LIST OF LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION IN THE International Bureau of the American Republics. NOVEMBER 1, 1907. No. 2, Jackson Place, Washington. D. C < INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. JOHN BARRETT, Director. Francisco J. Yanes, Secretary. Chas. E. Babcock, Acting Librarian. PRESS OF GIBSON BROTHERS WASHINGTON, D. C erf 4 CONTENTS. PAGE. ^ South America, General 7 — By countries , . . . . 15-56 Central America, General 57 By countries 59-69 Mexico 69 West Indies, General 80 By countries 81-90 Periodical references 91 293485 INDEX. Argentine Republic 15 and 92 Bolivia 21 and 92 Brazil HQ 23 and 92 British West Indies. . , 89 Central America 57 and 93 Chile 32 and 93 Colombia 37 and 93 Costa Rica 59 and 93 Cuba 81 and 93 Dominican Republic 86 and 94 Ecuador 42 and 94 Guatemala . . . 61 and 94 Haiti 88 and 94 Honduras 63 Mexico 69 and 94 Nicaragua .• 64 and 95 Panama -. 67 and 95 Paraguay 43 and 96 Peru -. 45 and 96 Salvador 69 South America 7 and 97 Uruguay 51 Venezuela 53 and 97 West Indies 80 and 98 Periodical references 91 4 NOTE. This list of historical and descriptive books, and of references to articles appearing in magazines during the last few years, relating to the Latin American republics, has been compiled to supply the great demand for such lists constantly being received by the International Bureau. While no attempt has been made to compile a complete bibliography of those countries, sufficient titles are given to supply the needs of any person or institution desiring to study the Latin American nations. The books and magazines listed may be obtained direct from the publish- ers, whose names are given wherever possible. In case of a book out of print, application for it can be made to any large book-dealer in America or Europe. All titles listed are in the International Bureau, and can be consulted in the reading room of the Columbus Memorial Library, at No. 2, Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. The attention of persons wishing to file this list for future reference is invited to the semi-annual lists of additions to the Columbus Memorial Library. These will serve as supplements to this original list, and afford opportunities to obtain the most recent publications on Latin American subjects. JOHN BARRETT, Director. 5 SOUTH AMERICA. GENERAL. An Account of the European settlements in America in six parts . . . each part contains an accurate description of the settlements in it, their extent, climate, production, trade, genius, disposition of the inhabitants; the interests of the several powers of Europe with respect to those settlements, and their political and commercial views in regards to each other. In two volumes. The third edition, with improvements. London, printed for R. & J. Dodsley, 1760. 2 vols. 8°. Same. London, printed for John Joseph Stockdale, 1808. 482, (2) p. map. 4°. Akers, Charles Edmond: A history of South America. 1854-1904. London, J. Murray, 1904. xxviii, 696 p. front, plates, ports, maps. 8°. Alcock, Frederick: Trade and travel in South America. London, George Philip & son, 1903. xix, 573 p. illus. maps. 8°. (Describes commercial and economic conditions of each country.) Andre\ Eugene : A naturalist in the Guianas. With a preface by J. Scott Keltie . . . New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1904. xiv, 310 p. plates, map. front, (port.) 8°. Aubert, Georges: Les nouvelles Ameriques. Notes sociales et economiques. £tats Unis, Mexique, Cuba, Colombia, Guatemala, etc. Paris, Ernest Flammarion, [1900]. 438 p. front, illus. maps. 12°. Barrett, John: The Land of to-morrow. A bird's-eye view of South America, our neighbor continent. The fabulous riches locked up in its forests, plains, and mountains. Tremendous possibilities of development, much of which has already begun. Caption title. 16 p. illus. 8°. (Reprinted from "Munsey's Magazine," June, 1907.) Latin America as a field for United States capital and enterprise. Half-title. (7) p. 8°. (Reprinted from "The Bankers' Magazine," June, 1907.) The United States and Latin America. Some special phases not commonly considered or understood of the commercial and general relations of the U. S. with her sister American Republics. Caption title. Feb., 1907. (Printed by the International Bureau of the American Republics.) 12 p. 8°. Barrios, D* Jose" Maria Reina: Isagoge historico apologetico general de todas las Indias y especial de la.provincia de Sn. Vicente Ferrer de Chiapa y Goathemala de el orden de predicadores. Libro in^dito hasta ahora que con motivo de la celebration del cuarto centenario des descubrimiento de America ha mandado publicar el gobierno de la repu'blica de Guatemala, siendo Presidente de ella. . . . Madrid, Tip. de Tomas Minuesa. 1892. 445 p. 4°. Beltran y Rozipde, Ricardo: Los pueblos Hispano Americanos en el Siglo xx. 1901-1903. Madrid, Impr. de Administration Militar, 1904. 303 p. 8°. (Short economic and historical sketch of each country from 1901-1903.) Benzoni, Girolamo: History of the new world. Showing his travels in America from a.d. 1541 to 1556; with some particulars of the Island of Canary. Now first translated and edited by Rear- Admiral W. H. Smith . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt society, 1857. 4, (1), 280 p. illus. 8°. Bishop, Nathaniel H.: The Pampas and the Andes. A thousand miles' walk across South America. 11th ed. Boston, Lee & Shepard, publishers. (1883). 310 p. illus. 8°. Blanco, Jose" Felix : Documentos para la historia de la vida piiblica del libertador de Colombia, Peru y Bolivia. . . . PuestOs por orden cronologico y con adiciones y notas que la ilustran. Caracas, Impr. de "La Opinion National," 1875-78. 14 v. ports. 8°. 8 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Bonnycastle, R. H.: Spanish America, or a descriptive, historical and geographical account of the dominions of Spain in the western hemisphere, continental and insular; illustrated by a map of Spanish North America, and the West India islands; a map of Spanish South America, and an engraving representing the comparative altitudes of the mountains in those regions. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1818. maps. 2 v. 8°. (Includes Mexico, Guatemala Venezuela, New Granada, Peru, Chile and the West Indies.) BUrger, Otto: Reisen eines naturforschers im tropischen Siidamerika. Leipzig, Dieterich'^che Verlagsbuchhandlung, Theodor Weicher. 1900. vi, (2), 395 p. plates. 8°. CONTENTS. Crossing the ocean and amongst the West Indies; Barranquilla; on the Magdalena river; Honda; in the primeval forest; in the different climates and their flora; mounting towards Bogota; the capital of Columbia; Savanna and Paramo; the Tequendama falls and the natural bridge of Pandi; in the Llanos; in the north of the Republic; LaUni6n; the Rio Meta; OrocuiS; the Orinoco; Trinidad; home. Bollaert, William: Antiquarian, ethnological and other researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru and Chile, with observations on the pre-incarial, incarial and other monuments of Peruvian nations. London, Triibner & co., 1860. 279 p. front, plates. 8°. The expedition of Pedro de Ursua & Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado and Omagua in 1560-1. Translated from Fray Pedro Simon's "Sixth Historical Notice of the Conquest of Tierra Firme." . . . With an intro- duction by Clements R. Markham. London, printed for the Hakluyt society, 1861. 8, 15, liii, 2, 237 p. map. 8°. Butterworth, Hezekiah : South America, a popular illustrated history of the struggle for liberty in the Andean Republics and Cuba. New York, Doubleday & McClure co., 1898. xix, (1), 266 p. iUus. 8°. Same. 1904. (Has an added chapter on Panama.) Carpenter, Frank G.: Carpenter's geographical reader. South America, New York, American book co., 1899. 352 p. maps. iUus. 8°. (Short description of each country.) South America: social, industrial and political. A twenty-five thousand mile journey in search of information in the isthmus of Panama, and the lands of the equator, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Tierra del Fuego, the Falklands, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, the Guianas, Venezuela, and the Orinoco Basin. The resources and possibilities of the various countries, the life and customs of the people, their governments, business methods, and trade. Akron, Ohio, The Saalfield Publishing co., 1900. vi, 625 p. front, plates. 4°. Castelar, Emilio: Historia del descubrimiento de America. Madrid, Establecimi- ento Tip. "Sucesores de Rivadeneyra," 1892. 594 p. 4°. Child, Theodore: The Spanish American republics. New York, Harper bros., 1891. xii, 444 p. iUus. 4°. CONTENTS. En route; from Buenos Aires to Mendoza; across the Andes; agricultural Chili; urban and commercial Chili; coal mining in Chili; nitrate desert of Tarapaca; Impression of Peru; Smyth's channel and Strait of Magellan; Argentine capital; Argentine pro- vincial sketches; up the river Parana; Republic of Paraguay; Epilogue. Same. In French. 480 p. Church, George Ear!: Desiderata' in exploration, 1907 ... South America, London, The Royal Geographical society, 1907. 4-15 p. 8 9 . Coe, Fanny E. : ... Our American neighbors. Edited by Larkin Dunton . . . New York, Silver, Burdett & co., 1899. 328 p. (Mexico, Central and South America on pp. 151-313.) Coleccion de libros raros v curiosos que tratan de America. Tomos 1-20. Madrid, 1892-1902. 10 v. 12°. Tpmo 1, Xerez, Francisco de: Verdadera relaci6n de la conquista del Peru. Tomo 2, Acuna, Cristobal de: Nuevo descubrimiento del gran rio de las Amazonas. Tomos 3 & 4, Rocha, Diego Andres: Tratado unico y singular del origen de los Indios del Peru, Mejico, Santa Fe, y Chile. Tomos 5 & 6, Colon, Fernando: Historia del Almirante Don Cristobal Colon. Tomo 7, part 1, Ruiz Blanco, Matias; Conversion en Piritu (Colombia) de Indios Cumana- Tomo 7, part 2, villanueva, Francisco Alvarez de: Relation historica de todas las Misiones de los P. P. Franciscanos en las Indias. Tomot 8 & 9, Vargas Machuca, D. Bernardo de: Milicia y description de las Indias. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION 9 Tomo 10, part 1, Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de: Vida interior. Tomo 10, part 2, Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de: Virtu des del Indio. Tomo 11, part 1, Diario de todo lo ocurrido en la expurgnacion de los fuertesde Bocachica y sitio de la ciudad de Cartagena de las Indias en 1741. Tomo 11, part 2, (Salvaalegre) , Juan Pio de Montufar y Frasco (Marques de): Razon3 obre el estado y gobernacion politica y militar de la jurisdiction de Quito en 1754. Tomo 11, part 3, Merisalde y Santisteban, Joaquin de: Relacion historica, politica y moral de la ciudad de Cuenca. Tomos 12 & 13, Fernandez, J. Patricio: Relacion historical de las misiones de Indios Chiquitos ... en el Paraguay. Tomos 14 & 15, Ram6n y Zamora, Jer6nimo: Republica de Indias; idolatrios y gobierno en Mexico y Peru antes de la conquista. Tomos 16, 17, 18 & 19, Jarque. D. Francisco: Ruis Montoya en Indias (1608-1652). Tomo 20, part 1, Siguenza y Congora, Carlos de: Infortunios de Alonso Ramirez. Tomo 20, part 2, Hennepin, P. Luis: Relacion de un pais que nuevamente se ha descu- bierto en la America septentrional. Tomo 20, part 3, Medrano, Sebastian Fernandez: Maximas y ardides de que se sirven los extranjeros para introducirse por todo el mundo. Colnett, James: A voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean for the purpose of extending the spermacetti whale fisheries and other objects of commerce, as ascertaining the ports, bays, harbours, and anchoring births, in certain islands and coasts in those seas at which the ships of the British merchants might be refitted. London, W. Bennett, 1798. xvii, 179 p. maps. 4°. Coppinger, R. W.: Cruise of the "Alert." Four years in Patagonian, Polynesian, and Mascarene waters. 1878-82. Second edition. New York, R. Worth- ington, 1884. xiii, 256 p. front, plates. 4°. (" . . . points of interest in natural history which came under observation during the wanderings of a surveying ship ..." preface.) Corrente, Mariano: Historia de la revolution Hispano-Americana . . . Madrid, Imprenta de D. Leon Amarita, 1829. 3 v. maps. 8°. Curtis, William Eleroy: Between the Andes and the ocean. An account of an interesting journey down the west coast of South America from the isthmus of Panama to the straits of Magellan. Chicago, Herbert S. Stone & co., 1900. 442 p. front, plates. 8°. (Panama on pp. 1-41; Ecuador on pp. 46-91; Peru on pp. 92-217; Bolivia on pp. 218-352; Chile on pp. 353-437.) The capitals of South America. New York, Harper bros. (1888). xv, 715 p. map. illus. , 8°. (Descriptions of the cities of Mexico, Central America and South America.) Darwin, Charles: Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. "Beagle 5 ' around the world, under the command of Capt. Fitz-Roy, R.N. (From the corrected and enlarged edition of 1845). With a biographical introduction. Third edition. London, Ward, Lock & co., 1889. xix(l),381p. illus. 12°. Dawson, Thomas C. : The South American republics. New York, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1903-1904. 2 v. maps, plates. 8°. Vol. 1, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil. Vol. 2, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia and Panama. [History of each country.] Eisenstein, Richard: Reise nach Panama, Peru, Chile mit Feuerland, Argentinien, Paraguay, Uruguay und Brasilien. Tagebuch mit erorterungen, um zu uber- seeischen reisen und unternehmungen anzuregen. Mit 310 abbildungen, 7 landkarten, 3 planen und 2 verzeichnissen im texte, 10 tabellen mit meteoro- logischen beobachfcungen und einer reisekarte. Wien, K. Gerolds sohn, 1906. 380 p. illus. map. 8°. Fiske, John: The discovery of America with some account of ancient America and the Spanish conquest. In two volumes . . . Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1901. 2 v. maps. 8°. Fletcher, Francis: The world encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, being his next voyage to that to Nombre de Dios. Collated with an unpublished manuscript of Francis Fletcher, chaplain to the expedition. With appendices illustra- tive of the same voyage, and introduction by W. S. W Vau'x. London, printed for the Hakluyt society, 1854. xl, 295 p. map. 8°. Fountain, Paul: The great mountains and forests of South America. New York, Longmans, Green & co., 1902. 306 p. plates. 8°. CONTENTS. Trip up the Trombetas; the river Purus; rambling days in a central Brazilian forest; the district of the seven lakes; the poisoned arrow; the Ecuador Andes; the Highlands and Llanos of New Granada; mountain and valley in Peru; a miscellaneous chapter; Bolivia; the Rio Janeiro district; concluding odds and ends; index. 10 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Frezier: A voyage to the South Sea, and along the coasts of Chili and Peru, in the years 1712, 1713, 1714, particularly describing the genius and constitution of the inhabitants, as well Indians as Spaniards: their customs and manners, their natural history, mines, commodities, traffick with Europe, etc. . . . With a postscript by Dr. Edmund Halley . . . And an account of the settlement, commerce, & riches of the Jesuits in Paraguay. London, printed for Jonah Bowyer, 1717. (5), 335, (9) p. maps, illus. 8°. Froger: Relation d'un voyage fait en 1695, 1696, & 1697, aux cotes d'Afriques d^troit de Magellan, Brezil, Gayenne & Isles Antilles, par une- escadre de vaisseaux du Roy, commandee par M. de Gennes. Faite par le Sieur Froger. . . . Enriche de grand nombre de figures dessin^es sur les lieux. Paris, Impr. de Gilles Paulus du Mesnil, 1698. 219 (1) p. nar. 16°. Gibbon, Lardner (joint author) : Exploration of the valley of the Amazon. See Herndon, Wm. Lewis. Gravier, Gabriel: Decouverte de l'Amerique pas les Normands au X e siecle . . . Paris, 1874. ii, xxxix, 250, (1) p. plate, maps. 8°. Gumilla, Joseph: Historia natural, civil y geogr&fica de las naciones situadas en las riveras del rio Orinoco. Nueva impresion . . . Barcelona, Impr. de C. Gibert y Tuto, 1791. 2 v. front, (port.) pi. map. 8°. Habel, Jean: Ansichten aus Sudamerika. Schilderung einer reise am La Plata, in den Argentinischen Anden und an der Westkiiste . . . Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1897. xii, 76 p. plates, map. 4°. 70 Views of South America. Description of a journey on the La Plata, in the Argentine Andes and on the West Coast. Hakluyt, Richard: The principal navigations, voyages, trafnques & discoveries of the English nation. Made by sea or over-land to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeeres. Glasgow, James MacLehose & Sons, 1903-1905. 12 v. maps, plates. 8°. (Vol. 12 contains an index to entire set.) Herbertson, P. D. and A. J.: Central and South America with the West Indies. London, Adam & Charles Black, 1902. xxxiii, 239 p. front, illus. 12°; (At head of title, "Descriptive geographies from original sources.") CONTENTS. I The West Indies, pp. 1-34. II. Central America, pp. 35-36. III. South America, pp. 57-62. V. The Guianas. pp. 63-91. V. The Amazon basin and Brazil, pp. 92-124. VI. The Plate basin and Patagonia, pp. 125 162. VII. The Cordilleran area. pp. 162-227. Bibliography, pp. 228-235. Index. Herndon, Wm. Lewis: Exploration of the valley of the Amazon, made under the direction of the [U. S.] Navy department. Washington, Robert Armstrong, Public Printer, 1854. 2 v. with atlas. 8°. (U. S. House of Reps., 33d cong., 1st sess., Ex. doc. No. 53.) (Vol. 2 has imprint, "A. O. P. Nicholson.") Same. Pt. 1. Sen. Ex. doc. No. 36, 32d cong., 2d sess. 1853. Hinchliff, Thomas Woodbine: South American sketches; or ft visit to Rio Janeiro, the Organ Mountains, La Plata and the Parana. London, Longmans, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, 1863. illus. xi, 414 p. 12°. CONTENTS. Voyage to Rio Janeiro; arrival at Buenos Ayres; life at Buenos Ayres; the neighborhood of Buenos Ayres; visit to the camp; riding and shooting; an estancia in the banda oriental; life in the banda oriental; gauchos and war; return to Brazil; scenery of the Organ mountains; visit to Theresopolis; expedition to Juiz da Fora; La Plata and Parana; Parana and Santa Fe"; travelling in Entre Rios; life at Las Cabezas; voyage down the river from Gualeguay. The History of South America from its discovery to the present time compiled from the works of the best authors and from authentic documents, many hitherto unpublished, in various archives and public and private libraries in America and Spain. By an American. Translated from the Spanish by Adnah D. Jones. With maps and index by the translator. London, Swan, Sonnenschein & Co.; New York, The Macmillan co., 1899. vi, (1) 345 p. illus. maps. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. ■ 11 Hutchinson, Lincoln: Report on trade conditions in Central America and on the west coast of South America, by special agent of the Department of Commerce and Labor. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906. 113 p. 8°. (59th U. S. Cong., 2d sess., House doc. 154.) Hutchinson, Thomas J.: The Parana; with incidents of the Paraguayan war, and South American recollections, from 1861 to 1868. London, Edward Stan- ford, 1868. xxviii, 424 p. front, (port.) maps, illus. 8°. (Description of the country along the Parana river.) International Bureau of the American Republics: Commercial directory of the American Republics . . . Washington, Goverment Printing Office, 1897-1898. 2v. maps. sq. 4°. (Business directory of each country, preceded by a brief descriptive sketch.) Commercial information concerning the American republics and colonies. 1891. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1892. (1), 286 p. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 41. April, 1892.) Commercial mission to South America. Reports received from T. Worth - ington . . . commissioner appointed by the British board of trade to . . . report upon the conditions and prospects of British trade in certain South American countries. First to sixth reports . . . [Reprint.] Washington, Government Printing Office, 1899. 178 p. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 94. October, 1899.) Handbook of the American republics. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1891. 288 p. illus. pi. tab. map. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 1. January, 1891.) Same. Enl. and rev. ed. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1891 . 486 p. illus. table, plate, maps. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 2. February, 1891.) Same. 1893 . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1893. 604 p. plate, plans, maps. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 3. January, 1893.) . . . Manual de las republicas americanas. Oficina de las repiiblicas ameri- canas. Washington (Tip. del gobierno), 1891. (1) 509 p. illus. plates, maps. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 69.) Intercontinental Railway Commission: . . . Report of the transactions of the Commission and of the surveys and explorations of its engineers in Central and South America. 1891-1898. Washington, 1898. 4 volumes and 3 cases of maps. 4°. Vol. 1, pt. 1, A condensed report. 403 p. plates, maps. Vol. 1 , pt. 2, Report of surveys and explorations made in Guatemala, El Salvador, Hondu- ras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 651 p. plates. Vol. 2, Report of surveys and explorations made in Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador. 326 p. plates. Vol. 3, Report of surveys and explorations made in Ecuador and Peru. 188 p. tables, plates. FTexts in English and Spanish.] [Each report is accompanied by a case of maps.] [Contains excellent descriptions of the territories explored.] Jonin, Alexander: Durch sud-amerika. Reise und kulturhistorische bilder. Berlin, Siegfred Cronbach, 1895-1896. 2 v. 8°. CONTENTS. Vol. I, the Pampa lands. Vol. II, the Magallen Straits and Chile. Keane, A. H.: . . . South America. Edited by Clements [R.] Markham. London, Edward Stanford, 1901. xxii, 611 p. front, illus. maps. 12°. (Vol. 2, of "Stanford's compendium of geography and travel.") CONTENTS. General survey — physical and biological relations; early ethical relations; later ethnical and historic relations; Venezuela; Colombia; Ecuador; Peru; Bolivia; Chile; Argen- tina; Uruguay; Paraguay; Brazil; the Falkland islands and South Georgia. , Kunstmann, Friedrich: Die entdeckung Amerikas. Nach den altesten quellen geschichtlich dargestellt. Mit einem atlas alter bisher ungedruckter karten. Munchen, A. Asher & cie., 1859. 151 p. 4°. (The discovery of America according to the oldest sources arranged in historical form.) 12 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Lafitau, Joseph Francois: Histoire des decouvertes et conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde. Avec des figures en taille-douce . . . Paris, 1733. 2 v. illus. maps. 4°. Mark wick, W. Fisher: The South American Republics. New York, Silver, Burdett & co., °1901. xiv, 348 p. maps, illus. 8°. (Sketches of each country of South America.) Martin, Percy F.: Through five republics of South America. A critical description of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Venezuela in 1905. London, W. Heinemann, 1906. xxiv, 487 p. front, plates, map. 8°. (Argentine on pp. 1-153; Brazil on pp. 154-281; Chile on pp. 282-360; Uruguay on pp. 361-417; Venezuela on pp. 418-465.) Martinez Silva, Carlos: Compendio de geograffa para uso de los colegios y escuelas. Adoptado oficialmente como texto de primera ensenanza por el Ministerio de instruccion publica de la republica de Colombia. Tercera edicion, notable- mente corregida. New York, "La Revista Ilustrada," 1890. iv, 252 p. maps. 12°. (America treated on pp. 79-186.) Same. Cuarta edicion. Bogotd, Librerfa Colombiana, 1900. 256 p. 12°. maps. (America treated on pp. 87-191.) Maury, M. F.: The Amazon, and the Atlantic slopes of South America. A series of letters published in the "National Intelligencer" and "Union" newspapers, under the signature of "Inca." Rev. and cor. by the author. Washington, F. Taylor, 1853. 63 p. map. 8°. [ ] El rio Amazonas y las comarcas que forman su hoya certientes hacia el Atlan- tico. Lima, J. M. Monterola, 1853. 68 p. 8°. Mill, Hugh R.: The international geography. New York, D. Appleton & co., 1900. xx, 1088 p. maps, illus. 8°. (History and people, flora and fauna, configuration, resources, communications, and statis- tics of North, Central and South America and the West Indies on pp. 664-888.) New lands: their resources and prospective advantages. London, Charles Griffin & co., 1900. xi, 280 p. maps. 8°. (Latin America treated on pp. 154-186.) Monnier, Marcel: Des Andes au Para. Equateur, Perou, Amazone. Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et cie., 1890. iv, 443 p. maps, illus. 8°. (Descriptions of the coast, the Cordilleras and the Amazon.) Murillo Velarde, Pedro: Geographia historia. Libro ix. De la America, y de las islas adyacentes, y de las tierras arcticas, y antarcticas, y islas de los mares del norte y sur. Madrid, Impr. de A. de Gordejuela y Sierra, 1752. 391 p. 8°. Murphy, Henry C: The voyage of Verrazzano: a chapter in the early history of maritime discovery in America. New York, [Press of J. Munsell], 1875. viii, 198 p. maps, illus. 8°. (" . . . intended to show the claim of discovery in America by Verrazzano to be without any real foundation ..." Preface.) Navarrete, Martin Fernandez de: Coleccion de los viages y descubrimientos que hicieron por mar los espafioles desde fines del siglo xv, con varios documentos ineditos concernientes k la historia de la marina castellana y de las estableci- mientos espafioles en Indias. Coordinade e" ilustrada. Tomos 1 y 2. 2d ed. Madrid, Imprenta Nacional, 1858 & 1859. 2 v. port., maps. 8°. ■ Same. Tomos 3-5. Madrid, Imprenta Nacional, 1829-1837. 3 v. port. maps. 8°. (Vol. 5 has imprint, "Imprenta Real.") CONTENTS. I. Viajes de Colon: Almirantazgo de Castiila. II. Documentos de Colon y de los primeras poblaciones. III. Viages menores, y los de Vespucio, poblaciones en el Darien, suplemento al tomo 2. IV. Expediciones al Maluco: viaje de Magallanes y de Elcano. V. Expediciones al Maluco: Viajes de Loaisa y de Saavedra. Orton, James: The Andes and the Amazon; or, across the continent of South America. New York, Harper bros., 1870. xxiv, 356 p. front, illus. map, 8°. (Library also has edition printed in 1871.) LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 13 Outline of the revolution in Spanish America; or an account of the origin, progress and actual state of the war carried on between Spain and Spanish America; containing the principal facts which have marked the struggle. By a South American. London, printed for Longman, Hurst, Reese, Orme & Brown, 1817. vii, 362 p. 8°. Payne, Edward John (Ed.) : Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen to America. Select narratives from the principal navigations of Hakluyt. Second edition. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1893 & 1900. 2 v. 12°. History of the new world called America. In 2 volumes. Oxford, at the Clarendon press, 1899. 2 v. 8°. Pector, Desire*: Notes sur 1'Americanisme. Quelques-unes ae ses Lacunes en 1900. Preface du Dr. E. T. Hamy . . . Paris, J. Maisonneuve, 1900. vi, 242 p. 4°. CONTENTS. Regions glaciales arctiques pole nord; puissance du Canada; Etats Unis; Mexique; isthme Centre Americain; Antilles; Colombia; Ecuador; Venezuela; Guyanes; Bresil; Perou; Bolivia; Chili; Chaco; Paraguay; Uruguay; Arjentina; region Australe; considerations generates. Pepper, Charles JVL: Panama to Patagonia; the isthmian Canal' and the west coast countries of South America. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & c'o., 1906. xx, 398 p. front., plates, maps. 8°. (Panama on pp. 1-58; Ecuador on pp. 60-72; Peru on pp. 73-180; Chile on pp. 201-277; Bolivia on pp. 278-350.) Perl, Albert: Durch die urwalder Siidamerika's. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1904. (2), 235 p. illus. map. 8°. Petrocokino, A.: Along the Andes. London, Gay and Bird, 1903. viii, 147 p. plates, map. 8°. (Includes Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador.) Philadelphia commercial museum: Foreign commercial guide. South America. Ed. by Edward James Cattell assisted by H. S. Morrison and A. C. Kauffman. (Philadelphia.) The Philadelphia commercial museum, 1906. 1 p. 1., 284-22 p. 4°. (Description, statistics and map of each country.) Pigafetta, Antonio: Magellan's voyage around the World. The original text of the Ambrosian MS., with English translation, notes, bibliography and index by James Alexander Robertson. Cleveland, The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1906. 3 v. maps, plates. 8°. (Bibliography v. 2, pp. 241-313). (Vol. 3, index.) Primo viaggio intorno al globo terracqueo ossia ragguaglio della navigazione alle Indie orientali per la via d'occidente fatta dal cavaliere Antonio Pigafetta . . . Sulla squadra del Capit. Magaglianes negli anni 1519-1522. Ora pub- blicato por la prima volta, tratto da un codice MS. della Biblioteca Ambrosiana di Milano e corredato di note da Carlo Amoretti . . . Con un transunto del trattato di navigazione dello steggo autore. Milano, Giuseppe Caleazzi, 1800 Ki, 237 p. maps, illus. 4°. Purchas, Samuel: Hakluytus posthumus or Purchas his pilgrimes. Contaying a history of the World in sea voyages and lande travells by Englishmen and others. Vols. 1-20. Glasgow, James MacLehose and sons, 1905-1906. 20 v. maps, fascm. 8°. Ralegh, Walter: The discovery of the large, rich and beautiful empire of Guiana, with a relation of the great and golden city of Manoa (which the Spaniards call El Dorado), etc. Performed in the year 1595. Reprinted from the edition of 1596, with some unpublished documents relative to that country. Edited with copious explanatory notes and a biographical memoir by Sir Robert H. Schomburgk . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1848. lxxv, xv, 240 p. fascm. map. 8°. Reel us, EHsee: The earth and its inhabitants. South America. Edited by A. H. Keane . . . New York, D. Appleton and co., 1894. 2 v. maps, plates. 4°. CONTENTS. Vol. 1 , General survey of the continent; antilles of the Venezuelan seaboard; Venezuela; Colombia; Ecuador; the Galapagos archipelago; Peru; Bolivia; Chili; index. Vol. 2, Mexico; British Honduras; Guatemala; San Salvador; Honduras; Nicaragua; Costa Rica; Panama; Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea; Cuba; Jamaica; Haiti and the Dominican Republic; Porto Rico; Virgin Islands and Santa Cruz; The Bahamas; The Bermudas; The Lesser Antilles. 14 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Nouvelle geographie universelle la terre et les hommes. XIX Amerique du Sud: F Amazonie et la Plata, Guyanes, Bresil, Paraguay, Uruguay Republique Argentine. Contenant 5 cartes en couleur tirees a part, 169 cartes, intercalees dans le texte et 62 vues ou types graves sur bois. Paris, Librairie Hachette et cie., 1894. 821 p. 4°. Rlvas, Pedro: Efemerides Americanas desde el descubrimiento de la America hasta nuestros dias . . . Segunda edicion, corregida y aumentada considerable- mente. Barcelona, Est. tipo-lit. de los Sucesores de N. Ramirez Y. C, 1884. viii, 509 (1) p. 4°. Robertson, Guglielmo: Storia di America. Tradotta dalF originale Inglese dalF Ab. Antonio Pillori Fiorentino. Edizione seconda vineta. Venezia, Leonardo e Giammaria, 1783. 4 v. illus. maps. 12°. Rolt : A new and accurate history of South America, containing a particular account of some accidents leading to the discovery of the new world, of the discovery made by Columbus, and other adventurers, of the several attempts made to find out a north-east and north-west passage, and what parts of America are subject to the different European powers. With a full description of the Spanish prov- inces of Chili, Paraguay, Peru, and Terra Firma. Of Guiana, particularly of Surinam belonging to the Dutch, and of Cayenne belonging to the French; of Brazil subject to the Crown of Portugal; of the part of Paraguay possessed by the Jesuits, where they have established a new monarchy; and of the various nations of Indians throughout this extensive territory : As also of all the most remarkable islands adjacent to its coasts . . . London, printed for T. Gardner, 1756. (12) 576 p. 12°. Savage, Thomas: Manual of industrial and commercial intercourse between the United States and Spanish America, giving the latest and most correct infor- mation regarding the resources, commerce, industries, laws and regulations concerning mercantile affairs, mines, agriculture, land titles and colonization, railway and steamer traffic, tariffs and customs clearances, postal regulations, currency and exchange, etc., etc. ... for the fiscal years 1890-91. San Francisco, The Bancroft co., 1890. (8), 615, x (2) p. maps. 12°. Same. Spanish translation. Schanz, Moritz: Quer durch Slid America. Reise skizzen aus dem jahre 1890. Hamburg, W. Mauke sohne, 1891. 154 p. 12°. Travel and description of Rio Grande do Sul, Montevideo, Argentine, Paraguay, across the Andes, and Chile. Seeber, Francisco: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia y Paraguay; estudios comparativos geograficos, etnicos, economicos, financieros y militares. Buenos Aires, (Tall, graficos de L. J. Rosso), 1903. 264 p. plates, maps. 8°. (Library also has English translation.) Sievers, Wilhelm: Sud und Mittelamerika. Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut, 1903. xii, 665 p. plates, illus. 4°. CONTENTS. History, general description, geographical description of the Guianas, Amazon region, Brazil, La Plata countries, Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Andien regions, Colombia, Vene- zuela, Central America and the West Indies. Squier, E. G.: Collection of rare and original documents and relations, concerning the discovery and conquest of America. Chiefly from the Spanish archives. Published in the original, with translations, illustrative notes, maps and bio- graphical sketches . . . New York, Charles B. Norton, 1860. 129, ii, p. 8°. Stanley of Alderley (tr.) : The first voyage round the world by Magellan. Translated from the accounts of Pigafetta, and other contemporary writers. Accompanied by original documents, with notes and an introduction. London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1874. lx. 257, xx p. 8°. col. pi. Stevenson, W. B.: A historical and descriptive narrative of twenty years' residence in South America. London, Hurst, Robinson & co., 1825.- 3 v. front. 8°. Same. French translation. Paris, 1826. 3 v. 8°. (Includes Chile, Peru and Colombia.) Stewart, C. S. : A visit to the South Seas, in the United States ship Vincennes, during the years 1829 and 1830; including scenes in Brazil, Peru, Manilla, the Cape of Good Hope, and St. Helena. In two volumes. London, Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 1832. 2 v. illus. 12°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 15 Ulloa, Antonio de: A voyage to South America: describing at large the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, etc., on that extensive continent. Interspersed through- out with reflections on the genius, customs, manners, and trade of the inhabitants, together with the natural history of the country. And an account of their gold and silver mines. Undertaken by command of his majesty the king of Spain, by Don George Juan, and Don Antonio de Ulloa . . . Tr. from the original Spanish. London, printed for L. Davis and C. Reymers, 1758. 2 v. illus. Same. 3d ed. 1772. (Includes Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Panama.) Voyage historique del' Amerique fait par ordre du Roi d'Espagne. Ouvrage orne des figures, plans et cartes necessaires et qui contient une histoire des Yncas du Perou et les observations astronomiques & physiques, faites pour determiner la figure & la grandeur de la terre. Amsterdam et Leipzig, Chez. Arkstee & Merkus, 1752. 2 v. 4°. U. S. Hydrographic Office: East coast of South America from Cape Orange to Cape Virgins, including Falkland, South Georgia, Sandwich, and South Shetland islands. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1889. x, 341 (1) p. 8°. Same. West coast of South America, comprising Magellan Strait, Tierra del Fuego and the outlying islands. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1890. x, 378 (1) p. 8°. Same. Third edition. 1905. xxvi, 568 p. 8°. (Contains information relative to ports and harbors for navigators.) Veness, W. T.: El Dorado; or, British Guiana as a field for colonization. London, Cassell, Petter &■ Galpin, 1866. vii, 198 (1) p. maps. 8°. VUla-Sefior y Sanchez : Teatro Americano, description general de los reynos, y provincias de la nueva-espana, y sus jurisdicciones; dedicala al rey nuestro senor el senor D. Phelipe Quinto . . . Santa Cruzeda, ano de 1746. 2 v. 4°. Waterton, Charles: Wanderings in South America, the North-west of the United States and the Antilles in the years 1812, 1816, 1820 & 1824. New edition, edited with biographical introduction and explanatory notes by the Rev. J. G. Wood. London, Macmillan and co., 1893. xvi, 520 p. illus. 8°. Webster, W. H. B.: Narrative of a voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean, in the years 1828, 29, 30, performed in H. M. Sloop Chanticleer, under the command of the late Captain Henry Foster ... In two volumes. London, Richard Bentley, 1834. 2 v. illus. maps. 8°. Wiborg, Frank: A commercial traveller in South America; being the experiences and impressions of an American business man on a trip through Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, the Argentine and Brazil. New York, McClure, Phillips & co., 1905. xxvi, 158 (1) p. front, plates, map. 8°. CONTENTS. From New York to Panama; down the coast to Guayaquil; Peru and its capital; the guano and nitrate country; Valparaiso and Santiago; across the Andes to Buenos Aires; Buenos Aires; a glimpse of Montevideo in revolution; from Sao Paulo to Rio Janeiro; some observations of our (U. S.) trade with South America. Winterbotham, W.: An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the U. S. of America, and of the European settlements in America and the West Indies. The first American edition, with additions and corrections. In four volumes. New York, printed by Tiebout & O'Brien for John Reid, 1796. 4 v. front, (port.) 8°. Worthington T.: Commercial mission to South America. See International Bureau of the American Republics. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. An Account, historical, political and statistical, of the LTnited Provinces of Rio de La Plata: with an appendix, concerning the usurpation of Montevideo bv'the Portuguese and Brazilian governments. . Translated from the Spanish. 'Lon- don, printed for R. Ackermann, 1825. x (1), 345 p. maps. 8°. Aleman, Theodor: Aus dem siidwesten der argentinischen klee-region. Das national territorium Pampa central. Buenos Aires, 1904. 64 p. map. 8° Amadeo, Baldrich J.: Historia de la guerra del Brasil. Contribution al estudio razonado de la historia militar Argentine. Buenos Aires, Imprenta La Harlem, 1905. xii, 639 p. , map. 4° 16 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OP THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Ambrosetti, Juan B.: Por el Valle Calchaquf. Conferencia con proyecciones lumi- nosas leida el 28 de julio de 1897 con motivo del xxv aniversario de la Sociedad cientifica Argentina . . . Buenos Aires, Imprenta de Pablo E. Coni e* hijos, 1897. 19 p. plates. 8°. Un viaje a misiones. Conferencia dada en el Teatro Nacional en la xxii aniver- sario de la Sociedad cientifica Argentina con el concurso de la sociedad Argen- tina de ensenanza por medio de las proyecciones luminosas. Buenos Aires, Imprenta de Pablo E. Coni e" hijos, 1894. 24 p. illus. 8°. Argentine Republic, Department of immigration: The Province of Cordoba. Gen- eral information for immigrants, workmen and capitalists. Buenos Aires, Office of the immigration department, (1894). 48 p. 16°. The Province of San Lufs: agriculture, live stock, vine and wine, mineral industry, products and various industries. Buenos Aires, n.d. 69 (2) p. map. 16°. Ministerio de agricultura: Sketch of the Argentine republic, as a country for immigration. 2d edition. (Latest data.) Buenos Aires, 1904. 136 (2) p. illus. maps. 8°. Attwell, Juan S.: The Argentine Republic. Address delivered ... at [the Uni- versity of] Cornell's Cosmopolitan Club, March 2, 1907. No imprint. 8 p. 12°. Cover-title. Baldrich, J. Amadeo: Historia de la guerra del Brasil. Contribution al estudio razonado de la historia militar. Buenos Aires, Imprenta La Harlem, 1905. xii, 639 p. map. 4°. Beerbohm, Julius: Wanderings in Patagonia; or life among the ostrich-hunters . . . London, Chatto & Windus, 1879. (2) 278 p. front, pi. map. 8°. Bourne, Benjamin Franklin: The captive in Patagonia; or life among the giants. A personal narrative . . . With illustrations. Boston, Gould & Lincoln. 1853. xxiv, 233 p. 8°. Brandt, Ernesto: La Provincia de Santa F6 en el principio del siglo XX. Com- pilado bajo los auspicios de la Sociedad Rural Santafecina del Rosario con 280 fotograbados. Rosario, 1901. Buenos Aires, Compania sud-americana de billetes de banco, 1901. 349 p. illus. obi. 12°. Burmeister, Carlos: Memoria sobre el territorio de Santa Cruz. Buenos Aires, Imprenta de "La Nacion, ' 1901. 104 p. illus. maps. 4°. (A{ head of title, "Ministerio de agricultura, Direcci6n de agricultura y ganaderia.") Caldcleugh, Alexander: Travels in South America during the years 1819-20-21, containing an account of the present state of Brazil, Buenos Ayres and Chile. London, John Murray, 1825. 2 v. front., maps, plates. 8°. Callois, L.: Les Andes de Patagonie . . . Paris, Librairie Armand Colin, (1901). 28 p. plans, map. 8°. Campbell, W. 0.: Through Patagonia. London, Bickers & son, 1901. 96 p. 12°. Carranza, Anjel Justiniano: Los Tobas. Su ubicacion geogr&fica, idioma y cos- tumbres. Buenos Aires, Editado por la "Revista Nacional," 1900. 25 p. 8°. La revolution del 39 en el sur de Buenos Aires . . . Ilustrada con retratos y diagramas. P r volumen. Buenos Aires, Imp. del Pueblo, 1880. 431 (1) p. 8°. Carrasco, Gabriel: Description geografica y estadistica de la provincia de Santa Fe\ . . . Tercera edition. Rosario, Imprenta de Carrasco, 1884. 291 (6) p. plates, maps. 8°. Same. Cuarta edicion. Buenos Aires, Imp. y lit de Stiller & Laass, 1886. 651 (2) p. front, illus. maps. 4°. The province of Santa Fe\ its agricultural colonization. Buenos Aires, Offices of the immigration department, January, 1894. 100 p. 16°. Same. Italian translation. 98 p. 16°. La provincia de Santa Fe - . . . 6tat actuel et progres realises. Buenos Aires, Imprimerie de P, Coni et fils, 1888 154 p. 8°. Chaigneau, J. F.: Jeografia nautica de la republica Argentina arreglada segun los documentos mas modernos . . . Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Barcelona, 1896. xiv, 195 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 17 Christophersen, P.: River Plate navigation and shipping . . . Buenos Aires, printed by Jacobo Peuser, 1894. 106 p. maps. 4°. Church, George Earl: Argentine geography and the ancient Pampean Sea. (From the Geographical Journal, October, 1898.) 16 p. plans, maps. 8°. Colombo, Ezio: La repiiblica Argentina nelle sue fasi storiche e nelle sua attuali condizioni geografiche statistiche ed economiche. Milano, Ulrico Hoepli, 1905. illus. maps. 330, 64 p. 12°. (joint author) : Geograffa Argentina. See Urien, Carlos M. Corniani, Giuliano: Argentina, Uruguay & Paraguay. .Guida per l'emigrazione. Milano, Francesco Vallarda, n.d. 420 p. front, illus. map. 12°. (Argentine on pp. 1-344.) Crornmelin, Marv: Over the Andes from the Argentine to Chile and Peru. New York, Macmillan co., 1896. viii, 387 p. front., pis., illus. 8°. (Argentine on pp. 1-164.) Curtis, William Eleroy: The other end of the Hemisphere. Extract from "Harpers New Monthly Magazine," pp. 893-909. [Davie, John Constanse]: Letters from Buenos Ayres and Chile with an original history of the latter country . . . By the author of Letters from Paraguay. London, R. Ackermann, 1819. xi, 323 (1) p. front., col. plates. 8°. Letters from Paraguay: describing the settlements of Montevideo and Buenos Ayres; the presidencies of Rioja Minor, Nombre de Dios, St. Mary and St. John, etc., etc., with the manners, customs, religious ceremonies, etc., of the inhabitants . . . London, G. Robinson, 1805. vii, 293 p. 8°. Delany, Frank J.: Argentina. From a grain man's point of view. Chicago, Nash- Wright co., 1904. 39 p. map. illus. nar. 12°. Dias, Arthur: De Rio a Buenos Aires; episodios e impressoes d'uma viagem. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacipnal, 1901. illus. 316 (2) p. 8°. (Argentine on pp. 87-316.) Dixie, Florence: Across Patagonia. With illustrations from sketches by Julius Beerbohm . . . London, R. Bentley & son, 1880. xiii, p. 1L, 251 p. front. plans. 8°. Dominguez, Luis L.: Historia Argentina. Buenos Aires, Impr. del Orden, 1861. 519 p. 8°. Faleni, Lorenzo: La repubblica Argentina, arte, industria, e commercia . . . Lorenzo Faleni e Amedeo Serafini, editori proprietari. [Buenos Aires, Com- pania general de fosforos, 1906.] 396 (4) p. illus. 4°. [Published -for.the International exposition at Milan, 1906] Fazio, Lorenzo : Memoria descripti va de la provinci'a de Santiago del Estero. Buenos Aires, Compafiia sud-americana de billetes de banco, 1889. 639 p. front., plates, map. plans. 4°. Fitz Gerald, E. A.: The highest Andes. A record of the first ascent of Aconcagua and Tupungato in Argentina, .and the exploration of the. surrounding valleys. . . . With chapters by Stuart Vines . . . Fifty-one illustrations and a panorama. London, Methuen & co., 1899. 390 p. maps. 8°. Fontana, Luis Jorge: Viaje de exploration en la Patagonia Austral. Buenos Aires, La Tribuna Nacional, 1886. 124 p. illus. maps. 8°. Fregeiro, C. L.: LeCciones de jhistoria Argentina . . . Segunda parte, 6th ed. Buenos Aires, Imp. de Corn hermanos, 1900. 208 p. 12°. Lecciones de historia Argentina profesadas en el colegio nacional de la capital y arregladas al nuevo programa. Primera parte, desde el descubrimiento del nuevo mundo hasta las invasiones Inglesas' (1492-1807). 7th ed. Buenos Aires, Imp. de Coni hermanos, 1900. 223 p. 12°. Funes, Gregorio: Historia, civil del Paraguay, Buenos Ayres y Tucuman. BuenofJ Ayres, Imprenta de ML J. Gandarillas y Socios, 1816. 3 v. in 2. 8°. Gonzalez, Meliton: El Gran Chaco Argentine Obra dedicada al Institute) geo- graiico Argentino. Buenos Aires, Comp. sud-americana de billetes de banco' 1890. 214 (1) p. plans. 4°. Gorrlnge, Henry H.: The Rio de La Plata. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1875. ix, 161 p. illus. map. 8°. (At head of title. " U. S. Hydrographic Office, No. 61.") 18 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. CONTENTS. General remarks; North coast of the Estuary; Montevideo; Uruguay; Southern coast of the Estuary; Buenos Aires harbour; Argentine Republic; Historical sketch; City of Buenos Aires; Rosario; banks and soundings; tides and currents; winds and climate; navigation; affluents; Parana river; Paraguay river; Uruguay river; distances; index. Grant & Sons, John: Directory of English-speaking residents in the Argentine Republic, containing also an English translation of the customs tariff for 1899, commerce, shipping, railways, banks, English institutions, sports, etc. John Grant & Sons. Buenos Aires, years 1899 and 1902. 2 v. 8°. Great Britain, Emigrants' information office: Argentine republic. General informa- tion for intending settlers. London, Darling & son, 1907. 40 p. 8°. Gubernatis, Angelo: .. . . L' Argentina ricordi e letture. Firenza, B. Seeber, 1898. (4) 354 p. illus. (port.) 8°. Hatcher, J. B.: Patagonia. (Extract from the "National Geographic Magazine," Nov., 1897. pp. 305-336.) illus. 8°. Head, F. B.: Rough notes taken during some rapid journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. London, J. Murray, 1826. xii, 309 p. 8°. (Description of a journey through Argentine to Chile undertaken by a mining engineer.) Historia Argentina al alcance de los ninos. Texto preparado para las es^elas primarias. Buenos Aires, A. Alsina, 1892. 128 p. 12°. Hopkins, Edward Augustus: The Argentine republic and conterminous countries. An address before the Chamber of commerce of the state of New York, at its annual meeting, held May 3, 1888. New York, Press of the chamber of com- merce, 1888. 24 p. 8°. Hudson, W. H.: Idle days in Patagonia. London, Chapman & Hall, 1893. vi, (2) 256 p. illus. 8°. Huergo, Lufs A.: Historia t^cnica del puerto de Buenos Aires preparada el con- greso internacional de ingenieria a celebrarse del 3 al 8 de octubre de' 1904 en San Luis, Missouri, Estados Unidos de America. Buenos Aires, Imp. de la "Revista Tecnica," 1904. 179 p. illus. maps. 8°. Hutchinson, Lincoln: Report on trade conditions in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, by special agent of the [U. S.] Department of commerce and labor. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906. 101 p. 8°. Hutchinson, Thomas J.: Buenos Aires and Argentine gleanings: with extracts from a diary of Salado exploration in 1862 & 1863. . . ; London, E. Stanford, 1865. xxi, p. 11., 321 (1) p. front, port., illus. plates, maps. 8°. Instituto Geografico Argentino: Expedici6n Austral Argentina. Informes pre- liminares presentados a los Ministros del interior y de guerra y marina . . . por Giacomo Bove . ; . Buenos Aires, Imp. del Departamento nacional de agricultura, 1883. 217 (1) p. 8°. International Bureau of the American Republics: . . . Argentine Republic. A feographical sketch, with special reference to economic conditions, actual evelopment, and prospects of future growth. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1903. 376 p. tables, pi. maps. 8°. . . . Handbook of the Argentine Republic. Washington, Government Print- ing Office, 1894. vi, 455 p. front, map. 8.° (Its Bulletin No. 67. 1892.) King, Col. J. Anthony: Twenty-four years in the Argentine republic; embracing its civil and military history . . . New York, Appleton & co., 1846. 324 p. S°. Lamas, Andre's: D. Bernardino Rivadavia. Libro del primer centenario de su natalicio, publicado bajo la direcci6n de Andres Lamas. Con la colaboracion de los sefiores . . . Doctores Don Enrique S. Quintana, Don Adolfo Lamarque y Don Anjel J. Carranza. Buenos Aires, Impr. de S. Ostwald, 1882. 181 p. 226 p. front., plates. 1°. Latham, Wilfrid: The states of the River Plate. Second edition. London, Long- mans, Green & co., 1868. 381 p. map. 8°. (Includes industries, commerce, sheep 'farming, agriculture, colonization, historical sketch, and a chapter on political and industrial development.) Latzina, Francisco: Diccionario geografico Argentino. Buenos Aires, Compania sud-americana de billetes de banco, 1891. x, 619 p. 8°. Geographie de la republique Argentine . . . avec une introduction par M. E. Levasseur ... Buenos Aires, F. Lajouane, 1890. (hi) xxxii, 488 p. tables, pi., maps. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 19 Lemos, Abraham: Mendoza. Memoria descriptiva de la provincia. Obra man- dada ejecutar por el exemo. gobierno de la provincia para concurrir & la expo- sition de Paris en 1889. Mendoza, Tip. de "Los Andes," 1888. xvi, 218, viii p. map. 8°. Lewandowski, Maurice (joint author): l'Argentine au xx e siecle. See Martinez. Alberto B. Livacich, Serafin: Buenos Aires. Paginas historicas para el primer centenario de la independencia. Buenos Aires, Compania sud-americana de billetes de banco, 1907. 291 (1) p. illus. 8°. Lopez, L. V. : Lecciones de historia Argentina. Buenos Aires, Imp. de Mayo, 1878. 424 p. 8°. Lopez, Vicente F.: Manual de la historia Argentina. Buenos Aires, Imp. de Mayo, 1896. 2 v. 12°. 1. Per'iodo colonial. 2. Periodo de la independencia. Lozano, Pedro: Historia de la conquista del Paraguay, Rio de La Plata y Tucuman Ilustrada con noticias del autor y con notas y suplementos por Andres Lamas. Buenos Aires, 1873-1875. 5 v. 8°. MacCann, William: Two thousand miles through the Argentine provinces: being an account of the natural product of the country, and habits of the people; with an historical retrospectf-of the Rio de La Plata, Montevideo and Corrientes. . . . London, Smith, Elder & co., 1853. 2 v. 8°. Manifesto de la razones que legitiman la declaration de guerra contra el gobierno del Gen. Andres Santa Cruz, titulado presidente de la Confederation Peru- Boliviana. Buenos Aires, Impr. del Estado, 1837. 32 p. 8°. Marquina, P. Rodriguez: Sinopsis estadfstica de la provincia de Tuonan. Buenos Aires, Imp. de Jacobo Peuser, 1896. 92 (1) p. 16°. Martinez, Albert B.: l'Argentine au xx e siecle par Albert B. Martinez et Maurice Lewandowski. Avec une introduction par Charles Pellegrini . . . Paris, Armand Cclin, 1906. xxxi, 432 p. maps. 12°. Baedeker de la republica Argentina. (Manual del viajero.) Con pianos de la Republica, ciudad de Buenos Aires, lineas ferreas, etc. Buenos Aires, Imprenta y lit. de J. Peuser, 1900. xiii, 369 p. illus. maps. 16°. Same. 2 ft edition. Buenos Aires, 1904. xv, 383 p. illus. maps. 12°. Mitr£. Bartolome*: Historia de Belgrano y de la independencia argentina. 4. y definitiva ed., corr. y aum. Buenos Aires, F. Lajouane, 1887. 3 v. front., plans. 8°. Historia de San Martin y de la emancipation Sud-Americana. Buenos Aires, 1887-1888. illus. 4 v. 8°. The emancipation of South America, being a condensed translation, by William Pilling of the history of San Martin. London, Chapman & Hall, 1893. xxviii, 499 p. maps. 8°. Moreno, Francisco P. : Explorations in Patagonia. [London, printed by W. Clowes & sons, limited, 1899?] Cover-title. 54 p. illus. map. 8°. Mulhall, M. G. & E. T.: Handbook of the River Plate, comprising the Argentine Republic, Uruguay and Paraguay, with railway map . . . 5th edition. Buenos Aires, M. G. & E. T. Mulhall, 1885. x, (1) 732,85 p. maps. 8°. Same. 6th edition. 1892. 2, 686, 80 p. map. 12°. Musters, George C: At home with the Patagonians: a year's wanderings over untrodden ground from the straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro, London, J. Murray, 1871. xx, 322 p. illus. maps. 8°. Napp, Ricardo: La republica Argentina. Obra escrita en Aleman. Por Ricardo Napp con la ayuda de varios colaboradores y por encargo del Comite" central Argentino para la exposici6n en Filadelfia. (Con varios mapas.) Buenos Aires, Impreso por la Sociedad Anonima, 1876. 482, xcviii p. 8°. Same. English edition. 463 p. xcvii. map. 8°. Olascoaga, M. J. : Topografra Andina. Ferrocarril paralelo a los Andes como fomento de poblaci6n y seguridad de la frontera, complemento indispensable de la com- panadel879. Buenos Aires, Imprenta Jacobo Peuser, 1901 132 p. map. 8°. 20 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Olsson, Emilio: The Argentine: the land of the future. Lecture delivered ... in the River Plate house, London, on June 8, 1903. With illustrations, map, and valuable information from the latest official data on the Argentine Re- publica . . . London, [T. Williams, printer, 1903]. 34 p. 8°. Onelli, Clemente: Trepando los Andes. Buenos Aires, Compafiia sud-americana de billetes de banco, 1904. vii, 297 p. illus. maps. 12°. Page, Thomas J.: La Plata, the Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay, being a narrative of the exploration of the tributaries of the river La Plata and adjacent countries during the years 1853, 54, 55 & 56, under the orders of the United States government. . . . New York, Harper & brothers, 1859. (ix)-xxii, (25) 632 p. illus. plates, tables, map. 8°. Payro", Roberto J.: ... La Australia Argentina: excursion periodfstica a las costas padagonicas, Tierra del Fuego e" Isla de los Estados; con una carta-pr61ogo del general Bartolom6 Mitre. Buenos Aires, Impr. de "La Nation," 1898. viii, 448 (3) p. illus. plates. 8°. Pelleschi, Juan: Eight months on the Gran Chaco of the Argentine Republic. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1886. xv, 311 (1) p. 8°. Pillado, Ricardo: Anuario Pillado de la deuda publica y sociedades anonimas estab- lecidas en la republica Argentina . . . Buenos Aires, [Library has for years] 1899, 1900. 2 v. 8°. — Polftica comercial Argentina . . . Buenos Aires,. Tall, de publicaciones de la Oficina Meteorologica Argentina, 1906. 367 p. 8°. Power, J.: History of the Argentine republic from the landing of Solis until the present day. Buenos Aires, The English book exchange, 1891. 132 p. illus. 12°. Prichard, H. Hesketh: Through the heart of Patagonia . . . with illustrations from drawings in colour and black and white . . . New York, D. Appleton & co., 1902. xvi, 346 p. front, maps. 4°. Rancourt, Etienne de: Fazendas et estancias; notes de voyage sur le Bresil et la Republique Argentine. . . . Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie., 1901. 286 p. port, map. 12°. (Argentine on pp. 232-286.) Rickard, F. Ignacio: The mineral and other resources of the Argentine republic (La Plata) in 1869. Published by special authority of the national government. . . . London, Longmans, Green & co., 1870. 323 p. table. 8°. Rodriguez del Busto, A.: ... El sistema de gobierno dual de Argentina y su origen precedido por cuestiones de polftica — Ibero-Americana. Buenos Aires, Compafiia sud-americana de billetes de banco, 1906. 205 (1) p. 8°. Ruidiaz de Guzman: Argentina. Historia del descubrimiento, conquista y pob- laci6n del Rio de La Plata escrita ... el afio 1612. Buenos Aires, Imp. de Mayo, 1882. 240 p. 12°. Rumbold, Horace: The great silver river. Notes of a residence in Buenos Aires in 1880 and 1881. 2d ed. . . . London, 1890. 366 p. illus. 12°. Sastre, Marcos: Le tempe Argentin, traduit en francais par Mme. V. Caillet-Bois. Buenos Aires, Imp. du Courrier de La Plata, 1889. 311 p. 8°. Scardin, Francesco: Vita Italiana nell 'Argentina. Impressioni e note. Buenos Aires, Comp. sud-americana de billetes de banco, 1899. illus. 332 (1) p. 4°. Same. v. 2. 1st ed. Buenos Aires, L. J. Rosso, 1903. map. illus. 588 p. 4°. Schmidel, L'lrich: Viaje al Rio de La Plata (1534-1554). Notas bibliograficas y biograficas por Bartolome" Mitre. Prologo, traduction y anotationes por Samuel A. Lafone Quevedo. Buenos Aires, Cabaut y cia., 1903. port. maps. xv, 499 p. 8°. Seeber, Francisco: Importance economique et financiere de la republique Argen- tine. Buenos Aires, Imprenta de P. E. Coni et Fils., 1888. 342 p. 8°. Serafini, Amedeo (joint editor) : La repubblica Argentina, arte, industria e com- mercio. See Faleni, Lorenzo. Silvano Codoi, Juan: Monografias historicas. Primera serie. Segunda edici6n. Buenos Aires, Felix Lajouane, 1893. xvi, 216 p. plates. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 21 Monografias hist6ricas. Primera sene. Segunda edicion. Buenos Aires, Felix Lajouane, 1893. xvi, 216 p. plates. 8°. South American publishing company: The Argentine year book. With which are incorporated the " Anuario Pillado " and John Grant's ' 'Argentine Commercial Guide." Buenos Aires, John Grant & son, (1902). 524 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1903. 510 p. illus. maps. 8°. Spears, John R.: The gold diggings of Cape Horn. A study of life in Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia. New York, London, C. P. Putnam's sons, 1895. xi, 319 p. front, map. 8°. Strain, Isaac G. : Sketches of a journey in Chili and the Argentine provinces, in 1849. New York, Horace H. Moore, 1853. xi, 295 p. 8°. (Argentine on pp. 174-295.) Territorios de la Patagonia y la conferencia del teniente coronel Don Luis Jorge Fontana sobre los territorios del Chubut . . . Buenos Aires, Imp. del De- partamento nacional de agricultura, 1886. 17 p. 8°. Tucuman (province): Memoria historica y descriptiva de la provincia de Tucuman. Buenos Aires, Impr. de M. Biedma, 1882. v, 751 p. 8°. Turner, Thomas A.i Argentina and the Argentines; notes and impressions of a five years' sojourn in the Argentine republic, 1885-90. London, S, Sonnen- schien & co., 1892. xvi, 370 p. front, illus. 8°. Urien, Carlos M.: Geografia Argentina. Estudio historico fisico, politico, social y economico de la Republica Argentina . . . Buenos Aires, Tall. tip. de la Penitenciaria Nacional, 1905. xxxi, 688 p. maps. 4°. Vicuna Mackenna B.: La Patagonia. (Estudios jeograficos i politicos dirijidos d, esclarecer la cuestion Patagonia, con motivo de las amenazas reciprocas de guerra entre Chile i la Republica Arjentina.) Santiago, ' Imprenta del Centro Editorial, 1880. 354 (1) p. 8°. Wiener, Charles: La republique Argentine. Paris, Librairie Cerf, 1889. 677 p. map. 4°. [Bibliography, pp. 643-661.] Wilcocke, Samuel Hull: History and description of the republic of Buenos Ayres, containing the most accurate details relative to topography, history, com- merce, population, government, etc., etc., of that important state. London, 1820. 576 p. illus. 8°. Yfernet, Jean M.: La republique Argentine et ses colonies, description physique et statistique . . . Tome premier. Buenos Aires, Typ. et stereotypic du "Courrier de La Plata," 1885. 241 (2) p. 8°. Zeballos, Estanislao S. : Description amena de la republica Argentina . , . Buenos Aires, J. Peuser, 1881-88. 3 v. plates, maps. 4°. BOLIVIA. Ahumada Moreno, Pascual: Guerra del Pacifico. Recopilacion completa de todos los documentos oficiales, correspondencias y demas publicaciones referentes a la guerra que ha dado a luz la prensa de Chile, Peru, y Bolivia. Conteniendo documentos in^ditos de importancia. Valparaiso, 1884-92. 8 v. maps. 4°. Ballividn, Manuel V.: Diccionario geografico de la republica de Bolivia. Torao primero. Departamento de La Paz. Primera edicion. La Paz, Imp. de "EI Nacional," 1890. 164 p. 4°. Documentos para la historia geogr&fica de la republica de Bolivia. Serie primera: Epoca colonial. Tomo 1: Las provincias de Mojos y Chiquitos. La Paz, L. M. Gamarra, 1906. vii, 398 p. 8°. (Co ver- title). > Noticia politica, geografia, industrial y estadfstica de Bolivia, datos para consulta I information comunicados a las legaciones v consulados de la repub- lica. La Paz, Tall. tip. litografico, 1900. 137 p. 8°. Blanco, Federico: Diccionario geografico. Tomo segundo. Departamento de Cochabamba. Con adiciones de P. Aniceto Blanco y Manuel V. Ballivian. - La Paz, Taller typo. Lit., 1901. 175 p. maps. 8°. Blanco, Pedro Aniceto: Diccionario geografico. Tomo cuarto. Departamento de Oruro. Apendice de cuadros y noticias relativas & la poblacion, geograffa e" historia del Departamento, y un piano top6grafico de la ciudad de Oruro. La Paz, Taller Tip. Litografico, 1904. pi., 97, cxvi (1) p. 8°. 22 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Bolivia: Censo general de la poblaci6n. 1900. History on p. xxviii, t. 2. Oficina Nacional de Inmigracion: Sinopsis estadistica y geografica de la republica de Bolivia. La Paz, Tip. J. M. Gamarra, 1903-04. 3 v. 8°. El Territorio nacional de colonias. Publicaci6n dedicada & los expedi- cionarios & la region del Acre. Edici6n oficial. La Paz, Imp. del Estado, 1903. 54 p. map. 8°. — — Relaci6n historica de las misiones franciscanas de Apolobamba por otra nombre frontera de Caupolican. Edition oficial. La Paz, Imprenta del Estado, 1903. 365 vii p. 8°. Calderon, Ignaci<5: Bolivia, address delivered under the auspices of the National geographic society, at Washington, D. C. Washington, Jan. 25, 1907. 21 p. 8°. Bolivia as a field for American capital. Immigration regulations [1907]. New York. 15 p. Cover title. [Reprinted from "The Banker's Magazine," July, 1907.] Capella Toledo, Luis: Leyendas historicas. 3 ed. notablemente aumentada y cor. Bogota, Impr. de "La Luz," 1884-85. 3 v. in 1. 8°. Church, George Earl: The route to Bolivia via the river Amazon. A report to the governments of Bolivia and Brazil . . . London, printed by Waterlow & sons, limited, 1877. 216 p. maps. 8°. Conway, Sir Martin: The Bolivian Andes; a record of climbing and exploration in the Cordillera Real in the years 1898 and 1900 . . . New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1901. viii, (1) 402 (1) p. front, illus. plates. 8°. Crespo, Luis B.: . . . Indicaciones sumarias para el inmigrante & Bolivia. La Paz, J. M. Gamarra, 1907. 160 p. diagrs. maps. 12°. Gamarra Gutierrez, Nicanor: Breve description de las riquezas que contienen las provincias de Yungas, Larecaja y Caupolican. La Paz, Imprenta de "La Tri- bunal 1894. 12 p. 8°. Cover-title. Garcia, Ronullo E.: Geografia comercial de la America del sur. Lima, San Pedro. 1897. pp. 105-232. 12°. Godchaud, G.: Progres et developpement de la Bolivie. Par G. Godchaud . . . (et) J. de Lemoine . . . Extrait du bulletin de la Soci^te" Beige d. Etudes coloniales. Brussels, L'Imprimerie Nouvelle, 1906. 21 p. map. 8°. Grandidier, M. Ernest: Voyage dans PAmerique du Sud. Perou et Bolivie. Paris, Impr. de J. Claye, 1861.. 310 (1) p. 8°. Heath, Dr. Edwin R.: La exploration del Rio Beni. Revista historica . . . tra- ducida y anotada por Manuel V. Ballivian ... La Paz, Imprenta de "La Revolution," 1896. 89, xix p. 8°. Idiaquez, Eduardo (joint author): Diccionario geogr£fico de la republica de Bolivia. Tomo primero. Departamento de La Paz. See Ballivian, Manuel V. International Bureau of the American Republics: Bolivia, (a handbook). (Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1893.) vi, 413 p. illus. map. 8°. (Its Bulletin no. 55. 1892.) . . . Bolivia, Geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic con- ditions, actual development, prospects of future growth, 1904. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. 214 p. pi. 8°. [Lemoine, J. De.]: Bolivia y sus progresos. Bruxelles, Impr. des Grands Annu- aires, 1904. . 63 p. 16°. (At head of title; "Consulado General de Bolivia en Belgica.") (joint author). Progres et developpement de la Bolivie. See Godchaud, G. Manifesto de las razones que legitiman la declaration de guerra contra el gobierno del Gen. Andres Santa Cruz, titulado presidente de la Confederation Peru- Boliviana. Buenos Aires, Impr. del Estado, 1837. 32 p. 8°. Mathews, Edward D.: Up the Amazon and Madeira rivers, through Bolivia and Peru. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1879. xv, 402 p. illus. maps. 8°. Matzenauer, Carlos: Bolivia in historischer, geografischer und cultureller hinsicht. Wien, Leopold Weiss, 1897. 98 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 23 National Bolivian navigation company: Explorations made in the valley of the river Madeira, from 1749 to 1868. Published by the National Bolivian navi- gation co., 1875. various paging. 8°. [Palau, Lisimaco]: Bolivia su naturaleza y marcha progresiva su comercio y su industria. Bogota, Tip. de Medardo Rivas, 1884. 25 p. 12°. (At head of title: "Consulado de la repiiblica de Bolivia en Bogota.") Rend-Moreno, Gabriel: Anales de la prensa boliviana; matanzas de Yafies. 1861- 1862. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Cervantes, 1886. ix, 409 p. 12°. TJltimos dias coloniales en el Alto-Peru. (Pub. en " Los Anales de la Univer- sidad.") Santiago de Chile, Impr. Cervantes, 1896. 498 p. ports. 8°. Sanjines, Jenaro: Apuntes para la historia de Bolivia bajo la administraciones de D. Agustin Morales, Don Adolfo Ballivian y Don Tomas Frias. Sucre, 1898 & 1902. 2 v. 8°. Sisson, W. L.: Reconnoissance report upon proposed system of Bolivian railways. May, 1905. La Paz, Heitmann y Cornejo, (1905). x, 319, iv p. maps. 4°. (In Spanish and English.) (Description pp. 1-126.) Sociedad Geografica Sucre: Diccionario geogr&fico del departamento de Chuquisaca. Contiene datos geograficos, hist6ricos y estadisticos . . . Sucre, noviembre de 1903, Imp. "Bolivar" de M. Pizarro. 372 p. 8°. Weddell, H. A.: Voyage dans le nord de la Bolivie et dans les parties voisines du Perou; ou, visite au district aurifere de Tipuani . . . Paris, P. Bertrand; etc., etc., 1853. 2 p. 1., xii, 571 (1) p. illus. map. 8°. Wiener, Charles: Pe>ou et Bolivie; reeit de voyage, suivi d' etudes archeologiques et ethnographiques et de notes sur P6criture et les langues des populations indiennes. Ouvrage contenant plus de 1100 gravures,.27 cartes et 18 plans. Paris, Hachette & cie., 1880. xi, 796 p. illus., plans, maps. 4°. Wright, Marie Robinson: Bolivia: the central highway of South America, a land of rich resources and varied interest. Philadelphia, George Barrie & sons, (1907) . 450 p. illus. map. 4°. Zalles, Jorje E.: Quinientas leguas a traves de Bolivia. Relation del viaje cie reconocimiento practicado para establecer un sistema de ferrocarriles en Bolivia. 1904-1905. La Paz, Imprenta Hugo Heitmann, 1906. (8), 175 p. front. plates, map. 8°. BRAZIL. Abreu, Joao Capistrano de: O descobrimento do Brasil e povoamento do solo. Evo- lucao social. 78 p. 4°. In, Livro do centenario. 1500-1900. v. 1. Abreu e Lima, Jose" Ignacio de: Synopsis ou deduccao Chronologica dos f actos mais notaveis da historia do Brasil . . . Pernambuco, Typ. de M. F. de Faria, 1845. viii, 448 p. 8°. Acuna, P. Christoval de: Nuevo descubrimiento del gran rio de las Amazonas. Reimpreso segiin la primera edition de 1641. Madrid, [J. C. Garcfa], 1891. xxxi, 235 p. 12°. Adalabert, Prince of Prussia: Travels of His Royal Highness, Prince Adalbert of Prussia, in the South of Europe and in Brazil, with a voyage up the Amazon and the Xingu. Tr. by Sir Robert H. Schomburgk and John Edward Taylor. London, D. Bogue, 1849. 2 v. fronts., maps. 8°. Agassiz, Louis: A journey in Brazil. Boston, Ticknor & Fields, 1868. xix, 540 p. 8°. Alcides, Lima: Historia popular do Rio Grande. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. de G. Leu- singer & Filhos, 1882. x, 210, (12) p. 12°. Allain, Emile: Rio de Janeiro. Quelques donnees sur la capitale et sur radminis- tration du Bresil. Deuxieme edition. Paris, L. Frinzine et cie., 1886. 324 p. 12°. Almeida e Albuquerque, Francisco de Paula: breves reflexoes retrospectivas, poli- ticas, moraes e sociaes sobre o imperio do Brazil e suas relagoes com as outras nacoes, Pariz, Typ. de W. Remquet & ca., 1854. viii, 147 p. 12°. Amadeo Baldrich, J.: Historia de la guerra del Brasil. Contribuci6n al estudio razonado de la historia militar Argentina. Buenos Aires, Imprenta La Harlem. 1905. xii. 638 p. map. 4°. 24 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Andrade, Maria G. L. de: Resumo da historia do Brazil; para uso das escolas pri- marias brazileiras. Boston, Ginn & co., 1894. 277 p. front, plate, map. 12°. Andrews, C. C: Brazil; its condition and prospects. New York, D. Appleton & •co., 1889. 352 p. 8°. Armitage, John: History of Brazil, from the period of the arrival of the Braganza family in 1808, to the abdication of Don Pedro the First in 1831. Compiled from state documents, and other original sources, forming a continuation to Southey's history of that country. London, Smith, Elder & co., 1836. 2 v. front, (port). 8°. ' Assis Brasil: Historia da republica Riograndense. Volume 1. (Edicao prepara- toria.) Rio de Janeiro, G. Leuzinger & filhos, 1882. x, 211, 5 p. 12°. A republica federal. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. de G. Leuzinger & Filhos, 1881- xv, 304 p. 16°. '* ... . \ ' Same. 6 a edicao. 1889. 308 p. 16°. Associacao do quarto centenario do descobrimento do Brasil: Livro do centenario. 1500-1900. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1900-1901. 2 v. 4°. CONTENTS. Tomo 1. O descobrimento do Brasil, por J. Capristrano de Abreu. A religiao, pelo padre dr. Julio Maria. A litteratura pelo dr. Sylvio Romero. A instruccao. A imprensa por Jose" Verissmo de Mattos. . • Tomo 2. As Bellas Artes por Henrique Coelho Netto. As sciencias Medico-Pharmaceu- ticas, pelos drs. Jose" Eduardo Teixeira de Sousa e Agostinho Jose" de Sousa Lima. llelig- ioes acatholicas pelo dr. Jose* Carlos RodrigUes. Organizacao militar. Exercito y armada. Militia civica, pelo . -general Bibiano Sergio Macedo da Fontoura Costallat (exercito) e vice-almirante Arthur Jaceguay (marinha). [Ayres de Casal, Manuel]: Corografia brazilica, ou, relacao historico-geografica do reino do Brazil, composta e dedicada a Sua Magistade fidelissima por hum presbitero secular do gram priorado do Crato (anon.) Rio de Janeiro, Im- pressao regia, 1817. 2 v. 8°. Barbosa Vianna, A. J. : O Recife, capital do Estado de Pernambuco. Recife, Atelier Miranda, 1900. 242 (1) p. map. 12°. Baril, V. L.: L'empire du Bresil; monographic complete de l'empire sud^americaim Paris, F. Sartorius, 1862. xv, (1) 576 p. [Barreto, D.] : Ultima expedicao a Canudos. n. t. p. 242 p. front, maps. 12°. (Caption title.) ' Bates, Henry Walter: The naturalist on the river Amazon. A record' of adven- tures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life, and aspects of nature under the equator, during eleven years of travel. 2d ed. . . . London, J. Murray, 1864. xii, 466 p. front, illus. plates, fold. map. 8°. Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro: Catalogo da exposicao de historia do Brazil, realizada pela Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro a 2 de dezembro de 1881. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. P. -G. Leuzinger & filhos, 1881. 3 y. in 2. 4°. Continuous paging: Biezma, Alonso de: Estatutos municipaes da provincia da Immaculada Conceicao do Brasil . . . Lisboa, Officina de Joseph Lopes Ferreira, 1717. (x),327p. 4°. Borges dos Reis, Antonio Alexandro: Chorographia e historia do Brazil, especial- men te do Estado da Bahia . . . Bahia, Typ. do "Diario da Bahia," 1894. (3) iii, 284 p. 8°. Brazil, Commissao representante do Brasil na Louisiana purchase exposicao, 1904: Relatorio apresentado ao exm. Sr. Ministro da industria, viagao e obras pub- licas, pelo . . . presidente da commissao. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1905. 416 p. map. illus. plates. 8°. Commission to Exposition of New Orleans, 1885: The Empire of Brazil at the world's industrial" and cotton centennial exposition of New Orleans. New York, E. P. Coby & co., 1885". 71 ( (1) p. tables, sq. 4°. (Commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition): Brief notice on the state of Mattq Grosso. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Leuzinger, 1904. 40 p. 12°. Ministerio de Agricultura: . . . Provincia do Maranhao e a immigracao. Guia do immigrante . . . Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1888. 28 p. map. 8°. Brasiliense A.: Os programmas dos partidos e o 2° imperio. Primeira parte: expo- sicao de principios. Sao Paulo, Typ. de Jorge Seckler, 1878. 205, lvi, (2) p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 25 Brown, C. Barrington: Fifteen thousand miles on the Amazon and its tributaries. London, E. Stanford, 1878, xiii, p. 520 p. front, illus. map. 8°. Burton, Richard F.: Explorations of the highlands of the Brazil, with a full account of the gold and diamond mines, also canoeing down 1500 miles Of the Great River, Sao Francisco from Sahara" to the Sea. London, Tinsley brothers, 1869. 2 v. illus. 8°. Wanderings in three continents . . . New York, Dodd, Mead & co., 1901. xiii, 313 p. illus. front, (port.) 8°. (Brazil treated on pages 261-281.) Caldcleugh, Alexander: Travels in South America during the years 1819-20-21, containing an account of the present state of Brazil, Buenos Aires, and Chile. London, John Murray, 1825. 2 v. front. 2 maps, plates. 8°. Campos Porto, M. E. de: Apontamentos para a historia da republica dos Estados Unidos do Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, 1890. xxvi, 1020 p. 8°. Caneca : Attentado de cinco de noyembro. Artigos de Caneca, publicados na "Gaceta de Noticias" sobre o "Despacho." Rio de Janeiro, Impr. Nacional, 1898. ix, 203 p. 12°. Canstatt, Oskar: Das republikanische Brasilien in vergangenheit und gegenwart. Nach den neuesten amtlichen quellen und auf grund eigener anschauung . . . Leipzig, F. Hirt & sohn, 1899. 656 p. illus., table, maps. 8°. Carpenter, Frank D. Y.: Round about Rio. Chicago, Jansen, McClurg & co., 1884. 415 p. 8°. Carvalho, Augusto de: Apontamentos para a historia da Capitania de S. Tome. Campos, Typ. de Silva Carneiro & comp., 1888. 367, 2 p. 8°. Carvalho, J. Marques de: A carteira d'un diplomata. Commentaries, curiosidades, indiscrecoes. l a parte. Rio de Janeiro, 1899. 357 (3) p. nar. 12°. Cavalcanti, Jose* Pompeu de A.: O Ceara* em 1887. Chorographia da provincia do Ceard. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1888. xiii (1), 321, (1), p. 12°. Ceara\ Estado: The state of Ceard; brief notes for the exposition of Chicago, as authorized bv the Governor of Ceard, Brazil, Dr. Jose Freire Bezerril Fontenelle. Chicago, 1893. illus. map. 101 p. 8°. Celso, Affonso: Oito annos de parlamento. Reminiscencias e notas. Historia quoquomodo scripta delectat. Rio de Janeiro, Laemmert & co., 1901. 315 p. 12°. Commissao de propaganda de Immigra^ao e Colonisacao no Norte do Brazil: Breve noticia sobre o Estado de Alagoas. Maceio, Typ. da Escola Central, 1893. 75, (9) p. tables, map. 4°. (Text in Portuguese, Italian and French.) Condamine, Monf. de la: A succinct abridgment of a voyage made within the inland parts of South America, from the coasts of the South Sea to the coasts of Brazil and Guiana, down the river of Amazona. As it was read in the* public assembly of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, April 28, 1745. To which is annexed a map of the Maranon, or river of Amazon, drawn by the same. London, printed for E. Withers . . . 1747. xii, 108 p. map. 8°. CorrSa Lopes, Orlando: O Acre e o Amazonas. Artigos publicados no "Jornal do Commercio," abril e maio, 1906. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. do "Jornal do Commercio/' 1906. 73 p. nar. 8°. Coudreau, Henri: Voyage a Itaboca et a l'ltacayuna, I er juillet 1897-11 octobre 1897. Paris, A. Lahure, 1898. 158 (2) p. illus. maps. 4°. Voyage entre Tocantins et Xingu 3 avril 1898-3 novembre 1898. Paris, A. Lahure, 1899. 209 (2) p. illus. maps. 4°. Coudreau, Mme. 0.: Voyage a la Mapuerd, 21 avril 1901-24 decembre 1901. Paris, A. Lahure, 1903. 166 p. illus. maps. 4°. Voyage au Maycuru, 5 juin 1902-12 Janvier, 1903. Paris, A. Lahure, 1903. 151 (1) p. illus. maps. 4°. Voyage au Rio Curua\ 20 novembre 1900-7 mars 1901. Paris, A. Lahure, 1903. 114 p. illus. map. 4°. Craig, Neville B.: Recollections of an ill-fated expedition to the headwaters of the Madeira river in Brazil. By Neville B. Craig in cooperation with members of the Madeira and Mamore* Association of Philadelphia. Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott company, 1907. 479 p. pis., maps, front, (port.) illus. 8°. 26 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Dahne, Eugenio (comp.) : Descriptive memorial of the state of Rio Grande do Sul Brazil. Organized by order of the president (of the state) ... for the inter- national exhibition, S. Luiz, 1904. Porto Alegre, "The Commerical Library." 1904. 44 (1) p. 4°. D'Assier, Adolphe: Le Bresil contemporain. Races, moeurs, institutions, paysage. Paris, Durand et Lauriel, 1867. 320 p. 8°. A decada republicana. Rio de Janeiro, Companhia. Typ. do. Brazil, 1899-1901. 7 v. in 3. 8°. CONTENTS. Finances, public wealth, education, the press, parliament, civil law, courts of law, elections, army, public health, municipality of the federal district, navy, commerce, police and administration of the government. (C. M. L.) Denis, Ferdinand: Resume" de Phistorie du Bresil suivi du resume" de Phistorie de La Guyane. Paris, Lecointe et Durey, 1825. 335, 27 p. 32°. Dias, Arthur: . . . De Rio a Buenos Aires; episodios e impressos d'uma viagem. Rio de v Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1901.' illus. 316 (2) p. 8°. (Brazil on pp. 1-68.) Description g£ographique et historique du Bresil. (Extrait "des Annales d' agri- culture.") [Paris, Impr. de Madame Huzard (nee Vallat la Chapelle) 182?] 8 p. 8°. Caption title. Documentos para a historia da conquista e colonisacao da costa de leste-oeste do Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. na Bibliotheca Nacional, 1905. 322 p. 4°. (Extr. do vol. 26 dos "Annaes da Bibliotheca nacional.") relativos a Mem de S£, Governador geral do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, Officina typ. da Bibliotheca Nacional, 1906. 152 (1) p. 4°. (Extr. do vol. 27 dos "Annaes da Bibliotheca Nacional.") Edwards, William H.: A voyage up the river Amazon, including a residence at Pard. New York, D. Appleton & co., 1847. 256 p. 12°. Eguiluz, Diego de: Historia de la Misionde Mojos. Entregas 1 y2. Lima, Impr. C. Prince, 1884. L'empire du Bre*sil a" l'Exposition universelle de 1867 a Paris. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. de Laemmert, 1867. 135, 201 p. 8°. L'empire du Bresil a Pexposition universelle de 1876 a Philadelphie: Rio de Janeiro, Typ. do Imperial institute artistico, 1876. vi, 542 p. maps, tables. 8°. Ewbank, Thomas: Life in Brazil; or, a journal of a visit to the land of the cocoa and the palm. With an appendix, containing illustrations of ancient South American arts . . . New York, Harper & brothers, 1856. xvi, (7) 469 p. illus. 8°. (Escragnolle) Taunay, (Alfredo) de: Ceos e terras do Brazil peio visconde de Taunay. 2. ed. S. Paulo, N. Falcone & c, 1904. 127 p. 8°. Escragnolle-Taunay, A de: A retirada da laguna. Episodio da guerra do Paraguay . . . Traduzida da 3a edicao Franceza pelo Dr. B. T. Ramiz Galvao. Rio de Janeiro, H. Gamier, n.d. xxvii, 240 p. map. front, (port.) 12°. Fabricatore, Carlo: La rivoluzione del Brasile. II 5 novembre, 1889. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1889. viii, (9), 113 p. 8°. Ferreira, Felix: La provincia di Rio Janeiro. Notizie alPemigrante. Baccolte per deliberazinoe dell' Ecc. Sig. Dr. Antonio da Rocha Fernandes Leao. Rio de Janeiro, Tip. H. Lombaerts e comp., 1888. 80 p. illus. map. 12°. Ferreira da Rosa: O Rio de Janeiro em 1900; vistas e excursdes. 2 a ed., augm. Com prefacio do Ex rao . Snr. conselheiro barao Homem de Mello. Illustrado com photogravuras e xilographias. (Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Aldina, 1900.) xi, 609, iii p. illus. plates, ports. 8°. Fialho, Anfriso: Historia da fundagao da. republica no Brazil. . . . Rio de Janeiro, Laemmert a co., 1891. 188 (1) p. 12°. Fletcher, James C. (joint author): Brazil and the Brazilians. See Kidder, D. P. Fonceca, Ignacio Joaquim da: A batalha de Riachuelo. Rio de Janeiro, Lombaerts & comp., 1883. xvi, 191 p. front, plans. 8°. - Descobrimento do Brazil. (Estudo analytico). Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Leu- zinger, 1895. illus. 38 p. 12°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY A.ND DESCRIPTION. 27 Fonseca, Joao Scveraino da : Voyage autour du Br&il. Edition pour les American- istes. Rio de Janeiro, A. Lavignasse Filho & co., 1899. xi, 326, xxviii. illus. 4°. Freire, Felisbello: Historia da revolta de 6 de setembro de 1893. Vol. I. Rio de Janeiro, Cunha & Irmaos, 1896. xiii, 355 p. 8°. Historia constitucional da republica dos Estados Unidos do Brasil. Segunda edicao. Rio de Janeiro, 1894. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Historia territorial do Brazil. 1° vol., Bahia, Sergipe e Espirito Santo. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. do " Jornal do Commercio," 1906. 532, 7 p. 8°. Freire, Fir mo de Oliveira Felisbello: Historia de Sergipe. 1575-1855. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Perseveranca, 1891. lxxiii, 424 (1) p. 8°. Froger: Relation d'un voyage fait en 1695, 1696 and 1697, aux c6tes d'Afrique, Detroit de Magellan, Brezil, Cayenne and Isles Antilles, par une escadre des vaisseaux du Roy, commanded par. M. de Gennes. Faite par le Sieur Froger, ingenieur volontaire sur le vaisseau Faucon Anglois. Enriche de grand nombre de figures dessine'es sur les lieux. Paris, Impr. de Gilles Paulus du Mesnil, 1698. 219 (1) p. nar. 16°. Funke, Alfred: Aus Peutsch — Brasilien. Bilder aus dem leben der Deutschen im staate Rio Grande do Sul. Leipzig, B. C. Teubner, 1902. viii, 287 p. illus, port. map. 8°. Gaffarel, Paul : Historie du Bresil francais au seizieme siecle. Paris, Maisonneuve et Cie., 1878. 512 p. 8°. Gardner, George: Travels in the interior of Brazil, principally through the northern provinces, and the gold and diamond districts, during the years 1836-1841. London, Reeves bros., 1846. front, xvi, 562 p. map. 8°. Gomes, Jose* Coehlo: Empire of Brazil. Commercial and emigrational guide to Brazil. Compiled and translated from official publications. Washington, J. P. Wright, 1885. 60 p. 8°. Les Guides de "L'Etoile du Sud," L'Empire du Bresil. Province de Minas-Geraes. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. e lith. de Carlos Gaspar da Silva, 1888. vi, 181 (3) p. 12°. Henderson, James: A history of the Brazil; comprising its geography, commerce, colonization, aboriginal inhabitants, etc. . . . London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1821, xxiii, (1) 52 (2) p. front, pi. maps. 4°. Historia do Brazil: (Resumo didactico.) 4a edigao. Consideravelmente correcta e augmentada . . . Rio de Janeiro, Laemmert & cia., 1896. 191 p. illus. 12°. Humphrey, Alice R.: A summer journey to Brazil. New York & London, Bonnell, Silver & Co., 1900. ix, 149 p. front., pi., maps. 12°. Hutchinson, Lincoln: Report on trade conditions in Brazil. Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1906. 116 p. 8°. International Bureau of the American Republics: . . . Brazil (a handbook). (Wash- ington, Government Printing Office), 1891. 2, 336 p. illus. plates, map. 8°. (Its Bulletin No. 7.) United States of Brazil. A geographical sketch, with special reference to eco- nomic conditions and prospects of future development. Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1901. 233 p. 8°. Kerbey, J. Orton: The land of to-morrow. A newspaper exploration up tne Amazon and over the Andes to the California of South America. New York, W. F. Brainard, 1906. ix, 405 p. front, illus. 8°. Kidder, D. P.: Brazil and the Brazilians, portrayed in historical and descriptive sketches. 6th ed. rev. and enl. Boston, Little, Brown & co., 1866. viii, (3) 640 p. front, (port.), illus. plates, map. 8°. N Sketches of residence and travels in Brazil, embracing historical and geograph- ical notices of the empire and its several provinces. Philadelphia, Sorin & Bali, London, Wiley & Putnam, 1845. 2 v. front., illus. pi. port. 8°. Koster, Henry: Travels in Brazil. 2d ed. London, printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1817. plates. 2 v. 8 . Lacerda, Joaquim Maria de: Pequena historia do Brazil por perguntas e respostas . . . Illustrada com muitas gravuras e retratos de homens notaveis para uso da infancia Brazileira. Nova edicao por Luiz Leopoldo Femandes Pinheiro Rio de Janeiro, H. Gamier, 1880. 176 p. 12°. 28 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Lamberg, Moritz: Brasilien: land und leute in ethischer, politischer und volkswirt- schaftlicher beziehung und entwicklung; erlebnisse, studien und erfahrungen wiihrend eines, zwanzig-jahrigen aufenthaltes . . . Leipzig, H. Zieger, 1899. viii, 359 (1) p. plate, map. 4°. Leao de Vasconcellos, Carlos Carneiro: O estado do Acre. Artigos publicados no "Jornal do Commercio" de 2, 4, 6, 9, e 11 de Janeiro de 1906. . . . Rio de Janeiro, Typ. do "Jornal do Commercio," 1906! 36 p. nar. 8°. Levasseur, E.: Le Bresil par E. Levasseur . . . avec la collaboration de Mm. de Rio Branco, Eduardo Prado, d'Ourem, Henri Gorceix, Paul Mury, E. Trouesart et Zamborowski. (Extrait de la Grande encyclopedic). Deuxieme edition . . . Accompagnee d'un appendice par * * * et M. Glasson ... et d'un album de.vues do Bresil execute sous la direction de M. de Rio Branco. Public par *le Syndicat Franco-Bresilien pour 1' Exposition universelle de Paris en 1889. Paris, Lamirault et cie., editeurs, 1889. 98 (2) 3 p. maps, illus. 4°. Lidstone, William (joint author) : Fifteen thousand miles on the Amazon. See Brown C. Barrington. Loreto Counto, D. Domingos de: Desaggravos do Brasil e glorias de Pernambuco. Rio de Janeiro, Officina Typ. da Bibliotheca Nacional, 1904. 566 p. 4°. (Extr. dos vols, xxiv e xxv dos " Annaes da Bibliotheca Nacional.") Lowe, F. (joint author) : Narrative of a journey from Lima to Para. See Smyth, W. Luccock, John: Notes on Rio de Janeiro and the southern parts of Brazil; taken during a residence of ten years in that country from 1808 to 1818. London, S. Leigh, 1820. viii, 1 639 [1] p. maps. 4°. (Macedo, Joaquim Manuel de) : Nocoes do corographia do- Brazil. No. t. p. 409 p. tables. 12°. (Binder's title.) , Mano, Ildefonso Marques: Compendio de geographia para o ensino nos lyceus. Aveiro, Joaquim Fontes Pereira de Mello, 1893. 560 p. 8°. Marajo, Barao de: As regioes Amazonicas. Estudos chorographicos dos Estados do Gram Pard, e Amazonas. Lisboa, Imp. Libanio da Silva, 1895. 404 (1) p. maps. 8°. Marc, Alfred: Le Bresil. Excursion a travers ses 20 provinces. Edit6 par M. J. G. d'Argollo-Ferreo. Paris, Imp. Charaire et Fils, 1889-1890. 2 v. 12°. Marcoy, Paul : A journey across South America from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic ocean. Illustrated with six hundred engravings on wood . . . and twelve maps, printed in colours. London, Blackie & son, 1873. 4 v. 1°. (Description of a trip through Peru and Brazil.) Markham, Clements R.: Expeditions into the valley, 1539, 1540, 1639. Tr. & ed., with notes. London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1859. lxiv, 190 p. map. 8°. (Works issued by the Hakluyt society, No. 24.) Mathews, Edward D.: Up the Amazon and Madeira rivers, through Bolivia and Peru. London, Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1879. xv, 402 p. illus. fold. map. 8°. Maw, Henry Lester: Journal of a passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the Norhtern provinces of Peru, and descending the river Maranon or Amazon. London, J. Murray, 1829. xv, 486 p. 8°. map. Mawe, John : Travels in the interior of Brazil, particularly in the gold and diamond districts of that country, by authority of the Prince Regent of Portugal, in- cluding a voyage to the Rio de la Plata and an historical sketch on the revolu- tion of Buenos Aires. Illustrated with engravings. London, printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1812. vii, 366 (1) p. 4°. Meirelles da Silva, Theotonio: Apontamentos para a historia da marinha da guerra Brazileira. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Perseveranca, 1881-1883. 3 v. in 1. 8°. Mello* Custodio Jose 1 : Apontamentos para a historia da revolucao de 23 de novembro de 1891. Rio de Janeiro, Cunha & Irmao, 1895. 90 p. 8°. Mello Moraes, A. J. de: Chronica geral do Brazil. Systematisada e com uma intro- duced por Mello Moraes filho. Tomos 1-2. 1500-1800. Rio de Janeiro, B. L. Gamier, 1886. 2 v. 8°. Historia do Brasil-reino e Brasil-imperio . . . Tomos 1 & 2. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Pinheiro & c., 1871-1873. 2 v. in 1. front, (port.) map. 4°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 29 (Mello, Jose de): Vinte e urn mezes ao redor do planeta. Descripcao do viagem de circumnavegacao do cruzador "Almirante Barroso." Rio de Janeiro, Cunha & Irmao, 1896. (1) 412, 2 p. " tables. 8°. Moreira de Azevedo: Curiosidades. Noticias e variedades historicas Brazileiras. Rio de Janeiro, B. L. Gamier, n.d. 214 p. 12°. Moreira Pinto, Alfredo: Chorographia do Brasil. (Para uso dos gymnasios e escolas normaes.) 6 a edicao. Illustrada com 23 cartas. Curso superior. Rio de Janeiro, Livraria de Francisco Alves, 1900. 272 p. 4°. (Description; map and constitution of each state.) Geographia das provincias do Brazil 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Monte- negro, 1889. front, lx, lvi, 288 p. 12°. Morel, Charles & Henrique: £tat de Sao Paulo. 2 me Edition. Rio de Janeiro, 1906. xv, 160 p. illus. maps. 16°. (At head of title, "Guides de "l'Etoile du Sud.") La capitale des E ? U. du Bresil et ses environs contenant un plan en couleur, tir6 e part, avec indicateur des rues, places, quais, etc., et 32 gravures hors text. Rio de Janeiro, Imprimerie " L'ttoile du Sud," 1905. 159, 70, x, (32) p. 16°. (At head of title, "Guides de" l'Etoile du Sud.*') Mosse\ B.: Dom Pedro II, empereur du Bresil. Paris, Firmin-Didot et cie., 1889. iv, 451 p. illus. 12°. * Mulhall, Michael George: Rio grande do Sul and its German colonies. London, Longmans, Green & co., 1873. vi p., 202 p. front. 12°. Nabuco, Joaquim: Scientific possibilities of Brazil. Remarks made at the third annual dinner of the Washington University Club, on February 16, 1907. No imprint. Cover-title. 6 p. 8°. Neiva, Vicente: Attentado de cinco de novembro. Relatorio. Rio de Janeiro, Impr. Nacional, 1898. 96 p. 8°. Niemeyer, Conrado Jacob de: Impugnacao a obra do . . . Joao Pereira da Silva. Segundo periodo do reinado de D. Pedro I no Brazil. Narrativa historica. 1871. Na parte relativa ao commandante das armas e presidente da com- missao militar da provincia do Ceara de 1824-1828. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. da Luz, 1872. 208 p. 8°. Oliveira Lima, M. : O descobrimento do Brasil. Suas primeiras exploracoes e negociacoes diplomaticas a que deu origem. Memoria. No imprint, n.d. xxxvii, p. 4°. Oliveira Martins, J. P.: Historia de Portugal. Quinta edicao. Tomos 1-2. Lisboa, Antonio Maria Pereira, 1894. 2 v. 8°. Oliveira, Lima: Historia diplomatica do Brazil e reconhecimento do Imperio. Rio de Janeiro, H. Gamier, 1901. viii, 376 p. front, (port.) 8°. Pernambuco, seu desenvolvimento historico. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1895. illus. 327 p. 8°. Oliveria Martins, J. P.: O Brazil e as colonias Portuguezas. Terceira edicao, aug- mentada. Lisboa, Livraria Bertrand, 1887. viii, 294 (1) p. nar. 12°. Ottoni, C. B.: O advento da republica no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Perseve- ranca, 1890. 136 (1) p. 8°. Ouro Preto, Visconde de: Advento da dictadura militar no Brazil pelo Visconde de Ouro Preto. Paris, Imprimerie F. Pichon, 1891. 232 (2) p. 8°. Paginas d' historia constitucional do Brasil. 1840-1848. Rio de Janeiro, B. L. Gamier, 1870. 527, v p. 8°. Para ; The state of Para : Notes for the exposition of Chicago, as authorized by the governor of Para, Brazil, Dr. Lauro Sodre. New York (printed by G. P. Put- nam's sons), 1893. v., 150 p. tables, plates, map. 8°. Pereira da Costa, Francisco Augusto: A ilha de Fernando de Noronha. Noticia historica, geographica e economica. Pernambuco, Typ. de M. F. de Faria & filhos, 1887. 117 (2) p. 12°. Pereira da Silva, J. M.: Historia da fundacao do Imperio Brazileiro. Segunda edicao, revista, correcta e accrescentada. Tomos 1-3. Rio de Janeiro, B. J. Gamier, 1877. 3v. 8°. 30 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Historia do Brazil durante a menoridade de D. Pedro II. (1831-1840.) 2 ed. consideravelmente correcta e augmentada. Rio de Janeiro, B. J. Gamier (1888). 358 p. 8°. Memorias do meu. tempo. Rio de Janeiro, H. Gamier (1S95-1896). 2 v. 8°. Segunda periodo do reinado de Dom Pedro I no Brazil. Narrativa historica. Rio de Janeiro, B. J. Gamier, 1871. viii, 465, 7 p. 8°. [Pereira Pinto,. Antonio]: Fallas do throno desde o anno de 1823 ate" o anno de 1872 acompanhadas dos respectivos votos de gracas da Camara temporaria e de differentes informa^oes e esclarecimentos colligidos na secretaria da Camara dos Srs. Deputados. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Naeional, 1872. 647, 98, 8, vi (1) p. 8°. Pessoa, Paula: Guia da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, E. Bevilacquia & c., (1905). t (1) 196 (1) p. illus. map. nar. 8°. Pinhciro, Chagas, M.: Historia de Portugal. Vols. 1-12. Lisboa, Escriptorio da Empreza, n.d. 12 v. 16°. Plane, Auguste: A travers l'Amerique equatoriale; rAmazoriie. Paris, Plon- Nourrit et cie., 1903. xiii, 284 p. plates, maps, diagrs. 12°. Poirier, Eduardo: Salve, oh Brazil! Discuros pronunciados en la solemne sesion inaugural del Tercer Congreso Cientifico Latin-Americano de Rio de Janeiro el dia 6 de agosto de 1905; y en el gran banquete de clasura de de dicho Congreso el'dia 16 de agosto de 1905. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. do " Jornal do Commercio," 1905. 18 p. nar. 8°. Porto Seguro, Viconde de: Historia geral do Brazil antes da sua separacao e inde- pendencia de Portugal. 2 edicao. Rio de Janeiro, E. & H, Laemmert, n.d. 2 v. (Continuous paging.) maps, illus. 8°. Ramalho & Murta, M. J. (eds) : Indicador geral do Estado Alagoas. Ornado com as armas do Estado e cerca de cem gravuras, vistas de varios pontos e retratos de eminentes patricios . . . Macei6, Typ. Commercial, 1902. 351 p. 4°. Rancourt, Etienne de: Fazendas et estancias; notes de voyage sur le BrSsil et la Republique Argentine . . . Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie., 1901. 286 p. port. map. 12°. (Brazil on pp. 30-231.) Rebello da Silva, Luiz Augusto: Historia de Portugal nos seculos xvii e aviii. Tomos 1-5. Lisboa, Imp. Naeional, 1860-1871. 5 v. 8°. Rocha Pitta, Sebastiao da : Historia da America portugueza desde o anno de mil e quinhentos do seu descobrimento ate o de mil e sete-centos e vinte e quatro . . . 2 ed. rev. e annotada por J. C. Goes . . . Lisboa, F. A. de Silva, 1880. xxviii, 404 p. oort. plate, map. 8°. Saint-Hilaire, Augustin (Francois Cesar Prouvencal de) : Voyage dans le district des diamans et sur le litioral du Bresil . . . Tome 1 (in 2 parts). Paris, Libraire Gide, 1833. 3v. 8°. Voyage dans l'interieur du BrSsil. Bruxelles, Delevingne et Callewaert, 1850. 2v. 8°. Voyage dans les provinces de Rio de Janeiro et de Minas Geraes, Tome 2. Paris, Grimbert et Dorez, 1830. vi, 478 (1) p. 8°. Voyage dans les provinces de Saint Paul et de Sainte Catherine . . . Tome 2. Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1851. vi, 423 (1) p. 8°. Saint Martin: Au Bresil. De Rio de Janeuro a Paranagud. Paris, Imprimerie Ernest Flammarion, n.d. 248 p. front, (port). 12°. Santa Anna Nery (Frederico Jose" de) : The land of the Amazons, translated from the French. By George Humphery. London, Sands and co., 1901. xliii, 405 p. front, illus. plates, map. 8°. Le Bresil en 1889 avec une carte de 1' empire en chromolithographie, des tableaux statistiques, des graphiques et des cartes. Ouvrage publie par les soins du syndicat du Comite franco -bresi lien pour l'Exposition universelle de Paris avec la collaboration de nombreaux ecrivains du Bresil sous la direction de M. F. J. de Santa Anna Nery. Paris, Librairie C. Delagrave, 1889. (2), xix, 699 p. fold. map. diagr. 8°. ■ Le pays des Amazones. I'El Dorado les terres a caoutchouc. Paris, Guil- laumin et cie., 1899. xxxvi, 420 p. illus. map. 4°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 31 Santa Rosa, Henrique: Album do Para" em 1899 na administracao do governo ed sua ex cia o Senr. dr. Jos6 Paes de Carvalho. Parte descriptiva do dr. Henrique Santa Eosa, photographias e composicao de F. A. Fidanza. (Berlin, Druck von A. Damcke, 1900?) Cover-title. 159 (1) p. illus., port, map. tables. 4°. Sao Paulo: Department of agriculture, commerce and public works: The state of Sao Paulo. Statistics and general information. 1903. Sao Paulo, Carlos Gerke, 1904. 107 p. illus. maps. 12°. Discours envoye au Congres legislatif de Saint Paul le 7 avril 1897, par. mr. le docteur Campos Salles, Presidente de l'Etat. Sao Paulo, Typo, do "Diario Official," 1897. 30 p. 8°. A provincia de Sao Paulo no Brazil. Sao Paulo, 1886. 64 p. map. 12°. (Immigration pamphlet.) Schanz, Moritz: Das heutige Brasilien. Land, leute und wirthschaftliche verhalt- nisse. Hamburg, W. Mauke sohne, 1893. vii, 364 p. 8°. Schiller, Henrich: Brasilien von heute. Ein riickblick auf die regierungszeit des pr'asidenten Dr. Campos Salles. Berlin, D. Dreyer & ca, (1903). 215 (1) p. front, (port). 8°. Scully, William: Brazil; its provinces and chief cities; the manners and customs of the people; agricultural, commercial and other statistics, taken from the latest official documents; with a variety of useful and entertaining knowledge, both for the merchant and the emigrant. London, Murray & co., 1S66. xv, v 398, (1) p. map. 8°. Senna, Nelson de: Bacia do Rio Doce, Minas Geraes. Descripcao dos municipios do Pecanha e Caratinga. Bello Horizonte, Imprensa Official do Estado de Minas Geraes, 1905. 14 p. 8°. (Ex. da "Revista Agricola," v. 2, fasc. 7, de 30 de junho de 1905.) Senna, Oelson Coelho de: O Estado de Minas Geraes na Exposicao Universal de S Luiz . . . pavilhao do Brazil. Notas estatisticas organisadas pelo Dr. Nelson Coelho de Senna. Bello Horizonte, Imprensa Official do Estado de Minas Geraes, 1904. 59 p. 8°. Smith, Herbert H(untington): Brazil, the Amazons and the coast. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1879. xv, 644 p. illus. fold. map. 8°. Smyth, W: Narrative of a journey from Lima to Para, across the Andes and down the Amazon undertaken with a view of ascertaining the practicability of a navigable communication with the Atlantic, by the rivers Pachitea, Ucayali, and Amazon. London, John Murray, 1836. 305 p. illus. maps. 8°. A historia da Terra: (2 a conferencia, maio de 1904.) Sao. Paulo, Typ. Brazil de Carlos Gerke, 1904. 24 p. 8°. (At head of title; "Sociedade scientifica de Sao Paulo.") Southey, Roberto: Historia do Brazil traduzida de Inglez . . . pelo Luis Joaquim de Oliveira de Castro e annotada pelo Dr. J. C. Fernandez Pinheiro. Rio de Janeiro, [B. L. Gamier], 1862. 6 v. 8°. History of BraziL London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme& Brown, 1817-22. 3 v. map. 4°. Souza Brazil, Thomas Pomp£o de: Diccionario topographico e estatistico da pro- vincia do Ceara\ Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo & Henrique Laernmert, 1861. 90 (2,). p. 8°. Souza, C. Francisco Bernardino de: Lembrancas e curiosidades do valledo Amazonas. Para, Typ. do Futuro, 1873. 328 p. 12°. Studart, Guilherme: Datas e factos para a historia do Ceara. Fortaleza, Typ. Studart, 1896 and 1899. 3 v. 8°. Todd, C. C: Report on voyage of the U. S. S. Wilmington up the Amazon river, preceded by a short account of a voyage up the Orinoco river. 1899. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1899. 23 p. 8°. Teixeira, J. Candido: A republiea Brazileira. A ultima propaganda. Aponta- mentos para a historia. Datas gloriosas. Factos memoraveis. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1890. xxiii, 317 p. 8°. Trinidad Island: Historical and descriptive sketch. 7 p. Typewritten, UsigHo, Carlo: Nell 'isola del fiorl (Asilo per gPimmigranti di Rio de Janeiro.) Impressioni. Rio de Janeiro, Lombaerts & comp., 1886. 31 p. 12°. 32 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Veiga Filho, Joao Pedro da: Estudo economico e financeiro sobre o Estado de S. Paulo. S. Paulo, Typ. do" Diario Official," 1896. 137 p. 8°. Velloso: Liccoes civicas. Minas Geraes. n. t. p. ix, 294 p. 12°. (Binders title.) Varela, Alfredo: Riogrande do Sul. Descripcao physica, historica e economica. Vol. 1. Pelotas & Porto Alegre, Echenique & Irmao, 1897. (4) 507 (4) p. 8°. Varzea, Virgilio:Santa Catharina. Parte primeira. A ilha. Quarto centenario do Brazil. Publicada pelo Centro Catharinense e auxiliada em parte pelo Governo do Estado. t Rio de Janeiro, Companhia Typ. do Brazil, 1900. 336 p. 8°. Vaz de Caminha, Pero: Carta de Pero Vaz de Cammlm ... em 1 de maio de 1500 dando conta do descobrimento do Brazil. Prefaciada e com um appendice por Francisco Augusto Pereira da Costa . . . Pernambuco, Typ. do "Jomal do Recife," 1900. iv, 99 p. 8°. Viagem Pittoresca a Petropolis para servir de roteiro aos viajantes e recordacao deste ameno torrao Brasileiro por * * * ... Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo & Henrique Laemmert, 1862. vii, 144 p. illus. 16°. Vicente do Salvador: Historia do Brazil. Pub. da Bibliotheca Nacional. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. de G. Leuzinger & filhos, 1889. xxxi, 261 7, p. 8°. Vicente Vianna, Francisco : Memoir qf the state of Bahia, written by order of the . . . Governor of the state of Bahia, Dr. Joaquim Manuel Rodrigues Lima by the director of the public archives. Translated into English by Dr. Guilherme Pereira Rebello. Bahia, Printing and book-binding office of the "Diario da Bahia," 1893. 682, xxvii p. tables. 8°. Vieira, Manuel Rodriguez (joint author): Compendio de geographia. See Mano, Ildefonso Marques. Villalba, Epaminondas: . . . A re vol ucao federalists no Rio Grande do Sul. (Docu- mentos e commentarios.) Rio de Janeiro, Laemmert & co., 1897. cxxxi, 283 p. map. 8°. Villa Lobos, R.: Chorographia do Brazil. Resumo didactico Terceira edicao . . . Rio de Janeiro, Laemmert & co., 1896. viii, (8), 249 p. 12°. Historia do Brasil. (Resumo didactico.) 4 a edicao, consideravelmente cor- recta e augmentada . . . Rio de Janeiro, Laemmert e cia., 1896. 191 p. illus. 12°. Walsh, Robert: Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829. London, Frederick Westley and A. H. Davis, 1830. 2 v. maps, 8°. Warden (David Baillie) : Description, geographique et historique du Br6sil. (Ex- trait des "Annales d' Agriculture.") [Paris, Impr. de Madame Huzard (nee Vallat la Chapelle) 182-?] 8 p. 8°. Caption title. Wells, James W,: Exploring and travelling three thousand miles through Brazil from Rio de Janeiro to Maranhao. With an appendix containing statistics and observations on climate, railways, central sugar factories, mining, commerce and finance . . . -London, S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1886. 2 v. front., illus. 2 fold. maps. 8°. Wickham, Henry Alexander: Rough notes of a journey through the wilderness from Trinidad to Para, Brazil, by way of the great cataracts »of the Orinoco, Atabapo and Rio Negro. With-illustrations by the author. London, W. H. J. Carter, (1871.) illus. 301 p. 8°. * Wright, Marie Robinson: The new Brazil; its resources and attractions, historical, descriptive and industrial. Philadelphia, George Barrie & son, 1901. 450 p. illus. 4°. Xavier de Novaes, Faustino:. Cartas de um Roceiro. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Perse- veranca, 1867. 404 p. 12°. Yves d'Evreux: Voyage dans le nord du Brasil fait durant les annees 1613 et 1614. Public d'apres l^exemplaire unique conserve^ a la Bibliotheque imp^riale de Paris. Avec une introduction et des notes—par M. Ferdinand Denis . . . Leipzig & Paris, A. Franck, 1864. xlvi, 456 (iii) -x-p. 8°. CHILE. Aliaga Olivares, Ram<5n: Estudio sobre la revolution de 1891. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Cervantes, 1891. 84 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 33 Ann que, R. Nicolas: Biblioteca jeogr&fico-hidrografica de Chile. Segunda serie. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1898. 292 p. 12°. (Continuation of " Cinco relaciones jeograficas 6 hidrogrfcficas.) Cinco relaciones jeogrdficas e" hidrograficas que interesan a Chile. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1897. Various paging. 12°. Asta-Buruaga y Cienfuegos F. S.: Diccionario, geogr&fico de la republica de Chile. 2d. edici6n. cor. y aumentada. [Leipzig, Imp. de F. A. Brockhaus], 1899. 903 p. front, (port.) 4°. Ballesteros, Jose* Rodriguez: Revista de la guerra de la independencia de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Cervantes, 1901. 349 p. 8°. (Tomo 6, "Coleccidn de historiadores de Chile.") Bafiados Espinosa, Julio: La revoluci6n y la administraci6n Balmaceda. Discurso pronunciado en la cdmara de diputados el 28 de abril de 1891. Panama, Im- prenta de Aquilino Aguirre, 1891. 45 p. 8°. Barros Arana, Diego: Historia jeneral de Chile. Santiago 1884-1897. 14 v. 8°. Beze, F. de: La provincia de Curic6 . . . Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Moderna, 1899. 107 p. 4°. Billinghurst, Guillermo E.: Estudio sobre la geograffa de Tarapacd,. Trabajo escrito para el ateneo de Iquique. Santiago, Imprenta de "El Progreso," 1886. 113 p. tables. 8°. Boyd, R. Nelson : Chili, sketches of Chile and the Chilians during the war 1879-1880 . . . London, W. H. Allen & co., 1881. vii, 235 p. front, pi., map. 12°. Briesno, Ramon: Factos de la America en jeneral y de Chile en particular. San- tiago de Chile, Imprenta Cervantes, 1900. 410 p. 4°. Byam, George: Wanderings in some of the western republics of America with remarks upon the cutting of a great ship canal through Central America. Lon- don, John W. Parker, 1850. illus. 264 p. 8°. (Chile on pp. 1-173.) Caldcleugh, Alexander: Travels in South America during the years 1819, 20, 21, containing an account of the present state of Brazil, Buenos Aires and Chile. London, John Murray, 1825. 2 v. front. 2 maps, plates. 8°. Castle, W. M. F.: Sketch of the city of Iquique, Chili, South America: its past and present during the fifty years, describing the nitrate of soda works, the nitrate railway, and silver mines of Huantajaya. Plymouth, White Stevens, 1887. 54 p. 11., front, map. plans. 8°. , Child, Theodore: Uban and commercial Chili. Caption title. 901-923 p. 8°. illus. (Extract from "Harpers New Monthly Magazine," vol. 81.) Chile, Gobernador de Magallanes: Memoria que presenta el gobiernador de Magal- lanes al ministerio de colonizacion. (31 de marco de 1900.) Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Nacional, 1900. 112 p. 4°. Chile : A short description of the republic of Chile. According to official data . . . Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1901. 2 p. 1. 103 (3) p. illus. maps. 8°. Same. Spanish translation. Same. German translation. Chile at the Pan-American exposition: Brief notes on Chile and general catalogue of Chile exhibits. Buffalo, New York, 1901. 252 p. plates, ports, plans. 8°. Brief notes on Chile. Buffalo, New York, 1901. 48 p. 8°. Collection de historiadores de Chile y documentos relativos & la historia nacional. Santiago (de Chile), Impr. del Ferrocarril (etc.), 1898-1907. 14 v. port. 8°. Tomos 17-29 & 34. de historiadores i de documentos relativos i. la independencia de Chile. Tomos 2. 4, 6 & 8 to 12. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Cervantes, 1900-1904. 8 v. 8°. Tomo 2. Memoria sobre los principales sucesos de la revolucidn de Chile desde 1810 hasta 1814. Informe del Brigadier Don Juan Mackenna sobre la conducta militar de las carreras, etc. 369 p. Tomo 4 Relacion de la conducta observada por los padres misioneros del colejo de pro- paganda fide, de la ciudad Chilian desde el ano 1808-1814. Conducta militar politica . . . 350 p. Tomo 8. Revista de la guerra de la independencia de Chile por Jose" Rodriguez Ballesteros 349 p. km* Tomos 8, 9 and 10 [Various documents]. 34 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Tomo 11. Revista de la guerra de la independencia de Chile. Por Jos6 Rodriguez Balle- steros. Tomo 12. Carta a los editores de " El Mercurio " de Valparaiso sobre su num. 1332 i otros particulares, por Carlos Rodriguez. Acusaci6n pronunciada ante el tribunal de jurados de Lima por el Doctor Don Juan Ascencio contra el "Alcance al Mercurio Peruano" publicado por Don Carlos Rodri- guez i denunciado por el Gran Mariscal del Peru Don Bernardo O'Higgins. Conway, Sir [William] Martin: Aconcagua and Tierra del Fuego; a book of climb- ing, travel and exploration. London, New York, etc., Cassell & co., 1902. xii, 252 p. front. 18 pi., fold. map. 8°. Cordemoy, C[amille] de: Au Chile. Ouvrage illustre" de 109 gravures d'apr^s des photographies. Paris, Hachette et cie., 1899. 266 (1) p. illus. plates, ports. 4°. Crommelin, Mary: Over the Andes from the Argentine to Chile and Peru. New York, Macmillan co., 1896. viii, 387 p. front., pis., illus. 8°. (Chile on pp. 165-281.) Cunningham, Robert Oliver: Notes on the natural history of the Strait of Magellan, and west coast of Patagonia made during the voyage of H. M. S. "Nassau" in the years 1866, 67, 68, and 69 . . . Edinburgh, Edmondston & Douglas, 1871. xvi, p., 1 1., 517 p. pi., fold. map. 8°. Curtis, William Eleroy: The South American Yankee. Harper's Monthly Maga- zine, vol. 75, pp. 556-568. illus. Darapsky, L.: Das Departement Taltal (Chile). Seine bodenbildung und-schaetze. Mit 16 tafeln, 55 abbildungen im text und 14 kartenbeilagen. Berlin, Deitrich Reimer, 1900. 229 p. 4°. (Case of maps.) [Davie, John Constanse]: Letters from Buenos Ayres and Chile with an original history of the latter country ... By the author of Letters from Paraguay. London, R. Ackermann, 1819. xi, 323, (1) p. front., col. plates. 8°. Davila-Larrain, B.: Chili. Publication officielle. Zurich, Art Institut Orell Fiissli, [1901]. Cover-title. 75 p. illus. map. 12°. Document os para la historia de la nautica en Chile: Viaje de Bartolome Garlardo. Viaje de Antonio de Vea. Viaje del Padre Jose" Garcfa. Viaje de Cosme Ugarte. Viaje de Francisco Machado. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Nacional, 1886 and 1889. 2 v. in 1. 8°. para la historia de la nautica de Chile: Viaje de Enrique Brouwer. Viaje de Domingo de Boenechea. Viaje de Jose* Andia i Varela. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Nacional, 1892. Various paging. 8°. Eastman, Victor: Chile: a lecture delivered at the South Place Institute, London, on March 29, 1903, by Victor Eastman, First Secretary of the Chilian legation in London. London, Butler and Tanner, (1903). Cover-title. 32 p. 8°. Elliot, Q. F. Scott: Chile, its history and development, natural features, products, commerce and present conditions. With an introduction by Martin Hume. New York, Charles Scribner's sons, 1907. xxviii, 357 p. front, (port.), illus. map. 8°. Espinoza, Enrique: Jeograffa descriptiva de la republica de Chile, arreglada segiin las ultimas divisiones administrativas, las mas recientes esploraciones i en Con- formidad al censo jeneral de la republica levantado el 28 de noviembre de 1895. 5 ed., considerablemente correjida i aumentada. Santiago de Chile, Impr. lithografra i encuadernaci6n Barcelona, 1903. 562 p. maps, plans. 8°. Fagalde, Alberto: Magallanes, el pafs del porvenir. Valparaiso, Talleres tip. de la armada, 1901. Tomo 1. vi, 428 (2) p. 8°. El puerto de Valparaiso i sus obras de mejorar" nto [Delft, Holanda, Tipo- graffa Van Marken]. -158 p. illus. maps. 4°. Ferndndez del Pulgar, Pedro: Historia general de las.Indias Occidentales, d£cada nona. Continria la de Antonio de Herrera desde el afio 1555 hasta el de 1565 el doctor Pedro Fernandez del Pulgar ... Es compendio hist6rico y'geo- grdfico de todas las historias de las Indias Occidentales desde su primer descu- brimiento . . . In Colecci6n de historiadores de Chile. Santiago de Chile, 1902. Tomo 29, pp. 45-283. 4°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 35 Frontaura y Arana, Jose" Manuel: Apuntes para la historia de los antiguos colegios de Chile. Historia del convictorio Caroline Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Nacional, 1889. 82 p. 8°. Gana, Ignacio L.: Estudios jenerales sobre la guerra de Costas. Valparaiso, Im- prenta del Mercurio, 1868. 144 p. 8°. Gonzalez de Agueros, Pedro: Descripcion historial de la provincia y archipielago de Chiloe, en el reyno de Chile, y obispado de la Coneepci6n dedicada a nuestro cat61ico monarco Don Carlo IV . . . Madrid, Impr. de B. Cano, 1791. 4 p. 1., 318 p. pi. map. 8°. Gormora, Francisco Lopez de: Hispania victrix, primera y segunda parte de la Historia general de las Indias. In "Colecci6n de historiadores de Chile." Santiago de Chile, 1901, Tomo 27. 4°. Gormaz de Vidaurre, Felipe : Historia geografica natural y civil del reino de Chile. Publicado con una introducci6n biografica y notas por J. T. Medina. Tomos 1 y 2. Santiago, Imp. Ercilla, 1889. 2 v. 4°. Grossi, Vincenzo: Geografia commerciale dell America del Sud. I. Chile. Genova, Stabilimento artisti tip., 1890. 62 (1) p. 8°. Guerrero Vergara, Ramon: Los descubridores del estreche de Magallanes i sus primeros esploradores. Exdmen de las relaciones autenticas de sus viajes, concordadas con los conocimientos modernos. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Nacional, 1880. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Guevara, Ttfmas: Historia de la civilization de Araucania. In Anales de la Univer- sidad de Chile. Tomo 101, p. 615, 1898, to Tomo 113, p. 561, 1903. Gumucio, Rafael B.: La Puna de Atacama; articulos pub. en "El Porvenir" de Santiago de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Establecimiento poligrafico Roma, 1898. 130 p. map. 8°. Gutierrez de Santa Clara, Pedro: Los cinco libros Uamados Quinquenarios. In "Coleecion de historiadores de Chile" . . . Santiago de Chile, 1901. t. 27. pp. (557)-587. 4°. Hall, Basilio: Estracto de un diario de viaje a Chile, Peru i Mexico en los anos de 1820, 1821, 1822, Traducido del ingles por Federico Gana G. Tomo 1. San- tiago de Chile, Imp. y enc, Universitaria, 1906. 293 p. 12°. Hancock, Anson Uriel: A history of Chile. Chicago, C. H. Sergei & co., 1893. xx, 471 p. plates, ports, maps. 8°. Head, F. B.: Rough notes taken during some rapid journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. London, J. Murray, 1826. xii, 309 p. 8°. (Description of a journey through Argentine to Chile undertaken by a mining engineer.) Herrera [y Tordesillas], Antonio de: Descripcion de las islas y tierra firme del mar oceano que Uaman Indias Occidentales, ... In "Coleecion de historiadores de Chile" . . . Santiago de Chile, 1901. t. 27. pp. (329)-556. 4°. Hervey, Maurice H.: Dark days in Chile; an account of the revolution of 1891. London, E. Arnold, 1891-1892. x, 336 p. front., plate, port. 8°. Lopez de Velasco, Juan: Geografia y descripcion universal de las Indias, recopilada por el cosm6graf-ocronista . . . desde el anode 1571 aide 1574; publfcada por primera vez en el Boletln de la Sociedad geografica de Madrid. Tabla de las provincias de Chile. In "Coleecion de historiadores de Chile" . . . Santiago de Chile, 1901. t. 27, pp. 295-328. 4°. Maldonado, C. R. : Estudios geograficos e hidrograficos sobre dittoe" . . . Publicado por la Oficina hidrografica de Chile por orden del Ministerio de marina. San- tiago de Chile, Establecimiento Poligrdfico "Roma," 1897. exxxviii p., 397 p. plates, map. 8°. Mansoulet, J. Julio: Guia-cronica de la frontera Araucana de Chile. Anos 1892-93. Apuntes historicos, geograficos, topogr&ficos, descriptivos, y estadfsticos de sus poblaciones, de su comercio, industrias y agricultura. Obra indispensable para los comarciantes, agricultores 6 industrials, como asimismo para los viajeros y turistas. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Barcelona, 1893. viii, 136 p. 8°. Markham, Clements R.: The war between Peru and Chile. 1879-1882. London, Sampson Low; Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1882. x, 306 p. map. 8°. 36 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Matte, Augusto: Memoria presentada a la excma. junta de gobierno por agentes confidenciales del gobierno de Iquique en Europa durante la revolucion. Paris, Paul Dupont, 1892. x, 192 p. 8°. M. B. V.: Chile. Philadelphia, Times printing house, n.d. Half-title. 48 p. 8°. Medina, Jose" T. (comp.): Colecci6n de documentos in&litos para la historia de Chile desde el viaje de Magallanes hasta la batalla de Maipo. 1518-1818. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1901-1902. Tomos 25 a 30. 6 v. 4°. Historia de la literatura colonial de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta de la librerfa del Mercurio, 1878. 3 v. 8°. . . . Relaciones de Chile, sacadas de los antiguos cronistas de Indias y otros autores. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Elzeviriana, 1901-1902. 2 v. 8°. In "Colecci6n de historiadores de Chile" t. 27 and 29. Menendez, Francisco: Libro de los diarios de fray Francisco Menendez . . . (Val- paraiso, C. F. Niemeyer, 1896-1900.) 2 v. in 1. fold. pi. 2 fold. maps. 8°. Viajes del Padre Francisco Menendez al lago Nahuelguapi en 1791-1794. 71 (1) 7 p. 8°. Miers, John: Travels in Chile and La Plata, including accounts respecting the geography, geology, statistics, government, finances, agriculture, manners and customs, and the mining operations in Chile. Collected during a residence of several years in those countries. London, printed for Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, 1826. maps, illus. 2 v. 8°. Molina, J. Ignatius (Abbe*): The geographical, natural, and civil history of Chili translated from the original Italian. In which are added notes from tne Spanish and French versions with two appendixes by the English editor. Ap. 1, An account of the archipelago of Chilo6,from the descripci6n historial of P. F. Pedro Gonzalez de Agueros. Ap. 2, Account of the native tribes who inhabit the southern extremity of South America, extracted chiefly from Falkner's description of Patagonia. London, printed for Long- man, Hurst, Rees & Orme, 1809. map. 2 v. 8° Montt, Pedro: Exposition of the illegal acts of ex-President Balmaceda, which caused the civil war in Chile. Washington, Gibson bros., printers, 1891. 40 p. 8°. Moraleda i Montero, Jose" de : Description de los nuevos descubrimientos i reconoci- mientos hechos posteriormente en este ocganico Pacifico, fundada sobre las noticias adquiridas de los sujetos mas intelijentes que han ejecutado los viajes que se han hecho por Don Jose" de Moraleda i Montero. 1773-1777. viii, 46 p. In Clnco relaciones jeograficas 6 hidrograficas que interesan a Chile. Publicados por Nicolas Anrique R Esploraciones jeograficas y hidrograficas. Precedidas de una introduction por Don Diego Barros Arana. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Nacional, 1888. xxiv, (1) 533 p. map. 8°. Oli vares, Miguel de : Historia militar, civil y sagrada de lo acaecido en la conquista y Eacificaci6n del reino de Chile desde la primera entrada de los Espafioles, hasta i mitad del siglo decimo Octavo de nuestra redencion, escribfala el padre maestro Miguel de Olivares de la Compafiia de Jesus . . . In Colecci6n de historiadores de Chile. Santiago de Chile, 1901. Tomo 26. pp. 1-101. 8°. O'Ryan Gonzalez, Enrique: Nociones de jeograffa de Chile. Santiago, Guillermo Miranda, 1903. 192 p. 12°. Ovalle, Alonso de: An historical relation of the kingdom of Chile. Printed at Rome by. F. Cavallo, 1649 ... Tr. out of the Spanish into English (by a member of the Royal Society). London, printed for A. and J. Churchill, 1703. 154 p. illus. 4°. Oviedo y Valdes, Gonzalo Fernandez de: Historia general y natural de las Indias, islas y tierra-firme del mar oceano. In Coleccion de historiadores de Chile . . . Santiago de Chile, 1901. Tomo 25, pp. 1-254. 4°. Caption title. Perez Canto, Julio]: Chile at the Pan-American exposition. A few remarks on the republic of Chile; her territory and inhabitants; her peculiar characteristics as a nation; her institutions, industries and commerce . . . Buffalo, N. Y., 1901. 38 p. illus. 8°. (Text in English and Spanish.) LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 37 Perez Garcia, Jos€: Historia natural, militar, civil y sagrada del reino de Chile en su descubrimiento, conquista, goberno, poblacion, predicaci6n, evang^lica, erecci6n de catedrales y pacification . . . Con una noticia biogr&fica del autor, por Jose Tori bio Medina. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1900. 2 v. 4°. (Tomos 22 and 23, "Coleccidn de hiatoriadores de Chile.") Prendez, P. Nolasco: Una escursion de verano de Angol & Villarica y Valdiva en los primeros meses de 1883. Valparaiso, Imprenta de "La Patria," 1884. 98 p. front, (port). 8°. Riquelmc, Daniel: Compendio de historia de Chile. Valparaio, Babra i cia., 1899. 495, xii p. 12°. Rosales, Francisco Xavier: Apuntes sobre Chile dedicados & sus conciudadanos. Paris, Imp. de Benard y comp., 1849. 55 p. 8°. Ross, Augustin (joint author) : Memoria presenta & la excma junta de gobierno. . See Matte, Augusto. Russell, William Howard: A visit to Chile and the nitrate fields of Tarapaca, etc. London, J. S. Virture & co., 1890. xii, 374 p. front., illus., plates, maps. 4°. Santa Cruz, Juan Jose" de: Noticias pertenecientes al reino de Chile. Dadas en el. aflo de 1730. 40 p. 12°. In Cinco relaciones jeograficas 6 hidrograficas que interesan a Chile. Publioarlo8 por Nicolas Anrique R. Serrano, M. Ramon: Derrotero del estrecho de Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego i canales de la Patagonia. Desde el canal de Chacao hasta el cabo de Hornos. Redac- tado conforme & los documentos mas modernos. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Nacional, 1891. xviii, 596 p. plates. 8°. Smith, William Anderson: Temperate Chile; a progressive Spain. London, A. and C. Black, 1889. x, 399 p. front, map. 8°. Sotomayor Valdes, Ramon : Historia de Chile bajo el gobierno del Jeneral D. Joaqufn Prieto. Tomo 2. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Esmeralda, 1900. 554 p. 8°. Strain, Isaac G.: Sketches of a journey in Chile and the Argentine provinces in 1849. New York, Horace H. Moore, 1853. xi, 295 p. 8°. (Chile on pp. 1-174.) Thomson, Juan Jacobo: El Jesuitismo i la revoluci6n en Chile. Santiago, Imprenta de Jacinto Nunez, 1876. 39 p. 8°. Uribe y Orrego, Luis: Los combates na vales en la guerra del Pacffico. 1879-1881 ... Valparaiso, Imprenta de" La Patria," 1886. 200 p. illus. plates. 8°. Valdes Vergara, Francisco: Historia de Chile para la ensenanza primaria. Segunda edition. Valparaiso, Imprenta del Universo de Gmo. Helfmann, 1898. 392 p. 12°. Same. 3d edici6n. Valparaiso, Imp. Sud- Americana, 1901. 348 p. illus. 12°. Vicuna, Santiago Marin: Al traves de la Patagonia. (Pdjinas intimas.) Santiago de Chile, Casilla Num. 1953, 1901. 202 p. map. 8°. Vidal Gomaz, Francisco: Algunos naufrajios ocurridos en las costa Chilenas desde su descubrimiento hasta nuestros dias. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1901. 899 p. 4°. Depressions and elevations of the southern archipelagoes of Chile . . . Cap- tion title. 24 p. map. 8°. (Reprinted from the "Scottish Geographical Magazine," for January, 1902.) Weber S., Alfredo: Chilo6, su estado actual. Su colonizaci6n. Su porvenir. Con un mapa que indica las colonias estranjeras i los terrenos colonizables. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Mejia, 1903. xi, 194 p. map. 8°. Wiener, Charles: Chili and Chiliens . . . 7th ed. Paris, Librairie L. Chef, 1888. 381 p. illus. maps. 4°. Wright, Mrs. Marie (Robinson) : . . . The republic of Chile, the growth, resources. and industrial conditions of a great nation. Philadelphia, G. Barrie & sons. (1904). 459 p. illus. pi. 4°. COLOMBIA. Account of the [British] expedition to Carthagena with explanatory notes and observations. Third edition. London, printed for M. Cooper, 1743. 58 p. 8° 38 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Acosta, Joaquin: Compendio hist6rico del descubrimiento y colonizaci6n de la Nueva Granada en el siglo decimo sexto. Paris, Imprenta de Beau, 1848. xvi, 404 p. 8°. Aguado, Pedro de: Recopilaci6n historial. Escrita en en siglo xvi por el Padre Fray Pedro de Aguado, y publicada ahora por primer vez. Bogota, Imprenta Nacional, 1906. xii, 480 (1) p. 8°. (At head of title, " BibJioteca de historia nacional, volumen 5.") Aguilar, Federico C: Un paseo en verano. A peilalisa, girardot y la pradera. Bogota, Imprenta de Ignacio Borda, 1886. 121, iv, ii p. front. 12°. Arboleda, Sergio: Rudimentos de geografia, cronologia e" historia. Lecciones dis- puestas para la ensefianza elemental de dichos ramos en el seminario Concillar de Popayan. Bogota, Imprenta de "El Tradicionista," 1872. 184 (4) p. 8°. Barrett, John: Colombia: a land of great possibilities. Caption title. 8 p. 8°. [Published by the International Bureau of the American Republics.] Latin America and Colombia. Washington, press of Judd & Detweiler, 1906. 692-907 p. 8°. (Reprinted from the National Geographic Magazine, December, 1906.) La republica de Columbia. San Sebastin, Imprenta y enc. de J. Baroja 6 hijo, 1906. 16 p. 8°. Borda, Ignacio (publisher): Alamanaque para todos y directorio complete) de la ciudad con 12 vistas de Bogota" para 1886. Publicado por D. Ignacio Borda y D. Jose" Marfa Lombana. Bogota, Imprenta de Ignacio Borda. 214 p. 16°. Boussingault, M.: Viajes cientfficos & los Andes Ecuatoriales 6 colecci6n de memoriae sobre fisica, quimica e" historia natural de la Nueva Granada, Ecuador y Vene- zuela, presentadas a" la Academia de ciencias de Francia . . . Paris, Libreria Castellana, 1849. xxi, 322 p. 8°. Briceffo, Manuel: La revolucion. 1876-1877. Recuerdos para la historia. Tomo 1. Bogota, Imprenta Nueva, 1878. x, 322 p. maps. 8°. Brisson, Jorge: Casanare. Edicion oficial. Bogota, Imprenta Nacional, 1896. xii, 318 (3) p. 8°. Exploracion en el Alto Choc6 . . . Edici6n oficial, revisada v corregida por el Coronel F. J. Vergara y Velasco. Bogota, Imprenta Nacional, 1895. x, 315 (1) P. 8°. Centenario de los Comuneros: [Texto extractado del libro de "Los Comuneros" por Manuel Briceno. Bogota, Impreso por Silvestre y Compaftia, 16 de marzo de 1881.] [30] p. illus. 4°. Colombia: Being a geographical, statistical, agricultural, commercial and political account of that country, adapted for the general reader, the merchant, and the colonist. London, published by Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, 1822. illus. 2 v. 8°. Hechos de la revolucion en las misiones de Casanare. Edici6n oficial. Bogota^ Imprenta Nacional, 1900. 82 p. 8°. Description historica, geogrdfica y polftica de la republica de Colombia. Edici6n oficial. Bogotd, Impr. de "La Luz," 1887. 23 p. 12°. Diaz Lemos, Angel M. : Compendio de geograffa de la republica de Colombia. Ter- cera edicion. Medellin, Imprenta del Departamento, 1887. v, 164, iv p. 8°. Geografia elemental de Colombia. (Extracto del " Compendio de geografia de la republica de Colombia.") Segunda edici6n. Medellin, Tip. de San Antonio, 1906. 31 p. 24°. El Diez de Febrero. Bogota, Colombia. New York, F. J. Dassori, (1906). xxxiii 327 p. jrfates. 8°. Documentos para la historia de la provincia de Cartagena de Indias, hoy estado soberano de Bolivar en la Union Colombiana. Bogota, Imprenta de Medardo Rivas, 1883. iv, 687 (1) p. 8°. Esguerra O., Joaquin: Diccionario jeogr&fico de los Estados Unidos de Colombia. Bogota", J. B. Gaitan, 1879. xiv, 284 p. 8°. Fernandez, Lucas: Historia general de las conquistas del nuevo reyno de Granada. No imprint. (16), 599, (7) p. 8°. (Preface written at " Santa Marta 12 de agosto de 1676.") LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 39 Forero, G.: . . . Notas Guajiras. Junio a Octubre de 1906. (Ediciones de "El Promoter.") Barranquilla, Imprenta de "Los Andes," 1907. 65 (6) p. nar. 8°. [Deacr. of trip bet. Bogota and Carazua.] Franco V., Constancio: Apuntamientos para la historia. La guerra de 1876 i 1877. Bogota, Imprenta de " La Epoca," 1877. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Galindo, Anibal: Estudios economicos i fiscales. Bogota, Imprenta a cargo de H. Andrade, 1880. iii, 309 p. 8°. Gonzalez Chavez, Nicolas: Estudio cronologico de la guerra de la independencia de la antigua Colombia. Primera parte, hechos militares. Tomb primero. Paris, Imprenta general de A. Lahure, 1879. xv, 612 p. front, (port.) 8°. Hall, Col. Francis: Colombia: its present state, in respect of climate, soil, produc- tions, population, government, commerce, revenue, manufactures, art, litera- ture, manners, education, and inducements to emigration ... 2d edition. London, Baldwin, Chaddock & Joy, 1827. vi, (2) 179 p. map. 8°. Hamilton, John Potter: Travels through the interior provinces of Colombia. Lon- don, J. Murray, 1827. 2 v. front, plate. 12°. Hechos de la revolution en las misiones de Casanare. Bogota, Imprenta National, 1900. 82 p. 8°. Hettner, Alfred: Reisen in den Columbianischen Anden. Leipzig, Duncker 8°. 44 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Escragnolle-Taunay, A. de: A retirada da laguna. Episodio de guerra do Paraguay . . . Traduzida da 3a edicao Franceza pelo Dr. B. T. Ramiz Galvao. Rio de Janeiro, H. Gamier, n.d. xxvii, 240 p. map. front, (port.) 12°. Fischer Treuenfeld, R. von : La Paraguay. Decrit & illustre\ £tude sur le progres economique du pays. Bruxelles, E. Guyot, 1906. 81 p. illus. maps. 8°. Paraguay in wort und bild. Eine studie iiber den wirtschaftlichen fortschritt des landes . . . Berlin, Mittler und sohn, 1903. map. illus. 81 p. 8°. Same. 1906. viii, 379 p. map. plates. 8°. Fix, Theodoro: Historia da guerra do Paraguay. Traduzida do Francez por A. J. Fernando dos Feis. Rio de Janeiro, B. L. Gamier, [1870]. 255 p. 8°. Funes, Gregorio: Historia civil del Paraguay, Buenos Aires y Tucuman. Buenos Ayres, Imprenta de M. J. Gandarillas y Socios, 1816. 3 v. in 2. 8°. Gen. McMahon's opinions in regard to the Paraguayan war. A few remarks in answer to his assertions. [Washington, 1869?] 12 p. 8°. Caption title. Gran guia estadfstica Sud-Americana: La republica del Paraguay. [Montevideo], 1897. 1 v. 4°. Grubb, W. Barbrooke: Among the Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco. A story of missionary work in South America . . . London, Charles Murray & co., 1904. xiv, 176 p. front., illus. map. 8°. Hutchinson, Lincoln: Report on trade conditions in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, by special agent of the U. S. Department of commerce and labor. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906. 101 p. 8°. International Bureau of the American Republics: . . . Paraguay ((a handbook). (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1895). vi, 146 p. plates, map. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 54. 1892.) . . . Paraguay, 2d ed. rev. and enl. by Jose" Segundo Decoud . . . with a chapter on the native races by Dr. J. Hampden Porter. September, 1902. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1902. 187 p. pi. map. 8°. Jourdan, C C: Guerra do Paraguay. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Laemmert & c, 1890. 252 p. maps, plans. 8°. Lozano, Pedro: Historia de la conquesta del Paraguay, Rio de La Plata y Tucuman. Ilustrada con noticias del autor y con notas y suplementos por Andres Lamas. Buenos Aires, 1873-1875. 5 v. 8°. Mangels, H.: Wirtschaftliche, naturgeschichtliche und und klimatologische abhand- lungen aus Paraguay. Miinchen, Datterer & cie., 1904. viii, 364 p. front., plates. 8°. Master man, George Frederick: Seven eventful years in Paraguay. A narrative of personal experience amongst the Paraguayans. London, Simpson, Low, Son, & Marston, 1869. xv, 356 p. map. 8°. — Same. 2d ed. 1870. 8°. Mendoza, Manuel de : El lector Paraguayo. Asunci6n, H. Kraus, 1896. 173,iip. 8°. Nabuco, Joaquin: La guerra del Paraguay. Version castellana. Paris, Gamier Hermanos, 1901. 397 p. 8°. Page, Thomas J.: La Plata, the Argentine Confederation and Paraguay. Being a narrative of the exploration of the tributaries of the river La Plata and ad- jacent countries during the years 1853, '54, '55, and '56, under the orders of the United States government. New York, Harper & brothers, 1859. xxii, 632 p. front., illus. 8°. Paraguay, Oficina general de informaciones: Guide de l'immigrant au Paraguay. Assomption, Impr.du "Paraguay," 1889. vii, 219 p. 12°. Plate, Enrique: Notes on Paraguay. Buenos Aires, A. Lennox Samson, 1899. 36 p. 8°. Robertson, Jj P. and W. P.: Letters on Paraguay: comprising an account of a four years' residence in that republic, under the government of the Dictator Francia. 2d ed. In three volumes. London, John Murray, 1839. 3 v. front. 8°. Santos, Carlos R.: La republica del Paraguay. Asuncion, H. Kraus, 1897. vii, 146 p. 12°. Same. 2d ed. Asunci6n, Escuela tip. Salesiana, 1898. iv, 120 (1) p. 12° LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 45 Thompson, George: The war in Paraguay. With a historical sketch of the country and its people and notes upon the military engineering of the war. London, Longmans, Green & co., 1869. x, (1), 347 p. front, (port.) maps, plans. 8°. Van Bruyssel, Ernest: La republique du Paraguay. Decouverte et colonisation du pays. Son histoire le territoire Paraguayen. Climat. Resources naturelles. Population: Voies de communication. Agriculture. Industrie pastorale et manufacturiere. Relations commerciales. Situation financi^re. Observa- tions generates. Bruxelles, C. Muquardt, 1893. 219 p. 8°. Washburn, Charles A.: History of Paraguay with notes of personal observations, and reminiscences of diplomacy under difficulties. New York and Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1871. 2 v. front, map. 8°. PERU. Adams, J. I. {joint author) : Informes sobre la Provincia del Callao. See Sutton, C. W. Ahumada Moreno, Pascual: Guerra del Pacffico. Recopilacion completa de todos los documentos oficiales, correspondencias y demas publicaciones referentes a la guerra que ha dado a luz la prensa de Chile, Peru y Bolivia. Conteniendo documentos in&iitos de importancia. Valparaiso, Impr. del Progreso, 1884-92. 8 v. maps. 4°. Anales del Cuzco. 1600-1750. Lima, Impr. de "El Estado," 1901. viii, 483 p. 8°. Aneilo Oliva, P.: Histoire du Perou. Traduite de l'Espagnol sur le manuscript inldit par M. H. Ternaux Compans. Paris, P. Jannet, 1857. 128 p. 16°. Apuntes hist6ricos del Peru y noticias cronol6gicas del cuzco Lima, Imprenta del estado, 1902. 2 p. 1., 101, ii, 260 p. 8°. Bermudez, Jose* Manuel: Anales de la catedral de Lima . . . 1534 a 1824. Lima, Imprenta del estado, 1903. 419 p. 4°. Brand, Charles: Journal of a voyage to Peru: a passage across the Cordillera of the Andes in the winter of 1827, performed on foot in the snow; and a journey across the Pampas. London, Henry Colburn, 1828. illus. 34 p. 8°. Bravo, J. J. ( joint author) : Informes sobre la provincia de Callao. See Sutton, C. W. Brilnes, Gonzalo: Historia de la espedici6n libertadora del Peru. (1817-1822.) Santiago de Chile, Rafael Jover, 1887-88. 2 v. ports. 8°. By am, George: Wanderings in some of the western republics of America with re- marks upon the cutting of a great ship canal through Central America. Lon- don, John W. Parker, 1850. 264 p. illus. 8°. (Peru on pp. 174-198.) Campe, J. H.: Pizarro; or, the conquest of Peru: as related by a father to his children, and designed for the instruction of youth . . . Tr. from the Gennan .. . . by Elizabeth Helme . . . Dublin, printed for P. Wogan, (etc.") by T. Bumside, 1800. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Capelo, J. : Estudios geogrdficos. La via central del Peru. Imprenta Masias, 1895. 2 v. in 1. 12°. Memoria sobre los estudios definitivos del camino del Pichis presentada a* la Direcci6n de obras publicas. Lima, Imprenta del Estado, 1893. 17 p. 8°. Carmand, A. C. de: Pe>ou. Departement d'Ancachs. Productions animales et vegStales. Richesses minerales. Etude faite, d'apres lceuvre de Antonio Raimondi. Lima, Imp. Charles Fabbri, 1903. vi, 383 p. illus. map. 12°. Carranza, Lufs: Coleccion de artfculos publicados por Lufs Carranza. l a serie. Lima, Imprenta del "Comercio," 1887. 105 p. 4°. CONTENTS. I. AclimacWn de la reza blanca en algunos paises de la zona torrida. II. La costa del Peru y las singularidades de su clima. III. "El Peru" por el Senor Raimondi. IV. El Apurimac, en Eni y el Tambo segun las exploraiones del Seflor Samanes. V. En monumento arqueologico en Tarma. VI. Apuntes sobre la raza indigena. Su indole artistica. Same. 2 a serie. Lima, Imprenta "El Comercio," 1,888. 84, ix, 10 p. 4°. CONTENTS. Estudios geograficos y estadisticos de algunos departamentos centrales del Peru 46 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Chile, Oficina hulrogrdfica: Datos sobre los recursos i las vias de comunicaci6n del litoral de las provincias de Chancay i de Lima. Santiago, Imprenta national, 1880. 12 p. 8°. maps. Noticias del departamento litoral de Tarapaca i sus recursos. Santiago, Imp. national, 1879. 23, 32, p. maps. 8°. Noticias de los departamentos de Tacna, Moquegua i Arequipa i algo sobre la hoya del lago Titicaca. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta nacional, 1879. 44 p. map. 8°. Noticias sobre las provincias litorales correspondentes a* los departamentos de Arequipa, lea, Huancavelica i Lima. Santiago, Imprenta nacional, 1880. 40 p. 8°. Noticias sobre las provincias del litoral correspdndiente al departamento de Lima y de la provincia constitucional del Callao. Santiago, Imprenta nacional, 1879. 75 p. map. 8 . Cieza de Leon, Pedro de: The second part of the Chronicals of Peru. Tr. and ed. with notes and introduction by Clements R. Markham. London, printed for the Hakluyt society, 1883. lx, 247 p. 8°. Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, A. D. 1532-50, contained in the first part of his chronicle of Peru. Translated and edited with notes and an introduction by Clements R. Markham. London, Hakluyt society, 1864. lvii, 438 p. map. 8°. Cisneros, Carlos B.: Atlas del Peru, politico, minero/agricola, industrial y comercial (con las ultimas demarcaciones terri tori ales) y texto descriptivo de cada de- partamento. Lima, Libreria 6 imprenta Gil, [1904?]. 57 p. illus. maps. 4°. El Peru y Europa. [Por] Carlos B. Cisneros y Romulo E. Garcia. Lima. 1900: ix, 102 (1) p. 12°. Cole, George R. Fitz-Roy: The Peruvians at home. London, K. Paul, Trench & co., 1884. xix, 277 (1) p. 8°. [Courte de la BlanchardieYe] : A voyage to Peru; performed by the Conde of St. Malo in the years 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748 and 1749. Written by the chaplain. To which is added an appendix containing the present state of the Spanish affairs in America, in respect to mines, trade and discoveries. London, R. Griffiths, 1753. xv, 173 p. 16°. Crommelin, Mary: Over the Andes from the Argentine to Chile and Peru. New York, Macmillan co., 1896. viii, 387 p. front., pis. illus. 8°. (Peru on pp. 282-386.) Dam, Christian: Breve resefia sobre la historia de los Jesuitas desde su fundacion hasta el afio de 1907. Lima, Imp. nacional, 1907. 34 p. 8°. Desjardins, M. Ernest: Le Perou avant la conquete Espagnole, d'apres les princi- paux historiens originaux et quelques documents in€dits sur les antiquites de ce pays. Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1858. 186 p. 8°. Eguiguren, Victor: Las lluvias en Piura. Fundaci6n y traslaciones de la ciudad de San Miguel de Piura. Lima, Imprenta Liberal, 1895. 31 p. 8°. Enock, C. Reginald: The Andes and the Amazon. Life and travel in Peru. With a map, four colored plates, and fifty-eight other illustrations. New York, Charles Scribner's sons, 1907. xvi, 379 p. 8°. Estado mayor general del ejercito. Viaje de estado mayor. 18 de marzo-25 de junio, 1902. Descripci6n del viaje. Estudios tacticos. Trabajos topo- gr&ficos. Chorrillos, La Escuela Militar, 1902. map. illus. 451, iv p. 4°. Farina, Francisco (publisher): Almanaque de "Mercuric" Periodico comercial gratuito que publica la casa comercial Francisco Farifia. 1906. Trujillo, Haya, Verjel & co., (1906). 315 (1) p. 8°. (Cover- title). Same. 1907. 276 p. 8°. Feyjoo, (de Sosa), Miguel: Relation descriptiva de la ciudad, y provincia de Trux- illo del Peru, con noticias exactas de su estado politico. Madrid, Impr. del Real y supremo consejo de las Indias, 1763. 164 p. port. maps. 4°. Fuentes, Hildebrando : El Cuzco y sus ruinas. Apuntes geogr&ficos, historicos. estadisticos y sociales. Lima, Imprenta del Estado, 1905 257, vi, (2) p. illus. tables. 8°. (At head of title, "Ministerio de fomento.'') LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 47 Fuentes, Manuel A.: Lima; esquisses historiques, statiques, administratives, com- merciales et morales . . . Paris, F. Didot, freres fil & cie., 1866. (1), ix, 242 p., 1 1., illus. 18 pi., 39 ports. 4°. Garcia, Rdmulo E. (joint author): El Peru y Europa. See Cisneros, Carlos B. Garcilasco de la Vega: First part of the Royal commentaries of the Yncas, by the Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega. Tr. and ed. with notes and an introduction by Clements R. Markham . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt society, 1869— 1871. 2 v. 8°. Historie des Incas, rois du Perou. Nouvellement traduite de l'Espagnol . . . Paris, Prault fils, 1744. 2 v. 12°. Primera parte de los Commentaries reales, que tratan, de el origen de los Incas, reies, qve fveron del Peru, de sv idolatria, leies, y govierno, en paz, y en guerra de svs vidas, y conquistas; y de todo lo que fue aquel imperio, y su republica, antes que los Espanoles pasaran, a el. Segvanda impresion, enmen- dada y afiadida la vida de Inti Cusi Tuto Lupanqui, penultimo Inca . . . En Madrid, En la Oficina real y a costa de Nicolas Rodriguez Franco, 1723. 16 p. 1., 351 (33) p. 4°. The royal commentaries of Peru, in two parts. The first part: treating of the original of their Incas or kings, of their idolatry, of laws and government both in peace and war, of the reigns and conquests of the Incas . . . The second part: describing the manner by which that new world was conquered by the Spaniards. Also the civil wars between the Picarrists and the Almagrians . . . and other particulars contained in that history. Illustrated with sculptures. Rendred into English by Sir Paul Rycaut. Ldndon, printed by M. Flesher for J. Tonson, 1688. 1019 (8) p. front, (port.) plate. 4°. Garland, Alejandro: Los tesoros ocultos en el Peru. Lima, Imprenta del Estado, 1896. 29 p. 4°. ■ (Cover-title.) [Gornuiz, Francisco Vidal]: Jeografia nautica i derrotero de las costas del Peru. Arre- glada segun los documentos mas modernos por la oficinahidrografica de Chile. Santiago, Imprenta national, 1879. (2) 191 (1) p. 8°. Gran Guia estadistica Sud-Americana, 1897. Peru. pp. 1870-1944. 4°. Grandidier, M. Ernest: Voyage dans PAm6rique du Sud. Pgrou et Bolivie. Paris, Impr. de J. Claye, 1861. 310 (1) p. 8°. . • Guillaume, H.: The Amazon provinces of Peru as a field for European emigration, A statistical and geographical review of the country and resources, including the gold and silver mines . . . London, Wyman & sons, 1888. xv, 309 p. front., plate, maps. 12°. Haenke, Tadeo: Description del Peru. Lima, Imprenta de"El Lucero," 1901. xiii 320 (2) p. 8°. Hall, Basilio: Estracto de un diario de viaje k Chile, Peru i Mejico en los anos de 1820, 1821, 1822. Traducido del ingles por Federico Gana G. Torno 1. San- tiago de Chile, Imp. y enc, Universitaria, 1906. 293 p. 12°. Hutchinson, Thomas J. : Two years in Peru with exploration of its antiquities. With map by Daniel Barrera, and numerous illustrations. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Low & Searle, 1873. 2 v. 8°. International Bureau of the American Republics: . . . Handbook of Peru. (Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1896.) iii, 145 p. plates, map. 8°. (Its bulletin No. 60. 1892.) Kerby, J. Orton : The land of to-morrow. A newspaper exploration up the Amazon and over the Andes to the California of South America. New York, W. F. Brainard, 1906. ix, 405 p. front., illus. 8°. Llano Zapata, Jose* Eusebio de: Memorias hist6rico-fisicas-apologeticas de la America meridional que a" la majestad del Seilor Don Carlos III. Lima, Imp. de San Pedro, 1904. xii, (2) 617 (1) p. 8°. Lorente, Sebastian: Historia antigua del Peru. Lima, 1860 (on t.p.). 341 p. 8°. (On verso of title page "Poissy, Imprenta Arbieu.") Historia de la conquista del Peru. Lima, 1861 (on t.p.). 505 p. 8°. Historia del Peru bajo la Borbones. 1700-1821. Lima, 1871. 398 p. 8°. 48 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Historia del Peru bajo la dinastia Austriaca. Lima, 1863. Paris, 1870. 2 v. 8°. Historia del Peru desde la proclamaci6n de la independencia. Tomo 1, 1821- 1827. Lima, Imp. Galle de Camana no. 130, 1876. 392 (1) p. 12°. Lowe, F. (joint author) : Narrative of a journey irom Lima to Para. See Smyth, W. Manifesto de las razones que legitiman la declaraci6n de guerra contra el gobierno del Gen. Andres Santa Cruz, tftulado presidente de la Confederacidn Peru-Boli- viana. Buenos Aires, Impr. del Estado, 1837. 32 p. 8°. Marcoy, Paul : A journey across South America from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic ocean. Illustrated with six hundred engravings on wood . . . and twelve maps, printed in colours. London, Blackie & son, 1873. 4 v. f °. (Description of a trip through Peru and Brazil.) Markham, Clements R.: Cuzco, a journey to the ancient capital of Peru; with an account of the history, language, literature, and antiquities of the Incas. And Lima: a visit to the capital and provinces of modern Peru, with a sketch of the vice regal government, history of the republic, and a review of the literature and society of Peru . . . London, Chapman & Hall, 1856. iv, 419 p. col. front, col. pi. map. 12°. A history of Peru. Chicago, C. H. Sergei and co., 1892. xvi, 556 p. front. plates, map. 8°. Narratives of the rites of the Yncas. Tr. from the original Spanish manu- scripts, and ed. with notes and an introduction . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt society, 1873. 4 p. 1., (vii)— xx, 220 p. illus. pi. map. 8°. Peru. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1880. viii, 193, (1) 32 p. illus. maps. 16°. Report on the discovery of Peru. I, Report of Francisco de Xeres, secretary to Francisco Pizarro, II, Report of Miguel de Astete on the expedition to Pachacamac. Ill, Letter of Hernando Pizarro to the royal Audience of Santo Domingo. IV, Report of Pedro Sancho on the partition of the ransom of Ata- huallpa. Tr. and ed. with notes and an introduction by Clements R. Markham. London, printed for the Hakluyt society, 1872. xxij, 143 p. map. 8°. Travels in Peru and India while superintending the collection of chinchona ?lants and seeds in South America, and their introduction into India. London, ohn Murray, 1862. 372 p. maps, illus. 8°. pp. 1-340. The war between Peru and Chile, 1879-1882. London, Sampson Low, Mars- ton, Searle & Rivington, 1882. x, 306 p. map. 8°. Marmontel, M.: Les Incas ou la destruction de l'empire du Perou. Paris, Lacombe, 1777. illus. 2 v. 12°. Marquez. J. Arnaldo: El Peru y la Espana moderna. Lima, Impr. de "National," (etc.), 1866. 2 v. 8°. (Vol. 2, "Documentos. Lima, Impr. de A. Alfaro y ca.") Mathews, Edward D.: Up the Amazon and Madeira rivers, through Bolivia and Peru. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1879. xv, 402 p. illus. maps. 8°. Maw, Henry Lester: Journal of a passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the northern provinces of Peru and descending the river Marafion Amazon. London, John Murray, 1829. map. 486 p. 8°. Melo, Rosendo: El Callao; monografia hist6rico-geografica . . . Lima, Lib. 6 imp. Gill (etc.) 1899-1900. 3 v. plates, map. plans. 8°. T. 1, El mar del Sur. T. 2, Callao antiguo. T. 3, Callao moderno. Melendez, Juan: Tesoros verdaderos de las Yndias en la historia de la gran provincia de San Ivan Bautista del Peru, de el orden de Predicadores . . . por el maestro F. Ivan Melendez. Roma, N. A. Tinassio, 1681-82. 3 v. port. f°. Mendiburu, Manuel de: Apuntes historicos. Lima Imprenta del Estado, 1902. 101, ii p. 8°. Cover-title. EI Mercurio Peruano de historia, literatura, y noticias publicas . . . Lima, 1791— 1794. 10 v. 12°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 49 Middendorf, E. W.: Peru; beobachtungen und studien uber das land und seine bewohner wahrend eines 25 jahrigen aufenthalts. Berlin, R. Oppenheim (G. Schmidt), 1893-95. 2 v. illus. plates. 8°. Vol. 1. Lima. Vol. 2. Das Kustenland von Peru. Vol. 3. Das Hochland von Peru. Miller, John: Memoirs of General Miller in the service of the Kepublic of Peru. 2d ed. London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1829. illus. maps. 2 v. 8°. Mortimer, Wplliam] Golden: Peru. History of coca, ""the Divine Plant" of the Incas; with an introductory account of the Incas, and of the Andean Indians of to-day. New York, J. H. Vail & co., 1901. xxxi, 576 p. front, illus. 8°. Munoz, Dr. D. David: Memoria de viaje y datos relativos a los salvajes de la region oriental. Lima, Imp. de la Escuela de ingenieros, 1901. 58 p. 12°. OHva S. J., R. P. Anello: Historia del reino y provincial del Peru. See Pazos Varela, Juan F. (ed.) Palma, Ricardo: Anales de la inquisici6n de Lima. 3d ed. Madrid, Est. Tip. de Ricardo Fe\ 1897. 262 p. nar. 12°. Cachivaches. Corresponded cia de las Reales Academias Espafiola y de la historia. Lima, Impr. Torres Aguirre, 1900. 252 p. 8°. Refutacidn de un compendio de historia del Peru. Lima, Imp. de Torres Aguirre, 1886. 26 p. 8°. TradicionesyarticuJoshistoricos. Lima, Imp. Torres Aguirre, 1899. 280 p. 8°. Patron, Pablo: Peru primitivo. Notas sueltas. Lima, Imp. del estado, 1902. 20 p. 12°. [Paz Sol dan y Unanue, Pedro]: Paginas diplomaticas del Peru, por Juan de Arona . . . {pseud). Lima, Impr. de la Escuela de ingenieros, 1891. viii, 346 p. 8°. Pazos Varela, Juan F.(ed.) : Historia del reino yprovincias del Peru desus Incas Reyes, descubrimiento y conquista por los espafioles de la corona de Costilla con otros singularidades concernientes a la historia. Escrito en 1598, y publicado, despues de tres siglos, por Juan F. Pazos Varela y Luis Varela y Orbegoso . . . Lima, Imp. de S. Pedro, 1895. 217 p. 12°. (Libro primero del manuscrito original de R. P. Anello Oliva S. J.) [Perd, Direction de inmigracidn y colonization]: Gufa del inmigrante en el Peru. (La via Central, zona del Pichis.) Lima, Imp. del Estado, 1902. 45 (1) p. maps, illus. 16°. (Library also has English, German and Italian translations.) Guida officiate per industrial ed emigranti italiani nel Peru. Pubblica- zione ufficiale. 4 ed. Lima, Lit. e tip. C. Fabbri, 1903. ii, 57 p. map. plates. 12°. Guida del Peru per capitalist ed immigranti ... Lima, Tip. Carlos Fabbri, 1902. 46 p. illus. maps. 12°. Same. 4 edizione. Lima, Carlos Fabbri, 1903. 57 p. illus. maps. 12°. Direccidn de obras publicas: Memoria sobre el camino de Chanchamayo gresentada a la Direcci6n de obras publicas por el Ingeniero Inspector del amino. 1893. Lima, Imprenta de la Escuela de Ingenieros, 1899. Various paging. 8°. Ministerio de fomento: Memorias presentadas al ministerio de fomento . . . sobre diversos viajes emprendidos en varias regiones de la republica . . . 1902. Lima, 1902. maps. 213 (2) p. 12°. (Library also has French translation.) Sinopsis geografica y estadistica del Perd. 1895-1898. Lima, Tip. de "El Tiempo," 1899. 207 p. 8°. (Library also has English translation.) Plane, Auguste: A traves rAmerique equatoriale. Le Perou. Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie., 1903. iii, 347 p. ports, maps. 12°. Portillo, Pedro: Las montafias de Ayacucho y los rios Apurimac, Mantaro, Ene, Perene\ Tambo y Alto Ucayali. Lima, Imprenta del estado, 1901. # 136 p. front, plates, map. 4°. 50 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Prescott, WilHam H.: History of the conquest of Peru ... Edited by John Foster Kirk . . . London, George Bell & sons, 1902. 2 v. fronts, plates, map. 12°. History of the conquest of Peru, with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas. Boston, Phillips, Sampson, & co., 1859. 2 v. 8°. Raimondi, Antonio: El Peru. Historia de la geografia del Peru. Tomos 1-3. Lima, 1875, 1876, 1879. 3 v. 8°. El Peru. Studios mineralogicos y geologicos. (Primaria serie.) Tomo 4. Publicado por la Sociedad Geografica de Lima. Lima, 1902. 515, xiv p. 8°. Ranking, John: Historical researches on the conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez, and Talomeco, in the thirteenth century, by the Mongols, accompanied with elephants; and the local agreement of history and tradition, with the remains of elephants and mastodontes found in the new world . . . with two maps, and portraits of all the Incas, and Montezuma. London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1827. 479 p. 8°. Renoz, M. Ch.: Le Perou. Historie, description physique et politique, productions, commerce, immigration et colonization. Bruxelles, P. Weissenbruch, 1897. 232 p. 8°. Rivero, Mariano Edward: Peruvian antiquities by Mariano Edward Rivero and John James von Tschudi. Translated into English from the original Spanish by Francis L. Hawks. New York, George P. Putnam, 183. xxii, 306 p. illus. 8°. Rocha, Diego Andres: Tratado unico y singular del origen de los Indios del Peru, Mejico, Santa Fe y Chile. Madrid, 1891. 2 v. 12°. (Tomos 3 & 4, "Coleccion de libros que tratan de America raros 6 curiosos.") Rodriguez, Manuel: El Maranon y Amazonas. Historia de los descubrimientos, entradas, y reducci&n de naciones. Trabajos malogrados de algunos conqui- stadores y dichosos de otros, assi temporales, como espiritvales, en las dilatadas montafias y mayores rios de la America. Madrid, Imprenta de Antonio Gon- calez de Reyes. Afio de 1684. 444 (31) p. map. 4°. Sala, Gabriel: Apuntes de viaje del R. R. Fr. Gabriel Sala. Exploracion de los rios Pichis, Pachitea y alto Ucayali y de la region del Gran Pajonal. Lima, Imp. "La Industria," 1897. 192 (2) p. illus. maps. 8°. Smyth, W. : Narrative of a journey from Lima to Para, across the Andes and down the Amazon: undertaken with a view of ascertaining the practicability of a navigable communication with the Atlantic, by the rivers Pachitea, LTcayali, and Amazon. By Lieut. W. Smyth and Mr. F. Lowe. London, John Murray, 1836. maps, illus. 305 p. 8°. Squire, Efphraim] George: Peru; incidents of travel and exploration in the land of the Incas . . . New York, Harper & brothers, 1877. xx, 599 p. inch illus., front, pi. plans. 8°. Sutton, C. W.: Informes sobre la provincia constitucional del Callao por C. W. Sutton, J. J. Bravo y J. I. Adams. Lima, Imprenta de "El Lucero," 1905. 59 p. maps. 8°. (Boletln del cuerpo de ingenieros de minas del Peru, no. 33.) Tizon y Bueno, Ricardo: Nociones de geografia comercial e industrial del Peru. Texto escrito para los colegios de ensefianza secundaria i escuelas especiales de comercio. Lima, Imprenta la Industria, 1904. 31, vii, p. map. 8°. Peru. Interoceanic communication across the Peruvian Andes, the Amazon river and its great navigable affluents. Official publication. Made by order of the Peruvian Foreign Office. Lima, 1903. 38 (1) p. map. illus. 12°. (Library also has trs. in Spanish.) Texto de geografia del Peru para Colegios. Primera edition. Lima, Tip. Nacional de Barrionuevo Hnos., 1904. 47 (1) p. map. 8°\ A true and particular relation of the dreadful earthquake which happen'd at Lima, the capital of Peru, and the neighboring port of Callao, on the 28th of October, 1746 . . . Pub. at Lima by command of the Viceroy, and tr. from the original Spanish, by a gentleman who resided many years in those countries. To which is added a description of Callao and Lima before their destruction; and of the kingdom of Peru in general, with its inhabitants . . . Interspersed with passages of natural history and physiological disquisitions; particularly an enquiry into the cause of earthquakes. The whole illustrated with a map of LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 51 the country about Lima, plans of the road and town of Callao, another of Lima, and several cuts of the natives, drawn on the spot by the translator. London, printed for T. Osborne, 1748. xiii, 341 p. 8°. Tschudi, J. J. Von: Travels in Peru, during the years 1838-1842. Tr. from the German by Thomasina Ross. London, D. Bogue, 1847. xii, 506 p. front. 8°. (joint author): Peruvian antiquities. See Rivero, Marino Edward. Varela, Hector F.: Revoluci6n de Lima. Resena de los acontecimientos de julio. Ilustrada por Emilio Castelar. Paris, Imprenta de Rouge, Dunon y Fresng, 1872. 109 p. 8°. Varela y Orbegoso, Luis (joint editor): Historia del reino y provincias del Peru. See Pazos Varela., Juan F. Vasquez, Maximo M.: Curso de geografia del Peru para los colegios de instrucci6n meida. Segunda edici6n. Lima, 1895. 159 p. 8°. Vidal Gormaz, Francisco: Estudio sobre el puerto de Iquique. . Santiago de Chile, Imprenta nacional, 1880. 24 p. map. 8°. Wiener, Charles: P4rou et Bolivie; recit de voyage, suivi d'dtudes archeologiques et ethnographiques et de notes sur 1' denture et les langues des populations indiennes. Ouvrage contenant plus de 1100 gravures, 27 cartes et 18 plans. Paris, Hachette & cie., 1880. xi, 796 p. 4°, Xerez, Francisco de: Verdadera relation de la conquista del Peru. Madrid, J. C. Garcia, 1891. 174, 2, p. 12°. (Tomo primero, "Colecci6n de libros que tratan de America raros 6 curiosos.") Zarate, D'Augustin de: Histore de la decouverte et de la conquete du Perou, traduite de l'Espagnol . . . par. S. D. C. Paris, 1774. illus. 2 v. 16°. Historia del descubrimiento y conquista de la piovincia de Peru y de las guerras y cosas sefialadas en ella, acaecidas hasta el vencimiento de Gonzalo Pizarro y sus secuaces, que en ella serebelaron contra su majestad. In Colecci6n de histori- adores de Chile . . . Santiago de Chile, 1901. t. 27, pp. 253-265. Caption title. 4°. URUGUAY. Acevedo,' Eduardo: Notas y apuntes. Contribuci6n al estudio de la historia econ6- mica v financiera de la republica Oriental del Uruguay. T. 1 y 2. Montevideo, "El Siglo Illustrado," 1903. 2 v. 8°. Acevedo, Pablo Blanco: Historia de la republica Oriental del Uruguay. Obra aprobada por la Direction general de la instruccidn piiblica .para servir de texto en las escuelas del estado. Montevideo. A. Barreiro y Ramos, 1901. 167 p. 12°. Aclaraciones historicas, por un Oriental. Montevideo, Impr. a vapor y encuader- nacion de El Laurak-Bat, 1884. 133 p. 8°. Amadeo Baldrich, J. : Historia de la guerra del Brasil. Contrubucion al estudio razonado de la historia militar Argentina. Buenos Aires, Imprenta La Harlem, 1905. xii, 639 p. map. 4°. Aradjo, Orestes: Compendio de la geografia nacional, acompafiado de un curso de cartografia para el mejor estudio de la Repiiblica Oriental del Uruguay. Montevideo, Dornaleche y Reyes, 1894. 7, 135 p. map. 8°. Geografia nacional de la republica Oriental del Uruguay ... 3* edici6n simplificada y corregida. Montevideo, Dornaleche y Reyes, 1899. viii, 239 p. map. 8°. Geografia nacional fisica, politica y corogrdfica . . . Montevideo, Dorna- leche y Reyes, 1892. 402 (1) p. illus. 8°. Gobernantes del Uruguay. Montevideo Dornaleche y Reyes, 1903. 2 v. in 1. 12°. ports. Historia de la escuela Uruguaya. Tomos 1 & 2. Montevideo, Dornaleche y Reyes, 1905-1906. 2 v. 12°. . . . Nuestro pais, cuadros descriptivos del Uruguay por autores nacionales y extranjeros. Con un preambulo del Dr. D. Joaquin CanabaL . . . Monte- video, Dornaleche y Reyes, 1895. viii, 318 p. nar. 16°. 52 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Resumen de la historia del Uruguay. 2d ed. Montevideo, Dornaleche y Reyes, 1903. 550 (1) p. 12°. Arreguine, Victor: Historia del Uruguay. Montevideo, Imprenta y lit. La Raz6n, 1892. viii, (1) 416 p. 12°. Bauza, Francisco: Historia de la dominacion espafiola en el Uruguay. 2 ed. refun- dida con auxilio de nuevos documentos. Montevideo, A. Barreiro y Ramos, 1895-1897. 3 v. front, map. port. 8°. Berra, F. A.: Bosquejo historico de la republica Oriental del Uruguay. Cuarta edition refundida y considerablemente aumentada por el autor. Montevideo, Francisco Ybarra, editor, 1895. 720 p. front, (port.) 8°. Bollo, Luis Cincinato: Atlas geografico y description geografica y estadistica de la republica O. del Uruguay. Noticia historica . . . Montevideo, A. Barreiro y Ramos, 1896. 96 p. maps. 4°. Bollo, Santiago : Manual de historia de la republica Oriental del Uruguay. Primera y segunda partes (1492-1830). Montevideo, A. Barriero y Ramos, 1897. ix, (2) 707 p. pis. maps. 8°. Castro, Joao Vicente Leite de: Diccionario geographico e historico das campanhas do Uruguay e Paraguay . . . Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1892. xiv, 104 p. 8°. Colon-Guia. Republica Oriental del Uruguay . . . Enero de 1900. No. 1. Montevideo, Imp. de "El Siglo," 1900. 434, lxxx, p. 4°. Corniani, Giuliano: Argentina, Uruguay & Paraguay. Guida per l'emigrazione. Milano, Francesco vallarde, n.d. 420 p. front, illus. map. 12°. (Uruguay on pp. 347-387.) Crawford, Robert: South American sketches. New York, Longmans, Green & co., 1898. xx, 280 p. 8°. Child, Theodore: The republic of Uruguay. (Extract from the " Harpers New Monthly Magazine," pp. 906-926.) [Davie, John Constanse]: Letters from Paraguay: describing the settlements of Montevideo and Buenos Ayres; the presidencies of Rioja Minor, Nombre de Dios, St. Mary and St. John, etc., etc., with the manners, customs, religious ceremonies, etc., of the inhabitants . . . London, G. Robinson, 1805. vii, 293 p. 8°. De-Maria, D. Isidoro: Geografia elemental de la republica Oriental del Uruguay para uso de la juventud educanda . . . Primera edici6n en esta forma. Monte- video, El Siglo Ilustrado, 1890. 117, ii p. 8°. Paginas historias de la republica O. del Uruguay desde la epoca del coloniaje. Coleccion de documentos in^ditos. Montevideo, Imprenta el Siglo Ilustrado, 1892. vi, 124, ii, p. 8°. Figueira, Jose" H.: Los primitivos habitantes del Uruguay ensayo paleontologico. Montevideo, Dornaleche y Reyes, 1892. 44 p. table, map. 12°. Gran almanaque de "El Siglo." 1891. Afio 28. Montevideo, [18981. 478 xiii p. 12°. Gran Almanaque de el siglo y pequefia de la republica . . . para 1901. [Monte- video, A. Barreiro y Ramos, n.d.] 544 p. 4°. Herrera, Luis Alberto de: Por la patria. La revoluci6n de 1897 y sus antecedentes. Tomo 2. Montevideo, Marcos Martinez, 1898. 573 (3) p. 12°. La Tierra Charrua . . . Montevideo, 1901. 292 (1) p. 8°. Hudson, W. H.: The purple land that England lost. Travels and adventures in the Banda Oriental, South America. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1885. 2 v. 8°. Hutchinson, Lincoln: Report on trade conditions in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay by special agent of the U. S. Department of Commerce and Labor. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906. 101 p. 8°. International Bureau of the American Republics: Uruguay (a handbook). (Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1893.) 1 p. 1., vi, 347 p. pi. map. 8°. (Its bulletin No. 61. 1892.) Latham, Wilfrid: The states of the River Plate. Second edition. With a map. London, Longmans, Green & co., 1868. 381 p. map. 8°. (Includes. industries, commerce, sheep farming, agriculture, colonization, historical sketch and a chapter on political and industrial development.) LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. ' 53 Maeso, Justo: Los primeros patriotas orientales de 1811. Expontaneidad de la insurrecci6n oriental contra la Espana en la guerra de la independencia Ameri- cana . . . Montevideo, Imprenta de El Laurak-Bat, 1888. 248 p. 8°. Maeso, Carlos M.: ... Tierra de proraision. Description general de la repnblica O. del Uruguay. Su coniercio, industrias, rentas, riquezas, educacion y progresos. Situacion de los extranjeros en ella . . . Montevideo, Imprenta de "La Naci6n," 1900. 211 p. 8°. . . . Tierra de promision. Description general de la republica O. del Uruguay y de su comercio, industrias, ganaoeria, agriciiltura, finanzas, riquezas, educa- cion y progresos en todas las manifestaciones de la actividad human a. Con arreglo a" los mas modernos datos recopilados expresamente 6 ilustrada con numerosos grabados. Montevideo, Tip. de la Escuela nacional de artes y oficios, 1904. 384 p. plates, illus. 4°. Mascard, Pedro: Ilevista del archivo general administrativo 6 coleccion de docu- mentos para servir al estudio de la historia de' la republica O. del Uruguay. Montevideo, "El Siglo Ilustrado," 1885, 1887 and 1891. 4 v. 8°. Miranda, Julian 0.: Compendio de historia nacional desde 1830 hasta nuestros dias. Montevideo, Dornaleche y Reyes, 1898. 246 p. 8°. Paez, A. Martinez: La republique de l'Uruguay en 1906. Les richesses naturalles au pays. Sa puissance, economique. Sa civilisation et sa destinee future. Dunkerque, Typo-litho Minet-Tresca, 1906. 38 p. 12°. Pefla, Carlos Maria de: The oriental republic of Uruguay at the World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893. Geography, rural industries, commerce, general statistics. Translated into English by J. J. Rethore. Montevideo, 1893. 54 p. map. 12°. Pereira, Antonio: El general D. Jose" .Artigas ante la historia. Montevideo, Impr. de la Democracia, 1877. 142 p. 8°. Ramirez, Carlos Maria: ... Artigas; debate entre ''El Sud-America" de Buenos Aires y "La Raz6n" de Montevideo. 2d ed. Montevideo, A. Barreiro y Ramos, 1897. vii, 447. 8°. The republic of Uruguay: The country in the Paris exhibition. General descrip- tion and statistical da-ta, 1888-89. Issued by authority of the Consulate- general, London, 1889. Liverpool, Rockliff bros., 1889. 79, 15, p. illus. map. 4°. The republic of Uruguay, South America; its geography, history, rural industries, commerce, and general statistics. With maps. Issued by authority of the Consulate-general of Uruguay. London, Edward Stanford, 1833. xii, 168 p. plan. 8°. Roustan, Honore* : La republique de l'Uruguay & Exposition universeUe de Paris, 1889 . . . Montevideo, Tip. "El Siglo," 1889. xiv, (1) 110, ii p. 4°. tables, map. Saint-Foix, [Oliver Claude Augustin Poullain]: La republique Orientale de l'Uruguay. Historie, geogfaphie, moeurs et coutumes, commerce et navigation, agriculture. Paris, L. Cerf, [1892]. yi, 1 1., 339, (1) p. map. nar. 12°. Sierra y Sierra, B.: Apuntes para la geograffa del departamento de Rocha. Rocha, Imprenta de "El Impartial," 1895. viii, 91 p. maps. 8°. Uruguay: Gran gufa estadistica £>ud-Americana. Uruguay. 1897. 300 p. 4°. Van Bruyssel: La republique Orientale de l'Uruguay. Decouverte et colonisa- tion. Notions generates. Description de pay. Agriculture. Industrie. Re- lations commerciales. Situation financiere. Voies de communication, Avan- tages offerts a Pimmigration Europeenne. Bruxelles, C. Maquardt, 1889. x, 247 p. 8*. VENEZUELA. Academia nacional de la histdrica: Prologo d los anales de Venezuela. Edici6n oficiaL Caracas, tip. J. H. Herrera Irigoyen & ca., 1903. 201 p. plates. 8°, CONTENTS. Resoluci6n del ejecutivo nacional. Informe de la comision nombrada (por la Academia nacional de la historia) para presentar concepto definitivo respecto de la autenicidad del Acta de independencia, celebrada el d'ia 5 de julio de 1811 por el Congreso constitu- yente de las siete Provincias Unidas de Venezuela,- Decreto de 19 de abril de 1900 por el cual se declara es el texto oficial del Acta de la independencia. Documentos ofici ales interesantes relativos a las Provincias Unidas de Venezuela . . . Londres, 1812 (reimpresion.) 54 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Amaya, Isidore Laverde: Viaje a Caracas. Bogota, 1885, Tip. de Ignacio Borda. xxii, 152 p. 8°. (At head of title: "Recuerdos de la fiesta del Centenario del Liberador.") An dr<5, Eugene : A naturalist in the Guianas. With a preface by Dr. J. Scott Keltie. . . . New York, C. Scribrier's sons, 1904. xiv, 310 p. plates, map. front, (port.) 8°. Barry, William: Venezuela: A visit to the gold mines of Guyana, and voyage up the river Orinoco during 1886, with a brief sketch of the mineral wealth and resources of Venezuela, and its history to the present time. With a map of the mines; and appendixes containing the mining laws of Venezuela. Report on the mines by the minister of war . . . First edition. London, Marshall bros., 1886. 159, lxxviii, p. map. 8°. [Biggs, James]: The history of Don Francisco de Miranda's attempt to effect a revolution in South America, in a series of letters. By a gentleman who was an officer under that general ... to which are annexed sketches of the life of Miranda, and geographical notices of Caraccas. 2d. ed. Boston, E. Oliver, 1810. xi, 312 p. 12°. Boussingault, M.: Viajes cientificos a los Andes Ecuatoriales 6 coleccion de memorias sobre ffsiea, quimica, e" historia natural de la Nueva Granada, Ecuador y Vene- zuela, presentadas a la Academia de ciencias de Francis . . . Paris, Libreria Castellana, 1849. xxi, 322 p. 8°. Curtis, William E.: Venezuela, a land where it's always summer. New York, Harper & bros. 1896. (1) 315 p. map. 8°. Dance, Charles Daniel: Recollections of four years in Venezuela. London, Henry S. King & co., 1876. x ' 303 p. ilius. map. . 8°. [Dauxion-] Lavaysse, [Jean Francois]: A statistical, commercial, and political description of Venezuela, Trinidad, Margarita, and Tobago: containing various anecdotes and observations illustrative of the past and present state of these interesting countries; from the French of M. Lavaysse: with an introduction and explanatory notes by the v editor [Edward Blaquiere] . . . London, G. and W. B. Whittaker, 1820. (iii)-xxxix, 479 p. map. 8°. Davis, Richard Harding: The Paris of South America. Extract from "Harper's New Monthly Magazine," pp. 104-115. 4°. Three gringoes in Venezuela and Central America. New York, Harper & bros. , 1896. xi, 282 p. map. illus. 8°. (Venezuela on pp. 221-281.) Dawley, Thomas R., Jr.: Some notes about Venezuela. Extract from a magazine, pp. 410-416. 4°. Depons, F.: Travels in parts of South America, during the years 1801, 1802, 1803 & 1804; containing a description of the captain-generalship of Carraccas, with an account of the laws, commerce, and natural productions of that country; as also a view of the customs and manners of the Spaniards and native Indians. London, printed for Richard Phillips, 1806. 157 (2) p. maps. 8°. Documentos del General Cipriano Castro. Volumen iii, Caracas, J. M. Herrera Irigoyen & ca., 1903. 115, iii, p. 4°. Same. Volumen iv. Caracas, tip. Herrera Irigoyen & ca., 1905. (3), 131 > iii, p. 4°. Documentos oficiales interesantes relativos & las provincias Unidas de Venezuela . . . Londres, Impreso por Longman & co. (etc.), 1812. In Academia nacional de la historia. Prologo 6, los anales de Venezuela. Edition oficial. Caracas, 1903. pp. 65-201. 8°. CONTENTS. Observaciones preliminares. Acta de independencia. Articulos eomprehendidos en la declaracion. de la sesion legislativa de 1° de julio de 1811. Manifiesto qu» hace al mundo la confederaci6n de Venezuela . . . de las razones en que ha fundado su abso- luta independencia de la Espana Constituci6n federal para los estados de Venezuela. Alocucion. Drago, Luis M.: La republica Argentina y el c'aso de Venezuela. Documentos, juicios y comentarios relacionados con la nota pasada al ministro Argentino en Washington. Buenos Aires, Imp. de Coni Hermanos, 1903. 326 (1) p. 8°. Eastwick, Edward B.: Venezuela, or, sketches of life in a South American republic; with the history of the loan of 1864. 2d ed. London, Chapman & Hall, 1868. viii, xi, 418 p. map. 8°. ' LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 55 Oil Fortoul, Jose*: Historia constitutional de Venezuela. Tomo primero. La colonia, la independencia la gran Colombia. Berlin, Carl Heymann, 1907. xi, 570 p. 8°. Guerrero, Emilio Constantino: Sangre partia. Caracas, Tip. Herrera Irigoyen y ca., 1904. illus. 186 (1) p. 12°. Hippisley, G.: A narrative of the expedition to the rivers Orinoco and Apure in South America; which sailed from England in November, 1817, and joined the patriotic forces in Venezuela and Caraccas. London, J. Murray, 1819. xix (J) 653 (1) p. 8°. International Bureau of the American Republics: . . . Venezuela (a handbook). (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1892.) ii, 199 p. illus. map. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 34. February, 1892.) Venezuela (a handbook). (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1899.) 2 pts. 8°. (Pt. 1 English, Pt. 2 Spanish.) (Its bulletin no. 93. Revised ed., 1899.) — — . . . Venezuela. Geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic conditions, actual development, prospects of future growth. By N. Veloz Goiticoa . . . 1904. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. 608 p. pi. map. 8°. Invasiones de Colombia a Venezuela en 1901, 1902 v 1903. Caracas, Imprenta Bolivar, 1903. 779 p. 4°. Letters written from Colombia during a journey from Caracas to Bogota, and thence to Santa Martha, in 1823. London, G. Cowie & co., 1824. xvi, 208 p. map. 8°. Marcano, G.: Ethnographie precolombienne du Venezuela; region des raudals de l'Orenoque. Paris, C. Chadenat, 1890. 123 (1) p. illus. plates, map. 8°. Oviedo y Barms, Joseph de: Historia de la conquista y poblacion de la provincia de Venezuela . . . (Primera parte). Madrid, Imprenta de D. Gregorio Her- mosilla, en la calle de los Jardines, afio 1723. 3S0 (7) p. 4°. (Books 1 to 7.) (No more published.) Same. [Reprint.] . . . Ilustrada con notas y documentos por ... C. Fernandez Duro . . . Tomo 2. Madrid, L. Navarro, 1885. 411 (3) p. (Books 5 to 7 with documents.) Paasche, H.: Kultur und reiseskizzen aus Nord und Mittel Amerika. Magdeburg, Albert Bathke, 1894. vi, 553 p. 8°. (Venezuela on pp. 445-537.) Recollections of a service of three years during the war-of-extermination in the republics of Venezuela and Colombia. By an officer of the Colombian navy. . . . London, Hunt & Clarke, 1828. 2 v. 8°. [Rivera, Arturo]: An illustrated guide to Caracas, containing general data about Venezuela. [Caracas, 1896.] 57 p. front, illus. obi. 8°. Rojas, J. M. de: Bosquejo historico de Venezuela. Primera parte. [Desde 1830 hasta 18 (63).] Paris, Gamier Hermanos, 1888. 314 p. 8°. Rojas, Aristides: Estudios historicos. Origenes Venezolanos. Volumen primero. Caracas, Imprenta y lit. del Gobierno National, 1891. xiv, (1) 338 p. 8°. Apendice (Coleccion rojas.) 256 p. 8°. Scruggs, William L.: The Colombian and Venezuelan republics with notes on other parts of Central and South America. With maps and illustrations. New edition, with a chapter on the Panama Canal. Boston, Little, Brown & co., 1905. xii, (1) 380 p. 8°. (Library also lias edition of 1900.) [Seijas R. F. comp.]: Primer libro Venezolano de literatura, ciencias, y bellas artes . . . Caracas, Tip. clcoio,! Parte [&] Tip, moderna, 2 parte, 1895. CCCXXXVI, 214 (4) p. 4°. Sievers, W.: Venezuela. Mit einer karte der Venezolanischen cordillere,- bearbeitet und gezeichnet auf basis der Sievers' schen forschungen von L. Friederichsen. Hamburg, L. Friederichsen & co., 1888. viii, 359 p. 8°. 56 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Spence, James Mudie: The land of Bolivar, or war, peace and adventure in the re- public of Venezuela. In 2 vols. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Kivington, 1878. 2 v. Illus. maps. 8°. Tallenav, Jenny de.: Souvenirs du Venezuela, notes de voyage. Paris, Librarie Plon, 1884. 324 (1) p. front, illus. 12°. Tejera, Felipe.: Manual de historia de Venezuela para el uso de las escuelas y colegios. Segunda edicidn aumentada y corregida. Caracas, 1891. xii, 295 p. 8°. (At head of title; "Biblioteca de la casa de la opinion nacional, Tomo 1 de la serie II.") Toro, Ellas: Delimitaci6n de Venezuela con Guayana Brit&nica. Por las selvas de Guayana desde el Atlantico hasta la Sierra de Parima, por los rios Barima, Amacuro, Demerara, Esequibo, Massaruni, Cuyuni, Acarabisi y Venamo. Car- acas, Tip. Herrera Irigoyen & ca., 1905. 289 (2) p. plates. 8°. (Description of the territory between Venezuela and British Guiana.) Tavera Acosta, B.: Anales de Guayana. Volumen 1. Bolivar, Tip. "La Empresa" 1905. iv, 362 (3) p. front, fold. map. 8°. The United States of Venezuela in 1893. Published by order of the government of Venezuela. New York, [1893]. 49 (1) p. illus. 8°. (At head of title; " World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago.") Same. [Spanish text.] 158 (1) p. tables, illus. 8°. Van Kol, H.: Naar de Antillen en Venezuela. Leiden, A. W. Sijhoff, 1904. maps, illus. 552 (2) p. 8°. Veloz Goiticoa, N.: Venezuela, a geographical sketch. See International Bureau of the American Republics: Venezuela. CENTRAL AMERICA. GENERAL. Baily, John: Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Hon- duras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica; their natural features, products, population, and remarkable capacity for colonization. London, T. Saunders, 1850. xii, 164 p. plates. 8°. (Guatemala on pp. 33-69; Salvador on pp. 70-95; Honduras on pp. 96-109; Nicaragua on pp. 110-149; Costa Rica on pp. 150-158.) Bancroft, Hubert Howe: . . . History of Central America . . . San Francisco, The history co., publishers, 1886. 3 v. illus. maps. 8°. The native races. San Francisco, The history co., publishers, 1886. 5v. 8°. (Comprising volumes 1-5 of " Bancroft's works.") (Chapters on the natives of Mexico and Central America in each vol.) Barrett, John: Resourceful Central America. Half-title. 69-78 p. map. illus. 8°; (Reprinted from "The American Review of. Reviews." July, 1907.) Byam, George : Wanderings in some of the western republics of America with remarks upon the cutting of a great ship canal through Central America. London, John W. Parker, 1850. illus. 264 p. 8°. (Central America, pp. 241-264.) Conferencia de paz Centra Americana. Celebrada en San Jose de Costa Rica, del 15 de 25 de setiembre de 1906. [San Jos6], Tip. Nacional, [1906]. 70 p. 8°. Davis, Richard Harding: Three gringos in Venezuela and Central America. New York, Harper & bras., 1896. xi, 282 p. map. illus. 8°. Dumartary et Rouhaud: Coup d'oeil sur la republique de PAmerique Centrale, et particulierement sur les etats de Nicaragua et Costa Rica, accompagne d'une carte de ces deux Stats. Paris, Impr. de Crapelet, 1832. 8, 12 p. map. 4°. Fiallos, E. C: A sketch of Central America. Read before the "Unity Club," Washington, D. C. Washington, Gibson bras., 1890. 16 p. front. 8°. Godman, F. Ducane: Biologia Centrali-Americana; or contributions to the knowl- edge of the fauna and flora of Mexico and Central America. Edited by F. Ducane Godman and Osbert Salvin. Botany. Introduction and appendix by Sir J. D. Hooker and appendix by W. B. Hemsley. London, Taylor and Francis, 1888. lxviii, 117-332 p. 4°. Gomes Carrillo, Agustin: Compendio de historia de la America Central. Madrid, 1892. 286 p. 8°. Herbertson, P. D. and A. J.: Central and South America with the West Indies. London, Adam & Charles Black, 1902. xxxiii, 239 p. front, illus. 12°. (At head of title, "Descriptive geographies from original sources.") CONTENTS. I. The West Indies, pp. 1-34. II. Central America, pp. 35-56. III. South America, pp. 57-62. IV. The Guianas. pp. 63-91. V. The Amazon basin and Brazil, pp. 92-124. VI. The Plate basin and Patagonia, pp. 125-162. VII. The Cordilleran area. pp. 162-227. Bibliography, pp. 228-235. Index. Intercontinental Railway Commission: . . . Report of the transactions of the Commission and of the surveys and explorations of its engineers in Central and South America. 1891-1898. Washington. 1898. 4 volumes and 3 cases of maps. 4°. Vol. 1, pt. 1, A condensed report. 403 p. plates, maps. Vol. 1, pt. 2, Report of surveys and explorations made in Guatemala, El Salvador, Hon- duras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 651 n. plates. Vol. 2, Report of surveys and explorations made in Costa Rica, Columbia and Ecuador. 326 p. plates. Vol. 3, Report of surveys and explorations made in Ecuador and Per . 188 p. tables plates. [Texts in English and Spanish.] [Each report is accompanied by a case of maps.] [Contains excellent descriptions of the territories explored.] 57 58 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Keane, A. H.: . . . Central America and West Indies. Edited by Markham . . . London, Edward Stanford, 1901. xxiv, 496 p. front., illus. maps. 8°. , (Vol. 2 of " Stanford's compendium of geography and travel.") CONTENTS. Ch. i, General survey, physical and biological relations; Ch. ii, ethnical and historical relations; Ch. iii-viii, Mexico'; Ch. ix, Guatemala; Ch. x, Salvador; Ch. xi, Honduras and British Honduras; Ch. xii, Nicaragua; Ch. xiii, Costa Rica; Ch. xiv, Panama: Ch. xv, The West Indies, general survey; Ch. xvi, Cuba and Porto Rico; Ch. xvii, San Domingo and Haiti; Ch. xviii, Jamaica; Ch. xix, The Lesser Antilles, Ch. xx-xxi, The Guianas. Mantellini, Domenico: En Centro America. Extractjado de la Tribuna Escolastica, Afio 1, Num. 27. Milan, G. Abbiati, 1905. 21 p. front, (port.) 8°. Marure, Alejandro: Bosquejo historico de las revoluciones de Centro America desde 1811 hasta 1834. Guatemala, Tip. de "El Progreso," 1877-1878. 2 v. 4°. M[ellete], Jullien: Voyage dans l'Amerique m£ridionale, a l'interieur de la cote ferine, et aux iles de Cuba et de la Jamaique, depuis 1808 jusqu'en 1819; con- tenant la description des villes, bourgs, et villages de ces contrees: la peinture des moeurs et coutumes des habitans et un, apercu sur la fertilite du sol et la prosperity du commerce; avec la relation des malheurs qu'a eprouves pendant ce voyage un habitant du departement de lot-et-garonne; ouvrage utile aux marins et a tous les negocians. A Agen, de l'Imprimerie de prosper Noubel, 1823. 291, (4) p. 8°. MHIa, Jose": Historia de la America Central desde el descubrimiento del pais por los espanoles (1502) hasta su independencia de la Espafia (1821). Precedida de una "Noticia historica" relativa a" las naciones que habitaban la America Central a" la llegada de los espanoles. Tomos 1-2. Guatemala, Tip. "El Progreso," 1879 and 1882. 2'v. in 1. 4°. Montufar, Lorenzo: Resena hist6rica de Centro America. Tomos 1-7. Guate- mala, 1878-1887. 7 v. 4°. • Montufar, Manuel: Memorias para la historia de la revoluci6n de Centro America. Tomos 3 and 4. San Salvador, Tip. "La Union," 1906. 2 pamps. 12°. Nicholas, Francis C. : Around the Carribbean and across Panama. Illustrated with maps and half-tones from rare photographs. Boston & New York, H. M. Caldwell co., 1903. (8), 373 p. 8°. Pearson, Henry C: What I saw in the tropics. A record of visits to Ceylon, the Federated Malay States, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Jamaica, Hawaii. New York, The India Rubber publishing co., 1906. (6), 288, (14) p. 8°. illus. (Contains description of each country and its rubber industry.) Roberts, Orlando W.: Narratives of voyages and excursions on the east coast and in the interior of Central America; describing a journey up the river San Juan, and passage across the lake of Nicaragua to the city of Leon, pointing out the advantages of a direct commercial intercourse with the natives. With notes and observations by Edward Irving. Edinburgh, printed for Constable & co., 1827. 302 p. front map. 16°. Reel us, Elisee: The earth and its inhabitants. South America. Edited by A. H. Keane . . . New York, D. Appleton & co., 1894. 2 v. maps, plates. 4°. (Central America in vol. 2.) CONTENTS. Mexico; British Honduras; Guatemala; San Salvador; Honduras; Nicaragua; Costa Rica; Panama; Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea; Cuba; Jamaica; Haiti and the Dominican Republic; Porto Rico; Virgin Islands and Santa Cruz; The Bahamas; The Bermudas; the Lesser Antilles. Sapper, Karl: Mittelmerikanisehe reisen und studien aus den Jahren 1888 bis 1900. Braunschweig, Druck und verlag von Friedrich vieweg und sohn, 192. xiii, 426 p. table, map. 8°. Das Nordliche Mittei-Amerika nebst einem ausflug nach dem hochland von Anahuac. Reisen und studien aus den jahren 1888-1895. Braunschweig, Druck und verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1897. xii, 436 p. front. (port.) maps. 8°. Slvers, Jegor von : Ueber Maderia und die Antillen nach Mittelamerika. Reiseden- kwurdigkeiten und forschungen. Leipzig, C.F.Fleischer, 1861. xii, 388 p. 8°. (Bibliography pp. 311-362.) LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 50 Squier, E. G.: Notes on Central America; particularly the states of Honduras and San Salvador: their geography, topography, climate, population, resources, productions, etc., etc., and the proposed Honduras inter-oceanic railway. New- York, Harper & bros, 1855. 397 p. maps, plates. 8°. CONTENTS. Geographical and topographical features, climate, population, pp. 17-59. Honduras, pp. 59-234. Inter-oceanic railway through Honduras, pp. 235-293. Salvador, pp. 295-352. Miscellaneous notes. Segovia, Chontales and the Mosquito Shore, pp. 353-367. "The Bay Islands," pp. 368-377. Aborigines of Honduras, pp. 378-385. Thermometrical and barometrical observations, pp. 386-388. Bibliography, pp. 389-393. Stephens, John Lloyd: Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Revised from the latest American edition, with additions, Frederick Catherwood. London,' Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co., 1854. xvi, 548 p. front, plates, illus. map. 8°. Vicent, Frank: In and out of Central America, and other sketches and studies of travel. Fourth edition. New York, D. Appleton & co., 1896. (3), 246 p. front, (port.) plates, map. 8°. CONTENTS. Costa Rica: Nicaragua; Honduras; Salvador: Guatemala; A rival to Solomon's temple; quarantined in the Antilles, etc. Whetham, J. W. Boddam: Across central America. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1877. xii, 353 p. 8°. (General description of ports, cities, people, customs and country of each republic of Cen- tral America.) COSTA RICA. Argtlello Mora, Manuel: Paginas de historia. Recuerdos e impresiones. Costa Rica, Imprenta " El Figaro," 1898. iv, 212 p. 16°. Batres, Luis: La cuestion de union Centro-Americana. San Jos6 de Costa Rica, Imprenta nacional, 1881. 96 (1) p. 8°. Biolley, Paul : Costa Rica et son avenir. Etude accompagn6e d'une carte en couleurs, dessinSe et corrig^e par F. Montesdoca. Paris, A. Giard, 1889. 127 (1) p. 8°. German trs. Berlin, Thormann & Goetsch, 1890. 88 p. 8°. English trs. Washington, Judd & Deitweiler, 1889. v, 96 p. front. 8°. Calvo, Joaquin Bernardo: Administraci6n Soto. Republica de Costa Rica. Apun- tamientos geogr&ficos, estadisticos e" historicos . . . San Jose, de Costa Rica, Imprenta nacional, 1887. 325 p. 8°. La campafla nacional contra los filibusteros en 1856 y 1857. Bresisima resefia historica. In Las fiestas del 15 de setiembre de 1895. pp. 1-101. front. (port.) illus. 4°. The republic of Costa Rica. Translated from the Spanish and ed. by L. deT. With introduction, additions and extentions by the editor . . . "Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co., 1890. 292 p. front, plates, ports. mags. 8°. (comp.) : Republic of Costa Rica. Some facts and figures. See International Bureau of the American Republics. Costa Rica as the much desired home for the homeless. San Jose\ National lito- graphy and printing office, n.d. 24 p. illus. sq. 8°. Catalogo general de los objetos que la republica de Costa Rica envfa a la ex- posici6n universal de Chicago. San Jose Tip. nacional, 1892. 5 p. 1., 56, (25) p. 4°. v Las fiestas del 15 de setiembre de 1895, celebradas con motivo de la inaugura- tion del monumento nacional erigido en San Jose" a los heroes del 56 y 57. (Ed. ordenada por el gobierno de la republica.) San Jos6, Tip. nacional, 1897. iv, 321 p. plates. 4°. (pp. 1-101, "La campana nacional contra los filibusteros en 1856 y 1857; brevisima reseiia hist6rica por Joaquin Bernardo Calvo. ') Re vista de Costa Rica en el siglo xix. San Jose, Tip. Nacional, 1900. illus 404 (3) p. 4°. (Bibliography, p. 365.) 60 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OP THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Costa Rica Coffee Land Company. Why don't you go to Costa Rica? [By theCosta Rica coffee land co.] No imprint. 55 p. illus. map. nar. 8°. [Curtis, William Eleroy]: Las mas pequena de las republicas americanas. San Jose\ Imprenta nacional, 1887. 60 p. 8°. (Tr. by F. M. Iglesias. from the article by W.E.Curtis in Harpers' Magazine, Oct., 1887, entitled, "The smallest of American Republics.") Fernandez, Leon: Coleccion de documentos para la historia de Costa Rica. T. 1. San Jose, Impr. Nacional, 1881. viii, 442 (1) p. 8°. Same. Tomo 3. San Jose\ Imprenta Nacional, 1883. xix, 486 (l)"p. 8°. Historia de Costa Rica durante la Domination Espanola 1502-1821. Publf- cala D. D. Ricardo Fernandez Guardia. Madrid, Tip. de Manuel Gines Her- nandez, 1889. vii, 640 (32) p. 8°. Fernandez Guardia, Ricardo: Historia de Costa Rica; eL descubrimiento y la conquista. San Jose", Impr. de A. Alsina, 1905. xxviii, 239 (1) p, 12°. Fradin, Elis£o P.: Estudios del golfo de Nicoya, de la bahfa del Cocos y del golfo de Culebra . . . 1891-1892. San Jose de Costa Rica, Tip. y lit. nacional, 1892. 3 p. L, (5)-109 p. 1. 1. 4°. Gabb, William M.: Informe sobre la exploraci6n de Talamanca. Verificada durante los afios de 1873-74. San Jose, Tip. nacional, 1894. 89 (4) p. 8°. Iglesias, Francisco Maria: Documentos relativos £ la independencia. Actas de la Junta Gubernativa y del primer Congreso Constituyente 25 de octubre de 1821 al 29 de marzo de 1823. San Jose, Tip. nacional, 1899-1902. 3 v. in 2. 8°. Pro patria; una biograffa y algunos recuerdos historicos. 15 de setiembre, 1899. (San Jose, Tip. nacional, 1899.) iv, 70 p. 8°. International Bureau of the American Republics: Costa Rica (a handbook). (Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1892.) iii, 146. illus. map. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 31. -January, 1892.) The republic of Costa Rica. Some facts and figures, comp. and arranged by J. B. Calvo, 1893. 2d ed. Followed by an article entitled: Costa Rica at the World's Colombian exposition at Chicago, Washington, (Government Print- ing Office, 1894). 56 p. plates, map. 8°. (Its special bulletin. April, 1894.) Julid, Joaquin {joint author) : Excursion por America. Costa Rica. See Segarra, Jose\ Montero Barrantes, Francisco: Elementos de historia de Costa Rica, San Jos6, Tip. Nacional, 1892-94. 2 v. 8°. (T. 1, yra. 1502-1856. T; 2, yrs. 1856-1890.) Geografia de Costa Rica . . . Obra escrita por comisi6n del gobierno de la republica para las exposiciones Hist6rico-americana de Madrid y universal de Chicago . . . Barcelona, Tip. lit. de J. C. Sala, 1892. vii, (9) 350 p. 2 1. map/ plans. 8°. Geografia de Costa Rica . . . Tercera edition, aumentada y corregida, San Jose, Tip. Nacional, 1890. 100 (2) p. 8°. Niederlein, Gustavo : The republic of Costa Rica. [Philadelphia], The Phila- delphia commercial museum, [1898]. 127 p. map. 8°. Noriega, Felix F. : Diccionario geografico de Costa Rica. San Jose* de Costa Rica, Impr. de A. Alsina, 1904. ix, 247 p. 12°. Obregdn, L. M.: Nociones de geografia patria. Tercera edici6n, corregida y aumen- tada. San Jose, Tip. Nacional, 1897. xii, 79 p. illus. map. 8°. Pacheco, Otoniel: Directorio de la ciudad de San Jose\ Costa Rica. Afio 1. [San Jos<§], Tip. Nacional, 1895. xxii, 249 p. 8°. Peralta F., Genaro: Gufa-directorio de la ciudad de San Jose, 1905. San Jose de Costa Rica, A. Lehmann, 1905. viii, (2), 176 p. front. 8°. Peralta, Manuel M. de: Costa Rica y costa de Mosquitos; documentos para la historia de la jurisdicci6n territorial de Costa Rica y Colombia . . . Paris, [Acabose- de imprimir para la Legation de Costa Rica], 1898. 1 p. 1., Hi, 566 p. 1. 1. Costa Rica, Nicaragua y Panama en el siglo xvi, su historia y sus limites segiin los documentos del Arcnivo de Indias de Sevilla del de Simancas, etc. Reco- S'dos y publicados con notas y aclarciones historicas y geogrdficas. Madrid, . Murillo (etc., etc.), 1883. xxiii, 832 (3) p. map. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 61 Pittier, H.: Viaje de exploration al valle del Rio Grande deTemiba . . . (Extractado de los Anales del Instituto fisico-geograficb national). (Tomo iii, 1890.) San Jos6 de Costa Rica, Tip. national, 1891. 138 p. 2 1. map. 8°. Schroeder, John : Directorio de la ciudad de San Jose. Con folleto sobre inmigra- ci6n, 1890. San Jose, Tip. National, [1890]. Cover title. 128, 62 p. 8°. Costa Rica. Immigration pamphlet with two maps; a guide for the agricul- tural class coming from other countries to make Costa Rica its home. Pub- blished by order of the supreme government of Costa Rica. San Jos£, Costa Rica, Tip. National, 1893. 173 p. 8°. Segarra, Jose": Excursion por America. Costa Rica. Edici6n ilustrada. San Jose de Costa Rica, Imprenta de Avelino Alsina, 1907. 655 p. illus. 8°. (At head of title, "Jose Segarra y Joaquin Julii.") Soto Hall, Maximo: Un vistazo sobre Costa Rica en el silgo xix. San Jose, Tip. nacional, 1901. 302, iv p. 8°. Thiel, Bernardo A.: . . . Viajes a varias partes de la republica de Costa Rica por el Dr. Bernardo A. Thiel, Obispo de Costa Rica. 1881-1896. San Jose, Tip. Nacional, 1896. 93 p. 8°. (At head of title, "Instituto fisico-geografico nacional.") Valle, Arturo del (ed.): Gufa-directorio de la republica de Costa Rica. Alio 1905. (Primerio de su publication.) San Jose, Impr. de A. Alsina, 1905. 232 p. 12°. Villafranca, Richard: Costa Rica: the gem of American republics. The land, its resources and its people. New York, Sackett & Wilhelm litho. co., 1895. 139 p. front, (port.) 8°. Villa vicencio, Enrique: Republica de Costa Rica. Historia, geograf ia, reino mineral, reino vejetal, reino animal. Poblaci6n etc., etc., . . . Coleccionados estos datos. Ano de 1886. No imprint. 66 p. 12°. Wagner, Moritz: Die republik Costa Ricain Central-Amerika, mit besonderer beriick- sichtigung der naturverhaltnisse und der frage der deutschen— austwanderung und colonisation. Reisestudien und skizzen aus den jahren 1853 und 1854 von Dr. Moritz Wagner und Dr. Carl Scherzer . . . Leipzig, Arnoldische buchhandlung 1856. xvi, 578 p. map. 8°. Zanetti, Antonio: II territorio di Costa Rica appunti sulle su condizioni climatiche, agricole ed economiche. San Jose, Tip. nacional, 1893. 28 p. 8°. Zarragoitia Baron, Leopoldo: Compendio geogr&fico y estadistico de la republica de Costa Pica, para uso de las escuelas de primera ensenanza. San Jose" de Costa Rica, Tip. nacional, 1894. 2 p. 1. 301. (2) p. 12°. Compendio de la historia de Costa Rica para uso de las escuelas de primera ensenanza, extractado de los "Elementos de historia de Costa Rica" escritos por el Seiior Don Francisco Montero Barrantes por el Licdo. Leopoldo Zarragoitia Baron. San Jose, Tip. nacional, 1894. 120 (1) p. 8°. GUATEMALA. Anino C, Juan: La republica de Guatemala, America Central. Apuntes sobre su situaci6n geogr&fica y politica y datos acerca de sus riquezas agrfcolas, comer- ciales 6 industrials y guia de la ciudad de Guatemala. Guatemala, Tip. Nac- cional, 1894. 177 p. 12°. Batres, Antonio.: Sketch of Guatemala, in Central America. New York, press of "Las Novedades," 1883. 78 p. 8°. Bringham, William T.: Guatemala: the land of the quetzal; a sketch. New York, C. Scribner*s sons, 1887. xv, 453 p. illus. maps. 8°. Conkling, Alfred: Appletons' guide to Mexico, including a chapter on Guatemala, and an English-Mexican Vocabulary. Third edition, revised. New York, D. Appleton & co., 1889. xvii, 390 p. maps, illus. 12°. (Guatemala on pages 327 to 343.) Del Rio, Antonio: Description of the ruins of an ancient city discovered near Pal- enque, in the Kingdom of Guatemala, in Spanish America; translated from the original manuscript report of Captain Don Antonio del Rio followed by Teatro Critico Americano or a critical investigation and research into the history of the Americans by Doctor Paul Felix Cabrera, of the city of New Guatemala. London, Henry Berthoud, 1822. xiii, 128 p. illus. sq. 4°. 62 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OP THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Eastern coast of Central America commercial and agricultural company: Grants conceded to the . . . company by the state of Guatemala . . . London, Whittaker & co., 1839. 137 p. maps. 8°. Eisen, Gustave: On some ancient sculptures from the Pacific slope of Guatemala. San Francisco, July, 1888. pp. 9-20. pis. iii-xi. sq. 4°. (Memoirs of the California Academy of .Science, v. 2. no. 2.) Escobar, Salvador: Geograffa de Guatemala. Libro destinado a servir de texto en las escuelas y colegios de la republica, 1899. Guatemala, Impresa en la tip. nacional (1899). 54 (1) 8°. Geograffa descriptiva. Obra declarada de texto para las escuelas. 3* ed. Guatemala Libreria de Antonio Partegas, 1889. 158 p. maps. 12°. Same. Cuarta edicion. Guatemala, Libreria ypapeleria de P. J. Guirola&co., 1902. 158 p. 12°. Exposici<5n Centro-Americana e* Internacional, 1897. Catalogo ilustrado, lista oficial de recompensas . . . y datos geogrdficos, estadisticos y administrativos de Guatemala. Guatemala, 1899. iv, xi, x, xi, 278 (2) p. front, (port.) obi. 4°. Fuentes y Guzman, Francisco Antonio de: . . . Historia de Guatemala; 6, record- ation florida; escrita el siglo xvii. . . . Publica por primera vez con notas e ilustraciones [por] D. Justo Zaragoza . . . Madrid. L. Navarro, 1882-83. 2 v. map. 8°. Guatemala: Album de Minerva . . . [Guatemala], Tip. Nacional, 1900-1903. 4 v. 4°. illus. Administration Estrada Cabrera. Resefia de los progresos alcanzados en los ramos de adjudication de terrenos, ferrocarriles, carreteras, puentes, comuni- caciones por correo, telegrafo y telefono y production agricola. Guatemala, Tip. nacional, 1904. illus. 247 p. 8°. Correos nacionales de la republica: Exposici6n Centro-Americana. 1897. Souvenir de los correos nacionales de la republica. New York, (1897). 37 p. Illus. obi. 16°. Department of Public Works: Descriptive account of the geographical, sta- tiscal and other institutions of the republic of Guatemala, Central America. Caption title. 39 p. 12°. Historico apologetico general de todas las Indias y especial de la provincia de Sn. Vincente Ferrer de Chiapa y Goathemala de el Orden de Predicadores. Libro inedito . . . que con motivo de la celebration del cuatro centenario del des- cubrimiento de America ha mandado publica el gobierno de la republica de Guatemala. Madrid, 1892. 445 p. International Bureau of the American Republics: Guatemala (a handbook). Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1892. 192 p.. pi. map. 6°. (Ita bulletin no. 32. January, 1892.) The republic of Guatemala. 1897. (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1897.) 2 p. 1., 119 p. pi. port. 8°. Juarros, Domingo: A statistical and commercial history of the kingdom of Guate- mala, in Spanish America: containing important particulars relative to its productions, manufactures, customs, etc., etc., etc. With an account of its conquest by the Spaniards, and a narrative of the principal events down to the present time; from original records in the archives, actual observations, and other authentic sources . . . Translated by J. Baily . . . London, J. Hearne, 1823. viii, 520 p. map. 8°. Maudslay, Anne C: A glimpse at Guatemala and some notes on the ancient monu- ments of Central America. By Anne C. Maudslay & Alfred P. Maudslay . . . London, J. Murray, 1899. xvii; 289 p. illus. plates, maps, plans. 4°. [Mendez, J.]: Gufa del inmigrante en el republica de Guatemala. Guatemala, Tip. nacional, 1895. 272 p. 8°. Middledyk, R. A. van: Las islas Canarias y los campesinos islefios como inmigrantes para Guatemala. Un estudio hecho "in situ" por 6rden del Senor Presidente dela republica . . . Southampton, "Southampton Times," 1896. 28 p. 8°. Guatemala: Some facts and figures for the information of visitors, compiled and arranged for the Guatemala central railroad company, 1895. No imprint. 70 p. illus. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 63 Niederlein, Gustavo: The republic of Guatemala. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Commercial Museum, 1898. 63 p. 8°. Notes on the republic of Guatemala, her progress from 1871 to 1884 under the government of Gen. J. Rufino Barrios. The many favorable conditions which invite immigration of the working classes from abroad. New York, George F. Nesbitt & co., printers, 1885. 47 p. 8°. Pepper, Charles M.: Guatemala, the country of the future; a monograph. Wash- ington, D. C, 1906. 80 p. front., plates. 8°. (Reprinted in the "Monthly Bulletin," February to June, 1906.) Perez, F. Eduardo: Directorio cbmercial y politico de la ciudad de Quezaltenango. Guatemala, Tip. "Union Liberal," 1898. 182 p. 4°. Poitier, Eduardo: Actuation de la repiiblica de Guatemala en la America Central. Trabajo presentado al Tercer Congreso Cientifico Latine-Americano de Rio de Janeiro. . . Rio de Janeiro, agosto 6 de 1905. Valparaiso, Imp. y lit., Gus- tavo Weidman, 1905. 33 p. 8°. Salazar, Ramon A.: Historia del desenvolvimiento intelectual de Guatemala desde la fundacion de la primera escuela de letras Europeas hasta la inauguration del Instituto Nacional de Indfgenas, efectuada en el afio de 1896. T. 1 La Colonia. Guatemala, Tip. Nacional, 1897. 403 p. 12°. Seler, Caecilie: Auf alten Wegen in Mexiko und Guatemala. Reisseerinnerungen und Eindrucke aus den Jahren 1895-1897, mit 65 lichtdrucktaflen, 260 in dem text, gedruckten abbildungen und einer karte. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1900. 363 p. 4°. Stephan, Charles H.: Le Guatemala economique . . . Renseignements pratiques & utiles a 1' usage des industriels, transporters, capitalistes, employes, ban- quiers, commercants, agriculteurs, travailleurs. Paris, Chevalier & Riviere, 1907. iv, 263 p. 12°. Thompson, G[eorge] Alexander]: Narrative of an official visit to Guatemala from Mexico . . . London, J. Murray, 1829. (v)-xii, vi, 528 p. front, (fold, map.) 12°. HONDURAS. % [The American-Honduras Company]: Spanish Honduras, its rivers, lagoons, savannas, mountains, minerals, forests, fish, game, agricultural products, fruits, transpor- tation and natives . . . New York, W. R. Gillespie, 1906. 183 p. front, ills. 8°. Belot, Gustave de: La ve>ite" sur le Honduras, jfctude historique, geographique, politique et commerciale sur l'Amenque Centrale. Paris, Impr. Centrale de Chemines de Fer., n.d. diagr. 95 p. 8°. Bourgeois, H. G. {joint author) : Breve noticia sobre Honduras. See Lemus, M. Bourgeot, Alexandre: Les states de PAm^rique Centrale: le Honduras, son passe" et son avenir. Paris, Impr. de L'Oeuvre de Saint-Paul, 1878. vii, 46 p. 8°. Charles, Cecil: Honduras: the land of great depths . . . Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally & co., 1890. 216 p. 2 ports, map. 12°. Comayagtiela, Municipio de: Datos historicos y geogr&fieos sobre el municipio de Camayaguela. Tegucigalpa, Tip. Nacional, 1900. 190 (1) p. 4°. Cortes, Hernan: The fifth letter of Hernan Cortes to the Emperor Charles V, con- taining an account of his expedition to Honduras. Translated from the original Spanish by Pascual de Gayangos . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt society, 1868. 136 p. 8°. Honduras, Direction de estadfstica : La republica de Honduras. Breve resefia para la exposici6n de San Lufs, Missouri, Estados Unidos de America. Publi- cacidn especial de la Direction de estadfstica. Tegucigalpa, Tip. nacional, 1903. 4 p. 1., (7) 60 p. 2 1. 4°. International Bureau of the American Republics: . . . Honduras (a handbook}. (Washington, -Government Printing Office, 1896.) vi, 186 p. pi. map. 8 6 . (Its bulletin no. 57. 1892.) 64 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. . . . Honduras. Geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic conditions, actual development, prospects of future growth. By Alfred K. Moe . . . 1904. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. 252 p. pi. maps. 8°. Jalhay, Henry: La r^publique de Honduras. Notice historique, geographique & statistique . . . Anvers, V e . de Backer, 1898. 43 p. 4°. Same. Anvers, V e . de Backer, 1901. 53 (1) p. 4°. Lombard, Thomas R.: The new Honduras: its situation, resources, opportunities and prospects, concisely stated from recent personal observations. Chicago, New York, Brentanos, 1887. 1, 102 p. front., plates. 8°. Lemus, M.: Breve noticia sobre Honduras; datos geograficos, estadfsticos 6* infor- maciones practicas. [For] M. Lemus y H. G. Bourgeois . . . Tegucigalpa, Tip. nacional, 1897. 46 p. 8°. Moe, Alfred K. See International Bureau of the American Republics: Honduras; geographical sketch. The republic of Honduras, and its natural resources. New Orleans, February, 1885. 15 p. 8°. Same. Spanish edition. 13 p. 8°. Rose, Richard H.: Utilla: past and present, including article on H. M. S. Psyche at the Bay Islands. Danville, N.Y.,F. A. Owen co., [1904]. 188 (1) p. 12°. illus. Samoza Vivas, Fernando: Gufa de Honduras . . . Tegucigalpa, Tip. nacional, 1905. 359, xx. front, (port.) plates, obi. 8°. Squier, E. G.: Honduras; descriptive, historical and statistical. Issued by per- mission of the author, and under the authority of . . . Carlos Gutierrez . . . London, Trubner & co., 1870. viii, 278 p. front, map. 8°. Notes on Central America; particularly the states of Honduras and San Sal- vador: their geography, topography, climate, population, resources, produc- tions, etc., etc., and the proposed Honduras inter-oceanic railway. New York, Harper & brothers, 1855. 397 p. maps, plates. 8°. (Honduras on pp. 59-293.) Wells, William V.: Explorations and adventures in Honduras . . . with a review of the history and general resources of Central America. New York, Harper & brothers, 1857. 588 p. illus. map. 8°. NICARAGUA. The American association for the advancement of science: Nicaragua canal, discus- sion before the American association for the advancement of science, 36th meeting held in New York, August, 1887. New York, press of G. P. Putnams sons, 1887. 104 p. 8°. map. Baader, Walter: Durch Nicaragua dem projektierten interozeanischen kanal entlang. Basals, Kreis, 1903. 76 p. front. 12°. Bovallius, Carl: . . . Nicarguan antiquities. Stockholm, Kongl. P. A. Norstedt & soner, 1886. 2 p. 1., 50 p. 1 1. 41 pi., maps. 4°. Belly, Felix : A travers l'Amerique Centrale. Le Nicaragua et le canal interocean- ique . . . Tome 2. Paris, Librairie de la Suisse romande, 1867. 480 p. 8°. Bravo, Jorge: Breves noticias de la republica de Nicaragua mandadas publicar de orden del honorable seiior ministro de relaciones exteriores ... con el objeto de promover la inmigracion extranjera. Managua, Tip. nacional, 1892. 71 p. 4°. tables. Calvo, Joaquin Bernardo: La costa de Mosquitos. Artfculo publicado por J. B. Calvo en la section editorial de "El Diario de Centro-America," numero 2715, correspondiente al 21 de noviembre de 1890. Guatemal, Tip. "La Uni6n," [1890]. 7. p. 8°. Church, George Earl: Interoc£anic communication on the western continent. A study in commercial geography ... 42 p. 8°. map. (Reprinted from the "Geographical Journal" (London) for March, 1902.) Colquhoun, Archibald Ross: The key to- the Pacific, the Nicaragua canal . . . With numerous illustrations, plans and maps. Westminister, Archibald Constable & co., . . . 1895. 443 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 65 Davis, Charles H.: Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1867. 37 p. 14 maps. 8°. Davis, Richard Harding: Out of the world at Corinto. [An extract from "Harper's New Monthly Magazine, pp. 933-942.] 8°. illus. Dumartray et Rouhaud, MM.: Coup d'ceil sur la republique de FAmerique Centrale. et particulierement sur les £tats de Nicaragua et Costa llica, accompagn^ d'une carte de ces deux 6tats, par MM. Dumartray et Rouhaud. Paris, Impr. de Crapelet, 1832. 8. 12 p. map. 4°. Gamez, Jose* D.: Archivo historico de la republica de Nicaragua. Tomo 1. Com- prende desde 1821 hasta 1826. Managua, Tip. national, 1896. vi, 373 p. 8°. Historia de Nicaragua, desde los tiempos prehistoricos hasta 1860, en sua relaciones con Espana, Mexico y Centro-America ... 1 ed. Managua, Tip. de "El Pals," 1889. 855 p. 8°. Graziosi, H. Falcinelli: Guia ilustrada del estado de Nicaragua. Octubre, 1898. Roma, n.d. 226 p. 8°. Haupt, Lewis M.: National influence and the isthmian canal. 8 p. 8°. (Reprinted from the "Engineering Magazine," New York, July, 1898.) International Bureau of the American Republics: ... Nicaragua (a handbook). (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1893.) v, 183 p. plates, map. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 51. 1892.) Jalhay, Henry: La republique de Nicaragua. Notice historique, geographique & statistique . . . Anvers, Imp. V e de Backer, 1899. 60 p. 8°. Kendall, John S.: A midsummer trip to Nicaragua. New Orleans, Picayune Job print, 1905". 22 p. illus. 8°. Levy, Pablo: Notas geograficas y economicas sobre la republica de Nicaragua: su historia, topografia, clima, producciones, y riquezas . . . Obra aprobada por el Gobierno . . . Paris, Lib. Espafiola de E. Denn6 Schmitz, 1873. xvi, 627 p. map. 8°. (Bibliography, p. 597.) Maritime canal company of Nicaragua: . . . Report of the Maritime canal com- pany of Nicaragua, 1905. (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1905.) 3 p. 8°. (U. S. Cong., 59th. cong., 1st. sess., House doc. no. 50.) [Matamoros, J. T.]: La republica de Nicaragua. 1906. Managua, Tip. Inter- nacional, [1906]. viii, 146 p. illus. map. 4°. (Descriptive volume intended for immigrants.) Miller, Jacob William: Where to build the isthmian canal. By J. W. Miller, Late Commander U. S. N., member Government Survey 1872-73, president Nicaragua company, n. d. 16 p. 8°. Miller, Warner: Niaragua and the canal. (Extract from a magazine, pp. 421-431.) Montufar [y Rivera Maestre], Lorenzo: Walker en Centro-America. Guatemala, Tipo- graffa "La Union," 1887. v, 1062 p. 3 ports. 8°. Niederlein, Gustavo: The state Of Nicaragua of the greater republic of Central America . . . Philadelphia, The Philadelphia Commercial Museum, 1898. 93 p. 8°. Nimmo, Joseph: The proposed Nicaragua canal an impracticable project. A com- munication addressed to the Nicaragua canal board in regard to the commercial, nautical and economic conditions involved in the scheme, [n. t. p., 18951. (3) 40, (3) p. tables. 8°. Ortega, Francisco: Nicaragua en los primeros anos de su emancipation polftica. Paris, Lit. de Gamier Hermanos, 1894. 171 p. 12°. Oviedo y Valdes, Gonzalo Fernandez de: Historie du Nicaragua. Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1840. 269 p. 8°. PeCtor, D6sir6: . . . Etude cconomique sur la republique de Nicaragua . . . Neuchatel, Soci^te* neuchateloise d'imprimerie, 1893. 167 p. table, map. 8°. Peralta, Manuel M. de: Costa Rica, Nicaragua y Panama en el siglo xvi, su historia y sus limites segiin los documentos del Archivo de Indias de Se villa, del de Simancas, etc. Recogidos y publicados con notas y aclaraciones hist6ricas v geograficas. Madrid, M. Murillo, [etc., etc, 1883. xxiii, 832 (3) p. map. 8 8 . 56 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. El interoceanieo de Nicaragua y Costa Rica en 1620 y en 1887. Relaciones de Diego de Mercado y Thos. C. Reynolds con otros documentos recogidos y ano- tados por D. Manuel M. de Peralta. Bruselas, Impr. de A. Mertens, 1887. 86 p. 8°. [Perry, Edward W.]: Nicaragua, a rich new field ... [A pamphlet issued by the Nicaragua Company of Philadelphia describing the country.] Rome, N. Y., [press of the] "Citizen," 1898. 48, (2) p. illus. 12°. Pim, Bedford: Dottings on the roadside in Panama. Nicaragua and Mosquito. ." . . London, Chapman & Hall, 1869. xvi, 468 p. plates, illus. maps. front. 8°. The gate of the Pacific. London, Lovell, Reeve & co., 1863. xiii, (1) 432 p. col. front, maps. 8 col. pis. 8°. Rasgos descriptivos de la repiiblica de Nicaragua escritos por el Ministro de fomento de la misma para guia de los inmigrantes extranjeros. Edition oficial. Man - agua, Tip. Nacional, 1894. 132 p. 12°. Roberts, Orlando W. : Narrative of voyages and excursions on the east coast and in the interior of Central America; describing a journey up the river San Juan and passage across the lake of Nicaragua to the city of Leon; pointing out the advantages of a direct commercial intercourse with the natives. With notes and observations by Edward Irving. Edinburgh, Constable & co., 1827. Seeman, Berthold (joint author) : Dottings on the roadside in Panama, Nicaragua and Mosquito. See Pim, Bedford. Sheldon, Henry I[saac]: Notes on the Nicaragua canal. Chicago, A. C. McClurg and co., 1897. iv. p., 214 p. front., plates, maps. 8°. Simmons, William E.: The Nicaragua canal. New York and London, Harper & bros., 1900. (6) 334 (1) p. front, (port.) illus. plates. 8°. Spillmann, Joseph: The trip to Nicaragua. A trip of the days of the conquista- dores. Translated from the German by Mary Richards Gray. St. Louis, published by B. Herder, 1907. 148 p. 12°. Squier, E. G.: Nicaragua; its people, scenery, monuments, and the proposed inter- oceanic canal . . . New York, D. Appleton & co., 1852. 2 v. illus. plates, maps. 8°. Stout, Peter F.: Nicaragua, past, present and future; a description of its inhabitants, customs, mines, minerals, early history, modern fillibusterism, proposed inter- oceanic canal and manifest destiny . . . Philadelphia, J. E. Potter, 1859. 372 p. front, (fold, map.) 12°. Nicaragua: past, present, and future; a description of its habitants, customs, mines, minerals, early history, modern fillibusterism, proposed interoceanic canal and manifest destiny. Philadelphia, J. E. Potter, 1859. 372 p. front map. 12°. Strange ways, Thomas: Sketch of the Mosquito shore, including the territory of Poyais, descriptive of the country; with some information as to its productions, the best mode of culture, etc. . . . Edinburgh, sold by W.. Blackwood (etc., etc.), 1822. 2 p. 1., viii, 355 p. front, (port.) map. 8°. Stuckle\ Henri: Interoceanic canals, an essay on the question of location for. a ship canal across the American continent . . . New York, D. Van Nostrana, (etc., etc.), 1870. 2 p. 1., iv, (3) 137 p. maps. 8°. Un historian en camina. Santa Tecla, Tip. Cat61ica, 1906. 98 p. 12°. U. S. Navy Dept.: Report of historical and technical information relating to the problem of interoceanic communication by way of the American isthmus. By John T. Sullivan, Lieutenant, V. S. Navy. By order of the Bureau of Naviga- tion, Navy Department. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1883. 1 p. 1., 219 p. plates, maps. 4°. . . . Report of the U. S. Nicaragua surveying party, 1885, by Civil Engineer A. G. Menocal . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1886. 55 p. 68 pi. maps. 4°. tj. S. Senate, Ex. doc. no. 99, 49th. cong., 1st sess.) LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 67 U. S. Nicaragua canal commission: Report of the Nicaragua canal commission, 1897-1899. Rear-Admiral John G. Walker, U.S. N., president; Colonel Peter C. Hains, U. S. A., Corps of Engineers; Professor Lewis M. Haupt, civil engineer. With an atlas. Baltimore, The Friedenwald co., 1899. xii, 502 p. illus. maps, plans, tables. 4°. Same, 1 case of maps. Von BUlow, Frelherrn A.: Der freistaat Nicaragua in Mittel-Amerika und seine wichtigkeit fur den welthandel, den ackerdau und die colonisation. Nach eigener anschauung und mit besonderer bezUgnahme auf die Berliner colonisa- tions — gesellschaft fur Central Amerika dargestellt von Freiherrn A. von Billow . . . Berlin, Verlag von Gustav Hempel, 1849. viii, 139 p. maps. 12°. Walker, J. W.: An account, personal and historical, of Nicaragua and its people. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co., 1905. 309 p. maps, illus. 8°. Walker, William: La guerra de Nicaragua. Escrita ... en 1860. Traducida por Fabio Carnevalini. Managua, Tip. de " El Porvenir," 1884. (2), 158 p. 8°. The war in Nicaragua. New York, S. H. Goetzel & co., 1860. xii, [13] — 431 p. front, (port.) map. 12°. Young, Thomas: Narrative of a residence on the Mosquito Shore: with an account of Truxello, and the adjacent islands of Bonacca and Roatan; and a vocabu- lary of the Mosquitan language. Second edition London, Smith, Elder & co.. 1847. 