.>:--N;<-\;$t"';sSsJi^':ijS'^^:.x:^^^/^ ■.k!L . THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^;^^®^^^m^i3-^' -^m^ .^'^/:^%'?^'^?^!^'*«MiPc\. -^^i^-^^-^^^Eim^- H-r^¥i^^ HiLiU^r^^^mrt, jfefiTs^ m tO»J??' ??j'5i'!f THE MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH, 3^ Grave Cover of John Lacy ok Brearley (p. 23). Plate I. {Frontispiece. THE MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH EDITED BY E. W. CROSSLEY (Hon. Sec7'etary of the Yorkshire Archceological Society J LEEDS : iiiN Will 1 i,iii;ai) & Son. Ai.fukd S irrki', Hoar Lank 1909 2>/9 PREFACE. An attempt has been made in the following pages to give a copy of all the Inscriptions on the Monuments and Grave Covers which are now to be seen inside the church ; and also of all Inscrip- tions of both classes, of which there is any record in printed books, or in the manuscripts of private individuals. Many inscriptions on grave covers, which are now either covered by pews or are lost, have been preser\'ed to us by two industrious Halifax antiquaries, Messrs. E. J. Walker and S. T. Rigge, F.S.A. Apparently, Mr. Walker began to make his copies in the third quarter of the nineteenth century, for on folio 7 of his MS., which has been generousl}' placed at my disposal by Mr. William Farrer, F.S.A. , in reference to the inscriptions in the Holdsworth Chapel, occurs the following note : ' ' Upon the floor of the chapel — some of these were taken by my son, C.J.W., when the chapel was cleaned ; the bulk by m3^self in June, 1865, when the old unsightly pews adjoining the screen were all pulled away and the whole floor levelled, hot water pipes ])ut in, and the entire chapel fiUed with open stalls. — E.J.W." There appears to be no other indication in the MS. as to when these copies of tlie inscriptions were taken. This MS. passed into the hands of the late John Stansfeld, of Leeds, and bears his autograph signature and the date 3^^. Perhaps more accurate copies of the inscriptions are those made by Mr. Rigge, which have been kindly lent to me by Mr. J. W. Clay, F.S.A., who also sent me copies of most of the monumental inscriptions which were taken by him and Mr. Lister a good many years ago, witli a view to their jmblication in the Yorkshire ArchcBological Journal, in a similar way to what was done in regard to those in EUand Church. The task, however, was ne\er completed. The editor has personally checked or copied ever\' inscription now visible in the church, all of wliich are included in this work. He has added those to be found in iln- printod liistories of Halifax, 718847 VI PREFACK. those preserved b}- Mr. Rigge which are not now to be seen, and those copied b}' Mr. Walker which are not inchided in any of the above categories. When the inaccessibility of some of the monuments and the almost obliterated condition of some of the inscriptions on the grave covers is taken into consideration, some mistakes are un- avoidable, but e\'ery care has been taken to eliminate error as far as possible. The grave co\-ers, too, suffered considerably in the restoration of the church, when a good many of them were cut down, v\ith the consequent loss of portions of their inscriptions. The heraldry on the monuments presents some difficulty. It is probably not always accurately portra3^ed, but an endeavour has been made to describe it as it is, rather than what, perhaps, it ought to be. My thanks are due to Mr. Clay and Mr. Farrer for the loan of Rigge's and ^^'alker's MSS.; to Mr. John Lister, M.A., for his ever- willing assistance on many points on \\'hich I have consulted him ; to Mr. C. C. Hodges for his note on the Early Grave Covers ; to Mr. H. P. Ivendall for the photographs from which the plates ha\'e been reproduced ; and to the Rev. Canon Savage for the facilities he has given me in the task of copying the inscriptions. E. W. CROSSLEY. Dean House, Triangle, Halifax, July, 1909. CONTENTS. » PAGE I. Monumental Inscriptions. (a) Now in the Church ------- i (d) Not now to be found in the Church - - - 5^ II. Inscriptions relating to Stained Glass Windows, etc. la) Now in the Church - - - - - - - 6i (d) Not nuw to be found in the Church - - - 74 III. Inscriptions on Grave Covers. (a) Now to be seen in the Church : — In the Aisle of the Rokeby Chapel - - - 75 North Aisle - - - . . . 76 Middle Aisle - - - - - - 80 South Ai.sle ------ 87 East Cross Aisle ----- 94 West Cross Aisle - - - - - 101 Holdsworth Chapel - - - 112 (^) Not now to be seen in the Church : — 1 Inscriptions on (irave Covers recorded in Printed Works - - - - - - 120 2 Inscriptions on Grave Covers recorded in Kigge's MS. - - - - - - - 128 3 Inscripti(^ns on Grave Covers recorded in Walker's MS. ------ 138 4 Inscription on Grave Cover recorded in Brearcliffe's MS. - ^45 Addenda - - - 146 Indp:x Nominum - - 14^ Index Locorum - - . . - - - 157 I LLUSTRATIONS. Grave Cover of John Lacy of Brearley - - - Frontispiece Mediaeval Grave Cover in the Porch - - - - to face p. 147 Head of Cross on Mediaeval Grave Cover against the South Wall of the Church - - - - - „ p. 147 THE nDonuntental ant) otber Jnscviptione IN Ibalifa): pariab Cburcb, I. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS: (A) NOW IN THE CHURCH. ALEXANDER. On a white marble tablet on the south wall of the Holdsworth Chapel, between the first and second windows from the east.^ BENEATH THIS PEW ARE DEPOSITED THE MORTAL REMAINS OF ELIZABETH, wife of LEWIS ALEXANDER, of hopwood HALL, HALIFAX, ESQ".", WHO DIED l8\'' JANT 1832, AGED 61 YEARS. IN PIOUS COMMEMORATION OF A CONJUGAL LOVE & A MATERNAL TENDERNESS WHICH TIME SERVED BUT TO STRENGTHEN AND DEATH ONLY COULD IMPAIR, AND WITH THE CHRISTIAN HOPE OF BEING AGAIN UNITED WHERE ALL TEARS WILL BE WIPED AWAY AND WHERE NO SECOND SEPARATION CAN BE KNOWN, THIS TABLET IS INSCRIBED BY HER AFFLICTED HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. SKRITON, VilKK'. BATES. On a white marble monument, the pilasters carved with flowers, on the north wall of the church immediately over the north door." Crest. — A staff's head erased (azure), attired (or), charged on tlio neck witli two rjuatrefoils in pale, and pierced with as many arrows in sallirc (all gold). *"A marMc tablet against the screen, which was enclosed in the pew used liy tlic family" (IValkers AfS., fo. 6). '"Erected in iHjt^'' {If^a/ier's AfS., fo. 29). No arms appear njjon llie small shielrl sculplurerl for ihem, nnr has any motto been carved upon the rilibon. 2 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF JOSEPH BATES, OF SPRINr, HALL, HALIFAX, WHO DIED NOVEMBER I I^" 1 846, AGED 77 YEARS. ALSO TO REBECCA, WIFE OF THE ABOVE JOSEPH BATES AND YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF I'HOMAS WALKER, OF ARDSLEY, IN THIS COUNTY, WHO DIED JANUARY g'^ 1 847, AGED 66 YEARS. THIS TABLET IS ERECTED IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBR.ANCE BY THEIR CHILDREN. SKELTON, YORK. BATLEY. On a white marble monument, much discoloured, on the north wall of the church between the westernmost window and the north door. Arms. — None now visible. Near this Place is Interred the Body of lOHN BATLEY,^ late of this Town, Salter : A Man lust in his Dealings, Exemplary in his Life & Conversation, A Kind & Affectionate Husband, .A Tender & Indulgent Parent, A Pious & Sincere Christian, He finished this Life, Hoping for A happy Immortality. To his Memory SUSANNAH, his Widdow, caused this Monument to be Erected. He departed y*= 28"' day of luly, 171 7, Aged 66 Years & one day. } By his will he left the Upper and Lower Brownthirst in Ovenden, after his wife's death, to his eldest son Jeremiah ; the capital messuage in Halifax where he dwelt, charged together with other property, with the payment of ^200 to his son Jeremiah, to his second son James; and a messuage in Holdsworth, and a capital messuage called Staningly Hall, in Mixenden, which was given him by his father Cream's will subject to certain charges, to his youngest son John. Mentions his daughters Mary and Susannah Batley, and Grace, wife of Richard Walker (AV^. 7'esL, Ixxii, 348). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 3 In the same Place Lieth the body of THOMAS, eldest son of y^ said lOHN BATLEY, who departed this Life the 28"' day of March 1702, Aged 19 Years, 7 Weeks and two Days. BREARECLIFF. Painted on slate within a border, partly of alabaster and partly of stone, and fixed to the south wall of the church between the south door and the westernmost window.^ An epitaph vpon Ester," late y'' wife OF Edmond Brearecliff' of Halifax, who DIED IVN. 16 1629, VPON FaVOVR, THEIR SONNE, WHO DIED MaR. 5 1628, & WERE herevnder bvried. Here rest thrle saints, y'^ one a little brother, y"" favovr of his scarce svrviving mother, Then shee expird & bore vnto her toombe An vnborne infant coffind in her woombe. BROADLEY. Painted on slate within an alabaster frame, and fixed to the south wall of the church to the west of the second window west of the chancel screen.^ M" lo: Broadley'' late minist''- at Sowerby chapp: died Feb: 14: 1625 • & Mary his wife ALSO DIED Mar: 2: 1625 . & here lie bvried. i"On a pillar on the N. side of the font" (Wright, p. 184). "On a pillar on the S. side of the font " (Watson, p. 374). From a letter printed in Our Local Portfolio, No. 180, it appears that in Dr. Coulthurst's days the position of this tablet was changed somewhat, althovigh it remained fixed to the same pillar. 2 Daughter of Michael Bentley. Her family owned Damhead, in Northowram. For his second wife he married, on 21 November, 1630, Mary Cockrofte {Hx. Reg.). ^ The faithful servant of Dr. Favour, who appointed him clerk of Halifax Church, I Oct., 1623. It was probably to mark his appreciation of this act, and in remem- brance of his master's many kindnesses, that Brearcliffe called his next son, who was baptised the day after the doctor's burial, Favour. Dr. Favour in his will left Fdmond Brearcli ffe " Barowe's Phisicke in Englishe." John Brearcliffe, the Halifax antiquary, was another of Edmond's sons. *"In the wall of the S. side, over a door, on a brass plate" (Watson, p. 374). "Over what used to be the door leading into the chantry chapel at the east end of the south aisle, but the passage made into a pew. In Brearcliffe'' s MS. (p. 25), it is prefaced that 'this tombe was erected at the cost of F.dmund Brearcliff, late Clarke of Ilallifax '" (Walher's MS., fo. 21). ^' In a note to the Priestley Memoirs, it is stated that Broadley was minister of Sowerby "when the late old chapel was enlarged and re-edified," and that he lived 4 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS HERE LIES INTERD A ZEALOVS, GRAVE DIVINE, MEEKE, LOVEING, LOVD, ONELY W'"' SINNE AT STRIFE, WHO HEARD HIM SAWE LIFE IN HIS DOCTRINE SHINE, WHO SAWE HIM HEARD SOVNDE DOCTRINE IN HIS LIFE, & IN Y" SAME COLDE BED HERE RESTf;- HIS WIFE, NOR ARE THEY DEAD BVT SLEEPE ; FOR HE NERE DIEf Y'' WAYTf FOR HIS SWEETE SAVIOVRf WORD ARISE. CAYGILL. On a white marble monument, on the north wall between the second window from the west and a shallow buttress, below a repre- sentation of an angel raising a dying woman from her couch. ^ Arms. — Ermine, a chevron between three cocks gules — Caygill, impaling. Argent, on a bend cotised gules three annulets, or — Selwyn, Sacred to the Memory of Jane Relict of John Caygill Esqy of Shay, Halijax, \Essex, and last remaining Issueof William Selwyn Esq'", formerly olDowuHall, who was lost to her afflicted Family the 25"' Day of July, 1806, Aged 84 Years. \\nxin^^ ■ Her Heart was the favourite Residence of all the gentle and peaceful Warm Affection, sincere Piety, Benevolence and Humanity dwelt there ; In mental as well as bodily Sufferings she was patient and resigned : To her numerous Virtues held in constant Exercise her Relations and Friends bear the most ample and sincere Testimony, and availing ourselves of her good Example, may we endeavour to tread with religious Cheerfulness her peaceful Footsteps, for they lead to everlasting Happiness. As a Tribute of filial Veneration and Affection her only immediate Descendant Lady Jane Iebetson. caused this Monument to be erected A.D. 1807 RiCH^- Cooke Sculptr- lt)xdon. CAYGILL. On a monument of white and red marble, fixed to the wall in the north-east angle of the north aisle of the chancel. Arms. — Argent, a chevron between three cocks gules — Caygill. at Ball Green in that township (Surtees Soc, Ixxvii, 4). He married at Halifax (30 Jan., 1594), Mary, widow of William Wade, and one of the daughters of Henry Priestley, of Soyland. i"On the right of the altar'' (Crahtree, p. 122). "N. of altar ''{Walker's MS., fo. 103). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 5 SACRED to the MEMORY of John Caygill Edof'-, who departed this Life the 22"'' of May 17S7, /^ / / S. Hope Fecit. Manchesr. CHAMBERLAIN. Painted on stone over another, perhaps the original, inscription, and fixed beneath the westernmost window in the south wall of the church. .- , . , 1- Near this place he the Remains of Will? Chamberlain^ and Eliz"', His Wife, and six of their Children. He was buried May [15, 1729], -^ Aged 46. She, Feb?' 25"" 1747, Aged 69. the [Cjhildren all died in infancy. Also the Remains of Ja? Whetherherd buried July 7"' 1777, Aged 73 ; and four of his Children. Also of Frances" Martin, Wife of John Martin, deceased, and Daughter of the a- bove W'" Chamberlain. She died Novf f'^ [1786 in the 68*^ year of her age. Also of Mary Whether- herd, her sister & wife of the above Jas. Whetherherd. She died April 6"'^ 1 791 in the 82^ year of her age. Also Christopher Whetherherd, ^ He left an estate of ;^i7,ooo {North. Reg!). He was the son of Thomas Chamberlain, of Skipton, and by his will, dated 28 Dec., 1728, he bequeathed to " the poor children dwelling in the Alms Houses the sum of twenty shillings per annum for e%'er, to be paid at the discretion of M' Nathaniel Waterhouse feoffees, for the said poor children to learn to write." Also "the sum of six shillings for ever for a dinner yearly on Christmas day for twelve poor aged persons in the Almes Houses." Both these sums were charged upon lands, etc., left to his daughter Mary. He further bequeathed twenty shillings per annum to be paid to the person that reads prayers twice every day in Halyfax Church, and for want of such usage of reading prayers twice every day then to the lecturer or afternoon preacher in Halifax Church for ever charged upon the housing in M'' James Ingham's occupation. "My desire is that my funeral l)e aftc the manner of my son Thomas funeral and that M' Burton or M' Sheffield preach upon the same text, and I desire that the children in the Almes House, or so many of them as can sing a psalme, be jirescnt at my funeral, and I give them each six pence a peice. Item I give the sum of five shillings to the prisoners in the Lower Goale in Halifax. Item I give the sum of forty shillings among the poor housekeepers in Halyfax as a dole"(AV^. Test., Ixxxi, 79). ■^Walker's MS. ^ Frances and Mary seem to be the only children who survived. They inherited their father's property under his will. ■^"5"' "on gravestone. 6 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS son of Jas. & Mary ^^'hetherherd. He died DeC. 28*''^ 1803 aged 72. Also Mary daughter of the above Jas. & Mary Whetherherd. She died Oof iq*"^ 1805 aged 71. Also James, son of the above Christopher Whetherherd, Captain of the late 23'''^ Light Dragoons. He died March 7*'^ 1822 aged 53.]^ CLAPHAM. On a brass measuring 25I by 22^^ inches, within a narrow black wooden frame fixed to the south wall of the tower." /ud ^>^/^^^ y lUDITH de Wife ^Rich^l Claphanr' ///6\ s//^o Sarah /id ^aua/il^ei fanf ^^^^^ //i'c/; anJ^xz\^}. /ud c5?/. J^^^ 6f ^-^ //JJ. Hannah /j ^au- j^/l^el ^/./ 2^^^'//3^. Elizabeth /i64 d^e6>Ma \V\'i^ SARAH GREENWOOD, WHO DIED FEB' 7'." 1 784, AGED 70 YEARS. AND OF Mr WILLIAM GREENWOOi:), WHO niED APRIL 15^." 1786, AGED 75 YEARS, I'.OTH OF HALIFAX, MOTHER AND FATHER OF THE ABOVE. 16 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS HALDSWORTH. Cut on stone within a raised stone border, fixed to the south wall of the Holdsworth Chapel between the third and fourth windows from the east. Arms.— (Argent), the trunk of a tree raguled and eradicated in bend (proper) — Holdsworth. Near this place Lyeth the Body of Thomas Haldsworth^ of Ashday in Southowrom, Gentleman, who Departed this Life the 23''* of lune 1709: And also the Body of M'.^ Phebe Halds worth, his Wife, the Daughter of M' lames Oats, of Lands Head in Northowrom, who Departed this life the 12'? of October 1709. And also the Body of Mary Haldsworth, the Daughter of William Midgley, of Hallifax, Gent : And Wife of Thomas Haldsworth, son of the "^^ above mentioned Thomas Haldsworth, who Departed this life the 25 of October 17 10. HANSON. On a brass plate, ij^ by i2| inches, fixed to the first pillar from the west in the south arcade of the nave." Arms. — Or, a chevron chequee, argent and gules, between three martlets sable — Hanson. A shield of pretence, Or, on a bend azure three pheons (of the field) — Bland. In Memory of John Hanson OF London, Tea-Dealer, WHO BY HONEST INDUSTRY ACQUIRED A PLENTIFUL FORTUNE WITH A FAIR CHARACTER. HE DIED August 24^? 1770. Aged ^j; And at his own Request, was buried near this place in v-t: same grave 1 Son and heir of Thomas Holdsworth, of Ashday, by his wife Mary, daughter of Daniel Northend, of Croniwellbottom. He was aged 16 at the time of Dugdale's Visitation, when the pedigree of his family was entered {Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, Clay's ed., ii, 107). 2 "On the side of the Corporation pew, S. side of the middle aisle" (//^(?//w'.? MS., fo. 58). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 17 with his only wife elizabeth, {Daughter of Tho? Bland of Halifax,) WHO DIED Dec"? 6''.'' 1762, Aged 27, iriTHOL'T Issue. HEYWOOD. On a polished granite tablet, fixed to the west wall of the Holdsworth Chapel. IN MEMORIAM a NEAR THIS SPOT LIES THE DUST OF OLIVER HEYWOOD,^ PREACHER OF THE GOSPEL, BORN AT LITTLE LEVER, BOLTON, LANC, MARCH 4™ 1630, DIED AT NORTHOWRAM, HALIFAX, YORKS., MAY 4"^." 1702. ERECTED JUNE I902. HOLDSWORTH. On a large monument of stone fixed to the south wall of the Holdsworth Chapel, between the third and fourth windows from the east. Arms. — Argent, on a stump of a tree raguled and eradicated in bend a crow perched near the top (proper) — Holdsworth ; impaling. Gules, a fess between six garbs, or — Midgley. Thofuas Holdsivortlr of Ashday {othenvise Ashdale) in Souihozi'ram Died the 20".' Day of April ^735 ^'' y 5^ Year of his Age. ^ Third son of Richard Heywood by his first wife, Alice Critchlaw. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Invited to accept the curacy of Coley, 1650. Bciiig first suspended, he was shortly afterwards ejected by the Act of Uniformity, in 1662. After the relaxation of the severe laws passed against Nonconformists, Mr. Lleywood and his followers ijuilt the Northowram Chapel, which was opened for divine service 8 July, 1688. lie married (1) ICJi/.abeth, daughter of John Angicr, who was ejected from the living of Denton, co. Lane, and (2) Abigail, daughier of James Crompton, of I5reightmet, parish of Bolton. * Son and heir of Thomas Holdsworth, of Ashday, by his wife Phebe, daughter of James Oats, of Landshead in Northowram. lie married Mary, daughter of William Midgley, of Halifax, gentleman. His son Thomas was curate of Soulhowrani [Dui^dak's Visilalion of Yoikshiic, Clay's ed., ii, 107-.S). His daughlei I'hebc married William Drake, of I'ixby, and carried ihe Ashday projterty inio ilial family. 6 18 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS Also the Rev:' Ml Thomas Holdsworth, his Son, died May the 3^1746 and M' William Holdsworth, his Son, of the same Place died January the 23'.' 1746. ROLLINGS. On a monument of white and red marble, of classical design, fixed to the north wall of the church, between a shallow buttress and the third window from the west/ Arms. — None now visible.'"^ Near this place lye the remains of JEREMIAH HOLLINGS late of SHIPLEY in this County Esquire, and also of MARY, his Mother, Widow and Relict of M? ISAAC HOLLINGS late of SHIPLEY aforesaid, She was one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Mf JEREMIAH ROSSENDALE formerly of SHAWHILL in SKIRCOAT, ^^ I dyed ^"^ust 23^1738 aged 26. She; May 9'.'' 1744 aged 53. HOOKE. On a white marble monument, much discoloured, fixed to the south wall of the church, to the west of the second window west of the chancel screen.^ Arms.'* — (Gules), a fess between six fleur-de-lys (argent) — Hooke. Crest. — A pelican (or eagle) with wings displayed pluming itself. P. M. Rich^' Hooke' S : T : P : Regimini tarn Ecclesiastico quam Sseculari Anglicano fidelissimi, Qui 1 "On the S. wall in the Chancel" (Watson, p. 382). "In the S. aisle of the Chancel, on the S. wall" {Walker s MS., fo. 107). ■^ Watson (p. 382) gives "the arms of Hollings impaled with those of Rossendale." 3 " On a marble monument in the Chancel" (Watson, p. 380). "On the first pillar (from the E.) on the S. side the Chancel" {Walker's MS., fo. 105). * The colouring almost gone. •' Vicar 1662 to i68f . Said to have been a native of Worcestershire. Educated at S. Peter's College, Cambridge. Rector of Thornton-in-Craven. He petitioned the King for the vicarage of Halifax. His will and some account of him are given in the Hx. Ani. Soc. Trans, for 1904, pp. 1 13-19. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 19 per viginti sex annos huic Eccle- siae praefuit vicarius, tribus Ar- chiepiscopis Ebor^"'*: a Sacris, Hos- pitiorum Sancti Iohan--beat£eq' Mariae Magdelenensis subagro (sic) Riponensi Magister, Ecclesite Ebor :*'• SouthwelP-^ Riponensisq' Canonicus. Ob*.j'"° Ian : yEtatis Suae 66, Anno Domini i68|^ HULME. On a large white marble tablet in the northeast corner of the Rokeby Chapel. Near this place, in the Grave of the late Richard Taylor, Esq., are deposited the Remains of JOSEPH HULME," M.D., who departed this Life on the 2!^ day of Febrf 1806, aged 92 years. He practised Physic in this Town with great success about 63 years. To his Patients he was very attentive & humane ; to the Poor benevolent & charitable. He was ready in lending pecuniary Assistance to most who applied to him, but slow in calling in Debts. He was a man of few Words, yet affable & pleasant with his Friends. From his medical Abilities, his general Knowledge, & gentle Manners he was much respected by all who knew him. He was a rare instance of Temperance & Sobriety, water being his common Drink from his youth & for many years he never tasted animal Food. This strict Regimen did not prevent his taking much Exercise & undergoing great Fatigue : for he was almost daily on Horseback over the neighbouring Hills in every season & in all weather. Though so far advanced in life, yet his Hand continued steady & his Judgment clear, so that he died not of old age but of an acute disease ; & in the blessed Hope that he should not dwell for ever with (Corruption. 1 The figure "9," though not painted like the rest of the inscription, is clearly cut in the inarljle. '^ Born in the township of Little llortoii, liein^ the second son of Samuel Huline, a Dissenting minister. He was al first educated for the ministry, hut afterwards hecame a pupil of Dr. Nettleton. Took his M.I), at Leyden. Returning to Halifax, he succeeded Dr. Xellleton (Crabtree, p. 270). 20 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS Also In the same Grave are deposited the Remains of his beloved Wife, BATHSHEBA, daughter of the above named Richard Taylor, Esq., who departed this Life on the 25'.^ day of Febrr 1786, aged nearly 51 years. W. Bradley. JACKSON. On a monument of white and red marble fixed to the wall, between the west window of the south aisle and the south-west corner of the church. Near this Place are interred the mortal Remains of JOSHUA JACKSON of Barmbrough near Doncaster, who departed this Life the 24*^ of July 1776, in the 68'.'' Year of his Age. Also of ELIZABETH, Wife of the above joshua jackson, who died the 26'?" of January 1787, aged 68 Years. Also of JOHN JACKSON, Son of the above JOSHUA & ELIZABETH, who died the 2'"' of February 1832, aged 81 Years. W. Bradley. KING. Painted in gold letters, on a large black wooden tablet on the north wall of the tower.' this place Lyes Inter? Samuel King" of Cliff or Barstow now called Lower Willow Hall in Skircoat who was Buried Aug* y"^ 20*.'' 1638. Also lames" his Son May y^ i''.' 1640. 1 " On a black board hung on screen of S. chapel on left of aisle into it" (IVa/rer's MS., fo. 19). - Tlie family of King was of some importance in the parish of Halifax in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and owned consideraijle property in Skircoat, and at a later date in Warley. It is possible that John King, vicar of Halifax 1389-1438, was an early member of the family of King of Skircoat. Bairstow was in possession of the Kings in 1553, when William Kinge of Skircote, th'elder, bequeathed " Wairstowe (obviously a misspelling in the register of wills for ' Bairstowe 'j house " to his youngest son William {Halifax Wills, ii, 88). The elder branch of the family in 1618 was seated at Willow Hall. 3 In his will, dated 9 March, 1639, he left a silver tobacco pipe to his cousin John King, and a sum of money to be distributed to the poor of Skircoat on the first Saint Thomas' Day after his decease, a date selected by several other members of his family in making similar bequests. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 21 Also Samuel Son of the S^ lames Febr y« 5*? 1674. Also lohn Son of y^ S^ Sam! Sep' the 29'.'' 1684. Also Samuel Son of the S? lohn March y^ 30*? 1724 who Dyed without Issue. Also Sarah his Sister the Wife of Francis Ramsbottom of BirkssHall in Ovenden Aug* 1723. Also Mary y^ Wife of Samuel Son of the abovesaid Francis She was Daughter to Elkanah Farrer of Riding in Ovenden who Died October y« 30 : 1735. Also Francis Son of y^ abovesaid Samuel Ram- sbottom of Willow-Hall in Skircote who died ye« 14^'' of Octoby 1736 and Inter'Uhe 15'!', Aged I Year 22 Weeks and 3 Days. KING. On a brass plate, io| by 8 inches, fixed to the southern face of a buttress supporting the north-east angle of the tower.^ Near vnto this Place is interred the Body of Samucu the son of ^cnn ^ina of Bull close who departed this Life the 2yt''- March 1710. KITCHINGMAN. Cut on stone within a raised stone border, beneath the first window from the west in the north "vall of the Rokeby Chapel. William Kitchingman, son of William Kitchingman, of Skircoate, buried the 2r/.''of luly 1670. And Martha, his I )aughter, was Buried the iQ^'^of lune 1695. ' " On the floor of llic Suiuli Chapel '' ( Walker's MS., fo. 16). 22 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS And Sarah, his Wife, was buried the 30'h day of luly 1704. And also William Kitchingman,^ her Husband, who Died the 6"' of lune And was Buried the 9*.'' in 17 19, Aged 78 years. And also Elisa'^ Stansfield, Daughter to the above Will" & Sarah Kitchingman, who Died the 20"' of Jan'''' and was Buried the 22^ in 1742, Aged 69 years. KNIGHT. On a white marble monument fixed to the wall in the south-east angle of the north aisle of the chancel, over the door leading to the newel staircase. Arms. — Paly of six, or and gules, a canton ermine — Knight ; impaling, Argent, a cross gules. TO THE MEMORY OF THE REVEREND SAMUEL KNIGHT," M.A., FORMERLY FELLOW OF MAGDALENE COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE; THE FIRST INCUMBENT OF TRINITY CHURCH IN THIS TOWN, AND AFTERWARDS VICAR OF THIS PARISH. HE WAS A MAN ENDOWED WITH A VIGOROUS AND PENETRATING MIND, AND WAS INTIMATELY CONVERSANT WITH THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF SCIENCE AND LITERATURE, BUT WHAT THINGS WERE GAIN TO HIM, THOSE HE COUNTED LOSS FOR CHRIST. " Very rich " {North. Reg.). In his will, dated 15 May, 1718, he is described as " ol Skircoate, yeoman." He left his messuage at Skircoale, where he dwelt, Boy farm in Skircoate, his interest in the moiety of a messuage called West Parke in the lordship of Kilburn, and in a messuage called Nuttall in Heywood, parish of Bury, all his share in a ship called Martha and Mary or Mary and Martha, belonging to Whitby, subject to certain legacies, to his grandson William, son of James Gream, of Heath, in Skircoate. To M"' Nathaniell Prestley, of Ovenden, and M'' Ely Dawson, of Bradford, ministers of the Gospel, £\ each a year for seven years {Reg. Test., Ixxiv, 13). His eldest daughter Anne married James Gream, of Heath, his daughter Elizabeth married (i) Thomas Priestley and (2) James .Stansfeld, of Bowood, in Sowerby, and his daughter Sarah married Nathaniel Jenkinson. 2 Vicar 1817-1827. Born at Halifax 9 March, 1759, being the eldest son by his second marriage of Titus Knight, the Independent minister who was instrumental in erecting Square Chapel. Vicar Knight was educated at Hipperholme School, and after being vicar of Humberston in Lincolnshire, he became incumbent of Holy Trinity, Halifax, in 1798 (Crabtree, pp. 271-2). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 23 THE GOSPEL WAS THAT IN WHICH ALONE HE GLORIED : ITS PRECIOUS TRUTHS HE PREACHED WITH FIDELITY AND AFFECTION ; ITS HOLY PRECEPTS HE EXEMPLIFIED IN HIS LIFE AND CONDUCT; AND ITS EVERLASTING CONSOLATIONS HE REALIZED IN THE SOLEMN PROSPECT OF ETERNITY. HE DEPARTED THIS LIFE JANUARY 7th 1827, IN THE 68th YEAR OF HIS AGE; AND LIES INTERRED IN THIS CHANCEL. THIS MONUMENT IS ERECTED WITH FEELINGS OF AFFECTIONATE REGARD BY HIS SURVIVING WIDOW. LACYE. On a grave-cover, now fixed over the south door of the church within the south porch, a representation of a man in armour, with a shield on his left arm, bearing — ^Quarterly, i. (Argent), six ogresses, three, two and one — Lacy of Cromwellbottom. 2. (Gules), an eagle displayed (argent) — Soothill.'- 3. .•■' 4. (Argent), three bendlets (sable)— CooKK,Mmpaling, (Argent), a chevron between three crosses formee fitchee (gules) — — WooDROVE of Woolley. Around the margin of the stone an inscription, of which only the following now remains : — "on^a of lu"^ 3ol)n Eacoc" of bveavdtg ' In Walson's plate, and also in Walker's Halifax Registers, the arms in the baron half of the shield are depicted in the wrong order, the Soothill coat being placed in the third quarter instead of the second, and vice versa. 2 This coat was brought into the escutcheon by the marriage of Gilbert, second son of John Lacy, of Cromwellbottom, with Isabel, daughter and heiress of Gerard Soothill, of Brearley, this John Lacy being the founder of the Brearley branch of the family (Watson, p. 242). ^ The arms in this quarter cannot now be deciphered, beyond the fact that there is a "chief" in the coat. They were probably, (Gules), three crescents (or), a chief (ermine) — Fui.NETBY (;!iide Foster's Yorkshire Visitations, 1^84-3 and 1612, p. 331). The wife of Gerard Soothill, whose daughter and heiress married Gilbert Lacy, was a Fulnetby heiress (ibid.). * These arms are also possibly a Soothill quartering. ■'' Quoting from Dr. Johnson, Walker gives the inscription as, "Here lieth enclosed the body of John Lacye, of Bricrelcy esq ; who was buried the 19"' day of August in the year of our Lord God "; and tliat under the arms of Lacy were the words, "Orate pro anima Magistri Joannis Lacye" (Walker's Halifax Registers, p. 20). Although this is a comparatively late date for such an inscription, a number of similar instances have been recorded. " " Johne Lacye de brearley esquire sepult. xix Augustii 1585 " {Hx. Reg.). He was the eldest son of Hugh Lacy, of Brearley, by his wife Agnes, daughter of Nicholas 24 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS LEGH. On a monument of white and red marble, fixed to the north wall of the church, between the north door and the second window from the west/ Arms. — Quarterly, i and 4, Ermine,'- a lion rampant gules, langued and armed azure, a crescent for difference — Legh. 2 and 3, An arm in armour proper, holding in the hand a Near this Place in the same Vault, are deposited the Remains of the Rev? GEORGE LL.D. LEG IF & his two beloved wives FRANCIS (sic) & ELIZABETH, to whose joint Memory this Monument is erected; he was Vicar of this Parish of Halifax above forty four Years ; during which Time he interested himself with laudable Zeal in the cause of religious Liberty & Sincerity, being the last Survivor of those worthy Men who distinguish? themselves by their opposition to Ecclesiastical Tyranny, he defended the Rights of Mankind in that memorable Hoadlian Controversy. the Bible he consider? as the only standard of Faith & practice, to the poor & distress'' & Public Charity^ he was a generous Benefactor, by his Will order? Bibles to be given for the Benefit of the poor, he did Honor to his Profession as a Clergyman & christian, esteem? when liveing, in Death lamented, he died compos? on the 6"' of Decern''.'' 1775, in the 82? Year of his Age ; Savile, of Nevvhall. He married Ann, daughter of Thomas 'Woodrove, of Woolley, Esq. (Watson, pp. 242-3), who was buried at Halifax 12 March, 1599 -1600 fWalker's Halifax Registers, p. 20). 1 " N. Aisle of Chancel, on wall nearest back of Rood loft'" ( Walker s MS., fo. 100). '^ In the coat on the roof of the vestry the field is Or. 'Watson (p. 372) gives it as Argent. 3 Vicar 1731-1775. A member of the Cheshire family of Legh, of High Legh. A prebendary of York. " He was a low churchman, and popular among the dissenters " (Cntblree, p. 130). "Doer. Leigh, vicar of Halifax, LL.D., died 6* Dec, 1775, aged 82. A moderate candid Christian, served the Parish in that capacity 44 yrs. with great respect from all Denominations" (North Reg.). He directed in his will that "a marble monumental inscription be fixed up in the Vestry Burial Place or Library in the Parish Church of Halifax recording the time of my two last wives burial there and mine, so as the expence thereof doth not exceed one hundred pounds or there a.bouts. " He bequeathed ^100 for buying bibles and new testaments to be lent to the poor of Halifax and the twelve chapelries in the parish. To the Lecturer and thirteen curates, and to his cousin George Legh of High Legh, one guinea each for a ring. To his brother in law, the Lord Bishop of Waterford, two guineas for a ring. Also names D'Avenant Hankins, of Tewkesbury, and William Hankins, deceased, the sons of his first wife Mary ; and Henry Dyve, M"^? Dyve of Ipswich and M'^.Jaumard, widow, brother and sisters of his second wife Frances {Reg. Test.,cw, 1). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 25 his Wife FRANCIS (sic) died Decern'^'' 9"' 1749, ELIZABETH Feb''.'' 8'." 1765. This Monument was resloieJ from much dilapidation and decay by M!'^ STANSFELD''^ of New Cross near Deptford, Kent, Dec^ 1829. N : READ. Sculpit St. Martins J-aiie, London. 1776. LISTER. On a white marble monument at the south-west corner of the south aisle. Arms. — Ermine, on a fess sable, three mullets or, a canton gules — Lister. H.S.E. JACOBUS LISTER- de Shibden-Hall, Gen? Qui Nov. 14, A.D. 1729 .^t. 56, triste Sui desiderium Viduai Liberisq ; decern reliquit. Prosiliunt lacrymse - sed adest spes certa salutis Christus, qui mortis vincula rupta dedit : Hie jubet ut memores recolamus gaudia Vitre Venturse, & Ca;li qu;i3 bona civis habet. In the same grave is interr'd the body of MARY, widow of the said JAMES LISTER ; She dy'd Jane's*!' 1756, aged 79. Bless'd are the dead, proclaims the voice above. Who dye in Christ, abiding in his Love : They rest from Labour in the peaceful Tomb, Shall rise to Glory in the Life to come. J. L. F. N. M. P. C? 1756. MADDOCKS. On a large wooden tablet in gold letters, on a black groimd, fi.xed to the north wall of the tower.^ 1 Elizabeth Milne, iiic Robinson, widow of Samuel Milne, of Warley, and third wife of Timothy Stansfcld, of New Cross, was niece of Dr. Ix'igh. She died 21 Aug., 1838, aged 76. ■^ The son of Samuel Lister, of Upperljrea, by his wife Mary, daugliter of James Ilolilsworlh, of Place, in Southowram. He married Mary, daughter of William Issot, of Ilorbury, and succeeded his cousin, Samuel Lister, in the Shibden Hall estates {DHg. Vis. of Vorks.s Clay's ed., i, 117). ^ " Johannes Lister filius natu maximus poni curavit.' This John was a clergy- man, and died nt Shibden Hall. •i "On back of Organ gallery" {Walker's MS., fo. 30). 26 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS IN JStmorg OF JOSEPH MADDOCKS COLD-BLOW nt^x DUBLLN IN fiitlauir who Died the 22^ oi March 1769. Aged 74. U^ncdc cuno ditt/i in i^mlj^ cuia Ac mina -w-it/i m*n. MIDGLEY. Cut on a blue stone within a raised stone border painted over, and fixed to the north wall of the Rokeby Chapel, beneath the second window from the west. Arms. — (Sable), two bars gemelles (or), on a chief (of the second) three calthrops (of the first) — Midgley. Near this place Resteth the Body of Mary, Daughter of William Midgley, Master of arts. Late of Headley, now of Sowerby, who was born March the third 1696 & Departed this life November 7"' 1704. Mortal by birth, short my stay, here sleeps my dust. My better part loynes consort with the lust. MIDGLEY. On a stone tablet fixed to the north wall of the Rokeby Chapel, between the second and third windows from the west. Exuvise Gulielmi Midgley A.M. Curat de Sowerby luxta Deposits Maij 10°: 1706 Anno ^tatis 34- IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 27 MITCHELL. On a brass plate, i4:| by lo inches, fixed to the north-east pier of the tower.' Here resteth the body of lames Mitchell Late of Crow Nest in Hiperholme. He was Buried the /^' day of October A.D. idyg. And also 3 of his Children, Ann was buried the 3^ of April 1668. Elizabeth was buried 29'? of May idyd. Samuel, He was buried January jo'^ idyd. Non abiit, sed obiit modo redihirus. MURRAY. On a brass plate, 50 by 23I inches, beneath a stone canopy fixed to the north-east pier of the tower. i?¥liscrcre mci 10cus. Sacub to ti}c fHemoro of Soliit Hurras. JIJ. Curate of tljis Partsfj, to{)a ticpartrt tijts life at ©uncvitife in Srotlanti m tlje iear of our 3Lovti iH©CC(Cm]:]I. ®'[)c time of \\% iBinistrg iuas 0|)ort, but fat'tfjful strijice stanlJctf} not t'n number of gears. |l^c earcti for tlje poor anti cjafae lljcm rebcvence as Cfjn'st's el)03cii, ant tbeiv blessing ijoas Ijts retoarti. Jin Ijis publt'e ministvali'ons earnest ant> ticbout, Is a preaef)er eloquent, ferfaent, fearless, 1t|e taugljt men to toalk \Xi t^e olti patbs ^nti sljunneH not to declare tlje lnI)ole Counsel of Col). 2Ef)0se 1x11)0 Ijabe \tz\\ eneourag'ti bu Iji's example, I'nstrurtet fan Ijis teael)ing, guibeli bu liis rare, Ijabc in grateful rcmemberancc crectetj tljis fflemori'al. 1 "On a brass plate near the font"' (Wright, p. 189). "On a brass plate near the font"'— on a gravestone {Walker's MS., fo. 31). 28 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS MUSGRAVE. A full-length white marble recumbent effigy of the archdeacon, in his robes, resting upon an altar-tomb of stone. Arms. — (Azure), six annulets, three, two and one (or) — Musgrave. Crest. — I'wo arms in armour (proper) grasping an annulet (or). (Inscription round the tomb) 48 (At west end of base of tomb) Ji^MW 14^^^ 1792 (At east end of base of tomb) :ii)3E©":iD W. D. KEVWORTH, JUNK, Sc. LONDON & HULL. l88o. NICHOLLS. On a white marble tablet fixed to the wall, between the west window of the north aisle and the north wall of the church.^ JONATHAN NICHOLLS^ of Boothtown, but late of Clough-House, Gentleman, who died 4*? April 1784, aged 61 Years. And of ELIZABETH his Wife, who died 20*!' May 1771, aged 39 Years. 1 Vicar 1827-1875. Educated at Trinity Coll., Camb. At one time vicar of Whit- kirk. He was a prebendary of York and the first Archdeacon of Craven. 2 "On a pier (in antechapel) — a marble" {IValker^s MS., fo. 27). ^ Described in his will, dated 4 May, 1779, as "sometime of Booth Town, now of Clough House within Huddersfield, merchant." Mentions his second wife Sarah, by whom he had an only child Sarah, and his children by his first wife, Jonathan, Elizabeth and Bethell (AV^. Test., cxxix, 140). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 29 Also of JONATHAN NICHOLLS of Hipperholm, Surgeon, their Son, who died 9"' September 1809, aged 46 Years. And of ELIZABETH NICHOLLS their Daughter, who died at HaHfax 1 5*^ November 1809, Aged 45 Years. NORRIS. On a white marble monument fixed to the south wall of the church, between the south door and the westernmost window.^ In affectionate Remembrance of WILLIAM NORRIS, late of Halifax, Esq'', who died August 2"." 1807, Aged 7 3 Years ; And of MARY NORRIS, his Wife, who died March 8*.'' 1796, Aged 60 Years. Their Remains rest near this Place. W. Bradley. OLDFIELD. On an oval brass plate, 15! by i2| inches, fixed to the southern face of a buttress supporting the north-east angle of the tower." Near This Place lay intered the remains of Mary Oldfield, wife of Jon~ Oldfield, Surgeon who departed this Life on the first Day of January 1790 Aged 60. PARKER. On a large white marble monument fixed to the west wall of the Holdsworth Chapel.^ 1 "On a pier (in antechapel) — a marble" {Walker's AJS., fo. 25). 2 " Brass plate at end of pew on North side of North aisle of Chancel "' {IValker's MS., fo. 102). 3 "At the S.E. corner of the (Holdsworth) Chapel " {Walker's MS., fo. 5). 30 MONUMKNTAI. AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS Arms. — Azure, three keys erect, two and one, or — Parker. Motto. — Legum servi ut liberi. SACRED To the Memory of Robert Parker^ of Halifax, Esif, who died May 23'.'' 1796, Aged 66 Years. Also to the Memory of Mary, his second Wife, who died January 26*.'' 1797, Aged 42 Years. PRESCOT. On a large monument of classical design, probably of stone, with a white marble tablet annexed to the foot, fixed to the south wall of the Holdsworth Chapel, between the second and third windows from the east and immediately over the south door of the chapel. Arms. — Sable, a chevron argent between three owls proper — Prescot. Mary, the Daughter of W. lOHN Prescot of Halifax, was buried near this Place the I8*^ Day of May 1708. And in the same Grave is Interred the Body of the above named MMOHN PRESCOT,- Practitioner in Physick and Chirurgery, who Died the 11"' Day of November 1728 In the 53 year of his Age; Also Sarah, his Wife, who Died lune y'= 10*? 1739, in the 56 year of hir Age ; Also near this Place are interred the remains of The ' His first wife was a Prescolt. " 1754, Nov. 19. Robert Parker, gentleman, & Ann Prescott, married. Witnesses, John Baldwin, Phebe Prescolt " {Hx. Reg.). 2 " M'' John Prescott of Callicoe Hall, near Halifax, died Nov. 11, 1728" [North Re^.). In his will he mentions his sons William and John, and daughters Sarah, Mary, l^hcebe, Elizabeth, Anne, Judith and Dorothy, and daughter Stockdale [Reg. Test., Ixxxi, 264). His daughter Margaret married Robert Stockdale, Sarah married John Baldwin, attorney-at-law, and Anne was the first wife of Robert Parker, IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 31 REV° EDWARD PRESCOTT/ A.M., of Clare Hall in Halifax, who died le'f'Feb?' 1809, Aged 48 Years. Also of ANN, Wife of the above named EDWARD PRESCOTT. who died 31'.'^ Octl" 1847, Aged 82 Years. Also of MARY, Wife of THOMAS CARR v STEWARD, Esq'' and Daughter of the above named EDWARD and ANN PRESCOTT, who died 9* NovV 1854, Aged 63 Years. "also of the above named THOMAS CARR STEWARD WHO DIED ON THE 2i)^^ DAY OF JANUARY 1857, AGED 71 YEARS. ALSO OF THOMAS HOGARTH, ESQUIRE, LATE THE HUSBAND OF ELIZABETH JUDITH HOGARTH, DAUGHTER OF THE ABOVE NAMED EDWARD AND ANN PRESCOTT, WHO DIED ON THE 13™ DAY OF MARCH 1865, AGED 57 YEARS. ALSO OF THE ABOVE NAMED ELIZABETH JUDITH HOGARTH, WHO DIED ON THE 26':'' DAY OF MAY 1874, AGED 73 YEARS. PRESTON. On a white marble monument, bearing a representation of a palm and funeral urn, fixed to the north wall of the church between the third and fourth windows from the west.'' Arms. — Argent, two bars gules, on a canton gules a cinquefoil, argent — Preston. Crest. — On a tower a dove, wings expanded. * Vicar of [.ong Preston in Craven, succeeding Philip Lawrence, who died in 1789 (Whitaker's Craven, 2nd ed., p. 123). He married, by license, on 31 August, 1790, at ILihfax Parish Church, Anne Cioke, sinnster, of Halifax [IIx. AVj,'. ). ^ The inscription from this point is on the marble tablet. ^"N. aisle of the Chancel. On (the) N. wall, E. of 1st window" {Walker s M.S., fo. lOl). 32 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS IN MEMORY OF JOSEPH, SON OF THOMAS AND MARY PRESTON, WHO DIED NOV!* 28™ 1778, AGED 7 WEEKS. ALSO OF HARRIET, THEIR DAUGHTER, WHO DIED APRIL 30™ 1 793, AGED 4 YEARS AND 4 MONTHS. ALSO OF THOMAS PRESTON, OF GREEN ROYD, FATHER OF THE ABOVE, WHO DIED NOV? 8™ 1821, AGED 70 YEARS. ALSO OF MARY, WIFE OF THE ABOVE SAID THOMAS PRESTON, WHO DIED FEP/^' 5'" 1824, AGED 75 YEARS. ALSO OF MARY, DAUGHTER OF THE ABOVE THOMAS AND MARY PRESTON, WHO DIED DEC'' 22"." 1827, AGED 44 YEARS. ALSO OF THOMAS, SON OF THE ABOVE THOMAS AND MARY PRESTON, WHO DIED MAY THE I4':'' 1 837, AGED 60 YEARS. ALSO OF SOPHIA, DAUGHTER OF THE ABOVE THOMAS AND MARY PRESTON, WHO DIED JULY THE l6''." 1 84 2, AGED 57 YEARS. PRICE. On a brass plate, 17I by 12 inches, fixed to a shallow buttress in the north wall of the church, between the second and third windows from the west. In MEMORY OF Captain E. C. H. Price, LATE Duke of Wellington's Regiment, KILLED IN action AT Okurike, West Africa, October 6'^.'' 1893. Erected by some of his old brother Officers. Gawthorp Sc London RAMSDEN. Painted on slate within an alabaster border, which has been painted over and repaired with stone, fixed to the wall of the south aisle of the chancel, between the first and second windows from the east.^ Hic jacet Henricvs Rams- den,* FiLivs natv secvndvs Gal- fridi Ramsden de Greetland infra ■I "On a pillar opposite to his brother's" — Hugh Ramsden's tablet (WiiL;ht, p. 57). "On the opposite pillar (to Hugh Ramsden's) N. of the curate's \itvi'' {li'a/kers MS., fo. 106). 2 Vicar 1629-1638. Brother of Hugh Ramsden. Baptised at Elland 30 January, 1596-7 {Klland Rei^.). Admitted a commoner of Magdalen Hall, Oxon., 1610 (Watson, p. 500). He married 21 June, 1630, by license, Anah Foxcroft, who survived him, and was buried at Elland in 1682. He was buried in the chancel of Halifax Church 28 March, 1638. A book of his sermons was published after his death. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 33 ViCARiAM DE Halifax, artivm Magister, NEC NON COLLEGII LINCOLN. In InCLYT. OxON. academ. qvondam socivs, tandem Vicarivs De Halifax, Ibidemqve Fratris Svi Hvgonis permagni, licet Mvltiqve nominis Decessoris Havd Impar svc- cessor, Vir eqvidem Mvltiivgis Ervditionis, Et qvod FaMILIAM DvCIT, SPECTATiE ADMODVM PrOBITATIS, QVO Sa NE EGREGIE ViGVIT, QviCQVID EST QvOD In ALUS AVT SVSPI- ciMvs Ervditi, Avt Qvod Veneramvr Sancti, Liter- ARVM Perinde Decvs Pietatisqve Exemplvm Per Dvo Pr^eter Propter Annorvm Lvstra Memor stationis Mvnerisqve svi Hvic svmmopere Invigilabat Eccle- si^, Ardens vita, Verboqve Lvcens, Qvo Temporis Decvrsv Fidelis Erat Popvli Pastor, Cavs^e Pavpervm Pro- PVGNATOR Acerrimvs, Pacis Ecclesi^e strenvvs Assertor, Ivstiti/e Pvblic^, Vti Pro Officio Tenebatvr, Promptvs, Licet Cavtvs Tamen Et /FIqvvs Dispensator, Hvivsce Loci Ordinis Regiminisqve Politici CvxM primis Avthor, Tandem L^thali Correptvs victvsqve febri, triste svi apvd bonos omnes relinqvens desiderivm, gratam- QVE MEMORIAM, NON SINE IVSTITIO LVCTVQVE PVB- LICO, SPIRITVM in MANVS DOMINI REDDIDIT, PLACIDEQVE SPE RESVRRECTIONIS FVLTVS OBDORMIVIT ANNO SALVTIS 1 637, SeP- TIM. CALEND. MARTII. Hoc m/erens Monvmentvm posvit fra- ter Eivs Gvlielmvs Ramsden natv minor, Rectorqve ecclesi^ Edgmvnd in agro Salop. RAMSDEN. Painted on slate within an alabaster border, fixed to the wall of the south aisle of the chancel, between the first and second windows from the east.' Hic jacet Hvgo Ramsden,- filivs ' On a pillar in the chancel (Wright, p. 55). " Aj;;ainsl llie pillar S. nf tlic vicar's pew " {Wal/cer's MS., fo. 106). "Vicar 1628-1629. lie was son of Geoffrey Ramsden, of Thick HolHns in Greetland. Baptised at Klland 17 March, 1593-4 {FJ/attd /vVf.). He died of a fever at York, and was buried in the chancel of Halifax Church 19 July, 1629. His wife Mercia, daughter of Hurst of HudderslieM, who surviveil him, hcin^ huried there 24 January, 1635 (Hunter's /uim. A/in. (kntiuin, p. 974). 34 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS Galfridi Ramsden de Greetland, INFRA VICARIA DE HaLLIFAX, BaCC. IN S. S. Theol:, olim Socivs Collegii de Merton in Ac. Ox., postea Rector de Methley, in Comit. Ebor., demum vicarivs DE Hallifax. Vir, dvbivm sanctior, an doctior, ingenii acris, jvdicii svbacti, ervd- itioni.s mvltiplicis, qvi omne tempvs deperire existimabat qvod non avt templo avt Mvs^o impertiebatvr; qvi dv vixit toti circvmjacenti REGIONI DOCTRINA SUA PRiELVCEBAT, & MAGIS EXEMPLO; ATQ; MORIENS TRISTE SVI APVD OMNES BONOS, PACISQ ; ECCLESI^ CVLTORES RELIQVIT Desideriv. Indvctvs est VICARIVS DE Hallifax Non. Octob. An? vSalvtis cio id cxxviii et DECiMO septimo Calknd. Avgvsti seqventis vitam cvm immortalitate comvtavit. Hoc mcerens monvmentv posvit FRATER EJVS NATV minor EJVSQ; IN VICARIA de Hallifax impar svccessor, Henricvs Ramsden, RAMSDEN. On a large white marble tablet fixed to the west wall of the Holdsworth Chapel.^ IN MEMORY OF JOHN RAMSDEN, OF HALIFAX, WHO DIED THE 8™ OF JULY 1805, AGED 59 YEARS. AND OF ELIZABETH, HIS ^VIFE, WHO DIED THE 8™ OF FEBRUARY 1813, AGED 72 YEARS. ALSO LYDIA, THEIR DAUGHTER, WHO DIED MARCH 23'!° 1803, AGED 30 YEARS. THOMAS, THEIR SON, DIED AUGUST 20™ 1 804, AGED 33 YEARS. ROBERT, THEIR SON, DIED OCTOBER 24™ 1815, AGED 4 1 YEARS. ALL THE ABOVE WERE BURIED WITHIN THIS CHAPEL. 1 "On the E. wall" of the Holdsworth Chapel [Walker's A/S.). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 35 ALSO JANE, THEIR DAUGHTER, WIFE OF JOHN ASHWORTH OF ELLAND, DIED JUNE I*"^ 1 83 1, AGED 6 1 YEARS, AND WAS INTERRED AT WAVERTREE NEAR LIVERPOOL. JOHN, THEIR SON, DIED OCTOBER 23"^° 1 842, AGED 62 YEARS, AND WAS INTERRED IN ELLAND CHURCH. " THEY LIVED RESPECTED AND DIED LAMENTED" IN THE HOPE OF A RESURRECTION TO ETERNAL HAPPINESS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, THEIR REDEEMER. THEIR SURVIVING CHILDREN ARE ELIZABETH, RELICT OF RICHARD BOULTON OF HARROCK-HALL IN THE COUNTY OF LANCASTER, WILLIAM, AND GEORGE, BY WHOM THIS MONUMENT IS ERECTED AS AN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF THEIR RELATIVES IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 185 •7 RAWSON. On a white marble monument, fixed to the south wall of the church immediately to the east of the south door, beneath a nautica design. TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN MARKLAND RAWSON, ELDEST SON OF JOHN RAWSON, OF ASH GROVE, WHO PERISHED WITH 1 8 SEAMEN IN SIMON'S BAY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, BY THE SWAMPING OF THE PINNACE OF H.M.S. OWEN GLENDOWER ON THE 10™ MARCH 1826, IN THE 19™ YEAR OF HIS AGE, HIS AFFLICTED PARENT DEDICATES THIS MONUMENT. RICHARD WESTMACOTT R.A. 14, SOUTH AUDLEV ST, LONDON. RAWSON. On a white marble monument on the south wall of the church, between the first and second windows west of the chancel screen. Beneath a representation of the Good Samaritan, S'' LUKE. CHAP. X. VER. 33 & 34. and, SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF 36 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS WILLIAM RAWSON, WHO WAS BORN IN THIS PARISH, AND DIED 25''.'' AUGUST 1 828, AGED 79. EARNESTLY ENDEAVOURING TO FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF HIS BLESSED SAVIOUR, "WHO WENT ABOUT DOING GOOD." HE PASSED A LONG LIFE IN UNWEARIED EXERTIONS TO PROMOTE THE BEST INTERESTS OF HIS FELLOW CREATURES; AND IN THE CONSCIENTIOUS DISCHARGE OF EVERY CHRISTIAN DUTY SOUGHT HUMBLY THE APPROBATION OF HIS GOD. READER. "GO AND DO THOU LIKEWISE." RICHARD VVESTMACOTT, R.A. SOUTH AUDLEY STREET, LONDON. RIGGE. On an oblong brass plate, 28| by 4^ inches, fixed to the north wall of the church, below the second window from the west. To THE Glory of God and in loving Memory of Harriet, the wife of Christopher Taylor Rigge OF Halifax; Born October hthisio; Died March Sthissi. HART, SON, PEARD & CO, LONDON. RIGGE. On a brass plate, i6| by 12 inches, fixed to the eastern face of a buttress supporting the north-east angle of the tower. Here resteth the mortal remains of Thomas Rigge, of Halyfax, yeoman, (son of the late Thomas Rigge, and grandson of the late William Rigge, yeoman, Fallowroyde Wadsworth,) For some time Constable of Halyfax, and Churchwarden of this parish, baptised at Heptonstall Church 7j'.'' October 1616, interred .20"' March 1666-'/. Also of Thomas Rigge, of Halyfax, yeoman, (son of Abraham Rigge, and nephew of the above named Thomas Rigge,) who was interred <5V' October i68g. Aged jj" years. Also of Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Thomas Rigge of Halyfax, gentleman, and eldest daughter of the late Edward Wainhouse, of Skircoat, gentleman, who was interred 20 April 1714. Esto fortis. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 37 ROSSENDALL. On an oblong brass plate, with a scalloped upper border, 20 by 13I inches at its greatest depth, fixed to the first pillar from the west in the south arcade of the nave.^ And also y^ Body of M": Jeremiah RossendalP his Father, who departed this life MA V iy".\ and was Interred MA Y 2f^ i6g6. ROYDS. On a white marble monument fixed to the west wall of the south aisle, between the south-east corner of the tower and the west window of the south aisle. Arms. — None now visible. NEAR THIS PLACE ARE DEPOSITED THE REMAINS OF lOHN ROVpS OF HALIFAX ESQI", WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 23? OF MAY 1781, AGED 61 YEARS. ALSO IN THE SAME GRAVE IS INTERRED THE BODY OF HARRIETT ROYDS, HIS YOUNGEST DAUGHTER, WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 6'." OF FEBRUARY 1 78 1, AGED 17 YEARS. ALSO NEAR THIS PLACE IS INTERRED THE BODY OF CATHARINE, THE WIFE OF JOSHUA HAMER, OF HALIFAX, ESQ-', ANOTHER OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE SAID JOHN ROYDS, WHO DIED 30'" OF AUGUST 1 793, IN THE 33? YEAR OF HER AGE. ALSO NEAR THIS PLACE IS INTERRED THE BODY OF MARY ROYDS, ANOTHER OF HIS DAUGHTERS, WHO DIED 3? OF JANUARY 1 796, AGED 40 YEARS. I. Fisher Sculp', York. RUDD. On a white marble monument, fixed to the north wall of ihc tower. 1 " On a stone and brass plate in the Chancel " (Wright, p. 188). " On the floor of the middle aisle of the Chancel" {Walker'' s MS., fo. 90). The gravestone to which this brass was formerly fixed is now in front of the chancel screen. '^ He died on a visit to London. By his will, dated 13 April, 1696, in which lie is described as of Shawhill in Skircoate, gentleman, he left his messuage and lands at .Shawhill to his daughter Grace, and the rcni.iinder of his lands equally to his two daughters, Grace and Mary {Original Will). Grace married Mr. Rawson, the attorney, of Bradford, 4 August, 1707 {North. Keg.), and Mary became the wife of Isaac Ilollings, of Shipley {M.I.). 38 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS Arms. — Quarterly (argent and gules), in the second and third quarters a fret (or), over all a ess (azure) — Norris. Motto. DUM SPIRO SPERO. ELIZABETH CATHERINE WIFE OF EDWARD JOHN RUDD, GENTLEMAN, SECOND DAUGHTER OF JAMES EDWARD AND MARY NORRIS, WHO DIED July 9™ 1842, AGED 2 1 YEARS. IN MEMORY OF JAMES EDWARD NORRIS, OF SAVILE HALL, NEAR THIS TOWN, GENTLEMAN, WHO DIED SEPTEMBER 9^." 1 842, AGED 49. A JOINT EXPRESSION OF CONJUGAL AND FILIAL AFFECTION BY HIS SORROWING WIDOW AND CHILDREN. ALSO OF MARY, RELICT OF THE ABOVE NAMED JAMES EDWARD NORRIS, WHO DIED JUNE I4™ 1872, AGED 84. AND WAS BURIED AT HOLLINGTON CHURCH, NEAR S3^ LEONARDS- ON-SEA. SAGAR. On a brass plate, 15 by 7^ inches, fixed to the second pillar from the east in the south arcade of the chancel. To THE MEMORY OF Joseph Sagar, WHO DIED APRIL 2"." 1900, HAVING FAITHFULLY SERVED IN THIS ChURCH FOR NEARLY FORTY YEARS AS Verger AND Parish Clerk, THIS Brass IS erected by MANY FRIENDS. Gawthorp Si-' London IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 39 SAYER. On an oval white marble tablet fixed to a shallow buttress in the north wall of the church between the second and third windows from the west.^ Arms. — None now visible. Near this place are deposited the Remains of MARY, the Wife of tho? saver of Halifax, Gentleman, and Coheiress of will¥ cockcroft, of Mayroyd Esq. She died the 12"' of May 1779, Aged 36 Years. This Monument is erected to her Memory by an Affectionate and Afflicted Husband As a respectful token of his Esteem for those Virtues which adorned her Heart and endeared her to Him and to all who had the happiness of an Acquaintance with her. Ask not, pensive Reader, a recital of those Virtues which her Humility wished to conceal : This silent Marble refers thee for information To the tears and cries of the Sick and Needy who lost in Her a sympathetic Attendant on their distress and a generous Reliever of their Wants, And to the regret of that Concourse of every Age and Rank who paid an honourable and voluntary Tribute to her Merit by accompanying her Remains to their Interment. If Her amiable Example excite thy Imitation forget not to adopt her noblest Praise by fulfilling every duty of Nature and Society from a principle of Affection and Gratitude to GOD, the Friend, the Parent, the Redeemer of Mankind. THOMAS SAVER,- Gcut :, Ob: 12 May 1781. /Etat. 44. S. & J. Hope, /Hanclicstcr, Fecit. 1 " Against the (blank) pillar in the North aisle" [Walker's MS., fo. 71). 2 By his will, dated 19 April, 1781, in which he describes himself as "of Halifax, attorney at law,'' he left his real estate, subject to certain charges, to his nepkcw, Thomas William Tew. To his sister, Miss Grace Cockcroft, he bequeathed his Ljold watch with the gold and shagreen cases, both the chains belonging thereto, and all his gold seals [Reg. Test., cxxv, 312). 40 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS SAYER. On a brass plate, 8f by 8 inches, fixed to the southern face of a buttress supporting the north-east angle of the tower. MARY the Wife of THOMAS SAYER, Died May 12'.'' 1779. Aged ^6 years. SMITH. On a brass plate, 24 by 13 inches, fixed to the first pillar from the west in the south arcade of the nave. IN LOVING MEMORY OF SOLOMON CHARLES SMITH, M.D., ELDEST SON OF SOLOMON SMITH of HALIFAX SURGEON, BORN MARCH II 1 842, DIED APRIL 5 1903. FOR THIRTY SIX YEARS HE WAS HONORARY AND CONSULTING SURGEON TO THE ROYAL HALIFAX INFIRMARY DEVOTING HIS BEST ENERGIES TO ITS WELFARE. THIS BRASS IS ERECTED BY HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. GRANT HIM O LORD ETERNAL REST. Gawthorp So, London SOMMERSCALES. Cut on stone, which has been painted over, within a raised stone border, and fixed beneath the west window of the north aisle. M^ Richard Sommerscales^ of Halyfax who Died Aprill the Eight Anno Domini : 1613. 1 An extract from his will and some account of his charily are given in Watson (pp. 583-5). By an agreement made in 1644, it was arranged that the lands lying in Halifax should be held for the use of the poor of that town, and the lands in Ovenden for the poor of Ovenden (Crabtree, p. 180). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 41 And who by his last will gaue all his Lands in Halyfax & Ouenden (after the Decease of ^^^ Sister^) to the poor of the said two Townes for euer, Amongst whome he gaue 40 shillings to his Sisters Husband For the Terme of his life. SOUTH AFRICAN WAR. On a brass plate, 5 by 3 feet, within a white marble frame, slightly streaked with gray, on the north wall of the church, between the third and fourth windows from the west, below the Preston monument. o o Arms of Halifax. ^^ t|jp (^\q^^ Of @0^, S. African War Medal. ant> to tijc mrmovu of tljc foHoininrj ©fSrcrs, non=®oinmi0sionrti ©fRcrvs attti ittcn of tljc ^avislj of ^^iilifa.r, b)|[)o lost tl)£ii- Itbcs tufjtlst scrbins tljetr cotintrg tiuxinQ tije Sflutf) African raar4890400049014902 (Col. I.) Mie&t Kilimtj Ecg. — 1st Batt. Sat. J. iBc ©obcvn. Ipts. % Burns. CT. Brook. E. Catneg. 3. Cottlan. E. f^aoton. TO. ^.^I^olticn. ^. Jogre. m,. fiorton. la. IS. ©ItlfiElK. E. ©tierenti. TO. IDickles. J. i^gan. fl Catljam. ,S. TOIjEcUjoiisc. J. TOilkinson. !5. TOilkinson. 3^-^ Batt. — 3. Blanl). (Col. II.) .3r^ m. «g. sgt. E. ®Mid\i. iitb iLau. -cr. 15. Buckleg. lOtbfij^. „ 3. C. Joleg. I. ^ca. a.no.s. ^. jijinflih'ffe. ,, ,, sgt. 3. ^ilfminrjlnag. „ ,, -cv. J. ^avon. M. ?i?. ?l. 2)vi-. 5. (!5rccnl)al(ji). iL ^rot. i.dp iifl. 3agcs. „ „ iPte. S. E, TOatkins. „ „ „ 3. TOl)itdfg. ?rpnfll 11. „ 3. ©ixirn. gH.flt^.,, „ i£. Bcvsljalu. „ „ „ „ TO. Sfjnto. „ „ „ „ TO. TOilsan. ,, cv. ffl. %l. 'ii)ohnfS. ist IJoI. Bati. scjt. iX. J. Blatrl)farti. Ipte. (5. TO. jFullrv. E. ftlevccr. 1 The wife of Julin 1 l.. TOilkmson. 5) )) )) IE. ISlofainson. man. l\. „ a. Eongbottom. ^tat. li. »gt. a. SutclifEc. 1. ^. Ca. 2 xt. @. 3S;. ^umpljrEgs. )) )) %■ Cp. 12. 51. Eiisfjluartl). ^^.S.S.aJ. iptc.J. I^tnrj. )) 5) )) 5) m. ^rljoficIU. „ „ „ @. ?^. Pcklcs. 1) )> Iptc. TO. Itfngon. „ J. Pickles. ®Iouc. „ >» m. ©ui'd. „ „ „ (IB.B.TOrst.^smcs, e. !lan. cp. !£. Carcg. m. M^. sgt. ^. Bottomlrg. ' ^. ,. Sgt. ^f l^epmstall. ^. a. Can. ur. 3. a. Sutclfffe. ei^rr 1L. Cp. !E. ^. Saljnson. „ „ @. ^mitf). la. <©. t. a. . i %t. !£. F. 31. Brooke. „ iflt.p. „ a. (irotiti. )) ') ff>tc. 3. ^^ ©rccntoooti. lluf. „ J-n. „ 3, aSrifjgs. )) )> )) TO. TOarreiur. Cfja.,, ,, iptc. 1. ©titg. m. M. M. 'J ^. Bciro. 3tlf). ©ol TTr. E. (Smnixioo^. )) )) )) J. CovbEtt. ^.C.©ri3t.iRev.(»r. jFoskett. j> >) )> TO. P?oIt. ,. <9rlf. „ iptc. 3. Botoker. ') ji )> 9r. Bnapton. Bell & Co. Engravers. 38 Hall Ings. BRADFORD. STEAD. On a white marble monument, streaked with gray, fixed to the south wall of the church, immediately above the .south door.^ Arms. — (Arg.), a chevron sa. between three dogs' heads," proper, muzzled or — Stead. SACRED to the MEMORY of MARY, the Wife of SAM^ STEAD of HaHfax, who was bur'.' the 29"' of May 1734, Aged 82 Years, Also of the s^s^STEAD,^ who died the 4'? of DecT 1736, aged 80. Also of NAOMI, the Wife of valentine stead. Merchant, who died the 9 of Oct!" 1740, aged 47. Also of the s'.' VA^ STEAD, who died the 16 May 1758, aged 70, and 7 of yr Child". Also of samI' STEAD Esq!', Son of the s? va!-, who died the 24 Nov!' 1764, aged 30. 1 "On a pier" — in the antechapel {Walker's MS., fo. 26). ^ Watson gives "three bears' heads erased" (History of Halifax, p. 213). 3 "Mr. Saml. Stead of Halifax bur. Dec. 8, (1736), aged — , very rich" {North. Jieg:). In his will, dated 9 Sept., 1735, he mentions his sons, William of Tower Hill, London, merchant, Samuel of Rochdale, Valentine of Halifax, Jonathan, deceased, and his daughter Martha, the wife of John Caygill, to whom jointly with her husband he left the Upper Shaw and the Lower Shaw Sike in Halifax, with remainder to their son John and his heirs (A'rf. Test., Ixxxiv, 395). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 43" Also of GRACE, his Wife, who died the 27 July 1776, aged 37. Also of MARY, the Wife of sam!- stead. Son of the s^ sam?, who died at York the 24 Apl 1793, aged 33. Also of the s''s^ STEAD, who died the 6 Septy 1800, aged 40, & was bur'.' at Bishop Hill the younger in York with his Wife, and 3 of y^ Child" who died Inf". STERNE. Painted on a small oval wooden tablet, 16^ by i2|- inches, the arms of Sterne in the centre, the inscription round the circumference; the whole enclosed within a wreath of bay leaves carved in the wood. Fixed to the eastern face of a buttress supporting the north- eastern angle of the tower. Arms. — Or, a chevron between three crosses flory sable — Sterne. Simon Sterne' Esq. Benefactor: Anno Domini: 1701. STOCKDALE. On a monument of w^hite and red marble of classical design fixed to the south wall of the Holdsworth Chapel^ between the first and second windows from the east. Arms. — Sable, a chevron argent between three owls proper — Prescot. Near this place lye the Bodies of M' Robert Stockdale'- of Halifax, mercer, who died the 27*^? Day of July 1746, Aged 51. And of Margaret, his Wife, 1 The third son of Ric. Sterne, Archbishop of Yorlv, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of (Edw.) Dickinson (of Farnborough in Hants.). He married Mary, daughter and heiress of Sir Roger Jacques, of Elvington, by Margery, daughter of Laurence Rawdon (Hunter's Fam. Miii. Gen/., p. 516). He bought Woodhouse, now called Wood Hall, in Skircoat, and resided there. He was a justice of the peace. Buried at Halifax 17 April, 1703. He is said to have given some valuable books to the Parish Church Library, which to-day contains several works with the names of different members of the Sterne family written in them. Tiie word "benefactor" on this tablet, with the date " 1701," certainly seems to show that it commemorates some benefaction made to the church in his lifetime. Should it refer to a gift of books, the tablet was probalily originally placed in the library, for which it would be quite suitable. In his will, dated 28 May, 1696, he gave "all my bookes of Divinity unto the eldest of my sons for ever that shall goe or enter into Orders. lUm I give and bequeath all the rest and residue of my bookes whatsoever unto Richard, my eldest son, for ever" (Original IVilZ). 2 In 1735 li<-' I'^^'l '" ^ messuage, owned by Samuel Stead, situated in Crown Street nigh unto the Cloth Hall (Will of Sam. Stead, Keg. Test., Ixxxiv, 395). 44 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS Daughter of ml' John Prescot of Halifax afores'', who died the 1 8'.'' Day of Septemb!' 1748, aged 45. And of John, the vSon of ml John Baldwin of Halifax, Attorney at Law, by Sarah, his wife, anothl' Daughter of the said John Prescot, who died y? 29'^ of Nov^ 1735, Aged 6 weeks. And also of Sarah, y^ s^ Wife of y'^ s*^' John Baldwin, who died the 5'h Day of Decemb"" 1746, Aged 39. Also of the afores'^ John Baldwin who died May 23'"^ 1772, Aged ,^ leaving one Son, William, of the Middle Temple, LONDON. Also in Memory of the abovenamed WILLIAM BALDWIN, ESQ^ who died October 10"' 181 3 in the 77^*" Year of his Age, and was interred in the Middle Temple, London, leaving two Daughters and one Son JOHN. SUGDEN. On a white marble monument fixed to the west wall of the north aisle, between the window and the tower, a medallion portrait, and beneath — TO THE MEMORY OF DAN HOLGATE SUGDEN,'^ OF HALIFAX, WHO DIED ON THE 2ND OF JULY, 1846: AGED 53. THIS TABLET IS INSCRIBED BY HIS FRIENDS AS A TOKEN OF THEIR ESTIMATION OF HIS HIGH '^ Blank on monument. 2 "For many years an eminent provincial performer on the French horn and on the flute. At a later period the double Ijass was his chosen instrument The last act of Mr. Sugden's public usefulness in his profession was as conductor of upwards of 20,000 teachers and scholars at the Sunday School Jubilee celebration in the Piece Hall on Whit-Tuesday last" {Halifax Guardian, 4 July, 1S46). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 45 TALENTS AS A MUSICIAN, AND AS A TEACHER OF MUSIC & SINGING ; BUT YET MORE SO AS A PROOF OF THEIR ATTACHMENT AND REGARD FOR HIS FRANK AND GENEROUS DISPOSITION, AND TRUE CHRISTIAN FEELINGS; WHICH SPARED NO EFFORT IN PATRONISING AND HELPING FORWARD HUMBLE TALENT TO THE MERITED DISTINCTION AND REWARD NOW ENJOYED BY MANY ; WHO, BUT FOR HIS DISINTERESTED ASSISTANCE, WOULD HAVE REMAINED IN OBSCURITY. TILLOTSON. On a large wooden tablet on the west wall of the tower, to the north of the great door.^ Arms. — None visible." lohaiies Tillotson,'' Archiepus Cantuai^, Natus Sowrbiffi, Renatus Halyfaxiae ^tiogbris jg^Q^ Denatus Lambeth^e 2 2''° Nouebris A.D. i69[4], /Etatis SLia^ 65. TRAVERS. On a brass plate, 30 by 2 2:| inches, with the arms, crest, and motto of the regiment, and the inscription, 3 B" duke of WELLINGTONS WEST RIDING REGIMENT in the Upper left hand spandrel, and between two palm leaves a crown, the word kumassi and some native characters, and under all the word hausas, in the right hand upper spandrel, fixed to the south wall of the church, between the chancel screen and the first window west of the screen. 1 " In the Chancel" (Watson, p. 389). "On the leaning part at the N. side of the roof"— in chancel {Walker's MS., fo. 103). 2 There no doubt have been some arms on this tablet, though they cannot now be made out. Watson says they were the arms of the See of Canterlnny impaled with Tillotson {History of Halifax, p. 389), and gives the Tillotson arms as, Azure, a bend cotised, between two garbs, or, which arc those of Tilston of Tilston in Cheshire {Unci., p. 295). ■'' Son of Robert Tillotson, a clothier. Born at Haugh End in Sowcrby. Educated at Clare Hall, Camb., of which college he was elected a Fellow in 1651. In 1663 he became rector of Keddington in Suffolk, a position he resigned on being chosen preacher to the Society of Lincoln's Inn. Afterwards made Dean of Canterbury and Prebendary of St. Paul's, exchanging the deanery later for that of St. Paul's. Arch- bishop of Canterlniry 1691. lie married in 1664 Elizabetii, daughter of Dr. Erencli and niece of Oliver Cromwell (Crabtree, p. 287). 46 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS THE HAND OF GOD AND W t H ^ To THE GLORY OF GOD W AND ^ CD hd Id in ever-dearly loved memory of P S Gordon Dermer Travers, P [-1 t-jH LIEUTENANT 3'!'' BATT : DUKE OF WELLINGTONS 1^ O WEST RIDING REGIMENT O P^ AND INSPECTOR GOLD COAST CONSTABULARY, ^ WHO ENTERED INTO REST JTJ JjJ ON BOARD S.S. NIGER OFF GRAND BASSAM, H WEST COAST OF AFRICA, ^ JUNE 27™ 1 89 1, H O AGED 28 YEARS. H CO BURIED AT SEA. 2 k4 S ^ 2 Q Grant him O Lord eternal rest and K ^ LET light perpetual SHINE UPON HIM. H S »^ R. I. p. »^ H KEITH & CO LONDON WADDINGTON. On a white marble monument fixed to the south wall of the church immediately to the east of the south door.^ Arms. — I. Argent, a fess azure between three fleurs-de-lys of the second — Waddington ; impaling, Or, a chevron sable, charged with three fleurs-de-lys of the first, between three rams' heads of the second — (?) Ramsden. II. Azure, a chevron or charged with three ears of corn proper; impaling, Azure, three crowns, two and one, or. IN MEMORY OF JAMES, eldest Son of James and Mary Waddington, of Hope-Hall^ Halifax, who departed this Life on the 26"' Day of April 1756; aged 5 Years, and of JOHN, another Son of the said James and Mary, who died on the 20*'' Day of September 1782 : aged 29 Years. 1 " A marble monument against the coiner adjoining the S- aisle joining Eastern arch of screen" {Walker's MS., fo. 19). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 47 Also of JAMES WADDINGTON,^ Father of the above mentioned James and John^ who departed this Life on the iS*.** Day of September 1784: aged 67 Years. And of MARY, Relict of the said James IVadditigton, who died on the 26"' Day of March 1799 ; aged 79 Years. Also the Body of RICHARD BROOME ESQ'«, of Hope-Hall, who departed this Life on the I7''.'' Day of June 1813; Aged 58 Years, and of HANNAH, Relict of the said Richard Broome Esq""' who departed this Life on the 30*.'' Day of September 1820: aged 60 Years. HANNAH BROOME, Niece to the above mentioned James and Mary Waddington and Relict of the said Richard Broome Esq™ hath caused this MONUMENT to be erected in grateful Remembrance of her Uncle and Autit: and in Testimony of conjugal Regard to the Memory of a most kind and affectionate Husband. W. Bradley WADSWORTH. On a large white marble tablet fixed to the west wall of the Holdsworth Chapel. Arms. — Gules, three fleurs-de-lys, argent — Wadsworth. NEAR THIS TABLET, without the Wall, lie interred, in hope of a joyful Resurrection to eternal Life through the alone Merits of CHRIST the SAVIOUR, John Wadsworth of Holdsworth,^ 1 In his will, dated 15 Sept., 1784, in which he is described as "of Halifax, manufacturer," he bequeathed "to the Trustees of the Leeds Infirmary ^50." "To eighty-four poor persons the sum of forty guineas." He directed his exors. "to lay out five pounds per annum for ten years in ]Hirchasing books for the use of the Sunday Schools in Halifax" (/vV---. Test., cxxviii, 409). lie married Mary Ramsdcn at IlHng- worth 27 March, 1750 [North. Reg.)- 2 Holdsworth House was purchased 12 August, 1657, from .Abraham Brigg by Henry Wadsworth, of Peacock House, in Warley. The Wadsworth family resided here until the early part of the nineteenth century, when the direct line died out. It then passed to Matthew Ayrton, a distant relative, who assumed the name of Wadsworth, and continued in his family until 1S95, when tiie property was sold {IIx. Ant. Hoc. Trans., 1905, pp. 22S-30). 48 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS Gentleman, Ob* May lo"' 17 15 /fl' 70. Deborah Wadsworth Wife of the above John Wadsworth Ob!^ July i'!' 1697. Mary, Martha, and Deborah Wadsworth, their Daughters, who died young. Henry Wadsworth Son of the above named John Wadsworth Ob! June 15"' 1765 ^* 68. Mary Wadsworth Wife of the above Henry Wadsworth Ob* April 22"'' 1745. Deborah and Ann their Children. Rev*:' John Wadsworth, B.A., many years Curate of Coley, Son of the above named Henry Wadsworth, Ob* March 4*'' 1782 ^! 62. Sam! Wadsworth his Son Ob* Dec' 20**^774 JE^ 17. Esther Widow of the Rev'^ J. Thwaites and Daughter of the above named Henry Wadsworth, Ob* June 2"'' 1807 ^* Si. Rev'' Daniel Bentley Curate of Illingworth in this Parish, 30 Years, Ob* 15*.'' Nov!' 1748 ^E'54. Elizabeth his Wife Daughter of the above John Wadsworth of Holdsworth. Susannah Wadsworth her Sister. Also Timothy Brother of the Rev!* D. Bentley. Betty Bentley Daughter of the above Rev^'D Bentley Ob* May 2'!'' 1792 /E* 70. Hannah Bentley her Sister Ob* Nov!' 1 7*'' 18x3, WATER HOUSE. The remains of a brass, consisting of a plate, 8| by 4 inches, with inscription No. i in incised black letters ; below which were originally the figures of a man and woman kneeling (the heads of which still remained until the restoration of 1878, when they were stolen), with scrolls, bearing the inscriptions Nos. 2 and 3 in raised black letter, issuing from their mouths ; and lower still a brass plate, 14 by 4^ inches, with the inscription No. 4 in raised black letter. The pieces are fixed to the end of the thirteenth pew from the east on the south side of the middle aisle.' ^ "111 the middle isle of the Church fixed to a seat near the pulpit" (Watson, p". 390). "On pew No. 44 in S. side of Mid aisle" (IVaU-er's AfS., fo. 58). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 49 r. E am tfje rcCuvrfcrion anb u' Infe feitj^e tfjE lortiE !)r tijat belcuctf) on me m tf)ougf} ^t iatxz tjcfb get f|)all f)c bite anb toljafoene'^ louctfj .^ bcIcuEtlj me ffjall neuE«^l(2 Sciljn XI rapi'ti" 2. ifHi'ferere met tje9 et falua me. 3. JHiferere mci tie9 fctim magna mtfericoitiia tua i\}m. 4 3a\}n toatfdjotos' of Tjalofai $: ^gnes j^gs tonff ijol)icf)e 3oIjn bcpteti from tl^us Snorllie tfje libit tiag of Januart'i Hn° tint fH°ccccc°xii if WATERHOUSE. Cut on stone within a raised stone border, beneath the west window of the Rokeby Cliapel. Near this Place Lyeth the Body of lohn Waterhouse,'' of Skircoat, who Departed this Life February 17*.'' 1732 In the 63 year of his Age : Also four of his Children was interr'd near this place. Sarah, SepV 17"' 1708 Aged 7 years. Elisabeth, May 11*.'' 17 19 Aged 13. 1 Son and heir of Richard and Isabel Waterhouse. He married Agnes, daughter of John Rishvvorth, of Coley Hall. ^ There has been an extraordinary perpetuation of error in connection with this date. The Halifax historians, Watson, Jacobs, Crabtree, and Walker, all give 'Mcccccxxx' as the date recorded on this brass, the first and last of them giving a filate showing this year. Mr. Mill Stephenson too, in his article on " Monumental Brasses in the West Riding'" ( Vor/:.';. Arch, [ournal, xv, 18), has Ijeen led into the same error, and publishes an illustration taken from a rubbing showing ' MCCCCCXXX.' Yet it is quite certain that it should read "Mcccccxxxix."' The mistake in the rubbing has occurred in this way. Line 4 of the inscription undoubtedly ends with 'mcccccxxx,' but line 5 begins with ' ix,' which is just as clear as the portion of the inscription which precedes it, the rest of line 5 having been obliterated. Line 5 is shown in the illustra- tion referred to as wholly obliterated, which is incorrect, the rubber having neglected to take the impression of the ' ix,' with which the line begins. If there was any doubt, the Register confirms ' MCCCCCXXXIX.' "1539, Johannes Waterhowse de Halifax sepultus fuit xxviii" die mensis ejusdem (Jan.)."' ^ The son of Isaac Waterhouse and Grace Foxcrofl. He married Ellen Spencer (Foster's Yorks. Families). He was baptised at Halifax 21 May, 1671 {/Ix. A'eg.). 50 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS Susanna, July i6"' 1738 Aged 22. Also a second Sarah^ June 5"^ 1744 Aged 34. Also Ellen, Wife of the abovesaid John Waterhouse, who died Aug'.' 11"' 1754, Aged 76. Also John, his Son, was buried Sep! 5*", 1764, Aged 45 years. WATERHOUSE. On a white marble monument fixed to the north wall of the Rokeby Chapel, between the second and third windows from the west. Arms. — Quarterly of six, i and 6. Or, a pile engrailed sable — Waterhouse. 2. Gules, three bendlets vair — Longvale. 3. Argent, on a bend sable three (? torteaux) of the first — (?) Spencer. 4. Or, a fess engrailed azure, within a bordure sable — (?) Brookseank. 5. Paly of six, argent and azure, over all a bend sable charged with three annulets — Saunderson ; impaling, Per fess, sable and azure, a castle with four towers argent — Rawson. Crest. — An eagle's leg erased at the thigh, (sable), leg and claws, (or). Motto. VERITAS VINCIT OMNIA. TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN WATERHOUSE, OF WELLHEAD, ESQ^.^; AND GR.\CE ELIZABETH WATERHOUSE, GATHERED TO THEIR REST IN SURE AND CERTAIN HOPE OF THE RESURRECTION TO ETERNAL LIFE, THE FORMER, JANUARY 2 1, 1 847, AGED 73; THE LATTER, FEBRUARY 1 9, 1 849, AGED 69. THIS TABLET IS ERECTED IN DUTIFUL AND AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF PARENTAL WORTH BY 'JHEIR SURVIVING CHILDREN, "THIS CORRUPTIBLE MUST PUT ON INCORRUPTION, AND THIS MORTAL MUST PUT ON IMMORTALITY" I COR. XV. 53. T. GAKFIN, 63, REGENT ST, LONDON. 1 Mentioned in her father's will as the wife of John Whitehead (A*^^. Test., Ixxxiii, 54). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 51 WATERHOUSE. On a very large stone monument of classical design, which has been painted over, fixed to the north wall of the church, between the first and second windows from the east.^ IN Memory of the Pious and Charitable M^ NATHANIEL WATERHOUSE," late of Hallifax Salter, who Bequeathed his Estate to the Use of the Church and Poor as followeth. Habitations for Twelve Aged Persons, Eighteen Pounds per Ann : to be paid to the said Twelve Aged persons towards their Maintenance, And Six Pounds per Ann : for Clothing, An Hospitall for Ten Boys and Ten Girls, A Master for Teaching the Children to Work, Twenty Shillings per Ann : for the Repairs of the Dwellings of the Aged Persons, and Hospitall, Forty Five Pounds per Ann: to the Master to keep the said Twenty Children with Meat drink etc. and Five Pounds per Ann : to buy them blue Coats, The Master to be Displaced for Miscarriages, The House and Buildings at Causey head and a reserved Rent of 12^ per Ann: to the Lecturer of the Parish Church of Hallifax, who is to visit the aged and Catechise the Boys and Girls For want of a Lecturer the profits to go to the poor. Forty Shillings per Ann : to Defray the Expences of the Feoffees, Forty Pounds per Ann : to the Ministers of the twelve Chapels within the Vicarage of Hallifax for preaching a Sermon on the first Wednesday of every Month, their severall Stipends are as followeth ; the Preacher at /. i-. d. /. s. d. Sowerby Bridge Chr ipel.. 5 O : o EUand Chapel ... ... 4 O : o Illingworth Chapel ... 4 o : o Ripponden Chapel • •• 3 : o : o Coley Chapel . . . ... 4 o : o Sowerby Chapel ... 4 o : o Lightcliffe Chapel ... 4 o : o Luddenden Chapel ■•• 3 o : o Brier Chapel ' ... ••• 3 o o Heptonstall Chapel 2 o o Rastrick Chapel ... 2 o o Cro-sstone Chapel ... 2 o o 1 " Affixed on the wall to the right of the communion " (Crabtree, p. 124). -The great Halifax benefactor. He was the son of Michael Waterhousc, of Woodhouse, by his second wife Cicilie, widow of William Rayner (Walker's Halifax Registers, p. 60), and was a Salter or oil drawer. He was baptised at Halifax 11 Sept., 1586, and married Dorothy Wilson 16 Nov., 1607. 52 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS If there be a Vacancy in any of the Chapels the Salary to be Employed for the Benefit of the Children, Forty Shillings per Ann : to the poor of Huddersfield and Mirfield, Three Pounds per Ann : for Repairing Highways, Forty Shillings per Ann : to Hallifax free School, A Workhouse for Employing the ])oor, with all the Appurtenances, a Laith Adjoyning to the west part thereof. And a close called hatter's Close, and two Hundred pound to purchase Lands which was Laid out in Howkins Farm. For the better Management of his Workhouse, he Appointed a Master and twelve Governours, and obtained letters patents from King Charles the First to make them one incorporated body, he was the first Master. This pious and Good Man departed this life the Sixth day of October 1645, Aged 59 years. His body is interred in the north Chapel of this Church. WATERHOUSE. On a white marble monument, surmounted by a funeral urn, and fixed to the north wall of the church, to the east of the fourth window from the west.^ SACRED to the Memory of SAMUEL WATERHOUSE, of Sapling Grofe in the Toivnship of Skircoaf, who departed this Life June 20*.'' 1802, aged 55 years. Also of RACHEL, the Relict of the above SAMUEL WATERHOUSE, who died February 17"' 1807, Aged 61 years. Taylor Sculpt York. WATKINSON. On a wooden monument fixed above a doorway, leading from the vestry lobby to the vestry.- H.M. Memor[i]ffi sacrum Maria;, filiffi UnicfE Rev".' D-i' Edvardi W[atki]n- i "In the North Chapel— on the N. wall" {Walker's MS., fo. 73). •-"On a ])illar on the South side of the Chancel" (Watson, p. 391)- Quotes Watson, and adds, "but not found now" (Walker s AIS., fo. 107). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 53 son,' Capellffi de Luddendeir in hac Vicaria Cur*, Quae Nat[a] Ves- per! prsecedente Pasca Anno 1723, febre perquam mali[gna] Correpta, Occidit (heu nimiu fugax & multum flebilis) Au- gust! xxiv'^ MVCCXXVI°. W. R. REGIMENT. On a brass plate, 26 by 12 inches, within a black marble border, fixed to the north wall of the church, to the east of the fourth window from the west, below the regimental crest and the motto, virtutis fortuna comes. Sacred to the memory of the following NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND MeN OF THE 3':° Battalion Duke of Wellington's West Riding RegT WHO lost their lives IN the Service of their Country DURING the South African War 1900-1901-1902. Corp^ E. Settle | Df- E. Oldham Privates J. BLAND J. BROADBENT C. CLARKE W. COATES (il* B" attached) J. CONNOLLY J. HART P. KILGALLON T. M?DERMOTT J. WEATHERHEAD Be tijau faitljfiil unl0 ticatlj, antj I ixiill gibe Hjce n croinn of life. KEV. I r. 10. This Tablet was erected by Col. a. K. Wyllie, C.B., the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Men of THE Battalion. Gawtiiori', Si- London. ' Eldesl son of Benjamin Watkinson, M.I)., of Wakefield. He married Anne, daughter of Rowland Mitchell, of liunslet Hall, alderman of Leeds (Deed in possession of Yorks. Arch. Soc). 2 "Jiin. 6, 1724, came to be curate Edward Watkinson, M.D., who staid there three years and seven months." " D' Watkinson gave several pieces of plate to this 54 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS WEST-SYMES. On a brass plate, i8i by 9 inches, fixed to the fifth pillar from the west in the north arcade of the nave, Ea tlje ®Iov2 of (Hoti anb tn lofat'ntj tiiemoro of Edward Bertram West-Symes. ^z toas haxn ^pril l^.* IS80. ant lii'cti ^ptil 28*'' 1901 of Jebrr at (Cape ^Tointt, Soutfj Africa inljilst serbt'ntj in t^e Ambulance Brigade of t\)c ©rt£r of &\ Joljn of Hcrusalcm in (!5nglaittf. "?i?c ictuj malrr pcrfcrt tn a Sljort time fitlfillcir a long time" WHITAKER. On a white marble monument fixed to the south wall of the church, between the south door and the westernmost window.^ Arms. — None now visible. In Memory of Mi^ Dan! Whitaker of Halifax Grocer, who departed this Life August 16"' 1728, Aged 46 Years. His Remains were deposited in the Church of S' Michael Bassishaw London. Near this Place are interr'd the Remains of Hannah his Wife, who departed this Life April 8'.'' 1746, in the 59'.'' Year of her Age. Here also lie the Bodies of two Daughters and four Sons chapel, as appears from inscriptions thereon" (Watson, pp. 437-S). He afterwards became rector of Litlle Chart in Kent, and in 1732 conveyed a messuage and two cottages in Vicar Lane, Leeds, and two cottages at Hunslet, from the rents of which the trustees were to provide twelve 2d. loaves every week for twelve poor widows, six in the township of Midgley and six in the township of Warley, every Sunday after morning service {/did., 666). 1 "In the Antechapel," "on a pier" [IValker's MS., fo. 25). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 55 Viz. Elizabeth «Sr Mary, Rodert, Thomas, loHN & Daniel. Abraham & William their Sons, died in London and their Bodies buried in the Church of S!^ Michael Bassishaw. This Monument was Erected agreable to the Will of the late M" William Whitaker. WILKINSON. On a white marble monument lixed to the north wall of the church, between the first window from the west and the north door. Arms. — Azure, a chevron between three whelks argent — Wilkinson; impaling. Sable, three falcons. Crest. — A demi-lion rampant rising from a mural crown. Motto. — Unitas. M. S. ROBERTI . WILKINSONS S.T.B. SCHOLAE . PVBLICAE . IN . AGRO . SKIRCOTIANO . ANNOS . PLVS . QVAM . L . .PRAEFECTI . OPTVMI {stc) VIXIT . ANN. LXXXVI. DECESSIT . A.S. MDCCCXXXIX ET . SARAE . VXORIS . EIVS . PRAESTANTISSVMAE VIXIT . ANN. LXXIII. DECESSIT . A.S. MDCCCXXXIII . ERAT . ILLE . SI . QVIS . ALIVS IN . PVERIS . INSTITVENDIS STRENVVS . SOLERS . SANCTVS. HAEC . VERO . IN . DOMESTICA . DISCIPVLORVM . CURA CVSTOS . VNICE . FIDELIS PATRONA . BENIGNISSVMA ET . TANTVM . NGN . MATER OSSIBVS . AMBORVM . IN . EODEM . SEPVLCRO . PROVT . MVTVVM . AMOREM . DECEBAT ALIBI . CONDITIS HOC . MONVMENTVM . PIETATIS . ERGO GRATI . ALVMNI P. C. 1 Headmaster of Heath School 17S9-1839. Said to have l)ecn a native of Cumberland. Took orders before 1777. Curate of Li^hlciiffe 1782. Vicar of Darton 1790. He married Sarah Robinson, of Hipperholme, at HaHfax Parish Church, '5 July) 1782 (T. Cox's The Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth at Heath, p. 75). 56 AIONLTMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS WILSON. Cut on a stone tablet within a raised stone border, and fixed beneath the westernmost window in the south wall of the church. Here Lyeth the Body of lohn Wilson, Formerly Clark of the parish Church of Halyfax, who was buried the 17"' day of Nouember 1701. Also George Wilson, his son, was Buried August 12'^ 1720, Aged 26 years. WOOD. On a brass plate, 13I by 9 inches, fixed to the stone bearing the next inscription. In memory of Richard, Son of Samuel Wood of Halifax, who di- ed Sep! 10*!' 1788 in the 28*?' year of his age, and Suse, only child of the above Richard Wood, died at HoLBECK near Leeds Apr! 15'? 1806 in the 21* year of her age. WOOD. Cut on a stone against the south wall of the church, between the first and second windows west of the chancel screen. Near t[ ^]ed the Body [ ] Samuel Wood [ ] depart- ed this [ ]f Februr 1756, Aged nine Months and three days.^ Likewise the Body of Elisabeth, Wife of the said Samuel Wood, who departed this life the 20*'' day of Octy 1759, Aged 39 years. 1 At this point the brass plate bearing the preceding inscription is fixed. 2 Here is the matrix of a brass, 12 by 2| inches. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 57 Also here is interred the Body of Sarah, his second Wife, was buried the 3^ of Novem!' 1763, In the 39*^ year of her Age. Also the Body of Samuel Wood, their Husband, was buried the 20*? of January 1764, Aged 33 years and 12 weeks. WRIGHT. Painted on a large stone monument of classical design, fixed to the west wall of the Holdsworth Chapel. Near this place is interred the Body of William Son of Will"^ Wright of Halifax, Iro7wionger ; who departed this Life June the 28*.^ 1756. Aged 4 Years. Also William Father of the above Will"!' Wright, who departed this Life May the la'? 1779, Aged 62 Years. Also Sarah, Wife of the above Will'? Wright, who died Aug^' 16'.^ 1786. Aged 68 Years. And in Memory of Francis, Son of the above Will'? Wright, who died Aug'^17"' 1794. Aged 35 Years. Sacred to the Memory of ANN RICHARD, Daughter of RICHARD and ELIZABETH DOBSON, of Newcastle upon Tyne, who Died at Hipperholme, December 16'.'' 181 2, aged 14 Years & eleven Months. This Tablet is added by her widowed Mother. )8 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS (B) NOT NOW TO BE FOUND IN THE CHURCH. CROWTHER.i In a table hanging att the quier dore. Here under resteth the body of Brian Crovvther,- clothier, of Halifax, who deceased in the faith of Christ Jesus, full of yeares and good workes, the xi of January, anno Domini 1607, of the age of Ixx, cheife benefactor to the free schoole and pore. HOUGH.^ In the chancel. Sacrum Memorice EDMUNDI HOUGH,^ A.M. e Coll. Jesu CANT, quondam SociJ, Parochicz de THORNTON postea Rectoris, Tandemq ; hujus Ecdesice Prcesidis ; Qui Concionando persplcuus, Disserendo facundus, Pietate Cal/iolicus, Post exiguum autem Olicanse^ temporis impensum M orient i Hanc desideratum requiem, sibi dedit Deus. Obijt I mo. die Aprilis 1691. Anno y£ talis 59. 1 From Dodsworth'' s Yorkshire Church A'otes, Yorks. Arch. Soc, Record Series, xxxiv, 44. 2 By his will he left an annuity of ^^lo to the poor of Halifax, charged upon his messuages and lands at Armyn (Watson's History of Halifax, p. 580), and an annuity of £2.0 to the Free Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth at Halifax, also charged upon his estate at Armyn (Ibid., p-7l3), besides other charitable bequests. His widow Jane and her sister Ellen Ilopkinson gave an almshouse to the town during their life- time {I hid., p. 583), and his widow left a rent charge of ;^8 per annum for the teaching of poor children in the almshouse {Ibid., p. 586). 3 From Wright's History of Halifax, pp. 64, 65. ^ Vicar, 1689-91. Probably descended from a Cheshire family. He was instituted to the rectory of Thornton-in-Craven 13 November, 1668, succeeding Dr. Hooke there, as he subsequently did at Halifax. His will and some account of him will be found in the Halifax Ant. Soc. Trans., 1904, pp. 1 19-125. There was an English inscription to his memory on a stone in the chancel, taken from part of the above (Watson's History of Halifax, p. 381). ^ "Olicana" for "Halifax" is a mistake, Ilkley having been identified as the Roman station to which this name applied. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 59 ROOKBYE.i On a monument in the Rokeby Chapel. Orate pro Aninia Willielmi RooKBYE,-y?/r. Can. Profess, ac etiam Episcopi Medensis et deinde Archiepisc. Dublin., Capellce Fundatoris istius ; qui objit {s\c) 2(^'^ Novembris. An. Dom. 1521. SHARP.^ On a tablet in the chancel, an angel in clouds, blowing a trumpet, and on a cloth hanging from it, these words : — Johannes,^ Dominus Archiepiscopus Eborum, 1704. Arms of Sharp^ painted near the inscription, impaled with those of the See of York. STEAD." "Near this place is interred the body of M-" Valentine Stead, Merchant, who died May the i6*h, 1758, aged 70. Also Naomi, his wife, who died October the 9'.'', 1740, aged 47. And seven of their children. Also two children of Valentine Stead the younger, who erected this monument." WATERHOUSE.' "In Dr. Johnson's MS. collections is the drawing of a tomb said to be removed out of the north chapel when the stairs were made which lead to the north gallery there, at the head of which 1 From Wright's History of Halifax, p. 43. ^2 Vicar, 1502-21. The son of John Rokeby, of Kirk Sandal. Educated at Rotherham and Oxford. Rector of Kirk Sandal 1487. Bishop of Meath 1507. Archbishop of Dublin 15 11. Lord Chancellor of Ireland 1 512. He founded the North or Rokeby Chapel in Halifax Church by his will. His heart and bowels were buried at Halifax, first in the choir, but afterwards removed into the chapel {^Halifax Wills, ii, 225). 3 From Watson's History of Halifax, p. 387. * John Sharp was born at Bradford 16 Feb., 1644-5, being the eldest son of Thomas Sharp, salter, by Dorothy, eldest daughter of John Weddal, of Widdingtoii, Yorkshire. Scholar of Christ's College, Camb. Archdeacon of Berkshire 1673. Prebendary of Norwich and rector of S. Giles in the Fields, London, 1675. I^-I^- i" 1679. Dean of Norwich 1681. Named Dean of Canterbury 1689. .Archbishop of York 1691. Archbishop Tillotson was his lifelong friend {Diet, of Nat. Biog.). '' Watson does not give these arms, but the arms of Sharp painted on the chancel roof are blazoned as. Sable, a jsheon argent within a bordure or, charged with eight torteaux, in the Yorks. Arch. Soc. Exctirsion Programme, 1S76, p. 7, although they are there wrongly attributed to Tillotson. " From Watson's History of Halifax, p. 388. Neither Watson, Jacobs, nor Crabtree gives any note as to the situation of this monument. Cf. the inscription on page 42. ■^ From Wa'.son's History of Halifax, p. 390. There is an illustration facing page 403 of the same work. 60 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS was a shield of arms, viz., Waterhouse, Or, a pile ingrailed sable, quartered with Savile, parted per pale quarterly. i. Bosseville, of Gunthwaite. 2. Bendy of thirteen pieces, or and argent. 3 A lion rampant over all a bend gules ; fourth as first. Under these a scroll and motto, " Virtus vincit omnia." On the top of the tomb lay the figure of a man in armor, holding on his breast a shield, with the same arms as above. On one side of his head were, on a shield, the arms of Waterhouse, on the other the coats of Waterhouse and Savile, quartered ; on one side of his feet, Waterhouse impaled with Bosseville, and on the other, Waterhouse impaled with the same quarterings as are impaled in the shield on his breast. The above stairs were made in 1700." WATERHOUSE.^ In the quier abovesaid (Rookeby Chapel) ther is a faire monument, with this inscription : — Here lyeth the body of John Waterhouse- of Shibd[^;?], esquire, who departed the fith day of January, anno Domini 1583. Humanius est vitam deridere quam deplorare. WATERHOUSE.^* On the north side of the church. Here lieth the body of M'' John Waterhouse,^ of Lower Ranns, in Northowram, who died April 4'?, 1759, aged 60. On the west end of the tomb : — Oh Christian Reader ! often think Christ will appear, How shall I then in judgment stand ! 1 From Dads-worth's Yorkshire Church Notes, Yorks. Arch. Soc, Record Series; xxxiv, 46. 2 Son of Robert Waterhouse, of the Moot Hall, by Sibil, daughter and coheiress of Robert Savile, of Shibden Hall. He married Jane, daughter and heiress of Thomas Bosvile, of Conisborough {Dodsworth's Yorkshire Church Notes, p. 46«). " 1583- Johne. Waterhouse de Shepeden, gent., sepult. fuit xxv day of Ja" '\Hx. Reg.). "^ From Watson's History of Halifax, p. 391. * He left all his interest, by lease from Mr. John Coppendale, of Lower and Upper Ranns to his wife Ellen during her widowhood. Mentions his sons Samuel and John, to the former of whom he left his property at Wyke and in Halifax, and his late brother Samuel, deceased {Reg. Test.,ci\\, 161). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 61 II. INSCRIPTIONS RELATING TO STAINED GLASS WINDOWS, Etc. (A) NOW IN THE CHURCH. ANONYMOUS. In the glass of the third window of the north aisle from the west. To . the • Glory • of • God • & • in • thankfvl • remembrance • of • many | loved • ones • gone • before • this • window • is • hvmbly • dedicated • 1879. ANONYMOUS. On a brass plate, 24 1 by 4 inches, fixed on the organ. To the Glory of God and in memory of many dear relations and friends who worshipped in this Church, the western screen of this Organ was erected by Clement Holdsworth, DecT 24 1900. W. C. Williams Archt Hx ANONYMOUS. In the glass at the bottom of the two southernmost lights of the east window of the church. G. Hedgeland [1855 EDWARDS. On a brass plate, 52^ by 9 inches, divided into two panels, below the easternmost of the north windows^ of the Rokeby Chapel. (First panel) • Sorori • admodam • dilect?e • • Annae • Elizabethje • • Quae • nupta • primum • Johanni • Lees • Edwards ■ • Morte • suis • non • sibi ■ immatura • • breve • post • biennium • prairepto • Anno • Salutis • MDCCCXXXV • Anno • ^itatis • xxxi • ^ In the glass at the bottom of the westernmost lii^ht of the original window were the following words: " W. Warrington, Del' et I'inx'," and at the bottom of the easternmost light, " London, A.D. 1S60." This window was replaced by a better one in December, 1907, but the original brass still rem.iins (June, 1908), and the following inscriptions are painted on the glass of the new window: "Originally painted by W. Warrington, i860," and "Re-designed & repainted by J. Hardman & Co., 1907." 62 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS (Second Panel) Nupta • iterum • Josepho • I • Hegan • sui • adhuc ■ superstiti . . summo • cum • suorum • desiderio • animam • ipsa -"speratam • beatitudinem • expectans"- efflavit • Anno • Salutis • MDCCCXLVIII • Anno • /^:tatis • xxxviii • • J. • et • S. • Waterhouse • • Anno • Salutis • MDCCCLX • EDWARDS. On a brass plate, 52^ by 9 inches, divided into two panels, below the westernmost of the north windows^ of the Rokeby Chapel. (First panel) • Sorori • carissimse • in • sempiternum . desiderandae • • Catharinte • . Et • marito • suo • Carolo • Edwards . . Unius ■ diei • intervallo • lethali • febre • peremptis . Uno • die • procul • domo • Continge • apud • Scotos • sepultis • • Anno • Salutis • MDCCCXLII • (Second panel) Anno • ^^tatis • Catharinge • xxix • Carolo • xxxiv • • Fratres • Moerentes • • J. • et • S. • Waterhouse • . Anno • Salutis • MDCCCLX • Amabiles • et • decori • in • vita • sua • in • morte • quoque • non . sunt • divisi — ii • Sain • C • i • v xxiii • EDWARDS. On a concave brass plate, 25^ by lof inches, decorated with masonic symbols, fixed to the fifth pillar from the west in the north arcade of the nave. Arms. — Azure, on a bend nebuly (argent), cotised (or), a fleur-de- lys between two martlets of the field, with the red hand of Ulster — Edwards ; impaling, quarterly, i and 4, Gules, an eagle displayed (azure), 2 and 3, Or, a lion rampant sable." Crest. — Out of a crown vallary (or), a talbot's head (argent), semee- de-lys (azure). Motto. — Omne bonum Dei donum. 1 In the glass at the bottom of the westernmost light of the original window were the following words: "W. Warrington, Del' et Pinx'," and at the bottom of the easternmost light, " London, A. D. i860." This window was also replaced by a better one in December, 1907, the original Ijrass remaining, and a similar inscription to that in the one to the memory of Anne Elizabeth Edwards being painted on the glass. 2 The impalement is probably Coster. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 63 To the Glory of God and to the cherished memory of Brother Sir Henry Edwards, Bart. C.B. D.L. of Pye Nest, Past Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire Free Masons and Past Master of the Lodge of Probity N°6i. The Clerestory Window above this Tablet was placed there by the Brethren of that Lodge, in token of their Fraternal and Affectionate Regard. December 1886. EMMET.^ On a brass plate, 83 by 9 inches, below the second window in the south wall of the church west of the chancel screen. Arms. — Per pale, azure and sable, a fess engrailed ermine between three oxes' heads cabossed, (or) — Emmet. Crest. — An ox's head. Motto. — Mens conscia recti. In • honorem • Dei • Optimi • Maximi • Et • in • Piam • Memoriam • stirpis cognomine • Emmet • Per • plurimos • annos • hujusce • urbis • incolae • Superstites • Sui • G • N • Emmet • et • Vidua • Domus • que • Johannis Emmet • Villa • de • Cravensi • nuperrime • vita • defuncti • Fenestram • banc • ponendam • curavere. Anno • Salutis • MDCCCLXII . GARLAND. On a brass plate, 24I by 4^ inches, fixed to the organ. In memory of William Henry Garland, Mus : Bac : Oxon : Organist of this Church 1 884-1 897, a sum of ^300 was raised by his many friends for additions to the Organ. Gawthorf Si-' London GAUKROGER. On a l)rass plate, 15^^ by 8^, inches, fixed to the sixth i)illar from the west in the south arcade of the nave. 1 In the glass al the boUom of the casterninosl lii;lu in this window are the words, "W. Warrington, Del' et I'inx'." 