^4- ^c " The Kaiser was attireil in liis most magniticent costume, wearing the famous winged helmet on his head, and surrounded by a galaxy of ministers and great officers, all arrayed in the utmost military splendour." Secret History of To-Day Being Revelations of a Diplomatic Spy By Allen Upward Author of " Secret! of the Courts of Europe ' " Trcaion," etc. Illustrated (i. P. Putnam's Sons New York and London Zbe Vtntcherbochcr prcBB 1904 CONTENTS I PAGE THE TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN THE BOER WAR . 1 II THE BLOWING UP OF THE 'MAINE' , , . 31 ITT THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS ... 66 IV WHAT WAS BEHIND THK TSAR's PEACE RESCRIPT . 91 V WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT . . .120 VI THE PERIL OF NORWAY 146 iv SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY VII PAQB THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS . , . 170 VIII THE ABDICATION OF FRANCIS-JOSEPH . . . 191 IX THE DEATH OF QUEEN DRAGA , , . .217 X THE POLICY OF EDWARD VII 242 XI THE HUMBERT MILLIONS 264 XII THE BLACK POPE 288 ILLUSTRATIONS PAQK " The Kaiser was attired in his most magnificent costume, wearing the famous winged helmet on his head, and surrounded by a galaxy of ministers and great officers, all arrayed in the utmost military splendour." Frontispiece " A glance at the cheval glass showed me a stiff, well set- up Prussian ofiicial." ^" " ' I have sent for you, in two words, to find out for me the authorship of this telegram,' the Kaiser said." . 12 " ' Mv God!' he cried out. ' Who has done this? I shall 22 be ruined ! ' "'We shall find out whether he is a priest,' was the retort." ^^ "She would talk about her convent." .... 48 " ' Father Kehler has been good enough to visit a poor sailor who is lying sick on board,' he said, in a tone evidently meant to rebuke my impertinence." . . 50 "'As to that— impossible!' he exclaimed with vigour ' That is our secret— ours, you understand.' " " ' Am I under arrest too? ' Prince Pierre demanded with 72 some indignation. '* "The Tsar now interposed in a tone of more authority than I had ventured to hope for. ' Do you suggest, M. V. , that the whole staff of the French army are engaged in a conspiracy to forge documents?'" 62 88 vi ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE " * Your Majesty must judge me by what I have done al- ready. Two days ago you had never heard my name. Now I am here, alone with you, with a loaded re- volver in my pocket.' The Sultan started violently." 98 " It was a singular scene, as I stood there laying down pile after pile of greasy ten-thousand-rouble notes on a richly inlaid table." 106 "There at my feet, along the widening valley, lay a double line of rails, and all across the level space stretched low banks and ditches — the lines of a vast encampment, capable of accommodating half a mil- lion men." 116 ' I walked past him without a word." .... 126 ' ' I am not under anybody's orders,' I said, rising to my feet." 130 ' ' You are free,' he said briefly. ' The right man has been arrested, too late.' " 144 ' ' Let me see your warrant,' I said." .... 158 ' He bent forward to listen, and as he did so I launched my clenched fist at his right temple with my full force." 164 ' I watched the brave monarch read it through from be- ginning to end without one manifestation of dismay. " 1 68 ' Finally he turned his back without a word, and rushed from the room." 176 ' William II. strode to me, seized me by the shoulders, and thrust me out of the room." 188 ' ' Will you permit me to ask you,' he said politely, ' if you have ever done any business on behalf of the Em- peror of Austria-Hungary ? ' " 192 ' The Emperor could not repress a slight start " . . 198 ' I rode right over him." 212 ILLUSTRATIONS vii PAGE " I took out my loaded revolver, cocked it, and advanced to the threshold." , . 232 " Queen Draga cast herself on the inanimate form on the bed, concealed the face in her arms, and allowed her- self to be stabbed by a dozen bayonets." . . .240 »' ' V ! ' he exclaimed, drawing back as if he had been stung." 250 " ' Arrest that man ! ' the Kaiser commanded, without giving him time to speak." 256 " ' Now,' said the Kaiser, stepping close to my side, ' tell me the truth— the real truth, mind— and I will spare yovir life.' " 258 " I am going to ask you to undertake a service of an un- usual kind." 266 "My visitor started as she heard her name, and threw up her veil with a gesture of astonishment and indig- nation.' '="* " I was stopped at the barricade by a pompous sergeant ofpoUce." 280 «' The chief detective came close up to me, put his mouth to my ear, and whispered, 'Le drapeau bland'" . 284 "I found the Cardinal absorbed in the inspection of his . newly arrived treasures." 296 " Saddened and subdued, I quitted the audience chamber of Pius X." 306 " I can only render one more service to your Majesty, and that is to advise you to make your peace with the Black Pope." ^<^^ THE TELEGRA>r WITiril P.EOAN THE BOER WAR TiiK initials uiuler which 1 write these confessions arc not those of my real name, which I could not disclose without exposing,' myself to the revenge of formidable enemies. As it is, I run a very great risk in making revelations which atVect some of the most powerful personages now living; and it is only by the exercise of the utmost discretion that I can ho\)Q to avoid giving oflence in quarters in which the slightest disrespect is apt to have serious conscfjuences. If I should bo found to err on the side of frank- ness, I can only plead in excuse that I have never yet botrayecl the confidence placed in mo by tlit^ various G«ivcrnments and illustrious families which have employed me from time to time. The late Prince liismarck once honoured mo by saying: •To toll sccreU t^) Monsieur V is like putting them into a strf»ng box, with the certainty thiit they will not come out ag;iin until one Wiints them to.' A 2 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY In these reminiscences it is my object to recount some of the services I have rendered to civilisation in the course of my career, while abstaining as far as possible from compromising exalted individuals or embittering international relations. That I am not a man who opens his mouth rashly may be gathered from the fact that, although at any time during the long struggle between Briton and Boer for the mastery in South Africa, I might have completely changed the situation with a word, that word was not uttered while a single Boer remained under arms. In order to explain how I came to be concerned in this affair, I had better begin by giving a few particulars about myself, and the almost unique position which I hold among the secret service bureaus of Europe and America. By birth I am a citizen of the United States of America, being the son of a Polish father, exiled on account of his political opinions, and a French mother. From my childhood I showed an extra- ordinary aptitude for languages, so that there is now scarcely a civilised country outside Portugal and Scandinavia in which I am not able to converse with the natives in their own tongue. At the same time, I was possessed, ever since I can remember, with a passion for intrigue and mystery. The romances of Gaboriau were the favourite reading TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 3 of my boyhood, and it was my ambition to become a famous detective, the Vidocq of America. Fired by these visions, I ran away from the insurance office in which my parents had placed me, when I was little more than sixteen, and applied for admission to the ranks of the famous Pinkerton Police. Although my youth was against me, my phenomenal command of languages turned the scale in my favour, and I was given a trial. Yery soon I had opportunities of distinguishing myself in more than one mission to Europe, on the track of absconding criminals; and in this way I earned the favourable notice of the heads of the detective police in London, Paris, Berlin, and other capitals. At length, finding that I possessed unique quali- fications for the work of an international secret agent, I decided to quit the Pinkerton service, and set up for myself, making my headquarters in Paris. From that day to this I have had no cause to repent of my audacity. I have been employed at one time or another by nearly every Government in the world, and my clients have included nearly every crowned head, from the late Queen Victoria to the Dowager Empress of China. I have been sent for on the same day by the Ambassadors of two hostile Powers, each of which desired to employ me against the other. 4 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY On one occasion I acted on behalf of a famous German Chancellor against his then master, and on another on behalf of the Emperor against his Chancellor; and neither had cause to complain of my fidelity. I have been instrumental in freeing a Queen renowned for her beauty from the perse- cution of a blackmailer set on by a foreign court; and I have more than once detected and defeated the plots of anarchists for the assassination of their rulers. In this way it has come about that I enjoy the friendship and confidence of many illustrious person- ages, whose names would excite envy were I at liberty to mention them in these pages; and that few events of any magnitude happen in any part of the globe without my being in some measure concerned in them. Often, when some great affair has been proceed- ing, I have felt myself as occupying the position of the stage manager, who looks on from the wings, directing the entrances and exits of the gorgeously dressed performers who engross the attention and applause of the ignorant spectators on the other side of the footlights. The true story of the famous telegram which may be said to have rendered the South African War inevitable is one which strikingly illustrates the TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 5 extent to which the public may be deceived about the most important transactions of contemporary history. Every one is familiar with the situation created by that celebrated despatch. For some time pre- viously aU England, and, in fact, all Europe, had been agitated by the intelligence that Johannesburg was on the eve of insurrection, that the Boers were drawing their forces together about the doomed city, that Dr. Jameson had dashed across the frontier with five hundred followers in a mad attempt to come to the aid of the threatened Outlanders, and that his action had been formally disavowed by the British Government. Close on the heels of these tidings came the memorable day on which London was cast into gloom by long streams of placards issuing from the newspaper offices bearing the dismal legend, ' Jameson Beaten and a Prisoner ! ' While the populace were yet reeling under the blow, divided between distress at this humiliation for the British flag, and indignation at the criminal recklessness which had staked the country's honour on a gambler's throw, there came the portentous news that the head of the great German Empire, the grandson of Queen Victoria, had sent a public message of congratulation to the Boer President, rejoicing with him in the face of the world over an 6 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY event which every Enghshman felt as a national disaster. That hour registered the doom of the Pretorian Government. Jameson was scornfully forgotten. The British people, as proud as it is generous, made up its mind that the forbearance so long extended to a vassal of its own, could no longer be shown Avith honour to the protege of a mighty European Power. On the very day on which this celebrated despatch appeared as the chief item of news in all the news- papers of the world, I received an urgent cipher message from the Director of the Imperial Secret Service, Herr Finkelstein, demanding my presence in Berlin. My headquarters, as I have said, are in Paris, and fortunately I was disengaged when the summons arrived. I had merely to dictate a few dozen wires to my staff, while my valet was strapping up the portmanteau which always stands ready packed in my dressing-room, and to look out my German passport — for I have a separate one for every important nationality — and in an hour or two I was seated in the Berlin express, speeding towards the frontier. From the bunch of papers which my attentive secretary had thrust into the carriage, I learned something of the effect which the German Emperor's TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 7 interference in the affairs of South Africa had produced on the public mind in England. It was evident that the Islanders were strongly roused, and were preparing to pick up the gage of battle which had been thrown down. No sooner had I reached German territory than I found evidences of an even greater excitement. The whole nation seemed to have rallied round the Kaiser, and to be ready to back up his words with martial deeds. By this time I had little doubt that I had been sent for in connection with the outbreak of hostile feeling between the two Powers. But it was im- o possible for me to anticipate the actual nature of the task which awaited me. On reaching Berlin I was met by a private emissary of Finkelstein's, who hurried me off to the Director's private house. The first words with which he greeted me convinced me that the business I juad come about was of no ordinary kind. * Do not sit down,' he said to me, as I was about to drop into a chair, after shaking hands with him. 'I must ask you to come to my dressing-room at once, where you will transform yourself as quickly as possible into an officer of the Berlin Police. The moment that is done, I am to conduct you to the Palace, where his Majesty will see you alone.' As I followed the Director into the dressing-room, where I found a uniform suit laid out ready for my 8 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY wearing, I naturally asked : ' Can you tell me what this is about ? ' Finkelstein shook his head with a mysterious air. ' The Kaiser has told me nothing. But he warned me very strictly not to let a single creature in Berlin know of your arrival, and from that fact I have naturally drawn certain conclusions.' I gazed at Finkelstein with some suspicion. We were good friends, having worked together on more than one occasion, and I knew he would have no wish to keep me in the dark. On the other hand, if he had been instructed to do so, I knew he would not hesitate to lie to me. The secret service has its code of honour, like other professions, and fidelity to one's employer comes before friendship. Keeping my eye fixed on him, I observed carelessly — ' You will tell me just as much or as little as you think fit, my dear Finkelstein. On my part I shall, of course, exercise a similar discretion after his Imperial Majesty has given me my instructions.' As I expected, the bait took. Curiosity is the besetting weakness of a secret service officer, and the Berlin Director was no exception to the rule. Putting on his most confidential manner, he at once replied — ' My dear V , if you and I do not trust each other, whom can we trust ? Rest assured that my TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 9 confidence in you has no reserves. I have spoken the bare truth in saying that the Kaiser has given me no indication of his object in sending for you. But the fact that he has ordered me to take these precautions to conceal the fact of your arrival in Berlin tells me plainly that there is a person whom he wishes to keep in ignorance ; and that person can only be * ' The Chancellor ? ' I threw in, as my companion hesitated. Finkelstein nodded. 'You consider, perhaps, that it is against the Chancellor that I am to be employed ? ' I went on. * It looks like it,' was the cautious answer. 'And the reason why this task is not placed in your hands ? ' 'Is because I am a native of Hanover, and the Kaiser regards me rather as a public official than as a personal servant of his own dynasty,' said Finkelstein. ' In other words, he regards you as a creature of the Chancellor's,' I commented bluntly. The Director made a pleasing and ingenious attempt to blush. ' I can only affirm to you, on my sacred word of honour, that his Majesty has no cause to trust me any less than if I were a Prussian,' he declared. 'And I shall take it as a personal kindness if you 10 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY will endeavour to convince the Kaiser of my loyalty.' ' I will take care that he knows your sentiments,' I answered, with an ambiguity which Finkelstein fortunately did not remark. By this time I had completed my transformation. A glance at the cheval glass showed me a stiff, well -set -up Prussian official, exhaling the very atmosphere of Junkerdom and sauerkraut. I gave the signal to depart, and we were quickly driving up the Unter den Linden on our way to the Imperial Palace. 'Announce to his Majesty — the Herr Director Finkelstein and the Herr Inspector Vehm,' my companion said to the doorkeeper. A servant, who had evidently received special instructions, stepped forward. ' The Herr Inspector is to be taken to his Majesty at once,' he said firmly. Finkelstein bit his lip as he unwillingly turned to re-enter his carriage. I followed the lackey into the private cabinet of the monarch who had just found himself the centre of an international cyclone. Wilhelm II. received me cordially. It was not the first time we had met. About the time of his ascend- ing the throne I had been the means of inflicting on him a defeat which a smaller man would have found A glance at the '.lieval glass showeil me a stiff, well set-up Prussian official." TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 11 it hard to forgive. Fortunately, the German Kaiser was of metal sterling enough to recognise merit even in an enemy, and to realise that my fidelity to my then employer was the best guarantee that I should be equally faithful to himself, if it fell to my lot to serve him. ' What has Finkelstein told you ? ' was the Emperor's first question, after he had graciously invited me to sit down. ' Only that he was able to tell me nothing, sire.' The Emperor gave me a suspicious glance. 'He appeared to regret that your Majesty had not given him your confidence,' I added, choosing my words warily. ' He assured me that you might rely on his entire devotion, as much so as if he were a native of your hereditary States.' ' And what do you say as to that ? ' demanded the Kaiser, with a piercing look. ' I think that your Majesty cannot be too careful whom you trust.' Wilhelm II. allowed himself to smile gravely. 'I see, Monsieur V , that you are a prudent man. If Herr Finkelstein wishes to convince me of his loyalty to the Hohenzollerns, he cannot begin better than by renouncing the pension which he continues to draw secretly from the Duke of .' His Majesty pronounced the name by which a well-known dispossessed sovereign goes in his exile. 12 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY Familiar as I long have been with instances of perfidy in others, I could not restrain an exclamation of astonishment at this revelation of Finkelstein's double dealing. The Kaiser continued — * After that you will not be surprised if I caution you particularly against letting Herr Finkelstein know anything of the object of the inquiry I wish you to undertake.' I bowed respectfully, and waited with some im- patience to learn the true nature of my mission, ' I could not receive you here without taking some one into the secret of your employment,* the Kaiser went on to explain ; ' and I chose Finkelstein in order to give the affair as much as possible the aspect of a private and domestic matter. In reality the task I have to set you is one of the most grave in which you have ever been engaged.' The Kaiser took one of the Berlin papers of the day before, which was lying on the desk in front of him, and pointed to a column in which was set out in conspicuous type the telegram which had con- vulsed Europe and Africa, and had already caused Lord Salisbury to issue orders for the mobilisation of his Flying Squadron. ' I have sent for you, in two words, to find out for me the authorship of this telegram,' the Kaiser said. Notwithstanding my long training in the most TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 13 tortuous paths of secret intrigue, I was fairly taken aback by this announcement, ' That telegram ! ' I could only exclaim. ' The one which your Majesty addressed to President Kruger!' '7 never sent it,' Wilhelm 11. declared gravely. ' It is a forgery pure and simple.' For a moment I sat still in my chair, almost unable to think. 'But what ? But who ?' I articulated, struggling with my bewilderment. 'That is what you have got to find out for me,' was the answer. ' Let me tell you all I know. The first intimation I had of the existence of such a thing was the sight of it in the Press. I sent in- stantly for the Chancellor, who came here wearing a reproachful expression, and evidently prepared to complain bitterly of my having taken such a step without previously informing him. When I told him that the whole thing was an impudent fabrication, he could scarcely believe his ears. In fact, for some time I believe he was inclined to consider my repu- diation of it as a mere official denial.' I ventured to raise my eyes to his Majesty's as I observed — ' Your Majesty has taken no steps to make your repudiation public ? ' The Kaiser gave an angry frown. ' That is the serious part of the affair,' he answered. 14 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' Kruger, in his eagerness to proclaim to the world that I was on his side, had sent copies of this infamous production to every newspaper in the two hemispheres before it reached my eyes. At the moment when I first saw it, it had already been read and commented upon all round the globe. The British newspapers were already threatening war, and my own people had been excited to a pitch of enthusiasm such as no other act of mine has ever called forth. You see the position I was placed in. If I were 'now to disavow this forgery, my dis- avowal would be received everywhere with the same scepticism as was felt even by my own Chancellor. The British would triumph over me, and my own subjects would never forgive me for what they would regard as a surrender to British threats.' I sat silent. I realised the full difficulty of the Kaiser's position. He was committed in spite of himself to the act of some impostor, whose real motives were yet to be discovered, but who had already succeeded in bringing the two greatest Powers of Europe to the verge of war. ' Before I can undo the mischief which has been done,' the Emperor proceeded, *I must first of all ascertain from what quarter this forgery emanated. When I have obtained that information, backed by clear and convincing proofs, it may be possible for TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 15 me to satisfy the British Government that they and I have been the victims of a conspiracy. If you can succeed in furnishing me with those proofs, it shall be the best day's work you ever did in your life.' I listened carefully to these words, scrutinising them for any trace of a double meaning. It was impossible for me to dismiss entirely from my mind that suspicion which the story told by Wilhelm II. was naturally calculated to excite. I asked myself whether the Kaiser was really in earnest, or whether he was not inviting me, in a delicate fashion, to extricate him from the consequences of his own rashness, by putting together some fictitious account of the origin of the telegram, which might impose on Lord Salisbury. It was clearly necessary, however, for me to appear to be convinced. ' May I ask if your Majesty's suspicions point in any particular direction ? ' I asked, trying to feel my way cautiously. 'The President of the Boers is perhaps The Kaiser interrupted me. ' I do not think Kruger would dare to provoke me by such a trick. He would know that he would be the first to suft'er when it was found out. No, I am convinced that we must look nearer home for the traitor.' 16 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY Something in the Emperor's tone struck me as significant. 'If you could give me any indication of the person ' I ventured to throw out. His Majesty looked at me fixedly as he answered — ' Does it not occur to you, Monsieur V , that there is in my Empire a powerful family, the heads of which seem at one time to have cherished the notion that the Hohenzollerns could not reign without them, a family which aspired to play the same part in modern Germany which was played by the Mayors of the Palace in the Empire of the Merovingians ? ' 'You allude, sire, without doubt, to the Bis- marcks ? ' 'My grandfather was forced into war with the French by a forged telegram. There would be nothing surprising in an attempt from the same quarter to force me into a war with England.' I had no answer to make to such reasoning. Daring as such a mancBuvre might appear, it was absurd, in the face of historical facts, to pronounce it improbable. After a minute spent in considering the situation, I turned to the question of how the fraud might have been carried out. It was quite clear to me that such a message could not have gone over the ordinary wires. The TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 17 despatches of Emperors are not, as a rule, handed in over the counter of a post-office, like a telegram from a husband announcing that he is prevented from dining at home. I asked the Kaiser to explain to me the system pursued with regard to Imperial messages. ' That is a matter about which you will be able to learn more from the Chancellor than from me,' was the answer. 'Foreign despatches go through the Chancellery, and there is a staff of telegraphists there to deal with them. The wire goes direct to the Central Telegraph Office, I believe, from which it would, of course, find its way to the Cable Company.' ' Then this fabrication must have been sent from the Chancellery in the first instance?' I inquired. 'It could not have been received at the Central Office from an outside source ? ' * Impossible. They would not dare to transmit a message in my name which had not reached them through one of the authorised channels.' This was the reply I had expected. But I did not fail to mark the admission that there was more than one channel through which the forgery might have come. I was quick to ask — ' Is there not some other source from which this telegram may have reached them besides the Chan- cellery ? Your Majesty, no doubt, has a private wire from the Palace.' B 18 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY The Kaiser looked a little put out. ' That is so, of course,' he conceded. ' But that wire is used only for my personal messages, and those of the Imperial family.' 'Still, a message received over this wire, and couched in your name, would be accepted at the Central Office, would it not ? ' I persisted. 'Undoubtedly. But the Palace operator, a man who works under the eye of my secretary, would not dare to play me such a trick, which, he would be aware, must be detected immediately. Take my advice, Monsieur V , waste no time over side paths, but go direct to the Chancellor, and commence your perquisitions among his staff.' I bowed respectfully, as though accepting this plan of campaign. But, as I withdrew from the Emperor's cabinet, the doubt pressed more strongly than ever upon my mind whether I was not being asked to play a part. I half expected to find everything pre- pared for me at the Chancellery, prearranged clues leading to the detection of a culprit who would recite a confession which had been put into his mouth beforehand. I was perfectly willing to perform my part in the comedy in a manner satisfactory to my employer, but all the same I meant to keep my eyes open, and not to let myself be the victim of a deception intended for English consumption. TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 19 In this mood I presented myself before the Chancellor. As soon as the Imperial autograph introducing me had met his eye, his Excellency threw aside, or pretended to throw aside, all reserve. 'I am delighted to find the Emperor has placed this business in your hands, Monsieur V ,' he said obligingly. 'Your reputation is well known to me, and I am convinced that you will be perfectly discreet. The Emperor is, of course, thoroughly taken aback by the results of his unfortunate im- pulse, and wishes to relieve himself of the re- sponsibility he has incurred. In that I am quite willing to help him, but not at my own expense, you understand.' I murmured something about the Bismarcks. His Excellency gave a smile of contempt. ' All that is absurd,' he rapped out. ' The Emperor is quite foolish about that family, which possesses no more influence to-day than any Pomeranian squire. No, if his Majesty wants a victim he ought to be content with one of his o^vn staff. I refuse to allow the Imperial Chancellery to be discredited in the eyes of Europe.' This reception, so unlike what I had anticipated, made me begin to think that my inquiry would have to be serious. After a little further conversation with the Chancellor I decided to go to work regularly 20 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY beginning by tracing the Imperial telegram back from the Central Office. The Chancellor readily furnished me with the necessary authority to produce to the Director of the Telegraph Service, to whom I had merely to explain that I had been instructed to verify the exact wording of the now famous despatch. It is unnecessary for me to detail my interview with this functionary, whose share in the business was purely formal. Suffice it that within a quarter of an hour after entering his office, I came out with the all-important information that the congratula- tion to Mr. Kruger had come direct from the Imperial Palace, over the Kaiser's private wire. By this time it was clear to me that either Wilhelm II. was playing a very complicated game indeed with me, or he really was the victim of one of the most audacious coups in history. My interest in the investigation was strongly roused, as I made my way to the Palace for the second time that day, bent upon a meeting with the telegraphist by whose agency, it now appeared, the war-making despatch had come over the wires. My recent audience in the Imperial cabinet had invested me with authority in the eyes of the household, and I had no difficulty in getting a, footman to conduct me to the operator's room, which was situated at the far end of the corridor which TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 21 I had previously passed through on my way to the Kaiser. The room being empty on my arrival, I dismissed the footman in search of the operator, who, he in- formed me, would most probably be found with the private secretary to the Emperor. The moment I found myself alone I stepped up to the apparatus. I am an expert telegraphist, and the machine speedily clicked off the following despatch — * To the German Ambassador, London. — See Lord Salisbury privately, at once, and inform, him, British Government entirely deceived as to my sentiments. Proofs vyill be sent to you shortly. — Wilhelm, Kaiser.* I had hardly taken my fingers oif the instrument when the door opened and the operator walked in. Herr Zeiss — I heard this name at the Central Office — appeared to me to be a simple-minded man, more likely to be the victim of a conspiracy than himself a conspirator. I thought it my best plan to assume an air of omniscience at the outset. ' How is this, sir ! ' I demanded with some stern- ness. 'Do your instructions permit you to leave this instrument unguarded for any person who pleases to send his own messages over the Emperor's private wire ? ' The telegraphist stared at me with a mixture of surprise and alarm. 22 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY *I don't know who has authorised you, Herr Inspector ' he began, when I cut him short. ' Am I to go to his Majesty, and ask him if you have permission to leave this room when you please, without taking any precautions against the unauthorised use of the wire ? ' Herr Zeiss quickly changed his tone. ' That is not a thing of which I am ever guilty,' he protested. •You have been guilty of it just now,' I retorted. ' I have not been away two minutes. No one could have taken advantage of my absence.' ' Nevertheless, advantage has been taken of your absence.' ' I don't believe it ! ' ' Ask the Central Office to repeat the message you have just sent them, then.' Casting a frightened look at me, the man com- plied. I have seldom seen an expression of deeper astonishment and terror on a man's face than that which marked the unfortunate operator's as my despatch came back to him, word after word, ending with the Imperial signature. ' My God ! ' he cried out. ' Who has done this ? I shall be ruined ! ' ' Whether you are ruined or not depends entirely on yourself,' I said sharply. ' It is in my power to save you, but only upon one condition.' " ' My God ! ' he cried out. ' \\'lio lias done tliis? 1 sliall be ruined. TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 23 Herr Zeiss turned on me a gaze of mute appeal. ' You must tell me the exact truth,' I proceeded, ' and you must tell me everything. How often have you left this room without taking precautions against the misuse of the wire in your absence during the last two days ? ' Zeiss considered for a moment. Then his face brightened up. ' Not once, I can assure you positively of that, Herr Inspector.' This answer, given so confidently, came as a severe check to me. I looked at the man sternly, as I responded, with assumed confidence — * And I am positive that you are mistaken. An unauthorised use has been made of this wire, and I am determined to know by whom.' The operator's face fell once more. He appeared to me to be honestly at a loss. ' Come,' I put in, ' think again. Begin by recalling any occasions on which you have been called away hurriedly, and have perhaps omitted to lock the door.' ' But there has been no such occasion. I swear to you that I have not once left this room without taking ample precautions.' I fancied I discerned a touch of hesitation, rather in the operator's tone than in his actual words. ' Speak more plainly,' I said. ' What do you mean by precautions ? ' 24 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY 'Either the door was locked, or else * This time the hesitation was palpable. ' Or else what ? ' 'It was left in the charge of a trustworthy person.' ' And that trustworthy person, who was he ? ' I found it hard to suppress all signs of excitement as I put this question. ' The gentleman who will shortly be my brother- in-law.' ' Ah ! Perhaps this gentleman is an employee in the same department as yourself ? ' ' Not at all,' Zeiss protested earnestly. ' He is a teacher in the Military College. He knows nothing of telegraphy ; in fact, he has sometimes asked me questions on the subject which have convinced me that he is quite a fool where electricity is concerned.' ' Indeed ! And the name of this foolish person, if you please ? ' ' Herr Severinski.' ' A Pole ! ' I exclaimed. 'No, a Russian. He was exiled to Siberia on account of his political opinions, but escaped. He teaches Russian in the college.' 'How did he come to be left in charge of this room ? ' * He called here the day before yesterday, in the TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 25 evening, to speak to me about his marriage with my sister. They have been engaged for some time, you must know. While he was here I received a note from my sister herself, pressing me to come and speak to her at once outside the Palace. I went, leaving my brother-in-law to wait here during my absence. My sister, I found, merely wished to urge me not to object to any proposal made by her betrothed. On my return I found Severinski yawning and apparently bored to death in my absence. I asked him, and he assured me no one had come near the room while I was away.' I could scarcely resist smiling as the whole intrigue, so simple, and yet so consummately suc- cessful, lay bared to my perception. My whole anxiety now was to keep the worthy but stupid Zeiss ignorant of the transaction in which he had been an unwitting accomplice. I brought him away from the Palace with me, so as to leave him no opportunity of warning Severinski, and we proceeded together to the Russian's quarters. I flatter myself that the pro- fessor of the Military College was not a little dis- concerted when he saw his dupe followed into the room by an Inspector of the Berlin Police. I explained my position in such a manner as to let Severinski see that I knew everything, without enlightening the other man. 26 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' ' The day before yesterday Herr Zeiss left you alone in his room in the Palace. You took the opportunity to send a telegram, the terms of which are known to me, over the Emperor's private wire. For this offence you and he are liable to severe punishment. What I now have to propose to you is to make a confession which will have the effect of exonerating every one except yourself. If you do this, I think I can promise you that you shall suffer no penalty beyond, of course, the loss of your post in the Military College.' Severinski gave me a glance of intelligence. ' You do not require me to denounce anybody else ? * he inquired significantly. ' I do not require you to confess what is obvious to every one,' I returned with equal significance. Poor Zeiss followed this exchange with an air of bewilderment. It was evident that the discovery of the other's guilt had caused a shock to his con- fiding nature, and he was stiU trying to reconcile the Russian's prompt surrender to me with his previous stupidity on questions of electrical science, when I summarily dismissed him from further share in the interview. As soon as we were by ourselves Severinski spoke out boldly enough. 'I am quite willing to give you a statement that I sent the telegram. But I am not going to tell you TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 27 anything more. You must know that I am an Anarchist.' I waved my hand scornfully. 'If I consent to your suppressing the truth, Professor Severinski, it does not follow that I am willing to listen to absurd fictions. Be good enough to write out and sign a circumstantial account of your own part in this clumsy plot, and I will undertake that you shall not pass to-night in prison.' The Russian had the sense to do what he was told without further parley. I got from him more than I expected. He consented to put in writing that it was after his betrothal to Fraulein Zeiss that he had been solicited to make use of his con- nection with the Kaiser's private telegraphist, and he stated the amount of the bribe, a very heavy one, paid him for his services in sending the Imperial congratulations to the President of the Transvaal. We became so friendly over the discussion that Severinski, who was bursting with vanity over his success, wanted me at last to let him tell me too much. I was obliged to order him to be silent. ' If you tell me that you are an agent of a certain great Power, I must repeat what you say to the Kaiser. Then one of two things will happen. Either your Government will avow your action, in which 28 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY case you will be hanged as a spy, or it will disavow you, in which case you will pass the rest of your life in prison as a criminal lunatic' This menace had all the eflfect which I could have desired, and I was satisfied that the Russian would now hold his tongue. Bidding him a cordial farewell — for I confess the fellow's audacity had inspired me with some admira- tion—I hastened back to the Palace, to lay the results of my investigations before Wilhelm II. 'Your Majesty has been victimised by a secret agent whose employers are interested in bringing about a feeling of ill-will, if not an actual war, be- tween Germany and Great Britain. The day before yesterday this agent, whose name is Severinski, and who is employed to teach Russian' — Wilhelm II. started— 'in the Berlin Military College, visited your private telegraphist in the room at the end of this corridor. He had previously contrived that the telegraphist should be called away during his visit, and he took advantage of this absence to send the message which has caused so much trouble.' The Kaiser made no reply until he had finished reading the proofs I laid before him. ' And you did not ask this Severinski by whom he was set on?' demanded his Majesty, giving me a keen glance. TELEGRAM WHICH BEGAN BOER WAR 29 ' I did not know whether you would wish me to do so,' I answered respectfully. ' You were right, a thousand times right,' exclaimed the Emperor. ' As long as they are in doubt whether I know it is they who have played me this trick, I have the advantage of them, and they will keep silence for their own sakes.' He paused in deep con- sideration for a minute, then he looked up quickly. ' All this time I must not forget the English. Tell me, Monsieur V , are you personally known to Lord Salisbury ? ' * I have that honour, sire. On one occasion ' ' Enough ! There is not a moment to lose. You will leave Berlin by the first train, and proceed straight to the Ambassador's house in London. He will take you round to the Prime Minister, and you will offer him the proofs which you have just offered me, explaining at the same time that the excited state of public feeling in both countries makes it impossible for me to take any open action in the matter.' I bowed and moved towards the door. •I will wire to the Ambassador to expect you,' called out the Kaiser. ' Pardon me, your Majesty has done so already.' 'How?' ' I also passed five minutes alone in the room of Herr Zeiss,' I explained. 30 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY In the years which have elapsed since this cele- brated episode, Wilhelm II. has left no means un- tried to convince the British people of his friendly sentiments towards them. It is as a service to his Imperial Majesty, though without authority from him, that I now venture to lift the veil from the most astounding transaction in the annals of even Muscovite diplomacy. II THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE Although the revelations which have been made already in the British House of Commons have thrown some light on the international intrigues which complicated the progress of the Cuban War, the tragic event which caused the United States to draw the sword against Spain has remained a pro- found mystery to the present hour. The truth concerning the destruction of the United States warship Maine, in the roadstead of Havana, is known fully to only two persons now alive. One of these two has taken the vow of perpetual silence in the monastery of La Trappe, and his name is already forgotten by the world. I shall cause some surprise, perhaps, when I venture to assert that had I left my hotel ten minutes earlier on a certain memorable night in the year 1898, the Spanish flag might still be flying over the citadel of Havana. The extraordinary adventure which I am going to relate had its starting-point in Paris, which is, to a 32 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY large extent, the clearing-house of international politics — the diplomatic exchange where the repre- sentatives of the Powers meet, and sound each other's minds. For this reason the highest post in the diplomatic service of every country is still the Paris Embassy, although France itself scarcely ranks to- day as a Power of the first magnitude. It is Paris, as every one is aware, which was the scene of the long negotiation between the representa- tives of the Cuban insurgents and the Government of Madrid on the question of the terms to be granted by Spain to her discontented colony. In this negotiation it is equally well known that the Cuban delegates received the moral support of the United States; but it is not generally known that the Spanish Government acted throughout in consulta- tion with most of the European Powers. I was looking on at the negotiation without any very great interest, sharing, as I did, in the general impression that Spain would give way before long, when I was surprised one morning by receiving a visit from a very remarkable character. Ludwig Kehler was a Bavarian, who had begun life as a candidate for the priesthood. A dis- graceful affair, the particulars of which I had never learned, had caused his dismissal from the seminary, and, after drifting about the world for a time, and mixing in very shady company, he THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 83 suddenly appeared in Berlin in the character of a police agent. The exact nature of the services which he rendered to the police was a mystery, but I had formed the theory that he was employed as a spy on the German Catholics, whose attachment to the House of Hohen- zollern has always been suspected in Berlin. The presence of this man in Paris was in itself an unusual event. It did not occur to me to connect it with the Spanish- American question, and that for a very simple reason. Germany is the one country in Europe which has never possessed a foot of soil in the New World. Spain, Portugal, England, France, and even Holland and Denmark have planted their flags across the Atlantic, but the German Michael has been content to remain at home while his neigh- bours were colonising the globe. I received Kehler coldly. My acquaintance with him was a purely professional one, and he was a man whom I profoundly distrusted. As soon as I could do so, without positive rude- ness, I invited him to explain the object of his visit. 'It is of a confidential nature,' prefaced the Bavarian. ' May I assure myself that our con- versation will remain a secret between us two ?* I bowed gravely. ' That is always understood, where I am concerned, c 34 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY A man who desires to be trusted must begin by- establishing a reputation for secrecy.' Kehler contented himself with this assurance, dry as it was. * I thank you, Monsieur V . Your reputation is so well established that I had no intention except to ask whether you were willing to receive the proposals I have come to make ? ' ' Proceed, Herr Kehler, if you will be so good.' 'You have learnt, no doubt, that the Spanish Government has made up its mind to concede the terms demanded on behalf of the Cubans by the United States ? ' Although I was not aware that things had reached this point, I did not allow Kehler to see that he had given me any information. ' By this act,' he continued, ' the Americans have, in fact, declared that no European Power has any right to enter their hemisphere without their per- mission.' ' All that is well known, Herr Kehler.' 'The question then arises whether the European Powers will allow themselves to be driven out, one by one, or whether, by a bold combination, they will reduce the United States to some respect for the law of nations.' ' Such a combination would be inopportune at this moment, because the British would stand aloof.' THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 35 'Because they look upon the struggle as one between Spaniard and Cuban,' Kehler rejoined quickly. 'But let us suppose there to be a war, in which the United States was engaged against Spain ? ' 'You have just said there will be no such war/ ' A war is always possible, provided those interested in bringing it about are not too scrupulous.' This sinister language at length convinced me that the Bavarian had not come to see me for nothing. I decided to draw him out. 'Provided such a war actually commenced, I agree that some combination on behalf of Spain might be possible,' I murmured, as though reviewing the situa- tion in my mind. ' But where is the Government suflSciently in earnest to undertake so terrible a responsibility ? * ' It is that Government,' Kehler responded, 'which sees its subjects departing in greater numbers every year, but which looks around in vain for some un- occupied region towards which to direct the stream of emigration.' * You mean Germany ? ' 'We look around us,' he continued, scarcely noticing my interruption, 'and we see all the con- tinents staked out in advance by other Powers : Asia by England and Russia, Africa by England and France, North America by England and the United 36 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY States, Australia by England alone. There remains only South America, in the possession of weak Latin races, unable to make use of their advantages, but who are protected in their decay by the bullies of Washington.' 'A war in which the United States found itself fully occupied would be a fine opportunity for the German Michael to plant his standard in Brazil or the Argentine, I understand.' Kehler looked at me earnestly. 'The man who undertook the task of making such a war inevitable, without compromising ex- alted personages, would be no loser,' he remarked significantly. I looked back at the Bavarian before demanding — ' Have you any definite scheme to put before me?' ' Until I know that you accept,' he demurred. ' I do not know that you are accredited,' I reminded him. ' What authority do you require ? ' ' The Imperial autograph simply.' ' Impossible.' • I am accustomed to be trusted by my employers,* I returned decidedly. ' I cannot act under any other conditions.' 'That is final?' * It is final' THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 37 'Then I am afraid I can only ask you to forget that I have occupied so much of your time.' I allowed Kehler to rise and take his departure without making the least sign. The moment he was out of hearing I sprang to the telephone and rang up the agent of the Sugar Trust. Herr Kehler's refusal to produce the guarantee for which I asked convinced me that he contemplated some action of a character doubtful, to say the least, if not criminal. It would have been useless for me to communicate my suspicions to the American Minister in Paris. The diplomacy of the United States, blunt and self- reliant, takes httle account of the subterranean in- trigue which pervades European politics. But the Government of Washington was not the only factor concerned. As Europe is beginning to learn, the Union is a federation, not so much of those geo- graphical divisions which are painted in diiferent colours on the map, and called States, but of those vast organisations of capital which control the American electoral system, and fill the Senate with their delegates. Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Illinois — these are merely names for school children ; the Silver Ring, the Steel Trust, the Cotton Trust, the Pork Trust — such are the true American Powers. During the whole of the Cuban negotiation the 38 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY Sugar and Tobacco Trusts had been represented in Paris by agents whose object it was to avert an annexation of Cuba by the United States, an act which would, of course, mean the free admission of Cuban sugar and tobacco into the markets. Adonijah B. Stearine, the Sugar Agent, was a shrewd man, and I had no doubt I should find him a ready listener to what I had to say. Within an hour of Kehler's departure, Mr. Stearine was seated in my office. I had to pick my words carefully not to break the promise of secrecy into which I had been beguiled. ' I have just seen a secret agent who wanted me to help him in some trick to force on a war between the States and Spain.' Stearine rolled his eyes and whistled thoughtfully. * Who sent him ? ' ' I can't say. He refused to disclose his principal, and so I would have nothing to do with him.' The Sugar Agent pursed up his lips, and frowned. * I guess this is a dodge of Bugg's,' he muttered. ' What Bugg ? ' 'You don't say you haven't heard of Bugg — Milk W. Bugg, the Pork Trust's man over here? I reckon Bugg is the smartest man in Chicago, and Chicago is the smartest town in the States, and the States is the smartest country on earth ; so there you are.' THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 39 'The man who came to me is a German,' I hinted. 'Busror's smartness,' was the comment. ' He wanted me to think he came from Berlin.' 'Bugg is real smart,' breathed Mr. Stearine with admiration. It was evident that the agent of the Sugar Trust was unable to see past the figure of his rival, which filled up his mental horizon. I did not consider it worth while to argue the point. ' The question is. Do you want this to be stopped ? ' I said. Stearine looked at me with something like surprise. ' Think you can ? ' he questioned briefly. ' I know the man who is at work. I can shadow him and find out what he is doing.' 'You will have to be almighty quick about it,' retorted the other. 'When did this man get away ! ' ' Only an hour ago.' Mr. Stearine gazed at me with a disconcerting scrutiny. Then he remarked slowly and em- phatically — ' If this is Bugg's game, and you have given him an hour's start, I calculate he will be opening a store in Havana this day six months.' The Pork Trust, it was clear, had everything to gain by a war by which the Sugar Trust had every- 40 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY thing to lose. But, in spite of Mr. Stearine's con- fident assurances, I continued to have my own opinion about the power behind Herr Kehler. ' Do you want me to act ? ' I demanded briefly. 'I want you to take a hand — yes.' The Sugar Agent took out his pocket-book, and counted out bills to the amount of ten thousand dollars. ' You can play up to that,' he added, ' and then you can let me know how the game stands. I guess I shall buy Pork Consols.' With this discouraging observation, Stearine left. It did not take me long to decide on my plans. As it was not likely that Kehler was apprehensive of being watched, it would be an easy task to trace him, and I at once gave orders to my staff to that effect, with the result that I learned in a few hours that the Bavarian had put up at the Hotel des Deux Aigles, and was leaving by the Sud Express for Madrid. I now decided on one of the boldest and most effective strokes in my repertory. I went openly to the station, took my own ticket, and entered the compartment of the sleeping-car in which Kehler had booked his own place. The real astonishment of the Bavarian at seeing me I met with an affectation of moderate surprise on my own part. * So you are going with me ? ' I observed. THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 41 * With you ! ' Kehler exclaimed. 'It appears so. No doubt you have been in- structed ? ' Kehler denied it energetically. ' But you refused to participate in a certain design/ he reminded me. ' I laid down certain conditions, which you declined to fulfil, but which have since been complied with by your principaU The Bavarian was thunderstruck. I relied upon his having reported his failure to whomever it was that had sent him to me; and there was nothing impossible in the suggestion that I had in conse- quence been approached directly. ' You have credentials, I suppose ? ' he asked. I nodded carelessly. ' You will convince me, perhaps ? ' he persisted. ' Are you authorised to convince me ? ' was my retort. * You know it — no.' I shrugged my shoulders and remained silent. So commenced the most extraordinary journey I have ever taken, a journey which was destined to end only at Havana. Across France and Spain and the Atlantic Ocean we travelled side by side, each unwilling to lose sight of the other; I, resolved to find out and if possible thwart the designs of my companion ; Kehler, unable to determine whether I 42 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY was an opponent, a rival, or a spy set over him by those on whose behalf he was engaged. On the frontier, at Hendaye, a despatch was handed in to me through the carriage window. It was from Stearine, and contained these words, whose terrible significance I was designed to learn later — ' United States warship Maine arrived harbour Havana.' The agent of the Sugar Trust had been too careful to say more. But it was clear that he regarded this event as a move in the game played by the great exporting Trusts. From the moment of our arrival in Madrid I was no longer able to keep a close watch on Kehler, though by a sort of tacit agreement we stayed at the same hotel. I found out that he was paying visits to the Provincials of the Jesuit and Franciscan Orders, and had been admitted as a visitor to one or two convents, and for a time I was tempted to relax my suspicions, and to think that the Bavarian was engaged in some Catholic espionage. These doubts were suddenly dissipated by my meeting him one day in the courtyard of the hotel attired in the habit of a priest — the dress of which he had been deprived on account of his youthful misconduct. I could not doubt that this dress was a mere disguise, and that it had been assumed for a political purpose. I went up to him and whispered — THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 43 * Do we still recognise each other, or do you prefer that we meet as strangers ? ' 'As fellow-travellers simply, I should prefer,' he responded. The next day he had disappeared from the hotel. I set the agencies at my command to work, and learned without much difficulty that passages had been reserved for the false priest and a Sister of Mercy travelling under his protection, on board a Spanish steamer sailing from Cadiz to Havana. Needless to add, I was on board the same steamer when she quitted her moorings and breasted the waves of the open sea. During the voyage I had many opportunities of watching Kehler and his com- panion, who were constantly together, holding long private conversations in retired corners of the vessel. The nun, who was presented to me as Sister Marie- Joseph, was a pale, delicate-looking girl of about twenty, with that abstracted look in her eyes which betokens a mind wavering between earnestness and hallucination. Dimly, and through clouds of uncertainty, I began to perceive that Kehler had ransacked the convents of Madrid for a suitable instrument, and that he was hard at work hypnotising the unfortunate girl's mind, so as to prepare it for any suggestion he might have to make. Before we reached Cuba I contrived to speak to 44 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY the Sister apart. I found her reserved and dis- trustful of a heretic, as she had evidently been told to consider me. On my satisfying her that I had been brought up a Catholic, she became slightly more communicative, and revealed a disposition singularly sincere and devoted, but almost morbid in its detestation of Protestantism, She betrayed a feeling of horror at the idea of American domination in the Catholic island of Cuba, and it was in vain that I represented to her the generous tolerance accorded to our religion in the United States. I did not dare to ask her the subject of her conferences with Kehler. To have hinted at the Bavarian's true character would have been simply to forfeit her confidence in myself. I decided to reserve my efforts in this direction until our arrival in Havana, where I did not doubt that I should be able to find some responsible ecclesiastic who would undertake the investigation of Kehler's antecedents. In the meantime I could only wait and watch. I was painfully impressed by the steady growth of the false priest's influence over his victim, who seemed at last to respond to his least word or gesture. I had before me the spectacle of a possible Teresa or Elizabeth being gradually transformed into a Ravaillac by the dexterous touches of a rascally police agent. As soon as we entered the harbour Kehler and THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 45 his companion got ready to disembark. I noticed that at this moment they were separated, the Sister going ashore by herself with a large basket trunk, while her protector followed at some distance behind. They met again at the hotel, to which I had accompanied the man. By this time I had forced a certain degree of acquaintance on the couple, though I was unable to interrupt the intimacy of their private intercourse. I arranged to secure a room next to that of the Sister, and I observed with some surprise that Herr Kehler was lodged in another wing of the building. By a coincidence we found the hotel full of naval oflficers from the Maine, who had chosen it for their headquarters while on shore. Instead of dis- concerting Kehler, this circumstance appeared to give him every satisfaction. He went out of his way to show civility to the Americans, and rapidly became intimate with several of them. Sister Marie-Joseph, on the other hand, held sullenly aloof, scarcely able to repress some signs of the abhorrence which the sight of the heretics inspired. The visit of the Maine was understood to be a pacific one. It was a demonstration to the world that the relations between the United States and Spain continued to be those of perfect friend- ship, and that the former Power was inspired by 46 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY peaceful motives in seeking to bring about an under- standing between the belligerent Cubans and the mother-country. Nevertheless it was an imprudent act to send a man-of-war, flying the Stars and Stripes, into the harbour of a place swarming with fanatical Spaniards, furious at the interference of another Power between them and their revolted subjects. It was, in fact, a provocation, and it was not surprising that the astute agent of the Sugar Trust had seen in this proceeding the work of those commercial powers whose interest lay in the direction of a rupture. Faithful to my preconceived intention, I took an early opportunity of waiting upon a high Church functionary in the city, to warn him of the true character of the Bavarian. The reception I met with was a cold one, however. Monsignor X allowed me to see that he con- sidered me an officious person. ' May I ask what is your interest in all this ? ' he demanded, as soon as I had made my statement. ' I represent the Sugar Trust,' I told him. ' The Sugar Trust ? ' ' The manufacturers of sugar in the United States, who fear the competition of cane sugar, and are therefore opposed to the annexation of Cuba, which would involve free trade with the island,' I ex- plained. ^ii^ THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 47 * And you suggest that this Father Kehler ? ' ' Herr Kehler,' I corrected. ' This man is no more a priest than I am. He is believed to be the agent of a Chicago Trust, which desires to see Cuba brought within the Union.' 'We shall find out whether he is a priest,' was the retort. ' Before he can say Mass in this diocese he will have to apply for permission, and to show his ordination papers.' 'But if he does not wish to say Mass? If he merely confines himself to directing the Sister whom he has conducted here ? ' 'In that case we cannot interfere. We have no more proof that she is a Sister than that he is a priest ? ' I gave Monsignor X an indignant look, which he bore with coolness. ' Besides, what is it that you apprehend ? ' he asked. ' One cannot deal with imaginary dangers.' 'I am sure that these two persons are bent on some desperate enterprise — that their presence in Havana bodes no good to the cause of peace,' was all I could find to say. The ecclesiastic made a scornful gesture. ' It appears to me that this is a matter which concerns the police,' he said, in a tone which signified that the interview was at an end. I returned to my quarters, realising to the full 48 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY tlie difficulty of any effective action. To go to the police would be merely to invite a repetition of the snub which I had just received from the ecclesiastical authority. I could only rely on my own resources. I sent a wire to Stearine : ' War agent here as priest, accomjyanied by nun,' and waited. It was just possible that Stearine might have connections through which those who had power in the Church at Havana might be influenced, in which case I had no doubt that Monsignor X would very quickly become interested in the doings of ' Father ' Kehler. I can hardly tell what it was precisely that I expected to happen. I had some idea of an assas- sination, possibly of the captain of the Maine, or perhaps of the American Consul, by Sister Marie- Joseph. Day by day I perceived the unhappy girl becom- ing more and more wrought up to the pitch of enthusiasm necessary for the perpetration of some hideous deed, like that of Charlotte Corday, or Judith. Curiously enough, the poor Sister showed an inclination for my society, perhaps because I was a familiar face. She would sit beside me in the drawing-room of the hotel and talk about her con- vent, in which she had been educated and passed most of her life. I learned that she was of a noble family, rendered poor by the ravages committed in the course of the She would talk about her couveiil." THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 49 Cuban insurrection, a fact which may have helped to exasperate her spirit. But I sought in vain to draw her into any confidences on the subject of her mission to Havana. The moment I touched on that topic she became dumb, and made an excuse to leave me. During the next few days I observed the intimacy between Kehler and the American officers becoming closer. The German could speak English fluently, and this circumstance naturally recommended him as a companion in a place where Spanish and French are almost the only languages known to the in- habitants. There was a young lieutenant, or sub- lieutenant, in particular, who was constantly in Kehler's company, viewing the sights of the town, or smoking with him on the hotel verandah. Suspect- ing that my man had some object in cultivating this lieutenant, I endeavoured to make his acquaintance myself, only to find my advances rebuffed in a manner which showed me plainly that Kehler had been at work disparaging me beforehand. One day as I was standing on the verandah I noticed the pair come out of the hotel together, and turn in the direction of the harbour. I followed at a discreet distance, and saw the officer conduct Kehler into a boat, manned by sailors from the Maine, in which they pulled off to the ship. I stood watching, and at the end of about an hour I D 50 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY saw them coming back, the face of the false priest wearing a serious expression. I took advantage of my acquaintance with him to meet the pair as they landed, and accost them carelessly. ' You have been to have a look over the ship ? ' I threw out. Kehler tried to pass on with a careless nod, but the lieutenant, less discreet, drew himself up with a severe glance at me. ' Father Kehler has been good enough to visit a poor sailor who is lying sick on board,* he said, in a tone evidently meant to rebuke my impertinence. I bowed with assumed respect. But as they went on their way I experienced a sensation of alarm. The pretext which had imposed on the officer was transparent enough as far as I was concerned. I realised that Kehler was steadily pursuing some well-thought-out design, and that he had contrived this visit to the man-of-war with some dark purpose which it was my business to discover. I determined at length, since Kehler's friend was so strongly prejudiced, to seek out some other officer, preferably the commander, and take him into my full confidence. Unhappily events marched too swiftly for me. That very evening it was already too late. Passing through the entrance hall on my way Fallier Keliler has been good enouj^li [o vi^^it a poor sailor wlio is lying bick on board,' he said, in a tone evidently meant to rebuke my imi'crtinence." THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 51 upstairs to dress for dinner, I was struck by the sight of the basket-trunk belonging to Sister Marie- Joseph standing strapped-up, ready to go away. At the foot of the staircase I encountered the Sister herself, evidently prepared for departure. She appeared pleased to have the opportunity of bidding me farewell. 'I shall not forget you where I am going,' she said with a mournful smile, as she extended her hand. ' May one inquire where that will be ? ' I ventured to ask. She shook her head. ' It is an affair of duty. I am going a very long way, and you will never see me again.' ' And Father Kehler,' I forced myself to say, ' does he accompany you ? * A momentary expression of repugnance, almost of loathing, flashed out on her pale face. ' No, no ! The padre has done his part in conduct- ing me so far, and finding me the situation of which I was in search. I have parted with him now, and we have nothing more to do with one another.' This answer relieved my mind of a burden. I came hastily to the conclusion that Kehler, finding himself able to carry out his projects without assist- ance, had decided to dispense with an embarrassing 52 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ally, and I was glad to think that this poor girl would be delivered from his evil influence. What blindness are we capable of towards those very things which seem the clearest to our after- recollections ! I took the precaution to ascertain at the bureau that Kehler was still staying on in the hotel, and I came down to dinner with a light heart. A number of the American officers were dining in the hotel that night. There appeared to be a sort of entertainment going forward, in which some Spanish officers from the garrison were fraternising with them. Kehler, deprived of the company of his lieutenant, sat at a small table by himself, and I noticed that he was drinking heavily, while his flushed face and inflamed eyes showed him to be labouring with an excitement which I ascribed to the influence of the wine. I sat down at another table, and busied myself with efforts to disentangle the threads of the intrigue which was being woven around me. I cast a thought or two after the poor girl, with whom I had been so strangely associated. Absorbed in these thoughts, I did not mark the evening advancing, when I was gradually aroused by the breaking up of the military party. The lieu- tenant, who had shown so strong a dislike for me, THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 53 rose from his seat and came my way, taking a Spanish officer by the arm. As they approached, I perceived from his gait that the American had been affected by the healths he had been drinking. I saw him point me out to his companion as they approached, and he muttered something in the other's ear, which caused the Spaniard to turn on me a glance of grave disgust. Stung by this insufferable insolence, I sprang to my feet, and placed myself in front of the lieutenant. 'Have you anything to say to me, sir?' I said sternly. ' Nothing. I do not talk with spies,' was the coarse retort. ' But you take them on board the ship it is your duty to guard,' I returned fiercely, carried out of myself. The lieutenant drew back, amazed. * I have taken a worthy priest to console a dying man — one of his own faith,' he stammered out. 'A German police agent, disguised as a priest, I suppose you mean. The spy Kehler ? ' He began to tremble violently. ' But the Sister ! The nurse ! ' ' Sister Marie- Joseph ! What do you mean ? ' ' She is on board now, nursing O'Callaghan.' It was my turn to utter an oath of consternation. 54 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' Come with me. Take me on board instantly, or take me to your commander.' ' We will go on board,' said the sobered lieutenant. Glancing round as I followed him out I saw that Kehler had disappeared. Quickening our steps by a common instinct, the lieutenant and I almost ran down to the water's edge. ' Thank God ! ' burst from his lips as we came in sight of the majestic vessel lying peacefully at her anchors in the calm waters of the bay, her spars and turrets outlined against the clear, starlit sky, and only a few twinkling lights betraying the presence of the two hundred men who slept below her decks. The same instant there was a spout of fire, a cloud of wreck and dust mounted to heaven, and a thunderous boom stunned our ears, and sent the waters of the bay dashing up at our feet. The Maine had broken like a bubble. I saw all in a flash — in some dark way that will never now be revealed Sister Marie- Joseph had blown up the Maine. Kehler had succeeded — I had failed. It has not been easy for me to write the story of what I regard as the greatest failure of my career. My mistake was the initial one of refusing to purchase Kehler's confidences, by the expedient of pledging myself to assist his enterprise. Immediately the intelligence of the disaster reached Europe Stearine sent me a cable peremptorily en- THE BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE 55 joining silence. That injunction I consider has now lost its force through three circumstances, the lapse of time, the death in action of Lieutenant , and the living suicide of the arch-criminal, haunted by the horror of his own deed, in the deathlike cloisters of La Trappe. Ill THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS Every one must feel that the last word has not been said on that extraordinary transaction which convulsed France, and shocked Europe, during the close of the nineteenth century, under the name of the Dreyfus Case. It is true that no effort has been spared by the Government of the Republic to put an end to an agitation which threatened to develop into a civil war. A general amnesty has been proclaimed ; the courts of law have been forbidden to entertain any proceedings involving the guilt or innocence of Captain Dreyfus, his accusers or his partisans, and the French press has been appealed to, in the name of patriotism, to close its columns to all further discussion of the dangerous topic. Such an attitude, adopted in order to save France from disruption, is not without a certain dignity; but it is at the same time terribly unjust. It is as if France had repeated to the victim of the Devil's Isle 56 THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 57 the memorable words — 'It is better that one man should die for the people.' The one person in Europe who is completely- ignorant of the 'true motives underlying this grim tragedy is without doubt Dreyfus himself. That taciturn, commonplace figure, suddenly elevated into the position of criminal, martyr, and hero, was merely the shuttlecock driven through the air by unseen hands. Even if he was guilty of writing the celebrated bordereau — a question which the Court of Rennes decided in the affirmative — he must have done it by the order of others, given for reasons which he did not comprehend. It will be remembered that before and during the second trial of Dreyfus, the strongest efforts were put forth on his behalf by three foreign Powers — those composing the Triple Alliance. The German, Austrian, and Italian military attaches, breaking through the etiquette of their position, disclaimed, each on his personal word of honour, any dealings with the alleged spy. Not only so, but I myself sent for the Paris corre- spondent of a London newspaper of high standing, and authorised him to inform his readers that the German Emperor himself was prepared personally to exculpate the accused from the charge of selling information to Germany. This oflfer, made privately to the French Presi- 58 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY dent, was declined for the same reasons which prompted the Government to hush up the whole affair. But every thoughtful man will realise that it would not have been made unless there had been more at stake than the freedom of an obscure captain. My own connection with the Affaire Dreyfus dates from the time of the first trial and sentence, when the theatrical spectacle of the degradation of the unfortunate officer was the theme of universal com- ment. At this juncture I received a visit from Colonel , an officer high in the Emperor's confidence, and at that time attached to the German Embassy in Paris. ' I have come to you,' he announced, as soon as we found ourselves alone, ' by command of his Imperial Majesty the Kaiser.' I bowed respectfully as I replied — * I am deeply honoured by this fresh proof of his Majesty's confidence.' The Colonel regarded me for a moment with some curiosity. 'You are a sort of spy, are you not?* he in- quired. I refused to take oifence at this blunt question, so natural on the part of a soldier. ' Each of us has his own part to play,' I explained suavely. 'The soldier fights with the enemy in THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 59 the open field; the man of my profession has to encounter the foes who burrow underground.' i- Colonel ■ appeared satisfied, 'The Kaiser trusts you; that is enough for me,' he declared. 'You will not dare to betray this confidence ? ' This time I rose to my feet, stern and con- temptuous. ' You have not come here to insult me, I suppose, Colonel ? If you are the bearer of instructions from the Kaiser, be good enough to deliver them without comment ; if not, I will attend to my other business.' The German's face betrayed his astonishment at this rebuke. He hastened to mutter an apology, which I received in silence. 'His Majesty wishes you to investigate this Affaire Dreyfus, on his behalf. There is some secret motive for the notoriety which they are conferring on this unlucky spy ' — the Colonel gave me an apprehensive glance as he pronounced this word — ' and the Kaiser is determined to find out what it is. It appears that we are being made a sort of stalking-horse in the business; it is pretended that Dreyfus was an agent of ours, which is utterly untrue.' The German smiled sardonically as he added : ' Our information is supplied to us from higher sources than a simple captain of artillery, and we can get as much as we choose to pay for.' 60 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' Is it not likely that Dreyfus may be the scape- goat of others — perhaps those higher sources to which you refer ? ' The Colonel shook his head. ' That does not explain the persistence with which they are trying to connect the affair with Germany. I have information that the heads of the French Army are representing that France is in actual danger. The bitterness with which Dreyfus is assailed is due, they pretend, to a sense of the national peril.' ' And all that is quite untrue, I understand ? ' 'So untrue that I have reason to know that Wilhelm II. has a particular desire to conciliate the French ' The Colonel stopped abruptly as if he had been on the point of saying too much. ' Very good. Then I am to find out for his Majesty as much as I can about this affair, and particularly why it is sought to represent Dreyfus as an agent of Germany ? ' Colonel nodded. It was not an easy task to set me ; nevertheless, I had some hope of success. It so happened that I had formerly had transactions of a confidential nature with General Garnier, one of the foremost, if not the foremost, figure among the persecutors of Dreyfus. I had the right to approach this General as a friend, and I had reasons for believing that he THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 61 might be willing to open his mouth for a sufficient consideration. Shortly after Colonel — — 's departure, therefore, I strolled round to the General's private residence, off the Avenue Clichy. Gamier was not at home, but I left a message with the concierge that the dealer in old coins, who had formerly sold him some Roman specimens, had just obtained others which he was anxious to submit for inspection. As I anticipated, this message had the desired result of bringing General Garnier to see me the same night. He came, not to my public bureau, but to a little apartment in the Quartier Latin which I rent for the purpose of interviews with clients who do not wish their acquaintance with me to be known. It was evident that my summons had annoyed, perhaps frightened, him. 'Now, Monsieur V , what does this mean?' he blustered, as I closed the door behind him. 'It means, Monsieur le General, that I have a question to ask you, but that I do not expect you to answer it for nothing.' Garnier was visibly relieved to discover that I had not sent for him to extort blackmail. But his reply was not encouraging. ' I fear that you have given yourself trouble use- lessly. It is not my intention to sell any information of a kind which cannot be given openly.' 62 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY I knew the man I was dealing with too well to take this answer as final. ' Without doubt you are right to remind me that a man like yourself ought to be approached with a great deal of circumsj)ection,' I returned, with a mixture of politeness and irony. Garnier's face flushed. ' I mean what I have said,' he affirmed. ' You must not suppose that you are dealing to-day with Colonel Garnier, In my position one has responsi- bilities to which there attaches itself a sentiment of honour, you understand, M. V ? ' My experience has not taught me that men become more scrupulous by being promoted from the rank of Colonel to that of General, but only that they become more greedy. I replied — ' I understand of course that one does not buy old coins at the same price from a general officer as from a field officer,' Garnier's face assumed a look of indecision. ' For whom are you acting, this time ? * he demanded. ' General, if any one had asked me formerly from where I had procured my Roman coins, what do you suppose my answer would have been ? * G^arnier tugged thoughtfully at his moustache, as he frowned over a refusal which was, at the same time, a proof that he could trust me. THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 63 ' Suppose you explain to me what information you are in search of ? ' he said, throwing himself into a chair. I thought the battle was won, as I responded — ' It concerns the Dreyfus Case.' To my surprise. Gamier bounded out of the seat into which he had just dropped. ' As to that — impossible ! ' he exclaimed with vigour. ' That is our secret — ours, you understand.' I listened to this declaration with secret dismay. It revealed to me that the fate of Dreyfus was in some manner connected with the interest of the heads of the French Army, in short, with Garnier's own; and from his tone I suspected that I was questioning the arch-plotter. There was still the chance that he might be will- ing to part with the secret if he could be assured that it would not be used against him. ' Suppose I required this information on behalf of a friendly monarch, who is himself a soldier, and who might be willing to pledge his word that it should not be made use of to your disadvantage ? ' Garnier gazed at me as though he would have read the name of this monarch in my eyes. ' Impossible,' he repeated, in a tone of real regret ; ' twice impossible I ' And, as though anxious to con- vince me that his refusal was not unfriendly, he added — ' It is not a question of a Boulanger this time.' G4 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY Perceiving that I could not press him further with- out showing my own hand, I reluctantly allowed Garnier to depart. He had in reality told me more than he suspected. In the first place, he had convinced me that the Kaiser's suspicions were not idle, by his reception of my hint that I was acting for a foreign Power. If the ferocious sentence on Dreyfus had been inspired by spite against an unpopular officer, or by a desire to find a scapegoat for bigger traitors ; or if it had merely been an episode in the secret duel between the Church and the Freemasons, as the champions of Dreyfus were inclined to believe, there would have been no meaning in that regretful ' Twice impossible! ' If Garnier had refused to sell his secret to a foreign Power, I knew him well enough to feel assured that it must be because that Power was in some way inter- ested to defeat Garnier's conspiracy. But the real clue had been placed in my hands by those concluding words — 'It is not a question of a Boulanger this time.' Such a phrase constituted a riddle which few men in Europe were better able than myself to decipher. Boulanger was an adventurer, lifted on a wave of popular favour, who had seemed likely at one moment to overturn the republic and replace it by a military dictatorship with himself at the head. He had failed THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 65 because he was a mere adventurer, who represented no principle, and who lacked that personal prestige with the Army which is only acquired by successful leadership in war. Nevertheless his career had revealed the weakness of the Republic, and proved that all that was neces- sary to bring about its downfall was an alliance between the military caste and some pretender with more substantial claims than those conferred by the shouts of the Paris mob. Every one who knows anything of France knows that the soldiers have long chafed under the ascend- ency of the lawyers, which is a necessary consequence of Republican institutions. But Garnier's words, if I interpreted them rightly, showed that the lesson of Boulanger's failure had been laid to heart, and that this time the military conspiracy which undoubtedly existed had found a really formidable figurehead. In short, it was a question not of a military dictator, but of a monarch ; not of a Boulanger, but of a Bourbon or a Bonaparte. I found myself on the brink of a discovery of first- rate importance. For the success of such a military revolution as that indicated only two things seemed necessary, a candidate and an occasion. If my diagnosis were sound, a candidate had been found in Philippe d'Orlfvans, the representative of the ancient monarchy, or Victor Napoleon, the heir of E 06 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY the Bonapartes. The occasion was to be furnished, perhaps, by the long-delayed war of la revanche ! As soon as I had reduced my thoughts to some sort of order I decided that my next step must be to ascertain which of the two pretenders, who seemed pointed out for the leading role in such a conspiracy, was the chosen one. The Duke of Orleans was at this time in England, while the home of Prince Napoleon, as every one knows, is in the neighbour- hood of Brussels. I despatched two of my most trusted subordinates, one to Belgium, and the other to England, with in- structions to keep a close watch on the movements of both princes, and to let me know if there were any signs of unusual activity which would indicate that some stroke was in preparation. In Paris I kept up a similar watch on the head- quarters of the Royalist and Bonapartist parties. The Royalists are formidable, thanks to the influence of society ; but the Bonapartist cause is represented by a small and dwindling clique of journalists and demagogues, who exhaust themselves in the effort to revive the Napoleonic legend, by their parrot-like repetition of the words Marengo and Austerlitz. I did not imagine that this noisy faction would be intrusted with any important secret ; and I was soon satisfied that if the chiefs of the Army Avere really contemplatmg a restoration, Bourbon or Bonapartist, THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 67 they had kept their design entirely to them- selves. The first reports which I received from my agents abroad were discouraging. The Bourbon Pretender, who is without reticence, and seeks every opportunity of advertising his personality, appeared to be quite passive for the moment. Prince Victor Napoleon, a man of a very different character, who withdraws himself as much as possible from public notice, conscious, perhaps, that he has inherited some of his father's unpopularity, was also leading his usual quiet life, and no evidence was forthcoming of any secret intelligence between him and the group of generals who controlled the French army. Things were in this position, and I was beginning to feel dissatisfied with the slow progress I was making, when I was suddenly called to the telephone one evening by my agent in Brussels, who had at last some important news for me. ' Prince Victor is going to England,' he announced, after we had exchanged the password. 'To England!' Was it possible that the two rivals were about to meet ? I asked myself. ' When does he depart ? ' 'Perhaps to-morrow. His secretary has been to the Belgian Foreign Office to procure passports.' ' There are no passports required in England,' I 08 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY returned, my suspicions instantly roused. 'You have been deceived. Have you seen the passport ? ' ' No. It was from the servants that I learned the Prince was going to England.' 'It is a blind, rest assured. Keep the strictest watch, and do not allow him to leave Brussels without you. I shall come by the next train.' I rang off the communication, and hastened to make the necessary preparations for a journey of which I could not foresee the end. On alighting in the Belgian capital I was met by my faithful henchman, who informed me with spark- ling eyes that he had succeeded, by means of a bribe, in ascertaining from a clerk in the Foreign Office that a passport had been granted to the Comte de Saint Pol and secretary, travelling to Berlin. If anything had been needed to convince me that the journey of Prince Napoleon had a serious pur- pose, these concealments would have done so. I was now confident that I was on the right track, and I did not grudge the fatigue involved in a journey across Europe. I ordered Fouque, as my man was named, to re- sume his watch on the Prince's abode, while I waited at the station from which the Berlin express takes its departure. It was understood that we were both to proceed by the same train as the Comte de Saint Pol and his companioa THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 69 No hitch occurred ; the Prince, accompanied by his secretary and my agent, duly arrived to take their seats in the train, and the four of us ahghted to- gether in the capital of Germany. I had spent the interval in considering my plan of action. I was so far from foreseeing the true cause of Prince Napo- leon's mysterious journey, that I expected to find him closeted the next day with the German Emperor, imparting the confidence which Gamier had refused to me. The event proved very diiferent. As soon as the two travellers had taken up their quarters in a hotel, whither, it is needless to say, we accompanied them, the secretary was sent out on an errand by himself. Fouqu^, of course, followed, and came back in about an hour with the startling infor- mation that the secretary had been to the Russian Embassy. The meaning of this proceeding flashed upon me at once. The real destination of the Prince was not Berlin, but Petersburg. He was merely passing a few hours in Berlin in order to confuse the trail, and he had sent his passport to the Embassy to be vised for Russia. In order to make sure that my surmise was correct, I decided to make use of my implied authority to act on behalf of the German Govern- ment. I ordered Fouqu6 to force his way bodily into the Count's apartment, announce himself as 70 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY an agent of the Berlin police, and demand to see the stranger's passport. The ruse was completely successful, and I learned that the yellow seal of the Russian Eagle had been affixed to the paper. My own task had now become difficult and dangerous. Although I maintain friendly relations with the Russian police, with whom I have often collaborated, I knew they were not likely to tolerate my intrusion into their territory as the spy of a foreign Power. In dealing with half-reclaimed savages like the Slaves, one never knows what form their revenge will take, and Siberia is not a country in which I have ever had any inclination to reside. The plan which presented itself to my mind was an audacious one, but in such situations audacity is safer than faint-heartedness. I despatched Fouque to the headquarters of the Berlin police with a denunciation against Prince Napoleon's secretary for the crime of lese-majeste. Lese-majeste is the one offence which is never treated lightly in German official quarters. Fouqu^'s information was eagerly taken down, and a police officer promptly arrived at the hotel armed with a warrant for the arrest of the traveller. M. Remillard, the secretary, protested in vain that he was a stranger, who had only that hour arrived in Berlin, and was leaving Germany the next day ; THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIX DREYFUS 71 and that lie had never been guilty of the least dis- respect towards Wilhelm II. ' You declared that the Emperor was a babbler,' he was informed. ' Ah, but I meant the Emperor of Russia,' retorted the Frenchman smartly. ' "What, is he a babbler, too ? ' exclaimed the police- man — an answer which, I believe, has since become celebrated. But his ingenuity could not save the unlucky secretary from arrest, and the Comte de Saint Pol found himself obliged to proceed on his journey alone. It remained for me to complete the execu- tion of my design, by substituting myself in the place of M. Remillard. This project, which would have been beyond the powers of an ordinary police agent, was rendered possible in my case by my extensive knowledge of underground politics, and the reputation which I have striven to deserve of a man whose faith can be depended on. I dismissed Fouqu^, whose further presence would have embarrassed me, and took my seat in the coupe reserved for the Comte de Saint Pol in the Petersburg express. In answer to the remonstrance with which my intrusion was received, I explained that I was acting under orders. 72 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY 'Your travelling companion has been arrested, Monsieur le Comte, but perhaps I may be allowed to supply his place.' ' Am I under arrest, too ? ' Prince Victor demanded with some indignation. ' Not at all,' I answered, ' but your movements are of some interest to the German Government, or rather the Emperor, who has honoured me with his personal instructions.' 'What have my affairs to do with his Imperial Majesty?' inquired the Prince anxiously. ' Perhaps nothing, perhaps a great deal. You will, at least allow. Monsieur le Comte, that your passage through Germany appears to be attended with some mystery.' ' In short ? ' ' In short, the Emperor will be glad to be honoured by your confidence, Monseigneur.' The Prince started at this title, and began narrowly scrutinising my face, while he evidently considered in his own mind what account to give of himself. ' It may assist you, perhaps,' I went on to say, ' if I tell you that I already know nearly all that you can tell me. I am M. V * At this name a change passed over Prince Napoleon's face. A silent struggle seemed to be taking place in his breast. Presently he raised his eyes to mine. THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 73 ' Tell me, M. V , are you capable of forgetting for a couple of hours that you are the Emperor's confidential agent, and favouring me with your dis- interested advice ? ' ' I believe so, always provided that your Highness does not ask me to betray the confidences I have received from others.' The Prince accepted this stipulation with frankness. ' In all probability you are in a position to tell me more about the reasons for this journey than I know myself I am going, as a matter of fact, in search of information.' I concealed as much as possible the shock of surprise which this confession caused me. Up to that moment I had naturally imagined that the Prince was on his way to consult the Tsar, and obtain his approval, as the ally of France, of Avhat- evcr designs were in progress. I now realised suddenly that I had overlooked a factor in the situation whose importance might be greater than Prince Victor's own. I need scarcely say that I refer to his brother Louis. In enumerating the pretenders whose ambition threatens the Republic, I had naturally omitted this prince, whose claims seemed to be overshadowed by those of his elder brother. I now recalled his popularity as a young man of the most charming 74 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY manners, and the prestige which he derives from his rank in the Russian Army and the personal friendship of the Tsar. What was more possible than that Garnier and his comrades, passing over the unattractive elder, should have chosen as the figurehead of their usurpation this romantic character, who would be doubly dependent on them, because he would be doubly a usurper ? These reflections passed through my mind swiftly enough for me to answer without any perceptible pause — ' You are paying a visit to your brother ? ' Prince Victor nodded, as though that were a matter of course. It was easy to see that he felt it a relief to be able to discuss the situation fully and frankly with a man of experience and resource, one who moreover had no reason for taking his brother's side. Briefly, his story came to this : — ' Some years ago, after the death of our father, my brother had a long consultation with me about the prospects of our family. He asserted that he was more popular in France than I was, and suggested that the chance of a Bonaparte restoration would be improved if I would consent to abdicate in his favour. This I naturally refused to do, but he pressed me, and got other members of the family to do the same, THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 75 and at last I gave way so far as to say that if there were a substantial prospect of success, and it really depended on my resigning my rights in my brother's favour, I would do it. ' When I said that, of course, I thought it would be a question of a popular plebiscite, like our uncle received, and that I should be bound by the voice of the majority. But ever since then I have seen feelers put out from time to time in the Paris papers, suggesting that I did not wish to insist on my rights as the heir of the great Napoleon. And now within the last few days I have received a letter from my brother, informing me that a restoration is at last possible, and calling on me to fulfil my pledge, and publicly abdicate m}' claims.' I listened to this remarkable disclosure with the keenest interest. It confirmed my suspicions on almost every point, though I was still far from feel- ing that I had obtained a complete solution to the problem set me by Wilhelm II. My companion let it be seen plainly that he was not very well pleased with the prospect of being supplanted by his younger brother. I took this feeling into account in the advice which I offered. * The only thing you have told me that is new to me, is the fact that Prince Louis is the person favoured by the conspirators,' I said. ' I knew there was some such plot on foot, but, like every one else, 7G 8EC11ET HISTORY OF TO-DAY I took it for grunted that you were the only possible candidate for the empire.' My companion breathed indignantl}^ 'As for the success of the movement, that is highly problematical. You will not feel very satis- fied if you execute this solemn act, only to see your brother rise for a moment on the shoulders of the mob, and then vanish like Boulanger, leaving your House more feeble than at present.' 'Then what do you advise me to say to my brother ? ' he asked eagerly. ' I think your course is perfectly clear. You are entitled to demand the fullest information, in the first place. If that satisfies you that your brother's success is assured, that no action on your part can retard it, then you will act gracefully by conceding a signature which will not deprive you of anything, and will give you substantial claims on his gratitude. But if you see that you are being asked to efface yourself without sufficient grounds, you have only to declare that you are not convinced, and to issue a manifesto to your supporters in France, remind- ing them that you are still the head of the House of Bonaparte.' My companion received this suggestion with every sign of satisfaction. During the remainder of the journey I lost no opportunity of playing on the same string, and making him feel that I was, as THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 77 it were, his ally, engaging in defeating a plot which was much more against him than against the Re- public. When we reached the Russian frontier, I had no difficulty in inducing the Prince to pass me through the barrier as the secretary of the Comte de Saint Pol, and I thus entered Russia in perfect security, in a character which would have amazed the Third Section. On our arrival in Petersburg I asked Prince Napoleon if he intended to go to his brother's address. He answered proudly — ' I am still the head of my House, I believe. It would be more suitable for me to let my brother know of my arrival in order that he may wait upon me.' I willingly charged myself with the delivery of the summons. The announcement that I came from Brussels secured my instant admission to Prince Louis's presence. ' I have the honour to act as secretary to his Imperial Highness, Prince Victor Napoleon,' I explained. ' Ah ! In that case you bring me a letter from him, no doubt ? ' 'I bring your Highness a message simply. The Prince desires to see you.' 78 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY * But I cannot leave Petersburg — surely my brother knows that ! ' ' He knows it so well that he is in Petersburg.' Prince Louis sprang to his feet, thunderstruck. 'Victor is here! — already!' he exclaimed in con- fusion. For answer I named the hotel at which we had put up, explaining at the same time that the Prince wished to preserve his incognito strictly. Prince Louis prepared to accompany me to the hotel in the carriage which had brought me to his house. As we drove along, he inquired — ' Are you in my brother's confidence ? ' ' I believe I enjoy that honour/ was my reply. ' At least I am acquainted with the business which has brought him here.' • Perhaps you can tell me something of my brother's views ? ' he said, feeling his way. 'I think his Highness expects to receive full information before he takes a step which will be irrevocable.' 'Ah!' 'He thinks, perhaps, that you may have been deceived by exaggerated promises, and that he has the right to forbid any premature attempt whose failure would damage the Bonapartist cause.' Prince Louis gnawed his moustache with some impatience. THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 79 ' My brother must not be unreasonable/ he mur- mured. ' One is never certain of success in these attempts.' 'If you will allow me to advise you, you will give him the fullest opportunity of judging of your prospects. It would be a serious thing for every- body if he were provoked into any public demon- stration against you.' The younger Prince changed colour. * Is it so serious as that ? ' he exclaimed. And durinsr the remainder of the drive he continued wrapped in thought, only the working of his brow betraying the anxiety within. The greeting between the brothers was cordial, if not affectionate. I took it for granted that I was to be a party to the conference, and as each brother believed that I was secretly friendly to him, neither suggested that I should retire. As soon as we were seated round the table, on which I had laid out some paper, pens, and ink, Prince Victor formally opened the discussion. He spoke with a good deal of dignity and some eloquence. He treated it as a matter beyond dis- pute that he was the sole depository of the authority of the great Napoleon, entitled to the absolute obedience of every member of his House. He dis- claimed any personal ambition, and referred to his former pledge, which he described as a promise to 80. SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY abdicate if lie were convinced that such a step on his part was really likely to result in the restoration of the empire. He then laid it down that he retained the sole right to decide if and when the time for this step had arrived, and hinted that it was his duty, as well as his right, to interfere actively to check any designs of which he disapproved. He concluded by profess- ing a sincere and hearty interest in his brother's fortunes, and inviting Prince Louis to confide in him fully, as in his best friend. This statesmanlike deliverance appeared to in- spire the younger Prince with genuine respect. He appeared to be a good deal embarrassed in the beginning of his reply. It was a difficult task to tell his elder brother that he had been rejected in favour of Louis himself. After acknowledging in the most ample manner his brother's claims on his obedience and gratitude, Prince Louis proceeded — ' The state of France shows clearly that our House has no chance of success by constitutional means. The Republic can only be subverted by the action of the Army, which embodies the spirit of the nation more truly than the collection of provincial advocates and financiers which calls itself the Chamber of Deputies. The Army will be guided by its chiefs, and, therefore, it is the Staff which holds our fate THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 81 in its hands. The generals very naturally feel a preference for a soldier. It is now nearly six months since I was first approached in the greatest secrecy by General Gamier.' I had the utmost difficulty in not betraying my emotion at the sound of this name, so inseparably connected with the Dreyfus Case. ' Garnier conveyed to me that he and his brother generals had decided that the time was ripe for a revolution, in which they anticipated receiving the support of the Church and the noblesse. He said they were determined to avoid a second catastrophe like that of the mountebank Boulanger, and there- fore they meant to abolish the Republic by a military pronunciamento, and declare France a monarchy under their protection. And, in short, he offered me the crown in the name of the French Army.' 'You reminded him of my existence, perhaps?* put in the elder brother with some bitterness, ' I refused to entertain the ofter until it had been made to, and refused by, you,' Louis protested earnestly. 'Gamier replied that in no event would his brother generals agree to your nomination, and that, if I declined, the offer would be made to the Duke of Orleans, who commanded the support of the clerical faction. It was a question of Bonaparte or Bourbon, and I relied on our compact that in F 82 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY such a case you would relinquish your rights in my favour.' Prince Victor turned to me as though he wished me to express his sentiments. I accepted the task. 'It would have been better if you had taken Prince Napoleon into your confidence before giving any definite answer,' I said. 'General Gamier might have paid your elder brother the compliment of explaining the reasons for setting him aside.' 'I did not consider the project sufficiently mature at that time,' was the answer. ' I thought it better to wait till the affair assumed a tangible shape.' ' And this stage has now been reached ? ' I inquired. ' It has. My brother will understand that a pre- text was necessary for the action of the Army, and that pretext could only be the danger of war. For a long time we were troubled with the difficulty that neither in Germany nor in England was there any disposition to attack France, and our treaty with Russia laid it down in the most explicit manner that the Tsar would only come to our assistance in the event of our being attacked. ' But at last, thanks to the vigilance of Garnier and the other chiefs of the Staff, it has been discovered that Germany is secretly preparing for a stealthy spring; she is covering France with her spies, and, but for the timely arrest of this Dreyfus ' THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 83 I could not resist a subdued exclamation of triumpli as the utterance of this name completed the chain of discover}^ The whole intrigue en- gineered by the artful and unscrupulous French generals lay displayed to my eye, as on a map. I listened like one in a dream as Prince Louis con- tinued explaining to his brother the peril of the French nation, the justification for the Army's taking command of the State, and the consequent certainty of a Bonaparte restoration. Victor listened silently, unable to think of any objection, and seeing his own chance of ever reigning as Emperor of the French slipping from him. It was I who put the decisive question. ' You have, I suppose, taken the Tsar into your confidence, and convinced him of the reality of the danger ? ' 'We have obtained the promise of his support,' Louis answered. 'Good. In that case you will not refuse your brother the reasonable proofs which it is his right to demand, that you have not been deceived.' ' What proofs do you expect ? ' ' I respectfully advise Prince Napoleon to request an interview with the Tsar.' This advice was received with very different feel- ings by the two brothers. Prince Louis cast on me a look of surprise and annoyance ; his elder brother's 84 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY eyes glistened with pleasure at a suggestion whose value was at once apparent to him. 'You cannot object to my following my secretary's advice/ said Prince Victor, after a moment's pause. ' The interests of my House are at stake ; and before I resign the prospect of a throne I have a right to be thoroughly satisfied. The Tsar is your friend, and, therefore, you should be pleased to accept his mediation.' Prince Louis yielded, not very graciously, to these representations, and undertook to arrange the con- ference. He then withdrew, leaving us to discuss the situation. It is unnecessary for me to relate what passed between Prince Napoleon and myself. I succeeded in fixing him in the opinion that he had been treated ungenerously, and that he owed it to himself to thwart a dishonest and doubtful con- spiracy, calculated to bring the name of Bonaparte into odium. The following day, about the same hour, we were received by the titular autocrat of All the Russias. The only persons present, besides the two brothers, were myself and the celebrated Pobiedonostzefif, who up till quite recently has exercised a mastery over the mind of his nominal sovereign that has been com- pared to that of Richelieu over the feeble Louis XIII. It was at once evident that the decision of THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 85 Nicholas II. would be largely determined by the advice which he received from his spiritual and political mentor. In effect, the conference resolved itself into a duel between the formidable Russian statesman and myself; he, animated by a hatred of freedom, which led him to sympathise with the design against the Republic; I, influenced by a sense of justice, and a desire to do my duty by the German Emperor. Having briefly acknowledged the favour of the Tsar in receiving him, Prince Napoleon left the statement of his case in my hands. I began by briefly referring to the understanding between the two brothers, and the present situation of afiairs. 'What Prince Napoleon desires,' I went on, addressing myself to PobiedonostzefF, 'is to under- stand whether he is being asked to abdicate on sufficient grounds. Is he dealing with a mere hole-and-corner conspiracy, which may end in a fiasco; or is it true that his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia is committed to the approval and support of his brother's enterprise ? ' The Tsar glanced from my face to that of his Minister, as I concluded, with an expression which convinced me that his Majesty knew very little about the affair, in which he had no doubt bliudly accepted the guidance of Pobiedonostzeff 86 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY The Procurator of the Holy Synod had evidently come prepared with an ambiguous reply. 'His Majesty is a friend of France, and, as such, he naturally views with concern the weakness of the Republic, a weakness inseparable from Govern- ments which rest on the authority of the mob. The Emperor is at the same time a friend of the House of Bonaparte, though, of course, he has no wish to interfere in favour of any particular candi- date for the French throne rather than another. ' He is pledged by treaty to come to the assistance of France in the case of an unprovoked attack by the Three Powers, or by the English, It follows that where the danger of such an attack exists, his Majesty is ready to encourage any prudent measure in the interests of France, such as this appears to be.' Prince Louis smiled, well pleased at this skilful answer. His brother gave me an expectant glance. 'Am I to understand, then — or, rather, is Prince Napoleon to understand — that it is the threatening attitude of Germany which has weighed with his Imperial Majesty ? ' 'You may say the treacherous intrigues of Germany. The Germans have been careful to avoid any open provocation.' ' His Majesty has received satisfactory proofs, no doubt, that such intrigues exist ? ' THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS 87 'Undoubtedly. General Garnier, on behalf of tbe Staff of the French Army, has laid before the Emperor's advisers documents which prove up to the hilt that Germany is merely waiting for the psychological moment to spring upon France, dis- arm her, and erase her from the list of the Great Powers.' ' Would it not have been more in accordance with precedent if these documents had been submitted to you by the President of the French Republic through the medium of the French Ambassador ? ' I was glad to notice the Tsar turn a questioning look on his Minister as I delivered this thrust, for which Pobiedonostzeff was evidently not prepared. 'I do not understand your objection,' he said, in some surprise. 'Prince Napoleon is surely not in- terested on behalf of the Republican Government.' 'The interest of Prince Napoleon is to know the truth,' I responded sternly. 'Conspirators are not always scrupulous about the means they employ. General Garnier is not a man who can be pronounced incapable of manufacturing evidence in favour of his schemes.' The Procurator's face flushed. 'You venture to insinuate that General Garnier is a forger ! ' he cried wrathfully. 'Listen, M. Pobiedonostzeff. In the time of the late Tsar I was employed by the Russian Govern- 88 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ment, before it concluded the treaty of alliance with France, to obtain secret and precise information concerning the military strength of that country. I have never revealed the name of the officer from whom I purchased that information. Shall I do so now ? ' The Russian Minister gazed at me in consternation, and his master appeared equally surprised. Glancing at a slip of paper which lay before him, Pobiedo- nostzeif asked — ' Who are you, then ? Your name cannot be Remillard.' ' It is Y ,' I answered. The Procurator threw himself back in his seat, astonished. 'Your police have not shown their usual astute- ness, I am afraid,' I observed, smiling. The Tsar now interposed in a tone of more authority than I had ventured to hope from his not very strong face. * Do you suggest, M. V , that the whole Staff of the French Army are engaged in a conspiracy to forge documents ? ' ' Something of the kind, I am afraid, sire.' * But this notorious case, which has excited the attention of the whole of Europe — the Affaire Dreyfus ? ' *I am in a position to assure your Majesty that m •«i o 2 >-. C g ^3 "5- s 5 cj I) ■5 a ■- > THE MYSTERY OF CAPTAIN DREYFUS S9 Captain Dreyfus had no more to do with Germany than M. Pobiedonostzeff here.' The Procurator of the Holy Synod raised his head. * You are very confident, it seems to me, M. Y ,' he sneered. ' May I ask if you have been retained by the party which is seeking to reopen the case of Dreyfus ? ' 'No, M. le Procureur, my knowledge has been acquired from an opposite quarter.' 'From General Gamier himself, perhaps ?' ' No, not this time,' I retorted, with biting sig- nificance. 'My information was derived from his Imperial Majesty, Wilhelm II,' Never shall I forget the changes which passed rapidly across the faces of three of my listeners as I made this statement. Prince Victor Napoleon alone received unmoved an announcement for which he was already prepared. 'It is not a month,' I added calmly, 'since the German Emperor charged me with a commission to find out two things: the reason for the theatrical publicity given to the trial of an obscure captain in the French Army, and the object of the persistent attempt to represent him as a spy of Germany.' I paused for a moment and turned to Nicholas 11. before concluding. ' That commission I have now accomplished. I am now in a position to inform the German Emperor that the purpose of this shame- 90 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ful comedy is to impose on the French people the belief that they are in danger of an invasion, from which they can only be delivered by a Bonaparte restoration under the patronage of your Majesty.' The face of the young Tsar went red and white by turn. 'I swear by Saint Nicholas that they shall eat their forgeries ! ' he said. And I have reason to know that it was the pressing and peremptory request of the Russian Emperor that at last secured the second trial, and the final pardon and release of the unhappy sufferer. IV WHAT WAS BEHIND THE TSAR'S PEACE RESCRIPT Perhaps the most sensational event in recent history was the publication by the young and newly crowned Tsar of All the Russias of a rescript calling upon the great military Powers of the world to disband their armies and dismantle their fleets, and inaugurate an era of universal peace. This extraordinary invitation produced a flutter in all the diplomatic dovecotes, for European statesmen have learned by this time that Russia does nothing in vain. Everywhere the same question was asked : ' What is behind this rescript ? ' It is scarcely necessary to add that, with the exception of a few sentimental fanatics in England and the United States, no one was inclined to put faith in a demonstration which was actually the pre- lude to a raid on the ancient liberties of Finland, in order to swell the armies of the Imperial peace- maker, and to a combined attack by all the great Christian Powers upon the only unarmed Empire in the world. 92 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY Nobody was deceived, but every one was discon- certed for the moment, and I was disconcerted like the rest. I was more. I was irresistibly drawn on to attempt the solution of a mystery which fascinated me like a difficult chess problem set before an expert in the game. I could not afford, of course, to set about such an investigation merely for my own amusement. After waiting a decent time on the chance that I might be sent for by one of the Governments most interested in unravelling the schemes of the great Eurasian Power, I took the unusual step of going un- asked to proffer my assistance to the Ambassador of a Power to which I have rendered important services. To my surprise and chagrin I found myself re- pelled on the threshold, the Ambassador in question, a diplomatist of great experience, declaring that there was tiothing to discover. ' I share your disbelief in the peaceful intentions of the Russian Council of State,' his Excellency was good enough to say to me. 'But this is a matter with which they have really had nothing to do. This rescript is the outcome of the Tsar's own in- dividuality. He is a philanthropic young man, carried away by the enthusiasm natural to his age, and his advisers have had to give way to him. That is all ; and it only remains to see whether his idea is practicable.' WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 93 The explanation was a plausible one, and all the more so because by this time the character of the new ruler of Russia was fairly well known to those whose business it is to reckon up the personalities of sovereigns and statesmen. Still I was not convinced. 'That is exactly the explanation which I should ofifer to the Foreign Offices of Europe, if I were M. Witte,' I ventured to observe. The Ambassador smiled with good humour 'The explanation does not rest on the word of M. Witte, I assure you,' he answered. 'Every one who knows anything about Nicholas II. knows that he is a simple-minded, honest young man, quite incapable of playing a part in a comedy. As a matter of fact there is nothing in this rescript which he has not been saying in private conversa- tion with his family and friends any time this last two or three years. The German Emperor heard all about it long ago. Now at last he has put his views formally before the world in a state paper. These proposals may not be practicable, but there can be no doubt that they are perfectly sincere.' ' I do not doubt the Tsar's sincerity,' I returned. 'But knowing what I know of Russia, I want to understand why the Council of State have allowed the Tsar to have his own way.' This time the Ambassador's smile was less in- dulgent. 94 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' Really, M. V , I think you are pushing your suspicions too far. Your profession has biassed your mind, and caused you to see mystery where it does not exist. You remind me of those politicians whom Bismarck used to say that he could always deceive by being perfectly frank.' I smiled in my turn, a little grimly, as I re- sponded — ' It appears to me, your Excellency, that the coun- sellors of the Tsar have just taken a leaf out of Bismarck's book.' Baffled in this direction, I was casting about me for another client, when my secretary came in to me one morning with a despatch marked urgent, calling me to proceed immediately to Constantinople, where my services were required by Muzaffir Effendi, the eunuch highest in the confidence of Abdul Hamid. I snatched at the opening with the assurance of triumph. Of all states Turkey was the one most deeply concerned in the foreign policy of Russia. Of all possible clients the most desirable was the ruler whose secret hoards had dazzled the imagina- tion of every secret service agent in the world for a quarter of a century. What the business might be on which Muzaffir wanted me I neither knew nor greatly cared. I took my seat in the train that was to bear me WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 95 towards the Balkan Peninsula, firmly resolved that his business should give way to mine. On my way across Central Europe I found the papers already full of the touching story of the benevolent young despot and his triumph over the worldly wisdom of his counsellors. I could not blame the journalists for being taken in by a story which had imposed on one of the most hard-headed diplomatists in Paris; I could only marvel at the astuteness and daring of the Muscovite statesmen who had contrived to turn the personal idiosyncrasies of their sovereign to use in their Machiavellian politics. On reaching the shores of the Bosphorus I found, as I had anticipated, that I was wanted to disen- tangle a miserable intrigue of the harem, the kind of work more suited to a private detective than to a man in my unique position. Under any other circumstances I should have declined the task with- out more ado ; as it was, I turned Muzaffir's difficulty into my opportunity. ' Listen to me,' I said to the trembling eunuch, as soon as he had finished confiding his tale to me, ' I can save you, and I will save you, but only on one condition. And that is, that you procure me a private and confidential audience of the Sultan, and that you use your influence with him to make him grant the request I have to make.' 96 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY Muzaffir, who, like all his tribe, was a miser, seemed overjoyed at this cheap method of rewarding me. Of course, he wished to know the object I had in view. ' I am going to ask the Sultan to employ me on a secret political mission outside the Turkish Empire, a mission from which you have nothing to fear. Your business is to persuade the Sultan to trust me — let that be enough.' Twist and wriggle as he would, the eunuch found he could get nothing more out of me. He gave in, and his influence over the mind of Abdul Hamid being unbounded, I quickly found myself face to face with the lean, dark, gaunt-oyed Asiatic who styles himself Commander of the Faithful and Shadow of God on earth. Abdul Hamid proved to be in a more suspicious mood than my friend in Paris. As soon as I men- tioned the Peace Rescript he interrupted me. 'I am not going to disarm. I know what the Christian Powers are by this time. They always begin to talk about peace when they are secretly preparing to attack somebody.' 'I am afraid your Majesty is right. The question is, what is the real design underlying this particular piece of hypocrisy ? ' ' I know that, too,' was the unexpected reply. ' The Russians have decided to turn their attention to WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 97 China. There they can do all that they want with a hundred thousand men. So it is to their interest to get rid of the burden of a great army which will not be wanted for a generation.' This was an ingenious idea, but it did not satisfy me, any more than the semi-official one had done. I ventured to object — ' If that were all, sire, there would be no occasion for this melodramatic appeal to the other Powers, There is nothing to hinder Russia from reducing her armaments by one-half to-morrow. No one dreams of attacking her. Her army is kept up for offence, not for defence. She is the one Power that could aiford to set the example of disbanding, and such an example would carry more weight than any number of professions on paper, however well meant.' The Sultan appeared struck by this reasoning. ' Then what do you say is the object behind this rescript ? ' he demanded. 'I do not know. But I undertake to find out if your Majesty wiU furnish me with the necessary means.' Abdul Hamid gave me a distrustful glance. ' It is an expensive thing to buy information from the Council of State,' he grumbled. 'You are right, sire. And the higher one goes, the more expensive it becomes. It is clear that this move has been engineered by persons who are able to a 98 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY manage the Tsar himself, and such persons are not likely to sell their own game for much less than a million roubles.' Abdul Hamid quivered at the mention of this sum as though I had demanded one of the eyes out of his head. ' Why should I go to this expense ? ' he objected. *I have already told you that I am not going to disarm.' 'The question is whether you are willing to see Germany and Austria disarm, leaving you to face Russia single-handed. Surely it is worth a hundred thousand pounds to Turkey to prevent her allies from falling into such a trap.' The Sultan still hesitated. 'How do I know that I shall get anything in return, if I trust you with this money?' he asked suspiciously. 'Your Majesty must judge me by what I have done already. Two days ago you had never heard my name. Now I am here alone with you, with a loaded revolver in my pocket' — the Sultan started violently — ' discussing the secrets of your foreign policy. Does that look as though I were a fool ? ' The Commander of the Faithful sat silent, atten- tively regarding me for some minutes. Finally he dismissed me, promising to consider my proposal. I withdrew, confident that Abdul would consult - > >■ 9 5 Z t« WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 99 his all-powerful favourite, and that Muzaffir would see that I got my way. A week later I was back in Paris, with an auto- graph letter from the Sultan to his Ambassador in Russia, and a draft on the Ottoman Bank which I took the precaution to exchange for a letter of credit from a private Parisian banking firm to the Ephrussis of Petersburg. My intention was to go to Russia in the character of a French financial agent, the representative of a sj-ndicate of Paris bankers, on the look-out for profit- able concessions from the Government of the Tsar. In this way I hoped to be able to approach influential persons without exciting suspicion, and to ascertain their corruptibility before exposing my secret object. In order to play this part it was not necessary for me to indulge in any actual deceit. As a matter of fact the demand for foreign capital to develop Rus- sian properties is a steadily increasing one, and I had no difficulty in meeting with financiers willing to con- stitute me their agent, to inquire into the character of some of the undertakings submitted to them. The only person I proposed to take into my con- fidence was the Turkish Ambassador in Petersburg, on whom I relied for information as to the personal influences at work in the Russian Court. It was to the Ambassador, therefore, that I paid my first visit on arriving in the northern capital. 100 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY His Excellency received me at first witli some reserve, which was quickly dissipated by a perusal of the Sultan's missive. 'You have come to learn the truth about this rescript/ he remarked. 'It is certainly a new de- parture. You disbelieve in the sincerity of the Tsar, I suppose ? ' ' Not in the sincerity of the Tsar, but in the sin- cerity of those who make his benevolent sentiments the cloak of their own secret policy,' I corrected. The Ambassador nodded approvingly. * You have put your finger on the weak spot,' he responded. ' The danger in dealing with this rescript is that the other Powers may take it seriously owing to their trust in the personal character of Nicholas. In reality Nicholas is merely an instrument in the hands of three persons, without whose advice he does nothing, and two of those three are themselves creatures of the Council of State.' ' And the three persons are ? ' ' They are his mother, the Dowager Empress Dag- mar; Pobiedonostzeff, the Procurator of the Holy Synod; and the Grand Duke , the Tsar's con- stant companion and bosom friend.' At the sound of such names as these I was almost appalled at the outset. The character of the Dowager Empress, as much as her rank, rendered her unap- proachable. M. Pobiedonostzeff, although a bigot, WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 101 was not likely to be a traitor. The Grand Duke was an unknown quantity, as far as I was concerned, but it did not seem very probable that a personage in his position would prove accessible to a bribe. It never does to despair too soon. I put the ques- tion which long experience of the dark side of human nature has rendered habitual with me — ' Has the Grand Duke any vices ? ' ' He gambles a good deal in the Yacht Club.* I drew a breath of satisfaction. Of all men the gambler is the easiest to corrupt, because to him alone money is everything, and because there comes a time to every gambler when money is not to be had. ' Who are his gambling companions ? ' was my next question. The Ambassador named several Russian nobles of high rank, among whom the leading spirit seemed to be a Prince Boris Mendelieff. I was going on with my inquiries when his Excellency checked me. ' I have told you enough, it seems to me, to enable you to go on by yourself. In the meantime I am the Ambassador of the Sultan, not his secret service agent, and I wish to know nothhig that might com- promise me.' I respected his scruples, though they were such as some Russian diplomatists would scarcely havo 102 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY understood, and proceeded to form my own plans for making the acquaintance of Prince MendeliefF. Fortunately the Russians are as unsuspicious in private life as they are suspicious in politics. My skill as a bridge -player, a game in which I have no living superior, proved a ready passport into the gaming circles of Petersburg, and it was not long before I found myself sitting at the same card-table with the intimate of the Grand Duke. I was lucky enough to lose a considerable sum to him, which I paid with a good grace, and he could not do less than invite me to his house. I accepted the invitation with an eagerness which must have struck him as rather ill-bred, and we drove there together. Over a bottle of champagne I became confidential. I avowed myself to be a money-lender, as well as a concession-hunter, and hinted that I should be prepared to pay handsomely for intro- ductions to clients of high station. Mendelieff' took the bait like a hungry pike. He was the first to mention the name of the Grand Duke, doubtless knowing that his Imperial High- ness would be only too pleased to meet such an accommodating person as I appeared to be. A bargain was struck, and Mendelieff promised to let me know as soon as he had arranged for my recep- tion by his august patron. The meeting took place in the Prince's own house. WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 103 Cards were produced, the stakes were exceedingly high, and rather against my wish I won steadily, while the losses of the Grand Duke were severe enough to disturb his good humour. Mendelieff artfuUy seized the right moment to present me as a friend in need, and to take off the rest of the party, leaving us together. The Grand Duke lost no time in putting me to the proof ' You are a banker, are you not, M. de Sarthe ? ' — De Sarthe was the name under which I had crossed the frontier. ' At least, I represent some important financial houses,' I replied. 'Oh, spare me that kind of thing,' his Imperial Highness returned impatiently, ' let us take the usual comedy for granted, and tell me frankly how much you are prepared to lend me.' ' I do not know how much you want, sir, but I have any sum up to a million roubles at your service.' The Grand Duke's eyes sparkled. * M. de Sarthe, you are a friend indeed ! ' he exclaimed. 'But what are your terms for this advance ? ' ' As far as your pocket is concerned, nothing. I do not even ask that this loan shall ever be repaid.' He stared at me for a moment in astonishment. 104 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY Then all at once his expression changed, and his voice dropped to a whisper. 'Ah! I understand. This is some affair of the secret service. You are olfering me a bribe, I suppose.' 'I do not come from the Third Section, if that is what your Highness means. I am, as I have said, a financier, and my only object is to make money.' ' I see. You wish me to influence the Government on your behalf?' ' Not exactly that, sir. I am in search of informa- tion — information which will enable me to operate successfully on the Paris Bourse.' The Grand Duke looked rather relieved. It was evident that he did not consider this very serious. • And what is the information you want ? ' he asked. ' It is very simple. I want to know the real bear- ing of the recent Peace Rescript of the Tsar. Let me explain,' I went on quickly, raising my hand as I saw he was about to speak. ' I know the surface explanation of the matter, but I do not believe it. I do not believe that this rescript would ever have seen the light unless the Council of State had some purpose of their own to serve by it, and I want to know what that purpose is. It is not to lessen the burden of their own armaments ; they could do that, WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 105 if they chose, to-morrow. This is an appeal to the other Powers to disarm, and I want to know why it has been made.' The Grand Duke listened to this speech in silence, biting his lips with an air of indecision from which I augured a good result. 'You seem to know a good deal, M. de Sarthe,' he said sullenly. ' Surely you must know that I am not in the secrets of our Foreign Office.' ' I believe that, of course, if you say so, sir. But I believe as well that the Tsar did not draw up this document without your encouragement, and that in encouraging the Tsar, you acted as the instrument of the Council of State. I am entitled to suppose that you were not a blind instrument, but that you knew pretty well why the Council were so ready to fall in with the enthusiastic impulses of Nicholas II.' It was a bold thrust, but it went home. The Grand Duke gave nie a startled look, and relapsed into a long spell of silent pondering. Finally he said — ' And supposing I were to tell you something that you considered it worth a million roubles to hear, what guarantee have I that you would not betray my secret ? What proof have I even now that you are not a spy set on by my enemies in the Council of State ? ' 106 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY * I will give your Highness that proof on con- dition that, if it is satisfactory, you will accept my proposal.' ' I consent.* ' Then all I need do is to invite you to make your communication, not to me but to the Ambassador of the Sublime Porte, whom you will hardly suspect of being in the confidence of M. Pobie- donostzeff.' With these words I rose to my feet. Stupefied for a moment, the Grand Duke recovered himself in time to make a detaining gesture. ' Do not go, monsieur. What you have said com- pletely satisfies me. It appears that I am required to betray my country.' ' That depends,' I returned smoothly. ' If the Council of State is plotting to betray the Tsar, as I understand it is, I should have thought it consistent with the honour of a Russian prince of the blood to take part in defeating their unworthy schemes.' This was evidently a new view to his Imperial Highness, and I could see by the expression of his face that it was telling powerfully. ' Well,' he said at length, ' it seems to me that you have my word. When do you propose to pay me this money ? ' ' Now, this moment, if your Highness pleases.* ' Count it out, then,' was the brief injunction. It was a singular scene, as 1 stood tlieie layintj down jiile after pile of greasy len-thousaiid-roubie notes on a richly inlaid lahle." WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 107 I obeyed. It was a singular scene as I stood there laying down pile after pile of greasy ten thousand rouble notes on a richly inlaid table, while one of the highest personages in the proudest Court of Europe or Asia stood beside me, his tall figure gUstening with gold ornaments and jewelled decorations, and his dark Slavonian features flushed with excitement and greed. As the last note left my fingers, he bent down and breathed in my ear — • Take the Siberian raihvay, and use your eyes.' I am ready to admit that my first feehng, after hearingr those few words which had cost me a hun- dred thousand roubles each, was one of sickening disappointment. But a very little consideration served to show me that the Grand Duke had told me enough to place success within my reach, and that the information which he thus put it in my power to acquire by my own observation was calculated to be of greater value than any mere statement made at second-hand. Somewhere along the vast, just completed track which connects the Baltic with the Pacific lay the key to the true purpose of that famous rescript which had imposed on all the statesmen of the world, and only vigilance and circumspection were required to find it. Never was there a journey more fraught with peril than that which I now undertook. I had to 108 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY disappear from civilisation for an unknown length of time, and plunge into a region shrouded in mysterious dread, the land of prison and exile ; the gloomy realm which forms the background to the showy life of the capital beside the Neva, like a dark subterranean dungeon hidden beneath a glittering palace. From Siberia few enemies of the Russian Govern- ment ever return. My safety depended on my keeping up the character of a financial agent, on the look-out for sources of wealth requiring French capital for their development. In that character I was sure of a cordial reception, and it served as a convenient cloak for some curiosity about the country I was passing through. Not daring to intrust my secret to a companion, I was obliged to go without sleep from the moment of leaving the Ural mountains behind. The utmost indulgence I could allow myself was such a light doze as left the attention ready to leap into activity at the least provocation. At every stopping place I got out and made a careful examination of the neighbourhood. The one thing I had to fear was the night. In the Cimmerian darkness of a northern winter I might have been carried past an army without perceiving it. The train by which I travelled was a long one, and it was increased before we entered Asia by the WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 109 addition of an open car like a cattle-truck, contain- ing peasants whom I took to be prisoners. I had to be careful not to show myself too inquisitive, but I noticed at the various stations along the track that they were all young men of about the same age, and that they got in and out in obedience to orders given by officials who were armed, and whom I imagined to be warders or police. I did not consider it safe to hold much conversa- tion with my fellow passengers. It was probable that more than one spy was among them. I had an uneasy sensation of being watched by invisible eyes, and I knew that if I once aroused real suspicion by my behaviour, my doom was sealed. So the days and nights passed, and the train crept on its way across the silence of the frozen continent. I strained my eyes in vain across the blinding waste, and strained my ears through the night. No sight or sound rewarded me, save the solitary huts of the railway-men and the monotonous tinkle of sleigh- bells. According to my reckoning we had got nearly half way from the Ural to the Amur when the longest stage of all was reached. We ran from the sunset of one day to nearly noon of the next, only halting to take in water and fuel. Then at last the train entered a town of considerable importance, apparently a sort of depot of the line, there being no SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY many side-rails on whicli trucks were standing as though waiting till they should be required. As soon as the tniin stopped, I got out as usual with the other passengers, to stretch my legs and look about me. The long journey and the lack of proper rest had so exhausted me that it was some time before I realised that there was an unusual lack of bustle about this particular halt. When at last the fact of this strange stillness was borne in upon my consciousness, I roused myself to observation. At once I perceived that the alight- ing passengers were fewer in number than before. It was the troop I had mistaken for prisoners who were missing. I looked at the end of the train for their car. It was no longer there. We had silently slipped the wagon in the course of the night ! This discovery acted on my tired brain like magic. In an instant I was again the alert, cautious in- vestigator whose decisions were as swift as his intuitions were unerring. Without hesitating I returned to my carriage, removed my luggage with the aid of a porter, and ordered a sleigh to drive me to the hotel. The guard of the train came up to me, as I was making these preparations, and asked me if I were not going on. 'Not by your train,' I replied blandly. 'I shall WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 111 break my journey here, and look about me. By what I can see this place seems likely to be an important commercial centre, such as I have come in search of.' ' Your Excellency is mistaken/ the man answered roughly. 'This place is nothing at all — only a dumping place for spare wagons. To-morrow we shall come to a really important town, where much business is done.' I gave the fellow my most supercilious stare. Then, pulling out a note for fifty roubles, I handed it to him, saying haughtily — ' I am obliged to you for your trouble. Good day.' He drew back astonished and abashed, and I made my way out of the station, without once turning to see if I were followed. Directly I reached the hotel I threw myself on a bed, and slept soundly for twenty-four hours. I awoke refreshed and vigorous, and ready to carry out my task with coolness and resolution. Knowing myself to be in a land where every second man was a spy, I thought it idle to attempt any concealment of my actions. I was there as an explorer, and I determined to explore boldly. If the agents of the Government took it on themselves to stop me, I knew weU enough how to deal with them. My first step was to ask the landlord of the hotel 112 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY to recommend me a guide. The man whom he presented to me was a typical mouchard, with ' spy ' written on every line of his countenance. This was just what I expected. I engaged him at a liberal salary, and ordered him to fit out an expedition for a journey of some days into the interior. ' Where do you want to go ? ' the man asked. 'Where I please,' I replied sharply. 'Keep your curiosity to yourself, or take another master. I want a guide, not a partner.' This rebuke had the desired effect. The police agent, for such of course he was, was obliged to come with me on my own terms. Doubtless he reported me to his bureau as a headstrong man who could not be controlled by any means save open force. At the same time I lost no opportunity of im- pressing the authorities with my assumed character. The Prefect of the town called on me, and I explained to him that Siberia was regarded in Paris as one of the richest mineral regions of the earth, and that I was merely the pioneer of a swarm of prospectors who would be invading it before long. I made his mouth water as I talked of shares and syndicates, and conveyed to him that by a judicious use of his opportunities he might become one of the millionaires of the future. To the westward of the town, in the direction WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 113 from which the train had brought me, there was visible a range of low hills, a conspicuous landmark in the desolate plain. It was towards these hills that I ordered my guide to conduct me, as soon as the preparations for the march were completed. The rascal was cunning enough to hide his reluc- tance, and we set out. But after we had gone a day's journey I noticed that our march was steadily veering away from the line of the railway, and taking a northerly direction. I said nothing, deter- mined to counteract these tactics at the right moment. At the end of the third day, after a slow progress compared with the speed of the train, we pitched our camp at the foot of the range, about forty miles, as ntar as I could judge, from the point where it was pierced by the railway. The next morning the caravan wound its way to the summit of the ridge, and I looked down on a broad valley, watered by a river, and broken up by small spurs jutting out from the main watershed. As the guide was about to plunge down, so as to cross the stream, I checked him abruptly. ' We are not going that way. I shall turn south- ward now, and keep along the summit of the ridge till wo come to the railway.' The man's face turned as black as a thunder-cloud. ' You cannot go that way/ he snorted. 'Why?' H 114 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY He hesitated. ' Because it is impassable. The horses will break down.' 'We will go on till they do/ I answered sternly. ' And let this be your last attempt to disobey me. At the next I send you back, ami go on without you.' The man slunk forward, muttering curses, which I affected not to hear. But I had not yet frightened him sufl&ciently. At the next halt one of the drivers came to me and reported that a horse had gone lame. ' Bring it here/ I commanded. He went away, and returned leading the animal. 'Go/ I said sternly. 'Take the horse back with you, and take rations for three days. Do not let me see you again.' The driver looked thoroughly crestfallen. He slouched back to his comrades without another word. I waited till half an hour had passed, then I rose and walked over to the camp-fire, round which my followers were seated, the driver among them. ' How is it that you are still here ? ' I demanded. ' The horse is all right again/ was the surly answer. 'So much the worse for you.' I took out my revolver in one hand, and my watch in the other. 'In ten minutes from now I aim this revolver at you, and fire,' I remarked. ' It kills at two hundred metres. I should advise you to get out of range.' WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 115 I do not think I have ever seen a man get through his preparations in less time than then. Long before the allotted time was up, he was well out of reach, galloping down the slope of the hill. In every expedition through a wild country there comes a moment which decides who is to be master. That moment past, I had no fear of further trouble. I was now able to unbend with the guide ; I informed him that I expected to find gold, and promised him a rich reward if I succeeded with his aid. But a disappointment was in store for me. Al- though we marched carefully along the summit of the hills, and I scrutinised every yard of the valley below with a powerful field-glass, I detected no trace of anything calling for investigation ; in fact, I dis- cerned no signs of human life. By the time I had worked down to the railway I began to fear that I was on a false scent. It was in the night, after we had pitched our camp close beside the Hne, that the true solution occurred to me. I rose and secretly crept out of my tent, eluding the solitary watchman, and made my way along the track of the rails. After groping and stumbling over the roughly laid road for three or four miles, I suddenly made a discovery. The Hne divided, sending off" a brunch rail, which curved away to the south. I knew now what had become of the missing gang 116 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY of prisoners, or rather— for by this time I saw more clearly — of military recruits. I also knew why I had missed my way. The guide had led me to the north of the line, and what I had come so far to find lay to the south. The next day I issued orders to continue the march to the southward, crossing the railway. The face of the guide, when he received this direction, sufficiently showed that I was getting warm, as the children say, at last. He made no open remonstrance, but in the course of the day I noticed that another man and horse had disappeared. I paid no attention to this proof of treachery. It came too late to affect mc. By noon of the first day after quitting the main line for the south, I was already in possession of the carefully guarded secret of the Council of State. There at my feet, along the widening valley, lay a double line of rails, gleaming blue in the sunlight, and all across the level space at regular intervals stretched low banks and ditches — the lines of a vast encampment, capable of accommodating half a million men. Still further on I had a glimpse of the white sparkle of tents and piles of fresh-hewn timber, and I even fancied I could catch the faint hum of voices and the thud of hammers as the hidden army toiled away at its barracks and en- trenchments. o -^ WHAT WAS BEHIND THE RESCRIPT 117 The meaning of the Peace Rescript was manifest at last, and the meaning was formidable indeed. While appearing to disarm in concert with the rest of Europe, Russia's intention was secretly to with- draw her enormous forces to this unsuspected retreat, from whence, at the decisive moment, they would issue like a creation of magic, to overwhelm the defenceless continent. I had made my discovery ; it was still a question whether I was to return with it in safety. Before I had made up my mind whether to push my observations further, I was alarmed to see a sotnia of Cossacks approaching, led by a Russian officer. My little camp was quickly surrounded, and the officer presented himself before me. It required all my nerve to deal with the emergency. The first words of the officer showed me that he con- sidered me a spy, and was prepared to hang me out of hand. I affected the utmost astonishment and indignation, and produced the papers which showed me to be a Frenchman travelling on behalf of various financial syndicates in Paris. The officer thrust them aside contemptuously. 'All this is notliing to me,' he declared. 'You should not have come within reach of our camp. Even if I do not hang you, you will never be allowed to return to Europe, of that you may be assured.' * I will take my chance of that, captain,' I answered 118 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY coolly. 'Living in tliis out- of- the- way region, you perhaps have not heard that France and Russia are in military alliance, and, besides, that the Tsar has declared his intention to disarm, so that your pre- parations here have ceased to be of the slightest consequence to anybody.' The officer was fixirly staggered. He had heard, of course, of the French alliance, and no doubt some rumour as to the recent rescript had penetrated to the secret camp, but without its scope being very well understood. ' I know that it is my duty to arrest you, at the very least,' he persisted. 'As to that, you will do as you please. It will sound well in Paris that every prospector who ventures into Siberia with a view of developing the resources of the country exposes himself to the treatment of a spy. M. Witte will find it takes some persuasion to secure another French loan.' It is needless to give further details of a conversa- tion in which the ignorance of the Russian gave me a very great advantage over him. I am vain enough to plume myself on having made use of the treacherous rescript to out-manoeuvre its authors. In saying that, of course, I do not refer to Nicholas XL, who perhaps did not even know of the existence of the hidden camp. In the end the Cossack officer decided to escort WHAT WAS BEHIND THE EESCRIPT 119 me back to tlie town where I had left the train, and hand me over to the civil authorities, a decision which was assisted by the usual methods of per- suasion in the East. My friend the Prefect, ah-eady predisposed in my favour, required a somewhat heavier bribe, and finally I made assurance doubly sure by resuming my journey eastward, and leaving Russian territory by way of the Chinese frontier. It was from the first telegraph station in the Celestial Empire that I sent the cipher despatch to Constantinople which was destined to render abortive the much-talkcd-of Conference at the Hague : 'Russia preparing enormous concealed camp in Siberia, beside railway, to hide forces when nominally disbanded. I have seen it' Abdul Hamid was too shrewd to take any open part in opposing the Russian proposals, but when I saw the firm stand made against them by the German representatives, I knew that he had not thrown my telegram into the waste-paper basket. It only remains to add that the Russian Govern- ment, realising that its secret had been betrayed, stealthily set to work to efface every sign of the concealed camp ; and that, if my latest information be correct, the mysterious valley is again given over to silence and to solitude. WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT OF ITALY 1 Guy de Maupassant once remarked to me that it was necessary to preserve the Anarchists in order to make modern history interesting. The rulers of the world seem to be of the same opinion. Over and over again scientists and men of common sense have told them that the Anarchist is simply a diseased mind, requiring to be dealt with like other brain-sick creatures. But statesmen and police alike have persisted in treating the Anarchist as a serious politician, with results which are, unfor- tunately, too well known. It is true that, after the death of Elizabeth of Austria, the chivalrous King of Italy, Humbert, summoned a conference of diplomatists and police directors in Venice to consider methods for dealing with the Anarchists. But he would have done better to call in Professor Lombroso. I myself would under- take to guarantee the life of every ruler in Europe 120 WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT? 121 and America, for the sum of £20,000 a year, provided I were allowed to incarcerate in an asylum every man whom I could prove to be a sufferer from homicidal mania. As it was, I foreboded that the only result of King Humbert's gallant action would be to point him out to these creatures as their next victim. Yet I must now so far confess myself mistaken as to declare that the death of the late King of Italy does not really lie at the door of Anarchism. It was another European sovereign, more alive to the realities of the situation than Humbert, who secretly commissioned me to make an investigation into the organisation of the Anarchist sect and the trend of its operations. I must not disclose the name of this monarch ; to do so would be to point him out to the vengeance of the assassins. As soon as I had received his commission I laid aside all my other work and prepared to disappear for an indefinite period. My first step was to transform myself into a work- man, or rather a loafer, for an industrious workman is seldom found among the 'active' Anarchists. I secured a few jobs in Paris as a house-painter's labourer — that is to say, I did the scraping and clean- ing before the skilled workman applied the fresh coats of paint. I took care to show no zeal in my employment, and in the intervals of work I hung 122 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY about the brasseries and grumbled at the smallness of my earnings. By these tactics I quickly earned the reputation of a good comrade, and a true-hearted Republican. The Socialists of the quarter I had chosen to work in quickly recognised me as a lil^ely convert, and I allowed them to enrol me in one of the most advanced societies. All these measures were mere preliminaries to the final one of blossoming forth as a declared Anarchist. It is from the ranks of Socialism that Anarchism draws its recruits. Though the two theories are utterly opposed, they express the same discontent with civilisation. An Anarchist is little more than a Socialist who has gone out of his mind. By going over to the Anarchist group from the arms of their rivals, I ensured myself a welcome which would never have been given to me had I attempted to force myself upon them at the outset. Among the Anarchists it was necessary to adopt rather different tactics. I had now to play the part of a dangerous lunatic, only awaiting direction from some superior mind to commit an act of violence. Paris itself is not an important Anarchist centre. The French police are too quick witted for their capital to be a comfortable residence for these des- peradoes. The three great centres, as most people know, are Zurich, London, and Jersey City, U.S.A. WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT? 123 Ziirich is tlie Russian headquarters, and is rather a place for Nihilists than international Anarchists. I therefore decided to cross over to London, in the hope of coming into touch with the leading minds of the sect. In London I found myself received without the least suspicion. My carefuUy prepared record stood me in good stead. I was introduced by my Parisian comrades as a promising convert from Sociahsm, and no one inquired further. I found the London Anarchists torn by internal dissensions which left them no time to think of attacking kings and queens. The first man I was asked to murder was Prince , the leader of the idealist group, whose sole offence was his refusal to concur in the homicidal programme of the active Anarchists, I refused to execute this mandate, on the plea that I had vowed to put to death a crowned head, and could not afford to risk my hfc in the pursuit of humbler prey, T may state here that the elaborate machinery of secret meetings, oaths, ballots, and so on has no existence except in the imagination of popular novelists. Their fantastic descriptions can only pro- voke a smile on the part of any one who has been behind the scenes of Anarchism. The Anarchists are a fluctuating community, here 124 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY to-day and gone to-morrow, among whom a few lead- ing spirits who have learned to know and trust each other by actual experience exercise an influence much like that exercised by the Front Bench over a Parlia- mentary party in England, an influence which varies with their own concord and strength of character. When these leaders find a man whom they see to be a suitable instrument, they bring their influence to bear on him to carry out whatever object they may agree upon. In some cases perhaps a pantomimic scene is arranged, such as we read of in romances, to impress a weak mind. I can only say that I never saw anything of the sort. A well-known Anarchist, whose name would be recognised immediately were I to mention it, took me aside one night, and suggested to me the removal of the Prince. I gave the answer I have mentioned, and the proposal was instantly dropped. My refusal was followed, naturally enough, by an attempt on my own life. Two days afterwards the editor of an Anarchist paper, who had taken rather a fancy to me, came round to my lodgings before daybreak and advised me to leave for America. He gave me no reason for this advice, but he was very urgent with me, and insisted on writing me a letter of introduction to a man living in Jersey City. I promised to consider the matter, and he bade me farewelL WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT? 125 On leaving my lodging an hour later to go and look for a job — the customary pretence — I discovered immediately that I was being followed. I need scarcely say that for me to baffle the clumsy espion- age of such blunderers would have been the easiest thing in the world. But I wished to see how far they would go, and I allowed my tracker to follow me all day. At night I went down to the Thames Embank- ment. I placed myself on the edge of the river steps by Cleopatra's Needle, and waited. I am a good swimmer, and I did not think it likely that my enemy would use a weapon if he thought he could get rid of me by the simple method of pushing me into the water. A pistol would be too dangerous for himself on account of the report. I had seen that he did not carry a stick. He was probably armed with a knife, and he might try and give me a thrust with it as he pushed me over ; but a knife-thrust in the back is not a very serious thing to a man who has been in the habit of wearing a mail shirt for twenty years. I am ready to confess that my heart beat faster as I heard the stealthy tread coming up behind me. To my surprise the would-be assassin paused before he had got within striking distance, and shuffled with his feet on the flags. Puzzled by these tactics I glanced round and saw a young man, not more than twenty years of age, whose face was white, and who 126 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY was trembling in every limb. At once I grasped the situation. The poor wretch's heart had failed him, and he was trying to put me on my guard against himself, in order that he might have an excuse for not carrying out his task. I walked past him without a word, shook him off in the course of the next hour, and took the last train to Liverpool. On my arrival in the States, I lost no time in seeking out the man to whom my editor friend had furnished me with an introduction. To the European reader it may be worth while to explain that Jersey City practically joins on to New York, so that it is really a suburb of the American metropolis. I was received with open arms by this man — an Italian named Ferretti — and I became a member of the most influential Anarchist club. Among those I sometimes played dominoes with there was a long- haired dreamer named Bresci, a visitor from Paterson. All this time I passed under the name of Lebrun. My American citizenship I carefully concealed. I soon saw that some one had informed the American group of my being bound by oath to kill a crowned head. On all hands I was treated with the deference due to a prospective martyr. It was not long before Ferretti himself began to sound me as to my willingness to make Humbert of Italy my victim. 'mmwmnfmff' " I walked past him uitlioiit a word WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT? 127 I was careful not to discourage this suggestion as I had the one made to me in London. I Hstened to all Ferretti had to say with apparent acquiescence. ' Humbert has placed himself at the head of our enemies,' he urged. 'This Venice conference is a declaration of war. If we wish to maintain our moral ascendency we must strike a blow which will intimidate other rulers from proceeding against us,' As soon as I could get away I went into New York and sent a code telegram to my secretary in Paris for him to decipher and send on to the King of Italy. It was in these terms : ' Anarchists in Jersey City, U.S.A., are looking for man to send against you. Have ports watched.' Unfortunately the King paid no attention to this warning. He was a fatalist, it seems. Ferretti returned to the charge before long. I kept him in play, neither consenting nor refusing, my object being, of course, to retain his confidence. I did not want another man to be despatched instead of rae without my knowledge. It was not long before others beside Ferretti began to try and influence me in the same direction. It is difficult to trace the first birth of suspicion in the mind, but a suspicion was born in mine that these men had some motive which they had not yet disclosed to me for urging me to this attempt. I tested them at last by making a counter-proposal. 128 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY It was in the club, late one night, and there were present, beside Ferretti, another Italian who called himself ' The Bear,' a bearded German named Peters, and a Swiss watchmaker, who was lame and used crutches. These four seemed to have a common understanding. Peters had been acting as spokesman, and strongly denouncing the proceedings at Venice, which he described as an abandonment of the methods of civilisation — a curious complaint for an Anarchist to make. Ferretti applied the moral. ' Some one must be found to avenge us,' he declared. 'If Humbert is suffered to live, our principles are doomed.' ' I am not sure of that,' I answered. ' Humbert is not a politician. He has been stirred up because Luccheni killed a woman, which, in my opinion, was an unwise action. We ought to choose our victims more carefully. It is absurd to pick off a man like Humbert, when there are such enemies as and alive.' My remarks were received in ominous silence. The other four exchanged looks of disappointment. The Bear was the first to protest. ' It is the curse of Anarchism that every one wants to have his own opinion. It seems to me that when men like ourselves, who have guided the movement WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT ? 129 for years, are agreed on tlie right course of action, a new comrade ought to accept our decision.' I did not retort that the word Anarchist, if it meant anything, meant one who had his own opinion and refused to be guided by the agree- ment of others. There is nothing a fanatic resents so much as reason, except ridicule. Instead, I affected to be surprised. 'Do you mean that you disapprove of the exe- cution of ? ' I demanded, naming a man whose reputation for cruelty and bigotry was world wide. 'The removal of Humbert ought to come first,' was the answer. 'Do you say that deliberately? Have all our comrades made up their minds, or is it merely 3'our own opinion?' 'It is the judgment of us four,' said The Bear. ' That ought to be enough.' ' We arc willing to provide funds for any comrade who will undertake the mission,' added Peters. ' But not for any other mission, such as one against ? ' I ventured to object. ' We have not said that. We are ready to consider an application.' The last answer came from the lame watchmaker, who had kept his eyes fixed on me with a close scrutiny during the whole conversation. It was I 130 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY evident that this man was more cautious than the other three, and that he had begun to distrust me. Perhaps he thought I was a boaster; perhaps his suspicions went deeper. 'Well, I am not under anybody's orders,' I said, rising to my feet. ' Show me that I can serve the cause better by Humbert's removal than any one else's, and I will take the mission.' The four let me come away in silence. I had now no doubt whatever that there was some very strong motive in the background behind all this talk about the Venice conference, and I sent a fresh wire to the threatened King — ' ATnerican group absolutely determined on your death, and offering bribes.' This telegram was treated with the same in- difference as its predecessor. Ferretti was naturally more inclined to trust me than were the others, thanks to my London friend's recommendation. I was, therefore, not surprised to receive a call from him the next day, and to find that he was at last going to show his hand. ' It is right, is it not,' he began, ' that you are prepared to undertake the removal of one of our enemies, provided you are satisfied that you are doing good to the cause ? ' 'That is all I ask,' I responded; 'Humbert or another, what does it matter to me ? ' WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT ? 131 'You don't consider that the fact that Humbert has taken a leading part against us marks him out for destruction ? ' ' No, I don't ; I don't believe he is any worse than the others.' ' Yery well ; admitting that, for the sake of argu- ment ; if I were to prove to you that Humbert's death would benefit the cause specially in other ways, what would you say ? ' 'If I believed that, I should most likely con- sent.' 'Good! That is what I expected. Now you understand that what I am going to tell you must be in the very greatest confidence.' I nodded. 'The removal of Humbert will put funds at our disposal for other work.' At last I was on the trail. Carefully concealing my excitement under an appearance of natural curi- osity, I inquired : ' How is that, comrade ? ' 'You must not ask too much. I have only got authority to tell you that it is so. A sum of money will be ours as soon as Humbert is dead.' ' And you will not tell me how or why ? ' Ferretti hesitated. ' It has been promised us— guaranteed to us, in fact by one who has reasons of his own for wanting to see Humbert out of the way.' 132 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' I don't like the sound of that/ I objected. ' It sounds as though we were being hired as private assassins.' Ferretti's face fell. ' I am afraid I cannot tell you anything more without consulting others,' he said slowly. ' I will swear to you, if you like, that it is not a case of private revenge. The person behind us has public reasons for his conduct, though they arc not the same as ours.' This statement threw me into a brown study. What public reasons could any one possibly have for the removal of the King of Italy? The Gari- baldians? No, they were not assassins — besides, they would not have come to America to get a suitable instrument. There were plenty nearer at hand. ' Listen to me,' I said at length. ' When I took a vow to rid the world of a crowned head at the risk of my own life, I did not undertake to become a blind tool in the hands of any one else. I owe no obedience to you or our comrades. I say what I said last night — convince me that I ought to kill Humbert, and I will. But it is no good if you can't trust me. Why should I trust you with my life, when you won't trust me with your reasons for want- ing this King out of the way ? ' Ferretti was staggered. WHO KEALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT ? 133 ' I will tell the others what you say,' he declared. * For my part, I think your demand is reasonable.' He left me, but did not come back. Days passed, and no fiu'ther overture was made to me. On the contrary, the lame Swiss began to talk to me about the other victims I had pointed out, and to encourage me to fix on one of them. I was able to guess what had happened. The four were looking for a more docile tool. I sent off a third wire : ' / have lost touch with the conspiracy. From this moment I no longer answer for your life. ' This warning was not even shown to the doomed King. I now adopted a course which I had put off as long as possible, on account of the risk involved. I secretly engaged a second lodging at a distance, where I could disguise myself as I pleased, and began to shadow the Anarchist leaders. It was a dangerous game to play, because such men were accustomed to find themselves the sub- ject of police surveillance, and would probably be quick to detect anything of the sort. My only chance of success lay in the fact that I already possessed so much knowledge of their movements as to make the task of watching them a compara- tively easy one. I had come to the conclusion that the real head 134 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY of the group was the crippled Swiss. This man kept a small shop, chiefly for repairs, in the heart of the Italian quarter. I made up as a Corsican, to account for any imperfections of accent, and hung about the neighbourhood, begging. Ferretti, Peters, and The Bear were frequent visitors, and the simpleton Bresci called once or twice, but for some days I saw nothing that I could fix upon as having a suspicious look. I remembered, however, that the lame watchmaker had always been missing from the gatherings at the club on Saturday nights, and I looked forward to making some discovery when the end of the week arrived. I was not disappointed, though I had to wait so long that I almost gave up hope. Just as the clock struck ten a tall, swarthy figure brushed right by me, and slipped into the little shop. The moment after, the lame man came out into the street, and began putting up the shutters. It was necessary to act promptly. I stepped up to the Swiss and whispered my assumed name in his ear. ' Lebrun ! You ! ' he ejaculated in astonishment. ' I thought you were one of the police.' ' It is the other way about,' I answered. ' The police have been after me ; that is why I have had to disguise myself. But let us come inside, I want to talk to you.' WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT ? 135 As I expected, he tried to prevent me going in. ' No, not there. I have some one on business.' ' Business of the cause ? ' I demanded. ' Yes — no, private business.' ' I will wait in the shop till he is gone,' I returned, and pushed my way through the door, the cripple following. The tall, dark figure started to its feet in evident alarm as we entered. I saw a brown hand glide towards the bosom, an action which told me that I was not dealing with a European. In the dim light of the little shop I could not fix the stranger's nationality more precisely. He did not seem to be an Arab ; he was above the grade of a negro. If I had met him in Algiers I should have called him a Sudanese, a convenient term for the unknown races of Africa. The situation was a complicated one. The watch- maker, it was evident, did not more than half believe my account of myself; I could not tell that the stranger really had any connection with the mystery I wanted to unravel ; and he must have been utterly confounded by my intrusion. ' Is your friend one of us ? Does he know any- thing about the business you put before me the other day ? ' I asked of the Swiss in Italian. Before the Swiss could do more than give me a 136 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY warning gesture, the unknown had addressed him in the sort of Italian which forms the common speech of seamen in the Levant. ' Is this the man you thought you could persuade to undertake the work ? ' The watchmaker was fairly cornered. ' Go inside and I will speak to you,' he said to the swarthy outlander ; then he added, speaking in quick French to me — ' I must have some explanation with you before I trust you again.' 'That will not do for me,' I returned, sticking to my Italian and trying to render it intelligible to the unknown. 'You have asked me to do a dangerous work on behalf of the cause; very Avell, I am ready to do it, but first I insist on knowing who is going to provide the sinews of war. That is fair, it seems to me.' This time the stranger's tone became peremptory. * Why do not you wish me to speak to this man ? he asked. The shopkeeper scowled at both of us by turns. ' Because I don't know that he is right,' he muttered. ' How do I know that you are right ? ' I retorted. ' It appears you are going to have a big price for this business, and you want me to shut my eyes and not ask what becomes of the money.' The Swiss wrung his hands in despair. I believe WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT? 137 that he was quite honest, and that he wished for the money in order to spread his atrocious principles; while his distrust of me was only too well founded. I addressed myself boldly to the unknown. ' I am your man, I believe. Tell me who you are, and why you want this job carried out, and I will undertake it. As for the money, you may hand that over to my comrade here, as long as I know how much it is.' This last offer turned the balance. The Swiss himself proposed that we should come into the back shop and talk things over in confidence. When we were all three seated together, it was the watchmaker who gave me the long-sought ex- planation in a few words. ' This man is an Abyssinian. He has come here on behalf of the Emperor Menelik.' ' Menehk ! ' I exclaimed in astonishment. ' What has he got to do with us ? ' ' Nothing directly ; but if you have read the papers you must know that Humbert was the moving spirit in the Abyssinian war. He made peace after Adowa, under pressure from the Crown Prince, who told him the dynasty was in danger. But Menelik believes that the King is secretly preparing for a fresh attack. He is in league with the British, who are advancing from the Sudan. The Abyssinians want to clear the Italians out of their country altogether, and 138 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY they can never do that while Humbert is alive. That is how it stands, isn't it ? ' This last question was addressed to Menelik's agent. The Abyssinian answered by a smile that showed his formidable white teeth. 'The King of Italy is the enemy of Abyssinia. The King of Italy must die. If an Abyssinian tries to kill him, he will be suspected, and stopped ; there- fore he must be killed by a European. The Negus has sent me to find a European who will do this for money. I have been in Italy and France, and there they told me that it was best for me to apply to the followers of your religion, which teaches that all kings ought to be killed. Is it not so ? There- fore I come here, to the headquarters of your sect. If one of you will accept the task, on that day I pay him in the money of this country one thousand dollars. On the day I hear that King Humbert is dead I pay you four thousand dollars. Divide it how you like ; that is nothing to me.' Improbable as a fairy tale though all this sounded, I could not resist the evidence of my own senses, which showed me the Abyssinian envoy there in the flesh, I knew, of course, that assassination has always been one of the recognised political methods of Asiatic and African States, but this alliance between a half-civilised despot and the extreme revolutionaries of Europe struck me as altogether WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT ? 139 without precedent in the history of the world. Certainly my own experience, fertile as it naturally had been in surprising incidents, had never brought to light a more singular intrigue than this. My position now became an extremely difficult one. I had practically agreed to accept the commission to assassinate the King of Italy, but it was not that which troubled me. I foresaw that as soon as Menelik's agent realised that he had been played with by me he would endeavour to find some other and more trustworthy tool. To denounce him to the police of New York would have been perfectly idle ; in the first place he could buy the police, and in the second place no American court would punish a ' political ' conspiracy, unless, indeed, it were against the United States. I contented myself for the moment with formally undertaking the required murder. The Abyssinian arranged to bring the first instalment of the blood money to the watchmaker's house on the following Saturday night, and we all three parted apparently on the best of terms. The next day I sent off a long telegraphic de- spatch summarising the whole situation. The pro- posal I made was that the Italian Government should cable me authority and funds to enable me to have the Abyssinian envoy privately kidnapped, and returned to his own country, vid Massowah. 140 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY They had the incredible folly to wire instead to their Minister in Washington, instructing him to demand the arrest and expulsion of Menelik's agent. The net result of this ill-considered action was to flood the Italian quarter of Jersey City for several days with sham detectives, to cause a thousand or two dollars to pass into the pockets of the local Tammany, and to compel me to hasten my de- parture for Europe on my supposed mission, in order to rebut the suspicions of the Anarchists — and, in fact, to escape their vengeance. The night before my departure there was a little supper at the club, at which the four were present. No open reference was made to the object of my journey. But after supper the half-witted Bresci, who had been one of the party, asked leave to walk home with me. ' I wish I were going with you,' he said suddenly. ' I wish I could put you in an asylum, where you would be taken care of,' was my thought in answer. I said aloud that I had reasons for going alone. 'I know those reasons,' the enthusiast declared. ' Let me come with you. I am not afraid.' For a moment I hesitated. A king's life was in the balance, though I did not know it. I made the clever man's common mistake — I underrated the strength of the fool. ' Take my advice,' I said to Bresci, ' leave this work WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT ? 141 to men like me. You are not suited for it: you would betray yourself directly,' His face became overcast, and he relapsed into a sullen silence which lasted till I parted from him at my own door. An hour before stepping on board the steamer that was to convey me to Havre I sent off a final wire: 'Am leaving to-day for Eurajte, 2)ledged to hill King Humbert.' This bitter shaft of contempt roused even the Italian police into activity. On landing at the French port I was met by a detective sent from Rome. I took him with me to a hotel, where we discussed the situation in a private room. ' It seems to me that we are all right for the present,' he urged. ' As long as they think you are going to carry out the work they are not likely to send any one else.' ' Do not be too sure,' I answered. ' There is a lame watchmaker over there who docs not quite trust me.' ' What do you propose to do ? ' asked the detective. * To shoot King Humbert,' I replied. The man gasped at me in sheer amazement. *I am going to put you to a practical test,' I explained. ' I am going to try and discharge a blank cartridge at the King. If you can prevent my doing so, I shall hope that his life is safe.' 142 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' But what do you expect us to do ? We cannot arrest you.' 'No; that is my point. You know that I am going to kill your King, and yet the law does not permit you to interfere till you see me put my finger to the trigger of my revolver.' * We can stop you at the frontier.' ' Try,' I said drily. He tried. A week later I was in Rome. In reality I did not intend to go quite so far as I had threatened. To do so would have been offensive to his Majesty. What I desired was to put the police thoroughly on the alert. I hoped to stimulate them into taking precautions which would be effective against a real assassin. For I knew better than to think that Menelik's envoy would go away satisfied with having de- spatched me on the errand of death. I did not believe the swarthy figure with the formidable white teeth would leave New York till he had received some certain assurance of the success of his murderous plans. Before leaving the United States I had arranged with my old employers, Pinkerton's, to have a watch kept on all outward-bound vessels, so that I might receive the earliest information of any move on the part of the Abyssinian. I had supplied them with a fuU description of the man. WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT? 143 Meanwhile the Italian police did their best, hampered as they were by the King's chivalrous disregard of danger, and his dislike of surveillance. It is not an easy thing to guard a monarch against his will. As soon as I had satisfied myself that my disguise as an ItaHan workman was impenetrable, I went northward after the doomed King. As my train rolled into the station at Turin, I caught a glimpse on the platform of a white face with long draggled hair and a haunted expression in the eyes — a face that I had last seen in a Jersey City slum at mid- night, more than a month ago. Long before the train stopped I had leapt out of my compartment in hot pursuit ; but Bresci had disappeared. I went instantly to the chief police-officer in Turin and gave information. Detectives were despatched in all directions to search the city; but it was too late. The following morning a telegram was put into my hands before I got out of bed. It was from Pinkerton's, and contained these words : * Man answering description has just hooked passage to Liverpool.' This despatch convinced me that the situation was desperate. Coupling the news with the sight of the evening before, I could not doubt that the 144 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY Abyssinian agent expected to hear within the next few hours that his dreadful end was achieved. I dressed in feverish haste and rushed round to the police-office, only to learn that no arrest had been made, and Bresci was still at large. ' Unless that man is apprehended within the next twenty-four hours, King Humbert will have ceased to live,' I told the astonished chief of police. In this extremity I decided to proceed to Monza, see the King myself, and implore him not to stir abroad until Bresci's capture was notified. That afternoon, as I entered the small town of Monza, I was arrested on suspicion ! It was in vain that I protested, warned, and threatened. My demand to be carried before King Humbert was regarded as a proof of guilt. My dis- closure of my identity was suspected as a ruse. I was confined in a cell while telegrams were being exchanged with my friend the Italian detective, and with my secretary in Paris. Suddenly, as I tramped impatiently up and down within my narrow bounds, I was aware of a terrible commotion outside. Men ran past the door of my prison, curses and cries were heard, and there was a sound of bayonets being fixed. Maddened by the nervous tension, I battered with my manacled hands against the cell door. " ■ \\)\i aru free,' he said briefly. ' The riylit man has l)een arrested, too late.' " WHO REALLY KILLED KING HUMBERT? 145 It was flung open from without, and an armed warder faced me. ' You are free,' he said briefly. ' The right man has been arrested — too late.* I sank down on the plank seat and burst into tears. VI THE PERIL OF NORWAY The readers of my previous revelations will have noticed that I have constantly been engaged in thwarting the schemes of the cunning rulers of Russia, This has been to me a labour of love. My father, as I have said, was a native of Poland, and I have avenged his wrongs on the Government which drove him forth to exile. I have already related how I exposed and defeated the insidious design concealed under the Peace Re- script of Nicholas II. Hardly had this audacious intrigue miscarried when Europe was startled to hear that the Ministers of the Imperial peacemaker had overthrown the ancient liberties of Finland, in order to swell the Finnish contingent to the armies of the Tsar. This time I admit that I was deceived, like every- body else. The brutal frankness of the proceeding disarmed suspicion. When Russia openly declares herself a tyrant, it is difficult to believe she is dissembling. 146 THE PERIL OF NORWAY 147 But there was one man in Europe who saw that there was more in the proceedings against Finland than met the eye. This was a monarch whose genius and nobility of character would have placed him at the head of living rulers had he been born to the command of a great Power instead of a small and distracted State. I need scarcely say that I refer to his Majesty, King Oscar of Sweden and Norway. It was with peculiar satisfaction that I received a confidential summons from this King, whose fine qualities I had long admired, and by whom I felt it a distinction to be trusted. I was far from guess- ing the real nature of the business on which I was to be employed. As the message did not come to me through the Scandinavian Minister in Paris, but was a private autograph communication from King Oscar himself, I was disposed to think his Majesty wanted me to adjust some family affair. It is well known that the Bernadottes are not more free from such anxieties than other royal houses. On my arrival at the beautiful capital of Sweden, I put up at the Hotel Rydberg, entering myself as the Baron de Neuville, on tour. The same evening I was called upon by one of the King's intimate friends, the Count Soderhielm, who took me across to the Palace, and introduced me into King Oscar's private cabinet. 148 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY I noticed as we crossed the Place Gustavus Adolplius that the flag was not hoisted on the Palace. His Majesty was supposed to be at Drott- ningholm, from which place he had come secretly in a small launch for the purpose of our interview. As soon as Count Soderhielm had presented me to his Majesty, he retired to the antechamber, leaving us together. ' Perhaps you are wondering what I have sent for you to do ? ' King Oscar began. ' At least, I do not doubt that any service on which your Majesty employs me will be an honourable one,' I answered respectfully. The King smiled. ' I have not sent for you to pay me compliments,' he said rebukingly. ' Let me first ask if it is true that you are no friend to the Russian Government ? ' I looked at the King in some surprise. * It is better for me to tell you, sire, that I do not allow my private feelings to enter into my work. The Russian Government has employed me before now, and may do so again ; in which case I should serve it as loyally as I hope to do your Majesty.' The King did not seem ill-pleased by this frank- ness. ' I respect you for that answer,' he said graciously. ' I ought not to Iiave asked you for your personal confidence.' THE PERIL OF NORWAY 149 * I am a Pole by my father's side, sire,' I threw in. King Oscar thanked me for this hint by a nod. 'Let us come to business. You have taken note, I expect, of this determination to Russianise Fin- land ? ' I bowed, restraining my curiosity at this un- expected opening. ' You know that Finland is an ancient province of the Swedish Crown, and that when it was united to Russia, after the fall of Napoleon, my ancestor, the then Crown Prince Bernadotte, was authorised to take Norway as a compensation ? ' * I do, sire.' 'Perhaps you know also that the exchange has been a disastrous one for Sweden. The Finns were contented and happy under our rule, while the Norwegians have done nothing but quarrel with the Swedes for a century.' ' I have heard something of this,' I responded. 'Now as long as Finland held the position of a semi-independent State, over which the Tsar ruled as Grand Duke of Finland, it was possible for us to regard her as a buffer between us and Russia. We bad every reason to hope that if the Russians wished to attack us, they would have to subdue Finland first.' ' I was hardly aware of that, sire.* ' It is the fact. The Finnish civilisation is really 150 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY Swedish, our language is spoken there, and the Swedish element in the population looks on Sweden as its real home. Very good. That being so, the Russians have decided to conquer Finland in time of peace, under the cloak of administrative measures.' 'Your Majesty means that this attack on Finland is really an attack on Sweden and Norway ? ' ' It is the first step towards an attack on Sweden,' King Oscar answered, with significance. ' The ques- tion of Norway is the matter about which I have sent for you.' I gazed at the King in astonishment. ' I am the King of Norway as well as of Sweden,' his Majesty pursued, ' and you must not think I favour one country more than the other. But I might as well be King at the same time of France and Germany, for any real harmony there is between the two countries. The Norwegians are working for absolute separation ; the Swedes will grant them everything except the right to make war on Sweden ; and yet they cannot agree.' ' You fear, sire, that the Norwegians will fight in order to secure their independence.' ' I fear it is rather the other way about,' the King answered sorrowfully. ' They aim at independence in order to be able to fight. You see me in the position of a father whose two children are ready to rush at one another's throats, and who cannot show THE PERIL OF NORWAY 151 kindness to one without incurring the hatred of the other. This situation has poisoned the peace of mind of every sovereign of Scandinavia for a hundred years. It broke my grandfather's heart.' I listened to this sad confession with respectful sympathy. King Oscar proceeded — 'Let me tell you some more. Before the last Russo-Turkish war, the geography of the Balkans had been made for a year the special study of the Military School in Petersburg. Last month the geography of Scandinavia was given a similar pre- cedence. That is not all. A swarm of Russian officers, disguised as woodcutters, have been coming over the northern frontier, and making their way down through Sweden, surveying the country as they go.' ' Surely they can be arrested as spies ! ' *We dare not,' was the response. 'That would be forcing Russia's hand. We can only watch, and await developments.' ' The Germans ought to know of this,' I ventured to remark. ' The Germans are more afraid of Russia than we are,' the King answered. ' Germany is no longer a first-class Power. There are in fact only four Powers of the first magnitude to-day, Great Britain, Russia, the United States, and China. The two English Powers together could dictate to the world, but they 152 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY are divided by the childish American jealousy. China is still asleep. Consequently all the other Powers of Europe are little more than vassals of the Tsar. France has openly placed herself under his protection. Austria has become Russia's junior partner in the Balkans. The independence of Germany is only nominal; the Emperor takes his time from Petersburg. No other country counts.' It was the first time that I had heard the situation summed up with such pitiless plainness. ' You consider, then, that Russia is actually about to draw the sword ? ' I asked. 'No, she will leave us to do that. Russia has discovered that her conquests advance better under the cloak of peace. She means to take Norway under cover of a declaration in favour of Norwegian independence.' 'But the Norwegians — are they mad enough to become parties to that ? Do they want to exchange King Log for King Stork ? ' ' Go and see,' was King Oscar's reply. I quitted his Majesty's presence, and returned to my hotel, deeply disturbed by what I had heard. I could not suppose that the most sagacious sovereign in Europe was indulging in idle fears. Yet it was hard to believe that the inhabitants of a free, self-governing country would voluntarily exchange their condition for servitude to the Asiatic despotism THE PERIL OF NORWAY 153 which had just laid Finland prostrate at their door. Three days afterwards I arrived in Christiania. I had made careful preparations for the task before me. I assumed the character of a Russian spy, as the least likely to provoke suspicion of the quarter from which I really came. And I had disguised my person as effectively as I knew how, lest I should meet a real agent of the Tsar's Government, who might detect A V beneath the outward semblance of Alexander Volkuski. The pains I had taken were well rewarded. In the hotel in which I put up I found staying a man who passed as a Finnish officer, of Swedish nation- ality, but whom I immediately recognised as Count Marloff, the confidential right-hand man of M. de Witte himself It is true the Russian was disguised, and the disguise was a very good one, but by an almost incredible oversight he had ventured to assume that a disguise which had already done duty once might safely be used again. It was seven years before, in Teheran, that I had seen that reddish wig and noted that peculiar limp, but if Count Marloff had offered me his card I could not have been more sure of his identity. Such mistakes may be pardonable in a mere detective, but they are fatal in our profession. My tactics were soon decided on. I knew that 154 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY the attention of ' Colonel Sigersen ' would be quickly attracted to a Russian staying in Christiania, and I have generally found the boldest game to be the most successful. I seized the first opportunity of the Count's being seated alone in the smoking-room of the hotel, to go up to him boldly. 'How do you do, Count?' I said in Russian. ' Or perhaps you will wish me to say " Colonel " ? ' Marloff started, as well he might, and stared hard into my face. 'My name is Colonel Sigersen,' he said forbid- dingly. ' Have I had the pleasure of meeting you before ? ' This was the opening I wanted. I drew back disdainfully. * I must apologise,' I said, with irony ; ' I have not had the honour of meeting you, Colonel Sigersen. Pray do not think I wish to intrude on you.' Marloff saw his mistake. In the secret service of Russia nothing is more common than for two different agents to be employed independently of each other, and even as spies upon each other. When that happens, if the two men are wise, they strike up a private alliance, and compare notes at their employers' expense. When they keep each other at arm's length, each has it in his power to cause annoyance to the other. THE PERIL OF NORWAY 155 MarloflF was now in the position of having refused my overture towards friendship, without knowing who I was. This left me free to watch him, without rendering any explanations. He was consequently furious with himself. The fact is the man was a mere amateur, as one who drops into a profession from above generally is. De Witte had taken him out of a cavalry regiment, and made a diplomatist of him ; but when it came to secret service work he was a child in the hands of a man like myself I saw the pretended Colonel get up and limp out of the room, no doubt to send a cipher despatch to the Minister, complaining of my arrival. I went to the manager of the hotel, introduced myself as a Russian police agent on the track of a great rouble forgery, and wormed out of him a mass of particulars with regard to Sigerscn's movements. I gathered that he had been in Christiania about a month, having toured through Norway first as far north as Trondhjem. He had made numerous friends in the Norwegian capital, including several prominent members of the Storthing, as they call their parliament. But his chosen intimate appeared to be a judge named , who was regarded as a guiding spirit of the party most strongly hostile to the Swedish connection. It was Judge who had prompted the erection 156 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY of a fortress on the Swedish-Norwegian frontier, guarding the approach to Christiania. The same warlike functionary had decided on the judicial bench that no native of Sweden could exercise the rights of a citizen in Norway until he had taken out letters of naturalisation. In short, this judge had carefully taught his countrymen to treat the Swedes as English- men were treated by the Boers in the days of the Transvaal Republic. All this was nothing more than I had been pre- pared for by King Oscar. The task now before me was to ascertain if possible what was the nature of the understanding between Judge and the agent of the Russian Government. I asked the hotel manager — ' How does Colonel Sigersen pay your bill ? ' ' By cheque/ was the ready answer. ' By cheque on the Bergen and Christiania Bank.' ' Is it usual for foreign visitors to have a banking account open in Christiania ? ' I inquired, keeping up the part of a detective. The manager admitted it was not. Evidently, now I had drawn his attention to the point, it struck him as suspicious. I left him, feeling that I had secured an ally in my watch on Marloff, and made my way to the offices of the bank. The director of this institution received me with every courtesy. Bankers are too often victimised THE PERIL OF NORWAY 157 for them to regard the police with any feeling but gratitude. The tale I brought was received with open ears. ' I have reason to think that an account has been opened with you for purposes of fraud. If I am right, the swindlers have endeavoured to gain your confidence at the outset by a large credit. This credit has been opened in the name of Colonel Sigersen, a pretended Finlander.' The manager was visibly alarmed. ' A gentleman of that name has opened an account with us, certainly,' he answered cautiously. ' But he brought the very best introductions. In fact I could not have asked for better.' ' Have you any objection to tell me the character of those introductions ? ' ' I don't mind telling you that one was from a well-known citizen, a man in a very responsible position.' ' In short, Judge ? * The manager started. ' How did you know that ? ' he demanded. 'I have been on Colonel Sigersen's track for a long time,' I answered evasively. 'I venture to think that if you make inquiries, you will find that his Honour, Judge knows very little about him really, and nothing at all about his financial standing.' 158 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' I will communicate with his Honour, and let you know the result.' ' Do so, by all means. In the meanwhile, perhaps, you may be willing to tell me how this man's credit is supplied ? ' The manager hesitated. 'I hardly know whether I ought to betray his affairs until I have something more to go upon.' ' Perhaps you will let me ask you if Sigersen has yet made a large payment in rouble notes ? ' * I can answer that — no.' ' Then I think you may be safe for the present,' I said. ' When he does, I advise you to pass them on to your Russian correspondents as quickly as possible.' This shot told. The manager became very uneasy. By degrees I worked on his fears till he invited me to examine his ledger. I did so, and found that Marloff had brought a heavy credit from a Peters- burg bank, and, what was more to my purpose, had drawn several heavy cheques to the order of Judge . ' So far you seem to be on the safe side,' I com- mented as I finished my inspection. 'But I have two pieces of advice to give you. On no account let this man overdraw his ascertained credit, and do not honour any cheques drawn against rouble notes till you hear from me again.' ],el me see your warrant,' I said." THE PERIL OF NORWAY 159 The manager thanked me, and allowed me to depart. I had now to consider the best way in which to approach the judge, who was not likely to prove easily gullible, as it was fairly certain that Marloff and he were in each other's confidence. But I had underrated the Russian's resources. On re-entering my hotel I was accosted by a man in the uniform of the Norwegian police, who informed me that he held a warrant for my arrest. ' On what charge ? ' I demanded, as soon as I had recovered from my first surprise. * On a charge of conspiracy against the Government of Norway,' was the answer. *I arrived in Norway only yesterday,' I ex- claimed. ' All that you can tell to the judge,' retorted the police officer. ' Let me see your warrant,' I said. The man produced the paper, while the hotel manager, who had arrived on the scene, looked on astonished, as he well might. The warrant bore the signature of Judge . 'Take me to the judge instantly, if you will be so good,' I said. ' I am going to,' the officer returned. He made no attempt to secure me, probably having had his instructions. We walked together to the 160 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY judge's house; he appeared to combine the functions of a judge and committing magistrate ; and I was conducted into a room evidently used for the examination of prisoners. Judge entered immediately, and we exchanged scrutinising glances. The leader of the anti-Swedish party was a young man, still on the right side of forty, with a very determined countenance, and a look about which there was nothing furtive or em- barrassed. It was not an intellectual face. I put the man down as a strong-willed, ambitious intriguer, with courage, but not very much disinterested patriotism. ' What is the meaning of this preposterous arrest ? ' I demanded, with warmth. 'This is an affair of State; I will examine the accused in private,' the judge announced, not answer- ing me directly. As soon as the room was cleared, he turned to me. ' Who are you ? ' was his first question. * I am a Russian,' I answered. * I know that. What is your business here ? * I breathed again. I now knew that Marloff had failed to guess my identity. ' I have come here on the track of certain forgers,' I began, and went on to tell the story I had given to the hotel manager and the banker. THE PERIL OF NORWAY 161 Judge listened incredulously. ' I do not believe a word you have said,' he declared. * Show me your papers.' I produced the passport and credentials from the Russian police with which I had been careful to provide myself They were, of course, forged. ' I will retain these and ascertain if they are genu- ine,' the judge observed. ' Your Honour means that you will submit them to the suspected man,' I returned boldly. ' How dare you say that ? How dare you call ' — he hesitated for a second — ' Colonel Sigersen a suspected man ? You know perfectly well who he is.' ' I know him to be the most skilful forger in Russia,' I answered, not quite untruthfully. Judge glared at me as if he would like to have struck me, ' What nonsense ! You know his real name.' 'What difference does that make, your Honour?' ' You know he is a man in high position, in the confidence of his Government.' ' I know he was, till recently. I have no doubt he is capable of pretending he is still.' The judge was plainly disconcerted by the line I was taking. He had hoped, no doubt, that I should meet him half way. ' On your arrival here you recognised the Count, and greeted him. He rebuffed you, as he had a per- L 1G2 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY feet right to do, and denounced you to me as a spy. It is too late for you to turn round and pretend that he is a criminal. It is you who are on your defence, not he.' * Your Honour has been imposed upon. But it is of no consequence. Tell me what I am charged with, and I will defend myself ' You are a spy.' ' In a sense that is true. I am a detective.' ' By whom are you employed ? ' ' Your Honour has my papers.' The judge bit his lip. He clearly did not know how to proceed. I, of course, could see that it was not his game to bring me to a public trial. ' It seems to me, sir, that it is a mistake for us to quarrel,' I said after giving him a minute for reflec- tion. ' If I have annoyed Count MarloflF by recognis- ing him, that is not an offence against the law of Norway, I presume. On the other hand, if I am right in my conjectures, or rather my instructions, the Count himself should be the last man to provoke a public inquiry into his business here. Your Hon- our knows the law better than I, but I should have thought there might be something in the business transacted between you and the Count which would not look well ' He interrupted me. * I want to know why you are here. If you are a THE PERIL OF NORWAY 163 friend, of course there is no need to quarrel. If not ' — he shrugged his shoulders. * I came as a friend/ I replied. ' I came prepared to co-operate with you, to assist you, in fact. But I must first know how you stand with regard to Marloff. Is he your personal friend, or are the relations be- tween you exclusively political ? ' 'I have no personal feeling for him,' was the guarded answer. ' Very good. In that case your Honour shall see my real credentials, I must tell you frankly that Count Marloff has ceased to enjoy the implicit con- fidence of his and my Government.' I put my hand into an inner pocket, and produced a shp of paper in the forged handwriting of the Russian Foreign Minister. 'Does your Honour recognise that writing?' I asked, with a confident air. Judge was completely deceived. He glanced at the few lines, which were in French, with an air of the greatest respect. Then he looked at me. ' I must apologise, Prince ' he began, when I raised a warning finger. ' Hush 1 Not my real name, please.' I took back the paper with an air as if my life depended on its preservation, and restored it to my pocket. ' I am exceedingly sorry to have had to show you 164 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY this,' I said gravely. 'I have, in fact, exceeded my instructions, which were simply to watch Count Marloff and report on the progress he was making. His own violent action has forced me to go further than I wished. I am sorry to say it confirms the suspicion entertained in the Foreign Office that he is playing a double game. He is a protdgd of M. de Witte's, but M. de Witte is not infallible. ' Now I am afraid I must ask your Honour to take me into your confidence. I trust you have not put yourself into Marloff's power ? I know that he has paid you considerable sums.' Judge looked decidedly nervous. ' I have given him nothing in writing, I believe,' he answered, glancing at the same time at an iron safe let into the wall of the room. ' So far, so good. It is writing that counts in these affairs. Have you any objection to my seeing the memoranda you have made of your conversations with him ? ' The judge stared at me as if I had been a wizard. ' I don't know what makes you think I have taken any memoranda,' he protested. 'Just as you please, sir,' I said drily. *I should have been gratified if you had so far confided in me as to let me glance inside that safe. But you are right to be cautious.' His eyes turned once more in the direction of the He liLlil h>iu;ir'l to llstrii. aipl • l\'\ -,.. I i;i:iu. ImmI niv t U-nclicd fist at his riglil tuniplu \\itli my full f^m.-.' THE PERIL OF NORWAY 165 safe, in spite of himself. I saw a struggle going on in his mind. ' There is no necessity for you to decide hastily,' I said in my blandest tones. ' I am as anxious as you are that you should have every possible security. If you are so far satisfied as to release me from arrest, we can sit down and talk over things quietly.' This hint had the desired effect. The judge called in the policeman, and informed him that his services were no longer required. As soon as I heard the outer door of the buildinsr clang to on the departing officer, I drew nearer the judge, lowering my voice to a confidential whisper, as I said — ' Now you shall have the truth.' He bent forward to listen, and as he did so I launched my clenched fist at his right temple with my full force, and he dropped senseless without so much as a sigh. The moment I was satisfied that he was uncon- scious I stepped to the door and locked it. Then I rifled his pocket of his bunch of keys, picked out the right one, and opened the safe, all without drawing breath. Tlie contents of the safe were chiefly official law papers, which I did not waste time over. But in a narrow tray at the top I found something that inter- ested me more. 166 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY It was nothing less than a draft treaty — a treaty to be made between the Norwegian Ministry, acting without the knowledge of their King, and the Imperial Government of Russia ! I did not stay to read the document through. After a hasty look to make sure I was leaving nothing else of importance behind, I locked the safe, drew off its key from the bunch, and dropped the other keys on the floor beside the stunned man, slipped quietly out of the room and out of the house. Instead of returning to my hotel, I made my way down to the harbour — I did not dare to risk trying to get a train. In the harbour I hired a small fish- ing-boat with a sail, and put straight out to sea. It was on the tossing waters of the Cattegat by moon- light that I took in the provisions of the extraordinary compact between the Norwegian conspirators and their Imperial ally. The document had been carefully drawn up, evi- dently with an eye to the public opinion of Europe, which would naturally be scandalised by an alliance between the great Slave despotism and a Teutonic commonwealth. The treaty began by reciting that the Union between Sweden and Norway had been forced on the Norwegians against their will, by the Swedes aided by Russia's authority. It went on to state that the Union had failed to benefit either country, and that THE PERIL OF NORWAY 1G7 Russia had consented to undo her past injury to Norway by helping her to annul the bond. Then followed the particulars of the aid to be rendered. Norway pledged herself not to make any open move till the signal was given from Petersburg, which was to be as soon as Finland had settled down into the condition of a Russian province. In the meantime the Norwegians were to strengthen them- selves in every possible way, and to keep up a steady pressure of agitation against Sweden. As soon as all was ready, the Norwegian Storthing was to meet in secret session and proclaim Norway a free and independent Republic, under the protection of the Tsar, and mass her troops on the frontier. Two Russian Army Corps were to be ready in Fin- land, on the pretext of manoeuvres, and these were to be hurled across the frontier to the north of the Gulf of Bothnia. At the same time the Russian fleet was to cross the Baltic, occupy the island of Gothland, and blockade Stockholm and the Swedish ports. All those measures were to be taken merely as precautions. If the Swedes accepted the inevitable, the Russians were to retire again. If the Swedes took up arms, war was to be declared, and Russia was to annex Gothland to her Empire, the Nor- wegians receiving territory in the north. And what was the price which the Tsar was to 168 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY receive for this mighty demonstration ? It was not a nominal one. The Norwegian Republic bound itself to grant to his Imperial Majesty a lease for twenty-five years — that is to say, for ever — of a warm-water port on the Atlantic Ocean, to be used as a depot and coaling station for the Russian Fleet. It was the dream of six generations of Muscovite statesmen realised at last. Russia, with one foot on the Atlantic and another on the Pacific, would dominate the Old World. All that night the fishing-boat carried me along in the track of the Baltic steamers. At dawn I boarded an English packet going into Gothenburg, and thirty- six hours later I stood again in King Oscar's cabinet, and placed the treaty in his hands. I watched the brave monarch read it through from beginning to end without one manifestation of dismay or even of indignation. ' My poor subjects ! ' was his sole remark as he raised his eyes at the end. 'They little know the fate they are preparing for their children.* I asked if his Majesty had any further instructions for me. To my surprise he answered, ' Yes.' ' There is only one quarter to which I can look for aid,' he said, 'and that is England. Germany is a broken reed. Go to England, take this document with you, show it to the principal members of the Government, telling them how it came into your I watched the lir.ive moiiarcli read it throut^li from hcj^inning to end uithoiit one manifestation of dismay." THE PERIL OF NORWAY 169 hands, and ask them if they wish to see a Russian Cherbourg Avithin twelve hours of the Scottish coast. If they remain indifferent, I can do nothing more.' ' The EngHsh Press ? ' I suggested doubtfully. • The Norwegians have captured it, I fear,' objected his Majesty. ' Norway is the playground of the British tourist; and, besides, the English consider themselves half Norwegian by race. No, popular sentiment in Great Britain is on the side of Norway.' * Nevertheless, sire, if thoughtful Englishmen could be made to realise that, for the sake of pique — for a mere whim — the Norwegians were about to place the keys of the Atlantic in the hands of Britain's most formidable foe, they might make their influence felt.' ' Do what you think best, M. V. ,' the King said wearily. * I am getting an old man, and I wish for peace.' I have ventured to take his Majesty at his word. VII THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS Some two or three years back — that is, shortly before the great Boxer rising in China — the careless Parisians were amused to hear of the existence in their midst of an association styling itself the Com- pany of the Joyous Peach Blossom. This body professed to be a literary guild or brotherhood formed for the purpose of studying the Chinese poets, and transplanting some of the poetical flowers of the East into the garden of Western literature. All this sounded a trifle fantastic, and Paris, accustomed to the caprices of its youthful literary coteries, shrugged its shoulders and asked with a smile whether the guild possessed more than two members in all, or whether it were not a pure myth, and the Company of the Joyous Peach Blossom a device of some budding poet, anxious to seek notoriety. The announcement of the guild's existence struck me in a different light. Having made a profound study for many years of secret societies, past and 170 THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS 171 present, I had grasped the fact that China is the one land in which such societies are truly formid- able, all the most famous secret societies of Europe being mere trifles compared with the terrible con- spiracies which honeycomb the Heavenly Kingdom. I had learned, moreover, that the most powerful and reckless of these Chinese societies assumed the most innocent and poetical names, as, for example, the dreaded brotherhood of the Waterlily, which deluged Southern China in blood forty years ago. Therefore, while the French police, usually so shrewd in dealing with secret political organisations, did not deem the Company of the Joyous Peach Blossom worth a moment's consideration, I set to work to find out all I could about it. I was not long in discovering that the guild was more than the eccentric imagination of a Quartier Latin poet. To begin with, I found that similar societies, bearing names of an equally fantastic nature, had simultaneously come into existence in London, BerUn, New York, and Chicago, and that all these bodies were in correspondence with one another. I found, further, that the members of the Parisian society were in communication with a retired French diplomatist of singular character, a man who had returned from a ten years' sojourn in Pekin, steeped 172 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY to the Hps in Chinese ideas, and a professed follower of Khung the Master, or Confucius, as he is called in the West. I ascertained that the guild had its headquarters in the studio of a rising artist of the Mystic school, that it held meetings from time to time, of which minutes were kept, and in the record of its proceed- ings there appeared references to certain Chinese spirits of the underworld, and entries which, in veiled language, hinted at rites having been prac- tised of a nature which could only be described as sorcery. I had no very definite object in acquiring this information, but I was led on by a vague idea that it might be useful to me at some future time. During the storm of indignation aroused in Europe by the Boxer massacres, nothing more was heard of the Company of the Joyous Peach Blossom, which seemed to have sunk out of existence. I had ceased to think about it, when one day, shortly after the conclusion of the peace negotiations, my secretary came in to ask me if I would receive a gentleman whose card he handed to me. I took the card, and read on it the name of M. Caramel-Bignaud. M. Bignaud was a young poet of distinction, whose verses, stamped with a delicate aloofness of their own, had attracted the attention of connoisseurs in the columns of Gil Bias. To me THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS 173 he possessed an interest of a different kind, for I had last read his name as president at the meetings of the Company of the Joyous Peach Blossom. ' I will see this gentleman,' I told my assistant. Partly surprised, partly gratified, by this proof that I had rightly gauged the importance of the guild, I waited with keen curiosity to hear what M. Bignaud had come to say to me. The poet entered and took the chair I pointed out to him without a word. Then, leaning back negligently and fixing his dark, sleepy eyes on mine, he began — 'I have come to ask you, M. V , if you are willing to undertake a long journey — a very long journey — without receiving any information as to the business which awaits you at the end.' ' But that is easily answered,' I said. ' Provided I am sufficiently well paid for my time and trouble, it makes no difference to me where I go, or whether there is anything for me to do when I get there. It must be always understood that I am at liberty to refuse this business, if I choose, without assign- ing any reason, and that my refusal will make no difference to my charge for the journey itself 'Your conditions are perfectly satisfactory,' M. Bignaud declared. ' Whatever sum you require shall be paid to you in advance. How soon will you bo able to start ? ' 174. SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY I reflected for an instant. ' If you wanted me to go to any place in Europe or America I should have said immediately. As you are going to send me to China I must have six hours to get ready.' The poet's sleepy gaze changed into one of astonish- ment. 'But have I said anything about China?' he demanded, evidently in some dismay. • You have said nothing. I am accustomed to draw inferences in my work, and there is no time to lose if I am to start as soon as I have said.' ' The affair is not so pressing,' the poet remarked with a smile. 'The hurry and flurry of the West are not known in that delightful country. It will be quite soon enough if you start to-morrow, or the day after.' • So much the better. Am I to go to Pekin or Sing-fu?' ' To Sing-fu.' M. Bignaud's tone betrayed a mild surprise at my guess. ' It is unnecessary, I suppose, to observe that the mission is confidential ? * That is the sort of remark which always irritates me. ' I am a confidential agent,' I retorted curtly. * To whom am I to report myself ? ' M. Bignaud leant forward impressively. • To the Dowager Empress ! ' THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS 175 I received this announcement without manifesting any emotion. * Am I to take any credentials ? ' The president of the Comijany of the Joyous Peach Blossom unbuttoned his coat, and drew from the breast-pocket a small parcel wrapped in yellow silk. Unwinding the silk, fold by fold, with reverent care, he displayed to view a square tablet of translucent stone, of a colour like that of an olive tree seen at a distance with the light upon it. It was a piece of jade, a stone whose beauty is not yet appreciated in Europe, but which the Chinese estimate far above onyx or mother-o'-pearl or chalcedony. Taking the tablet from his hand, I perceived that it was engraved with the figure of a dragon, whose extended claws each showed five talons. ' This is an Imperial talisman,' I observed. 'It is a passport,' the other responded. ' The sight of that tablet will gain you admittance to the presence of her Imperial Majesty.' He sighed as he added : ' You are to be envied, monsieur.' ' That remains to be seen.' I proceeded to fix the amount of my remuneration and expenses, which M. Bignaud paid without demur. As he was rising to go he could not resist asking — ' Have you any objection to tell me what it was that led you to guess that your journey would be to China ? ' 176 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' It was more than a guess, monsieur, since I knew I had the honour to receive the chief of the Company of the Joyous Peach Blossom.' I almost regretted my openness when I saw the effect which this confession produced on the poet. He turned pale, stammered once or twice as though unable to speak, and finally turned his back with- out a word, and rushed from the room. It would be tedious to recount the particulars of my journey across a hemisphere to interview the extraordinary woman who had revived in our own day the fabled majesty of Semiramis. I reflected that it was not a little singular that, in an asre when the women of the Western world were clamouring for opportunities to play a greater part in life, this almond-eyed daughter of the Manchus had cast ridicule upon their agitation by proving that it was possible for a woman, born in the most conservative society of the globe, to achieve the supreme direction of five hundred millions of human beings, and to make sport of the statesmen of Europe and America. To reach Pekin was an easy matter, but my difficulties began when I embarked on the dangerous enterprise of travelling into the interior of the empire, through provinces seething with hatred of the foreign devil. In spite of the magic influence of mj sacred tablet, I found it prudent to disguise I'inally lie luriicd liis Ijack wiilioul a word, and luslicd from the room." THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS 177 my Western extraction under the official robes of a mandarin of the fourth class. Thus attired I travelled in security and comfort, everywhere re- ceived with the honours due to a high official honoured with a summons to the Court of Heaven. As I approached Sing-fu I left the disturbed area behind me. The inhabitants of this inland region did not appear to have heard of the troubles in Pekin or the arrival of the German Michael with his mailed fist to exact redress for the murder of his Ambassador. They understood merely that the Son of Heaven had come among them for repose after the labour of chastising certain barbarian pirates who had been infesting the sea-coast. It was given out by my attendants that I had come to report the successful execution of his Majesty's sentence on the ruffians; and if I had really left the heads of the German Emperor, the Tsar of Russia, and President Roosevelt grinning on spikes over the gates of Pekin, ray reception could not have been more cordial. I found the Chinese court encamped in a sort of military fashion, in charming scenery, at the foot of a ridge of low hills, amid groves of fruit trees watered by a delightful stream. The tents of ten thousand guards and attendants clustered round the stately ])avilions of the great mandarins, adorned with flags emblematic of their rank; and in the M 178 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY centre the great Imperial Dragon Standard floated over a fairy-like palace whose lacquered wood and silken curtains concealed the sacred person of the Mother of the Sun and Moon. The disgraced Emperor, whose fate was still a mystery to his subjects, was closely imprisoned in one wing of the Imperial quarters. It was now that I realised the full significance of the jade tablet sent to me by the hands of the student of Chinese literature. The nearer I pene- trated to my august client, the more awe this symbol seemed to excite, till the attendants who guarded the antechamber actually fell on their knees at the sight of it, and refused to rise tiU I had replaced it in its silken veils. Impressed, in spite of myself, by this ceremonial homage to a mere token, I felt a real sentiment of awe as I stood at last in the presence of the being whom countless millions of men worship as divine. Slight, dark-haired, and ivory-pale, the Emperor- maker received me seated in a simple chair of bamboo. I was not required to perform the kow- tow, my audience being a strictly private one. I learned afterwards, moreover, that a hurried decree of the Board of Rites had raised my grandfather to the rank of a marquis, in order to qualify me for a personal interview with her Majesty. The conversation was carried on in French, through THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS 179 an interpreter, himself of such high rank that he could not have spoken to me directly but for the recent ennobling of my ancestry. 'Her Imperial Majesty has deigned to express a hope that you are not fatigued by your journey.' ' It is impossible to be conscious of fatigue in her Majesty's presence,' I returned with a deep bow. By the slight smile that parted the thin, terrible lips of the Empress, I acquired the certainty that her Majesty perfectly understood everything that was being said. No doubt the interpreter was equally aware of this circumstance, for he assumed an expression of courtly dismay. ' I dare not let the Mother of the Emperor know that you have presumed to offer her a compliment,' he said rebukingly. 'I will tell her Majesty that you await her Imperial commands. After a short interchange in Chinese, he turned to me again. ' I am commanded to tell you that one of the barbarian chiefs who have made a disturbance in the capital of the Empire has made a demand, as the price of his departure, which is too insolent to be treated as anything but a display of the ignorant vanity of a savage. The chief I speak of exercises sonic autliority among those of the Western devils who call themselves Dutch or Teutons.' 180 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' You mean the German Emperor ? ' I said incau- tiously. The interpreter put on a look of horror, as at some unheard-of blasphemy. 'Hush, I implore you. You forget the Sacred Presence. There is only one Emperor — he whom her Majesty permits to execute her will over the black-haired people. The vain assumption of Im- perial titles by these foreign bandits is deeply offensive to the Court of Heaven. You understand ? All such upstarts exist merely by the tolerance of her Majesty. We will speak of this person as the Viceroy of the German Province.' I could scarcely resist a smile as I bowed apolo- getically. I imagined myself repeating this conver- sation to Wilhelm II., a ruler not inclined to take too low an estimate of his own consequence. ' This rebellious Viceroy,' the Chinese courtier pro- ceeded, ' has had the unheard-of arrogance to require that a Prince of the Manchu dynasty shall travel to his unknown province to express regret for the death of its envoy at the Imperial Court.' This announcement did not come to me as news. In passing through Pekin I had learned that one of the conditions of peace was that a Chinese Prince should go to Berlin to tender the Imperial apologies to the Kaiser for the murder of the German Am- bassador during the Boxer rising. THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS 181 The interpreter went on — ' You may be able to understand faintly bow sucb a proposal must strike the Imperial ears, by imagin- ing the case of a negro king in the heart of Africa requiring Queen Victoria to send one of her sons to prostrate himseK in his kraal, because some accident had happened to one of his slaves in London,' I listened in silence to this illustration, which showed me that the Dowager Empress was pretty well acquainted with the political distinctions pre- vailing among those whom she professed to regard as savages beneath her notice. ' It is, of course, impossible,' the courtly interpreter went on, ' for the Brother of the Sun and Moon to submit to this degradation, even if it were safe to expose one of the Imperial House to the dangerous magical arts of the West. It is rumoured that you have diabolical contrivances called kodaks; now it is evident that if one of the Race of Heaven were kodaked, the Sun himself might avenge such an insult by refusing to shine upon the earth.' He said all this with a perfectly serious air. But from the expression on the face of the Empress I fancied her Majesty was a little wearied of this fulsome strain. I ventured to bring him to the point. 'Will you tell me what her Imperial Majesty desires me to do ? ' 182 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' Her Majesty graciously condescends to confide in you. Her slaves who reside among the Western viceroys have assured her that you respect the pre- cept of the great Khung — "The counsellor who betrays his lord's secret and the child who bites his mother, these are too base to be pardoned." ' ' Go on,' I said, becoming slightly impatient. 'It being impossible to do what the German Viceroy asks, and her Majesty being benevolently anxious to spare him the humiliation of a refusal, there has been sought out a man of the people, a barber in the Tartar city of Pekin, whose features Heaven has permitted to bear a certain resem- blance to those of his Imperial Highness, Prince Chung. 'This respectable person, whose intelligence is remarkable for his station in life, has been provided with a dress sufficiently like that worn by the Im- perial Family to deceive the barbarians. He has further received some lessons in etiquette and deportment during the last few weeks. He will now proceed to the regions of the West, and gratify the absurd pride of the Viceroy in the manner agreed upon.' ' He will pass himself off as the Prince ? ' * It is necessary that he should do so, in order to soothe the Viceroy. It is better that the Prince's name should incur this obloquy, than that the THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS 183 barbarian soldiery should continue tbeir ravages in the Heavenly Kingdom.' The scheme sounded daring, and yet it seemed to have a very good chance of success. To a European eye one Chinaman is very like another. And there were not likely to be many people in Berlin capable of distinguishing between the manners of a prince and a barber, apart from their surroundings. 'I don't see why the plan shouldn't succeed,' I said aloud. 'Its very boldness ought to carry it through.' I observed a distinct look of satisfaction on the face of the formidable Empress as I made this com- ment. The interpreter hastened to respond — 'Your words are those of a prudent man. Her Imperial Majesty offers you the honour of accom- panying the Prince's substitute, nominally as his courier, but really as his protector. You will be on the watch against any chance of detection, and will warn him against imprudent conduct.' 'I accept her Majesty's commission,' was my answer. Before the courtier could go through the form of interpreting the words, the Empress said something to him in Chinese, which caused him to start like a man who can hardly believe what he has heard. Her Majesty made an impatient gesture at this piece of pantomime. Instantly he turned towards me. 184 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' Will your Excellency permit me to offer you my most respectful congratulations? The Queen of Heaven has ordered you a cup of tea ! ' I realised that I was as much exalted as if a mere barbarian empress had bestowed on me an embrace. The tea was brought; a whisper from my adviser warned me that I must merely touch the cup with my finger and retire. The interpreter, whose name I learned was Wu Tang, accompanied me from the presence to make the necessary preparations. Once away from the dreaded eye of his Imperial mistress, he proved to be a very agreeable, well-informed man, and I regretted that he was not coming on the mission to Europe. He introduced me to the pretended Prince, who had already got quite used to his part, and received me with all the airs of a Cousin of the Sun and Moon, and Brother-in-Law of the whole Milky Way. Of our journey westward it is needless for me to write, since our progress was fully reported in the barbarian press. The barber was kodaked more than once, the apprehensions of the Chinese Court on this head being fully justified. The principal incident which marked the progress of the Embassy must also be fresh in the public mind — namely, the demand of the German Court THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS 185 that the Prince should perform the kowtow, and his refusal. It was at this stage that I first felt myself to be doing something to earn the lavish rewards of the Dowager Empress. Left to himself, I believe the barber would have given way, and performed the degrading obeisance, thereby lowering the honour of the Imperial House beyond redemption. The wretched man was thoroughly frightened at finding himself so far from home ; and, in his ignorance of Western manners, he really thought that the Kaiser might have him imprisoned and beheaded if he provoked his Majesty. Fortunately we were on Swiss territory at the time, and by means of my secret agency I was able to procure a written despatch from the Chinese Ambassador at another Court, in the name of the Empress, positively forbidding Prince Chung's sub- stitute to comply with the offensive demand. The circumstances of our public audience in the Palace of Berlin were sufficient to daunt any im- postor. I confess to some slight nervousness on my own part, though I was, of course, disguised beyond the possibility of recognition, as I stood before the monarch who had so often trusted me in his most confidential affairs, and listened to the faltering speech of the false Prince. The Kaiser was attired in his most magnificent 186 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY costume, wearing the famous winged helmet on his head, and surrounded hy a galaxy of ministers and great officers, all arrayed in the utmost military splendour. It was a sight calculated to strike terror into an Oriental mind, and I admired the theatrical completeness of the spectacle, almost regretting that it should be wasted on an obscure underling. Had the real Prince been there he might have learned a valuable lesson, and given some good advice to the Empress of China on his return. On the evening after the ceremony the Prince's substitute was compelled to attend a banquet, given in order to mark the termination of strife, and the restoration of good feeling between the two empires. At this banquet I was unable to be present, my position being too low for me to receive an in- vitation, and too high for me to appear as an attendant on the Prince. What incident it was that occurred to rouse the Kaiser's suspicion, I have never been able to learn — the luckless barber himself could not tell me. But late that night a wire reached me from my office in Paris, to this effect — ' Urgent wire received from German Emperor requiring you immediately in Berlin. What reply ? ' With the reception of that telegram a light THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS 187 burst upon my mind. A doubt which I bad tried in vain to stifle had vexed me all along as to the sufficiency of the Empress's motive for retaining my services, at a high cost, to do practically nothing. Now at last it seemed to me that I understood. This extraordinary woman had doubtless consulted her representatives in Europe as to the dangers of detection, and they had informed her that I was Wilhelm II.'s favourite confidential agent, who would almost certainly be called in if any suspicion arose. Thereupon she had adopted the artful device of retaining me on her own side in advance, placing me in the extremely delicate position of being bound by loyalty to her to hoodwink my other patron. What was I to do ? A bare refusal or neglect to answer the Kaiser's summons would leave him free to employ another agent, whom I might find it hard to outwit. On the other hand, I should violate my hfelong rule, if I accepted a commission which I could not loyally discharge. After much painful thought, I decided on what seemed to me the only wise and honourable course. Disguised as I was, I went straight round to the palace, and asked to see the Kaiser. 'Impossible!' declared the private secretary on duty, to whom I was first shown in. ' His Majesty is retiring. Who are you ? ' 188 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' Go and tell the Emperor that the man whom he has just telegraphed to Paris for is here.' The secretary gave me an astonished look, as he well might, and left the room. In a minute he was back with instructions to conduct me to the Kaiser's presence. I found his Majesty in his dressing-room alone. * Monsieur V 1 Is this really you ? ' he ex- claimed. ' My voice may be more familiar to you than my face, sire,' I responded. 'I am delighted. Sit down. I have a most extraordinary thing to consult you about. This ' I ventured to hold up my hand. For the first time in my life I presumed to interrupt royalty. *A thousand pardons, sire! I beg of you to let me speak first.' 'Why, what does this mean, sir,' Wilhelm II. inquired sternly. ' It means, sire, that I am compelled to presume on the many faithful services I have rendered to your Majesty to ask you for a favour which alone can ex- tricate me from a position of cruel embarrassment.' ' Proceed, sir.' The Kaiser's tone was still reserved, but I fancied I observed a slight softening in the glance. ' I already know the business in which you desire my aid.* William II. strode to nie, sei/.ed mil- by llic sIiouUIlms, and liiriLst nic out of tlic r(joiii." THE RUSE OF THE DOWAGER EMPRESS 189 •You know it!' cried the Emperor, fairly con- founded. 'It is my business to know things, and I know this. Now, let me put it to your Majesty, what can you possibly gain by following up an inquiry which can have no tangible result? I say no tangible result, because there is simply no means by which you can arrive at the proof of what you suspect. And, if it were otherwise, how could your Majesty possibly turn the information to account ? ' You could not entertain the idea of confessing to the world that you had been duped. Consider, sire, what use the wits of the boulevards would make of such a revelation! Imagine the pencil of Caran d'Ache at work on the episode ! ' I saw Wilhelm II. fidget uneasily, and I knew that my cause was gained. ' On the other hand,' I resumed, ' suppose that you have harboured a suspicion which is unjust. You run the risk of affronting a submissive enemy — of insulting the fallen. And it would be too late to repair the injury to your own prestige; the Paris mockers would never abandon so good a joke.' The Kaiser frowned and tugged at his moustache. It was evident that he only sought an excuse to yield. ' Consider, sire, that what is merely a question of poHtics with you is one of religion with the poor woman you have humiliated to-day. Your end is 190 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY gained; the Imperial House of China has humbled itself in the dust before the Hohenzollerns. If a religious scruple has caused this public act to be done by proxy, that is a secret known only to a few persons who, for their own sakes, will never dare to reveal it.' By this time the Kaiser was as anxious to pass the matter over as he had been just before to investigate it. ' If I consent to take your advice, and dismiss the suspicion I have formed, will you in turn tell me two things ? ' ' I have no doubt I shall, sire.' ' Then, why are you in Berlin, and how is it you know so much ? ' * I am here, sire, in the train of his Imperial High- ness, as the confidential agent of the Dowager Empress of China.' The Kaiser glared at me, biting his lip to repress the amused smile that struggled forth nevertheless. ' M. V , you are a wonderful man ! I am not sure whether I ought to arrest you or to pardon you freely ; however, I will cry quits if you will teU me who this fellow really is ? ' ' He is, of course, sire, the brother of his Imperial Maj ' Wilhelm II. strode to me, seized me by the shoul- ders, and thrust me out of the room. VIII THE ABDICATION OF FRANCIS-JOSEPH I AM now going to relate the story of what is, perhaps, the most extraordinary mission on which I have ever been employed. It will, I think, come as a surprise to many of the best-informed politicians on the Continent, including the highly placed person- ages whose schemes I was the means of detecting and defeating. It was during the war between the British and Boers in South Africa, at a period which I do not care to specify more particularly, that I had the honour to receive a request to proceed without loss of time to Petersburg, and wait upon M. Witte. It is chiefly this Minister's unjust dismissal that has provoked mo to make this disclosure. I was particularly gratified at being sent for by tho great Russian Minister, because his action was a demonstration of the high confidence reposed in my loyalty. Although I was known to be a Pole by descent, and the favourite and confidant of the 191 192 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY German Emperor, who had constantly employed me to combat Russian intrigues, yet M. Witte felt no fear in intrusting me with the secrets of Russian statecraft. The moment I arrived in Petersburg, I went with- out waiting to change or refresh myself to wait on my client. Our interview took place, not at the Ministry of Finance, where M. Witte would have been surrounded by spies, but at a small private house in a suburb of the Russian capital. The Finance Minister received me in a small study, the walls of which were lined with works on political economy and kindred subjects. ' I have asked you to meet me here,' the Minister explained, as soon as I had seated myself, and lighted the cigar which he pressed upon me, ' because I don't wish the fact that we are in communication to be known to a single person in the Russian Empire. In particular, it must be kept a strict secret from the Minister of War. It is against him that you will be acting really, and I shall have to ask you to pledge yourself that in case of your proceedings attracting his attention, you will lead him to suppose that you have been co-mmissioned by some foreign Power.' ' That will be easy,' I replied. ' Russia has plenty of watchful enemies. Shall I say Great Britain ? * M. Witte shook his head thoughtfully. Will you iiermit me to ask you,' lie said politely, ' if you have ever done any business on hehalf of the Emperor of Austria- I lunfjary ?' " THE ABDICATION OF FRANCIS-JOSEPH 193 ' You would not be believed. No one will credit the British Government with intelligence enough to acquire knowledge of its enemies' intentions. But that is a point which I can safely leave to your dis- cretion if the occasion should arise.' I contented myself with bowing, and waited for the Minister to proceed. ' Will you permit me to ask you,' he said politely, ' if you have ever done any business on behalf of the Emperor of Austria- Hungary ? ' 'I have been engaged by his Majesty on two occasions,' I responded. ' It was I who succeeded in suppressing the facts concerning the death of the Crown Prince Rudolf, and in establishing the currency of the version which has now been accepted as seri- ous history. The truth,' I added, 'will never be known to any one outside the innermost circle of the Habsburg family ; and I dare not tell it even to your Excellency. The other occasion I am not at liberty to mention.' 'Perhaps I can guess it, though,' the Russian Minister returned with a shrewd smile. 'However, the important thing is that you are already person- ally known to the Emperor. It follows from that fact that he has learned to respect and trust you.' I thanked M. Witte for this compliment by a low bow. At the same time I was a little on my guard. N 194 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY ' You know so much of what goes on in Europe, M. V ,' he resumed, ' that perhaps it will be no news to you that Francis-Joseph has decided to abdicate the Dual CroAvn.' This announcement, in fact, came as a complete surprise to me. Fortunately I had time to prepare to receive it calmly. 'I will not pretend that it is news,' was my re- sponse. ' But I am always glad to have my own information confirmed. I shall be grateful for any- thing you may tell me on the subject.' ' I am not going to keep anything from you,' said the Minister. 'The Emperor has made a private announcement of his intention to my own master, the Tsar, asking for his good offices on behalf of his proposed successor.' ' The Archduke Ferdinand ? ' I put in rashly. M. Witte drew himself up, and gave me a sus- picious glance. 'You are too subtle, M. V ,' he said coldly. ' I have no doubt that you know perfectly well that it is the young Archduke Karl whom the Emperor has chosen to succeed him.' I thought it better to be suspected of subtlety than nescience, and apologised. 'I ought not to have spoken. I beg your Excellency to continue.' 'What I am going to ask you to do may sound THE ABDICATION OF FRANCIS-JOSEPH 195 rather extraordinary. I want you to go to Vienna, see his Majesty, of course without letting him know that you have been in communication with me, and tell him that you suspect the Russian Government is playing him false. Then persuade him to employ you to find out what is in the wind.' I stared at M. Witte in some bewilderment. Then I answered cautiously — 'Do I understand you, sir, to propose that I am really to enter the service of the Emperor ? Or am I to be your agent in the business ? ' ' I want you to do both,' was the answer. * I am to deceive the Emperor, it appears ? ' I said with rising indignation. ' Not in the least. You will accept his commission to ascertain the secret intentions and purposes of the Government of Russia, and you will execute that commission exactly as if you and I had never held this conversation.' 'M. Witte, I must beg you to be plain with me. I never consent to act in the dark. What is your true motive in making this strange proposal to me ? ' ' I think I have already told you,' the Minister returned with perfect coolness. ' The man whom I am combating is Count LamsdorfF.' ' Your colleague ? ' ' Exactly. My colleague, the War Minister.' 196 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY • Let me see if I clearly understand your Excellency. The Emperor of Austria has given the Tsar private notice of his intention to abdicate? The Tsar has promised to preserve a friendly attitude? Never- theless, the war party in the ministry, with or without the Tsar's connivance, are secretly preparing to take advantage of the situation in some way? Your Excellency, knowing this, and disapproving of their plans, desires to put the Austrian Emperor on his guard, in order that the scheme may mis- carry ? ' M. Witte punctuated this speech with a series of nods. ' And why ? ' I demanded bluntly, throwing myself back in my chair. The Russian statesman looked at me for a minute, as though trying to make up his mind whether it would be of any use to offer me a false ex- cuse. I prepared to listen to something about the obligations of international honour and good faith. 'Suppose I were to tell you that I am acting under the confidential instructions of my own Emperor, who lacks the courage to put his veto on the policy of the Grand Dukes ? ' 'In that case your object can be attained much more simply. Procure me a line in the handwriting of Nicholas 11. to Francis-Joseph, and I undertake THE ABDICATION OF FRANCIS-JOSEPH 197 to deliver it, and to burn it afterwards with my own hand.' The Russian heaved a sigh of amused resigna- tion. ' You are too deep for me, M. V . Very well, then, I will tell you.' He bent forward and lowered his voice. 'Russia is not ready to strike. A war now would mean the bankruptcy of the Empire. The others will not believe this, but I know it. I will not have my carefully laid plans shattered by them, for the sake of a miserable province like Galicia. ' I am a statesman, not a pettifogger. With my railways I am reaching forward to clutch the great Empires of Asia. China is already within my grasp ; India is being drawn closer year by year. When a thousand millions of men obey the sceptre of the Tsar, these petty European States will fall like ripe plums into our lap.' The Russian spoke with real emotion. If I still retained any faint misgiving, it was not enough to restrain me from accepting the service required of me. Within three days I found myself in the palace of Schonbrunn. Of all my clients Francis-Joseph is the most un- approachable. Modern ideas of democratic equality find little encouragement in the Austrian Court. 198 SECRET HISTORY OF TO-DAY After the friendly bonhomie of the German Kaiser, and the tactful kindness of the King of England, the Austrian sovereign's manner affects one dis- agreeably: it is like touching a lump of ice. Yet, according to his lights, the Emperor is gracious and even cordial, especially to those who approach him in his private hours. I found him in his favourite room overlooking the Park. His Majesty did not invite me to be seated in his presence, an omission which indicated no unfriendliness. 'I am pleased to receive you, monsieur,' he said in a clear, stately voice. 'The services you have rendered me entitle you to ask for an audience, and I have no doubt your reason for seeking it is a proper one. Be good enough to state it.' 'I have taken the liberty of asking for this audience in order that I might offer your Majesty certain information about your forthcoming abdica- tion.' The Emperor could not repress a slight start. Lifting his eyebrows, he gazed at me steadily in the face. ' I have communicated my desire to abdicate,* he said with a significant intonation, ' to six persons only. Two of them are brother sovereigns ; two are members of my own family ; the other two are the Chancellor of the Empire and the Prime Minister of :