Ref Z 5974 U5G47 of fhe Interior: U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM. 11 BULLETIN UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM NO, 11. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE FISHES OF THE PACIFIC COAST OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1879, THEODORE OILL. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1 . C2, and illustrated by a poor plate opposite the text. It is said: "We hoard the fish playing ia the water, and soon those who were disen- gaged were after them. At first it was supposed they were the mountain trout, but, being comparatively fresh from the hills of Maine, I soon saw tho difference."] Histoiro Naturelle des Pois ons, par M. le B on Cuvier, . . . ; et par M. Valen- ciennes, . . . Tome vingt et unieme. A Paris, chez P. Bertrand, . . . , 1848. [8 ed. xiv, 530 pp.; 4 ed. xiii (+ iii), 391 pp. pi. 607-633.] * Pages 239-304 misnm.bered 209-224. Bull. N. M. No. 11-2 18 Suite du livre vingt et unieme et ties Clup^oidcs.* Livre vingt-deuxieme. Do la famille des Salmonoides. [No west-coast species described.] 1849 Frank Forrester's Fish and. Fishing of the United States and British Provinces of North America. Illustrated from nature by the author. By Henry William Herbert, author of " Field Sports," " Warwick Woodlands," etc. New York, Stringer & Townsend, 222 Broadway, 1849. 8. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, par M. le B on Cuvier, . . . ; et par M. Valen- ciennes, . . . Tome vingt-deuxieine. A Paris, chez P. Bertraud, . . . , 1849. [8 ed. xx, 532, (index) 91 ( + 1) PP-5 4 ed. xvi, 395, (index) 81 ( + 1) pp. pi. 634-650.] Suite du livre vingt-deuxieme. Suite de la fainille des Salmonoides. [No west-coast species described.] A Monograph of the Fresh water Cottus of North America. By Charles Gi- rard. Aug. 1849. < Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., v. 2, pp. 409-411, 1850. On the genus Cottus Auct. By Charles Girard. Oct. 17, 1849. < Proc. Boat. Soc. Nat. Hist., v. 3, pp. 183-190, 1849. 185O Some additional observations on the nomenclature and classification of the genus Cottus. By Charles Girard. June 19, 1350. < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., v. 3, pp. 302-305, 1850. 1851 On a new genus of American Cottoids. By Charles Girard. Feb. 5, 1851. < Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., v. 4, pp. 18-19, 1851. Revision du genre Cottus des auteurs. Par Charles Girard, do 1' Association ame'ricaiue pour 1'avancement des sciences, niembre de la Soci6t6 d'histoire uaturelle de Boston. [1851. 4, 28 pp.] < N. Denkschr. allg. Schweizer. Gesell. gesammt. Naturw., B. 12, 1852. Sniithsoniau Contributions to Knowledge. = Contributions to the Natural His- tory of the Fresh Water Fishes of North America. By Charles Girard. I. A Monograph of the Cottoids. Accepted for publication by the Smithson- ian Institution, December, 1850. [Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, ] vol. iii, art. 3. [4, 80 pp., 3 pi.] Description of a new form of Lamprey from Australia, with a Synopsis of the Family. By J. E. Gray, Esq., F. li. S., V. P. Z. S., etc. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, part xix, pp. 235-241, plates, Pisces, iv, v, 1851. List of the specimens of Fish iu the collection of the British Mu-eum. Part I. Chondropterygii. Printed by order of the trustees. London, 1851. [12, *, [1], 160 pp., 2 pi. J [The name of the compiler is not published on the title-page. In the usual introduction, Mr. Gray states: "The characters of the genera of Sharks and Rays, with their sy- nonyms, have principally been derived from the work of Professors Miiller and Henle. The specimens which were not named by those authors when engaged in their work, or by Dr. Andrew Smith, have been determined by Mr. Edward Gerrard." The responsi- bility of the compilation, how.-.ver, apparently devolves on JOHN EDWARD GRAY. The diagnoses of the groups, and, for tho most part, tho sjuonymy of the species, are, in fact, translated or transcribed from Miiller and lleulo's great work on the Plagiostomes, entitled as follows : Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen von Dr. J. MULLER, o. 6. Professor der Anatomie und Physiologic, und Director des anatomischen Theaters nnd Museums in Berlin, niid Dr. J. HENLE, o. 6. Professor der Anatomie uud Director des anatomischen Theaters uud Museums in Zurich. Mit secbzig Steindrucktafelu. Berlin, Verlag voh Veit und Comp1641. [Folio, xxii, 200 pp., 2 1., 60 pi., mostly colored, unnumbered.] An epoch-marking work, but with no notices of Western A merican species.] 'The Notopteres are differentiated from the Clupeoide.i as a very oistinct family (uue faniille tres- distincte). 19 1851 Supplement to Frank Forrester's Fish and Fishing of the United States and British Provinces of North America. By William Henry Herbert, author of the " Field Sports of North America," " Frank Forrester and his Friends,'' etc. New York, Stringer & Townsend, 222 Broadway, 1851. pp. 1-86. 1853 Descriptions of some new Fishes from the River Zuui. By S. P. Baird and Charles Girard. June 28, 1853. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 6, pp. 368-369, Jane, 1853. [N. g. and sp. Gila (n. g. 368), Gilo, robusta (369), Gtta elegans (369), Gila gracUit (369).] Descriptions of New Species of Fishes collected by Mr. John H. (Lark, on the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, under Lt. Col. Jas. D. Graham. By Spencer P. Baird and Charles Girard. August 30, 1853. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., v. 6, pp. 387-390, August, 1853. [N. sp. Catostomus latipinnis (388), Gila Emoryi (389), Gila Grahami (389), Cyprinodon macularius (389), Heterondria affinis (390), Heterondria occidental* (390).l 32d Congress, | 2d session. } Senate. {Executive | No. 59. | | Report of an Ex- pedition | down the | Zuni and Colorado Rivers, | by | Captain L. Sit- greaves, | Corps Topographical Engineers. | | Accompanied by maps, sketches, views, and illustrations. | | Washington: | Robert Armstrongj public printer. | 1853. [8, 100 pp., 1 1., 24 pi. of scenery (pi. 1 folded), 6 pi. of mammals, 6 pi. of birds, 2 pi. of reptiles, 3 pi. of fishes, 21 pi. of botany, 1 folded map, all at end.] Title, p. 1. Report of the Secretary of War, communicating, [etc.] p. 3. [Sitgreaves's report.] pp. 4-29. Report | on | the natural history | of the | country passed over by the exploring expedition | under the command of Brevet Captain L. Sit- greaves, | U. S. Topographical Engineers, during the year 1851. | By S. W. Woodhouse, M. D., | surgeon and naturalist to the expedition. | pp. 31-40. Zoology. | | Mammals and Birds, by S. W. Woodhouse, M. D. I Reptiles, by Edward Hallowell, M. D. | Fishes, by Prof. S. P. Baird and Charles. Girard. | pp. 41-152. Mammals. By S. W. Woodhouse, M. D. pp. 43-57, 6 pi. (1-6). Birds. By S. W. Woodhouse, M. D. pp. 58-105, 6 pi. (1-6). Reptiles. By Edward Hallowell, M. D. pp. 106-147, 21 pi, (1-20+ 10 a). Fishes. By Spencer P. Baird and Charles Girard- pp. 148-152, 3 pi. (1-3). Botany. | | By Professor John Torrey. pp. 153-178, 21 pis. (1-21). Medical Report. | | By S. W. Woodhouse, M. D, pp. 179-ia r . List of illustrations, pp. 187-190. Table of contents. [11.] Extraordinary Fishes from California, constituting a new family, described by L. Agassiz. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, (2), v, 16, pp. 380-390, Nov. 1853 ; also reprinted in Edinburgh Now Phil. Journ., v. 57, pp. 214-227 ; translated in Archiv fur Naturgeschichte (Berlin), Jahrg. 20, B. 1, pp. 149-162, 1853. [Family named "Family Holconoti or Embiotocoidae " (p. 383). N. g. and n. sp. Embiottca- (n. g., 386) : 1. Embiotoca Jaeksoni (387); S. Embiotoca Caryi (389).] [This article was translated into German as follows:] Ueber eine neue Familie von Fischen aus Californien. Von L. Agassiz. Aus Silliman's Amer. Journ. vol. xvi. p. 380 ubersetzt. Vom Herausgeber [F. H. Troschel]. < Archiv fur Naturgescbichte, 20. Jahrg., B. 1, pp. 1.40- 162, 1854. 20 [This translation was followed by tbe following ori^iral comniumcatior, in v.hiclitlio systematic relations of the family were definitely determined:] Ueber die system atiscbe Stellung der Gattung Embiotcca. Bemerkung zur vorigeu Abhaiidlung. Voin Herausgeber [Dr. F. H. Troschel]. . g ) restrains (143), 4. Sphyrcena argentea (144), 5. Cottopsis parvus (144), 8. Scorpcenichth-is late- rails (143), U. Scorpcena gultata (143), 11. Sebastes rosaceus (140), 12. l( ps Gri:ii llus) and two new species of fishe*. By Wm. O. Ayres, M. D. Jan. 22, 1855. < Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., v. 1, p t >. 25-27, 1855; 2d ed.,pp. 24-25, 1873. [N. sp. Leiostontus lineatus, LeptoguneUus gracilis.} t Description of a Lamprey, from the vicinity of San Francisco. By "Win. O. Ayres, M. D. Feb. 5, 1855. . [N. g. and n. sp. : 3. Embiotoca Webbi (320), 5. Embiotoca ornata (321 ), C. Embiotoca perspica- bilis (321), 7. Damalichthys (n. g.) vaeca (321), 9. Abeona(n. g.) Trowbridgii (3i2, 11. Ennich- thys (n. g., 322), Ennichthys megalops (323), 12. EnnichOiys Heermanni (323).] [Translated into German by Dr. Troschel as follows : ] Ueber die lebend^f gebiirenden Fische an der Westkiiste von Nordamerika. Von Charles Girard. (Proceedings of the Academy of nat. sc. of Phila- delphia April 1855.) Uebersetzt voin Herausgeber [Prof. Dr. Troscl:*'!]. ( J; re- printed . 307-388, with pi. i, xi, xv, xvi, xix, xx, xxxii, xxxiii, xlii, xliii, xliv, 1, li, Iv, Ix, Ixiii, Ixvii, Ixix, Ixxii, Ixxv, viz : Chapter I. Report upon the Salmonidse. pp. 307-349.) Chapter II. Report upon the Fishes exclusive of the Salraonidje. pp. 350-368. [X. sp. Salmo Masoni (345).] [This volume also appeared wi h tho following title-page and modifications : ] The Natural History of Washington Territory, with much relating to Minne- sota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oregon and California, between the thirty-sixth and forty-ninth parallels of Latitude, being those parts of the final Reports on the Survey of the Northern Pacific Railroad Route, containing the Climate and Physical Geography, with full Catalogues and Descriptions of the Plants and Animals collected from 1853 to 1857. By J. G. Cooper, M. D., and Dr. G. Suckley, U. S. A.. Naturalists to the Expedition. This edition contains a new preface, giving a sketch of the explorations, a classified table of con- tents, and the latest additions by tho authors. With fifty-five new plates of scenery, botany, and zoology, and an isothermal chart of the route. New- York: Bailliere Brothers, 440 Broadway, [etc.] 1859. [4. xvii, 26 + 72 + viii, 399 pp. ( +1-4 pp. ttetw. 368 and 369), 61 pi., 1 map.] t Descriptions of the Califoruiau Atherinidae, with figures of tho species. By Wm. O. Ayres, M. D. Oct. 1, 1860. < P oc. Cal. Acad. Sci., v. 2, pp. 73- 77, 1860. [X. sp. AtherinopgM affinis, Atherinopsis tenuix, with figures.] t Descriptions of two new SciaMioids, with figures. By Wm. O. Ayres, M. D. Nov. 5, 1860. < Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., v. 2, pp. 77-81, 1860. - [N. g. and sp. Johnius nobilis, Seriphus (n. g.) politus.] t Descripti;a of new Califoruian fishes, with figures. By 'Vm. O. Ayres, M. D. Dec. 3, 1860. < Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., v. 2, pp. 82-86, April, 1862. [N. g. and Rp. Camarina (n. g.) nigrieans, Poronotus simillimus.] 1861 Observations on tho genus Cottus, and description of two m.-.w species (abridged from tho forthcoming report of Capt. J. H. Simpson), by Theo- dore Gill. March 20, 1861. < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hir.t,, v. 8, pp. 40-42. April, 18(51. [N. g. a.3 d 11. sp. Potamocottus (n. g. 40), Potamoc^ ttus punctulaius ] Description of a new species of the genus Tigoma of Girard (abridged from the forthcoming report of Capt. J. H. Simpson), by Theodore Gill. M trch 20, 1861. < Pioc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., v. 8, p. 42, April, 1861. [X. sp. Tigoma squamuta.\ Bull. N. M. Xo. 11 3 34 Notes on the described species of Holconoti, found on tbe western const of North America. By Alexander Agassiz. March 20, 1861. Embiotoca lateralis ; n. sp. Hyperprosopon analis, neither described.] t Communication on several new generic types, of fishes, i. e., Podothceus, Hoplopagrus, and Stephanolepis. By Theodore Gill. April 16, 1861. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., [v. 13J, pp. 77-78, 1861. [N". g. and sp. Podothecus (n. g.).] Revision of the genera of North American Sciseninse. By Theodore Gill. April 30, 1881. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., [v. 16], pp. 79-89, 1861. [N. g. Rhinoscion (85) for Amblodon saturnus Grd., Genyonemus (87) for Leiostomus line- atus Ay res.] On the Liostomime. By Theodore Gill. April 30, 1861. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., [v. 13], pp. 89-93, 1861. [Remarks on Leiostomus lineatus (92).] Salmonidae of Frazer River, British Columbia. By C. Brew. <[ Edinburgh New Philos. Journ., v. 13, p. 164, 1861. On the Haploidonotinae. By Theodore Gill. May 28. 1861. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., [v. 13], pp. 100-105, 1861. [Remarks on Amblodon siturnus (105).] Notices of Certain New Species of North American Salmonidaj, chiefly in tho Collection of the N. W. Boundary Commission, in charge of Archibald Campbell, Esq., Commissioner of the United States, by L)r. C. B. R. Kennerly, Naturalist to the Commission. By George Suckley, M. D., late Assistant Surgeon, IT. S. Army. Read before the New York Lyceum of Natural History, June, 1861. < Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, v.' 7, pp. 30C-313, 1862. [X. g. and sp. Salmo Kennerlyi (307), Salmo brevicauda (308). S.ilmo Warreni (308), Salmo Bairdii (309), Salmo Parkei (309), Oncorhynchus (n. g., 312), Sal', o Campbelli (313).] Notes on some genera of fishes of the western coast of North America. By Theodore Gill. July 30, 1861. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila., [v. 13], pp. 164-168, 1861. [X. g. Atractoperca (1G4), Archoplites (165) , Parcphippus (165), Hypsypops (165), Sebastodes (165), Acantholcbius (1C6), Pleurogrammus (106), Grammatopleurus (166), MeijaUcotlus (IfiC). Clinocottus (1C6), Blennicottus (166), Anoplagonus (167), BrosmopJtycis (163), Hypsagonus. (107), * Pzragonus (167).] On new types of Aulostomatoids. foivid in Washington Territory. By Theo- dore Gill. July 30, 1861. < Prcc Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., [ v. 13], pp. 168-170, 1861. [X. g. and sp. Aulorhynchus (n. g., ICO) jlavidus (169).] On the genus Podothecus. By Theodore Gill. Sept. 24, 1861. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., [v. 13], pp. 258-261, Sept. 1861. Description of a new generic type of Blennoids. By Theodore Gill. Sept. 24, 1861. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila,, [v. 13], pp. 261-263, Sept. 1861. [N. g.andsp. Anoplarchug (n. g., 261) purpurescens (262).] 35 1861 Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum. By Albert Giinthei Volume third. London : printed by order of the trustees. 1861. [Oct.] At first only entitled: Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian Fishes in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Albert Giinther. Volume third. Gobiidai, Discoboli, Oxudercklse, Batrachidse, Pediculati, Bleuniidae, Acanthocliuidsc, Comephoridae, Trachypteridai, Lophotidae,Tenthididae, Acro- nuridse, Hoplogrfathidse, Malac.mfchida?, Nandidaj, Polycentridaj, Labyriu- thici, Luciocephalidaa, Atherinidaj, Mugilidse, Ophiocephalidae, Trichouotid;e, Cepolidse, Gobiesocidse, Psychrolutidie, Centriscidai, Fistularii.Ja;, Masta- cembelidse, Notacanthi. London : printed by order of the Trustees. 1861. [Published in Oct. 8. General title + xxv, 586 + x* pp.^lOs. 6rf.] [N. g. and n. sp. Cydoyterus orbis (158), Liparis cyclopus (1(53), Centronotus crista-tjalli (269) = AnopUrchus crista-galli (564), Psychrolutes (n. g.) paradoxus (510).] * Description of a new ichthyic form from the coast of Lower California. By Win. O. Ayres, M. D. Dec. 1, 1861. < Proc. Cul. Aead. Sci., vol. 2, pp. 156-158, 1862. [N. sp. Cynoscion parvipinnis.] Analytical synopsis of the order Squali and revision of the nomenclature of the genera. By Theodore Gill. Dec. 16, 1861. . 194-198, 1864. Description of a new generic type of Pleuronectoids in the Collection of HIM Geological Survey of California. By Theodore Gill. Sept. 6, 1864. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., [v. 16], pp. 198-199, 1864. [N. g. and sp. Hetoponopg (n. g., 193) Cooperi (199).] Note on the family of Stichajoids. By Theodore Gill. Sept. 7, 18G4. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., [v. 16], pp. 208-211, 1864. 1865 Note on the family of Myliobatoids, and on a New species of ^Etobatis. By Theodore Gill. April 3, 1865. < Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, v. 8, pp. 135-138, May, 1865. [N. sp. Myliobatis californicus (137), JEtobatis laticeps (137).] On the Genus Caulolatilus. By Theodore GilL April 25, 1865. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., [v. 17 J, pp. 68-68, 1865. On the Cranial Characteristics of Gadus [Microgadus] proxiums, Grd. By Theodore Gill. April 25, 1865. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila,, [v. 17], p. 69, 1865. [N. g. Microgadus.] Note on several Genera of Cypriuoids. By Theodore Gill. April 25, 1865. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., [v. 17], pp. 69-70, 1865. Some remarks on Labrus pulcher (Ayres). By Albert Giiuther, M.A., M. D., Ph.D. May 30, 1865. , lateralis 489 17 Hypsurus Caryi 489 18 Damalichthys vacca 489 19 Phanerodon f urcatu 4 489 20 Cymatogaster aggregatun 489 21 Rhachocheilus toxotes 489 22 Amphistichus argenieus 489 23 Holconotus i hodoterns 489 24 pulchellus 489 25 Hyperprosopon argenteum 489 2y P. W. Putnam. August, 1873. < Pro- ceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, vol. 22, B, pp. 335-340, June, 1874. 1873 Annual Record of Science and Industry for 187*2. Edited' by Spencer F. Baird, with the assistance of eminent men of science. New York: Har- per & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square. 1873. [12.] I. Pisciculture and the Fisheries. Fish Culture in California, pp. 407, 408. Report of California Fish. Commissioners, p. 408, 409. Stocking California waters with Trout, p. 409. Transporting Black Bass to California, p. 409. Transferring Shad to the Sacramento River, p. 430. Stocking California with Shad, p. 430. Oil-works on Unnlaschka, p. 4:?8. Spawning of Cod-fish in Alaska, p, 436. Cod-fishing in the Shurnagin Islands, p. 436. Salmon Fisheries in the Columbia River, p. 440. Capture of Sacramento Salmon with the Hook, p. 441. Fisheries of the Shumagin Islands, p. 444. Peculiarities of Reproduction of California Salmon, pp. 445, 446. Alleged Discovery of Young Shad in the Sacramento River, p. 447. Report on the Prybilov Group or Seal Islands of Alaska. By Henry W. Elliott, Assistant Ageut Treasury Department. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1873. [4to, 1(H folios, not paged, with text parallel v.-ith back, and extending from bottom to top, 50 phot, pi.] Chapter VIII. Fish and Fisheries. See. also. 1875. 74 * Note on Subteriauean Fishes in California. By A. W. Chase. , Lepidumeda vittata (131), Lepidomeda jarrovii (132), Clinostomus tfenia, (133), Rhiniti.- thys henshavii (133), Hybnpsis timpanogensis (134), Minomus platyrhynchw* (134), Mino- mus jarrovii (135), Ccrat.icMhijs ventricosus (130), Myloleucus parovamts (130), Clinogtomns phleijethontis (137), Uranidea vheclcri (138).J Geographical and Geological Explorations and surveys west of the 100; h Meridian. First Lieutenant G. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, IT. S. A., in charge. On the Plagopterina: and the Ichthyology of Utah. By Edward D. Cope, V. M. Reprinted from the Proceedings of American Philosophical So- ciety of Phila. Phi!:.tU'lplii:i: McCoflo A Btavcly, Prs., 237-9 Dock street. 1S7-1. [S- 3 , 14 pp.] 48 1874 The Introduction of Eastern Fish into the waters of the Pacific Slope, together with an account of operations at the United States Salmon breeding Es- tablishment on the McOloud River, California. [By Livingston Stone.] < Forest and Stream, v.2,pp. 100-10.2, March 26, 1874 (5| c.). On the Speckled Trout of Utah Lake. Sal mo virginalis, Girard. By Dr. H. C. Yarrow, U. S. A. < Am. Sportsman, v. 4, pp. G8, 69, May 2, 1874. Shad in California. [By S. R. Throckmorton. ] < Forest and Stream, v. 3, p. 229, May 21, 1874. California Salmon [: its rapidity of growth. By Livingston Stone.] < Forest and Stream, v. 2, p. 260, June 4, 1874. Sports in California. No. II. Trout fishing at Hurnboldt Bay. [By Mon- mouth. ] < Forest and Stream, v. 2, pp. 273, 274 (5 c. ), June 11, 1874. Will the Columbia Salmon take the fly? [Anon.] Athei-i,n-2>i>ix ajfinin Ayres.J Description of a New Species of Trout from Mendocino County. [Typical specimen in the collection of California Academy of Natural Sciences.] By W. R. Gibbons, Alameda. June 22, 1875. mus latifrons, Cope J, pp. 701-703. [N. sp. Apocope coucsii, Yarrow (p. 648, pi. 27, f. 2), Gila nigra, Cope (p. 663, pi. 30, f. 3), Oila scminuda, Cope and Yarrow (p. 666, pi. 31, f: t), Hyborhynchus siderins, Cope (p. 670, pi. 31. f. 6,) Gila ardesiaca (p. 660, pi. 30, f. 1), Gila scminuda (p. 666, pi. 31, f. 1), Cope (n. g., p. 673), Catostomus femndus (p.. 678, pi. 32, f. 1). "The most extended list is that of the Colorado basin " (p. 699) : , Cyprinidso Plagopterus argentissimns 640 Meda fulgida 642 Lepidomeda vittata 642 jarrovii 643 Ceratichthys. squamilentus 000 oscula 647 Apocope couesii 648 ventricQsa 648 52 1875 GUii Ca.tostomidae Coregonidae Salmonidse Cyprinodontidte Cottidas Hyborhynchus Pantosteua Catostomus Ptychostomns Coregonus Salmo Girardinns Uranidea egregia C62 nigra G63 robusta 663 elegans 664 gracilis 665 grahamii 665 nacrea 666 seminuda 666 emorii 667 siderius 670 bardus 673 delphinus C73 insigne 676 discobolus 677 congestus 680 villiamsonii 682 pleuriticus 693 sonoriensis 695 vheelerii 696 " The following species are those of the basin of Utah, whether from tributaries of the Great Salt Lake or not " (p. 700) : CyprinidiB Apocope Catostomidse Coregonidaa Salmonidse Cottida? Ceratichthy Hybopsis Gila Siboma Myloleucus Pantosteus Catostomus Coregonus Salmo EJranidea C45 645 646 651 654 000 657 657 carringtonii henshavii vulnerata biguttatus timpanogensis bivittatus phlegethontis montana hydrophlox tenia egregia atraria pnlverulentus parovanus platyrhynchus jarrovii fecundus villiamsonii virginalis pleuriticus vheelerii punctulata [In both of the preceding lists the enumeration is in the order of the descriptions, and not of the lists, which deviate considerably from the former.] fit;; 673 674 678 682 685 693 696 697 1876. Salmon Fishing on the Mayo River, California. [Anon.] -^Forest and. Stream, v. 5, p. 267, 1876. California Salmon for New Hampshire. < Forest and Stream, v. 5, p. 339, Jan. 6, 1876. The McCloud River Reservation. [Editorial.] < Forest and Stream, v. 5, p. 355, Jan, 13, 1876. Habits of Pacific Salmon. [By Livingston Stone.] < Forest and Stream, v. 5, p. 372, Jan. 20, 1876. California Shad. [Anon.] < Forest and Stream, v. 5, p. 372, Jan. 20, 1876. (6 lines.) Angling for Eastern Salmon (Salmo salar) in California waters. [Jj?o.] < Forest and Stream, v. 5, p. 390, Jan. 27, 1876. 53 1876 The Fisheries and Sea Lions of California. [Anon.] < Forest and Stream, v. 6, p. 387, Feb. 24, 1876. The Natural and Economic History of the Salmonidae geographical distribu- tion and artificial culture. By Fhilo-Ichthyos. <[ Forest and Stream, pp. 68-69 (No. 3), 106 (No. 4), 116 (No. 5), 131 (No. 6), 147 (No. 7), 164 (No. 8), 179 (No. 9). Check List of the Fishes of the Fresh Waters of North America. By David S. Jordan, M. S., M. D., and Herbert E. Copeland, M. S. March 3, 1876. < Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, v. 2, pp. 133-164, 1876. Viviparous Perch: [their abundance at Santa Barbara. By H. C. Yarrow.] < Forest and Stream, v. 6, p. 132, April 6, 1876. Angling for Smelts in California. [By E. J. Hooper.] < Forest and Stream, v. 6, p. 166, April 20, 1876. A Viviparous Perch. [Editorial.] < Forest and Stream, v. 6, p. 180, with fig., April 27, 1876. Noget oni Slajgten Soulv (Anarrhichas) og dens uordiske Arter. Af Proffessor Japetus Steeiistrup. Med en Tavle. < Videuskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistorisk Foreuiug i Kjobenhavu, 1876, pp. 159-202, tav. 3. Salmon Fisheries on the Columbia River. [Anon. By Barnet Phillips. From Applctoii's Journal.] < Rod aud Gun, v. 8, pp. 131-132 (5 col.), May 27, 1876, with 2 figs. Remarks on the Various Fishes [of the family of Scorpaenid*] known as Rock Cod. By W. N. Lockington. July 17, 1876. < Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., v. 7, pp. 79-82. [N. sp. Sebastes Ayresii proposed as a substitute for S. rosaceus of Ayres, but not of Girard. Notes on Some California Marine Fishes, with description of a new species. By W. N. Lockington. July 17, 1876. < Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., v. 7, pp. 83-88. [N. sp. Aryyreiosus Pacificus, Magdalena Bay.J Ichthyologische Beitriige (V.) Von Franz Steindachner. 20. Juli 1876. .73; Glyptocephalus Pacificug, p. 86; Glyptocephalus zachi- rus, p. 88. [Notice of Catfish for Susan River and Eel Lake. Anon.'] < Chicago Field, v. 12, p. 85, Sept. 20, 1879. The first biennial report of the Nevada Commission. [Notice by Fred. Ma- ther. ] < Chicago Field, v. 12, p. 85, Sept. 20, 1879. Habits of California River Salmon. [Anon. Extract from "Sacramento Bee."] < Chicago Field, v. 12, p. 100, Sept. 27, 1879. Fish Culture Operations in California. [By Livingston Stone. 1 < Forest and Stream/ v. 13, p. 685, Oct. 2, 1879. [Refers to Salmon-1 Why Salmo Quinnat does not take the Fly. [Anon, by Charles Hallock.