S D 397 R3 M85 1920 MAIN CM C\J LO LO O SaVe the Redwoods By John JWuir Eeprinted from the Sierra Club Bulletin, Volume XI, Number 1, San Francisco, 1920, for the SAVE THE EEDWOODS LEAGUE. IN THE REDWOOD FOREST Photo by Herbert W. Gleason SAVE THE REDWOODS* JOHN MUIR f NOTE: In his intimate acquaintance with nature John Muir recognized 1 //\ and loved everything that was natural and honest, but his interest focused upon the things which represented the most splendid expressions of creative power. Not only did he instinctively select for close personal companionship the elements of nature that had most to give for him but, as no other western naturalist has done, he set forth their fullest meaning in the language of the people. Of all Muir's special interests in nature it is probable that none made to him a stronger appeal than the giant Sequoias of the Sierra and Coast Eange forests. It was his firm conviction that they represented the supremest examples of majesty among all living things, and his journey around the earth to compare the Big Trees with the trees of the world left him with settled conviction regarding the correctness of this view. For many years he gave himself to the protection of these ''Kings of the forest, the noblest of a noble race." At this time of national movement for the preservation of these forests through the Save-the-Eedwoods League, it is particularly fitting that we present the sentiments written years ago, in support of just such a movement by the friend who fought so hard, so faithfully, and so long in this good cause. JOHN CAMPBELL MERRIAM, Chairman, Executive Committee of the Save-the-Eedwoods League. WE are often told that the world is going from bad to worse, sacrificing everything to mammon. But this right- eous uprising in defense of God's trees in the midst of exciting politics and wars is telling a different story, and every Sequoia, I fancy, has heard the good news and is waving its branches for joy. The wrongs done to trees, wrongs of every sort, are done in the darkness of ignorance and unbelief, for when light comes the heart of the people is always right. Forty-seven years ago one of these Calaveras King Sequoias was laboriously cut down, that the stump might be had for a dancing-floor. Another, one of the finest in the grove, more than three hundred feet high, was skinned alive to a height of one hundred and * Found among Muir's papers after his death and now published for the first time. 415017 sixteen feet from thV 'ground' "and the bark sent to London to show how fine and big that Calaveras tree was as sensible a scheme as skinning our great men would be to prove their greatness. This grand tree is of course dead, a ghastly disfig- ured ruin, but it still stands erect and holds forth its majestic arms as if alive and saying, ' ' Forgive them ; they know not what they do. ' ' Now some millmen want to cut all the Calaveras trees into lumber and money. But we have found a better use for them. No doubt these trees would make good lumber after passing through a sawmill, as George Washington after passing through 'the hands of a French cook would have made good food. But both for Washington and the tree that bears his name higher uses have been found. Could one of these Sequoia kings come to town in all its god- like majesty so as to be strikingly seen and allowed to plead its own cause, there would never again be any lack of defenders. And the same may be said of all the other Sequoia groves and forests of the Sierra with their companions and the noble Sequoia sempervirens, or redwood, of the coast mountains. In a general view we find that the Sequoia gigantea, or Big Tree, is distributed in a widely interrupted belt along the west flank of the Sierra, from a small grove on the middle fork of the American River to the head of Deer Creek, a distance of about two hundred and sixty miles, at an elevation of about five thousand to a little over eight thousand feet above the sea. From the American River grove to the forest on Kings River the species occurs only in comparatively small isolated patches or groves so sparsely distributed along the belt that three of the gaps in it are from forty to sixty miles wide. From Kings River southward the Sequoia is not restricted to mere groves, but ex- tends across the broad rugged basins of the Kaweah and Tule rivers in majestic forests a distance of nearly seventy miles, the continuity of this portion of the belt being but slightly broken save by the deep canons. In these noble groves and forests to the southward of the Calaveras Grove the axe and saw have long been busy, and thousands of the finest Sequoias have been felled, blasted into manageable dimensions, and sawed into lumber by methods de- structive almost beyond belief, while fires have spread still wider and more lamentable ruin. In the course of my explorations twenty-five years ago, I found five sawmills located on or near the lower margin of the Sequoia belt, all of which were cutting more or less Big Tree lumber, which looks like the redwood of the coast, and was sold as redwood. One of the smallest of these mills in the season of 1874 sawed two million feet of Sequoia lumber. Since that time other mills have been built among the Sequoias, notably the large ones on Kings River and the head of the Fresno. The destruction of these grand trees is still going on. On the other hand, the Calaveras Grove for forty years has been faithfully protected by Mr. Sperry, and with the excep- tion of the two trees mentioned above is still in primeval beauty. The Tuolumne and Merced groves near Yosemite, the Dinky Creek grove, those of the General Grant National Park and the Sequoia National Park, with several outstanding groves that are nameless on the Kings, Kaweah, and Tule river basins, and included in the Sierra forest reservation, have of late years been partially protected by the Federal Government ; while the well- known Mariposa Grove has long been guarded by the State. For the thousands of acres of Sequoia forest outside of the reservation and national parks, and in the hands of lumbermen, no help is in sight. Probably more than three times as many Sequoias as are contained in the whole Calaveras Grove have been cut into lumber every year for the last twenty-six years without let or hindrance, and with scarce a word of protest on the part of the public, while at the first whisper of the bonding of the Calaveras Grove to lumbermen most everybody rose in alarm. This righteous and lively indignation on the part of Californians after the long period of deathlike apathy, in which they have witnessed the destruction of other groves unmoved, seems strange until the rapid growth that right public opinion has made during the last few years is considered and the peculiar interest that attaches to the Calaveras giants. They were the first discovered and are best known. Thousands of travelers from every country have come to pay them tribute of admiration and praise, their reputation is world-wide, and the names of great men have long been associated with them Washington, Humboldt, Torrey and Gray, Sir Joseph Hooker, and others. These kings of the forest, the noblest of a noble race, rightly belong to the world, but as they are in California we cannot escape responsibility as their guardians. Fortunately the Amer- ican people are equal to this trust, or any other that may arise, as soon as they see it and understand it. Any fool can destroy trees. They cannot defend themselves or run away. And few destroyers of trees ever plant any; nor can planting avail much toward restoring our grand aboriginal giants. It took more than three thousand years to make some of the oldest of the Sequoias, trees that are still standing in perfect strength and beauty, waving and singing in the mighty forests of the Sierra. Through all the eventful centuries since Christ's time, and long before that, God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand storms; but he cannot save them from sawmills and fools; this is left to the American people. The news from Washington is encourag- ing. On March third [1905?] the House passed a bill providing for the Government acquisition of the Calaveras giants. The danger these Sequoias have been in will do good far beyond the boundaries of the Calaveras Grove, in saving other groves and forests, and quickening interest in forest affairs in general. While the iron of public sentiment is hot let us strike hard. In particular, a reservation or national park of the only other species of Sequoia, the sempervirens, or redwood, hardly less wonderful than the gigantea, should be quickly secured. It will have to be acquired by gift or purchase, for the Government has sold every section of the entire redwood belt from the Oregon boundary to below Santa Cruz. MARGIN OF THE REDWOOD FOREST Photo by U. S. Forest Service ONCE GONE, NOT TO BE RESTORED IN OUR TIME Photo by California State Forester RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO * 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW 93 FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 J.C. BERKE EY I IBRARIliS I II II Illl II Illl! Ill Hill Hill ill! Hill III III! III!