PE 87 E127 1876 BANG UC-NRLF u U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES University of California Berkeley Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 Captured and Branded -t j the Caianche Indians J N THE YE A It i860. Mr. Eastman in Costume. (JAPTUEED AND BRANDED BY THE CAMANCHE INDIANS IN THE YEAR '60. A T B E N A B, B A T 1 V E. I if the year 1860 1 was captured by the Co- [ Blanche Indians while journeying with my family to California. My parents and an j only brother were murdered before my eyes, i while my young wife was saved to meet a fate worse than death. They intended to toiture me before the yes of my wife, before putting me to an and, but circumstances occurred whereby they found I could be made useful to them, and after much wrangling they concluded to spare my life also. They branded each of m upon the chin with the brand of a cap- tive, which mark can never be effaced while time with us lasts. My wife was soon soJd to a neighboring tribe, for a few trinkets, , while I was put to hard labor of all descrip- I tions. After seven years of hardship, fcoilj and privation, and suffering indignities al- \ most too degrading to mention, I at last suc- ceeded in making my escape. I traveled by night and rested in hiding I places by day, until at length I fell in with ajjparty of friendly Indians, who were guid- ing some miners to a desired route of travel. I joined their parly, and together we jour- neyed to the mines of San Ifdefonso. In the wrarse of a few months I learned from these same friendly Indians that a white female, branded as a captive,'had been seen among the Apaches. This I believed to be my wife; and after months of almost discouraging ef- forts, I succeeded in 'effecting her rescue, risking my life and her own in the effort. t I have lately published the sad history of myself and wife and entitled it "Seven and Nine Years among the Comanches and Apaches." The object of THIS little pamphlet is to I form araoi foan; give the public the benefit of valuable in- formation which I obtained while a captive ig the Indians, and which knowledge I d of great value vrhile among the min- i'S;ui 5 Mo:!'"- is .. Wakoinetkla was the Medicine Man of the tribe with whom I was a captive. He com- pelled me to gather the gums, barks, herbs and roots necessary in the treatment of the diseases to which the tribe were subject. He taught me to prepare these remedies in- to a bitter compound which he gave to the people of the tribe when sick. I gathered these medicines at odd times for six years; and, although I THEN never expected to have the opportunity of making them useful to civilized people, still I felt .a deep interest in watching their effect upon his patientvS, and often wondered how this wiidman of the plains could have possessed himself of such wonderful knowledge in the cure of various diseases. While working in the mines, I frequently had occasion to make use of the Indian Medicine. We were exposed to sudden changes, and in the rainy season, those of us who were as yet unaccustomed to the humid atmosphere often falling sick, I found it useful to myself, and I did not hesitate to urge upon others the necessity of using it. Its beneficial effects soon made an agreeable change in the health of our party, nndin a short time we became the most rugged par- ty of miners who had ever worked in that field. They soon styled me Doctor, but it gave me no displeasure, for although I took no credit to myself for the success of Wako- metkla's compound, still I felt I was the means of its introduction among these sons of toil, and I felt a wholesome satisfaction in witnessing its beneficial influence. After rescuing my wife, we soon returned to the east, and although I have been en- gaged in other pursuits, still I never fully relinquished my interest in the remedies which 1 was taught to REVEKKSOK while among the Indians. I have been too poor to introduce the compound, and I did notwiflb to ask help from others. In the fall of 3871 1 Coll iu with ; mold itfl i conii>odkiim; it can be weed by the most friend and room-mate, who was a medical student in the city <>f New Haven, while I was engaged in that oily in another capao- ity; when "informed that he was practicing medicine, 1 told him of the cures I had seen made among the Indians and the miners with Wako- metkla's medicine; and expressed a wish that it could be made universal- ly known. He at once proposed to assist me in introducing it, as he was satisfied that no better remedy could be made than that formed from the roots, trunis, herbs and barks which entered io to its composition. My friend has furnished the necessary funds for the introduction of the medicine, and as he is an educated, able, physician, I feel confident its intro- duction will be doubly successful, aided by his experience. As the far west is not aa dangerous a locality as it was some -twelve years since, and as it will be necessary that 1 visit my old haunts once or twice each year, 1 have thought it proper to leave the entire man- agement of the business with him. The publication of the book above referred to, also occupies much of my leisure time, therefore I feel confident greater success will attend our efforts, if left to his manage- ment and care. I, of course, shall devote the bulk of my time in obtaining the ma- terials necessary in the composition of the remedy, and in assisting in its manufacture. The medicine is the same now as when Wakoinetkla taught and compelled me to Wakometkla, the Medicine Mail, and delicate babe, or the most infirm, aged or feeble; care only is required in giving at- tention to the directions. This Syrup possesses varied properties. It acts upon the Liver. It acts upon tfce Sid- neys. It regulates the Bow- els. It purifies the Blood. It quiets the Nervous System. It promotes Digestion* It Nourishes, Strength- ens and Invigorates. It carries off the old blood, and makes New. It opens the pores of the skin, and induces healthy perspiration. The Indian Syrup does all this; for ALL diseases arise from a bad state of r he blood. This virus or impurity in the blood, is effe c t u a 1 ly neu tralized and destroyed by the use of the Syrup. If the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Bowels, Nerves, Muscles Brain are kept in motion and fed by bad blood they must soon wear out. The Syrup makes good blood which will nourish and preserve every organ and part of the body, and keep it in repair un- til a ripe old age. Have You Liver Disease t If the skin be sallow and muddy, if there be ringing in the ears, constipation of the bowels, dull pains iu the side, sick head- ache, sick stomach, hot and dry skin, spots before the eyes, bad taste in the mouth, cold feet and hands ; sleepiness, giddiness. make it; nothing is added, and nothing is {loss of appetite, bad circulation of the blood, taken away. It is without doubt the best ; swelled limbs, &e., &c?, then you may con- purifier of the blood and renewer of the sys- j elude your liver is out of order and that you tern which has been known for many years, i need something to start it into action. The I say what I KNOW to be true; for I have i liver is more liable to get out of order than seen hundreds of sick Indians, miners, and i any other organ of the body. Its duty is to others among my acquaintances, many of < filter the impurities from the blood, and whom were given up by their physicians to when it becomes weak, obstructed and dis- die, entirely restored to health and strength ' by the use of this remedy. Newspaper men, calomel doctors, and others wedded to their family physicians, will denounce the medi- cine and call it and me a humbug. To these and all others, I would say, use the medicine yourself, and on your sick friends, and if upon trial, you are not satisfied that it pos- sesses KKAL virtue, then call upon my agent, and -he or she will refund the money. Leaving the business management of fee introduction of this truly remarkable Reme- dy to the superior intelligence of my friend, Dr. CLARK JOHNSON, and leaving the public to judge for themselves of the merits of this srift of nature, I am, truly yours, EDWIN fc A-STMAN. We have thought eased, and fails to do its duty properly, then the whole body suiters in consequence. Nothing will more speedily and effectually remove billiousness and inactivity of the liver, than the INDIAN BLOOD SYKUP. It soon brings the rose to the cheek and the lily to the confplexion, elasticity to the step, and brilliancy to the eye; and the patient feels like a newly made being. Have You Dyspepsia ? Does your food lie like a dead weight in your stomach, after eating 1 Does your food sonr on your stomach ? Do your sides trem- ble, and does your liQart palpitate after eat- ing? Is there difficulty in breathing? fleadache, dizziness, nervousness, bad breath, irritable temper, loes oi strength. If We have thought proper to name this any or all of those svmpto; healing compound INDIAN B L O C) D i conclude your stomach has !< ..-.; i BTKUr. There are no spirits employed in : carry the food out of the system. The gastric juice of tbe etomacb, which is n!6ced there to dissolve tbe food, has be- eome too Mjeak to doits work, consequently, the food lies in the stomach and ferments, giving rise to all the distressing symptoms above named. To cure dyspepsia in its many varied forms, we must first make the gastric juice_teufficiently strong to take hold on the food and dissolve it, as soon as it reaches the stomach. Phe SYRUP does this, and in ALL cases of dyspepsia, the SYRUP should he taken INSTANTLY AFTER eat- ing, before fermentation of tbe food has al- ready set in. The SYRUP taken at this time, BO increases the strength of the gastric juice, that no difficulty is experienced in dissolv- ing the food,and it SOON digests and passes out of the stomach. To every miserable dyspeptic I would say: buy a bottle of the SYRUP, and if you do not feel you have been benefited, then call upon the agent, and request him or her to refund it; {our agents are requested to do this in all caes where the parties claim they have not Den benefited.) Remember, dvspeptice should take the SYRUP INSTANTLY AFTER eating; before fermentation of the food has already set in, for it is EASIER TO PREVENT fermentation than to arrest it, after having begun. Put the SYRUP on the table, and as soon as you have finished your meals, take half a tea- spoonf al diluted in water; (do not take the SYRFP clear.) Blood Disease. No part or organ of our bodies can thrive on bad blood. \Ve take food in our bodies to neurish them, and after the nutritious parts of the food have served their purpose, ro making fat, muscle and blood, the refuse or unautritious part should be carried ofi through the bowels and through the kid- neys, and through the sweat of the skin. Sow, if tbe bowels are choked up, so that there be not an evacuation at least once each day, and, if the skin is not in a condi- tion to sweat, and the kidneys are not pass- ing off the watery parts of what has been eaten, then, indeed, is the person in a criti- cal condition; for, although the system may hold out for a while- under such disastrous circumstances, still it cannot endure in health, any considerable time, for every day that the waste part of the food is pent up in the system, the blood is becoming more and more poisoned. This poisoniner will soon show itself in pimples, swelling*, bloatings, rough skin, purple spots, blotches in the hair, moth patenes, and$4n any and every difficulty of the organs of the body, which are fed on this impure blood. If the heart be fed on this inrpure blood, it cannot thrive. If the lungs receive im- pure blood into them, they cannot thrive. If the liver be compelled to filter, month af- ter month, and year after year, poisonous substances, it will soon give ou1 ; and so we might say of each and every drgan of the Keep the fountain of blood pure, and there will be no difficulty with any organ or part of the body. (In eruptions, boils, sores, 4&e., the SYRTJP used externally a* well as to tern ally will be very useful.) Nervous Debility, Heart Disease, Scro- fula, Kidney Disease, and every other variety of disease, cannoi exist on pure blood. Bad blood makes tbese diseases; cleanse the blood and tbe disease will disappear. Rheumatism, arises from acid in the blood. The SYRUF will sweeten the blood and cleanse it, and thus carry off the disease. Worms, are caused by slime in the bowels; cleanse out tbe slime witfo the SYRUP, and tbe worms having lost their resting place, will soon follow; for they cannot thrive except among the slimy accumulations in the bow- els. Diseases of Females. The SYRUP regulates the female system in the most satisfactory manner. All the dis- eases to which females are subject, are speedily benefite by th use of the SYRUP. Sunken eyes, pale faces, hollow cheeks, dark circles under the eyes, are soon removed bj the use of the SYRUP. Ladies try one bottle; it will cost yoc nothing if not benefited. In cases of uloera- tion of the womb, and inflammation, an in- jection of the SYRUP somewhat diluted with water, will be found useful. It should, irt such cases be used with a female syringe, and its use continued internally as well a* locally. Fever and Ague. When the blood has become poisoned with the impure atmosphere of malarious districts nothing will more speedily purify it and sef it right than tbe INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. Give it a trial and satisfy yourself of its effi- cacy in such difficulties. Kidney Diseases, Dropsy, &c., and many other difficulties are cured by tbe use of the SYRUP. If the wa,tery portions of our food are not passed off, they muwt, wheu retained in the system, produce serious dif- ficulties. Language fails when attempting to describe the sufferings of persons whose kidneys are out of order; gravel, back ache, inflammation :the bladder, and of the delicate membranes of the urinary organs are the result, if the water is not regularly and properly carried off through the kid- neys. The TRUP is effectual in promoting the secretion of the watery and unnutritioue portions of the food, and in carrying it off by its proper outlets. 'Whatever portion of our food is unservice- able should be passed off in the water, io the sweat, and from the bowels. It these useless matters are retained, disease is sure to follow, for then the blood becomes pois- oned with the imparities which should pas* off in their proper channels. The SYRUP is a powerful cleanser of the blood; it starts tho liver and kidneys into ac- tive operation, and acts on all the secretions of the body. It carries off old and foul ail- ments in the blood, which are slow audsnre death if permitted to remain in the system, j derful accounts and t^timoiiiais of what the - " % ' medicines advertised have done for A. B. or C, '1 do not propose to till up my pamphlet, with any such certificates, but rather prefer to urge every one to make a trial of ONE bot- tle when, if they feel that they have derived no ben- efit from its use the agent will refund the money and charge the loss to me. The amouiit of refunded money which I am called upon fro make good; is but a trine, for the medicine universally satisfies all who take it, and in nearly all cases, a person who has tried one bottle, instead of calling upon the agent for the money, are so well pleased with its effect, that they continue its use a lou gas necessary and recommend it to all their ailing friends. Any person who knows anything about BUS- INESS, must) see from this extraordinary manner of introducing the remedy, that our confidence in its bjealing virtues are un- bounded, and that our business could not long survive on this plan unless it was uni- versally successful. We are willing to take the risk for we know what the INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has It will cost you nothing to try a bottle, if you are NOT benefited, for tbe agent is authoriz- ed to refund the price of the bottle if you are not sufficiently satisfied with its use to go on, or do not feel that you have received any benefit. My Manner of Introducing the Indian Blood Syrup may seem strange to many persons, and it may not be out >f place to give my reasons for introducing it through other means than the ordinary channels of trade. Druggists, as a general thing, have their shelves filled with remedies of various kinds. They have no particular interest in any sin- gle one, but will recommend and sell which- ever article they can make the most profit on. The pamphlets, which have cost money, they permit to get scattered about in their stores and thrown about in waste places, where they are not seen by the people who are afflicted. By this means the medicines sent to them fail to reach the public, and the introduction of the remedv is frustrated by I continue to do. the carelessness or indifference of the clerks of druggists. We do not object to supply druggists with the medicines, if they will be conscientious in the distribution of the pamphlets, and take an interest in the sale of the medicine; but we are sorry to say this case rarely occurs among druggists who have numberless articles for sale, in no sin- gle one of which they take any especial in- terest. By introducing the remedies through par- ties who are out of business and who need employment, we serve both the individual and the public. The agent sees that the pamphlets are not thrown about and de- stroyed, for he takes an interest in letting the people know what he is about, and also endeavors to make it profitable to himself by getting up a demand for the medicines among those who need it. In all cases where have an agent in a place, we desire the people to buy the medicine from them, and thus save the risk of sending money to us by mail. Special Notices. My letters are being constantly stolen. Send. done ; what it is now doing, and what it will Price of He Man Blood Syrup. Per full size Bottle, - $1.00 Per half " " - - - 50 ots. The SYRUP can in NO CASE be sent by mail and it will be useless to request us to do so, a the Post Office Department will not accept glass packages containing fluids. AGENTS WANTED. We want one reliable agent in every place in the United States, to sell the INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. We only require payment for the 'medicine as they are sold. Persons who live in places WHERE WK HAVE NO AGENT, and who can send us a rec- ommendation from their postmaster, justice of the peace, or prominent merchants in their place concerning their respectability and honesty, can obtain an agency. Persona , who live in places where the agent fails to keep the people supplied with tLe medicine. me no money unless you send it in a registered will be doing us a favor to infonn us of 2 .. - f t j 77 r ^ y-> >. ** t.hnf WA rnflv Tla^. JinnthM* ttflrm fetfr, or, t/ preferred, a check or Post Ojfrce money order ; or, money can be safely sent by ex- After this caution, I will not be respoii- for losses by mail; and shall not make fact, that we may place another their stead. Many of our agents are stran- gers to us and we cannot tell until we have tested them, whether or not they will prove efficient. i All we request in an agent is honorable good any losses, unless you send your money dealing, which is, to pay for tfte Medicine as securely by either of the methods above i w// mv/Vr I sold, order more, and keep the people supplied : seated. When you write to me, see that you - write plainly and staii;p vour letter before ui ailing it. Direct all communications to CLARK JOHNSON, M. D., Jersey City, K. J, It ha* beconi* customary in these times to send out medical pumphlotsrfilled with won- and when an agent does not do this wo would be glad to be informed of it. Our object in appointing agents is^o place the medicines at convenient points where the people can obtain them when needed. For further particulars, address CL4BX JOHNSON, M.D., Jersey City. tf.J. devient faible, embarrass^ et nuihias le.-yrup pur). Maladies du Sang. Aucune partie du corps ni aucune organe ue peut se trouver en bon etat, si le sang est mauvais. Nous prenons ^c la nourriture pourles alimenter, et quaud les Arties n?>- tritives de ce que nous maugeons out fait leur oft'et, en formant la graissc, les muscles et le sang, le rebut et tout ce qui ne nourrit pas doi t passer par les entrailles et les visceres ou par la transpiration d-la peau. Or, si les eotrailles sont embarrassees, de ipaniere a ce qu'il n'yait pas une evacuation au inoins une fois par/jour, si la peau n'estpas en etat de permettre la transpiration, et si les Tisceres ne passent pas les parties aqueuses, c. a. d, les parties liquides, de ce que nous mangeons, alors vraiment notre corps se trouve dans un etat alarmant ; cai>quoique notre .systeme pourrait endurer cet e'tat p"en- ' dant quelquetemps, il ne pourrait certaine- ment pas 1 'endurer longtemps, par la raison que chaque jour pendant leqiiel le rebut de notre nourriture se trouve ai.nsi renferrne' dans notre systeme ajoute au sang deja empoison- ne des forces nouvelles. Le poison se fait bientot voir sous la forme de boutons, en- flures, gonflements, taches rouges, pustules dans les cheveux, la teigne. et par une peau un sang impur. Si le C03iir s'alimente sang impur, il ne peut etre en bon e'tat. Si les poumons resolvent du sang man- vais, ils ne peuvent etre sains. Si le foie est oblige, pendant des inois, des anne'es de filtrer des substances einpoison- dies auxquelles ies famines sont si sujettea. sont bientot coupees par 1' usage du Sirop. Des yeux cerne's, des figures pales, des joues creuses et das cercles noirs autour des yeux disparaissent bientot par 1' usage du Strop. Mesdaines, essay ez une bouteille, elle ne vous coutera rien si vous n'eii retirez aucuu a vantage. S'il y a des ulcv rations de matrice % ou des inflammations, une injection de ce Strop tftendu d'un peu d'eau iera beaucoup de bien. II faut s'en servir avec une serin- gue pour femine., et en meine temps il faut le prendre interieureinent Fievres et Frissons. Quand le sang est devenu enipoisoune par une atmosphere impure eoinine il arrive dans des endroits malsains, il n'y a tel que Tlndian Blo<3d Syrup pour le purifier. Essay- ez le une fois et assurez-vous par vousr- memes de ses qualitt's efficaces. ae Visceres, et FHydropi- sie, etc.. i et bien d'autres de ce genre peuvent s guerir par 1'usage de ce Sirop. Si les parties liquides de notre nourriture ne trouvent pas d'e'coulement, retenues dans iiees, il ne peut durer longtemps, et nous pouvons en dire autant de chaque organe de notre corps. ; q uen 'pour faire la description des souffran- un etat [,*_ J e * K , _!_._._. _*. i. tre ^ m ' e elles doivent pr bdaire des em- b gerieux. Les expressions nous man- Gonservez la source du sang dans un eiat ^ de ^ ux . n , oiit : leg visc ^ res et la pur, et alors vous n eprouverez a'ucune ait- p_ f _ ori y, ,->* ti 1'^nn * '*wnlp ns *\ i * \ j.viiL0 cn o*jii *'ttit * >i i Cciii lit? s t couivj fjn^ nculte" avec toutes les parties et les organes du corps. (Pour les eruptions, boutons, plaies et clous, on trouvera tres utilede faire tin usage externe du sirop tout en le prenant mterieurement. Faiblesse Nerveuse. Maladie de coeur. regulierement en passant par les Visceres, il en result : ia pierre, des douleurs dans le dos. ' mflammfttions de la vessie et des m L aues si delicates des organes urinaires.' Lti tdrop a pour efiet de produire la se'cretion ou la filtration des parties liquides et i nutritives de ce que nous mangeons, tout e. Les Scrofules, Maladies des Visceres j les faisant tcouler par les issues voulues, De tous nos aliments, la partie qui ne sei-t avec tant d autres maladies ne pourraient j & QOUS nourr i r do i t ^ tre re j e tee, soit par exister si le sang est pur. Ces maladies I j><: cou } eineu t de 1'eau, soit par la transpire sont engendrtes par un sang uiauvais; pun- 1 tion soit pa . r les entrailles. Si cette partie fiez le sang et elles disparai trout. ; eat retenue dans i e sys teme, il en arrive des Les Ehumatismes provienneni d'acides qui se trouvent dans le sang. Le Sirop calmera le sang et le purifiera, ct la maladie s'en ira. Les Vers mafedies, car le sang devient empoisonne par ces choses impures qui auraient dii etre rejete'es par les voies de notre systeme 'Le Strop est un puissant purificateur du sang, il met le Foie et les Visceres en e'tat uctif d'operer et agit sur les filtration.*, ou secretions du corps. 11 eniporte ce qu'il y a sont formes par ia glaire et deshurneursduii- de nuisible et impur dalns le sang, et tout ct les entrailles; chassez ces humours par le | qui en restant dans notre systeme doit in- Stirop, et les versquinesauront ousemettre. evita-blenient amener lamort. Cela ne vou?. s'en iront bientot, car ils ne peuvent vivre coutera rien d'essayer une bouteille si von.s i:'*-i; -nt recu aiicui' le syst< nie d? ia fenime, et unites les m;:!;v bien-etre Ma maniere d'introdnire llndian Blood Syrup. pent paraltre curieuse a beaucoup de person- nes, et ici il n'est pas deplace' de dormer les raisons qui m'ont pouase a 1'introduire par d'autres voies que celles usitees dans IP com- merce. Les pharmaciens en g^ndral ont leurs etageres remplies de remedes de plusieurs sortes. Us n'ont d'inte'ret particulier dans aucim, ma is recommanderont toujours et vendront celui qui leur rapportera le plus de beridfice. Les pamphlets, (|ui ont coute de 1 'argent il les laissent eparpillt's dans leurs stores, ou les jettent dans des endroits a 1'ecart ou ils ae sont pas a la porte'e, sous la main, des personnes qui souffrent. C'est ainsi que les me'decines qu'on leur envoie n'arrivent pa's jusqu'au public, et ^'introduction de ces remedes est baffoue'e par la negligence ou I' indifference des comniis-pharmaciens. Nous ne demandons pas inieux que de four- nir nos me'decines aux pharmaciens, s'iL; wulent etre conscientieux et distribuer les pamphlets, et s'int^resser a la rente de la me'decine; mais nous regrettons de devoir le dire, la chose est rare parmi eux, ils ont toujours un grand nombred'articles a vendre et ils ne prennent pas d'interet special dans aucun. En faisant 1'introduction de ce remede au moyen de personnes qui ne sont pas dans le commerce et qui ont besoin de travailler, npus rendons service tant a ces personnes iju'au public. L' agent a soiu de voir que ces pamphlets ne sont pas jetes ou de"truits, car il est interest a ce que le public sache ce dont il s'occupe, et ii cherche aussi a faire son benefice en creeant une deinande pour ties mdecines parmi les personnes qui en ont besoin. Partout ou nous avons un agent , nous prions les acheteurs de se procurer notre remede chez lui. , ainsi on tvitera les risques d'un envoi d'aryent par la poste. AVIS SPECIAL. On. me vole continuellement mes * lettrcs. Ne m'envoyez pas (faryent a moins que cela ne xoit par-lettre chargte. ou si vous le prifirez par un cheque ou un Bon de la Poste; ou cn- vore vouspouvez I'envoyer par "express.'' Get avis donne, je ne puis etre responsable ilos pertes par la joste; et je nerembourserai pus ces pertes, si vous n'envoyez pas votre urgent d'une maniere sure, soit par Tun des iuuyens ci-dessus indiques. En ni'tcrivant, ^ae votre ccrituro soit bien lisible, et affran- vosletcres, arant de les mettre a la toutes comiuuincations a CXASK JOHNSON t M. I),, Jeiwy C'ity, N. J. De nos jours c'est deveau uua habitude Je repandre des brochures in&licales qai con- tiennent des rapports merveilleux et den certificats te'moignant ce qu'ont fait les rne"decines pour A* B. ou C. Je ne me pro.-, pose pas de remplir ce pamphletde certificats' semblables niais je prefere presser, solliciter tout le rnonde aessayerunebouteille, ctsi, f(m pense n'en avoir re<;u aucun avantaye, T orient en remboursera le cott, a mes f rats. La soinme que je suis appel^ a rembour^r est uue^nisere, car toujours les personnes (jui achetent ma me'decine en ont ^t^ satis - faites, et la plupart du temps, celles qui en ont pris une bouteille u titre d'essai, au lieu d'i r^clamer le remboursement, en sont tellement enchante'es, qu'elles en continuent 1' usage et le recommandent meme a leurs amis souffrante. Tous cenx qui sont au courant des affaires doivent s'apercevoir d'une chose, c'est qu'en choisissant ce moyen extraordinaire d'intro- duire ce remede, nous avons une confiaiace illimite'e en ses qualitt r s salutaires^ car no- affaires ne pourraient continuer longtemps sur ce systeine, si nous n'y trouvions pas un immense succes. Nous prenons sur nous-ves risques bien volon tiers, car nous savons ce que I'lndian Blood Syrup a fait; ce qu ? H tait actuelleaient et cequ'ilestappeleafaire. . Prix tie IWiaii fflooi Syrnp, line grande bouteille, - - $1.00 Une demi, 50 cts. Dans aucun cas ou ne pent expt^dier ie Strop par la poste, il serai t inutile d'en faire la dernande, ear la Direction des Postes n'acceptepas de colis contenant des On demande des Agents. Ii nous faut dans chaque localito des Etots Unis uu bon agent pour la rente de PIndi*m Blood Syrup. Nous ne ckjniandons le paiement de la medecine qu'au fur et a mesure de la venk*. Les personnes demeurant dans des endroits on nous n'avons pas d'agent, et qui peuvent nous envoy er une recoinrnandation oil Chef de la Poste, du juge de paix ou de quelque negociant notable de 1'endroit, eonstatant leur respectability et leur honnctete, peuvent obtenir une agence. Les personnes demeur- ant dans des endroits on 1' agent nianquerait de fournir. au public la medecine, nous red* dront un service signale, si elles veulent bieu nous en informer, atin que nous puici- siuns le chuiiijer. Bcuucoup d 'en tre nos agents nous sont cjmpletement ctrangers, et ce n'est que qtiand nulls les avons essay t's que nous pouvous recoriDaitre s'ils sont ix>ns Tout ce que nou.s demaudrons a un agerjt c'est d'agir lyyalcmentj payer its m'.decine* qui sont ccndwt, < a ciamond'.r J' mitres^ ajin ic jskmvofr tovjimrs 8. BONS CONSEILS. TIMMONSVILLE, S. C., H? Avril, 1876, CHER MONSIEUR. Les res ul tats extraordi- naires qui ja-i obtenus pour ma sant en faisant usage de votre sirop, me poussent a vous tfcrire cette lettre. Apres m'en etre servi suivant vos renseignements ' je com- men^aidesuite a m'entrouvermieux,etj'y ai tellemfnt gagne physiquement que mes amiw en sont surpris. Je ne puis en dire trop de bien, et j'espere que cette declaration donnde franchement amenera d'autres personnes a en faire 1'essai sans aucun prejuge. Je suis &c. , ELT M. HEWITT, HOLLANDSVILLE, N. Y., 23, Oct., IB76, Dr. Clark Johnson: CHER MONSIEUR. J'ai rec,u atijourd'hui la douzaine de bouteilles de sirop , j 'en avais promises 4je les ai donni'es. Si quelqu 'un de'sire une recommendation pour cette me'de- cine, pou.r la Dispepsie, pour 1'amour de 1' humanite,envoyez le moi. J'ose le dire, la quantite de medicines Patentees que j'ai avalt'e suffirait a mettre a flot un de ees bateaux de canal; j'en etais 4 arriv^ a deses- perer, etje croyais la Dispepsie une mala- die incurable. Je n^ai encore pris qu' une bouteille de A'otre "Indian Blood Syrup ' mais je suis vraiment otonne du bien-etre que j'en eprouve. J'ai regague' dix li?re en 3 semuines et cela augmente touB ien les jours. Jesuis&c., B.H.RYAN, Coaducteur L. Y. R. R. Division cle TSuffalo. LA MEILLEURE MEDECINE POUR j LES RHEUMATISMES. ABERDEEN. Miss.. 15 Fev , 187G. C'est aveo plaisir que je puis dire que e'est la meilteare medecine dont j'aitait usage pour las Rbumatismes, la Migraine, le Fer-Chaud. et en somme pour toutes les maladies auxquelles nou sommes si sujets. E. E. DONALDSON. GUERISOff D'HYDROPISIE. MARION, ME. , 29 Juillet 1876. MDNSILIJR. Madame M. C. Reynolds a souflert pendant deux an;s de 1'bydropisie et de la Dyspepsie, maisl'' 4 Indian Blood Svrup" 1'a compietement retablie. YY. AY. REYNOLDS. MALADIE DE FOIE ET INDIGES- TION. STAYNER, ONTARIO, 21 Fev., 1876, Je certifie que j'ai fait usage de 1"' In- dian Blood Syrup" du Doct. Clark Johnson, et c esi ia meilleure medecinedont on puisse se servir pour les Maladies de f'oie et les Indigestions; je recommande a tout le monde de 1'esaayer. KALADIE BE POITEINE. ALTON, PEXOBSCOT, ME., 16 JU;L. 1876. Ceci a Peffer, do certifiev que j'avais une mauvaise toux et que je crachais tc sang; les uicdecins disaient que j'e'tais poitrinaire. Je ne pouvais pas travailler. Je me suis procuree une bouteille de votre sirop, de 50 cents, et cela m'a si bien reuii-e quo je pass main tenant travailler, efc je crois que vutre mcdecine effectuera ma gaei-isou complete. SUSAN SPENCER. LES SCROFULES. Blood Syrup contre -- La Meilleure Assistance Medicale. TODDVILLE, IOWA, Sept. 11, 1876. CHER MONSIEUR. C'est avec plaisir que je vous transinets ce certificat cuustatanc la merveilleuse puissance de votio .''Indian Blood* Syrup.' Ma petite fille etait nee avec cette terrible maladie "Les Scroi'ules" et en souffritju^qu' a I'iigs de3 a.!H, et peu j- ant tout ce temps je lui prpcurai les meii- leurs soins nn'dicaux qu'il otaife possible d'obtenir. Son tbie ne fonctiunnait phis ce qui lui causait des paroxismes, des fris- sons et la lievre. L'ordonnance du me'de*. ' de la famille ne lui Taisait aucun bien; c'est aiorsque Mr. .Diehl, votre agent me con- jseilla 1'euiploi 'i'une } bouteille de votre ' ' A. M. LUGERSOLL. E^CFIEVRES. ^ r *> -\r to- i sirop si renumme; j en ns usage, etleffeteu WILTON P^NTATION, LA., 3, Mai., 18/6. j ^ ^ efveiileux . eu detix joul ^ lw frissons Clark Johnson, M. D.. \ dipariirent, et son appotic reyint. Je m'en Je certifie que j'ai ete gueri de ma mala- | Pi'ocurai alors une grande b^uteille la guc-r- q 5 etdela tievro que j'avais ison hit complete et mamtenant a 1'age de is par une seuie bouteiile de emq aus, cilejouit d uue sante robuste. die de Frissons et de depuis huit mois par "Indian Blood Syrup" de ciuquante cents. Jesuis&c., GEO. B. PALMER. LA MEILLEURE MEDECINE. LOWER QUBENSBUKG, NEW BRUNSWICK r 19, feepi. 1870. L u *lndian Blood Syrup est la meiileure medecine pour ia Dyspepsie que j'ai jamais prise, et c'est avec laisir ue e rends Je suis J. W. McLEOD. cest avec paisir que e de son grand merite. sus, ZEBULON INGRAIIAM. AUCTTNE BOUTEILLE N'A MAN&UE SON EFFET. STOCKHOLM, PEPIN Co., Wis., ihJ Sepr,., "74. !>/. Clark Johnson: CUEK MONSIEUR. J'ai le plaisir de vous tnnoncer que de toutes les bouteilles que j'ui venduesen deux aus, aucuue ii'a man quo de produire son effai. 11 .serait bou ]K>ur 1'humanite qu'on lie cessat jamais de iajre cette m< :decine, etl'on devrait en conn- aitrc ];j valeur djtns le moude eniier. ANDREW (TILLBERG. P. M. I A L'age de 87 axis. Les Vieux devien- nent jeimes. CAMBRIDGE, HENRY Co., ILL. Je soutfrais de douleurs dans tous mes meuibres, tellement que la nuit, je ne trou- vais aucun repos, je souffrais aussi d'une j constipation et j'avais perdu nion appetit. i Je pris riudian Bloovl Syrup de Dr. Ulai-i Jotinsui), que son agent P. Repple me four- nit et j'en ressentis un soulagementdesdoui- eurs des os. Je ne pouvais quelquesfois pendant huit ou dix jours aller a laselle, et ce n'est qu ? en prenant le sirop que j'y suis parvenu. Je suis maintenant rc'gulier et inou appetit m'est reveuu ; jo me sens plus fort et touL-a-iaitmieuxCeiam'a fait plus de bieu en peu de temps que toutesles medecines rouuies que j'a.i prices. Je recommande ce sirop aux pcrsonnes sou, c'est un rem- edequiacertaiutjoicnt tine grande vaieur;etje crois eu toutc sinc : rite que c'est la meilleure uu'decineque i'on air jamais offer teau aafflic. Je sab &-., JOHN WHITMORJu. Better than any other Medicine. SALEM, ]S\ C., August, UTiG. I have used a great deal of medicine and find the Indian Blood Syrup does me more good than any I have ever used before. HASELTINK LTVINGOOD. A c Cripple Restored. VKRA CRUZ, Mo., Feb. 11, 1870. This is to certify that I, Jane WiLson, was not abie to walk 30 steps from the house, with livei complaint. After the use of one 50 cent bottle I was able to card and spin, and do house work. The Best Medicine for Eheumatism. ABERDEEN, Miss., Feb. 15, 1876. 1 take pleasure in being able to say that it is the best medicine I have ever used for Rheumatism, Heart Burn, Sick Heartache, in fact tor all the ills tha human flesh is heir to. E. E. DONALDSON. Scrofula and Sick Headache Cured. HAVRE Di: GRACE, Mix, Feb. 36. 1876. I have beeu suifering with Scrofula and sick headache since childhood. Unable to leave my bed halt the time. Could find nothing to relieve me until 1 commenced the use of your medicine, which has entirely cured me, as I have not been troubled for over a year. MRS. M. E. McFADDEN. Cured after 8 years Trial of Doctors and Otner Medicines. CAMDEN, N. Y., Sept. 7. 1875. 1 have used three bottles of the Indian Blood Syrup for Dyspepsia and Kidney dis- ease and feel like a new person, having gained sevena! pounds, and am fat and hearty. This after trying all kinds of medi- cine and doctors for the last eight years. MRS. EMILY FISHER. Chills and Fever. WIETON PLANTATION, LA.. May 3, 1876. Clark Johnson, M. D.: This is to certify that one fifty cent bottle of Indian Blood Syrup has cnred me of Chills and Fever of eight months' standing. Yours truly, GEO. B. PALMER. Saved His Life. IBERIA. M.. March 5, 1876. SIR : 1 have been a sufferer from stricture of the urine, which the doctors called the GravcL The doctor did me no good, and hearing of your Blood Syrup, I sont and got j it, fifty cent bottle, arid took it according to directions. In three days time I could sleep comfortably, and am now well. 1 have never hd an attack since. I consider that the one bottle was worth all I possessed, f or I believe i t saved my life. K -pectf ally yours, JOHN B. STONE. Cured by a few Doses. WORCESTER, MASS,, July 8, 1816. This Ls to certify that I have beeu trou- bled with Dyspepsia for some time, 1 bought a bottle of your agent at Jamesville, a<3 only took a few doses and was cured. Yours Respectfully, F. A. CANN. Dropsy Cured. MARION, ME., July 29, 1876. SIR : Mrs. M. C. Reynolds has been trou- bled with Dropsy and Dyspepsia for the last two years, and the Indian Blood Syrup has made a complete cure in her case. W.-W. REYNOLDS. Liver Complaint and Indigestion. STAYNER, ONTARIO, Feb. 21. 1876. This is to certify that I have used Dr. Clark Johnson'* Indian Blood Syrap, and it is the best I ever used for the Liver Com- plain t and Indigestion; and would recom- mend to all to give it a trial. A. M. LUGERSOL, Nothing Equal to It. MT. WASHINGTON, PA., July 21, 1876. DEAR SIR: I have been using your Indian' Blood Syrup for many months, and can truthfully say I have never found any medi- cine equal to it. I can confidently recom- mend it as a safe and highly valuable medi- cine. Very respectfully, W. H. BURNS. Cures Where Doctors are Baffled. FT. RECOVERY, MERCER Co., OHIO, Feb. 30, 1876. 1 was ailing for over two years. The doc- tors told* me it was Liver Complaint, but were unable to relieve me. I bought a bot- tle of the Syrup of your ageut, S. Wofen. and am happy to say that I have seemingly anew framu to live in, ana am enjoying the best 01 health. ANDREW SHAFER. Disease of Stomach and Liver. JONESBORO, GRANT, Co., L\D., Aug. 15, 1876. DEAR SIR : This is to certify that I have used one bottle of the Blood Syrup for dis- ease of stomach and liver, and have been much benefited thereby I can recommend it to all similarly afflicted. Yours truly, CHAS. CLANCY. A Speechless Cripple Cured. PLEASANT GROVE, ALA., March 31, 1870. DEAR SIR: I have been troubled with Disease of Lungs and Throat for ten years. I have tried all the remedies I could hear of v bufc none did me good but your Blood Syrup. 1 was past walking, and could not speak so as to be understood five months ago; now I am able to talk, walk, and do anything I please. Receive my humble thanks for makipy so valuable a medicines. MOZELL i-'OELLNFTZ. 12 One Agent's Experience. WINTKRPOOK, VA., Aug. 8, 1876. Mr. Porter, the head man of the Co. store j in this place, has had the Dyspepsia for several years. He had a one doFar bottle, and he said he believed it would make a tinalcure of him. Mrs. Russell has Dyspepsia, and she thinks it does her more good than anything she ever tneL Mrs. Kelly has a son who has fits; she has tried every kind of medicine, but yours does him the most good. Fa>ge Cashion has had a backache, from a fall, for eight years; has tried everything, but nothing did him good until he used your medicine. Louisa Harris has been sick several years with Weakness of the Breast, Fainting Spells, &c.; she says she will throw all the oalomeiaway, as your medicine alone does hex good It has also cured me of Dyspepsia; and I, and all that have used it, say ' r Gk>d bless the man that made it." MARY J. CASHION A Physician's Testimony. CATARACT, Wis., July 30, 1876. This is to certify that I have used Dr. CSark Johnson's Indian Blood Syrup in my practice, and do unhesitatingly say that I consider it one of the best Blood Purifiers in existence. JAMES WOOD, M. D. Kidney Complaint. GREIGSVILLE, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1876. Dr. Clark Johnson: Allow me to offer my unsolicited testi- mony in favor of your Indian Blood Syrup. For a number of years I have been afflict- ed with the kidney complaint. For over two years I can say I had not one hour free of pain. I purchased a fifty cent bottle of your Indian Blood Syrup of William Lewis, your agent for Greigsville, N. Y., some time ago. Since I have taken that small amount 1 am in perfect ease, and have no pain in the region of the kidneys. I am so confident of its virtue, that 1 feel justified in recom- mending it to all that may be afflicted with the same complaint. Yours truly, SAMUEL FOOSE. Dropsy Cured. NEW CASTLE, N. C., Oct. 1, 1876, My little son had dropsy. I heard of the Indian Blood Syrup and applied to your agent. Bought a small bottle and used it on him. A cure has been effected. I believe it to be one of the best medicines discovered ! for most any disease. Yours truly, T. M1LLBOURN. The Best Medicine He Ever Took. LOWKR QUEENSBUKY, NEW BRUNSWICK, Sept. 19, 1876. The Indian Blood Syrup is the bwst medi- cine for the Dyspepsia I ever took. 1 take ijreat pleasure in giving my testimony to ii,-< /re at valtw. Y oms, ZKBll '.,O-\ TNG KJ&i \ U Inflammatory Rheumatism. ROMULU8, TU8CALOOSA CO., AjLA. DEAR SIR: I was afflicted with Inflam- matory Rheumatism. I got a bottle of yonr Blood Syrup from your agent, too Mt, and was entirely relieved of the swellAjg and pains. My health has been proud ever since. Respectfully, LUC1NDA Me DANIEL. A Few Words From An Agent. Dr. Clark Johnson : DEAR SIR: With the full permission of the parents, I give you three remarkable cures that were effected by your medicine, the Indian Blood Syrup, under my own ob- servation; and being your agent, I was au- thorized to give your medicine a warrant. Mr. Roberts, of Adam's Mills, Ohio, had three children that we re scrofulous from their birth, and were then from four to ten years old. He had spent a great deal of money, but to no effect; the eldest was very full of large sores. He used the blood Syrup as di- rected, and they, all three, were entirely smooth and well in three monthb. Th above are facts. W. C. R. WOODRUFF. DRESDEN, OHIO Sept. 19, 1876. A Reliable Family Medicine. SHADY SPRINGS, RAUEGH Co., W. VA. Sept. 24, 1876. Dr. Clark Johnson: This is to certify that the Indian Blood Syrup is the best medicine ever used in my family. I have been using it for four years, and it has done more for my wife than any- thing she has ever used. Hoping the public will be benetitted by this great medicine, I state these facts. J. T. HARRIS. Found the Right Medicine at Last. ZION, YADKIN Co.. N. C., Sept 8, 1876. 1 have fouiid the right medicine at last after along time trying and paying doctors- bills, My wife had been on the decline for a long time with a diseased Liver and other female complaints 1 had about given it up when I met W. Messick, Jr., one of your agents, and he told me if 1 would try the Syrup i t would cu re my wif e . I took him at his word, and bought a small bottle. I have never seen such alteration in my life from the one bottle. 1 will say this much about the Syrup; I think it is the best medicine ever introduced into this country, without any exception. R.. W. CRATOR. All That It is Recommended to Be. WASHINGTON. KANSAS. Dr. Clark Johnson : DEAR SIR: I nave been u-siug your Blood t Syrup, and I am satisfied that it is a good | medicine when properly used, lhave tned j it for Ague and Heart Disease, and have j found it to be as it is recommended. I 1 would encourage ail to use %. Y.'inrs resp< cfxnQy, . A! ARIA J. FOX. A Remarkable Cure. VIVIAN, MINN., Oct. 20, 187D. SIR : I huV6 been sick all summer with female complaints and Liver Disease. I fcbok one fifty cent bottle of your Indian Blood Syrup, and am now almost entirely well. When 1 first commenced using it 1 was only able to work one day out of six; some days I could kardly walk across the room. 1 could not sleep at nights, and some- limes, when 1 went to bed, did not think I would live till morning. I am now doing ray housework and washing. MISS EMMA A. MORRILL. Scrofula White Swelling. SIR : 1 have had the white swelling and scrofula for about 48 years, and have spent | hundreds of dollars with doctors, but all to I no purpose. I tried your Indian Blood Syrup, j one full and one half-sized bottle, and am i now about well. Believing that your medi- ' cine is the best stomach cleanser, bowel , regulatot and blood purifier that was ever introduced, I would not be without it. HENRY MERRITT. Great Western, Ohio. Neuralgia Instant Belief. BICKINSON CENTRE, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1876. Dr. C lark Johnson : SIR : I was sorely afflicted with the Neu- ralgia for a long tame, and could find no re- lief until I procurea a bottl-; ol youi Indian Blood Syrup, which gave me INSTANT RE- LJEP. I have used it in my family for the lat two years, and can safely recommend it to every family that is afflicted. Yours in sincerity, MRS. LUCINDA CONGER. Would Not be Without It, HIGHLAND, MICH., Oct 17, 1876. DEAR SIR : I wish to say to you and the public that your Indian Blood Syrup has done effective work in my case. 1 was so afflicted with Liver and Spleen, and a com- bination of diseases, that I could not even sweep the floor. I am now so much better that J am able to do my own bou*e ,vork for my family, and would not be without 4he medicine in the house. I would there- fere recommend it to all who may be like attic ted. Yours, Mrs. Rev. JAMES BALLS. Kenewed Vigor, FRIKNDSVILLE, BLOUNT Co., TENN. >r. Clark Johnson : DEAR SIR: I take this opportunity to let you know what your Indian Blood Syrup nae done for me. I was afflicted with a Bteznaeh disease, BO that I was hardly able to get around. I was induced b> my son to try your Blood 83- nip: took one half-s'ze battle, and am now able to walk three naflvs to your agentfs to get a full-sized bot- tle. Respectfully yours, JOHN HACKNEY. Breeding Piles. BAJKEN, Mo., Oct. 23,1876. DKAR BIB: I was suffering with hemorr* hoids or Piles for some time, and since I have nsed two fultaized bottles of your Indian Blood Syrup, t?he Piles are disappear- ing, and I feel as new-born again. E. L, WEBER A Walking Skeleton. EUZABETHTOWN, HARDIN CO., KY. t Oct. 12, 1876. This is to certif y that I had the Dyspepsia ol about'four years standing, and had tried all remedies I could hear of without finding relief. I threw up my victuals and began to look like a walking skeleton. I happened to meet a friend who advised me to try youi medicine. I took a fifty cent bottle, and found it relieved me before I had taken hall the bottle, more than all the rest of tht medicine I had taken in three years. 1 con- tiiiuedite use, and have had no symptoms oi Dyspepsia since. I never expect to be with- out the Syrup in my family as long as I can raise 50 cents. Yours. WM. A. DEVER. Rheumatism. EUBRIDOE, N. Y., Sept 20, 1876. Having been afflicted a ggod deal with Rheumatism for the la,st three or four years, I was induced to try the Indian Blood eyrup, and l.y taking one bottle I was entirely free from the pain in ba<$k and hips, that was sure to attack me at every cool change in the weather. I am feeline free from rheu- matic pains, and shall continue to take the Syrup. Yours truly, E. H. GARRISON, Not a Single Bottle Failed. STOCKHOLM, PEPIN Co., Wis., Sep. 32, T4. Dr. C lark Johnson : DEAR SIR : I have pleasure in reporting that every bottle of your Indian Blood Syrup that I have sold in about two years, not one has failed to heal. It would be well for humanity if the manufacture of that kind of medicine should never cease. The validity of such medicine should be known throughout the world. ANDREW GILLBERG, P. M Severe Case of Asthma Cured. WARRENSBDRGH, WARREN Co., N. Y., Sept. 10. 1876, DEAR 8m: I have been afflicted over twenty -five years with Asthma every sum- mer, without intermission, until the sum- mer just passed. One year ago last July I was sick with my old complaint, and roy food distressed me greatly: my wife, who br.d taken your Indian Blood Syrup, gave me one large-sized bottle. It is now little over a year since 1 took , it, and, to my joy and satisfaction, 1 Have not been afflicted with my disease for the past summer, and my appetite for lood is cood. Yours with respect, J. G. BURDICK, READ! READ! READ! Oert-i Cioatc* From \Vlio IJUI !>*>! la-re* Wortli. -. (7tor& Johnson : DEAR SIR : Your Indian Blood Syrup has cured me ot a Scrofulous Cough that I had been troubled with for years; so 1 recom- mend to those suffering as I did with sleep- less nights. I took two small bottles. MARY TNCABY. Scrofula A Safe, Reliable Medicine. RAIL ROAD HODRK, WEST POINT, V A.. Aug. 81, 1970. Mr. George W. Cole, Agent for Clark Johnson's Indian Blood Syrup : I have used the three bottles of medicine procured from you with treat good effect upon myself and wife. Myself with Gener- al Derangement of the System, and my wife with Scrofula, 1 boldly assert that it has done us more good than anything we have ever tried. I recommend it as a safe and reliable medicine. Yours, &c., JAMES S. BRIANT. Consumption. ALTON PJENOBSCOT, ME., June 16, 1870. This in to certify that I had a bad Cough and Spitting of Blood, and the doctora said ; had consumption. I was not able to do any work. 1 got one of your h'frv cent bot- tles, and it did me so much good that I am able to do my work, and believe the medi- cine will entirely cure me. SUSAN SPENSER, Heart and Lung Disease Instant Relief. CIRCLE VJLLE, OHIO, Nov. S3, 1876. SJK: Your Indian Blood Syrup has relieved ; me more than any other medicine 1 have ever taken. 1 have been afflicted for seven I years with Heart Disease, and also my lungs were badly affected. I had tried all kinds oi medicine without any effect, until I tried your valuable Syrup, , iiich gave me almost instant relief, and 1 am , arly well. 1 owe my life to your valuable medicine. A. A. CECONDA. "Warning- to Beware of all unstamped medicines Un- principled persons are flooding the country with spurious medicines that are not pro- perly stamped a required by law. Some of these medicines are not stamped at all, others are stamped with a smaller descrip- tion of stamp than required. Agents should see that a four cent stamp be upon all medi- cines thai sell for ne dollar, and that a two cent stamp be upon all medicines that sell for fifty cents. Ail agents who sell or offer for sale any medicines not fully stamped, do so in VIOLA- TION OF LAW, and are liable to a heavy tine or imprisonment. These parties who s windle the government, attempt to excuse their evasion of the law by stating that their medicines are not "proprietary articles." All such excuses are merely attempts to cheat the government and to lead their agent to believe that there is no danger in offering such medicines for sale. It is the duty of all Jaw-abiding citizens to see that medicines which are being of- fered for sale be properly stamped; and, if found unstamped or insufficiently stamped, the fact should be at once reported to the Assessor of the district, who will deal with the guilty parties according to law. If the Assessor neglects to perform his duty in the matter, it should then be reported to the Commissioner of Internal Kevenue, Wash- ington, D. C., who will at once take steps to compel the district Assessor to do his duty. CLARK JOHNSON, M. D., JERSKY CITY, N. J. Two than Half-Dollar Bottles Better $50 Worth of Medicine. MILLWOOD, Kxox Co., O., Jan. 2, 1870. This is to certify that I have used Dr. Clark Johnson's Indian Blood Syrup for Kidney Affection and Liver Complaint, I tiad been afflicted for six years, and tw<> half-dollar bottles did more for me than fifty dollars' worth of doctoring. ELLEN M. SHOEMAKER. Nothing can be really good unless it be- comes speedily counterfeited. There are rea diamonds and imitation diamonds, real laces and counterfeit laces, pure gold and imitation gold, and we could go on enumer- ating various articles for which the public seek, but which require great care on the part of the buyer to ascertain whether or not they are buying the real or the imita- tion. We have already heard of various persons who are seeking to pass off worthless stuff upon the people by calling it Indian Blood Syrup. All persons are cautioned against purchasing any Indian Blood Sjnrup except i that manufactured by Dr. CLARK JOHNSON, i of Jersey City, N. J. All others are worth- 1 less and spurious, and do not deserve the confidence of the public. O.A.TJTXO3N 5 Some unprincipled persons, knowing the suc- cess of the INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, are sending out over the country spurious and worthless articles. Beware of all Blood Syrups or Indian Blood Syrups, except that called Dr. CLABK JOHNSON'S IN- DIAN BLOOD SYRUP, secured by Copyright, and the Trade-mark, as here represented 1 : Any and all Indian Blood Syrups, upon the label of which thu Trade-mark, and tbo name of DR. CLAKK JOHNSON, dots not appear, are spurious, and should be avoided. The pamphlet is also copy- righted and any person copying any portion of it will be prosectib, t- SYRTJP, and for the NARRATIVE of Mr. and Mrs. EASTMAN, from whom they can be obtained on the same terms as from us. 12SE CAPTURE, Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5