3671 ! n k i THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GREENWICH, A POEM, DESCRIPTIVE AND HISTORICAL. BY JAMES SANSOM. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY G.E. MILES, 127, OXFORD STREET. 1808. . 347/ TO THE SUBSCRIBERS THE FOLLOWING ATTEMPT TO CELEBRATE GREENWICH, AND ITS BEAUTIFUL ENVIRONS, IS MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, . BY THE AUTHOR. r**~ 83*??: PREFACE. X he Author flatters himself, that, when the antiquity and rising splendour of Greenwich are considered, the making it a subject for encomium needs little apology. Greenwich is mentioned in Doomsday Book, under the name of Greenviz, Probably it had been a town long before, though how long must be left to conjecture. As it now stands, it was for many ages called East Greenwich, to distinguish it from West Greenwich, or Deptford, that is Deep-ford, from the little river Ravensborne running between the two parts. The ancient celebrity of Greenwich was considerable, but the Author must confine himself to very narrow limits in his account. We find that Edward the Third founded a religious house adjoining to his palace at Greenwich. Henry the Fourth resided much here, and many considerable grants of land VI PREFACE. were made by the crown to several of the nobility, at different times, for the purpose of building, or for parks. This palace, it seems, underwent many successive alterations, and was a favourite retreat for our monarchs. It stood on the same spot where the west wing of the Royal Hospital now stands. The situation, and adjoining eminences were so beautiful, that it was called La Pleazance, or Tlacentia in Latin: the latter word, for its cadence, the Author has generally used, when speaking of the ancient palace, or the present superb edifice. On the Royal Hospital, he intended to have indulged himself in copious observations; but this, if ever, must be an after consideration ; he must content himself, at present, with remarking, that the Royal Hospital, if examined by an architectural eye, in its several parts, will be found, in some instances, to offend a just taste, and to violate the rules which are founded on the noble remains of antiquity ; but, considered as a whole, it is indisputably the noblest structure in the kingdom ; superb from its loftiness, magnitude, domes, colonnades, and decorations, and a grand object from the surrounding eminences. PREFACE. Vll Of the Poem of Greenwich, the Author claims no merit for the composition ; he just begs the favour to observe to his subscribers, that it was written, not only, under many unfavourable circumstances, as, at intervals, in continual perturbation, but with scarcely any of the usual advantages which facilitate literature. He was struck by the beauty and importance of the objects around him, and trusted to his memory and his reading. He ventures to hope, however, notwithstanding its defects, that at least it will afford some amusement for a leisure hour to the inhabitants of 'Greenwich and its environs, and perhaps recal to their recollection persons and circumstances of the greatest interest and importance. In the prosecution of his plan, he has, on all occasions where the glor} r of his country called for it, celebrated its heroes in the language of a Briton, who, a Briton himself, feels what he writes. How he has executed his task he is not to determine. He delivers the work to his subscribers, neither elated by hope, nor depressed by fear, confident, that, as it comes fairly before the tribunal, the judgment on its merits or demerits will be impartial. It will ever be highly flattering to the Vlll PREFACE. Author, when he reflects on the distinguished honour conferred on him by the amiable condescension of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, in graciously permitting her name to appear in his subscription. And he begs to return his sincere acknowledgements to the noble and eminent persons, and to the ladies and gentlemen, who have kindly given their support with so much spirit and liberality. He desires to apologize for the delay of the work, which he assures them, very truly, proceeded from causes which could neither be foreseen nor prevented. He must mention to the reader, that several expressions in the Poem, taken from Pope, and from other poets, he has carefully marked by inverted commas, to denote his obligation ; but as it is possible that some may have passed unmarked, he hopes they will not be imputed to plagiarism. Finally, he offers his cordial thanks to those friends, who have kindly assisted him by their advice or revision. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES, 6 copiet. Lord Crewe The Hun. Miss Cust Lady Dacre Lady Douglass The Earl of Guildford, 3 copies Lady Barrett Lennard Marquis of Lansdovvn H. Ainslie, Esq. T. C. Cambridge, 4 copies Adderly, Esq. C.C. Cambridge, 3 copies J. Arnold, Esq. Blachheath Mr. Edward Allen, Lewisham Mr. A swell, Stockwell Street, Greenwich Mr. Aiken, Church Fields, ditto Mr. J. Atkins, Charlton Mr. E. Atkins, ditto Mr. Allison, Southampton B Dr. Burney ,ChelseaCollege,2 cop. Capt. J. Burney, R.N. 2 copies Mrs. Burney, 2 copies The Rev. Dr. Burney, Greenwich Mrs. Burney, ditto Mr. Burney, John Street, 2 copies Mrs. Burney, ditto, 2 copies Miss Burney, Chelsea Coil. 2 cop. C. P. Burney, Esq. M. C. Oxon, 3 copies M. C. Burney, Esq. 2 copies Mrs. Bickuell, Croom's Hill, Green- wich J. L. Bicknell, Esq. 3 copies H. E. Bicknell, Esq. 3 copies The Countess Mexborough Lady Monson TheRightHon.R.B.Sheridan,M.P. The Hon. Mrs. St. Leger, 3 copies TheHon. and Rev. E.Taylor, 2 cop. The Hon. Mrs. Taylor, 2 copies Marquis of Tweedale Mrs. Bracebridge, Queen Square, Westminster, 3 copies Miss St. Barbe, Dartmouth Row, Blachheath C. F. Bamfylde, Esq. B. C. Cam- bridge Mr. T. Butler Mr. G. Bond Mr. T. J. Bell, Market Place, Greenwich Mr. Breguet, Croom's Hill, ditto Mrs. Broome, 2 copies J. Burton, Esq. T. C. Cambridge, 3 copies Mr. C. Barnard Miss Burnett, Stockwell Street, Greenwich Mr. Brayn, ditto S. Bencroft, Esq. Best, Esq. Blackheath R. Best, Esq. Stockwell Street^ Greenwich Mr. Byrne, Croom's Hill, ditto H. Barrett, Esq. Miss Brickman, Blackheath Le Blanc, Esq. G. Basevi, Esq. Russell Square Mr. N. Basevi, ditto Mr. G. Basevi, ditto Mr.R. Batson* Limehouse, 3 copies. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. The Rev. A. Crombie, Greenwich Mrs. Crombie, ditto P. Clarke, Esq. C. C. Cambridge, 3 copies Carter,Esq.O.C.Oj;on,2 copies Coningham, Esq. Cambridge, 3 copies E. C. Oxon, 6 copies Mr. Collins, Academy, Blackheath Hill H. Coesvelt, Esq. 3 copies Mr.J.T. Connor, Greenwich, 3 cop. Col. Campbell, Croom's Hill, ditto Mr. Campbell, ditto Miss Campbell, ditto Mr. Colyer, Stockwell Street, ditto Mrs, Colyer, ditto Mr. Collingwood, London Street, ditto Mr. W. Crewe Mr. W. Cheales Mr. R. Carr Mrs. Cholmley D J. Dyer, Esq. Royal Hospital, Greenwich W.F. Drake, Esq. C.C. Cambridge Miss Dickens, Norwood Miss C. Dickens, ditto Mr. M. Davy Mr. T. Dew, Whitney Court, Herefordshire Mr. DiM\n,ChurchStrcct, Greenwich Mrs. Dunn, ditto Mr. Doulejun. LondonStreet,ditto E T. Essex, Bac. Mas. Oxon, 3 copies S. Enderby, Esq. Croum's Hill, Greenwkh J. Everest, Esq.C.C.C. Oxon, 3 cop. John Egan, Esq. Temple F Fielding, Esq. C. C.C. Oxon The Rev. Mr. French Mr. Feme, Tioyal Hill, Greenwich, 2 copies Col. For man, Croom's Hill, ditto G. Fraser, Esq. South Carolina, 3 copies VV, Fraser, Esq, ditto, 3 copies Mr. Clement Francis, 2 copies P. L. Fector, Esq. Sloane Street, 2 copies Mr. Foss, Essex Street, Strand Miss Foss, ditto Miss F. Foss, ditto Mr. E. Foss, ditto Mr. H. Foss, rail Mall G H. Goodwyn, jun. Esq. Black' heath, 3 copies Miss Goodwyn, ditto, 3 copies T.W. Goodwyn, Esq. ditto, 3 cop. W. B. Goodrich, Esq. Cambridge A. Gordon, Esq. J. Gordon, Esq. Mr. J. Giles, Greenwich, 2 copies Mr. T. Giles, Stockwell Street, ditto Mr. Glossop, ditto Mrs. Graham Mr. Griffith, Turnham Green Mrs. Griffith, ditto Mr. J. Giles, Goldsmith Street^ Fleet Street J. Guilemarde, Esq. Gower Street, Bedford Square II The Rev. J. Hewlett, B. D. Brunswick Square Mrs. Hewlett, ditto J.' Hardy, Esq . Gray's Inn Mr. J. Hal I am, Bark Street, Westminster Mr. G. W. Dallam, ditto Mr. Harrison, .Croom's Hill, Greenwich Mrs. Harrison, ditto Miss Harrison, ditto Dr. Heywooil, London Street, ditto LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. XI J. Hodgson, Esq. Charles Street, St. James's Square Mr. P. Hewett, Doncaster Mr. H. Hobhouse, 3 copies Mr. J.Hilton,jun. Lor ds,Faversham Mr. G. Hilton, ditto Mrs. Holmes, Eltham W. H. Holmes, Esq. ditto J. C. Holmes, Esq. ditto Mrs. Ilornsby, Cornhill Miss Hull, Southampton Mr. R. Holt, Bluckwell Hall, London I Isaeke, Esq. Croom's Hill, Greenwich Mrs. Isaeke, ditto J Mrs. James, Russell Square Lieut. T.Jones, R. N. Lieut. H.Jones, R. Fusil. Colchester K Hugh Kerr, M. A. Croom's Hill, Greenwich, 3 copies J. Kaye, Esq. C.C. Cambridge, 3 copies Miss M. Kensington, Grove, Blackheath Mr. J. Kibble, Glasgow Mr. Killick, Southampton Mr. Keyser, America Square L Mr. T. Lynce, Royal Hospital, Greenwich Mrs. Lawrence, East Sheen Mrs. Lovcll, Methlcy, Yorkshire Capt. T. Larkins, Blackheath Mr. \V. Larkins, ditto Capt. Lovett, R. W. L. M. Dr. Leith, Croom's Hill, Greenwich Mrs. Leith, ditto Mr. Lee, Church Street, ditto Mr. J. Law, C.C.C. Cambridge, 3 copies M J. Martyr, Esq. Greenwich Mrs. Martyr, ditto Mr. T. Martyr, ditto Mr. J. Martin, Stockwell Street, ditto Mr. Mitchell, Croom's Hill, ditto Mr. May;, London Street, ditto Mr.Munn, Dartmouth Row, 2 cop. Mr. G. K. Martin Mr. J. Maule Mrs. Marsh, Lee C. G. Mundy, Esq. Mr. R. J. Marr, Lewisham Mrs. Merry Mrs. Mott Mrs. Margetson N H. North, Esq. C. C. Cambridge, 3 copies H. L. Norton, Esq. ditto Miss Newcome O N. Ogle, Esq. Kirkley Hall, Newcastle The Rev. J. Ogle, near South- ampton, H . Ogle, Esq. Little Testxcood, ditto Capt.Ogle, R.N. ltchen Ferry, ditto C. Ogle, Esq. Southampton Mrs. N. Ogle, Orchard Place, ditto Miss M. Ogle, Enfield, Middlesex Miss Ogle, Southampton Miss C. Ogle, ditto Mr. N. Ogle, jun. ditto P G. Pearson, Esq. C. C. Cambridge, 3 copies H. Poynder, Esq. C.C. ditto, 3 cop. Mr. i'atmore, jun. Lud>i;ate Street \V. Parkes, Esq. Warwick, 2 copies Mr. S. Paikes, Liverpool W. Peck, Esq. Devonshire Street D. D. Price, Es