172 p. 8°. PANAMA. Abbot, Henry L.: Problems of the Panama canal. Including climatology of the isthmus, physics and hydraulics of the river Charges, cut at the continental divide, and discussion of plans for the waterway, with history from 1890 to date . . . New York, The Macmillan co., 1907. xii, 269 p. front, plates, map. 8°. Airiau, A.: Canal interoc&mique par PIsthme du Darien, Nouvelle-Grenade (Amer- ique du Sud). Canalisation par la colonisation. Paris, Chez France, 1860. 5 fold. maps. 112 p. 8°. Borland, Francis: The history of Darien. Giving a short description of that country, an account of the attempts of the Scotch nation to settle a colony in that place, a relation of the many tragical disasters which attended that design; with some practical reflections upon the whole. Written mostly in the year 1700, while the author was in the American regions. To which is added a letter to his parishioners . . . Glasgow, printed by J. Bryce, 1779. iv, 100 p. 12°. Butterworth, Hezekiah: South America; a popular illustrated history of the South American republics, Cuba and Panama . . . New York, Doubleday, Page 6 co., 1904. xxii, 288 p. front, pi. maps. 8°. Cermoise, H.: Deux ans a Panama. Notes et recits d'un ingenieur au canal. -3d ed. Paris, Marpon & E. Flammarion, 1886. 306 p. 12°. Colombia [Ministerio de relaciones exteriores]: Notas diplomaticos sobre la rebelion del istmo de Panama. [Bogota], Imp. Nacional, 1903. 1 broadside. Same. Nuevas notas . . . November 16, 1903. 1 broadside. — -; — Same. Otras notas . . . November 18, 1903. 1 broadside. Gisborne, Lionel: The isthmus of Darien in 1852. Journal of the expedition of inquiry for the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. London Saunders & Stanford, 1853. maps. 238 p. 8°. Guia-directorio de la ciudad de Panama. Guia del extranjero consultor y auxiliar del comerciante, cicerone del tourista . . . Obra necesaria e" indispensable a comerciantes, industriales y viajeros. Ano 1. Panama, Tip. Chevalier, And- reve & cia., 1906. 213 p. 8°. Hale, H. C. (comp.): Notes on Panama. Compiled and arranged by Capt. H. C. Hale . . . November, 1903. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1903. 286 p. illus. maps. 8°. (At head of title; " War Department, Office of the Chief of Staff . . .") Hellprin, Angelo: A defense of the Panama route. Philadelphia, Franklin Press, 1902. 12 pp. 8°. 68 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Johnson, Willis Fletcher: Four centuries of the Panama canal . . . New York, Henry Holt & co., 1906. xxj, 461 p. front, (port.) plates, maps. 8°. Linsay, C. H. Forbes: Panama, the isthmus and the canal . . . Philadelphia, The J. C. Winston co., 1906. 368 p. front., ports, maps, fold-profile. 8°. Meinhold, C. Alberto: La republica de Panama . . . Santiago, Imprenta Lourdes, 1906. 43 p. front, (port.) 12°. (Has caption title; "Situaci6n, historia, comercio, industrial Intelectualidad.") Muller, Fred (joint author): Panama via New Orleans. See Porch, James W.- Nelson, Wolf red: Five years at Panama. The trans-isthmian canal . . . New York, Belford co., 1899. xiv, 287 p. fold. map. illus. 8°. Same. Extracts submitted to the U. S. Senate by Senator Morgan and printed as Doc. No. 401, 57th Cong., 1st sess. 25 p. 8°. Nicholas, Francis C: Around the Caribbean and across Panama. Illustrated with maps and half-tones from rare photographs. Boston and New York, H. M. Cald- well co., °1903. (8), 373 p. 8°. Original papers relating to the [British] expedition to Panama. London, printed for M. Cooper, 1744. 244 p. 12°. Otis, F. N.: Isthmus of Panama. History of the Panama railroad; and of the Pacific mail steamship co. Together with a traveller's guide and business man's hand-book for the Panama railroad . . . etc. New York, Harper & bros., 1867. 317 p. map. illus. 8°. Panama at a glance: Pocket guide of Panama city. Helpful hints for strangers and visitors . . . Published by the Panama real estate company, [1907]. 48 p. nar. 8°. Pensa, Henri: La republique et le canal de Panama . . . Paris, Hachette et cie. 1906. 344 p. maps. 8°. (Bibliography, p. 337.) Philadelphia commercial museum, Foreign commercial guide: Panama. Edited by Edward James Cattell. (Part 1, section 27.) Philadelphia, The Museum, 1905. map. 17 p. 4°. Pirn, Bedford: Dottings on the roadside, in Panama, Nicaragua, and Mosquito. By Bedford Pirn and Berthold Seemann . . . London, Chapman & Hall, 1869. xvi, 468 p. plates, illus. maps. 8°. Porch, James W.: Panama via New Orleans. Report of Board of trade committee made from personal observations of James W. Porch and Fred Muller. Novem- ber-December, 1904. No imprint. 75 p. 8°. [Published by the New Orleans board of trade.] Posada, Francisco (comp.): Directono general de la ciudad de Panama y resena historica, geografica, 7 del departamento. Afio 2 . . . Panama, Imprenta Star and Herald, 1898. viii, xi 370, ii p. maps. 8°. Reclus, Armand : Panama et Darien. Voyages d'exploration. (1876-1878.) 2ded. Paris, Librarie Hachette et cie., 1888. 422p. maps, illus. front, (port.) 12°. Rodrigues, J. C: The Panama Canal. Its history, its political aspects and financial difficulties. New York, Charles Scribner's sons, 1885. viii, 248 p. 8°. Scruggs, William L.: The Colombian and Venezuelan republics with notes on other parts of Central and South America. With maps and illustrations. New edition, with a chapter on the Panama canal. Boston, Little, Brown & co., 1905. xii, (1) 380 p. 8°. (Library also has edition of 1900.) Seeman, Berthold (joint author) : Dottings on the roadside in Panama, Nicaragua and Mosquito. See Pirn, Bedford. Selva, Carlos: Panama. Guatemala, Impreso en la tipograf fa nacional, 1904. 109 (Dp. 12°. Tomes, Robert: Panama in 1855. An account of the Panama railroad, of the cities of Panama, and Aspinwall, with sketches of life and character on the isthmus. New York, Harper & bro., 1855. 246 p. front., illus. 16°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 69 U. S. Isthmian canal commission: Special report of the chairman of the Isthmian canal commission to the Secretary of War. Showing present conditions on the isthmus. April 23, 1906. Washington, Isthmian canal affairs, office of admin- istration, 1906. 19 p. 8°. United States, President: Special message of the President of the United States con- cerning the Panama canal, communicated to the two houses of Congress on December 17, 1906. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906. 33 p. plates, map. obi. 8°. Valde's, Ramon M.: Geografia del istmo de Panama. Texto adoptado oficialmento para la ensenanza en las escuelas de la nacion. Segunda edicion. Notable- mente corregida y aumentada . . . New York, D. Appleton y compania, 1905. xii, 155 p. maps, illus. 12°. La independencia del istmo de Panama. Sus antecedentes sus causas y su justificacion. Panama^ Imprenta "Star and Herald," 1903. 21 p. 8°. Cover- title. Same. English translation. 27 p. 8°. Wafer, Lionel : A new voyage and description of the isthmus of America, by Lionel Wafer, reprinted from the original edition of 1699; ed. by George Parker Win- ship . . . Cleveland, The Burrows brothers co., 1903. 212 p. front., pi. maps. 8°. EL SALVADOR. Barberena, Santiago L.: Descripci6n geografica y estadfstica de la republica de El Salvador . . . San Salvador, Imprenta nacional, 1892. 114 p. table. 8°. Dawson, Guillermo J.: Geograffa elemental de la republica del Salvador. Paris, Libreria de Hachette y cia., 1890. 72 p. illus. 4°. Duran, S. Cortes: Impresiones de un viajero. San Salvador, [Imprenta nacional]. 1906. 240 p. 12°. Fernandez, Manuel : Bosquejo fisico politico e" historico de la republica del Salvador. San Salvador, Impr. nacional, 1869. 368 (1) p. nar. 16°. International Bureau of the American Republics: . . . Salvador (a handbook). (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1895.) vi, 169 p. plates, map. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 58. 1892.) Lacayo, J. M. (ed.): Gufa del Salvador. Del comercio, industrias, profesiones, empresas de ferrocarriles, vapores, correos, telegrafos, teleTonos, etc., etc. Util e indispensable para nacionales y extranjeros. No imprint. No paging. 12°. Lopez, Jose" C. : Apuntes historicos del estado del Salvador relativos & las adminis- traciones de Don Mariano Prado y D. Joaquin San Martin en los anos de 1833 y 34 . . . San Salvador, Imp. Nacional, 1880. 19 p. 4°. El Salvador: [A pamphlet giving general information in regard to the republic of Salvador, published in Washington, D. C, December 14, 1901.] 41 p. 12°. Squier, E. Q.: Notes on Central America; particularly the states of Honduras and San Salvador: their geography, topography, climate, population, resources, productions, etc., etc., and the proposed Honduras interoceanic railway. New York, Harper &bros., 1855. 397 p. maps, plates. 8°. (Salvador on pp. 295-352.) Veloz=Qolticoa, N.: El Salvador at the Pan-American exposition. Buffalo, N. Y., 1901. 34 (1) p. front, (port.) illus. 8°. Wright, {Mrs.) Marie Robinson: Salvador illustrated. Published by L' Artiste Pub- lishing co., New York, 1893. 46 p. front. 4°. MEXICO. AntigUedades Mexicanas publicadas por la Junta Colombina de Mexico en el cuarto cententario del descubrimiento de America. Texto. Mexico, Oficina tip. de la Secretaria de fomento, 1892. xlii, 80 (1) p. f °. Apuntes sinopticos sobre el estado de Puebla. Obsequio & los Sres. Delegados al 2° Congreso Pan-Americano en su visita de esta ciudad ... Puebla de Zara- goza, Noviembre de 1901. illus. 30 p. 8°. 70 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Bancroft, Hubert Howe: . . . History of Mexico . . . San Francisco, A. L. Ban- croft & co M 1883-88. 6 v. illus. maps. 8°. . . . History of the North Mexican states and Texas . . . San Francisco, The history co., 1886. 2 v. maps. 8°. The native races. San Francisco, The history co., publishers, 1886. 5 v. 8°. (Comprising volumes 1-5 of " Bancroft's works.") (Chapters on Mexico and Central America in each volume.) Resources and development of Mexico. San Francisco, The Bancroft co., publishers, 1893. xii, 325 p. 8°. Bandelier, A. F.: . . . Report of an archaeological tour in Mexico in 1881. Second edition. Boston, Cupples, Upham & co., 1885. x, 326 p. illus. 8°. (At head of title, " Papers of the archaeological institute of America, American series, ii.") Barrett, Robert S.: (comp.) The standard guide to the city of Mexico and vicinity. Mexico, Modern Mexico publishing co., 1900. 98 p. plates, illus. 8°. Same. 1901. 152 p. plates, illus. 8°. Bel mar, Francisco: Breve resena historica y geogr£fica del estado de Oaxaca. Edition oficial dedicada & los delegados del Congreso Pan-Americana. Oaxaca, Imprenta del Comercio, 1901. 233 p. illus. 8°. Bianconi, F. : Le Mexique a la portee des industriels, des capitalistes, des negotiants importateurs et exportateurs et des travailleurs . . . Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, 1889. 144 p. map. 8°. Biart, Lucien: The Aztecs: their history, manners and customs. From the French. Authorized translation by J. L. Garner. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co., 1900. 343 p. illus. map. 8°. Bishop, William Henry: Old Mexico and her lost provinces; a joumey in Mexico, southern California, and Arizona by way of Cuba. New York, Harper & bros., 1883. x, 509 p. front., illus. pis. maps. 8°. Bonaparte, Roland: Le Mexique au d£but du XX e siecle par . . . le prince Roland Bonaparte . . . [and others]. Paris, Impr. Schmidt, fils., 1904. 2 v. 4°. Brasseur de Bourbourg: Voyage sur l'isthme de Tehuantepec, dans l'£tat de Chipas et la republique de Guatemala, execute 1 dans les annees 1859 et 1860. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1861. 209 p. 8°. Quatre lettres sur le Mexique. Exposition absolute du systeme hieroglyphique Mexicain la fin de l'age de Pierre. £poque glaciaire temporaire commence- ment de l'age de bronze. Origines de la civilisation et des religions de l'antiquite' d'aprcs le teo-amoxtli et autres documents Mexicains. Paris, Auguste Durand et Pedone, 1868. xx, 463 p. 8°. Butler, John W.: Sketches of Mexico in prehistoric, primitive, colonial and modern times . . . New York, Hunt & Eaton; Cincinnati, Cranston & Curtis, 1894. x, 316 p. front. 8°. Caballero, Manuel: Primer almanaque historico, artfstico y monumental de la re- publica Mexicana [1883-1884] publicado por Manuel Caballero . . . con la ela- boration de los sres. Ignacio M. Altamirano, Mariano Barcena . . . y otros distinguidos literatos. Datos estadfsticos de fuentes oficiales . . . [Nueva York, The C. M. Green printing co., 1883.] vi, (2), 377 p. illus. port, tables, diagrs. map. 4°. Campbell, Reau: Campbell's complete guide and descriptive book of Mexico. Chicago, [Poole bros.], 1895. 256 p. illus. maps. 8°. Charnay, Desir£: Les anciennes villes du nouveau monde. Voyages d'explorations au Mexique et dans l'Amerique Centrale. 1857-1882. Paris, Librairie Hach- ette et cie., 1885. xii, 469 p. front, (port.), plates, plans, maps. 4°. (Library also has English translation.)' (Ethnology and archaeology of Mexico.) Chevalier, J. Michel: Mexico, ancient and modern . . . Translated under the author's superintendence by Thomas Alpass . . . London, J. Maxwell & co., 1864. 2 v. 8°. Clauseret, G. : Mexico and the solidarity of nations. New York, Blackwell, printer, 1866. 109 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 71 Clavigero, Francisco Xavier: The history of Mexico. Collected from Spanish and Mexican historians, from manuscripts and ancient paintings of the Indians . . To which are added critical dissertations on the land, the animals, and inhabitants of Mexico. Tr. from the original Italian by Charles Cullen, esq 2d edition. London, J. Johnson, 1807. 2 v. plate, portrait, table, map. 4°. Comision nacional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos para la exposition Pan-Ameri- cana de Buffalo, N. Y.: A few facts about Mexico. 1901. Published by the National Commission from the United States of Mexico to the Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, N. Y. [Buffalo, The White-Evans-Penfold co., printers, 1901.] (3) 131 p. front, pi. port. map. 8°. Anniversary of Mexico's independence day. September 16, 1810. Buffalo, 1901. 8°. Conkling, Alfred: Appletons' guide to Mexico, including a chapter on Guatemala, and an English-Mexican vocabulary. Third edition, revised. New York, D. Appleton & co., 1889 xvii, 390 p. maps, illus. 12°. Conkling, Howard: Mexico and the Mexicans; or notes of travel in the winter and spring of 1883. New York, Taintor bros., Merrill & co., 1883. x, (1) 298 p. front, plans. 12°. orrea, Alberto: Resefia econ6mica del estado de Tabasco [republica Mexicanal Mexico, Oficina tip. de la Secretaria de fomento, 1899. 168 p. map. plates. 8 . Correspondence between the Secretary of War and General Scott and Mr. Trist. [Washington, 1848.] 405, ix p. 8°. (U. S. House of Representative*?, 30th cone., 1st sess., ex. doc. no. 56.) (Relates to the war between the U. S. and Mexico.) Cortls, Herndn: Historia de Nueva Espafia, aumentada con otros documentos y notas . . . por D. Fr. A. Lorenzana. Mexico, Impr. del Gobierno, . . . 1770. (18), 400, (18) p. front., illus. maps. 4°. Same. Revisada y adaptada a" la ortografia moderna por D. Manuel del Mar. Neuva York, White, Gallahery White, 1828. 110, vi, (7) 614 p. front, pi. 7°. Cubitt, George: Cortes; or the discovery and conquest of Mexico. London, John Mason, 1848. 160 p. 12°. Diaz del Castillo, Bernal: The true history of the conquest of Mexico. Written in the year 1568 . . . Tr. from the original Spanish by Maurice Keatings, esq. London, reprinted at Salem (Mass.) for Cushing & Appleton, 1803. 2 v. map. 8°. Domench, J. Figueroa: Gufa general descriptiva de la republica Mexicana. His- toria, geograffca, estadistica, etc., etc., con triple directorio del comercio y la industrfa, abogados, medicos, hacendados, correos, telegrafos y ferrocarriles, etc., etc., etc., dirigida y redactada en presencia de datos oficiales . . . Mexico, Ramon de S. N. Araluce, editor, 1899. 2 v. illus. 4°. Edwards, William Seymour: On the Mexican highlands, with a passing glimpse of Cuba. Cincinnati, press of Fenhings & Graham, (1906). 283 p. map. illus. 8°. Fancourt, Charles Saint John : The history of Yucatan, from its discovery to the close of the seventeenth century. London, J. Murray, 1854. xvi, 360 p. map. 8°. Fernandez, Manuel: Informe sobre el reconocimiento del istmo de Tehuantepec. Mexico, Imprenta de Francisco Diaz de Leon, 1879. 146 (1) p. maps. 8°. [Fitzgerrell, J. J.]: FitzgerrelPs guide to Mexico. The tropics and highlands. Third edition. New homes in a land of great opportunities, 1907. Published by the Mexican government under the direction of (the) . . . acting secretary of fomento by order of . . . (the) President of the republic of Mexico. Mexico, Imprenta y fototipia de la Secretarfa de fomento, 1907. (Library also has 1st and 2d eds. Published in 1905.) [Folsom, George]: Mexico in 1842; a description of the country, its natural and political features; with a sketch of its history, brought down to the present year. To which is added an account of Texas and Yucatan: and of the Santa ¥6 expedition . . . [anon]. New York, C. J. Folsom, [etc.,] 1842. 256 p. front, (map). 16°. Frias y Soto, Hilaridn: Mexico y los Estados Unidos durante la intervenci6n francesa; rectifica'ciones historicas. Mexico, Impr. del Comercio de J. E. Barbero, 1901. 145 p. 8°. 72 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Galindo y Villa, Jestis: Gufa para visitar los salones de historia de Mexico del mueso nacional. Tercera edition corregida. Mexico, Imprenta del Museo National, 1899. viii, 135 (1) p. 8°. Resena historico-descriptiva de la eiudad de Mexico . . . [Escrito] expresa- mente para los delegados a" la Segunda conferencia international Americana. Mexico, Imprenta de Francisco Diaz de Leon, 1901. viii, 243 p. . plates. maps. 8°. Garay, Jos6: An account of the isthmus of Tehuantepec in the republic of Mexico; with proposals for establishing a communication between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, based upon the surveys and reports of a scientific commission, appointed by the projector, Don Jose' de Garay. London, printed by J. D. Smith & co., 1846. viii, 128 p. maps. 8°. Garcia Cubas, Antonio : Etude geographique, statistique, de descriptive et historique des Etats Unis Mexicains . . . Ouvrage public par order du ministre des travaux publics. Mexico, Impr. du Ministere des travaux publics, 1889. xiv, (1) 415 p. pi. map. table. 8°. Cuadro geogr&fico, estadlstico, descriptivo e historico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Obra que sirve de texto al atlas pintoresco. Mexico, Oficina tip. de la Secretaria de fomento, 1885. iv, 474 iii p. plate, map. tables. 8°. (Library also has trs. in French.) Mexico, its trade, industries, and resources ... Tr. by William Thompson, assisted by Charles B. Cleveland. Mexico, Department of fomento, coloniza- tion and industry, 1893. xviii, 436, iv p. 8°. Garcia, Genaro (ed.) : Documentos in6ditos 6 muy raros para la historia de Mexico, pub. por Genaro Garcia y Carlos Perevra. Mexico, Vda. de C. Bouret, 1905-06, 11 v. 12°. T. 1. Correspondencia secreta de los principales intervencionistas Mexicanos. 1860-1874. T. 2. Mi historia militar y politica, 1810-1874, memorias indeitas. (At head of title; Antonio Lopez Santa- Anna.) T. 3. Mexico durante su guerra con los Estados Unidos. (At head of title; Jos. F. Ramirez.) T. 4. Correspondencia secreta de los principales intervencionistas Mexicanos. Segunda parte. T. 5. La inquisicion de Mexico . . . T. 6. Papeles ineditos y obra selectas del Doctor Mora. Cartas intimas que durante los afios 1835 hasta 1850 . . . T. 7. Don Juan de Palafox y Mendoza su virrenato en la Nueva Espafia sus contiendas con los PP. Jesultas sus partidarios en Puebla . . . T. 8. Causa instruida contra El General Leonardo Marquez por graves delitos del orden militar publicaSe por primera vez. T. 9. El clero de Mexico y la guerra de independencia Documentos del Arzobispado de Mexico. T. 10. Tumultos y rebeliones acaecidos en Mexico. T. 11. Don Santos Dsgollado sus manifiestos companas destitucion militar, enjuiciam- iento, rehabilitacion, muerte, funerales y honores postumos. T. 12. Autografos ineditos de Morelos y causa que se le instruyo. Mexico en 1623. T. 13. Correspondencia secreta de los principales intervencionistas Mexicanos. (Terce y ultima parte.) T. 14. La intervencion Francesa en Mexico. Segun el archivo del Mariscal Bazaine. (Textos Espafiot y Frances.) Godman, F. Ducane: Biologia Centrali- Americana; or, contributions to the knowl- edge of the fauna and flora of Mexico and Central America. Edited by F. Ducane Godman and Osbert Salvin. Botany. Introduction by W. B. Hems- ley. Commentary on the introduction and appendix by Sir J. D. Hooker and appendix by E. B. Hemsley. London, Taylor & Francis, 1888. lxviii, 117- 332 p. 4°. Gooch, Fanny Chambers: Face to face with the Mexicans: the domestic life, educa- tional, social and business ways, statesmanship and literature, legendary and general history of the Mexican people, as seen by an American woman . . . 200 illus. New York, Ford, Howard & Hulbert, [1887]. 584 p. 8°. Gomez, R. Saavedra: Geografia elemental del distrito del Rosario. Recopilaci6n de datos geogr&ficos arreglados para la ciase de geografia del 3 er afio segun lo, previene la ley de instruction publica del Estado. Mazatlan, Tip. de M. Retes, 1896. 32 p. 12°. Gostkowski, G. : Au Mexique. Etudes, notes et renseignements utiles au capitalize a l'immigrant et au touriste. Paris, Maurice de Brunoff , [1900]. 191 p. front, illus. maps. 16°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 73 Gray, Albert Z.: Mexico as it is; being notes of a recent tour in that country; with some practical information for travellers in that direction, as also some study on the church question. New York, E. P. Dutton & co., 1878. 148 p. front, illus. plates, port. 8°. Hall, Basilio: Estracto de un diario de viaje a" Chile, Peru i Mejico en los anos de 1820 1821, 1822. Traducido del ingles por Federico Gana G. Tomo 1. San- tiago de Chile, Imp. y enc, Universitaria, 1906. 293 p. 12°. Hamilton, Leonidas: Border states of Mexico; Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua and Durango. With a general sketch of the republic of Mexico, and Lower Cali- fornia, Coahuila, New Leon and Tamaulipas . . . the . . . mines . . . ex- ports, imports and productions . . . resources . . . duties, the trade with Mexico ... 3d. ed., rev. and enl. Chicago, 1882. 226 p. pis. 8°. Hamilton's Mexican handbook; a complete description of the republic of Mexico . . . cities and towns of every state . . . trade, imports and exports . . . tariff regulations, duties, etc and a . . . directory of the principal business men . . . Boston, D. Lothrop & co., 1883. 281, xiii p. plate, port. 8°. Humboldt, Alexander de: Political essay on the Kingdom of New Spain . . . With physical sections and maps . . . Translated from the original French by John Black. Third edition. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, 1822. 4 v. 8°. Selections from the works of the Baron de Humbolt, relating to the climate, inhabitants, productions, and mines of Mexico. With notes by John Taylor . . . London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1824. xxxiii, 310 p. front, map. 8°. Haven, Gilbert: Our next door neighbor: a winter in Mexico . . . New York, Nelson & Phillips . . . 1875. 467 p. illus. 8°. Hesse- Wartegg, Ernst von : Mexico, land und leute. Reisen auf neuen wegen durch das Aztekenland . . . Wien and Olmutz, E. Holzel, 1890. viii, 463 p. illus. plate, map. 8°. Historia de la revolution de Mexico contra la dictadura del General Santa Anna. 1853-1855. San Diego, Texas, Imprenta del Sun, [1901]. 300, hri p. 8°. (Reimpreso.) International American Conference: Cronica social, 1901. |F. Lazo y corop., im- presores, 1902?] 379 p. illus. plates, photos. 12°. International Bureau of the American Republics: Mexico (a handbook) . . . (Pre- pared by A. W. Fergusson.) (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1891.) iii, 347 p. illus. map. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 9. July, 1891.) Mexico. A geographical sketch, with special reference to economic conditions and prospects of future development . . . Washington, Government Print- ing Office, 1900. . . . Mexico. Geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic conditions, actual development, prospects of future growth, 1904. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. ii, 454 p. illus. 8°. Janvier, Thomas: The Mexican guide. 4th ed. New York, Charles Scribner's sons, 1889. xii, 531 p. maps. 16°. Jay, William: A review of the causes and consequences of the Mexican war. Bos- ton, Benjamin B. Mussey & co., 1849. 333 p. 12°. Keane, A. H.: . . Central America and West Indies. Edited by Clements Mark- ham . . . London, Edward Stanford, 1901. xxiv, 496 p. front, illus. maps. 8°. (Vol. 2, of "Stanford's compendium of geography and travel.'") (Chapters 3 to 8 devoted to Mexico.) Kendall, John S.: Seven Mexican cities. New Orleans, Picayune Job print, 1906. 63 p. illus, 8°. Ker, Henry: Travels through the western interior of the United States, from the year 1808 up to the year 1816, with a particular description of a great part of Mexico, or New Spain . . . Elizabethtown, N. J., Printed by the author, 1816. 376 p. 8°. Kessler, Harry Graf: Notizen uber Mexico. Berlin, Bei F. Fontane & co., 1898. illus. 195 p. 74 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Lad J, Horatio 0. : History of the war with Mexico. New York, Dodd, Mead & co. f [1883]. 4, 328 p. plates, map. 8°. Latrobe, Charles Joseph: The rambler in Mexico, 1834. New York, Harper & bros., 1836. 228 p. 8°. Leal, Jose" Roman: Proceso de la historia (mornento supremo) Europa y America. Proxima trasformacion en los hechos y en la ciencia. La lucha es la vida. Mexico, Oficina tip. de la Secretarfa de fomento, 1890. xli, 517, iii p. 8°. Lenicke, Heinrich: Mexico: das land und seine leute. Ein fiihrer und geograph- isches handbuch unter desonderer beriicksichtigung der gegenwartigen wirt- schaftlichen verhaltnisse des landes . . . Berlin, S. Schanll, 1900. viii, (2) 290 p. front, (port.) illus. plate, map. f °. Letfn, Nicolas: . . . Lyobad 6 Mictlan; guia historico-descriptiva. Mexico, [Tip. y. lit. "La Europea"], 1901. 54, 54 p. illus. port. map. plans, facsim. 8°. Leon y Gama, Antonio de: Description historica y cronologica de las dos piedras que con ocasion del nueva empedrado que esta formando en la plaza principal de Mexico, se hallaron en ella en ano de 1790 . . . Segunda edici6n. Mexico, Imprenta del Ciudadano Alejandro Valdes, 1832. viii, 148 p. 8°. Logan, Walter S.: The siege of Cuautla, the Bunker Hill of Mexico. An address before the New York historical society, April 4th, 1893 . . . New York, Knickerbocker press, 1893. 27 p. 8°. Lopez, Alfonso E.: Guia geogrdfica, mercantil, agricola 6 industrial de Yucatan. Mapas, pianos, vistas panordmicas de poblaciones, edificios, ruinas, etc., y retratos de personas solas y en grupo. Mexico, Tip. "El Lapiz del Aguilar," 1900. 124 p. 4°. Lumholtz, Carl: Unknown Mexico* A record of five years' exploration among the tribes of the western Sierra Madre; in the tierra caliente of Tepic and Jalisco; and among the Tarascos of Michoacan. New York, 1902. maps. illus. 2v. 8°. (Bibliography, v. 1, p. xv.) Lu minis, Charles F.: The awakening of a nation : Mexico of to-day . . . New York, and London, Harper & bros., 1899. xi, 179 p. front, pis. port. map. 8°. McClure, A.K. : To the Pacific and Mexico. Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lippin- cott co., 1901. 162 p. front, (port.) 12°. Mallen, Bernardo: Mexico yesterday and to-day, 1876-1904. English edition. Mexico, printed by Miiller hnos, 1904. 82 (2) p. front, (port.) obi. 12°. Manzano, Theodomiro: Geograffa del estado Hidalgo. Obra aprobada por el Sefior Gobernador para servir de texto en las escuelas prima rias oficiales del estado. 2 a edition notablemente corregida y aumentada. Mexico, Eduardo Deiblan, 1897. vii, 77, 2 p. 8°. Mayer, Brantz: Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and republican: a historical, geographical, political, statistical and social account of that country from the period of the invasion by the Spaniards to the present time; with a view of the ancient Aztec empire and civilization; a historical sketch of the late war; and notices of New Mexico and California . . . Hartford, S. Drake & co., 1852. 2 v. front. (port.) illus. pi. map. 8°. Mexican central railway company: Facts and figures about Mexico . . . Mexico, issued by 'the Bureau of information, The Mexican central railway co., 1897. 61 p. front, plates, map. 12°. Mexican [A] night, the toasts and responses at a complimentary dinner given by Wal- ter S. Logan, at the Democratic club, New 'York City, December 16, 1891, to Senor Don Matias Romero, Mexican Minister to the United States. [New York, printed by A. B. King], 1892. 64 p. 8°. Mexico: the country, history and people. London, The Religious tract society, (1) 1863. viii, 340 p. 16°. Molina Solis, Juan Francisco: Historia del descubrimiento y conquista de Yucatan, con una resena de la historia antigua de esta penfnsula. Menda de Yucatan, Impr. y lit. R. Caballero, 1896. lx, 911 p. 8°. Morris (Mrs.), James Edwin: A tour in Mexico. Illustrated from photographs taken en route . . . New York, The Abbey Press, 1902. 322 p. 12°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 75 Mufloz Camargo, Diego: Historia de Tlaxcala ... Se hace esta edition ; . . para presentarla como un homenaje £ Cristobal Colon, en la exposition de Chicago. Mexico, Oficina tip. de la Secretarla de fomento, 1892. 278, vi P. 3°. Noll, Arthur Howard: From empire to republic. The story of the struggle for constitutional government in Mexico. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co., 1903. x, 336 p. front, map. 8°. A short history of Mexico. New edition thoroughly revised and with new matter. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co., 1903. xi, 317 p. 12°. Norman, B[enjamin] M[oore]: Rambles in Yucatan; or, notes of travel through the peninsula, including a visit to the remarkable ruins of Chi-Chen, Kabah, Zayi and Uxmal ... 3d ed. New York, J. & H. G. Langley; Philadelphia, (etc.) Thomas Cowperthwait & co. (etc.), 1843. 304 p. front, illus. pi. map. 8°. Nuttall, Zelia: . . . The earliest historical relations between Mexico and Japan from original documents preserved in Spain and Japan. Berkeley, The Univer- sity press, April, 1906. 47 p. 4°. (University of California publications, American archaeology and ethnology, vol. 4, No. 1.) Ober, Frederick A.: Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans. Boston, Estes & Lauriat, 1885. xxii, (23)-672 p. front, illus. plate, maps. 8°. Young folks' history of Mexico . . . Boston, Estes & Lauriat, 1883. 534 p. 8°- Orozco y Berra, Manuel (ed.): Ap^ndice al diccionario universal de historia y de geografia. Coleccion de articulos relativos a la republica Mexicana por (varios autores). Tomos 1, 2 y 3 [8, 9 y 10 (ultimo) de la obra]. Mexico, Imprenta de J. M. Andrade y F. Escalante, 1855-1856. 3 v. f °. Apuntes para la historia de la geografia en Mexico. Mexico, Imprenta de Francisco Diaz de Leon, 1881. 503 p. 8°. Paasche, H.: Kultur und reiseskizzen aus Nord und Mittel Amerika. Magdeburg, Albert Bathke, 1894. vi, 553 p. 8°. (Mexico on pp. 179-314.) Palou, Francisco: Relaci6n historica de la vida y apostolicas tareas del venerable padre Fray Junipero Serra y de las misiones que fundo en la California sep- tentrional y nuevos establecimientos de Monterev. Mexico, Imprenta de Felipe de Zufiiga y Ontiveros, 1787. 916-344 p. 1 pfate. map. 12°. Pearson, Henry C: What I saw in the tropics. A record of visits to Ceylon, the Federated Malay States, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia. Jamaica, Hawaii. New York, The India Rubber publishing co., 1906. (6), 288, (14) p. illus. 8°. (pp 95-164 describes rubber in Tehuan tepee.) Pepper, Charles M. : Report on trade conditions in Mexico. By special agent of the [U. S.] Department of Commerce and Labor . . . Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1906. 40 p. 8°. Percival, Olive: Mexico city. An idler's note-book. Chicago, Herbert S. Stone & co., 1901. illus. 208 p. 8°. [Poinsett, Joel Roberts]: Notes on Mexico, made in the autumn of 1822. Accom- panied by an historical sketch of the revolution and translations of official reports on the present state of that country ... By a citizen ot the United States. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1824. vi, i, 359 p. map. 8°. [Pombo, Luis]: Mexico, 1876-1892. Mexico, Imprenta de "El Siglo Diez y Nuevo," 1893. maps. 162. 156 p. 4°. (Text in English and Spanish.) Ponce, Ricardo Me"ndez: Geografia del estado de Puebla. Mexico, Imprenta de Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, 1891. 82 (1) p. map. 12°. Prescott, William H.: History of the conquest of Mexico . . . ed. by John Foster Kirk . . . London and. New York, G. Bell & sons, 1901. 3 v. 12°. Prida, Ramon: Como lo pinta el diputado Bulnes y como lo descuba la historia. Mexico, Impr. de E. Sanchez, 1904. 132 (1) p. 12°. Prieto, Alejandro: Proyecto sobre la colonization del istmo de Tehuantepec. Mexico, Imp. de I. Cumpfido, 1884. 126, ii p. 8°. 76 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS, Ramirez, Santiago: Informe que como resultado de su exploration en la Sierra Mojada, rinde al Ministerio de fomento. Mexico, Imprenta de Francisco Diaz de Leon, 1880. 60 p. map. 8°. Ramirez, Jose" Fernando: Mexico durante su guerra con los Estados Undidos. Mexico, Vda. de C. Bouret, 1905. viii, 322 p. 8°. Ranking, John: Historical researches on the conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez and Talimeco, in the thirteenth century, by the Mongols accompanied with elephants; and the local agreement of history and tradition, with the remains of elephants and mastodontes found in the new world . . . With two maps, and portraits of all the Incas and Montezuma. London, Longman. Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1827. 479 p. 8°. Rectus, Elisee: The earth and its inhabitants. South America. Edited by A. H. Keane. New York, D. Apple ton & co., 1894. 2 v. plates, maps. 4°. (Mexico in v. 2, pp. 14-190.) Report on the state of Tabasco for the information of foreigners who desire to settle in the republic . . . Mexico, " Pan- Americana," 1901. 32 p. map. 8°. Resena relativa al estado de Hidalgo que la junta corresponsal del mismo remite a la exposition universal de Nueva Orleans, 1884-85. Pachuca, Imprenta del Gobierno del estado, 1884. 110, (1) p. tables. 8°. ReVille, Albert: Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the native religions of Mexico and Peru. Delivered at Oxford and London in April and May, 1884. Translated by Philip H. Wicksteed . . . London, Williams & Norgate, 1884. x, 256 p. 8°. Riedel, Emil: Practical guide of the city and valley of Mexico. With excursions to Toluca, Tula, Pachuca, Puebla, Cuernavaca, etc., and two maps by Emil Riedel . . . Mexico, I. Epstein, 1892. iv, 427 p. maps. 24°. Riva Palacio, Vicente (ed.) : Mexico a traves de los siglos. Historia general y com- plete del desenvolvimiento social, politico, religioso, militar, artistico, cientffico y literario de Mexico desde la antigiiedad mas remota hasta la epoca actual. Obra unica en su genero. Publicada bajo la direction del General Vicente Riva Palacio . . . Tomos 2-5. Mexico, Ballesca y comp., & Barcelona, Espasa y comp., [1888]. 4 v. 4°. CONTENTS. Tomo 2. El Vireinato. Historia de la dominacion Espafiola en Mexico desde 1521 a 1801. Por el General Vicente Riva Palacio. Tomo 3. La guerra de independencia. Por Julio Zirate. Tomo 4. Mexico independiente. 1821-1855. Por Enrique Olavarri a y Ferrari. Tomo 5. La Reforma. Por Jose" M. Vigil. Robinson, William Davis: Memoirs of the Mexican revolution: including a narrative of the expedition of General Xavier Mina. With some observations on the practicability of opening a commerce between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, through the Mexican isthmus in the province of Oaxaca, and at the Lake of Nicaragua; and the future importance of such commerce . . . especially to the United States. Philadelphia, [Printed for] the author, 1820. xxxvi, 396 p. 8°. Romero, Matias: Articulos sobre Mexico, publicados en los Estados Unidos de America por Matias Romero en 1891-1892. Mexico, Oficina impresora de estampillas, 1892. 332, xi p. 8°. Coffee and india-rubber culture in Mexico. Preceded by " Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico." New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. xxvi, 417 p. 8°. Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. xxvi, 286 p. plate, map. 8°. Mexico and the United States; a study of subjects affecting their political, commercial and social relations, made with a view to their promotion, -vol. 1. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. xxxv, 759 p. map. diagr. 8°. (No more published. Complete in 1 v.) The situation of Mexico. Speech delivered by Sefior Romero ... at a dinner in the city of New York, on the 16th of December, 1863. New York, Wm. C- Bryant & Co., 1864. 12 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 77 Rovirosa, Jose" N.: Ensayo historico sobre el n'o Grijalva 6 examen crftico de las obras antiguas y modernas que tratan de los descubrimientos de Juan de Gri- jalva y de los primeros establecimientos de los conquistadores espanoles en Tabasco. Mexico, Oficina tip. de la Secretaria de fomento, 1897. front, (port.) 68 p. 8°. Sahagun, Bernardino de: Historie generate des choses de la Nouvelle-Espagne . . . Traduite et annotee par D. Jourdanet et Remi Simeon. Paris, Impr. A. Lahure, 1880. lxxix, 898 p. illus. map. 4°. Salinas, Adolf o Duclos: The riches of Mexico and its institutions. St. Louis, Nixon- Jones printing co., 1893. 509 p. front, (port.) illus. 8°. Salisbury, Stephan (comp.) : The Mexican calendar stone, by Philipp J. J. Valentini. Terra cotta figure from isla Mujeres, northeast coast of Yucatan. Archae- ological communication on Yucatan by Dr. Augustus Le Plonheon. Notes on Yucatan by Mrs. Alice D. Le Plongeon. Compiled and arranged by. Stephan Salisbury. Worcester, press of Chas. Hamilton, 1879. lxxix, 898, p. front, pis. illus. 8°. Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de: Mi historia militar y politica, 1810-1874; memorias ineditas. Mexico, Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1905. viii, 287 p. 8°. Schroeder, Seaton: The fall of Maximilian's empire as seen from a United States gun-boat. New York, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1887. iv, (1), 130 p. front, (port.) 8°. Seler, Caecilie: Auf alten Wegen in Mexiko und Guatemala. Reisseerinnerungen und Eindrucke aus den Jahren 1895-1897. Mit 65 lichtdrucktaflen, 260 in dem text, gedruckten abbildungen und einer karte. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 1900. 363 p. 4°. Seler, Eduard: . . . Aitmexikanische studien, II. Berlin, W. Spemann, 1899. 204 p. illus. 4°. (At head of title; " Komigliche Museen zu Berlin. Veroffentlicimngen aus dem konig- lichen Museu, fur volkerkunde.") Gesammelte abhandlungen zur Amerikanischen sprach und alterhumskunde. Zweiter band: Zue geschichte und volkskunde Mexico's. Reisewege und rui- nen. Arch'aologisches aus Mexiko. Die religiosen gesiinge der alten Mexi- kaner . . . Berlin, A. Asher & co., 1904. xxxvi, 1107 p. 8°. Sierra, Justo (ed.) : Mexico, its social evolution; synthesis of the political history, administration, military organization and economical state of the Mexican confederation, its advancement in the intellectual sphere, its territorial struc- ture, growth of its population, means of communication both national and international, its achievements in the fields of industry, agricultural, mining, commerce, etc., etc. Monumental inventory summing up in masterly exposi- tions the great progress of the nation in XIX century . . . Literary editor, Lie. Justus Sierra; artistic editor, James Ballesca; tr. into English by G. Sen- tinon . . . Mexico, [Barcelona print.], J. Ballesca & co., successor, 1900-04. 2 v. in 3. illus. plates, ports, plans, maps. 4°. Solis, Antonio de: Historia de la conquista de M6xico, poblacion, y progressos de la America septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva Espana . . . Madrid, Imprenta de Bernardo de Villa Diego, 1684. (35), 548, (16) p. 4°. ■ Same. Barcelona, T. Piferrer,. 1771. 2v. plates, map. 16°. Soto Hall, Maximo: De Mexico a Honduras (el viaje de Hernan Cortes). San Jos6, Tip. nacional, 1900. 103 p. 8°. Southworth, John R.: El estado de Sonora, Mexico. Sus industrias, comerciales. mineras y manufactureras. Obra publicada bajo los auspicios del gobierno del estado . . . [Nogales, Ariz., The Oasis printing and pub. house], 1897. 94 p. illus. 1°, (In Spanish and English.) El .estado de Veracruz-Llave . . . sus historia, agricultura, comercio 6 indus- trias, en ingels y espanol. Pub. bajo la direction del gobierno del estado. [Liverpool, Blake & Mackenzie, printers], 1900. 159, (3) p. illus. maps, f 9 Starr, Frederick : Mapa Cuauhtlantzinco or Codice Campos. Chicago, The Univer- sity of Chicago press, 1898. 38 p. plates. 8°. (The University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology, Bulletin iii.) 78 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Stephan, Charles H.: Le Mexique 6conomique. Renseignements pratiques & utiles a P usage des industriels, capitalistes, agriculteurs, negotiants importateurs et exportateurs et des travailleurs. Paris, Lib. du "Nouveau Monde," 1903. 259 p. 8°. Same. 3 e edition. Paris, Chevalier & Riviere, 1903. 270 p. 8°. Stephens, John L.: Incidents of travel in Yucatan . . . New York, Harper & brothers, 1843. 2v. front., illus. plate, map. 8°. Stevens, Henry: Historical and geographical notes. 1453-1868 ... New York, D. Appleton & co., 1869. 88 p. plates. 8°. (Pt. 2, " The Tehuantepec; railway, its location, features and advantages under the La Serie Grant of 1869.") (Tehuantepec: history, topography, inhabitants, climate, harbors, geology and mineralogy, timber and vegetable products, animals, town, productive industry, etc.) Stevenson, (Mrs.) Sara: Maximilian in Mexico; a woman's reminiscences of the French intervention. 1862-1867. New York, The Century co., 1899. xiv, 327 p. illus. 8°. Stone, Charles P.: Notes on the state of Sonora. 1860. Washington, Henry Polkinhorn, printer, 1861. 28 p. 8°. Terwogt, W. A.: Schetsen uit Mexico. Culemborg, Blom & Olivierse, n.d. xx,65 p. 8°. Thomas, Cyrus: . . . The Maya year. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1894. 64 p. 1 diagr. 8°. (At head of title, "Smithonian Institution, Bureau of Ethnology.") Trentini, Francisco (ed.) : El Florencimiento de Mexico. Edici6n ilustrada en Espa- nol e" Ingles. 2 de abril de 1906. Publicado bajo la autorizacion del gobierno. Mexico, Tip. de Boulgny and Schmidt Sues., 1906. 232, 30, 296 p. front, (port.) plates, illus. 4°. (2 v. in 1.) (Includes government departments, description, industrial conditions and description of each state.) Tweedie, (Mrs.) Alec: The maker of modern Mexico: Porfirio Diaz. New York, John Lane co., 1906. x, 421 p. front, (port.) illus. map. 4°. Mexico as I saw it. New York, The Macmillan co., 1901. xii, 472 p. illus. plates, maps. 8°. Unda, Jose" Santos: Apuntes estadisticos del distrito de Tuxtepec, del estado de Oaxaca, que el C. Lie. Jose" Santos Unda, diputado al congreso de la union por •el mismo estado presenta al Ministerio de fomento segun su ofrecimiento de fecha 5 de mayo del corriente afio. Mexico, Imprenta del Gobierno, en palacio, 1868. 19 p. 8°. U. S. Hydrographic Office: The navigation of the Caribbean sea and gulf of Mexico* Vol. 1, The West India islands, including the Bahama banks and islands and the Bermuda islands. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1888. xii, 360 p. 8°' Same. Vol. 2, second edition. The coast of the mainland from the Rio Grande del Norte, Mexico to Cape Orange, Brazil, with the adjacent islands, cays and banks. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1890. x, 410 p. 8°. Same. Vol. 1 , sixth ed. The West India islands including the Bermuda islands and the Bahama banks. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1905. (3), 747 p. map. 8°. (Contains information of interest to navigators relative to ports and harbors ) Velasco, Alfonso Luis: Geografia y estadistica de la republica Mexicana. Mexico, Oficina tip. de la Secretaria de fomento, 1889-1895. 20 v. bd. in 5. 8°. Villalobos, Arias de: . . . Autografos ineditos de Morelos y causa que se lo instruyo. Mexico en 1623. Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1907. 281 (1) (l)p. 12°. Vincent, Ralph Waterman : Mexico to-day and to-morrow. An outline of the present earning power and future possibilities of her railroad systems. Facts, figures and suggestions regarding the principal traffic producing centers. By Ralph Waterman Vincent, of the staff of the New York News Bureau. 1906. No imprint. 85 p. illus. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 79 Williams, J. J.: The isthmus of Tehuantepec: being the results of a survey for a railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, made by the scientific com- mission under the direction of Major J. G. Barnard, U. S. Engineers. With a resume" of the geology, climate, local geography, productive industry, fauna and flora, of the region . . . Arranged and prepared for the Tehuantepec railroad company of New Orleans by J. J. Williams, principal assistant engineer. New York, D. Appleton & co., 1852. 295p. col. front., 14 col. pis., map, diagr. and atlas of 8 fold. maps. 8°. (The atlas lias title, "Maps illustrating the isthmus of Tehuantepec") Same. Spanish translation. (Without maps.) Zayas Enriquez, Rafael de: Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, sus condiciones naturales y sus elementos de prosperidad; . . . Mexico, Oficina tip. de* la Secretarfa de fomento, 1893. iv, 479 p. (ii) p. table. 4°. Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, sus progresos en veinte afios de paz, 1877-1897; estudio historico y estadi'stico, fundado en los datos oficiales mas recientes y completos. New York, H. A. Rost, [1899]. 253 p. front. f°. Les Etats Unis Mexicains. Leurs resources naturelles. Leur progres. Leur situation actuelle. Mexico, Impr. du Ministere de fomento, 1899. 238 p. 8°. WEST INDIES. GENERAL. Coke, Thomas: A history of the West Indies, containing the natural, civil, and ecclesiastical history of each island, with an account of the missions instituted in those islands* from the commencement of their civilization; but more espe- cially of the missions which have been established in that archipelago by the Society late in connection with the Rev. John Wesley. In three volumes. Liverpool, printed by Nuttall, Fisher & Dixon, 1808-1811. 3 v. map. plates. 8°. [Coleridge, Henry Nelson] : Six months in the West Indies in 1825. Second edition, with additions. London, John Murray, 1826. 328 p. map. 8°. Froude, James Anthony: The English in the West Indies, or the bow of Ulysses. London, Longmans, Green & co., 1888. x, 373 p. front, illus. 8°. Gage, Thomas : A new survey of the West Indies. Being a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America . . . The fourth edition. London, F. Nicolson (etc.), 1699. 4 p. 1. 477 (18) p. map. 12°. Herbertson, F. D.and A. J.: Central and South America with the West Indies. Lon- don, Adam & Charles Black, 1902. xxxiii, 239 p. front, illus. 12°. (At head of title. "Descriptive geographies from original sources.") CONTENTS. I. The West Indies, pp. 1-34. . II. Central America, pp. 35-56. III. South America, pp. 57-62. IV. The Guianas. pp. 63-91. V. The Amazon basin and Brazil, pp. 92-124. VI. The Plate basin and Patagonia, pp 125-162. VII. The Cordilleran area. pp. 162-227. Bibliography, pp. 228-235. * Index. Herrera, Antonio de: Descripci6n de las Indias ocidentales de Antonio Herrera, coronista mayor de su magd. de las Indias y su coronista de Castilla . . . [Mad- rid, 1728]. Various paging. 1 v. The general history of the vast continent and islands of America, commonly call'd the West Indies, from the first discovery thereof with the best accounts the people could give of their antiquities. Collected from the original relations sent to the Kings of Spain . . . Translated into English by Capt. John Stevens. Illustrated with cuts and maps. London, printed for Wood & Woodward, 1740. 6 v. 12°. Hill, Robert T.: Cuba and Porto Rico with the other islands of the West Indies. Their topography, climate, flora, products, industries, cities, people, political conditions, etc. New York, The Century co., 1898. map. illus. xxviii, 429 p. 8°. Keane, A. H.: . . . Central America and West Indies. Edited by Clements Mark- ham . . . London, Edward Stanford, 1901. xxiv, 496 p. front., illus. maps. 8°. (Vol. 2 of "Stanford's compendium of geography and travel.") CONTENTS. Ch. i, Genera survey, physical and biological relations; Ch. ii, ethnical and historical relations; Ch. iii-viii, Mexico; Ch. ix, Guatema a; Ch. x, Salvador; Ch. xi, Honduras and British Honduras; Ch. xii, Nicaragua; Ch. xiii, Costa Rica; Ch. xiv, Panama; Ch. xv, The West Indies; genera survey; Ch. xvi Cuba and Porto Rico; Ch. xvii, San. Domingo and Haiti; Ch. xviii, Jamaica; Ch. xix, the Lesser Antilles; Ch. xx-xxi, the Guianas. Ober, Frederick A.: Camps in the Caribbees: the adventures of a naturalist in the Lesser Antilles. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1886. xviii, 366 p. illus. 12°. The knockabout club in the Antilles and thereabouts. Boston, Estes & Lauriat, [1888]. 239 p. illus. 8°. Oviedo y Valdes, Qonzalo Fernandez de: Historia general y natural de las Indias, islas yTierra Firmedel mar oceano. Publicala la Real Academia de la historia, cotejada con el c6dice original, enriquecida con las enmiendas y adiciones de autor, 6 ilustrada con la vida y el juicio de las obras del mismo por D. Jos6 Amador de los Rios. Madrid, Imprenta de la Real, 1851-1855. 4 v. map. plates. 4°. 80 LATIN AMERICAN HISTORiT AND DESCRIPTION. 81 New York and Cuba Steamship Company: The gems of the tropics: Nassau, Cuba and Mexico. New York, C. H. Clayton & co., n.d. (64) p. obi. 12°. Paasche, H.: Kultur und reiseskizzen aus Nord und Mittel Amerika. Magdeburg, Albert Bathke, 1894. vi, 553 p. 8°. (West Indies on pp. 315-444.) Raynal, Guillaume Thomas Francois: A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Rev., augm., and pub., in ten volumes. Newly tr. from the French, by J. O. Justa- mond, F. R. S., with a new set of maps adapted to the work, and a copious index. In eight volumes. London, A. Strahan (etc., etc.), 1783. 8v. front, (port.) maps. 8°. (Includes West Indies and whole of South America ) Simon, Pedro: Noticias historiales de las conquistas de tierra firme en las Indias occidentales por. Fr. Pedro Simon, del orden de San Francisco del Nuevo Reino de Granada. Bogotd, Medardo Rivas, 1891-1892. 4 v. 8°. Spanish American Directories Company (publisher) : Official commercial directory of Cuba, Porto Rico and the West Indies, containing commercial lists and descrip- tions of the various islands and colonies, their customs, tariffs, statistical inform- ation, etc. New York, Spanish American directories company, [1901] 942 p., 8°. Starr, Ida M. H. : Gardens of the Caribbees. Sketches of a cruise to the West Indies and the Spanish Main. Boston, L. C. Page & co., 1904. 2 v. plates. 12° U. S. Hydrographic Office: The navigation of the Caribbean sea and gulf of Mexico. Vol. 1, The West India islands, including the Bahama banks and islands and the Bermuda islands. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1888. xii, 360 p. 8°. Same. Vol. 2 2d ed. The coast of the mainland from the Rio-Grande delNortel Mexico to Cape Orange, Brazil, with the adjacent islands, cays and banks, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1890. x, 410 p. 8°. Same. Vol. 1, 6th ed. The West India islands including the Bermuda islands and the Bahama banks. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1905. (3) 747 p. map. 8°. (Contains information relative to ports and harbors of interest to navigators.) West India sketch book. In two volumes. London, Printed for WhLttaker & co., 1834. 2 v. 8°. Vbarra, A. M. Fernandez de: A forgotten, worthy, J)r. Diego Chanca of Seville, Spain ... No imprint. 15 p. 8°. (Extrait de "Janus," Archives Inter- nationales pour l'histoire de la"M&iecine et la Geographie Medicaid" xi e an nee, livraison8, 1906). (Parts of letter from Dr. Chanca (physician with Columbus on his 2d voyage), describing the flora, fauna, etc., of the West Indies.) CUBA. Aimes, Hubert H. S.: A history of slavery in Cuba. 1511 to 1868. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1907. xi, 298 p. 8°. Alcover, Antonio Miguel: Bayamo: W toma, posesion e incendio. 1868-1869. Rensena hist6rica y comentarios oportunos. Habana, Imp. La. Australia > .l902, 103 p. 8?. Alcover y Beltran, Antonio Miguel : Historia de la villa de Sagua la Grande y su jurls- dicci6n. Documentos, apuntes, resefias, monogrdfias, Sagua la Grande, Imprentas "La Historia" y "El Correo Espanol," 1905. 592 (14) p. front, (port.) illus. 8°. Armas y C£spedes, Francisco de: De la esclavitud en Cuba. Madrid, T. Fortanet, 1866. viii, 479. (2) p. 8°. Atkins, John Black : The war in Cuba. The experiences of an Englishman with the United States army. With frontispiece and maps. London, Smith, Elder & co., 1899. 291 p. 12°. Bachiller y Morales, Antonio: Apuntes para la historia de las letras, y de la instruc- tion publica de la isla de Cuba. Tomos 1 y 2. Habana, Imprenta de P. Mas- sana, 1859-1860. 2 v. in 1. 82 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Cuba primitiva: origen, lenguas, tradiciones, 6 historia de los Indios de las Antilles Mayores y las Lucayas. Segunda edici6n corregida y aumentada. Habana, Miguel de Villa, 1883. 399 p. 8°. The Book of Blood. An authentic reeord of the policy adopted by modern Spain to put an end to the war for the independence of Cuba. October, 1868 to Novem- ber 10, 1873. New York, N. Ponce de Leon, 1873. 66 p. 8°. Cabrera, Raimundo: Cuba and the Cubans. Translated from the eighth Spanish edition of "Cuba y sus jueces" by Laura Guiteras. Revised and edited by Louis Edward'Levy. Complete with a supplementary appendix by the editor. Illustrated with 124 engravings and a map. Philadelphia, The Levy type co., 1896. xvi, 442 p. 8°. Cuba y sus jueces. (Rectificaciones oportunas.) Septima edicion ilustrada y aumentada con notas y un apendice. Filadelfia, La Compania Levytvpe, 1891. port., illus. 335, xx p. 8°. Callahan, James Morton : Cuba and international relations. A historical study in American diplomacy Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1899. 503 p. 8°. Campbell, Reau: Around the corner to Cuba. New York, C. G. Crawford, 1899. 46 p. 12°. Castro, Rafael Fernandez de: Para la historia de Cuba. Torno 1. Trabajos poli- ticos. Habana, "La Propaganda Literaria," 1899. 1, 171, (1) p. 8°. Cervera y Topete, Pascual: Guerra Hispano- Americana. Coleccion de documentos referentes & la escuadra de operaciones de las Antillas ordenados por el Contraal- mirante Pascual Cervera y Topete. Segunda edicion. Madrid, Imprenta de "ElCorreo Gallego," 1900. 215 p. 8°. Clark, William J.: Commercial Cuba. A book for business men. With lan intro- duction by E. Sherman Gould . . . London, Chapman & Hall, 1899. xvii, '514 p. iflus. maps. 8°. Collins, Edmund: Guide to Nassau, Cuba and Mexico. Being an account of the best means of reaching these places . . . together with descriptions of the people, the civilization and the scenery of Nassau, Cuba and Mexico, besides much other information for tourists and men of business. New York, James E. Ward & co., 1888. 152 p. illus. map. 12°. Copser, Mario: Cuba: su presente y su future. Mexico, Imprenta de Ignacio Esca- lante, 1899. 43 p. 16°. Corzo, Isidoro: El Bloqueo de la Habana. Cuadros del natural por Isidoro Corzo. Prologo de Alfredo Martin Morales. Habana, Imprenta de Rambla y Bouza, 1905. 277 (1) p. nar. 12°. Cowley, Rafael (ed.) : Los tres primeros historiadores de la isla de Cuba. R eproduc- cion de las hist6ricas de Jose Martin Felix de Arrate y Antonio Jose" Valdes y publication de la ineclita del Dr. Ignacio Urrutia y Montoya, adicionadas con multitud de notas y aumentadas con descripciones historicas de la mayor parte de las ciudades, villas y pueblos de esta isla que en ellas se mencionan. Tomos 1-3. Habana, Imprenta Andres Pego, 1876, 1877. 3 v. Cuba and the Cubans: comprising a history of the island of Cuba, its present social, political and domestic condition, also its relation to England and the United States. By the author of " Letters from Cuba." With an appendix, containing important statistics, and a reply to Senor Saco on annexation, translated from the Spanish. New York, Samuel Hueston, 1850. 255 p. front, (map.) 12°. Cuba. [Comision A la exposition universal de Paris]: Catalogo special official de Cuba. Paris, Prieur et Dubois, (1900). 193 (2) p. map. illus. 8°. (Description on pp. 1-94.) Comision Cubana en la exposition universal de St. Louis: Cuba en la exposition universal de Saint Louis, 1904. Publicado por la Comision Cubana en la exposici6n universal de St. Louis. St. Louis, Lambert-Deacon-Hull printing co., [1904]. illus. 83 p. 8°. < Ministerio de agriculture, industria y comercio: La republica'de Cuba. Breve resefia para la exposici6n universal de St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A. Publicaci6n especial de la Secretarfa . . . Habana, Imprenta de Rambla y Bouza, 1904. 158 p. 8°. (English. text on pp. 81-158.) LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 83 Cuban league of the United States: The present conditions of affairs in Cuba. A re- port of a special committee of the Cuban league of the United States. Sub- mitted and adopted by the executive committee . . . August 23, 1877. New York, D. Taylor, printer, 1877. 16 p. 8°. Daumont, Al.: L'ile de Cuba. Le comte de Villanueva et le General Tacon. Article insere dans les numeros des 28 septempre, 8, 15 et 22 octobre du Moniteur Indus- triel. Paris, Impr. Maulde et Renon, 1837. 47 p. 8°. Dumont, H. D.: Report on Cuba by H. D. Dumont, delegated to visit that island for the purpose of investigating the economic and commercial conditions now prevailing. 2d ed. May, 1903. [New York], 1903. 40 p. 8°. Davis, Richard Harding: Cuba in war time. Illustrated by Frederic Remington . . . New York, R. H. Russell, 1897. 143 p. 8°. Edwards, William Seymour: On the Mexican highlands, with a passing glimpse of Cuba. Cincinnati, press of Fennings & Graham, [1906]. 263 p. map. illus. 8°. (Cuba on pp. 220-229.) Figueredo Socarras, Fernando: La revolution de Yara. 1868-1878. Conferencias. Prologa de Pedro Martinez Freire. Habana, M. Puildo y compafiia, 1902. xv, 330 p. port. 8°. Gibbes, R[obert] W[iIson]: Cuba for invalids. New York, W. A. Townsend & co. 1860. xii, 214 p. 12°. Gonzalez, Manuel Dionisio: Memoria historica de la villa de Santa Clara y su juris- diction. Villa Clara, Imprenta del Siglo, 1858. 485 (2) p. 8°. Oreidsr, A. L.: Letter relating to the isle of Pines. April 5, 1906. Presented by Mr. Scott. [Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906.] 3 p. 8°. (U. S. 59th eong., 1st sess., ex doc. 4. Signed by *' A. L. Greider.") Guiteras, Pedro J.: Historia de la isla de Cuba con notas e* illustraciones. Tomo 1. Nueva York, Jorje R. Lockood, 1865. xvi, 417 p. 8°. Humboldt, Alexander de: Essai politique sur l'ile de Cuba; avec une carte et un supplement que renferme des considerations sur la population, la richesse terri- toriale et le commerce de Parchipel des Antilles et de Colombia. Paris, J. Smith, 1826., 2 v. 12°. The island of Cuba. Translated from the Spanish, with notes and a preliminary essay, by J. S. Thrasher. New York, Derby & Jackson, 1856. xii, 397 p. map. 12°. Halstead, Murat: The story of Cuba: her struggles for liberty; the cause, crisis and destiny of the pearl of the Antilles. Chicago, The Werner co., 1896. port. illus. map. 503 p. S°. Hazard, Samuel: Cuba with pen and pencil. Hartford, Conn., Hartford publishing co.; New York, Meeks bros., [etc., etc.], 1871. xvi, (17) 584 p. front, illus. pi. 8°. Hibbard, George E.: Conditions in Isle of Pines. [Washington, Government Print- ing Office, 1906.] 6 p. 8°. (U. S. 59th eong., 1st sess , ex. doc. no. 2. Signed by "George E. Hibbard.") Hill, Robert T.: Cuba and Porto Rico with the other islands of the West Indies. Their topography, climate, flora, products, industries, cities, people, political conditions, etc. New York, The Century co., 1898. map. illus. xxviii, 429 p. 8°. (Cuba on pp. 33-144 ) Information sobre reformas en Cuba y Puerto Rico. Tomos 1 y 2. Nueva York. Imprenta de Hallet y Breen, 1867. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Isle of Pines and the political term " Cuba." [Descriptive pamphlet.] No imprint. n.d. Caption title. 16 p. S°. Cover title. (Bibliography.) No imprint, n.d. 9 p. 8°. [Descriptive pamphlet.] No imprint, n.d. 11 p. 8°. (See also under U. S.) International Bureau of the American Republics: Cuba: prepared by Senor Gon- zalo Quesada . . . and approved by the Cuban government. November,' 1905. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1905. 541 p. map. plates. 8°. (pp. 315-512, "Books relating to Cuba. Compiled by Mr. A. P. C. Griffin, of the library of Congress.) 84 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Julcio de residencia del Escelentfsimo Sefior Don Miguel Tacon ... 6 sea colec- ci6n de varios escritos presentados por su apoderado y defensor el Sefior Don Jose" Antonio de Olafieta, Fiscal Electo de la Audiencia Pretorial mandada establecer en la ciudad de la Habana y dados a luz por "El Comercio," con un Juicio de residencia, etc. Apendice que contiene las respectivas sentencias. Filadelfia, A. Walker. 1839. 201 p. 8°. Kaufman, E. B. (joint author): Cuba at a glance. See O'Hagan, A. Lodge, Henry Cabot: The war with Spain. New York and London, Harper &bros., 1902. 287 (1) p. illus. 8°. Marino Perez, Luis: Guide to the materials for American history in Cuban archives. Washington, Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, July, 1907. viii, (2) 142 p. 8°. Matthews, Franklin: The new born Cuba . . . New York and London, Harper & bros., 1899. xii, 1 1., 388 p. 1 1. illus. 8°. Memoria de los trabajos realizados por la section de Puerto Rico del partido revo- lucionario Cubano. 1895 a 1898. New York, Imprenta de A. W. Howes, [1899]. 250 p. 8°. Merlin, Condesa de: Viaje a la Habana. Precedido de una biografia de esta ilustre Cubana por la Sefiorita Da. Gertudis Gomez de Avellaneda. Madrid, Im- prenta de la Sociedad literaria y tipogrdfica, 1844. xvi, 109 (2) p. 8°. Morales y Morales, Vidal : Nociones de historia de Cuba . . . Adaptadas a la en- sefianza por Carlos de la Torre y Huetra. Illustradas por Francisco Henares. Obra de texto aprobada por la Junta de Superintendentes de Escuelas el 9 de abril de 1901. Habana, "La Moderna Poesia," 1904. port, iv, 256 p. 8°. Morris, Charles: Our island empire. A handbook of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippine Islands. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott co., 1899. 488 p. maps. 8°. Mttller y Tejeiro, Jos6: . . . Battles and capitulation of Santiago de Cuba. Trans- lated from the Spanish. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1899. 165 p. map. 8°. (At head of title, "Office of naval intelligence, war notes no. 1. Information from abroad.") Murray Amelia M.: Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada. New York, G. P. Putnam & co., 1856. 402 p. 12°. Northrop, Henry Davenport (joint author) : The war in Cuba. See Quesada, Gonzalo de. 0' Hagan, A.: Cuba at a glance by A. O'Hagan arid E. B. Kaufman; with an intro- duction by President T. Estrada Palma of the Cuban junta. New York, R. H. Russell, 1898. 107 (1) p. map. 12°. Pego, Andres (joint ed.) : Los tres primeros historiadores de la isla de Cuba. See Cowley, Rafael. Pepper, Charles M.: Report on trade conditions in Cuba. By special agent of the [U. S.] Department of Commerce and Labor. Washington, Government Print- ing Office, 1906. 45 p. 8°. To-morrow in Cuba. New York and London, Harper & bros., 1899. (4) 361 (1) p. map. 8°. Perez Martinez, Isidro: Geografia elemental de la isla de Cuba. Segunda edition corregida y aumentada. Habana, Imprenta "La Propagandista," 1901. 91 (2) p. illus. 8°. Pezuela, Jacobo de la: Diccionario geografico, estadistico, historico de la isla de Cuba. Tomos 1-4. Madrid; Imprenta de Mellado, 1863-1866. 4 v. 4°. (Tomo 4 has imprint, "Banco Industrial y mercantil, 1866.") Historia de la isla de Cuba. Tomos 1-4. Madrid, Carlos Bailly-Balliere, 1868 and 1878. 4 v. 8°. Pierra, Fidel G.: Cuba: physical features of Cuba, her past, present and possible future. Published by the Cuban delegation [to the 1st Pan-American Con- ference] in the U. S. New York, S. Figueroa, 1896. 51 (1) p. 8°. Pifieyro, Enrique: Estudios y conferencias de historia y literatura. Nueva York, Thompson y Moreau, 1880. x, 308 p. 8°. Pirala, D. Antonio: Anales de la guerra de Cuba. Madrid, Impr. de Felipe Gon- zalez Rojas, 1895. 3 v. maps, illus. f°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION, 85 Poey, Felipe: Memorias sobre la historia natural de la isla de Cuba, acompafiadas de sumarios latinos y extractos en Frances por Felipe Poey. Tomos 1 and 2. Habana, Imprenta de Barcina, 1851 & [1858]. 2 v. 8°. Porter, Robert P.: Industrial Cuba: being a study of present commercial and industrial conditions, with suggestions as to the opportunities presented in the island for American capital, enterprise and labour. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1899. vi, 415 p. front, illus. maps. 8°. Report on the commercial and industrial condition of the island of Cuba. Respectfully submitted to ... [the] Secretary of the Treasury . No- vember 15, 1898. 54 p. 8°. Quesada, Gonzalo De: The war in Cuba: being a full account of her great struggle for freedom; containing a complete record of Spanish tyranny and oppression, scenes of violence and bloodshed . . . Resources, products, and scenery of the "Queen of Antilles," manners and customs of the people, etc., etc. By Seiior Gonzalo de Quesada . . . and Henry Davenport Northrop ... to which is added a full account of the destruction of the battleship (l Maine" and the report of the naval board . . . [1896]. No imprint. 656 p. 8°. illus. (comp.) : Cuba. [A handbook.] See International Bureau of the American Republics. Reparaz, G.: La guerra de Cuba. Estudio militar. Madrid, La Espafia Editorial, 1896. 216 (4) p. 8°. Robinson, Albert Q.: Facts and figures on the Cuban situation. Prepared at the request of the Cuban planters' association. Washington, [press of B. S. Adams, 1902.] Cover-title. 27 (1) p. 8°. Rodriguez Ferrer, Miguel: Naturaleza y civilizaci6n de la grandiosa isla de Cuba, 6 estudios variados y cientf ficos, al alcance de todos, y otros historicos, estadf- sticos y politicos. Parte primera: Naturaleza . . . Madrid, Imprenta de J. Noguera, 1876. xv, 942 p. 8°. Rosain, Domingo: Necropolis de la Habana. Historia de los cementerios de esta ciudad con multitud de noticias interesantes. Habana. Imprenta El Trabajo, 1875. 543, xii, 28 p. sq. 8°. Saco, Jose" Antonio: Historia de la esclavitud desde los tiempos remotos hasta nues- tros dias. Tomo 1. Paris, A. Lahure, 1875. 432 (1) p. 8°. Tomo 2. Paris, Imprenta de Kugelmann, 1875. 428 p. 8°. Tomo 3. Barcelona, Jaime Jepus, 1877. 448 p. 8°. La Sagra, Ramon de : Historie physique et politique de Tile de Cuba. Paris, Impr. de Mme. V e . Bouchard-Huzard, 1844. 2 v. 8°. Santacilla, Pedro: Lecciones orales sobre la historia de Cuba pronunciadas en el ateneo democratico Cubano de Neuva York. Nueva Orleans, Imprenta de Luis Eduardo del Cristo, 1859. xi, 220 p. 8°. Standard guide to Cuba : A new and complete guide to the island of Cuba, with maps, illustrations, routes of travel, history, and an English-Spanish phrase book. New York, Foster & Reynolds, 1905. 180 p. illus. maps. 12°. Sedano, Carlos de: Cuba. Estudios polfticos . . . Madrid. Manuel G Hernandez, 1872. 457 (5) p. 8°. Torre, Jose* Maria de la : Lo que fuimos y lo que somos 6 la Habana antigua y mod- erna. Habana, Imprenta de Spencer y Compama, 1857. 184 p. 8°. U. S. Bureau of Statistics: Commercial Cuba in 1905. Area, population, production, transportation systems, revenues, industries, foreign commerce, and recent tariff and reciprocity arrangements. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1905. iv, 3899-4095 p. map. 4°. (Reprinted from the " Monthly summary of commerce and finance" for May, 1905.) U. S. 59th Cong., 1st sess., Senate: Condition of the people of the isle of Pines [pre- sented by Mr. Morgan]. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906. 13 p. 8°. (Sen. doc. no. 279.) U. S. War Department: The Isle of Pines (Caribbean Sea): its situation, physical features, inhabitants, resources, and industries. With maps. Prepared in the Division of insular affairs, War Department, 1902 [by DeB. Randolph Keim]. April 10, 1906. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906. 43 p. 8°. (59th Cong., 1st sess., Senate doc. 311.) (pp. 35-37, " Physiography of the Isle of Pines, by C. Willard Hayes.") 86 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. U. S, War Department: Military notes on Cuba. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1898. 507 p. 8°. Office director of census of Cuba: Report on the census of Cuba. 1899. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1900. 786 p. illus. maps. 8°. Valdes Dominguez, Eusebio: Los antiguos diputados de Cuba y apuntes para la historia constitutional de esta isla. Precedida de un pr6logo de D. Rafael Montoro. Madrid, Imprenta "El Telegrafo," 1879. xxxv, 302 (4) p. 8°. Valiente, Porfirio: Reformes dans les iles de Cuba et de Porto Rico . . . avec une preface par Edouard Laboulaye. Paris, A. Chaix et cie., 1869. xx, 412 p. 8°. [Vernon, Edward]: Original papers relating to the [British] expedition to the island of Cuba. London, printed for M. Cooper, 1744. 219 p. 12°. Los voluntarios de Cuba y el obispo de la Habana 6 historia de ciertos sucesos que deben referirse ahora, y no despues, y los refiere el mismo obispo, Senador de! Reino. Madrid, Imprenta D. A. Perrz Dubrull, 1871. 310 (2) p. 8°. Watterson, Henry: History of the Spanish-American war. Embracing a complete review 7 of our [United States] relations with Spain. Baltimore, Robinson publishing co., 1898. port, plates (pt. col.), xx, 474 p. 8°. Zaragoza, Justo: Las insurrecciories en Cuba. Apuntes para la historia polftica de esta isla en el presente siglo. Tomos 1 and 2. Madrid, Manuel G. Hernandez, 1872-1873. 2 v. 8°. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Abad, Jose" Ram<5n: Republica Dominicana. Resena general geografico-estadfstica redactada por Jose" Ramon Abad, de orden del Senor ministro de fomento y obras piiblicas . . . Santo Domingo, Imprenta de Garcia Hermanos, 1888. 400, xxvin p. 4°. Acevedo, Octavio A.: Dominican republic or republic of Santo Domingo. Wash- ington, 1902. 8 p. 8°. Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier de: Histoire de Pisle Espagnole ou de S. Dominque. Ecrite particulierement sur des memoires manuscrits du P. Jean Baptiste le Pere, Jesuite, missionnaire a Saint Domingue & sur les pieces originates, qui se conservent au Depot de la marine . . . Paris, Francois Didot, 1731. 2 v. plates, maps. 4°. Histoire de Pisle espagnole ou de S. Domingue. Ecrite particulierement sur des memoires manuscrits du P. Jean Baptiste Le Pere . . . Amsterdam, Francois PHonore, 1733. 4 v. 12°. illus. maps. Clyde Steamship Company: Santo Domingo. Issued by the passenger department of the . . . company. New York, [1907]. (30) p. illus. map. 8°. Courtney, W. S.: The gold fields of St. Domingo; with a description of the agricul- tural, commercial and other advantages of Dominica. And containing some account of its climate, seasons, soil, mountains and its principal cities, rivers, bays and harbors. New York, A. P. Norton, 1860. 144 p. map. 12°. De Bercy, Drouin: De Saint Domingue de sus guerres, de ses revolutions, de ses ressources, et des moyens a prendre pour y r6tablir la paix et Pindustrie. Paris, 1814. 178 p. 16°. De Poyen, H.: Historie militaire de Saint Dominique. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1899. 555 p. 8°. (Extrait du Memorial de l'Artillerie de la Marine.) Dominican Republic. Ministerio de fomento y obras publicas: La republica Domini- cana. Santo Domingo, Imp. La cuna de America, 1906. 123 p. illus. 8°. The Dominican republic. Published by the direction of the Department of promotion and public works for the Jamestown Ter-centennial exposition, 1907. [Washington, Byron S. Adams.] Half title. 98 p. 8°. (Descriptive pamphlet.) Edwards, Bryan: An historical survey of the French colony in the island of St. Domingo: comprehending a short account of its ancient government, political state, population, productions, and exports; a narrative of the calamities which have desolated the country ever since the year 1789, with some reflections on their causes and probable consequences; and a detail of the military transac- tions of the British Army in that island to the end of 1749. London, John Stockdale, 1797. xxiii, 247 p. 8°. (Has map dated 1805 inserted in front of t. p.) LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 87. Fabens, Joseph Warren: Facts about Santo Domingo, applicable to the present crisis. An address delivered before the American geographical and statistical society at New York, April 3, 1862. New York, George P. Putnam, 1862. 32 p. map. 8°. Resources of Santo Domingo; from a paper read before the American geograph- ical and statistical society of New York, 1862. Washington, Gibson bros., 1869. 22 p. map. 8°. — i — Resources of Santo Domingo, revised from a paper read before the American geographical and statistical society of New York. New York, The Major & Knapp engraving, mfg. and lithographing co., 187). 30 p. map. 8°. Garcia, Jose* Gabriel: Compendio de la historia de Santo Domingo. 2d ed. T. 1-3. Santo Domingo, Impr. de Garcfa Hermanos, 1893, 1894, and 1900. 3v. 8°. Compendio de la historia de Santo Domingo. Tomos 1-3. Tercera edici6n aumentada y correjida. Santo Domingo, Imprenta de Garcia Hermanos, 1893 and 1896. 3 v. 8°. Coincidencias historicas. Escritas conforme alas tradiciones populares. Santo Domingo, Imprenta Garcfa Hermanos, 1891-92. 2 v. in 1. 46 and 22 p. 8°. Guerra de la separacion Dominicana. Documentos para su historia colleccion- ados y ampilados con notas. Santo Domingo, Imprenta de Garcfa Hermanos, 1890. • Memorias para la historia de Quisqueya 6 sea de la antigua parte Espafiola de Santo Domingo desde el descubrimiento de la isla hasta la constituci6n de la repi'iblica Dominicana. T. 1. Santo Domingo, Impr. de Garcia Hermanos, 1876. 200 (2) p. 8°. Nuevas coincidencias historicas escritas conforme i. las tradiciones populares. Santo Domingo, Imprenta de Garcia Hermanos, 1892. 22 p. 8°. Partes onciales de las operaciones militares realizadas durante la guerra Domin- ico-Haitana. Recopilados y ampliados con notas. Sa^ito Domingo, Impr. Garcia Hermanos, 1888. 76 p. 8°. Hazard, Samuel: Santo Domingo, past and present; with a glance at Hayti. New York, Harper & bros., 1873. xxix, 511 p. maps, illus. 8°. Histoire de Tile de Saint-Domingue l'epoque de sa d^couverte par Christophe Colomb ' jusqu'a l'annee 1818 .. . Paris, P. F. Dupont, 1819. ii, 390 p. 8°. History of the island of St. Domingo from its first discovery by Columbus to the present period. London, printed for Archibald Constable & co. by S. Curtis, 1818. xiv, 446 p. 8°. Howard's Hatch: San Domingo report. See United States Senate. International Bureau of the American Republics: Santo Domingo (a handbook). (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1895.) vi, 202 p. pi. map. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 52. 1892.) Life in Santo Domingo: By a settler. With an introduction explanatory. New York, G. W. Carleton & co., publishers, 1873. 308 p. 12°. Meriffo (el Padre) : Elementos de geograffa fisica, polftica y historica de la republica Dominicana, precedidos de las nociones generales de geografla. 3d ed. Santo Domingo, Impr. Garcia Hermanos, 1898. illus. 184 (3) p. 12°. Monte y Tejada, Antonio del: Historia de Santo Domingo desde su ddscubrimiento hasta nuestros dias. Tomo 1. Habana, Establecimiento tipograflco de Soler, 1853. xxi, 600 p. illus. 4°. Perez, Jose" Joaquin: Fantasias indijenas. Episodios i leyendas de la epoca del descubrimiento, la conquista i la colonization de Quisqueya. Precedidas de un prologo por Apolinar Tejera, un "Estudio" de M. de J. de Pefla i una poesia de la Sefiorita Salome Urefia. Primera colecci6n. . Santo Domingo, Imprenta de Garcia Hermanos, 1877. 253 (1) p. 8°. Rainsford, Marcus: An historical account of the black empire of Hayti: comprehend* - ing a view of the principal transactions in the revolution of Saint Domingo; with its ancient and modern state. [London], J. Gundee, 1805. xxiii, 467. (9) p. front, maps. 4°. 88 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Soulastre, Dorvo: Voyage par terre de Santo Domingo, Capitale de la partie espagnole de Saint Domingue, au Cap-Francais, Capitale de la cartie Francaise de le m6me isle . . . Suivi d'un rapport sur l'etat actuel des mines de la colonie espagnole; traduit de Don Juan Nieto, mineralogiste de S. M. Catholique. Paris, Chau- merot, 1899. 407 (1) p. front. 8°. Tejera, Emiliano: Los restos de Colon en Santo Domingo. Santo Domingo, Im- prenta de Garcia Hermanos, 1878. 70 p. 8°. Los do restos de Cristobal Colon exhumados de la catedral de Santo Domingo en 1795 i 1877, Santo Domingo, Imprenta de Garcia Hermanos, 1879. Ill p. 8° U. S. Commission of inquiry to Santo Domingo report. With the introductory message of the President, special reports made to the commission, state papers furnished by the Dominican government and the statements of over seventy witnesses. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1871. 297 p. 8°. (U. S. Senate Ex. doc. no. 9, 42d cong., 1st sess.) United States Senate: Report of the select committee appointed to investigate the memorial of Davis Hatch. June 25, 1870. Washington, Government Print- ing Office, 1869. xlvii, 268 p. 8°. (41st. cong., 2d sess., rept. 234.) HAITI. Ardouin, B.: Etudes sur l'histoire d'Haiti suivies de la vie du General J. M. Borgella. Paris, Prevot et Drouard, 1853-1858. ilius. 8 v. '8°. Beard, John R.: The life of Toussaint l'Ouverture, the negro patriot of Hayti, comprising an account of the struggle for liberty in the island, and a sketch of its history to the present period. London, Ingram, Cooke & co., 1853. port, xi, 335 p. majfc illus. 8°. Bird, M. B.: 1' Homme noir: ou, notes historiques sur l'independance Haltienne. Dediees au gouvernment et au peuple d' Haiti. Edinburgh, Impr. par Murray et Gibb, 1876. viii, 360 p. 12°. Brown, J.: The history and present condition of St. Domingo. Philadelphia, W. Marshall & co., 1837. 2 v. 12°. Deleage, Paul: Haiti en 1886. Paris, E. Dentu, 1887. front. 394 (1) p. 12°. Edwards, Bryan: An historical survey of the French colony in the island of St. Domingo : comprehending a short account of its ancient government, political state, population, productions, and exports; a narrative of the calamities which have desolated the country ever since the year 1789 . . . and a detail of the military transactions of the British Army in that island to the end of 1794. London, for J. Stockdale, 1797. xxii, 247 p. map. 4°. Firmin, A.: Haiti: au point de vue politique, administratif et economique. (Con- ference faite au grand cercle de Paris le 8 decembre 1891.) Paris, F. Pichon, 1901. 90 (1) p. 8°. La France et Haiti . . . Nouvelle edition. Paris, Librairie Cotillon, 1901. 90 (1) p. 8°. M. Roosevelt, president des Etats Unis et la republique d'Haiti. New York, Hamilton bank note eng. and print, co., 1905. x, 501 (1) p. front, (port.) 12°. Fortunat, Dante's: Nouvelle geographie de Tile d'Haiti contenant des notions his- toriques et topographiques sur les autres Antilles. Paris, Impr. H. Noirot, 1888. xxvi, 537 p. map. illus. 12°. Guillermin, Gilbert: Journal historique de la revolution de la partie de Test de Saint Domingue, commercee le 10 aoiit 1808, avec des notes statistiques sur cette partie. Philadelphia, P. M. Lafourcade, 1810. 3 p. 1., xii, 314 (2) p. front, (port.) table. 8°. Haiti : Expose" general de la situation de la republique d'Haiti. Annee 1897 et 1898. Port-au-Prince, Impr. H. Chauvet & cie, 1897-98. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Hazard, Samuel; Santo Domingo, past and present, with a glance at Hayti, Maps and numerous illustrations. New York, Harper & bros., 1873. xxix, 511 p. 8°. History of the island of St. Domingo, from its first discovery by Columbus to the present period. New York, reprinted by Mahlon Day, 1824. viii, 266 p, 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. SU Holly, Alonzo P.: La situation economique de la republique d'Haiti et les nouveaux projets financiers, 6tude par le Citoyen Draph. Port-au-Prince, H. Chauvet & cie., 1901. 15 pp. 8°. International Bureau of the American Republics: Haiti (a handbook). (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1892.) iv, 240 p. illus. map. 8°. (Its bulletin no. 62. September, 1892.) Leger, J. N.: Haiti, her history and her distractors. New York and Washington, The Neale Publishing company, 1907. 372 p. front, illus. 8° Same. [French translation.] 411 p. front, illus. 8°. .[An authoritative work on the civil and natural history, educational system, form of gov- ernment, customs of the people, etc.] Madiou, fils, Thomas: Histoire d'Haiti. Port-au-Prince, Impr. de Jh. Courtois, 1847-48. 3 v. in 2. 8°. Rainsford, Marcus: An historical account of the black empire of Hayti: compre- hending a view of the principal transactions in the revolution of Saint Domingo; with its ancient and modern state. [London], J. Cundee, 1905. xxiii, 497 (9) p. front, plate, maps. 4°. Raban: Resume" de l'histoire de St. Domingue (republique d'Haiti), depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a ce jour . . . Paris, Impr. de A. Beraud, 1825. xxxi, 288 p. 16°. Redpath, James: A guide to Hayti. Boston, Haytian bureau of emigration, 1861. 180 p. front, (port.) illus. map. 12°. St. John, Spenser: Hayti, or the black republic ... 2d ed. New York, Scribner & Welford, 1889. xxiv, 389 p. map. 8°. Tippenhauer, L[ouis] Gentil: Die insel Haiti . . . Mit 30 holzschnitten, 29 abbil- dungen in lichtdruck und 6 geologischen tafeln in farbendruck. Leipzig, F. A. Brochkaus, 1893. xviii, 693, (1) p. illus. plates. 12°. Vibert, Paul: La republique d'Haiti. Son present, son avenir Economique . . . Paris and Nancy, Berger-Levrault et cie., 1895. 360 (4) p. 16°. Wimpffen, Francois A. S.: A voyage to Saint Domingo, in the years 1788, 1789 and 1790. Translated from the original manuscript, which has never been published, by J. Wright . . . London, printed for T. Cadell, Jr., and W. Davies [etc.], 1797. 1 p. 1. xviii, 371 p. map. 8°. BRITISH WEST INDIES. Aaron, Eugene Murray (joint author) : The new Jamaica. See Bacon, Edgar Mayhew. Bacon, Edgar Mayhew: The new Jamaica. Describing the island, explaining its conditions of life and growth and discussing its mercantile relations and potential importance: adding somewhat in relation to those matters which directly interest the tourist and the health seeker. New York, Walbridge & co., 1890, xi, 243 p. front, illus. map. 12°. Breen, Henry H.: St. Lucia: historical, statistical, and descriptive. London. Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1844. xvi, 423 p. map. 8°. Bulkeley, Owen T.: The lesser Antilles. A guide for settlers in the British West Indies, and tourists' companion. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle &Rivington, 1889. (2), 207 p. front, illus. 12°. Edwards, Bryan: The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies ... To which is added a general description of the Bahama islands, by Daniel M'Kinnen . . . Philadelphia, printed and sold by J. Hum- phreys, 1806. 4 v. 8°. with atlas. History of the British West Indies. With a continuation to the present time. In five volumes. London, 1818. [Library has atlas containing 12 maps and 8 illustrations]. 4°. Ford, Jos. C. (joint comp.) : The handbook of Jamaica for 1900. See Roxburgh, T. L. Gardner, W. J.: A history of Jamaica from its discovery by Christopher Columbus to the present time; including an account of its trade and agriculture; sketches of the manners, habits, and customs of all classes of its inhabitants; and a narrative of the progress of religion and education in the island. London, Elliot Stock, 1873. viii, 512 p. map. 8°. 90 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Heilprin, Angelo: Mont Pel6e and the tragedy of Martinique. A study of the great catastrophes of 1902, with observations and experiences in the field. Phila- delphia and London, J. B. Lippincott co., 1903. xiii, 325 p. front, plates, map. 8°. Johnson, Jas.: Jamaica: the new Riviera. A pictorial description of the island and its attractions. London, printed by Oassell & co., [1903]. 95 p. plates, map. obi. 8°. pp. 1-38, text. pp. 39-95 illus. Musgrave, T. B. G. : Historical and descriptive sketch of the colony of St. Vincent,. W. I. Printed at Gardner's, 1891. 26, xi p. 8°. (Bibliography , pp. iii-xi.) Phillippo, James M.: Jamaica: its past and present state. London, John Snow, 1843. xvi, 487 p. illus. 8°. Roxburgh, T. L.: The handbook of Jamaica for 1900. Published by authority, comprising historical, statistical and general information concerning the island. Compiled from official and other reliable records by T. L. Roxburgh and Jos. C. Ford. London, Edward Stanford, 1900. vii, 570, x p. map. 8°. Schomburgk, Robert H.: The history of Barbados; comprising a geographical and statistical description of the island; a sketch of the historical events since the settlement; and an account of its geology and natural productions. London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1848. xx, 722 p. front, plates. 4°. Shattuck, George Burbank: The Bahama islands. New York, The Macmillan co., 1905. xxxii, 630 p. maps, illus. plates. 4°. CONTENTS. Physiography and geology, fossils, tides and bench marks, magnetic observations, climate, exploration of the upper atmosphere, soils, vegetation, mosquitoes, fishes, batrachiana and land reptiles, birds, mammals, sanitary conditions, history, general considerations. Stark, James H.: Stark's illustrated Bermuda guide, containing a description of everything on or about these places of which the visitor or resident may desire information, including their history, inhabitants, climate, agriculture, geology, government and resources. Boston, James H. Stark, [1897]. viii, 153, (6) p. front, illus. map. 12°. Taylor, Charles Edwin: Leaflets from the Danish West Indies: descriptive of the social, political, and commercial condition of these islands. With a . . . biographical sketch [of the author] by Ph. Linet. London, printed by Wm. Dawson & sons, 1888. xv, 228 p. illus. 8°. Tertre, Jean Baptiste da: Histoire general des isles de S. Christophe, de la Guade- loupe, de la Martinique, et autres dans PAmerique . . . Paris, Chez Iacoyes, Langlois, 1654. [14], 481, [11] p. maps. 8°. United Fruit Company: A happy month in Jamaica. New York, The Frank Pres- brey co., n.d. [44] p. map. illus. plates. 8°. Verteuil, L. A. A. de: Trinidad: its geography, natural resources, administration, present condition, and prospects. Second edition. London, Paris and New York, Cassell & co., [1856]. xi, 484 p. 8°. Ward, C. J.: An account descriptive of the colony of Jamaica, with historical and other appendices. New York, Wm. J. Pell, (1893). 63 p. illus. obl.l2°. (At head of title, "World's Fair, Jamaica at Chicago.") PERIODICAL REFERENCES. PERIODICALS MENTIONED. American Review of Reviews. New York. Bankers' Magazine. New York. Berichte i'/ber handel und Industrie. Berlin, Germany. Boletin de la Sociedad Nacional de Mineria. Lima, Peru. Boletin de la Sociedad Geogrdfica de Lima. Lima, Peru. Boletin Oficial de la Secretaria de Relaciones Esteriores. Santiago de Chile, Chile. Boletin de la Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores. Mexico, Mexico. Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. New York. Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia. Century Magazine. New York. Diario Official. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dun's Review. (International edition.) New York. Engineering Magazine. New York. La Geographic Paris. Geographical Journal. London. The Independent. New York. India Rubber World. New York. International Quarterly. New York. Mining World. Chicago. Modern Mexico. New York and Mexico, Mexico. Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics. Washington. Munsey Magazine. New York. National Geographic Magazine. Washington. New York Commercial (International Weekly Section) . New York. North American Review. New York. The Outlook. New York. Recueil Consulaire. Brussels, Belgium. Revue de Geographic. Paris. Scientific American. New York. Scottish Geographical Magazine. Edinburgh. South American Journal. London. Sunset Magazine. San Francisco. Technical World. Chicago. Tropical Truth. Chicago. United States Consular Reports. Washington. World To-day. Chicago. World's Work. New York. Zeitschrift der gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin. Berlin, Germany. ABREVIATIONS USED. Ber. uber hand. u. ind.— Berichte iiber handel und Industrie. Bol. de la Soc. geog. de Lima. — Boletin de la Sociedad Geografica de Lima. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. — Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. Dun's Rev. (Int. ed.) — Dun's Review. (International edition.) Eng. Mag. — Engineering Magazine. Geog. Jour. — Geographical Journal. Cent. Mag. — Century Magazine. Ind. Rub. W. —India Rubber World. Mod. Mex. — Modern Mexico. Mon. Bull. — Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of^the American Republics. Nat. Geog. Mag. — National Geographic Magazine. N. Y. Com'l. (Int. Wkly. sec.) — New York Commercial. (International Weekly section.) No. Am. Rev. — North American Review. Rev. of Revs. — American Review of Reviews. Sci. Am. — Scientific American. Scott. Geog. Mag. — Scottish Geographical Magazine. S. A. J. — South American Journal. U. S. Cons. Repts. — United States Consular Reports. 91 92 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OP THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. The Argentine Republic: Historical, descriptive, statistical. [Written in German.] Ber. uber hand. u. ind. Mar. 6, 1903. p. 655. Att well, Juan S. : Description and economic conditions. [Extracts from an address delivered before the Cosmopolitan club of Cornell University.] Mon. Bull. April, 1907. p. 823. Barrett, John : Argentina, the wonderland of South America, illus. Rev. of Revs. July, 1905. p. 49. Cartel!, F. J.: The fertile pampas of Argentine. Nat. Geog. Mag. Aug., 1906. p. 453. Corthell, Elmer L.: Two years in Argentine as the consulting engineer of national public works. A lecture. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. Dec, 1903. p. 439. O'Driscoll, Florence: A journey to the north of the Argentine Republic, illus. Geog. Jour. Oct., 1904. p. 284. Ogg, F. A.: Vast undeveloped regions of Argentina. World's Work. Oct., 1906. p. 8078. The port of Buenos Aires, illus. Dun's Rev. (Int. ed.) June, 1904. Samson, John: The port of Buenos Aires. S. A. J. Mar. 26, 1904. p. 221. Schrader, F.: En Argentin. La Geographic Aug. 15, 1907. p. 81. BOLIVIA. Calderon, Ignacio: An address on Bolivia before the National Geographic Society, Washington. Mon. Bull. April, 1907. p. 832. Bolivia: a country without a debt, illus. Nat. Geog. Mag. Sept., 1907. p. 573. Bolivia, a neglected field of great opportunities, illus. Bankers' Mag. July, 1907. p. 69. Church, George Earl : The Acre territory and the Caoutchouc region of southwestern Amazonia, map. Geog. Jour. Jan., 1902. p. 64. Bolivia by the Rio de La Plata route, map. Geog. Jour. Jan., 1902. p. 64 Clark, Francis E.: The Switzerland of South America. [Description of Bolivia. Independent. Oct. 10, 1907. p. 862. Crespo, Luis S.: [Description and economic conditions.] M. B. p. 1461. Dec, 1906. [Includes Constitution and government, area and population, religion, instruction and justice, finance, army, commerce, etc.] Curtis, William Eleroy: The road to Bolivia, illus. Nat. Geog. Mag. June, 1900. p. 209. Hill, Arthur W.: Notes of a journey in Bolivia and Peru around Lake Titicaca. Scott. Geog. Mag. May, 1907. p. 249. Nordenskiold, Erland: Travels on the boundaries of Bolivia and Peru, illus. Geog. Jour. Aug., 1906. p. 105. Montfort, Q. de Crequi: Exploration in Bolivia. La Geographie. 9: 79. Feb. 15, 1904. Larranaga, Federico: Geographical description and history of Acre territory. S. A. J. April 4, 1903. p. 333. Rowe, L. S.: The awakening of Bolivia. Independent. Oct. 10, 1907. p, 861. BRAZIL. Barrett, John: Rio de Janeiro: scene of the Pan-American Conference, illus. Rev. of Revs. Aug., 1906. p. 177. Brown, Q. M. L.: Brazil, the great republic of the tropics. By G. M. L. Brown and Franklin Adams, illus. Rev. of Revs. Aug., 1906. p. 184. Church, George Earie: The Acre territory and the Caoutchouc region of southwestern Amazonia, map. Geog. Jour. May, 1904. p. 536. Description of Rio de Janeiro, illus. Dun's Rev. (Int. ed.). Dec, 1906. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 93 Larranaga, Federico: Geographical description and history of Acre territory. S.A.J. April 4, 1903. p. 333. Peixto, Eduardo M.: Ilha da Trindade. Memoria historica. Diario Official. (Rio de Janeiro.) (Serial appearing between May 4 and Oct. 23, 1904.) Samson, John: The city of Sao Paulo, illus. S. A. J. July 16, 1904. p. 66. [Description of Brazil], A lecture delivered in London. S. A. J. Aug. 13, 20, 27; Sept. 3 and 10, 1904. | Sao Paulo, Brazil: (Descriptive and statistical article), illus. N. Y. Com'l. (Int. Wkly. sec.) April 26, 1907. CENTRAL AMERICA. General Articles. Barrett, John: Resourceful Central America, map. illus'. Rev., of Revs. July, 1907. p. 68. Central America: Development of the West Coast. Mon. Bull. Nov., 1905. Pepper, Charles M.: Characteristics of Central America. Independent. July 26, 1906. p. 210. CHILE. Brown, G. M. L.: Chile and Peru, the rival republics of the South. By G. M. L. Brown and Franklin Adams. Rev. of Revs. Oct., 1906. p. 433. [Description of Tierra del Fuego.] S. A. J. July 16 and 23, 1904. Fitzgerald, E. A.: Exploration on and around Aconcagua. Geog. Jour. 12 : 469. 1898. Maury, Fr.: Le Chili. 1880-1902. Revue Universelle. Paris, Sept. 1 and 15, 1904. Smith, J. Russell: Economic geography of Chile, map. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. Jan., 1904. p. 1. COLOMBIA. Barrett, John: Area, resources and climate of Colombia. Mon. Bull. Jan., 1907. p. 139. Beaupre, Arthur M.: Economic and political conditions in Colombia. S. A. J. Mar. 5, 1904. p. 246. Description of Colombia. By a tourist, map. illus. Ind.Rub.W. Dec. 1, 1905. p. 73. Explorations by the Reyes. S. A. J. Mar. 23, 1901 and Sept. 23 and 30, 1905. Leigh, John George: Colombia and the Panama Canal, map. illus. Eng. Mag. Oct., 1903. p. 1. Savinien, Francis D.: The new era in Colombia, map. illus. Rev. of Revs. May, 1906. p. 567. COSTA RICA. Curtin, James H.: Costa Rica, illus. Dun's Rev. (Int. ed.) Sept., 1907. p. 18. [Description of Costa Rica]: Mon. Bull. May, 1907. p. 1125. (An article under the caption, "Costa Rica and the banana trade," containing much information of value.) CUBA. Characteristics of the Cuban People, illus. Tropical Truth, March, 1903. p. 1. Cuba: the pearl of the Antilles, map. illus. Nat. Geog. Mag. Oct., 1906. p. 535. Dennison, Edgar W.: Transportation in Cuba, illus. World To-day. Oct., 1906. p. 1071. 94 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. [Description of Cuba], illus. Dun's Rev. (Int. ed.). June, 1907. p. 17. [Entire edition devoted to Cuba.] - — U. S. Cons, repts. Nov., 1903. p. 411. Fernandez, Juan Santos; [Description of Cuba included in report to the International Medical Congress in Madrid, 1902]. Mon. Bull. May, 1903. p. 1234. Fernow, B. E.: The high Sierra Maestra. map. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. May, 1907. p. 257. [Entire edition devoted to Cuba.] Isle of Pines: illus. Nat. geog. mag. Feb., 1906. p. 105. its geography and resources. U. S. Cons, repts. Sept., 1905. * * (Extracts reprinted in Monthly Bulletin, Nov., 1905.) McKenzie, Harvey: Industrial Cuba, illus. American Exporter. Nov., 1907. p. 76. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Lyle, Jr., Eugene P.: Our [United States] mix-up in Santo Domingo. The story of our intervention and its results. The black republic and our strategic needs. World's Work. Oct., 1905. p. 6737. Moore, John Bassett: Santo Domingo and the United States. Rev. of Revs. Mar. 1905. p. 293. 5anto Domingo: the home of revolutions, illus. World To-day. Aug., 1904. p.102. ECUADOR. Bourgeois, R.: La republique de l'Equateur. Ses conditions economiques, ses ressources et son avenir. Revue de Geographie. Sept., 1902. p. 220. Lee, Joseph: Beautiful Ecuador, illus. Nat. Geog. Mag. Feb., 1907. p. 81. (Reprinted in Mon. Bull. Mar., 1907.) Rice, A. Hamilton: From Quito to the Amazon via the river Napo. Geog. Jour. April, 1903. p. 401. GUATEMALA. Pepper, Charles M.: The future of Guatemala. Mon. Bull. February to June, 1906. (Reprint of "Guatemala: the country of the future.") HAITI. Lyle, Jr., Eugene P.: Haiti: what shall her future be? World's Work. Feb., 1906. p. 7151. Steward, T. J.: Haiti: Something of its history and revolutions. Tropical Truth. Feb., 1903. MEXICO. Bache, Ren£: New rival of Panama Canal. [The Tehuantepec route.] illus. maps. Technical World. Sept., 1906. p. 27. Cadell, Henry M.: Some old Mexican volcanoes, illus. and map. Scott. Geog. Mag. June,- 1907. p. 281 Corthel, Elmer L.: The Tehuantepec route. & A. J. Sept. 24 and Oct, 1, 1904. Dart on, N. H.: Mexico, the treasure house of the World, illus. Nat. Geog. Mag. Aug., 1907. p. 493. Development of Lower California, illus. Mod. Mex. June, 1904. p. 24. Durango as a residential city, illus. Mod.. Mex. Jan., 1906. p. 29. Foster, John W.: The new Mexico, illus. Nat. Geog. Mag. Jan., 1902. p. 1. Qeare, Randolph I.: Ancient races of Yucatan and Mexico. Sci. Am. Nov. 26, 1904. p. 375. Glimpses caught on a journey across Lower California. Mod. Mex. Jan., 1906. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 95 Hill, Robert Thomas: Geologic and geographic aspects of Mexico, illus. Mining World. Sept. 22, 1906 to Nov. 2, 1907. [Continued article of 9 instalments.] Geology and natural resources of Mexico, illus. Mining World. Oct. 26, 1907? p. 686. Geology of the Sierra Almoloya, Mexico. Mining World. April 27, 1907. p. 530. Hovey, Edmund Otis: Geographical notes on the Western Sierra Madre in Chi- huahua. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. Feb., 1906. p. 84. Notes on northern Mexico : its deserts, plateaus and canyons. Bull.' of the Geog. Soc. of Phila, Oct., 1906. p. 247. Western Sierra Madre of the State of Chihuahua, illus. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. Sept., 1905. p. 531. Hudson, (Mrs.) J. K.: Cortez in Mexico. Mod. Mex. Oct. and Nov., 1902. Lyle, Jr., Eugene P.: Mexico at high tide. The remarkable progress of a wonderfully rich country being developed largely by American capital. World's Work. Aug., 1907. p. 9178. Maynard, G. L.: The beautiful gulf of California, illus. Mod. Mex. Sept., 1906. Mexjco: [Entire issues of "Mining World" for Sept. 15, 1906, and Oct. 26, 1907, devoted to description and mines and mining.] Mexico in 1905: Area, population, finances, production, railways, telegraphs, and transportation routes, etc. map. Mon. Sum. of Com. and Fin. Feb., 1905. Navarro, Juan H.: Mexico of to-day. Nat. Geog. Mag. April, May and June, 1901. North, Arthur W.: The mother of California. [Description of Lower California.] Sunset Magazine. Nov. and Dec, 1906, and Jan., 1907. The unchartered Sierra of San Pedro Martir. map. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. Sept., 1907. p. 544. Perigny, Maurice de: Modern Mexico, illus. Outlook. April, 1907. p. 701. Schatterbeck, Chas. C: The economic progress of Mexico since early times, illus. Mining World. Oct, 20, 1907. p. 671. Seler, E.: Ein wintersemester in Mexico und Yucatan, illus. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin. No. 7, 1903. p. 477. SJmonds, Louis C: [Holidays and festivals of Mexico]. Mod. Mex. June, 1903 to . March, 1904. Starr, Frederick: In Indian Mexico, illus. World To-day. May, 1905. p. 502. Tays, E. A. H.: The climate and natural resources of Mexico. Mining World. Oct. 26, 1907. p. 708. Tehuantepec Canal: Mexico's great isthmus route, illus. Mod. Mex. Mar., 1905. p. 21. Vegus, H. L.: Economic* development of Mexico. International Quarterly. June, 1904. p. 235. Walter, W. G.: Mexico. [History and description. A lecture delivered under the auspices of the South Place Ethical Society, London.] S. A. J. Feb. 20, 27, and Mar. 5, 1904. Woodbridge, Dwight E.: Some notes on a journey through Mexico. Mining World. Oct. 26, 1907. p. 694. Wilkins, J. H. ; An undeveloped empire in the Pacific. Mod. Mex. March, 1903. p. 22. NICARAGUA. lawley, Thomas R.: Nicaragua, the country and the people. Outlook. April 26, 1902. PANAMA. Abbott, H. L.: Natural conditions affecting the building of the Pananla canal. Eng. Mag. Aug., 1904. p. 721. Barrett, John: The Panama canal and its problems. Rev. of Revs. Feb., 1906. p. 161. II 96 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OP THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Burr, William H.: The republic of Panama, illus. Nat. Geog. Mag. Feb., 1904, p. 57. Bigelow, Poultney: An American Panama. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. Aug., 1906. p. 489. Beeks, Gertrude: The nation's housekeeping at Panama. Outlook. Nov. 2, 1907. p. 489. Curtin, James H.: Progress at Panama, illus. Dun's Rev. (Int. ed.) Aug., 1907. p. 18. Facts about Panama: Mon. Bull. Feb. 1904. p. 328. General conditions in Panama. U. S. Cons. Repts. Sept. 1904. Hazlett, Dillwyn M.: Farming on the Isthmus, illus. Nat. Geog. Mag. April, 1906. p. 229. Historical Notes. Recueil consulaire. 131: 338. 1905. Historical sketch of the Isthmus of Panama. (In Spanish.) Mon. Bull. July, 1904. p. 1. History and present status of the Panama Canal, illus. Sci. Amer. June, 1905. p. 438. Johnson, Emory R.: The Panama canal and its commercial aspects. Bull, of the Amer. Geog. Soc. Dec, 1903. p. 481. Lyle, Jr., Eugene P.: Real conditions at Panama. World's Work. Nov., 1905. p. 6878. Making of the Panama Canal: Technical World. Nov., 1907. p. 265. M orison, George S.: The Panama Canal, maps. Bull, of the Amer. Geog. Soc. Feb., 1903. p. 24. Nicholas, Francis C: Panama and its people, illus. Rev. of Revs. Mar., 1904. p. 329. Parsons, Wm. B.: The Canal, illus. Cent. Mag. Nov., 1905. p. 138. Penfield, Courtland: Panama and Suez. No. Am. Rev. p. 817. June, 1907. Peres Triana, S.: The Panama Canal. S. A. J. Dec. 27, 1902. p. 720. Shonts, Theodore P.: The Panama Canal, illus. Nat. Geog. Mag. Feb., 1906. p. 55. Throp, William: The control of the approach to the Panama Canal. World's Work. Mar., 1904. p. 4594. Waldo, F. L.: An engineer's life in the field on the isthmus, illus. Eng. Mag. Dec, 1905. p. 321. PARAGUAY. Baez, Nicolas: Paraguay. [Descriptive article.] S. A. J. May 11, 1907. p. 526. Baxter, E. M.: [Descriptive article.] S. A. J. Feb., 1905. p. 124. Cavanagh, E. J.: Impressions of an English journalist in Paraguay. S. A. J. Dec 23, 1905, and Mar. 10, 1906. [Description of Paraguay.] S. A. J. Sept. 2, 1905. p. 242. Hawtrey, Seymour: Description of the Northern Chaco. S. A. J. Nov. 19 and 26, 1904. Schmied, Adalberto: Paraguayan future; hidden industries being disclosed. S. A. J. Feb. 2, 1907. p. 134. [Extract from Adalberto Schmied's account of his expedition to the Chaco Paraguayo.] PERU. Bandelier, A. J.: The basin of Lake Titicaca. Bull, of the Amer. Geog. Soc. Aug., 1905. t p. 449. Beasley, Walter L.: Inca civilization in Peru. Remarkable discoveries by Bandelier. Sci. Am. Jan. 16, 1904. p. 46. Brown, G. M. L.: Chile and Peru, the rival republics of the South. By G. M. L. Brown and Franklin Adams. Rev. of Revs. Oct., 1906 p. 433. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY ANP DESCRIPTION. 97 Garland, Alejandro: Las remesas del Peru & la real hacienda de Espana durante el periodo del Coloiaje. Boletin de la Sociedad National de Mineria. Jan.- Mar., 1904. Hill, Arthur W. : Notes of a journey in Bolivia and Peru around Lake Titicaca. Scott. Geog. Mag. May, 1905. p. 249. Hohagen, Manuel L.: Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa y su historia de los Incas. Bol. de la Soc. Geog. de Lima. June 30, 1903. p. 186. Itinerario de los viajes de Raimondi en Peru. Bol. de la Soc. Geog. de Lima. Sept., 1904. p. 325. Nordenskiold, Erland: Travels on the boundaries of Bolivia and Peru, illus. Geog. Jour. Aug., 1906. p. 105. Peru: its resources, development and future. Nat. Geog. Mag. Aug., 1904. p. 311. SOUTH AMERICA. General Articles. Adams, Harriet Chalmers: Picturesque Paramaribo, illus. Nat. Geog. Mag. June, 1907. p. 365. Barclay, W. S. ? Land of Magellanes, with some account of the Ona and other Indians. map. illus. Geog. Jour. Jan., 1904. p. 62. Barrett, John: The land of to-morrow, illus. Munsey Magazine. June, 1907. p. 273. Latin America as a field for United States capital and enterprise. Bankers' Magazine. June, 1907. p. 918. Brown, G. M. L.: The new era of manufacturing in South America. By G. M. L. Brown and Franklin Adams, illus. Rev. of Revs. Feb., 1907. p. 177. [Description and economic conditions.] Entire issue of "American Exporter" for June 1, 1907, devoted to South America. Church, George Earl: South America: an outline of its physical geography. Geog. Jour. April, 1901. p. 333. Climate and climatic conditions in the tropics. Jour, of Geog. Sept., 1906. p. 302. Dunn, Arthur Wallace: Secretary Root and South America. Rev. of Revs. Nov., 1906. p. 583. Freeman, Lewis R.: American trade opportunities and handicaps in South America. Eng. Mag. Sept., 1907. p. 859. Effect of South American immigration on North American trade. World To-day. Oct., 1907. p. 1042. * Hale, Albert: The South American situation. Reader Magazine. Oct., 1906 to July, 1907. (A series of descriptive articles in ten installments.) Heilprin, Angelo: An impression of the Guiana wilderness, illus. Nat. Geog Mag. June, 1907. p. 373. Johnston, W. J.: Foreign trade of the west coast of South America, illus. Ameri- can Exporter. Jan. 1, 1907. p. 5. Smith, J. Russell : Economic importance of the plateaux in tropical America. Bull. of the Amer. Geog. Soc. Aug., 1905. p. 461. Ward, Robert De G.: Climate of South America. Bull, of the Amer. Geog Soc Oct., 1903. p. 353. VENEZUELA. Bacher, Q. H.: With Whistler in Venezuela. Cent. Mag. Dec, 1906. p. 207. Bingham, Hiram: From Caracas to Bogota. Mon. Bull Sept., 1905. p. 674. Brown, G. M. L. : The Critical State of Venezuela, illus. World's Work-. Mar , 1905. p. 5983. A nation in transition. Outlook. Feb. 11, 1905. p. 381. The Orinoco: a wasted water-way. illus. Sci. Amer. Nov., 1905. p. 420. Three old ports on the Spanish main. Nat. Geog. Mag. Nov., 1906. p. 622. 98 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Lyle, Jr., Eugene P.: Venezuela and the problems it presents, illus. World's Work. Dec., 1905. p. 6943. Williams, Arthur: The truth about Venezuela. World To-day. July, 1905. p. 717. WEST INDIES. General Articles. Bennett, Helen Christine : Kingston, the capital of Jamaica, as it was and is. illus. Bull, of the Geog. Soc. of Phila. April, 1907. p. 1. Brown, Charles W.: The Jamaica earthquake. Scott. Geog. Mag. Oct., 1907. p. 535. Lyle, Jr., Eugene P.: The West Indies: a centre of the world's interest. World's Work. Sept., 1905. p. 6664. [Note: Attention of those interested in Latin America is called to the "Monthly Bulletin" issued by the International Bureau of the American Republics. Every issue of this periodical contains much valuable information of a commercial and economic nature. The annual messages of the various Presidents, reports of inter- national congresses, extracts from the official reports of departments, commercial laws, tariffs, articles relating to railroads, mines and mining, industries, etc., etc., are all noted as soon as published by the several governments of Central and South America, the West Indies and Mexico. Each number of the " Bulletin" is prefaced by a review which enables the read- er to obtain quickly a general idea of its contents.] LIST OF BOOKS ON Latin American History and Description (with references to articles in magazines) IN THE COLUMBUS MEMORIAL LIBRARY INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS Supplement No. 1 November 1, 1907, to July 8, 1909 NO. 2 JACKSON PLACE, WASHINGTON, D. C, U. S. A. 1909 International Bureau of the American Republics JOHN BARRETT, Director FRANCISCO J. YANES, Secretary CHAS. E. BABCOCK, Acting Librarian 2 WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ! 1909 CONTENTS. Page. South America, general , 5 by countries 6-15 Central America, general 16 by countries 16-19 Mexico 19 West Indies, general 23 by countries 24-25 References to articles in magazines 26 3 INDEX. Page. Argentine Republic 6, 27 Bolivia 8, 27 Brazil 9, 28 Canal Zone 17, 31 Central America 16, 28 Chile 11,28 Colombia 12, 29 Costa Rica 16, 29 Cuba 24,29 Dominican Republic 24, 29 Ecuador 12,29 Guatemala 17, 30 Haiti 25,30 Honduras 17, 30 Mexico 19, 30 Nicaragua 17 Panama 17, 31 Paraguay 13, 32 Peru 13, 32 Salvador 19, 32 South America 5, 32 Uruguay 14, 34 Venezuela 14, 34 West Indies 23, 34 Periodical references 26 4 SOUTH AMERICA. GENERAL. Bandelier, A. F.: The gilded man (El Dorado), and other pictures of the Spanish occupancy of America. By A. F. Bandelier. . . . New York, D. Appleton & company, 1893. iv (1) 302 p. 8°. Barbagelata, Hugo D.: . . . Paginas sudamericanas. (Ensayos de historia y literatura.) Barcelona, Casa editorial Sopena, 1909. 240 p. 12°. Barrett, John: Markets for cotton products in South America, by Hon. John Bar- rett . . . Read before the National association of cotton manufacturers at its 83rd meeting, in the New Willard, Washington, D. C, October 3, 1907. 14 p. 8°. Latin America of to-day and its relations with the United States. By Hon. John Barrett . . . Reprinted from the ' ' Proceedings of the American Political Science Association," 1907. Cover-title. 45 p. 8°. Beck, Carl: Sonnenblicke vom lateinischen Amerika; eine Kreuzfahrt nach Westin- dien, Columbien, Panama und Costa Rica. Von Carl Beck. Berlin, Verlag von Leonhard Simion, 1908. 231 p. illus. 8°. Bingham, Hiram: The possibilities of South American history and politics as a field for research. Caption title. 18 p. (Reprinted from the "Bulletin" of the International Bureau of the American Republics, Feb- ruary, 1908.) Clark, Francis E.: The continent of opportunity. The South American repub- lics — their history, their resources, their outlook. Together with a traveler's impressions of present dav conditions. By Francis E. Clark . . . New York, Fleming H. Revell co., [1907]. 349 p. plates. 8°. Same. 2nd ed. Crichiield, George W.: American Supremacy; the rise and progress of the Latin American republics and their relations to the U. S. under the Monroe doctrine. By George W. Crichfield. New York, Brentano's, 1908. 2 v. 8°. Curtis, William Eleroy: Between the Andes and the Ocean. An account of an interesting journey down the west coast of South America from the Isthmus of Panama to the Straits of Magellan. By William Eleroy Curtis . . . New York, Duffield & Co., 1907. 442 p. plates. 8°. Darwin, Charles: Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H. M. S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fitzroy, from 1823 to 1836. By Charles Darwin . . . London, Henry Colburn, 1839. xiv, 615 p. maps'. 8°. Delebecque, J.: A travers PAmerique du Sud. Paris, Plon-Nourrit et Cie., 1907. vii, 317 p. illus. maps. 12°. Fernald, James C: The Spaniard in history. By James C. Fernald . . . New York, Funk & Wagnalls company, 1898. 144 p. map. 12°. [Fitz=Roy, Robert]: Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their exami- nation of the southern shores of South America and the Beagle's circumnaviga- tion of the globe. London, Henry Colburn, 1839. 3 v. plates, maps. 8°. [Voyages made under the command of Capt. P. Parker King and narrated by Robert Fitz-Roy.] Great Britain, Emigrants' information office: Summary of consular reports, 1908, and general information relating to North, Central, and South America. Issued by the Emigrants' information office . . . London, Printed by Love & Malcomson, 1909. 286 p. 8°. 5 b INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Hale, Albert: Practical guide to Latin America, including Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Preparation, cost, routes, sight-seeing. By Albert Hale . . . Boston, Small, Maynard and co., 1909. 300 p. 12°. The South American situation, by Albert Hale. Results of a mission of inspec- tion and investigation made under the direction of the "Reader Magazine." [Extracted from the " Reader Magazine," October, 1906, to June, 1907, and bound in 1 volume.] 130 p. 8°. The South Americans; the story of the South American republics, their char- acteristics, progress and tendencies; with special reference to their commercial relations with the United States, by Albert Hale . . . Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill co., [ c 1907]. 361 p. front, plates, maps. 8°. King, P. Parker (joint author): Narrative . . . See Fitz-Roy, Robert. Lummis, Charles F.: The Spanish pioneers, by Charles F. Lummis . . . Chi- cago, A. C. McClurg & company, 1893. 292 p. illus. 12°. MacNutt, Francis Augustus (tr. & ed.)\ Letters of Cortes. The five letters of re- lation from Fernando Cortes to the Emperor Charles V. Translated and edited, with a biographical introduction and notes compiled from original sources, by Francis Augustus MacNutt. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1908. 2 v. 8°. Matthews, Franklin: With the battle fleet. Cruise of the sixteen battleships of the U. S. Atlantic fleet from Hampton roads to the Golden Gate. December, 1907-May, 1908. By Franklin Matthews. Illustrated by Henry Reuterdahl. (Courtesy of Collier's weekly.) New York, B. W. Huebsch, 1908. xi, 321 p. 8°. Moses, Bernard: South America on the eve of emancipation. The Southern Spanish colonies in the last half -century of their dependence. By Bernard Moses . . . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1908. iv, 356 p. 8°. Nin Frias, Alberto: . . . Ensayos de critica e historia. Valencia, F. Sempere y compania, n. d. xi, 253 (1) p. 8°. Osborn, Chase S.: The Andean land (South America). By Chase S. Osborn . . . With over fifty illus. and four maps. Chicago, A. C. McClurg, & Co., 1909. 2 v. 8°. Prentiss, Delight Sweetser: One way around South America. From manuscript, notes and letters of Delight Sweetser Prentiss . . . Private edition. Indian- apolis, The Bobbs-Merrill company, [1905]. 181 p. illus. map. 12°. Rodriguez del Busto, A.: America del sur. Altitudes y canalizacion. Tomo 1. Cordoba, Imprenta Argentina, 1908. 234 (2) p. 8°. Ruhl, Arthur: The other Americans. The cities, the countries, and especially the people of South America, by Arthur Rhul. New York, Charles Scribner's sons, 1908. xi, 321 p. map. 8°. United Fruit Company: Panama canal, Central America, British Honduras. Issued by the United Fruit company, January, 1909. Cambridge, The Uni- versity Press. 16 p. obi. 12°. Vincent, Frank: Around and about South America. Twenty months of quest and query. By Frank Vincent . . . New York, D. Appleton & Co., [etc., etc.], 1890. xxiv, 473 p. front, plates, ports, maps. 8°. Waterton, Charles: Wanderings in South America. The north-west of the United States and the Antilles in the years 1812, 1816, 1820 & 1824 ... By Charles Waterton. Including a memoir of the author by Norman Moore . . . With illustrations and a brief introduction by Charles Livingston Bull. New York, Sturgis and Walton Company, 1909. xxvi, 338 p. col. pi. 8°. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Achaval, Luis (joint author): Geografia . . . See Rio Manuel E. Attwell, Juan S.: The Argentine Republic. Address delivered by Lieut. -Com- mander Juan S. Attwell at Cornell's Cosmopolitan Club, March 2, 1907. No imprint. 10 (2) 7 p. 12°. (A new print, with complimentary letters added.) Bilbao, Manuel: . . . Buenos Aires desde su fundacion hasta nuestros dias. Especialmente el periodo comprendido en los siglos xvm y xix. Precedido de una carta del Doctor Don Vicente Fidel Lopez. Buenos Aires, Imprenta de Juan A. Alsina, 1902. xiii, 664 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 7 Buenos Ay res and Pacific Railway Company: Across the Andes from Buenos Ayres to the Pacific . . . [Issued by the] Buenos Ayres and Pacific railway company. London, Waterlow and sons, printers, [1904]. 46 p. map. obi. 8°. [p. 16-46, half-tone illustrations, including 2 panoramas.] [Carmona, Henri]: Ports de lacapitaleet de La Plata. Description et mouvement commercial. La Plata, Taller de Impresiones Oficiales, 1905. xii, 450 p. plates, diagrs. illus. maps. 4°. . . . De Buenos Aires al Neuquen. Reseiia geografica, industrial, admi- nistrativa. Buenos Aires, Tall. Tip. de la Penitenciaria Nacional, 1902. 116 p. 8°. Carrasco, Gabriel: La provincia de Santa Fe. Revista de su estado actual y de los progresos, por Gabriel Carrasco . . . Buenos Aires, Imprenta de P. Coni e hijos, 1888. 157 p. map. 8°. Fernandez, Jorge: . . . Clima, aguas, suelos de la provincia de Santiago del Estero. Datos reunidos por Jorge Fernandez, Director general de estadistica. Santiago del Estero, Imp. y enc. Espanola de Celestino Alen, [1907]. x, 175 p. 8°. (At head of title: "Direction general de estadistica de la provincia del Santiago del Estero, Repu- blica Argentina. " ) Grant and Son, John (comp.): The Argentine year-book, 1905-6. With which are incorporated the "Anuario Pillado" and "Grant's Argentine Commercial Guide." Buenos Aires, John Grant & Son, [1906]. xxx, [12] 396 p. illus. maps. 8°. Same. 1907-8 . . . [44], 395 p. illus. maps. 8°. Holdich, Thomas Hungerford: The countries of the King's award. By . . . Thomas Hungerford Holdich. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1904. xvi, 290 p. plates.. 4°. Hudson, W. H.: The naturalist in La Plata. By W. H. Hudson. London, J. M. Dent & Co., 1903. x, 394 p. front, illus. plates. 8°. Koebel ,W. H.: Modern Argentina: the El Dorado of to-day. With notes on Uruguay and Chile. London, Francis Griffiths, 1907. xv, 380 p. illus. 8°. Martinez, Albert B.: Recensement general de la population, de Fedification, du commerce et de l'industrie de la ville de Buenos Ayres . . . effectue" les 11 et 18 septembre 1904 . . . par Albert B. Martinez . . . Buenos Ayres, Compagnie Sud-Am£ricaine de Billets de Banque, 1906. clxv, 557 p. col. pi. illus. plates, map. 4°. Mendoza, Juan Antonio: . . . Centenario de la revoluci6n del 25 de mayo de 1810. Filosofia de la historia. Buenos Aires, Imprenta F. Mena, 1905. 420, 1 p. maps. 12°. Morla Vicuna, Carlos: . . . Estudio historico sobre el descubrimiento y conquista de la Patagonia y de la Tierra del Fuego. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1903. v, 304, 223 (1) p. plates, maps. 8°. Prado, Manuel: La ocupacion del Rio Negro. Expedicion realizada por el Ministro de la guerra . . . 25 de mayo de 1879. Conferencia leida en el Club Militar por el Teniente Coronel Manuel Prado. Buenos Aires, Estab. Tip., 1900. 44 p. 8°. "La Revista Patriotica" en la exposicion de Saint Louis. Buenos Aires, May, 1904. lv. bd. illus. 4°. (History; description and economic condition. Text in English and Spanish.) Rio, Manuel E.: Geografia de la provincia de Cordoba, por Manuel E. Rio y Luis Achaval . . . Buenos Aires, Compafifa Sud Americana de Billetes de Banco, 1904 & 1905. 2 v. 4°. Atlas. Buenos Aires, 1905. 8 maps & illus. Rodriguez, S. Dutari: El territorio de Santa Cruz. Su presente, su futuro y los problemas viniculados a su desarrollo. Informe del gobernador Sr. S. Dutari Rodriguez. Buenos Aires, Tall, graficos de la Penitenciaria Nacional, 1906. 119 p. 8°. Roqug, Benjamin: La republica Argentina. 1906-1907. Publicado bajo la Direc- cidn del Sr. Benjamin Roque\ Buenos Aires, L. J. Rosso, [1907]. n. t. p. no paging. 1 vol. of views, obi. 4°. Shaw, Arthur E.: Forty years in the Argentine Republic. By Arthur E. Shaw. London, Elkin Mathews, 1907. 229 p. 12°. 8 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Suarez, Jose Leon: La isla de Martin Garcia. Legitimidad del dominio argentino. Buenos Aires, Jacobo Peuser, 1907. 16 p. 8°. (Extracto de la "Revista de derecho, historia y letras.") (Gives history of the Island.) Valette, L. H.: . . Viaje a las islas Orcadas Australes, por L. H. Valette. Buenos Aires, Tall, de publicaciones de la Oficina Meteorologica Argentina, 1906. 68, ii p. fold. map. 11 plates. 8°. (At head of title: "Anales del Ministerio de agricultura, Secci<5n de zootecnica, bacteriologia, veterinarfa y zoologia, Tomo 3, No. 2.") White, Ernest William: Cameos from the Silver-land; or, The experiences of a roung naturalist in the Argentine Republic. By Ernest William White. . . . mdon, J. Van Voorst, 1881-82. 2 v. map. 8°. BOLIVIA. you Loi Ballivian, Manuel V.: . . . Diario del viaje de la delegacion nacional a los territorios del noroeste de la republica y el departamento del Beni. (Notas de cuaderneta.) Por Manuel V. Ballivian ... La Paz, Imprenta de "El Comercio, " 1896. 74 (2) p. 8°. (At head of title: " Ministerio de instruction publica y colonizacidn." ) Bolivia. Ministerio de instruccion publica y colonizacion: . . . Informe preliminar de los actos de la delegacion nacional en el Noroeste de la republica, presentado por el delegado Sr. Lisimaco Gutierrez y el Secretario Dr. Roman Paz. Sucre, Tip. Excelsior, 1895. 79, 90 p. 8°. Calderon, Ignacio: Bolivia. Address delivered by the Bolivian Minister, Mr. Ignacio Calderon, under the auspices of the National Geographic Society at Washington, D. C. Second edition. April, 1907. [London, The Gresham Press.] 22 p. (Text in English and Spanish.) Crespo, Luis S.: . . . Guia del viajero en Bolivia, por Luis S. Crespo . . . Tomo 1. La Paz, J. M. Gamarra, 1908. xi, 283 (1) p. maps, illus. 8°. (At head of title: "Ministerio de colonizaci<5n y agricultura, Secci<5n de estadistiea y estudios geogrdficos.") D'Orbigny, Alcides: . . . Estudios sobre la geologia de Bolivia, por Alcides D'Orbigny . . . Traducidos y acompanados de algunas notas y un mapa geol6gico de Bolivia, por Victor E. Marchant Y ... La Paz, Tip. Comer- cial de Ismael Argote, 1907. xix, 104, ii p. 8°. Gutierrez, Lisimaco: See Bolivia. Ministerio de instruccion publica y colonization. Lemoine, J. de: . . . La Bolivie actuelle, par J. de Lemoine. Deuxieme edition. Bruxelles, E. Odry, 1909. 69 p. 8°. Moreno, Justo Leigue: Nociones de geografia de Bolivia. Partes politica y de- scriptiva. Aprobada por los consejos de los distritos universitarios de Sucre y Santa Cruz y adoptada por el H. Consejo municipal de Chuquisaca por Justo Leigue Moreno. Septima edicion, reimpresa. Sucre, Tip. de la libertad, 1896. 48 p. 8°. Paz, Roman: . . . De Riberalta al Inambari. Informe del Doctor Roman Paz, jefe de la expedicion al Alto Madre de Dios, organizada por la Delegacion Nacional. La Paz, Imprenta de "El Comercio," 1895. viii, 70 p. 8°. Paz, Roman: See Bolivia. Ministerio de instruccion publica y colonizacion. Informe . . . Rene=Moreno, Gabriel: Bolivia y Peru. Nuevas notas histdricas y bibliograficas. Por Gabriel Ren6-Moreno. Santiago de Chile, Soc. imp. y lit. Universo, 1907. x, 676 p. 12°. Ruck, Ernesto O.: Guia general, por Ernesto O. Ruck. Primer ano. Sucre, Imprenta Boliviana, 1865. iv, 222, lviii (2) p. 8°. Tucker, Quincy: Seeking rubber in Bolivia and other elastic experiences. By Quincy Tucker. Reprinted from the "Boot and Shoe Reporter," running weekly from February 26th to April 1st, 1908. With a few corrections and addi- tions. A story of the rubber industry of Beni, Bolivia, and a complete history of the Madeira-Mamore railway. Dorchester, Mass., Reprinted for the author, 1908. 42 p. illus. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 9 BRAZIL. Amaral, Tancredo do: . . . estado de Sao Paulo. Livro destinado a leitura das classes primarias adiantadas, por Tancredo do Amaral . . . Rio de Janeiro, Alves & Cia., 1896. 189 (1) p. illus. 12°. ... A historia de Sao Paulo ensinada pela biographia dos seus vultos mais notaveis, por Tancredo do Amaral . . . 2 a edicao. Rio de Janeiro, Alves & Cia., 1895. 351 (1) p. 12°. Azevedo Marques, Manoel Eufrazio de: Apontamentos historicos, geographi- cos, biographicos, estatisticos, e notieiosos da Provincia de S. Paulo, seguidos da Chronologia dos acontecimentos mais notaveis desde a fundacao de Capitania de S. Vicente ate o anno de 1876 colligidos, por Manoel Eufrazio de Azevedo Marques . . . Volume primeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Universal de Eduardo & Henrique Laemmert, 1879. xiv, 298 p. 4°. Azevedo Pimentel, Antonio Martins de: O Brazil central (estudos patrios). Pelo Dr. Antonio Martins de Azevedo Pimentel . . . Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa, Nacional, 1907. viii, 116 p. map. illus. 8°. (Extrahido da 2* parte do tomo lxviii da Revista do Institute historico e geographico Brazileiro.) Barlaei, Casparis: Revm per octennivm in Brasilia. Et alibi nuper gestarum, sub praefectura illustrissimi Comitis I. Mavritii, Nassoviae, &c. Comitis, Nunc vesaliae gubernatoris & Equitatus foderatorum Belgii Ordd. sub Avriaco Duc- toris, historia. Amstelodami, Ex Typographeio Ioannis Blaev, 1647. [12], 340 [8] p. 27 double-page maps and plans & 26 double-page plates. f°. Brazil. Direction generate de statistiqiie: . . . Bulletin commemoratif de l'exposition nationale de 1908. Rio de Janeiro, Imprimerie de la Statistique, 1908. xli, 239 p. front, illus. col. plates, maps, diagr. 4°. , [Directorio general de estatistica]: . . . Recenseamento do Rio de Janeiro (Districto Federal). Realisadoem20desetembrodel906. Rio de Janeiro, Officina de Estadistica, 1907. lxi, 399 p. plates, diagrs. maps. 4°. (Contains description of Rio de Janeiro.) "Brasil Magazine": Etat de Minas Geraes. 44 p. illus. plates. 8°. (Sup. to the "Brazil Magazine," anno 2, No. 20, novembro, n. d.) (Text in Portuguese and Frencb.) II Brasile e gli Italiani: Publicazzione del "Fanfulla." R. Bemporad & Figlio, editori, Firenze. Milano, Genova, Tip. della S. A. I. G. A. gia Fratelli Armanino, [1907]. 1187 p. map. illus. plates. 4°. Candido, Antonio Zeferino: . . . Brazil pelo Dr. Antonio Zeferino Candido . . . Rio de Janeiro, Imprenta Nacional, 1900. viii, 404 p. 2 fold, maps 8° (At head of title, " Quartocentenario do descobrimento do Brazil por parte do Instituto historico, geographico e ethnographico Brazileiro.") Chamberlain, Lieut.: Views and customes of the city and neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from drawings taken by Lieutenant Chamberlain, Royal Artillery, during the years 1819 and 1820, with descriptive explanations. London, Printed for Thomas M'Lean, 1822. 19 col. plates, with descriptive texts. 4°. Dias, Arthur: The Brazil of to-day. A book of commercial, political, and geo- graphical information on Brazil. Impressions of voyage,, descriptive and pic- turesque data about the principal cities, prominent men, and leading events of our days. With illustrations and statistics. Nivelles (Belgium), Lanneau & Despret, [1908]. 628 [7] p. diagrs. illus. 8°. The Empire of Brazil at the Universal exhibition of 1876 in Philadelphia. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. e lit. do Imperial Instituto Artistico, 1876. vi (1) 494 p. 8°. Feliciano, Jose: O descobrimento do Brazil. (Esboco de apreciacao historica). Por Jorge Feliciano . . . Sao Paulo, [Espindola Siqueira & C.], 1900. 136 (1) p. col. front. 12°. Glass, Frederick C: Through the heart of Brazil. A diary of incident and adven- ture, during a gospel expedition of about 5,000 miles by river, rail, and road, in and around Brazil, with some information about the interior Indian tribes. By Frederick C. Glass. Liverpool, The South American Evangelical Mission, n. d. iv, 135 p. illus. 8°. Krug, Edmundo: A ribeira de Iguape por Eduardo Krug . . . Publicado pela Secretaria da agricultura, commercio e obras publicas do estado de Sao Paulo ... Sao Paulo, Typ. de Rothschild & Co., 1908. 31 p. illus. 4°. (Text in Portuguese and German.) 89637—09- 10 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Mello Franco, Virgilio M. de: Viagens pelo interior de Minas Geraes de Goyaz pelo Dr. Virgilio M. de Mello Franco . . . Rio de Janeiro, Imprenta Nacional, 1888. 180 (1) p. 8°. Miranda, Antonio dos Passos: . . . The valley of the Amazon. Second speech on the wealth of the north, delivered on the 18th of June [1907] in the Commerical Museum of Rio de Janeiro ... By. Antonio dos Passos Miranda. Translated, printed and circulated by order of the Department of Propaganda and Economic expansion of Brazil in foreign countries. No imprint. 24 p. 8°. Oakenfull, J. C: Brazil in 1909. By J. C. Oakenfull. Published under the aus- pices of the Brazilian government commission of propaganda and economic expansion . i . Paris, 1st ed., April, 1909. 237 p. illus. map. 12°. Orlando, Arthur: Porto e cidade de Recife por Arthur Orlando. Pernambuco, Typ. do "Jornal do Recife," 1908. 312, cxvii (2) p. 8°. Para, (Estado de): Album do estado do Para. Mandado organisa . . . por Go- vernador do estado. Paris, Imprimerie Chaponet, [1908]. 350 p. plates, illus. maps. 4°. (Text in Portuguese, French, and English.) Ribeiro Joao: Historia do Brasil por Joao Ribeiro . . . Com um prologo de Araripe junior. 2 a edicao. Rio de Janeiro, Francisco Alves, 1901. xx, 394 p. 8°. Rosa, Ferreira da: . . . Rio de Janeiro. Edicao official da prefeitura. [Rio de Janeiro], J. Schmidt, impressor, 1905. 259 p. illus. fold. map. 4°. Sampaio, Antonio Jose de: A general description of the state of Piauhy on the northern part of Brazil. Its natural resources, pasturages, climate and salubrity. With special reference to the cattle breeding compared with the conditions of the Argentine Republic and Australia. By Dr. Antonio Jose de Sampaio . . . Rio de Janeiro, 1905. 308, ii p. 8°. "Sao Paulo Magazine." Anno 1, No. 5, 1 agosto 1906. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 179- 272 p. illus. 8°. (Special number issued in honor of Secretary Root during his visit to South America in 1906. Text in Portuguese and English. Describes Sao Paulo, social and commercial.) Sao Paulo (State of), Commissariat general du Gouvernement de l'Etat de Saint Paul, a Anvers: Etat de Saint Paul . . . Immigration et colonisation, visite i Fhotellerie et a l'agence officielle de colonisation et de travail. Decret No. 1335, du 10 avril 1906, creant une agence officielle de colonisation et de travail. Edite par le Commissariat general du Gouvernement de l'Etat de Saint Paul, a Anvers, 1907. Cover title. 50 p. map. diagr. 12°. Spruce, Richard: Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes, being records of travel on the Amazon and its tributaries, the Trombetas, Rio Negro, Uaupes, Casiquiari, Pacimoni, Huallaga, and Pastasa; as also to the cataracts of the Orinoco, along the eastern side of the Andes of Peru and Ecuador, and the shores of the Pacific, during the years 1849-1864, by Richard Spruce. Edited and condensed by Alfred Russell Wallace . . . with a biographical introduction . . . London, Macmillan & Co., 1908. 2 v. maps, illus. 8°. Tucker, Hugh C: The Bible in Brazil. Colporter experiences by Hugh C. Tucker, agent of the American Bible Society. New York, Fleming H. Revell Company, [1902°]. 293 p. illus. maps. 8°. The United States of Brazil: London, Office of the " Sphere," [1907]. 64 p. illus. maps. 4°. Illustrated description of Brazil issued as a sup. to the "Sphere." Wettstein, Dr.: Brasilien und die Deutsch-Brasilianische kolonie Blumenau von Dr. Wettstein . . . Leipzig, Friedrich Engelmann, 1907. xi, 339, vii p. illus. plates. 8°. Wetmore, Claude H.: In a Brazilian Jungle. Being a story of adventure, with an insight into Brazilian life and industries. By Claude H. Wetmore. With illus- trations by H. Burgess. Boston, W. A. Wilde company, (1903). 314 p. 8°. Wileman, J. P.: (comp. & ed.) The Brazilian year book . . . First issue, 1908. Compiled and edited by J. P. Wileman . . . Rio de Janeiro, The Offices of the Brazilian Year Book, 1908. xxiv, 780 p. map. Wright, Marie Robinson: The Brazilian national exposition of 1908, in celebration of the centenary of the opening of Brazilian ports to the commerce of the World by the Prince regent Dom Joao VI of Portugal in 1808. By Marie Robinson Wright. Philadelphia, Geo. Barrie and Sons, [1908]. 204 p. illus. 8°. . . . The New Brazil: its resources and attractions. Historical, descrip- tive, and industrial. By Marie Robinson Wright. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Philadelphia,. George Barrie and Sons, [1907]. 494 p. illus. 4°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 11 CHILE. Avaria, Lautaro Navarro: Censo jeneral de poblacion i edificacion, industria, ganaderfa i mineria del territorio de Magallanes . . . levantado por acuerdo de la comision de alcaldes el dfa 8 de setiembre de 1907. Pasado i presente del Territorio de Magallanes. Por Lautaro Navarro Avaria . . . Punta Arenas, Tall, de la Imprentade "El Magallanes," 1907. 2 v. map. diagrs. plates. 4°. Buenos Ay res and Pacific Railway Company: Across the Andes from Buenos Ayres to the Pacific . . . [Issued by the] Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway Company. London, Waterlow & sons, printers, [1904]. 46 p. map. obi. 8°. (Pages 16-46 half-tone illus., including 2 panoramas.) [Chile. Commission to the exposition of Milan, 1906]: II Chile. All' esposi- zione di Milano, 1906. Milailo, Bassi & Vaccari, 1906. x, 29 (1) p. 8°. Holdich, Thomas Hungerford: The countries of the King's award. By . . . Thomas Hungerford Holdich. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1904. xvi, 290 p. plates. 4°. Holmberg (hijo), Eduardo A.: . . . Viaje al interior de Tierra del Fuego por Eduardo A. Holmberg (hijo) . . . Buenos Aires, Tall, de publicaciones de la Oficina Meteorologica Argentina, 1906. 95 (1) p. illus. map. 4°. (At head of title, "Republica Argentina, Anales del Ministerio de agricultura, seccidn de inmi- gracidn, propaganda y geografia, tomo 1, num. 1.") International Bureau of the American Republics: Chile, a handbook. . . Washington, The International Bureau, 1909. 235 (1) p. illus. maps. 8°. Koebel, W. H.: Modern Argentina: the El Dorado of to-day. With notes on Uru- guay and Chile. London, Francis Griffiths, 1907. xv, 380 p. illus. 8°. Laso J., J. Tadeo: La exhibicion Chilena en la exposicion Pan- Americana de Buffalo, 1901. Historia y documentacion oficial de la parte que cupo a Chile en aquel torneo industrial, acompafiada de algunas descripciones de los productos premiados en ella. Por J. Tadeo Laso J. Santiago de Chile, Imp. y Enc. Barce- lona, 1902. 258, lxi p. 4°. Medina, Jose Toribio (ed.): . . . Actas del cabildo de Santiago, tomo 14. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1907. 533 p. 4°. (Tomo 34 of the "Colecci<5n de historiadores de Chile y de documentos relativos & la historia nacional.") Morla Vicufia, Carlos: . . . Estudio historico sobre el descubrimiento y con- quista de la Patagonia y de la Tierra del Fuego. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1903. v, 304, 223 p. map. 8°. Ojeda, Tomas Thayer: Los conquistadores de Chile. Por Tomas Thayer Ojeda. Tomol. . . . (Publicado en los Anales de la Universidad, tomoscxxi&cxxii.) Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Cervantes, 1908. 235 p. 8°. Ortuzar, Adolfo: Chile of to-day. Its commerce, its production, and its resources. National yearly publication of reference. (1907-1908.) By Adolfo Ortuzar, Consul general of Chile in the U. S. . . . Subventioned by the Chilean Government. New York, The Tribune association, 1907. 525p. plates, tables. 4°. — « — Le Chili de nos jours. Son commerce, sa production et ses ressources. Annu- aire national (2 e annee, 1905-1906.) Publication subventionnee par legouverne- ment au Chili. . . Ouvrage redige par Adolfo Ortuzar. Preface de M. Emile Gautier . . . Paris, Societe Anonyme de Publications Periodiques, [1906]. xxiv, 647 p. map. 4°. Pacheco, Baldomero: Importancia de la via de Magallanes para el comercio de la America. Trabajo presentado al 4° Congreso cientffico (1° Pan Americano), por Baldomero Pacheco . . . Valparaiso, Tall. tip. de la Armada, 1908. 16 p. fold. map. 8°. [Perez Canto, Julio]: Economical and social progressof the republic of Chile. 1906. Santiago de Chile, Imp. Barcelona. 342 p. Illus. 4°. Poeppig, Eduard: Reise in Chile, Peru und auf dem Amazonenstrome wahrend der jahre 1827-1832, von Eduard Poeppig . . . Leipzig, Friedrich Le Fleischer, 1835-1836. 2 v. With atlas of 16 plates. 4°. Relacion del ultimo viageal estrecho de Magallanes de la fragata de S. M. "Santa Maria de la Cabeza" en los anos de 1785 y 1786. Extracto de todos los anteriores desde su descubrimiento impresos y MSS. y noticia de los habitantes, suelo, clima y producciones del estrecho. Trabajada de orden del rey. Madrid, La Viuda - de Ibarra, hijos y compania, 1788. xvi, 359, 128 p. front, fold. maps. 4°. 12 INTERNATIONAL BUEEAU OF THE AMEKICAN REPUBLICS. [Rio, Felix Nieto del:] . . . Viaje al Peru del iltmo. Sr. Dr. Don Ramon Angel Jara, obispo de San Carlos de Ancud. (Documentos para la historia.) Santiago, Imp. y enc. Chile, 1908. 159 p. illus. 8°. Rios, Jermain Dominguez: Apuntes historicos sobre Don Francisco de Villagra, conquistador i gobernador de Chile. Por Jermain Dominguez Rios. Santiago de Chile, Taller particular de Enrique Blanchard-Chessi, 1907. 148 p. 8°. [Sufcliffe, Thomas]: Crusoniana; or, Truth versus fiction, elucidated in a history of the islands of Juan Fernandez. By the retired governor of that colony . . . Manchester, [Eng.], Published by the author; printed bv P. Grant, 1843. vi, 195 (i. e. 207) p. plates, ports, plan. 8°. The earthquake of Juan Fernandez, as it occurred in the year 1835. Authenti- cated by the retired governor of that island. To which is added, a refutation of several misstatements that have been published in the' 'Nautical magazine" of 1837, and the public papers . . . Manchester, [Eng.], Printed at the "Adver- tiser," 1839. 32 p. 8°. {With his Crusoniana. Manchester, 1843.) Valdes Vergara, Francisco: Historia de Chile para la ensefianza primaria. Cuarta edicion. Valparaiso, Babra y Ca., 1904. 376 p. illus. 12°. Wetmore, Claude H.: Fighting under the Southern Cross. A story of the Chile- Peruvian war. By Claude H. Wetmore . . . Boston and Chicago, W. A. Wilde company, [1901]. 333 p. 8°. COLOMBIA. Acosta de Samper, Soledad: . . . Lecciones de historia de Colombia por Sole- dad Acosta de Samper . . . Edici6n oficial. Bogota, Imprenta Nacional, 1908. 402, x p. 8°. (At head of title, "Ministerio de Instruccion Publica.") Barrett, John: Colombia, a land of great possibilities. By John Barrett . . . [New edition.] 15 p. nar. 8°. [Published by the International Bureau of the American Republics.] The Northern Republics of South America. Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela by John Barrett. Reprinted from "The Independent," April 15, 1909. (8) p. Caption title, illus. 8°. Bingham, Hiram: The journal of an expedition across Venezuela and Colombia, 1906-1907. An exploration of the route of Bolivar's celebrated march of 1819 and of the battle fields of Boyaca and Carabobo by Hiram Bingham . . . New Haven, Conn., Yale Publishing Association, 1909. viii, 287 p. map. illus. 8°. Blaney, Henry R. : The golden Caribbean. A winter visit to the republics of Colom- bia, Costa Rica, Spanish Honduras, Belize and the Spanish Main via Boston and New Orleans. Written and illustrated by Henry R. Blaney. Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1900. viii, 115 p. 30 col. pis. 8°. Diez, Miguel Arroyo (joint author): See Olano, Antonio: Historia . . . Olano, Antonio: Historia de la gobernacion de Popayan seguida de la cronologia de los Gobernadores durante la dominacion espafiola, escrita por Jaime Arroyo. Parte primera: Conquista y colonizacion. Primera edicion anotada por Antonio Olano y Miguel Arroyo Diez. Popayan, Imprenta del Departamento, 1907. ix, 370 p. 8°. Reyes, Rafael : Mision del Rafael Reyes, Presidente titular de la republica a los departamentos de la costa Atlantica y Antioquia en desempeno de la comision especial que el gobierno le confio para estudiar asuntos economicos eindustriales. Abril a mayo de 1908. Bogota, Imp. Nacional, 1908. Cover-title, 241 p. front, (port), map. 8°. ECUADOR. Andrade, Roberto: . . . Campafia de 20 dias. Estudios historicos. Quito, Tip. de la Escuela de artes y oficios, 1908. 277 (1) p. 12°. Barrett, John: The Northern Republics of South America, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela by John Barrett. Reprinted from "The Independent," April 15, 1909. (8) p. illus. Caption title. 8°. Destruge, Camilo: Estudios, relaciones y episodios historicos por Camilo Destruge. Guayaquil, Tip. "El Vigilante," 1907. vi, 269 (1) p. 8°. Saville, Marshall Howard: . . . The antiquities of Manabi, Ecuador; a pre- liminary report, by Marshall H. Saville . . . New York, [Irving press], 1907. 135 p. LVpls. 4°. (Vol. 1, of "Contributions to South American archaeology.") LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 13 PARAGUAY. Baez, Cecilio: Cuadros historicos descriptivos. Asuncion, H. Kraus, 1906. 344 p. front, (port.) 4°. Decoud, Hector F.: Geografia de la republica de Paraguay por Hector F. Decoud . . . 5 a edicion . . . Leipzig, Imprenta de F. A. Brockhaus, 1907. 127 p. map. illus. 2 col. pis. 12°. Description and travel. [On verso of "Mapa de la Republica del Paraguay," por M. Alonso Vriado, 1907 .J Contains: Datos geograncos, dereehos y garantias, producciones, c<5digos y legislaci<5n, instruc- tion piiblica, finanzas, deudas publicas, monedas-pesas-medidas, comercio, marcas de fabrica T de comercio, clima, comunicaciones, inmigraci<5n y colonization, El Chaco, bistoria, y ista de gobernadores. Poucel, Benjamin: Le Paraguay moderne et l'interet general du commerce fonde surleslois de la geographie et sur les enseignements dePhistoire, de la statistique et d'une same 6conomie politique . . . Par Benjamin Poucel . . . Mar- seille, Typographic V. e M. Olive, 1867. 336, ccxiii (4) p. map. 8°. PERU. Adams, W. H. Davenport: The land of the Incas and the City of the Sun. The story of Francisco Pizarro and the conquest of Peru. By W. H. Davenport Adams. Boston, Dana Estes and company, n. d. 256 p. 8°. Castro, Carlos Rey de: ... El Peru en 1897. Con un apendice sobre petro- leos Peruanos. Buenos Aires, Compafiia sud-americana de billetes de banco, 1897. 44, xix p. 12°. Clairmont, A. de: A guide to modern Peru. Its great advantages and vast oppor- tunities. By A. de Clairmont, M. D., consul of Peru. Toledo, Ohio, 1908. 149 [22] p. illus. 12°. Enock, C. Reginald: The Andes and the Amazon. Life and travel in Peru. By C. Reginald Enock . . . 2nded. London, T. Fisher Un win, 1908. xvii, 379 p. maps, illus. col. plates. 8°. Garland, Alexander: Peru in 1906. With a brief historical and geographical sketch. By Alexander Garland . . . Originally written in Spanish, and translated into English by George R. Gepp. Lima, "La Industria," 1907. (2) 303 p. front, (port), maps, plates. 4°. Guinness, Geraldine: Peru: its story, people and religion. By Geraldine Guinness . . . London, Morgan & Scott, 1909. xxiv, 338 p. plates, map. 8°. [Larrabure y Unanue, E.]: Incahuasi. (Ruinas de un edificio peruano del siglo xv.) Lima, Tip. "El Lucero," 1904. Cover-title. 14 p. illus. 12°. Larrabure i Correa, Carlos: Noticia historica-geografica de algunas rios de nuestro oriente por el Doctor Carlos Larrabure i Correa . . . Lima, Oficina tip. de "La Opinion Nacional," 1907. 172 (1) p. plates, map. 8°. Marster, V. F.: . . . Dos informes sobre los valles de Ilo, Moquegua e lea, por V. F. Marsters. Lima, Lit. y tip. Carlos Fabbri, 1908. 43 p. maps. 8°. Melo, Rosendo: Derrotero de la costa del Pe>u. Guia maritimo comercial. Por Rosendo Melo . . . Lima, C. F. Southwell, 1906. 302 p. illus. 8°. Poeppig, Eduard: Reise in Chile, Peru und auf dem Amazonenstrome wahrend der Jahre 1827-1832, von Eduard Poeppig . . . Leipzig, Friedrich Fleischer, 1835-1836. 2 v. With atlas of 16 plates. 4°. Prescott, William H.: History of the conquest of Peru. By William H. Prescott. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., [1907]. xlii, 649 p. 8°. Samudio, Manuel Patifio: . . . Conferencia dada en la Sociedad geografica de Lima, por su socio D. D. Manuel Patifio Samudio. Lima, Imprenta del Estado, 1906. 81 p. maps. 8°. (At head of title: "El Oriente del Peru.") Turner, W. T. : . . . Las lagunas de Huarochiri y su futuro ensanche. Por W. T. Turner. Lima, Lit. y tip. Carlos Fabbri, 1908. 47 p. maps. 8°. Ulloa, George J. & Anthony: Secret expedition to Peru, or, the practical influence of the Spanish colonial system upon the character and habits of the colonists. Exhibited in a private report read to the secretaries of his majesty Ferdinand VI, King of Spain. By George J. & Anthony Ulloa . . . First published in Spanish by David Barry, and translated by an American. Abridged. Boston, Crocker and Brewster, 1851. xx, 9-225 p. 12°. 14 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Wetmore, Claude H.: Fighting under the Southern Cross. A Story of the Chile- Peruvian war. By Claude H. Wetmore . . . Boston and Chicago, W. A. Wilde company, [1901]. 333 p. 8°. Wright, Marie Robinson : The old and the new Peru. A story of the ancient inheri- tance and the modern growth and enterprise of a great nation. By Marie Robin- son Wright . . . Philadelphia, George Barrie & Sons, [1908]. 456 p. front, plates, illus. fold. map. 4°. URUGUAY. Acevedo, Eduardo: Ellibrodelpequenociudadano,porEduardoAcevedo. Nociones de historia, de constitucion y leyes electorales, de economia politica y de derecho usual, aplicables a las escuelas de 2° grado. Montevideo, Imprenta "El Siglo Ilustrado," 1907. 211 (1) p. 12°. Koebel, W. H.: Modern Argentina: The El Dorado of to-day. With notes on Uru- guay and Chile. London, Francis Griffiths, 1907. xv, 380 p. illus. 8°. Nin Frias, Alberto: Ensayos de critica e historia y otros escritos, por Alberto Nin Frias . . . Montevideo, A. Barreiro y Ramos, 1902. 309 p. 12°. San Martin, Juan Zorrilla de: . . . Conferencias y discursos. Prologo de B. Fernandez y Medina. Montevideo, A. Barreiro y Ramos, 1905. xxvii, 431 p. front. 8°. Uruguay Weekly News. [Special illustrated edition.] Montevideo, January 1, 1908. 160 p. illus. 4°. VENEZUELA. Aguerrevere, Felipe: Posiciones geograficas tomadas por Humboldt en Venezuela. Errores geograficos en "El Conocimiento de los Tiempos," respecto a lugares Venezolanos. Leido en la sesion de 25 de enero de 1909 en el Colegio de Ingenieros. Caracas, " Empresa El Cojo," 1909. 12 p. 12°. Anzola, Juvenal: . . . Ciudades v paisajes. Caracas, "Empresa el Cojo," 1907. ix, 194, iii p. 8°. Baralt, Rafael Maria: Resumen de la historia de Venezuela desde el descubrimiento de su territorio por el Castellanos en el siglo xv hasta el ano de 1797 . . . Por Rafael Maria Baralt y Ramon Diaz . . . Curazao, A. Bethencourt e hijos, 1887. 3v. plates. 8°. Barrett, John: The Northern Republics of South America, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, by John Barrett. Reprinted from "The Independent," April 15, 1909. (8) p. illus. Caption title. 8°. Bejarano, A. Lecuna: . . . Recuerdos del Tacarigua. Ciudad Bolivar, Tip. del Comercio, 1908. 102 (2) p. nar. 8°. Bingham, Hiram: The journal of an expedition across Venezuela and Colombia, 1906-1907. An exploration of the route of Bolivar's celebrated march of 1819 and of the battlefields of Boyaca and Carabobo by Hiram Bingham . . . New Haven, Conn., Yale Publishing Association, 1909. viii, 287 p. map. illus. 8°. Diaz, Ramon (joint author): See Baralt, Rafael Maria: Resumen ... Garcia, F. Tosta: . . . La guerra a muerte. Caracas, Tip. "La Semana," 1906. 228 (1) p. 8°. ("Episodios Venezolanos.") . . . Los afios terribles. Caracas, Tip. "La Semana," 1907. 229 (1) p. 8°. ("Episodios Venezolanos.") Landaeta Rosales, Manuel: . . . Espadas historicas de Venezolanos notables. Caracas, Imprenta Bolivar, 1908. 18 p. 8°. Level de Goda, L.: En defensa de la historia contemporanea de Venezuela. Politica y militar. Barcelona, Jose Cunill Sala, 1894. 110 p. 8°. — — Historia contemporanea de Venezuela. Politica y militar. 1858-1886. Por L. Level de Goda . . . Tomo 1. Barcelona, Imp. y lit. de Jose Cunill Sala, 1893. 753, xvii p. 8°. Matos Arvelo, Martin: . . . Algo sobre etnografia del territorio Amazonas de Venezuela. Ciudad Bolivar, Benito Jimeno Castro, 1908. 26 p. 12°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 15 Moore, J. Hampton: With Speaker Cannon through the tropics. A descriptive story of a voyage to the West Indies, Venezuela, and Panama. Containing views of the Speaker upon our colonial possessions, the Panama Canal, and other great governmental problems. An illustrated history and guide book for statesmen, travelers, and students, with conclusions by the author. By J. Hampton Moore. Philadelphia, The book print, 1907. xi, 410 p. front, (port.), illus. 8°. Olavarria, Domingo A.: Estudios historicos-politicos 1810 a 1889 por . . . Do- mingo A. Olavarria. Valencia, Imprenta de "El Diario," 1894. 286 (3) p. 8°. Paez, Ramon: Wild scenes in South America; or life in the llanos of Venezuela. 2nd ed. New York, C. Scribner, 1863. x, 502 p. front, illus. pi. 8°. [Yanes, Francisco Javier]: Compendia de la historia de Venezuela desde su descu- brimiento y conquista hasta que se declaro estado independiente. Caracas, Imprenta de A. Damiron, 1840. xi, 192 (2) p. 8°. CENTRAL AMERICA. GENERAL. Blaney, Henry R. : The golden Caribbean. A winter visit to the republics of Colom- bia, Costa Rica, Spanish Honduras, Belize and the Spanish Main via Boston and New Orleans. Written and illustrated by Henry R. Blaney. Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1900. viii, 115 p. 30 col. pis. 8°. Catherwood, F.: Views of ancient monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, by F. Catherwood . . . New York, Barlett and Welford, 1844. 24 p. 25 col. pis. map. f°. Ficklen, John Rose (joint author): See Fortier, Alcee: History of North America. Fortier, Alcee: History of North America, volume 9: Central America and Mexico. By Alcee Fortier . . . and John Rose Ficklen . . . Philadelphia, George Barrie and Sons, [1907]. xxviii, 536 p. front, plates. 8°. Great Britain, Emigrants' information office: Summary of consular reports, 1908, and general information relating to North, Central, and South America. Issued by the Emigrants' information office . . . London, Printed by Love & Malcomson, 1909. 286 p. 8°. Hale, Albert: Practical guide to Latin America, including Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Preparation, cost, routes, sight-seeing. By Albert Hale . . . Boston, Small, Maynard and co., 1909. 300 p. 12*. Pector, Desire: . . . Les richesses de l'Amenque Centrale. Guatemala, Hon- duras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa-Rica. Preface de M. E. Levasseur . . . Paris, E. Guilmoto, [1907], xiv, 363 p. map. 8°. Seffer, Pehr Olsson: Rubber planting in Mexico and Central America. By Pehr Olsson Seffer. Signapore, Kelly and Walsh, 1907. Cover-title. 31 p. 8°. (Reprinted from "The Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits and Federated Malay states.") CANAL ZONE. (See under Panama.) COSTA RICA. Blaney, Henry R.: The golden Caribbean. A winter visit to the republics of Colom- bia, Costa Rica, Spanish Honduras, Belize and the Spanish Main via Boston and New Orleans. Written and illustrated bv Henry R. Blaney. Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1900. viii, 115 p. 30 col pis. 8°. Calvo, Joaquin Bernardo: La campana nacional contra los filibusteros en 1856 y 1857. Breve resefia historica. San Jos£, Tip. Nacional, 1907. viii, 88 p. 8°. Chavarria, Lisimaco: . . . Desde Los Andes. San Jose, Tip. de Avelino Alsina, 1907. vii, 104 (3) p. 8°. Fernandez, Leon: Coleccion de documentos para la historia de Costa Rica. Recogi- dos por el Lie. D. Leon Fernandez. Publicalos D. Ricardo Fernandez Guardia. Tomos 4 a 10. Barcelona, Imprenta Viuda de Luis Tasso, 1907. 7 v. 8°. Iglesias, Francisco Maria: Pro patria; una resefia y un episodio historicos y algunos documentos sobre Union centroamericana, por Francisco Maria Iglesias. 15 de setiembre, 1900. San Jose, [Tip. Nacional, 1900]. iii, 98 p. 8°. Pefia, Jose Maria S.: Viajes por la costa del Pacifico de San Salvador a Costa Rica, por Jose Maria S. Pefia. San Salvador, Jose" B. Cisneros, 1909. 67 p. 12°. Zeledon, Pedro Perez: Informes presentados a la Secretaria de Fomento acerca las llanuras de Pirris y Valle del Rio General 6 Grande de Tereaba. Por Pedro Perez Zeledon. San Jose, Tip. Nacional, 1907-8. 39 p. map. 4°. 16 LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 17 GUATEMALA. Batres Jauregui, Antonio: . . . Bibliografia historica Guatemalteca. A la honorable municipalidad de Guatemala, por el Senor Lie. Don Antonio Batres Jauregui. 2 de octubre de 1908. Guatemala, Tip. Nacional. 2 p. 8°. (At head of title: " Publicacidn de la Municipalidad de la Capital.") Coudray, G.: Quelques notes historiques sur l'administration du President de la Republique de Guatemala, M. Estrada Cabrera. ParG. Coudray. No imprint. n. d. front, (port.). 23 p. 8°. Dunn, Henry: Guatimala, or, the United Provinces of Central America in 1827-8; being sketches and memorandums made during a twelve months' residence in that republic. By Henry Dunn. New York, G. & C. Carvill, 1828. 318 (1) p. 8°. Guatemala: Perpetual spring — inexhaustible soil: such is Guatemala. [Guatemala], Tip. Nacional, n. d. 48 p. map. illus. 8°. Maler, Teobert: . . . Explorations of the Upper Usumatsintla and adjacent region . . . Reports of explorations for the Museum, by Teobert Maler. Cambridge, Published by the Museum, 1908. 49 p. map. 13 plates. 4°. (At head of title, "Vol. 4, No. 1, Memoirs of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology.") Mejia, Jose V.: El peten. Datos geografi cos e historicos. Por Jose V. Mejia . . . Guatemala, Impreso en la tip. nacional, 1904. 68 p. map. 8°. [Mendez, Joaquin]: Guatemala en 1897. Revista del ano. Obsequio de "El Pro- greso Nacional," a sus lectores. 24 de diciembre de 1897. Guatemala, Impreso de la "Tip. Nacional," [1897]. n. p. (1 vol.) obi. 8°. Pineda C, Felipe: Para la historia de Guatemala. Datos sobre el gobierno del Lie. Manuel Estrada Cabrera, por Felipe Pineda C. Mexico, 1902. 55 p. 8°. Tejada, Federico S. de: Guatemala. Por Federico S. de Tejada. Guatemala, Tip. Centra], [1908]. Cover-title. 64 p. nar. 8°. HONDURAS. Blaney, Henry R. : The Golden Caribbean. A winter visit to the republics of Colom- bia, Costa Rica, Spanish Honduras, Belize and the Spanish Main via Boston and New Orleans. Written and illustrated by Henry R. Blaney. Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1900. viii, 115 p. 30 col. pis. 8°. Honduras national railroad co.: [Description of Honduras]. Chicago, The Hon- duras national railroad co., n. d. Cover-title. 24 p. 8°. Golden gate route through the great Aguan valley. Chicago, The Honduras national railroad co., n. d. 31 p. illus. map. 8°. [Prospectus of the Railroad Co., describing the country through which the road will pass.] Lagos, Cesar: Ensayo sobre la historia contemporanea de Honduras, por Cesar Lagos. San Salvador, Tip. "La Union," 1908. 177 (2) p. 8°. Squier, E. G.: . . . Honduras. Descripcion historica, geografica y estadistica de esta republica de la America Central, por E.G. Squier . . . Edicion corre- gida y anotada por J. M. C. Tegucigalpa, Tip. Nacional, 1908. xxxv, 446 p. 12°. NICARAGUA. Groesbeck, W. S.: Speech of Hon. W. S. Groesbeck, of Ohio, on Walker's expedition to Nicaragua. Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 11, 1858. Washington, Printed by Lemuel Towers, 1858. 16 p. 8°. Keasby, Lindley Miller: The Nicaragua canal and the Monroe Doctrine. A political history of isthmus transit, with special reference to the Nicaragua canal project and the attitude of the United States government thereto. By Lindley Miller Keasby . . . New York, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1896. 622 p. 4 fold. maps. 8°. PANAMA. (Including the Canal Zone.) Barbour, James Samuel: A history of William Paterson and the Darien company. With illustrations and appendices. By James Samuel Barbour . . . Edin- burgh and London, William Blackwood and sons, 1977. x (1) 284 p. front, (port.), maps. 8°. 89637—09 3 18 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Bates, Lindon W.: Retrieval at Panama. By Lindon W. Bates. New York, J. P. Tapley Co., 1907. 554 p. diagrs. maps, plates. 8°. Bid well, Charles Toll: The isthmus of Panama. London. Chapman and Hall, 1865. vii, 418 p. front. 8°. Byford, Henry T.: To Panama and back. The record of an experience. By Henry T. Byford . . . Chicago, W. B. Conkey company, [1908]. 384 p. map. 8°. Bynoe, E. Clifford (comp. & ed.)\ Condensed guide and business directory of Colon and Cristobal for the year 1908. Compiled and edited by E. Clifford Bynoe . . . Colon, "The Independent," 1908. 45 (3) p. 8°. Develante, Michael: Panama pictures. Nature and life in the land of the great canal, by Michael Delevante. New York, Aid en Brothers, [1907.] 220 p. illus. 8°. Goethals, George W. : The isthmian canal, by Lieut. Col. George W. Goethals . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. Cover title. 23 p. 8°. Grier, Thomas Graham: On the Canal Zone, Panama. By Thomas Graham Grier, 1908. Chicago, press of the Wagner & Hanson Co., 1908. 146 p. illus. maps. 8°. Grunsky, C. E.: The type of the Panama Canal. By C. E. Grunsky. (Reprinted from the "Popular Science Monthly," May, 1909.) 417-441 p. illus. 8°. Haskins, William C. {ed.)\ . . . Guide to the republic of Panama and classified business directory. By William C. Haskins. Published by A. Bienkowski, Ancon, Canal Zone and Panama, R. P. Panama, The Star and Herald Com- pany, 1908. iv, 522 p. illus. 8°. Kelley, Frederick M.: The union of the oceans by ship-canal without locks, via the Atrato Valley. By Frederick M. Kelley. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1859. 114 p. front, map. 8°. [Kennish, William]: The practicability and importance of a ship canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. With a history of the enterprise. From its first inception to the completion of the surveys. [By William Kennish] . . . New York, George F. Nesbit & Co., 1855. 77 p. 5 fold. maps. 8°. ___ Moore, J. Hampton: With Speaker Cannon through the tropics. A descriptive story of a voyage to the West Indies, Venezuela, and Panama. Containing views of the Speaker upon our colonial possessions, the Panama Canal, and other great governmental problems. An illustrated history and guide book for statesmen, travelers, and students, with conclusions by the author. By J. Hampton Moore. Philadelphia, The book print, 1907. xi, 410 p. front, (port.), illus. 8°. New Granada canal and steam navigation co.: Remarks on the canal or "Dique" of Carthagena, New Granada, and its navigation by steam. To which are added * statistical, geographical and other remarks on the valley of the Magdalena and New Granada generally. By a committee of the New Granada canal and steam navigation company of New York. New York, W. E. & J. Sibell, 1855. 75 p. 2 fold. maps. 8°. Robinson, Tracy: Panama; a personal record of forty-five years, 1861-1907. By Tracy Robinson. New York and Panama, Published by the Star and Herald Company, 1907. xiii, 282 p. front, plates. 8°. Sanchez, Jil F.: El Darien. Su riqueza forestal. Por Jil F. Sanchez. Panama, 1907. 22 p. 12°. Rubber planting in the republic of Panama. By Jil P. Sanchez . . . Panama, Tip. Chevalier, Andreve & Cia., 1903. Cover-title. 35 p. illus. 8°. (Text in English and Spanish.) United Fruit Company: Panama canal, Central America, British Honduras. Issued by the United Fruit Company, January, 1909. Cambridge, The Univer- sity Press, 1909. 16 p. obi. 12°. Valdes, Ramon: Geografia del istmo de Panama, por Ramon M. Valdes; texto adoptado oficialmente para la ensenanza en las escuelas de la nacion. 2. ed., notablemente corr. y aum.; ilustrada con un mapa y diez y ocho grabados. New York, Chicago, London, D. Appleton y compafifa, 1905. xii, 155 p. illus. double map. 12°. Verdereau, Adolphus Eustace: A lecture on the inter-ocean Panama Canal. Retrospect and comparison between the French and American control . . . By Adolphus Eustace Verdereau . . . Panama, Printed at Isthmian printing office, 1909. 52 p. 12°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 19 SALVADOR. [Barberena, Santiago I.]: Estudios estadisticos respecto a las riquezas naturales, industrias y comercio de la republica de El Salvador. [San Salvador, Imprenta Nacional, 1908.] Caption title. 50 p. 8°. Monografias departamentales, I, Departamento de Usulutan. Por el Doctor Santiago I. Barberena . . . San Salvador, Imprenta Nacional, 1909. 34 p. 8°. Guerrero, Aw. J. Gustavo: Repubblica del Salvador. Cenni geografici, agricoli e commerciali. Lavoro dell' Svv. J. Gustavo Guerrero, console generate della repubblica del Salvador in Italia. Genova, Stab. tip. Unione Genovese, novembre, 1906. 38 p. 8°. Lacayo, J. M. (ed.): Guia del Salvador: Del comercio, industrias, profesiones, empresas de ferrocarriles, vapores, correos, telegrafos, telefonos, etc., etc. Util 6 indispensable para nacionales y extranjeros. L. M. Lacayo, editor. San Sal- vador, Tip. "La Union," 1908. Pefia, Jose Maria S.: Viajes por la costa del Pacifico de San Salvador a Costa Rica por Jose Maria S. Pefia. San Salvador, Jose B. Cisneros, 1909. 67 p. 12°. MEXICO. Aguirre y Espinosa, Joseph Francisco de Cuevas: Extracto de los autos de diligencias, y reconocimientos de los rios, lagunas, vertientes, y desagiies de la capital, Mexico, y su valle . . . [Por] Joseph Francisco de Cuevas Aguirre y Espinosa . . . Imprenta en Mexico por la viuda de D. Joseph Bernardo de Hogal, aiio de 1748. Reimpreso en la Tip. de la Direccion general de tele- grafos Federales, Mexico, 1905. 71 p. 4°. Alvarez, V. Salado: Breve noticia de algunos manuscritos de interns historico para Mexico que se encuentran en los archivos y bibliotecas de Washington, D. C, formada por V. Salado Alvarez . . . Mexico, Imprenta del Museo Nacional, 1908. xi, 24 p. 4°. (Extractado del tomo 1, de la tercera epoca de los "Anales del Museo Nacional.") Anderson, Alex. D.: The Tehuantepec inter-ocean railroad. A commercial and statistical review showing its local, national, and international features, and advantages. By Alex. D. Anderson . . . New York & Chicago, A. S. Barnes and Company, 1880. viii, 90 p. maps. 8°. Baedeker, Karl: The United States, with excursions to Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, and Alaska. Handbook for travellers by Karl Baedeker. Fourth revised edition. Leipzig, Karl Baedeker, 1909. cii, 724 p. 33 fold. maps. 48 plans. 12°. Blake, Mary Elizabeth: Mexico, picturesque, political, progressive. By Mary Elizabeth Blake . . . and Margaret F. Sullivan . . . Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1888. 228 p. 8°. ._ _ Brocklehurst, Thomas Unett: Mexico to-day. A country with a great future, and a glance at the prehistoric remains and antiquities of the Montezumas. By Thomas Unett Brocklehurst . . . London, J. Murray, 1883. xv, 259 (1) p. map. illus. 8°. Brooks, N. C: A complete history of the Mexican war; its causes, conduct, and consequences; comprising an account of the various military and naval operations, from its commencement to the treaty of peace . . . By N. C. Brooks . . . Philadelphia, Grigg, Elliot & Co., Baltimore, Hutchinson & Seebold, 1849. xvi, (5)-558 p. plates, plans, maps. 8°. Catherwood, F.: Views of ancient monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, by F. Catherwood . . . New York, Barlett and Welford, 1844. 24 p. 25 col. pis. map. f°. Diven, Thomas J.: Aztecs and Mayas. In two volumes. Vol. 1. Chicago, The Antiquarian co., 1909. 248 p. 12°. Enock, C. Reginald: Mexico. Its ancient and modern civilization, history, and political conditions, topography, and natural resources, industries and general development. By C. Reginald Enock . . . With an introduction by Martin Hume . . . New York, Charles Scribner's sons. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1909. xxxvi, 362 p. illus. map. 8°. Fernandez, Manuel: Informe sobre el reconocimiento del istmo de Tehuantepec. Presentado al gobierno Mexicano por Manuel Fernandez . . . Mexico, Imp. de Francisco Diaz de Le6n, 1880. 189-230 p. map. 8°. (Tomo 3, "Anales del Ministerio de fomento." parte 2».) 20 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Fewkes, Jesse Walter: Certain antiquities of eastern Mexico. By Jesse Walter Fewkes. (Extract from the 25th annual report of the [U. S.] Bureau of American Ethnology.) Washington, Government Printing Office, 1907. 223-296 p. cxxix plates. 4°. Ficklen, John Rose (joint author): See Fortier, Alcee: History of North America. Flandrau, Charles Macomb: Viva Mexico! By Charles Macomb Flandrau . . . New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1908. 294 p. 12°. Fortier, AlcSe: History of North America. Volume 9: Central America and Mexico. By Alcee Fortier . . . and John Rose Ficklen . . . Philadelphia, George Barrie and Sons, [1907]. xxviii, 536 p. front, plates. 8°. Frias y Soto, Hilarion: Juarez glorificado y la intervencion y el imperio ante la verdad historica por Hilarion Frias y Soto, refutando con documentos la obra del Sefior Francisco Bulnes, intitulada el Verdadero Juarez. Mexico, Imprenta Central, 1905. 478 p. 8°. Gad now, Hans: Through Southern Mexico. Being an account of the travels of a naturalist. By Hans Gadnow . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1908. xvi, 527 p. maps, illus. plates. 8°. Oaflindo y Villa, Jesus]: Ciudad de Mexico, "Mexico, Imp. de la Sec. de fomento, 1906. 149 p. 22 plates, obi. 8°. (Text in English and Spanish.) Garcia, Genaro (ed.): Documentos ineditos 6 muy raros para la historia de Mexico, publicados por Genaro Garcia. Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1907-1909. 9 v. 12°. • (For volumes 1 to 14 see the first "List of books" published.) T. 15, El clero de Mexico durante la dominacidn Espanola segun el archivo inedito archiepiscopal metropolitano. T. 16, La Intervenci<5n Francesa en Mexico segiin el archivo del Mariscal Bazaine. Segunda parte . T. 17, — Same. Tercera parte. T. 18, Same. Cuarta parte. T. 20, Same. Quinta parte. T. 22, Same. Sexta parte. T. 19, Noticias bio-bibliograficas de alumnos distinguidos del Colegio de San Pedro, San Pablo y San Ildefonso de Mexico (hoy Escuela N. Preparatoria) por el Dr. Felix Osores. T. 21, — - Same. Segunda y ultima parte. T. 23, El sitio de Puebla en 1863 segiin los archivos de D. Ignacio Comonfort . . . y de T>. Juan Antonio de la Fuente . . . George, Marian M.: A little journey to Mexico and Central America. For home and school intermediate and upper grades. By Marian M. George. Chicago, A. Flanagan company, [1908]. 106, 83 p. illus. 2 col. pis. maps. 8°. Graham, A. A.: Mexico with comparisons and conclusions. By A. A. Graham . . . Topeka, Kansas, 1907. 283 p. 8°. Hale, Albert: Practical guide to Latin America, including Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Preparation, cost, routes, sight-seeing. By Albert Hale . . . Boston, Small, Maynard and co., 1909. 300 p. 12<\ Holm, Orla: Aus Mexiko von Orla Holm. Mit wirtschaftlichen und politischen Beitragen von Ralph Ziirn. Berlin, F. Fontane & Co., 1908. viii, 244 (3) p. 8°. Kirkham, Stanton Davis: Mexican trails. A record of travel in Mexico, 1904-07, and a glimpse at the life of the Mexican Indian. By Stanton Davis Kirk- ham . . . New York, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1909. xvii, 293 p. 8°. Janvier, Thomas A.: The Mexican Guide. By Thomas A. Janvier . New York, Charles Scribner's sons, 1886. ix, 310 p. maps. 12°. Lumholtz, Karl: El Mexico desconocido; cinco anos de exploracion entre las tribus de la Sierra Madre occidental; en la tierra caliente de Tepic y Jalisco, y entre los Tarascos de Michoacan; obra escrita en ingles por Carl Lumholtz . . . y traducida al castellano por Balbino Davalos . . . Ed. ilustrada. Nueva York, C. Scribner's sons, 1904. 2 v. illus. plates, maps. 4°. Martin, Percy F.: Mexico of the twentieth century. By Percy F. Martin . . . London, Edward Arnold, 1907. 2 v. illus. maps. 8°. Mallen, Bernardo: Le Mexique. Hier et aujourd'hui. 1876-1904. Edition Francaise. Mexico, Imprime par Muller Hnos., 1904. 80 (1) p. 8°. Mayer, Brantz: Mexico as it was and as it is. By Brantz Mayer . . . With . . . illustrations . . . engraved by Butler from drawings by the author. New York, J. Winchester; London, (etc.), Wiley & Putnam, 1844. xii, 390 p. front, illus. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 21 Maxson, Harold R.: A practical up-to-date guide to Mexico City and vicinity, with excursions to Toluca, Amecameca, Xochimilco, Cuernavaca and San Juan Teotihuacan. By Harold R. Maxson . . . Mexico City, American book and printing co., 1907. 144 p. illus. map. 12°. Mexican year book, 1908: Comprising historical, statistical and fiscal information. Compiled from official and other records . . . London, McCorquodale & Co., ltd., [1908]. front, viii, 1034, xxxviii p. maps. 8°. North, Arthur Walbridge: The Mother of California: being an historical sketch of . . . Baja California from the days of Cortez to the present time, depict- ing the ancient missions therein established, the mines there found, and the physical, social and political aspects of the country; together with an extensive bibliography relative to the same. By Arthur Walbridge North. With an introduction by Cyrus C. Adams . . . San Francisco and New York, Paul Elder and company, [1908]. xi, 169 p. illus. maps. 8°. Ober, Frederick A.: Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans by Frederick »A. Ober . . . Revised edition. Boston, Estes and Lauriat, 1887. 732 p. fold. map. illus. 8°. Owen, Charles H.: The justice of the Mexican war. A review of the causes and results of the war, with a view to distinguishing evidence from opinion and infer- ence. By Charles H. Owens . . . New York, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1908. viii, 291 p. 8°. Ramirez, Santiago: Comision especial para la esploracion de la Sierra Mojada. Informe que como resultado de su exploraci6n en la Sierra Mojada . . . Mexico, Imp. de Francisco Diaz de Leon, 1880. 627-287 p. 8°. (In "Anales del Ministerio de fomento," vol. 3, pt. 2.) Ramsey, Albert C. (ed.)\ The other' side: or notes for the history of the war between Mexico and the United States. Written in Mexico. Translated from the Spanish, and edited, with notes, by Albert Ramsey . . . New York, John Wiley, 1850. xv, 458 p. front, plates, fold. maps. 12°. Rickard, T. A.: Journeys of observation, by T. A. Rickard . . . San Francisco, Dewey publishing company, 1907. xvi, 255, t. p. vii, 130 p. plates, diagrs. maps. 8°. (With Reprint of "Across the San Juan mountains" bound in.) Seffer, Pehr Olsson: Rubber planting in Mexico and Central America. ' By Pehr Olsson Seffer. Singapore, Kelly and Walsh, 1907. Cover-title. 31 p. 8°. (Reprinted from "The Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits and Federated Malay States," vol. 6, p. 1-31. Jan., 1907.) Solis, Antonio de: Istoria della conquista del Messico, della popolazione, e de' pro- gressi nelT America settentrionale . . . e tradotta in Toscano de un' accade- mico della Crusca. Firenze, Filippo Cecchi, 1699. [22], 763 p. plates. 4°. Starr, Frederick, In Indian Mexico. A narrative of travel and labor. By Fred- erick Starr. Chicago, Forbes and company, 1908. xi, 425 p. plates. 8°. Stephan, Charles H.: Le Mexique economique. Renseignements pratiques et utiles a 1' usage des industriels, capitalistes, agriculteurs, negociants, importateurs, exporteurs et des travailleurs. Par Charles H. Stephan . . . 3 e edition. Paris, Chevalier & Riviere, 1905. 270 p. 8°. Stevens, Simon: The new route of commerce by the isthmus of Tehuantepec. A paper read before the American geographical society of New York, November 15, 1870. By Simon Stevens ... To which is appended the report of the special commission of engineers, appointed to examine the principal artificial waterways of Europe, with reference to the construction of the Tehuantepec railway and ship canal . . . London, Printed at the Chiswick press, 1871. 68 p. maps. 8°. Sullivan, Margaret F. (joint author): Mexico, picturesque. See Blake, Mary Elizabeth. Tempsky, Q. V. von: Mitla. A narrative of incidents, and personal adventures on a journey in Mexico, Guatemala, and Salvador in the years 1853 to 1855. With observations on the modes of life in these countries . . . Ed. by J. S. Bell . . . London, Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1858. xv, 436 p. front., pi., map. 8°. Veytia, Mariano Fernandez de Echeverria: Los calendarios mexicanos, por Mariano Fernandez de Echeverria y Veytia. Edicion del Museo Nacional de Mexico. Mexico, Imprenta y taller de fotograbado del Museo Nacional, 1907. xi, 62 p. illus. col. pis. port. 4°. 22 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Ward, H. Q.: Mexico. By H. G. Ward, Esq., His majesty's charge d'affaires in that country during the years 1825, 1826, and part of 1827. Second edition enlarged, j with an account of the mining companies, and of the political events in that republic to the present day. London, Henry Colburn, 1829. 2 v. fold. maps, plates. 8°. Winter, Nevin O.: Mexico and her people of to-day. An account of the customs, characteristics, amusements, history and advancement of the Mexicans, and the development and resources of their country. By Nevin O. Winter. Boston, L. C. Page and Co., 1907. vii, 405 p. illus. 8°. Young, Philip: History of Mexico, her civil wars, and colonial and revolutionary annals. From the period of the Spanish conquest, 1520 to the present time, 1847. Including an account of the war with the United States, its causes and military achievements. By Philip Young . . . Continued to the treatv of peace, 1848, by George C. Furber . . . Cincinnati, J. A. & U. P. James, 1848. 656 p. maps. 8°. WEST INDIES. GENERAL. Andrews, [W. S.]: Andrews' illustrations of the West Indies . . . London, Day and son [1861]. 2 v. in 1. plates (partly col.) obi. 4°. Aspinali, Algernon E.: The pocket guide to the West Indies, by Algernon E. Aspinall. London, E. Stanford, 1907. xii. 316 p. maps, illus. 12°. Carribbeana. Containing letters and dissertations, together with poetical essays on various subjects and occasions; chiefly wrote by several hands in the West Indies, and some of them to gentlemen residing there . . . Wherein are also comprised divers papers relating to trade, government, and laws in general; but more especially to those of the British sugar colonies and of Barbados in particu- lar .. . London, Printed for T. Osborne and W. Smith, [etc., etc.], 1741. 2 v. 8°. Cundall, Frank (ed.): Lady Nugent's journal. Jamaica one hundred years ago. J Reprinted from a journal kept by Maria, Lady Nugent, from 1801 to 1815, issued for private circulation in 1839. Edited by Frank Cundall . . . Published for the Institute of Jamaica by Adam and Charles Black, London, 1907. lvi, 404 p. plates, map. 8°. Cundall, Frank, (joint author): See also Ford, Jos. C: The handbook of Jamaica . . . Edwards, Bryan: An abridgement of Mr. Edward's civil and commercial history of the British West Indies. London, Printed for J. Parsons . . . and J. Bell, 1794. 2 v. fold. maps. 8°. Ford, Jos. C: The handbook of Jamaica for 1908. Comprising historical, statis- tical, and general information concerning the island, compiled from official and other reliable records. By Jos. C. Ford . . . and Frank Cundall . London, Edward Stanford. Jamaica, Government Printing Office, 1908. viii, 590, x p. map. 8°. Grieve, Symington: Notes upon the island of Dominica (British West Indies). Containing information for settlers, investors, tourists, naturalists, and others, ^with statistics from the official returns, also regulations regarding crown lands and import and export duties by Symington Grieve . . . -London, Adam and Chas. Black, 1906. 126 p. illus. map. 12°. Hale, Albert: Practical guide to Latin America, including Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Preparation, cost, routes, sight-seeing. By Albert Hale . . . Boston, Small, Maynard and co., 1909. 300 p. 12°. Heilprin, Angelo: Theeruption of Pelee. A summary and discussion of the phenom- ena and their sequels. By Angelo Heilprin . . . [Philadelphia], Printed for the, Geographical Society of Phila., by J. B. Lippincott Company, 1908. 72 p. xliii plates. 4°. McEwen, John: Pearl of the Antilles, Trinidad. A guide to tourists and travellers. By John McEwen. Trinidad, Franklin's electric printery, 1906. 71 (5) p. obi. 12°. Moore, J. Hampton: With Speaker Cannon through the tropics. A descriptive story of a voyage to the W T est Indies, Venezuela and Panama. Containing views of the Speaker upon our colonial possessions, the Panama Canal, and other great governmental problems.- An illustrated history and guide book for statesmen, travelers and students, with conclusions by the author. By J. Hampton Moore. Philadelphia, The book print, 1907. xi, 410 p. front, (port.) illus. 8°. Souvenir of Barbados. No imprint, n. d. (32 p.) obi. 8°. (Album of 45 illustrations.) Treves, Frederick: The Cradle of the deep; an account of a voyage to the West Indies. By Sir Frederick Treves . . . New York, E. P. Dutton & Com- pany, 1908. 378 p. illus. map. 4°. United Fruit Company: Jamaica. By The United Fruit Company, November, 1907. New York, no imprint, 23 p. illus. nar. 12°. 23 24 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. CUBA. Abbot, Abiel: Letters written in the interior of Cuba, between the mountains of Arcana, to the east, and of Cusco, to the west, in the months of February, March, April, and May, 1828. By the late Rev. Abiel Abbot . . . Boston, Bowles and Dearborn, 1829. xv, 256 p. 8°. Andueza, J. M. de: Isla de Cuba, pintoresca, historica politica, literaria, mercantil e" industrial. Recuerdos, apuntes, impresiones de dos epocas. Por Don J. M. de Andueza. Ed. ilustrada. Madrid, Boix, 1841. vii, 182 p. plates. 8°. Baedeker, Karl: The United States, with excursions to Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, and Alaska. Handbook for travelers by Karl Baedeker. Fourth revised edition. Leipzig, Karl Baedeker, 1909. cii, 724 p. 33 fold. maps. 48 plans. 12°. Cuba. Qobierno militar: Cuba en la exposicion Pan Americana de Buffalo. Ha- bana, Imp. enc. y rayades de Vicente Lopez Veiga, 1901. 130, 127 p. illus. 8°. (Pages 1-127 have title, "Cat&logo de los expositores Cubanos . . .") (Text in English and Spanish.) Inventor General de Cuba: Memoria de los trabajos realizados por la inter- vencion general de la Republica de Cuba durante el afio fiscal 1905 a 1906. Habana, Imprenta de Solana y Ca., 1908. 91 p. table. 8°. Provisional Governor: Annual report of Charles E. Magoon, provisional gov- ernor of Cuba, to the Secretary of War. 1907. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1908. 94 p. 8°. Informe de la administracion provisional desde 13 de octubre de 1906 hasta 1° de diciembre de 1907 por Charles E. Magoon, Gobernador provisional. Habana, Rambla y Bouza, 1908. lv, 571 p. plates. 8°. Same. In English. 557 p. 8°. Hevia, Aurelio: Coleccion de articulos y documentos referentes a la condicion actual de Cuba por Aurelio Hevia . . . Habana, [Imprenta de Rambla y Bouza], 1908. 64 p. 8°. Noa, Frederic M.: The Pearl of the Antilles. A view of the past and a glance at the future. By Frederic M. Noa. New York, the Knickerbocker Press, 1898. xiii, 84 p. 12°. Picturesque Cuba. Havana. No t. -p., imprint or date. [Album of views: 1 page of text and 51 illustrations. Each illustration has long caption.] Reynolds, Charles B.: Standard guide to Cuba. A new and complete guide to the island of Cuba, with maps, illustrations, routes of travel, history, and an English- Spanish phrase book. By Charles B. Reynolds. Havana and New York, Foster and Reynolds, 1908. 192 (1) p. illus. maps. 8°. Standard guide to Havana. A complete handbook for visitors, with maps, illus., history, and an English-Spanish manual of conversation. By Charles B. Reynolds. Havana and New York, Foster and Reynolds, 1908. 144 (2) p. 8°. Sargent, Herbert H.: The campaign of Santiago de Cuba. By Herbert H. Sar- gent . . . Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1907. 3 v. maps. 8°. United Railways of Havana: Cuba: a winter paradise. Season of 1908-9, United railways of Havana. Havana, 1908. 72 p. 2 maps. col. illus. (Railroad folder.) U. S. Bureau of the Census: Cuba, population, history and resources, 1907 . . . Census of Cuba taken in 1907. Compiled by Victor H. Olmsted . . . and Henry Gannett . . . Washington, U. S. Bureau of the Census, 1909. 275 p. front, (port.), plates. 8°. Same. [In Spanish.] 707 p. front, (port.), pfates. 8°. Wright, I. A.: The gem of the Caribbean by I. W. Wright. [The Isle of Pines] . . . Published by the Isle of Pines Publicity Company, 1909. 88 p. illus. plates, map. 12°. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Deschamps, Enrique: La republica Dominicana. Directorio y guia general. Por Enrique Deschamps. [Barcelona, Imprenta de la Vda. de J. Cunill, 1907.] 383, 336, [120] p. illus. map. col. pi. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 25 HAITI. Franklin, James: The present state of Hayti (Santo Domingo), with remarks on its agriculture, commerce, laws, religion, finances, and population, etc., etc. By James Franklin. London, John Murray, 1828. 411 (1) p. 12°. Mackenzie, Charles: Notes on Haiti, made during a residence in that republic. By Charles Mackenzie . . . London, Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 1830. 2 v. front, fold. map. fasc. 12°. Moreau de St. Mery, M. E.: A topographical and political description of the Spanish part of Saint Domingo . . . By M. L. E. Moreau de Saint M^ry . . . Tr. from the French, by William Cobbett. Philadelphia, The author, 1796. 2 v. 8°. Sanders, Prince: Haytian papers. A collection of the very interesting proclama- tions, and other official documents; together with some account of the rise, prog- ress, and present state of the Kingdom of Hayti. With a preface by Prince Sanders . . . London, Printed for W\ Reed, 1816. xv, 228 p. 8°. PERIODICAL REFERENCES. PERIODICALS MENTIONED. America. Buffalo. American Exporter. New York. American Historical Review. New York. American Industries. New York. American Journal of International Law. Baltimore. American Review of Reviews . New York. American Wool and Cotton Reporter. Berichte iiber Handel und Industrie. Berlin, Germany. Boletin del Ministerio de Fomento, Direccion de Fomento. Lima, Peru. Book-Keeper. New York. Buenos Aires Herald. Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. New York, N. Y. Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie Commerciale de Paris. Paris. Canal Record. Ancon, Canal Zone. Century Magazine. New York. Dun's Review. (International edition.) New York. Engineering and Mining Journal. New York. Exporters' Review. New York. Geographical Journal. London. La Geographie. .Paris. Grand Rapids Herald. Grand Rapids, Mich. La Hacienda. Buffalo. Harper's Monthly Magazine. New York. Isle of Pines Appeal. Isle of Pines, Cuba. The Independent. New York. Industria. London. Journal of American History. New Haven. Leslie's Weekly. New York. Lippincott' s . Philadelphia. Modern Methods. Detroit. Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics. Washington. Mexican Mining Journal. Mexico, Mexico. Monthly summary of commerce of the republic of Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic. Mining World. Chicago. National Geographic Magazine. Washington. North American Review. New York. New York Daily Tribune. New York. Overland Monthly. San Francisco. Outlook. New York. Outing Magazine. New York. Pacific Monthly. Portland, Oregon. Putnam's Magazine. New York. Pearson's Magazine. New York. Pan American Magazine. Mexico, Mexico. Revista de derecho, historia y letras. Buenos Aires. South American Journal. London. Scottish Geographical Magazine. Edinburgh. Scribner's Magazine. New York. Scientific American. New York. Sunset. San Francisco. The Student World. New York. Town and Country. New York. Tropical and Sub-Tropical America. New York. Technical World. Chicago. Trade Journal Advertiser. Chicago. 26 LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 27 iVan Nor den Magazine. New York. ^Washington Herald. Washington. {Wide World Magazine. New York. [World To-Day. Chicago. [TTor/G?'s Events. Chicago. iTTorW* Work. New York and London. ABBREVIATIONS USED. Mm. Jour, of Int. Law. — American Journal of International Law. \Am. Rev. of Revs. — American Review of Reviews. \Am. Wool & Cot. Rept. — American Wool and Cotton Reporter. \Am. Ind. — American Industries. YB. A. Her. — Buenos Aires Herald. \Ber. uber Hand. u. Ind. — Berichte uber Handel und Industrie. VBol. del Min. de Fomento, Direccion de Fomento. Peru. YBull. of the Am. Geog. Soc. — Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. \Bull. of the Geog. Soc. of Phila. — Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia. \Bull. de la Soc. de geog. com. de Paris. — Bulletin de laSociete de Geographic Commercials de Paris. Dun's Rev. (Int. ed.). — Dun's Review. (International edition.) Eng. & Min. Jour. — Engineering and Mining Journal. Exporters' Rev. — Exporters 7 Review. Geog. Jour. — Geographical Journal. M. B. — Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics. Mo. sum. of com. of the rep. of S. Dom.— Monthly summary of commerce of the republic of Santo Domingo. Mex. Min. Jour. — Mexican Mining Journal. Nat. Geog. Mag. — National Geographic Magazine. No. Am. Rev. — North American Review. Pan Am. Mag. — Pan American Magazine. Scot. Geog. Mag. — Scottish Geographical Magazine. S. A. J. — South American Journal. Sci. Am. — Scientific American. Trop. & Sub-Trop. Am. — Tropical and Sub- Tropical America. Tech. World. —Technical World. W. W.— World's Work. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Antokoletz, Daniel: Politica aduanera argentina en sus relaciones con la economia politica nacional y el derecho de gentes. Revista de derecho, historia y letras. (Buenos Aires). March, 1908. p. 441. Barrett, John: Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay. Independent. January 14, 1909. p. 88. illus. Peaceful, progressive republic is Argentina . . . The Grand Rapids Herald. July 20, 1908. illus. Baxter, Sylvester: A South American Metropolis, Buenos Aires. Outlook. Jan- uary 26, 1907. p. 179. illus. Municipal Organizations in Latin America: Buenos Aires. M. B. November, 1908. p. 821, illus. Reinsch, Paul S.: The new South America, Pt. 2, Argentina. World To-day. June, 1909. p. 591. Ruhl, Arthur: The city of Good Airs: being impressions of Buenos Aires. Scrib- ner's. May, 1908. p. 551. illus. Tilden, Freeman: Argentina and the Pampas . . . Van Norden. August, 1908. p. 95. illus. A glimpse of Buenos Aires. Van Norden. April, 1908. illus. BOLIVIA. Adams, Harriet Chalmers: Kaleidoscopic La Paz: the city of the clouds. Nat. Geog. Mag. February, 1909. p. 119. illus. Barrett, John: The Western Republics of South America. Chile, Bolivia, and Peru. Independent. Mar. 11, 1909. p. 515. illus. 28 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Bowman, Isaiah: Regional population groups of Atacama. Bull, of the Am. Geog. ! Soc. March and April, 1909. p. 142 and 193. [Description of La Paz]. BrilVs Mag. May 15, 1909. p. 110. illus. Fawcett, P. H.: Survey work on the frontier bet*. Bolivia and Brazil. Geog. Jour.: (Lond.) February, 1909. p. 181. BRAZIL. Bailey, Solon I.: A new Peruvian route to the plain of the Amazon. Nat. Geog. Mag. August, 1906. p. 432. illus. Church, George Earl: Dr. Rice's exploration in the northwestern valley of the Amazon. Geog. Jour. (Lond.) March, 1908. p. 307. map. Dean, Fred M.: An American automobile in Brazil. Dun's Rev. {Int. ed.) Jan- uary, 1909. p. 47. Description of Rio de Janeiro. M. B. January, 1909. p. 30. illus. Exploration dans la region occidentale de l'etat de Sao Paulo. La Geographic Paris. January 15, 1908. Fawcett, P. H.: Survey work on the frontier bet. Bolivia and Brazil. Geog. Jour. (Lond.) Feb., 1909. p. 181. Kerby, Orton J.: Para, the state and city. M. B. April, 1909. p. 643. illus. Neves, L. Baeta: [Description of Brazil.] Extract from address delivered before the 16th National Irrigation Congress. M. B. November, 1908. p. 876. Oakenfull, John C: A review of the industrial opportunities and resources of the great South American republic. W. W. (Lond. ed.) February, 1909. illus. Reinsch, Paul S.: The new South America. Pt. 1, The new Brazil. World To-day. May, 1909. p. 478. illus. Rowe, L. S.: The transformation of Rio de Janeiro. Independent. January 30, 1908. p. 249. Ruhl, Arthur: Brazil — where the coffee comes from. Scribner's. June, 1908. illus. Ward, Robert DeC: The Southern Campos of Brazil. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. November, 1908. p. 652. An outline of the economic climatology of Brazil. Bull, of the Geog. Soc. of Phila. April, 1909. p. 7. CANAL ZONE. (See Panama.) CENTRAL AMERICA. General Articles. Barrett, John : Peace and progress in Central America. The commercial significance of the coming conference of the Central American Republics. Dun's rev. (Internat. ed.). November, 1907. p. 31. illus. Wilson, Robert A.: Changing conditions in the Caribbean. World to-day. February, 1909. p. 184. illus. CHILE. Barrett, John: Western republics of South America: Chile, Bolivia and Peru. Independent. March 11, 1909. p. 515. illus. Conway, Martin Sir: My ascent of Aconcagua. Wide World Mag. August, 1908. p. 357. Municipal organizations in Latin America: Santiago de Chile. M. B. March, 1909. p. 430. illus. Description of Punta Arenas. N. Y. Daily Tribune. January 26, 1908. illus. Distribution of plants in Chile. Scot. Geog. Mag. August, 1908. p. 522. Furlong, Charles Wellington: Amid the islands of the land of fire. Harper's. February, 1909. p. 335. illus. To the cold land of fire. Harper's. Nov. 1908. p. 883. illus. The southernmost people of the world. (Tierra del Fuego.) Harper's. June, 1909. p. 126. illus. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 29 Skottsberg, C: The Swedish Magellanic expedition, 1907-1908. [Pt.] 5, Excur- sions during the winter months (July to September), 1908. Geog. Jour. March, 1909. p. 289. Yoacham, Alberto: Description of Chile. Address delivered before the Quill Club, October 20, 1907. M. B. November, 1907. p. 1074. COLOMBIA. Barrett, John: Colombia: a land of the future. Dun's rev. (Int. ed.) September 1906. p. 26. illus. Bingham, Hiram: Explorations in Colombia and Venezuela. M. B. September, 1907. p. 674. Colombia: the richest of the [South American] Republics. Natural resources, with notes on Panama. Washington Herald. June 21, 1908. Description of the department of Nariflo, Colombia. M. B. November, 1907. p. 1092. Johnson, Franklin: The West Indies and the Spanish Main. Brief notes of a business trip to Jamaica, Panama, Colombia, and Costa Rica. Amer. Exporter. January, 1909. p. 99. The Sinu river valley — description. TJ. S. Cons, repts. March, 1909. p. 143. COSTA RICA. Johnson, Franklin: The West Indies and the Spanish Main. Brief notes of a business trip to Jamaica, Panama, Colombia, and Costa Rica. Amer. Exporter. January, 1909. p. 99. Miller, C. R. (Mrs.): What American capital is doing for peaceful Costa Rica. Les- lie's Weekly. September 17, 1908. illus. Wack, Wellington Henry: Costa Rica: a Central American republic that is peaceful and prosperous. Putnam's. March, 1909. p. 702. CUBA. Municipal organizations in Latin America: Havana. M. B. April, 1909. p. 614. illus. Isle of Pines. Descriptive, commercial, and statistical. A special edition of the Isle of Pines Appeal. April 15, 1909. illus. Johnson, Sir Harry: The scenery of Cuba, Hispaniola (Haiti), and Jamaica. Geog. Jour. (Lond.) June, 1909. p. 629. illus. map. Lindsay, Forbes C. H.: Cuba: the land of promise. The World To-Day. February, 1908. p. 141. illus. Miller, C. R.: The restoration of self government in Cuba. Leslie's Weekly. March 11, 1909. Miller, C. R.: Social life of Havana. Town and Country. March 6, 1909. Parker, John H.: How the Cuban problem might be solved. Amer. Rev. of Revs. January, 1908. p. 65. Pritchett, Henry S.: Some recollections of President McKinley and the Cuban intervention. No. Am. Rev. March, 1909. p. 397. The touring car in Cuba: [Describing a trip through Cuba.] M. B. December, 1908. p. 1038. illus. Wilcox, Walter D.: Among the mahogany forests in Cuba. Nat. Geog. Mag. Julv, 1908. p. 485. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Mason, Charles T.: The new Dominican Republic: a period of prosperity and tran- quillity now beginning . . . Dun's Rev. (Int. ed.) December, 1908. p. 39. ECUADOR. [Lopez, Felicisimo]: Commercial standing of Ecuador. Exporters' Rev. April, 1908. p. 12. 30 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. GUATEMALA. Brewester, J. H., Jr.: Description of Guatemala. M. B. December, 1907. p. 1395, Cabrera Estrada, Diego: [Description of Guatemala.] A son's defense of his : father. President Cabrera and his career. Overland Monthly. April, 1909. p. 259. illus. [Economic conditions of Guatemala]: S. A. J. April 4, 1908. p. 388. Garsia, A. C: Guatemala — the country of the future. History, and characteristics, rich resources, railway development . . . Am. Exporter. July, 1908. p. 3. (Supp.) Hays, M. A.: Guatemala's transcontinental route. Am. Rev. of Revs. August, 1908. p. 200. illus. Guatemala: the greatest of the Central American republics, something of her resources and achievements. Pan. Am. Mag. (Mex.) December 1908. p. 53. illus. Entire issue devoted to Guatemala. Swinburne, Rear=Admiral: Description of Guatemala. Interview with Rear- Admiral Swinburne after his visit in March, 1909. S.A.J. May 8, 1909. p. 531. Wilson, Robert A.: Productive Guatemala. Wide diversity of natural products assures to this republic a great economic future. Dun's Rev. (Internat. ed.) November, 1908. p. 38. HAITI. Chester, Colby M.: Haiti: a degenerating island. The story of its past grandeur and present decay. Nat. Geog. Mag. March, 1908. p. 200. illus. Description— Haiti. M. B. September, 1908. p. 577. (Short description of the resources of Hai i. taken from Mr. Leger's book.) Johnson, Sir Harry: The scenery of Cuba, Hispaniola (Haiti), and Jamaica. Geog. Jour. (Lond.) June, 1909. p. 629. illus. map. Simons, G. J. M.: President Nord Alexis and his negro republic. Munsey Mag January 1909. p. 516. HONDURAS. : Wilson, Robert A.: Present conditions in Honduras. Its great natural resourc and growing foreign trade . . . Dun's Rev. {Int. ed.) September, 1908. p. 18. illus. MEXICO. Bolton, Herbert E.: Material for southwestern history in the central archives of Mexico. Am. Historical Review. April 1, 1908. p. 510. Botsford, C. W.: Geology of the Guanajuato district, Mexico. Eng. & Min. Jour. April 3, 1909. p. 691. Creelman, James: President Diaz, hero of the Americas. Pearson's. March, 1908. p. 231. illus. [Description of] Jimenez, Mexico. Am. Wool 6c Cot. Rept. Oct. 8, 1908. illus. Description of Mexico: Entire issue of, devoted to Mexico. Dun's Review. (Inter- nat. ed.) March, 1908. illus. Municipal organizations in Latin America: Mexico City. M. B. February, 1909. p. 208. illus. Harris, Charles Miller: A cruise after sea elephants. Pacific Monthly. April, 1909. p. 331. illus. (A story of seal hunting off Guadaloupe Island, Mexico.) Hegewisch, E. : La ciudad de Mexico bajo diferentes aspectos. Sinopsis de la capital Mexicana y de su vida actual. America. June, 1909. p. 182. illus. Hornaday, William T.: Diversions in picturesque game-lands: the wildest corner of Mexico. Scribner's. October, 1908. p. 454. illus. Hovey, Edmund Otis: Mountain climbing in Mexico. Outing Mag. October, 1908. p. 85. illus. Janvier, Thomas 4 A.: Legends of the city of Mexico. Harper's. February, 1909. p. 434. LATIN AMEEICAN HISTOBY AND DESCRIPTION. 31 Kahler, Hugh Macnair: Mexico y Porfirio Diaz en 1909. America. June 1909. p. 181. illus. Lamb, Mark R. : Mine labor and supplies in Mexico. Eng. <& Min. Jour. December 26, p. 1245. illus. Millward, Russell Hastings: The oil treasure of Mexico. Nat. Geog. Mag. Novem- ber, 1908. p. 803. illus. Nelson, E. W.: A winter expedition in southwestern Mexico. Nat. Geog. Mag. September, 1904. p. 341. illus. North, Arthur W.: The story of Magdalena bay . . . Sunset. March, 1908. p. 411. illus. Price, Charles R.: Yaqui land. Pacific Monthly. February, 1908. p. 113. illus. Rogers, Allen H.: Character and habits of the Mexican miner. Eng. & Min. Jour. April 4, 1908. p. 700. Schnatterbeck, Charles C: The economic progress of Mexico since early times. Mining World. October 26, 1907. p. 671. illus. The truth about the rubber industry in tropical Mexico. Pacific Monthly. November, 1908. p. 567. Wallace, Dillon: Beyond the Mexican Sierras. IV, Mexcaltatan and the lagunas. Outing Mag. July, 1909. p. 387. illus. Woodruff, Mildred L.: A Mexican bull-fight as witnessed by an American girl. World To-Day. June, 1908. p. 619. Wallace, Dillon: Beyond the Mexican Sierras. I. Out. Mag. April, 1909. p. 18. illus. map. Winter, Nevin O.: The progressive Mexico of to-day. World To-day. May, 1909. p. 550. illus. PANAMA. (Including the Canal Zone.) Cawcroft, Ernest: The Panama Railroad: a pivot of commerce. Book-keeper. March, 1909. p. 205. illus. • Nothing wrong at Panama. Tech. World. March, 1909. p. 37. illus. Colquhoun, Archibald R.: An Englishman's view of the Panama Canal. No. Am. Rev. March, 1908. p. 348. Cornish, Vaughan: The Panama canal in 1908. Geog. Jour. (Lond.) February, 1909. p. 153. Crandall, Roy: How the dirt flies at Panama. Tech. World. June, 1908. p. 353. illus. [Description of the canall: Canal Record. March 31, 1909. p. 243. (Paper read by the Chairman and Chief Engineer before the Manufacturers' Association, Chicago, March 16, 1909.) Dunlap, Herbert: The racial pot-pourri on the Isthmus. Lippincott's. October, 1908. p. 488. Gent, W. J.: Labor and the commissary at Panama. Independent. May 27, 1909. p. 1129. 1 Goethals, Geo. W.: The Panama Canal. [Description.] Nat. Geog. Mag. April, 1909. p. 334. i Hains, Peter H.: Neutralization of the Panama Canal. Am. Jour, of Int. Law. April, 1909. p. 354. Hazlett, Dilwynn M.: Home seeking in Panama. Independent. Feb. 25, 1909. p. 405. illus. Johnson, Franklin: The West Indies and the Spanish Main. Brief notes of a busi- ness trip to Jamaica, Panama, Colombia, and Costa Rica. By Franklin Johnson. Amer. Exporter. January, 1909. p. 99. Lindsay, Forbes: The situation at Panama. Am. Rev. of Revs. April, 1909. p. 454. illus. Obaldia, Manuel de: Panama, the keystone of the American continent . . . Exporters' Rev. March, 1909. p. 12. Pezet, F. A.: El canal interoceano de Panama. Resena de los acontecimientos que precedieron a la organization. Bol. del Min. de Eomento, Dir. defomento. Jan- uary, 1909. p. 75. 32 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Present conditions in Panama. Sci. Am. February 6, 1909. p. 117. illus. Richardson, Gardner: Progress in Panama. Independent. April 22, 1909. p. 838. illus. Robinson, Francis H.: C. P. Huntington's views as to the Panama Canal. Overland Monthly. February, 1909. p. 109. Spears, John R.: Crossing the Panama Isthmus with Buccaneer Morgan. Outing* Mag. September, 1908. p. 679. Wallace, John F.: Our colonial Empire: the republic of Panama and the Canal Zone World To-Day. April, 1908. p. 359. illus. PARAGUAY. Baez, Nicolas: [Description of, and travel in, Paraguay]. Continued article in S. A. J. Feb. 1, May 11, July 13 & 27, Aug. 10 & 17, Sept. 7, and Dec. 14, 1907. (Includes History, geographic features, climate, agriculture, industries, mining, transportation, etc.) Barrett, John: Argentine, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Independent. January 14, 1909. p. 68. La Republica del Paraguay. Riqueza, produccion, industria y comercio de esta nacion Sudamericana. Dun's Rev. (Internat. ed.) July, 1908. p. 23. illus. Tilden, Freeman: Peculiar Paraguay. A country with a romantic past and a lackadaisical present . . . Van Norden. January, 1909. p. 452. illus. White, W. W.: Paraguay as a market for American goods. Exporters' Rev. August, 1908. p. 12. PERU. Adams, Harriet Chalmers: Along the old Inca highway. Nat. Geog. Mag. April, 1908. p. 231. illus. Cuzco: America's ancient mecca. Nat. Geog. Mag. October, 1908. p. 669. illus. Bailey, Solon I.: A new Peruvian route to the plain of the Amazon. Nat. Geog. Mag. August, 1906. p. 432. illus. Barrett, John: Western republics of South America: Chile, Bolivia, and Peru Independent. March 11, 1909. p. 515. illus. Municipal organizations in Latin America: Lima. M. B. May, 1909. p. 956 illus. Indians of Peru. Overland Monthly. February, 1909. p. 127. Peck, Annie S.: The first ascent of Mount Huascaran. Harper's. January, 1909 p. 173. illus. The conquest of Mount Huascaran. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. June, 1909. Reinsch, Paul S.: The new South America. Pt. 3. The dormant resources of Peru. World To-day. July, 1909. p. 702. illus. SALVADOR. [Description of Salvador.] Industria. February 1, 1909. p. 65. SOUTH AMERICA. General Articles. Adams, Harriet Chalmers: Wonderful sights in the Andean highlands. Nat. Geog. Mag. September, 1908. p. 597. illus. Adams, Cyrus C: Antartic continent. Am. Rev. of Revs. May, 1909. p. 595. Balch, E. S.: British Antartic expedition. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. April, 1909. p. 212. Barrett, John: Big facts about Latin America, diagrs. W. W. August, 1908. p. 10604. Extract from Address delivered at the Lake Mohonk Conference, 1908. M. B. June, 1908. p. 1246. Extracts from address at Cornell. M. B. April, 1908. p. 745. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 33 Barrett, John: The growing World consciousness among South American people. The Student World. January, 1909. p. 1. Irrigation in Latin America. Address before the National Irrigation Congress, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 1908. illus. M. B. October, 1908. p. 644. Latin America: a great commercial opportunity. World To-Day. April, 1903. p. 409. (Reprinted in M . B. May, 1908. p. 937.) The Latin American Republics as a field for advertising. M. B. September, 1908. p. 450. (Extracts from address delivered in Kansas City, at the annual convention of the Associated advertising clubs of America, Aug. 26-28.) The mining industry of South America. Mex. Min. Jour. February, 1908. p. 11. More foreign trade. 1: South America. Trade Journal Advertiser. May, 1909. p. 40. illus. La nueva era Pan- Americana. Hacienda. May, 1908. p. 236. illus. Northern Republics of South America. Independent. April 15, 1909. p. 789. illus. The opportunity in Latin America. Trop. & Sub-Trop. Am. January, 1908. p. 13. Our [U. S.] commercial opportunity in America. Am. Ind. March 19, 1909. p. 13. A ready aid to foreign trade: the International Bureau of the American Repub- lics. System. March, 1908. illus. (Reprinted in M. B. May, 1908. p. 985.) South America: its general geographical features and opportunities. Bull, of the Geog. Soc. o/Phila. April, 1909. p. 1. illus. The South American republic as a field for goods manufactured in the United States. Address delivered before the associated advertising clubs of America, Kansas City, August 27, 1908. Modern Methods. October, 1908. p. 101. United States and Latin America. No. Am. Rev. Sept. 21, 1906. p. 476. Bingham, Hiram: The possibilities of South American history and politics as a field for research. M. B. February, 1908. p. 283. (Contains long bibliography.) Bowman, Isaiah: Climatic change and man in South America. Geog. Jour. (Lond.) March, 1909. p. 267. Bruce, William S.: Farthest South. [A description of the Antartic regions.] World To-day. July, 1909. p. 739. Bulfin, William: The U. S. in Latin America . . . W.W. September, 1902. p. 2533. illus. Don net, Gaston M.: A travers l'Amerique du Sud. Bull, de la Soc. de Geog. Com. de Paris. 1903. p. 550. Cleland, Herdman F.: Curacao, a losing colonial venture. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. March, 1909. p. 129. map. illus. Cossa, L. IN.: Business trips to South America. Am. Exporter. (Sup.) June, 1909. The emancipation of South America. Am. Rev. of Revs. July, 1909. p. 109. illus. Explorations of unknown South America. S. A. J. July 25, 1908. p. 104. Greely, A. W.: Shackleton and the South Pole. Century. July, 1909. p. 359. map. Hale, Albert: The river Plate region and its possibilities. Bull, of the Geog. Soc. ofPhila. April, 1909. p. 21. Landis, Charles B.: South America and her Commerce. Some things we do not know about our neighboring republics. World's Events. May, 1909. illus. Peck, Annie S.: A woman's conquest of the Andes. Am. Rev. of Revs. October, 1908. P. 488. Pepper, Charles M.: South America fifty years hence. Nat. Geog. Mag. August, 1906. p. 427. illus. 34 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Rowe, L. S.: The era of good feeling in South America. Independent. Sept. 19, I 1907. p. 686. illus. Our [U. S.] interest in a United America. No. Am. Rev. April, 1909. p. 585. Some fundamental misconceptions concerning South America. No. Am. Rev\ January, 1908. p. 80. Shackleton, Lieut.: Antarctic expedition. B.A.Her. {WTcly. ed.). April 23, 1909. With port. Verner, S. P.: The white race in the Tropics. W. W. September, 1908. p. 10715.' Ward, Robert De C: Some problems of the Tropics. Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc. January, 1908. p. 7. Wilson, R. A.: John Barrett, American citizen. From the viewpoint of a resident of Central America. World To-Day. September, 1908. p. 926. URUGUAY. Municipal organizations in Latin America: Montevideo. M. B. June, 1909. p. 1003. illus. Barrett, John: Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay. Independent. Jan. 14, 1909. p. 68. Tilden, Freeman : Uruguay — the oriental. The smallest republic in South America, where one finds a gold standard, stable securities, and real culture at the capital city of Montevideo. Van Norden. October, 1908. p. 52. illus. VENEZUELA. Beebe, William C, and Mary Blair: A naturalist in the Tropics. Harper's. March, 1909. p. 590. illus. Bingham, Hiram: Explorations in Colombia and Venezuela. M. B. September, 1907. p. 674. Blackiston, G. P.: The real Venezuela: the land of asphaltum renown. World To-Day. January, 1909. p. 76. Clarke, R. Floyd: Castro, the ungrateful. No. Am. Rev. April, 1908. p. 569. Description of the Yuruary Territory, Venezuela: Venezuela en el exterior . Caracas. May, 1908. p. 36. The Venezuelan situation, 1908. Am. Jour, of Int. Law. April, 1909. p. 436. WEST INDIES. General Articles. Freeman, Lewis R.: The West Indies in Commerce. Am. Rev. of Revs. Sep- tember, 1907. p. 305. illus. Johnson, Franklin: The West Indies and the Spanish Main. Brief notes of a busi- ness trip to Jamaica, Panama, Colombia, and Costa Rica. Am. Exporter. January, 1909. p. 99. Lindsay, C. H. Forbes: Our colonial empire: Porto Rico — the land of problems. World To-Day. March, 1908. p. 250. illus. Mason, Martell Roy: Colorful Puerto Rico — a sketching trip across the island. Outing. January, 1909. p. 458. illus. Wilson, Robert A: Changing conditions in the Caribbean. World To-Day. Feb- ruary, 1909. p. 184. illus. Ybarra, A. M. Fernandez de: First letter written in America. Original manu- script of Dr. Diego Alvarez Chanca the physician on Columbus' ship, relating his impressions of the new World and its political and commercial possibilities . . . Jour, of Am. History. January-March, 1909. p. 59. THE PAN AMERICAN UNION JOHN BARRETT :: :: :: :: Director General FRANCISCO J. YANES :: :: :: Assistant Director BOOKS AND MAGAZINE ARTICLES ON Latin American Description and History RECEIVED IN THE COLUMBUS MEMORIAL LIBRARY OF THE Pan American Union Supplement No. 2 July 9, iqoq, to June 1, 1914 WASHINGTON, D. C. 1914 Washington. D. C. GIBSON BROTHERS. Inc. IQI4 CONTENTS. Page. General books 5 Argentine Republic 23 Bolivia 35 Brazil 40 Chile 51 Colombia 58 Costa Rica 63 Cuba 64 Dominican Republic 68 Ecuador 70 Guatemala 74 The Guianas 76 Haiti 77 Honduras 79 Honduras (British) 81 Mexico 81 Nicaragua 92 Panama 93 Panama Canal Zone 100 Paraguay 101 Peru 104 El Salvador Ill Uruguay 114 Venezuela 118 Reference list of bibliographies 123 List of periodicals mentioned 133 3 NOTE. . Since the publication of the first list of books in 1907 comprising 98 pages and the first supplement in 1909 of 34 pages, the issuing of books and articles relating to Latin America has increased enormously and the present list will be found to contain the major portion of the new works. For the sake of convenience to those consulting it, the books have been grouped by countries, and arranged alphabetically, with the periodical references in italics. The list of periodicals mentioned contains practically all the more important magazines which treat of Latin America and can be used as a reference list for the American and European publications on those countries. Addresses of publishers have been given wherever possible to enable persons desir- ing some particular item to write directly for it. In case of out of. print books, any of the large book dealers of America or Europe will be glad to receive orders for them. All items listed can be consulted at the Library of the Pan American Union (The Columbus Memorial Library), Washington, D. C. Lists of references on special subjects pertaining to Latin America will be com- piled by the Pan American Union and forwarded on request made to the Director General, Mr. John Barrett. Chas. E. Babcock, Acting Librarian, Compiler. 4 GENERAL BOOKS. (Relating to three or more countries.) Acosta, Joseph de: The natural and moral history of the Indies. By Father Joseph de Acosta. Reprinted from the English-translated edition of Edward Grimston, 1604, and edited with notes and an introduction by Clements R. Markham, . . . Vol. I. The natural history. Vol. II. The moral history. London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1880. 2 v. 8°. Acre L., Luis: Historia de America. Iniciativa y comienzos de la guerra de la independencia Sud-americana. Por Luis Acre L. pp. 727-752. International scientific congress. Trabajos del cuarto congreso cientifico. Vol. XX. Santiago de Chile. 1912. Adams, Harriet Chalmers: Ancient Race on the Andes. Travels through South America and San Domingo and Haiti. "Washington Herald." Sept. 22, 1912. Adventures in search of a living in Spanish America: By " Vaquero." London, John Bale, Sons and Danielson, ltd., 1911. viii, 304 p. plates, maps. 4°. (A journey through Mexico and from Salina Cruz to Valparaiso, and return, stopping en route at the principal places of interest. Contains long descriptions on the social life and customs of the people encountered. ) Akers, Charles Edmond: A history of South America, 1854-1904. By Charles Edmond Akers. New edition. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1912. (With an additional chapter bringing the history to the present day.) 716 p. illus. maps. 8°. (Introduction; emancipation of South America; chapter on each country; conclusion; bringing up to date the political and economic conditions.) Albes, Edward: Eighty days with the "Bluecher" party. "Bulletin." illus. A series: 1. [West Indies.] "Bulletin," June, 1912. p.744- 2. Pernambuco. Sao Paulo. "Bulletin," July, 1912. p. 55. 8. Buenos Aires. "Bulletin," August, 1912. p. 316. 4. Across the Pampas, a day in Mendoza and over the Andes. "Bulletin," September, 1912. p. 506. 5. Santiago and Valparaiso. "Bulletin." October, 1912. p. 703. 6. The Strait of Magellan. Punta Arenas, and the Tierra del fuegians. "Bulletin." November, 1912. p. 989. 7. The Republic east of the Uruguay and its fine capital Montevideo. "Bulletin." December, 1912. p. 1142. 8. The beautiful capital of Brazil and its environs. "Bulletin." January, 1913. p. 1. 9. Bahia and Para, two great ports of Brazil. "Bulletin." February, 1913. p. 165. 10. Barbados, the Panama Canal, and the end of the journey. "Bulletin." March, 1913. p. 880. Alcock, Frederick: South American scenery. Twenty-four water color sketches, made on voyage to and from the east and west coasts of South America. (Repro- duced in lithography.) By Frederick Alcock . . . With an introduction by Thomas Huson . . . London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent Company. Newcastle-on-tyne, Andrew Reid & Co. [1913]. 8 p. of captions to the 24 colored plates. 8°. (Text in English, Spanish and Portuguese.) West Indies scenery. Twenty-two water-color sketches made on voyage to and from the West Indies. By Frederick Alcock . . . With historical and topographical notes by H. J. B. Ward. . . Newcastle-on-tyne, Andrew Reid & Co. illus. 93 p. plates. 8°. Aldao, Carlos A.: A traves del Mundo. Cuarta edici6n aumentada. Buenos Aires, Cabaut & Co., 1912. 420 p. 8°. Alford, William V: The Andean garden of the gods. "Century." September, 1911. p. 711. illus. Allen, Wing B: Around the Horn in '49. "South American." Sept. 1, 1913. p. 168. illus. 5 6 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. America pintoresca: Descripci6n de viajes al nuevo continente por los mas moder- nos exploradores, Carlos Wiener, Doctor Crevaux, D. Charnay, etc., etc., Barce- lona, Montaner y Simon, 1884. 859 p. illus. 4°. CONTENTS. Viaje al rio de las Amazonas y a las Cordilleras por Carlos Wiener. De Cayena a los Andes por el Doctor Julio Cr£vaux. Mis descubrimientos en Mexico y en la America Central por M. Desire Charnay. America equinoccial (Colombia-Ecuador) por M. E. Andre, viajero encargado de una mision por el' gobierno f ranees. Ancient man, his environment and his art. "Popular Sci." July, 1913. p. 5. illus. Ancient Temples and Cities of the New World. "Bulletin." A series: 1. Quirigua, Guatemala. By Victor M. Cutter. "Bulletin." January, 1911. p. 40. Illus. 2. Chichen 1 tza, Mexico. By Sylvanus G. Morley. "Bulletin." March, 1911. p. 453. Illus. S.Uxmal,thecityoftheXius. By Sylvanus G. Morley. "Bulletin." April, 1911. p. 627. Illus. 4. Copan, the mother city of the Mayas. By Sylvanus G. Morley. "Bulletin." May, 1911. p. 86S. Illus. 6. Mitla, Mexico. By Louis H. Ayme. "Bulletin." September, 1911. p. 648. illus. 6. Palenque. By Harry O. Sandberg. "Bulletin." March, 1912. p. 846. illus. 7. Xochicalco. By Francis Baillie Purdie. "Bulletin." April, 1912. p. 480. illus. 8. Chan Chan, the ruined Chimu capital. By Walter Vernier. "Bulletin." March, 1914. V- 348. illus. Anderson, Charles Loftus Grant: Old Panama and Castilla del Oro. A narrative history of the discovery, conquest and settlement by the Spaniards of Panama, Darien, Veragua, Santo Domingo, Santa Marta, Cartagena, Nicaragua, and Peru; including the four voyages of Columbus to America, the discovery of the Pacific Ocean by Vasco Nunez de Balboa, a description of the aborigines of the Isthmus, accounts of the search for a strait through the new world and early efforts for a Canal, the daring raids of Sir Francis Drake, the buccaneers in the Caribbean and South Seas, the sack of the city of old Panama by Henry Morgan, and the story of the Scots Colony on Caledonia Bay. With maps and rare illustrations. Washington, Press of Sudwarth Company, 1911. xv, 559 p. 4°. [new edition] Boston, Page & Co. 1914. Aragon, D. Francisco de las Barras: Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia Hispano-Americana en la recepci6n publica del Sr. D. Francisco de las Barras de Arag6n el dia 18 de Diciembre de 1912. Cadiz, Imp. M. Alvarez, 1912. 53 p. 8°. Arezzo, Angel V.: Compendio de historia de America por Angel V. Arezzo, segunda edici6n. Buenos Aires, Cabaut y cia., 1912. 63 p. 12°. (Brief history of each country for use in elementary schools.) Aspinall, Algernon E.: The British West Indies; their history, resources and progress. By Algernon E. Aspinall. . . . London, I. Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1912. xii, 434 p. front, port, plates, fold. map. 8°. Pocket guide to the West Indies. By Algernon E. Aspinall. London, E. Stan- ford, 1907. xii, 316 p. plates. 8 double maps. 3 fold, tables. 12°. (Each island of the British West Indies given a separate chapter; French, Dutch, and Spanish islands combined into three chapters.) B., A.: Cosmografia 6 descripci6n del universo conforme a los ultimos descubri- mientos. Por A. B. Santiago, Imprenta de la Opinidn, 1848. (2) 163 p. 12°. Babcock, William H.: Early Norse Visits to North America. By William H. Babcock. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1913. 213 p. plates, illus. 8°. (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, Vol. 59, No. 19.) Backheuser, Everardo: . . . Brazilio. Parolado de Sro. Everardo Back- heuser, prezidanto de la Brazila ligo esperantista. . . . Paris, Librarie Hachette & Cie., 1909. 26 p. illus. 8°. Bancroft, Hubert Howe: The New Pacific. By Hubert Howe Bancroft. Revised edition. New York, The Bancroft Co., 1912 [x] 549 p. map. 8°. Barbour, Violet: Pirates in West Indies. "Am. Hist. Rev." April, 1911. p. 629. Barclay, W. S.: Some aspects of exploration in Central South America. "Bulletin." 1909. p. 1062. illus. (The region of the Upper Parana.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. / Barrett, John: The Pan American Union; peace, friendship, commerce. By John Barrett, Director General of the Pan American Union, Washington, D. C, 1911. 2.51 p. plates. 8°. CONTENTS. Pan America today; the Pan American Union; Pan America's new building; Pan America and peace; Pan American speeches; War as the mother of valor and civilization, by Andrew Carnegie; list of cases submitted to arbitration from 1794-1910; list of treaties containing arbitration clauses. A call from South America. (Address delivered at Grand Rapids Convention.) "Municipal Development Mag." January, 1911. Address to Paper and Pulp Association, 1912. "Paper Mill." Feb. 17, 1912. p. 40. All America. "No. Am. Rev." August, 1910. p. 178. All Latin America stirred by twentieth century impulse. "Christ. Sci. Mon." Nov. 29, 1911. Art in Latin- America. "Art and Progress." August, 1910. p. 279. illus. Better banking system needed to promote our foreign trade. "Bankers Mag." February, 1912. p. 213. Central and South American market for cotton goods. Address to American Cotton Manufacturers Assoc. "Cotton." April, 1912. p. 240. Panama, Central America and Mexico. "Independent." July 29, 19G9. p. 281. [Notes on Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Salvador. Guatemala and Mexico.] The college man in South America. "College Mag." 1912. Summered, p. 8. Cuba, Hayti and the Dominican Republic. "Independent." Aug. 28, 1909. p. 464- illus. Extracts of address before the National export trade convention. 1911. "Com- mercial America." January, 1912. p. 19. Fair dealing with Latin- America. (How to export.) "Am. Industries." March, 1912. p. 6. Great opportunity for New England of trade development of Latin American countries and Panama commerce. (Address to Boston Chamber of Commerce.) "Shoe and Leather Reporter." March 21, 1912. p. 18. Improvement of Pan American shipping facilities. "Am. Industries." Feb- ruary, 1910. p. 22. Intercambi* de productos y comercio Pan-American*. "Foreign Trade." June, 1910. p. 5. Latin America's Opportunity. "Business Am." November, 1999. p. 85. Latin America. Our greatest opportunity. "Worth While." March, 1918. p. 8. Latin America — the land of great opportunity. "Pan Am. Progress." January, 1912. p. 1. Los Angeles port perfect adjunct of Panama Canal. "Los Angeles Examiner." Dec. 24, 1911. Meat making prospects in tropical America. (Extracts from address to National Geographic Society.) "Breeder's Gazette." Dec. 6, 1911. Our merchant marine and the South American Republics. "Sci. Am." July 15, 1911. p. 48. Our relations with Latin America. "Am. Industries." February, 1918. p. 89. Panama, Central America and Mexico. "Independent." July 29, 1999. p. 281. Peril as well as premise in Pmnam* Canal. "Ptn Am. Progress." April, 1912. p. 53. The possibilities •/ the silk trade in Latin America. "Silk." August, 1910. illus. Seattle must get ready for Panama Canal. "Pacific Northwest Com." Septem- ber, 1911. 8 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Barrett, John: The South, the Canal and Pan America. "Cotton." January, 1913. p. 81. South America — our manufacturers 1 greatest opportunity. {Speech delivered at the annual meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers.) "Annals of Pol. and Soc. Science." November, 1909. p. 520. The South and Latin America. Export trade in cotton textiles with the South American Republics. "Cotton." January, 1912. p. 101. South must get ready for Canal. {Speech before Charleston Commercial Club.) "News Courrier." June 7, 1913. South America is conserving. "Am. Conservation." May, 1911. p. 129. [Note: For additional material to the selected articles listed herein, see the semi- annual indexes to the "Bulletin" of the Pan American Union. Barrientos Diaz, Pedro J.: Compendio elemental de historia de America. Adop- tado por el Supremo Gobierno. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta de San Jose, 1911. 93 p. illus. 12°. (Early history of each country. ) Barros, Arana, Diego: Compendio elemental de historia de America por Diego Barros Arana. Buenos Aires, Cabaut y cia., 1910. (1) 557 p. 12°. (America indigena, descubrimiento y conquista, la colonia, revolucion de la independencia for each country.) Bavio, Ernesto A.: Nociones de geografia. Arregladas al plan de estudios de las escuelas comunes. Por Ernesto A. Bavio. Trigesima cuarta edicion, corregida. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia., n. d. 328 p. 12°. (With a chapter on each country.) Bayo, Ciro: Los Marafiones. (Leyenda aurea del nuevo mundo.) Madrid, Imp. Bailly-Bailliere, 1913. 243 p. 12°. (Story of Lope de Aguirre and exploits in Peru, Venezuela, and Brazil.) Belda, Jose: Las Cortes de Cadiz en el oratorio de San Felipe. Notas hist6ricas por D. Jose Belda y D. Rafael de Labra (hijo). Madrid, Imprenta de Fortanet, 1912. 110, (1) p. front. 8°. Benignus, Siegfried: Zur Geschichte des Orinoco. "Slid- und Mittel-Amerika." April 18, 1914. p. 116. illus. Bethune, C. R. Drinkwater: The observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knt., in his voyage into the South Sea in the year 1593. See. Hawkins, Richard. Bingham, Hiram: Across South America. An account of a journey from Buenos Aires to Lima by way of Potosi with notes on Brazil, Argentine, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. By Hiram Bingham. . . . Boston and New York, Houghton- Mifflin & Co., 1911. xvi, 405 p. illus. maps. 8°. CONTENT3. Pernambuco and Bahia; Rio, Santos, and Brazilian trade; Buenos Aires; Argentine independence and Spanish-American solidarity; the Tucuman express; through the Argentine highlands; across the Bolivian frontier; Tupiza to Cotagaita; Escara to Laja Tampo; Potosi; Sucre; the road to Challapta, Oruro to Antofagasta and Valparaiso; Santiago; northern Chile; southern Peru; La Paz; the Bolivia railway and Tiahuanaco; Cuzco; Sacsahuaman; the Inca road to Abancay; the climb to Choqquequirau; Choqquequirau; Abancay to Chincheros; Bombon to the battle- field of Ayacucho, Ayacucho to Lima; certain South American traits; Index. The Monroe Doctrine: an obsolete shibboleth. Bv Hiram Bingham. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1913. vii (1) 153 (l)"p. 12°. (History of the relations between Latin America and the United States.) Certain characteristics of the South Americans of today. "Popular Sci.' ' Decem- ber, 1910. p. 582. Professor Bingham says, West Coast of South America is shut off by stone walls, deserts and has bad climate in places. "Manufacturer's News" Chicago. Feb. 19, 1914. p. 17. Blanco, Andres Gonzales, Cristobal Colon: natural de laisla de Corcega. "Rev. Bimestre Cubana." May-June, 1913. p. 192. Boero, Jorge A. : Geografia de America adaptada a los nuevos programas de los colegios nacionales y escuelas normales por Jorge A. Boero. . . . Vigesima cuarta edici6n. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia., 345 p. (1) p. 12°. maps. (Includes chapter on each country. ) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 9 I Boero, Jorge A.: Geografia de America . . . Tercera edici6n. Con los datos estadisticos m&s recientes adaptados a los nuevos programas. Buenos Aires, Editores, Ivaldi & Checchi, 1905. illus. 189 p. 12°. (Argentine Republic, pp. 69-118, with a chapter on each country.) Bollo, Luis Cincinato: Geografia de Amenca por Luis Cincinato Bollo. Edici6n especial para la Republica Argentina. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia., 1888. 296 p. 8°. (Argentine Republic on pp. 39-160, and a chapter on Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Paraguay.) Bonsai, Stephen: The American Mediterranean. By Stephen Bonsai. . . . New York, Moffat, Yard & Co., 1912. xiv, 488 p. illus. maps. 8°. CONTENTS. The Caribbean world; Cuba; Haiti; Dominican Republic; Venezuela; Colombia; the French Islands; Porto Rico; Mexico after Diaz; Panama; the Usufruct of the West Indies; Appendices A to L (Commerical and Political data); Bibliography. Bowman, Isaiah : Results of an expedition to the Central Andes. "Bull, of Am. Geog. Soc." March, 1914- P- 161. illus. map. Boyce, W. D.: Illustrated South America. A Chicago publisher's travels and investigations in republics of South America, with 500 photographs of people and scenes from the Isthmus of Panama to the Straits of Magellan. By W. D. Boyce. . . . Chicago, Rand, McNally & Co. [1912]. xii, 638 p. 8°. [Includes all South American countries.] Brady, Cyrus Townsend : . . . South American fights and fighters, and other tales of adventure. By Cyrus Townsend Brady. . . . New York, Double- day, Page & Co., 1910. x (2) 342 p. plates. 8°. Brown, C. S. Vesey (comp. and ed.): See The South American year book. Brown, Frederic: Latin America. Prepared for the Pan American Society of the United States. By Frederic Brown. [New York.] September, 1912. 85 p. 8°. (Concise description of each country.) Brown, James Scott: Central American peace conference. By James Scott Brown. (Historical facts prepared by Francisco J. Ydnes.) "Am. Jour, of Inter. Law." January, 1908. p. 121. Brown, Macmillan: The white gods in Central American art. "Lit. Dig." May 6, 1911. p. 884. Ulus. Bryce, James: South America. Observations and impressions. By James Bryce. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1912. xxiv, 611 p. maps. 8°. Chapters on Isthmus of Panama; the coast of Peru; Cuzco and the land of the Incas; Lake Titicaca and the Central Andes; La Paz and Bolivian desert; Chile; across the Andes; the Straits of Magellan; Argentina; Uruguay; Brazil; rise of New Nations; the relations of races in South America; the two Americas and the relation of South America to Europe; the con- ditions of political life in Spanish American Republics; some reflections and forecasts. Burriss, Charles Walker: Panama. A guide to the Pacific Coast from Panama to San Francisco in picture and word. By Charles Walker Burriss. 1912c. no imprint. 144 p. fronts, maps, illus. 8°. CONTENTS. A. General information for travellers. Part 1. Details of the Canal. Part 2. Description of the Republic of Panama. Part 3. Description of the West Coast from Panama to San Francisco. Bury, Herbert: A bishop amongst bananas. By the Right Rev. Herbert Bury, D.D. . . . London, Wells, Gardner, Darton & Co. [1911]. xvi, 236 p. 8°. plates. (General description of Panama, Costa Pica, Nicaragua and Guatemala.) Busk & Daniels (comps.): South America: A land of scenic splendor. A conti- nent of contrasts. A traveler's paradise. Lamport and Holt Line, New York [1909]. 32 p. illus. map. 8°. Butterworth, Hezekiah: . . . Traveler tales of the Pan American countries. By Hezekiah Butterworth. Boston,' Dana Estes & Co., 1902. viii, 289 p. plates. 8°. Calderon, F. Garcia: Latin America, its rise and progress. By F. Garcia Calderon, with a preface by Raymond Miall. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913. 400 p. illus. map. 8°. (History, general and under the administrations of the various presidents, politics, government, development. Includes: Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Haiti, Cuba, economic and political problems.) 10 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Cameron, Charlotte: A women's winter in South America. By Charlotte Cameron. London, Stanley Paul & Co. [1911]. plates, map. 291 p. 8°. (Travelers' notes on Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Panama, Colombia, British West Indies.) Cameron, Margaret: The involuntary chaperon. By Margaret Cameron. New York and London, Harper & Brothers, 1909. (2) 347 (1) p. plates, map. 8°. (Description of a trip around South America in the form of a diary, and with a story (fiction) woven in it. Carillo, Augustin Gomez: Elementos de la historia de Centro America por el Lie. Augustin Gomez Carillo. . . . Tercera edicion, enriquecida con mater- ials tornados de documentos ineditos con prologo del Dr. D. Fernando Cruz. Obra declarada de texto en la Republica de Costa Rica. San Jose, Lib. de Maria v. de Lines, 1899. 139 p. 8°. (History of Central America from its discovery.) Carpenter, Frank: Series of articles on South America. Published in "Sunday Star." Washington. From January 4, 1914, to date. Chamberlain, James Franklin : The continents and their people. South America. A supplementary geography. By James Franklin Chamberlain. . . . and Arthur Henry Chamberlain . . , New York, The Macmillan Company, 1913. front, illus. map. ix, 189 (6) p. 8°. Champlain, Samuel: Narrative of a voyage to the West Indies and Mexico in the years 1599-1602, with maps and illustrations. By Samuel Champlain. Trans- lated from the original and unpublished manuscript, with a biographical notice and notes by Alice Wilmere. Edited by Norton Shaw. London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1859, vi, xcix, 48 p. illus. 8°. (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society, No. 23.) Chandler, Charles Lyon: The beginning of Pan Americanism. "Bulletin" Sep- tember, 1911. p. 541. Pan Americanism of Henry Clay. "Bulletin." May, 1913. p. 685. illus. Christison, David : The River Plate region forty-three years ago. [Written in 1866 and now printed without change. A good comparison between past and present condi- tions.] "Scot. Geog. Mag." September, 1909. p. 469. illus. Christmas week in Central America. "Sports Afield." February, 1918. p. 110. illus. Church, George Earl: Aborigines of South America. By the late Colonel George Earl Church. Edited by Sir Clements R. Markham, K. C. B. London, Chap- man & Hall, Ltd., 1912. 314 p. map. 8°. CONTENTS. Introduction [Amazonia]; Caraios or Caraibes; Brazilian coastal tribes; Tapuyas; Southwestern Amazonia; Lowland Amazonia; Eastern slopes of the Andes; the Chiriguanos; tribes of the Gran Chacu; the Abipones and the Southern tribes; Index. Clark, Francis E: Individuality of the South American Republics. "No. Am. Rev.' ' December, 1909. p. 785. Claudy, C. H.: Winter vacations in Dixie and the Antilles. "Country Life." January, 1910. p. 295. illus. Clemenceau, Georges: South America Today. A study of conditions, social, political and commercial, in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, By Georges Clemenceau. . . . New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1911. 434 p. 8°. Coe, William Travers: Among the West Indies from Cuba to Trinidad — Havana, a wonderful bit of Old Spain in the New World — the "British Objects" of Jamaica. "Travel." October, 1918. p. 7. illus. Coleccion de libros y documentos referentes a la historia de America: Tomos 2, 3, 4, and 10, Historia de las guerras civiles del Peru. . . . Madrid, Victoriano Suarez, 1904, 1905 and 1910. Coleccion de libros raros y curiosos que tratan de America: (For volumes 1 to 20, see the first "list of books" published.) ' Tomo 21, Cisneros: Descripci6n exacta de Venezuela. 1764. Reimpreso 1912. Madrid, Victoriano Suarez. 220 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 11 Collver Tours: South America. Visiting both the east and west coast, including Panama, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentine, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil. Boston (Jamaica Printing Co., 1911). 31 p. illus. 8°. La conmemoracion de las cortes de Cadiz compilado por un patriota. Editado por varios espanoles de la peninsula y de America. Madrid, Establecimiento tipografico de Fortanet, 1913. 110 (1) p. 8°. Corlett, William Thomas: The American tropics: notes from the log of a mid- winter cruise. By William Thomas Corlett. Cleveland, The Burrows Brothers Co., 1908. 221 p. plates. 8°. (Among the West Indies and to Panama.) Currier, Charles Warren : Lands of the Southern Cross. A visit to South America. By Rev. Charles Warren Currier. . . . Washington, D. C, Spanish Ameri- can Publication Society, 1911. 401 p. map. plates. 8°. (A traveller's and student's impression of the trip around South America.) Spanish- American independence. "Am. Cath. Quart" January, 1910. p. 1. Davenport, Frances Q.: Text of Columbus' 's privileges. "Am. Hist. Rev." July, 1909. p. 764. Degetau y Gonzalez, F. : . . . Cuentos. Para el viaje. Madrid, 1894. 237 (l)p. 12°. Deschamps, Enrique: Resting place of the remains of Columbus. "Bulletin." Sep- tember, 1912. p. 556. illus. Development of the Amazon Valley. Question of indentured labor. "Times Supp." June U, 1913. Documentos historicos relacionados con la emancipacion politica de Centro America. "Centro America." July-September, 1911. p. 832. Domville-Fife, Charles W.: Guatemala and the states of Central America. By Charles W. Domville-Fife. London, Francis Griffiths. New York, James Pott & Co. [1913]. 310 p. maps, illus. 8°. The great states of South America. A concise account of their condition and resources, with the laws relating to government concessions. By Charles W. Domville-Fife. . . . London, G. Bell & Sons, Ltd., 1910. xv, 235 p. fold, maps, illus. 8°. (Includes Argentine, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Guatemala.) Edward Whymper and the high Andes. "Bulletin." November, 1911. p. 951. illus. Enock, C. Reginald: The Great Pacific Coast. Twelve thousand miles in the Golden West. Being an account of life and travel in the Western states of North and South America, from California, British Columbia, and Alaska: to Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Chile; and a study of their physical and political conditions. By C. Reginald Enock. . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910. xi, 356 p. plates, fold. map. 8°. (Chapters 3 and 4, Central America and Mexico; 5 to 12, The United States; 13, Colombia and Ecuador: H.Peru: 15, Chile.) The republics of Central and South America. Their resources, industries, sociology and future. By Reginald C. Enock. . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913. front, illus. maps. 544 p. 8°. Esquemeling, John: The buccaneers of America. A true account of the most remarkable assaults committed of late years upon the coasts of the West Indies by the buccaneers of Jamaica and Tortuga (both English and French). By John Esquemeling, one of the buccaneers who was present at those tragedies. . . . London, George Allen & Co. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1911 (reprint), xxxxv, 508 p. illus. maps. 4°. Ewalds, Carl E.: Crossing from Lima to Para. "Inca Chron." July, 1918. p. 18. illus. Explorations in the Amazon region made by Lardner Gibbon. "Bulletin." March, 1910. p. 448. illus. map. 12 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Filisola, Vicente: ... La cooperaci6n de Mexico en la independencia de Centro America por el General Vicente Filisola. Mexico, Lib. de la Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1911. 340 p. 12°. (Documents, 1822-1823.) Fisher, Horace N.: . . . Ethnography and commercial importance of Latin America and the West Indies in 1906. [Presented by Senator Lodge.] . . . [Washington, Government Printing Office], 1909. Caption title. 4 p. map. 8° (U. S. Senate doc., 60th Congres3, 2d Session, No. 737.) Forrest, A. S.: South America. See Koebel, W. H. South America. Painted by A. S. Forrest. See Koebel, W. H. A tour through South America. By A. S. Forrest. New York, James Pott & Co., no date, front, illus. 355 p. 8°. (Includes, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay and Peru.) Fortescue, Granville: What Roosevelt will see in South America. "Wash. Star." Oct. 5, 1913. illus. Fox, Frank: Problems of the Pacific. By Frank Fox. Boston, Small, Maynard & Co. 294 p. map. 8°. Freeman, Lewis R.: Riding over the Andes. "Overland." Jan. 1914- P-3. illus. Frizell, William.: Sight-seeing in South America. By William G. Frizell [and] George H. Greenfield . . . 1912. 298 (1) p. illus. 8°. (A tourist's trip from New York to Buenos Aires across the Andes to Chile and return by way of the Strait of Magellan.) Garrett, Mark: The South American Alps. "Pan Am. Mag." May, 1913. Gates, W. R.: Linguistic concepts in prehistoric America. "Theos. Path." Decem- ber, 1912. p. 421. Glimpses of rubber lands. (West Indies: St. Thomas, St. Lucia, Martinique, St. Pierre, etc.) "India R. W." May 1, 1912. p. 369. Globe Touring Association: The story of a tour-de-luxe organized bv the Globe Touring Association. "Through Nine Republics," including the Panama canal. Los Angeles, The Globe Touring Association. 16 p. map. 12°. Going, Maud: A West Indian cruise. "Harper's." June 30, 1906. illus. Gorham, Reginald: A trip around South America. "Bulletin." March, 1911. p. 488. Qrandpierre, Charles: What we may learn from the other Americans. By Charles Grandpierre. Printed as manuscript, while at sea, aboard S.S. Verdi. [Privately printed.] 258 p. 8°. nar. Great Britain Emigrants Information Office: The West Indies. General infor- mation for intending settlers. Issued by the Emigrants' Information Office. . . . London, Wyman & Sons, 1911. 135 p. 8°. Great Britain: Hydrographic office. Sailing directions for the West coasts of Cen- tral America and the United States. . . . Second edition. . . . Lon- don, printed for the Hydrographic Office, 1907. xxiv, 590 p. 8°. Supplement . . . corrected to 20th April, 1909. London, 1909. 23 p. 8°. South American Pilot. Part 1. Northeast and east coasts of South America, from Cape Orange to Cape Virgins, including the Falkland, South Georgia, Sandwich, South Shetland, and South Orkney Islands. Compiled from various sources. Sixth edition. London, printed for the Hydrographic Office, 1911. xxiv, 698 p. map. 8°. Same, Part 2. Comprising Magellan Strait, Tierra del Fuego and West Coast of South America from Cape Virgins (Southeast Coast) to Panama Bay, includ- ing the Galapagos Islands. Tenth edition. London, printed for the Hydro- graphic Office, 1905. xxiv, 650 p. 2 fold, charts. 8°. (With revised supple- ment, 1911, 67 p. 8°.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 13 Great Britain: West India Pilot. 3 vols. London, printed for the Hydrographic Office. Vol. 1. From Cape Orange in Brazil to Cape Sable in Florida, with the adjacent islands (sixth edition), xxiv, 642 p. 8°. (With revised supple- ment corrected June, 1909. 67 p.) Vol. 2. Guiana and the Windward and Leeward islands from Trinidad to Puerto Rico (sixth edition), 1909. xxiii, 446 p. 8°. Vol. 3. The islands of Santo Domingo, Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, the Bahama and Bermuda islands, including Florida Strait and South Coast (first .edition), 1909. xxiii, 586 p. 8°. (These reports contain valuable data on towns, bays, rivers, islands, etc., along the coasts.) Greenfield, George H.: Sight-seeing in South America. See Fritzell, William G. Had field, William: Brazil, the River Plate, and the Falkland Islands; with the Cape Horn route to Australia. Including notices of Lisbon, Madeira, the Canaries and Cape Verde. By William Hadfield. . . . Illustrated by per- mission, from the South American sketches of Sir W. Gore Ouseley . . . and by permission, from the drawings of Sir Charles Hotham. . . . London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1854. vi, 384 p. front, illus. port, maps. 8°. Hakluyt, Richard: Divers voyages touching the discovery of America and the islands adjacent. Collected and published by Richard Hakluyt. . . . Edited with notes and an introduction by John Winter Jones. . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1850. cxi, 171, 6, p. map. 8°. Hale, Albert: Amazon distances hard to realize. "N. Y. Times." April 8, 1913. Capitols of America. {Description of the buildings in each republic.) "Bulletin." February, 1911. p. 205. illus. Crossing the Andes by Aero and Auto. "Bulletin." March, 1914. V- SIS. illus. South American progress and prospects. "Am. Rev. of Revs." May, 1910. p. 577. illus. Hamburg-American Line: First grand cruise to South America and the straits of Magellan, including visits to Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay, Chile, St. Thomas, Trinidad and Jamaica. . . . New York, Hamburg-American Line, 1909c. 32 p. 8°. Grand cruise to South America. Including visits to Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay, the straits of Magellan, Chile, St. Thomas, Trinidad, Barbados and overland trip across the Andes from Valparaiso to Buenos Aires. . . . New York, The South Publishing Press, 1910. 35 p. illus. 8°. Haring, C. H.: The buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII century. By C. H. Haring. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1910. viii, 298 p. maps, plans. 1 plate. 8°. Hawkins, Richard: The observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knt., in his voyage into the South Sea in the year 1593. Reprinted from the edition of 1622. Edited by C. R. Drinkwater Bethune. . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1847. 246 p. 8°. Herlihy, Grace: The beneficent valley. [A trip from Salina Cruz (Mexico) to Val- ley of the Hermitage and Guatemala.] "Atlantic." October, 1910. Herrera, Luis Alberto de: La revoluci<5n Francesa y Sud America. Paris, Imp. Paul Dupont, 1910. 396 (1) p. 8°. Hrdlicka, Ales: . . . Early man in South America. By Ales Hrdlicka . . . in collaboration with W. H. Holmes . . . Bailey Willis, and F. E. Wright, and C. N. Fenner. . . . Washington, Government Printing Office, 1912. xv, 405 p. plates. 8°. Huot, V.: Geographie des Hauts-Plateaux des Andes. Par V. Huot. . . . Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1908. 84 p. 4°. Hyamson, Albert M.: Elizabethan adventures upon the Spanish Main. (Adopted from the "Voyages" of Richard Hakluyt.) By Albert M. Hyamson. . . . London, George Routledge & Sons. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co. [1912]. 399 p. plates. 8°. 14 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. In the highlands of the Andes. Ancient ruins and modern conditions. "Times Supp." May 80, 1912. p. 1. James, Winifred: The Mulberry Tree. By Winifred James. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co. [1913]. xi, 281 p. fold. map. illus. 8°. (Description of a trip through the British West Indies, Haiti, Costa Rica and Panama.) Jones, John Winter (ed.): Divers voyages touching the discovery of America and the islands adjacent. See Hakluyt, Richard. Koebel, W. H.: South America. Painted by A. S. Forrest. Described by W. H. Koebel. Published by A. C. Black, London, [1913]. 230 p. colored plates, map. (Includes Argentina, Brazil. Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela.) South America. By W. H. Koebel. London, Adam and Charles Black, 1913. x, 298 p. plates. 8°. (A history, being part of "The making of the nations" series.) Ktihn, Franz: El camino transandino sobre el boquete de Perez Rosales. "Bol. del Inst. Geog. Arg." Vol. 22:200. 1910. Bellezasandinas. [Notes on exploration of Dr. Franz Kuhn.] illus. "P.B.T." Nov. 18, 1911. Estudios geogrdficos de la vertiente oriental de la cordillera Argentina. . . . "Bol. del Inst. Geog. Arg." 23:177. 1910. illus. map. Atlantis in America. "Am. Theosophist." Krotona. April, 1913. p. 553. illus. Labra, Rafael M. de: El centenario espanol de 1912. Discursos pronunciados en Cadiz (1912) por D. Rafael M. de Labra. Madrid, Imp. Sindicato de Publi- cidad, 1913. 16 p. cover title. 12°. Las Cortes de Cadiz en el oratorio de San Felipe. See Belda, Jose. Las cortes espafiolas de 1810-13. Discurso pronunciado por el senador D. Rafael Maria de Labra en la sesion conmemorativa de la inauguraci6n de aquellas cortes en el teatro de San Fernando. Madrid, Imp. y Encuad. de Valentin Tordesillas. [2] 13 p. cover title. 8°. Espafia y America 1812-1912. Estudios politicos hist6ricos y de derecho inter- nacional por D. Rafael M. de Labra. Madrid, Tip. del Sindicato de publicidad, 1912. xv, 485 p. 8°. La perdida de las Americas. "Bol. de la Instruccion Publ." 1913. p. 288. Lang, John: . . . Gibraltar and the West Indies, or outposts of empire. By John Lang. With twelve reproductions from original drawings in color by J. B. Skelton Co., n. d. xi, 286 (1) p. 8°. ("Romance of History Series.") Lehmann-Nitsche, Robert: Ulrich Schmidel der erste geschichts-schreiber der Plata-Lander 1535-1855 von Robert Lehmann-Nitsche. . . . Munchen, Druck und verlag von M. Muller & Sohn, 1912. 37 (2) p. 8°. [Leon, F. de]: Uni6n Centroamericana. Datos para la historia de Centro America relativos a los trabajos sobre Union de las republicas del istmo y sus efectos. Guatemala, Tip. La Independencia, 1912. 106 p. 8°. Lindsay, C. H. Forbes: High lights of South America. "Lippincott's." Septem- ber, 1911. p. 358. In the West Indies. "Travel." January, 1912. p. 57. illus. Lisser, H. Q. de: In Jamaica and Cuba. By H. G. de Lisser. Kingston, The Gleaner company, 1910. x, 164 p. illus. 8°. Long, William S. : Through the West Indies to the Panama Canal. "Am. Cath. Quart." October, 1912. p. 596. Lowe, Francis J. : Around Africa and across the Andes. By Francis J. Lowe. New York, International Press, 1909. 56 p. illus. 8°. (Tourists* trip to Brazil, Argentina, Chile and the West Coast, Panama and Cuba ) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 15 Lufft, Herman: Geschichte Siidamerikas von Dr. Hermann Lufft. Das spanische Siidamerika (Chile, Argentinien und die kleineren staaten.) Berlin und Leipzig, G. J. Gdschen'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1912. 136 p. 12°. MacNutt, Francis Augustus: De Orbe Novo. The eight decades of Peter Martyr D'Anghera. Translated from the Latin with notes and introduction. By Francis Augustus MacNutt. In 2 vols. New York and London, G. P. Put- nam's Sons. 1912. plates. 2 v. 8°. MacQueen, Peter: The great South American trip. "National." December, 1913. p. 405. illus. Through the Latin Lands. In the wake of the Boston Chamber of Commerce in South America. "National." October, 1913. p. 22. illus. Through the Latin Lands. The picturesque railways of South America. "National." November, 1913. p. 313. Mancini, Jules: . . . Bolivar et l'emancipation des colonies espagnoles des origines a 1815. . . . Paris, Perrin et Cie., 1912. 606 p. front, (port.) map. 8°. Mann, Alexander: Yachting on the Pacific, together with notes on travel in Peru, and an account of the people and products of Ecuador. By Alexander Mann. London, Duckworth & Co., 1909. xi, 286 p. front. 8°. Mannering, Mitchel: The presidents of America. [With short description of each country.] "National" April, 1911. p 810. illus. Manso, J. A.: The quest of El Dorado. A series in the "Bulletin" Jan.-June, 1912. illus. and maps. Markham, Clements R. (ed.): Aborigines of South America. See Church, George Earl. Early Spanish voyages to the Strait of Magellan. Translated and edited with a preface, introduction and notes by Sir Clements R. Markham. . . London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1911. xi, 288 p. plates, maps. 8°. The Journal of Christopher Columbus (during his first voyage, 1492-93), and documents relating to the voyages of John Cabot and Gaspar Corte Real. Trans- lated with notes and an introduction, by Clements R. Markham. . . . Lon- don, printed for the Hakluyt Society, [xvl] p. illus. 8°. The letters of Amerigo Vespucci and other documents illustrative of his career. Translated with notes and an introduction by Clements R. Markham. . . . London, the Hakluyt Society, 1894. xliv, 121 p. 8°. Narratives of the voyages of Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa to the Straits of Magellan. Translated and edited, with notes and introduction by Clements R. Markham. . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1894. 401, iii p. maps. 8°. The natural and moral history of the Indies. See, Acosta, Joseph de. The voyages of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, 1595 to 1606. Translated and edited by Sir Clements R. Markham. ... In 2 vols. London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1904. 2 v. maps. 8°. Marure, Alejandro: Efermerides de los hechos notables acaecidos en la repiiblica de Centro America desde el afio de 1821 hasta el de 1842. Seguidas de varios catalogos de presidentes de la repiiblica, jefes de estado, etc., por Alejandro Marure. . . . Guatemala, Imprenta de Ja Luz, afio de 1844. [Reprint.] Guatemala, Tip. Nacional, 1895. v, 157 p. 12°. Masefield, John: On the Spanish Main; or some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien. With a description of the buccaneers and a short account of old-time ships and sailors. By John Masefield. With 22 illus. and a map. London, Methuen & Co. [1906]. xii, 344 p. 14 plates. 4 maps. 8°. Mason, Amos Lawrence (ed.): Memoir and correspondence of Charles Steedman, Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy, with his autobiography and private journals, 1811— 1890. Edited by Amos Lawrence Mason. . . . Cambridge, privately printed at the Riverside Press, 1912. xxi, 556 p. 4°. (Part 2, Paraguay Expedition, 1858-60; Part 5, South Pacific Squadron, 1872-V3, including visit to Peru, Chile and Panama.) 16 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Maynarde, Thomas: Sir Thomas Drake, his voyage 1595. By Thomas Maynarde, together with the Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico. Edited from the original manuscripts, by W. D. Cooley. London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1849. 65 p. 8°. McCarthy, Charles H. : Columbus and his predecessors. A study in the beginnings of American history. By Charles H. McCarthy. . . . Philadelphia, John Joseph McVey, 1912. xiv, 224 p. front. 12°. Medina, Guillermo: Excursion al Amazonas. "Zig Zag." Jan. 6, 1912. Medina, Jose Toribio: El veneciano Sebastian Caboto al servicio de Espana y especialmente desuproyectadoviajed las Molucas por el Estrechode Magallanes y al reconocimiento de la costa del continente hasta la Gobernaci6n de Pedrarias Davila por Jose Toribio Medina. . . . Tomo 1, Texto. Tomo 2, Docu- mentos. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Universitaria, 1908. 2 v. 4°. Mejia, Jose: Ecuador. Discursos de Don Jose Mejia en las Cortes Espafioles de 1810-13. Con un pr61ogo hist6rico por Camilo Destruge, director de la biblio- teca municipal. Guayaquil, Tip. "El Vigilante," 1909. xxiii, 129 p. 8°. Mellett, Julian: Viajes por el interior de la America meridional de Julian Mellet. Traducido de la 2a edici6n francesa de 1824. Santiago de Chile, Imp. i Enc. Universitaria. 410 p. 8°. (Includes Argentina, Paraguay, Cbile, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Cuba.) Miall, Bernard (tr.) : Latin America: Its rise and progress. See Calderon, F. Garcia. Miller, Roman J.: Around the world with the battleships. By Roman J. Miller. . . . With introductory note by James B. Connolly. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1909. 368 p. plates. 8°. Pictorial log of the . . . Cruise. 1 vol. of views of scenes en route. (Trip from Boston to San Francisco as seen by an enlisted man in the U. S. Navy.) Montemar, Eduardo: Cristobal Colon es jenoves; no gallego. "Rev. Bimestre Cubana." May- June, 1912. p. 221. Morrison, Alfred J.: The Manila ship and trade to America. "Bulletin." Septem- ber, 1913. p. 341- Ulus. Moses, Bernard : Papers on the Southern Spanish colonies of America. By Bernard Moses. Berkeley, The University Press, 1911. 152 p. 8°. Mozans, H. J.: . . . Along the Andes and down the Amazon. By H. J. Mozans. . . With an introduction by Col. Theodore Roosevelt. New York and London, D. Appleton & Co., [191 l c ]. xx, 542 p. plates, map. 8°. (Bibliography p. 529-534.) (Trip from Panama to Quito, along the coast to Mollendo to La Paz and Cuzoo and from Salaverry to the Atlantic via the Amazon. ) Mulhall, Marion McMurrough: Explorers in the new world before and after Columbus and the story of the Jesuit missions of Paraguay. By Marion McMur- rough Mulhall. . . . London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1909. viii, 313 p. front, maps. 8°. Muller, Julius: The Caribbean tropics. A rich man's heaven and a poor man' shell. "Century." January, 191 4. P- 368. Ulus. Myers, H. M.: Life and nature under the tropics; or sketches of travels among the Andes, and on the Orinoco, Rio Negro and Amazons. By H. M. and P. V. N. Myers. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1871. front. 330 p. illus. map. 8°. ("Narrative of a scientific expedition from Williams College to tropical regions of South America," includes Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador.) Navarro y Lamarca, Carlos: Compendio de la historia general de America por Carlos Navarro y Lamarca. . . . Pr61ogo de D. Eduardo de Hinojosa. . . . Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y comp., 1910. xxxii, 529 p. illus. 8°. (Divided into two parts: 1. Man in America; 2. The discovery.) Neely, Thomas B.: South America: its missionary problems. By Bishop Thomas B. Neely. New York, Young People's Missionary Movement of the U. S. and Canada, 1909. x, 312 p. maps, illus. 8°. vBrief description of each country Early inhabitants; making of the republic; social and political life; the religions; protestant missionary occupation; the problem and its solution; the outlook; index.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 17 Nicholas, Francis C. : . . . Across Panama and around the Caribbean. Bos- ton and New York, H. M. Caldwell Co., 1909 c. [2nd edition.] xxiii (8) 373 p. maps, illus. 8°. Nordenskiold, Erland: Indianerleben. El Gran Chaco (Slid Amerika) von Erland Nordenskiold. Leipzig, Albert Bonnier, 1912. 343 p. illus. map. 8° (Argentine Republic, Bolivia and Paraguay. ) Norton, L. M.: Visita d la America del Sur. "Rev. Intern, de Dun." September, 1913. p. 82. illus. Ober, Frederick A.: Crusoe's Island. A bird-hunter's story. By Frederick A. Ober. . . . New York, George H. Doran Co. 273 p. illus. fronts. 8°. (Tobago Island.' — — Our West Indian neighbors. The islands of the Caribbean Sea. "America's Mediterranean," their picturesque features, fascinating history, and attractions for the traveler, nature lover, settler and pleasure-seeker. By Frederick A. Ober. New York, James Pott & Co., 1907. front, 433 p. illus. 8°. American Mediterranean. "Trop. Am." January, 1908. p. 1. illus. Obregon y Retortillo, Angel Ruiz de: Vasco Nunez de Balboa. Historia de dis- cubrimiento del Oceano Pacifico. Escrita con motivo del cuarto centenario de su fecha (1913). Por Angel Ruiz de Obregon v Retortillo. Barcelona, Casa Editorial Maucci [1913]. 191 p. 12°. Oucinde, Laureano M.: Cristobal Col6n su origen y patria. Carta & don Juan Solari en la que se reparte abundante lefia a los insignes historiadores don Carlos Garcia de la Riega, al Doctor Constantino Horta y Pardo y demas propogadores art nouveau del feliz y perigrino descubrimiento de la patria gallega del gran navegante por Laureano M. Oucinde. Buenos Aires, Imp. La Riojana, 1912. 29 p. 12°. Page, Jesse: The land of the peaks and the pampas. South America of yesterday and today. By Jesse Page. . . . London, The Religious Tract Society, 1913. xv, 367 p. front, map. illus. 8°. CONTENTS. The story of the Incas; the Spanish conquerors come; with weapons not carnal; the birth of the republics; the Indians as they are; the book divine; children, chaplains and literature; a pressing problem and its key. Paine, Ralph D.: The book of buried treasure. Being a true history of the gold, jewels and plate of pirates, galleons, etc., which are sought for to this day. By Ralph D. Paine. . . . New York, Sturgis & Walton Co., 1911. 425 p. plates. 8°. Palmer, Frederick: Central America and its problems. An account of a journey from the Rio Grande to Panama, with introductory chapters on Mexico and her relations to her neighbors. Bv Frederick Palmer. New York, Moffat, Yard & Co., 1910. xiv, 347 p. illus. fold. map. 8°. (Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica and relations with the United States.) Pan American Union: Traveling notes in Central America. Reprinted from the "Bulletin" of the Pan American Union, Washington, D. C, 1912. [26J p. map. cover title. Peck, Annie Smith: The South American tour. By Annie S. Peck. . . . New York, George H. Doran Co., 1913c. front, plates, illus. x [8], 398 p. 8°. CONTENTS. What the tour is, how and when to go, what it costs; voyage to Panama; the isthmus; Colon; Panama, City; steamship lines on the West Coast; Ecuador; on the way to Callao; Salaverry, Chan Chan; Chimbote, the Huailas Valley; Callao to Lima, history, Lima; suburbs of Lima; Oroya Railway, Cerro de Pasco; Southern railway of Peru, Arequipa; Cuzco; Cuzco to La Paz; La Paz; other regions of Bolivia and routes to the sea; along the Chilian coast, Arica to Valparaiso; Valparaiso; Santiago; Santiago to Buenos Aires by sea; across the Andes to Buenos Aires; Buenos Hires; trip to Iguassu Falls and Paraguay, including important Argentine cities; Uruguay; along the coast to Santos; Santos and Sao Paulo; Rio de Janeiro, Northern Brazil, homeward; South American trade. Peixotto, Ernest Clifford : Pacific shores from Panama. By Ernest Peixotto. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913. xiv, 285 p. front, illus. plates. 8°. CONTENTS. To the Spanish main; Panama; down the west coast to Peru; Lima; the Oroya railway; Southern Peru; la villa Hermosa; land of the Incas; Cuzco; lake Titicaca; a glimpse of Bolivia; the return to Panama; from the Isthmus to the Golden Gate; in Central American waters; Guatemala; coast towns of Mexico. 18 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Pepper, Charles M.: Series of articles on South America. Published in "Sunday Star," Washington, D. C. From Nov. 23, 1913, to March 22, 1914. [Pezet, Federico Alfonzo]: Senor Pezet tells earliest history of South America. 'Worcester Evening Gazette." Nov. 25, 1913. Porter, Robert P.: The Ten Republics. An introduction to the South American series in Porter's Progress of Nations. By Robert P. Porter. London, George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1911. x, 292 p. maps. 8°. (Description of each South American country.) Post, Charles Johnson: Across the Andes. By Charles Johnson Post. A tale of wandering days among the mountains of Bolivia and the jungles of the upper Amazon. New York, Outing Publishing Co., 1912. 362 p. 8°. (An interesting trip from Panama to Peru, La Paz, the Madeira-Mamore, the Amazon. Illustrated with pen sketches) . (Originally published in "Century." 1911-1912.) On Andean trails . "Outing." Nov., 1912. -p. 156. illus. Down the West Coast. Tale of a trip from Panama to Quilca. . . . "Outing," August, 1912. p. 515. illus. Prack, Enrique B.: Compendio de historia general destinado & la enseiianza secundaria. Por el Dr. Enrique B. Prack. . . . Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Ca., 1907. 411 p. 8°. Preston, En ward M.: The lesser A ntilles. "Am. Exporter." April, 1910. p. 13. illus. Putnam, George Palmer: The South Land of North America. Rambles and observations in Central America during the year 1912. By George Palmer Putnam. With 96 illustrations from photographs by the author, and a map. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1913. xiv, 425 p. 8°. (Trip along the west coast of Central America and through Guatemala and Costa Rica.) Ravenstein, E. Q.: A journal of the first voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-1499. Translated and edited with notes, and introduction and appendices, by E. G. Ravenstein. . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1898. 250 xvi, p. map. illus. 8°. Raviol, Luis M.: Compendio de geografia de America. Por Luis M. Raviol. 8a edici6n. Buenos Aires, Cabaut y Cia., 1909. 170 (1) p. illus. maps. 12°. (includes chapter on each country.) Raymond & Whitcomb Company: The Raymond Whitcomb South America tours, 1912-1913. Boston . . . Raymond & Whitcomb Co. [1912]. 36 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1913-1914. Boston . . . [1913]. 39 p. illus. 8°. Read, Benjamin M.: Chronological digest of the "Documentos ineditos del archivo de las Indias." (Unedited documents of the Indies.) By Benjamin M. Read .. . . Albuquerque, Albright & Anderson, 1914c. 161 p. 8°. Real Academia Hispano-Americana: Velada artistico-literaria que en memoria de los disputados Americanos doceafiistas celebrd la Real Academia Hispano- Americana en el gran teatro de Cadiz el dia 27 de octubre de 1910. Cadiz, Imprenta de Manuel Alvarez, 1910. 102 p. portraits. 8°. Reinsch, Paul S.: The New South America. (In 5 parts.) "The World To-day." May-December, 1909. (Part t, Brazil; part t, Argentina; part S, Peru; part 4t Developing railways in an unique continent; part 6, Chile. ) Rey, M. Francis: La Uni6n Centro- Americana. Estudio relativo d. las instituciones creadas en Washington por la Conferencia de Paz Centro-Americana de 1907, por M. Francis Rey, Jefe de Conferencias en la Facultad de Derecho de Paris. Guatemala, Tip. Sanchez & De Guise, 1911. 27 p. 8°. ("Oficina Internacional Centro-Americana, Guatemala.") LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 19 Reyes, Rafael : Across the South American Continent. Explorations of the Brothers Reyes. Paper read at the Pan American Conference by General Reyes, the delegate for Colombia. Mexico-Barcelona, Ramon de S. N. Araluce, Editor, 1902. map. 38, 40 p. fo. (In Spanish, French, English and German.) The two Americas. By General Rafael Reyes. Translated from the Spanish with added notes by Leopold Grahame. . . . New York, Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1914. front, port, illus. xxxii, 324 p. 8°. Same. In Spanish. 1914. 347 p. 8°. (Includes description of a trip to Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Panama and Uruguay. ) Robinson, Edward Van Dyke: Commercial geography. By Edward Van Dyke Robinson. . . . Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & Co., 1910. xii, 455, xiii-xlviii p. map. illus. 8°. [Chapters 18, 19 and 20 (pp. 254-290). relate to Latin America.] Rod way, James: The West Indies and the Spanish Main . By James Rodway. Second impression. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1909. xxiv, 371 p. front, fold. map. 8°. (Story of the Nations series.) CONTENTS. The Spaniards and their victims; the quest (or "El Dorado;" "Singeing the Spaniard's beard;" Raleigh and the first British colonies; Buccaneers, filibusters, and pirates; war in the young colonies; the planters and their slaves; the struggle for supremacy; the struggle for the Darien trade; slave insurrections and bush negroes; the sovereignty of the seas; downfall of Hispaniola; emancipation of the Spanish main; abolition of slavery; results of emancipation; the isthmus transit schemes. Rojo, R.: Un aiio de historia Centro Americana. 1908-1909. R. Rojo. San Francisco, 1909. cover title. 62 (1) p. 8°. (A review of political conditions. ) Roosevelt, Theodore: Series on visit to South America. "Outlook." Nov. 29, 1913, to May 23, 1914- illus. 1. Steaming Southward and visit to Barbados. 2. An ancient Brazilian city. [Bahia.] S. Rio de Janeiro. 4. Rio de Janeiro. 5. Sao Paulo, an old city that is carving new ways. 6. In southern Brazil. 7. In southern Brazil. 8. Brazil and the negro. 9. Montevideo. 10. Buenos Aires, a fine modern capital. 11. In the Argentine: The army; sport. 12. The ranch country, a trading city, sub-tropical Argentine. IS. On the way to the Andes. An old university city. 14. In Chile. The army and the navy. A Chilian ranch. 15. From ox cart to motor car in the Andes. A hunter naturalist in the Brazilian wilderness: (1) Up the Paraguay; (2) A jaguar hunt on the Taquary; (3) The headwaters of the Paraguay. "Scribner's." April, 1914, p. 407; May, 1914, p. 539; June, 1914. illus. Rumbold, Horace : Further recollections of a diplomatist. By the Right Honorable Sir Horace Rumbold. . . . London, Edward Arnold, 1903. 356 p. 8°. Salamanca, Demetrio: Amazonia. "Bol. de la Real Soc. Geog." June-July, 1908. p. 239. Salaverria, J. M.: Los Andes d la luz de la luna. "Caras y Caretas." July 9, 1913. [Salvador, Junta central del centenario]: Album del centenario. Primer grito de independencia Centroamericana. San Salvador, Imprenta Nacional, 1912. 279 p. illus. 4°. (History of Central America.) Sanborn, Helen J.: A winter in Central America and Mexico. By Helen J. San- born. Boston, Lee & Shepard, publishers, 1886c. iv, 321 p. 8°. San Francisco Chronicle: San Francisco, Cal. Special Pan American supple- ment, Oct. 28, 1913. 92 p. f°. (Description and economic conditions of Brazil, Peru, Guatemala and Cuba.) Sears, Anna Wentworth : Two on a tour in South America. By Anna Sears. New York and London, D. Appleton, 1913. (4), 312 p. illus. 8°. (Description of a trip around the coasts of South America. ) 20 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Shepherd, William R.: Latin America. By William R. Shepherd. . . . New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1914c. map. vii, 256 p. 12°. Showalter, William Joseph: The countries of the Caribbean. "Nat. Geog. Mag." February, 1918. p. 227. illus. map. Sievers, Wilhelm: Die cordillerenstaaten von Dr. Wilhelm Sievers. Berlin, Goschen, 1913. 2 v. maps, illus. 32°. Vol. 1. Bolivia and Peru. Vol. 2. Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. Solari, Juan: La cuna del descubridor de America Cristobal Col6n. . . . Homenaje al centenario de la republica Argentina. 1810 — 25 de mayo — 1910. Buenos Aires, Isidoro de Benedetti, 1910. 84 p. illus. 8°. South American Yearbook: (Incorporating the South American railway year book) 1913. . . . Compiled and edited by C. S. Vesey Brown. . . . London, The Louis Cassier Co., Ltd., 1913. [xxiv], 636, xxv-xivi p. plates, maps. (Part 1: The railways of South America, giving lists of roads by countries, their officers, mileage, description and map; Part 2: descriptive data, commerical information and industrial notes of each country; chapters also on the Guianas; Falkland islands; Panama Canal; Monroe Doctrine; British diplomatic and consular list; banks; shipping services; cable and telegraph companies; distances; Lloyds and other agents; time; newspapers; bibliography; index.) Souza, T. Oscar Marcondes de: ... A descoberta da America e a supposta prioridade das Portuguezes de accordo com a historia e a cartographia Americana vetustissima. Com un prefacio de J. Capistrano de Abreu. Sao Paulo, Casa Vanorden, 1912. viii, 130 (1) p. maps. 8°. Speer, Robert E.: South American problems. By Robert E. Speer. New York, Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1912. xi, 270 p. fold, map. 8°. (Bibliography, p. 257-262.) (Includes history, description, education, religious conditions.) Sperber, O. Preusse: Sud-und Mittel Amerika. Seine bedeutung fur wirtsehaft und handel. Ein ratgeber fur exporteure, importeure, ansiedler, minen-interes- senten, kapitalisten usw. Von O. Preusse Sperber. . . . Berlin, Verlag von Otto Salle, 1913. vi, 218 p. illus. 8°. (Economic conditions and hints for exporters, importers and colonists. ) Starr, Frederick: Simon Bolivar and Latin-American republics. An address delivered at Abraham Lincoln Centre. . . . Aug. 21, 1910. By Frederick Starr. Chicago, Unity Publishing Co., 1910. cover title. 15 p. 12°. Stevens, Walter Barlow: A trip to Panama; the narrative of a tour of observation through the Canal Zone, with some account of visits to Saint Thomas, Porto Rico, Jamaica and Cuba. By the Commercial Clubs of Boston, Chicago, Cin- cinnati and St. Louis, February 18th-March 14th, 1907. By Walter B. Stevens. . . . St. Louis, printed by Lesan-Gould Co., 1907. 256 p. illus. plates, front. 8°. Stratmeyer, Edward : [A series of books for boys, with scenes laid in South America and the West Indies. The object in writing this series was to give youthful readers a general idea of the sights to be seen in Latin American countries.] 4 vols. Lost on the Orinoco, or American boys in Venezuela. 1902. The young volcano explorers, or American boys in the West Indies. 1902. Young explorers of the Amazon, or American boys in Brazil. 1904. Treasure seekers of the Andes, or American boys in Peru. 1907. All published by Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Company. Strange (The) light on the Andes: "West Coast Leader." Dec. 12, 1912. p. 1. Suarez, Simon Planas: Centro America, su progreso y el problema de la union por el Doctor Simon Planas Suarez. . . ' . Lisboa, Typographia Bayard, 1911. 49 p. 8°. Suarez, Victoriano (editor): Colecci6n de libros y documentos referentes a la Historia de America. Tomo VIII : Relaciones historicas y geogrdiicas de America Central. Madrid, Librerla general de Victoriano Suarez, 1908. lxxx, 510 p. 8°. Tisdel, Edine Francis: Antiquities of- the new world at the Trocadero in Paris. "Bulletin:' April, 1918. p. 499. illus. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 21 United Fruit Co.: The tropics. [Description of the company's trips.] (Norman Pierce Co., New York, 1910.) 32 p. illus. map. sq. 8°. United States Hydrographic Office: The West Coast of South America, includ- ing Magellan Strait, Tierra del Fuego and the outlying islands. Third edition. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1905. 568 p. 2 fold charts. 8°. (Descriptions of towns, bays, islands, etc., along the coast.) Vallentin, W.: Das deutschtum in Sudamerika. Von Dr. W. Vallentin. Berlin, Hermann Paetel, 1908. 112 p. 8°. (German colonies in Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Argentina. ) Van Dyke, Harry Weston: Through South America. By Harry Weston Van Dyke. With introduction of John Barrett. . . . New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1912. xxiv, 466 p. illus. maps. 8°. (History and description. Originally published as "A reading journey through South America" in "The Chautauquan." Sept., 1911 to May, 1912. Includes all the South American Republics, the Guianas and a bibliography.) Velasquez, Pedro: Memoir of an eventful expedition in Central America; resulting in the discovery of the idolatrous city of Iximaya, in an unexplored region; and the possession of two remarkable Aztec children, descendants and specimens of the sacerdotal caste (now nearly extinct), of the ancient Aztec founders of the ruined temples of that country, described by John L. Stevens, Esq., and other travelers. Translated from the Spanish of Pedro Velasquez, of San Salvador. New York, E. F. Applegate, printer, 1850. 35 p. illus. 8°. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique: Elementos de historia contemporanea de America. Desde la independencia hasta nuestros dias. Por Enrique Vera y Gonzales. ... Buenos Ayres, Cabaut y cia., 1909. 586 p. 8°. (A separate chapter for each country.) Viajero: A commercial traveller in South America. "Bulletin." January-December, 1914. (A aeries describing the trip of a commercial traveller through all South America.) Traveling notes in Central America. u Bulletin." September, 1910, p. 4H; December, 1910, p. 931; January, 1911, p. 67; and February, 1911, p. 252. illus. (Describing places, hotels, rales, etc.) Vignaud, Henry: Columbus a Spaniard and a Jew. "Am. Hist. Rev. 1 ' April, 1918. p. 505. . . . Histoire critique de la grandeentreprisedeChristopheColomb. . . . par Henry Viganud. . . . Paris, H. Welter, 1911. 2 v. .8°. Tomo 1. 1476-1490. Tomo2. 1491-1493. Villanueva, Carlos A. : ... La monarquia en America. Bolivar y el General San Martin. Paris, Libreria Paul Ollendorf [1912]. 287 p. 12°. - — - La monarqufa en America. Fernando VII, y los nuevos estados. Paris, Libreria Paul Ollendorff, [1912]. 291 p. plates. 12°. Napoleon y la America. Independencia de Brazil. "Revista de America" December, 1913. p. 268. Villar, Emilio H. del: . . . Las republicas Hispano-Americanas por Emilio H. del Villar. Barcelona, Sucesores de Manuel Soler, n. d. 2 vols. 12°. Tomo 1. Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. Tomo 2. South America. Waldo, Fullerton L.: From the Rio Grande [Mexico] to Panama. "Bulletin." Octo- ber, 1910. p. 624. Ulus. Walker, H. de R. : The West Indies and the empire. Study and travel in the winter of 1900-1901. By H. de R. Walker. . . .. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1902. ix (1) 253 p. map. 8°. Walpole, Fred: Four years in the Pacific in Her Majesty's Ship "Collingwood." From 1844 to 1848. By Lieut. The Hon. Fred Walpole, R. N. In 2 vols. Lon- don, Richard Bentley, 1849. [viii] 432 and [ix] p. illus. 8°. (Trip to Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Ecuador, and Mexico.) 22 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Warner, George F. (ed.): The voyages of Robert Dudley, afterwards styled Earl of Warwick and Leicester and Duke of Northumberland, to the West Indies, 1594-1595, narrated by Capt. Wyatt, by himself and by Abram Kendall Master. Edited by George F. Warner . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1899. 104 xx, p. front. 8°. Weiss, Louis: Region of Amazon rich in adventures. Extract of paper read at Inter- national Rubber Exposition. "N. Y. Sun." Sept. 22, 1912. What the Texans saw in Central America. "South Am." Jan. 15, 1914. p. 127. illus. Wheeler, W. W.: Discoveries in South America and West Indies. By W. W. Wheeler. . . . [St. Joseph, Mo., Press of the Combe Printing Co., 1912.] 199 p. plates. 8°. (Notes and photographs made on a trip to Brazil, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Chile, Panama, Venezuela, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.) Wheless, Joseph: West Indies. "Bulletin." June, 1913. p. 803. (A West Indian cruise.) Whitney, Caspar: The flowing road. Adventuring on the great rivers of South America. By Caspar Whitney. . . . Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1912. 319 p. plates, maps. 8°. (Brazil, Venezuela; Argentina, Colombia.) Wiener, Carlos: America pintoresca. Descripci6n de viajes al nuevo continente por los mas modernos exploradores Carlos Wiener, Doctor Crevaux, D. Char- nay, etc., etc. . . . Barcelona, Montanery Simon, 1884. 859 p. illus. 4°. Wilcox, Ella Wheeler: Sailing sunny seas. A story of travel in . . . Haiti . . . Santo Domingo . . . and the West Indies. With copyright illustrations. By Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Chicago, W. B. Conkey Co., 1909. 248 p. 8°. Wilcox, Marrion: A question of efficiency. "Trop. America." June, 1908. p. 195. illus. Wilhelmi, Edgar A. : Travel in the West Indies. A visit to Cuba, Porto Rico and Santo Domingo. "Am. Exporter." September, 1912. p. 3. illus. Williams, Talcott: Ethic factors in South America. "Annals Am. Ac. Pol. and Soc. Sci." July, 1903. p. 23. Wing, Joseph E.: In foreign fields. Sketches of travel in South America and western Europe. By Joseph E. Wing. . . . Chicago, The Breeder's Gazette, 1913. 549 p. illus. 8°. Winter, Nevin O.: Guatemala and her people of today. Being an account of the land, its history and development: the people, their customs and characteristics: to which are added chapters on British Honduras, and the republic of Honduras, with references to the other countries of Central America, Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. By Nevin O. Winter. . . . Boston, L. C. Page & Co., 1909. xii, 307 p. map. illus. 8°. Yanes, Francisco Javier: Central American Peace Conference. By James Scott Brown. Historical facts prepared by Francisco Javier Yanes. "Am. Jour, of Inter. Law." January, 1908. p. 121. Latin America in Pan American civilization. Speech before the American His- torical Association, Dec. 27, 1909. "Bulletin." February, 1910. p. 207. Ybarra, A. M. Fernandez de: First letter written in America. Original manuscript of Dr. Diego Alvarez Chanca the physician of Columbus' ship, relating his impres- sions of the New World and its political and commercial possibilities. . . . "Jour, of Am. History." January-March, 1909. p. 59. Young, Filson : Christopher Columbus and the new world of his discovery; a narra- tive by Filson Young, with a note on the navigation of Columbus' first voyage by the Earl of Dunraven. . . . Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1906. 2 v. illus. plates, maps. 8°. Same. 3rd edition. New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1912. 1 v. 464 p. 8°. Zamacois, Eduardo: Dos anos en America. Impresiones de un viaje por Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Chile, Brasil, New York y Cuba. Por Eduardo Zamacois. Barcelona, Casa Editorial Maucci. 219 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 23 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Acuna, Jose Q.: La Revolution Argentina de 1890. "Hojas Selectas." December, 1909. p. 1073. illus. Adams, Harriet Chalmers: The first transandine railroad from Buenos Aires to Val- paraiso. "Nat. Geog. Mag." May, 1910. p. 397. illus. Akers, Charles Edmond : [Chapter on Argentine Republic] See Charles Edmond: (Among general books). Albes, Edward: Eighty days with the "Bluecher" party. 4- Across the Pampas, a day in Mendoza and over the Andes. "Bulletin." September, 1912. p. 506. illus. Album Argentine Provincia de Tucuman: Su vida, su trabajo, su progreso. (Buenos Aires, J. Cuneo. 1910.) 1 vol. illus. obi. 4°. Aldao, Adolf o: . . . Reseiia historica de guerreros de la independencia. Buenos Aires, Imprenta "La Aurora" de V. Guerra, 1910. 275 (2) p. 10 portraits (1 colored). 8°. Alvarez, Agustin: Breve historia de la provincia de Mendoza por Agustin Alvarez. Buenos Aires. Tall, de publicaciones de la Oficina Meteorol6gica Argentina, 1910. 73 p. 4°. Antokoletz, Daniel: Quelques renseignements sur la republique Argentine par le Dr. Daniel Antokoletz. Buenos Aires, Imp. "Juan A. Alsina," 1911. 142 p. 8°. Same. In Spanish. 125 p. 8°. Algunos datos sobre la republica Argentina. Por el Dr. Daniel Antokoletz. Buenos Aires, Imprenta y casa editoria "Juan A. Alsina," 1911. vi, 125 p. 8°. Arbizu y Prieto, Julio: . . . Breve noticia geografica sobre la Argentina, Brasil y Cuba. Con un croquis 6 mapa de cada una de estas republicas. Por Julio Arbizo y Prieto. . . . Sev.lla, A. Padura y Ca., 1910. 263 p. 12°. Archivo del General Mitre: . . . Documentos y correspondencia. Tomos 1-17. Buenos Aires. Biblioteca de "La Naci6n," 1911. 17 vols. 8°. Vol. 1. Presidencia de la Republica. 1867-68. Vols. 2 to 6. Guerra del Paraguay. Vol. 7. Antecedentes de Pa von. Vols. 8 and 9. Campafia de Pav6n. Vols. 10 to 12. Pacification y reorganization nacional. Despues de Pavon. Vol. 13. Presidencia de la Republica. Cartas de Europa. La cuesti6n Hispano-Peruana. La Republica Oriental. Chile. Vol. 14. Mision del General D. Jos6 M. Paz. Vol. 15. Cartas confidenciales de varios sobre diversos asuntoe. Vol. 16. Campafia de Cepeda. 1858-9. Vol. 17. Ministerio de gobierno y relaciones exteriores de Buenos Aires. 1858. Argentine Republic. Comision del centenario de la Independencia Argen- tina: La republica Argentina en 1910. Estudio hist6rico, fisico, politico, social y econ6mico publicado bajo los auspicios de la H. Comisi6n del Centen- ario de la Independencia Argentina. . . . por Carlos M. Urien . . . y Ezio Colombo. Buenos Aires, Maucci Hermanos, 1910. illus. 2 v. 4°. Same. Documentos del archivo de San Martin. Buenos Aires. Imprenta de Coni hermanos, 1910-12. 12 v. 4°. Division of commerce and industry. . . . Argentine international trade. A few figures on its development. . . . Buenos Aires, J. H. Kidd & Co. LIBRARY HAS FOR YEARS: 1909. English and French. No. 3. 1910. English and Spanish. No. 4. 1911. English, French, Spanish and German. No. 5. 1912. Spanish. No. 6. 1913. English and Spanish. No. 7. Division de inmigracion. . . . The immigrant in the province and territories of the Argentine Republic. 3°. Mendoza, San Juan, Catamarca. (General information.) Value of land and cost of building and house rents. Domestic animals. Plants and trees. Clothing. . . . Food. . . . Buenos Aires, Offices of the Immigration Department, n. d. 62 p. 12°. Ministerio de agricultura. . . . General description of the Argentine Republic. Buenos Aires. John Grant & Son, 1913. 66 p. illus. fold. map. 12°. Same. Nociones generales sobre la republica Argentina. Buenos Aires. Tall. de Pub. de la Oficina Met. Argentina, 1912. 64 p. illus. map. 24 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Asp, Otto: Expedici6n al Pilcomayo 27 de Marzo, 6 de Octubre de 1903, por Otto Asp. Buenos Aires, Tall, de Pub. de la Oficina Meteorologica Argentina, 1905. 47 p. fold, tables. 8°. (Anales del Ministerio de agricultura. Section de inmigracion, propaganda y geografia. Tomo 1. N 1913. p. 38. illus. map. Hales, A. Q.: In the land of southern sunshine. S. A. J. Aug. 26, 1911. p. 240. Hirst, W. A. : Argentina. By W. A. Hirst. With an introduction by MartiD Hume. . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons . . . 1910. xxviii, 308 p. fold. map. illus. CONTENTS. Geography; history; political conditions; condition of the people; Buenos Aires; life in town and country; religion; education; literature; industries; railroads; agriculture; commerce; finance; Bahia Blanca and Patagonia; Mendoza; the Parana; Rosario; Santa Fe; the Gran Chaco and northern towns; information for travellers; bibliography. Holland, W. J.: To the river Plate and back. The narrative of a scientific mission to South America, with observations upon things seen and suggested. By W. J. Holland. . . . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913. xiii, 387 p. colored plates, illus. 8°. Holmberg (hijo), Eduardo A.: Viaje al interior de Tierra del Fuego por Eduardo A. Holmberg (hijo). Naturalista Viajero del Ministerio de Agricultura. Buenos Aires, Tall, de Pub. de la Oficina Met. Argentina, 1906. 95 p. fold, tables. 8°. Holmes, Burton: Over the Andes to Chile. "Ladies Home Jour." March, 1912. p. 13. illus. American Paris. "Ladies Home Jour." February, 1912. p. 11. illus. Huergo, Eduardo: . . . Memoria sobre el puerto del Rosario. Por Eduardo Huergo, ingeniero civil. . . . Buenos Aires, Establec. Grafico, 1911. 79 p. diagrams. 8°. (At head of title, ". . . Ministerio de obras publicas, direction general de obras hidraulicas.") Huret, Jules: En Argentine. De Buenos Aires au Gran Chaco. . . . Paris, Bibliotheque-Charpentier, 1913. 529 p. 12°. I banez, Vicente Blasco: . . . Argentina y sus grandezas. Madrid, la editorial Espaflola Americana, [1911]. 768 p. map. illus. colored plates. 4°. Imhoff, Carlos y Levene, Ricardo: La historia Argentina en cuadros para los ninos. Por Carlos Imhoff y Ricardo Levene. Buenos Aires, J. Lajouane y Cia., 1912. (12) p. illus. 8°. obi. (Prospectus. ) Impression of Buenos Aires. "Times Supp." March 28, 1911. p. 2. Jara, Juan C. : Bases y conclusiones de la sintesis filos6fica de la revoluci6n de Mayo por Juan C. Jara. Buenos Aires, Lib. e" imp. de Mayo de J. E. Hall & Co., 1910. 20 p. 8°. (Estudio presentado al Congreso Cientifico Internacional Americano reunido en Buenos Aires con motivo de la conmemoracion del centenario Argentino, aprobado por la asamblea en su sesi6n de Julio 25 de 1910.) Junta de historia y numismatica Americana: Gaceta de Buenos Aires. Reim- presi6n facsfmilar dirigida por la Junta de historia y numismatica Americana. 1810. 1811. 1811 a 1813. 1814 a 1816. Buenos Aires, 1910. 4 vols. 4°. El redactor de la asamblea (1813-1815). Reimpresi6n facsimilar ilustrada dirigida por la junta de historia y numismatica americana en cumplimiento de ley 9044. Buenos Aires, Compafiia sud-americana de billetes de banco, 1913. 98 p. plates. 4°. Keidel, H.: Die neueren ergebnisse der staatlichen geologischen untersuchungen in Argentinien. 1127-1141 p. 8°. (Extrait du Compte Rendu du xi, Congres Geologique International.) Koebel, W. H.: Argentina; past and present. By W. H. Koebel. London, Kegan Paul Trench, Triibner & Co., 1910. [and] New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1911. 455 p. plates, fold. map. 8°. [Chapter on Argentine Republic in his South America]. See Koebel, W. H. (Among general books). Kuhn, Franz: Aus den Hochkordillerenvon San Juan. Petennann's. August, 1913. p. 79. illus. maps. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 29 Lange, Gunardo: Rio Pilcomayo desde la desembocadura en el rio Paraguay hasta el paralelo 22° sud con un mapa en siete hojas y un croquis de itineraries por Gunardo Lange. . . . Buenos Aires, Talleres de Publicaciones de la Oficina Meteorol6gica Argentina, 1906. illus. diagrs. 122 p. 8°. Larden, Walter: Argentine plains and Andine glaciers. Life on an estancia, and an expedition into the Andes. By Walter Larden. . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911. 320 p. illus. map. 8°. Larrouy, P. Antonio (comp.): . . . Documentos del archivo general de Tucu- man. Invasiones inglesas y revoluci6n recopilados por el P. Antonio Larrouy. Tomo 1, 1806-1807, 1810-1812. Buenos Aires, Imprenta "Juan A. Alsina," 1910. x, 560 p. 8°. Lawrence, Harry: Argentine to-day. "South Am." July 1,1913. p. 99. illus. Leguizamon, Martiniano: . . . Paginas Argentinas. Critica literaria 6" hist6rica. Buenos Aires, J. Lajouane & Cia., 1911. 330 p. 8°. Levillier, Roberto: Los origines Argentinos. "Mundial." August, 1912. p. 871. illus. Lewandowski, Maurice (joint author): The Argentine of the twentieth century. See Martinez, Albert B. Lloyd, Reginald (ed.): Twentieth century impressions of Argentina. Its history, people, commerce, industries and resources. Director in chief. Reginald Lloyd. . . . London, Lloyd's Greater Britain Publishing Co., Ltd., 1911. 850 p. maps, illus. 4°. ' CONTENTS. Geography; climate; flora and fauna; history; government; archaeology; population and immigra- tion; education; transportation and communication; finance; agriculture and stock raising, com- merce; industries; descriptions of each province; the press; army; navy; sports and games; a col- lection of monographs describing various subjects; the position today. Lobo, Helio: Antes da guerra. (A missao saraiva ou os preliminares do conflicto com o Paraguay. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Ingleza, 1914. 260 (2) p. 8°. Loomis, Frederic Brewster: Hunting extinct animals in the Patagonian pampas. By Frederic Brewster Loomis. . . . New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1913. front. 141 p. illus. 8°. Lopez, Vicente F.: ... La gran semana de 1810. Cr6nica de la revoluci6n de Mayo. Recompuesta y arreglada por cartas segtin la posici6n y las opiniones de los promotores por Vicente F. Lopez. Buenos Aires, Tall, de la casa Jacobo Peuser, 1909. 112 p. 12°. Manual de la historia Argentina. Dedicado a los profesores y maestros que la ensenan por Vicente F. Lopez. Buenos Aires, A. V. L6pez, 1910. xxx, 957 p. 8°. Lozano, Pedro: . . . Historia de las revoluciones de la pro vincia del Paraguay. 1721-1735. . . . Tomosly2. Buenos Aires, Cabauty Cia., 1905. 2 v. 8°. Tomo 1. Antequera. Tomo 2. Los comuneros. Mabragafia, H.: Los mensajes. Historia del desenvolvimiento de la nacion Argen- tina redactada cronologicamente por sus gobernantes. 1810-1910. Buenos Aires, Tall. graf. de la compaiiia gral. de Fosforos, 1910. 5 v. 4°. Tomol, 1810-1839; Tomo 2, 1840-1849; Tomo 3, 1852-1880; Tomo 4, 1881-1890; Tomo 5, 1891-1900; Tomo 6, 1901-1910. MacQueen, Peter: The land of luxury. Argentina — the United States of South America. "National." February, 1914. p. 801. illus. Malharro, Victorina: Nuestras relaciones. Paises americanos y europeos mas vinculados a la Argentina. Por Victorina Malharro. Buenos Aires, Cabaut y Cia., 1909. 48 p. 12°. Mansilla, Lucio V.: . . . Una excursi6n d, los Indios ranqueles. . . . Tomos 1 y 2. Buenos Aires, 1907. 2 v. 12°. (Biblioteca de "La Nacion." Nums. 197 and 198.) Manual de la infancia para los clases de ensenanza primaria por los PP. de compania de jesus. VII. Historia Argentina. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia., 1910. illus. 116 p. 12°. 30 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Barco Centenera, Martin del: Argentina y conquista del Rio de la Plata con otras acaecimientos de los Reinos del Peru, Tucuman y estado del Brasil por el Arcediano D. Martin del Barco Centenera. Facsimil de la primera edici6n, im- presa en Lisboa, por Pedro Crasbeeck en el afio 1602. Not as bibliograficas y biograficas de Carlos Navarro y Lamarca. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia., 1912. 31, t. p. (4) 230, iv (1) p. 12°. Martinez, Alberto B. (comp.): Argentine Republic, in 1911. A geographic and agricultural-zootechnic and economic summary. . . . Compiled by Alberto B. Martinez. Buenos Aires, 1911. (on verso of a map.) 16 p. fold to 8°. Argentine in the twentieth century. By Albert B. Martinez . . . and Maurice Lewandowski. . . . With a preface by M. Emile Levasseur . . . and an introduction by the late Ch. Pellegrini. . . . Translated by Bernard Miall from the French of the third edition, revised and brought up to date. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911. liii, 376 p. fold. map. 8°. Buenos Aires. Statistical data published on the occasion of the centenary of the revolution of May 1810-1910. By Albert B. Martinez, Director of Municipal Statistics. Barcelona, printed by La Casa Editorial Sopena, 1910. 48 p. illus. fold. map. 12°. General census of the population, buildings, trades and industries of the city of Buenos Aires in commemoration of the first centenary of the revolution of May 1810-1910. Taken on October 16 to 24, 1909. Under the administration of the municipal intendant, Don Manuel J. Guiraldes. By Alberto B. Martinez, Director of Municipal Statistics. Buenos Aires, Compania Sud-Americana de Billetes de Banco, 1910. 3 v. maps, plates, illus. 4°. Manuel du voyageur. Baedeker de la Republique Argentine. Par Albert B. Martinez. Comprenant aussi une partie du Bresil, de la Republique Orientale de l'Uruguay, du Chili et de la Bolivie. Avec cartes et plans de la Republique Argentine, de la ville de Buenos Aires, de Rosario, des voies de chemins de fer et beaucoup de photogravures, third edition. Barcelona, A. Lopez Robert, imprimeur, 1907. xv, 632 p. maps, plates, illus. Baedeker of the Argentine Republic. By Albert B. Martinez. Including also parts of Brazil, the Republic of Uruguay, Chili and Bolivia. With maps and plans of the Argentine Republic, of the towns of Buenos Aires, of Montevideo, of Rosario, of the railway lines, and numerous illustrations, fourth edition. Barcelona, R. Sopena, printer, 1914. xviii, 430 p. illus. maps, plates. 8°. Statistical and geographical information about the republic and its resources as a country, adapted in every way for European immigration. By Alberto B. Martinez. Buenos Aires, 1910. 15 p. (on verso of map.) (At head of title, "Official publication under the patronage of the centenary committee, The Argen- tine Republic . . . in ita first centennial year. 1810-1910.") Same. 1912. 15 p. (on verso of map.) Martinez, Beningo T.: Curso elemental de historia Argentina. Arreglado para el uso de los colegios nacionales y escuelas normales. Con notas criticas y de interes para los profesores y alumnos. Por Beningo T. Martinez. . . . Nueva edici6n, notablemente corregida y aumentada. Primer curso. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia., 1903, 158 p. 12°. Lecciones de geografia arregladas al programa oficial para las escuelas comunes por Beningo T. Martinez. . . . Libro segundo cuarto y quinto grado, sexta edici6n revisada. Buenos Aires, Editores, Pedro Igon y Cia., 1894. 124 (1) p. 12°. (Head of title, "Biblioteca elemental.") Nociones de historia Argentina extractadas del resumen general del curso de historia del profesor. . . . Beningo T. Martinez. . . . Texto arre- glado al programa oficial de las escuelas comunes. Ampliado con un cues- tionario, cuadros cronol6gicos y el himno nacional. Nueva edici6n. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia... 1907. 127 p. illus. 12°. Martinoli Cayetano: Informe sobre unviaje a traves de Entre Rios, Corrientes y Misiones. "Rev. de la Universidad." Buenos Aires. September, 1913. p. 59. Mellet, Julian: Argentine Republic included in his: "Por el interior de la America meridional." (See under general books.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 31 Merou, Martin Garcia: Historia de la republica Argentina. Obra escrita de acuerdo con el programa de los Colegios Nacionales de la Republica. Decima edicion. Tomo 1, Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia., 418 p. 12°. Tomo segundo. 1800-1870. La independencia, la anarquia y la dictadura, la organization constitucional. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia., 1908. 411 p. 12°. Milne, A. Murray: Argentine progress. "Miss. Rev." April, 1906. p. 260. illus. Mitre, Bartolome: . . . Historia de Belgrano y de la Independencia Argentina por Bartolome Mitre. Quinta edicion. Tomos 1-4. Buenos Aires. 1902. 4 v. 12°. Historia de San Martin y de la emancipation sudamericana. Por Bartolome Mitre. Tercera edicion. Tomos primero a sexto y ultimo. Buenos Aires. 6 v. 12°. Morla Vicuna, Carlos: Estudio hist6rico sobre el descubrimiento y conquista de la Patagonia y de la Tierra del Fuego. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1903. 302, 223 (1) p. plates, ports. 2 fold. maps. 8°. Museo Mitre: Documentos del archivo de Pueyrredon. Tomos 1-4. Buenos Aires, Imprenta de Coni Hermanos, 1912. 4 v. 4°. Papeles de D. Domingo de Oro. T. 1-2. Buenos Aires, Imprenta de Coni Hermanos, 1911. 8°. 2 v. Sarmiento-Mitre correspondencia 1846-1868. Buenos Aires, Imprenta de Coni Hermanos, 1911. 382 p. 8°. Museo Social Argentino: La republique Argentine. Gand, Commissariat general de la section Argentine. " Museo Social Argentino," a {'exposition universelle et internationale, 1913. illus. diagrams. 64 p. 12°. cover title. La Nacion: [Special descriptive edition.] Buenos Aires, 25 de Mayo de 1910. n. t. p. 336 p. illus. f°. National territories. {From Memoria del Ministerio de Justicia.) Rev. of Ri. Plate. Oct. 18, 1912. p. 989. Niederlein, Gustav: Chances and possibilities in the Argentine Republic for cattle- breeding, agriculture, industry and trade. By . . . Gustav Niederlein. . . . No imprint. 1910. cover title. 32 p. illus. map. 8°. Nordenskiold, Erland: Argentine Republic included in his: "Indianerleben." (See among general books.) Ortells, P. Antonio: Manual de geografia de la Provincia de C6rdoba por el P. Antonio Ortells. . . . Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia., 1906. 158 p. 12°. Outes, Felix F. : Los aborigines de la Republica Argentina. Manual adaptado a los programas de las escuelas primarias, colegios nacionales y escuelas normales. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia., 1910. 148 p. illus. 1 colored plate. 8°. Otero, Pacifico: . . . Dos heroes de la conquista. La orden Franciscana en el Tucuman y la Plata. Buenos Aires, Cabaut & Cia., 1905. ix, 155 p. 2 plates. 8°. illus. Pacottet, P. and G. Ancizar: Los voiles inferiores del Limay y del Neuquen. El rio Negro hasta Choele-Choel. "Bol. del Min. de Agr." June, 1913. p. 640. Palomeque, Alberto: La jurisdicci6n del Plata. Martin Garcia. La Laguna Merin. Editor Luis F. Guimaraens. Montevideo, 1909. 286 p. 8°. Pan American Union: . . . Argentine Republic. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 36 p. 8°. illus. Same. 1910. 38 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 40 p. 8°. illus. Same. 1912. 19 p. 8°. illus. Same. 1913. 16 p. 8°. illus. Municipal organizations in Latin America: Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. (Reprint from the "Bulletin" of the Pan American Union . . . November, 1908.) Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 821-836 p. illus. 8°. 32 • THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Page, Jesse: Argentine Republic included in his: "The land of the peaks and the pampas." (See under general books.) Peacan, Oscar L.: . . . La historia patria explicada a los nifios por Oscar L. Peacan, segunda edici6n. Buenos Aires', Cabaut y Cia., 1913. 64 p. illus. 12°. Pelliza, Mariano A.: A short history of Buenos Aires. By Mariano A. Pelliza. plates, p. 67-118. In general census . . . Buenos Aires. 1909. Vol. 3. (Published by the Direction general de Estadistica, Buenos Aires.) El Argentine Texto de lectura por Mariano A. Pelliza. . . . Aprobado por el consejo nacional de educaci6n y por el consejo de educaci6n de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia. [1891]. illus. 150 p. 12°. Pennington, A. Stuart: The Argentine Republic. Its physical features, history, fauna, flora, geologv, literature and commerce. By A. Stuart Pennington. . . . New York, Frederick A. Stokes Co. [1910]. 340 p. illus. map. 8°. Perutz, Leopold: Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung Argentiniens. Vortrag . . . 29 April, 1910. Von Leopold Perutz. Wien, 1910. 24 p. 8°. Pillado, Jose Antonio: Buenos Aires colonial. Edificios y costumbres. Estudios historicos por Jose" Antonio Pillado, Vol. 1, Buenos Aires, Compania Sud- Ameri- cana de Billetes de Banco, 1910. 485 p. diagrams, plates. 4°. Pocket Guide: Buenos Aires. Junio, 1910. (Issued by the Majestic Hotel.) 87 p. fold, tables. 12°. Ponce de Leon: The rise of the Argentine Republic. By an Estanciero. Buenos Aires, Mitchell's Book Store, London, T. Werner Laurie, 1910. x, 435 p. 8°. Porter, Robert P.: [Chapter on Argentine Republic]. See Porter, Robert P. (Among general books). Posada, Adolf o: La republica Argentina. Impresiones y comentarios por Adolfo Posada. . . . Madrid, Libreria general de Victoriano Suarez, 1912. xi, 488 p. 8°. Quesada, Ernesto: La batalla de Ituzaing6. (Febrero 20 de 1827.) Articulo publicado en la "Revista Nacional." Tomo 13, Buenos Aires, Compania Sud- Americana de billetes de banco, 1893. 121 p. 8°. Quesada, Vicente G.: Buenos Aires in the time of the Viceroys. By Vicente G. Quesada. front, p. 118-155. In general census ... of Buenos Aires. 1909. Vol. 3. (Published by the Direction general de Estadistica, Buenos Aires. ) Raviol, Luis M.: [Chapter on Argentine Republic]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Reyes, Rafael: Argentine a fine field for investors, says General Reyes. Amazing prosperity and stable government of this most pushing of South American Republics make it ideal for introduction of foreign capital. "N. Y. Times." Aug. 17, 1918. illus. General Reyes visits the "Land of the Silver River." Former President of Colom- bia tells of the marvelous development of the Argentine Republic, already a formid- able rival of the U. S. in the markets of the world. "N. Y. Times." Aug. 12, 1913. illus. [Chapter on Argentina in his: "The Two Americas." (See general books.) Riera, Augusto: Vida Argentina. Versi6n espafiola, de Augusto Riera. Barcelona, Casa Editorial Maucci, 1910. 265 p. illus. 12°. Rodriguez, Gregorio F.: . . . El General Solar. Contribucion hist6rica. Docu- mentos in6ditos. 1783-1849. Buenos Aires, Compania Sud-Americana de Billetes de Banco, 1909. 555 p. front, port. 8°. Rodriguez, Luis D. : "La Argentina." Descripci6n de la capital federal, provincias y territorios nacionales, estadistica comercial, productos, industrias en explota- ci6n. Valor de los terrenos de cultivos y destinados & la ganaderia en la Repiib- lica, basado en las ultimas ventas. Por Luis D. Rodriguez. . . . Buenos Aires, M. Rodriguez Giles, 1908. 572 p. 4°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 33 Roger, Leon : . . . Monografia sobre la provincia de Catamarca por Le6n Roger. . . . Buenos Aires, G. Kraft, 1910. 27 p. nar. 8°. (At head of title, "Miniaterio de agricultura, division de enaeflanza agricola.") Rojas, Ricardo: Archivo capitular de Jujuy. Tomos 1 y 2. Buenos Aires, Coni Hermanos, 1913. 2 v. 4°. (Documentos para la historia Argentina.) Roosevelt, Theodore: In the Argentine. The army; sport. "Outlook." April 4, 1914. p. 759. illus. Buenos Aires: A fine modern capital. "Outlook." March 28, 1914- p. 697. illus. The ranch country, a trading city, sub-tropical Argentine. "Outlook." April 11, 1914. p. 800. illus. On the way to the Andes. An old university city. (Cordoba.) "Outlook." April 18, 1914- p. 843. illus. Rosario: "Caras y Caretas." Nov. 26, 1910. illus. maps. Ross, H. T. Gordon: A local appreciation of Argentina. "Finan. Rev. of Revs." July, 1918. p. 402. Run (A) North in Argentina: On the way to Rosario. "Times Supp." Jan. 31, 1911. p. 4- Salas, Carlos I.: Bibliografia del General Don Jose de San Martin y de la emanci- paci6n Sudamericana. Publicada bajo los auspicios de la honorable comisi6n del centenario de la independencia Argentina. Buenos Aires, Compania Sud- Americana de Billetes de Banco, 1910. 5 v. 8°. Saldias, Adolf o : La evoluci6n republicana durante la revoluci6n Argentina. Buenos Aires, Arnoldo Moen y Hermano, 1906. 503 p. 8°. San Martin: Su correspondencia. 1823-1850. Segunda edici6n. Madrid, Im- prenta de Bailly-Bailliere e hijos, 1910. 336 p. front, port. 8°. Same. Tercera edici6n. Madrid. Bailly-Bailliere, 1911. ix, 354 p. front. 8°. Santamarina, J. P.: The Argentine Republic. Developments, facts and trade features. By J. P. Santamarina. . . . New York, 1912. 234, ix p. 8°. Sears, Anna Wentworth: Buenos Aires included in her: "Two on a tour in South America." (See under general books.) Siglo de luchas y de triunfos: "Hojas Selectas." February, 1911. p. 147. illus. Simoens da Silva, Antonio Carlos: Viagem pelo interior da republica Argentina pelo Dr. Antonio Carlos Simoens da Silva. Rio de Janeiro, 1910. 304 (2) p. plates. 8°. (Terceira reuniao do Congresao scientifico Latino-Americano, . . . 1905. Relatorio geral . . . Tomo3, livroc.) Skottsberg, Carl: The wilds of Patagonia. A narrative of the Swedish expedition to Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands in 1907-1909. By Carl Skottsberg. . . . New York, The Macmillan Co. London, Edward Arnold, 1911. front, xix, 336 p. plates, maps. 8°. Swedish Magellanian expedition, 1907-1909. [A series.] "Geog. Jour." June, 1908, to December, 1909. PL 1. The Falkland islands. Pt. t. Preliminary report on the survey of the neighborhood of Lake Cami {Lago Fagnano) in Tierra del Fuego. Pt. S. A survey of the Great Otway and Skyring waters. Pt. 4- Explorations in the Patagonian channels between the Straits and the Gulf of Penas. Pt. 5. Excursions during the winter monthly (July to September, 1908). [To Chiloe; to Juan Fernandez.] Pt. 6. Overland from Lago Nahuelhuapi to Punta Arenas. Pt. 7. The region of the Beagle Channel. South American year book: Argentine Republic included in: "The South Ameri- can year book." (See under general books.) Steffen, Hans: Patagonien. Studien ueber West-Patagonien. "Geogr. Zeitschr." Sept. 24 and Oct. 19, 1909. p. 511 and 558. map. 34 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Suarez, Eleodoro: Nociones de geografia. Arregladas al programa de las escuelas comunes de la capital. Por Eleodoro Suarez. Primer libro. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y Cia., 1903. 43 p. illus. 8°. Segundo libro. Buenos Aires, same, 1909. 43 p. 8°. illus. colored plates. Tercer libro. Buenos Aires, same, 1910. 81 p. illus. colored plates. 8°. Cuarto libro. Buenos Aires, same, 1906. 96 p. colored plates, illus. 8°. Subercaseaux, B. Vicuna: Correrias. Republica Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brasil, Portugal, Espana, Francia, Italia, Suiza. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta "Barcelona," 1911. 514 (1) p. 12°. Sundt, Vda. de M. (pub.): Almanaque del mensajero para el afio 1913. El calen- dario y almanaque nautico de la republica Argentina con un compendio de datos, hechos, fechas e informaciones util e entretenido para todo el mundo. (Con mapas del cielo y numerosos grabados.) Publicado por Vda. de M. Sundt, Buenos Aires, Comp. Sud-Americana de Billetes de Banco, 1913. 314, xli, p. illus. maps. 8°. Tannery, Jean: Impresiones de viaje en Argentina. "Mundial." August, 1912. p. 341. illus. Through the heart of the Andes. [London, Darling & Son.] no date, half title, front. 47 p. 12°. [Description of the trip from Buenos Aires to Valparaiso, via Mendoza.] Touring Club, Argentina: Guia general del Touring Club Argentino. 1911-1912. Buenos Aires, Est. Graf. America. 449 (ix) p. illus. maps. 2 vols. 12°. [A guide book.] Tridon, Andre: Buenos Aires a city of progress. "Trop. Am." January, 1912. p. 31. illus. Trophies of the reconquest of the city of Buenos Aires in the year 1806. 6 colored plates, pp. 219-255. In general census . . . Buenos Aires, 1909. Vol. 3. Turot, Henri: ... En Amerique Latine. Preface de M. Pierre Baudin. 2e edition. Paris, Vuibert et Nony, editeurs [1907]. viii, 359 p. illus. 4°. (Argentine Republic on pp. 253-354.) Union industrial Argentina. Reseiia hist6rica. Buenos Aires, Compania Sud- Americana de Billetes de Banco, 1910. 38 p. 8°. Urien, Carlos M.: Caballeria Argentina. La carga de "Junin." . . . Buenos Aires, Talleres graficos de la Cia. Gral. de Fosforos. 110 p. front, port. 8°. Van Dyke, Harry Weston: [Chapter on Argentine Republic]. See Van Dyke, Harry Weston (Among general books). Varela, Luis V. : Historia constitucional de la Republica Argentina por Luis Varela. . . . La Plata, Taller de Impresiones Oficiales, 1910. 4 v. 8°. Vedia, Enrique de: . . . Geografia Argentina. Por Enrique de Vedia. Se- gunda edici6n. Buenos Aires, Talleres graficos de la penitenciaria nacional, 1907. 279 p. 12°. Vedia y Mitre, Mariano de: . . . El Dean Funes en la historia Argentina. Buenos Aires, Biblioteca de Ensenanza General, 1909. ix, 288 (8) p. 12°. VSlez de Aragon, Z. : La geografia de los ninos Argentinos. Elementos de geografia general adaptados & los programas de las escuelas comunes por Z. Velez de Arag6n. . . . Tercera edicitfn. Buenos Aires, Cabaut y Cia., 1909. ii, 183 p. illus. maps. 4°. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique: [Chapter on Argentine Republic]. See Vera y Gon- zales, Enrique (Among general books). Viajero: A commercial traveler in South America. "Bulletin." May, 1914. p. 657. Villar, Emilio H. del: [Chapter on Argentine Republic]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Walle, Paul: L' Argentine telle qu'elle est. Par Paul Walle. Charge" de missions du Ministere du Commerce. Paris, Librairie Orientale & Am6ricaine. 590 p. plates, illus. maps. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 35 Walle, Paul: En Argentine. "Soc. de Geogr. Com." January, 1912. p. 33. Walpole, Fred: [Chapter on Argentine Republic]. See Walpole, Fred (Among general books). Wheeler, W. W. [Chapter on Buenos Aires]. See Wheeler, W. W. (Among general books). Wheepley, James Davenport: Progressive Argentina. "Century." March, 1911. p. 698. illus. Whitney, Caspar: Argentine Republic included in his: "The flowing road." (See among general books.) Wilcox, Marrion : Patagonia, a land of the future. "Bull. Am. Geogr. Soc." Decem- ber, 1910. p. 903. Willis, Bailey: Recent surveys in Northern Patagonia. "Geogr. Jour." Decenber, 1912. p. 607. illus. map. The physical basis of the Argentine nation. "Jour, of Race Dev." April, 1914. P. 443. Wing, Joseph E.: Argentine Republic included in his: "In foreign fields." (See among general books.) Winter, Nevin O. : Argentina and her people of today. An account of the customs, characteristics, amusements, history and advancement of the Argentinians, and the development and resources of their country. By Nevin O. Winter. . . . Boston, L. C. Page & Co., 1911. xiv, 421 p. illus. map. 8°. - — Buenos Aires to Valparaiso from a car window. "Travel." October, 1913. p. 24. illus. Yates, Irlandres: Memoria sobre la guerra civil en las provincias Argentines. "Rev. Hist." Montevideo. 6:35. 1912. Zamacois, Eduardo: [Chapter on Buenos Aires]. See Zamacois, Eduardo (Among general books). BOLIVIA. Adams, Franklin: Tracing the original American. [Tiahuanaco.] "World To-day." January, 1912. p. 1608. illus. Adams, Harriet Chalmers and Franklin : The liberation of Bolivia. How railroads are opening up the hermit nation of the Western Hemisphere. "Am. Rev. of Revs." January, 1913. , p. 67. illus. Akers, Charles Edmond: [Chapter on Bolivia]. See Akers, Charles Edmond (Among general books). [Albes, Edward]: The Ancient ruins of Tiahuanacu. "Bulletin." October, 1913. p. 513. illus. Bach, Mauricio: Descripci6n de la nueva provincia de Otuquis en Bolivia. Segunda edici6n corregida aumentada por Mauricio Bach, secretario de la misma pro- vincia. Con permiso del empresario. Ano de 1842. Buenos Aires, Imprenta Argentina, 1843. Reimpresion publicada por el Dr. Antonio Quijarro. Buenos Aires, Jacob Peuser, 1885. xvi (2) 36 p. fold. map. 8°. Bandelier, Adolph F. : The islands of Titicaca and Koati. By Adolph F. Bandelier. New York, Hispanic Society of America, 1910. xvi, 358 p. plates, maps. 4°. — — Same (in Spanish). La Paz, J. M. Camarra, 1914. viii, 134 p. 8°. Bingham, Hiram: Bolivia included in his: "Across South America." (See under general books.) Potosi. By Prof. Hiram Bingham, Yale University. 13 p. illus. Reprinted from the "Bulletin of the American Geographical Society," January, 1911. Boero, Jorge A. : [Chapter on Bolivia]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bolivia as seen by an old resident. "West Coast Leader," Nov. 28, 1912. p 1. illus. Bolivia. Ministerio de colon izacion y agricultura: Guia sin6ptica para el viajero inmigrante en Bolivia. La Paz. J. M. Camarra, 1907. 31 p. tables. 12°. 36 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Bolivia. Oficina Nacional de Inmigracion, Estad fstica y Propaganda Geo- grafica: Geografia de la Republica de Bolivia. Compilada en cumplimiento del decreto supremo de 27 de febrero de 1905, para la asignatura del ramo en los colegios oficiales de instrucci6n secundaria de la republica. Edici6n oficial. La Paz, Tip. Comercial, 1905. 585 p. 8°. Bollo, Luis Cincinato: [Chapter on Bolivia]. (See among general books.) Bowman, Isaiah: Results of an expedition to the Central Andes. "Bull, of Am. Geog. Soc." March, 191 4- p. 161. illus. map. Trade routes in the economic geography of Bolivia. "Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc." January, 1910, p. 22; February, 1910, p. 90; and March, 1910, p. 180. illus. maps. The highland dweller of Bolivia: An anthropographic interpretation. "Bull, of Geog. Soc. of Phila." October, 1909. p. 159. Boyce, W. D.: [Chapter on Bolivia]. See Boyce, W. D. (Among general books). Brabant William van: La Bolivie: historique, geographique, ethnographique, administrative, politique, agricole, pastorale, economique, minere, coloniale, intellectuelle, legislative, financiere, medicinale et patriotique. Paris, J. Lebegue &Cie. [1909]. 475 p. illus. 8° Bryce, James: [Chapters on Bolivia]. See Bryce, James (Among general books). Calderon, F. Garcia: Bolivia included in his: " Latin America." (See under general books.) Calderon, Ignacio: Economic conditions of Bolivia. By Ignacio Calderon, Min- ister from Bolivia to the United States. A lecture delivered before the special class in commerce at Harvard University, March 17, 1910. [Washington, W. F. Roberts Co., 1910]. 23 p. map. 8°. Addresses of Ignacio Calderon, Minister of Bolivia to the United States before the 22nd Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress at San Antonio, Texas, and the First Pan American Commercial Conference at Washington, D. C. Wash- ington, W. F. Roberts Co., 1911. 18 p. 8°. Information about Bolivia. Washington, Byron S. Adams [1912]. 72 p. colored front, plates, fold. map. 8°. Chavez, Fabian Vaca: . . . Por el oriente y por el noroeste de la republica. Problemas e iniciativas. Bolivia, La Paz, 1912. 57 p. 8°. Clark, Francis E.: Bolivia the country of the great plateau. "Bay View Mag." No- vember, 1912. p. 78. illus. Commissariat general du gouvernement de Bolivie: ... La Bolivie a l'Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Gand, 1913. Imprimerie H. Mom- mens, Bruxelles, front, port, xi, 48 p. 8°. Cortes, Agusto Orrego: Viaje a Carangas. "Bol. de la Of. Nac. de Estad." 8:1. 1912. Crespo, Luis S. : Geografia de la Republica de Bolivia. . . . Por Luis S. Crespo. . . . Segunda edici6n revisada. La Paz, Imprenta y lit. Boliviana. H. Heitmann, 1910. vi, ii, 495 p. front, plate, map. 8°. nar. Bosquejo de la historia de Bolivia. See L6pez, Manuel Ord6fiez. Description geographique de la Bolivie. "Bolivie Economique." March 25, 1914. p. 6. Descripcion de la provincia del Cercado. "Bol. de ta Of. Nac. de Estad." 6:614- 1911. Domville-Fife, Charles W. : [Chapter on Bolivia]. (See among general books.) Diaz Romero, Belisario: Tiahuanacuy sus ruinas. "Bulletin." (Span.ed.) March, 1913. illus. Dorado, Jose Vicente: Hechos hist6ricos y reflexiones politico-econ6micas apli- cables a la actualidad de Bolivia por Jose Vicente Dorado. Sucre, Tip. de Pedro Espafia, 1862. 35 p. . 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 37 Edwards, Herbert A.: Frontier work on the Bolivian-Brazil boundary, 1911-12. "Geog. Jour." August, 1913. p. 113. map. Escobari, Macario D.: La Guerra del Pacifico. Observaciones por Macario D. Escobari. ... La Paz, Imp. Relijiosa, 1880. 57 p. 8°. Escrituras prehistoricas en Mizque. "El Tiempo." La Paz. Feb. 28, 1914. illus. Fawcett, P. H.: Exploration in Bolivia. "Geog. Jour." May, 1910. p. 513. illus. map. River Heath, further exploration. "Geog. Jour." April, 1911. p. 377. illus. map. Fortescue, Granville: Another link from La Paz to the sea. [Arica-La Paz rail- road.] "Bulletin." August, 1912. p. 259. illus. map. Geography and natural resources of Bolivia. "Scot. Geog. Mag." January, 1911. p. 6. Glaizot, F.: A journey across South America. "Eng. and Min. Jour." July 8, 1911. p. 70. Great Britain : Hydrographic office: Bolivia included in: "Great Britain. Hydro- graphic office." (See among general books.) Gregory, Herbert E. : The La Paz (Bolivia) gorge. By Herbert E. Gregory. Results of the [Yale] Peruvian expedition of 1912. . . . (Reprinted from the American Journal of Science, Vol. 36, August, 1913.) 141-150 p. illus. 8°. Hauthal, Rudolf: Reisen in Bolivien und Peru ausgefuhrt 1908. Mit unterstiit- zung des . . . Dr. Hans Meyer . . . von Rudolf Hauthal. . . . Leipzig, Verlag, von Duncker & Humblot, 1911. x, 247 p. illus. plates, maps. 8°. Herzog, Theodor: Die Bolivianischen Kordilleren. "Petermann's." April 8, 1913. p. 192. illus. map. Beitrdge zur Kenntnis von Ostbolivien. "Petermann's." February, 1910. p. 136, and March, 1910, p. 194- illus. map. [Travel from Puerto Suarez to Santa Cruz de la Sierra and in the districts of Rio San Miguel and Quarrayos de Rio Blanco.) Vom Urwald zu den Gletschern der Kordillere. Zwei forschungsreisen in Bolivia. Von Dr. Theodor Herzog. . . . Stuttgart, Stecker & Schroder, 1913. front, diagrams, illus. xi, 270 p. 8°. Hillman, H. P. L.: Travel notes on Southern Peru and Bolivia. "Inca Chron." January, 1912. p. 25. illus. Los indigenas de Bolivia. "Caras y Caretas." March 16, 1912. illus. In the highlands of the Andes. Ancient ruins and modern conditions. "Times Supp." May 30, 1912. p. 1. Koebel, W. H.: [Chapter on Bolivia]. (See among general books.) Lake Titicaca with its snow Andes and sacred islands. "Wash. Star." Feb. 20, 1911. La Paz. [Description.] "Bol. de la Of. de Estat." 1909. No. 52:137. [Description.] "Peru Today." January, 1912. p. 32. illus. La Paz, Municipalidad: Resumen de las labores de la municipalidad de 1911. La Paz, Imp. Velarde [1912]. cxxxix, 190, iii p. plates. 4°. (Description of La Paz.) La Paz as a future railway center. "Times Supp." Jan. 31, 1911. p. 2. Lee, John: Religious liberty in South America. With special reference to recent legislation in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. By John Lee. . . . With an introduction by Bishop John H. Vincent. . . . Cincinnati, Jennings & Graham, 1907c. vii, 266 p. 8°. Lopez, Manuel Ordonez: Bosquejo de la historia de Bolivia por Manuel Ord6fiez L6pez y Luis S. Crespo. ... La Paz, Imp. y Lit. Boliviana, Hugo Heit- mann, 1912. xx, 482, xxiv p. 8°. 38 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. MacQueen, Peter: Bolivia, the mountain republic. "National." Apr., 1914- p. 61. illus. Martinez, Albert B. : Manuel du voyageur. Baedeker de la Republique Argentine. Par Albert B. Martinez. Comprenant aussi une partie du Bresil, de la Repub- lique Orientale de l'Uruguay, du Chili et de la Bolivie. Avec cartes et plana de la Republique Argentine, de la ville de Buenos Aires, de Rosario, des voies de chemins de fer et beaucoup de photogravures. 3rd ed. Barcelona, A. Lopez Robert, imprimeur. 1907. xvv, 632 p. maps, plates, illus. Mattis, Hans (joint author) : Bolivien in wort und bild. See Vacano, Max Josef von. Medina, Eduardo Diez de: Bolivia. Breve resumen hist6rico, fisico y politico por Eduardo Diez de Medina. ... 2a edici6n, corregida y aumentada. La Paz, Isaac Palza Soliz, iv, iv, 120 p. 1910. map. 12°. Same. 3a edici6n corregida y aumentada. La Paz, Imp. Artistica, 1914. map. 114 p. 8°. Mello Franco, Arminio de: Titicaca. Um mysterioso mediterraneo da America. "Kosmos." Rio. November, 1908. illus. Mozans, H. J.: Bolivia included in: "Along the Andes and down the Amazon." (See among general books.) Nordenskiold, Erland: Bolivia included in: "Indianerleben." (See among general books.) Pacific Steam Navigation Co.: How to reach Bolivia. Valparaiso, Imp. y Lit. Universo, no date, illus. 25 p. 8°. Page, Jesse: Bolivia included in: "The land of the peaks and the pampas." (See under general books.) Pan American Union: . . . Bolivia. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 16 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. illus. 18 p. 8°. Same. 1911. illus. 20 p. 8°. Same. 1913. illus. 31 p. 8°. Pando, Jose Manuel: Centenario del general Narciso Campero. Discurso leido por el Senor General Jose" Manuel Pando en la fiesta militar del dia 29 de octubre de 1913. La Paz, Talleres Intendencia de Guerra, 1913. 63 p. 8°. Paredes, Rigoberto M.: Sicasica. Estudios geogrdficos. "Bol. de la Of. Nac. Estad." 6:403. 1910. Paz Soldan, Mariano Felipe: Narraci6n hist6rica de la guerra de Chile contra el Peru y Bolivia. Por Mariano Felipe Paz Soldan. Buenos Aires, Imp. y lib. de Mayo, 1884. (v) x. 917 p. 4°. Pearson, Henry C: The rubber country of the Amazon. A detailed description of the great rubber industry of the Amazon Valley, which comprises the Brazilian states of Pard, Amazonas and Matto Grosso, the territory of the Acre, the montana of Peru and Bolivia, and the southern portions of Colombia and Venezuela. By Henry C. Pearson. ... New York, The India Rubber World, 1911. x, 228 p. illus. 8°. maps. Peck, Annie S.: A search for the apex of America. High mountain climbing in Peru and Bolivia including the conquest of Huascaran. With some observations on the country and people below. By Annie S. Peck. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1911. xviii, 370 p. map. plates. 4°. Peixotto, Ernest Clifford: [Chapter on Bolivia]. (See among general books.) Across Titicaca with a glimpse of Bolivia. "Scribner's." July, 1913. p. 75. illus. Picturesque La Paz, the capital of Bolivia. "Bulletin." August, 1913. p. 209. Porter, Robert P.: [Chapter on Bolivia]. See Porter, Robert P. (Among general books). LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 39 Posnansky, Arthur: Guia general ilustrada para la investigaci6n de los monu- mentos prehist6ricos de Tihuanacu e* Islas del Sol y La Luna (Titicaca y Koaty) con breves apuntes sobre los Chullpas, Urus y escritura antigua de los aborigines del Altiplano andino, con un cromo, 54 grabados, 3 pianos y 4 facsimiles. Por Arthur Posnansky. ... La Paz, Imp. y Lit. Boliviano, 1912. 104 [2] p. 8°. Bolivia und seiDe wirtschaftliche Bedeutung. . . . Von Ingenieur Arthur Posnansky. . . . Berlin, Sonderdruck aus der halbmonatsschrift, Slid- und Mittel-Amerika, 1913. illus. 19. 8°. Lorenzo Sundt y la geologia Boliviana. Rectificaciones por Arthur Posnansky. ... La Paz, Imp. Artistica, 1911. 18 p. 8°. Same. Segunda rectifieaci6m La Paz, Imp. Artistica, 1912. 33 p. 8°. Tihuanacu y la civilizaci6n prehist6rica en el altiplano Andino por Arthur Posnansky ... 2a edici6n, aumentada y corregida. La Paz, Imprenta Artistica, 1911. 50 p. 8°. Post, Charles Johnson: [Chapter on Bolivia]. See Post, Charles Johnson: (Among general books). Over the interior Andes. (A pilgrimage by rail, mule and raft across the great backbone of South America.) "Outing." September, 1912. p. 643. illus. Quijarro, Antonio: Los territorios del noroeste de Bolivia. Vias de comunicaci6n que los corresponden. Por el Doctor Antonio Quijarro. Buenos Aires, Tip. "La Buenos Aires," 1892. 43 p. fold. map. 8°. Raviol, Luis M.: [Chapter on Bolivia]. See Raviol, Luis M.: (Among general books). Reid, William A.: The dancing Indians of Bolivia. "Travel." January, 1913. p. 29. illus. Rene-Moreno, Gabriel: Bolivia y Peru. Notas hist6ricas y bibliograficas por Gabriel Rene-Moreno. Santiago de Chile, 1907. x, 676 p. 12°. — i Segunda edici6n aumentada. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Barcelona, 1905. x, 333 (2) p. 12°. Reyes, Rafael: Ex-President Reyes in the old dominion of the Incas. What he saw in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. "N. Y. Times." Sept. 7, 1913. illus. [Bolivia included in] "The two Americas." (See general books.) [Rou ma, Georges]: La Bolivie moderne. " France- AmSrique." January, 1914- p. 64- illus. Rubio, Alejo: Un viaje & Yungas. ... La Paz, Imprenta Artistica, 1913. illus. 14 p. f°. Cover title. Ryan, C. J.: La Bolivia. "Sendero Teosofico." August, 1913. p. 19. illus. Bolivia. "Theo. Path." April, 1914. p. 252. illus. Sagarnaga, Elias: Recuerdos de la campafta del Acre de 1903. Mis notas de viaje. La Paz, Jose L. Calderon, 1909. 194 p. 8°. [Sanjines, Carlos]: . . . Bolivia and the opening of the Panama Canal. General information on Bolivia. Mineral resources. New York, Consulado general de Bolivia, 1912. 24 p. illus. (In English and Spanish.) Sanjines, Guillermo: Das heutige Bolivien und seine zukunft. Hamburg, Druck von Paulo Babst, 1913. front, port, illus. 105 p. 8°. Savage-Landor, A. Henry: Across unknown South America. By A. Henry Savage-Landor. . . . Vols. 1 and 2. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1913. illus. map. plates. 2 v. Schacke, Fritz: Reisen in Mittel- und Sud-Amerika. Bolivien. "Sud-und Mittel- Amerika." March 28, 1914. V- 98. illus. Sievers, Wilhelm: [Chapter on Bolivia]. See Sievers, Wilhelm (Among general books). 40 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Simoens da Silva, Carlos: Habitos y costumbres de La Paz. Ruinos prehistoricos de Tiahuanaco. "Bol. de la Of. Nac. de Estad." 7:226. 1911. The South American yearbook: Bolivia included in: "The South American year book." (See under general books.) Sperber, O.: America's tinland. "Pan Am. Mag." February,' 1913. p. 5J+. illus. Bolivia. [General descriptive data.] "Latin Am." Aug. 15, 1913. p. 8. illus. Vacano, Max Josef von: Bolivien in wort und bild aus seiner vergangenheit gegen- wart und zukunft von Max Josef von Vacano und Hans Mattis. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen) Geographische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1911. 225 p. illus. map. 4°. Van Dyke, Harry Weston: [Chapter on Bolivia]. See Van Dyke, Harry Weston (Among general books.) Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique: [Chapter on Argentine Republic]. See Vera y Gonzales, Enrique (Among general books). Viajero: A commercial traveler in South America. "Bulletin." February, 1914- p. 183. illus. Villar, Emilio H. del: [Chapter on Bolivia]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Walle, Paul: La Bolivie moderne. "Bull. Geog. Com." May, 1913. p. 316. La Bolivie et ses mines, Seixante et une illustrations hors texte et quatre cartes. Paris, E. Guilmoto Editeur. front, illus. xvi, 444 p. map. 8°. BRAZIL. Adams, Harriet Chalmers: The lady and the vampires. (Experiences in Brazil.) "N. Y. Herald." Aug. 18, 1912. illus. Akers, Charles Edmond: [Chapter on Brazil]. See Akers, Charles Edmond: (Among general books.) Albes, Edward: Eighty days with the" Bluecher" party. 2. Pernambuco. Sao Paulo. "Bulletin." July, 1912. p. 55. illus. Part 9. Bahia and Para, two great ports of Brazil. "Bulletin." February, 1913. p. 165. illus. All rail route between Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro. "Bulletin." Decem- ber, 1911. p. 1095. illus. map. Almeida, Pires de: Ataque e bombardeio do Rio de Janeiro, a 21 de Janeiro de 1711. "Illustracao Brazileiro." March 1, 1912. p. 81. Amazonas, Estado do. : Album do Amazonas. Manaos, Photographias de F. A. Fidanza, 1901-1902. 120, 72 p. 4°. O valle de Rio Branco. Estado do Amazonas. Edicao official. 1906. No imprint, illus. 34 p. 4°. Cover title. Andrea, Julio Soares de : Guia do districto federal. (Rio de Janeiro.) Organisado sob a direccao de Julio Soares de Andrea . . . Rio de Janeiro, Estabeleci- mento Lit. Typ. Alexandre Borges & c, 1911. xv, 194, cxxxix, p. 12°. Angerami, Domingos: estado de Sao Paulo. See Fonseca, Antonio. Arbizu y Prieto, Julio: . . . Breve noticia geografica sobre la Argentina, Brasil y Cuba. Con un croquis 6 mapa de cada una de estas repiiblicas. Por Julio Arbizo y Prieto . . . Sevilla, A. Padura y Ca., 1910. 263 p. 1^°. Arruda Beltrao, Antonio Carlos de: O estado de Pernambuco na Exposicao nacional de 1908 pelo engenheiro civil Antonio Carlos de Arruda Beltrao. . . . Catalogo dos expositores. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. e Pap. Hildebrandt, 1909. 87 (1) p. illus. 8°. Arujo Filho, Luis: O municipio de Alegrete. Alegrete, Editores Irmaos Prunes, 1907. fronts, port, illus. 309 p. 8°. Ashmead,P. H.: M adeira-M amor e railway. [Description.] "Bulletin." March, 1911. p. 432. illus. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 41 Backheuser, Everardo: . . . Brazilio. Parolado de Sro. Everardo Back- heuser, prezidanto de la Brazila ligo esperantista. . . . Paris, Librairie Hachette & Cia., 1909. 26 p. illus. 8°. Bahia: Notice pour Immigrant. Bahia, Litho-Typ. Wilcke, Picard & Co., 1897. map. 60 p. 8°. Baldwin, Elbert F.: Brazil of today. "Outlook." Oct. 21, 1911. p. m. Baeta Neves, L.: Brazil. An erroneous statement reprinted in the magazine of the University of Tennessee of April, 1909, about the Brazilian people and the " German peril" in Brazil. . . . Lecture ... By ... L. Baeta Neves . . . Knoxville, Tenn., 1909. Cover title. 32 p. 12°. Bates, Henry Walter: Naturalist on the river Amazons. By Henry Walter Bates. London, J. M. Dent & Sons. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., xix (1), 407 p. illus. map. 12°. Bayo, Ciro: Brazil included in his: "Los Maranones." (See among general books.) Beare, O'Sullivan : El estado de Sao Paulo. Veinte anos de progresos incesantes. Informe de la autoridad consular inglesa. [Por] O'Sullivan Beare. Traducci6n del "Diario Espanol" . . . Sao Paulo, en su numero de 25 de septiembre de 1911. Madrid, Imprenta Artistica Jose Blass y Cia., 1911. 31 p. 8°. Bennet, Frank: Forty years in Brazil. By Frank Bennett. . . . London, Mills & Boon, 1914. front, illus. plates, xxiv, 271, 32 p. 8°. Bernardez, Manuel: El Brazil: su vida, su trabajo, su future Itinerario periodi- stico por Manuel Bernardez. Buenos Aires, Ortega y Radaelli, 1908. xxxii, 216 (4) p. 8°. Same. (In French). 233 (5) p. illus. maps. 8°. Bilac, Olavo: Bresil. Guide des Etats Unis du Bresil, Rio de Janeiro. Systeme Baedecker. Fondateurs Olavo Bilac, Guimaraens Passos et Bandeira Junior. Traduction de Roberto Gomes. Premiere edition. (Rio de Janeiro, Paula Souza & Comp., 1904.) 219 p. illus. maps. 12°. Bingham, Hiram: Brazil included in his: "Across South America." (See under general books.) Bittencourt, Feliciano Pinheiro: Compendio de corographia do Brasil accordo com o programa do gymnasio nacional pelo Dr. Feliciano Pinheiro Bittencourt . . . 2a edicao revista e augmentada. Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Francisco Alves, 1910. 381, viii p. maps, illus. 12°. Bollo, Luis Cincinato: [Chapter on Brazil]. See Bollo, Luis Cincinato: (Among general books). Boero, Jorge A. : [Chapter on Brazil]. See Boero, Jorge A. : (Among general books) . Bouvard, M. J.: Impressions de voyage au Bresil. " France- Amerique." March, 1913. p. 161. Boyce, W. D. : [Chapter on Brazil]. See Boyce, W. D. : (Among general books.) O Brazil, Meridional. "Illustragao Brazileira." June 1,1911. p. 187. illus. Le Bresil Economique: . . . Annuaire du Bresil Economique. Rio de Janeiro, 1912. 446 (2) p. 4°. (General industrial statistics, descriptions of companies, finances.) Brieve notice sur l'etat de Bahia: Bahia, Empreza A. Bahia, 1905. 85 p. 12°. Bryce, James: [Chapter on Brazil]. See Bryce, James: (Among general books). Buccelli, Vittorio: Un viaggio a Rio Grande del Sur. [Per] Vittorio Buccelli. Milano, L. F. Pallestrini & C, 1906. 394 (1) p. illus. fold. map. 4°. Bulcao, Mario: Educacao civica. Por Mario Bulcao . . Sao Paulo,Livraria de C. Teixeira, 1906. Ill p. 8°. Caetano da Silva, Antonio Jose: Chorographia fluminense (O Estado do Rio de Janeiro em 1896). "Rev. do Inst. Hist, e Geog." Vol. 67, p. 263. 1906. Calderon, F. Garcia: Brazil included in his: "Latin America." (Among general books). 42 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Cameron, Charlotte: [Chapters on Brazil]. See Cameron, Charlotte: (Among general books). Campos, Candido: Le Bresil en 1910. Rio de Janeiro. Typ. do "Jornal do Commercio." 1910. 163 p. illus. 4°. Same. In Spanish. 163 p. illus. 4°. Carvalho, C. M. Delgado de: . . . Le Bresil meridional. Etude economique sur les Stats du sur S. Paulo, Parana^ Santa-Catharina et Rio Grande do Sul. Rio de Janeiro, no imprint. 1910. 529 p. 12°. Centro industrial do Brazil: . . . Brazil. Its natural riches and industries. Vol. 1, preface — productive industry. Paris, Librairie Ailland & Cie., 1910. 384 p., maps, illus. 4°. Same. In Portuguese. Rio de Janeiro, M. Orosco & Co., 1908. Same. In Portuguese. Rio de Janeiro, M Orosco & Co., 1909. Same. In French. Rio de Janeiro, M. Orosco & Co., 1908. Same. In French. Paris Librairie Aillaud & Co. 1909. Same. In Italian. Rome, Fratelli Treves, 1909. Vol. 2. Industria agricola. Rio de Janeiro, M. Orosco & Co., 1908. Vol. 3. Industries manufacturies. Rio de Janeiro, M. Orosco & Co., 1909. Clemenceau, Georges: . . . Notes de voyage dans l'Amerique du Sud. Argentine, Uruguay, Bresil. Paris Hachette et cie., 1911. 273 p. 12°. [Chapters on Brazil]. See also Clemenceau, Georges: (Among general books). Commissao Geographica e Geologica do Estado de S. Paulo: Exploracao dos Rios Feio e Aguapehy (Extremo Sertao do Estado). 2 a Edicao, 1910. Sao Paulo, Typ. Brazil de Rothschild & Cia., 1910. 26 p. plates, illus. maps. 4°. Exploracao do Rio Juqueryquere\ . . . Sao Paulo, Typ. Brazil de Roths- child & Co., 1911. 19 p. plates, maps, illus. 4°. Exploracao do Rio Parand. 1. (Barra do Rio Tiete* ao Rio Paranahyba). 2. (Barra do Rio Tiete ao Rio Paranapanema). 2 a edicao. Sao Paulo, Typ. Brazil de Rothschild & Co., 1911. 24 p. plates, illus. maps. 4°. Exploracao do Rio Tiete. (Barra do Rio Jacare-Guassu ao Rio Parand). 2 a Edicao. Sao Paulo, Typ. Brazil de Rothschild & Cia., 1910. 18 p. plates, illus. maps. 4°. Cook, William Anzel: By horse, canoe and float through the wildernesses of Brazil. By William Anzel Cook. Akron Ohio, The Werner Co., 1909. iv, 487 p. plates. 8°. Correia da Costa, Hermeto: Mining concession on the Rio Doce, state of Minas Geraes. See Senna, Nelson Coelho de. Corthell, Elmer L.: . . . Port of Para, Brazil. By Elmer L. Corthell. Brus- sels, Printing Office of the Public Works Co., 1907. 13 p. 3 fold. maps. 8°. Costa, Candido: As duas Americas. Segunda edigao ampliada da obra o deecobri- mento da America e do Brazil . . . Primeiro milhar. Lisboa, Jose* Bastos, 1900. 334 p. 8°. Costa, F. A. Pereira da: Rehabilitagao historico de conde de Nassau, governador Brazil-hollandez em 1637-16U- "Rev. do Inst. Hist e Geog." 71:3. 1909. Cpudreau, Henri: Voyage an Tapajoz, 28 juillet 1895 — 7 Janvier, 1896. . . . Paris, Imprimeur A. Lahure, 1897. illus. map. 210 p. 4°. Voyage au Tocantins-Araguaya. 31 dScembre 1896 — 23 mai 1897. . . . Paris, Imprimeur A. Lahure, 1897. illus. map. ii, 298 p. 4°. Voyage au Xingu 30 mai 1896 — 26 octobre 1896. . . . Paris, Imprimeur A, Lahure, 1897. illus. map. ii, 230 p. 4°. Voyage au Yamunda, 21 Janvier 1899-27 juin 1899. Paris, Imprimeur A. Lahure, 1899. illus. maps. 164 p. 4°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 43 Coudreau, O.: Voyage au Cumina 20 avril 1900. . . . Paris, Imprimeur A. Lahure, 1901. illus. maps. 190 p. 4°. Voyage au Trombetas 7 aout 1899-25 november 1899. . . . Paris, Im- primeur A. Lahure, 1900. front, illus. maps. 141 p. 4°. Crampton, E. E.: British Guiana and Brazil to Mount Roraima. "Am. Mu. Jour." December, 1911. p. 283. illus. Cunha, Ernesto Antonio Lassance: Coordenadas geographicas de diversos pontos do Brazil. Collectanea organisada na commissao central de estudos e construccao de estradas de ferro pelo engenheiro-chefe Ernesto Antonio Lassance Cunha. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa nacional, 1909. iv, 165 p. 4°. O Rio Grande do Sul. Contribuicao para o estuido de suas condicoes economi- cas pelo engenheiro civil, Ernesto Antonio Lassance Cunha. . . . Rio de Janeiro, Imp. "Nacional." 1908. 411 p. maps. 8°. Currier, Charles Warren: [Chapters on Brazil]. See Currier, Charles Warren : (Among general books). Dados estatisticos e outros apontamentos sobre o municipio de Porto Alegre, Capital do Estado: Porto Alegre, Typ. de " Jornal do Commercio, n. d. Cover title. 43 p. 12°. Dantas, Jose: Mining concession on the Rio Doce, state of Minas Geraes. See Senna, Nelson Coelho de. d'Anthouard, Le Baron: . . . Le progres Bresilien. La participation de la France. Par le Baron d'Anthouard. . . . Deuxieme edition. Paris, Plon- Nourrit et cie., 1911. xi, 420 p. 8°. Dario, Ruben : Estados Unidos del Brazil. "Mundial" April, 1912. p. 501. illus. Denis, Pierre: . . . Le Bresil au XXe siecle. Paris, Librairie Armand Colin, 1909. 312 p. 12°. Brazil. By Pierre Denis. Translated and with a historical chapter, by Bernard Miall, and a supplementary chapter by Dawson A. Vindin. . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons; London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911. 388 p. plates. 3 fold. maps. 8°. [Description.] "Bull, de la Chambre de Commerce Belgo-Bresilienne." Aug. 15, 1918. [Entire copy devoted to Brazil.] Devet, Paulo: Municipio de Santarem, estado da Bahia. Suas riquezas naturaes, fortunas inexploradas e de facil aproveitamento por Paulo Devet. Bahia, Livraria Magalhaes, 1913. 12 p. 8°. Dias, Arthur: O Brazil actual. Informacoes geographicas, politicas e commerciaes. Impressoes de viagem, dados pittorescos e descriptivos sobre as principaes cidades Brazileiras, homens e coisas da actualidade. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1904. front, port, illus. vi, 501 p. 4°. Domville-Fife, Charles W. : The United States of Brazil. With a chapter on the republic of Uruguay. By Charles W. Domville-Fife. . . . London, Francis Griffiths, 1910. xxiii, 249 p. illus. map. 8°. (A chapter on Brazil also in his "Great states of South America." See under general books. ) Edward, Herbert A.: Frontier work on the Bolivian-Brazil boundary, 1911-1912. "Geog. Jour." August, 1913. p. 113. map. Estado da Bahia: Noticia e informacoes. Publicacao para a Exposicao Nacional de 1908. Bahia, C. Melchiades, 1908. 54 p. diagrs. maps. 4°. Esposizione internazionale di Torino: Gli stati uniti del Brasile. All'Esposi- zione internazionale di Torino. Revista, 1911. Torino, Tip. C. Sartori, 1911. front, ports, illus. 40 p. 4°. Les etats du Bresil et leurs grandes resources: Articles publies dans la presse Francaise. Havre, Imprimeriede " Havre-Eclair," 1909. 87 p. illus. 8°. Fernandes de Mello, Tancredo: O Municipio de Santa Victoria do Palmar. Estudio historico, physico e politico. Notas estatisticas. Por Tancredo Fernandes de Mello. Porto Alegre, Livraria Americana, 1911. 301 p. illus. 8°. 44 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Ferreira Sobrinho, Joaquim Vieira: Studio geografico di Joaquim Vieiro Ferreira Sobrinho. . . . [Rio de Janeiro, Tip. della "Scuola Gerson"], n. d. 262 p nar. 8°. Fonseca, Antonio: Guia do estado de Sao Paulo por Antonio Fonseca e Domingos Angerami. . . . Sao Paulo, Pocai & Weiss, 1912. front, ports, illus. maps. 386 p. 12°. Forge, R. G. H. de la: Aux pays de l'avenir. Quatre annees d'etudes sur les affaires du sud Amerique. Les milliones de l'epargne Franchise a Bresil. Par H. R. C. de la Forge. . . . Paris, G. Ficker, no date. 165 (1) p. illus. 4°. Forrest, A. S. : A tour through South America. (See general books.) France, Anatole: Au Bresil. Paris, Aillaud & Co., 1909. 16 p. 8°. Frizell, William G.: [Chapters on Brazil]. See Frizell, William G.: (Among general books). Gaffre, L. A.: Visions du Bresil. Rio de Janeiro, Francisco Alves & Cia., . . . 1912. 398 p. 12°. Geographia-atlas do Brazil e das cinco partes do mundo: Conforme o "atlas do Brazil do Barao Homem de Mello e Dr. F. Homem de Mello e os melhores auctores para a parta geral." Com um prolog do Dr. Francisco Cabrita . . . la edicao. Rio de Janeiro, F. Briguiet & Co., 1912. illus. col. maps. 100 p. 4°. Gicebecelt, Guilherme: interior do Ceara. "Illustracao Brazileira." Aug. 16, 1913. p. 274. Ulus. Glass, Frederick C: A thousand miles in a dug-out; being the narrative of a journey of investigation among the red-skin indians of central Brazil. By Frederick C. Glass, with preface by Rev. J. Stuart Holden. [London], South American Evangelical Mission, 1911. [6], 85 p. illus. 12°. [Gorham, Reginald]: With an automobile off the Brazilian highway. "Bulletin." June, 1911. p. 971. illus. Graham, Maria: Journal of a voyage to Brazil, and residence there, during part of the years 1821, 1822 and 1823. By Maria Graham. . . . London, printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1824. vi, 335 p. plates. 4°. Gray, Albert (tr.): The voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas and Brazil. Translated into English from the third French edition of 1619, and edited with notes, by Albert Gray, . . . assisted by H. C. P. Bell. ... In two volumes. London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1890. 290-572 [xvi] p. illus. 8°. Great Britain. Foreign Office: Report on a journey in the south of Brazil. . . . London, Wyman & Sons . . . 1913. 19 p. 8°. Cover title. Great Britain. Hydrographic office: Brazil included in: "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (See among general books.) Guide des etrangers au Bresil: Loches, Imprimeur, H. Bertault, no date, illus. 150 p. 12°. Hadfield, William: Brazil, the River Plate, and the Falkland Islands; with the Cape Horn route to Australia. Including notices of Lisbon, Madeira, the Canaries and Cape Verde. By William Hadfield. . . . Illustrated by per- mission, from the South American sketches of Sir W. Gore Ouseley . . . and by permission, from the drawings of Sir Charles Hotham. . . . London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1854. vi, 384 p. front, illus. port, maps. 8°. Hale, Albert: Developing the Amazon Valley. "Bulletin." January, 1913. p. 38. illus. The port of Para. "Bulletin." October, 1912. p. 933. illus. maps. Trip through Brazil. "Bay View Mag." February, 1913. illus. — — Valley of the Amazon — the Madeira — Mamore Railway Co. ' ^ Bulletin.'' ' Decem- ber, 1912. p. 1116. illus. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 45 Hanicotte, R. & G.: La verite sur le Bresil. Publication de Messieurs R. & G. Hanicotte. . . . Paris, Imprimerie de l'encyclopedie nationale, n. d. 262 p. 12°. Hazlett, Dillwynn M.: Petropolis, a unique city of Brazil. "Interurban Mag." December, 1913. p. 25. illus. Rio de Janeiro, The world's most beautiful city. " Interurban Mag." January, 1914- p. 5. illus. Henrix, Paul: Le Bresil par Paul Henrix. Paris, Imp. du "Figaro." 76 p. illus. 8°. Highams, E. E.: Across a continent in a man-of-war. Being the log of commission of H. M. S. "Pelorus." 1906-1909. With a full account of 2,000 miles up the Amazon. By E. E. Highams. London, "The Westminister Press." 1909. xvi, 239 p. 8°. illus. map. (Amazonian region on p. 188-223.) Historia ou annaes dos feitos da companhia privilegiada das indias occidentaes o seu comeco ate fim de 1636. In Annaes da bibliotheca nacional do Rio de Janeiro. 1908. Vol.30, p. 1. Holland, W. J. : To the River Plate and back. The narrative of a scientific mission to South America, with observations upon things seen and suggested. By W. J. Holland. . . . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913. xiii, 387 p. col. pis. illus. 8°. Holmes, Burton: The first American "City Beautiful." "Ladies Home Journal." January, 1912. p. 9. illus. Horner, Q. R. B.: Medical topography of Brazil and Uruguay, with incidental remarks. By G. R. B. Horner. . . . Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blackistone, 1845. 296 p. 8°. International rubber and allied trades exhibition, New York, 1912: Brazil the land of rubber. At the third international rubber and allied trades exhibition, New York, 1912. With the compliments of the Brazilian Government. [1912. j front, ports, illus. 222 p. 8°. Jorge, A. G. de Araujo: . . . Ensaios de historia diplomatica do Brasil no regimen republicano. Primeira serie. 1889-1902. Rio de Janeiro, Livraria editora de Jacintho Silva, 1912. viii, (4) 181 p. 8°. Keller [-Leuzinger], Franz: The Amazon and Madeira Rivers: sketches and descriptions from the note-book of an explorer. By Franz Keller, engineer. New edition with sixty-eight illustrations on wood. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott & Co., 1875. xviii, 210 p. illus. pi. 8°. Kerby, Joseph Orton: An American Consul in Amazonia. By Major J. Orton Kerby. . . . New York, William Edwin Rudge, 1911. 370 p. front, plates. 4°. Amazonia. "Bulletin." November, 1911. p. 914. illus. Knoche, Walter: Algunas indicaciones sobre los Uti-Krag del Rio Doce (Espiritu Santo) por Walter Knoche. (Trabajo publicado en la "Revista de Historia y Geografia" Afio 3, Tomo 5.) Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Universitaria, 1913. 13 p. plates. 8°. Koebel, W. H.: [Chapter on Brazil]. See Koebel, W. H. (Among general books). Koch-Grunberg, Th.: Meine Reise durch Nord Brasilien zum Orinoco. 1911-1913 "Zeitschrift der Ges. fur Erdkunde." 1913. p. 665. illus. map. Zwei jahre unter den Indianern. Reisen in Nordwest-Brasilien 1903-1905. Von Dr. Theodor Koch-Grunberg. . . . Berlin, Ernst Wasmuth, 1909-1910. 2 v. map. plates, illus. 4°. Krause, Fritz: In den wildnissen Brasiliens. Bericht und ergebnisse der Leipziger Araguana Expedition 1908. Von Dr. Fritz Krause. . . . Leipzig, R. Voigtlander, 1911. viii, 512 p. plates. 2 fold. maps. 8°. Lacerda, Joaquim : La baie de Rio de Janeiro. Guide. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. do Jornal do Commercio, 1913. illus. map. 72 p. 12°. 46 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. La Condamine, Charles de: Relation abregee d'un voyage fait dans l'interieur. de l'Amerique Mendionale, depuis la cote de la Mer du Sud, jusqu'aux c6t£s du Br6sil & de la Guyane, en descendant la riviere des Amazones. Par M. de La Condamine . . . Avec une carte du Maragnon . . . levee par le meme. Nouv. ed. augmented de la relation de l'emeute populaire de Cuenca au Perou, et d'une lettre de M. Godin des Odonais, contenant la relation du voyage de Madame Godin, son epouse, &c. Maestricht, J. E. Dufour & P. Roux, 1778. 2 pi. xvi, 379 p. front, map. 8°. Laet, Joannes de: Historia au annaes dos feitos da companhia privilegiada das indias occidentaes desde o seu comego ate ao fim do anno de 1636. In Annaes da bibliotheca nacional do Rio de Janeiro. 1908. Vol. 30. p. 1. Landor, Arthur Henry Savage: Across unknown South America. By A. Henry Savage—Landor. . . . Vols. 1 and 2. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1913. illus. map. plates. 2 v. 18,750 miles of peril and adventure in unknown Brazil. "N. Y. Times." July 6, 1918. illus. Lange, Algot: In the Amazon jungle. Adventures in remote parts of the upper Amazon, including a sojourn among cannibal Indians. By Algot Lange. Edited in part by J. Odell Hauser, with an introduction by Frederick S. Dellen- baugh. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912. xx, 405 p., plates, partly col. maps. 8°. Lloyd's Greater Britain Publishing Co.: Twentieth century impressions of Brazil. Its history, people, commerce, industries and resources. . London, Lloyd's Greater Britain Publishing Co., 1913. 1064 p. maps, illus. 4° contents: Geography; the Amazon Valley; geology; climate; flora and fauna; archaeology; history; popu- lation; public health; sociology; literature; art; music; the press; sport; law; the President and ministers; posts and telegraphs; army and navy; immigration and colonization; railroads; ship- ping; agriculture; stockraising; minerals and mines; industries; description of each principal agricultural product; commerce; finance; capital; Rio de Janeiro; description of each state; the position today; currency; measures and weights. Lome, H. M. : An American triumph in Brazil. [Madeira-Mamore railway.] "W. W." May, 9110. p. 12950. A triumph of sanitary science. [Madeira-Mamore railroad.] u Modern Sanita- tion." May, 1912. p. 188. illus. MacQueen, Peter: Brazil, the largest republic in the world. u National." January, 1914. p. 618. illus. Madeira and Mamore railway. [Description.] "Bulletin." January, 1910. p. 81. illus. [Madeira-Mamore railway]: Opening up the Amazon River. "S. A. J." March 16, 1912. p. 303. Do Madeira ao Mamore. "Illustracgao Brazileira." April, 16, 1912. p. 187. illus. Maldague, Georges: . . . Paris — Rio de Janeiro. Un voyage de Noce. Paris, Edition de la Diction Franchise [1911]. 241 p. 12°. Os Males. [Negro rebellion of 1885.] "Rev. do Inst. Hist, e Geog." 1910. 72:78. Barco Centenera, Martin del: Argentina y conquista del Rio de la Plata con otras acaecimientos de los Reinos del Peru, Tucuman y Estado del Brasil por el Arcediano D. Martin del Barco Centenera. Facsimil de la primera edici6n, im- presa en Lisboa, por Pedro Crasbeeck en el ano 1602. Notas bibliograficas y biograficas de Carlos Navarro y Lamarca. Buenos Aires Angel Estrada y cia., 1912. 31, t. p. (4) 230, iv, (1) p. 12°. Martinez, Albert B. : Baedeker of the Argentine Republic. By Albert B. Martinez. Including also parts of Brazil, the Republic of Uruguay, Chili and Bolivia. With maps and plans of the Argentine Republic, of the towns of Buenos Aires, of Montevideo, of Rosario, of the railway lines and numerous illustrations. 4th edition. Barcelona, R. Sopena, printer, 1914. xviii, 430 p. illus. maps, plates. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 47 Martinez, Albert B. : Manuel du voyageur. Baedeker de la Republique Argentine, Par Albert B. Martinez. Comprenant aussi une partie du Br6sil, de la Repub- lique Orientale de l'Uruguay, du Chili et de la Bolivie. Avec cartes et plans de la Republique Argentine, de la ville de Buenos Aires, de Rosario, des voies de chemins de fer et beaucoup de photogravures. 3d ed. Barcelona, A. Lopez Robert, imprimeur, 1907. xv, 632 p. maps, plates, illus. Maximilian, Prince: Travels in Brazil in the years 1815, 1816, 1817. By Prince Maximilian, of Wied-Neuwied. London, printed for Henry Colburn & Co., 1820. plates, map. x, 335 p. 4°. Miall, Bernard (tr.): Brazil. See Denis, Pierre. Miller, Roman J.: [Chapter on Brazil]. See Miller, Roman J.: (Among general books). Minas Geraes. 1711-1911. "Illustracdo Brazileira." Aug. 1,1911. p. 41. illus. Miranda, Antonio dos Passos: . . . O valle do Amazonas. 2 a Conferencia sobre as riquezas do Norte, que a 18 de junho, no Museu Commercial do Rio de Janeiro . . . proferiu o Dr. Antonio dos Passos Miranda. . . . Rio de Janeiro, "Jornal do Brazil." 1907. 26 p. 8°. Moura, Ignacio: Vultos e descobrimentos do Brazil e da Amazonas . . . por Ignacio Moura e Estephanio Silva. Para, no imprint. 1900. illus. 81 p. 4°. Mozans, H. J.: Brazil included in his: "Along the Andes and down the Amazon." (See among general books.) Muir, John: A future paradise for mankind in South America. "N. Y. Times." April 21, 1912. illus. Myers, H. M.: Brazil included in his: "Life and nature under the tropics." (See among general books.) Nabuco, Joaquim: The spirit of nationality in the history of Brazil. By Joaquim Nabuco. Address delivered before the Spanish Club of Yale University on the 15th of May, 1908. Half title. 14 p. 8°. Netto, Coelho: A patria Brazileira. (Para os alumnos das escolas primarias.) Terceira edicao. Rio de Janeiro, Francisco Alves & Cia., 1911. illus. 287 p. 8°. Neumayer, Maximus: In unexplored Brazil. "Wide World Mag." June, 1911. p. 218; July, 1911, p. 219. illus. Nogueira, Julio: A Madeira-Mamore. A bacia do Mamore. Artigo publicado (no "Jornal do Commercio" em 31 de Janeiro de 1913. Por Julio Nogueira. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. do Jornal do Commercio, 1913. 102 p. illus. 8°. Oakenfull, J. C: Brazil, 1913. By J. C. Oakenfull. . . . Frome, England, Butler & Tanner [1914]. 604, 21 p. col. front, pis. fold. maps. 12°. (Library also has for years 1899-1913.) (Includes description and history, flora and fauna, agriculture, and industries.) Octavio, Benedicto: Los Paulistas. Su importancia en la expansi6n territorial del Brazil. Por Benedicto Octavio. Pages 767-792. In International Scientific Congress. Trabajos del Cuarto Congreso Cientifico. Vol XX. Santiago de Chile. 1912. Oliveira Lima, M. de: Sur revolution d'une ville du nouveau-monde. Par M. de Oliveira Lima. . . . Publication faite par la Mission Br6silienne de propa- gande et d'expansion economique d'Anvers [1908]. 19 p. plates. 4°. Oliver, James Francis: Rio de Janeiro. "New Age." January, 1911. p. 9. illus. Orchid hunting In Brazil: On the Amazon and Negro. "Times Supp." Jan. 28, , 1913. p. 5. Page, Jesse: Brazil included in his: "The land|of the peaks and the pampas." (See under general books.) Pan American Union: . . . Brazil. General descriptive data preparedfin June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 37 p. illus. 8°. — Same. 1910. 34 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 36 p. 8°. illus. Same. 1912. 17 p. 8°. 48 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Pan American Union : Municipal organizations in Latin America. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. (Reprint from the "Monthly Bulletin of the Pan American Union," January, 1909.) Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 30-51 p. 8°. Para, Estado de: Quarto centenario de descobrimento do Brazil. O Para em 1900. Publicacao commemorativa feita pelo governo do estado. Pard, Imprensa de Alfredo Augusto Silva, 1900. x ; ii, 297 p. f°. Para. Provincia do: . . . Dados estatisticos e informacoes para os immi- grantes publicados por ordem do exm. sr. conselheiro Tristao de Alencar Araripe, presidente da provincia. Para, Typ. do Diario Official, 1886. fold, tables. 200 p. 8°. Passos Miranda, Antonio dos: As riquezas do norte do Brazil. 1° Conferencia do Dr. Antonio Dos Passos Miranda, . . . realizada por occasiao da inaugu- racao do Museu Commercial, no dia 9 de marco de 1907. 29 p. 8°. Payer, Richard: Vom Ucayali nach den Bergen von Condamana. "Petermann's." June, 1910. p. 20. map. Pearson, Henry C: The rubber country of the Amazon. A detailed description of the great rubber industry of the Amazon Valley, which comprises the Brazilian states of Pard, Amazonas and Matto Grosso, the territory of the Acre, the montafia of Peru and Bolivia, and the southern portions of Colombia and Venezuela. By Henry C. Pearson. . . . New York, "The India Rubber World." 1911. x, 228 p. illus. 8°. maps. Pard, Manaos and the Amazon. "India R. W." July 1, 1910. p. 341. illus. Santos and Sao Paulo. "India R. W" Sept. 1, 1913. p. 609. illus. map. Pereira da Silva, Lourenco: Memoriado municipio de Campo Formoso. Organi- sada para a Exposicao Nacional de 1908 por authorisacao do mtendente munici- pal . . . por Lourenco Pereira da Silva. Bahia, Reis & C, 1908. v, 67 p. map. 8°. Pereira da Silva, R: . . . Estudios e trabalhos relativos aos estados de Para- hyba e Rio Grande do Norte pelo engenheiro R. Pereira da Silva. . . . Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, Outubro de 1910. 152 p. 4°. Perrin, Paul: Do you know the wealth of Brazil? By Paul Perrin. An abridg- ment of the work, "Brazil: her natural riches and industries." London, pub- lished by the Commissao de expansao economica do Brazil, 1910. 97 (1) p. illus. 12°. Pestana, Nereu Rangel: Climat et salubrite" de l'Etat de Sao Paulo (Bresil). Par Ner&i Rangel. Edite par le commissariat general du gouvernement de l'Stat de Sao Paulo a Anvers. Paris, Aillaud & Cie., 1908. 35 p. diagrs. 8°. Pompeu, Julio: . . . Four Brazilian states. [Sao Paulo, Minas Geraes, Rio de Janeiro, Parana.] Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Leuzinger, 1910. xix, 50, 79. 54, 52 p. plates. 8°. (Text in German and English.) Porter, Robert P.: [Chapter on Brazil]. See Porter, Robert P.: (Among general books). Post, Charles Johnson: [Chapter on Brazil]. See Post, Charles Johnson: (Among general books). Pound, Edward Harold: A trip from Quito to the Napo River. "Bulletin. 11 Augusts 1912. p. 285. illus. Pozzi, S.: The garden Serpents, Butantan, Brazil. By Prof. S. Pozzi, Member of the Academy of Medicine, Paris, in charge of scientific expedition to Brazil and the Argentine Republic. In Annual report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1911. pp. 441-446. Les progres du Bresil: Population, immigration, budget, commerce, international, chemins de fer, navigation. Paris, Aillaud & cie., [1907]. Cover title. 15 p. of diagrs. 4°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 49 Ravenstein, E. Q.: A journal of the first voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-99. Translated and edited with notes and an introduction and appendices. By E. G. Ravenstein. . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1898. xvi, 250 p. map. illus. 8°. Raviol, Luis M. : [Chapter on Brazil]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Rego, Francisco Raphael de Mello: forte de Coimbra. Suafundacao e os aconteci- mientos que com ella se relacionam. "Rev. do Inst. Hist, e Geog." 67:171. 1906. Reyes, Rafael: Reyes in Sao Paulo. Among the "Yankees of Brazil." Great oppor- tunities handicapped by their ignorance of South America. "N. Y. Times." Aug. 4. 1913. illus. The two Americas. (See general books.) Ribeiro, Joao: Historia do Brasil. Curso superior adoptado no gymnasio nacional. 3 a edicao revista e melhorada. Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Francisco Alves, 1909. 551 p. 12°. Rio de Janeiro, the queen of Brazil. "Dun's Rev." Internal, ed. September, 1912. p. 75. illus. Rocha Pitta, Sebastiao da: . . . Historia da America Portugueza. Por Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta. Bahia, Imprensa Economica, 1878. t. p., 1 1.. added t. p., [14], 513 p. 8°. (Colleccao de obras relativaa a historia da Capitania depois Provincia da Bahia e a sua geographia mandadas reimprimir ou publicar pelo Barao Homen de Mello. . . . ) . [Added t. p., is reprint of original, dated 1730.1 Rogers, Alexander P.: An American adventure in Brazil. "W. W." April, 1912. p. 625. [A search for gold that led 5,500 miles to the source of the Amazon, up the Riberao rapids, through the jungle, across the pampas, and down to Paraguay.] Brazil as a field for the prospector. "Min. and Sci. Press." Nov. 4, 1911. p. 576. Rondon, Candido: Col. Candido Rondon's expedition im brasilianischen Hinterland. "Petermann's." May, 1910. p. 260. map. Roosevelt, Theodore: An ancient Brazilian city. (Bahia.) "Outlook." Dec. 13, 1914. V- 800. illus. Brazil and the negro. "Outlook." Feb. 21, 1914- p. 409. illus. Rio de Janeiro. "Outlook." Dec. 20, 1913, p. 837, and Jan. 24, 1914, p. 183. illus. Sao Paulo: An old city that is carving new ways. "Outlook." Jan. 31, 1914. p. 266. illus. In southern Brazil. "Outlook." Feb. 7, 1914, p. 304, and Feb. 14, 1914, p. 360. illus. Series on exploration in Brazil. "Scribner's. April- June, 1914. illus. map. 1. Up the Paraguay. 2. A jaguar hunt on the Taguary. 3. The headwaters of the Paraguay. Rougier, Georges: Le Bresil en 1911. Paris, Gamier freres . . . 1911. port, front, illus. xiii, 278, (1) p. 12°. Sao Paulo: l'Etat de Sao Paulo. Renseignements utilies. 2 a edition. 1911. 167 p. plates, maps, half title. 8°. La colonisation, avantages offerts aux entreprises particulieres et aux societes financieres. 1908. . . . Anvers. Imp. CI. Thibaut, [1908]. 79 p. 8°. Renseignements utiles. 2 e edition. Anvers, Laporte & Dosse. 1911. front. table, illus. maps. 169 p. 8°. Sao Paulo Railway Company: New Sierra inclines. [Album of views with text.] London. No date. [24] p. obi. 8°. (Trip from Santos to Sao Paulo.) Sao Paulo, Secretaria da agricultura, commercio e obras publicas: Studio comparativo sull' intercambio fra lTtalia, il Brasile e lo stato di S. Paulo. Lavor organizzato della Secretaria di agricultura, commercio e lavori pubblici dello stato di San Paolo . . . per la esposiziono de Torino del 1911. Sao Paulo, Duprat & comp., 1911. 24 p. col. diagrs. 4°. 50 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Sears, Anna Wentworth: Brazil included in "Two on a tour in South America." (See under general books.) Senna, Nelson Coelho de: . . . Elogo historico e literario de Jose" Eloy Ottoni 1764-1851. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. da Gazeta de Noticias, 1911. front, ports. 95 p. 12°. Notas chronographicas do districto de Antonio Dias Abaixo no valle do Piraci- caba e comarca de Itabira do Matto Dentro. . . . Bello Horizonte, Im- prensa Official do Estados de Minas Geraes, 1908. 21 p. plates. 8°. (Ertrahidas de III vol. do Annuario Estatistico e Chronographico do Estado de Minas Geraes para 1909, noprelo.) Mining concession on the Rio Doce, state of Minas Geraes (Brazil). Descrip- tion of some of the townships of its basin travellers, engineers, Brazilian and foreign naturalists in the valley of the Rio Doce. Description and report pre- sented to the government of the state of Minas Geraes by Dr. Nelson Coelho de Senna and mining engineers Honorio Hermeto Correia da Costa and Jose Dantas. Rio de Janeiro, Comp. Graphica do Brazil, 1907. 45 p. 8°. (Reprinted from the "Brazilian Engineering and Mining Review.") Simao da Costa. Jose: O estado da Para e as suas riquezas naturaes. . . . Por Jose" Simao da Costa. Para, Tavares Cardoso & Ca., 1913. 30 p. 8 . (Discurso proferido no Congresso de Defesa Economica da Amazonia. SnethlageE.: DieroutenaufnahmevomXinguzumTapajoz. "Peter mantis." April, 1912. p. 209. map. Soares. Oscar de Macedo: . . . Propaganda do estado do Rio. l a confer 4 encia proferida no salao do Museo commercial pelo Dr. Oscar de Macedo Soares sobre elementos naturaes para o desenvolvimento economico do Estado do Rio no dia 3 de setembre de 1907. Rio de Janeiro, " Jornal do Brazil." 1907. 25 p. 8°. (At head of title, "Museu commercial do Rio de Janeiro.") Sobrinho, Joaquim Vieira Ferreira: Auxiliar Geographico por Joaquim Vieira Ferreira Sobrinho. O Estado de Sao Paulo. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. do Auxiliar Geographico, 1908, 119. [61 p. 12°. obi. Solorzano y Costa, Juan N.: El Estado de Sao Paulo. Estudio acerca de la verdadera situation mismo en 1912-13. Por Juan N. Solorzano y Costa. . . . S. Paulo, Talleres Tip. del "Diario Espanol," 1913. map. plates, illus. 134 p. 8°. South American yearbook: Brazil included in: "The South American yearbook." (See under general books.) "The Sphere," London: Progress in South America. The remarkable growth of the city and state of Sao Paulo. London, Office of "The Sphere," n. d. 67 p. illus. 4°. Subercaseaux, B. Vicuna: Correrias. Repiiblica Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brasil, Portugal, Espana, Francia, Italia, Suiza. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta "Barcelona," 1911. 514 (1) p. 12°. Thomas, W. M. M.: Some children of Brazil yesterday and today. "Spirit of Mis- sions." February, 1909. p. 125. illus. Tomlinson, H. M.: The sea and the jungle. By H. M. Tomlinson. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1913. front. 354 p. 8°. (Description of the Amazon and Madeira River regions.) A traverse of the Brazilian forests. "Times Supp." Nov. 29, 1910. p. 6. Tridon, Andre: Sub-tropical Brazil. "Trop. Am." February, 1908. p. 68. illus. map. Turot, Henri: . . . En Amerique latine. Preface de M. Pierre Baudin. 2 e edition. Paris, Vuibert et Nonv, 6diteurs. [1907]. viii, 359 p. illus. 4°. (Description of Brazil and Argentine Republic.) Vallentin, W.: ... In Brasilien. Von Dr. W. Vallentin. . . . Berlin, Hermann Paetel, 1909. viii, 255 p. plates. 8°. Van Dyke, Harry Weston: [Chapter on Brazil}. See Van Dyke, Harry Weston: (Among general books). LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 51 Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique: [Chapter on Brazil]. See Vera y Gonzales, Enrique: (Among general books). Viagem que se faz para o Maranhao e Embaraccoes pequenos por dentro. "Rev. do Inst. Hist, e Geog." Vol. 67, p. 245. Vianna, Arthur: . . . Pontos de historia do Para. Organisados de accordo com o programma para os exames de estudos primarios baixada com o decreto n. 882 de 10 de fevereiro de 1900. Belem, Imprensa Official, 1900. 72 p. 8°. Cover title. Vianna, A. J. Barbosa: O Recife. Capital do Estado de Pernambuco. Recife, no imprint. 1900. illus. map. 242, (2) p. 12°. Village of the jungle: [A journey from Para to San Antonio on the Madeira River.] "Times Supp." Feb. 28, 1911. p. 5. Villar, Emilio H. del: [Chapter on Brazil]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Voyage on the Amazon from Para to Manaos: "Times Supp." Oct. 25, 1910. p. 3. Walle, Paul: . . . Au Bresil. Du Rio Sao Francisco a l'Amazone. . . . Paris, E. Guilmoto, 1910. 464 p. fold. map. 8°. Au Br6sil. La colonisation. Extrait du "Journal le Globe Trotter," No. 371. Paris, 1909. 31 p. 8°. Au pays de Tor noir. Para, Amazonas, Matto Grosso. Paris, E. Guilmoto, N. D. 244 p. illus. maps. 8°. Etat de Pernambuco. Paris, E. Guilmoto, Editeur, 1912. illus. 42 p. 8°. Walpole, Fred: [Chapter on Brazil]. See Walpole Fred (Among general books). Warming, Eugenio: Lagoa Santa. Contribuigao para a geographia phytobiologica por Eugenio Warming. . . . Com uma lista dos animaes vertebrados da Lagoa Santa, communicada pelo primeira seccao do Museu Zoologico da Uni- versidade. . . . Bello Horizonte, Imprensa Official do Estado de Minas Geraes, 1908. illus. 282 (2) p. 4°. Wheeler, W. W. : [Chapter on Brazil]. See Wheeler, W. W. (Among general books). Whitney, Casper: Brazil included in his: " The flowing road." (See among general books). Tracking up the Rio Negro. "Harper's." October, 1911. p. 763. illus. Wileman, J. P. (Comp. & ed.): The Brazilian yearbook. Issued under the patronage of the Brazilian Government. Second issue, 1909. Compiled and edited by J. P. Wileman. . . . London, McCorquodale & Co. [1909]. xxvi, 826 p. (General data, commerce, finances, mining, description of each state, railroads, state and city bonds, lists of stock companies, domestic and foreign.) Wing, Joseph E.: Brazil included in his: "In foreign fields." (See among general books.) Winter, Nevin O.: Brazil and her people of today. An account of the customs, characteristics, amusements, history and advancement of the Brazilians, and the development of their country. By Nevin O. Winter. . . . Boston, L. C. Page and Company, 1910. x, 388 p. map. illus. The river of January. "Travel." June, 1911. p. 402. illus. Zamacois, Eduardo: [Chapter on Brazil]. See Zamacois, Eduardo (Among general books). CANAL ZONE (See Panana.) CHILE. Adams, Franklin P. : Chile and Peru: The rival republics of the South. By Franklin P. Adams and G. M. L. Brown. "Am. Rev. of Revs." Oct., 1906. p. 433. illus. 52 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Adventures in search of a living in Spanish America by "Vaquero": London, John Bale, Sons and Danielsson, Ltd., 1911. viii, 304 p. plates, maps. 4°. (Journey through Chile.) Aguila, Melchor Jufre del: Compendio historial del descubrimiento i conquista del reino de Chile seguido de dos discursos avisos prudenciales de gobierno i guerra, de la astrolojia judiciaria por el Capitan Don Melchor Jufre del Aguila. Edici6n de la Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Imp. Cervantes, 1897. 348 p. 8°. Akers, Charles Edmond: [Chapter on Chile]. See Akers, Charles Edmond (Among general books). Albes, Edward: Eighty days with the "Bluecher" party. 4- Across the Pampas , a day in Mendoza and over the Andes. "Bulletin." September, 1912. p. 508. illus. Eighty days with the "Bluecher" party. 5. Santiago and Valparaiso. "Bul- letin." October, 1912. p. 703. illus. Alvarez, Alejandro: . . . Rasgos generales de la historia diplomatica de Chile. 1810-1910. Primera epoca: La emancipacion. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Barcelona, 1911. 263 p. 8°. Barras, Francisco de las: Nota sobre dos momias procedentes de Quillagua (Chile). Por Francisco de las Barras. Reprinted from "Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espafiola de Historia Natural," Enero 1909. pp. 69-72. No title page and no imprint. 8°. Objetos prehistdricos de la provincia de Tarapaca (Chile). Por Francisco de las Barras de Aragon. (Reprinted from " Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espafiola de Historia Natural," Febrero 1909.) 87-93 p. plates, n. t. p. 8°. Barros Arana, Diego: Obras completas de Diego Barros Arana. [History in Tomos 2-11.] Santiago de Chile. 1908-1911. 10 v. 8°. Bingham, Hiram: Chile included in his: ''Across South America." (See under general books.) Blanchard-Chessi, Enrique: La Revolucion Chilena de 1891. Datos y documentos. "Zig Zag." July 17, 1909-November, 1913. Boero, Jorge A. : [Chapter on Chile]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bollo, Luis Cincinato: [Chapter on Chile]. See Bollo, Luis Cincinato (Among general books). Boyce, W. D.: [Chapter on Chile]. See Boyce, W. D. (Among general books). Brown, Q. M. L.: Chile and Peru. See Adams, Franklin P. Bryce, James: [Chapters on Chile]. See Bryce, James (Among general books) . Buenos Aires to Valparaiso by the Transandine. "Times Supp." Feb. 28, 1911. p. 7. Caddick, David W. : The Republic of Chile. A popular description of the country; its people and its customs. By David W. Caddick. London, Arthur H. Stockwell, 1912. 64 p. 12°. Calderon, F. Garcia: Chile included in his: " Latin America." (See under general books.) Cameron, Charlotte: [Chapters on Chile]. See Cameron, Charlotte (Among general books). Canto, Julio Perez: . . . Chile: An account of its wealth and progress. By Julio Perez Canto. . . . With an introduction by Robert P. Porter. . . . London, George Routledge and Sons, Ltd., 1912. 251 p. maps. 12°. Chandler, Charles Lyon: Admiral David Porter's reception in Chile. March 15-22, 1813. "Bulletin," March, 1913. p. 393. illus. [Chile. MSnisterio de Marina]: Apuntes hidrograficos sobre la costa de Chile acompafiado-> de algunos pianos leventados por los oficiales de la Armada de la Repubiica. Santiago, Imp. National, 1896. 192 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 53 Chile. Oficina hidrografica: Noticias sobre las provincias litorales correspon- dientes a los departamentos de Arequipa, lea, Huancavelica i Lima, por la Oficina Hidrografico. Santiago, Imp. Nacional, 1880. 40 p. maps. 8°. Noticias sobre las provincias del litoral correspondiente al departamento de Lima y de la provincia constitucional del Callao. Por la Oficina Hidrografica. Santiago, Imprenta National, 1879. 73 p. map. Noticias del departamento litoral de Tarapaca i sus recursos. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Nacional, 1879. 23, 32 p. maps. 8°. Chisholm, A. Stuart M. : The independence of Chile. By A. Stuart M. Chisholm. Boston, Sherman, French & Co., 1911. 330 p. front. 8°. [Cochut, A.]: Chile en 1859. Articulo tornado de la Revista de Ambos Mundos, tomo 24, entrega 4. Half title. 48 p. 8°. Conchali, I.: Episodios Chilenos. La revoluci6n del 20 de Abril de 1851. San- tiago, Imp. de "La Libertad Electoral," 1893. 185 p. 12°. Corney, Bolton Glanvill (tr. and ed.): The voyage of Captain Don Felipe Gon- zalez in the ship of the line San Lorenzo, with the frigate Santa Rosalia in company, to Easter Island in 1770-1. Preceded by an extract from Mynheer Jacob Roggeveen's official log of his discovery of and visit to Easter Island in 1722. Transcribed, translated and edited by Bolton Glanvill Corney. . . . Cambridge, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1908. 176 [xl] p. 3 maps, illus. 8°. Cotapos, Carlos Silva: Compendio de historia antigua por Carlos Cotapos. San- tiago de Chile, Imprenta de Emilio Perez L., 1900. 280 p. 12°. Covarnibias, Alvaro A.: Santiago en 1910. Homenaje al Centenario Nacional. Santiago, Soc. Imp. y lit. Universo, 1910. 144 p. maps, illus. 12°. Cuevas, Arturo: Estudio estrate^ico sobre la campana marltima de la guerra del Pacifico. Memoria presentada a la Direcci6n del Personal . . . por el Capitan de fragata, D. Arturo Cuevas. Valparaiso, Tall. tip. de la Armada, 1901. 42 p. 8°. (History, 1879.) Currier, Charles Warren: [Chapters on Chile]. See Currier, Charles Warren (Among general books). Domville-Fife, Charles W.: [Chapter on Chile]. See Domville-Fife, Charles W. (Among general books). Edgwick, S. D.: The -people of Chile. "Mid-Pacific." October, 1913. p. 393. Enock, C. Reginald: [Chapter on Chile]. See Enock, C. Reginald (Among general books). Errazuriz, Crescente: Historia de Chile. Pedro de Valdivia. Por Crescente Errazuriz. . . . Tomos 1 and 2. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Cervantes, 1911-1912. 2 v. 8°. Historia de Chile durante los gobiernos de Garcia Ram6n, Merlo de la Fuente y Jaraquemada. (Continuaci6n de los seis anos de la historia de Chile.) Por Crescente Errazuriz. . . . Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Cervantes, 1908. 2 v. 8°. Historia de Chile sin gobernador. 1554-1557. Por Crescente Errazuriz. . . . Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Universitaria, 1912. xiii, 549 (1) p. 4°. Espejo, Rodemedil: Valdivia, Repiiblica de Chile. Guia ilustrada, industrial y comercial. 1907-1908. Por Rodemedil Espejo. . . . Valparaiso, Imprenta, Inglesa, Wescott & Co., 1907. 279 p. plates, fold. map. 8°. Estrada, Santiago: Viajes de Santiago Estrada . . . Del Plata a los Andes. y del mar pacifico al mar atlantico. Precedidos de un pr61ogo de D. Pedro Bofill. Tomo 1-2. 3 a edici6n. Barcelona, Imprenta de Henrich v C, 1889. 8°. 2v. Est udio critico de la batalla de Maipu & la Iuz de las teorias modernas. "Rev. Militar." May, 1913. p. 417. 54 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Frizell, William G.: [Chapters on the Andes, Santiago and Valparaiso]. See Frizell, William G. (Among general books). Furlong, Charles Wellington: Into the unknown land of the Onas. "Harper's." August, 1909. p. 443. illus. [A series on Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. See under Argentina.] Galdames, Luis: . . . Estudio de la historia de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Imp. y enc. Universitaria, 1902. 2 v. 12°. Same. Segunda edicion. 1911. 520 p. 8°. Jeografia econ6mico de Chile por Luis Galdames. . . . Santiago, Imp. Universitaria, 1911. 319 p. 8°. Graham, Maria: . . . Diario de residencia en Chile durante el ano 1812 i de viaje de Chile al Brasil en 1823. Tomo primero. Traducido por Jose Valen- zuela D. de la edicion inglesa publicada en 1824. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta "Cervantes," 1902. xv, 379 p. 12°. Great Britain. Hydrographic office: Chile included in "Great Britain. Hydro- graphic office." (See among general books.) Guia de Bolsillo de la Ciudad de Santiago: Contiene todos los datos de interes general. Valparaiso, Imp. Minerva, 1912. 32 p. 12°. Todo lo que necesita saber el visitante en Santiago. Santiago de Chile, Imp. y lit. Universo, 1910. Cover title. 32 p. 12°. Hale, Albert: The city of Valparaiso. "Bulletin." May, 1913. p. 653. illus. Harlow, Charles H.: A trip to Chile. "Bay View Mag." Dec., 1912. p. 134. illus. Holley, Anselmo Blanlot: . . . Historia de la paz entre Chile i Peru. 1879- 1884. 2 a edicion oficial. Santiago Soc. Imp. y lit. Universo, 1910. xiv, 262 p. 4°. Hombres y Cosas durante la guerra: Serie de articulos editoriales de "La Patria," escritos con motivo de la publicaci6n de la memoria de la guerra de 1881. Val- paraiso, Imp. de "La Patria," 1882. 203 p. 8°. I bar Sierra, Enrique: Estudios sobre las aguas de Skyring i la parte austral de Patagonia por el comandante i oficiales de la corbeta "Magallanes." Memoria de Don Enrique Ibar Sierra. Santiago, Imprenta, "Nacional," 1879. 60 p. maps. 8°. Knoche, Walter: Tres notas sobre la isla de Pascua. Por Walter Knoche. 1. Ob- servaciones de algunas pinturas, en sus reproducciones. 2. Los ultimos tatuajes en la isla de Pascua. 3. Un cuento y dos canciones. Santiago, Imp. Univer- sitaria, 1912. 27 p. plates. 8°. Koebel, W. H.: [Chapter on Chile]. See Koebel, W. H. (Among general books). Modern Chile. By W. H. Koebel. With illustrations and map. London, G. Bell & Sons, 1913. front, viii, 278 p. 8°. (A general description of the Republic.) Ktihn, Franz: Descripcion del camino desde Rosario de Lerma hasta Cachi. (Cordil- leras Saltenas.) "Bol. del Inst. Geog. Arg." %4'-4%- 1911. illus. map. Laguna Negra. "Zig Zag." May 6, 1906. illus. Larden, Walter: Argentine plains and Andine glaciers. Life on an estancia, and an expedition into the Andes. By Walter Larden. . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons; London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911. 320 p. illus. map. 8°. (Across the Andes from Argentina to Santiago and Valparaiso.) Lastra, Fabio Galdamez: Historia militar de Chile. Estudio critico de la campafia de 1838-39. (Trabajo premiado en el certamen del centenario.) Por Fabio Galdamez Lastra. . . . Santiago, Tall, del Estado Mayor Jeneral, 1910. 152 p. 8°. Lavaqui, Manuel Salas: Trabajos y antecedentes presentados al supremo gobierno de Chile por la comisi6n consultiva del Norte. Recopilados por encargo del Ministerio del interior por Manuel Salas Lavaqui. . . . Santiago de Chile, Imprenta, "Cervantes," 1908. xvi, 898 p. 4°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 55 Lawrence, Harry: Chile today. "South American." July 15, 1913. p. 115. illus. Lopez'C, Jose Olayo: Guia jeografica del ferrocarril central. Segunda seccion. . . . Por Jose Olayo Lopez C. Santiago de Chile, Imp. i Enc. de los Fer- rocarrile sdel Estados, 1903. vii, 330 (3) p. 12°. Lucy, Gabriel Lafond du: Viaje a Chile. Traducido de la edition Francesa de 1853 por Federico Gana G. Santiago, Imp. Universitaria, 1911. 217 p. 12°. MacQueen, Peter: Chile, the yankeeland of South America. "National." March, 1914. p. 907. illus. Maitland, Francis J .G.: Chile, its land and people, natural features, development and industrial resources of a great South American Republic. By Francis J. G. Maitland. London, Francis Griffiths, 1914. illus. plates, map. 293 p. 8°. Mansfield, Robert E.: Progressive Chile. By Robert E. Mansfield. New York, The Neale Publishing Company, 1913. 254 p. front. 8°. Markham, Clements R (ed.): Narratives of the voyages of Pedro Sarmiento de Gamb6a to the Straits of Magellan. Translated and edited with notes and introduction by Clements R. Markham. . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1894. 401, iii p. maps. 8°. Early Spanish voyages to the Strait of Magellan. Translated and edited with a preface; introduction and notes by Sir Clements Markham. . . . London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1911. xi, 288 p. plates, maps. 8°. Martin, Carl: . . . Landeskunde von Chile. Aus dem nachlass von Carl Martin. . . . Fur den druck durchgesehen von Prof. Dr. Paul Strange. ". . . Verlag, L. Friederichsen & Co., 1909. xxvii, 777 p. front. 56 plates, fold. map. 4°. Martinez, Albert B. : Baedeker of the Argentine Republic. By Albert B. Martinez. Including also parts of Brazil, the Republic of Uruguay, Chili ... 4th edition. Barcelona, E. Sopena, printer, 1914. xviii, 430 p. illus. maps, plates. 8°. Manuel du voyageur. Baedeker de la Republique Argentine. Par Albert B. Martinez. Comprenant aussi une partie du Bresil, de la Republique Orientale de TUruguay, du Chili . . . 3rd ed. Barcelona, A. Lopez Robert, im- primeur, 1907. xv, 632 p. maps, plates, illus. Martinez de Bernabe, Pedro de Usauro: La verdad en campafia. Relaci6n hist6rica de la plaza, puerto i presidio de Valdivia . . . por Don Pedro de Usauro Martinez de Bernabe . . . 1782. 39-218 p. 8°. In Anrique R.: Biblioteca jeografico-Hidrografica. . . . Santiago, 1898. Maury, Fr. : Le Chili. 1880-1902. Par M. Fr. Maury. "Revue Universelle. Paris Sept. 1 and 15, 1904. Medina, J. T.: Cosas de la colonia. Apuntes para la cronica del siglo xviii en Chile. Segunda serie. Santiago de Chile. Imprenta Cervantes, 1910. 373 p. 12°. Mehegan, John J.: O'Higgins of Chile. A brief sketch of his life and times. By John J. Mehegan. London, J. & J. Bennet, Ltd. [1913]. front, port illus. xiii, 243 p. 12°. Mellet, Julian: Chile included in his: "Por el interior de la America meridional." (See under general books.) Memorial del Estado Mayor Jeneral del Ejercito 1810-1910: 18 de setiembre de 1910. Santiago de Chile, Tall, del Estado Mayor Jeneral, 1910. Cover title. 137 p. plates. 8°. [History, 1838 and 1879-84.1 Montandon, George E. : An American enterprise in Chile. "Overland." December, 1909. p. 562. illus. Montes, Aurelio Bascunan: Miscelanea historico-diplomdtica y sobre intercam- bios comerciales Chilenos. Por Aurelio Bascunan Montes. p. 635-712. In International Scientific Congress. Trabajos del Cuarto Congreso Cientifico. Vol. XX. Santiago de Chile, 1912. Las mujeres mayorales de Santiago. "Caras y Caretas." Nov. 26, 1910. illus. 56 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Museo nacional de Chile: Anales del Museo. La isla de la Mocha. Estudios monograficos publicados por Carlos Reiche. Santiago de Chile, 1903. 104 p. 12 plates, map. 4°. Neili, S. J.: Rapuni or Easter Island. "Theo. Path." May, 9121. p. 311. illus. Orrego, Luis Uribe: Nuestra marina militar. Su organization y campaiias durante la guerra de la independencia. Por Luis Uribe Orrego, Vicealmirante de la Armada. Valparaiso, Tall. tip. de la Armada, 1910. front. 526 p. 8. illus. Pacheco C, Baldomero: Derrotero del archipielago de la Tierra del Fuego. Com- pilado i redactado teniendo a la vista las informaciones i documentos mas recientes por Baldomero Pacheco C. Publicado por la Oficina Hidrografica de Chile. Valparaiso, Imprenta de la Armada, 1911. xii, 196 p. 8°. (Has half title, "Derrotero de las costas de Chile. Volumen 2, Archipielago de la Tierra del Fuego.") Derrotero del Estrecho de Magallanes i aguas adyacentes de la bahia imitil seno almirantazgo de los senos Otway i Skyring i del Golfo Xaultegua. Redac- tado teniendo & la vista las informaciones i documentos mas recientes por Baldomero Pacheco C. ... Valparaiso, Tall. tip. de la Armada, 1908. xiii, 327 p. maps. 4°. (Library also has this published as Vol. 26, "Anuario hidrografico de la marina de Chile." maps, charts. 546 p. ) Page, Jesse: Chile included in his: "The land of the peaks and the pampas." (See under general books.) Paz Soldan, Mariano Felipe: Narraci6n historica de la guerra de Chile contra el Peru y Bolivia. Por Mariano Felipe Paz Soldan. Buenos Aires, Imp. y lib. de Mayo, 1884. (v) x, 917 p. 5°. Pan American Union: Chile, a handbook. Washington, 1909. 235 p. illus. plates, fold. map. 8°. (A general historical, descriptive, and statistical book on Chile.) Economic resources of Chile. (Reprinted from the February, 1913, issue of the "Bulletin" of the Pan American Union.) Washington, Government Printing Office, 1913. 19 p. 8°. Municipal organizations in Latin America. Santiago de Chile. (Reprint from the "Monthly Bulletin of the Pan American Union," March, 1909.) Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 430-443 p. illus. 8°. Chile. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1909. 25 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. 25 p. 8°. Same. 1911. illus. 35 p. 8°. Same. 1913. illus. 39 p. 8°. Poirier, Eduardo: Chile en 1908. Por Eduardo Poirier. . . . Santiago, Imp. Barcelona, 1909. ix, 453, 283 p. illus. maps. 1 col. pi. 4°. Chile en 1910. Edicidn del centenario de la independencia por Eduardo Poirier. . . . Obra precedida de un estudio del sefior don Marcial Martinez acerca de la guerra de la independencia de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta "Barcelona," 1910. x, 458, 554 p. illus. plates. 4°. Porter, Robert P. : . . . Chile: An account of its wealth and progress. See Canto, Julio Perez. [Chapter on Chile]. See Porter, Robert P. (Among general books). Pradel, Jorge Fernandez: . . . Le Chili apres cent ans d'independance, lettre-preface de Don Rafael Errazuriz Urmeneta. . . . Paris, Gabriel Beauchesne, 1912. xxiv, 293 p. map. front, plates. 8°. Raviol, Luis M. : [Chapter on Chile]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Raza Chilena. "Mercurio," Barcelona. Oct. 20, 1910. p. 392. illus. Reinsch, Paul S.: The new South America. Part 5. Chile: The land of many climates and varied resources. World To-day. December, 1909. p. 1298. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 57 Reyes, Rafael : Prosperous Chile where revolutions are unpopular. People there are imbued with the true spirit of civic life. "N. Y. Times." Aug. 31, 1913. illus. The two Americas. (See general books.) Roosevelt, Theodore: In Chile. The army and the navy . "Outlook." April25, 1914. p. 919. illus. Rosales, Vicente Perez: . . . Recuerdos (1814-1860) por Vicente Perez Rosales. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Barcelona, 1910. xxiv, 507 p. 8°. Rouse, A. F. (pub.): Guia especial de Santiago, compilado i publicado por A. F. Rouse, publicista. 28, (40) p. fold, table, half title, no imprint, no date. 12°. Rum bold, Horace: Further recollections of a diplomatist. By the Right Honorable Sir Horace Rumbold. . . . London, Edward Arnold, 1903. 356 p. 8°. Sandberg, Harry O.: Easter Island, the mystery of the Pacific. "Bulletin." No- vember, 1912. p. 897. illus. Sears, AnnaWentworth: Chile included in her : "Two on a tour in South America." (See under general books.) Silva, Blanca Vanini: La conquista de Chile y su cantor ercilla. Poema her6ico en tres partes y nueve cantos. Pr61ogo de Cosme D. Lagos. Santiago, Imp. Barcelona, 1910. 57 [4] p. 8°. Silva, L. Ignacio: La Sarjento Candelaria Perez. Recuerdos de la campana de 1888 contra la confederation Peru-Boliviana. Por L. Ignacio Silva. Santiago, Imp. Cervantes, 1904. 67 p. illus. 12°. Skottsberg, Carl: Swedish Magallanian Expedition. (Describing Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego.) See under Argentine Republic. Smith, Edmond Reuel: The Araucanians; or, notes of a tour among the Indian tribes of southern Chili. By Edmond Reuel Smith. . . . New York, Harper & Brothers, 1855. xii (13) 335 p. illus. plate, front. 8°. Some aspects of its modern development. "Times Supp." March 28, 1911. p. iv. illus. Soulodre, Jose V. (Editor): Anuario Penquista. Guia general de la provincia de Conception. 1911-1912. Jose V. Soulodre, Editor. Concepci6n, Lit. & Imp. Jose V. Soulodre, 1912. 204 p. 8°. South American yearbook: Chile included in: "The South American yearbook." (See under general books.) Steffen, Hans: Viajes de esploracion i estudio en la Patagonia occidental 1892-1902 por el Dr. Hans Steffen. . . . Tomos 1 and 2. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Cervantes, 1909 and 1910. 2 v. fold. maps, plates. 4°. Subercaseaux, B. Vicuna: ... La ciudad de las ciudades. (Correspon- dencias de Paris.) Santiago de Chile, Sociedad Imprenta y Litografia Universo, 1905. 608 p. 12°. Correrias. Republica Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brasil, Portugal, Espana. Francia, Italia, Suiza. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta "Barcelona," 1911. 514 (Dp. 12°. (Descriptions of the Andes, Mendoza and Argentine, the Pampas, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Europe.) Cr6nicas del centenario. La colonia- la partia vieja. Santiago de Chile, Sociedad imprenta y litografia Universo, 1910. 398 p. 8°. [History to 1814.! Un pais nuevo. (Cartas sobre Chile.) (Por) B. Vicuna Subercaseaux. Paris, Imp. Andre Eymeoud, 1903. viii, 280 p. 12°. Sutcliffe, Thomas: Sixteen years in Chile and Peru, from 1822 to 1839. By the retired governor of Juan Fernandez. . . . London and Paris, Fisher, Son & Co. [1841]. xii, 563, (1) p. front, plates, port. map. 8°. Thayer-Ojeda, Tomas: Los conquistadores de Chile por Tomas Thayer-Ojeda. Tomo Segundo. (Publicado en los Anales de la Universidad, tomos CXXVi CXXVI.) Santiago, Imp. Cervantes, 1910. 265 p. 8°. 58 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Tower, Walter S.: The economic resources of Chile. "Bulletin." February, 1913. p. 207. illus. map. Turner, Samuel: My climbing adventures in four continents. By Samuel Turner. . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons; London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911. xii, 283 p. plates. 8°. (Pages 231-249, "Attempt to rush Aconcagua.") United States. Hydrographic office: [Chapter on Chile]. See United States. Hydrographic office (Among general books). Universidad de Chile: Anales de la Universidad. Numero extraordinario publi- cado para conmemorar el primer centenario de la independencia 1810-1910. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Cervantes, 1911. 647 p. 4°. Van Dyke, Harry Weston: [Chapter on Chile]. See Van Dyke, Harry Weston (Among general books). Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique: [Chapter on Chile]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Vergara, Francisco Valdes: Historia de Chile para las escuelas primarias. [Por] Francisco Valdes Vergara. Valparaiso, Imp. de la Patria, 1897. 455 p. 8°. Same. Sexta ed. Valparaiso, Sociedad Imp. y lit. Universo, 1908. 376 p. illus. 8°. Viajero: A commercial traveler in South America. "Bulletin." March, 1914. p. 329. illus. Villalobos, B. Domingo: Tratado elemental de historia de Chile. Arreglado para el uso de las escuelas primarias. (1592-1891.) Por Domingo B. Villalobos. . . . Tercera edici6n. Santiago de Chile. Imprenta, Lit. e Enc. Barcelona, 1903. 176 p. 12°. Villar, Emilio H. del: [Chapter on Chile]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Visitor's guide to Santiago: Written by Scott. Translated by Vergara. Santiago de Chile, Mackenzie & Co. n. d. 244 p. 12°. Walpole, Fred: [Chapters on Chile]. See Walpole, Fred (Among general books). Wheeler, W. W. : [Chapter on Chile]. See Wheeler, W. W. (Among general books). Wing, Joseph E.: Chile included in his: " In foreign fields." (Among general books.) Winter, Nevin O.: Buenos Aires to Valparaiso from a car window. "Travel." Octo- ber, 1913. p. 24. illus. Chile and her people of today. An account of the customs, characteristics, amusements, history and advancement of the Chileans, and the development and resources of their country. By Nevin O. Winter. . . . Boston, L. C. Page and Company, 1912. vii, 411 p. fold. map. plates. 8°. Santiago. "Travel." June, '1912. p. 22. illus. Zamacois, Eduardo: [Chapter on Chile]. See Zamacois, Eduardo (Among general books). COLOMBIA. Abadia, Herminia Gomez Jaime de: Leyendas y notas historicas por Herminia Gomez Jaime de Abadia. Bogota, Imprenta "National." 1907. 202 (1) p. 8°. Acosta, Joaquin: Compendio hist6rico del descubrimiento y colonization de la Nueva Granada en el siglo decimo sexto. Por el Coronel Joaquin Acosta. Paris, Imprenta de Beau, 1848. front, map. xvi, 458 p. 8°. Akers, Charles Edmond: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Akers, Charles Edmond (Among general books). Anderson, Charles Loftus Grant: Colombia included in his: "Old Panama and Castilla del Oro." (See under Panama.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 59 Andrade, Alejandro: Colombia. A land of great promise. "Pan. Am. News." May 1, 1914. illus. Andre, Ed.: America equinoccial. Colombia-Ecuador. Por M. Ed. Andr6, viajero encargado de una mision por el Gobierno Frances. In America pintoresca. Description de viajes al nuevo continente. . . . Barcelona, 1884. 477-859 p. illus. Arbelaez, Tulio : Impresiones de viaje por las regiones del Quindio y Ansermo. "Rev. Nac. de Coir Aug. 17, 1913. p. 329. Ashton, H. D.: Boating through the Colombian jungle. "Travel. 11 July, 1911. p. 456. illus. Boero, Jorge A.: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bogota: A world sufficient unto itself. To reach capital from New York requires 26 days. "N. Y. Herald." Feb. 15, 1914- illus. Illus. "Pan Am. Mag." February, 1912. p. 52. Municipal organization of capitals of Latin America. "Bulletin." October, 1909. p. 751. illus. Bogota y sus progresos industrials. "Bol. de Min. de Rel. Ex." Bogota. July-September, 1912. p. 545. illus. Bollo, Luis Cincinato: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Bollo, Luis Cincinato (Among general books). Bonsai, Stephen: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Bonsai, Stephen (Among general books). Breitung Mines Corporation: Colombia. Containing: Foreward, Cartagena, an historical sketch,; E. N. Breitung, a business biography; an awakened con- tinent to the south of us, by Elihu Root; W. P. Hammon, his life work; Colom- bia and Latin America, by John Barret; gold dredging in Colombia, a symposium of authorities; notes from authorities and official sources; picturesque incidents. New York, Breitung Mines Corporation. 35 p. illus. 8°. Boyce, W. D. : [Chapter on Colombia]. See Boyce, W. D. (Among general books). Calderon, F. Garcia: Colombia included in his: "Latin America." (Among general books.) Cameron, Charlotte: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Cameron, Charlotte (Among general books). The Caqueta: "West Coast Leader." Feb. 12, 1914- p. 2. Chapman, Frank M.: The zoological expedition to Western Colombia. "Am. Mu. Jour." December, 1911. illus. p. 295. Colombia an interesting land: "Christ. Sci. Mon." April 17, 1912. illus. Colombia — As an American found it and knows it. "South Am." March 15, 1914. illus. Colombia. Comision Nacional del Centenario de la Independencia: Primer centenario de la independencia de Colombia. 1810-1910. Bogota, Escuela Tip. Salesiana, 1911. 421 p. illus. maps, plates. f°. (Description of the centennial celebration, with some history of the republic. Illustrations of prominent people and modern buildings and statues. ) Currier, Charles Warren : [Chapter on Colombia]. See Currier, Charles Warren (Among general books). Davis, Mary A.: Colombia's checkered history. "Bay View Mag." November, 1912. p. 70. illus. Life in Colombia. "Bay View Mag." November, 1912. p. 57. illus. Delgado, Camilio S.: Historias, leyendas y tradiciones de Cartagena. Tomos 1, 2 y 3. Cartagena, Tip. J. V. Mogollon, 1912-1913. Departamento de Narino. "Rev. Nac. de Col." April, 1913. p. 49. illus. Duane, William: A visit to Colombia, in the years 1822 and 1823. Philadelphia, T. H. Palmer, 1826. vii, (1) 623 p. front. 8°. 60 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Du Bois, James T.: Views from Colombia. "Bulletin" Dec., 1912. p. 1170. illus. Eder, Phanor James: Colombia. By Phanor James Eder. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913. xxiv, 312 p. maps, illus. 8°. CONTENTS. Geography; history; diplomatic relations; government; finances; transportation; commerce; agriculture; mines and forests; description of various regions of the republic; education and intel- lectual life; bibliography; index. Appendix 1: Amendments to the constitution of 1910. Ap- pendix 2 : Aboriginal linguistic stocks of Colombia. The famous Cauca Valley. "Trop. Am." April, 1908. p. 99. illus. Enock, C. Reginald: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Enock, C. Reginald (Among general books). Forrest, A. S.: A tour through South America. (See among general books.) From Barranquilla to Bogota. "Times Supp." Oct. 31, 1911. p. 4. Gerdau, G. H. W.: The ancient monuments of San Agustin. On West Coast of Col- ombia. "West Coast Leader." Dec. 4, 1913. p. 2. illus. Great Britain. Hydrographic office: Colombia included in: "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (See among general books.) La Goajira. "Bol. del Min. de Rel. Ext." Bogota. April-June, 1912. p. 347. Henao, Jesus Maria: Historia de Colombia para la ensenanza secundaria. . . . Por Jesus Maria Henao y Gerardo Arrubia. . . . Tomo 1. El descubri- miento, origines Americanos, la conquista, el regimen colonial. Bogota, Escuela Tipografica Salesiana, 1911. 560 p. illus. 8°. Hough, B. OIney: The Spanish Main. A hasty glimpse of Panama and Colombia. "Am. Exporter." May, 1913. (Suppl.) p. 3. Panama and Colombia. Impressions of a traveller, illus. "Am. Exporter." May, 1913. p. 80. Huot, V. : Exploration hydrographique a travers les llanos de Colombie. "Geographic" June 15, 1913. p. 480. Hurtado, Guillermo: Istmina. "Rev. Nac. de Col." Feb. 7, 1914. p. 274- illus. I nformaciones de Colombia: Depdrtamento de Bolivar. "Colombia." Cadiz, Spain. February, 1914- P- 39. illus. Jalhay, Henry: La republi que de Colombie par Henry Jalhay. . . . Bruxelles, Vromant & Co., 1909. 301 p. illus. map. 4°. La republique de Colombie. " la Soc. Beige." May, 1912. p. 435. illus. Johnson, K. D. O.: Travelling in Colombia. "Eng. and Min. Jour." Dec. 30, 1911. p. 1280. Journey from Girardot. "Times Supp." Nov. 28, 1911. p. 3. Koebel, W. H.: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Koebel, W. H. (Among general books). Lee, M. Martinez: ElOpony el Carare. Riqueza territorial. "Rev. Nac. de Col." Nov. 23, 1912. p. 449. illus. Diaz Lemos, Angel M.: Geografia elemental de Colombia. (Extracto del com- pendio de geografia de la republica de Colombia.) Por Angel M. Diaz Lemos. . . . Tercera edici6n. . . . Bogota, Escuela tip. Salesiana, 1909. 30 p. 12°. Manning, Isaac A.: Cartagena, "The Heroic City." "Bulletin." November, 1909. p. 892. illus. Markham, Clements R. : The conquest of New Granada. By Sir Clements Mark- ham. New York, E. P. Dutton and Company, 1912. xvii, 232 p. map. 8°. (The story of the Chi^tcha nation and of the Spanish under Quesada.) Mellet, Julian: Colombia included in his: "Por el interior de la America meri- dional." (See under general books.) Mozans, H. J.: Up the Orinoco and down the Magdalena. By H. J. Mozans. . . . New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1910. xiii, 439 p. map. illus. 8°. (Describing the trip from Bogota to Barranquilla.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 61 Myers, H. M.: Colombia included in his: "Life and nature under the tropics." (See under general books.) Nicholas, Francis C: Colombia included in his: "Across Panama and around the Caribbean." (See under general books.) Page, Jesse: Colombia included in his: "The land of the peaks and pampas." (See under general books.) Pan American Union: Colombia. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 26 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. 21 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1911. 24 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1913. 31 p. illus. 8°. Parejo, Antonio: Historia de Colombia. "Bol. de la Acad. Nac. Hist." Sept. 30, 1912. Special Supp. Pease, A. S.: Tropical nature in Colombia. "Popular Sci." March, 1914- p. 290. illus. Pedraza, P. A.: Republica de Colombia. Excursiones presidenciales. Apuntes de un diario de viaje por P. A. Pedraza. . . . Norwood, Mass., the Plimpton Press, 1909. x, 275 p. illus. maps. 4°. Pefta, Pedro A.: Del avila al monserrate. (Por el Magdalena arriba.) Pr61ogo del Doctor Antonio Gomez Restrepo. Bogota, Arboleda & Valencia, 1913. front, port, xxi, 424 (1) p. 12°. Pereira Gamba, F.: El sol naciente. La evolucion hacia el progreso en el sur de Colombia. Conferencia del Profesor F. Pereira Gamba, en el Pasto, Julio de 1911. [Bogota], Imprenta de la Diocesis, 1912. 26 p. 8°. [Description of the Department of Narifio.] Perez Sarimento, J. M.: Monografia de la Republica de Colombia. "Union Ibero- Americana." October, 1913. p. 18. Perez Triana, S.: Down the Orinoco in a canoe. By S. Perez Triana. With an introduction by R. B. Cunninghame Graham. . . . London, W. Heine- mann, 1902. xv, 253 p. fold. map. 8 9 . Pineres, Eduardo G. de: Cartagena y sus cercanias. See Urueta, Jose P. Porter, Robert P.: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Porter, Robert P. (Among general books). Proyecto de camino de Cucuta al rio Magdalena y descripcion de las riquezas natitales de la zona que alraviesa la via. "Rev. Nac. de Col." Aug. 30, 1913. p. 204. map. Raviol, Luis M.: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Ray, George E.: Colombia — the next El Dorado. "Business Am." January, 1913. p. 25. illus. Republic of Colombia: The Sabana, Bogota. "Times Supp." Mar. 26, 1912. p. 1. Reyes, Rafael: Ex-President Reyes now writes about his own country. "N. Y. Times." Sept. 14, 1913. illus. [An interview with President Reyes, in England, on conditions in Colombia.] "S.A.J." JulyS, 1909. p. 21. The two Americas. (See general books.) Salas, Julio C: Tierra firme. (Venezuela y Colombia.) Estudios sobre etnologia e historia. Por Julio C. Salas. Merida, Tip. de " Paz y Trabajo," 1908. 350 p. San Jose de Cucuta. "Rev. Nac. de Col." Nov. 23, 1912. p. 443. illus. Schacke, Fritz : Reisen in Mittel- und Siid-Amerika. Colombien. ' { Sud- und Mittel- Amerika." Dec. 13, 1913. p. 359. illus. Seawell, Victor F.: The Cauca Valley. "Bulletin." May, 1912. p. 646. illus. 62 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Serret, Felix: Voyage en Colombie 1911-1912. Paris, H. Dunod & E. Pinat, 1912. front, vii, 331 p. 12°. Sievers, Wilhelm: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Sievers, Wilhelm (Among general books). Some neglected near-by markets, Colombia. "India R. W." Feb. 1, 1914. p. 229. map. South American yearbook: Colombia included in: "The South American year- book." (See under general books.) Stopel, Karl Theodor: Sudamerikanische prahistorische tempel und gottheiten. Ergebnisse eigener ausgrabungen in Ecuador und Sudkolumbien von Dr. Karl Theodor Stopel. Frankfurt a. M. 24 p. plates. 8°. Tavera-Acosta, B.: ... La monarquia Colombiana. Ciudad Bolivar, Tall, de "LaEmpresa." 1912. 49 p. 8°. Thomson, Norman: Colombia and Peru in the Putumayo territory. A reply to the defense of the Peruvian Government. By Norman Thomson. London, published for the Colombian Government by N. Thomson & Co., 1914. 48 p. 8°. Trazivuk, Marces J.: Colombia and the Panama Canal. "National." November, 1913. p. 327. Triana, Miguel (ed.): Volumen del Centenario. (Revista de Colombia.) . . . Los recursos del pais al finalizar su primera centuria de vida independiente. . . . Bogota, J. Casis, 1910. viii, 384 p. illus. map. 8°. (Special editions of Revista de Colombia, April to December, 1910, describing the republic.) Por el sur de Colombia. Excursi6n pintoresca y cientffica al Putumayo. Por Miguel Triana. Prologo de S. P6rez Triana. Paris. Gamier Hermanos. 355 p. fronts, map. 8°. United States. Hydrographic office: [Chapter on Colombia]. See United States. Hydrographic office (Among general books). [Uribe, Alberto]: Recuerdo hist6rico. [Nueva York, Diciembre 25 de 1910.1 16 p. 8°. Urueta, Jose P.: Cartagena y sus cercanias. Guia descriptiva de la capital del departamento de Bolivar por Jose P. Urueta. Segunda edicion, cuidadosa- mente corregida, notablemente aumentada 6 ilustrada por Eduardo G. de Pineres. Cartagena, Tip. de vapor "Mogollon," 1912. 637 [xl] p. illus. 8°. El valle del Cauca. "Rev. Nac. de Colo." . July 6, 1912. p. 281. illus. Van Dyke, Harry Weston : [Chapter on Colombia]. See Van Dyke, Harry Weston (Among general books). Vargas Vergara, J. M.: Region Oriental. "Rev. Col." February 24, p. 7; March 2, p. 52; April 13, p. 141 and May 11, 1912, p. 207. illus. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Vera y Gonzales, Enrique (Among general books). Villar, Emilio H. del: [Chapter on Colombia]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Wadleigh, Frank R.: A trip to the west coast of Colombia [for the purpose of investigating coal in that country]. By Frank R. Wadleigh, Norfolk, Virginia. Typewritten. 38 p. An engineer on the West Coast of Colombia. "Bulletin." October, 1912. p. 726. illus. Whitney, Casper: Colombia included in his: "The flowing road." (See among general books.) Zamora, Manuel M.: Gula de la republica de Colombia por Manuel M. Zamora. Primera edici6n. Bogota, Imprenta Electrica, 1907. xlv, 532 p. 8°. Zubieta, Pedro A.: Congresos de Panama y Tacubaya. Breves datos para la his- toria diplomatica de Colombia. 1912. Bogota, Imprenta Nacional. 186 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 63 COSTA RICA. Boceto de la republica de Costa Rica. San Jose. Tip. Nacional, 1910. 30 p. 4°. Boero, Jorge A.: [Chapter on Costa Rica.] See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books) . Bury, Herbert: Costa Rica included in his: "A bishop amongst bananas." (See under general books.) [Calderon, Prospero]: Costa Rica as the much desired home for the homeless. Prospero Calderon, photo-engraver. San Jose, National litography and printing office, n. d. Caption title. 24 p. illus. obi. 8. Calvo, Joaquin Bernardo: La campana nacional. Contra los filibusteros en 1856 y 1857. Brevisima resefia hist6rica. In: Las fiestas del 15 de setiembre de 1895. San Jose, 1897. pp. 1-101. front, port, illus. Carlson, G. L.: Democratic Costa Rica. A revelation in government, progress and people. "South American." March 1, 1914. illus. Carpenter, Frank G.: The mountain capital of Costa Rica. "Wash. Star." Sept. 22, 1912. The Pompeii of Central America. ' (Cartago.) "Wash. Star." October 6, 1912. illus. Castro, Carlos Orozco: Pro patria. San Jose, Imprenta, "Alsina," 1913. 16 p. 12°. Como se conquisto Costa Rica. "Mercurio," Barcelona, March 19, 1914- p. 80. Cornish, Lincoln S.: The Government of Costa Rica. "Pan Am. Mag." May, 1911. p. 333. [Climate, opportunity, population, commerce and finances.] Costa Rica included in "Traveling notes in Central America." (See under general books.) Dario, Ruben: Costa Ricajuzgada. "El Noticiero." November 17, 1912. p. 2. Description. "Pan Am. Mag." June, 1912. (Entire copy devoted to Costa Rica.) Domville-Fife, Charles W.: [Chapter on Costa Rica.] See Domville-Fife, Charles W. (Among general books). Ferraz, Valeriano Fernandez: De la evoluci6n nacional en la historia. Con- ferencia leida en el ateneo de Costa Rica por el Dr. D. Valeriano Fernandez Ferraz. San Jose, Imprenta Maria V. de Lines, 1908. 56 p. 8°. Fortoul-Hurtado, Pedro: La Republica deCosta Rica. "Rev. Int. de Dun." Sep- tember, 1913. p. 66. Great Britain. Hydrographic office: Costa Rica included in: "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (See among general books.) Guardia, Ricardo Fernandez: History of the discovery and conquest of Costa Rica. By Ricardo Fernandez Guardia. . . . Translated by Harry Weston Van Dyke. . . . New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Company, [1913 c .] xxi, 416 p. pis. front, fold. map. 8°. . . . Cartilla historica de Costa Rica. San Jose, Imprenta de Avelino Alsina, 1909. 132 p. illus. map. 12°. Hale, Albert: San Jose de Costa Rica. (Description.) "Bulletin." June, 1911. p. 1006. illus. Jaekel, Blair: Across the rich coast. Costa Rica; a peaceable republic of Central America. "Travel." February, 19 H. p. 24. illus. Costa Rica's capital. "Travel." March, 1914- p. 20. illus. James, Winifred: [Chapter on Costa Rica.] See James, Winifred (Among general books). Marure, Alejandro: Efermerides de los hechos notables acaecidos en la republica de Centro America desde el ano de 1821 hasta el de 1842. Seguidas de varios catalogos de presidentes de la republica, jefes de estado, etc., por Alejandro Marure. . . . Guatemala, Imprenta de la Luz, ano de 1844. [Reprint.] Guatemala, Tip. Nacional, 1895. v, 157 p. 12°. 64 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Nicholas, Francis C: Costa Rica included in his: "Across Panama and around the Caribbean." (See under general books.) Noriega, Felix F.: Diccionario geogr&fico de Costa Rica por Felix F. Noriega. San Jose, Imprenta de Avelino Alsina, 1904. ix, 247 p. 12°. Palmer, Frederick: Costa Rica included in his: "Central America and its prob- lems." (See under general books.) Pan American Union: . . . Costa Rica. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 16 p. 8°. Same. 1910. 20 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 21 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1912. 12 p. 8°. Same. 1913. 28 p. illus. 8°. Peralta, Manuel Carazo: . . . Historia de los filibusteros. Version castellana de Manuel Carazo Peralta. San Jose", Imprenta Nacional, 1908. xx, 246 p. illus. map. 8°. Perigny, Maurice de: Le pays,ses habitants et ses ressources. "Bull. delaSoc. de Geog. Com." November, 1910. p. 693. Pindter, Domingo Najera y de: Estudio geogrdfico-estadistico. "Bol. de la Soc. Mex. de Geog. y Estad." 3: 81 4. 1910. Pittier, Henri F.: Kostarika. Beitrage zur orographic und hvdrographie. Von Prof. Henri F. Pittier. Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1912. 48 p. "map. 8°. Provost, Fielding: Costa Rica. "Pan Am. Mag." May, 1911. p. 346. Putnam, George Palmer: [Chapter on Costa Rica.] See Putnam, George Palmer (Among general books) . Raviol, Luis M.: [Chapter on Costa Rica.] See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Roche, James Jeffery : Historia de los filibusteros. Versi6n castellana de Manuel Carazo Peralta. San Jose, Imprenta Nacional, 1908. xx, 246 p. illus. map. 8°. Rucavado, Claudio Gonzales: Scenes of Costa Rican life. "Pan. Am. Mag." June, 1912. p. 36. illus. Valladares, Jose M. : La insurreci6n de Amapala. Sus causas y fines 31 de octubre de 1910. San Jose, Tip. de Avelino Alsina, 1911. 89 p. 2 pis. 8°. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique: [Chapter on Costa Rica.] See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Villar, Emilio H. del: [Chapter on Costa Rica]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Vose, Edward Neville: Commercial monographs. By Edward Neville Vose, . . . No. 1. Costa Rica. New York. Published by Dun's International Review, 1913. Cover title. 32 p. 8°. Waleffe, Maurice de: The fair land of Central America. By Maurice de WalefFe. Translated by Violette M. Montagu. . . . Preface by Sir A. Conan Doyle. With twenty-four illustrations from photographs. London, John Long, Ltd., 1911. 287 p. illus. 8°. Winter, «Nevin O.: Costa Rica included in his: "Guatemala and her people of to-day." (See under Guatemala.) Zamora, Fernando: Views of Costa Rica. An album with information. By Fernando Zamora, photographer. San Jos6, 1909. (4) p. of text. 100 views, obi. 8°. (Text and captions in English and Spanish.) CUBA. Alcover, Antonio Miguel: La villa de Sagua la Grande. Bosquejo critico deecrip- tivo publicado en la re vista "Cuba y America" por Antonio Miguel Alcover. . . . Havana, Imp. de "Cuba y America," 1909. 48 p. illus. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 65 Allen, Edward Frank: Hav ana, the foreign. "Travel." Jan., 1912. p. 30. illus. Arbizu y Prieto, Julio: . . . Breve noticia geogrdfica sobre la Argentina, Braail y Cuba. Con un croquis 6 mapa de cada una de estas repiiblicas. Por Julio Arbizo y Prieto . . . Sevilla, A. Padura y Ca., 1910. 263 p. 12°. Barrett, John: Cuba, Hayti and Dominican Republic. "Independent." Aug. 26, 1909. p. m- Barry, Richard: Cuba — a winter paradise and playground. "Travel." February, 1910. v. 236. Berchon, Charles: A travers Cuba. Recit de voyage descriptif et economique par Charles Berchon. . . . Sceaux, Imprimerie Charaire, 1910. 203 p. 12°. Boero, Jorge A. : [Chapter on Cuba]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books) . Bonsai, Stephen : [Chapter on Cuba], See Bonsai, Stephen (Among general books) . Brooks, Sydney: Some impressions of Cuba. "No. Am. Rev." May, 1914- p. 734. Bryan, William S. (ed.): Our islands and their people as seen with camera and pencil. . . . New York and Chicago, Thompson Publishing Co. [1899°]. Cuba in Vol. 1, pp. 1-256. map. illus. col. pis. f°. Bushby, F. Janet: Santa Clara. " Sender o Teosofico." Dec, 1911. p. 396. illus. Calderon, F. Garcia: Cuba included in his: "Latin America." (See under general books.) Callejas, Jose: . . . Historia de Santiago de Cuba. Compuesta y redactada en vista de los manuscriptos originales e in6ditos de 1823, y precedida de un prologo por Fernando Ortiz. Habana, Imp. "La Universal," 1911. 136 p. 8°. Canova, Leon J.: . . . Cuba: a pamphlet descriptive of the island of Cuba con- taining unembellished data for general information. Prepared bv Leon J. Canova . . . Havana, Nov. 1, 1910. 62 p. illus. 8°. Striking progress of Cuban Republic in last decade. "N. Y. Tribune." Nov. 9, 1913. illus. Chappie, Joe Mitchell: Just a jaunt to Cuba and a visit with the new president. "National." August, 1913. p. 805. Corlett, William Thomas: [Chapter on Cuba]. See Corlett, William Thomas (Among general books). Country Life in Cuba: A visit to Las Palmas . . . atGuayabal. "Modern Cuba," Havana. December, 1913. illus. Cruz, Manuel de la: Episodios de la revoluci6n Cubana por Manuel de la Cruz. Segunda edici6n, corregida y aumentada. Prologo de Manuel Marquez Sterling y notas biogrdficas por Domingo Figarola-Caneda. Habana, Miranda, Lopez Sena y Ca., 1911. xvi, 141 (1) p. 8°. Cuba — the land of romance and promise. "N. Y. Herald." Dec. 22, 1912. illus. Cuba. Ministerio de gobernacion: Documentos histtfricos. Habana, Rambla y Bouza, 1912. 295 p. 8°. (Decrees, laws, proclamations, messages, etc., 1895-1898.) Cuba Railroad: [Descriptive pamphlet]. The Cuba railroad. Timetable. 51 p. illus. 8°. Curious merry-making in Santiago. "Cuba Mag." December, 1910. p. 19. illus. Currier, Charles Warren: The city of Matanzas. "Bull." April, 1914. p. 499. illus. Dana, Richard Henry: To Cuba and back. A vacation voyage. By Richard Henry Dana, jr. . . . Boston, Houghton, Miffin and Co., 1887. viii (9) 288 p. 12°. Description, included in: "Adventures in search of a living." (See under general books.) 66 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Diario autentico del sitio de la Habana. "Rev. Bimestre Cubana." July-August, 1913. p. 303. Draper, Andrew S. : The rescue of Cuba. Marking an epoch in the growth of free government. By Andrew S. Draper. . . . New York, Silver, Burdett and Company. [1910°.] 235 p. pis. 8°. Edwards, William Seymour: On the Mexican highlands. With a passing glimpse of Cuba. By William Seymour Edwards. . . . Second edition. Cincinnati, Press of Jennings and Graham. [1906°.] 283 p. pis. map. 8°. Fortescue, Granville: Matanzas. "Bulletin.'" May, 1910. p. 806. illus. Frichet, Oscar: The pearl of the Antilles. "National." Jan., 1913. p. 659. illus. Funston, Frederick: To Cuba as a filibuster. " Scribner' 's ." September, 1910. p. 305. illus. A defeat and a victory . "Scribner's" December, 1910. p. 735. illus. The fall of Guaimaro. "Scribner's." November, 1910. p. 579. illus. Graham, Edward B.: The pearl of the Antilles. Cuba's wonderful resources, pro- gress and prospects, growth of American business, attractions of a visit to Havana. "Am. Exporter." (Dom. supp.) March, 1910. p. 11. Great Britain. Hydrographic office. Cuba included in: "Great Britain. Hydro- graphic office." (See under general books.) El grito de independencia: 24 de febrero de 1895. "Bohemia." Feb. 25, 1912. p. 86. illus. Hannaford, E. : Map and history of Cuba from the latest and best authorities. Including a clear and graphic account of the war of 1895-1897. By Lieut. E. Hannaford. Springfield, Ohio, Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick, 1897. 32 p. fold, map. 12°. Havana: Cabanas Fortress and Morro Castle: "Pan Am. Mag." December, 1910. p. 73. illus. Havana Post: Tourist edition of the Havana Post. Havana, Cuba. Nov., 1910. illus. obi. 4°. Havana the Paris of the western hemisphere. "Agwi S. S. News." January, 1911. illus. La hecatombe del Virginius: [American filibuster expedition, 1873.] "Bohemia." Nov. 10, 1912. p. 54.0. illus. Johnson, Harry: An Englishman's impressions of American rule in Cuba. "McClure's." September, 1909. p. 496. La Gloria: The colony of La Gloria, Cuba. "Cuba News." Jan. 17, 1914. p. 8. illus. Lindsay, C. H. Forbes: Cuba and her people of today. An account of the history and progress of the island previous to its independence; . . . and in particular an examination of its present political conditions, its industries, natural resources, and prospects; together with information and suggestions designed to aid the prospective investor or settler. By Forbes Lindsay. Boston, L. C. Page and Company, 1911. 329 p. pis. 8°. The condition of Cuba. "Lippincott's."' November, 1911. p. 741. Cuba for the man of moderate means. "Bulletin." July, 1913. p. 32. illus. Lisser, H. G. de: [Chapter on Cuba]. See Lisser, H. G. de (Among general books). Lutz, Frank E.: Collecting in Cuba. "Am. Mu. Jour." March, 1914- p. 99. illus. Marsh, C. W.: Roads and motoring in Cuba, illus. "Farm Imp. News." May 2, 1912. Mellet, Julian: Cuba included in his: "Por el interior de la America meridional." (See under general books.) Mid the matchless beauty of Cuba's gardens, illus. "N. Y. Herald." Dec. 24, 1911. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 67 Mujer (la) Cubana. "Mercurio." Barcelona. Sept. 7, 1911. p. 352. illus. Muller, Julius: A painted city of the Spanish Main. [Camaguey.] "Century." June, 1914. illus. Ober, Frederick A. : [Chapters on Cuba.] See Ober, Frederick A. (Among general books). O'Brien, Johnny: A captain unafraid; the strange adventures of Dynamite Johnny O'Brien as set down by Horace Smith. . . . New York and London, Harper and Brothers, 1912. 295 (1) p. front, port, plates. 8°. Oryzi, Fernando: Los "Caneyes de Muertes." "Cuba y Am." November, 1913. p. 59 and January, 191 4- p. 155. Pan American Union: . . . Cuba. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 16 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. 21 p. 8°. Same. 1911. illus. 35 p. 8°. Same. 1913. 47 p. illus. 8°. Municipal organizations in Latin America: Havana, Cuba. (Reprint of an article from the Monthly Bulletin of the Pan American Union, April, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 614-628 p. illus. 8°. Payne, Arthur: The island of Cuba, illus. "Travel." January, 1912. p. 55. Pearson, Henry C: Castilloa in Cuban valleys. (A trip through eastern Cuba.) illus. map. "India R. W." April 1, 1912. p. 315. Prince, J. C: Guide book and general information of Havana, Matanzas, and the island of Cuba, 1885-86. Compiled by J. C. Prince. . . . New York, The Moss Engraving Company, 1885. 37 p. 12°. Provost, Fielding: Social conditions and the labor question in Cuba. "Pan Am. Mag." December, 1910. p. 53. illus. January, 1911. p. 101. Raviol, Luis M. : [Chapter on Cuba]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Reid, Lamuel M.: Eastern Cuba from the saddle. "Travel." January, 1911. p. 130. illus. Republic of Cuba in 1909. Habana, Rambla y Bouza, 1909. 44 (2) p. 8°. (In English and Spanish.) Republica de Cuba. Havana, Imprenta del "Avisador Comercial," 1910. 76 p. plates. (1 col.) illus. obi. 4°. Text in English and French. [Album of views.] Restos (los) del crucero "Maine" en la bahia de la Habana. "Mercurio." New Orleans. February, 1912. illus. p. 4-2. Rocklyn, Paul: Cuba. "Pan Am. Mag." August, 1913. p. 44. San Carlos Land Company: The Isle of Pines. The modern garden of the Hes- perides where real golden apples grow. Issued by the San Carlos Landand Fruit Co., Washington, D. C, January, 1908. 23 (1) p. illus. map Smith, Horace: A captain unafraid. See O'Brien, Johnny. Souvenir guide of Cuba: Containing general information, maps of Havana and Cuba. New illustrations and principal points of interest. New York, pub- lished by the Souvenir guide of Cuba Co. [1911]. illus. maps. 12°. Sterling, M. Marquez: La diplomacia en nuestra historia. Habana, Imp. "Avisa- dor Comercial," 1909. 447, v. p. 12°. Stevens, Walter Barlow : [Chapter on Cuba]. See Stevens, Walter Barlow (Among general books). Stoddard, Florence Jackson: As old as the moon. Cuban Legends: folklore of the Antillas. By Florence Jackson Stoddard. . . . New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1909. 205 p. illus. fronts. 8°. Torre, Jose M. de la : Lo que fuimos y lo que somos 6 la Habana antigua y moderna 1857. Habana, Libreria Cervantes, 1913. xxxvii, 178, (1) p. map. 8°. (Coleccion Cubana de libros y documentos in£ditos 6 raros dirigida por Fernando Ortiz, Vol. 1.) 68 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique: [Chapter on Cuba]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Villanueva, Carlos A.: . . .La monarquia en America. Fernando VII, y los nuevos estados. Paris, Libreria Paul Ollendorff [1912]. 291 p. pis. 12°. Villar, Emilio H. del: [Chapter on Cuba]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Waleffe, Maurice de: The fair land of Central America. By Maurice de Waleffe. Translated by Violette M.Montagu. . . . Preface by Sir A. Conan Doyle. With twenty-four illustrations from photographs. London, John Long, Ltd., 1911. 287 p. illus. 8°. Wheeler, W. W. : [Chapter on Cuba]. See Wheeler, W. W. (Among general books) . Wright, Irene A. : Isle of Pines. By Irene A. Wright. Illustrated by W. H. Wark. . . . Havana, August, 1910. 127 p. illus. 8°. Cuba. By Irene A. Wright. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1910. xiv, 512 p. 8°. illus. (From the foreword: "This book containa the impressions of Cuba gathered during ten years' inter- rupted residence on this island.") A deskside tour. "Cuba Mag." January, 1913. p. 199. Nipe Bay country. "Bulletin." June, 1911. p. 983. illus. Nipe Bay country. Banes. Preston. Woodferd. II. Antilla. Felton. Mayari Saetia. "Bulletin." January, 1912. p. 86. illus. Nipe Bay country. (The same locations as to II.) "Bulletin" April, 1912. p. 471. illus. Opening up Oriente. "Bulletin." November, 1909. illus. p. 901. Oriente. [A trip from Santiago to Bayamo, Manzanillo and return.] "Cuba Mag." February, 1912. p. 330. Western Cuba. [North coast and southern plain. Vinales valley. Vuelta Abajo.] "Cuba Mag." January, 1912. p. 268. The touring car in Cuba. "Bulletin." December, 1908. p. 1038. illus. Vuelta Abajo. Famous tobacco region accessible to tourists, illus. "Cuba Mag." January, 1911. p. 6. Zamacois, Eduardo: [Chapter on Cuba]. See Zamacois, Eduardo (Among general books) . Zayas y Alfonso, Francisco: Conferencia pronunciada por el Dr. Francisco Zayas y Alfonso, Ministro plenipotenciario de la repiiblica de Cuba en Belgica, ante la "Sociedad de expansi6n Belga" de Lieja. Habana, Imprenta de Rambla, Bouza y Ca., 1912. 28 p. 8°. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. An American colony in the island of Santo Domingo. New York, The American Agrarian Association, no date. 30 p. 8°. From the introductory, ' 'The object of this pamphlet is to present, as briefly as possible, the many advantages the island of Santo Domingo has . . . as a place of residence." Anderson, Charles Loftus Grant: Dominican Republic included in his: "Old Panama and Castilla del Oro." (See under Panama.) Babson,* Roger W.: Santo Domingo and Haiti. The land of golden opportunities. "N. Y. Sun." April 12, 1914- illus. , Barrett, John: Cuba, Hayti and Dominican Republic. "Independent." Aug. 26, 1909. p. 464. Boero, Jorge A. : [Chapter on Dominican Republic]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bonsai, Stephen: [Chapter on Dominican Republic]. See Bonsai, Stephen (Among general books). Breve resena geografico-estadistica de la reptiblica Dominicana. No imprint. Half title. 31 p. fold. map. 12°. (Text in English and Spanish.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 69 Charlevoix, Pierre Frangois Xavier de: Histoire de l'isle espagnole ou de S. Domingue Ecrite particulierement sur des memoires manuscrits du P. Jean Baptiste le Pers, Jesuite, missionaire a Saint Dominigue, & sur les pieces origi- nates, qui se conservent au Depot de la marine. Par le P. Pierre Francois Xavier de Charlevoix . . . Amsterdam, Francois l'Honore, 1733. 4 v. 12°. illus. maps. Compania la Dominicana: Santo Domingo the cradle of America. The govern- ment lands of the Dominican Republic now being offered for colonization through La Compania Dominicana, Kansas City. . . . Kansas City, Standard Printing Co. no date, front, port, illus. 63 p. 8°. Dario, Ruben: La republica Dominicana. "Mundia!." January, 1912. p. 207. illus. Deschamps, Enrique: La Republica Dominicana. Su presente y su porvenir. "America." February, 1910. p. 89. illus. Description. "P. R. Rev." Jan. 29, 1913. (Entire copy devoted to Dominican Republic.) Dominican Republic, her resources and strategic positions, etc. "Agwi S. S. News." January, 1911. illus. Engineering in Santo Domingo. No white trousers job. '.'New York Tribune." January 11, 1914- illus. Excursion a Santo Domingo. "P. R. Ilustrado." Jan. 25, 113. illus. Qalvan, Manuel de J.: Enriquillo, leyenda hist6rica Dominicana. 1503-1533 Por Manuel de J. Galvan. Santo Domingo, Imprenta de Garcia hermanos, 1822. (6) 336 p. 8°. Garrison, Lyn wood: The island of Santo Domingo. "Cassier's." September , 1 906 . Gomez, Manuel Ubaldo: Resumen de la histqria de Santo Domingo por Manuel Ubaldo Gomez. . . . Libro primero. Segunda edici6n. Imp. de J. M. Vila Morel, Santiago de los Caballeros, 1911. 127 (1) p. 12°. Libro segundo. La Vega, Tip. "El Progreso" de R. A. Ramos, 1912. 138 (1) p. 12°. Great Britain. Hydrographic office. Dominican Republic included in: "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (See under general books.) Histoire de Tile de Saint Domingue depuis l'epoque de sa decouverte par Christophe Colomb jusqu'a l'annee 1818: Publiee sur des documents authentiques. . . . Paris, Delaunay [and others], 1819. 390 p. 8°. Keim, De Bfenneville] Randolph: San Domingo. Pen pictures and leaves of travel, romance and history, from the portfolio of a correspondent in the Ameri- can tropics. By De B. Randolph Keim. . . . Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1870. xii, 13, 336 p. 12°. Lisoni, Tito V.: La Republica Dominicana. Por Tito V. Lisoni. illus. pp. 255-294. In International scientific congress. Trabajosdelcuartocongrefcocientifico. Vol. XX. Santiago de Chile. 1912. Monte y Tejada, Antonio del: Historia de Santo Domingo, desde su descubri- miento hasta nuestros dias, por Don Antonio del Monte y Tejada. Tomo 1. Habana, Soler, 1853. xxi, 600 p. front, pi. port. map. 4°. Moreau de St. Mery, Mederic Louis Elie: A topographical and pob'tical descrip- tion of the Spanish part of Saint-Domingo . . . By M. L. E. Moreau de Saint- Mery . . . Tr. from the French, by William Cobbett. Philadelphia. The author, 1798. 2 v. 8°. Moyo, Casimiro N. de: Bosquejo hist6rico del descubrimiento y conquista de la isla de Santo Domingo y narraci6n de los principales sucesos ocurridos en la parte Espafiola de ella, desde la sumisi6n de su ultimo cacique hasta nuestros dias. Libro primero: Epoca de la conquista y gobierno de los Espafioles hasta la sumision de los ultimos indios. Santo Domingo, Imp. La Cuna de America, 1913. front, illus. map. 237 p. 8°. Ober, Frederick A.: [Chapters on Dominican Republic]. See Ober, Frederick A. (Among general books). 70 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Packard, Winthrop: Facts about Santo Domingo. "New Eng. Mag." March, 1906. illus. Pan American Union: . . . Dominican Republic. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 17 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. 18 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 21 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1913. 28 p. illus. 8°. Raviol, Luis M.: [Chapter on Dominican Republic]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). La Republique Dominicaine. "Bull, de la Societe Beige d'Etudes Coloniales." March, 1912. p. 223. Santo Domingo: Debate in the U. S. Senate on the resolutions of Hon. O. P. Morton, authorizing the appointment to examine into and report upon the con- ditions of the island. [Washington, Gibson Bros. n. d.] Caption title. 32 p. 8°. Santo Domingo in Uncle Sam's Care. "N. Y. Sun." April 14, 1912. [Serra, Jose Maria]: Apuntes para la historia de los trinitarios, fundadores de la Republica Dominicana. Santo Domingo, Imprenta de Garcia hermanos, 1887. 23 p. 8°. Tapshire, Alfonso Concepci6n: Rafugas politicas. (Datos para la historia.) Santiago de los Caballeros, Tip. de J. M. Vila Morel, 1913. front, port. 58 p. Vaissiere, Pierre de: . . . Saint Domingue. La Societe et la vie Creoles sous l'ancien regime. (1629-1789). Paris, Perrin et Cie., 1909. viii, 384 (2) p. front, pis. 8°. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique: [Chapter on Dominican Republic]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Villar, Emilio H. del: [Chapter on Dominican Republic]. See Villar, Emilio H. de (Among general books). Wheeler, W. W. : [Chapter on Dominican Republic]. See Wheeler, W. W. (Among general books). Wilcox, Ella Wheeler: [Chapter on Dominican Republic]. See Wilcox, Ella Wheeler (Among general books). Woodward, Karl W.: Commercial aspects of the forests of the Dominican Republic. "Bulletin." November, 1909. p. 914. illus. ECUADOR. Akers, Charles Edmond: [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Akers, Charles Edmond (Among general books). Andre, Ed.: America equinoctial. Colombia-Ecuador. Por M. Ed. Andre, viajero encargado de una mision por el Gobierno Frances. In America pintoresca. Description de viajes al nuevo continente. . . . Barcelona, 1884. 77-859 pp. illus. Arce, Jacinto Jouvin: Guayaquil en la mano. Directorio de Guayaquil. 1912. Publicado anualmente por Jacinto Jouvin Arce. Guayaquil, Imprenta de La Reforma, [1912]. 270 p. 12°. illus. Arizaga, Rafael M.: Ecuador in the Pan American [Commercial] Conference of Washington. Address by Rafael M. Arizaga, . . . Minister of Ecuador in the U.S. Washington, press of the Sudwarth Co. [1911]. Cover title. 15 p. 8°. (Text in English and Spanish.) Boero, Jorge A.: [Chapter on Ecuador], See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bollo, Luis Cincinato: [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Bollo, Luis Cincinato (Among general books). Boyce, W. D. : [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Boyce, W. D. (Among general books). LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 71 Calderon, F. Garcia: Ecuador included in his: "Latin America." (See under general books). Caminos al Oriente: "Bol. de la Soc. Geog. de Quito." October, 1911. p. 78. Ceriola, Juan B.: Guayaquil d, la vista. Colecci6n de fototipias con sus corre- spondientes explicaciones hist6ricas, artisticas y descriptivas por Juan B. Ceriola. Barcelona. Grabado e* impreso por la casa Vda. de Luis Tasso, 1910. Album of views. 150 p. obi. 4°. Manabi & la vista. Colecci6n de fototipias con sus correspondientes explica- ciones por Juan B. Ceriola. Guayaquil, E. Rodenas, 1913. 185 p. 4°. (An album of views.) Dario, Ruben: La republica del Ecuador. "Mundial." March, 1912. p. 403. illus. Davies, J.W.: Quito, where eternal spring reigns. "Travel." September, 1911. Destruge, Camilo: Estudios hist6ricos por Camilo Destruge, director de la Biblio- teca Municipal de Guayaquil. Vol.1. Guayaquil, Imp. "Sucre," 1912. 200 p. 8°. [Laws and decrees, with notes on flags and coat of arms, education, governors, etc., 1809-1830.] La gran defensa de Guayaquil. Relaci6n documentada. Guayaquil. Imp. Gutenberg, 1911. 32 p. 12°. Ecuador: Misi6n cientifica Tufino-Alvarez enviada por el gobierno a las regiones de Macas en febrero del presente afio. Quito, Tip. de la Escuela de Artes y Oficios, 1912. 116 p. tables, illus. map. 8°. Enock, C. Reginald: [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Enock, C. Reginald (Among general books). Fitzhugh, Elizabeth: Down the West Coast to Ecuador. "Bay View Mag." November, 1912. p. 88. Flores y Caamafia, Alfredo: Descubrimiento hist6rico relativo £ la independencia de Quito por Alfredo Flores y Caamafio. Con una carta-pr61ogo del eminente histori6grafo Federico Gonzalez Suarez. Quito, Imprenta de "El Comercio," 1909. v, 39, lxxix p. 8°. Forrest, A. S. : A tour through South America. (See among general cards.) Fortescue, Granville: Galapagos Islands. "Bulletin." February, 1911. p. 222. map. illus. Galindo, Enrique Vacas: La integridad territorial de la Republica del Ecuador. Obra escrita por el R. P. Fray Enrique Vacas Galindo, del orden de predicadores y aprobada por la "Junta Patri6tica Nacional." Quito, Tip. y Enc. Salesiana, 1905. iii, 502 (2) p. 8°. Great Britain. Hydrographic office. Ecuador included in: "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (See among general books). Guia del Ecuador Compafiia (Ed.) : El Ecuador. Guia comercial e industrial de la republica editado por la Compafiia "Guia del Ecuador." Guayaquil, Tall, de Artes Graficas de E. Rodenas, 1909. 1328 p. illus. maps. 4°. (In addition to being a directory this is a general descriptive volume of Ecuador.) Guayaquil, Ecuador's growing port. "Bulletin." April, 1913. p. 495. illus. Guayaquil and Quito railway. "Times Supp." May 30, p. 7, and June 25, 1912, p. 6. maps, illus. Hidalgo, A. C: The Switzerland of South America. "Phila. Pub. Ledger." April 16, 1911. illus. [Intriage, J. F.]: Notas hist6ricas. Quito, Imprenta Nacional, 1912. Cover title. 39 p. 12°. (History, January, 1912.) Investigaciones arqueologicas en el Ecuador: Notables descubrimientos en Es- meraldas. "El Comerico." Quito. Feb. 13,1914. p. 2. Koebel, W. H. : [Chapter on Ecuador], See Koebel, W. H. (Among general books). 72 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Lamus G., Ramon: Paginas de verdad. La ultima guerra Ecuatoriana. (Repro- ducci6n del folleto del Sr. Ram6n Lamus G., secretario privado del Gral. Flavio E. Alfaro, con un apendice que contiene documentos sobre la revoluci6n de dici- embre y los sucesos de enero.) Quito, Imprenta y encuadernacion Nacionales, 1912. 329 p. 12°. Laso, Jose D. : Quito A, la vista. Colecci6n de fototipias con anotaciones hist6ricas y descriptivas, Primera [y] segunda entregas. Quito, Talleres graficos, 1911. [2 albums of views], obi. 8°. Lee, John: Religious liberty in South America. With special reference to recent legislation in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. By John Lee. . . . With an intro- duction by Bishop John H. Vincent. . . . Cincinnati, Jennings and Graham, 1907°. vii, 266 p. 8°. Lemmon, Roberts.: Ecuador, the volcanic republic. "Travel." March/1912. p. 17. illus. Mann, Alexander: [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Mann, Alexander (Among general books). Mejia, Jose: Ecuador. Discursos de Don Jose Mejia en las Cortes Espafioles de 1810-13. Con un prologo hist6rica por Camilo Destruge, director de la biblio- teca municipal. Guayaquil, Tip. "El Vigilante." 1909. xxiii, 129 p. 8°. [History, 1810-13.] Mellet, Julian: Ecuador included in his: "Por el interior de la America meri- dional." (See under general books.) Moncayo, Pedro: El Ecuador de 1825 it 1875, sus hombres, sus instituciones y sus leyes por Pedro Moncayo. Segunda edici6n, corregida, anotada y documentada por Carlos E. Moncayo y Luis F. Veloz. Quito, Imprenta National, 1907. xxiii, 465 p. 4°. Moore, Charles H.: Railway construction in Ecuador. "Bulletin." February, 1914- illus. map. Mozans, H. J. : Ecuador included in his : "Along the Andes and down the Amazon." (See among general books). Myers, H. M. : Ecuador included in his: "Life and nature under the tropics." (See among general books). Ojeada historico-critica sobre los hechos ocurridos en la aciaga noche de una dominacion salvaje. Quito, J. I. Galvez, 1912. 47 p. 8°. Page, Jesse: Ecuador included in his: "The land of the peaks and pampas." (See under general books). Pan American Union: . . . Ecuador. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 15 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. 23 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 24 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1913. 29 p. illus. 8°. Porter, Robert P. : [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Porter, Robert P. (Among general books). Pound, Edward Harold : A trip from Quito to'the Napo River. "Bulletin." August, 1912. p. 285. illus. Raviol, Luis M.: [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Reid, William A. : Across the Equator in a parlor car. [Description of the Guayaquil- Quito railroad's route.] "Bulletin." November, 1912. p. 917. illus. Revista de Quito: Tomos 1-3, 1898. Quito, Imp. El Pinchincha. 1898. 3 v. 8°. (A weekly. Literature, politics, current events.) Reyes, Rafael: Ex-President Reyes in the old dominion of the Incas. What he saw in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. "N. Y. Times." Sept. 7, 1913. illus. The two Americas. (See general books.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 73 Roca, J. Gabriel Pino: Contribuci6n para la historia de Guayaquil. [Por] J. Gabriel Pino Roca. Guayaquil, Imp. Gutenberg, 1909. 50 p. 12°. Saville, Marshall Howard: . . . The antiquities of Manabi, Ecuador; a prelimi- nary report, by Marshall H. Saville . . . New York [Irving press], 1907. 135 p. illus. lv pis. 4°. Vol. 2. Final report. New York, 1910. 28a p. fold. map. cxiv pis. 4°. (Contributions to South American archaeology, The George G. Heye expedition.) Includes description of the province of Manabi. Stranger than the fabled Eldorado — a gold-plated people. An ancient and vanished folk who slutted their faces with gold. . . . "Wash. Star." Sept. 21, 1913. illus. Scamarone, Nestor: Ecuador. "Bol. del Min. de Guerra y Marina." Lima. Oct. 15, 1911. p. 1250. Sievers, Wilhelm: [Chapters on Ecuador]. See Sievers, Wilhelm (Among general books). Reise in Peru und Ecuador ausgefiihrt 1909. Von Wilhelm Sievers. . . . Miinchen und Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1914. maps, illus. fold, tables. xii, 411 p. 8°. The South American Yearbook: Ecuador included in: "The South American Yearbook." (See under general books.) Stewart, Alban : Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences to the Galapagos Islands 1905-1906. VII. Notes on the lichens of the Galapagos Islands. By Alban Stewart, Botanist. . . . San Francisco, Published by the Academy. 431-446 p. 8°. (Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Fourth series. Vol. 1. Dec. 17, 1912.) Stopel, Karl Theodor: Sudamerikanische prahistorische tempel und gotf-heiten Ergebnisse eigener ausgrabungen in Ecuador und Sudkolumbien von Dr. Kar. Theodor Stopel. Frankfurt a. M. Verlag von Herman Minjon, 1912. 24 p. pis. 8°. Suarez, Federico Gonzalez: Historia de la Republica de Ecuador escrita por Federico Gonzalez Suarez, Imp. del Clero, Quito, 1890-1894, 1901, 1903. 8 vols. El tesoro del Itschinba. "El Comercio." Quito. March 7, 1914. p. 2. United States. Hydrographic office: [Chapter on Ecuador.] See United States. Hydrographic office (Among general books). Van Dyke, Harry Weston : [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Van Dyke, Harry Weston (Among general books). Velasco, Juan de: Historia del reino de Quito en la America meridional, escrita por el presbitero Dn. Juan de Velasco, nativo del mismo Reino. Que comprende la historia moderna. Ano de 1789, 1844, 1841-1842. Quito, Imp. de Gobi- erno, por Juan Campuzano. 3 vols. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique: [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Viajero: A commercial traveler in South America. "Bulletin." January, 1914. p. 37. illus. Villar, Emilio H. del: [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Walpole, Fred: [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Walpole, Fred (Among general books). Wiener, Carlos: Viaje al Rio de las Amazones y a las Cordilleras. Por Carlos Wiener. 1879-1882. [Explorations from Guayaquil to Manos, by way of the Napo, Cocoa and Marafion rivers. 1 In America pintoresca. Descripci6n de viajes al nuevo continente. . . . Barcelona, 1884. 1-112 pp. illus. Wolf, Teodoro: Relacion de un viaje geognositico por la provincia del Azuay. "Bol. de la Soc. Geog. de Quito." October, 1911. p. 25. 74 THE PAN AMERICA^ UNION. GUATEMALA. Ascoli, W. S. : Travels and experiences. "Jour. ofManch. Geog. Soc." 1908. p. 97. illus. map. Barquero, Antonio: En Guatemala. (Cr6nicas). Guatemala, Tipografia National. 1913. illus. 80 p. 8°. Barrett, John : Guatemala — a land of progress. "Overland." January, 1908. illus. Boero, Jorge A.: [Chapter on Guatemala]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bury, Herbert: Guatemala included in his: "A bishop amongst bananas." (See under general books.) Carpenter, Frank Q.: [Descriptive articles. SeiHes.] "Wash. Star." Nov. 10 to Dec. 8, 1912. Queer features of love, life and business in Guatemala. "Wash. Star.' ' Mar., 1913. Castafieda, Francisco: . . . The traveler's guide in the republic of Guatemala. . . . Guatemala, Departamento de artes gr&ficas "Electra," 1909. 272 p. fold. map. obi. illus. 8°. Una ciudad hist6rica (Antigua Guatemala). Su pasado y su presente. Guate- mala, Imprenta " La Republica," 1907. 176 p. illus. obi. 8°. Cutter, Victor M.: Quirigua, Guatemala. "Bulletin." Jan., 1911. p. 40. illus. Dario, Ruben: Guatemala. "Mundial." June, 1912. p. 101. illus. Description : "Lat. Am." Jan. 21, 1912 and Oct. 15, 1913. (Entire issues devoted to Guatemala.) Domville-Fife, Charles W. [Chapter on Guatemala]. See Domville-Fife, Charles W. (Among general books). / Fortoul-Hurtado, P. : La Republica de Guatemala. Rdpida mirada sobre su historia, su geografia y sus progresos. "Rev. Int. de Dun." Nov., 1913. p. 71. illus. Qoez, Eduardo: Discurso oficial pronunciado por el lie. Don Eduardo Goez en el salon de recepciones del Palacio del Poder Ejecutivo, en conmemoraci6n del 78° aniversario de la Independencia National. Guatemala, Tip. National, 15 de septiembre de 1909. 6 p. 8°. Gonzalez, Nicolas Augusto: Desde el Llano por Nicolas Augusto Gonz&lez. Guatemala, Tip. Sanchez & de Guise, 1908. 68 p. 8°. Great Britain. Hydrographic office: Guatemala included in: ''Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (See among general books.) Guatemala: A brief description of the Republic. By F. de A. Together with the text of the immigration law. Translated from the Spanish, by D. Bowman. . . . London, Dunlap and Co., 1909. 12 p. illus. 4°. (Text in English and Spanish.) Guatemala a country of progress. "Wash. Herald." March 20, 1913. Guatemala its riches, its development and its progress, resulting from the administration of Pres. Estrada Cabrera. "Daily Picayune." Sept. 1,1912. Heinl, Robert D.: Central America's most famous president. "Leslie's." April 15, 1912. illus. Marti, Jose: Guatemala por Jose Marti. Tip. Nacional, Guatemala, 1913. front. 134 p. 12°. Martin, Percy F.: Guatemala: A land of promise. "Financial Times." Aug. 16, 1912. Marure, Alejandro: Efermerides de los hechos notables acaecidos en la republica de Centro America desde el ano de 1821 hasta el de 1842. Seguidas de varios cat&logos de presidentes de la republica, jefes de estado, etc., por Alejandro Marure . . . Guatemala, Imprenta de la Luz, ano de 1844. [Reprint.] Guatemala, Tip. Nacional, 1895. v, 157 p. 12°. Mason, C. T.: Guatemala, and the trade field which it offers. "Export, and Import. Jour." June 10, 1911. p. 36. illus. map. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 75 Mencos, Ernesto: Guatemala. Seine reichtiimer, seine entwicklung und seine fortschritte unter der verwaltung des prasidenten Dr. Manuel Estrada Cabrera. Ubersetzung aus "The Daily Picayune," New Orleans vom 1. September, 1912. Von Dr. Ernesto Mencos, Hamburg. 16 p. illus. 8°. Mendez, Jose Mariano: Estado -politico de Guatemala en 1821. "Centro Am." July-September, 1913. p. 393. Morley, S. Griswold: Quirigua — an American town 1,400 years old. "Sci. Am." Aug. 3, 1912. p. 96. illus. Excavations at Quirigua. "Nat. Geog. Mag." March, 1913. p. 339. Palmer, Frederick: Guatemala included in his: "Central America and its prob- lems." (See under general books.) Pan American Union: . . . Guatemala. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. illus. 16 p. 8°. Same. 1910. 16 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 16 p. 8°. Same. 1913. 33 p. illus. 8°. Peixotto, Ernest Clifford [Chapter on Guatemala]. See Peixotto, Ernest Clifford (Among general books). Pineda, Juan de: Descripcion de la provincia de Guatemala, aiio 1594. In Coleccion de Libros y Documentos referentes a la Historia de America. Tomo viii. Madrid Suarez. p. 418-471.) Poirier, Eduardo: Actuation de la republica de Guatemala en la America Central Trabajo presentado al tercer congreso cientifico Latino-Americano de Rio de Janeiro por Eduardo Poirier. . . . Rio de Janeiro, Agosto 6 de 1905, Valparaiso, Imp. y Lit. Gustavo Weidman, 1905. 33 p. 8°. Progress of Guatemala. {General description for immigrants.) "Guatemalan Rev." 1:51. September and October , 1910. Progressive Guatemala. "Bulletin." April, 1913. p. 481. Provost, Fielding: Antigua Guatemala. "Pan Am. Mag." February, 1914. p. 7. illus. Putnam, George Palmer {Chapter on Guatemala]. See Putnam, George Palmer (Among general books). Raviol, Luis M. [Chapter on Guatemala]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Recinos, Adrian: Monografia del departamento de H uehuetenango, republica d. Guatemala. Por Adrian Recinos. Guatemala, Tip. Sanchez & de Guise, 1913. front, illus. xiv, 269 p. 8°. Sands, W. F.: Mysterious temples of the jungle. Prehistoric ruins of Guatemala. "Nat. Geog. Mag" March, 1913. p. 325. illus. Sulzer, William: Trade with Central America. Guatemala. Speech of Hon. William Sulzer, of New York, in the House of Representatives, Friday, July 9, 1909. Caption title. 4 p. 8°. Tejada, Federico S. de: . . . Guatemala. Agricultura, comercio e* industrias. 2 serie. Guatemala, Tip. de A. Siguere y cia. [1909]. Cover title, nar. 8°. 34 p. Tempsky, Gustav Ferdinand von: Mitla. A narrative of incidents and personal adventures on a journey in Mexico, Guatemala and Salvador in the years 1853 to 1855. With observations on the modes of life in those countries. . . . Ed. by J. S. Bell. . . . London, Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, 1858. xv, (1) 436 p. front, pi. map. 8°. Tisdel, Edine Frances: Guatemala: the country of the future. "Nat. Geog. Mag." July, 1910. p. 596. map. illus. The lakes of Guatemala. "Bulletin." October, 1910. illus. p. 651. 76 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Tozzer, Alfred M. : . . . A preliminary study of the prehistoric ruins of Nakum, Guatemala. A report of the Peabody museum expedition 1909-1910. By Alfred M. Tozzer. . . . Cambridge, published by the museum, 1913. illus. plates, maps, diagrs. pp. 143-201. f°. (Memoirs of the Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. vol 5, No. 3.) * Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique [Chapter on Guatemala). See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). [Viajero]: Guatemala included in "Traveling notes in Central America." (See under general books.) Villar, Emilio H. del [Chapter on Guatemala]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Vose, Edward Neville: . . . Guatemala. New York, Published by Dun's International Review, 1913. illus. 32 p. 8°. cover title. Winter, Nevin O.: Guatemala and her people of to-day. Being an account of the land, its history and development; the people, their customs and characteristics; to which are added chapters on British Honduras and the republic of Honduras, with references to the other countries of Central America, Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. By Nevin O. Winter. . . . Boston, L. C. Page and Company, 1909. xii, 307 p. map. illus. 8°. THE GUIANAS. Adams, Harriet Chalmers: The Guianas. Picturesque Paramaribo. "Nat. Geog. Mag." June, 1907. p. 363. illus. Andre, Eugene: A naturalist in the Guianas. By Eugene Andre. . . . With a preface by Dr. J. Scott Keltic . . . London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1904. xiv, 310 p. illus. plates, map. 8°. Beebe, Mary Blair: Our search for a wilderness. An account of two ornithological expeditions to Venezuela and to British Guiana. By Mary Blair Beebe and C. William Beebe. . . . New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1910. xix, 408, (4) p. illus. plates. 8°. Brett, William Henry: The Indian tribes of Guiana; their condition and habits. With researches into their past history, superstitions, legends, antiquities, lan- guages, &c. By the Rev. W. H. Brett. . . . London, Bell and Daldy, 1868. xiii, (3) 500 p. 19 pis. (8 col. incl. front.)" fold. map. 8°. British Guiana. [Descriptian] "Times Supp." May 30, 1911. p. 6. map. British Guiana, Georgetown: Town superintendent's annual report for 1910. Georgetown, Demerara, W. H. Hinds, 1911. Half-title. 31 p. 4°. British Guiana handbook: Containing general and statistical information con- cerning the colony, its industries, manufactures and commerce. Georgetown, B. G. "The Argosy" Co., 1909. xxv, 607 p. illus. maps, plates. 8°. Same. 1913. x, 283 p. illus. maps, plates. 8°. Bronkhurst, H. V. P.: The colony of British Guiana and its laboring population. Containing a short account of the colony, and brief description of the black, Creole, Portuguese. East Indian, and Chinese coolies, their manners, customs, religious notions, and other interesting particulars and amusing incidents con- cerning them. Collected from different sources . . . and arranged by Rev. H. V. P. Bronkhurst. . . . London, T. Woolmer, 1883, xii, 479 p. 8°. Browne, Edith A.: British Guiana as a holiday resort. By Edith A. Browne. Sprostons, Ltd., Demerara. 79 p. illus. map. 32°. Crampton, Henry Edward: British Guiana and Brazil to Mount Roraima. "Am. Mu. Jour." December, 1911. p. 283. illus. To the great falls of Guiana and beyond. "Harper's." November, 1913. p. 902. illus. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 77 Dalton, Henry G.: The history of British Guiana. Comprising a general descrip- tion of the colony; a narrative of some of the principal events from the earliest period of its discovery to the present time; together with an account of its climate, geology, staple products, and natural history. By Henry G. Dalton. . . . London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1855. illus. plates, maps. 2 v. 8°. Difficulties and dangers of Balata gathering. Canoeing up the Moroni River in Dutch Guiana. "India R.W." March 1,1914- p. 293. illus. Eigenmann, C. H.: Notes from a naturalist's experience in British Guiana. "Nat. Geog. Mag." September, 1911. p. 859. illus. Furlong, Charles Wellington: Through the heart of the Surinam jungle. "Harper's." February, 1914- p. 327. illus. Harris, C. A. (comp.) : Storm Van's Gravesande. The rise of British Guiana. Compiled from his despatches by C. A. Harris. . . . Chief Clerk, Colonial Office, and J. A. J. de Villiers, of the British Museum. London, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1911. 2 v. maps. 8°. Harrison, J. B. : The geology of the goldfields of British Guiana. By J. B. Harrison. . . . With historical, geographical, and other chapters. By Frank Fowler . . . and appendix giving the laws and regulations governing the mining industry. . . . (London), Dulau and Co., 1908. vii, 320 p. plates. 8°. Heilprin, Angelo: An impression of the Guiana wilderness. "Nat. Geog. Mag." June, 1907. p. 373. illus. Kirke, Henry: Twenty-five years in British Guiana. By Henry Kirke. . . . London, Sampson Low, Marstonand Co., 1898. x, (1) 364 p. front, plates, map. 8°. Percival, J. B.: Resources of Dutch Guiana. "Bull." Dec, 1913. p. 818. illus. Rodway , James : In the Guiana forest. Studies of nature in relation to the struggle for life. By James Rodway. . . . With an introduction by Grant Allen. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1894. xxiii, 242 p. illus. 8°. Same. New revised and enlarged edition. Chicago, A. C. McClurg and Co., 1912. 326 p. 8°. plates. Guiana, the wild and wonderful. "Timehri." Demerara, B. G. December, 1912. p. 235. illus. Sprostons, Ltd. (Pub.): To the Kaieteur Fall and back. Descriptive pamphlet containing itinerary and prices of the trip. Georgetown, 1911. 43 p. 16°. Thurn, Everard F.: Among the Indians of Guiana. Being sketches chiefly anthro- pologic from the interior of British Guiana. By Everard F. Thurn. . London, Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1883. xiii, 445 p. illus. plates, map. 8°. Veness W. T. : El Dorado; or British Guiana as a field for colonisation. By the Rev. W. T. Veness. London, Cassell, Petter, and Galpin. . . . 1886. vii, 198 p. maps. 8°. Villiers, J. A. J. de: Foundation and development of British Guiana. "Geog. Jour." July, 1910. p. 8. Whitney, Caspar: Through the gateway of El Dorado. "Harper's." November, 1911. p. 939. illus. HAITI. Alberti y Bosch, Narcisco: Apuntes para la prehistoria de Quisqueya por Dn. Narcisco Alberti y Bosch. . . . Tomo 1, geologia y parte descriptiva, 1912. La Vega, Imprenta " El Progreso," illus. maps, plates, diagrs. 148, (2) p. f°. Aubin, Eugene: En Haiti. Planteurs, d'autrefois, negres d'aujourd'hui. Paris, Armand Colin, 1910. xxxv, 348 p. plates, maps. 12°. Making a president. "New Eng. Mag." November, 1911. p. 271. Austin, Henry: The worship of the snake. "New Eng. Mag." June, 1912. p. 170. illus. 78 THE PAN AMEEICAN UNION. Babson, Roger W.: Santo Domingo and Haiti. The land of golden opportunities. "N.Y.Sun." April 12, 1914- illus. Barrett, John: Cuba, Hayti and Dominican Republic. "Independent." Aug. 26, 1909. p. m. Boero, Jorge A. [Chapter on Haiti]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bonsai, Stephen [Chapter on Haiti]. See Bonsai, Stephen (Among general books). Calderon, F. Garcia: Haiti included in his : "Latin America." (See under general books.) Chauvet, Henri: Petite geographie de la republique d'Haiti a l'usage des ecoles primaires. Adoptee par le Departement de l'instruction publique. Par Henry Chauvet. . . . Quinzi&me edition. . . . Port-au-Prince, Imprimerie H. Chauvet & Co.. 1909. 38 p. 8°. Cornish, Lincoln S.: Negro rule in Haiti. "Pan Am. Mag." June, 1913. p. 41. Port. D., H.: Considerations sur l'etat present de la colonie Franchise de Saint Domingo. Ouvrage politique et legislatif presente au Ministre de la Marine, par Mr. H. D. Paris, chez Grange. . . . 1776-1777. 2 v. 12°. Dorsainvil, J. B. : Cours d'histoire d'Haiti a l'usage de l'enseignement secondaire par J. B. Dorsainvil. Deuxieme edition. . . . Port-au-Prince, Edmond Chenet, Imprimeur editeur, 1908. 123 p. 8°. Easton, William Edgar: Christophe. A tragedy in prose of imperial Haiti. By William Edgar Easton. . . . Los Angeles, Press Grafton Publishing Co., 1911. 122 p. pis. 12°. (Historical drama.) Ferguson, E. G. W.: Voyage dans Vinterieur d'Haiti. "Bulletin." (French ed.) May, 1913. p. 249. Furniss, Henry W.: Development in Haiti. "Bulletin." Dec, 1910. p. 961. illus. Great Britain. Hydrographic office. Haiti included in: " Great Britain. Hydro- graphic office." (See among general books.) Haiti for the white man. "South Am." March 15, 1914. p. 212. illus. Histoire de l'ile de Saint Domingue depuis l'epoque de sa decouverte par Christophe Colomb jusqu'a Tannee 1818: Publiee sur des documents authentiques. . . . Paris, Delaunay [and others], 1819. 390 p. 8°. Island of Haiti, "hat. Am." Nov. 1,1912. p. 7. illus. James, Winifred [Chapter on Haiti]. See James, Winifred (Among general books). Mann, Henry: Virtues and faults of Haiti. "Harmsworth Self-Educator." August, 1910. illus. Moyo, Casimiro N. de: Bosquejo histdrico del descubrimiento y conquista de la isla de Santo Domingo y narraci6n de los principales sucesos ocurridos en la parte espanola de ella desde la sumision de su ultimo cacique hasta nuestros dias. Libro primero: Epoca de la conquista y gobierno de los Espanoles hasta la sumisi6n de los ultimos indios. Santo Domingo, Imp. La Cuna de America. 1913. front, illus. map. 237 p. 8°. Placentini, R. : De Thomazeau auxGrands-Bois. Recitd'unexcursionniste. "Bull, de Vobserv. met." January-June, 1913. p. 63. Ober, Frederick A. [Chapter on Haiti]. See Ober, Frederick A. (Among general books). Pan American Union: . . . Haiti. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 14 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. 18 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 18 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1913. 23 p. illus. 8°. Parsons, Elsie Clews: Hayti misunderstood. "Independent." Aug. 8, 1912. p. 332. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 79 Pearson, Henry C: A visit to the "Black Republic. "India R. W." Oct. 1, 1912. p. 5. Port-au-Prince or Port au President. "New Eng. Mag:' July, 1912. p. 616. illus. Raviol, Luis M. [Chapter on Haiti]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). La Republica de Haiti. "Fray Mocho." Feb. 6, 1914. illus. Tippenhauer, L. Qentil: Neuer Beitrag zur Topographic, Bevoelkerungskunde und Geologie Haiti's. "Petermann's." March 4, 1909. p. 49. illus. Vaissiere, Pierre de: . . . Saint Domingue. La Socie'te et la vie Creoles sous l'ancien regime. (1629-1789.) Paris, Perrin et Cie., 1909. viii, 384 (2) p. front, pis. 8°. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique [Chapter on Haiti]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Vincent, Stenio: La r^publique d'Haiti telle qu'elle est. Apercus: historique. geographique, ethnographique, politique, administratif, agricole, pastoral, economique, intelectuel, tegislatif, financier, minier, medicinal, patriotique, Par Stenio Vincent. . . . Bruxelles, Societe Anonyme Beige d'imprimerie. 1910. 368 p. illus. fold. map. 8°. Villar, Emilio H. del [Chapter on Haiti]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Voyage du president Tancrede Auguste dans le nord d'Haiti: "Bulletin." (French ed.) March, 1918. p. 152. Wilcox, Ella Wheeler [Chapter on Haiti]. See Wilcox, Ella Wheeler (Among general books). Worship of the snake. "New Eng. Mag." June, 1913. p. 170. illus. HONDURAS. Across Honduras. "Pan Am. Mag." January, 1913. p. 41- illus. Arita, Jesus: Ocotepeque. De-par tamento de Ocotepeque. {Government report.) "Bol. de La Sec. de Fomento." May, 1912. p. 567. Boero, George A. [Chapter on Honduras]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books) Breve juico sobre la Republica de Honduras. "Centro-America." October-De- cember, 1913. p. 560. illus. La costa nortede Honduras: Cortes. "Centro- America." January-March, 1913. p. 97. Crespo, Salvador: Colon department. [Governor's report.] "Bol. de la Seer, de Foment" January, 1912. p. 306. Domville-Fife, Charles W. [Chapter on Honduras]. See Domville-Fife, Charles W. (Among general books). Duron, Romulo E.: La provincia de Tegucigalpa bajo el Gobierno de M.allol. Estudio hist6rico por Romulo E. Duron. 1817-1821. Tegucigalpa, Tip. Nacional, Abril, 1904. ix, 254 p. 12°. Fletes, Ernesto: Honduras: the country of opportunities. By Ernesto Fletes, Consul of Honduras at Mobile. Information compiled for the benefit of the Honduras-American trade. Revised by Horace Ten Eyck Culver. No im- print. No date. 54 p. illus. map. 8°. Great Britain. Hydrographic office. Honduras included in: "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (See among general books). Haeberle, Arminius T.: A visit to the department of Olancho. "Bulletin." May. 1912. p. 588. Resources of southern Honduras. [Department of Valle.] "Bulletin." Sep- tember, 1912. p. 522. 80 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Honduras: the new Eldorado. Something of the wonderful wealth, vast natural resources and unequaled opportunities of the sunny southern Republic of Honduras. An authoritative handbook on its romantic history, marvelous resources and brilliant prospects. New Orleans, J. G. Hauser, n. d. 24 p. 4°. A journey into the Honduran interior. "Pan Am. Mag." January, 1912. p. 45. illus. Leiva, Andres: Cortes -province. Departamento de Cortes, sus terrenos, industrias, producciones, etc. "Bol. de la Sec. de Fomento." October, 1911. p. 132. MacClintock, Samuel : Honduras. "Bull, of the Geog. Soc. of Phila." July, 1912. p. 177. Marure, Alejandro: Efermerides de los hechos notables acaecidos en la repiiblicade Centro America desde el afio de 1821 hasta el de 1842. Seguidas de varios cata- logos de presidentes de la repiiblica, jefes de estado, etc., por Alejandro Marure . . . Guatemala, Imprenta de la Luz, afio de 1844. [Reprint.] Guatemala, Tip. Nacional, 1895. v, 157 p. 12°. Morley, Sylvanus Q. : Copan, the mother city of the Mayas. "Bulletin." May, 1911. p. 863. illus. New chapter in the history of Honduras. [Descriptive article, based on con- sular reports from Mr. Arminus Haeberle.] "Bulletin." June, 1911. p. 993. illus. Nicaragua. Ministerio de relaciones exteriores. . . . Documentos oficiales refer- entes a la guerra entre Nicaragua y Honduras de 1907, y & la participaci6n de El Salvador. 2 a edici6n que contiene ademas, las dos ultimas comunicaciones cruzadas entre los Gobiernos de Nicaragua y Costa Rica, y el tratado de paz de Amapala. Managua, Compafiia, Tip. International, 1907. xxii, 288 p. 8°. Nicholas, Francis C. : Costa Rica included in his: "Across Panama and around the Caribbean." (See under general books.) Palmer, Frederick: [Honduras included in his: "Central America and its prob- lems. ' '] (See Under general books.) Pan American Union: . . . Honduras. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 14 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. 18 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 20 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1913. 23 p. illus. 8°. Puerto de la Ceiba: (Description). "Centro Am." July-September, 1913. p. 421. Putnam, George Palmer [Chapter on Honduras]. See Putnam, George Palmer (Among general books) . Raviol, Luis M. [Chapter on Honduras]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Rivas, J. A.: Olancho department. [Description.] "Bol. de la Sec. de Fomento." December, 1911. p. 245. Toll, Rensselaer H.: Travel and mining in Honduras. "Min. and Sci. Press." May 27, 1911. p. 720. illus. Viajero: Honduras included in "Traveling notes in Central America." (See under general books.) Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique [Chapter on Honduras]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Villar, Emilio H. del [Chapter on Honduras]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Vose, Edward Neville: The Republic of Honduras. "Dun's Int. Rev." May, 1914- p. 71. illus. Winter, Nevin O. : Honduras included in his : " Guatemala and her people of today." (See under Guatemala.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 81 HONDURAS. (British.) Bristowe, Lindsay W., and Philip B.Wright: The handbook of British Honduras for 1890-1891. Comprising historical, statistical, and general information con- cerning the colony. By Lindsay W. Bristowe and Philip B. Wright. Edinburgh and London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1890. xiv, 258 p. 8°. British Honduras: Blue book, 1909. Belize, Printed at the Government Press, 1910. Various paging, 1 vol. 4°. Same. 1910. Same. 1912. Collett, Wilfred : British Honduras and its resources. By Wilfred Collet, C. M. G. London, The West India Committee Rooms [November, 1909]. 24 (1) p. 12°. illus. map. Morris, D.: The colony of British Honduras, its resources and prospects; with particular reference to its indigenous plants and economic productions. By D. Morris, . . . London, Edward Stanford, 1883. ix, 152 p. map. 8°. Vose, Edward Neville: The commerce and industries of British Honduras. "Dun's Rev." Dec. 1913. p. 77. illus. Winter, Nev«*n O.: British Honduras included in his: "Guatemala and her people of today." (See under Guatemala.) MEXICO. Adventures in search of a living in Spanish America by "Vaquero." London, John Bale, Sons and Danielson, Ltd., 1911. viii, 304 p. plates, maps. 4°. (A trip through Mexico, page 1174.) Album grafico de la Republica Mexicano. Mexico, Establecimiento litotipo- grafico de Muller Hnos., 1910. 411, (4) p. obi. 4°. Same. 2nd ed. 418 p. obi. 4°. Aldrich, John: A new country for Americans: the west coast of Mexico. "Overland." August, 1909. p. 216. Alvarez, V.. Salado: La conjura de Aaron Burr y las primeras tentativas de con- quista de Mexico por Americanos del Oeste. Monografia por V. Salado Alvarez. . . . Mexico, Taleres de imprenta ... del Museo National, 1908. 64 p. plates, map. 4°. Arman, C. L.: An engineer's stage journey through Arizona and Mexico in 1880. "Eng. News." May 29, 1913. p. 1128. Ancient treasures of Mexico and Peru. "Times Supp." Oct. 25, 1910. p. 6. Arnold, Channing: The American Egypt: a record of travel in Yucatan. By Channing Arnold and Frederick J. Tabor Frost. New York, Doubleday, Page and Company, 1909. xiv, 391 p. plates, maps. 4°. Aviles, Gildardo F.: Geografia elemental de la Republica Mexicana por Gildardo F. Aviles. . . . Paris and Mexico, Lib. de la C. Bouret, 1910. 79 p. maps. col. illus. 4°. Ayme, Louis H.: Mitla, Mexico. "Bulletin." September, 1911. p. 548. illus. Barra, Francisco Leon de la: Address of , in Peoria, III. [Description.] "Bulletin." April, 1910, p. 569. Barrett, John : Panama, Central America and Mexico. [Description.] "Independent." July 29, 1909. p. 231. Barton, Mary: Impressions of Mexico with brush and pen. By Mary Barton. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1911. xi, 163 (1) p. col. pis. 8°. Beaudet, T. J.: Automobiling . Trail-blazing through Mexican wilds. "Motor Age" March 28, 1912. p. 1. illus. map. Beringer, Pierre N.: The awakening of a nation. "Overland." July, 1910. illus. 82 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Bigot, Raoul: . . . Le Mexique moderne, par Raoul Bigot ... [3 6d.] Paris, P. Roger & cie. [1909]. 2 pi. [7] 272 p. front., plates. 8°. Birkinbine, Henry E.: A trail through the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. By Henry E. Birkinbine. Caption title. 21-38 p. illus. 8°. Birkinbine, John : Our neighbor: Mexico. "Nat. Geog. Mag." May, 1911. p. 474. illus. map. Blackiston, Hooton: The casas grandes of Mexico. Ruins oj strange civilization. "Travel." April, 1912. p. 7. illus. ' Blichfeldt, E. H.: A Mexican journal. By E. H. Blichfeldt. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Company [1912]. viii, 280 p. illus. 8°. A reading journey through Mexico. Chautauquan. August, 1911. (Whole issue devoted to Mexico.) Boero, Jorge A. [Chapter on Mexico]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Boese, Emil: Nachdem Stillen Ocean. "Siid- und Mittel-Amerika." Nov. 30, 1911. p. 898. illus. Bolton, Herbert E.: Los archivos nacionales. "Bol. de la Soc. Mex. de Geog. y Estad." 3:350. 1910. Bonsai, Stephen [Chapter on Mexico]. See Bonsai, Stephen (Among general books). Bordeaux, Albert Francois Joseph: . . . Le Mexique et ses mines d'argent. avec une carte et 16 gravures texte. Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie., 1910. ii, 295 p. plates, fold. map. 8°. Bradley, Walter W. : Some Mexican transportation scenes. "Nat. Geog. Mag." December, 1910. p. 985. illus. Breker, Carlos S.: Un viaje a la Sierra Madre. "Bol. de la Soc. Geog. y Estad." 3:187. 1909. Burriss, Charles Walker: Panama. A guide to the Pacific Coast from Panama to San Francisco in picture and word. By Charles Walker Burriss. 1912 c . No imprint. 144 p. fronts, maps, illus. 8°. Part 3. Description of the West Coast from Panama to San Francisco. Bustamente, Carlos Maria: Diario hist6rico de Mexico. Por el lie. D. Carlos Maria Bustamente. Contiene una relaci6n diaria de todos los acontecimientos politicos ocurridos . . . desde diciembre de 1822 hasta agosto de 1841. Primera edici6n arreglada por Elias Amador. Tomo 1, 1822-1823. Zacatecas, Tip. de la Escuela de Artes y Oficios de la penitenciaria, 1896. v, 663 p. 8°. Calderon, F. Garcia: Mexico included in his: "Latin America." (See under general books.) Cardenas, Juan de: Primera parte de los problemas y secretos maravillosos de las indias compuesta por el Doctor Juan de Cardenas. Ano de 1591. [Reprint.] Segunda edition. Mexico, Imp. del Museo N. Arqueologia, Historia y Etnologia, 1913. xv, 222 p. 8°. Carpenter, Frank C: Mexico' s favorite sport. "Wash. Star." Feb. 16, 1913. Biggest pawnshop in the world. "Wash. Star." Feb. 23, 1913. Capital of a sister republic. "Wash. Star." March 2, 1913. Carranza, Baltasar Dornates de: Sumaria relaci6n de las cosas de la Nueva Espana con noticia individual de los descendientes legitimos de los conquistadores y primeros pobladores espanoles. Por Baltasar Dorantes de Carranza. La publica por primera vez el Museo Nacional de Mexico. Paleografiada del original por el Sr. D. Jose Maria de Agreda y Sanchez. Mexico, Imp. del Museo Nacional, 1902. 491 p. 8°. Carson, W. E.: Mexico: the wonderland of the south. By W. E. Carson. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1909. xi, 439 p. front, plates. 8°. (From the preface: ". . .a description of the Mexican capital and other old cities, of the great haciendas, of the gold and silver mines, of some quaint health resorts, and of my experiences in mountain climbing, tarpon fishing and ranching ... An accurate pen-picture as I saw this wonderful country in journeying from place to place.") Same. Revised edition with new chapters. • New York, The Macmillan Com- pany, 1914. front, illus. map. xiii, 449 (7) p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 83 Castle of Chapultepec. "Inca Chron." March, 1912. illus. p. 17. Champlain, Samuel: Narrative of a voyage to the West Indies and Mexico in the years 1599-1602, with maps and illustrations. By Samuel Champlain. Trans- lated from the original and unpublished manuscript, with a biographical notice and notes by Alice Wilmere. Edited by Norton Shaw. London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1859, vi, xcix, 48 p. illus. 8°. Chapman, Frank M.: A naturalist's journal around Vera Cruz and Tampico. "Nat. Geog. Mag." May, 1914- iUus. Charnay, Desire: Mis descubrimientos en Mexico y en la America Central por M. Desire Charnay. In America pintoresca. Description de viajes al nuevo continente. . . . Barcelona, 1824. 264-476 p. illus. Chavero, Alfredo (ed.) : Obras historicas de Don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl publicadas y anotadas por Alfredo Chavero. . . . (Tomo 1, Relaciones, Tomo 2, Historia Chichimeca) Mexico, Oficina Tip. de la Secretaria de Fomento, 1891 and 1892. 2 vols. 8°. Chihuahua. Resena geografica y estadistica. Paris & Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de C. Bouret, 1909. (1) 26 p. map. illus. 4°. Clipperton Islands. (Description and question of ownership). "Diario Oficial." 85:2. July 2, 1911. Coahuila. Resena geografica y estadistica. Paris & Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de C. Bouret, 1909. (1) 49 p. map. illus. 4°. Collins, Q. N.: Southern Mexico. (Notes on.) "Nat. Geog. Mag." March, 1911. p. 301. illus. Cortes, Antonio: La arquitectura en Mexico. Iglesias. Obra formada bajo la direcion de Genaro Garcia por Antonio Cortes. La publica el Museo Nacional de arqueologia, historia y etnologia. Mexico, Talleres de imprenta y fotograbado del Museo, 1914. [An album of]. 130 plates. 4°. Corthell, Elmer L.: (The Tehuantepec Route). Lecture before the National Geographic Society at Washington, D. C, Nov. 22, 1895. By Elmer L. Corthell. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1895. maps. 32 p. 8°. Cover title. Coxhead, Margaret Duncan: . . . Mexico. By Margaret Duncan Coxhead. With twelve reproductions in color of original drawings by J. H. Robinson. New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company, n. d. xi, 283 (1) p. 8°. ("Romance of history series.") Crane, Elliott: A day in Juanajuato. "Overland." August, 1910. p. 16S. illus. Cravioto, Alfonso: Popocatepetl ascent. "Mundo Ilustrado." Jan. 8, 1911. Creelman, James: Diaz: Master of Mexico. By James Creelman. New York and London, D. Appleton and Company, 1911. vii, 441 (1) p. plates. 8°. Cunninham, J. M.: Where history began. "Travel." October, 1910. p. 579. illus. Dalrymple, Julia: . . . Manuel in Mexico. See McDonald, Etta Blaisdell. Delgadillo, Daniel: Atlas geogrdfico escolar de la Republica Mexicana por el Pro- fesor Daniel Delgadillo. . . . Mexico, Tip. Herrero Hermanos [1910]. 75 p. maps. 8°. "El Diario" (Comp.): Mexico en su primer siglo de independencia. Publication de la compania editorial "El Diario." Mexico, Gonzalo G. Travesi. Septiembre del910. 189 p. illus. 4°. Diaz del Castillo, Bernal: The true history of the conquest of New Spain. By Bernal Diaz del Castillo, one of its conquerors. From the only exact copy made of the original manuscript. Edited and published in Mexico by Genaro Garcia. Translated into English, with introduction and notes, by A. P. Maudslay. . . . Vols. 1-4. London, Hakluyt Society, 1908-1912. 4 v. 8°. plates, maps, facsimiles. Diguet, Leon: . . . Territorio de la Baja California. Resena geografica y estadistica por Leon Diguet. Paris & Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de C. Bouret, 1912. 40 p. fold. map. illus. 4°. 84 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Dollero, Adolfo: . . . Mexico al dia (impresiones y notas de viaje). . . . Paris & Mexico, Vda. de C. Bouret, 1911. 972 p. illus. 8°. Duran, Diego: Historia de la Indias de Nueva Espaiia y isla de tierra firme. Por el Padre Fray Diego Duran. . . . T. 1 and 2. Mexico, Ignacio Esclante, 1867 and 1880. 2 v. and atlas. 4°. (Tomo 1, has added half-title, "La publica con un atlas de estampas, notas e ilustraciones Jose F. Ramirez.") Easter. Notable observance of holy week in Mexico. "Leslie's." April 4< 1912. p. 386. illus. Edwards, William Seymour: On the Mexican highlands. With a passing glimpse of Cuba. * By William Seymour Edwards. . . . Second edition. Cincin- nati, Press of Jennings and Graham [1906 c ]. 283 p. plates, map. 8°. Elton, James Frederick: With the French in Mexico. By J. F. Elton. . . . London, Chapman and Hall, 1867. x, 206 p. front. Illus. maps. 8°. Enock, C. Reginald [Chapter on Mexico]. See Enock, C. Reginald (Among general books). Escobar, Romulo: Mexico and her resources. "Am.Conser." May, 1911. p. 119. Fernandez del Castillo, Francisco: Apuntes para la historia de San Angel . . . y sus alrededores. Tradiciones, historia, leyendas, &. &. Por Francisco Fer- nandez del Castillo. . . . Mexico, Imp. del Museo NacionaldeArqueologia, Historia y Etnologia, 1913. plates, illus. iv, 253 p. 4°. Fife, Oeorge Buchanon: On the Mexican Special. [Excursion of newspapermen.] "Harper's." Oct. 15, 1910. Filisola, Vicente: ... La cooperaci6n de Mexico en la independencia de Centro America por el General Vicente Filisola. Mexico, Lib. de la Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1911. 340 p. 12°. Flandrau Macomb: The Mexican people. " Youth's Companion." March 12, 1914- p. 135. illus. Foster, John W.: Maximilian and his Mexican empire. By John W. Foster. (Read before the Columbia Historical Society, Nov. 15, 1910.) In Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D. C. Vol. 14, 1911. p. 184-224. Franco, Alonso: Segunda parte de la historia de la Provincia de Santiago de Mexico. Orden de predicadores en la Nueva Espafia por el Padre Fr. Alonso Franco . . . Ano 1645 en Mexico. Publicada en 1900 por cuenta del Supremo Gobierno a solicitud del R. P. Fr. Secundino Martinez. Mexico, Imp. del Museo Macional, 1900. 573 p. f°. Fraser, Alexander J.: Along Mexican trails. "Min. and Sci. Press." Nov. 4, 1911. p. 687. Frost, Frederick J. Tabor (joint author): The American Egypt. See Arnold. Channing. The mysterious ruined cities of Yucatan. "Wide World Mag." Aug. 1910. illus. Galloway, A. C: Ancient pyramids of San Juan Teotihuacan. "Nat. Geog. Mag." December, 1910. illus. p. 1041. Garcia, Genaro (ed): Documentos in6ditos 6 muy raros para la historia de Mexico, publicados por Genaro Garcia. Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1909-1911. 12 v. 12°. (For volumes 1 to 14, see the first "list of books" published. For volumes 15 to 23, see the supple- ment, No. 1. 1907-1909.) Tomo 24. La Intervention Francesa en Mexico segun el archi vo del M ariscal Bazaine. Septima parte. Tomo 25. Historia de Nuevo Leon con noticias sobre Coahuila Te.ias y Nuevo Mexico Tomo 26. La revolution de Ayutla pegun el archivo del General Doblado. Tomo 27. La Intervencion Francesca en Mexico segun el archivo del Mariscal Bazaine. Octava parte. Tomo 28. Autos de fe de la Inquisition de Mexico con extractos de sus causas 1646-1648. Tomo 29. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, las guerras de Mexico con Tejas y Los Estados Unidos. Tomo 30. La Intervencion Francesa en Mexico segun el archivo del Mariscal Bazaine. Novena parte. Tomo 31. Los Gobiernos de Alvarez y Comonfort segun el archivo del General Doblado. Tomo 32 El General Paredes y Arrillaga su gobierno Jalisco sus movimientos revolucionarios, sus relaciones con el General Santa Anna. Tomo 33. La Intervencion Francesca en Mexico segun el archivo del Mariscal Bazaine. Decima parte. Tomo 34. Memorias del Coronel Manuel Maria Gimenez, ayudante de campo del General Santa Anna, 1798-1878. Tomo 35. La cooperation de Mexico en la independencia de Centro America. Tomo 36. -1 — Same. Segunda parte. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 85 Garcia, Genaro (ed.) : Documentos hist6ricos Mexicanos. Obra conmemorativa del primer centenario de la independencia de Mexico. La publica el Museo Nacional de arqueologia, historia y etnologia bajo la direcci6n de Genaro Garcia. Por acuerdo de la Secretaria de instruction publica y bellas artes. Mexico, Museo Nacional de arqueologia, historia y etnologia, 1910. 7 v. col. pis. fac- similes. 4°. The true history of the conquest of New Spain. See Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. la revolution de Ayutla segun el archivo del General Doblado. Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1909. front. 264 p. 12°. G ill patrick, Wallace: The man who likes Mexico. The spirited chronicle of advent- urous wanderings in Mexican highways and byways. By Wallace Gillpatrick. New York, The Century Co., 1911. [12], 374 p. plates. 8°. Godoy, Jose F. : Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico. The master builder of a great commonwealth. By Jose F. Godoy. . . . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910. xii, 253 p. illus. maps. 8°. Gonzales, Gasper Estarda: Mexico as it is. "Sunset." January, 1910, p. 73, March, 1910. p. 291. Goodrich, Joseph King: The coming Mexico. By Joseph King Goodrich. . . . Chicago, A. C. McClurg and Co., 1913. (viii), 280 p. illus. 8°. Gracida, Manuel Martinez: Civilization chontal. Historia anhgua de la Chontalpa Oaxaquena. "Mem. y Rev. de la Soc. Antonio Alzate." July, 1911. p. 223. Hale, Albert: An editorial excursion [of newspapermen] to Mexico. "Bulletin." November, 1910. p. 778. illus. Hale, Susan:. . . Mexico. By Susan Hale. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons; London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911. xvi, 428 p. illus. fold. map. 8°. ("The Story of the Nations ' series.) Harper, Henry H.: A journey in Southeastern Mexico. Narrative of experiences, and observations on agricultural and industrial conditions. By Henry H. Harper. Printed privately for the author. New York and Boston, The De Vinne Press, 1910. viii, 100 p. front. 8°. Hart, Albert Bushnell: Mexico and the Mexicans. "World's Work." January, 1914. p. 272. illus. Haskin, Frederic J.: Series of descriptive articles. "Wash. Star." March 15 to Aprils, 1911. Hazlett, Dillwyn M.: Southern Mexico. Panama Canal shifting traffic back to half- forgotten ports. "Interurban Mag." November, 191%. p. 18. Holder, Charles F. : Motoring in a cactus forest. A trip through the giant cactus of the Yaqui River. "Century." March, 1910. p. 762. illus. Humboldt, Friedrich Alexander von: Versuch iiber den politischen Zustand des Konigreichs Neu-Spanien. . . . Von Friedrich Alexander von Humboldt. Tubingen, J. C. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, 1809. 2 v. 8°. Huntington, Ellsworth: The mystery of the Yucatan ruins. "Harper's." April, 191k. p. 757. illus. The peninsula of Yucatan. "Bull. Am. Geog. Soc." November, 1912. p. 801. illus. map. Iddings, A. S.: Through little known Chiapas. "Recreation." November and December, 1909, and January, 1910. Inman, S. G.: "No comprendo." A message from Mexico. Extracts from an address delivered by S. G. Inman. . . . Indianapolis, Christian Women's Board of Missions, 1912. 20 p. 12°. In Mayaland, Yucatan: (Issued by a representative group of Yucatan planters and merchants. [1911.] No imprint. 36 p. obi. 8°. illus. map. Instituto geologico de Mexico: Memoria de la comisidn de Mexico que explor6 la regi6n norte de la Baja California. Mexico, 1913. In: Parergones del instituto geologico de Mexico, tomo 4, nos. 2-10. 1913. pp. 89-534. plates, map . 86 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Kemper, J.: Maxmilian in Mexico. Translated from the German of J. Kemper by George P. Upton. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1911. 133 p. plates. 12*. Kertson, Felix G.: Lights and shadows of Old Mexico. "Scenic Am." August, 1908. p. 15. illus. The pyramids of Mexico. "Scenic Am." June, 1908. p. 12. illus. Kirkwood, J. E.: A Mexican hacienda. Life on one of the baronial estates of our southern neighbor. "Nat. Geog. Mag." April, 1914- illus. Lamborn, Robert H.: Mexican painting and painters. A brief sketch of the development of the Spanish school of painting in Mexico. By Robert H. Lamborn. New York, 1891. 76 p. plates. 8°. Lara y Pardo, Luis: Diccionario de geografia, historia y biografia Mexicanas. See Leduc, Alberto. Leduc, Alberto: Diccionario de geografia, historia y biografia Mexicanas por Alberto Leduc y Dr. Luis Lara y Pardo para los articulos hist6ricos y biograficos y Carlos Roumagnac para los articulos geograficos. . . . Mexico, Lib. de la Vda. de C. Bouret, 1910. 1109 p. 12°. Lee, Thomas Fitzhugh: Through the great south woods of Mexico. "Outdoor World." February, 1914. p. 102. illus. Lefevre, E[ugene]: Documentos oficiales recogidos en la secretaria privada de Maxi- miliano: historia de la intervention francesa en Mejico, por E. Lefevre . . . Bruselas y Londres, 1869. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Lemberger, Otto: Survey in the Sonor a desert. "Eng.News." Jan. 1,1914. P-6. illus. Leon Nicolas: Los Tarascos. Notas hist6ricas, 6tnicas y antropol6gicas, com- prendiendo desde los tiempos precolombinos hasta los actuales . . . por Nicolas Le6n. . . . Primera parte: historia primitiva, descubrimiento y conquista. Mexico, Imprenta del Museo Nacional, 1904. 157 p. map. illus. 8°. Same. Segunda parte. In: Anales del Museo Nacional de Mexico. Segunda epoca, Tomo 1, 1903. p. 392-502. plates. Lizana, Bernardo de: Historia de Yucutan. Devocionario de Ntra. Sra. de Izmal y conquista espiritual, por el P. Fr. Bernardo de Lizana. . . . Impresa en 1633 y ahora nuevamente por el Museo Nacional de Mexico. Mexico, Imp. del Museo Nacional, 1893. 127 p. 8°. Long, William S.: Ancient Mexico reviewed by a modern traveler. "Am. Cath. Quart." July, 1912. p. 479. Lumholtz, Carl: New trails in Mexico. An account of one year's exploration in Northwestern Sonora, Mexico, Southwestern Arizona. 1909-1910. By Carl Lumholtz. . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912. xxv, 411 p. pis. maps. 8°. MacHugh, R. J.: Modern Mexico. By R. J. Hugh. . . . New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1914. front, illus. pis. xi, 342 p. 8°. MacNutt, Francis Augustus: Fernando Cortes and the conquest of Mexico. 1485-1547. By Francis Augustus MacNutt. . . . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. xxi, 475 p. illus. maps. 8°. ( Heroes of the Nations series. ) Maudslay, A. P. (tr.): The true history of the conquest of New Spain. See Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. McDonald, Etta Blaisdell: . . . Manuel in Mexico. By Etta Blaisdell McDonald and Julia Dalrymple. . . . Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1909. vii (2) 118 p. plates. 8°. ("Little people everywhere" series.) McLoughlin, Thomas P.: A visit to Mexico. "Catholic World." January, 1910. p. 479. Meekham, Bernard: Buried cities of Yucatan. "Christ. Sci. Mon." Sept. 24, 1912. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 87 Mexican Central Railway Company: Facts and figures about Mexico and her great railway system. The Mexican Central Railway Company, . . . Issued by the industrial department of the . . . railway. Mexico, 1906. Fifth edition. 94 p. illus. 8°. Mexican citizenship represents poor field from which army can be recruited: Primi- tive conditions exist in southern country. Poorer classes ground almost to slavery. Middle class arose between landowners and peons. "Wash. Herald." Oct. 5, 1913. illus. A Mexican House and garden in California. "Country Life." Nov. 1, 1911. p. 37. illus. Mexican yearbook: A financial and commercial handbook compiled from official and other returns. 1914. Seventh year of issue. . . . London, McCor- quodale & Co. [19141. 308 p. fold. maps. 8°. [Library also has for years, 1908-1913. 6 vols. (General conditions, description of each state, banking systems, railways, industries, mining, port charges, tariff, government, foreign relations, post and telegraphs, currency, weights and measures.) Mexico. Comision nacional del centenario de la independencia: Programa del desfile hist6rico. Mexico, lit. E. Murguia, 1910. 15 (1) p. illus. partly colored. 4°. Direccion general de estadistica: . . . Divisi6n municipal de la Republica Mexicana formada por la Direccion general de estadistica. . . . Mexico, Imprenta y Fototipia de la Secretaria de Fomento, 1910. 169 (1) p. 4°. (Description of each state.) Ministerio de relaciones exteriores: . . . Publicaciones de la comisi6n reorganizadora del archivo general y publico de la naci6n. No. 1. Proceso inquisitorial del Cacique de Tetzcoco. Mexico, 1910. xiy, 89 (1) p. 8°. No. 2. Fr. Gregorio de la Concepci6n y su proceso de infidencia. Mexico, 1911. xxxxvi, 158 p. 8°. No. 3. Procesos de Indios, idolatras y hechiceros. Mexico, 1912. viii, 267 p. 8°. Mexico's centennial celebrations. "Bulletin." October, 1910. p. 572. illus. Michel, C. Piquette: The centennial celebration of Mexico. "Bulletin." June, 1910. p. 976. Millward, Russell Hastings: Cuernavaca the sun child of the sierras. "Nat. Geog. Mag." March, 1911. p. 291. Miner, F. R.: Down the West Coast. "West Coast Mag." May, 1912. p..H9. illus. Chichenltza. "Bulletin." March, 1911. p. 453. illus. [Morley, Sylvanus G.]: Exploring the wilds of savage Yucatan. A visit to the ancient Maya city of Tullom. "Daily Picayune." Sept. 21, 1913. illus. Uxmal, the city of the Xius. "Bulletin." April, 1911. p. 627. illus. Morris, Charles: The story of Mexico. A land of conquest and revolution. Giving a comprehensive history of this romantic and beautiful land from the days of Montezuma and the empire of the Aztecs to the present time. By Charles Morris . . . Philadelphia, The John C. Winston Co., . . . 1914. illus. pis. map. 440 p. 8°. Murrill, William A.: To the pyramids of the sun and the moon. "Travel." June, 1911. p. 407. illus. National Railways of Mexico: Facts and figures about Mexico, and its great railway system. The National Railways of Mexico. Issued by the general passenger department of the National Railwavs of Mexico, 1909. 96 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1911. 123 p. fold. map. illus. 8°. Mexico from border to capital. A brief description of the many interesting places to be seen en route to Mexico City via the Laredo, the Eagle Pass and the El Paseo gateways. Issued by the general passenger department, National Railways of Mexico. [Chicago, Corbitt Railway Printing Co.], n. d. 44 p. illus. 8°. Myers, Peter M.: A city of dreams (Guanajuato). By Mrs. Peter M. Myers. Milwaukee, Wis. Press of Gillett & Company [1908]. 23 p. illus. 8°. 88 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Nelson, E. W.: Lower California. "Nat. Geog. Mag." 22:443. May, 1911. illus. A new western empire: [Sonora and Sinaloa states.] "Los Angeles Times." Nov. 28, 1909. illus. map. North, Arthur Walbridge: Camp and camino in Lower California. A record of the adventures of the author while exploring peninsular California, Mexico. By Arthur Walbridge North . . . with a foreward by Admiral Robley D. Evans New York, The Baker & Taylor Co., 1910. 346 p. plates. 8°. . . . Nuevo Leon: resefia geogr&fica y estadistica. Paris & Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de C. Bouret, 1910. 64 p. illus. map. 4°. Obregon, Luis Gonzalez: . . . Mexico viejo y anecd6tico. Paris & Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1909. 292 p. 12°. La vida de Mexico en 1810. Paris & Mexico, Lib. de la Vda. de C. Bouret, 1911. 108 (1) p. illus. 8°. Olsson-Seffer, Helen : The isthmus of Tehuante-pec. "Nat. Geog. Mag." December, 1910. p. 991. illus. Our Mexican adventure strangely like that of 1846. "New York Times." April 26, 1914. illus. Overton, Qwendolin: The exclusive society of Mexico. "Delineator." October, 1910. Page, Arthur W. : Our nearest Latin neighbor. "Travel." January, 1911. p. 112. Palmer, Frederick: Mexico included in his: "Central America and its problems." (See under general books.) Pan American Union: . . . Mexico. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 33 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. 32 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 33 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1913. illus. 37 p. 8°. Same. Special edition. 1913. 49 p. illus. map. 8°. Mexico: a general sketch. Compiled by the Pan American Union. . . . Washington [Bryon S. Adams], 1911. 389, xvii p. front., 1 col. pi. 4 fold. maps, diagrs. plates. 8°. (A handbook of Mexico containing full descriptive, his- torical and statistical data.) Municipal organizations in Latin America. Mexico City. (Reprint of an article from the "Monthly Bulletin," of the Pan American Union, February, 1909.) Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. illus. 208-288 p. 8°. Paso y Troncoso, Francisco del : Las ruinas de Cempoala y del templo del Tajin. "Anales del Museo Nacional de Arg." Mexico. Vol. Hi. Suppl. p. xciv. plates, diagr. Paul, George F.: Peddlers and pack horses in Mexico. "Overland." July, 1907. illus. The boy I hired in Mexico. "Overland." April, 1913. p. 322. illus. Peixotto, Ernest Clifford [Chapter on Mexico]. See Peixotto, Ernest Clifford (Among general books). Pereyra, Carlos: . . . Historia del pueblo Mejicano. Mexico. J. Ballescd y Ca., sucesores, n. d. 2 v. 12°. Primera parte, Origenes y formaci6n. Segunda parte, La organization politica. Lecturas hist6ricas Mejicanas.- La conquista del Anahuac. Mejico, J. Ballesca" y ca., sucesores, n. d. 272 p. illus. 12°. Perigny, Maurice de: Les etats-unis du Mexique. Paris, Librarie Orientale & Americaine, E. Guilmoto, Editeur [1911]. xi, 310 p. map. 8°. Pollard, Hugh B. C: A busy time in Mexico. An unconventional record of Mexican incident. By Hugh B. C. Pollard. New York, Duffield and Co., 1913. front, vii, 243 p. illus. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 89 Ponce de Leon, Jose M.: Chihuahua y sus distritos. Datos geogrdficos y estadis- ticos del estado de Chihuahua publicados por Jose M. Ponce de Leon. . . . Tercera edici6n, revisada y aumentada. . . . Chihuahua, Imp. de Simon Alarson, 1909. 128 (2) p. 8°. Provost, Fielding: Gods of the Aztecs. "Pan Am. Mag." August, 1911. p. 211. illus. Purdie, Francis Bailie: Xochicalco. "Bulletin." April, 1912. p. 480. illus. Quintana Roo Territory. "Da. Con. rep." Nov. 12, 1910. p. 569. Ramos, Joaquin M.: Informe relativo a los trabajos ejecutados por la Comisi6n Exploradora de La Baja California en el aiio de 1884. . . . por . . . Joaquin M. Ram6s. . . . In : Anales del Ministerio de Fomento. Mexico. Tomo 8. 1887. pp. 117-285. illus. diags. Many fold. maps. Raviol, Luis M. [Chapter on Mexico]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Reider, J. H.: Our sister republics. Mexico. "West Coast." Los Angeles. November, 1918. p. 22 and January, 1914- p. 15. illus. Report of a special commission from Salvador. "D. Of." San Sal. April 11, 1912. p. 729. (Principal ports, railroads, oilfields, sanitation, electric cars, industries, etc.) Richman, Irving Berdine: California under Spain and Mexico, 1536-1844. . . . History of the Pacific Coast of the United States, based on original sources. . . . By Irving Berdine Richman. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1911. xvi, 541 p. maps, charts, plans. 8°. Rickards, Constantine George: The ruins of Mexico. By Constantine George Rickards. . . . London, H. E. Shrimpton, 1910. front, photos. 4°. (An album of photographic prints mounted on the pages, with short captions and text.) Rives, George Lockhart: The United States and Mexico. 1821-1848. A history of the relations between the two countries from the independence of Mexico to the close of the war with the United States. By George Lockhart Rives. Vols. 1 and 2. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913. 2 v. maps. 8°. Robinson, F. Warner: The new castle country. "Scribner's." February, 1912. p. 177. illus. Rodriguez Pena, Roman: Espafioles en el Pacifico durante el siglo xvi. Discurso leido el dia 2 de mayo de 1907, por el Seflor Don Roman Rodriguez Pena. Mexico, Tip. de "El Progreso Latino," 1907. 30 p. 8°. Romero, Jose: Guia de la ciudad de Mexico y demas municipalidades del Distrito Federal con los datos mas recientes de su regimen politico como asiento de los supremos poderes de la federation, con una breve resefia de sus instituciones, establecimientos y otras asuntos de interes. Por Jose Romero . . . Mexico, Libreria de Porrua Hermanos, 1910. 431, xxxii p. illus. map. 12°. Romero, Matias: El estado de Oaxaca. Por Matias Romero. Barcelona, Tipo- Litografia de Espasa y Comp., 1886. map. 212 p. 8°. Russan, Ashmore: Mighty hunters : being an account of some of the adventures of Richard and Helen Carson in the forests and on the plains of Chiapas in Mexico. By Ashmore Russan. . . . New York, Longman, Green and Company, 1909. ix, 286 p. 8°. Roumagnac, Carlos: Diccionario de geografia, historia y biografia Mexicanas. See Leduc, Alberto. Salinas, Adolf o Duclos: The riches of Mexico and its institutions. By Adolf o Ducl6s Salinas. St. Louis, Nixon-Jones Printing Co., 1893. front, port, illus. 509 p. 8°. Sanborn, Helen J.: A winter in Central America and Mexico. By Helen J. Sanborn. Boston, Lee and Shepard, publishers, 1886.° iv, 321 p. 8°. San d berg, Harry O. : Palenque. "Bulletin." March, 1912. p. 345. illus. 90 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Santibanez, Enrique: . . . Chiapas: resena geografica y estadistica por Enrique Santibanez de la Sociedad Mexicana de geografia y estadistica, etc., etc. Paris & Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de C. Bouret, 1911. 29 p. illus. map. 4°. Saunders, Charles Francis.: The little world of Zuni. "Outlook." March, 1911. p. 453. illus. Seelye, Elizabeth Eggleston: Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. By Elizabeth Eggleston Seelye . . . assisted by Edward Eggleston. New York, Dodd, Mead and Co. (1880). 385 p. 8°. Sesto, Julio: El Mexico de Porfirio Diaz. . . . Estudios sobre el desenvolvi- miento general de la republica Mexicana despues de diez anos de permanencia en ella. Observaciones hechas en el terreno oficial y en el particular. Valencia, Spain, F. Semere y compailia, n. d. 26 (1) p. 8°. Sheldon, Q. L. : Hints on travel in Mexico. (Supplies needed, and their cost, for a trip on horse back.) "Min. and Sci. Press." Aug. 5, 1911. p. 167. Showalter, William Joseph: Mexico and the Mexicans. "Nat. Geog. Mag." May, 1914. illus. Smith Harold E. : In darkest Mexico. [Account of an inland trip made on foot.] "Overland." August, 1911. p. 95. Sonora: resena geografica y estadistica. Paris & Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de C. Bouret, 1908. (1) 12 p. map. illus. 4°. Southworth, J. R.: El Estado de Puebla. Su historia, comercio, mineria, agri- cultura e industrias. Sus elementos naturales en espanol 6 ingles. Publicado bajo la autorizaci6n del gobierno del estado. Por J. R. Southworth. No imprint. Diciembre, 1901. 71 p. illus. 4°. Spinden, Herbert J.: A chapter of ancient history. "Am. Mu. Jour." January, 1914. p. 17. illus. The state of Puebla and its attractions. "Mex. Mag." May, 1913. p. 46. illus. Stevens, Otheman: Mexico. The progressive. "Cosmopolitan." March, 1910. Tablada, Jose Juan: Historia de la campafia de la divisi6n del norte por Jose Juan Tablada. Cuatro cienagas. El Tlahualilo. Conejos, Pedricena. Rellano. La Cruz. Bachimba y Balleza. Mexico, Imprenta del gobierno federal, 1913. 117 (1) p. 8°. Talbot, Elisha H.: The truth about Mexico. A reply to recently published false and misleading attacks upon President Diaz and Mexican conditions. "Moody's." December, 1909. p. 427. Part 2. The Government and the Yaqui Indians, illus. "Moody's." January, 1910. p. 17. illus. Part 3. The truth about Mexico. "Moody's" February, 1910. p. 105. Mexico, yesterday, today and tomorrow. "Business Am." January, 1913. p. 35. illus. Tamaulipas: resena geografica y estadistica. Paris & Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de C. Bouret, 1910. 74 p. illus. map. 4°. Temple of Uxmal raises puzzle in archaeology. "Christ. Sci. Mon." Aug. 18' 1912. illus. Tempsky, Qustav Ferdinand von: Mitla. A narrative of incidents and personal adventures on a journey in Mexico, Guatemala and Salvador in the years 1853 to 1855. With observations on the modes of life in those countries. ,. . Ed. by J. S. Bell. . . . London, Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, 1858. xv, (1) 436 p. front, plate, map. 8°. Terry, Mercerin: Some quaint old Mexican churches and customs. "Overland." March, 1910. p. 236. illus. Terry, T. Philip: Mexico. Handbook for travelers. By T. Philip Terry. With two maps and twenty-five plans. Mexico, Sonora News Co. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1909. ccxl, 595 p. 12°. Thomas, C. S. : Traveling [away from railways in northern mining districts] in Mexico, "Eng. and Min. Jour." June 17, 1911. p. 1201. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 91 Tipos Mejicanos. "Caras y Caretas." Nov. 26, 1910. illus. To-day in Mexico: A land of magnificent resources and its present conditions. "Travel." March, 1914- p. 12. illus. Twitchell, Ralph Emerson : The leading facts of New Mexican history. By Ralph Emerson Twitchell. . . . Vol. 2. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Torch Press, 1912. xxii, 631 p. plates, front. 4°. The Spanish archives of New Mexico. By Ralph Emerson Twitchell. Volumes 1-2. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Torch Press, 1914 c . illus. ports. 2 v. 8°. Tyler, Robert E.: Mexico. Past — present — future. By Rev. Robert E. Tyler. Birmingham, Alabama, 1912. Second edition, illus. 235 p. 8°. Tylor, Edward B.: Anahuac: or, Mexico and the Mexicans ancient and modern. By Edward B. Tylor. London, Longman, Green, Longmans and Roberts, 1861. xi, (1) 344 p. front, illus. plates. (Partly col.) fold. map. 8°. Upton, George P. (tr.): Maxmilian in Mexico. See Kemper, J. Valette, Marc F.: Mexico, the land of revolutions and its presidents. "Am. Catholic Quart." January, 1914. p. 13. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique [Chapter on Mexico]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Verdia, Luis Perez: Compendio de la historia de Mexico desde sus primeros tiempos hasta el fin del siglo xix. Escrito para uso de los colegios de instrucci6n superior de la repiiblica por el lie. Luis Perez Verdia. . . . Quinta edici6n, ilus- trada, corregida y aumentada. Paris & Mexico, Libreria de la Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1911. xxi, 558 p. 8°. Villagra, Gasper de: Historia de la nueva Mexico por el Capitan de Villagra con un apendice de documentos y opusculos. [In two volumes.] Mexico, Imp. del Museo Nacional, 1900. Various paging. 4°. Villar, Emilio H. del [Chapter on Mexico]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Waleffe, Maurice de: The fair land of Central America. By Maurice de Waleffe. Translated by VioletteM. Montagu. . . . Preface by Sir A. Conan Doyle. With twenty-four illustrations from photographs. London, John Long, Ltd., 1911. 287 p. illus. 8°. Wallace, Dillon: Beyond the Mexican Sierras. By Dillon Wallace. . . . Chicago, A. C. McClurg and Co., 1910. xxxv, 301 p. plates, fold. map. 8°. (Published serially in "Outing Magazine," 1909.) Walpole, Fred [Chapters on Mexico]. See Walpole, Fred (Among general books). Wilcox, Marrion: Into restide Mexico. A friendly invasion of the Vera Cruz-Mexico city region. "Travel." January, 1914. p. 7. illus. Wilson, Baronesa de: Mexico y sus gobernantes de 1519 a 1910. Biografias, retratos y aut6grafos (iconografia completa). Con una reseiia hist6rica anterior al descubrimiento y conquista. Barcelona, Tip. de la Casa editorial Maucci, 1910. 2v. plates. 8°. Wilson, Bourdon: In the region of Hermosillo, Mexico. By Bourdon Wilson. San Francisco, Issued by Sunset Magazine Homeseekers' Bureau [1912]. 32 p. illus. map. 12°. Wright, Marie Robinson: Picturesque Mexico. By Marie Robinson Wright. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company [1897 c ]. 445 p. front, illus. 4°. Mexico: a history of its progress and development in one hundred years. By Marie Robinson Wright. . . . Philadelphia, George Barrie and Sons [1911°]. 511 p. front, illus. 4°. Young, Philip: History of Mexico, her civil wars, and colonial and revolutionary annals, from the period of the Spanish conquest, 1520, to the present time, 1847, including an account of the war with the United States, its causes and military achievements. By Philip Young. . . . Continued to the treaty of peace, 1848, by George C. Furber. . . . Cincinnati, Published by J. A. & U. P. James, 1848. 656 p. maps. 8°. 92 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Zamacona, Manuel: . . . Mexico. An address on "The economic develop- ment of Mexico and the possibilities of extending British trade with that country," delivered to the members of the London Chamber of Commerce on Dec. 19, 1910. By Sefior M. Zamacona, financial agent for the Mexican Government. . . . Caption title. 16 p. 8°. Zimmerman, Jeremiah: Hewers of stone. [Ruins and mosaics of Mitla.) "Nat. Geog. Mag." December, 1910. p. 1002. illus. NICARAGUA. Alcover, Antonio Miguel: La repiiblica de Nicaragua. Description geografica del pais. Algo de historia. Origen y causa del actual confiicto. La personalidad del Presidente Zelaya. El verdadero estado del problema centro-americana. Por Antonio Miguel Alcover ... no date, no imprint. 26 p. front, port. 12°. Anderson, Charles Loftus Grant: Nicaragua included in his: "Old Panama and Castilla del Oro." (See under Panama). Belt, Thomas: The naturalist in Nicaragua. By Thomas Belt. London, J. M Dent & Sons; New York, E. P. Dutton & Co. [1873]. xxxiii, 306 p. 12°. Belt ran y Rozide, Ricardo: La Mosquita. Notas documentadas para la historia territorial de esta parte de Centroamerica, Por Ricardo Beltran y R6zide. . . . Madrid, Imprenta del Patronato de Huerfanos de administration militar, 1910. 27 p. 8°. Bravo, Jorge: Geografia descriptiva e hist6rica de Nicaragua. Escrita por el Dr. Jorge Bravo. Managua, Tip. de Dionisio Estrada, 1909. 205 (1) p. 8°. Boero, Jorge A. [Chapter on Nicaragua]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general book3.) Bury, Herbert: Nicaragua included in his: "A bishop amongst bananas." Among general books). Carnevalini, Fabio (TV.): La guerra de Nicaragua. See Walker, William. Carter, T. Lane: Notes on Nicaragua. "Mex. Min. Jour." Sept., 1911. p. 32. Cornish, Lincoln S.: Nicaragua. "Pan Am. Mag." June, 1911. [Description, Nicaragua.] "Am. Exporter. [Suppl.]." February, 1910. p.8. "Latin Am. " March 1, 1912. "Pan Am. Mag." July, 1912. {Entire copy devoted to Nicaragua.) Nicaragua included in "Traveling notes in Central America." (See, Viajero, under general books.) Domville-Fife, Charles W. [Chapter on Nicaragua]. See Domville-Fife, Charles W. (Among general books). Elliott, L. E.: Nicaragua before and after independence. "Pan. Am. Mag." April, 1914. V- 86. Gomez, Luciano: Estudios econ6micos por los doctores Luciano Gomez y Jesus Hernandez S., Comisionados del Ministerio de relaciones exteriores de Nicaragua. Managua, Tip. y Enc. International, 1909. Cover title. 20 p. 4°. Great Britain. Hydrographic office. Nicaragua included in: "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (Among general books). Jamison. James Carson: With Walker in Nicaragua; or, reminiscences of an officer of the American phalanx. By James Carson Jamison. . . . Colum- bia, Mo., E. W. Stephens publishing company, 1909. 181 p. 3 pis. 8°. Marure, Alejandro: Efermerides de los hechos notables acaecidos en la repiiblica de Centro America desde el afio de 1821 hasta el de 1842. Seguidas de varios catdlogos de presidentes de la republica, jefes de estado, etc., por Alejandro Marure . . . Guatemala, Imprenta de la Luz, afio de 1844. [Reprint.] Guatemala, Tip. National, 1895. v, 157 p. 12°. LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. 93 Nicaragua. Ministerioderelacionesexteriores: . . . Documentos oficiales referentes a la guerra entre Nicaragua y Honduras de 1907, y a la participation de El Salvador. 2 a edici6n que contiene ademas, las dos ultimas comunica- ciones cruzadas entre los Gobiernos de Nicaragua y Costa Rica, y el tratato de paz de Amapala. Managua, Compafiia Tip. Internacional, 1907. xxii, 288 p. 8°. Nicholas, Francis C: Nicaragua included in his: "Across Panama and around the Caribbean." (Among general books.) Palmer, Frederick: Nicaragua included in his: "Central America and its prob- lems." (Among general books.) Pan American Union: . . . Nicaragua, general descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 14 p. 8°. Same. 1910. 20 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 21 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1913. 19 p. illus. 8°. Principal rivers and resources. "Bulletin." May, 1910. p. 867. map. Putnam, George Palmer [Chapter on Nicaragua]. See Putnam, George Palmer (Among general books). Raviol, Luis M. [Chapter on Nicaragua]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books) . Roche, James Jeffrey: Historia de los fiiibusteros. Version castellana de Manuel Carazo Peralta. San Jos6, Imprenta, "National," 1908. xx, 246 p. illus. map. 8°. La sierra de Managua. "Centro- America." October-December, 1913. p. 502. Varias noticias del Rio de San Juan y islas adyacentes de la costa de los Mosquitos provincias y partidos que tiene el reyno de Guatemala. Descripci6n del puerto de Bluefields idem de la provincia de Nicaragua. Afios 1791 a 1804. In: Coleccion de libros v documentos referentes a la historia de America. Madrid, Vietoriano Suarez (ed.) Tomo VIII. pp. 290-385. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique [Chapter on Nicaragua]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Villar, Emilio H. del [Chapter on Nicaragua]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Vose, Edward Neville: A brief commercial geography of Nicaragua. "Dun's Rev." March, 1914- p. 67. illus. Nicaragua. New York, "Dun's International Review," 1914 c . illus. map. 48 p. nar. Cover title. Walker, William : La guerra de Nicaragua. Escrita por el Jeneral William Walker en 1860. Traducida por Fabio Carnevalini. Managua, Tip. de "El Provenia," 1884. 158 p. 8°. Winter, Nevin O.: Nicaragua included in his: "Guatemala and her people of to-day." (See under Guatemala.) PANAMA. (Including the Canal Zone.) Abbot, Willis J. : Panama and the canal in picture and prose. A complete story of Panama, as well as the history, purpose and promise of its world-famous canal, the most gigantic engineering undertaking since the dawn of time. Approved by leading officials connected with the great enterprise. By Willis J. Abbot. ... . London, New York [etc.], Syndicate Publishing Company, 1913. 412 p. col. pis. illus. maDS. 4°. Panama and the canal. The story of its achievement, its problems and its prospects. By Willis J. Abbott. .• . . New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1914. front, illus. x, 468 p. 8°. Adams, Charles Francis: The Panama Canal Zone. An epochal event in sani- tation. By Charles Francis Adams. Boston, 1911. 38 p. 8°. 94 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Aguilera, Rodolfo: Documentos hist6ricos relativos a la fundacion de la Republica de Panama. Recopilado3 por Rodolfo Aguilera. Edici6n oficial. Panama, Tip. de M. R. de la Torre e hijos, 1904. 83 (1) p. 4°. Allen, Emory Adams: Our canal in Panama. The greatest achievement in the World's history. ... By Emory Adams Allen. . . . Cincinnati, United States Publishing Company, 1913. 432 p. maps, illus. diagrs. 8°. Anderson, Charles Loftus Grant: Old Panama and Castilla del Oro. A narrative history of the discovery, conquest and settlement by the Spaniards of Panama, Darien, Veragua, Santo Domingo, Santa Marta, Cartagena, Nicaragua, and Peru; including the four voyages of Columbus to America, the discovery of the Pacific Ocean by Vasco Nunez de Balboa, a description of the aborigines of the Isthmus, accounts of the search for a strait through the new world and early efforts for a canal, the daring raids of Sir Francis Drake, the buccaneers in the Caribbean and South Seas, the sack of the city of old Panama by Henry Morgan, and the story of the Scots Colony on Caledonia Bay. With maps and rare illustrations. Washington, Press of Sudwarth Company, 1911. xv, 559 p. 4°. [new edition.] Boston, Page & Co., 1914. Arias, Harmodio : The Panama Canal. A study in international law and diplomacy. By Harmodio Arias, . . . London, P. S. King and Sons, 1911. xiv, 192 p. maps. 8°. Barrett, John: Panama Canal. What it is. What it means. By John Barrett, Director General, Pan American Union. . . . Washington, D. C, 1913. 120 p. front, col. illus. maps, ports. 8°. (Now in its third edition.) Baxter, Jr., W. M.: The Panama Canal. A brief and simple description of the essential features. [By] W. M. Baxter, Jr , Mount Hope, C. Z., I. C. C. Press. 1912. 36 p. 8°. Bell, Eleanor Yorke: The republic of Panama and its people, with special reference to the Indians. By Eleanor Yorke Bell. (From the Smithsonian report for 1909.) Washington, Government Printing Office, 1910. 607-537 p. 14 plates. 8°. Bishop, Farnham: Panama past and present. By Farnham Bishop. New York, The Century Co., 1913. xvi, 271 p. front, illus. 8°. Bishop, Joseph Bucklin: The Panama gateway. By Joseph Bucklin Bishop. . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913. front, port, illus. map. xvi, 459 p. 8°. Boero, Jorge A. [Chapter on Panama]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bonsai, Stephen [Chapter on Panama]. See Bonsai, Stephen (Among general books). [Boyd, Federico]: The secession of Panama. A narrative of the events of 1903. First authentic account of the separation movement. (From the "Star and Herald," Nov. 26, 1911.) Caption title. 41 p. nar. 8°. ■ Boyd, Jorge E.: Doctor Jorge E. Boyd's open letter to President Porras refuting Bunau-Varilla's book with regards to the independence of Panama. Reply of the President of the Republic of Panama to Dr. Jorge E. Boyd. Panama, "Star and Herald." port, front. 22 p. 8°. Cover title. (In English and Spanish.) Bryce, James [Chapter on Panama]. See Bryce, James (Among general books). [Bullard, Arthur]: Panama; the canal, the country, and the people. By Albert Edwards [pseud.] . . . New York, The Macmillan Company, 1911. 4 p. 1., x, 585 p. front, plates, ports. 2 maps (1 fold.) Bunau-Varilla, Philippe: Panama, the creation, destruction, and resurrection. By Philippe Bunau-Varilla. New York, McBride, Nast & Co., 1914. front port, illus. xx, 568 p. 8°. Burr, William H.: The republic of Panama. By Prof. William H. Burr. (From Smithsonian report for 1903.) Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. 811-826 p. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 95 Burriss, Charles Walker: Panama. A guide to the Pacific Coast from Panama to San Francisco in picture and word. By Charles Walker Burriss. 1912°. No imprint. 144 p. fronts, maps, illus. 8°. CONTENTS. A. General information for travelers. Part 1. Details of the Canal. Part 2. Description of the Republic of Panama. Part 3. Description of the West Coast from Panama to San Francisco. Bury, Herbert: Panama included in his: "A bishop amongst bananas." (Among general books.) Cameron. Charlotte: [Panama in, " A woman's winter in South America]. (Among general books. Campbell, David Newton E.: Searchlight on the Panama Canal or America's greatest enterprise. By David Newton E. Campbell. Baltimore, The Baltimore Book Company, 1909. 203 p. illus. 8°. Carr, Charles Carl (joint author) : The story of Panama. See Gause, Frank A. Chame y Portobelo: Apuntes para su historia. Estudio de su progreso actual y su poblaci6n. Panama, Tip. "Diario de Panama," [1909]. 21 p. nar. 12°. ^ Chester, Clarence L. (joint author): Panama and the canal. See Hall, Alfred B. Collins, John O.: The Panama Guide. By John O. Collins. Panama, Vibert & Dixon, 1912 c . 326 p. illus. maps. 8 C . Agricultural development in Panama. ''Bulletin." Oct., 1913. p. 469. illus. Recreation in Panama. Culebra, John O. Collins, publisher, [1914]. 32 p. illus. 8°. Corlett, William Thomas [Chapter on Panama]. See Corlett, William Thomas (Among general books). Cornish, Vaughan: The Panama Canal and its makers. By Vaughan Cornish. ... Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1909. 192 p. map. plans, illus. 8°. Cortina, R. Diez de la (tr.) : Panama y el canal. See Hall, Alfred B. Currier, Charles Warren [Chapters on Panama]. See Currier, Charles Warren (Among general books). Description de Panama y su Provincia sacada de la relacion que por mandado del consejo hizo y embio aquella audiencia. (Afio 1607). p. 137-218. In Coleccion de Libros y Documentos referentes k la historia de America. Madrid, V. Suarez. Tomo viii, "Relaciones historicas y geogrdficas de America Central." La doctrine de Monroe et la politique Roosevelt a Panama: Bruxelles, Im- primerie Oscar Lamberty [1914]. 28 p. 8°. Half title. Edwards, Albert: Panama; the canal, the country, and the people. See Bullard, Arthur. Enock, C. Reginald [Chapter on Panama]. See Enock, C. Reginald (x\mong gen- eral books). Forrest, A. S.: [Chapter on Panama]. See Forrest, A. S. (Among general books). Fortescue, Granville: "Via Panama." What the opening of the canal means to the United States business men. Address by Granville Fortescue, staff of the Pan American Union, Washington, D. C, at Boston, Mass., June 20, 1912. Cover title. 8 p. 8°. Franck, Harry A.: Zone Policeman 88. A close range study of the Panama Canal and its workers. By Harry A. Franck. New York, The Century Co., 1913. front. 314 p. illus. 8°. Fraser, John Foster: Panama and what it means. By John Foster Fraser. With a map and forty-eight plates from photographs/ London, Cassell and Com- pany, Ltd., 1913. lx, 291 p. 8°. Frizell, William G. [Chapter on Panama]. See Frizell, William G. (Among general books). Gause, Frank A.: The Story of Panama. The war route to India. By Frank A. Gause . . . and Charles Carl Carr. . . . Boston, Silver, Burdett & Co., 1912. 290 p. plates, map. 8°. 96 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Goethals, George W. : The Panama Canal. By Colonel George W. Goethals, Chief Engineer of the Panama Canal. [Reprinted from the National Geographic Magazine, February, 1911.] Washington, D. C, Press of Judd & Detweiler, 1911. 148-213 p. illus. map. 8°. Great Britain. Hydrographic office. Panama included in: "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (Among general books.) Hall, Alfred B.: Panama and the canal. By Alfred B. Hall . . . and Clarence L. Chester. . . . New York, Newson and Company [1910 ,; ]. ix, 236 p. illus. 8°. . Panama y el canal . . . Traducida al castellano por R. Diez de la Cortina . . . Nueva York, Newson and Company [1913 c ]. xv, 237 (3) p. front. illus. maps. 8°. Harrison, Earle: The Panama Canal. Illustrated by color photography from the original autochrome photographs by Earle Harrison. New York. Moffat, Yard and Company, 1913. 34 p. col. pis. 8°. Haskin, Frederic J.: The Panama Canal. By Frederic J. Haskin. . . . New York, Doubleday, Page and Company, 1913. x, 386 p. map. illus. 8°. Henriquez, J. A.: . . . Taboga. Su poblacion actual y su progreso. Panama, Tip Diario de Panama, 1909. viii p. nar. 8°. Herrera, Miguel A.: Bejuco. Caserio del Districto de Chame. Su poblacion actual y su progreso. Tornado del "Diario de Panama," Agosta 19 de 1909. Tip. Diario de Panama. 15 p. 12°. Isthmian tourists' guide and business directory: 1912-1913. A directory of . . . the republic of Panama and the cities of Panama and Colon. . . . Historical and descriptive sketches of the Isthmus of Panama; the republic of Panama; and points of interest. . . . A directory of . . . the Isthmian Canal Commission . . . and notes of interest to tourists of points along the line of the canal. Published by the Isthmian Guide and Directory Co. Ancon, 1912. 211 p. illus. 8°. James, Winifred: The Mulberry tree. By Winifred James. New York, Dodd, Mead and Co. [1913]. xi, 281 p. fold. map. illus. 8°. (Description of a trip through the British West Indies, Haiti, Costa Rica and Panama.) Justin, Joseph: Autour de l'Isthme de Panama. (Questions internationales d'actualite.) Par Joseph Justin. . . . Port-au-Prince, Imp. H. Amblard, 1913. 43 p. 8°. Keifer, J. Warren: Panama Canal — its neutralization. Speech of Hon. J. Warren Keifer of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Thursday, Jan. 19. 1911. Also his remarks before the interparliamentary union for arbitration and peace at Brussels, Belgium, Aug. 30, 1910. Washington, 1911. Cover title. 60 p. 8°. Knox, Philander C: The Panama Canal and the commerce of the Caribbean. Addres of the Hon. Philander C. Knox, Secretary of State, at the annual banquet of the California development board in San Francisco, California, May 7, 1912. Half title. No imprint. 43 p. 8°. Lindsay, C[harles] H[arcourt Ainslie] Forbes: Panama; the isthmus and the canal. By C. H. Forbes Lindsay. . . . Philadelphia, The J. C. Winston Co., 1906. 368 p. front, plates, ports, maps. 91 fold, profile. 8°. Same. Revised edition. Philadelphia, The John C. Winston Co., 1911. 389 p. illus. fold. map. 8°. Panama and the canal today. An historical account of the canal project from the earliest times with special reference to the enterprises of the French company and the U. S., with a detailed description of the waterway as it will be ultimately constructed; together with a brief history of the country and the first compre- hensive account of its physical features and natural resources. By^Forbes Lindsay. . . . Boston, L. C. Page and Co., 1910. xiii, 433 p. fold. maps, plates. 8°. (Bibliography, p. 422.) Living in Panama. "Travel." May, 1911. illus. Churches of Panama. "Travel," Dec, 1910. illus. Up country in Panama. 'Bulletin," Dec, 1910. illus. Natural resources of Panama. "Bulletin," Aug., 1909. illus. Profits for small capital at Panama. "Technical World" April, 1913. illus. Timber lands of Panama. "Bulletin," April, 1913. illus. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 97 Lodge, Henry Cabot: Panama. Speech of Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, in the Senate of the United States, Jan. 5, 1904. Washington, 1904. 46 p. 8°. McCarty, Mary L. : Gli npses of Panama and of the Canal. By Mary L. McCarty. Kansas City, Mo., Tiernan-Dart Printing Company, 1913. 182 p. illus. map. 8°. McCreary, James B.: (Speech on the Panama Canal). In Proceeding. 5 ? of the sixth state development convention, held under the auspices of the Kentucky state department association. 1907. p. 124-132. McKinlay, Duncan E.: The Panama Canal. By Duncan E. McKinlay, 1912. Whitaker and Ray-Wiggin Co., San Francisco. 38 p. plates. 8°. Marshall, Logan: The story of the Panama Canal. By Logan Marshall. . Philadelphia, The John C. Winston Company [1913]. 286 p. pis. illus. maps. 8°. (With an appendix, p. 239-286, on the canals of the World.) Masefield, John: On the Spanish Main; or, some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien. With a description of the buccaneers and a short account of old- time ships and sailors. By John Masefield. With twenty-two illustrations and a map. London, Methuen & Co. [1906]. xll, 344 p. 14 pis. 4 maps. 8°. Mills, J. Saxon: The Panama Canal. A history and description of the enterprise. By J. Saxon Mills. . . . London, Thomas Nelson and Sons [1913]. 344 p. illus. 8°. Minot, George S.: The history of Panama. By George S. Minot. Containing interesting occurrences from 1849 to 1891. Jamaica, Mortimer C. de Souza, 1892. 84 [xix] p. 8°. Mysterious spell of Panama jungle feared by white men: Nature resuming her sway as white man retreats with the building of the Canal. "N. Y. Sun." March 22, 19U. illus. Navarro, Juan: . . . The independence of the republic of Panama; its financial position, progress and future. By Juan Navarro, Consul general of Panama in Liverpool. (Reprint from the " South American Journal," Feb. 24, 1912.) 16 p. 12°. (In Spanish and English.) Nicholas, Francis C: Panama included in his: "Across Panama and around the Caribbean." (Among general books.) Obreg6n y Retortillo, Angel Ruiz de: Vasco Nunez de Balboa. Historia del descubrimiento del Oceano Pacifico. Escrita con motivo del cuarto centenario de su fecha (1913). Por Angel Ruiz de Obreg6n y Retortillo. Barcelona, Casa Editorial Maucci [1913]. 191 p. 12°. Oppenheim, L.: The Panama Canal conflict between Great Britain and the United States of America; a study by L. Oppenheim, . . . Second Edition. Cambridge, the University Press. 1913. 57 p. 8°. Palmer, Frederick : Panama included in his : " Central America and its problems." (Among general books.) Panama. [Direccion general de estadistica]: Chiriqui. Lo que hoy es esa provincia de la republica de Panama y el porvenir que le espera. Panama, Tip. Diario de Panama, 1909. cxxx p. nar. 12°. Progressive Panama. Inaugural address of President Belisario Porras, of Oct. 1, 1912; biographical sketches . . . resources . . . 1911. Panama, published for the government by J. A. Ferguson, 1912. Various paging. Cover title, illus. maps. 8°. (In English and Spanish.) Panama Canal Trip. Illustrations. Published by Averv & Garrison, Panama City and New Orleans, 1911. 169 p. illus. 4°. [Pages 1-49 illustrations. Pages 150-168, description of Canal Zone.] Panama Railroad. Seeing the Canal. No imprint, n. d. [6] p. 12°. (Brief description, arranged by towns on the Canal Zone.) Pan American Union: . . . Panama. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 15 p. 8°. 9» THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Pan American Union: . . . Panama. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1910. Washington Government Printing Office 1910. 23 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 23 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1912. 32 p. 8°. {Contents. 1912. Method of acquiring public land in Panama. By Charles Melville Brown. Up country in Panama. By Forbes Lindsay. Cattle raising in Chiriqui. By Forbes Lindsay. Natural resources of Panama. By Forbes Lindsay. Reprinted from the "Monthly Bulletin" of the Pan American Union.) Same. 1913. 35 p. illus. 8°. Peixotto, Ernest Clifford [Chapter on Panama]. See Peixotto, Ernest Clifford (Among general books). Pennel, Joseph: Joseph Pennel's pictures of the Panama Canal. Reproduction of a series of lithographs made by him on the isthmus of Panama, January-March, 1912, together with impressions and notes by the artist. Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1912. No paging. 28 illus. with text. Putnam, George Palmer [Chapter on Panama]. See Putnam, George Palmer (Among general books). Raviol, Luis M. [Chapter on Panama]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Reyes, Rafael: The tw,o Americas. See Reyes, Rafael (Among general books.) Robinson, Tracy: Address delivered at Colon on the fourth of July, 1909. By Tracy Robinson. No imprint. Caption title. 22 p. 12°. Fifty years at Panama. 1861-1911. By Tracy Robinson. Second edition. New York, The Trow Press [1912]. xiii, 293 p. pis. 8°. Rousseau, H. H.: The Isthmian Canal. By H. H. Rousseau, . . . Presented at the 20th annual session of the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress held in Denver, Colo, Aug. 16-21, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office. 1909. 52 p. 8°. Russell, Thomas B.: The Panama Canal. Pictorial view of the world's greatest engineering feat linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. With a brief history and description of the gigantic undertaking. Chicago, The Hamming publi- cation Company [1913 c ]. 25 p. illus. 12°. Scott, William R.: The Americans in Panama. By R. Scott. New York, The Statler Publishing Company, 1912. xiii, 258 p. illus. map. 8°. Sears, Anna Wentworth: Panama included in her: "Two on a tour in South America." (Among general books.) Shonts, Theodore P.: Speech of the Hon. Theodore P. Shonts, Chairman of the Isthmain Canal Commission, before the Knife-and-Fork Club, Kansas City, on the evening of Jan. 24, 1907. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1907. 23 p. 8°. Speech, Jan. 26, 1907. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1907. 20 p. 8°. Sosa, Juan B. and Arce, Enrique J.: . . . Compendio de historia de Panama. Texto adoptado ohcialmente para la ensenanza en las escuelas y colegios de la naci6n. Panama, Casa editorial del "Diario de Panama," 1911. vii, 322 (2) p. 8°. Stevens, Walter Barlow: A trip to Panama; the narrative of a tour of observation through the Canal Zone, with some account of visits to Saint Thomas, Porto Rico, Jamaica and Cuba. By the Commercial Clubs of Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis, Feb. 18,-March 14, 1907. By Walter B. Stevens . . . St. Louis, Printed by Lesan-Gould Co., 1907. 256 p. illus. plates, front. 8°. An address delivered before the Commercial Club of St. Louis. By Walter B. Stevens. ... On trip to Panama, 1907, at dinner given by the club, Satur- day, March 23, 1907. (Printed by order of the Commercial Club.) 16 p. 8°. [Schultz, Henry F.]: Report of horticulturist Schultz to the Secretary of Fomento. [Description of Chiriqui.] [By Henrv F. Schultz.] Panama, Diario de Panama, 1909. 65 p. nar. 12°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 99 United States. Hydrographic office [Chapter on Panama]. "See United States. Hydrographic office" (Among general books). U. S. Isthmian Canal Commission: [Various reports, handbooks, and circulars]. Washington, D. C. Official handbook of the Panama Canal. . . . Compiled by the Secretary of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Ancon, no imprint, 1911. 38 p. maps. nar. 8°. Same. 2nd ed., revised and enlarged, 1911. 30 p. illus. nar. 8°. Same. 3rd ed., revised and enlarged, 1913. 53 p. maps, illus. nar. 8°. [Valdes, Ramon M.]: La independencia del istmo de Panama. Sus antecedentes, sus causas y su justification. Panama, Imprenta "Star and Herald," 1903. 21 p. Cover title. 8°. Same. English trs. 27 p. Same. French trs. 25 p. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique [Chapter on Panama]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books) . Villar, Emilio H. del [Chapter on Panama]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Vose, Edward Neville: Panama. (Commercial monographs, No. 4.) New York, Dun's International Review, 1914°. illus. 48 p. 8°. nar. The Republic of Panama. A geographical sketch. "Dun's Rev." January, 1914- p. 67. illus. The commerce and industries of Panama. "Dun's Review." Int. ed. February, 1914. p. 79. illus. Waldo, Fullerton L.: The Panama Canal. A personal study of actual conditions. By Fullerton L. Waldo. Reprinted from "The Engineering Magazine," Feb- ruary, 1907. New York. Cover title. 703-716 p. illus. 8°. The present status of the Panama Canal. Reprinted from "Engineering," March 15, 1907. 16 p. illus. 8°. Waleffe, Maurice de: The fair land of Central America. By Maurice de Waleffe. Translated by Violette M. Montagu. . . . Preface by Sir A. Conan Doyle. With twenty-four illustrations from photographs. London, John Long, Ltd., 1911. 287 p. illus. 8°. Weir, Hugh C: The conquest of the Isthmus. The men who are building the Panama Canal — their daily lives, perils, and adventures. By Hugh C. Weir. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. xiii, 238 p. front, illus. fold. map. 8°. With the flag in Panama. A story of the building of the Panama Canal. Boston, W. A. Wilde Company, 1911. 322 p. plates. 8°. Wheeler, W. W. [Chapter on Panama]. See Wheeler, W. W. (Among general books) . Young Men's Christian Association: . . . Interesting facts about Panama and the canal. City of Panama, December, 1908 and February, 1909. Canal Zone, Panama. Cover title. 16 p. 12°. 100 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. CANAL ZONE PERIODICAL REFERENCES. The library of the Pan American Union has indexed on its cards over 700 articles on the Canal Zone, covering all subjects of its development. Duetolack of space, only the following list as covied from, "The Panama Canal. What it is. What it Means," by John Barrett, can be published herein. Longer lists, if desired, can be consulted in, "Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature." Abbott, H. L.: Natural conditions affecting the building of the Panama Canal. "Eng. Mag." August, 1914. Ballin, Albert: Panama Canal, its probable influences. "Pat. Marine Rev." May, 1912. Ballivian, Adolfo: Bolivia awaits opening of Panama Canal. "Export Rev." May, 1912. Barrett, John: The Panama Canal and Pan America, "Monetary Press," Toronto, January, 1918; Effect of the Panama Canal on U. S. Commerce; Address before Southern Commercial Congress, "Bull, of the Pan American Union," December, 1909; Panama Canal and its problems, "Rev. of Revs." February, 1905; Panama Canal and its effect on the World's trade, "Financial Rev. of Revs." London, October, 1912; The South, the Canal and Pan America, "Cotton," Dalton, January, 1913. Tolls of the Panama Canal. "Bull, of the Pan American Union." December, 1911 . For other articles, 1901,-1913, see the semi-annual indexes of the "Bulletin" of the Pan American Union. Bishop, Farnham: Endofthe big job, "Century," 1912; Builder of the Canal," W. W." August, 1912; The Story of Panama, "St. Nicholas Mag." February, 1912. Bishop, Joseph Bucklin : The Panama Canal tolls. "Times, South American Supp." London, Oct. 28, 1913. Chappie, Joe Mitchell: Canal Zone a proving ground and social life on the Isthmus. "Nat. Mag." June and July, 1910; Panama Canal as it is, "Nat. Mag." June, 1912. Conant, Charles A.: Panama Canal in relation to commerce and transportation. "Amer. Industries," June, 1912. Cornish, Vaughan: The Panama Canal in 1908, "Geog. Jour." February, 1909; The Panama Canal and its relation to the British Empire, "United Empire," August, 1912. [Description]. Entire copies of following publications devoted to Panama and the Canal: "Bay View Magazine," October, 1912; "Scientific American," Nov. 9, 1912; "Scribner's," July, 1912; "World's Work," August, 1912. Fortescue, Granville: Present progress on Panama Canal, "Bull, of the Pan American Union," December, 1911; Via Panama, What the, opening of the Panama Canal means to U. S. business men, "Bull, of the Nat. Assn. of Credit Men," July, 1912; When the Canal is cut, "Metropolitan," August, 1912. Hale, William Bayard: A picture of the Canal. "W . W '." August, 1912. Qoethals, George W.: The Panama Canal, "Nat. Geog. Mag." April, 1909; The Panama Canal, "Nat. Geog. Mag.," February, 1911; Solving Canal problems, "The Hamilton," March, 1913. Herbert, John W.: The Panama Canal: its construction and its effect on commerce." "Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc," April, 1918. Johnson, Emory: The Panama Canal and its commercial aspects, "Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc," December, 1903; Panama Canal and the commerce of the U. S." "Sci. Am." Nov. 9, 1912; Panama Canal, its probable effect on commerce, "Times, South American Suppl." July SO, 1912; Panama Canal and transcontinental traffic, "Railway and Marine News," Sept. 15, 1912; Influence of the Panama Canal upon the coal trade, "Black Diamond," Aug. 2, 1913; Panama Canal and the Southern lumber trade, "Southern Lumberman," Dec. 21, 1912. Kirkaldy, A. W.: Some of the economic effects of the Panama Canal. "Scot. Geog. Mag." November, 1913. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 101 La ut, Agnes C.J Preparation on the Pacific for Panama: What the big harbors are doing, "Rev. of Revs.," December, 1911; Southern ports preparation for Panama, "Nat. Waterways Mag.," November, 1912; What the West expects from Panama, "Rev. of Revs.," July, 1912. Lindsay, C. H. Forbes: The prospective Panama Canal, "Lippincott's," January, 1912; Situation at Panama, "Rev. of Revs. " April, 1909; The harvest of tares, "Lip- pincott's" April, 1911. London Chamber of Commerce: Effect of the Panama Canal on the World's Com- merce. London, Chamber of Commerce. Pamp. No. H5. Martin, Percy F.: The Panama Canal. "Engineer." Spec. Sup. June 9, 1911. Murray, Gideon: The Panama Canal. "Chamber's Journal." Oct. 1, 1912. Nelson, Frank L.: Practical side of the Panama Canal. "W. W." November, 1910. Pepper, Charles M.: Lo que el Canal de Panama significa para la America Latina. "Foreign Trade." March, 1910. Pezet, F. A.: El Canal de Panama; Lo que su apertura significa para el Peru; " 1 lus- tration Peruana ," Nov.l, 1911, and cont'd. El Canal interoceano de Panama, "Bol. del Min. de Fomento" January, 1909. Shonts, Theodore P. : What has been accomplished toward building the Panama Canal, "Nat. Geog. Mag." December, 1905; The Panama Canal, "Nat. Geog. Mag." February, 1912. Showalter, W. J.: Panama Canal. "Nat. Geog. Mag" February, 1912. Street, Arthur: When the Canal "Starts something." "Sunset." November, 1918. Taft, William Howard: An answer to the Panama critics. "McClure's." May, 1909. Trezevant M. B.: The Panama Canal's value to the gulf ports. "Leslie's." March 14, 1912. PARAGUAY. Akers, Charles Edmond: [Chapter on Ecuador]. See Akers, Charles Edmond (Among general books). Banco agricola del Paraguay: El Banco agricola del Paraguay en la exposici6n internacional de agricultura de Buenos Aires. Asunci6n, Tall, nacionales de H. Kraus, 1910. xxiii, 270 p. illus. map. 4°. Same. 2d edition. (Has half title, " Concurrencia del banco . . . a la exposici6n . . . ). 1911. x, 260 p. illus. fold. map. 4°. CONTENTS. History, climate, immigration, agriculture, forests, commerce, cattle, industries, mining, com- munications, education, finance. Boero, Jorge A. [Chapter on Paraguay]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bollo, Luis Cincinato [Chapter on Paraguay]. See Bollo, Luis Cincinato (Among general books). Boyce, W. D. [Chapter on Paraguay]. See Boyce, W. D. (Among general books). Calderon, F. Garcia: Paraguay included in his: "Latin America." (See under general books.) Currier, Charles Warren: A word on troubled Paraguay. "Am. Catholic Quart." April, 1913. p. 193. Dario, Ruben: La republica del Paraguay. "Mundial." May, 1912. p. 5. illus. David D.: Au Paraguay. "Bull. Soc. de Geog. Com." February, 1911. p. 157. Decoud, Arsenio Lopez: Album grafico de la Republica del Paraguay. Publicado bajo la direcci6n de Arsenio Lopez Decoud. 1811-1911. Buenos Aires, Tall. Grdficos de la Compafiia General de F6sforos, 1911. 360 cxxxvi, p. illus. 4°. CONTENTS. Geography, history, foreign relations, the press, education, government., banks, industries, com- merce, general information, with a number of portraits of prominent people and views of industrial establishments. 102 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Dobrizhoffer, Martin: An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay. From the Latin of Martin Dobrizhoffer. London, J. Murray. 1822. 3v. 8°. Domecq, Ramon Monte: La Republica del Paraguay en su primer centenario. 1811-1911. Por Ramon Monte Domecq. Buenos Aires, Compafifa de Billetes de Banco, 1911. 473 viii, p. illus. 4°. (History and description, commercial and governmental institutions, agriculture, portraits.) Domville-Fife, Charles W. [Chapter on Paraguay). See Domville-Fife, Charles W. (Among general books). Fitzh ugh, Elizabeth: Paraguay and the Paraguayans. "Bay View Mag." January, 1913. illus.. Forrest, A. S.: A tour through South America. (See general books.) Great Britain. Hydrographic office: Paraguay included in: "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (See among general books.) Grubb, W. Barbrooke: An unknown people in an unknown land. An account of the Lengua Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco, with adventures and experiences during twenty years pioneering and exploration amongst them. By W. Bar- brooke Grubb. . . . Edited by H. T. Morrey Jones. . . . Second ed. London, Seeley & Co., 1911. xvi, 329 p. 8°. map. A church in the wilds. The remarkable story of the establishment of the South American Mission amongst the hitherto savage and intractable natives of the Paraguayan Chaco. By W. Barbrooke Grubb. . . . Edited by H. T. Morrey Jones. . . . London, Seeley, Service Co., Limited, 1914. front, illus. 287 (16) p. 8°. Guevara, Jose: Noticia del P. Jose Guevara v estudio de la historia del Paraguav. lxxxvi, 464 (2) p. 4°. In Anales de la biblioteca [nacional Argentina] . . . por P. Groussac. Buenos Aires. Tomo 5 Hadfield, William: Brazil, the River Plate, and the Falkland Islands; with the Cape Horn route to Australia. Including notices of Lisbon, Madeira, the Canaries and Cape Verde. By William Hadfield. . . . Illustrated by permission, from the South American sketches of Sir W. Gore Ouseley . . . and by permission, from the drawings of Sir Charles Hotham. . . London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1854. vi, 384 p. front, illus. port, maps. 8°. Jones, H. T. Morrey (ed.): An unknown people in an unknown land. See Grubb. W. Barbrooke. Koebel, W. H.: In Jesuit Land. The Jesuit Missions of Paraguay. By W. H. Koebel. . . . With an introduction by Mr. R. B. Cunninghame Graham. London, Stanley Paul & Co., n. d., 381 p. illus. 8°. [Chapter on Paraguay]. See Koebel, W. H. (Among general books). Lobo, Helio: Antes da guerra. (A missao saraiva ou os preliminares do conflicto com o Paraguay. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Ingleza, 1914. 260 (2) p. 8°. Lozano, Pedro: . . . Historia de las revoluciones de la pro vincia del Paraguay. 1721-1735. ... Tomos 1 v 2. Buenos Aires, Cabaut y Cia., 1905. 2 v. 8°. Tomo 1. Antequera. Tomo 2. Los comuneros. Macdonald, Alexander K.: Picturesque Paraguay. Sport, engineering, travel. A land of .promise. Stock-raising, plantation, industries, forest products, commercial possibilities. By Alexander K. Macdonald. London, Charles H. Kelly, 1911. 498 p. plates. 8°. Magnasco, Silvio: . . . Guerra del Paraguay. Buenos Aires, Imprenta y enc. "Argos." 1906. iv, 95 p. map. 8°. Marvaud, Angel: La republique du Paraguay. Son passe, son avenir. "France- Amerique." February, 1912. p. 79. Mellet, Julian : Paraguay included in his : "Por el interior de la America meridional." (See under general books.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 103 Mosqueiro, Silvano: El Paraguay. "America e Ind. Amer." February, 1914- p. 48. ill us. El Paraguay y sus progresos. ' 'Rev. Int. de Dun." January, 1914- p. 73. illus. Mulhall, Mario McMurrough [Chapter on Paraguay]. See Mulhall, Marion McMurrough (Among general books). Munts, D. Albert: Paraguay. "Bulletin." April, 1910. p. 630. Nordenskiold, Erland: Indianerleben. El Gran Chaco. (Slid Amerika). Von Erland Nordenskiold. Leipzig, Albert Bonnier, 1913. 343 p. illus. map. 8°. Page, Jesse: Paraguay included in: ''The land of the peaks and the pampas." (See under general books.) Pan American Union: . . . Paraguay. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 13 p. 8°. Same. 1910. 21 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 23 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1913. 31 p. illus. 8°. Paraguay. 1537-1909: A land of revolutions. "Times Supp." April 30, 1912. p. 2. Paraguay in prospect. "Bulletin." June, 1913. p. 289. illus. Paraguay. (Social life and customs): "Chamber's." Oct. 1, 1912. p. 662. Paraguayan question: The alliance between Brazil, the Argentine Confederation and Uruguay, versus the dictator of Paraguay. Claims of the republics of Peru and Bolivia in regard to this alliance. New York, Hallet & Breen, printers. 1886. 56 p. 8°. Porter, Robert P. [Chapter on Paraguay]. See Porter, Robert P. (Among general books). Posada, Adolf o: La republica del Paraguay. Impresiones y comentarios por Adolf o Posada. . . . Madrid, Libreria general de Victoriano Suarez, 1911. (8), 274 (2) p. illus. map. 8°. The Republic of Paraguay. History and economic conditions. "Times Supp." Oct. 31,1911. p.l. Raviol, Luis M. [Chapter on Paraguay]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Romero, Genaro: Apuntes para el inmigrante. Por Genaro Romero. Asuncion, Talleres Graficos "La Colmena," 1914. 63 p. 12°. Roosevelt, Theodore: A hunter naturalist in the Brazilian wilderness. Up the Paraguay River. "Scribner's." April, 1914, p. 407; May, 1914, p. 539. illus. The South American yearbook: Paraguay included in: "The South American yearbook." (Among general books). Van Dyke, Harry Weston [Chapter on Paraguay]. See Van Dyke, Harry Weston (Among general books). Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique [Chapter on Paraguay]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Villar, Emilio H. del [Chapter on Paraguay]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Von Fisher-Treuenfeld, R.: Le Paraguay. D6crit et ilhistre etude sur le progres economique du pays par R. von Fisher-Treuenfeld, Consul general du Paraguay pour le royaume de Saxe, ouvrage publie par L. Rehwinkel, Consul g6n6ral de Paraguay pour le royaume de Prusse. Traduit de l'allemand avec leur autorisation et complete au moyen de notes fournies par 1'auteur. Avec une carte du Paraguay et une autre de l'Amerique du Sud ainsi que 19 gravures, Bruxelles, Tip. E. Guyot, 1906. plates, maps.- 81 p. 8°. 104 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. PERU. Adams, Franklin P.: Chile and Peru: the rival republics of the South. By Franklin P. Adams and G. M. L. Brown. "Am. Rev. of Revs. 11 October, 1906. p. 483. illus. Adams, Harriet Chalmers: Peru's unknown montana. "Trop. Am." April, 1908. p. 167. illus. Agttero, Jose de la Riva: La historia en el Peru. Tesis para el doctorado en letras. Lima, Imprenta nacional de Federico Barrionuevo, 1910. 558 p. 8°. Akers, Charles Edmond [Chapter on Peru]. See Akers, Charles Edmond (Among general books). The Amazon and Pacific railway. "Inca Chron." May, 1912. p. 16. illus. Ancient Peruvians. "Times Supp." Feb. 28, 1911. p. 4. Ancient people of Peru. "Times Supp." May 30, 1911. pp. 1 and 5. Ancient treasures of Mexico and Peru. "Times Supp." Oct. 25, 1910. p. 6. Anderson, Charles Loftus Grant: Peru included in his: "Old Panama and Cas- tilla del Oro." (See under Panama.) Ariel. Departamentode Amazonas. "Ilustracion. Peruana." Aug. 27, 1913. p. 266. Barco Centenera, Martin del : Argentina y conquista del Rio de la Plata con otras acaecimientos de los Reinos del Peru, Tucuman y Estado del Brasil por el Arcediano D. Martin del Barco Centenera. Facsimil de la primera edici6n, impresa en Lisboa, por Pedro Crasbeeck, en el ano 1602. Notas bibliograficas y biograficas de Carlos Navarro y Lamarca. Buenos Aires, Angel Estrada y cia., 191%, 31, t. p. (4)230, iv, (1) p. 12°. Barras de Aragon, Francisco de las: Una historia del Peru contenida en un cuadro al 61eo de 1799. Por Francisco de las Barras de Arag6n. (Reprinted from "Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espafiola de Historia Natural." Mayo, 1911. 225-286 p. plates. No title page. 8°. Bayo, Ciro: Peru included in his: "Los Marariones." (See among general books.) Beasley, Walter L. : Remarkable civilization of the ancient Incas. "Bay View Mag." January, 1913. p. 177. illus. Beltran y Rozipde, Ricardo: Maynas. [A small region in Northern Peru, on the Marafion river.] (Breve noticiageograficaehistorica.) Madrid, Real Sociedad Geografico, 1911. 15 p. 8°. [Besley, J. Campbell]: Captain J. Campbell Besley discovered a lost treasure city of the Incas. "N.T.Yimes." Feb. 22, 1914. illus. ■ Pierced unknown land for love of sport. "N. Y. Sun." Feb. 22, 1914- illus. Bingham, Hiram: The discovery of Machu Picchu. By Hiram Bingham. Re- printed from "Harper's Magazine," April, 1913. 709-719 pp. 8°. Vitcos, the last Inca capital. By Hiram Bingham. . . . Reprinted from the proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. Published by the Society, 1912. 64 p. pis. 8°. Peru included in his: "Across South America." (See under general books.) In the wonderland of Peru. "Nat. Geog. Mag." April, 1913. p. 387. illus. A search for the last Inca capital. "Harper's." October, 1912. p. 695. illus. Blackett, H. E.: The temple of Viracocha. "Inca Chron." July, 1911. p. 28. illus. Blavatsky, H. P. : Una tierra de misterio. "Sendero Teosofico." September, 1912, p. 162; October, 1912, p. 248; November, 1912, p. 313 and December, 1912, p. 398. illus. Boero, Jorge A. [Chapter on Peru]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bollo, Luis Cincinato [Chapter on Peru]. See Bollo, Luis Cincinato (Among general books). Bolofia, Nicanor: Libro primero de cabildos de Lima. Descifrado y anotado. See Torres Saldamando, Enrique. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 105 Bowery, Pierre: A journey to the interior of Peru. "Min. and Sci. Press." June 14, 1913. p. 890. illus. Bowman, Isaiah : The canon of the Urubamba. "Bull, of the Am. Geog. Soc." Dec, 1912. p. 881. illus. map. Boyce, W. D. [Chapter on Peru]. See Boyce, W. D. (Among general books). Brown, G. M. L.: Chile and Peru. See Adams, Franklin P. Bryce, James [Chapters on Peru]. See Bryce, James (Among general books). Bues, C: Peruvian forests. "Inca Chron." September, 1910. p. 13. Calderon, F. Garcia: Peru included in his: "Latin America." (See under general books). Cameron, Charlotte [Chapters on Peru]. See Cameron, Charlotte (Among general books). Casio, Jose Gabriel : Una excursion d Machupiccho. "Rev. Universitaria," Cuzco. September-December, 1912. p. 2. Chile. Oficina Hidografico: Noticias sobre las provincias litorales correspondi- entes & los departamentos de Arequipa, lea, Huancavelica i Lima, por la Oficina Hidrografico. Santiago, Imp. Nacional, 1880. 40 p. maps. 8°. Cieza de Leon, Pedro de: The wars of Quito. By Pedro de Cieza de Leon, and Inca documents translated and edited by Sir Clements R. Markham, K. C. B., Vice-President of Hakluyt Society, London. Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1913. xii, 212, xxxvi, p. 8°. Cisneros, Carlos B.: . . . Provincia de Lima. Monografia del Departa- mento de Lima. Lima, Lit. tip. Carlos Fabbri, 1911. Cover title. 2 fold. maps, plates. 122-293 p. 8°. Resefia econ6mica del Peru por Carlos B. Cisneros. Lima, Imp. La Industria, 1906. vi, iii, 284 p. illus. 8°. Sinopsis estadistica del Peru. 1908-1912. Lima, Empresa tip." Union." 10 p. 8°. Ciudad [La] de Machu Picchu, cuna del Imperio Incaico. "Ilustracidn Peru- ana." August 13, p. 273; Aug. 27, p. 273; Sept. 10 p. 302; Sept. 24, p. 330, and Oct. 8, 1913, p. 346. Clark, E. B. : Twelve months in Peru. By E. B. Clark. London, T. F. Unwin, 1891. xxiii, 158 p. front, illus. plate. 8°. Currier, Charles Warren : The dead city of Cajamarquilla. "Bulletin," August, 1912. p. 301. illus. [Chapters on Peru]. See Currier, Charles Warren (Among general books). Debenedetti, Salvador: Ciudades peruanas en los tiempos precolombianos. "Renaci- miento." September, 1910. Description. "Pan Am. Mag." January, 1913. (Entire copy devoted to Peru.) Dodge, Hendell Phillips: Rainless Peru and its magnificent city of mud. "Modern Sanitation." June, 1912. p. 205. illus. Domville-Fife, Charles W. [Chapter on Peru]. See Domville-Fife, Charles W. (Among general books). Enock, C. Reginald : Peru. Its former and present civilization history and existing conditions, topography and natural resources, commerce and general develop- ment. By C. Reginald Enock. . . . With an introduction by Martin Hume. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1908. xxxii, 320 p. plates, map. 8°. — — [Chapter on Peru]. See Enock, C. Reginald (Among general books). 106 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Forrest, A. S.: A tour through South America. (Among general books.) From New York to Peru: "Inca Chron." May, 1911. p. 11. illus. Franck, Harry. A.: Overland to Cuzco. Four hundred miles on the trail. "West Coast Leader." Nov. 27, 1913. p. 1. Fuentes, Hildebrando: Loreto. Apuntes geograficos, historicos, estadisticos, poli- ticos y sociales. Por Hildebrando Fuentes, ex-prefecto del Departamento. Tomos 1 and 2. Lima, Imprenta de la Revista, 1908. 2 vols, illus. tables, fold. map. 8°. Fuentes, Manuel A.: Estadistica general de Lima. Por Manuel A. Fuentes. . . . Segunda edition, notablemente corregida. Tomo 1. Paris, Tip. de Ad. Laine et J. Havard, 1866. x, 555 p. plates. 4°. Q., E. T.: An introduction to Peru. By E. T. G. London, Publication depart- ment, Regions beyond missionary union [1910]. 24 p. illus. 8°. Qalvez, Anibal: Historia nacional. 1818. El "Real Felipe," por Anibal Galvez. . . . Lima, Imp. Liberal Uni6n. 1908-1909. 2 v. 8°. . . . 1811. Zela. Por Anibal Galvez. . . . Lima, Imprenta "La Industria," 1911. 2 v. 8°. Gamboa, Pedro Sarmiento de: History of the Incas, by Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, and the execution of the Inca Tupac Amaru by Captain Baltasar de Ocampo. Translated and edited with notes and an introduction by Sir Clements Markham. . . . Cambridge, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1907. 395 p. maps, illus. col. plates. 8°. Garland, Alexander: Peru in 1906. With a brief historical and geographical sketch. By Alexander Garland. . . Originally written in Spanish, and translated into English by George R. Gepp. Lima, "La Industria," 1907. (2), 303 p. front, (port.) maps, plates. 4°. Same. Second ed. 1908. ix, 354 p. front, (port.) illus. 8°. Giesecke, Alberto A.: Estudio economico del departamento del Cuzco. Lo que debe hacer el supremo gobierno para los estudios superiores que propendan al mayor desenvolvimiento econ6mico de los intereses del departamento. Alberto A. Giesecke, rector de la Universidad del Cuzco. Cuzco, Diciembre de 1912. Imp. El Trabajo. 20 p. 8°. Into the jungle of Southern Peru. "Inca Chron." October, 1911. p. 21. illus. Choquequirau, the Gibraltar of the Incas. "Inca Chron." March, 1911. p. 18. illus. Great Britain. Hydrographic office: Peru included in : "Great Britain. Hydro- graphic office." (Among general books.) Guinness, Geraldine: Peru and its capital. "Bay View Mag." December, 1912. p. 113. Gutierrez de Santa Clara, Pedro: . . . Historia de las guerras civiles del Peru (1544-1548) y de otros sucesos de las Indias por Pedro Gutierrez de Santa Clara. Madrid, Victoriano Suarez, 1904-1910. 4 v. 12°. (Coleccion de libros y documentos a la historia de America. Tomos 2, 3, 4 and 10. Madrid, V. Suarez.) Haley, Charles, and C. A. Rodegerdts: Prospecting condition* in Peru. "Min. and Sci. Press." Dec. 13, 1913. p. 922. illus. Hassel, Jorge M. von : Vias de montana. Por Jorge M. von Hassel. Iquitos, Imp. de "El Oriente," 1909. 109 p. 12°. Hauthal, Rudolf: Reisen in Bolivien und Peru ausgefuhrt 1908. Mit unterstut- zung des . . . Dr. Hans Meyer . . . von Rudolf Hauthal . . . Leipzig, Verlag von Duncker & Humblot, 1911. x, 247 p. illus. plates, maps. 8°. Hillman, H. P. L.: Travel notes on Southern Peru and Bolivia. "Inca Chron." January, 1912. p. 25. illus. Hinkley, F. E.: Arequipa and the surrounding country. "Inca Chron." September. 1910. p. 5. illus. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 107 Holley, Anselmo Blanlot: . . . Historia de la paz entre Chile i Peru. 1879- 1884. 2 a edici6n oficial. Santiago, Soc. Imp. y lit. Universo, 1910. xiv, 262 p. 4°. Howland, S. S.: Cuzco, the sacred city of the Incas. "Scribner's." February, 1912. p. 205. How Peru broke her fetters. A description of her straggle for freedom. "Inca Chron." July, 1912. p. 15. Hrdlfcka, Ales: Some results of recent anthropological exploration in Peru. By Dr. Ales Hrdlfcka. . . . Washington, published by the Smithsonian Institution, 1911. 26 p. 4 pis. 8°. In the highlands of the Andes. Ancient ruins and modern conditions. "Times Supp." May 30, 1912. p. 1. Johnson, A. L.: The for tress of Paramunga. "Inca Chron." January, 1913. p. 22. Koebel, W. H. [Chapter on Peru]. See Koebel, W. H. (Among general books). Lafosse, Alfredo P.: Algo referente & la Provincia de Huamalies. Lima, Imp. de "LaRevista." 133 p. fold, tables, maps. 8°. long. Larraburey Unanne, E.: Ruinas de un edificio del sigloXV. "llustracion Peruana." Feb. 14, 1912. p. 153. illus. Excursion historica d las ruinas de Acora. "llustracion Peruana." Nov. 23, 1910. p. 646. illus. Lavalle, Juan Bautista de: Lima viejo y Lima nuevo. "Ilustr. Peruana." Aug. 14, p. 74; Aug. 28, p. 106. illus. 1912. Lawrence, Harry: Peru today. Including a brief historical sketch. "South Ameri- can." Oct. 1, 1913. p. 3. illus. Lee, John: Religious liberty in South America. With special reference to recent legislation in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. By John Lee. . . . With an introduction by Bishop John H. Vincent. . . . Cincinnati, Jennings and Graham, 1907 c . vii, 266 p. 8°. Lima ilustrado. [An illustrated weekly magazine.] Lima, ano 1, No. 1, Octubre 22, 1898 to ano 5, No. 47, Octubre 22, 1903. 9 vols. 4°. (Missing April 22 to Oct. 31, 1901.) (Contains, history, description, poems, fiction, and portraits of prominent men.) Lima as a literary center. "Times Supp." Jan. 31, 1911. p. 6. Lima moderna. "Zig Zag." March 30, 1912. illus. Lima: Pern's beautiful capital. 'Times Supp." Jan. 31,1911. p. vi. The pearl of the Pacific. "Pan. Am. Mag." June, 1913. p. 61. illus. Livacich, Serafin: . . . Historia de los Incas. O sea origen, progreso y fin de su imperio. Extractado de la colecci6n documental "Odriozola." Buenos Aires, Cabut y Cia., 1904. 64 p. 8°. Lizarraga, Reginaldo de: Descripcion y poblacion de las indias por Fr. Reginaldo de Lizarraga. . . . Publicado en la Revista del instituto hist6rico del Peru con un prologo y noticia biografica del autor por Carlos A. Romero. Lima, Imprenta Americana, 1908. viii, 209 p. port. 8°. Loayza, Fernando Lopez: ... La provincia de Tarapacd. Alrededor de su industria i de Iquique, su principal puerto. 1912-13. Iquique, Editor Edw. E. Muecke, 309, (2), 18, xxiii p. 12°. MacQueen, Peter: Peru and the opening of the Canal. "National." September, 1913. p. 936. illus. Madre de Dios department and the Peru-Bolivia boundary. "Peru To-day." October, 1913. p. 980. illus. map. Memorias de los vireyes que han gobernado el Peru, durante el tiempo del coloniaje Espanol: Impresas de orden suprema. Tomos 1-6. Lima, Libreria Central de Felipe Bailly, 1859. 4°. 6 v. Mann, Alexander [Chapter on Peru]. See Mann, Alexander (Among general books) . 108 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Markham, Clements R. (tr. and ed.): History of the Incas. By Pedro Sarmi- ento de Gamboa. See Gamboa, Pedro Sarmiento de. The Incas of Peru. By Sir Clements Markham. . . . New York, E. P. Dutton and Company, 1910. xvi, 433 p. illus. fold. map. 8°. The War of Quito. See Cieza de Leon, Pedro de. The Land of the Incas. "Geog. Jour." October, 1910. p. 381. illus. Marsters, V. F.: . . . Informe sobre la costa sur del Peru por V. F. Marsters. Lima, Pedro Berrio, 1909. 112 p. illus. maps. 8°. (Boletin 70, Cuerpo de ingenieros de Minns del Peru.) Martin, Percy F.: Peru of the twentieth century. By Percy F. Martin. . . . New York, Longmans, Green and Co., London, Edward Arnold, 1911. xvii, 348 p. illus. fold. map. 8°. Matienzo, Juan: . . . Gobierno del Peru. Obra escrita en el siglo xvi por el Lie. Don Juan Matienzo. . . . Buenos Aires, Compania sud-americana de billetes de banco, 1910. x, 219 p. 4°. Maurtua, Anibal: Geografla econ6mica del departamento de Loreto por Anibal Maurtua . . . Lima. Lit. tip. Carlos Fabbri, 1911. 60 p. pis. 8°. El Porvenir del Peru. (Conferencia leida en la Sociedad Geografica de Lima) por Anibal Maurtua. . . . Lima, Lit. Tip. Carlos Fabbri, 1911. 38 p. front, fold, tables. 8°. Mellet, Julian: Peru included in his: "Por el interior de la America meridional." (Among general books.) Melo, Rosendo: Derrotero de la costa del Peril. Guia maritimo comercial. Por Rosendo Melo. . . . Lima, C. F. Southwell, 1906. 302 p. illus. 8°. Mendiburu, Manual de: Diccionario hist6rico-biografico del Peru. Formado y redactado por Manuel de Mendiburu. . . . Tomos 1-^1 and 6-8. Lima, 1874-1890. 6v. 8°. Miller, Roman J. [Chapter on Peru]. See Miller, Roman J. (Among general books). Monteagudo, Bernardo: Esposici6n de las tareas administrativas del Gobierno desde su instalaci6n hasta el 15 de julio de 1822, presentada al consejo por el Ministero de Estado y Relaciones Exteriores Don Bernardo Monteagudo. Lima, Imp. de D. Manuel del Rio. 31 p. 8°. (Edition published by "Museo Mitre [Buenos Aires], 1910.") Moss, A. Miles: Souvenir of the Oroya railroad. A brief pictorial account of the Peruvian Andes. By A. Miles Moss. . . . Lima, Imp. Southwell, 1909. lip. Text, 64 illus. obi. 8°. Trip into the interior of Peru. With map and 176 photo-engravings by A. Miles Moss. . . . Lima, printed by Charles F. Southwell, 1909. 35, ii, 4 p. of text in Spanish and English, map. 120 p. of illus. obi. 8°. Mozans, H. J.: Peru included in: "Along the Andes and down the Amazon." (Among general books.) Over the trail to Huanaco: (A trip from Cerro de Pasco to Huanaco.) "Inca Chron." November, 1911. p. 21. illus. Page, Jesse: Peru included in: "The land of the peaks and the pampas," (Among general books). Palma, Ricardo: Mis ultimas tradiciones Peruanas y cachivacheria por Ricardo Palma. . . Director de la biblioteca nacional de Lima. Barcelona, Casa editorial Maucci, 1906. 604 p. illus. Palomeque, Alberto: Conferencias hist6ricas. Libreria de la Universidad, Monte- video, 1909. 244 p. 8°. Pan American Union: . . . Municipal organizations in Latin America. Lima, Peru. (Reprint of an article from the " Monthly Bulletin " of the Pan American Union, May, 1909.) Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 856- 868 pp. 8°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 109 Pan American Union: Peru. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office. 1909. 18 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. 24 p. 8°. Same. 1911. illus. 26 p. 8°. Same. 1914. illus. 39 p. 8°. Patron, Pablo: Libro primero de cabildos de Lima. Descifrado y anotado. See Torres Saldamando, Enrique. Paz Soldan, Mateo: Geografia del Peru, obra postuma del Mateo Paz Soldan. Corregida y aumentada por su hermano Mariano Felipe Paz Soldan. . . . Publicada & expensas del gobierno Peruano. . . . Tomos 1 and 2. Paris, Fermin Didot Hermanos, 1862. 2 v. 4°. Paz Soldan, Mariano Fel'pe: Narraci6n historica de la guerra de Chile contra el Peru y Bolivia. Por Mariano Felipe Paz Soldan. Buenos Aires, Imp. y lib. de Mayo, 1884. (v) x, 917 p. 4°. Peck, Annie S.: A search for the apex of America. High mountain climbing in Peru and Bolivia including the conquest of Huascaran. With some observations on the country and people below. By Annie S. Peck, M. A. New York, Dodd, Mead and Co., 1911. xviii, 370 p. map. plates. 4°. My home in Peru. "Harper's." May, 1911. p. 218. illus. Peixotto, Ernest: Down the West Coast to Lima. "Scribner's." April, 1913. p. 421. illus. To South Peru and Arequipa. "Scribner's." May, 1918. p. 587. illus. The land of the Incas. "Scribner's." June, 1913. p. 699. illus. [Chapter on Peru]. See Peixotto, Ernest Clifford (Among general books). Pepper, Charles M.: Peru's new part in the "Dynamics of the Western World." "N. Y. Tribune." Nov. 23, 1913. illus. Peru's beautiful capital. "Times Supp." Jan. 31, 1911. illus. Peru descriptivo: Departamento de lea. "Ilustracion Peruana." Oct. 29, 1913. p. 369. illus. Peruvian corporation (publishers): The land of the Incas. London and Lima. Cover title. [14] p. illus. map. nar. 8°. Peru. Junta de vias fluviales: Ultimas esploraciones ordenadas por la Junta de vias fluviales. A los rios Ucayali, Madre de Dios, Paucartambo y Urubamba. Informes de los sefiores Stiglich, von Hassel, Olivera y Ontaneda. Lima, Oficinatip. de "LaOpini6n Nacional," 1907. 461 p. illus. maps, plans. 4°. Peruvian (The) Sierra. "S.A.J." March 29, 1913. p. 432. Piura. "Inca Chron." February, 1912. p. 17. illus. Porter, Robert P. [Chapter on Peru]. See Porter, Robert P. (Among general books) . Post, Charles Johnson [Chapter on Peru]. See Post, Charles Johnson (Among general books). Prehistoric trephining among the Yauyos of Peru. "West Coast Leader." Feb. 19, 1914- p. 4- Ulus. Preusse-Sperber, O.: Peru. Eine Skizze seines wirtschaftlichen und staatlichen Lebens. Von O. Preusse-Sperber, New York. Mit 16 Abbildungen und einer Karte. Frankfurt, a. M. Verlag von Heinrich Keller, 1913. 75 p. plates, map. 8°. Recollections of Lima. [Album of 40 views]. Lima, Sanmarti y cia., no date, obi. 12°. Rene-Moreno, Gabriel: Bolivia y Peru. Notas historicas y bibliogr&ficas por Gabriel Ren6-Moreno. Santiago de Chile, 1907. x, 676 p. 12°. Segunda edici6n aumentada. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Barcelona, 1905. x, 333 (2) p. 12°. The Republic of Peru. "Times Supp." April 80, 1912. p. iv. 110 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Reyes, Rafael: The two Americas. (See general books.) Ex-President [of Colombia] in the old dominion of the Incas. What he saw in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. "N. Y. Times." Sept. 7, 1913. illus. Rio, Felix Nieto del: . . -. Viaje al Peru del iltmo. Sr. Dr. Don Ramon Angel Jara, obispo de San Carlos de Ancud. (Documentos para la historia.) Santiago, Imprenta y enc. " Chile," 1908. 159 p. illus. 8°. Rivas, Angel Cesar: La cuna de los Incas. "Mundial." November, 1913. p. 36. illus. Rosa, M. Gonzalez de la: El estudio de la historia primitiva del Peru. "Ilustracidn Peruana." Sept. 27, 1911. p. 1347. Rodegerdts, C. A. (joint author): See Haley, Charles. Ruins of old Huanaco. "Inca Chron." March, 1912. p. 32. illus. Salinas, Francisco Cheesman : Lunahuand. "Bol. de la Soc. Geog. de Lima." Vol. 25. p. 240. 1909. map. diagr. Salmon, Jose Luis: Guerra de la independencia de Peru. "Bol. del Min. de Guerra y Marina" Lima, Oct. 15, 1911. p. 1213. San Juan, Manuel A.: Por America y Europa. Impresiones de viaje. Lima, Imp. de "El Diario," 1911. 325, xi p. 12°. Santolalla, Fermin Malaga: Departamento de Cajamarca. Monografia geogrd- fico-estadistica. Por Fermin Malaga Santolalla. . . . Lima, Imp. de San Pedro, 1906. xvi, 326 p. illus. fold. map. 8°. (Published to accompany the annual report for 1906 of the Sociedad Geogr&fica de Lima. In ita Bole- tin Tomo20, 1906.) Scenes in the vicinity of La Fundicion. "Inca Chron." March, 1912. p. 28. illus. Schacke, Fritz: Reisen in Mittel-und Siidamerika. V. Peru. "Sud- und Mittel- Amerika." Jan, 31, 1914. p. 23. illus. Sears, Alfred F.: The republic of Peru. "New Eng. Mag." December, 1892. Sears, Anna Wentworth : Peru included in her: " Two on a tour in South America." (Among general books.) Sievers, Wilhelm: Reise in Peru und Ecuador ausgefuhrt 1909. Von Wilhelm Sievers . . . Munchen und Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1914. maps, illus. fold, tables, xii, 411 p. 8°. Singleton, Esther (ed.): Wonders of the World as seen and described by great writers. Collected and edited by Esther Singleton. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1912. 359 p. plates. 8°. [The great wall of Peru and the Temple of the Sun (Cuzco). By William H. Prescott, pages 187-199.) South American yearbook: Peru included in: "The South American yearbook." (See under general books.) Stonebridge, T. S.: Lima. "Inca Chron." January, 1912. p. 17. illus. Suarez, Teniente: Provincia litoral de Tumbes. "Bol. de la Soc. Geog. de Lima." 26:82. 1911. Sutcliffe, Thomas: Sixteen years in Chile and Peru, from 1822 to 1839. By the retired governor of Juan Fernandez. . . . London, Paris, Fisher, Son & Co. [1841]. xii, 563 (1) p. front, pis. port. map. 8°. Sutton, C. W.: Peru To-day. "Peru To-day." March, 1911. p. 25. illus. Thomson, Norman: The Putumayo red book. Containing proposals for the protection of the aborigines and the effective administration of the Putumayo regions under an international board. By Norman Thomson. . . . (Second edition.) London, N. Thomson & Co., 1914. lxiv, 151 p. 12°. Colombia and Peru in the Putumayo territory. A reply to the defence of the Peruvian Government. By Norman Thomson. London, Published for the Colombian Government by N. Thomson & Co., 1914. 48 p. 4°. Todd, Mabel Loomis: Ancient temples and cities of the New World: Pachacamac. "Bulletin." December, 1910. p. 967. illus. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. Ill Todd, Mill icent: The Cordillera of Peru. "Forum." January, 1914- p. 119. Torres Saldamando, Enrique (comp.): Libro primero de cabildos de Lima. Descifrado y anotado por Enrique Torres Saldamando con la colaboraci6n de Pablo Patron y Nicanor Bolofia. Paris, Imprimerie Paul Dupont, 1900. 3 v. 4°. ports, col. pis. fac-sim. HAVE SUB-TITLES. Parte primera: Actaa desde 1535 a 1539. Segunda parte: Apendices. Parte tercera: Documentos. Tourist. [A trip from Iquitos to Lima.] "Inca Chron." June, 1912. p. 15. illus. Travel in the montafia of Peru. A choice of routes. "Times Supp." June 25, 1912. p. 1. A traves de las ciudades. "Selecta." June, 1911. p. 93. illus. Uhle, Max: Tipos de civilization en el Peru. "Bol. de la Soc. de Geogr. de Lima." 25:289. 1910. United States. Hydrographic office [Chapter on Peru]. 'See United States. Hydrographic office" (Among general books). Urteaga, Horacio H.: La isla de Estebes — la isla de los mar tires. "Ilustracidn Peruana." July 20, 1910. p. 362. illus. Manco II. Levantamiento de 1535. "Ilustracidn Peruana." Nov. 15, 1911. p. 1466. illus. Van Dyke, Harry Weston [Chapter on Peru]. See Van Dyke, Harry Weston (Among general books) . Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique [Chapter on Peru]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Vernier, Walter: Chan Chan, the ruined Chimu capital. "Bulletin." March, 1914. p. 348. illus. Villar, Emilio H. del [Chapter on Peru]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Walpole, Fred [Chapter on Peru]. See Walpole, Fred (Among general books). What to do in Lima on a summer night. "Peru To-day. 1 ' Feb., 1911. p. 30. illus. Whitely, F. C: Through the beautiful Chanchamayo valley to the Scenic Perene. "Inca Chron." August, 1911. p. 17. illus. Wiese, Carlos: Christmas in colonial Lima. "Inca Chron." December, 1910. p. 5. illus. Santa Rosa de Lima: The only Saint of the Western Hemisphere. "Inca Chron." August, 1912. p. 15. illus. Wilcox, Marion: Over the Andes in a hand car. "Travel." February, 1911. p. 158. illus. Wright, Marie Robinson: El antiguo y nuevo Peru. "Ilustracidn Peruana." Oct. 7,1911. illus. Zabriskie, Luther K.: Consular visit to Peruvian Sierra. "Da. Cons. Rep." Feb. 21, 1913. p. 929. Lake Puacachina. "Bulletin." December, 1913. illus. Zeh, Lillian E.: Treasures of the Incas. "Southern Workman." January, 1913. p. 26. illus. EL SALVADOR. Album conmemorativo de los sucesos del 4 de febrero. El crimen del parque Bolivar. San Salvador, Imprenta Nacional, 1913. 183 p. illus. 8°. Alvarado in San Salvador: The conquistador's own account. "Pan. Am. Map." May, 1914- 112 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Barberena, Santiago I.: Descripci6n geogr&fica y estadfstica de la Republica de El Salvador, por el Doctor Santiago I. Barberena . . . Trabajo hecho por comisi6n del supremo gobierno. San Salvador, Imprenta nacional, 1892. 114 p. 2 fold, tables. 8°. Monograffas departamentales. [A series of descriptive pamphlets of each department.] Parts 1-11: [Usutlan, Morazan, La Paz, Chalatenango, Cabanas, Santa Ana, Sonsonate, San Miguel, Cuscatlan, La Union, and Ahuachapan.] San Salvador, Imprenta Nacional, 1909-1913. 11 pamphlets. 12°. Estudios estadisticos respecto £ las riquezas naturales, industrias y comercio de la republica de El Salvador. [San Salvador, Imprenta Nacional, 1908.] Cap- tion title. 50 p. 8°. Same. Segunda serie. 1908. 113 p. 8°. Informe geogrdfico-economico. "Rev. Economica." January, 1910. p. 217. Benito, Pablo de: La republica de El Salvador. "Bol. de la Real Soc. Geog." V. 52:234. 1910. Biblioteca del Ateneo: . . . 5 de noviembre. Trabajos del segunda certamen literario del Ateneo de El Salvador, celebrado el 5 de noviembre de 1913. San Salvador, Imp. Nacional, 1913. 83 p. 16°. Boero, Jorge A. [Chapter on Salvador]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Castaneda Francisco: El Primer centenario de la conjuracion de Belen. "Centro- America." October-December, 1913. p. 525. Cornish, Lincoln S.: Salvador. "Pan. Am. Mag." May, 1814. illus. Dario, Ruben: La repdblica del Salvador. "Mundial." Aug., 1912. p 320. illus. Datos geograficos e historicos de algunos de los departamentos de El Salvador. "Centro-America." October-December, 1913. p. 506. [Description]. Salvador. "Pan Am. Mag." September, 1909. (Entire issue devoted to Salvador.) Domville-Fife, Charles W. [Chapter on Salvador]. See Domville-Fife, Charles W. (Among general books). Escamilla, Miguel: Geografia econ6mica de la reptiblica de El Salvador. Por Miguel Escamilla. San Salvador, Imprenta "Melendez," 1908. 56 p. 8°. Estudio sobre El Salvador. "Centro America." April-June, 1913. p. 203. illus. Facultades de jurisprudencia de Centro America: Centenario de la insurrecci6n de 5 de noviembre de 1811. Sesi6n publica de las facultades de jurisprudencia de Centro America, celebrado en la Universidad Nacional de El Salvador el dia 4 de noviembre de 1911. San Salvador, "La Uni6n," 1911. 52 p. 8°. Fonseca, Pedro S.: Monografias departamentales. See Salvador. Direcci6n general de estadistica. Great Britain. Hydrographic office: Salvador included in: "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (Among general books.) [History.] "Pan Am. Mag." September, 1909. p. 236. Lacayo, J. M. (ed.): Guia del Salvador. Del comercio, industrias, profesiones, empresas de ferrocarriles, vapores, correos, telegrafos, teleionos, etc*, etc., Util e" indispensable para nacionales y extranjeros. L. M. Lacayo, editor. San Salvador. 12°. Library has for years: 1-6. 1906-1911. (No. 5 missing.) Lecciones de historia del departamento de San Salvador. San Salvador, Im- prenta "La Republica," 1912. Cover title. 47 (1) p. 12°. Martin, Percy F. : Salvador of the twentieth century. By Percy F. Martin. . . New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1911. xvi, 328 p. pis. fold. map. 8°. (A general descriptive book on Salvador today, including the subjects: History, government, finances, international relations, mining, transportation, ports, agriculture, description of each department. ) Marure, Alejandro: Efermerides de los hechos notables acaecidos en la reptiblica de Centro America desde el afio de 1821 hasta el de 1842. Seguidas de varios cat&logos de presidentes de la republica, jefes de estado, etc., por Alejandro Marure. . . . Guatemala, Imprenta de la Luz, ano de 1844. [Reprint.] Guatemala, Tip. Nacional, 1895. v, 157 p. 12°. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 113 Membrefio, Alberto: Nombres geograficos de la republica del Salvador. (Estudio etimo!6gico.) Por Alberto Membrefio. Mexico, Imprenta de Ignacio Escalante, 1908. 53 (1) p. | 8°. (A brief description'included of each place named. ) Muguerzay Saenz, Simeon: . . . El Salvador. Bosquejo hist6rico, geografico, cstadistico y comercial de dicha republica. Por Sime6n Muguerza y Saenz. . . f\ Barcelona, Imp. Hijos de Domingo Casanovas, 1912. 119 p. front, fold. map. 12°. (Publication of the "Casa de America. Barcelona.") Palmer, Frederick: Sal vador included in his : "Central America and its problems." (See under general books.) Pan American Union: . . . Salvador. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 11 p. 8°. Same. 1910. 18 p. 8 . Same. 1911. 19 p. illus. 8°. — Same. 1913. 22 p. illus. 8°. Parra, Carlos D. : . . . Perfiles de la ciudad de San Gil desde su fundaci6n hasta la epoca presente. Bucaramanga, L. Nufiez e hijos, 1911. 137 p. illus. 8°. Putnam, George Palmer [Chapter on Salvador]. See Putnam, George Palmer (Among general books). Raviol, Luis M. [Chapter on Salvador]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books) Rodriguez, Leopoldo Alejandro: Estudio geografico, hist6r co, etnografico, filolo- gico y arqueologico de la Republica de El Salvador. . . Presentado por el delegado de aquella republica Dr. Leopoldo Alejandro Rodriguez al XVII Congreso de Americanistas, reunido en la ciudad de Mexico en Septiembre de 1910. Mexico, Antigua Imprenta de Murguia, 1912. 173 p. 8°. El Salvador. Estudio fisico y administrativo 1913. San Salvador, Imp. La Re- publica, 1913. 46 p. 12°. Salvador. Direcc^on general de estadistica. Monografias departamentales : 1. Departamento de Usutlan; 2. Departamento de Morazan; 3. Departa- mento de La Paz; 4. Departamento de Chalatenango; 5. Departamento de Cabafias; 6. Departamento de Santa Ana; 7. Departamento de Sonsonate; , 8. Departamento de San Miguel; 9. Departamento de Cuscatlan; 10. Departa- mento de La Union; 11. Departamento de Ahuachapan; 12. Departamento de La Libertad. San Salvador, Imp. Nacional, 1903-1913. 12 pamphlets. 12°. (Written by Santiago I. Barberena and Pedro S. Fonseca.) Salvador. Labor del gobierno del General Fernando Figueroa, Presidente Consti- tucional de la Republica 1907-1909. San Salvador, Imprenta, Melendez, 1909. 209 p. plates. 8°. [General description and statistics.] Same. 1910-11. Salvador. [Junta Central del Centenario] : Album del centenario. Primer grito de independencia Centroamericana. San Salvador, Imprenta Nacional, 1912. 279 p. illus. 4°. Segreda, Luis Dobles: La republica de El Salvador. "Paginas Ilustradas." Sept. 10, 1911. p. 3. illus. Solenthaler, Juan: Das neue schweizerkonsulat zu San Salvador. Welt und experimental wirtschaftspolitik fur lehrstuhle exotischer volkerkunde, amerika- lustige, fur Schweizer grossbanken und versicherungsgesellschaften interessant geschrieben an hand von dokumenten und brief en von Juan Solenthaler. . . . Lausanne, Buchdruckerei Charles Pache, 1913. 88 p. 8 . Suay, Jose E. : Estudio sobre la situaci6n economica de El Salvador, presentado al Sefior Presidente de la Republica. Elaborado por encargo del Sefior Ministro de hacienda y cr^dito publico por Jose E. Suay, tesorero general de la repub.ica. San Salvador, Imprenta Nacional, 1912. 33 p. 8°. 114 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Tempsky, Qustav Ferdinand von: Mitla. A narrative of incidents and personal adventures on a journey in Mexico, Guatemala and Salvador in the years 1853 to 1855. With observations on the modes of life in those countries. . . . Ed. by J. S. Bell. . . . London, Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, 1858. xv (1) 436 p. front, pi. map. 8°. Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique: [Chapter on Salvador]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Viajero: Salvador included in "Traveling notes in Central America." (Among general books.) Villar, Emilio H. del [Chapter on Salvador]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Vose, Edward Neville: The prosperous Republic of Salvador. . . . "Dun's Rev. Int." June, 191 4- illus. Winter, Nevin O. : Salvador included in his : " Guatemala and her people of to-day." (See under Guatemala.) URUGUAY. Acevedo, Pablo Blanco: Historia de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Por Pablo Blanco Acevedo. Escrita con arreglo al programa de ingreso de la Univer- sidad. . . . Montevideo, A. Barreiro y Ramos, 1910. 280 p. 12°. Akers, Charles Edmond [Chapter on Uruguay]. See Akers, Charles Edmond (Among general books). Albes, Edward: Eighty days with the "Bluecher" party. 7. The Republic east of the Uruguay audits fine capital, Montevideo. "Bulletin." Dec, 1912. p. 1142. illus. AU-rail route between Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro: "Bulletin." December, 1911. p. 1095. illus. map. Ambruzzi, Lucillo: La repubblica dell'Uruguay, all'esposizione internazionale di Torino. Catalogo ufficiale preceduto da alcuni cenni sull'Uruguay del Prof. Lucillo Ambruzzi. 1911. Torino, Stab. Tip. Nazionale. illus. 46 p. 4°. Ant una, Enrique M.: Lecciones de historia nacional por Enrique M. Antuna, director tecnico de la serie de episodios de la independencia. Segunda edici6n corregida e* ilustrada. Obra adoptada por la Direccidn general de instrucci6n publica como texto para las escuelas primerarias. Epoca de la independencia. Libro primero: Artigas y la insurrecci6n. Montevideo, Imprenta Artistica, 1900. xi, 106 p. 8°. Araujo, Orestes: Geografia econ6mica del Uruguay. . . . Montevideo, A. Monteverde y Cia., 1910. xi, 208 p. 8°. Historia de los Charruas y de mas tribus indigenas del Uruguay por Orestes Araujo. . . . Montevideo, Lib. Cervantes, 1911. 142 p. 12°. Barbagelata, Lorenzo: Memoria de los sucesos de armas que tuvieron lugar en la guerra de la independencia de los Orientates . . . en la guerra civil de la provincia de Montevideo. "Rev. Hist." 1913. p. 364- Boero, Jorge A. [Chapter on Uruguay]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bollo, Luis Cincinato [Chapter on Uruguay]. See Bollo, Luis Cincinato (Among general books). Bormann, J. B.: . . . A campanha do Uruguay. (1864-65.) Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa nacional, 1907. xiii, 296 p. map. 8°. Borrero, Fernando: Description de las provincias del Rio de la Plata. Segunel diario de la 2a partida de demarcaci6n de llmites entre los dominios de Espana y Portugal que di6 principio A fines de 1783 y concluyo en 1801 por Fernando Borrero. Publicado por el Ministerio de relaciones exteriores y culto. Buenos Aires, Juan A. Alsina. 1911. x, 211 p. 4°. Boyce, W. D. [Chapter on Uruguay]. See Boyce, W. D. (Among general books). Bryce, James [Chapter on Uruguay]. See Bryce, James (Among general books). LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 115 Calderon, F. Garcia: Uruguay included in his: "Latin America." (Among general books.) Camara mercantil de productos del pais de Montevideo: El Uruguay en la exposici6n de Bruselas. Folleto expresamente preparado para distribuirlo . . . en la . . . Exposici6n . . . de Bruselas. Montevideo, Tip. de la escuela nacional de artes y oficios, 1910. 247 p. 8°. (Text in Spanish and French.) (Geography, climate, agriculture and cattle, resources, railroads, commerce and industries. ) Clemenceau, Georges: . . . Notes de voyage dans l'Amerique de Sud. Argen- tine, Uruguay, Bresil. Paris, Hachette et Cie. 273 p. 12°. [Chapters on Uruguay]. See also Clemenceau, Georges (Among general books). El Consultor Uruguayo: Periodico descriptivo y grafico del Uruguay. Montevideo, Figuerido & Brignole, 1912. Numero 1. 79 p. [An albun of views, with text.] obi. 4°. Currier, Charles Warren [Chapter on Montevideo]. See Currier, Charles War- ren (Among general books). De-Maria, Isidoro: Paginas hist6ricas de la Republica O. del Uruguay, desde la £poca del coloniaje. Colecci6n de documentos ineditos por Isidoro De-Maria. . . . Montevideo, Imp. El Siglo Ilustrado, 1892. 124 p. 8°. Descripcion de Montevideo durante la gobernacion de Mariscal Don Jose Joaquin de Viana: 1763-1764. "Rev. Hist." 6:264. 1912. Description. "Pan Am. Mag." February, 1913. illus. (Entire copy devoted to Uruguay.) "Mer curio." Barcelona. Feb. 6, 1913. (Entire copy devoted to Uruguay.) Diaz, Eduardo Acevedo: . . . Epocas militares de los paises del Plata. (Primer tercio del siglo xix.) Segunda edici6n. Buenos Aires, Martin Garcia, 1911. 423 p. 8°. Domville-Fife, Charles W. [A chapter on Uruguay in his "Great states of South America," under general books, and also in his: "United States of Brazil," entered under Brasil.] Fortescue, Granville: Life in Los Pocitos, Montevideo. "Bulletin." May, 1912. p. 658. illus. France, Anatole: El Uruguay y sus progresos. Conferencia de Anatole France. . . . Montevideo, Tip. y lit. "Oriental," 1909. 34 p. 8°. (Text in Spanish and French. ) Frizell, William G. [Chapter on Montevideo]. See Frizell, William G. (Among general books). Garzon, Eugenio: T Argentine & TUruguay. Paris, Imprimerie, C. Chaufour, 1905. 16 p. 8°. Goding, Frederic W.: Progress in Uruguay. "Bulletin." November, 1912. p. 969. illus. Granada, Daniel: Resefia historico-descriptiva de antiguas y modernas super- sticiones del Rio de la Plata por Daniel Granada. Montevideo, A. Barreiro y Ramos, 1896. 668 p. 8°. Great Britain. Hydrographic office: Uruguay included in: "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (Among general books.) La guerra uruguaya. Segunda edici6n. Buenos Aires, 1904. (48) p. 4°. n. t. p. Guia panoramica del viajero en Montevideo. Vistas principales de la ciudad, hoteles, pensiones, restaurants, gufa administrativa instituciones principales. . . . Piano de la ciudad. 1910. no imprint, illus. 64 p. 12°. Hadneld, William: Brazil, the River Plate, and the Falkland Islands; with the Cape Horn route to Australia. Including notices of Lisbon, Madeira, the Canaries and Cape Verde. By William Hadfield. . . . Illustrated by per- mission, from the South American sketches of Sir Gore Ouseley . . . and by permission, from the drawings of Sir Charles Hotham. . . . London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1854. vi, 384 p. front, illus. port, maps. 8°. 116 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Herrera y Obes, Manuel: Correspondencia del Doctor Manuel Herrera y Obes. Diplomacia de la defensa de Montevideo. Tomo 2. Buenos Aires, A. de Mar- tino, 1913. 304 p. 8°. Horner G. R. B.: Medical topography of Brazil and Uruguay, with incidental remarks. By G. R. B. Horner. . . . Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blackistone, 1845. 296 p. 8°. Koebel, W. H.: Uruguay. By W. H. Koebel. . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1911. 350 p. fold. map. plates. 8°. (A genera 1 description of the republic.) [Chapter on Uruguay in his: "South America."] See Koebel, W. H. (Among general books). Lawrence, Harry: Uruguay to-day. "South A?n." Sept. 1, 1913. p. 165. illus. Lloyd's Greater Britain Publishing Co.: Twentieth Century Impressions of Uru- guay. Its history, people, commerce, industries and resources. London, Lloyd's Greater Britain Publishing Co., Ltd., 1912. 524 p. illus. map. 4°. (An extensive work on climate, flora and fauna, immigration, institutions, education, government, railways, agriculture and stock raising, mining, commerce, finance, history, and description of each state.) Maeso, Carlos M.: El Uruguay £ traves de un siglo . . . por Carlos M. Maeso. Con arreglo a los mas modernos y veridicos datos recopilados expresa- mente e" ilustrada con numerosos grabados. . . . Montevideo, Tip. y lit. Moderna, 1910. 533 p. plates, illus. (Text in Spanish and French.) Martinez, Albert B.: Baedeker of the Argentine Republic. By Albert B. Mar- tinez. Including also parts of Brazil, the Republic of Uruguay, Chili and Bolivia. . . . 4th edition. Barcelona, R. Sopena, printer, 1914. xviii, 430 p. illus. maps, plates. 8°. Manuel du voyageur. Baedeker de la Republique Argentine. Par Albert B. Martinez. Comprenant aussi une partie du Br6sil, de la Republique Orientale de l'Uruguay, du Chili, et de la Bolivie. . . . 3rd ed. Barcelona, A. Lopez Robert, imprimeur. 1907. xv, 632 p. maps, plates, illus. Mascaro, Pedro: Re vista del Archivo general administrativo 6 colecci6n de documentos para servir al estudio de la historia de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay patrocinada por el gobierno y dirigida por el Dr. Pedro Mascar6. Montevideo, Imprenta "El Siglo Ilustrado," 1885. 3 vols. 8°. Miranda, Julian O.: Compendio de historia nacional (1830-1907). Por Julian O. Miranda. Tercera edici6n. Montevideo, A. Barreiroy Ramos, 1911. 276 p. 8°. Paez, A. Martinez: El departamento de Minas. "Mercurio." Barcelona, Jan. 25, 1912. p. 21. illus. Page, Jesse: Uruguay included in: "The land of the peaks and the pampas." (Among general books.) Palomeque, Alberto: Conferencias hist6ricas. Libreria de la Universidad. Monte- video, 1909. 244 p. 8°. La jurisdicci6n del Plata. Martin Garcia. La Laguna Merin. Editor Luis F. Guimaraens. Montevideo, 1909. 286 p. 8°. Pan American Union: . . . Uruguay. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 15 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. 18 p. 8°. Same. 1911. 19 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1912. 14 p. 8°. Same. 1913. 31 p. illus. 8°. [Perret, E. (Hermano Damascero)]: Ensayo de historia patria, por H. D. Obra adaptada £ los programas de maestros y de la Universidad de Montevideo (1° y 2°ano). La cronologia y la geografia son los dos ojos de la historia. 2. edici6n Montevideo, Tail. Graficos A. Barreiro y Ramos, 1909. 707 p. illus. maps. 8°. Porter, Robert P. [Chapter on Uruguay]. See Porter, Robert P. (Among general, books). LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 117 Raviol, Luis M. [Chapter on Uruguay]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). La Republica Oriental del Uruguay: (America del Sur) en la esposicidn de Viena. Montevideo, Imp. a vapor de La Tribuna, 1873. 288 p. 8°. (A general description of the republic. ) Reyes, Rafael: General Reyes sees in Uruguay an era of lasting peace. A land of the future for immigrants. "N. Y. Times." Aug. 24, 1913. The two Americas. (See general books.) Richling, Jose: Physical, agricultural and commercial aspects. "Am. Exporter." May, 1911. Supp. illus. Roosevelt, Theodore: Montevideo. "Outlook." Feb. 28, 1914- p. 475. illus. Sampognaro, Virgilio: L'Uruguay au commencement du XX e siecle. Par Virgilio Sampognaro, Secretaire de legation de l'Uruguay. Publie sous les auspices du comite de la republique a l'exposition de Bruxelles en 1910. La Haye, Juillet 1910. [10], 396 [8] p. illus. map. 8°. San Martin, Juan Zorilla de: La Epopeya de Artigas. Historia de los tiempos her6icos del Uruguay. Por Juan Zorilla de San Martin. Tomos 1 y 2. Monte- video, A. Barreiro y Ramos, 1910. 2 v. illus. fronts. 8°. Sears, Anna Wentworth: Montevideo included in her: "Two on a tour in South America." (Among general jjooks.) Segundo, Jose Pedro: ... La batalla de Las Piedras y la revoluci6n sud americana. Escrito redactado, segiin enpargo especial, con ocasi6n del cen- tenario de Las Piedras, por Jose Pedro Segundo. Montevideo, Imp. y Lit. Oriental, 1911. 15 p. 8°. South American yearbook: Uruguay included in: "The South American year- book." (Among general books.) Subercaseaux, B. Vicuna: Correrias. Republica Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brasil, Portugal, Espana, Francia, Italia, Suiza. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta "Barcelona," 1911. 514 (1) p. 12°. Sur les "Campos" de l'Uruguay. " France- Amerique." October, 1913. p. 238. Uruguay. Direccion general de inst nice ion primaria: El centenario de la batalla de Las Piedras. El Homenaje del pueblo oriental. Montevideo, Imp. "El Siglo Ilustrado," 1912. 224 p. illus. 8°. Uruguay rapidly becoming Americanized. "South Am." April 1,1914. V- 6 - illus. , Uruguay Weekly News: Yearbook for 1913. Issued by the Uruguay weekly news. Montevideo. 1 vol. illus. (A special edition, containing descriptive data of the republic and its industries. Issued annually. ) Van Dyke, Harry Weston [Chapter on Uruguay]. See Van Dyke, Harry Weston (Among general books). Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique [Chapter on Uruguay]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). Villar, Emilio H. del [Chapter on Uruguay]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). La ville de Montevideo. "France- Amerique." March, 1913. p. 158. Wheeler, W. W. [Chapter on Montevideo]. See Wheeler, W. W. (Among general books). Wing, Joseph F.: Uruguay included in his: "In foreign fields." (Among general books.) Zamacois, Eduardo [Chapter on Montevideo]. See Zamacois, Eduardo (Among general books). 118 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. VENEZUELA. Academia Nacional de la Historia: Documentos para los anales de Venezuela desde el movimiento seperatista de Colombia hasta nuestros dias. Coordinados y publicados . . . por la Comisi6n de Anales de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. Tercero periodo. Tomo 1. Caracas, Empresa "El Cojo," 1909. 288 [xxiv] p. 8°. Discursos leidos en la Academia Nacional de la Historia en la recepcion publica del Senor Doctor Pedro M. Arcaya el dia 11 de diciembre de 1910. 58 p. 8°. Acosta, Cecilio: Obras. (Por Cecilio Acosta.) T. 1-5. Caracas, Empresa "El Cojo," 1907-1909. 5 v. 8°. Akers, Charles Edmond [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Akers, Charles Edmond (Among general books). Alvarado, Lisandro: . . . Historia de la revoluci6n federal en Venezuela. Caracas, Lit. y tip. del Comercio, 1909. 549 (1) p. maps. col. front. 4°. Anzola, Juvenal: De Caracas a San Cristobal por el Doctor Juvena Anzola. . . . Caracas, Tip. Empresa "El Cojo," 1913. front, port. xvi,227p. 8°. Bayo, Ciro: Venezuela included in his: "Los Maranones." (Among general books.) Beebe, Mary Blair: Our search for a wilderness. An account of two ornithological expeditions to Venezuela and to British Guiana. By Mary Blair Beebe and C. William Beebe. . . . New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1910. xix, 408 (4) p. illus. plates. 8°. Bendrat, T. A.: Im Herzen von Venezuela. [Description of Caicaoa on Orinoco.] "Petermann's." May, 1910. 259 p. map. Boero, Jorge A. [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Boero, Jorge A. (Among general books). Bolivar's British legion. "Times Supp." May 30, 1912. p. 4. Bolivar, Gabrielade: Venezuela. "Jour.of theManch.Geog.Soc." 25:18.1909. Bollo, Luis Cincinato [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Bollo, Luis Cincinato (Among general books). Bonsai, Stephen [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Bonsai, Stephen (Among general books). Booth, W. H.: Venezuela, its resources and opportunities. "Cassier's." July, 1911. p. 226. illus. Boyce, W. D. [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Boyce, W. D. (Among general books). Brown, G. M. L.: Across the llanos. "Trop. Am." June, 1908. p. 209. illus. Calderon, F. Garcia: Venezuela [included in his: "Latin America." (Among general books.) Caracas. "Rev. Tecnica." July, 1912. p. 2 It. illus. Municipal organizations of Latin American Capitals. "Bulletin." August, 1909. p. 372. illus. Cisneros, Joseph Luis de: Descripci6n exacta de la provincia de Venezuela, por D. Joseph Luis de Cisneros. . . . Reproducci6n de la edicitfn de Valencia, 1764. Madrid, Victoriano Suarez [1913]. xi, 220 (1) p. 8°. (At head of title, "Colecci6n de libros raros 6 curiosos que tratan de America. Segunda serie. Tomo XXI.") Corlett, William Thomas [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Corlett, William Thomas (Among general books). Dalton, Leonard V.: Venezuela. By Leonard V. Dalton. . . . New York, Charles Scribner's Sons. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1912. 320 p. fold. map. illus. 8°. CONTENTS. Physical description, geology, history, plants and animals, history under and before Spanish rule, history 1811-1911, modern Venezuela, the aborigines, the states.economic development, communi- cation and transportation, the future of Venezuela, appendices A to E, on commerce, finance, and other economic subjects, bibliography. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 119 Dario, Ruben: Venezuela. [Description.] "Mundial." July, 1912. p. 197. illus. [Description]: "Pan. Am. Mag." April, 1918. (Entire copy devoted to Venezuela.) Duane, William: A visit to Colombia, in the years 1822 & 1823. Philadelphia, T. H. Palmer, 1826. vii (1) 632 p. front. 8°. [Venezuela included.] [Dauxion-jLavaysse, Jean Francois: A statistical, commercial and political description of Venezuela, Trinidad, Margarita and Toboga; containing various anecdotes and observations, illustrative of the past and present state of these interesting countries; from the French of M. Lavaysse with an introduction and explanatory notes by the editor [Edward Blaquiere]. . . . London, G. and W. B. Whittaker, 1820. iii, xxxix, 479 p. front, fold. map. 8°. Esteller, Antonio: Catecismo de historia de Venezuela desde su descubrimiento hasta la muerte del liberator por Antonio Esteller. Sexta edici6n, corregida y aumentada. Caracas, L. Puig Ros, 1909. 148 p. 8°. Furlong, Charles Wellington: Across the Venezuelan Llanos. "Harper's." May, 1914. p. 813. illus. Gil Fortoul, Jose: Historia constitucional de Venezuela por Jose Gil Fortoul. Berlin, Carl Heymann, 1907-1909. 2 vols. 4°. Tomo 1, La colonia, la independencia, la gran Colombia. Tomo 2, La oligarquia conservadora; la oligarquia liberal. Gonzalez, Eloy G.: . . . Historia estadistica de Cojedes desde 1771. Decre- tada por el Gobierno del estado en la conmemoraci6n del centenario de Vene- zuela. Caracas, Tip. Americana, 1911. xx, 186 p. 8°. Granado, Miguel Angel: Lecciones elementales de geografia de Venezuela acom- pafiadas de su carta geogr£fica con unos datos hist6ricos por Miguel Angel Granado. . . . Cuarta edici6n, corregida y aumentada. Caracas, L. Puig Ros, 1906. 60 p. 12°. Geografia de Venezuela y nociones de geografia universal para escuelas de segundo grado por Miguel Angel Granado. . . . Edici6n del centenario. Segunda edici6n aumentada, corregida e ilustrada. . . . Caracas, L. Puig Ros, 1911. 228 p. illus. maps. 12°. Great Britain. Hydrographic office: Venezuela included in "Great Britain. Hydrographic office." (See among general books.) Guerrero, Emilio Constantino: El Tachiro fisico, politico e ilustrado por el Doctor Emilio Constantino Guerrero. . . . Caracas, Tip. Herrera Irigoyen & Co., 1905. 306, lv p. 8°. Guinan, Francisco Gonzalez: Historia contemporanea de Venezuela, por Fran- cisco Gonzalez Guinan. . . . Tomos 1-10. Caracas, Tip. Empresa el Co jo, 1909-1911. 9 v. 8°. (Tomo 9 missing. ) Hippisley, G[ustavus]: A narrative of the expedition to the rivers Orinoco and Apure" in South America, which sailed from England in November, 1817, and joined the patriotic forces in Venezuela and Caracas. By G. Hippisley. . . . London, J. Murray, 1819. xix (1) 653 (1) p. 8°. Historia Patria. Relacion cronologica sobre la guerra de la independencia. "Bol. de Acad. Nac. de la Hist." Sept. 80, 1918. p. 179. Jahn, Alfredo: La Cordillera Venezolana de los Andes por Alfredo Jahn, Ingeniero jefe de la Comisi6n cientifica exploradora del occidente de Venezuela. Caracas, Lit. y Tip. del Comercio, 1912, 40 p. illus. 4°. title cover. Koebel, W H. [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Koebel, W. H. (Among general books). Koch-Grlinberg Theodor: Meine Reise durch Nord Brasilien zum Orinoco. 1911- 1918. "Zeitschriftder Ges.fiir Erdkunde." 1913. p. 665. illus. map. Landaeta Rosales, Manuel: La batalla de Carabobo. 1821. Caracas, Tip. Empresa "El Cojo," 1911. 22 p. plates. 4° La casa fuerte de Barcelona. Caracas, Tip. "Universal," 1911. 30 p. front. 8°. 120 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Landaeta Rosales, Manuel: El primer presidente de Venezuela. "Espana y America." October, 1913. p. 15. Level, L. Duarte: . . . Historia patria. Caracas, Tip. Americana, 1911. 473 (2) p. 8°. Mancini, Jules: . . . Bolivar et Emancipation des colonies espagnolesfdes origines a 1815. . . . Paris, Perrin et Cia., 1912. 606 p. front, (port.) map. 8°. Manning, Isaac A.: La Guaira the picturesque. "Bulletin." October, 1910. p. 642. illus. Mendez y Mendoza, J. de D.: Historia de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Decretada por su rector como contribuci6n del Instituto a la celebration del primer centenario de la independencia nacional y escrita por el Dr. J. de D. Mendez y Mendoza. Tomo 1. Caracas, Tip. Americanas, 1911. 414 p. 8°. Miller, Leo E.: To the Maquiritares land (upper Orinoco). "Am. Mu. Jour." December, 1913. p. 351. illus. Montolieu, Federico: Viaje al Inirida. Afluente del Guaviare. "Rev. Tecnica." August, 1913. p. 556. map. Mozans, H. J.: Up the Orinoco and down the Magdalena. By H. J. Mozans. . . . New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1910. xiii, 439 p. map. illus. 8°. CONTENTS. Trinidad and the Orinoco, the Great River, El Rio Meta, approaching the Andes, the Llanos of Colombia, the Cordillera of the Andes, in cloudland, the Athens of South America, the Muisca trail, the valley of the Magdalena, in the track of plate-fleets and buccaneers, the rich coast, bibliography, index. Myer, H. M.: Venezuela included in his: "Life and nature under the tropics." (See among general books.) Nucete, Manuel V.: Libro del centenario. Merida en el primer centenario de la independencia nacional. Merida, Imp. Oficial, 1911. 285 p. 8°. Ofrenda de la Prensa Valerana a los padres de la patria en el primer centenario de la independencia 1811, 5 de julio 1911. Valera, 1911. [18] p. 4°. Ollendorff, P. (editor) : Alcance al diario de Bucaramanga, editado por la casa de P. Ollendorff de Paris. Caracas, 1912. 96 p. 8°. Orograf ia de la Cordillera Venezolana de los Andes. "Rev. Tecnica." Sep- tember, 1912. p. 451. illus. map. Page, Jesse: Venezuela included in: "The land of the peaks and the pampas." (See under general books.) Pan American Union: . . . -Venezuela. General descriptive data prepared in June, 1909. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 16 p. illus. 8°. Same. 1910. 18 p. 8°. 20 p. 8°. 8°. 30 p. 8°. Pearson, Henry C: The rubber country of the Amazon. A detailed description of the great rubber industry of the Amazon Valley, which comprises the Brazilian states of Para, Amazonas and Matto Grosso, the territory of the Acre, the mon- tafia of Peru and Bolivia, and the southern portions of Colombia and Venezuela. By Henry C. Pearson. . . . New York, The India Rubber World, 1911. x, 328 p. illus. maps. 8°. Up the Orinoco river. "India R. W." June 1, 1912. p. 419. illus. Perez Triana, S. : Down the Orinoco in a canoe. By S. Perez Triana, with an introduction by R. B. Cunninghame Graham. . . . London, W. Heine- mann, 1902. xv, 253 p. fold. map. 8°. Ponte, J. M. Nunez: Estudio hist6rico acerca de la esclavitud y de su abolici6n en Venezuela por J. M. Nunez Ponte. . . . Caracas, Tip. Emp. El Cojo, 1911. 70 (1) p. 8°. Porter, Robert P. [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Porter, Robert P. (Among general books). Same. 1911. illus. Same. 1912. lip Same. 1913. illus. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 121 Post, Charles Johnson: A "little Paris" of South America. A Sunday in Caracas. "Century." March, 1910. p. 782. illus. Rasor, W. W.: Caracas. The charm and beauty of Caracas. "Pan Am. Mag." April, 1918. p. 45. illus. Raviol, Luis M. [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Raviol, Luis M. (Among general books). Rivas, Angel Cesar: . . . Origenes de la independencia de Venezuela. Caracas, Empresa "El Cojo," 1909. 131 p. 8°. La segunda misi6n a Espafia de Don Fermin Toro. Caracas. Empresa "El Cojo," 1907. 106 p. 8°. Robinson, J. H.: Diario de una expediciondellfiO millas rematando el Orinoco y 800 por el Arauca con una relacion de la localidad, costumbres del pueblo. "Hori- zontes." June 30, 1912. p. 1433. Robertson, William Spence: Francisco de Miranda and the revolutionizing of Spanish America. By William Spence Robertson. . . . Reprinted from the annual report of the American historical association for 1907. Volume 1, pp. 189-540. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1909. 8°. Rojas, Pedro Ezequiel: Venezuela in the Pan American commercial conference held in Washington, Feb. 13-17, 1911. Remarks by the Venezuelan Minister, half title. [8] p. 8°. Salas, Julio C: Tierra firme. (Venezuela y Colombia.) Estudios sobre etnologia e* historia. Por Julio C. Salas. Merida, Tip. de "Paz y Trabajo," 1908. 350 p. 12°. Schacke, Fritz: Reisen in Mittel- und Sud-Amerika. III. Venezuela. "Sud-und Mittel-Amerika." Oct. 15, 1913. p. 298. illus. Sievers, Wilhelm [Chapter on Venezuela.] See Sievers, Wilhelm (Among general books). The South American yearbook: Venezuela included in: "The South American yearbook." (See under general books.) Tavera-Acosta, B.: Analesde Guayana. Por B. Tavera-Acosta. Tomo 1. Ciudad Bolivar, Tip. La Empresa, 1913. iii, 316 (2) p. plates. 8°. Same. Tomo 2. 1914. 332 (2) p. plates. 8°. A traves de la historia de Venezuela. [1811.] Ciudad Bolivar, B. Jimeno Castro, 1913. 283 p. plates. 8°. La monarquia Colombiana. Ciudad Bolivar, Empresa, "El Cojo." 1912. 49 p. 8°. Totten, Ralph J.: The lake and city of Maracaibo. "Bulletin." March, 1912. p. 361. illus. Trazivuk, Marcos J.: The renaissance of Venezuela. "National." March, 1913. p. 1091. illus. [Valbuena, Paulino I.]: Reminiscencia hist6rica sorpresa y toma de la plaza de Puerto Cabello, y tragico fin del Capitan Julian Ibarra. [Puerto Cabello], Lit. y tip. del Comercio, 1911. 21 p. maps, plates. 8°. Van Dyke, Harry Weston [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Van Dyke, Harry Weston (Among general books). Vanilla-Lanz, Laureano: La guerra de independencia fue una guerra civil. "Cojo Ilustrado." Nov. 1, 1912. port. Venezuela. The land of the llanos. "Bulletin." January, 1910. p. 48. illus. Venezuela and its future. /. Its easy access from England. II. Traveling on the Orinoco. "Times Supp." January, 1911. p. 5., and Feb. 28, 1911. p. 6. Venezuela. Natural position of this republic. "Times Supp." June 25, 1912. p. 2. Venezuelan progress. "Bulletin." December, 1918. p. 809. illus. Vera y GonzaJez, Enrique [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Vera y Gonzalez, Enrique (Among general books). 122 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Viajeal Inirida: Afluente del Guaviare. "Rev. Tecnica." August, 1913. p. 556. map. Villa, Antonio Rodriguez: El Teniente General Don Pablo, primer conde de Cartagena, Marques de la Puerta. Estudio biogrdfico documentado por Antonio Rodriguez Villa. Madrid, Estab. tip. de Fortanet, 1908 and 1910. 4 v. 8°. Tomos 1, Biografia. Tomo 2-4, Documentos, 1809-1837. Villanueva, Carlos A.: . . . La monarquia en America. Fernando VII y los nuevos estados. Paris, Libreria Paul Ollendorff [1912]. 291 p. plates. 12° Villar, Emilio H. del [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Villar, Emilio H. del (Among general books). Waleffe, Maurice de: The fair land of Central America. By Maurice de Waleffe. Translated by Violette M. Montagu. . . . Preface by Sir A. Conan Doyle. With twenty-four illustrations from photographs. London, John Long, Ltd, 1911. 287 p. illus. 8°. Wheeler W. W. [Chapter on Venezuela]. See Wheeler W. W. (Among general books). Whitney, Caspar: Through the gateway of El Dorado. "Harper's." November, 1911. p. 939. illus. Crossing the great cataracts of the Orinoco. "N. Y. Sun." Sept. 1, 1912. illus. Venezuela included in his: "The flowing road." (See among general books.) Yanes, Emilio A.: El primer congreso de Venezuela. "Rev. del Ateneo Hisp. Amer." February, 1914- p. 19. Yanes, Francisco Javier: A glance at Latin-American civilization. "Jour, of Race Development," April, 1914. p. 881. A reference list of BIBLIOGRAPHIES. (In compiling this list effort has been made to include only those devoted entirely to the classifica- tion. Many very good lists, published as chapters or appendixes to books, have of necessity been omitted.) Alvarez, V. Salado: Breve noticia de algunos manuscritos de interes hist6rico para Mexico, que se encuentran en los archivos y bibliotecas de Washington, D. C, formada por V. Salado Alvarez . . . Mexico, Imp. del Museo Nacional, 1908. xi, 24 p. 8°. (Extractado de tomo I. de la tercera epoca de los "Anales del Museo Nacional.") [Arranged alphabetically by authors, with compiler's notes following each entry.] Ambrosetti, Juan B.: Trabajos publicados. Por Juan B. Ambrosetti. Buenos Aires, Imp. de Juan A. Alsina, 1904. 8°. (List of the published works of Juan B. Ambrosetti arranged chronologically with title, date and place of publication given, includes periodical references.) Anrique R., Nicolas: Bibliografia maritima Chilena. (1840-1894) Por Nicolas Anrique R. Santiago de Chile, Imp. Cervantes, 1894. 205 p. 8°. (Alphabetically by author's names under subjects. Brief collations and some notes. Pages 156-196 contain list alphabetically arranged by places on geographic and hydrographic charts of the islands of the Pacific Ocean and the coasts of Peru and Chile. Collation and notes. Pages 199- 201 contain an alphabetical index of the names of authors and translators. Pages 203-205 contain an alphabetical index of geographical names.) Ensayo de una bibliografia hist6rica y jeografica de Chile. . . . por Nicolas Anrique R. i L. Ignacio Silva A. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Barce- lona, 1902. xix, 679 p. 8°. (Classified by sub-topics. Arranged alphabetically by authors. Full entries given.) Archivo Publico do Para: Annaes da bibliotheca e archivo publico do Para. Para, Imprenta de Alfredo Augusto Silva. An annual. Library has for years 1902, 1903, 1907 and 1910. 4 v. (Reprints of historical papers and documents in the library.) Argentine Republic. Comision nacional del centenario: Documentos del archivo general de Tucuman. Invasiones inglesas y revoluci6n recopilados por el P. Antonio Larrouy. Tomo 1. 1806-1807, 1810-1812. Buenos Aires, Imp. y Casa Editora "Juan A. Alsina," 1910. 560 p. 4°. (Catalogue of letters and papers with notes.) Ministerio de relaciones exteriores y culto. Biblioteca. Catdlogo de la bibli- oteca, mapoteca y archivo del Ministerio de relaciones exteriores y culto. Buenos Aires, Taileres gr&ficos de la penitenciaria nacional, 1905. vi, p. 31, [5]-555p. 8°. Same. Apendice servicios prestados en la carrera diplom&tica y administrativa 1810-1910. Buenos Aires, Imp. y Casa Editora "Juan A. Alsina," 1910. 1053 p. 4°. (Arranged by subjects alphabetically under author's names, with title date, and place of publication given. Pages 689-745 contain a bibliography of consular and diplomatic correspondence arranged chronologically by countries. Pages 749-862 contain a list of maps arranged chronologically by countries. Pages 869-873 contain a list ofthe "Jefes de Estado" arranged chronologically from 1810-1910. Pages 875-917 contain the Argentine diplomatic and consular corps arranged chrono- logically from 1810-1910. Pages 920-942 contain the foreign diplomatic and consular corps from 181 1-1910. Presidents and Ministers of Foreign Relations from 1852-1 910 also given and the present Argentine diplomatic and consular corps (1905-1910), as well as the foreign representatives at the national centennial in 1910.) Ministerio de relaciones exteriores y culto. Catalogo de documentos del Archivo de Indias en Sevilla referentes a la historia de la Republica Argentina. 1514-1810, vol. 2. (1752-1790) and 1778-1820, vol. 3 (1778-1820). Buenos Aires, Imprenta . . . " Juan A. Alsina. 1903. 640 (4) and 329 (9) p. 4°. (Contains in chronological order list of documents, referring to Argentine history as preserved in the Archivo de Indias in Sevilla. Short resum6 of letters, dates and number of accession in Sevilla.) 123 124 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Astor library catalogue: Authors and books. 1880. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1886-1888. 4 v. 8°. Barlow, Samuel Latham Mitchill: Catalogue of the American library of S. L. M. Barlow, prepared by James Osborne Wright. New York, 1889. xv, 450 p. 8°. [List of Americana arranged by authors. Publishers and collation omitted.] Batres, Antonio Jauregai: . . . Bibliografia hist6rica Guatemalteca a la honorable Municipalidad por el Sr. Lie. Don Antonio Batres Jauregai. Guate- mala, Tip. Nacional, 1908. 22 p. fronts. 8°. [An address reviewing the historical materia! of Guatemala. Brief titles, authors and dates given and in some cases imprints.] Beristain y Souza, Jose Mariano: Biblioteca Hispano-Americana Septentrional. Segunda edici6n, Tomos 1-3. Amecameca, Tip. del Colegio Catolico, 1883. 12°. T. 4. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Elzeviriana, 1897. 12°. [Alphabetically arranged by authors, and giving short biographical sketches. Reprint of a publica- tion printed at Mexico City in 1816.] Bibliographic de droit et de jurisprudence: Bibliographie general et complete des livres de droit et de jurisprudence publies jusqu'au 8 Novembre 1900 classee dans l'ordre des codes avec table alphabetique des matieres et de^ noms des auteurs. Paris, H. Welter, 1901. 168 pp. 8°. Biblioteca Colombina: Catalogo de sus libros impresos publicado por primera vez en virtud de acuerdo del Excmo. e Ilmo. Sr. Dr. D. Servando Arboli y Farando. . . . T. 1. Sevilla, Impr. de E. Rasco. 1889. 326 p. 12°. [Letters A and B of an alphabetically arranged list by authors, of books belonging to the library of Fernando Colon at Sevilla.] Biblioteca de la Facultad de Derecho: Catalogo de la biblioteca de la Facultad de Derecho y Notariado del Centre Seccion Latino- Americana. . . . Guatemala, Siguere and Cia., 1898. pp. 217-300. 8°. Biblioteca del Instituto Pedagojico: Catalogo de la Biblioteca del Instituto Pedagojica. In Memoria del Ministerio de justica 6 instruccion publica, Chile. 1896. pp. 72-196. Biblioteca Nacional Argentina: Catalogo metodico de la Biblioteca Nacional seguido de una tabla alfabetica de autores. Tomo segundo. Historic y geo- grafia. Buenos Aires, Coni Hermanos, 1900. 639 p. 4°. (Arranged under classifications, alphabetically by authors with collation and notes given Has alphabetical index to authors and one of collaborators with reference to the principal author.) Catalogo por orden cron61ogico de los manuscritos relativos a America y Europa existentes en la Biblioteca Nacional en Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Imp. de la Biblioteca Nacional, 1906. 97 p 8°. (Arranged chronologically by subjects. Alphabetical index of authors.) Catalogo de las revistas y periddicos existentes en la Biblioteca Nacional (con exclusi6n de los diarios politicos). Buenos Aires, Imp. de la Biblioteca Nacional, 1904. 76 p. 8°. - (Alphabetical list of reviews and periodicals with place of publication and date established ) Biblioteca Nacional, Costa Rica: Informe de la biblioteca nacional y oficina de dep6sito y cange de publicaciones. 1896-1897. San Jose, Tip. Nacional, 1897. 44 p. 4°. (Pages 33-34 contain a list of magazines and newspapers published in Costa Rica since 1835.) Same. 1910. San Jose, Tip. Nacional, 1911. (Pages 10-17 contain list of periodicals.) Biblioteca Paraguaya: Catalogo de la Biblioteca Faraguaya " Solano Lopez." Asunci6n, Tall. Nacionales de H. Kraus. 1906. 984 p. 8°. (Alphabetically arranged under author's name with title, date and place of publication.) Biblioteca Pineda: Biblioteca del ex-coronel Pineda, 6 coleccion de publicaciones hechas en el vireinato de Santa Fe y en las repiiblicas de Colombia y Nueva Granada, desde 1774 & 1850, y de varios manuscritos nacionales, e impresos extranjeros, relacionados con los negocios de la republica, anteriores, contem- poraneos y posteriores d, la revoluci6n 1810; dedicada con el mas profundo recono- cimiento, £ los ilustres patriacas de la independencia americana por medio del Augusto Congreso Granadino. Bogota, Imp. de el Tradicionista, 1872-1873. 2 vols. 8°. (Both volumes arranged by subjects with title, author and date of publication.) Tomo segundo: "Resumen de los documentos que forman la Nueva Biblioteca Pineda." Pages 222-236 contain list of periodicals. Pages 236-301 contain lists of state documents. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 125 Biblioteca publica [de La Paz]: Catalogo general de la biblioteca publica. Por P. Kramer B. caption title. 97 p. 8°. (List of books in the Library classified by subjects and countries. Name of author, half title, and date.) Biblioteca publica "La Plata" : Catalogo general razonado de las obras adquiridas en las provincias Argentinas a las que se agregan muchas otras mas 6 menas raras por Antonio Zinny. San Martin, 1887. 344 p. 8°. Biblioteca Universitaria: Catalogo de las obras de la Biblipteca Universitaria arreglado por orden alfabetico de autores. San Salvador, Imp. Nacional, 1909. 27 p. 8°. (Includes books on the two subjects, Law' and Medicine. Surname of authors and half title only.) Bibliotheca Nacional de Rio de Janeiro: Qatalogo da colleccao cerventina com que a Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro concorreu a exposicao comme- morativa . . .do Don Quixote . . . 1905. Organisado por Antonio Janssen do Pago. Rio de Janeiro, Officinas ... da Bibliotheca Nacional, 1909. 96 (1) p. 8°. plates. (List of books, portraits and prints on Miguel de Cervantes and his "Don Quixote" as exhibited by the National Library. Giving special notes, full titles, and collation and sizes of portraits and prints. ) Annaes da Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, publicados sob a adminis- tracao do Director. . . . Tomos 1-27. 1876-1907. Rio de Janeiro, 1876- 1907, 26 v. 4°. (Annual. Composed of historical papers, though many bibliographical entries are found through- out the entire set. ) Catalogo por ordem chronologica das biblias, corpos de biblia, concordancias e comentarios existentes na Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Leuzinger, 1895. 337 p. 8°. (Extrahido do vol. 12 dos Annaes da Bibliotheca nacional.) Catalogo da Colleccao Salvador de Mendonca. Rio de Janeiro, Officina Typ. da Bibliotheca Nacional, 1906. 126 p. fronts. 8°. — — - Catalogo da exposicao de historia do Brazil realizada pela Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro a 2 de dezembro de 1881. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. de G. Leu- zinger & Filhos, 1881. 2 vols. Continuous paging. Vol. 1, vii 1-991 p. Vol. 2, 993-1612, iv, p. Same. Supplemento ao catalogo da exposicao de historia do Brazil. . . . Rio de Janeiro . . . 1883. t. p., vi, 1615-1755, 98, vi, 5 p. 4°. (Classified by subjects. Includes books, pamphlets, stamps and medals, maps and periodicals. Entries numbered 1 to 20337. ) Catalogo da exposicao permanente dos cimelios da Bibliotheca Nacional. Publicado sob a direccao do bibliothecario Joao de Saldanha da Gama. Rio de Janeiro. Typografia de G. Leuzinger y filhos. 1885. 1059 (xi) p. 8°. 5 plates. (Arranged in 4 groups: Pages 1-443, list of prints and maps; Pages 457-549, list of manuscripts; pages 55-913, list of stamps and prints; pages 931-1061, list of coins. Each list arranged chronologically with long notes, and an index to authors.] Catalogo dos manuscriptos da Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Tomos 1-5. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1878-1904. 5 v. 4°. Index. Estampas gravadas por Guilherme Francisco Lourenco Debrie. Catalogo organisado pelo Dr. Jose Zephyrino de Menezes Brum. Rio de Janeiro, Officinas de Artes Graphicas da Bibliotheca Nacional. 1908. 113 (2) plates. 8°. (Notes on prints give reference to publications. Pages 109-111 a resume of such books, giving full title.) Guia da exposicao permanente da Bibliotheca Nacional. Rio de Janeiro. Typ. de G. Leuzinger and filhos. 1885. (vi) 45 p. 12°. (Pages 1-22, division of printing gives list of books exhibited.) Biblioteca Nacional. Chile: Anuario dela prensa Chilena publicado por la Biblio- teca Nacional. Santiago de Chile. An annual. Library has for years: 1886, 1889-1894, 1898-1902. (List of books relating to Chile published each year, arranged alphabetically by authors or titles. Each volume contains an appendix of items omitted in previous years. Alphabetical index to authors, translators, etc. Full entries given.) Biblioteca Nacional. Chile: Boletin de la Biblioteca Nacional de Santiago. San- tiago de Chile. A quarterly. Library has for vears: 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909 and 1910. 6 v. 8°. (Lists of publications received.) 126 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Biblioteca Nacional. Chile. Revista de bibliografia Chilena y extranjera. Santi- ago de Chile. Monthly. (First published in January, 1913.) Biblioteca municipal de Guayaquil: Boletin. Guayaquil. Ecuador, Monthly. (Lists of additions to the library printed in each issue.) Anuario de la prensa Ecuatoriana publicado por la Biblioteca Municipal de Guaj'aquil . . . afios (I)-III. 1892-1894. Guayaquil; 1893-1895. 3 pamps. 8°. Biblioteca Nacional. Uruguay: Anales de la bibliografia Uruguaya. Tomo 1 (Ano 1895). Montevideo, Imp. a vapor de la Nation, 1896. 127 p. 8°. (Annual catalogue of books published in Uruguay. Classified by subjects, arranged alphabetically by author or title. Pages 95-113 contain list of periodicals.) Biolley, Pablo: Bibliografia. Obras publicadasen el extranjero acerca de la repiib- lica de Costa Rica durante el Siglo xix. Notas compiladas v ordenadas por Pablo Biolley. t. p. 365-404 p. In Revista de Costa Rica en el Siglo xix. Tomo primero. San Jose de Costa Rica, Tip. Nacional 1902. (Books listed were published from 1826 to 1900. Arranged chronologically by authors. Entries include periodical references. Collation not given in every case.) Blake, Sacramento Augusto Victoriano Alves: Diccionario bibliographico Brazileiro. Pelo Augusto Victorino Alves Sacramento Blake. Volumes 1-7. Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 1883-1902. 7 v. 8°. (Alphabetically arranged by authors, giving brief biographical sketch of each with list of titles of their books, followed by notes.) Bolivia. Ministerio de Colonizacion y Agricultura: Secci6n de Estadistica y Biblioteca. Catalogo general de las publicaciones ingresadas durante los afios de 1907 [y] 1908. [Afios 2 y 3]. La Paz, Tip. Comercial de Ismael Argote, 1908 and 1909. 2 pamphlets. 8°. (List of accesions in the Library. Bolivian publications arranged according to cities. Foreign pub- lications according to countries. Date and place of publication usually given.) Branner, C: Bibliography of the geology, mineralogy and palaeontology of Brazil. By John C. Branner. New York. Published by the Geological Society of America. New York, February, 1909. 132 (2) p. 8°. (Bibliography contains over 2000 titles.) Brazil. Ministerio da Marinha: Catalogo da bibliotheca da marinha. Primeira parte. Indice alphabetico por assumptos. . . . Rio de Janeiro, Impr. Nacional, 1904. xvi, 928 p. 8°. Segunda parte. Indice alphabetico por autores. Rio de Janeiro, Impr. Nacional 1904. 180 p. 8°. l°Sup. 1905. 29 p. 8°. 2° Sup. 1906. 38 p. 8°. (Arranged according to subjects. ) Brevoort, James Carson: A collection of rare Americana, including the remainder of the notable library of James Carson Brevoort, of Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . To be sold at auction Tuesday-Friday, February 25-28, 1890. . . . Bv Bangs & Co., New York. 202 (2) p. 8°. (Alphabetically arranged by authors.) Briseno, Ramon: Catalogo razonado de la Biblioteca Chileno- Americana de Don Ramon Briseno. Santiago de Chile, Imp. de "La Estrella de Chile." 1874. 105 p. 8°. (In two parts. Part 1. Chilean works arranged chronologically and alphabetically with title and name of author only. Alphabetical index by names of authors or titles given of these works. Chilean periodicals from 1818-1873 arranged alphabetically withfull information. Part 2. Ameri- can works. Alphabetical list by authors or titles.) Estadistica bibliogr&fica de la literatura Chilena. Obra compuesta, en virtud de encargo especial del Consejo de la Universidad de Chile, por . . . Ramon Briseno. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Chilena, 1862. xiii, 546 p. f°. (Pages 1-248, a catalogue of all Chilean books published from 1812 to 1859. Pages 349-472 titles are arranged chronologically (1812-1859) giving brief entry with page reference to complete entry. Pages 473-480, alphabetical list of periodicals published from 1812 to 1859. Pages 481-533, list of books relating to Chile but published in other countries, early 16th and 17th century books are included in this list. Pages 523-533 alphabetical list of Chilean authors. Pages 535-538 list of all authors mentioned. Pages 539-542 Addenda of omitted material; Pages 543-544, table of contents; pages 545-546, corrections.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 127 Brisefio, Ramon: Estadistica bibliografica de la literatura Chilena. Obra com- puesta en virtiid de encargo especial del consejo de la Universidad de Chile . . . por Ramon Brisefio. Tomo segundo. . . . Santiago de Chile, Imp. Nacional, 1879. xii, 508 p. 8°. (A general catalogue of all the publications in Chile, between the years 1860 and 1876 inc. following the alphabetical order of their titles with all the circumstances which distinguish them. Pages 425-525 contain a special catalogue of the different periodicals published in Chile between 1860- 1876 in chronological order with full notes.) British Museum: Catalogue of the American books in the library of the British Museum at Christmas, 1866. By Henry Stevens. . . . London, Chiswick Press, 1866. 628, 62, 17 p. 8°. Supp. catalogue of Canadian and other North American books. 2nd supp. Catalogue of American maps. Chile. Comision naval de la seccion Chilena (Esposicion internacional de Buffalo) : Catalogo de los libros, pianos, objetos exhibidos en la esposici6n inter- nacional de Buffalo por la Comisi6n naval de la secci6n Chilena. Valparaiso, Tall. tip. de la armada, 1901. 38 p. 8°. Chile. Oficina hidrografica: Catalogo de las obras enviadas por la Oficina hidrografica de Chile a la esposici6n de jeografia de Rio-Janeiro de 1888. San- tiago de Chile, Imprenta Nacional, 1888. 6 p. 8°. (Brief list of books published in Chile on hydrography, geography, voyages, science, history and statistics. ] Cooke, J. J.: Catalogue of the library of the late Joseph J. Cook, of Providence Rhode Island. . . . Americana; or books relating to America. The whole to be sold by auction at the Clinton Hall sale rooms on Monday, December 3, 1883 and following days. Geo. A. Leavitt & Co., auctioneers. New York, 1883. 401, 15 p. 4°. [Arranged by authors, publishers and collations omitted.] Chile. Direccion general de contabilidad: Resumen de la hacienda publica de Chile desde la independencia hasta 1900 editado en castellano e ingles por la Direcci6n general de contabilidad. 1901. No imprint, v. p. obi. 4°. (Bibliography of Chilean finance.) Dorsey, George A.: A bibliography of the anthropology of Peru. By George A Dorsey . . . Chicago, 1898. 206 p. 8°. (At head of title, "Field Colombian Museum. Publication 23. Anthropological series. Vol. 2, No. 2.) Decoud, Jose Segundo: A list of books, magazine articles and maps relating to Paraguay. Books, 1638-1903. Maps, 1599-1903. Prepared by Jose Segundo Decoud. ... A supplement to the Handbook of Paraguay, published in September, 1902, by the International Bureau of American Republics. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1904. 53 p. 8°. (Books and magazine articles arranged alphabetically under author's name with title, date and place of publication. Maps arranged chronologically with editor's notes.) Elias de Molina, Antonio: Ensayo de una bibliografia literaria de Espafia y Air, erica. Noticias de obras y estudios relacionados con la poesla, teatro, his- toria, novela, critica, literaria, etc., por Don Antonio Elias de Molina. . . . Literatura Americana. Madrid, Imp. de M. Marfany, n. d. 54 (1) p. 8°. Same. Literatura Castellana. Madrid, Imp. de M. Marfany, n. d. 166 p. 8°. Fewkes, J. Walter: Catalogue of the Hemenway collection in the Historico- Ameri- can Exposition of Madrid. By Dr. J. Walter Fewkes. From the report of the Madrid Commission, 1892. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1895. 297-327 p. 8°. Figarola-Caneda, Domingo: Bibliografia de Rafael M. Merchan, por Domingo Figarola-Caneda. . . , Segunda edition, corregida y aumentada. Habana, Imp. y Pap. La Universal, 1905. 48 p. 8°. (Catalogue of the writings of Rafael M. Merchan. First published in "El Figaro" of Havana. Arranged chronologically 1867-1902, with collations and notes. Pages 35-38 contain an appendix with new titles, amplifications and corrections. Pages 40-48, alphabetical index.) Garraux, A. L.: Bibliographie Bresilienne. Catalogue des ouvrages francais et latins relatifs au Bresil (1500-1898). Par A. L. Garraux. . . . Paris, Ch. Chadenat, librarie, 1898. 400 (2) p. 8°. (Arranged alphabetically, giving full title and collation and frequently short notes.) 128 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Gonzalez de la Rosa, Manuel: D6couverte de trois precieux ouvrages du m6tis Peruvien Bias Valera qu'on croyait detruits en 1596. Por Manuel Gonzalez de la Rosa. Extrait du " Journal de la Society des Americanistes de Paris," nouvelle serie tomo iv, numero 2. Paris, La Societe, 1908. 15 p. 4°. Griffin, A. P. C: Books relating to Cuba. Compiled by A. P. C. Griffin, of the Library of Congress. In International Bureau of the American Republics: Cuba, prepared by Senor Gonzalo de Quesada . . . Washington, GovernmentPrinting Office, 1905. Pages 315-512. [Alphabetically by authors. Each entry complete. Periodical references included. Pages 447- 512. "Maps relating to Cuba." Compiled by P. Lee Phillips of the Library of Congress.] List of books, with references to periodicals in the Library of Congress re- lating to Santo Domingo. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin, chief bibliographer, pages 234-250. In Hollander, Jacob H.: Report on the debt of Santo Domingo. . . . Washington, 1905. 250 p. 8°. [U. S. Congress, Executive doc, No. 1, 59th Congress, 1st session]. Heredia, Ricardo: Catalogue de la bibliotheque de M. Ricardo Heredia, Comte de Benahavis. (3 parts.) Paris, Paul L. Huard et Guillemin, 1891-1893. 3 v. 4°. Classified by subjects. CONTENTS. Part 1. Theology, Jurisprudence, Science, Art, Biography. Part 2. Belle-Lettres. Part 3. History and autographs. (Pages 262-323 include a supplement giving addenda to each classi- fication. ) No alphabetical arrangement under the classes is attempted. Detailed list of subjects, with page reference, given on last two pages of each part. Hispanic Society of America: Bibliographic Hispanique. Annual. New York, The Society, 1910 and 1911. 2 v. 12°. (A list of books issued during the year. First published, 1905.) Institut International d'Agriculture: Bulletin bibliographique hebdomadaire. Rome. Monthly. (Lists of books and periodical references received.) Instituto historico, geographico e ethnographico Brasileiro: Catalogo das cartas geographicas, hidrographicas, atlas, pianos e vistas existentes na Biblio- theca do instituto historico, geographico e ethnographico Brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. Perselver, 1885. 118 p. 8°. [List arranged according to countries with full data given. Alphabetical index to authors. ] John Carter Brown Library: . . . Books printed in Lima and elsewhere on South America after 1800. Boston, The Merrymount Press, 1908. 8 p. 8°. (Has two additional leaves: "Books, 1585-1800." "Books, before 1801.") (Brief entries arranged chronologically. ) Landaeta Rosales, Manuel: Indice de los trabajos hist6ricos y estadisticos de Manuel Landaeta Rosales. Caracas, Tip. Americana, 1908. 30 (1) p. 8°. Leon, Nicolas: Apuntes para una bibliografia antropol6gica de Mexico. (Soma- tologia.) Por Nicol&s Leon. . . . Mexico, Imp del Museo Nacional, 1910. 18 p. 8°. Biblioteca Botanico-Mexicana. Catalogo bibliografico y critico de autores y escritos referentes a vegetales de Mexico y sus aplicaciones, desde la conquista hasta el presente. [With appendix.] Suplemento a la materia Mexicano pub- licada por el Instituto Medico Nacional escrito por Nicolas Leon, . . . Mexico, Oficina tip. de la Secretaria de fomento, 1895. 372 p. 8°. La obstetricia en Mexico. Notas biogrdficas, etnicas, hist6ricas, documenta- rias y criticas, de los origines hist6ricos hasta el afio 1910. Colegidas y ordenadas por Nicolas Le6n. . . . Mexico, Tip. de la vda. de F. Diaz de Leon, 1910, viii, 743 (4) p. 8°. (1st part: bibliography gives in alphabetical order reference to 1,010 books and other publications referring to obstetrical science and published in Mexico or written by Mexicans and published in foreign countries.) Lowell city library: A list of books relating to Mexico, Central and South America in the Lowell city library. Published by the . . . Library, Lowell, Mass., July, 1911. 29 p. 8°. cover title. Machado, Diogo Barboza: Catalogo dos retratos colligidos por Diogo Barboza Machado. 8 vols. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. de G. Leuzinger 6 filhos. 1893-1905. 8° (1,980 portraits with a general index, arranged alphabetically, p. 87 of vol. viii. Notations on each picture. Vol. i, p. ix-xix, alphabetical list of books mentioned in catalogue.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 129 Medina, Jose Toribio: Biblioteca Hispano-Chilena. (1523-1817.) Por Jose Toribio Medina. . . . Tomos l r 2. Santiago de Chile, Impreso y grabado en casa del autor : 1898-1899. 3 v. 4 C Tomo 1. 1523-1699. Tomo2. 1601-1768. Tomo 3. 1769-1817. The compiler has given complete title, and in some cases fac-similes of the title pages, together with reproductions of notable illustrations. Excerpts, tables of contents, or the compiler's notes accompany each entry. Ensayo acerca de una mapoteca Chilena 6 sea de una coleccion de los titulos de los mapas, pianos y vistas relativos a Chile arreglados cronologicamente con una introduccion historica. . . . Por J. T. Medina. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Ercilla, 1889. (cxxviii) 254 (1) p. 12°. (1). South America in General. (2). Chile, together with other South American countries. (3). Chile. (4). Patagonia. (5). Pacific islands. (6). Documents, list of maps, prints on Chilean cartography. Mitre, Bartolome: . . . Catalogo razonado de la secci6n lenguas Americanas por Bartolome Mitre, con una introduccion de Luis Maria Torres. Buenos Aires, Imprenta de Coni hermanos, 1909 & 1910. 2 v. 8°. [Bibliography of books relating to American languages. Full particulars with notes. ] Lenguas Americanas, Estudio bibliografico-linguistico de las obras del P. Luis de Valdivia sobre el Araucano y el Allentiak, con un vocabulario razonado del Allentiak por Bartolome Mitre. La Plata, 1894. 153 p. 16°. Monsegur, Sylla J.: El derecho internacional privado en la Republica Argentina. Apuntaciones bibliograficas por Sylla J. Monsegur. Buenos Aires, Imp. de M. Biedma e" Hijo, 1898. 136 p. 8°. Museo Mitre: Catalogo de la biblioteca. Buenos Aires, Imp. de M. Biedma 6 hijo, 1907. 704 p. 8°. [Arranged by countries and subjects in alphabetical order by authors, without collations. Pages 681-703, list of 1,270 coins and medals.] Documentos de su Archivo Colonial. 1514-1810. Buenos Aires, Imp. de M. Biedma e Hijo, 1909. 293 p. 8°. List of the documents of the Museum referring to the Spanish dominion of the River Plate from the time of its discovery to 1810, arranged chronologically with notes. New York Public Library: List of works in the New York Public Library relating to Mexico. New York, 1909. Reprinted from the "Bulletin," October-Decem- ber, 1910. cover title. 186 p. 4°. Osores, Felix: Noticias bio-bibliograficas de alumnos distinguidos del Colegio de San Pedro, San Pablo y San Idlefonso de Mexico (hoy escuela n. preparatoria) por el Dr. Felix Osores. Mexico, Lib. de la Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1908. xiv, 336 p. plates. 12°. (At head of title, "Documentos in6ditos 6 muy raros para la historia de Mexico publicados - por Genaro Garcia. Tomo xix.) [Alphabetically arranged bibliography giving lists of books written or edited by the persons men- tioned.] Otero, Jose Q.: Guia bibliografica consultiva de obras, folletos, revistas y publi- caciones, sobre temas relacionados con la agricultura i la ganaderia nacionales por Jose G. Otero. Lima, Imp. y Encuadernacion de "La Academia," 1906. 99 p. 8°. Classified by subjects. Pages 53-99 contain an index to the principal laws, decrees and resolutions pertaining to agriculture and stock-farming, from 1821-1905. Pan American Union: A list of books, magazine articles and maps relating to Central America, including the republics of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Salvador. 1800-1900. Prepared by P. Lee Phillips. . . Comp. for the Bureau of the American republics. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1902. 109 p. 8°. Columbus Memorial Library: Catalogue of books, pamphlets, periodicals and maps relating to the Republic of Bolivia in The Columbus Memorial Library. Revised to March 31, 1905. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1905. Same. List of books on Latin American history and description (with refer- ences to articles in magazines). Nov. 1, 1907. Washington, International Bureau of the American Republics, 1907. 98 p. 8°. Supplement No. 1, Nov. 1, 1907, to July 8, 1909. Washington, Interna- tional Bureau of the American Republics, 1909. 34 p. 8°. 130 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Mariano Perez, Luis: Guide to the materials for American history in Cuban archives. By Luis Mariano Perez. Washington, D. C, published by the Car- negie Institution of Washington, 1907. 142 p. 8°. ["Documents on the relations between Cuba and the United States," chronologically arranged. Collations and notes. Pages 132-142 contain alphabetical index of authors and titles.] Perez, Luis M.: Bibliografla de la revoluci6n de Yara. Folletos y libros impresos de 1868 a 1908. Historia y politica, biografias, masoneria. Asuntos eclesidstico- politicos, esclavitud, asuntos econ6micos, asuntos administrativos, literatura patri6tica. Por Luis M. Perez. Habana, Imprenta Avisador Comercial, 1908. x, 72 p. 8°. Phillips, P. Lee: A list of books, magazine articles, and maps relating to Brazil. 1800-1900. Prepared by P. Lee Phillips, Chief of Division of maps and charts, Library of Congress. A supplement to the handbook of Brazil (1901), comp. for the Bureau of American republics. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1901. A list of books, magazine articles and maps relating to Central America, includ- ing the republics of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Salvador. 1800-1900. Prepared by P. Lee Phillips. Compiled for the Bureau of the American Republics. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1902. 109 p. 8°. A list of books, magazine articles and maps relating to Chile. Prepared by P. Lee Phillips. . . . Compiled for the International Bureau of American Republics. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1903. 110 p. 8°. Guiana and Venezuela cartography. By P. Lee Phillips. . . . Washing- ton, Goverment Printing Office, 1898. cover title. 681-776 p. 8°. (From the annual report of the American Historical Association for 1897.) Pombo, Jorge: . . . Catalogo de la secci6n de historia y geografia de America (de la) Biblioteca de Jorge Pombo. Obras escogidas. Bogota, Imprenta de "La Idea," 1906. 60 p. 8°. [Giving abbreviated titles only.] Ponce, Manuel Antonio: Bibliografla Pedag6jica Chilena (anotaciones) por Manuel Antonio Ponce. Para el Congreso Jeneral de Ensenanza Publica. San- tiago de Chile, Imp. Elzeviriana, 1902. 307 p. 8°. [Arranged by subjects, with alphabetical index.] "La Prensa": Catalogo de la biblioteca publica gratuita de "La Prensa," por orden de obras y de autores. Buenos Aires, 1906. 81 p. 8°. Prince, Carlos: Los Peruan6filos Anticuarios del siglo XIX por Carlos Prince. Lima, Imp. de la Escuela de Ingenieros, 1908. 283 p. 8°. [Historical and descriptive books on Peru. Arranged chronologically in periods of ten years, with extensive notes. Pages 245-283, an appendix.] [Quesada, Qonzalo de]: Isle of Pines. Bibliography. By Gonzalo de Quesada. No imprint, n. d. cover title. 9 p. 8°. [Chronologically arranged list of about one hundred maps, charts, publications, from 1492-1905, in the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C, with notes.] Rene-Moreno, Gabriel: Ensayo de una bibliografla general de los peri6dicos de Bolivia 1825-1905, por Gabriel Rene-Moreno. Santiago de Chile, 1905. 344 p. 12°. (Pages 299-330 contain some Argentine and Peruvian periodicals, from 1810-1901. Pages 3M2-344 contain an index to the first three series of the 534 vols, of "Documentos Bolivianos." Index by vols.) Rodrigues, J. C: . . . Catalogo annotado por livros sobre o Brasil e de algunas autographos e manuscriptos pertencentes a J. C. Rodrigues. . . . Parte 1, Descobrimento da America: Brasil colonial, 1492-1822. Rio de Janeiro, Typ. do " Jornal do Commercio," 1907. vi, 680 p. 4°. [Complete entries, with notes. Arranged alphabetically by authors.] Salas, Carlos I. : Bibliografla del General Don Jose" de San Martin y de la Emancipa- ci6n Sudamericana. Publicado bajo los auspicios de la Honorable Comi.-ridn del Centenario de la independencia Argentina. 1778-1910. Tomos primero a quinto. Buenos Aires, Companfa Sud Americana de Billetes de Banco, 1910. 5 vols, fronts, plates. 8°. [Alphabetically arranged bibliography of books, periodicals, etc., mentioning General San Martin. LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 131 Schuller, R[odolfo] R.: El vocabulario Araucano de 1642-1643 con notas criticas i algunas adiciones & las bibliograffas de la lengua Mapuche. Por R. R. Schuller. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Cervantes, 1907. 286 p. 4°. plates. [Full entries given, and in some cases fac-similies of title pages.] Sociedad Literaria "Amantes de la Luz:" Catalogo de las obras, novelas, folletos y peri6dicos que contiene la biblioteca de la Sociedad Literaria "Amantes de la Luz" fundada el 13 de Setiembre de 1874. Santiago de los Caballeros, Tip. de Ulises Franco Bido, 1911. 20 p. 8°. [Alphabetically arranged by authors with titles only. Pages 19-20 contain chronological list of periodicals relating to Latin- America, with place of publication.] Sociedade humanitaria dos empregados no commercio de S. Paulo: Catalogo de bibliotheca da Sociedade de S. Paulo. S. Paulo, Duprat and Comp., 1904. 75 p. 8°. (In the 15th report of the society.) Stevens, Henry: Historical Nuggets. Bibliotheca Americana or a descriptive account of my collection of rare books relating to America. By Henry Stevens. . . . London, printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, 1862. 2 vols. Vol. I, xii, 1-436 p., Vol. II, 437-805 p. [Alphabetically arranged by authors. Full entry of each book, with price.] Torres Lanzas, Pedro: Relaci6n descriptiva de los mapas, pianos, etc., de Mexico y Florida existentes en el archivo general de Indias por Pedro Torres Lanzas, jefe de dicho archivo. Tomos 1 & 2. Sevilla, Imp. de "El Mercantil," 1900. 2v, 12°. Tomo 1. 1519-1776. Tomo2. 1776-1823. [Alphabetical index to authors and place names on pp. 154-201 of vol. 2.] Trelles, Carlos M.: Bibliograffa Cubana del siglo XIX, por Carlos M. Trelles. In 2 vols. Tomo primero (1800-1825) y tomo segundo (1826-1840). Matanzas. Imp. de Quiros y Estrada, 1911 and 1912. 330 and 339 p. 8°. contents: Tomo 1. Prologue. Books and pamphlets published from 1800 to 1825. Appendix: Statement of the first books and pamphlets published ... in Cuba. Statements of the first periodicals published . . . in Cuba. Bibliography of Cuban bibliography. Statistics of the Cuban press. Size of the books. Opinions given concerning the Cuban bibliography of the 17th and 18th cen- tury. Index of authors and titles. General index. Tomo Segundo: Books and pamphlets published from 1825 to 1840. Pages 1-247. Appendix. Additions. The first Cuban pamphlet. List of Cuban writers of the 17th and 18th century. Statement of the first periodicals published in Cuba. By Dr. Francisco Llaca. Various statistics. The Cuban press, books, periodicals, school statistics, white population of America. Rare notes referring to the Cuban writers n>entioned in the Cuban bibliography of the 17th and 18th century, by Dr. Manuel Perez Beato. Index of authors and titles. General index. Bibliografia de la segunda guerra de independencia Cubana y de la Hispano- Yankee . . . por Carlos M. Trelles. Habana, no imprint, 1902. 49 p. 8°. [Arranged chronologically according to date of publication, from 1895-1900. Includes numerous periodical references.] Ensayo de Bibliografia Cubana de los siglos XVII y XVIII. Seguido de unos apuntes para la bibliografia Dominicana y Portoriquena por Carlos M. Trelles. Con suplemento. 2 vols. Matanzas, Imp. "El Escritorio," 1907 and 1908. 8°. [Books of the 17th and 18th century arranged according to places of publication. Alphabetical index of authors or titles in back of each vol.] Same. Supplemento por Carlos M. Trelles. Matanzas, Imp. "El Escritorio," 1908. 76 p. 8°. [Arranged chronologically in parts. Secci6n primera. "Libros y folletos escritos por Cubanos, en Cuba 6 fuera de Cuba y relaciones de mentos y relativas a Cubanos. "Seccion segunda. La imprenta en La Habana y en Santiago de Cuba en siglo XVIII." Secci6n tercera. Manuscritos. Seccion cuarta "Libros y folletos impresos en Espafia y otros paises y que total o parcialmente se refieren a Cuba." Alphabetical index of authors and titles. Indices de la bibliografia m^dico-farmace'utico Cubana. Publicada en los tomos XI y XII de la "Revista de Medicina y Cirurgfa de la Habana," por Carlos M. Trelles. Habana, Imprenta Avisador Comercial, 1907. 31 (1) p. 8°. Universidad Mayor de San Marcos: Catalogo de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Imprenta San Pedro, 1907. 113 p. 8°. 1" supplemento al catalogo . . . Lima, Imprenta de San Pedro, 1908. 132 p. 8°. 2° suplemento del catalogo . . . Lima, Imprenta San Pedro, 1909. 127 p. 8°. [Alphabetical list by authors of the books in the.Library.] 132 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. U. S. War Department Library: Index of publications, articles and maps relating to Mexico in the U. S. War Department Library. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1896. 120 p. 4°. Viola, Alberto Navarro: Anuario bibliogr&fico de la Republica Arjentina . . . Afio 2-8, 1880-1886. Buenos Aires, 1886-1887. 7 vols, in 4. 12°. {An annual catalogue of Argentine publications.] Winship, George Parker: Early South American newspapers. By George Parker Winship. . . . Worcester, the Davis Press, 1908. 15 p. cover title. 12°. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of The American Antiquarian Society for October, 1908.) [Contains chronologically arranged list of news sheets printed at Lima, from 1621-1767, recorded in J. T. Medina's "La Imprenta en Lima," Santiago de Chile, 1904.] Zeballos, Estanislao S.: Apuntaciones para la bibliografia Argentina por el Doctor Estanislao S. Zeballos. . . . Buenos Aires, 1897-1898. 5 pamphlets reprinted from "Boletin del Instituto Geografico Argentina." (Notes on books published during 1897 and 1898.) (Persons desiring further data will find the fists of books for sale issued by many of the large book dealers of America and Europe of value for reference. These lists can be had on application to direct the dealers.) PERIODICALS MENTIONED. Advocate of Peace. Boston, Mass. Agwi S. S. News. (Atlantic, Gulf & West Indies Steamship News, New York, N. Y.) America. Buffalo, N. Y. America e* Industrias Americanas. New York, N. Y. American Banker. New York, N. Y. American Catholic Quarterly. Philadelphia, Pa. American Conservation. (American Conservation, Washington, D. C.) American Exporter. New York, N. Y. American Grocer. New York, N. Y. American Historical Review. New York, N. Y. American Industries. New York, N. Y. American Journal of International Law. New York, N.Y. (and Washington,D.C). Am. Mu. Jour. (American Museum Journal, New York, N. Y.) Am. Rev. of Revs. (American Review of Reviews, New York, N. Y.) Annals Am. Academy of Political & Soc. Science. Philadelphia, Pa. Army & Navy Journal. New York, N. Y. Art & Progress. Washington, D. C. Atlantic. Boston, Mass. Bankers' Magazine. New York, N. Y. Bay View Magazine. Detroit, Mich. Black Diamond. Chicago, 111. Bohemia. Havana, Cuba. Bol. de la Acad. Nac. Hist. (Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Historia, Caracas, Venezuela.) Bol. del Inst. Geog. Arg. (Boletin del Instituto Geogrdfico Argentino, Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic.) Boletin del Ministerio de Agricultura. Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Bol. do Min. de Agri. (Boletim do Ministerio de Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.) Bol. Min. de Fom. (Boletin del Ministerio de Fomento, Lima, Peru.) Bol. del Min. de Guerra y Marina. (Boletin del Ministerio de Guerra y Marina, Lima, Peru.) Bol. del. Min. de Rel. Ex. (Boletin del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Bogota, Colombia.) Boletin de la Instrucci6n Piiblica. Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Bol. de la Of. Nac. Estad. (Boletin de la Oficina Nacional de Inmigraci6n, Esta- distica y Propaganda Geografica, La Paz, Bolivia.) Bol. de la Real Soc. Geog. (Boletin de la Real Sociedad Geografica, Madrid, Spain.) Bol. de la Sec. de Fomento. (Boletin de la Secretaria de Fomento, Obras Publica y Agricultura, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.) Bol. de la Soc. Geog. y Estad. (Boletin de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica, Mexico City, Mexico.) Bol. de la Soc. Geog. de La Paz. (Boletin de la Sociedad Geogr&fica de La Paz. La Paz, Bolivia.) Bol. de la Soc. Geog. de Lima. (Boletin de la Sociedad Geografica de Lima. Lima, Peru.) Bol. de la Soc. Geog. de Quito. (Boletin de la Sociedad Geografica de Quito. Quito, Ecuador.) Bolivie Economique. La Paz, Bolivia. Boston American. Boston, Mass. Breeders' Gazette. Chicago, 111. Buffalo News. Buffalo, N. Y. Bulletin semestriel de l'Observatoire Met6orologique du S6minaire College St. Martial. Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Bull. Am. Inst, of Min. Eng. (Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engi- neers, New York, N. Y.) Bull, of the Geog. Soc. of Phila. (Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadel- phia, Phila., Pa.) Bull. Nat. Asso. Credit Men. (Bulletin of the National Association of Credit Men, New York, N. Y.) Bulletin. (Bulletin of the Pan American Union, Washington, D. C.) 133 134 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Bull, de la Soctete" Beige d'Etudes Coloniales, Brussels, Belgium. Bull, de la Soc. de Geog. Com. (Bulletin de la Soctete" de Geographie Commerciale de Paris, Paris, France.) Business America. New York, N. Y. Business & Bookkeeper. Detroit, Mich. Caras y Caretas. Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Cassier's. (Cassier's Magazine, New York, N. Y.) Catholic World. New York, N. Y. Centro Am. (Centro America, Guatemala City, Guatemala.) Century. (Century Magazine, New York, N. Y.) Chamber of Commerce News. Boston, Mass. Chamber's. London, England. Chautauquan. Chautauqua, N. Y. Chicago Commerce. Chicago, 111. Christ. Sci. Mon. (Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Mass.) Chron. de Oro. (Chronicas de Oro, Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic.) Coast Banker. San Francisco, Cal. Cojo Ilustrado. Caracas, Venezuela. College Magazine. New York, N. Y. Columbiad. Hoboken, N. J. Comm. Am. (Commercial America, Philadelphia, Pa.) Commercial Intelligence. London, England. Cosmopolitan. New York, N. Y. Cotton. Atlanta, Ga. Country Life. (Country Life in America, New York, N. Y.) Cuba y America. Havana, Cuba. Cuba Mag. (Cuba Magazine, Havana, Cuba.) Cuba News. Havana, Cuba. Cur. Lit. (Current Literature, New York, N. Y.) Da. Cons. Rep. (Daily Consular & Trade Reports, Washington, D. C.) Daily Picayune. New Orleans, La. Diario Of. Mex. (Diario Oficial, Mexico City, Mexico.) D. Of. San Sal. (Diario Oficial, San Salvador, Salvador.) Droit Internat. Public. (Revue Gene>ale de Droit International Public, Paris, France.) Dun's Rev (International edition). New York, N. Y. Editorial Review. New York, N. Y. Elec. Rev. (Electrical Review & Western Electrician, Chicago, 111.) Engineer. London, England. Eng. Mag. (Engineering Magazine, New York, N. Y.) Eng. News. (Engineering News.) New York, N. Y. Exportador Am. (ericano). New York, N. Y. Export & Import. Jour. (Exporters & Importers Journal, New York, N. Y.) Export. Rev. (Exporters' Review, New York, N. Y.) Farm Implement News. Chicago, 111. Fin. Rev. of Rev. (Financial Review of Reviews, London, England.) Financial Times. London, England. Foreign Trade. New York, N. Y. Forum. New York, N. Y. France-Amerique. Paris, France. Geographie. Paris, France. Geog. Jour. (Geographical Journal, London, England.) Guatemalan Review. London, England. Harmsworth Self-Educator. New York, N. Y. (No longer published.) Harper's. (Harper's Monthly Magazine, New York, N. Y.) Harper's Weekly. New York, N. Y. Havana Post. Havana, Cuba. Hojas Selectas. Madrid, Spain. Horizontes. Caracas, Venezuela. Illustracao Brazileiro. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Illustraci6n Peruana. Lima, Peru. Inca Chron. (Inca Chronicle, La Fundici6n, Peru.) Independent. New York, N. Y. India R. W. (India Rubber World, New York, N. Y.) Interborough Bulletin. New York, N. Y. Interurban Magazine. St. Louis, Mo. Internat. Marine Eng. (International Marine Engineering, New York, N. Y.) LATIN AMERICAN DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY. 135 Jour, of Am. Asiatic Asso. New York, N. Y. Jour, of the Am. Bankers' Asso. New York, N. Y. Jour, of Com. (Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, New York, N. Y.) Jour, of the Manch. Geog. Soc. Manchester, England. Journal of Race Development. Worcester, Mass. Kosmos. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ladies' Home Journal. Philadelphia, Pa. Lat. Am. (Latin America, New Orleans, La.) Leslie's. New York, N. Y. Lippincott's. Philadelphia, Pa. Lit. Digest. (Literary Digest, New York, N. Y.) Lond. Cham, of Com. (London Chamber of Commerce, London, England.) Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Cal. Marine Journal. New York, N. Y. McClure's. New York, N. Y. Medical Freedom. New York, N. Y. Mercurio. Barcelona, Spain. Mercuric New Orleans, La. Metropolitan. New York, N. Y. Mex. Mag. (Mexican Magazine, Mexico City, Mexico.) Mex. Min. Jour. (Mexican Mining Journal, Mexico City, Mexico.) Mid Pacific. Honolulu, Hawaii. Min. Jour. (Mining Journal, London, England.) Min. & Sci. Press. (Mining & Scientific Press, San Francisco, Cal.) Modern Sanitation. Pittsburgh, Pa. Monetary Times. Toronto, Canada. Moody's. (Moody's Magazine, New York, N. Y.) Motor Age. Chicago, 111. Mundial. Paris, France. Mundo Ilustrado. Mexico City, Mexico. Municipal Development Magazine. Bloomington, 111. Nat Geog. Mag. (National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C.) National. (National Magazine, Boston, Mass.) National Waterways. Washington, D. C. New Age. (New Age Magazine, New York, N. Y.) New Eng. Mag. (New England Magazine, Boston, Mass.) News Currier. Charleston, S. C. N. Y. Evening Post. New York, N. Y. N. Y. Herald. New York, N. Y. N. Y. Japan Review. New York, N. Y. N. Y. Sun. New York, N. Y. N. Y. Times. New York, N. Y. N. Y. Tribune. New York, .N. Y. Nineteenth Cent. (The Nineteenth Century & After, New York, N. Y.) No. Am. Rev. (North American Review, New York, N. Y.) El Noticiero. San Jos6, Costa Rica. Old Bay Mag. (Old Bay Line Magazine, New York, N. Y.) Outdoor World and Recreation. New York, N. Y. Outing. New York, N. Y. Outlook. New York, N. Y. Overland. (Overland Monthly, New York, N. Y.) Pacific Marine Review. Seattle, Wash. Pac. Northwest Com. (Pacific Northwest Commerce, Seattle, Wash.) Pan Am. Mag. (Pan American Magazine, New Orleans, La.) Paper Mill. (Paper Mill & Wood Pulp News, New York, N. Y.) P. B, T. Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Peru Today. Lima, Peru. Petermann's. (Petermann's Mitteilungen, Gotha, Germany.) Phila. Public Ledger. Philadelphia, Pa. Pioneer Western Lumberman. San Francisco, Cal. Popular Sci. (Popular Science Monthly, New York, N. Y.) Porto Rico Illustrated. San Juan, Porto Rico. P. R. Rev. (Porto Rico Review, San Juan, Porto Rico.) Progress Mag. New York, N. Y. Railway & Marine News. Seattle, Wash. Railway World. Philadelphia, Pa. Recreation. New York, N. Y. 136 THE PAN AMERICAN UNION. Renacimiento. Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Rev. de Am. (Revista de Amenca, Paris, France.) Rev. of Revs. (Review of Reviews, London, England.) Revista del Ateneo Hispano Americano. Washington, D. C. Rev. of Riv. Plate. (Review of River Plate, Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic.) Revista Bimestre Cubana. Havana, Cuba. Rev. Chilena. (Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografia, Santiago de Chile.) Revista Econ6mica. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Rev. Int. de Dun. (Revista Internacional de Dun, New York, N. Y.) Rev. Hist. Montevideo. (Revista Hist6rica, Montevideo, Uruguay.) Rev. do Inst. Hist, e Geog. (Revista do Instituto e" Geographico, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.) Rev. Militar. (Revista Militar, Santiago de Chile.) Rev. Nac. de Col. (Revista Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.) Revista de Revistas. Mexico City, Mexico. Revista de la Sociedad Cubana de Ingenieros. Havana, Cuba. Rev. Tecnica. (Revista T6cnica del Ministerio de Obras Publicas, Caracas.) Revista Universitaria. Cuzco, Peru. Revue Diplomatique. Paris, France. St. Nicholas. New York, N. Y. Sanidad y Beneficencia. Havana, Cuba. Saturday Evening Post. Philadelphia, Pa. Scenic America. San Diego, Cal. Sci. Am. (Scientific American, New York, N. Y.) Scot. Geog. Mag. (Scottish Geographical Magazine, Edinburgh, Scotland.) Scribner's. (Scribner's Magazine, New York, N. Y.) Selecta. Santiago de Chile. Sendero Teosofico. Point Loma, Cal. Shipping Illustrated. New York, N. Y. Shoe & Leather Reporter. Boston, Mass. Silk. New York, N. Y. South Am. (South American, New York, N. Y.) S. A. J. (South American Journal, London, England.) Southern Cross. Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. So. Lumberman. (Southern Lumberman, Nashville, Tenn.) Southern Workman. Hampton, Va. Spirit of Missions. New York, N. Y. Sports Afield. Chicago, 111. Sud-und Mittel-Amerika. Berlin, Germany. Sunset. San Francisco, Cal. Taylor-Trot wood. Nashville, Tenn. (No longer published.) Teachers' Journal. Marion, Ind. Tech. Lit. (Technical Literature, New York, N. Y. Tech. W. (Technical World Magazine, Chicago, 111.) Textile Manufacturer. (Textile Manufacturers' Journal, New York, N. Y.) Theo. Path. (The Theosophical Path, Point Loma, Cal.) Timehri, Demerara, British Guiana. Times Supp. (The Times, South American Supplement, London, England.) Trafl&c World. Chicago, 111. Travel. New York, N. Y. Trop. Am. (Tropical & Sub-Tropical America, New York, N. Y.) (No longer pub- lished.) Uni6n Ibero Americana. Madrid, Spain. United Empire. London, England. Washington Herald. Washington, D. C Washington Post. Washington, D. C. Washington Star. Washington, D. C. West Coast Leader. Lima, Peru. West Coast Magazine. Los Angeles, Cal. Wide World Magazine. New York, N. Y. World Today. New York, N. Y. (Name changed to "Hearst Magazine.") W. W. (World's Work, New York, N. Y.) Worth While. Washington, D. C. Zig Zag. Santiago de Chile. Youth's Companion. Boston, Mass. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde. Berlin, Germany. THE PAN AMERICAN UNION is the inter- national organization and office maintained by the twenty-one American republics, as follows : Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela. It is devoted to the development and advancement of commerce, friendly intercourse, and good understanding among these countries. It is supported by quotas contributed by each country, based upon the population. Its affairs are administered by a Director General and Assistant Director, elected by and responsible to a Governing Board, which is composed of the Secretary of State of the United States and the diplomatic representatives in Washington of the other American govern- ments. These two executive officers are assisted by a staff of international experts, statisticians, commercial specialists, editors, translators, libra- rians and clerks. It publishes an illustrated monthly, "Bulletin," which is a carefully edited and attractive record of the present conditions, general progress, commerce and particular devel- opment of each republic. It can be obtained on the payment of a small subscription fee. The Columbus Memorial Library, established as a division of the Pan American Union, contains nearly 30,000 volumes, over 1,100 maps and atlases, 14,000 photographs, and receives over 46,000 pieces of periodical literature each year. The volumes include official records, laws, his- tory, narrative, description, statistics and general economic conditions relating to all the American republics, and can be consulted without charge by responsible persons. A dictionary catalogue and a card index to periodical literature is main- tained and now includes over 100,000 entries. if.T-0 tzr-i J ■■fri • THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. SEP 21 igg AP5? 4 1933 JUN 14 1933 JUN 11 1941 JUL 20 943 NOV 21 1988 2 3 UOAH pfepf. JJ) 21- / Z3343S UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY \