sO if) C\J o IL BUILT AND EEGISTKKED OK FNKOLLKD IN THE I3istrict of BA.TI1, Alaiiie, COMMENCING AT 1781, (JIVING Hig, Name, Tonnaye, Where Built, First Master, Registering or JEnrolling Oicner, ami Hailinq Port. :fi^oo — EDITED BY FEN. G. BARKER. BATH: FEN. G . BARKER AND C O M V A N ^ 1879. L O^amjlete ^clicdute of ©chhcIh BUILT AND REGISTERED IN THK District of I3atli, Maine, COMMENCING AT 17H3, GIVING Rig, JVamej Tonnage, Where Built, First Master, Registering Owner, and llailing Port, Complied from the Records at the Custom Hou^ie, by Capt. Geo. A. Preble and •F. 8. Partridge. '' BATH: FKN. O. BARKER AND COMPUIT. 1878. Tabialar StateiXLeiit of All Vessels Built and iRegislered in the District of Bath, Maine. Big. Name. Ton». Where Built. Master. (hi;ner. Hailing Port. Sloop Frieiiflsliip .Hclir Betsey do Niuicy Sloop Brunswick Herm Br Dolphin 92 52 Bath Built in 1783. Natli'lH DowneNjirhaii Wesson Ilallowell Built in 17^i. 116 62 Ilaipswell AjuI'w Duiuiint, SttnwoodCnptiiiu 115 66 Pin Si o:i Tlios. Agry Captain Built in 1785. Joseph Spra;^ue Jo'in Clark Samuel R ed Samu -1 flovrard Thomas Davis Jona. l)avi«!. Jr. And'sv Dunning K. Eastman Martin JamMsou John Diiiiuing Jona. Williams .lames Fulton \Vm. R. Miller Thomas Agry Bnllt in 1786. 52 75 Bmnswiok Eb'n Johnstone John Potorson 98 89 Bowdoinham Eiihu Getehell Captain 92 26 Brunswick Martin Jamestm Samuel Gross 93 30 Georgetown Eben Delano John Stlnson Built in 1787. Margaret& Jinny 92 66 Georgetown P, Diiimmond Captain Sally 94 29 Bath A rth'r HowlandSimeon Turner Woolwich 106 8g Woolwich Ephraim Delano Captain Dolphin 22 10 Brunswick Henry Totman Captain Slo>p Two Friends IDS Bath Sc f Polly 119 73 Hallowell SI' op Lark 80 58 Bath Sehr Sally 99 77 II:iri>suell do Polly 92 Brnnswiek Sloop Fiiendsliip 81 25 Topsham do Hiniiah 99 11 PittSton Sehr Sally do Vassalbo rough Sloop Cuniherhind Herm Br Peggy Sloop do Sehr do Hari)swell Brunswick do Kennebeck Bath Hallowrll Bath Harpswell Brujiswick Topsham Kennebeck Brunswick Bowdoinham Brunswick Georgetown Georgetown Bath Woolwich Harpswell Brig'tiueSilvena Sloop Polly Sehr Speedwell do Polly Sehr Hannali Herm Br Union Sehr Phenix Sehr Nancy do Industry Brig'tlneTerasha Sehr Columbia do Henry Built in 1788. 161 72 Bath Amos Oakman Samuel OakmanPittston 100 60 Pitiston Wm Springer Captain do 50 65 Brunswick N. Larrabee Jr. Nath Larrabeo Brunswick 69 20 Harpswell Samuel Snow Isaac Snow Harpswell 100 78 Topsliani Jona. Williams John Reed Kennebeck 100 Georgetown John Gage Jona. Davis, Jr Bath 99 26 PittSton John Agry Thomas Airry Kennebeck Bnilt in 1 789. 108 38 Bath 81 33 Georgetown 178 18 Bath 92 17 do 72 54 Topsham Philip Norcross David Trufant Samuel Pettis Thos Harward Peleg Talbnan .Tolin Clark Elijah Crooker Captain Enoeh Sampson Captain Hallowell Georgetown Bath do Topsham 992574 Rig. Name. Tont. Where Built. Manter. ff»Uing Port. Schr Lady WashiDgton 87 do Flor;i 69 30 B:dh Ship Atlantic 234 82 do Herm Br Polly 167 39 PowuaMioro Built !■ f 790. Harpswell John Suow Capraiu Harpswell Arth'f Rowland Captain Bath Geo. Todd .lona.Davi^ Jr. do Samuel Reed Thos. Harward Kennebeok HermBr Hannah 178 83 Pittston John Rogers Wm. Springer Kennebee do Cliailotte 181 55. Bath Abs'ni Pride Ji [•.David Trufant New London Sloop Livc-ly 31 17 Brunswick N. Peterson .l.Peter>on Brunswick do Ruby 69 23 Bath John Lowell Davii* Sumner Kennebec Built In irg-i. Ship Nancy 286 16 Brunswick Levi Peterson John Peterson Brunswick do Commerce 242 41 Pittsion David Agry Captain Kennebec? Schr Nancy 119 13 Halluwell Peter Gr mt Samuel Grant do HermBr Hibernia 192 29 Bath Wm. Robinson Geo. Crosby do do Independence 170 88 do John Wood Jr. Zadoe Lincoln New London Ship Hope 280 67 Georgetown Samuel 8no\v Isaac Suow Keimei)ec do Yeunjj Eaxrle 191 Bath P^lias Lord Daji'lDuuiiara Noiwich HermB r OranjJT* 198 54 Brunswick Sam'l Jamesou John Dun lap Kennebec Sehr Polly 99 74 Pi ft- ton Jas.Drummoiid Sam'l Oaiim m do Snow Mercury 192 48 Brunswick Geo. Todd JoBa. Davis, Jr. do J Ship Experiment 613 12 P«»wnallHiro Win. Morton James Tupper do Built iu 1793. HermBr Lam a 126 54 Bath Peter Cass id ly Stephen Sew all 1 Kennebec do Hope 158 54 lMttst<»u Daniel Smith Jnstin'n Holde iiNew London do Diana 161 -.8 Bath Elisha Turner Simeon Turner Bath Ship Rosanna 301 33 do John Clark, Jr John Clark do Sloop George 64 72 Georgetown And'wWhitmoreClias. Vaughan Boston Ship Nancy 275 22 PlttSttm Anth«my TaylorJi>s. Russell Boston do Mcrcator 224 35 Bath Ezra Townes Jona. Davis. Jr . Kennebec 8(5hr Active 121 46 Georgetown P. Drunjm«)nd John Rogers Georgetown Ship Frances & MarySll 74 Buwdoinham .Samuel Reed Jona. Bowman Kenm^Dec do Hamilton 227 70 HaUowell Thos. Fan ell Wm. Pitt Boston HermBr Polly 167 80 Brunswick John Siittw Isaac Snow • K.nnebec Schr Betsey 102 54 Bath SaumelSnow Isaac Snow Harpswell do Polly 121 33 Brunswick Henry Hardin a • Wm. Stanwootain Renj. Guild Captain Joshua Lord Peicr Grant John Clank, Jr. John Clark N. Pnringtoii Rob't Patten H'zk'h Harding Wni. King C. Thompson Sam'lTliompson do Josiah Shaw Davis Sumner Bath Jas. DrummondWm. Lof^ Georgetown Sam'l Moody Jr.John M. Moody Bath Rob't Given Captain Brunswick Joseph Hall Simeim Turner Bath J. H. Patterson George Crosby Hallowell Isaac Bennett Wm. Widgei*y No. Yarmouth John Brown Captain New London Elisha Turner John Ripley New York Prince Paine JoshuaNye Boston D. McKeu'.jey Peter Bryson Wiscasset John Chaphiim Sam'l Adams Portsmouth Z'bd'h Farnham Thomas Martin Biunswick H. Brookings Peter Bryson Wiscasset John Wood John Ripley New York Isaac AlexanderJohn Curtis, Jr. Harpswell Timothy Kump John Snow do in 1796. Jos. S. CushmanJohn Peterson Brunswick Patrick Grace Sam'l Davis Bath Zadock Lincoln Cap|tiin do Wm. Howard Jr.Wm. Howard Hallowell Philip Jarvis Job Morton Francis Rittal N. E» -t.-rson Thos. Pa I ten Joseph i'rutt Joshua Lord Wm. King J. Drummond Jas. Peterson Jas. Spiinger Levi Peterson ,Iona. Bowman Dresden John Sheppard Hallowell George Crosby do John Dunlap Captain Mark L. Hill Cap lain Captain Captain John Peterson Captain Charles Clapp Winthrop FarriiiCaptain Brunswick Topsham Georgetown Hallowell Topsham Georgetown Brunswick Hallowell Bath Brunswick Rig. Name. Tons. Where Built. Master. Oivner. Hailing Port, Built in 1 796.-Contiuued. ^ Schr Three Friends 98 20 Bath Jacob Hall Joseph Franci* Boston Bri^ Perseverance 133 U Biuijswick Sam'l Colby Captain Portland Sdow Dublin Packet 163 64 Biith Stephen Clay Wm. Ripley New York Ship Connecticut 339 4 do Ellas Lord Captnin New Lon Ion Ship Telemachus 217 88 Bruttswick John Prentiss J.>hii Lenox Boston do Kingston 408 72 Bath Sam'l Ri'.ed John Davis do Built in 1707. Bng Minerva 128 20 Topsham Jno. Fulton David Patten Topsham Schr Hirain 112 36 Bath A.Diummonrl JrJohn McFaddei 1 Georgetown do Iris 123 32 Brunswick Robert Given Captain Brunswick do Friendship im 48 Georgetown Jolm Mercer T. Batchelder Georgetown Schr Jonn 124 64 do Z'i)d'h FarnhamGiaeon Snow do Sclii- Shark 109 40 Bath Lewis Lombard Ephr'm Prt-scottBoston Sloop Hannali 76 71 Pittston Elijah tlinkley FreeS'ruGiovos do Schr Ruth 101 61 do Joshua Lord Reuben Moore Pittston Built in 1798. Schr Eagle 109 28 Bath Simeh'n HinkleyCaptain Hallowell do Good Intent 89 41 Georgetown John Muun Benj. Emmons Georgetown Bin. Tons. Where Built. Master. Hailing Port. Schr Ship Sohr Brig Sbip Brig Schr do Ship Brig Sclir do do Brig Sciir Britr do Sclir Biig do Sloop Brig Sloop Brig Schr do Brig Schr Brig Sl0(.p Ship Brig Schr Ship Schr d(» Ship Schr Brig Ship Brig do do Ship do do Schr Brig Schr do Brig Schr Topsham Venus Mary Eliza & Sarah Eleouora Fox Betsy Washington Reunion Minerva Mercator Sully Washington 99 24 220 24 97 58 114 14 2.')0 18 128 86 92 32 111 42 281 27 137 62 105 45 87 81 117 39 Unanimous 141 1 Dispatch 126 36 Argo 158 15 White Oak 143 85 Antelope 108 4 Orange 161 Ilanee 141 42 Kennebec 86 84 Valerius 137 21 Harvard 82 66 John 152 37 L lura 120 77 Dolphin 91 71 Patron 162 57 Fortune 114 13 Phenix 155 41 William 91 57 Stranger 209 60 Ezra St. John 148 54 Mary 85 47 Spartan 248 46 Topsh'm Beautyioa Betsy 87 78 ThosLittle wood 290 86 Built In 1800.— Coutiuued. Topsham Bob't Pattim Captain Pittston David G. Bond Sam'l. Oaknian Bath John Redman Jost^ph Francis do Andi'w Malcom Captain do Francis Rittal Robert RobertH do Chas. Paisons Jas. N(>ble • Biiinswick John Mathews Captain do Moses Couillard Ja!«. Daiining Ji Bath Trist'm HetlnrinWui. King Topsham Joseph Sprague Capt.iin Georijetown Jas. Pcarcy Mark L. Hill Bruuswieli Elisha Cowing Jidin Spear Harpswell Wm. Rogers John Owen Bnilt in 1801. Bath Samuel liilly Jeiom Loving Hallowell Moses Springer Peter Grant Pittston Convers Lilly Isaac Hatch Bath Samuel Reed Vassalboro Enoch Jeweft Pittston Calvin BiUard Bowdomham Ezra'Dnbbs Hallowell Bath Hallowell Bath do do Georgetown Brunswick Augusta Hallowell Bath Topsham Hallowell Bath Topsliam John Rmg Rob't Harding Jas. Rowo Joseph Hall Ezek'l B(!nsim Thos. Martin Joseph Burton Topsham Pitiston Boston do Plymouth Boston Brunswick . do Bath Topsham Georgetown Brunswick Hari»8well Bath Hallowell Augusta Bath Hallowell Pittston Portland Hallowell Bath Chas. Clapp John O. Page Reuben Mttore Wni. Widgery JohnO. Page Wm. King Wm. Pendleton Steph'n HinkleyHallowell Sam'l Colby Elias Thomas Portland J. Ricliardson Topsham David Trufant Bath Mark L. Hill Georfretowu JohnDunlap Brunswick Wm. Eustis Boston Oliv'rPendlettmSteph'u HinkleyHallowell Peleg Delano Peleg Tallman Woolwich Chas. Mustard Ezra Smith Tristram Chase N. Dummer John Tlu)ma8 Sam'l Davis Chas. Peterson Captain Bowdoinhara Thomas Adams Jas. Rogers Eagle Washington Hetty Two Brothers Nancy Marj- Priut Coutidence John & James .lefforsou Brilliant Industry Packet Amity Gladiator 92 36 169 25 235 162 92 136 31 124 33 215 35 336 50 240 88 114 7 138 91 77 76 2 162 21 77 84 Baih Brunswick Hallowell Bath Georgetown Hath Brunswick Geor;;etown Bath Brunswick Topsham Hallowell Boston Bath Bowiloinham Boston Jas.Drummond Jas. Noble Jiio. Woodward Nathan Coombs Brunswick Samuel Reed Peter Grant Hallowell J.B.Fletcher Cornelius Wing Portland Abial Burges Captain Manchester N'miahPcteraonJerom Loring Bath Jolin Mathews Sam'l Dunlap Brunswick Dowiiiu;,' Lee Benj. Emmons Geoi'getown Trist'm RcdmauBenj. J. Porter Bath David Phillips Jno. Wintlirop Boston Bowdoinham Jonathan ProbleElihu Getchell Hallowell Georgetown Daniel Smith Wm. Lee Georgetown Hallowell Nathan Crowell Solomon Taylor Yarmouth do Wm. Pool Captain Hallowell Bath Sam'l Moody Jr. John M. Moody Bath Brunswick Abial Holbrook Chas. Cowing Brunswick Rig. Tom. Where Built. Master. Owner. Hailing Port. Sclir Sloop Sclir do Brig do Schr Brig Sclir Ship Brig ScUr do Ship Sohr Brig do Ship do Sohr Ship do Schr do do do Brig do do Schr Brig Schr Ship Sohr do Sljlp Schr Ship do Schr Brig Schr Brig do do do Schr Ship do do Siren Betsy Built in J 801, continued. 118 20 Brunswick Wm. Spear Captain 86 3 do Freeman Gross Captain Biunswiclf do Built 136 35 Georgetown 133 42 do 158 "A Bath 161 23 do 115 65 Brujjswick 124 73 Bath 112 m do 239 3.-) do 139 91 Pittston 93 25 V^aasalboro Georgetown Drmumiore John Little Jane Sopluon Fox Galbraith Franklin Hannah and Martha William Hen;y 94 87 Hallowt'll Fair America 186 69 Bath Jones' Eddy- Edward Harriot Alexander Sally Mercury Ann William Lucy Iris Thomas Devotion Edw'd & Charle8l49 Mary Jane Harriot William Centre Indu>trj^ United States Nymph Columbia Morning Star Endeavour Yorkshire Suffolk William Two Betsys Industry Superb Euoch Frances Ulysses Vulcan Brunswick Eunice Alonzo 96 41 Georgetown 192 Bath 162 73 Harpswell 275 42 Pittston 204 28 Bath • 105 45 Topsham 132 24 do 257 61 Hallowell 97 10 Brunswick 120 69 do 117 32 Harpswell 59 45 Topsham Bnilt 77 Bath 31 Hallowell 29 Augusta 63 Hallowell 57 Bath 17 do 27 Woolwich 13 Bath 12 Brunswick 17 Bath 21 Topsham 84 Georgetown 55 do 14 Hallowell 6 Bath 26 Hallowell 44 Bath 57 do 52 do 12 Georgetown 76 Topsham 79 Brunswick 89 Bath 41 do 156 126 112 155 123 301 •99 89 222 113 287 211 101 141 104 179 122 182 156 119 199 238 213 in 1802. P. Drummond Capt:iin Georgetown Samuel Lill.y John Rogers do Richard Ad tm^ John Pearson Xewburypoil Bi'iij. Haiiis Jotham Barnes Boston Wm. Heddean Wm. Stanwood Brunswick Zudoc Lincoln Captain Bath Stephen AndrysJoshua Rajnes do John Clarke Jr. Peleg T.illmun Boston Jas. Marstou Stephen Jewett Pittston Stephen Toi»y Jno. Agry Hallowell Steph-n Hinkley Wm. H. Pase d.. Jolm Spear Joshua Shaw Bath Michael Fisher Captain Georgetown TiiomasHopkinsDavid Trufant Barh Heury Merritt S. Puringron Harpswell John Ring John O. Page Hallowell James Rowe .TohuRichardsonTopsham Jno. Rog;n'8, Jr. Robt. Patten do Chas. Bradford Captain B(.>ston Thos.Nye, Jr. Captain New Bedford Jno. Coffin John Lowell Brunswick John Spear Captain do John Given, Jr.John Skolfield H.irpswell M. Woodward Captain Bowdoiuham in 1803. E.PettinglU Jr Thos. McCobb Calvin Ballard Jast Lathrop Ma the w Prior .las. Hall Samuel Reed Eben Delano Isaac Coombs Jno, H. Harris Nathn'l MelcherJno. Morse Wm. Lee, Jr. Wm, Lee Caleb Bates Chus. Swift Benj.Trott, Jr. Jno. Grover Robt. Bosworth Captain Wn). Lincoln Captain Thos. .Fones Samuel Davis Parker McCobb P. Drummond Thos. Re;d Cai>tain J, Dunlap, Jr. Captain Geo. McLellan JosephMcLellanPortland Gideon Conklin Cornelius Wing do Jcma, Crooker Mark L. Hill Sam'l El well Wm. Moi\se Jerom Lowi^ll DavidTrufiut Wm. King Captain Chas. Cowing Captain Isaac Packard Peter Grant JoimS.Trofct John Agry Bath Georgetown Gardiner Hallowell Bath do do W«)olwi(3h Brunswick Boston Topsham Georgetown Boston Hallowell Boston Hallowell Bath do do Georgetown Topsham Brunswick Rig. Schr do do do do Brig do do Brig do do do Scbr do Brig Sola- do SUip Brig Siiip Brig do Sloop 8cUi- Ship do Bilg do Schr do Brig Ship do Brig Schr Brig Sclir Ship do Brig do do do do Schr do Ship Brig do Ship do ^ame. Tom. iVhert Built. Master. Built In J 803, continued. Owner. J[ailing Port. Sully 105 11 Bath Valentine 111 60 Georgetown WoIoomoReturnloe Buth Fume 114 44 Uarp«well Knuilin 102 66 Augusta N'miali HatdingJohuRichardsonBath W.S. Variium SanriWoodwardQeorgetown A. Duniiiuir, Jr. Jiio. M. Moody Batli Juo. Hall, Jr. Tlios. G. Sauford do Win. Morsoti S. A. Thayer Boston Built In 1804. Helm 174 Win. & Martha 134 Enterprise 12s Harmony 183 Einmeliuo 202 Pauline 132 Decatur 141 Hero 123 Hamilton 96 Hamilton 170 Venus 106 Mason's 94 Daughter Fair Lady 305 Pallas 242 Raleigh 209 Eliza 157 Leopard 156 Union 77 Delia 113 Commerce 217 Two Brothers 217 Dian 158 Rufus King 149 Rachel 116 Betsy 104 Thomas 187 Charles 400 Rusorvo 395 Olympaa 170 Mindwell 117 Hamlet 204 Venus 117 Native 817 Frederick 216 Retrieve 221 Mary & Rachel 129 Minerva 187 William Gray 155 Welcome Retuml74 James 129 Morning Star 126 Savannah 312 Henry 176 Nancy 160 Enterprise 228 Now Packet 333 49 Bath 75 Georgetown 8 Hallowell 86 Bath 10 Pittston 93 Bath 50 do 34 Topsham 62 Augusta 34 Bath 36 Tops 1 1 am 80 Georgetown 23 Bath 35 Woolwich 11 Hallowell 15 Bath Brunswick 48 Bowdoinham 4 Topsham 32 Hallowell 19 do 6 Topsham 20 Bath 33 Pittaton 25 Bowdoinham 80 Georgetown 7 Bath 87 do 17 Bowdoinham 84 Brunswick 84 do 10 do Chaiiiii Weston Sam' I Stiuson S. Twycross Z"bd'h Farnliam Gideon Colcord A. H. Prince Thomas Jones Nathn'l Molcher Elisha N^e Ezra Tubbd Robert Pattiu Sam'i L. Rogers AaroM Kimball Michael Flslier Nathau Moody Cai»taiii John O. Pag© Samuel CtMiy Samuel Davis Captain Oeorgo Clarke Joseph Sewall Captain William Lee Bath Georgetown Hallowell Woolwich Hallowt'U Augusta Bath Topsham Waterville Batli Topsham Georgetown Bnllt 77 Bath 31 Brunswick 75 do 84 Bath 62 do 66 Waterville 67 Bowdoinliam 6 Brunswick 73 Haipswell 26 Bath 11 do 70 Hallowell 73 do 86 Bath Geo. Peterson John Petersou Bath Ephr'm Wilcox PelegTallman do E. Wadswoith Joshua WingateHailowell BevJ. S wanton JohnRichardsonButh Jimathau Snow Richard Tappau Brunswick Jona. Brown Joseph Carr Bowdoinham Daniel Curtis Thos. G. SanfordTt»p8ham Oliver Colburn John Agiy Hallowell James Puriuton S. Bradstret t Gardiner N'miah HardiugWm. Han wood IsraelWoodburyEuiMjh Jones Eiyah Hlnkley David Agry W. S. Vamum Josiah C. Colby Bowdoinham John Rooke Murk L. Hill Georgetown John L. Lewis Charles Clapp Bath Trist'm Redman Wm. King David Fulton Davis Sumner Isaac Coombs Captain Wm. Tallmau Peleg Tallmau And'w DunniugCaptain in 1805. Levi Peterson Captain Geo. W. Duncan Captain Chapin Weston Aaron Kimball N'miah Peterson Jerom Loriug Jno. Matthews JohnRlchardson do Gideon Colcord George Crosby Augusta Jonah Colby Captain Robert Henry John Skolfleld E. Woodward Thos. Skolfleld EbuuezerDelauoP(;leg Tallman H enryT ref ethenCaptaiu Arthur Berry Peter Grant Gideon Colcord John Agry BcAJ. Trott Jr. Joseph Trott Tapsiiam Buth Pittston do Boston Brunswick Bath Bruuswiok Bath Portland Bath do Bowdoinham Brunswick Harpswell Bath do Hallowell do Bostom 10 Rig. Brig Schr Ship Brig Scbr Ship do do do Brig Ship do do do Brig do Scbr do do Sloop Schr do Ship Schr Brig Ship Brig Selir Ship Schr Ship BriK Schr Brig Ship Brig Schr Brig do do do Ship Brig do do Ship do do Brig do Schr do Bris Name. Where Built. Biiilt In 1805.