27:204 N '07 January thaw. Cosmop 38:569 Mr '05 Lola. P. Gibbon. Harper 118:248 Ja '09 Lombard, Rose Gol-darned cow. Lippinc 92:233 Ag '13 Golliformed rabbit. Everybody's 28:82 Ja '13 Lombardy poplar. M. E. W. Freeman. Harp B 36:763 S ^02 'Lon Snow's peculiar flock. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 173:15 F 16 '01 London, Jack, 1S76-1916 Account with Swithin Hall. Sat E P 184:12 S 2 '11 All gold cafion, Cent 71:117 N '05 Benefit of the doubt. Sat E P 183:9 N 12 '10 Brown wolf. Everybody's 15:147 Ag '06 Chinago. Harper 119:233 Jl '09 Day's lodging. Col 39:18 My 25 '07 Diable of a dog. Cosmop 33:218 Je "02 Feathers of the sun. Sat E P 184:6 Mr 9 '12 First poet. Cent 82:251 Je •ll Goat man of Fuatino. Sat E P 184:12 Jl 29 '11 Goboto night. Sat E P 184:20 S 30 '11 God of his fathers. McClure 17:44 My '01 Gold-hunters of the north. Atlan 92:42 Jl '03 Golden poppy. Delin 63:77 Ja '04 Heathen. Evervbody's 23:193 Ag '10 Hobo and the fairy. Sat E P 183:12 F 11 '11 House of Mapuhi. McClure 32:247 Ja '09 Hyperborean brew. Met 14:85 Jl '01 Jokers of New Gibbon. Sat E P 184:18 N 11 '11 Just meat. Cosmop 42:535 Mr '07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 1/7 London, Jack — continued Law of life. McClure 16:435 Mr '01 Lawgivers. Col 53:15 Je liU '14 Leopard man's story. Les Mo 56:408 Ag '03 Li Wan, the lair. Atlan 90:212 Ag '02 Love of life. McClure 26:144 D '05 Madness of John Harned. Everybody's 23:657 N '10 Man with the gash. McClure 15:459 S '00 Marriage of Lit-lit. Les Mo 56:461 S '03 Mexican, The. Sat E P 184:6 Ag 19 '11 My life in the underworld. Cosmop 43:17, 142, 263, 373, 513, 643 My-O '07 Night-born. Everybody's 25:108 Jl "11 Odyssey of the north. Atlan 85:85 Ja '00 Pearls of Parlay. Sat E P 184:9 O 14 '11 Piece of steak. Sat E P 182:6 N 20 '09 Planchette. Cosmop 41:157 Je '06 Proud goat of Aloysius Pankburn. Sat B P 1S3:5 Je 24 '11 Race for number three. Cur Lit 52:482 Ap '12 Seed of McCoy. Cent 77:898 Ap '09 Shadow and the flash. Cur Lit 41:585 N '06 Sheriff of Kona. Amer 68:384 Ag '09 Son of the sun. Sat E P 183:18 My 27 '11 South of the Slot. Sat E P 181:3 My 22 '09 Sun-dog trail. Harper 112:83 D '05 Thanksgiving on Slav creek. Harp B 33:1879 N 24 '00 To build a fire. Cent 76:525 Ag 'OS To kill a man. Sat E P 183:14 D 10 '10 Trust. Cent 75:441 Ja '08 Under the deck-awnings. Sat E P 183:18 N 19 '10 Unexpected. McClure 27:368 Ag '06 L^nparalleled invasion. McClure 35:308 Jl '10 Voyage of the Snark. Cosmop 42:115 D '06 War. Cur Lit 51:452 O '11 When the world was young. Sat E P 183:16 S 10 '10 Lone Commando. J. Barnes. Harp W 47:1076 Je 27 '03 Lone huntsman. J. A. Altsheler. Lippinc 82: 496 O '08 Lone turkey of Pinal. D. Coolidge. Delin 64: 724 N '04 Lone war. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 81:768 Je '08 Lone widow. W. H. Osborne. Cosmop 41:277 Jl '06 Lone wolf. L. J. Vance. Mun 51:351 Mr '14 Lone wolf of Lost mountain. C. G. D. Roberts. Col 44:20 O 30 '09 Lone Wolf's old guard. H. Garland. Harp W 47:716 My 2 '03 Loneliest man God ever made. S. R. Osborn. Met 27:515 Ja '08 Lonely. E. Wallace. Harp W 55:14 My 20 '11 Lonely ones. G. Middleton. Mun 46:373 D '11 Lonesome man of Huckleberry lake. I. Bachel- ler. Amer 71:649 Mr '11 Lonesome Valley and Cobe. L. Mott. Harp W .-,:!: 22 .\p 17 '09 Lonesomeness. G. W. Ogden. Everybody's 16: 775 Je '07 Lonesomeness of Ezra. K. Jordan. Cosmop 46: 616 My '09 Long arm. R. H. Davis. Everybody's 27:617 N '12 Long arm of the boss. H. M. Hyde. Sat E P 183:12 O 22 '10 Long, Catherine Stoneman 12 o'clock tea. Les Mo 49:637 Ap '00 Long chamber. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 129:707 O '11 Long chance. A. Burrowes. Col 49:18 S 7 '12 Long courting of Henry Kumerant. E. Slng- ma.sler. Lippinc 80:348 S '07 Long exile. L. Tolstoi. Lippinc 90:747 D '12 Long inheritance. C. A. P. Comer. Atlan 108: 115 Ag '11 Long Jim. P. H. Smith. Sat E P 172:1042 My 12 "00 Long, John Luther, 1861- Billy-boy. Col 36:16 D 30 '05 Castles in Spain. Delin 64:1038 D '05, 67:92 Ja '06 Dizzy Dave. Cosmop 28:295 Ja '00 Dolce. Cent 61:803 Ap '01 Felice. Harper 110:13 D '04 Her dear barbarian. Met 40:20 Jl '14 Heimweh. Met 20:1 Ap '04 Jane an' me. Sat B P 173:4 Ja 26 '01 Jupiter Tonans. Col 34:21 F 11 '05 Lady and her soul. Delin 60:964 D '02 Liebereich s Christmas. Cent 69:232 D '04 Little lady who wouldn't spoil Christmas. L H J 27:21 D '09 Loaded gun. Les Mo 56:362 Ag '03 Naughty Nan. Lippinc 69:3 Ja '02 Prince of illusion. Cent 60:655 S '00 Sandwich-man. Cent 88:321 Jl '14 Siren. Cent 66:343 Jl '03 Sis. L H J 22:11 F '05 Sixty Jane. Cent 65:388 Ja '03 Strike on the Schlafeplatz railroad. Cent 63: 710 Mr '02 Temple of the countless gods. Cent 87:493 F '14 Tom, Dick, and Harry et cetera. Harper 120: 716 Ap '10 Long, Justine Stephen. Delin 79:373 My '12 Long, Lily Augusta First man in his state. L H J 29:18 Ag '12 Forgiveness. Cent 76:262 Je '08 His guardian angel. Harper 106:713 Ap '03 John Keller's seeding. Met 33:749 Mr '11 Law and the lady. Atlan 100:54 Jl '07 Little knowledge. Delin 71:81 Ja '08 Lucia Baxter's pilgrimage. Met 33:75 O '10 Mayne's lady of dreams. Harper 112:498 Mr '06 Monk was he. Amer 63:313 Ja '07 Obscure Mrs. Townsend. Harp B 47:113 Mr '13 Oikiomaniacs. Harper 117:623 S '08 Remolding it. McClure 28:275 Ja '07 R. Cent 61:591 F '01 Sanctuary. Cent 64:309 Je '02 Word of the oracle. Amer 64:603 O '07 Long live the king. M. R. Rinehart. Mun 48: :3S9 D '12 Long pants. J. Oppenheim. Harper 125:120 Je '12 Long run. E. Wharton. Atlan 109:145 F '12 Long Sam takes out. E. P. Butler. Cent 85:571 F '13 Long shift. E. M. Rhodes. McClure 29:384 Ag '07 Long time ago. F. Dell. Forum 51:261 F '14 Long ton. C. Day. Harp W 57:9 Je 21 '13 Long tryst. S. H. Adams. Amer 72:274 Jl '11 Long wait. M. H. Vorse. Everybody's 28:218 F '13 Long, Rev. William Joseph (Peter Rabbit, pseud.), iy.67- K'dunk the fut one. Outl 75:220 S 26 '03 Tukweeniosis, the place of spirits. Les Mo 56: G4 My '03 When Upweeks goes hunting. Harper 108: 144 D '03 White stag. Les Mo 60:460 Ag '05 Longest way around. M. W. Hastings. Cos- mop 42:247 Ja '07 Look in the face. J. G. Neihardt. Mun 35:488 Jl '06 Looking a little forward. B. M. Jones. Met 12: 40 Jl '00 Looking after Clara. S. Glaspell. L H J 31:9 Ac; '11 Looking back. S. Bullock. Atlan 89:836 Je '02 Looking-glass. A Brown. McClure 21:179 Jo '03 Looking-glass boy. E. Ncabit. Dclln 58:932 D ■ill Looking out of Faro Noll: Wnlfvlllo story. A. II. l,cwiH. CoHmop 45:654 N 'OS Loom -master of Iran. J. K. Mumford. Atlan .S!):7'.t0 Je '02 178 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Loom of dreams. A. Gordon. Harp W 54:10 D 10 '10 Loomis, Charles Battell, 1869-1911 American nights entertainment. Sat E P 175:6 My 9, S My 10, 8 My 30 '03 Araminta and the automobile. Sat E P 175:2 Ap 11 '03 Bagley's artesian well. Sat B P 173:7 S 15 '00 Belated wedding. Sat E P 172:672 Ja 27 '00 Boy tor Lay Porte. Sat E P 175:23 O 25 '02 Cannibals and Mr. Buffum. Cosmop 40:321 Ja •06 Club dinner. Mun 44:426 D '10 Coat of alpaca. Mun 39:825 S '08 Cunnin' Larrikins. Cent 64:326 Je '02 Deacon Abner's dream. Cent 63:640 F '02 Deacon talks about lynchings. Cent 66:317 Je '03 Deception of Martha Tucker. Cent 63:291 D '01 Dose of sunshine. Cent 65:802 Mr '03 Dreain princess. Sat E P 184:5 Ag 26 '11 Education of a butterfly. Cent 68:157 My '04 Expert testimony. Sat E P 178:16 S 9 '05 Fatal letter. Mun 45:172 My '11 Father of Pauline. Delin 70:546 O '07 For divers reasons. Sat E P 173:7 N 10 '00 Ghost of the Black inn. Harp W 46:48 D 6 •02 Gift of tact. Cent 70:959 O '05 Green emerald. Sat E P 183:10 Jl 2 '10 Held at the station. Sat E P 177:23 Jl 9 '04 Holiday touch. Sat E P 177:8 F 4 '05 Hood's wood violet. Lippinc 77:589 My '06 How it ended. Mun 41:372 Je '09 Independence of Dermot. Sat E P 184:13 S 30 '11 James and the jack-knife. Sat B P 181:21 Jl 11 '08 Jed's monument. Cent 60:957 S '00 'Lon Snows peculiar flock. Sat E P 173:15 F 16 '01 Making copy out of father. Mun 42:626 F '10 Man, a maid and a motor. New Eng n s 29557 Ja 04 Man of putty. Sat E P 175:6 D 13 '02 Matter of fact tale. Met 22:570 Ag '05 Memory of Carlotta. Sat E P 174:16 N 23 '01 Men who swapped languages. Met 17:289 Je •03 Mirry. L H J 22:17 F '05 Miss nutterly on art. Les Mo 60:228 Je '05 Miss Flutterly on politics and the drama. Les Mo 57:419 F '04 Miss Flutterly on what is doing. Les Mo 57:290 Ja '04 Mr. Gookin of Providence. Sat E P 176:4 S 12 '03 Mr. Hay's memory system. Cent 68:163 My '04 Mrs. Harrigan borrows a pie. Sat E P 177:2 My 27 '05 Mrs. Harrigan telephones. Cent 69:319 D '04 Mother of little Maude and little Maude. Cent 64:650 Ag '02 My golf. Cent 63:820 Ap '02 Next craze. Cent 74:346 Jl '07 Nicholas Richmond's pulmonary pills. Sat E P 172:748 F 17 '00 Offness of Billy. Cosmop 42:688 Ap '07 Oil and water. Mun 25:287 My '01 Our tea at Paradise park. Met 32:83 Ap '10 Painter and the farmer. Cosmop 33:479 Ag '02 Peter Crawford's partner. Sat E P 177:26 D 3 '04 Poe's Raven in an elevator. L H J 20:8 O '03 Return of Eno Garden. Mun 44:733 F '11 Silver shoes. Sat E P 184:17 D 9 '11 Story of Hubbard Wilson, a misflt. Sat E P 172:876 Mr 24 '00 Study in optimism. Amer 65:409 F '08 Superlative girl. Sat E P 174:7 O 26 '01 Telltale shade. Mun 43:490 Jl '10 That Bodin affair. Sat E P 173:18 F 2 '01 Their wedding day. Sat E P 176:16 O 17 '03 Thirsty Anna. Col 44:16 S 25 '09 Too much boy. Sat E P 173:24 N 24 '00 Treasure of a cook. Mun 44:27 O '10 Trolley for Rio Janeiro. Cent 60:636 Ag '00 Two kinds of talkers. Sat E P 173:9 .\p 6 '01 Unappreciated tip. Sat E P 176:6 Je 18 '04 Uncle Eli's fighting rabhit. Amer 61 :4fi4 F '06 Unheard wedding-march. Mun 38:495 Ja '08 Loomis, Charles Battell — continued Veritable quidors. Sat E P 175:6 N 22 '02 What happened afterward. Cent 87:724 Mr '14 Where there's smoke there's fire. Sat E P 180:22 Ag 10 '07 While the automobile ran down. Cent 61:187 D '00 With a money king behind me. Sat E P 179:16 Ap 20 '07 Loomis, Estelle Gutter-nickel. Cent 86:570 Ag '13 Out of bondage. Cent 84:829 O '12 Loophole. W. H. Osborne. Harp W 54:22 F 26 '10 Loose screw. F. Powell. Everybody's 6:603 Je •02 Loosed. E. H. Porter. Everybody's 12:699 My '05 Loot and the lieutenant. W. Adams. Col 53:11 Jl 4, 9 Jl 11 '14 Loot of Bungawan. W. H. Kitchell. Col 50:20 D 7 '12 Loot of the Silver Special. C. Johnston. Sat E P 185:28 S 21 '12 Loot of the Ventura. B. Millard. Mun 45:47 Ap '11 Looters. J. Hopper. Sat E P 181:10 Jl 18 '08 Lopez, John S. In the day's work. Met 33:787 Mr '11 Reds Hagan's mother. Harp W 52:16 Jl 18 '08 Lord, and the lady's glove. A. OUivant. Mc- Clure 18:300 F '02 Lord Bill Jones. J. Futrelle. Sat E P 182:5 N 6 '09 Lord Jerningham. B. Tarkington. Everybody's 13:735 D '05 Lord of all. A. Warner. Mun 30:264 N '03 Lord of the air. C. G. D. Roberts. Les Mo 54:2 My '02 Lord Stranleigh, philanthropist. See Barr, Robert Lord taketh and the Lord giveth. C. T. Brady. L H J 29:20 D '12 Lord Thornby's eldest son. S. MacManus. Cos- mop 35:651 O '03 Lord's box. J. Forbes. Harper 109:155 Je '04 Lords of the earth. T. P. Byron. Col 48:20 F 10 '12 Lords of the world. E. Rickert. Everybody's 16:54 Ja '07 Lorelei. M. Tracy. Mun 25:546 Jl '01 Lorenzo and the clinging vine. K. Harris. Sat E P 187:14 S 19 '14 Lorimer, George Horace, 1868- False gods. Sat E P 178:1 Ja 27 '06 Lorrimer, Charles O Yuri San. Cent 72:266 Je '06 Losing Dummy. J. R. McMahon. Met 33:713 Mr '11 Losing game. W. Payne. Sat E P 182:3 O 2 '09 Loss of the Doric. H. P. Whitmarsh. Sat B P 172:618 Ja 13 '00 Loss of the Leo. C. McKay. McClure 23:429 Ag '04 Loss to literature. H. Shedd. Met 17:189 My '03 Lost. J. Barnes. Met 18:733 S '03 Lost: a Santa Claus. K. Jarboe. Harp W 47:29 D 12 '03 Lost. S. P. Whitman. Col 37:16 Jl 14 '06 Lost — a turkey. E. Flower. Lippinc 84:609 N '09 Lost — an echo. G.A.England. McClure 27:214 Je '06 Lost April twin. E. Macpherson. Met 18:644 Ag '03 Lost arrow. J. Belfield. Lippinc 88:432 S '11 Lost at patty-cake. C. N. Sims. Col 54:11 N 14 '14 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 179 Lost battery. D. H. Haines. Harp W 57:21 Jl 26 '13 Lost boy. H. Van Dyke. Harper 128:3 D '13 Lost caravel. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 39:327 Mr '06 Lost cartel. W. Inglis. Harper W 51:1832 D 14 '07 Lost chapters. K. L. Bosher. Outl 99:717 N 25 '11 Lost children. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 67:166 D ■08 Lost contract. W. Payne. Sat E P 179:8 Mr 16 '07 Lost dog. M. E. Wilkins. Harper 101:699 O '00 Lost ghost. M. E. W. Freeman. Everybody's 8:405 My '03 Lost grandmother. L. E. MacBrayne. Harp W 53:22 Jl 3 '09 Lost guidon. C. E. Craddock. Lippinc 88:259 Ag '11 Lost in the land of the midnight sun. A. Bridle and J. K. Macdonald. McClure 18:153 D '01 Lost job. A. E. McFarlane. McClure 36:599 Mr '11 Lost kirk. H. Whitaker. Harper 104:388 F '02 Lost lover of Sally Perkins. R. B. Tuthill. L H J 30:16 S '13 Lost lumber lead. L. Chamberlain. Everybody's 20:S47 Je '09 Lost oasis. H. C. Crew. Everybody's 23:713 N '10 Lost opportunity. B. Lefevre. Mun 25:429 Je ■01 Lost princess. H. K. Webster. Sat E P 179:5 D 15 '06 Lost Quixote. E. D. Biggers. Harp W 57:16 Ag 2 '13 Lost road. R. H. Davis. Col 50:15 D 14 '12 Lost story. F. Norris. Cent 66:371 Jl '03 Lost — two years. M. T. Antrim. Lippinc 79: 122 Ja '07 Lost words of love. C. Mendes. Cur Lit 39:463 O '05 Lot and the lottery. W. Irwin. McClure 40:46 Ap '13 Loti, Pierre, pseud. (Louis IVIarie Julien Vlaud), Marriage to the sea. Lippinc 89:133 Ja '12 Missionary of Annam. Outl 65:081 Jl ^21 uu Lottery of the sea. J. B. Connolly. Harper 124: 512 Mr '12 Lottridge. R. S. Baker. Col 35:14 My 27 "05 Lotus. C. Saxby. Everybody's 28:237 F '13 Lotus and the Cockleburrs. O. Henry. Every- body's 9:454 O '03 Louisa. J. W. Tompkins. Everybody's 12:98 J a '05 Louise: an episode in London chambers. E. R. Pennell. Allan 99:60 Ja '07 Loup, the dog smuggler. H. G. Rowland. Sat E P 182:8 Jl 10 '09 Finne'gan's swan-song. Harp W 57:0 Jl 20 '13 Keeper's comedy. Col 51:16 S 13 '13 South of the line. McClure 30:379 Ja 08 Strength of the law. McClure 32:538 Mr 09 What road goeth he? Atlan 105:224 F 10 Love. M. H. T'rner. Cosmop 49:702 N '10 Love affair of a princess. L. McLaws. Lippinc 74:1 Jl '04 Love affair of an ugly duckling. I. Harding. L 11 J 29:19 O '12 Love affair of Hawkin's major. U. Rogers. Everybody'.s 2:521 Je '00 Love affair of No. 9. I>. Weadock. Col 52:16 Ja 31 '14 Love affairs of Patricia. See Quiller-Couch, Lilian. Love affairs of the twins. \V. A. Fraser. Sat E P 173:3 Ag 18 '00 Love alias dynamite. H. Johnson. Everybody's 29:230 Ag '13 Love among the blackboards. M. Kelly. Mc- Clure 20:485 Mr '03 Love among thieves. G. M. Cooke. Lippinc 79: 1 Ja '07 Love and a morning ride. E. M. Coombs. Lip- pinc 84:620 N '09 Love and advertising. R. W. Tully. Cosmop 40:670 Ap '06 Love and an old bookman. R. Le Gallienne. Delin 81:169 Mr '13 Love and polo. G. Hibbard. Les Mo 58:439 Ag '04 Love and Mademoiselle Clemence. H. S. Thomas. Delin 76:162 S '10 Love and politics. J. Cady. Delin 73:428 Mr '09 Love and rheumatism. A. C. Goodloe. Scrib 50: 96 Jl '11 Love and the beauty doctor. W. Irwin. Mun 46:465 Ja '12 Love and the business. G. Davies. Col 53:10 Ag 29 '14 Love and the canal. J. F. Wood. Cent 81:124 N '10 Love and the dancing bear. B. Pottle. Met 20:692 Ag '04 Love and the lady. A. Sutro. Cosmop 37:683 O '04 Love and the law. M. M. Williams. Delin 80: 215 O '12 Love and the locksmiths. J. C. Lincoln. Sat E P 177:6 Ag 27 '04 Love and the lot. P. A. F. Walter. L H J 21 14 Ag '04 Love and the machine. A. S. Pier. Atlan 99 678 My '07 Love and the terror. A. S. Winston. Cent 76 506 Ag '08 Love and the wicked city. B. Braley. Col 49 19 Jl 6 '12 Love — as a matter of course. C. Hamilton Cosmop 36:559 Mr '04 Love at long distance. J. R. Perry. Cent 68 937 O '04 Love by lightning. M. T. Daviess. Cent 86 641 S '13 Love chase. V. T. Sutphen. Sat E P 172:988 Ap 28 '00 Love divine all love excelling. C. T. Brady. Delin 61:90 Ja '03 Love in a mask. A. E. Duffy. Met 40:14 Ag '14 Love in ambush. K. Masterson. Met 15:96 Ja '02 Love in Longacre Square. R. E. MacAlarney. Sat E P 184:14 Ja 20 '12 Love in the mist. C. Benedict. Harper 113: 730 O '06 Love in the valley. Mrs. L. H. Harris. Amer 03:438 F '07 Love knot. W. W. Jacobs. Cosmop 41:31 My •06 Love-lamp. Z. Gale. Everybody's 16:525 Ap '07 Love laughs at lions. E. Kenton. Cent 72:333 Jl '06 Love laughs at locksmiths. H. S. Harrison. Harper 103:663 S '01 Love, law and the line. F. Dana. Everybody's 7:119 Ag '02 Love letters of a scientist. L. L. Hinckley. Sat K P 1S5:13 D 21 '12 Love-letters of Falstaff. J. B. Cabell. Harper 104:5;)1 Mr '02 Love-love-love! B. Lessing. Cosmop 49:70 Je •1(» Love making for young men. H. Carruth. Cos- mop ;!r):475 Ag '03 Love match. J. M. Formay. Harper 115:441 Ag •07 Love mo. love my dog. I. H. Gillmore. Every- body's 11:700 N '04 i8o STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Love never faileth. A. N. Bourne. Amer 65:66 N '07 Love o' man. C. W. Morrison and E. B. Miles. Lippinc 93:354 Mr '14 Love of a man. D. H. Talmadge. Mun 24:125 O '00 Love of a section man. M. J. Phillips. Mun 29: 904 S '03 Love of Denys de Vaudrencoeur. B. M. Dix. Lippinc 70:66 Jl '02 Love of Libby Baxter. I. Clark. New Eng n s 30:377 My '04 Love of life. J. London. McClure 26:144 D '05 Love of monsieur. G. Gibbs. Lippinc 71:595 My '03 Love of the plains. M. H. Catherwood. Delin 58:412 S 01 Love of the world. M. A. Bacon. Atlan 104: 367 S '09 Love on Lost mountain. C. T. Brady. Delin 5S:923 D '01 Love-pirate. J. Hopper. Cosmop 5S:2 D '14 Love pirate. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 185:8 F 1 •13 Love Platonic. C. G. Kephart. Met 17:42 Ja '03 Love scene in the Easter play. B. Flower. L H J 20:6 Ap '03 Love settlement. R. W. Tully. Cosmop 41:189 Je '06 Love she gave him. L. Chamberlain. L H J 24:20 N '07 Love story. A. Webster. McClure 15:573 O '00 Love story from the rice fields of China. S. S. Far. New Eng n s 45:343 D '11 Love story of a cad. M. Gauss. McClure 28: 559 Mr '07 Love story of a high-born Japanese girl. A. Kinnosuke. L H J 26:10 Jl '09 Love story of an ugly girl. E. S. Small. Mun 28:754 F '03 Love story of Robert Prouty. E. Wood. Mun 29:562 Jl '03 Love story of the fourth class. P. Curtiss. Col 50:16 N 16 '12 Love that endures. S. M. HalL L H J 22:11 Je '05 Love that glorifies. L. T. Bryant. McClure 16: 50 N '00 Love that is blindest. W. G. Shepherd. Mun 38:687 F '08 Love, the destroyer. E. G. Jordan. Harper 108:898 My '04 Love the pilgrim. Mrs. H. Ellis. Forum 52:350 S '14 Love token of Simeon Knox. M. A. McKim. New Eng n s 38:745 Ag '08 Love unaware. L. Robinson. Mun 31:634 Jl '04 Love versus immortality. J. F. Wilson. Harp W 55:12 Ap 8 '11 Love while you wait. L,. Osbourne. Sat E P 173:6 My 11 '01 Lovell, Ingraham (pseud.). See Bacon, Jose- phine Dodge (Daskam) Lovely. J. W. Tompkins. Scrib 42:586 N '07 Lover. E. DuvalL Atlan 88:641 No '01 Lovers. J. Oppenheim. Delin 76:357 N '10 Lovers' Baedeker; or Arcady and its environs. C. Wells. Cent 79:796 Mr '10 Lovers' dilemma. W. J. Locke. Col 41:15 Ap 11 'OS Lovers idle. R. C. Brown. Harp W 58:22 S 20 •13 Lovers in heaven. J. Hawthorne. Cent 71:232 D '05 Lover's knot: comedy. M. Merington. Harp B 44:384 Je '10 Lovers of poverty. L. W. Hart. New Eng n s 2J:6S0 Ag '00 Lovers of Sanna. See Cutting, Mrs. Mary Stewart. Lovers on an island. B. Pain. Cosmop 34:151 D '02 Love's land. E. Watson. Everybody's 11:200 Ag '04 Love's manifold altars. A. T, Colcock. New Eng n s 33:17 S '05 Loves of Juanita. E. Boltwood. Mun 43:240 My '10 Loves of Prosper. K. H. Brown. Everybody's 6:55 Ja '02 Loves of Sakura Jiro. O. Watanna. Cent 65: 755 Mr '03 Love's steady light. E. Cobb. L H J 28:17 F 1 '11 Love's strange spell. W. J Lampton. Sat E P 173:18 Ap 27 '01 Love's undertow. A. A. Rogers. Lippinc 79: 433 Ap '07 Love's water test. C. N. Sims. Col 52:20 Ja 10 '14 Love's young dream. D. Canfield. Everybody's 13:266 Ag '05 Loving heart of a dog. I. Clark. Everybody's 26:.s42 Je '12 Loving's bend. E. B. Bronson. McClure 32:85 N 'OS Low, Julia Ross Her hospitable heart. Scrib 49:695 Je '11 Playthings of circumstance. Outl 101:199 My 25 '12 Lowe, Corinne Burbanking grandma. Sat E P 187:24 Ag 8 •14 Cinderella upside down. Sat E P 185:35 N 30 '12 Counter encounters. Sat E P 183:16 Ap 8 "11 Furnished up to date. Sat E P 186:14 F 7 '14 Great woman merchant. Sat E P 183:5 Mr IS '11 Lowell, Edith Achievement. Lippinc 94:371 S '14 Lower animal. N. Duncan. Harper 124:752 Ap '12 Lowly diplomat. E. Nordahl. Everybody's 18: SOS Je '08 Lowndes, Mrs. Belloc. See Lowndes, Marie Adelaide (Belloc) Lowndes, Mrs. Frederick Sawrey. See Lowndes, ^larie Adelaide (Belloc) Lowndes, Marie Adelaide (Belloc) (Mrs. Fred- erick Sawrey Lowndes), 1S6S- According to Meredith. McClure 33:444 Ag '09 Chambige affair. Harp W 57:12 Je 21 '13 Citizen of Calais. McClure 37:60 My '11 Decree made absolute. McClure 31:133 Je '08 Lodger. McClure 36:262 Ja '11 Moving finger writes. McClure 31:445 Ag '08 Not proven. Harp W 57:12 Jl 4 '13 Praslin murder. Harp '^^ 57:12 Je 28 '13 Two wives. McClure 39:374 Ag '12 Why they married. Scrib 52:733 D '12 Lowry-Turck love affair. S. Waterloo. Sat E P 173:6 N 3 '00 Loyalty of Stephen Stovel's widow. A. M. Cleaveland. Mun 33:93 Ap '05 Loyalty of Willie Binnie. M. Foster. Every- body's 1S:617 My 'OS Lucas, Edward Verrall, 1868- One left. Atlan 109:364 Mr '12 Lucia and the quest of youth. L. L. Hinkley. Sat E P 186:8 Jl 5 '13 Lucia Baxter's pilgrimage. L. A. Long. Met 33:75 O '10 Lucia di Rock Creek. E. Hough. Col 49:18 Je 8 '12 Lucian's aviation story. C. Johnston. Harp W 55:13 Ag 12 '11 Lucille of the convent. A. Courlander. Mun 41:836 S '09 Luck of a book farmer. J. R. Spears. Scrib 46:350 S '09 Luck of a dozen and one. A. Lee. Delin 83:8 O '13 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 i8i Luck of Baldy Driggs. D. S. Groesbeck. Harp W 53:13 Jl 10 '09 Luck of Batture Baptiste. R. M. Stuart. Cent 8S:63 My '14 Luck of Captain Spink. M. Roberts. Sat E P 17S:3 Mr 10 '06 Luck of E. Hecox. H. W. Shelton. Harp W 55: IT Je 17 '11 Luck of Gordon-Bligh. A. MacGowan. Mun 32: 347 D '04 — Luck of Jenkin Doy. J. S. McGroarty. Sat E P 183:26 Mr 25 '11 Luck of Mr. Hopkins. E. J. Rath. Amer 66:86 My '08 Luck of Monty Morrison. D. H. Talmadge. Mun 24:791 F '01 Luck of Smalley. H. C. Rowland. Scrib 35: 729 Je '04 Luck of the horseshoe. C. King. Sat E P 174:6 Mr 29 '02 Luck of the Northern mail. A. M. Kerr. Mc- Clure 14:230 Ja '00 Luck of the three sevens. R. H. Farnham. Cosmop 35:161 Je *03 Luck on Bald Knob. M. Earle. Mun 29:712 Ag '03 Lucky at cards. C. B. Davis. Met 37:7 Mr '13 Lucky-bug. E. L. Pearson. Outl 95:583 Jl 16 '10 Lucky dog. A. C. McKenzie. Mun 24:101 O '00 Lucky hazard. M. M. Parker. Everybody's 3: 272 S '00 Lucky M. Passicousset. G. Weston. Harp W 53:22 Ap 10 '09 Lucky man with the safety pin. F. Pier. Harp W 53:22 My 1 '09 Lucky number. K. Harris. Sat E P 185:18 S 14 '12 Lucky number. R. Regis. Cur Lit 53:478 O '12 Lucky numbers. M. Glass. Sat E P 187:13 D 12 '14 Lucky stratagem. F. K. Hoffman. Lippinc 71: Tk.O Ap '03 Luclin's flight. M. Williams. Everybody's 22: 657 My '10 Lucretia and the Lord's will. M. K. Thompson. McClure 43:65 Je '14 Lucy. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 106:51 D '02 Lucy Ellen's declaration of independence. Harp P. 33:302 Ap 7 '00 Lucy's Christmas ride. A. French. Mun 24: 441 D '00 Ludlum, Evelyn Morse First bride of the town. L H J 18:10 My '01 Girl at Glaser's. Harper 100:456 F '00 Ludwig, Frances A. Test. McClure 36:557 Mr '11 Trixie. McClure 36:441 F '11 Luella Miller. M. E. Wilkins. Everybody's 7: 553 D '02 Luella's love story. W. M. Kirkland. Met 19: 364 D '03 Lugging boat on Sowadnehunk. F. TI. Eck- storm. Atlan 93:501 Ap '04 Lulsa pays in gold. G. W. Ogden. Col 52:18 Ja 17 '14 Luk-Ole, Ole. pseud. Joint in the harness. McClure 34:547 Mr '10 Kite. McClure 34:638 Ap "10 Mole-warfare — a tale of the Manchurian war. Cur Lit 50:455 Ap '11 Point of view. McPlure 35:80 My '10 Lumberjack. W. Kirk. Cosmop 44:613 My *0S Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859- Wliito llama. Atlan ;>5;4S4 Ap *05 Lump of gold. J. Hopper. Sat E P 186:1 D 27 '13 Lunch for two more. H. L. Huntington. Mun :;o :::',:: k '04 Luncheon plan. K. N. Birdsall. Everybody's 5:7is D '01 Luncheon with Marion. K. Hoffman. Mun 30: -70 N '03 Lunching Miss Mary Burton. C. Wells. Lip- pinc 78:753 D '06 Lure of the bleachers. H. S. FuUerton. Amer 77:29 My '14 Lure o' the whei-ewithal. W. H. Osborne. Sat E P 178:6 Je 16 '06 Lurie, Charles N. My fatal blunders. Harper 102:654 Mr '01 Lust of conquest. R. Sabatini. Lippinc 86:483 O '10 Lustrous lady. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 89:321 Mr '12 Lute mender. A. Partlan. Mun 45:763 S '11 Luther, Calvin H. Wings of the morning. Scrib 48:85 Jl '10 Luther, Grace Montagu (Richmond) (Mrs. Mark L. Luther and Luther, Mark Lee Flat that Joe built. L H J 31:22 Ag '14 Luther, Mark Lee, 1872- Discoveries. Amer 61:262 Ja '06. For value received. Cent 75:96 N *07 Karabad, The. Sat E P 180:5 O 12 '07 On war's red touchstone. New Eng n s 24: 510 Jl '01 Return to nature. Sat E P 177:6 Ap 9 '05 Schism at St. Hilda's. McClure 24:314 Ja '05 Stay of proceedings. Sat E P 177:3 F 11 '05 — See Luther, Grace IMontagu, jt. auth. Luther, Mrs. Mark Lee. See Luther, Grace Montagu. Lutz, Grace Livingston Hill, 1865- Best man. Lippinc 92:273 S '13 Mystery of Mary. Lippinc 86:129 Ag '10 Luxury. N. Boice. Amer 71:112 N '10 Lyde, Phoebe Abbot of Bon-Accord. Lippinc 74:765 D '04 Adventures of Amaryllis. Lippinc 72:467 O '03 Forgotten trail. Cosmop 31:422 Ag '01 Pastoral players. Lippinc 69:731 Je '02 Princess of the Western isles. Lippinc 77:608 My '06 Tiberius the truant. Lippinc 71:400 Mr '03 Unknown quantity. Cosmop 29:372 Ag "00 Lydia. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 119:60 Je '09 Lyie, Eugene P., Jr., 1873- DArtagnan of Kansas. Everybody's 27:337 S '12 His biggest venture. Cent 88:389 Jl '14 Lieutenant Desiderata. Everybody's 30:516 Ap Milady's incognito. Everybody's 31:742 D '14 Shark. Cent 87:942 Ap '14 Substitute for eloping. Mun 22:863 Mr '00 Valiant little fat man. Everybody's 4:133 F '01 Yardstick of Aramis. Everybody's 28:636 My '13 Lyies, Mary L. Interrupted riot. Delin 80:84 Ag '12 Junior examiner. Cent 76:651 S '08 Lyman, Olive Linus, 1873- Lash of honor. Everybody's 21:646 N '09 Lynch, Gertrude F. 'i'hl.stlo and a rose. Sat E P 173:24 S 29 '00 Lynching of the night marshall. C. Hilton- Tiirvry. Col 53:10 My 2 '14 Lynch's daughter. See Merrick, Leonard Lynde, Francis, 1856- i;i.ilhu. TJppinc 71:706 My '03 Capture of Nelly Carribin. Cent 75:537 F '08 Celtic beauty. r>ippinc 65:586 Ap '00 County flare antrel. Cosmop 33:06 My '02 Cronaraidh ghost. Lippinc 75:74 Ja "05 Curiosity of farnf-y. Delin 65:92 Ja '05 Curse of the heretic. McClure 34:670 Ap '10 Day of the scholars. Mrf'Iure 38:146 D '11 DInny O'Neill. Lippinc 80:59 Jl '07 Far adventures of Billy Burns. Cosmop 36:459 F '01 How Condy Dhu raised the devil. TJi)i)lnc 76: 722 D '05 How Dark Patrick saved the I'.aiik of Ireland. Les Mo 56:332 Ag '03 MacManus, Seumas — continued How Miss Turkington did not see Queen Vic- toria. Lippinc 72:361 S '03 Irish courtship. Lippinc 82:739 D '08 Irisli wit and humor. Les Mo 59:594 Mr, 716 Ap '05 Jerry MacFaddyeen's supper. Harp W 44:9 Ja 6 '00 Knife in the crooked thorn. L H J 21:7 O '04 Larry Devenny's leg of goose. Harper 102:325 Ja '01 Last serpent. Cosmop 37:65 My '04 Lord Thorny's eldest son. Cosmop 35:651 O '03 Matchmaker. Delin 65:833 My '05 Mrs. Carney's sealskin. L H J 21:12 N '04 Mrs. McCafferty's mistake. Cent 62:430 Jl '01 Mrs. M'Groarty's inheritance. Cent 70:757 S '05 Pathrick's proxy. Cosmop 28:343 Ja '00 Penalty of greatness. Lippinc 73:456 Ap '04 Postmistress of Knockagar. Outl 74:860 Ag 1 '03 Prestige of the universe. Les Mo 55:596 Ap •03 Queen's conquest. Everybody's 22:448 Ap '10 Rake-maker^s race. Everybody's 10:303 Mr '04 Richard Foster. Harper 101:451 Ag '00 Romance of Phelim Ruadh. Sat E P 172:588 Ja 6 '00 Sacrifice of Nabla. Lippinc 74:216 Ag '04 Station in Nancy Maguires. Harper 100:209 Ja '00 Steel of bells. McClure 24:251 Ja '05 Story of Donacba Laidir. Lippinc 89:235 F '12 Sword of light. Lippinc 80:756 D '07 Three master tradesmen. Outl 64:317 F 3 '00 Tinker of Tamlacht. Cosmop 34:673 Ap '03 Two brothers. Harper 101:793 O '00 Two cockneys and a conspirator. Lippinc 66: 270 Ag 00 Unto the least of these. Col 53:12 Ag 29 '14 "^"ife for Jack Dempsey. Les Mo 55:172 D '02 Wonderful story of Terry McGowan. Lippinc 76:71 Jl '05 Wonders of the three Donals. Harp W 57:17 Je 28 '13 McM aster's golf. H. S. Turner. Mun 30:273 N '03 Macmechen, Edgar C. Question of character. Amer 72:130 My '11 MacMurchy, Marjory Dissimilaiity of Vanessa. Harp B 34:264 F 2 •01 House of Plutus. Harp B 34:900 Ap 6 '01 McNab's wife. Q. Scott. Met 34:207 My '11 McNamara, Sue Almost dark. Mun 52:307 Jl '14 Macnaughton, Mrs. Allan. See Kelly, Myra McNeill's parole. A. T. Quiller-Couch. Les Mo 51:582 Ap '01 McNoodle of the Educated Seals. H. G. Van Campen. Sat E P 185:6 O 12 "12 McNutt, William Slavens Bob Corrigan's fight with a memory. Mun 51: 737 My •H Macpherson, Ewan Lost Apiil twin. Met 18:644 Ag '03 Major gets even. Scrib 35:117 Ja '04 Revelation in the Pennyrils. Scrib 31:44 Ja '02 Rudolph of Mis-Hapsburg. Mun 27:79 Ap '02 McPIke — backslider. A. M. Cliisholm. Met 25: 23 O '06 McPike's good fortune. M. Martin. Mun 33:189 My '05 MacPyke, Douglas Blair Bumhlepuppvs revenge. Harp W 53:25 Jl 3 •O't Oatheriir o' the clans. Harp W 53:17 Ag 14 •09 McQueen, Anne My lady. Delin 71:620 Ap 'OS McRoss, I. Diplomatist for a friend. Met 17:197 My '03 II.ind.^oiiK- l-'.'lix. New I'^ng n h 26:lSi Ap "02 McShInn — his jiromlse. U. L. Harrlman. Delin 73:433 Mr '09 1 86 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 McTavish. G. Morris. Everybody's 21:88 Jl '09 MacVane, Edith, 18S0- .,, -, t„ 'oq Duchess of dreams. Lippinc 81. 1 Ja 08 Homing tides. Harper 111:859 N 05 Orchid of sudden death. McClure 42:127 Ja Qultn's pearl. McClure 42:113 N '13 Radium robbers. McClure 43:64 Jl 14 Strange career of Miss Gordon; The Zibellme coat. McClure 41:107 O '13 Three knocks. McClure 42:143 D 13 Tuharczin case. Lippinc 87:513 My 11 Twisted cord. McClure 30:423 F 08 Macy, John Albert, 1877- ^, „ ai . \unt Foster's cranberries. New Eng n s 31. 201 O '04 Madame. J. T. Bishop. Mun 24:784 F '01 Madame Arvilla. E. S. Shaeffer. Atlan 102:15 Jl '08 Madame Bluebeard. R. E. Vernede. Harp W 53:22 N 13 '09 Madame De Treymes. E. Wharton. Scrib 40: 166 Ag '06 Madame Jollcoeur's cat. T. A. Janvier. Harper 124:849 My '12 Madame Joy-ln-Llfe. W. Petrunkevitch. De- lin 76:471 D '10 Madame Noel. G. H. Picard. Lippinc 66:643 N •00 Madame Robin. P. Gibbon. Scrib 53:334 Mr '13 Madame's battle. A. Warner. Mun 30:159 O '03 Madame's doctor. G. Weston. Col 52:17 Ja 3 '14 Madame's Mexican mix-up. G. Weston. Col 53: 11 Ap 4 "14 Madame's Thanksgiving. G. Weston. Col 54:5 N 21 '14 Madame's third affair. G. Weston. Col 52:17 Ja 31 '14 Maddalena speaks. N. Boyce. Forum 51:103 Ja •14 Madden, Eva Anne, 1863- Consolidation in fathers. Cent 76:<10 S 08 For Russia. Cur Lit 46:572 My '09 Interrupted pen. Cent 81:547 F '11 Made in Borneo. L. Crane. Mun 38:129 O '07 Made in heaven. M. S. Briscoe. Harper 115: 546 S '07 Made-up photograph and the millionaire. W. H. Osborne. Sat E P 176:6 Ja 9 '04 Madeline Tristram. A. D. Sedgwick. Cent 69: 735 Mr '05 Madelon Viera. M. H. Vorse. Atlan 105:453 Ap '10 Mademoiselle Angele. R. R. Gilson. Atlan 87: 398 Mr '01 Mademoiselle De Castelfrane. A. Ribaux. Cos- mop 30:381 F '01 Mademoiselle Parchesi. G. Burgess. McClure 15: 495 O '00 Mademoiselle's love story. M. W. Hastings. Mun 28:596 Ja '03 Madge Fireboot's husband. P. Curtiss. Sat E P 184:18 Ja 6 '12 Madness of Barry. J. Futrelle. Harp W 49:1636 N 11 '05 Madness of John Harned. J. London.. Every- body's 23:657 N '10 Madness of Luis. A. O. Hagan. Mun 34:434 Ja '06 Madness of much money. A. H. Lewis. Every- body's 9:517 O '03 Madness of Nicoletta. M. H. Potter. Harper 105:761 O '02 Madness of Philip. J. D. Daskam. McClure 16 183 D '00 Madness of Sari. V. Vaniatsky. Lippinc 76 208 Ag '05 Madness of Toppy McGee. O. Johnson. Met 30 56!) Ag '09 Madness of Willie Trent. J. M. Forman. Everybody's 20:86 Ja '09 Madonna from Whitechapel. P. C. MacFarlane. Amer 76:50 D '13 Madonna of the Blackbird. A. Train. Every- body's 28:3 Ja '13 Madonna of the desert. E. W. Peattie. Harper 111:507 S '05 Madonna of the ermine mantle. E. W. Champ- ney. Harper 103:775 O '01 Madonna of the toys: Christmas story. M. S. Cutting. L H J 22:6 D '04 Madonna of Tinkle Tinkle. N. Duncan. Atlan 110:615 N '12 Madonna's necklace. O. M. Briggs. Mun 38:304 D '07 Maelstrom. E. Noble. Everybody's 2:66 Ja '00 Maestro of Balangilang. J. Hopper. McClure 24:543 Mr '05 Maeterlinck, Georgette Leblanc- (Mrs. Maurice Maeterlinck) Children's Blue bird: story version. L H J 30;15 Mr, 15 Ap, 15 My. 19 Je, 17 Jl '13 Maeterlinck, Mrs. Maurice. See Maeterlinck, Georgette Leblanc- Maggie. M. N. Thurston. L H J 31:10 Ag '14 Maggie Donahue. E. L. Sabin. Mun 35:231 My '06 Maggie Mulrennin — mud-hen. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 183:10 Jl 23 '10 Maggie Verity's reconversion. D. B. Fitzgerald. Xew Eng n s 35:50 S '06 Maggie's minstrel. F. Converse. Cent 89:106 N ■14 Maggy's choice. E. S. Chamberlayne. Les Mo 51:51 N '00 Magic. E. L. Pearson. Outl 95:80 My 14 '10 Magic coins. K. L. Mead. Mun 25:133 Ap '01 Magic fife. C. Major. Harp W 54:15 F 12 '10 Magic formula. L. P. Jacks. Atlan 112:305 S 13 Magic glasses. F. Harris. Forum 44:385 O '10 Magic kiss. H. Alexander. Cosmop 33:709 O '02 Magic lantern. J. Huneker. Cent 74:416 Jl '07 Magic name. G. Phillips. Cosmop 45:665 N '08 Magic of sourness. W. C. Estabrook. Cent 76: 841 O '08 Magical anagram. M. Johnson. Delin 60:1005 D '02 Magnate and the lover. T. Masson. Cosmop 36:376 Ja '04 Magnate of paradise. M. I. Taylor. Lippinc 84:513 N '09 Magnetic hearth. J. B. Connolly. Harper 114: 99 D '06 Magnetized man. M. Robertson. Mun 32:675 F '05 Magnificent Olga. L. D. Martin. Cent 80:130 My '10 Magpie. J. X. Bonneau. Harp W 55:16 D 30 '11 Magpie over the hill. J. Galsworthy. Cent 84: 521 Ag '12 Magruder, Julia, 1854-1907 Harry of England. Scrib 32:528 N '02 Johnny Watts's money. Harp B 33:781 Jl 28 '00 Thousandth woman. Lippinc 75:1 Ja '05 Magruder, Mary Lamier Feud and flood. Col 52:17 F 7 '14 First love. Col 53:13 Jl IS '14 Their story's end. Col 52:7 D 6 '13 Mahala Joe. M. Austin. Atlan 94:44 Jl '04 Mahala's plan. M. Holley. Lippinc 71:828 Je '03 Mahmoud Pasha of the D. P. W. F. C. Pen- field. Cent 66:351 Jl '03 Mahuet. W. A. Eraser. Harper 103:268 Jl '01 Maid and the millionaire. M. White, Jr. Mun 29:107 Ap '03 Maid of honor. A. O'Hagan. Mun 28:433 D '02 Maid of Landevennec. J. M. Forman. Harper 109:497 S '04 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 187 Maid of New Amsterdam. H. Scheffauer. Harp W 53:22 D 25 '09 Maiden caprice. W. Pulitzer. Delin 69:879 My '07 Mail-order cowboy. H. Johnson. Scrib 50:593 N '11 Maimie, The. E. Balmer. Col 45:23 Ap 2 '10 Maizeroy, Rene. See Toussaint-Maizeroy, Rene Jean Maje: a love story. A. C. Gordon. Scrib 55:2, 111 Ja-F '14 Majesty of the law. M. R. S. Andrews. Harper 10S:6G8 Ap '04 Majesty of the law. F. P. Dunne. Amer 77:12 F 14 Major Bronquard of the army. L. Osbourne. Everybody's 30:67 Ja '14 Major, Charles (Edwin Caskoden, pseud), 1S56- 1913 Adventures of the little king: story of the childhood of Louis XIV, king of France. L H J 27:15 D '09, IG Ja. 20 F. IS Mr '10 Blue river bear stories. L H J 17:11 O, 7 N, 18:15 D '00, 11 Ja, 15 F '01 Castle on the Brandy^vine. Everybody's 5: 340 S '01 Fisherman who caught a bear. Everybody s 3:521 D '00 Magic fife. Harp W 54:15 F 12 '10 On the stroke of nine. Everybody's 4:645 Je •01 "Wolf hunt. Everybody's 4:329 Ap '01 Major gets even. E. Macpherson. Scrib 35:117 Ja '04 Major John. F. H. Spearman. Outl 66:849 D 1 '00 Major Miles and the Grim Reaper. L. B. Yates. Sat E P 187:13 Jl 18 '14 Major Miles' chickens. L. B. Yates. Sat E P 187:14 O 17 '14 Major Tomover's trunk. H. Carruth. Harper 105:159 Je 02 Major's lost fiancee. H. Sears. Sat E P 177:3 Jl 16 '04 Major's Waterloo. E. H. Porter. New Eng n s 31:618 Ja '05 Make-believe. K. Harris. Sat E P 181:20 Ja 2 '09 Make-believe house. G. S. Mason. L H J 31: I'j My '14 Make-believe man. R. H. Davis. Col 44:13, 20 Ja 29, F 5 '10 Make-believe mother. E. Taylor. Scrib 46:52 Jl '09 Make-good country. F. Palmer. Scrib 56:327 S '14 Make way for the young. H. B. Fuller. Scrib 46:625 N '09 Makee, Walter Jiy way of the attic. Lippinc 78:69 Jl '06 Initiative of Pokes. Lippinc 77:208 F '06 That deal of Doughty's. Lippinc 79:620 My '07 Maker of images. V. T. Sutphen. Harper 110: 870 My '05 Maker of kings. B. B. Gilchrist. Harp W 52: 16 Jl 11 '08 Maker of mirrors. E. Wheeler. Atlan 92:338 S '03 Maker of the hero. M. Harris. Les Mo 58:219 Je '04 Makeshift, The. F. I. Anderson. Sat E P 187:3 S r, '14 Making a business woman. See Monroe, Anne .Shannon. Making a magazine. S. I^eacock. Amer 76:09 r^ '13 Making a man of him. J. C. T.,incoln. Rvery- body'.H 18;15 Ja '08 Making a million. W. E. Weyl. Sat E P 185:3 Ap 5 '13 Making a sabe hombre. W. Adams. Col 52:16 O 11 '13 Making allowances for mamma. K. Norris. Amer 74:269 Jl '12 Making copy out of father. C. B. Loomis. Mun 42:626 F '10 Making friends. O. Johnson. Sat E P 1S1:8 N 7 '08 Making good with mother. B. Ferber. Amer 77:22 Ja '14 Making heads for the road. R. Steele. Sat E P 1SC:4 D 27 '13 Making mother comfortable. E. H. Brainerd. Harp B 40:368 Ap '07 Making of a citizen. S. Ford. Harp W 51:1764 N 3 '07 Making of a country home. J. P. Mobray. Everybody's 4:99 F '01 Making of a doctor of divinity. R. E. Young. Cent 71:725 Mr '06 Making of a fortune. See Spofford, Harriet Prescott. Making of a hero. L. L. Topping. Delin 74:512 D '09 Making of a man. I. Maclaren. Met 24:58 O •06 Making of a marchioness. See Burnett, F. H. Making of a match. E. S. Martin. Harper 107:89 Je '03 Making of a militant. E. A. Zangwill. Lippinc 89:268 F '12 Making of a pilot. A. W. Vorse. Scrib 30:661 D '01 Making of a statesman. J. C. Harris. Sat E P 174:3 Ja 25, 12 F 1 '02 Making of a sun-god. K. Brown. Cosmop 32:497 Mr '02 Making of Camilla. M. Ilsley. Atlan 96:537 O '05 Making of the climax. E. McCracken. Met 1S;636 Ag '03 Making of the match. Mrs. C. M. Williamson. Met 23:606 F '06 Making of two. S. Comstock. Col 40:22 D 14 '07 Making over a big store. Sat E P 186:16 Ja 17 ■u Making over Milton. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:5 F 19 '10 Making over of Pinch. E. Walker. Mun 31:857 S '04 Making progress. G. E. King. Harper 102:423 F '01 Making £10,000. T. Mundy. McClure 40:37 Ap '13 Makings of a husband. E. Marange. Lippinc 94:193 Ag '14 Makin's of a hayro. G. W. Ogden. McClure 28:17 N '06 Male plumage. G. Schock. Harper 126:537 Mr ■13 Malinke's atonement. M. Antin. Atlan 108:300 S '11 Mallabar, William L. In Pacific waters. Cosmop 46:631 My '09 Mallet's masterpiece. E. H. Peple. Mun 35:76 .\p '06 Mallon, Florence C. Chii) in porridge. Harp B 42:982 O *08 Lilac hat. Harp B 43:566 Je '09 Malone, Eva Williams Ma's husban'. Lis Mo 56:248 Jl '03 Malony, Kate Brigham Why Jones resembled the zebra. Met 12:518 () '00 Maltby, M. T. Airiiy and navy game. Mot 16:549 N '02 Int.rmoziso. Met 12:332 S '00 Mam' Llddy's recognition. T. N. Page. Col :!3:M .\i) 16 '04 Mam' Linda. See Harben, William Nathaniel. STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Mammon of unrighteousness. J. Belfield. New Eng n s 44:147 Ap '11 Mammy. J. C. Bray. New Eng n s 41:614 Ja '10 Mammy. J. R. Tutwiler. Atlan 91:60 Ja '03 Mammy's ghost story. J. C. Bray. New Eng n s 47:276 Ag '12 Mammy's jack o' lantern. J. C. Bray. New Eng n s 49:133 My '13 Ma'm'selle Lucette. K. A. Whiting. Everybody's 19:423 S 'OS Man: a story of love and horsemanship. W. L. Beard. Met 14:789 D '01 Man. A. Bierce. Cosmop 45:29 S '08 Man, A. C. Foley. Outl 72:214 S 27 '02 Man, a maid and a motor. C. B. Loomis. New Eng n s 29:557 Ja '04 Man-afraid-of-his-wardrobe. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 186:5 Jl 26 '13 Man among the drums. B. D. Lloyd. Sat E P 179:5 Mr 23 '07 Man and a brother. S. H. Adams. McClure 24:359 F '05 Man and a woman. S. W. Mitchell. Cent 63:585 F '02 Man and dog. L. Housman. Harper 122:524 Mr '11 Man and his dog. H. Johnson. Cent 85:732 Mr '13 Man and his freedom. C. E. Williams. Harper 120:297 Ja '10 Man and his neighbor. E. T. Royle. Mun 26:590 Ja '02 Man and his rose-garden. A. Brown. Harper 114:27 D '06 Man and the boy. J. M. Lippman. Harper 106:155 D '02 Man and the cat. J. R. Church. Scrib 31:603 My '02 Man and the militant. A. Brown. Atlan 112:145 Ag '13 Man and the mother of him. C. Hilton-Turvey. Col 51:17 Jl 12 '13 Man and the woman. T. W. Hanshew. Cosmop 37:706 O '04 Man-animal. E. Hough. Sat E P 179:6 O 20 •06 Man as well. R. W. Child. Everybody's 18:516 Ap "08 Man at Key West. C. Goodloe. Everybody's 19:490 O '08 Man at the lonely station. A. M. Kerr. Sat E P 173:6 D 1 '00 Man at the wheel. E. W. Hornung. Scrib 48:187 Ag '10 Man at the wheel. M. Robertson. Sat E P 172:1051 My 12 '00 Man at Washington. J. R. Perry. Harp W 53:22 F 27 '09 Man before the mast. P. Gibbon. McClure 42:46 N '13 Man behind the drums. R. H. Schauffler. Cent 67:661 Mr '04 Man behind the ticket. E. Hungerford. Sat E P 186:14 D 13 '13 Man between: a sinister adventure in South Africa. W. A. Frost. Met 34:519 Jl '11 Man-child. V. Fj'les. Cosmop 46:389 Mr '09 Man for a' that. E. S. Pilsworth. Met 26:606 Ag '07 Man for a while. R. Hughes. Sat E P 186:5 F 14, 12 F 21 '14 Man for ten years. E. Poole. Everybody's 27:93 Jl '12 Man from Duluth. S. Crane. Met 13:175 F '01 Man from Hongkong. G. Bronson -Howard. Mun 35:639 Ag '06 Man from Montana. E. MacKubin. Sat E P 172:996 Ap 28 '00 Man from Omaha. G. W. Ogden. Mun 44:192 N '10 Man from the Seine. J. S. Reed. Cent 84:285 Je '12 Man from Vladivostock. T. J. Hains. Cosmop 39:223 Je '05 Man God laughed at. G. Fortescue. Col 52:17 O 4 '13 Man he saved. L. E. MacBrayne. New Eng n s 24:135 Ap '01 Man higher up. E. B. Waterworth. McClure 34:452 F '10 Man hunt. See Train, Arthur. Man I did marry. Mrs. C. T. Collins. L H J 24:21 S '07 Man in black. H. B. M. Watson. Col 32:15 Ja 16 '04 Man in front of Mannerings. C. A. P. Comer. Harper 127:41 Je '13 Man in hobbles. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 185:13 Mr 29 '13 Man in the bottle. V. Rousseau. Harp W 55:14 Mr 18 '11 Man in the chest. S. Ford. Les Mo 51:453 Mr •01 Man in the overcoat. E. M. Willett. Lippinc 73:745 Je '04 Man in the passage. G. K. Chesterton. Mc- Clure 40:57 Ap '13 Man in the pigeonhole. J. M. Palmer. McClure 24:522 Mr '05 Man in the shadow. R. W. Child. Harper 113:110 Je '06 Man in the shadow. P. Gibbon. L H J 27:7 Jl '10 Man in the street. M. I. Taylor. Lippinc 93:257 Mr '14 Man in the tower. F. H. Williams. Lippinc 72:605 N '03 Man in the tree. C. E. Craddock. Cent 80:429 Jl '10 Man of action. L. Perry. Cent SS:S58 O '14 Man of destiny. M. C. Dyar. Harper 117:873 N '08 Man of feeling. A. Brown. Harper 122:684 Ap '11 Man of flesh and blood. S. K. Glaspell. Harper 108:957 My "04 Man of Gloucester. H. D. Ward. Harper 118:849 My '09 Man of his word. A. D. Miller. Lippinc 71:147 F '03 Man of ideas. D. Canfield. Mun 38:118 O '07 Man of imagination. L. F. Tooker. Cent 76:879 O 'OS Man of many friends. M. L. Goetchius. Cent 76:670 S 'OS Man of mystery. J. M. Forman. Harp W 50:1706 D 1 '06 Man of no imagination. O. Johnson. Every- body's 18:504 Ap '08 Man of putty. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 175:6 D 13 '02 Man of science. G. H. Paine. Everybody's 3:50 Jl '00 Man of success. C. M. Williams. Mun 30:126 O '03 Man of the merchant marine. P. Vaux. Mun 27:649 Jl '02 Man of the service. H. Kramer. Mun 27:267 My '02 Man of the wire mask. I. E. Sanborn. Every- body's 29:239 Ag '13 Man of wrath. S. R. Crockett. Les Mo 51:127 D '00 Man on the hilltop. I. Bacheller. Harper 119: 370 Ag '09 Man on the stairs. M. Hastings. Cosmop 44:46 My 'OS STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 189 E. Curtiss. Amer Man proposes. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:10 Je 17 '11 Man proposes. W. E. Ingersoll. Everybody's 13:272 Ag '05 Man proposes. E. G. Jordan. Harper 126:207 Ja '13 Man that quit. G. R. Chester. Mun 41:416 Je ■09 Man that served two masters. O. Roberts. Mun 48:913 Mr '13 Man the Consul protected. B. H. Ridgely. Cent 69:402 Ja '05 Man the machine. H. Saint-Gaudens. Met 27; 730 Mr 'Ob Man, the maid and the miasma. P. G. Wode- house. Cosmop 49:51 Je '10 Man we didn't hang. J. Miller. Cur Lit 48:574 My 10 Man who adopted Asia. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 75:465 Ap '05 Man who answered. E. P. Abbott. Les Mo 58:130 Je '04 Man who beat Dan Dolan. H. G. Van Campen. Sat E P 185:8 Mr 29 '13 Man who braced up. L. A. Knight. Every- body's 31:613 N '14 Man who came back. LeR. Armstrong. Sat E. P. 183:12 N 12 '10 Man who came back. R. H. Davis. Met 19:210 N '03 Man who came back. E. Ferber. Amer 71:720 Ap 11 Man who came back. J. F. "Wilson. Amer 75:80 N '12 Man who changed his mind. R. W. Hofflund. Amer 75:11 Mr '13 Man who condemned. P. E. Browne. Delin 71:433 Mr 'OS Man who could have told. A. T. Quiller-Couch. Sat E P 173:5 O 6 '00 Man who could not lose. R. H. Davis. Col 45:17 Ag 20, 15 Ag 27 '10 Man who couldn't be honest. C. P. Norcross. Cosmop 43:191 Je '07 Man who couldn't go home. F. I. Anderson. Sat E P 186:17 Mr 28 '14 Man who couldn't miss. M. S. Gerry. Harper 129:948 N '14 Man who defied Garceno. E. J. Uhle. Met 29:647 Mr '09 Man who did not go to heaven on Tuesday. E. P. Butler. Cent 86:340 Jl '13 Man who died without death. L. F. Tooker. Cent 87:902 Ap '14 Man who failed. H. Ormsbee. Atlan 109:508 Ap '12 Man who feared. W. M. Raine. Les Mo 52:1^6 Je '01 Man who feared to die. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 182:12 Ja 22 '10 Man who forgot. A. Sedgwick. Cent 69:51 N '04 Man who foreswore Christmas. J. Corbin. Sat E P 184:.''> D 23 '11 Man who found himself. E. Kelley. McClure 19:110 Je '02 Man who found Kansas. J. Futrelle. Met 24:52 Ap '06 Man who gave no tip. B. H. Ridgely. McClure 17:423 S '01 Man who bated ChrlHtmas. H. Scheffauer. Harp \V 56:14 D 21 '12 Man who kicked. T. Masson. Delin 69:2S4 F •07 Man who knew. R. Norton. Met 30:431 Jl '09 Man who knew Bonner. A. W. Anderson. Harper 105:618 S '02 Man who knew Indians. C I.,ockhart. I.,e8 Mo 60:191 Je '05 Man who knew life. P. 74:84 My '12 Man who laughed in church. W. A. M. Goode. Sat E P 177:6 N 19 '04 Man who looked up. G. Morris. Met 35:15 N '11 Man who made believe. L. Evans. Met 40:24 O '14 Man who made good. A. Stringer. Every- body's 23:785 D '10 Man who missed his moment. G. Chittenden. Scrib 47:724 Je '10 Man who never knew. P. Gibbon. McClure 28:243 Ja '07 Man who never lived. E. Flower. Lippinc 73: 247 F '04 Man who owned their house. A. Ormond. L H J 28:10 F 1 '11 Man who planted the hungry-grass. R. Sawyer. Everybody's 27:273 Ag '12 Man who played God. G. Morris. Cosmop 52:278 Ja '12 Man who ran away. W. P. Eaton. Everybody's 23:323 S '10 Man who rocked the earth. A. Train. Sat E P 187:3 N 14, 18 N 28 '14 Man who saw. P. Gibbon. Sat E P 185:8 Jl 20 '12 Man who saw it. J. W. Muller. Cent 81:939 Ap '11 Man who saw spring. J. G. Neihardt. Amer 65:46 N '07 Man who sold himself. G. Morris. Met 35:25 Jl '12 Man who stole a railroad. E. Hungerford. Harp W 51:1062 Jl 20, 1099 Jl 27 '07 Man who studied continual. N. Lloyd. Scrib 38:742 D '05 Man who took water. M. Roberts. Sat E P 177:3 O 15 '04 Man who traded legs. W. S. Gidley. Les Mo 51:616 Ap '01 Man who wanted to be safe. A. Brown. Harper 115:130 Je '07 Man who wanted to know. O. Oliver. Lippinc 84:205 Ag '09 Man who was afraid. L. F. Tooker. Cent 88:941 O '14 Man who was faithful. O. Oliver. Lippinc 75:607 My '05 Man who was horse-crazy. C. Lockhart. Lip- pinc 82:759 D 'OS Man who was never a boy. T. Bailey. Col 54:8 O 10 '14 Man who was nice and common. E. Sing- master. Harper 123:894 N '11 Man who was obstinate. A. Brown. Atlan 98:836 D '06 Man who was some one else. E. P. Butler. Cent 79:666 Mr '10 Man who went back. W. R. Hopkins. McClure 33:633 O '09 Man who went back. V. Rousseau. Harp W 55:16 O 28 --[l Man who went with the place. M. I... Knapp. Cent 61:399 Ja '01 Man who won. E. Lef^vre. McClure 17:360 Ag '01 Man who would be vulgar. P. Curtiss. Amer 77:65 Ja '14 Man wlio wouldn't marry. A. Burrowes. Sat E P 185:5 Ag 24 '12 Man who wouldn't stay put. TT. Titua. Col 50:1S S 28 '12 Man with a country. D. Canfleld. Mot 18:612 Ag '03 Man with a country. R. M. Uhodcs. S.it K 1' IK2:6 Jl 3 '09 Man wllh the black Bpectacles. W. Le Queux. I,lT)plnc 72:218 Ag '03 IQO STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Man with the gash. J. London. McClure 15:4o9 S '00 , . Man with the glass front. i5. P. Butler. Amer G0:712 O '05 Man with the horse's neck. A. Hickman. Amer 74:425 Ag '12 Man with the latch-key. M. Lindsay. Met 29:506 F '09 Man with the mark. N. H. Crowell. Amer 60:701 O '05 Man with the shoulders. A. P. Terhune. Lippinc 71:78 Ja '03 Man with the torch. J. Lee. Delin 80:135 S '12 Man within him. E. Ferber. Amer 77:19 Je '14 Man without a name. W. M. Clemens. Met 14:405 S '01 Man without fear. H. Green. Col 48:21 D 9 Man, woman, and girl. S. G. Bradley. Mun 24:798 F '01 Managing a husband. Harper 102:490 F '01 Managing editor. A. B. Paine. Mun 27:438 Je Managing Raimund. K. Harris. Sat B P 185:8 S 28 '12 Manana. G. E. England. Cosmop 46:15 D 08 Manasseh. P. Gibbon. Harper 117:541 S '08 •Manda. J. Peniberton. New Eng n s 25:349 N "01 'Manda's aspirations. J. Pemberton. New Eng n s 31;5i)S Ja "05 •Manda's hospitality. J. Pemberton. New Eng n s 31:423 D '04 Mandy. N. H. Crowell. Everybody's 10:125 Ja •04 Mandy's 'cubatah. J. Speed. Cent 70:798 S '05 Mandy's methods. N. Burnham. Col 53:9 S 5 •14 Mandy's raid. G. M. Cooke. Mun 29:287 My '03 Manger, The. A. Kimball. Met 34:723 S '11 Mango-seed. K. F. Gerould. Cent 83:422 Ja '12 Maniates, Belle „ ,„„ Over the telephone. New Eng n s 28:562 Jl Od Vegetarian adventure. New Eng n s 35:bU S '06 Manifest destiny. A. M. Roach. Cent 74:327 Jl '07 Manila madness. F. Reddale. Lippinc 76:385 O '05 Manipulated market. E. Flower. Sat E P 175:3 Ap 25 '03 Mankiller. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 183:10 S 17 '10 Mann, Francisca She waits. Cur Lit 41:353 S '06 F^ghting^he surf. Col 54:10 O 24 '14 Men and a gale o' wind. Col 52:5 N 8 irf Mannering's men. M. L. C. Pickthall. Cent 86:427 Jl '13 Manners, Mary Lesson. Everybody's 13:394 S 05 Manning, Jessie Wade How Nibsey won the day. Les Mo 51:177 u '00 Mrs. Traver's musicale. Met 16:635 D 02 Over the teacups in Holland. Met 16:71 Jl 02 Manning, Marie (Mrs. Herman E. Gasch) Apostates. Harper 113:600 S '06 Averted stepmother. Harper 112:577 Mr 06 Buffy's Hegira. Harper 129:175 Jl '14 Career of the middle-aged child. Harper 111:890 N '05 Changeling. Harper 120:769 Ap '10 Elopement. Harper 115:795 O '07 Great squab syndicate. Harper 114:713 Ap 07 Her faith. Harp W 56:16 N 30 '12 In the fitting-room: monologue. Harp B 43:125 F '09 Lady Bountiful. Harper 109:786 O '04 Merry Andrew. Harper 127:140 Je '13 Miss Dalrymple's hour. Harper 126:379 F 13 Manning, Marie — continued Neighbors. Harper 119.282 Jl 09 Nervous prostration. Harper 125:641 S 12 Prophetess of the land of No-Smoke. Harper 110:377 F '05 Rosemary for remembrance. Harper 111.2i Shrtne.'' Harper 123:266 Jl '11 Statesman. Harper 128:223 Ja '14 Test of the Tintoretto. Harper 115:973 N 0. Truce. Harp B 37:10 Ja '03 Unforgivable. Harper 115:303 Jl 'Oi Vanitas vanitatum. Harper 115:453 Ag 07 Ward of the Mullin Rudge. Harp W 57:8 Ag 2 '13 Wetmore clothes. Harper 129:443 Ag '14 Manoeuvres of Marian. J. A. Fairbank. Les Mo 53:409 F '02 Manoeuvres of O-Yasu-San. O. Watanna. Sat E P 180:9 Ja 25 '08 Man's a man. E. Ferris. Mun 48:696 Ja '13 Man's a man. J. B. Oxford. Mun 36:95 O '06 Man's chance. K. Ferris. New Eng n s 35:408 D '06 Man's country. M. M. Moon. L H J 31:21 Ag •14 Man's estate. H. W. Phillips. Les Mo 59:645 Ap '05 Man's game. T. L. Masson. Lippinc 81:644 My '08 Man's part. G. Burgess. L H J ls:6 Ap '01 Man's treasure. T. G. Roberts. Mun 47:952 S '12 Mansfield, Rene Matchmaking of Ezra Lull. Delin 82:347 My •13 Mansion. H. van Dyke. Harper 122:3 D '10 Mantel from the red room. K. Hoffman. Mun 30:747 F '04 Mantle of Red Evans. H. Pendexter. Mun 46:41 O '11 Many waters. M. Deland. Col 35:15 My 13 '05 Mapes, Victor, 1870- Wanted: a hero. Cent 62:203 Je '01 Marange, Edwin Makings of a husband. Lippinc 94:193 Ag 14 Marble child. E. Nesbit. Atlan 106:641 N '10 Marble, Elanora Kinsley Housekeeper's story. New Eng n s 27:714 F •03 Marbletown's miser. R. W. McAlpine. Every- body's 2:534 Je '00 Marbourg, Dolores, pseud. See Bacon, Mrs. Mary Schell Marcella's intervention. R. Barr. Les Mo 55:249 Ja '03 Marcelle. J. I. Helm. Lippinc 93:641 Je '14 Marcet's race. V. Radcliffe. New Eng n s 39: 692 F '09 March, Alden Darling traitor. Lippinc 74:673 D '04 Help wanted; females. Lippinc 74:340 S 04 March of progress. C. W. Chesnutt. Cent 61:422 Ja "01 Marchmont, Arthur W. How I found the gallows mine. Everybody's 3:131 Ag '00 Marcia the disconted. H. T. George. Mun 43: 46 Ap '10 Marcia Way. R. W. Child. Everybody's 15:97 Jl '06 Marcille. G. Parker. Sat E P 180:20 Ja 4 '08 Marco Baldi, owner. G. C. Speranza. Atlan 113:778 Je '14 Marconi vs. Hymen. F. X. Finnegan. Col 53:9 S 12 '14 Margaret McDonough's restaurant. A. O'Hagan. Mun 31:861 S 'Oi Marg'et Ann. M. C. Graham. Atlan 92:77 Jl •03 Margot. O. Watanna. Les Mo 53:202 D '01 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 191 Maria and the conjure-man. H. H. Bennett. Atlan 104:712 N '09 Maria Redburn. R. K. Gardiner. Everybody's 14:810 Je '06 Marianne the superannuated. E. Orr. Harp W 5S:23 F 21 '14 Marianus. A. Repplier. Atlan 94:822 D '04 Maria's burglar. S. T. Stern. Harper 115:317 Jl '07 Marie and the talk trust. I. Bacheller. Harper 124:909 My '12 Marie, Helena In the day of his power. Les Mo 55:433 F '03 Marie the Hun. W. A. Fraser. Everybody's 14:353 Mr '06 Mariett, Paul, 1888-1912 Out of the deep. Atlan 105:357 Mr '10 Marigold, common or garden variety. M. R. Warren. Mun 41:136 Ap '09 Marihuana: Wolfville story. A. H. Lewis. Cos- mop 55:645 O '13 Mariners three. G. P. Coleman. New Eng n s 38:164 Ap '08 Marion, George E. Pampered pup. Harp W 53:22 O 2 '09 Mario's finger eyes. C. S. Bailey. Delin 84:18 Mr '14 Marital experiment. M. H. Urner. Mun 3S:oU7 Ja '08 Marjorie Daw secundus. R. H. Barbour. Met 18:720 S '03 Mark of an uncut diamond. P. V. Mighels. Harp W 50:1423 O 6 '06 Mark of the arrow. E. H. Boule. Cosmop 36: 663 Ap '04 Marked down. F. Hurst. Sat E P 185:12 Mr 22 '13 Marked mit cats. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 77:575 My '06 Marked passage. R. R. Gilson. Met 19:558 Ja '04 Markham, Catherine Lion and the two MacCarthys. McClure 32: 328 Ja '09 Marks, Jeannette A., 1875- All-hollows honeymoon. New Eng n s 37:308 N '07 Bolting bridegroom. Met 38:15 Je '13 Color of rose. Harp B 47:233 My '13 Dreams in jeopai'dy. New Eng n s 37:64 S '07 Her vacation. Harp B 43:1090 N '09 Idyll of Tristram Shepard. New Eng n s 34: 273 My '06 Last discipline. New Eng n s 37:752 F '08 Mrs. Llewelyn Jones's sister. Outl 99:126 S 16 '11 New trustee. New Eng n s 32:663 Ag '05 Respice finem. Atlan 100:384 S '07 Sweet philanthropy. Met 27:510 Ja '08 Toedium vitae. New Eng n s 30:525 Jl '04 Marks, Mrs. Lionel Simeon. See Peabody, Jose- phine Pieston Marlitt's .shoes. R. W. Chambers. Harper 106: 6N2 Ap '03 Marlow, Sidney, pseud. See Coggins, Paschal Heston Marlowe's assiKnment. J. K. MacMahon. Outl 61:74 Ja 6 '00 Marmaduke Dulcimer codicil forger. H. H. Her- iiig. Les Mo 56:287 Jl '03 Marmaduke I'ardigam's midnight ride. E. Teb- l.uU. lOverybody's 2:39 Ja '00 Marnan, Basil Jesuit Father. Everybody's 2:16 Ja '00 Marooned. M. Moss. Lippinc 74:243 Ag '04 Marooned at home. E. Poole. Sat E P 181:8 .Mr 6 '09 Marquis. P. Hlchborn. Met 31:155 N "09 Marquis, Don AccursffI hat. Cosmop 46:708 My '09 IJOKS and boys. Amer 76:36 Jl '13 Marquis in the Bad I^ands. O. W. Ogdcn. Kvcrybody's 5:77 Jl '01 Marr, Harry V. Harnessed cyclone. Harper 104:847 Ap '02 Imaginary Jenks. Harper 102:815 Ap '01 Place for everything. Harper 102:492 F '01 Poultry raising in the South. Harper 103:665 S '01 Victim of stage custom. Harper 102:.'?32 Ja '01 Marriage a fine art. E. Wood. Met 32:699 S '10 Marriage achievement of Silas Rudd. R, A, Stevenson. L H J 28:12 F 1 '11 Marriage bell. L. Mack. Delin 68: 802 N '06 Marriage by proxy. A. Cahan. Everybody s 3: 569 D '00 Marriage charm. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Every- body's 16:378 Mr '07 Marriage morn. E. Turner. McClure 25:104 My '03 Marriage of convenience. L. W. Betts. Outl 66: 221 S 22 '00 Marriage of convenience. L. F. Tooker. Cent 84:98 My '12 Marriage of Katinka. Z. Gale. Outl 80:536 Je 24 '05 Marriage of Lit-lit. J. London. Les Mo 56:461 S '03 Marriage of Martin. F. Walworth. Every- body's 9:51 Jl '03 Marriage of Pearl Marguerite. L. Bell. Delin 69:877 My '07 Marriage of Quidnunc. M. Hewlett. Forum 44: 691 D '10 Marriage of Stitch O'Sullivan. E. Boltwood. Lippinc 73:108 Ja '04 Marriage of true minds. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 117:195 Jl 'OS Marriage problem in Goshen. E. C. Hall. Cos- mop 45:588 N '08 Marriage question. G. E. Channing. Harper 111:435 Ag '05 Marriage to the sea. P. Loti. Lippinc 89:133 Ja '12 Marriagemony of Minerva White. H. Rion. Amer 67:24 N '08 Marriott, Charles, 1869- Injury. Forum 48:664 D '12 Rabbits. Met 40:26 S '14 Solomon Bluebeard. Forum 47:671 Je '12 Marriott, Crittenden, 1867- Disillusionment. Lippinc 94:92 D '14 Gold of the Ant-hill. Mun 29:846 S '03 His great day. Mun 48:247 N '12 His surrender. Lippinc 93:327 Mr '14 If a man die — Lippinc 93:741 Je '14 Interlude of the boss. Cosmop 46:96 D '08 Phoebe's experiment. New Eng n s 35:74 S '06 Sally Castleton, southerner. Everybody's 26: 754; 27:18, 256, 398, 546 Je-O '12 Marrying and giving in marriage. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:10 Ap 2 '10 Marrying of Jimmy. R. H. Harris. New Eng n s 33:155 O '05 Marrying of Susan Clegg. A. Warner. Cent 67: 63 N '(C! Marsh, Edward Clark Sydney Urunimont's model. Cosmop 36:51 N ■03 Marsh, George T. When tlio prince came home. Scrib 55:644 My •14 With the winter mail. Scrib 55:120 Ja '14 Marsh-lights. F. H. Lea. Lippinc 81:525 Ap '08 Marsh, Richard l-rinccs.s !•'. .■degonda. Sat E P 187:11 Jl 4 '14 Marshall, D. J. I'riv.il.' Williams and Mutt. Col 52:16 F 21 '14 Marshall, Edward Ilcr I lip to New York. Mun 44:566 Ja '11 North of sixlv-flvo. Mot 29:87 O 'OS Quality of courage. Met 29:479 F '09 Marshall's capture. II. Garland. Harp W 48: .•!t \> 10 '04 Marshes. H. E. White. Amer 67:554 Ap '09 Mart Haney's mate. H. Garland. Sat E P 178: 1 N 18 '05 192 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Martena's cu'yus ways. M. M. Williams. Les Mo 51:361 F '01 Martha. J. J. Bell. Outl 81:375 O 14 '05 Martha. G. W. Pangborn. Col 38:20 Mr 23 '07 Martha Ellen at the Cliicago exposition. E. E. Wood. Cent 60:46 My '00 Martin, Abe, pseud. See Hubbard, Frank Mc- Kinney Martin, Mrs. Attwood R. See Martin, George (Madden) Martin, Edward Sandford, lb.56- Beginning husband and the baby. Harper 124 132 D '11 Beginning husband continues. Harper 124 434 F '12 Beginning husband dines out. Harper 124 902 My '12 Beginning husband gets a rise. Harper 125 400 Ag '12 By the second intention. Harper 121:120 Je •10 Courtship of a careful man. Harper 104:191 Ja '02 Disguised providence. Harper 105:447 Ag '02 Father to his freshman son. Atlan 110:441 O •12 Found: a situation. Hai-p W 48:1775 N 19 '04 Further reflections of a beginning husband. Harper 123:615 S ^11 How Uncle Thomas gave himself a first-class notice. Harper 108:492 F '04 Josephine. Harper 108:829 My '04 Jostling the simple life. Harper 114:950 My •07 Making of a match. Harper 107:89 Je '03 Party at Madeira's. Harper 103:590 S '01 Pinch of comfort. Met 20:628 Ag '04 Problems of a young husband. Harper 123: 912 N '11 Quondam club. Scrib 43:756 Je '08 Reflections of a beginning husband. Harper 122:45 D '10 Martin, Elizabeth Wicked Ah Lay. Met 16:609 D '02 Martin, Florence Calumny. Cent 76:542 Ag '08 Uplifting of EfRe. Cent 78:861 O '09 Martin, George (Madden) (Mrs. Attwood R. Martin) 1S66- All the winds of doctrine. McClure 18:458 Mr '02 Ballard in print o' life. McClure 19:207 Jl '02 Blue handkerchief. Cent 83:290 D '11 Catherine of arrogance. L H J 17:9 Ag '00 Confines of consistency. McClure 19:61 My '02 Field of his fame. Amer 70:803 O '10 Fire from heaven. Amer 67:138 D '08 God rest you, merry Christians. McClure 24: 148 D '04 Hare and tortoise. McClure 17:297 Jl '01 I sing of honor and the faithful heart. Mc- Clure 17:558 O '01 Letitia. nursery corps, U. S. A. Amer 63:185, 284, 497; 64:149; 65:73; D '06- Ja, Mr, Je, N •07 Little feminine Casablanca. McClure 15:249 Jl '00 On a hotel balcony. Everybody's 21:599 N '09 Right promethean fire. McClure 17:85 My '01 Rights of man. Harper 106:415 F '03 Shadow of a tragedy. McClure 18:167 D '01 Venus or Minerva. McClure 19:432 S '02 When Adam dolve and Eve span. Amer 72: 685 O '11 Martin, Mrs. Helen (Reimensnyder), 1868- Betrothal of Elypholate Yingst. Cosmop 35: 196 Je '03 Conversion of Elviny. McClure 19:69 My '02 Courting of Pearly. McClure 28:355 F '07 Disciplining of Mathias. Mcr'lure 19:514 O '02 Ellie's furnishing. McClure 22:21 '2 D '03 Mrs. Holzapple's convictions. I^es Mo 57:33 N '03 Narrow escape of Permilla. Cent 69:868 Ap '05 Reforming of a bridegroom. McClure 28:89 N •06 Wooing of Addie Swisher. Cent 81:708 Mr '11 Martin, Lucy De Grasse Magnificent Olga. Cent 80:130 My '10 Martin, Mabel Wood Charity. Scrib 55:92 Ja '14 Evolution of Ishmael. McClure 34:462 F '10 Heritage of the rice fields. Everybody's 21: 684 N '09 Hill-child. Cosmop 41:423 Ag '06 Master-stroke. Col 38:19 Mr 2 '07 Martin, Margaret Burrows As they were in the beginning, are now, and — New Eng n s 44:513 Je '11 Back to the soil. Everybody's 26:270 F '12 Billy Bundle — gentleman. Met 34:298 Je '11 His fealty. Everybody's 27:129 Jl '12 Martin, Montagu Correction of mother. Mun 42:793 Mr '10 Diamond Kirby found. Mun 32:574 Ja '05 Hungerford operation. Mun 37:335 Je '07 McPike's good fortune. Mun 33:189 My ^05 Martina; a tale of the hills. V. Frazer. Delin 56:376 S '00 Martins, E. Van Buren. Cent 79:864 Ap '10 Martyr. O. Oliver. Lippinc 80:491 O '07 Martyr to love. S. F. Whitman. Met 31:335 D •09 Martyrdom a la mode. J. M. Palmer. McClure 27:82 My '06 Martyrdom lottery. P. Gibbon. McClure 33: 4S2 S '09 Martyrdom of Hickey. O. Johnson. Sat E P 1X1:5 S 5 '08 Marvels of science. G. Hibbard. Scrib 29:476 Ap '01 Mary. E. M. Coombs. Lippinc 88:409 S '11 Mary. L. P. Jacks. Atlan 108:17 Jl '11 Mary and her cliaracter. M. B. Wood. Outl 86: 604 Jl '20 ^07 Mary and Martha at lunch. M. Hill. Lippinc 84:601 N '09 Mary and Patty and the earthquake. E. H. Julien, Jr., and L. Denison. Amer 66:141 Je '08 Mary Bowman of Gettysburg. E. Singmaster. Harper 125:707 O '12 Mary Ellen and Evelyn May. G. Morris. Cent 70:682 S '05 Mary Ellen's auction. P. Leonard. New Eng n s 21:605 Ja '00 Mary Felicia. A. Brown. Harper 124:526 Mr '12 Mary Frances. Mrs. L. H. Harris. Amer 60: 615 O '05 Mary girl. H. Woljeska. Met 28:383 Jl '08 Mary Lane's adorable feet. S. Stewart. Mun 29:727 Ag '03 Mary long-ago. G. H. Shelton. Col 53:12 My 9 •14 Mary Mahaney's chiny shower. Mrs. W. Wood- row. Cosmop 43:58 My '07 Mary Simpson. See Voyage of Mary Smith. B. Tarkington. Sat E P 185:3 Ag 17 '12 Mary the peach. W. Godfrey. McClure 34:493 Mr •lO Mary's baby. H. L. Coffin. Everybody's 11:416 S '04 Mary's babv. A. W. Noel. Harp B 40:242 Mr •07 Mary's old master. .K. Breck. Cent 75:33 N '07 Ma's husban'. E. W. Malone. Les Mo 56:248 Jl '03 Mascot of Battery B. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 175:4 My 23 '03 Mascot of the primer class. L. Copinger. Lip- pinc 85:116 Ja '10 Masefield, John '^''eRtern islands 53 Jl '14 Mask. F. T. Jesse. Forum 47:419 Ap '12 Mask of life. V. W. Cloud. Cosmop 29:326 Jl '00 Masked courtship. S. Forster. New Eng n s 34:150 Ap '06 fo'c's'le tale. Cur Op 57: STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 193 Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley, 1865- Great monopoly. Met 24:699 S '06 Guide. Sat E P 177:14 D 10 '04 House of terror. Sat E P 181:18 My 22 '09 Mr. Mitchelbourne's last escapade. Harp W 44:1177 D 8 '00 North of the Tropic of Capricorn. Met 39:30 Ja '14 Raymond Byatt. Met 41:32 D '14 Schoolmaster and Felicia. Harp W 47:19 D 12 '03 Silver flask. Met 26:411 Jl '07 Trouble at Beaulieu. Lippinc 67:119 Ja '01 Mason, Caroline Atwater, 1853- (Mrs. John H. Mason) Mystery of Miss Motte. L H J 25:5 Ag, 15 S, 19 O '08 When Emmeline came. L H J 24:15 Ag '07 "Women of his church. L H J 20:5 Jl, 7 Ag, 10 S 13 O, 16 N '03 Mason, Edith Huntington Real Agatha. L H J 23:7 Ap, 9 My, 11 Je '06 Mason, Edward Tuckerman Venus and the whale. Cent 68:657 Ag '04 Mason, Elmer Brown Beatitude of Jimmy O'Meara. Harp W 57:19 Mr 15 '13 Blue jay's nest. Harp W 57:16 F 22 '13 Mason, Grace Sartwell, 1877- Awakening. Everybody's 24:275 F '11 Father. L H J 29:12 N '12 Hat. Everybody's 15:558 O '06 Licorice-less. Sat E P 179:8 F 9 '07 Little boy who believed. L H J 30:10 Ja '13 Make-believe house. L H J 31:19 My '14 Partnership dog. Sat E P 179:12 Je 1 '07 Wedding-gift. Mun 40:220 N '08 Mason, Roy M. Three silences. Met 14:487 O '01 Masquerade. A. Brown. Atlan 105:31 Ja '10 Masquerade island. G. W. Pangborn. Scrib 54: 696 D '13 Masquerading cynic. H. Sears. Sat E P 175:8 Je 20 '03 Massey money. C. A. P. Coiner. Atlan 111:320 Mr '13 Masson, Thomas Lansing (Tom Masson), 1S66- Bachelor's Christmas baby. L H J 2-:8 D "04 Bargain in hotels. IMun 45:490 Jl '11 Between trains. Lippinc 84:366 S '09 Between two lovers. Cosmop 37:419 Ag '04 Boy and girl story. Cosmop 35:113 My '03 Christian spirit. Lippinc 89:737 My '12 Christmas courtship. Cosmop 36:223 D '03 Day of her wedding. L H J 22:12 Ja '05 Dear old farm. Lippinc 86:237 Ag '10 Event of the season. Mun 48:920 Mr '13 Financier. Cosmop 36:735 Ap '04 Five hundred thousand. I^ippinc 87:349 Mr 'H Flowers. Mun 48:315 N '12 Friendliness of Puppins. Mun 49:974 S '13 Going in for Ethel. Mun 47:32 Ap '12 Held up. Lippinc 91:317 Mr '13 House-builder. Delin 75:220 Mr '10 Important discovery. Harper 125:479 Ag '12 In his place. L H J 22:11 Ag '05 Magnate and the lover. Cosmop 36:376 Ja '04 Man who kicked. Delin 69:284 F '07 Man's game. Lippinc 81:644 Mv '08 Matter of half a million. Mun 51:55 F '14 Michael Muggs, director. Sat E P 176:17 D 26 '03 Much ado about nothing. Lippinc 84:031 N '09 Parasite. The. Mun 42:524 Ja '10 Revenge. Cosmop 38:115 N '04 St. Nicholas and the superchild. Harp W 51 : 1912 D 28 '07 Second Adam. IJppInc 85:235 F '10 Shatter afTlnity. Met 28:20 Ap '08 Story that vvc-nt wrong. Lipi)inc 81:228 F 'OS Succes.sful fpiest. Cosmop 37:475 Ag '04 Ten thousand dollar.s. Lippinc 86:493 O '10 Tit for tat. Cosmop 43:324 Jl '07 Together. Mun 49:210 Mv '13 Truth, the whole truth. Lippinc 83:737 Je '09 Two hearts. T'osmop 30-4in Au '05 Two opinions. Cosmop 37:737 O '04 Tinder Hopps. Mun 42:3-11 D '09 Whfn extremes meet. r;(ismop 37:356 Jl '04 Wind of love. Cosmop 35:642 O '03 Masson, Tom. See Masson, Thomas Lansing Master. A. Brown. Harper 121:64 Je '10 Master. R. W. Child. Col 48:22 N 4 '11 Master. P. Gibbon. Harper 126:48 D '12 Master. F. L. Waldo. Outl 69:9 S 7 '01 Master counterfeiter. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 52: 419 F '12 Master-cure. G. S. Wasson. Outl 77:127 Mv 14 '04 Master-key of Newgate. T. Hopkins. McClure 14:329 F '00 Master kidnapper. L. Mott. Col 52:7 N 1 '13 Master minds of history. A. Brown. Harper 117:662 O 'OS Master of cobwebs. J. Huneker. Scrib 34:693 D '03 Master of Craven. M. Van Vorst. Lippinc 77:1 Ja '06 Master of fate. C. Dangerfield. Lippinc 70:498 O '02 Master of Lumberhurst. L. Mead. Col 54:9 D 5 '14 Master of the golden pool. C. G. D. Roberts. Met 18:545 Ag '03 Master of the inn. R. Herrick. Scrib 42:669 D '07 Master of the Ping Tang. R. D. Paine. Cent 73:106 N '06 Master passion. T. Jenks. Out! 80:581 Jl 1 '05 Master power. A. E. O'Hare. Col 37:19 S 1 '06 Master strategist. K. H. Brown. Scrib 54:553 N '13 Master-stroke. P. Curtiss. Amer 78:40 O '14 Master stroke. H. Liebe. Lippinc 92:358 S '13 Master-stroke. M. Martin. Col 38:19 Mr 2 '07 Master-weaver. M. R. Warren. Atlan 103:65 Ja ■09 Masterly insult. E. Flower. Cosmop 43:136 Je ■07 Masterly method. J. Cooper. Harp W 57:10 Ag 9 '13 Masterpiece of Dumas. H. M. Hyde. Sat E P 183:8 Mr 18 '11 Masters and music. F. M. Hueffer. Harper 122: 617 Mr '11 Masters by proxy. R. H. SchaufHer. Cent 88: 506 Ag '14 Masters of arts. O. Henry. Everybody's 9:191 Ag '03 Masterson, Mrs. Kate, 1870- First floor front. Lippinc 93:117 Ja '14 In a bachelor's flat. Met 12:38 Jl '00 Love in ambush. Met 15:96 Ja '02 Moving her. Lippinc 93:632 My '14 Skidsy's vacation. Sat E P 173:20 S 8 '00 Triumph of an antidote. Met 12:187 Ag '00 Wings of victory. Mun 40:425 D '08 Match. J. O. Curwood. Col 50:18 Ja 18 '13 Match for Elkan Lubliner. M. Glass. Sat E P 184:5 N IS '11 Match game. E. L. Sabin. Cent 66:741 S '03 Match she made. E. Eoltwood. Mun 31:415 Je '04 Matchmaker. D. Canfield. Harp B 40:596 Jl '06 Match-maker. L. G. Giltner. Mun 32:905 Mr '(15 Matchmaker. S. MacManus. Delin 65:833 My '05 Match-maker. M. L. Radford. Sat E P 179:5 My 11 '07 Match -makers. P. E. Browne. Met 21:482 Ja '05 Matchmaking of Ezra Lull. U. Mansfield. De- lin 82:34f My '13 Mate. L. Merrick. Met 32:384 Je *10 Mate and the maiden. M. Robertson. Met 23: 332 D '05 Mate for Mellnda. E. B. Tiffany. Harper 102: 923 My '01 194 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Mate from Maine. C. McKay. McClure 21:665 O '03 Mate of the Gatwick. P. Gibbon. Col 43:16 Ag 28 '09 Mated by a pawn. A. E. M. Foster. Every- body's 3:39 Jl '00 Mated rubies. M. Finnegan. Mun 49:799 Ag '13 Maternal instinct. T. A. Janvier. Harper 113: 155 Je '06 Mathews, Amanda, 1866- _ .^„ Child-idyl of Donegal. Atlan 112:732 D '13 Cormac O'Brien, piper. Scrib 55:395 Mr '14 Doctor to the saints. Cent 85:816 Ap '13 Emigration of Mary Anne. Atlan 113:96 Ja '14 Heart of an orphan. McClure 34:245 Ja '10 Kidnapping of Maria Luisa. Mun 30:507 Ja '04 Little sister in cage of gold. McClure 86:87 Merry Christmas of Giovanna. McClure 36: Translation of Giovanna. McClure 35:256 Jl "10 Mathev/s, Catharine Van Courtlandt Diantha's garden and mine. Harp B 6f.66l Ap '02 ^ Downtown side of an uptown man. Every- body's 8:368 Ap '03 „ .^„ t. ,ao Japanese gentleman. Everybody s 8:163 F Orf Reign of Lady Susan. Harp B 37:530 Je 03 Tenth wave. Everybody's 7:191 Ag '02 Mathews, Frances Aymar Allee same. Atlan 88:704 N '01 Barbara. Cosmop 57:231 Jl '14 Children's bread. Forum 45:669 Je H ^^ „^, Double life of Stralla Bialsky. Forum 46:281 S '11 Go-away child. Harper 102:945 My '01 Lady Jane's highwayman: drama. Harp W 47:15 D 12 '03 Little tragedy at Tien-Tsm. Harper 101:806 Oaxita: a story of modern Mexico. Met 34. 420 Jl '11 Paradise. Harp B 48:17 S '13 Said. Cent 84:59 My '12 Mathews, Gertrude Singleton and Mathews, John Lathrop 'Tween night an' mornin'. Lippinc 92:123 Jl •13 Mathews, John Lathrop, 1874- Little Billy Higgins' rhubarb money. Lippinc 81:758 Je 'OS Tom Hartigan's Julia. Delin 72:564 O OS Mathews, John Lathrop, and Mathews, Ger- trude S. 'Tween night an' mornin'. Lippinc 92:123 Jl '13 Mathews, Louise Albee Burning of Rome. Mun 41:39 Ap '09 Misunderstanding about the saints. Mun 39: 431 Je '08 Mathewson, Anna Both sides of the story. Everybody's 3:471 N •00 Matinee. Z. Gale. Outl 80:1038 Ag 26 '05 Matinee hero. M. White, Jr. Mun 26:808 Mr '02 Mating. D. Gatlin. Cosmop 58:60 D '14 Matriculation of Courtney. M. S. Briscoe. Harper 108:380 F '04 Matrimonial lottery. J. Swain. Lippinc 73:121 Ja '04 Matson, Esther Choju-so: a legend of the chrysanthemum. New Eng n s 37:175 O '07 Matt: man of affairs. N. H. Maxwell. Col 33: 14 Jl 23 '04 Matter of authority. H. W. Phillips. McClure 16:444 Mr '01 Matter of big money (Pete Crowther, salesman). E. E. Ferris. Outl 107:809 Ag 1 '14 Matter of business. C. B. Taylor. Everybody's 5:582 N '01 Matter of confidence. E. Flower. Cent 65:945 Ap '03 Matter of discipline. J. Pemberton. New Eng n s 31:736 F '05 Matter of economics. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 186:16 Ag 2 '13 Matter of economy. E. P. Butler. Cent 71:920 Ap '06 Matter of fact tale. C. B. Loomis. Met 22:570 Ag '05 Matter of feeling. M. Harris. Harper 104:883 My '02 Matter of form. B. Lessing. Cosmop 43:112 My '07 Matter of friendship. A. H. Rice. Cent 80:36 My '10 Matter of half a million. T. L. Masson. Mun 51:55 F '14 Matter of investments. A. Updegraff. Cent 87: 792 Mr '14 Matter of millions. E. W. Mumford. Delin 64: 554 O, 753 N '04 Matter of mind. J. E. Dunning. Les Mo 55:99 N '02 Matter of nerve. F. O. Bartlett. New Eng n s 38:27 Mr '08 Matter of nerve. E. Goodnow. Amer 68:286 Jl '09 Matter of opinion. G. Hibbard. Scrib 28:233 Ag '00 Matter of principle. S. H. Adams. McClure 26 485 Mr '06 Matter of providence. E. Kelley. McClure 19 38 My '02 Matter of rights. M. B. Stewart. Harp W 51 1564 O 26 '07 Matter of rivalry. O. Thanet. Harp B 33:78 My 12 '00 Matter of sentiment. K. Harris. Sat E P 185: 20 N 16 '12 Matter of sentiment. T. G. Roberts. Mun 49: 27 Ap '13 Matter of size? Vv''. L. Wilson. New Eng n s 33:63 S '05 Matter of system. B. H. Porter. Harp B 44: 171 Mr '10 Matter of taste. E. Wyatt. McClure 16:236 Ja '01 Matter of two ciphers. E. W. Hornung. Every- body's 29:660 N '13 Matter with Carpenter. H. K. Webster. Sat E P 176:6 Mr 6 '04 Matthew. A. Knapp. McClure 33:437 Ag '09 Matthew: story of a boy who made good. E. F. Stearns. Les Mo 59:652 Ap '05 Matthews, (James) Brander (Arthur Penn, pseud.) 1852- Handful of epigrams. Mun 34:728 Mr '06 In a hansom. Harper 101:360 Ag '00 Sisters under their skins. Harper 121:773 O •10 Matthews, Charlotte Discord and a harmony. Met 12:56 Jl '00 Matthews, Edith V. Brander At the eleventh hour. Harp B 38:232 Mr '04 Eyes of the world. Mun 28:274 N '02 Matty Hynes' pig. G. A. Birmingham. Harp W 53:22 Je 5 '09 Maud, Constance Elizabeth Chef and the owls nest. Cosmop 36:347 Ja '04 Maud-Evelyn. H. James. Atlan 85:439 Ap '00 Maule, Mrs. Mary Katherine, 1861- Verdict. Met 32:183 My '10 When Dorothy opened the window. L H J 31: 20 Je '14 Maupassant, Henri Rene Albert Guy de, 1850- 1893 Moonlight. Lippinc 88:272 Ag '11 Max Marshall's wife. J. K. Colt. Everybody's 20:35 Ja '09 Maximilian diamond. A. C. Train. Les Mo 58: 259 Jl '04 Maxims of Methuselah. G. Burgess. Amer 75: lis My, 86 Je '13 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 195 Maxwell, Beatrice Heron Captive maid. Everybody's 3:209 S '00 Clipped cable. Mun 30:422 D '03 Moon curse. Everybody's 2:342 Ap '00 Maxwell, Nathaniel Hamilton .Alatt: man of affairs. Col 33:14 Jl 23 '04 Maxwell, Perriton, 1S6S- Trousered Pan. Met 12:770 D '00 Up to date fairy tale. Cosmop 42:5S6 Mr '07 Maxwell, W. Kee Baseball mascot. Col 52:5 Mr 7 '14 Yellow peril. Anier 76:67 Jl '13 Maxwell, William Babington Parker's folly. Col 33:14 Jl 2 '04 Ripe. Everybody's 29:532 O '13 May. A. Ollivant. Harper 107:536 S '03 May, Angela Temptation of the birds. Met 14:635 N '01 Unregenerate prodigal. Met 15:369 Mr '02 May, Florence Lister Land Brown finger. New Eng n s 44:336 My '11 May Iverson writes a play. E. G. Jordan. Harper 123:20 Je '11 May madness. A. O'Hagan. Everybody's 14: 696 My '06 Maybe wild Parsnips. K. Abbott. Harper 129: 209 Jl '14 Maybury's memory. D. Deakin. Sat E P 182:8 My 28 '10 Mayer, Mary Josephine By way of loss. McClure 23:292 Jl '04 Mayfair account. W. Payne. Sat E P 179:12 My 4 '07 Mayflower-time. V. Wilmot. New Eng n s 28: 334 My '03 Maymey's from Cuba. E. Ferber. Amer 72:705 O '11 Maynard, Cora Last letter of Ernest Arnold. Harper 103:888 N '01 Mrs. Saunders' principle. Harp W 55:16 D 9 '11 Mayne's lady of dreams. L. A. Long. Harper 112:498 Mr '06 Mayo, Katherine Big Mary. Atlan 107:112 Ja '11 Bushed. Scrib 49:754 Je '11 Devil-hen. Scrib 54:756 D '13 My law and thine. Atlan 109:239 F '12 Sissa and the Bakru. Atlan 110:497 O '12 Mayor of Five Rivers. H. A. Nash. New Eng n s 23:19 S '00 Mayor of Switchburg. L. E. MacBrayne. New Eng n s 29:514 D '03 Mayor's dovecote. A. T. Quiller-Couch. Met 2S:252 Je 'OS Mayor's honeymoon. L. Scott. Everybody's 19: 302 S '08 Mayor's wife. See Rohlfs, Anna Katharine (Green) Maysie cans the slang. R. E. Macalarney. Ev- erybody's 30:304 Mr '14 Maze of mystery. C. "Wells. Lippinc 93:1 Ja '14 Mazeppa. G. Hibbard. Lippinc 91:589 My '13 Me an' Ed an' Jane. F. W. Shibley. New Eng n s 25:443 D '01 Me and John. E. Flower. Sat E P 176:4 O 3 '03 Me for Sal. G. Burgess. Sat E P 176:3 Mr 19 '04 Mead, Katherine L. flis trial trii). Lippinc 77:736 Je 'OC Manic foins. Mun 25:133 An '01 Sandf-rilla. Harper 104:6R0 Mr '02 Wakeful beauty. Harper 103:666 S '01 Mead, Leon .Ma.stf-r of Lumberhurst. Col 54:9 D 5 '14 Meadow path. J. T. Bishop. Mun 30:914 Mr '04 Meagre life. P. Gibbon. McClure 29:673 O '07 Mean little town. E. H. Abbott. Everybody's 2S:456 Ap '13 Mean pl-rayte. H. Johnson. Srrlh 54:213 Atr "13 Meanest man. TT. P. Dowst. Col 52:5 D 13 '13 Meanest man that ever lived. B. Lessing. Cos- mop 44:567 My 'OS Meaning of a moment. E. MacKubin. Sat E P 173:6 Jl 7 '00 Meanness of Rosy. J. C. Lincoln. Everybody's 15:377 S '06 Means and the end. H. M. Stevens. Cosmop 45:552 O '08 Means, E. K. Very law recruits. Mun 53:295 N '14 Mears, Mary M. Across the bridges. Harper 103:303 Jl '01 Ubiquitous Mollie. McClure 16:413 Mr '01 Measure. M. S. Cutting. Everybody's 17:554 O •07 Measure. O. Graeve. Delin 77:91 F '11 Measure for measure. S. R. Elliott. Harp "W 53:22 Jl 10 '09 Measure of a man. L. Colcord. Amer 69:745 Ap '10 Measure of a man. B. D. Lloyd. Col 33:15 S 3 '04 Measure of a man. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 29: 50 Ap 03 Measure of content. S. M. Chase. Scrib 43:640 Je '08 Measure of Margaret Coppered. K. Norris. Mc- Clure 37:288 Jl '11 Measured to you again. R. Barr. Col 32:21 F 13 '04 Meat of David. S. Ford. Everybody's 15:368 S 06 Mechanical Jonah. C. H. Day. Col 33:20 Ap 2 '04 Medal of honor. D. Gray. Met 20:236 My '04 Medal of honor. F. H. Smith. L H J 22:11 Ja '05 Meddler. R. McDonald. Col 36:20 O 21 '05 Meddler. J. W. McGriff. Lippinc 94:53 D '14 Meddler. H. K. Viel6. Cosmop 35:635 O '03 Meddlers. A. S. Pier. Col 38:19 Mr 16 '07 Meddlers with fate. A. Updegraff. Col 44:14 S 25 '09 Meddling of Mister Bim. H. Dickson. Sat E P 1S5:16 Ag 24 '12 Meddling of Mr. Doty. W. D. Nesbit. Harper 120:641 Mr '10 Mediator. H. E. Wright. Mun 39:69 Ap '08 Mediator's place. H. Day. Amer 62:115 Je '06 Medical etiquette. F. Danby. Harp W 58:17 Je 27 '14 Medicine. L S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:6 N 30 '12 Medicine grizzly bear. G. B. Grinnell. Harper 10J:736 Ap '01 Medico -strategist. S. H. Adams. Col 42:22 Ja 2 '09 Medina's grove and the grand tombola. A. D. Cameron. Everybody's 10:535 Ap '04 Meditations of Marcus Artelius. L. Pratt. Cent S1;S00 Mr '11 Mee, Huan, pseud. Brilliant affair. Everybody's 2:210 Mr '00 For valor. Everybody's 3:231 S '00 Meekins, Lynn Roby, 1862- Arnold Boach'.s bluff. Mun 28:745 F '03 Be it ever so humble. Mun 29:511 Jl '03 Blue plate. Delin 60:406 S '02 Few dictated letters. Mun 24:256 N "00 Freckles. Mun 25:740 ,\g '01 Her victory. Mim 29:276 My '03 Little house with the honeysuckle. Mun 24: 447 D '00 Mower from Wall street. Mun 29:115 Ap '03 Silent partner. Delin 62:469 O '03 Troubador. Delin 66:260 Ap '05 Trust i.ssue at Stonetop. Harper 102:591 Mr '01 Meeting nf Greeks. G. T. Weston. Harper 125: 317 .11 '12 Meeting of Mr. Ebhs and Mrs. Smith. W. L. W.tiad Indian. M. B. MacDonald. Mun 31:40 O '05 198 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Michelson, Charles Lame Coyotes lone war. Cosmop 30:631 Ap Rosicrucian's ring. Mun 27:238 My '02 Michelson, Miriam, 1870- Ancestry of Irene. Cent 68:421 Jl '04 By soft persuasion. Sat E P 178:5 S 30, 10 O 7 '05 Cecilia the Pharisee. Cent 68:192 Je '04 Everything in sight. Sat E P 178:7 S 16 '05 Ex-city editors' club. Sat E P 178:7 S 23 '05 Father of a full-back. Mun 30:443 D '03 Greatness of Helena. L H J 23:11 Ag '06 Merry, merry Zingara. Cent 68:720 S '04 Milpitas maiden. Sat E P 177:3 Je 24 '05 Mrs. Walker's contumacy. Mun 31:111 Ap '04 Old bachelor of arts. L H J 22:14 Je '05 Pagan and a puritan. Cent 68:639 Ag '04 Prince Roseleaf and a girl from Kansas. Mc- Clure 22:339 F '04 Ready letter-writer. Cent 68:913 O '04 That list of Bassett's. Sat E P 178:5 Ag 26 '05 Mickey Sweeney, detective of detectives. L. Steffens. Amer 66:282 Jl '08 Mickey's homicide. L. Steffens. Everybody's 20:271 F '09 Mickey's yaller dog and the Chief's. L. Stef- fens. Col 41:12 Ag 29 '08 Micmac and Mohawk. L.. L. Trott. New Eng n s 30:591 Jl '04 Mid-victorian. A. Brown. Scrib 52:706 D '12 Midas of the street. A. Woodward. Mun 46: 682 F '12 Middle-aged failure. M. Foster. Everybody's 18:260 F '08 Middle child. K. Jordan. Delin 70:527 O '07 Middle distance. J. Lee. Lippinc 77:625 My '06 Middle ground. E. Balmer. Col 37:18 S 8 '06 Middleman. E. F. Benson. Lippinc 91:720 Je '13 Middleman. E. Walker. New Eng n s 30:28 Mr '04 Middleton, George, 1880- His great play. Mun 46:139 O '11 Lonely ones. Mun 46:373 D '11 Middleton, Rebecca Waiter. Met 17:331 Mr '03 Middleton, Richard, 1882-1911 Ghost-ship. Cent 83:931 Ap '12 Great man. Cur Lit 53:598 N '12 Middleton's hill. E. L. Sabin. Cent 70:675 S '05 Midland terminal. V. T. Sutphen. Harper 111: 177 Jl '05 Midnight free-traders. S. R. Crockett. Les Mo 55:574 Ap '03 Midnight game of hide and seek. J. Worne. Col 32:16 Ja 23 '04 Midnight visitor. E. E. Hall. New Eng n s 44: 271 Ap '11 Midnight voice. Mrs. C. T. Collins. L H J 26:5 Jl, 13 Ag, 20 S '09 Midsummer madness. E. P. Butler. Cosmop 39:490 S '05 Midway o' the hill. A. E. Thomas. Amer 65: 605 Ap '08 Mighels, Philip Verrill, 1869-1911 Apostle. Everybody's 18:107 Ja '08 Avenging prayer. Harper 118:109 D '08 Barney Boon, braggart. Harper 108:219 Ja '04 Billy does his assessment. Harper 110:240 Ja '05 Bird's eye view of heaven. McClure 21:270 Jl '03 Chow-chow kid. Harper 107:214 Jl '03 Forty horse power stratagem. Cent 66:471 Jl •03 Heart at the window. Harper 106:964 My '03 Heart of the dragon. Harper 112:431 F '06 Little Miss Devoe. Delin 69:844 My '07 Little pioneer. Harper 110:828 My '05 Mark of an uncut diamond. Harp W 50:1423 O 6 '06 Motherhood of Beechy Daw. Harper 106:383 P '03 Mystery at Zeke's. Harper 113:195 Jl '06 Mighels, Philip Verrill — continued Nevada Samaritan. Cent 70:427 Jl '05 Night of a dawning smile. Harper 121:133 Je '10 Off day of an automobile. Cent 71:900 Ap '06 Pup: a likeable outcast. Met 19:285 N '03 Ring in the moon. Delin 61:853 My '03 Surprise party. Cosmop 42:301 Ja '07 Sway of manhood. Harp W 48:1739 N 12 '04 Tie of partnership. Harper 108:913 My '04 Undying spark. Cosmop 46:101 D '08 Watchman of the Brunswick Mill. Harper 107:866 N '03 When the wilderness relents. Met 22:552 Ag '05 Might of a dawning smile. P. V. Mighels. Harper 121:133 Je '10 Mighty trifle. M. Cameron. Harper 123:214 Jl '11 Migraine, No. 3. L. F. Hartman. Sat E P 187:6 O 3 '14 Miguel. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 182:12 Mr 5 '10 Miguelito. Mrs. S. Crowninshield. Delin 56:654 N '00 Mikszath, Kolonnan Garments of the king. Cur Lit 43:695 D '07 Mike Casey, his wife and his pipe. C. Norton. Les Mo 54:202 Je '02 Mike Grady's safety. W. B. Lewis. Every- body's 13:505 O '05 Milady. R. M. Stuart. Harper 106:563 Mr '03 Milady's incognito. E. P. Lyle, Jr. Everybody's 31:742 D '14 Milecete, Helen Fascinating of Mr. Savage. Lippinc 72:643 D '03 Plague of a heart. Lippinc 81:689 Je '08 Miles, Mrs. Emma (Bell), 1879- Common lot. Harper 118:145 D '08 Dark rose. Harper 118:426 F '09 Dulcimore. Harper 119:949 N '09 Flyaway Flittermouse. Harper 121:229 Jl '10 Three roads and a river. Harper 121:882 N '10 Top of Sourwood. Lippinc 89:393 Mr '12 ■ — ■ See Morrison, Caroline Wood, jt. auth. M'lindy. K. W. Hamilton. Cent 664:127 My '02 Militancy of Evalina. F. R. Sterrett. Amer 78: 40 N '14 Military adventures of Mistress Jean Cameron. M. E. Seawell. Sat E P 176:18 O 31 '03 Military comedy. E. Flower. Everybody's 12: 276 F '05 Mill. H. Van Dyke. Les Mo 55:44 N '02 Millard, (Frank) Bailey, 1859- Adam an' Eve an' pinch-me. Cosmop 43:75 My '07 Christmas hold-up. Cosmop 46:221 Ja '09 Dan and the dogfish. Cosmop 47:116 Je '09 Down the flume with the Sneath piano. Cent 69:117 N '04 Extraordinary story of the Utica mine. Everybody's 5:499 N '01 Flying down a flfty-mile flume. Everybody's 9:3 Jl '03 In the darkroom. Cosmop 40:171 D '05 Lion girl. Mun 46:693 F '12 Loaded dice. Cosmop 49:131 Je '10 Loot of the Ventura. Mun 45:47 Ap '11 On Indian Head. Cosmop 46:271 F '09 Only Dashwood. The. Mun 33:646 S '05 Speaking likeness. Cosmop 40:659 Ap '06 Toll-dodger. Mun 43:450 Jl '10 Urge o' youth. Everybody's 11:302 S '04 When the flume ran dry. Mun 34:612 F '06 Wider bounds. Cosmop 39:631 O '05 Millard, Gertrude B. Paint preacher. Harp W 55:16 Ag 12 '11 Transformation of Angelita Lopez. Cent 88: 547 Ag '14 Miller, Alice (Duer) (Mrs. Henry Wise Miller), 1874- Candid friend. Scrib 47:614 My '10 Clash of sentimentalists. Scrib 33:61 Ja '03 Climbers. Harp B 42:1159; 43:11, 129 D '08-F '09 Emulation. Scrib 33:728 Je '03 Erring father. Col 52:17 O 18 '13 Man of his word. Lippinc 71:147 F '03 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 199 Miller, Alice — continued Out-of-town call. Met 21:694 Mr '05 Penalty of greatness. Scrib 36:290 S '04 Respecters of law. Harper 127:954 N '13 Things. Scrib 54:779 D '13 Unprepared. Scrib 35:358 Mr '04 Without introduction. Harper 125:458 Ag '12 — and Miller, Henry Wise, jt. auth. Lions mouth. Scrib 28:685 D '00 Miller, Augustus Bud Leach. McClure 16:171 D '00 Miller, Cincinnatus Miner. See Miller, Joaquin Miller, Emily Clark (Huntington), 1833-1913 Angelica's lover. New Eng n s 28:525 Jl '03 Miller, Florence Hardiman For his country's honor. Met 28:521 Ag '08 Miller, Henry Wise-Miller and Alice Duer, jt. auth. Worse than married. Scrib 55:475 Ap '14 Miller, Mrs. Henry Wise. See Miller, Alice (Duer) Miller, Joaquin (Cincinnatus Hiner Miller), 1841- 1913 Man we didn't hang. Cur Lit 48:574 My '10 Miller, Laura Dorothy Reed's Indians. L H J 22:42 N '05 Miller, Lewis B. In the quicksand. Cent 66:254 Je '03 Miller of Ostend. M. D. Post. Sat B P 187:3 O 31 -14 Miller, Thomas Samson Corner-stone of the new church. Everybody's 25:559 O '11 — and Glynn, Billee, jt. auth. Bishop Ogowanna. Everybody's 22:305 'Mr '10 Millerstown yellow journal. E. Singmaster. Atlan 97:688 My '06 Millie leaves the church. J. B. Tenney. Cent 80:794 S '10 Milligan, Alice L. Window of Dun-Angus. Harper 102:294 Ja '01 Millikin: a story of Christmas with barnstorm- ers. M. Hill. Amer 63:302 Ja '07 Millikin, Stanley V. Laramie Joe's vanishing act. Met 26:343 Je '07 Millington, Powell For gallantry in action. Mun 27:766 Ag '02 Millington's motor mystery. E. P. Butler. Cent 79:121 N '09 Million by wireless. J. Blethen. Col 32:14 N 14 '03 Million -dollar freight train. F. H. Spearman. McCIure 14:380 F '00 Million-dollar twins. H. C. Rowland. Sat E P 1^3:3 Ja 14 '11 Millionaire and the angel. A. S. Francis. Outl S4:277 S 29 '06 Millionaire kid. E. H. Brainerd. L H J 31:20 Ap 14 Millionaire of Ephemera city. W. Irwin. Mc- ciure 39:398 Ag '12 Millionaire of roses. P. Crissey. Delin 79:479 Je •12 Millionaire Rafferty. E. Boltwood. Mun 31:807 S '04 Millionaire's opportunity. R. Barr. Sat E V 170:1 Ag 1 '03 Millionaire's romance. L. Merrick. McClure 41: 122 Je '13 Millions and the million. W. E. Weyl. Sat E P 1S5;iy Je 7 '13 Millions of Harry Melville. J. Hopper. Col 40:13 F 8 '08 Mills of god. C. S. Pratt. New Eng n s 27:117 S '02 Mills of god. C. Vale. Forum 47:289 Mr '12 Mllly. "E. D. Blggers. Amer 69:639 Mr "10 Mllly the militant. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 1S6:14 S 6 ■1Z Milne, Saldee Vere Modfrii p'figrf'ss handicapped: monologue. Harp n;{9:794 S '05 New Eng n s 32: Iner, Mrs. Florence Twentieth century miracle. 211 Ap '05 Imow, Mary Louise Kitchen comedy. Everybody's 12:419 Mr '05 lo Bush's ride down Pittii Ave. H. Carruth. Harper 101:476 Ag 'Ou Ipitas maiden. M. Michelson. Sat E P 177:3 Je 24 '05 nd-cat! F. Hurst. Sat E P 187:13 D 26 '14 nd-cure. A. Brown. Harper 129:381 Ag '14 nd-cure of Brother Peter-Paul. C. A. Stan- ley. Cent 69:744 Mr '05 nd -curing a rate-maker. W. G. Eggleston. Amer 67:207 D '08 nd over motor. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 185:8 O 5 '12 nd-reader. S. W. Mitchell. Cent 74:655 S '07 ne layer. C. J. C. Hyne. Sat B P 187:16 N 21 '14 niature. N. H. Banks. Cosmop 43:23 My '07 nister. A. H. Donnell. Harp B 39:695 Ag '05 nister of grace. A. Brown. Harp B 44:370 Je '10 nister's daughter. 185:13 F 15 '13 nister's fireworks Jl 7 -00 nister's first at home; L H J 26:16 Mr '09 nister's flannels. M. A. 55:276 Ja "03 nister's socks. M. C. Huntington. O 13 '00 niter, E. Worthless neighbors. Col 53:16 Ag 1 '14 nnie Pleasanton, novelist. M. and R. Daw- son. Mun 29:402 Je '03 nnie vs. Dannie. W. Irwin. Met 24:476 Jl '06 nnie's bishop. G. A. Birmingham. Harp W 54:22 My 7 '10 nnow twins. J. M. Thompson. Harp B 45:184 Ap '11 nor chord. O. Roberts. Amer 67:156 D '08 nor reflections. E. S. Babcock. Harper 114: 649 Mr '07 nority committee. P. L. Dunbar. Lippinc 68:617 N '01 nor's economics. O. K. Davis. Harper 112:971 My '06 nstrel. N. Duncan. Harper 117:29 Je '08 nstrel people. H. Johnson. Cent 82:884 O '11 nus sign. M. Merington. Met 20:621 Ag '04 ra Shore's divorce. G. Mc. lurs. Everybody's 12:253 F '05 racle. J. D. Bacon. Harper 121:843 N '10 racle. A. Brown. Harper 108:74 D '03 racle. K. F. Gcrould. Harper 129:872 N '14 racle. R. Herrick. Harper 124:138 D '11 racle. M. R. Rinehart. McClure 39:139 Je '12 racle. M. Van Vorst. Harper 111:545 S '05 at Bended Spur. E. C. Carpenter. M. M. Needham. Sat E P A. Brown. Harp B 33:588 farce. J. K. Bangs. Ballard. Les Mo Outl 66:409 Miracle Lippinc 78:782 D '06 Miracle at Pale Peter's. 123:239 Jl '11 G N. Duncan. Harper M. lurs. Mun 31 :254 L. Crane. Met 21:81 G. Burges.s. L H J 22:13 O L. Merrick. Mot 25:632 Packard. Mun 51:141 F Miracle at St. Anne's. My '04 Miracle by the roadside. O '01 Miracle In B-flat. '05 Miracle In Montmartre F '07 Miracle man. V. !>. •| 1 Miracle Mary. J. A. Moroso. Amer 76:10 D '13 Miracle of Las Palmas. R. H. Davis. Met 37:7 Ap '13 200 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Miracle of little Noel. V. Y. Remnitz. Cent S5:1S1 D '12 Miracle of Olga. C. S. Bailey. Delin 85:22 S ■14 Miracle of Tannhauser McGinnis. M. Chater. Col 3G:21 D 16 '05 Miracle of the matches. H. Scheffauer. Harp W 57:14 Ja IS '13 Miracle of the stigmata. F. Harris. Forum 46:564 N '11 Miracles. H. C. Green. Harp B 44:63S N '10 Miranda Harlow's mortgage. H. B. Fuller. Allan 86:671 N '00 Mirrilles, Edith Ronald Last message. Mun 35:168 My '06 Miss Farraway explains. Mun 38:769 Mr 08 Perjured. Atlan 110:696 N '12 Shooting at Raeder. McClure 39:187 Je '12 Sister to Jimmy. Lippinc 82:220 Ag '08 Spring thaw. Harp W 57:16 Mr 1 '13 Stronger force. Amer 73:569 Mr '12 Two on a mountain. McClure 41:66 Jl 13 Vicarious. Atlan 111:237 F 13 With assistance. Amer 72:114 My '11 Mirry. C. B. Loomis. L H J 22:17 F '05 Misadventure of Mr. Minks. R. E. Vernede. Les Mo 57:509 Mr '04 Misadventures of Cassidy. E. S. Moffat. Mc- Clure 31:3 My '08 Mischief-maker. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 179:3 Je S '07 Mischief of time. D. Deakin. Lippinc 86:257 S '10 Misdemeanor of Michael. F. B. Stevenson. Met 16:139 Ag '02 Misers. C. Johnston. Harper 118:441 F '09 Misery and company. V. W. Cloud. Harper 104:477 F '02 Misery in Mis' Randolph's knee. R. Shackelton. Lippinc 65:602 Ap '00 Misery loves company. G. Morris. Col 47:17 Ap 8 '11 Misfit Christmas. R. M. Stuart. Cent 69:226 D '04 Misjudged coward. E. C. Fellowes. Mun 30:120 O '03 Misner, Ernest Lyall Recruit. Met 28:190 My "08 Misogynist in the making. B. Goodman. Lippinc 82:595 N 'OS Mis' Bassett's matrimonial bureau. W. Arnold. Everybody's 11:251 Ag '04 Mis' Deborah has a visitor. M. I. Fisk. Harper 107:156 Je '03 Mis' Hepsey's china. N. Picton. Les Mo 51:189 D '00 Mis' Hi Lundy's school. B. R. Hoover. Every- bodv's 22:S51 Je '10 Mis' Perkins' supper. E. F. Wade. Every- body's 10:122 Ja '04 Mis' Willing's stroke. H. M. Hyde. Cent 73:264 D '06 Miss and my lady. H. B. M. Watson. Cosmop 34:579 Mr '03 Miss Atherton's wanderjahr. M. Moss. Lippinc 72:353 S '03 Miss Barber's nephew. E. Carmichael. New Eng n s 29:611 Ja '04 Miss Barkey. F. H. Spearman. Sat E P 175:4 Ag 16 '02 Miss Bixby's Indian romance. J. H. Raftery. Everybody's 8:236 Mr '03 Miss Buffum's new boarder. F. H. Smith. Sat E P 179:8 S 22 '06 Miss Cal. E. Robins. McClure 36:218 T> '10 Miss Calhoun's supreme day. E. Jordan. Harp B 39:798 S '05 Miss Carmichael and the janitor. A. M. Shaw. Lippinc 80:483 O '07 Miss Cathcart — as is. M. Criukshank. Delin 77:369 My '11 ss Churchill's twins. E. 45:442 O '11 ss Civilization. R. H. Davis. '04 ss Clara's Perseus. M. Deland. 498, 775 S-O '14 ss Clegg's adopted. A. Warner, Jl 04 ss Clementine's Christmas present Spofford. Harp B 47:11 Ja '13 ss Cluny of Cartmel. W. L. Comfort. pine ^3:504 Ap '09 ss Cullender's lamb. T. 15:53 My '00 ss Dalrymple's hour. M. 126:379 F '13 ss Davergoil's falsehood. Mun 23:101 Ap '00 ss Dodd on the school board Cent 55:341 Ja '04 ss Dream. M. S. Cutting. L H J 26:7 F '09 ss Eliot's soulful day. E. Jordan. Harp B 43:384 Ap '0!» ss Ellen. G. E. Channing. '05 ss Ethel's dress. J. Webster. O '05 G. Overton. Jordan. Harp B Col 34:16 D 3 Harper 129: Cent 68:470 H. P. Lip- Hopkins. McClure Manning. Harper M. M. Williams. L. R. Elder. E. Atlan 96:636 N McClure 25:661 Harper 114:592 Robinson. Lip- Mun 26:431 D '01 E. Mirrielees. Mun B. Loomis. Les Mo ss Etherington. Mr '07 ss Eunice's own folks. pine 73:705 Je '04 ss Fanny. A. O'Hagan. ss Farraway explains. 38:769 Mr '08 ss Flutterly on art. C. 60:228 Je '05 ss Flutterly on politics and the drama. C. B. Loomis. Les Mo 57:419 F '04 ss Flutterly on what is doing. C. B. Loomis. Les Mo 57:290 Ja '04 ss Forsythe meets a stranger. E. Jordan. Harp B 44:301 My '10 ss Gay lord and Jenny. A. Bates. Atlan 94: 835 D '04 ss Gladwin's chance. A. Hope. Cent 70:643 S '05 ss Goodwin's inheritance. T. N. Page. Scrib 36:173 Ag '04 ss Hamilton's endurance. G. Burgess. Col 38:21 Ja 19 '07 ss Harriet's extravagance. F. Pier. Cent 69:149 N '04 ss Herman — missionary. H. T. George. Met 24:489 Jl '06 ss Hinch. H. S. Harrison. McClure 37:559 S '11 ss Irene. J. C. Harris. Scrib 27:216 F '00 ss James — a mystery. W. L. Alden. Sat E P 173:5 Ap 6 '01 ss Janumit Latlit. E. Merwin. McClure 20:639 Ap '03 ss Jennings' companion. F. H. Smith. Sat E P 170:5 Ag 25 '06 ss Josephine. G. P. Coleman. New Eng n s 28:404 Je '03 ss Julia; old maid. G. W. Ogden. Every- body's 8:149 F '03 ss Kinglake's experiment. G. Hibbard. Sat E P 179:11 D 22 '06 ss Leonard's china auction. H. C. Cox. Harp B 34:548 Mr 2 '01 ss Lily and Mi.ss Chrysanthemum. O. Wat- anna. L H J 20:11 Ag '03 ss Lola's baby. M. Emmons. Harp B 45:410 S '11 ss Lucy and the simple life. L. Copinger. Lippinc 78:244 Ag '06 ss Mahala and Johnny. H. P. Spofford. Harper 127:698 O '13 s Maria's match. P. Leonard. Harp B 33:1042 Ag 25 '00 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 201 Pvliss Marr's lovers. C. B. Davis. Sat E P 176:5 O 31 '03 Miss Martin's hour. A. O'Hagan. Scrib 34:246 Ag '03 Miss Marwedel, intriguer. W. C. Morrow. Mun 39:663 Ag 'OS Miss Maud's assignment. G. W. Ogden. Every- body's 14:55S Ap '06 Miss Mehitable's backbone. H. T. Porter. Lip- pinc 80:765 D '07 Miss Melissa's miracle. H. P. SpofEord. Outl 94: 7iO Air 26 '10 Miss Merriam's groom. H. R. Durant. Lippinc 79:417 :Mr '07 Miss Middleton's gardeners. I. K. Friedman. Amer 60:665 O '05 Miss Million's private secretary. G. Bm-gess. L H J 22:3 Ag '05 Miss Milly's creche. B. P. Butler. McClure 22:565 Ap '04 Miss Mix, kidnapper. K. Norris. Mun 45:194 My '11 Miss Murphy's million. H. M. Hyde. Sat E P 1S5:6 Ja 11 '13 Miss Nancy's po'ch in Battletown. C. W. Ship- man. New Eng n s 37:489 D '07 Miss Nigger. R. Young. Cent 68:385 Jl '04 Miss Noel's reason. A. F. Redbi-anche. Harper 103:556 S '01 Miss Petrie's avocation. K. M. Rabb. Atlan 90:95 Jl '02 Miss Pettigrew's reception. E. A. Baker. Har- per 116:965 My '08 Miss Plioenix. A. Lee. Lippinc 91:129 F '13 Miss Pie Face. E. Gates. Sat E P 183:5 N 5 •10 Miss Polly's leviathan. R. H. Russell. Met 19:302 N '03 Miss Primrose. R. R. Gilson. Les Mo 56:313 Ag '03 Miss Rose. H. M. Price. L H J 22:14 F '05 Miss Sallie's title. L. Young. Harper 114:742 Ap '07 Miss Sally and the enemy. G. Morris. Cent 70:182 Je '05 Miss Sombrero. K. E. Harriman. Harp W 48:1966 D 17 '04 Miss Sophy's matrimonial step. L. C. Teters. Lippinc 75:504 Ap "05 Miss Stitt's 'waitin'. E. L. Sabin. Les Mo 51:270 Ja '01 Miss Tarrant's temperament. M. Sinclair. Har- per 123:341, 509 Ag-S '11 Miss Temple's game. F. W. Wharton. Cosmop 30:297 Ja '01 Miss Thirza Thompson's trolley trip. H. C. Cox. liarp B 33:356 .Ap 21 '00 Miss 318. K. Hughes. Sat E P 183:11 D 3 '10 Miss 318 and Mr. 37. R. Hughes. Sat E P 185:3 Jl 20. 19 Jl 27 '12 Miss Tooker's wedding gift. J. K. Bangs. Lippinc H3:320 Mr '09 Miss Virginia's Christmas. H. P. Spofford. Harp \V 49:34 D 16 '05 Miss Wainwright's adventure. G. Hibbard. Sat K I' 174:7 Je 7 '02 Miss Wentworth's resignation. B. I. Coell. Mun 44:22 O '10 Miss Winifred Atwood's bird-bath. W. P. Eaton. Kvorybody's 27:186 Ag '12 Misses Malngay. M. A. Ballard. Les Mo 50:50G S '0!! Misses Potters' chaperon. H. A. Nash. Les Mo 49:24:i Ja "00 MIsshuffle. H. Whitaker. Harper 113:134 Jo 'OC Missing chord. O. Henry. Cent 68:313 Je '04 Missing daughter of f;hee Tong. R. A. Bach- man. Mft 29:394 Ja '09 Missing r-xeciuatur. B. H. Rldgely. Cent 67:85 N '^03 Missing link. W. L. Alden. Sat E P 175:18 My 2 '03 Missing St. Michael. F. Cotton. Scrib 43:214 F -OS Mission-box that scandalized the village. F. Greenman. L H J 24:10 Ag '07 Mission in Macedonia. S. Bonsai. Cent 68:65 My '04 Mission of Andrew. A. N. Bourne. New Eng n s 30:538 Jl '04 Mission of Corporal Thompson. E. L. Sabin. Les Mo 50:508 S '00 Mission of Jane. E. Wharton. Harper 106:63 D '02 Mission of Kitty Malone. K. M. Cleary. Mc- Clure 18:88 N '01 Missionary appropriation. E. M. Willett. Lip- pinc 77:116 Ja '06 Missionary hens. C. L. Edholm. Lippinc 87:89 Ja '11 Missionary of Annam. P. Loti. Outl 65:681 Jl 21 '00 Missionary of the Manitowish. W. A. Frost. Met 32:731 S '10 Missionary's daughter. J. B. Foster. Amer 61:291 Ja 06 Missions of Sylvia. J. S. Clouston. Sat E P 182:9 Ap 30, 19 My 7 '10 Missus and the kids. H. Playter. Lippinc 93: 232 F '14 Missy. A. Brown. Harp B 40:1094 D '06 Mistake. A. H. Donnell. New Eng n s 37:116 S 07 Mistake. M. Robertson. Mun 32:799 Mr '05 Mistake in the count. L. J. Roach. Cent 62:49 My '01 Mistaken jest of Monsieur Bonamy. W. R. Hereford. Scrib 44:345 S '08 Mistaken man. V. Roseboro'. McClure 28:628 Ap 07 Mr. Ackerstein, of New York. M. E. Seawell. Sat E r 173:9 Ja 12 '01 Mr. Appleby's vote. C. Y. Glen. Cent 63:17 N '01 Mr. Appledore's experience. H. Carruth. Har- per 105:317 Jl '02 Mr. Baldwin's political education. O. Johnson. Sat E P 181:5 Ja 2 '09 Mr. Bently's awakening. A. B. Paine. Scrib 39:621 My '06 Mister Biggs' luck. E. B. Franks. Met 22:637 Ag '05 Mr. Billings' pockets. E. P. Butler. Sat E P 181:16 Mr 27 '09 Mr. Billlngton, a polite rascal. W. H. Osborne. Met 19:291 N '03 Mr. Bliss and the highwayman. M. Glass. Mun 37:581 Ag '07 Mr. Bobby's saving climax. A. C. Higgins. Harp \V 53:22 S 4 '09 Mr. Boots: the tale of an amateur. M. Hill. Amer 65:465 Mr '08 Mr. Bowe and Mr. Miles. R. R. Gilson. L H J 24:14 N '07 Mr. Bozeman's transformation. H. Paradyne. Harp W 56:15 S 21 '12 Mr. Brand: the grocer. M. S. Cutting. L H J 22:4 Ja '05 Mr. Brinkley to the rescue. E. G. Jordan. H.uiMi- 128:137 D '13 Mr. Brown's ai)potite. M. K. Ward. New Eng n H 116: 34 8 My '07 Mr. Burdock's Insurance. P. B. Kyne. Col 53:5 Ar) 25 '14 Mr. Bush's kindergarten Christmn.s. 11. Car- riitli. Harper 102:168 D 'CO Mr. Carter fcol.s his oat.s. S. C. Page. TJpplnc S0:'.t2 Jl '07 Mr. Carteret's adventure with a locket. D. f'.rny. <'«'nt 7S:5:i6 Ak '09 Mr. Carthew. J. M. Forman. Col 48:17 D 9 '11 202 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Mr. Caw's love affair. J. J. Bell. Delin 73:770 Je '09 Mr. Chadwick's trial balance. T. Jackson. Col 40:15 Ja 18 '08 Mr. Chartres learns. J. M. Forman. Mun 33: 444 Jl '05 Mr. Chubb's burglar. R. Bergengren. Mun 48: 602 Ja '13 Mister Clink Thurston's duel. E. Peple. Amer 65:212 D '07 Mister Conley. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 186:5 Ja 17 '14 Mr. Crole-Rees' manoeuvre. W. A. Ross. Ev- eiybody's 2:446 My '00 Mr. Crow's garden. A. B. Paine. Harp B 44: 120 F '10 Mr. Dasher's little flurry in housekeeping. L. Allen. Delin 85:9 Ag '14 Mr. Divy and the girl. R. Hartley. Harp W 52: 24 V 12 'OS Mr. Dooley stories. See Dunne, Finley Peter Mr. Durgan and the ampeer puffs. M. R. War- ren. Harper 121:269 Jl '10 Mr. Durgan and the new cookery. M. R. War- ren. Col 49:19 Ap 6 '12 Mr. Durgan and the Tango. M. R. Warren. Harper 129:413 Ag '14 Hr. Durgan and Violet. M. R. Warren Harper 129:661 O '14 Mr. Durgan's cousin Beatrice. M. R. Warren. Harper 130:16 D '14 Mr. Feeney's social experiment. V. Kester. Amer 73.318 Ja '12 Mr. Fitch. J. Oppenheim. Harper 126:720 Ap •13 Mr. Flickinger's vacation. B. R. Hoover. Har- per 117:803 O 'OS Mr. Gookin, of Providence. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 176:4 S 12 '03 Mr. Grigsby's way. A. S. Winston. Cent 60: S96 S 'UO Mr. Hamshaw's love affair. G. B. McCutcheon. Sat E P 177:6 Ap 1 '05 Mr. Hapgood's gospel. W. Payne. Atlan 87: 706 My '01 Mr. Hay's memory system. C. B. Loomis. Cent 68:163 My '04 Mr. Holiday. G. Morris. Col 44:13 D 11 '09 Mr. Ishiboshi, my Japanese servant and friend. M. H. Farnham. Amer 76:71 Ag '13 Mr. Jeans. M. Foster. Sat B P 185:10 O 12 '12 Mr. John's Miss Best. M. B. Turner. Atlan 105:397 Mr '10 Mr. Jones and the nobility. D. Conyers. Sat E P 185:14 My 24 '13 Mr. Judd was awake. C. Johns. Les Mo 53: 581 Mr '02 Mr. Letts speaks. H. Schwed. Les Mo 60:324 Jl '05 Mr. Lo Pinto. M. Glass. Cur Lit 51:341 S '11 Mr. Lockwood and the sport of kings. H. D. Couzens. Met 37:25 Ap '13 Mr. Lucile Grant Parker. J. W. Tompkins. Scrib 37:220 F '05 Mr. MacGlowrie's widow. B. Harte. Cosmop 32:445 F '02 Mr. Mac Ivor resents Christmas. L. F. Tooker. Cent 89:255 D '14 Mr. McClanahan, the Chinese laundry, and Bel- ler. M. H. Vorse. McClure 30:480 F '08 Mr. McCurdy — superman. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Amer 73:457 F '12 Mr. MG from Sanford. L. C. Hall. Les Mo 59: 398 F '05 Mr. Mudge. H. J. Smith. Atlan 99:253 F '07 Mr. Munro's doctrine. C. Day, Jr. Harper 126: 901 My '13 Mr. Nickerson's star. M. Moss. McClure 26: 664 Ap '06 Mr. Mitchelbourne's last escapade. A. E. W. Mason. Harp W 44:1177 D 8 '00 Mr. Opp. A. H. Rice. Cent 77:176 D '08 Mr. Penney's aerial submarine. E. J. Rath. Cosmop 45:264 Ag '08 Mr. Pennycook's boy. J. J. Bell. Harp W 48: 248 F 13 '04 Mr, Perkins of Portland. E. P. Butler. Cent 59:642 F '00 Mr. Pickle's go-carts. H. S. Harrison. Les Mo 59:287 Ja '05 Mr. Potter's vacation. H. D. Ward. McClure 20:171 D '02 Mr. Pottle's passengers. A. Lee. Sat E P 183:3 Mr 4, 18 Mr 11 '11 Mr. Rabbit's reform. A. B. Paine. Harper 127: 641 S '13 Mr. Rainey in Bohemia. W. Irwin. Sat E P 185:16 Ja 4 '13 Mr. Samuels. V. T. Sutphen. Harp W 45:1268 D 14 '01 Mr. Scragg's intervenes. H. W. Phillips. Sat E P 177:6 My 20 '05 Mr. Scrooge and the goddesses. M. Mullett. L H J 29:10 D '12 Mr. Skiddings pilots the Onadeka Squaws. L. H. Bickford. Col 39:13 Ag 17 '07 Mr. Smed ley's guest. E. S. Chamberlayne. At- lan 87:213 F '01 Mr. Smith, Perthshire. A. E. Brand. New Eng n s. 24:396 Je '01 Mr. Trickle's sign. W. Macauley. Lippinc 93: 625 My '14 Mr. Trimble's speech. E. J. Rath. Everybody's 19:105 Jl 'OS Mr. Tyce's message. W. Payne. Sat E P 176:6 Ag 1 '03 Mr. Walker. F. Pier. Delin 82:356 My '13 Mr. Wanhull, bounder. J. W. Muller. Cent 83: 781 Mr '12 Mr. Warner. J. Anderson. Harper 127:18 Je '13 Mr. Weeks. V. Roseboro and W. C. Morrow. McClure 29:649 O '07 Mr. Wellaway's host. E. P. Butler. Cent 85:3 N '12 Mr. Williams of the parks. T. Chesworth. Lippinc 87:108 Ja '11 Mr. Winkler's signs. H. C. Vaughan. Lippinc 91:749 Je '13 Mr. Witherspoon's heart trouble. A. S. Pier. Col 44:17 O 30 '09 Mr. Zirkle and ruthless Rose Amy. H. S. Har- rison. McClure 38:243 Ja '12 Mistletoe bough. L. Pratt. McClure 32:128 D '08 Mistletoe mistake. K. Perry. Harp W 46:20 D 6 '02 Mistress Mary. F. M. Smith. New Eng n s 35: 31 S '06 Mistress Nell Williams and her soldier. V. W. Cloud. L H J 18:8 Jl "01 Mistress problem. S. Comstock. Col 50:15 F 1 "13 Mistress Submit. A. B. Kimball. New Eng n s 25:168 O '01 Mrs. Allengate's tip. E. Boltwood. Mun 34:324 D '05 Mrs. Alward's point of view. Z. Gale. Delin 67:255 F '06 Mrs. Archer's feelings. A. M. Roach. McClure 27:383 Ag '06 Mrs. Atwood's outer raiment. M. S. Cutting. McClure 18:476 Mr '02 Mrs. Bankhurst to dinner. H. S. Harrison. De- lin 76:251 O '10 Mrs. Bassett's fall. E. Robbins. New Eng n s 30:272 My '04 Mrs. Bassett's squash pie. W. Arnold. Every- body's 9:524 O '03 Mrs. Belden's beau-Ideal. S. E. Kiser. Mun 49:260 My '13 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 203 Mrs. Billington's first cas6. M. Glass. Mun 42: 355 D 'Oy Mrs. Billy Welghtman's grouch. C. Lockhart. Lippinc S6:632 N '10 Mrs. Birkln's bonnet. L. A. Harker. Cent 76: 622 Ag '08 Mrs. Blunt's rebellion. H. A, Nash. New Eng n s 36:481 Je '07 Mrs. Budlong's Christmas gifts. R. Hughes. Sat E P 184:10 D 2 '11 Mrs. Burr's baby. L. Pratt. Amer 71:526 P '11 Mrs. Carney's sealskin. S. MacManus. L H J 21:12 X 04 Mrs. Carter as fate. J. Webster. McClure 26: 35 N 05 Mrs. Chetwynd's husband. M. G. Fawcett, Mun 24:252 N '00 Mrs. Chick. V. W. Cloud. Cent 65:267 D '02 Mrs. Colonel and the hat. R. Thomas. Delin 77:363 My '11 Mrs. Crafts — prevaricator. A. G. Golden. New Eng n s 44:628 Jl '11 Mrs. Cromwell's heart. J. M. Forman. Les Mo 60:123 Je '05 Mrs. Deane's caller. M. B. Schrader. Mun 43: 356 Je '10 Mrs. Deane's magic fetters. C. B. Morgan. Lippinc 79:760 Je '07 Mrs. Dixon's culture course. E. Jordan. Atlan 102:594 N '08 Mrs. Doolittle of Hanover Green. E. F. Wade. Everybody's 10:847 Je '04 Mrs. Dud's sister. J. D. Bacon. Harper 104: 279 Ja '02 Mrs. Dunkin's morning call. B. M. Willett. Cent 7:::627 Ag '06 Mrs. Durkee draws the line. K. Harris. Col 49: 21 Je 15 -12 .Mrs. Edgerton's education. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Cosmop 55:443 S '13 Mrs. Eldredge's bishop. K. Jarboe. Mun 29: 572 Jl '03 Mrs. Evans' last sensation. F. W. Wharton. Cosmop 32:199 D '01 Mrs. Fagan, missionary. K. Hoffman. Mun 29: 720 Ag '03 Mrs. Finnegan scores one. F. Arlington. Les Mo 59:24 N '04 Mrs. Harrigan borrows a pie. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 177:2 My 27 '05 Mrs. Harrigan telephones. C. B. Loomis. Cent 60:319 L> '04 Mrs. Hartwell's perfect treasure. E. Jordan. Cent 82:16 My '11 Mrs. Holzapple's convictions. H. R. Martin. Les Mo 57:33 N '03 Mrs. Kilborn's sister. F. H. Lea. Harper 125: 37 Je '12 Mrs. King gets posted a little more. F. Green- man. L H J 31:14 My '14 Mrs. Kobb in New York. G. Whiteside. Met 11: 666 Je '00 Mrs. Korner sins her mercies. J. K. Jerome. Col 33:11 Ag 13 '04 Mrs. Landy's castaway. F. Putney, Jr. Mc- Clure 35;C70 O '10 Mrs. Lathrop's love affair. A. Warner. Cent 69:838 Ap '05 Mrs. Lawton's little dinner. C. Wells. Cosmop 32:61 N '01 Mrs. Llewelyn Jones's sister. J. Marks. Outl 99:1J6 S 16 '11 Mrs. Lorenzo at home. P. Collins. Everybody's 1J..'.6 1 A I) 05 Mrs. Loveredge rorolves. J. K. Jerome. Sat E I' 176;:; K L'7 '01 Mrs. Manton Waring enlarges her pearl neck- lar<.. J. Morton. Mun 36:213 N '06 Mrs. Manton Waring plays trumps. J. Morton. Mun 38:395 D '07 Mrs. Marden's pilgrimage. E. Jordan. Lippinc 91:180 F '13 Mrs. Marsham. M. Maartens. Lippinc 83:603 My '09 Mrs. Martin's surprise. E. VanBuren. Cent 81: 415 Ja '11 Mrs. McCafferty explains. E. Jordan. Scrib 44: 275 S '08 Mrs. McCafferty's mistake. S. Macmanus. Cent 62:430 Jl '01 Mrs. M'Crie's stuffed birds. J. J. Bell. Cent 67:573 F '04 Mrs. McOstrich gives a party. J. J. Bell. Lip- pinc 73:337 Mr 04 Mrs. M'Groarty's inheritance. S. MacManus. Cent 70:757 S '05 Mrs. Molly's real self. F. Pier. Harper 123: 786 O '11 Mrs. •Morton's widowhood. M. C. Francis. Mun 39:83 Ap '08 Mrs. Noah's ark. G. Burgess. Harper 109:234 Jl '04 Mrs. North mere's treasure. G. Hall. Cent SO: 597 Ag '10 Mrs. Peevy's signature. H. Pendexter. Delin 72:749 N '08 Mrs. Pellet's pies. A. W. Colton. Harper 103: 1013 N '01 Mrs. Peter's Thanksgiving. K. Bates. Harp B 37:1012 N '03 Mrs. Peyton interferes. N. Boyce. McClure 37: 374 Ag '11 Mrs. Phidgit's system. J. Lincoln. Harp B 33: 43 Ja 13 '00 Mrs. Piper's limit. G. E. McCulloch. McClure 33:431 Ag '09 Mrs. Pott's perplexity. E. Kenton. Cent 64: 524 Ag '0:: Mrs. Protheroe. B. Tarkington. McClure 24: 409 F '05 Mrs. Randolph's nerve. J. R. Scott. Lippinc 86:708 D '10 Mrs. Riggs' new boy. R. C. Carter. Mun 30: 593 Ja '04 Mrs. Saunders's principle. C. Maynard. Harp W 55:16 D 9 '11 Mrs. Shanklin's ambitions. R. E. Young. Mc- Clure 19:232 Jl '02 Mrs. Shaver's recovery. G. Horton. Every- body's 10:271 F '04 Mrs. Splller's treatment. E. L. Liddell. Every- body's 13:124 Jl '05 Mrs. Sweeney's vengeance. C. R. Barnes. Mc- Clure 32:530 Mr '09 Mrs. Swiss Family Robinson. M. Foster. Sat E P 183:5 Je 10 '11 Mrs. Teasley's summer boarder. Mrs. L. H. Harris. Amer 62:239 Jl '06 Mrs. Thanful's charge. N. Brooks. Cent 62: 563 Ag '01 Mrs. Thistleton's princess. A. Hope. Met 19: 641 F '04 Mrs. Traver's musicale. J. W. Manning. Met 16:635 D '02 Mrs. Tremley. M. S. Cutting. McClure 29:561 S '07 Mrs. Tyman passes the contribution box. R. K. Hallett. Cent 73:965 Ap '07 Mrs. Van Anden sings. M. Synon. Scrib 53: 679 Je '13 Mrs. Van Nostrand's perfect treasure. E. G. Jordan. Jlarp B 37:427 My "03 Mrs. Van Rumble: story of a big woman in a sm.ill town. (',. Fitch. L H J 29:1!» Ja '12 Mrs. Varney's freedom. H. P. Spofford. Harp H 33:9 IS Ak 11 '00 Mrs. Walker's contumacy. M. MIohelson. Mun 31 I 1 I ,\i) '01 Mrs. W.irburton's theories. E. Jordan. Harp B 42:221 Mr '08 204 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Mrs. Warren's earring. H. Susman. Lippinc 91:117 Ja '13 Mrs. Weimer's gift of tongues. E. Singmaster, Lippinc 81:254 F 'OS Mrs. Winstead's mistake. M. B. Seawell. Sat E P 173:3 S 8 '00 Misunderstanding. C. Harrison. Harper 106: 819 Ap '03 Misunderstanding about the saints. L. A. Math- ews. Mun 39:431 Je 'OS Mitchell, Edward Bedinger, 1S80- He came to Proveis. iorum 44:144 Ag 10 Mitciieli, Edward Page, 1&52- Tachypomp, a mathematical demonstration. Cent S6:99 My '13 Mitchell, Henry E. At sunrise. Everybody's 23:420 S 10 Mitchell, John Ames, 1S45- Pines of Lory. Scrib 30:202, 365, 492, 577 Ag- N '01 Mitchell, Mary E. ia, ^n For the honor of the company. Atlan 10i.t.4i Store on Bridge street. L H J 30:6 S '13 Mitchell, Silas Weir, M.D., 1830- ^ ^^ ,, ^ Christmas venture; a romance of Valley Forge. L H J 25:11 D '07. 21 Ja '08 Comedy of conscience. Cent 61:323 Ja 01 Dilemma. Cent 64:374 Jl '02 Diplomatic adventure. Cent 71:612, 684, 875 F-Ap '06 Fourteenth guest. Cent 78:559 Ag 09 Ghost of glory. Cent 64:226 Je 02 Little stories. Cent 63:585. 683. 852; 64:40, 266, 374, 533 F-Ag '02 Mind-reader. Cent 74:655 S '07 New Samaria. Lippinc 70:131 Ag 02 Sins of the fathers. Lippinc 69:324 Mr 02 Society of the guillotine. Cent <8;323 Jl 09 Summer of St. Martin. Cent 6/:144 N 03 Thou art the soul of thy house. Cent 64.533 Aer "02 Waters of oblivion. Cent 64:40 My '02 Mitchell, Stanley B. ^ ^ „„ ,.„ Virtue rewarded. Col 50:17 S 28 12 Mivins. S. Kayme. Met 16:55 Jl '02 Mix-up at the Christmas party. G. S. Rich- mond. L H J 27:11 D '09 Mix-ups in Troop J. W. Adams. Col 52:17 F 28 '14 Mixed bag. R. W. Chambers. Harp W 48:406 Mr 12 '04 Mixed doubles. A. Guiterman. Everybody's 13: 560 O '05 Mixed doubles. O. Oliver. Lippinc 93:206 F '14 Mixed pairs. H. S. Griffith. Lippinc 74:626 N '04 Mixed proposal. W. W. Jacobs. Harper 102: Mixi^ng them for Marjorie. G. Fitch. Amer 74: 386 Ag '12 Mizner. Wilson, 1876- Three saved! Col 42:12 D 26 '08 Mizzibul man. M. Dawson. Cur Lit 29:738 D '00 Mizzled collie. W. A. Frazer. Met 21:717 Mr '05 M'liss's child. E. Higginson. Col 36:17 N 4 '05 Moabitish woman. F. W. Wharton. Cosmop 29:90 My '00 Mob. M. Gorky. Cosmop 42:14 N '06 Mob. E. M. Kelly. Lippinc 85:489 Ap '10 Mob from Massac. L S. Cobb. Sat E P 184:5 F 10 '12 Mock Caliph and his wife. E. Robinson. Lip- pinc 69:315 My '02 Mocking of the gods. A. R. Troubetzkoy. Har- per 106:122. 282 D '02-Ja '03 Model of sorrows. L Zangwill. Cosmop 32:653 Ap '02 Modern Adam. F. J. Stimson. McClure 22:600 Ap '04 Modern case of Jane. M. Campion. Amer 66: 509 S '08 Modern fable of the old fox and the young fox. G. Ade. Cent 63:670 Mr '02 Modern Horatius. C. Dangerfield. Delin 70: 540 O '07 Modern knight-errant. U. Hudson, Mun 31:369 Je '04 Modern methods. C. Day. Sat E P 184:15 N 4 '11 Modern miracle play. J. M. McBryde, Jr. At- lan 110:266 Ag '12 Modern Moses. R. H. Russell. Harp W 53:22 Mr 6 '09 Modern pirate. W. Bathon. Cosmop 29:544 S '00 Modern pirate. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 182: 14 Jl 3 '09 Modern prodigal. G. G. Bain. Amer 63:37 N ■06 Modern progress handicapped: monologue. S. V. Milne. Harp B 39:794 S '05 Modern revolutionist. P. L. Allen. Harper 113: 964 N '06 Modern Sabine. E, Ayrton. Lippinc 72:78 Jl '03 Modern Saint Francis, R, Le Gallienne. Forum 45:697 Je '11 Modern Swiss Family Robinson. J. B. Walker. Cosmop 37:659 O '04 Modern way. J. W. Tompkins. Harp B 44:542 5 '10 Moffat, Edward Stewart, 1876- Misadventures of Cassidy. McClure 31:3 My '08 Moffett, Cleveland (Langston), 1863- Namoose. Cent 78:577 Ag '09 Mogul. H. G. Bishop. Everybody's 26:57 Ja '12 Mohammed Maroudi's m'btor. A. Train, Every- body's 26:690 My '12 Moira. A. S. Allen. Delin 69:93 Ja '07 Moise, E. E. Streak of gold. Col 53:10 Ag 8 '14 Moise, L. C. Last ounce. Amer 75:70 Ap '13 Mol-Gobbin. M. Hill. Amer 64:257 Jl '07 Molasses and a feather. H. Day. Sat E P 184: 10 Ap 20 '12 Mole-warfare — a tale of the Manchurian war. O. Luk-Oie. Cur Lit 50:455 Ap '11 Moliere's birthday. E. S. Babcock. Atlan 107: 55 Ja '11 Moll of the Green Hills. I. K. Friedman. Sat E P 185:10 Mr 15 '13 Mollie and the opera game. E. Gates. Sat E P 179:14 Jl 7 '06 Mollmeit. C. Stockley. McClure 40:107 Ap '13 Molly. G. Pattullo. McClure 36:25 N '10 Molly Beamish. H. De V. Stackpole. Lippinc 90:1 Jl '12 Molly Le Rocs. M. West. Mun 27:90 Ap '02 Molly monologue, A. C. Wells. Cent 68:33 Je •04 Molly Rafferty. E. G. Klahr. Col 54:11 S 26 '14 Mollycoddle. A. Kortrecht. Lippinc 83:718 Je '09 Mollycoddle, The. H. MacGrath. Sat E P 185:5 My 10 '13 Molly's Guest. D. Z. Doty. Harp W 46:32 D 6 '02 Moment of confidence. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 76:747 D '05 Moment of victory. O. Henry. Mun 39:231 My 'OS Monahan's incroochmint. B. Jackson. Lippinc 76:380 S '05 Monahan's musical education. B. Lessing. Cos- mop 42:414 F '07 Monarch of Park Barren. C. G. D. Roberts. Sat E P 181:12 O 10 '08 Monarch the grizzly. E. T, Seton. L H J 21:5 F, 13 Mr, 15 Ap '04 Money. R. W. Child. Everybody's 17:388 S '07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 205 Money maker. H. D. Couzens. Met 32:709 S '10 Money maker. V. Tracy. Col 34:18 Mr 4, 18 Mr 11 "05 Money meter. H. K. Viele. McClure 24:178 D •04 Money poor. L. Huffaker. Forum 52:110 Jl '14 Mongolian musical comedy. C. Johnston. Harp W 55:19 Ap 29 '11 Mongrel. J. Warth. Everybody's 25:463 O '11 Mongrel child. T. W. Steep. Les Mo 53:660 Ap ■02 Monica's village. E. Robins. Cent 70:19 My '05 Monitor and the Merrimac. G. Morris. Sat E P 1S2:5 O 16 '09 Monk from the Ghetto. M. Wolfenstein. Lip- pine 66:131 Jl '00 Monk was he. L. A. Long. Amer 63:313 Ja '07 Monkey. M. E. Wilkins. Harper 102:109 D '00 Monkey-flowers. A. T. Quiller-Couch. Cosmop 31;405 Ag '01 Monkey's paw. W. W. Jacobs. Harper 105:634 S '02 Monks of Saint Bride. H. Templeton. Col 40: 12 Ja 11 'OS Monopolist. L. F. Tooker. Cent 87:88 N '13 Monopoly of Barnabas Beagle. C. B. Kelland. Mun 47:476 Je '12 Monroe, Anne Shannon Making a business woman. Sat E P 184:3 My IS, 13 My 25, 15 Je 1, 15 Je 8 '12 Monroe, Harriet, 1S60- Aunt Cynthia. Delin 71:977 Je '08 For unto us. Delin 72:990 D '08 In the chapel of Nicholas V. Atlan 92:367 S '03 Monsieur Donaque. A. Train. Everybody's 25: 494 O '11 Monsieur Gaspard: villain. A. Ruhl. Col 34:22 Ja 21 '05 Monsieur le Bebe. Mrs. C. T. Collins. Harper 109:401 Ag '04 Monsieur, Madame and Victorine. H. Davis. Mun 27:48 Ap '02 Monsieur Pompadour. F. Hurst. Sat E P 185 10 Je 7 '13 Monsieur Rousseau. J. K. Bangs. Cosmop 43 315 Jl '07 Monsieur Vidoq steps up. J. S. Reed. Cent 84 716 S '12 Monsieur X. A. Train. Everybody's 26:161 F Monsterey, soldier of fortune. H. S. Canfield. Everybody's 7:329 O '02 Monstrous mood. M. Van Vorst. Harper 104: 652 Mr '02 Monstrous Pickerell of Gillette's Dam. C. N Hood. Lippinc 79:141 Ja '07 Montague, Frazer L. John Groves' revenge. New Eng n s 37:109 S '07 Montague, J. Barrett J'ersonally conducted. Mun 45:567 Jl '11 Montague, Margaret Prescott, 187S- f'Hiii. tlie key. Allan lli!:i!19 Ag '13 '■iii.tive princess. Delin 70:542 O '07 I.iUle Kaintuck. Atlan 105:009 My '10 I>iltle si^^n for friend. Atlan 113:597 My '14 Out of the dark. Atlan 105:103 Ja '10 Red Bird, he can see. Atlan 112:617 N '13 Something big, like Red Bird. Atlan 114:199 Ag '11 Why it was W-on-the-eyes. Atlan 111:402 Ap Monte Carlo and Julia. M. Stacpoole. Lippinc 9:i;l Jl '13 Monte flat pastoral. B. Harte. Cent 85:828 Ap '13 Montgomery invlnclbles. H. (i. Carleton. Cos- mop 30:599 Ap '01 Montgomery, Lucy Maud (Mrs. Ewen MacDon- ald). 1H71- Each in his own tongue. Delin 76:247 O '10 Montgomery, Lucy Maud ^ — continued Promise of Lucy Ellen. Delin 63:268 F '04 Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's. Every- body's 16:495 Ap '07 Montmorenci election. W. H. Drummond. Ev- erybody s 7:97 Jl '02 Moody, Coffyn Aunt Marthy's bunco steerer. Met 25:640 F '07 Moody, Lulu Judson How he ttnally spoke. L H J 26:15 Jl '09 Moody, Winfield Scott, 1S56- Any man and any woman. Atlan 96:16 Jl '05 Black hawthorn jar. Scrib 41:51 Ja '07 Buying a sideboard. Scrib 39:444 Ap '06 Disciplining of Peter. Scrib 41:347 ]\lr '07 E. M. I. B. Lowestoft. Scrib 39:733 Je '06 Piclvwick ladee. Scrib 40:733 D '06 Reveillon. Scrib 3S:678 D '05 Roseback plate. Scrib 41:478 Ap '07 Moon curse. B. H. Maxwell. Everybody's 2: 342 Ap '00 Moon magic. E. H. Brainerd. Everybody's 23: 317 S '11 Moon, Margaret M. Man's country. L H J 31:21 Ag '14 Moon-mirror light and power co. T. A. Janvier. Harper 116:479 F '08 Moon, the maid, and the winged shoes. R. E. Beach. Col 36:16 O 14 '05 Moonlight. J. Gordon. Harp B 33:398 Je 16 '00 Moonhght. H. Maupassant. Lippinc 88:272 Ag Moonlight effect. W. J. Locke. Amer 68:392 Ag '09 Moonlight on the snow. S. Crane. Les Mo 49: 606 Ap '00 Moonlit road. A. Bierce. Cosmop 42:334 Ja '07 Moonman. C. F. Home. L H J 21:9 Ap, 5 My •01 Moonshine. D. Canfield. Mun 35:561, 703 Ag-S •06 Moonshine and Mahomet. L. Crane. Amer 62: 547 S '06 Moonshiner at home. L. Hubbard, Jr. Atlan 90: 1134 Ag '02 Moore, D. F. Curing of Peabody. Met 25:701 Mr '07 Moore, Frank Frankfort Under royal patronage. Sat E P 172:918 Ap 7 '00 Moore, Frederick Ferdinand, 1877- IJig story. McClure 33:376 Ag '09 Moore, Mrs. Frederick. See Gates, Eleanor Moore, George lOiiima Bovary. Lippinc 69:589 My '02 Exile. Harp W 46:1321 S 20 '02 Homesickness. Harp W 46:1111 Ag 16 '02 Moore, Mollie E. See Davis, Mary Evelyn Moore Moore, Ruth Batliing liour. Met 14:489 O '01 Moore, Susan Teackle Daddy Billy's .Juiio. Cent 69:467 Ja '05 De scotch! ii' of Witch Hagar. Sat E P 176:12 Ag 2J '03 Moorhead, Elizabeth Conciuorcd. liarper 112:592 Mr '06 Skulker. Cent 83:909 Ap '12 Standard of reality. Cent 74:461 Jl "07 Things that are Caesar's. Scrib 49:600 My '11 Moorhouse, Hopkins I'.iths of rt'ctiludo. Mun 39:689 Ag 'OS I'iiiMacles of fame. Lippinc 84:473 O '09 Moorland magic. F. Converse. Atlan 97:611 My '06 Moors, John Farwell, 1861- My father's brother. Col 37:1S Aj) 21 '06 Moose and the Hon. J. W. Tomi)kiiis. Scrib 35: 701 Je '04 Moose that knocked at the door. C. G. D. ilol.crt.s. L II J 28:19 D 1 '10 Moossy. I. Maclaren. Sat E P 173:10 Ag 4 '00 206 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Moral sense. L Gordon. Les Mo 52:603 O '01 Morals of mammon. J. M. Palmer. McClure 27:26U Jl '06 Moran, A. E. and Jenison, Madge C. Cinderella dines. Everybody's 16:745 Je '07 More, Phil ^ Tom Tail-Rope's exploit. McClure 14:309 F •00 More precious than rubies. F. W. Wharton. Harper 118:277 Ja '09 More than a story. L. D. Follett. Les Mo 5S: 300 Jl '04 Morgan, Angela Game. Met 33:580 F '11 „„ , , . ,,„ Her splendid hour. L H J 29:14 Ap 12 Highbrow. Met 31:29 O '09 , „ -, oa oo Than anything else in the world. Li i± J iSu:z-, Ap '13 Morgan, Carrie Blake t- • la.nun Mrs. Deane's magic fetters. Lippmc 79.760 Je '07 Morgan, Gerald .„ ,.„ Back of third base. Harp W 5^S:18 Ag 16 13 Honeymoon up Faura river. Col 6i:ifJ fc> J-O J. Betz. pitcher. Harp W 58:18 S 20 '13 Men that followed Whiteside. Met 25:371 D Northwest passage to Kansas. Col 37:15 Je Shortstop of the Admirals. Harp W 58:24 O 4 '13 Morlarty and McSwiggin. J. M. Dodge. Cent 60:158 My '00 Morlarty, John Singleton , ,^ „. ^ „ ,^^ Their higher kinship. Col 46:21 D iJ 10 Morn of the mighty trembling. C. P^ez. Mun 36:470 Ja '07 Morning call. G. Hibbard. Harper 106:305 Ja '03 Morning call. E. W. Mumford. Sat E P 17S:3 Ja 13 '06 Morning-Glory. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 187: 11 Ag 29 '14 Morning light. J. Johnson. Amer 60:556 S '05 Morning trip of the Brennan. T. Waters. Ev- erybody's 11:275 Ag '04 Morning with pessimism. G. Showerman. Har- per 120:291 Ja '10 Moroso, John Antonio, 1874- Alias Santa Claus. Amer 78:18 D '14 All that glitters. Amer 75:36 Ap '13 Broken bowl. Delin 85:9 D '14 Cinders. Amer 78:18 N '14 Duffy. Amer 76:38 N '13 Finnegan. Amer 76:17 Ag '13 Miracle Mary. Amer 76:10 D '13 Murphy of the legion. Met 40:28 Ag 14 Smoke. Amer 75:37 My '13 Uncle Bung. Amer 74:396 Ag '12 Morris and the Honorable Tim. M. Kelly. Mc- Clure 21:464 S '03 Morris, Anna Van Rensselaer High treason of the district attorney. Met 26: 107 Ap '07 Morris, Anna Wharton Her money's worth. Cosmop 39:358 Ag '05 Hundred dollars down. Lippinc 81:798 Je '08 Seed of life. New Eng n s 31:117 S '04 Morris, Charles Jack Sheppard, of Newgate. Lippinc (0:592 N '02 Morris, Mrs. Charles G. See Woodbridge, Elisa- beth Morris, Clara. 1849- Ambition of Sandy Macilhenney. Cosmop 33: 587 S '02 Christmas function at 90 Bank street. Cos- mop 37:700 O '04 Found — a gentleman. Met 13:755 Je '01 Frank Sen. L H J 18:14 My '01 Gentleman of the jimmy. Mun 25:246 My 01 Illegal loyalty. Cosmop 37:300 Jl "04 Joke of the season. Cosmop 31:614 O 01 Le Moyne's fun making. Les Mo 52:93 My 01 Morris, Clara — continued My tattooed friend. Cosmop 32:517 Mr '02 Trouble woman. Cosmop 33:80 My '02 Unwelcome hit. Mun 42:646 F '10 Morris, Edwin Bateman Page girl. L H J 26:9 F, 15 Mr '09 Morris, Mrs. Eugenia N. (Alyn Yates Keith, pseud.) Dominant mother. New Eng n s 22:712 Ag '00 Morris, George Putts. Sat E P 183:14 S 17 '10 Morris, Gouverneur, 1876- Airman. Met 35:25 Je '12 All that troubled them. Cosmop 53:172 Jl '12 All the evidence. Cosmop 55:850 N '13 Always warm and green. Cosmop 52:512 Mr '12 Ancestors. Cosmop 55:10 Je '13 Back seat. Sat E P 185:8 Ap 12 '13 Back there in the grass. Col 48:17 D 16 '11 Battle of Aiken. Col 47:20 Je 3 '11 Bostonian. Met 38:7 Je '13 Bride's dead. Col 42:13 N 28 'OS By stages. Cent 72:209 Je '06 Captain England. Cent 63:595 F '02 Carolina night's entertainment. Met 37:18 F '13 Championship. Everybody's 29:18 Jl '13 Cicatrice. Cent 69:393 Ja '05 Concerning my Aunt Ellen. Cent 68:943 O '04 Cook. Delin 69:108 Ja '07 Cradle-snatcher. Sat E P 183:6 D 3 '10 Crocidile. Col 36:16 N 25 '05 Custody of the child. Cosmop 56:186 Ja '14 Daymare. Col 48:18 D 30 '11 Despoiler. Sat E P 182:8 Jl 17 '09 Explorers. Col 38:20 D 1 '06. Same Col 44:21 O 9 '09 First of the month. Cosmop 52:304 F '12 Frame-up. Cosmop 55:299 Ag '13 Girl in the Santee. Sat E P 183:3 My 6, 21 My 13, 17 My 20 '11 Greater exploration. Met 39:37 N '13 Growing up. Harper 123:881 N '11 Idler's wedding. Met 22:741 S '05 Idyl of Pelham Bay Park. Cosmop 52:115 D '11 If you touch 'em they vanish. Met 37:12 N '12 In little New York. Cosmop 55:181 Jl '18 Incandescent lily. Sat B P 186:3 O 11, 20 O 18 '13 Incipient riches. Cosmop 57:10 Je '14 It. Met 31:777 Mr '10 King of Bad Bad. Cent 64:714 S '02 Last camp. Everybody's 27:253 Ag '12 Legay Pelham's headache. Cosmop 52:594 Ap '12 Legay Pelham's protegee. Cosmop 55:454 S '13 Little dog. Cent 68:32 My "04 Little heiress. Col 40:21 N 2 '07 Little zoo in monkey land. Met 35:9 Ap '12 Living up to mottoes. Cosmop 52:782 My '12 Ma'am? Col 44:11 S 25 '09 Man who looked up. Met 35:15 N '11 Man who played God. Cosmop 52:278 Ja '12 Man who sold himself. Met 35:25 Jl '12 Mary Ellen and Evelyn May. Cent 70:682 S '05 McTavish. Everybody's 21:88 Jl '09 Misery loves company. Col 47:17 Ap 8 '11 Miss Sally and the enemy. Cent 70:182 Je '05 Mr. Holiday. Col 44:13 D 11 '09 Monitor and the Merrimac. Sat E P 182:5 O 16 '09 Mutineer of the Mary Blount. Sat E P 186:3 Je 13, 16 Je 20 '14 On foot. Met 32:644 Ag '10 On the spot; or, the idler's house-party. Ev- erybody's 19:187 Ag 'OS One more martyr. Sat E P 182:13 Ag 7 '09 Paradise ranch. Col 35:20 Je 24 '05 Parrot. Everybody's 17:278 Ag '07 Perfect gentleman of Pelham Bay Park. Cos- mop 56:494 Mr '14 Purloined Christmas. Col 46:21 D 10 '10 Putting on the screws. Sat E P 181:3 Ap 10, 11 Ap 17 '09 Radium. Cosmop 53:64 Je '12 Rich widow of Spanish town. Cent 68:480 Jl •04 Senator's brother. Amer 74:191 Je '12 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 207 Morris, Gouverneur — continued Simon L'Ouvrier. Col 37:18 Ag 25 '06 Spread eagle. Sat E P 1S2:3 Ag 2S, 18 S 4 '09 Star and the garter. Cosmop 57:417, 522 Ag- S '14 Stowing away of Mr. Bill Ballard. Col 35:17 S 16 '05 Tango taught in ten teachings. Met 39:23 Ap •14 Targets. Met 30:629 S '09 Telepathy. Sat E P 182:5 Je 25 '10 Thing, The. Cosmop 57:158 Jl '14 Trap, The. Sat E P 183:15 F 11 '11 Two business women. Sat E P 184:8 Ag 12 •11 Voice in the rice. Sat E P 181:3 Je 5, 17 Je 12, 17 Je 19, 15 Je 26; 182:12 Jl 3 '09 When the Devil was better. Met 39:9 F 14 Which was George? Sat E P 182:5 Ap 16, 23 Ap 23 10 Whit muscats of Alexandria. Sat E P 182:12 D 4 '09 Wife's coffin. Col 40:13 F 22 '08 Wild pansies. Cent 69:885 Ap '05 Wise Miss Carrington. Met 32:690 S '10 Without a lawyer. Cosmop 47:278 Ag '09 You can't get away with it. Cosmop 54:737 My •13 Morris, S. Spencer Answers to correspondents. Mun 30:434 D 03 Morrissey, Edward S. Neophyte. Everybody's 27:677 N '12 Morrison, Alice Brown Alchemy of illusion. Cent 68:790 S '04 Romance of the Cheshire cheese. Cent 72:704 S '06 SJirine inviolate. Everybody's 27:564 O 12 Morrison, Arthur, 1863- Cap^en Jollyfax's gun. Met 25:550 F '07 Drinkwater romance. Met 29:261 D '08 Lies unregistered. Lipping 90:441 O '12 Professional episode. Lippinc 92:475 O '13 Seller of hate. Met 24:750 S '06 Tale of bricks. Met 23:530 F '06 Wicks' Waterloo. Met 27:687 Mr '08 Morrison, Caroline Wood Mother. Lippinc 86:699 D '10 Prolonged hallowe'en. Lippinc 86:502 O '10 Queen Mary of Memory Lane. Lippinc 78: 657 D '06 — and MacGowan, Alice False aurora. Lippinc 91:313 Mr '13 — and Miles, Emma Bell Love o' man. Lippinc 93:354 Mr '14 — See Cooke, Mrs. Grace (MacGowan), jt. aath. Morrison, Edward Colonel Whalley's gift. New Eng n s 41:447 D '09 Morrison, Gertrude liow six men proposed to her. L H J 26:21 F '09 How they told of their engagements. L H J 26:8 Ap '09 Mote in the eye. Lippinc 87:505 Ap '11 Platonic friend. Lippinc 86:507 O '10 Morrow, William Carr Clearing the way. Cosmop 41:596 O '06 Hen^s duckling. Mun 36:723 Mr ^07 Miss Marwedel. intriguer. Mun 39:603 Ag '08 Nance of the kings. Mun 38:216 N '07 O Absalom, my son! Everybody's 2:370 Ap '00 — See Hoseboro', Viola, jt. auth. Morse, William Northrop learning a valley. 'Jutl 96:80 S 10 '10 Mortgage, The. J. D. Bacon. Sat E P 186:8 Jl I'.t '13 Mortgage man. O. Dorset. Harper 122:909 My 1 1 Mortgage on a man. E. Flower. Col 33:16 Jl '.I Oi Mortification of the flesh. P. T.i. Dunbar. T>lp- piiic 68:250 Ag '01 Mortimer's failure. J. L. WilliamH. Scrib 42: 183 Ag '07 Mortmain. A. Train. Sat E P 178:3 Je 2. 5 Je 9 '06 Morton, Howard E. Law of compensation. Cosmop 41:105 My '06 Road to romance. Cosmop 44:561 My 'OS Morton, Johnson Case of the Widder Hawkins. Lippinc 81:353 Mr '08 Cousin Christopher. Lippinc 80:229 Ag '07 Bye of the mind. Harper 109:919 N '04 In face of fact. Mun 35:39 Ap '06 Incubus. Harper 119:245 Jl '09 Mrs. Manton Waring enlarges her pearl neck- lace. Mun 36:243 N ^06 Mrs. Manton Waring plays trumps. Mun 38: 395 D '07 Restricting clause. Col 33:20 My 14 '04 Saving sense. Everybody's 17:333 S '07 Stout lady in the pink hat. Harper 112:908 My '06 Use of Julia Ida Mulligan. Mun 42:858 Mr '10 Vindication. Harper 120:409 F •lO Waiting. Everybody's 20:477 Ap '09 Morton marriage. H. Rhodes. Sat E P 176:3 D 19 '03 Mosby's depilitator. E. P. Butler. Col 39:16 Jl 13 '07 Mose. H. MacAdam. Met 37:39 N '12 Moser, Charles Kroth Wife of Tong Horn. Cosmop 43:397 Ag '07 Moses and the rock. T. G. Springer. Lippinc 91:226 F '13 Moses, Belle Ralph Minturn, chauffeur. Delin 75:53 Ja '10 Year and a day. Met 17:136 My '03 Moses, Jr. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 74:74 Jl '04 Moses, Kingsley Butter and gravy. Outl 107:126 My 16 '14 Tales of the gridiron. Col 52:21 N 8 '13 Moss, Mary, 1864- Fruit out of season. Lippinc 70:387 O '02 In the city general. Everybody's 11:349 S '04 Judith Liebestraum. Scrib 36:46 Jl '04 Julian Meldohla. Lippinc 71:291 Mr '03 Kangaroos. Scrib 35:181 F '04 Marooned. Lippinc 74:243 Ag '04 Miss Atherton's wanderjahr. Lippinc 72:353 S '03 Mr. Nickerson's star. McClure 26:664 Ap '06 Pompadour angel. McClure 21:490 S '03 Shore leave. Lippinc 78:206 Ag '06 Most famous woman in New York. C. B. Davis Sat E P 181:5 Ja 23 '09 Most important donkey. H. Dickson. Sat E P 185:16 Ag 10 '12 Most knowingest child. L. Furman. Cent 85: 763 Mr '13 Most lamentable comedy. See White, William Allen Most stylish funeral in Jonesville. M. Holley. I., H J 20:4 Jl '03 Most wonderful thing. H. Godfrey. Col 47:19 Je 24 '11 Mote in the eye. G. Morrison. Lippinc 87:505 Ap '11 Moth and the star. M. Dana. Mun 28:22 O '02 Mother. A. Brown. Harper 119:465 Ag '09 Mother, D. C. Calthrop. Amer 72:174 Je "11 Mother. R. R. Gilson. Harper 105:716 O '02 Mother. W. D. Ilowells. Harper 106:21 D '02 Mother. M. L. Knapp. Atlan 85:110 Ja '00 Mother. C. W. Morrison. Lippinc 86:699 D '10 Mother. E. H. Neumann. Everybody's 25:851 D ■11 Mother. K. Norris. Amer 72:415 Ag '11 Mother: story of a girl's home. K. Norris. L II J 29:7 Je. 13 Jl. 19 Ag, 23 S '12 Mother. L. Perry. Cent S7:516 F '14 Mother. D. O. Phillips. Delin 70:539 O '07 Mother. R. IT. Sch.-iuffler. Cent 75:277 D '07 Mother, Tlif. L. Scott. Co.smop 56:350 !•' '11 Mother. L. Z:ing\vi!I. Lippinc 69:95 Ju '02 Mother and f.ithcr. .1. Oppenhelm. Everybody's 2:!:6SK N ^10 Mother Ann's daughtor. W. D. Quint, l-^very- l.udy'H 10:161 F '01 208 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Mother bird. M. C. Dyar. Harper 116:786 Ap 'OS Mother bird. W. D. Howells. Harper 120:126 D '09 Mother Goose Christmas. S. D. Smith, Jr. L. H J 25:19 D '07 Mother Harvey's strategy. O. H. Prouty. De- lin 85:16 D '14 Mother in India. See Cotes, Sara J. D. Mother in Israel. G. E. Channing. Sat E P 181:5 F 20 '09 Mother-in-law. H. J. O'Higgins. Everybody's 19:168 Ag 'OS Mother-of-a-child. M. S. Gerry. Delin 83:11 N '13 Mother of a man child. M. M. Huey. L H J 26:8 Jl '09 Mother of Angela Ann. C. E. Laughlin. Mc- Clure 31:685 O '08 Mother of Emmeline. E. D. Deland. Delin 64: 545 O '04 Mother of four. J. "W. Tompkins. Everybody's 13:07 Jl '05 Mother of his children. C. Dawson. McClure 43:49 My '14 Mother of invention. M. Wheeler. Cosmop 46: 347 F '09 Mother of little Maude and little Maude. C. B. Loomis. Cent 64:650 Ag '02 Mother of Marie. M. Audoux. Cur Op 54:74 Ja '13 Mother of the clown. M. Johnson. Everybody's 23:417 S '10 Mother of the island. K. H. Brown. L. H J 24: 7 Ap '07 Mother of the world. C. Cunningham. Lippinc 84:228 Ag '09 Mother part. J. M. Lippman. Met 34:689 S '11 Mother Sims. R. Herrick. Sat E P 173:10 N 17 '00 Mother stories. Mrs. L. E. Richards. L. H J Ja '07 to Je '08 Mother Teal and the overland route. E. T. Seton. L H J 18:5 Jl '01 Mother who would be a girl. L. Bell. L H J 24:18 Ja '07 Motherhood. W. A. Eraser. Col 36:22 F 24 '06 Motherhood. M. E. King. Cent 74:87 My '07 Motherhood of Beechy Daw. P. V. Mighells. Harper 106:383 F '03 Mothers and fathers. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 27:275 My '02 Mother's daughter. J. W. Tompkins. Every- body's 14:86 Ja '06 Mother's meeting at Parkersville. M. G. Plautz. Cent 78:962 O '09 Mother's nap. F. B. Dillingham. Cent 77:156 N '08 Mothers of Edward. M. Kelley. L H J 23:8 O '06 Mother's picture. A. H. Donnell. Harp B 44: 37S Je '10 Mothers to men. Z. Gale. Everybody's 25:186 Ag '11 Moths. L. Colcord. Col 46:19 Mr 18 '11 Motion study at St. Katharine's. E. G. Jordan. Harper 124:772 Ap "12 Motion to adjourn. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 187:5 S 5 '14 Motives. W. Muir. McClure 43:83 Je '14 Motor that went to court. F. C. Penfield. Cent 78:195 Je '09 Motorman Cupid. M. Chater. Cosmop 28:290 Ja '00 Three dollars and hash. Met 29:281 D 'OS Mott. Lawrence, 1881- Follette. Harper 113:567 S '06 Jean Baptiste's Christmas present. Cent a: 187 D '05 Jules of the great heart. Cent 70:375 Jl '05 Mott, Lawrence — continued Leaving of a dory. Harper 114:756 Ap '07 Lobbyist in the niche. Lippinc 78:766 D '06 Lonesome Valley and Cobe. Harp W 53:22 An 17 '09 Master kidnapper. Col 52:7 N 1 '13 Nab. Harp W 57:16 F 15 '13 Only Jules Verbaux. Cent 70:586 Ag '05 Remember Jules. Cent 70:670 S '05 Skipper Peleg and the girl. Col 52:7 O 25 '13 To the credit of the sea. Harper 114:262 Ja •07 Tragedy of the snow. Cent 70:218 Je '05 White squall. Harper 114:422 F '07 Wilkinson's chance. Cent 72:429 Jl '06 Mount of comprehension. A. H. McAllister. Everybody's 14:550 Ap '06 Mountain. M. T. Wright. Harp W 51:162 F 2 '07 Mountain and Mahomet. J. C. Lincoln. Every- body's 22:380 Mr '10 Mountain laurel. M. B. Pulver. Everybody's 25:158 Ag '11 Mountain laurel. M. E. Wilkins. Harp B 33: 2018 D 8 '00 Mountain maid. E. C. Hall. Met 16:430 O '02 Mountain match-maker. W. N. Harben. Cent 64:413 Jl '02 Mountain of mist. H. C. Rowland. Delin 71: 786 My '08 Mountain that moved. W. G. Beymer. Cent 84: 521 Ag '12 Mourevert, Georges How Prosper Granulet gave himself a Christ- mas present. Cur Lit 44:112 Ja '08 Mournful number. H. W. Phillips. Sat E P 176:6 Mr 19 '04 Mouse. L. N. Clark. Cent 60:297 Je '00 Mouse child. M. L. Goetchius. Harp B 44:536 S '10 Mouse-trap. B. T. Thurston. Delin Sl:15 Ja '13 Mouth of the gift horse. R. Hughes. Sat E P 182:3 Jl 24 '09 Movable feast. H. Footner. Lippinc 90:294 S '12 Moving finger. E. Wharton. Harper 102:627 Mr •01 Moving finger writes. M. B. Lowndes. McClure 31:445 Ag '08 Moving her. K. Masterson. Lippinc 93:632 My '14 Moving of Althea. F. Lynde. Delin 64:372 S '04 Moving picture writes. M. Glass. Sat E P 1S4:8 Ja 6 '12 Mowbray, Jay Paul, pseud. See Wheeler, An- drew C. Mower from Wall Street. L. R. Meekins. Mun 29:115 Ap '03 Mowing. D. Grayson. Amer 70:729 O '10 Moyett mystery. N. M. Hopkins. Lippinc 79: 561 My '07 Much ado about nothing. T. L. Masson. Lip- pinc 84:631 N '09 Mudpuddles. I. M. Evans. Sat E P 186:8 Ja 24 14 Muggins Tarney's tinkerings. A. M. Kerr. Sat E P 176:6 D 19 '03 Muggles' supreme moment. F. H. Smith. Sat E P 178:5 Je 30 "06 Muir, Ward , ^, ^^ „^ , ,,„ Behind the windows. McClure 41:94 Ag 15 Motives. McClure 43:83 Je '14 Poseur. The. Met 26:244 My '07 Sunrise. McClure 43:25 O '14 Muirhead, Annie Catherine Doubtful age. Cent 72:365 Jl '06 Mulcahey's biddy. The. E. J. Rath. Mun 37: 140 My '07 Muldoon's last fight. R. A. Derby. Cent 75:398 Ja '08 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 209 Mule driver and the garrulous mute. R. B. Beach. MoClure 22:93 N '03 Mule pinders. E. B. Hughes. Lippinc 94:614 N '14 Mule that held the bridge. L. F. Tooker. Cent 81:775 Mr '11 Mulhallon, Elizabeth Doubts. Met 16:442 O '02 Mulier, Julius Washington (Cap'n Hawser, pseud), 1868- Dead Man's bar. Cent 81:747 Mr '11 Man who saw it. Cent 81:939 Ap '11 Mr. Wanhull, bounder. Cent 83:781 Mr '12 Point in marine law. Cent 82:135 My '11 Ranch of the blue sea. Lippinc 90:257 S '12 Reward of unrighteousness. Lippinc 92:743 D '13 Their princess of stars. Lippinc 94:257 S '14 Mullett, Mary B Atherton's debut. Met 19:817 Mr '04 Barbara's mother. Harp B 40:778 S '06 Between man and man. Amer 68:87 My '09 Coronation of Mrs. Beacock. Harp B 38:133 F '04 Daguerreotype. Scrib 41:365 Mr '07 For revenue only. Everybody's 11:627 N '04 Hamilton Square robbery. Cosmop 46:645 My ■09 Hildreth and local color. Delin 77:603 Ap '08 Letter she didn't send. L H J 26:7 Jl '09 Mr. Scrooge and the goddesses. L H J 29:10 D 12 When Mary Ann dressed the children. L H J 25:17 Jl '08 Mulligan and Caspar. F. W. Brown. Cent 76: 576 Ag '08 Mulligan's treachery. D. H. Talmadge. Mun 22:870 Mr '00 Multi-billionaire. J. R. Perry. Met 17:305 Mr '03 Multiple man. C. E. Van Loan. Mun 45:460 Jl '11 Mumblety-peg and middle age. W. P. Eaton. Scrib 50:228 Ag '11 Mumford, Edward As conducted by Minerva. Les Mo 57:151 D '03 Passage at arms. Everybody's 6:417 Ap '02 Mumford, Ethel Watts-. See Grant, Mrs. Ethel Watts-Mumford. Mumford, John Kimberly, 1863- Donkey of Nazr-ed-Din-Hoja. Harp W 53:22 D 11 '09 Loom-master of Iran. Atlan 89:790 Je '02 Mumford, Lewis Fruit. Forum 52:889 D '14 Mummy's foot. T. Gautier. Lippinc 89:870 Je ■12 Mundy, Talbot, 1879- Burberton and Ali Beg. Everybody's 30:42 Ja 14 From Hell, Hull and Halifax. Everybody's 29:181 Ag '13 Making XIO.OOO. McClure 40:37 Ap '13 Pillar of light. Everybody's 27:744 D '12 Munford, Josephine Underwood iJaiiiHliriient of ) F 'OS Niece of Talleyrand. C. Ross. Sat E P 173:16 .11 14 '00 Night. Mns. H. E. Dudcney. Harper 116:625 Mr 'OS Night, and the curtains drawn. J. M. Forman. .MrClure 2S:57 N '06 Night .ind the resurrection. W. Packard. Harp \V 47:456 Mr 14 '03 Night before Christmas. G. Hibbard. Harp B 17:7 Ja '13 Night boforo Christmas. W. D. Ilowells. Harper 120:207 Ja '10 214 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Night before Christmas. A. S. Pier. Col 48:12 D T3 '11 Night-blooming Millers. M. Hill. Lippinc 79: 553 Ap '07 Night-born. J. London. Everybody's 25:108 Jl '11 Night call. H. van Dyke. Harper 125:357 Ag '12 Night for romance. C. H. Raymond. Lippinc 89:884 Je '12 Night freight east. P. P. Frost. Met 37:40 Ap •13 Night Nan grew up. M. Hill. McClure 30:460 F '08 Night of enchantment. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Cosmop 44:352 Mr '08 Night of the bath. F. L. Allen. Cent 87:483 Ja •14 Night of the blind decoy. C. Mackenzie. Met 37:16 Mr '13 Night of the deadly marionettes. C. Mackenzie. Met 38:24 Je '13 Night of the ghastly entrances. C. Mackenzie. Met 39:45 Ja '14 Night of the importunate suicide. C. Macken- zie. Met 39:43 F '14 Night of the intrusive acrobat. C. Mackenzie. Met 38:39 Jl '13 Night of the luminous petticoat. C. Mackenzie. Met 37:7 F '13 Night of the Parisian music hall. C. Macken- zie. Met 38:43 Ag '13 Night of the stricken room. C. Mackenzie. Met 39:43 Mr '14 Night of the telegraphic window. C. Macken- zie. Met 38:30 My '13 Night of the thousand thieves. F. I. Anderson. Sat E P 186:8 Ag 2 '13 Night of the uncommunicative Greek. C. Mackenzie. Met 37:17 Ap '13 Night out. F. H. Smith. Scrib 34:307 S '03 Night raid at Eagle River. H. Garland. Cent 76:725 S 'OS Night Remenyi played at Clearwater. W. Mc- Ginnies. L H J 30:11 S '13 Night run of the Overland. E. E. Peake. Mc- Clure 15:143 Je '00 Night school. J. Hopper. Cent 87:781 Mr '14 Night that made me a revolutionist. E. Poole. Everybody's 13:635 N '05 Night with little sister. A. O'Hagan. Harp B 40:584 Jl '06 Night with nature. A. M. Shaw. Lippinc 78:334 S '06 Night with the mouse's brother. E. Taylor. Atlan 89:671 My '02 Night with the nabob. E. Boltwood. Harp W 44:1266 D 29 '00 Night with Whispering Smith. F. H. Spear- man. McClure 19:84 My '02 Nightfall. G. Gissing. Lippinc 65:795 My '00 Nightman's story. F. H. Spearman. New Eng n s 29:740 F '04 Night's enchantment. H. MacGrath. Sat E P 177:2 Ag 6 '04 Night's lodging. A. Colton. Atlan 90:195 Ag '02 Night's work. J. Hopper. Everybody's 24:65 Ja '11 Nighty Burke. T. Dreiser. McClure 37:40 My '11 Nil nisi bonum. M. Glass. Sat E P 184:9 Ag 5 '11 Nile evening. D. Beddoe. Everybody's 3:367 O '00 Nine assists and two errors. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 185:11 My 31 '13 Nine bells. J. M. Forman. Col 32:20 Mr 12 '04 Nine lives of Katrine. J. W. Tompkins. Cosmop 42:157 D '06 Nine points of the law. T. G. Springer. Lip- pinc 93:374 Mr '14 Nine terrible men. E. Wallace. Amer 75:43 N '12 1912. A. H. Gleason. Col 44:22 N 27 '09 Nineteenth hat. A. Bennett. McClure 35:51 My '10 Ninety-ninth notch. N. Duncan. Harper 114: 633 Mr '07 Ninety-one. R. R. Gilson. Cent 74:282 Je '07 Ninth commandment. F. Hurst. Sat E P 187: 12 D 5 '14 Ninth man. M. H. Vorse. Harper 129:813, 130:128 N-D '14 Nth power. The. A. Train. Sat E P 182:20 O 2 '09 Nip in time: Blister Jones story. J. T. Foote. Amer 76:16 S '13 Nipper's crowded hour. H. Brubaker. Harper 129:803 O '14 Nistina. H. Garland. Harp W 47:544 Ap 4 '03 Nitrate crop. K. Harris. Les Mo 58:642 O '04 Nixie of the neighborhood. A. M. Daulton. Outl 79:341 F 4 '05 Nizette, of the Cafe des Pauvres Diables. M. E. M. Davis. Sat E P 175:6 Ag 9 '02 No admittance. J. Street. Everybody's 24:177 F '11 No answer. A. W. French. Met 16:413 O '02 No Cinderella. H. MacGrath. Sat E P 177:6 D 10 '04 No defense. M. D. Post. Sat E P 183:17 Ag 13 '10 No idle dream. M. Glass. Sat E P 185:14 D 28 '12 No merry-go-roundin'. B. R. Hoover. Every- body's 17:699 N '07 No respecter of persons. F. H. Smith. Cos- mop 32:601 Ap '02 No sinecure. E. W. Hornung. Scrib 29:30 Ja ■01 No sport. J. W. Tompkins. Delin 72:93 Jl '08 No story. O. Henry. Met 30:315 Je '09 No trumps. H. B. M. Watson. Cosmop 49:553 O '10 No uncle of ours. C. B. De Camp. Harper 104:1003 My '02 Nobility obliges. V. Tracy. Col 40:19 S 28 '07 Noble army. W. Kirkland. Atlan 112:27 Jl '13 Noble, Edward ^ „„ Lady navigators. Everybody's 3:349 O 00 Maelstrom. Everybody's 2:66 Ja '00 Riverside romance. Everybody's 2:411 My 00 Noble family of Beaupertuys. S. F. Whitman. Harper 115:195 Jl '07 Noble, Kennedy Happy exasperation of McCoy. Harp W 56:16 Ag 10 '12 Noblesse, M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 126:231 Ja '13 Noblesse oblige. M. Glass. Sat E P 184:3 O 14 '11 Noblesse oblige. J. R. Hoyt. Mun 30:287 N '03 Nobody sick, nobody poor. Z. Gale. Delin 70: 724 N "07 Nobody's child. M. Maartens. Scrib 45:198 F '09 Nobs. See Clouston, J. Storer Nocton, Edward J. „. ^„„ -, ,„_ Rafferty the recidivist. Cent 74:692 S 07 Noel, Annie Webster Crossroad. Harp B 38:648 Jl '04 His baby. McClure 37:412 Ag 11 Mary's baby. Harp B 40:242 Mr '07 Ruth. Harp B 38:1063 N '04 ^^^„ ^ ,^„ Their Christmas. Harp B 43:119^ D. 09 Nolan's revolt. A. M. Kerr. Everybody's 19:821 D '08 Nolens volens. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 178:3 Ap 28 '06 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 190Q-1914 215 Nolo contendre. G. W. Gunn. New Eng n s 34:724 Ag '06 Nomad, The. R. Hichens. Met 27:297 D '07 Nomination, The. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 181: 7 My 15 '09 Non-combatant of baseball. Sat E P 186:8 Mr 14 '14 Non-combatants. R. W. Chambers. Harper 109: 831 N '04 Non-resistance of Amos. R. W. Kauffman. Cent 74:562 Ag '07 Non-union town. I. K. Friedman. Sat E P 176: 3 Jl 4 '03 Noose. H. Garland. Sat E P 178:3 Je 9 '06 Nor'westers. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 178:14 N 18 05 Norafi. G. Parker. Col 44:11 D 25 '09 Norcross, Charles P. Deal in graveyards. Cosmop 45:677 N '08 Man who couldn't be honest. Cosmop 43:191 Je '07 Nordahl, Edwilda, 1868- Lowly diplomat. Everybody's 18:808 Je 'OS Uncle Sammy and Peggy Ann. Everybody s 22:275 F '10 Nordau, Max Simon, IVI.D., 1849- Little girl in the big ship. Cosmop 39:417 Ag •05 Norman, J. B. „ , , , -.^ Brint;ing to of Flora May. Everybody s 10: 129 Ja '04 Normanby, Sir Henry Fugitive. Cur Lit 42:232 F '07 Normans of Newfoundland. T. Roberts. Mun 2s,:265 N '02 Norman's woe. H. D. Ward. Delin 65:69 Ja '05 Norris, (Benjamin) Franklin, 1870-1902 Buldy Jones. Chef de Claque. Everybody s 4: 449 My '01 Deal in wheat. Everybody's 7:173 Ag 02 Grettir at D'rangey. Everybody's 6:257 Mr 02 Grettir at Thorhall-stead. Everybody's 8:311 Kirkland at quarter. Sat E P 174:4 O 12 '01 Lost story. Cent 66:371 Jl '03 Passing of Cockeye Blacklock. Cent 64:385 Jl '02 Riding of Felipe. Everybody's 4:254 Mr '01 Ship that saw a ghost. New Eng n s 27:439 D '02 Statue in an old garden. L H J 20:4 My '03 Wife of Chino. Cent 65:369 Ja '03 Norris, IVIrs. Kathleen (Thompson), 18S0- Affairs of Caroline. L H J 31:2-' F '14 Austin's girl. Everybody's 2.S:260 F '13 Bridging tlie years. Anier 74:2 My '12 Dr. Bates and Miss Sally. Mun 45:754 S '11 Friends of Alanna. Lippinc .ss:361 S '11 Gay deceiver. McClure 37:616 O '11 Holly Court. Sat E P 186:5 N 29 '13 Julians litUe girl. L H J 31:11 Jl, 14 Ag '14 Last Carolan. MoClure 36:673 Ap '11 Making allowances for mamma. Amer 74:269 Jl '12 Measure of Margaret Coppered. McClure 37: 28s Jl '11 Miss Mix, kidnapper. Mun 45:194 My '11 Mother. Amer 72:415 Ag '11 Mother: story of a girl's home. L H J 29:7 Je, 13 Jl, 19 Ag, 23 S '12 Poor, dear Margaret Kirby. Mun 45:499 Jl '11 Rainbow's end. Met 34:593 Ag 11 Rising water. Sat E P 185:12 S 21 "12 Rosemary's stepmother. Amer 72:42 My '11 S is for Shiftless Su.sanna. Everybody's 27: 224 Ag '12 Tide-marsh. Atlan 106:745 D '10 Treasure, The. Sat E P 186:3 O 18. 23 O 25. 17 N 1 13 Walrus and the carpenter. McClure 37:532 R "11 What happened to Alanna. Atlan 100:418 S "10 Norris, William Edward Eclipse in .six scenes. Met 17:161 My '03 Norris, Zoe Anderson Among the chimneys. Everybody's 21:417 S •09 Corner on the curb. Cur I-lt 47:341 K "09 Norris, Zoe Anderson — continued His little tan shoes. Harp W 57:18 Ag 9 '13 Hot winds. Les Mo 52:499 S '01 Little penance. Les Mo 52:201 Je '01 Or none. Les Mo 53:483 F '02 Vampire of the slums. Everybody's 18:565 Ap '08 North and south: an island story. J. D. Dra- goumis. Atlan 107:721 Je '11 North, Frederick Best August. Everybody's 9:143 Ag '03 North, Lillian A. White lamb. Harper 126:445 F '13 North of fifty-three. R. E. Beach. McClure 23: 89 My '04 North of sixty-five. E. Marshall. Met 29:87 O 'OS North of the Tropic of Capricorn. A. E. W. Mason. Met 39:30 Ja '14 Northborough cross. L. C. Cornford. Lippinc 94:1 Jl '14 Northwest passage to Kansas. G. Morgan. Col 37:15 Je 16 '06 North-west wind. L. H. Sturdevant. Atlan 104:22 Jl '09 Norton, Clara Mike Casey, his wife and his pipe. Les Mo 54:202 Je '02 Subtlety of Isaac. Les Mo 57:341 Ja '04 Norton, Gertrude Averted tragedy. McClure 15:217 Jl '00 Bass they caught on Sunday. L H J 30:14 Jl •13 Joey's tobacker. L H J 17:4 S '00 Norton, Roy E., 1869- Aerial jag of Jones. Harp W 53:22 N 27 '09 Big Jim's renunciation. Cosmop 45:469 O '08 Bill. Cent 75:877 Ap '08 Cresco pardners. Harper 115:32 Je '07 Eyes of terror. Cosmop 42:351 Ja '07 Glowing metal. Col 45:18 Ag 27 '10 Job as king. Sat E P 183:16 O S, 16 O 15 '10 Just a wagon load of orphans. Harp W 49: 1708 N 25 '05 Life partnership. Harper 114:445 F '07 Man who knew. Met 30:431 Jl '09 Whistling Sandy. Everybody's 15:197 Ag '06 Norwayfarers. H. Brubaker. Harper 129:965 N '14 Nose of Nemesis. D. Runyon. Mun 48:321 N '12 Not a question of evidence. E. P. Train. Sat E P 172:1128 Je 2 '00 Not according to code. T. H. Wilson. Cent 68: 624 Ag '04 Not as the world giveth. Z. Gale. Delin 70: 938 D '07 Not at home. E. J. Rath. Sat E P 180:18 N 23 '07 Not enough mustard. M. Foster. Sat E P 186: 13 My 23 '14 Not even memory. R. H. Post. Les Mo 53:685 Ap '02 Not honorably discharged. O. Thanet. Col 33: 14 My 14 '04 Not in action, suh. E. M. Coombs. Lippinc 92: 104 Jl '13 Not in the books. M. Carleton. Mun 37:113 Ap '07 Not in the signal code. E. E. Wood. Scrlb 27: 372 Mr '00 Not Suzanne. K. Jordan. Delin 84:21 F '14 Not to speak of Cicely. G. Burgess. L H J 23: 17 F '06 Not uncommon. A. W. French. Met 16:63 Jl ■02 Note, The. M. Deland. Harper 107:497 S '03 Note of harmony. S. H. Thomas. Mun 43:399 Je '10 Nothing for something. Sat E P 184:14 F 3 '12 Nothing Klft. G. Coolidge. Col 51:17 Ag 23 "13 Nothing to it. L. Denlson. Everybody's 14:421 Mr '06 Nothing succeeds like failure. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:12 Jl 10 '09 2l6 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Noticeable conduct of Prof. Chadd. G. Chester- ton. Harp W 48:976 Je 25, 1018 Jl 2 '04 Novel complication. E. S. van Zile. Lippinc 67:131 F '01 Novel list's allegory. J. Galsworthy. Atlan 103: 790 Je '09 Novitiate. E. Tolman. New Eng n s 28:464 Je '03 Nowell, Helen Chalmers Bobby. Met 19:337 D '03 Noyes, Alfred, ISSO- Heritage. Forum 48:535 N '12 Nugget's church. F. H. Sweet. Met 29:27 O '08 Number 472: his kid. E. Reasoner. Met 18:805 S '03 Number seventeen. E. G. Jordan. Harp B 37: 825 S '03 Number 321: L. B. Jerome. Lippinc 70:600 N '02 No. 367. J. T. Bishop. Les Mo 52:168 Je '01 No. 802— a portrait. E. E. Hitch. Mun 28:79 O '02 Number 9009. See Hopper, James Number of things. E. M. Rhodes. Sat E P 183: 3 Ap 8 '11 Numbered days. M. W. Hastings. New Eng n s 37:484 D '07 Numerous return of Bill Cooper. H. Carruth. Sat E P 173:18 Ag 25 '00 Numismatist, The. E. M. Rhodes and H. W. Phillips. Sat E P 179:6 Mr 2 '07 Nuptials of Scotty Williams. M. L. Osborne. Les Mo 57:697 Ap '04 Nurse. B. Merwin. Mun 47:41 Ap '12 Nursing an oil deal. C. U. Becker. Lippinc 81: lis Ja '08 Nut in the husk. M. Richardson. Everybody's 16:277 F '07 Nut's automobile guide. J. M. Flagg. Amer 78:96 N '14 Nuts to crack and Mary Ellen. E. H. Porter. Lippinc 76:630 N '05 Nye, Edgar S. And a child shall lead them. New Eng n s 41:355 N '09 Nym Crinkle, pseud. See Wheeler, Andrew C. Nymph. R. Fisguill. Harp W 56:13 My 11 '12 O Absalom, my son! W. C. Morrow. Every- body's 2:370 Ap '00 O Christmas. J. M. Flagg. Amer 76:106 D '13 O-mee-o-mi. E. Hough. Everybody's 25:483 O '11 O Yuri San. C. Lorrimer. Cent 72:266 Je '06 Oakley, Thornton, 1881- Arab, The. Met 29:242 D '08 Oasis. M. Dodge. Cent 88:599 Ag '14 Oasis. W. R. Lighton. L H J 21:14 Ja '04 Oaxcita: a story of modern Mexico. F. A. Mathews. Met 34:420 Jl '11 Obenchain, IVIrs. Eliza Caroline (Calvert), 1856- Aunt Jane goes a visiting. Cosmop 43:494 S '07 Aunt Jane's album. Cosmop 28:385 F '00 Courtship of Miss Amaryllis. Cosmop 45:357 S '08 House that was a wedding fee. Cosmop 45:17 Je 'OS How Parson Page went to the circus. Cos- mop 49:173 Jl '10 In war time. Cosmop 47:598 O '09 Marriage problem in Goshen. Cosmop 45:588 N 'OS Reformation of Sam Amos. Cosmop 47:42 Je '09 Ride to town. Cosmop 44:481 Ap '08 Sally Ann's experience. L H J 24:17 O '07. Same Cosmop 45:167 Jl '08 Sweet day of rest. Cosmop 38:149 D '04 Watch-meeting. Cosmop 46:167 Ja '09 Ober, Sarah Endicott, 1854- Her love and its memories. New Eng n s 29: 386 N '03 Obi charm of Bimbo. G. W. Earl, Jr. Met 27: 62 O '07 Ocean sun -worshipper. C. F. Holder. Met 22: 45 Ap '05 Object lesson. P. E. Browne. Les Mo 60:347 Jl '05 Object-lesson. E. E. Wood. Cent 66:886 O '03 Object: matrimony. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:16 D 11 '09 Object of the federation. O. Thanet. Scrib 30: 239 Ag '01 Object of value and virtue. E. Nesbit. Sat E P 174:7 Je 14 '02 Objections of Phillida. N. C. Gillmore. Met 16: 576 N '02 O'Brien. L. M. Thornton. New Eng n s 34:458 Je '06 O'Brien, Edv*/ard Joseph Harrington, 1890- At the flowing of the tide. Forum 52:375 S '14 O'Brien, Frank M. Corsican calls. Mun 53:290 N '14 First woman on the index. Mun 50:417 D '13 From His hand. Mun 48:630 Ja '13 Graven images. Mun 52:44 Je '14 Last jester. Mun 48:224 N '12 Prince and the blue turtle. Mun 48:472 D '12 Short-circuited story. Mun 47:524 Jl '12 Spell of the sea. Mun 49:189 My '13 With accrued interest. Mun 49:528 Jl '13 O'Brien, IVIrs. Joseph. See Vorse, Mary Marvin Heaton Obscure generation. A. B. Sembower. Delin 72:784 N '08 Obscure Mrs. Townsend. L. A. Long. Harp B 47:113 Mr '13 Obsequies of Peter Schwarz. C. A. P. Comer. Harper 127:894 N '13 Obsession of Ann Gibbs. M. Potter. Harper 113:583 S '06 Occasion proves the man. A. W. Forsyth. New Eng n s 39:104 S '08 Occultation of Florian Amidon. H. Quick. Cos- mop 38:625 Ap '05 Occupation. G. H. Gerould. Scrib 55:620 My '14 Occupation for the unemployed. H. G. Rhodes. Les Mo 56:576 O '03 Occurrence up a side street. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 183:6 Ja 21 '11 Ocean tramp. B. Brandenburg. Les Mo 56:275 Jl '03 October. Z. Gale. Everybody's 15:485 O '06 October vagabonds. See Le Gallienne, Richard Octopodousa Ferox. R. Thomas. Everybody's 20:386 Mr '09 Octopus. C. B. Davis. Cosmop 50:759 My 51, 48 Je '11 Octopus oversteps. E. F. Stearns. Met 23:142 N '05 Odd case of Dr. Webb. M. Brown. Met 14:407 S '01 Odd combination. S. A. Nelson. Everybody's 12:517 Ap '05 Odd woman. M. R. Warren. Sat B P 185:6 F 8 '13 Odor of affluence. M. F. Coughlin. Atlan 102: 315 S '08 Oddyssey of the north. J. London. Atlan 85: 85 Ja '00 Odyssey of Piscator. H. W. Lanier. Lippinc 72:88 Jl '03 Oemler, Marie Conway Leetle gal. Delin 79:285 Ap '12 Play baby. Delin 82:249 Ap '13 Sauce Rosemonde. Cent 83:190 D '11 Trousseau that wouldn't get ready. L H J 30:7 Je '13 Youngest officer. L H J 29:6 D '12 Of beauty. D. Deakin. Cent 74:679 S '07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 217 Of Laura-Matilda. D. Deakin. Cent 74:845 O '07 Of such as spin not. S. Ford. Harper 109:870 N '04 Of the lions breed. G. M. Cooke and V. Reed. Lippinc 76.641 D '05 Of the lost legion. E. M. Rhodes and L. Yates. Everybody's 28:443 Ap '13 Of the old guard. F. H. Spearman. McClure 17:450 S '01 Off-agin-on-agin Finnegan. W. Adams. Col 53:13 Jl 25 '14 Off day of an automobile. P. V. Mighels. Cent 71:900 Ap 06 Off the track. C. B. Going. Scrib 41:754 Je '07 Off the trail. G. Pattullo. McClure 38:515 Mr 12 Offcasting of Nichemous. W. A. Fraser. De- lin 58:738 N '01 Offence of Stephen Danesford. R. E. Vernede. Harper 119:942 N '09 Offender, The. H. C. Rowland. Cosmop 49:293 Ag '10 Offending eye. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 72:244 Ag '03 Officer born. W. D. Steele. Amer 75:24 My '13 Offness of Billy. C. B. Loomis. Cosmop 42:688 Ap '07 Ogden, A. iVI. Davies Chinapods. Scrib 41:237 F '07 Philanthropy of Purrington. Harper 117:317 Jl 'OS Ogden, Edith Hope Ambition of Julia Brown. Met 11:433 Ap '00 Lady Clavandish. Met 11:165 F '00 Ogden, George Washington, 1871- Brown wall. Everybody's 24:503 Ap '11 Cancelled stamp. Amer 66:437 S '08 Champion forgetter. Everybody's 25:563 O '11 Colon Campbells mill. Outl 102:578 N 16 '12 Emblem of his country. Everybody's 20:128 Ja '09 Eva Emma Jane. Mun 28:906 Mr '03 Flat-game man. Cent 77:364 Ja '09 Fool and a mule. Everybody's 15:773 D '06 Hiney Bloss, champion. Everybody's 13:847 D '05 In the hands of a receiver. Everybody's 7: 453 X 02 Judgment of Julia Ann. Everybody's 23:565 O '10 Last days of steamboating. Everybody's 12: 215 F '05 Lonesomeiiess. Everybody's 16:775 Je '07 Luisa pays in gold. Col 52:18 Ja 17 '14 Makin's of a hayro. McClure 28:17 N '06 Man from Omaha. Mun 44:192 N '10 Marquis in the Bad Lands. Everybody's 5:77 Jl '01 Melvina's divorce paper. Everybody's 8:598 Je '03 Miss Julia; old maid. Everybody's 8:149 F '03 Miss Maud's assignment. Everybody's 14:558 Ap 00 Old steamboat days on the Missouri. Every- body'.s 7:307 O '02 Old-time barge pirates on the Mississippi. Everybody's 7:478 N '02 On the Deadwood stage. Everybody'.s 14:266 F '06 Pauly O. Cent 70:871 O "05 Pore folks' boy. Amer 73:17 N '11 River gamblers of old steamboat days. Every- body's 8:252 Mr '03 Romance of Mr. Bowles. Amer 74:527 S '12 Short gras.s tales. Everybody'.s 15:390 S '06 That prodigious Pete. Col 49:21 Ap 13 '12 Tragedies of stf-amboat histories. Every- body's 8:66 Ja '03 'Twixt midnlgiit an' mornln'. Everybody's 9: 393 S '03 ■Wldder'H corner lot. Everybody's 13:531 O '05 Ogden, Rollo, 1856- Surviv.il of ability. Atlati 113:791 Jo. '14 O'Grady, R. Ffcttorod. Harper 124:948 My '12 Oh come, all ye faithful! D. Canfleld. Scrib 49:571 My '11 Oh, you Babylon. J. Street. Everybody's 27: 171 Ag '12 O'Hagan, Anne. See Shinn. Anne (O'Hagan) O'Hara the strategist. E. Flower. Everybody's 5:377 S '01 O'Hara's Easter guest. T. Roberts. Met 24:25 Ap '06 O'Hara's great opportunity. L. F. Tooker. Cent 78:600 Ag '09 O'Hara's kid. H. Titus. Col 49:20 Ap 27 '12 O'Hare, Anne Elizabeth Law of retribution. Sat E P 176:6 My 14 '04 Master power. Col 37:19 S 1 '06 Price to pay. Sat E P 176.15 N 21 '03 O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold, 1S76- Anonymous letters. Col 50:18 Ja 4 '13 Appeal to the past. Cent 72:885 O '06 Barney and King Lear. Col 52:5 S 20 '13 Barney has a hunch. Col 53:7 S 5 '14 Break in the Brownies. Les Mo 60:234 Jl '05 Bystander. Mun 40:214 N '08 Captain Keighley's men. Cent 69:368 Ja '05 Captain Meaghan's retirement. Scrib 33:317 Mr 03 Change of profession. McClure 20:92 N '02 Clowns. Col 39:20 My 11 '07 Convulsion of nature. Les Mo 54:360 Ag '02 Detective Barney. Col 50:18 N 9 '12 Doings of the devil. McClure 31:230 Je '08 Dummy. Col 50:17 D 21 '12 Exiles. McClure 26:464 Mr '06 Failures. Col 41:16 My 30 '08 Ghost. Everybody's 28:795 Je '13 Gianellis. The. Col 49:12 Ap 6 '12 Hired man. Col 40:14 F 15 '08 His mother. Amer 68:346 Ag '09 Honeymoon flat. 'Everybody's 13:241 Ag '05 Hope of glory. Les Mo 54:140 Je '02 In lover's meeting. McClure 25:184 Je '05 In the matter of art. Col 42:21 Mr 20 '09 In the Musee. Col 42:22 N 28 'OS In the nature of a hero. Cent 68:366 Jl '04 In the small. Everybody's 27:390 S '12 In war time. Col 42:18 F 13 09 Larkin. McClure 23:253 Jl '04 Lieut. Connor's cowardice. McClure 22:287 Ja '04 Mother-in-law. Everybody's 19:168 Ag 'OS New York. Col 42:16 Ja 16 '09 Old Clinkers. Cent 70:685 S '05 Old woman's story. Col 40:15 Mr 7 '08 Padages Palmer. Col 50:18 N 30 '12 Personally conducted revolt. McClure 24:366 F '05 Pine street revival. Everybody's 11:58 Jl 04 Private Morphy's romance. Scrib 35:366 Mr •04 Prodigal shrine. Col 34:20 F 18 '05 Question of command. Cent 72:80 My '06 Rag doll. Evervbody's 16:395 Mr '07 Reporter. Col 44:15 O 30 '09 Silent Sam. Everybody's 27:473 O '12 Steady. McClure 25:399 Ag '05 Tammany's tithes. McClure 27:621 O '06 Though mountains meet not. Col 50:18 D 7 12 Trial of the Red-ink squad. Scrib 31:582 My '02 Two Mickevs. Evervbody's 15:337 S '06 W. T. Everybody's 21:-13 Jl '09 OhI, IVIrs. Annulet (Andrews). See Andrews, Annulet Oikiomanlacs. L. A. Long. Harper 117:626 S •08 Oil and water. G. A. England. Mun 48:961 Mr '13 Oil and water. C. B. Loomis. Mun 25:287 My '01 OH and water. H. C. Rowland. McClure 25: 619 O '05 Oil of gladness. M. S. Cutting. Harp H 41: 11. ".0 I) '07 O'Keefe. TI. M. Kelly. Met 27:418 Ja 'OS Okhoy Babu's adventure. C. Johnston. Atlan IlLHOIl .S 'I 1 Oko-Kan, the bull iiiooso. J. O. Curwood. Mun IK: sir, o 'li; 01' Sam. G. I'attiillo. Sat E P 182:9 Ag 14 '09 or Sandy Cloze. K. Jarboe. Harp W 48:48 D 10 'Oi 2l8 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Old acceptance. V. Roderick. Everybody's 26: 7US My '12 Old account-book. L. L. Hinkley. Sat E P 185: 5 D 14 '12 Old atmosphere. F. N. Symmes. Met 19:421 D '03 Old bachelor of arts. M. Michelson. L H J 22:14 Je '05 Old bell-ringer. V. Korolfinko. Lippinc 91:619 My '13 Old Bernstein and de great fiddle. E. Poole. McClure 26:381 F '06 Old carnations. A. B. Paine. Scrib 28:146 Ag '00 Old cinder cat. V. F. Boyle. Harper 101:416 Ag ■00 Old Clinkers. H. J. O'Higgins. Cent 70:685 S '05 Old country house. R. Le Gallienne. Harper 103:449 Ag '01 Old dog Tray. L. Osbourne. McClure 25:623 O '05 Old dragon. E. C. Waltz. Cent 66:841 O '03 Old Eve. G. Schock. Harper 116:462 F '08 Old fashioned wife. S. K. Underwood. McClure 44:50 D '14 Old-fashioned wooing. E. E. Kelley. McClure 17:139 Je '01 Old fiddler. H. P. Spofford. Harper 112:39 D '05 Old flame. E. W. Hornung. Scrib 29:707 Je '01 Old folks at home. S. C. Page. Lippinc 80:635 N '07 Old gentleman with the green umbrella. L. H. French. Les Mo 52:335 Ag '01 Old Goodwin's wife. W. J. Hopkins. Atlan 97: 309 Mr '06 Old Gooney. J. H. Walsh. Scrib 50:193 Ag '11 Old governess. H. Seidel. Outl 65:929 Ag 18 '00 Old gray eagle. B. Tarkington. Everybody's 5:112 Jl '01 Old Hakka. E. T. Wead. Lippinc 93:366 Mr '14 Old Hen and the experts. H. Quick. Cent 77: 596 F '09 Old home days. J. E. Clauson. Met 29:534 F '09 Old home week in Bohemia. E. A. Hallowell. Lippinc 74:207 Ag '04 Old house at Wallingford. Mrs. S. Crowinshield. Harp B 33:1492 O 13 '00 Old house beyond the hills. J. Kennett. Every- body's 17:767 D '07 Old hunger. F. A. Ward. Mun 47:870 S '12 Old Immortality. A. Brown. Harper 110:957 My '05 Old Jabe's marital experiment. T. N. Page. Cent 64:704 S '02 Old Jim horse. J. L. Steffens. McClure 15:32 My '00 Old Johnnie. B. Bluefield. Scrib 50:735 D '11 Old Ke-mah and the flag. H. Willsie. Delin 80:19 Jl '12 Old Ke-mah loves a child. H. Willsie. Delin 79:97 F '12 Old Lady Pratt's spectacles. A. Fuller. Atlan 104:442 O '09 Old lamp. C. P^ez. Scrib 45:560 My '09 Old Landy's miracle. C. W. Randall. Met 26: 90 Ap '07 Old lights from the Rio Brava. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 80:215 Ag '07 Old 'Lijah Bale's escape. M. C. Dyar. Harper 115:13 Je '07 Old love and the new. W. Hackett. Delin 71: 444 Mr '08 Old maid. D. Grayson. Amer 67:152 D '08 Old maid of Vonstradam. L. Forsslund. L H J 21:7 Ja '04 Old maids. J. C. Lincoln. Col 41:20 My 2 '08 Old maid's boy. M. R. Rinehart. Mun 33:575 Ag '05 Old maid's honeymoon. R. Hughes. Sat E P 181:5 N 28 '08 Old Maje departs. B. Blow. Everybody's 26: 421 Mr '12 Old major. F. T. Cox. McClure 24:354 F "05 Old IVIammy Cruel. M. Foster. Everybody's 27: 157 Ag '12 Old man Enright's uncle. A. H. Lewis. Cos- mop 49:506 S '10 Old man Johnson's successor. N. M. W. Wood- row. McClure 24:274 Ja '05 Old man of Sand Key. T. J. Hains. Harper 105:123 Je '02 Old man with his head on. H. Carruth. Cos- mop 40:591 Mr '06 Old IVlonte: oflicial drunkard. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 53:469 S '12 Old neighborhood. E. Boltwood. Mun 36:357 D '06 Old nest. R. Hughes. Sat E P 183:6 Je 3 '11 Old Noel of the Mellicites. H. Day. Amer 62 530 S '06 Old order. J. R. Tutwiler. New Eng n s 32 152 Ap '05 Old order changes. K. H. Brown. Scrib 54 165 Ag '13 Old Peabody Pew. K. D. Wiggin. L H J 23:7 D '05, 11 Ja '06 Old planters. T. N. Page. Cent 78:3 My '09 Old quilt. J. H. Vincent. Outl 64:873 Ap 14 '00 Old red school-house. E. Wood. McClure 24: 390 F '05 Old Reese. F. R. Bechdolt. Sat E P 183:12 Jl 16 '10 Old regime. E. Singmaster. Atlan 102:546 O '08 Old road. M. P. Read. Cent 88:179 Je '14 Old Santy. E. Wood. Everybody's 31:850 D '14 Old soldier. E. Phillpotts. Cent 88:241 Je '14 Old soldier's disloyalty. J. W. Piercy. New Eng n s 31:237 O '04 Old squire. H. Pendexter. Mun 35:516 Jl '06 Old steamboat days on the Missouri. G. W. Ogden. Everybody's 7:307 O '02 Old story. H. A. Nash. McClure 14:255 Ja '00 Old Sunshine. F. H. Smith. Delin 64:950 D '04 Old sword. W. Payne. Sat E P 178:5 D 16 '05 Old theory of happiness. C. S. Thompson. Mun 49:376 Je '13 Old things. E. Rickert. Scrib 46:483 O '09 Old-time barge pirates on the Mississippi. G. W. Ogden. Everybody's 7:478 N '02 Old-time love story. R. H. Davis. Cent 77:219 D '08 Old-time revival. E. Wood. Everybody's 14: 382 Mr '06 Old times at Squash Centre. N. Waterman. New Eng n s 35:734 F '07 Old whale's story. F. T. Bullen. Les Mo 58:15 My '04 Old witch. R. R. Gilson. Harper 107:139 Je '03 Old woman IVIagown. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 111:728 O '05 Old woman's story. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 40: 15 Mr 7 '08 Old Wong of the Look-Sees. F. Palmer. Col 47::^0 My 6 '11 Old-world episode. W. J. Locke. Sat E P 182: 3 S 25 '09 Old-world wooing. A. M. Jenney. Cent 61:605 F '01 Ole IVIarse and Aunt Nancy. V. F. Boyle. Harp W 53:22 Je 19 '09 Ole IVIiss an' de Yankee. Mrs. W. A. Leland. Everybody's 5:44 Jl '01 Ole mistis. B. Benefield. Scrib 53:560 My 'IS Ole Skjarsen's first touchdown. G. Fitch. Sat E P 182:15 N 6 '09 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 219 Ole Squint-Eye. H. Dickson. Sat E P 182:14 O 2 '09 Oleander. A. M. Sholl. Mun 35:105 Ap '06 Olive-vender. B. E. Rice. Cent 71:432 Ja '06 Oliver Bass, incorporated. A. M. Anderson. Amer 62:446 Ag 06 Oliver, Elizabeth Shaw Joseph Desblens: widower. Scrib 41:735 Je '07 Paschal Rochette's penance. Scrib 45:355 Mr '09 Quarrel. Outl S6:736 Ag 3 07 Tite sauvage. Cent 75:173 D '07 Oliver, Marlon R. Inevitable Christmas. Lippinc 80:813 D '07 Oliver, Oliver Signs of the stars. Col 36:19 D 23 '05 Oliver, Owen Annihilator. Mun 43:635 Ag '10 Aunt Elizabeth. Harper 128:732 Ap '14 Bad Friday. Mun 53:67 O '14 Boy at Browns. Delin 70:959 D '07 Broken pieces. Mun 48:275 N '12 Cloud-men. Mun 45:630 Ag '11 Credit of the school. Col 34:10 D 17 '04 Dagger, The. Mun 32:668 F '05 Decent thing. Lippmc 87:232 F '11 Desperate character. Lippinc 83:728 Je '09 Fair's fair. Harp W 55:16 My 13 '11 Fairy princess. Met 22:547 Ag '05 Father's sweetheart. Delin 65:265 F '05 Feminine standard. Cosmop 37:207 Je '04 - Fetish. The. Mun 46:3S0 D '11 Feud at Ballyborrow. Harp W 56:14 F 3 '12 Foolish books. Lippinc 90:53 Jl '12 Fourth generation. Harp W 48:140 Ja 23 '04 Hendrik the robber. Mun 33:311 Je '05 I wonder why. Amer 62:37 My '06 In his private capacity. Col 32:17 D 5 '03 In safe hands. Mun 43:1n0 My 10 Independent charge. Col 33:21 Ap 16 '04 Iron. Met 30:135 My 09 Judgment. Mun 44:631 F '11 Justice while you wait. McClure 35:189 Je '10 Kings and men. Lippinc 89:563 Ap '12 Lady Tommy. Lippinc 81 :741 Je '08 Line, The. Delin 70:498 O '07 Man who wanted to know. Lippinc 84:205 Ag '09 Man who was faithful. Lippinc 75:607 My 05 Martyr. Lippinc 80:491 O '07 Mixed doubles. Lippmc 93:206 F '14 Out of bounds. Lippinc 86:619 N '10 Out of the deep. Col 33:12 S 10 '04 Outlaw, The. Mun 46:669 F '12 Parson's knot. Delin 71:241 F '08 Plans, The. Mun 51:592 Ap '14 Price of his silence. Mun 50:486 D '13 Rapid conveyance. Les Mo 57 301 Ja '04 School-mother. Lippinc 82:443 O '08 Shadow. The. Met 24:498 Jl 06 Smile of a lady. Lippinc 85:314 Mr '10 Sparrows. Lippinc S4:675 D '09 Success. Mun 4S:479 D '12 Summer Santa Claus. Lippinc 92:736 D '13 Their friends. Harp W 53:22 My 8 '09 They called it love. Harp W 51:1820 D 14 '07 Two skippers. Mun 44:161 N '10 Two-tails. Lippinc 90.722 D '12 Understudy. Delin 75.43 Ja 10 Valley between. Les Mo 59:47 N '04 Wisdom of folly. Lippinc 94:99 Jl '14 Young Briggs' sister. Col 33:19 Ap 2 '04 Olive's first story. E. G. Jordan. Harper 126: 7S8 Ap '13 Olivia. C. E. Channing. Harper 104:875 My '02 Ollivant, Alfred, 1874- Cleansiiig of the lie. Harper 103:329 Ag '01 Hum-drum. Amer 77:37 Ja. 39:44 F '14 Lord, and the lady's glove. McClure 18:300 F '02 May. Harper 107:536 S "03 Right to love. Everybody's 25:403 S '11 Two; and a rose. Harper 101-255 Jl '00 Ollivant orphans: their home coming. I. H. Gill- more. Met 38:17 S '13 Olmsted, Stanley r-UHiricss of the policy. Lippinc 92:99 Jl '18 Cunt. I'.rlflgftta. Col 45-18 Mr 26 '10 f'hain surcp.M.sion. Lippinc 91:448 Ap '13 f'ostume and the cowboy. Lippinc 85:94 Ja '10 Extra man. Mun 45:81 Ap '11 Olmsted, Stanley — continued Four-flushers. Lippinc 88:723 N '11 Heritage of the serpent. Lippinc 90:227 Ag '12 Instinct eternal. Lippinc 87:617 My '11 Rise of Genevieve. Lippinc 85:497 Ap '10 Vanity or the viewpoint. McClure 34:77 N '09 OIney, Oliver, pseud. See Des Voignes, Jules Verne Olsen, Alfred J., Jr. On the Potter's Wheel. Mun 44:641 F '11 Olt Peeter. C. C. Lof quest. Les Mo 59:404 F •05 Olympic victor. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 44:18 Jl ■08 Omar in Central Park. R. Le Gallienne. Lip- pinc 81:93 Ja 'OS Omelette. F. Saville. Harp W 50:1568 N 3 '06 Omitted from publication. S. H. Adams. Mc- Clure 41:93 Je '13 Omitted name. F. B. Elser. Amer 75:53 My '1. Ommirandy. A. C. Gordon. Scrib 56:762 D '14 On a Baltic sea sloop. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 31: 663 Je '02 On a calm sea. R. M. Hallet. Amer 76:34 S '13 On a diet. E. L. Sabin. Amer 76:25 Jl '13 On a field sable. H. S. Stabler. Sat E P 183:10 Mr 11 '11 On a hotel balcony. G. M. Martin. Everybody's 21:599 N '09 On a North sea smack. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 31:513 My '02 On account of a lady. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 186:6 Je 6 '14 On account of Bridyeen. W. Bulfin. Every- body's 6:572 Je '02 On account of the Herr Major. E. B. Tiffany. Atlan 97:84 Ja '06 On Alexandra's island. E. Van Buren. Cent 77:267 D '08 On approval. N. Boyce. Col 50:15 D 21 '12 On behalf of the management. O. Henry. Ev- erybody's 10:185 F '04 On being out of season. J. B. Connolly. Sat E P 185:6 Ag 3 '12 On Christmas day in the evening. G. S. Rich- mond. Everybody's 23:539 O '10 On Christmas day in the morning. G. S. Rich- mond. Everybody's 13:744 D '05 On de rapide. M. K. Bartlett. Cent 60:608 Ag '00 On deck. M. Merington. Harp B 38:839 S '04 On deep waters. W. F. Skerrye. Les Mo 55: 557 Ap '03 On foot. G. Morris. Met 32:644 Ag '10 On Georges Shoals. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 38: 63 Jl '05 On great waters. E. Ferris. Mun 47:401 Je '12 On Guadalupe ridge. O. K. Davis. Everybody's 10:838 Je '04 On Halleluiah Hill. L. Scott. Mun 49:247 My •13 On Hc-sback reef. C. C. Hotchkiss. H:irp W 53:22 My 29 '09 On horseback to Kingdom Come. J. Fox. Jr. Scrib 48:175 Ap '10 On Indian Head. B. Millard. Cosmop 46:271 F '09 On .Jamaica dock A. Colton. Col 47:21 My 20 '11 On January first. E. M. Hart New Enp n s 25:623 Ja '02 On joint account. M. Foster. Sat K P 184:12 Jl 1 '11 On Kindilinl. J. F. WIKson. McClure 33:588 O •09 On Lone-tree hill. F. M. Cooley. Mot 17:145 F •03 On matrimony. B. Goodman. Snt E P 184.11 S 9 '11 220 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 On Olympus. J. W. Tompkins. Delin 79:278 Ap '12 On piety, between music and love. M. E. M. Davis. Sat B P 173:6 D 15 '00 On Primrose hill. A. E. P. Searing. New Eng n s 23:653 F '01 On Rush street bridge. S. R. Osborn. Amer 75: 78 Je '13 On Shark's Fin reef. G. A. England. Mun 42: 539 Ja '10 On society's fringe. M, Hill. Lippinc 85:222 F '10 On Taku bar. S. Merwin. Everybody's 28:314 Mr '13 On the arm of the goddess. M. A. Taft. Met 16:113 Jl '02 On the back of the dragon. J. Hopper. Every- body's 23:747 D '10 On the beach. J. R. Reese. Les Mo 54:406 Ag '02 On the bird-cage road. M. C. Dyar. Harper 121:107 Je '10 On the borderland. C. A. Hartley. Les Mo 60: 72 My '05 On the bottom of the dory. J. B. Connolly. Col 37:18 Je 30 '06 On the Christmas limited. T. Bailey. Every- body's 12:124 Ja '05 On the claim. F. McDowell. Atlan 104:117 Jl •09 On the Copley road. K. Keife. New Eng n s 47:273 Ag '12 On the Deadwood stage. G. W. Ogden. Every- body's 14:266 F '06 On the docks. A. O'Hagan. Everybody's 9:263 Ag '03 On the doorstep. I. H. Gillmore. McClure 23: 333 Jl '04 On the echo of the morn. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 29:659 Je '01 On the face of the waters. J. Lee. Col 37:16 Mr 31 '06 On the gulls' road. W. S. Gather. McClure 32: 145 D '08 On the heart and the evidence. R. Tennal. McClure 22:197 D '03 On the honor of a man. W. R. Lighton. Scrib 35:212 F '04 On the hotel veranda. D. Canfleld. Mun 39: 498 Jl '08 On the instalment plan. C. Harris. Harper 127: 342 Ag '13 On the level. M. R. Ormsbee. Lippinc 93:102 Ja '14 On the links. G. Hibbard. Cent 64:827 O '02 On the minute. G. R. Chester. Everybody's 30: 356 Mr '14 On the morning of our tale. J. F. Wilson. Met 39:14 Mr '14 On the mount of the moon. K. C. Strahan. L H J 81:13 Je '14 On the night trail. C. G. D. Roberts. McClure 28:295 Ja '07 On the night train. M. T. Earle. Atlan 85:748 Je '00 On the northeast wind. O. K. Davis. Every- body's 13:117 Jl '05 On the off-shore lights. L. L. Sibley. Atlan 90: 377 S '02 On the other side of the ridge. J. Hopper. Sat E P 182:20 P 12 '10 On the Overland. W. M. Raine. Mun 28:580 Ja '03 On the Potter's Wheel. A. J. Olsen, Jr. Mun 44:641 F '11 On the razor edge. R. Hughes. Lippinc 85:73 Ja '10 On the ridge. M. S. Cutting. McClure 28:177 D '06 On the road to Arcady. M. N. Thurston. Lip- pinc 70:3 Jl '02 On the road to Buenavista. W. M. Rains. Lip- pinc 85:105 Ja '10 On the road to Crowninshield. D. L. Hastings. Atlan 87:365 Mr '01 On the road to Hell-fer-sartain. J. Fox, Jr. Scrib 48:350 S '10 On the roof of the world. A. S. Pier. Col 35: 16 Ag 19 '05 On the Saddle Bow range. A. M. Kerr. Mc- Clure 23:57 My '04 On the snow. M. Foster. Everybody's 5:479 O '01 On the spot; or, the idler's house-party. G. Morris. Everybody's 19:187 Ag 'OS On the spur of the moment. F. R. Bechdolt. Everybody's 17:704 N '07 On the staircase. K. F. Gerould. Scrib 54:731 D '13 On the story: the night the big fellow went out, W. Inglis. Harp W 54:15 D 3 '10 On the stroke of nine. C. Major. Everybody's 4:645 Je '01 On the trail. W. D. Nesbit. Harper 120:965 My '10 On the trail of a go-cart, A. Devoore. Scrib 35:109 Ja '04 On the trail of a serpent. S. C. Kendall. Mc- Clure 22:163 D '03 On the trail of an argosy. C. H. New. Harp W 54:22 Je 11 '10 On the trail of the intangible. B. H. Porter. Cosmop 41:21 My '06 On the trail of the lonesome pine. J. Fox, Jr. Scrib 48:417 O '10 On the turn of the coin. E. L. Dudley. Lippinc 94:70 D '14 On the underground railroad. S. A. Shafer. Outl 78:378 O 8 '04 On the upgrade. See Woolley, Edward Mott On the water front. L. W. Sturdevant. Atlan 103:397 Mr '09 On the wharf. E. L. Pearson. New Eng n s 26:234 Ap '02 On the wings of the wind. C. W. Rankin. Mun 26:801 Mr '02 On the word of Victor Paul. M. T. Earle. Outl 66:345 O 6 '00 On thin ice. M. White, Jr. Mun 31:276 My '04 On train seventeen. C. E. Van Loan. Mun 48 653 Ja '13 On trolley car No. 24. M. T. Frisbie. Mun 25 501 Jl '01 On truly hill. Mrs. H. B. Dudeney. Harper 129 111 Je '14 On Tulang Shoals. H. Scheffauer. Met 38:27 O •13 On war's red touchstone. M. L. Luther. New Eng n s 24:510 Jl '01 On with the dance. M. S. Cutting. Sat E P 186:13 Je 20 '14 Once. F. Hyde. Met 15:204 P '02 Once a bluejacket. R. Dunn. Everybody's 22: 591 My '10 Once at Red Man's river. G. Parker. Sat E P 180:18 F 1 'OS Once too often. H. C. Candee. Harp B 34:418 F 16 '01 Once upon a time. R. Le Gallienne. Met 21: 348 D '04 One, The. E. Balmer. Col 50:25 Ja 11 '13 One afternoon. F. S. Hoppin, Jr. Les Mo 52: 206 Je '01 One artist or two? A. McEwen. Harper 111:842 N '05 One Christmas at Shiloh. P. L. Dunbar. Delin 56:818 D '00 One day. R. Sawyer. Mun 47:789 Ag '12 One day in vaudeville. H. Green. McClure 39: 637 O '12 One day's adventures. N. Duncan. Harper 118: 133 D '08 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 221 One dollar's worth. S. Porter. Mun 29:127 Ap '03 One good turn. C. Peake. Mun 27:593 Jl "02 One great love. R. A. Wason. Met 29:483 Ja •09 One great thing. E. A. Clancy. Harper 12S: 626 Mr '14 One hour late; a tale of the newly-married. E. G. MacLeod. Les Mo 58:181 Je '04 One hundred in the dark. O. Johnson. Sat E P 1S4:5 O 21 '11 One in a million. M. Williams. Mun 49:966 S •13 One job too many. H. C. Ramsey. McClure 35: 469 Ag '10 One left. E. V. Lucas. Atlan 109:364 Mr '12 One leg to go on. J. Belfield. Lippinc 84:469 O '09 One man in a million. R. W. Chambers. Harper 103:944 N '01 One man power of Pemmican. W. H. Osborne Cosmop 42:696 Ap '07 One man's story. L. Crane. Harper 118:758 Ap '09 One more chanst. E. C. McCants. Met 14:333 S '01 One more June. L. Forsslund. Cent 80:256 Je '10 One more martyr. G. Morris. Sat E P 182:10 Ag 7 •og One of Esau's fables. M. Glass. Sat E P 184: 8 Je 1 '12 One of life's paradoxes. A. M. Roach. Harper 109:683 O '04 One of many. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 88:90 Jl '11 One of Marcus's theories rises up to meet him. J. Lee. Outl 75:752 N 28 '03 One of the aristocracy. E. C. McCants. Cos- mop 33:700 O '02 One of the eighty thousand. J. Lincoln. Mc- Clure 27:582 O ^06 One of the family. A. W. Bailey. Outl 74:1044 Ag 29 '03 One of the grayjackets. E. C. McCants. Mc- Clure 29:201 Je '07 One of the Lord's people. Mrs. J. K. Hudson. Lippinc 65:944 Je '00 One of the old girls. E. Ferber. Amer 72:552 S 11 One of the others. F. H. Lea. Harper 120:625 Mr '10 One of them. G. S. Chappell. Cent 72:419 Jl '06 One of them had a wife. C. Hamilton. Cos- mop 57:65 Je "14 One of three. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 26:676 F '02 One plus one equals five millions. Mrs. J. Fu- trell';. Delin 69:f<61 My '07 One pcssessed. E. W. Hornung. Everybody's 30:273 V '14 One possible man. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 22: 650 F '00 One result. O. D. Litchfield. Outl 73:84 Ja " '03 One result of the Martinique disaster. D. Can- flf'ld Ilari) B 37:710 Ac '03 One solution. N. Syrett. Everybody's 16:619 My 'O- One summer's day. M. R. Rawson. Col 35:1- Ap 1 *05 One thing needed. C. B. Kelland. Mun 44:692 F '11 One touch of nature. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 185: 5 Mr 1 '13 One walked between. A. Patterson. Met 16: 529 N '02 One way. M. Glass. Sat E P 1SO;10 Ja 17 '14 One way of love. J. Lee. Lippinc 77:129 V "06 One way of love. F. W. Wharton. Cosmop 31: 371 Ag '01 One who thought. J. Barnes. McClure 18:271 Ja '02 One with the red brown hair. R. W. Child. Amer 67:542 Ap '09 One woman's life. L D. Cameron. Lippinc 68; 515 N '01 One woman's will and way. E. H. Porter. Lip- pinc 93:722 Je '14 One worm's turning. Baroness von Hutten. Col 33:1S Je 11 '04 One year in Namenia. J. Underwood. Lippinc 72:622 N '03 O'Neill, Anne Woman on the road. Sat E P 185:32 O 19 '12 O'Neill, " Bucky " Requiem of the drums. Cosmop 30:401 F '01 O'Neill, Hugh Plot of a play. Cosmop 42:685 Ap '07 O'Neill, James Onion. New Eng N S 35:435 D '06 O'Neilj, Rose Cecil (Mrs. Harry Leon Wilson) Is 1 4- Lady and the ghost. Cosmop 34:30 N '02 Onion. J. O'Neill. New Eng n s 35:435 D '06 Onions, Mrs. Oliver Hundredth chance. Harp B 48:12 Jl '13 Onliest way. G. M. Cooke. Delin 72:761 N "08 Only a clown. Viator. Harp W 54:18 S 3 '10 Only a promise to a child. E. C. Haring. Delin 85:19 S '14 Only an episode. E. B. Frothingham. Atlan 89:154. 372 F-Mr '02 Only child you know. Sat E P l.S6:8 D 6 '13 Only Dash wood, The. B. Millard. Mun 33:646 S '05 Only failure in the family. A. Warner. L H J 30:11 Jl '13 Only in the land of dreams. L. Scott. Amer 63: 54 N '06 Only Jules Verbaux. L. Mott. Cent 70:586 Ag '05 Only one, The. H. B. Parker. Met 34:570 Ag '11 Only son of his mother. G. W. Carryl. Mun 28: 114 O '02 Only son of his mother. J. D. Dragoumis. At- lan 108:540 O '11 Only son of his mother. F. M. Kingsley. Sat E P 173:16 Mr 30 '01 Only the master shall praise. J. M. Oskison. Cent 59:3-'7 Ja '00 Only way. C. H. Griebel. Lippinc 89:460 Mr '12 Opal and the parade. B. R. Hoover. Every- body's 16:417 Mr "07 Opal's chance. B. R. Hoover. Everybody's 19: 272 Ag 'OS Opal's glimpse of Eden. B. R. Hoover. Every- body's 21:702 N '09 Opal's half-holiday. B. R. Hoover. Everybody's 17:563 O '07 Open circle a Peggy story. M. K. Thompson. .McClure 41:129 Jl '13 Open door. E. Duvall. Atlan 86:382 S '00 Open door. E. Lleberman. Lippinc 92:379 S 13 Open road. E. Hough. Sat E P 181:0 Mr 13 09 Open waters, A. Bennauer. McClure 38:100 N •11 Open window. K. Harris. Everyobdy's 27:322 S •{! Opening. G. R. Chester. Everybody's 31:400 S •II Opening of the road. K. Jarboe. Everybody's I2::!!(fi Mr 'Or, Operator's siory. F. H. Spearman. New lOiig Ti H 29:357 N ^03 Ophelia and the center of the stage. L. C. Hale. Col 45:15 Mr 21 '10 222 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Oppenheim, Edward Phillips, 1S69- Delibei-ate detective. iViuii 50:439, 696; 51: 37. 293. 566, 592; 52:58 D 'IS-Je '14 Disappeaiauce of Monsieur Uupoy. Mun 51: 566 Ap "14 Glen Terrace tragedy. Mun 52:298 Jl '14 Grace Burton and Stephen Pryde. Cosmop 53:590, 777; 54:107, 173, 395, 473 O '12-Mr '13 Hour of death. Met 30:285 Je '09 Murder of William Blessing. Mun 51:293 Mr '14 Other side of the wall. Mun 51:37 F '14 Princes pays. Mun 50:696 Ja '14 Rescue of Warren Tyrrwell. Mun 50:439 D '13 Silent people. Mun 52:5S Je '14 Spider's parlor. Mun 51:789 My '14 Three thieves. Cosmop 46:496 Ap '09 Oppenheim, James, 1882- Adam's farm. Amer 73:584 Mr '12 Battle: the story of a doctor. Amer 66:221 Jl •OS Bits of slass. Col 50:20 N 2 '12 Call of the folk. Outl 101:389 Je 22 '12 City nights. Harper 125:283 Jl '12 Clerks. Harper 125:465 Ag '12 Cog. Everybody's 24:400 Mr '11 Dancing blood. Outl 102:395 O 26 '12 Daybreak. Delin 79:8 Ja '12. Same Cur Lit 52:237 F '12 Empty life. Met 33:153 N '10 Everyday. Amer 67:498 Mr '09 Family. Everybody's 21:552 O '09 Great fear. Amer 68:143 Je '09 Groping children. Amer 67:291 Ja '09 Human beings. Delin 81:87 F '13 Joan of the mills. Met 32:433 Jl '10 Long pants. Harper 125:120 Je '12 Lovers. Delin 76:357 N '10 Meg. Amer 70:15 My '10 Mr. Fitch. Harper 126:720 Ap '13 Mother and father. Everybody's 23:688 N '10 Nell. Delin 78:11 Jl '11 New generation. Harper 124:394 F '12 Proud white mother. Amer 73:694 Ap '12 Quentin. Met 35:21 O '12 Saturday night. Forum 43:97 F '10 Seventh night. Amer 68:80 My '09 Slag. Everybody's 24:817 Je '11 Stoning. The. Met 39:28 N '13 Tim's turn. Amer 72:600 S '11 Unborn. Amer 68:505 S '09 Wife. Amer 72:747 O '11 W^ild grain. Outl 103:895 Ap 26 '13 Woman. Amer 70:477 Ag '10 Years. Harper 124:685 Ap '12 Young girl. Amer 69:516 F '10 Young man. Amer 71:803 Ap '11 Young man and the builders. Amer 71:440 F '11 Young woman. Harper 126:608 Mr '13 Opper, Emma A. Complication in Beckert. Mun 25:745 Ag '01 For Mrs. Hathaway. Mun 23:228 My '00 Sorrows of little Tillottson. Mun 26:259 N '01 3 B and 4 B. Mun 50:41 O '13 Opportunity. M. C. Craft. Everybody's 8:372 Ap '03 Opportunity. M. Glass. Mun 45:41 Ap '11 Opportunity of Petitjean. L. Merrick. Sat E P 181:12 S 26 '08 Oppressing the oppressor. C. Warman. Lip- pine 67:731 Je '01 Oppressors of the meek. L. Mackall. Cent 89:314 D '14 Optical delusion. L. E. Hardy. Lippinc 90:463 O '12 Option. G. Hibbard. Sat E P 175:5 Ja 31 '03 Or none. Z. A. Norris. Les Mo 53:483 F '02 Oracle of Saint-Cure. C. A. Prince. Cent 67:923 Ap '04 Oracle relates. B. W. Currie. Harp W 51:1126 Ag 3 '07 Oracles of the stove. H. Pendexter. Every- body's 14:484 Ap '06 Orang-outang fight on the Papuan Queen. J. F. Dwyer. Amer 70:186 Je '10 Orange puppy. R. W. Chambers. Harp B 48:20 Jl, 20 Ag. 30 S '13 Orator of the day. B. Whitlock. Sat E P 180:12 Jl '07 Orcadian weeks entertainment. E. Root. Lip- pinc 94:356 S '14 Orchard princess. R. H. Barbour. Lippinc 76:1 Jl '05 Orchid of sudden death. E. MacVane. McClure 42.127 Ja '14 Ordeal. C. E. Craddock. Lippinc 88:769 D '11 Ordeal by fire. F. M. Coates. New Eng n s 30:225 Ap '04 Ordeal of Isabel. E. MacKubin. Sat E P 172:840 Mr 17 '00 Ordeal of Maude Joyce. E. G. Jordan. Harper 108:114 D '03 Order No. 113. J. P. Wilson. Sat E P 183:17 S 17 '10 Ordered out of doors. E. M. Woolley. Mc- Clure 41:129 Ag '13 Ordination of John Fairmeadow. N. Duncan. Outl 97:649 Mr 25 '11 Orealis McGoogin and the fighting Wallaby. B. Brandenburg. Everybody's 17:414 S '07 Oriented. W. A. Hickman. Cent 77:564 F '09 Origin of macaroni. M. Serao. Cur Lit 46:457 Ap '09 Origin of species. M. Kelly. Sat E P 182:18 N 13 '09 Original six. E. C. Blake. Delin 84:8 F '14 Original wedding present. M. S. Cutting. Cent 67:888 Ap '04 Ormond, Alice, 1887- Man who owned their house. L H J 28:10 F 1 '11 Ormond, Frederic, pseud. See Dey, Frederic van Rensselaer Ormsbee, Helen Man who failed. Atlan 109:508 Ap '12 Ormsbee, Mary Royce On the level. Lippinc 93:102 Ja '14 Orphanage. R. Fisguill. Harp W 56:14 Ap 27 '12 Orr, Edith American savage. Col 53:15 Mr 21 '14 Marianne the superannuated. Harp W 58:23 F 21 '14 Syndicating Sarah. Cent 83:141 N '11 O'Ryan, Jane Power that moves. Met 17:35 Ja '03 O's head. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 175:6 Ja 3 '03 Osborn, Anna Brabham, 1868- Extry. New Eng n s 48:321 S '12 Osborn, Stanley R. Knife in the door. Cosmop 42:472 F '07 Loneliest man God ever made. Met 27:515 Ja '08 On Rush street bridge. Amer 75:78 Je '13 Osborne, (Samuel) Duffield, 1858- Judgment of Venus. Atlan 88:262 Ag '01 Story of the broken Sardonyx. Mun 40:63 O 'OS Truth about the Prosperine. Met 20:112 Ap '04 Wisdom of the serpent. Harper 103:236 Jl '01 Osborne, Maitland l_e Roy Agent at Lone Rock. Mun 30:116 O '03 Foolishness of 'Frisco. Les Mo 58:452 Ag '04 Funny story. New Eng n s 52:117 N '14 Nuptials of Scotty Williams. Les Mo 57:697 Ap '04 Osborne, William Hamilton, 1873- Alarm of Angelone. Everybody's 13:466 O '05 Alibi of the autocar. Cosmop 39:483 S '05 Apgar. the attorney who advertised. Cosmop 36:184 D '03 At hard labor. Cosmop 43:486 S '07 Boomerang. Sat E P 177:6 Jl 16 '04 Bullock Jr. and the octopus. McClure 21:578 O '03 Chow Chow. Met 39:22 D '13 Dictionary and the bachelor maid. Mun 28: 251 N '02 For Surrogate: James Burke. Sat E P 176:6 O 17 '03 Forging the golden chain. Sat E P 178:4 Ja 20 '06 Freeze-out. McClure 28:424 F '07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 223 Osborne, William Hamilton — ^ continued Giannone's girl. Lippinc 84:709 D '09 Grand larceny. Sat E P 177:2 S 24 '04 Green row. Cosmop 36:686 Ap '04 Hen takes possession. Sat E P 186:8 Ap 4 '14 Henrietta's hair. Sat E P 181:8 Ap 17 '09 House of a thousand scandals. Mun 47:81 Ap •12 Jiminy's corner in thanks. Mun 40:166 N '08 Kennedy of St. Bartholomews. Met 17:59 Ja '03 Life tenants. Sat E P 178:4 S 2 '05 Lone widow. Cosinop 41:277 Jl '06 Loophole. Harp W 54:22 F 26 '10 Lure o' the wherewithal. Sat E P 178:6 Je 16 '06 Made-up photograph and the millionaire. Sat E P 176:6 Ja 9 '04 Mr. Billington, a polite rascal. Met 19:291 N '03 One man power of Pemmican. Cosmop 42: 696 Ap '07 Pendulum swings. Lippinc 80:803 D '07 Pernicious postscript. Harp W 55:12 N 25 '11 Pound losers and pound keepers. Les Mo 56: 97 My '03 Rate war and romance. Les IMo 59:114 N '04 Salvage of Point Faraway. Met 17:289 Mr '03 Saunders's vacation. Met 19:102 O '03 Scandal in chancery. Sat E P 179:8 N 24 '06 Scheme of Sutcliffa, swindler. McClure 20: 598 Ap '03 Shaughnessy and the turnpike toll. Cosmop 35:466 Ag '03 Shoplifter at Satterthwaite's. Delin 68:1023 D '06 Steal. Sat E P 176:6 D 12 '03 Suite number nineteen. Harper 128:534 Mr '14 Sylvia and the subway. Lippinc 78:236 Ag '06 Tunnel. Col 34:18 F 4 '05 Wall street raid of Shifty Shift. Met 24:682 S '06 Widow Vogel. Sat E P 179:8 D 22 '06 Osbourne, Lloyd. 1868- Acid test. Everybody's 26:740 Je '12 Arranged affair. Sat E P 184:10 D 23 '11 Automaniacs. Sat E P 176:1 S 5 "03 Awakening of (Jeorge Raymond. Sat E P 175: 14 Ap 11, 10 Ap 18 '03 Beautiful man of Pingalap. Cosmop 29:481 S '00 Black truth. Met 20:683 S '04 Bonesy. Everybody's 21:147 Ag '09 Bowsitt's last chance. Sat E P 178:1 N 4 '05 Bubble Santa Glaus. Sat E P 177:7 D 3 '04 Chief engineer. Sat E P 175:1 My 30, 6 Je 6 '03 Christmas mutineers. Sat E P 175:6 D 6 '02 Coal Oil Johnny. Sat E P 177:3 Ag 13 '04 Detty the detrimental. Everybody's 23:147 Ag '10 Dust of defeat. Scrib 28:465 O '00 Faces of the little children. Sat E P 174:6 Mr 15 '02 ffrenches first. Sat E P 175:3 Ag 23 '02 Forty years between. McClure 20:475 Mr '03 Fugitives of pleasure. McClure 22:379 F '01 Girl of the Latin Quarter. Sat E P 174:2 My 10 '02 Glass-eyed Bill. McClure 23:604 O '04 Golden castaways. Sat E P 175:3 N 8 '02 Great Bubble syndicate. Sat E P 176:1 Mr 26 •04 Great five-cent case. Everybody's 22:70 Ja •10 Her undoubted right. Sat E P 174:2 Ja 11 '02 Hothouse Americans. Sat E P 185:11 Mr 8 '13 Jacksonby, The. Sat E P 186:13 Ap 18 '14 Jones. Sat E P 177:1 D 24, 8 I) 31 '04 Kingdoms of the woiid. Mun 41:505 Ja '11 Late Walter Waling. Sat E P 180:11 O 19, ]s O 26 '07 Little flyer in love. McClure 21:618 O '03 Little white liars. Sat R P 176:4 My 28 '04 I>ove pirate. Sat E P 1sr,:S F 1 '13 I.ove while you wait. Sat K P 173:6 My 11 '01 Major Bronfiuard of the army. Everybody's 30:«7 Ja '14 Ma.scot of Battery B. Sat R P 175:4 My 23 '03 Old dog Tray. McClure 2.f);623 O '05 O's head. Sat E P 175:6 Ja 3 '03 Schmidt. Evorybody's 13:3 Jl '05 Smathers. Sat E P 178:6 O 21 '05 - continued comedy in courses. Sat E P Osbourne, Lloyd Social divers: e 175:4 O 11 '02 Soft-Nosed Gus. Sat E P 183:5 Mr 25 '11 Thousandshootinairgin. Sat E P 181:9 Mr 27 •09 Three persons and a muffin. Met 20:77 Ap '04 Three speeds forward. Everybody's 15:169 Ag '06 Tin diskers. Sat E P 177:1 Jl 2, 14 Jl 9 '04 Two thousand. Sat E P 177:3 F 25 '05 AVelfare Wicks. Sat E P 181:9 Mr 13 '09 Wild waters. McClure 26:434 F '06 Oscar and Louise. M. S. Briscoe. Scrib 30:436 O '01 H. W. Phillips. N Oscar's chance, per Charley. McClure 20:630 Ap '03 Osgood, Erastus Hamlet under difficulties. Harper 105:978 '02 O'Shea, Peter F. Savages. Col 54:11 O 31 '14 Oskison, John Milton, 1874- Apples of Hesperides, Kansas. Forum 51:391 Mr '14 Fall of King Chris. Les Mo 56:586 O '03 Koenig's discovery. Col 45:20 My 28 '10 Only the Master shall praise. Cent 59:327 Ja '00 Quality of mercy. Cent 68:178 Je '04 To Younger's Bend. Les Mo 56:182 Je '03 Walla Tenaka — Creek. Col 51:16 Jl 12 '13 When the grass grew long. Cent 62:247 Je '01 Working for fame. Les Mo 56:372 Ag *03 Young Henry and the old man. McClure 31: 237 Je 'OS Osia whale hunting. E. Rickert. Lippinc 80: 524 O '07 Ostable postmastership. J. C. Lincoln. Sat E P 184:10 Ag 26 '11 O'Tara. V. W. Cloud. Harp W 48:212 F 6 '04 Other boy. L. Finch. Harper 123:933 N '11 Other Browning. B. Sears. Sat E P 175:8 Ag 2 '02 Other cheek. F. Hurst. Sat E P 186:15 Ap 11 14 Other death. A. Kinross. Met 19:830 Mr '04 Other doors. M. H. Vorse. Scrib 39:602 My '06 Other fat lady — and me. A. Kortrecht. Lip- pinc 87:489 Ap '11 Other fellows. R. R. Gilson. Harper 119:43 Je '09 Other lodgers. A. Bierce. Cosmop 43:445 Ag '07 Other man. E. R. Blanchard. Mun 45:426 Je '11 Other man. Other man. Ap-My Other man. Other man. Other man's baby. My 1 '11 Other man's story. 228 F '14 Other Maumer. V •00 other Mrs. Dill. A. Brown. Atlan 103:505 My •09 Other one. V. Harper. Lippinc 75:243 F '05 Other people's cake. M. E. W. Freeman. Col 12:14 N 21 '08 Other people's shoes. F. Hurst. Sat E P 186: 11 D 20 "13 S. C. Bryant. McClure 17:519 O '01 M. H. Justice. Cosmop 54:655, 787 •13 F. Reddale. Lippinc 70:515 N '02 A. Train. Scrib 47:408 Ap "10 M. S. Gerry. L H J 28:13 K. Groesbeck. Lippinc 93: F. Boyle. Harper 101:749 O r, Other ship. Ap '07 Other sido. J;i 1 Other .sidf of Bos.s. Mr '03 Other sIdo of the hill. 31:89 O '09 J. W. Tompkins. T>ippinc 80:220 E. Channing. Harper 108:240 J. C. Bull. Lippinc 71:389 A. M. Estabrook. Met 224 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 other side of the moon. G. S. Viereck. Cur Lit 40:675 Je '06 Other side of the wall. E. P. Oppenheim. Mun 51:37 F '14 Other times, other manners. E. Wharton. Cent 82:344, 587 Jl-Ag '11 Other two. Z. Gale. Everybody's 12:592 My '05 Other two. E. Wharton. Col 32:15 F 13 '04 Other way. J. M. Forman. Harper 119:624 S ■09 Other woman. R. W. Child. L H J 30:12 Mr '13 Otherwhere. L. R. Whipple. Everybody's 26: 426 Mr '12 Otto. W. MacHarg. Sat E P 186:20 Mr 21 '14 Otto Schmalz, hypnotist. W. Hackett. Mun 41: 43S Je '09 Ottoman leap-year girl. C. Johnston. Harp W 55:12 JI 8 '11 Oubliette. G. B. Howard. Cent 8S:72S S '14 Ouida (Louise de la Ramee), 1840-1908 Little thief. Cosmop 28:552 Mr '00 Our Buzzitski. W. S. Dunbar. Col 35:22 Je 10 '05 Our emancipation. A. O'Hagan. Scrib 46:580 N '09 Our first burglar. E. P. Butler. Everybody's 20:210 F '09 Our first cruise. G. Fitch. Sat E P 184:13 N 4 '11 Our front parlor alligator. B. Gilman. New Eng n s 30:76 Mr '04 Our harbor. N. Duncan. Outl 77:846 Ag 6 '04 Our horse. L. C. Hale. Everybody's 22:221 F •10 Our lady of Brusse. V. Vaniatsky. Lippinc 80: 262 Ag '07 Our literary bureau. S. Leacock. Cent 89:156 N '14 Our loathed but esteemed contemporary. W. A. White. Sat E P 178:10 D 2 '05 Our neighbors children. J. K. Hanna. Les Mo 57:481 Mr '04 Our oldest inhabitant. J. C. Lincoln. Col 41:14 Ag 29 '08 Our painted aunt. R. H. Eastman. Cent 88:93 My '14 Our painter. L. C. Hale. Harper 126:264 Ja '13 Our red-headed kid. F. Walworth. McClure 19: 281 Jl '02 Our street. C. B. Davis. Col 41:12 Ag 8 '08 Our tea at Paradise park. C. B. Loomis. Met 32:83 Ap '10 Our tenants. E. R. Pennell. Atlan 105:499 Ap •10 Our tree-top library. R. Le Galllenne. Harper 104:535 Mr '02 Our two uncles. S. H. Preston. Scrib 29:336 Mr '01 Our unique reception of Rev. Mills. L. J. Dann. New Eng n s 35:565 Ja '07 Our wedding breakfast — and Kitchener. R. E. MacAlarney. Scrib 37:754 Je '05 Our yard. R. R. Gilson. Harper 104:944 My '02 Ourself and a woman. I. G. Thompson. Mc- Clure 32:586 Ap '09 Out. K. Abbott. Outl 99:827 D 2 '11 Out in the garden. E. L. Smith. L H J 22:6 F '05 Out of a schoolboy's desk. J. W. Foley. Sat E P 184:38 F 10 '12 Out of bondage. E. Loomis. Cent 84:829 O '12 Out of bounds. O. Oliver. Lippinc 86:619 N '10 Out of her heart. R. C. Henry. L H J 27:18 Ap '10 Out of the Christmas snow. L. Forsslund. L H J 23:16 D '05 Out of the chrysalis. E. Lee. Atlan 104:537 O '09 Out of the dark. M. P. Montague. Atlan 105: 103 Ja '10 Out of the deep. P. Mariett. Atlan 105:357 Mr '10 Out of the deep. O. Oliver. Col 33:12 S 10 '04 Out of the depths. R. W. Chambers. Col 34: 12 D 3 '04 Out of the frying-pan. E. Boltwood. Mun 32: 838 Mr '05 Out of the house of bondage. M. N. Thurston. Lippinc 80:647 N '07 Out of the night. R. Beach. Col 44:15 Ja 29 '10 Out of the real. G. A. England. Mun 50:730 Ja '14 Out of the shadows. M. B. Adams. Cosmop 42:705 Ap '07 Out of the storm. M. Finnegan. Mun 48:626 Ja '13 Out of the west. M. Harris. Les Mo 55:431 F '03 Out of the west. E. W. Mumford. Mun 26:813 Mr '02 Out of the wilderness. D. Canfleld. Delin 76: 159 S '10 Out-of-town call. A. D. Miller. Met 21:694 Mr '05 Out on bail. B. Goodman. Sat E P 183; JO Mr 4 '11 Out-patient. E. Boltwood. Cent 71:600 F '06 Out there. S. Glaspell. Delin 80:15 Jl '12 Out there. A. Ruhl. Scrib 51:571 My '12 Out-trail. E. Frazer. Col 50:20 O 19 '12 Outcasts. S. G. Austin. Met 16:642 D '02 Outcasts. G. A. England. Lippinc 79:240 F '07 Outcasts. C. Johnston. Sat E P 182:5 Ap 2 '10 Outcasts. See Eraser, William Alexander Outer world. L. R. Whipple. Everybody's 27: 133 Jl '12 Outgoing of the tide. J. Buchan. Atlan 89:17 Ja '02 Outlander. M. F. Wilcox. Cent 79:356 Ja '10 Outlaw. H. Garland. Harp W 47:972 Je '13. 1036 Je 20 '03 Outlaw, The. O. Oliver. Mun 46:669 F '12 Outlaw. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 181:8 O 31 '08 Outlaw. E. W. Peattie. Col 44:28 Mr 5 '10 Outlaw. E. L. Sabin. Everybody's 14:743 Je '06 Outlaw and the girl. H. Garland. L H J 25:7 My, 17 Je, 8 Jl '08 Outlaw at home. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 178:10 Mr 10 '06 Outposts of empire. E. Stuart. McClure 33: 229 Jl '09 Outrage at Port Allington. R. E. Vernede. Harper 128:452 F '14 Outraged conventionality. S. Armour. Mun 22: 096 F '00 Outside of the house. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 129:931 N '14 Outsider. W. Inglis. Harper W 52:22 N 7 '08 Outsider. R. Kipling. McClure 15:210 Jl '00 Outsider. L. J. Vance. Mun 53:371 N '14 Outsiders. E. Flower. Sat E P 176:6 Ap 16 "04 Over in Devil's canon. G. B. Ward. Met 17:45 Ja '03 Over Monahan's. C. E. Laughlin. McClure 28: 471 Mr '07 Over Sunday. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 27:738 Ag '02 Over Sunday. C. Wells. Scrib 30:476 O '01 Over the brow of the hill. M. L. Goetchius. Cur Lit 46:110 Ja '09 Over the edge. H. K. Webtser. Col 49:16 Je 22 '12 Over the jumps. A. Stoddart. Lippinc 76:623 N '05 Over the line. E. Walker. Mun 27:427 Je '02 Over the spite fence. M. A. Brady. New Eng n s 34:313 My '06 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 225 Over the teacups. A. Austin. Met 13:327 Mr '01 Over the teacups in Holland. J. W. Manning. Met 16:71 Jl '02 Over the telephone. B. Maniates. New Eng n s 2S:562 Jl '03 Over years and tides. K. Scofield. Col 54:12 S 26 '14 Overboard. J. Street. Sat E P 184:15 O 28 '11 Overdose. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 179:10 Je 22 '07 Overdue luck. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 133:10 Ja 2s '11 Overhauling the politicianers. G. S. Wasson. Cent 66:538 Ag '03 Overheard. A. G. P. Searing. Harp B 33:230 Mr 17 '00 Overheard on a seeing London Motor. M. I. Fisk. Harp W 53:22 Ja 30 '09 Overlooking of Heffy. L. B. Jerome. Cent 64: 305 Je 02 Overproof. W. A. Hickman. Cent 72:399 Jl '06 Oversight. M. C. Dyar. Harper 117:136 Je '08 Overton, Gwendolen (Mrs. Wilkinson), 1876- Alternative. Harper 119:755 O '09 David. Atlan 108:634 N '11 Deborah. Col 40:14 F 1 'OS Miss Etherington. Harper 114:592 Mr '07 Price. Harper 124:205 Ja '12 Speech of deeds. Harper 114:368 F '07 Tragedy of first love. Harper 118:959 My '. Who aims a star. Harper 120:680 Ap '10 Worldly Miss Revelle. Harper 118:471 F '09 Overwhelming Saturday. B. Tarkington. Cos- niop 55:761 N '13 Overworked ring. C. W. Rankin. Cent 79:318 D '09 Oviatt, Edwin Atkinson No 7. Les Mo 56:116 Je '03 Benson, '81. Les Mo 56:32 My '03 89-2-5 Les Mo 55:214 D '02 House bill No. 29. Les Mo 57:93 N '03 Introducing Thacher. McClure 18:515 Ap '02 Lady and the football. Les Mo 59:14 N '04 Owen, George Capture of Atbarac. Mun 31:283 My '04 Owing to Piccolo. C. Warren. Mun 43:771 S 10 Oxenford, horseman. C. G. Byrnes. McClure 20:26 N '02 Oxenham, John Antoine, Nette and Antoinette. Everybody's 10:371 Mr '04 Bone of contention. Cosmop 34:685 Ap '03 Song of Hyacinth. Harp W 48:2036 D 31 '04 Oxford, John Barton, pseud. See Shelton, Rich- ard Larker Oy Mari': B. Lessing. Cosmop 49:527 S '10 Oyen, (Olaf) Henry, 1883- Fly in the vacation, Amer 75:36 D '12 'lirl 1 left behind me. Met 23:105 O '05 Last protest. Cent 6S:319 Je '04 Real detective. Col 51:17 Je 14 '13 Pa-Jim. W. D. Steele. Scrib 56:627 N '14 Pa, the diplomat. B. R. Hoover. Everybody's 23:129 Jl '10 Pacification of Cebu. F. Walworth. Every- b'.dy's 10:43 Ja '04 Pack. A. II. Donnell. Harper 116:885 My '08 Package of letters. E. L. Sherman. Delln 70: ;<7J D '07 Packard, Frank Lucius, 1877- l.itllo Huifpor. f'l-iit 75:715 Mr '08 .Miracle inaii. Mun 51:111 F '14 Kaff '13 Guest that tarried. Col 43:13 Je 26 '00 Lane that had no turning. Sat R I* 173:1 S 29. 10 O 6, 3 O 13. 10 O 20, 22 O 27 "00 Parker, Sir Gilbert — continued Level crossing. Cosmop 51:175 Jl '11 Lfttle widow of Jansen. Sat E P li)0:5 O 26 '07 Marcille. Sat E P 180:20 Ja 4 'OS Norah. Col 44:11 D 25 '09 Once at Red man's river. Sat E P 180:18 F 1 '08 Stake and the plumb-line. Everybody's 14:156 F "06 Three McMahons. Cosmop 51:400 Ag '11 To-morrow. Sat E P 180:11 N 30 '07 Treaty of peace. Sat E P 173:4 Jl 28 '00 Tyrant and a lady. Sat E P 175:3 S 6, 8 S 13, 5 S 20, 8 S 20 '02 When the swallows homeward fly. Delin 66: 1075 D '05 Whisperer. Cosmop 40:503 Mr '06 You never know your luck. Mun 51:601 Ap '14 Young lion of Dedan. Sat E P 175:4 Ag 2 '02 Parker, Helen Baker For one night. Col 54:11 D 12 '14 His father's wife. Met 33:428 Ja '11 Little bundle. Delin 79:383 My '12 Only one. The. Met 34:570 Ag '11 Pardon Kidder's spelling bee. New Eng n s 39:357 N 'OS Partners. Harp B 47:167 Ap '13 To be a lady. L H J 31:11 S '14 T^^allflowers. Delin 82:440 Je '13 When one is young. Delin 82:354 My '13 Parker, Mary Moncure Lucky hazard. Everybody's 3:272 S '00 Parker's folly. W. B. Maxwell. Col 33:14 Jl 2 '04 Parks, Leighton, 1852- When I practised medicine. Atlan 93:555 Ap "04 Parlor back home. E. Wood. McClure 33:475 S '09 Parlor entertainers or the tragedy of success. J. M. Flagg. Amer 75:126 Mr '13 Parlor rally. A. S. Pier. Col 40:19 O 12 '07 Parlor socialists. E. S. Field. Sat E P 180:5 D 28 '07 Parlor that waited for Lily. C. B. Laughlin. L H J 26:10 O '09 Parrot. G. Morris. Everybody's 17:278 Ag '07 Parrot. M. E. Wilkins. Harper 101:603 S '00 Parrot of Uncle Hurwitz. B. Lessing. Cosmop 41:584 O '06 Parson. N. H. Crowell. Les Mo 57:113 N '03 Parson Smith. R. C. Rogers. Everybody's 16: 540 Ap '07 Parson's Christmas gift. Harp W 55:23 D 16 '11 Parson's horse. M. G. Golder. Les Mo 56:270 Jl '03 Parson's knot. O. Oliver. Delin 71:241 F '08 Parson's pond. W. L. Alden. Sat E P 172:1082 My 19 '00 Parson's vindication. W. F. Brown. New Eng n s 28:77 Mr '03 Part of Ca?sar. A. S. Pier. Scrib 42:641 D '07 Part of the game. J. Keen. Met 34:647 Ag '11 Particularly prunes (Pete Crowther. salesman). K. K. Ferris. Outl 102:180 S 28 '12 Parting of friends. W. D. Howells. Harper 121:670 O '10 Parting of the ways. M. C. Craft. Mun 28:416 1) '02 Partition of Mr. Hykes. R. Hall. Harper 102: 329 Ja '01 Partlan, Anne Drawing out steel. New Eng n s 41:189 O •no Lute mender. Mun 45:763 S '11 Partner. J. Conrad. Harper 123:850 N '11 Partners. A. Brown. Harper 114:568 Mr '07 Partners. H. B. Parker. Harp B 47:167 Ap '13 Partners for a day. TI. Garland. Col 52:5 Mr 14 ■11 PartnershiD dog. G. S. Mason. Sat E P 179:12 Je 1 '07 228 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Partridge, Thomas J. Anyel of rescue. New Eng n s 33:264 N 05 Haunted deck. New iCng n s 34:697 Ag '06 Imprisoned by icebergs. New Eng n s 36: 554 Jl 07 „^ ^^ ^ Job Stan wood, scout. New Eng n s 37: (2 b '07 Pirate crew. New Eng n s 34:353 My "06 Stem chase. New Eng n s 35:209 O '06 Successful cast. New Eng n s 34:590 Jl '06 Party at Madeira's. E. S. Martin. Harper 103: 690 S Ul Party at Perry's. C. Dangerfield. Everybody's 13:703 N '06 Party of the third part. C. Kellogg. Delin 60: 256 Ag '02 Paschal lamb. C. D. Snedeker. Delin 78:421 D '11 Paschal, Lilian Four-ply thread. Met 15:175 F '02 Paschal Rochette's penance. E. S. Oliver. Scrib 45;355 Mr '09 Pascoe, J. F., and Pascoe, R. W. Darkest hour. Mun 4b:498 D '12 Pasetsk the second-hander. M. I. Taylor. Lip- pinc 91:456 Ap '13 Pasha, the son of Selim. S. Ford. Scrib 32: 5S4 N '02 Pasha's prisoner. R. Barr. McClure 15:35 My '00 Pasquale. F. Lynde. Lippinc 71:726 My '03 Pasque Florida. R. W. Chambers. Harper 107: 5S3 S '03 Pass, The. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 181:5 O 17 '08 Pass Creek pastoral. K. Harris. Les Mo 56: 488 S '03 Pass of Gunner Flynn. J. Hopper. Sat E P 181:14 S 19 'OS Passage at arms. E. Mumford. Everybody's 6:417 Ap '02 Passenger whom no one saw. B. Grimshaw. Everybody's 31:548 O '14 Passenger's dog. C. B. Kelland. Harper 118: 325 Ja '09 Passing. W. L. Alden. Scrib 40:703 D '06 Passing. J. Belfield. Lippinc 80:374 S '07 Passing. J. A. Meyer. Harper 112:793 Ap '06 Passing of a graft. K. E. Harriman. Sat E P 177:2 Mr 25 '05 Passing of a poet. C. Scollard. Lippinc 66:795 N '00 Passing of a shadow. M. A. Bacon. Harper 103:483 Ag '01 Passing of a soul. L. Dunham. New Eng n s 30:500 Je '04 Passing of Cockeye Blacklock. F. Norris. Cent 64:385 Jl '02 Passing of Elkanah Ritter. E. C. Waltz. Cent 65:769 Mr '03 Passing of Judge Kirkboy. H. Carruth. Har- per 102:975 My '01 Passing of mother's portrait. R. Field. Atlan 87:523 Ap '01 Passing of O Baka. M. G. Humphreys. Harper 102:816 Ap '01 Passing of Peg-Leg. A. Adams. Les Mo 51: 304 Ja '01 Passing of Peter Meaken. W. Heyliger. Delin 74:309 O '09 Passing of Pink. H. Dickson. Sat E P 182:32 N 13 '09 Passing of Priscilla Winthrop. W. A. White. Sat E P 178:8 F 3 '06 Passing of spring. K. M. Roof. Atlan 94:529 O '04 Passing of the third floor back. J. K. Jerome. Sat E P 177:9 N 19 '04 Passing of the vet. J. Hopper. McClure 24:81 N '04 Passing of the war god. D. H. Haines. Every- body's 24:733 Je '11 Passing of Thorndale. C. Ticknor. New Eng n s 22:209 Ap '00 Passing the love of woman. C. T. Brady. Lip- pinc 70:504 O 02 Passing the torch. K. H. Brown. Cent 68: 251 Je '04 Passion of iron. H. Saint-Gaudens. Met 25: 724 Mr '07 Passport. M. Maartens. Harper 109:106 Je '04 Passport to paradise. M. Kelly. McClure 24: 53 N '04 Past. J. Hopper. McClure 23:204 Je '04 Pastoral. H. E. Len. Col 50:17 Mr 15 '13 Pastoral players. P. Lyde. Lippinc 69:731 Je '02 Pastorelle of Bizet. A. Carroll. Met 13:78 Ja '01 Pastry-knife pass-over. M. and R. Dawson. Lippinc 72:762 D '03 Pat Cronin and the fortellin' lady. B. P. Butler. Lippinc 79:372 Mr '07 Patagonia. E. Rickert. Everybody's 14:505 Ap '06 Patch, IVlrs. Kate (Whiting), 1870- Delayed proposal. Delin 61:1034 Je '03 Garden idyll. Harper 108:593 Mr '04 His mother. L H J 19:12 Mr '02 Princess and the boy. Cent 69:259 D '04 Two valentines. Cosmop 36:101 N '03 Two violins. L H J 22:5 Je '05 When love comes. Cent 69:602 F '05 Patching the gourd. E. Kenton. Met 16:29 Jl '02 Patchwork lady. D. Deakin. Lippinc 82:92 Jl '08 Paternal government. L. Lathrop. McClure 18: 3G4 F '02 Paternoster, George Sidney, 1866- Adventures of Anastasius. Sat E P 185:12 Jl 13, 20 Ag 3, 16 Ag 17, 14 Ag 31. 16 S 14 '12 Paternoster, Sidney. See Paternoster, George Sidney Path in the park. J. T. Bishop. Mun 25:138 Ap '01 Path master: an evangel of the forest. R. W. Chambers. Sat B P 174:1 Jl 20 '01 Path of glory. M. Dana. Delin 68:250 Ag '06 Path of stars. A. Brown. Harper 123:598 S '11 Pathrick's proxy. S. MacManus. Cosmop 28: 343 Ja '00 Paths of judgment. D. Gray. Col 42:18 O 3 '08 Paths of judgment. E. H. Hurlbut. Col 49:19 Je 15 '12 Paths of rectitude. H. Moorhouse. Mun 39: 689 Ag '08 Pathway round. F. K. Johnson. Atlan 86:229 Ag '00 Patience Fessenden's scandalous story. J. Garth. Lippinc 81:654 My '08 Patient earth. G. Schock. Scrib 38:423 O '0." Patient fog signal. W. A. Eraser. Col 33:19 Ag 27 '04 Patient in number four. W. Jones. Lippinc 79: 796 Je '07 Patient love. F. H. Spearman. Cosmop 28:454 F '00 Patlto dl RInaldo. M. J. Reynolds. Mun 30: 559 Ja '04 Patriarch's progeny. H. Dickson. Everybody's 20:680 My '09 Patricia's Christmas family. E. Elliott. New Eng n s 37:437 D '07 Patricia's fatiguing day. E. Elliott. New Eng n s 38:52 Mr 'OS Patrick of the bells. H. Templeton. McClure 30:211 D '07 Patrick on the primrose path. M. L. Radford. Sat E P 178:13 My 5 '06 Patrick Sarsfield, diplomat. M. L. Radford. Sat E P 178:3 Ag 19 '05 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 229 Patrolman Flynn's predicament. E. Flower. Cent 61:153 N '00 Patron of art. E. Porter. Met 16:565 N '02 Patronage of High Bear. O. Wister. Cosmop 30:25u Ja '01 Patsie Oddie's black night. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 3S:165 Ag '05 Patsy. R. H, Barbour. Everybody's 15:412 S '06 Patsy Moran and the lunatics. A. S. Hoffman. .McCiure 25:439 Ag 05 Patsy Moran and tiie orange paint. A. S. Hoff- man. Everybody s li:121 Jl '07 Patsy Moran and the trappings of chivalry. A. S. Hoftman. Everybody's 19:67 Jl 'OS Patsy Moran and the warnings. A. S. Hoffman. McClure 29:307 Jl '07 Patsy Moran, the book and its covers. A. S. Hoffman. McClure 31:401 Ag 'OS Pattern in sweetness. A. C. Davis. Amer 61: 357 Ja '06 Psttfirson /^ds One walked between. Met 16:529 N '02 Rival demons. Met 15:166 F '02 Patterson, Ethel Lloyd Ears to hear. Everybody's 31:416 S '14 Patterson, Mrs. Raymond Why I hate my best friend Lippinc 88:717 N ■11 Patterson, Stuart Coots-Plunkett migration. Harper 104:844 Ap 02 Developing pop-corn. Harper 102:980 My '01 Difficulty with an air-ship. Harper 103:322 Jl '01 Patterson, Walter E. Broadway. Mun 42:85 O '09 Pattie. M. D. Gardiner. Scrib 38:305 S '05 Patton, M. Juctin Antoine s story. Les Mo 53:379 Ja '02 Pattullo, George, 1879- Better man Sat E P 182:14 Ap 23 '10 Blackie: a Texas night horse. Sat E P 181: 16 Jl 4 '08 Buffalo Jim. Sat E P 183:6 Mr 4 '11 Camp follower. Sat E P 187:5 S 12 '14 Corazon. McClure 35:300 Jl '10 First Monday. Sat E P 183:8 Je 10 '11 Frenchy. Sat E P 181:10 F 20 '09 Gunfighter. Sat E P 181:12 Je 5 '09 Hi Todd and the panic. Sat E P 185:10 Ag 31 12 In the big drift. Sat E P 184:5 D 2 "11 In the shadow. Sat E P 1S1:8 Mr 20 '09 Jolni-oowboy. Sat E P 181:10 O 24 'OS Lib'erator. Sat E P 187.3 Ag 1 '14 Little Joe. Sat E P 183:6 F 11 '11 Man who feared to die. Sat E P 1n2:12 Ja 22 10 Mankiller. Sat E P 183:10 S 17 '10 Message, The. Sat E P 182:28 D 4 '09 Miguel. Sat E P 1N.':12 Mr 5 '10 Milly the militant. Sat E P 186:14 S 6 '13 Molly. McClure 36:25 N '10 Musical outlaw. Sat E P 184:18 S 30 '11 Xester par.son. Sat E P 181:8 Ja 2 '09 Neutria. Amer 71.705 Ap '11 Never .say die! Sat E P 1S4:S Je 8 '12 Off the trail. McClure 3s:515 Mr '12 Ol' Sam. Sat E P 182:9 Ap 14 '09 Outlaw. Sat E P 181:8 O 31 '08 Pitchfork Pat. Sat E P 185:11 Ja 4 '13 Power behind the mayor. I. II J 31:9 N '14 Pride of the I.azy L Sat E P 1S4:1G S 2 '11 Rebellion of Kitty Bell. Sat E P 182:18 Ap 2 10 Renegade. Sat E P 181:8 My 1 '09 Sheepman. Sat E P is;; 5 O 29 "10 Shiela. McClure 3.''.:417 Ag 10 Summons. Sat E P lSf,:10 F 14 '14 T'nflf Harve. .Sat E P 182:28 N 13 '09 \'lrtory. Sat E P 187:10 O 17 '14 AVay.s of a man. Sat E I' 1S7:12 Jl 25 '14 Pauline. C. R Kelland. T.lppinc 92:751 I) '1.1 Paul's case. W. S. Gather. McClure 25:74 My •05 Pauly G. G W. Ogden. Cent 70:871 O 05 Pauncefote, Maud Silence of two. Mun 38:446 Ja '08 Pauper romance. M. Foster. Everybody's 4:306 Ap '01 Paving steal. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 181:20 My 8 '09 Pawky humor of Scotland. C. Johnston. Harp W 55:12 N 11 '11 Pawned cup. B. Lessing. Cosmop 54:273 Ja '13 Pawns. E. Chamberlayne. Harper 103:240 Jl '01 Paw's Christmus present. A. Martin. Cosmop 50:163 Ja '11 Paying an old score. C. F. Goss. Outl 71:788 Jl 26 '02 Paying back their wedding presents. M. R. Warren. L H J 29:8 Ja '12 Paying off. W. W. Jacobs. Met 41:12 D '14 Paying rent. W. S. Rogers. New Eng n s 31: 5S2 Ja '05 Paying teller. P. P. Frost. Cent 88:120 My '14 Payment in full. H. W. Phillips. Col 52:20 S 27 '13 Payne, George Henry W'aking of the sleepers. Sat B P 177:20 Jl 9 '04 Payne, Will, 1865- Amateur. Sat E P 175:4 D 20 '02 As the game lies. Sat E P 179:18 D 1 '06 Automatic capitalists. Sat B P 181:8 S 5, 10 S 12, 12 S 19 '08 Belford s friend. Sat E P 180:12 Je 27 '08 Bensinger's luck. Sat E P 185:3 Mr 8, 21 Mr 22. 17 Ap 5, 21 Ap 19, 17 My 3, 15 Mr 17, 16 My 31. 24 Je 21 '13 Big idea. Sat E P 184:3 S 9, 11 S 16, 16 S 25 9 S 30, 18 O 7, 23 O 14, 24 O 21, 24 O 28 '11 Blue envelope. McClure 42:63 Ap '14 Boom at Wayne. Sat E P 185:3 N 2, 17 N 9, 17 N 16 '12 Candidate Sat E P 179:5 Jl 7 '06 Career of Farthest North. Sat E P 183:3 O 22, 10 O 29, 17 N 5, 15 N 12, 20 N 19, 14 N 26, 20 D 3, 18 D 10 '10 Chairman's politics. McClure 16:258 Ja '01 Counterfeit. Sat E P 1S2:20 Ap 16 '10 Crooked trail. Sat E P 178:1 O 7. 10 O 14, 9 O 21, 9 O 28 '05 Decline and fall of Heliopolis. Col 49:19 Ap 20 '12 Doctor Puller's magic oats. Sat E P 182:6 Je 4 '10 Dog in the way. Sat E P 178:6 N 18 '05 Early wreck. Sat E P 175:6 Je 13 '03 Elkanah Browne's letter books. Sat E P 186: 14 O 18 '13 End of the deal. Sat E P 174:3 Ag 24. 8 Ag 31, 7 S 7, 7 S 14 '01 Fall of a financier. Sat E P 177:3 Ag 20 '04 Franchise, The. Sat E P 181:9 Jl 25 '08 Gold conspiracy. Sat E P 181:6 F 13, 14 F 20 '09 Government company. Sat E P 186:6 S 6. 12 S 13, 18 S 20 '13 Hard limes. McClure 44:122 D '14 His mother. Sat E P 175:6 Ap 11 '03 In the hands of the law. Sat E P 177:8 Je 24 '05 In the panic. Cent 60:427 Jl '00 Jensen case. Sat E P 177:6 Mr 18 "05 Lamb and the wolves. Sat E P 177:13 O 8 '04 Last mob. Sat E P 176:4 O 10 '03 Light-hearted. Allan 94:472 O '04 Losing game. Sat E P 1S.':3 O 2 '09 Lost contract. Sat 10 I' 179:S Mr 16 '07 Mayfair account. Sat !•: P 179:12 My 4 '07 Memorandum book. Mot 40:25 My '14 Mr. Ilapgood's gospel. Allan 87:706 My '01 Mr. Ty.e's mcs.sage. Sal K P 176:6 Ag 1 '03 Old .sword. .Sal E P 17S:n I) 16 '05 Plague of women. Sat K P 176:8 Mr 5 '04 Plant at High Grove. Sat E P 175:14 Ag 16, 13 Ag 23 '02 Prlnoc-SM I'ilv. Allan 85:377 Mr '00 Rospcclabillty shop. Sal E I' 180:8 Ap 3 '07 S.'ilt crowd's trade. lOvervbodv'H 7:226 S '02 Sanrluary McClure 43:7n"n '14 Sr-niitor's price. Sat E P 178:10 My 19 '06 Softf-r a^e. McClure 44:99 N '14 Siring of pearls. Sat K P 177:4 My 27 "05 230 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Payne, Will — continued Stubborn member. Sat E P 178:6 Mr 24 '06 Supreme court leak. Sat E P 179:10 Jl 14 '06 Sutton and Hynes, bankers. Sat B P 176:8 S 19, 9 S 26 '03 Trail of the dog. Sat E P 184:14 Ap 27 '12 Troublesome truth. Sat E P 176:12 Ap 23 '04 Two men and a chance. Sat E P 184:6 Ag 5 '11 Tenderling. Sat E P 179:6 S 8 '06 Wall-Street man. Sat E P 179:10 Ap 6 '07 We' re all so much alike. McClure 25:12 My •05 What Dutcher left. Sat E P 181:15 My 8 '09 Where good intentions fail. Everybody's 7: 577 D '02 Yellow streak. Sat E P 179:14 O 13 '06 Payson, William Farquhar Point at issue. Harper 102:691 Ap '01 Peabody, Josephine Preston (Mrs. Lionel S. IVIarks), 1874- Complete wife. Harp B 45:6 Ja '11 Wings. Harper 110:947 My '05 Peace dove of the Tres Santos. H. Finley. Everybody's 24:327 Mr '11 Peace hath her victories. J. L. Logan. Cosmop 43:3-.'3 Jl '07 Peace manoeuvres. R. H. Davis. Scrib 47:567 My '10 Peace on earth in the shopping district. W. Irwin. Cosmop 50:165 Ja '11 Peace to his ashes. W. R. Lighton. Les Mo 54:174 Je '02 Peacemaker. A. MacGowan. Harper 118:795 Ap 09 Peacemaker of ToUey's Ledge. V. Roseboro*. Col 54:20 D 12 '14 Peach and the admiral. D. Gray. Cent 75:337 Ja '08 Peach, Arthur Wallace Coward. Mun 47:513 Jl '12 Peach of a story. J. P. Gavit. Everybody's 25: 663 N '11 Peachy H. S. L. B. Van Slyke. Amer 65:498 Mr on Peacock, Anne Inspiration. Lippinc 86:367 S '10 Peacock, Virginia Tatnall Little gill's kingdom. Lippinc 73:93 Ja '04 Peake, Chester Judge Seth on widows. Sat E P 172:624 Ja 13 '00 One good turn.' Mun 27:593 Jl '02 Peake, Elmore Elliott, 1871- After the wedding. Harper 106:512 Mr '03 Altar on Little Thunder. Harper 124:367 F Back to Indiana. Harper 111:658 O '05 Bantry. Sat E P 186:10 Je 20 '14 Bishop's convert. Sat E P 179:9 Je 29 '07 By the Father of waters. Harp W 53:22 F 20 '09 Captain of the Aphrodite. McClure 14:339 F '00 Children of Eden. Col 36:18 O 7 '05 Christmas coffee-pot. Delin 64:969 D '04 Coming of the piano. Harper 104:975 My '02 Coonrod Sprengel's weather book. Sat E P 181:10 My 29 '09 Dipping at Turkey Bush. Everybody's 22:614 My '10 Flagging of the cannon ball. Delin 57:278 F '01 Flying Crow. Harper 116:546 Mr 'OS Habersham's Kate. Harper 115:212 Jl '07 Heart of Eric. McClure 26:253 Ja '06 His brother's keeper. Col 51:5 Ag 2 '13 His city call. Delin 58:752 N '01 Honorable Blueford Light. Cosmop 28:529 Mr '00 Idol of clay. Sat E P 182:12 Je 25 '10 Infare at Ten Sleep. Sat E P 184:6 S 9 '11 Jungle blood. McClure 31:510 S '08 Jurisprudence on Little Thunder. Sat E P 185:14 N 23 '12 King Cotton. Col 51:17 S 6 '13 Lion and the lamb. Delin 57:948 Je '01 Little feller. Harper 125:756 O '12 Peake, Elmore Elliott — continued Night run of the Overland. McClure 15:143 Je '00 Panther bows to the law. Sat E P 182:12 D 25 '09 Philander Chase's promotion. Sat E P 182:17 Mr 19 '10 Quest on Bayou Chicot. Harper 118:226 Ja '09 Renunciation at Cloven Hoof. Harper 116:362 F '08 Runaway match. Delin 65:632 Ap '05 Sacrifice at Potter's Fold. Sat E P 181:8 F 6 '09 Sage of Little Thunder. Sat E P 181:8 Ja 9 '09 Sheep woman. Sat E P 179:7 Ja 26 '07 White cow. Harper 120:755 Ap '10 Wooing of Monkey Gilstrap. Sat E P 181:8 Ap 10 '09 Wrath of Afric. Cosmop 34:105 N '02 Peanut kid. K. Baker. Harp W 57:16 F 1 '13 Pearl, The. B. Boltwood. Mun 44:498 Ja '11 Pearl of price. R. S. Spears. Mun 39:462 Jl '08 Pearls. K. F. Gerould. Harper 129:194 Jl '14 Pearls. E. Pottle. Lippinc 89:101 Ja '12 Pearls of Barley. J. London. Sat E P 184:9 O 14 '11 Pearls of the Princess Patricia. E. Lef&vre. Sat E P 184:4 Mr 30 '12 Pearsall, Robert J. In the admiral's cabin. Lippinc 90:62 Jl '12 Undesirable. Col 51:19 Ap 19 '13 Pearson, Edmund Lester, 1880- Flight, The. Outl 96:403 O 22 '10 Green chest. Outl 95:114 My 21 '10 Lucky-bug. Outl 95:583 Jl 16 '10 Magic. Outl 95:80 My 14 '10 On^he wharf. New Eng n s 26:234 Ap '02 Run on the bank. Outl 95:873 Ag 20 '10 When mv ship comes in. Outl 96:278 O 1 '10 White peacocks. Outl 96:699 N 26 '10 Peary, Sarah Homespun romance. Lippinc 88:744 N 11 Peasant cattle. E. Poole. Everybody's 13:494 O '05 Pease, Frank Chester, 1882- Rolling stone. Forum 50:526 O '13 Peaster, Lydia F. For Calladina's wedding finery. Harper 127: 914 N '13 Peattie, Mrs. Elia (Wilkinson), 1862- Bundle of life. Col 45:20 My 7 '10 Cupid and the hurdy-gurdy. Harp B 41:636 Jl '07 Esmeralda herders. Atlan 87:111 Ja '01 Ged. Scrib 34:580 N '03 Greater love than this. Harp B 33:212 My 26, 268 Je 2 '00 Ill-regulated courtship. Harp B 38:252 Mr '04 Invisible house. Les Mo 52:66 My '01 Island of the innocent. Sat E P 172:1002 Ap 28 '00 Madonna of the desert. Harper 111:507 S '05 My wander day. Sat E P 177:17 Ag 6 '04 Outlaw. Col 44:28 Mr 5 '10 Place of dragons. Everybody's 8:227 Mr '03 Rubaiyat and the liner. Harp B 33:1360 S 29 '00 Stage coach. Atlan 93:787 Je '04 Thorkild Viborg. Atlan 91:228 F '03 T\'ilderness station. Mun 29:272 My '03 Pebble in the path. K. Harris. Sat E P 185: 2S Ap 5 '13 Peck, Samuel Minturn, 1854- How Willett wooed the widow. Lippinc 66: 151 Jl '00 Pecuniary activities of Jeannette. B. W. Town- .send. Met 20:709 S '04 T-eddler. L. B. Van Slyke. Amer 74:404 Ag '12 Pedro Moraga. C. L. Edholm. Forum 43:346 Ap '10 Pedro of the Arrebola. S. L. Bensusan. Met 21:130 N '04 Peeress and the cryptogram. W. T. Nichols. rent 80:771 S '10 Peering Jimmy. J. F. Wilson. Met 19:117 O '03 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 231 Peer's progress. See Clouston, J. Storer Peg and ihe hole. A. Kimball. Harp B 4)5:22 N '13 Peggy and the swami. M. K. Thompson. Mc- Clure 40:297 Ja '13 Peggy goes hunting. M. K. Thompson. Mc- Clure 40:71 F '13 Peggy lends a hand. M. K. Thompson. Mc- Clure 41:106 Ag '13 Peggy sees life. M. K. Thompson. McClure 41: GO Je '13 Peggy's summer. J. D. Bacon. Harp B 47:290 Je '13 Peixotto, Irma Ghost that got the button. Col 51:19 My 24 '13 Privilege of the hero. Col 51:li My 17 '13 Peixotto, Mary H. Clock without a face. Cosmop 35:239 Jl 03 Giuseppe's Christmas. Scrib 33:29 Ja '03 Pekin pug. S. Merwin. McClure 40:261 Ja '13 Pelican Smith and the smuggler king. W. Irwin. Met 24:574 Ag '06 Pelican Smith, matador. W. Irwin. Cosmop 41:i.l My '00 Pemberton, Jeannette ■Manda. New Eng n s 25:349 N '01 'Manda's aspirations. New Eng n s 31:598 Ja •05 'Manda's hospitality. New Eng n s 31:423 D '04 Matter of discipline. New Eng n s 31:736 F '05 Pemberton, Max. See Chesterton, G. K., jt auth. Penalty. B. King. McClure 43:112 Je '14 Penalty of greatness. S. MacManus. Lippinc 73:456 Ap '04 Penalty of greatness. A. D. Miller. Scrib 36: 200 S '04 Penangton's love affair. R. E. Young. McClure 21:47J S '03 Pendergrass sanitarium for curables. C. Harris. Sat E P 1S2:9 Mr 26 '10 Pendexter, Hugh, 1875- Arctic Circle touch-down. Everybody's 13:793 D -05 Baked apple alibi. Sat E P 178:8 Mr 24 '06 Ba.seball god. Everybody's 12:32 Ja '05 Breaking-out of Clab Peters. Mun 39:157 My •08 Bureau of abnormal litigation. Sat E P 178: 3 Ag 26 '05 Corner in jurisdiction. Sat E P 177:6 Je 17 '05 Five-dog limit at C5' N. Sat E P 177:10 F IS •05 Freem Louks's yuletide defense. Cosmop 46: 136 Ja '0!) Heniy Williams' reincarnation. Everybody's 15:685 N '06 Isolation of Mrs. Peevy. Delin 72:110 Jl '08 Mantle of lied Evans. Mun 46:41 O '11 Mrs. Peevy s signature. Delia 72:749 N '08 Old .squire. Mun 35:516 Jl '00 Oracles of the stove. Everybody's 14:484 Ap •06 Probationer and the pennant. Everybody's 17:265 Ar 07 Reform at Red Ant. Sat E P 177:4 Mr 4 '05 Tib^s moving pictures. Cosmoj) 42:651 Ap '07 Town that lost itself. Mun 33:6X1 S '05 Vindication of Mr. Bilks. Everybody's 13:270 Ag 05 When knighthood wore skates. Everybody's 14:50 Ja 'W Whitt.ikor fJumham's muslcale. Mun 36:609 F ^07 Pendlebury tree. J. C. Lincoln. Sat E P 184:13 Ag 12 •!! Pendleton, Fannie Medbury Kri.suirig catacly.sm. Ilaiji B 45:316 Jl '11 Thoir little (ling. Harp V. 44:50 Ja '10 Pendleton, Henry K. Hfttween enemies. Mun 46:23 O '11 Pendleton '01. K. von Kraft. Llpplnc 82:80 Jl •08 Pendulum swings. W. H. Osborne. Lippinc 80: 803 D '07 Penelope in 'Venice. K. D. Wiggin. Cent 77:742 Mr 'U9 Penelope's Christmas gift. E. G. Jordan. Harp W 45:1264 D 14 '01 Penfield, Edward Christmas at Cafe Spaander. Scrib 32:653 D '02 Penfield, Frederic Courtland, 1S55- Mahmoud Pasha of the D. P. W. Cent 66:351 Jl 03 Motor that went to court. Cent 78:195 Je '09 Penman, Harriet Clay Stolen day. Lippinc 71:135 Ja '03 Penn, Arthur, pseud. See Matthews, (James) Brander. Pennell, Elizabeth (Robins) (Mrs. Joseph Pen- nell) (N. N., pseud.), Ib55- 'Enrietter. Lippinc 76:'j3 Jl '05 Louise; an episode in London Chambers. At- lan 99:60 Ja 07 Our tenants. Atlan 105:499 Ap '10 Trimmer in our chambers. Atlan 104:620 N '09 Pennell, Mrs. Joseph. See Pennell, Elizabeth Pennington, Patience, pseud. (Mrs. Elizabeth Watris [Allston] Pringle) Rab and Lab. Atlan 114:577, 799; 115:90- X '14- Ja '15 Penny panic. P. B. "Kyne. Sat E P 184:5 N 25 '11 Penny wise. V. F. Boyle. Atlan 85:518 Ap '00 Penny's gun. J. W. Tompkins. Les Mo 60:160 Je '05 Penrod and the pageant. B. Tarkington. Ev- erybody's 28:738 Je '13 Penrod — zoologist. B. Tarkington. Met 40:18 My '14 Penruddocke declines. G. C. Harvey. Harp B 48:10 Ag '13 Pensioner. A. P. Hankins. Col 53:11 Je 20 '14 Peony. M. E. Wilkins. Harp B 33:2217 D 29 'uO People from the east. N. Duncan. Harper 106: 553 Mr '03 People of the buffalo. H. Garland. McClure 16: 153 D '00 People of two worlds. T. Bailey. L H J 20:5 xMy '03 People who help Santa Claus. J. S. Portor. L H J 19:5 D '01 People's number of the Worthyville Watclmian. W. J. Lampton. Sat E P 172:1060 My 12 '00 Pepita. C. King. Lippinc 71:822 Je '03 Pepita and the king. M. S. Rawson. Harp W 4.s;6!8 Ap 23 '04 Peple, Edward Henry, 1869- Cur and coyote. Mun 39:619 Ag 'OS Dog and the under dog. Mun 34:454' Ja '06 Fall of Sadri-Azem. Mun 41:627 Ag '09 Mallet's masterpiece. Mun 35:76 Ap '06 Mister Clink Thurston's duel. Amer 65:212 D '07 Playwright's ghost. Amer 67:587 Ap '09 Three-sided burglar story. Mun 41:128 Ap '09 Tooth for a tooth. Amer 63:148 D 06 Peple, Florence Selden Home of the- liappv lady. Lippinc 93:196 F' '14 Lady maku-hclifve. Lippinc 90:129 Ag '12 Peple, W. Loundes Kcipor.s (jf the gate. Col 35:14 Ap 29 '05 Pepper and Mrs. Maynestelgh. E. Boltwood. .Mun 47:211 My '12 Pepplno. K. Poole. Sat R P 179:11 D '29 '06 Percy the lion tamer. C. MacCulloch. Every- body's 26:523 Ap '12 Perdlta. H. B. M. Watson. Met 18:793 S '03 Perdlta's Chrlntmas. R. Le Oallienne. Sat K P 171:1 D 7 '01 Perdlta's lovers. R. Lo Galliennc. Harper 105: 435 Ag '02 232 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Perdita's simple cupboard. R. Le Gallienne. Harper 105:739 O 'U2 Pere Raphael. G. W. Cable. Cent 62:545 Ag ■01 Peregrine twins. H. Footner. Lippinc 87:339 >ir '11 Perez, Isaac Loeb, 1S51 Messenger. Cur Lit 41:349 S '06 Perfect gentleman of Pelliam Bay Park. G. Morris. Cosniop 56:494 Mr '14 Perfect guard. R. E. Vernede. Met 29:131 N 'OS Perfect hour. M. H. Vorse. Harper 121:505 S •10 Perfect peace. R. W. Child. Sat E P 182:13 N 13 '09 Perfect tale. M. S. Cutting. Everybody's 12: 325 Mr '05 Perfect 36. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:8 Ag 21 '09 Perfect tribute. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 40:17 Jl '00 Perfect woman. E. Wyatt. Cent 72:943 O '06 Perfect year. E. A. Hallowell. Harper 109:50 Je 'U4 Perfidious freckle. M. B. Stewart. Harp W 52: S D 12 '08 Perfidy of Major Pulsifer. W. J. Lampton. Cosmop 47:709 N '09 Perfidy of Mr. Ebless Frazee. A. MacGowan. Harper 107:877 N '03 Performing for Matthew. C. Day, Jr. Harper 128:75 D '13 Perhaps. A. Warner. Met 30:29 Ap '09 Perhaps it didn't matter. C. B. Fernald. Cent 82:765 S '11 Peril of Fan-way-Chin. G. S. Hays. Cent 61: 60 N '00 Perilous passage. G. M. Cooke. Mun 30:690 F '04 Perilous philanthropy. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 183:12 Mr 4 '11 Peripatetic puppy. S. T. Stern. Harper 115:155 Je '07 Perjured. E. R. Mirrielees. Atlan 110:696 N '12 Perjured Santa Claus. M. Kelly. McClure 28: 299 Ja '07 Perkins, E. B. Stage-struck: drama. Harp B 36:108 F '02 Perkins, Emily R. How Aunt Sally brought down the house. L H J 17:4 N '00 Trick that won. Les Mo 54:151 Je '02 Perkins, Lydia T. Atavism of Alaraaf. Atlan 91:784 Je '03 Perkins the great. E. P. Butler. Les Mo 57:283 Ja '04 Pernicious postscript. W. H. Osborne. Harp W 55:12 N 25 '11 Peroxide Jim — the story of a cayuse. Cur Op 56:461 Je '14 Peroxide plusman. R. Dunn. Everybody's 20: 7S4 Je '09 Perpetual visitor. E. S. Schaeffer. Scrib 42:66 Jl '07 Perrin, Alice, 1867- Perverted punishment. McClure 34:373 F '10 Tiger charm. McClure 34:18 N '09 Perry, James Raymond Bargain in rugs. Lippinc 85:339 Mr '10 Borrowers. Cent 73:56 N '06 Delusion of Gideon Snell. Lippinc 81:790 Je 'OS Expelling the Pikes. Cosmop 44:424 Mr '08 Love at long distance. Cent 6S:937 O '04 Man at Washington. Harp W 53:22 F 27 '09 Multi-billionaire. Met 17:305 Mr "03 My grandfather's story. New Eng n s 41:225 O '09 My love-story. Scrib 28:209 Ag '00 Preoccupied professor. Harper 110:649 Mr '05 Prize farm. Cent 73:794 Mr '07 When doctors agreed. Harper 104:348 Ja '02 Perry, Katharine Enierprise. Harper 104:682 Mr '02 Mistletoe mistake. Harp W 46::i0 D 6 '02 Sample copy. Les Mo 5S:ti70 O '04 Subterranean romance. Cosmop 39:27 My '05 Woman's pierogative. Les Mo 58:170 Je '04 Perry, Lawrence, 1S75- Admiral Pulver. Les Mo 60:327 Jl '05 As in younger days. Les Mo 58:675 O '04 From the depths of things. McClure 28:445 F "07 Joe Lewis. Les Mo 54:431 S '02 John Flint, deputy-chief. Scrib 50:539 N '11 Man of action. Cent 88:858 O '14 Mother. Cent 87:516 F '14 Perry, iVIaude Caldwell At the tavern of the sun. Cent 65:188 D '02 Persecution of a pup. C. Warman. Lippinc 70: 4s6 O '02 Persecution of Nathan Peters. T. J. Hains. .Met 25:52 O '06 Persistence of the uninspired. J. F. Wilson. McClure 32:17 N '08 Persistent lady. J. Hopper. Sat E P 187:14 Ag S '14 Personal conduct of Belinda. See Brainerd. Eleanor Hoyt Personal equation. C. F. Bourke. Harp W 54: 22 Ja 22 '10 Personal equation. F. T. Hill. Harper 109:973 N '04 Personal equation. J. G. Sanderson. Lippinc 67:i56 Ja '01 Personal of floor seven. F. S. Pounds. Harp W 50:16 S 21 '12 Personal offering. G. E. Channing. Harper 113: 531 S '06 Personal she answered. E. C. Blake. L H J 27:12 My '10 Personal tracer. E. Hungerford. Sat E P 182: 10 Jl 31 '09 Personality plus. E. Ferber. Amer 77:17 F '14 Personally conducted. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 175:6 Je 20 '03 Personally conducted. J. B. Montague. Mun 45:567 Jl '11 Personally conducted. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 184:12 S 25 '11 Personally conducted adventure. L. Buchanan. Lippinc S0:S5 Jl '07 Personally conducted revolt. H. J. O'Higgins. :McClure 24:366 F '05 Perturbed spirit. M. K. Seeger. Harper 105:832 N '02 Peru pauper case. H. F. Day. Everybody's 9: 289 S '03 Perverse generation. G. E. Channing. Cent 72: S78 O '06 Perverse husband and the parcel. J. J. Bell. L H J 21:10 Ja '04 Perverted punishment. A. Perrin. McClure 34: 373 F '10 Pesterin' of Bud Jones. W. M. Raine. D H J 17:12 My '00 Pete. G. Fitch. Col 50:46 Ja 11 '13 Pete Crowther, salesman. See Ferris, Elmer Ellsworth Pete Sotus. R. W. Child. Col 42:20 O 17 '08 Pete, the Circassian horse. E. P. Butler. Sat E P 178:6 S 23 '05 Pete, the policeman. M. Foster. Sat E P 183:7 Ag 13 '10 Peter. H. G. Fernald. Delin 70:610 O '07 Peter. J. A. Riis. Outl 103:222 Ja 25 '13 Peter. B. Waugh. Lippinc 70:212 Ag '02 Peter and number six. F. C. Williams. Lippinc 68:509 O '01 Peter and the prescription. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 187:10 N 28 '14 Peter Crawford's partner. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 177:26 D 3 '04 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 ^ZZ Peter Fada's daughter. C. Healy. New Eng n s Zi :5yS Ja '08 Peter O'Forus. M. S. Burke. Lippinc 77:745 Je •06 Peter, Peter. See Warren, Maude Radford. Peter Potter: business privateer. H. M. Hyde. Les :Mo 58:478 S '04, 59:311 Ja '05 Peter Rabbit, pseud. See Long, William J. Peter Stuyvesant's nephew. J. Trask. Every- body's l:;:iy8 F '05 Peter's old country. C. G. La Farge. Scrib 51: 79 Ja '12 Peter's play. V. Tracy. Col 42:16 O 24 '08 Peterson, Maud Howard Business transaction. Mun 23:512 Jl '00 Petey Simmons' confession. G. Fitch. Sat E P 1S6:3 Jl 19 13 Petit Pierre. M. Sherwood. Scrib 46:209 Ag '09 Petrie, Alice H. With the aid of fifty Cupids. New Eng n s 33:383 D '05 Petrified Indian. G. K. Turner. New Eng n s 22:525 Jl '00 Petruchio in Plainsville. B. Jackson. Lippinc 77:229 F '06 Petrunkevitch, Wanda Descent into literature. Harper 126:803 Ap 13 Madame Joy-in-Life. Delin 76:471 D '10 Pet's husband. J. Lee. .\tlan 95:236 F '05 Petticoat cruise. J. C. Lincoln. Everybody's 19:400 S '08 Petticoat push. R. E. Young. Harper 113:119 '06 Pettigrew's genius-extinguisher. L. F. Hart- man. Harp W 56:12 D 7 '12 Pettingbird infare. N. Lloyd. Scrib 49:493 Ap '11 Pettison firsts. M. Hill. Les Mo 55:386 F '03 Petty larceny. R. M. Stuart. Cent 66:763 S '03 Petunia -baby. C. W. Bullwinkle. New Eng n s 24:369 Je '01 Petunias — that's for remembrance. D. Can- field. Scrib 51:473 Ap '12 Peyson's paint lady. Z. Gale and J. Menkey. Everybody's 15:796 D '06 Phadrig carves for himself. K. Harris. Sat E P 186:14 Jl 5 '13 Phantom circuit. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 55:100 Je '13 Phantom of Bogue Holauba. C. E. Craddock. Lippinc 89:446 Mr '12 Pharaoh's lieart. B. Merwin. Mun 47:652 Jl '12 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. See Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Pauline Jimmy's speaking part. Col 52:18 O 11 '13 Phenix. A. Strindberg. Cur Lit 49:459 O '10 Phil Wimble to the bar! B. W. Currie. Met 33: 47:i Ja '11 Philander Chase's promotion. E. E. Peake. Sat K 1' 1XJ:17 Mr 19 '10 Philanthropic honeymoon. D. Canfield. Mun 35: IS] My '06 Philanthropist. J. D. Bacon. Harper 105:97 Je •02 Philanthropist and the peaceful life. D. Can- field. iOvoryljody'.s 14:675 My '06 Philanthropy of Purrington. A. M. D. Ogden. Ilari.r-r 117:317 Jl '08 Philip the ny. G. T. "Weston. Harper 125:155 Je '12 Phlllida and Tirilish law. K. Jordan. Delin 85:5 Jl '11 Phlllida in a jaunting car. K. Jordan. Delin 80:332 N '12 Phlllida In London. K. Jordan. Delin 78:225 O •II Phlllida, philanthroplat. K. Jordan. Delin 80: 75 Ag '12 Phlllida's Paris trousseau. K. Jordan. Delin 80:10 Jl '12 Phiilippa's nervous prostration. K. D. Wiggin. Scrib 39:1 Ja '06 Phillips, David Graham, 1867-1911 Bribe, Tlie. Cosmop 50:241 Ja '11 Compromise. Cosmop 50:453 Mr '11 Hint from fate. Cosmop 34:570 Mr '03 Little joker. Cosmop 51:512 S '11 Mother. DeUn 70:539 O '07 That person! Mun 27:374 Je '02 Thursday at three. McClure 20:143 D '02 Where tlie pincers tear. Cosmop 36:435 F '04 Phillips, Delia Assisting providence. Harp B 45:502 N 11 Phillips, Rev. Forbes Alexander (Athol Forbes, pseud.), 1866- In South African waters. Everybody s 2:270 Mr '00 Private chivalry. Everybody's 2:174 F '00 Prodigal. Everybody's 2:360 Ap '00 Phillips, George American. Cent 79:93 N '09 Christmas spirit. Harp B 45:16 Ja '11 Joyous adventure of Etta. Cent 82:547 Ag '11 Junior department's cow. Cent 80:764 S "10 Magic name. Cosmop 45:665 N '08 Phillips, Henry Wallace, 1869- Agamemnon and the Fall of Troy. Col 36:24 D 16 '05 Billy the buck. McClure 19:186 Je '02 Blessed be the peacemakers. Sat E P 180:12 O 5 '07 By proxy. McClure 21:627 O '03 Chance shot. McClure 15:380 Ag '00 Check! Sat E P 181:8 O 3 '08 Chotka Sevier. Amer 76:39 O '13 Cruise of the Cocoa. Mun 52:490 Ag '14 Demon in the canon. McClure 18:281 Ja '02 Devouring demon and the Don. Harper 128: 271 Ja '14 Don and the elephant. Amer 75:06 My '13 Fatal gum. Sat E P 179:5 S 15 '06 Fountain of youth. Sat E P 177:6 N 5 "04 Giant's golf. Lippinc 66:157 Jl '00 Henry Clay Cutter and the Indian question; a Red Saunders story. Amer 77:33 Ja '14 Hohankton, Pettie and others. Sat E P 180:14 Ap IS '08 In the absence of rules. McClure 23:440 Ag '04 In the toils. Sat E P 176:1 F 13 '04 Killing nerve. Mun 52:251 Jl '14 Knot and a slash. McClure 23:271 Jl '04 Lion's skin. Mun 22:699 F '00 Little canoe. Cent 67:72 N '03 Man's estate. Les Mo 59:645 Ap '05 Matter of authority. McClure 15:444 Mr '01 Mr. Scraggs intervenes. Sat E P 177:6 IMy 20 '05 Mournful number. Sat E P 176:6 Mr 19 '04 Oscar's chance, per Charley. McClure 20:630 Ap '03 Payment in full. Col 52:20 S 27 '13 Red-haired Cupid. McClure 17:371 Ag '01 Red Saunders at Big Bend. McClure 22:227 Ja '04 Red Saunders orange blossoms. Mun 53:340 N '14 Red Saunders's burglar. Mun 53:540 D "14 Reverse of a medal. Sat E P 174:4 Je 21 '02 Saint Nicholas Scraggs. Sat E P 177:3 D 3 '04 Siege of the drug store. Sat E P 176:13 Je 11 '04 Specter of Wickam's shack. Amer 76:60 D "13 Susie, sans souci. Harper 128:377 F '14 Touch of nature. McClure 24:225 Ja '05 Victoria: a Red Saunders story. Amer 76:53 N '13 Phillips, M. J. Love of a section man. Mun 29:904 S '03 Phillips, Roland Ashford Flaw. Th.'. Mnn ■tS;Sn9 F '13 IndiHl.r. The. M.'t 29:206 N 'OS Two men wlio wiiltod. Mun 47:934 S '12 Phlllls tolls al)out her visit to Michigan. S. J. IhiK.'in. Cent 65:322 D "02 Phlllpotts, Eden. 1862- Advcniiirf of Corkey and Mr. Tuppor. Cent 84:558 Ag '12 234 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Phillpotts, Eden — continued Bankruptcy of Bannister. Atlan 100:168 Ag '07 Benjamin's mess. Les Mo 57:177 D '03 Chuicli-grim. Cent 8!>:665 S '14 Cross ways. Les Mo 52;13S, 243 Je, Jl '01 Earthquake child. Cent 70:398 Jl '05 Gibbet hill. Harper 120:699 Ap '10 Headstone of the corner. Lippinc 85:720 Je 10 His second wooing. Met 19:533 Ja '04 Horseshoe. Outl 81:482 O 28 'U5 Hyacinthe and Honorine. Atlan 98:296 S '06 I'll do it if you will. McClure 33:15 My '09 Joseph. Cent 66:39 My '03 Old soldier. Cent 88:241 Je '14 Pickaxe, and a spade a spade. McClure 22: 276 Ja '04 Point of view. Cent 82:691 S '11 Red Riding-Hoods. Les Mo 55:185 D '02 Rope. Lippinc 89:80 Ja '12 Two farmers. Cent 81:823 Ap '11 Two widows. Cent 83:836 Ap '12 Philosopher and the blue ribbon. V. Downie. Harper 126:68 D '12 Philosophy at Gardendale. E. J. Rath. Amer 62:671 O '06 Philosophy four. O. Wister. Lippinc 68:193 Ag '01 Philury Jane, deaconess. W. Arnold. Every- body's 14:S44 Je "06 Phineas and the motor car. E. H. Porter. New Eng- n s 41:150 O "09 Phoebe. O. Henry. Everybody's 17:592 N '07 Phoebe among the thespians. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 70:382 Jl '10 Phoebe and her house book. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 73:165 D '11 Phoebe and her other self. L H. Gillmore. Amer 69:49 N '09 Phoebe and the heart of toil. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 68:430 S '09 Phoebe and the household gods. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 69:705 Mr '10 Phoebe and the little blind god. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 71:582 Mr '11 Phoebe and the most important bird. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 74:241 Je '12 Phoebe closes with Cupid. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 72:641 S '11 Phoebe in politics. A. O'Hagan. Mun 35:196 My '06 Phoebe in search of Bohemia. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 72:65 My '11 Phoebe makes the grand tour. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 71:61 N '10 Phoebe of the Thee Pigeons. S. Ford. Les Mo 53:257 D '01 Phoebe's experiment. C. Marriott. New Eng n s 35:74 S '06 Phoebus on Halzaphron, A. T. Quiller-Couch. Scrib 30:163 Ag '01 Phoenix, The. R. W. Child. Sat E P 187:5 N 28 '14 Phoenix of Alta Vista. R. F. Hoffman. Scrib 42:714 D '07 Phoenix portrait. A. E. Thomas. Harper 105: 155 Je '02 Phonograph and the graft. O. Henry. McClure 20:428 F '03 Photograph on the wall. T. B. Cogswell. L H J 28:14 S '11 Photographing the baby. M. I. Fisk. Harper 121:317 Jl '10 Phylllda. T. Bailey. Scrib 44:754 D '08 Physician and the girl. E. Carter. L H J 27: 16 S 1 '10 Piano. D. Canfield. Mun 36:542 F '07 Piatt, Eleanor Closed door. Harp B 44:106 F '10 Piazza ladies: monologue. B. Herford. L H J 25:17 Mr 'OS Pic. W. L. Beard. Scrib 44:617 N '08 Picard, George Henry Madame Noel. Lippinc 66:643 N '00 Picaroon. H. B. Marriott Watson. Lippinc 90: 385 O '12 Piccaniny band and the flag of their country. A. E. McFarlane. Cent 77:881 Ap '09 Pichou. H. van Dyke. Scrib 28:696 D '00 Pick-up. W. Hastings. Everybody's 25:766 D '11 Pickaninnies' dream. E. Kenton. Les Mo 54: 467 S '02 Pickaxe, and a spade, a spade. E. Phillpotts. McClure 22:276 Ja '04 Picking a favorite. M. White, Jr. Mun 24:796 F '01 PIckthall, Marjorie Lowry Christie Black orchid. McClure 35:567 S '10 Cheap. Harper 12S:S48 My '14 Eye of a needle. Harp W 58:19 D 20 '13 Friends Cent 87:754 Mr '14 He that cometh after. Harper 130:123 D '14 La Tristesse. Atlan 101:87 Ja '08 Left behind. Delin 75:526 Je '10 Mannering's men. Cent 86:427 Jl '13 Rodahver. Met 29:560 F '09 Worker in sandal-wood. Atlan 104:786 D '09 Pickwick ladle. W. S. Moody. Scrib 40:733 D '06 Picnic. J. M. Flagg. Amer 78:98 O '14 Picnickers. B. Pottle. Sat E P 177:7 My 6 '65 Picton, Nina Mis' Hepsey's china. Les Mo 51:189 D '00 Picture-gallery George. S. F. Whitman. Col 38:22 N 24 '06 Picture on the wall. T. W. Steep. Les Mo 54: 352 Ag '02 Picture-taker. E. Singmaster. Lippinc 92:608 N Pictures and the pineapples. H. A. Crowell. McClure 18:184 D '01 Pie. W. Hackett. Cosmop 43:564 S '07 Pie and the pirate. A. Lee. Cent 77:289 D '08 Pie-colored horse. M. H. Carter. Cent 85:517 F '13 Piece committee. C. Wells. Delin 60:800 N '02 Piece of good fortune. M. C. Dyar. Harper 122: 533 Mr '11 Piece of paper. M. L. Knapp. Everybody's 13: 681 N '05 Piece of steak. J. London. Sat E P 182:6 N 20 '09 Pieces of silver. C. B. Kelland. Harper 126: 663 Ap '13 Pied Pipers of Angolar. E. Stuart. Met 35:9 Ja '12 Pier, Arthur Stanwood. 1874- Best friend. Col 44:17 F 26 '10 Better understanding. Col 37:21 S 22 '06 Chastening. Col 38:18 Ja 12 '07 Common business honesty. Les Mo 60:386 Ag '05 Devil's due. Col 47:17 My 27 '11 Endymion uncut. Harper 118:673 Ap '09 Face of clay. Atlan 101:157 F '08 Game of wire. Scrib 42:562 N '07 His misspent youth. Col 40:15 N 30 '07 In swimming. Atlan 96:181 Ag '05 Love and the machine. Atlan 99:678 My '07 Meddlers. Col 38:19 Mr 16 '07 Mr. Witherspoon's heart trouble. Col 44:17 O 30 '09 Night before Christmas Col 48:12 D 23 '11 On the roof of the world. Col 35:16 Ag 19 '05 Parlor rally. Col 40:19 O 12 '07 Part of Cfesar. Scrib 42:641 D '07 Private detective. Col 43:14 Ap 10 '09 Triumph. McClure 20:371 F '03 Up above the world so high. Atlan 98:96 Jl •06 'Varsity football. Col 34:20 O 22 '04 Pier, Florida Great little man. Harper 126:854 My '13 Inheriting Bunchy. Delin 79:93 F '12 Lucky man with the safety pin. Harp W 53: 22 My 1 '09 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 235 Pier, Florida — continued Miss Harriet's extravagance. Cent 69:149 N '04 Mr. Walker. Delin 82:356 My '13 Mrs. Nolly's real self. Harper 123:786 O '11 Musty, dusty Mr. Cullender. Mun 42:389 D '09 Power of ancestors. Cent 71:445 Ja '06 Rentin' hens. Cent 83:214 D '11 Summoning- knocker. Harper 120:949 My '10 Unemployed. Harper 127:281 Jl '13 Your mother's Moors. Harper 118:404 F '09 Pierce, Etta W. In Old Manomet village. Les Mo 50:265 Jl '00 Pierce, Frances C. Sketch in gastronomy. Cent 72:638 Ag '06 Pierce, Frederick Sunday night before Tuesday. Col 54:7 O 24 •14 Pierce, IVIarion Calling lights. Everybody's 25:275 Ag '11 Piercy, Joseph W. Clear title. Atlan 85:237 F '00 Government of the people. Cent 63:531 F '02 Old soldier's disloyalty. New Eng n s 31:237 O '04 Pierrot and Pierrette. G. W. Carry!. Mun 27: S59 S '02 Pig-bristle slugger. L. Graves. Sat E P 1S3:9 Ap S '11 Pig in a poke. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P ISO: 10 My 2 '08 Pig tale. M. Youngs. Harp W 56:16 Ja 27 '12 Pigs is pigs. E. P. Butler. Amer 60:496 S '05 Pike's Peak or bust. E. Lefevre. McClure 17: 153 Je '01 Pile-drivers. F. R. Bechdolt. Sat E P 181:20 Je 19 '09 Pile drivers to the rescue. B. Brooks. Col 51:16 Je 14 '13 Pilgrim. R. W. Chambers. Harper 103:358 Ag •01 Pilgrim. F. Hill. McClure 39:684 O '12 Pilgrim chamber. A. Brown. Atlan 96:188 Ag '05 Pilgrim in Beulah. G. Schock. Scrib 38:205 Ag '05 Pilgrimage. M. Wilson. Harp B 35:534 O '01 Pill. J. S. Clouston. Everybody's 20:63 Ja '09 Pillar of light. T. Mundy. Everybody's 27:744 D '12 Pillar of society. J. D. Bacon. Col 37:19 Ap 7 '06 Pillar of stone. B. J. Daskam. Amer G0:;!74 Ag '08 Pilli-Pang-Wang, F. Walworth. Les Mo 58:41 My '04 Pills and pride. J. Worne. Col 32:21 D 26 '03 Pilot fish. H. De V. Stackpoole. Forum 44:552 N '10 Pilot of the Sadie Simmons. J. M. Hanson. Cosmop 28:577 Mr '00 Pllsworth, Edward S. Klemonlal. McClure 29:55 My '07 .Man for a' that. Met 20:606 Ag '07 Pimlenta pancakes. O. Henry. McClure 22:141 D 03 Pin-head. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 82:452 O '08 Pinch hitter. A. Sangree. Met 38:21 My 13 Pinch liilting for (Jupid. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 186:12 Je 27 '14 Pinch of comfort. E. S. Martin. Met 20:628 Ag '04 Pinch of poverty. E. L. Sabin. Everybody'.s 2S: 62'J My '13 Pinched! M. Foster. Sat E P 185:7 Ak 3 '12 Pine .street revival. H. J. O'Hlggina. Every- body'.s 11:58 Jl '04 Pines of Lory. See Mitcholl, Jolm AinoM Pink corset. E. il. Bralnerd. I. II J 29:6 Ag 12 Pink evening with Foe. J. U. Tutwller. Met 19:203 N '03 Pink of courtesy. K. L. Bates. Scrib 30:355 S '01 Pink shawls. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 112: 138 D '05 Pink Sox scout. A. Chapman. Col 51:17 S 13 '13 Pink tights and ginghams. E. Ferber. Amer 73:681 Ap '12 Pinkerton's nightmare. J. K. Bangs. Harper 103:831 O '01 Pinnacle. J. Keating. Les Mo 59:86 N '04 Pinnacles of fame. H. Moorhouse. Lippinc 84: 473 O '09 Pioneer goes suffragette. H. Green. McClure 33:676 O '09 Pioneer in co-education. A. W. Bailey. Outl 78:332 O 1 '04 Pipe dream. M. B. Pulver. Col 51:7 My 24 '13 Pipes of commerce. E. S. Babcock. Atlan lOS: 411 S '11 Pippo. G. W. Carry!. Scrib 32:670 D '02 Piquard's pup. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 181:14 Je 12 '09 Piracy of Reginald Dollard. A. B. Paine. Cos- mop 33:579 S '02 Pirate and a princess. F. "V. R. Dey. McClure 15:348 Ag '00 Pirate crew. T. J. Cartridge. New Eng n s 34:353 My '06 Pirate engineer. J. M. Rogers. Amer 64:577 O '07 Pirates of Alastair. R. S. Holland. Lippinc 81: 485 My '08 Piratical lover of tow number two. J. O. Cur- wood. Mun 36:593 F '07 Pirating of the Shah. C. Hyne. Sat E P 173:3 Jl 14 '00 Piscator and the peri. H. W. Lamer. Lippinc 71:365 Mr '03 Pistols for two. E. Watson. Everybody's 8:525 Je '03 Pit and the pendulum. E. A. Poe. Outl 85:708 Mr 23 '07 Pitch candidate. C. L. Edholm. New Eng n s 32:640 Ag '05 Pitcher full of cream. L. F. Tooker. Cent 84: G43 S '12 Pitcher of romance. R. W. Child. Harper 125: 43 Je '12 Pitchfork Pat. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 185:11 Ja 4 '13 Pitman, Norman Hinsdale, 1876- Corncrib courtin^. Les Mo 53:687 Ap '02 Pitts, Winston MacDowell In a white man's land. Lippinc 93:605 My '14 Pity of woman. J. Hopper. Everybody's 14:591 .My '06 Pitzer, R. C. Babes in the wood; a story of the children's crusade. Delin 69:1051 Je '07 Story of a storm. New Eng n s 31:439 D '04 Place aux dames. M. U. S. Andrews. Harper 111:609 S '05 Place for everything. H. V. Marr. Harper 102: 492 F '01 Place of abandoned gods. A. Colton. Scrib 29: 2i:! K '01 Place of darkness. G. K. Turner. Atlan 90: 391 S '02 Place of dragons. E. W. Poattio. Everybody's .S:227 Mr '03 Place of thanksgiving. G. Coolldge. Col 52:17 5 27 '13 Placid runaway. E. Woodbrldge. Outl 86:110 My 18 '07 Placing tlio blame. G. T. Weston. Harper 123: 1711 Ak '11 Plagiarist. G. W. Pangborn. Harper 118:291 Ja '09 Plagiarist. L. Volllcr. Everybody's 22:504 Ap '10 236 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Plague of a heart. H. Milecete. Lippinc 81: ii&9 Je 'OS Plague of women. W. Payne. Sat E, P 176:8 Mr 5 '04 Plague ship. S. Bonsai. Scrib 29:106 Ja 01 Plain Fin: paper-hanger. F. H. Smith. Sat E P 175:1 Mr 28 '03 Plain girl. H. C. Bunner. Scrib 56:715 D 14 Plain Miss Pretty. E. S. Small. Mun 33:567 Ag '05 Plain two-cent letter. L. Pratt. Harper 123: 733 O '11 • ^ Planchette. J. London. Cosniop 41:157 Je '06 Plans, The. O. Oliver. Mun 51:592 Ap '14 Plant at High Grove. W. Payne. Sat E P 175: 14 Ag 16, 13 Ag 23 '02 Planter of Malata. J. Conrad. Met 40:25, 32 Je- Jl '14 Platonic friends. S. Crenshaw. Mun 37:804 S '07 Plantz, Myra (Goodwin) (Mrs. Samuel Plantz), Mothers' meeting at Parkersville. Cent 78:962 O '09 Plantz, Mrs. Samuel. See Plantz, Myra Plateau of fatigue. K. M. Rabb. Atlan 91:109 Ja '03 Platonic friend. G. Morrison. Lippinc 86:507 O '10 Play baby. M. C. Oemler. Delin 82:249 Ap '13 Play devil. E. A. Walcott. Cent 61:588 F '01^ Play house. A. Brown. Harper 112:662 Ap '06 Play is not the thing. A. Warner. Cent 74:892 O '07 Play to the gallery. M. R. S. Andrews. Harper 107:853 N '03 Playmate. D. Canfield. Amer 61:80 N '05 Play's the thing. E. G. Jordan. Harper 109: 596 S '04 Play's the thing. L. Untermeyer. Cent 88:153 My '14 Playter, Harold Missus and the kids. Lippinc 93:232 F 14 Playthings. R. W. Child. Sat B P 185:11 F 1 '13 Playthings. C. B. Davis. Col 50:16 O 26 '12 Playthings of circumstance. J. R. Low. Outl 101:199 My 25 '12 Playwright's ghost. E. Peple. Amer 67:587 Ap •09 Pleasant afternoon with Mrs. Marsh. A. Kort- recht. Lippinc 89:246 F '12 Pleasant night in spring. S. F. Whitman. Col 39:18 S 14 "07 Please. A. A. Knipe. Everybody's 9:306 S '03 Please child. A. W. Stone. Cent 77:435 Ja '09 Please y'onner. H. Dickson. Sat B P 179:12 P 16 '07 Pleasant sin. I. Maclaren. Sat E P 173:4 S 29 •00 Plebe's life at West Point. W. S. Sample. Lip- pinc 90:285 S '12 Pledge that stuck. G. L. Knapp. Lippinc 87: SO Ja '11 Plot of a play. H. O'Neill. Cosmop 42:685 Ap '07 Plot of the grandmothers. D. L. Talmadge. Mun 27:594 Jl '02 Plot of the Prince's birthday. C. N. and A. M. Williamson. McClure 42:61 Mr '14 Ploughed lands. M. Austin. Harp W 53:22 S 11 '09 Pluck versus diplomacy. H. B. Dean. Lippinc 80:537 O '07 Plumb, Agnes Story in five letters. Mun 30:278 N '03 Plumley, G. Ladd Emory Hampton, kidnapper. New Eng n s 47:157 Je '12 Plummer kind. A. H. Donnell. Harper 111:363 Ag '05 Plunger. F. R. Weir. New Eng n s 35.17 S '06 Plupy s debatmg ciub. H. A. Bhute. Amer 61: S7 N '05 Pluribus Jones and how he came into his own. S. Ford. Scrib 39:721 Je '06 Plus and minus. A. Sullivan. Scrib 46:366 S •09 Pneumogastric nerve. M. Robertson. Sat E P 178:3 Jl 15 '05 Poacher who had never been arrested. F. W. Huard. L H J 27:11 Je '10 Pocket of destiny. C. Duer. Scrib 38:475 O '05 Pocock, Roger, 1S65- Beauty and the beast. Mun 34:526 F '06 Poe, Edgar Allen, 1809-1849 Pit and the pendulum. Outl 85:708 Mr 23 '07 Poe's Raven in an elevator. C. B. Loomis. L H J :;0;S O '03 Poet. H. M. Lyon. Forum 43:270 Mr '10 Poet and the emperor. H. Saint-Gaudens. Met 26:26 Ap '07 Poet and the hall-bedroom. E. Watson. Every- body's 9:81 Jl '03 Poet of a day. R. R. Gilson. Cent 67:209 D '03 Poet of Jumping Sandhills. B. W. Hornung. Scrib 49:326 Mr '11 Poet of Merontic. K. Hoffman. Mun 29:599 Jl ■03 Poet of the galley. L. F. Tooker. Lippinc 81: 400 Mr 'OS Poet, take thy lute. R. Le Gallienne. Delin 64: 533 O, 738 N '04 Poet who saved his youth. H. S. Thomas. Mc- Clure 35:291 Jl '10 Poets — human and divine. R. W. TuUy. Sat E P 181:8 Jl 11 '08 Poet's toll. A. C. E. Allinson. Atlan 106:774 D ■10 Poetess in spring. A. Brown. Harper 118:940 My '09 Pogue, Marstyn Pollock- Reversal of Winchester. Mun 27:430 Je '02 Point and counterpoint. J. U. Munford. Delin 83:6 D '13 Point at issue. W. F. Payson. Harper 102:691 Ap '01 Point in marine law. J. W. Muller. Cent 82:135 My '11 Point of contact. F. O. Bartlett. Met 15:109 Ja '02 Point of contact. J. W. Clark. Lippinc 78:454 O '06 Point of honor. E. Duvall. Atlan 88:251 Ag '01 Point of honor. C. PSez. Everybody's 16:234 F ■07 Point of honor. F. H. Smith. Sat E P 175:1 Je 13 '03 Point of honor. C. Wilson. Cent 77:261 D '08 Point of view. J. D. Daskam. Harp B 36:405 My '02 Point of view. O. Luk-Oie. McClure 35:80 My '10 Point of view. B. Phillpotts. Cent 82:691 S '11 Point of view. E. L. Walton. Everybody's 20: 275 F '00 Pointed arguments. A. B. Paine. Cent 60:315 Jo '00 Poison Ivy Ivens. G. C. Hull. Met 27:553 F 'OR Poison lady. C. R. Barnes. Amer 77:36 Je '14 Poison word, The. C. Dawson. Met 40:13 S '14 Poisoned pen. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 52:835 My '12 Polak Joe's finish. J. F. Cobb. Harp W 53:22 Je 12 '09 Police-court Romeo. C. M. Williams. Mun 33: 69 Ap '05 Police station and Miss Taney's girls. E. Flower. L H J 24:10 Ap '07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 ^Z7 Policeman Flynn arrests a Jefaulter. E. Flower, Cur Lit 32;4::4 Ap '02 Policeman Flynn's adventures. See Flower, Elliott Political conspiracy. E. W. Sargent. New Eng n s 25:306 N '01 Political tip. M. R. S. Andrews. McClure 25: 426 Ag '05 Politician's daughter. E. W. Neill. Les Mo 57: 200 D '03 Politics and Little Pigtails. V. Roseboro. Col 37:18 Mr 31 '06 Polity of nature. R. Herrick. Lippinc 68:458 O '01 Pollock boys. S. E. White. Sat E P 180:14 My 30 'OS Pollock, Channing Their castle in Spain. Mun 42:214 N '09 Pollock, Frank L. Buffalo-skull. Les Mo 50:620 O '00 Pollock-Pogue, Marstyn. See Pogue, Marstyn Pollock- Polly Ann's memorial party. "W. Arnold. Outl 78:92 S 3 '04 Polly Maria's wish. D. Redfern. New Eng n s 34:93 Mr '06 Polly Stevens' calf's skin. M. McHenry. New Eng n s 27:192 O '02 Poltroon, The. R. Hughes. Sat E P 180:5 N 2 '07 Polynesian Borgia. E. "W. Mumford. Mun 29: 527 Jl '03 Pomegranate seed. K. M. Roof. Lippinc 83: 513 My '09 Pomona and Jonas tell a story. F. R. Stockton. Cent 61:120 N '00 Pomp and panoply of war. F. Walworth. Mc- Clure 30:502 F '08 Pompadour angel. M. Moss. McClure 21:490 S '03 Pontomoc estate. M. T. Earle. Mun 25:240 My •01 Poodle of Monsieur Gaillard. T. A. Janvier. Harper 122:31 D '10 Pool in the desert. Mrs. S. J. Cotes. Cent 66: 67 My '03 Poole, Ernest, 1880- .Alarm clock. Amer 71:273 D '10 Blind revolutionist. Everybody's 22:3 Ja '10 Book of life. Everybody's 21:650 N '09 Cafe of the eagle. Outl 96:207 S 24 '10 Dere ees no God. Allan 9.S:412 S '06 Dream of Aristotle and of Isaac. Outl 79:384 F 11 '05 Dutch and the Skinner. Everybody's 10:223 F •04 Efficiency. Delin 77:170 Mr '11 Eyes of the two Jeremiahs. Everybody's 21: 813 D '09 French revolution for one cent. Cosmop 41:505 S '06 Getting that home. Sat E P 179:7 Jl 7 "06 Haggerty the lionhearted. Sat E P 180:6 Je 13 'OS Ladder. Atlan 103:350 Mr '09 Man for ten years. Everybody's 27:93 Jl '12 Marooned at home. Sat E P 181:8 Mr 6 '09 My neighbor in New York. Everybody's 25: 810 D n My provoking husband. Sat E P 179:7 Ag 25 '06 Night that made me a revolutionist. Every- body's 13:635 N '05 Old Bernstein and de great fiddle. McClure 26:381 F '06 Peasant cattle. Everybody's 13:494 O '05 Peppino. Sat E P 179:11 D 29 '06 Queerest thing in America. Sat E P 179:8 O 20 'Ofi Russian pfasant riots. Everybody's 14:30 Ja '06 Salvatore Schneider — a story of New York. Cur Lit 45:228 Ag '08 Slow man. f'veryTiody's 10:484 Ap '04 To be a success. Kvervbody's 26:199 F "12 Tug and a daughter-in-law. Sat I-: P 181:12 D 5 '08 Poole, Ernest — continued Two Russian soldiers. Outl 81:21 S 2 '05 Voice of an ocean liner. Sat E P 181:10 Jl 4 •08 Poor: a Christmas story. H. C. Rowland. Atlan 102:728 D '08 Poor, Agnes Blake (Dorothy Prescott, pseud.) Ward boss. New Eng n s 23:150 O '00 Poor art's sake. C. H. Grabo. Lippinc 91:91 Ja ■13 Poor, dear Margaret Kirby. K. Norris. Mun 45:499 Jl '11 Poor folks' shoes. B. Whitson. Col 52:16 N 1 '13 Poor Juliet. M. B. Wood. Outl 87:263 O 5 '07 Poor old dogs. M. Hill. Amer 68:71 My '09 Poor old Todie. H. J. Smith. Atlan 106:69 Jl •10 Poor rule. O. Henry. Everybody's 21:234 Ag ■09 Poor Therese. M. S. Scott. Mun 49:193 My '13 Pooree ruby. W. A. Eraser. Met 27:618 F '08 Pop. R. Hughes. Sat E P 186:5 O 4 '13 Pop. A. H. Rice. Amer 78:47 Ag '14 Pope, Alice Warren New England exile. New Eng n s 28:70 Mr '03 Pope, Mrs. Francis. See Portor, Laura Spencer Pope, M. Grace Trip deferred. McClure 14:414 Mr '00 Pope's mule. A. Daudet. Outl 87:962 D 28 '07 Same Lippinc 88:397 S '11 Popinjay, The. H. Hazeltine. Sat E P 181:14 O 10 '08 Poppies and a sleep. S. C. Page. Lippinc 81: 546 Ap '08 Poppies in the wheat. K. Fullerton. Cent 63: Sn::; Ja '02 Pore folks' boy. G. W. Ogden. Amer 73:17 N ■11 Pore Nance. K. Harris. Sat E P 186:12 N 1 '13 Portents. A. T. Slosson. Atlan 96:507 O '05 Porter, Mrs. Charles Darwin. See Porter, Gene Stratton- Porter, Mrs. Eleanor (Kodgman), 1868- Angelus. Harper 110:237 Ja ^05 Black silk gowns. Harp B 43:7 Ja '09 Bridge across the years. Harp B 40:118 F '07 Cat and the painter. Scrib 35:240 F '04 Cat that played Cupid. New Eng n s 32:461 Je '05 Conquering of Caroline. New Eng n s 26:21 Mr '02 Daltons and the legacy. New Eng n s 34:584 Jl '00 Delayed heritage. Lippinc 74:115 Jl '04 For Jimmy. Lippinc 84:499 O '09 Four-footed faith and a two. Met 25:604 F '07 Helper of Cupid's. New Eng n s 31:174 O "04 Her old sweethearts. L H J 27:17 Ap '10 In the footsteps of Katy. I^ippinc 78:249 Ag '06 Jack. Harp W 51:346 Mr 9 '07 Keziah. New Eng n s 30:723 -\g '04 Loosed. Ev» iyl)()dy^s 12:699 My '05 Major's Waterloo. New Eng n s 31:618 Ja '05 Matter of system. Harp B 44:171 Mr '10 Mushroom of Collingsville. Amer 62:332 Jl '06 New England idol. New Eng n s 29:17 S '03 Nuts to crack and Mary Ellen. I>ippinc 76:630 N '05 On the trail of the Intangible. Cosmop 41:21 My '06 One woman's will and w.iy. Lippinc 93:7_2 Je ■14 Patron of art. Met 16:565 N '02 Phineas and the motor car. New Eng n s 41: 150 O '09 Qu.-irantiiK'd quarrel. New Eng n s 34:657 Ag '00 Squiiring of Mr. Jack. New Eng n b 45:60 S Summons home. Cent 71:76 N 'OR That angel bov. Ni'W Eng n s 30 403 Jo 04 I'ndolng of Charity Kand.ill. Now Eng n 8 30:207 Ap '04 238 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Porter, Mrs. Eleanor — continued When father and mother rebelled. L. H J 25: 14 D '07 Wristers for three. Harp B 40:36 Ja '06 Porter, Gene Stratton- (Mrs. Charles Darwin Porter), 186S- Bobs feathered interloper. Met 19:192 N '03 Freckle's chickens. L H J 21:9 N '04 Porter, Harold Everett (Holworthy Hall, pseud), 1SS7- Bazar at the country club. L H J 31:17 Jl '14 Henry of Navarre — Ohio. L H J 31:5 Ja, 15 F, 10 Mr, 17 Ap, 17 My, 10 Je '14 Henry pours gasolene. McClure 43:89 Ag '14 How Henry trained the cook. L, H J 31:6 Ag '14 Last train back. McClure 42:50 Mr '14 Son & Ferguson. Cent 87:192 D '13 Tutoring- Henry. Sat E P 185:10 Jl 27 '12 "When Henry's wife got busy. L H J 31:17 S '14 You get what you want. McClure 44:92 D 14 Porter, Helen Talbot, 1S72- Balloon terra-contra. Lippinc 85:620 My '10 Miss Mehitable's backbone. Lippinc 80:765 D •07 Sight of the soul. Lippinc 84:626 N '09 Porter, John Heffron Girl who wanted to be young. L H J 31:21 Ap '14 Porter, Maud Thornhlll Billy. Anier 74:625 S '12 Porter, Rebecca N. As he told it to her daughter. L H J 31:9 Jl '14 God of luck. L H J 30:7 Ap '13 Porter, Sara (Coleman) (Mrs. William Sydney Porter) (Mrs. O. Henry) Scar, The. Met 37:21 Mr 13 Porter, Sydney. See Henry, O., pseud. Porter, William Sydney. See Henry, O., pseud. Portion of the youngest. M. S. Cutting. Delin 67:461 Mr '06 Portor, Jeannette Steele People who help Santa Claus. L H J 19:5 D •01 Portor, Laura Spencer (Mrs. Francis Pope) Betty Maria's guard. L H J 20:9 Je '03 Christmas angel. L H J 25:8 D '07 Christmas dance at Old Oaks. L H J 21:11 D •03 Gentleman of the Blue Grass. L H J 18:7 O, 11 N; 19:15 D '01; 12 Ja '02 Greater art. Atlan 113:316 Mr '14 Learning that Abe had. L H J 18:10 Ap '01 Light of other days. L H J 23:20 D '05 Renton's mother. Atlan 111:596 My '13 Sally. Atlan 90:626 N '02 Those days in old Virginia. L H J 19:3 F, 9 Mr. 11 Ap, 9 My, 9 Je '02 Wished-for child. Atlan 111:178 F '13 Portrait by Collyer. C. Benedict. Harper 114: 792 Ap '07 Portrait of a parson. B. v. Hutten. Lippinc 85: 444 Ap '10 Portrait of a philosopher. D. Canfield. Scrib 49:447 Ap '11 Portrait of Mr. Lo Medico. M. Glass. Sat E P 184:10 Ap 6 '12 Poseur, The. W. Muir. Met 26:244 My '07 Posey song. N. Lloyd. Col 34:21 N 5 '04 Possessing Prudence. A. W. Stone. Atlan 114: 342 S '14 Possession — nine points of the law. F. W. TS'harton. Cosmop 33:553 S '02 Possibilities of Pinkie. C. Emerson. New Eng n s 48:363, 416 O-N '12 Posson Jone. G. W. Cable. Outl 87:217 S 28 '07 Post, Charles Johnson, 1873- At the ebb-tide. Cent 87:760 Mr '14 Jimmie's infant industry. Everybody's 27:378 S '12 Venezuelan gavroche. Cent 84:427 Jl '12 Post, Melville Davisson, 1871- Act of God. Met 39:28 D '13 After he was dead. Cur Lit 52:359 Mr '12 Alien corn. Sat E P 185:7 My 31 '13 Post, Melville Davisson — continued Broken stirrup-leather. Sat E P 183:12 Je 3 •11 Critique of Monsieur Poe. Sat E P 183:20 D 31 '10 Curious ring. Sat E P 184:10 O 7 '11 Devils tools. Met 37:32 Mr '13 Doomdorf mystery. Sat E P 187:9 Jl 18 '14 Fabricated defenses. Sat E P 184:16 N 11 '11 Fairy godmother. Sat E P 183:8 Ap 15 '11 Found in the fog. Sat E P 186:6 S 13 '13 Fragments of plaster. Sat E P 184:21 Ap 20 '12 Gashed finger. Sat E P 184:24 Ja 13 '12 Haunted door. Sat E P 186:12 Ag 30 '13 Hidden law. Met 40:41 Ag '14 House of the dead man. Sat E P 184:30 S 30 •11 Jury and the judges. Sat E P 186:19 Ap 18 •14 Locked bag. Sat E P 183:8 F 4 '11 Miller of Ostend. Sat E P 187:3 O 31 '14 Naboth's vineyard. Met 37:14 D '12 Nameless thing. Sat E P 184:5 Jl 8 '11 No defense. Sat E P 183:17 Ag 13 '10 Pressure. Met 35:9 F '12 Red peril. Sat E P 184:18 Je 1 '12 Riddle. Met 35:16 S ^12 Ruined eye. Sat E P 186:6 O 11 '13 Sealed packet. Sat E P 184:10 S 23 '11 Sport of fortune. Harper 123:707 O '11 Stolen life. Sat E P 186:3 Ja 17 '14 Tenth commandment. Sat E P 184:12 Mr 2 '12 Trivial incident. Sat E P 181:10 D 19 '08 Twilight adventure. Met 39:29 Ap '14 Wrong hand. Sat E P 184:5 Jl 15 '11 Post-nuptial conversation. E. Kenton. Met 16: 490 N '02 Post, Richard Henry Not even memory. Les Mo 53:685 Ap '02 Pansies. Les Mo 52:621 O '01 Postlude. G. E. Holden. New Eng n s 39:698 F •09 Postmaster. J. E. Dunning. Harper 108:811 Ap ■04 Postmistress of Knockagar. S. MacManus. Outl 74:860 Ag 1 '03 Postponed romance. G. R. Chester. Every- body's 20:345 Mr '09 Pot-boiler. M. B. Adams. Delin 71:446 Mr 'OS Pot boiler. A. Train. Sat E P 186:8 Mr 21 '14 Pot-boiler. E. Wharton. Scrib 36:696 D '04 Pot-hunters. R. Beach. McClure 28:327 Ja '07 Pot luck. D. C. Calthrop. Lippinc 88:496 O '11 Pot of gold. M. Austin. Mun 25:491 Jl '01 Pot of gold. V. T. Sutphen. Harper 107:787 O '03 Pot of jam. F. H. Smith. Sat E P 176:4 Ag 8 '03 Pot of paint. O. Watanna. Les Mo 53:414 F '02 Pot of tulips. B. G. Eastman. New Eng n s 45:109 S '11 Pot on the fire. E. Rickert. Outl 79:88 Ja 7 '05 Potank sanitarium. J. Lincoln. Sat E P 173:10 F 23 '01 Pots o' money. P. G. Wodehouse. Met 35:27 F '12 Potter, David (Edward Barron, pseud.), 1874- Accidental honeymoon. Lippinc 86:513 N '10 Flash of lightning. Lippinc 94:488 O '14 Unspeakable Turke. Lippinc 92:529 N '13 Potter, George Mortimer How the first plug hat came to Dodge City. Met 16:353 S '02 Potter, Margaret Horton (Mrs. John D. Black), 1881-1911 Madness of Nicoletta. Harper 105:761 O '02 Obsession of Ann Gibbs. Harper 113:583 S '06 Return. Harp W 55:16 N 11 '11 So long as ye live. Harp W 53:22 Ja 9 '09 Potter, Mary Knight Greater call. Cent 83:231 D '11 In payment thereof. Harper 105:273 Jl '02 Ultimately. Harper 114:312 Ja '07 Wife. Harp B 45:228 My '11 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 239 Pottle, Emery Bemsley, 1875- Afoot at the horse show. Everybody's 9:766 D 'u3 Angels. Harper 111::;53 Jl '05 Bird in a gilded cage. Sat E P 177:3 Ja 28 '05 Bond. Harper 109;:i5>i) Jl '04 Bungalow. Sat E P 17(:6 Jl 2 '04 Case of intellectuality. Atlan 94:676 N '04 Celia. Cosmop 40:179 D '05 Cheerful givers. Sat E P 177:6 D 24 '04 Expatriates. Harper 116:b65 My 'OS Father and his son. Harper 113:614 S '06 Fountain of youth. Amer 63:141 D '06 His mother. Everybody's 10:193 F '04 How Horatius kept the bridge. Amer 70:74 :My 'lu Journeys end. Harper 123:621 S '11 Last bridge. Delin 69:78 Ja '07 Letter. Harp B 42:846 S 'OS Love and the dancing bear. Met 20:692 Ag '04 My beloved son. Harper 120:511 Mr '10 New lamps for old. Sat E P 178:3 Jl 22 '05 Pearls. Lippinc 89:101 Ja '12 Picnickers. Sat E P 177:7 My 6 '05 Reparation. Harper 110:699 Ap '05 Sea-goers. Sat E P 177:4 Ap 8 '05 Serpent's tooth. Sat E P 182:7 N 13 '09 Some reflections and Agnes. Delin 77:12 Ja '11 That which is perfect. Harp B 39:982 N '05 To the victor the spoils. Cosmop 49:713 N '10 Tradition. Harper 117:937 N 'OS Truth-tellers. Cent 75:105 N '07 Unexpected guest. Harper 117:349 Ag '08 Wedding guests. Sat E P 176:13 Mr 5 '04 Week end. Sat E P 177:6 Jl 30 '04 World of art. Sat E P 177:29 N 19 04 Pottle, Mrs. Emery Bemsley. See Tompkins, Juliet Wilbor Pottle, Mrs. Juliet Wilbor Tompkins. See Tomp- kins, Mrs. Juliet Wilbor Poultry-raising in the south. H. V. Marr. Harper 103:665 S '01 Pound losers and pound keepers. W. H. Os- borne. Les Mo 56:97 My '03 Pounds, Francis Sims Personal of floor seven. Harp W 56:16 S 21 •12 Poupee, La. F. P. Delgado. Forum 42:442 N 'O'J Pousse cafe promotion. H. M. Lyon. McClure 39:195 Je '12 Poverty's bedfellows. M. Robertson. Harp W 46:72 D 6 '02 Powell, Frances, pseud. (Frances Powell Case) Loose screw. Evervbody's 6:603 Je '02 Through the mist. Delin 73:83 Ja '00 Powell, Marian Bruntlett Mabel and the flabby philanthropist. McClure 39:37 My '12 Powell, Richard Stillman, pseud. See Barbour, Ralph Heniy. Power and hoise-power. F. Hurst. Sat E P 185:5 Jl 6 '12 Power behind the major. G. PattuUo. L II J 31:9 N '14 Power, Cecil, pseud. See Allen, (Charles) Grant R. Power of a belief. A. B. Sembower. Harp W 52:22 O 10 '08 Power of ancestors. F. Pier. Cent 71:445 Ja '06 Power of prayer. "W. Hastings. Mun 46:815 Mr '12 Power of purse. B. Merwin. Mun 48:758 F '13 Power of suggestion. M. F. Leonard. Mun 22: 856 Mr '00 Power of the dog. M. Gauss. McClure 29:408 Ag '07 Power of the press. H. Brubaker. Harper 130: 86 D '14 Power of the press. C. "W. Rankin. Cent (54:162 My '02 Power of the press. O. Thanet. Sat K P 173:3 Ja 12 '01 Power that moves. J. O'Ryan. Met 17:35 Ja •03 Powers of darkness. H. Logan. Mun 26:849 Mr ■02 P'pah and the ocarina. W. D. Nesbit. Les Mo 59:434 F '05 Practical joke. R. W. Fletcher. New Eng n s 43:352 N '10 Prairie. C. V. McCauley. Delin 79:84 F '12 Praslin murder. M. B. Loundes. Harp W 57: 12 Je 28 '13 Pratt, Ambrose Gallant burglar. Lippinc 81:380 Mr '08 Verdict for the plaintiff. Met 25:481 Ja '07 Pratt, Charles Stuart Interlude in yellow. New Eng n s 25:674 F '02 Mills of god. New Eng n s 27:117 S 02 Pratt, Cornelia Attwood (Mrs. William D. Comer) Clothes and the woman. Delin 56:240 Ag '00 Dream of dreams. Delin 66:390 S '05 Indian-gift. Scrib 31:625 My '02 Soul of William Jones. Cent 59:832 Ap '00 Pratt, Jane All for Dolly. New Eng n s 23:532 Ja '01 In April. Atlan 101:800 Je '08 Pratt, Jessie Augusta Billy Brent's dog-star. Mun 32:92 O ^04 Pratt, Lucy Across the creek. Atlan 102:803 D 'OS Book for mothers. McClure 30:502 F '08 Color-bearer. McClure 30:309 Ja '08 Color line. Met 28:400 Jl '08 Entrance of Ezekiel. McClure 29:17 My '07 Ezekiel in exile. McClure 30:26 N '07 Ezekiel in transit. IMcClure 29:415 Ag '07 Ezekiel promises. McClure 30:557 Mr 'OS Felix tells a story. Amer 69:353 Ja '10 Game with the blues. Met 29:188 N '08 Generals and number seven. Cent 78:404 Jl '09 Gentleman with the green tie. Atlan 112:812 D '13 Heirs of fate. Outl 105:84 S 13 '13 His need of Mis' Simons. McClure 31:432 Ag '08 In charge of Trusty. McClure 31:32 My '08 In Goose alley. Atlan 102:203 Ag '08 Interrupted reign of Queenie. Amer 64:474 S '07 Little hopping frog. Atlan 108:396 S '11 Little number ones. McClure 39:308 Jl '12 :Meditations of Marcus Artelius. Cent 81:800 Mr 'll Mistletoe bough. McClure 32:128 D 'OS Mrs. Burr's baby. Amer 71:526 F '11 Plain two-cent letter. Harper 123:733 O '11 Talking wave. Atlan 108:818 D '11 When father ran for mayor. Amer 73:340 Ja '12 Pratt's cats. W. L. Alden. Sat E P 172:972 Ap 21 '00 Prayer. L. Tolstoy. Col 36:13 D 30 '05 Prayer of Rehoboam. H. E. Wright. Mun 28: 670 F '03 Praying-match. E. C. Waltz. Cent 60:450 Jl '0;) Praying skipper. R. D. Paine. McClure 26:385 F '06 Preacher's son. B. Whitlock. Harper 107:955 N •03 Precipitate Mr. Smif. R. Nettleton. Evervbodv s 9:673 N '03 Predicament of E. Trueman Ficklin. G. TTib- bard. Sat E P 174:6 Ag 3 '01 Predicament of Silas Singer. E. FIowoi-. Lip- piru- 70:i;49 Ag '02 Preliminaries. C. A. P. Comer. Atlan 106:669 N '10 Premonitions. E. A. I7ix. Cent 66:750 S '03 Prentis, John Harcourt niiliti^r-iilac.'. lOvrrvbody's 29:688 N '13 Hoik St .-.isliifr. Everybody's 22:831 Jo '10 Prentiss. Janet As li.ivliir nothing. Mun B0:671 .In '14 Il.its np to nfty. Mun RO;47 O '13 Preoccupied professor. J. R. Porry. Harper 110:649 Mr "05 240 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Prepared for marching orders. L. Crane. Harp W 53:22 D IS '09 Prescott, Dorothy, pseud. See Poor, Agnes Blake Presence, The. E. S. Phelps. Harp B 44:7 Ja '10 Presence. M. R. Warren. Harper 11S:S86 My '09 Present for Mr. Geigermann. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:14 F 4 '11 Present from Peter. A. S. Allen. Mun 38:328 D '07 Presentation. H. D. Stackpoole. Lippinc 93 385 Ap '14 Preserver. E. W. Hornung. Everybody's 28 758 Je '13 President and passenger. S. H. Adams. Col 52 5 O 11 '13 President's daughter; romance of a college town. See Taylor, Emerson Giffoid President's son. P. P. Frost. Cent 89:144 N '14 Presiding Elder. M. K. Champion. Les Mo 52: 99 My '01 Pressure on the professor. W. E. Weyl. Sat E P 182:3 Je 11 '10 Prestige of the universe. S. MacManus. Les Mo 55:596 Ap '03 Preston, George Hyde Gratsy. Lippinc 70:510 O •0_2 House on the corner. Met l/:u05 Je 03 In the private car. Lippinc 7b:350 Mr 04 Inside tip. Cosmop 45:91 Je 'OR King grub. McClure 36:t>23 Ap 11 Preston, Sadie „„„,,. -r ,^0 Mystery of a studio. Met 28:325 Je 08 Preston, Sydney Herman ^ Coiner-cupboard man. Scrib 36:^32 D 04 Crevice-tree. Scrib 33:494 Ap'Oo Gay chevalier. Harper 104:/ (3 Ap 02 Green pigs. Scrib 2S:190 Ag '00 Our two uncles. Scrib 29:33fi Mr '01 ^ Reformed traveller. Scrib o3:36S Mr Oo Summer landlord. Scrib 3G:26S S 04 Presumptive evidence. L. H. Adams. New Eng n s 31:536 Ja '05 Presure. M. D. Post. Met 35:9 F '12 Pretenders. J. D. Bacon. Col 42:16 Ja 30 '09 Pretenders. I. B. Roberts. Lippinc 72:3 Jl '03 Pretensions of Charlotte. W. B. Hay. McClure 34:539 Mr '10 Pretext. E. Wharton. Scrib 44:173 Ag '08 Pretiow, Mary Denson Ac.i^n Christmas-tree picture. New Eng n s 48:470 D 12 „ Elopement of George Washington Brown. New Eng n s 33:251 N '05 Prettiest girl and the homliest man. E. Gates. Sat E P 180:8 Jl 13 '07 Pretty suffragette. L. E. Button. L H J 31:4 Je '14 Preventing of Leviathan. F. Young. Col 34:11 D 24 '04 Price. D. H. Haines. Scrib 49:189 F '11 Price. G. Overton. Harper 124:205 Ja '12 Price. O. Roberts. McClure 37:365 Ag '11 Price, Homer Marcellus Miss Rose. L H J 22:14 F '05 ^ „ t Red; the special-delivery messenger. L H J Trouble at Cross-Bow. Les Mo 60:141 Je '05 When Miss Rose touched the button. L H J 22:13 Je '05 Price of a dream. E. Flower. Delin 70:87 Jl '07 Price of an angel. E. M. Tybout. New Eng n s 27:160 O '02 Price of crime. K. Jarboe. Mun 27:771 Ag '02 Price of Eden. M. S. Merrill. New Eng n s 36: 745 Ag '07 Price of fame. E. M. Gilmer. Cosmop 47:797 N '09 Price of fame. M. Roosevelt. Lippinc 70:648 D 02 Price of his silence. O. Oliver. Mun 50:486 D '13 Price of principle. (.Boston Blackie stories.) Amer 78:11 Jl '14 Price of rawhide. C. E. "Van Loan. Col 53:5 Je 13 '14 Price of the past participle. M. Cameron. Har- per 105:731 O '02 Price of the star. S. M. Hall. Everybody 5: 335 S '01 Price of uncertainty. C. Teller. Met 16:380 O '02 Price of victory. F. Douglas. Lippinc 88:434 S 11 Price to pay. A. E. O'Hare. Sat E P 176:15 N 21 '03 Price, Wilmot Author. Col 38:20 D 22 '06 Bending of the twig. Lippinc 84:109 Jl '09 Nemesis of the ticket office. Lippinc 83:249 F '09 Test of truth. Scrib 42:750 D '07 Priceless ballot. B. Tarkington. Col 34:13 O 29 '04 Pride of craft. H. C. Rowland. Col 38:20 N 17 '06 Pride of his calling. D. H. Haines. Forum 47: 532 My '12 Pride of Miss Grannis. M. Dana. Met 17:33 Ap '03 Pride of the Lazy L. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 184: 16 S 2 '11 Prideau murder. D. Gray. Col 49:19 Mr 23 '12 Priest in spite of himself. R. Kipling. Delin 76: 94 Ag '10 Primavera. G. A. England. Lippinc 89:701 My •12 Prime Minister's coup. W. Le Queux. Cosmop 2S:461 F '00 Primitive man. R. R. Gilson. L H J 24:19 Ap '07 Primrose way. M. Van Vorst. Lippinc 70:442 O '02 Prince. R. L. Brock. New Eng n s 23:616 F '01 Prince and tlie blue bottle. F. M. O'Brien. Mun 48:472 D '12 Prince and the painter. T. Bailey. L H J 21:7 Je '04 Prince and tlie painter. A. C. Robinson. Cent 67:743 N '04 Prince, Charles A. Oracle of Saint-Cure. Cent 67:923 Ap '04 Prince Ghika. I. Kurz. Cur Lit 40:226 F '06 Prince, Helen Choate Pratt, 1857- Reflected lights. Delin 59:265 F '02 Revenge. Delin 65:1015 Je '05 Story of Gabriel. Delin 56:94 Jl '00 Prince in the fairy tale. L. Merrick. Met 26: 486 Jl '07 Prince of illusion. J. L. Long. Cent 60:655 S •00 Prince of Tonight. E. M. Rhodes. Sat E P 185: 5 O 19 '12 Prince of wails. R. B. Shelton. Delin 85:15 Tl '14 Prince Pautqua. C. C. Lofquest. Amer 61:403 F '06 Prince Roseleaf and a girl from Kansas. M. Michelson. McClure 22:339 F '04 Princes and plumbers. P. Curtiss. McClure 39: 16 My '12 Prince's compliments. F. Putney. Jr. McClure 3r,:303 Ja '11 Prince's shoes. E. Sharp. Lippinc 65:138 Ja '00 Princess and the boy. K. W. Patch. Cent 69: 259 D '04 Princess and the microbe. M. Sherwood. Scrib 34:236 Ag '03 Princess and the poet. S. E. White. Harper 103:374 Ag '01 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 241 Princess and the puma. O. Henry. Every- body's 9:598 N '03 Princess and the vagabone. R. Sawyer. Outl yy:i« s 9 'n Princess Colibri. A. Castaigne. Harper 106:43 D 02 Princess Evelyn. I. B. Roberts. Les Mo 55:634 Ap '03 Princess Fredegonda. R. Marsh. Sat E P 187: 11 Jl 4 14 Princess in calico. H. Liebe. Lippinc 94:203 Ag '14 Princess listens. R. R. Gilson. Les Mo 55:482 :Mr '03 Princess of Is. R. Fisguill. Harp W 56:16 O 12 ■12 Princess of Kent. M. Bowen. Harper 116:677 Ap 'OS Princess of Make-believe. A. H. Donnell. At- lan 90:268 Ag '02 Princess of Porto Bello. M. Whitney. L. H J 27:9 My '10 Princess of the Golden isles. E. Saltus. Cos- mop 33:337 Jl '02 Princess of the Western isles. P. Lyde. Lip- pinc 77:608 My '06 Princess pays. E. P. Oppenheim. Mun 50:696 Ja '14 Princess Pity. W. Payne. Atlan 85:377 Mr '00 Princess Pontioff. A. H. Fitch. Cent 66:247 Je ■03 Princess Pourquoi. M. Sherwood. Scrib 32:540 N '02 Princess Romanova. G. Horton. Sat E P 175:6 My 16 '03 Princess Royal. W. M. Browne. Scrib 27:627 My '00 Princess Thu-Thur's half-holiday. F. Palmer. Scrib 47:352 Mr '10 Princess Violet. H. L. Bradley. Harp B 33:40 Ja 13 '00 Princess who wanted the moon. W. J. Hopkins. Outl 105:665 N 22 '13 Princess who was treated badly. F. Gribble. Le.s Mo 50:491 S '00 Pringle, Mrs. Elizabeth Watris. See Pennington, Patience, pseud. Priscilla goes shopping. L. P. Wilson. L H J 23:7 Ag '06 Priscilla of Hester street. B. Lessing. Cosmop 42:85 N '06 Priscilla's chances. L. Forsslund. L H J 21:13 My '04 Priscilla's maying. U. L. Silberrad. Outl 75: 311 O 3 '03 Prism. M. E. Wilkins. Cent 62:469 Jl '01 Prison days of Billy MacCheeck. L. Scott. Mc- Clure 23:049 O '04 Prison-house. A. Boyesen. Lippinc 72:501 O '03 Prison of affection. O. H. Dunbar. Cent 75:819 Ap 'OS Prisoner of Mademoiselle De Biencourt. C. G. D. Roberts. Lippinc 74:513 N '04 Prisoner of the ground. G. Schock. Lippinc 79:517 Ap '07 Private ariuarium. H. Whitaker. Harper 106: 616 Mr '03 Private Brett. H. Green. Everybody's 26:66 Ja '12 Private fhivalry. A. Forbes. Everybody's 2: 171 F TiO Private detective. A. S. Pier. Col 4.'?:14 Ap 10 •09 Private Impressionist. R. Strong. TTarp W r>S: 22 .11 24 '00 Private Morohy's romance. H. J. O'TIlgglns. Sc'ib ?.r,?.r,e, Mr '04 Private soldier. A. Brown. Atlan 103:308 Mr •Oft Private Williams and Mutt. D. J. Marshall. fV)l 52:16 F 21 '14 Private wire. A. Stringer. Sat E P 179:3 Ja" 12 '07 Private Xenophon. R. K. Weekes. Harp W 48: 288 F 20 '04 Privateer. E. M. Kelly. Lippinc 87:641 Je '11 Private's honor. B. Harte. Sat E P 173:2 Jl 7 ■OO Privilege. H. J. Smith. Atlan 106:549 O '10 Privilege of counsel. R. Eldon. Atlan 94:413 S ■04 Privilege of the hero. I. Peixotto. Col 51:17 My 17 '13 Prize crew on L'Insurgente. C. T. Brady. Cosmop 31:287 Jl '01 Prize farm. J. R. Perry. Cent 73:794 Mr '07 Prize-fighter. M. Edginton. Lippinc 92:195 Ag '13 Prize picture. R. E. Wolfe. Met 11:549 My '00 Pro tempore. M. T. Wright. Scrib 39:674 Je '06 Probation of Buckles' ghost. R. Barr. Sat E P 175:3 Jl 19 '02 Probation of James Wrench. J. K. Jerome. Sat E P 172:1148 Je 9 '00 Probationer. H. Whitaker. Mun 28:812 Mr '03 Probationer and the pennant. H. Pendexter. Everybody's 17:265 Ag '07 Problem. O. Graeve. McClure 33:613 O '09 Problem in eugenics. F. G. Jones. Col 54:10 N 14 '14 Problem of Lisbeth. A. W. Anderson. Cent 68: 269 Je '04 Problem of the iridescent maze. W. Holloway. Les Mo 58:473 S '04 Problem of the Widow Salvini. J. A. Riis. Outl 103:452 F 22 '13 Problems of a young husband. E. S. Martin. llaiper 123:912 N '11 Procession of umbrellas. F. H. Smith. Scrib 33:411 Ap '03 Procrustes' wife. E. Kenton. Met 32:244 My '10 Prodigal. P. E. Browne. Everybody's 18:640 My 'OS Prodigal. M. R. Foote. Atlan 86:299 S '00 Prodigal. A. Forbes. Everybody's 2:360 Ap '00 Prodigal nephew's aunt. B. R. Ginger. Delin 83:7 S '13 Prodigal shrine. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 34:20 F 18 '05 Prodigals economize. V. Tracy. Col 44:22 D 11 '09 Prodigy. F. K. Johnson. Atlan 97:407 Mr '06 Professional boarder: monologue. B. Herford. L 11 J 24:21 O '07 Professional conscience. J. MacAlarney. Met 19: 62 O '03 Professional episode. A. Morrison. Lippinc 92: ■175 () '13 Professional jealousy. M. P. Merwin. Met 13: C'A My '01 Profecsor. C. B. Davis. Col 49:18 My 25 '12 Professor. R. R. Gilson. Harp W 52:22 O 3 'OS Professor and the smile. H. S. Thomas. Scrib ■\:.:\~r, Ap 'OS Professor Ashur's tutor. A. L. I^ee. Dclln CI: 102'; Jo 'o:! Professor Dillpicker's discovery. H. Carruth. s.it lo I' I7r,::::: Ap 25 '03 Professor Mallno. \V. Irwin. Everybody's 16: l.'-.S K '07 Professor of Crock. A. Slrlnper. Sat E P 176: s X 11 'o:i Prof. Stubb's Thnnk.sglvlng turkoys. H. Car- ruth. Ilarpor 101 :!if.9 N '00 Professor's o)ianc(>. K. llcrrlck. Atlan 87:723 My '01 Profp'Si'or'R rommonrompnt. W. S. Crithcr. New KuK n H •.'.r,■.^S^ .To '02 Professor's mare. L. P. J.'k-Um. Atliin 110:455 O 242 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Professor's problem. W. T. Nichols. Lippinc 81:410 Mr 'OS Proffered heroine. G. B. Fife. Scrib 33:737 Je •03 Profile. W. S. Gather. McClure 29:135 Je '07 Profit and loss. M. L. Bray. Mun 41:802 S '09 Profitable benevolence. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 18U:6 D 7 '07 Profits of the Peligods. R. W. Child. Col 46:12 Mr 11 '11 Progress and the performing bear. J. C. Harris. Sat E P 177:3 Mr 11 '05 Progress of Mrs. Alexander. L. R. Stanwood. New Eng n s 43:529 F '11 Prolonged hallowe'en. C. W. Morrison. Lippinc 86:502 O '10 Promise. A. H. Donnell. Harper 112:924 My '06 Promise. M. Maartens. Cent 67:305 D '03 Promise of Lucy Ellen. L. M. Montgomery. Delin 63:268 F '04 Promised land. L. A. Knight. Everybody's 28: 7S4 Je '13 Promised land. L. E. MacBrayne. McClure 20: 66 N '02 Promotion of Lemuel Cady. E. Walker. New Eng n s 37:335 N '07 Promotion of Sergeant Cubbison. S. R. Crock- ett. Les Mo 49:303 Ja '00 Proof of love. L M. Evans. Sat E P 185:16 Je 28 '13 Proof of man. C. B. Taylor. Cosmop 38:647 Ap '05 Proper thing. V. Tracy. Col 46:18 F 18, 19 F 25 '11 Property-man. B. Tarkington. McClure 25:412 Ag '05 Prophet and the girl. S. Merwin. L H J 24:12 Mr '07 Prophet honored. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 116: 432 F 'OS Prophet in his country. E. Kenton. Cent 76: 436 Jl 'OS Prophet in his own country. H. F. Day. Les Mo 58:284 Jl '04 Prophet who slipped. H. Dickson. Sat E P 184:24 My 18 '12 Prophet's chamber. L. W. Reese. Harp W 56: 16 O 26 '12 Prophetess in her own country. J. B. Wilson. New Eng n s 31:148 O '04 Prophetess of the land of No-Smoke. M. Man- ning. Harper 110:377 F '05 Proposal. G. Duncan. Harper 108:796 Ap '04 Proposal by proxy. H. B. Vogel. Everybody's 2:511 Je '00 Proposal of Burk. D. H. Talmadge. Mun 23: 827 S '00 Proposal tree. Mrs. C. N. Williamson. Met 23: 749 Mr '06 Propriety of Pauline. L. Merrick. Met 24:454 Jl '06 Prospectors. N. W. Tibbot. New Eng n s 28:679 Ag '03 Prosperous gentleman. W. A. White. Sat E P 187:6 O 10 '14 Prosper's old mother. B. Harte. Harper 104: 733 Ap '02 Protest against sinkers. O. Johnson. Sat E P 181:18 O 24 "08 Proud goat of Aloysius Pankburn. J. London. Sat E P 183:5 Je 24 '11 Proud white mother. J. Oppenheim. Amer 73: 694 Ap '12 Prouty, Olive Higgins Mother Harvey's strategy. Delin 85:16 D '14 "When Alec was married. Amer 69:229 D '09 When Elise came. Amer 67:595 Ap '09 When I was married. Amer 71:309 Ja '11 When I went to boarding school. Amer 68: 240 Jl '09 When Oliver eloped. Amer 74:314 Jl '12 Proven. E. Boltwood. Mun 45:776 S '11 Providence k la Tipperary. H. Trendon. Col 54:13 S 19 '14 Provident woman. N. Boyce. Lippinc 73:259 Mr '04 Proving, The. J. H. Ransom. Met 27:572 F '08 Proving of Cassim. S. L. Bensusan. Met 19: 16S N '03 Proving of Kinky Larkin. M. H. Carter. Col 49:17 Ap 6 '12 Proving of Lannigan. C. B. Fernald. Cent 64: 755 S '02 Proving of Mrs. Elder. F. W. Lewis. Mun 30: 114 O '03 Provost, Agnes Louise Jacky. Lippinc 72:104 Jl '03 Senate bill No. 22. Mun 29:188 My '03 Sins of the fathers. New Eng n s 21:728 F '00 Things that were. New Eng n s 26:549 Jl '02 Valley of refuge. New Eng n s 29:325 N '03 Prudence and the bishop. A. Hope. Met 25:1 O '06 Pseudonymous. G. H. Gerould. Scrib 56:456 O •14 Psmith of Pavia. W. L. Alden. Harper 114:452 F '07 Psyche. J. G. Waldo. Everybody's 10:414 Mr '04 Psyche of our boarding house. H. E. Warner. Sat E P 184:38 Ap 27 '12 Psyche of the mountains. G. M. Cooke. Mun 34:12 O '05 Public at'erletic leaguer. L. Copinger. Lippinc 94:497 O '14 Puck of Pook's hill. See Kipling, Rudyard Pugilistic career of Ikey Murphy. J. R. Met 38:10 Je '13 Pulitzer, Walter Eironeia. Met 13:93 Ja '01 Maiden caprice. Delin 69:879 My '09 Pull of the finger. T. G. Roberts. Mun 47:772 Ag '12 Pulver, Mary Brecht Amazon. Lippinc 93:474 Ap 14 Blot on the scutcheon. Lippinc 94:62 D '14 Everlasting Eve. Lippinc 92:386 S '13 Heroic treatment. Lippinc 93:596 My '14 Leviathan. Col 52: sup. 14 Ja 10 '14 Mountain laurel. Everybody's 25:158 Ag '11 Pipe dream. Col 51:7 iVIy 24 '13 When Willy and Annie grew up. Amer 75: 131 D '12 Pumpkin: story of a French dragoon. M. E. Seawell. Sat E P 173:3 Mr 23 '01 Pumpkin, M. E. Wilkins. Harp B 33:1863 N 24 '00 Punch Parisian. E. Cahn. Col 52:5 F 21 '14 Punishment of Brand Waecker. W. L. Hawley. Les Mo 55:299 Ja '03 Punishment of Robert. W. D. Nesbit. Sat E P 17S:20 My 26 '06 Punishment and the crime. E. M. Rhodes. Sat E P 179:14 Ap 20 '07 Punishment of the stingy. G. B. Grinnell. Harper 101:323 Ag '00 Pup: a likeable outcast. P. V. Mighels. Met 19:285 N '03 Pup and Hickey. W. Adams. Mun 41:336 Je '09 Puppy love. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 68:649 O '09 Puppy love. E. L. Sabin. Sat E P 179:7 N 17. 16 D S '06 Puppy's lecture. H. A. Shute. Amer 60:633 O '05 Purification of Cornbury. R. E. Robinson. At- lan 89:81 Ja '02 Purification of Palomitas. T. A. Janvier. Har- per 12:448 F '06 Puritan heart. A. de Angelis. Amer 75:36 Mr '13 Puritan maid. E. Elliott. New Eng n s 27:741 F '03 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 243 Purloined Christmas. G. Morris. Col 46:21 D 10 '10 Purloined giraffe. S. T. Stern. Harper 111:801 O 05 Purple and fine linen. E. Aiken. Harper 127:715 O 13 Purple mark. A. Abbott. Forum 42:74 Jl '09 Purple patch. D. Kennicott. Col 50:1S N 16 '12 Purple stockings. E. S. Field. McClure 34:605 Ap lu Purple wig. G. K. Chesterton. McClure 41:136 Jl '13 Pursuit of a teapot. A. Train. Amer 61:37 N '05 Pursuit of happiness. B. D. Lloyd. Harper 115: 777 O '07 Pursuit of the piano. W. D. Howells. Harper 100:725 Ap '00 Pushing to prosperity. F. Crissey. Sat E P 185: 10 Ap 26 '13 Pushkin, Alexander Sergyevitch, 1799-1837 Saow-storni. Lippinc 91:357 Mr '13 Put-up job. E. Cahn. Col 52:16 S 20 '13 Putnam, Nina Wilcox, 1S8S- Little milk. Harper 128:951 My '14 Sandwich man. Amer 78:10 D '14 ^'e^y best thing to do. Mun 43:818 S '10 Putney, Freeman, Jr. Father's rebeUion. Mun 43:350 Je '10 Mrs. Landys castaway. McClure 35:670 O '10 Parasite. New Eng n s 38:92 Mr '08 Prince's compliments. McClure 36:303 Ja '11 Ruby-eyed dragon. Harp W 54:18 O 15, 18 O 22 '10 Uncle Eben's staving housekeeper. New Eng n s 39:247 O OS Putter's first speculation. C. D. Leonard. Sat E P 173:14 Je 15 '01 Putting it over. S. Merwin. Met 35:28 O '12 Putting on the screws. G. Morris. Sat E P lsl:3 Ap 10. 11 Ap 17 '09 Putting one over. W. D. Brenner. Col 53:10 Ag 15 '14 Putting Peter into bankruptcy. E. M. Kelley. Harp W 58:20 Mr 28 '14 Putts. G. Morris. Sat E P 183:14 S 17 "10 Puzzler. R. Kipling. Col 36 19 F 17 '06 Pyeshkoff, Alexei Maximovitch. See Gorky, Maxim, pseud. Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911 Angel and the child. Harper 100:831 My '00 Dead finger. Harper 123:489 S '11 Die of fate. Harper 124:883 My '12 Evil eye. Harper 124:383 F '12 Hope and memory. Cent 63:108 N '01 Huntfords' fair Nihilist. Harper 127:121 Je '13 Fate of a treasure-town. Harper 112:3 D '05 Life for a life. Scrib 27:60 Ja '00 Mysterious chest. Harper 118:3 D '08 Painted pitcher. Harper 123:829 N "11 Ruby of Kishnoor. Harper 115:327 Ag '07 Salem wolf. Harper 120:3 D '09 Travels of the soul. Cent 65:167 D '02 Pymalion of the cornfield. W. B. Foster. Cos- mop 45:539 O '08 Pyre, James Francis Augustine, 1871- Sart gatherer. Outl 101 306 Je 8 '12 Pyrrhic victory. D. Canfield. Everybody's 17: 212 Ag '07 Q pseud. Thomas See Quiller-Couch. Sir Arthur Quad, M., pseud. See Lewis. Charles B. Quaker prfHligal. H. F. Day. Met 17:63 Ja '03 Qualifying. E, Ralmer. Amor 74:697 O '12 Quality. J. Galsworthy. Scrib .'',1:292 Mr *12 Quality of courage. E. Marshall. Met 29:479 F '09 Quality of genius. K. H. Brown. Cent 87:73.") Mr '14 Quality of mercy. F. Converse. Atlan 107:608 My '11 Quality of mercy. C. M. Harger. Harp W 44: 8U4 Ag 25 '00 Quality of mercy. J. M. Oskison. Cent 68:178 Je 04 Quality of mercy. S. Strunsky. Scrib 55:738 Je Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's. L. M. Montgomery. Everybody's 16:495 Ap '07 Quarantined quarrel. E. H. Porter. New Eng n s 34:657 Ag '06 ®"^'^?".*J,"®^ rivals. G. R. Chester. McClure 26:261 Ja 06 Quarrel. M. T. Antrim. Lippinc 79:280 F '07 Quarrel. G. W. Carryl. Col 33:12 Jl 9 04 Quarrel. G. L. Collin. Harper 106:294 Ja '03 Quarrel. K. Jordan. Lippinc 82.237 Ag '08 Quarrel. E. S. Oliver. Outl 86:736 Ag 3 '07 Quarter-^to-eight. J. R. Scott. Lippinc 90:451 Quartette. H. B. Fuller. Harper 121:934 N '10 Qede of the shells. M. A. Hamm. Cent 74:50 My 07 Queen Anne cottages: comedietta. M E M Davis. Sat E P 172:756 F 24 '00 Queen Cophetua. C. Smedley. Lippinc 78:763 D 06 Queen Esther's petition. D. Wolcott. Mun 27: Queen, Helen Duncan After sunset. Delin 83:8 Ag '13 Buck Du Spain. Atlan 100:543 O '07 Unshed tears. Everybody's 25:846 D '11 Queen Mary of Memory Lane. C. W. Morrison. Lippinc 78:657 D '06 Queen of Far-away. L Haynes. Everybody's 10:683 My '04 Queen of girls. R. Bergengren. Everybody's 27:81 Jl '12 Queen of the graveyard ghouls. B. Benefield. L H J 31:9 O '14 Queen of the sawdust ring. A. Ruhl. Col 41:16 S 12 'OS Queen of the slack wire. H. G. Van Campen. -McClure 40:318 Ja '13 Queen's conquest. S MacManus. Everybody's 22:448 Ap '10 Queens of Arcady. A. Brown. Scrib 50:214 Ag Queen's pearl. E. MacVane. McClure 42:113 N Queer bit of the world. R. H. Barbour. Amer 69:273 D '09 Queer feeling. A. H. Donnell. Cosmop 40:531 Mr '06 Queer little thing from Texas. E. H. Brainerd. L H J 22:12 Mr '05 Queerest thing in America. E. Poole. Sat E P 179:8 O 20 '06 t .c or Quentin. J. Oppenheim. Met 35:21 O "12 Quest of Aunt Nancy. E. Jordan. Cent 75:511 F '08 Quest of beauty. A. O'Hagan. Mun 29:406 Je Quest of Roxane. F. Roberts. Delin 63:275 F '04 Quest of Soapy. O. Henry. Cur Lit 45:581 N •08 Quest of the gentle sizzybow. B. Brandenburg. Everybody'.s 19:225 Ag '08 Quest f>f the magic carpet. F. Clarkin. Every- body's 18:222 F 'OS Quest of the pearl. C. B. Taylor. Everybody's 20:46 J a '09 Quest of the ribband. A. Gulterman. Harper 127:479 Ag 'i;! Quest on B.iyou Chicot. E. E. Peake. Harper nH:i>26 Ja '09 Questing veteran. N. Duncan. Harper 120:245 .1.1 '10 244 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Question. G. D. Litchfield. Harper 104:543 Mr o:i Question of character. E. C. Macmechen. Amer 72:lc!0 My '11 Question of charm. A. Stringer. Sat E P 185: 10 Ap 5 '13 Question of climate. W. A. White. Sat E P 17b;5 D 9 '05 Question of command. H. J. O'Higgins. Cent lJ.:i,0 My '06 Question of equity. H. S. Thomas. Atlan 95; 6G1 My '05 Question of expense. M. H. Urner. Cosmop 49: 367 Ag '10 Question of four thousand dollars. L. H. Bick- ford. Mun 33:617 Ag "05 Question of honor. H. Cotes. Lippinc 84:342 S '09 Question of latitude. R. H. Davis. Scrib 48: 1G5 Ag '10 Question of possession. A. Adams. Les Mo 55: 74 N '02 Question of principle. P. E. Browne. Cosmop 44:459 Ap 'OS Question of relationship. M. Howard. Every- body's 3:11 Jl '00 Question of responsibility. O. K. Davis. Every- body's 10:268 F '04 Question of salvage. G. A. England. McClure 33:544 S '09 Question of time. F. A. Collom. Met 12:659 N •00 Question of valor. W. N. Harben. Cent 66:443 Jl '03 Question of wills. A. Brown. Harper 127:538 5 '13 Questionings of Don. M. T. Antrim. Lippinc 81:237 F '08 Quick-decision board. G. S. Richmond. Mc- Clure 20:666 Ap '03 Quick, (John) Herbert, 1861- Belated rebel invasion. Col 40:14 Ja 25 OS Heart of Goliath. Sat E P 181:10 Ag 8 08 Occultation of Florian Amidon. Cosmop 38: 625 Ap '05 Old Hen and the experts. Cent 77:596 F "09 Telepathic tragedy. Cosmop 46:466 Mr '09 Triumph of Billy. Sat E P 179:5 D 8 '06 Quicksand. E. Wharton. Harper 105:13 Je '02 Quicksilver window. R. Hughes. Sat E P 181:8 Je 5 '09 Quiet life. R. Shackleton. Sat E P 186:12 O IS '13 Quiet life, or life on the quiet. H. C. Test. Col 51:17 Jl 19 '13 Quiet woman. M. H. Vorse. Atlan 99:80 Ja '07 Quigley. Sarah Ruth Greater light. New Eng n s 32:48 Mr '05 Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thonnas (Q., pseud.), 1863- Barber-surgeon of Sabugal. Les Mo 51:482 Mr '01 Hotwells duel. Les Mo 54:322 Ag '02 Jest of Ambialet. Met 22:513 Ag '05 Lady of the ship. Cosmop 28:331 Ja '00 Man who could have told. Sat E P 173:5 O 6 '00 Mayor's dovecote. Met 28:252 Je '08 McNeill's parole. Les Mo 51:582 Ap '01 Monkev-flowers. Cosmop 31:405 Ag '01 Phoebus on Halzaphron. Scrib 30:163 Ag 01 Sinbad on Burrator. Scrib 32:146 Ag '02 Tom Tiddler's ground. Atlan 109:621, 826 My- Je '1'- Two scouts. Les Mo 50:123 Je 00 Victor. Sat E P 174:6 Ja 18 '02 Quiller-Couch, Lilian Cousin George. Sat E P 173:8 S 29 '00 Love affairs of Patricia. Sat E P 174:4 Jl 13. 5 A^ 17. 8 S 21. 6 O 26 '01 Sequence in hearts. Sat E P 172:1021 My 5 '00 Quin, Dan, pseud. See Lewis. Alfred Henry Quinn, Arthur Hobson, 1875- Friendship of Foster. Sat E P 173:6 Je 15 '01 Quint, Wilder Dwight Apple Kmgs April fool. Sat E P 172:900 Mr 31 '00 Mother Ann's daughter. Everybody's 10:161 F '04 Quinton, W. W. At the ford. Harp W 56:16 Mr 9 '12 Quirk, Leslie W., 1SS2- His amateur performance. Lippinc 75:11S Ja '05 Quite so. T. B. Aldrich. Outl 86:923 Ag 24 '07 Quitter. H. R. Dur. Everybody s 12:224 F '05 Quitters. R. W. Child. Amer 71:441 F '11 Quitters. R. Thomas. McClure 3S:S4 N '11 Quiverful. F. R. Weir. Mun 49:206 My '13 Quixote of the desert. A. O'Hagan. Harper 106:933 My '03 Quod erat— . R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 177:1 Ap 22 '05 Quondam club. E. S. Martin. Scrib 43:756 Je '08 R R. Bowers, poet. G. M. lurs. Mun 30:180 N '03 R. J.'s mother. M. Deland. Harper 115:353 Ag 07 Rab and Dab; a woman rice-planter's story. See Penninyton, Patience Rabb, Kate IVlilner By giace of Linnaeus. Delin 61:1030 Je '03 institute at Glendeane. Delin 57:776 My '01 Miss Petrie's avocation. Atlan 90:95 Jl '02 Plateau of fatigue. Atlan 91:109 Ja 03 Rabbit and the greyhounds. J. R. Smith. Ev- erybody's i'9:76 Jl '13 Rabbit-pen. S. .\nderson. Harper 129:207 Jl '14 Rabbit, Peter, pseud. See Long, William Joseph Rabbitical adventure. H. Carruth. Harper 106: 501 F '03 Rabbits. C. Marriott. Met 40:26 S '14 Race. A. Brown. Delin 74:407 N '09 Race. H. Johnson. Cent 88:616 Ag '14 Race. S. E. White. Lippinc 66:773 N '00 Race for life. H. Carruth. Harper 103:158 Je ■01 Race for number three. J. London. Cur Lit 52:482 Ap '12 Race of number 19. L. Scott. Amer 61:579 Mr •06 Race of the O'Murchuda. M. Muredach. Col 54:11 N 7 '14 Race of the swift. E. C. Litsey. Les Mo 58:64 My '04 Race on the Missouri. C. D. Stewart. Cent 73: 580 F '07 Race-rioter. H. M. Lyon. Amer 69:506 F '10 Race through the night. E. Jepson. Lippinc 71:274 F '03 Radcliffe, Vernon Marcet's race. New Eng n s 39:692 F "09 Radical judge. A. Fitch. McClure 31:65 My 'OS Radium. G. Morris. Cosmop 53:64 Je '12 Radium robber. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 56:559 Mr •M Radium robbers. E. MacVane. McClure 43:64 Jl '14 Rafferty the recidivist. E. J. Nocton. Cent 74: 692 S '07 Rafferty's rule. F. L. Packard. Col 40:14 Ja 4 •OS Raft, The. T. G. Roberts. Mun 48:762 F '13 Raftery. John H. Miss Bixbv's Indian romance. Everybody s 8: 236 Mr '03 Rag. L. Berthaut. Cur Lit 47:579 N '09 Rag doll. H. O'Higgins. Everybody's 16:395 Mr '07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 245 Ragged edge. K. Jordan. Everybody's 27:69 Jl Ragged edge of forty. K. H. Brown. Scrib 56: 792 D '14 Raging chariot. N. Lloyd. Scrib 56:366 S '14 Raging of the sea. N. Duncan. McClure 18:433 Mr '02 Ragnarok. C. Stone. Cent 83:433 Ja '12 Rags. M. Herford. Delin 84:6 Ja '14 Ragsdale, Lulah Bird of passage. Delin 70:761 N '07 Ragtime lady. E. M. Rhodes. Sat E P 186:22 Jl 26 '13 Rah, rah, rah, Murray. B. E. Stevenson. Lip- pinc 67:754 Je '01 Rahl, Jacob Spirit of loot. Cosmop 45:669 N '08 Raid of the guerilla. C. E. Craddock. Harper 119:196 Jl '09 Railroad idyl. F. H. Sweet. Lippinc 76:510 O 05 Railroad incident. J. H. Paine. Mun 25:748 Ag •01 Railroading a Christmas. B. Tarkington. Col 34:8 D '04 Raimond, C. E., pseud. See Robins, Elizabeth Rainbow's end. K. Norris. Met 34:593 Ag '11 Rain -coat of Rodriguez. W. Inglis. Harp W 51:1092 Jl 27 '07 Raincoat king. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:17 D 3 10 Raine, William IMcLeod, 1871- After Culloden. McClure 16:195 Ja '01 At the mourner's bench. Delin 57:963 Je '01 Cave boy. Cosmop 43:327 Jl '07 Cinderella of the blackberry patch. New Eng n s 26:449 Je '02 Cupid and the river-god. Cosmop 35:457 Ag '03 Daughter of Raasay. Les Mo 53:607 Ap '02 From the chops of the lion. Everybody's 5:97 Jl 01 If a woman will. Outl 68:592 Jl '01 In the matter of the printing steal. Lippinc 77:358 Mr '06 Jeff Wilder's first case. Mun 24:787 F '01 King's understudy. Les Mo 52:364 Ag '01 Laggard in love. Mun 27:436 Je "02 Lights of Strathmuir. Lippinc 78:375 S '06 Man who feared. Les Mo 52:186 Je '01 Melissey. Lippinc 84:3S5 O '09 On the Overland. Mun 28:586 Ja '03 On the road to Buenavista. Lippinc 85:105 Ja ■10 Pesterin' of Bud Jones. L H J 17:12 My '00 Red coat or blue. Delin 5S:5S4 O '01 Renegade rebel. New Eng n s 25:193 O '01 Undoing of Elbertson. Les Mo 52:234 Jl '01 Unpremeditated engagement. Delin 62:668 N '03 Way of a woman. Delin .60:404 S '02 Where love was arbiter. Los Mo 52:15 My *01 Winning of Miss Jimmie Tolliver. Les Mo 53: 221 D '01 Winning of the trans-continental. McClure 14:573 Ap "00 Raise. M. J. Rubin. Amer 76:64 S '13 Rajah. R. A. Wason. Met 28:446 Jl '08 Rajah's tunic. H. C. Rowland. Co.smop 57:741 N '14 Rake-maker's race. S. MacManus. Everybody's lOi.'iO.-! Mr '04 Rakes. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 81:242 F '08 Rake's progress. M. Edglnton. Lippinc 94:83 D '14 Rakish brigantine. J. P.. Connolly. Scrib 56: 214 .\g '14 Rally on the colors. R. K. Deere. Col 53:13 My 30 '14 Rally on the hill. L. Chamberlain. Cent 75: 67.S Mr 'OS Ralph. Julian. 1853-190.1 ConnufTor.s of New York. Harper 104:963 My Ralph, Julian — continued Transformation of Em Durham. Harner 107- 269 Jl '03 a.ii'Ci XV (. Trip with a tin-peddler. Harper 106:692 Ap Ralph Minturn, chauffeur. B. Moses. Delin 75- 53 Ja '10 Ra'Ph Tarrant. L. E. Shipman, Lippinc 68: 643 D 01 Ralston — star reporter. P. S. Hichborn. Met 32:795 S '10 Ramble in Aphasia. O. Henry. Met 21:552 F '05 Ramee, Louise de la. See Ouida, pseud. Ramsay, Cora Helen Creed of Major Carnes. Cent 71:625 F '06 Ramsay, Henry C. One job too many. McClure 35:469 Ag '10 Ramsey, Alicia His wedding feast. Col 52:7 O IS '13 Successful marriage. McClure 42:41 Mr '14 Ranch of the blue sea. J. W. Muller. Lippinc 90:257 S '12 Rand, Sturgis B. Romance of Christmas island. McClure IS- 64 N '01 Randall, C. Walter Old Landy's miracle. Met 26:90 Ap '07 Randall's step. E. Boltwood. Mun 32:216 N '04 Randolph P. Ruggle's Christmas tree. F. ^■eeder. Harper 104:171 D '01 Randolph, '64. A. Train. Sat E P 178:1 D 2 "05 Range rivals. R. K. Culver. Mun 48:106 O '12 Rankin, Mrs. Carroll (Watson), 1S70- Alleviation of a disappointment. Cent 67:478 Ja '04 An unfair advantage. Cent 78:805 S '09 Anti-Foster-pet association. Cent 73:775 Mr At the rising of the sun. Les Mo 54:510 S '02 Courtship of MacGowan. Delin 64:215 Ag '04 Daniel in the lion's den. Delin 68:238 Ag '06 Day of the broiler. Harp B 40:542 Je "07 Dining-car romance. Les Mo 54:97 My '02 Discharging Martha. Cent 77:729 Mr '09 Elevator Cupid. Les Mo 55:326 Ja '03 Embarrassing ordeal. Les Mo 57:116 N '03 Experience with a family paper. Harper 102: 978 My '01 Figs from thistles. Cent 67:953 Ap '04 From the same mold. Cent 74:64S Ag '07 Game of duplicate whist. Everybodv's 9:6S8 N '03 Guide for lightning. Cent 68:327 Je '04 On the wings of the wind. Mun 26:S01 Mr '02 Overworked ring. Cent 79:318 D '09 Selma protective asisociation. Cent 71:55 N '05 Supposing. Met 16:585 N '02 I^nfair advantage. Cent 78:805 S '09 Village improvement. Harper 103:324 Jl '01 Ranny discovers America. H. Brubaker. Har- per 129:522 S '14 Ransom of Mack. O. Henry. McClure 24:123 D ■01 Awakening. Amer 64:403 Ag '07 Uoprisal. Lippinc 93:348 Mr '14 Ransom of Red Chief. O. Ilonrv. Rat K P 180; s Jl 6 '07 Ranson, A. R. H. I'ick. Harper 123:300 Jl '11 Ranson, Joe H. <";inls Mirabills. Met 29:610 Mr '09 Proving, The. Met 27:572 F 'OS Rape of tlip hcau. A. and E. Ca.stle. Posmnp 49:.|S6 8 '10 Rapid conveyance. O. Oliver. I.,oa Mo r>7:.'?01 Ja '04 Rapier nt Ferrara, A. Brownell. Everybody'B .S:!25 F '03 Rasselas In the vegetable kingdom. G. W. raru:born. fol 36:13 D 16 '05 R.it, The. T. Wclffin. Amor 69:6S2 Mr "10 Rat. 11. Wl.'khnm. Mun ?.r,J,:,2 V '07 246 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Rat-trap. J. B. Cabell. Harper 116:50 D '07 Ratcliffe, Will A. ,. , x tvt rr oca to William Dressaw, prodigal. Les Mo 55.ZbO Ja 'U3 Rate war and romance. W. H. Osborne. Les Mo 59:114 N. '04 Back porch. Everybody's 21:33 Jl '09 Boss and Lena. Amer 65:98 N '07 ^-^ ., Cast away in a parlor car. Sat L P 179:ld D 29 "06 Changing woods. Everybody's 25:644 N 11 Clinging vines. Mun 47:574 Jl '12 Domesticated biplane. Mun 46:248 N 11 Exclusive story. Col 42:22 N 14 '08 Flight to freedom. Mun 47:196 My 12 Flying courtship. Mun 49:427 Je '13 Gardendale burglar cure. Amer 63:133 D Ob Green scarab. Sat E P 179:8 My 25 '07 Guiding Horace. Mun 36:163 N '06 Heroism of Mr. Peglow. Everybody s 17:646 His nobler ambition. Sat E P 178:3 Ap 21 '06 Inventor and the wasteful process. Col 48: 25 D 2 '11 Juliet. Col 48:22 F 11 '12 Lady and the octopus. Sat E P 179:5 F 16 07 Lieutenant to Cupid. Met 29:376 Ja '09 Luck of Mr. Hopkins. Amer 66:86 My 08 Mr. Penney's aerial submarine. Cosmop 45: Mr. Trimble's speech. Everybody's 19:105 Jl '08 Mulcahey's biddy. The. Mun 37:146 My '07 Not at home. Sat E P 180:18 N 23 '07 Paddling Sam. Mun 46:557 Ja '12 Philosophy at Gardendale. Amer 62:671 O 06 Transfer of Google. Everybody's 18:241 F 08 Rathom, John Revelstoke Fight with a muskallonge. Scrib 31:534 My OZ Rats. W. H. Smith. Amer 76:64 Ag '13 Rattlesnake's mate. H. Tompkins. New Eng n s 44:555 Jl '11 Ravenscroft, James Circle of death. Met 25:510 Ja '07 Raw prose. K. H. Brown. Scrib 55:683 My '14 Raw recruit. E. de Amicis. Cur Lit 46:340 Mr '09 Rawhide. S. E. White. McClure 24:21, 172 N- D '04 Rawson, Mrs. Maud Stepney Cantator; a legend of Rye town retold. Har- per 106:787 Ap '03 King Custom. Harper 103:718 O '01 Lady Clemency welcomes a guest. Harper 108:541 Mr '04 ^^ __. My Lady Clemency goes to Rye. Harper 107. 230 Jl '03 ^„ , , ,^^ One summer's day. Col 35:13 Ap 1 05 Pepita and the king. Harp W 48:648 Ap ^6 •04 Stairway of honor. Harper 108:199 Ja '04 Warrior's mother. Harper 105:173 Jl '02 Rawton's speech. E. Duval. Harp W 52:16 S 5 '08 Ray of displacement. H. P. Spofford. Met 19:37 O '03 Ray of light. R. Bergengren. Mun 45:343 Je '11 Raymond Byatt. A. E. W. Mason. Met 41:32 D '14 Raymond, Charles Harvey . Anderson of the volunteers. Lippmc 91:463 Ap '13 Bond. Lippinc 87:114 Ja '11 ^^ ^^, ^ ,_ Night for romance. Lippmc 89:884 Je 12 Regeneration of Smith. Lippinc 89:418 Mr 1^ Raymond, Clifford S. At the tomb. Amer 73:469 F '12 Bite of the lamb. Amer 73:650 Ap 12 Brick from the wall. Amer 76:71 O '13 Spoiling the Egyptians. Amer 73:523 Mr 12 Rayner, Emma „ „ ,„„ Her Christmas husband. L H J 27:7 D '09 Rayner, Olive P., pseud. See Allen, (Charles) Grant B. Ray's daughter. C. King. Lippinc 65:803 Je '00 Rea, Ida Katherine Williams Blue bowl. Harper 125:965 N '12 Reaching for the moon. G. Schock. Harper 127:842 N '13 Reaction. E. F. Stearns. Les Mo 56:544 O '03 Read, Marion Pugh Dr. Cornthwait's mistake. Amer 76:17 Jl '13 Fancy and fate. Harper 126:641 Mr '13 Keepsakes. Cent 88:460 Jl '14 Old road. Cent 88:179 Je '14 When silence was golden. Harper 124:122 D '11 Read, Opie (Arkansas Traveler, pseud.) Cavalier of the careless fifties. Sat E P 176:1 Jl 25 '03 Smith girl's slight. Sat E P 172:832 Mr 10 '00 Reading maketh a full man. A. Knapp. Cent 78:94 My '09 Readjustment. M. H. Austin. Harper 116:694 Ap '08 Readjustments. S. B. Elliott. Harper 120:824 My '10 Readolescence of Mr. Tibbs. P. E. Browne. Cosmop 49:199 Jl '10 Ready letter-writer. M. Michelson. Cent 68: 913 O '04 Reagan's fast run. F. W. Mack. Everybody's 10:663 My '04 Real Agatha. E. H. Mason. L H J 23:7 Ap, 9 My. 11 Je '06 Real Alcestis. A. Winter. New Eng n s 33:723 Ja '06 Real American Sherlock Holmes. G. Gardner. Met 15:561 My '02 Real Atlantis. R. Dunn. Everybody's 22:110 Ja '10 Real birthday of Dorante. A. S. Hardy. Harper 123:138 Je '11 Real daughter of the revolution. C. Gebhardt. Lippinc 69:643 Je '02 Real detective. H. Oyen. Col 51:17 Je 14 '13 Real Margaret. I. B. Roberts. Lippinc 75:228 F '05 Real sport, M. S. Cutting. Delin 78:85 Ag '11 Real story of a real girl, L H J 25:15 Ap '08 Real thing. A. W. Bailey. Outl 79:598 Mr 4 '05 Real thing. M. W. Goodwin. Cent 79:541 F '10 Real thing. K. M. Roof. Lippinc 79:606 My '07 Real tragedy. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 26:363 D '01 Realization. J. Elyom. Cosmop 35:404 Ag '03 Realm of enchantment. S. H. Adams. McClure 23:520 S '04 Reamer, Lawrence Star of the evening. Harp W 54:22 Je 4 '10 Reapers. S. F. Bullock. McClure 14:473 Mr '00 Reappearance. A. Courlander. Outl 99:963 D 23 '11 Rear guard. W. L. Comfort. Met 22:333 Je '05 Reason why. E. Lefevre. Everybody's 26:593 My '12 Reasoner, Elsie Number 472: his kid. Met 18:805 S '03 Rebecca Mary's bereavement. A. H. Donnell. Harper 111:132 Je '05 Rebecca Mary's diary. A. H. Donnell. Harper 110:359 F '05 Rebecca's thought book. K. D. Wiggin. Scrib 40:524 N '06 Rebellion of a millionaire. J. V. Des Voignes. Amer 63:488 Mr '07 Rebellion of Kitty Bell. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 182:18 Ap 2 '10 Rebellion of Lydia. R. Thomas. Cosmop 47: 197 Jl '09 Rebellion of M'lindy Ann. J. T. Bishop. Mun 31:124 Ap '04 Rebellion of Peter. W. Scatcherd. Cosmop 45: 505 O '08 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 247 Rebellion of Wilhelmina. E. Singmaster. Cent S2:731 S '11 Rebellion of William Henry. H. Templeton. De- lin 64:66 Jl '04 rtebellious grandmother. T. Bailey. Harper 129: 5S8 S '14 Rebuilt life. G. L. Burton. Sat E P 184:3 Mr 23 '12 Recalling of George. E. C. McCants. Every- body's 6:543 Je '02 Recaptured: a Philippine war story. C. King. Sat E P 174:6 N 30 '01 Recession of Mrs. McElway Bates. L. K. Mabie. Mun 28:369 D '02 Rechristening Cornell. B. Goodman. Sat E P 183:37 Je 3 '11 Reciprocity. M. B. Shipp. Mun 46:497 Ja '12 Recklessness of Edwy. W. B. Foster. Mun 29: 110 Ap '03 Reckoning. J. Anderson. Col 49:16 Jl 13 '12 Reckoning. R. L. Black. McClure 32:507 Mr '09 Reckoning. E. Wharton. Harper 105:342 Ag '02 Reclaiming of Peter. C. E. Laughlin. Les Mo 59:264 Ja '05 Recognition. F. V. Keys. Forum 42:248 S '09 Recollections of a police inspector. T. F. Byrnes. Harp W 49:1744 D 2 '05 Recommendation to mercy. S. W. MacConnell. Everybody's 23:678 N '10 Recompense. A. H. Donnell. Atlan 95:534 Ap ■05 Recompense. D. C. Scott. Mun 38:25 O '07 Reconciliation. A. O'Hagan. Harper 105:941 N •02 Records, Erschel S. Lynn Bruner's encore. Delin 75:232 Mr '10 Recovery. E. Wharton. Harper 102:468 F '01 Recrudescence of Madame A'ic. T. A. Janvier. Harper 112:513 Mr '06 Recruit. E. L. Misner. Met 28:190 My '08 Rector and the girl. H. L. Andrews. L H J 27:8 Jl '10 Red; the special-delivery messenger. H. M. Price. L H J 25:20 Jl 'OS Red banners. E. Chirikov. Harp W 51:1802 D 7 '07 Red bird. E. M. Coombs. Lippinc 88:872 D '11 Red Bird, he can see. M. P. Montague. Atlan 112:617 N '13 Red block. M. Foster. Everybody's 21:259 Ag '09 Red brother and the white brother. Ingraham. New Eng n s 44:602 Jl '11 Red chow. H. B. M. Watson. Harp W 54:9 Mr 19 '10 Red coat or blue. W. M. Raine. Delin 58:584 O '01 Red Cross girl. R. H. Davis. Sat E P 184:3 Mr 2 '12 Red Cross train. V. Rousseau. Harp W 54:25 O 1 '10 Red face of Feerish Ali. J. F. Dwyer. Col 48:21 Mr 9 '12 Red Ferry. R. W. Chamber.s. Sat E P 181:6 S 19 'OS Red-haired Cupid. H. W. Phillips. McCIure 17: 371 Ak '01 Red Hanrahan's curse. W. R. Yeats. Col 51: 16 Je Jl '13 Red Hanrahan's vision. W. B. Yeats. McClure 24:469 Mr '05 Red horsie. T. P. Byron. Everybody's 25:733 1/ -11 Red King. J. Ander.son. Harp W 56:16 .11 Ki ■12 Red law and the white. J. BWthr-n. Kvfiy- body^H 7:46fi N '02 Red magic. A. C. Goodloe. Cent 59:838 Ap '00 Red Mike, alias Mitzkowanski. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 54:44 D "12 Red peril. M. D. Post. Sat E P 184:18 Je 1 '12 Red poppies. A. Brown. Delin 78:144 S '11 Red ribbon. R. F. Foster. McClure 23:177 Je '04 Red Riding- Hoods. E. Phillpotts. Les Mo 55: 185 D ^02 Red owl. R. Sabatini. Everybody's 3:336 O '00 Red Rose of St. John. J. V. Z. Belden. Mun 27:969 S '02 Red roses versus white. I. Hoffman. Met 17: 2S0 Je '03 Red rocker. K. Groesbeck. Everybody's 24:279 F '11 Red Saunders at Big Bend. H. W. Phillips. McClure 22:227 Ja '04 Red Saunders' burglar. H. W. Phillips. Mun 53:540 D '14 Red Saunders orange blossoms. H. W. Phillips. Mun 53:340 N '14 Red stage door. B. Musson. Met 16:499 N '02 Red tape. W. Adams. Met 29:62 O '08 Red tassels. M. S. Briscoe. Cent 66:381 Jl '03 Red, the mediator. M. Glass. Mun 36:621 F '07 Red trunk. R. W. Child. Met 38:13 My '13 Red Wolf. A. French. New Eng n s 23:181 O •00 Redbranche, A. F. Mi.ss Noel's reason. Harper 103:556 S '01 Reddale, Frederic Castle in Spain. New Eng n s 25:360 N '01 Figs from thistles. Lippinc 73:515 My '04 Heir to millions. Lippinc 72:387 O '03 Manila madness. Lippinc 76:385 O '05 Other man. Lippinc 70:515 N '02 Transaction in rubies. Lippinc 75:129 F '05 Redder's lich, The. K. Harris. Sat E P 185:20 O 5 '12 Redemption. E. C. Waltz. Cent 66:702 S '03 Redemption of Fullback Jones. J. Hopper. Sat E P 185:12 O 26 '12 Redemption of Joel Prentiss. O. K. Davis. Cosmop 34:57 N '02 Redemption of Mabel Muriel. E. G. Jordan. Harp B 38:163 F '04 Redfern, Doris Polly Maria's wish. New Eng n s 34:93 Mr •06 Redmoat. S. Rohmer. Col 50:18 Mr 15 '13 Redmond of the Daisy Deane. M. Foster. Mun 2:.: nil My '01 Reds Hagan's mother. J. S. Lopez. Harp W 5J:lt; Jl IS 'OS Reduction cure for Kitty James. E. G. Jordan. llaiper 124:188 Ja '12 Redwood Santa Claus. J. C. Bull. Lippinc 72: 7J0 D 'US Reed, Eleanor C. Voice ill the night. New Eng n s 29:682 F '04 Reed, Herbert Kicking to beat the band. Col 54:5 N 28 '14 Reed. John S., 1S87- ("(.ok and the captain bold. Met 41:21 N '14 Man from the Seine. Cent 84:285 Je '12 Moti.siiur VidoT>lni-HH of Mrs. Mnlriwarlng. Mot 10:390 O •oi; On IIm- beach. Lph Mo 54:406 Ag '02 248 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Reese, Lizette Woodworth, 1856- Cornelia's birthday. Harper 107:25 Je '03 Henrietty. Lippinc 76:616 N '05 Lavender. Lippinc 73:605 My '04 Prophet's chamber. Harp W 56:16 O 26 '12 Seventy times seven. Lippinc 90:346 S '12 Reese, Mabel Meredith Bride he brought his mother. L H J 26:16 Ap '09 Reeve, Arthur Benjamin, ISSO- Air-pirate. Cosmop 56:-69 Ja '14 Artificial paradise. Cosmop 51:664 O '11 Azure ring. Cosmop 51:116 Je '11 Bacillus of death. Cosmop 52:211 Ja '12 Bacteriological detective. Cosmop 50:346 F 11 Billionaire baby. Cosmop 56:374 F '14 Black hand. Cosmop 51:479 S '11 Bomb-maker. Cosmop 55:775 N '13 Case of Helen Bond. Cosmop 50:113 D '10 Curio shop. Cosmop 57:127 Je '14 Dead-line. Cosmop 56:849 My '14 Deadly tube. Cosmop 50:558 Mr '11 Death house. Cosmop 55.506 S '13 Devil-woishipers. Cosmop 57:644 O '14 Diamond maker. Cosmop 50:836 My '11 Dream doctor. Cosmop 55:324 Ag '13 Elixir of life. Cosmop 55:228 Jl '13 Eugenic bride. Cosmop 56:636 Ap '14 Family skeleton. Cosmop 57:484 S 14 Firebug. Cosmop 52:566 Mr '12 Forger. Cosmop 53:273 Jl '12 Germ letter. Cosmop 57:244 Jl '14 Ghouls, The. Cosmop 56:59 D '13 Green curse. Cosmop 54:621 Ap 13 Happy dust. Cosmop 57:757 N '14 Invisible ray. Cosmop 53.704 O '12 Master counterfeiter. Cosmop 52:419 b 12 Murder syndicate. Cosmop 58:31 D '14 Mystery of the seismograph. Cosmop 50:b(» Phamtom circuit. Cosmop 55:100 Je '13 Poisoned pen. Cosmop 52:835 My '12 Radium robber. Cosmop 56:559 Mr '14 Sand-hosr. Cosmop 52:92 D '11 Silent bullet. Cosmop 50:261 Ja 11 Smuggler. Cosmop 53:563 S '12 -, .^.i Spontaneous combustion case. Cosmop 51:lt)i Jl '11 Steel door. Cosmop 51:736 N 11 Submarine mystery. Cosmop 55:676 U 1^ Sybarite. Cosmop 54:774 My '13 Terror in the air. Cosmop 51:376 Ag 11 Unofficial spy. Cosmop 53:384 Ag 12 White slave. Cosmop 53:128 Je 12 Wireless wire-tappers. Cosmop 5/:343 Ag 14 Yeggman. Cosmop 52:681 Ap '12 Reeves, Albert Benton ^ Blind goddess at Dodge. McClure 30:^67 Ap '08 Reeves, Grant Trask Breaking-in of Fatty. Lippinc 94:360 S 14 Refining influence of Captain Kidd. R. Bergen- gren. Everybody's 26:173 F '12 Reflected lights. H. C. Prince. Delin 59:265 F •02 Reflections of a beginning husband. E. S. Mar- tin. Harper 122:45 D '10 Reform and a telegram. H. Eggleston. Met 16: 198 Ag '02 Reform at Red Ant. H. Pendexter. Sat E P 177:4 Mr 4 '05 Reform campaign in Meriweather county. M. Adeler. Sat E P 176:9 N 7 '03 Reform of Shaun. A. French. Everybody's 9: 664 N '03 Reform spasm. G. R. Chester. Sat B P 182:10 O 16 '09 Reformation of Bullfinch. W. E. Cairns. Harp W 47:628 Ap 18 '03 Reformation of Jack Ketch. J. Hopper. Mc- Clure 32:500 Mr '09 Reformation of Jenkins. N. H. Crowell. L,es Mo 58:690 O '04 Reformation of Lucilla Clark. L. M. Houts. New Eng n s 33:81 S '05 Reformation of Michael Doolan. A. S. Allen. Everybody's 10:95 Ja '04 Reformation of O'Hara. M. Roberts. Sat E P 185:30 F 15 '13 Reformation of Sam Amos. E. C. Hall. Cos- mop 47:42 Je '09 Reformed traveller. S. Preston. Scrib 33:368 Mr '03 Reformer. J. G. Frederick. Les Mo 53:442 F '02 Reformer reformed. E. Flower. Col 33:14 Je 11 '04 Reformers. C. Smith. Harp W 54:10 Ja 8 "10 Reformers three. E. D. Biggers. Met 25:278 D •06 Reforming a burglar. H. Carruth. Harper 101: 801 O '00 Reforming of a bridegroom. H. R. Martin. Mc- Clure 28:S9 N '06 Refuge. S. F. Whitman. Col 40:14 F 29 '08 Refuge in the Bronx. W. P. Eaton. Every- body's 17:519 O '07 Regenerate. N. Duncan. Cent 81:439 Ja '11 Regeneration of Isaiah. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 74:353 S '04 Regeneration of Mary Mather. C. E. Ward. Lippinc 71:411 Mr '03 Regeneration of Petlow. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 56:9 D 21 '12 Regeneration of Smith. C. H. Raymond. Lip- pinc 89:418 Mr '12 Regeneration of the O'Tooles. R. C. Dorr. Ev- erybody's 12:561 Ap '05 Regeneration of young Hawley. N. Sheridan. New Eng n s 26:289 My '02 Reggie Livingstones' country life. D. Gray. Cent 67:133 N '03 Regilding of Alic Enoc. M. Howard. Every- body's 2:426 My '00 Regina's path is crossed. D. Deakin. Sat B P 180:14 F 15 '08 Regis, Roger Lucky number, tr. by H. B. Meyer. Cur Lit 53:478 O '12 Parigofs journey. Cur Lit 48:348 Mr '10 Registered. M. Nicholson. Sat E P 186:5 Ag 16 '13 Regression of Professor Slocum. H. D. Ward. Cent 70:38 My '05 Regressive vengeance. R. E. Beach. Lippinc 75:88 Ja '05 Rehabilitation of David Mallett. J. Henley. Mun 26:105 O '01 Rehabilitation of Dusty Davis. W. B. Lewis. Met 11:551 My '00 Rehabilitation of General Todhunter. B. Whit- lock. Harper 129:92 Je '14 Rehabilitation of Simeon Lowe. B.Howell. Harp ^V 44:1243 D 22 '00 Rehn, Frank K. M., Jr. Trailers of Dreams Co. Cosmop 50:848 My '11 Reichman, Arthur Better man. New Eng n s 41:430 D '09 Reid, Mrs. Alberta Bancroft, 1873- Being a grandmother to men. L H J 27:8 Ap '10 Disembodied whistle. Mun 23:224 My '00 Thirteenth move. McClure 31:308 Jl '08 Reid, Charles Sloan Circus mascot. Mun 25:549 Jl '01 In the wilderness. Mun 28:383 D '02 Stranger. Mun 28:914 Mr '03 Reign of Lady Susan. C. Van C. Mathews. Harp B 37:530 Je '03 Reign of Queen Isyl. G. Burgess and W. Irwin. Everybody's 9:18 Jl '03 Reign of Regina. D. Deakin. Sat E P 180:12 Ja 11 '08 Reign of sentiment. M. F. Egan. Cent 68:585 Ag '04 Reign of the doll. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 108:285 Ja '04 Reincarnation of Rourke. W. D. Nesbit. Sat B P 177:3 S 3 '04 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 249 Reincarnation of Smith. B. Harte. New Eng n s 25:17 S '01 Rejected planet. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 181:10 D 16 '11 Rejected suitor. D. Canfleld. Everybody's 15: 270 Ag '06 Rejected uplift. B. R. Hoover. Everybody's 22; 54 Ja '10 Relapse in barbarism. V. T. Sutplien. Harp W 47:23 D 12 '03 Release. I. B. Roberts. Lippinc 74:361 S '04 Release of Benjamin Cudd. T. Hopkins. Mc- Clure 15:116 Je '00 Relentlessness. S. F. Whitman. Met 34:741 S ■11 Reluctant appendix. E. Lefevre. Sat E P 1S6: 8 F 28 '14 Reluctant Mr. Ruydam. E. S. Field. Cosraop 44:309 Ja 'Ot. Reluctant prince. G. A. Smith. Scrib 56:237 Ag ■14 Reluctant Raleigh. G. M. Cooke. Everybody's 16:130 Ja 'U7 Reluctant voyager. C. H. Brown. Harper 126: 523 Mr '13 Remarkable adventures of Raffles Holmes. See Bangs, John Kendrick Re-meeting. R. V., Risley. Lippinc 66:476 S '00 Rembrandt. E. Wharton. Cosmop 29:429 Ag '00 Remember Jules. L. Mott. Cent 70:670 S '05 Remer, Karl Atavism. Forum 52:515 O '14 Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909 Billys tearless woe. McClure 16:455 Mr '01 Desert romance. Cent 63:522 F '02 Failure of justice. Harper 100:267 Ja '00 Natchezs Pass. Harper 102:437 F 01 They bore a hand. Harper 100:705 Ap '00 Way of an Indian. Cosmop 40:37 N '05 Remington, Janet Way wonderful. McClure 24:206 D '04 Reminiscence of the Montana Hills. F. Van R. Dey. Everybodys 8:57 Ja '03 Reminiscences. E. S. Chamberlayne. Les Mo 53:354 Ja '02 Reminiscences of an old clock. E. B. Sherman. New Kng n s 30:344 My '04 Remittance man. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 75: 733 Je '05 Remittance man. I. Forrester. Mun 46:853 Mr 12 Remittance man. W. A. Eraser. Sat E P 174:4 N 9, 10 N '16 Remnitz, ■\/irginia 'Veaman Afterward. Scrib 45:622 My '09 Her experiment. Cosmop 37:275 Jl '04 Imprisoned voice. Cent 87:434 Ja '14 Little mortals. Atlan 85:693 My '00 Miracle of little Noel. Cent 85:181 D '12 Service of mammon. Atlan 91:531 Ap '03 Stranger. Harper 104:821 Ap '02 Truants from heaven. Harper 103:919 N '01 Remodeling of Mudge. E. Jerome. Col 51:1G Ag 2 '13 Remolding it. L. A. Long. McClure 28:275 Ja ■07 Removal of Barney McFee. F. Condon. Mun 53:364 N '14 Renaissance of Peter Van Brunt. L. K. Mabie. .Mun :;s:l(;3 N '07 Renascence of Sapphira. C. D. Stewart. Atlan 9 1; 633 N '04 Renegade. G. Pattullo. Sat E*P 181:8 My 1 '09 Renegade. M. Wolfen.stein. Outl 66:34 S 1 '00 Renegade rebel. W. M. Ualne. New Eng n h 25:193 O '01 Renegation of Hogg. H. Whitaker. Cent 74: 151 My '07 Reno, George When tho light failed. McClure 14:461 Mr '00 Rent veil. O. H. Dunbar. Cent 77:272 D 'OS Rentin' hens. F. Pier. Cent 83:214 D '11 Renton's mother. L. S. Portor. Atlan 111:596 My '13 Renunciation. B. Lessing. Cosmop 43:183 Je 07 Renunciation at Cloven Hoof. E. E. Peake. Harper 116:362 F 'U8 Renunciation of Petrus. S. Ford. Harper 107: 601 S '03 Reparation. E. B. Pottle. Harper 110:699 Ap 05 Reparation. L B. Roberts. Les Mo 58:28 My '04 Repentant rogue. E. M. Dell. Everybody's 2: 258 Mr '00 Reporter. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 44:15 O 30 '09 Reporter who made a story. L. Buchanan. LipiJinc J>0:358 S 07 Repplier, Agnes, 1858- Conveut stage. Atlan 95:749 Je '05 Game of love. Atlan 96:547 O '05 In retreat. Atlan 96:110 Jl '05 Marianus. Atlan 94:822 D '04 Reverend Motliers feast. Atlan 96:673 N '05 Third generation. Atlan 105:312 Mr '10 Un conge sans cloche. Atlan 96:214 Ag '05 Unconventional mourner. Atlan 98:21 Jl '06 Representing T. A. Buck. E. Ferber. Amer 72.442 Ag '11 Reprieve. A. H. Donnell. New Eng n s 36:589 Jl '07 Reprieve. M. Harris. Amer 65:202 D '07 Reprieve. E. L. Walton. Everybody's 14:125 Ja 'UO Reprieved. K. H. Brown. Scrib 38:56 Jl '05 Reprisal. J. H. Ranson. Lippinc 93:318 Mr '14 Reprobate. F. A. Simons. Everybody's 18:704 My 'OS Reputation of Santa Claus. S. V. Roderick. Everybody's 12:127 Ja '05 Reputation of the Bella B. H. L. Smith. Mc- Clure 33:224 Je '09 Requiem of the drums. B. O'Neill. Cosmop 30: 401 F '01 Requirements of the situation. G. Hibbard. -McClure 21:381 Ag '03 Requital. G. E. Channing. Sat E P 186:6 My 9 '14 Requital. A. M. Estabrook. Harper 107:633 S 03 Requital. M. T. Van Denburgh. Met 14:195 Ag '01 Rescue. C. B. Davis. Col 45:17 My 21 '10 Rescue. L. W. Dodd. Cosmop 38:547 Mr '05 Rescue. See Sedgwick, Anne D. Rescue. E. Wood. Harper 103:94 Je '01 Rescue of a snob. 11. Rhodes. Met 33:293 D '10 Rescue of the gods. E. Taylor. Scrib 4 1:727 D '08 Rescue of Theophilus Newbegin. A. Train. Sat E P 180:3 S 21. 14 S 28 '07 Rescue of Warren Tyrrwell. E. P. Oppenhelm. -Mun 50:439 D '13 Resemblance. C. Benedict. Harper 115:519 S 07 Reserved rights. F. G. Jones. Sat E P 187 :S l» 26 -14 Resignation. M. C. Dyar. Harper 119-213 Jl '09 Resignation of I'rofessor Elsworth. C. lu-no- ilict. ilarix'r 122:627 Mr '11 Resource of Knndall. II. C. Rowliiiul. Scrib ::i:r,L'l N '03 Respectability shop. W. I'.iyno. Sat K P 180:8 Ak 3 '(17 Respectable woman, 1850. E. E. French. Ev- er vhodys 16:561 Ap '07 Respecters of law. A. D. Miller. Harper 127: 954 .\ '13 Resplce Jliuni. .1. Marks. Atlan 100:3Sl 8 '07 Rest 5 S 06 Resurrection, A. M, L. Radford. Mun 37:675 Ag '07 Resurrection of a minister. E. Copeman. New Eng n s :i6:574 Jl '02 Resurrection of Edith. E. Fawcett. Lippinc 71: S5 Ja '03 Resurrection of P. I. G. W. A. Eraser. Lip- pinc 71:104 Ja '03 Resurrectionist. F. T. Hill. Outl 102:889 D 28 ■12 Retaining fees. F. A. Steel. Met 19:550 Ja '04 Retreat. E. Singmaster. Scrib 42:12 Jl '07 Retreat from Gettysburg. N. Lloyd. Scrib 47: 73S Je '10 Retreat of the Greeks. W. L. Comfort. Les Mo 59:471 F '05 Retreat of the ten. J. A. Altsheler. Cosmop 3S:33 N '04 Retribution. Mrs. W. A. Leland. Everybody's 6:225 Ag '01 Retributive trip. J. Cooper. McClure 26:561 Mr ■06 Retrieved reform. O. Henry. Cosmop 34:632 Ap 03 Retroactive wager. H. Sears. Sat E P 176:7 N 21 '03 Retrograding of Joe Snibley. M. I. Fisk. Ev- erybody's 18:856 Je 'OS Retrospect and a repentance. E. Harlan. Met 17:b.l Ja '03 Return. R. B. Canedy. New Eng n s 35:225 O 06 Return. B. M. Dix. Lippinc 72:450 O '03 Return. E. Duvall. Harp W 48:50 D 10 '04 Return. C. Goodloe. Scrib 47:96 Ja '10 Return. C. Hamilton. Cosmop 38:337 Ja '05 Return. M. Harris. Harper 114:529 Mr '07 Return. A. E. McFarlane. Everybody's 15:217 Ag '06 Return. A. O'Hagan. Mun 23:91 Ap '00 Return. M. H. Potter. Harp W 55:16 N 11 '11 Return. M. A. P. Stansbury. Harp B 47:273 Je 13 Return. M. H. Urner. Everybody's 22:245 F '10 Return of Cal Clawson, B.M. B. Briscoe. Met 25:316 D '06 Return of Captain Spink. M. Roberts. Sat E P 1S2:6 Ag 21 '09 Return of Endymion. Z. Gale. Everybody's 16 642 My '07 Return of Eno Garden. C. B. Loomis. Mun 44 733 F '11 Return of Eric Bancroft. J. Lee. Harper 117 827 N '08 Return of father. A. Brown. Harp B 42:1045 N '08 Return of his youth. V. Wilmot. New Eng n s 24:546 Jl '01 Return of Lucero. R. Russ. Met 22:709 S '05 Return of Mr. Wills. M. Austin. Cent 74:244 Je '07 Return of Nita. W. A. De Puy. Harp W 50: 13SS S 29 '06 Return of Rebecca. M. T. Antrim. Lippinc 88: 100 Jl '11 Return of Rebecca Mary. A. H. Donnell. Harper 111:697 O '05 Return of Santa Claus. E. L. Sabin. Every- body's 17:840 D '07 Return of Sister Juliana. E. M. Tybout. Lip- pinc 74:506 O '04 Return of the aberrant. A. M. Estabrook. Les Mo 60:117 My '05 Return of the Ancient. G. S. Chappell. Cent 73:467 Ja '07 Return of the gipsy. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Mc- Clure 27:86 My '06 Return of the sergeant. W. H. Wilson. Harp W 44:872 S 15 '00 Return of the viking. H. D. Stackpoole. Lip- pinc 94:459 O '14 Return to Arcady. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:13 Ja 21 '11 Return to nature. I. Hay. Amer 75:35 F '13 Return to nature. M. L. Luther. Sat E P 177:6 Ap 9 05 Returning, The. E. C. Hall. Met 17:93 Ja '03 Reuniting of two head-line acts. H. Green. Mun 42:399 D '09 Reveillon. W. S. Moody. Scrib 38:678 D '05 Revel of the sacred cats. P. L. Allen. Scrib 35:93 Ja '04 Revelation. D. Canfield. Everybody's 18:321 Mr OS Revelation in Arcadia. N. Syrett. Harper 105: 327 Ag 02 Revelation in the Pennyrile. E. Macpherson. Scrib 31:44 Ja '02 Revenge. T. Masson. Cosmop 38:115 N '04 Revenge. H. C. Prince. Delin 65:1015 Je '05 Revenge in Lehigh county. E. D. Yale. Cent 84:239 Je '12 Revenge of Big Joe. L. Eastman. Cent 77:350 Ja 09 Revenge of chanticleer. E. Dimnet. Allan 103:689 My '09 Revenge of Rats Keeler. W. F. French. Lip- pinc 93:490 Ap '14 Revenge of Yours Truly. E. A. Bosworth. Les Mo 52:406 Ag '01 Revenue of the ci-own. W. M. Browne. Scrib 27:344 Mr '00 Reverdy's revoke. F. W. Wharton. Cosmop 33:193 Je '02 Revere, Clinton T. Enamel bug in Black canon. Allan 95:30 Ja ■05 Suspended sentence. McClure 28:535 Mr '07 Uncle Luke's downfall. Lippinc 74:657 N '04 Reverend Bong. H. M. Rideout. Met 28:484 Ag 'OS Reverend Mother's feast. A. Repplier. Allan 96:673 N '05 Rev. Pilgreen's wooing. M. Crim. Lippinc 70: 107 Jl '02 Reverend Robert North. M. W. Slater. Cos- mop 42:492 Mr '07 Reversal of form. L. G. Giltner. New Eng n s 28:212 Ap '03 Reversal of Sedan. G. T. Wesson. Harp W 52: 22 N 14 'OS Reversal of Winchester. M. PoUock-Pogue. Mun 27:430 Je 02 Reverse of a medal. H. W. Phillips. Sat B P 174:4 Je 21 '02 Reversed decree. S. Ziegler. Cosmop 43:189 Je 07 Reversion of Pietro. A. McEwen. Cosmop 47: 722 N '09 Reversion to type. J. D. DasTiam. Scrib 31: 452 Ap '02 Revival of Lucia. K. M. Roof. Cent 75:419 Ja ■ns Revival sermon at Little St. Johns. J. Bennett. Atlan 9S:25fi Ag '06 Revoke. J. Barnes. Scrib 46:74 Jl '09 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 251 Revolt of a hero. E. Flower. Outl 86:467 Je 29 '07 Revolt of Bismarck. K. Harris. Sat E P 179:8 Ja 12 '07 Revolt of Father Prindle. M. M. Huey. L H J 31:7 Je 14 Revolt of Jepson. E. L. Haskell. Harp B 43: 658 Jl '09 Revolt of Sophia Lane. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 108:20 D '03 Revolution at Satan's Trap. N. Duncan. Cent 74:185 Je '07 Revolutions of the Evelyn R. J. B. Connolly. Met 39:9 N '13 Revolving year. E. "Wood. McClure 25:177 Je ■05 Reward of battle. J. Le Breton. Everybody's 2:462 My '00 Reward of honor. S. S. Titsworth. Every- body's 8:55 Ja '03 Reward of unrighteousness. J. W. Muller. Lip- pinc 92:743 D '13 Reward of virtue. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 44:395 O '08 Reward of virtue. G. W. Carryl. Lippinc 72: 712 D '03 Reyher, Ferdinand M,, 1891- Dream of Callinan. Forum 50:494 O '13 Reykjavik to Gloucester. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 30:216 Ag '01 Reynolds, John P., Jr. Behind the veil. New Eng n s 23:300 N '00 Reynolds, Katharine Two men. Col 51:17 Je 21 '13 Reynolds, Minnie Josephine, 1865- Case of Katie Reed. Amer 64:131 Je '07 Episode in Elinor's life. Mun 29:665 Ag '03 Katherine's mother. Outl 103:164 Ja 25 "13 Little red book. Forum 49:718 Je '13 Patito di Rinaldo. Mun 30:559 Ja '04 Rheumatism of Rajah. W. A. Jacobs. New Eng n s 37:630 Ja '08 Rheumatisim trust. E. Jarrold. Harper 107: 816 O '03 Rhines, E. May Mysteiious telegram. Met 16:420 O '02 Rhodes, Eugene Manlove Awaited hour. Everybody's 18:691 My '08 Beyond the desert. McCIure 42:52 F '14 Come-on, The. Sat E P 180:3 N 23, 5 N 30 '07 Consider the lizard. Sat E P 185:5 Je 28 "13 Executive mind. Sat E P 181:15 Ap 24 '09 Extra number. Sat E P 179:8 Je 1 '07 Good men and true. Sat E P 182:3 Ja 8, 9 Ja 15 '10 His father's flag. McClure 19:492 O '02 Line of least resistance. Sat E P 183:3 Ag 13, 15 Ag 20, 17 Ag 27. 23 S 3 '10 Little Eohippus. Sat E P 185:3 N 30, 21 D 7, 20 D 14, 19 D 21, 17 D 28 '12 Long shift. McClure 29:384 Ag '07 Man with a country. Sat E P 182:6 Jl 3 '09 Neighbor. Sat E P 181:12 Mr 6 '09 Number of things. Sat E P 183:3 Ap 8 '11 Prince of Tonight. Sat E P 185:5 O 19 '12 Puni.sliment and the crime. Sat E P 179:14 Ap 20 '07 Ragtime lady. Sat E P 186:22 Jl 26 '13 Sealed orders. Sat E P 185:11 My 10 '13 Star of the empire. Sat E P 182:8 S 4 '09 Trouble mun. Sat E P 1X2:9 N 20 '09 — and Phillips, Henry Wallace, Jt. auth. .Xuniisniati.st, The. Sat E P 179:6 Mr 2 '07 — and "Vates, Lawrence Of the lo.Ht l.-gion. Everybody's 28:443 Ap '13 Rhodes. Harrison (Garfield), 1871- America v.s. Charles lOdward. Lea Mo 58:601 O '04 Arrival of Cornelia. Everybody's 19:58 Jl '08 Billy'H atonement. Col 34:20 N 12 '04 By the green bush. Delln 78:76 Ap '11 Diary of a matchmaker. Sat E 1* 176:4 Ja 16 '04 Disciple of Prince Florlzel. Les Mo 57:137 D '03 Evil communications. Col 42:16 D 19 '08 Explanation by the editor. Col 38:18 F 2 '07 Rhodes, Harrison — continued Cliost. Harper 115.956 N '07 Guide to Eldorado. Sat E P 178:5 S 9 '05 Justice to William Riggs. Everybody's 20: 540 Ap 09 Impertinence of Charles Edward. MoClure 20:240 Ja '03 Lady Angela's methods. Met 21:298 D '04 Morton marriage. Sat E P 176:3 D 19 '03 New road to the altar. Everybody's 19:534 O '08 Occupation for the unemployed. Les Mo 56: 576 O '03 Rescue of a snob. Met 33:293 D '10 Sad case of Quag. Harper 121:696 N '10 Spring-time. Harper 114:698 Ap '07 Ultimate chic. Col 39:15 Je 8 07 Vive L'Amerique. Met 35:17 D '11 Way to Mrs. Morpont's. Everybody's 18:745 Je '08 When culture comes in at the door. Sat E P 176:13 Ap 2 '04 Wife for Lord Thomas. Cosmop 46:652 My '09 Without rehearsal. Les Mo 57:644 Ap '04 Rhodes, Louise Robinson Love unaware. Mun 31:634 Jl '04 Rhone, Rosamond Dodson, 1855- At Gettysburg battle. Col 53:10 Jl 25 '14 Rhyme to porringer. J. B. Cabell. Col 35:19 Ap 15 "05 Rhys, Mrs. Ernest. See Rhys, Grace Little Rhys, Grace (Little) (Mrs. Ernest Rhys). 1865- Charming of Estercel. Harper 109:75 Je '04 Judith in Mackford's entry. Lippinc 71:98 Ja 03 Ribaux, Adolphe Mademoiselle De Castelfrane. Cosmop 30:381 F '01 Rice, Alice Caldwell (Hegan) (Mrs. Cale Young Rice), 1S70- Annexation of Cuby. Cent 62:708 s '01 Cupid goes slumming. Amer 64:372 Ag '07 Darling of misfortune. Cent 81:33 N '10 Harper in the wood. Cent 82:72 My '11 Honorable Percival. McClure 43:103 Jl. 137 Ag, 125 S '14 Hoodooed. Cent 88:581 Ag '14 Matter of friendship. Cent 80:36 My '10 Mr. Opp. Cent 77:176 D '08 Pop. Amer 78:47 Ag '14 Soul of O Sana San. Cent 71:194 D '05 When Jove nods. Harper 106:750 Ap '03 Wild oats of a spinster. Cent 72:323 Jl '06 Rice, Beatrice E. Olive-vender. Cent 71:432 Ja '06 Rice, Mrs. Cale Young. See Rice. Alice Cald- well (Ileyan) Rice, Louise Gii'l who walked without fear. Everybody's 31:824 D '14 Rice, Richard White sleep of Auber Ilurn. Harper 110:447 F '05 Rich, Charles Edward Tried as by fiio. Mun 26.802 Mr '02 Rich widow of Spanish town. G. Morris. Cent 08:480 Jl '04 Richard Foster. S. MacManus. Ilariier 101: 451 .Ag '00 Richards, Mrs. Laura Elizabeth (Howe), 18.->0- Diuggist's clerk. Cent 60:620 Ap '00 Little stories for little people. L M J 20:40 O, 26 N; 27:30 D '09 Mother-atorlea. L H J Ja '07 to Je 'OS Richard's practising. R. K. Gardiner. C»Mit OS: 970 O '04 Richards, Sallle E. Iiiiidiiit of III.- sojison. Met 12:513 O '00 Richardson, Anna Steese Wh.il .1 m.-irnillciit voice. Mun 42:93 O '09 Richardson, Dorothy H.r spliit lnisl. .111.1. Lippinc 70:018 N '02 Richardson, Eleanor B. TliDiiKli a b.inU window. Allan 104:070 N O'l Richardson, Grant All nho.ir.l f'.r parncllBP. Lps Mo 53:300 Jl '01 ("ui)i)4 O '01 Roadside prophet. D. Grayson. Amer 69:348 Ja '10 Roar of the room. J. C. Alvord. Col 49:20 My 4 '12 Roast beef, medium, served hot by Emma Mc- Chesney. E. Ferber. Amer 73:157 D '11 Robbery at Oldport. A. O'Hagan. Mun 29:244 My -03 Robbie's rake-off. Sat E P 181:15 Mr 13 '09 Robbing of Appling court. E. Hatton. Les Mo 52:311 Jl '01 Robbins, F. E. C. Family doctor. New Eng n s 36:627 Jl '07 Robbins, Susan Brown Her standing offer. New Eng n s 38:SS Mr 'OS Roberts, Charles George Douglas, 1860- Acadian coquette. Sat E P 172:772 F 24 '00 Alien of the wild. McClure 22:451 Mr '04 Boy and the Hushwing. Les Mo 53:34 N '01 Brannigan's Mary. Cosmop 56:820 My '14 Chatelaine of Cheticamp. Delin 59:644 Ap '02 Decoy. Met 20:304 Je '04 Duel on the trail. Sat E P 177:8 F 11 '05 From the teeth of the tide. Everybody's 19: 266 Ag '08 Gentling of Red McWha. Delin 70:740 N '07 Glutton of the great snow. Sat E P 180:8 Jl 27 '07 Heart of the ancient wood. Lippinc 65:483 Ap 00 House in the water. L H J 24:9 Je, 17 Jl '07 How a cat played Robinson Crusoe. L H J 28:9 D 15 '10 In Blackwater Pot. Everybody's 17:449 O '07 In the deep of the snow. Everybody's 15:809 D -06 In the world of the ghost lights. Col 49:24 Mr 30 '12 Invaders. Met 35:9 O '12 Jean Michaud's little ship. Sat E P 173:3 D 1 '00 Keeper of the water-gate. Les Mo 55:473 Mr 03 Kill, The. Met 19:571 Ja '04 Ladder. Col 42:13 F 27 '09 Lone wolf of Lost mountain. Col 44:20 O 30 '09 Lord of the air. Les Mo 54:2 My '02 Master of the golden pool. Met 18:545 Ag '03 Monarch of Park Barren. Sat E P 181:12 O 10 'OS Moose that knocked at the door. L H J 28: 19 D 1 '10 On the night trail. McClure 28:295 Ja '07 Prisoner of Mademoiselle De Biencourt. Lip- pinc 74:513 N '04 Rivals of Ringwaak. Met 19:892 Mr '04 Runners of the high peaks. Cosmop 56:520 Mr '14 Scourge of the forest. Outl 8Q:871 Ag 5 '05 Shadows and John Hatch. Cosmop 56:198 Ja '14 Stranger to the wild. Cent 73:165 D '06 Summons of the north. Met 23:296 D '05 Terror of the air. Met 21:307 D '04 Terror of the sea caves. Everybody's 16:3 Ja "07 Tiger of the sea. Sat E P 183:12 Ag 27 '10 Tragedy of the tides. Cur Lit 29:69 Jl '00 Tragedy of White Face mountain. L H J 30: 5 Jl '13 Truce. McClure 23:168 Je '04 Vagrants of the barren. Cent ''6:701 S '08 Roberts, Charles George Douglas — continued White Marie and dark Marianne. Delin 56: 516 O '00 White-slashed bull. Sat E P 180:8 O 12 '07 With his back to the wall. Cosmop 54:34 D Roberts, Frances Journal of a Prince-Consort. Les Mo 49:513 Mr '00 Quest of Roxane. Delin 63:275 F '04 Roberts, Ina Breevoort, 1874- Box from home. Mun 28:593 Ja '03 Burglar and the lady. Lippinc 76:335 S '05 Decision. Lippinc 71:116 Ja 03 Diplomatic affair. Les Mo 51:619 Ap '01 Exception. Lippinc 71:836 Je '03 Fifth wheel. Lippinc 70:343 S '02 For sweet charity's sake. Lippinc 77:323 Mr •06 From a far country. L H J 17:2 Ag '00 Harvest of knowledge. Lippinc 69:724 Je '02 Heart's charity. Lippinc 76:121 Jl '05 Her day of freedom. Lippinc 68:77 Jl '01 His mother. Lippinc 94:231 Ag '14 Lifting of a finger. Lippinc 68:131 Ag '01 Pretenders. Lippinc 72:3 Jl '03 Real Margaret. Lippinc 75:228 F '05 Release. Lippinc 74:361 S '04 Reparation. Les Mo 58:28 My '04 Roberts, Mrs. John B. See Roberts, Mary Eleanor Roberts, Mary Eleanor (Mrs. John B. Roberts) ls('.7- Whirligig of time. Lippinc 93:110 Ja '14 Roberts, Morley, 1857- Cook's mate. Sat E P 180:6 Ag 10 '07 Crew of the Kamma Funder. Sat E P 173:5 Jl 21 '00 Gloomv Fanny. Sat E P 183:3 My 13. 21 My 20 '11 Ingenuity of Captain Spink. Sat E P 182:26 Mr 12 '10 Luck of Captain Spink. Sat E P 178:3 Mr 10 •06 Man who took water. Sat E P 177:3 O 15 '04 Reformation of O'Hara. Sat E P 185:30 F 15 '13 Return of Captain Spink. Sat E P 182:6 Ag 21 '09 Romance of Double mountain. Delin 69:434 Mr '07 Settlement with Shanghai Smith. Sat E P 175:9 N 1 '02 Three in a game. Sat E P 175:3 F 14 '03 Trincomalees resurrection. Sat E P 180:18 Ja 18 'OS Uncommon case of Mr. Wigges. Sat E P 178:5 Ap 7 '06 Roberts, Octavia, 1875- Badge of servitude. Amer 64:19 My '07 Door of understanding. Amer 71:205 D '10 For the .sake of her children. McClure 34:629 Ap '10 Home-coming of Clement Albricht. McClure 41:177 Jl '13 In a far country. Amer 65:175 D '07 Man that served two masters. Mun 48:913 Mr '13 Minor chord. Amer 67:156 D '08 Native born. Amer 66:321 Ag '08 Neighbors. McClure 35:141 Je '10 Paradisic. McClure 35:487 S '10 Price. McClure 37:365 Ag '11 Rungs of the ladder. Amer 69:815 Ap '10 Yamasaki. Amer 67:491 Mr "09 Roberts, Theodore Goodridge, 1877- Archdeacon, The. Mun 35:288 Je '06 Bully Despard. Mun 44:467 Ja '11 Captain Pike. Mun 45:394 Je '11 Crimson wigwam. Met 24:707 S '06 Day of valor. Met 21:458 Ja '05 Dominant O'Malley. Mun 48:114 O '12 Falling in at Simpsey's. Mun 46:639 F '12 For the sake of argument. Mun 40:614 F '09 Girl back home. Mun 53:500 D '14 Hand in the dark. Mun 41:375 Je '09 Heart of the governor's daughter. Met 24:446 Jl 06 Hunger test. Mun 39:732 S '08 Lights in the cocoa-nut trees. Mun 34:570 F •06 Man's treasure. Mun 47:952 S '12 Matter of sentiment. Mun 49:27 Ap '13 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 255 Roberts, Theodore Goodridge — continued Normans of Newfoundland. Mun 28:265 N '02 O'Hara's Easter guest. Met 24:25 Ap '06 Pull of the finger. Mun 47:772 Ag '12 Raft, The. Mun 48:762 F '13 Susan's birthday. Mun 48:440 D '12 Trap. The. Mun 41:723 Ag '09 Wasp, The. Mun 49:1031 S '13 Robertson, A. J. Dog's devotion. L H J 22:20 S '05 Robertson, Harrison, 1856- Rivals of Mr. Kilcammon. Scrib 42:478 O '07 Robertson, Morgan, 1861-1915 Air-fight. Everybody's 16:353 Mr '07 Boxers. Harp W 47:496 Mr 28 '03 Cook and the captain. Cosmop 39:49 My '05 Devil and his due. Sat E P 172:860 Mr 24 '00 Doubles. Harp W 53:22 S IS "09 Enemies. Harp ^V 46:796 Je 21 '02 Fall from grace. Cosmop 30:17 N "00 Fifty fathoms down. Sat E P 176:2 Je 11 '04 Fog voices. Met 31:513 Ja '10 Fool killer. Sat E P 173:8 D 8 '00 Ghost of the gun deck. Harp "W 49:1600 N 4 '05 Grain ship. Harper 118:601 Mr '09 Grinding of the mills. Harp W 53:22 Jl 17 '09 Hairy devil. Cosmop 45:33 O '08 Kismet. Harp W 52:5 D 12 '08 Lobster. Sat E P 173:8 Ag 25 '00 ^Magnetized man. Mun 32:675 F '05 Man at the wheel. Sat E P 172:1051 My 12 '00 Mate and the maiden. Met 23:332 D '05 Mistake. Mun 32:799 Mr '05 Pneumogastric nerve. Sat E P 178:3 Jl 15 '05 Poverty's bedfellows. Harp W 46:72 D 6 '02 Shovels and bricks. Harp W 52:22 N 21, 22 N 28 '08 Sinful Peck. Sat E P 175:13 Ap 18, 13 Ap 25, 13 My 2 '03 Sinful Peck. Sat E P 174:3 D 28 '01 Sinful Peck. Harp W 47:416 Mr 14 '03 Sleep walker. Harp W 47:1128 Jl 4, 1104 Jl 11 03 Steward. The. Cosmop 49:781 N '10 Subconscious Finnegan. Harp W 47:1796 N 7 '03 Submarine. Everybody's 11:11 Jl '04 Submarine destroyer. Everybody's 13:401 S '05 Tale of a pigtail. Sat E P 173:6 O 20 '00 Teeth. Harp W 55:20 N IS '11 Torpedo. Everj^body's 10:743 Je '04 Twins. Cosmop 43:669 O '07 "U^ave. Harp W 48:104 Ja 16 '04 Wharf rats of New York. Sat E P 175:8 Jl 5 '02 Robin Goodfellow — his friends. See Kipling, Rudyard Robin Hood. G. W. Pangborn. Col 52:17 N 8 '13 Robin redbreast. S. Lagerlof. Cur Lit 42 346 Mr '07 Robin the bobbin. V. Downie. Harper 130:39 D '14 Robins, Elizabeth (Mrs. George Richmond Parks) (C. E. Raimond, pseud.) Come and find me. Cent 73:911 An '07 Derrington ghost. Harper 123:447 Ag '11 Lady Quassia. Cent 70:721 S '05 Miss Cal. McClure 36:218 D '10 Mrs. Bassett's fall. New Eng n s 30:272 My '04 Monica's village. Cent 70:19 My '05 My little sister. McClure 40:121, 253 D '12, Ja '13 Robins, Mabel H. Forbiddf-n fruit. Everybody's 3:155 Ag '00 Robins, Sally Nelson Henry Waring — honest man. Llppinc 94:476 O '14 Robinson, Alonzo Clark fVince and tho painter. Cent 67:743 Mr '04 Robinson, B. Fletcher .Mystory r,f thf jade spear. Met 23:558 F '06 Robinson, Edith. 1H58- Best housekeeper In Banbury. L H J 22:9 Je •05 Convict strain. Llppinc 79:396 Mr '07 Robinson, Edith — continued God have mercy on us. Lippinc 82:587 N '08 Involuntary benefactor. Lippinc 71:562 Ap '03 Lion with a forked tail. Lippinc 91:754 Je '13 Miss Eunices own folks. Lippinc 73:705 Je Mock Caliph and his wife. Lippinc 69:515 My There was once a queen. Lippinc 86.641 D '10 Vanderdouck sandbank. Lippinc 72:112 Jl '03 Robinson, Frank R. Barney's promotion. Cosmop 35:82 My '03 Toe of Retribution. Col 53:8 Je 27 '14 Robinson, Gertrude Gentle bachelor. New Eng n s 33:217 O '05 Girl of Maine New Eng n s 30:125 Mr '04 Lnregenerate grave-digger. New Eng n s 34: 348 My 06 Robinson, Harry Perry, 1860- Essence of honeymoon. Harp B 45:164 Ap 216 My, 266 Je '11 Until I married Eupheraia. L H J 28:9 An 1. 10 Ap 15, 16 My 1 '11 ^ * Robinson, Ida Preston Christmas surprise. Delin 58:990 D '01 While the fates slept. Delin 60:251 Ag '02 Robinson, Jane Boyd Some women learn — Mrs. Hewitt did. Mun 46:98 O '11 Robinson, Rowland Evans Purification of Cornbury. Allan 89:81 Ja '02 Roche, Arthur Somers Automatic benefit. Harp W 51:877 Je 15 '07 Double cross. Harp W 51:1880 D 21 '07 Ground rules. Harp W 52:15 N 28 '08 Stumps. Harp W 51:1488 O 12 '07 Waterloo at Fort Myer. Harp W 51:768 My 25 '07 Rock Hill correspondent. W. H. Hamilton. Cent 82:SS0 O '11 Rocket's great victory. A. Stoddart. Mun 30: 33 O "03 Rockey. Howard P. Isadore Levinsky. deceased. Mun 43:62 Ap '10 Rocks of Moraga. M. O. Wilcox. McClure 16: 214 Ja '01 Rockwell, J. H. In the midst of life. Met 16:561 N '02 Rocky Mountain Santa Claus. E. Hough. L H J 31:16 D '14 Rodahver. M. L. C. Pickthall. Met 29:560 F '09 Rodania the magic mare. L. B. Van Slyke. :McClure 37:SS My '11 Roderick Eaton's children. C. Benedict. Atlan 99:389 Mr '07 Roderick, (Stella) Virginia Children's blessing. Everybody's 27:793 D '12 Fraulein's home-coming. Everybody's 27 424 S '12 Old acceptance. Everybody's 26:708 My "12 Reputation of Santa Claus. Everybody's 12: 127 Ja '05 With the aid of her cat. Everybody's 10:706 My 'Ol Rodney, George Brydges Beyond tlie pale. Lippinc 80:678 N '07 Drink from tlie Hassayampa. Lippinc 78:366 S 00 Roe, Vingle E. <':ibin on the Shoulder, Mun 36:212 N '06 For the chaps. Mun 40-477 Ja '0'.) Forgotten attribute. Mun 36:7SS Mr '07 Story on the Factor's book. Mun 36:48 O '06 Roeder, Ralph Sunset i.sland. Harper 126:458 F '13 Tpward climb. Col 4S:1H S 30 '11 Rogers, Alma A. Iliuhw.it.r l.al.y. Mun 30:754 F '04 Sou,,' (,f ihr bird. Mun 29:410 Jo 'OS Rogers, Mrs. Anna Alexander Li I lie father. lOv.-rvbodv'.M 26:400 Mr '12 Live cinliirH Co.smop .'1!'»:313 Jl '05 F.ov. '.s Miiclcrtr.w l.lppinc 79:4.13 Ap '07 Rogers, Ch.nrles Gordon G.inic of hciirt.M Mun 29:715 Ag '03 Roger's day. G. 11. Uosenfcld. Hnry H S6:26l Mr '02 256 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Rogers, J. Elstner Frou-frous and frillies. Mun 36:698 Mr '07 Rogers, Joseph Morgan, 1861- Home without a mother. Lippinc 80:667 N '07 Pirate engineer. Amer 64:577 O '07 With his back to the wall. McClure 18:33 N '01 Rogers, Robert Cameron, 1S62-1912 Parson Smitli. Everybody's 16:540 Ap "07 Rogers, Thomas Hesperian Stowaway's I'evenge. Mun 30:276 N '03 Rogers, Ulyss Love affair of Hawkins Major. Everybody's 2:521 Je '00 Rogers, W. S. Clever fraud. New Eng n s 31:693 F '05 Paying rent. New Eng n s 31:582 Ja '05 Rogers, Warren Execution, The. Met 12:40 Jl '00 Rohlfs, Anna Katherine (Green) (Mrs. Charles Rohlfs). 1S46- Amethyst box. Les Mo 55:14, 151. 317, 425 No ■02-F '03 Grotto specter. Cosmop 55:86 Je '13 Majors wife. L H J 22:3 Je, 7 Jl, 9 Ag, 11 S, 15 O. 16 N '05 Rohmer, Sax, pseud. (Arthur Sarsfield Ward), 1SS3- Andaman —second! Col 51:18 My 10 '13 Call of Siva. Col 51:18 Ap 12 '13 Clue of the pigtail. Col 50:18 Mr 1 '13 Cry of the nightlmwk; Fu-Manchu story. Col 54:5 D 26 '14 Fu-Manchu & Company. Col 54:10 N 21 '14 Golden flask. Col 51:17 My 24 '13 Green mist. Col 51:14 Mr 29 '13 He deals with Don Juan. McClure 42:170 Ja '14 He patronizes Pamela: Captain O'Hagan at large. McClure 4J:88 N '13 Karamaneh Col 51:16 Ap 26 '13 Knockins; on the door. Col 51:16 Je 28 '13 Leopard ladv. McClure 42:S7 D '13 Redmoat. Col 50:1S; Mr 15 '13 Spores of death. Col 51:8 Je 7 "13 Ten-thirty Folkestone express. Lippinc 94: 22 D '14 Zayat kiss. Col 50:18 F 15 '13 Roland's friend. I. H. Gillmore. Met 89:30 F '14 Role of a gentleman. A. M. Sholl. Mun 44:610 F '11 Role well played. C. Stetson. Harp W 55:12 Ap 22 '11 Rolker, A. W. Black roan of 265. McClure 24:30 N '04 Jungle renegade. Col 43:13 Jl 31 '09 Success after forty. Sat E P 184:16 S 30 '11 Rolling stone. F. C. Pease. Forum 50:526 O '13 Rollingstone, A., pseud. See Hood, Charles Newton Rollins, Frank West, 1860- Captain Whitehouse. New Eng n s 36:684 Ag '07 Roman citizen. A. C. E. Allinson. Atlan 112: 263 Ag '13 Romance. R. W. Chambers. Col 42:12 S 26 '08 Romance. C. H. Grabo. Lippinc 91:629 My '13 Romance and Miss Antwerp. E. L. Sabin. Mun 38:830 Mr '08 Romance at random. H. B. M. Watson. Sat E P 181:16 N 21 '08. Same Cosmop 49:450 S '10 Romance in ragtime. H. G. Van Campen. Sat E P 1S5:1S Mr 1 '13 Romance in red and white. W. R. Lighten. Les Mo 52:77 My '01 Romance is dead. D. Canfield. Harp B 39:6 Ja •05 Romance of a beggar man. S. R. Crockett. Les Mo 56.609 O '03 Romance of a razorback. B. Brandenburg. Les Mo 54:531 O '02 Romance of a shy man. W. P. Eaton. Met 35: 41 Ja '12 Romance of Acacia street. K. Hoffman. Mun 30:916 Mr '04 Romance of Christmas island. S. B. Rand. McClure 18:64 N '01 Romance of Double mountain. M. Roberts. Delin 69:434 Mr '07 Romance of Edwin Gay. F. H. Lea. Harper 121:13 Je '10 Romance of his life. M. Cholmondeley. Scrib 46:172 Ag '09 Romance of Juan. C. T. Crowell. Harp W 55: 16 F 4 '11 Romance of Mr. Bowles. G. W. Ogden. Amer 74:527 S '12 Romance of old books. E. Boltwood. Mun 29: 914 S '03 Romance of Phelim Ruadh. S. MacManus. Sat E P 172:588 Ja 6 '00 Romance of Sharon. S. Ballard. New Eng n s 3S:61S Jl 'OS Romance of the bill. E. S. P. Ward. Harp B 36 1039 D '02 Romance of the Cheshire Cheese. A. B. Mor- rison. Cent 72:704 S '06 Romance of the executive chamber. W. R. Lighten. Cosmop 35.389 Ag '03 Romance of the jig-saw puzzle. M. Van Vorst. Harper 120.267 Ja '10 Romance of the right-of-way. S. H. Adams. Sat E P 182:2,8 Mr 19 '10 Romance of Thomas Skilhew. C. B. Fernald. Sat E P 175:6 O 25 02 Romance of Whooping Harbor. N. Duncan. Harper 111:268 Jl '05 Romance on Ryan's flat. N. M. Clark. Mun 46: 62S F '12 Romance syndicate. See Rowland, Henry C. Romance to leeward. A. W. Colton. Harper 105. .'^3 Je '02 Romances of new Americans. E. Hoyt. Every- body's 8:387 My "03 Romancing backward. H. Carrut'n. Sat E P 175:2 N 29 '02 Romaunt of the rose. G. Bronson-Howard. Cent 88:208 Je '14 Romeoff and Julietsky. B. Lessing. Cosmop 53-,:s Je '12 Ronald, Ethel Bowman When Elizabeth went home. McClure 22:221 D '03 Ronald, Mary Chalk in the Bartown schools. Delin 75:415 My -10 Ronda, A. M. Expensive passenger. Les Mo 52:202 Je '01 Rood, Henry Edward. 1867- Financial genius. Harper 108:973 My '04 Home-coming of Kiiiston. Met 34:183 My '11 In pastures new. Harp W^ 4G 909. 94S. 989. 1033. 1075, 1115, 1153. 119S Jl 12-Ag 30 '02 Johnny Staples and the suffragists. Met 32: 751 S '10 Santa Claus's understudy. Harp W 46.89 D 6 '02 Roof, Katharine Metcalf Baritone and the office boy. Atlan 96:257 Ag '05 Bitter Avaters. Met 34:165 My 11 Earth bond. Forum 48:421 O '12 Eyes of the portrait. New Eng n s 43:447 Ja '11 Fatal gift. Harp B 45.110 Mr '11 Hidden path. Forum 50:3.'s S '13 Hidden waters. Lippinc 94:309 S '14 How poor an instrument. Harper 125:606 S '12 Kev-note. Cent 87:113 N '13 Last room. Atlan 108:692 N '11 Lighted house. Cent SI .575 F '11 Passing of spring. Atlan 94:529 O '04 Pomegranate seed Lippinc S3 513 My '09 Real thing. Lippinc 79:606 My 07 Revival of Lucia. Cent 75:419 Ja 'OS Silver cord. Cent 78:519 Ag '09 Stepmother. Cent 82:420 Jl '11 Visit to a palmist. Lippinc 92:482 O '13 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 ^17 Room beyond. M, R. Rinehai-t. Mun 38:791 Mr 'US Room on the fourth floor. R. Strauss. Amer 75:140 D '12 Room on the roof. M. E. M. Davis. Les Mo 49: 546 Mr '00 Room 666. J. Futrelle. Met 32:567 Ag '10 Roosevelt, Maude (Baroness Mumm von Schwartzenstein) Price of fame. Lippinc 70:643 D '02 Social logic. Lippinc 74:129 Ag '04 Root, Eleanor Orcadian week's entertainment. Lippinc 94: 356 S '14 Root, Jean Christie First dream of Christmas. Outl 69:1022 D 21 '01 Rope. E. Phillpots. Lippinc S9:S0 Ja '12 Roper, The. J. R. McMahon. Sat E P 1S3:8 O 29 '10 Rope's end. R. Beach. Cosmop 54:724 My '13 Roping at Pasco's. R. S. Baker. McClure 19: 152 Je '02 Roping match at Antelope. A. MacGowan. Cent 72:20 My '06 Rosa: true story of a sacrifice. E. Goodnow. Harp W 53:16 S 4 '09 Rosabel Paradise. M. Widdemer. Col 52:7 O 11 '13 Rosalie. W. Bathon. Cosmop 34:291 Ja '03 Rosalie. J. C. Harris. Cent 62:916 O "01 Rosalsky's resolutions. B. Lessing. Cosmop 42: 2i)6 Ja '07 Rosalynde's lovers. M. Thompson. Lippinc 67: 259 Mr '01 Rosanna Green's v.edding-dress. E. F. Wade. Everybody's 10:847 Je '04 Roscoe. S. Ford. Harper 109:317 Jl '04 Roscoe, Gertrude . Dabney. Cosmop 42:215 D '06 Delia. Harper 101:135 Je '00 Rose. H. P. Spofford. Harper 125:739 O '12 Rose, A. C. Dream-book. Met 16:169 Ag '02 Rose and a thorn. H. C. Walsh. Lippinc 68: 238 Ag '01 Rose brocade. A. Brown. Harp B 43:1184 D '09 Rose-colored gown. R. R. Gilson. L H J 31:17 Ja 14 Rose-covered half-way house. J. D. Franklin. Delin 70:978 D '07 Rose dormant. A. Dunbar. New Eng n s 31:397 D '04 Rose-fever. R. Hughes. Sat E P 182:12 My 28 •10 Rose-garden husband. M. Widdemar. Lippinc 'J4:3i5 O '14 Rose-garden story. R. McD. Daniels. New Eng n s 34:606 Jl '06 Rose house. W. Townend. Met 38:16 Je '13 Rose is red. F. Lewis. New Eng n s 25:755 F '02 Rose lady. J. M. Forman. Harper 113:176 Jl •06 Rose Marshall. See Warren, Maude Radford Rose of Dixie. O. Henry. Everybody's 18:761 Je '08 Rose of spring. M. Harris. Harper 107:520 S '03 Rose of the dawn. E. M. Lane. Harper 120:564 Mr '10 Rose o' the river. K. D. Wiggin. Cent 69:643, 843; 70:119 Mr-My '05 Rose of WolfvlUe. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 43:479 S '07 Rose pink. Z. Gale. Delin 75:314 Ap '10 Rose-red glow. R. E. Young. Atlan 91:442 Ap 'o:; Roseback plate. W. S. Moody. Scrib 41:47S Ap •07 Roseboro', Viola Archie's baby. McClure 27:421 Ag '06 Case of Henri Passalaigue. McClure 32:313 Ja Disabled. McClure 33:172 Je '09 Mistaken man. McClure 28:628 Ap '07 Peacemaker of ToUey s ledge. Col 54:20 D 12 Politics and Little Pigtails. Col 37:1S Mr 31 '06 Secret history. McClure 29:163 Je '07 Where the ways crossed. Scrib 33:617 My '03 Young Corey s chance. McClure 27:532 S '06 Roseboro', Viola and Morrow, William Carr Mr. Weeks. McClure 2U;64U o '07 Rosemary for remembrance. M. Manning. Har- per 111:27 Je '05 Rosemary's stepmother. K. Norris. Amer 72: 4^ My 11 Rosenblatt, Benjamin Free! Outl 74:563 Jl 4 '03. Same Cur Lit 35: 607 N '03 Rosenfeld, Genie H. Ape of Lehister. Harp B 35:7 My '01 Roger's day. Harp B 36:264 Mr '02 Siege of Calais. Harp B 34:393 F 9 '01 Rosenthal. H. C. Rowland. Amer 61:101 N '05 Roses. N. Boyce. Harp W 58:22 N 22 '13 Roses of Monsieur Alphonse. T. A. Janvier. Harper 104:749 Ap '02 Roses of Trianon. A. and E. Castle. Col 34:15 X 12 '04 Rosicrucian's ring. C. Michelson. Mun 27:238 My '02 Rosie Allegretti. M. G. Field. Delin 79:15 Ja 12 Rosie morrow. P. Fillmore. Everybody's 31: 312 S '14 Rosie of Vermillion city. T. White. Met 32:55 .\p '10 Ross, Clinton Comedy of rebellion. McClure 15:411 S '00 Forfeit of the manor. Sat E P 173:16 Ag 25 '00 Niece of Talleyrand. Sat E P 173:16 Jl 14 '00 Sergeant of Company L. Sat E P 172:1108 My 26 '00 Stolen paper. I\Iet 16:473 O '02 To the third and fourth generation. Sat E P 172:967 .A.p 21 '00 Treasure of the Laurie. Mun 23:164 My '00 Turning of the ways. McClure 15:14 Mv '00 Whafs a man without a penny. Met 15";147 F Within the lines. Sat E P 172:644 Ja 20 '00 Ross, W. Alexander Mr. Crole-Rees' manoeuvre. Everybody's 2:446 My '00 Woman who was no good. Everybody's 2:141 F '00 Rossiter, William Sidney. 1861- Waking up of North Banfield. Cent 80:947 O '10 Rosy balm. A. Brown. Harper 111:947 N '05 Rot writer. W. Irwin. Everybody's 27:796 D "12 Rote. G. S. Wasson. Atlan 97:747 Je '06 Rothrock, Addison May Cafe Procoijo. Lippinc 77:702 Je '06 Rothwell, Walter Sliadow of the guillotine. Evervbody's 3:289 .S '00 Rough-hew them how we will. P. G. Wode- house. Cosmop 411:303 Ag '10 Rough places. E. Foote. Cent 71:312 D '05 Round table of Dodge city. E. C. Little. Every- body's 7:432 N '02 Round the circle. S. Porter. Evcrybodv'H 7:388 () '02 'Round the Horn with Cupid. J. F Wllsnn. L 11 J 30:a F "13 Round up. L. NIchoLson. Mun 47:513 Jl 12 Round-up In Central Park. K. GatoH. Sat V. V I7S:2 \k 5 '05 Rounding off a scene. E. Ncsblt. Harp H 37: 362 Ap '03 258 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Rouse, William Merriam i^iltle pig pork. Cent S9:299 D '14 Rousey's prayer at Antietam. C. Mcllvaine. Cent 6^:959 Ap '02 Rousseau, Victor, IStio At the foot of the monument. Harp W 54.22 Ap 16 10 Blue dimity dress. Harper 128:611 Mr 14 Cakes of judgment. Cent 7t);lb9 Je 09 Cousin Paul. Harper 129:676 O '14 Deal in elephant. Harp W 53:22 Ag i 09 Fangs of the mill. Harp VV 56:16 Je 8 12 Gallows-bird. Harp VV 54:22 Jl 2 '10 Garden of illusion. Harp VV 56:16 F 17 12 Great experiment. Harp VV 56:16 Ap 13 '12 Hearts astray. Harper 125:803 O '12 Keeper of the light. Harp VV 54.22 D 10 '10 Isle of enchantment. Harp W 56:17 Ag 31 '12 Kings of No Man's Land. Hai-p W 53:22 Ap 3 '09 King's proctor. Harp W 56:16 N 23 '12 Man in the bottle. Harp \V 55:14 Mr IS '11 Man who went back. Harp W 55:16 O 28 '11 Palm-bringer. Harp W 54:22 F 5 '10 Red cross train. Harp W 54:25 O 1 '10 Secret altar. Harp W' 55:12 My 27 '11 Slim Uncle Piet. Harper 127:87 Je '13 Upper window. Harp W 53:22 Ap 24 '09 Virgin of Okiak. Harp VV 55:16 Jl S '11 Rout of the Mondramatist. H. A. Beers. Harper 108:167 D '03 Rover. K. Baker. McClure 36:278 Ja '11 Rowan, Richard VA/ilmer ^ ,^„ Home-run Parkins. Sat E P 184:12 Je 8 12 Rowboat pilsrrimage. E. Woodbridge. Outl 101: 442 Je 22 '12 Rowe, Elizabeth Griswold Idyl of Monterey. Mun 31:271 My '04 Little more. New Eng n s 32:431 Je 05 Rowland, Harriet Her marriage. L H J 24:17 Ap '07 Rowland, Henry Cottrell, 1874- At the last of the ebb. McClure 20:184 D, 02 Back-fire. Sat E P 185:3 Je 14, 19 Je 21. 20 Je 28; 186:19 Jl 5, 18 Jl 19, 14 Jl 26 '13 Baiting of Rosenthal. Everybody's 17:615 N '07 Bamboula. Outl 78:133 S 10 '04 Barrator. Everybody's 16:590 My Oi Braga's double. Cosmop 57:604 O '14 Christmas on Shark Shoal. Les Mo 59:152 D '04 Chu-Chu the shearer. Sat E P 184:3 N 4, 23 N 11 17 N 18, 23 N 25. 28 D 2 '11 Copy-cat. Sat E P 179:11 My IS '07 „„ ,^ ^ Countess Diane. Sat E P 179:3 Ap 20. 13 Ap 27, 13 My 4, 13 My 11 '07 Custom of the captain. Scrib 32:751 D 02 Doubting of the doctor. McClure 23.68 My 04 Downfall of Pembroke. Les Mo 5(:556 Mr 04 Duchess and Salem Tarr. Amer 69:4o8 F 10 Fanch. Met 25:266 D '06 Folly of Lamar. McClure 23:129 Je 04 Friendly fog. McClure 23:499 S '04 Fuzzy. Met 37:19 D '12 . Grimes takes command. Lippinc 84.641 D OJ Harvesting. Les Mo 60:64 My 'Oo In the whale-boat. McClure 19:5.1 O 02 Jabes's conquest. Cosmop 58:79 D '14 Knight-errantry of Schuyler. Met 25:584 F '07 Lady Thalia. Lippinc 86:1 Jl '10 ,„ ^„ , Leontine and co. Sat E P 184:3 Ag 12, 12 Ag 19 '^0 Ag 26, 21 S 2, 17 S 9 '11 Loup, the dog smuggler. Sat E P 182:8 Jl 10 '09 Luck of Smalley. Scrib 35:729 Je '04 Million-dollar twins. Sat E P 1S3:3 Ja 14 11 Mountain of mist. Delin 71:786 My 08 Offender. The. Cosmop 49:293 Ag 10 Oil and water. McClure 25:649 O 05 ^ Poor- a Christmas story. Atlan 102: (28 D OS Pride of craft. Col 38:20 N 17 '06 Rajah's tunic. Cosmop 57:741 N '14 Resource of Randall. Scrib 34:621 N 03 Romance syndicate. Cosmop 45:598; 46:24, 14b, 293 N 'OS-F '09 Rosenthal. Amer 61:101 N '05 Seamy side in the Philippines. Cent 63:862 Ap Shears of Atropos. McClure 25:312 Jl '05 Rowland, Henry CottreM — continued Shiraz. McClure 2y:li7 Je 07 Silverside. Sat E P 185:3 Ag 10, 19 Ag 17, 19 Ag 24, 19 Ag 31, 21 S 7, 20 S 14 '12 677-X-7; a niotor-car tale. Cent 84:545 Ag '12 Son of Israel. Les Mo 58:368 Ag '04 Strategy of Abiugton. Les Mo 58:536 S '04 Stronger will. Sat E P li9.9 Je 19 '07 Sultana. Sat E P 185:3 F 15, 18 F 22, 21 Mr 1, ZA Mr S, 23 Mr 15, 23 Mr 22 '13 Undine adrift. Cosmop 45:2-2 Ag 'OS Wind, The. Met 21:682 Mr '05 Roxella's prisoner. H. A. Nash. Atlan 93:72 Ja •04 Royal birthday. F. T. Bullen. Sat E P 174:12; D 7 '01 Royal line. G. M. Cooke. Lippinc 83:641 Je '09 Royle, E. T. Idyl of the Fourth Estate. Mun 25:392 Je '01 Man and his neighbor. Mun 26:590 Ja '02 Royle, Edwin Milton Squaw-man. Cosmop 37:411 Ag '04 Rub of the green. E. L. Sabin. Sat E P 172:668 Ja 27 '00 Rubaiyat and the liner E. W. Peattie. Harp B 33.1360 S 29 '00 Rubaiyat of Baron Vignot. M. Tracy. Mun 24: 202 N '00 Rubber stamp. G. W. Pangborn. Scrib 50:307 S '11 Rubber-tired boy. C. Wilson. Cent 74:682 S '07 Rubin, Manning Joseph, 1S93- Raise. Amer 76:64 S '13 Ruby-eyed dragon. F. Putney, Jr. Harp W 54: 18 O 15, 18 O 22 '10 Ruby of Kishnoor. H. Pyle. Harper 115:327 Ag ■07 Rudolph of Mis-Hapsburg. E. Macpherson. Mun 27:79 Ap '02 Rudolph, where have you been? M. Glass. Sat E P 186:28 Mr 7 '14 Rug bug. E. Hough. Sat E P 185:10 N 9 '12 Rug of her fathers. L. B. Van Slyke. McClure 36:427 F '11 Ruggle's first case. C. Thomas. McClure 21: 237 Jl 03 Ruhl, Arthur Brown, 1876- Between the acts. Col 32:14 F 6 '04 Break in training. Scrib 32:177 Ag '02 Cattle-man who didn't. Scrib 31:110 Ja '02 His own country. Sat E P 183 ;9 O 15 '10 Last passenger. Sat E P 181:5 My 29 '09 Left behind. Scrib 3S:292 S '05 Men they used to be. Cent 71:132 N '05 Monsieur Gaspard: villain. Col 34:22 Ja 21 Oo Music-box. Harper 104:319 Ja '02 Out there. Scrib 51:571 My '12 „ „ ,„ ,^„ Queen of the sawdust ring. Col 41:16 S 12 OS Their native correspondent. Cent 63:453 Ja '02 Ruin of Harry Benbow. H. Rideout. Atlan 98: 807 D '06 Ruination of Willie Jones. P. H. Fillmore. Ev- erybody's 12:816 Je '05 Ruined eye. M. D. Post. Sat E P 186:6 O 11 '13 Ruinous face. M. Hewlett. Harper 119:456 Ag '09 Ruler of men. O. Henry. Everybody's 15:157 Ag -06 Rules and irregulations. G. Weston. Harp W 53:22 O 30 '09 Rules of the game. M. Jenkins. Les Mo 55:536 Mr '03 Rules of the Institution. S. Glaspell. Harper 128:198 Ja '14 Rumor in the bazaar. M. A. Chamberlain. Cent 82:183 Je '11 Run. H. M. Steele. Cent 61:864 Ap "01 Run for material. E. Gates. Cosmop 43:207 Je '07 Run of the charter car. J. G. Frederick. Les Mo 54:474 S '02 Run of the red salmon. J. Blethen. Sat E P 174:10 N 2 '01 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 259 Run of the white pelican. C. F. Holder. Met 29:352 Ja '09 Run of the yellow mail. F. H. Spearman. Mc- Clure 17:93 My '01 Run on the bank. E. L. Pearson. Outl 95:873 Ag 20 '10 Run on the Bull Hill bank. G. Daulton. Scrib S6;6S Jl '04 Run on the Greenville bank. S. "Waterloo. Met 25:14 U '06 Run on the Lumberman's National. J. Blethen. Sat E P 175:6 Jl 19 '02 Run that turned the game. O. Johnson. Cent 76:747 S '08 Run to the horizon. F. Palmer. Scrib 43:61 Ja '08 Run, you coyote, run! C. Thomas. Mun 27:927 S '02 Runaway, The. K. Hoffman. Mun 30:105 O '03 Runaway. M. Ilsley. Cent 71:520 F '06 Runaway equator. See Bell, Lilian Runaway host and modest house-breaker. J. A, Meyer. Lippmc 89:124 Ja '12 Runaway inmate. J. T. Bishop. Mun 33:220 My '05 Runaway match. E. E. Peake. Delin 65:632 Ap '05 Runaway pony coat. C. L. Bull. Met 29:610 Mr '09 Runaway road. E. H. Abbott. Everybody's 15: 593 N '06 Runaway Spartan. E. Kenton. Met 34:84 Ap '11 Runaways. L. S. Almond. Everybody's 25:709 X '11 Runaways. M. Sherwood. Atlan 99:797 Je '07 Rundell, .Mabel Avery Infelice. New Eng n s 33:101 S '05 Waiting of Helen Horton. New Eng n s 27: 349 N '02 Rungs of the ladder. O. Roberts. Amer 69:815 Ap 10 Runkle, Bertha Brooks (Mrs. Louise H. Bash) Heart-breakers. Cent 68:395 Jl '04 Runners of the high peaks. C. G. D. Roberts. Cosmop 56:520 Mr '14 Running of Silver river. C. F. Bourke. Mun 38: 823 Mr '08 Running to harbor. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 33: 142 F '03 Runty Smithers. G. E. Hunt. Les Mo 60:396 Ag •05 Runyon, Alfred Damon, 1840- Bo.ss of Balar. Met 26:469 Jl '07 Breed and the ball. Mun 45:242 My '11 Defense of Strikerville. McClure 28:379 F '07 Fat Fallon. Lippinc 80:499 O 07 Hole in the horn of plenty. Mun 48:446 D '12 My father. Everybody's 24:810 Je '11 Nose of Nemesis. Mun 48:321 N '12 Rupe Colins. B. Tarkington. Met 39:7 Ap '14 Rural deus ex machina. M. Cruikshank. New Kng n 8 32:23 Mr '05 Rural telephone. H. P. Spofford. Harper 118: 830 My '09 Ruse of Father Ambrose. D. Beddoe. Every- body's 2:329 Ap '00 Rush order for lamps. E. W. Ilurlbut. McClure 22:65 N '03 Russ, Raymond Ueturn of Lucero. Met 22:709 S '05 Russell, C. Cori.sultation. Everybody's 2:30 Ja '00 Russell, John Edward, 1K4S- Dariiel come to judgment. Col 51:5 Ag 30 '13 Russell, Robert Another way. Cosmop 47:670 O '09 Jimmy, r'osmop 46:.';S6 Ap '09 Solomon In all hi.s glory. Cosmop 47:2ril Jl '09 Way of the wind. Cosmop 47:105 Je '09 Russeil, Robert Howard Fulfllling of the law. Harper 102:38 D '00 Miss Polly's leviathan. Met 19:302 N '03 Modern Moses. Harp W 53:22 Mr 6 '09 Russell, Walter Bob-tailed Ben, the salaried shark. Les Mo 53:266 D '01 Russian climax. R. H. Schauffler. Cent 65:406 Ja '03 Russian peasant riots. E. Poole. Everybody's 14:30 Ja '06 Rusticated. H. Williams. Sat E P 175:4 Je 6 '13 Rusticators at the cove. G. S. Wasson. Cent 64:701 S '02 Rustler's pay. M. Sherrard. Col 54:10 O 17 '14 Rut. E. M. Blanchard. New Eng n s 36:317 My '07 Ruth. A. W. Noel. Harp B 38:1063 N '04 Ruth Grenville — feminist. W. P. Eaton. L H J 31:3 Ag, 15 S, 28 O '14 T^ L. A. Long. Cent 61:591 F '01 Ryland, Cally Thomas, 1871- Aunt Jemimy excurts to Jamestown. Cent 74: 322 Je '07 s S. B. Bates. C. Lockhart. Amer 62:209 Je '06 S. P. Q. R. K. Trask. Harp B 34:701 Mr 16 '01 S. Cohn & son. I. Zangwill. Cosmop 32:379 F '02 S is for Shiftless Susanna. K. Norris. Every- body's 27:224 Ag '12 Saake. Herbert Again friends. New Eng n s 41:659 F '10 Sabatini, Rafael, 1875- Curate and the actress. Everybody's 2:164 F '00 Evidence of the sword. Everybody's 4:159 F '01 His last chance. Amer 61:176 D '05 Lust of conquest. Lippinc 86:483 O '10 Red owl. Everybody's 3:336 O '00 Sword and mitre. Everybody's 2:108 F '00 Sabe hike. O. K. Davis. Everybody's 5:16 Jl '01 Sabin, Edwin Legrand, 1870- Bad boy. Sat E P 17S:19 O 7 '05 1 Joy's loves. Cent 66:409 Jl '03 Brazos. Mun 37:321 Je '07 Butterfly's wing. Delin 72:582 O '08 Cheever's magic mashie. Lippinc 68:71 Jl '01 Chums. Cent 66:261 Je '03 Dav of the president's message. Lippinc 67: 104 Ja '01 Dip in the old swimmin' hole. Sat E P 178:6 Jl 15 '05 Duffer. Mun 23:382 Je '00 Coin' flsliin'. Cent 70:31 My "05 Gold brick. Mun 49:96 Ap '13 Great Moggins-Bumps matcli. Met 15:218 F '02 How Snoopie broke up the circus. Cent 70: 892 O '05 In line of duty. Mun 51:514 Ap '14 In society. Everybody's 11:179 Ag '04 In tlie arena. Cent 6S:76 Mv '04 Inner life. Mun 47:00 Ap '12 Kulilux of the sago. Mun 46:392 D '11 Littlest boy and Santa Claus. Lli)plnc 70:742 D '02 MaKtrio Donahue. Mun 35:231 My '00 M.itcli irame. Cent 66:741 S '03 Mciiioir.s of a ro-cil. Kat K I' 1X0:3 Ja 4 "07 .Mid. 11. 'ton's hill. <"(«nt 70;r,7,''i S '0.'. Miss StItt'H 'waitln'. Lc-h Mo 51:270 Jii '01 Ml.sslon of Corporal Thompson. Los Mo 60: 50S S '00 Nolllo. Miin 4.1:24H My '11 On a dl.t Anwr 76:25 Jl '13 f)nt!.iw. Kv.i vbodv'H 14:743 Jo 'Of. Tlri.li of j.ovctlv. Kvorvbodv'H 2S:6'.'0 My '13 I'lipiiy lovo !-;rit K I' 179:7 N 17, K. I) S '00 Hotiirn of Hnnta ClauH. KvorybocIy'H 17;S40 D '07 Romanco and MIhh Antwrrp. Mun .'iV:snO Mr 'OS 26o STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Sabin, Edwin Legrand — continued Rub of the green. Sat E P 172:668 Ja 27 '00 Sunday. Sat E P 178:15 S 16 '05 Sunday-school picnic. Sat E P 177:6 My 6 '05 Tea from Japan. Lippinc 88:231 Ag '11 Tooth. Everybody's 12:839 Je '05 Truly Christmas. Lippinc 82:755 D '08 Waddy's auto ride. Cent 74:558 Ag '07 Way of a maid. Ees Mo 54:93 My '02 What did Duncan do? Lippinc 84:724 D '09 When love was blind. Met 16:214 Ag '02 When you ran away. Sat E P 178:18 S 2 "05 You at school. Cent 67:291 D '03 Sabine, Lillian K. Sense of possession. Harp B 47:267 Je '13 Saccular sea-serpent. B. Brandenburg. Every- body's 15:53 Jl '06 Sacharissa. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 181:10 N 28 'OS Sacrament. E. S. Phelps. Harper 112:13 D '05 Sacrament of the night. M. C. Jenison. Harper 112:732 Ap '06 Sacred concert. M. T. Wright. Scrib 34:117 Jl •03 Sacrifice. H. P. Spofford. Atlan 91:616 My '03 Sacrifice at Potter's Fold. E. E. Peake. Sat E P 181:8 F 6 '09 Sacrifice of Nabla. S. MacManus. Lippinc 74: 216 Ag '04 Sacrifice of woman. H. Johnson. Everybody's 25:551 O '11 Sacrifice to the graces. G. Hibbard. Cosmop 38:658 Ap '05 Sacrificing of Master Gordon Lord. P. K. Fitz- hugh. New Eng n s 44:287 My '11 Sad case of Mr. Slumsky. B. Lessing. Cosmop 45:556 O 'OS Sad case of Quag. H. G. Rhodes. Harper 121: 896 N 10 Sad, sad dog. S. G. Blythe. Sat E P 182:8 D 11 '09 Sad shepherd. H. Van Dyke. Scrib 49:1 Ja '11 Sadie of the kind eyes. M. T. Antrim. Lippinc 79:640 My '07 Safe-de-?osit Annie. E. S. Johnson. Col 54:7 D 5 '14 Safety match. I. Hay. Met 34:611, 761 Ag-S '11 Safety valve. E. N. Blair. Lippinc 87:631 My '11 Saga of 54: H. Whitaker. Cosmop 32:267 Ja '02 Sage, Albert Gallatin Confessions of a book agent. Les Mo 54:552 O •02 Sage-brush hen. T. A. Janvier. Harper 111: 769 O '05 Sage-brush Sally's mother. M. Finnegan. Mun 49:237 My '13 Sage Cinderella and the precipitate prince. G. Pahlow. Cosmop 47:22 Je '09 Sage of Little Thunder. E. E. Peake. Sat B P 181:8 Ja 9 '09 Said. F. A. Mathews. Cent 84:59 My '12 Sailing to-morrow. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Cosmop 56:770 My '14 Sailor of the sail. W. O. Stevens. Lippinc 93: 97 Ja '14 Sailorman. R. H. Davis. Col 48:13 D 16 '11 Sailormen of the Maine coast. S. M. Chase. Scrib 52:193 Ag '12 Sailors all. S. F. Whitman. Col 35:20 My 6 '05 Saint and the second nail. K. Harris. Sat E P 185:16 F 15 '13 St. Clair, Aaron C. Under the management of Kitty. Les Mo 59: 160 D '04 St. Clair, Labert High-bike pioneer. Col 52:23 O 18 '13 Saint Ernesta and the imp. E. G. Jordan. Harp B 35:210 Jl '01 Saint-Gaudens, Homer, 1880- Arabella, quartermaster. Harp W 54:12 N 12 '10 Ball and the bracelet. Met 24:635 Ag '06 Let us have peace. Harp W 57:18 Ja 25 '13 Man the machine. Met 27:730 Mr '08 Passion of iron. Met 25:724 Mr '07 Poet and the emperor. Met 26:26 Ap '07 Sir John. Harp W 55:16 O 14 11 Thompson's beat. Met 25:176 N '06 Through the fog of the coal. Met 27:336 D '07 St. George and the dragon. L. L. Hinkley. Harp W 58:22 Mr 14, 18 Mr 21 '14 St. George dragon. L. F. Tooker. Everybody's 22:194 F '10 St. Isidor contract and Pierre. F. Wilkinson. Atlan 89:326 Mr '02 Saint Judas. W. Doroschewitsch. Cur Lit 51: 225 Ag '11 Saint Lincoln. A. M. Heaven. New Eng n s 43:214 O '10 Saint Nicholas Scraggs. H. W. Phillips. Sat E P 177:3 D 3 '04 St. Nicholas the superchild. T. L. Masson. Harp W 51:1912 D 2S '07 St. Peter of the Latin Quarter. M. H. Chase. Cosmop 42:173 D '06 Saint Rosamond. A. S. Allen. Les Mo 54:570 O •02 St. Stephen's eve. G. W. Deeping. Harper 109: 176 Jl '04 Saints and Mary Toole at the bazar. C. Day. Cent 78:567 Ag '09 Sale of Mammoth Western. W. N. Harben. Cent 75:74 N '07 Salem wolf. H. Pyle. Harper 120:3 D '09 Sally. L. S. Portor. Atlan 90:626 N '02 Sally Ann's experience. E. C. Hall. L H J 24: 17 O- ^07. Same Cosmop 45:167 Jl '08 Sally Castleton, southerner. See Marriott, Crittenden. Sally's soul. M. W. McCord. Lippinc 88:548 O '11 Salt crowd's trade. W. Payne. Everybody's 7: 226 S '02 Salt duty. F. A. Steel. Met 20:649 Ag '04 Salting of the Golden Rule: Wolfville story. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 44:575 My '08 Saltus, Edgar Evertson, 1858- Princess of the Golden isles. Cosmop 33:337 Jl '02 White gloves. Mun 49:102 Ap '13 Saltus, Percival Confessions of a juror. Sat E P 179:3 Mr 30 '07 Saltykov-Schedrin, M. I. Story of the lost conscience. Cur Lit 40:340 Mr '06 Salutamus. S. F. Whitman. Met 32:155 My '10 Salvage. J. O. Curwood. Mun 37:249 My '07 Salvage of Point Faraway. W. H. Osborne. Met 17:289 Mr '03 Salvage of the Santa Maria. W. A. Fraser. Sat E P 172:1027 My 5 '00 Salvation: (Blister Jones racing story). J. T. Foote. Amer 76:48 Jl '13 Salvation and spring fever. W. G. Shepherd. Mun 39:413 Je 'OS Salvation and the old salt. R. Sloss. Harp W 52:12 Jl 11 '08 Salvation at sea. A. Warner. Cosmop 46:704 My '09 Salvation of Captain Dan McCarthy. W. O. Inglis. Mun 24:928 Mr '01 Salvation of Tobias Miller. W. R. Lighten. Les Mo 51:354 F '01 Salvation of William. F. Walworth. Les Mo 58: 292 Jl '04 Salvatore Schneidei a story of New Tork. E. Poole. Cur Lit 45:228 Ag '08 Salving of the barnue Fuller. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 38:462 O '05 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 261 Salving of the Beloochistan. A. E. Mcfarlane. Sat E P 175:8 Jl 26 '02 Sam and Rags with the river show. C. D. Stewart. Cent 73:807 Ap '07 Sam Joplin's epigastric nerve. F. H. Smith. Sat E P 17&:11 My 12 'Uti Sam Turner: business man's love story. See Chester, George Randolph Samantiny Alien and the auntys. Josiah Allen's wile. Harp B 14:1G8 Mr '10 Samaris. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 178:3 My 5 '06 Samaritan of the L-Bar. R. L. Ketchura. Cos- mop 30: -69 Ja '01 Sammy. F. H. Smith. Les Mo 50:313 Ag '00 Sample copy. K. Perry. Les Mo 58:670 O '04 Sample, W. S. Plebe's life at West Point. Lippinc 90:285 S •12 Sampson, IVI. G. Judy. McClure 21:291 Jl '03 Sams, Stanhope Golden age of Poincarre. Col 35:21 Ap 15 '05 Sanborn, Irvmg E. Man of the wire mask. Everybody's 29:239 Ag ■13 Sanctified man. T. J. Hains. Met 24:67 Ap 'Oii Sanctuary. L. A. Long. Cent 64:309 Je '02 Sanctuary. W. Payne. McClure 43:70 O '14 Sanctuary. E. Wharton. Scrib 34:148 Ag '03 Sanctuary. J. F. Wilson. Lippinc 90:319 S '12 Sand. F. R. Bechdolt. Sat E P 182:6 Je 18 '10 Sand hill crane. W. J. Neidig. Cent 79:739 Mr '10 Sand-hog. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 52:92 D '11 Sand wheels. W. L. Alden. Sat E P 173:14 My 11 '01 Sanderilla. K. L. Mead. Harper 104:680 Mr '02 Sanders of the river. E. Wallace. Met 33:733 Mr 11. Same Harp W 55:16 S 23 '11 Sanderson, James Gardner Creature of the m.achine. Met 19:69 O 03 Dalton and the Northern hold up. Met 25:149 X '06 Honor of the Dorans. Col 36:19 Ja 6 06 Member from the ninth. McClure 15:150 Je "00 Personal equation. Lippinc 67:86 Ja '01 Strike of the John Kelly local. Mun 29:269 My '03 Sanderson of my parish. C. T. Brady. L H J 24:13 F '07 Sandman. C. S. Bailey. Delin 78:257 O '11 Sandwich-man. J. L. Long. Cent 88:321 Jl '14 Sandwich man. N. W. Putnam. Amer 78:10 D 14 Sandy land lilies. B. Benefield. Scrib 53:207 F Sandy McKiver, hero. H. D. Ward. Cent 66: 914 O '03 Sandy's old woman. M. Windeyer. Everybody's ll-7."'>3 D '04 Sanford, Edward r;amhlers' wives. Col 53:15 Je 27 '14 Sanford. Mabel Warren Hf-r rhippendale desk. Mun 29:597 Jl 03 Sanford, Mary Bourchler I/fhorah of Fort Yawik. Lippinc 76:229 Ag 0:. Sangre de Cri.sto. E. Bingham. Everybody's 17:302 S '07 Sangree, Allen In Dutch. Sat E P 183:5 Je 17 '11 Indian sign. Sat E P 184:13 S 9 '11 Inside stuff. Met 35:18 My '12 I>emonade boy. Met 35:14 S '12 ^ „ ,, , Naive Mr. Dasher — story of a baseball jlnk.s. Sat E P 1S2:S My 28 '10 Pinch hitter. Met 3S:21 My '13 Ringer. The. Sat K P 183:17 My 6 '11 Strategy of the ball field. Everybody s 15:509 O '06 Sangster, Ida M. Little million. Harp B 33:256 Mr 24 '00 Sankey's double-header. F. H. Spearman. Mc- Clure 14:456 Mr '00 Sansone, Gertrude House on the bluff. New Eng n s 49:111 My '13 Santa Claus and little Billee. J. K. Bangs. Mun 4J;337 D '09 Santa Claus at Lonely Cove. N. Duncan. At- lan yJ:742 D '03 Santa Claus of Hogan's Mills. K. Jarboe. De- liu 63:SS Ja '04 Santa Claus's understudy. H. E. Rood. Harp W 46:89 D 6 '02 Santa Fe Charley's kindergarten. T. A. Janvier. Harper 111:929 N '05 Santa Maria Maggiore. S. E. White. Cent 65: 668 Mr '03 Sapphire ring. E. Ecob. Lippinc 79:110 Ja '07 Sarah and Mr. Salamovitch. M. F. Scott. Outl 87:531 N 9 '07 Sarah bursts her shell. H. Willsie. Delin 85:8 Jl '14 Sarah McGuffie, washerwoman. J. J. Bell. Sat E P 177:3 N 26 '04 Sargasso sea. J. M. Forman. Col 47:18 Jl 29 '11 Sargent, Epes W. Political conspiracy. New Eng n s 25:306 N '01 Sart gatherer. J. F. A. Pyre. Outl 101:306 Je 8 '12 Sass, Herbert Ravenel Test of loyalty. Met 28:270 Je '08 Sate's weddin'. M. C. Richardson. New Eng n s 34:621 Jl '06 Satraps. J. B. Cabell. Harper 118:694 Ap '09 Satterlee, Herbert Livingston, 1S63- Apiil crossing: the Titanic disaster in retro- spect. Outl 101:251 Je 1 '12 Satterlee's deal. A. Stoddart. Lippinc 75:114 Ja •05 Satterthwaite, Louise Else tears must come. Lippinc 78:647 N '06 Saturday night. J. Oppenheim. Forum 43:97 F '10 Satyr's children. E. Wyatt. Atlan 98:513 O '06 Sauce for the gander. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 186:5 My 16 '14 Sauce Rosemonde. M. C. Oemler. Cent 83:190 D '11 Saunders Charles Francis, 1859- Road to Gooch's landing. New Eng n s 31:244 O '04 „ Soldier that never returned. New Eng n s 23:447 D '00 Saunders, Dwight Younger son. Everybody s 11:563 O 04 Saunder's vacation. W. H. Osborne. Met 19: 102 O '03 Savage, C. MacLean Eye for beauty. Mun 44:757 Mr '11 Savages. P. F. O'Shca. Col 54:11 O 31 '14 Save in his own country. J. W. Tompkins. Ev- erybody's 7:131 Ag '02 Saved: an emotional drama. W. D. Howolls Harp W 52:22 D 26 '08 Saved by proxy. E. D. Riggers. Amer 77:45 Je '14 Savile, Frank (Ellvas Knarf, pseud.) Comedy of cunning. Mun 28:652 I« O-* ,„„ ^. F':i)i.sode of Teacup canyon. Mun 30:1SJ is '03 In the strong man's borders. Lippinc 77:191 Omelette. Harp W 50:1568 N 3 '06 Saving a brother. «. Fitch. Sat E P 180:0 S 20 Saving Donald Ferguson. M. Synon. Scrib 51: 37 Ja '12 Saving f.ue. L. Colcord. Amer 08:277 Jl "09 262 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Saving of the boy. E. M. Colson. Harp B 36: 874 O '02 Saving of the choir. R. Bradford. New Eng n s 29:578 Ja '04 Saving sense. J. Morton. Everybody's 17:333 S •07 Sawyer, Charles Henry, 1840:1908 Tale of the Loup Garou. Cur Lit 30:331 Mr '01 Sawyer, Lucy M. Living memory. New Eng n s 32:182 Ap '05 Story of the sea. New Eng n s 27:317 N 'Ofi Wenina. New Eng n s 27:37 S '02 Sawyer, RutKi, 1880- As it was told by the lazy bush. Outl 99:532 O 28 '11 Blessing of the waters. Outl 101:695 Jl 27 '12 Coming o' the king. Atlan 104:593 N '09 Courting of Bridget. Everybody's 31:355 S '14 Denis. Harper 129:548 S '14 Faeries, just. Everybody's 29:748 D '13 Happy Baker. Met 34:476 Jl '11 Man who planted the hungry-grass. Every- body's 27:273 Ag '12 One day. Mun 47:789 Ag '12 Paddy the gander. Col 51:17 My 3 '13 Princess and the vagabone. Outl 99:76 S 9 '11 Tall one and the wee one. Mun 49:123 Ap '13 Voyage of the wee red cap. Outl 99:742 N 25 '11 "When Padraic came piping. Outl 104:478 Je 28 '13 Sawyer, Walter Leon (Winn Standish, pseud.), 1862- Indiscretion of John Henry. Cent 63:33 N '01 John Henry's lobster trust. Cent 64:863 O '02 Saxby, Charles Empire. Everybody's 29:370 S '13 Her ladyship's sofa. ETelin 78:424 D '11 Lotus. Everybody's 28:237 F '13 Scabbard. J. B. Cabell. Harper 116:847 My 'OS Scaler. S. E. "V\niite. McClure 20:462 Mr '03 Scally. L Hay. Sat E P 186:16 Je 13 '14 Scalpel of Damocles. J. I. Lawrence. Mun 41: 401 Je '09 Scandal in chancery. W. H. Osborne. Sat B P 179:8 N 24 '06 Scandal in high life. J. D. Bacon. Scrib 37:411 Ap '05 Scandinavian funny stories. C. Johnston. Harp W 56:13 .Ja 13 '12 Scar, The. S. C. Porter. Met 37:21 Mr '13 Scar Neck. R. Steele. Sat E P 185:10 D 28 '12 Scarborough spoons. L. Furman. Cent 85:126 N '12 Scare day in Wall street. C. E. "Van Loan. Mun 46:411 D '11 Scarlet bat. J. Gray. Atlan 97:824 Je '06 Scarlet fever letter. N. Harrison. McClure 25: 4S2 S '05 Scarlet flower. C. Harris. Met 40:10 Je '14 Scarlet geranium hat. E. H. Abbott. Every- body's 25:630 N '11 Scarlet ibis. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 52:204 Ag '12 Scarlet thread. S. L. Coleman. Delin 69:267 F '07 Sarcophagus of a single flower. A. M. Shell. Mun 46:828 Mr '12 Scatcherd, Winifred Rebellion of Peter. Cosmop 45:505 O '08 Scenic novel. E. P. Butler. Atlan 107:424 Mr Schaeffer, Evelyn Schuyler Family affair. Atlan 100:87 Jl '07 Madame Arvilla. Atlan 102:15 Jl '08 Papa and mother. Scrib 44:77 Jl '08 Perpetual visitor. Scrib 42:66 Jl '07 Schauffler, Robert Haven, 1879- Conspiracy of Krass. Cent 68:374 Jl '04 Esquire. Cent 74:886 O '07 Schauffler, Robert Haven — continued Exuberance and the new artist. Cent 88:750 S '14 Heberlein and the union. Outl 80:438 Je 17 '05 Man behind the drums. Cent 67:661 Mr '04 Masters by proxy. Cent 88:506 Ag '14 Mother. Cent 75:277 D '07 Russian climax. Cent 65:406 Ja '03 Scheffauer, Herman George, 1878- Fire child. Harp W 55:16 Jl 15 '11 Gold stater. Harp W 56:14 Je 15 '12 Greater gift. Harp "VV 54:12 N 26 '10 Horses of the troop. Harp W 55:12 Mr 25 '11 Laocoon. Harp W 55:16 Ja 7 '11 Maid of New Amsterdam. Harp W 53:22 D 25 •09 Man who hated Christmas. Harp "W 56:14 D 21 '12 Miracle of the matches. Harp "W 57:14 Ja 18 '13 On Tulang Shoals. Met 38:27 O '13 Shadow-slayer. Harp W 54:22 Mr 26 '10 Spektor in search of a model. Cent 82:530 Ag "11 Stolen bride. Harp W 55:14 D 23 "11 Sunken admiral. Everybody's 17:159 Ag '07 Thief of fame. Harper 127:399 Ag '13 Two in a temple. Cosmop 46:503 Ap '09 Vendetta of the wheels. Harp W 56:15 Ap 6 ■V^^l^te mercy. Harp W 54:18 O 29 '10 Schem, Lida Clara (Margaret Blake, pseud.), 1S75- Elizabeth of All Saints. Harp "^' 55:8 D 16 '11 He prayeth best who loveth best. Harp B 45: 354 Ag '11 Shrimp, The. Harp W 54:14 D 31 '10 Scheme of Sutcliffe, swindler. W. H. Osborne, McClure 20:598 Ap '03 Scherer, James Augustus Brown, 1870- How Christmas came into England. Scrib 46: 641 D '09 Schetty, John Austin Hickey of old Thirteen. Lippinc 71:582 Ap '03 Schism at St. Hilda's. M. L. Luther. McClure 24:314 Ja '05 Schlosser's wife. M. S, Gerry, Harper 122:786 Ap "11 Schmidt. L. Osbourne. Everybody's 13:3 Jl '05 Schmidt, Anna Seaton Above the clouds at Metequi. Atlan 96:251 Ag '05 Schock^ Georg, pseud. (Katharine Riegel Loose), Abroad. Harper 125:893 N '12 Another way home. Harper 118:188 Ja '09 Autumn Fan. Harper 119:903 N '09 Bail. Harper 123:463 Ag '11 Birthright of the wanderer. Harper 113:301 Jl '06 Christmas child. Harper 112:704 Ap '06 Daughter of the soil. Scrib 33:675 Je '03 Honored guests. Harper 118:348 F '09 Immortality of Gad Heffner. Harper 116:295 Ja 'OS Lady of Toluca. New Eng n s 28:434 Je '03 Male plumage. Harper 126:537 Mr '13 Old Eve. Harper 116:462 F '08 Patient earth. Scrib 38:423 O '05 Prisoner of the ground. Lippinc 79:517 Ap '07 Reaching for the moon. Harper 127:842 N '13 Strayed souls. Harper 117:556 S '08 Venus in the fields. Harper 116:598 Mr '08 Victim of cleanliness. Cent 67:539 F '04 "Vi''hom God hath joined. New Eng n s 29:455 D '03 Schollard, F, H. Lancaster. E^'erybody's 19: 712 N '08 School board and the beaux. M. McHenry. Col 51:7 Je 7 '13 School days of an Indian girl, Zitkala-Sa, At- lan S5:1S5 F "00 School-mother, O. Ohver, Lippinc 82:443 O '08 School republic, C. Johnston, Harp "W 55:13 S 23 '11 School we lost: a storv of the sieners. J. B. Connolly. Outl 77:84 My 7 '04 Schoolma'am. R. W. Child, Col 44:21 F 26 '10 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 263 Schoolmarm. F. W. Shibley. New Eng n s 25: 549 Ja '02 Schoolmarm at Big Breezes. M. Sherrard. Col 50:22 S 28 '12 Schoolmaster and Felicia. A. E. W. Mason. Harp W 47:19 D 12 '03 Schoolmaster of Bagaduce. J. W. Strout. New Eng n s 34:6S9 Ag '06 Schools and schools. O. Henry. Mun 40:37 O '08 Schrader, Marie B. Mrs. Deane's caller. Mun 43:386 Je '10 Schulten, Jessie L. Jim's second forgery. Scrib 34:491 O '03 Schurman, Catherine Egeria substitutes. Harper 129:155 Je '14 Schuyler, Lydia, pseud. See Van Rensselaer, jNlariana (Griswold) Schwartz, Joost Marius Willem van der Poorten. See Maartens, Maarten, pseud. Schwed. Hermine Mr. Letts speaks. Les Mo 60:324 Jl '05 Science and tlie cook. L. F. Hartman. Harp 121:479 Ag '10 Science at Heart's Desire. E. Hough. Sat E P 177:6 O 1 '04 Scientific symposium. S. R. Crockett. Every- body's 3:259 S '00 Scientific tangle. J. Swain. Lippinc 71:855 Je '03 Scientist and the moth. J. Lee. Cent 69:432 Ja '05 Scion of Adam. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 89:589 Ap '12 Scoffer on Mount Olympus. C. Johnston. Harp W 55:12 S 16 '11 Scofield, Kendrick Over years and tides. Col 54:12 S 26 '14 Scollard, Clinton, 1S60- Knight of the highway. Lippinc 68:259 S '01 Passing of a poet. Lippinc 66:795 N '00 Scoop. E. P. Butler. Lippinc 87:687 Je '11 Scoop of the session. G. Barton. Col 32:14 N 7 '03 Scornful maid. C. E. Shute. Delin 59:104 Ja '02 Scotford, Frederick E. Three toes. McClure 24:493 Mr '05 Scott Bohannon's bond. G. M. Cooke. Col 39: 18 My 4 '07 Scott, Duncan Campbell, 1862- Recompense. Mun 3S;25 O '07 Vain shadow. Scrib 28:72 Jl '00 Vengeance is mine. Mun 36:777 Mr '07 Scott, Edith Fullerton Seekin' of Ike. Atlan 102:633 N '08 When Billy came home. Delin 70:976 D '07 Scott, Hugh Stowell. See Merriman, Henry Seton, pseud. Scott, John Reed, 1869- Affair of the protocol. Lippinc 88:682 N '11 Balance of power. Lippinc 89:823 Je '12 First hurdle. Lippinc S0:610 N '07 Heel of Achilles. Lippinc 87:462 Ap '11 Mrs. Randolph'.s nerve. Lippinc 86:708 D '10 Quarter-to-eight. Lippinc 90:451 O '12 Testing of the Earls. Lippinc 81:360 Mr '08 Scott, Leroy, 1875- Hehind the rail. Met 35:10 Jl '12 Counsel for the defense. Mun 45:671 Ag '11 Honorable IJrre and the cigarette law. Cos- mop 40:54 X '05 Major's honeymoon. Kvprvbody's 19:302 S '08 Mother. The. Tosmop r>C,:.',r,() V '14 On Halleluiah Hill. Mun 4ft:247 My '13 Prison davs of Billy MacCheeck. McClure 23: 649 O '04 Race of number 19: Amer 61:579 Mr '06 "When Cui)id meets Cupid. Mun 47:907 S '12 Scott, Lola f>nly in tho land of dream.s. Amer 63:54 N '06 Wa-.shun-lah-ga-lah. Kverybody's 11:407 S '04 Scott, Mary Sample Poor Ther^se. Mun 49:193 My '13 Scott, Miriam Finn, ISM- Sarah and Mr. Salamovitch. Outl 87:521 N 9 '07 Scott, Quincy McNabs wife. Met 34:207 My '11 Scott, Rosa Naomi Toys. Delin 80:435 D '12 Woman in the second row. Cur Lit 47:222 Ag •09 Scott, Roscoe Gilmore Hold-up. Lippinc 85:375 Mr '10 Scott, Temple, 1^64- Fifth Avenue and the Boulevard Saint-Michel. Forum 44:665 D '10 Scotty. C. McKay. McClure 32:41 N 'OS Scourge. R. E. Beach. Everybody s 12:619 My '05 Scourge of goodness. E. H. Neff. Everybody's 19:418 S 'OS Scourge of the forest. C. G. D. Roberts. Outl S0:S71 Ag 5 '05 Scout. E. Hough. Les Mo 51:136 D '00 Scoville, Samuel, Jr., 1S72- Churching of Bankson. Mun 45:370 Je '11 Cupid and the Puff-adder. ]Mun 51:484 Ap '14 Great Boo handicap. Mun 46:36 O '11 Trappers of men. Lippinc 92:730 D '13 Scrap. L. Chamberlain. Cent 69:946 Ap '05 Scrapper Halpin. M. Kavanagh. Scrib 33:182 F '03 Scrap's crusade. E. B. Tiffany. Harper 105:956 N '02 Screaming skull. F. M. Crawford. Col 41:14 Jl 11, 12 Jl 18 '08 Screen door. G. T. Weston. Harper 110:811 Ap '05 Screened. R. Cobino. Harper 123:774 O '11 Scrubwoman. D. Canfield. Mun 36:412 Ja '07 Scrubwoman. M. L. Goetchius. Harper 117:929 N 'OS Sculptor. R.W.Chambers. Sat E P 183:14 D 24 '10 Sculptor of Seville. J. V. Z. Belden. Mun 26:816 Mr '02 Sculptor's angel. M. Corelli. Harp B 48:14 D '13 Sculptor's funeral. W. Gather. McClure 24:329 Ja '05 Scythe in the oak-tree. B. M. Dix. Lippinc 71: 211 F '03 Sea-captain. Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. Harper 127: 249 Jl '13 Sea change. A. Brown. Atlan 86:180 Ag '00 Sea change. A. Kimball. Atlan 106:264 Ag '10 Sea-child. E. W. Mumford. Harper 108:766 Ap •04 Sea-dog. T. J. Hains. Harper 105:797 O '02 Sea-glln. G. S. Wasson. Atlan 99:835 Je '07 Sea-goers. E. Pottle. Sat E P 177:4 Ap S '05 Sea is his also. J. B. Foster. Cosmop 37:41 My '04 Sea of fire. A. M. Kerr. Sat E P 172:636 Ja 20 '00 Sea of troubles. P. G. Wodehouse. McClure 43: 87 S '14 Sea tragedy. W. IT. Dunton. Met 23:512 F '06 Sea turn. T. B. Aldrlch. Harper 103:4 Je '01 Seafaring man. R. E. White. Col 37:18 S 15 '06 Seal of silence. A. P. Terhune. Lippinc 09:125 .T.-i 'OJ Sealed order.s. L. G. Glltnor. New Eng n s 24: !i:» .Mr '01 Sealed orders. E. M. Khodcs. S.it K P lS5:n My 10 '13 Sealed packet. M. D. PoHt. Sat K 1' 1S4:I0 S 23 '11 Seamless robe IT. C. Troutmnn. ITimixt 106: r.T'.i .\p '(».'! Seamstress. K. II. Brown. Kvorybody'B 6:312 Mr '02 264 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Seamstress — stoiy of a woman who underatood. A. Spadoni. Cur Op 55:278 O '13 Seamy side in tlie Pliilippines. H. C. Rowiand. cent bo:ti62 Ap 'U2 Search lor a liard-boiled egg. S. G. Blytlie. iOveiybody's 20:750 Je 'Oy Search tor a lost republic. W. Hale. Harper 109:929 M '04 Search for a sluggard: a tale of three ants. E. S. Babcock. Uutl 78:622 N 5 'i/l Searing, Annie Eliza Pidgeon (Mrs. John W. Searing), 1857- Alcesty's flier. Delin 80:212 O '12 Cure. Harp W 56:17 Je 1 '12 Evolution of a citizen. New Eng n s 22:310 My '00 Heart's desire. Cent 74:543 Ag '07 Little gray pui^e. Mun 44:532 Ja '11 On Primrose hill. New Eng n s 23:653 F '01 Overheard. Harp B 33:230 Mr 17 '00 Tonny Wondy. Cent 73:901 Ap '07 Searing, Mrs. John W. See Searing, Annie Eliza Pidgeon Sears, Baldwin Other Browning. Sat E P 175:8 Ag 2 '02 To the highest bidder. Mun 29:717 Ag '03 Sears, (Joseph) Hamblen, 1865- Her infinite variety. Sat B P 177:3 Jl 2 '04 Major's lost fiancee. Sat E P 177:3 Jl 16 '04 Masquerading cynic. Sat E P 175:8 Je 20 '03 Retroactive wager. Sat E P 176:7 N 21 '03 Undeclared proposal. Sat E P 176:5 F 20 '04 Unexplained relation. Sat E P 176:4 N 7 '03 Unforeseen reminder. Sat E P 176:4 D 5 '03 Unrepentant groom. Sat E P 176:5 Ja 30 '04 Sears, John V. Ballanfad. Lippinc 68:609 N '01 Sears, Kate Bartlett Something different. Delin 70:840 N '07 Seasoning of Monsieur Baptiste. M. L. Goetch- ius. Atlan 100:825 D '07 Seat of judgment. M.L.Radford. Sat E P 179: 20 N 17 '06 Seat of the scornful. E. S. Field. Everybody's 19:654 N '08 Seaton's masquerade. F. K. Hoffman. Lippinc 70:234 Ag '02 Seats of the mighty. O. Henry. Mun 36:285 D '06 Seawell, Molly Elliot, 1860- Admirals ward. Sat E P 172:628 Ja 20 '00 Betty's Virginia Christmas. Lippinc 92:657 D '13 Capture of the Emperor. Col 42:16 F 27 '09 Clown and Columbine. Scrib 46:670 D '09 Derwent's love affairs. Sat E P 172:687 F 3 '00 Drum-major. Scrib 49:41 Ja '11 Excellent revenge of Eleanoi'. Sat E P 172: 604 Ja 13 '00 Gentleman ranker. Lippinc 81:501 Ap '08 Hacienda. Scrib 52:443 O '12 Hold-up. Sat E P 172:942 Ap 14 '00 Lieutenant and the princess. Sat E P 174:6 Ap 5, 10 Ap 12 '02 Military adventures of Mistress Jean Seawell. Sat E P 176:18 O 31 '03 Mr. Ackerstein of New York. Sat E P 173:9 Ja 12 '01 Mrs. Winstead's mistake. Sat B P 173:3 S 8 '00 Pumpkin: story of a French dragoon. Sat E P 173:3 Mr 23 '01 ■Wireless tragedy. Lippinc 87:706 Je '11 Seclusion of Rosalia. M. F. Bgan. Cent 69:566 F '05 Second Adam. T. L. Masson. Lippinc 85:235 F '10 Second best. M. Harris. Harper 112:369 F '06 Second birth of Jim McGuire. P. E. Triem. Col 41:17 Ag 22 '08 Second chance. J. B. Cabell. Harper 119:679 O '09 Second Christmas. E. P. Clarke. Harp W 51: 1852 D 14 '07 Second-class passenger. P. Gibbon. McClure 27:641 O '06 Second engagement. A. M. Sholl. Mun 37:172 iVj.y 'Oi Seconu generation. C. B. Davis. Col 37:16 Jl 7 'Ob Second-hand paradise. M. B. Hartt. Scrib 38: IJl Ag '05 Second lesson. H. M. Kelly. Met 28:132 My 'OS second mate. P. Gibbon. McClure 25:23 My '05 Second murderer. E. W. Hornung. Everybody's 30:700 My '14 Second nqcturn of St. Patrick. V. Harper. Lip- pinc i5:o26 Mr '05 Second place. K. H. Brown. Met 32:523 Jl '10 Second quality. Mrs. J. "Van Vorst. Lippinc 82; I Jl '08 Second stanza. P. Wilson. Lippinc 84:758 D 09 Second star. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 75:753 Je 'U5 Second venture. M. M. Lloyd. Harper 111:285 Jl '05 Second voice. H. L. Bradley. Atlan 113:354 Mr '14 Second wife. M. H. Vorse. Harper 124:462 F '12 Second wife. M. R. Warren. L H J 30:7 My, 10 Je, 12 Jl '13 Second will. H. P. Holt. Lippinc 94:342 S '14 Secret. M. S. Briscoe. Harp W 53:22 Ag 21 '09 Secret. F. Crissey. Harper 125:787 O '12 Secret. M. B. W. Freeman. Harper 115:392 Ag '07 Secret agent. A. Stringer. Sat E P 183:3 Jl 2, II Jl 9 '10 Secret altar. V. Rousseau. Harp W 55:12 My 27 '11 Secret chambers. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Harper 119:95 Je '09 Secret Christmas tree. B. Singmaster. Outl 108:892 D 16 '14 Secret history. V. Roseboro'. McClure 29:183 Je '07 Secret holiday. M. N. Thurston. Lippinc 66: 571 O '00 Secret house. M. R. Rinehart. Met 40:30 My •14 Secret of a weed's plain heart. G. Bonner. Everybody's 10:206 F '04 Secret of serenity. D. Canfield. Everybody's 16:451 Ap '07 Secret of the confessional. E. S. Lewis. Lip- pinc 93:619 My '14 Secret of the north. J. Hawthorne. Met 20:358 Je '04 Secret of the Stone-oven country. B. Grimshaw. Everybody's 29.832 D '13 Secret sharer. J. Conrad. Harper 121:340. 530 Ag-S '10 Secret shelf. Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. Harper 125: 203 Jl '12 Secrets of a railroad executive's rise. B. M. Woolley. Sat E P 184 :S F 10 '12 Sectional house. E. P. Butler. Cent 68:215 Je •04 Seddon-Battyes' baby. F. Danby. Harp W 59: 17 Jl 4 '14 Sedgwick. C. B. Davis. Col 40:16 Mr 21 '08 Sedgwick, Alice Man who forgot. Cent 69:51 N '04 Sedgwick, Anne Douglas (Mrs. Basil de S6lln- court), 1873- Forsaken temple. Cent 65:43, 255 N-D '02 Lion among ladies. Cent 62:381 Jl '01 Madeline Tristram. Cent 69:735 Mr '05 Rescue. Cent 63:296, 460, 608, 758, 895 D '01- Ap '02 Suicide. Cent 67:550 F '04 "White pagoda. Cent 84:770 S '12 Sedgwick, John Hunter Gaiety. Harp W 58:14 F 28 '14 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, lyuU-1914 26: Seed of life. A. W. Morris. New Eng n s 31: ii. S 'O-l Seed of AlcCoy. J. London. Cent 77:898 Ap '09 Seed to ttie sower. S. Ford. Atlan 96:601 N '05 Seeds of discord. G. T. Weston. Harper 111: y63 N '[)6 Seeds of time. G. L. Collin. Harper 108:632 Mr Seegar and Cigareet. J. Hines. Everybody's -4:162 F '11 Seegar, i»iary K. Ferturbed spirit. Harper 105:832 N '02 Seeing Boston. F. R. Sterrett. New Eng n s J6.6U0 Ag '07 Seeing Boston through a megaphone. G. Fitch. L, H J 24:11 Je '07 Seeing Chicago through a megaphone. G. Fitch. L H J 24:17 Mr '07 Seeing France with Uncle John. A. Warner. Cent 72:2S9 Je "06 Seeing Philadelphia through a megaphone. G. Fitch. L, H J 24:15 F '07 Seeing the real New York. J. L. Ford. Cos- mop 39:640 O '05 Seeing Washington through a megaphone. G. Fitch. L, H J 24:22 Ag '07 Seekers after truth. F. W. Danielson. New Eng n s 35:445 D '06 Seekin' of Ike. E. F. Scott. Atlan 102:633 N '08 Seeking investment. G. Carling. Sat E P 177:6 Ja 21 '05 Seen from the pilot-house. G. W. Daley. Met 16:700 D '02 Seer and the serpent. J. C. Lincoln. Every- body's 20:14 Ja '09 Seibel, George Soul of Nana Sahib. Lippinc 79:86 Ja '07 'Tonio's general. Lippinc 73:488 Ap '04 Seibert, Venita Edge of the fairy ring. Amer 66:572 O 'OS Follies of fashion. Amer 66:254 Jl '08 In the different world. Amer C5:104, 402 D '07. F 'OS Strange confession. Les Mo 53:273 D '01 Seidel, Heinrich Old governess. Outl 65:929 Ag 18 '00 Seizure of the Aurora Borealis. J. B. Connolly. Col 4.s:20 D 16 '11 Seizure of the Scotia Mill. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 175:3 Mr 7 '03 Selden, Charles A. Economic revel. Cent 72:478 Jl '06 Throne of I'la-Zym. Harper 113.317 Jl "06 Selden, George Charles At the old Caswell place. Cosmop 43:249 Jl •07 Seldes, Gilbert V., 1892- Emaneip:.ted. Forum 51:899 Je '14 Self-sacrifice; a farce-tragedy. W. D. Howells. Harper 122:748 Ap '11 Self-made courtship. L. M. Thornton. L II J 2J:15 .\g '05 Self-starter. E. Ferber. Amer 78:10 S '14 Selfishness. D. Deakin. Cent 74:217 Je '07 Selfishness of Amelia Lamkin. M. E. W. Free- man. Harper 117:364 Ag "08 Selfishness of John. M. Dana. Mun 29:334 Je 'o:; Selfishness of Nolan. T. Garrison. Mun 27:606 Jl '02 Sellgsberg, Alice L. Kllif. .\'f-w lOriK n h 24:554 Jl '01 Sellncourt. Mrs. Basil de. See Sedprwirk. Anno I)f)Ufrlas Seller of hate. A. MorrlHon. Met 24:75" S '06 Selling a patent. G. n. Chester. Rat E P 180:5 Ja 18. 13 .la 25 "OS Selling Mr. Perkins. L. E. Dutton. Mim 52 :5-'1 Ap '14 Selling the serond-hand car. C. L. Edholm. Lippinc 94:211 Ag '14 Selma protective association, C. W. Rankin Cent 71:55 N '05 xvctuiuu. Semaphore. J. Husband. Atlan 113:487 Ap 14 Sembower, Alta Brunt (Mrs. Charles Jacob Sem- bower), IbiS- Chaperon. Harper 122:356 F '11 Conference. Harper 125:303 Jl '12 Frost-nipped romance. Col 35:18 Ag 12 '05 His pictures. Harp W 50:1678 N 24 '06 Natural solution. Harp W 54:18 Ag 27 '10 Neighbors. Harper 122:828 My '11 Obscure generation. Delin 72:784 N '08 Power of a belief. Harp w 52:22 O 10 '08 Sheltering of Cecilia. Harper 118:920 My '09 \\ oodland heritage. Col 37:20 Ap 'ZS '06 Sembower, Mrs. Charles Jacob. See Sembower, Alta Brunt Semper Sparling. R. Dunn. Everybody's 21: 323 S '09 Sen Yoshida, cook. J. H. Colfelt. Met 22:174 ]\]y 05 Senate bill 578. B. Whitlock. Sat E P 173:3 N 10 '00 Senate bill No. 22. A. L. Provost. Mun 29:188 I\iy '03 Senator's brother. G. Morris. Amer 74:191 Je '12 Senator's plight. C. King. Sat E P 174:4 Jl 6 •01 Senator's price. W. Payne. Sat E P 178:10 My 19 '00 Senior captain. E. Balmer. Col 46:21 F 25 '11 Senior curate. M. B. Wood. Cent 79:258 D '09 Senger, Louis C. Tr.iin fourteen Scrib 27:701 Je '00 Witliout orders. Scrib 29:620 My '01 Senor Jim. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 79:274 F ■07 Senor's vigil. M. Glascock. Atlan 102:250 Ag ■08 Sensation at Mrs. D'Orsay's. T. Walsh. IMet 15:43 Ja '02 Sense of climax. P. Gibbon. Delin 75:31 Ja '10 Sense of possession. L. K. Sabine. Harp B 47: 207 Je '13 Sense of scarlet. Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. Harper 114:399 F '07 Sent on approval. J. P. Clark. Mun 34:62 O "05 Sentimental considerations. M. West. Mun 29: 25 Ap '03 Sentimental episode. K. Hoffman. Mun 29:911 S '03 Sentimental search of Roger Phillips. W. P. Eaton. Everybody's 28:226 F '13 Sentimental twaddle. J. T-i. Williams. Col 49: 22 Ap 13 '12 Seppel. O. Baillie-Grohman. Forum 52:695 N •14 Sepulcher of sand. W. G. Beymer. Cosmop 42: 151 D '00 Sequence in hearts. I... QuilUr-Couch. Sat V. P 172:1021 My 5 '00 Serao. Matllde. 1^56- Orif,'in of macaroni: legend. Cur Lit 46:457 ,\p •09 Serenade. J. Lee. Cent 89:39 N '14 Sereny. II. P. Spofford. Lcs Mo 54:314 Ag '0'> Sergeant Jimmy Bagby's feot. 1. S. Cobb. Snt E I' lSt;:l7 I 'i:! Sergennt McC.nrtv. ni.-iii hiindlcr. P. C. Mac- I'.nl.iiH-. .M<(hi,,' ::3;192 Jo '09 Sergeant McCarty's ml.stako. P. C MncFarlane .McClnn- :M:!6 N "09 Sergeant of Pompnny L. C. Hohh. Sat K P 172: 1 !0S .My 26 '00 Sergeant's vnlot. M. G. Conger. Mun 30:05 O (ir! Sermon and a sinner. V. Prlsscy. Ilnrp.r 115: .^07 S '07 Serpent In Eden. II. M Hyde. Siit K P 181:5 .1.1 16 "09 266 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Serpent in Eden. M. McHenry. Col 54:17 O 10 '14 Serpents' teeth. M. Glass. Bat E P 183:10 Ap 22 '11 Serpent's tooth. D. Deakin. Lippinc 81:672 My •08 Serpent's tooth. E. Pottle. Sat E P 182:7 N 13 '09 Servant question in Homeburg. G. Fitch. Amer 7N:3y D '14 Service of mammon. V. Y. Remnitz. Atlan 91: 531 Ap '03 Serving of age. D. H. Haines. Col 46:13 Ja 28 ■11 Sessions and the steam-coal. G. A. England. Col 34:16 Ja 14 '05 Sest.na. J. B. Cabell. Harper 112:191 Ja '06 Seth and Si. E. Bingham. Everybody's 26.263 F '12 Seth and the fire-dragon. J. Keating. Mun 33: 18 Ap '05 Seth Carter's wife. Mrs. L. H. Harris. Amer 04:73 My '07 Seth Miles and the sacred fire. C. A. P. Comer. Atlan 114:790 D '14 Setness of Abijah: drama. M. Merington. Harp B 37:204 Mr '03 Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1S60- Arnaux, the homing pigeon. L H J 22:13 Ap '05 Billy: the big wolf. L, H J 22:5 Ag, 10 S '05 Boy and the lynx. L H J 20:13 N '03 Domino Reynard of Goldur town. Cent 77: 208, 374, 545, D 'OS-F '09 Fable and woodmyth. Cent 67:35 N '03 Legend of the white reindeer. Cent 63:79 N •01 Little warhorse. L H J 21:13 Je '04 Monarch the grizzly. L H J 21:5 F, 13 Mr, 15 Ap '04 Mother Teal and the overland route. L H J 18:5 Jl '01 Slum cat. L H J 21:9 Ag '04 Winnipeg wolf. L H J 20:11 D '02 Settlement of Dryden vs. Shard. W. O. Inglis. Harper 105:649 S '02 Settlement with Shanghai Smith. M. Roberts. Sat E P 175:9 N 1 '02 Settling Opheha. C. B. Kelland. Harper 129:623 S '14 Seven adventures of John Henry. See Hewett, Grace Liscome Seven against James. A. Updegraff. L H J 29:1S O ^12 Seven coins. M. Gauss. McClure 33:412 Ag "09 Seven days. M. R. Rinehart. Lippinc 82:641 D •08 Seven -doll bill. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 179:5 Ag 11 '06 Seven meetings. E. Stark. Mun 28:429 D '02 Seven Slumbers. R. Fisguill. Harp W 56:16 Jl 20 ^12 Seven studious sisters. M. Sherwood. Scrib 35: 71 Ja '04 Seventeenth of August, 1844. M. Harland. Lip- pinc 72:195 Ag '03 Seventh card. F. Leslie. L H J 22:10 Ja '05 Seventh disappearance. A. Stringer. Everybody's 24:690 My '11 Seventh glass. P. A. Kummer. Cent 88:258 Je '14 Seventh night. J. Oppenheim. Amer 68:80 My '09 Seventh tutor. R. H. Barbour. Met 19:592 Ja '04 Seventy times seven. L. W. Reese. Lippinc 90: 346 S '12 Seville, James Harrison Campaign for love. Harper 126:965 My '13 Sewing-machine story. F. H. Spearman. Mc- Clure 27:218 Je '06 Sexton Maginnis stories. See Egan, Maurice Francis Shabogan. O. Bates. McClure 32:295 Ja '09 Shackelton, Robert, 1860- Captain of company Q. Harper 113.820 N '06 How Toomey willed his government job. Scrib 27:113 Ja 00 Lochinvar of St. Cloud. Harper 107:11 Je '03 Misery in Mis' Randolph's knee. Lippinc 65: 602 Ap 00 Quiet life. Sat E P 186:12 O 18 '13 Woman of Maidstone. Scrib 52:115 Jl '12 Shades. V. Korolenko. Cur Lit 43:577 N '07 Shadow, The. E. Boltwood. Mun 39:450 Jl 08 Shadow. G. M. Cooke and A. MacGowan. Ev- erybody's 22:350 Mr '10 Shadow. Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. Harper 123:663 O '11 Shadow. H. S. Edwards. Cent 73:278 D '06 Shadow. J. R. McMahon. Sat E P 183:16 O 8 '10 Shadow, The. O. Oliver. Met 24:498 Jl '06 Shadow. C. M. Thompson. Atlan 93:175 F '04 Shadow and the flash. J. London. Cur Lit 41: 5S5 N '06 Shadow between his shoulder blades. See Har- ris, Joel Cliandler Shadow dispelled. J. R. Ellyson. Met 13:493 Ap •01 Shadow of a man. E. W. Hornung. Lippinc 65: 323 Mr '00 Shadow of a tragedy. G. M. Martin. McClure 18:167 D '01 Shadow of a tragedy. G. E. Towndrow. Cent 72:351 Jl '06 Shadow of a tragedy. C. Wheeler. Harp W 47: 1952 D 5 '03 Shadow of good things to come. Z. Gale. Outl 86:817 Ag 17 '07 Shadow of greatness. L. E. MacBrayne. New Eng n s 21:541 Ja '00 Shadow of happiness. I. Bacheller. Cosmop 31: 6i31 O '01 Shadow of love. G. Hibbard. Cent 67:126 N '03 Shadow of Mollv Kinshela. J. V. T. Bruorton. Lippinc 84:350 S '09 Shadow of Sidi-Bel-Hassen's tomb. T. P. Byron. Everybody's 26:465 Ap '12 Shadow of the guillotine. W. Rothwell. Every- body's 3:289 S '00 Shadow of the law. E. Flower. Sat E P 180:20 N 23 '07 Shadow of the rose. R. Le Gallienne. Delin 63: 420 Mr '04 Shadow-slayer. H. Scheffauer. Harp W 54:22 Mr 26 '10 Shadows. T. A. Chase. New Eng n s 33:667 Ja '06 Shadows. G. B. Howard. Cent 87:603 F '14 Shadows and John Hatch. C. G. D. Roberts. Cosmop 56:198 Ja '14 Shadows on the wall. M. B. W. Freeman. Ev- erybody's 8:219 Mr '03 Shadowy third. A. Consulich. Met 15:402 Ap '02 Shafer, Mrs. Sara (Andrew), d. 1913 After the symposium. Outl 81:1077 D 30 '05 Doctor's wife speaks. Outl 75:455 O 24 '03 On the underground railroad. Outl 78:378 O 8 '04 Shafter. Julia Lawrence Little child. Harper 117:114 Je '08 Shakeup at headquarters. R. F. Andrews. Sat E P 176:6 My 7 '04 Shaking up the Sharon. R. Steele. Sat E P 184:6 Je 1 "12 Shakspere's seven ages and mine. See Cobb, Irvin Shrewsbury Shalestones. R. W. Child. Col 46:19 O 29 '10 Shallow spirit of judgment. E. Wyatt. Mc- Clure 15:423 S '00 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 267 Shane, Ara I How number four was saved. Cosmop 33;6S4 O 'U2 Shanghaied baby. C. B. Kelland. Mun 44:372 Shanghaied son-in-law. E. Jepson. Sat E P lb3.5 D 10 '10 Shanty -man. L. F. Tooker. Everybody's 16: ol'y Air Oi Share and share alike. M. Glass. Sat E P 1S5: 20 My 10 '13 Shark. R. VV. Child. Everybody's 22:624 Je '10 Shark. E. P. Lyle, Jr. Cent 87:942 Ap '14 Shark bait. H. Dickson. Sat E P 185:5 N 2 '12 Sharp, Benjamin, 1658- Captain of the vanished fleet. Atlan 100:246 Ag- -07 Sharp, Dallas Lore, 1870- Panther in tlie pulpit. Les Mo 50:550 O "GO Turtle eggs for Agassiz. Atlan 105:157 F '10 Sharp edge of kindness. G. Burgess. L. H J 22: y F 'u5 Sharp, Evelyn Artist on the top floor. Sat E P 173:4 N 17 '00 Little queen and the gardener. Lippinc 66: 93S D '00 Princes shoes. Lippinc 65:138 Ja "00 Woollerton boy. Sat E P 177:13 O 29 '04 Sharp, William (Fiona Macleod, pseud.), 1856- 1905 Hotel of the Beautiful Star. Harper 103:673 O '01 King of Ys and Dahut the Red. Cur Lit 42: 462 Ap '07 Sharper than a serpent's tooth. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 74:370 S '04 Shatter affinity. T. L. Masson. Met 28:20 Ap •OS Shattered apostle. W. A. Fraser. Col 33:19 Je 25 '04 Shaughnessy and the turnpike toll. \Y. H. Os- borne. Cosmop 35.466 Ag '03 Shaw, Adele Marie At the door of the cage. Lippinc 80:117 Jl '07 Battle of the books. Amer 65:381 F '08 Crime of Miss Merrivale. Mun 40:564 Ja "09 Egg island. Scrib 27:556 My '00 Frst self-made American. Everybody's 6:585 Je 02 Foolishness of Stephen. Lippinc 77:462 Ap '06 Hill of thorns. Cent 76:177 Je '08 In the dragon's mouth Everybody's 4:212 Mr '01 Katharine and the sanitorium. Lippinc 77: 238 F '06 Little speculation of the U. P. A. McClure 32:426 F '09 Miss Carmichael and the janitor. Lippinc 80: 4S3 O '07 Night with nature. Lippinc 78:334 S '06 Sinful Smith. Lippinc 83:239 F "09 Survival. Cosmop 40:401 F '06 Shaw, Frank H. Christmas gift from the sea. Col 50:21 D 14 '12 Shaw, Percy L. Kanyaruo trust. Cosmop 46:589 Ap '09 Weakling. Lippinc 91:477 Ap '13 Shawn, Ellsworth Chetah. Cent 65:963 Ap '03 Joey's ingenuity. Cent 71 :658 F '06 Shaw's folly. T. B. Aldrich. Harper 102:81 D •no She borrowed her own husband R. Hughes. Lippinc 77:539 My '06 She waits, F. Mann. Cur Lit 41:353 S '06 She who adorns her sister adorns hersolf M. K W Freeman. Harp B 38:456 My '01 She-woir. H. H. Munro. Met 35:29 Apr '12 Shea. Alice Folly Icflge. Now Knp n s 49:166 Jc 'IS Sheard, Mrs. VIrna Christmas peacemaker. New Enp n s 23:438 D no Dave Dalton's lady. New Eng n s 27:470 D '02 Sheard, Mrs. Virna — continued Her passing acquaintance. New Eng n s 25: 609 Ja 02 Summer windfall. New Eng n s 28:651 Ag '03 Wliom the gods love. New Eng n s 37:728 F 'OS Shears of Atropos. H. C. Rowland. McClure 25:312 Jl '05 Shears of Delilah. V. T. Van de Water. Cos- mop 55:787 N '13 Shears of Delilah. P. Wilkins. Cent 83:596 F 12 Shears of destiny. C. Dangerfield. Lippinc 74; 7ys D '04 Sheathing of the blade. M. Van Vorst. Harper 111:117 Je 05 Shedd, George C. Borden. McClure 31:695 O '08 Shedd, Howard Loss to literature. Met 17:189 My '03 Sheehan, Perley Poore Immortal shade. Mun 53:523 D "14 Sheep-woman. S. Comstock. Cent 88:764 S '14 Sheep woman. E. E. Peake. Sat E P 179:7 Ja 26 '07 Sheepman. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 183:5 O 29 10 Sheet of foolscap. E. M. Willett. Lippinc 79. 806 Je '07 Sheila — simply a society person. A. Warwick. Harper 122:871 My '11 Shell of sense. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 118:69 D 06 Shell pagoda. H. A. Nash. New Eng n s 25: 147 O '01 Sheltering of Cecilia. A. B. Sembower. Harper 116:920 My '09 Shelton, George Henry Mary long-ago. Col 53:12 My 9 '14 Spoils of victory. Met 27:360 D "07 Shelton, H. W. Luck of E. Hecox. Harp W 55:17 Je 17 "11 Shelton, Keziah -Aljisails blue bonnets. New Eng n s 31:659 F 05 Shelton, Louise Deforrest Little path. Everybody's 26:856 Je '12 Shelton, Richard Barker (John Barton Oxford, pseud.) Enoch Tate's rival. Mun 38:641 F 'OS Fossil. Everybody's 9:130 Jl '03 Job Turner's declining years. Mun 41:52 Ap '09 Kindness of Johnny Mud-Lip. Les Mo 56:406 Ag 03 Man's a man. Mun 36:95 O '06 Prince of wails. Delin 65:15 Jl '14 Sixth reason. Mun 53:261 N '14 Kunti.so substitute. Mun 27:S94 S '02 I'tifolded hands. Mun 3S:20S N '07 Shepard, Charles O. (Musgrove Davis, pseud.) Cliei-s.ii Willie San. Sat E P 173:20 Jl 28 '00 Shepherd man. B. Bicknell. Col 53:11 Ap 11 "14 Shepherd of Arcadia. J. D. Dragoumis. Atlan 112.551 O "13 Shepherd of the Sierras. M. Austin. Atlan 86: 54 Jl '00 Shepherd, W. G. \.(>\>- that is blindest. Mun 38:687 F '08 Kalviilioii and .spiing fev<-r Mun 39-413 Je 'OS Shepherd who stayed behind. E. Taylor. L H J 27:6 U '09 Shepherd who watched by night. T. N. PiiRe. .Sriil. 5;!:365 Mr "13 Shepherd's Idyll. F. Hill. Col 54:12 N 21 '14 Shep's dog. T. W. Steop. Met 19:719 F '01 Sherld.-in, Nell! Ucu'cntTatlon of Younp Hawloy. Now KnK n h 26:2X9 My '02 Wilrl . Whito. Ilari) W 58:22 F 14 '14 Shovels and brlrka. M. Uobcrt.son. Harp W 52: 22 N 21, 22 N 28 '08 Show-down. H. K. Webster. Sat E P 175:6 Mr 28 '03 Showdown, The. J. D. Bacon. Sat E P 185:3 My 17 '13 Shower. H. K. Webster. McClure 43:59 S '14 Showerman, Grant, 1870- Italia liberata. Scrib 43:20 Ja 'OS Morning with pessimism. Harper 120:291 Ja Unfuiished symphony. Harper 124:105 D '11 Shrewdness of Hawkins. A. H. Vandenberg. Lippinc 75:203 F 05 Shrimp, The. L. C. Schem. Harp W 54:14 D 31 '10 Shrine. M. Manning. Harper 123:266 Jl '11 Shrine inviolate. A. B. Morrison. Everybody's 27:564 O '12 Shrinking of Kingman's field. W. P. Eaton. Scrib 46:420 O '09 Shute, Celia E. Scornful maid. Delin 59:104 Ja '02 Shute, Henry Augustus, 1856- Country lawyer. Les Mo 58:484 S '04 Plupy's debating club. Amer 61:87 N '05 Plupy's lecture. Amer 60:633 O 05 State vs. Mike Butskensz. Les Mo 60:470 Ag '05 Shylock Semple. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 187:9 N 14 ^14 Shyness of Shorty. R. E. Beach. McClure 22: 358 F '04 Siamese cat. H. M. Rideout. Sat E P 179:3 Ja 5, 12 Ja 12, 7 Ja 19 '07 Siberian Evangeline. A. N. Benjamin. Atlan 89:520 Ap '02 Siberian wildman. M. B. Kirby. Amer 65:33 My '08 Sibley, Louise Lyndon Lighthouse village sketches. Atlan 88:459 O '01 On the off-shore lights. Atlan 90:377 S "02 Sic transit gloria All-America. G. Fitch. Sat E P 183:15 Ap 15 '11 Sick-a-bed lady. E. H. Abbott. Col 36:12 N 11 '05 Sick 'em. R. W. Lardner. Sat E P 187:16 Jl 25 '14 Sickness of Hannah. L. D. Clapp. Col 39:16 Je 15 -07 Side by side. J. W. Guthrie. Delin 79:176 Mr '12 Side door. A. MacGowan and G. M. Cooke. Everybody's 23:74 Jl '10 Side-tracked. C. B. Davis. Col 48:17 O 21 '11 Sidetracking Cupid. J. U. Mumford. Delin 84: 15 Ap '14 Siege. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 75:193 F '05 Siege of Bigbag. A. E. McFarlane. Mun 29:349 Je '03 Siege of Calais. G. H. Rosenfold. Harp B 34: 393 F 9 '01 Siege of the drug store. H. W. Phillips. Pat K 1' 176:13 Je 11 '04 Sienklewicz, Henry. 1846-1916 Itrtani. Les Mo 51:511 Mr '01 Siesta's end. B. M. Connor. Col 50:20 N 9 "12 Sight of the soul. H. T. Porter. Lli)plnc S4: 626 N '09 Sight to the blind. L. Furnuin. Cent 84:390 Jl ■12 Sign from heaven. B. King. Harper 116:177 Ja •OS Sign of thp Jumna. H. B. Mulbert. Cent 60: 3'J4 Jl '03 Sign of tho rubbor plant. M. S. Cutting. Mc- f'luro L'.'):2(»7 Jr '01 Sign of tho hovcii kIiih. W. I.<> Qucux l.lp- I.lnc 60:163 Ag '00 Sign of tho windmill. J. C. Lincoln. Siit E P lH4:r> Ja 27 '12 Sign of VnnuH. U. W. CliamberH. Harper 108: 99 n '03 2/0 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Sign that failed. L. Denison. Harper 104:512 F •02 Signal — a story of Russia. V. Garscin. Cur Lit 52:116 Ja '12 Signal success. R. A. Freeman. Everybody's 3:412 N '00 Signed tureen. G. W. Carryl. Scrib 36:221 Ag '04 Significant appendix of Broadnax. M. B. Sliipp. Mun 32:507 Ja '05 Signorina's debut. H. Footner. Cent 7S:77S S ■09 Signs and symbols. B. Hanscom. Scrib 40:275 S '06 Signs of the stars. O. Oliver. Col 36:19 D 23 '05 Silberrad, Una Lucy, 1S72- Burning of Babel. Harper 119:764 O "09 How Lawyer Skakelby went eavesdropping. Outl 80:637 Jl 8 '05 Priscilla's maying. Outl 75:311 O 3 '03 Temptation of Ezekiel. Everybody's 5:651 D ■01 Test. Harper 115:931 N '07 Witchcraft of Chuma. Harper 108:428 F '04 Silence. L. Andreyev. Lippinc 90:235 Ag '12 Silence. H. B. Fuller. Scrib 48:430 O '10 Silence. J. Galsworthy. Atlan 106:311 S '10 Silence is gold. N. Boyce. Amer 70:305 Jl '10 Silence of Judith Yearwood. G. M. Cooke. Mun 33:121 Ap '05 Silence of two. M. Pauncefote. Mun 38:446 Ja '08 Silencer. K. Abbott. Harper 120:917 My '10 Silent bullet. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 50:261 Ja '11 Silent model. C. 'Wells. Lippinc 93:336 Mr '14 Silent partner. M. Foster. Harper 116:949 My 'OS Silent partner. G. Hibbard. Sat E P 176:3 O 24 '03 Silent partner. L. R. Meekins. Delin 62:469 O '03 Silent people. E. P. Oppenheim. Mun 52:58 Je '14 Silent Sam. H. J. O'Higgins. Everybody's 27: 473 O '12 Silent Sam'el. P. L. Dunbar. Sat E P 172:1180 Je 16 '00 Silent wire. M. H. Vorse. Everybody's 15:264 Ag '06 Silent woman. C. Welford. Harp W 56:15 Jl 27 '12 Sill, Mrs. Louise Morgan (Smith) Heights of frivolity. Harp W 52:22 O 31 '08 Silly ass. J. Barnes. McClure 31:53 My '08 Silly things. F. Lawrence. Lippinc 86:372 S '10 Silver boat. A. B. Paine. Delin 63:240 F '04 Silver cord. K. M. Roof. Cent 78:519 Ag '09 Silver elopement. M. Wilson. Harp W 57:8 Jl 26 '13 SUver flask. A. E. W. Mason. Met 26:411 Jl '07 Silver king. R. W. Child. Sat E P 183:13 Ap 29 '11 Silver Lake picnic. R. S. Spears. Mun 45:465 Jl '11 Silver-lined clouds. G. W. Edwards. Every- body's 7:582 D '02 Silver pencil. A. S. Hardy. Harper 125:16 Je '12 Silver poplin. R. Le Gallienne. Harper 123:59 Je '11 Silver shoes. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 184:17 D 9 '11 Silver spoon. W. E. Weyl. Sat E P 185:20 My 3 '13 Silver tea-set. A. Brown. Harper 113:707 O '06 Silver threads among the gold. P. B. Kyne. Met 39:20 Ap '14 Silverhorns. H. van Dyke. Scrib 41:429 Ap '07 Silverside. See Rowland, Henry C. Simmons, Laura Disaffection of Adelaide. Lippinc 82:356 S '08 Simon L'Ouvrier. G. Morris. Col 37:18 Ag 25 '06 Simon the gentle. E. F. Stearns. McClure 32:162 D '08 Simple case of Susan. See Futrelle, Jacques Simple folk. F. H. Smith. Col 34:22 D 3 '04 Simple life of Genevieve Maud. E. G. Jordan. Harper 113:214 Jl 06 Simple Simon. R. Kipling. Dehn 75:478 Je '10 Simple lifers. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 186:5 O 25 '13 Simple story of Shivers. A Stringer. Sat E P 173:14 O 13 '00 Simple tale. J. Galsworthy. Scrib 56:735 D "14 Simplicity of it. J. C. Lincoln. Everybody's 13:208 Ag '05 Simply. E. Hungerford. Harper 117:175 Jl '08 Simply skirts. E. Ferber. Amer 74:170 Je '12 Simrall, Josephine Price, 1869- Her best stuff. Lippinc 89:298 F '12 Sims, Charles N. Initiations at Lockport. Col 53:7 Ag 15, 10 Ag 22 '14 Lost at patty-cake. Col 54:11 N 14 '14 Love's water test. Col 52:20 Ja 10 '14 Sim's sudden sotness. K. Harris. Sat E P 186:22 Je 20 '14 Sin. A. H. Donnell. Delin 72:544 O '08 Sin buyer. B. Lessing. Cosmop 45:132 Jl '08 Sin of Sister Veronica. B. von Hutten. Outl 74:85 My 2 '03 Slnbad on Burrator. A. T. Quiller-Couch. Scrib 32:146 Ag '02 Sinclair, B. M. Deputy. Lippinc 79:613 My '07 Sinclair, Mrs. John Archibald. See Higgins, Aileen Cleveland Sinclair, May Between the lines. Harper 124:28 D '11 Collector. Cent 87:321 Ja '14 Creators: a comedy. Cent 79:100 N '09 Fault. Cent 75:466 Ja "OS Gift. Amer 66:353 Ag '08 Judgment of Eve. Everybody's 17:394 S '07 Miss Tarrant's temperament. Harper 123:344 509 Ag S '11 Wilkinson's wife. McClure 30:454 F '08 Wrackham memoirs. Harper 128:36 D '13 Sinful Peck. See Robertson, Morgan Sinful six. E. Cahn. Col 51:16 Ag 23 '13 Sinful Smith. A. M. Shaw. Lippinc 83:239 F ■09 Sing ho for Isidore Haimovitz. B. Lessing. Cos- mop 43:519 S '07 Singer of Southcreek. See Cameron, Mabel Ward Singer's heart. H. M. Lyon. McClure 31:291 Jl 'OS Singing gates. L. Finch. Amer 71:42 N '10 Singing of a bird. J. Hawthorne. Harper 101:125 Je '00 Slngmaster, Elsie (Mrs. Harold Lewars), 1879- Belsnickel. Cent 81:338 Ja '11 Benefits forgot. Sat E P 184:16 Ap 13 '12 Big Thursday. Cent 71:364 Ja '06 Child that was taken to raise. Lippinc 94:186 Ag '14 County seat. Atlan 101:704 My 'OS Cure that failed. Harper 126:155 D '12 Dorothea. Harper 122:933 My '11 Dower-ladies. Atlan 104:219 Ag '09 Elmina's living-out. Lippinc 83:214 F '09 Eternal feminine. Lippinc 86:107 Jl '10 Exiles. Harper 119:666 O '09 Firm stand of Hans. Cent 73:869 Ap '07 Ghost of Matthias Baum. Cent 77:604 F '09 Great day. Harper 115:862 N '07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 271 Singmaster, Elsie — continued Gunner Criswell. Harper 1-4:302 Ja '12 Henry. Sat E P 164:20 S 2 '11 Henry Koehler, misogynist. Atlan 98:657 N '06 Her own country. Lippinc 89:548 Ap '12 Home-coming. McClure 33:135 Je '09 Ishmaeiite. Cent 88;:;29 Je '14 Lese-majeste of Hans Heckendorn. Scrib 38:618 N '05 Long courting of Henry Kumerant. Lippinc 80:348 S '07 Man who was nice and common. Harper 123:894 N '11 Mary Bowman of Gettysburg. Harper 125:707 O -12 Millerstown yellow journal. Atlan 97:688 My '06 Mrs. Weimer's gift of tongues. Lippinc 81:254 F '08 Old regime. Atlan 102:546 O 'OS Picture-taker. Lippinc 92:608 N '13 Rebellion of Wilhelmina. Cent 82:731 S '11 Restoration of Melie Ziegler. Everybody's 16:706 My '07 Retreat. Scrib 42:12 Jl '07 Secret Christmas tree. Outl 108:892 D 16 '14 Spite fence. Harper 127:177 Jl '13 Squire. Atlan 106:368 S '10 Steamer child. McClure 35:366 Ag '10 Tale out of season. McClure 35:655 O '10 Their great inheritance. Lippinc 89:625 My Third generation. Scrib 45:334 Mr '09 Thousand dollar Daggett. Lippinc 83:616 My '09 Unconquerable hope. Atlan 101:54 Ja '08 Vacillation of Benjamin Gaumer. Cent 71:707 Mr '06 Veteran of seventy-six. Outl 96:545 N 5 '10 Visible return. Outl 99:224 S 23 '11 Ways of the fathers. Sat E P 184:5 Jl 22 '11 When town and country meet. Atlan 100:341 S '07 Zion church. Atlan 111:401 Mr '13 Singular speculation of the house agent. G. Chesterton. Harp W 48:908 Je 11, 941 Je 18 •04 Sinner in Israel. M. Wolfenstein. Lippinc 73: 682 Je 04 Sinnett, Rev. Charles Nelson, 1847 - Easter drum. New Eng n s 32:220 Ap '05 Sins of Prince Saradine. G. K. Chesterton. Sat E P 183:15 Ap 22 '11 Sins of Simon. E. P. Butler. Cosmop 43:254 Jl '07 Sins of the fathers. S. W. Mitchell. Lippinc 69:324 Mr '02 Sins of the fathers. A. Provost. New Eng n s 21:728 F '00 Sins of the fathers. V. T. Van de Water. Cos- mop 57:217 Jl '14 Sins of the mother. C. B. Davis. Col 38:22 D 29 '06 Sir Agravaine. P. G. Wodehouse. Col 49:18 Je 29 '12 Sir Henry. R. W. Hofflund. Col 49:18 Jl 27 '12 Sir Jas. 11. B. M. Watson. Sat E P 182:9 Ap 9 '10 Sir John. H. Saint-Gaudens. Harp W 55:16 O 14 '11 Sir John and the American girl. L. Bell. Harper 102:955 My '01 Siren. J. L. Long. Cent 66:343 Jl '03 Siren. C. Williams. Lippinc 72:211 Ag '03 Siren from Bath. I. Zangwill. Lippinc 05:163 F Siren of the air. A. Updepraff. Cent 85:283 D Siren of the tracks. H. Logan. Mun 27:673 Ap Sis. J. L. Long. L H J 22:11 F '05 Sissa and the Bakru. K. Mavo. Atlan 110:497 O '12 Sissle Johnnie. J. Lee. Col 3S:21 O 20 '06 SIssons, Grace M. Is it to eat you live— yes? Col 51:16 My 24 13 Sister Ann. A. Brown. Outl 72:91 S 6 02 Sister Ann's lions. F. S. Bingham. McClure 2i:593 Ap '07 Sister, brother, and friend. R. B. Richardson. Mun 28:916 Mr '03 Sister Ermelindas love. L. C. Bell. Mun 25:908 S '01 Sister Esperance. G. W. Carryl. Scrib 33:532 My '03 Sister Estelle to the rescue. E. Jordan. Harp B 38:550 Je '04 Sister Peacham's turn. S. O. Jewett. Harper 105:902 N '02 Sister to Jimmy. E. Mirrielees. Lippinc 82:220 Ag '08 Sister to the brother of the ox. M. Foster. Everybody's 11:165 Ag '04 Sisters. E. R. Blanchard. Mun 45:858 S '11 Sisters under their skins. B. Matthews. Har- per 121:773 O '10 Sitting at a play. H. W. Nevinson. Harper 121:464 Ag '10 Sitting Bull's defiance. H. Garland. McClure 20:35 N '02 Sitting up for Bessie. L. Bright. Everybody's 11:703 N '04 Six conversations with Delicia. A. M. Esta- brook. Delin 71;4U4 Mr 'OS Six-cylinder courtship. See Field, Edward Salisbury Six-day sharp-shooter. W. G. Beymer. Harper 129:752 O '14 Six great momfents In a woman's life. See Blake, Emily Calvin Six months. M. West. Everybody's 14:127 Ja •06 Six rubies. See Forman, Justus Miles Six seller. J. Jones. Cent 88:798 S '14 677 X 7; a motor-car tale. H. C. Rowland. Cent 84:545 Ag '12 Six sons of Ossian. M. Synon. Scrib 52:81 Jl ■12 Sixteen miles to Boswell's. G. S. Richmond. Everybody's 21:453 O '09 Sixth reason. R. B. Shelton. Mun 53:261 N '14 Sixty Jane. J. L. Long. Cent 65:388 Ja '03 Sixty minutes. G. W. Earl, Jr. Lippinc 84:119 Jl '09 Sixty-thousand dollar face. E. Lef^vre. Har- per 109:567 S ^04 63,987 N. J. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 56:14 Ja 6 •12 Skeel, Mary C. See Lee, Mary C. Skeeter's charge. H. Kramer. Mun 28:288 N '02 Skeezicks. G. R. Chester. McClure 25:354 Ag ■05 Skeezicks elopes. G. R. Chester. Amer 03:537 .Mr '07 Skeezicks, Sknks & Co. G. R. Chester. Mc- Clure 2S::i'j5 F '07 Skeleton out of the cupboard. F. T. Jesse. .Mot 3S:25 Ag '13 Skerrye, W. F. His captain. Les Mo 53:136 N '01 On deep waters. Le.s Mo 55:557 Ap '03 Sketch In black and white. Sco Clayton. Frniik Sketch 111 KiiHtronorny. F. ('. I'lorro. Cent TJ;6:!S Ay, 'Ofi Skid Puffer's tnlos of the Knnkiikoo nwumn; .'lottlntr the I'liffor h<^n. Cont 79:474 Jii '10 Skldmore'8 rood Inti-iillonH. K. K. Mnnklttrlok. I..S ,Mo 50 111 Ac '00 Skldsy's viicnilon. K. MiiHtorHon. Snt K P 1 73:20 8 S '00 Skipper. C. F. Bourk.' limp \V 51:22 F 19 '10 Skipper. H. Ford. Scrib 29:112 Ap '01 2/2 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Skipper of the Matrimony. W. J. Hopkins. Outl 102:727 N 30 '12 Skipper Peleg and the girl. L. Mott. Col 52:7 O 25 '13 Skirmishings of Shiny. C. Dalzell. Amer 61:697 Ap '06 Skulker. E. Moorhead. Cent 83:909 Ap '12 Sky-scraper. G. Hibbard. Scrib 49:102 Ja '11 Skylark III. W. Irwin. Harp W 54:18 Ag 20 '10 Skyrocket and the blue stuff. C. Johns. Cent 69:761 Mr '05 Slade, Dorothea Gutter-babies. Atlan 110:9 Jl '12 In the gutter-garten. Atlan 110:215 Ag '12 Thursday. Atlan 110:394 S '12 Slag. J. Oppenheim. Everybody's 24:817 Je '11 Slater, Mrs. Mary (White), 1S70- Reverend Robert North. Cosmop 42:492 Mr ■07 Spinster. Cosmop 49:578 O '10 Story of Judith. Cosmop 45:489 O '08 Superman, The. Cosmop 50:422 P '11 Siaterville's apostate. C. Day. McClure 29:700 O '07 Slaughter of the innocents. M. Kelly. Col 39:14 Jl 6 '07 Slaughter of the Sandy Clawses. B. W. Currie. Amer 69:418 Ja '10 Slave. E. Flower. Everybody's 8:468 My '03 Slave of the lamp. T. P. Byron. Everybody's 27:493 O '12 Slavens, William He takes advice. Amer 75:89 Ja '13 Nerve. Col 52:17 S 20 '13 Slavery of a boss. E. Flower. Col 33:16 Ag 13 04 Slavery of Moists. E. K. Buttolph. Lippinc 67:617 My '01 Slaves who stayed: Mammy. L. Finch. Amer 64:551 S '07 Slaves who stayed: Phil's Tom. L. Finch. Amer 65:132 D '07 Slayer of serpents. M. E. W. Freeman. Col 44:16 Mr 19 '10 Sleep and a forgetting. See Howells, William Dean Sleep walker. M. Robertson. Harp W 47:1128 Jl 4, 1164 Jl 11 '03 Sleeping column. B. Whitlock. Sat B P 181:6 D 5 '08 Sleepless lord. R. Le Gallienne. Harper 117:432 Ag 'OS Sleepy eye. A. Chekhov. Cosmop 41:151 Je '06 Sleepyhead. M. C. Dyar. Harper 119:611 S '09 Slide at el cajon. C. F. Holder. Met 29:523 P •09 Slim-fingered Jim. A. Hope. Col 32:14 F 13 '04 Slim princess. G. Ade. Sat E P 179:3 N 24, 5 D 1 '06 Slim, Uncle Plet. V. Rousseau. Harper 127:87 Je '13 Sling-shot. P. H. Fillmore. Everybody's 21:838 ±j 09 Slip of the noose. H. Whitaker. Mun 25:871 S '01 Slithers and the swingletail. S. Ford. Sat E P 173:14 N 17 '00 SIoss, Robert Thompson, 1872- Boy. McClure 32:384 F '09 Salvation and the old salt. Harp W 52:12 Jl 11 -OS Superlady. Harp W 54:16 Mr 19 '10 Slosson, Mrs. Annie (Trumbull) Boy that was scaret o' dyin'. Outl 66:511 O 27 '00 Dissatisfied soul. Atlan 94:114 Jl '04 Local colorist. Harper 120:84 D '09 Portents. Atlan 96:567 O '05 Slow man. E. Poole. Everybody's 10:484 Ap '04 Slum cat. E. T. Seton. L. H J 21:9 Ag '04 Slush's ma. O. Johnson. Sat E P 181:6 Ap 24 ■09 Sly Biddy Machree. E. E. Garnett. Outl 66:46 O 20 '00 Small, Ethel Sigsbee Aetat. ten. Harp B 39:417 My '05 As turns the wheel. Met 18:779 S '03 ■ At a weeks end. Col 39:21 Ap 6 '07 Detention of Clarence. Mun 29:670 Ag '03 Love story of an ugly girl. Mun 28:754 P '03 Plain Miss Pretty. Mun 33:567 Ag '05 Small person. M. T. Campbell. McClure 26:559 Mr '06 Small Sam Small. N. Duncan. Harper 122:736 Ap '11 Small-town fellow. C. E. Van Loan. Mun 42:653 F '10 Small world. H. S. Merriman. Harp W 44:57 Ja 20, 81 Ja 27 '00 Smallest cog. F. G. Jones. McClure 44:90 N '14 Smart Aleck. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 187:3 Jl 18 •14 Smart set of Caribou Crossing. C. P. Holder. Met 29:322 D '08 Smart set orphan: Christmas story. Mrs. C. T. Collin-s. L H J 22:14 D '04 Smartness of Lewkovitz. B. Lessing. Cosmop 40;97 N '05 Smash in the ear. G. R. Chester. Col 53:5 Jl 11 '14 Smathers. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 178:6 O 21 '05 Smedley, Constance. See Armfield, Constance Sniedley Smile of a lady. O. Oliver. Lippinc 85:314 Mr •10 Smile's suggestion. E. Whitford. Lippinc 91: 4S7 Ap •IS Smiley, Howard S. Capture of the lady. Mun 38:404 D '07 Smith — a detective story. M. Glass. Sat E P 185:13 N 16 '12 Smith. P. Hamilton. Col 41:15 My 23 '08 Smith, Alice Prescott Calculating tortoise. Col 50:20 N 30 '12 Woman and the poet. Scrib 38:361 S '05 Smith, Alice Prescott. See Lewis, Margaret (Cameron), jt. auth. Smith and the May Lee association. G. Burgess. Everybody's 15:105 Jl '06 Smith, Arthur Cosslett Desert. Scrib 32:731 D '02 Eye of the harem. Scrib 27:317 Mr '00 Turquoise cup. Scrib 30:671 D '01 What really happened. Scrib 40:155 Ag '06 Smith, Carlyle Reformers. Harp W 54:10 Ja 8 '10 Smith, debtor. J. H. Gannon, Jr. Everybody's 15:358 S '06 Smith, Edith Livingston Cirkerlatin' Whalans. Cent 80:138 My '10 Fresh heirs of Plutarch. Mun 45:423 Je '11 Out in the garden. D H J 22:6 F 05 Stationary baby. Col 51:16 Ag 9 '13 Smith, Edith Morgan Cup of cold water. Lippinc 84:104 Jl '09 Smith, Edith Willett Token. Lippinc 88:758 N '11 Smith, Edward Crossland Flier in stock. Lippinc 85:110 Ja '10 Smith, Ellen Ada Collaboration. Everybody's 2:9 Ja '00 Smith, Ellen Dean Alfied. Cent 62:399 Jl '01 Smith, Ernest W. La Masca. Everybody's 3:119 Ag '00 Smith, Frances Glory of the glow worm. New Eng n s 44:120 Mr '11 Smith, Francis Hopkinson. 1838-1915 Abijah's bubble. Sat E P 180:8 S 21 Against orders. Scrib 40:583 N '06 Ask Lord Roberts. Cent 84:109 My '12 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 ^7i Smith, Francis Hopklnson — continued Beguiling of Peter Griggs. Sat E P 178:8 F 10 06 Bent soldo of the Castellani. Met 19:1 O '03 Cap'n Bob of the Screamer. McClure 19:330 Ag "02 Coat of red lead. Sat E P 178:1 F 24 '06 Compartment number four — Cologne to Paris. Scrib 32:693 D 02 Doc Shipman's fee. Delin 60:984 D '02 Extra blanket. Scrib 36:533 N '04 Fiddles. Col 41:16 Je 20 'OS Forty minutes late. Scrib 44:218 Ag '08 Genilem.an's gentleman. Sat E P 180:10 Ae 31 '07 ^ His last cent. Sat E P 175:3 Ag 9 '02 List to starboard. Scrib 46:198 Ag '09 Long Jim. Sat E P 172:1042 My 12 '00 Medal of honor. L H J 22:11 Ja '05 Miss Buffum's new boarder. Sat E P 179:8 S 22 '06 Miss Jennings' companion. Sat E P 179:5 As 25 '06 ^ Muggles" supreme moment. Sat E P 178:5 Je 30 '06 Night out. Scrib 34:307 S '03 No respecter of persons. Cosmop 32:601 Ap Old Sunshine. Delin 64:950 D '04 Plam Finn: paper-hanger. Sat E P 175:1 Mr 28 '03 Point of honor. Sat E P 175:1 Je 13 "03 Pot of jam. Sat E P 176:4 Ag 8 '03 Procession of umbrellas. Scrib 33:411 Ap '03 Sam Joplin's epigastric nerve. Sat E P 178:11 My 12 06 Sam.my. Les Mo 50:313 Ag '00 Simple folk. Col 34:22 D 3 '04 Veiled lady of Stamboul. Scrib 40:672 D '06 Smith, Frank Leon Breaking up the bunch. Col 52:16 O 25 '13 Business and partners. Col 53:8 Ap 18 '14 He and she. Everybody's 30:794 Je '14 In love. Everybody's 30:661 My '14 Smith, Frederick IMiller, 1870- Blue gown that wouldn t fit. L H J 18:7 Ag 01 Christine. L H J 18:5 N, 19:13 D '01, 13 Ja '02 Mistress Mary. New Eng n s 35:31 S '06 Spasm of economy. Harper 127:965 N '13 Under false pretenses. Harper 128:317 Ja '14 Uninvited guest. Met 16:22 Jl '02 Smith, George Totten Drama at Sowders four corners. Met 12:516 O '00 Smith girl's slight. O. Read. Sat E P 172:832 Mr 10 '00 Smith, Gordon Arthur City of lights. Scrib 56:780 D '14 Every move. Scrib 55:705 Je '14 Pagan. Scrib 54:234 Ag '13 Reluctant prince. Scrib 56:237 Ag '14 Young man's fancy. Scrib 52:721 D '12 Smith. H. D. Wlien death rides upon the waters. Every- body's 3:430 N '00 Smith, Harriet Lummis Flowering of vengeance. Mun 38:764 Mr '08 Footprints. Harp B 45:486 N '11 Reputation of the Bella B. McClure 33:224 Jo '09 Through the fire. Mun 41:196 My '09 Smith, Harry James, 1S80- Alien country. Allan 98:617 N '06 Doc. Amer 69:99 N '09 Dryad. Harper 118:634 Mr '09 Heroine. Allan 102:504 O 'OS M. Mulvina: her life and works. Allan 97:357 Mr '00 Michael's .son. Harper 113779 O '06 Mr. Mudgft. Allan 99:253 V '07 Poor old Todle. Allan 106:69 Jl '10 F'rivilege. Allan 106:549 O '10 Smith, Helen B. ('\t,nc<\ .TfTount. New Enp: n b 27:31 R '02 Smith, Helena Half a lonf. New Enp n h 33:185 O '05 Smith. J. Russell Rabbit and the greyhounds. Everybody's 29:76 .n '18 Smith, Joseph Vision of Easter, Col 49:11 Mr 30 '12 Smith, Joseph C. Story of a harlequin. Sat E P 186:13 My 30 Smith, Lewis Worthington, 1S66- Undej changed conditions. New Eng n s o 1 ! 1 D b 04 Smith, Lulie Wells Strange, square bundle. Met 19:108 O '03 Smith, IVlinna Caroline, 1860- Bullet proof. Mun 26:558 Ja '03 Laramie girl's Christmas. Outl 72:943 D 20 Little mail carrier. Delin 62:674 N '03 Shoot-up at Laramie Camp. Delin 61:664 Ap Smith, N. G. Al.terkrontz conspiracy. Harp W 47:1832 N 14 Smith, Nora Archibald Calling on Caroline. L H J 21:13 Ja '04 Melchizedeks day. Outl 75:504 O 31 '03 Smith of Pennsylvania. F. C. Williams. Lip- pmc 67:210 F '01 ^ Smith, Pamela Colman Susan and the mermaid. Delin 80:421 D '12 Smith, S. Decatur, Jr. Mother Goose Christmas. L H J 25:19 D '07 Smith, W. Edson From daybreak to breakfast. Col 53:10 S 5 14 Smith, William Hawley, 1845- Rats. Amer 76:04 Ag '13 Smoke. J. A. Moroso. Amer 75:37 My '13 Smoke of battle. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 186:5 Ag Smoke sale. W. D. Nesbit. Amer 62:490 S "06 Smoky chimney spoils the meat. Harp W 46:402 Mr 29 '02 Smooth crossing. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 187:16 Ag 22 14 Smu^dge sinister. K. Harris. Sat E P 186:14 Ag Smuggler. E. Hough. Les Mo 51:235 Ja '01 Smuggler. A. B, Reeve. Cosmop 53:563 S '12 Smuggler. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 79:289 Mr '07 Smugglers. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 41:402 Ap '07 Snaith, John Collls, 1876 Achievement. Amer 70:484 Ap '10 Gentlemanly thing Sat E P 186:6 Je 27 '14 Snake. H. Bedwell. Harp W 55:14 Ja 28 '11 Snake hunters. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 178.13 D 30 '05 Snapdragon sonata. W. P. Eaton. Amer 77:10 .1.1 '14 Snar Rackerman of Red Gap. E. Bollwood. Mun 46:714 F '12 Snare of the Fowler. D. Fel.sberp. Cosmop 36:051 Ap '04 Sneak. C. Sliipman. Cosmop 53:316 Ag '12 Sneddon, Robert W., 1880 Litllo golden .vliocs. Forum 48:159 Ag '12 Snedeker, Caroline Dale Owen, 1S71- r'asclial l.-iinb. Delin 7S:I21 D "i\ Snitcher. F. L. Bo.ilt. McClure 26:633 Ap '06 Snitzsky. D. Rinehnrt. LIppInc 86:626 N '10 Snow- babies' Christmas. J. A. Rlls. Conl 71:226 1 ) 05 Snow, Francis Haffklna Thn'e -,ti ilie .steppe. TTnrppr 117:731 O 'OS Snow-storm. A. S. I'liHlikin. IJppInc 91:357 .Mr 'i:! Snow .MtiilT. C, F. Van Loan. Hal F P 187 :1S 8 19 '11 Snow-wetlgo. A HcmlnR-. Mot 23:129 N 'OB Snow-white and roRo-rcd. E. Wyntt. MrCluro 20 fii4 F '03 Snubbing of Adnoiit. F. H. T.nncuHtcr. Mc- Cluro 25:5R2 O "05 274 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Snyder county gold-strike. N. Lloyd. Scrib 38:222 Ag '05 Snyder, Elizabeth Harding Bunch-and Willie. L H J 28:10 Jl '11 Little ligtitning. Everybody's 29:328 S '13 So long as ye live. M. Porter. Harp W 53:22 Ja 9 '09 Soap wrappers. 1. M. Evans. Sat E P 187:12 O 24 '14 Soaring spirits. R. E. Vernede. Harper 121: 425 Ag '10 Sob sister, The. M. Foster. Sat E P 185:9 D 7 '1^ Sociability of Lemon's bear. A. Stringer. Sat E P 174:5 Mr 1 '02 Sociable seamstress: monologue. B. Herford. L H J 24:11 S '07 Social coup of the Bessie Bumpuses. R. L. Hartt. Les Mo 50:235 Jl '00 Social divers: a comedy in courses. L. Os- bourne. Sat E P 175:4 O 11 '02 Social event. F. T. Cox. McClure 24:587 Mr •05 Social logic. M. Roosevelt. Lippinc 74:129 Ag '04 Social privateer. F. W. "Wharton. Lippinc 77:257 Mr '06 Social promoter. W. D. Nesbit. Harper 116:803 Ap '08 Social success. E. B. Tiffany. Cent 62:957 O '01 Society. R. L. Hartt. Atlan 103:411 Mr '09 Society circus at Tarenturn. A. P. Ames. Delin 71:1010 Je 'OS Society editor. W. A. White. Sat E P 178:1 fe 30 '05 Society note. G. S. Chappell. Cent 68:977 O '04 Society of our city. Sat E P 186:6 Mr 14 '14 Society of the guillotine. S. W. Mitchell. Cent 78:323 Jl '09 Society worker. B. Hall. Forum 52:124 Jl '14 Socrates invents a new sin. I. Bacheller. Harper 123:429 Ag '11 Socrates to the rescue. I. Bacheller. Harper 122:502 Mr '11 Soft-hearted Sioux. Zitkala-Sa. Harper 102:505 Mr '01 Soft-nosed Gus. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 183:5 Mr 25 '11 Softer age. W. Payne. McClure 44:99 N '14 Soil hunger. C. Elhs. Harp B 47:163 Ap '13 Soiled rose. D. H. Lawrence. Forum 49:324 Mr •13 Soiree Kokimono. H. G. Alsberg. Forum 48:13 Jl '12 Solar machine. W. Brooks. Harp W 52:22 S 26 '08 Soldan's navigator. P. Gibbon. Sat E P 180:10 Jl 20 '07 Soldier that never returned. C. F. Saunders. Xew Eng n s 23:447 D '00 Soldiers. C. Johnston. Harper 117:767 O '08 Soldiers and ghosts. A. Bierce. Cosmop 42:37 X '06 Soldiers of the queen. M. Kelly. L H J 25:12 Je '08 Soldiers of time. B. Benefield. Scrib 55:447 Ap '14 Sole reason. F. Hurst. Sat E P 186:15 S 13 '13 Sole sociability at San Michel. B. Hanscom. Harp B 39:720 Ag '05 Sole survivor. C. J. C. Hyne. Met 11:291 Mr •00 Solidarity. E. Kenton. Cent 85:407 Ja '13 Solidarity Thanksgiving. M.A.Bacon. New Eng n s 23:337 N '00 Solitary. A. O'Hagan. Harp W" 50:1644 N 17 '06 Solitude. F. C. Springer. Harper 124:626 Mr '12 Soloist of Center Pond. L Bacheller. Cur Lit 51:697 D '11 Solomon, a young publisher. C. F. Cavanagh. Amer 61:717 Ap '06 Solomon Bluebeard. C. Marriott. Forum 47:671 Je '12 Solomon in all his glory. R. Russell. Cosmop 47.251 Jl '09 Solomon's seal. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 17S:1 Mr 31 '06 Solon Pepper's courtship. J. Lincoln. Sat E P 173:18 N 24 '00 Solution. J. W. Tompkins. Lippinc 73:594 My '04 Solvent. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 113:286 Jl '06 Solvent. I. H. Gillmore. Cosmop 39:61 My '05 Solvent. A. Tassin. Harper 128:883 My '14 Some Americans abroad. B. Tarkington. Ev- erybody's 17:168 Ag '07 Some beans. E. Boltwood. Mun 47:536 Jl '12 Some benevolent assimilation. J. Hopper. Mc- Clure 27:491 S '06 Some charming affairs. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 185.5 Ag 31 '12 Some consolations. B. Pain. Harper 110:815 Ap '05 Some gentlemen in clothespins. E. M. WooUey. McClure 41:70 O '13 Some girls and Billy Anderson. E. Hough, Sat E P 184:9 D 9 '11 Some new rays. E. A. Dix. Cent 70:638 Ag '05 Some reflections. E. S. Babcock. Harper 114:325 Ja '07 Some reflections and Agnes. E. Pottle. Delin 77:12 Ja '11 Some spoons and a dog. A. L. Lee. Lippinc 83:756 Je '09 Some uncanny tales. A. Bierce. Cosmop 39:617» 40:543 O •05-Mr '06 Some undercurrents in Agnes. M. Hill. Mc- Clure 42:97 N '13 Some women learn — Mrs. Hewitt did. J. B. Robinson. Mun 46:98 O '11 Somepin nice for Celia. Mrs. W. Woodrow. McClure 28:498 Mr '07 Somerville, Charles Spirit o' Mary. Everybody's 22:541 Ap '10 Somerville, Guy Chaperon pro tempore. Mun 24:932 Mr '01 Somerville, Henry, pseud. See Humphreys, Mary Gay Something. J. W. Tompkins. Scrib 46:496 O '09 Something big. like Red Bird. M. P. Montague. Atlan 114:199 Ag '14 Something different. K. B. Sears. Delin 70:840 N '07 Something of a problem. C. H. Shinn. Outl 101:174 My 25 '12 Something of somebody. J. Street. Amer 65: 629 Ap 'OS Something on the side. M. Glass. Sat E P 185:3 Ja 18 '13 Something that happened in October. E. H. Abbott. Everybody's 19:470 O '08 Something to worry about. P. G. Wodehouse. Met 37:27 Mr '13 Somewhere safe to sea. C. R. Cooper. Col 50:18 O 12 '12 Son. E. Train. Everybody's 23:737 D '10 Son. E. Gates. Sat E P 182:22 Ap 9 '10 Son & Ferguson. H. Hall. Cent 87:192 D '13 Son and the chain-gang. E. V. Brownlee. Outl 80:1070 Ag 26 '05 Son love. W. G. Beymer. Harper 126:302 Ja •13 Son of a miser. M. De La Roche. Mun 29:750 Ag '03 Son of a shark god. E. W. Mumford. Delin 63:434 Mr 04 Son of Anak. H. Whitaker. Mun 27:199 My '02 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 2/5 Son of Copper Sin. H. Wliitaker. Mun 27:352 Je '02 Son of dreams. C. Day. Scrib 44:187 Ag '08 Son of Hagar. J. Anderson. Col 50:1s Mr 8 •13 Son of Israel. H. C. Rowland. Les Mo 58:368 Ag '04 Son of Martha. G. B. Lancaster. Harper 119: 115 Je '09 Son of Old Blood. C. Harris. Sat E P 182:13 My 7 '10 Son of Old Straight. B. F. Young. Amer 69:126 N '09 Son of Samuel. E. N. Wood. Everybody's 7: 454 N '02 Son of the border. E. C. Little. Everybody's 4:578 Je '01 Song of the forest. T. Bailey. L H J 22:18 F '05 Son of the soil. D. Canfield. Met 19:824 Mr '04 Son of the sun. J. London. Sat E P 183:18 My 27 '11 Son of the woods. G. W. Pangborn. Col 39:13 Ag 24 -07 Sonata Pathetique. B. Lessing. Cosmop 50:673 Ap '11 Song and the man. J. McCulley. Cosmop 46:54 D '08 Song and the savage. D 5 08 B. Davis. Col 42:16 M. Stuart. Cent Song in the tree-tops. R 79:277 D 09 Song of a shirt. M. S. Cutting. Amer 63:211 D '06 Song of courage. M. S. Cutting. Everybody's 29:62 Jl '13 Song of Hyacinth. J. Oxenham. Harp W 48: 2036 D 31 '04 Song of life. W. J. Locke. Everybody's 29:755 D 13 Song of Muley Khamedo. A. Edwards. Outl 101:34 My 4 '12 Song of the bird. A. A. Rogers. Mun 29:410 Je •03 Song of the drum. H. B. Merwin. Les Mo 55:416 F '03 Song of the lark. I. Forrester. Mun 52:540 Ag '14 Song of the siren. S. Waterloo. Sat E P 176:16 Ag 22 '03 Sonnie-boy's people. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 54:145 Ag '13 Sonora Slim's seriorita. R. Brown. Mun 27:749 Ag '02 Son's son. A. H. Donnell. New Eng n s 37:341 X '07 Sophisticated Mr. Lettredge. M. Harris. Lip- pinc 80:393 S '07 Sophomores abroad. C. M. Flandrau. Sat E P 174:3 X 2, 12 X 23, 10 D 14 '01 Sophy-as-she-might-have-been. E. Ferber. Sat E P 187:10 S 19 '14 Sorcerer's stone. B. Grimshaw. Everybody's 29:218 .\g '1:5 Sorehead. E. Hungerford. Harp W 52:22 S 19 •OH Sorrow of a setter. C. Warman. Lippinc 71:698 My '03 Sorrows of Giuseppe. G. A. England. McClure 2X:]59 D "06 Sorrows of little Tillottson. E. A. Opper. Mun :;';:259 x 'oi Sorrows of Seiden. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:17 Mr 4 '11 Sort of a sister. C. Firkins. Les Mo 58:432 Ak •oj Soudan. W. L. Alden. Everybody's 19:592 N •OS Soul above buttons. M. Kelly. McCluro 27:3:i7 Ag '06 Soul of a girl. C. Johnston. Atlan 113:669 My '14 Soul of a machine. J. F. Deane. Mun 29:435 Je '03 Soul of Mervisaunt. J. B. Cabell. Harper 122:663 Ap '11 Soul of Mozart. W. E. P. French. Cosmop 33:446 Ag '02 Soul of Nana Sahib. G. Seibel. Lippinc 79:86 Ja ^07 Soul of Nicholas Snyders. J. K. Jerome. Col 34:20 D 10 •Ol Soul of O Sana San. A. H. Rice. Cent 71:194 D '05 Soul of Sexton Maginnis. M. F. Egan. Cent 64:18 My '02 Soul of the little Manuel. M. W. Higginson. Outl 87:75 S 14 "07 Soul of the mirror — a legend of Japan. C. Laurent. Cur Lit 45:348 S '08 Soul of William Jones. C. A. Pratt. Cent 59: N32 .A.p '00 Soul problems of Marthy Thomas. Mrs. W. Woodrow. McClure 25:197 Je '05 Soul trapper. J. F. Dwyer. Col 48:18 X 25 '11 Souls of passage. A. E. Barr. Lippinc 66:803 D '00 Sound of Ladybrook water. J. Trevena. Cent 85:905 Ap •IS Sound of running water. K. Abbott. Outl 99:484 O 28 "11 Sound of the axe. S. Carleton. Atlan 90:454 O 02 Sour Creek hold-up. E. Boltwood. Mun 38:484 Ja •OS Sous ombre. L. G. Bowles. Harp B 43:893 S '09 Souse Connelly — yellow mongrel. D. O. Edson. Everybody's 24:564 Ap '11 South of the line. F. J. Louriet. McClure 30:379 Ja '08 South of the Slot. J. London. Sat E P 181:3 My 22 '09 South Shore weather bureau. J. C. Lincoln. Everybody's 12:157 F '05 South-west chamber. M. E. W. Freeman. Everybody's 8:327 Ap '03 Southern spell. F. Drummond. Met 17:86 Ja 03 Souvenir cards he sent home. G. Fitch. L H J 26:6 Ag, 8 S, IS O '09 Souvenir night. D. Channing. Everybody's 11: 614 X '04 Sovereign enchantment. K. H. Brown. Every- body's 12:811 Je "05 Sovereign remedy. F". W. Wharton. Lippinc 70 :M Jl '02 Sower. A. Brown. Outl 86:202 My 25 '07 Sown in our weakness. W. A. White. Sat E 1* ITSiS J:i 20 '06 SpadonI, Adriana .\niericani/.iMK Paolo. Outl 104:920 Ag 23 '13 Breaker of .stones. Mun 47:781 Ag "12 Great man. Outl 104:i;sl Jl 26 "13 Les.son. Outl 104:412 Je 28 '13 Little jugs and pots. Mun 45:648 Ag '11 Seamstress — story of a woman who under- stood. Cur Op 55:27S O "13 Spaeth, SIgmund Flavia swims. I.lpplnc SS:3S2 S ^11 Spalding, Louise liouht. i:v. lybody's 29:800 D *13 Spanish jade. M. H. Hewlett. Harper 113:IS9 .S ^06 Spanish money: a story of Monte Carlo. C, N. and A. M. WIIIl;iniHon. Mot^lure 42:r.H Ap U Spanked llirouirli Knropo. L II J 23:7 Ji- 'Of. Spark from th<' nHht-H. L. F. Hartmiui. ll.-irp W r.r>H Ap I '11 Sparks. J K Wilson. M.-riuro 37:1<0 J<« 'U Sparks <•{ ili.- wlrtliiHH. \V. S. Illatt. Scrib 66: 502 Ap 14 2/6 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Sparrowhawk. H. P. Spofford. Delin 68:790 N" '06 Sparrows. O. Oliver. Lippinc 84:675 D '09 Spartan. C. T. Brady. Harper 104:709 Ap '02 bpartan, The. G. K. Chester. Sat E F 1SZ:7 Ja 1 10 Spartan mother. H. Garland. L H J 22:10 F •05 Spasm of economy. F. M. Smith. Harper 127: 965 N '13 Spatter's campaign. S. Comstock. Liippinc 76: 5S7 N 'Do Speaking likeness. B. Millard. Cosmop 40:659 Ap 06 Speaking of charity. M. Merington. Outl 74: 663 Jl 11 '03 Spearman, Frank Hamilton, 1859- Black Rapids love story. Cosmop 29:200 Je '00 Christmas special. Sat E P 176:12 D 5 '03 Conductor Pat Francis. McClure 15:330 Ag '00. Same New Eng n s 29:253 O '03 Cough in lower seven. New Eng n s 29:415 D •06 Fight in the cache. Sat E P 179:5 Jl 28 '06 Ghost at Point of Rocks. Scrib 42:159 Ag '07 How McGrath got an engine. McClure 15:443 S '00 Last of Du Gallie. Sat E P 174:6 Ap 19 '02 Major John. Outl 66:849 D 1 '00 Million-dollar freight train. McClure 14:380 F '00 Miss Barkey. Sat E P 175:4 Ag 16 '02 Night with Whispering Smith. McClure 19: 84 My '02 Nightman's story. New Eng n s 29:740 F '04 Of the old guard. McClure 17:450 S '01 Operator's story. New Eng n s 29:357 N '03 Patient love. Cosmop 28:454 F '00 Roadmaster's story. McClure 17:594 O '01 Run of the yellow mail. McClure 17:93 My '01 Sankey's double-header. McClure 14:456 Mr ■(<0 Sewing-machine story. McClure 27:218 Je '06 Shockley. McClure 16:174 D 00 Strikers story. McClure 17:287 Jl '01 Spears, John Randolph, 1850- Confessions of a seafaring blackmailer. Cos- mop 28:667 Ap '00 Luck of a book farmer. Scrib 46:350 S '09 Story of a tenderfoot. Scrib 48:230 Ag '10 Wreck of the brigantine Ringer. Cosmop 29: 417 Ag '00 Spears, Raymond Smiley, 1876- Cruise of the Cadis. Mun 34:593 F '06 Nemesis in good humor. Col 48:24 Mr 9 '12 Pearl of price. Mun 39:462 Jl '08 Silver Lake panic. Mun 45:465 Jl '11 Special, The. T. S. Dayton. Harp W 53:9 D 11 '09 Special delivery. V. T. Sutphen. Harper 108: 458 F '04 Special messenger. R. W. Chambers. Harper 110:344 F '05 Special messenger. E. P. Clarke. Harp B 40: 918 O '06 Special providence. H. A. Nash. New Eng n s 28:310 My '03 Special treatment. E. Boltwood. Mun 29:415 Je •03 Specialist in failures. G. M. Bayne. Sat E P 179:20 O 27 '06 Spectacular suicide of Slothful Slack. P. E. Browne. Everybody's 20:826 Je '09 Spectator. M. C. Jenison. Harper 115:470 Ag '07 Specter of Wickam's shack. H. W. Phillips. Amer 76:60 D '13 Spectre house. G. Burgess. Harp B 33:24 Ja 6 •00 Speculation in manslaughter. J. M. Palmer. Amer 61:712 Ap '06 Speech of deeds. G. Overton. Harper 114:368 F '07 Speech of people. M. R. Drury. Mun 29:735 Ag •03 Speed, Ida Neighbor of the three X's. Mun 48:647 Ja '13 Speed, James Mandy's cubatah. Cent 70:798 S 05 Speedaway. R. W. Child. McClure 24:640 Mr •05 Speedway sermon. E. Merwyn. McClure 20:192 D ^02 Speer, William McMurtrie, 1865- Ultimate ambition. Harper 110:799 Ap '05 Spektor in search of a model. H. Scheffauer. Cent 82:530 Ag '11 Spell of the sea. F. M. O'Brien. Mun 49:189 My '13 Spellbinder. J. A. Altsheler. Harp W 48:1664 O 29 '04 Spellbinder. A. Stringer. Sat E P 185:18 D 7 '13 Spelling match. N. N. Crowell. Les Mo 56:616 O '03 Spence, Lida Henry Days work. Col 53:8 Je 13 '14 Spendthrift. W. J. Davis. Harp W 48:28 Ja 2 •U4 Speranza, Gino Carlo, 1872- Marco Baldi, owner. Allan 113:778 Je '14 'Speriment. A. P. Ames. Met 26:689 S '07 Speyer, Edward Eight-hour day. Col 46:19 Ja 21 '11 Game and the strike. Col 52:18 D 6 '13 Sphinx apple. O. Henry. Everybody's 9:733 D '03 Sphyx. R. W. Chambers. Harper 108:367. 618 F-Mr '04 Spider. L. J. Vance. Mun 31:895 S '04 Spider's parlor. E. P. Oppenheim. Mun 51:789 My '14 Spiffed overcoat. W. D. Nesbit. Amer 60:524 S '05 Spillane, Richard Through hurricane and flood. Amer 78:46 Jl '14 Spilt milk. J. Street. Delin 79:12 Ja '12 Spinster. M. W. Slater. Cosmop 49:578 O '10 Spinster's wedding journey. M. A. McKim. New Eng n s 38:494 Je '08 Spinthariscope. A. Train. Everybody's 25:223 Ag '11 Spiral stone. A. Colton. Atlan 88:268 Ag '01 Spirit of Harriet. A. M. Daulton. Outl 76:607 Mr 5 '04 Spirit of loot. J. Rahl. Cosmop 45:669 N '08 Spirit o' Mary. C. Somerville. Everybody's 22: 541 Ap '10 Spirit of mischief. M. Nicholson. Atlan 101: 663 My '08 Spirit of partnership. A. M. Roach. Harper 110:669 Ap '05 Spirit of revolution. N. Duncan. McClure 15: 466 S '00 Spirit of the dance. J. Hawthorn. Cosmop 42: 611 Ap '07 Spirit of the day. F. Rider. Harp W 56:16 D 14 '12 Spirit of the falls. S. Vanaken. New Eng n s 50:337 O '13 Spirit of the law. E. Flower. Harp W 56:16 Ag 17 '12 Spirit of the pines. F. R. Sterrett. Scrib 35: 629 My '04 Spirit-rapping of Dynamite Spindel. A. Stringer. Cosmop 42:433 F '07 Spirit-wolf. A. Heming. Met 21:642 Mr '05 Spite fence. E. Singmaster. Harper 127:177 Jl '13 Spitter, The. J. Hopper. Sat E P 186:3 S 20 '13 Splendid girl. C. Wayne. L H J 25:11 Jl '08 Splint, F. W. ^ ., ,^ T Greater love hath no man. Harp W 54:16 je 25 '10 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 277 Spofford, Mrs. Harriet (Prescott), 1835- Angel in the house. Harper 107:78 Je '03 Birthday. Outl 70:581 Mr 1 '02 Cap'n Tom's Christmas supper. Outl 96:675 N 26 '10 Case of nerves. Harper 104:61 D '01 Change of heart. Harper 116:661 Ap '08 Christmas blessing'. Lippinc 90:710 D '12 Christmas eve happening. Harp W 56:24 D 14 '12 Clarice. Harp B 36:15 Ja '02 Deacon's whistle. Harper 115:269 Jl '07 Dr. Lloyd's Christmas gift. Delin 62:881 D '03 Easter blessing. Outl 97:822 Ap 15 '11 Father James. Harper 109:16 Je '04 Her eyes are doves. Harper 120:285 Ja '10 Homely sacrifice. Harper 129:853 N '14 John-a-dreams. Harper 120:464 F '10 Jolly's father. Harper 115:761 O '07 Miss Mahala and Johnny. Harper 127:698 O Making of a fortune. Harp B 44:626 N., 692 D '10; 45:10 Ja. 62 F, 114 Mr '11 Miss Clementine's Christmas present. Harp B 47:11 Ja '13 Miss Melissa's miracle. Outl 94:720 Mr 26 '10 Miss Virginia's Christmas. Harp W 49:34 D 16 '05 Mrs. Varney's freedom. Harp B 33:918 Ag 11 '00 Old fiddler. Harper 112:39 D '05 Paquito. Harp B 33:541 Je 30 '00 Ray of displacement. Met 19:37 O '03 Rose. Harper 125:739 O '12 Rural telephone. Harper 118:830 My '09 Sacrifice. Atlan 91:616 My '03 Sereny. Les Mo 54:344 Ag '02 Sparrowhawk. Delin 68:790 N '06 Story of the queen. Atlan 92:586. 775 N. D '03 Two in a garden. Harp B 42:552 Je 'OS Village dressmaker. Atlan 97:59 Ja '06 Zoe's masterpiece. Harp B 43:795 Ag '09 Spoiled child. J. W. Tompkins. Everybody's 9: 757 D '03 Spoiled Cinderella and the automobile. K. Brown. L H J 21:8 N '04 Spoilling the Egyptians. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 18,1:5 D 26 '08 Spoiling the Egyptians. C. S. Raymond. Amer 73:523 Mr '12 Spoils of the vanquished. M. Glass. Sat E P 187:13 S 26 '14 Spoils of victory. G. H. Shelton. Met 27:360 D '07 Spoke in the wheel. W. R. H. Trowbridge. Les Mo 50:583 O '00 Sponge-spoilers. H. C. Christie. Atlan 113:52 Ja '14 Spontaneous combustion case. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 51:161 Jl '11 Spoon tune. H. K. "Webster. Sat E P 185:5 Mr 8 '13 Spores of death. S. Rohmer. Col 51:8 Je 7 '13 Sport of fortune. M. D. Post. Harper 123:707 O '11 Sport of the gods. P. L. Dunbar. Lippinc 67: 515 My '01 Sportin' blood of Zenith. Mrs. W. Woodrow. McClure 26:102 N '05 Sporting chance. M. S. Briscoe. L H J 25:16 O '08 Sporting spirit. L. G. Giltner. Mun 31:189 My •04 Spotted dog. E. Gates. Cosmop 41:672 O '06 Spotted sheep. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 187: 12 N 7 '14 Spottsford man. K. Harri.s. Sat E P 179:26 D 22 '06 Spread eagle. G. Morris. Sat E- P 1»2:3 Ap 28, 18 S 4 '09 Sprlgge, Samuel Squire, M.D. ncr adencc of Kir Diriad.in. McClure 41:129 O •13 Immodest antique. McCluro 41:70 R '13 Industrious Chevalier. McClure 41:78 Ap '13 Sprightly heroine. W. N. Harben. Harp W 49: 10 D 16 '05 Spring by the water tank. G. L. Teeple. Col 36:18 Mr 17 '06 Spring cleaning. G. S. Wasson. Outl 76:594 Mr '04 Spring, Gelston Fool. New Eng n s 33:444 D '05 Jatkowski — ^ private banker. Met 22:424 Jl '05 Musical Mrs. Mandebaum. Met 25:335 D '06 Spring o' the year. M. Austin. Cent 75:923 Ap '08 Spring of the year. A. Brown. Delin 82:261 Ap Spring of the year. L. F. Tooker. Scrib 39:98 Ja '06 Spring of the year. H. K. Webster. Sat E P 186:7 Ja 31 '14 Spring recurrent. E. B. Delano. Harper 128: 496 Mr '14 Spring song. F. Hurst. Sat E P 186:6 My 23 '14 Spring Sunday. S. O. Jewett. McClure 23:13 My '04 Spring thaw. E. R. Mirrielees. Harp W 57 16 Mr 1 '13 Spring-time. H. G. Rhodes. Harper 114:698 Ap '07 Springer, Fleta Campbell Crossroads. Mun 47:186 My '12 In step. Harper 129:285 Jl '14 Solitude. Harper 124:626 Mr '12 Wild oats. Harper 126:339 F '13 Springer, Thomas Grant Babes in the woods. Lippinc 94:119 Jl '14 Moses and the rock. Lippinc 91:226 F '13 Nine points of the law. Lippinc 93:374 Mr '14 Spruce-street adventure. C. Howard. Lippinc s7:601 My '11 Sprucer. G. A. England. Mun 49:273 My '13 Spud drives Old Ironsides. E. B. Harris Ev- erybody's 22:685 My '10 Spudge. P. Hichborn. Met 32:293 Je '10 Spunk Foley visits the Countess. S. Ford Les Mo 56:534 O '03 Spur of courage. J. Anderson. Harp W 56 16 Ja 13 '12 Spur of the moment. S. O. Jewett. Outl 70:59 Ja 4 '02 Spur-thrust. K. Brown. Les Mo 55:466 Mr '03 Spy, The. G. M. Cooke. Mun 34:473 Ja '06 Spy. R. H. Davis. Scrib 38:722 D '05 Spy from Utopia. W. Irwin. McClure 44:25 N '14 Spy rock. H. van Dyke. Scrib 32:466 O '02 Squall. N. Duncan. Harper 116:826 My *0S Squall, The. F. Hurst. Sat E P 185:11 Ap 10 '12 Square. A. R. Crever. Lippinc 88:217 Ap '11 Square and the circle. L. A. Kiilpht. Atlan 108:467 O '11 Squarehead. W. B. Meloney. Sat E P isr.ifi My :;(i 'ii Squaring of Mr. Jack, E. H. Porter. New Enp II .s 15:60 S '11 Squaring of the pods. F. A. Stool. Loh Mo 62: :!;t7 Ag '01 Squaw-man. 10. M, Unyle, Cosmop 37:411 ,\p 04 Squeeze In smoko. U. Miickny. Sat E V 177:7 .\K 13 •U\ Squire. K. SlnpmuHtor. Atlfin 106:368 8 '10 Squire. F. ('. WllllHinH. Lippinc 65:2.^2 K '00 Squire's shrtnvd movo. G. S. WuHHon. F^cb Mo .^7:534 Mr '04 Squirrel. M. E. WllklnH. Hnrpor 101:8«9 N '00 Squirrel (•.■i(;<'. P. Ciinncld. lOvcryboiIy'w 2r>:<4" oil St.ibler, Harry Snowden Urldllnp of tiK' S.u-IIorHc. Sat K V 182:28 Ap 9 '10 278 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 stabler, Harry Snowden — continued Captain Lambert's luck. Sat E P 180:6 Je 2i 'OS Cutting of Ham. Sat E P 181:6 N 14 '08 De whipperwill. Sat E P 181:10 D 26 '08 Judy Masson, muckraker. Sat E P 181:16 O 31 '08 On a field sable. Sat E P 183:10 Mr 11 '11 jckpoole, Henry de Vere, 1865- klolly Beamish. Lippinc 90:1 Jl '12 Stac Molly _ Pilot fish. Forum 44:552 N '10 Presentation. Lippinc 93:385 Ap '14 Return of the viking. Lippinc 94:459 O '14 Stackpoole, Mrs. Henry de Vere. See Stack- poole, Margaret Stackpoole, Margaret (Mrs. Henry de Vere Stackpoole) Monte Carlo and Julia. Lippinc 92:1 Jl '13 Stafford, J. R. MacBurnie and the cheese. Cent 80:624 Ag '10 MacBurnie gets engaged. Cent 81:248 D '10 Stag-hound Bill. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 75:380 Mr '05 Stage coach. E. W. Peattie. Atlan 93:787 Je '04 Stage-managing mamma. L. G. Giltner. New Eng n s 43:581 F '11 Stage-struck. L. Copinger. Lippinc 85:736 Je •10 Stage-struck: drama. E. B. Perkins. Harp B 36:108 F '02 Stained -glass political platform. S.Chaplin. Cent 60:304 Je '00 Stairway of honor. M. S. Rawson. Harper 108: 199 Ja '04 Stake and the plumb-line. G. Parker. Every- body's 14:156 F '06 Stake of Zion in the wilderness. Mrs. J. K. Hudson. Lippinc 65:273 F '00 Stalking the biggest of big game. R. W. Child. Everybody's 20:427 Mr '09 Stampede. R. E. Beach. Met 24:170 My '06 Standard of reality. E. Moorhead. Cent 74:461 Jl '07 Standing by. L H. Gillmore. Met 38:17 O '13 Standings. J. S. Winter. Lippinc 69:131 F '02 Standlsh, Winn, pseud. See Sawyer, Walter Leon Stanley, Mrs. Caroline (Abbot), 1849- Antonio's last stake. Cent 67:709 Mr '04 Daughter of the south. Cent 79:819 Ap '10 ^ First Church's Christmas barrel. L H J 28 :< D 1 '10 Great heresy trial of the Rev. Epaphroditus Plummer. Cent 61:882 Ap '01 Her son. Les Mo 59:674 Ap '05 Mind cure of Brother Peter-Paul. Cent 69: 744 Mr '05 Their Christmas golden wedding. L H J 29:8 D '12 Stannard, Mrs. Arthur. See Stannard, Henrietta E. V. P. Stannard, Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Palmer (Mrs Arthur Stannard) (John Strange Win- ter, pseud.) Standings. Lippinc 69:131 F '02 Stansbury, Mary A. P. Door out. New Eng n s 41:i05 F 10 Return. Harp B 47:273 Je '13 Stanton, Coralle, and Hosken, Heath Ilaria of the halls. Mun 51:10 F '14 Stanton, Frank Lebby Christmas gif! Les Mo 51:134 D 00 Stanwick's business. O. Wister. Sat E P 177:3 O 8 '04 Stanwood, Louise Rogers Progress of Mrs. Alexander. New Eng n s 43. 529 F '11 Stanwood, Minna Comforters. Harper 120:447 F 10 Living and the life. Harp B 42:447 My 08 Star and the garter. G. Morris. Cosmop 57: 417, 522 Ag-S '14 Star-dust. E. H. Bowie. Cosmop 37:373 Ag '04 Star in mufti. H. H. Bashford. Sat E P 183:7 Jl 2 '10 Star man: how he broke the boycott. W. A. M. Goode. Sat E P 177:6 Ag 20 '04 Star of Bethlehem. M. Kelly. Cent 71:179 D '05 Star of Good Hope. E. M. Jones. Met 12:344, 481 S-O '00 Star of the empire. E. M. Rhodes. Sat E P 182:8 S 4 '09 Star of the evening. L. Reamer. Harp W 54: 22 Je 4 '10 Star of the O'Donojtls. T. P. Byron. Every- body's 23:227 Ag '10 Star-Spangled banner. L McDougall. Mun 31: 502 Jl '04 Star who played leading lady. E. Hoyt. Ev- erybody's 5:217 Ag '01 Starboard watch. R. A. Stevenson. Scrib 36: 498 O '04 Stark, Elizabeth Seven meetings. Mun 28:429 D '02 Starlight and Moonshine. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 185:16 Je 21 '13 Starlight — nickelplated. F. Hurst. Sat E P 185:13 N 2 '12 Starr, Ernest Clearer sight. Atlan 104:414 S '09 Starr, Helen Corner on Sadie. Harp W 58:10 O 18 '13 Stars. A. Daudet. Outl 76:125 Ja 29 '04 Start. I. H. Gillmore. Everybody's 11:739 D '04 State-house platter. A. Brown. Lippinc 70:567 N '02 State o' Maine girl. K. D. Wiggin. Scrib 40: 641 D '06 State of mind. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 177:1 Je 3 '05 State vs. Mike Butskensz. H. A. Shute. Les Mo 60:470 Ag '05 Statelier mansion. K. M. Cleary. Cosmop 36: 106 N '03 Statement of Milly Shepard. E. P. Dargan. Col 52:15 D 13 '13 Statesman. M. Manning. Harper 128:223 Ja '14 Statesman of to-morrow. R. R. Gilson. Harper 107:567 S '03 Station in Nancy Maguires. S. MacManus. Har- per 100:209 Ja '00 Stationary baby. E. L. Smith. Col 51:16 Ag 9 •13 Statts, Johanna. See Meredith, Katharine Mary Chelier Statue. C. H. Grabo. Everybody's 26:275 F '12 Statue in an old garden. F. Norris. L H J 20:4 My '03 Stay of proceedings. M. L. Luther. Sat E P 177:3 F 11 '05 Staying hand. A. G. Steele. Harp W 55:16 S 2 •11 Staying out of Jimsie Bate. M. H. Vorse. Amer 66:472 S '08 Staying together. Elizabeth McCracken. Mun 36:661 F '07 Steadfast Widow Delaney. H. Garland. Sat E P 174:4 Je 14, 8 Je 21, 10 Je 28 '02 Steady. H. J. G'Higgins. McClure 25:399 Ag '05 Steal. W. H. Osborne. Sat E P 176:6 D 12 '03 Steam-shovel. G. L. Teeple. Cent 88:695 S '14 Steam tactics. R. Kipling. Sat E P 175:1 D 6 '02 Steamer child. E. Singmaster. McClure 35:266 Ag '10 Stearns, E. F. At the turning. Les Mo 58:156 Je 04 Matthew: story of a boy who made good. Leo Mo 59:652 Ap '05 Octopus oversteps. Met 23:142 N 05 Reaction. Les Mo 56:544 O '03 Simon the gentle. McClure 32:162 D OS STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 2/9 steed of bells, S. MacManus. McClure 24::;51 Ja 05 Steel door. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 51:736 N 11 Steel-engraving iauy and liie Gibson girl. C. Ticknor. AUau 86.105 Ji '01 Steele, Alice Garland Brutes wife. Mun 32.661 F '05 Bast judgment. Harper W 50:16 S 14 '12 Stajing hand^ Harp W 55.1ti S 2 '11 Way ot lus iatheis. Mun -JuioUT U OS Steele, Mrs. Flora Annie (Webster), 1S47- Border lad. Sat E P 173. S F 23 'Ul Retaining fees. Met iy;55u Ja '04 Salt duty. Met 20:649 Ag '04 Squaiing of the gods. Les Mo 52:397 Ag '01 Surabhi. Cent 61:659 Mr '01 Steele, Henry Milford Run. Cent 01.^64 Ap '01 Steele, James W. American way. Cent 74:260 Je '07 Steele, Rufus Milas, 1S77- Brand doctor. Sat E P 184:16 Ja 6 '12 Keeping John Barleycorn off the train. Sat E P 1S>6:16 Ap 4 14 Making heads for the road. Sat E P 186:4 D ■II 13 New rules for the road. Sat E P 187:6 Jl 18 '14 Scar Neck. Sat E P 185:10 D 28 "12 Shaking up the Sharon. Sat E P 184:6 Je 1 12 Without benefit of busting. Amer 77:42 Mr '14 Steele, Wilbur Daniel, 18S6- Captain Ulysses G. Dadd. Scrib 56:117 Jl 14 Day of the game. Cent 75:253 D '07 Handkerchief lady's girl. Harper 128:463 F 14 Islanders. Harper 127:268 Jl '13 Officer born. Amer 75:24 My '13 Pa-Jim. Scrib 56:627 N '14 Thumbs down. Harp W 56:16 Ag 3 '12 White horse winter. Atlan 109:468 Ap '12 Wickedness of Father Veiera. Atlan 114:59 Jl 14 Younger twin. Harper 129:464 Ag '14 Steen, Sallie Pate In absolution. Mun 24:641 F '01 Steep, Thomas White Mongrel child. Bes Mo 53:660 Ap '02 Picture on the wall. Bes Mo 54:352 Ag '02 Sheps dog. Met 19:719 F '04 Witch. Bes Mo 55:145 D '02 Steer with the marked hoof W. H. Ormsby. Cent 61 5b3 F '01 Steffens, (Joseph) Lincoln, 1866- Chief, the cluid. and Mickey Sweeney. Col 35:19 Ap 22 '05 Dan Mc<'aithy, Captain of Police. McClure 16:424 Mr 01 Dying boss McClure 43:79 My '14 Least of these. Everybody's 20.57 Ja 09 Mickey Sweeney, detective of detectives. Amer 66:2S2 JI 08 Mickey's homicide. Everybody's 20:271 F *09 Mickey s valler dog and tlie Chief's. Col 41: 12 Ag 29 '08 Old Jim lior.se. McClure 15:32 My '00 Stolen le.scue. Amer 62.640 O '06 Steiner, Edward Alfred, lS6fi- Higher tliaii heaven. Outl 66:8X7 D 8 '00 Stenog. P. Fillmore. Everybody's 30:821 Je '14 Step one. A. H. Donnell. Harper 115:133 Je 07 Stephen. J Long. Delin 79:373 My 12 Stephens, James Woman wiio thumped her lai>. Cur Op 55:59 Jl 13 Stepmother. K. M. Cleary McClure 17:437 S •ill Stepmother. J. D. Dragoumfs. Atlan 108:68 J! 11 Stepmother. K, M. Roof. Cent 82:420 Jl 11 Stepping backward. W. W Jacobs. Met 40:17 .\g H Stepping In. H Carruth Cr.smop 34:2?8 p '^2 Stepping-stone. L. K. Mablo. Mun 4.'!:374 Jo '10 Sterling, Frederick Fan witch, Salem, 1692. New Eng n s 43:387 Ja 11 Stern cliase. T. J. Partridge. New Eng n s 35:209 O '06 Stern, S. T. Chicanery. Harper 110:492 F '05 Maria s burglar. Harper 115:317 Jl '07 Mercenary Molly. Harper 111:477 Ag '05 Peripatetic puppy. Harper 115:155 Je '07 Purloined giiafle. Harper 111.801 O 05 Unsentimental husband. Haiper 111:969 N '05 Sterrett, Frances Roberta, 1869- Alonzo Meakins silver wedding. Cent 78:318 Je 09 Jam girl. L H J 30:14 S, 15 O, 17 N, 20 D, 13; 31:19 Ja. 19 F '14 Militancy of Evalina. Amer 78:40 N '14 Seeing Boston. New Eng n s 36:690 Ag '07 Spirit of the pines. Scrib 35:629 My '04 When Julia came back. L H J 29:14 Mr '12 Woman s club concentrates. Cent 83:759 Mr Sterrett, Henry L, Trooper Button's ride. Mun 24:9f O '00 Stetson, Mrs. Charles Walter. See Channins, til ace Ellery Stetson, Gushing By a wide compass, ilet 31:615 F '10 Cleaning ship. Met 25:27 Jl '12 His mother's son. Met 31:231 N '09 Horse-chestnuts. Harper 123:951 N '11 Role well played. Harp W 55:12 Ap 22 '11 Stetson, Mrs. Grace Ellery (Channing). See (-."haiming, Grace Elleiy Steubentown diplomacy. F. W. Burrows. New Eng n s 38:161 Ap 08 Stevens, Ethel Stefana Bight in the lantern. Everybody's 25:775 D 11 Zohara of the flutes. Scrib 45:665 Je 09 StBvens, H. M. Means and the end. Cosmop 45:552 O 'OS Stevens, Margaret Dean Bittle house ne.xl door. B H J 2S.14 Jl "11 Stevens, Nina Spalding White pass>on of the sea. Bipplnc 79:392 Mr 07 Stevens, Otheman llepzibah. bat E P 183:8 Ja 14 '11 Stevens, Sheppard Perfect liusbaiid. Mun 42:259 N '09 Stevens, Thomas Wood, 1880- Flight of I'adre Muiis. Mun 28.126 O '02 Besser tragedy. Met 21.572 F '05 Belters of life and death. Cosmop 41:663 O 06 Stevens, William Oliver, 1S7S- Sailur of the sail. Lippiuc 93.97 Ja '14 Stevenson, Burton Egbert, 1872- Blade that won. Lippiiic 72:259 S '03 S '10 Flaherty's pioinotioii. Lippinc 86:357 S '1 Girl with iho blue .sailor. L 11 J 22.3 Ap. 11 .My. 15 Je, 13 Jl 05 Hut of Peter tho Gieat. Lippinc 87:730 Je "U I'ricle Bige s creaking heart. Cent 65:252 D 02 Rah, r.ih. rah. Murray. Mppinc 67:754 Je '01 Stevenson, Frederick Boyd, l*<6'.t Mi.sdeiueuiior uf .\ii.liael. Met 16:i;!;i .\ir '02 Stevenson. Robert Alston Gray imihIh. S. i il, 44.371 S "OS Marriage achievement of Sllns Iciiciil I. II .1 2S 12 F 1 11 .Stat boat (I walrh. Scrib 36:4ns O 'Oi Union and Hilly ndl. Scrib 29-400 Ap *01 Willi.inrH pHychIc dlHturbnnceH. Scrib 47:76 J.I 10 Stevenson. Robert Loul«, lisno 1R04 w.iif wotiuiii s .^r, fis7 n "H will ;. & W. Mun 28:191 N 02 Daik horse. Lippinc 74:480 (J '04 Daughter of old Virginia. Mun 33:58 Ap '05 Kasy mark. Mun 26.i)Zi Mr 03 How Jones got his revenge. Lippinc 76:349 S '05 In at the finish. Mun 30:849 Mr '04 Lightweight saddle class. Lippinc 72:489 O '03 Over the jumps. Lippinc 76:623 N '05 Rocket's great victory. Mun 30:33 O '03 Satterlee's deal. Lippinc 75:114 Ja '05 Tally Hoi Mun 27:881 S 02 Witch of the hunt. Lippinc 70:493 O '02 Stokely, Edith Keeley Blue teapot. Sat E P 181:14 My 29 '09 Stolen Botticelli. Harp B 38:866 S '04 Stolen bride. H. Scheffauer. Harp W 55:14 D J3 11 Stolen bridegroom. E. Hough. Everybody's 15: 736 D '06 Stolen day. H. C. Penman. Lippinc 71:135 Ja '03 Stolen dream. R. Le Gallienne. Harper 125:9 Je '12 Stolen elephant. E. Nesbit. Sat E P 181:20 D 26 '08 Stolen interview. J. K. Jerome. Sat E P 176:1 X 28 '03 Stolen Kasaba. W. A. Eraser. Met 24:179 My ■06 Stolen life. M. D. Post. Sat E P 186:3 Ja 17 '14 Stolen mirror. R. Le Gallienne. Harper 119: 83 Je '09 Stolen paper. C. Ross. Met 16:473 O '02 Stolen rescue. L. Steffens. Amer 62:640 O '06 Stolen shares. C. W. Dawson. Harp W 53:22 D 4 '09 Stolen song. M. Williams. McClure 34:112 N '09 Stolen speech. J. Altsheler. Delin 67:666 Ap '06 Stolen woman. E. M. Ingram. Lippinc 89:481 Mr '12 Stone, Amy Wentworth Capital punishments. Atlan 112:665 N '13 Catching it. Cent 87:672 Mr '14 Please child. Cent 77:435 Ja "09 Possessing Prudence. Atlan 114:342 S '14 Stone, Clarence, 1885- Ragarok. Cent 83:433 Ja '12 Stone, Fanny S. Grandfather's valentine. New Eng n s 45: 591 F '12 Stone, Francis Z. (Frank Z. Stone) Children of the enemv. Mun 30:429 D '03 Conversion of Casey. Mun 29:467 Je '03 Stone, Herbert Lawrence, 1871- With the colors. Met 24:144 My '06 Stone of truth. E. Holl. Mun 30:108 O '03 Stone-throwing devil of New Castle. M. R. P. Hatch. New Eng n s 32:57 Mr '05 Stoneman, forest assistant. A. M. Cleaveland. Mun 41:488 Jl '09 Stoning, The. J. Oppenheim. Met 39:28 N '13 Stool of the priedieu. B. M. Connor. Harp W 56:16 S 28 '12 Stop between stations. M. A. Griffin. Les Mo 57-345 Ja '04 Store on Bridge Street. M. E. Mitchell. L H J 30 6 S '13 Stork, Charles Wharton, 1881- Bentley's tiger-skin. Lippinc 94:238 Ag '14 Storm, The. F. Jackson. Mun 48:432 D '12 Storm King's tow. M. C. Garnett. Cosmop oO: 666 Ap '11 Story about Dad Morgan (Boston Blackie stories). Amer 78:43 Ag '14 Story. Douglas, 1872- Hero's home coming. Mun 26:780 Mr '02 Mutilated monument. Mun 26:662 F '02 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 281 story in five letters. A. Plumb. Mun 30:278 N •03 Story of a broken miniature. A. Colton. Outl 81:1032 D 23 '05 Story of a great grandfather. G. Hibbard. Scrib 33:76 Ja 03 Story of a great week. M. C. Dyar. Harper 110:504 Mr '05 Story of a harlequin. J. C. Smith. Sat E P 186:13 My 30 'll Story of a joke. C. Wells. Cent 61:798 Mr '01 Story of a lost signature. J. V. Bond. Cosmop 35:96 My 03 Story of a pine tree. W. D. Hulbert. L H J 22:13 Ag '05 Story of a plain woman. E. C. Blake. Cosmop 63:848 Js '12 Story of a scented note. Mrs. P. Bigelow. Cosmop 33:455 Ag '02 Story of a simple and a simpler soul. V. Kester. Cent 84:749 S '12 Story of a sky-scraper. P. W. Hart. Lippinc 65:149 Ja '00 Story of a sordid romance. A. J. Dawson. Cosmop 35:430 Ag '03 Story of a spring hat. C. L. Bull. Met 30:119 My '09 Story of a storm. R. G. Pitzer. New Eng n s 31:439 D '04 Story of a tenderfoot. J. R. Spears. Scrib 48: 230 Ag '10 Story of a thief. C. F. Goss. Les Mo 52:577 O 01 Story of a tin soldier. R. R. Gilson. Scrib 27: 682 Je '00 Story of Abe. A. Brown. Harper 122:290 Ja 11 Story of Adhelmar. J. B. Cabell. Harper 108: 706 Ap "04 Story of Alpheus Motley. R. W. Child. Harper 126:188 Ja '13 Story of Amabel and Amoris. L. Housman. Harper 104:355 F '02 Story of Ann Powell. A. E. Tynan. Cent 60: 335 Jl 00 Story of Anna. D. Grayson. Amer 66:315 Ag 'OS Story of Annabel Lea. F. "W. Wharton. Cos- mop 29:170 Je '00 Story of Annie. H. L. MacAlister. Amer 75:18 My '13 Story of Bully. C. D. Stewart. Atlan 102:145 Ag 'OS Story of Dan. N. W. Tibbot. New Eng n s 29:485 D '03 Story of Donacha Laidir. S. MacManus. Lip- pinc 89:235 F '12 Story of Gabriel. H. C. Prince. Delin 56:94 Jl '00 Story of George Bond. R. W. Child. Col 36:15 Ja 13 '06 Story of Gunderson. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 186:13 F 28 '14 Story of hate. G. Hall. McClure 31:420 Ag 'OS Story of her marriage. E. MacKubin. Sat E P 173 ;]0 My 18 '01 Story of Hubbard 'Wil.son. a misfit. C. B. Loomis. Sal 10 1' 172:876 Mr 24 00 Story ol Ito-Noriauk6. L. Ilearn. Atlan 95:98 Ja 05 Story of Jess Dawson. I. Clark. New Eng n b 26:066 Ag '02 Story of Judith. M. W. Slater. Co.smoi) 4r.:lK9 O '08 Story of King Julius. A. W. f'olton. Harper 104:559 Mr '02 Story of Margaret Noyes. A. KlnroHH. Harper 111 -^79 N '05 Story of matrimony. J. Arthur. CoHmon 3r):C99 6 '03 ^*°''^2:237'^Ag"'oJ^^^'""°''*''''- ^- ^earn. Atlan ^*°''28:9fo M?%3"^°"^^- ^^ ^^'' Tompkins. Mun Story of my capture. E. Aguinaldo. Every- body s o:131 Ag '01 "^ Story^of Peter. H. Hazeltine. Delin 71:815 My Story of Private Knowles. P. E. Browne .\mer 66:262 Jl 'OS wwnc. Story of roses. M. Dana. Delin 60:580 O '02 Story of Sheelah. M. L. Radford. McClure 2J- 246 Jl 07 ^*°'s9-^78'^D^n^"^ Gookin. S. Whitman. Cent Story of the apple-tree. J. Lee. Outl 71:393 Je 7 02 ^*°'31:396* V--^^! t'^^^er. I. Bacheller. Cosmop ^*°'"^i„^^,>"i? r^^yJ^^'^ Sardonyx. D. Osborne. iUun 4U:do O 08 Story of the down east Klondike. H. C. Baker iNew Eng n s 39:316 N 'OS ^^°''y .ff "le .falcon. M. Gorky. Everybody's 13:31( S Oo ^^°T n j\lIt^'of ''"^^^^' ^' ^^- ^'"Ssley. Story of the lost conscience. M. I. Saltykov- Schedrm. Cur Lit 40:340 Mr '06 Story^ of the^ missmg rifles. W. Inglis. Harp Story of the queen. H. P. Spofford. Atlan 92- oSb. I 1 5 N-D '03 Story of tlie sea. L. M. Sawyer. New Eng n s Story of Trivett. S. Ford. Everybody's 16:87 Story of Vashti. G. M. Baxter. Everybody's ^*°73 3*oi S^'05 ^' ^' ^^"•^^^^^'■- Everybody's Story on the Factor's book. V. E. Roe. Mun J6:48 O 06 Story that took. L H. Gillmore. McClure 25: 214 Je '05 Story that went wrong. T. L. Masson. Lin- pmc 81:22,S F 'OS Story the doctor told. H. Hallmark. L H J 17:13 Jl '00 Story the woman told. E. Flower. L H J 20 14 Ja '03 Story with atmosphere. W. A. Fraser. Col 33: 16 Jl 30 '04 Stout lady in the pink hat. J. Morton. Hurpor 112:;>0S My '06 stout, Rex T. Agacella or. Lippinc 93:465 Ap '14 Tyrant abdicates. Lippinc 93:92 Ja '14 White piecMijiiale. Lippinc 91:730 Je 13 Stoveheter and the birds of paradise. II. J. Holt. Amer 62:356 .Vg '06 Stowaway. W. Inglis. Harp \V 51:650 My 4 '07 Stowaway's revenge. T. II. Rogers. Mun 30: 276 N 03 Stowing away of Mr. Bill Ballad. G. Morris. <'ol 35:17 S 16 '05 Straggler. K. II. lirown. Col 43:16 Jl 3 '09 Strahan, Kay Cleaver |{<><) about li.i.s.l.all. Col 51:17 Ab 2 '13 Kvc, with Ad.irn'H aHHlHtunce. Col 54:12 O 31 14 Evf'H Unrip ArkAdy. Col 54:12 N 2S '14 On (ho mount of tlu< moon. I< IT J 31 13 Jo '14 Straight as a strlnK. C. Lorkhart, Mppiiic- 70 .^.72 N '02 Straight buHlnesn. G. It. ChcHtor. Saf 10 I' IM: r. K 27 '09 Straight down tlu> rrookfil liiniv I 282 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 straight golf. A. A. Chapin. Cent 83:22 N '11 Straight path. C. W. Camp. Met 24:713 S '06 Straight tip. K. F. Geiould. Scrib 56:224 Ag •14 Straight tip. H. I. Greene. Les Mo 57:428 F '04 Strange adventure of Lulu. R. McDonald. Mc- Clure 27:193 Je '06 Strange adventure of Richard Cartel. G. H. Westley. New Eng n s 44:1 Mr '11 Strange adventures of Mike, the vagabone. P. B. Kyne. Col 53:5 Je 6 '14 Strange boy. W. A. White. Sat E P 187:6 Ag 1 '14 Strange career of Miss Gordon; the Zibelline coat. E. Macvane. McClure 41:107 O '13 Strange case of Doctor North. N. M. Hopkins. Lippinc 77:513 My '06 Strange confession. V. Sibert. Les Mo 53:273 D '01 Strange crime of John Boulnois. G. K. Chester- ton. McClure 40:127 F '13 Strange doings in Carthage. R. Hughes. Everybody's 24:17 Ja '11 Strange gods. J. W. Des Voignes. Mun 46:185 N '11 Strange gods. E. Kenton. Everybody's 9:617 N '03 Strange, Joanna deed When half-gods go, the gods arrive. New Eng n s 41:285 N '09 Strange justice. G. K. Chesterton. Sat E P 183:12 Mr 25 '11 Strange patient. P. Gibbon. Col 44:16 N 27 '09 Strange ports. J. F. Wilson. Amer 70:434 Ag •10 Strange, square bundle. L. W. Smith. Met 19: 108 O '03 Stranger. A. Bierce. Cosmop 46:350 F '09 Stranger. C. S. Reid. Mun 28:914 Mr '03 Stranger. V. Y. Remnitz. Harper 104:821 Ap '02 Stranger. M. H. Vorse. Met 31:750 Mr '10 Stranger at the feast. B. Lessing. Everybody's 14:303 Mr '06 Stranger at the hearth. M. Gauss. Harp W 57: 21 Ag 2 '13 Stranger than fiction. R. W. Chambers. Harp B 48:6 N '13 Stranger than fiction. L. Hearn. Atlan 95:494 Ap '05 Stranger to the wild. C. G. Roberts. Cent 73: 165 D '06 Stranger within his gates. R. W. Kauffman. Sat E P 185:17 Mr 8 '13 Stranger within their gates. E. Stuart. Scrib 30:750 D '01 Stranger's left-handed race-horse. H. Carruth. Cosmop 31:55 My '01 Stranger's pew. T. N. Page. Scrib 48:685 D '10 Strangler. C. Foley. Cur Lit 49:227 Ag '10 Stranlagh of the gold coast. G. B. Lancaster. Harper 128:681 Ap '14 Stratagem and spoils. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 184:14 Ap 6 '12 Stratagem of Haley. R. B. Shelton. Every- body's 9:686 N '03 Strategical defeat. E. Flower. Col 33:16 S 10 '04 Strategists. E. C. McCants. Everybody's 14: 210 F '06 Strategy and seamanship. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 37:309 Mr '05 Strategy of Abington. H. C. Rowland. Les Mo 58:536 S '04 Strategy of Dave. J. T. Bishop. Mun 23:658 .\g '00 Strategy of Hazel. E. Walker. Mun 32:352 D •04 Strategy of Hezekiah John. C. O. Lyon. Lip- pine 91:351 Mr '13 Strategy of Sergeant Taylor. R. F. Zogbaum. Les Mo 60:31 My '05 Strategy of Shorty. R. E. Beach. Col 35:21 Jl 2y 05 strategy of Sugarfoot. B. Boltwood. Mun 33: 62V Ag '05 strategy of the ball field. A. Sangree. Every- body's 15:509 O '06 Stratton, Elizabeth K. When you went home. L H J 30:4 Jl '13 Stratton, Frank N. Atavism of Abimelech. Col 35:15 Jl 15 '05 Connors, McFee and Cook. Mun 30:744 F '04 Deal in dates. Mun 31:26 Ap '04 Jimmy's mother. Everybody's 10:418 Mr '04 Little diplomat. Mun 31:491 Jl '04 Sheriff's dream. Mun 29:907 S '03 Warrant for Wilmer. Mun 32:857 Mr '05 When the train was held up. Mun 32:19 O ■04 Woman in the case. Mun 30:864 Mr '04 Stratton, George Frederic (George Carling, pseud.), 1852- Net and the quarry. Sat E P 181:20 Ap 3, 14 Ap 10, 10 Ap 24, 10 My 8 '09 Stratton-Porter, Gene. See Porter, Gene Strat- ton- Stratz, Rudolf, 1864- Memento mori. Cur Lit 41:106 Jl '06 Strauss, Juliet Virginia, 1863- Girl in old Virginia. L H J 28:11 Mr 15, 19 Ap 1, 16 Ap 15 '11 Strauss, Ralph Room on the fourth floor. Amer 75:140 D '12 Straw hat panic. L. Weadock. Everybody's 9: 132 Jl '03 Strayed souls. G. Schock. Harper 117:556 S '08 Straying of Clarence Mowe. H. Kellock. Everybody's 22:516 Ap '10 Straying of Lucifer. S. Ford. Delin 65:810 My '05 Streak of gold. E. E. Moise. Col 53:10 Ag 8 '14 Street, Julian (Leonard), 1879- After thirty. McClure 41:41 Ag '13 At liberty. Everybody's 28:49 Ja '13 Car coming! Amer 68:251 Jl '09 Carmelina's carabiniere. Scrib 40:240 Ag '06 Englishman. Amer 65:324 Ja '08 Goldfish. Everybody's 25:723 D '11 He knew he was going to say that. McClure 42:49 D '13 Living up to Letchwood. Everybody's 31:1 Jl '14 My enemy — the motor. McClure 27:225 Jl ■06 Need of change. Everybody's 20:359 Mr '09 No admittance. Everybody's 24:177 F '11 Oh, you Babylon! Evervbody's 27:171 Ag '12 Overboard. Sat E P 184:15 O 28 '11 Ship-bored. Everybody's 24:723 Je '11 Something of somebody. Amer 65:629 Ap '08 Spilt milk. Delin 79:12 Ja '12 Woman who went away. McClure 41:88 S '13 Street musicians. A. A. Chapin. Everybody's 22:27 Ja '10 Street of stairs. E. M. Kelley. Lippinc 94:589 N '14 Street of the Love of Friends. H. L. Bradley. Atlan 99:484 Ap '07 Strength of Hera Boyd. H. Gaylord. Amer 62: 381 Ag '06 Strength of men. J. O. Curwood. Col 48:20 F 17 '12 Strength of men. N. Duncan. McClure 21:532 S '03 Strength of ten. M. S. Cutting. McClure 19: 541 O '02 Strength of the law. F. J. Louriet. McClure 32:538 Mr '09 Strength of the little thin thread. A. Abdullah. Col 50:18 O 5 '12 Strength of the weak. J. Hopper. Sat E P 177:4 O 22 '04 Strength of woman. A. Burhans. Met 27:433 Ja '08 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 283 strength test. R. Dunn. Col 47:19 Je 17 '11 Strenuous courtship. E. W. Fowlei". McClure 22:15 X '03 Strenuous referee. E, Flower. Cent 72:29 My '06 Strictly in confidence. R. W. Hofflund. Sat E P 182:14 F 19 '10 Strictly vicarious. H. K. Webster. Met 39:15 Ja '14 Strike at Muley Pass. A. M. Kerr. Col 32:14 O 17 '03 Strike at the Little Maggie. V. Henderson. Scrib 45:85 Ja '09 Strike breaker. G. R. Chester. McClure 25:451 S '05 Strike-breaker. R. W. Hofflund. Sat E P 182: 12 Je IS '10 Strike in the Clarion office. C. A. Huling. Lip- pinc 77:112 Ja '06 Strike of one. E. Flower. Everybody's 12:773 Je 05 Strike of the derelicts. G. R. Chester. Mun 39:525 JI '08 Strike of the John Kelly local. J. G. Sanderson. Mun 29:269 My '03 Strike of the missing man. C. Johnston. Sat E P 183:16 Mr 18 '11 Strike on the Schlafeplatz railroad. J. L. Long. Cent 63:710 Mr 02 Striker. F. R. Bechdolt. Harp W 57:8 Jl 19 "13 Striker's story. F. H. Spearman. McClure 17: Js7 Jl '01 Striking a balance. H. Wheatley. Met 15:319 Mr 02 Striking an average. H. B. Fuller. Sat E P 173:3 IMy 25 '01 Striking of the colors. C. M. Williams. Mun 31:823 S '04 Strindberg (Johan) August, 1849-1912 Autumn. Cur Lit 53:115 Jl '12 Phenix. Cur Lit 49:459 O '10 String of deep waters. G. W. Wood. Harp W 54:20 Ag 6 '10 String of pearls. J. Barnes. Scrib 32:305 S '02 String of pearls. W. Payne. Sat E P 177:4 My 27 '03 Stringer, Arthur John Arbuthnott, 1874- Acid test. Sat E P 185:8 F 8 '13 Adolescence of number eighty-seven. Met 24:210 My '06 Benevolence of Montana Bill. Mun 27:287 My •02 Bit of correspondence. Met 20:39 Ap '04 Black company. Sat E P 179.5 F 9 '07 Broken circuit. Sat E P 179:13 Je 15 '07 Burglar. Everybody's 22:327 Mr '10 Call, The. Sat E P 1S4:3 D 9, 17 D 1ft, 19 D 23, 17 D 30. 11 Ja 6 'lO-'ll Colonna necklace. Sat E I' 180:9 D 7 '07 Courtship of Mamzelle Rosie. Sat E P 173:4 Ja 5 '01 Emerald pendant. Sat E P 179:9 My 11 '09 Guarded house. Everybody's 19:244 Ag 'OH How Bill got his grizzly. Sat E P 173:11 D 29 '00 Hunker Bill's dog. Met 25:592 F '07 In the wireless room. Sat E P 182:8 Ag 28 '09 Indian summer. Col 49:22 My 25 '12 Kings of hate. Everybody'.s 17:811 D '07 Man who made good. Everybody's 23:785 D •10 Private wire. Sat E P 179:3 Ja 12 "07 Professor of Greek. Sat K P 176:8 N H 03 Question of charm. Sat K P IS.'ili) Ap .0 13 Secret agent. Sat K P 183:3 Jl 2, 11 Jl 9 10 Seventh disappearance Kverybody'B 21 O'.tO ."Vly '11 Simple story of Shivers. Sat K P 173:14 () 13 '00 Sociability of Lemon's bear. Sat R P 174 5 Mr 1 '02 SDellblnder. Rat E P 185:18 I) 7 '12 Spirit-rapping of Dynamite Hplndtl. f:oHmop 42:438 F '07 Third hand. Sat E P 179:10 Mr 30 07 Stringer, Arthur John Arbuthnott — continued Through the valley of illusion. Harper 105: 6Jo S 02 Time-lock. Sat E P 179:7 Mr 9 07 Undoing of Johnnie Dog-Rib. Met 17:lb3 F 03 Unknown door. Sat E P 179:13 Ja 26 07 Valley of regret. Sat E P 172:1160 Je 9 '00 Web, The. Sat E P 184:18 My 4 "12 When the bank moved. Everybody's 21:739 D '09 With Rajah unwiUing. Sat E P 185:8 D 21 '12 Strings of liberty. M. Foster. Everybody's 15 517 U 06 Stroke of the clock. J. H. Coates. Lippinc 90 485 O '12 Stroller's fireside. E. Boltwood. Harp W 46 44 D 6 '02 Strone's southerner. C. Warren. Col 35:16 Je 3 '05 Strong and the weak. A. M. Lederer. Lippinc 73:356 Mr '04 Strong, Mrs. Isobel (Osbourne) Little savage gentleman. Scrib 30.196 Ag "01 Under the Banyan. Mun 24:108 O '00 Strong, Louise J. Diplomacy of Silas. Mun 29:433 Je '03 Unscientific story. Cosmop 34:411 F '03 Strong, Rowland French soldier's mother. Harp W 56:16 Mr 2 '12 French student. Harp W 56:16 Ja 20 '12 Private impressionist. Harp W 53:22 Jl 24 '09 Stronger claim. A. Crosby. Mun 44:338 D '10 Stronger force. E. R. I^Iirrielees. Amer 73:569 Mr '12 Stronger will. H. C. Rowland. Sat E P 179:9 Ja 19 '07 Strout, Joseph Woodbury Expurgated prayer. New Eng n s 31.279 N '04 Schoolmaster of Bagaduce. New Eng n s 34: 689 Ag '06 Struggle of the Outliers. O. Henry. Every- body's 7:199 Ag '02 Struggles and triumph of Isidro De Los Mae- stros. J. Hopper. McClure 26:601 Ap '06 Strunsky, Rose Little darling. Forum 45:31 Ja '11 Strunsky, Simeon, 1879- Higher ijressure. Scrib 54:484 O '13 In I'.el.sliazzar court. Athui 112:7S1 D '13 Quality of mercy. Scrib 55:738 Je '14 Stuart, Eleanor L. P.ibi Steiiifeld's hunting. McClure 32 -J^^O Mr 09 Brothers implaciible. Lippinc 72:625 N '03 Cup of cocoa. McClure 35.:t53 Am '10 Delusion of grandeur. Scnb 33;34s Mr '03 Emblem of home. Scrib 3S 129 Ag '05 Grist to the mill. Mun 32:25 O '04 Lieutenant's mcs.sengcr. Scrib 38.533 N '05 Life-long lock. McCluro 37:164 Jo 11 Outposts of empire. McClure 33.229 J I '09 Pled Pipers of Angolar Met 35:9 Ja '12 Stranger within their gates. Scrib 30:750 D '01 Tax at TJpl-Llpl. Harper T.'7:6S3 O '13 Thr.M- blind mice. Scrib 41 51 Jl 'OS fiidiT liiH H 13 536 Jo 09 J<«rnlma of tho Mi-voiilh floor. Ilariirr 120:96 D •(I'l I.ii. k of IliiHurr M.'ir'llHtc. Cent HS:C3 My 14 Mlla.ly ll.irp.T 106 r,63 Mr '0.1 MlHflt ChrlMtrniiH ('••nt fit 226 I> '04 Petty Iarr..ny (Vnt r,fl:7fi.*» H 03 Song In tho trcc-topH. Cent 7»:277 D 'Ol 284 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Stuart, Mrs. Ruth — continued Wealth and riches. Cent 65:949 Ap '03 Women; a monologue. Cent 61:595 F "01 Stubborn member. W. Payne. Sat E P 178:6 Mr L'4 '06 Stubbs's principal. H. Haines. Scrib 47:621 My 10 Student of women. A. Page. Harp W 52:24 D 19 'OS Studies in solitude. F. S. Davis. Atlan 111:806 Je '13 Studio mouse. G. Knox. Lippinc 76:759 D '05 Study in disillusionment. E. K. Tompkins. Harp W 53:22 Ja 16 '09 Study in emotions. C. Smedley. Everybody's 17:218 Ag '07 Study in gentlemen. L. Denison. Everybody's 7:455 N '02 Study in optimism. C. B. Loomls. Amer 65: 409 F '08 Study in palmistry. W. Hackett. Mun 40:863 Mr '09 Study in piracy. J. D. Daskam. McClure 16: 497 Ap '01 Study in values. E. Kaufman. Col 35:11 Ag 12 '05 Stuff of heroes. D. H. Haines. Everybody's 22:787 Je '10 Stuff that dreams are made on. G. Chittenden. Scrib 55:359 Mr '14 Stuffy. W. P. Eaton. Everybody's 19:710 N '08 Stumps. A. S. Roche. Harp W 51:1488 O 12 '07 Stuntz, Stephen Conrad, 1875- Conversion of the H. H. Les Mo 55:641 Ap 03 Sturdevant, Lucy Huston Cent school. Atlan 103:98 Ja '09 Flag-root. Atlan 114:112 Jl '14 North-west wind. Atlan 104:22 Jl '09 On the water front, Atlan 103:397 Mr '09 Untrained nurse. Atlan 107:820 Je '11 Sturgis, Edith Barnes Irish rose. Harp W 52:16 Ag 22 '08 Sturgis, Estelle Tragedies. McClure 37:609 O '11 Style, L. Dupont Villain to the rescue. Met 17:267 Je '03 Stylishness of Mrs. Quinn. A. O'Hagan. Ev- verybody's 12:837 Je '05 Sub, The. C. B. Acherson. Met 16:274 S '02 Sub-mascot. A. A. Knipe. Scrib 34:709 D '03 Subconscious courtship. E. R. White. Atlan SS:502 O '01 Subconscious Finnegan. M. Robertson. Harp W 47:1796 N 7 '03 Subduing of Mrs Charlemagne Bangs. A. M. Sholl. Mun 40:667 F '09 Subjugation of Elaine. A. O'Hagan. Mun 30: 604 Ja 04 Sublime example of Sherwood Drayton. F. B. Copley. Amer 76:37 D '13 Submarine. M. Robertson. Everybody's 11:11 Jl '04 Submarine destroyer. M. Robertson. Every- body's 13:401 S '05 Submarine mystery. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 55: 676 O '13 Submerged. D. H. Munger. Met 37:39 F '13 Submerged white. B. Kluegel. Cosmop 43:193 Je '07 Subscription to the heathen. M. & A. E. Mc- Farlane. McClure 27:51 My '06 Substance of things hoped for. R. E. Young. Harper 114:901 My '07 Substitute. S. H. Adams. McClure 26:60 N '05 Substitute. F. Copp^e. Lippinc 88:578 O '11 Substitute. C. Dangerfield. Cosmop 38:551 Mr •05 Substitute. E. M. Ingram. Lippinc 85:257 Mr '10 Substitute. G. W. Pangborn. Harper 130:59 D 14 Substitute for eloping. E. P. Lyle, Jr. Mun 22.663 Mr 00 Substitute for NeUie. C. B. Kelland. Amer 77:35 Ap 14 Substitute manager. E. Flower. Sat E P 176:6 Ja 16 04 Subterranean romance. K. Perry. Cosmop 39: .n My '05 Subtility of speech. T. H. Thorpe. Harper 101: S02. O '00 Subtlety of Isaac. C. Norton. Les Mo 57:341 Ja '04 Suburban whirl. See Cutting, Mary Stewart Success. M. von Oertzen. Cur Lit 40:452 Ap ■06 Success. O. Oliver. Mun 48:479 D '12 Success after forty. A. W. Rolker. Sat E P 1S4.16 S 30 '11 Success that failed. J. W. Evans. Harp W 53^2 Air 27 '09 Successful cast. T. J Partridge. New Eng n s 34:5'J0 Jl '06 . Successful failure. I^. Henry. Mun 23:94 Ap 00 Successful marriage. L. H. Hammond. Harper 105:747 O '02 Successful marriage. A. Ramsey. McClure 42: 41 Mr '14 Successful quest. T. Masson. Cosmop 37:475 Ag 04 Such a pretty cat. E. Deisher. Harp B 44:317 My '10 Such as walk in darkness. S. H. Adams. Mc- Such is life. B. Lessing. Cosmop 47:66 Je '09 Clure 19:300 Ag 02 Such stuff as dreams are made of. M. E. Nichols. Les Mo 56:515 S '03 Sucker. H. R. Durant. Cosmop 39:83 My '05 Sudbury's wedding journey. W. D. Nesbit. Harp W 54.22 Ja 15 '10 Suddeth's Egeria. E. Kenton. Cent 82:279 Je •11 Sue Chang the faithful. M. S. Daggett. Outl 76:977 Ap 23 '04 Sugar-coated trap for the bride. R. E. Finley. L H J 29:15 Je '12 Sui Sin Far, pseud. See Eaton, Edith Maud Suicide. A. D. Sedgwick. Cent 67:550 F '04 Suicides in the Rue Des Vents. L. Merrick. Met 24:348 Je '06 Suit-case. A. Sullivan. Harper 128:803 Ap '14 Suitable child. N. Duncan. Harper 119:511 S ■09 Suite number nineteen. W. H. Osborne. Har- per 128:534 Mr '14 Sul and Shumul. A. R. Calhoun. Evervbody's 8:18 Ja 03 Sullivan, Alan, 1868- Adventure in Paleontology. Harper 128:518 Mr 14 Last patrol. Harp W 56:11 O 12 '12 Plus and minus. Scrib 46:366 S "09 Suit-case. Harper 128:803 Ap '14 Turning-point. Harper 123:554 S '11 Sullivan, Francis William Forest of Eden. Mun 52:107 Je '14 Sullivan, Thomas Russell, 1849- Hand of Petrarch. Scrib 36:621 N '04 Sultana. See Rowland, Henry C. Sultana of Zulon. B. Howard. Everybody's 12:301 Mr '05 Sultan's draft. G. Daulton. Les Mo 54:249 Jl •02 Sultzer, William A. ■U^ooden doll. Forum 51:580 Ap '14 Summer beau company. Ltd. E. M. Gilmer. Cosmop 43:381 Ag '07 Summer girl and the sand. C. Wells. Cent 84: 638 Ag '12 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 28.S Summer landlord. S. Preston. Scrib 36:268 S 04 Summer memory. K. T. Kemp. Outl 85:888 Ad 20 07 Summer morning. M. A. Bacon. Allan 91:815 Je 03 Summer of St. Martin. S. W. Mitchell. Cent 67:144 N '03 Summer resources. F. Hurst. Sat E P 185:5 S 7 '12 Summer Santa Claus. O. Oliver. Lippinc 92: 736 D '13 Summer that flew. K. Brown. Harp W 45:1250 D 14 '01 Summer tour in Bohemia. E. Hoyt. Every- body's 5:661 D '01 Summer windfall. V. Sheard. New Eng n s 28:651 Ag '03 Summoning knocker. F. Pier. Harper 120:949 My '10 Summons. M. Lerner. Forum 52:573 O '14 Summons. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 186:10 F 14 '14 Summons home. E. H. Porter. Cent 71:76 N ■05 Summons of the north. C. G. D. Roberts. Met 23:296 V '05 Sun and moon to me, O little rose. L. F. Tooker. Cent 81:501 F 11 Sun-dials of civilization. M. Synon. Met 41:24 D '14 Sun-dog trail. J. London. Harper 112:83 D '05 Sun-god. M. S. Gerry. Harper 124:726 Ap '12 Sunday. E. L. Sabin. Sat E P 178:15 S 16 05 Sunday afternoon. M. S. Cutting. Harp B 42: 994 O '08 Sunday husbands. E. H. Abbott. Mun 37:21 Ap '07 Sunday in Tippah. L. K. Hammond. Atlan 109:206 F '12 Sunday night before Tuesday. F. Pierce. Col 54:7 O 24 '14 Sunday-school picnic. E. L. Sabin. Sat E P 177:6 My 6 '05 Sunken admiral. H. Scheffauer. Everybody's 17:159 Ag '07 Sunrise. W. Muir. McClure 43:25 O '14 Sunrise girl. C. Dawson. McClure 42:133 F '14 Sunrise substitute. R. B. Shelton. Mun 27:894 S '02 Sunset. S. F. Whitman. Col 45:20 Mr 26 '10 Sunset island. R. Roeder. Harper 126:458 F '13 Sunshine for Uncle George. D. Deakin. Sat E P 180:8 F 22 '08 junshine of the traffic squad. R. E. MacAlar- ney. Sat K P 184:24 Mr 9 '12 Super who stayed boss. C. De Kalb. Lippinc 87:242 F 11 Superannuated. C. Day. Sat E P 184:12 D 16 11 Superannuated. J. Lincoln. Atlan 95:757 Je '05 Superior sox. H. Trendon. New Eng n s 45: \'<'\ (> '11 Superiority of the English. J. Corbin. Sat E P 185:7 .V 9 '12 Superlady. R. Sloss. Harp W 54:16 Mr 19 '10 Superlative girl. C. B. Loomis. Rat E P 174:7 O 26 '01 Superman. F. Hurst. Sat E P lSfi:5 .To 20 '14 Superman, The. M. W. Slater. CoFimop 50:422 K '11 Superstition trail. O. Wistpr. R.Tt E P 171:1 O 26. 5 N 2 '01 Supper by proxy. P. L. Dunbar. Rat E P 173: 26 N 10 '00 Supposing. C. W. Rankin. Mot Kins.l N '02 Supreme court leak. W. Payne. Sat E P 179: 10 Jl 14 '06 Supreme court of love. Mrs. J. M. Wright. Lippinc 67.635 My '01 Supreme test. G. S. Richmond. McClure 22:100 N '03 Surabhi. F. A, Steel. Cent 61:659 Mr '01 Sure enough Santy. B. R, Hoover. Every- body's 19:853 D 'OS Sure test. M. S. Cuttmg. Lippnic 75.766 Je '05 Sure thing. V. Tracy. Delin 7S:S9 Ag '11 Surgeon of the sea. E. Hungerford. Harper 1J2;199 Ja '11 Surinam toads. M. B. Shipp. Mun 44:314 D 10 Surplus. N. Duncan. Harper 116:749 Ap 'OS Surplus widows. H. Dickson. Sat E P l!s6:12 S 20 '13 Surprise of old Newt Pagan. H. Carruth. Sat E P 173:22 D 22 '00 Surprise party. P. V. Mighels. Cosmop 42:301 Ja '07 Surprises of the lottery. O. Johnson. Cent 74: 836 O '07 Surprising Madame Dubosc. L. H. French. Cent 81:278 D '10 Surprising Sarah Ellen. L. M. Hadley. New Eng n s 26:753 Ag '03 Surrender: an idyl. E. C. McCants. Every- body's 10:815 Je "04 Surrender. N. L. Williams. Amer 64:420 Ag 07 Surrender of Professor Seymour. E. G. Jordan. Harper 109:955 N '04 Surrender of Sister Philomene. E. G. Jordan. Harper 103:570 S '01 Surrenders of Cornwallis. A. Warner. Every- body s 19:35 Jl '08 Survival. A. M. Shaw. Cosmop 40:401 F '06 Survival of ability. R Ogden. Atlan 113:791 Je 14 Survivors. M. Foster. Everybody's 5:273 S 01 Susan and the mermaid. P. C. Smith. Delin S0:421 D '12 Susan Clegg's cousin Marion. A. Warner. Cent 6S;.',t;4 Ag '04 Susan Jane's valentine. M. E. Wilkins. Harp B 33:132 F 17 '00 Susanna and her elders. R. Dehan. Sat E P 1SG:5 My 23 '14 Susan's birthday T. G. Roberts. Mun 48:440 D '12 Susie Essenhelmer and ma. M. H. Vorse. Mc- Clure 38:269 Ja '12 Susie, sans souci. H. W. Phillips. Harper 12S: 377 F '14 Susiness of Susan. M. Nicholson. Sat E P 1S5: 8 N 16 '12 Susman, Harold Beautifying of Mrs. Bennett. Lippinc 89:620 .Ap '12 Daisy Duntiam. Lippinc 89:467 Mr '12 Mis. Wail ell's caning. Lipjiinc 91:117 Ja '13 Suspended sentence. C. T. Revere. McClure 2S ::,:!;-, Ml- '07 Sutphen, William Gilbert van Tassel, 1861- Affalr of the Caeli.ilot. Sal K I' 174:10 O 19 01 Affair of the Cari)athlan. Harp W 52:12 D 12 'OS At the negative polo. Harper 117:263 Jl '08 Heller part Harper 1i:{:s41 N '06 Hyslander. Harpei lln 79 I) '04 Cal.spaw. Sat 10 I' ISO s N !• '07 fhi-rrv blosHonis. !lari)ei' 105:367 Ak '02 I)i> profniidl.s. Hariiei 112:25(1 J« 'on. Same. Han. W 53:22 K •'. '09 Koimne-liunter. Harper lOHISI Ja '01 Hlni.ilavim <.74 N IS •05 T-eiior-poHt Hnrpor lOfi 2Kn .11 'O' LotlorM of m«rf|iii' Hiirp V\' *' 1152 14>>S. ir.r4. 1560. 1596, 1676 fl f.-O S 17 '03 286 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Sutphen, William G. van Tassel — continued Love chase. Sat E P 172:988 Ap 28 '00 Maker of images. Harper 110:870 My '05 Midland terminal. Harper 111:177 Jl '05 Mr. Samuels. Harp W 45:1268 D 14 '01 Pot of gold. Harper 107:787 O '03 Relapse in barbarism. Harp W 47:23 D 12 '03 Special delivery. Harper 108:458 F '04 Talisman. Col 47:25 Ap 22 '11 Terra incognita. Harper 103:909 N '01 Three opal buttons. Harp W 47:1200 Jl 18 '03 Uncharted sea. Harper 115:717 O '07 Wiitten word. Harper 118:90 D 08 Sutro, Alfred, 1863- Boy and a girl. Col 34:16 Ja 7 '05 Bread on the waters. Lippinc 72:747 D '03 Love and the lady. Cosmop 37:683 O "04 Sutton and Hynes, bankers. W. Payne. Sat E P 176:8 S 19, 9 S 26 '03 Sutton, Elizabeth Dutiful daughter. Everybody's 5:588 N '01 For Jane's sake. Everybody's 5:657 D '01 Suzanne. W. T. Grenfell. Atlan 108:347 S '11 Suzanne's catechism. M. W. Goodwin. Cent 69:674 Mr '05 Swain, Corinne Rockwell Tide in the affairs of Jones. Lippinc 94:630 N "14 Swain, John D. Infidelity of Sam Foster. Lippinc 89:90 Ja 12 Matrimonial lottery. Lippinc 73:121 Ja '04 Road to the heart. Lippinc 91:613 My '13 Scientific tangle. Lippinc 71:855 Je '03 Swan Carlson's wooing. L. D. FoUett. Amer 61:573 Mr '06 Swan creek blizzard. R. Connor. Les Mo 52: 325 Ag '01 Swan song. G. L. Knapp. Lippinc 80:513 O '07 Swanhild. B. Hooker. Harper 120:197 Ja '10 Swartz diamond. E. W. Thomson. Cent 65:60 N '02 Swastika. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 177:1 Mr 18 '05 Sway -backed house. C. W. Chesnutt. Outl 66: 588 N 3 '00 Sway of manhood. P. V. Mighels. Harp W 48:1739 N 12 '04 Swayne, Martin Black-and-gold curtain. Harp W 56:16 My 18 '12 Swede's angel. M. S. Ulrich. Everybody's 12: 313 Mr '05 Swedish romance. W. C. Estabrook. Harper 105:973 N '02 Swedish troubadour. W. F. Kirk. Cosmop 47: 254 Jl '09 Sweet Adelais. J. B. Cabell. Harper 110:519 Mr '05 Sweet and sour. M. Glass. Sat E P 185:21 N 2 '12 Sweet day of rest. E. C. Hall. Cosmop 38:149 D '04 Sweet, Frank Herbert, 1856- Captain of indolcr.ce. Cosmop 42:686 Ap '07 Christmas dance. New Eng n s 41:485 D '09 Christmas 'possum. Met 25:347 D '06 Fearless patriot. Met 26:452 Jl '07 Job in the Senate chamber. Met 25:771 Mr '07 Labou way. Mun 30:118 O '03 Mystery. New Eng n s 39:398 D '08 Nameless pickaninny. New Eng n s 23:220 O '00 Nugget's church. Met 29:27 O '08 Railroad idyl. Lippinc 76:510 O '05 Winning of Marie. Mun 30:589 Ja '04 Sweet- grass basket. K. von Kraft. Lippinc S7: 751 Je '11 Sweet home road. E. S. Phelps. Harp B 44:153 Mr. 236 Ap '10 Sweet, M. Palmer Friend in need. Les Mo 54:306 Jl '02 Sweet- pea. R. Gilder. Cent 88:197 Je '14 Sweet peas. E. E. Cole. New Eng n s 27:90 S '02 Sweet philanthropy. J. Marks. Met 27:510 Ja '08 Sweet rewards of virtue. E. Boltwood. Harp \V 46:668 My 24 '02 Sweetest sweetmeat. F. Hurst. Sat E P 185:5 My 3 '13 Sweetness of the light. A, Leeds. Lippinc 94: 373 S '14 Sweets to the sweet. H. M. Lyon. McClure 41: 178 S '13 Sweetser, Kate Dickinson Into society via Billy. L H J 22:6 Ap '05 Swift, Charles Lowe Honest politician. New Eng n s 41:204 O '09 Swimmers. J. S. Reed. Forum 46:163 Ag '11 Swimming delegates. C. D. Stewart. Cent 77: 761 Mr '09 Swiss Family Robertson. S. Waterloo. Sat E P 172:836 Mr 17 '00 Swiss fleet. W. L. Alden. Sat E P 172:1236 Je 30 '00 Sword and mitre. R. Sabatini. Everybody's 2: 108 F '00 Sword of Ahab. J. E. Dunning. Harper 109: 327 Ag '04 Sword of light. S. MacManus. Lippinc 80:756 D '07 Swords of the House of Nogi. A. Kinnosukfi. Amer 61:314 Ja '06 Sybarite. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 54:774 My '13 Sybilla. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 181:5 D 19 '08 Sycamore. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 121:299 Jl '10 Sydney Grammont's model. E. C. Marsh. Cos- mop 36:51 N '03 Sykes, A. L. How John Eastlake was cured. New Eng n s 27:417 D '02 Joel Veltman's moving day. New Eng n s 30: 748 Ag '04 Sykes, M'Cready, 1869- Admirable outlaw. Scrib 40:627 N '06 Ditch rider. Harp W 49:1524 O 21 '05 Fourth juror. Scrib 39:592 My '06 Sylva, Carmen, pseud. See Elizabeth Pauline Ottilie Louise, queen of Roumania Sylvan episode. H. A. Nash. New Eng n s 22: 277 My '00 Sylvan solitudes. J. Drake. Delin 58:426 S '01 Sylvester-abend. J. Cady. Delin 75:44 Ja '10 Sylvia and the subway. W. H. Osborne. Lip- pinc 78:236 Ag '06 Sylvia's bridegrooms. A. Kenealy. Lippinc 75: 485 Ap '05 Symmes, Frances Newton Old atmosphere. Met 19:421 D '03 Sympathetic part. N. Duncan. Harper 120:858 My '10 Sympathy. M. Glass. Sat E P 183:3 O 15 '10 Symphony in B. flat. E. Atkinson. Everybody's 19:212 Ag '08 Symphony in coal. M. S. Cutting. McClure 26: 557 Ap '06 Syndicate hero. C. T. Brady. Scrib 34:551 N '03 Syndicating Sarah. E. Orr. Cent 83:141 N '11 Synon, Mary Allemande left. Scrib 50:723 D '11 _„ Boy who went back to the bush. Scrib 48:617 N '10 Bravest son. Scrib 55:380 Mr '14 Cobalt bloom. Scrib 51-666 Je '12 Fleet goes bv. Scrib 55:195 F '14 Mrs. Van Audon sings. Scrib 53:679 Je '13 Mv love dwelt in a northern land. Scrib 51: 191 F '12 Saving Donald Ferguson. Scrib 51:37 Ja 12 Six sons of Ossian. Scrib 52:81 Jl '12 Sun-dials of civilization. Met 41:24 D '14 Toast to Dewey. Scrib 56:33 Jl '14 Syretta, Netta „^^ _, ... Common occurrence. Harper 108:345 F 04 Idealist. Harper 106:923 My '03 STAxNDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 287 Syretta, Netta — continued One solution. Everybody's 16:619 My '07 Revelation in Arcadia. Harper 105:327 Ag '02 System. G. S. Chappell. Met 32:474 Jl '10 System of Haddon-Brown. D. Lloyd. Col 37- ^0 Je 23 '06 T. Haldane's bequest. J. F. Wilson. Harp W 05:12 Ja 21 11 "Tab^e ^d'hote talks. J. K. Bangs. Harp W 54:8 Tachypomp, a mathematical demonstration E P. Mitchell. Cent 86:99 My '13 ''"'^"""- ■^• Tackling matrimony. G. L. Burton. Sat E P 185:3 N 23, 21 N 30 '12 Tacky Anne. M. Hill. Lippinc 79:741 Je 07 Tad Nolan, lobbyist. K. Hoffman. Mun 30:586 Ja 04 Tad Sheldon, second-class scout. J. W. Wilson Sat E P 183:9 D 24 '10 Taffy John. W. S. Boyer. Les Mo 53:482 F '02 Taft, M. A. On the arm of the goddess. Met 16:113 Jl "02 Taggart, Marion Ames Evergreen tree: a Christmas story. Delin 68: 978 D 06 John, junior. Delin 70:952 D '07 Tagore, Rabindranath, 1^61- Dalia. Delin s5:ll D '14 Taken at the flood. V. Harper. Sat E P 177:6 Je 3 '05 Taking a chance. K. Harris. Col 48:14 Ja 6 '12 Taking a rest. M. S. Cutting. Amer 66:505 S ■OS Taking chances. G. Kennan. Outl 74:945 Ag 15 •03 Taking it easy. M. Glass. Sat E P 181:12 My 22 '09 Taking life. F F. Whitfield. Col 51:17 Jl 5 "13 Taking of Isabel. C. Y. Glen. Delin 61:1023 Je '03 Taking of Laurella. G M. Cooke. Mun 31:117 Ap '04 Taking of Stingaree. E. W. Hornung. Les Mo 52:315 Ag '01 Taking of the redoubt. P. M#rim6e. Lippinc .ss:731 N '11 Taking pace from Father Time. G. Fitch. Sat E P 1*^3:15 Je 3 '11 Taking the black cat to Matthieu. R. E. Mac- Alarney. Col 49:19 Ap 27 '12 Taki's career. M. R. S. Andrews. Sat E P 1S4: S S 9 '11 Tale-bearer. O. H. Dunbar. Everybody's 19: 7.^0 D '08 Tale of a cad. A. M. Lederer. Lippinc 74:666 N '04 Tale of a cayuse. F. R. Weir. McClure 29:206 Je '07 Tale of a pigtail. M. Robertson. Sat E P 173:6 O 20 '00 Tale of a political spoil. J. S. Rickard.s. Lippinc 90:627 N '12 Tale of a tail-ender. Sat E P 186:8 F 11 '14 Tale of a tenderfoot. H. Garland. Sat K P 174: 8 Ag 24 '01 Tale of a tub. T. Hopkins. McClure 14:520 Ap ■00 Tale of Bin Shortcoat. C. MacKenzle. McClure 41:113 Ag '13 Tale of Gunt-'n Itam. C. Johnston. Iljirp VV .''.6: 16 Mr 16 '12 Tale of I>anguedoc. M. O. Wilcox. Atlun 89: 491 Ap '02 Tale of the brlck.«?. A. Morrison. Mot 23:530 F •06 "''ale of the coral sea. R.Bedford. McClure 37: Tale of Uie gridiron field. S. Freeland. Every- body s 3:427 N 00 Tale of the lost island. B. Grimshaw. New Eng n s 37:291 N '07 "'"^'®, 'i^.^^A®.,^?."^. ^^™"- C. H. Sawyer. Cur Lilt o0.o31 Mr 01 Tale of tiie soutii sliore. P. H. Coggins New Eng n s 22:461 Je "00 Tale of two burdens. I. Bacheller. Cent 76:548 Ag 0^ Tale of two Jacobean chairs. M. Glass. Sat E Tale out of season. E. Singmaster. McClure 3o:bo5 O 10 Tale with no moral. M. Glass. Mun 41:602 Jl Tales of a country town. G. Ade. Sat E P 175: Tales of old Turley. See Clark, Charles Heber Tales of the gridiron. K. Moses. Col 52:21 N 8 Tales of the islanders. C. Bronte. Cosmop 51: 611 O '11 Tales of the links. J. K. Bangs. Harper 100: 805 Ap, 101:153 Je '00 Tales of Thomas Tabb. H. M. Hyde. Sat E P 178:6 Ap 2S '06 o.il i:. x- Tales out of court. See Hill, Frederick Trevor Talisman. V. T. Sutphen. Col 47:25 Ap 22 '11 Talker, The. R. W. Child. Sat E P 182:9 D 25 Talking of presentiments. W. D. Howells. Harper 116:76 D '07 Talking wave. L. Pratt. Atlan 108:818 D '11 Tall man. S. Carleton. Atlan 99:36 Ja '07 Tall one and the wee one. R. Sawyer. Mun 49:123 Ap '13 Talleyrand Penrod. B. Tarkington. Sat E P 185:3 Je 21 '13 Tally Ho! A. Stoddart. Mun 27:881 S '02 Tally, the coward. J. Keating. Everybody's 11: 590 N '04 Talmadge, David H. Between bulletins. Everybody's 9:544 O '03 Butt-in of Jamrack. Everybody's 11:332 S '04 Conspiracy in St. Marks. New Eng n s 26:71 Mr '02 Duel at Dottleford. New Eng n s 33:293 N '05 End of the feud. Mun 23:655 Ag '00 For his sake. Mun 26:246 N '01 Freak of memory. Mun 25:2.S4 My '01 Fruit of his bravery. New Eng n b 26:535 Jl •02 His debt of honor. New Eng n s 25:120 S '01 In the canvas wagon's sliadow. Mun 24:586 Ja '01 Last Job of Dnddy Grote. Mun 26:108 D '01 Love of a man. Mun 24:125 O '00 Luck of Monty Morri.son. Mui\ 21:791 F *01 MulllK.-in's treachery Mun 22 S7(> Mr '00 Plot of the grandrnothcrs Miin 27:5'.M Jl '02 Proposal of Hiirk. Mun 23:S27 S '00 Thomp.son's annivers.-iry. Mun 22;6'.i2 K "00 When TllliriKhast went a.shoro. Mun 24:249 .V '00 Tamatau of Totiihi. A. I mini, s.it lO I' isr..il ,Ia ."! '11 Tambourine, T-n. C. n. T!ivli>r. Mun 40:652 V o:) Tame cut. F. H. Lea. ITnrpcr 129:S33 N '14 Tame man of Borneo. F. IT. y\damH. Col 43:12 An 2S 'n;i Taming my rebel until. Amor 7s is o '14 Taming of Amoretto. Roe Warner, Anne Taming ><( J./.rul. V. F. Hoylo. Harper 100: .'is:i I'' '0(1 Taming of I'liprlka. I. l-'orreHter. Mun 12:32 <) •0!» Taming of Tom Purcell. MrH. L. H. Iliirrlfi. Amor 09:91 N '09 288 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Tammany's tithes. H. J. O'Higgins. McClure 27:621 O '06 Tammas. E. M. Larson. Atlan 113:394 Mr '14 Tangent of a crime. H. D. Ward. Atlan 95:328 Air '05 Tangled code. S. E. Kiser. Mun 40:559 Ja '09 Tangled up in Beulah land. Everybody's 5:187 Ag, 311 S. 593 N. 706 D '01 Tangled web. M. C. McGiffert. Atlan 98:395 S '06 Tango taught in ten teachings. G. Morris. Met 39:23 Ap "14 Tapestries of twilight. R. Le Gallienne. Harper 122;:<.47 My '11 Tapped wires. C. R. Cooper. Col 48:19 Mr 16 ■12 Tar- skin Simcoe and the green barrel. B. Brandenburg. Cosmop 41:224 Je Ob Tarentum hooks. A. P. Ames. Met 27:446 Ja '08 Tares and wheat at the vicarage. M. D. Cham- bers. Lippmc 90:87 Jl '12 Targets. G. Morris. Met 30:629 S '09 Tarkington, (Newton) Booth, 1869- Aliens. McClure 22:389 F '04 Beasley and the Hunchbergs. Cosmop 40.115 Beautiful lady. Harper 110:38 D '04, 111:195 Beauty^ and the Jacobin. Harper 125:390, 539 Bc^i'Gorgett. Everybody's 9.718 D 03 Boy in the air. Cosmop 5o.585 U i^ Brothers of Angels. Cosmop 5b:. 4 D 13 Cherry. Harper 102:241. 406 Ja-t 01 Empty house. Met 40.20 Je 14 Fall of Georgie Bassett. Cosmop_56 340 F 14 Guest of Quesnay. Everybody s 1< :601 I^ 0/ Hector. Everybody s 11:765 D U4 „, ^ . fifs own people. Sat E P 180:3 Ag 24. 5 Ag 31 07 •Lectioneermg. Col 34:12 O 22 '04 Liltle gentleman. Cosmop 56:20^ Ja 14 Lord Jernmgham. Everybody s 13:^35 U Ub Mary Smith. Sat E P 185.3 Ag 17 U Mrs. Protheroe. McClure 24:409 P 05 Need of money McClure 24:,0 N 04 Old gray eagle. Everybody s 5:112 Ji_ 01 Overwhelming Saturday. Cosmop 55;/ 61 N _13 Penrod and the pageant. Everybody s 28. /o8 Je 13 Penrod — zoologist. Met 40:18 My '14 Priceless ballot. Col 34:13 O 29 '04 Property-man. McClure 25.412 Ag 05 Railroading a Christmas. Col o4.8 u 04 Rupe Collins. Met 39:7 Ap^l4 _ .r..-,.. Some Americans abroad. Everybody s 1.168 A"" 07 Talleyrand Penrod. Sat E P 185:3 Je 21 '13 Temptations of a young author. Cosmop 39. 665 O '05 Twelve. Cosmop 56:482 Mr 14 Vatican sermon. Harper 109.69 Je 04 Tarleton colors. K. J. Vermilye. Mun 22:688 F '00 Tarnished star. J. C. Lincoln. Everybody's 14: 631 My '06 Tartar who was not caught. R. Wilsted. Scrib 28:542 N '00 Task appointed. P. Gibbon. McClure 34:558 Mr '10 Tassin, Algernon Charley Johnson's fine. Col 40:20 N 9 0< Conversion of Lucia Bragg. Scrib 56:102 Jl '14 Elmira and four-thirteen. Scrib 56:751 D '14 Heritage. McClure 33:48 My '09 Little sister, Delin 71 :74 Ja '08 Solvent. Harper 128:883 My '14 Taste of apples. See Lee. Jeannette 'Tatars. M. H. Carter. Sat E P 184:12 Mr 30 •12 Tatters. W. L. Hawley. Les Mo 51:61 N '00 Tattoo. R. W. Child. Col 50:19 N 23 '12 Tawdry street. H. MacGrath. Met 38:7 Ag '13 Tax at Lipi-Lipi. E. Stuart. Harper 127:683 O '13 Taylor, Anne Ueland Alma does for herself. Harper 127:447 Ag '13 Taylor, Bert Leston, 1866- Amateur skipper. Everybody's 17:512 O '07 Diffy Daffy dialogues. Col 32:19 D 5 03, 31 F 13, 25 F 27 '04 Doris has her way. Sat E P 180:8 Mr 28 '08 Eternal question. Sat E P 180:6 Je 20 '08 Taylor, C. Bryson, 1880- And so they were married. Everybody's 15:14 Jl '06 As in a glass darkly. Everybody s 10:806 Je '04 La Tambourine. Mun 40:652 F 09 Matter of business. Everybody's 5:582 N '01 My friend Pierrot. Everybody's 14:454 Ap '06 Pi oof of man. Cosmop 38:047 Ap '05 Quest of the pearl. Everybody's 20:46 Ja '09 ■^'ooing of Ah-Te. Everybody's 8:419 My '03 Taylor, Elizabeth Baptizing the baby. Atlan 109:278 F '12 Night with the mouse's brother. Atlan 89:671 My 02 Valley of the others. Atlan 110:825 D '12 Taylor, Emerson Gifford, 1>;74- Ede,e of the dark. Harp W 54:22 F 12 '10 Elaine. Atlan 90:548 O '02 Flesh start. Everybody's 30:102 Ja '14 Lady of his dreams. L H J 25:13 D '07 Little white bear. L H J 24.11 Ap '07 Make-believe mother. Scrib 46:52 Jl '09 President's daughter; romance of a college town. L H J 26:19 Mr. 19 Ap, 15 My. 15 Je '09 Rescue of the gods. Scrib 44:727 D 'OS Shepherd who stayed behind. L H J 27:6 D '09 What we love we love. L H J 24:12 N '07 Taylor, IVlary Imlay, 1878- Bed of justice. Lippinc 85:590 My '10 Magnate of paradise. Lippinc 84:513 N '09 Man in the street. Lippinc 93:257 Mr '14 Pasetsk the second-hander. Lippinc 91:456 Ap 13 Tchekhov, Anton Pavlovitch, 1860-1904 In exile. Lippinc 90:363 S '12 Sleepy eye. Cosmop 41:151 Je '06 Terrible night. Cur Lit 42:112 Ja '07 Tea and confessions. J. Kellogg. Les Mo 52: 331 Ag '01 Tea at Sherry's. H. Tyrrell. Met 23:222 N '05 Tea from Japan. E. L. Sabin. Lippinc 88:231 Ag 11 Tea-party. M. C. Dyar. Harper 116:277 Ja '08 Teacher. J. C. Lincoln. Col 41:20 S 12 '08 Teacher who taught the governor. E. Balmer. L H J 31:15 My 14 Team: a West Point foot-ball story. L. Buchanan. Lippinc 78:010 N '06 Teapot. L. W. Dodd. Harper 122:965 My '11 Tear-vender. J. Aicard. Cur Lit 48:686 Je '10 Tebbutt, Edward Marmaduke Pardigam's midnight ride. Ev- erybody's 2:39 Ja '00 Teching of the Vesper. G. S. Wasson. Scrib 32: 50 Jl 02 Technical error. O. Henry. Mun 42:637 F '10 Ted — a mother song. L. D. Goldsberry. Cur Lit 44:227 F '08 Teeple, George L. Jimmyness of Jim. Cent 82:831 O '11 Spring bv the water tank. Col 36:18 Mr 17 06 Steam-shovel. Cent 88:695 S '14 Teeth. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:14 Jl 6 '12 Teeth. M. Robertson. Harp W 55-20 N 18 '11 Teeth. M. H. Vorse. McClure 30:682 Ap 'OS Telefunken. E. Balmer. Sat E P 180:3 D 21, 9 D 28 '07 Telegram. R. L Beecher. Col 35:13 Jl 1 '05 Telegrams to Opper. B. Hanscom. Cent 74:698 S '07 Telemachus, friend. O. Henry. Mun 34:286 D '05 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 289 Telepathic tragedy. H. Quick. Cosmop 46:466 Telepathy. G. Morris. Sat E P 182:5 Je 25 '10 Telephone tragedy. M. D. Harris. Lippinc 93: 377 Mr '14 Teller, Charlotte (Mrs. Johnson) Price of uncertainty. Mel 16:3S0 O '02 Tellers' tales. J. M. Anderson. Sat E P 1S5:6 F 1 '13 Telling Kate. J. W. Tompkins. Harp B 37:217 Mr 'Oo Telltale shade. C. B. Loomis. Man 43:400 Jl 10 Temerity of Theodore. J. Tompkins. Every- body's 6:212 F '02 Temperament. E. M. Kelly. Lippinc 83:739 Je ■U9 Tempered wind. O. Henry. McClure 23:349 Ag ■04 Tempered wind. G. W. Pangborn. Col 37:16 My 26 '06 Temple of Fate. G. Allen. Cosmop 31;3S6 Ag '01 Temple of Juno. R. Herrick. Atlan 101:353 Mr OS Temple of the countless gods. J. L. Long. Cent S7;493 F '14 Templeton, Herminie Ashes of old wishes. McClure 26:208 D '05 Banshee's halloween. McClure 21;101 My '03 Convaision of Father Cassidy. McClure 20: 509 Mr "03 Darby Gill and the good people. McClure. 18: 124 D '01 Darby O'Gill and the Leprechaun. McClure 20:162 D '02 Exaltation of William Henry. Delin 66:S07 N 05 Haunted bell. Col 36:18 Mr 10 '06 How Sattin chayted Mrs. Muldowney. Harp W 57:18 Jl 12 '13 How the fairies came to Ireland. McClure 19: 369 Ag '02 Killbohgan and Killboggan. McClure 27:649 O '06 Monks of Saint Bride. Col 40:12 Ja 11 '08 Patrick of the bells. McClure 30:211 D "07 Rebellion of William Henry. Delin 64:66 Jl •04 Temporary command. L. F. Tooker. Cent 73: 376 Ja '07 Temporary editor. E. P. Butler. Les Mo 51: 514 Mr '01 Temptation of Ezekiel. U. L. Silberrad. Ev- erybody's 5:651 D '01 Temptation of Miss Ramsbotham. J. K. Jerome. Sat K P 175:1 N 22 '02 Temptation of the birds. A. May. Met 14:635 X '01 Temptations of a young author. B. Tarking- ton. Cosmop 39:665 O "05 Tempter and Maria. H. P. Dowst. Col 52:7 Ja 10 '14 Tempus fugit. B. Lessing. Cosmop 46:41H Mr •09 Ten dollar raise. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 182:18 D 4 '09 Ten minutes. A. H. Shirres. Lippinc 71:428 Mr '03 Ten pieces of silver. L. B. Van Slyke. McClure 37:484 S '11 Ten-thirty Folkestone express. S. Rohmer. Lippinc 94:22 D '14 Ten thousand dollars. T. L. Masson. Lippinc 86:493 O '10 Tenderfoot. E. Hough. Sat E P 178:6 F 10 •fir, Tenderfoot bride. S. Comstock. Col 47:20 S 2 '11 Tenement boyhood. J. Gollomb. Harp W 57 16 Mr 22 '13 Tennal, Ralph On thf» hffirt and the evidence. McClure 22: 197 U '03 Tenney, Julia B. Emmy Jane's Christmas. Cent 85:319 D '12 Millie leaves the church. Cent 80:794 S '10 Tenson. J. B. Cabell. Harper 114:147 D '06 Tent-maker. W. C. Walker. Cent 76:608 Ag ■OS Tenth commandment. M. D. Post. Sat E P 184:12 Mr 2 '12 Tenth wave. C. V. C. Matthews. Everybody's 7:191 Ag "02 Tents of a night. Mrs. N. Roach. Cent 60:129 My '00 Teppenpaw price. F. Lynde. Cosmop 39:373 Ag 'u5 Teprell, Mary llazcl. Xew Eng n s 26:625 Jl '02 Terhune, Albert Payson, 1872- Beat that failed. Lippinc 66:756 N '00 Lightning change. Lippinc 08:104 Jl '01 :\lan with the shoulders. Lippinc 71:78 Ja "03 Metamorphosis of Phil Barrett. Lippinc 74: 617 N '04 Park Row Gallahad. Lippinc 70:375 S '02 Seal of silence. Lippinc 6H125 Ja '02 Terhune. Mrs. Mary Virginia (Hawes). See Harland, ^Marion, pseud. Terminal. M. S. Cutting. McClure 22:526 Mr ■04 Terra incognita. "V. T. Sutphen. Harper 103: 909 N '01 Terrible nipht. S. G. Blythe. Sat E P 1S6:16 O 18 '13 Terrible night. A. Tchekhoff. Cur Lit 42:112 Ja '07 Terrill, Lucy Stone Amo te. Lippinc 93:499 Ap *14 Terror. M. Foster. Everybody's 4:430 My '01 Terror. A. E. Thomas. McClure 31:624 O 'OS Terror in the air. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 51:376 Ag '11 Terror of the air. C. G. D. Roberts. Met 21:307 D '04 Terror of the pit. M. Foster. Everybody's 13: 538 O '05 Terror of the sea caves. C. G. D. Roberts. Everybody's 16:3 Ja '07 Terror on the boiling water. F. Lynde. Scrib 40:487 O '06 Terry, Pearl Ashes. Met 14:833 D "01 Test. E. Armstrong. Amer 60:693 O '05 Test. J. D. Bacon. Sat E P 186:28 My 16 '14 Test. R. E. Beach. McClure 24:154 D '04 Test. F. A. Ludwig. McClure 36:557 Mr '11 Test. U. L. Silberrad. Harper 115:931 N 07 Test for poets. A. P. .^mes. Sat E P 176:3 Ja 23 04 Test, Herbert C. Quiet life, or life on the (luict. Col 51:17 Jl 19 •IS Test of courage. M. B. Kirby. Amer 71:545 F 11 Test of loyalty. H. R. Sass. Met 28:.'70 Jo '08 Test o' nerve. 11. S. Fulleiton. Amer 76 24 1» '13 Test of the Tintoretto. M. Manning. Hat per 115:973 N '07 Test of the unforeseen. P. M. Rllev. New Eiik n .s 41.321 N 09 Test of truth. W. Price. Scrlb 42 750 li 07 Testimonial. O. BurgoHS. Cent 63;2sn 1) '01 Testing <.f the Karls. J. IX. Scott. Llp|ilnc 81: .■;60 .\lr 'OS Teters, Luellen Cass Aiirc-l "f lliipi>y Hollow l.lpplnr K2:4fif. O '08 Aloncnirril, I.lppinc 77-8S j« 'OC, Horn <<-\viir(I (V.I 33 14 .\k "" 04 f'tianrc iif'|uiilnt)incf Mun 54 4ril V '00 C-irdcn ruin Col a.l.lH Ap :S '04 Hand f.f prfivklnrir<». n«-lln fiS S81 My '02 MImh Hriphv H matrimonial «tep. Lippinc 7C: 504 A I. '0.'-. 290 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Teters, Luellen Cass — continued Waywardness of Susan. Lippinc 74:469 O '04 Woman, dog and walnut tree. Mun 24:569 Ja •01 Teuton's smile. H. Johnson. Harp W 55:14 D 2 '11 Tex. E. Gates. Sat E P 182:20 Mr 26 '10 Tex and his curse. K. Kelley. Mun 3s ; 409 D '12 Text-book soldier. D. H. Haines. McClure 35: 169 Je '10 Thacher, Edward S. Better half. Harper 104:421 F '02 Thad's watchers. G. A. England. McClure 29: 530 S 07 Thais. K. M. C. Meredith. Harper 104:133 D •01 Than anything else in the world. A. Morgan. L H J 30:22 Ap '13 Thanet. Octave, pseud. (Alice French), 1850- Accommodators. Delin 70:749 N '07 Angel of his youth. Scrib 36:750 D '04 Apparition. Cosniop 37:155 Je '04 Argument for Doty. Sat E P 172:708 F 10 '03 Bewildered president. Harper 100:326 Ja '00 Beyond the limit. Cosmop 34:451 F '03 Brothers. Harper 106:853 My '03 By the terrors of the law Cent 68:258 Je '04 Chained to virtue. Harp B 33:52 Ja 20 00 Finding of Nicholas. Sat E P 177:7 Ap 8 '05 Firebug. Harp B 44:492 Ag '10 For all these thy saints. Harp B 38:1043 N '04 Gougar brothers' Waterloo. Sat E P 176:4 Ap 9 04 Great Boer war at Francis' store. Sat E P 173:3 Ag 25 '00 Greater courage. Cosmop 39:125 Je 05 His word as good as his oath. Sat E P 172: 632 Ja 20 '00 Last conquest of Mrs. Byrde. Harp B 35:609 N '01 Matter of rivalry. Harp B 33:78 My 12 '00 Not honorably discharged. Col 33:14 My 14 '04 Object of the federation. Scrib 30:239 Ag '01 Power of the press. Sat E P 173:3 Ja 12 '01 Right of the strongest. Scrib 32:718 D '02 Victor. Harper 104:785 Ap '02 What one man can do. Harper 104:205 Ja 02 W^oman that understood. Scrib 28-729 D '00 Thanks to Blazing Bui'k. E. Boltwood. Harp W 44:1212 D 15 '00 Thanksgiving matinee. V. Tracy. Scrib 52:607 N '12 Thanksgiving of Dickie, Jr. M. Houston. Met 27:211 N '07 Thanksgiving on Slav creek. J. London. Harp B 33:1879 N 24 '00 Thanksgiving opportunity. G. Blanchard. New Eng n s 35:313 N '06 Thanksgiving with the girls in Cat Alley. L H J 27:31 N 1 '10 That abandoned cow of ours. W. L. Eraser. L H J 19:10 N '02 That affair of the boots. H. S. Watson. Cent 87:538 F '14 That angel boy. E. H. Porter. New Eng n s 30:403 Je '04 That awful Bill. R. H. Eastman. Amer 78:18 Jl '14 That awful night. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 182:3 Mr 5 '10 That Bilbeck special. O. Johnson. Sat E P 181:20 O 3 '08 That blooming azalea. A. Edwards. Lippinc 94:111 Jl '14. Same Cur Op 57:273 O '14 That Bodin affair. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 173: 18 F 2 '01 That day. W. Hastings. Amer 72:534 S '11 That deal of Doughty's. W. Makee. Lipipnc 79:620 My '07 That grandmother of ours. Mrs. C. T. Collins. L H J 22:12 Ap '05 That home-town feeling. E. Ferber. Amer 73: 371 Ja '12 That list of Bassett's. M. Michelson. Sat E P 178:5 Ag 26 '05 That man Riser. J. H. Walsh. Sat E P 183: 49 O 1 '10 That mule, Bluffer. H. Dickson. Sat E P 181: 10 F 13 '09 That old-time place. J. Galsworthy. Scrib 52: 191 Ag '12 That other expedition. J. C. Bull. Lippinc 71: 732 My '03 That person! D. G. Phillips. Mun 27:374 Je ■02 That piker Hercules. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 187:8 S 12 -14 That prodigious Pete. G. W. Ogden. Col 49:21 Ap 13 '12 That pup of Murchison's. E. P. Butler. Amer 62:44 My '06 That Russian. L. B. Edwards. Scrib 40:204 Ag •06 That there Oliver. C. Day. McClure 32:63 N '08 That which is perfect. E. Pottle. Harp B 39: 982 N '05 Thaw at Slisco's. R. E. Beach. McClure 24:63 N '04 Thayer, Catherine Underworld. Outl 84:784 N 24 '06 Theaters. J. M. Flagg. Amer 76:108 O '13 Theatrical coolness. H. Carruth. Harper 100: 973 My '00 Theft of the Dudley diamonds. W. Hackett. Mun 39:787 S '08 Their awful occasions. R. Kipling. Col 32.12 O 3, 14 O 10 '03 Their brother's keepers. A. W. Vorse. Every- body's 19:116 Jl '08 Their castle in Spain. C. Pollock. Mun 42:214 N '09 Their Christmas. A. W. Noel. Harp B 43:1197 D '09 Their Christmas eve. G. S. Richmond. L H J 20:8 D '02 Their Christmas golden wedding. C. A. Stan- ley. L H J 29:8 U '12 Their counterfeit sister. M. Kelly. L H J 25: 9 F 'OS Their countrymen. J. Barnes. Scrib 34:595 N •03 Their first real Christmas. E. G. Bissell. Ev- erybody's 9:828 D '03 Their first stand. E. C. McCants. Everybody's 10:35 Ja ^04 Their first sunset. G. R. Chester. Delin 71:258 F •OS Their friends. O. Oliver. Harp W 53:22 My 8 09 Their girl. E. Boltwood. Mun 31:273 My '04 Their great inheritance. E. Singmaster. Lip- pinc 89:625 My '12 Their higher kinship. J. S. Moriarty. Col 46: 21 D 3 '10 Their honor. M. Maartens. Col 51:7 Ag 16 '13 Their investment. R. W. Child. Everybody's 23:509 O '10 Their last trek. H. A. Bryden. Lippinc 65:615 Ap '00 Their little fling. F. M. Pendleton. Harp B 44: 50 Ja '10 Their native correspondent. A. Ruhl. Cent 63: 453 Ja '02 Their one accord. A. L. Lawrence. Every- body's 12:696 My '05 Their princess of stars. J. W. Muller. Lippinc 94:257 S '14 Their story's end. M. L. Magruder. Col 52:7 D 6 '13 Their three weeks in the Bridal suite. L. B. Wells. L H J 28:21 My 1 '11 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 291 Their wedding day. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 176:16 O 17 '03 Them old moth-eaten lovyers. C. E. Craddock. Cent 86:1-0 My '13 Theme with variations. M. S. Cutting. Anier 66:S1 My 'OS Theocritus. B. R. Laverack. Harper 123:288 Jl 11 Theological tipster. E. Lefevre. Mun 24:41 O ■uO There it was. O. Wister. Sat E P 183:5 Ap 22 ■11 There shall be no misunderstanding. H. Haw- iliorne. Harper 102:768 Ap '01 There was once a woman. M. S. Cutting. At- lan 86:705 N '00 There was once a queen. E. Robinson. Lippinc 86:641 D '10 There's many a slip. E. D. Biggers. Met 26:504 Jl '07 These Americans. M. H. Vorse. Met 3S:21 Jl '13 These enchanted woods. E. R. Wheeler. Atlan 102:383 S '08 These little women. M. L. Goetchius. Harp B 45:364 Ag '11 Thespians. C. B. Davis. Col 47:21 Ap 8 '11 Theurlet, Andre, 1S33-1907 La Bretonne. Lippinc 89:597 Ap '12 They. R. Kipling. Scrib 36:129 Ag '04 They also serve. V. Tracy. Lippinc 81:433 Ap '08 They bore a hand. F. Remington. Harper 100: 705 Ap '00 They called it love. O. Oliver. Harp W 51: 1820 D 14 '07 They seldom return. C. E. Van Loan. Mun 46: 233 N '11 They that hunger. O. H. Dunbar. Harp B 45: 400 S '11 They that mourn. J. W. Tompkins. Harper 125: 140 Je '12 They was women. R. W. Child. Col 39:18 Je 1 •07 They who dig pits. M. B. Shipp. Mun 41:919 S '09 They who lose at love. N. Duncan. Harper 112:338 F 'Ofi Thibault, Jacques Anatole. See France, Ana- tole. pseud. Thicker than water. M. Chater. Harper 102: 555 Mr '01 Thief. C. Smedley. Everybody's 19:352 S '08 Thief of fame. H. Scheffauer. Harper 127:399 Ak '13 Thief of St. Loo. M. De La Roche. Mun 28: 182 X '02 Thief of the world. P. Casey. Col 53 ;7 Ag 8 '14 Thief's daughter. (Boston Blackie stories). Amcr 78:34 O '14 Thin Santa Claus. E. P. Butler. Sat E P 181:8 D .'■) '08 Thing. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 82:717 D "08 Thing, The. O. Morris. Cosmop 57:158 Jl "14 Thing apart. G. Hibbard. Cent 59-512 F '00 Thing railed play. L. B. Van Slyke. Col 48:19 K 24 '12. Same Cur Lit 52:002 My '12 Thing that couldn't. M. Cameron. Harper 118: ?.() D '08 Things. A. D. Miller. Scrib 54:779 D "13 Things as they are. A. Colton. Atlan 95:814 Je '0."; Things that are Ca?«ars. E. Moorhead. Rcrlb 4:1:600 My '11 Things thnt are not. K. Jordan. Evorybody's 27:686 N '12 Things that are real. Z. Gale. Delin 65:411 Mr '05 Things that were. A. L. Provost. New Eng n s 26:549 Jl '02 Thinker and the gum-tree. E. Wallace. Harp \V 56:16 O ly '12 Third. Baroness von Hutten. Cent 66:308 Je 'U3 Third and a half generation. N. Lloyd. Scrib 31:605 My 02 Third degree. J. A. Altsheler. Harp W 47:1380 Ag 22 '03 Third edition. G. S. H. Titus. Cent 72:773 S •06 Third generation. A. Repplier. Atlan 105:312 Mr "10 Third generation. E. Singmaster. Scrib 45:334 Mr '09 Third hand. A. Stringer. Sat E P 179:10 Mr 30 '07 Third ingredient. O. Henry. Everybody's 19: 791 D '08 Third M. L. Merrick. Met 23:685 Mr '06 Third person. Mrs. J. Van Vorst. Cosmop 52: 59 D '11 Third rail. M. Armstrong. Met 15:639 Je '02 Third wife. Mrs. J. K. Hudson. Lippinc 65: 95 Ja '00 Thirsty Anna. C. B. Loomis. Col 44:16 S 25 '09 Thirsty Dan. C. Warren. Amer 61:346 Ja '06 Thirsty land. S. Comstock. Col 41:16 Jl 25 '08 Thirteenth juror. F. T. Hill. Outl 103:952 Ap 26 '13 Thirteenth move. A. Bancroft. McClure 31:308 Jl 'OS Thirty. W. A. White. Sat E P 178:3 Mr 3 '06 Thirty cents. F. Clarkin. McClure 18:493 Ap •02 Thirty-ninth pearl. A. Train. Sat E P 186:5 F 7 '14 Thirty-thousand-dollar slap. R. W. Child. Sat E P 184:16 F 3 '12 This fortune. R. Thomas. Everybody's 16:734 Je '07 This is a world of spells. Z. Gale. Everybody's 15:311 S '06 This style $17.24. R. Bergengren. Everybody's 24:529 Ap '11 Thistle and a rose. G. F. Lynch. Sat E P 173: 24 S 29 '00 Thomas, A. R. Goring-. See Goring-Thomas, A. R. Thomas, Albert Ellsworth, 1872- Hour and a half from Jamestown. Harper 104:815 Ap '02 Midway o' the hill. Amer 65:605 Ap '08 Phoenix portrait. Harper 105:156 Je '02 Terror. McClure 31:624 O '08 W^oodon Indian. Scrib 31:68 Ja '02 Thomas, Chauncey Bank clerk's tale. McClure 30:591 Mr '08 Kiowii'.s revival. McClure 18:397 Mr '02 Rugglo's flr.st case. McClure 21:237 Jl '03 Run, you coyote, run! Mun 27:927 S '02 Why the Hot Sulphur mail was late. McClure 18-4S N '01 Thomas Conover. C. Benedict. Harper 123:754 O 11 Thomas Dabney. G. R. Chester. Everybody's 20 161 K '09 Thomas, Edith Matilda, 1854- Klowcr-wiz.ird. N.w lOng n s 24:469 Jl '01 Thomas, Helen Sterling P.y faith alone. Met 28:503 Ak '08 I.,ov(> and Miidemolsolle Clemence. Dolln 76: 162 K 10 Poft who saved his youth. McClure 35:291 Jl '10 Prof<-HHor and the smile. Scrib 43:4ifi Ap 08 Qui'Htlon of cfiiilty Allan 95:661 My 'OR Thomas, Henry Wilton Hloorll.s.s v.'iHlcti.i l.lppinc 67:228 F '01 Thom.is Jefferson Brown. J O. Curwood. Mun 45:514 Jl '11 292 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Thomas, Mrs. Lillian (Beynon), 1874- Getting there. Col 5:i:i( U 2[) 'i'6 Thomas, M. I. ,,.,,. a, i^nc t„ Baby Ballinger's soul. New ling n s 41.t)06 Ja ■10 Thomas, (Stanley Powers) Rowland, 1879- Coinpeiisatioiis. Aiet 35;i< Ap '12 Cooks mite. Col 44:9 D 11 09 Fagan. Col 35:17 Ap 8 '0^ God's little devils. Col oi.Lo Jl JS Ob Humoiist's eclipse. Cosniop lliiiol Ja 'OS In a woodsman's way. Outl 66.9^2 U 2J '00 King's prerogative. Everybody's iy:i3o D '08 Liittle man. Col o5;17 Ag 5 'Oi Little ripple of patriotism. Col 3.S:18 F 9 '07 McGennis s promotion. Col 4J:12 O 31 'OS Mrs. Colonel and the hat. Delin 77:363 My '11 Octopodousa Ferox. Everybody's 20:386 Mr •09 Quitters. MoClure 38:84 N '11 Rebellion of Lydia. Cosmop 47:197 Jl '09 This fortune. Everybody's 16:734 Je '07 Touch o' the sea. Amer 66:365 Ag '08 Valley of sunshine and shadow. Col 36:21 F 10 "06 Where there is no turning. Col 39:21 Mr 30 •07 Yellow streak. Col 50:17 D 28 '12 Thomas, Susan Hearle Note of harmony. Mun 43:399 Je '10 Thomas's baptism. T. N. Page. Scrib 54:204 Ag 13 Thompson, Adele Eugenia Ye pumpion pye. New Eng n s 27:277 N '02 Thompson, C. S. All for his boy. Mun 48:849 F '13 Old theory of happiness. Mun 49:376 Je '13 Thompson, Charles Miner, 1864- Shadow. Atlan 93:175 F "04 Thompson, Edward H. Guitar-maker. Atlan 103:246 F '09 Hut in the valley. Cent 82:777 S '11 Tropical tempest. Cent 76:151 My '08 Thompson, Inez G. And so—. Everybody's 27:819 D '12 Apple. Lippinc 82:245 Ag '08 Billy Marr's girl. Everybody's 10:266 F '04 Merry Christmas. Everybody's 2S:71 Ja '13 Ourself and a woman. McClure 32:586 Ap '09 Straight down the crooked lane. Everybody's 20:703 My '09 Two's company. Everybody's 26:454 Ap "12 Thompson. Mrs. Jean May, 1865- Minnow twins. Harp B 45:184 Ap '11 Thompson, M. L. Explorer. Les Mo 51:503 Mr '01 Thompson, Maravene Kennedy Blue ribbons. McClure 40:59 N '12 Dorothy and the snake. Amer 78:35 D '14 Dorothy's day to remember. Amer 78:10 O '14 Dorothy keeps her promise. Amer 78:23 N '14 House that Peggy built. McClure 41:79 S '13 Like one of the family: a Peggy story. Mc- Clure 40:219 D '12 Lucretia and the Lord's will. McClure 43:65 Je '14 Open circle. McClure 41:129 Jl '13 Peggy and the swami. McClure 40:297 Ja '13 Peggy goes hunting. McClure 40:71 F '13 Peggy lends a hand. McClure 41:106 Ag '13 Peggy sees life. McClure 41:60 Je '13 Rosalynde's lovers. Lippinc 67:259 Mr '01 "U'olves. Harp W 54:18 Jl 23 '10 Thompson, Vance, 1863- Between the atoms of time. Everybody's 27: 723 D '12 Children of the long ago. Everybody's 17:745 Eternal lover. Cosmop 57:687 O '14 Former Lieutenant Lestrelin. Sat E P 173:10 F 9 '01 In a mysterious way. Cosmop 29:641 O '00 It. Cosmop 56:442 Mr '14 Legend of Dollmatia. Col 48:25 D 16 '11 Ship without a name. Sat E P 179:6 Ap 27 '07 When Greek meets Greek. Sat E P 174:6 Je "''^°^„Pf°"'^ anniversary. D. H. Talmadge. Mun 22:692 F '00 Thompson's beat. H. Saint-Gaudens. Met 25: 176 N '06 Thompson's progress; story of a self-made man. See Hyue, Cutcliffe Thompson-Seton, Ernest. See Seton, Ernest Thompson- Thomson, Edward William Swartz diamond. Cent 65:60 N '02 Thomson, John Stuart Excommunicated. Met 28:669 S '08 Wang's horseshoes. Met 28:214 My '08 Thorkild Viborg. E. W. Peattie. Atlan 91:228 F '03 Thorn that pricked. G. E. Channing. Cent 68: 877 O '04 Thornton, Lucy M. O'Brien. New Eng n s 34:458 Je '06 Self-made courtship. L H J 22:15 Ag '05 Thorouglibred girl. M. Kennedy. L H J 22:16 Ap 05 Thorpe, T. H. Subtility of speech. Harper 101:802 O '00 Those days in old Virginia. See Portor, Laura S. Those of the outer dark. W. L. Comfort. Lip- pinc 92:617 N '13 Those that wait. M. R. Rinehart. Scrib 47:53 Ja '10 Those who care: a story of the Philippines. F. E. Evans. Met 27:55 O '07 Those who have come back. P. C. Macfarlane. Amer 76:11 S, 34 O, IS N '13 Thou Shalt not steal. H. Bassford. Cosmop 38: 202 D '04 Though mountains meet not. H. J. O'Higgins. Col 50:18 D 7 '12 Though one rose from the dead. W. D. Howells. Harper 106:724 Ap '03 Thousand dollar Daggett. E. Singmaster. Lip- pinc 83:616 My '09 Thousand quilt. A. H. Donnell. Harper 110:133 D 04 Thousand years after. A. S. K. Ghosh. Harper 107:301 Jl '03 Thousandshootinairgin. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 1S1:9 Mr 27 '09 Thousandth woman. J. Magruder. Lippinc 75: 1 Ja '05 Thrasher, Max Bennett Through the ashes of Mont PeMe. Met 16:358 S '02 Thrashing of the editor. H. S. Harrison. Met 35:9 Je '12 Thread of gold. S. F. Whitman. Col 43:18 My 29 '09 Thread of scarlet. J. Lee. Lippinc 74:105 Jl '04 Three and one are one. A. Bierce. Cosmop 45: 550 O '08 Three anshins of land. L. Tolstoy. Cur Lit 50: 110 Ja "11 3 B and 4 B. E. A. Opper. Mun 50:41 O "13 Three blind mice. E. Stuart. Scrib 44:54 Jl '08 Three brothers and the infidel. B. K. Daniels. Harper 106:660 Mr '03 Three chances. J. Lee. Atlan 89:661 My '02 Three charioteers. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 181:5 Jl 11 '08 Three days in the village. L. Tolstoy. Forum 44:327 S '10 Three dollars and hash. G. F. Mott. Met 29: 281 D 'OS Three dreams. H. Black. Everybody's 26:433 Ap '12 Three experiences of Le Vieux. A. S. Hardy. Harper 120:19 D '09 Three fishers. M. Glascock. Atlan 101:523 Ap 'OS Three flashes. J. H. Hughes. Harp W 56:14 My 4 '12 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 293 Three flights of a thrush. M. Van Vorst. Harper iU0:621 Mr 'UO Three-fold cord. G. E. Channing. Met 35:17 Mr U Three girls in a row, K. H. Gerke. L, H J 31: 11 iS 'Xi Three gifts. F. Converse. Atlan ^6:404 S "05 Three godfathers. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 165:8 Three hearts and a head. G. A. England. Mun 3a;55 Ap 'OS Three hundred. E. P. Butler. Sat E P 179:8 D 1 '06 Three in a game. M. Roberts. Sat E P 175:3 F 14 '03 Three in the park. J. M. Forman. L H J 31:7 D '14 (to be cont.) Three knocks. E. MacVane. McClure 42:143 D 13 Three letters and a note. A. Crandall. Lippinc 72:373 S '03 Three little stories of France. M. Audoux. Ev- erybody's 27:146 Ag '12 Three loyal comrades. C. Sylva. Outl 75:177 S 19 '03 Three master tradesmen. S. MacManus. Outl 64:317 F 3 '00 Three ^McMahons. G. Parker. Cosmop 51:400 Ag '11 Three men. S. H. Adams. Amer 6S:643 O '09 Three of a kind. W. G. Larcott. Met 1S:6S0 Ag 03 Three of us. J. F. Wilson. McClure 41:113 Jl 13 Three on the steppe. F. H. Snow. Harper 117: 731 O '08 Three opal buttons. V. T. Sutphen. Harp "V\' 47:1200 Jl 18 '03 Three persons and a muffin. L. Osbourne. Met 20:77 Ap '04 Three pirates of Penzance. M. R. Rinehart. Sat E P 1S3:3 Ag 20 '10 Three prodigals. E. G. Jordan. Harp B 37:112 F 03 Three roads and a river. E. B. Miles. Harper 121:882 N '10 Three saved. W. Mizner. Col 42:12 D 26 08 Three-sided burglar story. E. Peple. Alun 41: IJS Ap '09 Three silences. R. M. Mason. Met 14:487 O '01 Three speeds forward. L. Osbourne. Every- body's 15:169 Ag '06 Three thieves. E. P. Oppenheim. Cosmop 46: 496 Ap '09 Three toes. F. E. Scotford. McClure 24:493 Mr '05 Three tools of death. G. K. Chesterton. Sat E P 183:12 Je 24 '11 Three ways from whiskey. P. C. Macfailane. Amer 77:52 Ja '14 Three wise men. J. T. Mclntyre. McClure 27: 551 S 06 Three words about the white man. J. K. Mackenzie. Atlan 113:416 Mr '14 Thrifty Sarah. J. W. Tompkins. Everybody's 9 516 O '03 Throne of old Tantrybopus. TT, Day. Sat E P 1SC:S Ja 10 '14 Throne of T'ra-Zym. C. A. Selden. Harper 113:317 Jl '06 Through a bank window. E. R Richardson. .Vtlan 104:670 N '09 Through a child's eyes. M. "Wilson. Harp B 35 239 .11 '01 Through n class, darkly. K Tf. Brown Cont 71-397 Ja '06 Through devious path.s. W. Coman. Mun 27: S7 Ap '02 Through Are and pestilence. H. D Couzons. Met 34:315 Je '11 Through fire and water. F. T. Bullen. Sat E P 1.3.10 S 1 00 Through his boy's eyes. F. G. Jones. McClure 44.114 U 14 Through hoops of fire. G. M. Cooke and C. W. Morrison. L,ippmc 85:452 Ap 10 Through hurricane and flood. R. Spillane. Amer 7i:46 Jl '14 Through the ashes of Mont Pel6e. M. B. Thiasher. Met 16:358 S '02 Through the beach-tree post-office. K. H. Brown. L. H J 23:14 F '06 Through the eye of a needle. K. Reed. Outl 81: 78 S 9 '05 Through the fire. H. L. Smith. Mun 41:196 My 09 Through the fog of the coal. H. Saint-Gaudens. Met 27:336 D '07 Through the ivory gate. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 37:698 Je '05 Through the mist. F. Powell. Delin 73:83 Ja •09 Through the needle's eye. S. Ford. Scrib 40: 311 S '06 Through the valley. S. G. Bradley. Harp B 40:360 Ap '07 Through the valley of illusion. A. Stringer. ilaiper 105:625 S '02 Through the window. W. Irwin. Lippinc 87: 444 .A^p 11 Throw-back. B. M. Dix. Harp W 55:16 Je 10 11 Throwing of the clew. H. Whitaker. Harper 105:.SS9 N '02 Thrown to the lions. W. Irwin. McClure 42: 125 N '13 Thrust in octave. H. David. Met 14:693 N '01 Thumbs down. W. D. Steele. Harp W 56:16 Ag 3 '12 Thumbs up. H. D. Ward. Harp B 45:542 D '11 Thunder and Calamity. A. Knapp. McClure 26: 195 D '05 Thunderman. E. Bingham. Delin 72:387 S 'OS Thurnley abbey. P. Landon. McClure 31:617 O 'US Thursday. M. S. Cutting. Delin 77:266 Ap '11 Thursday. D. Slade. Atlan 110:394 S '12 Thursday at three. D. G. Phillips. McClure 20.143 D '02 Thurston. M. Harris. Atlan 95:123 Ja '05 Thurston, Ernest Temple, 1S79- Mouse-trap. Delin b.1.15 Ja '13 Thurston. Mrs. Ernest Temple. See Thurston. Ka.Uierine Cecil Thurston, Katherine Cecil (Mrs. Ernest Temple Thurston), d. 1911 Human nature. Everybody's 12:538 Ap '05 Life. Met 31:468 Ja '10 Thurston, Lucy Meacham ilo.ivc-n of the unexpected. Lippinc 85:1 Ja '10 Thurston, Mabel Nelson Aunt .Melissa s slumber shoes. Harp B 33:2157 D 22 '00 Courting of Gabriel Seabury. Lippinc 6S:591 N '01 Cru.stacean courtship. Lli)plnc 74:73S D '04 Dream. IJppiiic SJ.CIS N 'Os Emancipation of Lydia Duroe. Lippinc 74:96 Jl 'Ot TIllls of dawn. Lippinc 85:347 Mr '10 MaKKle. L II J 31:10 Ak 'K On the road to Arcady. Lippinc 70:3 Jl '02 Out of the house of bondage. Lippinc 80:647 N '07 Sfcret holiday Lippinc 66:571 O '00 Way.siflc conflict Lippinc 69:335 Mr '02 Tibbot, Nina Welles l-i..si><-.t..iM N.w Knp n s 2S:679 Ak "03 .'>'tory of I)an. .N'cw Knc: n s 29:4S5 D '03 •W.iv flown In Doop Cafion. Met 16:229 Ak 'OJ 294 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Tiberius the truant. P. Lyde. Lippinc 71:400 Mr '03 Tiberius Tinker — press agent. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P lb6:17 S 27 '13 Tib's moving pictures. H. Pendexter. Cosmop 42:651 Ap '07 Ticket for Ona. E. S. Johnson. Atlan 101:106 Ja "OS Tickets, please! E. Hungerford. Sat E P 186: 115 S 6 '13 Ticknor, Caroline . „^ ^^ ^, ,^„ Antoine's loves. Lippinc (0:90 Jl 0^ Death sentence. Lippinc 84:oil b 09 Good story. Cent 75:477 Ja '08 Passing of Thorndale. New Eng n s 22.209 Steel-engraving lady and the Gibson girl. At- lan 88:105 Jl '01 Tide at Morea. J. M. Forman. Col 48:18 F 10 •12 Tide in the affairs of Jones. C. R. Swain. Lip- pinc 94:630 N '14 Tide-marsh. K. Norris. Atlan 106:745 D '10 Tides' fools. P. M. Gushing. Harp W 55:16 Jl 22 '11 Tiger. G. Hirschfeld. Cur Lit 41:466 O '06 Tidewater 4's. M. Foster. Sat E P 181:4 D 12 'OS Tie of partnership. P. V. Mighels. Harper 108: 913 My '04 Tie that binds. V. H. Cornell. Amer 75:64 Je '13 Tie that binds. J. G. Frederick. Amer 62:435 Ag '06 Tie that binds. V. T. Van de Water. Cosmop 53:416 Ag '12 Tietje, A. Jerroid , „ ,, r»n When the coward spoke. New Eng n s 44:541) Je '11 Tiffany, Esther B. Anna Mareea. Atlan 92:247 Ag '03 At the hunting lodge of the grand duke. Harper 105:609 S '02 ^^ ^^^ Countess at Pondsville Centre. Atlan 91:404 Mr '03 Mate for Melinda. Harper 102:923 My 01 On account of the Herr Major. Atlan 97:84 Ja '06 Scraps crusade. Harper 105:956 N 02 Social success. Cent 62:957 O "01 White peacock. Atlan 103:745 Je '09 Tiffany, Mary Allison , ,„^ Herr Apfelbaum. New Eng n s 32:124 Mr 05 Tiger and the Insect. John Habberton. Cur Lit 33:645 D '02 Tiger charm. A. Perrin. McClure 34:18 N '09 Tiger god. W. A. Eraser. Sat E P 180:3 My 23, 8 My 30 '08 Tiger of the sea. C. G. D. Roberts. Sat E P 183:12 Ag 27 '10 TIgre. Z. Grey. Mun 47:916 S '12 Tike. S. Johnson. Harper 106:220 Ja '03 Tilden, Freeman Georgia song-bird. Cent 88:624 Ag '14 Green grass. Everybody's 26:560 Ap '12 Hero. Cent 81:664 Mr '11 Necessity for remaining dead. Cent 84:891 O •12 When he came home. Cent 84:670 S '12 Yes-man. Cent 84:381 Jl '12 Till a' the seas gang dry. M. & R. Dawson. Lippinc 71:281 F '03 Till he gets him a wife. I. H. Gillmore. Amer 74:497 Ag '12 Tilting island. T. J. Vivian and G. J. Bennett. Everybody's 21:380 S '09 Tim Coolahan and the ladies. W. Inglis. Col 54:9 O 24 '14 Tim Lloyd and the llama. E. P. Butler. Cos- mop 43:649 O '07 Tim Riley's touch. J. B. Connolly. Sat E P 184:5 My 4 '12 TImberllne. O. Wister. Sat E P 180:3 Mr 7 '07 Time and the hour. G. B. Channing. Harper 114:838 My '07 Time — forty seconds. G. B. Chester. Mun 38: 334 D '07 Time has come. Z. Gale. Everybody's 31:794 D '14 Time-lock. A. Stringer. Sat E P 179:7 Mr 9 •07 Time of his life. G. S. Richmond. L H J 30:5 Je, 9 Jl, 11 Ag '13 Time-tabie of true love. W. D. Nesbit. Sat E P 176:3 Je 4 '09 Time that Happy Hawkins got lonesome. R. A. Wason. Met 27:651 F '08 Timothy — only a writer. A. Warwick. Harper l-'2;577 Mr '11 Tim's turn. J. Oppenlieim. Amer 72:600 S '11 Tin Cowrie Dass. H. M. Rideout. Sat E P 186:3 F 28, 21 Mr 7, 23 Mr 14 '14 Tin diskers. L. Osbourne. Sat E P 177:1 Jl 2, 14 Jl 9 '04 Tin railroad, incorporated. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 177:5 O 8 '04 Tin trolley car. R. Bergengren. Met 26:73 Ap •07 Ting-a-ling. D. Gray. Cent 64:352 Jl '02 Tinker of Tamlacht. S. MacManus. Cosmop 34:673 Ap '03 Ting ley's post-prandial trap. R. Hughes. Harp W 50:1460 O 13 '06 Tinkling cymbal. G. Harris. Mun 48:936 Mr '13 Tinsel-toes. E. H. Abbott. Met 41:7 D '14 Tinsmith. M. B. Shipp. Cosmop 49:396 Ag '10 Tioba. A. Colton. Cent 61:20 N '00 Tiphanie la Fee. W. Deeping. Harper 112:760 Ap '06 Tippah philharmonic. L. K. Hammond. Atlan 109:80 Ja '12 Tipster. E. Lefgvre. McClure 18:71 N '01 'Tis an ill strike that does nobody good. G. Bloodgood. New Eng n s 27:601 Ja '03 Tit for tat. T. Masson. Cosmop 43:324 Jl '07 'Tite sauvage. E. S. Oliver. Cent 75:173 D '07 TItsworth, Susan Sayre At the end of his course. Everybody's 8:592 Je '03 Bit of statecraft. Everybody's 7:452 N '02 Her penance. Everybody's 9:S35 D '03 Reward of honor. Everybody's 8:55 Ja '03 Titus, Grace S. H. Third edition. Cent 72:773 S '06 Titus, Harold Man who wouldn't stay put. Col 50:18 S 28 '12 O'Hara's kid. Col 49:20 Ap 27 '12 To abide by the event. F. T. Hill. Outl 104:208 My 24 '13 To and from McGrath's. E. W. Townsend. Harp W 44:1168 D 8 '00 To be a lady. H. B. Parker. L H J 31:11 S '14 To be a success. E. Poole. Everybody's 26:199 F '12 To build a fire. J. London. Cent 76:525 Ag '08 To catch a thief. E. W. Hornung. Scrib 29:591 My '01 To her! M. T. Earle. Les Mo 52:454 S '01 To her who loved him best of all. C. T. Brady. Cent 66:629 Ag '03 To him who dares. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 184: 26 D 23 '11 To him who waits. O. Henry. Col 42:15 Ja 23 •09 To Kellogg's farm. G. Hibbard. Delin 74:119 Ag '09 To kill a man. J. London. Sat E P 183:14 D 10 '10 To make a Hoosier holiday. G. Ade. Col 34:8 D 17 '04 To meet the Duchess of Bath. K. Trask. Harp B 39:221 Mr '05 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 295 To the breaks of Sandy. J. Fox Jr. Scrib 28: o-iU fcj 'OU To the credit of the sea. L.. Mott. Harper 114; 262 Ja 07 To the editor of the Sun. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P l6ti:lU U 25 '13 To the highest bidder. E. M. Bacon. Met 17:7 Ja '03 To the highest bidder. B. Sears. Mun :i9:717 Ag '03 To the manner born. G. M. Cooke. Lippinc 84: sb Jl 'uy To the rescue of Sannie. E. E. Garnett. Harp B 33:114 F 10 '00 To the third and fourth generation. C. Ross. Sat E P 172:967 Ap 21 '00 To the victor—. R. D. Janney. Met 33:309 D •10 To the victor the spoils. E. Pottle. Cosmop 49: 713 N '10 To Youngers" Bend. J. M. Oskison. Les Mo 56: 1S2 Je '03 Toad and the jewel. K. F. Gerould. Harper 12S:74y Ap '14 Toast to Dewey. M. Synon. Scrib 56:33 Jl '14 Tobacco famine at Tamarac. F. Crissey. Har- per 12S:S26 My '14 Tobenkin, Elias Beard and a candlestick. Harp W 58:26 J a 17 14 Father and son. Amer 71:410 Ja 11 Tobin's monument. A. Colton. Scrib 28:186 Ag ■00 Tobin's palm. O. Henry. McClure 21:443 Ag '03 Toby. J. T. E. Tompkins. Everybody's 6:519 My '02 To-day of yesterday. B. Walker. Everybody's 1J:40J S '06 Todd's Utopia. E. B. Waterbury. Atlan 94:249 Ag -04 Toddykins. M. Merington. Scrib 34:345 S '03 Toe of retribution. F. R. Robinson. Col 53:8 Je 27 '14 Toedium vitae. J. A. Marks. New Eng n s 30:5ii5 Jl '04 Toff, The. R. W. Neal. Met 26:176 My '07 Together. T. L. Masson. Mun 49:210 My '13 Toggles of the monitor. S. Ford. Les Mo 52: j75 Jl '01 Togo, mayor of Scituate. W. Irwin. Amer 78: 10 Ag '14 Togo tales. See Irwin, Will Toil. K. Abbott. Delin 77:367 My '11 Token. E. W. Smith. Lippinc 88:758 N '11 Told after dinner. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 71: 377 Mr '03 Told in tru.st. E. S. Phelps. Harp B 33:8 My 5 '00 Toldridge, Elizabeth Barnet Johanna's crowning sorrow. New Eng n S 32:79 Mr '05 Toll-dodger. B. Millard. Mun 43:450 Jl '10 Tolman, Albert W. I lands of the Mikado. Cent 80:920 O '10 Tolman, Emily .Xovitiato. New Eng n h •JS:464 Je '03 Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaievitch, count, ISliS-lOlO Alyosha the I'ot. Ouil 99:1052 D 30 '11 I>ieam. Forum 44:4.'j4 O '10 Long exile. Lippinc 90:747 D '12 Prayer. Col 36:13 D 30 '05 Three arshlns of land. Cur Lit 50:110 Ja '11 Three day.s In the village. Forum 44:327 S '10 Tom and the summer girl. II. I. Dodge. Met 1 1:.-,^1 <) 01 Tom, Dick, and Harry — et caKera. J. L. Long. HariXT I'.'O 716 Ap '10 Tom Hartlgan'8 Julia. J. T... Mathews. Ixlln 72:561 O 'OS Tom Morton. See Bechdolt. Frederick U. Tom Tail-Rope's exploit. P. More. McClure 14: 309 F 00 Tom Tiddler's ground. A. Quiller-Couch. At- lan 109:621, 826 My-Je '12 Tomato magic. G. Harris. Delin 85:10 S '14 Tomb of the hatchet. K. H. Brown. Outl 78:847 D 3 '04 Tomboy. A. Fuller. Atlan 105:655 My '10 Tommie Ohisen's western passage. J. B. Con- nolly. Scrib 32:432 O '02 Tommy. C. B. Davis. Scrib 36:713 D '04 Tommy Cults. R. W. Child. McClure 25:277 Jl 05 Tommy Mullin's folks. K. Hoffman. Mun 30: 426 D 03 Tommy Stevens, peacemaker. H. C. Baker. New Eng n s 38:373 My OS Tommy Wondy. A. E. P. Searing. Cent 73:901 Ap '07 To-morrow. G. Parker. Sat E P 180:11 N 30 ■07 To-morrow's child. M. T. Earle. Atlan 90:599 N '02 Tomorrow's mother. J. D. Bacon. L H J 31:7 S ■ii Tompkins, Elizabeth Knight, 1865- Aileen. L H J 18:3 Je, 11 Jl, 3 Ag, 11 S, 11 O '01 His hour of greatness. Lippinc 72:735 D '03 Study in disillusionment. Harp W 53:22 Ja 16 ■09 Tompkins, Helen His best. Mun 37:707 S '07 Rattlesnake's inate. New Eng n s 44:555 Jl '11 Sheriff of Bradley. McClure 33:63 My '09 Tompkins, John Ten Eyck Alice and the Golph-Lynx. Everybody's 6:621 Je '02 Temerity of Theodore. Everybody's 6:212 F '02 Toby. Everybody's 6:519 My '02 Tompkins, Juliet Wilbor (Mrs. Juliet Wilbor [Tompkins] Pottle), 1871- Alas, little kitty! Everybody's 12:272 F '05 As luck would have it. Mun 26:847 Mr '02 Baddy baby. Harp B 39:504 Je '05 Baiting of Miss Purcell. L H J 24:20 Ap '07 Bertha's Mr. Wentworth. Mun 28:241 N '02 Boreas, peace-maker. Everybody's 11:532 O '04 Bow to the wittiest. Mun 27:429 Je '02 Boy Jake. Scrib 41:106 Ja '07 Boy's love. Atlan 92:68 Jl '03 Christmas bore. Amer 61:157 D '05 Chronicles of us. Mun 25:249, 396. 538, 713, 879; 26:140. 262 My-N '01 Clockwork. Mun 50:105 O '13 Colonel's surprise. Mun 27:135 Ap '02 Constance Dorothea. Everybody's 12:558 Ap 05 Elsie's return. Mun 25:243 My '01 Evening's work at home. Everybody's 10:127 Ja '04 For faithful service. Mun 29:569 Jl '03 From the upper deck. Mun 25:743 Ag '01 Her letters to Ann. L 11 J 28:16 Ap 1 '11 His celebrity. Mun 25:136 Ap '01 His Dutch-treat wife. L H J 22:12 Je '05 Ills first friend. Everybody's 8:150 F "03 His fiist wife. Mun 23:216 My '00 His hour of freedom. Mun 22:806 Mr '00 Honey of romance, l-^verybody's S:239 Mr '03 Humanity. ICverybody's 27:316 S '12 In a swift current. Mun 24:455 D '00 In all time of our prosperity. Mun 27:601 Jl '02 In the right. Everybody's 12:272 F '05 Jewel, The. Mun 36:231 N '06 Jogging. lOverybody'H 10:112 Mr '04 JudKriient Hc:it. Atlan ys;742 D '06 KlnKdoniH of the earth. Amer 74:333 Jl '12 Kitten and the inastifl'. Mun 38:457 Jn '08 Lady from California. Lippinc 76:105 Jl '05 I.uriii' old woman. lOverybody'H 9:261 Ag '03 Lust d:iv of Judk'mcnt. lOvi-rybody's 23:178 Ag 10 Little cusH. Everybody's 23:639 N '10 296 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Tompkins, Juliet Wiibor — continued Louisa. Kverybody's 12:98 Ja '05 Lovely. Bcrib 42:586 N '07 Measure of a man. Mun ^?:50 Ap 03 air Lucile Grant Parker. Scrib 37:220 F 05 Modern way. Marp B 44:542_S '10 Moose and the lion. Scrib oo:<01^Je 04 jMother of four. Everybody's, li..b Ob No sport. Delin 72:93 Jl '08 On Olympus. Delin 79:278 Ap 12 One of three. JNlun 26:676 F 'u2 One possible man. Mun 22:650 F 00 Other ship. Lippinc 80:220 Ag '07 Over Sunday. Mun 27:738 Ag 02 Paris model. Delin 81:17 Ja '13 Telling Kate. Harp B 37:217 Mr '03 Penny's gun. Les Mo 60:160 Je 05 Heal tragedy. Mun 26:363 U 'Ol Riper years. Everybody's lb:134 Ja 07 Save in his own country. Everybody s 7:ldl As '02 Solution. Lippinc 73:594 My '04 Something. Scrib 46:496 O '09 Spoiled child. Everybody's 9.757 D 03 Story of Mme. Jones. Mun 28:910 Mr 03 They that mourn. Harper 125:140 Je '12 Thrifty Sarah. Everybody's 9:546 O 03 Victim to glamour. Col 38:24 O 27 '06 Wanted. Everybody's 8:370 Ap '03 Weatherbys mother. Scrib 33:213 F 03 Window drama. Scrib 31:675 Je '02 Wings of the morning. Everybody's 10:760 Je '04 Woman to woman. Mun 35:144 My '06 Wonderful news. Everybody's 9:391 S '03 Young lady. Everybody's 17:229 Ag 0/ Youth. Everybody's 28:706 My '13 Tompkins Langhorium. E. Boltwood. Mun 43: 101 Ap '10 Tone of time. H. James. Scrib 28:624 N '00 'Tonlo's general. G. Seibel. Lippinc 73:488 Ap •04 Tonjoroff, Svetozar (Ivanoff), 1870- For services rendered. Sat E P 184:16 O 21 Last edition. Sat E P 184:5 Jl 29 '11 Tony. J. V. Z. Belden. Lippinc 67:624 My '01 Too much boy. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 173:24 N 24 '00 Too-travelled kings. M. Hill. Lippinc 79:379 Mr ■07 Tooker, Lewis Frank, 1855- Borrowed lover. Cent 86:348 Jl '13 Cheerful hoodoo. Cent 82:756 S '11 Dark night. Cent 88:362 Jl '14 Day off. Everybody's 21:301 S '09 Derelicts. Amer 62:343 Ag '06 Freedom of the city. Cent 74:398 Jl '07 Heart that was agitated. Cent 80:341 Jl '10 Hoodoo-mascot. Col 51:17 Ag 9 '13 In love-lady court. Everybody's 25:48 Jl '11 In the lee of the centerhouse. Cent 71:762 Mr '06 Kerrigan's Christmas sermon. Cent 69:290 D •04 Kerrigan's diplomacy. Cent 69:698 Mr '05 Lady and the earthquake. Cent 79:607 F '10 Man of Imagination. Cent 76:879 O 'OS Man who died without death. Cent 87:902 Ap '14 Man who was afraid. Cent 88:941 O '14 Marriage of convenience. Cent 84:98 My '12 Mr. Maclvor resents Christmas. Cent 89:255 D '14 Monopolist. Cent 87:88 N '13 Mule that held the bridge. Cent 81:775 Mr '11 O'Hara's great opportunity. Cent 78:600 Ag •09 Pitcher full of cream. Cent 84:643 S '12 Poet of the gallev. Lippinc Sl:40n Mr '08 St. George dragon. Evervbodv's 22:194 F '10 Shanty-man. Everybody's 18:329 Mr '08 Spring of the year. Scrib 39:98 Ja "06 Sun and moon to me, O little rose. Cent 81: 501 F '11 Temporary command. Cent 73:376 Ja '07 Tooker, Lewis Frank — continued Two admirals. Cent 88:57 My '14 Under rocking skies. Cent 70:85 My, 204 Je, 339 Jl, 536 Ag, 780 S '05 Wedding-gift. Cent 82:381 Jl '11 Widow's chaperon. Cent 81:207 D '10 Widow's strategy. Cent 83:773 Mr '12 Tool of his vengeance. H. A. Bruce. Met 19: 232 N '03 Tooth. E. L. Sabin. Everybody's 12:839 Je '05 Tooth for a tooth. E. Peple. Amer 63:148 D '06 Tooth of Antar. L. B. Van Slyke. McClure 36: 578 Mr '11 Tootie on increased efficiency. C. Wells. Lip- pinc 94:124 D '14 Top floor back. Z. Gale. Harper 117:779 O '08 Top of Sourwood. E. B. Miles. Lippinc 89:393 Mr '12 Top of the calendar. F. T. Hill. Outl 103:181 Ja 25 '13 Topping, Leila Lyon Making of a hero. Delin 74:512 D '09 Torch of life. A. Brown. Harper 113:231 Jl 'OG Torn folio. T. B. Aldrich. Scrib 34:277 S '03 Tornado. S. Comstock. Col 37:14 My 20 '06 Torpedo. M. Robertson. Everybody's 10:743 Je •04 Torre Ananias. A. W. Colton. Harper 106:876 My '03 Torrey, Grace Just-for-the-fun-of-it girl. L H J 30:14 Ap '13 Wickes of Maison Wickes. Cent 83:816 Ap '12 Torry the man maker. M. Allen. Sat E P 187: 11 O 3 '14 Tortoise. K. F. Gerould. Scrib 55:46 Ja '14 Toss. A. R. Goring-Thomas. Lippinc 86:102 Jl '10 Toss-up. G. A. England. Harp W 57:10 Jl 4 ■13 Toteheap. M. A. Haskell. Harper 102:919 My '01 Touch-down. E. Hoyt. Everybody's 6:443 My '02 Touch of circumstance. E. Lefevre. Sat E P 178:4 D 2 '05 Touch of heat. A. Chamberlain. Met 17:205 P •03 Touch of nature. H. Kellock. Col 49:14 Je 22 '12 Touch of nature. M. Kelly. McClure 22:249 Ja ■04 Touch of nature. H. W. Phillips. McClure 24: 225 Ja '05 Touch of sun. M. H. Foote. Cent 59:339, 550 Ja-F '00 Touch o' the sea. R. Thomas. Amer 66:365 Ag '08 Touch on the arm. H. Butterworth. Outl 76: 179 Ja 16 '04 Touched. J. Barnes. Sat E P 174:16 D 7 '01 Touchstone. E. Wharton. Scrib 27:354, 483 Mr- Ap '00 Toujours montant. V. Vaniatsky. Lippinc 71: 843 Je '03 Tour of inspection. R. Kipling. Met 21:1 O •04 Tournament. I. Maclaren. Sat E P 172:1220 Je 30 "00 Tourney of Hunting Hill. H. R. Davis. Delin 59:842 My '02 Toussaint-Malzeroy, Rene Jean, baron, 1856- Last rupture. Cur Lit 48:460 Ap '10 Tow-head. M. T. Campbell. Les Mo 58:333 Jl •04 Toward freedom. D. Gatlin. Cent 88:913 O '14 Tower Easy. E. Hungerford. Harp W 52:16 Ag 15 'OS Tower of revolt. F. Crissey. Harper 124:346 F '12 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 297 Town guest. J. Lee. Harper 107:742 O '03 Town, Julia Burdett Graham Advent of the agnostic. Delin 67:SS4 My '06 Town meeting day. S. M. Chase. Scrib 48:554 N '10 Town that lost itself. H. Pendexter. Mun 33: 6i>l S '05 Town that went broke. H. Day. Sat E P 181:9 jd So oy TowRdrow, Grace Eleanore Shadow of a tragedy. Cent 72:351 Jl '06 Towne, Charles Hanson, lb.77- Innocent incident. Met 14:236 Ag '01 Towne, O. B. And Johnnie didn't tell. iN'ew Eng n s 41:492 D '09 Townend, W. Letter home. Everybody's 28:335 Mr 13 Rose house. Met 38:16 Je '13 Townsend, Edward Waterman, 1855- Chimniie, an automobile and a window. Harp \V 45:1120 N 9 01 Chimmie Fadden. Cent 63:914 Ap '02 Chimmie Fadden: a day out with Duchess. Harp W 46:114 Ja 25 '02 Chimmie Fadden: a diama and a tragedy. Harp W 46:308 Mr 8 '02 Chimmie Fadden: a lawn-party comedy- drama. Harp W 46:1084 Ag 9 02 Chimmie Fadden; a tenement Thanksgiving. Harp W 45:1193 N 30 01 Chimmie Fadden: an expected return. Harp W 46:852 Jl 5 '02 Chimmie Fadden: an unanswered question. Harp W 46:1124 Ag 16 02 Chimmie Fadden and Mr. Paul. Harp W 45: 1073 O 26 '01 Chimmie Fadden at Newport. Harp W 45.1002 O 5 01 Chimmie Fadden at the horse show. Harp W 45:1172 N 23 '01 Chimmie Fadden: at the Koseleaf ball. Harp W 45:1344 D 2S '01 Chimmie Fadden: back to the Bowery again. Harp W 46:792 Je 21 02 Chimmie Fadden: easy billions in sight. Harp W 46:1292 S 13 '02 Chimmie Fadden: he wonders about wine and widows. Harp W 45:1231 D 7 Ul Chimmie Fadden: intioduce.s a family skele- ton. Harp W 46:143 F 1 02 Chimmie Fadden: kitchen and other cabinets. Haip \V 4ti.l7f, Ap 12 02 Chimmie Fadden: Mr. Pauls dictum on suc- cess. Harp \V 46:962 Jl 19 OJ Chimmie Fadden: Mr. Pauls winning. Harp W 46:1332 S 20 '02 Chimmie Fadden: mystery of poverty and guitars. Harp VV 46:692 My 31 '02 Chimmie F"adden: of an operatic phenomenon. Harp W 46 2.';(; F 22 '02 Chimmie Fadden: of an ironins-board in poli- tics. Harp W 46:50 Ja 11 '02 Chimmie Fadden: of books and restaurants. Harp W 46 .'.72 My 3 '02 Chimmie Fadden. of class distinctions. Harp W 46:400 Mr 29 '02 Chimmie Fadden. of coeducation and ruts. with incidental pollywogs. Harp W 46:922 Jl 12 '02 Chimmie Fadden: of commonplace man, with a promise of Mr Pauls autobiography. Harp W 4f;:1044 Ag 2 'Ol' Chimmie Fadden: of education and proposals. Harp W 16 50S Ap 19 '02 Chimmie Fadden: of excise and International politics Harp W 40:206 F 15 02 Chimmie Fadden: of <;reek meeting dreek. Harp \V 4»;.J6S Mr 1 02 Chimmie Fadden- of Mr. Devery's excellence. Harp \V 1« IJOS Ag 30 '02 Chimmie Fadden: of Bentlments and Incomes. Harp W 4r,:l4 Ja 4 02 Chimmie Fafldfn: of society phenomena. Harp W •16:1K,4 Ag 23 '02 Chlmmlf Fadden: of Hociety press-agents. Harp W 4r. lOno JI 26 '02 ChlmmU- Fadd«ri: of the uses of wealth. Harp W ir.ir.r, jf h '02 Chimmie Fadden- of tours and tips. Harp W 46:540 Ap 26 '02 Townsend, Edward Waterman — continued Chimmie Fadden; on a woman's cunning. Harp W 46:82 Ja 18 '02 Chimmie Fadden — oii soft snaps. Harp W 45:1049 O 19 '01 Chimmie Fadden: on the great loop mystery. Harp W 45:1097 N 2 '01 Chimmie Fadden. on the status of woman. Harp W 4b:174 F 5> 02 Chimmie Fadden: secrets from belowstaiis. Harp W 46:734 Je 7 '02 Chimmie Fadden. some of the dangers of the strenuous life. Harp W 46:SoU Je 2s 02 Chimmie Fadden: some social revolutions. Harp W 46:436 Ap 5 "02 Chimmie Fadden: story of a Christmas play. Harp W 45.124S D 14 01 Chimmie Fadden: the Duchess plays golf. Harp W 46:604 My 10 '02 Chimmie Fadden: the house party. Harp W 45:1316 D 21 '01 Chimmie Fadden. the little duke arrives. Harp W 46:376 Mr 22 '02 Chimmie Fadden. the question of men's clothes. Harp W 46:664 My 24 '02 Chimmie Fadden. the upper berth. Harp \V 46.1252 S 6 02 Chimmie Fadden: the wiley widow's ruse. Harp W 4t::344 Mr IS '02 Dan Conroy's triumph. Scrib 38:186 Ag '05 Deal in mines and morals. Cosmop 35*:455 F 05 D§but of Jack. Harper 101:100 Je '00 Keegan's coup at Ka. Cent 69:557 F 05 Pecuniary activities of Jeannette. Met 20:709 S 04 To and from McGraths. Harp W 44.1168 D 8 00 Townsend. Georgina S. Fugitive. Everybody s 20:414 Mr '09 Widowed Everybody's 16:710 My "07 Townsend. Mrs. Stephen. See Burnett. Frances (Hodgson) Towson, Maude Leonard Woman's will. Mun 28:334 D '02 Toy grenadier. R. R. Gilson. Harper 105:185 Jl 02 Toy Shop. M. S. Gerry. Harper 116:3 D '07 Toys. G. Hibbard. Harp B 39:1075 D '05 Toys. R. N. Scott. Delin 80:435 D '12 Toys' little day. G. W. Pangborn. Harper 128: 114 D '13 Trace of poison. R. Herrick. Sat E P 179:12 F 9 '07 Tracer of lost persons. R. W. Chambers Sat E P 177:1 Je 17; 6 Je 24 '05 Traction transactions. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 180:6 F 8 "OS Tracy, Frank Basil, 1866- Blizzard at Imogene. McClure 14:263 Ja '00 Hand in the fire. L H J 24:18 Ap '07 Tracy, Marguerite, 1875- At the liour appointed. Harp B 3S:84S S '04 Caprice and a slipper. Deliti 57:444 Mr '01 Five minutes grace. Delin 69:99S Je '02 Haworth, Yale. '98. emigrant. Scrib 32:87 Jl '02 Hurry call. Mun 23 516 Jl 00 Lady on the telephone Mun 24:794 F '01 Lorelei. Mun 2,^:546 Jl '01 Pan of Stony Brook. Everybody's 24:761 Je '11 Rubaiyat of Baron Vlgnot. Mun 24:262 N '00 I'rihoiiored profession. Mun 24:941 Mr '01 When the fog cleared. Mun 23:560 Jl 00 Tracy, Virginia -Artistic temperament. Amer 72:4^3 Ag '11 Best laid .sehemes Met 35:12 X '11 Beyond rubies ("ol 3S:21 S 2;i '06 Candle's llame. Kcrib 43. .'Ml Mr 'OS Danger of .lelay Col .■!214 N 21 '03 Exit of Mlllv's Col :{6-1s J;i 2M 'Or. Groat Hartram. f'ol 47:2f; S If, 11 Happy vallev f'ol 44 17 N 20 'O!" In August, (^ol 3716 ..\g I'J '06 Money maker. Cf)l .'54 1<< Mr 4. IS Mr 11 '05 Nobility obligt">.s (Vd 40: ID .S 2^ '07 Petor'.H i)lay. Col 42:16 () 24 OS Prodigals economize. Col 44:22 P 11 "09 Proper thing. Col 46:18 F 18, 19 F 25 '11 298 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Tracy, Virginia — continued Sure thing. Delin 78:89 Ag 11 Thanksgiving matinee. Scrib 52:607 Is 12 They also serve. Lippin 81:433 Ap '08 Trade. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 1S5:6 Ja IS '13 Trade winds. E. Wyatt. McClure 15:567 O '00 Trader of last notch. P. Gibbon. McClure 27: 4G6 S '06 Trading his mother. A. Warner. Cent 73:91 N ■U6 Tradition. E. Pottle. Harper 117:937 N '08 Tragedies. E. Sturgis. McClure 37:609 O '11 Tragedies of steamboat histories. G. W. Ogden. Everybody's 8:66 Ja '03 Tragedy. M. Foster. Everybody's 5:161 Ag '01 Tragedy from the trivial. M. E. Wilkins. Les :.Io 50:334 Ag "00 Tragedy of a comic song. L. Merrick. Met 26: VJ2 My '07 Tragedy of a lost appetite. M. Corelli. Cosmop 57: 1-96 Ag '14 Tragedy of circumstance. F. Danby. Lippinc 7'J:6S9 Je '07 Tragedy of first love. G. Overton. Harper 118: ;»59 My '09 Tragedy of Joan Polgarth. H. E. Chapman. Ev- erybody's 2:153 F -00 Tragedy of the cipher-code. E. Flower. Cos- mop 34:100 N "02 Tragedy of the mine. J. Husband. Atlan 107: 100 Ja '11 Tragedy of the snow. L. Mott. Cent 70:218 Je 05 Tragedy of the tides. C. G. D. Roberts. Cur Lit 29:69 Jl '00 Tragedy of White Face mountain. C. G. D. Roberts. L H G 30:5 Jl '13 Tragic child. V. Vaniatsky. Lippinc 74:650 N ■04 Tragic comedian. B. von Hutten. Cosmop 41: 621 O '06 Tragic touch. F. H. Williams. Lippinc 74:463 O '04 Tragic years. B. P. Neuman. Everybody's 22: 664 My '10 Trail of fire. J. B. Kelley. Outl 102:660 N 23 '12 Trail of the dog. W. Payne. Sat E P 184:14 Ap 27 '12 Trail of the lonesome laugh. I. S. Cobb. Ev- erybody's 24:467 Ap '11 Trail of the Red-ink squad. H. J. O'Higgins. Scrib 31:582 My '02 Trail of the Saxon. J. Fox, Jr. Scrib 35:658 Je 04 Trail of the silk. M. Glass. Mun 44:218 N '10 Trail of the tangler. R. E. Toung. Atlan 92: 221 Ag '03 Trail of the viper. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 50: 693 Ap '11 Trail of the white colt. L. E. Hardy. Lippinc 87.753 Je '11 Trailers of Dreams Co. F. K. M. Rehn, Jr. Cosmop 50:848 My '11 Trailing the Come-by-Chance. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 120;6(a Mr '10 Train, Arthur (Cheney), 1875- Golden touch Sat E P 178-3 Jl 1 '05 Broadway villon. Met 24:87 Ap '06 C Q in the wireless house. McClure 39:161 Je '12 Case of Mabel Parker. Amer 61:513 Mr '06 Catherwood's data of ethics. McClure 25:376 Ag 05 Comer Everybody's 23:357 S '10 Daredevil. Sat E P 180:18 Je 13 '08 Dead-game sport. Sat E P 187:12 S 5 '14 Escape of Wilkins. Scrib 38:111 Jl '05 Extradition. Scrib 37:354 Mr '05 Extraordinary adventure of Baron De Ville. Scrib 37:230 F '05 Friend of the family. Col 49:22 My 11 "12 Governor-general's trunk. Scrib 37:486 Ap '05 Train, Arthur — continued Hand of Holof ernes. Sat E P 178:5 F 17 '06 House of the Open Heart. Everybody's 28: 502 Ap '13 In the course of justice. McClure 25:516 S '05 Inheritance. Sat E P 182:9 Je 11 '10 Jailbird. McClure 25:209 Je '05 Kidnappers. Sat E P 183:20 S 24 '10 Little feller. Delin 70:345 S '07 Madonna of the Blackbird. Everybody's 28:3 Ja '13 Man hunt. Sat E P 179:3 My 18, 11 My 25, 13 Je 1, 12 Je 8 '07 Man who rocked the earth. Sat E P 187:3 N 14, IS N 28 '14 Maximilian diamond. Les Mo 58:259 Jl '04 McAllister's Christmas. Scrib 36.655 D '04 McAllister's marriage. Met 23:69 O '05 Men who get caught. Sat E P 180:3 D 14, '07. 9 Ja 4, 5 Ja 25 '08 Mohammed Maroudi's motor. Everybody's 26:690 My '12 Monsieur Donaque. Everybody's 25:494 O '11 Monsieur X. Everybody's 26:161 F '12 Mortmain. Sat E P 178:3 Je 2, 5 Je 9 '06 Never winks. Collier's 47:21 Jl 1 '11 Nth power, The. Sat E P 182:20 O 2 '09 Other man. Scrib 47:408 Ap 'Id Pot boiler. Sat E P 186:8 Mr 21 '14 Pursuit of a teapot. Amer 61:37 N '05 Randolph. 64. Sat E P 178:1 D 2 '05 Rescue of Theophilus Newbegin. Sat E F 1S0:3 S 21, 14 S 28 '07 Spinthariscope. Everybody's 25:223 Ag '11 Thirty-ninth pearl. Sat E P 186:5 F 7 '14 Up against it. Sat E P 182:5 F 5 '10 Train, Mrs. Arthur. See Train, Ethel Train, Elizabeth Phipps Not a question of evidence. Sat E P 172:1128 Je 2 '00 Train, Ethel (IVIrs. Arthur C. Train) Bill. Everybody's 24:447 Ap '11 Cousin Lemuel Delin 80:417 D '12 Jim. Everybody's 24:169 F '11 Law on Mary Eliza. Delin 82:435 Je '13 Son. Everybody's 23:737 D '10 Train fourteen. L. C. Senger. Scrib 27:701 Je '00 Trained patient. J. Drake. Delin 57:118 Ja '01 Training of Betty. Sat E P 185:12 Mr 15 '13 Training of Jenks. A. P. Ames. Mun 31:923 S '04 Traitor of Metz. C. F. Bourke. Met 20:430 Jl '04 Traitors both. C. Johnston. Sat E P 186:13 F 14 '14 Tramp. E. C. Waltz. Cent 66:604 Ag '03 Tramp herd. A. M. Cleaveland. Cosmop 38:561 Mr '05 Tramp of the Grand Banks. K. MacHugh. New Eng n s 35:81 S '06 Tranced life. H. A. Beers. Atlan 97:239 F "06 Transaction in bonds. M. Glass. Mun 40:94 O '08 Transaction in ponies. A. H. Lewis. Met 22: 195 My '05 Transaction in rubies. F. Reddale. Lippinc 75:129 F '05 Transactions of Tingle. S. Ford. Harper 112: 641 Mr '06 Transfer of Google. E. J. Rath. Everybody's 18:241 F 'OS Transfer of property. C. T. Glen. Cent 59: 688 Mr '00 Transferred sentence. J. K. Bangs. Met 26: 738 S '07 Transfiguration of Miss Philura. F. M. Kings- ley. Cur Lit 43:344 S '07 Transformation of Angelita Lopez. G. B. Mil- lard. Cent 88:547 Ag '14 Transformation of Em Durham. J. Ralph. Harper 107:269 Jl '03 Transformation scene. H. W. Nevinson. Har- per 124:925 My '12 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 299 Transformed Venus. C. B. Burrell. Harp B 37:679 Jl '03 Transgression. B. King. McClure 42:73 Ap '14 Transgressor. M. B. Shipp. Amer 62:464 S "06 Transients in Ninevaii. W. L. Comfort. Lip- pinc 85:329 Mr '10 Transit of Venus. M. Ilsley. Cent 76:814 O 'OS Translation. J. S. Kendall. Outl 98:586 Jl 15 •11 Translation of Giovanna. A. Mathews. Mc- Clure 35:256 Jl '10 Translation of Judge Fiddler. H. Carruth. Sat E P 173:20 S 29 '00 Transplanted feud. M. Emmons. Mun 33:242 My '05 Transplanted ghost. W. Irwin. Everybody's 24: 109 Ja '11 Trap. G. A. England. Lippinc 94:600 N '14 Trap, The. G. Morris. Sat E P 153:15 F 11 '11 Trap, The. T. Roberts. Mun 41:723 Ag '09 Trapper's daughter at Saint Irene. F. Wilkin- son. Atlan 91:381 Mr '03 Trappers of men. S. Scoville, Jr. Lippinc 92: 730 D '13 Trapping of Sergeant McCarty. P. C. Mac- Farlane. Amer 73:297 Ja '12 Trask, Helen B. Girl and the moose and the deep dark woods. New Eng n s 43:80 S '10 Trask, John Peter Stuvvesant's nephew. Everybody's 12: 198 F '05 Trask, Kate (Nichols) (Mrs. Spencer Trask) Katrina Trask), 1853- Acts and entr' actes. Harper 100:942 My '00 Constance Weatherell and Bridgett Brady. Cosmop 31:297 Jl '01 In my lady's garden. Atlan 89:618 My '02 S. P. Q. R. Harp B 34:701 Mr 16 '01 To meet the Duchess of Bath. Harp B 39: 221 INlr '05 Trask, Katrina. See Trask, Kate Nichols Trask, Mrs. Spencer. See Trask, Kate Nichols Traumatic neurosis. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 187:13 D 19 '14 Travail of a man's soul. E. Harlan. Met 15: 407 Ap '02 Travel. L S. Cobb. Sat E P 185:12 F 22 '13 Traveler for the firm. D. Conyers. Sat E P 1S5:1G My 10 '13 Travelling sister. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 118:54 D 'OS Travels of Prince Weary-Heart. O. Latham. Cosmop 31:166 Je '01 Travels of the soul. H. Pyle. Cent 65:167 D '02 Traver, Chalmer B. Dollar. Everybody's 31;21S Ag '14 Trawler, The. J. B. Connolly. Amer 67:459 Mr '09 Trawler, The. J. B. Connolly. Col 54:5 O 31 '14 Treasure. F. S. Isham. Haiper 121:750 O '10 Treasure, The. K. Norris. Sat E P 186:3 O IS, 23 U 25, 17 N 1 '13 Treasure cask of Solymon the Magnificent. S. Freeman. Mun 22:545 Ja '00 Treasure of a cook. C. B. Looms. Mun 44:27 O '10 Treasure of a Far island. W. S. Gather. New Kng n B 27:234 O '02 Treasure of Saint Mathurin's. R. Besler. Ev- erybody's 3:23 Jl '00 Treasure of the Laurie. C. Ro.sh. Mun 23:164 My '00 Treasure of the sea. J. F. Wilson. Cosmop 55: .^iftK (> '13 Treasure ship. C. Johnston. Harper 122:603 Mr '11 Treasure tree. E. M. Kelly. Lippinc 89:271 F Treaty of peace. G. Parker. Sat E P 173:4 Jl 28 '00 Treble-cross. W. A. Eraser. McClure 25:157 Je '05 Tree and the wedding. F. M. Dostoyevsky. Lippinc 92:126 Jl '13 Tree of a thousand leaves. A. Brown. Mc- Clure 22:327 Ja '04 Tree of dreams. R. W. Chambers. Sat E P 179:3 Ja 19 '07 Tree of heaven. R. W. Chambers. Harp W 48:24 D 10 '04 Tree of his people. N. G. Henshaw. Lippinc 86:740 D '10 Tree of justice. R. Kipling. Delin 75:116 F '10 Tree of knowledge. I. H. Fiske. New Eng n s 34:686 Ag '06 Tree of life. F. W. Wharton. Harper 100:435 F '00 Tree, the rope, and the man. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 83:341 Mr '09 Treeful of owls. H. B. Needham. Col 52:5 F 14 '14 Treeing of Mrs. Killdee. H. W. Durbin. Ev- erybody's 20:410 Mr '09 Trellis. M. Cameron. Harper 106:402 F '03 Trembling brave. L. Chamberlain. Everybody's 14:76 Ja '06 Trembly, Clifford For Charlie. Everybody's 8:374 Ap '03 Tremendous adventures of Major Brown. G. K. Chesterton. Harp W 47:2072 D 19 '03 Tremolo stop. W. A. White. Sat E P 178:9 Ja 6 '06 Trendon, Horace Providence 5, la Tipperary. Col 54:13 S 19 '14 Superior sex. New Eng n s 45:184 O '11 Trent's Trust. See Harte, Bret Tres Jolie: Blister Jones story. J. T. Foote. Amer 76:24 Ag '13 Tretheway, Charles Celeste the unforgiving. Harper 121:916 N '10 Trevena, John Sound of Ladybrook water. Cent 85:905 Ap '13 Trial at Ravello. A. Brown. Scrib 52:231 Ag '12 Trial balance. M. Foster. Everybody's 23:83 Jl '10 Trial of the black fear. C. C. Meyer. Cosmop 49:572 O '10 Trial of Trot. E. Walker. Mun 29:344 Je '03 Trial path. Zitkala-Sa. Harper 103:741 O '01 Trial trip. C. N. Hood. Les Mo 52:410 Ag '01 Trials of a young housewife. See Bell, Lilian Trials of Mrs. Julia O'Grady. M. S. Hopkins. Les Mo 50:206. 311 Je Jl '00 Trials of Mrs. Macy. A. Warner. Delin 69:250 F '07 Trials of Tony. See Clouston, J. Storer Triangle case. B. R. Ginger. IMet 39:41 D '13 Triangle within a triangle. E. A. Forbes. Amer 77:27 Mr '14 Triangular elopement. M. R. Rinehart. Mun 38:17 O '07 Tribe of Hodder. S. Ford. Met 19:112 O '03 Tribulations of a seacoast parish. G. S. Was- son. Oull 74:988 Ag 22, '03 Tribulations of Don. M. T. Antrim. I.,ippinc 7S: 2J1 .\K '06 Tribulations of Trinity Tlin. G. R. Brown. Mppiiic 88:107 Jl '11 Tribute. W. C and A. M. lOstabrook. l-'oruni 16:I47 O '11 Tribute of Topside Tutt. S. Ford. Col 37:20 .\l: 25 '06 Trlck-doctor. T. N. Par<'. Sorlb 50:273 S "11 300 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Trick that won. E. R. Perkins. Les Mo 54: 151 Je '02 Tricky traders. H. Dickson. Sat E P 185:12 Jl 27 '12 Tricotrin entertains. L. Merrick. Met 27:245 N •07 Tricotrin the critic. L. Merrick. Everybody's 28:190 F '13 Tried as by fire. C. B. Rich. Mun 26:802 Mr '02 Tried by his peers. F. R. Wall. Met 11:84 Ja '00 Triem, Paul E. Great find. Col 40:14 Dec 28 '07 Second birth of Jim McGuire. Col 41:17 Ag 22 'OS Trifle light as air. B. Lessing. Cosmop 51; 777 N -11 Trifler. A. Eyre. Lippinc 71:435 Ap '03 Triggs, Floyd Disappearance of Katoffelschnitz. Met 16:702 D '02 Great landscape trust. Met 15:730 Je '02 Trimmed lamp. O. Henry. McClure 27:391 Ag '06 Trimmer in our chambers. E. R. Pennell. At- lan 104:620 N '09 Trimmers two. A. H. Warner. Cent 80:104 My •10 Trincomalee's resurrection. M. Roberts. Sat E P 180:18 Ja 18 '08 Trio of tricksters. F. H. Deems. Les Mo 57: 659 Ap '04 Trip deferred. M. G. Pope. McClure 14:414 Mr '00 Trip with a tin-peddler. J. Ralph. Harper 106: 692 Ap '03 Triple cross. G. R. Chester. Sat E P 181:16 D 5 'OS Triple mirror. K. F. Gerould. Cent 87:876 Ap '14 Tripp, Albert Bruce Leering beast of gold. Col 49:20 S 14 '12 Trippitt and Dailey go racing. H. Van Cam- pen. Sat E P 186:15 Mr 21 '14 Triumph. A. S. Pier. McClure 20:371 F '03 Triumph of airly spring. N. Lloyd. Scrib 43: 571 My '08 Triumph of an antidote. K. Masterson. Met 12:187 Ag '00 Triumph of Billy. H. Quick. Sat E P 179:5 D 8 '06 Triumph of Dumas. H. M. Hyde. Sat E P 182: 28 Mr 26 '10 Triumph of Godibet. G. S. Chappell. Cent 80: 573 Ag '10 Triumph of Jim's dad. J. W. Jackson. Lip- pinc 86:114 Jl '10 Triumph of Lying P. J. E.Wood. Harp W 55:16 Ap 29 '11 Triumph of night. E. Wharton. Scrib 56:149 Ag '14 Triumph of Peevish Perish. W. Hemmingway. Harp W 54:22 My 21 '10 Triumph of shed. V. F. Boyle. Cent 62:902 O '01 Triumph of the faith. T. Levins. Harp W 52: 16 Ag 8 '08 Triumph of Will Hen. A. L. Lee. Everybody's 14:700 My '06 Triumph's evidence. W. A. White. Scrib 30: 463 O '01 Trivial incident. M. D. Post. Sat E P 181:10 D 19 '08 Trivial round. A. Eliot. New Eng n s 28:374 D '00 Trix and Over-the-Moon. A. R. Troubetzkoy. Harper 119:407. 540 Ag S '09 Trixie. F. A. Ludwig. McClure 36:441 F '11 Trolley for Rio Janeiro. C. B. Loomis. Cent 60:636 Ag '00 Trooper Button's ride. H. L. Sterrett. Mun 24:97 O 'W Trooper O'Hea. S. F. Bullock. Harp W 52:22 S 12 'OS Trooper who won a war alone. J. A. Riis. Outl 95:365 Je 18 '10 Tropical tempest. E. H. Thompson. Cent 76: 151 My '08 Tropicania. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 91:1 Ja '13 Trott, Lillian Loring. Micmac and Mohawk. New Eng n s 30:591 Jl '04 Troubador. L. R. Meekins. Delin 66:260 Ag '05 Troubetzkoy, Amelie Rives Chanler, princess, isG;i- Captain Meg's son. Harper 122:267 Ja '11 Flittermouse. Harper 111:825 N '05 Garden of the king. Harper 115:49 Je '07 Her Christmas cabby. Harper 122:94 D '10 Hidden house. Lippinc 88:449 O '11 Mocking of the gods. Harper 106:122, 282 D •02 Ja '03 Trix and Over-the-Moon. Harper 119:407, 540 Ag S '09 Trouble at Beaulieu. A. E. W. Mason. Lip- pinc 67:119 Ja '01 Trouble at Bishops house. H. F. Day. Les Mo 58:340 Ag '04 Trouble at Cross-Bow. H. M. Price. Les Mo 60:141 Je '05 Trouble at Schoenecker's. C. D. Stewart. Cent 80:695 S '10 Trouble for two. R. W. Chambers. Harper 109:390 Ag '04 Trouble hunter. F. U. Adams. Col 43:18 Ap 24 '09 Trouble hunters. A. T. True. Scrib 49:92 Ja 11 Trouble in the mountains. A. G. Brown. New Eng n s 33:697 Ja '06 Trouble man. E. M. Rhodes. Sat E P 182:9 N 20 '09 Trouble she caused when she kissed. F. R. Stockton. L H J 28:17 D '11 Trouble with Tetlow. W. B. Foster. Mun 41: 850 S '09 Trouble woman. C. Morris. Cosmop 33:80 My •02 Troubler of Israel. S. R. Crockett. Lippinc 65: 766 My '00 Troubles of Lazarus Abrahamovitch. B. Less- ing. Cosmop 51:29 Je '11 Troubles of Martin Coy. J. C. Harris. Sat E P 172:884 Mr 31 '00 Troubles of old Bender: Wolfville story. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 55:841 N '13 Troubles of women. E. M. Gilmer. Cosmop 47:101 Je '09 Troublesome conscience. E. P. Waxham. New Eng n s 36:751 Ag '07 Troublesome truth. W. Payne. Sat E P 176: 12 Ap 23 '04 Trousered Pan. P. Maxwell. Met 12:770 D '00 Trousers and tragedy. G. A. England. Mun 52:322 Jl '14 Trousseau that wouldn't get ready. M. C Oemler. L H J 30:7 Je '13 Troutman, H. Christian Seamless robe. Harper 106:679 Ap '03 Trowbridge. W. R. H. Spoke in the wheel. Les Mo 50:583 O '00 Trowsers of tragedy. E. Duer. Lippinc 76:79 Jl '05 Truant disciples. H. S. Watson. Harp W 54: IS Jl 30 '10 Truant mountebank. C. H. Brown. Harper 114:182 Ja '07 Truants from heaven. "V. Y. Remnitz. Harper 103:919 N '01 Truce. M. Manning. Harp B 37:10 Ja '03 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 30 r Truce. C. G. D. Roberts. McClure 23:168 Je '04 Truce of gold. M. R. Rinehart. Col 54:5 D 12 '14 Truck. G. B. Lancaster. Everybody's 13:557 O '05 True, Allen Tupper Trouble-hunters. Scrib 49:92 Ja '11 True bear story. W. T. Hornaday. Cosmop 37:709 O '04 True blue. D. Canfield. Everybody's 13:641 N '05 True gold in Thunder valley. E. Boltwood. Mun 46:482 Ja '12 True hero; melodrama. W. D. Howells. Har- per 119:866 N '09 True 'lixir. S. Ford. Col 37:21 Ap 7 '06 True patriarch. T. Dreiser. McClure 18:136 D '01 True story of my robin. F. H. Burnett. L. H J 29:7 Ap '12 True story of the tortoise and the hare. A. B. Paine. L H J 26:19 Ag '09 Truegate, of Mogadon S. Ford. Scrib 37:641 Je '05 Truitt, Charles ^„ _„ . Georgeanna banana. Everybody s 29:490 O '13 Truly Christmas. E. L. Sabin. Lippinc 82:755 D '08 Trumbull, Annie Eliot Araby the blest. Atlan 86:84 Jl '00 Trump, John N. Hour in the woods. Met 16:430 O '02 Trumpet of Odin. B. Brandenburg. Met 23: 433 Ja '06 Trust. J. London. Cent 75:441 Ja '08 Trust issue at Stonetop. L. R. Meekins. Har- per 102:591 Mr '01 Truth about Alpheus. G. J. White. Harper 117:291 Jl '08 Truth about the Prosperine. D. Osbourne. Met 20:112 Ap '04 Truth of Oliver Cromwell. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 37:83 Ja '05 Truth-tellers. E. Pottle. Cent 75:105 N '07 Truth, the whole truth. T. L. Masson. Lip- pinc 83:737 Je '09 Truthful Billie. G. Lee. New Eng n s 44:632 Jl '11 Truth's advocate. J. C. Box. McClure 36:90 N '10 Trying a dramatist. W. S. Gilbert. Cent 83: 179 D '11 Trying it on the dog. E. B. Harris. Every- body's 19:612 N '08 Tryphena Jane's revolt. Mrs. H. Ellis. Forum 46:40 Jl '11 Tryst. A. Brown. Scrib 49:718 Je '11 Tryst on Spongecake. R. W. Child. Sat E P 183:10 Je 10 '11 Tschechoff. Anton Kaschtanka bad conduct. New Eng n s 89: 564 Ja '09 TsurumI Tsukl. A. Kinnosuk^. Everybody's 4: 117 F '01 Tub in the desert. B. W. Currle. Harp W 51: 1813 I) 14 '07 Tubby Smith. W. D. Williams. Col 33:16 Ap 9 •04 Tuck and Cap'n. conversationists. F. Crlssey. Ilarpor 124:615 Mr '12 Tuck 'Voung's prinr-iples. R. Ellerbe. Col 52: 16 N 1.''. '13 Tug and a daunhter-ln-law. E. Poole. Sat E P 1X1:12 1) 5 '08 Tug of love. I. Zanpwill. Cur Lit 43:461 O '07 Tug-of-war. U. Dehan. Sat E P 187:8 Jl 11 '14 Tug that stood by. J. T. Custls. Llpplnc 85: 239 F '10 Tuggin' to be genteel. B. R. Hoover. Every- body's 22:187 F '10 Tuharczin case. E. Macvane. Lippinc 87:513 My '11 Tukweemosis, the place of spirits. W. J. Long. Les Mo 56:64 My '03 Tule Sol. H. Wickliam. Everybody's 23:710 N •lu Tully, Richard Walton All in the play. Sat E P 180:5 S 28 '07 Beatrice in Arcady. Sat E P 182:10 Jl 24 ;09 Love and advertising. Cosmop 40:670 Ap '06 Love settlement. Cosmop 41:189 Je '06 Poets — human and divine. Sat E P 181:8 Jl •08 Tune in court. M. Hill. McClure 15:168 Je '00 Tune of time. J. Huneker. Met 22:21 Ap '05 Tuning of Huldah. A. Crosby. Lippinc 91:79 Ja '13 Tunnel. W. H. Osborne. Col 34:18 F 4 '05 Tunnel's end. R. S. Baker. McClure 18:160 D 01 Turbulents. W. A. Eraser. Cent 70:833 O '05 Turgenieff, Ivan Sergeyevitch, 1818-1883 Conversation. Cur Lit 42:465 Ap '07 District doctor. Lippinc 91:233 F '13 Turkey gobbler. H. Haines. Scrib 39:345 Mr '06 Turn about. M. Deland. Harper 128:16, 289 D '13 Ja '14 Turn of the balance. M. Johnson. Everybody's 9:466 O '03 Turn of the coin. D. H. Haines. Amer 72:675 O '11 Turn of the lane. L. E. MacBrane. New Eng n s 31:4S S '04 Turn of the tide. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 75: 513 My '05 Turn of the wheel. J. Lee. Harper 111:94 Je '05 Turned-down page. E. M. Tybout. Les Mo 52: 515 S '01 Turned out to grass. G. W. Pangborn. Harper 114:277 Ja '07 Turner, Ethel (iVIrs. H. R. Curlewis), 1872- Marriage morn. McClure 25:104 My '05 Turner, George Kibbe, 1869- Across the state. McClure 20:268 Ja '03 Cannibal king. McClure 34:439 F '10 Citizen of the republic. Atlan 85:784 Je '00 Comedy of ward politics. McClure 16:20 N '00 Petriflod Indian. New Eng n s 22:.'^25 Jl '00 Place of darkness. Atlan 90:394 S '02 Vacant road. McClure 32:473 Mr '09 White sheep. McClure 15:339 Ag '00 Turner, Henry S. McMaster's golf. Mun 30:273 N '03 Turner, James Drexel Dreamer. T.,ippinc 75:498 Ap '05 Turner, John Drexel Her romanoo. Cosmop 38:383 F '05 Turner, John Kenneth Debt. Everybody's 25:199 Ag '11 Turner, Mary Borden Gift of foiLTiving gods. Atlan 105:255 F '10 Mr. .lohn's Mi.ss Best. Atlan 105:397 Mr '10 Turning. G. S. H. Tytus. Cent 71:416 Ja '06 Turning of Joe. F. A. Halverson. Col 53:11 S 12 '14 Turning of the ways. C. Ross. McCluro 15:14 My '00 Turning-point. A. Sullivan. Harper 123:554 S '11 Turning point. K. D. Wlggin. Scrib 48:34 Jl •10 Turpln. Edna Henry Lee. 1869- .Nbr.it.rH freedom. Atlan 110:311 S '12 Turquoise and gold. R. F. Hoffman. Scrib 41: 4:is Ap '07 Turquoise cup. A. C. Smith. Scrib 30:671 D '01 Turquoise rliiir. Karl von Kraft. Llpplnc 83: 94 Ja "09 302 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Turtle eggs for Agassiz. D. L. Sharp. Atlan 105:157 F '10 Turtle man. R. W. Child. Amer 77:15 Mr '14 Turtlers. H. C. Christie. Atlan 113:549 Ap '14 Turvey, C. Hilton — Bucking the tiger. Col 52:16 S 27 '13 In the house of the living death. Col 51:1< Je *'8 '13 Lynching of the night marshall. Col 53:10 My 2 '14 Man and the mother of him. Col 51:17 Jl 12 '13 Uplifting father. Col 52:17 Mr 14 '14 Lost 'lover of Sally Perkins. L H J 30:16 S '13 Tutoring Henry. H. Hall. Sat E P 185:10 Jl 27 '12 Tuttiett, Mary Gleed. See Gray, Maxwell, pseud. Tuttle, Margaretta Tuttle Muhlenberg, 1880- Chance of favor. Met 33:691 Mr '11 Counsel. Met 33:17 O '10 Tutwlier, Julia R. Mammy. Atlan 91:60 Ja '03 Old order. New Eng n s 32:152 Ap 05 Pink evening with Poe. Met 19:203 N '03 Tuvana. J. M. Forman. Col 47:15 Ap 29 '11 Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, Samuel L. 'Tween night an' mornin'. G. S. Mathews and J. L. Mathews. Lippinc 92:123 Jl '13 Twelve. B. Tarkington. Cosmop. 56:482 Mr '14 Twelve green Russian garnets. A. S. Hardy. Harper 121:443 Ag '10 12 o'clock tea. C. S. Long. Les Mo 49:637 Ap •00 Twentieth century Christmas story. W. J. Davis. Cosmop 34:180 D '02 Twentieth century miracle. F. Milner. New Eng n s 32:211 Ap '05 Twenty below. M. Gauss. McClure 41:196 O '13 Twenty-first lesson. C. B. Davis. Scrib 49: 479 Ap '11 Twenty-four hours with Greek brigands. D. Vaka. Met 38:31 S '13 Twenty francs. A. Courlander. Everybody's 17: 847 D '07 Twenty minutes for refreshments. O. Wister. Harper 100:235 Ja '00 Twenty-seventh letter of the alphabet. L. Cleveland. Everybody's 2:3 Ja '00 Twenty-six-twenty Oxford place. K. H. Brown. Lippinc 66:293 Ag '00 Twenty-year brood. H. J. Browne. Amer 69: 244 D '09 Twice as many as before. G. L. Parker. Delin 74:305 O '09 Twilight. S. K. Glaspell. Harper 124:790 Ap '12 Twilight adventure. M. D. Post. Met 39:29 Ap '14 Twilight of the god. J. A. Meyer. Harp W 56: 16 F 10 '12 Twin Peters. J. F. Wilson. Amer 62:323 Jl '06 Twins. M. Robertson. Cosmop 43:669 O '07 Twisted -cord. E. MacVane. McClure 30:423 F •08 Twisted foot. See Rideout, Henry Milner. Twisted tree. A. Brown. Outl. 80:337 Je 3 '05 'Twixt cup and the lip. R. Winchester. Harp W 46:700 My 31 '02 'Twixt midnight an' mornin'. G. W. Ogden. Everybody's 9:393 S '03 Two acorns. E. Lefevre. Sat E P 187:3 Ag 8 •14 Two admirals. L. F. Tooker. Cent 88:57 My '14 Two; and a rose. A. Ollivant. Harper 101:255 Jl '00 Two and the fleet. A. Lee. Mun 27:509 Jl '02 Two and the teiTor. A. S. Winston. Cent 73: 721 Mr '07 Two appeals. G. Horton. Sat E P 176:3 Jl 18 '03 Two apples. J. E. Dunning. Atlan 91:693 My •03 Two bad men. H. L. Wilson. Sat E P 186:8 My 2 '14 Two birds with one stone. W. N. Harben. Cent 70:61 My '05 Two boom towns and a bride. E. Gates. Sat E P 180:5 Ag 3 '07 Two brides. H. S. Edwards. Harper 117:611 S •08 Two brothers. S. MacManus. Harper 101:793 O '00 Two business letters. A. Warner. Met 24:661 Ag '06 Two business women. G. Morris. Sat E P 184: 8 Ag 12 '11 Two calls. S. C. Bryant. Lippinc 70:200 Ag '02 Two candidates. H, MacGrath. Everybody's 12: 669 My '05 Two carpenters. Z. Gale. Amer 73:714 Ap '12 Two Chanty-men. G. S. Wasson. Atlan 94: 218 Ag 04 Two cockneys and a conspirator. S. MacManus. Lippinc 66:270 Ag '00 Two converts. O. Watanna. Harper 103:585 S '01 Two daughters of one race. G. E. Channing. Atlan 100:495 O '07 Two deserters. S. R. Elliott. Harp W 53:22 Ja 23 '09 Two deserters. F. E. Evans. Met 29:027 Mr '09 Two deserters. C. C. Waddle. Met 14:281 Ag '01 Two dogs of Glenfergus. W. A. Dyer. L H J 31:13 Ag '14 Two farmers. E. Phillpotts. Cent 81:823 Ap '11 Two fishers of men. F. T. Hill. Harper 109: 786 O '04 Two fools. A. R. Carman. Les Mo 55:222 D '02 Two fools. F. Palmer. Cosmop 56:417 F '14 Two fools and a farm. B. Oilman. Scrib 44:110 Jl 'OS Two for peace. M. E. Wilkins. Lippinc 68:51 Jl 01 Two gentlemen of Kentucky. J. A. Allen. Outl 73:623 Mr 14 '03 Two girls and a friend. M. H. Vorse. Met 32: 365 Je '10 Two in an auto. N. C. Gillmore. Met 17:297 Mr '03 Two Grand Duchesses. J. M. Forman. Sat E P 186:3 Ja 31 '14 Two-gun man. S. E. White. Col 35:13 Ap 15 '05 Two halves of a check. R. J. Walsh. Lippinc 89:696 My '12 Two-handed game. S. E. White. Harper 107: 811 O '03 Two hearts. T. Masson. Cosmop 39:413 Ag '05 Two hearts and a lover's knot. E. W. Mum- ford. Col 51:17 My 10 '13 Two in a fog. W. H. Babcock. Lippinc 77:641 Je '06 Two in a garden. H. P. Spofford. Harp B 42: 552 Je '08 Two in a temple. H. Scheffauer. Cosmop 46: 503 Ap '09 Two Japanese painters. A. Kinnosuke. Atlan 90:527 O '02 Two kinds of talkers. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 173:9 Ap 6 '01 Two little Edens. A. H. McAllister. Every- body's 8:593 Je "03 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 303 Two little stories of the newly married. K. Howard. L H J 24:9 Ap 07 Two little tales. M. Twain. Cent 63:24 N '01 Two looks. J. Galsworthy. Atlan 108:112 Jl '11 Two Marys. E. B. Blanchard. Mun 48:751 F '13 Two masters. W. Hard. Sat E P 180:8 S 28 '07 Two memories of a childhood. L. Hearn. At- lan y.'>:445 O '06 Two men. K. Reynolds. Col 51:17 Je 21 '13 Two men and a chance. W. Payne. Sat E P 184:6 Ag 5 '11 Two men and the desert. F. L. Wheeler. Mc- Clure 28:431 F '07 Two men of might. A. M. Kerr. Sat E P 173: 3 Ap 20 '01 Two men who waited. R. A. Phillips. Mun 47: 934 S '12 Two IMickevs. H. J. O'Higgins. Everybody's 15:337 S '06 Two of a kind. E. Kelley. McClure 17:251 Jl '01 Two of them. J. Cooper. Mun 37:304 Je '07 Two of them. M. Harris. Les Mo 53:272 D '01 Two on a balcony. C. Smedley. Everybody's 14:403 Mr "06 Two on a mountain. E. R. Mirrielees. Mc- Clure 41:66 Jl '13 Two on the rancho. B. M. Connor. Mun 49:80 Ap '13 Two opinions. T. Masson. Cosmop 37:737 O '04 Two pairs of shoes. J. C. Lincoln. McClure 26:623 Ap "06 Two pensioners. H. S. Edwards. Cent 70:233 Je '05 Two points of honor. E. W. Brodhead. Harp W 52:14 Jl 4 '08 Two Rembrandts. J. M. Forman. Met 40:17 Jl '14 Two renegades. O. Henry. Everybody's 11:234 Ag '04 Two Russian soldiers. E. Poole. Outl 81:21 S 2 -05 Two scouts. A. T. Quiller-Couch. Les Mo 50: 123 Je '00 Two-sided honeymoon. A. Evelyn. Lippinc 76: 35S S '05 Two sides of a street. M. R. S. Andrews. Mc- Clure 21:347 Ag '03 Two skippers. O. Oliver. Mun 44:161 N '10 Two skvscrapers and Mrs. Casey. W. Irwin. McClure 40:73 Mr '13 Two standards. R. W. Kauffman. Met 38:19 Ag 13 Two standards. C. Shipman. Cosmop 55:168 Jl '13 Two stories of Oklahoma. H. Garland. Cent 6S.32S Je '04 Two stories of the unknown quantity. H. Van Dyke. Harper 124:54 D '11 Two-stringed bow. G. W. Johnston. Scrib 40: 746 D '06 Two-tails. O. Oliver. Lippinc 90:722 D '12 Two Thanksgivings. A. H. Donnell. Harp B 41:lfi50 X '07 Two thousand. L. 0.sbourne. Sat E P 177:3 F 25 '05 Two understudies. G. Burgess. L H J 22:5 S '05 Two valentines. K. Patch. Cosmop 36:101 N •03 Two violins. K. W. Patch. L H J 22:5 Je '05 Two voices. J. R. Ellyson. Met 11:419 Ap '00 Two weddin'8 on ensuln' days. M. Holley. 1j H J 18:12 F '01 Two widows. K. PhlllpottH. Cent 83:S36 Ap "12 Two wives. M. B. Lowndes. McClure 39:371 Ag '12 Twofold reformation. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 181:20 F 13 '09 Two's company. I. Thompson. Everybody's 26: 454 Ap '12 Tybout, Ella Middleton Maxwell According to the law. Lippinc 87:741 Je '11 Aides-de-camp to Cupid. Lippinc 86:719 D '10 Ananias of Poketown. Lippinc 71:691 My '03 Ass tliat vanquished Balaam. Lippinc 71:811 Je '03 At Fiddlers' bridge. Lippinc 70:74 Jl '02 Autocrat of the swivel chair. Sat E P 180:8 S 14 '07 Blast of the trumpet. Lippinc 73:611 My '04 Bride for Casey. Lippinc 84:257 S '09 Brother Johnsing's 'sperience. Lippinc 71:243 F 03 Conscience money. Lippinc 87:607 My '11 Efficiency of IMiss De Long. Lippinc 88:221 Ag '11 Feast of locusts. Lippinc 73:475 Ap '04 Going up. Lippinc 85:361 Mr '10 Green bottle. Lippinc 77:503 Ap '06 House divided. Lippinc 72:515 N '03 How William got his fling. Lippinc 76:331 S 05 Intervention of gran' pap. Lippinc 68:243 Ag •01 Isaiah's daddy. Lippinc 80:108 Jl '07 Little brown shoe. Lippinc 87:257 Mr '11 IMethods of Josepliine Lippinc 77:216 F '06 Moment of confidence. Lippinc 76:747 D '05 Moses, Jr. Lippinc 74:74 Jl '04 Offending eye. Lippinc 72:244 Ag '03 One of many. Lippinc 88:90 ji 'n Price of an angel. New Eng n s 27:160 O '02 Regeneration of Isaiah. Lippinc 74:353 S '04 Return of Sister Juliana. Lippinc 74:506 O '04 Scion of Adam. Lippinc 89:589 Ap '12 Smuggler. Lippinc 79:289 Mr '07 Told after dinner. Lippinc 71:377 Mr '03 Turn of the tide. Lippinc 75:513 My '05 Turned-down page. Les Mo 52:515 S '01 River god. Met 29:530 F '09 Unwilling Delilah. Lippinc 72:119 Jl '03 Very wise virgin. Lippinc 73:749 Je 04 Voice of the harp. Lippinc 73:192 F '04 Tyke. G. R. Chester. Mun 37:209 My '07 Tympano. R. M. Gay. Atlan 106:136 Jl '10 Tynan, Annie E. Story of Ann Powell. Cent 60:335 Jl '00 Tyrant abdicates. R. T. Stout. Lippinc 93:92 Ja '14 Tyrant and a lady. See Parker, Sir Gilbert Tyrrell, Eleanor His only son Isaac. Lippinc 84:741 D '09 Tyrrell, Henry Tea at Sherry's. Met 23:222 N '05 Tytus, Grace S. H. Turning. Cent 71:416 Ja '06 Tzinchadzi of the Catskills. A Cahan. Atlan 88:221 Ag '01 u U. S. A. E. Ayrton. Lippinc 75:343 Mr '05 Ubiquitous Mollie. M. M. Mears. McClure 16: 413 Mr "01 Ugly Burleigh. G. R. Chester. Cosmop 39:177 .!.■ '0.^) Ugly duckling. D. Canflcld. Amer 61:435 F '06 Ugly man. J. O. Cobb. McClure 34:210 D "09 Uhle. E. Jerome Man who defied Garceno. Met 29:647 Mr '09 Uhlrich. Eugenie l)i-ll.-(i<(l f.ito. Met 12:330 S '00 Woman and the message. Met 13:96 Ja '01 Ulrlch, Mrs. Harry L. See TTlrich. Mabel SImIs Ulrlch. Mabel SImIs (Mrs. Harry L. Ulrlch), 1SII7- Swcdc'H angel. Kvorybody's 12:313 Mr '05 Ultimate ambition. W. M. Speer. Harper 110: 799 Ap 05 304 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Ultimate chic, H. Rhodes. Col 39:15 Je 8 '07 Ultimate discovery. E. B. Delano. Amer 75: 61 N '12 Ultimate master. J. B. Cabell. Harper 117: 859 N '08 Ultimate test. F. W. Brown. Everybody's 13: tjys N '05 Ultimately. M. K. Potter. Harper 114:312 Ja •07 Ultra-violet madonna. R. Bergengren. Cent 87: 469 Ja '14 Umbrella man. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 120: 373 F '10 Umbrella of justice. T. Jenks. Cosmop 31:174 Je '01 Un conge sans cloche. A. Repplier. Atlan 96: 214 Ag '05 Unaccountable cook. C. B. Kelland. Mun 45: 3S4 Je '11 Unaccountable sex. B. Goodman. Sat E P 185: 33 N 9 '12 Unappreciated tip. C. B, Loomis. Sat E P 176: 6 Je IS '04 Unavailable opulence of Irby Tuel. G. M. Cooke- Col 38:19 F 16 '07 Unavailing subterfuge. C. Flower. Cosmop 41: 50 My '06 Unawares. H. Hawthorne. New Eng n s 39: 504 D '08 Unborn. J. Oppenheim. Amer 68:505 S '09 Unbreakable heart. D. Canfield. Harp B 39: 341 Ap '05 Uncatalogued. E. Kenton. Cent 75:883 Ap '08 Uncertain age. F. H. Lea. Everybody's 21:191 Ag -09 ^ Uncertain Irene. See Brown, Katharme Hol- land Uncharted isle. J. Colcord. Amer 70:161 Je '10 Uncharted sea. V. T. Sutphen. Harper 115:717 O '07 Unclaimed suit-case. G. L. Knapp. Lippinc 93: 586 My '14 Uncle Abram's sermon. J. M. Kelly. Les Mo 56;6-:0 U '03 Uncle Ab's marse-cot. M. N. Barry. Met 19:85 O '03 Uncle Bige's creaking heart. B. E. Stevenson. Cent 65:25- D '02 Uncle Billy's coon hunt. J. M. Bell. Met 27: 539 J;i 'ON Uncle Billy's legacy. D. C. Gale. New Eng n s 34:165 Ap '06 Uncle Bung. J. A. Moroso. Amer 74:396 Ag '12 Uncle Carter of the peg-leg. L. Finch. Cent 76:90 :My "08 Uncle David. L. M. Yale. Scrib 30:31 Jl '01 Uncle Dick's story. W. Blackburn. Met 14:568 O '01 Uncle Eben's staving housekeeper. F. Putney, Jr. New Eng n s 39:247 O '08 Uncle Eb's last day a-fishing. I. Bacheller. Cent 73:232 D '06 Uncle Edward and Cousin Silas. W. Irwin. Sat E P 1S5:8 N 2 '12 Uncle Eli's fighting rabbit. C. B. Loomis. Amer 61:464 F "06 Uncle Eli's moonlight ride. Mrs. W. A. Leland. Everybody's 5:440 O '01 Uncle Ethan and little Julius. H. Craig. Delin 56:360 S '00 Uncle Fessenden's bear hunt. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 176:4 Jl 25 '03 Uncle Harve. G. Pattullo. Sat E P 182:28 N 13 •09 Uncle Israel. B. Lessing. Cosmop 43:340 Jl '07 Uncle Jacob. E. Walker. New Eng n s 29:157 O 03 Uncle Jedediah on motoring. B. Gray. Harp "W 54:16 Ja 8 '10 Uncle Jeff's dream of wealth. O. K. Davis. Cent 73:803 Mr '07 Uncle Joel's funeral. M. B. Hedges. Atlan 112: 461 O '13 Uncle Johnny Dodd's church. J. T. Bishop. Mun 31:605 Jl '04 Uncle Joshua's last word. A. Barlow. New Eng n s 34:215 Ap '06 Uncle Jotham Bailey's mortgage. H. Day. Ev- erybody's 11:99 Jl '04 Uncle Jotham's spree. J. A. Cone. Mun 36:68 O '06 Uncle Larry. A. H. Donnell. Harper 105:75 Je •02 Uncle Luke's downfall. C. T. Revere. Lippinc 74:657 N '04 Uncle Noah's Christmas inspiration. C. L. Dal- rymple. L H J 2b:9 D '11 Uncle Noah's Christmas party. L. Dalrymple. Lippinc 94:1 D '14 Uncle Pete's matrimonial venture. J. B. 'Win- ston. Delin 55:232 F '00 Uncle Pete's possum: a Christmas story. M. V'oung. Outl 87:851 D 21 '07 Uncle Podhardy's foot race. H. Carruth. Sat E P 172:1184 Je 16 '00 Uncle Primus tells a ghost story. P. C. Bowe. New Eng n s 36:27 Mr '07 Uncle Remus, pseud. See Harris, Joel Chand- ler. Uncle Sammie. C. F. Embree. McClure 27:171 Je '06 Uncle Sammy and Peggy Ann. E. Nordahl. Everybody's 22:275 F '10 Uncle Stover's slumbers. H. Carruth. Harper 10G;J3s Ja '03 Uncle William. J. Lee. Col 36:16 D 9 '05 Uncle Zebe's cemetery. B. Goodman. Sat E P 1M.24 Ag IJ '11 Uncommon case of Mr. Wigges. M. Roberts. Sat E P 178:5 Ap 7 '06 Unconquerable hope. E. Singmaster. Atlan 101: 'A Ja 'OS Unconscious plagiarist. F. K. Johnson. Atlan 90;!5l2 D '02 Unconventional angel. E. S. Holloway. Mun 30:756 F '04 Unconventional mourner. A. Repplier. Atlan 98:21 Jl '06 Unconvicted convict. E. C. McCants. Every- body's 9:396 S '03 Uncounted cost. A. W. Anderson. Mun 30:280 N '03 Undecided young lady. H. Carruth. Sat E P 172:936 Ap 7 '00 Undeclared proposal. H. Sears. Sat E P 176:5 F :;0 ^04 Under changed conditions. L. "W. Smith. New Eng n s 31:75 S '04 Under false pretenses. F. M. Smith. Harper 128:317 Ja '14 Under green steeples. A. F. Knight. New Eng n s 31:330 N '04 Under her own management. E. Boltwood, Mun 44:121 O '10 Under his eye. E. Stuart. Scrib 33:238 F '03 Under his nose. B. Lessing. Cosmop 46:659 My '09 Under Hopps. T. L. Masson. Mun 42:344 D '09 Under rocking skies. See Tooker, Lewis Frank Under roval patronage. F. P. Moore. Sat E P 172:918 Ap 7 '00 Under silken skins. M. T. Daviess. Cent 88: 4S1 Ag '14 Under suspicion. M. S. Cutting. Everybody's 16:849 Je '07 Under the Banyan. I. Strong. Mun 24:108 O '00 Under the barber's knife. S. B. Leacock. Amer 76:84 O '13 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 305 Unexpected. J. London. McClure 27:368 Ag '06 Unexpected celebrity. E. P. Butler. Col 38:30 D 15 06 Unexpected creditor. C. F. Mclntyre. Delin 60: 10S2 U '02 Unexpected express package. D. Vandenbark. Lippiuc 89:720 My '12 Unexpected grandchild. O. Watanna. Lippinc S4:6S4 D '09 Unexpected guest. E. Pottle. Harper 117:349 Ag 'OJi Unexpected guests. M. Cameron. Harp B 36: SSS O '02 Unexpected result. S. A. Nelson. Les Mo 51: 25S Ja '01 Unexpected strike. E. Flower. Cent 67:422 Ja ■04 Unexpectedness of the Widow Phelps. M. Ash- mun. New Eng n s 34:79 Mr '06 Unexplained relation. H. Sears. Sat E P 176:4 N 7 '03 Unfair advantage. C. W. Rankin. Cent 78:805 S '09 Unfinished elegy. K. E. Harriman. Lippinc 68: 764 D '01 Unfinished flag. K. Ferris. Nev; Eng n s 36:449 Je '07 Atlan 87:577 Ap Unfinislied portrait. J. 1 ■01 Unfini^shed story. O. Hen^Xy. McClure 25:422 Ag Under the black cassock. E. M. Willett. Lip- pinc 80:545 N '07 Under the crest of Shishaldin. H. B. Fuller. Everybody's 16:809 Je '07 Under the deck-awnings. J. London. Sat E P 183:18 N 19 '10 Under the dragon lantern. E, M. Haverly. Mun 24:936 Mr '01 Under the green lamps. W. B. M. Ferguson. Les Mo 60:299 Jl '05 Under the Joshua-tree. B. W. Currie. Cent 75:331 Ja "08 Under the management of Kitty. A. C. St. Clair. Les Mo 59:160 D '04 Unde. the mask. R. W. Child. Col 49:20 Mr 30 12 Under the mulberries. J. D. Dragoumis. Atlan 109:22 Ja '12 Under the old code. R. H. Davis. Harper 100: 401 F "00 Under the Penobscot's bow. J. H. Walsh. Scrib 50:356 S '11 Under the red maple. J. Lee. Harper 114:239 Ja '07 Under the semaphore. M. B. Adams. Met 25: 764 Mr '07 Under the umbrella. E. Castelnuova. Cur Lit 40:113 Ja '06 Under the white paint. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 185:14 F 8 '13 Under water. J. H. Walsh. Sat E P 183:14 N 5 '10 Underling. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 112:211, 462 Ja F '06 Underling. W. Payne. Sat E P 179:6 S 8 '06 Underneath the high-cut vest. E. Ferber. Unforgivable. M. /.lanning. Harper 115:303 Jl Amer 74:453 Ag '12 '07 / Undesirable. R. J. Pearsall. Col 51:19 Ap 19 '13 Unforeseen remVider. H. Sears. Sat E P 176:4 Understander. E. Boltwood. Mun 33:229 My '05 D o '0 ! / Understudies. V. W. Cloud. Delin 60:236 Ag '^"*'r,^":^?5' '/'i;'re. D. Canfield. Everybody's Understudy, The. W. W. Jacobs. Met 39:30 Ap Unhappy T^rr. E. Boltwood. Mun 37:94 Ap '07 14 Unheard /wtdding-march. C. B. Loomis. Mun Understudy. O. Oliver. Delin 75:43 Ja '10 3S:4y ja 'OS Understudy in adoption. M. Emmons. Harp B Unhono^ed profession. M. Tracy. Mun 24:941 43:237 Mr '09 Ar„y .., Undertow. N. Boyce. Lippinc 94:129 Ag '14 Undertow. G. S. Wasson. Outl 99:668 N 18 '11 Underwood, Earl, 1S70- ,, ^ n^ ^i^ Flight of Professor Horatio Pigg. Met 26:714 S '07 Underwood, Judith ,.„ nrr a .ao Her mistaken vocation. Lippmc <0:255 Ag U^i One year in Namenia. Lippinc 72:622 N 03 Underwood, Sophie Kerr . ^^ ^ ,^ . / Old fashioned wife. McClure 44:50 D 14 ^ Underworld. C. Thayer. Outl 84:784 N 24 '06 ; Undine adrift. H. C. Rowland. Cosmop 45:3>22 Ag -08 / Undoing of Apostle Jones. L. Munsell. Lippinc 70.:i67 S '02 Undoing of Charity Randall. E. H. F'orter. Now Eng n s 30:207 Ap '04 ../. Unfinished symphony, fe. Showerman. Harper 124:105 D '11 ,' Unfolded hands. J. ii. Oxford. Mun 38:268 N '01 Unifier. W. L. Alden. Les Mo 53:551 Mr '02 Unij/aginative Mr. Spink. C. B. Davis. Col 32: '16 Mr 19 '04 Up?inherited inheritance. E. Flower. Sat E P 17.J:4 F 7 '03 Xjnintroduced neighbor. F. Ball. Amer 68:456 S '09 Uninvited guest. F. M. Smith. Met 16:22 Jl '02 Union and Billy Bell. R. A. Stevenson. Scrib 29:400 Ap '01 Unit. E. Herrick. Scrib 56:79 Jl '14 United workman. A. B. Paine. Cent 67:657 Mr '04 Unknown. H. R. Durant. McClure 22:659 Ap '0! Unknown. G. Hibbard. Scrib 43:239 F 'OS Undoing of Elbertson. W. M. Raine. Les Mo Unknown, The. W. W. Jacobs. Met 37:9 D '12 .^•::i;34 Jl '01 Unknown. E. M. Jameson. Mun 44:712 F '11 '^"'^M^t^n^m F^T'^ Dog-Rib. A. Stringer. unknown door. A. Stringer. Sat E P 179:13 Ja ^"*'?d"V/''?f"" ^•"•^°'"««- E'verybody's 16: unknown factor. P. Gibbon. McClure 30:662 ' • ' Ap 'O.S Undomestlcated wife. M B. Bru&re. Met 34: ,, . ^x t. t i ^ on o-o ;rr, I,. Ml -^lucic. v-L Unknown quantity. P. Lyde. Co.smop 29:3i2 ■' , Ag '00 Undying Ki)ark. P. V. MlgheV.s. Cosmop 46:101 I) 'OS / Unearned increment. F. T. /Hill. Col 35:16 S 23 Unemployed. E. S. Phelp/ •or, Harper 113:904 N Unemployed. F. Pier, lyfrarpor 127:281 .n '13 Unended chase. K. Kelfley. Mun 47:593 Jl "12 Unlit lamp. M. L. Radford and TT. Crandall. Il.irpcr 11.'J:fiS4 O '07 Unlucky .ilibi. E. Flower. Cosmop 40:719 Ap Unmanifested df.stlny. E. R. White. TTarpor Uii:sn.'. Ap '02 Unmarrlable Tom: Phrlstmn.s love story. M. Kpntifdy. L li J 22:12 D 04 3o6 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Unnecessary fortune. M. B. Bruere. Outl 98: 1007 Ag 26 '11 Unofficial love-story. See Hickman, W. Albert. Unofficial spy. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 53:384 Ag '12 Unopened letter. M. S. Lewis. Cosmop 36:446 F '04 Unpainted portrait. E. Duvall. Atlan 107:370 Mr '11 Unparalleled invasion. J. London. McCIure 35: 308 Jl '10 Unpardonable offense. S. F. Whitman. Met 32: 325 Je '10 Unpardonable sin. E. Fawcett. Mun 28:492 Ja '03 I Unpaying guest. M. F, Egan. Cent 77:414 Ja ( '09 Unplaced man. C. T. Brady. Amer 63:394 F '07 Unpleasant. R. W. Chambers. Harp W 47: 2116 D 26 '03 U-. -eojed man. E. Flower. Cent 76:917 O '08 Unpremeditated engagement. W. M. Raine. Delin b.\668 N '03 Unprepared, a. D. Miller. Scrib 35:358 Mr '04 Unprofitable tgrvant. O. Henry. Everybody's 25:787 D 'Ix Unpromising lan^ 'a^. Van Boskirk. Delin 60: 83 Jl '02 Unpublished story. M. H. Urner. Cosmop 56: 730 My '14 Unreasonable Betty. 0. A. Liljencrantz. L H J 28:9 F 1 '11 Unrecorded. E. Goodma. . Forum 49:480 Ap '13 Unrecorded miracle. F. ]Sr Kingsley. Sat E P 173:22 D 8 '00 Unregenerate grave-digger, q. Robinson. New Eng n s 34:348 My '06 Unregenerate prodigal. A. May Met 1^:369 Mr '02 Unregenerated. L. Denison. Eve\ jody's 7:440 N '02 -^ Unremembering June. A. M. Ros^h. Harper 110:397 F '05 Unrepentant groom. H. Sears. Sat x^ p 176 :5 Ja 30 '04 Unreturning. A. S. Winston. Harp B -^ .965 o '07 Unscheduled rehearsal. J. W. Jackson. New Eng n s 36:241 Ap '07 Unscientific story. L. J. Strong. Cosmop 34. 411 F '03 Unsentimental husband. S. T. Stern. Harp., 111:969 N '05 ^^ ^^^ Unshaded lights. M. H. Urner. Cosmop 47:790 N '09 „ ^ ^ ■ oc. Unshed tears. H. D. Queen. Everybody s 25. 846 D '11 c< 4. T7. -D Unsilenced tongue. A. B. McFarlane. Sat E P 175:3 F 28 '03 Unskilled laborer. M. K. Champion. Harper 112:407 F '06 Unspeakable Turke. D. Potter. Lippinc 92:529 N '13 . Unsuccessful alumnus. R. Henderson. Lippmc 89:866 Je '12 Unsuspected sagacity of Billy Sands. A. Lee. Scrib 53:86 Ja '13 Untermeyer, Louis, 1885- Play's the thing. Cent 88:153 My 14 Until 1 married Euphemia. See Robinson, Harry Until the' last shot. S. E. White. Amer 67:107 T5 'f>8 ^^ „^ Unto the children. R. Hughes. Cosmop 55:191 Jl '1^ ^ 1 ro Unto the least of these. S. MacManus. Col 53. 12 Ag 29 '14 Unto the third and fourth generation. D. Can- field. Outl 76:81 Ja 2 '04 Untold story. T. B. Aldrich. Scrib 28:708 D '00 Untrained nurse. L. H. Sturdevant. Atlan 107: 820 Je '11 Unused rattlesnake. H. M. Lyon. Amer 65:639 Ap '08 Unwelcome feminine touch. G. S. Richmond. L H J 22:7 Ag '05 Unwelcome hit. C. Morris. Mun 42:646 F '10 Unwilling Delilah. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 72: 119 Jl '03 Unwilling intrusion. P. Wilson. Lippinc 84:376 S '09 Unwilling philanthropists. L. Hardy. Lippinc 91:595 My '13 Unwritten law. E. Winter. Lippinc 91:88 Ja '13 Up above the world so high. A. S. Pier. Atlan 98:96 Jl '06 Up against it. A. C. Train. Sat E P 182:5 F 5 '10 Up Baldwin's crick. M. E. Benson. New Eng n s 28:33 Mr '03 Up in the clouds with the crooked steel. W. D. Hulbert. Outl 75:585 N 7 '03 Up-to-date apology. M. T. Campbell. Les Mo 54:618 O '02 Up to date fairy tale. P. Maxwell. Cosmop 42: 586 Mr '07 Up-to-date feller. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:5 O 23 '09 Up top. E. G. Cooley. New Eng n s 34:749 Ag '06 Upbringing of the last. M. Hill. Les Mo 57:69 N '03 Upcoming of Daniel Deegan. F. Harding. New Eng n s 37:601 Ja '08 Updegraff, Allan, 1883- Atalanta and Meleager. Forum 52:387 S '14 Book of his heart. Cent 86:701 S '13 Conquerors. Forum 50:317 S '13 Her own life. Cent 86:79 My '13 Matter of investments. Cent 87:792 Mr '14 Meddlers with fate. Col 44:14 S 25 '09 Seven against James. L H J 29:18 O '12 Siren of the air. Cent 85:283 D '12 Uplift. M. S. Cutting. Delin 72:970 D '08 Uplifting father. C. Hilton-Turvey. Col 52:17 Mr 14 '14 Uplifting of Effie. F. Martin. Cent 78:861 O '09 Upper and nether millstones. E. J. Webster. Les Mo 56:478 S '03 Upper window. V.Rousseau. Harp W 53:22 Ap 24 '09 Upward climb. R. Roeder. Col 48:18 S 30 '11 Urbs in rure. Mrs. I. Zangwill. Lippinc 73:690 Je '04 Urge o' youth. B. Millard. Everybody's 11: 302 S '04 Urner, Mabel Herbert (Mrs. Lathrop Colgate Harper), 1881- „^ ,^^ Dissembler. Col 35:18 My 20 '05 Ter husband. Delin 71:617 Ap '08 t'is people. Cosmop 47:410 S '09 V^ve. -"-smop 49:702 N '10 x, ., ^ on. J° wial of a neglected wife. Everybody's 20: "IF '09 •^^^^al experiment. Mun 38:507 Ja '08 Q^'^'ion of expense. Cosmop 49:367 Ag '10 Retui Everybody's 22:245 F '10 Unpub ^^^^ story. Cosmop 56:730 My '14 Unshaa.., ughts. Cosmop 47:790 N '09 Use of it. -. ^oitwood. Scrib 35:412 Ap '04 Use^of Julia^-^^ j^^jjjjg.j^„ J.Morton. Mun 42: Useful present y^ Glass. Sat E P 186:16 Jl 5 Useless memoirt^ Prentice Piper. W. P. Ea- ton. Everyb.,y,g 24:206 F '11 Uses of adversity -^i^^ Kelly. Col 32:14 Mr 12 '04 Uses of diplomacy. ^ jj Brown. Scrib 44:669 Uzzell, T. Capitulation of Cob Lippjnc 94:45 D '14 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 307 Vacant forty. P. L. Ellerbe. Lippinc 91:326 Mr '13 Vacant house. S. W. MacConnell. Everybody's 25:507 O '11 Vacant lot. M. E. Wilkins. Everybody's 7:288 S '02 Vacant road. G. K. Turner. McClure 32:473 Mr ■09 Vacation conscience. F. Lynde. Delin 58:252 AS '01 Vacation disease. S. Ford. Met 30:384 Jl '09 Vachel, Horace Annesley, 1861- Breton love-story. Met 27:12 O '07 Vacillation of Benjamin Gaumer. E. Singmas- ter. Cent 71:707 Mr '06 Vacillations of Peter Poet. H. Whitaker. Cent 79:381 Ja '10 Vacuously vivacious Gibbs. M. Hill. Lippinc 79:270 F '07 Vagrants of the barren. C. G. D. Roberts. Cent 76:701 S '08 Vain oblations. K. F. Gerould. Scrib 49:367 Mr '11 Vain shadow. D. C. Scott. Scrib 28:72 Jl '00 Vain tales. Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. Harper 120: 520 Mr '10 Vaka, Demetra. See Brown, Demetra Kenneth. Val le morte. J. M. Forman. Col 41:16, 21, Ap 25 '08 Vale, Charles, pseud. Mills of god. Forum 47:289 Mr '12 Valedictory. M. C. Dyar. Harper 114:515 Mr '07 Valet of the pastor. M. F, Egan. Cent 67:217 1) '03 Valiant little fat man. E. P. Lyle, Jr. Every- body's 4:133 F '01 Valiente, El. J. Anderson. Harp W 56:16 Je 22 '12 Valjean. L. N. Clark. Cent 65:880 Ap '03 Valkyrie of art. F. Lynde. Delin 56:228 Ag '00 Valley between. O. Oliver. Les Mo 59:47 N '04 VaUey of content. C. B. Davis. Everybody's 12:449 Ap '05 Valiey of mills. H. G. Dwight. McClure 31:659 O '08 Valley of refuge. A. L. Provost. New Eng n s 29:325 N '03 Valley of regret. A. Stringer. Sat E P 172: 1160 Je 9 '00 Valley of sunshine and shadow. R. Thomas. Col 36:21 F 10 '06 Valley of the dead. T. A. Janvier. Cosmop 32: 427 F '02 Valley of the others. E. Taylor. Atlan 110:825 D '12 Vallombrosa terrace. L. J. Vance. Mun 37:514 Jl '07 Valor of Young David. J. E. Calkins. Les Mo 60:40 My '05 Valuable Christopher. J. C. Lincoln. Mun 40: 718 F '09 Vampire of the slums. Z. A. Norris. Every- body's 18:565 Ap '08 Vanaken, Sylvanus Spirit of the falls. New Eng n s 50:337 O '13 Van Boskirk, Julian L'nproiTii.sing land. Delin 60:83 Jl '02 Van Braam, Peggy Copy: diary of a real newspaper woman. Col 49:14 Jl 13, 20 Jl 20 '12 Van Buren, Evelyn Cecelia's corner. Cent 74:879 O '07 Dorothea's diary of life. Cent 87:382 Ja '14 From tho fold. Lippinc 92:485 O '13 Letitia's find. Mun 37:575 Ag '07 Lil's old man. Cent 75:12S N '07 Martin.s. Cent 79:864 Ap '10 Van Buren, Evelyn — continued Mrs. Martin's surprise. Cent 81:415 Ja '11 On Alexandra's island. Cent 77:267 D '08 Van Campen, Mrs. Helen Green, 1883- Act that made good at McGavin's. Sat E P 185:14 Ap 26 '13 Champion lady buck dancer. Sat E P 185:8 My 17 '13 Comedy camel's fiancee. Sat E P 186:11 Ag 9 '13 Dancing carnival. Sat E P 186:11 Je 13 '14 Disillusions of Flossie. McClure 41:79 Je '13 Divetta and the diamond teeth. Sat E P 186: 10 Ag 23 '13 Elmer's domestic infelicities. McClure 40:35 Mr '13 Girl who wouldn't wait. Sat E P 185:10 Ja 11 •13 Her search for a flat. L H J 30:13 O '13 Hunch of the Human Fish. Sat E P 185:6 Mr 15 '13 Jackpot's dentist. Sat E P 186:12 Ja 31 '14 Life on Broadway. McClure 40:177 D '12 Man who beat Dan Dolan. Sat E P 185:8 Mr 29 '13 McNoodle of the Educated Seals. Sat E P 185:6 O 12 '12 Musical comedy rehearsal. McClure 41:68 My 13 Pansy Zeliphone's party. Met 38:10 Ag '13 Queen of the slack wire. McClure 40:318 Ja ■13 Romance in ragtime. Sat E P 185:18 Mr 1 '13 Trippitt and Dailey go racing. Sat E P 186:15 Mr 21 '14 Week on big time. Sat E P 186:6 D 20 '13 Woes of two workers. McClure 41:190 Ag '13 Vance, Louis Joseph, 1879- Cap-box. Mun 31:6SS Ag '04 Lone wolf. Mun 51:351 Mr '14 Outsider. Mun 53:371 N '14 Spider. Mun 31:895 S '04 Vallombrosa terrace. Mun 37:514 Jl '07 Vandenbark, Daisy Unexpected express package. Lippinc 89:720 My '12 Vandenberg, Arthur Hendrick Barlow and the octopus. Lippinc 74:777 D '04 Boom in realty. Lippinc 76:241 Ag '05 Shrewdness of Hawkins. Lippinc 75:203 F '05 Van Denburgh, Mary T. Requital. Met 14:195 Ag '01 Vandercook, Margaret O'Bannon (Womack), 1876- Camel's back. Harp B 44:574 O '10 Vanderdouck sandbank. E. Robinson. Lippinc 72:112 Jl '03 Van de Water, Mrs. Virginia Belle (Terhune), 1865- Confessions of a successful mother. Cosmop 55:158 Jl '13 Drunkard. Cosmop 56:832 My '14 Fool, The. Cosmop 57:85 Je '14 Good for the soul. Cosmop 54:515 Mr '13 Just man's wife. The. Cosmop 56:675 Ap '14 Liar, The. Cosmop 54:606 Ap '13 Nagger, The. Cosmop 55:696 O '13 New wine in old bottles. Cosmop 55:338 Ag '13 Shears of Delilah. Cosmop 55:787 N '13 Snis of the fathers. Cosmop 57:217 Jl '14 Tie that binds. Cosmop 53:416 Ag '12 Van Doren, Dirck, pseud. See Dey, Frederick van Rensselaer. Van Dyke, Henry, 1852- Between the lupin and the laurel. Scrib 41: 660 Je '07 Countersign of the cradle. Scrib 52:469 O '12 Effectual fervent prayer. Scrib 52:165 Ag '12 His other engagement. Scrib 41:167 F '07 Leviathan. Scrib 42:268 S '07 Light that failed not. Scrib 27:405 Ap '00 Lo.st bov. Harper 128:3 D '13 Mansion. TIari)f'r 122:3 D '10 Messengers at the window. Amer 74:655 O '12 Mill. L<'H Mo 55:44 N '02 Night call. Harper 125:357 Ag '12 I'icliou. Scrib 28:696 I) '00 Sad Khephord. Sf-rib 49:1 Ja '11 Sllverhorns. Scrib 41:429 Ap '07 Spy rock. Scrib 32:460 O '02 3o8 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Van Dyke, Henry — continued Two stories of the unknown quantity. Har- per 124:54 D '11 Wedding i-ing. Scrib 52:361 S '12 Year of nobility. McClure 17:348 Ag '01 Vaniatsky, Vladimir, prince Daughter of cosmopolis. Lippinc 77:330 Mr '06 Fate's juggler. Lippinc 73:620 My '04 Faun and the fountain. Met 16:628 D '02 Madness of Sari. Lippinc 76:208 Ag '05 Our lady of Brusse. Lippinc 80:262 Ag '07 Tonjours montant. Lippinc 71:843 Je '03 Tragic child. Lippinc 74:650 N '04 You. Lippinc 80:362 S '07 Yvonne of the Folies Bergere. Lippinc 73:186 F '04 Vanilla. H. K. Webster. Sat E P 186:9 My 9 '14 Vanished gods. A. M. Roach. Harper 111:783 O '05 Vanisher. A. Colton. Col 49:14 My IS '12 Vanitas vanitatum. M. Manning. Harper 115: 453 Ag '07 Vanities. F. I. Anderson. Sat E P 187:12 N 14 '14 Vanity of Foley. A. O'Hagan. Everybody's 14:268 F '06 S. Olmsted. McClure Vanity or the viewpoint. 34:77 N '09 Van Loan, Charles Emmett, 1876- Author! Author! Sat E P 187:8 Ag 1 '14 Bone doctor. Sat E P 187:8 Jl 4 '14 Buck's lady friend. Sat E P 1S6:11 Mr 14 14 Bullhead and the Beeville idol. Sat E P 18 1. 18 S 26 '14 Carson "and the solariplex. Mun 45:871 S '11 Cure for lumbago. Col 53:5 Jl 18 '14 Desert stuff. Sat E P 186:5 D 6 13 Excess baggage. Sat E P 186:5 O 18 13 Extra man and the milkfed lion, bat ih f 186:3 Jl 5 '13 .-..qoo « Golden ball of the Argonauts. Mun 41.889 b '09 Heir at law. Mun 47:131 Ap '12 His own stuff. Sat E P 186:13 Ap 25 14 Indian sign. Col 53:5 Ag 1 '14 ^„ ^, _ „„ International cup. Sat E P 186:12 Jl 12 13 Kill the umpire. Mun 42:150 P 09 Man-afraid-of-his-wardrobe. Sat E F 186.5 Ji Message to Buckshot John. Mun 47^731 Ag '12 Mister Conley. Sat E P 1|6:5 Ja 1' 14 Morning-Glory. Sat E P 18. :12 Ag 29 14 Multiple man. Mun 45:460 Jl 11 a * -c^ t:> National pastime — indoors and out. bat Ji. f 186:9 My 30 '14 c * tt. -o icc:.ii Nine assists and two errors. Sat E f 18!). li On account of a lady. Sat E P 186:6 Je 6 '14 On train seventeen. Mun 48:653 Ja '13 Peter and the prescription. Sat E P 187:10 N <>§ 'j4 Pinch hitting for Cupid. Sat E P 186:12 Je 27 '14 Price of rawhide. Col 53:5 Je 13 '14 Rising market. Mun 42:851 Mr '10 Scareday in Wall street. Mun 46:411 D 11 Shylock Semple. Sat E P 187:9 N 14 '14 Small-town fellow\ Mun 42:653 F '10 Snow stuff. Sat E P 187:18 S 19 '14 Spotted sheep. Sat E P 187:12 N 7 '14 Starlight and Moonshine. Sat E P 185:16 Je 21 '13 They seldom return. Mun 46:233 N '11 ^„ ,^^ Traumatic neurosis. Sat E P 187:13 D 19 '14 Under the white paint. Sat E P 185:14 F 8 '13 Water stuff. Sat E P 1S6:5 N 1 '13 Vanquishing of a vaquero. E. W. Mumford. Mun 27:846 S '02 Van Rensselaer, Mariana (Griswold) (Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer) (Lydia Schuyler, VaHed'^Hfe^of^Mrs. McColl. Cent 79:493 F '10 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler. See Van Rens- selaer. Mariana. Van Schaick, George. Heart. A. Mun 44:488 Ja '11 Van Slyke, Lucille Baldwin, 1880- Camel of Bethlehem. McClure 38:177 D '11 Castle of Comfort. Everybody's 30:476 Ap '14 Dreams in lace. McClure 37:249 Jl '11 Gift of tongues. McClure 38:547 Mr '12 His famous deed. Amer 65:5.7 Ap '08 Housetop. Cur Lit 50:678 Je '11 Mess o' things. Col 51:17 Jl 26 13 Peachy, H. S. Amer 65:498 Mr '08 Peddler. Amer 74:404 Ag '12 Rodania, the magic mare. McClure 37:88 My 11 Rug of her fathers. McClure 36:427 F '11 Ten pieces of silver. McClure 37:484 S '11 Thing called play. Col 48:19 F 24 '12. Same, Cur Lit 52:602 My '12 Tooth of Antar. McClure 36:578 Mr '11 Wings of the spirit. Harp W 57:18 Jl 19 '13 Van Valkenberg's Christmas gift. E. G. Jor- dan. Harp W 46:55 D 6 '02 Van Vorst, Bessie (Mrs. John Van Vorst), 1873- Beyond the price of countless jewels. L H J 24:11 Mr '07 Chiara the beautiful. L H J 24:11 Jl '07 Don't trifle with money. Lippinc 91:385 Ap '13 First of the romantic legends of Venice. L H J 24:11 Mr '07 Her Italian prince. Lippinc 85:385 Ap '10 Second quality. Lippinc 82:1 Jl '08 Third person. Cosmop 52:59 D '11 What love can do. L H J 24:8 Ag '07 Woman that toils. Everybody's 7:211 S '02 Van Vorst, Mrs. John. See Van Vorst, Bessie. Van Vorst, Marie Angelo of the perfection. Lippinc 70:159 Ag '02 Beautiful Sebastiana. Lippinc 90:303 S '12 Body with the sequins. Harper 119:264 Jl •09 Bulstrode changes his mind. Harper 114:221 Ja '07 Bulstrode in loco parentis. Scrib 40:596 N '06 Bulstrode's portrait. Scrib 39:410 Ap '06 Doing of Galinter. Harper 106:313 Ja '03 Druce-Fearing. Harper 102:7^3 Ap '01 Immediate jewel. Lippinc 69:561 My '02 King's friend. Sat E P 180:12 D 21 '07 Lady and the property. Lippinc 73:80 Ja '04 Master of Craven. Lippinc 77:1 Ja '06 Miracle. Harper 111:545 S '05 Monstrous mood. Harper 104:652 Mr '02 Primrose way. Lippinc 70:442 O '02 Romance of the jig-saw puzzle. Harper 120: 267 Ja '10 Sheathing of the blade. Harper 111:117 Je '05 Third person. Cosmop 51:766 N '11 Three flights of a thrush. Harper 100:621 Mr '00 Wainwright's ward. Harper 107:917 N '03 When in disgrace with fortune. Harper 109: 516 S '04 When spring comes late. Lippinc 80:145 Ag '07 Winning of Madame Bonnedoux. Harper 107: 457 Ag '03 Winter fairy tale. Harp B 36:1061 D '02 Woman he loved. Lippinc 81:145 F '08 Van Zile, Edward Sims Novel complication. Lippinc 67:131 F '01 Varied life of Mrs. McColl. Mrs. S. Van Rens- selaer. Cent 79:493 F '10 Varrick's ladv o' dreams. E. Jordan. Scrib 35: 563 My '04 'Varsity Apollo. M. Cruikshank. Met 17:32 Ja '03 'Varsity football. A. S. Pier. Col 34:20 O 22 '04 Vase of clay. J. Aicard. Cur Lit 46:693 Je '09 Vatican sermon. B. Tarkington. Harper 109: 69 Je '04 Vaudeville agent. C. ClafRn. Forum 50:103 Jl '13 Vaudeville turn. C. T. Brady. Scrib 30:351 S '01 Vaughan, Hattie C. Mr. Winkler's signs. Lippinc 91:749 Je '13 Vaulting ambition. K. Jordan. Everybody's 31:767 D '14 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 309 Vaux, Patrick Bluffing of Johnny Crapaud. Lippinc 66:928 D '00 Grit, i^ippinc 73:583 My '04 Vengeance that followed. Mun 27:81 Ap '02 Vaux, Peter Man of the merchant marine. Mun 27:649 Jl '02 Vavasour ball. F. Livingston. Met 26:231 My •07 Veeder, Frederick Fall of James Potter. Harper 103:319 Jl '01 Gideon's battle. Harper 102:649 Mr '01 Randolph P. Ruggles' Christmas tree. Har- per 104:171 D '01 Vegetarian adventure. B. Maniates. New Eng n s 35:60 S '06 Vehicle of love. G. Hibbard. McClure 17:316 Ag '01 Veil. B. D. Lloyd. Everybody's 12:167 F '05 Veiled lady of Stamboul. F. H. Smith. Scrib 40:672 D '06 Veiller, Bayard Fixed determination. Mun 23:220 My '00 In the matter of the mission. McClure 21:264 Jl '03 Veiller, Louise Plagiarist. Everybody's 22:504 Ap '10 Vendetta of Plum mountain brook. S. E. John- son. New Eng n s 21:668 F '00 Vendetta of the wheels. H. Scheffauer. Harp W 56:15 Ap 6 '12 Venetian beads. J. Lee. Harper 119:573 S '09 Venetian night's entertainment. E. Wharton. Scrib 34:640 D '03 Venetia's child. M. Maartens. Scrib 37:165 F '05 Venezuelan gavroche. C. J. Post. Cent 84:427 Jl '12 Vengeance is mine. D. C. Scott. Mun 36:777 Mr '07 Vengeance of Rett Adams. E. W. Durbin. Les Mo 53:649 Ap '02 Vengeance of the Lord. P. B. Kyne. Sat E P 1S4:S S 16 '11 Vengeance that followed. P. Vaux. Mun 27:81 Ap '02 Venture in beans. W. V. Woehlke. Sat E P 185:7 Ap 5 '13 Venture in high finance. E. Flower. Sat E P 179:12 F 2 '07 Venture of the Flying Hand. J. B. Connolly. Col 42:20 S 26 '08 Venturer's. O. Henry. Everybody's 21:486 O •09 Venus and the whale. E. T. Mason. Cent 68: 657 Ag '04 Venus ex-officio. J. F. Wilson. Sat E P 183:8 Je 24 '11 Venus in the fields. G. Schock. Harper 116:598 Mr '08 Venus or Minerva. G. M. Martin. McClure 19: 432 S '02 Vera, the medium. R. H. Davis. Scrib 43:395, :/■'.?,. 713 Ap-Je '08 Ver Beck, Mrs. Frank. See Rion, Hanna Verdict. A. Abbott. Cosmop 49:693 N '10 Verdict. M. K. Maule. Met 32:183 My '10 Verdict. E. Wharton. Scrib 43:689 Je "08 Verdict for the plaintiff. A. Pratt. Met 25:481 J.t '07 Veritable quldors. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 175: 6 N 22 '02 Verlta's stratagem. A. Warner. Cent 86:430 Jl Vermllye, Mrs. F. M. See Jordan. Kate Vermilye. Mrs. Kate (Jordan). See Jordan, K'.'itf Vernede, R. E. DffflvfT.M ever. LIpplnr 71 :2.''>6 F '03 GreatneHH of Mr. WatherHtone. Harper 117: 578 S '08 Vernede, R. E. — continued Mauanie Bluebeard. Harp W 53:22 N 13 '09 Misaaveuture of Mr. Minks. Les Mo 57:509 Mr '04 Ohence of Stephen Danesford. Harper 119: 942 N '09 Outrage at Port Allington. Harper 128:452 F •14 Perfect guard. Met 29:131 N 'OS Soaring spirits. Harper 121:425 Ag '10 Verney, Frank E. Colonel Copp^s finesse. Lippinc 88:414 S '11 Discipline. Lippinc 90:476 O '12 Veronika and the Angelinos. C. Day. McClure 32:277 Ja '09 Versatility of Aunt Mary. B. Brolaski. New Eng n s 38:623 Jl '08 Versus the same. M. S. Briscoe. Harper 116: 749 Ap '08 Very best thing to do. N. W. Putnam. Mun 43:818 S '10 Very raw recruits. E. K. Means. Mun 53:295 N '14 Very small person. A. H. Donnell. Harper 105: 877 N '02 Very small room. L. Clement. Harp W 58:15 Ja 3 '14 Very tall gentleman. B. MacArthur. Lippinc 86:246 Ag '10 Very tired girl. E. H. Abbott. Col 40:13 N 16 •07 Very wise virgin. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 73:749 Je •Ol Vested remainder. M. Glass. Sat E P 184:6 Ap 13 ^12 Veteran: a tale of the French army. G. D^Es- parbes. Cur Lit 49:577 N '10 Veteran of seventy-six. E. Singmaster. Outl 90:545 N 5 '10 Veteran's last campaign. C. Johnston. Harper 113:37 Je '06 Veto power. A. O'Hagan. Mun 32:571 Ja '05 Vevie. E. Jordan. Col 43:22 My 15 '09 Viaud, Louis Marie Julien. See Loti, Pierre, pseud. Viator, pseud. Only a clown. Harp W 54:18 S 3 "10 Vibration disintegrator. W. D. Nesbit. Harper 117:965 N '08 Vicarious. E. R. Mirrielees. Allan 111:237 F ■13 Vice-consort. F. R. Stockton. Scrib 28:642 D ■00 Vicious circle. O. Wister. Sat E P 175:1 D 13 '02 Vicomte's campaign. R. Macknight. Harp W 41:1186 D 8 '00 Victim of cleanliness. G. Schock. Cent 67:539 F '04 Victim of honesty. W. Inglis. Harp W 53:15 D 25 '09 Victim of stage custom. H. V. Marr. Harper 102:332 Ja '01 Victim to glamour. J. W. Tompkins. Col 38:24 O 27 '06 Victor. A. T. Quiller-Couch. Sat E P 174:6 Ja 18 "02 Victor. O. Thanet. Harper 104:785 Ap '02 Victor at Chunphe. C. E. Craddock. Harper 100:508 Mr '00 Victoria: a Red Saunders story. H. W. Phil- lil)H. Amer 76:53 N '13 Victoria spoon. C. Wells. Lippinc 180:206 Ag •07 Victory. G. Coolldge. Col 51:16 S 6 '13 Victory, The. E. Lefftvre. Sat E P 185:8 F 22 Victory. H. Palmer. Col 36:18 S 30 '05 Victory, r;. Pattullo. Sat E P 187:10 O 17 "14 Victory. M. B. Shipp. Les Mo 58:544 S '04 Victory Law. See Warwick, Anne. 3IO STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Victory unforeseen. R. D. Paine. Scrib 38:1 Jl •U5 Victory with honor. R. H. Barbour. Lippinc 76:712 V '05 Viele, Herman Knickerbocker, 1S56-190S Carhart mystery. Cosmop 35:559 S '03 Guest of honor. McClure 19:395 S '02 Meddler. Cosmop 35:G35 O '03 Money meter. McClure 24:17« D '04 Viereck, George Sylvester, 1884- Other side of the moon. Cur Lit 40:675 Je 06 Vigil. M. F. Coughlin. Delin 72:227 Ag '08 Vigil, The. W. W. Jacobs. Met 35:9 S '12 Viking of the east. H. S. Canfield. Every- body's 8:153 F '03 Village autocrat. A. H. Donnell. Outl 102:127 S 21 '12 Village child. J. Lee. Col 35:17 Ag 26 '05 Village dressmaker. H. P. Spofford. Atlan 97: 59 Ja '06 Village improvement. C. W. Rankin. Harper 103:324 Jl '01 Village Munchausen. D. Canfleld. Mun 39:357 Je '08 Villagers. D. H. Haines. Everybody's 25:304 S '11 Villain of the piece. D. Deakin. Sat E P 184:12 Ja 13 '12 Villain to the rescue. L. D. Style. Met 17:267 Je '03 Vincent, John Heyl, D.D. Old quilt. Outl 64:873 Ap 14 '00 Vincent, Leon Henry, 1859- -70.0^9 r^ By the reputation of his son. Cent 79.302 XJ '09 Law of his nature. Scrib 41:585 My '07 Vindication. J. Morton. Harper 120:409 F '10 Vindication of Jared Hargot. P. L. Dunbar. Lippinc 73:374 Mr '04 Vindication of Mr. Bilks. H. Pendexter. Ev- erybody's 13:270 Ag '05 Vine-leaf. M. C. Mena. Cent 89:288 D '14 Violet, Mme. Jeanne. See Chantepleure, Guy, pseud. Violin on Freestone. E. Boltwood. Mun 29:540 Jl '03 Violinist. G. A. Birmingham. Everybody's 30: 161 F '14 Viper. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 82:513 N '08 Virgil in Maine. M. B. Dunn. Atlan 100:773 D '07 Virgin of Okiak. V. Rousseau. Harp W 55:16 Jl S '11 Virginia and the simple life. F. T. Jesse. Met 38:24 Jl '13 Virginia Potluck. O '05 S. C. Page. Lippinc 76:496 Virtue of necessity. D. Woodville. Harp W 56: 15 Je 29 '12 Virtue rewarded. S. B. Mitchell. Col 50:17 S 28 '12 Visible judgment. A. Colton. Scrib 28:481 O '00 Visible return. E. Singmaster. Outl 99:224 S 23 '11 Vision. E. C. Waltz. Cent 65:207 D '02 Vision of Easter. J. Smith. Col 49:11 Mr 30 '12 Vision sent. J. C. Lincoln. Everybody's 21:13 Jl '09 Visit of condolence. A. S. Winston. Harp B 40:692 Ag '06 Visit to a palmist. K. M. Roof. Lippinc 92:482 O '13 Visit to Yule college. J. K. Bangs. Harp B 44: 96 F '10 Visiting. J. M. Flagg. Amer 77:106 F '14 Visiting mamma; drama. E. Emmons. Harp B 43:860 S '09 Visiting of Mother Danbury. P. L. Dunbar. Lippinc 68:721 D '01 Vive L'Amerique. H. Rhodes. Met 35:17 D '11 Vive I'empereur. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 32: 271 S 417 O '02 Vivian, Thomas Jondrie, 1S5S — and Bennett, Tilting island. Everybody's 21:380 S '09 Vogel, H. B. Proposal by proxy. Everybody's 2:511 Je '00 Voice. M. Deland. Harper 105:592 S '02 Voice from the dark. C. B. Howard. Cent 72: 953 O '06 Voice in the air. R. Barr. Les Mo 54:394 Ag '02 Voice in the dai-kness. E. Chappel. Every- body's 25:271 Ag '11 Voice in the multitude. J. Blethen. Mun 28: 276 N '02 Voice in the night. E. C. Reed. New Eng n s 29:682 F '04 Voice in the rice. See Morris, Gouverneur Voice of — ! J. Galsworthy. Met 35:14 F '12 Voice of an ocean liner. E. Poole. Sat E P 181:10 Jl 4 '08 Voice of authority. J. F. Wilson. Amer 69:386 Ja '10 Voice of beauty. C. B. Fernald. Atlan 97:675 My '06 Voice of Lob. W. A. Anderson. Everybody's 30:742 Je '14 Voice of spring. F. X. Finnegan. Col 53:9 Je 20 '14 Voice of the harp. E. M. Tybout. Lippinc 73: 192 F '04 Voice of truth. E. Jordan. Harp B 38:660 Jl '04 Volume VII. G. B. Fife. Scrib 36:759 D '04 Voluntary exile. J. Lee. Lippinc 70:759 D '02 Volunteer inebriate. P. E. Curtiss. Amer 72: 620 S '11 Von Kraft, Karl. See Kraft, Karl von von Oertzen, Marguerite, 1868- Success. Cur Lit 40:452 Ap '06 Von Schierbrand, Wolf Kusma's wooing. Delin 67:1096 Je '06 Voodoo-woman. M. S. Watts. McClure 30:177 D '07 Vorse, Albert White, 1866-1910 Balloon fox-hunt. Everybody's 23:461 O '10 Making of a pilot. Scrib 30:661 D '01 Their brother's keepers. Everybody's 19:116 Jl '08 Vorse, Mrs. Albert White. See Vorse, Mrs. Mary Marion Heaton Vorse, Mary Marion (Heaton) (Mrs. Joseph O'Brien) At Brady's. McClure 34:645 Ap '10 Awkward question. Harper 113:68 Je '06 Babble of old Beaux. Scrib 45:369 Mr '09 Boy who didn't catch things. Everybody's 10: 785 Je '04 Breaking in of a yachtsman's wife. Atlan 96: 197 Ag '05 Breaking of Carmela. Lippinc 93:456 Ap '14 Breaking point. Everybody's 29:363 S '13 Callers. Amer 70:273 Je '10 Cart dwellers. Outl 94:534 Mr 5 '10 Case of Frederick. Harper 127:786 O '13 Casting vote. Everybody's 14:22 Ja '06 Chastening of Sally. Everybody's 21:390 S 09 Child's heart. Cent 88:815 O '14 Compelling passion. Delin 77:8 Ja '11 Concerning tribal warfare. Cent 78:45 My 09 Conscience and the gondola. Atlan 101:755 Je '08 ,_ Convalescing home. Harp B 45:22 Ja 11 Cruize of the^ Quinze Mille Vierges. Atlan Destroyer of homes. Atlan 104:501 O '09 Devastation of Dennisport. Atlan 114:64b JN Distintegrator. Harper 129:232 Jl '14 Down-and-outer. Everybody s 26:117 Ja 12 Dumbness of children. Harp B 4(:269 Je li Extra thousand. Harper 123:101 Je 11 Fatal hash Amer 70:843 O '10 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 311 Vorse, Mary Marion — continued Further adventures of a yachtsman's wife. Atlan 9S:240 Ag '06 Grantham's limitations. Scrib 44:521 N '08 Heart of coronation. Amer 70:401 Jl '10 Heart of tlie house. Everybody's 15:725 D '06 In Bohemia. Everybody's 16;1S5 F '07 Inability to Interfere. McClure 31:477 Ag '08 Jimsie Bate and the furnace fire. Amer 69: 4S2 F '10 Jimsie's afternoon off. Amer 68:160 Je '09 Long wait. Everybody's 28:218 F '13 Madelon Viera. Atlan 105:453 Ap '10 Mr. McClanahan, the Chinese laundry, and Beller. McClure 30:480 F 'OS Mysterious anger of Mrs. Mayberry. Cur Lit 45:697 D '08 Ninth man. Harper 129:813. 130:128 N-D '14 Other doors. Scrib 39:602 My '06 Perfect hour. Harper 121:505 S '10 Quiet woman. Atlan 99:80 Ja '07 Second wife. Harper 124:402 F "12 Shifted burden. Everybody's 18:189 F '08 Silent wire. Everybody's 15:264 Ag 'OG Staying out of Jimsie Bate. Amer 66:472 S '08 Stranger. ISIet 31:750 Mr '10 Susie Essenheimer and ma. McClure 38:269 Ja '12 Teeth. McClure 30:682 Ap '08 These Americans. Met 38:21 Jl '13 Two girls and a friend. Met 32:365 Je '10 Undoing of man. Everybody's 16:403 Mr '07 Wild west in Dennisport. Met 34:57 Ap '11 Wreck of the Josephine and Maria. Met 34: 680 S '11 Youngest son. Harper 117:679 O '08 Vortex. R. Kipling. Scrib 56:137 Ag '14 Votes for men: dialogue. M. Cholmondeley. Harp B 44:10 Ja '10 Votes from women. G. Fitch. Sat E P 183:11 My 6 '11 Vow anti-matrimonial. H. M. Hoke. Cosmop 38: 531 Mr '05 Vox. M. T. Wright. Harper 107:770 O '03 Voyage of Captain Lambounigue. R. Bringer. Cur Lit 50:566 My '11 Voyage of the Brig December. G. S. Wasson. Atlan 99:213 F '07 Voyage of the Mary Simpson. A. W. Colton. Harper 104:509 F '02 Voyage of the Snark. J. London. Cosmop 42: 115 D '06 Voyage of the wee red cap. R. Sawyer. Outl 99:742 N 25 '11 Voyagers. G. B. Fife. Scrib 36:614 N '04 Voyageurs. F. W. Burrows. New Eng n s 38: 33 Mr '08 Vulture. J. M. Forman. Harper 112:824 My '06 Vynne, Harold Richard For the honor of Spain. Harp W 44:847 S 8 '00 Girl in the bachelor's flat. L H J 17:7 My '00 w W. T. H. J. O'Higgins. Everybody's 21:43 Jl •09 Wa-shun-lah-ga-lah. L. Scott. Everybody's 11: 4M7 S '04 WabanakI cave-legend. G. W. Chamberlain. New Eng n s 39:109 S '08 Waddel, Charles Carey (Charles Carey, pseud.), isr.s- Admonition of Cain. Everybody's 8:258 Mr '03 Gas.sey Thompson's prize money. Mun 31:222 My '04 Waddle. Charles C. nyr)notizinK of I..obella. Everybody's 5:715 D '01 Two deserters. Met 14:281 Atr '01 When soul met soul. Met 17:201 F '03 Waddel. Mrs. Charles Carey. See Foster. Mary r.ouisf Waddlngtons. R. H. Eastman. Harper 129:479 Ag '14 Waddy's auto ride. E. L. Sabin. Cent 74:558 Ag '07 Wade, Elizabeth Flint Deacon 'Bijah's shrift. Everybody's 15:701 N '06 Fourth Elizabeth. Everybody's 13:602 N '05 Mis' Perkins' supper. Everybody's 10:122 Ja '04 Mrs. Doolittle of Hanover Green. Everybody's 10:847 Je '04 Rosanna Green's wedding-dress. Everybody's 10:847 Je '04 Wadley, Jean Wilde Daphne and the law. Lippinc 92:630 N '13 Wages of honor. K. H. Brown. Scrib 44:71 Jl '08 Wages of Jacob. H. Whitaker. Everybody's 14: 13 Ja 06 Wages of salvation. Mrs. W. Woodrow. Mc- Clure 28:141 D '06 Wagner matinee. W. S. Gather. Everybody's 10:325 Mr '04 Waif woman. R. L. Stevenson. Scrib 56:687 D '14 Wainwright and the little gods. M. Cameron. Harper 114:76 D '06 Wainwright's ward. M. Van Vorst. Harper 107:917 N '03 Waiter. R. Middleton. Met 17:331 Mr '03 Waiting. J. Morton. Everybody's 20:477 Ap '09 Waiting for a call. H. Carruth. Cosmop 33: 472 Ag '02 Waiting hand. M. Deland. Cent 78:364 Jl '09 Waiting of Helen Horton. M. A. Rundell. New Eng n s 27:349 N '02 Waiting of Miss Lavinia. E. K. Betts. Every- body's 14:122 Ja '06 Waiting-room. A. S. Winston. Cent 77:473 Ja '09 Waitress at the Phoenix. R. Fisguill. Col 49: 20 S 7 '12 Wakefield, Clark B. Fate and the circus. Harper 110:325 Ja '05 Widow Preble. Harper 111:317 Jl 05 Wakefield, Hugh Jack did it. McClure 32:412 F '09 Wakeful beauty. K. L. Mead. Harper 103:666 S '01 Waking of the princess. M. B. Shipp. Mun 28: 7bO F '03 Waking of the sleepers. G. H. Payne. Sat E P 177:20 Jl 9 '04 Waking up of North Banfield. W. S. Rossiter. Cent 80:947 O '10 Walcott, Earle Ashley, 1859- Play devil. Cent 61:588 F '01 Walden, Mrs. Reginald Prescott. See Devoore, Ann Waldo, Fullerton Leonard. 1877- Master. Outl 69:9 S 7 '01 Waldo, Judith Graves .A.nn. Everybody's 10:850 Je '04 P.syche. Everybody's 10:414 Mr '04 Winnowing gold. Atlan 102:43 Jl '08 Waldo Trench regains his youth. H. B. Fuller. Scrib 42:231 Ag '07 Walford, Lucy Bertha (Colquhoun) (Mrs. Alfred Saunders Walford), 1S15- In the thick of it. Sat E P 173:10 Ag 11 '00 Lace camisole. Cent 61:178 D '00 Walker. Elliot Brought home. Mun 30:750 F '04 Con.sideration of Mr. Whimpott. IVTun 33:348 Je '05 Default In practise. Mun 35:501 .11 '06 Fl.nw In the titlo. Now Eng n s 29:.';2 .=! 'OS Jnckson's thirst. Now Eng n s 28 551 Jl "03 Kolffor's r.'ilso. Now Enr n s X7-759 F 'OS Making over of Pinch. Mun 31:857 P '01 Middleman. Now Enir n s 30:28 Mr '04 Over tho lino Mun 27-4''7 Jl *n; Promofinn of Tyomuol Cadv. Now Eng n s 37: 335 N '07 Strategy of Hazel. Afun 32 -352 D "04 312 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Walker, Elliot — continued To-day of yesterday. Everybody's 15:409 S '06 Trial of Trot. Mun 29:344 Je '03 Uncle Jacob. New Eng n s 29:157 O '03 Wheeler's hired man. New Eng n s 29:648 Ja •04 Walker, Herbert C. Lawyer's Christmas socks. Harp W 55:16 D 16 '11 Walker, John Brisben, 1847- Modern Swiss Family Robinson. Cosmop 37: 659 O '04 Walker, Waldo Curyea Tent-maker. Cent 76:608 Ag '08 Walking delegate. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:13 N 20 '09 Walking woman. M. Austin. Atlan 100:216 Ag ■07 Wall, F. R. Tried by his peers. Met 11:84 Ja '00 Wall, Mrs. Louise (Herrick), 1S66- In one fellowsliip. Cent 60:348 Jl '00 Wall of silence. E. M. Coombs. Lippinc 86:212 Ag '10 Wall, R. N. Angel. Col 51:16 Ag 16 '13 Yeggs ambition. Col 52:8 N 29 '13 Wall-street man. W. Payne. Sat E P 179:10 Ap 6 '07 Wall street miner. S. A. Nelson. Les Mo 53: 338 Ja '02 Wall-street plan. E. Flower. Cent 69:813 Ap '05 Wall street raid of Shifty Shift. W. H. Os- borne. Met 24:682 S '06 Wall street wife. Sat E P 184:9 Ja 27 '12 Walla Tenaka — Creek. J. M. Oskison. Col 51: 16 Jl 12 '13 Wallace, Edgar, 1875- Affair of the lady missionary. Amer 75:82 F '13 Bosambo of Monrovia. Harp W 55:16 Ag 26 '11 Certain game. Harp W 56:14 Ap 20 '12 Devil man. Harp W 55:14 F 18 '11 Education of King Peter. McClure 35:88 My '10 Emperor Tobolaka. Met 38:49 Jl '13 His game. Harp W 54:1S S 17 '10 Lonely. Harp W 55:14 My 20 '11 Nine terrible men. Amer 75:43 N '12 Sanders of the river. Met 33:733 Mr '11. Same Harp TV 55:16 S 23 '11 Thinker and the gum-tree. Harp W 56:16 O 19 '12 Wallace, Emma Gary Fair exchange. New Eng n s 26:708 Ag '02 Wallace. Lewis (Lew Wallace^. 1827-1905 How I saved Ben. Cent 62:758 S '01 Wallflowers. H. B. Parker. Delin 82:440 Je '13 Wa!"ngford. strike-breaker. G. R. Chester. Cosmop 57:788 N '14 Walls of Jericho. P. L. Dunbar. Sat E P 173: 14 Ap 6 '01 Walrus and the carpenter. K. Norris. Mc- Clure 37:532 S '11 Walsh. George Ethelbert, 1865- Engineer who was afraid. Harp W 53:22 My 22 '09 Mei-win's last chance. New Eng n s 31:261 N '04 Walsh, Henry Collins ^„ „„„ , ,„^ Rose and a thorn. Lippinc 68:238 Ag 01 Walsh. John H _„ ^„„ „ „„ Dr. Punts's patient. Harper 127:198 Jl 13 Old Gooney. Scrib 50:193 Ae '11 _ ^ ,^„ That man Riser. Sat E P 183:49 O 1 '10 Under the Penobscot's bow. Scrib 50:356 S 11 Under water. Sat E P 188:14 N 5 '10 Walsh, Richard J. „„„ ,, „„ Two halves of a check. Lippinc 89:69(5 My '12 Walsh, Thomas, 1875- _„ ^ ,„„ Sensation at Mrs. D'Orsay's. Met 15:43 Ja '02 Walsh, William T. Cultivating the underlings. Harp W 55:11 Ao 22 '11 Walter. Paul A. F. Love and the lot. L H J 21:14 Ag '04 Walter, Zelia Margaret Wandering lamb. Cosmop 43:448 Ag '07 Walton, Eleanor Going Lisa. Lippinc 67:375 Mr '01 Walton, Emma Lee Point of view. Everybody's 20:275 F '09 Reprieve. Everybody's 14:125 Ja '06 War. Mun 53:361 N '14 Walton, Francis, pseud. See Hodder, Alfred. Waltz, Mrs. Elizabeth (Cherry), 1866-1903 Drought. Cent 66:101 My '03 How Sandy Claws treated Pop Baker. Cent 67:230 D '03 Hurt in the spirit. Lippinc 75:621 My '05 Lady of balance. Cent 70:703 S '05 Knights to the rescue. Cent 65:581 F '03 Mystery play: Christmas at the Crossroads farm. Cent 63:182 D '01. Same, Cur Lit 35: 671 D '03 Old dragon. Cent 66:841 O '03 Passing of Elkanah Ritter. Cent 65:769 Mr '03 Praying-match. Cent 60:450 Jl '00 Redemption. Cent 66:702 S '03 Tramp. Cent 66:604 Ag '03 Vision. Cent 65:207 D '02 White turkey. Cent 66:285 Je '03 Walworth, Frederick Appeasing of Khali. Les Mo 59:506 Mr '05 Baptism of the Buzzards. Everybody's 6:471 My '02 Chief Burnsockis. Everybody's 9:820 D '03 Dogged chase. Les Mo 56:175 Je '03 Doggy Kitson. Les Mo 59:668 Ap '05 Gods from the machine. Les Mo 59:441 F '05 Holoma. Met 19:381 D '03 Horton versus Packard. Cosmop 35:667 O '03 Marriage of Martin. Everybody's 9:51 Jl '03 Our red-headed kid. McClure 19:281 Jl '02 Pacification of Cebu. Everybody's 10:43 Ja '04 Pilli-Pang-Wang. Les Mo 58:41 My '04 Pomp and panoply of war. McClure 30:502 F '08 Salvation of William. Les Mo 58:292 Jl '04 William Henry Hopkins, drafted man. Mun 28:878 Mr '03 Walworth, Jeannette Ritchie Hadermann Fate of an Olivine ring. Les Mo 49:404 F "00 T\^inning of a wager. Delin 62:176 Ag '03 Wanda of the mysteries. S. Merwin. McClure 40:113 Mr '13 Wanderin' Jane. N. M. Lemmon. Lippinc 94: 334 S '14 Wandering foot. H. Dickson. Amer 69:769 Ap '10 Wandering lamb. Z. M. Walters. Cosmop 43: 448 Ag '07 Wanderings of Lou the Lucky. G. C. Hull. Met 24:737 S '06 Wanderlust. F. Krog. McClure 37:428 Ag '11 Wang's horseshoes J. S. Thompson. Met 28: 214 My '08 Wanted. J. W. Tompkins. Everybody's 8:370 Ap '03 Wanted: a blacksmith. C. Dangerfield. Delin 73:246 F '09 Wanted; a chaperon. P. L. Ford. Cent 64:331 Jl '02 Wanted — a foreman for the Z Star. C. L. Cul- len. Mun 47:237 My '12 Wanted; a hero. V. Mapes. Cent 62:203 Je '01 Wanted; a match-maker. P. L. Ford. Harper 101:498 S '00 Wanted — a million. H. M. Hyde. Sat E P 178:3 Je 6 '06 Wanted — a peacemaker. T. KinnifE. New Eng n s 41:860 S '09 Wanted — one romance. P. Curtiss. Everybody's 25:694 N '11 War. F. T. Hill. Harper 116:247 Ja 'OS War. J London. Cur Lit 51:452 O '11 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 313 War. E. L. Walton. Mun 53:361 N '14 War maiden of the Sioux. C. A. Eastman, L H J 1^3:14 Ag- '06 War of the precentors. H. Whitaker. Harper 106:106 D '02 War-time Evangeline. M. Harland. Lippinc 75:215 F '05 War-time Santa Claus. G. King. Col 44:12 D 11 '09 Ward, A. B., pseud. See Bailey, Alice Ward. Ward, Arthur Sarsfield. See Rohmer, Sax, pseud. Ward boss. A. B. Poor. New Eng n s 23:150 O '00 Ward, Clara Elizabeth Regeneration of Mary Mather. Lippinc 71:411 Mr '03 Ward, Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps) (Mrs. Herbert Dickinson Ward), 1844-1911 Autobiography of Aureola. Cent 68:109 My '04 Chariot of fire. Harper 110:777 Ap '05 Chief operator. Harper 119:300 Jl '09. Same, Harper W 55:8 O 14 '11 Christophorus. Harper 118:718 Ap '09 Comrades. Harper 123:398 Ag '11 Covered embers. Harper 111:351 Ag '05 Dea ex machina. Harper 108:304 Ja '04 Fee. Cent 61:671 N '01 His father's heart. Harper 121:377 Ag '10 His soul to keep. Harper 117:500 S '08 His wife. Harper 103:51s, 701. 894 S-N '01 Jonathan and David. Harper 109:364 Ag '04 Joy- giver. Harp B 38:25 Ja '04 Presence, The. Harp B 44:7 Ja '10 Romance of the bill. Harp B 36:1039 D '02 Sacrament. Harper 112:13 D '05 Sweet home road. Harp B 44:153 Mr 236 Ap '10 Told in trust. Harp B 33:8 My 5 '00 Unemployed. Harper 113:904 N '06 Ward, Eunice Bargain's day. Met 28:68 Ap '08 Ward, Frank Atwater Old hunger. Mun 47:870 S '12 Ward, Grace B. Ann Arbor stories. Delin 57:292 F '01 Over in Devil's caiion. Met 17:45 Ja '03 Ward, Herbert Dickinson, 1861- Algological love-story. Cosmop 38:417 F '05 Bridal mirror. L H J 21:7 My '04 Dr. Cox's discovery. Cosmop 34:297 Ja '03 Frank Rust, hero. Cosmop 39:535 S '05 His mother's portrait. L H J 21:7 Ag '04 Last cla.ss-supper. Cent 76:190 Je '08 Man of Gloucester. Harper 118:849 My '09 Mr. Cotter's vacation. McClure 20:171 D '02 Norman's woe. Delin 65:69 Ja '05 Regression of Professor Slocum. Cent 70:38 My '05 Rider. Cosmop 35:573 S '03 Sandy McKiver, hero Cent 66:914 O '03 Tangent of a crime. Atlan 95:328 Mr '05 Thumbs up. Harp P. 45:542 D '11 Ward, Mrs. Herbert Dickinson. See Ward, Eliz- abeth Stuart Ward, Lauriston Diary of an amateur laundress. Harper 112: 482 F '06 Ward, Mary K Mr. Brown's appetite. New Eng n s 36:348 My '07 Ward of Colonel Starbottle's. B. Harte. Har- per 104.66 D '01 Ward of the Mullin Rudge. M. Manning. Harp Wardlow, S. A. Iriashal — come with me. Co.smop 33:444 Ag Warman, Cy, 18.f,5.ini4 Athab.isc.i ),fllf r.es Mo 60:271 JI '05 Fidelity of a dog Lippinc 71:361 Mr '03 Head on; wreck of the tea train. Sat E P 1S2:22 My 7 '10 Jack Parleys flying switch. Lippinc 6«:454 Last spike. Les Mo 53:23.'? D "01 Oppressing the oppressor. Lippinc 67:731 Je Warman, Cy — continued Persecution of a pup. Lippinc 70:486 O '02 Sorrow of a setter. Lippinc 71:698 My '03 Weiga of Temagami. Lippinc 76:467 O '05 Wildwood limited. Lippinc 76:732 D '05 Warming Carterville station. H. Carruth. Col 34:24 D 10 '04 Warner, Anne. See French, Anne Warner, Arthur H. By authority of the commissioners. Mun 31: 336 Je '04 Trimmers two. Cent 80:104 My '10 Warner, Charles Dudley, 1829-1900 Education of Sam. Cent 61:56 N '00 Warner, Henry Edward Psyche of our boarding house. Sat E P 184: 38 Ap 27 '12 Warning. J. D. Bacon. Scrib 44:713 D '08 Warning. E. Wood. Harp B 39:613 Jl '05 Warning of Sexton Maginnis. M. F. Egan, Cent 67:675 Mr '04 Warrant for Wilmer. F. N. Stratton. Mun 32: 857 Mr 05 Warren, Charles Colliso club theatricals. Scrib 28:16 Jl '00 Daughter of the state. Scrib 28:350 S '00 Draxon dinners. Atlan 86:500 O '00 Governor's rehearsal. McCblure 13:76 My '00 How it ends with friends. Scrib 31:631 My '02 How tile law came to Jenkin's Creek. Mc- Clure 16:77 N '00 Strone's southerner. Col 35:16 Je 3 '05 Thirsty Dan. Amer 61:346 Ja '06 Warren, Constance Owing to Piccolo. Mun 43:771 S '10 Warren, Mrs. Maude Lavinia (Radford), 1875- And then his soul was born. Harper 117:49 Je 'OS Beatrix and Benedict. Sat E P 179:8 Mr 30 '07 Call of the road. Sat E P 181:6 Ag 15 '08 Child who lived in a hotel. L H J 26:8 Ja '09 Coddling the ego. Col 50:16 F 15 '13 Cutting with a blunt knife. Sat E P 186:5 Je 13 '14 Flaherty, master of love. Sat E P 177:8 Mr 4 '05 Flaherty pursued. Sat E P 178:9 N 18 '05 Flower o' the road. Harper 125:781 O '12 Human fraction. Sat E P 187:11 D 26 '14 Idyl of the yards. McClure 29:438 Ag '07 Lilly of the field. Sat E P 186:9 Je 27 '14 Little Father of St. Angelo's. Amer 62:645 O '06 Mari."^old, common or garden variety. Mun 41:136 Ap '09 Master- weaver. Atlan 103:65 Ja '09 Match-maker. Sat E P 179:5 My 11 '07 Mr. Durgan and the ampeer puffs. Harper 121:269 Jl '10 Mr. Dur.gan and the new cookery. Col 49:19 Ap 6 '12 Mr. Durgan and the Tango. Harper 129:413 Ag '14 Mr. Durgan and Violet. Harper 129:661 O '14 Mr. Durgan's cousin Beatrice. Harper 130:16 D '14 Odd woman. Sat E P 185:6 F 8 '13 Patrick on the primrose path. Sat E P 178:13 My 5 '06 Patrick Sarsfield. diplomat. Sat E P 178:3 Ag 19 '05 Paying back their wedding presents. L II J 29:8 Ja '12 Peter. Peter. Harp B 42:1177; 43:15, 111, 206, 370, 432, 550 D 'OS Je '09 Presence. Harper 11.S:SS6 My '09 Resurrection. A. Mun 37:075 Ag '07 Rose Marshall. L TI J 27:11 O 1. 13 N 1.15 D 1, '10; 2.8:15 Ja 1 '11 Seat of judgment. Sat R P 170:20 N 17 'Ofi Second wife. L II J 30:7 My 10, Je 12, Jl 'IS Story of Shoolah. Medline 29:246 Jl '07 Wearln" o' the Green. Sat E V 177:8 S 24 '04 When Ada became engaged. Harp B 41:798 Ag '07 When Kthol woke up. L TT J 29:14 Mr '12 Wom:in pioneer. Snf K P 183:14 My 6, S Mv 13. '.'7 My 20. 16 Mv 27. 26 Jo 3 22 Je 17 '11 Wront' side of the counter. Sat E P 185:3 Ap 19. 20 Ap 26 '13 314 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Warren, Mrs. Maude Lavinia — continued Year in Bohemia. Sat B P 186:3 Mr 28, 25 Ap 4 '14 Young girl in a hotel. L H J 26:18 F '09 Young knight-errant. Sat E P 178:8 Mr 10 '06 Young married couple in a hotel. L. H J 26: 13 Ap '09 — and Crandall, Harriett Unlit lamp. Harper 115:684 O '07 Warren, Wallace Hoodooed mispah. Met 21:197 N '04 Warrior's daughter. Zitkala-Sa. Everybody's 6:346 Ap '02 Warrior's mother. M. S. Rawson. Harper 105: 173 Jl '02 Wars of the Rileys. J. A. Ri'is. Outl 102:914 D 28, '12 Warth, John Mongrel. Everybody's 25:463 O '11 Warwick, Anne, pseud. (Mrs. Ruth [Cranston] Newlin) Anne — just a plain woman. Harper 122:401 F '11 Chalmers — clearly a club-man. Harper 123: 303 Jl '11 Face. Cent 84:904 O '12 Gladys Marie — mei'ely a maid. Harper 122: 719 Ap '11 Sheila — simply a society person. Harper 122: Timothy — only a writer. Harper 122:577 Mr Victory law. L H J 30:8 S 10, O 22, N 25, D '13; 31:11 Ja 17 F '14 What there was of it. Lippinc 91:305 Mr 13 Wary campaigner. F. W. Wharton. Cosmop 35:149 Je '03 Was it Heaven? Or Hell? M. Twain. Harper 106:11 D '02 Was she justified? K. G. Wells. New Eng n s 23:697 F '01 Washburn, Claude C. Caroline and her note-book. McClure 32:32 N '08 Little girl who didn't know how to play. Harp B 45:224 My '11 Washburne, Marion Foster, 1863- Aunt Margaret's busy day. Harp B 38:280 Mr '04 Washington Square, one dollar. P. Henry. Les Mo 52:95 My '01 Wason, Robert Alexander Babe Randolph's turning point. McClure 23: 464 S '04 Cupid. Everybody's 15:79 Jl '06 Happy Hawkins and the Chinese question. Met 28:150 My '08 Jimmy Hogan. Met 26:758. 27:92, 224 S-N '07 One great love. Met 29:433 Ja '09 Rajah. Met 28:446 Jl '08 Time that Happy Hawkins got lonesome. Met 27:651 F 'OS Winter at Slocum's Luck. Met 26:8 Ap '07 Wasp, The. T. G. Roberts. Mun 49:1031 S '13 Wasson, George Savary, 1855- Bo'sn Hill Ground. Atlan 90:73 Jl '02 Captain Pike's little rinktum. Les Mo 57:61 N '03 Evenings at Simeon's store. Atlan 90:694 N '02 Heavin' the project. Atlan 101:237 F '08 Master-cure. Outl 77:127 My 14 '04 Overhauling the politicianers. Cent 66:538 Ag '03 Rote. Atlan 97:747 Je '06 Rusticators at the cove. Cent 64:701 S '02 Sea-glim. Atlan 99:835 Je '07 Spring cleaning. Outl 76:594 Mr 5 '04 Squire's shrewd move. Les Mo 57:534 Mr '04 Teching of the Vesper. Scrib 32:50 Jl '02 Tribulations of a seacoast parish. Outl 74:988 Ag 22 '03 Two Chanty-men. Atlan 94:218 Ag '04 T'''ndertow. Outl 99:668 N 18 '11 Vovage of the Brig December. Atlan 99:213 F '07 Who fell from aloft? Atlan 89:185 F '02 Witch-bridle. Atlan 91:345 Mr '03 Wasson, George Savary — continued Works on the schooner Harvester. Atlan 88; 52 Jl '01 Wreck island ructions. Harp W 46:1283 S 13: '02 Waste. B. Hooker. Forum 42:260 S '09 Wasted day. R. H. Davis. Col 43:9 Jl 31 '09 Wasted rehearsal. J. Cooper. McClure 24:473 Mr '05 W'at Satan knowed. L. Blake. Met 17:169 F '03 Watanna, Quoto, pseud. (Mrs. Winifred Eaton Babcock), 1S79- Bride of Yonejiro. Met 15:603 My '02 Contract. Les Mo 54:370 Ag '02 Delia dissents. Sat E P 181:22 Ag 22 '08 Diary of Delia. Sat E P 179:13 Mr 2, 12 Mr 9, 10 Mr 16 '07 Lovers of Sakura Jiro. Cent 65:755 Mr '03 Manoeuvres of O-Yasu-San. Sat E P 180:9 Ja 25 '08 Margot. Les Mo 53:202 D '01 Miss Lily and Miss Chrysanthemum. L H J 20:11 Ag '03 Pot of paint. Les Mo 53:414 F '02 Two converts. Harper 103:585 S '01 Unexpected grandchild. Lippinc 84:684 D '09 Wrench of chance. Harp W 50:1494 O 20; 1531 27 '06 — and Babcock, Betrand W. Eyes that saw not. Harper 105:30 Je '02 Watch, The. R. C. Brown. Met 34:18 Ap '11 Watch. dog. P.Fillmore. Everybody's 31:259 Ag '14 Watch-meeting. E. C. Hall. Cosmop 46:167 Ja '09 Watcher by the threshold. J. Buchan. Atlan 86:797 D '00 Watcher in the pass. F. Fleischman. Harp W 53:23 My 15 '09 Watchman of the Brunswick Mill. P. V. Migh- els. Harper 107:866 N '03 Water-bugs. D. H. Haines. Everybody's 31: 461 O '14 Water mark. H. Allyn. Everybody's 23:335 S '10 Water stuff. C. E. Van Loan. Sat E P 186:5 N 1 '13 Water that talks. M. A. Wilson. Cur Lit 50: 342 Mr '11 Water-witched valley. B. Dejeans. Lippinc 92:401 O '13 Waterbury, Ella Betts Todd's Utopia. Atlan 94:249 Ag '04 Waterbury, Jennie Bullard His primeval conscience. Harper 103:244 Jl '01 Waterloo at Fort Myer. A. S. Roche. Harp W 51:768 My 25 '07 Waterloo of Mr. Jimmy Rogers. J. M. Forman. Everybody's 11:225 Ag '04 Waterloo of Mrs. McCormack Dunn. A. O'Hagan. Mun 30:719 F '04 Waterloo, Stanley, 1846- Black hollyhock. Sat E P 175:4 Jl 19 '02 Crime of '73. Sat E P 172:1112 My 26 '00 Jason's love story. Sat E P 177:18 O 15 '04 Literary love affair. Sat E P 173:6 F 16 '01 Lowry-Turck love affair. Sat E P 173:6 N 3 '00 Run on the Greenville bank. Met 25:14 O '06 Song of the siren. Sat B P 176:16 Ag 22 '03 Swiss Familv Robertson. Sat E P 172:836 Mr 17 '00 When Lilian sailed in. Sat E P 174:12 Jl 13 '01 Waterman, Nixon, 1859- Old times at Squash Centre. New Eng n s 35: 734 F '07 When love was blind. Delin 70:211 Ag '07 Watermead affair. R. Barr. Sat E P 178:1 O 21 '05 Waters of thunder. E. Candler. McClure 32: 628 Ap '09 Waters, Theodore For the sake of the kid. Lippinc 83:353 Mr [09 Laying of the pipe. Everybody's 4:662 Je 01 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 315 Waters, Theodore — continued Morning trip of the Brennan. Everybody's 11:275 Ag '04 River hero. Everybody's 14:703 My '06 Waterworth, Edward B. Ahern, political appointee. Everybody's 15: 125 Jl 06 Change of beat. McClure 37:338 Jl '11 Man higher up. McClure 34:452 F '10 Watkins, Lucy Rebecca Communistic idyl. Outl 80:234 My 27 '05 Watrous, J. A. How the boy won: General McArthur's first victory. Sat E P 172:770 F 24 '00 Watson, Emily In Washington Square. Everybody's 10:558 Ap '04 Love's land. Everybody's 11:200 Ag '04 Pistols for two. Everybody's 8:525 Je '03 Poet and the hall-bedroom. Everybody's 9:81 Jl '03 When the world was young. Everybody's 11: 35 Jl '04 Watson, Francis S. Barbara Lovell. Atlan 109:650 My '12 Watson, Gilbert, 1S64- Faauma. Everybody's 19:327 S '08 Face in the jungle. Met 27:170 N '07 Watson, Henry Brereton Marriott, 1S63- Attack on the chaise. Lippinc 70:716 D '02 Burden of honor. Mun 44:767 Mr '11 Delia's dream and mine. Harp W 53:20 S 11 ■09 Fairfax comedy. Harper 121:552 S '10 Fog and the lady. Met 18:625 Ag '03 Foundlings. CosmoD 50:479 Mr '11 Girl at the ship. Lippinc 92:596 N '13 Juliet's balcony. Sat E P 182:24 N 6 '09 Man in black. Col 32:15 Ja 16 '04 Miss and my lady. Cosmop 34:579 Mr '03 Nausicaa. Sat E P 182:26 O 16 '09 No trumps. Cosmop 49:553 O '10 Perdita. Met 18:793 S '03 Picaroon. Lippinc 90:385 O '12 Red chow. Harp W 54:9 Mr 19 '10 Romance at random. Sat E P 181:16 N 21 '08. Same Cosmop 49:450 S '10 Sir Jas. Sat E P 182:9 Ap 9 '10 Watson, Henry S. Glimpse of the lost heritage. Everybody's 25: 530 O '11 That affair of the boots. Cent 87:538 F '14 Truant disciples. Harp W 54:18 Jl 30 '10 Watson, John, D.D, (Ian Maclaren, pseud.), 1S50-1907 Bailie's double. Cosmop 31:153 Je '01 Beggar to cheer. Met 27:37 O '07 Count, The. Sat E P 172:1096 My 26 '00 Fall of Goliath. Met 26:326 Je '07 Guerilla warfare. Sat E P 173:10 N 3 '00 His crowning day. Sat E P 173:9 O 27 '00 Jasmine court and a high ranger. Cent 62:60 My '01 Last resort. Sat E P 173:6 S 1 '00 Making of a man Met 24:58 O "06 Moosy. Sat E P 173:10 Ag 4 "00 Plea-sant sin. Sat E P 173:4 S 29 '00 Tournament. Sat E P 172:1220 Je 30 '00 Watson, Virginia Intervention. Harp W 56:14 D 7 '12 Watts, C. S. Little sugar. Col 54:11 N 28 '14 Watts, Mrs. Mary Stanbery, 1868- Camilla's marriage. McClure 32:347 F '09 Crystal-gazer. McClure 31:156 Je '08 Gate of the seven hundred virgins. McClure 29:25 My '07 Great north road. McClure 29:349 Ag '07 Voodo-woman. McClure 30:177 D '07 Waugh, Bertrand I'. T-li)plnc 76:459 O '05 Ve\ton. Thurston, M.D. Hat. The. Amer 69:682 Mr '10 Wendell, Winifred Lee Mffting f)f .Mr. EbbH and Mrs. Smith. Mun 32:220 X 'Ot Ven]na. L. M. Sawyer. New Eng n b 27:37 8 '02 Wesendonck. K. F. Geiould. Harper 126:740 Ap 13 Wesley, Pauline Eudora Drake's rummaging. New Eng n s 24:280 My 01 West, F. S. At the end of the war. New Eng n s 32:436 Je '05 West, Jean Louise As managed by Carolyn. Lippinc 79:661 My '07 From the backgrounds point of view. Lip- pinc 78:790 D '06 West, Marian Cousin Louisa's box. Mun 29:917 S '03 Molly Le Rocs. Mun 27:90 Ap '02 Sentimental considerations. Mun 29:25 Ap '03 Six months. Everybody's 14:127 Ja '06 World's babies. Everybody's 9:748 D '03 Woven of many threads. Mun 29:275 My '03 West, Paul. 1871- Double parachute drop. Mun 42:703 F '10 Emerald brooch. Mun 51:324 Mr '14 Short letters of a small boy. Everybody's 20: 570. 715, 870; 21:131. 278, 421, 5GS Ap-O '09 West Point regulation. M. R. S. Andrews. Mc- Clure 23:385 Ag '04 Western islands — a fo'c's'le tale. J. Masefield. Cur Op 57:53 Jl '14 Westerner. D. Canfield. Scrib 49:158 F '11 Westley, George Hembert, 1865- Curse in blessing. New Eng n s 34:745 Ag '06 Strange adventures of Richard Cartel. New Eng n s 44:1 Mr '11 Weston, George T. According to destiny. Harper 124:803 Ap '12 After many years. Harper 120:803 Ap '10 Alicia, and Bob the canary. Everybody's 11: 535 O '04 Alicia and Harriet's affair. Everybody's 28: 566 Ap '13 Alicia and poor Willy. Everybody's 29:133 Jl '13 Alicia and the eggs. Everybody's 28:418 Mr '13 Alicia and Tommy Warts. Everybody's 27: 851 D '12 Alicia's birthday. Everybody's 27:420 S '12 All in Alicia's family. Everybody's 27:528 O '12 America expects this day — . Col 52:5 D 20 '13 As of old. Harper 124:965 My '12 Dear grandmother and grandfather. Harp W 53:13 D 11 '09 Design of fate. Harp W 56:12 N 30 '12 Development of Augustus. Harp W 54:22 My 14 10 Exit madame. Col 53:9 Je 13 '14 Extraordinary adventure of Jacqueline. Cent 88:491 Ag '14 Fickle jade. Harper 123:317 J! '11 Fine domestic finish. Col 53:9 Ag 1 '14 Full of sentiment. Harper 123:155 Je '11 Goddess of love. Harper 121:155 Jc '10 Light farming. Harper 114:811 Ap '07 Little black sheep. Harper 119:«503 O '09 Ivucky M. Passicousset. Harp W 53:22 Ap 10 •09 Machiavelli. Harper 123:641 S '11 Madame's doctor. Col 52:17 Ja '14 Madame's Mexican mix-up. Col 53:11 Av 4 '14 Madame's Thanksgiving. Col 54:5 N 21 'II Madame's third affair. Col 52:17 Ja 31 '11 Meeting of Greeks. Harper 125:317 Jl '12 Moldon the master. Met 38:10 Jl '13 IMiilip the fiv. Harper 125:155 Je '12 Placing the blame. Harper 123:479 Ag '11 HeviMsal of Sedan. ll:irp W 52:22 N 14 'OS Rules and irregulatlons. Harp W 53:22 O 30 '09 Screen door. Harper 110:811 Ap '05 Seeds of discord. Harper 111:963 N '05 Whei-e there's a will there's a way. Harper 112:317 Ja '06 Where thi- story boi-ins. Col 53 :S .71 11 '14 Weston, William Burns Jlrntnle IMilsif.r wiilk.s home. Met 35:14 Jl '12 Westrup, Margaret Girl imd the e.ljtor. T,os Mo 56223 ,T1 '03 Wet lilacs. W. P. Eaton. Everybody's 18:466 Ap '08 3i8 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Wetherald, Ethelv^yn -.,.01-^ o a uv? How Maryaiet came back. Outl i^.31( O 4 O-i Wetherbee, G. D. Ciicie of death. Allan 5)b;:i53 Ag 00 Wetherell wedding. I. Haynes. Everybody's 10: 7f>y Je '04 Wetmore clothes. M. Manning. Harpei- 129:443 Ag -14 Wetted lash. H. Liebe. Lippinc 89:250 F '12 Wetter New York. E. P. Butler. Amer 64:160 Je '07 Weyl, Mrs. Walter Edward. See Weyl, Bertha (Poole) Weyl, Walter Edward, 1873- „ _ ,„^ „ , .„ Gentle art of spending. Sat E P 185:9 Ap 19 Making a million. Sat E P 185:3 Ap 5 '13 Millions and the million. Sat E P 185.19 Je v '13 Pressure on the professor, Sat E P 182:3 Je Silver spoon. Sat E P 185:20 My 3 '13 Whale. S. Carleton. Atlan 98:118 Jl '06 Whar my Chris'mus? B. Lay. Atlan 90:749 D •02 Wharf rats of New York. M. Robertson. Sat E P 175:8 Jl 5 '02 Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth, 1845- Battle royal of dames. Lippmc 88:515 O 11 Captain's dinner. Lippinc 93:<4S Je l* „^ Zelphine's wedding journey. Lippinc 8Z..ja Ag '08 Wharton, Mrs. Edith Newbold (Jones), 1862- Afterward. Cent 79:321 Ja ;iO Angel at the grave. Scrib 29.158 i Ui Best man. Col 35:14 S 2 '05 Blond beast. Scrib 48:291 & 10 Bolted door. Scrib 45:288 Mr 09 Choice. Cent 77:32 N '08 Copy. Scrib 27:657 Je '00; Same, Outl 87. 441 O 26 '07 Daunt Diana. Scrib 46:35 Jl 09 Debt. Scrib 46:165 Ag '09 Descent of man. Scrib 35:313 Mr 04 Dilettante. Harper 108:139 D 03 Duchess at prayer. Scrib 28:150 Ag 00 Ethan Frome. Scrib 50:1d1 Ag 11 Expiation. Cosmop 36:209 XJ OiS Eyes. Scrib 47:671 Je '10 Full circle. Scrib 46:408 O 09 Hermit and the wild woman. Scrib 39.145 i? His father's son. Scrib 45:657 Je '09 House of the dead hand. Atlan 94:145 Ag 04 Lady's maid's bell. Scrib 32:549 N '02 Last asset. Scrib 36:150 Ag '04 Legend. Scrib 47:278 Mr '10 Letter. Harper 108:781 Ap '04 Letters. Cent 80:485, 641, 812 Ag-O 10 Line of least resistance. Lippinc 66.559 U uu Long run. Atlan 109:145 F '12 Madam De Treymes. Scrib 40:166 Ag Ob Mission of Jane. Harper 106:63 D '02 Moving finger. Harper 102:627 Mr 01 Other times, other manners. Cent 82:344, 58/ Jl Ag '11 Other two. Col 32:15 F 13 '04 Pot-boiler. Scrib 36:693 D '04 Pretext. Scrib 44:173 Ag '08 Quicksand. Harper 105:13 Je '02 Reckoning. Harper 105:342 Ag '02 Recovery. Harper 102:468 F '01 Rembrandt. Cosmop 29:429 Ag '00 Sanctuary. Scrib 34:148 Ag '03 Touchstone. Scrib 27:354. 483 Mr Ap '00 Triumph of night. Scrib 56:149 Ag 14 . Venetian night's entertainment. Scrib 34:640 D '03 Verdict. Scrib 43:689 Je '08 Xingu. Scrib 50:684 D '11 Wharton, Francis Willing Cave Canem. Cosmop 29:612 O 00 Deep waters of the proud. Lippinc 74:257 b '04 Desperate case of Dr. Harwood. Cosmop 35: Miss Temple's game. Cosmop 30:297 Ja '01 Mrs. Evans' last sensation. Cosmop 32:iyy Moabitish woman. Cosmop 29:90 My '00 Wharton, Francis Willing — continued More precious than rubies. Harper 118:277 Ja 09 One way of love. Cosmop 31:371 Ag '01 Possession — nine points of the law. Cosmop J3:553 S '02 Reverdy's revoke. Cosmop 33:193 Je '02 Social privateer. Lippinc 77:257 Mr '06 Sovereign remedy. Lippinc 70:81 Jl '02 Story of Annabel Lea. Cosmop 29:170 Je 00 Tree of life. Harper 100:435 F '00 Wary campaigner. Cosmop 35:149 Je '03 Wild oats. Lippinc 69:259 Mr '02 Wrong door. Harper 109:756 O '04 What a magnificent voice. A. S. Richardson. Mun 42:93 O '09 What a woman wants. C. Duer. Cent 87:531 F '14 What answer? H. Hamilton. L H J 20:10 F '03 What brought the curtain down. M. White, Jr. ;\Iun 28:748 F '03 What Camilla did with her money. G. Hall. Cent 81:379 Ja '11 What did Duncan do? E. L. Sabin. Lippinc 84:724 D '09 What Doheeney done. P. E. Browne. Every- body's 20:320 Mr '09 What Dutcher left. W. Payne. Sat E P 181:15 My 8 '09 What happened after Mary MacArthur cut her finger. S. R. Crockett. Lippinc 68:357 S '01 What happened afterward. C. B. Loomis. Cent 87:724 Mr '14 What happened in the night. J. Hopper. De- lin 76:462 D '10 What happened to Alanna. K. Norris. Atlan 106:418 S '10 What happened to father. M. R. Rinehart. Lippinc 84:329 S '09 What is that in thine hand? Z. Gale. Outl 87: 343 O 19 '07 What love can do. Mrs. J. Van Vorst. L H J 24:8 Ag '07 What may happen along a road. A. Bierce. Cosmop 42:223 D '06 What migentleman will wear. J. M. Flagg. Amer 77:88 Ja '14 What one man can do. O. Thanet. Harper 104:205 Ja '02 What really happened. A. C. Smith. Scrib 40: 155 Ag '06 What road goeth he? F. J. Louriet. Atlan 105:224 F '10 What she wore. E. Ferber. Amer 72:314 Jl '11 What the donkey did. M. R. S. Andrews. Harper 114:42 D '06 What the teacher said to Trove. B. R. Calvin. L H J 24:16 Ag '07 What the trout stream saw. W. D. Hulbert. Les Mo 56:1 My '03 What there was of it. A. Warwick. Lippinc 91:305 Mr '13 What Tommy did. E. Flower. Sat E P 177:12 Jl 23 '04 What twc women have come through. C. E. Laughlin. L H J 24:11 Ag '07 What was expected of Miss Constantine. A. Hope. Cent 72:380 Jl '06 What was like George. H. S. Harrison. Met 35:16 Ag '12 What we love we love. E. Taylor. L H J 24: IL N '07 What wishing did. S. F. Whitman. Col 43:14 J. le '09 What's a man without a penny. C. Ross. Met 15:147 F '02 What's-the-difference Kitty. R. W. Child. Sat E P 183:12 O 1 '10 Whatsoever a man soweth. E. H. Hurlbut. Col 49:18 Jl 20 '12 Wheatley, Helen Striking a balance. Met 15:319 Mr '02 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 319 Wheel of fortune. C. Dangerfield. Lippinc 71: 395 Mr '03 Wheel of fortune. G. Pahlow. Mun 37:533 Jl '07 Wheel of the potter. H. Whitaker. Every- body's 8:583 Je '03 Wheel of time. M. C. Lee. Scrib 28:549 N '00 Wheeler, Andrew Carpenter (J. P. M., J. P. Mowbray, and Nym Crinkle, pseuds.) Duchess of Dijon. Met 12:773 D '00 Making of a country home. Everybody's 4:99 F 01 Wheeler, Arthur Stanley Harlequin. Col 39:18 Je 29 '07 Wheeler, Mrs. Candace Thurber Antiques. Harper 106:700 Ap '03 Shadow of a tragedy. Harp W 47:1952 D 5 '03 Wheeler, Ethel Rolt Curl. Atlan 89:109 Ja '02 Financier. Atlan 99:524 Ap '07 Maker of mirrors. Atlan 92:338 S '03 These enchanted woods. Atlan 102:383 S 'OS Wheeler, Frederic L. Two men and the desert. McClure 28:431 F '07 Wheeler, Martha Mother of invention. Cosmop 46:347 F '09 Wheeler's hired man. E. Walker. New Eng n s 29:648 Ja '04 Wheels within wheels. G. R. Chester. Every- body's 30:450 Ap '14 Wheels within wheels. M. V. Hunter. Mun 30: 762 F '04 When a man's widowed. M. Kelly. McClure 22:517 Mr '04 When a queen loved Duncan. K. Brown. Mun 30:253 N '03 When a tree had ears. E. Netheringham. L H J 26:15 Jl '09 When a woman lives her life. H. B. Goldrick. L H J 25:11 Ag '08 When Abner Craig received the sign. G. M. lurs. Mun 32:188 N '04 When Ada became engaged. M. L. Radford. Harp B 41:798 Ag '07 When Adam dolve and Eve span. G. M. Mar- tin. Amer 72:685 O '11 When Alec was married. O. H. Prouty. Amer 69:229 D '09 When all the leaves are green. R. R. Gilson. L H J 26:9 Ap '09 When Billy came home. E. F. Scott. Delin 70: 976 D '07 When blades are out and love's afield. C. T. Brady. Lippinc 67:3 Ja '01 When Campbell cried. II. R. Durant. Met 26: 429 Jl '07 When capital took holt. C. Lockhart. Cent 72: 511 .\g '06 When churchyards yawn — a May Iverson .story. E. Jordan. Harp B 45:310 Jl '11 When class A gave thanks. L. Copinger. Lip- pinc 78:649 N '06 When clothes unmade the man. C. C. Lock- hart. Cent 70:601 Ag '05 When culture comes in at the door. H. Rhodes. Sat E P 176:13 Ap 2 '04 When Cupid meets Cupid. L. Scott. Mun 47: 907 S '12 When Cupid was a now-punch. E. Gates. Sat K I' 178:4 Ja 1.'! '06 When doath ridos on the waters. H. D. Smith. lOverybody's 3:430 N '00 When Doctors agreed. .1. R. Perry. Harper 104:348 Ja '02 When Dorothy opened the window. M. K. .\Iaulc. L H J 31:20 Je '14 When ICiloen changed her mind. H. T. George. .Mun 34:176 N '05 When r:ilHe came. O. H. Prouty. Amer 67:595 Ap '09 When Elizabeth went home. B. B. Ronald. McClure 22:221 D '03 When Emmeline came. C. A. Mason. L H J 24:15 Ag '07 When Ethel woke up. M. R. Warren. Li H J 29:14 Mr '12 When extremes meet. T. Mason. Cosmop 37: 356 Jl '04 When farther ran for mayer. L. Pratt. Amer 73:340 Ja '12 When father and mother rebelled. B. H, Por- ter. L H J 25:14 D '07 When friendship fails. A. M. Bition. Met 11: 53, 202 Ja F '00 When girls talk. R. R. Gilson. L H J 26:12 Ag •09 When Gitchigamme warned the Muscovite. S. Ford. Scrib 30:51 Jl '01 When grace was given. G. A. Barnes. New Eng n s 29:91 S '03 When Greek meets Greek. J. Lee. Outl 71:508 Je 21 '02 When Greek meets Greek. V. Thompson. Sat E P 174:6 Je 28 '09 When Greek meets grouch. G. Fitch. Sat E P 182:5 O 9 '09 When half-gods go, the gods arrive. J. G. Strange. New Eng n s 41:285 N '09 When Hannah var eight yar old. K. P. Girling. Atlan 111:786 Je '13 When he came home. P. Tilden. Cent 84:670 When he came to himself. H. Shipman. Cos- mop 38:236 D '04 When he dreamed her dream. E. W. Mumford. Delin 84:5 F '14 When he found his neighbor. J. A. Riis. Outl 102:635 N 23 '12 When hearts are trumps. A. T. Condict. Ev- erybody's 20:794 Je '09 When Henry's wife got busy. H. Hall. L H J 31:17 S '14 When his majesty yielded the stage. V. Tracy. Mun 24:582 Ja '01 When I became engaged to William. M. B. Bruere. L H J 27:14 F 12 Mr '10 When I practised medicine. L. Parks. Atlan 93:555 Ap '04 When I was a bride in Paris. P. W. Huard. L H J 27:15 S 1 '10 When I was married. O. H. Prouty. Amer 71: •>uy J 3, 11 When I went to boarding school. O. U. Prouty Amer 68:240 Jl '09 When in disgrace with fortune. M. Van Vorst. Harper 109:516 S '04 When is a hick? W. Irwin. McClure 41:61 O When is a possum? E. P. Butler. Every- body's 31:209 Ag '14 When Janet comes marching home. A. War- ner. Col 39:18 S 7 '07 When .Jessie found her mother. E. C. Blake. I. II J 26:14 My '09 When Jim and Joe were gentlemen. C. Frith. L II J 22:20 S '05 When Joan saw. M. M. Huey. L H J 25:19 Jl '08 When Johnny comes marching home. C. B. Davis. Met 40:27 O '14 When Jonathan Hatch harks back. C. F. Em- broo. McClure 28:111 N '06 When Jovo nods. A. C. H. Rice. Harper 106: 750 Ap '03 When Julia camo back. F. R. Storrott. L II J 29:14 Mr '12 When Jull.Tna rode Trumpeter. K. II. Brown. I. H J 22:7 Je '05 When JuHtlce was appeased. M. W. Bcardsley. Delin 59:1011 Je '02 320 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT. STORIES, 1900-1914 When Kildare smiled. E. A. Clancy. Harp W 55:16 Ag 19 '11 When knighthood wore skates. H. Pendexter. Everybody's 14:56 Ja '06 When least aware. E. Duvall. Atlan 94:746 D ■04 When Lilian sailed in. S. Waterloo. Sat E P 174:12 Jl 13 '01 When love comes. K. W. Patch. Cent 69:602 F '05 When love is kind. M. S. Cutting. Delin 65: 242 F '05 When love leads the way. L. A. Wood. L H J 21:6 Je '04 When love was blind. E. L.. Sabin. Met 16:214 Ag '02 When love was blind. N. Waterman. Delin 70:211 Ag '07 When luck was with him. H. Dickson. Sat E P 183:7 D 24 '10 When Lummux gets a head mark. T. C. Mc- Connell. Lippinc 93:214 F '14 When Ma Rodgers broke loose. H. B. Broder- sen. Lippinc 92:225 Ag '13 When Mary Ann dressed the children. M. Mullett. L H J 25:17 Jl '08 When Mary Ellen left home. D. M. Bacon. Harp B 37:1050 N '03 When Mary McShane was sent for. G. M. Cooke. Mun 29:765 Ag '03 When Mary went away. K. Jarboe. Every- body's 9:832 D '03 When me an' Ed got religion. F. W. Shibley. New Eng n s 25:278 N '01 When Miss Lucy had the measles. L. Copin- ger. Lippinc 81:512 Ap 'OS When Miss Rose touched the button. H. M. Price. L H J 22:13 Je '05 When Mrs. Adney died. A. M. Estabrook. Harper 129:138 Je '14 When mother was a poet. K. H. Brown. L H J 26:12 D 'OS When my ship comes in. E. L. Pearson. Outl 96:278 O 1 '10 When no man pursueth. H. S. Williams. Harp W 51:505 Ap 6 '07 When Norah bought the piano. G. Hibbard. Mun 48:947 Mr '13 When North and South joined hands. M. Chater. L H J 31:9 D '14 When Oliver eloped. O. H. Prouty. Amer 74: 314 Jl '12 When one is young. H. B. Parker. Dehn 82: 354 My '13 When Padraic came piping. R. Sawyer. Outl 104:478 Je 28 '13 When Papadoff crossed the frontier. F. Pal- mer. Scrib 35:101 Ja '04 When Parlow went a-steamboating. W. Gib- son. Sat E P 175:5 N 29 '02 When Pickles came back. S. Ford. Met 19: 859 Mr '04 When Pussy-Foot came to town. H. Dickson. Sat E P" 186:17 Mr 14 '14 When queens go by. R. R. Gilson. L, H J 24: 12 Ja '07 When she came home from college. See Hurd, Marian K., and Wilson. Jean B. When she knew. C. Hibbard. L H J 28:15 My 1 '11 When silence was golden. M. P. Read. Harper 124:122 D '11 When soul met soul. C. C. Waddle. Met 17: 201 F '03 When spring comes late. M. Van Vorst. Lip- pinc 80:145 Ag '07 When straits them press. R. George. Atlan 109:568 Ap '12 When the bank moved. A, Stringer. Every- body's 21:739 D '09 When the breach was closed. E. C. Litsey. Les Mo 59:585 Mr '05 When the children came home. F. Greenman. Delin 72:120 Jl '08 When the Christmas tide sets in. M. S. Cut- ting. Delin 64:961 D '04 When the circus came to town. E. Howe. Amer 73:246 D '11 When the Consul came to Peking. A. H. Fitch. Cent 65:449, 516 Ja F '03 When the coward spoke. A. J. Tietje. New Eng n s 44:540 Je '11 When the Damons moved to Birdland. E. O. Cochran. L H J 28:15 F 1 '11 When the Devil was better. G. Morris. Met 39:9 F '14 When the Emperor prays for rain. A. H. Fitch. Cent 66:697 S '03 When the fever was at Uist. E. Rickert. Outl 85:567 Mr 9 "07 When the fighting was good. I. S. Cobb. Sat E P 184:14 Je 15 '12 When the flag falls. J. Futrelle. Sat E P 180: 16 Jl 13, 10 S 7 '07 When the flume ran dry. B. Millard. Mun 34: 612 F '06 When the fog cleared. M. Tracy. Mun 23:560 Jl '00 When the girls came to Crow's Nest. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 77:561 My '06 When the gods sneer. L. Crane. Harper 119: 926 N '09 When the grass grew long. J. M. Oskison. Cent 62:247 Je '01 When the light failed. G. Reno. McClure 14: 461 Mr '00 When the Mollie-Shamrock was sold. M. E. Stickney. Met 25:442 Ja '07 When the Pone went over. E. A. Dix. Cent 69: 479 Ja '05 When the prince came home. G. T. Marsh. Scrib 55:644 My '14 When the race was to the swift. B. B. Gil- christ. Atlan 97:519 Ap '06 When the river ran white. L. Evans. Cosmop 57:617 O '14 When the rose bloomed. E. R. Blanchard. New Eng n s 30:22 Mr '04 When the siren failed. H. R. Durant. Mun 36:113 O '06 When the spirit called. G. Fortesque. Met 31: 59 O '09 When the stars fell. V. F. Boyle. Harp W 54: IS Jl 16 '10 When the stroke falls. P. M. Gushing. Mun 47:795 Ag '12 When the strong tides lift. W. B. Foster. Mun 29:591 Jl '03 When the sun went down. F. Lynde. Lippinc 78:342 S '06 When the swallows homeward fly. G. Parker. Delin 66:1075 D '05 When the time came. E. Rickert. New Eng n s 44:65 Mr '11 When the train was held up. F. N. Stratton. Mun 32:19 O '04 When the turtle turned loose. M. Cameron. Harper 109:189 Jl '04 When the wilderness relents. P. V. Mighels. Met 22:552 Ag '05 When the winds awake. J. F. Wilson. Mun 23:667 Ag '00 When the world was young. J. London. Sat E P 183:16 S 10 '10 When the world was young. E. Watson. Ev- erybody's 11:35 Jl '04 When they went back to the land. E. H. Brainerd. L H J 29:12 N '12 When through the valley I walked. Mrs. C. T. Collins. L H J 24:22 O '07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 321 When Tillinghast went ashore. D. H, Tal- madg-e. Mun 24:249 N '00 When town and country meet. E. Singmaster. Atlan 100:341 S '07 When Uncle Jed ran for mayor. B. B. Lewis. L H J 29:15 Ag '12 When Upweeks goes hunting. W. J. Long. Harper 108:144 D '03 When Willy and Annie grew up. M. B. Pulver, Amer 75:131 D '12 When you ran away. E. L. Sabin. Sat E P 178: IS S 2 '05 When you went home. E. K. Stratton. L H J 30:4 Jl '13 Where Cindy came in. N. M. Lemmon. Lip- pinc 89:2SS F '12 Where danger lurks. E. Flower. Cosmop 33: 594 S '02 Where extremes meet. G. W. Edwards. Ev- erybody's 8:52 Ja '03 Where friendship ceases. E. Hoyt. Every- body's 6:244 Mr '02 Where good intentions fail. W. Payne. Ev- erybody's 7:577 D '02 Where ignorance is bliss. M. Fuller. Met 23: 27 O '05 Where ignorance was bliss. C. B. Davis. Col 46:15 N 19 '10 Where life is marked down. R. Hughes. Sat E P 178:S Je 2 '06 Where love was arbiter. W. M. Raine. Les Mo 52:15 My '01 Where Northern lights come down o' nights. R. E. Beach. Les Mo 58:460 S '04 Where the heart is. W. Irwin. Amer 73:224 D '11 Where the pincers tear. D. G. Phillips. Cos- mop 36:435 F '04 Where the story begins. G. Weston. Col 53:8 Jl 11 '14 Where the ways crossed. "V. Roseboro'. Scrib 33:617 My '03 Where there is no turning. R. Thomas. Col 39:21 Mr 30 '07 Where there's a will. E. P. Butler. Lippinc 88:211 Ag '11 Where there's smoke there's fire. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 180:22 Ag 10 '07 Where there's a will there's a way. G. T. Weston. Harper 112:317 Ja '06 Where thieves break in. J. D. Bacon. Col 43: 12 My 29 '09 Where travellers meet. O. H. Dunbar. Harper 111:624 S '05 Where trumpets speak. W. Blocker. Met 14: 254 Ag '01 Where two ways meet. E. H. Neff. New Eng n s 33:360 N '05 Which? J. P. Brown. Everybody's 20:872 Je •09 Which man was right? H. M. Hyde. Sat E P 181:10 N 14 '08 Which was George? G. Morris. Sat E P 182:5 Ap 16, 23 Ap 23 '10 While madame was paying calls. T. McMelere. Everybody's 9:837 D '03 While mothers live. E. C. Blake. Harp B 42: 1074 N '08 While the automobile ran down. C. B. Loomis. Cent 61:187 D '00 While the evil days come not. M. McHenry. Amer 62:623 O '06 While the fates slept. I. P. Robinson. Delin 60:251 Ag '02 While the jury was out. W. F. Dix. McClure 17:466 S '01 Whim of a woman. E. Flower. Cent 72:798 S ■06 Whims of Captain McCarthy. J. C. Harris. Sat E P 173:4 Ag 11, 15 Ag 18 "00 Whip hand. J, G. Furthmann. Sat E P 185:24 F 22 '13 Whipped man: a story of the night riders in the tobacco war. F. Crissey and H. L. Beach. Everybody's 20:548 Ap '09 Whippen. F. O. Bartlett. Sat E P 184:14 My 4 '12 Whipple, Leon Rutledge Neighbor to the stars. Everybody's 27:855 D Otherwhere. Everybody's 26:426 Mr '12 Whipsawed! G. R. Chester. Sat E P 181:7 Ja 16 '09 Whipsawed. M. Foster. Sat E P 184:5 Ja 13 '12 Whirligig of life. O. Henry. Harper 107:317 Jl '03 Whirligig of time. M. E. Roberts. Lippinc 93: 110 Ja '14 Whirlwind wooing. C. T. Brady. Harper 103: 88 Je '01 Whiskerculture. J. M. Flagg. Amer 77:108 Je '14 Whisperer. G. Parker. Cosmop 40:503 Mr '06 Whist with Kitty. S. Ford. Les Mo 51:615 Ap •01 Whistle. G. L. Knapp. Lippinc 88:897 D '11 Whistles. J. Barnes. Col 50:17 O 12 '12 Whistling of Zoetique. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 42:341 S '07 Whistling Sandy. R. Norton. Everybody's 15: 197 Ag '06 Whitaker, Herman, 1867- Amateur matador. Mun 33:410 Jl '05 Bill Walton, alias Santa Claus. Mun 32:410 D '04 Black Factor. Mun 26:765 Mr '02 Black Factor's Avooing. Mun 32:740 F '05 Brute. Amer 62:163 Je '06 Devil's niuskeg. Mun 26:174 N '01 Devil's slide. Everybody's 15:603 N '06 Drummer of the queen. Mun 25:317 Je '01 Elizabeth's situation. Mun 31:346 Je '04 Freckled fool. Mun 26:96 O '01 Iliad of the snows. Mun 26:710 F '02 Lost kirk. Harper 104:388 F '02 Misshuffle. Harper 113:134 Je '06 Private aquarium. Harper 106:616 Mr '03 Probationer. Mun 28:812 Mr '03 Renegation of Hogg. Cent 74:151 My '07 Saga of 54. Cosmop 32:267 Ja '02 Slip of the noose. Mun 25:871 S '01 Son of Anak. Mun 27:199 My '02 Son of Copper Sin. Mun 27:352 Je '02 Stiff condition. Harper 110:681 Ap '05 Throwing of the clew. Harper 105:889 N '02 Vacillations of Peter Poet. Cent 79:381 Ja '10 Wages of Jacob. Everybody's 14:13 Ja '06 War of the precentors. Harper 106:106 D ^02 Wheel of the potter. Everybody's 8:583 Je '03 White alley. C. Wells. Lippinc 90:513 N '12 White azaleas. H. E. Wright. Lippinc 69:766 Je '02 White bead. E. Palmer. Col 50:18 F 1 '13 White birch-tree. M. E. Wilkins. Harp B 35: 403 S '01 White, C. H., pseud. See Chaplin, Herman White White, Caroline Earle E.scape of Edward Hussey. Harp B 38:905 S •04 White cat. A. Black. Harp B 34:355 F 9 '01 White cockatoo. M. Austin. Cent 83:549 F '12 White counterpane. P. L. Dunbar. Lippinc •:x:500 O '01 White cow. E. E. Peake. Harper 120:755 An ■10 White, Edward Lucas Vivo collociuics. Lippinc 84:487 O '09 Little f.ided flag. Atlan 101:635 My 'OS Slioula Uaynold. Harp W 58:22 P 14 '14 White clopliant. II. M. Wiltse. Met 18:745 S 'o:f White, Eliza Orne Little change. Atl.in 86:832 D '00 322 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 White, Eugene Richard Chevalier and the baby. Harper 105:239 Jl '02 Subconscious courtship. Atlan 88:502 O '01 Unmanifested destiny. Harper 104:805 Ap '02 White feather. T. B. Aldrich. Atlan 90:298 S '02 White feather. A. Bennett. Col 54:7 O 10 '14 White feather. M. Deland. Cent 68:441 Jl '04 White ghost. F. Condon. Mun 50:222 N '13 White glory. K. Abbott. McClure 20:470 Mr '03 White gloves. E. Saltus. Mun 49:102 Ap '13 White, Grace Joy ^^„ „„, _ ,„„ Truth about Alpheus. Harper 117:291 Jl 08 White hand. R. W. Child. Amer 71:130 N '10 White hand of Eleanore. A. and B. Merwin. Delin 72:983 D '08 White, Henry „ ,„ . .-, ,-,. Capturing the delegate. Col 53:13 Ap 11 14 White hope. P. G. Wodehouse. Mun 51:803 My '14 White horse winter. W. D. Steele. Atlan 109: 468 Ap '12 White hour. M. Austin. Mun 29:88 Ap '03 White iris. M. Fenollosa. Everybody's 17:147 Ag '07 White kerchief. J. Barlow. Outl 65:310 Je 2 •00 White lamb. L,. A. North. Harper 126:445 F '13 White lie. G. Mygatt. Harp B 48:15 Ag '13 White light. R. W. Child. Everybody's 19:412 S '08 White light. F. K. Johnson. Atlan 95:620 My '05 White light of publicity. C. B. Davis. Sat E P 180:5 Mr 14 '08 White linen nurse. E. H. Abbott. Cent 86:482 Ag '13 White llama. C. F. Lummis. Atlan 95:484 Ap •05 White man. A. MacGowan. Delin 63:624 Ap '04 White Marie and dark Marianne. C. G. D. Roberts. Delin 56:516 O '00 White, IVlatthew, Jr., 1857- Henley happening. Mun 27:587 Jl '02 Maid and the millionaire. Mun 29:107 Ap '03 Matinee hero. Mun 26:808 Mr '02 On thin ice. Mun 31:276 My '04 Picking a favorite. Mun 24:796 F '01 What brought the curtain down. Mun 28:748 F '03 With Hamlet left out. Mun 22:560 Ja '00 Woman's heart. Mun 27:77 Ap '02 White mercy. H. Scheffauer. Harp W 54:18 O 29 '10 White mole. H. S. Harrison. McClure 38:502 Mr '12 White moth. E. S. Holloway. Delin 62:297 S '03 White muscats of Alexandria. G. Morris. Sat E P 182:12 D 4 '09 White night in Africa. C. Leist. Met 28:301 Je 'OS White pagoda. A. D. Sedgwick. Cent 84:770 S ■12 White peacock. E. B. Tiffany. Atlan 103:745 Je '09 White peacocks. E. L. Pearson. Outl 96:699 N 26 '10 White passion of the sea. M. S. Stevens. Lip- pinc 79:392 Mr '07 White penitent. T. A. Janvier. Harper 103:131 Je '01 White phlox. W. King. New Eng n s 30:686 Ag '04 White precipitate. R. T. Stout. Lippinc 91:730 Je '13 White rose mystery. E. O. Weeks. Every- body's 2:313 Ap '00 White roses. L. P. Jacks. Atlan 109:412 Mr '12 L. Colcord. Amer 69:609 Turner. McClure 15:339 White satin slipper. Mr '10 White sheep. G. K Ag '00 White shoes. L. R. Bascom. Harper 129:913 N •14 White-slashed bull. C. G. D. Roberts. Sat E P 180:8 O 12 '07 White slave. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 53:128 Je •12 White sleep of Auber Hurn. R. Rice. Harper 110:447 F '05 White squall. L. Mott. Harper 114:422 F '07 White stag. W. J. Long. Les Mo 60:460 Ag '05 White, Stewart Edward, 1873- Arizona nights. McClure 26:293, 412, 515, 647; 27:63 Ja-My '06 Billy's tenderfoot. McClure 18:546 Ap '02 Brace-game. Sat E P 180:10 D 14 '07 Buried treasure. McClure 27:115 Je '06 California John. Sat E P 180:3 Ap 18 '08 Courtship. Sat E P 180:5 Ja 4, 15 Ja 11 '08 Drive. Sat E P 180:12 N 23 '07 Fire, The. Sat E P 180:8 Je 20, '08 Foreman. McClure 21:391 Ag '03 Girl in red. Lippinc 65:313 F '00 Girl who got rattled. Cent 6i;:464 Jl '01 Hole in the cap. Amer 68:315 Ag '09 Honk-honk breed. Everybody's 17:34 Jl '07 Inspector. Sat E P 180:8 My 9 '08 Life of the winds of heaven. McClure 19:317 Ag '02 Little girl. Amer 67:245 Ja '09 Marshes. Amer 67:554 Ap '09 My first lion. Amer 73:514 Mr '12 Pagan. Everybody's 5:683 D '01 Pollock boys. Sat E P 180:14 My 30 'OS Princess and the poet. Harper 103:374 Ag '01 Race. Lippinc 66:773 N '00 Rawhide. McClure 24:21, 172 N, D '04 River boss. McClure 19:417 S '02 Riverman. McClure 20:575 Ap '03 Road agent. Col 42:16 S 26 '08 Santa Maria Maggiore. Cent 65:668 Mr '03 Scaler. McClure 20:462 Mr '03 Seafaring man. Col 37:18 S 15 '06 Two-gun man. Col 35:13 Ap 15 '05 Two-handed game. Harper 107:811 O '03 Until the last shot. Amer 67:107 D '08 White, Trumbull, 1868- Equinoctial disturbance. Cosmop 35:217 Je '03 Rosie of Vermillion city. Met 32:55 Ap '10 White turkey. E. C. Waltz. Cent 66:285 Je '03 White, William Allen, 1868- And yet a fool. Sat B P 178:8 Ja 18 '06 As a breath into the wind. Sat E P 178:3 O 28 '05 Babbled o'green fields. Sat E P 178:8 D 30 '05 Bolton girl's position. Sat E P 178:5 N 11 '05 Bundle of myrrh. Sat E P 178:12 N 25 '05 By the rod of his wrath. Sat E P 178:3 D 16 '05 Casting out of Jimmy Myers. Sat E P 178:4 D 23 '05 Kansas Child Roland. Sat E P 178:7 F 24 '06 Mercy of death. Scrib 27:237 F '00 Most lamentable comedy. Sat E P 174:1 S 21, 10 S 28, 10 O 5, 6 O 12 '01 Our loathed but esteemed contemporary. Sat E P 178:10 D 2 '05 Passing of Priscilla Winthrop. Sat E P 178:8 F 3 '06 Prosperous gentleman. Sat E P 187:6 O 10 '14 Question of climate. Sat E P 178:5 D 9 '05 Society editor. Sat E P 178:1 S 30 '05 Sown in our weakness. Sat E P 178:8 Ja 20 '06 Strange boy. Sat E P 187:6 Ag 1 '14 Thirty. Sat E P 178:3 Mr 3 '06 Tremolo stop. Sat E P 178:9 Ja 6 '06 Triumph's evidence. Scrib 30:463 O '01 White, William Patterson Wild justice. McClure 39:614 O '12 Whitechurch. Victor L. „ „ ,„« Checked by chance. Everybody's 2:131 F 00 Whited sepulchre. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 80: 401 O '07 Whiteside, Grier „^„ ^ ,^„ Mrs. Kobb in New York. Met 11:666 Je '00 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Z^Z Whitewashing of Winthrop Webb. E. Boltwood, Mun 43:832 S '10 Whitfield, Frank F. Taking life. Col 51:17 Jl 5 '13 Whitford, Elizabeth Smile's suggestion. Lippinc 91:487 Ap '13 Whither thou goest. M. S. Briscoe. Harper 104: L'3y Ja '02 Whither thou goest. E. H. Hurlbut. Col 49: 20 Je 1 '12 Whiting, Katharine Aldrich Goddess from the car. Col 36:19 O 14 '05 Ma'm'selle Lucette. Everybody's 19:423 S '08 Whiting, Richard, 1840- Insanity of Sam. Met 24:241 My '06 Whiting, Robert Rudd, 1877- Lemon seed. Forum 52:211 Ag '14 Little drab man. Everybody's 21:851 D '09 Whitlock, Brand, 1869- Doting fathers. Amer 77:56 Ap '14 Fall guy. Sat E P 183:3 Ap 1 '11 Field of honor. Sat E P 182:5 D 4 '09 Finals and Alice Gray. Sat E P 175:3 Mr 21 ■03 Gold brick. Amer 67:42 N '08 Has-been. The. Sat E P 182:8 Jl 3 '09 Last chance. Sat E P 176:7 O 24 '03 Lead us not into temptation. Sat E P 183:5 My 27 '11 Orator of the day. Sat E P 180:12 Jl '07 Preacher's son. Harper 107:955 N '03 Rehabilitation of General Todhunter. Harper 129:92 Je '14 Senate bill 578. Sat E P 173:3 N 10 '00 Sleeping column. Sat E P 181:6 D 5 'OS Whitman, Stephen French American wife. McClure 43:98 Ag '14 Antiseptic. Col 37:14 Je 9 '06 Benefactor. Met 33:618 F '11 Big one. The. Col 38:18 Mr 9 '07 Blue silk dress. Met 30:361 Jl '09 Both members of the club. Col 46:16 O 29 '10 Clocks, The. Col 49:26 Mr 30 '12 Danae. Met 32:617 Ag '10 Deathless forest. Harper 113:675 O '06 Fine feathers. Met 33:57 O '10 Fluttering face. Col 48:21 O 21 '11 Glad-happy Joss. Col 47:19 Mr 25 '11 Hat in the window. Met 32:13 Ap '10 His wife. Col 39:16 My 18 '07 Ichi-Ban mascot. Col 36:12 Ja 13 '06 Invasion of Monte Vanco. Col 42:14 Ja 30 '09 Lost. Col 37:16 Jl 14 '06 Martyr to love. Met 31:335 D "09 Mysterious houris. Col 39:15 Jl 20 '07 Noble family of Beaupertuys. Harper 115:195 Jl '07 Papeeyon. Col 36:24 O 28 '05 Picture-gallery George. Col 38:22 N 24 '06 Plea.sant night in spring. Col 39:18 S 14 '07 RefU'?e. Col 40:14 F 29 '08 Relentlessness. Met 34:741 S '11 Sailors all. Col 35:20 My 6 '05 Salutamus. Met 32:155 My '10 Shorty and Patrick go on a pirate-chasing expedition up the Canton river. Col 46:13 D 31 '10 Story of Thaddeus Gookin. Cent 89:278 D '14 Sunset. Col 45:20 Mr 26 '10 Thread of gold. Col 43:18 My 29 '09 Unpardonable offense. Met 32:325 Je '10 What wishing did. Col 43:14 Jl 10 '09 Woman from yonder. Cent 87:1 N '13 Whitmarsh, Hubert Phelps Loss of the Doric. Sat E P 172:618 Ja 13 '00 Whitney, Mrs. Adeline Dutton Train, 1824-1906 Colonel's thoroughbred. L H J 25:12 Jl '08 Whitney, Harriet Genevieve's chaperon. Mun 30:432 D '03 Rise on Crookneck Fork. Les Mo 55:508 Mr •03 Whitney, J. D. Crating of Edna's hat. Harper 119:641 S '09 Whitney, Marlon. Prinffss of Porto Bello. L TI J 27:9 My '10 Whitson. Beth Pof)r ff)lkK' shoes. Col 52:16 N 1 '13 Whitson, John Harvey, 1S54- Battle to the strong. Delin 63:815 My '04 Whittaker Burnham's musicale. H. Pendexter. Mun 36:609 F '07 Who aims a star. G. Overton. Harper 120:680 Ap '10 Who fell from aloft? G. S. Wasson. Atlan 89: 185 F '02 Who is my neighbor? S. Comstock. Col 42:24 D 5 '08 Who killed Cock Robin? M. Cameron. Harper 121:946 N '10 Who killed the heifer? G. B. Wuerpel. Lip- pinc 76:249 Ag '05 Who laughs last. M. Cameron. Harper 115:379 Ag '07 Who only stand and wait. D. H. Haines. Ev- erybody's 23:497 O '10 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? F. L. Allen. Atlan 112:516 O '13 Who shall explain it? W. F. Gilchrest. Les Mo 50:25 My '00 Who was her keeper? M. A. Bacon. McClure 20:661 Ap '03 Whole world kin. A. H. Lewis. Col 42:8 D 26 •08 Whom God hath joined. G. S. Schock. New Eng n s 29:455 D '03 Whom mince pie hath joined together. S. Glaspell. L H J 30:10 N '13 Whom the gods destroy. E. H. Hurlbut. Col 49:16 Je 29 '12 Whom the gods love. M. Harris. Harper 106: 231 Ja 03 Whom the gods love. V. Sheard. New Eng n s 37:728 P '08 Whom the king favors. A. Cosulich. Met 21: 163 N '04 Who's game? S. S. Far. New Eng n s 45:573 F '12 Who's who in the village cemetery. F. Green- man. L H J 25:14 Mr '08 Whose fruit is dreams. G. Fitzgerald. Mun 41:168 My '09 Whoso findeth a wife. H. E. Wright. Lippinc 77:618 My '06 Why? J. P. Brown. Everybody's 20:132 Ja '09 Why Billy pulled up his anchor. A. Brooks. Everybody's 21:275 Ag '09 Why Duillius dined at home. T. Jenks. Har- per 118:811 Ap '09 Why he loved her. M. Maartens. Sat E P 173:8 D 29 '00 Why I hate my best friend. Mrs. R. Patterson. Lippinc 88:717 N '11 Why I scorned Gopher. A. H. Lewis. Met 18: 771 S '03 Why it was W-on-the-eyes. M. P. Montague. Atlan 111:462 Ap '13 Why Jones resembled the zebra. K. B. Malony. Met 12:518 O '00 Why Mr. Dog is tame. J. C. Harris. Col 32:17 N 28 '03 Why Mrs. Flynt was late. J. B. Hartswick. Delin 60:259 Ag '02 Why Patty Hildreth powdered her hair. V. W. Cloud. L II J 22:8 Ag '05 Why pay rent? E. Wood. Ehverybody's 22:765 Je '10 Why Riffles deserted. H. L Greene. McClure 26:332 Ja '06 Why Rollison went to Sumatra. G. E. Hunt. Lipl)iiic 79:502 Ap '07 Why Scruff was turned down. W. L. Hawley. Les Mo 51:253 .Ta '01 Why Shiiceville isn't on the map. D. S. Groes- berk. Harp W 51:1016 D 28 '07 Why the Hot Sulphur mail was late. C. Tliomas. McPIuie 1S:4S N '01 Why the Wepkly Planet died. A. H. Lewis. Sat E P 177:9 Ap S '05 Why tlify married. Mrs. B. TiOwndes. Scrib 52:7.'!3 D '12 324 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Why they parted. J. M. Flagg. Amer 78:8S S •14 Why Tim Mulcahey came home. J. F. Wilson. Mun 49:566 JI '13 Why we left the farm. Sat E P 184:16 F 10 '12 Why- not Fuller. P. H. Coggins. Sat E P 184:10 My 18 '12 Wicked Ah Lay. E. Martin. Met 16:609 D '02 Wicked Celestlne. J. B. Connolly. Scrib 37:677 Je 'U5 Wicked city. E. Wood. Amer 69:156 D '09 Wickedness of Father Veiera. W. D. Steele. Atlan 114:59 Jl '14 Wickedness of Phoebe. R. R. Gilson. Cent 76: 57 My 08 Wickes of Maison Wickes. G. Torrey. Cent 83:816 Ap '12 Wickham, Harvey Rat. Mun 36:552 F '07 Wick's Waterloo. A. Morrison. Met 27:687 Mr '08 Widdemer, Margaret Her child. Forum 50:95 Jl '13 Rosabel Paradise. Col 52:7 O 11 '13 Rose-garden husband. Lippinc 94:385 O '14 Widder. A. Black. Atlan 92:267 Ag '03 Widder's corner lot. G. W. Ogden. Every- body's 13:531 O '05 Wider bounds. B. Millard. Cosmop 39:631 O '05 Widow assists. L. Bell. Mun 42:49 O '09 Widow Crow's boarding house. A. B. Paine. Harp B 43:708 Jl '09 Widow of the Santa Anna Valley. B. Harte. Sat E P 172:1196 Je 23 '00 Widow Pettingill's downsittings and uprisings. C. A. Creevey. Harper 100:645 Mr '00 Widow Preble. C. B. Wakefield. Harper 111: 317 Jl '05 Widow Smith's dog. W. R. Lighton. Lippinc 81:271 F '08 Widow Vogel. W. H. Osborne. Sat E P 179:8 D 22 '06 Widow who couldn't shoot. F. K. Gifford. Mc- Clure 35:619 O '10 Widowed. G. S. Townsend. Everybody's 16:710 My '07 Widower Brown's housekeeper. A. L. Lee. Everybody's 9:335 S '03 Widow's chaperon. L. F. Tooker. Cent 81:207 D '10 Widow's choice. J. V. Z. Belden. Mun 27:433 Je '02 Widow's might. E. A. Cuppy. Cent 64:964 O '02 Widow's might. F. Dana. Mun 26:805 Mr '02 Widow's mite. K. Harris. Col 53:9 Je 27 '14 Widow's mite. F. MacDonald. ' Les Mo 53:690 Ap '02 Widow's strategy. L. P. Tooker. Cent 83:773 Mr '12 Wife. M. S. Cutting. Everybody's 21:109 Jl '09 Wife. J. Oppenheim. Amer 72:747 O '11 Wife. M. K. Potter. Harp B 45:228 My '11 Wife for Jack Dempsy. S. MacManus. Les Mo 55:172 D '02 Wife for Lord Thomas. H. Rhodes. Cosmop 46:652 My '09 Wife from Vienna. E. S. Johnson. Atlan 97:17 Ja '06 Wife of a genius. N. Boyce. Harp W 58:566 D 12 '14 Wife of a Littlelander. F. Lindsay. Lippinc 92:497 O '13 Wife of Chino. F. Norris. Cent 65:369 Ja '03 Wife of the Governor. M. R. S. Andrews. Har- per 104:885 My '02 Wife of Tong Horn. C. K. Moser. Cosmop 43: 397 Ag '07 Wife who pities herself. L. Bell. Harp B 42: 370 Ap '08 Wife's coffin. G. Morris. Col 40:13 F 22 '08 Wiggin, Kate Douglas (Smith) (Mrs. George Christopher Riggs), 1857- Abijah the brave and the fair Emmajane. Scrib 41:304 Mr '07 Author's reading at Bixby Centre. L H J 18:5 Mr '01 Daughters of Zion. Scrib 40:406 O '06 Green isle. Scrib 41:37 Ja '07 Jack-o'-lantern. Scrib 40:129 Ag '06 Old Peabody pew. L H J 23:7 D '05, 11 Ja '06 Penelope in Venice. Cent 77:742 Mr '09 Phillippa n^5rvous prostration. Scrib 39:1 Ja '06 Rebecca's thought book. Scrib 40:524 N '06 Rose o* the river. Cent 69:643, 843; 70:119 Mr My '05 State o' Maine girl. Scrib 40:641 D '06 Turning point. Scrib 48:34 Jl '10 Wilby, Thomas William, 1870- Rise of Menai Tarbell. Cent 88:137 My '14 Wilcox, Mrs Ella (Wheeler), 1855- Cameos. Lipisinc 83:458 Ap '09 Wilcox, Mark F, His convert. Cent 75:558 F '08 Liglit running. Lippinc 87:499 Ap '11 Outlander. Cent 79:356 Ja '10 Wilcox, Marrion Beatriz. Harper 100:643 Mr '00 Delicate trial. Atlan 90:766 D '02 Wilcox, Mortimer O. Rocks of Moraga. McClure 16:214 Ja '01 Tale of Languedoc. Atlan 89:491 Ap '02 Wilcoxson, Elizabeth Gaines Hiram's son-in-law. Col 40:18 O 26 '07 Inspiration heights. Col 51:7 S 13 '13 Wild-boar shooting. R. W. Chambers. Col 41: 14 S 5 '08 Wild dogs of San Miguelito. N. Sheridan. Harp W 51:468 Mr 30 '07 Wild flower in politics. W. Hard. Harp W 50: 1785 D 15 '06 Wild-goose chase. See Balmer, Edwin Wild grain. J. Oppenheim. Outl 103:895 Ap 26, '13 Wild heart. R. Allen. Col 49:18 Ag 3 '12 Wild honey. C. Stockley. McClure 43:53 Je '14 Wild justice. H. M. Rideout. Atlan 92:317, 496 S, O '03 Wild justice. W. P. White. McClure 39:614 O '12 Wild man's justice. C. E. Benson. Col 54:15 O 3 '14 Wild oats. F. C. Springer. Harper 126:339 F '13 Wild oats. F. W. Wharton. Lippinc 69:259 Mr '02 Wild oats of a spinster. A. H. Rice. Cent 72: 323 Jl '06 Wild pansies. G. Morris. Cent 69:885 Ap '05 Wild-rose in the cafion. F. Hill. Col 52:5 F 28 '14 Wild train. C. Johnston. Sat E P 184:10 O 21 '11 Wild waters. L. Osbourne. McClure 26:434 F '06 Wild way of love. W. Bulfin. Everybody's 18: 157 F '08 Wild west in Dennisport. M. H. Vorse. Met 34:57 Ap '11 Wildboy. C. Johnston. Sat E P 186:8 S 6 '13 Wilderness road. C. Goodloe. Scrib 43:624 My '08 Wilderness station. E. W. Peattie. Mun 29: 272 My '03 Wildman, Marian Warner, 1876- Corn. The. Met 29:503 F '09 Grizzle, his wife. Harp W 53:5 D 11 '09 Wildness of Mr. Harcourt Peters. R. L. Hooper. McClure 29:150 Je '07 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Z^b Wildwood limited. C. Warman. Lippinc 76: 732 D '05 Wiles of tiie wooer. M. Kelly. McOlure 29:537 S '07 Wilkins, Mary Eleanor. See Freeman, Mrs. Mary Eleanor (.VVilkins) Wilkins, Pearl June night in Auburn. Everybody's 28:853 Je 13 Shears of Delilah. Cent 83:596 F '12 Wilkinson, Florence (Mr. Wilfred Muir Evans) Calling of Jeremy. Harper 103:928 N '01 Despair and Desire. Delin 71:112 Ja '08 Fairy valley. Harper 107:710 O '03 Jimps. McClure 2U:351 F '03 Little Christ at Swanson's. Atlan 86:814 D '00 St. Isidor contract and Pierre. Atlan 89:326 Mr '02 Trapper's daughter at Saint Irene. Atlan 91: 381 Mr '03 Wilkinson's chance. L. Mott. Cent 72:429 Jl '06 Wilkinson's wife. M. Sinclair. McClure 30:454 F 'OS Will. H. Lancaster. Forum 52:219 Ag '14 Will o' the mill. R. L. Stevenson. Outl 85:983 Ap 27 '07 Willard, Josiah Flynt. See Flynt, Josiah, pseud. Willard's tactics, for the use of the navy. A. Cosulich. Cent 72:963 O '06 Willcox, Louise (Collier), 1865- Dream-Elsa and the clay-girl. Harp "W 53:7 D 11 '09 With fugitive things. Cent 64:397 Jl '02 Willett, Edith Morgan April fool's paradise. Lippinc 77:497 Ap '06 Chauffeur and the jewels. Lippinc 78:257 S '06 Cupid — and a call. Lippinc 82:483 O '08 How Mrs. Carraway went to the exposition. Lippinc 80:779 D '07 May in the overcoat. Lippinc 73:745 Je '04 Missionary appropriation. Lippinc 77:116. Ja '06 Mrs. Dunkin's morning call. Cent 72:627 Ag '06 Sheet of foolscap. Lippinc 79:806 Je '07 Under the black cassock. Lippinc 80:545 N '07 William, AIfy, and Henry John. G. W. Carryl. Scrib 36:722 D '04 William Dressavi/, prodigal. W. A. Ratcliffe. Les Mo 55:260 Ja '03 William Henry Hopkins, drafted man. F. Wal- worth. Mun 2S:S7S Mr '03 William of East Orange. S. Merwin. McClure 41:140 Ag "13 Williams, Charles Michael Case of Minna Lang. Mun 30:24 O '03 Drum. Mun 28:895 Mr '03 End of the feud. Mun 29:31 Ap '03 God's pilot. Mun 23:375 Je '00 His trial trip. Mun 31:179 My '04 Human interest story. Mun 28:271 N '02 Man of success. M*n 30:126 O '03 Police-court Romeo. Mun 33:69 Ap '05 Right to reject. Mun 28:509 Ja '03 Striking of the colors. Mun 31:823 S '04 Williams, Earl Easton Man and his freedom. Harper 120:207 .la '10 Williams, Edward Huntington, M.D., 1868- Disciple of truth, ilaiper 108:328 Ja '04 Williams, Egerton R., Jr. Christmas theft. Met 29:407 Ja '09 Williams, Francis Churchill, 1869- Conspiracy. Lippinc 69:600 My '02 Crane. Scrib 28:743 D '00 Hat trick. Scrib 41:688 Je '07 Her story. Scrib 40:224 Ag '06 Honorable William's way. Harp W 49:1021 Jl 15 '05 Line of oourape. Col 43:20 My 1 '09 Peter and number six. Lippinc 68:509 O '01 Siren. Liitpinc 72:211 Ag '03 Smith of Pennsylvania. Lippinc 67:210 F '01 Squire. Lippinc 65:282 F '00 Williams, Francis Howard De profundis. Lippinc 70:242 Ag '02 Little child shall lead them. Lippinc 73:179 F '04 May in the tower. Lippinc 72:605 N '03 Tragic touch. Lippinc 74:463 O '04 Williams, Hamilton Michaelmas goose. Sat E P 176:6 Jl 11 '03 Rusticated. Sat E P 175:4 Je 6 '13 Williams, Henry Smith, ivl.D., Is63- ^V'hen no man pursueth. Harp W 51:505 Ap 6 '07 Williams, Howe Jobson's folly. Met 38:39 S "13 Williams, Jesse Lynch, 1S71- At the corner of Lovers' Lane. Sat B P 173: 16 O 27 '00 Blind man's buff. Sat E P 183:12 O 8 '10 Burglar and the lady. Scrib 34:173 Ag '03 CarroUs' family party. Scrib 45:570 My '09 CarroUs' formal garden. Scrib 46:753 D '09 Carrolls' fortune. Scrib 48:339 S '10 CarroUs' millionaire tenant. Scrib 45:712 Je •09 Comedy of a playwright. Sat E P 182:12 S 4 ■09 Diners-out. Sat E P 182:9 F 5 '10 Frederic Carroll, monogamist. Scrib 45:416 Ap '09 Girl from the machine. Scrib 40:467 O '06 Harvest. Scrib 31:57 Ja '02 Honeymoon. Sat E P 181:8 Je 12 '09 Leg pull: a Princeton story. Sat E P 174:10 O 12 '01 Mortimer's failure. Scrib 42:183 Ag '07 Sentimental twaddle. Col 49:22 Ap 13 '12 Young love. Scrib 42:727 D '07 Williams, John D. Little actress and the glass slippers. L H J 25:9 Ja 'OS Williams, Margery Eugene. Lippinc 89:117 Ja '12 Hyacinth. Everybody's 8:428 My '03 Williams, Martha McCulloch (Mrs. Thomas Mc- culloch- Williams) Case of Ann Eliza. Everybody's 14:424 Mr '06 Heathen virtue. Delin 61:651 Ap '03 Honor of the jail. Cosmop 29:522 S '00 Love and the law. Delin 80:215 O "12 Martena's cu'yus ways. Les Mo 51:361 F '01 Miss Davergoil's falsehood. Mun 23:101 Ap '00 Yellow dog. Cosmop 38:516 N '05 Williams, McCormick Irresistible call. Mun 30:597 Ja '04 Yates investments. Mun 30:910 Mr '04 Williams, Michael, 1877- Avenger. Everybody's 18:837 Je '08 Deliverance. McClure 30:713 Ap 'OS Figfit in one round. McClure 29:74 My '07 His memory. Harp W 55:16 My 6 '11 His sense of duty. Amer 63:506 Mr '07 Luclin's flight. Everybody's 22:657 My '10 One in a million. Mun 49:966 S '13 Stolen song. McClure 34:112 N '09 Williams, Neva Lillian Surrender. .A.mer 64:420 Ag '07 William's psychic disturbance. R. A. Steven- son. Sci-ib 47:75 Ja '10 William's wedding. S. O. Jewett. Atlan 106:33 Jl 10 Williams, William D. Cha-Mi-Ni. the Apache. Met 19:76 O '03 Devotion of John Dubbs. McClure 19:17 My '02 Johnny. Met 20:316 Je '04 Last choice of Crusty Dick. McClure 20:201 n '02 Tubby Smith. Col 33:16 Ap 9 "04 Williamson, Alice Muriel (Livingston) (Mrs. Charles Norris Williamson), ISSQ- Making of a match. Mot 23:Gn6 F '06 Propo.sal tree. Met 23:749 Mr '06 — See Williamson. Charles Norris. jt. auth. Williamson, Mrs. Charles Norris. See William- son. .Mice Muriel. Plot of the Prince's birthday. McClure 42:61 Mr '14 Shop-girl. Mun 52:315 Jl '14 326 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Williamson, Mrs. Charles Norris — continued topauish money; a story of Monte Carlo. Mc- Clure 42:58 Ap 14 Williamson. Charles Norris, 1859- and William- son Alice Muriel Willing nurse. W. S. Gather. Cent 74:550 Ag '07 Willow garland. O. H. Dunbar. L.ippinc 86:690 D '10 Willow-ware. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 115: yi3 N '07 Willsie, Mrs Honore McCue Afraid of the dark. Harp W 58:22 Ja 10 '14 Beatrice and the rose. Mun 35:333 Je '06 Benefits forgot. Delin 85:5 N 14 Forbidden north — the story of a great Dane puppy. Cur Op 56:303 Ap 14 Great liunger. Delin 84:7 Je 14 Heart of old Ke-Mah. Delin 73:769 Je 09 Light ye up your candles. Delin 78:425 D '11 Old Ke-mah and the flag. Delin 80:19 Jl "12 Old Ke-mah loves a child. Delin 79:97 F '12 Sarah bursts her shell. Delin 85.8 Jl '14 We die! we die! there is no hope. Every- body s 26:337 Mr '12 Wilmot, Vere Mayilower-time New Eng n s 28:334 My '03 Return of his youth. New Eng n s 24:546 Jl '01 Wilson, Charlotte Accidental saint. Col 40:14 D 21 '07 Good shot. Everybody's 17:274 Ag '07 Gran'ma's. Everybody's 17:132 Jl '07 Point of honor. Cent 77:261 D '08 Rubber-tired boy. Cent 74:682 S '07 Wilson, Frances Brief for spinsterhood. Amer 63:430 F '07 Gordon's daughter. New Eng n s 25:57 S '01 Little knowledge. Scrib 43:89 Ja "08 Neighbors. Delin 60:257 Ag '02 Wilson, Francis, 1854- Lady Jule. L H J 19:5 N '02 Wilson, Gordon Woman laughs last. Col 36:23 S 30 '05 Wilson, H. Cameron Nelles — Confounding of Emma Louisa. New Eng n s 34:477 Je "06 Wilson. Harry Leon, 1867- Boy who counted a million. Sat E P 186:18 Ap 4 '14 Corporal Billys come-back. Sat E P 186:16 My 30 '14 Crooks all. Sat E P 186:10 Je '14 King among kings. Sat E P 186:8 Ap 25 '14 Message from the Mikado. Sat E P 183:8 Ap 1 '11 Rip Van Smithy, Sat E P 1S6:3 S 27 '13 Two bad men. Sat E P 186:8 My 2 14 Wilson, Mrs. Harry Leon. See O'Neill, Rose Cecil Wilson, Jean Bingham Prophetess in her own country. New Eng n s 31:148 O '04 Wilson, Jean Bingham. See Hurd, Marian Kent, jt auth Wilson, John Fleming, 1S77- Account with Cupid Sat E P 185:3 Mr 29. 20 Ap 5, 15 Ap 12 '13 American. Everybody's 11:507 O '04 Bad egg. Sat E P 182:5 Mr 19 '10 Bewitching of Henry Pick. Harp W 54:22 Ap 30 '10 Bred in the purple. Sat E P 187:8 Jl 25 '14 Business of going to sea. Sat E P 186:3 D 20 '13 Cleansing sea. Mun 52:66 Je "14 Cowboy of the sea. Sat E P 184:22 N 18 '11 Cupid in the laboratory. Sat E P 187:5 N 7 '14 David Mackleby. Sat E P 185:8 Jl 6 '12 End of his silence. Mun 52725 S '14 Familv cruise Mun 34:466 Ja '06 Ghost' island light. Harp W 55:16 F 25 '11 Godfather of the poor. Sat E P 183:10 My 6 Great Arctic handicap. Sat E P 183:17 My 13 '11 Wilson, John Fleming — continued Hearts desire. Sat E P 184:8 Ja 20 '12 How 1 became a pilot. Sat E P 186:6 Ap 11 '14 In the hour of his youth. Amer 70:132 My '10 Interlocutory decree. Amer 75:22 Ja '13 James Galbraith, able-bodied seaman. Mc- Clure 33:505 S 09 Jimmy Hick's patent. Les Mo 58:557 S '04 Junk. Sat E P 186:10 Ap 18 '14 Love versus immortality. Harp W 55:12 Ap 8 11 Man who came back. Amer 75:80 N '12 Nazarene. McClure 38:274 Ja '12 Neighbors. Sat E P 182:11 F 26 '10 On Kindilini. McClure 33:588 O '09 On the morning of our tale. Met 39:14 Mr '14 Order No. 113. Sat E P 183:17 S 17 '10 Peering Jimmy. Met 19:117 O 03 Perilous philanthropy. Sat E P 183:12 Mr 4 •11 Persistence of the uninspired. McClure 32:17 N 'OS Personally conducted. Sat E P 184:12 S 25 '11 Rejected planet. Sat E P 184:10 D 16 '11 'Round the Horn with Cupid. L H J 30:9 F '13 Sanctuary. Lippinc 90 319 S '12 Sparks McClure 37:149 Je '11 Story of Gunderson. Sat E P 186:13 F 28 '14 Strange ports. Amer 70:434 Ag '10 T. Haldanes bequest. Harp W 55:12 Ja 21 '11 Tad Sheldon, second-class scout. Sat E P 183:9 D 24 '10 Three of us. McClure 41:113 Jl '13 Treasures of the sea. Cosmop 55:598 O '18 Twin Peters. Amer 62:323 Jl 06 Venus ex-officio Sat E P 183:8 Je 24 '11 Voice of authority. Amer 69:386 Ja '10 When the winds awake. Mun 23:667 Ag '00 Why Tim Mulcahey came home. Mun 49:565 Jl '13 — And MacGowan, Alice Jewel of Nutch. Harp W 56:16 N 2 '12 Wilson, Lida Patrick Absent-minded courtship. L H J 21:9 Jl '04 How Priscilla was married. L H J 21:8 Ag '04 Priscilla goes shopping. L H J 23:7 Ag '06 Wilson, Margaret Closing of the ranks. McClure 32:171 D '08 Forehanded Colquhouns, McClure 31:378 Ag '08 Her employer. Sat E P 177.4 Jl 9 '04 Pilgrima2,e. Harp B 35:534 O "01 Silver elopement. Harp W 57:8 Jl 26 '13 Through a child's eyes. Harp B 35:239 Jl '01 Wilson, Margaret Adelaide Water that talks. Cur Lit 50:342 Mr '11 Wilson, Percy Second stanza. Lippinc 84:758 D '09 Unwilling intrusion Lippinc 84:376 S '09 Wilson. Richard Henry (Richard Fisguill, pseud.). 1870- Fligee. Harp W 56:14 D 28 '12 Nymph. Harp W 56:13 My 11, '12 Orphanage. Harp W 56:14 Ap 27 "12 Princess of Is. Harp W 56:16 O 12 '12 Seven Slumbers. Harp W 56:16 Jl 20 '12 Waitress at the Phoenix. Col 49:20 S 7 '12 Wilson, Thomas H. Not according to code. Cent 68:624 Ag '04 Wilson, William Huntington Return of the sergeant. Harp W 44:872 S 15 '00 Wilson, Wood Levette Applie romance. Met 29:327 D '08 Breakfast — and a lady. Lippinc 84:493 O '09 Daughter of the stars. New Eng n s 32:633 Ag '05 Matter of size? New Eng n s 33:63 S '05 Wilsted, Richard. D.D. Abbot of Buskin Rock. Lippinc 70:217 Ag 02 Tartar who was not caught. Scrib 28:542 N •00 Wlltse, Henry M. White elephant. Met 18:745 S '03 Win on the hearth. B, V. Hutten. Met 23:545 F '06 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 327 Winchester, Ralph 'Twixt cup and the lip. Harp W 46:700 My 31 '02 Wind, The. H. C. Rowland. Met 21:682 Mr '05 Wind in the lilacs. H. M. Lyon. Amer 68:169 Je 09 Wind in the pines. B. Benefield. Scrib 56:531 O '14 Wind in the rose-bush. M. E. Wilkins. Every- body's 6:142 F '02 Wind of dreams. R. R. Gilson. Harper 110:555 Mr '05 Wind of love. T. Masson. Cosmop 35:642 O '03 Windeyer, iVladeleine Sandy's old woman. Everybody's 11:733 D '04 Windfall. R. Barr. Sat E P 179:3 S 29 '06 Window drama. J. W. Tompkins. Scrib 31:675 Je 02 Window of Dun- Angus. A. L. Milligan. Har- per 102:294 Ja '01 Window to the south. M. Harris. Harper 103: 866 N '01 Wine of violence. K. F. Gerould. Scrib 50:75 Jl '11 Wine -press of poverty. M. G. Field. Delin 78: 332 N '11 Wing victory. W. W. Cook. Mun 43:209 My '10 Winged coronet. A. Warner. Lippinc 89:385 Mr '12 Winged hussar. A. Kinross. Scrib 52:677 D '12 Winged victory. E. Haraucourt. Cur Op 54: 327 Ap '13 Wingless victory. C. Duer. Lippinc 75:316 Mr '05 Wings. J. Lee. Lippinc 77:347 Mr '06 Wings. J. P. Peabody. Harper 110:947 My '05 Wings of Horus. A. Blackwood. Cent 89:129 N '14 Wings of the morning:. C. H. Luther. Scrib 48:85 Jl '10 Wings of the morning. J. W. Tompkins. Ev- erybody's 10:760 Je '04 Wings of the spirit. L. B. Van Slyke. Harp 'W 57:18 Jl 19:13 Wings of victory. K. Masterson. Mun 40:425 D '08 Winning his spurs. "W. J. Lampton. Cosmop 37:1J0 My '04 Winning lady. M. E. W. Freeman. Harper 119: 823 N '09 Winning of a wager. Mrs. J. A. 'Walworth. Delin 62:176 Ag '03 Winning of Madame Bonnedoux. M. Van Vorst. Harper 107:457 Ag '03 Winning of Margaret Mervin. C. . Howard. Lippinc 71:714 My '03 Winning of Marie. F. H. Sweet. Mun 30:589 Ja '04 Winning of Miss Jimmie Tolliver. W. M. Raine. Les Mo 53:221 D '01 Winning of the Saucy Paoli. A. H. Lewis. Mun 27:490 Jl '02 Winning of the trans-continental. W. M. Raine. McClure. 14:573 Ap '00 Winnipeg wolf. E. T. Seton. L H J 20:11 D '02 Winnowing gold. J. G. Waldo. Allan 102:43 Jl '08 Winslow, Clara Austin Evangeline's at home. New Eng n s 33:204 O '05 Winslow, Helen Sterling Wonder worker. Scrib 56:204 Ag '14 Winslow, Horatio Changeling book agents. Harp W 58:24 Ja 24 '14 Fourth man. Cosmop 47:667 O '09 Winslow. W. Henry My castle. New Eng n a 2ZM S '00 Winston, Annie Steger Apple of Paris. Lippinc 89:841 Je '12 Bringing-out of Byra Klack. Atlan 104:51 Jl '09 Calling of Cairo. Cent 60:759 S '00 Escape. Lippinc 91:471 Ap '13 Few words at parting. Cent 82:470 Jl '11 Griselda of the cabins. OutI 66:177 S 15 '00 Love and the terror. Cent 76:506 Ag 'OS Mr. Grigsby's way. Cent 60:896 S '00 Two and tlie terror. Cent 73:721 Mr '07 Unreturning. Harp B 41:965 O '07 Visit of condolence. Harp B 40:692 Ag '06 Waiting-room. Cent 77:473 Ja '09 Winston, Jessie Beene Uncle Pete's matrimonial venture. Delin 55: 232 F '00 Winter, Alice Ames (Mrs. Thomas Gerald Win- ter), 1865- Bomb of an anarchist. New Eng n s 22:90 Mr '00 Real Alcestis. New Eng n s 33:723 Ja '06 Winter at Slocum's Luck. R. A. Wason. Met 26:8 Ap '07 Winter butterfly. M. L. Forsslund. Harper 114: 924 My '07 Winter cruise. F. W. Huard. Scrib 51:65 Ja '12 Winter, Elizabeth (Campbell) (Mrs. William Winter), 1S41- Unwritten law. Lippinc 91:88 Ja '13 Winter fairy tale. M. Vari Vorst. Harp B 36: 1061 D '02 Winter, Gertrude M. .\pril night's mischief. Harper 128:863 My '14 Winter, John Strange, pseud. See Stannard, Henrietta E V. P Winter love. L. Forsslund. L H J 23:13 Ja '06 Winter roses. R. H. Barbour. Everybody's 15: 853 D '06 Winter, Mrs Thomas Gerald. See Winter, Alice Winter, Mrs. William. See Winter. Elizabeth Winter wooing. P. W. Bensel. New Eng n s 27:579 Ja '03 Winter's courting. A. Brown. McClure 23:374 Ag '04 Winwood's luck. Mrs. B. Harrison. Lippinc 68:336 S '01 Wire tappers. W. B. M. Ferguson. Les Mo 60: 417 Ag '05 Wire, wings and wires. J. G. Gilpatric. Col 52: 7 N 15 '13 Wireless. R. Kipling. Scrib 32:87 Ag '02 Wireless confession. E. Lef6vre. Sat E P 186:5 Ap 25 '14 Wireless elopement. S. M. Neal. New Eng n s 30:95 Mr '07 Wireless tragedy. M. E. Seawell. Lippinc 87: 706 Je '11 Wireless wire-tappers. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 57;:?43 Ag '14 Wisdom of folly. O. Oliver. Lippinc 94:99 Jl '14 Wisdom of Hang Ti. A. R. Groh. Mun 40:383 D 'OS Wisdom of the dove. L. Brooks. L H J 19:8 Ja •02 Wisdom of the serpent. S. D. Osborne. Harper in.'?:236 Jl '01 Wisdom of yesterday. G. M. Cooke and A. M.ieCowan. Everybody's 21:184 Ag '09 Wise Miss Carrington. G. Morris. Met 32:690 .S '10 wish and the deed. M. Adeler. Sat E P 175:6 Mr 7 '0."? WIshed-for child. L. S. Portor. Atlan 111:178 F •!.•? Wister, Owen, 1S00- Concorning bad men. Everybody's 4:320 Ap '01 Drake who had mean.s of his own. Sat E P 183:5 Mr 11 '11 E.xtra dry. .Sat K P 181:14 F 27 '09 328 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Wister, Owen — continued Game and the nation. Harper 100:884 My '00 Gift liorse. Sat E P 181:3 Jl IS 'OS How doth the simple spelling-bee impruv each shining- ower. Sat E P 179:3 F 2 '07 In a state of sin. Harper 104:453 F '02 Padre Ignazio. Harper 100:«'d2 Ap '00 Patronage of High Bear. Cosmop 30:250 Ja •01 Philosophy four. Lippinc 68:193 Ag '01 Stanwick's business. Sat E P 177:3 O 8 '04 Superstition trail. Sat E P 174:1 O 26, 5 N 2 '01 There it was. Sat E P 183:5 Ap 22 '11 Timberline. Sat E P 180:3 Mr 7 '07 Twenty minutes for refreshments. Harper 100:235 Ja '00 Vicious circle. Sat E P 175:1 D 13 '02 With malice aforethought. Sat E P 174:3 My 3, 6 My 10 '02 With the coin of her life. Cent 78:161 Je '09 Wit and satire of the Hebrews. C. Johnston. Harp W 55:22 Jl 29 '11 Witch. T. W. Steep. Les Mo 55:145 D '02 Witch-bridle. G. S. Wasson. Atlan 91:345 Mr 03 Witch girl. V. W. Cloud. L, H J 20:13 Ag 03 Witch of the hunt. A. Stoddart. Lippinc 70: 493 O '02 Witchcraft of Chuma. U. L. Silberrad. Harper 108:428 F '04 Witching Hill stories. See Hornung, Ernest William Witch's daughter. M. E. W. Freeman. Harp W 54:17 D 10 '10 With a cargo of black ivory. A. Edwards. Harp W 54:10 Jl 2 '10 With a difference. E. Nesbit. Atlan 109:118 Ja •12 With a money king behind me. C. B. Loomis. Sat E P 179:16 Ap 20 '07 With a second to spare. T. Hall. Mun 22:866 Mr '00 With accrued interest. F. M. O'Brien. Mun 49: 528 Jl '13 With assistance. E. R. Mirrielees. Amer 72: 114 My '11 With banners of fire. Ingraham. New Eng n s 43:65 S "10 With boots on. R. W. Child. Sat E P 183:14 Mr 11 '11 With bridges burned. R. Beach. Col 44:12 Mr 19 '10 With cap and bells. K. Groesbeck. Harp W 57:23 Mr 8 '13 With flags flying. C. Chard. Harper 128:409 F '14 With fugitive things. L. C. Willcox. Cent 64: 397 Jl '02 With girls behind and girls ahead. R. F. Zog- baum. L H J 25:11 My 'OS With Hamlet left out. M. White, Jr. Mun 22: 560 Ja '00 With his back to the wall. C. G. D. Roberts. Cosmop 54:34 D '12 With his back to the wall. J. M. Rogers. Mc- Clure 18:33 N '01 With his hand in the sack. M. Glass. Sat E P 182:13 My 21 '10 With interest to date. R. Beach. Met 31:436 Ja '10 With Juliana on the box seat. K. H. Brown. L H J 23:8 Ag '06 With loving wishes for a happy birthday. D. Gatlin. Cent 88:535 Ag '14 With luck agin him. H. Dickson. Sat E P 182:14 Ap 2 '10 With malice aforethought. O. Wister. Sat E P 174:3 My 3, 6 My 10 '02 With Mrs. Kenworthy's assistance. P. H. Cog- gins. McClure 17:215 Jl '01 With modern weapons. C. Dangerfield. Lip- pinc 89:161 F '12 With Rajah unwilling. A. Stringer. Sat E P 185:8 D 21 '12 With reluctant feet. R. E. Young. Harper 114: 45S F '07 With Tabasco sauce. K. Harris. Sat E P 186: 10 My 16 '14 With that measure of love. N. Duncan. Har- per 121:579 S '10 With the abetting of Betty. E. Boltwood. Mun 45:90 Ap '11 With the aid of fifty Cupids. A. H. Petrie. New Eng n s 33:383 D '05 With the aid of her cat. S. V. Roderick. Everybody's 10:706 My '04 With the best ii:itention. B. Lessing. Cosmop 52:489 Mr '12 With the blessing of Bobby. M. B. Shipp. Les Mo 59:123 D '04 With the coin of her life. O. Wister. Cent 78: 161 Je '09 With the colors. H. L. Stone. Met 24:144 My •06 With the hands. A. E. McFarlane. Sat E P 178:6 Ja 13 '06 With the libretti. A. W. Witherup. Harper 100:969 My '00 With the night mail. R. Kiphng. McClure 26: 23 N '05 With the winter mail. G. T. Marsh. Scrib 55: 120 Ja '14 Witherup, Anne Warrington With the libretti. Harper 100:969 My '00 Within the enemy's lines. E. Boltwood. Cent 69:109 N '04 Within the lines. C. Ross. Sat E P 172:644 Ja 20 '00 Within the pale. M. Antin. Atlan 108:433 O '11 Within the ring of singing. M. Hill. Les Mo 56:320 Ag '03 Without a lavi^er. G. Morris. Cosmop 47:278 Ag '09 Without benefit of busting. R. Steele. Amer 77:42 Mr ^14 Without end. E. Lefevre. Sat E P 186:12 S 27 ^13 Without introduction. A. D. Miller. Harper 125:458 Ag '12 Without law or license. S. Ford. Scrib 30:566 N '01 Without orders. L. C. Senger. Scrib 29:620 My '01 Without rehearsal. H. Rhodes. Les Mo 57:644 Ap '04 Without reservation. J. Belfield. Lippinc 91: 736 Je '13 Without the law. L. C. Chamberlain. Every- body's 12:244 F '05 Without the pale. H. M. Kelly. Met 26:310 Je '07 Without water: an Arizona experience. G. L. Jones. Outl 75:216 S 26 '03 Witnesses. M. R. S. Andrews. Scrib 34:464 O '03 Wittenham belfry. E. Boltwood. Harp W 44: 1173 D 8 '00 Wives o' great men. K. Hubbard. Amer 73:378 Ja '12 Wizard of Wall street. R. Barr. Everybody's 3:397 N '00 Wizard's daughter. M. C. Graham. Cent 65: 843 Ap '03 Wizard's touch. A. Brown. Harper 109:253 Jl '04 Wocel's daughter. E. S. Johnson. Atlan 97:797 Je '06 Wodehouse, Pelham Grenvllle, 1881- Absent treatment. Col 47:16 Ag 26 '11 Ahead of schedule. Col 46:14 Ja 28 '11 Archibald's benefit. Col 44:25 Mr 19 '10 Brother Alfred. Col 52:7 S 27 '13 Brother fans. McClure 48:54 Ag '14 Creatures of impulse. McClure 43:49 O '14 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 329 Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville — continued Deep waters. Col 45:18 My 28 '10 Disentangling Old Duggie. Col 49:17 Mr 30 '12 Job of work. Col 51:5 S 6 '13 Little nugget. Mun 49:829 Ag '13 Man, the maid and the miasma. Cosmop 49: 51 Je '10 Pots o' money. Met 35:27 F '12 Rough-hew them how we will. Cosmop 49: 303 Ag '10 Sea of troubles. McClure 43:87 S '14 Sir Agravaine. Col 49:18 Je 29 '12 Something to worry about. Met 37:27 Mr '13 White hope Mun 51:803 My '14 Woehike, Walter V. Venture in beans. Sat E P 185:3 Ap 5 '13 Woes of two workers. H. G. Van Campen. McClure 41:190 Ag '13 Wolcott, Dixie For Polly's sake. Lippinc 79:286 F '07 Queen Esthers petition. Mun 27:971 S '02 Wolf, The. W. G. Carey. Met 29:445 Ja '09 Wolf. M. Gauss. McClure, 37:321 Jl '11 Wolf, Emma, 1S65- Critical Miss Devine. Cent 79: 573 F '10 Wolf hunt. C. Major. Everybody's 4:329 Ap '01 Wolf of the city. E. Balmer. Col 36:14 D 23 •05 Wolf tracks. R. Stock. Met 37:32 F '13 Wolf! Wolf! R. W. Chambers. Harp W 47: 1912 N 28 '03 Wolfe, R. E. Prize picture. Met 11:549 My '00 Wolfenstein, Martha Idyl of the Gass. Lippinc 66:918 D '00 Monk from the Ghetto. Lippinc 66:131 Jl '00 Renegade. Outl 66:34 S 1 '00 Sinner in Israel. Lippinc 73:682 Je '04 Wolff, William Almon, Jr. Dollar watch. Mun 47:940 S '12 Wolf's holiday. C. Duer. Everybody's 13:129 Jl '05 Wolfville-Red Dog Fourth of July. A. H. Lewis. Cosmop 54:254 Ja '13 Wolfville stories. See Lewis, Alfred Henry Woljeska, Helen Mary girl. Met 28:383 Jl '08 Wolves. M. K. Thompson. Harp W 54:18 Jl 23 '10 Woman. J. B. Foster. Cosmop 29:659 O '00 Woman. C. M. Horton. Delin 80:319 N '12 Woman. J. Oppenheim. Amer 70:477 Ag '10 Woman and her bonds. E. LefSvre. McClure 16:339 F '01 Woman and the law. M. Cameron. Harper 116:29 D '07 Woman and the message. E. Uhlrich. Met 13: 96 Ja '01 Woman and the poet. A. P. Smith. Scrib 38: 361 S '05 Woman at Eighteen-Mile. M. Austin. Harp W 53:22 S 25 '09 Woman at home. G. R. Chester. Amer 61:540 Mr '06 Woman at Panners. E. B. Dewing. Met 35:34 Mr '12 Woman at the door. J. N. Beffel. Lippinc 90: 718 D '12 Woman-beater. I. Zangwill. Les Mo 51:223 Ja '01 Woman disposes. G. A. England. Lippinc 83: 492 Ap '09 Woman, dog. and walnut tree. L. E. Teters. Mun 24:569 Ja '01 Woman for nothing. L. B. Edwards. Lippinc 68:3 Jl '01 Woman from yonder. S. F. Whitman. Cent S7;l N '13 Woman he loved. M. Van Vorst. Lippinc 81: 145 F '08 Woman he might have married. D. Joy. Cent 80:286 Je '10 Woman in a shoe-shop. M. I. Fisk. Harper 108:163 D '03 Woman in black. J. M. Forman. Col 45:16 Ap 30 '10 Woman in marble. L. Merrick. McClure 41:49 Jl '13 Woman in profile. M. Cox. Forum 45:200 F •11 Woman in the alcove. J. Lee. L H J 31:14 Ja, 12 F, 15 Mr '14 Woman in the case. F. T. Hill. Cent 73:408 Ja •07 Woman in the room. Z. Gale. Amer 74:582 S '12 Woman in the second row. R. M. Scott. Cur Lit 47:222 Ag '09 Woman in the way. E. Flower. Sat E P 178:6 Mr 17 '06 Woman inquiring about trains. M. I. Fisk. Harper 112:479 F '06 Woman investor. M. I. Fisk. Harper 127:155 Je '13 Woman laughs last. G. Wilson. Col 36:23 S 30 '05 Woman of Maidstone. R. Shackelton. Scrib 52:115 Jl '12 Woman of the crows. S. Carleton. Met 22:56 Ap '05 Woman of the swamp. H. C. Goodwin. Met 16:300 S '02 Woman on the road. A. O'Neill. Sat B P 185: 32 O 19 '12 Woman: one of her variety. P. S. Howe. Met 19:236 N '03 Woman or the spider. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 86:350 S '10 Woman pioneer. See Warren, Maude Radford Woman prepares — man proposes. A. O'Hagan. Everybody's 14:S41 Je '06 Woman scorned. L. Copinger. Lippinc 77:458 Ap 06 Woman suffrage at St. Katharine's. E. G. Jor- dan. Harper 122:551 Mr "11 Woman that toils. B. Van Vorst. Everybody's 7:211 S '02 Woman that understood. O. Thanet. Scrib 28: 729 D '00 Woman to woman. J. W. Tompkins. Mun 35: 144 My '06 Woman unreasonable. J. Dixon. Mun 38:614 F 'OS Woman who forgot. E. Hoyt. Everybody's 7:234 S '02 Woman who gave no quarter. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 79:262 F '07 Woman who had no needs. J. Belfield. Lip- pinc 83:122 Ja '09 Woman who loved Chopin. J. Huneker. Met 23:288 D '05 Woman who threw herself away. M. S. Gerry. L H J 30:8 D "13 Woman who thumped her lap. J. Stephens. Cur Op 55:59 Jl '13 Woman who tried to be good. E. Ferber. Sat K P 185:8 Je 14 "13 Woman who was ashamed. M. S. Gerry. Ilar- pfr 121:624 S '10 Woman who was no good. W. A. Ross. Every- body's 2:141 F '00 Woman who went away. J. Street. McClure ■11:.SS S '13 Woman who wished to die. L. Merrick. Met 26:347 Je '07: Same. Amer 73:30 N '11 Woman whom God loved. A. Brown. Outl 84: 7S S 8 '06 Woman with yellow gloves. M. C. Jonison. Ilurper 126:409 F "13 Woman within. T. Garrison. Mun 26:620 F '02 330 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Woman's auxiliary of the Oakdale hunt. D. Gray. Harper 123:367 Ag '11 Woman's club concentrates. F. R. Sterrett. Cent 83:759 Mr '12 Woman's fancy. A, M. Ewell. Atlan 92:623 N •03 Woman's heart. B. Lessing. Cosmop 52:813 My '12 Woman's heart. M. White, Jr. Mun 27:77 Ap '02 Woman's no. E. P. HuUng. Everybody's 16: .•J4 F '07 Woman's only business. E. H. Abbott. Every- body's 20:306 Mr '09 Woman's prerogative. K. Perry. Les Mo 58: 176 Je '04 Woman's victory. M. Maartens. Harper 107: ^;41 N '03 Woman's will. M, L.. Towson. Mun 28:334 D '02 Women: a monologue. K. E. Stuart. Cent 61: 595 F '01 Women are made like that. E. H. Brainerd. Harper 103:854 N '01 Women first. H. G. Chapin. Everybody's 14: 761 Je '06 Women in the case. F. N. Stratton. Mun 30: 864 Mr '04 Women of his church. See Mason, Caroline Atwater Wonder of it. J. Futrelle. Col 41:18 Je 6 '08 Wonder worker. H. S. Winslow. Scrib 56:204 Ag '14 Wonderful Christmas pudding. W. R. Lighton. L H J 21:12 D '03 Wonderful day. E. Rickert. Met 30:653 S '09 Wonderful experience of Horace. E. A. Ben- gough. Les Mo 54:302 Jl '02 Wonderful news. J. W. Tompkins. Every- body's 9:391 S '03 Wonderful story of Barney O'Toole. H. I. Greene. Les Mo 55:330 Ja '03 Wonderful story of Terry McGowan. S. Mac- Manus. Lippinc 76:71 Jl '05 Wonderly, W. Carey Christmas & la mode. Lippinc 84:701 D '09 Fun. Lippinc 88:246 Ag '11 Wonders of the deep. G. Pahlow. Cosmop 45: 201 Jl '08 Wonders of the three Donals. S. MacManus. Harp W 57:17 Je 28 '13 Wong Lee foreclo.sure. C. F. Holder. Met 25: 557 F '07 Won't go home. J. Flynt. Lippinc 70:335 S '02 Wood, Mrs. Albert N. See Wood, Mrs. Edith Elmer Wood.Mrs. Edith Elmer (Mrs. Albert N. Wood) Angel of the mizzentop. Harp B 33:375 Ap 28 '00 Converted cosmopolitan. New Eng n s 41:567 Ja '10 Martha Ellen at the Chicago exposition. Cent 60:46 My '00 Not in the signal code. Scrib 27:372 Mr '00 Object-lesson. Cent 66:886 O '03 Wood, Edith Norton Son of Samuel. Everybody's 7:454 N '02 Wood, Engle Triumph of Lying P. J. Harp W 55:16 Ap 29 Wood. Eugene, 1860- Album on the center table. Everybody's 19: 258 Ag 'OS Circus day. McClure 25:526 S '05 Commencement back home. Everybody's 16: 784 Je '07 County fair. McClure 25:595 O '05 Degeneracy of the breakfast. Everybody's 22: 92 Ja '10 Devouring element. Everybodv's 10:89 Ja '04 Drama in our town. McClure 28:265 Ja '07 Eating in the wicked city. Amer 70:697 S '10 Firemen's tournament. McClure 23:631 O '04 Wood, Eugene — continued Fourth of July in '57. Delin 70:65 Jl '07 Furnace of alfliction. Everybody's 19:833 D '08 Glorious Fourth. Everybody's 15:25 Jl '06 How to get strong. Everybody's 10:329 Mr '04 Human man. Everybody's 30:613 My '14 Hunting a job in the wicked city. Amer 72: 163 Je '11 Johnson's luck. Everybody's 14:418 Mr '06 Love story of Robert Prouty. Mun 29:562 Jl Marriage a fine art. Met 32:699 S '10 New baby. Amer 64:479 S '07 Old red school-house. McClure 24:390 F '05 Old Santy. Everybody's 31:850 D '14 Old-time revival. Everybody's 14:38:; Mr '06 Parlor back home. McClure 33:475 S '09 Rescue. Harper 103:94 Je '01 Revolving year. McClure 25:177 Je '05 Riding on the cars. Everybody's 31:51 Jl '14 Warning. Harp B 39:613 Jl '05 Why pay rent? Everybody's 22:765 Je '10 Wicked city. Amer 69:156 D '09 Wood, Gardner Weeks Stirring of deep waters. Harp W 54:20 Ag 6 Wood, Henry Cleveland Golden lizard. Met 20:327 Je '04 Wood, Irving Francis, 1861- Members one of another. Outl 84:525 O 27 '06 Wood, Jane Dalziel Chaperoning the chaperon. Amer 64:357 Ag '07 Wood Julia Francis Cupid and Jimmy Curtis. Cent 80:896 O '10 Hearne's examination. Cent 82:290 Je '11 Love and the canal. Cent 81:124 N '10 Wood-ladies. P. Gibbon. Scrib 54:223 Ag '13 Wood, Laura Augusta When love leads the way. L H J 21:6 Je '04 Wood, Laurance Engagement and after. Everybody's 2:54 Ja '00 Wood, Leonard, Jr. Banana girl. Lippinc 94:622 N '14 Wood, IVlary Buell Behind the Christmas carols. Cent 75:267 D '07 Floppings of the sacred codfish. Col 40:20 D 7 '07 Mary and her character. Outl 86:604 Jl 20 '07 Poor Juliet Outl 87:263 O 5 '07 Senior curate. Cent 79:258 D '09 Woodbridge, Elisabeth (Mrs. Charles G. Nor- Baby-broke. L H J 29:11 Je '12 Placid runaway. Outl 86:110 My 18 '07 Rowboat pilgrimage. Outl 101:442 Je 22 '12 Yellow Valley Outl 94:573 Mr 12 '10 Wooden doll. W. A. Sultzer. Forum 51:580 Ap '14 Ja Delin 58:272 Ag '01 B. Sembower. Col 37: Wooden Indian. A. E. Thomas. Scrib 31: •02 Woodford, Anna Impressionist picture. Woodland heritage. A. -■0 Ap 28 '06 Woodrow. Nancy Mann (Waddel) (Mrs Wilson Woodrow) Botanist and the machine. McClure 25:493 S •05 Cat and the countess. Les Mo 60:373 Ag '05 City of opportunity. Cosmop 57:358 Ag '14 Confiding clemency. Amer 69:617 Mr '10 Counsel of friends. Lippinc 89:391 Mr '12 Devil's daughter. Cosmop 55:611 O '13 Her that danced. McClure 29:286 Jl '07 Honeymoon goddess. Cosmop 56:319 F '14 If you were all Cosmop 57:166 Jl '14 In defiance of the stars Mun 32:606 Ja '05 Little widow McClure 29:58 My '07 Marriage charm. Everybody's 16:378 Mr '07 Mary Mahanev's chinv shower. Cosmop 43:58 My '07 Mr. Edgerton's education. Cosmop 55:443 S •13 Mr. McCurdy — superman. Amer 73:457 F '12 New missioner. McClure 23:147 Je '04 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 331 Woodrow, Nancy Mann — continued Night of encliantment. Cosmop 44;352 Mr '03 Old man Jolanson s successor. McClure 24; 274 Ja 'Oo Return of the gipsy. McClure 27:86 My '06 Sailing to-morrow. Cosmop 56:770 My '14 Secret chambers. Harper llicyS Je 09 Somepin' nice for Celia. McClure 28:498 Mr '07 Soul problems of Marthy Thomas. McClure 25:197 Je '05 Sportin" blood of Zenith. McClure 26:102 N 05 Wages of salvation. McClure 28:141 D '06 Woodrow, Mrs. Wilson. See Woodrow, Nancy Mann Woods, Richard F. Ringing of the bell. McClure 23:315 Jl '04 Woodville, Dorothy Virtue of necessity. Harp W 56:15 Je 29 '12 Woodward, Alma Knight who fell. Mun 49:570 Jl '13 Midas of the street. Mun 46:682 F '12 Wooed by wireless. G. A. England. Cosmop 44-497 Ap '08 Wooing Dorothea. J. A. McGriff. Lippinc 90: 334 S 12 Wooing of Addie Swisher. H. R. Martin. Cent 81:708 Mr '11 Wooing of Ah-Te. C. B. Taylor. Everybody's 8:419 My '03 Wooing of Delisca. E. Higginson. Everybody's 12:533 Ap '05 Wooing of Holy Calm. M. H. Carter. Cent 85: 218 D '12 Wooing of Judith. E. S. Broome. Met 11:307 Mr '00 Wooing of Kittle Bell. L. Hardy. Lippinc 92: 367 S '13 Wooing of Monkey Gilstrap. E. E. Peake. Sat E P 181:8 Ap 10 '09 Wooing of romantic days. E. Atkinson. L H J 27:5 Jl '10 Wooing of Tia. E. P. Clarke. Delin 63:250 F •04 Wooing of Tom Sleight's wife. J. K. Jerome. Sat E P 173:4 D 29 '00 Woollerton boy. E. Sharp. Sat E P 177:13 O 29 '04 Woolley, Edward Mott (Richard Bracefield and Robert Bracefield, pseuds.) IStiT- Adventures in business. Sat E P 185:0 Ag 10, 8 Ag 24, 9 S 7. 10 S 21, 12 O 5, 19 O 26 '12 At the crisis. Sat E P 186:14 D 6 '13 Customer's shell. McCluie 41:102 Je '13 Fighting six. Sat E P 1S5:6 Ap 26, 14 My 10, 14 My 31, IS Je 2X, 186:18 Jl 12. 26 S 6 '13 Gatch and company. Sat E P 186.8 F 7, 21 F 14 '14 Great chance. McClure 40:26 N '12 Inner secrets of a banker's rise. Sat E P 184:10 Je 8 '12 Inner .secrets of a merchant's rise. Sat E' P 184:11 Ja 20 '12 Inner secrets of a real-estate broker's rise. Sat E P 184:10 My 4 '12 Inner secrets of a salesman's rise. Sat E P 184:18 Ap 27 '12 On the upgrade. Sat E P 185:6 N 16, 16 D- 21 "12, 10 Ja 4, 11 Ja 18. 16 Mr 8 '13 Ordered out of doors. McClure 41:129 Ag '13 Secrets of a railroad executive's rise. Sat E P 184:8 F 10 '12 Short f:ut to salvation. McClure 40:227 D "12 Some gentlemen In clothespins. McClure 41 : 70 O '13 Wop — and a Bokunk at that. H II I fcrr. Col 49:20 Ag 3 '12 Word gently spoken. K. Harris. Sat E P 184:8 Mr 23 '12 Word of the oracle. U A. Lonp. Amer 64:603 O '07 Words and music. I. R. Cobb. Rat TO P 184:9 O 28 '11 Words of thfi wise. C. Duor. Everybody's 12: 742 Je 'O."-. Work of art. G. W. Carryl. Mot 22:.'')24 Ag "05 Worker in sandal-wood. M. L. C. Pickthall. Atlan 104:786 D '09 Working basis. A. M. Roach. Harper 111:40 Je '05 Working for fame. J. M. Oskison. Les Mo 56: 372 Ag '03 Working out of Joe's salvation. E. Kenton. Col 51:18 Je 7 '13 Works: and the cookee. S. Carleton. Met 35: 20 D '11 Works on the schooner Harvester. G. S. Was- son. Atlan 88:52 Jl '01 Workshop in the star. M. Bloede. Everybody's 28:131 Ja '13 World and the door. O. Henry. Amer 64:412 Ag '07 World conqueror. H. Brubaker. Cent 75:214 D '07 World of art. E. Pottle. Sat E P 177:29 N 19 '04 World of dreams. R. H. Barbour. Dehn 71:269 F '08 World set free. H. G. Wells. Cent 87:696 Mr •14 Worldly Miss Revelle. G. Overton. Harper 118:471 F '09 World's babies. M. West. Everybody's 9:748 D '03 Worlds between. J. Blethen. Amer 62:88 My •06 Worm. F. M. Eastland. New Eng n s 38:500 Je '08 Worne, John Animal, vegetable or mineral. Les Mo 60:445 Ag '05 Brink of destruction. Amer 61:605 Mr '06 Midnight game of hide and seek. Col 32:16 Ja 23 '04 Pills and pride. Col 32:21 D 26 '03 Worse than married. H. Miller and A. D. Mil- ler. Scrib 55:475 Ap '14 Worshipper. M. B. Shipp. Mun 40:761 Mr '09 Worth, Pauline Wilson Her diary. Cosmop 49:614 O '10 Worthless neighbors. E. Miniter. Col 53:16 Ag 1 '14 Woven of many threads. M. West. Mun 29: 275 My '03 Wrackham memories. M. Sinclair. Harper 128: 30 D '13 Wraith and the statue. A. H. Bill. Lippinc 89: S47 .Je '12 Wrath of Afric. E. E. Peake. Cosmop 34:105 N ^02 Wreck island ructions. G. S. Wasson. Harp W 46:1283 S 13 '02 Wreck of the brigantine Ringer. J. R. Spears. Cosmop 29:417 Ag '00 Wreck of the Josephine and Maria. M. H. Vorse. Met 34:680 S '11 Wreck of the night express. F. Lynde. Delin 61:166 Mr '03 Wrecked on Asparagus reef. S. E. Kiser. Mun 41:641 Ag '09 Wrecked on the shores of Japan. P. Bigelow. n;iri)cr 103:57 Je '01 Wrecker. J. B. Connolly. Harper 120:548 Mr •10 Wrecker. !>. A. Knight. Everybody's 27:206 Ag '12 Wrench of chance. O. Watanna. Harp W 50: 1 11)1 () 20. \r,:>,\ O 27 '06 Wright, Harold Bell. 1872- Ci.l al the sprinc. \- H J 29:8 R '12 Wright, Helen Ellsworth Mediator. Mun 3!i:69 Ap '08 Pr.-ivor of Rohoboam. Mun 28:670 F' '03 Whil(> azaleas. Lippinc 6!) 766 Jo '02 Whoso fliHleth :i wife. I.ii)piiic 77:niS My '06 Wright, Mrs. Juli.i M.icN.Tlr, 1^10-1903 SiiiircMie court of love. Lippinc 67:635 My '01 332 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 Wright, Marion R. Genul Grant and Aunt Polly. Met 26:142 My '07 General's story. Met 27:460 Ja "08 Wright, IVlary Bain Autobiography of a mother-in-law. Kat E P ISO -.a Mr 8 '13 Wright, IVlary (Tappan) (IVIrs. John Henry Wright) 1S51- Asphodel. Scrib 46:44!5 O '09 Day together. Scrib 29:19 Ja '01 Mountain. Harp W 51:162 F 2 '07 pro tempoi-e. Scrib 39:6(4 Je '06 Sacred concert. Scrib 34:117 Jl '03 Vox. Harper 107:770 O '03 Wristers for three. E. H. Porter. Harp B 40: 36 Ja '06 Writer of words. M. C. McGiffert. Atlan 97: 833 Je '06 Written word. V. T. Sutphen. Harper 118:90 D '08 Wrong door. F. W. Wharton. Harper 109:756 O 04 Wrong hand. M. D. Post. Sat B P 184:5 Jl 15 •11 Wrong house. E. W. Hornung. Scrib 30:343 S '01 Wrong side of the counter. M. R. Warren. Sat E P 185:3 Ap 19. 20 Ap 26 '13 Wrong thing. R. Kipling. Delin 74:402 N '09 Wuerpel. Gay Bentiey Cowboy and the mermaid. Lippinc 77:4o0 Ap •06 Final selection. Lippinc 74:498 O '04 Who killed the heifer? Lippinc 76:249 Ag 05 Wullerwups. R. Young. Cent 68:903 O '04 Wyatt, Edith Franklin, 1S73- Beggar's Christmas. Atlan 102:845 D 08 California conscience. McClure 33 355 Ag 09 In November. Atlan 104:673 N '09 Limitations. McClure 16:551 Ap '01 Matter of taste. McClure 16:236 Ja 01 Perfect woman. Cent 72:943 O '06 Satyr's children. Atlan 98:513 O '06 Shallow spirit of judgment. McClure 15:423 b Snow-white and rose-red. McClure 20:404 F •03 Trade winds. McClure 15:567 O '00 Wyllarde, Dolfe „ „„„ . ... Influence of frills. Delin 63:633 Ap '04 Wyman, Abram ^ ^ o.. nn New England longing. New Eng n s 34.140 Ap '06 Wynne, Mrs, Madeline Yale, 1847- Aftermath. Outl 74:620 Jl 4 '03 Wynne. Stella F. Still of Ballywan. McClure 27:266 Jl '03 Wysham, Henry Across the boundary. Col 37:16 Ag 11 '06 X Xingu. E. Wharton. Scrib 50:684 D '11 Yale, Elsie Duncan Revinge in Lehigh county. Cent 84:239 Je '12 Yale habit. R. Clapp. New Eng n s 22:181 Ap '00 Yale, Leroy Milton, 1841-1906 Uncle David. Scrib 30:31 Jl '01 Yamato Damashi. O. K. Davis. Cent 73:177 D '06 Yamazaki. O. Roberts. Amer 67:491 Mr '09 Yankee gold mine. J. Habberton. Sat E P 173:20 Mr 9 '01 Yankee privateer. S. M. Chase. Scrib 53:531 My '13 Yankee recruit in the Philippines. C. A. Camp- bell. New Eng n s 38:697 Ag 'OS Yankee snob. C. Lockhart. Lippinc 82:75 Jl 'OS Yankee trade in Sinpapore. H. H. Lewis. Sat E P 178:17 N 11 '05 Yanto the waster. J. Keating. Everybody's 11: 49 Jl '04 Yard, Robert Sterling, 1861- Gold-brick pubhshnig. Sat E P 184:12 D 9 '11 Yardstick of Aramis. E. P. Lyle, Jr. Every- body's 28:636 My '13 Yarn of Sink or swim. N. Duncan. Harper 108:444 F '04 Yarn of the " Essex," whaler. C. T. Brady. Cosmop 38:68 N '04 Yarn of the lost City of Wakefield. B. Branden- burg. Met 20:477 Jl '04 Yarn of the Nelson's ghostly steer. B. Bran- denburg. Met 20:351 Je '04 Yarn of the Pomerania's paint and plates. R. Armstrong. Met 21:40 O 04 Yaster's real romance. E. Flower. Met 16:187 Ag '02 Yates m vestments. M. Williams. Mun 30:910 Mr '04 Yates, Laurence M. Roland of the legion. Mun 46:341 D '11 Yates, Laurence. See Rhodes, Eugene Man- love, jt. auth. Yates, L. B. Art of Singin' Kid. Col 53:9 Ag 15 '14 Hustlers handicap. Col 54:14 O 3 '14 Major Miles and the Grim Reaper. Sat E P 187:13 Jl IS '14 Major Miles' chickens. Sat E P 187:14 O 17 '14 Melting of an ice trust. Sat E P 187:6 Ag 29 •14 Ye pumpion pye. A. E. Thompson. New Eng n s 27:277 N '02 Yeaman, Anna Hamilton Discovery of Christopher. Les Mo 55:306 Ja '03 Year and a day. B. Moses. Met 17:136 My '03 Year in Bohemia. M. R. Warren. Sat E P 186:3 Mr 28. 25 Ap 4 '14 Year of nobility. H. van Dyke. McClure 17:348 Ag '01 Year to herself. F. T. Jesse. Met 37:14 Ap '13 Yearly tribute. R. H. Emmet. Harper 109:204 Jl '04 Years. J. Oppenheim. Harper 124:685 Ap '12 Years at the spring. A. Abbott. Delin 67:894 My '06 Year's at the spring. M. De La Roche. Met 34:141 My '11 Yeats, William Butler, 1865- Red Hanrahans curse. Col 51:16 Je 21 '13 Red Hanrahan's vision. McClure 24:469 Mr •05 Yeggman. A. B. Reeve. Cosmop 52:681 Ap '12 Yegg's ambition. R. N. Wall. Col 52:8 N 29 ■13 Yegoritch of the Fifunskis. F. Palmer. Col 47: 15 Ag 19 '11 Yellow dog. M. M. Williams. Cosmop 38:516 Mr '05 Yellow man and a white. E. Gates. Scrib 37: 727 Je '05 Yellow peril. W. K. Maxwell. Amer 76:67 Jl '13 Yeiiow slipper. E. Castle. Sat E P 172:1068 My 19 '00 Yellow streak. W. Payne. Sat E P 179:14 O 13 '06 Yellow streak. R. Thomas. Col 50:17 D 28 '12 Yellow Valley. E. Woodbridge. Outl 94:573 Mr 12 '10 Yellow water. W. L. Comfort. Lippinc 90:205 -\g "12 Yes, indeed. R. H. Eastman. Harp W 58:10 D 27 '13 Yes-man. F. Tilden. Cent 84:381 Jl '12 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 233 Yetta's etiquette. M. Kelly. Sat E P 182:13 D 4 '09 Yiddish Hamlet. I. Zangwill. Cent 71:403 Ja '06 Ylng. L. H. French. Scrib 51:704 Je '12 Yon'l. M. Foster. Everybody's 15:665 N '06 Yoshi. K. Jarboe. Delin 67:1090 Je '06 You. V. Vaniatsky. Lippinc 80:362 S '07 You and me. Z. Gale. L H J 31:21 Mr '14 You at school. E. L. Sabin. Cent 67:291 D '03 You bet! R. W. Child. Col 45:16 Je 25 '10 You brat! J. Hinckley. Sat E P 187:12 Ag 8 '14 You can't get away from your grandfather. W. Irwin. McClure 42:29 Ap '14 You can't get away with it. G. Morris. Cos- mop 54:737 My '13 You can't tell. R. L. Hooper. Cent 74:500 Ag '07 You get what you want. H. Hall. McClure 44:92 D '14 You never can tell. C. B. Kelland. Mun 49:944 5 '13 You never know your luck. G. Parker. Mun 51:601 Ap '14 Young America in England. W. Beaton. Amer 75:113 D '12 Young, Anne Spottswood From William to Billie. Delin 78:216 O '11 Girl he brought home. Delin 84:7 My '14 Young antiquarians. E. Nesbit. Sat E P 176:8 Ja 30 '04 Young Aristide. M. Glass. Mun 37:109 Ap '07 Young, Berenice Fearn Big Frank. Amer 64:361 Ag '07 Dorcas. Met 27:715 Mr 'OS Son of old Straight. Amer 69:126 N '09 Young Bob Kemp. E. P. Butler. Harper 111: 527 S '05 Young Briggs' sister. O. Oliver. Col 33:19 Ap 2 '04 Young Corey's chance. V. Roseboro'. Mc- Clure 27:532 S '06 Young Cramer's choice. A. Kinross. Atlan 110:253 Ag '12 Young, (Alex and Bell) Fllson, 1876- Preventing of I^eviathan. Col 34:11 D 24 '04 Young gentleman of the woodshed. F. M. Kingsley. L H J 18:6 Je '01 Young girl. J. Oppenheim. Amer 69:516 F '10 Young girl in a hotel. M. R. Warren. L H J 26:18 F '09 Young Henry and the old man. J. M. Oskison. McClure 31:237 Je '08 Young Herrold's good angel. A. O'Hagan. Mun 29:17 Ap '03 Young knight-errant. M. L. Radford. Sat B P 178:8 Mr 10 '06 Young lady. J. W. Tompkin.s. Everybody's 17: 229 Ag '07 Young, Lily .Miss Sallie's title. Harper 114:742 Ap '07 Young lion of Dedan. G. Parker. Sat E P 175:4 Ag 2 '02 Young I>ord Prynne. P. Curtiss. Amer 77:40 Ap '14 Young love. J. !>. Williams. Scrib 42:727 D '07 Young love and old hate. Ij. B. Ely. Lippinc 78:513 N '06 Young man. J. Oppenheim. Amer 71:803 Ap •11 Young man and tho builders. J. Opptinheim. Amer 71:440 F '11 Young man In a hurry. R. W. Chambers. Har- per 107:377 Ag '03 Young man In Peacock alley. B. Jordan. I.. H J 30:_'l N •^■.', Young mun with wings. M. R. S. Andrews. I)fliri 7fi:Sr, Aix '10 Young man's fancy. G. A. Smith. Scrib 52:721 D '12 Young man's year. A. Hope. Mun 53:97 O '14 Young married couple in a hotel. M. R. War- ren. L H J 26:13 Ap '09 Young, IVlartha, 1S68- Uncle Pete's possum: a Christmas story. Outl 87:851 D 21 '07 Young minstrels. J. C. Harris. Col 54:10 S ly '14 Young Napoleon of Chicago. E. Kenton. Les Mo 56:259 Jl '03 Young Romeo of the basement. J. S. Hamilton. Delin 84:8 Mr '14 Young, Rose Emmet, 1869- Cliills. Cent 66:582 Ag '03 Goal. Col 45:20 Ap 9 '10 Difficult minute. Atlan 87:73 Ja '01 Finish of Elizabeth Shanklin. McClure 19:376 Ag '02 Genius of Retta Romany Tompkins. Atlan 90: 55 Jl '02 Hand of love. Cent 72:559 Ag '06 Judge Banks's Mary. Atlan 96:834 D '05 Life on the table. Atlan 88:204 Ag '01 Making of a doctor of divinity. Cent 71:725 Mr '06 Mrs. Shanklin's ambitions. McClure 19:232 Jl '02 Penan£;ton's love affair. McClure 21:472 S '03 Miss Nigger. Cent 68:385 Jl '04 Petticoat push. Harper 113:119 Je '06 Rose-red glow. Atlan 91:442 Ap '03 Substance of things hoped for. Harper 114: 901 My '07 Trial of the tangler. Atlan 92:221 Ag '03 Way of the strong. Atlan 92:520 O '03 With reluctant feet. Harper 114:458 F '07 Wullerwups. Cent 68:903 O '04 Young sleuth. R. W. Hofflund. Sat E P 184:34 D 9 '11 Young woman. J. Oppenheim. Harper 126:608 Mr '13 Young wooer. M. E. Fitzgerald. New Eng n s 37:329 N '07 Younger generation. E. S. Johnson. Amer 62: 4G8 S 'OG Younger Ledbetter. M. Lindsay. Met 29:676 Mr '09 Younger, IVIaud Diary of an amateur waitress. McClure 28: 543, 665 Mr-Ap '07 Younger son. D. Saunders. Everybody's 11:563 O '04 Younger twin. W. D. Steele. Harper 129:464 Ag '14 Youngest daughter of Zelophehad. M. Lynn. Allan 112:359 S '13 Youngest Miss Piper. B. Harte. Les Mo 49: 362 F '00 Youngest officer. M. C. Oemler. L H J 29:6 D '12 Youngest son. M. H. Verse. Harper 117:679 O '08 Youngs, Mary Pi'4 tale. Harp W 56:16 Ja 27 '12 Youngsters of the seven seas. N. Duncan. Harper 122:126 D '10 Your explanation, gentlemen. M. R. Rinohart. Muii 43:511 Jl '10 Your Inmible servant. M. R. Hoyt. Sat E P 179:9 .\p 13 '07 Your mother's Moors. F. Pier. Harper 118:404 P '09 Your Uncle Zekle's carpet. W. Arnold. Every- body's 10:558 Ap '04 Youth. K. Abbott. Harper 119:889 N '09 Youth. J. W. Tompkins. Everybody's 28:706 My "13 Youth of Lady Constantla. R. Le Gnllionne. Mot 19:389 D '03 Youth of Nflly MoChesney. M. L. Kn.ipi). Kvr>rybody'H 10:763 Je '01 Youth will be served. W. Irwin. Amer 74:60 My '12 334 STANDARD INDEX OF SHORT STORIES, 1900-1914 A. Abbott. Harper 127: B. Hooker. Harper 121: O. Kildare. Outl Youth's cross-roads. 463 Ag '13 Ysobel de Corveaux. 327 Ag '10 Yule-tide down in Mulberry. 78:1022 D 24 '04 Yut Ho. W. Irwin. Everybody's 14:118 Ja '06 Yvonne of the Folies Beigfere. V. Vaniatsky. Lippinc 73:186 F '04 Zack, pseud. See Keats, Gwendoline Zadoc Tirrell's shiftlessness. H. C. Cox. Harp B 33:157 F 24 '00 Zaili. B. Benefield. Scrib. 51:456 Ap '12 Zangwill, Edith (Ayrton) (Mrs. Israel Zang- wlll) Barbarous babe. Lippinc 68:349 S '01 _ Cinderella's sisters. Lippinc 70:733 D '02 Demi-man. Lippinc 78:654 N '06 Don Cupid. Lippinc 76:729 D '05 Economy of Jane Stebbins. Harper 105:471 Ag '02 Empire-builders. Lippinc 87:699 Je '11 Fashioning of Florence Isabel. Lippinc 88:884 D '11 Ideal. Lippinc 80:621 N '07 Journey of life. L H J 28:7 Ja 1 '11 Little gate of fairyland. Lippinc 68:752 D '01 Little Saint Thomas. Lippinc 82:609 N '08 Making of a militant. Lippinc 89:265 F '12 Modern Sabine. Lippinc 72:78 Jl 03 U. S. A. Lippinc 75:343 Mr '05 Urbs in rure. Lippinc 73:690 Je '04 Zangwill, Israel, 1864- Model of sorrows. Cosmop 32:653 Ap '02 S. Cohn & son. Cosmop 3:^:379 F '02 Tug of love. Cur Lit 43:461 O '07 Woman-beater. Les Mo 51:223 Ja '01 Yiddish Hamlet. Cent 71:403 Ja '06 Zangwill, Mrs. Israel. See Zangwill, Edith (Ayrton) Zangwill, Louis, 1869- Friendship. Lippinc 68:484 O '01 Mother. Lippinc 69:95 Ja '02 Siren from Bath. Lippinc 65:163 F '00 Zayat kiss. S. Rohmer. Col 50:18 F 15 '13 Zearing, Susannah Frances John Evan's last resort. Col 51:17 Ag 16 '13 Zelphine's wedding journey. A. H. Wharton. Lippinc 82:225 Ag '08 Ziegler, Suzanne Reversed decree. Cosmop 43:189 Je '07 Zion church. E. Singmaster. Allan 111:401 Mr •13 Zitkala-Sa Impressions of an Indian childhood. Atlan 85: 37 Ja '00 School days of an Indian girl. Atlan 85:185 F '00 Soft-hearted Sioux. Harper 102:505 Mr '01 Trial path. Harper 103:741 O '01 Warrior's daughter. Everybody's 6:346 Ap '02 Zoe's masterpiece. H. P. Spofford. Harp B 43: 795 Ag '09 Zogbaum, Rufus Fairchild, 1849- Foster-fathers of C troop. Met 19:846 Mr '04 Strategy of Sergeant Taylor. Les Mo 60:31 My '05 With girls behind and girls ahead. L H J 25: 11 My '08 Zohara of the flutes. B. S. Stevens. Scrib 45: 665 Je '09 Zollinger, Gulielma Babetta's environments. New Eng n s 31:211 O '04 Zoo, zodiac and Mo Slupsky. W. Irwin. Mun 48:901 Mr '13 Zulik the magnificent. G. K. Stiles. Harper 128:340 F '14 Zut. G. W. Carryl. Harper 105:261 Jl '02 Zut-ski. B, Harte. Cosmop 32:616 Ap '02 (p 0li> .) iD m ^■' A^^' 3J0>^^ ^..OFCAIIFO% •S SOV^^ v7,sa:}A|\' ^:OFCAUF0% ^OfCAl! *? 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