64 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS To . the Glory • of • God and . in ■ loving • memory of • George • and • Mary Gaukroger, of • Clarendon • Place. The • Clerestory • Window above • this • Tablet • was placed • by • their • Son William • and • his • Wife Mary • Alice. November • 7*.^. 1886. GOOCH. On a brass plate, 79 by 5 inches, fixed to the south wall of the Holdsworth Chapel, below the third window from the east. To • the • Glory • of • God • in • honour • of • the Rev? John Henry Gooch, M • A • , Incumbent • of • vStainland • and • Head • Master^- of • the • Free • Grammar School ■ of • Queen • Elizabeth • at • Heath • in ■ this • Parish • who • died • July 2? 1861 »i< This • Window • was • erected • by • his • Pupils . A • D . 1864. HARGER. On a brass plate, 15 by 8 inches, fixed to the first pillar from the east in the south arcade of the chancel. To the glory of God and in loving memory of John & Mary Harger, the two easternmost clerestory windows on the south side of the Chancel were given by their two daughters, Sara H. Kirk & Caroline A. Harger, September, 1879. 1 Headmaster 1S40-61, IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 65 HOLDSWORTH. On a brass plate beneath the east window of the Holdsworth Chapel. This • window • is • dedicated • to ■ the • Memory • of • John • Holds- worth • of • Shaw • Lodge ■ Skircoat • by ■ his • widow • and • four • sons • He • died • the • 6*1' of • June • 1857 • HOLDSWORTH. On a brass plate, 33 by 5^ inches, fixed to the south wall of the Holdsworth Chapel, below the first window from the east.^ + To the glory of God and in loving memory of Sarah, Widow of the late John Holdsworth of Shaw lodge Halifax born 9*^.'' August 1800 died April 28*1' 1876 aged 75 years, this window [was erected by her four sons, William Irving • George • Tom • and John • Holdsworth. HOLDSWORTH. On a brass plate, 15 by 8 inches, fixed to the third pillar from the east in the south arcade of the chancel, * To the Glory of God This Window was erected as a thank offering by Walter Holdsworth, Spring Hall, Halifax. January 1883. HOLDSWORTH. On a concave brass plate, 24! by io| inches, fixed to the fifth pillar from the west in the south arcade of the nave. Arms. — Gules, on a fess or, three lions passant, (azure) — Holds- worth ; impaling, Ermine, a fess between three pheons, sable — Atkinson. Crest. — A lion rampant, gules, supporting between his paws a scroll (or). Motto. — Sans changer. ' In ihc fjlass of the window is this inscripliini : " To • the • f;lory • of . God | this • window • was • erected | in • the ■ Holdsworth • Chapel AD- 1874.'" 66 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS To the Glory of God the fifth Window on the South Side of the Clerestory was erected as a Thank Offering by Walter Holdsworth, of Spring Hall, Halifax, Jan. 1883, and the above Window was erected by his Widow Emily Holdsworth, in loving memory of him. Nov. 1886. Requiescat in pace. HOYLAND. On a brass plate, 51 by 5 inches, fixed to the south wall of the Holdsworth Chapel, below the second window from the east. ♦|* Gulielmus -^ Hoyland 4* ob : ■>!♦ Feb : -^ 8 ■>!♦ a.d. ^ 1864 ^set :4'72-*I* Gulielmus ■^ Rothwell 4* i'l 4* niemoriam 4 posuit. •4* HOYLAND. In the glass of the fourth window from the east in the south wall of the Holdsworth Chapel. S • J • K • ob': Ian : ii'.^ 1854 • cet : 18 • | L • A • OW • February • 25 -1851 • .¥.: 18 • I Ann • Hoyland • Ob': 23'^.'' • lan^ 1851 • ^: 57 • HUNTRISS. On a brass plate, 16^ by 7 inches, fixed to the eastern respond of the south arcade of the chancel. * To the glory of god, and in memory of William Huntriss, of West Field, Halifax, who died the 13 Feb?", 1883, aged 78 years, IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 67 the easternmost bays of these screens were erected by his sons. KIRK. On a brass plate, 25I by 5 inches, fixed to the north wall of the church, below the fourth window from the west. To the honour and glory of God and in memory of Joseph Moxon Kirk of Woodside, Halifax, who died A.D. May 9"' 1868 This window was erected by his four children, A.D. October 7*)" 1879 KNOWLES. In the glass of the easternmost triplet of the dormer windows over the south door. In the middle light : In memory of J. W. Knowles died Oct. 25, 1865. In the western light : And Mary Knowles died Dec. 10, 1865. KNOWLES. On a brass plate, 28| by 4^ inches, fixed to the south wall of the church, near to and to the east of the south door. To • the • Glory • of • God • this • Easternmost ■ Window' over • the • South • Entrance • of • this • Church was • Erected • In • Memory • of • John • W • Knowles and • Mary • his • Wife • who • both • Died • A • D • 1865 MUSGRAVE." On a brass plate, 6 feet 6 inches by 5 inches, fixed to the west wall of the church, below the west window of the south aisle. To the Glory of God and in memory of the Venerable Archdeacon Musgrave, D.D. 48 years Vicar of this Parish, who died April 17'.'' 1875, This window with the Tomb and Figure in the South Chancel, were erected by the Parishioners and other Friends. A.D. 1880. 1 The preceding inscription is in the glass of this window. 2M.I., p. 28. 68 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS NORRIS. Ill the glass of the westernmost triplet of the dormer windows over the south door. Arms. — Quarterly argent and gules, in the second and third quarters a fret, or, over all a fess, azure — Norris ; impaling. Or, on a cross sable between 4 trefoils vert 5 mullets argent — Coupland. To the Glory of God | and in loving memory of | Sydney and Bessy Norris | this window is erected | by their only child | Julia JN orris, A, U. 1005- mayer & co, munich & london. NORRIS. On a brass plate, 15 by 8 inches, fixed to the first pillar from the west in the south arcade of the nave. The three • Western • Windows^ over • South • Porch representing • the Angel • at • the • Tomb are • erected • to the • Glory • of • God and • in loving • memory • of Sydney and • Bessy • Norris. Requiescant • in • pace. Mayer & C'^ London & Munich OLD FRAGMENTS. At the Restoration the fragments of old stained glass were collected together and placed in a five-light dormer window, which is in a very inaccessible position above the westernmost window in the south wall of the church. The words and parts of words which can be made out are, in the first light counting from the east, "(E)zech"in the fourth section; in the second light, "propheta" in the second section, and " trus " in the fourth ; in the third light, "S9 Mathe9" in the fourth section; in the fourth light, "Joties" in the second section, and "Angeli" in the fourth; and in the fifth light, "Regin" in the second section, "Haldes"' and "Doctor" in the third section, and " Scs Thom " in the fourth section. ^ The preceding inscription and arms are in the glass of these windows. ^ This evidently refers to Dr. Robert Haldesworih, vicar from about 1525 to 1556 IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 69 OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. On a brass plate, 13^ by 5 inches, fixed to the east face of a buttress supporting the north- east angle of the tower. H. W. Coulthurst D.D. Vicar of Halifax Appropriated this Pew for the Use of the Overseers of the Poor of this Town. Anno Domini 1803. Finished by / R. Alexander W. Lawrence I q ( I. Lister & A. Mellin. | ver RAWSON. On a concave brass plate, 13 by 7|- inches, fixed to the third pillar from the east in the south arcade of the chancel. The above clerestory window is given by Benjamin Currer Rawson July 1884, to the glory of God & in loving memory of his wife Emily Rawson, died 28 Nov, 1883. Age 31. 33rd REGIMENT. On a brass plate, 24 by 6 inches, fixed to the north wall of the church, below the first window from the west.^ ^Erected by the Officers of the 33'.'' Duke of Wellington's Reg* to the Glory of God and in memory of their comrades who died serving in the Regiment. Major A. J. Weeding died in India 14*.'' July 1876. Capt" E. S. Wason [Adjutant 6"' West York Militia] died in England 5'?" Jan? 1880. Lieu' R. S. P. Robinson and 2".'' Lieu* J. B. H. Carmichael killed in a landslip at Naina Tal, India, 18"' Septeml 1880 •$< 33rd REGIMENT. On a brass plate, 2i| by 8 J inches, fixed to the sixth pillar from the west in the north arcade of the nave. Crest. — A demi-Hon rampant, rising out of a coronet, holding a pennon, having at the head the cross of St. George. Motto. — Virtutis fortuna comes. ' In the glass of Ihc westernmost li^^ht is the regimental crest, A demi-lion rampant gules, armed or, rising out of a coronet, or, holding a pennon, gules, having al the head the cross of St. George, and the motto, " \'irtulis fortuna comes," the whole being enclosed within a circular ribbon bearing the names, "Alma, Inkerman, Scbastopool." In the easternmost light the number "33," and "Duke of Welling- ton's Regiment," enclosed by a similar ribbon, with the following names upon it, " Scringapatam, Waterloo, Abyssinia." 70 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS 33 These Colours were carried by the 33^' Duke of Wellington's Regiment from 1854 to 1879, and were present at the Battles of Alma, Inkerman and siege and capture of Sebastopol, also during the Campaign in Abyssinia 1868. This Tablet is erected by the Officers [past and present] of the i'* Battalion Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment late 33'".'* A.D. MDCCCXCIX. 76th regiment. On a brass plate, 14J by 9 inches, fixed to the fifth pillar from the west in the north arcade of the nave. 76* Regiment. Erected • by • Officers who • served • in • the •76*?' Reg* • to • Record ■ that • the Colours • inscribed • with the • number • of • the • Reg- iment ■ and • placed • in • this Church • above • this • Pillar June • ii'."- 1888 • are • the Colours • which • the • 76'?' Regiment • last • carried. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 71 RIGGE. On a brass plate, 25 by "j^ inches, fixed lo the third pillar from the east in the north arcade of the chancel. Arms. — Gules, a fess ermine between three water spaniels argent, holding in their mouths a bird bolt, (or) — Rigge. Crest. — A water spaniel gules, holding in its mouth a bird bolt, (or). Motto. — Esto fortis. To the Glory of God and in affectionate remembrance of Christopher Taylor Rigge, who died June 5"" 1886, ' aged 78 years. The Clerestory Window immediately above this Tablet is dedicated by his Son Samuel Taylor Rigge, F.S.A. A.D. 1887. RIGGE. In the glass of the second window from the west in the north wall of the church. Samvel Taylor Rigge died 22".''Jvly 1832 aged 68 y" ( Mary Rigge his wife died 12"' Feb 1823, aged 54 y"'* SMITH. In tlie glass of the east window of the north choir aisle. >h A • memorial • from • the • Congregation | • to • the • Rcv^* • W. . Smith • M.A. • eight • | years ■ afternoon • lecturer ■ of ■ this • | Church . who • died • September • ix | mdccclv • aged • xxxix. • 72 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS TURLAY. In the glass of the west window of the north aisle of the church. To • the • Glory • of • God • and • in | memory • of ■ Thomas • Turlay | who • deceased • i8 • Aug. • 1871 • aged • 54. VICAR'S BIBLE CLASS. In the glass of the first window from the west in the south wall of the church. A : grateful : | offering : from : the : Vicar's : Bible : Class : | October : 1879. VICTORIA. On a concave brass plate, 22^ by 6| inches, fixed to the sixth pillar from the west in the north arcade of the nave. To the Glory of God in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria's Reign June 21'.' 1887 And in completion of the enrichment of the Clerestory Windows with Stained Glass The Window immediately above this pillar is presented by Francis Pigou, D.D. Vicar, Canon of Ripon, Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty, A.D. 1888. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 73 WALKER. On a brass plate, 52^ by 9 inches, fixed to the south wall of the church, below the third window from the west. Arms. — Argent, on a chevron nebulee sable three mullets, between three crescents of the second — Walker. Crest. — A greyhound passant argent, powdered with mullets and collared. Motto. — Per ardua virtus. In • honorem • Dei • O • M Et • in • piam • memoriam • Alajorum • suorum lampridem • domicilium ■ apud • Crownest • hac • in • Parochia ■ habentium Quorum • quicquid • erat • mortale • per • longum • annorum • decursum MDCLXXVI — MDCCCIX Hosce • intra • muros • depositum • subjacet Hanc • Fenestram P . C Evan • Carolus • Sutherland • Walker A . S . MDCCCLXIV WATERHOUSE. On three brass plates, 41^ by 9 inches, below the west window' of the Rokeby Chapel. (South panel) Defietis • valde • deflendis • • In • conditorio • subjacente • • Hosce • intra • annos • depositis • • Eprisca • Halifaciensi • stirpe • ■ De • Waterhouse • (Centre panel) • Propinqui • [Arms.^ • Superstites • • Anno Salutis ■ • MDCCCLIX - (North panel) Hanc • Fenestram • • Pietatis • ergo • et • grati • animi • • Non • sine • spe • lieat.-e • in • vitam • • (Eternam (sic) ■ per ■ Christum • rcsurrectionis • • Ponendam • Curavere • • In the glass at the bottom of the centre hght is the name '' Waterhouse," in large black letter type, and at the bottom of Irath the northernmost and southern- most lights the words, "William Warrington, London, A.n. 1859." 2 Or, a pile engrailed sable — Waterhouse; and the motto, "Veritas, vincit . omnia." 74 MONUMENTAL, AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS WATERHOUSE. In the glass of the east window of the Rokeby Chapel. >^ To • the • Glory • of • God • and • to • the • | memory • of • John • Water- house • of • I Well • Head • who • died • Feb : 13 • 1879 | aged • 72 • this • window • is • dedicated | by • his • surviving • brother • 1880. WATERHOUSE. In the glass of the middle of the north windows of the Rokeby Chapel. To : the : glory : of : God : in : loving : memory | of : Samvel : Waterhouse : of : Well : Head : who | died : March : 4*^ : 1881 : aged : 65 : also : of | Elizabeth : his : Sister : Widow : of : the | Rev'^ B. : Bayfield : who : died : Febv : 24*'^ : 1881 : aged : 63 | In : peace : & : hope : C : L : W : & : C : G : D : W : 1882. (B) NOT NOW TO BE FOUND IN THE CHURCH. de In a window in the South side of y* church. (?) DAVY.i Orate pro anima Johannis Davy, Prior[/V] Monasterii de Pangeraci ^ From Dodswori/i's Church Notes, Yorks. Arch. Soc. , Record Series, xxxiv, 45. Halifax Church was appropriated to the priory of 8. Pancras at Lewes, but no prior of the name of Davy appears in the list in Dugdale's Mouasticon, 1846 edition. There is, however, a John Danyel mentioned as prior between the years 1450 and 1460, and "Davy" is probably an error for the first four letters of this name. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 75 III. INSCRIPTIONS ON GRAVE COVERS: (A) NOW TO BE SEEN IN THE CHURCH. (NOTK. — The missing parts of the inscriptions in all cases in Settion III (A), unless otherwise staled, are given from Rigge's MS.) In the Aisle of the Rokeby Chapel. ( The numbering of the inscriptions in the Roheby Chapel is from South to North. ) I. GREENUP. ^[William Greenup of] | Darcey Hay in Skir | coat, merchant, died I May 20'?" and was buried | the 25'.'', 1783, aged 5[3 yrs.] | Also Sarah Greenup, | of Lane Ends in | Skircoat, reUct of the | above Wilham Greenup, | who departed this Hfe on | the 14'.'' day of April 1816, I aged 76 years. | Here are interred | the remains of Harriet | Helen, daughter of George | and Elizabeth Greenup, | of Sowerby- Bridge, and | granddaughter of the above | [William and Sarah Greenup, born July 22".'' 1810, died March 23^'' 1828, aged 17 yrs.] 2. TAYLOR. "[Here was interred the body of Mary,^ wife of Mr. Richard Taylor of Sowerby] | Croft in Norland, died May | the 16**' 1748, aged 40 years. | Elisabeth, his daughter, [died the 9**^ of July 1748, | aged 15 years. | Ann, his daughter, died i''.' | of June 1750, aged 9 years. | And the said Mr. Richard | Taylor'* died October the | ig*^** 1763, aged 66 years. | And also | [the] body of Richard | [Taylor], son of the above I [Ric]hard Taylor, who | [died the] 2"^ of August 181 1, | aged 66 years. 1 The beginning and end of this inscription are covered by seating. "^ The beginning of this inscription is covered by seating. The mi.ssing parts are copied from IValker's MS. ■'"1748. My. 18. Mary, ux. Rich* Taylor, Norland, Gent." {I/x. Keg.). ■^ A member of an old Norland family. By his will, dated i July, 1755, ^^'^ proved at ^'ork 15 .Sept., 1766, he bequeathed to his eldest son Cjcorge two farms in Norland Town called New Hall and Old Hall, Mearclough Bottom Mill, Heath Ilall, Hollin Well, and other estates, subject to certain ))ayments to his daughters; to his son Richard, Sowerby Croft, Shaw, Stanbury Hall, and jiropcrty at Scar and Scarhead, etc.; to his eldest daughter Hathshua his estates in Pudsey and Bradford; to his daughter Mary his estate in Elland ; and to his daughter Sarah a farm in Warley called Cau.scy, a quit rent in Studley, Sparkhouse in Norland, etc. {Reg. Test., ex, 231). See Hulme M.I., on page 20. 76 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS 3. BOUYES. ^[Here lieth the bodies of two chil] | clren of Edwa[rcl] ] Bouyes of Skircoa[t]. | William, his son, | departed this life | the 21'* day of Aug**.' I 1730. And also | Rebecca, his daug | hter, departed | this life the 12"' day | of May 1736 in the | i"".' year of her age. | Also Edward, his son, I was buried the l^' day j of August 1741 in the ] i^^'year of his age. 4. COCKETT. '•^[Richard Cockett, of Skircoat, owneth] | this stone, who in | tendeth vnder itt to | lye when he doth dye. | Here lyeth body of | Richard Cockett, of | Skircoate, who depar | ted this life the 18"' | day of September 1686, | aged 70 yeares. | Also here lyeth the body | of lohn Wainehouse, of | Halyfax, who departed | this life the 7"' day of lune | 1705. In the North Aisle. {2"he numbering of the inscriptions is from East to West.) I. UTTLEY. In memory | of William, the son o[f] [ Thomas Uttley, who die[d] I Dec!' 7'.'' 1759, aged 9 mont[hs]. | Also of three of his | daughters, Elizabeth ] [w]ho died January i2["i | i]767, aged 2 years, | Mary who died January i 14"' 1784, aged 21 years, | Ann who died January | 29*^ 1792, aged 27 years. | Also of Ann, the wife | of Thomas Uttley, who I died November 9'.'' | 1794, aged 68 year[s]. | Also of Susan[nah],* I his daughter and w[ife] | of John Nicholl, of H[ali] | fax, grocer, who died July | [i'.'] 1798, aged 37 years. ] Also of two children of | John & Susannah Nicholl, | Ann who died Aug* 27* | 1798, aged 13 weeks, I Thomas who died Dec! | 25^" 1802, aged 7 years. | Also of the above ] named Thomas Uttley | who died March 23'!' | i8o[oJ,^ aged 74 years. 2. COCKMAN. [ Franciscu® ] | nes Francisci Cockman'' S[ ] I Halifaxiensis Ne [ ]t[ ] | quorum unus I[ ]n[ J j alter Maij 30 i66[ ]. 1 The beginning of this inscription is covered by seating. ^ The beginning of this inscription is covered by seating. •■5 No Susannah in the Register, but a Grace. "1798. Jul. 4. Grace, ux. John Nicholl, Hx., Grocer, bur." (Ux. Eeg.). * Buried 26 Mar., 1800 (Hx. Reg.). 5 This word from Walkers MS. " An uncommon name in the parish. A Francis Cockman was master of Heath School 1629-164- (Co.x, p. 63). Francis Cockman, publ. ludimag., and Grace Ward of Skircoat v/ere married by licence at Halifax Church on 24 Aug., 1630. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 77 [One or two lines worn away.) And also here reste[th] | the body of Elizabet[h] ( Cockman, who wa[s] I buried the 25 day o[f] | lanuary 1679. 3. NICHOLL. In Memory ) of | Sarah, the daughter | of John [Nic]holl, of ] Halifax, who d[e]parted I this life on the i[8]'f' | day of February 1803, I [ajged eight months. | Also of [Ann], the wife | of the above, who departed | this life on the [27]*'' day [ofj | April 1804, aged 32 ye[ars]. 4. ROBINSON. W™ Robinson, Junior, | died August 17*'' 1773- 5. ELLIS. ^[Here resteth the body of Ester Ellis, late wife of Stephen Ellis," of Halifax], | departed this life ] the 6'^ day of luly: | 1683. 6. WALSH. ^[Here lyeth the body of John Walsh, of Halifax, felt maker, who departed this life the 26'.'' day of August 1729. Also here lyeth Penelope, his wife], | who departed this | life the 7*'' day of July | [i]749 in the 72!^ year | of her age. | Also here lieth the | body of Betty Merce[r], | her daughter, who | was buried the 28'^ | day of December | 1768. 7. HALL. Here ly[et]h /'' bo[dy] | of Ml Abr[ah]am Ha[ll],^ | late of Bo[ot]htow[n], I who dep[a]r[te]d th[is] | life the 2^^ day [o]f | Aprill 1 The top of this stone has been cut off. 2 .Stephen Ellis was a prominent man in the parish in his day. He at one time lived at Priestley in Ilipperhohne, and as churchwarden of Coley was very active in putting into force the laws against Nonconformists, being a bitter opponent of Oliver Heywood's. When the Grammar .School, formerly conducted by the chantry priest in Coley Chapel, which on the su])pression of the free chapels collapsed for want of funds and a teacher, was resuscitated by the munificence of >Iathew Brodley, Stephen Ellis was of great help to the townsmen in securing the funds left by Brodley for the refoundation of the school as well as in other ways. Later he removed to Halifax, where his wife died. Mr. John Lister has given a good account of him in the Hx. Ajit. Soc. Trans., 1906, 98-101. ^ The top of this stone has been cut off. * He married Phoebe, daughter of John Lister, of Overbrea, wliich he purchased of his brother-in-law, Samuel Lister, and his mother-in-law, Phicbe Lister. By his will, dated 3 March, 1693, he left Overbrea and Blakehill in Northowram, or such part of these estates as it mii^ht not be necessary to realise in order to ])ay his debts, and subject to his wife's thirds, to his son and heir, Abraham. He bequeathed £1 to Mr. Joseph Wilkinson, vicar of Ilallifax, for preaching his funeral sermon; 40^ to Mr. Parrot, curate there ; and 40'' to the poor of Northowram. Mentions his wife Phoebe, his married daughter Judith, and his younger daughters .Sara, Hanna, Martha, and Mary {Dug. Vis. of Yorks., Clay's ed., i, 116 17, and Original Will at York). 78 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS i69[4].' I Also here ly[et]h th[e] | body of M' Abraha[m] | Hall, son to the abov[e] | said Abraham, who | departed this lif [ej the | 8'?" day of May in i7o[9].^ 8. RIISSEL. Here lie the bodies | of two children of | William Russel, of Ha I lifax. Martha was bu | ried 23^ of March i74x, | aged i year & 9 weeks, | and Mary was buried | 29*?" March 1741, aged | 2 years & II months. | Also John, his son, was | buried y^ 19*'' day of De | cem'' 1742, aged 2 weeks, j Also William Russel, | father of the above I children, was buried | the 8'!' day of January | 1745. And also Elisa I beth Russel, his wife, | was buried the 21'"* | day of October 1748. 9. SCHOLEFIELD. ''[Sjacred | to the | [Mejmory of | [Benjami]n Scholefield, who | [died in Sept'] 1773,'* aged 90 years. | [Also of J]ohn Lister, grandson I [of the above] named Benjamin | [Scholefield], who died April i"]^^ I [1805], aged 60 years. | [Also H]annah, relict of the | [above name]d John Lister, who | [died April i]4"' 1823, aged 76 years. ] [Also of S]arah, eldest daughter | [of the above] named John and | [Hannah L]ister, who died Feb^ | [10 i84]2, aged 65 years. | [Also of] Mary Ann Lister, | [their young]est daughter, who died | [March 19*.''] 1848, aged 65 years. 10. LORD. ■'Here are interred | five children of Samue[l] | & Martha Lord, of Halifax. | Samuel died August 24'f' | 1774, aged 29 weeks. | Martha died March i[5]''^ | 1778,'' aged i year & 12 d[ays]. | Charles died April [29*''] I 1780,' aged 11 months. | Geo. Charles died July [20'*^] I 1783,^ aged 6 weeks & [8 days]. | Edward died Sept [12'.''] | 1790," aged I month. | Thomas Lord, their [eldest] | son, died at Nar[va in] I Russia April 25"' i[8oi] | and was there inte[rred]. | Samuel Lord, fath[er of] | the above children, d[ied] | November 8'?" i8o[2'° in] | the 64"' y[ear] of his [age]. | Martha, r[e]lict [of the] | above Samuel L[ord], I died August [8]*-!^ i8[22'' in] | the 76"' year of her a[ge]. 1 "1694. Apr. 5. M'' Ab™ Hall, Norlhowram, hur." {ffr. A' From Walkef's MS. * "1796. Jul. 15. Roger s. of Samuel Swire, bur." [Hx. Reg.). 5 From Walktr's MS. ^ Up to the present it has been impossible to identify the member of the Lacy family whom this stone commemorates. Walker s AIS. (to. 89) has, " Here lyeth the bodye of Richard I>acy Inuied the 7 of August," IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 81 a fess and perhaps three small objects in chief. On either side of the shield are the initials [R] L. Below the coat, this inscription — Blessed are th | ey deade that | dy in the lo | rd for they | rest from th | ir labovrs. 3. RAWSON. Here lie interred | the remains of | Martha Rawson, | JE. 29, ob' 17 [ ^]. I Robert Rawson, | JE. 4, ob' 1756. | John Rawson, | JE. 38, ob* 1756. I Grace Rawson, | JE. 49, ob' 1764. | Christopher Rawson, | JE. 16, ob* 1769. | Robert Rawson, | AL. [ ^], ob* 1772. | Christopher Rawson, | A^.. 68, ob* 1780. \ Jeremiah Rawson, | AL. 39, ob! 1787. I [Wiljliam Saltmarshe, | AL. [ "], ob* 1792. | [Cajtherine Rawson, | ^.13, ob* 1803. | [Mary"*] Anne Rawson J [Al. 19, ob*i8o °] 4. CAYGILL. «MfThom[asJ C[a]vg[ill]," | of [Hally]f[ax], was here | buried the si[x]th day | of October 1729, 5. WILKINSON. ^[A]lso here lie[th the body of | Pjhebe Wilkinson [ of] | Thoma[s] W[i]l[kinson | an]d Mo[ther | cjhildren [ this | life in] | the 69 [ ]. 6. FOURNES. "Here lyeth the body | of M' Samuell Fournes, | of Ovenden, who was I borne the 7*.'' day of De | sember 1662 and de | parted this life the 20*.*' I day of February 1687. | Also Phebe, his daughter, | died the 21'.' of March 1699. | And also here lyeth the | body of M"? Phebe Fournes." | the wife of Mf Joseph | Fournes, of Ovenden, | who departed this life I the 24*.'' day of May 1705 | in the 77'.'' year of her age. | 1 Blank on the tombstone. 2 Blank on the tombstone. ^ Blank on the tombstone. * From Walker's MS. ^ Blank on the tombstone. " This stone was formerly in the chancel {Walker's MS.). '' " Tho. Caj^ill anrl Elizabeth, <1. Jonath. Stead of Halifax mar. June 19, 1729" (North. Neg.). " 1729. Oct. 6. Thomas Caygill, Hall : stapler, bur." [IIx. Reg.). " Missing parts from Walker's MS., fo. 60, where there is something earlier, but illegible. " See M.I., p. 12, and ALL, p. 13. 1" She was a Dickenson, and was twice married, her first husband being James Oates, of Landshead, in Northowram (Hx. Ant. Soc. Trans., 1905, p. 219). 82 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS And also Captain lohn Fournes, son | of the above MT Samuel Fournes, | who departed this life November | y^ lo'.'' 17 17 in the 35"' year of his age. 7. NEWTON. Joseph Newton, born | at Bratby in Derbyshire, | was buried here April I the 20*.'' 1774, aged 37 years. | Also Thomas Newton, | his brother, was buried | December the 29"' 1773, | aged 35 years. 8. BRAMLEY. {On a brass plate ^ 7 by 2i\ inches^ Edward Bramley | died 15"' April 1834. | Aged 31 years. 9. OLDFIELD. In Memory of | James Oldfield Esq", | of Stock-lane in Warley, | who died on the 7"' day of ] March 1812 in the 69'^ | year of his age. I Also of Grace, his | wife, who died on | the 27*.^ day of June 1 81 2, I aged 74 years. 10. TATTERSALL. Here lyeth [the body] ] of Edmon[d Tattersall],' | of Hollin[s] in [Warley], | who depar[ted this life] | the 17*.'' of Dec[ember 1686],'-^ | aged 71 yea[rs]. | And also the [body of ]■', | wife of Richa[rd Tattersall], | of Hollins in [Warley, who] | departed this [life the day] I of Aprill i7i[o] in [the ] | of her age, [ ] | was here buried [ ]. | Also here lie the bodies [of] | Richard Tattersall, [ ]h[ ] | died April i7["']^ 1766, age[d] | 69, and of Mary Tatters[all], | his wife, who died July i[ '*] | 1772, aged 65 years. 11. WILLIAMSON. "[Here] | lieth the [ | o]f lohn [ j T]hom[as Williamson I of] Hallifax wh[o d the] | 26 day [of | i73]4 in y^ [ ] {On a brass plate, ?> by ^ inches, Ofi the same stone.) John Bramley, | died ] 17"' DecT 1831, | aged 76 years. 1 In his will, dated 10 Nov., 1686, proved during the vacancy of the See in the Court of the Dean and Chapter of York, he mentions his mother Tabitha, deceased, his wife Martha, deceased, his son Richard, his second son Timothy, his son John, his son-in-law John Elam of Halifax, and his brother Jonathan, besides other relatives. ■2 "1686. Dec. 20. Edm: Tattersal, Warly, bur." {Hx. Keg.). •^"1710. Apr. 15. Ux: Rich^ Tattersall, Warley, bur."" (i¥x. A"^^.). * Buried 20 Apr. 1766 {Hx. Reg.). ^ Buried 22 Jul. 1772 {Ux. Reg.). ® Missing parts from lVa!ker''s MS. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 83 12. BATES. Here lieth the bo[dyj | of Richard Bates, [who] | departed this lif[e] I April 25*.'' 1783, age[d 34]. | Also James Bates, \v[ho] | departed this lif[e] | December 24*.*' i79[i],' | aged 72. Also Joh[n], | his son and broth[er] | to Richard, depar[ted] | this life July 2!' i7[94],- I aged 40 years. 13. BATES. In Memory [ of Richard Bates Jun'', | of Hill in Warley, who | departed this life | September the 9* | 1806, aged 47 years. | Also of Mary, the | wife of the above | Richard Bates, who | departed this life I February the 26'.'' | 1793, aged 35 years. 14. BATES. {On a bra^s plate, iif by l\ inches.) Samuel Bates died Jan?' 5"' 1805, | aged 36 years. Landmore in Shelf. 15. STOTT. Here lieth the body of | Sarah, the wife of John | Stott, of Bl[ackwo]od House, | who depar[ted this] life [ the 18*?' day of [February] i[75]5' | in the 77"' year of h[er age]. | Also three childr[en of] I theirs was here [burie]d. 16. BINNS. Here [lies interre]d the | bod[y of A]nn Binns, th[e] | daugh. of Nathl Binn[s], | of Halifax, book-seller, | who died Aug. 10*.'' i76[2],'^ I aged 2 1 years and 1 1 | months. [Als]o Sarah, | daughter of the abov[e] | Nathanael Binns, who di[ed] | April the 6'.'' 1771 in the 2[5'h] 1 year of her age. | Mary, his wife die[d] | December 24'.'' i78[8], | aged 71 years. | Joseph, his son, die[d] | July 24*?' 1792, | aged 42 years. 17. FLETCHER. *Here lie the rem[ains] | of two children of WiUi[am] | and Ann Fletcher, Thoma[s], | who died June 26"' i79[o]/ | aged eight months, Ann, I who died March 2'!'' 1801, | aged five years. [ Also of Betty, the I wife of Thomas | Fletcher, who died Febl' | 29'.'' 181 2, aged 80 years. | Also of the aforesaid | Thomas Fletcher, | who died July 14'!' 181 2, I aged 84 years. 1 Buried 30 Dec, 1 791 {//x. AVj,'.). 2 Buried 4 Jul., 1794 [Hx. Keg.). 3 Buried 20 Feb., 1755 {Hx. Reg.). * Buried 12 Aug., 1762 {Hx. Reg.). 5 This stone is said to be in the north aisle in Walker's MS. « " 1790. Jun. 28. Tho., W" Fletcher, Skt., Joiner, bur." {Hx. Reg.). 84 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS i8. NELSON. ^[ Shibden i777- ] Also Thomas Nelson, | of Huddersfield, who died | the 27*?" day of August I i8o[5], aged 62 years. | Also Elizabeth Nelson, | [w]ife of the above, who die[d] | the 24*'' day of April | 182 1, aged 74 years. | Also of six children | who died in their infancy. 19. HARRISON. Here [ ] | body of [ ]1 Har | rison [ ] of I Wak[e]fi[el]d, [w]h[o] d[ie]d | the 2[ ] of [ ]r | 1752, a[ged ]ht | years. 20. FRAGMENT. '\ ] body [of I daugjhter of John | [ Brajcken Bed I [ wh]o departed | [t]hi[s] l[ife 18*^''] day of January, ] [i]7of. I [ bod]y of Sarah | [ w]ho was | [ o]f March | [ 10] [ interre]d the body | [of Dorothy] the widow of | [ ] of Ovenden | [ ]d from the | [ ] of Brackenbed | [who] departed this life | [Oct]ober the 26"" 1740 | [in the 83] year of her age.^ 21. BENTON. [Mary Benton, widow, was] here | [interred Februajry 5 i75[9]. | Elkanah Benton died on | [t]he 9*'' day of January 1781, | aged [55] years. ( T/ie folloioing inscriptions are to the West of the West Cross Aisle.) 22. CRAVEN. [In] Mem[ory] of | [Eliza]beth, daughter of | John & Elizabeth Craven, [ [o]f H[a]lifax, who died March | iG*?" 1827, aged 9 months. I Also of Mary, sister of [ the above John Craven | [a]nd daughter of James | and Elizabeth Craven, | [for]merly of Wakefield, | who died Sep"" 24'.'' 1828, I aged 22 years. | Also of Elizabeth, | wife of John Craven, | [w]ho d[ied] March 13*!' 1839, | aged 34 years. 1 This inscription may have been cut upon a stone which has lieen used before. The missing parts are from Walker''s MS. 2 The missing parts are from Walker^ s MS., fo. 62. This stone is marked at the bottom : [I]saac Ki[ ]. 3 " 1740. Oct. 29. Dorothy Iloyle, Ov", widow" {Hx. Reg.), m»y refer to this burial. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 85 23. FAVCIT. {On a brass plate, \\\ by 9I inches.) Here lyeth the body | of Hvgh Favcit,^ of | Halifax, buried | the 8*? day of April | A.D. 1641. | And also Hvgh Favcit, j his son, was buried y' | 19"' day of Avgust 1668. Vt enim per Adamum omnes moriun tur, sic per Christum omnes reviviscent. 24. AKED. {Oh a brass plate, 13I by lof inches.) In Memory of Barbara Aked,^ | daughter of the late Will'" Faucitt I by Martha, daughter of James | Lister of Shibden Hall, gent., | who died the is'? of DecTi775 in | the 51'.' year of her age. 25. PRIESTLEY. ^[Here lyeth the body of Rev'' Nath' Priestley* of Ovenden who died the 9'^ day of September 1728, aged 63 years. Also of his wife Jane who died the 30'"^ August 1739, aged 75 years. Also of Jonathan, son of Abraham and Dorothy Rhodes, who died the 11'^ day of May 1762, aged 30 years. Also Richard, son of John Rhodes, who died 30*^'^ January 1764, aged 3 years. Also Dorothy, wife of Abram Kershaw and daughter of the said Nath' and Jane Priestley, who died 27'^ day of January 1769 aged 77 years. Also Richard, son of Abram and Dorothy Rhodes, who died the 24*^ December 1 77 1, aged 56 years. Also of John, son of Abram and Dorothy Rhodes, who died the 29*'' January 1775, aged 46 years. Also of Sarah, daughter of the said John Rhodes, who died the 16'^ Ocf 1786, aged 31 years.] | Also of Faith, wife of the said John Rhod[es], 1 By his will, dated 3 April, 1641, he left his property in Halifax, subject to his wife's dower, to his son and heir Hugh. Also mentions his mother Sara, his wife Anne, his brother John Brooke, and his uncles John Bothomley and James Foxcrofte (Original Will at York). 2 Wife of Thomas Aked, of Willow Hall. •' The greater part of this inscription is concealed beneath the steps under the tower arch. * The second son of Jonathan Priestley, of Wcstercroft, by his wife Phoebe, daughter of Ric. lloyle, of Ilowkans in Northowram. He was a Dissenting minister, residing at Ovenden. Fie married at Headingley, II Jul., 1689, Jane, daughter of John JJrcarcliffe, of Halifax, and widow of .Samuel Fourness, of Ovenden. Their daughter Dorothy married Abraham Rhodes, of near Bradford (Hunter's Fatn. Mill. Gent., 86). According to the inscription, she afterwards married Abram Kershaw. Nathaniel Priestley was the first minister at Norlhgatc End Chapel, Halifa.x. 86 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS I who died the 9'^^ of DeC 1790 aged 59 year[s]. | Also of John, son of the said John | and Faith Rhodes, who died the 21'* ] Janv 181 8, aged 59 years. 26. PRIESTLEY.i '[Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of James, the son of Nathaniel Priestley, of Northowram, who died on the 6'^ day of February 1736, aged 3 years. Also of Sarah,^ the wife of Robert Milnes, merchant, who died on the 20* day of October 1740. Also of Hannah Priestley], | the wife of the above said 1 Nathaniel Priestley, who I died on the 6*? day of March | i7[52],*aged [4J3 years. \ Also of [Elijzabeth, the daugh"" | of the [sai]d Nathaniel | [&] Hannah Priestley, who | died on [the i8'''da]y of Augu[st] | 1769, [ag]ed 38 y[ears]. | Also of Mf [Nat]han[iel Priestley],^ | late of [Northo]w[ram, who I died] on the [5*?"] day [of A]pril | 1781, aged 81 [years]. | [Als]o of John Pri[estley], of | H[a]lifax, the son [of the last] | mentioned Nathaniel Priestl[ey], | who died on the [2]i[^'] day o[f | J]ul[y i8o]o, [a]ged [66 ye]ars. ( O/i a brass plate, i^ by 6 inc/ies, fixed to the lower part of this stone ^ _ Also of Hannah, the wife of Robert Swaine | and daughter of the above said Nathaniel | & Hannah Priestley, who died on the 27* day of I September 1806, aged 68 years. And also of | the said Robert Swaine,'' who died on the 23"^? | day of December 181 2, aged 67^ years. {These inscriptions are under the Tower.) 2J. RUDD. *In Memory of | Elizabeth Catherine, | [w]ife of Edward John Rudd, I gentleman, | second daughter of | [Jame]s Edward Norris, | [who die]d July 9*?" 1842, | [aged] 21 years. 1 The first part of this inscription is concealed beneath the steps under' the tower arch. 2 The missing dates in the latter part of the inscription are supplied from Hunter's Fam. Min. Gent. , p. 86. 3 The youngest daugliler of the Rev. Nath. Priestley. They were married at Coley 12 May (1726) {North. Reg.). 4= "M'= Han. Priestley, wife of M^ Nathaniel Priestley, dyed 6"^ was buryed lo"' March at Halifax 1752" {North. Reg.). She was the daughter of Thomas Holden of Halifax, and they were married at Coley iS June, 1730 (Hunter's Fam. Min. Gent., p. 87). •' Son of John Priestley, of Westercroft, by his wife Mary, daughter of Abraham .Swift, of Halifax. He continued the Memoirs begun by his grandfather, Jonathan Priestley, of Winteredge, which have been printed by the .Surtees Society (vol. Ixxvii). " Of Halifax, banker, son of Joseph Swaine, of Bradford, clothier. In the Memoirs (p. 40) Robert Swaine is said to have been a manufacturer of worsted stuffs. "^ Cut over another figure. •" See M.I. on page 38. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 87 28. NORRIS. 'In Memory of | [James Edjward Norris, | of [Savjile Hall, | [gejntleman, | who died September 9'.'' 1842, | aged 49 years. In the South Aisle. ( The numbering of the inscriptions is from East to West. ) I. POOL. Here lieth [the body] of | Willi[a]m [Pool, of Halifax], | who [was buried the 4*.''] | day of D[ecember] i[754" | i]n the 60'? [year of his age]. I Also Eliz[abet]h, his wife, | the daught[er] of MT | Joseph Wilkinson, vicar | of Halifa[x, who] depart | ed this life the i{9"'] of I March 1769, aged | 74 years. | Also the body of | Wilkinson Pool, of I Halifax, who was^ | Tyler to the Free Maso[n] | Lodge of Probity 31 yea[rs], | which office he fille[d] | with zealous fideli[ty]. ] He was changed to | the Lodge above Au[g.] | 8*? 1802, aged 71 y[ea]rs. 2. HAYLEY. [Her]e resteth the body of | [Ric]hard Ha[y]le[y, s]on of | [T]homas Ha[y]l[ey], of Lee | [B]ridge in Ovenden, [s]h[e]ar | [grjinder, who d[eparte]d | [t]his life April [the 1738],'' | aged 28 years. I Also George H[ayley, s]on | of the above [said Tho]mas | Hayley, who [departe]d | this life May the [ i75]9)^ I aged 25 years. | And Rachel H[ayley], th[e]i[r] | mother, died J[ 1751]. I i"^ the 66*.'' year [of her age]. | Also Thomas H[ayley, her] | husband, died [ ] I ii^ the 73'' year of [ ]. | And also Thom[as Hayley], | son of the ab[ove ] | and Rachel [Hayley** ] I 22? of April i[764'' | i]n the 48'.'' ye[ar of his age]. 3. RAMSDEN. *[Here lyeth the body of] | Mf Robert R[a]msden, | of Halifax, who [was] buried | Aug' 23? 1770, a[g]ed [43 years]. | Also Mary, his wi[fe], who I was buried June [ ] i77[ J/"* 1 aged [47] years. 1 See M.I. on page 38. 2 Buried 4 Dec, 1754 {Hx. Reg.). ^ Ai this poinl the stone is broken across. 4 Buried 7 April, 1738 (/Zr. Reg.). ■' 1759 according to Rigge's MS., but 1759 or 1739 in IVa/kers MS. " 1739. My. 27. Geo. Ely of Ovcndcn, Sheargrindcr, bur.'" {IIx. Reg.), may refer to this burial. "From Walker's MS. '' Buried 24 April, 1764 (/Ix. Reg.). ** The top of this stone has been cut off. Mi.ssing parts of the inscription arc from Walker's MS. " "'773- Jun. 13. Mary Ramsden, Sk', wid., bur." (//x. Reg.). 8S MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS 4. BARRACLOUGH. {0?i a brass plate, 15^ by lof inches^ Arms. — I. Three fleurs-de-lys on a fess between three birds. 2. Three goats on a bend. Vltima cuivis expectanda dies. Here lyeth the body of M'.' | lane Barraclough, wife of | W. Toby Barraclough, of | Halyfax, who departed [ out of this Hfe luly the 25'?' | (at 9 at night) & buried 28*.'' day 1668. | Also M! Toby Barraclough^ I (her husband) who was buried | Aprill 4''.'' Ano. Dom. 167 1. Ante tempus nihil judicato 5. LISTER. {On a brass plate, 15^ by ii|- inches.) Here lies the body of ] Ann Lister, the wife | of Thomas Lister, of I Salterhebble near | Halifax, who departed | this life April il* 1798, I aged 63 years. | Also of Thomas Lister, | husband of the above, | who departed this life | March 2^ 1820, aged 87 | years. 6. LEES. {On a brass plate, i4|- by 9J inches.) Here lies the body of | Lucy Lees, the wife of | John Lees, of Salterheb | ble, who departed this life | July 10"' 1820, aged 57 years. 1 Also of John Lees, | husband of the above, who | departed this life Jan?' 17"' | 1832, aged 76 years. 7. HAYLEY. \ eth, wife of Rich'^ of N]orth[ouram, | shear] grinder, di[ed | Marcjh [15'*^] 17 [09.^ | And] the [sa]id Rich[ard | Hay]l[ey die]d Dec. 9 | [1720,] a[ge]d [7]:. | [Rich. Hayley,] his son, | [died] Jan. [2]7, 1751^ | aged [69. | And] John H[ay]ley of | [Lee] Bank Bottom in | [Ove]nden died Feb^ [7^*^ I 1754]. a[g]ed 64. 1 Described in his will, dated 25 March, 167 1, as of Hallifax, gent. He left his moiety of the manor of Southowram and Cromwclbotham and all his real estate towards the maintenance and education of his two daughters, Jane and Anna, and towards the payment of such of his debts as his personal estate would not extend to pay. The reversion and remainder of his real estate to his two daughters. Mentions his brother Daniel Barraclough. Robert Hall of Boothstowne, gent., and Joseph Halliwell of Pikehouse in co. Lancaster, gent., exors. and tutors of his daughters {Keg. Test., Hi, 91). 2 The top of the stone has been cut off. Missing parts of the inscription are from Walker's MS., fo. 23^ =* " 1709. Mar. 15. Ux. Rich'.' Haley, Oven, bur." (//.v. Keg.). * " 1750. Jan. 30. Richard Hayley, North: Sheargrinder " (Z?Jr. A'cg.), is the only entry which can refer to this burial. TN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 89 8. LISTER. I— . r^ dj "„ _rt 73 I- T3 O rt • ^ -^ I ^ " pq ^ bfi-T; 5■ O 3:^ J < fO 'O > "o t- OJ M < — 1 v<; ■ 2S- C^ a> ju ^ i-t l-J -3 to c« 1 1 Pr •? > , &3 M •QO O o' n —I M w |_ K n ^ ^ o O a> ' D o &- • ^ S^ < fD 3 Ol ^ n to c >— ' ^ t-H o s ^J ■-n oo 3 JO ffi ** £L * &■■ J ~ X Ol < O C/2 n> %• " v; 73 (T) • ^ ;?? ^ VO c« . c*- ' — 1 cr" c 1—1 D. ,^ ^J r-f < ■^ cr M cr •-0 t^ ^ o o OJ C/j' 00 .!:3 ^ •'t: M § W H a; ^ S N N ^ '-' -^ 00 >- >. " W - ii ^ l-O C3 o SJ -£ O TJ ^ '^ fS "i 9. RAMSBOTTOM. ^In memory [of] | Francis Ramsbottom, of Bi[rks Hall], | died January 10*.'' 1766. | Martha Ramsbottom, his [wife died] | March la'.** 1773. I Robert Ramsbottom, so[n of the] | above named Francis and M[arlha, died] | November 20*'' 18 12, aged [72 years]. | Mary Rams- bottom, wife of the s[aid Robert], | died March 24*.'' 1822, aged [90 years]. | Robert Ramsbottom, son [of the] | above named Robert and [Mary, died] | March 11"' 1822, aged 47 [years]. | Mary, widow of the late J[ames] | Lancashire, Esquire, & daugh[ter of the] | above named Robert & Mary Ra[msbottom], | died December 25^' 1855, * This pari of the inscription is now hidden by the seating. 2 "1771. Sop. 9. Rachel, Ux. W" Pool, IIx., Cordwanr, bur." (ffx. Keg.). ^ Part of this inscription is hidden by the seating. For other members of this family see M.I. on page 21. 90 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS aged [79 years]. | Elizabeth, widow of the lat[e Edward] | Brooke, Esquire, & daughter [of the above] | named Robert and Mary Ra[msbottom], | died February 3"' 1857, aged [78 years]. 10. EMMET. Sacred | to the Memory of | James, son of William | and Alice Emmet, who | departed this life on the | I^*day of May 1828 in the I 21'.'^ year of his age. | Also of Robert, son of | the said William & Alice I Emmet, who died in London | March 5'?" 1835, aged 31, ] and was there interred. | Also of Alice, who died | April 19'.'' 1837, wife of I the said William Emmet | and mother of the above | James & Robert Emmet, | aged 65 years. | Also of Sarah, wife of | the above William Emmet, | who died the 6*.'' day of | Dec' 1853, aged 82 years. II. RAMSDEN. [ ] lyeth y^ I [ ] Mary Ram | [sden daught]er of y* | [ ] Michael | [ Halifax, w]ho de I [parted this] life y^ | [ ] 1736. 12. LISTER. Here is interred the | body of Anne,^ wife of | [J]eremy [L]ister, of Shibd I en Hall, who departed | this life April 23!* 1769, | aged 47 years. | Also the body of the | above Jeremy Lister,- | [o]f Shibden Hall, who 1 [d]eparted this life Feb^ | [lo]'^ 1788, aged 74 years. 13. LISTER. [Here lyeth the] | body of [ ] | Lister, [of Shibden] | Hall [ ] I the 17 [ bu] | ried [the ] | Febr[uary I ]. I Also the [body of] | James [Lister,^ of] | Shibd[en Hall, gen] | tleman, [who died] | Novf i[4*.'' 1729]. | And of [Mary], | his wid[ow ] | Janr 5'?" 17 [5 6]. 14. LISTER. Here lyes [interred the body] | of the Rev? John [Lister,'* of] | Shibden Hall, [who de] | parted this life the [ day] | of SepT 1759, aged [56]. 1 Daughter of Josh. Hall, of Norland [Dug. Vis. Yorks., Clay's ed., p. 118). 2 Seventh son of James Lister. He succeeded to the Shibden Hall estates under the will of his brother James {Ibid., p. I17). ^ See M.I. on page 25. * Second son of James Lister, of Shibden Hall. Died unmarried 2 Sept., 1759 [Dtig. Vis. Yorks, Clay's ed., p. 117). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 91 15. RAMSDEN. iH[ere lyeth the body] of | [ Ramsden], of Well | [ in Halifax] who de | [parted this life] the 25'^ day ] of [ Anno] Domini 17 14. | [ lyetjh the body ] [ the] wife of John I [ ] Wellhead in | [ w]ho departed ] [t]h[is ] day of Dec'' I [A]n[no Dom]ini 1720. | [ ]h the body of the | [ mentioned] John Ramsden | [ ] who died | [ Nov]ember 1753. 16. LISTER. Here [lies interred the body] | of Jam[es Lister,^ of Shib] | den H[all, gent, who de] | parted [this life ] | day of J[uly 176 ]. 17. LISTER. [Here lieth the] body | [of Samuel Lister^] of Shib | [den Hall, gent.] who de | [parted this] life the 23? day | [of 1766, a]ged 59. 18. GRIMSHAW. [In Memory of Jane, the wife of Wil]l[ia]m | Gr[imshaw], of Halifax, who | die[d A]pril [25'^] 1778, | aged 29 years. | Jane, their daughter, died | an infant a^d was buried | January 17*?' 1775. | Lumb Grimshaw, son | of the above-said William | Grimshaw and Mary, | his second wife, died Apr[il] | 19"' 1787, aged 9 weeks. | Frances, their daughte[r], | died August 9'? i79[4], | aged 6 years. | [T]he above- named William | Grimshaw, of Halifax, die[d] | January 12'.'' 1795, | aged [4]5 years. | Mary, his daughter by | [hjis first w[i]fe, died Aug. I [3]o*?' i82[5,^ ag]ed 52 years. 19. WADDINGTON. '^Here | are deposited the Mortal | Remains of James, the eldest | son of James and Mary | Waddington of Hope Hall, | Halifax, who departed this | life on the 26"' day of April | 1756, aged 5 years. | Also of John, another son | of the aforesaid James and | Mary, who departed this life | on the 20*? day of September | 1782, aged 29 years. I Also of James Waddington, | father of the abovementioned | James and John, who departed | this life on the 18"' day of | September 1 Missing parts from IValAxr's MS., fo. 22. "^ The third son of James ListL-r, of Shibden Hall. Died unmarried 31 July, 1763 (Dug. Vis. Vor/cs., Clay's ed., p. 117). ^ Fourth son of James Lister. Died 23 June, 1766 {Ibid., p. 117). * Buried 5 .Sept., 1825 {IIx. Reg.). "Sec M.I. oni page 46. 92 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS [1784], aged 67 years. | Also of Mary, relict of | the said James Waddington, | who departed this life on | the 26^*' day of March 1799, I aged 79 years. | Also the body of Richard | Broome Esq', of Hope Hall, I who departed this life on | the 17'.'' day of June 1813, | aged 58 years. | Also of Hannah, relict [of] | the said Richard Broome Es[q.], I who departed this life on th[e] | 30'.'' day of September i82[o], I aged 60 years, ^The rest of these inscriptions are to the West of the West Cross Aisle.) 20. NORRIS. ^Here rest the Earthly ] Remains of Mary Norris, | wife of William Norris, | of Halifax, who departed | this life the eight day | of March 1796 I in the 61 year of her age. | And of the aforesaid | William Norris | who died August 2'-'' 1807, | aged 73 years, j Also of Sydney Norris, | grandson of the above | William Norris, | who died the 23'.* day of Feb^ | 1853, aged 53 years. 21. WIGLESWORTH. Here lie the remains of | James- Wiglesworth Esq!", | late of this town, I died the 20'?* November 1826, | aged 67 years. | Also of his son James | who died 25'.'' January 1793, [ aged 4 years and 7 months. 22. PARRATT. "[Edmun of Ard Fellow in Cam ] Vicar^ of [H ] departe[d ] first day [of ] in the 59'^ y[ear ] E. Here is int[erred the b ] of the Rev. [Mr. ] Parratt"* wh[o was ] 1 See M.I. on page 29. ^ The top and bottom of this stone have been cut off. The parts in brackets from Walker's MS., fo. 83. The stone was then in the chancel. 3 Is it possible that this inscription refers to Edmund Hough, vicar of Halifax 1689-91 ? Mr. Parratt was lecturer during his vicariate, and was one of the witnesses of his will. ■* Jacobs (p. 233) gives the inscription as, "Here is interred the body of the Rev. M"' Francis Parrat, who was Lecturer of Halifax above fifty years, and died the 22d of December, in the Sad year of his age, 1741," and says nothing of any other inscription being on the stone. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 93 er of Halifa[x years and of December year of his Also is interr of Hannah died the 14''^ 81'^*' year of he of EHsabeth Schofield his dau. T75 aged 46 years.] 23. WETHERHERD. '[ his wife, died February , aged 69]. | Six of their children die[d] | very young and are all | with their parents buried | in this place. J Here also is interred | Mf James Wetherherd, I of this town, who died | July i''' 1777 in the 74*'.'' | year of his age. I Also five'^ of his children." | Also M""' Mary Wetherherd, | wife of the above M' Ja? | Wetherherd, died April | ^^^* 1791 in the 82!^ year of I her age. | Also Miss Mary Wether | herd, the daughter of the | [a]bove Mf & M? Wetherherd, | died October 19*.'' 1805, | her age 71 yea[r]s. 24. FRAGMENT. [ ] who depa[ ]ly 4'*^ ^83[ ] | [ ] 5 years. 25. WETHERHERD. '[Sacred to the Memory of] | Jame[s We]therhe[rd, Esqf], | Captain of the lat[e 23''.''] | Light Dragoons, who wa[s] | severely wounded in the I Irish Rebellion of i79[5] | and served in the lat[e 7*.''] | Royal Veteran Batt[a]lion. | He died the 7*.'' of March [1822], [aged 53 ye[a]rs. 26. WILKINSON. Her[e] is interr'd the body | of Mr Benjamin [Wilk]inson | of North Bridg[e] in North | ou[ra]m, who [w]as buried | the 6'.'' day of May 1 761, I [a]g[e]d 52 years. * See M.I. on page 5. The lop of this stone has been cut off. 2 "Four" in M.I. 3 At this point the stone has either heen cut throup;h, or the inscription is on two stones placed end to end. *"6«h" in M.I. ^ See M.I. on page 6. The lop of this stone lias been cut off. 94 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS In THE East Cross Aisle. {The inimbering of the inscriptions is from South to North.) I. GREAM. \ ] I Ann & Eliz'h [ ] | of W"" Gream. Ann \ ] | this life OctC [ ] | year of her age. Eliz [ ] 1 ^^^ the iS''^ year of her age [ ]. 2. RAMSDEN. Here lieth interred [the b]ody ] of Samuel Ramsden of South | ouram who depa[rted] thi[s] life | the 19*.'' of June i7[4]9,^ aged [6]4 [years]. ] Here also lieth the body of | John Ramsden o[f S]outhou[ram], | who departed thi[s] lif[e] the [2J7'*' | of October ^75[2]'^ aged [ ] y[ea]rs. | He married Ann, th[e dau]gh | ter of John Halliw[e]ll of [ ] | house,^ Gen', by wh[om he] left | one surviving son. I Also John, the son of John | Ramsden, who died the ^\ff'^ of] I November i76i,aged 19.'^ ] Also Ann, the wife of John j Ramsden died Jan'.n4]'h i78[3].^ 3. IBBETSON. ^[Here lies the body of] | Christopher Ibbetson who | died the 2!^ of August 1767 I in the 58[''^] year of his age. | Also a wife and five I children. | Also of Elizabeth, ] the wife of Thomas | Ibbetson, of Halifax, who | died April 10'.'' 181 8 in | the 70'.'' year of her age. | Also of Sarah, daughter | of the above Elizabeth | Ibbetson, who departed | this life on the 3l^'day | of December 1824 in | the 50"' year of her age. ] Also the remains of ] the above-named Thomas | Ibbetson who departed | this life on the 21'.* day | of April 1828, aged 81 years. 4. GREAM. ^Henry Grea[m], | of Exley, | died December the [9'^] | 1808, aged 55 years. 1 See M.I. on page 14. The top of this stone has been cut off. 2 Miss Anne Gream, of Heath, died Oct. 18 (1743), of 24 hours sickness, aged near 16 {North. Reg.). 3 Buried 21 June, 1749 {Hx. Reg.). * Buried 30 Oct., 1752 {Hx. Reg.). s Mr. John Ramsden, of Southourum, and Mrs. Helliwell, of Pykehouse, near Littlebrook (? Littleborough), mar. Febr. 14 (1737"^) {North. Reg.). 6 " 1761. Nov. 26. John Ramsden, South", Gent., died at Oxford " {Hx. Reg.). ' Buried 10 Jan., 1783 {Hx. Re§.). s The missing words from Walker's MS., where the stone is said to be in the south aisle. The first line of the inscription is covered by seating. 9 Formerly in the south aisle of the chancel {Walker's MS.). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 95 5. SCOFIELD. ^John Scofield, surgeon, | died the 28*?* day of | January 1790, aged 83, I Elizabeth Holt, his | only daughter, died on | the 12"' day of December | 1805, aged 70 years. 6. GREAME. [ 15*-' 1732" in] the 47 year of his [age. | M"] Martha Greame, his [ ], | died April 21'.* 1740 in the [ ] | year of her age. | Mf John Greame, of Exley, i[n] | Southowram, died April I 12*?" 1773, aged 63 years. | M" Frances Greame, his [ ], I died February 18*'' 1775, ^[g]^[d ]• 7. RAMSDEN. ^[Here lies interred] | body of [Rich ] | of John Ramsden, [of Ha] I lifax, cardmaker, [who] | departed this life [ J | day of September [ ] I i" the 11*.'' year of h[is age]. | Also the body [of ] I Ram[sden ]. {On a brass plate, igf by 13J inches.) In Memory | of John Ramsden, of Hall End in | Halifax, who died Aug^.' 30"' 1755, aged 60 years, | Of Hannah, his widow, the daughter of Luke | Hoyle, of Ovenden, who died the 24"' of March I 1762, aged 70 years, | Of Anne, one of the two daughters and co | heiresses of Rowland Watson, of Kighley, & | the wife of Thomas Ramsden, the youngest son | of the first named parties, she died the aSl*" of Oct' I 1780, aged 43 years, | Of George Ramsden, the second surviving son 1 of the last named parties, who died 26'.'' of June | 1786, aged 26 years, | Of the above named Thomas Ramsden, who | died the 9"' of February 1787, aged 53 years, ] Of Ann, the eldest daughter of William Simpson, | of Heath in Skircoat, and the wife of Thomas I Ramsden, of Heath, the youngest son of the be | fore named Thomas and Anne Ramsden, she | died the 2o\'' of May 1827, aged 56 years, | all of whom are interred in this grave. The south chapel of this church contains the remains of other branches of this family. {On a second brass plate, 3 by 13^ inches.) Of the last mentioned Thomas Ramsden, | of Heath, who died I9^''of September | 1851 in the 82"^' year of his age. ^Formerly in the south aisle {lValker''s MS.). ^ Perhaps refers to John Gream. " Nf John Gream of Shay Mill died Jan. 15, bur. in Halifax Church Jan. 17 (1732-3) " (A^(?rM. -AV^.). 3 The missing words from J-Valker's MS. The first line of this inscription is covered by seating. 96 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS (yltiscription on stone continued.) Also the body of [ ], | wife of the above [ ] | Ramsden, who d[eparted] | this life [March 8 in the 71^' year ] 8. FRAGMENT. '[ ] Oleum Nimis Cito Perdidi[t] | Licet Melioris ^tern [ ] I I'"* Cffilis Cum Fcenore | Obiit Die January 18 | Anno Domini 1629. 9. CLAYTON. '"R[alph Clayjton, | Esquire, | Serjeant at law. f Ob. October 11*.'' 1813. I JK. [55]. 10. ROSSENDALL. ■'Here lyeth y^ body | of leremiah, sonne of | leremiah Rossendall, I of Shaw Hill in | [Skircoate, who departed this life y^ 18 day of January in the second year of his age, Anno Dom. 1694]. 11. BENTLEY. ^[Here] lyeth the body of | [Sara]h Bentley, widd., who | [departejd this life th[e [ ] day of Feb[ruary | ] Domi[ni] 1707.® {Some lines illegible.) "Here lieth the body [of] | Nathanael Chadwick, of | [Hajlifax, who departed this | [life the 9]'^ day of August i74[6' | in t]he 6[8]"' [yeajr of his age. | [A]lso the body of Elisabeth, | wife of the above named I [Nathaniel Chadwick, who departed this life Here also lieth the body of Michael Wainehouse, who departed this life the 19"' day of August 1787, aged 69]. 12. KNIGHT. ^[Samjuel Knight, M.A., | the first Licumbent of | Trinity Church I in th[is] Town, | and a[fter]wards | Vicar of this Parish, | entered into Rest | Janu[ary] 7'.'' 1827, | aged 67 years. The mem[ory of] the just is blessed. 1 The top part of this stone has been cut off. 2 See M.I. on page 7. 3 The arms carved on the stone are now undecipherable. This stone was once in the chancel, and bore the brass plate on which is the inscription given on page 37 {lVa/ker''s MS.). The last part of this inscription is covered by the chancel platloim. * This stone was formerly in the chancel [IValker^s MS.). s Burled 29 Feb., 1707-8 (Hx. Reg.). *• The last part of this inscription is covered by the chancel platform. T Buried 12 Aug., 1746 [H.x. I^eg)- ® See M.I. on page 22, IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 97 Frances Knight, | relict of the above | Samuel Knight, | die February 20'.'' 1832, | aged 65 years. Pleasant in life ; in death not divided. 13. WAINHOUSE. ^Here lieth the body of Richard i Wainhouse, [so]n of Michael Wain I house, of H[alifa]x, who departed | this life Oc[tobe]r the 1 7*'' 175O) aged i | year 2 mo[nths &] 3 days. | Also Ed[ward- W]ainhouse, son of | the abo[ve Mich]ael, who departed | this life 0[ctob]er the 13*'' 1756, | aged i y[ear 4] months & 26 days. | Also the remains of Martha | Wainhouse, widow of the late | Michael Wainhouse, who died | April the 24*.'' 1797, aged 78 years. 14. HINCHLIFFE. ^[Beneath lie the remains of Ann Hinchliffe, who died Aug'.* 29*.'' 1785, aged 72 years], j Also of Josl' Hinchliffe, | her husband, who died I June 4* 1787, aged 82 years. | Also of Mary, the wife of | John Hill, of York, gent?, | sister to the above Anna | Hinchliffe, who died on | the 20"" day of April 1795, I ^g^cl 92 years. | Also of Mary Smith, I relict of the late John | Smith, Esq^, of Rochdale, | who died 29*?' August 1809, I aged 73 years. | Also of Anna Smith, | daughter of the above | John and Mary Smith, | who died August 29*.'' 181 5, | aged 52 years. 15. METCALF. *[Elis Metcalf, aged 72 years], I was buried here Nov. [5"' 1760.] | Margret Metcalfe was bur[ied] | February the 24"" 1772, age[d | 65] years. | Ann Metcalfe was buri[ed] \ June 4"' 1788, aged 74. | Elisabeth Metcalfe wa[s] | buried Sep'' 27'.'' 1788, age[d] | 72. 16. DUN. '[Near] th[is] p[l]ace on the [ | ]h the body of M' \ [Thomas] Dun, of H[all]ifax, | [who departe]d thi[s l]ife the | [thirty first] day of luly 1721'' | [in the] s[eve]nty seventh ] [year of his] a[ge]. ^ This stone was formerly in ihe chancel [Walker's MS.). 2 lValke7-'s MS. •''The top part of this stone has been cut off. *This stone was formerly in the chancel (IValker's MS.). The top part of the stone has been cut off. " On the border of the stone are the remains of an inscription, " Dun of Halyfax." " Buried 4 Aug., 1721 [Hx. A'cg.). 98 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS 17. DIGHTON. ^[Patty] Penelope Dighton | [died] Novr the 9"' 1763, ] [aged] 18 years. | [Willi]am Dighton, her father, | [was] buried November | [the i]!*? 1769 in the 52? year | [of h]is age. 18. COULTHURST. 2[Henry William Coulthurst, D.D.,* Vicar of Halifax], | died December 11*.'' i8i[7], | JEt: 64. | Sarah, his wife, died \ November l[5]'." 1825, I ^t: 70. 19. MORRELL. ^M'-'Ann Morrell | buried April 12^?" | 1747.^ 20. SWAINE. ''[Here lieth the body of Mf William Swaine, of Halifax, who departed this life 27 October 1779 in the 32".'' year of his age.] Is it a thing so small So easy to comply When summoned by a sudden call To get us up and die. For those who humbly [keep] The Faith by Christ bestowed To die is but to fall a sleep In the soft arms of God. Also of Mary, the wife of the | above William Swaine, who | died on the S'.'' of October 1826, 1 aged 73 years. 21. CAYGILL. ®Under this stone are [burie]d | the bodies of eight [of the] | children of M!' John Ca[ygil]l, of | Halifax, merchant, viz. Ann, buried Sepf 15, 1703. | John, Sep!' 15, 1704. | [Samuel, Apl. 28, 17 10.'' | Elizabeth, June 7, 1711].®! 1 In lValker''s MS. the stone is said to be in the chancel, and the word "Patty" is omitted. 2 See M.I. on page 7. The first part of the inscription is covered by seating. * Formerly in the south aisle of the chancel ({■Valier's A/S.). * "1747. Apr. 12. Ann, iix. John Murrell of Thirsk, gent., bur." (/fx. Reg.). ^ Formerly in the chancel ( Walker's MS. ). The first part of the inscription is now covered by seating. ^ The first part of the inscription is partly covered by the base of the pulpit, and the latter part and the brass by the chancel platform. See M.I. on pages 4 and 5. ' " 1710. Apr. 28. Samuel C. bur." {Hx. Reg.). 8 " 1711. Jun. 7. Elizabeth C. bur." {Hx. Reg.). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 99 Jane, March [12,1718].^ | Jane, Novi'[2o,i72o].^ | Samuel, — — Feb!' [21, 1721].* | Hannah, Decy [i, i7]25.'* | and the bodi[es of] | Ann ) I Bu[ried Sept^] 10, i7o[4].^ Martha J his wife ( Aug! 29, i74[4].® Here also wa[s buried] the body | of the sai[d Mf John] Caygill Feb' I 16, 1 7 [5 7,^ aged 82]. [S]acred | [to] the Memory of | John Caygill, Esqr, ] [who departed this life the 22°.'' day of May 1787, aged 79 years]. {On a brass plafe.y [Here also lieth the remains of Jane Caygill, widow of the above named John Caygill, Esquire, who died the 25*?" of July 1806, aged 81^ years.] 22. NUTTER. "[Her]e lyeth [the] body of | [Mar]gret Nutter, daughter | [of Eli]ze Nutter, A.B., vi[car | of Br]oughton, who de[parted | this l]ife the 2i[^'] day of luly | [Anno] Domini 1701. 23. SNEDALL. "[(Her)e resteth the (bod)y of M' Thomas (Sne)dalP- of Halifax (wh)o departed this life December] iS''."' 1619, | and also Anne Sneda[ll]," | his wife, was bvried | Ivne 29, 1638. lames | Holland 1 " 1718-9. Mar. 12. Jane C. bur." {Hx. Reg.). 2 " 1720. Nov. 18. Jane, M-- Jn° C, Hall., bur." {Hx. Reg.). 3 " 1721-2. Feb. 6. Samuel, M' John C, Hall., bur." {Hx. Reg.). * " 1725. Dec. I. Ann, John C, Hall., gentl., bur." {Hx. Reg.). s " 1704. Sep. 10. Ux. John C, Skircoate, bur." {Hx. Reg.). 6 " 1744. Aug. 29. Martha C. bur." {Hx. Reg.). "< "17S7- Feb. 16. John C. bur." {Hx. Reg.). ® Not now visible; perhaps concealed by the chancel platform. "84" on M.I. ^° Missing parts from Walker's MS., where the stone is said to have been then at the west end of the church. ^^ The top part of this stone has been cut off, and the last part of the inscription is concealed beneath the organ. The missing words are supplied from Walker's MS., where it is stated that a brass plate bearing the inscription to Elizabeth Dun, given on page 8, was fixed to this stone. ^'^ By his will, dated 16 Sept., 1619, in which he described himself as "of Hallifax, gent.," he left " unto godly uses, five pounds to be bestowed according to the discretion of my oversee i-s hereafter named" {Reg. Test., xxxvi, 125). i^She bequeathed 2.qs. per annum for an anniversaiy sermon to be preached in Halifax Church {Halifax Register), and a legacy of £,20, which, with £\\ added by Dr. Ilooke, was invested in purchasing the close behind the vicarage house (Watson, p. 591). 100 MONUMENTAL AND OTHEK INSCRIPTIONS was bvried | November 2[5], i6[5]i/ | and Grace, his wife, [ was bvried December | 26'*^ 1670. | [And also Joshua, sonne of Joshua Dun, was buried under this stone February 23"' 1675]. 24. WALKER. "[Here resteth the body"] | of Sarah, the wife of Will[iam] | \V[a]lker, of Crownest in Light | [c]Hffe, owne mother to y^ three I [c]hildren Abraham, lohn, &: | Mary, who are interred | upon [her husb]'* and, she died | t[he ] was buried | [the ] year & | [ And also here lieth the body of Sarah Walker departed this life the 21'.' day of March 17 16]. 25. INGHAM. Beneath | this stone are deposited the | remains of Catherine Jane, | the daughter of William | and [Jane Ingham of Halifax, who departed this life on the 5"' day of December 1796, aged i year and 2 months. Also the remains of Anna Maria, their daughter, who departed this Ufe the 26"' day of April 1803, aged 8 months and 15 days].^ 26. BRACKEN. Hn Memory | of | Richard Bracken, of Holme-House | in Warley, and formerly of this town, | who died Dec!' 13*?" 1807, aged 85 years. I Also of Mary, his wife, who died | November 2".'^ i777, aged 47 years. | Also of Elizabeth, his second wife, | who died Octf 29*.'' 1782, aged 58 years. [ Also of three daughters of Richard | and Mary Bracken, Betty, Susanna, | and Hannah, who died in their infancy. | Also of Agnes, daughter of the | said Richard Bracken, who | died at Holme-House on the 24*^^ | day of May 18 18, aged 59 years. 27. HAMERTON. [ b]ody of Betty, the dau | [ghtejr of John Hamerton | of [Njorthowram, who d[e | p]arted this life y*^ 4"' day | [of M]ay 1752, aged 3 mon[ths]." 1 "1651. Nov. 25. James Holland, Halifax, marcer, was buried in the chancell " {ffx. J?eo.). ^ This stone was formerly in the south aisle of the chancel {Walker's MS.). The top part of it has been cut off. ^ Walkers MS. 4 Walker's MS. ^ The greater part of the inscription is hidden beneath the organ. ^ Formerly in the north aisle of the chancel {Walker s MS.). "^ " 1752. My. 6. Betty, John Hammerton, North:, Comf, bur." {Hx. /^eg.). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. lOl 28. HOLROIDE. *Eli[zabeth, daugh]ter of | M!" Ioh[n Holroide] of Halyfax, | who d[epaite]d this hfe the | 6['h day of lunje 1700.'- | [Also Mary, his] daughter, | [who departed] this Hfe the | 4''' d[a]y [of Ma]y 1701.^ | And [also] Richard, his son, | dep[a]r[ted] this life the 10* day | of lune 1702. I Also [Anne], his daughter, who | de[parted] this life the 9*? day | of Aprill 1703/ | Al[so here] lyeth the body | [of John Hol]roide of Hallifax, | [stapler, w]ho departed | [this life the day] of lune 1719.^ 29. SUGDEN. "[Here lyeth the body of] | loshua Su[gden], of H[allifax], | who depar[te]d this lif[e on the] | last day of [Febr]uary an[d] | was bur[ied 4'?" da]y of March | 1700 a[nd in the] s[ix]ty third | year of [his] age. j And also [here lyeth] the body | [of Alice, daughter of] the abovesaid ] Ios[hua S]u[gden, wh]o departe[d] | this lif[e t]h[e day o]f lune i7o[ ] | in the 7[o*.''year o]f her age.'^ | Also [ ]ce lyeth [the] | body of [Grace Su]gden, th[ ] ] daughter, [who depar]ted this [life] | the 12*.'' day [of] Au[gust] 1707® I [in t]he 3[ year] of her a[ge]. 30. HOPWOOD. •'[Here lieth the body of] | Richard Hopwood, of | Halifax, gent", died I the 23? of May 1769, | aged 63. | Also Mary, his wife, | died Novrthe 8*.'^ 1788, I aged 70. In THE West Cross Aisle. i^The nwnbering of the inscriptions is from South to North.) I. PRIESTLEY. [He]re lieth [the body of | Mar]y Priestley, [w]ife of ] [James] Priestley, [of] Hali[fax | , who] de[parte]d this | life [ ]. ' The toj) part of this stone is covered \>y the sealing. 2 " 1700. Jun. 9. Eliz., John Holroide, Hallifax, bur."' {ffx. Reg.). ^ " 1701. .My. 7. Mary, John Holroide, Ilallif., bur." (//.v. AV?.). ■"^ " 1703. Apr. II. Anne, John Ilolrcnde, Hallifax, bur." {JIx. Rc^.). ^ Buried 17 June, 17 19 {//x. Reg:). " The first line of this inscription is covered by seating. ■^ "1706. Jun. 30. Alice Sugden, Hall., bur." {//x. Reg.). Qu. if she was nut the wife, rather than the daughter of Joshua Sugden. «"I707. Aug. 15. Grace Sugden, Halifax, bur." {Hx. Reg.). "The first line of this inscription is covered by seating. 102 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS - 2. BOLLAND. Martha, the wife of | William Bollan[d] | of Halifax, died De I [cejmber [i'.*] 1806 in the | [74"^] year of her age. | Martha, their daughter, | died Febru[ary] 13'f' i77[o]^ | in the [ year] of her age. | [Ch ], their son, | died [ ]'^ 1770- | in the [ ] age. I [ ] 3. JACKSON. ^[ in the eS'^^ year of his age. Also of Elizabeth, wife of the above] | Joshua Jackson, | who died January the [26*.''] | 1787, aged [68] years. | Also of John Jackson, | son of the above Joshua | and Elizabeth, who died | the a".** of February i83[2], | aged 81 years. 4. EMMET. In I memory | of | [E]lizabeth, the wife o[f | Wi]lliam Emmet of Hali[fax, | \v]oolstapler, who died o[n | the] 9*'' day of February i78[9]/ I aged 42 years. | [A]lso of the aforesai[d | Wil]liam Emmet, who die[d | on] the 27**^ of January 1823, | aged 78 years. | [A]lso of William, the only | [s]on of the above named | [Wi]Uiam Emmet, who [died I Ap]ril 30*'' 1838, aged [56. | A]lso Sarah, his [wife, | wh]o died on the 26'^^ [day] | of December i8[43], I aged 58 years. 5. LEES. [ e lieth Robert, son Samuel and Ellen Lees of Halifax, merchant, who] | died January the i[ ] i7[95,] I aged five years and | five months. 6. NETHERWOOD. [H]ere lieth the body | [of Elis]abeth, wife of | [Tim]othy Netherwood | [of] Houghshaw near | Halifax, died March 6'.'' | 1797, aged 54 years. 7. BEST. '[Here resteth the remains of John Best," of Landimer, who departed this life the 23"'.'' day of Novemb]er 1678. | [He]re lyeth the 1 Buried 16 Feb., 1770 {Hx. Reg-). 2 " 1770. Feb. 20. Char., W"> Bolland, Hx., Tinman, bur." {Hx. Reg.). ^ See M. I. on page 20. The top part of this stone has been cut off. * Buried 12 Feb., 1789 {Hx. Reg.). s The top part of this stone has been cut off. ^ The eldest son of Ric. Best, a carrier and wool merchant who bought Landimer, by his second wife, Martha Wood. He married a daughter of Mr. Matthew Whitley, a preacher in Wiltshire (Hunter's Fam. Min. Gettt., p. loi). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 103 body of I [Charlejs Best/ son of the above | [Joh]n Best, of Landimer, who I [departjed this life the 3^] day of | [August] 1700.^ 8. RAMSDEN. [Here] lyeth the body | [of Ro]bert, the [so]n of ] [Richa]rd R[amsden], of | [Sidda]ll Hall [in Southow | ram, w]ho depart[ed] this I [life th]e 27*? day of January | 1707. | [Also t]h[e body of Robert, his | se]cond s[on, who was | buriejd the [7*.^ day of] July | [1708].^ 9. STEAD. ^[Richard, son of Valentine Stead 23'^ ]ber, 1718, [ ] days. [William, son of Valentine Stead Jan 25, 1725.]' M" Naomi Stead, his | [wif]e, departed this life, Octo I [ber]9*.'' i[7]4o, aged 47 years ] [ mo]nths & i day. 10. NORTHEN. Tho[mas ] | the [ of H]ip | perholm [was] | bvried M[ar]ch | s["^] i6[66].^ | And also the b[o] | dy of Mf Ale[xander] | Bate, his [bro]the[r] | in law, [who was hurried the 5 day of March 1677.]' 11. KITSON. ^[ Joseph, son of Thomas Kitson of Hipperholme, who departed this life the 14**^ of August 1690." Also here lyeth the body of Mary, the wife of Thomas Kitson, who departed this life the 2^"^ day of May, 1700.]^" | And also here lyeth the [body] | of Thomas Kitson, of [Upper] | Brear in Noithowro[me, her] | husband, who depart[ed | this life the 28"' day of December Anno Domini 1709 ]. 12. NAYLOR. In Memory of | John, son of George and | Susanna Naylor, of Halifa[x], | who died July 14'.'' 1798, | aged 15 months. | Also of the ^Married Jane, daughter of Oxley, of Bradford (Hunter's Fatn. Min. Gent., p. loi). 2 Buried 7 Aug., 1700 {Hx. Keg.). ' 3 Buried 7 July, 1708 [Hx. Reg.). *See M.I. on page 42 and on page 59. 5 "1725-6. Jan. 25. Will'", Valentine Stead, Hall., Salter, bur." (Hx. Reg.). « "1666-7. Mar. 3. Tho: Northen, Hipholme, bur." {Hx. Reg.). ''There is an error in Rigge's copy. "1673-4. Mar. 5. M' Alexander Bate, Curate de Lighcliffe, bur." (Hx. Reg.). 8 The missing parts are from Walker's AJS. The top part of this stone has been cut off. ® Not at this date in the Register. 10 Buried 7 May, 1700 [Hx. Reg.). 104 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS above mentioned | George Naylor, tobacconist, | who departed this life on the I 12"' day of March A.D. 1810 | in the 43'? year of his age. I Also Susanna Naylor | who departed this life on | the 8* day of May 1844 I in the 75*'^ year of her ag[e]. 13. SCHOREY. In I memory | of [Selina], the daughter of | [Richard] Schorey of Hali[fax, | who diejd on the 29'^ [day | of] November 1778.^ | [Al]so of Richard, the son | of the aforesaid Richard | Schorey, who died on the 23['"^] I day of September 1781, I aged 3 months. | Also of Sarah, the wife | of the aforesaid Richard | Schorey, who died on the | 28*^^ day of October 1801, | aged 60 years. | Also of the aforesaid ] Richard Schorey, | who died on the 16* day of [ September 1803, aged 62 y''^ I Also of George Schorey, | brother of the above, [ who died on the 24*1^ day of | [August 1822,- aged 72 years].'' 14. VEITCH. ^[In memory of Frances], j relict of Peter Veitch Esq!', | died 25'^ April 1 841, I aged 79 years. | Also of her only daughter | Frances Margaret, | who died the 30*'^ June 1803, | [a]ged 2 years [an]d 4 months. 15. PRESTON. ^Here lieth the body of Joseph, son of | Thomas and Mary Preston, who died | November 28*.^ 1778, aged 7 weeks. | Also of Harriet, their daughter, who died | April 30'*^ i793) aged 4 years and 4 months. | Also of Thomas Preston of Green royd, | father of the above, who died November | 8'^ 182 1 in the 7 o''^ year of his age. | Also of Mary, wife of the abovesaid | Thomas Preston, who died February | the 5*^^ 1824, aged 75 years. | Also of Mary, daughter of the above | Thomas and Mary Preston, who died | December the 22°'' 1827, aged 44 years. | Also of Thomas, son of the above | Thomas and Mary Preston, who died | May the 14''^ 1837, aged 60 years. | Also of Sophia, daughter of the above | Thomas and Mary Preston, who died I July id''^ 1842, aged 57 years. 1 No Selina Schorey in the register at this date, but "1778, Nov. 29, Selina, Ric'' Schofield, Hx., Inn keep', bur." 2 Buried 28 Aug., 1822 {Hx. Reg.). ■^ Bottom of stone cut off. *The top part of this stone has been cut off. ^ See M.I. on page 31. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 105 i6. DOLLIFFE. [ ] I And also Sarah, th[e wife of] Gile[s] | Dollif[fe], who died the [29*^?] day o[f] | September i7i[9],^aged 60. | Here also lieth the body of | the above named Gilles DoUiffe, | who died the 23*? and was | buried the 25'? day of Febru?' | 1732, aged 79 years. 17. DEAN. [Here lyet]h the body of Robert | [Dean- of E]x!ey who died J[any I the W]illiam Dean of [S]kir | [coatj died January the ii'"^ 1731 I [in the 24'"^ yea]r of his age. Also | [William] Dean, son of William | [Dean] of Elland Hall, died the 21^' | [day of April] i75[2]'^ in the [14]'^ year | [of his age]. Also W^illiam Dean | [of E]lland Hall, son of William | [De]an of Skircoat, died [ ] 7'^ I [1751] if^ the 70'h [year] of hi[s] a[g]e. | [Al]so [C]i[cely] Dean, the wife of I [W]illiam [Deoa]n of [Elland] H[a]ll, di[e]d | [Mc]h 16 [1753]'* in the [69'*^ year of | her age]. | [ ], the wife of Thom[as | Dea]n [of Elland Hall and | of the above William, 1 ]. 18. DRAKE. *[Here was interr'd Daniel Drake" of Horley Green, Northouram, esq. Also] | Samuel,' his brother, who | [died] January 16'?' 1624. | [John] Drake,* who died June | 14*'' 1642. | [And] Jeremiah Drake, who I [died] December 29*.^ 1745. | [All] of the same place. | [Also] the Rev 1778. 30. GIBSON. ®[ wife, who A.D, 1715'' Gibson of Slead Hall ] of Michael Gibson of [the] | same place, who died | [on t]he 20*!^ A : ^ : S : Sept. A.D. [ ] 31. HINCHLIFF. ^'^[Here] lie the remain [s of | John] Hinchliff, of Hali[fax, | who] died July 8*!* [177 ]," | aged 74 years. | Also of Mary, the w[ife] | of William Bentley [of] | Halifax and daughter of the | aforesaid John Hinchliff, | who died March 29'.'' i77[9]/" | aged 32 years. | Also of William Bentl[ey], j of Law Hill in Southowram, | husband of the i"i738" is the date on the monument, but there is no such entry in the register during that year. ^ Missing names and dates in this inscription are supplied from the register. 3 " 1769. Jul. 30. Martha, ux. Mich. Bland, Hx., cordwain^ bur." (Hx. Reg.). ^"1772. Apr. 19. Mich. Bland, Hx., cordvvain'', bur." (IIx. Reg.). ^ The first part of the inscription is covered Vjy a step. The missing parts are from Walker's MS. ^Samuel Hall, buried Mar. 7, 1753 {Hx. Reg.). ''Buried Sep. 9, 1761 {Hx. Reg.). ^ See M.I. on page 13. The missing parts are from JVa//cer's MS, The first part of the inscription is covered by a step. ^ Probably refers to Rhenetta Gibson. i°The missing parts are from JValker's MS. The bottom part of the stone has been cut off. 11 "1775. Jul- "• J"'" Hinchliffe, Hx., merchant, bur." {Hx. Reg.). 12 Buried i Apr., 1779 {Hx. Reg.). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. Ill above Mar[y], | who died February S*.'' i8[ii]/ | aged 6[5] years. | [Also of Mary, daughter of the aforesaid William and Mary Bentley, who departed this life July 4*'^ 1830 (?) aged 55 years.] 32. HAIGH. Here lie interred | the remains of | John Haigh, of Shaw Hill, I merchant, ob* Jan[uary] | 25"' 1753, yE^ 63. | William Haigh, son of the | above John Haigh, ob* M[ay] | 3'^.'^ 1778, JE' 48. | William Haigh, son of the | [a]bove William Haigh, ob* | November ii^^ 1791, AL^ 20. I Elizabeth Haigh, daughter | of John & Mary Haigh, ob' I March 13*?" 1805, AL^ 14 months. 35. DYSON. In memory of | [Ely] Dyson who died February 8*^ 17 79, | aged 7 years. | [Mr] Thomas Dyson,^ his father, who | died December 24*^^ 1790, I aged 49 years. | M" Mary Dyson, the widow of the | above named Mf Thomas Dyson and | mother of the above mentioned Ely Dyson. | She died lo'? May 1810, | aged 67 years. The reverence and affection of their three | surviving children, Samuel, Elizabeth, and | Thomas James, for parents in the highest degree | deserving of those sentiments no words could express. 34. GRICE. ^Here lieth the remains of | William Gric[e of Halifa]x | [w]ho died Septemb[er ] | i7[ ], aged 18 year[s]. | Also EHsabeth, wido[w o]f I [t]he late Henry Gr[ice of] | Halifax and mother [o]f | the above William G[rice]. | She died Feb. 9**^ i7[ | i]n the 65*^ year of her [age]. 1 Buried 15 Feb., 1811 (/Ix. Reg.). 2 Fifth son of Ely Dyson, of Bartholomew Close, London, by his wife Deborah, daughter of Thomas Holme, of Kendal, and grandson of Abraham Dyson, of Sunnybank, in Grcelland. lie married Mary, daughter of James King, of Halifax. The Dysons of Sunnybank were descended from those of Swift Place, in Soyland. * The missing parts are from Walker's MS., fo. 45. 112 monumental and other inscriptions In the Holdsworth Chapel. ( These inscriptions being covered ivith Uiinlciiin and inaccessible, are printed in alphabetical order. ) I. ALEXANDER. \ July 17"^ 1786], aged [78- I . Wjilliam Alexander, his [son, I d]ied August 25'?' 1766, aged [24. | hn] Alexander, M.D., his [son, died August 24*'^ aged ." Frances, wife of John Alexander, died June the 25''' 1768. And in the adjoining grave William Alexander, M.D., son of the above John and Frances Alexander, died March the 17''' 1808, aged 45.] 2. ALLENSON. Here lyeth y^ body of Iudi[th], | wife of Robert AUenson, of Ou[ ], I who was buried the 9* day of N[ovem] | ber in 16S5.'' Also William, his s[on], ] buried the 2!' day of December [i688j.'' | And also Robert, his father & | husband to the abovesaid Iudi[th], | was buried the 28''?' day of Novem[ber Y \ Also ludith Stead, the mother [of the] | said ludith AUenson, who was [buried] | the 13*'^ day of September 1697. | Also lohn, the son of the aforsaid Ro[bert], [ was here interred the 15"' of May A.[D. 17 11' | in the] 42 year of his age. Also ludeth, th[e daughter of]'^ | lames AUenson, M.A., was here inte[rred ] | lune A.D. 1718'-' in the 9*?" year of her [age]. I And also Anthony, the son of the afor[esaid Robert]^" | AUenson, was here interred the 3"^ da[y of ] | A:D.: 1718 :" in the 37*!' year of his ag[e]. | Also Francis, the son of y*^ aforesaid Ro[bert], I died the 28^?" and was interr'd the 30 of Iu[ ^" in the] | 1 See M.I. on page i. The lop part of this stone has been cut off, whilst the bottom part is now concealed by a step. According to Walker's MS., from which the missing parts of the inscription are given, the stone was then in the south aisle of the chancel. 2 "1786. Jul. 21. W" Alexander, Hx., Surgeon, bur." (Hx. Heg.). y"i8oi. Aug. 31. John Alexander, M.D., Hx., bur." {Hx. Keg.). 4:"i685. Nov. 9. Judith ux : Rob: Allanson, Ovend." (Z^jr. Keg.). •''•"1 688 "is from Walker's MS. There is prol-ably a mistake in the month. "1688-9. Jan. 2. W"\ Robert AUenson, Ovenden, bur." [Hx. Reg.). « " 1691. Nov. 26. Robt. AUenson, jun., Ovenden, bur." [Hx. Keg.). Ileywood gives the date of his death as "Nov. 25" {North. Keg.). 7 "171 1 " is from Walker's MS. 8 From Walker's MS. " " 1718. Jun. 15. Judith, M"' James AUenson, Reef of Thornton, bur."(^x. A'^'.^,--.). 10 From Walkers MS. i^"i7i8. Oct. 3. Anthony AUenson, Hip™, cloath% bur." {Hx. Keg.). 12 " 1720. Jul. 30. Francis AUenson, Hal., haberdash"', bur." {Hx. Keg.). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 113 38"' year of his age. | Under this marble is Ukew[ise] ] interr'd the body of the Reve[rend] | and learned lames AUenson, | late Rector of Thornton in Cra[ven]/ | who died the 26'.*' and was bu[ried] ] the 29'.'' day of November i73[ ]." 3. BELLAMAY. Here lies interr'd Frances, | the daughter of John and | Ann Bellamay, who was ] born Oct!' 6* and died | Octf 18"' 1780. | Also John, the son of | John and Ann Bellamay, \ who was born May 17'.'' i77[9]' [ and died Octl" 20* 1780. 4. BENTLEY. \ And also three children was here buried. Also t]heir father Daniell [Bentleyp was here buried [the i'* da]y of September 17 19, [Here lieth the body of William, the son of William Copley, who died February the 1769.]'^ a 5. BLAC[ ]. under resteth Domini 1631 was lives [we ever] th his du e neuer [Also] Michael his] son, was De]cember 4 Also] Mary, the of Mr.] Michael t]he davgh[ter] Ri]chard et] of Skir[coat] [ was buried n cr o n 3 1 Instituted on the presentation of Sir Arthur Kay, Bart., in 1708, his successor, Henry Richartbon. M.A., being instituted in 1734 (Whitaker's Craven, p. 104). -Buried 29 Nov., 1730 {Hx. Reg.). •'"9" in IValkers MS. "1779. Sep. 30. fn", Jn" Bellamy, IIx., Mercht., h^^.'' [Hx. Neg.). * The missing parts are supplied from JVaikc)-\<: MS. ■• "1719. Sep. I. Dan. Bentley, South., cloth% bur." {fix. Reg.). *■■ " 1769. Feb. 22. William, William Copley, Hx., dres--, bur." (Hx. A'eg.). "The missing parts are from Walker'' s MS., fn. 11. H 114 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS ember i6, 1665.]' '~^ d of friendship n" one ; vnconstant § perfect here CL She is now dear B". a. o e Saints and into ship with ang ow aged 20 y' [ OBia pJT^qoi-a; 6. EDWARDS. ^In [Me]mory of | [M]ary, [wife of] John Edwards, Esq!', | of [Northjowram Hall, | who di[ed] Nov!' 9* 1749 | in the 37'^ [y]ear of her age. | Of John Edwards, Esq!', ] of Nor[tho]wram Hall, | who died at [Lisbon] Decy 9"' 1793, | ag[ed 87] years. | His remains a[re intejrred in the British | cemetery [in th]at City. | Of Sa[lly], only child of I Joseph and [Sarah] Edwards, | who died [Aug. 3".'*] 1797, aged 23 years. | Of Joseph Edwards, Esqf, | of Northowram Hall, | younger son of the above | John & Mary Edwards, | who died June 10'.'' 1808, aged 61 years. | Of Sarah, widow of the above | Joseph Edwards, | who died May 21'* 1813, aged 69 years. | Of Sarah, | wife of Daniel Dyson, Esq'', | of Willow Hall, | only daughter of the above | John & Mary Edwards, | who died Jan? 10*.'' 1810, aged 65 years. | Her remains are interred at Trinity | Church in this parish. | And of John Edwards, Esq!, ] of Northowram Hall, | late of Lisbon, I eldest son of the above John & Mary Edwards, | who died March 16*.'' 181 9, | aged 71'' years. 7. [HARD]CASTLE. ■'[He]re lyeth the [bod]y of | [Pheb]e, the wife of R[ [ Hard]castle and daughter [of ] Jo]hn King, of Bulclose, [who] | de- parted this life the [14'^ | da]y of July 1728, aged [80 | y]ears.^ P. H. 1 " 1665. Sep. 16. Uxor Mich. Benson, Skircoate, hur."' {/Ix. Reg.), may possibly refer to this burial. 2 The missing words are from the M.I. on page 10. 3 "74" in M.I. and in Walker's MS. *The missing words are supplied from Walker's MS. and the Northowram Register. 5 "Mrs Hardcastle of Leeds died with her dr. Hanson in Halifax Jul. 14 [1728] of a few hours' sickness in the 80"^ j-ear of her age" {North. Res^.]. Buried t6 lul.. 1728 (Hx. Reg.). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 115 8. HARRISON. Sacred to the Memory | of x\nne, the wife of Thomas j Harrison and o[lde]st daughter | of Thomas & Anne Ramsden, | who died April 5'.'' 1788, aged | 24 years. | Also of Thomas Harrison, | formerly of Kendal, who died | Jan^ i".* 1793, aged 32 years. | Also of their daughter Anne, | who died Aug' 24'.'' 1790, aged | 2 years. | Also to the memory of | Rowland, eldest son of the | above-named T[h]omas and I Anne Ramsden, who died | Decl' 26*)' i8[ ],^ aged 76. 9. HOLDEN. -Here lyeth the body o[f j Najthaniel Holden, of Hali[fax, | wh]o departed this life [the | 24*'^] and was buried the 2[6 j da]y of September, 1723.-' | [H]ere lyeth the bo[dy | of] Hannah Holden, late I [of] Halifax, widow, and | [m]other of the above | [sai]d Nathaniel Holden, | [wh]o died May the [15*'']^ | 1733, aged 77 [years. | Als]o here lieth the bod[y | of] Maty Holden, wife [of | the] abovesaid Nathan[iel | H]olden, who was bur[ied] | the 5* day of October 1746 | [in] the 61'.' year of her age. | [He]re lieth the body of I [Ha]nnah Holden, daugh | [ter] of the abovesaid | [Na]thaniel & Mary Holden, | [wh]o departed this life | [th]e 24*'' of February ^[TSS'' I 'ii t]he 31'* year of her age. 10'. HOULDEN. "[Here lyeth the body of | Anna, the daughter of] | Nathanael Houlden of | Halyfax, [who] was buried | 11*'' day of [June i]694.' | Also here lyeth the body | of Nathaniel Houlden,* [her] | father, who i"l833" in Walker's MS., but should be "1835." "1836. Jan. i. Rowland Ramsden, bur." {IIx. Reg.). 2 The missing parts are from Walker s MS. ^ Buried 26 Sep., 1723 (//x. Reg.). He married Mary Mitchel, of Walterclough, 2 Aug., 1716 {North. Reg.). In his will, dated 15 Mar., 1721-2, and proved Jan., 1723-4, he described himself as "of Hallifax, mercer." Mentions his wife Mary, sons Nathaniel, John, and Richard, all minors. Daughter Hannah mentioned in codicil, dated 9 Sep., 1723 {Reg. Test., Ixxvii, 371). * Buried 17 .May, 1733 K^^- R^'S-)- "Buried 27 I-'eb., 1753 {//x. Reg.). ^ The missing parts are from IValker's JIIS. On this stone is the matrix of a small brass, 6 by 4 inches. ■^"1694. Jun. II. Anna, Nathaniell Holden, Hallifax, bur." {Hx. Reg.). •* He was an apprentice with Thomas Dun, and married Hannah Worrel, 23 Apr., 1678 {North. Reg.). In his will, dated 17 Aug., X716, he is described as " Nathaniell Holden, sen', of Hallifax, mercer." He appears to have owned a considerable amount of property in Halifax. To his son Thomas he bequeathed a messuage called Crossbill, another calletl Elmc Tree, another messuage adjoining Klmtree, seven close; of Innd inrhifjinc^ Iwo cnllcd Sideline and Toni^ue Close, and 116 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS departed tb[is] | life the 7"' day of September | 17 16 in the sixty first year | of his age. Also the | body of Elizabeth,^ th[e] | wife of Thomas Houlden, | who departed this life | the 5'.'' and wa[s b]uried the I 8* day of March 17 if. | Also here lyeth the body of | Thomas Houlden, her husband, | who departed this life the | 23- day of March in the 41'.' year | [of his age. And also here lyeth the body of John, his son, \vas buried the 24''' day of November 1718.]" II. HOYLE. Here are interred the bodies of | Mary, the daugh!' of Luke Hoyle I of Ovenden, who departed this | life Jan?' the 2'.' 1738, aged 9 weeks, ] and of James, his son, who de \ parted this life Oct'' 21'.' 1739. I And of Mary,^ his wife, daugh | ter of M!' Holdsworth of Ashday, | who departed this life Nov!' 8'? 1739 | in the 36"' year of her age. | Also Sarah Hoyle who depart | [ed th]is hfe June 21'* 1744, aged | £nine]^ years & 8 months. 12. HYDE. Here lie the remains of | Ml' Thomas Hyde, of Halifax, | attorney at law, who died \ February the 5"' 1796, | aged 53 years. 13. PARKER. "Here rests j the mortal part of i [Ro]bert Parker, EsqT, of H[alifax,] | who departed this l[ife] ! the 23!' day of Ma[y], | 1796, I aged 66 years. | [A]lso of Mary Parke[r, | h]is second wife, ] [w]ho departed this hf[e | t]he 26* day of Januar[y] | 1797, ] aged 42 years. two crofts; to his son Richard, a messuage and two closes; to his son Nathaniel, the messuage in Halifax where he dwelt, two closes of land, and a shop in Halifax ; and to Hannah, his wife, three messuages in Halifax, and one barn at a place called Cowgreen {/^eg. Test., Ixxi, 137). 1 She was the daughter of Mr. Josiah Stansfeld, of Sowerby. They were married 24 Sep., 1706. Thos. Holden married for his second wife Martha Nettleton, sister f)f Ur. Nettleton, 5 Feb., 1 718-19. She survived her husband and remarried Richard Hampson, of Rochdale, 21 Aug., 1729 {North. Reg.). 2 "28" in Walkers MS. =^"1718. Dec. 29. John, Tho. Holden, Hall., mercer, bur." (^.v. AV^.). " November" is probably an error in the copying. ^ She was the daughter of Thomas Holdsworth by his wife Mary, daughter of William Midgley, of Halifax. Luke Hoyle was a woolslapler {Dug. Vis. of Yorks.. Clay's ed., ii, pp. 107-8). ^WalJm's M.S. " See M.T. on page 29. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 117 14. PRESCOT. Phoebe, | [f]ifth daughter of | [M]'" John Prescot, | [di]ed May 1 7 95 J aged 82. | Dorothy, | [n]inth daughter of | [M]"^ John Prescot, I [die]d Nov!' 19"' 1797, aged 74. | [P]Jioebe Prescot, | [g]rand daughter of | [M]-- John Prescot, | [di]ed Oct: 14'." 1820, aged 61. 15. PRESCOT. ^[Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Prescot of Stump Cross, gentleman, who died Dec] 24'!" 1 791, aged 72 [years. ' I Aljso of Esther, his [second | wife], who died Decf [12 | 1791],'' aged 52 years. | [Al]so of Anne Margar[et, | t]hird daughter of the [Rev':' I Ed]ward Prescot, of [C]al[ico Hall.] | She died February 15"' I 1805, aged 5 months. | [An]d here also are deposited | [t]he remains of the above | [men]tioned Rev'.' Edward | [Pre]scot, M.A., Vicar of [Long | Pres]ton in Craven, w[ho died Feb]ruary the 16'.'' [1809],^ aged 48 years. 16. RAMSDEN. ''Beneath | this stone are deposited y*^ | remains of Lydia Ramsden, I daughter of IVP' Jo[hn] Ramsden, | of Halifax, who died on the | 23'.'" day of March 1803, | aged 30 years. | Also of John Ramsden, | father of Thomas and | Lydia Ramsden, who | died on the 8*!" day of I July 1805, aged 59 years. | Also of John, only son of | Thomas Ramsden, who | died on the 11'.'' day of July | 1805 in the 5"' year of his age. | Also of Robert Ramsden, | son of John & Elizabeth | Ramsden, who died on the | 24"' day of October 181 5, aged 41 years. 17. RAMSDEN. "Beneath | this stone are deposited the | remains of Thomas Ramsden, | son of M' John Ramsden, of | Halifax, who died on tlic I 20'.'' day of August 1804, | aged ^;^ years. | Also of Elizabeth, wife I of John Ramsden and | mother of Thomas and Lydia | Ramsden, who died on the | 8"' day of February 1813, | aged 72 years. 1 The top part of this stone has been cut off. The missing parts are from IValkers A/S. See preceding inscription and M.I. on page 30 for other members of this family. 2 << Yv^ni prescQt^ fjm^ gent., buried 29 Dec, 1791"' (Hx. Reg.). lie was the son of bilin Prescot, of Halifax, who died in 1728, and the father of the Rev. Edw. Prescot {/'re scot/ Pedigree). •^Buried 14 Dec, 1791 [Hx. Reg.). * Buried 20 Feb., 1809 {Hx. Reg.). See M.I. on page 31. "Sec M.I. on page 34; also the next inscription (No. 17). "See M.I. on page 34; also the preceding inscription (No. 16). 118 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS i8. SAVILE. ^[Hic ojbdormit in Domino [Henri]cus Savile, filius [Richarjd' Savile de Bank, [ q]uisatis cultor su[ is] Rei medic[a pauperibus Obiit die embris MDCVIL- ricus filius .] 19. SUTCLIFFE. Samuel Sutcliffe died | February 23'.' i7[77]." | Hannah, wife of [th]e Rev" | Daved Sutcliffe, died | February 17* 1784, | [a]ged 28 years. | The abovesaid Daved | SutcHffe died April [17*''] | 1785,"' aged 38 years. | And four other [of their children.] 20. WAINHOUSE. ''[He]re lieth the body of | [Joh]n Wainhouse," of Broad | [gates] in Skircoate, who was | [burie]d the 7"' day of Septem[ber | i7]25, aged 41 years. | [Also] M'f Mary Wainhouse, j [his wif]e, who was buried [the \ 6]^ day of May 1737, I [aged] 45 years. | [H]ere lieth the body | [of] Edward Wainhouse" | [of the] same place, their son, ^The arms of .Savile are cut upon this stone above the inscription, the missing parts of which are supplied from IValker's MS., fo. 9. At a later date the stone has apparently been used for another grave, and the following inscription has been cut over the one to Savile: "Alies the wife of Humfray Houlden of Halifax was buried September 16 A° [ ] A. 1637. H." According to the Halifax Register she was buried on Sept. 12, 1637. 2 "1607. Sep. 3. M'' Henry Savili, gen:, Skirc, M. bur." (Hx. A'eg.), may refer to this burial. Administration of the goods of Henry Savili, late of Shay hill in .Skircoat, par. of Hallifax, was committed to his son Heniy on 12 Feb., 1607-8. There is a pedigree of Savile, of Blaithroyd a/s. the Banke, in the Visitation of 1JS4-J (p. 329), but it does not help us to identify this member of the family. •^ The year is from Walkers MS. "i777- Feb. 24. Sam', David Sutcliffe, Skirct., clerk, bur." {Hx. Reg.). *"I785. Apr. 20. Dav. Sutclitife, Sk', clerk, bur."" (Hx. A'eg.). ^' The missing words are from IVatker's MS. ^ By his will dated 12 Aug., 1725, he ordered that his wife Mary should have her full thirds out of his reall estate in lieu of dower. In case his wife should have a son after the date of his will, such son or sons to have a messuage in Warley called the Cliffe, in the possession of Isaac Smith, and one other messuage in Warley in the possession of John Crowther. If no such son be born, then he devised all the said messuages and all other his messuages, as well copyhold as freehold (subject to certain charges), to his son Edward. Wife Maiy and brother-in-law Thomas Oldfield, exors. If his son Edward and such after-born son died before 21, then he devised his capital messuage called Broadyates to his daughter Elizabeth; his messuage at Mear Clough Bottom, the cottages and mills there, U) his daughter Martha ; Trimingliam and Allon Ciate to his daughter Anne ; and all his messuages in Warley to his daughter Mary for life, and after her decease to her eldest son (Original I Fill at York). ■^ His will dated 29 Jun., 1746, was proved at York 20 Sep. fullowing. He bequeathed a messuage called Beestingly Lane, in Stainland, to his wife Judith and her heirs for ever, chargeable along with his personal estate with the payment of IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 119 I [whoj was buried the 22'.' day | [of July] 1746, aged 31 years. | [Also] here lieth M^:- Mary | [Wain]house, their daughter, | [who] died March the 8*^ [1778], | aged 57 years. | [Also] the remains of | [M''-] Ann Wood, widow, | [anot]her daughter of | [the] above John Wainhouse, | [who] departed this life | [Ocf 11"^ 1797, aged 74]/ 21. WAINMAN. In memory of | Mary Wainman, | who died | Dec' 28"', 1778, aged 70. I Also AVilliam Bagnold, | her nephew, | who died Oct' 17"" 1810, aged 6;^. | Also Caroline Frances | and Maria, his daughters, | who died in childhood. | Also Harriet, daughter | of the above W" Bagnold, who I died Oct!" i~} 181 2, aged 24. | Also Ann, daughter of the | above W'" Bagnold, who died I March 13*? i8[i8],- aged 14. | Also William, son of the j above W".' Bagnold, who died | Oct' 17"' 1818, aged 18. | Also John, son of the above | W? Bagnold, who died Feb^' ] 9"' 1840, aged 30. I Also Tabitha, wife of | the above W" Bagnold, | who died Dec: 28"' 1855, aged 86 years. 22. WILKINSON. Joseph Wilkinson,'' | ob' 1732, £e. 64 years. | Susanna Wilkinson, | ob' 1744,03. 74 years. | Mary Wilkinson, | ob!'i757. | Joseph Wilkinson, I ob* 1810, fe. 46 years. | Joseph Wilkinson, | of the Upper Brear in I Norlhowram, ob' 26*.'' | April 1813, se. 74 years. ] Ann, reUct of the last I named J.W.,ob* 7'.'' | August 1829,02. 86 years. | William Wilkinson, I last surviving son of | the above Joseph and 1 Ann, ob* 12*? Oct!' 1838, I se. 72 years. 23. WRIGHT. *[ WijUiam, son of William | [Wr]ight, of Halifax, iron | ' [monjger, who departed \ [this] life June the 28* 1756, | aged 4 years. | [Al]so the above ^Villiam | [Wr]ight, who departed | [thi]s life his debts and funeral expenses. In ihe event of his wife having a child, he- devised to such child his messuage called Broad Gates, a messuage called Mearclough Bottom, with dyehouses, etc., a water corn mill called Mearclough Bottom Mill, Trimingham, Allan Gate and an old cottage near Broad Gates; hut in case he should leave no children, then to his wife for life, subject to certain payments to his sisters Elizabeth, Martha, Ann, and Sarah, antl after his wife's decease he dis- posed of his estates among his said sisters (A'c^'. Test., .\c, 29). 1 The part of the stone bearing the last line of the inscription has been cut oh. nValker's MS. Buried 26 Mar., 1818 {H.\. Reg.). Either the date on the stone must be wrong, or it has been incorrectly copied. ='Will dated 31 Jan., 1732-3, proved 7 Feb., 1733-4. Mentions his wife Susan, son John, his daughters Sarah wife (jf Joseph Hanson, Mary wife of William Sutcliffe, Susan wife of "SV Thomas Earrer, and Hannah Wilkinstm. Messuages called Black myres and Medley House in Noithowram, ;ind messuage and lands at Thornes {Reg. Test., Ixxxiii, 251). ^ See M.I. on page 57. 120 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS May the 12"' 1779, I i^ged 62 years. | [Als]o Sarah, wife of the | [abjove ^Villiam AVright, | [who die]d August 16"' 1784,' | aged 68 years. (B) NOT NOW TO BE SEEN IN THE CHURCH. I. Inscriptions on Grave Covers recorded IN Printed Works. I. BENTLEY.-^ On a gravestone in the Holdsworth Chapel : ^Eli Bentley/ Son of Richard Bentley, of Sowerby-Dene, M.A., sometime Fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge, and late Minister of the Gospel at Halifax, departed this Life July 30* 1675, ii^ the 45*?" Year of his Age. 2. BOYES.s John Boyes.'^ Abijt non obijt, Anno Doni : 1620 Aprill 30^''. Short was my life, yet live I ever. Death hath his due, yet dye I never. This Tombe was erected at the cost of Edmond Brearcliff, late clarke of Hallifax. 1 "1786" in M.l. Buried 18 Aug., 1784 [Hx. Keg.). 2 From Wright's Hist, of Halifax, p. 171. ^ The copy given in Walker's MS., where it is stated that the stone was then in the Holdsworth Chapel, seems more exact. "El[i] Bentley, son of Richard Be[ntl]ey of Sowerby Dean, RIV of Arts, sometime Fellow of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge, & late Minister of the Gospell att Halifax, dep'^ted this life July 30"' 1675 in the 45"' yeare of his age. " * He became assistant to Mr. Booth at Halifax in 1652, and after Booth's death continued alone until 1662, when he was turned out by the Act of Uniformity (Wright's Hist, of Halifax, pp. 61-2), but returning to Halifax in 1672, he preached in his own house (Jacob's Hist, of Halifax, p. 313). In registering his will, which is dated 18 June, 1674, the copyist has erroneously entered his name as El is Bentley, of Halfax, clerke, but the signature is correctly copied as Eli. He mentions his mother Sarah and his brother Timothy. Bequeaths to Jt)hn, son of Daniell Bentley, clarke, my late brother, dec, ;^20. Mentions Martha, dau. of Henery Bentley, my bro. in law, by Sarah, my sister, dec. Sisters in law Susanna Bentley and Phebe Bentley and Mary, dau. of Thomas Murgatroyd, his brother in law, 20^-. each. Wife Lydia sole exrix. , to whom and her heirs he bequeathed his messuages and lands in Micklthwait in the parish of Bingley (A'^^'-. Test., Ivii, 105). s From Brearcliff'es MS., printed in Halifax Ant. Soc. Trans., 1907, p. 215. " Said by Oliver Heywood to have been lecturer at Halifax in Dr. Favour's time, having been Ijanishcd out of Kent for his nonconformity (Hunter's Life of Oliver IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 121 3. CLAY.i On a gravestone in the library : Robertus Clay,-^ S. T. P., \'icarius dc Halifax, obijt Aprilis nono die, Anno Domini 1628. 4. DEAN.^i Round the border of a stone nigh the font : Here lieth the Body of Robert Dean, eldest son of Robert Dean of Exley,'* who died Jan. 7 . 161 9. Within the border : Here resteth the Body of Ann, the Wife of Mr. Robert Dean of Exley, who departed this Life the 19''' Day of September 1661. There is a God, with whom I trust, My Soul shall triumph, when my Body is Dust. Ileywood, p. 76). In his will, dated 14 July, 1619, and proved February 8, 1620-1, he is described as of Hallifax, preacher of God"s word. He left ^8 to be lent to the poor of Halifax, at the discretion of his over.seers. To the poor of Edston 40^. His personal estate, after payment of his debts, etc., he bequeathed equally to his five daus. One third of his lands in Welburne and Edston he left to his eldest sou Samuell, another third to his wife Johan, sole exrix., for her life, and then to his son Samuell, and the last third part, subject to an annuity of £(i ly. \d. for 10 years, to his five daus. , to his younger son John. To his brother William Boys, ^5. Mentions John Slawe of Biddingden, his wife's brother [Reg. Test., xxxvi, 327). 1 From Wright's Hist, of Halifax, p. 55. ^ Vicar 1623- 1628. He was the younger son of John Clay of Clayhouse in Greetland, by Margery daughter of Henry Savile of Bradley. Educated at Merton Coll.,Oxon. Said to have built the library at Halifax Church [Olde Eland, pp. 172-3). In his will, dated 16 November, 1624, and proved 13 December, 162S, he mentions his wife Jane, daughter of Mr. Richard Wenman, Marie Fulcehurst, the daughter of his deceased wife, his cousin Mr. Doctor Wilkinsonn, principal of Magdelene Hall, sons Robert and John, daughter Elizabetli, and an unborn child, his brother John Clay and his brother Luke Clay, dec. His cousin Sir Henry Savill, of Medley, knight, his brother Mr. Ge2> years, and was here buried. They were the three surviving sons of the above named Edward and Sarah Nelson. ^Formerly visible in the north aisle of the church (J.L.). "^ Daughter of Jeremy Lister. Her diary has been printed in the Halifax Guardian. ^ Formerly visible at the west end of the church. * Formerly visible at the west end of the church. S"6o" in IValker's MS. ® Formerly visible at the west end of the church. '' Walker's MS. says "Brass Plate gone." *^ Formerly visible in the south aisle nf the church. 134 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS 28. NEWMAN. 1 Here lieth the body of [ ] Ca[ ]d [ ]ew [ ] March 5 [ ] of Joseph Newman [ ] Honor, his wife, of HaUfax, who died the [ ] Aug. 1781, aged [ ] months. 29. GATES. 2 Here lyeth the body of M!' James Oates^ of Murgatroyd in Warley, who departed this life the 17*.'' day of July, Anno Domini 1695 in the 39 year of his age. Also here lyeth the body of Hanna Oates, daughter of the above named James Oates, who departed this life the 12*.'' day of May 1701, in the 11''?' year of her age. 30. POWER.* AVillym, son of M! John Power of Halifax, was bvried the 9 of Jvly, 1660. 31. RAMSDEN.-'' [George, son of Richard] Ramsden of Halyfax, departed this life on the 25'^^ day of December, 1675*^ [ ]. And also Richard Ramsden [ ]. 32. RAMSDEN.^ {Stone apparently lettered^ but wor7i illegible. Plate in middle^ In memory of Marria Ramsden, daughter of William Ramsden of Bottoms in Skircoat, departed Aug' 30'*^ 1781, aged 2 years. Also Dorothy Ramsden, wife of William Ramsden, departed Ocf 2"^^ 1781. Also Elizabeth Ramsden, second wife of William Ramsden, departed April iS'** 1 80 1, aged 55 years. ^ Formerly visible in the south aisle of the church. "^ Formerly visible in the chancel. •' "M"' James Oates of Hollins (son to M"^ James Oates of Marsh, bap. Jan. 1655) dyed July 17"' at 6 a clock in the morning, buried at Halifax July 22, 1695" {North. Reg.). The Hollins was formerly called Murgatroyd. " M'^ James Oates & M"^^ Susanna Murgatroyd married Jan. 21, 1679" {Ihid.). By his will, dated 24 Jun., 1695, in which he is described as "gentleman," he bequeathed all his messuages and lands, both freehold and copyhold, to his wife Susanna, his sole exrix. , in trust to pay ;^5oo apiece to his seven daughters, Elizabeth, Phebe, Susanna, Mary, Frances, Anna and Sarah, at 21 or marriage, and to allow them a competent maintenance in the meantime, and after all the said sums had been raised, in trust for his said seven daughters and their heirs and assigns equally. He ct:)mmitted the tuition of John and Joseph, the chiKlren of his late brother Samuell Fournes, and their portions, which had been committed to himself and Abraham Hall, now deceased, the said John Fournes unto John Brearecliffe of Hallifax, and the said Joseph unto Henry Greame of Skircoate (Original Will at York). '^ Formerly visible in the Rokeby Chapel. ■'' Formerly visible in the antechapel. " " 1675. Dec. 27. Geo., Ric. Ramsden, Halyfax, bur." [fix. Ke<;.]. ' Formerly visible in the middle aisle of the church. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 135 :ii. RILEYJ On the right hand hereof hes interred EHzabeth Riley of HaHfax, daughter of M'' Jeremiah Riley, late of Kebroyd in Soyland, merchant, deceased, who died the 23 of April, 1736, aged 20 years. And here lies Jeremiah Riley'" of Halifax, mercer, her brother, who died July 30*''^ 1746, aged 27 years. Likewise on the left^ hand hereof lies M'? Elizabeth Riley, late of Bowram Top in Halifax, their mother, who died [ ] April 1748, aged 86^ yrs. [ ]so here lieth Sarah, daughter of the above M}1 Riley, and wife of Joseph [ Jon of North Bridge, died May 30"^ i76[ ] in the 53''*^ year of her age. 34. SIMPSON. 5 [Mary], wife of [John Simpson] of Hipperholme, departed this life [the 23"^ da]y of August [i7]o4.*' Here lyeth the body [of John Simpson, her] husband, [departed this] life the 15''' [and buried the] 19'*^ day July [t7]2i.' 35. SMITH.« In this vault lie interred the remains of the Rev'' William Smith M.A.-' of Trinity College, Cambridge, i\fternoon Lecturer and Senior Curate of this Church. He was born at Southsea in Hampshire, Dec'" 20"^^' 1815, and died in Halifax Sepf 9"' 1855. "I know whom I have believed." H Tim. c i. v 12. 36. SPEIGHT." Here was interred the body of Joseph, son of Joseph Speight of Halifax, [ ]. 1 Formerly visible in the Rokeby Chapel. 2 By his will, dated i Jiin., 1746, and proved 13 Oct. following, he left all his real estate to which he was entitled under his father's will to his brother George, the said George paying to his sister Sarah as much money as would make her fortune amount to ^"500 (A'e^q. Test., xci, 154). The following extract from the North. Reg. probably refers to the father. " M'' Jere. Ryley of Kib-royd in Sowerby Dean died at Norwich Aug. 24, (1718)." 3 "right" in Walker's MS. 4 "56" in Walker's MS. ^ Formerly visible in the south aisle of the churcii. ^"1704. Aug. 25. Ux. John Simpson, Hipperholme, bur." {Hx. Keg.). '' "1721. Jul. 19. John Simpson, Halifax, clothier, bur." (ffx. Reg.). ^ Formerly visible in the Rokeby Chapel. ^ For the inscription in tiie window dedicated to his memory see page 71- ^° Formerly visible at the west end of the church. 136 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS T^j. STANCLIFFE.i Here lieth the body of Mary, daughter of James Stancliffe, barber, who departed this Hfe the 22'"' day of December, 1769, aged 35 years." 38. TAYLER.3 Margaret, late wife of Joseph Tayler of Norland,' who departed this life the 18 day of Avgvst 1676. Here lyeth the body of Susan, the wife of Joseph Boys of Skircoat, who departed this life the 21^' day of August Anno Domini 17 12. And also here lyeth the body of Joseph Boys,* her husband, who departed this hfe the to*'' day of September Anno Domini 1727. 39. T0NGUE.6 Sacred to the memory of Ann Tongue, daughter of William and Sarah Tongue, who died June 17'^ 1812, aged 10 months and twenty four days. Also of the aforesaid Sarah Tongue, who died July 11"' 1831, aged 52 years. Also of the aforesaid William Tongue, who died July 21'''' 1853, aged 75 years. 40. WAINHOUSE.^ Here [ ] of John Wainhouse of Pye Nest in' Scircoat, [ ] who departed this life the [ ]. Also her [ ]ichar[ ] the [ Jehouse o[ ] departed [ ] 13 day of Marc[ ]. 41. WAIN HOUSE, p Here lyeth the body of [Joh]n, son of the above Richard Wainehouse of Skircoate, who departed this life the 24 day of [Decembjer Anno Domini 17 13.'' Here lieth the body of [Bridget] Greame,^" who was married to the above named Richard Wainehouse and afterwards to James Greame, [clothier, Skircoate]. She died the 26'*^ day and was buried the 29*1^ day of May 1733, aged 51 years. 1 Formerly visible in the middle aisle of the church. 2 "John Stancliffe, sett maker, owner" added at the foot of the inscription in Walkers MS. •' Formerly visible in the Rokeby Chapel. ■i Probably Joseph Taylor, of Norland Hall. 6 "M-- Boys, a French Man, bur. at Halifax, Sep. 12 (1727)'" (^ori/i. Reg.). " Formerly visible at the west end of the church. " Formerly visible in the Rokeby Chapel. A very small stone. ^ Formerly visible in the Rokeby Chapel. " "1713. Dec. 28. John Wainhouse, Warly, Gent., bur." (Hx. Keg.). 1" "1733. My. 29. Bridget, Ux. James Gream, Skirc', clof, bur." [Hx. Reg.). IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 137 42. WATERHOUSE.' ■^Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Samuel Water- house,'' late of Washer i^ane in the township of Skircoat, dyer, who departed this life on the 20'^^ day of June Anno Domini 1802, aged 55 yrs. Also Rachel Waterhouse, relict of the above Samuel Waterhouse, who departed this life the 17''^ day February i8o[7], aged 61. 43. WILKINSON.* [ ] daughter of Joseph Wilkinson, vicar [ ] Halyfax, June 14''' 1694.'^ Arms. — 'Gules, a fess vaire, in chief an unicorn passant or, in a bordure. 44. WOOD.« Here lieth the body of Joseph Wood, Shibden, who died the [ ] of September 1694, aged 66.' Also Joseph, his son,^ late of the same place, died the 30'"^ May 1717, aged 56.^ 45. WOOD. 10 Richard Wood of Halifax, attorney, died April 16''' 1766, aged 52 years. 46. WOOLM[ ].i^ Here lyeth the body [ ] Mf John Woolm[ ], an affectionate and a sincere friend. He departed this life the 3'''* day of February 1779, aged 54.^' Also the mortal part of Barbary, wife of the said John Woolm[ ], who departed this life the ro''^ day of November 1788, aged 56 years. ^ Formerly visible in the Rokeby Chapel. 2 See M.I. on page 52. ^ Baptised 18 Jan., 1746-7. His wife was the daughter of James Walton, of Halifax (Foster's Vcris. I-'amilies). * Formerly visible in the chancel {Walker's MS.). "■"1694. Jun. 14. Eleanor, filia M" Joseph! Wilkinson, vicarii dc Ilallifax, bur." {Hx. Reg.). ^ Formerly visible at the west end of the church. '' " 1694. Sep. 30. Joseph Wood. Northowram, bur." {Hs. Keg.). ^ There is a long entry about him in the North. Reg. Me was of l-'old in Northowram, and left a son William, aged 14. 9 "?36^' in Walkers MS. 1" Formerly visible at the west end of the church. 11 Formerly visible at the west end of the church. 12 " 1779. I"ci). 7. Jn" Woolmer, Hx., merchant, bur." (//a. Rtg.). 138 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS III. Inscriptions on Grave Covers Recorded in Walker's MS. 1. [ALLE]NSON.i [ d]aughter of [ ]nson of Ovenden, who [depjarted this life the i6'^ day [ ]as here interred the [ ] of December Anno Domini 1703." [Here al]so is interred the body [ ] William, the son [ ]. 2. [AS]PINALL.3 [ ] who died Aug* 1734, aged 34 years. [He]re lies the body of William [Asjpinall of Southouram who [de]parted this life the 7 day [of] May i747Mn the 74*^ year [of] his age. 3. BARRACLOUGH.5 Here lies the body of Daniel Barraclough. 4. C0PLEY.6 John Copley died Sep. 22"^^ 1787, -^. 46.'' Mary Copley, his widow, died Dec. 17**^ 1814, AL. 67. Maria Copley, their [ ], died [ J Dec. 30, i82[ ], .E 54. [ ] 1829. 5. DEMPSY.8 Here lyeth the bodys of John and Bryan, sons of Bryan Dempsy of Halifax, they both died the 7'^ of July, 1736, John aged 6 years and Bryan 3 years. Also Charles, his son, in the 2"*^ year of his age, April 30*^ 1741- Also Bryan Dempsy, the father of the abovesaid children, died June the 30'*^ 1745 and in the 47*^ year of his age. Also Elisabeth Dempsy, his daughter, died April the 11'.^ 1747, aged 5 years. Also William Dempsy, his son, he died October the 18'.^ 1 75 1 in the i6'?year of his age. Also Sarah, the wife of William [Fawcett] and mother to the abovesaid children ; she died July the ^ Fo. 12. Formerly visible in the Holdsworth Chapel. 2 "1703. Dec. 22. Judeth, John Allenson, Ovend., bur." (ZTx. AV^.). 3 Fo. 13. Formerly visible in the Holdsworth Chapel. * "1747. My. 10. Wn^Aspinal, South., Dresser, bur." {ffx. A\j.). •'' Fo. 23/. The inscription, which was in Roman characters and ran down the side of the stone, was formerly visible in the south aisle of the church. ^ Fo. 84. Formerly visible in the middle aisle of the chancel. Walker also states that there was on the stone a coat of arms (three hunting horns), and the matrix of a plate. ■^ "1787- Sep. 24. Jn° Copley, Hx., Stay-mkr , bur." (iYr. J?e§.). ^ Formerly visible in the Holdsworth Chapel. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 139 1 8**^ 1752 in the 42"^ year of her age. Also the above William [Fawcett] of Halifax who died June the lo'" i78[ ]/ aged 67 years. Also Rachel, his wife, died May 15"' 1795, aged 76 years. 6. [DRAKE]. 2 [ ] day of December [ ]. Also Dorothy, his wife, who died March the 3'''^ 1745' in the [ ] year of her age. ;. GREAME.* [ ] William, who died April [ ], aged 4. [ ] the body of [ ], son of William [ ], who died Janv 23'''^, aged 32 years. W. Greame esq. was buried here in May 1766. 8. GREAME.5 [ ] buried the 17*'' day of July, 1705,'"' and also of Henry, their son, buried the [ ] October 1708.' Also here lieth the body (sir) of Ann and Eliz'^ Greame, daughters of William Greame, Ann departed this life Octo"" 20"^ 1743 in the [ ] year of her age, Elisabeth Jan^ 8 in the 18'^ year of her age. 9. HACKING.^ Here lies interred the body of Francis (sic) Hacking of Halifax who died the 13*''^ day of January 1767 in the 88'^ year of her age. Also the body of Ellen Hacking, the wife of John Hacking, who died the 14'^ of November 1768, aged 53 years. 10. HAINSWORTH." [ ] this life the 22 day of June and was buried the 24'^ 1743" in the 55^'' year of his age. Also the body of Mary, wife (;f the aforesaid Anthony (?) Hainsworth, died [ ] 1755, aged 67. 1 "1782. Jun. 13. W™ Fawcett, Halifax, stapler, bur." (Hx. Reg.). - Fo. 85. Formerly visible in the middle aisle of the chancel. ■' "1744-5. ^lar. 5. Dorothy, Ux. John Drake, Hal, stapler, bur." {Nx. Reg.). * Fo. 95. Formerly visible in the south aisle of the chancel. 5 Fo. 94. Formerly visible in the south aisle of the chancel. This is evidently the same inscription as No. i in the east cross aisle (p. 94). " "1705. Jul. 17. Eliz:, Jam: Gream, Skircote, bur." {Hx. Reg.). '' "1708. Oct 31. Henry, Jam: Greame, .Skt., bur." [Hx. Reg.). " Formerly visible in the Holdsworth Chapel. ^ Fo. 42. Formerly visible in the ante-church. 10 "1743. Jun. 24. Timothy Ainsworth, Hal., Comb'', bur." [ffx. Reg.). 140 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS 11. HILL.i [ ] aged 34. Joseph Hill of Halifax, died Dec. 29''^ 1758, aged 26. Also the children of Joseph Bramley of Halifax, woolen draper. [ ] March iq*'' 1780- in the s''^' year [ ] May 24, 1783^ in the i^*^ year [ ] Sept. 3'-d-* [ ] in the i^'year [ ] May 31^^ i79oMn the 2"'^ year [ ] Aug. 12'.'"' [ ] in the 5'^ year [ ] Sep. G*'^' [ ] in the 10*^ year [ ] Benj. Jan^ 29'*^ 1792 in the 13*'^ year [ ] Feb. 20, 1794,'' aged 9 months. 12. HILL. 9 [ ] of his age. She died [ ] of September T749 in the 7'^ year of her age. Mf Thomas Hill was buried here Dec. 25"^ 1785 aged 57. 13. HUDSON." [ ], the wife of John Hudson of Halifax, was here interr'd March the 23'''' 1779," aged 43 years. [ ]fe belov'd in Death [ ] thy Name [ ] sincere Heart and Mind ever the same [ ] thy better Part in Heav'n above Does live with God and Christ in endless love. Also here is interr'd the remains of John Hudson, late sexton of Halifax, who died February 18''' 1788, aged 74 years. Also of Sarah Wilson who died April 4'^ 181 3, aged 73 years. Also of George Daniel Holdsworth of Skircoat who died August 30*'' 1821, aged 22 years. 14. ILLINGWORTH.12 Jon" Illingworth, owner, 1693. 1 Fo. 37. Formerly visible in the anle-church. Part of the stone was broken off. - "1780. Mar. 21. Elis"^, Jo. Braniley, Hx., mercer, bur." {Hx. Reg.). '■'' '"1783. My. 27. Sam., Jo. Bramley, Hx., mercer, bur." [Hx. Reg.). ^ "1783. Sep. 4. ^lary, Jo. Bramley, Hx., mercer, bur." {Hx. R/g.). ^ "1790. My. 31. Tho., Jos. Bramley, Hx., mercer, bur." [Hx. Reg.), " "1790. Aug. 13. Catherine, Jos. Bramley, Hx., Woolendrap., bur." {Hx. Reg.). ■^ "1790. Sep. 8. Ann, Jos. Bramley, Hx. , Woolendraper, bur." {Hx. Reg.). s "1794. Feb. 23. Joseph, Joseph Bramley, Hx., W. Drap'', bur." {Hx. Reg.). ^ Fo. 38. Formerly visible in the ante-church, '0 Formerly visible in the Kokeby Chapel. 11 "1779. Mar. 23. Ruth, Ux. Jn'^ Hudson, Sexton, H^ Chur'', bur." {Hx. Reg.). ^"^ Fo. 64. A stone with the inscription worn away was formerly visible in tlic middle aisle of the church, and marked as above. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 141 15. LANGLEY.i [ ] Langley, [ ] holme, who dep[ ] life the 13*'' day of [ j and was buried [ ] the 57'^ year of [ ]. Also on the [ ] stone lyeth [ ], eldest son of [ ] the 26"^ of Jan. [ ] the 32"^ year of [ ]. Also in the [ ] her husband [ ] Langley [ ] Abraham [ ] the 11 [ ] February i7[ ]. Also of Ellen Lang[ ], daughter of the [ ] Abraham and Eliza Langley, who died April i7 7[ ],- aged 61 years. 16. LAW. 3 Here resteth the body of Nathan Law^ of [ ] who departed this life the 17^'' day of Aprill 1672. 17. LISTER.5 Here was interred the body of M''John Lister,^ son of Mr. Japhet Lister of Halifax, merchant, who died May the 21^* 1772, aged 21 years. 18. MARSLAND.^ Here lyeth the body of [ ]ret, the [ ] of John Marsland and [ ], his wife, [ ] the 14'"^ of Ma[ ]. 19. MAUD. 8 [ ] And also Jane, daughter of Edward Maud, buried May 29, 1643. 20. MELLIN.9 [ i]s interred [ ] of Thomas Mellin [of Ha]lifax who departed [this] life 14''^ of Decern"' i72[ ]"' in the 49''^ 1 Fo. 93. Formerly visible in the south aisle of the chancel. 2 "1778. Apr. 22. Ellen Langley, Hipp", spins% bur." {Hx. Reg.). The Langleys were an important family in Hipperholme township. For some account of them see Hx. Ant. Soc. Trans., 1905, 221-3, 3-"^ 1906, 101-3. 3 Formerly visible in the Holdsworth Chapel. * He was a clothier, of Southowram, and made a nuncupative will about 17 Apr., 1672, which was proved on June 4 following. After certain bequests, including 40X. each to his grandchildren Abraham, John and ATartiia Law, lie left the rest of his personal estate to Susann, his wife, and Elizabeth, his daughter, equally (A'*;^'. Test., liii, 22). ^ Formerly visible in the Holdsworth Chapel. " His mother was Elizabeth, the daughter of John Wainhouse, of Skircoat (Z>m^. Vis. ofYorks., Clay's ed., i, 118). ' Fo. 14, Formerly visible in the Holdsworth Chapel. ** Fo. 8. Formerly visible in the Holdsworth Chapel. " Formerly visible in the Holdsworth Chapel. 1" "1729. Dec. 17. Thomas Mellin, Hal., Innholder, bur." {Hx. Reg.). 142 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS year of his age. Also here Hes the body of Elisabeth Mellin, his wife, who died the 17'^ of June 1753 in the 73''^ year of her age. Also Thomas Mellin, their son, was here buried the 2'^ day of March 1753 in the 51^,' year of his age. And also the body of John Mellin, their son, was buried the 31^' of October i[ ] the 48'h year of his [age]. 21. MURGATROYD. 'Here lyeth the body of M-" James Murgatroyd" of Murgatroyd in Warley, who died att Ruddlesden Hall and was buried January i^^^ 1 67 1. Also Sarah, the daughter of M" James Gates of Murgatroyd, grandchild to the abovesaid James Murgatroyd, who was buried 22°'^ October 1697. And also Mrs Susanna Oates, wife of Mr. James Oates and mother of the said Sarah, who was buried June 23'-^ 1698. 22. NALSON.^ [ ] Nalson [ ] to the above [ ] Ester [ ]. 23. NORMINGTON.* [ ]dy of [ ] of Joshua [ ] Town [ ] he departed [ ] day of [ ], aged 43 years. Also Sarah, the wife of Joseph Norminton, son of the above Joshua & Hannah Norminton, died March ro''^ 1791. Also the above men- tioned Joshua Norminton who died February [ ], aged [ ]. 1 Walker's MS. says there was a coat of arms on tlie gravestone like that on the back of the screen. 2 By his will, dated Jan. 2, 1671, after reciting that he had surrendered all his copyhold lands, etc., in Warley, which were of the yearly rent to the lord of 325. 2\d., including Murgatroyd, Boothsteeds, Haighouse ; an annual rent of 4//. out of Peacock house and Shawbooth ; an annual rent of 26s. ^d. out of lands called Benns ; a messuage and lands called Rydeings, the messuages called Ivehouse and Jaynest to Timothy Wadsworth, the eider, of Midgley, and Edmond Deane, of Sowerby, to make courting thereof to Thomas Lister, of Maningham, and John VVeddell, of Bradford, gent., in trust to all such uses as he should declare in his last will, he ordered that they should be feolifees of all his said messuages, etc., to the use of his daughter Susann during her life, nnd after her death to the use of the heirs of her body, etc., provided nevertheless that if he should have a son that his feoftees should stand seised to the use of his son and his heirs, and in case he should have such son then his feoffees lo take 500//. of the rents for the portion of his daughter Susan, but in case he should have another daughter then to take 1,000//. for the portion of the second daughter. Mentions his wife Elizabeth. Refers to a suit depending in Chancery betwixt himself, complainant, and Edmund Starkey and others, defendants, concerning the manor of Ridlesden. Bequeaths his freehold lands to his daughter Susan for life, and then to the heirs of her l^ody. To his two sisters Susan and Frances Murgatroyd 10//. each, to buy each of them a piece of plate. Thomas Lister and John Weddell, exors. (AV/. Test., liii, 344.) The daughter Susan married James, son of James Oates, of Marsh. See No. 29 on p. 134. •* Fo. 65. Formerly visible in the middle aisle of the church, * Formerly visible in the Holdsworth Chapel IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 143 24. PARKER. 1 Here rests the body of John, son of Robert Parker and [ ], his wife, [ ] John [ ]. 25. POLLARD.'^ Here is interred the body of [ ], the daughter [ ] Pollard of S[ ], who died the [ ] of June 1741,-* aged 5 months. 26. RAWSON.i [ ] WiUiam Rawson [ ] Shipley, gentleman, [ ] departed this Hfe at Halifax the 9'*^ day of February 1741" in the 22"^ year of his age. Also the body of William, the only son of the above named WiUiam Rawson, by Judith his wife, who departed this life the 29'^ day of the same month above mentioned, being 18 weeks old. 27. RIGGE." ^Sacred to the memory of Joseph Rigg who died on the 30*^^ of October 1775, aged 38 years. Also of Elisabeth, wife of the above, who died on the 15'^ of February 1831, aged 94 years. 28. RIGGE.8 Sacred to the memory of Susanna, the daughter of Samuel & Mary Rigg of Halifax, who died on the 9'*^ of July 1820, aged 20 years. Also of Mary Rigg, mother of the above, who died on the 12'^ day of February, 1823, aged 54 years. Also Joseph Pilling, son of the above Samuel Taylor & Mary Rigg, who died at Kingston in Jamaica, July 26, 1831, aged 27 years. Also of the above Samuel Taylor Rigg who departed this life July 22, 1832, aged 68 years. i Formerly visible in the Hohlsworth Chapel. The inscriiMion probably relates to the same family as M.I. on p. 29 and inscription No. 13 on p. 116. 2 Fo. 10. Formerly visil^ile in the Hcjldsworth Chapel. 3 "1741. Jun. 12. Betty, John Pollard, Hal., Grocer, bur." (fix. Keg.). * Formerly visible in the Holdsworth Chapel. n "1741-2. Feb. 12. M^W"> Rawson, Hal., Cent., bur." (Hx. Keg.). Called an apothecary in the North. A'cg. He married Juditli, daughter of John Prescot, of Halifax, surgeon. She remarried Cyril Jackson, M.I)., of Halifax. [Dug. Vis. of Yorks., Clay's ed., i, 243, and Piescott Pedigree.) " Fo. 36. Formerly visible in the ante-church. '' The stones bearing this and the next inscription have probably been replaced by two bearing the inscription on pp. 107-8 (No. 23). ** Fo. 36. Formerly visil)le in the ante-churcli. 144 MONUMENTAL AND OTHER INSCRIPTIONS 29. [ ]OFIELD.i Here [ ] interred the [ ]mains of Timothy [ Jofield of Halifax, who departed this Hfe the 19''^ day of [ ]mber 1734 in the [ ] of his age. [ ] body of [ ]annah, his wife, who [ ] the 2''"^ 1765, aged 84. 30. SHARPLES.- Here he the remains of Jane Sharpies of Northouram who died on the 20''^ day of November 1818, aged 62 years. 31. STANCLIFFE.3 ■•Here lieth the remains of Joshua Stancliffe, hairdresser, of Halifax, who departed this life Janv 23'''' 1822, aged 53 years. 32. WALKER.5 Here ly[eth ] of Ann [ ] Walker [ ] in South[ ] of June i[ ]. Also of John [ ] above [ ] Walker [ ] return [ ] gave [ ] Nov. [ ]. In memory [ ] Walker, dau[ ] Richard Wa[ ] Walter- clough" [ ]rted this [ ] of October [ ]. 3^. WALKER. 7 [ ] who died [ J i69[ ]. [Al]so the body of Richard [ Jalker- of Upper Walter[clo]ugh, his second son, [w]ho died ye 17 Jany 1721. [ ] wife Grace the [ ] of the abovesaid [ ]. 34. WOOD.s Here are de[ ] of three of [ ] children [ ]owram i7[ ] Mary -j [ ] Martha V buried [ ] William J [ ] 1 Fo. 23?. Formerly visible in the south aisle of the church. - Fo. 76. Formerly visible in the Rokeby Chapel. 3 Fo. 63. Formerly visible in the middle aisle of the church. * On a brass plate. 5 Fo. 61. Formerly visible in the middle aisle of the church. •5 Some account of the Walkers of Walterclough in Southowram will be found in ffx. Ant. Soc. Trans., 1908. "^ Fo. 52. Formerly visible in the ante-church. « "M"' Richard Walker of Walter Clough rid out Jan. 17 & was found drown'd in the River Caldcr Jan. iS [1721], near Crumblebottom." {Xorth. Reg.). '■* Fo. 2lh. Formerly visible in the south aisle of the church. IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 145 And of Martha [ ] buried April [ ] !;[ ]. Also of the above [ ] Wood who died M[ ] 26'^ 1750' aged ?[ ]. Betty Wood, the daughter [ ] January 29 [ ]. IV. Inscription on Grave Cover Recorded in Brearcliffe's MS. I. ASHBURNE.2 Here resteth y^ body of Francis Ashburne,^ M"" of Arte & viccar of Halifax, enclosed y* 20'^ of July 1585. Let him live in me that died for mee. ecce homo. 1 " 1750. Apr. 2. Sara Wood, Hal., Widow, luir." (Hx. Reg.), may be the entry of this burial in tlie register. 2 Mr. T. W. Hanson has kindly drawn my attention to this inscription. ^ Vicar 1573-1585. The son of Christopher Ashburne, the previous vicar, who probalily resigned the living in his favour. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (Watson's Hist, of Halifax, p. 367.) He married Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of John Lacy, of Brearley (Walker's Halifax Registers, p. 20). She survived her husband, and was buried at Halifax 3 Nov., 1619 {Ibid., p. 99). ADDENDA. I. BROOKE.i >i« Joshva Ingham Brooke, M.A., vicar of Halifax 1889 to 1904, archdeacon of Halifax, Hon. Canon of Wakefield Cathl, entered into rest 19 Jvne 1906, aged 70 years. To commemorate his work for the chvrch the " Brooke Memorial Fvnd " was fovnded to assist the poorer benefices in the Diocese of Wakefield. 2. HOULDSWORTH. On a semi-circular stone fixed above the top of the Holdsworth monument noted on page 17 is the following inscription: — Robert Houldsworth, L.L.D., the 12 vicer, built this Place at his own proper Charge in 1554.^ 3. WATERHOUSE. The window referred to on page 73 has been replaced by a better one. The name "Waterhouse" is retained in the glass of the new window, but the maker's name does not appear. The inscription on the brass remains as before. 4. WITHOUT INSCRIPTIONS. There are in the church five early grave-covers (four in the south porch and one beneath the westernmost window in the south wall) without any inscriptions, but of sufficient interest to deserve recording here 1 Copy of the inscription on the tablet which it is proposed to erect to the memory of Archdeacon Brooke, Jan. i, 1909. The wording of this inscription may be slightly altered. 2 This date is a misinke, as William Palden, who made his will on March 7, 1535-6, directed that his body should be buried afore the altar within the new chapel, lately builded by Maister Doctor Haldesworthe upon the south part of the parish church of Saint John Baptist of Halifax [Halifax IVtHs, i, 103-4). Mkdi.^cvai. Grave Covkr in the roKcu. Plate II. I To fact p. 147. Hkad of Cross on Medl^val Grave Cover against the South Wall of the Church. {To face p. 147. Plate III. INSCRIPTIONS IN HALIFAX PARISH CHURCH. 147 No. I, measuring 5 ft. 8 in. by about 24^ in. tapering to 17I in., is perfect. The head of the cross is formed by sinking the stone around it. The stem and calvary are simply incised. The slab also has the shears incised upon it. (See plate II.) Mr. C. C. Hodges writes that this slab dates from c. 1150, and adds that the symbol is the smallest specimen of the great clipping shears for dressing cloth that he has seen — in this case a trade and not a sex symbol. The shears in the latter case are more elongated and pointed. No. 2 is also perfect, except that it has been broken in two, and measures 5 ft. 4 in. by i6|in. tapering to 13! in. It is in all respects similar to No. i except that it has no shears upon it. No. 3 has the bottom part cut off, and one of the top corners has also been broken off. It measures 4 ft. by about 19^ in. tapering to isfin. The cross-head is worked in the same manner as in No. 5. The stem of the cross is incised. No. 4 has the bottom part cut off and a large piece on one side of the neck of the cross cut out, and measures 3 ft. 6 in. by 18 in. tapering to 15^ in. The arms and head of the cross terminate in trefoils formed by sinking the ground around them. The stem is incised. No. 5, which is the one beneath the window in the south aisle, is only the head of a grave-cover. It measures 19 in. by 15 in. tapering to 14^ in., and bears a cross-head formed by the arcs of four circles, which meet so as to form four loops, through which passes a band which forms a lozenge. (See plate III.) Mr. Hodges writes of this slab that it is of a peculiar design, but in its present incomplete state he can only say that it may date anywhere from 1 180-1300. Unfortunately, No. 3, which is similar, is also imperfect. INDEX NOMINUM. An asterisk (*) following a page number signifies that the name occurs more than once on that page. The letter "n" after a page number signifies that the name is in the notes to the page. A.,L.,66 Aaron, F., 41 Abigail, 123 Abraham, 141 Ainsworth, Tim. Hains worth Aked, Barbara, loyn ; Mary, I39n. See also 85 ; Josh., 107, 107, 1071? ; Ric, 79 ; Tho., 85« ; Will., 79 Alexander, Eliz., i ; Frances, 112* ; Joh., 112*, ii2n ; Lewis, i ; R., 69 ; Will., 112*, II2M ; — hn, 112 AUenson (AUanson), Anth., 112, ii2« ; Francis, 112, ii2n; Jas., 112, II2M, 113; Joh., 112, I38n ; Jud., 112*, \izn*, i38n ; Rob., 112*, II2M* ; Will., 112, ii2« Angier, Eliz., i7n ; Joh., ijn Ann, 144 Ashburne, Chris., 145M ; Francis, 145 Ashworth, Jane, 34 ; Joh., 35 Aspinall (Aspinal), Will., 138, 138M Atkinson, Chris., io6k ; Jos., 130 Ayrton, Math., 47« -, Tho., 130 Bagnold, Ann, 119; Car. Frances, 119; Harriet, 119; Joh., 119; Maria, 119; Tab., 119; Will., 119* Bairstow, Joh., io5n Baldwin, Joh., 3on*, 44*; Sar., 44*; Will., 44* Barraclough, Anna, 88n ; Dan., 88w, 138 ; Jane, 88, 88n ; Toby, 88* Bate, Alex., 103, lo^n Bates, Jas., 83 ; Joh., 83 ; Jos., 2*; Mary, 83 ; Reb., 2 ; Ric, 83* ; Sam., 83 Batley, Jas., 2w ; Jer., 2rt*; Joh., 2, 2M, 3 ; Mary, zn ; Sush., 2, zn ; Tho., 3 Bayfield, B., 74 ; Eliz., 74 Beaumont, Alice, 125M ; The, 125W Bell, , 42 Bellamy (Bellamay), Ann, 113*; Frances, 113; Joh., 113*, ii3«* Benson, Mich., ii4« Bentley, Betty, 48 ; D., 48*; Dan., 48, 113, 113M, 120M ; Eli, I2Q, i2on*; Elis, 120M ; Eliz., 48, 128 ; Han., 48 ; Hen., i2on ; Jer., 128*, 128M ; Joh., 120W ; Jud., 128; Lyd., i2on ; Marth., 120W ; Mary, no, iii*; Mich., 3W ; Pheb., i2o« ; Ric, 120, i2on ; Sar., 96, i2on*, 128, i28n ; Sush., i20« ; Tim., 48, i20» ; Will., no*, III Benton, Elk., 84 ; Mary, 84 Beron, Tho., i27« Berry, H., 42 Best, Chas., 103 ; Joh., 102, 103 ; Ric, I02M Binns (Bins, Bynn[sl), Ann, 83 ; Jos., 83 ; Mary, 83"; Nath., 83*, 130M ; Sar., 83 ; W., 41 ; , 130 Blac — , Ann, 113 ; Ric, 114 Blades, Geo., 127M Bland, J., 41, 53 ; Marth., no, lion ; Mich., no*, now*; Tho., 17 Blatchford, R. F., 41 BoUand, Ann, 128 ; Chas., io2m ; Joh., 128 ; Marth., 102*; Sar., 128*; Will., 102, i02« Booth, Mr., i2o« ; , izon Bosvile, Jane, 6om ; Tho., 6on Bottomley (Bothomley), A., 42 ; Joh., 85M Boulton, Eliz., 35 ; Ric, 35 Bowker, J., 42 Boyes (Bouyes, Boys), Edw., 76*; Johan., i2in ; Joh., 120, i2i« ; Jos., 136*; Mr., 136W ; Reb., 76 ; Sam., 12IM*; Susan, 136; Will., 76, 121W Bracken, Agn., 100 ; Betty, 100 ; Eliz., 100 ; Han., 100 ; Mary, loo*; Ric, 100*; Sush., 100 INDEX. 149 Bradley, Eliz., 128 ; Tho., 128 ; W., 20*, 29, 47 Bramley, Ann, 106, 140/! ; Benj., 140 ; Cath., 140W ; Edw., 82 ; Eliz., i40n ; Joh., 82 ; Jos., 140, 140M*; Mary, 106, i40». ; Sam., 106, 140W ; Tho., 106*, 140W Brearcliffe (Brearcliff, Brearecliff, Brearecliffe), Dor., 129 ; Edm., 3, 3n*, 120, 129 ; Ester, 3, 129 ; Favour, 3, 3W ; Jane, I2m, 85M ; Joh., 3«, I2W. 857?. 129*, 13412 ; , 3w Bngg (Brigge), Abr., 471? ; Mary, 129 Briggs, Eliz., 129 ; J., 42 ; Jas., 129*; Mark Freeman, 129 ; Mary, 129 ; Tho., 129 Broadbent, J., 53 Broadley (Brodley), Joh., 3 ; Mary, 3 ; Math., 77^ ; , ^n Brook (Brooke), Archd., 146W ; Edw., 90 ; Eliz., 90 ; E.V.I., 42 ; Joh., 85W ; Josh. Ingham, 146 ; Mary, 129 ; T., 41 Broome, Han., 47*, 92 ; Ric, 47*, 92* Buckley, E., 41 Bums, H., 41 Burton, Mr., 5W Butterfield, Ann, 130 ; Eliz., 130*; Mary, 130 ; Rob., 130* Carey, E., 42 Carmichael, J. B. H., 69 Carney, T., 41 Carr, Steph., 125 Cartwright, Agn., 130 ; Amel., 130 ; Eliz., 130 ; Joh., 130*; Mary, 130 ; Mary Ann, 130, 130M ; Sar., 130 ; Will., 130* Caygill (Cagill), Ann, 98, 99, 99^ ; Eliz., 98, gSn ; Han., 99 ; Jane, 4, 99*, 99W*; Joh., 4, 5, 42«*, 98*, 99*, 99M*; Marth., 42«, 99, 99M ; Sam., 98, 98W, 99, 99W ; Tho., 81, 8in* Chadwick, Eliz., 96 ; Nath., 96* Chamberlain, Abr., 131 ; Edw., 131; Eliz., 5; Mary, 5M ; Tho., 5M*; Will., 5* Clapham, Eliz., 6*; Han., 6 ; Jud., 6 ; Ric, 6*; Sar., 6 Clarke, C, 53 Clay, EUz., 121W ; Geo., i2in*; Jane, i2in ; Joh., 12 in*; Luke, i2in ; Rob., 121, I2iw* Clayton, Ralph, 7, 96 Coates, W., ^^ Cockett, Ric, 76* Cockman, Eliz., 77 ; Francis, 76*, 76M* Cockrof t (Cockcrof t, Cockrof te) , Grace, 39n ; Mary, 3n ; Will., 39 ; , 3M Conlan, J., 41 ConnoUy, J., 53 Cooke, Ann, 31W ; Ric, 4 Copley, Joh., 138, 138W ; Lionel, 1251^ ; Maria, 138 ; Mary, 138 ; Will., 113*, 113W* Coppendale, Joh., 6on Corbett, J., 42 Cotton, Eliz., 124M Coulthurst, Dr., 3H ; Hen. Will., 7,98; H.W., 69; Sar., 98 Craven, Eliz., 84*; Jas., 84 ; Joh., 84*; Lucv, 80 ; Mary, 80, 84 ; Wm.,8o Critchlaw, Alice, ijn Croft, Chas. Joh., 131 ; Rob., 131 Crompton, Abigail, ijn ; Jas., 1711 Cromwell, Oliver, 45W Crowther, Brian, 58 ; Jane, 58W ; Joh., ii8w D Dade, Chris., 131, i3i« Danyel, Joh., 74M Davy, Joh., 74 Dawson, Ely, 2212 Dean (Deane), Ann, 121, 121W ; Cicely, 105, lo^n ; Edm., 142^ ; Rob., 105, 121*, 121W*; The, 105 ; Will., 105*, i2in Dempsy, Brian, 138*; Chas., 138 ; Eliz., 138 ; Joh., 138*; Will., 138 Dickenson (Dickinson), Edw., 43W ; Jas., I2W ; Tho., 6w Dighton, Pattv Penelope, 98 ; Will., 98 Dixson, Anth., 10512 ; Mary, 105H ; Sib., 105M* Dobson, Ann Richard, 57 ; Eliz., 57 ; Ric, 57 Dodsworth, Rog., iiw DoUiffe (Dollifej, Eliz., i22« ; Giles, i 105*, 105W, I22W*; Jas., I22W ; Mary, 122 ; Ric, 122*; Sar., 105 Dorothy, 84, 139 Drake, Atkinson Sherraer, 106 ; Dan., 105, 105W*; Dor., 139M ; Francis, 105, 105M*; Grace, 105W ; Jas., io6n ; Jane, io6n ; Jer., 105, 105W, 106, io6m ; Joh., 105, i05n*, 139M ; Mary, 106 ; Pheb., 150 INDEX. lyn ; Sam., 105, io5« ; Tho., io5« ; Will., ijn Dunn (Dun), Eliz., 8, cjgn ; Josh., 8*, 9, 100*, I22W ; Maiia, 8, g ; Tho., 97, 115W ; — — , 97« Dyneley, Joh., 127K Dyson, Abr., iiiw; Dan., 10, 114 ; Deb., iiiw ; Eliz., 11 1 ; Ely, no, III*, iiiw; Mary, iii ; Sam., Ill ; Sar., 10, 114; Sush., no; Tho., Ill*; Tho. Jas., in Dyve, Hen., 24W ; Mrs., 24H Eagar, Frank Whitworth, 9 Edmund, 92 Edward \l (King), 12 Edwards, Ann Eliz., 61, 62.11 ; Cath., 62*; Chas., 62*; Sir Hen., 63 ; Joh., 10*, 114*; Joh. Lees, 61'; Jos., 10*, 114*; Mary, 10*, 114*; Sally, Sar., 10*, 114* Elam, Joh., 82W Elizabeth (Queen), 58W, 64 Ellis, Ester, 77 ; Steph., 77, 77W* Ely, Geo., 87^. See also Hayley Emmet, Alice, 90*; Ann, 106* Eliz., 102 ; G.N., 63 ; Jas., 90* Joh., 63, 106*; Margt., 106* Rob., 90*; Sar., 90, 102 ; Will., 90*, 102* Ester, 142 Ezech — , 68 Farrer, Elk., 21 ; Nath., 124 ; Susan, 119W ; Tho., iign ; Will., 124. See also Ferrar Favour (Favovr), Dr., in*, izon ; Joh., II, 122 Fawcett (Fancitt, Favcit), Ann, 85n ; Hugh, 85*, 85M ; Rach., 139 ; Sar., 85,1, 138 ; Will., 85, 138, 139, 139M Ferrar, Rob., 11 ; , iin. See also Farrer Finch, Grace, 106 ; Mary, 106*; Will., 106*, 107 Fisher, I., 37 Fletcher, Ann, 83*; Betty, 83 ; Tho., 83*, 83M ; Will., 83, 83M Fo — , Grace, 131 Foley, J. C, 41 Foskett, C, 42 Foster, Eliz., 6w Fourness (Fournes, Fournis, Fovr- nes), Frances, 13 ; Han., 12 ; Jane, 13 ; Joh., 12, i2«, 13*, 82, 134;/*; Jos., 12, 81, 134M*; Pheb., 12, 81*; S., 12 ; Sam., 12, 13W, 81, 82, 85W, 134W ; Sush., 13 ; Will., I2n Foxcroft (Foxcrofte), Anah, 32^ ; Grace, 49« ; Jas., 8^n ; , 131 French, Dr., 45W ; Eliz., 45W Frobisher, Will., 79 Fulcehurst, Marie, 12 in Fuller, G.W., 41 Gaffin, T., 50 Garland, Will. Hen., 63 Gath, Sam., 131 ; Sar., 131 Gaukroger, Geo., 64 ; Mary, 64 ; Mary Alice, 64 ; Will., 64 Gawthorp, , 32, 38, 40, 53, 63 Gibson, A., 42; Ann, no; Eliz., 13, 14, 109*; Geo., 14 ; Marth., 131 ; Mich., 13, 14*, 109*, no*, 131M ; Rhenetta, 14, now ; Rob., 13*, 14*, 109 ; Will., 14 ; , no Gooch, Joh. Hen., 64 Grace, 144 Greame (Gream), Ann, 14, 94*, 94^, 139*; Bridget, 136, 136W ; Eliz., 14, 94*, 139*, 139M ; Frances, 15, 95; Han., 122; Hen., 94, 122, 134^,139, 139W; Jas., 14, 22w*,i36, 136W, 139W*; Joh., 14, 95, 95W*; Marth., 95 ; W., 139 ; Will., 14*, 15, 22«, 94, 139 ; , 2M Green, Geo., 79 ; Mary, 79, 79M Greenhalgh, S., 41 Greenup, Eliz., 75 ; Geo., 75 ; Harriet Helen, 75 ; Joh., 131 ; Mary, 131 ; Sar., 75*; Will., 75*, 131* Greenwood, J. H., 42 ; Joh., 15 ; R., 42 ; Sar., 15 ; Will., 15 Grice, Eliz., in ; Hen., in ; Will., Ill* Grimshaw, Frances, 91 ; Jane, 91*; Lumb, 91 ; Mary, 91*; Will., 91* H Hacking, Ellen, 139 ; Francis, 139 ; Joh., 139 Haggerty, J. E., 41 Haigh, Alice, 129 ; Clement, 129*, 129W ; Edw., 129*; Eliz., in ; Joh., Ill*; Mary, in; Will., Ill* INDEX. 151 Hainsworth, ? Anth., 139 ; Mary, 139. 5ee fl/so Ainsworth Haldsworth. See Holdsworth Haley. See Hayley Hall, Abr., 77, 77^, 78*, j&n*, i34« ; Han., Tjn ; Josh., gow ; Jud., 77K ; Marth., 77W.; Mary, 77W, no*; Pheb., 77M ; Rob., 88w ; Sam., no*, iion ; Sar., 77 w Halliwell, Ann, 94 ; Joh., 94 ; Jos., 88w. See also Helliwell Hamer, Cath., 37 ; Josh., 37 Hamerton (Hammerton), Betty, 100, ioo« ; Han., 109 ; Joh., 100, ioo«, 109*; Marth. Nicholls, 109 ; Northend Nicholls, 109 ; Sam. Wood, 109 Hampson, Ric, ii6« Hankins, D'Avenant, 24M ; 24?? Hannah, 93 Hanson, Eliz., 17 ; Joh., 16 iign; Sar., iign ; T.W. 114H Will. Jos., 145W ; 129 Ann, 115*; 129 115*; -,84 Hardcastle, Mrs., ii4» ; Pheb., 114 ; R., 114 Hardman, ].,6in Harger, Car. A., 64 ; Joh., 64 ; Mary, 64 Hargreaves, Lyd Harrison, Agn., 131 Mary, 131 ; The Hart, J., 53 ; , 36 Hayley (Haley), Geo., 87 ; Joh., 88 ; Rach., 87*; Ric, 87, 88*, 88m*; Tho., 87*. See also Ely Hay ton, R., 41 Heald, Grace, 125 ; Will., 123, 125 Hedgeland, G., 61 Hegan, Ann Eliz., 61 Helliwell, Mrs., 94W. well Hemingway, J., 41 Henry VII (King), 11 (King), 12 Hepenstall, H., 42 Heywood, Mr., lyn 77«, 120M ; Ric, 1711 Hill, Joh., 97 ; Jos., 140 97 ; Tho., 140 Hinchliffe (Hinchliff), .\nn, Anna, 97*; Joh., no*, iio» ; Jos., 97 ; T..41 Hodges, C. C, 147 ; Mr., 147 Hodgson, Joh., 8 Hogarth, Eliz. Jud., 31*; Tho., 31 Holden (Houlden), Alies, iiBm ; Anna, 115, 115W; Eliz., 116; Han., 115*, ii5«, ii6n; Humph., Jer., 123 Jos. I., 62 See also Halli- Henry VIII Oliv., 6w, 17, Mary, ii8n ; Joh , 115??, 116, iibn ; Mary, 115*, 115W; Nath., 115*, ii5«*, 116;?; Ric, 115W, ii6m; Tho.. 86n, 115H. 116*, ii6h*; W.A., 41 Holdsworth (Haldesworth, Halds- worth, Houldsworth), Clement, 61 ; Dr., 146 ; Emily, 66 ; Geo., 65 ; Geo. Dan., 140 ; Jas., 25M ; Joh., 411J, 65*, lOjM ; Mar3^ 16, 171;, 25?i, ii6w; Mr., 116; Pheb., 16, 17W ; Rob., 68/7., 146 ; Sar., 65 ; Tho., 16*, i6n, 17, 17K*, 18, 65, ii6«; Walt., 65, 66; Will., 18 ; WiU. Irving, 65 Holland, Grace, 100 ; Jas., 99. loo" HoUings (Hollins), Isaac, 18, 37W ; Jer., 18 ; Mary, 18, 132 ; Sam., 132, 132M Holme, Tho., iii« Holmes, M.H., 41 Holroyd (Holroide), Ann, loi, ioi» ; Eliz., loi, loiw ; Joh., loi*, loi;;*; Jos., 132, 1327^ ; Mary, loi, loin ; Ric, loi Holt, Eliz., 95 ; W., 42 Hooke, Anna, 123 ; Dr., 58M, 99«, 123W ; Eliz., 123 ; Matild., 123*; Ric, 18, 123*; Sam., 123 Hope, J., 39 ; S., 5, 39 Hopkinson. Ell., 5 8m Hopwood, Mary, loi ; Ric, loi Hough, Edm., 58, 9212 Howorth, Jas., 132*; Tho., 132 Hoyland, Ann, 66 ; Will., 66 Hoyle (Hoile, Hoyl), Deb., 109M ; Dor., 84n ; Jas., 116; Luke, 95, 116, ii6m; Mary, 116*; Mich., io9«*; Pheb., 85M ; Ric, 85H ; Sar., 116 Hudson, Joh., 140*, I40« ; Ruth, 140H Hulme, Bathshcba, 20 ; Jos., 19, 124M ; Sam., ign Humphreys, G. K., 42 Huntriss, Will.,66 Hurst, , 33W Hyde, Tho., 116 Ibbetson, Chris., 94 ; Eliz., 94*; Lady Jane, 4 ; Sar., 94 ; The, 94* Illingworth, Jane, 132 ; Joh., 132 ; Jon., 140 ; Matth., 132 ; Sush., 132 Ingham, Anna Maria, 100 ; Cath. Jane, 100 ; Jas., 5M ; Jane, 100 ; Will., 100 issot, Mary, 25;; ; Will., 25K 152 INDEX. Jackson, Cyril, 143M ; Eliz., 20*, 102*; Joh., 20, 102 ; Josh., 20*, 102* Jacques, Mary, 43 m ; Sir Rog., 43W Jaumard, Mrs., 24W Jayes, M., 41 Jenkinson, Nath., 227^ Jerusalem, Knights of St. John of, 105M, 121W John, 68, 84,91, 143, 144 John, archbp. of York, 59 Johnson, E. A., 42 Joseph, 135 Joshua, 142 Joyce, P., 41 K K., S.J. ,66 Kay, Sir Arth., 1 13M Keith, , 46 Kenyon, W., 42 Kershaw, Abr., 85, 85^ ; Dor., 85 ; E., 41 Keyworth, W. D., 28 Ki — , [I]saac, 84W Kilgallon, P., 53 King (Kinge), J., 42 ; Jas., 20, 21, iiiw; Joh., 2on*, 21*, 114; Mary, iiin ; Sam., 20, 21*; Will., 2on* Kirk (Kirke), Eliz., 14 ; Frances, 14*; Jos. Moxon, 67 ; Sar. H., 64 Kitchingman, Ann, 22n ; Eliz., 22W ; Marth., 21 ; Sar., 22*, 22w ; Will., 21*, 22* Kitson, Jos., 103 ; Josh., 132, i32« ; Mary, 103 ; Sar., 132 ; Tho., 103*, 108*, 1087^ Knapton, T., 42 Knight, Frances, 97 ; Sam., 22, 96, 97 ; Titus, 2 2W ; Vic, 22n Knowles, Joh. W., 67 ; J. W., 67 ; Mary, 67* L., R., 81 Lacy (Lacye), Agn., 23W ; Eliz., 145M ; Gilb., 23M*; Hugh, 23W ; Joh., 23, 23K*, 145W ; R., 80 ; Ric, 8o« Lancashire, Jas., 89 ; Mary, 89 Langley, Abr., 141 ; Eliza, 141 ; EU., 141, 141M ; , 141* Law, Abr., 141W ; Eliz., i^in ; Joh., i4i«; Marth., 14IM ; Nath., 141 ; Susan, i^in Lawrence, Phil., 3in ; W., 69 Leah, 123 Leeds Infirmary, Trustees of, 47^ Lees, Ell., 102 ; Joh., 88*; Lucy, 88 ; Rob., 102 ; Sam., 102 Leigh (Legh), Dr., 24W, 25W ; Eliz., 24, 25 ; Frances, 24, 24M, 25 ; Geo., 24, '24W ; Mary, 24W Leppington, Betty, 79 ; Chas., 79* Lister, Ann, 88, 90, 133 ; Eliz., 89*; Francis, 79*; Han., 78*; I., 69 ; Jas., 25*, 79, 85, 90, 90W*, 91, gin*; Japhet, 141 ; Jer., 90*, 133" i Joh., 25W*, 77n*, 78*, 89*, 90, 105W, 141 ; Marth., 85 ; Mary, 25, 25M, 90 ; Mary Ann, 78 ; Pheb., 77M*; Sam., 25^*, 77M, 91 ; Sar., 78, 79 ; Tho., 88*, 142W*; Will. Ric, 89 ; -, 90 Longbottom (Longbothom), A., 42 ; Jer., 79*; Marth., 79 Lord, Chas., 78 ; Edw., 78 ; Geo. Chas., 78 ; Marth., 78*; Sam., 78*; Tho., 78 Ludlow (Ludley), Nealey, 133 ; Ric, 133* Lydia, 123 M -, Abr., 133 ; Marth., 133 M — Maddocks, Jos., 26 Marlborough, Duke of, 13M Marsland, Joh., 141 Martha, 123, 144, 145 Martin, Frances, 5, 511 ; Joh., 5 Mary, 113, 123, 144; (Queen), iin, 12 Matthew, Archbp., iin ; Mrs., iim Maud, Edw., 141 ; Jane, 141 ; Jon., 124 ; Tho., 124 Mayall als. Meall, Jas., I22n ; Mary, I22w Mayer, , 68* McDermott, T., 53 McGovern, F., 41 Meadowcroft, Dor., 129W ; Ric, 129M Meall als. Mayall. See Mayall Mellin, A., 69 ; Eliz., 142 ; Joh., 142 ; Tho., 141, i4i«, 142 Mercer, Betty, 77 ; T., 41 Metcalfe (Metcalf), Ann, 97 ; Elis, 97 ; Eliz., 97 ; Margret, 97 Michael, 90, 113* Micklethwaite, Sam., 133 Midgley, Mary, ijn, 26 ; Will., 16, 17M, 26*, ii6n MUne, Eliz., 25W ; Sam., 25« INDEX. 153 Milnes, Rob., sr, ; Sar., 86 Mitchell (Mitchel), Abr., 133 ; Ann, 27, 53K ; Effam, i2w ; Eliz., 27 ; Jas., 27 ; Joh., i2w ; Mary, 115W; Rowland, 53« ; Sam., 27 Morrell (Murrell), Ann, 98, 9871; Joh., gSn Morton, W., 41 Murgatroyd, Eliz., 142;?- ; Frances, 142W ; Jas., 142*; Mary, 120;/ ; Susan, Sush., 134K, 142M*; Tho., 120M Murray, Joh., 27 Murrell. See Morrell Musgrave, Archd., 67 ; Chas., 28 N Nalson, -, 142 Naylor, Geo., 103, 104 ; Joh., 103 ; Sush., 103, 104 Nelson, Edw., 133*; Eliz., 84; Harlin Tempest, 133; Sar., 133*; Tho., 84 ; Will. Geo., 133 Netherwood, Eliz., 102 ; Tim., 102 Nettleton, Anna, 124 ; Dr., ign*, ii6n ; Joh., 124, 124M ; Marth., ii6n ; Sush., 124 ; Tho., 124, 124M Newman, Honor, 134 ; Jos., 134 Newton, Jos., 82 ; Tho., 82 Nicholl, Ann, 76, 77 ; Grace, y6n ; Joh., 76*, j6n, 77 ; Sar., 77 ; Sush., 76*; Tho., 76 NichoUs (Nicols), Bethell, 28w ; Eliz., 28, 28n, 29 ; Jan., 28, 28w, 29 ; Jud., 6w ; Sar., 28;?* Norminton, Han., 142 ; Jos., 142 ; Josh., 142*; Sar., 142 Norris, Bessy, 68*; Jas. Edw., 38*, 86, 87 ; Jul., 68 ; Mary, 29, 38*, 92 ; Sidn., 68*, 92 ; Will., 29, 92* Northend (Northen), Dan., i6w ; Mary, i6n ; Tho., 103W Norton, Frances, lyi ; Gabetis, 13W Nutter, Elize, 99 ; Margret, 99 Gates (Oats), Anna, 134W ; Eliz., 134H ; Frances, 13W, 134W ; Han., 134 ; Jas., I2M, i^n, 16, 17M, 8iw, 134*, 134M*, 142*, 142K*; Mary, 134M ; Pheb., I2n, lyn, 134W ; Sar., 134M, 142*; Sush., 134W*, 142 Oddy, A., 42 Oldfield, Grace, 82 ; Jas., 82 ; Jon., 29 ; Mary, 29 ; R.E., 41 ; T., 41 ; Tho., ii8n Oldham, E., 53 Overend, T., 41 Owen, J., 41 Oxley, Jane, 103;; ; , 10371 Palden, Will., 146 Parker, Joh., 143; Mary, 30, 116; Rob., 30, 30M*, 116, 143 Parratt (Parrat, Parrot), Francis, 92« ; Mr., 77M, 92, 92W Peard, , 36 Pickles, G. H^ 42 ; J., 42 ; W., 41 Pigou, Francis, 72 Pollard, Betty, i43« ; J., 41 ; Joh., 143m ; Will., 106 ; , 143 Pool, AHce, 89; Eliz., 87; Joh., 89 ; Jud., 89 ; Mary, 89 ; Rach., 89W ; Wilkinson, 87 ; Will., 87, 89*, 89W. Power, Ann, iiw, 30;;*; Joh., 134; Will., IIW, 134 Prescott (Prescot), Ann, 30/2*, 31*; Ann Margt., 117; Dor., 30^, 117; Edw., 31*, 117*, iijn ; Eliz., 3on ; Eliz. Jud., 31 ; Esther, 117 ; Joh., 30*, 30K*, 4r 117*, 11711, 124J1, 143W Jud., son, 143W ; Margt., 30W ; Mary, 30, 30;;, 31 ; Pheb., 30M*, 117*, 124 ; Sar., 30, 30W*; Will., 30W, iijn, 124 ; , 117 Preston, Harriet, 32, 104 ; Jos., 32, 104 ; Mary, 32*, 104*; Soph., 32, 104 ; Tho., 32*, 104* Price, E. C. H., 32 Priestley (Prestley, Priestly), Dor., 85W ; Ehz., 86 ; Francis, 125 ; Han., 86*. 86n ; Hen., ^n, 125M ; Jas., 86, loi ; Jane, 85* ; Joh., 86, 86n ; Jon., 85W, 86m ; Jos., 15 ; Mary, 15, loi ; Nath., I2«, 22M, 85*, 85W, 86*, 86m*; Tho., 22« Quick, R., 42 Q 154 INDEX. R Rachel, 123 Rarasbottom, Francis, 21*, 89*; Marth., 89*; Mary, 21, 89*, 90 ; Rob., 89*, 90; Sam., 21*; Sar., 21 Ramsden, Ann, 94, 95, 115*; Deb., 109;/ ; Dor., 134 ; Eliz., 34, 117*, 134 ; Geo.. 35, 95. 134, i34» ; Geoff., 32, 33, 34 ; Han., 95 ; Hen., 32, 34 ; Hugh, 32W*, 33*; Joh., 34, 35, 91, 94*, 94W*, 95*, 117*; Lyd., 34, 117*; Marria, 134 ; Mary, 47W, 87, 8yn, 90 ; Mercia, 33W ; Ric, 95, 103, 134*, i34«; Rob., 34, 87, 103*, logn, 117 ; Rowland, 115, 115W ; Sam., 94, 109H ; The, 34, 95*, 115*, 117*; Wid., 109W ; Will., 33, 35, 134*; ,91,95,96 Rawdon, Lawr., 43M ; Margery, 43W Rawson, Benj. Currer, 69 ; Oath., 81 ; Chris., 81*; Emily, 69 ; Grace, 37W, 81 ; Jer., 81 ; Joh., 8, 35, 81 ; Joh. Markland, 35 ; Jud.', 143 ; Marth., 81 ; Mary Anne, 81 ; Mr., 37M ; Rob., 81*; Will., 36, 143*, i43« Rayner, Will., 51 » Read, N., 25 Rhodes, Abr., 85*, 85« ; Dor., 85*; Faith, 85, 86; Joh., 85*, 86*; Jon., 85 ; Ric, 85*; Sar., 85 Richard, 88, 113 Richardson, Hen., ii3n; Joh., 125*; Sar., 125 Rigge (Rigg), Abr., 36, 107 ; Chris. Taylor, 36, 71, 108*; Eliz., 36, 107*, 108*, 143 ; Harriet, 36, 108* ; Joh., 107 ; Jos., 107, 108*, 143 ; Jos. Pilling, 108, 143 ; Mary, 71, 108*, 143*; Sam., 143 ; Sam. Taylor, 71*, 108*, 143*; Sush., 108, 143 ; Tho., 36*, 107*; Will., 36, 107 Riley (Ryley), Eliz., 135*; Geo., 135W*; " Jer., 135*, i35« ; Mrs., 135 ; Sar., 135, 135); Rishworth, Agn., 49» ; Joh., 49M Robinson, E., 42 ; Eliz., 25M ; R.S.P., 69 ; Sar., 55H ; Will., 77 Rokeby (Rookbve), Joh., 59W ; Will., 59 Rooksby, Rob., 106 Rossendale (Rossendall), Grace, 37W*; Jer., 18, 37, 96*; Mary, 37M* Rothwell, Will., 66 Royds, Harriet, 37 Mary, 37 Joh., 37" Rudd, Edw. Joh.. 38, 86; Eliz. Cath., 38, 86 Rush worth, E. L., 42 Russel, Eliz., 78 ; Joh., 78 ; Marth., 78 ; Mary, 78 ; Will., 78* Ryan, J., 41 Sagar, Jos., 38 Saltmarshe, Will., 81 Saltonstall, Sir Ric, I26w Sarah, 84 Savile (Savill), Sir Geo., 15 ; Sir Hen., 121W ; Hen., 118, ii8n*', 121M , 125W ; Margery, i2i« ; Nich., 23W ; Ric, 118; Rob., 60W ; Sib., 60W, 125W ; Tho., 121M, 125, 125W* Sayer, Mary, 39, 40 ; Tho., 39*, 40 Scarbrough, Ric, 125 ; Susan, 125 Scholefield (Schofield, Scofield), Benj., 78*. jSn ; Eliz., 93 ; Joh., 95 ; Ric, 104W ; Selina, 104W ; W., 42 Schorey, Geo., 104 ; Ric, 104*; Sar., 104 ; Selina, 104, 104W Scott, Mary, 131 Selwyn, Will., 4 Settle, E., 53 Sharp, Joh., 59)? ; Tho., 59W Sharpies, Jane, 144 Shaw, W., 41 Sheffield, Mr., 5K Simpson, Ann. 95 ; Joh., 135*, I35«*; Mary, 135 ; Will., 95 Skelton, , i, 2 Smith, Aima, 97 ; G., 42 ; Isaac, ii8w; Joh., 97*; Mary, 97*; Sol., 40; Sol. Chas., 40 ; W., 71 ; Will., 135 Snedall, Ann, 99 ; Tho., 99 Sommerscales, Ric, 40 Soothill, Gerard, 23W*; Isab., 23M Speight, Jos., 135* Spencer, Ell., 49^ StancHffe, Jas., 136 ; Joh., 136W ; Josh., 144 ; Mary, 136 Stansfield (Stansfeld), EUz., 22 ; Jas., 22K ; Josiah, ii6» ; Mrs., 25 ; Tim., 25W Starkey, Edm., 142M Stawe, Joh., 12 1« Stead, Eliz., 8iw ; Grace, 43 ; Jon., 42M, 8i« ; Jud., 112 ; Mary, 42, 43, 126*; Naomi, 42, 59, 103 ; Ric, 103 ; Sam., 42*, 42W*, 43*, 43M*, 126*; Val., 42*, 42W, 59*, 103*, 103W ; Will., 42M, 103, 103M INDEX. 155 Stephenson, Mary, 79 ; Mill, 49W ; Staph., 79 Sterne, Eliz., 43 w ; Ric, 43"*; Simon, 43 Steward, Mary, 31 ; Tlio. Carr, 31* Stockdale, Margt., 43 ; Rob., 30);, 43 ; . 30" Stott, Joh., 83 ; Sar., 83 Sugden, Alice, loi, loiw ; Dan. Holgate, 44 ; Grace, loi, loiit ; Josh., loi*, loiw ; Mr., 44M Sunderland, Jud., 126 ; Maiy, i26«; Ric, 126, 126W ; Rob., 126, 12611 Susanna, 125 Sutclifife, A., 42 ; Dav., 118*, ii8w*; Han., 118; J. A., 42; Mar}-, 119;?; Sam., 118, ii8w; Will., ii9» Swaine, Han., 86 ; Jos., 86« ; Mary, 98 ; Rob., 86*, 86w ; Will., 98*' Swainson, Ann, 80 ; Frances. 80 ; Will., 80* Swift, Abr., 86w ; Mary, 86 h Swire, Ann, 80 ; Jane, 80 ; Joh., 80*; Rog., 80, Son ; Sam., 8o«. Tatham, H., 41 Tattersall (Tattersal), Edm., 82, 82)1 ; Joh., Szn ; Jon., 82;? ; Marth., 82M ; Mary, 82 ; Ric, 82*, 82»*; Tab., 82M ; Tim., 82W Taylor (Tayler), Ann, 75 ; Bath- shua, 75>j ; Eliz., 75 ; Geo., 73W ; Jos., 136, 136W ; Margt., 136 ; Mary, 75, 75M*; Ric, 19, 20, 75*. 75^*; Sar., 75W ; , 52 Tew, Tho. Will., 39^ Thomas, 103 Threapland, Josh., 79* Thurston, Joh., 126* Thwaites, Esther, 48 ; J., 48 Tillotson, Archbp., 59W ; Geo., 105W ; Joh., 45 ; Rob., 45« Timothy, 144 Todd, A., 42 Tongue, Ann, 136; Sar., 136*; Will., 136* Travers, Gordon Dermer, 46 Turlay, Tho., 72 U Uttley, Ann, 76*; Eliz., 76 ; Mary, 76 ; Tho., 76*; Will., 76' Veitch, Frances, 104 ; Frances Margt., 104 ; Pet., 104 Victoria (Queen), 72 W W., C. G. D., 74 W.,C. L.,74 W., J., 119 Wa — , Ric, 144 Waddington, Jas., 46*, 47*, 91*, 92 ; Joh., 46, 47, 91*; Mary, 46*, 47*, 91*, 92 Wade, Mary, 4« ; W^ill., 4;; Wadsworth, Ann, 48 ; Deb., 48*; Hen., 47», 48*; Joh., 47, 48*; Marth., 48 ; Mary, 48*; Sam., 48 ; Sush., 48 ; Tim., 142M Wainhouse (Wainehouse, Wayne- house), Ann, ii8h, iign, izjn ; Edw., 36, 97, 107, 118, ii8w*, 127W*; Eliz., ii8n, iign, 141M ; Joh., 76, 118, 119, 136*, 136W, 141W ; Jud., ii8w; Marth., 97, ii8w, Iign; Mary, 118, ii8»*, 119; Mich., 96, 97*, 126; Ric, 97, 136*; Sar., 119W Wainman, Mary, 119 Walker, Abr., 100 ; Evan Chas. Sutherland, 73 ; Grace, 2n ; Joh., 100 ; Mary, 100 ; Ric, 211, 144, I44« ; Sar., 100*; Tho., 2 ; Will., 100 ; , 144* Walsh, Joh.. 77 ; Penel., 77 Walton, Jas., 137M Ward, Grace, 76W Warrener, W., 42 Warrington, W., 6iw*, bzn, 63^, j^yi Wason, E. S., 69 Waterford, Bishp. of, 24M Waterhouse (Waterhows, Water- howse), Agn., 49 ; Brian, 127M ; Cecily, 51 w ; Eliz., 49 ; Ell., 50, 6o» ; Grace Eliz., 50 ; Gregory, 127, i2yn ; Isaac, 49M, 132; Isab., 49W ; J., 62*; Joh., 49*, 49M, 50*, 60*, 6o»*, 74, 127 ; Mercy, 132, 132;! ; Mich., 5111 ; Nath., 5M, 51, 127 ; Rach., 52, 137 ; Ric, 49« ; Rob., 6on, i2jn ; S., 62*; Sam., 52*, 6om*, 74, 137*; Sar., 49, 50; Sush., 30 Watkins, S. T., 41 Watkinson, Benj., 53W ; Dr., 53M ; Edw., 52, 53M ; Mary, 52 Watson, Anne, 95 ; Rowland, 95 Weatherhead, J., 53 156 INDE:5t. Weddell (Wcddal). Dor., sgn ; Joli., 59«, i^2n* Weeding, A. J., 69 Wellington, Duke of, 32, 45, 46, 53, 69, 69W, 70* Wenman, Ric, 121W ; Tho., 12111 Wcstmacott, Ric, 8, 35, 36 West-Symes, E. B., 42 ; Edw. Bertram, 54 Wetherherd (Whetherherd), Chris., 5, 6 ; Jas.. 5*, 6*, 93*; Mary, 5, 5w, 6*, 93*; Mr., 93 ; Mrs., 93 Wheelhoiise, S., 41 Whitaker, Abr., 55 ; Dan., 54, 55 ; Eliz., 55 ; Han., 54 ; Joh., 55 ; Mary, 55, 107 ; Rob., 55 ; Tho., 55 ; Will., 55* Whitehead, Joh., 50W Whiteley, J., 41 Whitley, Matth., lozn Wiglesworth, Jas., 92* Wilkinson (Wilkinsonn), Ann, 119*; Benj., 93 ; Dr., 121M ; E., 41 ; Elean., i^yn ; Eliz., J2jn ; Geo., 127W ; Han., iign ; Isab., 127W ; J., 41; Joh., iign; Jos., 777;, 87, 119*, 127, 127M, 137, 137W ; Lyd., 127M ; Mary, 105W, 119, 127M*; Pheb., 81 ; Rob., 55 ; S., 42 ; Sar., 127M ; Susan, Sush., 119, ijgn ; The, 81 ; Will., 119 William, 138, 139*, 144 Williams, W. C, 61 Williamson, Joh., 82 ; Tho., 82 Wilson, Dor., 51M ; Geo., 56 ; Joh., 56, 128 ; Rob., i2in ; Sar., 140 ; W., 41 Wolfenden, J., 41 Wood, Ann, 119; Betty, 145; Deb., 108, 109, 109W*; Eliz., 56 ; Joh., 109W ; Jos., logn, 137*, 137W ; Marth., io2w ; Mary, logn ; Pheb., 109^*; Philis, logn*; Ric, 56*, 108*, io8m, 109, 109W*, 137 ; Rob., 109*, 109W ; Sam., 56*, 57, 109*; Sar., 57, 145W ; Suse, 56 ; Will., io9n, •137W ; , 145 Woodrove, Ann, 24W ; Tho., 24« Woolmer, Barbary, 137 ; Joh., 137*. isy^ Worrel, Han., 11 5n Wright, Francis, 57 ; Jos., 132 ; Sar., 57, 120; Will., 57*, 119*, 120 Wyllie, A. K., 53 Zouch, Chas., 15 ; Eliz. Dor., 15 INDEX LOCORUM. Halifax and Halifax Church, being of very frequent occurrence, are not indexed. The ancient townships in which they are situated are added, in round brackets, to the names of houses and farms in the old parish of Halifax. An asterisk (*) following a page number signifies that the name occurs more than once on that page. The letter "n" after a page number signifies that the name is in the notes to the page. Abyssinia, 6gn, 70 Africa, South, 54 ; West, 32, 46 Agbrigg, I an Allan Gate, Allon Gate (Skircoat), ii8m, iigw Alma, 6gn, 70 Alverthorpe, 14 Ardsley, 2 Armyn, 58»* Ashday, Ashdale (Southowram), 16, i6w, 17*, 17W*, 116 Ash Grove (Southowram), 35 B Bairstow, Bairstowe, Barstow, Wairstowe (Skircoat), 20, 2on ; house, 20W* Ball Green (Sowerby), 4M Bank, the Banke (Southowram), 118, 1 1 8 w . See also Blaithroy d Barmbrough, 20 Barwick, iiw Batley, 105K, 12 im, 125^ Bcestingly Lane (Stainland), i i8h Benns (Warley), 142M Berkshire, 591? Biddingden, 12 iw Bingley, 120W Binroyd (Norland), 126 Birks Hall (Ovenden), 21, 89 Black Myres (Northowram), iig» Blackwood House (Halifax), 83 Blaithroyd, ii8n. See also 'B3.r\\<. Blakehill (Northowram), 77M Blenheim, 13W Bolton, 17, 17W Boothsteeds (Warley), 142;; Boothtown, Booth Town, Booths- towne, 12M, 28, 28m, 77, 88m Bottoms (Skircoat), 134 Bowood (Sowerby), 22m Boy Farm (Skircoat), 22« Brackenbed, T^rackcn Bod (Oven- den), 84* Bradford, 15, 22M, 37M, 59M, 75M, 85M, 86m, 103M, 142W ; Hall Ings, 42 Bradley (Stainland), i2i« ; Mill (Huddersfield), 130 Bratby, 82 Brea, Brear, Over, Upper (North- owram), 25«, 77«*, 103, 119 Brearley, Breareley, Briereley (Midg- ley), 23, 23H*, 145W Breightmet (Bolton), 17M Brier Chapel, 51 Broadgates, Broad gates. Broad Yates, Broadyates (Skircoat) , 118, ii8m, 119M* Broughton, 99 Brown thirst (Ovenden), Lower, 2m ; Upper, 2w Bury, 22M, 129M Butterworth Hall (Rochdale), I22w* Calder, river, 144W Calico Hall, Callicoe Hall (Halifax), 30M, 117 Cam , 92 Cambridge, 14 ; Christ's coll., 8, 59M ; Clare hall, 45M ; Jesus coll., 58, 123 ; Magdalen coll., 22 ; St. John's coll., 7, 133 ; St. Peter's coll., i8m ; Sidney Sussex coll., 7 ; Trin. coll., 17M, 28M, 120, 120M, 135, 145M Canterbury, 45, 45M*, 59M Cape of Good Hope, 35 Cape Town, 34 Carmarthen, Caermarthen, ii«, 12 Castro-knock, 128 Causey (Warley), 75U ; head (Hali- fax), 51 Chapel Izod, 127 Cheshire, 45 « Clare Hall (Halifax), 31 Clayhouse (Greetland), 12 iw Clayton, logn Cleckheaton, I30« 158 INDEX. Cliff (Skircoat), 20 ; the Cliffe (Warley), ii8w Clough House (Huddersfield), 28, zSn Cold Blow, 26 Colesford, 121^2 Coley, ijn, 48, 77W, 86«*, logn, 126, 126M, 133 ; chapel, 51, jjn ; hall, 49W Conisborough, 6on Copley, 125, 125M ; yate, i22w Craven, 28, 28W, T,\n, 58W, 63, 113, 117 Cromwellbottom, Cromwelbotham, Crumblebottom (Southowram) , x6n, 23, 23K, 88)2, 144M Cross Hills, Crosshill (Halifax), 15, 115M Crosstone Chapel, 51 Crow Nest, Crownest (Hipper- holme), 27, 73, 100 Cumberland, 55 ;? D Damhcad (Northowram), 3;; Darcey Hay (Skircoat), 75 Darrington, 105W Darton, 55M Denton (Lane), 17W Deptford, 25 Derbyshire, 82 Desborough, 133 Dewsbury, 124W* Doctor House (Rochdale), i22;i Donaghadee, 123 Doncaster, 20 Dove House (Southowram), 79 Down Hall (Essex), 4 Driffield, iitj Dublin, 26, 59, 59K, 127 ; St. Patrick's cath., 128 Duncrivie, 27 Edgmund (Salop), 33 Edston, i2i«* EUand, 6m, 32M*, 33W, 35*, 75;; ; chap., 51 ; church, 35, logn ; hall, 105* ElmeTree, Elmtree (Halifax), ii5«* Elvington, 43 w England, 69 Essex, 4 Ewood (Midgley), 11, iiw Exley (Southowram), 94, 95, 105, 121*, I2TW*, 131 ; hall, 105W, 121W* Fallowroyde (Wadsworth), 36, 107 Farnborough, 43W Field, Feild (Northowram), io8m, logw* Fixby, lyn Fold (Northowram), 137W Georgia, 133 Gold Coast, 46 Grand Bassam, 46 Green Royd (Skircoat), 32, 104 Greetland, 32, 33W, 34, iiiw, 121W Gunthwaite, 60 H Haigh Hall, 124W Haighouse (Warley), 14211 Hahfax, Alms houses, 5M*; Bowram top, 135 ; Bull close, Bulclose, 21, 114; Clarendon place, 64 ; Cloth hall, 43W ; Cowgreen, ii6w ; Crown street, 43W ; Free school, 52, 58??, 64 ; Hall end, 95 ; Hat- ter's close, 52 ; Holy Trinity Church, jn, 22, 22n, 96, 114 ; Infirmary, 40 ; Lower goale, $n ; Northgate end chapel, 85W ; Piece hall, 44W ; Sidelins, 115H ; Square chapel, 22W ; Tongue close, 115H Hampshire, Hants.. 43», 135 HarrockHall (Lane), 35 Haugh End (Sowerby), 45M Headingley, 8571 Headley, 26 Heath (Skircoat), 14, 22M*, 64, 94;;, 95*; school, I2M, 55M, 767/. See also Halifax, Free school ; hall (Norland), 75M Heptonstall chapel, church, 36, 51, 107 Heywood, 22« High Legh (Cheshire), 24W* High Sunderland (Northowram), 132 Hill (Warley), 83 Hipperholme, Hiperholme, Hipper- holm, 27, 29, 55W, 57, 77W, 103*, i03«, II2W, 132M, 135, 135W, i4i«*; school, 22W HollDeck, 56 Holdsworth (Ovenden), in, 47, 48 ; house, 47W Hollington, 38 INDEX. 150 Hollins, the Hollins (Warley), 82*, 134^* Hollin Well (Norland), 75M Holme House (Warley), 100* Honley, Honly, 125, 128 Hope Hall (Halifax), 46, 47, 91, 92 Hopwood Hall (Halifax), i Horbury, z^n Horley Green (Northowram), 105, 105W*, io6n Houghshaw (Halifax), 102 Howkans, Howkins (Northowram), 85M ; farm, 52 Huddersfield, 28w, 33W, 52, 84, 109, 130 Hull, 28, 106 Humberston, 22w Hunslet, 54M ; hall, 53 « Ilkley, 58W. See also Olicana Illingworth, 47W, 48 ; chap., 12;;. 51 India, 69* Inkerman, 6gii, 70 Ipswich, 24;? Ireland, 26, 59^, 123, 128 Ivehouse (Warley), 142)). J Jamaica, 108, 143 Jaynest (Warley), I42« K Kebroyd, Kib-royd (Soyland), 135, i35« Keddington, 451? Kendal, iiiw, 115 Kent, 25, 54W, I20W Kighley, 95 Kilbum, 22M Kin Cross (Skircoat), 132)? Kingston, 108, 143 Kirk Sandal, 5912* KirkSmeaton, i05« Koutais, 133 Kumassi, 45 Lambeth, 45 Lancashire, Lane, co. Lane, co. of Lancaster, 17, ijn, 35, 88m, 129W Landimer, Landmoro (Shelf), 83, 102, I02M, 103 Landshead, Lands Head (Northow- ram), i2n, 16, i7«, 81W Lane Ends (Skircoat), 75 Law Hill (Southowram), no Lee Bank Bottom (Ovenden), 88 Lee Bridge (Ovenden), 87 Leeds, iin, 47M, 53W, 56, 114W; Vicar lane, 54M Lewes, St. Pancras Priory, Mon. de Pangeraci, 74, 74M Leyden, ign, 12411 Lightcliffe, Lighcliffe, 55^, 100, 103M ; chapel, 51 Lincolnshire, 22;? Lisbon, ic*, 114* Littlebrook (? Littleborough), 94M Little Chart, 5411 Little Horton, 19W Little Lever, 17 Liverpool, 35 London, 4, 16, 28, 32, 36, 37M, 38, 40, 46, 53, 55, 61W, 62W, 63, 68*, y^n, 90 ; Bartholomew close, iiiM ; Lincoln's Inn, 45W ; Middle Temple, 44*; Regent str., 50 ; St. Giles in the Fields, 59^ ; St. Martin's lane, 25 ; St. Mich. Bassishaw church, 54, 55 ; St. Paul's cath., 45»*; So. Audley str., 8, 35, 36 ; Tower hill, 42^ Long Preston, 31W, 117 Luddenden chapel, 51, 53 M Malvern, 7 Manchester, Maningham 5.39 142W Marsh (Soutliowram), I34», 142^ Mayroyd (Wadsworth), 39 Mearclough Bottom, Mear Clough Bottom (Skircoat), ii8n, iign ; mill, 75w; (Norland), iign Meath, 59, 59M Medley, see Methley. Medley House (Northowram), iign Melton, 106 Methley, Medley, 34, 12 in Micklthwait, i2on Midgley, 11, 54^, 142W Mirfield, 52 Mixenden, 2m Moot Hall (HaUfax), 6on Morley, I2n Munich, 68* Murgatroyd (Warley), i34«, 142*, i42« T3". 134. 160 INDEX. N Naina Tal, 69 Narva, 78 Newcastle upon Tyne, 57 New Cross, 25, 25W New Hall, Newhall (Elland), 24W ; (Norland), 75 w Norland, 75, 75W*, gow, 126, 126W, 136 ; hall, 136W ; Old hall, 75W ; town, 75W Northamptonshire, 133 North Bridge (Northowram), 93, 105W, 135 Northowram, Northouram, North- ouran, Northourum, North Ow- ram, Northowrom, Northowrome, 3W, 6n, I2W*, 16, 17, lyn, 60, jjn*, jSn*, 79, 81W, 85W, 86*, 88, 88w, 93, 100, loow, 103, 105, 105W*, 109, logn*, iiyn, 119, iign, 132W*, 137/;*, 144 ; chap., 17W ; hall, 10*, 114* Norton, 130 Norwich, 5911*, I35« Nostell, Nostel, St. Oswald's priory, iiw, 12 Nuttall (Hey wood), 2277. O Okurike, 32 Olicana, 58, 58M. See also Ilkley. Ossett, 6w Otley,'i3iw Ovenden, Ouenden, 2W, i2w, lyii, 21*, 22M, 40W*, 41, 81*, 84, 84M, 85, 85W*, 87, 87M, 88, 88w,95,i09w, II2W*, 116, 132, 138, 138W Overbrea, see Brea, Over Oxford, 59W, 63, 94W ; Line, coll., 33 ; Magdalen hall, 32W, 12 1» ; MertoncolL, 34, 121H*; New coll., IIM Oxfordshire, 12 ik Peacock House (Warley), 47K, 142W Pikehouse, Pykehouse (Rochdale), 88n, 94W Place (Southowram), 25 w Priestley (Hipperholme), 77H Pudsey, 75W Pye Nest (Skircoat), 63, 136 Q Quarles (Wharlers in Northowram), io9« R Rands, Ranns (Northowram), Lower, 60, 6on, 132 ; Upper, 6on Rastrick chap., 51 Rawfolds, 130 Riddlesden, Ridlesden, Ruddlesden, 13W, 142W ; hall, 142 Riding (Ovenden), 21 Ripon, IIM, 72; cath., 19; St. John's hospital, ig ; St. Mary Magdalen's hospital, ii», 19 Ripponden chap., 51 Rochdale, 42W, 97, ii6«, I22w Rotherham, 59W Rowley, 131 Ruddlesden Hall, see Riddlesden Hall Russia, 78 Rydeings (Warley), 142M St. David's, iin, 12 St. Leonard's on Sea, 38 Salop, 33 Salterhebble,88*; All Saints' church, 108* Sandal-magna, 15 Sapling Grove (Skircoat), 52 Savile Green (Plalifax), 107 Savile Hall (Halifax), 38, 87 Sawhili (Sowerby), 132 Sawley, i3« Scar (Norland), 75% • Scarhead (Norland), j^n Scotland, 27, 62 Sebastopol, Sebastopool, 6gn, 70 Seringapatam, 69;; Shaw, Shay (Halifax), 4 ; Upper, 42 w ; (Norland), 75W Shawbooth (Warley), 142M Shaw Hill, ShawhUl, Shay Hill (Skircoat), 18, 37M*, 95^, 96, iii, ii8m, 122 Shaw Lodge (Skircoat), 65* Shaw Sike, Lower (Halifax), 42M Shelf, 83 Shibden, Shepeden, Shipden, 60, 6on, 84, 108*, 137 ; hall (South- owram), 25, 25«*, 6on, 85, 90*, 90M*, 91*, 9in, 133 Shipley, 18*. 37n, 143 Siddall Hall (Southowram), 103, 131 INDEX. 161 Simon's Bay, 35 Skipton, 5M Skircoat, Scircoat, Skircoate, Skir- cote, 18, 20, 2on*, 21*, 22«*, 36, 37«, 43«, 49. 52, 55. 65, 75*. 76*, 76«, 8371, 87*1, 95, 96, 99, 105*, 107, 113, 114M, 118, ii8m*, 122, 131, 134, 134^?, 136*, i36n, 137, 139H*, 140, 141K Slead Hall (Hipperholme), 13*, 14*, log, no Smethurst Hall (Bury), 129;! Southampton, iin Southowram, Southouram, South- ourum, Southowrom, 16, 17, ijn, 25«, 88m, 94* 94W*, 95, 103, 105M, no, 113H, 131, 138, 138;!, I4in, 144'' Southsea, 135 Southwark, 107* Southwell cath., 19 ; Oxton preb.. secunda pars, iiw Sowerby, 3M, 22n, 26*, 45, 45?/, 11611, 132, 14211; chap., 3, 51: Croft (Norland), 75, 75M ; Dean, Dene (Sowerby), 120, i2on, i32n, 135W Sowerbj' Bridge, 75 ; chap., 51 Soyland, 4W, iiin, 135 Sparkhouse (Norland), 75M Spring Hall (Halifax), 2, 65, 66 Stainland, 64, ii8n Stanbury Hall (Norland), 75M Staningiy Hall (Ovenden), 2n Staups, Stawpes, Stawps, Stowps (Northowram). 108*, 108;;* loq" logir Stock-lane (Warley), 82 Stockton upon Tees, 130 Storth, 109 Studley, 75U Stump Cross (Northowram), 117 Suffolk, 45W Sunnybank (Greetland), iii«* Swift Place (Soyland), iiin Tewkesbury, 24W Thick Hollins (Greetland), 33n Thirsk, gSn Thorpe Arch, io6m Thornes, i ign Thornhill, 6n Thornton (in Craven), i8h, 58, 58*1, I I2H, 113 Tilston, 45W Trimingham (Skircoat), 11 8m, iign W Wadsworth, 36, 107 Wairstowe House, see Bairstowe House Wakefield, 53W, 84*; cath., 146 ; dio., 146 Walterclough.Walter Clough(South- owram). 11511, 144, 144M*; Upper, 144 Warley, Warly, 20M, 25M, 47M, 54M, 75M, 82*, 82W*, 83, 100, ii8n*, 134, I36M, 142, 142« Washer Lane (Skircoat), 137 Waterford, 24); Waterloo, 69H Wavertree, 35 Welburne, 12 1» Well Head, Wellhead (Halifax). 50, 74*. 91* Westercroft (Northowram), S^n, 86n W\-st Field (Halifax), 66 West Parke (Kilburn), 22 n Wharlers, see Quarles Whitby, 22n Whitkirk, 28» Whitley, 125H Widdington, 59^ Wigginton, 128 Willow Hall (Skircoat), 10, 20M, 21, 83^, 114 ; Lower, 20 Will Royd (Northowram), 79 Wiltshire, 10212 Winchester, iim Winteredge (Hipperholme), 86m Wood Hall (Skircoat), 43M Woodhouse (Skircoat), 431;, 51H Woodside (Northowram), 67 Woolley, 23, 24^ Worcestershire, i8w ^^'vke, 60U York, I, 2, iiw, 19, 2412, 28, 28)z, 33". 37. 43. 43". 52, 59*. 59", 75", 77", 82M, S^n, 07, 109M, ii8n, 124M, 127;?*, 134H ; Bishophill, the Younger, 43 ; Minster, 19 ; Driffield preb. in, ii«; O-swald- wick preb. in, iih ; St. Mich, le Belfrey, 124W Yorkshire, co. of York, Yorks., 17, 34, 59M, 128 ; West Riding of, 49n J. 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