- Master. -Cotitlnned. Hailing Port Charlotte 138 4 Hallo well Haunah Matiklall5 23 Pittatou Miuerva 208 58 Topshnra Cygiiet 170 15 Hallowcll Edward Preblo 123 4r, Aui'iista ShIIv Lnoia Mnry Jane Iiulian Chief William King Mftry Eliza Ann 341 47 Bath 266 Topsbiim 302 12 Bath 256 78 Dresden 203 54 r.iunswiek 189 51 IIalb)well 309 78 Bath Hamilton Mot>re345 20 George! own Edward Dearborn Montezuma Leopard Eliza Isaac Luciiitla Two Bi'Otliers Three Friends Fame 315 54 Bath 129 62 Hallowcll 160 42 AugustJi 105 21 Harpswell 109 47 Brunsvvick 132 HarpHWell 81 14 Topsham 87 41 Georgetown 01 91 do 270 16 Hallowell Noah Ili-by David Sewall Hallowell Aaron Hinkley S. Oakman Jr. Pittston Stephen Neiizu Johnson Wilson Topsham Josepb Kersey Nath'I Dunimer Hallowell Wm. Farwell Peter T. Vose Augusta James Ro wo J. Richardson Bath Daniel Curtis Wm. Brown Portland Wm. BuBsey Martin Blake Boston Samuel Lilly Captain New York Jacob McDaniel Isaiah Crooker Bath Wm. Springer Captain Hallowell M. M. Burdock Isaac McLellan Portland Thos. McCobb Mark L. Hill Georgetown Richard Mattey Lemuel Weeks Portland Noah Hi;;b3* Joshua Wingate Hallowell David Lincoln Joshua Gajje do Moses Curtis Thos. Merry luanHarpswell Sam'l Harding Joseph P. Trott Bath Chas.Cowing Jr.Joseph P. Trott do James Todd David Patten Topsham Michael Fisher Captain Georgetown Thos. Pearcy Jr.Gilmer P«;arcy do Freeman Atkins G. L. Chandler Boston Built in 1806. Mary «fe Francesliy 15 Getugotown P. Drummond Hiram 177 81 Pitt&lou Thomyris 240 12 Bath Republican 198 Georgetown Palmyra 140 73 Bath Jolm Andrew 225 79 Gardiner Union 137 60 li runs wick Vigilant 343 79 Bath Leopard 181 49 Topsham Denbam 121 Bowdtnuham Jas. Pearcy Mary 167 46 Topsham Brothers 206 33 Augusta Mercator 162 76 Topsham Ocean 127 42 Harpswell Mars 153 51 Topsham William Henry 152 9 Bath Almira Fame Antelope Calista Neptune Caroline Eliza Ann William Ajax Huron Henry Leander Messina Hiram 189 45 Brunswick 181 23 Bath 274 42 do 128 38 Georgetown 147 48 Rrnnswick 164 83 Geor;,'(«town 290 28 Pittston 365 81 Bath 318 32 do 173 79 do 180 33 Topsham 124 6 Georg(>town 124 49 Bowdoiubam 149 14 Topsham Captain Ge(»rgetowu James Church David Moodj' Hallowell Levi Peterson Captain Bath Michael Fisher Captain GeoiTretowu Wm. Malcomb Aaron Kimball Batli Jno. Moore S. Bradstreet Gardiner E. Woodward Captain Brunswick Robt. Bos worth Captain Bath Wm. Rogers Thos. G.Sanford do Josiah C. Colby Bowdoinham Benj. Snow Actor Patton Jr. Bath Abner Dingley Captain Duxburj" John Rogers Jr. Benj. J. Porter Topsham Jonathan Snow Johu Snow Jr. Harpswell Oakm'H SpragueJosoph Sprague Topsham Ellianah Clap Captain Portland Nathl. Eames David Dunlap Brunswick Holder Tallman Peleg Tallman Batli Thos. Hopkins Sam'l Davis Boston Gideon Stiuaon David Stinson Bath Wm. Curtis John Dunlap Brunswick Wm. Heddean James Lee Bath David Agry Captain Pittston Z'bd'h FarnhamCharles Clapp Bath Robt. McKown Joseph P. Trott Boston R. K. Porter Wm. King Bath David Foot Ezra Smith Topsliam Thos. Hagan Michael Fisher Georgetown W. S. Varnam Josiah C. Colby Bath Jas. W. Lettiont Captain do Rig. Ship do Brig do ScUr do do do Sobr do do Briff do Ship Schr Brig Sthi- Bng Schr Brig 8chv do do Ship do Biig Ship Schr do do Sloop Schr Brig Ship Biig Ship Brig Sloop Schr Schr Brig Sloop Brig Ship Schr do do Brig Ship Tons. Where Built. Built in 1800.- ilaster. -Coutinuedi Hailing Port. Sabbattls 225 83 Bath Laura 241 8 Topsham Governor Strongl79 86 Bruuswick Fortitude Return Parnior Pack<'t Eliza Evelina Smart 140 25 Bath William Yeaton 109 28 do 168 71 do 133 24 Harpswell 140 1 Brunswick 98 17 Bath 112 46 Georgetown Jan. M. Pollard John Peterson do Wm . Rogers Tho.s. G. SaufordTopsham Tlios. Jones Peter O. Aldeu Bruuswick Heury Minott Geo. Brown Portland l8a;ic Coombs Socomb Jordan Harpswell PetorWoodwardThos. Peuuell Bruuswick Ansel Nye John Snow iKaiah Crooker Mark L. Hill Bath Georgetown Jane Oriou Williaui Ci'iteriou Ticonio Commerce Eros Najioy & Mary Cordelia Franklin ,lohu Portrait Mary Commerce Florida Palafox Resolutiou Union Washington Industry Mac Rose in Bloom Eliza Augerona Persevenince Caroline Harmony Ruby James 71 64 Va88:ilboro 179 70 Bath 168 40 Gardiner 3(50 42 Pittston 123 30 Water vine 153 74 Hallowell 126 6 Bowdoiuham 226 Hallowell 95 55 Georgetown 197 30 Brunswick 145 2 Bath 136 7 Georgetown 134 77 Brunswick 254 10 Bath 325 80 do 181 88 do 353 60 do 105 16 Georgetown 24 30 do 57 72 Hallowell Built in 1807. John Hall Eleazer Lewis Joseph Hawes Isaac Lilly Ephr'm llai'din Oliver Colt)urn Dau'l Smith John Johnson Benj. Foster Noah Higby Samuel Patten Chas. Clapp Bath Jerom Loring do Henry TliiitclierYai*mouth Captain Bath J J. BradstriH't Gartliner John O. Page Hallowell Nathan Gilman do Abner Lowell do Josiah C. Colby Bath N. Bachelder Hallowell Wm. Potter Georgetown Holder TallmauPelegTallman Bath Chas.Carter Levi Peterson do Sam'l Stin.son Michael Fisher Georgetown John Andrews John Duulap Brunswick Gideon Coloord Thos. Agry Hallowell Josiah Noyes Captain Bath Juo. Ham A, ITaujmatt do Rob't McKown Win. King do Jesse Snow Ezekiel Hinkley Georgetown John Lowell Joseph Blasdcll do Wm. Thornton Thos. Leigh Hallowell 41 54 Bath 120 63 Pittston 127 do 891 41 Bath 234 55 Ho 325 23 Pittston 194 44 Topsham 33 18 Bath 117 24 Watervillo Built in 1808. Martin Webb Rhoda 102 69 America 135 87 Freemason 36 87 Madison 160 20 Huron 365 79 Eleanor 66 16 Timothy Brooks 90 59 Peggy 127 40 Isaac 187 16 Charlotte 230 77 Built Harpswell Water ville Bath Waterville Bath Vassalboro Bowdoiuham Bath Brunswick Topsham T. N. McClure Nantucket Reuben Stearns Henry Sniilh Jr.Pittston Sam'l Oakman Captain do 8h>oi> tain Brunswick Sam'l Harding Thos. P. StetsouBath Sam'l L. Rogers Wm. Potter do Joseph Carr Solomon Eaton do Isaac Smith Captain Hallowell Wm. Patten C.iptain Bath Isaac PiuiugtonCaptain do Paul Snow Captain Harpswell B. Stan wood James Chase Jr.Brunswick J. Meiryinan Captain Harpswell H. Mansheld Ji'.Sam'l H. Nason Augusta Ji. Robinson Isa-ic Rei'd Pittston Jos, Crawfoi'd 8. Bradstrcet Gardiner Fra's HoudletteS. G. Johnson Dresden Ebenczci Dorr Cai»tain Hallowell John Moore Captain Gardiner Built in 1817. Retrieve Hammer Retrieve J uliet Milo James Monroe Dolphin Two Brothers Mary & Jane Two Sisters Nile Acteou 74 Bath 173 Bowdoinham 102 HalloweU 261 39 Bath 121 Georgetown 141 Bath 143 41 Vassalboro 113 Bowdoinham 185 Bath 61 61 Brunswick 90 Phipsburg 205 Brunswick Joshua C. Di*ew Captain Jas. M. Pollard Captain T. Hinkley Jr. James Lowell Samuel SwantonDwelly Turner Sam'l Patten Jr. Michael Fisher I. Crocker Jr. Isaiah Crooker James Kean T. B. Coolidge Wm. Harward T. Harward Jr. Levi Peterson David Stinson Nathan Badger Wm. P. Storey S. Thompson A. Hammatt Parmeuio Neal Thos. Agry Jr. Boston do Hallowell Bath do do Hallowell Bath do Brunswick Bath do 16 RUj. Name. Tons. Where Built. Master. Built in 1817.-rontinued. Hailing Port. Schr Nancy Ajiu 103 Bath Bliss Silsby Pel eg Tallman Bath Bris Lydia 2(»8 do Josepb O. Reed I D welly Turner do do Margaret & 194 Siirali Haunah 39 do Philip Riley Wm. Emerson do Sloop Phipsburg James Todd S. H. Rogers do Bri^' Spartan 131 Woolwich Eb'nz'r Delano Captain do Scbr Rambler 108 Pittaton James Blish John Agry Hallowell Bii« Wildgoose 199 Bath John Given Jr. Peleg Tallman Bath Sclir Five Brotlicrs 73 Georgetown Nath. Bunker Benj. Emmons Georgetown do Cash 81 Bowdoinham Asa Keith Geo. Henry Bath do Cair 101 do Joseph Carr Captain do n H. Tallman Peleg Tallman do Built in 1819. Sclir Susanna 140 Harpswell Simeon WheelerThos. Skolfleld Harpswell Brig Bolton 121 Bath Lewis BlackmerLevi Houghton Bath Schr Indian Queen 105 Hallowell Ames Pilsbury Captain Hallowell Rio. Tons. Where Built. Master. Built In 1819.— rontlnued. Hailing Port. Schr Mind 82 Fowdoinham BeuJ. Poster Thos. Read Bath do Rebecca Ann 71 Phipsburg J. Thornton JohiijLee do do Emit 118 Bowdoiuham Wni. Purinyton Captain do do Caravan 101 Bath Edward Wood Captain do do Cygnet 135 48 Pittstou Nath'l I^iUJlmll Captain Hallowell Brig Mary Ann X26 Bowdoiuham Bell). Johnson Captain Portland Schr Hamilton 88 do Tljos. Harwood Captjtin Bath do Woolwich 86 Woolwich David G. Trott 8. H. Fullerton do Brig Orion 126 Gardiner Calvin Ballard Wni . Bradstreet Gardiner Schr Mary Betsey 116 88 Brunswick Jabez Lewis T. Merrjman Brunswick Brig Beaver 205 Bwlh E.Harding Jonathan Davii Boston Schr Superior 125 35 Bowdoiuham Isaac PuringtonCaptain Bath Brig Hopestill 171 Woolwich D, G. Stinson John Stineon do Ship Harriet 276 Bath Joseph O. Reed Jas. McLellan Bath do 4 Darien 295 Phipsburg Ephr'm Wilcox Parker McCobb do Brig Statira 183 Topshahi John Patten Geo. F. Patten do Schr Columbus 119 Hallowell Solomon Percy Richard Clay Gardiner Brig Phenix 133 Topsham Lewis Blackmer Henry Sampson Bath Schr Catharine •84 Pittston Wm. Ct)lhuru Oliver Colburn Pittston Brig Maine 133 Harps we 11 Clement Martin Captain Harpswell Schr Mary 167 44 do Chas. Thomas JrSam'l Skolfleld do do Fame 34 Vassalboro George Bibber Captain Hallowell do Betsey ' 116 Dresden Samuel Alley Captaju Dresden do Superior 88 49 Hallowell Ansel Nye HiramA.BeunetHallowell Sli)op Messenger 83 Pittston Oliver Colburn Joshua Lord do ■. :. Built In ISaO. Sohr William 110 47 Pittston Thos. Eldred Levi F. Eldred Pittston do WorromontoguslOT 69 do . JabezBlanchardEdward Marr Gardiner Brig Eastern Star 162 Dresden St'phn Tw.\ crossGoo. Houdlette Dresden do Eden 169 36 Bath ' Henry MerrittJrCaptaiu Brunswick Siilp Mary ^287 39 do E.Purington D welly Turner Bath Schr Randolph 70 Georgetown A. 8ti9kney N. L, Mltohell do do Merritt m Harps well David Rich Stepheii MerrittHarpswell do Farmer 66 23 ( Woolwich J. MoKinney Wm.S. Shaw Wiscasset do Arms 113 Bowdoiuham Benj. Foster. Captain Bath de Admiral 56 Gardiner T. H. Rich Wm. Bradstreet Gardiner Built in 1821. Brig Alclope 196 35 Brunswick Dan'l Adatns Captain Boston Schr Hannah Ann * ■■84 Phipsburg T. Batchelder Captain Phipsburg Brig Asia 180 Brunswivk James Qtis Jacob Pennell Boston do Peruvian 263 Bath Jiimes Hall Captain do do Margaret 199 62 B(>wdoinham Wm. Harwood S. G. Bowman Bath do Abigail 199. Harpswell Clement Martin Captalu * do do Robert Reade •185 , Pittston Sam'l Smith Captain Hallowell do Hyperion . • 203 Hallowell Bartlett Weeks Cai)taiu do Sblp Lima 298 Bath Richa-rd Rich Captatu New York Schr Active 87 Georgetown C. Merritt Jr N.L.Mitchell Bath Brig Cuba 216 35 Batb Loriug Gushing Parker McCobt 1 do do Jasper 222 55 do John Patten Geo. F. Patten do Schr Phipsburg 96 Phipsburg John Kelley Captain Phipsburg Brig Olive & Sarah 142 Bath Lewjs.BlackmerBenJ. Bobinsou Bath Schr Merritt 106 • Harpswell A. W. Rogers Adam Rogers Liu coin vllle 18 Rig. Nama. Tons, WJure Built. Ma$ter. BniitlB f»29. Oicner. Sailing Port. Brig Kaulia\ra 174 Harps well Saru'l Skolfleld Janaes Baker BoatoH du Ootuvia 134 63 Topsbum Sam'i Otis Wm. Frost Bath do Warren 814 Bath Mose« Owdu Levi Houghton do do Paraaiarlbo 22tl 79 do Wm . Si«riJon David Bllia Boston do Lion 190 44 Bowdoinhau] \ Isaac PuriugtonCaptain Bath do Harriet 140 30 do N. PurinRton Wm.Richardion do do ilanjiaU 185 Bath AbraLam Thing Saui'l Robinson do EllzaljetU do WasMugtt^n WO 68 Hallow all Nathan W.CliasePeter Gi-ant HallowtU do Mercator 200 4'J Topgham John Deering Captain Portland do Prometlieus 140 75 Pittston Ebenozer Dorr Captain Hallowell do Roxaima 241 Buth Jos^epb Miller Jotham Barnes Boston do N.jble 273 64 do Nobl« Maxwell CMptuiu do d» Kebcfoa 156 Phipsburg P. Morrison Parker McCobb Bath do Lj-dla 215 BatU R. H. McKowu Jas. McLeilan do Bliip Grand Tiirt 323 51 do Asa Hj^gina Jas. MoLellan Boston Schr Porirait 104 32 Goorgetown Bam'i Freeman Michael Flwhor Georgefco-wn do Amanda 114 47 BoNtdoiHham Wm. Can- Captain Bath do Maine 1-iS do Dayld Storey Captain do Brij? AtlHutic J2a 62 Hallowell J. Ricbardti Captain Hallowell do Iii»wson 157 81 Pittston ^'ata^l WaUs Captain do Soiir Florida 117 6« BruuBTvick eaiu'lI>ougia4S Cuptuin Braucwlelc do Portor 11» Hallowell Sftlottioik Perrjr Captain Gardiner Brig Mentor ai2 8» HArp'*w«U Win. Tli«m»« Captain Fertland Built tn 18«3. Brisr Roliioy , 149 B;)wdoinham E. Wlnchsll Joviatliau Hyde Bath do Naiioy 149 Brunswick Wm. Curtis David Dimiup Brunsvvi«^k do Hcrcnics 193 Bovrdoinhani 1 Wm. Johnson Wm. Purington Bath do Pitari)s 163 BruuBwick Luther Hall LukoBaklwia JrBoaton do Enterprise 128 27 Hallowell Jonathan Thing (Captain HallowoU do Ann Maiia 198 64 Groorgetown PhUip Riley Michael Fiaher BiitU do JB'ranci8AuifU8ta227 Topsliam Beiy. Poster'l Veazie Topsiia'n do Abby Jonen 197 68 Pittiton Wni. Crawford Wai. Brad^treotHaHowoU da liivervoolPack' '1254 70 Bath Daniel Adams Fraueia Adams Richmond do 8ea leiland 213 74 do Isaac Atwood Captain Boston do EUzabetli 169 44 Pittaton Dan'l Reed Isaac Reed Pittston do Publiuje 249 70 Bath David G.StinsoTTjacob Robinson Bath do Tarntr 154 46 Brunsviok R. HcMannus Jas. McLtlian do 8bip Ann 299 33 Biith Joseph O. Rf ed Dwelly Turner do Brig Francia 296 24 Bowdoiuham N. Purlngton David C.Magoun do do Arab 275 79 Bath Loring Gusljiug Parker McCobb do Sliip Aurora 346 75 do John Taubman Rob»t Kennit New York Sclir euperb 67 Geovgeto^vn B«>iy. Emmons Captain Georgetown Brig Lincoln 230 35 Tapaham John Piflton Jolm Smith Bath do Jusper 191 70 Haliowoll N.W.Chase Sam'l C.Grant HaUoweil St'mboatWaterviUc 86 78 Bath E. K. Bryant Sam'l Porter Portland Built in 1824. Brig Sarab 144 42 BatU Jam es Soule Gilbert Truf ant Bath do (ioveruor King 188 Watervllle N'hm'h HardingNatli'l Gilraan do 8ohr North Star 107 86 do Rob't Crooker Nath'l Gilman do do Fiilton 117 Bowdoinham Bimeon HopklQ(>Jas. W. Banford do 19 Tom. WTurt Built. Master. Ovintr. Built ia 1824, eoutlnaed. Hailing P^rt. Brig Ship Brig do do ao do do do Pohr Bri^ BUip Schr Brig do Sblp Brig dt> 86tir Brig Brig do do Hrlg do do do do Schr do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Brig do Ship Schr do SWp do Racbel Ann Biisau Haunibal La Fayette Georgetown Aretliusa Aei-lal Sully Aun Puriujrton Elmira Export Olive Branch Alpba William Nimrod Catharine Criterion Joliu William Ladjr Biolunond207 Dido 195 Claiig«wdolnlUim Batli Geor/retown 67 Bath Hallo-well 68 TopsUam Bowdoinham PitUtou 31 Bath do 26 TopKham Bowdoinham Fhipeburg 61 Bath Hallowell Brunswick Powdolnham I^ichmond 77 Georgetown Bath fi8 Pittston James Bhodiot D welly Turner Bath CaleVi Heath Sam'lVeazie do Wm. Harwood 8. G. Bowman do Barker Baker Jotham Barne* Boston Sam'l JbYeeman BeAi. Rigga Bath James Church Oaptalu do Isaac Gage Captain HalloweU N. Fuiinifton H. Puririgton Bath. Isaac* FuriugtonWm. Purington do John Soott Jonathan YounffPitt^toa Parker Bunn Wm. Haskell Salem Captain Captain Sam'l Winter Captain Captain Roh't Harding Henry Barnes Wm. HigginB John L. Hill John Patten Joiepb RichardsCaptain Wm. Curtis Captain John Pultou Captain Cha«, Theobald Geo. Houdtette Dresden John Ko.lley R. D. SUepperd Boston Moses Owen Levi Houghton Bath John Moore Edward Swan Gardiner Boston BtitU do do do HalloweU Bruuawiok Bath Eagle Eureka Globe Tumtjr NatlTo Sophia Ajin Attentive Waterville Hunter Jones Thomas Splondid Fox. Billow Albert Neptmio Henry Adams Milton Laurel Brutua Fisher John Bernard MoLellan Helen Element Shepard Arbella BoUt in XSaS, 180 Bath Thomas Grows Gilbert Trufant Bath 138 51 Georgetown John Fisher Michael Fisher do 277 Bath Chas. Thomas JrCbarles Ci*pp do 233 37 do P. Higginn Jr Jjm. McLcllan do 186 45 do Stephen Brown Jacob Robinson do 110 Pittston Otis Harv^'ood Jonathan Younjf re8den do Henry 189 Hallowell Wm. Hanover Richard Clay Gardiner do Richmond 43 69 Richmond A. Holbrook Ziua Hyde Bath Built in 1826. Brig Caroline 166 66 Bath Clark N. WilcoxDwellj Turner Bath do William 142 34 Georgetown John Fisher Richard Fisher Georgetown do Horace 138 8 BowdoinUam C. Thomas George Gray Bath Schr Laura 120 66 Dresdeii Wm. Colburn Wm. H. PrentissBoaton Brig Hercules .146 37 Pittstou ,' F. K.. Polu'ezkeyS. G. Bowman Bath Scbr Harriet 111 70 Bowdoinham 1 Joseph Nye Captain Salem Brig Lydia 178 Water ville Jas. W. Lemont J. Williams Bath do Leopard . 164 67 Topsham Sam'l Hopkins Jas. Sampson do do James 146 36 Brunswick Ja,mes Cowing Captain Brunswick do Confucius 197 39 Georgetown Philip Riley Jacob Eihmons Bath do Sappho 248 80 Buth John Ham R. D. Sliepard Bo-ston do Neutrality 132 47 Waterville Robert Crooker J. Williams Bath do Lucy 157 64 Bath James Church Captain do do Paragon 147 30 Bowdoinham E. Purington John Patten do do Elizabeth 181 75 Winslow John Sylvester J. Williams do do Frauklin 242 49 Bath Ephr'm Wilcox Peleg Tallraan do Schr Mechanic 114 24 Richmond Josepli SkolfleldS. Springer = Richmond Brig Flamiugo 126 58 Bowdoinham John Thomas John Harwood Bath do Clio 188 44 Bath Smith Cox Jacob Robinson do do Planter 134 42 Dresden James Perkins Isaac Lilley do do Duulap 197 Brunswick Henry MerrittJrCaptaiu Brunswick do Waltham 284 10 Pittstoh Geo. Webb • John Agry Boston Sf mboatRobln Hood 65 23 Georgetown Seward Porter Thos. A. Perkins do Ship Java 331 20 Topsham T. Purington Captain Bath do Caravau 316 Bath Abraham Thing Jacob Robinson do Brig Jaue Carlton 172 65 Georgetown Horton Stinson Captain do do George 145 47 Harpswell C. Skolfield Geo. SkolfieW Harpswell do Emery 286 31 Topsham John Given J r Captain Bath Ship Leonidas 322 81 Bath Wm. G. GardnerLevi Cutter Portland Brig Mordecai • 142 Topsham S. Thompson Wm. Frost Bath do Charles 186 12 Dresden F. Freeman Scott Clarke Boston Ship Andes 363 93 Bath ■■■ John Patten J. & G.F. PattenBath Schr Solar 77 40 Georgetown Charles Trott Thos. Emmons do Brig Trio 196 4 Brunswick James Rodick Captain Brunswick do Alexander 228 24 Pittston A. Cooper Captain Pittston Built in 1827. Schr Ranger do All Chance Brig Samuel 117 Pittstou David Stearns Henry Curtis Boston 136 31 Phipsburg Josiah W. Trott Jas. G. Kelley do 159 79 Topsham W, T. ThompsonSamuel Veazie Topsham 21 Biff. Brig Schr Brig do do do do Ship Brig do do Schr Brig do do do Schr Brig Ship Brig do Brig do do Ship Schr Ship Brig Ship do Brig do Schr do Brig Schr Bark Ship Brig do Brig do Schr Ship Brig Ship do do Name. Duiumer Portrait Susan and Jane Meridian Kome Adeline Avis Vesta Emeline HaiTiet Hope Navarin Syphax Adeline Comet Aiutizon Susan Hazard Ton$. Where Built. Master. Owner. Hailing P9rt. Built in 1837.— Continued. 146 61 Bath 118 16 Georgetown 126 70 Bowdolnham 292 8 Hallowell 240 27 Bath 245 do 298 87 do 396 68 do 130 Richmond 286 58 Bath 164 78 Richmond 116 61 Bath 190 75 Phipshurg 177 Pittston 138 76 Hallowell 292 46 Brunswick 129 37 do 166 86 Topsliam Lewis Black merCaptain Bath John Fisher Michael Fi.sher do John Fulton John Potter do Mark Springer Samuel C. QrantHallowell Bepjamin Dyer Captain Boston John Barker Dwelly Turner Bath John Miller Charles Clapp New York R. H. MoKowu Dwelly Turner Bath F. Houdlette John Southard Richmond Chas. C. Cook Edward Pearcy Providence Bath Chas. Theobald Jos. Deauison John Mathews Philip Owen Geo. W. Nickels J. Robinson N'hm'h HardingWm. Cooper J. Kinsman James Lowell Clement Martin Captain Sam'l Douglass Captain M. L. Trott Wm. Trott do Bath Pittston Gardiner Brunswick do Bath Built in 1828. Champion Emma Caledonia Argo Hurward Authentic Sarah Triad Ix)Well Marcia Mary Elizabeth 135 Woodbury 316 Green Marengo Grand Turk Butler Eagle Carroll Lady Caroline Lotus Pleiades Cathariuc 377 245 299 114 128 247 152 335 133 314 293 297 226 100 252 199 67 Bath 62 do do 70 Pittston 64 B«)W(loinham do 64 Bath 75 Bowdolnham 27 Bath 49 do 24 Vassalboro 28 Topsham 31 do 23 Biith 67 Pittston 36 Georgetown 16 Vassalboro 65 Pittston 45 Phipsburg 66 Hallowell Pittston 11 Bath 36 Hallowell E. Kelleran Geo. F. Patten J as. W. Lemont Jas. McLellan J. Drummond Levi Houghton John Webb Jr B. D.Tallman Henry Barues Ephr'm Felts Stephen Young John Harward Captain Captain St.Viuc'ntGivenWm. Purington Elihu Reed D. G. Sliuson Samuel Allen S. T. Whelden H. H. Green Captain Isaac Elder Captain H. Purington Gardiner Green W. W. Johnson John Dike Jas. Bailey Alex. Cooper Wm. Hogan Ben J. Riggs James Blish Captain Jos. Richards Captain 8. P. Lemont Captain Bartlett Weeks John Agry Saiu'l Watts Captain L. J. S. Lowell Jas. Lowell Reuben StevensSam'l C. Grant do do do Pittston Bath do do do Boston Bath Boston Bath do Boston Pittston Bath Hallowell Gardiner Bath Hallowell do Bath Hallowell Built in 1829. Ceylon 293 31 Bath Loriug Cushlug Peleg Sprague Salem Agile 140 Bowdolnham David Storey Captain Bath William 120 38 Topsham Sam'l Douglass Wm. Frost do Gardiner 346 Gardiner Sam'l Nichols Wm. Bradstreet Gardiner 1^0 170 Bath P. Higgius Jr Thos. P. StetsooBath Majestic 889 67 do Noble Maxwell J. & G. F. Patten do Helvetia 332 do Benj F. xMinor W. C. Gardiner Boston Charles 294 60 do Philip Riley J. H. McLellan Bath 22 Rig. Brig do Schr Schr Brig do Schr Ship do Solir Ship do Schr do Ship do Bng do Sliip do Brig Ship do do do do do Schr Ship do Schr do Brig Ship Biirk Schr do do Brig do do do Ship Sciir Ship do do Brit; Schr Corinthian Alcyone Fair Dealer Tankay Sarah Mary Jane Neutrality Louisa Fremont Dauiel Webster Lucy Ann New Orleans Maine Maria Jane Humphrey Constellation Alpiue Volta Emperor Robert Isaac Susan Empire Florence Globe Marshal Ne^' Jeanuettti Augusta Providence Canton Cordova Alice Caroline Curtis Girard Pantheon Arab Napoleon Magnolia James McCobb Patriot Uucas Lincoln Princess Concord Layrauj^e Congress Atlantic Robert Adams MadaNYaska Tons. 249 62 197 65 60 91 56 195 74 212 83 63 299 88 368 16 106 20 309 389 5 64 34 124 64 277 276 12 227 40 182 71 314 49 434 50 196 26 436 84 449 9 418 51 296 5 340 71 432 33 126 60 298 78 332 53 06 15 77 249 67 343 45 284 27 99 16 128 86 99 67 170 63 147 29 136 46 190 56 476 59 144 35 397 61 401 27 417 199 84 131 Whe)-e Built. Master. Owner, Built in 1S29.— continued. Pittston Nath'l Kimball Captain Wm. II. Byram Jas. R. Byram J. H. McLellan Bath Ilallowell Woolwich Benj. Welch Built in 1830. Phipsburg John Mathews J. Williams Bath E. Purrington Bowdoiuham K. Millay Hailing Port. Gardiner do Batli do do Vussalboro Bath do Brunswick Pittston R. Curtis Jr Jas. Goudday J. H. McLellan Capt.tiu J. Williams Captain Cassius Darling A. RicUardson Bath do do do New York Boston Jabez Lewis Joshua Orre David Patten Eiisha Conley Samuel Alley Alex^. Gardiner Nantucket James Harris Boston John Patten Bath Captain Brunswick (Captain Dresden Built in 1831. Bowdoiuham H. Purington Wm. Purington Bath Hallowell T. B. Sampson Sam'l C. Grant Ilallowell Bath Rob't Parker Gilbert Trufant Bath do G.Sylvester M.F.Gannett do do Wm. Henry Benj. P. Rood Boston do Chapiu VarnumR. Hutchinson Savannali Richmond Caleb Heath John Stewart RichniDiid Bath John O. Baker James Hall Now Yorlc Hallowell Sam'l Smith Capt.iin Hailowcll Batii Wm. Pattim John Patten Bath Halloween Abr'h'm Thing K. G. Robinson Boslon Bath Thos. Pearce Captain Pi'ovldenoo Bowdoiuham Wm. Johnson Wm.RlchardsonBath Topsham Sam'l Douglass Wm. Frost do Bowdoiuham Otis HarwarJ J. II. McLellan do do do do Bath do do Bath Moses Owen Levi Houghton do Z'ch'r'h Chase J. Williams do Paul Snow J. Williams Topsham Wm. Curtis Captain Bath Rob't BosworthWm. D. Sewall Phipsburf? Wm.DrummondJ. C. Whitmore Gardiner Joseph Haskell Wm. BradstreetGardinor Pittston John Jewett. Captain Pittston do, Dauiel Scott Caplaiu do Built in 183S. Phipsburg P.Morrison Parker McCobb Bath Sam'l Freeman Gilbert Trufant do N. J^arding A. W. Boynton do Phil'ip Riley J. H. McLellan do John Fielder Chas. ThorndikeBoston L. T. Thatcher Bath do do do do Bowdoiuham E. Wlnohell Pittsttm Captain Newport John Henry Bath John Holmes James N.CooperPittston Bowdoiuham 8t.Vinc'iitGivenl. Purington Bath Hallowell Wm. H. Byram Captain Philadelphia Phipsburg Francis Kelley Wm. M. Reed Bath 23 Big. Brig do Sobr Brig Schr Brig do do do do do do Sobr Biig Sliip Hrig do do Ship do dt. Schr Ship do do Biiir Schr do do do do Brig S(;hr do Ship Schr Brig Baric Brig do do do Sliip Brig do Ship Ship do do Name. Samuel Macandy Boston Victory Azora Veto Auu Malaga Coustautia Mary Averell Austiu Henry Clay Lafayette Pox Walter Si-ott Henry Kennebec Solon Andes Monticello Tropic W tier Wltoli Bragaiiza Bristol Platiua Adiiinaut Esther Louisa Orbit Adaline Savannah Henry Tallmau Hiram Caroline Tons. Where Built. Master. Hiiilt in J $S3'.d.i continued. Oivner. Hailing Port. 135 30 Topsham 214 42 Bath 132 58 Richmond 137 58 Bath 127 do 156 15 Brunswick 167 55 Bowdoinham 183 Brunswick 148 63 Pbipsliurg 146 45 HallowoU 134 65 Topsham 140 60 Brunswick 139 11 Fittston 146 72 Bowdoinham 444 Bath 147 69 Brunswick 197 25 Bowdoinham 114 94 do 444 18 Bath 392 16. do do do do do do 186 43 Bewdoinliam 127 86 Richmond 120 22 PittSton 137 62 Brunswick 130 Bath 130 10 Pittston 156 44 Richmond 113 68 Pittston 107 10 Gardiuer Nahum Perkins Bath do John Maitin John Thomas h. Williams B. D. Tallman Sara'l F. Blair Richmond Isaac C. Trott M. P. Gannett Bath Wm. Rodbird Zina Hyde do Ez'k'l PuringtonCaptain Brunswick Wm.C.LangdonCaptain Bath James Cowing Joseph Badger Brunswick Jos. Burnham Chas. Cushing Portsmouth F. R. Theobald John P. Hunter Gardiner J. H. PuringtonWm. Frost Providence E'b'nz'r Preble Wm. Frost Bath Thos. Saunders Alex. Cooper Pittston John Fulton Wm. Purlngton Bowdoinham Caleb Heath Henry Merritt Benj. Stfnson N. Jolierson James Hall Captain Sam'l Gray J. W. San ford 349 83 120 90 353 14 445 27 380 12 James F. Patten Geo. F. Patten J. G. Lawton Edw. Pearce John L. Ricli Wm. D. Sewall Philip Riley J. Stockbridge D. G. Stinson Levi Houghton Bath Brunswick Bath do do Providence Bath do do Richard Adams A. WoodhuU New York 8. Swanton Jr C.&W.D.CrookerBath Henry Barnes 8. Merry man Stephen Lewis Thos. Cushing E. Brookings S. Whitmore Geo. W. Given Captain J. Robinson Wm. Donnell Richard Martin Benj. Shaw S. T. Lemont Peleg Tallman John Scott Captain John Collins S. B.Tarbox Built in 1833. Cahiiwba Evelina Lapwing Eugene Augusta Ivanhoe Annawon Baltic North America Plack Hawk Corsair Mary ^laria Palestine Mohawk Orient 351 13 BMth 98 59 do 199 6 do 307 15 Topsham 146 81 Bath 145 76 Topsham 138 29 Brunswick 157 92 Bowdoinham 498 78 Bath 196 62 do 160 60 Hallowell 408 72 Bowdoinham 469 78 Bath 344 23 Hallowell 349 53 Pittston Ezra D. Post Rob't Center Freeman Rogers Hart ly Gove Bowdoinham Richmond Dresden Bath do Gardiner Bath Pittston Gardiner New York Dennis E. G. Jones C. Skollleld Jos. BuruUam Samuel Eells H. Sylvester Isaiah Snow Caleb Heath N. Harding Jas. McLellan Bath Chas. Thompson do Clias. Gushing Portsmouth Wm. H . SpoonerBoston (*) Fall River John Henry Bowdoinham James Hall Bath A. W. Boy n ton do Win. H. Byram Captain Gardiner St.Viiic'utGivenlsaac PuringtonBoston A. N. Littlolield Geo. F. Patten Bath Reuben StevensJas. C. Grant Hallowell N. Kimball Captain Gardiner * The Annawon Manufactory and Fall River Iron Works Company 24 Big. Ship do Schr Ship Solir Ship Bark SMp Brig Bhip do Brig Bbip do Brig do Schr Brig Schr do Brig do Schr Brig Schr do do do Brig Schr do Brig Schr Brig do do Schr Ship do Brig do Bhip do Brig do do Ship do Schr do Ifame. Manco Ceylon CUmax Boman Jaraes Wilson Perdonnet Highlander Constitution Frances St. Lawrence Missouri Bowse Mouut Zion New Euglund Comnaeroe Llewellyn Harrison Eupbrutea Adventure Mexico Bulah Citizen Gardiner Helen Hudson Ganges Statira Vesper Somerset Ceres Margaret Antiooh Susan Nile Grecian John Samuel New Orleans Byron Cliarles Castor Havre Caspian Margaret Cornelia Choctaw Frances Ann Lyons New Yorlf Ozello Ton$. Where BuiU. Matter. Owner. Hailing Port. Built in l!i$33.— continued. S50 36 Gardiner 421 86 Bath 107 29 do 850 28 Bath 170 do 477 61 do 235 61 Topsham 472 11 Pittston 190 78 Topsham 461 85 Bath 398 83 do 212 Phipsburg 449 Bath 549 37 do 151 9 Bowdoinham 158 14 do 117 41 Brunswick 211 67 Hallowell 122 19 Pittston 81 44 Gardiner 227 16 Bowdoinbam 199 66 Gardiner 110 88 Richmond 137 51 Pittston 134 62 Bath 138 59 Woolwich 128 15 Bath 127 38 do 133 45 Waterville 129 93 Bath 110 32 Bowdoinbam Wm. Crawford Wm.jBradstreet Gardiner James Lowell Wm. D. Sewall Bath Jas. Wakeflold J. Williams do Lemuel Weeks E. Crabtree Portland Daniel Sanborn J. Williams Bath Jobn Barker A. W. Hoynton do Bailey Foster S. G. Bowman Boston Wm. T. Glidden Alex. Cooper Pittston John Given Jr Captain Bath Jesse Chase S. Browuell Providence Charles Owen Levi Hougbton Bath Sbubal H. Cady Captain Providence 8. Swanton Jr C,«feW.D.CiookerBatb Sam'l Swanton T. D. Robiuson do B. D. Tallman Captain do N. Jellerson Jas. W. Sauford Bowdoin ham J. Woodward Captain Brunswick F. R. Tbeobald Jobn P. Huntol Rochester Euterprise (Jhri^tiaua Reporter Edward Kent Bunker Hill Fortorico London Ontario Farmer Mississippi Queen Victoria Diadem Wm. Purlngt«»n Delaware Hanover Grecian Edinburgh Bordeaux SwantoH Empire Alice Hallowell John Odlin 166 20 142 537 52 623 25 563 69 lU 226 24 133 61 99 52 122 34 Hallo well Richmond Bath do do Phipsburg Pittstoii Riohmond Phipsburg Pittston do Sam'l Walkor E. Alexander M. L. Trott S. Davenport Chas. Oweu Rohei-tsuu Fogg Calvin Ballard Wm. Carney James Cu^hiiig Davis Perry Thomas Dow Owner. Captain C. Alexander Freeman Clark Captain Levi Houghton Thos. CuHhiug Smith C. Cox Captain Captain James Smith Cai»taiu Hailing Port. Hallowell KichiHOiKl Bath tain Dresden Brunswick Jas. Skoifield Sam'l Dunning Bath Bath W. T.ThompsonCaptain New York do * Jas. L. LambertFreeman Clark Bath Bowdoinham Foster Randall Wm. PuriuMiou Bowditinhain Bath DaviilPatteu John Patten Bitth do Jas. DrummondJ. Drummoud do Pittston Chas. D. Lemont James N. CooperPittsttm Gardiner F. R. Theobald John P. Hunter Gardiner Bowdoinham NC.L.Moirison John Harward Bath Bath S. Swanton Jr. C.&W.D.Crooker do Richmond Eli Merry man Captain Richmond Brunswick Coan Jordan Joseph Badger Brunswick Hallowell Isaac Smith Jr. Isaac Smitit Hallowell Pittston Wm.F.HanoverCaptain Pittston Batlt In 1839. Norway Porpoise Hellespont Rowland Gleaner Clyde Mary &. Jane Rideout United States Democrat Hudson Wales Wellington Amazon France Alpine Ceylon Star Port Leon Mary Pennell 461 67 160 193 10 230 20 288 93 397 75 346 9 136 8 684 50 187 11 342 84 446 12 442 66 569 88 441 29 131 20 99 3 113 3 138 40 233 76 Bath Brunswick Bowdoinham do Pittston Richmond Pittston Bath do do Topsham do Bowdoinham Bath do Hallowell do Bath do Brunswick Jas. DrummondGilbert Trufant Bath Jas. Cowing Joseph Badger Brunswick H.Randall Wm. Puriugton Bowdoinham Benj. Adams Cai>tain do H.Stevens Samuel C. GrantGardiner F. R. Theobald C. Alexander Richmond Joseph Varney Captain Pittston J. H. Purington Wm. Frost Bath S. Swanton T. D. Robinson do J. Sylvester R. R. Smith do Wm, Curtis Captain do L. L. Watts Alfred White Hallowell Otis Harward John Harward Bath D. G. Stinson Wm.Richardson do J. H. Marshall John Henry do Sam'l Walker Captain Hallowell Isaac Smith Captain do Philip RUey J. Robinson Bath J. Merryman C.&W.D.Ciooker do S. Merriman Captain Brunswick 27 Uig, Ship BrlK Ship do Bulk do do Brig do Bark do Ship St'hr Shiii Schr do Sliip Bark do Schr Bv\n: Ship Bark Ship Schr Ship Bark Ship do do Baric Ship Bark do BriK do do do Schr do Bark Ship Bark do Schr Ship do do Brig Name. Toh$. Where Built. Master. Muilc in 1840. Oioner. Hailing Port. I'rontoii Haidet' Pennsylvania North C;iri*liua Lion Floreiu-e Callao Samuel N. Golt ParMi(lx« Gilbert Clinton HanihiUK Levant iMoniuouth Waldo Ouly Son Genesee WiUiain Ladd Iris A lie*' Auu Harriet Mouut Vernon Kennebec South Carolina Hanover Hannibal Alabama Hargrave Sharon Klchmond Quinnebaug Rappahannock Gibraltar Philena Creole Eclipse Sea Flower Eagle Convert Bobiu Hood Georgia Caledonia Rainbow Princeton Shawmut Wtnnegance Halcyon Sabattis Abby Amelia 667 91 Bath Nt>ble Maxwell Geo. F. Patten Bath ir)6 32 Pittston J. Flltner Jr. Hiram Stevens PIttston 677 25 Bath Z. Farnhain Wm. I>. Sewall Bath 6(*>J d I Jas. DriiniuioiiiiJ. Rideotit do :)38 50 do .lai. Skoltleld John Henry do •M9 G d«» Wni. Decker Jr. Geo. F. Patten do 349 50 I'ittston Thos. B. Haines Wm. Stevens Jr.Plttstttu 198 11 Bowdoinham Horace A. Gray Captain Bowdoinham 194 8 do Jas. K. Millay Jeremiah Mltlay do 289 79 Top^hani Roitert Given Captain Bath 349 38 Bath £. D. MauHon Levi Houghton do 288 63 Phipsburg David Cutting Captain do 136 62 Richmond J. Alexander Jr. James Sampsou do 728 87 Bath Noble Maxwell J«)hn Patten do 98 Phipsburg Barker Duley Jas. Lennan do 135 Pittston R. BlancUard Stephen Young Pittatoa BHilt in 1841. Bath J. Lombard Freeman Clark Bath do Taos. P. WymanC&W.D.Crooker do Topsham Thos. Merryman< '. Thompson do Augusta T. Springer Chus. S. Smith Boston Richmond Thus. P. Brown Jos. J. Hathoru Richmond Bowdoinham Rub't McManus St.Viuc'ntGiveuBath Hallowell T.Smith Jr. James Atkius Hallowell Bath Moses Owen Rufus K. Page Bath Topsham S. T. Donuell B. C. Bailey do Bath Lorenzo Parker Thos. Har ward do do Isaac Merritt John Henry do Pittston James Bailey Captain Gardiner Brunswick J. H. PuriugtonRob't Peunell Bath Richmond Geo. F. Mustard William Patten do Bowdoinham John Fulton Wm. Purington Bowdoinham Bath Win.DrummondFreeman Clark New York Brunswick C. Jordan Captain Brunswick AugUNta Chas. H. Clark John Lowell Hallowell Phii>8burg Wm. C. Wyman Wm. M. Reed Bath Brunswick F. A. Lemont J. D. Robinson do Pittston J. C. Kinsman John Jewett Pittston Brunswick Jas. D. BarstowD. C. Magoun Bath 459 60 297 329 65 38 84 159 64 446 11 296 77 767 81 88 36 644 33 348 29 484 20 663 79 475 24 284 31 1133 36 296 33 272 5 146 43 127 29 150 19 190 46 BHilt in 1843. 115 77 Bath 110 32 Georgetown 363 25 Bath 449 25 Pittston 291 58 Gardiner 296 5 Bath 98 Hallowell 293 52 Bath 797 43 do 447 2 Pittston 164 45 do M. SkolfleW John Berry James Otis Joseph Varney T. B. Sampson S. A. Houghttain Augusta Waldo Collins Jas. N. Cooper Pittston 104 53 Richmond F. W. Saunders Steph'nSpringerRichmoud 97 22 Bath Wm. T. Best Benj. O, Weeks Bath 140 38 Richmond Sparrow M. IlallCaptain Richmond 119 78 Augusta Wm. H. Heath S. Leonard Augusta 121 96 Woolwich Jas. G. Bray Captain Rockland Built In 1847. S. B. Dinsmore Freeman Clark Bath C.S.Robinson CAW.D.Crooker do Chas. S. Snow J. S. Sewall do Daniel Thayer Caleb Stevens Pittston John D. Carli.sleSam'l Alley Richmond Joel H. Graves A. Whitmore do Wm. Cults Jas. N. Cooper Pittston M. L. Trott Jas. Murpiiy Isaac Merritt Alrred Morse Switzerland 570 52 Bath HarrietAugustu647 73 do Charlotte 177 85 do Keoka 247 11 Pittston Vesta 259 Richmond Merchant 182 61 do Wm. A. Cooper 645 37 Pittston Alice Frazier 406 30 Ricbmoud James Henry 80 35 Bath Jolm Ilijuiy 549 80 do Kaiahdin 547 71 Phipsburg Henrietta 95 64 do T. J. Roger 543 Bath G^ovgtt Lincoln 73 32 Gardiner Ocean Bird 263 50 Augusta Jas. N. Cooper J.B. SwautonJr.Bath A. B. Robinson do John Henry do Jacob P. Morse do Chas. Molntire James L. Todd do J. H. Puriugton Jas. Drummond do J. H. Jones Wm. H. Talbot Boston Daniel Cony Captain New York Big. Brig Ship Brig Ship do Bark Ship do Burk Suip do do do do do Brig Ship Brig Bulk Schr Brig Ship Brig Ship Brig do Schr Baik Brig Schr Brig do do Schr Brig Schr do Ship Brig Ship Brig do Ship Bark Sliip Bark Ship Bark Brig Name. Tom. Where Built. Mttster. Otcner. Hailing Port. Built In 1847.-Continued. Amesbury 168 39 Gardiner Wm. Rodbird Wm. BradstreetGardlner 6eo.WustiiDgtODl79 16 Topshum Thomas Sdow Captaiu Brunswick Sylvia Rome Arlington Joliu Murray Elizabeth Masouic Monica Roderic Dhu Marion Richard Alsop 196 6 Bowdoinham John Patten Jr. Wm. Purinjjton Bowdolnbam 673 20 Bath 669 72 do 295 83 Richmond 669 24 Bath 439 83 Riclimond 179 43 Pittstou 223 71 Dresden 549 27 Gardiner 835 85 Bath JobnC.Calhoun708 30 do JohnP. Smicu W.V.& O.Moses Bath W'sh'ngt'nRyanWm. M. Rogers Hailowell Wm. Love Wm. Lull Boston J. L. Lambert Thos. Harvrard Bath J. Huthoru Captain Richmond Audrew Burke Stephen Young Pittston H. Cooper Jr. Captain Hailowell T. B. Sampson Sam'l C. Grant Gardiner J. G. Smitli Captain J. C. Lowell Wm. D. Sewall Genoa 649 45 Bowdoinham Frauois Kelley D. C. Magoun Medallion 547 92 Richmoml Cybole 798 44 Pittston Leo 136 20 Rlcbmond Humphrey 636 81 TopsUam Puringtou F. Houdlette Wm. Patteu Ambrose Cliild S. W. McKown Peter W. Brown J. J. Hathorn Robert Given Captain New York Bath do Riciimoud New York Richmond roi»8ham Venus Abeona Arrowsic Rodney Milan Mechanic Forest King Pamaho Zeno Avon Lucinda Julia Payson S. D. Bailey 186 1 Bath 297 90 Augusta 126 10 Arrow sic 199 40 Top^ham 699 87 Bath 171 29 do 991 74 do 168 Dresdeu 221 72 Richmond 116 86 Phipsburg 299 6 do 146 88 Arrowsic 89 71 Topsham J. Alexander Wm. Reed Jr. Barllett Morse John Rogers E. D. Munson Thoa. CushingJr Captain W. T.TuompsouWm. R. Page John Henry Bath C.iptain Augusta Wm. Potter Bath Wm. H. Hall Brunswick Levi Houghton Bath do New York Nancy Plaisted 149 8 Gardiuer Heury W. 197 63 Pittston Moncure Almira 136 52 Phipsburg Atluutic 93 21 Woolwich Johu Webb P. F. Houdlette Dresden S. B. Diusmore Wm. Patten Richmond James Cushing Thos. H. Oliver Bath Chas. N.DelauoB.C. Bailey do Ebeuezer PrebleE. P. Swett do ^ John W. Brlggs Geo. Davis do Geo. F. Church J. P. Hitchcock Gardiuer E. Titcomb Captain Pittstou L. L. BatohelderT. Batchelder EbenezerPrebleGould Hatuorn Sea Bird Hailowell E. Hinds 176 67 113 8 145 34 Car1ineNe8mittH32 59 Seguln 198 48 Sea Queen 862 19 Como 152 78 Crocus 221 82 Realm 547 85 Oregon 399 84 Wm. V. Kent 676 66 Heury Warren 347 41 Jane Parker 431 64 John H. Millay 248 71 Wm. Crawford 131 86 Richmond Augusta Pittston Built Bath do do Georgetown Gardiuer Bath do Pittston Bath Phipsburg Bowdoinham A. H. Curtis Isaac Smith H. Brookiugs in 1848. James iilaton Z. C. Norton Geo. Mansou Johu Berry T. J. Southard C-aptaiu Captain Bath do Richmoud Hallowed Pittston Louis Walsh Now York Wm. M. Rogers Bath C&W.D.Crooker do Joseph Berry do J. L. SturtevautWm. Bradetret«tGardiner J. J. Stevens Captain New York Wm. Sprague Wm.DrummondBuib Joseph Varney Captaiu Pitts- on B. Rairden Levi Houjfbton i^aiu Coan Jordan Richard Moise du BenJ. Adams Captain Bosto. Phipsburg William Snow Wm. Crawforu B i 31 Riff. Ship BrlK Bark Brig Bark Sbip Bark Ship Bark Ship do Brig Bark Ship do do Bark Ship Sclir Brig Bark do Brig do Bark Ship Bark Ship do do do do Sohr do do Brig do Schr do Bark Brig do Bark Ship do Bark do fillip do Brig Ship Name. Tom. Where Built. Owner. Hailing Port. Bnilt in 1N48.— Continued. Sar:ih Puringron466 Uranus 218 Johu Mayo 297 J.D. Peunell 144 Mary Florence 459 Joliii A All)ert 566 OrlineSfc. .lohn 236 Bupua Vista 660 Oregon 223 Wm. D. Sewall 672 639 222 297 573 778 524 249 201 449 456 Manilla Glencoe Almeida Philena Geo. F. Patten JuUet J. J.Hathorn 398 William Patten 608 Kennebec 105 Solomon Eaton 233 Arco Ills 252 T. J. Southard 295 Vesta Cardiff N. H. Wolfe Josephine J. A. TUompsuD 244 Rookaway 815 Nathl. Kimball 783 Ophir 438 More 418 Shannon 808 Homer 133 Benj. Franklin 122 Hi hernia 99 Marcia 157 G CO. Washi ngtonl49 Lamartine 99 May Flower Mary Varney Forrester Aeolus York town 87 199 170 198 3 Topshara 51 Hallowell 10 Bath 44 Brunswick 50 Bath 55 Bowdoinham 20 Gardiner 84 Richmond 91 Hallowell 25 Bath 39 Bowdoinham 66 Gardiner 24 Dresden 73 Georgetown 25 Bath 75 do 25 Richmond 22 do 55 Phipsburg 88 Bowdoinham 82 Gaidiner 76 Richmond 43 Gardiner 82 Richmond 71 Augusta 60 Topsham 21 Augusta 16 Bath 86 do 81 Brunswick 8 Bath 34 do 74 Woolwich 42 Arrowsic 25 Phipsburg 46 Bath 29 Woolwich 72 Bowdoinham 94 Vassal boro 7 do 88 Woolwich 67 Gardiner 37 Phipsburg A. W.PuringtonW. B.Purinyton Bath David Burt A B. Morton H t Howell J. H. PuringionHo.sea Hildr. th Bath Thos. Given Jr. Captain Brunswick M. L. Trott J. B. SwantonJr.Bath Otis Harward John Harward do A. C. Berry James Lowell Gardlnei* Geo.F. MustardCaptain Richmond Isaac P. Davis Captain Hallowell Robt.Jack Clark & Sewall Bath John O. Given St.V'nc'ntGiven do J. H. Haseltine Wm. H. Byram Gardiner G. W. Chapman E. Alley Jr. Dresden John Berry Joseph Berry Bath E. P. Stinaon Geo. F. Patten do Geo. A.Prpble Wm. Rogers do Joseph Small J. J. Hathorn Richmond Wm. Decker Wm. Patten do B.R.Lowell A. Lowell Jr. Bath Isaac Coombs J. C. Coombs Bowdoinham Oliver Colbum Mason Damon Gaidiner John Bishop T. J. Stmthard Richmond F. Lawrence Peter Grant Gardiner John Thomas John W. Avery Richmond Wm. Cutts David Forbes New York John Crooker Captain Bath Wm. Freeman I. H. Randall Augusta Rob'tBosworth I'hos. Harward Bath Wm. L. Stone Nathl. Kimball Gardiner H. Sylvester Captain Bath Wm.P.LarrabeeCaptain do Joseph Ludlow S. B. Guion New York Johu Webb Captain Bath James Auld Captain Westport Nathl. Morse Scott Morse Bath E. Tibbetts Clark &, Sewall do Ozias MoCarty Captain Westport Edwd. Eaton Wm. H. Lunt Bowdoinham Geo. W. Perry Daniel Waldron Augusta N. P. Sturges Captain do Wm. J. Grover Gould Hat horn Woolwich Loring Ballard Mason Damon Gardiner David W. StorerJohn Smith Bath Built in 1849. Hannah Crooker499 19 Bath Wm. 8. Murray C.&W.D.CrookerBath Houghton 787 17 do Samuel B. Dole L. W. Houghton do Ocean Wave 264 84 Georgetown John C. Rogers E. Boynton Boston Indian Queen 410 63 Bath R.R.DrummondG. C. Trufant Bath Hampton 443 28 Richmond Geo. Davis Albert Ballard Boston Wabash 398 25 Bowdoinham Wm. Barnes D. C. Magoun Bath Sarah Moers 221 16 Vassalboro C. M. Scammon Moses S. VarneyAugusta Charles Cooper 677 62 Pittston Wm. Cutts Wm. Cooper Pittston 32 Rig. Briff Ship Bark Ship do Bark Ship do do Brig Ship do do do Bark Ship do Ship do Bark Ship do Brig Ship do Biirk Ship do do Ship do do do do do do do Bark Ship do do do do do Bark Ship Bark Ship do do Bark Name. Tons. Where Built. Master. Built ill ] 849.— Continued. Hailing Port. Anna E, Maine 153 John Merrick 691 Chas. Thompsonl43 Forest Queen 883 Charles Crooker960 Scotland 384 Tarquin 462 Silas Leonard 407 Cordelia 666 Elleu Haydeu 170 Maratlion 485 Saratoga 1200 Commonwealth 642 Old England 917 Yankee Blade 419 Elleu Maria 768 Rhine 534 New England 921 Falcon 813 Wllliaiu 235 And over 484 Zenobia 699 John Davi.^ 148 Kossuth 427 Emma Fields 944 Marietta 390 J.C- Huniphre.vs532 Tempest 861 Saxouy 393 3 Pittston Edwin Lorett Captain Pittston 74 Gardiner Hointio StevensCaptain Ilallowell 91 Topsham Thos.MerrymanC. Thompson Bath 87 Richmond OlneyLovett R.K.Page New York 47 Bath Chas.C. DuucanC&W.D.CrookerBath 16 Richmond A. T. Percy Wm. Patten Richmond 55 Bath Wm. Doughty Willard Hall Bath 90 Richmond N. T. ThompsonT. J. Southard Richmond 35 Bath Thos. J. Henry John Henry Bath 51 Augusta John W. Waitt James B. Hull New York 80 Bowdoinham Robt. Patten Wm. Puringtou Bath 7 Bath Jas. Drum mond Captain do 19 Augusta Andrew Low Tho8. NickersonBostou 8 Bath A. Lowell Jr. T. D. Roliiuson Bath 69 Gardiner J. A. BradstreetWrn. BradstreetGardiner 56 Richmond A. VVhitmore M. S. Hagar Richmond 63 Bowdoinham JohnT.Harward D. C. Mauoan Bath 58 Bath Chas. Owen W.V.&O.Mosea Bath 41 do John P. Smith J.&G.F. Patten do 62 Woolwich Sam'l FuUerton J. MT. Bailey Jr. do 85 Bath Asa Bearse Jr. John Smith New York 52 do Sam'l Barker Thoa. Harward Bath 67 Pittston F. A. Lemout Samuel Marson Pittston 27 Phipsburg John Fisher P. Morrison Bath 17 Bath Sam'l Snow J.H. McLellan do Brunswick M.B.VenuardJr.Captain do 67 do Chas. H. BadgerJ.C. HumphreysBrunswlck 71 do Lincoln Patten David Patten Bath 22 Phipsburg Eenj.M.MelcherThos. M. Reed do St. Peter Clara Ann Mazathan Statira Morse Saxon Delia Maria State Rights Mary Glen burn Eva Tagus Adriatic Huntress Continent Bennington Forest Prince St. Thomas Reindeer Harriet Naples Shelter Helen Maria Built in 1830. 437 78 Bath Isaac C. Trott S. Larrabee Bath 421 52 do William Reed Levi Houghton do 462 62 do JohnDrummondJas. Drummond do 550 70 do Jas. T. Moise Richard Morse do 733 88 do Edward Crosby Wm. A. Rea Boston 683 87 Richmond JohnH.BurleighThos.J.SouthardRichmond 825 50 Pittston J. D. Warren Captain Savannah 744 41 Bath J. H. Marshall John Henry Batli 455 82 Richmond H. Q. Sami»soii Wm. Patten Richmond 630 74 Bath Lorenzo Parker Captain New York 354 40 d) A.A.Fai-nham W. A. Rea Boston 715 50 do J. H. Lowell Clark & Sewall Bath 677 25 do Jas. L. Lambert Wm. O. Moody Boston 1008 25 do Jas. Diummoud Captain Bath 513 33 Richmond Jas. Young Wm. Hammond Boston 355 40 Augusta R. H. Lovett Geo. W. Jones do 666 2 Bath Thos. P. Stetson Willard Hall Bath 496 Gardiner E.Lawrence Samuel C. GrautGardlner 534 25 Goorgetown John Berry Joseph Berry Bath 508 28 Bowdoinham Wm. H. DuncanD. C. Magoun do 426 48 Augusta Robt. H. Lovett Lot M. Morrill do 446 80 Topsham J. R. Silsby Adam Lemout do 33 Rig. Xamf. Tons:. Where Built. Master. Built In 1H30.— Continued. Hailing Port. Keuuebec Sea Flower SUii) Sobr Steamer J.. D. Pierce Schr Arno do Krtloolali do Patiama 925 75 Bath John P. Smith G. W. Kendall Batb 59 Phipaburg Robt. Rogers C'aptaiu Pliipsburg Augusta Ship do do do Bark Sliip Bark snip do do Bark Scbr Ship do Bri« Ship BiiK Sbip do do Bark Sbip do do Bark Sbip Biirk Sbip do do do do Bark do Sbip Ship Bark Sbip Bark Ship Bark Ship do do 71 89 Augusia I). VV. Plnkliaiu Captaiu 120 48 do Samuel Beals Captain do 159 Gardiuer Ezra A. Glazier Jas, Lowell Gartliuer 66 47 Wo»)lwich 'J'bonias Dun touElias Brookings Woolwich Built in 1851. Iropio Juuius Sallie Fearn Pelican State Matiinzaa M;iy Flower Lu -y L. Hale S. V. Given Sew all 512 43 Bath. 561 77 do 849 34 do 849 89 do 427 83 Richmond 720 51 Bath 421 6 Richmond 593 41 Bowdoinhara 597 64 Richmond E. I). Mauson David rttearna Wui. Patten John Crooker Wm. Rogers John Tlioujas SophiaThornton423 80 Bath 299 32 do 128 69 Georgetown 960 55 Bath 890 40 do 233 44 Augusta 622 55 Brunswick 147 45 Bath 452 75 Gardiner 773 59 Bath 872 71 Phipsburg 349 8 Gardiuer 424 93 Bath Helen Snow C. H. Sampson Mobile Sarah (i. H. ;. do Bloomer Singapore Brownsville Hunter Monsoon Richard Morse Trinity Alfred Gibbs Lizzie Ilarwitrd 868 59 do Tauaro 499 86 do Harriet Francis 454 20 Richmond Costella 587 Bath Walfham 465 85 Richmond Jane D. Cooper 523 74 Pittstou Cbamplaiu Messenger Erie Torrent Burlington Courser Elizabeth Mongolia Louisa Kilbam Sea Nymph Arctic Jas. L. Bogert 1220 17 Bath Lizzie lioud 313 93 do Kate Swanton 489 75 do Wurtemberg 839 89 Richmond M. ileEmbil 499 39 Bath 513 Bath 460 14 do 458 80 do 641 61 do 458 15 Richmond 288 29 do 470 44 Bath 960 61 Georgetown 463 23 Bath 732 36 Bowdoinham 488 91 Richmond Eben R. Smith J. R. Thornton New Bedford HeuryCooporJr.D. M. Erskino Hallowell Chas. Owen W.V.&O. MosesBath Levi Houghton do Richmond Bath Thos.J.SourhardBoston John O. Given St. V'c'nt Given Bowdoinham Lewi T.MorrowT. J. Southard Boston Wm. DrummondCaptain Bath Wm.DriininiondCaptaiu do Joseph T. Berry.Iosepb Beiry do Jos. H. Tarbox G. F. & J. Patten do John II. Loweli Clark & Sj .v.i.L do G. A. Dickman J. A. Tiiompsou Augusta C. W. Hamilton J. C.HumphreysBoston John Rogers Captain New York John R. Holt J. Bourne Jr. New Bedford Zenas Wiusor Geo. Hussey do Eli Perr.v Richard Morse Bath Sam'lC. Flitner Samuel C. GrantBoston Wm. DrummondCaptain Bath Lorenzo Parker Captain do Jap. D. Barstow Willard Hall do Obcd Snow T.J Southard Richmond L. L. Watts S.D.Bailey Bain F. Houdlette M. S. Hagar Richmond Wm. A.Cooper Charles Cooper Boston Seth Woodward G. F & J.Patteu Bath Elwln PinkhamOtis Kimball do Peleg Curtis Clark & Sewall do Gushing Prince Caleb S. Jonks New York Jas. M. WincliellD. C. Magoun Bath Seblen Gibson Daniel Allen Richmond Henry P. Carr Wm. Rogers Wnrren John Berry Joseph Berry Bath Wm, White Edwd. Kilbam Boston Robt. Patten Captain Bowdoinham Seth Saunders Captain Providence Geo. W. Howe Captaiu New York Jas. K. Murphy Wm. F. Bruce Boston James Morse Levi Houghton Bath J. C. Ford Captain New York Isaac Orr W.V.&O.Moses Bath 34 Big. Ship do do do do Bark Ship do do Schr Ship Brig Ship Bark Brig Steamer Brig Bark Brig Ship do do do do do do do Bark Ship do do do do do do do Scbr Ship do do do do do Bark Sbip do Brig Sbip Bark Ship do do Name. Tons. Where Built. Master. Oinner. Hailino Port. Built in 18S2. JohnDraraniondWm.DrarainondNew York CbarlesOwon Jacob P.Morse Barh Cyrus Cooper J. Rideout do David Burt J. H. McLr-llan do ' F.Oliver Richard M»»rf*e do 406 88 Bowdoinham FrancisKelley M igouii A Clapp do 523 29 Riclimond John Bisbop Jr. T. J. Southard Ricliraond Benj. Adams 1170 10 Bath ElTira Owen 873 55 do Dirigo 608 12 do St'ph'nLarrabep513 73 do Charles & Jaue 499 18 ridpsi)urg Tonquin Moro Castle MaryE.Whittier49o 21 Geor^^etowu Daniel Jones Jost pli Berry Batb Arab 467 28 Bath Chas. N. Delano Sam'l D. Bailey do George Steers 60 62 Farmiiigdale John Akin Captain New Bedford Hydra 499 16 Richmond Geo. W. Jones 199 92 Augusta Albert Franklin 496 Richmond 499 18 do 182 83 do 47 56 Watf^rville 194 70 AiroWfiic Union Pauline Wales Otseoiithe Sbanghai Marshfleld Gertrude Albert Gallatin 533 16 Bath R. K. Page Wm. & Mary North are pton Commerce Ariel James Luut Wm. Patten Richmond Edmund Burke Geo. W. Jones Boston Ozias Long H. Springer Richmond J. A. BradstreetStephen Young Batb James Auld G. W. Kendall do Alex. Fuller William Moor Hallowell Andrew TarboxElwellP. Swett Bath 549 45 Farmingdale Benj.HinkleyJr.Samuel C. GrantBoston 299 49 Pittston Jos. W. Trim Captain New York Wm. M. Otis W.V. & O.Moses Bath F. H. Whitney Wm. BradstrsetGardiner Isaac A. PennellThos. Harward Bath Oliver Colburn August's Arnold do Luther LombardJ. H. McLellan do John H. Young Wm. Rogers do 649 64 Bowdoinham Horace A. GraySt.V'uc'ntGivenBowdolnham 999 9 Bath Jos. H. Torrey G; F. & J. PattenBath 506 82 Topsham John R. Silsby Adam Lemont do David W.Storer John Smith do 995 18 Richmond Wm. Strickland Rufus K. Page Hallowell 512 54 Bowdoinham Timo thy Stinson John Harward Bath Courant R. Spear Woodstock Rio Grande Lsland Cify Gov, Brown American Union999 83 Bath Jennie W. Paine663 14 Phipsburg .549 78 Bath 475 61 do 790 69 do 1137 93 do 982 85 Bath 10H5 11 do 1329 64 do Wm. Tapscott 1524 65 do Grotto 511 5 RiclinKmd Central Amenca246 65 do Lisbon 476 3 Batb Sea Lion 562 85 Riclimond Sagadahock 574 51 Bath Lucknow 890 27 Georgetown Metropolis 964 4 Pittsttm South .America 837 50 Richmond Undine 532 18 Toi)Sbam Arabia 1273 88 Brunswick Carrier Pig -on 843 92 Bath George 206 14 Richmond Built in 1853. Volga 673 86 Richmond Thos. Leach Charter Oak 4.53 66 Georgetown Windward 818 29 Bath Wm. Reed Levi Houghton do John H. Lowell Clark !id d(» Hiith Richmond C. 8. kobinson C.&W.D.Cro'okerBath Wm. Lyncb Willard Hall do N. 8. Thompson Wm. M. Rogers do W.W.Braa.streetCaptain Gardiner Jos. T. Berry Joseph Berry Bath Sani'l B.HusseyT. J. Southard Boston J. H. PnringtonF. T. Purington Bath Smith C. Cox Captam do Geo. W. Kendall do F. R. Theobald Richmond Daniel Allen do Ciiptain Prunswiok Bu th do Drummond Thos. M. DbwIs Jos. Berry Boston Chas. Skolfleld Adam Lemont Bath Z. D. Eldiidgc John D. Lang Boston Chas. N. Delano S. D. B.iiley Bath Sam'l Walker James Atkins Hallowell H. 8. Tallman T. J. Southard Riclimoud Eli Perry Richard Morse Bath H. Q. Sampson Captnln Richmond G. B. Cornish Trurant & New Y<»rk Drummond J. T. Harward John Harward Bath Wm. Torrey Jr. G. F.& J. Patten do Jos. T.Tucker Captain New York O. J. GraflFam Thos. Dunham do Samuel Barker Thos. Harward Bath Coan Jordan Captain Brunswick S.G.Borland F. G. Thurston New York F. A. Senter T. M. Andrews Hallowell Geo. Dearborn T. M. Andrews do Nathn'l SpoouerCaptain Boston Wm.C. Hammer Captain Cliarleston James G. Mills Captain Savannah Thos. Paxton J. R. Wilder do O. J. Graffara Dunham & New York Dimon Sam'l B. Doane L. Houghton Bath T. R. Herbert Rich:irdson&Co. Boston F. Houdlette M. 8. Ha;;ar Richmond John Berry John H. Foster Boston John W. Mary Rufus K. Pau;e New York Jos. 8. Brown R. McManners do A. G. Hlgirius G.F.«fe J.Patten Bath D. T. Ryan Wm. Stevens Jr.Pitt.ston J. N. KuovvU Wm. A, Bangs Boston Roi.t. McManus F. G. Thurston New York Zenas Wmsor Geo. HusHfy New Bedford Benj. Adams Thos. Spear Jr. Richmond 36 Big. Tons. Where Built. Master. Built in JS33.— Coiitiuned. Oioner. Hailing P»rt. Sclir Oleona Brig Liucoln Webb Steamer Clipper Sliip Kiug Fisher ScM' Narragansett 248 18 do 158 32 Hallowell Chas. Garlaud F. A. Day Hallowell 199 74 Arrowsic Jas. B. Perkins E. P. Swett Bath 41 10 Waterville S. B.Gilpatiick Peletiali Gove Biddeford 425 79 Farmingdale James V. Cox J. Bourne Jr. New Bedford Ship Miss Mag 727 29 do Lemuel Hall A.G.Howard Fall River Jos. Colbiim Samuel C. GrantBostou Built in 1854. Ship North'mEmpirel499 23Bath do Mary Robiuson 1371 78 do Bark Live Yankee 427 83 do Ship Baltic 769 16 do do Edg'rP.Stiiiigerl353 do do New Era 1327 64 do Bark William & Jane 527 51 Georgetown Ship Geo. L. Sampsonl005 22Bowdoiuham do Victoria Reed 621 23 Batb do Modern Times 643 40 Richmond do Samaritan 1219 92 Bath do Russell 796 21 Richmond do Danube 908 6 Bath do Aquila 1119 10 do Brig Kalafat 274 21 do Ship Emma Jane 1096 42 do do Lombard 1083 31 do Bark Gi'eenland 549 85 Brunswick Ship Fanny Fern 594 74 Bath do Omar Pasha 768 83 Richmond do Yemassee 767 6 do Brig Sheet Anchor 276 26 Bath Ship Martba 649 43 Richmond Whitmore Brig Emily W. 332 86 Pittston Seyburn Ship Day Light 547 86 Hallowell do Abby Laa^don 1035 48 d* do John Eraser 862 87 Bath do Helen R.Cooper723 21 Pittston do Agatnemuoii 894 Bowdoiiiham Schr Vulcan 168 37 Richmond Brig Jas. Wakefield 248 26 Arrowsic Ship Tigre.'is 912 9 Pittston do Lorenza 1090 84 Hallowell do EmilySt.Pierre 883 47 Bath Brig Rolling Wave 236 75 Bowdolnham Ship Wizard King 1398 35 Richmond do Revenue 1316 44 Bath do Marilla 699 85 Hallowell Bark Samuel Merritt 333 65 Bath Ship Clara ' 822 Richmond Bark General Cobb 543 49 Bath Brig Matilda 276 37 do Ship Windsor Forest 1256 22Bowdoinham John Crooker Captain Batti F. Croclicr Captain New Bedford Ammon W.Gove Samuel Menitt 8an Francisco Bath do do Now York do Bath Richmond Bath Boston Hall Snow & Co.Bath VV.V. & O. Moses do Willard Hall do Majioun & Clapp do LutherLombardMa.ifonn & Clapp do H. Snow J. H. Kimball Brunswick F.C. Jordan Adam Lemont Bath Wui. H. Barnes Lewis Blnckmer do E. G. WambessieCaptain Charleston Triiston ChosleyF. H. M«tr»e Bath P. M. Wliitmore M. S. Hagar Richmond Jas. K. Murphy L. Houghton N. T. ThompsonJ. Rideout Thos. J. Henry R. Hitchcock Thos. Phillips Jos. Berry Adams Cobb Jos. Berry Andrew Tarbox Wm. M. Reed Bonj. Adams Thos. Spear Jr. Francis Kelley Clark & Sewall N. B. Bobbins Captain Richard Rich B. F. Sanford J. P. Morse 3a9. N. Wood I. D. Seyburn Captain Pittston David Wilson Captain Cobasset Jas. B. Hall Henry Reed Hallowell Thos. R.HcrbertW. Diummoud Charleston John T. Moore Win. Cooper Boston Otis Harwar I John Harward Bath Chas. Ramsdell Jus. H. Cotton Boston Joseph Allen El well P. Swett Bath E. Lawrence Smith C. Cox Boston LowisT.MerrowThPodoreRipleyHallowell Eugene Te-ssier Captain Charleston Dan'l C. Rogers Joseph Berry Bath James Cone T. J. Southard New York C. S. Robinson Captain Bath W. H. Robinson Richard M.MillsHallowell Eben H. Fitz Samuel Merritt SanFrancisco Cyrus Cooper Thos. Spear Jr. Hallowell Chas.T. Haskell Captain New York Chas. II. Orr Cyrus B. Cox Bath O. J. Graffam Joseph Berry do 37 Jiig. Brig Ship do do do do Bilg Ship do do do (!o do do Bark do Shin do Biiff Sliii» do do Bilff sJdp do do do Briff Shii> do do do do do B^i^' do do Ship do do do do do do do do Bark Ship Brig Name. Tons. Where Built. Master. Built in 1 854.— Continued Crimoa 287 35 Bath Jacol) Auld Lavinia Adams 882 77 Bowdoinham Koitj. Adams Wm. M. Rogers 979 92 liath Marengo 567 26 Brunswick Charter Oak 867 27 Richmond Assyria 1363 66 Bath B.'ll Flower 318 61 Pittston Hailing Port. A. Arnold Bath Saiu'l li. Fuller rtowdoinham N. T. Thompson Captain Buth VV. G. Alexander,!. C. HumphrlosBruuswlck F. Houdletto M. S. Hagar Riclmioud Abnei- T. Wade G. F. & J. Patten Bath (ioo.Plummer Captain Pittston Juan Fernai»dezl0l9 44Bowdoiuham John O. Given St.Vinc'ntQivouBath Aiamede Snow 553 28 West Batti Champitui Tliereso Rocklight Dushaway Lizzie Drew Vi8i«.n Anne Perkins 563 78 Harpi^well 899 49 Richmond 1583 25 Bath 101-2 22 Hallowell 527 3 Phip.sburg 1092 85 F:u-mingd:ile 389 92 Hallowell Gov. Hubbard 370 52 do Escort 1454 18 Georgetown Waller Scott 1196 41 Bath Ja<'ob Dock 303 74 Woolwich Sihyl 692 46 Augusta Highland Chief 828 83 Richmond Civilian 848 35 do Mermaid 812 54 Dresden J. C. Boynton 682 94 Rh-hmond R. M. JVrills 673 38 Augusta Sehastopol 498 4 Bath Carlyle 1181 23 do Morning Light 269 19 do Charlotte A. 999 47 Richmond Stamler Cortes 582 60 Piiipshurg Walter Lord 1079 85 Richmond Sea King 698 18 Farmingdale Adriana 1081 91 Hallowell W. S. Lindsay 1164 92 Pittstcm Goo. Stockham 282 74 Bath Nebraska 309 58 do Philip Lorrabee 286 25 do W. A.Harnden , Alfred Lom(mt do Edward Wilson 1 A. Arnold do James Lunt Wm.Pcitten Richmond E.B. DrumnmndW. Drummond Bath J. McClintock Reed & Page Hallowell Frank Percy P. Morrison Bath T. B. S.impson Wm, S. Grant Farmingdale Geo. G. ^ells Geo. W. PerkinsHallowell F. A. Sonter Orlando Currier do Peter Miller Joseph Berry Bath John P. Smith Captain do J. A. Thomson John 8. Wiggin do James Jenkins C. A. Lambard do J. G. Rarstow T. D. Robinson do Rob't Patten H. Springer do Daniel Thayer E. Alley Jr. Dresden Isaac S. Brown J. C. Boynton Richmond N. P. Sturges R. M. Mills Augusta E, 8. Raynes Randall&BibberBath R. W. Simpson Thos. Simpson do Luke W. Heard J. Winslow Jr. do R. E. Lyttle Wm. Laytin New York W. M. Keimard Chas. V. Minot Bath Oliver Smith D. W. Lord Kennebunk Andrew Burke N. Kimball Boston Isaac Preble T. Ripley Bath Horace A . Gray Captain do Parker Oliver Trufant & do Drummond Reuben Mooers Trufant & do Drummond James Auld 8. Larraboe do Built in 1855. J. P. Morse 1451 54 Bath Chas. Owen Holyhead 1099 74 do John H. Lowell Potomac 1198 9 do Wm. Reed Normandy 1491 65 do B. M. Meloher Mattapan 809 89 do James Collier Pleiades 1172 9 do N. Winslow Jr. Georgia 1035 34 do James G. Mills Messina 1243 .50 do M. L. Trott Geo. Marshall 569 83 Richmond Thos. Spear Jr. Nicholas Cnrvin 528 12 Bath Jos. Mountfort Miles Standish 986 56 Richmond John Lord Jr. E. p. Swett 258 21 ArrowBlc Jas. F. Dunton R. Hitchoock Batli Wm. D. Sewall do Levi Houghton do G.L.Richardson do Thos. NlckersonBoston John C. Lowell Bath Captain do Arnold & Co. do Captain Richumnd Adam Leraont Bath E. Caldwell Boston E. P. Swett Bath Big. Ship Brig Ship do do do Bark Ship do do do do do do do do do do do do do Schr Ship Bark Ship do do do do Bark Ship do do do do do do Steamer Scbr Brig Bark Name. Borneo Galveston Asia William Penn Washiugton Hailing Port. Tons. Where Built. Master. Owner. Built in 1835.— Continued. 610 25 Richmond David Stearns M . S. Haerar Eichmond 264 12 Bath Thos. Fleming James Cox Bath 899 43 Bowdoinhaua Wm. H. DancanMagoun & Clapp do 1073 69 Bath 999 47 Richmond Libby Lion 828 22 Pittstou San Jaciuto 681 77 Farmiugdal< Scotland 820 67 HMllowell Ironsides 1318 76 Bath J. L. Warner 895 26 do Eliza Bonsall 1264 36 do Caravan 1362 74 do Independence 1277 71 Phipsburg Lawson 597 76 Bath Ann E. Hooper 1146 15 do Clara L. Preble 843 92 Woolwich J. 8. Parsons 1397 68 Bath Chattahoochee 1115 7 Richmond Northland 931 10 Hallowcll Marcia 1177 54 Brunswick Greenleaf Flora Southard 523 45 Richmond Zuleika John Sidney Nueces Nile Herald 338 32 do 866 22 do 391 73 Farmingdal^ 637 39 Richmond 679 82 Bath Chas.D. Merwin723 23 Richmond Washington 1197 77 Pittston Protector 1267 59 Bowdoinham Scio 428 59 Bath Stephen Brown 641 59 do Caspian 924 64 do Wm.Cummings 794 84 do Kineo 829 53 do Pocahontas 1087 94 do Exchange 595 36 do Adam Lemont 1104 67 do Victor 62 19 Topsham Rachel Reals % 82 Phipsburg A. C. Merryman230 73 Pittston Andes 276 24 Harps well Edward HooperJas. Hooper John Bishop Jr.T. J. Southar* Baltimore Richmond Albert Ryan N. Kimball Boston Wm. Robinson Wm. S. Grant do David Burt Henry Reed Hallowell Jas. Eaton Nesmith & Sons New York John K. ThomasCaptain New Orleans D. F. Tinkham G. A. Trenholm Charleston Wm. A. Sands Wm. Howland New York J. H. Marshall J. P. Morse Bath Lawson L. WattsCaptain do Lewis Rains Jas. Hooper Baltimore Ozias Lon^ RodneyC. GouldBtith Jacob G. Pierce J. Parsons New York Thos. L. Ma-ssonJohn R. Wilder Savannah Sam'l O. FlituerE. Hubbard Hallowell R. Merryman Jos. C. Given Brunswick Warren Day T. J. Southard Richmond Elij ih R. Blair Emma J. Blair Boston Lemuel C. Blair M. S. Hagar Richmond Henry N. Pierce Wm. S. Grant Boston Thos. Spear Jr. Captain Rii-hniond William H. C. E. W. Bar^^tow New York Drumniond T. G. Merwin T. J. Southard Richmond Robt. Norton Wm. Bradstreel Gardiner Peier Miller Joseph Berry Bath Thos. Patterson Captain New York Joseph Snow V. H. Brown Boston Wni. H. TrnfantG. F. & J.PatteuBath Wm. T. Johns W. Cummings Philadelphia Timothy EverettE. & A. Sewall Baih Wm. M. Cotter L. Houghton do J.P.Potter H Hitchcock do J. R. Silsby Ad im Lemont do F. T. Littlefleld Captain Topsham Samuel Beals P. Morrison Bath P. A. Senter Captain Gardiner Isaac F. LincolnJas. B. Drake Bath Built in 1856. Ship Mary Russell 744 41 Bath do Martha Rideout788 37 do do EliphaletGreely949 23 do Bark Palerujo 535 59 do Ship Canova 581 13 do do} Sunshine 1467 37 do do Commodore 1097 48 do do W. V. Moses 862 22 do do Montmorenci 1085 81 do Jas. B. Perkins Warren Mors© A. G. Cutter P. A. Ingham I. D. Skilllngs Sumner Pierce EliC. Bliss Daniel Jones Jos. T. Brown Wm. M. Reed Bath JohnsonRideout do Thos. R. Jones Portland Ch a m I >e rlai n New York Robinson nd J, P. 3\veets.»r J. D. Roblusou Searsport J. H. Lowell Trufant en Mooere W.Nelson & SousNew York J. P. Boutelle J. P. Morse Bath W. F. Robinson Thos. Harward do Benj. Delano Houghton Bros, do E.B. DrummondTrufant & do Drummond Addison Austin WV.Mosesi&Sons do Samuel Snow J. H. McLellan do 41 Rig. Sliip do do do do Ship do Sloop Bark do Ship Schi- Ship do do do do do do do do Bark Ship do Bark Shii» do Sliip . Ship Bulk snip do Sclir do Ship Bris Ship do do Bark Ship do Brig Bark Ship do Name. Tons, Where Built. Master. Built in 1859.— Continued. Olamon 790 5 Richmond F. Houdlotto Villafraiica 918 89 Bath Peleg Curtis Southeiii Rights836 G2 Richmond J. T. HarwarJ Earopa 949 1 Bath John H. Reed Shatemuo 849 85 Bowdoinham J. H. Oxuard Canada 990 14 Bath L. S. Wymau Richmond 115 73 Richmond Edward Buker Owner. Hailing Port. M. S. Hagar Riiihmond E. &A. Sovvall Bath T.J. Southard Richmond Houghton Bros.Bath R. Puiington Bowdoinham G. F.&J. PatteuBath Lemuel Brown Richmond Built in 1860. Jolm Carver 976 C. H. SoiiMiard 626 Jennie Prestitn 96 Luzou 489 Saajucl Tarbox 549 Ida Lilly 749 P. & B. Crowell 34 G. W. Duncan 824 Transit 933 Ocean Scud 1003 Ptinoi! of Wales 977 Clara Morse 997 Pdi-si.i 1049 Oleron 1026 43 Bath 81 Richmond 41 do 19 Bath 21 do 42 Richmond 91 Bath 55 do 69 do 35 do 54 do 45 do 43 d«) 70 do Maraaranack 1048 20 do Fawn W. II. Wall John Leslie Tiger S. W. Pike FT. V. Haxrer Caledonia 874 25 do 474 50 Pittstoii 893 30 B ►wloiuhani 1073 54 Phipsburg 541 53 Bath 998 14 do 999 62 do Dc!)orahPennell599 9 Biuuswick Bnilt White Monntain939 32 Bath Soo Loo 629 18 do AnnioRichmondl039 56 do Theobald 835 53 Richmond M icy A. Howes 61 68 Bath Gem of the 63 4 do Ocean Built General Butlerl095 57 Bath C(mcord 382 30 Brunswick Santa Anna 4D9 27 Hath Sabino 1033 55 do Vancouver 969 4 do ThoniasFlotcher639 71 do Hudson 999 80 do Valley Forge 1177 44 Pittston Kennebec 317 58 Bath Alice Minott 505 5 Phipsburg Th(>masDunhaml096 47Bath T. J. Southard 1031 43 Richmond J. C. Lowell Oliver Moses B ith A. W. Watts T. J. Southard Richmond J. Pettingill W.lI.SturtevautRockport James H. Tiott Wm. Rogers Baih Andrew Tarbox Wm. M. Reed do David Stearns J as. M. Hagar Richmond P. H. Crowell Captain Dennis C. T. DilliirghamChas.DavenportHath Jarvis P iiteu G. F. & J. Patten do E. & A. Sewall do J. H. McLellan do Jacob P. Morse do H )Ughton Bros, do W. V Moses & do Sons Wm.DrummondNew York J. Patren &SonsBath Captain New York John O. Given R. Purington Bath John S. Lowell Chas. V. Minott do Wm. Rogers do Oliver Moses do Houghtcm Bros, do Chas. S. PenuellBrunswick Robert Jack Warren Morse S. H.Merritt S. B. D.)ane Isaac Orr Wm. ensiling R. P. Manson Clark Benn<»r E. Buianch Chas. Owen J. Drummond J. D.Penne!! In 1861. W. A. Harnden Wm.M.Reed Bath I. B. Eams S. D. Niokerson Boston E.P. Stinson Thos. Harward Bath G. rl. Theobald M. S. Hagar Riclimond Stephen Howes Captain Chatham T. McFarland Eiias BrookiugsWoolwicli in 1862. Jas. N. Wood W. B. Smith Ciias. N. Bates S. T. Woodward Peleg Curtis N. W. Soule J. P. Potter Wm. Cor veil Benj. C. Blair J. S. Lowell J. Drummond J. T. Harward J. P. Morse Bath J. H. Kimball do A If rod Lemon t do Geo. F. Patten do E. &. A. Sewall do Tlios. Fletcher New York J. Patten & Sous Batli P. G. BradstieetGai diner A. Hathorn Bath Chas. V. MiJiott do Thos. Dunham New York T. J. Sonthard Richmond 42 Big. Ship do do do Ship Brig Slilp Bark Ship do do do do Bark Ship do Schr Brig Sclir Ship Ship Biiik Brig B;irk Ship Bark do do do Brig Bark do Ship do Name. . Tons. Where Built. Master. Owner. Hailing Port. Built in 1H6*^.— Continued. Gen. Shopley 844 48 Bath James Srorson J. P. Morse Bith Martha Bowker 763 49 do W. F. GoodbuiiiAdam Lemont BiuuswicU Jennie Eastiuan;)99 9 Bowdoluhain Jobn R. Keliey Johu Harward Bath Zouave 1135 50 Richmond V. M. WhitmoreHenry S. Hagar Richmond Built in JH63. Saginaw 1028 42 Bath Deacon 499 59 do Sarah Frepmanl049 29 do L3oniao 600 77 do Alexander 1039 60 Cherokee 1091 20 Moravia 1045 24 Virginia 873 25 W. B DiM8inorel041 81 Andaman 413 90 Italia 1019 31 May Flower 899 Margaret Giondalti Ohiloe Vicksburg do do do do do do do 899 Richmond 163 82 Bath 454 d) 249 66 Richmond 1130 13 Bath Built Intrepid Aberdeen Aquidneck Parsae Thom us Lord Volant 1078 20 BaMl 886 12 do 354 34 558 86 1056 67 496 56 do do do do Tom:nieHa83.*y584 49 Riclimond Helen Sands Sarepta Mattapony Ulrikkea Walter Freedom Nunquam Donnio 520 29 Bath 359 20 Jiowdoinham 224 61 Bath 540 8 do 431 75 Richmond 844 4 Bath 948 82 do Barken- Australia 369 73 do tine Brig Ocean Belle 352 82 Ship Anna Camp 10)6 17 d» do Brig Vinoout 403 59 Phipsburg Ship Pleiades 1154 14 Bath do Neptune 1183 58 Bowdoinham do Ella Norton 871 47 Faimlngdalo do Gettysburg 918 16 Richm )nd Brig Perpetua 335 50 Brunswick Ship America 1185 10 Bath Bark Penan? 583 63 do Ship JaneJ.Southardll20 73Richraond Bark JanftM.Harward577 85 Bowdoinham do Annie M.Paliuer564 32 Brunswick J. P. Boutelle Wm. M. Reed Bath John Crooker Samuel Merritt San Francisco A. Austin Wni. V. Moses Bath & Sons Jas. DruramoudJas. & Wuj. do Drummond Jos. T. Brown Alfred Lcmimt do Henry R. Otis Chas.Daveuport do Chas. E. Patten J. Pati en & Sons do Beijj. D^Lmo Houghton B.-os. do N. F. Foster J. Henry Sears Boston Wm. M. Otis S. Larrabee Bath Jarvis Patten G. F. Patten do S. R, Goodwin J. M. Ha.irar Richm )ml Jo-eph Call Wm. Rogers Bath J. Landerkin Jr.E. &A. Sewall do Abial Libby P.M. WhitmoreRichmond E. &A.Sewal Bath in 18e4. H. O. Winsor (^has. R. Gieen New York W. D. Anderson Alfred Lemont Bath Thos. S. Bigloy J.L. Hathaway Nwport J. O. Baker J. Patten & Sons Bath P. N. Prob e Franklin Reed do J. L mdorkin Jr.E. & \. Sewall do A. M. Patten T. J. S »ut lard Richmond AlihTt C. Otis Wm . V. Moses Bath D. A.Pat; eu D. & L. Patten do S. G.Wyman John D. Bibber do AlUe t il iih.)r 1 A.& G. Hat'iorn do J. B. Libby W H. StuitcvantRIchmond R. P. Bra Hey Thos. Danham New York L. J. Briggs ]J J.H. Trask Jr. do J. K. Muiphy Alfred Lemont Bath John M)rto!i Wm. Rogers do E. B. Drum :nond\Vm. & Jas. do Druiumonl P.H.M.MorrisoiChas. y. Minott do N.ithan WiuslowJ. P. Morse do J. a. O.Kuard R. Purlngton do Robt. Norton P. G.BradstrootXoston Goo. W. Edge F. Hon lletto Richmond RayT. L^vis Asa M. SimosonSan Francisco Warren Morse E. & A. Sewall Bath B, P.itt -n J Patten & Sous do J. Bishop Jr. T. J. Southard Richmond Clias. Delano J ohn Harw ird Bowloinham Sam'l Skolflcld J. G. Given Brunswick 43 Itig. Ship do do 8/Ui- Bark Solir Ship EllaS. Thayer «oofci I Ila Lilly Orviilo Dini,'0 R. E. P-ckor Oocm Sii'iial Tojis. Where Built. Built in 1864 1098 39 BaLb 10 )8 3.5 do 756 72 Rioliraoiid 291 66 BatU 4.-)4 87 do '222 17 Ricliinoud 1215 14 Bath Built Master. Oivner. Hailing Port. Continued. J. A. Thomsju A. & G.natliornBath Saul B. Dv>aiio Iloughtoa Bios, do Albert Miaott J. M. Hagar Richmond Qoorgo J. Giles Frank O. Mo^os Bath Beuj. C. Blair .I.Ridooufc do Hiiam Marson T. .1. Southard Richmond William Boll N.)\v York in 1865. CP" At this time the new system of measurement was adopted, the fractions representing hundredths, instead of ninety-flftlis. Bark Vidctt" do Oakl.iud do Haicyou Siiip R union do F.iimieLarrabe 1272 15 do Steamer Lookout G4 57 do Bark Sagadahoc 528 94 do 616 69 Bat 11 534 44 do 62.-, 44 do 1142 89 do San Francisco do Bath do Bri:; Sldp Violet. 207 67 Bovvdoinham A. L. Oxnard Fr -e nan Clark 133'5 03 B itli SfmsliipM.tntiiua B.rk do Ship Bark do do do do Brig Bark do Sc la- Brig d. Bark Schr Bark Sclir Bark Brig Schr Brig S<;hr Ship do do Sclir do do Ship Mirioii W.ipclla St JoH "pli Ukraine Toscana Rom t B. 8 -wall C. V. Minott Ori.Mit Amie C. S. Rogers Walton do d.> d> do do do do 813 23 Riohinond 443 OS PhipslMirg 312 17 Br.uiswiok 628 34 B ith 392 31 d ) 137 07 Rtcliaiond 1003 67 678 78 728 89 1258 53 729 58 728 73 814 16 S. II. Merritt Sa:n 1 Merritt T. Batclicld.^r Sa:n'l Mc-rritt G. H. Larrabee S. I). Bailey Ch 18. K.NicholsWm. & .las. Drummond W.V.MosesASous do A. M. Simpson San Francisco Albert Hathorn Bath R. Parington Bowdoinham E. »& A. S ?wall Bath Gjo. F. Patten K. & A.Sowall Wm. Rogers E. W. Randall James Chisam Jamo.s Auld Jos(!pIi S nail J. R. K dley F. M. Sti isoa Isaac L. Orr MaryC.Ro*evclt235 49 do Nellie Mitchell 177 15 F.innin.! Midas 55'J 81 do dale do do do A. D. AlexandorJ. P. Hitchcock do B. M. Melcher G. M. Melclicr New York I. D. Skillin-s Guy C. G*)88 Batli Henry W. Moses W.VMoses&Sons do F. A. Hu!isey T. J. Southard Richmond D. C. Rogers Chas. V. Minott Bath Ray T. Lewis E. G. Simpson San Francisco .Tas. T. Morse Frank O. Moses B ith C.ilvin Ballard S. D. Bailey do A.J. Gilmoio T. .1. Soat.iard Richmond John Wilson T. J. Southard do Win. C.irney P. G. BradstreetNew York S. M. Whitney P. G. BradstieetBath aino 2.) 4.1 B ith 542 22 do 31 31 PiJipsburg Built in 1866. E. M. William^ Sa!nU'5l Snow Captain Provinootown E. K. Harding Bath G. F. Harding Chatham Minnie F, Louis •! Sarah L. Harding Wctterhorn 698 98 Bath Cascatelle 324 65 Richmond CarrioF.Roborts 42 16 B.ith Pomona 421 64Riclimond Laughing 31 00 Hath Wnters KatoDavonportl248 96 do Henry R. Otis C. Davenport Bath Pcmtiac 1198 66 do John H. Lowell F. Reed do Emma 763 41 Bowdoinham Abraham Rich John Ilarward do Nettie Currier 171 56Bath A. P. Curiier Goss & Sawyer do A.P.Jordan 181 29Biunswick H. W. Greon A. P. Jo.dan San Francisco Morning Star 22 54Bath John Laffey Captain Boston Matterhoru 1327 91 do Pelog Curtis E.ifeA.Scwall Bath •F. M. Sllnson E. & A. Sewall Bath G. A. Bickford P. M. WhitmoroRichmond N. R. NewcombCapiain Swampscott Frank W.BrownT. J. Southard Richmond Paul Newell Captain Swampscott 44 Brig Ship do St'msli" Brig do Sobr do Brig Ship do do do Schr do Schr do do do Ship Schr Bark Schr Ship do Schr Ship Bark Ship do Brig Bark Ship Schr Ship do do Bark Ship Brig Ship do Bark Ship Schr Bark SIdp do do Name. Tons. Where Built. Master. Built in ] 866.— Coutiimed. Julia F. Carney 339 33Fariningdale Win. Carnny Owner. Hailing Port. Vermont 1279 29Bath Thos. Freeman 1250 00 do p Idaho 1077 13 do Lizzie M Morrill 458 3iRiolimond David Owen 383 llButh Golden City 22 39 do P. G. BradstroetNew York .rohu Hii,'^dns J. P. Bath Chas. Owen WVMoses&Sans do Jarvis Patten G.F.&J. Patten do S. R. Ulmer T. J. Soutiiard Richmond C.G.Ckadbouru Goss «fe Sawyer Bath Daminick King Captain Boston Silver Bell 168 52Farmingdale Jos. C. Bailey P. G. BradstreetNew York F. J. Mcrryman 217 90Bat:i H. M. Merry manGoss & Sawyer Bath China 1173 58 do Silas Weelcs HoiighUm Bros, do Alicia 1302 SORichmond S. W. Stuart Henry S. H igarRichmond Vigiilate 990 SoBowdoinhain H. W. Neally R. Pai-in:j:tou Bowd )iiih im Idaho 1226 4:2 Bath Ja^i. K. Murphy J&WDrummoiidHath Fi-auk Palmer 212 23 do Davi>l Guthrie A. Palmer do John Crooker 203 07 do Herbert Low Gosrf & Sawy^T do Built in 1867. Daniel Webster 24 Grace Choato 41 Lizzie D. 43 Saunders Cora Lee 47 Bombay 955 Chas.P. Barrett 47 Albert 510 David A. Osier 25 C. H. Soutliard 10J9 Alice M. Minott 1093 Alberti Story 39 Itasca 1396 Omaha 633 Wm. M. Reed 1290 St. James 1286 Josephine 236 FloriMHurlburt 494 Belle Morse 130T Jas. A. Crooker 101 15Bath 64 do 54 do 30 do 13 do 89 do 91Bowd'>inham 84Bath 28Riohmond 62Phiiisburg 90Bath 73 do 85 do 90 do 45Rich;iiond 97 Brans wick 47Richmoiid 19Bath 89 do Chas. L. Tildon Samuel Hall Howard Polanddptaiii Alfred SaundersJ. Story Jr. G. Saunders Jr F C. Jo -d m J. Blatchford Jr W. K. Maxwell Cha-«. W. Osier L. C.)jper A. J. LoweU Albert Story H. C. Tarbox Oziis Long E. P. Stinson S. R. Goo I Win I.S. Linscott A. M. Curtis L. S. Wymau T. S. Groves J. Story Jr. Wm. Rogers .J. Blatchford .lohn Harward Ciptain T. J. Southard C. V. Minott J. Story Jr. Alfred Lemout Captain F. &E. Reel •las. M. Hagar Jos. C. Given T. J. Southard .LP. Morse Alfred I.^mont Maishfleld Gloucester Rockport do Bath Gloucest.T Bath Gloucester Richmcmd Bath R)})q)ort B.itii Bosion Bath Richmond Brunswick Richmond Bath do Bui it in 1868. Jas. A. Wright 1273 77 Bath Riverside 1234 78 ilo Arcadia 1234 52 do C. O. Whitmore 894 49 do Hermou 1316 37 do Adelaide 218 44r*)p8ham Hercules 1279 40Bath Two Brothers 1382 65Farmingdale Harriet F. 684 77Richmond Huasey Geo. M. Adams 1303 OlBath Alice Oakes 146 ISPittston Lizzie H. 896 91B ith 1306 90Richraond EllenGoodspeedl290 97Bath Moses Day 1271 63Richmond Robt. F. Morse Fr i7ik O. Moses Bath E. W. Riud.ill WV^MosesJkSims «Io Be ij. Delano Housrhtini Bros, d.) D.MHamphre.y8J. H. Kimball X«c B ATH : FEN. Q. BARKER AND 00 MP ANT. 1878. Tabular Statemeiit of All Vessels Built and Enrolled in the District of Bath, Maine. Big. Name. Sclir Betsey Sloop do do Sclir Industry Friendship Industry Betsey Sloop do Industry Jannett Tons. Where Built. Master. Ovmer. Sloop Nancy Built in irSl. 22 41 Harps well J. Cushman Captain Built in 1783. 93 52 Topsham TI103. FillobrownOaptain 93 38 Batli Simeon Turner Captain 93 36 Topsham Tiios. Patten Captain 25 28 Georjjetown Geo. Gardiner Thos. Leigh Built in 1784. 103 30 Topsham Sam'lJameson John Dunlap 95 18 Bath Jacob Low Captain Built in 1783. 103 55 Georffetown Sam'l Howard Captain Built in 1786. Hailing Port. Hai*p8well Topsbam Bath Topsham Georgetown Brunswick Bath Geergetown Sloop Speedwell 50 00 Bath A. Whitmore Captain Bath Schr Harmony m 58 Brunswick Nath'l Melcber Captain Built in 1787t Brunswick Schr Dolphin 31 39 Brunswick Jas. WhltehouseCaptain Bath do Fox 21 74 Bath Jas. Leiiiont Built in 1788* do Scbr Dolphin 22 75 Bath Samuel Wildes Francis WymauBath Built in 1790^ Scbr Betsy 23 1 Brunswick John Coombs Captain Built in J 791. Brunswick Schr Hannah 39 00 Harpswell Levi Dlngley Isaac Snow Built in 1792. Harpswell Sloop Hannah 32 42 Pittston FreebornGravesCaptain Pittston Schr Betsy 113 44 do Chas. Porter Reuben Mooers do do Betsy 21 90 Georgetown N. Sylvester Captain Bath do Phoenix 53 70 Brunswick Hezekia-b Rich John Snow Built in 1793« Brunswick Schr Minerva 94 55 Brunswick Nath'l Melcber Wm. King Bath do Speedwell 34 9 do John Coombs Captain Built in 1794. Bruaswick Sloop Olive 35 39 Plltston Jere Folsom Alvin Nye Pittston Schr Utility 92 37 Bath Walter Tborp David Trufant Bath do Sally 92 35 Winslow Francis Rittal John Getchell Winslow do Zilpha 94 72 Hallowell Benj. Guild John 0. Page Hallowell do Redress 101 66 Bath MartinBrewsterCaptain Bath Sloop Lucy 86 48 do Samuel Snew Captain Brunswick 52 Sclir Sloop do Schr Schr Sloop Sclir do do do do do do Sloop Schr do Sloop Sclir do Schr do do do do Schr do Schr do do Schr do Sloop Sloop do Schr Sloop Sclir Schr Schr Sloop Name. Fanny Kite Industry Orange Polly Industry Friendship Minerva Wm. & Joseph Commerce Hlbernia Nancy Harmony Sally Sophia Harriet Hercules Sally Sally Benja Friendship Patty Betsy WiUiam Hannah Sumner Fox Lydia Topsham Three Sisters Active Bowdoin Leonidas Charlotte Packet M;iine Neptuue Samuel Lucy Nancy Tons. 39 79 32 28 48 66 129 34 23 61 86 3 74 77 113 45 119 29 102 29 25 00 106 17 111 58 87 5 37 41 101 00 69 24 41 S8 87 5 46 18 23 59 40 60 46 11 88 77 116 63 103 10 99 24 24 57 109 39 91 42 76 46 27 33 76 2 76 42 101 26 74 4 36 48 38 54 Where Built. Master. Owiur. Built in 1795. Harpswell Timothy Kemp John Snow Bath MartinBrewsterDavis Sumner Bowdoinham Jolm Sanford Captaiu Brunswick Robert Given Captain BuUt ill 1796. Bath R. Hutchinson John Sprague Hallo well StephenHiukleyCaptaiu do Daniel Carr Captain do Nathan Weston Captain do S. Twycross James Burton Georgetown Wm. Spear Captain Hallowell Mark Smith John Shepard Brunswick W. Farrin Captain do Nath'l Melcher Captain Built in 1797. Bath do Hallowell do Brunswick Bath Joseph Hall David Trufant E. Pettingill Captain James SpringerCaptaiu Samuel Lilly John Shepard J. Ciishman Joseph Hall Captain Captain Built ill 1798. Benj. Emmons John Sprague Chas. Cowing Jas. Dunning James Rogers Georgetown David Bearcy Bath Wm. Dingley Brunswick Ezra Tubbs Georgetown .lohnMcreen Brunswick Henry Totman Built in 1799. Pittston Samuel OakmanSam'l Oakman Hallowell Wm. Dorr Built In ISOOi Bath Jos. Hall Bowdoinham Thos. Adams Topsham Robert Patten Built in 1801. Georgetown Samuel Wildes Bath Samuel Pattee Bowdoinham Nath'l Purinton Nath'l Stetson Built in 1802. Augusta Ely ah Hinkley Bath John Rush Hallowell Wm. Pool Built in 1803. Hallowell Seth Littlefleld J. O. Dummer do James Springer Captain Built in 1804. Hallowell James Springer Peter Grant Built in 1S03. Brunswick David Farren Chas. Cowing Georg(!town Edward Paine Captain David Trufant James Rogers Captain Ezk'l Benson J. McFadden Peter T. Vose Joshua Shaw Captain Hailing Port. Harpswell Bath Bowdoinham Brunswick Bath Hallowell do do do Bath Hallowell Brunswick do Bath do Hallowell do Brunswick Bath Bath do Brunswick Bath Brunswick Pittston Hallowell Bath Bowdoinham Topsham Georgetown do Bowdoinham Augusta Bath Hallowell Hallowell do Hallowell Branswick Georgetown 53 Rig. Tons. Where Built. Master. Built In 3S06. Owner. Hailing Port. Sloop Eliza & Julia 47 16 HallowoU Shubael West Leonard Morry Hallowell Scbi- Eunice & SaUy T5 58 Vassalboio Benj. Howes Levi Thatcher Vassalboro do Charles 71 23 Brunswick .1. Ciishman Captain Brunswick Built in 1S07. Schr Olive 113 48 Hallowell Cbas. Swift A. Ballard Hallowell Sloop Adoniram 52 5 Georgetown Sam'l L. Roger sBenJ. EmuioMS Georgetown Schr Thomas 70 6 Waterville Levi Palmer F. P. Stetson Bath d.) Kenneoeck 86 84 Hallowell Neh'm'h Hawes John 0. Page Hallowell do Smart 140 26 Bath Moses Owen Wm. Torrey Bath Built in 1808* Solir Fish HawTc 21 Brunswick James Curtis Captain Brunswick Sloop Deflauce 28 53 Ge()^^etown Levi Wallace Wju. Wallace Georgetown Schi- L'M)pard 75 49 Topsham Joseph Carr Jas. Sampson Topsham do Rambler 24 83 Georgetown Jno. Stinson Benj. Swift Georgetown Sloop Keunibis 54 19 Augusta Ansel Nye Nahum Wood Augusta Schr Volant 105 60 Hallowell Ephralm Butler E. Emmersou Hallowell Built In 1809. Schr WelcomeReturull5 43 Dresden J. W. Saunders Captain Dresden Bniitin 1810. Schr Hope 121 85 Brunswick E. Woodward Dan'l Stone Brunswick do Churles 80 95 Bath Joseph Hall John Arnold Hallowell do Caroline 69 81 Vassalboro Wm. Pool J. Webber Augusta Built in 1811. Schr Olive Branch 140 60 Gardiner B. Robinson Wm. Purington Gardiner do Native 137 Hallowell Thos. Hinkley Sam'l Hodgdon Hallowell Sloop Union 72 Bath Geo. Gardiner Isaiah Crookei • Bath do Alert 90 62 Augusta Aaron Hinkley Moody Thurlo Augusta do Miiry 97 Bath Jt)hn Matliews Peleg Tallman Bath Built in ISlii. Sloop WA-shington 80 Bath Pack«f Ansel Nye I. C. Loring Bath do Aur »ra 60 54 Waterville Wm. Poole Asa Redlngton Hallowell Schr Elvira 63 Vassiilboro Jonah Howse jKuies Thatcher do do Hannah 46 18 Brunswick Jam(\s Hull Johnson Hall Brunswick do Wasp 99 Hallowell James Springer N. B. Dingley Bath Sloop Jane 75 62 Bowdoiiiham J. Brown Jr. Joslah C. Colt^y ' do do Primrose Tl 67 Hallowell Wm. West Wm. LivcrmorcHallowell Bnill ; In 1814. Schr William 34 62 Phipsburg Samuel Mereen T. Batcheldei- Phipsburg do Onziinbo 22 71 Batli Isaiah Ciookei • Captain Bath do Dolphin 28 34 do Joseph Hull Gilbert Tiniant do do Etdus 63 37 do John Mai ho we 1 N . Harding do do John Barnard L 48 do Sam'l SwantoTi I Edward Wood do Sloop Mttry 22 30 Hallowell Oliver Wyniaii 1 Captain Hallowell Schr Ann 40 Pittston Henry Kmibull Natli'l Kimball Gardiner do Cliauney 21 31 Hallowell Obe^l Hussey Captain Hallowell Sloop Traveller 02 46 do Aaron H. Davis Captain do S<-hr Strunirer 30 38 Phipsburg James Todd Moses Morrison Pliipeburg 54 Rig. Sclir do do Sloop do Name, Tons. Where Built. Master. Built in 18 J 3. Hailing Port. Portonmus 92 Bowdoinliam J. A. Tupper Barzilla White Bath Samuel 142 4A Hallowell Moses Springer Peter Grant Hallowell Gen. Jackson 100 do John Moor Arthur Berry Gardiner Ariadne 59 do S. Butler N. Batchelder Hallowell Siren 114 Brunswick James Ross Robert Holmes Brunswick BuUt in 1816. Schr Sloop Sohr Schr do do do do Brig Schr do do do do do Sloop Schr do Brig Schr do do Ei^ht Sisters 39 Volaut 82 Dian 24 Three Sisters 29 Kennebeck 102 Trader Commerce 65 Neptune 156 Liberty 28 Piiir America 130 Emmeline 128 Reuben 33 Philenia 47 Nancy «fe Mary 87 Ann 41 Eliza & Nancy 82 Jane 39 Favorite 103 Herald 97 Eliza 168 Ratler 100 Cora 93 Eliza 106 2 Georgetown do do 36 Phipsburg 23 Hallowell Harps well 52 Pittston 54 Briiuswiek do Pittston Harps well Georgetown do Pbipsbuig 45 Augusta Phips'uirg Bath do Bowdoiuhiim 00 Bath Georgetown 30 Phipsburg E. Hiukley Edward Wood John Dun ton Davis Baker Joshna Carr Benj. Emmons Georgetown Benj.Dounell Bath DavidOIiver 4thGe<)rgetown A. Morrison Phipsburg Benj. Wales Hallowell Paul Snow A. Coombs Harpswell Reuben SteveneWm. G. Warner Hallowell Jacob Blake J. 8. Donnell Bath Wm. Stan wood C.Alexander Brunswick Wm. Freeman Thos. Freeman Pittston '^amnel Otis Captain Harpswell James Todd J. C. Whitmore Georgetown Benj. Oweu Jeremiah Fisher do John Butler Thomas Butler Bath Moody Til urlo JohuB.Soule Augusta Nath'l SylvesterCaptain PUipsburg B. Moody John M. Moody Bath John Ham Jerome Loring do J. A. Tupper Barzilla White do Saiiiuel HnrdingCaptain do Sam'l L. Rogers Wm. Potter do Jacob Bowker Captain do Built in l«ir. Schr do Sloop do Schr do do Sloop Schr do do do Sloop Schr Schr do Sloop Schr Wm. & Emeline Betsey & Mary Mary Jane Susan Three Brothers Anchorey Maxamillian Mentor Sally Ann Rambler Neptune Hope Louise Carpenter Nancy William Eliza Telegraph 118 Hallowell 23 Phipsburg 64 46 Harpswell 81 Bath 74 48 do 117 Gardiner 44 Pbipsburg 68 Gardiner 69 Pittsion 108 do 77 Bath 61 Phipsburg 55 do 104 Woolwich Silas T. 1 bourne John Oliver Jr. Daniel Curtis N. Harding Samuel Preble James Marstou John Wyman Oliver Colbnrn Jabez Dingley James Bli.ih L. Blackniore T. Batchelder Arthur Percy D. G. Stinson Simeon Norris A. Morrison Henry Merritt J. Richardson Daifiil Young Captain Captain S. Bradstreet Gideon Farrell Captain B. Robin sou Captain Captain John Stinson Hallowell Phipsburg Harpswell Bath do GardinftT Phiijsburg Gardiner Hallowell do Bath Phipsburg do Bath Built in 1818. 30 Phipsburg N. Blaisdell D. Blaisdell Jr. Phipsburg 36 do Abraham Day A. Drummond do 76 Brunswick Sam'l Douglass David Dunlap Bath 87 Hallowell Silas Loud VV. G. Warren Hallowell 00 Hig. Name. Tons. Where Built. Master. Built iu 1818.-€oj»tiniietaiu Bath Brig Enterprise 161 do John Matthews JosephConillard do do Katharine 148 66 Bowdoinham • . AsaKi'ith. Cai»tain do Built In 1823* Brig Jolm Marshall 197 70 Phipsbnrg J, Drummond P. Drummond Phipsburg Schr Lively 21 Gardiner Enoch Dill Captain Gardiuer do Equal 65 24 Georgetown Ephrainj FullerBenj. Emmons Georgetown Brig En 37 Ha'lowoU Eh'^u B )vv I. C. Dwi-ht H:«llowell do Diana 199 Bath George Hues Thos. Agry Bath Schr Delia Belcher 66 GariUner James Tarbox Eh'zer Tarbox Gardiner Brig John Ollin 175 Hallowoll James Keene Rufus K. Page Hii Howell do Laurel 167 57 do Bartlett Weeks Richard Clay Gardiner do Brilliant 244 58 Bath John Patten Geo. F. Patten Bath Built in 1824. Schr Harmony 71 Bath S. Thompson Gilbert Tr uf ant Bfith do Franklin 66 60 Hn Howell N.N. Butler Isaac Smith Hallowell do Hill 63 Phipsbnrg P. Morrison Ebon Arnold Batli do Elmira 125 Pitts ton .lohn Scott JonatlianYoungPittston Brig Orbit 199 38 Bath Sam'l Swanton Amos Lunt Bath do Clarissa Ann 276 do Moses Owen Levi Houghton do 56 Big. Schr do do do do do do do do Ship Brig do Schr do do Schi' do do do do Stearub' Schr Sloop Schr Brig Schr do Brig do Sclir do do do do do do Brig do Schr Brig do Schr do do do do Briff do Ship Brig Name. Enterprise Washington Debenture Maty Albion Echo Packet Eiza Octavia Maiy Ann CiSfsaiider Lewis Geoige Sukey Galiixy Gl>be Horatio Claiissa Helen Hannah Exchange tWarerville Jasper Director Boliver Julia S.dar Forrester John Adams Cavoline Brilliant Wellington Scott Ciiravan Ouklands Twin Grecian B".UtU8 Ann Eliza Sus:in Mary Guv. Fcnuer Shamrock Morgianna Sidney D borah Conciusion Pelican Topaz Droiuo Lotus William Henry Tons. Where Built. Built 46 32 Lisbon 70 Hallowell 86 52 Vassalboro Hallowell Phii>8burg 43 G('or-;etown Hallowell 67 Pittston Woolwich 74 Hallowell 68 Bath do 44 Georgetown 58 Vassalboro 35 Gardiner Built Pittston 31 Augusta do 20 Phipsburg 35 Harps we II 78 Bath 16 Georgetown 41 Phipsbnrg 78 Hallowell 72 Pittston 40 Georgetown 11 Hallowell 00 do 00 Gardiner Built 27 Waterville Vassal bo lo Pittston 63 Phipsburg 18 Gardiner Georgetown 34 Hallowell 30 Augusta 37 Topsham 39 Bath 62 Bowdoinham 62 Gardiner Built Hallowell 12 Sidney 5i Ga diner Georgetown 14 Wo.lwich Hallowell 63 Phipsburg Pittston 49 Bath Master. Ovoner. Hailing Port. 65 49 54 86 94 54 299 247 251 62 102 24 44 166 77 117 129 145 iu 1825. Jacob Blake James Talman Bath Isaac Smith Captain Hallowell James Blish J. Southwick do Andrew Brown Ebeneber White do Paul Snow Wm. Hutchins Phipsburg Tyler Hodgdon Benj. Swett Bath Wm. Lowell Abner Lowell Hallowell Thos. Hiukley Henry Getchell do J. HunnewellJr.J. Huiinewell Bath Samuel Smith Rufus K. Page Hallowell L. Blackmore Benj. Robinson Bath Wm. Patten Geo. F. Patten do J. Drunimond Benj. Emmons Georgetown Jas. Bailey J. Southwick Hallowell Abner Phinney Sam'l B. TarboxGardiner in 1826. Bartlett Weeks Henry Getchell Hallowell Joshua Heath Eben Caldwell Augusta Alex Hues John Evoleth Wm. Hutchins Captain Bernard Wilson W. Getchell Keu.St'rNav.Co.Robert Smith Moses Spinney Benj. Rackliff do Phipsburg Bath do Gi'oigetown Phipsburg - Hallowell 124 77 81 60 65 198 184 117 202 227 74 79 89 101 22 193 133 293 249 Thos. Oliver Wm. Wyman E. L. Butler Captain N. Kimball Henry Getchell GardiuBr Chas. Trott Thos. Emmons Bath Wm. Byram James Lowell Hallowell Stephen Brown Isaac Smith do Abner Spinney Wm. BradstreetGanliner ill 1827. Andrew Brown K. G. Robiu'^on Hallowell J. Cromniett A. Gaidiner do John Scott Captain Pitfston Richard Coombs Wm. Sprague Bath James Tarbox Captain Gaidiner John Perkins Tho.^. Emmons Georgetown Isaac Gage Captain Hallowell S. Davenport John Eveleth Augusta J. O. Reed Captain Toi>,sham Nath'l Harding Captain Batii Jno. Blanchai'd Jas. W. Sanford do Wm. Crawford Wm. BradstreetGardiuer iu 1828. Merrill Tibbettslsaac Smith Hallowell Abishai Soule Captain Augusta John Jewett Michael Burns Gardiner Thos. Percy Thos. Emmons Bath J. H. Wallis Eben'r Delano Woolwich Stephen Breen K. G. Robinson Hallowell F. Woodbnry David Stinson Bath Samuel Watts Kufus K. Page Hallowell R. Johnson Thos, Howard Bath 67 Hig. 8chr do do do do do do do do do do do BrlK Schr Sebr do do d> do do Sclfr do do Name. Clew Maine Einorald Triumph Pearl Delta Emulous Alacrity Miirtba Leopard Jacksou Tons. Where Built. Built 40 64 88 70 79 25 60 68 95 63 99 32 99 30 109 71 89 36 64 28 121 AndrewJacksoti 98 76 Otis 146 42 Cuba 122 Maria Jane 124 64 Harriet Frances 97 26 Herald 87 Glide 47 41 Progress 76 31 Ant I 74 Georgetown Hallo well Va.ssalboro Batb Ha Howell Sidney Batli Vassalboro Waterville Richmond Dresden Topsham Hallowell Phipsbnrg Built Pittston do Hallowell do Georgetown Batb Master. Owner. HaWng Port. in 1830. Tbos. Emmons D. C. Magoun Bath Isaac Smith Captain Hallowell Jabez Lewis Captain Augusta Benj. Curtis Tbos. P. StetsonBath Andrew Brown K. G. Robinson Hallowell Cbas. Webber A. Rediugton Augusta C. Thomas Wm. D. Sewall Bath M.Tibbetts Dan'l Marshall Hallowell Rufus Ellis Russell Ellis do John Deunison John Stuart Richmond Thos.I.GoodwinSam'l F. Blair Dresden Robt. BosworthSam'l Veazie Topsham True P. HayuesJ. Batchelder Hallowell Francis Kelley James Duly Bath In 1S30. - Samuel Alley Chas. Thayer Dresden Levi Low John Otis Hallowell Andrew Brown K. G. Robiusou do Samuel Walker Isaac Smith do S. r. Lemont Benj. Rlggs Bath C. Thomas Jacob Robinson do Built in 1H31. Fair Play 68 28 Bowdoinham J. Johnson John S. MitohellBath Experiment 23 76 Pittston Dan'l BrookingsBeuj. Shaw Gardiner Bonny Boat 99 51 Hallowell James Tarbox do 8c hr do do do do do Stearab'tTiconic Nile Abigail Banner Mary Nancy Avon New Bedford Built in 1832. 102 44 Hallowell Isaac Smith 61 Bowdoinham David Curtis Schr do do Brig Schr do Brig Schr do Schr do do do do Brig Schr Girard Hiram Nantucket Andes Signet Crown Panope Cherokee Caroliue Eric Actress Olive Branch Harrison Hellespont William Jones Texas 92 63 Hallowell 86 63 Bowdoinham 102 26 Hallowell 95 34 Sidney 99 92 Gardiner 120 68 Pittston 113 68 do 74 54 Vassalboro 112 53 Hallowell 98 79 Pittston 49 Bath 142 8 Gardiner 72 16 Hallowell 107 10 Gardiner James Blish J. Higgins E, K. Bryant Captniu Hallowell Jeremiah MillayBath Captain Hallowell Josiah Merrow Bath Andrew Brown Captain Hallowell S. Ingraham Elias Craig Augusta Gardiner & Wa-Gardiner tervllle Steam- boat Co. Alex. Nickels Alex. Cooper Pittston John Soott Dan'l Scott do Elijah Hawes Alex. Gardiner Augusta True B. HaynesW. H. Eastman Hallowell Thos.Simmons N. Kimball ZachariahChaseJ. Williams Seth Gay Jr. Sam'l Clay Wm. Lewis Simon Page John Collins S. B. Tarbox Gardiner Bath Gardiner Hallowell Gardiner Built in 1833. 64 38 Gardiner John Moore Wm. N. SpringerGardlner 81 20 Hallowell 155 81 Pittston 117 41 Brunswick 120 81 Sidney 196 24 Hallowell 84 61 do Abislia Simie Chas. Cooper J. Woodward Chas. H. Beck Captain Augusta Alex. Cooper Pittston Joseph Badger Brunswick Elias Craig Jr. Augusta True B. HaynesD. Lancaster Hallowell Sam'l Walker J ames Atkins do 68 RUf, Schr do do do Brig Bohr do Sbip Schr do do Brig Schr Schr do do Sloop Scbr do] do do do S/ehr do do do do Brig Name. Ton$, H'hert Built. Master. Built in 1834. Owner. Hailing Port. Louisa Lexington Forester New York Coral 38 77 Woolwicli David F. Soule Andrew TarboxWoolwicli 123 84 Sidney 95 15 Brunswick 118 71 Phipsburg 134 76 Pittstou N. Perry Jr. E. H. Russell Thos. Cusbing Thomas Dow Mark Nason Augusta J. Robinson Batb Wm. Wynian do Stepben Young Pittston Built in 1835. Rhine 109 69 Ha Ho well Miranda Jane 39 69 Georgetown Spring 283 40 Bath Yankee 96 76 do Warsaw 138 Gardiner Henry A. Breed 130 63 do Wave 146 88 Waterville Forest 113 43 Woolwich Isaac Stuitb Captain Hallowell Tbos. Oliver E. P. Swett Georgetown David Rich Tbos. P.Stetson Bath Edward Wood A. W. Boynton do Mason Damon J. P. Hunter Gardiner J. M. BrookingsW. L. Wheeler Augusta Jabez Lewis Jos. M. Moor Hallowell Cbas. W. CarterGould Hatborn Woolwich Built in 1H3«. Three Brothers 27 32 Georgetown Aldeu Jewett MoseaJewett Bath Consul Texas Gleaner Octaria Adeline Union Lebanon Climax 99 91 Sidney G. A. Dickmun Captain Augusta 108 72 Richmond Joseph Small John U.Avery Richmoud 42 8 Bath C.C.Robinson Benj Robinson Bath 98 44 Bowdoinham N. H. MacomberHenry SampsonBowdoinham 33 71 Pbip8l)urg John Mclntire Jacob Foot Phipsburg 35 74 Bowdoinham J onatbaiiBrowuMoses Merrill Bowdoiuhai^ 120 20 Richmond EdwinCampbellElias Colby Richmond 107 29 Bath I.Woodward Davis Hatch Bath Built in 1837. Ensign Wave Androscoggin Androscoggin Reindeer Nimrod 53 21 Georgetown 30 Georgetown 146 77 Brunswick 69 65 Topsham W. R. Swett Moses Jewett Peltiah RackleffDavid Oliver N. M. Decker B. Townsend Enos MerrymanChas. White 80 41 Bowdoinham John Carr Jas. Sami)son 197 40 Hallowell Isaac Smith Jr. Isaac Smith Built in 1838. Bath Georgetown Bruiiswiek Topsham Bowdoinham Hallowell Schr Canton Steamb'tMinerva Bark Fairfield Schr New England Schr Brunswick do Laurel do Gazelle Schr Bazar Brig Chiua Schr Mary Chase 106 41 Pittston B. L. Hinkley Thos. B. BrooksHallowell 54 11 Vassalboio Nathan Faunce J. Simthwick Vassalboro 198 44 Gardiner Wm. Cutts Wm. BradstreetGardiner 65 13 Georgetown Levi Jewell Moses Jewell Bath Bruilt in 1839. 74 Bi'unswick 57 53 Richmond 112 67 Pittstou J. Woodward Peter Jordan Brunswick Jas. Linscott John W. Avery Riehmond Gideon Buuicer John Jewett Pittnton Built in 1840. 22 14 Bath 181 52 Richmond 92 70 Topsham Geo. Moody Jos. Small Robt. Chase Schr Bark Harriet Ann Convoy, Bailt in 184J. 98 80 Georgetown I. H. Lindsey 249 40 Bowdoinham Wm. Carney J. S. Gray Bath T. J. Southard Richmond Joseph Badger Brunswick Joseph Berry Bath Jas. Carney Jr. do 59 Hig. Name. Schr Savunuah Bri;< Iiu porter Sebr Mury Stoumb't Water Wit eh Bil;,' IJertiard Ton$. Where Built. Master. Built in 1H4'2. Owner. Hailing Port. Hchv Colonulu Schr Ticonie dii Roch»?8tc>r do Charleston Steamb'tExperimeiit Steam Schr Tlicress Schr Odd Fellow du Essex do Auuawan 97 Richmond Eli Merryiuan T. .1. Southard Richmond 18188 do J. Hathorn J.J. Hathon* do "5 76 do J. H. ViuoureuxJ. H. Vi«;oureuxGardiner 41 90 Wulerrille Wm. Moor I)«niel Mooie Jr. Water ville IGJ 5 Topsiiam Saiu'l T.DonnellH. C. Bailey Siith 114 17 Gardiner Wra. Swan Edward B.SwauGardiuer linilt in 1M43. 139 45 Aug:'.8ta Z. S. Daly Henry WilliamsAugusta 89 10 Richmond Daniel Buker T. J. Southard Richmond 98 33 do Dexter White T. J. Southard do 60 53 Pittston EbenezerBeard Captain Gardiner Built in 1844. 199 13 Bath Wtu. H. Byram Nath'l Kimball Gardiaer 99 4*2 Augusta Wm. Reed.)r. W. P. Hallett Augusta 61 93 Arrowsic Gilbert Simle Andrew TarboxAirowsio 21 34 Phipsburg Tho-*. Williams D.. Cutting ' Bath do Wilmington 123 18 Richmond A. H. Curtis T. J. Southard Richmond Bark J. din Wiutlirop 199 40 Phipsburg Milton Mereen Wm. H. Morse Bath ' Built in 1845. Schi' do do do do do do Steamb Schr do do Brig Schr Brig do Bark Schr do do Brig Schr do do do do Brig do Bark Brig Somerset Yucatan Oregon Splendid Orion Harbing er A. Emery tNequasHet Sylva Wildes Eiiti' Alexandria Stephen Youhg Bath Globe Nuritiski NachoocUee 101 92 Augusta 106 70 Richmond 40 62 Georgetown 21 Richmond 37 4 Georgetown 36 15 do 99 47 Phipsburg 99 27 Bath 70 13 Phipsburg 98 56 Bowdoinliaui 111 83 Augusta 198 73 Pittston 99 34 Kath 208 24 Pittston 160 79 Hallowell 252 74 Augusta Built B. L. Hinkley G. C. Child Thos . H. Ellis Wm. A Brooks Jas. B. Perkins Moses Rlggs David MerrimanCaptain W, Oliver B. S. Oliver James Oliver Arthur Oliver A. Emery Captain M. L. Tn»tt J. C. Tallmau Geo. W. Wildes Sam'l D. Reed Chas. P. Quint Wm. H. Lunt Sam'l Riindall Jos. Williams John T. Moore Stephen Young Pittston C. S. Robinson C«feW.D.CrookerBath Reuben ColburnCaptain Hallowell Isaac Smith Captain do Theo Smith H. WMlli^ms Augusta in 1846. Augusta do Bath Richmond Georgetown do Phipsburg Bath do Bowdoinham Augusta Empii-e 25 55 Arrowsio 129 50 Bath Montezuma 149 72 Richmond Oriole 185 36 Augusta A thos 138 31 Pittston Nequasset 48 71 Wotdwich Glenroy 143 77 Gardiner Mary Jane 138 51 Woolwich Susan Waidwelll34 36 Pittston Maria 129 9 Augusta E. G. Pierce 149 29 Gardiner James Smith 236 56 Pittston Metallak 145 47 Dresden Wm. Fisher K. W. Stearns Jolin Thomas Sam'l Gill Jr. Captain Batli Wm. Ledyard do T. J. Southard Richmond Daniel Cony Augusta John Hazeltine W. B. HazeltiueGardiner Thomas DuntonJohu Stinson Woolwich Silas Duell J. Lowell Jr. Gaidiner Lincoln Webb Gould Hathorn Bath J. R. Hodgkins John Jewett Pittston Wm. Freeman T. H. Haskell Anuusta Geo. F. Carr Peter Grant Gardiner Calvin Ballard A. B. Morton Hallowell Geo. Plummer Samuel Alley Dresden 60 Big. yame. Tons. WAer* Built. Master. Owner. Hailing P»rt Built In 1847. Sclir John Bell 66 88 WoolwtQH* 8. M. ThompsonJohn Thwing Woolwich do Henry Freeling 141 45 Augi*stft Chas. H. Beck Daniel Waldrot \ Auguslft do George 21 83 Georgetown Wm. Snowman Captain Georgetown do Naiiseag 62 18 Woolwich John Leonard John Stinson Woolwich BriK Torno 149 24 Gardiner Hlrara M arson Mason Damon Hallo well Schr George Davis 72 43 Topsham Jeremiah Fogg Geo. Davis Bath Brig Caroline Blen 168 Dresden .loshua Bleu P. H. Houdletto Dresden Bark Winthrop 217 57 Augusta Thomas H. Ellisl. H. Randall Augusta Schr James Henry 80 35 Bath C. Thomas Jr. A. B. Robinson Bath do Alvardo 133 15 Pittston A. D. Copeland F. Stevens Pittston Kark T. W. Hoxie 246 13 Richmond Israel .1. Preble .)ohn W. Avery Richmond Built in 1848. Schr General Scott 108 91 Woolwich G. E. BrookingsWra. A. Potter Woolwich Bark Mary Melville 235 83 Pittston J. M. Copeland Jas. Bailey Pittston Briff Lamartine 148 21 Augusta E, G. Reed Dau'l Waldrou Augusta do Mary Wilder 213 86 Pittston M. J. Milliken Wm. Cooper Pittston Steamer Lawrence 45 18 Water vi He Isaac Shepard Wm. Moor Waterville Schr Eagle 134 66 }oro Bark Angeline B. Sturg 209 75 do is .Fohn D. Carlisteira D. Stur^is Augusta Srlir Virginia 132 39 Richmond Peter Nelson H. Springer Richmond Steamer Seguin 96 26 Bath B. W. Morse Captain Bath do Old Zach 55 56 Waterville Otis Getchell W. Getchell Waterville Bnilt in 1851. Brig Abby Jones 209 33 Augusta R. H. Levitt S. C. Gage Auuusta Schr Telegraph 37 26 Harpswell Z. Rich Jr. Captain Harpswell Steamer Clinton 43 40 Gardiner Geo. Jewett N. Kimball Gardiner Schr No. One 24 58 Georiretown Francis Low Moses Riggs Georgetown Schr Lively 101 82 Chelsea John Johnson Job Pierce Gardiner Bnilt in 185'^. Schr Bloomer do Querean Steamer Teazer Ship Peerlesss 21 68 Georgetown Thos. Stevens .T. Trafton Georgetown 52 23 Arrowaic Wra. Willis Moses R. White Arrowsic 87 10 Farraingdale Chas. H. Beck N. Kimball Farmingdale 632 91 Richmond DavisBlanchardWm. Patten Richmond 61 Hig. Nam*. Tons. Where Built. Master. Built in 1833. Owner. IIMUHg Port. Bark Adelaide Coopor395 72 Pittstou Waldo Collins Wm. Cooper Pittston Schr Ebeii Sawyer 127 30 Richmond . Josepli Rowse A. Gardiner Richmond do Li^Mire 131 5 Richmond Seth Norton Randall & White do do Almira 34 51 Phipsbiirg Tullman Lowell Captain Phlpsburg do Danube 158 57 Vassalboro N. P. Sturgis Captain Augn.sta do William 100 20 Georgetown Wm. Snowman Ciiptaiu Georgetown Ship Piideof Aiuerical826 SORichiuoud J. Hathorn Wm. Patten Richmond Schr Wm.L. Crosby 241 64 Arrow sio Elwell P. Swe:t Wm. L. Crosby Bath Bui«t in lSa4. Britf Rolling Wave 236 75 Bowdoinhara D. C. Rogers Joseph Berry Bath • Schr Frauk Pierce 22 58 Georgotown C. Tarbax Noih Webber do Brig Ciicsapi'ake 298 47 Richmond A. A. Coruisli Robert Spear Richmond Schr Know Nothing 49 64 Bath Henry Groves Captain Bath Bri« Moruiii;^ Light 269 19 do Luke W. Heard .1. Winslow do do Gcraniuiu 433 30 Farmingdale HenryM. PieroeE. G. Pierce Farmingdale do La Grange 320 11 Pittstou Ira Maxcey N. Kimball Gardiner do ShibbolHth 264 6 Richmond Elwell Parks Chas. Buker Richmond Built in 1855. Scljr Czar 85 71 Pittston Wm. P. Derry Captain Pittston do!t 235 91 Hallo well Samul VValker Thomas Leigh Hallowell do Rescue 35 27 Georgetown Martin Trafton Captain Georgetown do (Tcorge Darby 238 54 Augusta Samuel Gill Jr. r. B. Smith Augusta B.iK Floreutine 256 do Geo. W. Perry C. A. Lambard do do Melvin 241 40 Richmond J- Hathorn Captain Richmond do Ganges 374 64 do Matthew Spear Thos.Spear Jr. do Built in 1856. Sloop -76" 24 82 Bath N. W. Winslow Captain Bath Schr Orville 37 40 do J.H.Thomas David Deering do do Brazil 116 56 Augusta Thos. R. Pool F. Barker Augusta do Adeiiza 113 84 do J. Britt Jr. A. A. Bittner do do Melrose 48 51 Woolwich Hiram Norton Wm.G.Tibbetts Woolwich do Emma Ann 20 30 Georgetown Jotliam Trafton Captain Georgetown Schr Silver Dart 72 14 Richmond G.M.. WeymouthGeo. H. Gray Richmond Sloop Star 29 16 Bath E. F. Gerrish Joseph Huse Bath Built in 1857. Schr Highland Cliief 98 43 Georgetown S. Molndoe Chas.Stevens Georgetown do Angelina 110 26 do Thos. P. Scott A. J . Berry do do Eleetwing 49 93 do Jas. F. Oliver Jacob Olivrr 2d do do Julia Maine 126 42 Pittston Benj. O. Tarr Wm. Stevens 2d Pittston do Eluora 25 9 do F.S.Richards Samuel M arson do Schr Moneda Steamer C. W. Dexter Schr Sarah do Pearl do Coral Built in 1858. 28 32 Georgetown Moses O. OlivcrSilas C. Trafton Georgetown 110 85 Bowdoinham James B. Pratt N. Macomber Bowdoinham 23 25 Georgetown E. A. Emmi>n.s Captain Georgetown 2167 do Wm.H. Heath Chas.Stevens do 30 4 do Geo. W. Field Wm. S. Rowe do 6S Schr do do PiUritn's Proffress Effort Flyiug Tons. Where Built. Master. Qinier. Hailing Port. Built in 1850. 21 53 Harpswell Tlios. Wallace Sidney Wat.son Haipswell Diilchiiiau 38 do A9 io Phii>.sbiir<; Will. Catlln J. C. Rouers Sidney Watson do Cbas. V. Miuott Batli Built in 1^^6U. Sclir Alice do Alei-t Sloop Etiterpiise Steamer Augusta Sloop * Oreu 55 91 Perkins 53 1 Geoigorown 47 88 B.I til 56 9 AilgU'ita 47 42 Batii J. R. Hebbard M. F. Hebbaid Batli John Stevens Jolham TraftouGe.irgetowu Jas. M. Norton Clias. M. Norton IJatli Waltei-Getcbell Wiii.Bradstreet Allg^l^^ta Enoch Cobb Cuptaiu Bath Built in 1861 . Sloop Schr do do do Element Union Floral Wreath J. C. JamesKU Bonnie Eloise 23 17 Georgotovvn 24 76 Bath 54 11 do 47 7 Georgetown 47 35 Bath Levi B ^als C iptain John Blaisdell J. Rol>in.son Herbert Lovy Sihis Tivifton Francis lingers Captain Georgetown Baih Georgetowu do A. W. Roger: Built in 1862. Sloop Com. Foote 38 43 Bath I. N. Wildes do Hector 41 41 do T. J. Wlnslovv Schr Mary Snowman 35 28 Georgetown Geo. Snowma' Steamer City of Bath 490 75 Bath J. E. Brown Built in 1863. Will. 31. Rogers Bath Wm. Rice Bath Benj . L. White do Win. Snowman do Frank O. Mose-s do S teamer Ella Morse 196 Bath Sloop Fanny 25 40 Woolwich Ship Ellen Southard 828 01 Richmond Yazoo 284 59 do G(»ldeu Hind 985 73 Bath Clifton 476 78 do Gen. Grant 985 78 do Mary E. Rigg« 1124 20Phii>8burg Built in 1864. Brig Ship Bark Ship do Benj. W. Morse J. P. Morse Hath Warner M. SlienChas. N. Delano do Edward Howe T. J. Southard Riolimond Nathan 8. Dili H. S. Hagar do Tsaac Orr .1. Rideout Bath Jas. H. Trotr John Hayden do A. D.AlexauderJ. P. Mors*. do John S. Lowell C. V. Minott do J. W Wakefield Baih do Schr Adiianna 150 69 Bath do Gen. Grant 65 74 do Steamer Poarle.*8 128 31 do Sloop Frame 42 29 do Schr Gov. Cony 142 62 Augusta Sloop Bull R in 39 17 Phipsburg Steamer Hobomok 119 18 Richmond do Popham 68 58 Bath Schr Billow 77 08 do Bark Hattie MoiTi*5on5l6 66 Phipsburg Bark Nettiw 692 24 Brunswick Merryman Steamer H. S. Hagar 1094 86Richtnond D. Blanchard Henry S. HagarRichmoud C^ At this time the n«w system of measureraeut was adopted, the fraetiona representing hundredths instead of ninety-fifths. Ship Ida-Liliy 756 72 do Albert Minott Jas. M. Hagar do Bark Dirigo 454 87 Bath Benj. C. Blair J. Rideout Bath S. ,1 . WllllaiuH T. .T. Win^low Captain Benj. VV'. Moi'se J. P. Morse . Richnrd Savage W. H. Potter Chas. S. Brown Ira D. Sturgif A, W. Morse Captain D. Blancliard E. K. Harding Beiy. W. Morxe J. P. Morse Bartlett Morse Wm. Rice Jo.i. P. Perry S. H. Morrison do do do Phipsburg Ricliiuond Bath do do J. C. Merryman Rob't Pennell do 63 Hiff. Schr do do do do 81oop Schr di) do do di do do do do Sloop .Sclir do Steamer Bark »ehr d.» do do do i\o do do do da do do Sloop Sihr do Schr do Biig Schr do Sloop Schr do tlo do do do Tons Where Built. Mm$ter Owner. HaiHno Port. lluilt In 1 HtfA. Mary Geo. Howard Plmlbustah EiiiKnia St. Michael (:!arnet Zingo Kate 83 116 20 69 28 27 106 98 201 Lucy J. Watson 47 Coia( i rccu wood 32 Little Sadie Saldiio Vernal Ma.y Day H. J. Ilainbiu Ziiia Coinot Midnight Spray Lincoln 22 143 148 101 32 52 22 95 20 R36 VidettO 58 Aicola 77 Winnie Weston 47 Wui. Wahvorth 44 M.irion Draper 183 Petrel 89 EtomaA.Ciitting 71 Euleta 89 Nettie G.Ro we 21 Water Spirit 60 Matihla 32 John H. Perry 179 Dili go a.) •las. A. Crooker Hit Gleiiwood 82 Bath do do do do nuiit Bath do do do do Georg(!to\vn Bath Phipsbur^- Bath Bovvdoiiiham Bath Topshaui Bnth do do do Built Bath do Georgetown Bath Pittston Bath Phipibui'g Bath Georgetown Haipswoll Bath do da do do Built Frank Howard 141 60 Bath Congress 165 55 do Long Reach 225 69 do Hyue 155 61 Phipsburg Sen Queen 61 47 Bath Pearl 32 82 Perkins Addle Blaisdell 373 26 Bath George 128 41 Brunswick Gazelle 42 73 Btth Augustus E. 64 35 do Price Josephine 38 68 do Madawaska 63 06 do Maid J. J. Dunham Wm. Rogers Bath Thos. R. Pool Captain Augusta Henry S. White Geo. W, DuncauBath Jan. T. Morse Captain do D.Clancy C.C.Harrington do in INftO. H. X. Pai-k.s G'O. W. l^uncanBath David Gutluie Beiii. O. Weeks do Benj. Peters C. H. Rtain do Georgetown Silas C. Traf ton Captain do Bath Gilman A. Low Eastern Stenm- do boat Company F. H. Pervere E. H. Atwood Boston do Thomas Hagan Captain Bowdoiuham T. E. Newcomb Captain P. H. Oliver Captain C. R. Kelley J. Bourne Jr. Rinaldo Reed Captain G.G. Deering Captain Phipsburg John Howe C. V. Minott Bath Wellfleet Bath New Bedford Woolwich Bath do WarrenF. WileyE. H. Atwood Boston Schr Mary E. Hagan 34 25 Bath do Jesse Murdook 360 29 do do Sasanoa 83 39 Pliipsburg do J. R. Atwood 43 94 Bath do Peacedale 129 24 do Built in 1871. Jas. A. Sinnett S. H. Brijrham W. M. Christie Alden Besse Albert Weeks Jos. Bowker E. B. Atwood J. R. Atwood Bath Wwreham Bath Pl.vmou^h R. R. Baker Clark & CottrellNewport 65 Itig. Name. Tons. Scbr Starry Flag 59 50 do LonKWOOd 65 79 do E. L. Rowe 68 78 do C.B. Harrington 23 06 do Henry 73 84 Nickerson do Katie Mitchell 112 47 do AbbieFiankford 70 50 do Pathfinder 67 26 do Jobn E. Sanford425 20 Steamer Geo. H. Bradley 52 19 Sclir Wm. H. Foye 70 45 do Maggie W. 46 44 Where •Built. Master. Built In 1871.— Continued. Batli Geo. Morgan Owner. Hailing Port. Willard do Bar^e Revenue Yosemite 85 55 151 42 Sclir Calvin P. Harrl8465 08 do Robert Ruff 218 91 do James Ford 628 23 Steamer Cityof Rockland408 29 Sloop J. R. Hebbard 25 77 Schr Senora 222 75 do Wm. D. Hilton 324 83 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Perkins Pbipsburg Bath L.Andrewe&SonGloucester J. M. Rogers E. H. Atwood Boston G. G. Deering Captain Bath Mark Rand Jr Captain Southport N.C.WliittemoreH. Nickerson Harwich R. Eastman A. Robinson Benj. Oliver Jr. Captain Israel Jewell Captain H. A. Deane P. 8. Grlnnoll G. G. Deenng G. W. Willard Bath Wellfleet Bath Captain Taunton Geo. H. BradleyRockport Captain Bath Thomas Hagan do Thomas Small Jas. A. Crooker do Benj. W^ Morse Knick. Steam do Towage Co. J. M. Phillips Captain Taunton Jas.McDonald Captain Galveston R. P. Reynard B.M.C. Durfree Fall River Stephen Osgood K. &. L. R. R. Bath J. R. Hebbard P. M. Hebbard Perkins Thos. B. GloverC. V. Minott Bath J. M. Weaver Captain Jersey City BuUt in 1872. Schr Goldsmith Maid 51 24 Bath do do do Schr Mary O'Dell L. & D. Fiak Sophia Kranz Vision Yacht do Tempest do Romance Schr Henry H. Fisk 48 47 247 52 621 51 32 81 22 19 259 11 do Schr Yacht Schr do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Alfred W. Fisk 395 36 Haze 37 14 do do do do do do do do do Kate Lilly 92 Witch Hazel 251 Elwood Burton 360 Charles H. 621 Lawrence Uriah B. Fisk 613 Douglas Hayne8l73 Jonas H. Fr6ucb257 Alice Belle 277 CharlieStedman 84 Carrie Bonnell 96 Edward Waito White Wing Empress Cambridge Rival 479 394 355 71 129 86 Phipsburg 49 Bath 85 do 25 do 19 do 74 do 99 do 41 do 78 do 25 do 98 do 52 do 36 do 26 Phipsburg 51 do Thos. W. Haveu314 30 do Thos. Hagan Captain Bath G. M. McCloan A. Leighton Gloucester Calvin F. Baker A. Robinson Bath J. 8. Dyer Jr. E. H. Atwood Boston Albert N. Carr R.H.Stephenson do Z. K. Harding James Lee Jr. do F, S. Brookings Wm. Amory do Henry H. Fisk Adams ife do Hitchcock ElihuKelley Captain Providence E. D. Peters E. D.Peters Boston Jas. Hutchins Jos. Bowker Bath I. W. Fisher Wm. H. PhilllpsTaunton Lemuel Jarvis Captain Bristol S. W. Kemp Captain Wellfleet Uriah B. Fisk D. O. Blaisdell Bath John H. Nason J. M. Haynes Augusta Wm. H. Sturgis S. Fesseuden Boston J. E. HathawayCaptain Wareham J. McFadden A. Robinson Bath J. H. Pinkham Captain Boothbay Robt. M.York Captain Portland C. S. Williams Captain New York Edwin E. BakerD. K. Akin Yarmouth John Perry T. B. Bowker Bath Crosby Du-iiton Wm. Heal Westport E. 8. Rackett Captain Orient 66 Big. Barge Schr do Barge Schr Name. Tons. Where Built. Master. Owner. Hailing Port. Bnilt in 1873.-Continaed. Advance 282 20 Bath L. P. Nickerson Wm. H. PhillipsTaunton Hattie Perry 174 12 do Wilson Chase Captain New Bedford Buslirod W. Hill637 04 do Milford Cobb ,1. Hittinger Boston Pioneer 303 34 do William Paul Wm. H. PhillipsTaunton Built ill 1873. Ealph M. 487 Hayward do Charlie H. Dow 259 do Albeit Dailey 238 do Coliu C. Baker 410 do Ajax 319 do Louise D. 301 Rathbun do Ira D. Sturgis 235 do S. C. Traf ton 62 Sloop Belphine A. 71 Wyman Sclir Anna E. Kranz 682 do H. A. DeWitt 239 Sehr Breuda 39 Yacht Steamer NellieE.Rawson 56 Schr Satilla 312 Steamer Belle & Hattie 57 Schr Mary Sands 98 Steamer Pauline Wilbur 56 Schr Richard W. 116 Den ham Steamer Starry Banner 36 Schr J. C. Ro-ei 3 37 Steamer Samoset 37 42 Bath 58 do 02 do 33 do 23 do 69 do 06 do 64 Georgetown 98 Bath 26 do 64 do 19 do 89 do 05 do 05 do 28 do 09 do 88 Bowdoinham 38 Bath 08 Phipsburg 24 Bath L. B. Doane Captain Providence J. H. Howes A. H. Child Dennis J.H. Nason J. M. Haynes Augusta B. K. Baker Captain Boston E. E. Saunders H.I. Hack Indianola Howes Crowell R. H. Rathbun South Amboy Albion Johnson .1. M. Haynes Augusta Loring Oliver Jacob W. Swett Bath Win. H. WymaiiGrOSS & Sawyer do F. H. Porvere Asa H. Pervere Boston A. E. Manson J. M. Haynes Augusta James L. Little Captain Boston S. Gardiner JudsoH Tarr Rockport P. T. Rivers E. «fe A. Sewull Bath Wm. Davott .ludson Tarr Rockport Asa L. Percy T. B. Bowker Batli Albert Gray Isaac Brown Newport R. W. Deuham John O. Given BowdoinJiani Schr J. H. DeWolf 488 65 do do George Sealy 301 14 do do Odell 141 48 Bowdoluham do Wm.H. Jourdan497 59 Bath do Carrie Alice 128 76 Richmond do Stony Brook 63 79 PhipHbuig do James Drinan 45 25 Bath do Henry C. 497 33 do Winship do Calvin F. Baker566 71 do do Alfred Bra' irook562 25 do do GeorgieShepard585 91 do d© Alice M. Allen 128 31 Harpswoll do Henry Nor well 533 81 Bath do Geo. S. Tarbell 524 51 do do Bei\jamin B. 613 45 do Church J. Pinkham Wm. H. Small Herbert Low E. Crowell 2d Jas. McDonald T. J. Winslow C. C. Saunders Joseph Call John Crooker D. Saliivan Samuel Doane C. F. Baker J. M. Phillips Captain Taunton Thatcher Rich T. L. Mayo Boston G. D. Brigham E. I. Allen Harpswell Stephen BurgessCapta in Boston L. H. Higgins E. L. Atwood do N. B. Kelley Caleb R. Kelley New Bedford Thomas Taylor Boston Chas. V. MinottBath Eastern Steam- do boat Co. D. O. Blaisdell do Chas. H. Ruff Captain Geo. S.Dow James Call Captain James Drinan E. H. Atwood Galveston Portland Providence Richmond Bath Boston do A. Robinson Bath Built in IS74. Schr Chas.F Sampson533 82 Bath do Willis S.Shepard475 46 do Sloop Hope 48 29 do Schr O. D. Witherell 631 17 do Freeman Gage Captain Providence Robt. J. Reeves T. L. Mayo Boston Wm. Swain W. H. Potter Bath Wm. Garfield A, Robinson do 67 Rig. Sloop do do do Schr do do do Sloop Schr do Ship Schr Bark Schr do do do do Sloop Schr dt> do do do Sloop Schr do Sloop Schr Schr do do Sloop Schr do Sloop Schr do Bark Schr do Sloop Schr Sloop Schr do Nime. Tons. Where Built. Master, Built in 1874.-Continned. HaiVmg Port. Milo 48 16 Phipsbur^ Dauntless 29 74 Geor^etovvn Star 31 44 Bath Swaugo 27 60 Woolwich Sullivau Sawin 676 42 Bath Georeie Willard 55 48 do Ellen T. Lloyd 84 31 do Bessie E. 374 51 do Dickinson Bella 22 75 Perkins Modoc 26 69 Bowdoinham Sanford Pratt Satellite 49 16 Bath J. M. Artcrtoii Leading Wind 1208 12 do F. M. Hiukley J. D. Robinson 470 84 Phlpsburg T. B. Glover T. J. Small F. L. Bowker Wm. Campbell Captain N. F. KennersonCaptain Kinaldo Reed Captain Jaiues W. Rich E. H. At wood G. W. Willard L.Whidden & CoPortlaud Wm. H. Lloyd Captain Boston W. R. Dickinson Wm. Rogers Bath Georjfetown Bath Woolwicli Boston Bath Chas. A. Foster'Captain Captain Mabel B. L. White Captain C. V. Minott D. O. Blaisdell Dresden Bowdoinham Bath Boston Bath Boston 782 96 Bath F. Hallett Built in 1875.- Charles Martin Leonard Walen Gloucester Captain 79 16 Bath 67 39 do 103 52 do 22 18 do Martha C. Heni-y Friend H.E. Willard Willie E. Biightnian Mary B. Rojjjers Sarah Alexius Adelia Chase L. A. Leeman Herbert M. Rogers Florence 137 53 Wackrill Walton 137 07 Richmond Aiiro 24 96 Perkins George A.Upton 56 29 Bath Lizzie 72 47 do Zone 23 29 Arrowsio Davy Crockett 84 97 Bath 92 17 Phipsburg 50 70 Bath 84 65 do do do 98 23 77 65 H. B. Thdmas H. E. Willard Abel Grinneil W. C. Preble . Melzer Groce H. Nlckerson S. Y. I-eeman do T, C. Savis Portland W. J. BrightmauTiverton Joseph Bowker Bath Captain Boston Captain Harwich Captain Bath do Richard WarnerWm. T. Donnell do Abyah Doane T. L. Mayo Boston .lames Corbett T. J. Southard Richmond Ziua H. Lewis Captain Gardiner A. Cunningham Captain Gloucester Chas. W. Ozier Wm. T. Donnell Bath John Marsh Che.ster M. Heal Arrowsio Garrett Galvin David Tarr Gloucester Built ill 1876. Fearless 92 09 Bath Alice 89 54 do Tarn O'Shanter 108 13 do Centennial 24 26 do Winifred J. 63 61 do King Argonaut 74 00 do Belldora 36 91 Topsham Ev. Nichols 25 11 Bath H. A. Duncan 87 70 do John&Winthrop338 29 do Gatherer 95 70 do Gussie Blaisdell 89 05 do Centennial 25 13 do Geo. E. Hagan 32 56 do Dirigo 23 04 do Mary E. Oliver 147 84 do Nimbus 60 30 do D. H. Craig H. B. Joice John Eagle James O, Beal John King Wm. H. Nelson Plymouth Captain Swan's Island Edward Sewall Bath R. A. Fisher Georgetown Captain Gloucester E. A. Horton Israel Jewell Bath Petor Baldwin H. P. ThompsonTopshaiu J. F. Shroeder Jas. E. Nichols Bristol Thomas Hagan Captain Bath E. P. Shiverick J. P. Knowles,2dNew Bedford Wm. T. Donnell Captain Bath D. O. Blaisdell Captain do W. E. Hodgkins Captain do M. B. Linscott Captain Harps well Edw'd O. Rlggs Captain Newport Geo. E. Dunhams. C. Trafton Georgetown Wm. T. Donnell Captain Bath 68 Big. JVame. Tons. Wfiere Built. Built Sohr Marion 82 25 Bath do Golden Hind U 60 do do Thresher 80 10 do Bark Josephine 384 54 do Belli- Maud & Effie 85 23 do do Norman 365 72 do do Willie E. 77 74 Parkman do do Louis «fe Rosie 77 6i do do Cora Louise 78 42 do ^ do M. M. Chase 93 14 do do Lizzie & Namari 94 09 do do Willie M. 80 56 Stevens do Sloop Robin Hood 22 06 Georgetown do P. M. Hebbard 26 23 Perkins Schr Crest of the 71 38 Bath Wave Bark Lucretia 312 54 do Schr Eddie Huck 394 14 do do Ocean King 79 79 do Bark Attleboro 178 93 do do James Allen 348 40 do do Mabel 188 09 do Steamer Union 73 00 do Bark Crescent 613 26 do Schr Mary J. Castaer433 34 do Bark Jonathan 1472 30 Bourne do Built Schr Carrie S. Bailey 396 16 Bath do /ennie R. Morse 407 95 do do EUis P. Rogers 79 56Ph!p8burg do Helen F. . 38 59Bath Tiedick Bark Veronica 409 39 do Schr John Bracewell 224 63 do do Reuben 112 59 do Eastman do Normandy 543 16 do do Addie & Hattie 20 43 do do FannyHodgkius 88 00 do Steamer City of Lyun 340 45 do Master. Owner. Hailing Port in 1877. Edwin Smith Sylvanus Smith Gloucester Wm. T. Donnell Wm. T. Donnell do H. Knovrlton, JrCaptain do Seth Bessa W. C. N. Swift New Bedford W. G. Bole Captain Gloucester F. Hodgdon Adams & Bath Hitchcock Josliua Snow Abner L. Ellis Dennisport S. T. Nickerson A. R. Nickerson Boothbay E. S. Nickerson Albert Hathorn Bath R. L. Harding Edw'd H. Chase Portland .Geo. Laturen Almon Mason Rockport M. Stevens Geo. Dennis Gloucester H. H. Bailey Edw. O. Riggs Newport Wm. S. Decker P. M. Hebbard PerkinB Israel Jewell Captain Bath M.V.B.HowlandWm. Lewis New Bedford E. O. Sanders Heniy J. Huck Indianola D. O. Blaisdell Captain Bath M.V.B.HowlandWm. Lewis New Bedford Wm. Harding Gilbert Allen do Wm. Lewis Captain do Geo. W. Gowell People's Bath Ferry Co. M.V.B.Ruland Captain New York John Neal Captain Philadelphia Alfred Doane Wm. H. Besse Boston F. S. Higgins E. &A.Sewall Bath E. H. Harkuess B. W. Morse do Levi S. Oliver D. C. Rogers do Oriu W. CaswellC. M. Tredick Portsmouth Joseph Dias Loum Snow, Jr.New Bedford C. W. Chatfleld John Bracewell Dover R. Eastman R. Eastman Gardiner John Adams Adams & Bath Hitchcock Rob't J. Davis John Caawell Portsmouth Alfred Lennox Wiscasset Revere Beach Boston R. R. Co. 69 RECAPITULATIOJSr, TABLE A, Showing the Number aiul I Tonnage of Vessel according s built each year, from 1781, and classified to Rig. steamers. Year.No. Tons. 1781 No 1 5 5 3 8 9 3 6 7 6 7 6 15 10 4 2 5 6 9 2 4 6 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 6 Ships. '. Tons. 234 82 1513 41 1340 44 690 77 1804 41 2396 38 682 61 1465 78 1770 80 1295 69 1675 12 1744 84 4214 42 2732 2 1294 2 716 64 1457 56 2016 19 3023 56 653 26 1542 40 2116 54 261 39 570 287 39 298 323 51 646 13 949 01 1430 38 1334 4 395 58 1930 60 Barks. No. Tons. No 1 1 2 1 1 BriRS. . Tons. 115 66 93 30 261 72 178 18 167 39 360 43 561 76 966 68 684 5 854 15 441 83 128 20 155 70 658 40 679 43 2394 85 939 49 1369 80 2692 92 2008 42 2856 72 1107 17 556 4 1082 78 4465 43 4553 85 987 10 166 152 3016 79 2025 52 1579 41 1185 44 1197 671 36 2005 92 3460 27 4587 38 3907 11 5692 13 5057 91 3358 83 3095 32 Schooners. No. Tons. 1 22 41 1 25 28 2 177 93 3 311 55 3 263 32 4 185 22 5 348 80 4 354 47 3 179 31 1 ,39 5 408 6 5 474 7 11 1128 30 13 1428 75 16 1637 39 10 938 90 8 579 10 8* 595 84 18 1969 69 16 1546 78 13 1358 79 14 1503 69 10 1063 87 10 1056 16 13 1525 24 15 1539 75 6 464 89 10 1042 93 7 647 56 9 1145 36 11 1108 38 2 129 80 9 311 54 13 1244 64 35 3112 54 27 2328 1 25 1893 7 21 2036 81 13 984 43 5 418 56 8 796 4 219 24 8 804 32 21 1816 18 12 1020 11 13 1290 41 10 901 81 Sloops. No. Tons. Snovrs. No. Tons. 1 No. 1 5 6 8 6 6 8 5 5 6 15 17 22 31 31 14 10 16 29 44 27 31 83 39 41 26 16 23 39 45 24 3 16 45 62 45 33 34 18 16 28 30 31 64 47 33 31 'otal. Tons. 22 41 1783 4 3 5 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 3 5 372 83 288 18 472 54 142 26 187 100 60 100 40 32 42 64 72 208 40 163 49 179 14 233 5 74 44 93 83 438 62 103 79 76 42 77 48 119 68 47 16 52 5 157 49 142 56 70 70 259 52 370 30 398 16 1784 581 82 1785 784 14 1786 498 88 1787 372 22 1788 711 22 1789 1790 532 65 581 57 1701 2 3 499 83 1792 1 192 48 2708 23 1793 . . 6 2846 1 1794 5 2711 57 1795 6 1 173 31 1 103 64 4424 21 1796 3 4818 48 1797 1 1 4 1300 20 1798 809 29 1799 2030 78 1800 5 4115 1801 . 16 6157 20 1802 6 3697 86 1803 9 4625 18 1804 16 5579 26 1805 12 7398 73 1806 17 7161 19 1807 6 3993 4 1808 3 1895 16 1809 6 3725 93 1810 25 7199 93 1811 1812 1 245 23 6 9227 39 3119 9 1813 1 1 295 80 1814 2 8 5 8 1 3 1 84 76 573 79 321 21 496 12 76 234 83 41 2090 75 1815 ..: 18 6951 86 1816 1817 12 9 5459 32 4664 93 1818 7 8 3154 51 1819 4037 81 1820 4 1943 23 1821 .... 10 2722 53 1822 .. . 19 4578 78 1823 1 86 78 23 5539 58 1824 20 5661 9 1825 29 8938 69 1826 1 05 23 29 ; 7560 76 1827 19; 6644 90 1828 1 252 66 14 ; 6180 49 ^Including 2 ecbooners whose measurement could not be ascertained. 70 TABLE A, cONriNCED. YeaT. 1829 Steamers. No. Tons, 1 99 92 Ships. No. Tons. 4 1362 32 4 1366 14 13 4650 65 11 4501 32 15 6353 79 6 2747 61 5 2422 34 4 2252 54 4 2074 18 7 4527 93 7 3444 7 5 3031 76 8 4964 49 4 1987 27 2 1492 49 4 2341 61 8 3379 74 5 2755 6 20 12652 92 20 12462 29 26 17507 72 19 11721 8 30 19872 47 35 28942 22 48 45760 93 59 55612 74 42 41492 20 41 35364 83 20 17160 31 16 14322 19 17 14994 41 17 15601 86 3 2864 46 12 11700 38 14 14141 22 15 13625 93 irae the new s; y-fifths. 4 5009 65 10 11761 58 7 8429 30 14 17976 60 9 13295 19 4 5763 43 5 6628 47 3 3971 73 7 10807 69 12 18091 03 11 16831 70 13 19684 36 16 24699 85 6 9648 28 Barks. No. Tons. Brigs. No. Tous. 6 1196 40 2 408 62 4 856 14 23 3612 74 17 2963 16 12 1989 67 7 1258 61 11 1798 89 11 1830 58 7 1430 80 6 1140 30 4 730 8 5 774 11 3 506 43 Schooners. No. Tons. 15 1354 81 10 831 82 9 779 19 24 2617 44 18 2084 5 9 921 69 10 1043 49 9 821 6 8 716 5 3 304 47 7 715 91 5 484 51 3 226 10 6 611 12 6 645 44 6 505 66 13 1086 78 17 2039 61 15 1410 33 11 1092 2 3 411 6 5 537 39 4 292 45 4 381 28 11 1913 82 3 240 64 6 930 72 7 446 89 8 860 68 6 156 38 4 207 19 3 143 88 6 208 11 1 35 28 2 413 53 6 953 11 'as adopted, tl 6 455 39 23 2174 01 21 1391 15 12 1509 90 18 2601 52 22 2720 16 23 3945 77 28 7031 84 37 12625 48 12 3582 93 14 1324 48 15 1381 35 15 2168 11 9 1911 07 S No Hoops. Barges. . Tons. No. Tons. 1830 1831 1 284 27 1832 1833 2 542 76 2 1 1834 1835 3 717 67 1 268 17 m36 1 1 1 2 1 54 11 41 90 60 53 579 89 99 27 63 46 1837 9 65 1838 1839 3 738 72 3 977 91 5 1676 33 8 2372 90 3 950 88 3 907 35 7 2055 85 5 1539 2 10 2842 83 10 2761 31 17 5237 60 7 2549 5 5 1963 87 11 4430 10 5 2494 61 4 1623 28 7 3143 2 4 W)30 31 5 2798 23 3 1602 61 2 830 21 4 2054 48 1 629 18 2 1144 76 3 1491 55 15 8067 5 ysteni of me; 14 8813 42 3 1878 10 3 1639 24 3 2476 17 6 4187 76 2 1599 32 1 842 10 5 4251 52 1210883 01 4 3587 92 7 6440 90 9 5564 41 6 5381 76 1840 1841 ... 1842 1843 ... 1844 1845 1846 2 328 85 12 2068 43 17 2970 1 18 3110 33 18 3424 86 5 844 93 2 311 35 3 590 27 5 1083 23 3 772 29 18 5331 5 6 1615 20 1 281 60 1 354 36 1 306 90 1847 1848 1849 1850 2 311 60 1 44 11 3 223 76 1 43 40 2 134 66 2 134 10 1 62 19 1 110 85 1 66 9 1 490 75 1 196 4 1411 3 • At this ti ad of ninet 2 1068 24 2 1097 66 1851 1852 1853 1854 1 = EE 1855 1856 2 54 3 1857 1858 1859 1860 3 1 2 1 2 lefr 2 1 1 1 3 1 191 76 1861 23 17 1862 2 699 88 3 1238 23 5 1677 1 asurement \? 4 932 48 6 2144 97 1 236 97 2 444 13 79 84 1863 25 40 1864 81 46 iuste 1865 1866 actions representing 79 32 1867 35 71 1868 32 82 1869 21 65 1870 1 2 6 1 1 59 72 460 48 243 65 73 00 340 45 1 335 67 80 98 1871 25 77 1 151 42 1872 1 392 45 3 1140 33 2 685 54 1873 1 6 3 4 2 71 98 1874 207 98 1875 98 95 1876 109 34 1877 1 243 63 48 29 . . 1878 Total. No. Tons. 25 3913 58 16 2G06 63 27 6570 30 69 10831 52 52 11943 81 27 5659 7 25 5442 2i 27 5204 22 4630 51 7056 18 6278 29 5922 73 8337 65 4097 70 3105 86 5811 91 39 8193 34 49 10607 56 63 19934 94 68 22528 47 42 21356 92 34 14757 55 49 25228 74 51 31036 10 68 50204 52 87 64327 50 59 46130 67 56 38945 68 32 19977 91 25 15726 63 21 15201 60 28 18108 22 11 3814 92 20 14151 9 24 17506 3 47 27815 64 hundr«dths 30 16279 18 46 19135 64 33 11732 37 32 22439 62 34 20106 12 33 10559 28 33 12054 01 33 11589 11 56 28392 77 45 33905 28 32 21843 05 39 27615 94 43 32553 66 23 17525 19 71 AGGREGATE, Steamers, 43 7649.85 Ships, 846 658930.30 ♦Barks, 236 118789.85 fBi-igs, 669 126357.61 Schooners, 1018 117716.29 Sloops, 129 7840.87 Snows, 3 529.49 Barges, 3 736.96 Grand Total, 2947 1038551.22 Including barkentlnes. t Including hermaplirodlte brigs, eto. 72 I OS I C5 . h-i . fcO ND l-O H-i I-* to • ^ • 4^ • >-i H-k l-i • 00 O OO Oi t-o Or - lO . O -* OO lO ic . OS o '•jd *> o to « l>2 ^i~ ? I-' bO OS O — ^ Ox O O M^ O-i b< CO o b^ (Ti o ^ oo •• '■■ t-i h-k lO QC : ; 1 1 8^: OS ' OS O o • • S: OS o •— ' O' »> i-'lOlOH-'OSOSrf^Ou^ •< o (_i u-i to OS GO OS OS to -4-'rf^OSOO«tOOOOSy;^Orf^COGO hj 5" o f o ^1 o 00 00 fc_l )_l |_l )_l to K-i s* l-iOC4i^i-AOiH^QO^OilOrfi>— IGO • tOtO0SI-*><^030St-»0SOitO0S Io'os'h-' OS^CO O H-* KJ^Oi — 1 O CO OD OSOr«"*^lOt— 'COOSOi^— OOM CnODOS'^Ci'— '•— '"^OSt— 'OSCiCn Cibsao4^4=^biC;nOcoooOi^h-' OiOCi»-'QOGOOOGCOOGCl-'H-''-* OS l_i^_»l_i(_JitOt— 'OS vfi.'rfi-00tO»— 'GOtOtOGOO l-» to'o'oi Ci"bi h-i^^ O^^ OS Ci I— ' 00 Oi 4^ ^ to 0004».00^10C^i— 'H(^OSIOOSI-OCOOSCOC04^^ ^•r »i^ CD^ li^ rH^ cT -^ " Cr r-T 0»-l'0'*COCOCOCia5<0(M'MOt>-G^'0C0-^C0fN,^,-(r-(r-l»-ir-(T-l « d CO a o CO 6 ^ t^ t>.co'Mr>-t>.co(Nr-Cia> -tt »0 "^ O CO CO -Xi lO COi-Ht>.COiOOit>.C5r-«CO . CO 2? =» '5 QO l>- o* • C^ O lO O CO uO CN ' O CO H^ CO »0 O CO . r^ »0 «0 O o CO G^ . CS ^ r-l ■^ iri '>» --H r-l ^ rH III • • (T^ O • • CO iO Oi !. CO* c^ ; I :....;.*; I It:!:. I . . t^ o ..'— (r-t , «•<— 1.-4 CO J 2 S 3 ^ a QOCO'0QO«OiOCOQOOSoco<>»t^ '"rj •CO'X>Tt< »OOt-«.O'*C0C>Q0(Mt>;C0t^Oc^-n^,-HCOOC0 'lO •OiOOCO Ot^'^'OoaO'+cor>^"*'^'OX)C>^iccrioi!7^ loo I'O'-ico CO CO »0 >0 OO J^ ^ C5 O '^^ ^ ^' '■' "^ ^' '-^ 3& "^ Oi . »- . iO O "^ O ^00 »''^X t^ ^"^ XI '^'-^ '^'^°^^^'^ 'CO . CO . f-" cT-i^Co'X GO'cO^'^^CfTcO ^ (>ri-H (jT'r-l »o * * » * V OOt^OOXCOoo^'^OCOcO'-'QfncO»Or-< •:, *co'*>ot->.a>i^cocoai^ o-js^co^n *^ CO CO • '-' IS I - d « o © o g § s 55 74 APPENDIX. SECTION A, Giving Names of Vessels which should be expunged, on account of having previously ap- peared, or for any other reason, and are not included in the Recapitulation. Page 38 — 1855, bark Ancles. Page 51 — 1793, sclir Minerva. Page 52 — 1795, schrs Fanny and Orange; 1796, schr Nancy; 1800, schr Topsham. Page 53— 1807, sclir Smart; 1814, schr Stranger. Page 54 — 1815, schr Samuel; 1816, schrs Commerce and Cora; 1817, sclu-s Rambler and Carpenter; sloop Mary Jane. Page 55 — 1819, schrs Indian Queen and Mary : 1824, brig Clarissa Ann*; schr Elmira. Page b^ — 1825, brig George; 1826, steamboat Waterville; schr Solar; 1828, ship Lotus. Page 57—1830, scln- Maria Jane; 1832, schrs Hiram and Caroline; 1833, schr Harrison. Page 58 — 1834, schr New York; 1836, schr Union. Page 59 — 1845, schr Enterprise; 1846. brig Maria. Page 60 — 1847, schr James Henrv. Page 61 — 1854, brigs Rolling Wave and Morning Light. Page 62— 1864^ ship Ida Lilly, bark Dirigo. Page 63—1867, schr Jas. A. Crocker; 1868, brig Long Reach. Page 64—1870, schr Mattie A. Frank- lin. SECTION B. lu quite a number of cases, the entries in this book are not from tlu' original papers, wliich were not attainable except at the sacrifice of ujuch rime and reseaicli. In those cases, the eariiest attainable registers are used, wliich give the masters and owners for t!»e riiiM* being, who might not hiive been the ori.ijiiial ones. Below are given the names of such vessels, rbe date preceding each name being the .year in wbicb the vessel was built, and the lollowing date being that of the papers used in this c()nuectiou. Page 15—1816 sloop Visitor 1819; 1816 sloop Jane 1819: 1816 schr Hannah 1819; 1816 schr \Vm. & Emeline 1821. Page 16—1817 schr Marv & Nancv 1818; 1817 schr Rebecca 1820; 1818 schr Evergreen 1818; 1818 schr Joshua 1820; 1818 schr Reindeer 1820. Page 17— 1819 schr Marv Betsv 1819; 1819 schr Marv 1820; 1820 schr Farmer 1821; 1821 brig .Jasper 1830; 1821 schr Merritt 1826. Page 18— 1822 brig Mentor 1826 ; 1823 steamboat Waterville 1831. Page 20— 1826 schr Harriet 1826; 1826 brig Trio 1828. Pago 21—1827 brig Amazon 1828: 1828 schr Lad V 1831:1828 ship Lotus 1833. Pago 22— 1830 ship New Orleans 1832; 1830 schr Maine 1833. Page 25—1835 schr Bos- ton 1843; 1836 brig Canton 1836: 1836 brig New York 1838; 1836 brio- Pinta 1838. Page 26— 1837 schr Enterprise 1839: 1837 brig Christiana 1839; 1837 brig Reporter 1839; 1839 brig Marv Pennell 1844. Page 27—1841 brig Eagle 1849. Page 28— 1843 schr Harriet 1849. Pai-e 29—1846 l)rig Maria 1847; 1846 schr New Globe 1868. Page 31—1848 brig J. D. Pennell 1848: 1848 schr Benj. Franklin 1849; 1848 brig Geo. Washington 1850. SECITON c. The District of Bath, as at present constituted, comprises those poi-ts which are situated on the Kennebec river. Harpswtll and a i)art of Brunswick are now in the Portland District. Bath was formerly a part of Georgetown, and was incorj)orated 1781. Richmond was set off from Bowdoinham 1823. Bow- doinham was incorporated 1762. Pittston was incorporated 1779, and formerly embraced Gardiner. Hallowell was incorporated 1771, and foiMiiorly includ- ed Augusta, Chelsea, and a part of Farmingdale. Phipsburg was incorpor- ated 1814. Topsham was incorporated 1764. Georgetown was incorporated 1716, and formerly included Phipsburg, Bath, Woolwich and Arrowsic. Gar- diner was set off from Pittston 1803. Farmingdale was set off from Hallow- ell, Gardiner and West Gardiner in 1852. Augusta was incorporated in 1797. Woolwich was incorporated 1759. Yassalboro was incorporated 1771. Dres- 7.5 den was formerly part of Pownalboro, and incorporated 1794. Waterville was formerly part of Winslow, and Incorporated 1802. Arrowsic was set off from (leor«4eto\vn in 1841. Winslow was incorporated in 1771. Pownalboro has i)assed ont of corporate existen(;e. Sidney was set off" from Vassalboro in 1792. West Bath was set off" from Bath 1844. Perkins was set off" from Dres- den 1847. Chelsea was set off from Hallowell 1850. The foregoinji- data are deemed of importance in connection with this work. The vessels bnllt in the respective towns are credited to them according to their corporate limits at the date of construction, the present lines of territory not being* taken into account. SECTION D. Concluding Betnarks, in lieu of a Preface. It is not claimed that this work is absolutely accurate. The first edition of a work of this nature is not very likely to be so. From the nature of the sub- ject matter, and the circumstances attendant on a research among old docu- ments, it would be almost miraculous if errors of omission and commission siiould not occur. But we claim that it is substantially correct; sufficiently so as lo be assigned a place among works of a statistical character. The task of preparing it for the press has been carried on by the editor, while attend- ing to the routine business of a weekly newspaper and job office. A large l)roportion of the labor has necessarily been performed during hours which should hav<^ been devoted to rest. But if the result is measurably acceptable to those generally supposed to be interested in maritime statistics, and is found to be free from glaring errors or discrepancies, we shall feel that our efforts have not beeji in vain, and that this little pamphlet may form a tolera- bly safe basis for a more extended work, to be undertaken at some future time, when leisure hours may be more plentiful. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINfi OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR |aI^URE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATI^ DUt. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. .>cr .27- m^ 8;!cv'48£fi TV V^ SEP 6 1048 i$EP I'f l^Tfi ' "" mf^B'^so ^esu OH»^*- V^ LD 21-95W-7 '37 Yc 25ter 9y;^ii74 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY